'. r ''-..': '"' : m Y' ; ''.;'. : > ''I.. 1 ,- P ^H FROM -THE SCIENTIFIC -LIBRARY- OF- -JACQUES -LOEB- LIBRARY o _J A BiocHKMic UAsis Km; TIII: STIDV OF n;<>r,u:Ms or T\\(M>MV III:I;I:MTY. EVOLI TION, ETC., \MTII lisi'D 1AI. KKFKRENCE TO THE STARCHES AND TISSUES OF I'AKKNT-STOCKS AND II VI HMD-STOCKS AND THE STAR< IIKS AND HEMOGLOBINS OF VARIETIES, SNJ IKS, AND GENERA. . ! BT 1 I 'WARD TYSON REICHERT. M.D., Sc.D. Profettor of Physiology in the Univerrity of Peniuyltania Research Aitociate of the Carnegie Institution of Washington IN TWO PARTS PART I WASHINGTON, D.C. PUBLISHED BT THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION or WASHINOTON 1919 - 1 BIOL06Y LIBRARY G BIOLOGY LIBRARY G CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PUBLICATION No. 270, PART I PRESS OF J. li. LIITINCOTT COUFANT PHILADELPHIA TABLK OF CONTENTS PART I. HOB SuppfcMBsnUry and Complementary Researches. The Trend of Modern Biological Science*. General Thought* undrHyun these Rsstarches. Inlcr-nrUt.oiwhii- between Molecular Configuration of Various Substance* >ml Protoplasm. Biologic Proposition*. Relation* of Various Substance* to Biologic Ckssifieatiun. DiffenMSs in ttw Method* Employed in these Researcbe*. Forecast of Further Research. t 'nil-Character* and Unit-Character-PbftSM of Starches and Plant Tissues. Physic* and Physic*! Chemistry in their Bearing* on the Development of Biologic Science* rm I. IwTftooDcnoN . . . 3 1. Object* of the Research 3 i of MuUnU and Hybrid*. A Foreword 3 3 Inu-nnsdktsnss* and Lessened Vitality of Hybrid* etc. (Maefarlane) 4 Intermediatenes* of Histologic Propertie* of Hybrid* 4 1 Average Oifanismal Development and Deviation* ..... 4 nit of Variability ................ 6 3 Companion of Similar Part* ....... .............. 5 4. Available Limit for Companion of Parent* with their Hybrid Profeny . . 6 5 Relative Stability of Parent Form* Intermediateness of the SUrebe* of Hybrid* ....... 7 Intcrmediatenesi of the Maeroeoopie Propertie* of Hybrids ____ 10 ! ration of Foeke ................. 10 Second 1'rupooition of Foeke .......................... ................. 11 Tlunl l'n>|>u*itionof Focke. . ............... 13 i I'artial ur Complete Sterility of Hybrid* ........ 13 Fourth Propontion of Foeke ..................... 13 r ifth I 'ropoit ion of Focke ............................ 14 I .nubility and Mendelian Inheritance of Hybrid* and Mutant* ....... ............... 18 8. Genetic Purity in Relation to Intennedkteae** of the Hybrid . .20 7. Theoretic Requirement* in the Propertie* of Surcbe* to Condition* in the Hybrid corre*pondimi to thoee of Anatomic Character* ....................................................................................... 20 it-Character* and Unit-Character-PbMM ................. .................... 21 9. A**nunt* ................................................................................................ 23 t HApTtM II. METHOM Uw> IN TB STUDY or STAMCBM .............................................................. 23 -paration of the Starche* ......................................................... 28 imluneou* Studie* of Starche* of the Parent* and Hybrid and of the Member* of a Oenu* ..... 23 3. Iliatologic Method .............................................. .................................. 23 4. I'botomierocraphic Record* ............................................. : .................................. 23 5. Reaction* in Polariied Lifht. Without and With Selenite ................ ......... 6. Iodine Reaction* ........................................................................... .24 7. Aniline Reaction* ..................................... ......... .26 8. Temperature* of Gelatinication .......................... 9. Action of Swelling Reagent* ........................... 10. Constancy of Result* Recorded by the Foregoing Method . 28 11 Reagents 1'icd in Qualitative Investigation* 28 12. Chart* of Reaction-Intenntie* of Different Starche* ........ 20 13. Comparative Valuation* of the Reaction-Intencitie* ...................... 30 <'n (ITCH III 1 1 IHTUIXMIIC PRorurnca AND REACTION* ..................................................... 31 Comparison* of the More Important Data of the Hktologie Propertie* and the PobuSseopie, Iodine, Aniline, Temperature, and Variou* Reagent Reaction* of the Starche* of Parent- and Hybrid-Stock* .............. 31 1. Comparison* of the Starche* of Amarylli* belladonna, Bruncvigia inmphiim, Brun*donna *anderoi alba, aad BnuMdonna sanderoe ................................................................... 32 Note* on Amarylli*, Brunsvigia, and Bnmadonna . ........................... 37 2. Comparison* of the Surche* of Hippeaatrum titan, H. dconia, and II titan-deonia 40 3. Comparison* of the Starehe* of Hippea*trum oiwlun, H. pyrrlia, and H. oMulUn-pyrrha 42 4 Comparison* of the Starches of Hippea*trum dsxioes, H. sephyr, and H. daonM-sephyr 44 Notes on the Ilippnut rum* ........... 46 6. Comparisons of the Starches of Hmnanthu* kathcrinc, H. magnificu*, and H. andromeda ..... 47 6. Comparison* of the Starches of Hsjmanthu* katberinv, H. puniceu*, and H. konig albert ^ Notes on the HemanthuMS ............ BO 7. Comparina* of the Starches of Crinum moorei, C. *eylanicum, and C. hybridum j. e. harvey . . 61 8. Comparison* of the Starches of Crinum ceyUnicum, C. longifolium, and C. kireape 83 9. Comparisons of the Starche* of Crinum longifoUum. C. moorei, and C. powellii Note* on the Crinum* . 10. Comparison* of the Starchr* of Nerine criapa, N. efegans, N. dainty maid, and N. queen of rose* ' - HI . iv TABLE OF CONTENTS PAOE 11. Comparisons of the Starches of Nerine bowdeni, N. sarniensis var. corusca major, N. giantess, and N. abundance 62 12. Comparisons of the Starches of Nerine sarniensis var. corusca major, N. curvifolia var. fothergilli major, and N. glory of sarnia 60 Notes on the Quantitative Reactions of the Nerines with the Various Chemical Reagents 68 13. Comparisons of the Starches of Narcissus poeticus ornatus, N. poeticus poetarum, N. poeticus herrick, and N. poeticus dun te 69 14. Comparisons of the Starches of Narcissus tazetta grand monarque, N. poeticus ornatus, and N. poetaz triumph. . 72 15. Comparisons of the Starches of Narcissus gloria inumli, N. poeticus ornatus, and N. fiery cross 74 16. Comparisons of the Starches of Narcissus telamonius plenus, N. poeticus ornatus, and N. doubloon 76 17. Comparisons of the Starches of Narcissus princess mary, N. poeticus poetrum, and N. cresset 77 18. Comparisons of the Starches of Narcissus abscissas, N. poeticus poetarum, and N. will scarlet 79 19. Comparisons of the Starches of Narcissus albicans, N. abscissus, and N. bicolor apricot 81 20. Comparisons of the Starches of Narcissus empress, N. albicans, and N. madame de graaff 82 21. Comparisons of the Starches of Narcissus weardale perfection, N. madame de graaff, and N. pyramus 84 22. Comparisons of the Starches of Narcissus monarch, N. madame de graaff, and N. lord robcrts 86 23. Comparisons of the Starches of Narcissus leedsii minnie hume, N. triandrus albus, and N. agnes harvey 87 24. Comparisons of the Starches of Narcissus emperor, N. triandrus albus, and N. j. t. bennett poe 89 Notes on the Narcissi 91 25. Comparisons of the Starches of Lilium martagon album, L. maculatum, and L. marhan 91 26. Comparisons of the Starches of Lilium martagon, L. maculatum, and L. dalhansoni 94 27. Comparisons of the Starches of Lilium tenuifolium, L. martagon album, and L. golden gleam 96 28. Comparisons of the Starches of Lilium chalcedonicum, L. candidum, and L. testaceum 98 29. Comparisons of the Starches of Lilium pardalinum, L. parryi, and L. burbanki 100 Notes on the Lilies 102 30. Comparisons of the Starches of Iris iberica, I. trojana, and I. ismali 103 31. Comparisons of the Starches of Iris iberica, I. cengialti, and I. dorak 106 32. Comparisons of the Starches of Iris cengialti, I. pallida queen of may, and I. mrs. alan grey 108 33. Comparisons of the Starches of Iris persica var. purpurea, I. sindjarensis, and I. pursind 110 Notes on the Irises 113 34. Comparisons of the Starches of Gladiolus cardinalis, G. tristis, and G. colvillei 114 35. Comparisons of the Starches of Tritonia pottsii, T. crocosmia aurea, and T. crocosnueflora 116 36. Comparisons of the Starches of Begonia single crimson scarlet, B. socotrana, and B. mrs. heal 118 37. Comparisons of the Starches of Begonia double light rose, B. socotrana, and B. ensign 120 38. Comparisons of the Starches of Begonia double white, B. socotrana, and B. Julius 122 39. Comparisons of the Starches of Begonia double deep rose, B. socotrana, and B. success 123 Notes on the Begonias 124 40. Comparisons of the Starches of Richardia albo-maculata, R. elliottiana, and 11. mrs. roosevelt 125 41. Comparisons of the Starches of Musa arnoldiana, M. gilletii, and M. hybrida 120 42. Comparisons of the Starches of Phaius grandifolius, P. wallichii, and P. hybridus 129 43. Comparisons of the Starches of Miltonia vexillaria, M. rcczlii, and M. bleuana 131 44. Comparisons of the Starches of Cymbidium lowianum, C. eburneum, and C. eburneo-lowianum 133 45. Comparisons of the Starches of Calanthe rosea, C. veatita var. rubro-oculata, and C. veitchii 135 46. Comparisons of the Starches of Calanthe vestita var. rubro-oculata, C. regnieri, and C. bryan 137 Notes on the Calanthes 138 Notes on the Orchids 138 CHAPTER IV. GENERAL AND SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS or THE REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE STARCHES OP PARENT-STOCKS AND HYBRID-STOCKS 139 1. Reaction-Intensities of Starches with Each Agent and Reagent 139 Wide Range of Reaction-Intensities 140 Manifest Tendency to Groupings of Reaction-Intensities 140 Individuality or Specificity of Each Chart 142 The Specificities of the Components of the Reagents 144 Variable Relationships of the Reaction-Intensities as regards Sameness, Intermediateness, etc 161 Variations in the Reaction-Intensities as regards Height, Sum, and Average 162 Average Temperatures of Gelatinization compared with the Average Reaction-Intensities 164 2. Velocity-Reactions with Different Reagents 166 Percentage of Total Starch Gelatinized at Definite Time-Intervals 167 Percentages of Total Starch and Entire Number of Grains Gelatinized at Definite Time-Intervals 170 3. Composite Reaction-Intensity Curves with Different Agents and Reagents . . 172 4. Series of Charts 174 Charts Al to A 26 175 Charts Bl to B 42 188 Chart Cl 209 Charts D 1 to D 691 . . ." 210 Charts E 1 to E 46 263 Charts F 1 to F 14 282 CHAPTER V. SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOQIC CHARACTERS, ETC 284 1. The Starches 284 Histologic Characters and certain Qualitative and Quantitative Reactions 284 Brunsdonmc 285 Hippeastrum 287 TABLK OK CONTENTS 1. The Starches) Continual. Ilstnanthus .; Criniitn ", s , ir ., , Narruvnu , ( Litium ^** Ins _..,., Gladiolus _..,., Tritonia [..,, Brfonia ......... " Uuh.irdia ,,H Mum M.ltonw CymUdium S Calanlhe l() , Ilistolofic Properties of Starche* of Hybrid* in relation to those of the Parent* M Qualitative and Quantitative Reaction* of Starches of Hybrid* with especial reference to Reversal of these Reactions in their Parental Relationship* 304 Reaction-Intensities of Each Hybrid Starch .... 01 Reaction-Intensities of Each Hybrid Starch with Different Afents and Reagent* M Reaction-Intensities of Each Hybrid Starch in Relation to Sameness and Inclination to Each Parent and Both Parent* . 323 Reaction-Intensities of All of the Hybrid Starches with Each Aent and Reagent and a* Regard* Sameness and Incli- nation of their Propertie* in Relation to One or the Other Parent or Both Parent* .<. < 2. The Plant Tissues ; U ; Macroscopic and Microscopic Characters of Hybrid-Stuck* in comparison with the Reaction-Intensities of Starches of Hybrid-Stock* a* Recard* Sameness, Intermediatenes*, Excess, and Deficit of Development in Relation to the Parent-Stock* re 3. Tissue* and Starches of the Same Parent- and Hybrid-Stock* .HO \ I. APPLICATIONS or RMCLTC or RMKABCRM |00 Specificity of Stereoisomerides in relation to Genera, Specie*, etc .<>, Protoplasm a Complex f The GenBplMOi i* a Stereochemie Syrtem that i*. a PhyMco-Clieniieal Syrtem Particulari*d by the Character* of it* StereoMomen and the Arranfement* of it* Component* in the Three Dimeneion* of Space 194 Protoplasmic Stereochemie SyMem applied to the Explanation of the Mechanura of Variation*, Sport*, Fluctuation*, etc . 967 Protopla*mie Steraoehemie Syateot applied to the Oeoeei* of Speoie* t..s nw VII. NOTE* AMD CoMcmaiom JTO II . ixitheai* underlyinK then Reaearche* ;<7ii >ratory Character Eridenee in Support of the HypotheeM, etc.. . ... Method* Employed and Recommended :t;o Starch Subetanee* a* Non-Unit Subetaneec ,i;j Each Starch Property an Independent lloeico-Chemical Unit-Character 372 IndividuaUty or Specificity of Each Agent and Reajcenl 37.' utility of Method* a* shown by Chart* and Conformity of Reeulta Collectively 373 General Conduoian* drawn from Result* of the Hemoglobin Researches 373 General Conclusion* drawn from the Starch Researche* 374 General Conchieion* drawn from Inreettgation* of the Macroscopic and Microscopic Character* of Plant* .374 The Relative Potentialities of the Seed Parent and the Pollen Parent in influeooinc the Character* of the Hybrid 374 Specie* Parent* versu* Sex Parent* 371 Intermedia teoee* a* a Criterion of Hybrid* 378 Germplaam a* a Stereoehemie System 376 Application* to the Explanation of the occurrence of Variation*, Sport*. Fluctuation*, and the Himcasi of Specie* 376 Scientific Baei* for Classification of Plant* and Animal* and for the Study of Protoplasm 376 PART II. r *o PaKTATOBT Nora vil CMAFTU VIII. SPECIAL, GBXIBAL, AMD COMPABATVB LAaoaAruar DAT* or TU Paornrtn* or STAACM* or PAinrr- AWB HTUBJO-STOCKS 377 1. AmaryUia Brunsrigia 37V 1. Starches of Amaryllis belladonna, Brunsrup* Joaephin*, Brunsdonna *and*ra alba, and B. *andera. . 37* 2. i lippeactrum . 396 2. Starche* of Hippeaatrum titan, H. deonia, and H. tit* 3. Starche* of Hippeaatrum o**ultan, H. pyrrha, and H. ossultan-pyrrha 407 4. Starehe* of Hippeaatrum daonea, H. *ephyr, and H. duone* scphyr. . . 418 3. Hvmanthu* 429 6. Starches of Hjemanthu* katheruuB, H. magnificus, and H. andromeda 4.-J 6. Starebe* of Hwnanthu* kalheriwi. H. punioMM, and H. konig *Jbert 443 4. Crinum 440 7. Starches of Crinum moorei, C. seyiaaicum, and C. hybridum j. e. harrey. . 450 8. Starehe* of Crinum icyUnicum, C. longifolium, and C. kircape .404 9. Starehe* of Crinum lonjpfoUum. C. moorei, and C. powellii 47A VI TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 5. Nerine 481 10. Starches of Nerine crispa, N. elegans, N. dainty maid, and N. queen of roses 481 11. Starches of Nerine bowdeni, N. sarniensis var. corusca major, N. giantess, and N. abundance 494 12. Starches of Nerine sarniensis var. corusca major. N. curvifolia var. fothergilli major, N. glory of sarnia 508 6. Narcissus 515 13. Starches of Narcissus poeticus ornatus, N. poeticus poetarum, N. poeticus herrick, and N. poeticus dante 515 14. Starches of Narcissus tazetta grand monarque, N. poeticus ornatus, and N. poetaz triumph 527 15. Starches of Narcissus gloria mundi, N. poeticus ornatus, and N. fiery cross 536 16. Starches of Narcissus telamouius plenus, N. poeticus ornatus, and N. doubloon 542 17. Starches of Narcissus princess inary, N. poeticus poetarum, and N. cresset 548 18. Starches of Narcissus abscissus, N. poeticus poetarum, and N. will scarlet , 554 19. Starches of Narcissus albicans, N. abscissus, and N. bicolor apricot 560 20. Starches of Narcissus empress, N. albicans, and N. madame de graaff 566 21. Starches of Narcissus weardale perfection, N. madame de graafif, and N. pyramus 572 22. Starches of Narcissus monarch, N. madame de graaff, and N. lord roberts ; . . . , 578 23. Starches of Narcissus leedsii minim; hume, N. triandrus albus, and N. agnes harvey 584 24. Starches of Narcissus emperor, N. triandrus albus, and N. j. t. bennett poe 591 7. Lilium 598 25. Starches of Lilium martagon album, L. maculatum, and L. marhan 598 26. Starches of Lilium martagon, L. maculatum, and L. dalhansoni 606 27. Starches of Lilium tenuifolium, L. martagon album, and L. golden gleam 612 28. Starches of Lilium chalcedonicum, L. candidum, and L. testaceum 619 29. Starches of Lilium pardalinum, L. parryi, and L. burbauki 627 8. Iria 636 30. Starches of Iris iberica, I. trojana, and I. ismali 636 31. Starches of Iris iberica, I. ccngialti, and I. dorak 647 32. Starches of Iris cengialti, I. pallida queen of may, and I. mrs. alan grey 656 33. Starches of Iris persica var. purpurea, I. sindjarensis, and I. pursind 664 0. Gladiolus 675 34. Starches of Gladiolus cardinalis, G. tristis, and G. col villei 675 10. Tritonia 685 35. Starches of Tritonia pottsii, T. crocosmia aurea, and T. crocoamteflora 685 11. Begonia 695 36. Starches of Begonia single crimson scarlet, B. socotrana, and B. mrs. heal 695 37. Starches of Begonia double light rose, B. socotrana, and B. ensign 702 38. Starches of Begonia double white, B. socotrana, and B. Julius 708 39. Starches of Begonia double deep rose, B. socotrana, and B. success 713 12. Richardia 718 40. Starches of Richardia albo-maculata, R. elliottiana, and R. mrs. roosevelt 718 13. Musa 725 41. Starches of Musa arnoldiana, M. gilletti, and M. hybrida 725 14. Phaius 736 42. Starches of Phaius grandifolius, P. wallichii, and P. hybridus 736 15. Miltonia 749 43. Starches of Miltonia vexillaria, M. rcezlii, and M. bleuana. 749 16. Cymbidium 760 44. Starches of Cymbidium lowianum, C. eburneum, and C. eburneo-lowianum 760 17. Calanthe 769 45. Starches of Calanthe rosea, C. vestita var. rubro-oculata, and C. veitchii 769 46. Starches of Calanthe vestita var. rubro-oculata, C. regnieri, and C. bryan 778 CHAPTER IX. MACROSCOPIC AND MICROSCOPIC CHARACTERS OF PARENT-STOCKS AND HYBRID-STOCKS 785 1. IpoouBa coccinea, I. quamoclit, and I. sloteri 785 2. Laelia purpurata, Cattleya mossite, and Loilio-Cattleya canhamiana 791 3. Cymbidium lowianum, C. eburneum, and C. eburneo-lowianum 798 4. Dendrobium findlayanum, D. nobile, and D. cybele 804 6. Miltonia vexillaria, M. roezlii, and M. bleuana 6. Cypripedium spicerianum, C. villosum, C. lathatnianum, and C. lathamianum inversum 816 7. Cypripedium villosum, C. insigne maulei, and C. nitana 828 PREFACE. memoir iii complementary and supplemen- tary to publication N". \\<> of the Carnegie Insti- tution of Washington, entitled " The Differentia- tii-ii und SjHvilii-ity of Corresponding Proteins and other Vital Substance* in relation to Biological Classification and Organic Evolution: The Crystal- lography of Hemoglobins," and publication No. 173 of the same series, entitled " Tin- Differentiation and Specificity of Starches in relation of Genera, Species, reochemiatry applied to Protoplasmic Proc- eases and 1'nxliu-u, and aa a strictly scientific basis for tli' Classification of Plants and Animals." Like its predecessors, this is a report of an exploratory -tigutiuii. In the preface of No. 173 there ap- peared the following statement of the thoughts that underlie these .-indies, and of their support up to that time by the results of experimental inquiry: " I'll.- present memoir, which is purely in the nature of a rcjMirt of a preliminary investigation, is comple- mentary and supplementary to Publication No. 116 of tin- h.-'itutitm. entitled 'The Differentiation and Spe- cificity of Corresponding Proteins and other Vital Sub- stances in Notation to Biological Classification and Or- ganic Kvolution: The Crystallography of Hemoglobins,' in the preface of which the following statement was made of the hypothesis upon which the research was founded, and of the support of the hypothesis by the results of the inquiry: " ' The trend of modern biological science seems to be irresistibly toward the explanation of all vital phe- nomena on a physico-chemical basis, and this movement has already brought about the development of a physico- ical physiology, a physico-chemical pathology, and a physico-chemical therapeutics. The striking parallel- isms that have been shown to exist in the properties and reactions of colloidal and crystalloid*] matter in ri/ro and in the living organism lead to the assumption that protoplasm may be looked upon as consisting essentially of an extremely complex solution of interacting and in- terdependent colloids and crystalloids, and therefore that the phenomena of life are manifestation* of colloidal and illoidal interactions in a peculiarly organized solu- tion. We imagine this solution to consist mainly of proteins with various organic and inorganic substances. The constant presence of protein, fat, carbohydrate, and inorganic salts, together with the existence of protein-fat, protein-carbohydrate, and protein-inorganic salt com- binations, justifies the belief that not only such sub- stances, but also such combinations, are absolutely essen- tial to the existence of life. The very important fact that the physical, nutri- tive, or toxic properties of given substances may be greatly altered by a very slight change in the arrange- ment of the atoms or groups of molecules may be assumed to be conclusive evidence that a trifling modifi- cation in the chemical constitution of a vital substance may give rise to even a profound alteration in its physio- logical properties. This, coupled with the fact that <h (Terences in centesimal composition have proved very inadequate to explain the differences in (hi phenomena of living matter, implies that a much greater degr importance is to be attached to peculiarities of chemical constitution than is universally recognized. ' The possibilities of an inconceivable number of constitutional differences in any given protein at stanced in the fact that the serum albumin m< may, as has been estimated, have as many as 1,000 million sterepisomers. If we sssume that serum globulin, myoal- bumin, and other of the highest pmti -ins may each have a similar number, and that the simpler proteins and the fats and carbohydrates, and JHTMHIW other complex ..r ganic substances, may each have only a fraction of tin* number, it can readily be conceived how, primarily by differences in chemical constitution of vital substances, and secondarily by differences in chemical composition, there might be brought about all of those differences which serve to characterize genera, species, and individ- uals. Furthermore, since the factors which give rise to constitutional changes in one vital substance would probably operate at the same time to cause related changes in certain others, the alterations in one may logically be assumed to serve ss s common index of all. ' In accordance with the foregoing statement, it can readily be understood how environment, for instance, might so affect the individual's metabolic processes as to give rise to modifications of the constitutions of cer- tain corresponding proteins and other vital molecules which, even though they be of too subtle a character for the chemist to detect by his present methods, may never- theless be sufficient to cause not only physiological and morphological differentiations in the individual, but also become manifested physiologically and morphologi- cally in the offspring. ' Furthermore, if the corresponding proteins and other complex organic structural units of the different forms of protoplasm are not identical in chemical con- stitution, it would seem to follow, as a corollary, that the homologous organic metabolites should have specific dependent differences. If this be so, it is obvious that such differences should constitute a preeminently im- portant means of determining the structural and physio- logical peculiarities of protoplasm. "'It was such germinal thoughts that led to the present research, which I began upon the hypothesis thst if it should be found that corresponding vital sub- stances are not identical, the alterations in one would doubtless be associated with related changes in others, and that if definite relationships could be shown to exist between these differences and peculiarities of the living organism, a fundamental principle of the utmost importance would be established in the explanation of VII VIII PREFACE. heredity, mutations, the influences of food and environ- ment, the differentiation of sex, and other great prob- lems of biology, normal and pathological. " ' To what extent this hypothesis is well founded may be judged from this partial report of the results of our investigations: It has been conclusively shown not only that corresponding hemoglobins are not identi- cal, but also that their peculiarities are of positive generic specificity, and even much more sensitive in their dif- ferentiations than the " zooprecipitin. test." Moreover, it has been found that one can with some certainty pre- dict by these peculiarities, without previous knowledge of the species from which the hemoglobins were derived, whether or not interbreeding is probable or possible, and also certain characteristics of habit, etc., as will be seen by the context. The question of interbreeding has, for instance, seemed perfectly clear in the case of Canida? and Muridae, and no difficulty was experienced in fore- casting similarities and dissimilarities of habit in Sciu- ridae, Muridae, Felidae, etc., not because hemoglobin is per se the determining factor, but because, according to this hypothesis, it serves as an index (gross though it be, with our present very limited knowledge) of those physico- chemical properties which serve directly or indirectly to differentiate genera, species, and individuals. In other words, vital peculiarities may be resolved to a physico- chemical basis/ " Before and since the inception of the foregoing research, data have been slowly accumulating which point more and more strongly to the extremely import- ant interrelationships that exist between the intramolecu- lar configurations of various substances that play active roles in life's processes and the configurations of proto- plasm. Hence, any progress in the application of stereo- chemistry to metabolic processes brings us closer to an understanding of those peculiar mechanisms of proto- plasm which give rise to the phenomena which in the aggregate constitute life in its normal and abnormal manifestations. " Hemoglobin, next to protoplasm, is unquestionably the most important organic substance of vertebrate life, and in conjunction with the stroma with which it is asso- ciated is an active functionating protein, the main func- tion of which is the conveyance of oxygen from the external organs of respiration to the internal organs of respiration or the tissues generally. Starch is similarly an extremely important constituent of a vast number of forms of plant life, but its role in vital processes, while, on the whole, as essential to the continuance of life, is of an entirely different character. Moreover, the general and special characters of these substances in relation to those of the bodies which originate them, and the mechan- isms of their formation, are likewise strikingly different. Hemoglobin constitutes nearly the whole of the erythro- cyte or red-blood corpuscle, and that portion of the ery- throcyte which is not this substance may properly be regarded as being in the nature of an adjunct, but nevertheless essential. In early embryonic life the ery- throcytes are nucleated and probably derived directly from the mesoblastic elements, and they increase in num- ber by mitosis. Later, proliferation occurs in all parts of the circulation, in certain capillary areas more than others, especially in those of the liver, spleen, and bone- marrow. During the progress of fetal development the erythrocytes, primarily spherical and nucleated, in time lose their nuclei, and become smaller, aud take on the peculiar disk or cup-shaped form of postnatal life. After birth the red bone-marrow is the chief or sole seat of formation of erythrocytes. It is the common conception that in this structure these corpuscles arise from nucle- ated red cells which exist at first as colorless, nucleated erythroblasts, and subsequently as smaller, denser, colored, nucleated normoblasts. The former, which are looked upon as the hereditary representatives of the embryonal erythrocytes, are generally conceived to be converted into normoblasts by mitosis, and the latter in turn to become ordinary erythrocytes upon the disappear- ance of the nuclei by solution or extrusion. It is, how- ever, more likely, as suggested in 1882 by Malassez, and very recently (1912) by the investigations of Emmel by means of plasma cultures, that the erythrocyte of late fetal and post fetal life is formed from the cytoplasm of the erythroblast by a simple process of budding and detachment.* According to either conception the ery- throcyte is a separated portion of the mother substance that has been set free in a highly specialized life-sustain- ing medium, but in a distinctly modified form, inasmuch as it has a much higher hemoglobin content and is lacking in the amoeboid activities and power of reproduction of the parent substance, the latter differences being readily accounted for in the absence of nuclear matter. Starch, on the other hand, is a synthetic product of metabolic activity which bears no resemblance to the protoplasm that gave rise to it, and which is destined to serve an entirely different purpose from that of hemoglobin in the life-history of the organism. With hemoglobin as it exists associated with the stroma in the erythrocytes we are dealing with an active, living, functionating, highly specialized form of protoplasm; with starch, we deal with an absolutely inert, non-living, non- functionating, extremely complex carbohydrate in the nature of a stored- up pabulum, and a synthetic product of plastids which are specialized forms of protoplasm. In the hemoglobin research it was shown that the hemoglobin molecule is modified in specific relationship to genus, species, etc., which may be taken to mean that the form of protoplasm that is expressed by the term erythrocyte is correspond- ingly stereochemically modified; with starch it has been found, as will be seen by the context, that the molecule is likewise changed in specific relationship to genera, species, etc., which accordingly may also be taken to mean that during synthesis the products of activity are altered in their molecular peculiarities in specific rela- *See Science 1912. xxxv, 873; 1914. xxxix. 334. Kite (Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 1914, xi. 112) and Oliver (Science, 1914, XL, 648) have found that erythrocytcs can be so modified structur- ally and vitally ae to have ciliate or flagellate processes, and Oliver has shown that some of the latter exhibit a high degree of irrita- bility in relation to mechanical stimulus. PHKFACE. IX tioiulup to the itereochcuuc modifications of the form- of protoplasm which produce Uiem. In other worda, one inav lay down the dictum that each and every form of protoplasm efislent in any organism it ttereochemically peculiarly modi/ied in . Miunship to that organ- ism, and that, at a corollary, the product* of tynikttii trill be in(j,l\;.,-l in conformity vith the molecular pecu- tuinlics of the protoplasm giving rite to them. It fol- lows, therefore. tli.it if tin- plastids of any given plant be of different stcreochemic structure from Uioae of other*, the starch produced trill show corresponding ttereocheiinc variations, and hence be absolutely diag- nostic in relation to the plant. Abundant evidence will !> found in the pages which follow in justification of this statement. MoreouT, if such differences are diagnostic, iioy constitute a $trictly scientific batis for the classification of plants. ' Tli.- research on starches was undertaken with three primary olijects in view: First, to determine if the hy- pothesis underlying the hemoglobin investigation would be supported hy the stereochemic peculiarities of other complex synthetic metabolite*; second, to add materially r knowledge of one of the most important substances in the life history of both plant and animal kingdoms; ami third, to throw open fields of investigation which offer extraordinary pnimi-. jxirticularly in adding to our kimwli-.li:,' of tlie aU-iiii|Mirtaiit pn>|HTtieof protoplasm." nee tin- U-pnning of these researches, facts have been accumulating steadily along various chan- nels of investigation which are in support of the |>ro]N.siti(>ns: That all vital phenomena are or will be found to be explicable upon a physico-chemical basis; that the line of demarcation between chemical uii'l lii.M-hemical laws and phenomena is fast disap- pearing; that it is becoming recognized that the genesis of living matter, individuals, sex, varieties, Kpories, and genera is being resolved to studies of the genesis of chemical compounds and interactions, and of tlio laws and applications of physical chemistry; and that the specificities of stereoisomerides in rela- tion to various tissues, organs, and organisms is one of the most extraordinary and fundamental phe- nomena of living matter, and inseparable from specificities of molecular constitutions and vital char- acu-n-tios of various forms of protoplasm. In the introduction of the Hemoglobin memoir neea were made to certain differences that have noted in corresponding substances, plant and animal, in relation to biological classification; and in the corresponding chapter of the Starch memoir many instances were cited of various substances, inorganic and organic, that appear in stereoisomeric forms and exhibit marked physical, nutritive, and toxic differ- ences in accordance with peculiarities of molecular configuration. Among such substance*, those of bio- ori-m are of preeminent interest because of their ilmvt or indirect dependence upon protoplasm for their existence and peculiarities, and many in vestigationa bearing upon them have been carried out (during especially the last decade) that are of such particular importance in their bearings upon the objects of these investigations as to demand here at least casual notices. It has already been noted that some years ago lioppe-Seyler and others found that the pepsins of warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals are not identical, and that Wroblewsky and others recorded differences in the pepsins of differ- ent animals. Now, it is of interest to note that these differentiations have "been added to by liedin (Zeit :'. physiolog. Chemie, 1011, uutxn, 187 ; 1011, LXXIV, 1012, LXXXII, 175), who found in comparative studies of renuiuogeiuj from species of different gen- era that either rvnnase or antirennaae can be pre- pared at wilr from the same reuninogen, and that the antireunase is inhibitory to the reunase of the same species but not to the rennase of other species, there- fore showing distinct generic specificity. Moreover, it is probable, as liedin pointed out, that the in- vertases from different yeasts, bacteria, molds, etc., are not identical. Scherman and Schlesinger (Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Mod., 1915, xn, 118) have re- ported that the auiyltutes from pancreas and malt are not identical. Malt amylase they found to be most active in a somewhat acid solution, while the optimum solution for pancreatic amylase is slightly alkaline, and the amylase of pancreas was lees than half as active as that of malt. The investigations of Dudley and Woodman (Biochem. Jour., 1915, ix, 07) indicate that the casein of sheep differs from that of the cow ; and the studies by Dakin and Dudley (Biochem. Jour., 1913, xv, 271) in digestion, Schmidt (Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., 1917, xiv, 104) in immunization, Ten Broeck (Biolog. Chern., 1914, xvu, 369) in antigenic tests, snd Underwood and Hendrix (Biolog. Chera., 1915, xxn, 453) in toxicity experiments have shown that ' racemic " casein is not identical with casein. The specificities of the hemoglobins and starches in relation to the animal or plant source, as set forth in the preceding memoirs, has had abundant support by various biologic reactions (complement-fixation, iipplntinin, precipitin, anaphy lactic). It seem* evi- dent that all of these reactions or tests have a bio- chemic basis; that they are dependent upon peculiari- ties of chemical constitution or structure of protein molecules; and that they are "group" reactions in the sense that they are restricted to the same or to similar proteins of the same individual or closely PREFACE. related or allied species or genera. Since Magendi in 1839 found that when egg albumin is injected into rabbits the animals become so sensitized that death is caused by a second injection, an enormous amount of work has been done in similar and allied experi- ments. The literature that has . accumulated is so exceedingly voluminous and of such a character that even a review of the most important of the investi- gations is quite impossible within the allotted limits of space of this report. But there are several re- searches that have appeared since the publication of the preceding memoirs which, like the foregoing, are of such especial importance in connection with the present investigations that*they, as in the case of several others above referred to, should receive at least a passing notice. For instance, Bradley and Sansun (Jour. Biolog. Chem,, 1914, xvm, 497) found that guinea pigs that are sensitized to beef or dog hemoglobin, fail to react, or react only slightly, to hemoglobins of other origins. They tried the hemo- globins of the dog, beef, cat, rabbit, rat, turtle, pig, horse, calf, goat, sheep, pigeon, and chicken, and of man, and they found reasons 'for the conclusion that the hemoglobins from different sources are chemically different. The studies of Wells and of Wells and Osborne of the biological reactions of vegetable proteins (Jour. Infect Dis., 1911, vm, 66; 1913, xn, 341; 1914, xiv, 377 ; 1915, xvn, 259 ; and 1916, xix, 183) show among various findings of variable degrees of im- portance that chemically similar proteins from the seeds of different genera react anaphylactically with one another, while chemically dissimilar proteins from the same seeds in many cases fail to do so. Blakeslee and Gortner (Carnegie Institution of Washington Year-Book, No. 12, 1913, 99) record evi- dence in their investigations of the precipitin reactions of the proteins of mold that is consistent with the con- clusion that there are not only "species proteins" but also "sex proteins" (see Chapter vi, pages 366 and 367) ; and Gohlke and Mez, and Lange (Umschau, 1914; Scientific Amer. Sup. 1914, No. 2016, 122) have recorded most significant data in the determina- tion of plant relationships by means of sero-diagnosis. Taxonomic relationships of a number of families were studied and references are also made by Gohlke to the differentiations of plant albumins by Kowarski and to the experiments of Magnus and Friedenthal which showed a relationship between truffles and yeast. Legrand (Revue Generale des Sciences, 1918; Scien- tific American Supplement, 1918, No. 2238, 322) has brought together a large number of diversified facts in support of zoologic biochomic specificities. Comparing the results of the various "biologic tests" with those recorded by means of the methods used in the starch and hemoglobin researches, it seems to be conclusively demonstrated, as far as these investigations have gone, that the latter are capable of practically unlimited development by addition and improvement. The studies of the starches and hemo- globins are not more than merely started, and there remain virtually untouched (for exceptionally invit- ing and extensive investigation) albumins, globulins, proteoses, glycogens, fats, cholesterols, alkaloids, en- zymes, hormones, and a host of other substances that undoubtedly appear in animal and plant life in stereo- isomeric forms that are specifically modified in rela- tion to the protoplasmic source. When one pictures what these three exploratory researches have brought forth and what they suggest as being in part the outcome of further inquiry the imagination becomes bewildered by the marvellous richness of what is thus forecasted. The methods used in the preceding research have in the present investigation been extended and so improved as to yield records that are satisfactory in quantity, kind, and accuracy ; and in reference thereto, it seems needless at this juncture to do more than pre- sent certain excerpts from reports by the writer that have appeared in the Year Books of the Carnegie Institution of Washington or elsewhere, as follows: " The investigations with the starches were neces- sarily carried on by methods that are quite different from those employed in the study of the hemoglobins. Although the starch granule is a spherocrystal that lends itself to crystallographic study, very little can be learned of its molecular characters that is of usefulness in the differentiation of various starches. Other methods, how- ever, offer very satisfactory means of study, especially those which elicit molecular differences by means of peculiarities of gelatinization. These methods, all micro- scopic, have included inquiries into histological charac- ters; polariscopic, iodine, and aniline reactions; tem- peratures of gelatinization ; and quantitative and quali- tative gelatinization reactions with a variety of chemical reagents which represent a wide range of difference in molecular composition. " Each starch property, whether it be manifested in peculiarities in size, form, hilum, lamellation or fissura- tion, or in reactions with light, or in color reactions with iodine or anilines, or in gelatinization reactions with heat or chemical reagents, is an expression of an inde- pendent physico-chemical unit-character that is an index of specific peculiarities of intramolecular configuration, the sum of which is in turn an index which expresses specific peculiarities of the constitution of the proto- plasm that synthetized the starch molecule. The unit- character represented by the form of the starch grain is independent of that of size ; that of lamellation independ- ent of that of fissuration, etc. This is evident in the fact that in different starches variations in one may not I'KF.I M be associated with variatiot '.t-r. and tliat when variations in different <t are coineidently ob- ! :h-y may be of like or unlike character. Gola- iSility U one of the moot o>n-;>:, u> u- pr.'i-Ttiea of fUrch and it represents a primary physico-chemical unit- character, which character may be studied in as many quantitative and qualitative phases M there are kinds of starches and kind- of gelatinizing reagents, the phe- nmena of gelatinization by beat being distinguishable frin those by a given chemical reagent, and those by .ju'ent from those by another, and those of one rUrch by a given reagent from those of another starch. he starch grain is certainly not, aa i commonly supposed, a manifestation of a simple process of iml>iKitin of water, such as occurs in the swelling of particles of dry gelatin or albumin, but in fact a very definite chemical process corresponding to that which occurs in the swelling of liquid crystals, and which must vary in character in accordance with the reagent entering into the reaction. It therefore follows, as a corollary, that the property of gclatinizability of any specimen of starch may be expressed in aa many inde|*'iident physico-chemical nnit-character-phases as th.-iv are reagents to elicit them. By these methods lx>th physico-chemical unit-characters and unit-character phases can be reduced to figures, from which charts can be constructed which show in the case of each starch that the Mini total of these values is as distinctive of the kind of starch and plant source as are botanical characters of the plant " Individualities of one or the other of the parental rtarches may or may not be observed in the starch of the offspring, and if present they may or may not appear in moilifli-d form. Moreover, the starch of the offspring may exhibit peculiarities that are not seen in either of the parental starches, and when two or more sets of hybrids have resulted from separate crosses of the same parental stock, each lot of hybrids may not only exhibit in common distinctive variations from parental charac- ters but also independent individualities, and, as a corol- lary, differ from each other in "well-defined respects. >, not only may a given hybrid be definitely attached to definite parentage, but also the hybrids of separate crosses may be recognized as such. " The studies of the starches of parent- and hybrid- stocks have been supplemented by corresponding and somewhat laborious histological examinations of plant tissues associated with some macroscopical inquiry. The results of this supplementary research are in striking accord with those of the starch investigations, and both are in entire harmony with universally recognized prin- ciple* of the plant and animal breeder and with the dic- tum underlying theae researches, 'vital peculiarities may be resolved to a physico-chemical basis' with which may be coupled a second dictum, 'corresponding complex orpanie substances exist in stereoisomeric forms that are modified specifically in relation to and diag- nostic of the protoplasmic source.' " Wliil. the present research treats almost solely of the prop. ;<a rent-stocks and hybrid-stock*, and correspondingly of heredity, it will be found that the. result* can be utilized in very broad applications to biology. Apart from the derogation of intenncdi- atenoss aa a criterion of hybrids, there is perhaps no single feature* of the report that will appeal more immediately to biologists in general than the facts that have been collated that indicate a far greater degree of importance of hybridization in the genesis of species and evolution than has thus far been recog-_ nizcd. Moreover, to every student who has kept abreast of the development* of modern biologic science it must be evident that the great advances now fore- shadowed seem to bo inseparably associated with physics and physical cheini.-trv ; n tid from the results of these researches on the physical chemistry of starches and hemoglobins it seems that it may with safety be predicted that the principle* and methods herein presented will servo as one of the essential starting-points that will certainly lead to results of great if not epochal ini]>ortaiice. What physics prom- ises in explanation of the- phenomena of organic growth and form, physical chemistry promises in the explanation of organic function. Finally, an apologetic word may not be amiss. This investigation like its two predecessors ban been pursued amidst the endless interruptions and discon- ccrtions that are inseparable from the exactions of professorial duties and other unavoidable conditions, and not infrequently it has of necessity been set aside for weeks or months. This obviously has not only somewhat but seriously interfered with that continu- ity of work and thought that is so important in the successful pursuit of elaborate investigations in un- explored fields of inquiry. On this account there will appear not a little evidence of a lack of uniformity of treatment of corresponding parts of the work ; an absence here and there of sufficient and careful detail, correlation, and analysis; and a failure not infre- quently to discuss with sufficient fullness many facts in their biologic relationships and applications. Moreover, inasmuch as the writer is not a botanist, some facts that may be of especial botanic interest may not have been given adequate treatment, while some of minor intercut may have been unduly accentuated. EDWARD TTSOH RKICHETT. From Ike ft. Weir ItitcMl L*kor*ory of Umvtrrity of PART I. SUMMARIES AND COMPARISONS OF THE PROPERTIES OF THE STARCHES AND OF THE TISSUES OF PARENT-STOCKS AND HYBRID-STOCKS. APPLICATIONS OF TIIK RKSII.TS (IF TIIK KF.SK MH'IIKs Til THE GKRM-PLASM, \\i:i \TM\s. FLUCTUATIONS, SPORTS, MUTANTS, SPECIE. TAXONOMY, HEREDITY, ETC. NOTES AND CONCLUSIONS. BT EDWARD TYSON REICHERT, M.D., Sc.D. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. 1. OBJECTS OF THIS RESEARCH In Ix-th of thf preceding researches satisfactory evi- dence was recorded to justify the conclusion that com- plex organic substances exist in different stereoisomeric forms in different organisms, and that the differences are specific in relation to genera, species, and varieties, and in general in striking accord with the accepted data <>f the systematise Naturally it seemed to be a matter of the greatest fundamental importance to determine to what recognizable degree these physico-chemical prop- erties are transmitted from seed and pollen parents in altered or unaltered form in the hybrid ; if it is possible to predict the heritability of this or that property; whether or not new physico-chemical properties appear in the hybrid ; and if the phenomena of physico-chemical inheritance arc not only consistent with but also in ex- planation of the data of the systematist and with the > of the plant breeder. 2. CXITKUA or HYBRIDS AND MUTANTS. A FOREWORD. Beginning with the elementary investigations of Limifcug, data pertaining to the comparative peculiari- ' parents and of hybrids have been accumulating, and at present, notwithstanding that thousands of such scU are known in literature, only very few of them have been recorded in a way that renders them of more than ; al value in formulating laws of inheritance. Stand- 'r the recognition of hybrids and mutants, respec- v. have found widespread acceptance, yet one may well hesitate to inquire if in the restrictednesa of our analyses and comparisons, the narrowness of our con- ceptions, and the manifest prejudices and errors of judg- ment we have not been fostering many views that have led to general misunderstanding and illusory conclusions. The universally recognized primary or essential dis- tinguishing characters of hybrids are : Intermediateness of the first generation; lessened vitality that may be expressed in many ways; partial or complete sterility, especially as regards the pollen ; instability and Mende- lian inheritance in the second and succeeding generations. But if we wore to carefully examine a large number of diversified characters of say a dozen hybrids selected at random, what percentage of these characters would be found to be intermediate, and what percentages of these intermediate characters would be of mid-intermediate value or nearly the same as in one or the other parent? Are there not many hybrids that are nearly or quite as fertile as their parents, or if their fertility is subnormal in the first generation may it not become normal during subsequent generations? Are then not many hybrids that show little or no tendency toward Mendelian in- heritance, or which, in other words, breed true? Is it not common to find in hybrids unimpaired vitality and a luxuriance of growth even exceeding that of the parents? The primary or essential distinguishing character- istics of mutants are set forth in the laws formulated by DeVries : (1) New elementary species arise suddenly, without transitional forms. (2) New elementary species are, as a rule, absolutely constant from the moment they arise. (3) Most of the new forms that have appeared are elementary species, and not varieties in the strict sonne of the term. (4) New elementary species appear in large num- bers at the same time or at any rate during the same period. (5) The new characters have nothing to do with individual variability. (6) The mutations, to which the origin of new elementary specie* is due, appear to be indefinite, that ii to say, the changes may affect all organs and seem to take place in almost every conceivable direction. Do not all of these laws conform in all essential re- spects with the data in many hybrids? Is not partial or complete sterility common among mutants? Do not mutants when crossed give rise as commonly as hybrids to offspring which exhibit Hendelian phenomena? In a word, has a definite line of demarcation been established between hybrids and mutants? In the present research mutants, as such, are of only indirect interest, but if they are hybrids, as is held by many, they are obviously of direct and fundamental importance. One need not turn many pages of the vast literature of heredity before becoming bewildered by the conflicting statements of recognized authorities and noting that many of even the more important deductions rest upon false premises. In the following elementary sketch the botanist, zoologist, evolutionist, and others who are very familiar with the subject of heredity will not find any- thing new, either in facts or deductions, the sole purpose of the presentation being to lay before the general reader data to show the antipodal views of different authori- ties ; to indicate with what reserve we should accept cer- tain well-known laws, rules, criteria, and conceptions; and to point to what should, in a general sense, be ex- pected in heredity upon the bases of recognized facts of hybridization and mutation. INTRODUCTION. 3. INTEBMEDIATENESS AND LESSENED VITALITY OF HYBRIDS, ETC. The gross structural characters of plants have at- tracted the attention of mankind from time immemorial, and for generations they have constituted the essential means by which plants have been differentiated and classified; yet beneath them there lay an infinitude of microscopical, chemical, physical, and physico-chemical properties of tissues and various protoplasmic substances which will undoubtedly be found to be of far greater sig- nificance in differentiation, not only in taxonomy and phylogeny, but also in the elucidation of various prob- lems that constantly confront the botanist. The scien- tific value of the histological method of plant study to the systematist was satisfactorily demonstrated in 1883 by Radlkofer in " Tiber die Methoden in der botanischen Systematik insbesonderedieanatomische Methode." This method he holds is applicable to the study of species, and since his time it has been successfully extended to varie- ties and hybrids. A century ago De Candolle found the microscope useful in plant classification, and Radlkofer predicted in his memoir that the energies of the systemat- ist would for the next century be devoted to the histo- logical method. Previous to the investigations of the latter, much work on the micro-anatomical and the micro- chemical peculiarities of plants was recorded, and since then literature of this character has accumulated to an enormous volume, as is evident at a glance through the encyclopedic pages of Solereder's " Systematische Ana- tomie der Dicotyledonen " that appeared in 1898. While such researches have proved to be of value in taxonomy, in the explanation of many problems that baffled the old- school systematist, and in throwing open new avenues of thought and investigation, but little has been systema- tized that seems to be of immediate practical usefulness to the plant-breeder and to the student of evolution. Time will undoubtedly show, with the sifting out of these records in conjunction with recent work, a wealth of material that far exceeds in value even the greatest expectations. All of our knowledge of hybrids dates from a period scarcely more than two centuries ago. It was near the end of the seventeenth century when the existence of sexual organs of plants was recognized, and it was some- time shortly antedating 1719 that Thomas Fairchild, a London gardener, produced a hybrid (Fairchild Sweet William) by the fertilization of Dianthus caryophyllus (the clove pink) with D. barbatus (the common Sweet William). This was followed by investigations of parents and hybrids by Linnaeus. To Kolreuter, how- ever, whose laborious experiments in hybridization began in 1760 by crossing Nicotiana rustica with N. panicw- lata, must be given the credit for laying a working foun- dation that has proved of the greatest value in arousing interest and active investigation in this exceptionally important field of research. What had been recorded of both naturally and artificially produced hybrids up to 35 years ago was summarized and commented upon by Focke (Die Pflanzen-Mischlinge : ein Beitrag zur Bio- logie der Gewiichse, 1881). Probably as many as 2,000 hybrids are here referred to. Since then the number has been considerably added to in botanical literature. Such investigations, up to the time of the appearance of the memoir by Macfarlane on " A Comparison of the Minute Structure of Plant Hybrids with that of their Parents, and its Bearing on Biological Problems " that appeared in 1892, were confined practically wholly to the grosser phenomena of plant life, such as the parentage, size, vigor, rapidity of growth, length of life, appearance of malformations, fertility, etc. in a word, gross charac- ters such as have been and continue to be the tools of the old-school systematist. INTEEMEDIATENESS OF HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES OF HYBRIDS. Macfarlane in referring to the earlier microscopical investigations states that Henslow (Cambridge Phil. Trans., 1831) made a microscopic comparison of a hybrid Digitalis with its parents and showed that in the size and shape of the hairs and other structures the hybrid is intermediate between the parents; that Wichura (Bas- tardefruchtung, 1865) with Salix, and Kerner (Mono- graphia Pulmonar., 1878) with Pulmonaria, likewise found the hybrid to be intermediate ; and that Wettstein (Sitz. der. Kaiser. Akad. der Wissen., 1888), in compar- ing the leaves of four coniferous hybrids observed in transverse sections of the leaves that each hybrid in the number of stomata, depth of the epidermal cells, and number and arrangement of the sclerenchyma elements of the bundles is exactly intermediate between their parents. In investigations of the minute characters of over 60 hybrids in comparison with their parents, Macfarlane found it necessary to adopt certain precautionary meas- ures in order to secure safe comparative results. Inas- much as they have served as our guide in the anatomical part of the present research they are here quoted in full : 1. AVEBAOE OBOANISMAL DEVELOPMENT AND DEVIATIONS. " It is now recognized by botanists that every species exhibits a sum-total of naked-eye characters which dis- tinguish it with greater or less precision from allied species. These are duly given in every local Flora. But further, specific features alike macroscopic and microscopic which are of great importance, are passed over. Radlkofer (Akad. der Wissenschaften, Munich, 1883) has already insisted that the anatomical method must be applied to the study of species, and I have pointed out that this is equally true of subspecies and varieties (Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin., vol. xix, 1891). But it is the sum-total or accumulation of minute peculiari- ties which gives specific identity to any organism, and it is to be expected that evident or naked-eye variations will often have their commencement in trivial structural deviations, which, being perpetuated and exaggerated it may be in size, will ultimately appeal to the naked IN IK K.N It was this, well illustrated in the group *'>rripedia, which f>-r.. 1 Kuwin -!..ly )>ut surely to frame and iiiinciatf hi* c\<>luti"ii liv|H>the*ia. \- jiLint afti-r plant has pa.--<-l under my ok- tioii. 1 h. .:ly impressed, not only with Uie averauf Mimlarity in devrlnpinerit that each shows, but m..n- with the constant tendency there is for null- >; liial* to vary from that average either in un.l. r r over development, it may be only of some part or area some large organ. As illustrations on a somewhat Urge scale, 1 may refer to the number, position on the and SIM of leaves, a line of inquiry which has been entirely overlooked by systentatists, but which can afford ehara :. i. iM.' \.ilui-. 'Vl\u* Jlnlyrhium gard- :num. win n w.ll jrrowu and not overcrowded in a hot-house, >m.U up Dowering shoots which bear on tin- average 13 lamina-pr.'-liMiig leavea, betide one or two basal scales. // cunmarium bean 21, while the hybrid //. ladlerianum bears 17. But not unfrequently from rowding, lack of light and nourishment, or other unfavorable surroundings, the number in each may be K-rably reduced. Conversely, when very favorable vegetative conditions occur, these are accompanied with grctt-r luxuriance. \ shoot of Sari/ruga aizoon, with freedom for f !i, produces annually 23 to 26 leaves; 8. gtum, in.) tlu-ir l.yl.n.l. S. andretrsii, 30 to 32. " I luring the autumn of 1890 I happened to go over a lar^-r !! f sunflowers, and, in by far the greater num- ber. 2? to 28 leaves were formed between the cotyledon* and terminal capitulum. A few instructive caws of variability from the avenge were noted. The bed was one which sloped to the son and some plants at the back that were slightly overshadowed by trees had been starved in t!ii-ir light and moisture supply. Their leaves were 20 or 21. On the other hand, one in a favor- able situation produced 31 leaves. ' Hut minute changes are correlated with these grosser variations, such as an increase or decrease in the stomata over a given area or in the length and number of hairs, et<-. In the choice of material, therefore, for hyl.rul investigation one should either be acquainted with tin* parent individuals and the conditions under which they were grown or try to choose an average speci- men of each for study. 2. LIMIT OF VABIABIUTT. " A wide field of patient and laborious work is open in the direction of ascertaining how far the individuals of a species may differ microscopically without losing spe- . 1. i.nty. As yet this field may be said to be un- f"-i contributions that have recently been made (Bot Central., ltd. xiv, XLVI) by Schumann are exactly on the lines desiderated and form a valuable study in tissue variability, but if we are to get an exact estimate alike of species and hybrid production the !::< must be forthcoming. Thus Lapageria rosea is a parent form which I have chosen for pretty exhaus- .-soription, and though I have tried to select mate- rial from what I regard as an average strain, this may itill differ from the parent plant used, as seven! varieties are known to be in cultivation. This may partially ex- plain why it is that hybrids at times exhibit a slight divergence toward one parent Again, I shall have to refer at some length to the remarkable change of rxlnl, :{.! by the flowers of I'uinthu* grievri.lTom white n tirat opening to rich crimson or crimson-purple on fading. The one parent, D. alpiniu, shows scarcely any trace of such floral change, but among the numerous \ari.-tu-s of It. barbatut in cultivation one exhibits the above peculiarity in an equally or even more striking manner. " Now, every varietal form inherits certain specific peculiarities, and also the points that stamp it as a variety, so that one would err in comparing the ordi- nary species with the hybrid. But the very fact that varieties are often inconstant in their varietal details, and do not hand these down in all cases so steadily as a marked species, are reasons for our giving a certain lati- tude in comparison with the hybrid, but equally are reasons for our desiring an exact knowledge of how far a specific form may vary. J. COMPABISON OF SlMILAB PABTS. " In my earlier investigations it was sometimes found that a certain part or organ of a hybrid did not exhibit intermediate blending of the structure of both parents, but a decided leaning to one. This was at first regarded as an instance of variation from average hybrid- ity, but more careful and exhaustive comparison showed that the apparently exceptional conditions arose from choice of material that did not agree in age, position, or opportunities for growth. Thus I stated in the 'Gar- denen' Chronicle' (April 1890) that while Sarifnga aizoon had many stomata on its upper leaf surface and S. geum had none, 8. andrewni resembled the latter in this respect Now, I had expected to find some on the leaf chosen from the hybrid, which was one of the lowest of an annual shoot, those of the parents being from the upper parts of shoots. On returning to the matter more recently, it 'was found that the closely intermediate character of the hybrid was established when leaves of the same relative position and age were chosen. Thus, since S. aizoon produces on the average 25 leaves annually, the hybrid 32, and 8. geum 40, if the tenth leaf from the base be chosen in the first, we should select the four- teenth in the hybrid and the eighteenth in the other parent The same principle of judicious selection of material must be applied not only in dealing with large organs but also in minuter details, such as bundle ele- ments, matrix cells, and sclerenchyma, as well as starch grains, chloroplasts, and other cell products. 4. AVAILABLE LIMIT FOB COMPABIBON or PABEXTS WITH THUS HTBBID PBOOENT. "During the last decade problems bearing on the relative potency of the male and female elements in UM development of an organism have been greatly ditcuased. The present investigation not only throws great light on these, but will enable us to compare more accurately than hitherto the capabilities of each sex element. It is mani- fest, however, that when a hybrid is the product of parents that are widely divergent in histological details the comparison will be easy, bat when we attempt to compare a hybrid with two parent* which are regarded as species, but whose chief specific differences are those of coloring and size, it is almost or quite impossible to 6 INTRODUCTION. detect microscopically any blending of patent characters, even though these may occur. Some may demur to accepting conclusions drawn from comparison of the hybrids of two parents that are even moderately removed from each other in affinity, particularly since we know that such are frequently less fertile than the pure product of either parents, or are entirely sterile. The objection will afterwards be considered, but here I may premise that, as a rule, whether the parents are remotely or closely related their evenly blended peculiarities appear, if com- parison is at all possible. " To the above general conclusion, however, we must make an important exception. In not a few cases, which will afterwards be cited, a separation or prepotency of the sexual molecules of each parent seems clearly to be indicated. 5. RELATIVE STABILITY or PABENT FORMS. " Some species, both in the wild state and under culti- vation, show a greater degree of stability, or want of variation tendencies, than do others. This is probably to be explained by an average structure having been slowly but steadily evolved through crossing and recrossing of an aggregate of like individuals with survival of those best fitted for a set of environmental conditions that re- mained constant through long periods of time. These, therefore, even when removed to rather disadvantageous surroundings, do not readily exhibit change. As exam- ples, I may name Erica tetralix, E. cinerea, and Philesia buxifolia. One finds that the opposite is equally true of not a few species. Thus, if a series of individuals of Qeum rivale or Dianthus barbatus (cultivated) be compared microscopically, considerable variation is traceable. " But even species which are considered to vary little, if compared from wide areas, may present unexpected changes. An interesting illustration is furnished by a plant just cited as one of the most invariable, viz. Erica tetralix. I have shown elsewhere * that this species re- solves itself into four subspecies, three of which are found in Connemara, and these, so far as they have been experimented on, remain true under cultivation. It is necessary, therefore, in the selection of a hybrid to know the exact type of each parent, if not the actual parent, and to examine such alongside the hybrid offspring." Macfarlane made detailed studies of the microscopic peculiarities of nine sets of parent-stocks and hybrid- stocks, including the following: 1. Lalageria rosea, Phileaia buxifolia, P. veitchii 2. DianthuB alpinus, D. barbatus, D. grievei. 3. Geum rivale, O. urban mn, G. intermedium. 4. Ribe growularia, R. nigrum, It culverwcllli. 6. Saxifraga geum, 8. aizoon, 8. andrewgii. 6. Erica tetralix, E. ciliarU, E. wateoni. 7. Mensiesia empetriformis, Rhododendron chamecistiu Brv- anthus erectus. * 8. Masdevallia amaJiilin, M. veitchiana, M. ehelsoni . Cypripedium pioerianum, C. insigne, C. leeanum. He also recorded many data respecting other hybrids and parents, including in the text only some special features which seemed to deserve consideration, to- *Trni. Bot. 800. Edln., xnc. 1891. gether with a rather full account of the characters of a graft hybrid, Cytisus adami. The following is Mac- farlane's " General Summary of Kesults on Seed Hybrids " : " It has been demonstrated that in hair production, if the parents possess one or more kinds that are funda- mentally similar, but which differ in size, number, and position, the hybrid reproduces these in an intermediate way. Illustrations of this were presented by Qeum inter- medium, Erica watsoni, Cypripedium leeanum, and Mas- devallia ehelsoni. But if only one parent possesses hairs over a given region the hybrid usually inherits these to half the extent, as in the petals of Dianthus barbatus and some floral parts of Bryanthus erectus. If the hairs of two parents are pretty dissimilar, instead of blending of these in one, the hybrid reproduces each, though re- duced in size and number by half. The gland hairs of Saxifraga andrewsii, the simple and gland hairs of Ribes culverwellii, and those on the vegetative organs of Bryan- thus erectus are examples. The peculiar case of air dis- tribution in relation to color formation noticed in the sepal of Cypripedium leeanum may also be noted here. " In the formation of nectaries as traced in Phila- geria, Dianthus, Saxifraga, Ribes, etc., the above prin- ciples also hold. " The distribution of stomata over any epidermal area has been proved to be a mean between the extremes of the parents, if the stomata of the parents occur over one surface or both, and if the leaves are similar in consistence, but, as in Hedychium sadlerianum, and to a less degree in Saxifraga andrewsii, if the stomatic distri- bution and leaf consistence differ in the parents, this may give rise to correspondingly different results in the hybrid. " In amount of cuticular deposit, and arrangement of it into ridges or other localized growths, hybrids have been proved intermediate between the parents. We may merely recall here the case of Philageria stem, which in- herited cuticular ridges from Lapageria, though reduced to half the size, since the Philesia parent was devoid of them. " As Wichura has already proved for the vegetative leaves of hybrid willows, the venation of hybrid leaves is very uniformly intermediate between those of the parents. Figures are given with this paper of the vegetative leaves of Philageria and Saxifraga, and of the petals of Dian- thus and Geum. The relation of the bundles to special terminations, as in the water stomata of Saxifraga, is in conformity with the venation. " But the growth of tissue in a hybrid which is to determine the outline or angular position which any organ or part of one will assume is intermediate between those of the parents when the latter show traceable dif- ferences. Thus the sepals and petals, as also the styles and style-arms, of Qeum intermedium, the floral parts as a whole of Saxifraga andrewsii and Ribes culverwellii, the frilling of some of the floral parts of Bryanthus and Cypripedium leeanum are pronounced cases, while minor ones have been referred to. " Turning to minuter anatomical details, every hy- brid has yielded a large series of examples which prove that the size, outline, amount of thickening, and local- ization of growth of cell walls, is, as a rule, intermediate INTRODUCTION. between those of the parcuU. We have repeatedly stated that a.i the outcome of growth localization, intercellular (pace* of a hybrid are modified in lize and shape as are the cell* whu-h Mim-und them Now Una clearly demon- strates that the living |>ruto|>la*m which ha* formed the cells ia * 1 m its m -Uvular or micellar < i that m il and over every intiuitesimally minute are* ou iU surface where cellulose is to be laid duwu the balanced effect of both parent* i* felt. i D the laying down of secondary wall thick- ening*, whether of a . utu ulanzed, ligmfied, or colloid nature, numerous citation* have been nude where the amount and nunlc of deposition i* evenly between the .:u-.- of the parent*, i'erhaps the mot striking case i* that of the bundle-sheath cells of 1'hilayena and its :.-. where usually five liguified lamella are traceable in each cell of Lapageria, eleven or twelve in /'A I/MM. ^it ir nine in 1'hilageria. In Mimman.'.,ng a* to protoplasm and its modifica- tion* a* plastids, where considerable difference* can be tra.xd in the pUutids of two parents the hybrid gives results. Only in a few parent plants have these differences been sufficiently marked to allow of compari- son with the hybrid. The leucoplasts in the epidermal cells of the parents of Dianthtu lindsayi are very differ- ent in sue. while most of the leucoplasts in the hybrid \actly intermediate, but from careful measurement of lantern projection images of these it has been found that .-.-in.' i- try nearly retemble those of the female parent. iMiuopiasts of the petal cells in Gewn intermedium and of the sepal cells in Masdevallia cheUoni are addi- tional illustrations. Those of the former are very varia- ble in size and number, but this is probably to be ex- plained from its inheriting half of its hereditary features from Gtum rivale, which is equally variable as a species. Leaves of corresponding age and position from Saxifraga andreu-sii and its parents have furnished chloroplasts of small size and dark green color in one parent, of large size and soft emerald green color in the other, and an intermediate type in the hybrid, though some diverge towards the " if turn " parent in having large chloroplasts. " Hut the average size, shape, and lamellar deposition in starches of Hedyrhium hybrids are perhaps the most interesting cases adduced. When we remember that these are bodies formed temporarily as reserve food, and that they are built up by addition of successive micella through the agency of minute protoplasmic masses or plasts, we have a direct proof that these leucoplasts are themselves fundamentally modified. Their activity in the cells of the hybrid is evinced by the building up of starch grains which, though only of temporary duration in the history of the plant, are so accurately constructed as to be an exact combination in appearance of a half corputcle of each parent. " Finally, we may recall the facts advanced as tn color, flowering period, chemical combinations, and grou-th rigor, which, though scanty and fragmentary in their nature, all point to the conclusion that hybrids are intermediate between their parents in general life phenomena." In reviewing this summary one is struck by the rec- ords of universality of interme dial f ness by blended or exclusive inheritance of every property. In not a single instance is any character developed m either direction be- yond the ritreines of development of the corresponding character of the parents. However, these conclusions are doubtless to be taken as being general or broad rathet than as dogmatic, inasmuch as here and there in the text of the memoir there are records of departures beyond parental extremes, as in Philageria veitchii, in connec- tion with which it is stated it is generally to be noticed that both upper and lower epidermal cells of the hybrid are equal to, if not larger than, the largest of either parent "Those of the one parent (Lapageria rosea) are on an average larger than those of the other parent (Philesia folia), while in the hybrid they may be larger than in either"; also, in the hybrid Bryanthus erectut, in which " the power of conglomerate crystal formation is not only inherited from the male parent (Menziesia tmpetriformu var.) but also appears on a more exag- gerated scale, there being at least 50 per cent more crys- tals in a given area of the hybrid pit than in the parent"; and also, as is quite common, in the greater luxuriance of growth of the hybrid than of the parents, as instanced in Philageria veitchii, Oeum intermedium, Bryanthus erectiu, etc., which peculiarity is attributed by Max-far lane to an increase in the size rather than in- creased multiplication of the cells of the hybrid over the parents; bat in either case it is obvious that there is higher development of the hybrid in relation to the parents ; moreover, even where intermediatoness has been recorded, it has been recognized in some instances that the characters of the hybrid " very nearly resemble those of female parent," etc. In support of Macfarlane, Davis (American Naturalist, 1911, XLV, 193; 1912, XLVI, 377), in studies of the offspring of different species of Oeno- thrra, found that in gross morphological characters the hybrids are intermediate between the parents, and he has since recorded that in histologies! characters they exhibit the same peculiarity. Holden (Science, 1913, xxxnii, 932) states that spontaneous hybrids that are recognized as varietal modifications of species can often be diagnosed by their internal anatomy, both vegetative and reproduc- tive, referring particularly to the intermediate histologi- cal characters of the tissues and to abortive pollen. A number of references are given by Holden to the results of the investigations of Be tula and E quite turn, instanc- ing in the hybrid transitional features between the parents in internal and external anatomy associated with abortive spores of hybrids. Reference might be made, did space permit or were it necessary, to various other articles which also are in support of the conception that hybrids are in morphological and anatomical characters, distinguished by " intermediatcness." IXTERMEDIATEXES8 OP THE STABCTtU OF HTBBTM. Macfarlane (for. cit.) made notes of the starches of Ribet cuhertcellii and its parents, of Bryanlh us erect us and its parents, and of ffedychium hybrids and their parents. He records that in Rib ft grottvlaria (parent) the largest grains are 7/ and the average 4? ; in K. nig- 8 INTRODUCTION. rum (parent) 3/* and the average 1.5/x; and in R. cul- verwellii (hybrid) 5/i and the average 3/t. In Menziesia empetrifonnis var. the largest starch grains are 6/1, and in all cases they are larger than in the other parent Rhododendron chamcecistus ; while in the hybrid Bryan- thus erectus the grains are 4/x across at their largest, though most are from 2 to 3/t, the size being intermediate but falling rather toward the latter parent. Macfarlane states : " Hedychium gardnerianum, the one parent of H. sadlerianum, forms strong rhizomes, whose storing cells are large, but scantily filled with starch in all that I have examined. Each starch grain is a small, flat, trian- gular plate, measuring 10 to 12/x from hilum to base, and the lamination is not very distinct. H. coronarium, the other parent, forms smaller and fewer rhizomes, and the starch-storing cells are from half to three-fourths the size of the last, but these are densely filled, particu- larly in the central parenchyma, with large starch gran- ules. Each is ovate, or in some cases is tapered rather finely to a point at the hilum. They are from 32 to 60/i long, measuring as before, and the lamination is very marked. The cells of the hybrid are on the average between those of the parents; but if one may judge by opacity of cells the amount of stored starch approaches more closely to that of the latter parent. The grains may best be described if we suppose a rather reduced one of the first parent to be set on the reduced basal half of one of the latter. The lamination also is more pro- nounced than in the first, less so than in the second. "A second cross was effected by Mr. Lindsay with //. coronarium, and examination of the rhizome starches proves that the second hybrid approaches very closely to the species parent. But the grains of H. lindsayi illus- trate microscopically a phenomenon which has been re- peatedly referred to, viz, the greater variability and instability of a second over a first hybrid ; for many of the grains (in some specimens the majority) have fantas- tic shapes, appearing as if undergoing rapid disintegra- tion by leucoplasts, or perhaps more truly as if the latter were incapable of building up the shells of starch in a regular and uniform manner. " A set of crosses has been effected between H. elatum and H. coronarium. The grains of the first are like those of II. gardnerianum, except that they are larger (18 to 24/t), and that the lamination is coarse. The grains of the hybrid are larger than those of H. sadlerianum, and exhibit even more evident lamellae. They measure on the average, 40/i, but vary from 30 to 50/i. Not infrequently all the above hybrids have (mixed up with grains more typically intermediate) some grains which can scarcely, if at all, be distinguished from the small ones peculiar to one parent, while very rarely I have observed grains so large and rounded as to pass for those of //. coro- narium. Now, when describing the epidermal leuco- plasts of Dianthus grievei it was stated that, though the average was nearly 3/*, some measured 2.5ft or slightly less, others as much as 3.5^. The occurrence of these, and similar minute differences in protoplasmic masses, or in formed materials like starch grains which are due to manufacture by these masses, induced me to prepare a set of micro-photographs, and to project lantern trans- parencies of these on a 7-foot screen. Thus it was pos- sible to study their dimensions more exactly than under the microscope. It was then found that while the shape, appearance, and size of most starch grains of Hedychium, of Dianthus leucoplasts, and of Geum and Masdavallia chromoplasts were intermediate, examples might be got which reverted powerfully to one parent, and, so far as they have yet been studied, the reversion was most fre- quently towards the parent with the more minute cell- contents." The results of the studies of starches are therefore in entire accord with Macfarlane's conclusions pertaining to the tissues in showing intermediateness of the hybrid, with a tendency at times to a leaning to one parent. Investigations of the starches of varieties and of parents and hybrids of varieties of round and wrinkled peas have been made by Gregory (The New Phytologist, 1903, n, 226), Weldon (Biometrica, 1902, i, 246), and Darbishire (Proc. Roy. Soc., B., 1908, LXXX, 122 ; Breed- ing and the Mendelian Discovery, 1912, 124). Gregory (The New Phytologist, 1903, n, 226) found that the starches of round and wrinkled peas occur in two very different types. In the round seeds the periph- eral cell-layers of the cotyledons contained a few oval starch-grains which did not exceed 0.06 mm. in the great- est diameter. In the third layer the grains reached 0.2 mm. in length, while the more deeply situated cells were crowded with oval grains measuring as much as 0.34 mm. in the greatest dimension. The grains were regular in shape, with a definite center surrounded by well-marked lines of stratification. In the rurinkled peas the grains of the peripheral layers were of about the same size as those of the round peas, but were of a different type, occurring in irregular spheres with several centers, thus forming a compound grain which has a strong tendency to break up into smaller parts. In the cells which lie deeply these compound grains never attain a greater length than 0.1 mm. in the greatest dimension. Table 1 gives a list of the seeds examined. TABLE 1. Race. Seed character. Form of starch- grain. Round. Large. Fill basket . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Carter's Telegraph Do. Do. Do. Do. Indent. Do. Do. Do. William the First . Soo below. Small. Wrinkled. Do. Do. Do. Serpette nain blanc Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Gregory notes that seeds of intermediate and dubious shapes were not uncommon in certain of the races. The IVlKnbl . Ill 'N. I depressions in these seeds wen sometimes men pitting, M iii Victoria M.iii .* , < r tin \ may be no marked that tlie Med would bo described as w ruikled. '1 lie Utter were especially common in William tin- First, but niun- examination showed at once that these seeds are really of Uie round ISJH-. Tin re an-, therefore, states Gregory, ..tircly .hileiciit types of wrinkling, and wlul. clear that the process \>y which wrinkling in produced is connected with shrinkage on drying, the regularity of the shrinking of the round type and Us irregularity in the two other type* can not at present be explained. There occasionally occur among the offspring of hybrids between round and wrinkled type* seeds of dubious shape winch it i- dutiful i, on superficial examination, to classify an round or wrinkled. The existence of such seeds and types of doubtful shape was taken by Weldon to indicate irregularities of Mendelian segregation and dominance, but Gregory states that no seed has been found which upon histological examination allowed of any doubt as to iU true character, and consequently that occasionally pitting and spurious wrinkling must be distinguished fn>m the true wrinkling of the wrinkled types. The nature of the starch-grain in the hybrid, and how the characters of the starch-grains segregate, if they do so at all, in subsequent generations, are points which suggested themselves to Darbishire, who states that they are matters on which we are ignorant He found that the starch-grains of the round pea, such u of the ipse," appear as single potato-shaped grains, with an average length of 0.0322 mm. and an average breadth of 0.0? 13 mm. The length-breadth-index (.., 100 X breadth ~ length) is 66.14. Besides these potato-shaped grains, there are extremely few very much smaller grains which are round. The grains of wrinkled peas like the " British Queen " are compound, each consisting of a number of pieces which vary between 2 and 8. These pieces are held together by a ref rangent yellow substance ln.-h does not color blue with iodine, and they are likely to break apart. The commonest types are those with 4, 5, or 6 components; grains with 7 or 8 are rarer; grains with 2 or 3 are intermediate in frequency between those with 4, 5, or 6 on the one hand and 7 or 8 on the other. While the grains with 7 to 8 pieces are not much larger than those with 4, 5, or 6 ; grains with 2 or 3 are always conspicuously smaller than thorn with 4, 5, or 6. The average length is 0.0269 mm., the average breadth <> "Jig mm., and the length-breadth-index is 92.19. In these peas are a number of very small single grains which can be distinguished from the pieces of the compound grains by the fact of their being circular and always smaller than the grains consisting of two pieces. Very rarely will be found isolated potato-shaped grains. The grains of the F, cotyledons produced by crossing the round with the wrinkled pea are nearly round ; the majority of the grains are single and the remainder com- pound ; the compoundneM exhibited by the compound grains in F, seeds is intermediate between singleness and the degree of compoundnem in the grains of wrinkled peas, for while in the latter the number of pieces varies between 8 and 8 and the commonest U 6, in the F, grain it varies between 8 and 4 and the oniiniuneat is 3. The differences in the measurements of the three starches are shown in table 2, by which it will be seen that in shape the F, grain is intermediate between the potato-shaped grain and the compound grain, but nearer the 1.. TABLE 2. Round. poUto- .... i Ft. 1 .:. 1 WriokUd. i ::.; ;i 1 ...... . trmia. r.iu. fraio. Averm Uocth . MM 1 Mi MM Averac* braadU>.. . H i > Mi .1 00246 Lenstb-brauilh-iiMicx M.M tt.6 02.10 Darbishire also examined the grains of F,. These he did not measure, but he states that no differences could be Men between the potato-shaped, compound, and round grains from the three types already described. He notes that the evidence points to the fact that the heterotygote round peas in generations subsequent to F, are character- ized by the possession of irregular round or round grains, and homozygote round peas by potato-shaped grains. Darbishire records that if the association of round grains with heterozygote round and of potato-shaped grains with liomozygote round holds good for the F, generation, we have a means of distinguishing between DD round and DR round in F,, instead of, as at present, having to wait until their progeny are mature in the following year. Another point demonstrated by the nature of grains in F,, and borne out by those of F,, is that the shape of the grain is inherited separately from its composition if we may use this term to cover the singleness or com- ponndness of the grain. In the round pea the grains are single and long; in the wrinkled peas they are compound and round ; in the hybrid they may be either single or compound, but are more round than long. In F, there are round grains exhibiting much compoundneu and others exhibiting little. Possibly there arc potato-shaped grains either with no compounds or with few, and inter- mediate grains either with few compounds or with many. The wrinkled peas of this generation contained, as was to be expected, compound grains, but some of them had in addition, very sparingly potato-shaped grains. Dar- bishire also studied the absorptive capacities of the three starches in relation to water. The following facts are -ummed up from the results of his investigations : 1. Although roundness is dominant over wrinkled- ness in peas, the round starch-grain of the F, generation is a blend between the type of grain of the round pea ( the potato-shaped ) and the type of grain of the wrinkled pea (the compound) in respect of three characters: (a) it is intermediate in shape as measured by its length- breadth-index, that of the potato-shaped grain being :. that of the compound grains 92.19, and that of the i prain .. r > ; (6) it i intermediate in the distribu- 10 INTRODUCTION. tion of compoundness, inasmuch as some of the round grains are compound and some single; (c) it is inter- mediate in the degree of compoundness, inasmuch as amongst those round grains which are compound the most common number of constituent pieces is 3, whereas in compound grains it is 6. 2. In a subsequent generation (F 6 ) the homozygote round peas contain potato-shaped grains and the hetero- zygote round peas contain round or intermediate grains. But both round and intermediate grains may be asso- ciated either with a high or a low degree of compoundness. 3. Potato-shaped grains occasionally occur in wrinkled peas in F 5 , and the evidence suggests that the existence of these grains in wrinkled peas tends to make them less wrinkled. 4. A wrinkled pea takes up more water when it ger- minates than a round one. The hybrid between a round and a wrinkled pea is intermediate in respect to this character between its two parents. 5. But the intermediateness of the hybrid in absorp- tion capacity is not occasioned by the intermediateness of the starch-grain of the hybrid, because both F 2 peas containing round grains and peas containing potato- shaped grains have the same absorption capacity as the F! pea. 6. When, therefore, a round pea is crossed with a wrinkled pea, four separately heritable characters are dealt with: (a) the shape of the pea, whether round or wrinkled; (b) the absorption capacity of the pea as regards water, whether low or high; (c) the shape of the starch-grain, whether long or round ; (a) the constitution of the starch-grain, whether single or compound. The results of these researches are not only confirma- tory of the records of Macfarlane in showing interme- diateness in the microscopical properties of the starch of the hybrid, but also go further by demonstrating other forms of intermediateness. INTEBMEDIATENESS OF THE MACROSCOPIC PROPERTIES OF HYBRIDS. No criterion of hybrids is more widely recognized than intermediateness of naked-eye characters. Refer- ences have been made incidentally in preceding sections to these peculiarities, but inasmuch as macroscopic charac- ters have been the essential tools of the systematist it is here that we must look for the data that constitute the great foundation stones upon which rests the doctrine of intermediateness. Macfarlane in summarizing the gross characters of parent-stocks and hybrids states that " color, flowering period, chemical combinations, and growth-vigor, which, though scanty and fragmentary in their nature, they all point to the conclusion that hybrids are intermediate between their parents in general life phenomena." Masters (quoted by Macfarlane, ibid., page 209) in comparing the bigeneric hybrid Philageria veitchii with its parents Lapageria rosea and Philesia buxifolia states: " In habit our plant [the hybrid] is, of the two, more akin to the female parent (Lapageria,) than to the male. Its foliage is singularly intermediate, but at the same time nearest like that of the pollen parent (Phi- lesia). In the characters of the flower-stalk, calyx, and corolla, it is more like Philesia than Lapageria, but in the stamens it approximates to the mother-plant, and diverges from the characters of the male. In color it is also more like the mother-plant than it is like Philesia. The fruit we have not seen. The characteristics of both parents are so curiously blended that we fear this plant will lend much aid to those investigators who are striving to determine what is the effect on the offspring of pollen or seed parent, respectively. On the whole, it would seem as though the organs of vegetation, including the calyx and corolla, were more like those of the male (Philesia), while in the stamens and pistil the progeny favor the mother." From the foregoing data in this and preceding sec- tions one is led to the belief that intermediate inheritance in the first generation is almost so universal as to be all but a law, but such a conception is inconsistent with a considerable mass of literature pertaining to both plants and animals. Focke (loc. cit.), in his Fourth Lecture, summarizes under five propositions a most important col- lection of data pertaining to the characters of hundreds of hybrids and their offspring. Inasmuch as these facts are of great interest, fundamental importance, and broad applicability, and as scant recognition seems to be given to this work, and as the book is rarely found in our librar- ies, a translation of his lecture is here given practically in full : PROPOSITIONS OF FOCKE. FIBST PROPOSITION. SIMPLE PRIMARY HYBRIDS (AxB). // individuals ichich have sprung collectively from the crossing of two pure species of races are produced and grown under similar conditions they resemble one another exactly, or are, as a rule, hardly to be differentiated from one anotker just as in specimens belonging to one and the same species. The principle thus formulated seems in many ex- periments to be sufficiently well-grounded, but it has many exceptions. Several instances in hybrids indicate such similarity only of individuals produced from the same impregnated part (seed pod, etc.). In any event, the rule proves trustworthy only in cases in which simi- larity of conditions of production and growth are present. It is difficult to answer satisfactorily a most stren- uously debated question if one or the other sex has the stronger influence on the form of the offspring. The hybrids of the two species or races, A and B, are like one another no matter whether A in the crossing was the male or the female progenitor. Kolreuter, Gartner, Naudin, and Wichura in common could find no differ- ences between the products of the two crossings A 9 X B <f and B ' X A 9* More than 100 years after Kol- reuter noticed the similarity between the crosses Nico- tiana rustica 9 X N. pamculata <? and N. paniculala 9 X N. rustica $ , and one of the most observant, botan- ists of our time, Timbal-Lagrave, was astonished by a similar experience. All the rules and assumed prin- ciples by which botanists try to determine by the mor- phological characteristics of the hybrid which is the pol- len and which is the seed parent prove to be entirely theoretical and of no value. It has been established by many experiments that in the case of pure species in the INTRODUCTION. 11 vegetable kingdom in general the male and female pro- creative element* are of equal potency. The rule of the similarity of reciprocal hybrid*, a* in all utlu-r rulea in :udy of hybrids, i<t not without exceptions It is t that a certain dissimilarity of reciprocal hy- bruN can ! cornvtly attributed only to the stronger influence <>f the male ur of the female element* if the .in. nta are carefully cum. 4 ut in the same way, and if ti. ifter many rcj>oWii>in, always given same results. Nearly all of the reports up to this time leave much to be desired in these respects and f.-r ju-tifmhle doubt. The following statements on : Hilarity of reciprocal hybrids are worth con- sideration : a. The female element influences most strongly all part* of the morphology of Pelargonium fulgidum X /'. j/r.iru/i/fi.rum, /'. peltatum X P- tonale, Bpilobium hirsulum X E. tourntfortii. In many Digitalis hybrids it influences most strongly the coloring of the flowers, and in several the forms of the corolla also. In .\ ympkcra rubra X A', dentata the cotyledons are always inn. -h mure like those of the female parent species. 6. The female element exercises apparently a pre- dominating influence on the capacity of resistance to cold of Rhododendron (hybrid of R. arboreum), of Lyrium. and possibly also of Crinum (hybrid of C. capente). c. The influence of the male element is predominant in all parts of the morphology of I'apaver caucasicum X /'. somnifcrum and Cypripedium barbaium X C. vtilo- tum (ob constant ?). It exercises a powerful influence on the flower coloration of Petunia. J. Gartner has several times noticed variations in the fertility of the seed of the offspring in reciprocal hybrids, as in Diantkut barbatus X D. tuperbus. Gartner's ex- periments are, however, hardly sufficient to prove the uniformity of these findings in the hybrids concerned. (In literature there may be found many speculations advanced on the influences of the male and female ele- ment on the properties of a hybrid, but supported by the description of only one hybrid.) It is evident there can be no basis for comparison unless the forms resulting from A 9 X B J and B 9 X A * are both known. Departures of an isolated specimen of a hybrid from the typical form are much more frequently noticed and are entirely independent of the roles played by the parent forms in their production. Not infrequently, important differences appear in seedlings from a single crossing that are grown under absolutely similar condition*. These variations show themselves in various ways. a. Individuals resulting from a given hybridization show among themselves unimportant differences, espe- cially in the coloring of the flowers and other similarly easily altered characteristics, as in the hybrids of Ver- bascum phaenittum, Salix cuprea X 8. daphnoidet. b. The hybrid appears in two different types, each showing a different combination of the characters of the parent species. As a rule, the one type is closer to one, and the other to the other, parent species ; the frequency of the appearance of both types is often very variable. Gartner designated the type which appears less fre- quently as the exceptional type (" Aosnahmetypus"). Instances may be seen among Cittut, Dianthut, Omm, Oenulhera, Lobelia. Vtrbatcum thapiui X >' niyrum, .Yw./fwmi quadrivah-ii X A ? . tabacum macropnylla. The hybrid appears in several different type*. Gartner gives several examples of this, but there are only three known forma by a polymorphic union. d. The hybrid shows one typical form of a mid- inU'rmi'diatenew, together with a number of varying forms that are usually closer to one or the other parent, among which no well-marked types can be distinguished. Such is the behavior of Hedicago falcata X M. tativa. and similarly of llelandryum album X M. rub rum. 0. The hybrid is polymorphous from the beginning. The observations up to the present leave it doubtful whether one should in these circumstances distinguish between varying forms or between several fixed types with similar combinations of properties. Kxamplea: Abutilun, hybrids of Pelargonium glaucvm L'lli radula X P- myrrhifolium, Passi flora, Hierarium, A r #- penthes. Narcissus. Gartner has offered the hypothesis that hybrids between different species are always of the same form and that the hybrids between varieties are polymorphic. If by " varieties " garden forms or garden hybrids are understood, this rule is correct ; but if, on the other hand, one understands constant races of pure de- scent it is decidedly incorrect Comparisons of hybrids which arise from the same species, but which are produced and grown in different places, exhibit many other results. Spontaneous or natu- ral hybrids are, as a rule, more variable than those pro- duced artificially, as for example, Verbascum lychnitis X V. thapsus and V. lychnitit X V- nigrum. My own hy- brids between Digitalis purpurea and D. lutea were very much like one another when I sowed the seed, but a great variety of forms appeared if the seeds had by chance sown themselves. It may be that in these cases there is no real causal connection between the varieties of the forms and the methods of sowing; but, on the other hand, it is a fact that different cultivators in crossing the same species have very often obtained different products. Hence, while similarity of the forms of all the plants of one crossing appears to be without doubt the rule in experiments in cultivation, similarity appears to be the exception in nature. It remains to be determined how great an influence dissimilar nutrition of the parent- species or of the hybrid embryos may have on the varia- bility of form of the hybrids. SBOOXD PBOFOBtTIOK. TKt froprrtitt of tin hybrids r* deriftd from Ik* proper lift of tin ftrtnts. For the mott part Ik* hybrid* differ from their fttrtutt only in tirt *md lufunance of froielh *md in tkeir frmrrutit* power*. The methods and modes in which the properties of the parent species are combined in the hybrids are very variable. In general, a blending or mutual penetration of the different properties is found, often in such a way that in one respect the one and in another the other parent form appears to predominate. That is to say, in many instances the hybrid resembles one parent more in the leaves, and the other parent more in the flowers. Now and then an exceptional variety of the hybrid (the " Ausnahmetypus " of Gartner) appears in which the properties are inversely apportioned. Many hybrid* at first more nearly resemble one, and later more nearly 12 INTRODUCTION. the other pareut form ; or in the Spring their leaves re- semble the one, arid in the Autumn the other type (Cistus; Populus) ; or the flower-coloring is altered during the fall of the bloom (as in Melandryum album X M. rubrum, Epilobium roseum X -&' montanum, lantana) or in the Autumn (as in Nicotiana rustica X If, tabacum, Tropao- lum, Lobelia, etc.), sometimes also in different years (as in Bletia crispa X B. cinnabarina, Oalium cinereum X Q- verum). In the crossing of races, rarely of hybrids in a strict sense, one finds now and then the properties of the parents unblended and side by side (as in Cucumis melo, the thorniness of the Datura fruits, the flower-coloring of Rhododendron rhodora X R- calendulaceum, R. ponti- cum X R- flavum, Anagallis, Linaria vulgaris X L. pur- purea, Calceolaria, Mimulus, Mirabilis). The flower- coloration often behaves in unexpected ways. The hy- brids of Verbascum phceniceum, while having similarity of form, are very variable in the flower colorings. In Helianthemum hybrids variously colored flowers have been found on the same stem. Frequently, from the crossing of nearly related races, especially color varieties, plants are produced which are exactly like or closely resemble one of the parent races, as in Brassica rapa var., Linum, Pisum, Phaseolus, Ana- gallis, Atropa, Datura strammonium, Salvia hormium, etc. In the second generation the influence of the other parent race is usually first disclosed by a part of the seedlings reverting to it completely, or only in certain definite properties. Only in Atropa a reversion to the unstable yellow form has not been noted. In many cases the hybrid is so like one of the parent forms that it could be considered as a very slight varia- tion of the same. In the crossing of widely separated species the overwhelming influence of one parent species shows itself in the hybrids in a striking manner. Thus, the cross of Dianihus armeria X D. deltoides is much nearer to D. deltoides, of D. caryophyllus X D. chinensis to D. caryophyllus, of Melandryum rubrum X M. nocti- florum, to N. rubrum, of Verbascum blattaria X V. nigrum to V. nigrum, and of Digitalis lutea X D. pur- purea to D. lutea, than to the second species. Occasionally the hybrids of the first generation show properties which are entirely different from those of both parent species. This is particularly noticeable in the colors of the flowers. The most noteworthy example of this is the blue-blossomed hybrids of the white Datura ferox with the equally white species D. Icevis and D. strammonium bertolonii. Instances of unexpected blos- som-coloration are numerous in hybrids of species with colored flowers, in which the hybrids in no way show the coloring which one would expect from a mixture of the pigments of the parents, as in Clematis recta X C. integrifolia, AquUegia atropurpurea X A.- canadensis (and others), Anemone patens X A., vernalis, Begonia dregei X B. sulherlandi (and others), Nicotiana suaveo- lens X N. glutinosa, Verbascum pulverulentum X N. thapsiforme, and in hybrids of C. phceniceum which are especially good examples. In the crossing of races prop- erties appear many times which do not resemble the parent forms but other races of the same species, as in Papaver somniferum and Datura strammonium. The hybrid Nicotiana rustica X N. paniculata shows at times the flower coloration of N. terana, a foreign subspecies of N. rustica. Other properties which in the hybrids are developed to a greater degree than in the parent forms are, for example, the greater stickiness of several hy- brids of Nicotiana (N. rustica X N. paniculata) ; the apparently greater abundance of honey in the hybrid of N. rustica X N. paniculata; the stronger of the nauseat- ing odor of the hybrids of Melandryum viscosum; and, according to Kuntze, the alleged much larger quantity of quinine ( ?) in the hybrids of Cinchona. In later generations the offspring of the hybrids show still further variations from the properties of the parent species. THIRD PROPOSITION. Hybrids between different races and species are, as a rule, differentiated from specimens of a pure race by their vegetative power. Uybrids between widely separated species are frequently very weak, especially when young, so that the raising of the seedlings is rarely successful. Hybrids between more closely related species and races are, on the other hand, uncommonly luxuriant and strong, these qualities mostly showing themselves in sine, quick- ness of growth, early blooming, luxuriance of bloom, longer duration of life, great power of reproduction, exceptional size of some particular organs, and in analogous pecu- liarities. In support of this proposition it will be necessary to refer to several examples : Delicate seedlings, it is stated, follow from the crossing of Nymphoea alba with foreign species, Hibiscus, Rhododendron rhodora with other spe- cies, Rh. sinenses with Eurhodendren, Convolvulus, hy- brids resulting from species of Salix where a species and a hybrid or two hybrids are crossed, Crinum and Narcissus. The fact that embryo plants from the fertilized seeds of hybrids are delicate and difficult to raise is, moreover, frequently noted. Dwarfed growth is seldom noted in hybrids, except in some of the hybrids of Nicotiana, espe- cially N. quadrivalio X N. tabacum macrophylla. Giant growth is, on the other hand, more frequent, as in Ly- cium, Datura, Isoloma, Mirabilis. In size, the hybrids usually exceed both parent species, or are of a height that is the average of the heights of the parents, as in many hybrids of Nicotiana, Verbascum, Digitalis. Develop- ment often proceeds with striking rapidity. Klotzsch emphasizes the rapidity of growth of his hybrids of Ulmus, Alnus, Quercus, and Pinus. They often flower earlier than the parent species, as in Papaver dubium X P. somniferum; in many Dianthus hybrids (Focke's cross, D. arenarius 9 X D. plumarius S , showed no in- clination to flower earlier than the parents) ; Rhodo- dendron arboreum X Rh. catawbiense, Lycium, Nicoti- ana rustica X N. paniculata, Digitalis, Wichura's six- fold Safe-hybrid, Gladiolus, Hippeastrum viltatum X //. regince, and so forth, and particularly many hybrids of Verbascum. On the other hand, there are also several hybrids which do not flower at all or only after a long time, as in the genera Cereus and Rhododendron. Of the earlier ripening of seeds unconnected with earlier flowering, I know, at present of but one example, in Nuphar. Very frequently, an extraordinary wealth of bloom has been noticed, as in Capsella, Flelianthemum, Tropceolum passiflora, Begonia, Rhododendron, Nico- tiana (N. rustica X N. paniculata, N. glutinosa X N. tabacum, and others) ; Verbascum, Digitalis, many Oes- neracecE, Mirabilis, and Cyripedium. The flowers are very frequently larger in hybrids. In the crossing of I VI U"I>! ( HON. two species whoM flowers are of different sixe, those of the hybrid are frequently of the nine tiw or approxi- mate the size of the bloom of the specie* having the larger flowers. Kxamples of uncommonly large flowers are seen in Dianlhus artnariut X D. tuperbut, Rubut etrtiiu X R. bellartlii. hybrids of ROM gallifa. Begonia boliiitnns and Itoloma tydaum. A high vegetative power is very common in hybrids, an in \ymphaa. Rub us catiut, Nicotiana tuavtoleni X .V. l'i!tima. Linaria ttriata X L. vulgorit and Polamo- grtun. A grrator duration of life has been noted in con- in with several hybrids of \ifotiana and Digitalis. ised reaistance to cold has been noted especially in \i'-"'t'ina tuavtoleiu X ff. tabacum latitt.; whib , :\ the other hand, Salix viminalis X 8. purpurta is more sensitive to cold than either parent specie*. Those facts point in part to an apparent lessened vitality f hybrids in consequence of their abnormal mode <>f production ; and in part in some instances to an extra- ordinary vcpetative power. The cause of this last phe- non, which is observed less frequently than lessened vitality, has been in some degree only recently nnder- N'oteworthy experiments of Knight, Lecoq, and others have been published, but it baa been through the painstaking researches of Charles Darwin that the ease with which a cross between different individuals and races of one and the same species is effected was first clearly explained. The increase of the vegetative power in hybrid* is clearly a phenomenon that closely corre- sponds with the peculiar conditions of hybrid produc- ti.-n. and needs not a special explanation. It was at first thought that lessened fertility was compensated for by illative luxuriance, an hypothesis that Gart- ner has shown to be untenable, as is evident by the fact that many of the most fertile hybrids (Purala, MirabOit) arc also notable for the largest growth. 4 . 1 ' ARTI AL OB COMPLETE STERILITY or HYBRIDS. Subnormal fertility of hybrids, especially as regards r!i-- pollen, has long been recognized as one of the most important criteria of hybrids. It seems, however, that haracter like intermediatenem has been an almost unbridled conception and hence greatly overvalued as a distinguishing feature. Focke in his summary gives us a wealth of facts in this connection : Km mi PBoroarrnm. Byhndt brtuvr* diflrmt tpreiti (Aotc M their anttirn nuiller number of normal pollm yrain* and tmaUrr wimber of normal etd tkan m plant* of pun dftctnt. Fnqvmtly tttry product mtitkrr pollen nor trrd. In kyoridt*alion Wfipon airly rrlatrd meet Iki* teeuManinf of Ike power of ttmual reproduction it not pretent. The /lower* of itrrilr or nearly ttmle Aybrub usually rtmmm frrtk for tony time. No property <>f hybrids has attracted so much atten- as the lessening of the ability of sexual reproduc- tion. Kulreuter believes that this peculiarity permits a sharp border-line to be drawn between species and varieties. Since then many botanists have accepted the same view, and lately B. Naudin, Decaisne, and Caspary have adopted it in a more or less modified form. Knight and Klotzsch, and before them Godron, hold that the p<>l!en of hybrids is entirely impotent, which contention had already been disproved by Kolreuter's accurate re- searches. Kolreutrr is accredited with the promulga- tion of the doctrine of complete sterility of hybrid*, but tin* erroneous charge is to be explained only through .in ignorance or misunderstanding of the Latin texts: K.. In-lit, -r doea not speak of complete sterility, but only of a lessened fertility, as a universal property of hybrids. In different plant genera the fertility of hybrids is very varied. l-Vrtility is observed in a very low degree in the hybrids Papavtr, Viola, Vtrbtucum, and Digitalis; it is more common in Antmone, Nifolinnn. UtnlHa. < 'rinum, Cucurbitacta, and I'tutifloraftn ; and it is more common than sterility in Aquileyia, Dianthiu, Pelargo- nium, drum. Epilobium. Ftuchia, Cotylfdon, lirgonia. Cirrium, Erica. Rhododendron, Calrrolaria, Quercvi, SaJtr, Gladiolus, Cypripedium, and Uipptattrum. In the genera YH\, I'rtinus, Fngana. and P\rv, hybrids of closely related species are used as seed-bearing plants; and in Cereva the hybrids of widely separated species show undiminitshed fertility. The sterility of hybrids is expressed at times by their showing no inclination to flower, whirh peculiarity has been noticed especially in several hybrids of Rhododen- dron, Epilobium, Certvt, and Hymrnoralli*; but these are exceptions, inasmuch as hybrids usually flower more abundantly and earlier than true species. In hybrids with unisexual flowers the male flowers fall off when in the bud, as in CuturbHarta and Hr- gonia (hybrids of B. fnrbeli A. DC.). In bisexual flowers the stamens are stunted, as noted in several hybrids of Pelargonium and Digital** (D. lutea X !> pwpurra f. tubi flora Lindl.). The most common sequel of hybrid production is a deficient development of the pollen-grains in hybrid plants. Commonly the anthers of hybrids are sterile and do not contain any pollen ; or they arc small and do not open. Such deficiency of pollen is noted in Rubvu idtnu X R- odoniut. Ribft avrcum X R. tanguineum, and Alopecunt* genirulatiu X A. pro- tensit. In other caws the stamens produce small pow- dery grains which do not swell with moisture, which are of varying size and shape, and with which are usually mixed a few single, well-formed, embryo-forming pollen grains. The number of normal grains is, however, fre- quently larger, and comprises 10, 20, or more per cent of the total number. Large, rough grains which swell with moisture, together with small well-formed grains, are present often in greater or leas number among the stunted grains. In hybrids of closely related species, as in Melandryvm album X if. rubrum, but little irregu- larity is usually found in the form of the pollen-grains. In one hybrid, Sinningia, the pollen was better in the second year of flowering than in the first In the hybrids of unquestionably different species a normal formation of the stamens is seldom met with. Assertions in support of this still need confirmation, in part, therefore I refer to Nymphan Mut X N. rubn, Btgonia rubrovrnia X B. ranthina, Itoloma tydarum X /. tciadocalyx X Salve purpurta X 8. repent; pollen grains which are all of nearly the same form are found in Salix aunt a, and 8. caprea and 8. viminalit X 8. repent. On the other hand, a deficient development of stamens appears less frequently in race crossings. Possibly, fur- 14 INTRODUCTION. ther research will show that it actually appears more often. The only two examples that I know are in my Anagallis cross-breeds. It is doubtful whether Raphanus sativus and R. raphanistrum should be considered as representing species or races. It seems, however, that some individual hybrids of closely related species are entirely sterile, as in Capsella rubella X C. bursa pas- toris, Viola alba X V. scotophylla, Papaver dubium X P. rhoeas. Fertility of the female organs is not, as a rule, so much weakened in hybrids as is that of the male organs. It is, however, usually impaired to a great degree. Many hybrids never develop fruit. Assertions as to the absolute sterility of hybrids can not, however, be advanced without manifold researches. From the crossing Rubus ccesius X R- idceus one sees many thousand flowers remain ster- ile and only here and there individuals produce fruit. See also Digitalis lutea X D. pwrpurea, Lobelia fulgens X L. syphilitica, Crinum capenSe X C. scabrum. A morphologically recognizable imperfection of the ovule has heretofore rarely been seen, unless by Bornet in Cistus. To obtain conclusive information as to the female fertility of a hybrid, the stigma should be fer- tilized with pollen from the parent species, which fertili- zation universally brings forth better fruit than the pollen of the hybrid which is weakened in its fertilizing power. In some cases hybrids having the pollen which has a subnormal potency produce normal fruit with parental pollen, as in Luffa. Several hybrids drop their unwithered flowers with fully formed calyx and stamens, as in Ribes, Nicotiana rustica X N. paniculata and other hybrid Nicotianas. As a rule, the corolla withers in a normal manner after a longer existence than in the parent species, or it will be thrown off as in the parent species ; but following this there is no setting of fruit or a setting of only poor fruit. In many cases the fruit while externally well formed is seedless. In many other cases the fruit is set, but in smaller number and with fewer seeds than in the parent species. In hybrids of very closely related species the number of seeds appears to be somewhat less than in the parents. Examples of this, according to Gartner, are Melandryum album X M. rubrum, and Lobelia car- dinalis X L. fulgens. It is also true in race-crossings of Verbascum. Hybrids of essentially different species seldom show an undiminished fertility. However, no striking les- sening of fertility has been observed in Brassica napus X B. oleracea, Dianthus chinensis X D. plumarius sibiricus, Pelargonium pinnatum X P. hirsutum, Abutilon, Medi- cago, several Cereus and Begonias, Hieracium auranti- cum X H- echioides, Nicotiana alata X N. langsdorffii, several hybrids of Erica, Calceolaria, Isoloma, Veronica, and several Orchidacese. Also, among many wild-grow- ing hybrids one finds fruits and seeds in great quantities, as in many Rosa, Epilobias, Fuchsias, Cirsiei, Hieraciei, Salices, Lobelia, and so forth. In such cases, therefore, it is not sufficient to ascertain whether the plants in ques- tion are primary hybrids or whether, as is usually the case, they belong to later generations or have arisen from back-crossings. In order to produce seeds or to obtain a luxuriant progeny some hybrid plants require fertilization with the pollen of others, as in hybrids of Cistus, Begonia, Gladi- olus, and Hippeastrum. In many hybrid plants only the first flowers produce seeds, as in Aquilegia, Dianthus, Silene, Lavateria Thur- ingiaca X T. pseudolbia, and Riibus foliosus X R- sprengelii. In other cases the first flowerings are usually sterile while the later flowerings are frequently fertile, as in Datura, Nicotiana rustica X N. paniculata, N. rus- tica X N. quadrii'alvis, and Mirabilis. In long-lived plants, the flowers in general are sterile during the first year, while later, when the plant has reached a definite age, they produce fruit. This is noted in Rubus idceus X R. ccesius, R. bellardii X R- ccesius, Calceolaria integrifolia X C. plantaginea, and Crinum capense X C. scabrum. The fertility of the ovule is, as a rule, diminished to a somewhat less extent than the fertility of the pollen, but there are some known examples of an opposite char- acter, as in Nymphcea lotus X N. rubra, Ciconium X Dibrachya in the genus Pelargonium, Lobelia fulgens X L. syphilitica, Verbascum thapsiforme X V- nigrum, Narcissus montanus, and so forth. These are certainly only of an occasional occurrence. The long persistence of the blossoms (especially those with stamens) in many sterile hybrids corresponds with the longer duration of unfertilized or incompletely fer- tilized flowers. Frequently the fruit of sterile hybrids, especially after fertilization with the pollen of the parents, develops more or less strongly without producing any seed, or producing only imperfect seeds. Especially well-developed but seedless fruits are found in the Cac- taceae, Passifolacese, Cucurbitacese, and Orchidaceae. Gartner has studied carefully these phenomena, but in the study of hybrids they hardly possess a great value. Apart from this they furnish an important demonstration of the correctness of the principle that the normal de- velopment of the pericarp follows upon the stimulation when the germinating pollen is discharged on the stigma, but which is, nevertheless, entirely independent of the ripening of the egg cells and the development of the embryo and the seeds. The rule in general is that hybrids of closely related races are on an average more fertile than those of defi- nitely separated species. The rule can also be stated, as shown above, that closely related species can more easily produce hybrids than widely separated species. Both rules, however, have only conditional values, for if it should be concluded from this that the more easily hy- brids are produced the more fertile they are, one would fall into error. There is no known or traceable connec- tion between the ease of production and fertility of the hybrids. From the teleological standpoint the sterility of hy- brids was formerly considered the means whereby species were kept separate. Just what advantage such separa- tion is (unless it be for the conveniences of the systemat- ists) was never demonstrated. On the other hand, it may now be asked whether or not the genesis and differ- entiation of species are not brought about by the lessened fertility of mongrels between well-marked races of the parent type. The notable similarity between illegiti- mates and hybrid offspring do not offer a basis for fur- ther investigations of the causes of sterility. A better explanation is probably afforded by the hybrids of Equi- INTRODUCTION. 15 ttum and Musci. in which the production of sexual spores i a n< i* the jinxluction of ]>>llen grams in the hvl.nds <-f Aerogamn. The obstacle to the regular propagation of hybrids appears consequently to lie in the nt of thi** individual cell* which have the power to propagate the tyj>e of the parent form, and theie particular cell* may or may not have the power of sexual reproduction. At all events, more evidence must be gathered before such a conception of a proposition of MK h great biological importance is justifiable. As an hypothesis thin gives no explanation, but it may prepare the way fur tin- understandng of the conditions already I, since it unites under one heading a number of differ manifestly analogous phenomena in the animal and vegetable kingdoms. FIFTH Paoroamo.x. tlnlformolion and odd formi, rtprrtally of thr floirrrt. orr in plniti muck mart common then in tpeciment of of pun mr**t. A* in Ppvr. DUathui, P*l.r Itonium. Nicotian*, Idpiuli.. dntihl* flowrn alto appear to h* produced with especial e*M in hybrid*. The Descendants of Hybrids. Hybrid planta are more easily and more successfully fertilized by the pol- :' the parent species than by their own pollen. Ex- ceptions to this rule are rarely seen (as for instance in -lum echioides X // aurantiacum), bat sufficient .Mient* in this direction have not yet been made. By their own pollen is understood the pollen of hybrids resulting from the crossing of the same species, and not only that of the identical specimens themselves. If hy- tirul plants grow in the neighborhood of their parent * they must frequently be fertilized by these spe- and in this case many intermediate forms between the hv'.nd and the parents will appear in their progeny. It has never been determined whether or not fertilization of the parents could take place by the pollen of the hy- brid. The common statement, that the progeny of a hylind are very variable, is therefore of bat little value. Occasionally also a hybrid is more easily fertilized by the pollen of a third species than by its own as in Nicotiana rustic* X X. paniculata and Linaria purpurea X // genixttrfotia. f'rogeny of Hybrids Fertilized by their Own Pollen. (A X B) X (A X B) & . (1 ) If fertile hybrids are protected from pollenization by the parent plants or by plants of a different species, one will obtain hybrid plants of a second generation. It is my opinion that the progeny of hybrids exhibit marked differences in the duration of life. In long-lived plants the blending and mion of the two types united in the hybrid is frequently more complete, so that the progeny inherit the characteristics of this new intermediate type. The progeny of annual or biennial hybrid plants are, as a nile. particularly variable and rich in different forms, as in Pimm, Phasrolu*. Lactufa, Tragopogon, Datura, A'tro- tiana aJala X ff. langtdorffii, and so forth. Exceptions are found in Brattica, Oenothera, Nicotiana nutica X .V. panifulata, and Verbasntm austriacum X V. nigrum. The progeny of perennial plants behave in general in a similar way, bat the instances in which the interme- diate type remains constant appear to be the more fre- quent. Many of the hybrids often breed, moderately, true, as in Aquilegia. Dianthut, I^aratera. Geum. Cerevf, Begonia. Cirnium, Ffitracium, Primula, Linara, Veronica, l.amium. and Hipptattrum. The progeny of hybrid shrub* and trees arc in the majority of cases moderately .-table, as in JStculus. Amygdalut, Prwut. Srica, Qwr- cut, and Salix; the progeny of many Futckia and <'al- ctolaria are constant Some Rhododendron hybrids breed true and a portion variably. The progeny of the hybrids of Vitit, Pinu. and Cniayut appear to be very variable. 2. The different forms in which many primary hy- brids appear are usually not stable in their offspring. In Dianthui the leas-frequent forms ("Aosnahmetypen, according to Gartner) usually revert to the normal hybrid form. Mendel found that the different primary forms of the Hieracium hybrids breed true. 3. C. F. r. Gartner and other botanists have advanced the proposition that the progeny of hybrids become weaker and less fertile from generation to generation. It is true that their vegetative power, which at first is increased, is progressively decreased by self-fertiliza- tion. Gartner's researches were, moreover, instituted on a very small scale, so that not only very close inbreeding bat also the many circumstances which cause deteriora- tion in garden-plants of which only a few specimens are cultivated influenced his hybrids. Gartner himself no- ticed exceptions in Aquilegia, Dianthu* barbatut X D. chinenu, and D. armeria. X D. deltoide*. Hybrids of nearly related species are often grown perenially with ease, as in Brastiro. ileJandryum, Mediengo, Petunia. Many gardeners assert with great positiveness that many hybrids can be propagated by means of seeds through many generations, as in Lychni*. Erica, Primula aurimln X P. nirtuta, and Datura.* Many observations on wild plants seem to confirm these views. The theory has also been advanced that the fertility of hybrids is increased in later generations. It does not appear that such a rule can have a universal validity. It is much nearer the truth that many times fertile hybrids appear and that they can easily increase under favorable environment because of increased fertility. Fertile offspring of hy- brids are, in fact, often products of back-crossings. 4. Complete reversions to the parent forms without influence of the parental pollen arise, except in rare in- stances, only in hybrids of nearly related races. In such hybrids true reversion appears only in a small number of plants, as in Phateolut. 5. From the variable progeny of fertile hybrids aer- eral dominant types are often produced in three to four generations. If these new types are protected from crossing they tend to become constant. Scientific re- searches which confirm these statements have been carried out in bat small numbers, especially by Lecoq in ilira- bilii, by Godron in Linaria and particularly in Datura. Gardeners have produced many new races with well- marked characteristics by crossing different species, and many permanent wild intermediate forms have probably originated in this way, as for example, Rraxsira, Lyhnu. Zinnia, Primula, Petunia. Xicotiana rommutata. Pent- ttemon, Mentha, and Lamium. The new type* of hybrid progeny depart frequently in individual properties from "BoUakte ir U>l ipMio* o pnxhMwT (i. .. hybrid*) "rartrt to mttttr ot UMir parraU IB the third or fourth tntntiem. or bMOOM torfl* altocrtlMr. Thk < pUnibU ooocfc in theory, b) U doMt. bat will not do in Ib* pottfcw \ by Loudon. Arbrit H. p 944. 16 INTRODUCTION. both parent forms. My Nicotiana X N. paniculata had in the second and third generations mostly much nar- rower leaves than in the parent species. 6. The sterility and inconstancy of the offspring of hybrids has often misled botanists into conclusions which are not supported by experience. As may be seen by the facts already set forth, it is absolutely incorrect if it is concluded that all hybrids must necessarily die out quickly because of the many and various properties which are combined in them. The variable forms resulting from a crossing are the material from which not only gardeners produce their new varieties, but which are also biologically valuable in that they furnish new species in the economy of nature. (c) Back-crossings of Hybrids with Parent Species (A 9 X B ,J ) 9XA,J,(A9XB<J) 9 X B a , A 9 X (A X B) 3 . As long as great stress was laid, on the role which the pollen of the seed-parent species played in the production of a hybrid a careful distinction was made that advancing hybrid forms approached the male parent species and reverting hybrid forms approached the female species. These distinctions are, however, accord- ing to the mass of recent experiments, of very secondary or of no significance. On fertilization of a hybrid with parental pollen there appear, as a rule, a moderately variable progeny. Intermediate forms between the hybrid and the parent are the most numerous and most fertile. With these are a smaller number of individuals which are similar to the primary hybrid or to the parent species, and both kinds are usually of lessened fertility. The three-fourths hybrid (A X B) 9 X A $ are often moderately fertile with their own pollen and seem to produce stable races more readily than the primary hybrid, as in JEgilops speltaformis. Gartner noted many times that in later generations of three-fourths hybrids the pollen was nearer normal and the fertility greater, as in Dianthus (chin-ensis X barbatus)X D. barbatus, and also in other three-fourths hybrids of Dian- thus, Lavatera, and Nicotiana. If the three-fourths hybrid (A X B)9X A3 be fertilized with the pollen of A, there will be produced a seven-eighths hybrid or the third hybrid generation which, as a rule, is very similar to the parent species represented as seven-eighths of the product, but which, in individual specimens, still shows material differences in form and fertility. The last trace of the one original parent species is obliterated in the fourth, fifth, or even in the sixth hybrid generation. Kolreuter and Gartner have effected the transforma- tion from one parent species to the other in many in- stances. They found that for the transformation to be complete three to six generations are required, usually four to five. Manifestly, the greater or lesser duration of the period of transformation depends in part on col- lateral conditions. Godron found that Melandryum album X M. rubrum fertilized with its own pollen re- verts in the second generation to the parent species, while Gartner considered three to four generations neces- sary to carry one species over to the other through fer- tilization with parental pollen. In general, the products of the fertilization of one parent species with hybrid pollen, asA9X(AXB) $ , are similar to those of the reverse fertilization, but observers agree that the variety of forms is greater if the hybrid is used as the male factor, as in Dianthus and Salix. As in the direct progeny, so also in back-crossings of hybrids, new properties frequently appear which are absent in the present forms, but which are often found in related species or races. Hybrids of Several Species. Triple Hybrids. Kol- reuter, during the first year of his research, succeeded in combining three entirely different Nicotiana species in one hybrid form. The only formulas according to which such a combination can be made are: (A X B) 9 X C $ , G 9 X (A X B) 3 and (A X B) 9 X (A X C) * . In the genera Dianthus, Pelargonium, Begonia, Rhododendron, Nicotiana, Achimenes, Calceolaria, Salix, Hippeastmm, Gladiolus, and several others, many such combinations have been produced without especial difficulty. Differentiation must be made be- tween combinations of three entirely different species, and combinations in which two or all three of the factors are closely related. There are several manifestly different species which in hybridization with one another act almost like races of the same species, as Melandryum album and M. rubrum; Vilis vinifera, V. cordifolin, V. cestivalis and V. labrusca; Lobelia fulgens, L. splen- dens and L. cardinalis; Rhododendron ponticum, R. arboreum and R. catawbiense ; Rhododendron flavum, R. viscosum, R. nudiflorum and R. calendulaceum ; Ber- beris aquifolium and nearly related species. Hybrids produced by crossing the hybrids of two spe- cies of these groups with a third species of the same genus can as little be considered true triple hybrids as hybrids of three of the narrow groups belonging to the Vitis, Lobelia, and Rhododendron species. True triple hybrids formed from three essentially separate species usually produce a moderate variety of forms, especially if the male parent is a hybrid. On the other hand, in the combination which is easiest to produce, and which is formed on the formula (AXB)9XC5, the type of C usually predominates, as in Nicotiana (N. rustica X N. paniculata) 9 X N. langsdcrffi $ , Achimenes. (A. grandiflora X A. Candida) 9X4. longi flora $, and several of the Gesneracece. The hybrids of Erica when crossed produce as uni- form a progeny as do the pure species. Several Salix hybrids behave in a similar manner. Triple hybrids in many genera (Pelargonium, Be- gonia, Rhododendron, Achimenes, Isoloma, Cypripe- dium, Gladiolus) are for these reasons very valuable to gardeners. If they produce seed their progeny arc very unstable. Hybrids of Four to Six Species. If the hybrids be- tween very nearly related species (Vitis, Rhododendron, and so forth) are not considered, hybrids from four or more parent forms are moderately rare. They are found especially in the genera Dianthus, Pelargonium, Bego- nia, Rhododendron, Nicotiana, Salix, Jlippemtrum, and Gladiolus. The artificial combination of different species in a single hybrid form was practised to the widest ex- tent by Wichura, who has combined in Salix six species. Hybrids of Combined Hybrid Offspring. In sev- eral genera (Pelargonium, Fuchsia, Begonia, Rosa, ivii;>i)i i in .\ 17 ! -Ictolana. Gladiolus, and // i/'/wojifrum ) gm .ave trussed the species intentionally anil unintentional!} rreatest variety of u.u-. .iii-l ftfiii tin* forms obtained they have used tho* -inMe for furthi-r cultivation. The off- j>m _ "f thew complicated hybridi/ation pr->dui-ts are naturally almost iilw.i-. - \er> \an|. On the other hand. ther> > t!n rule. Sweet particularly : that the same hybrid form is obtained frirtii -.-v.-ral i<>nipl> -\ /V/.ir./.iriiur/i In - l.ri.l- Such . ..MM.UI! complex I'rlargonium hybrid* are, im_- t him. /' i ; /'. ignrttetu, and /'. mnxii/mr /' P/I,. ,.. It ban already been men rica and several Salix hybrids on crowing fiirin-h i.if-j.r!!:.' of i onstant form. - nnil Hybrids. According to a dictum hybrid* <>f two different varieties of one species are desig- nated as cross-breeds, and hybrids of two different specie* as hybrids. As the term rarieties is vague it is necessary int to remember that only varieties which breed true, as well as races, or subspecies, can with cer- tainty transmit in some degree their properties. Un- stable breeds which are designated varieties are useless in the study of hybridization. Many writers have taken great pains to discover a sharp '!;-tm. lion between cross-breeds and hybrids. They the expectation that by researches in hybridiza- i l-order lino between species and subspecies will be rtniT. who in many places in his works has rod that the conditions of the hybrids demonstrate v the specific differences or similarities of the t- forms, would soon retract if he attempted to de- an v connection or continuity by the literature" of variety hybrids. Herbert and Naudin have through many researches arrived at the conviction that it is im- possible to draw a sharp borderline between crosses and yfcridi : nevertheless, later botanists have always sought i lived difference. Thi> following propositions have been formulated: 1 . The pollen of a cross-breed is normal ; there are or less numerous deformed pollen grains in a hybrid. The fertility of a cross-breed is normal ; that of a hybrid is distinctly subnormal. 3. Hybrids of two species having differently colored flowers hear flowers of modified coloring. Plants with irregularly dappled flowers are produced from the cross- ing of varieties. They behave similarly in regard to coloring, marking, and formation of fruit, and other properties. 4. Cross-breeds have a decided inclination in later generations to revert entirely to the parent forms. The> four propositions are in general correct, but give very little help to a final decision in doubtful cases. The hybrids of the red and blue Anagallit arvensis must according to the pollen be considered a hybrid, but according to the production of bicolored flowers, a cross- breed. Datum hybrids, which are manifestly character- vbrids in other ways, readily revert completely to the parent species. Hybrids whose fertility is apparently in no way weakened have already been specified. The rule can. therefore, be set forth that hybrids of very nearly related races nsuallv show the properties attrib- 2 * and ut. d to cross-breeds, but it is another matter I a sharp boundary line between race-cross-b species-hybrid*. Several other properties of cross-breeds ban boon added by hirl, they may be distinguished from spodoa- !i\l-ndv <. .rtn.-r has maintained that i- rods-breeds of a similar origin will IK- very unlike one another even m tin- first generation, while hybrid* of the first generation will be of the same form. This assertion, which has been repeated by others, is entirely unjustified. The multi plicity of forms of the species-hybrids of AbulUnn. I'atsi- flon, Hirracium, and so forth ha* already been pointed out and, on the other hand, race-cnxw-breeds of the first generation are usually as similarly formed as true hy- brids. Again, it is often maintained that the var <>f one ami the same species if croesed with another species produce the same hybrid forms. (I.irtin-r csjiecially has emphasized this alleged behavior of " varieties," although he must have known that Kn! renter had already the transmission of flower-coloring in races of Mirabilis. Dianthus, and Vrrbascum, the flower-filling (Rliithen- fullung) of AquUegia and Dianthus, and the form and leaf-shape of races of Nicotiana taborum and Hibiscus. The white-blooming Datum frror and /). strtunmonium typ. (a white-flowered form) with the smooth-fruited race (var. bertolonii) of the same specie* forms a blue- flowered hybrid, ffymplxra loiux X N. rubtu is different from N. lotus X N. denlata. It i* unquestionable that properties of races and so-called varieties which are hereditary in pure-breeding are also transmitted to their hybrid offspring. It is self-evident that forms whose normal offspring behave in an unstable fashion will also produce polymorphous hybrids and that the unstable characteristics of varieties will entirely disappear in the products of the hybridization of pure species. The facts in short are as follows: The nearer the morphological and systematic relationships of the parent forms the loss does the procreative power of tin- hyl>nd depart from the normal. The further the parent form* are from one another the more commonly is the fertility of the hybrid weakened. Exceptions, however, are not infrequent. The nearer the parent forms are related to one an- other, the more frequently does the offspring of hybrids show reversion to the parent forms. Hybrids of nearly related parent-forms show in their fruits the characteristic properties of the parents un- blended and side by side, but in hybrids of very different parent forms this is seldom seen. The roost asymmetrically variegated flowers (Jfiro- bi'/i*, Camrllin, Mimttlu*, Petunia and so forth) ' moreover, originated from the offspring of hybrids. Tho propositions of Focke, although published in 1881, are not subject to modifications in principles even at the present time. Much literature on the sub- ject of the sterility of hybrids might be quoted and some references might be made to extensions and addi- tions of a more or lest important character to the data and propositions set forth, but this seems needless for the purposes of this chapter and this research. 18 INTRODUCTION. 5. INSTABILITY AND HENDELIAN INHEBITANCE OF HYBEIDS AND MUTANTS. Focke's data show that instability is usually quite marked in hybrids, especially in hybrids that are the offspring of a number of species and of crossed hybrids. As has long been known, there is no characteristic of hybrids that has been found so undesirable to the plant- breeder as the tendency to vary in succeeding generations, especially in the direction of reversion to one or the other parent. The partial or complete absence of fixity following the first generation was merely a matter of speculation until the contributions of Mendel (1865 to 1870), which, however, remained practically unnoticed until 1900. Mendel's discoveries and his conceptions of unit characters and their mode of inheritance have offered in an important but restricted measure explana- tions for the common failure of many plant and animal breeders to anticipate with any degree of certainty sev- eral results that may under certain conditions be ex- pected by crossing and in successive generations of the offspring, especially in the case of certain kinds of parents. Mendel recognized that hybrids, as a rule, are not exactly intermediate between the parent species, and that while with some of the more striking characters in- termediateness is seen, with others one of the parental characters is so preponderant that it is difficult or im- possible to detect the other in the hybrid. He was the first to show that in order to be able to predict with sureness certain characters of the hybrid it is essential to start with pure stock; study each character separately as an individual unit; group the characters in contrast- ing pairs, one of which pair tends to be transmitted entirely or almost unchanged (dominant character), while the other tends to lessened development (recessive character) or to entirely disappear, but to reappear un- changed in their progeny ; look upon each pair as being independent of the others in heritability ; and regard each generation of offspring as a distinct entity, but in association with the characters of preceding and succeed- ing generations. Mendel found that the hybrids in their various macroscopical characters, singly and collectively, either closely resemble or are almost identical with one or the other parent species, or are intermediate between the parents ; that the hybrid may exhibit greater luxuri- ance of growth; that the hybrid seeds are often more spotted (the spots even coalescing in patches) than in the parents ; that the dominant character may be paren- tal or hybrid in character and, if the latter, maintain the same behavior in the second generation ; that the hy- brids resulting from reciprocal crosses are formed alike and exhibit no appreciable difference in subsequent de- velopment ; and that in the first and succeeding genera- tions bred from seeds of hybrids there appear in the offspring both dominant and recessive characters of con- trasting pairs in definite average or mathematical proportions. The hybrids of varieties were found to exhibit peculiarities like those of species, but with greater variability of form and greater tendency to reversion to the original types. Mendel's statement that the re- sults of reciprocal crossing are identical must be taken as having a very limited application, and then only in a very gross sense. The Mendelian doctrine has found a wide though limited application in the explanation of the various phenomena of heredity, and it seems probable that when all or a large number of parental and hybrid characters of given parents and offspring are studied it will be found to be applicable to a fewer number of characters than is generally believed and of little importance in explaining the phenomena of heredity under natural con- ditions. In fact, the Mendelian doctrine deals with inheritance and not with origin of characters and it absolutely fails in so far as the possibility of the origina- tion of new characters is concerned, and hence is useless in accounting for the occurrence of characters in the hybrid excepting by dominance, recession, and redistri- bution of preexistent ancestral characters. Mendel, while recognizing the commonness of intermediateness of parental characters in the hybrid, made no attempt to apply or extend the doctrine to the explanation of blended inheritance. In fact, he recognized that his doctrine was not applicable to characters that blend. In recent years several investigators have suggested a Mendelian interpretation of blended inheritance. Nilsson-Ehle (Lund's Universitets Arsskrift, 1909, v, 2) holds the view that such form of inheritance is really a segregated inheritance due to the association of several independent but similar units or factors which yield a pseudo or actual blending. The general assumption by pro-Mendelianists that unit characters are constant and changeless has been shown by Castle (American Breeder's Magazine, 1912, in, 270; American Naturalist, 1912, xtvi, 352) to be without warrant, and that, to the contrary, unit charac- ters are variable and modifiable. It is well known that a hybrid has characters that may or may not be inter- mediate, and that may even be peculiar to itself, and that it is the sum of such characters that gives hybrids the characters of elementary new species, of which an illustration will be found in our histologic and micro- scopic study of Ipomcea sloteri in Part II, Chapter II. Plasticity of characters as regards degree of develop- ment, fixity, and genesis has long been recognized as one of the most essential fundamental properties of living matter. Development of various characters exceeding that of the parents has been frequently observed among both hybrids and mutants. Increased virulence of suc- ceeding generations of bacteria was pointed out by Pas- teur, Chamberland, Roux, and many others. I/jss of characters is of too common an occurrence to demand special notice. Modifiability, genesis of new characters, and heritability of both modified and new characters have been recorded by a number of investigators. Massini (Archiv f. Hygiene, 1907, LXI, 250) culti- vated a strain of Bacteria coli mutabile that gave rise through successive partial mutations to colonies that fer- mented lactose and (in the course of successive genera- INTRODUCTION. tioiu) tli is property became fixed and the race hrcd true. Similar phenomena have been recorded by other M|HTI- inenter". Permanent odor hanges were induced by Wolf (/.cit. f. md. Al*t. u. \ ;.. u. <IO) ii, u.< pruili,/iusiu by propagation m culture media containing small amounts of potassium and other salts. Rosenow's (Jour. Inf- 1914, xiv, 1) investi- gations show mutations and transformations of the strep- tococcus- pneumococcus group by means of environmental conditions. Thiele and Kmhleton (/.eit. f. Immunitats- forseh u. ex per. Ther., I'M.!. MX. >'< I :i I brought about such morphological and physiological changes as to transform one species of bacillus into another. Revis 11, 1913, i \\x\i. 373) from an orig- inal typical culture of Bacillus eoli from a single cell produced two strains one of which appeared slightly modified hut which could not be further altered, and another which underwent profound and increasing chan. ng in an organism entirely different from :i:iiml. the strain remaining of a permanent charac- >n (1W. Nat Acad. BeL, l'M5, T, 160) in cultures of Bacillus roli obtained mutation that "seenu to fulfil the requirements (a) of appearing suddenly without intermediate stages, (b) of being irreversible, at least for three years and for some hundreds of test- tube generations, (r ) of comprising change in two charac- I saccharose- and raffinose-fermenting power), and (d) of not involving all the cells of the parent strain." Henri (Compt. rend. Acad. Sci., 1914, CLVIII. 1032) found that metabolism was so affected in Bacillu* an- lhrnci.i hy ultra-violet rays as to cause marked mutations. anliewitach (Zeit f. wiss. Zool.. 1878, xxv, 103; . in experiments with various crus- tacee to show effects of environment, found in Daphnia and Branchipu* that changes in salinity brought about marked functional and morphological alteration of char- - commonly regarded as being specific. Woltereck l i. deutech". zool. Gesellsch., 1000, 110) recorded variations in Daphnia that are heritable, and states that by selection a modified race can be bred. Literature such as the foregoing is plentiful, both as to plant and animal life. The Mendclian doctrine is one of fixity and constancy of characters which segregate in inheritance the very antithesis of what must be recognized as one of the most fundamental principles of evolution, i.e., plasticity and adaptability to environmental conditions that permit or lead to the formation of new characters. It is im- portant to note that while the Mcndclinn doctrine is a scientific fact and of unquestionable value in explaining certain phenomena of inheritance, it is also obvious that it can not be accepted as, and never can he made, n universal principle of heredity, and that the main ques- tion pertaining to this doctrine is in regard to the con- ditions under which it holds good. In a word, it deal? with hut one of several types of mechanisms of hered- itv. Considerable misconception has already arisen be- cause of absolutely false ideas that have been promul- gated by hybridizers who have selected in their investi- gation* only such plants as yield offspring which in their phenomena of inheritance conform to the Ifendelian Law, or who have selected only such characters for mation as agree with tin. law and entirely ignore other* which represent non-Mendel im inheritance It U obvious that in order to obtain safe results for :iixl against any dix-trine it is essential that all of the character*, as far as possible, should be re- corded and without reference to preconceived theories or hypotheses, Scarcely anything in scientific invent!;: can be more pernicious than an attempt to make facts fit theory, hypothesis, or doctrine, and to ignore them if they do not One of the manifest weaknesses of studies of Mendclian phenomena is to be found in an absence of a recognized and wholly satisfactory nietlxl of standardization. It is obvious that until such it adopted the extent of applicability of the Mendelian doc- trine to the explanation of phenomena of heredity must remain in considerable doubt Among the fundamentally important contributions to the study of heredity are those pertaining to mutations by DeVries (Mutation Theory, 1!>00) and by various subsequent investigators. A large literature has accumu- lated bearing especially upon Ornothrra and certain other L'onern in which not only mutations but also spontaneous hybridizations have been recorded as being of frequent occurrence. Whether or not the mutants of I i.-Vrie* and his school are in fact mutants or unquestionable hybrids that have arisen from spontaneous crossing is a warmly debated question. Bartlet (American Naturalist, 1015, xi-ix, 129; Botanical Gazette, l!>ir>. MX, filO) contends that there arc Omolhrra mutants; that the mutant-ratio can not bo explained on Mendclian grounds ; that muta- tion is a distinct process from Mendelian segregation; and that the phenomena exhibited hv th<> mutants Orna- thera lamarckiana. O. bifnnin, and f). prnrtinmla can not be attributed to hcterozygosis. Gates (The Mutation Factor in Evolution, 1915) holds the view that mutations are not merely manifestations of some type of heredi- tary behavior, but a process *ui generis; that mutation phenomena represent a well-defined type of variability ; that mutations are completely inherited in some or all of the offspring; and that cytological evidence is in accord with theoretical requirements and experimental facts in serving to controvert the Mendel ian conception that mutation is only Mendelism under another gum. On the other hand, the hybrid and Mendelian charac- ters of mutants have led many to believe that many mutants are hybrids. Heribert-Nilsson (Zeit f. Ah Vererb., 1912, TIM, 89) holds that mutants are combina- tions, i.e., they represent new combinations of Men- delian characters. Renner (Flora, 191 1. < VM. 1 1", i also holds that DeVries's mutations are explicable on a Men- delian basis. Davis (Amer. Xst, 1911, XLT, 193; ibid.. 1912, XLVI, 37?) found, in studies of the offspring of different species of Oenothfra. thst in gross morphologi- cal characters the hybrids are intermediate between the parents and that some of the hybrids resemble 0. la- marclciano, the best-known of all mutants. Jeffrey 20 INTRODUCTION. (Science, 1914, xxxix, 488; Bot. Gaz., 1914, LVIII, 328; Amer. Nat., 1915, XLIX, 5) asserts that there seems to be absolutely no doubt upon morphological grounds and sterility that the Oenothera mutants are really hybrids. He records that an examination of a large amount of material of recognized wild species of Oenothera led him to the conclusion that spontaneous hybridism is extremely common in the genus ; that in general it repre- sents a condition of high genetical impurity; and that in orders such as Bosaceae and Ornagracese there is grading of recognized species and hybrids into each other, having in common the character of partial or com- plete sterility. Such literature would make volumes. 6. GENETIC PURITY IN RELATION TO INTERMEDI- ATENESS OF THE HYBRID. It may be held that intermediateness of the hybrids depends upon the existence of purity of the parents and that, as a corollary, absence of intermediateness is diag- nostic of parental impurity. It will be noted, however, that while Davis (loc. tit.) with carefully selected, pre- sumably pure stock recorded intermediateness in the hybrid, Jeffrey refers to Oenothera lamarckiana as a hybrid having a similar intermediateness, yet being the offspring of spontaneous hybridism that represents a high degree of genetical impurity. In fact, there is no conclusive evidence in any of the investigations referred to that the parents were pure. The term pure is an arbitrary conception. The only test of purity we have at present is in the constancy of characters of the off- spring through successive generations. Nor are purity and typicalness by any means synonymous terms. A typical specimen of a species or hybrid is one having characters which in their sum total are nearest the mean of the species or hybrids, but a typical specimen may be far from being pure inasmuch as there may be latent or undeveloped characters that may not appear except under some peculiar condition. In the investigations of Macfarlane and others quoted by him, the parent species examined may have been typical, yet there is no evidence of purity. Darbishire used for the preparation of the starch only two seeds from crosses of garden varieties of peas the round pea " Eclipse " and the wrinkled pea " British Queen " (hardy variety) being crossed. The parents referred to in Focke's work may or may not have been pure, but there is no satisfactory evidence in either direction. Mendel was extremely careful to select speci- mens belonging to groups that possess constant differen- tiating characters, and in both of his papers he makes notes of only certain selected differentiating characters. He found, as already stated, that the hybrids, as a rule, are not exactly intermediate between their parents, and that while in the case of some of the more striking charac- ters intermediateness is always present, in other cases one of the two parental characters is so preponderant that the corresponding character of the other parent is almost or wholly absent. He also notes in Hieracium hybrids there may be three types, one being almost ex- actly intermediate, a second nearer to the seed parent, and a third nearer the pollen parent. In all of these instances the parents may have been typical, yet not pure, and in Mendel's experiments they might be regarded as being both typical and pure pure, because of the constancy of Mendelian inheritance in succeeding gener- ations. But even here purity is questionable. Thus, in the second generation the dominants which breed true to the dominant character are looked upon as being pure, yet they may have latent or undeveloped characters that can be demonstrated only under peculiar conditions. This has been shown by Darbishire (Breeding and the Mendelian Discovery, 912, 218) in crosses of the common albino and the Japanese waltzing mice. In the second generation he found two types of albinos, one to all ap- pearances identical with the pure albinos and the other with waltzers. When these apparently pure albinos are mated with each other they breed true, but when mated with waltzers they were found to be very different from pure albinos, " for among the offspring of extracted albinos mated with waltzers there appeared pink-eyed and even albino mice, forms which are never produced when pure albinos are mated with waltzers." 7. THEORETICAL REQUIREMENTS IN THE PROPERTIES OF STARCHES TO CONDITIONS IN THE HYBRID CORRESPONDING TO THOSE OF ANATOMIC CHAR- ACTERS. It is evident from the literature quoted that the doc- trine of intermediateness of the hybrid and the doctrine of Mendel are expressions of rules that have many ex- ceptions and hence are only of limited applicability. The success of the plant and animal breeder depends upon the elimination of undesirable characters; the redistribution of characters ; the variation, modification, and recombination of characters; the development of some particular characters to a degree beyond parental extremes, together with their perpetuation and even further exaggeration in subsequent generations ; and the development of new and perpetuation of desirable char- acters. Neither the doctrine of intermediateness nor the doctrine of Mendel admits of the possibility of gen- erating ideal organisms by crossing and selection ; nor are they consistent with the development of parental characters in the hybrid beyond parental extremes ; nor are they compatible with the appearance of new charac- ters except upon the untenable assumption of such char- acters being latent in the parents. Both are doctrines of non-plasticity, yet the most significant phenomenon of successful breeding and the genesis of elementary species is plasticity which is manifested to a pre-eminent degree of importance in development in the offspring of characters beyond the extremes of the parents, new com- binations of characters, and the appearance of new char- acters. No investigations on record have shown more forcefully the utter inadoquatcness of these doctrines and their limitations than their application to the ex- planation of the building up of ideal forms and the appearance of elementary species by hybridization and, on the other hand, none has better set forth the great pos- IVIHnlM CIK'N of tin- lint-der than thoso of Burbaiik. In re- ferring u> tlu- results obtained l.y . rossing and iel< . In- *t.it.-s ( New I : '. . llar- lij) that ' then is no barrier to obUnmu fruit* of any KI/O, form, ur flavor desired, and none to producing planU and llowers of any fnu. o.lor, or fra- grance. All that in needed 1.1 a knowledge to guide ..ur ta in the riirht dmvUon, undeviating patience, and rultnatrd i-\f t ili-tn t variation* in valued." If rtvch tliaracters are heritable they should, in order to met theoretic requirements, exhibit peculiari- ties of inhiTiuiire ii>rr->|>ndiiig to thoae obaerred in gross and niiiToscopic anatomic plant character*. This deduction will be found to have ample justification in the results of tln.s research. Herein it will be found that the starches of the hybrids frequently exhibit in histologic, soopic, and physico-chemic properties tome degree of inunnediateneas between the parent*, usually nearer one or the otlu-r. In any given hybrid certain of the properties may be exactly or practically exactly inter- .. ami other properties may be identical with the corresponding properties of one or the other parent. In many instance* one or more of the characters of the hybrid, MH h as the relative number and the types of >und grains, the degree of figuration, the regu- larity or iregularity of the form* of the grains, the characters of the hilum, the distinctness and size of the lamelhe, the polariscopic properties, the temperature of Xvlatiiu/utiuM, the aniline reactions, and the qualitative mid quantitative reactions with the various chemical reag- were developed or manifested in degrees beyond the parental extremes. Moreover, peculiarities of various - were observed at times in the hybrid that were not apparent in either parent In ao far as these results go .ire, in general, in entire accord with the experience of the plant and animal breeder and with unquestionable statement* of literature. The diM-trine of intcrmediateness of the microscopic characters as set forth in a preceding section is not war- ranted by the literature of naked-eye characters and is opposed to the result* of the work with starches. This > supplementary studies of the macroscopic and nu. r.-scopie characters of parent- and hybrid-stocks- which compose Chapter IX of Part II. It seems clear upon general grounds that if characters of the starch of the hybrid may be intermediate, dominant, recessive, blended, modified, developed beyond the parental ex- tremes, new characters developed, etc., corresponding phenomena should be exhibited by the tissues. It was expected when this part of the research was planned that in the case of each plant both starch and tissues could be studied coincidently and compared, but this was found to be impracticable; therefore the studies of the plant tissues were carried on as an independent but correlated research. Here, as with the starches, excepting Ipomoa. the specimens of both parent- and hybrid-stocks are of the first generation that has been perpetuated from year \r by the propagation of tubers, pseudo-tubers, rhi- zomes, bulbs, bulbils, etc. Both of the parent- and the hybrid-stocks of 1 porno* wen grown from seed* u breed true. The hybrid is of the offspring of suoceasive annual teed plantings since 1908, and probably repreaenU the sixth or seventh in the line of ,!,-., ui. The leads were obtain. . I f nun tin- originator of the hybrid, and the other stock from reliable plant-growers. The different specimens of starches were prepared from a number (varying usually from 5 or 10 t- or more) of bulbs, rhizomes, etc., ao that the prepara- tions may be taken aa representing a fair mean ; but with the plants used for the supply of tissue we were dependent in each ca*e usually upon one or two specimens win. h may be taken to be of about the average or fairly representative. In selecting the material from the different plants for the microscopic preparations the precautionary meas- ures promulgated by Macfarlane (page 4) to secure safe comparative results were as far as possible carefully followed out Inasmuch aa there is a tendency for indi- viduals of a species, even when grown under the same conditions, to vary in one or more of their characters from the average degree and manner of development macroscopically and microscopically, it is manifest that in a comparative examination of parenta and offspring there should be studied either the actual parents and a selected typical specimen of the hybrid that exhibits the average mean properties of the hybrids, or typical speci- mens of both parent- and hybrid-stocks. When neither is practicable, as was the case in the present inquiry, there are probabilities that the relative values of the various characters may not be wholly correct, as for in- stance, a given character of the hybrid may be inter- mediate but nearer one or the other parent instead of being exactly mid-intermediate, or vicr vena, as might be the case had the plants been very carefully selected upon the basis of the specificity of intermediateneas. On the other hand, it goes without saying that in the selection of the hybrid the assumption that the one hav- ing most nearly properties that are exactly intermediate between those of the parents is a typical hybrid it certain to lead to the worst of pitfall*, because it of necessity implies that blended inheritance is a tine qua non; there- fore, as a corollary, that having a given hybrid its parentage might positively be detected by the selection of species that have characteristics such as would meet the theoretical requirements of intermediateness in the hybrid. It is obvious that such a plant might be far more undesirable and even absolutely unreliable for com- parative purposes than one that has the least degree of intermediatenesa, because the latter but not the former may typify the mean of the hybrid characteristics. The results of various investigations fully justify the state- ment that intennediateness may be absolutely misleading as a criterion in the recognition of hybrids. 8. Uwrr-CiiABACTiwi ASD UXIT-CHARACT- 1'llASK*. The term rharartrr is used throughout this research in a conventional sense to signify any property that 22 INTRODUCTION. serves to characterize any part or property of starch or plant. Inasmuch as each such property is a unit of com- parison, each may appropriately and advantageously be referred to as a unit-character. A unit-character such as the property of gelatinizability may be manifested in varied phases or modified forms which conformably are distinguished as unit-character-phases. Many of the unit-characters and unit-character-phases that have been studied in this memoir may seem to be unimportant or even trivial, but experience in various lines of inquiry has shown that the correlation of such properties may prove of the greatest importance. Each property of starch, whether it be manifested by peculiarities of form, hilum, lamellae, or size of the grains, or in the reactions in polarized light, or in the reactions with iodine or the anilines, or in the gelatiniza- tion reactions with heat and the various chemical rea- gents, is an expression of a physico-chemical unit-charac- ter that is one of many indexes of the peculiarities of intramolecular structure of starch, and is an independent unit although eorrelatively related to the others. These unit-characters fall into arbitrary but natural groups in accordance with the methods of investigation employed, and as a matter of convenience and facility of study they have been treated under the designations above noted. Under the designation form are included a number of unit-characters which are expressed specifically in the occurrence of varieties or types of the grains (whether as isolated, aggregates, or compound grains), their numerical proportions and the peculiarities of the com- ponents in number and arrangement of the aggregates and compound grains; the regularity of outline of the grains, and the kinds and causes of irregularities; the conspicuous forms, etc. Under the designation hilum are included characters that are specifically expressed in dis- tinctness, form, number, fissuration, and eccentricity. Under lamella are designated properties specifically ex- pressed in distinctness, form, fineness or coarseness, variety and distribution, and number. Under size are in- cluded the ratios of length to breadth, general dimen- sions of grains of different types, especially of those of common size. Under polariscopic properties are charac- ters that are expressed by peculiarities of the figure or " cross " in regard to eccentricity, distinctness, definition, courses, and other characters of the lines ; the occurrence of single or multiple figures, the degree of polarization ; the appearances with selenite of the quadrants as regards especially definition, equality of size, form, and colors. Under iodine reactions are included character reactions of the raw starch grains; and after boiling the grains, the reactions of the grains, solution, grain-residues, and capsules. Under aniline reactions are included charac- ters elicited by the degree of staining by gentian violet and safranin immediately and after a half hour. Under temperature reactions are included the temperatures of gelatinization of a majority of the grains and of all or practically all of the grains. Under various reagents are included character manifestations that are expressed hv Quantitative and qualitative reactions with various gelatinizing reagents. With each reagent it is found that there are peculiarities in respect to the percentages of the entire number of grains and total starch gelatin- ized at definite time-intervals; and to the number and kinds of gelatinizatiou processes, these processes varying in both particulars not only in different starches with the same reagent, but also in the same starch with different reagents. Hence, while the property of gelatinizability is a fundamental or primary unit-character, it may be manifested in as many phases or modifications (unit- character-phases) as there are starches and gelatinizing agents. Among all of the varied properties of starches there seems to be none so certain to show slight intra- molecular differences as these unit-character-phases. The independence of each of these unit-characters and unit-character-phases of each other will be found to be well exhibited in every one of the groups of proper- ties comprised in the several foregoing designations. This is most strikingly shown in hybrids for instance, in the general characters of the hilum the properties of the hybrid may be identical with those of one parent, while in eccentricity identical with those of the other parent, or intermediate, etc.; in the qualitative reac- tions with chloral hydrate some of the processes of gela- tinization may be more like or identical with those of one parent; others, more like or identical with those of the other parent; others, which are individual are therefore not observed in either parent, etc. Hence, it is found, in summing up the unit-characters and unit-character- phases, that certain of the characters embraced in any designation may tend in one parental direction while others tend in another, but usually it is found that in the aggregate there is a variable degree of leaning to one or the other parent. Moreover, while such group proper- ties may in the case of one designation lean in the aggre- gate to one parent, those of another group may incline to the other parent, and so on. This extraordinary variability in parental relationship ie particularly well shown in the qualitative reactions with the various chemi- cal reagents. These phenomena of variability are also strikingly illustrated in both macroscopic and micro- scopic properties of plant structure. (See Part II, Chapter IX.) 9. ASSISTANTS IN THE HESEARCH. In the studies of the starches, the histologic data and the polariscopic, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and temperature of gelatinization experiments were recorded by Dr. Elizabeth E. Clark, B.A. (Bryn Mawr), M.D. (Women's Medical College of Philadelphia) ; and the quantitative and qualitative reactions with the various chemical reagents were studied by Miss Martha Bunting, B.L. (Swarthmore), Ph.D. (Bryn Mawr). Both of these assistants had had two years previous experience in the study of starches. The macroscopic and microscopic data of plants are due to Miss Margaret Henderson, B.S., M.A. (University of Pennsylvania), who prepared all the microscopic slides and made all of the measurements. CHAPTER II. METHODS USED IN THE STUDY OF STARCHES. The methods used in the preceding research (l'ul)U- N. 173) were at iU inception suiltcicuUy satis- ry to meet the theoretical requirement* of a purely iry and exploratory investigation, but at the work progressed it was found, as was to be expected, that radical improvement* could be made in various Advantage has been taken of this experience, and while the me-tlnnls continue to be inexact, in the conventional sense, they are practically exact so far as satisfactory differentiation and recognition of different tan-he* are concerned. For obvious reasons the descrip- tions of the methods given in the previous research are a in a large measure repeated, with some omissions, ni.*litirttti"ii. unit addition*. 1. PREPARATION or THE STARCHES. The starches were prepared from bulbs, tubers, rhi- somes, bulbils, and pseudobullxi, all in the resting state, metis were comminuted by the aid of an ordi- nary culinary grater. Four or five volumes of water arc added to the pulp, the mass strained through four thick- nesses of cheese-cloth, and the pulp then washed with sufficient water and strained as before. The starch-water preparation is decanted in cylinders and the starch is clean.-od l>\ repeated washing and deoantation. Finally the starch is collected in shallow dishes, the water as far as possible drained off, and the preparation dried at a temperature of 50 C. By this simple means starches ran be prepared which are with rare exceptions practi- cally free from gross impurities. To have carried out purification to the extent of practical demoralization would have proven of far greater disadvantage than gain. MI i.TAXEOfB STUDIES OF STARCHES OF THE PARENTS AND HYBRID AND OF THE MEMBERS OF A GE For obvious reasons, in a comparative investigation such as the present it is desirable to make simultaneous examinations of all three or four starches of a set by one of the various methods of study and to take up the methods seriatim in preference to taking one starch and subjecting it to the entire series of methods before undying another specimen; the same plan commends itself when there is a number of sets belonging to the same genus. 3. HISTOLOOIC METHOD. This method has been found to be of signal useful- ness, and up to recent years it has been the sole reliance in attempts to determine the kind of starch. It was, however, perfectly obvious at the very inception of these researches, and rendered dear as far back as the investi- gation of C. Nageli in 1858, that this method, unless associated with others, could not be depended upon, and that it was liable to be absolutely misleading. Moreover, differences in form may not in the leut imply differences in the starch-substance, as has been pointed out in early chapters of the preceding memoir. Magnification rang- ing from 85 to 400, sometimes higher, was used, accord- ing to the size of the grains and incidental conditions. A sufficient amount of dried starch was disseminated on a slide and mounted in a very dilute Lugol's solution, care being taken not to add a larger quantity of iodine than is sufficient to accentuate the lamella*. Since starches of different sources dhow wide differences in the intensity with which they become colored with iodine, it was found convenient to have on hand a number of solutions rang- ing from 1 to 2 per cent down. By the aid of such onli nary microscopic technique there were recorded the form and size of the grain ; the position and fonn of the h: 1 11 m ; the form, number, and other characteristics of the lamella*; the characteristics pertaining to the form f the grains, whether single or in doublets, triplets, aggregates, etc. In describing the grains the terms " proximal end " and " distal end " have been adopted, the former being the end nearer which the hilum is located. The " longitudinal axis " corresponds with an imaginary line, extending from the proximal end through the hilum to the distal end. In different starches and in different grains of the same kind of starch this may he the long or the short axis. The measurements of eccentricity of the hilum have reference to the distance of the hilum from the proximal end of the longitudinal axis. 4. PHOTOMICROGRAPH ic RECORDS. Verbal descriptions of the histological characteristics of starch-grains fail to convey adequate conceptions. The notes included in the text have therefore been accom- panied by photomicrographs of the grains lightly colored with iodine, as seen in the microscope. In making these photographs we used an ordinary Bausch and Lomb microscope with a %-inch objective and a 2-inch eye- piece, which gave us a magnification on the field of projection of 300 diameters. For obvious reasons, many of the more minute features of the grains will not be seen in the photomicrographs. Moreover, inasmuch as no two fields are alike in case of any starch or slide, the pictures are to be taken as being grossly of an average character of a field. In recording the histological de- scriptions, especially as regards variations in form, many fields were examined. The photomicrographs of the plant tissues were made by the use of a IV^-inch objective and a 2-inch eye-piece (draw-tube in), or a %-inch objective and a 24 METHODS USED IN THE STUDY OF STARCHES. 2-inch eye-piece, or a ^4-inch objective and a 2-inch eye- piece, giving magnifications on the field of projection of 72, 180, and 300 diameters, respectively. 5. REACTIONS IN POLARIZED LIGHT WITHOUT AND WITH SELENITE. Starches have been found to exhibit not only marked differences in the degrees with which they rotate the plane of polarized light, but also differences in the characteristics of the " interference figure " or " cross," as it is generally termed. The general characteristics, distinctness, shape, regularity, and position of the inter- ference figure, and also the approximate degree of auiso- tropy or intensity of polarization were readily studied. By the aid of eelenite it was determined whether the optic properties were negative or positive, and also the size, shape, and regularity of the quadrants, as well as the intensity and pureness of the blue and yellow colors. In spherical grains with centrally located hila, the two parts of the " cross " intersect at the hilum, or mathe- matic center, of the grain, so that the term quadrant has a proper application ; but in the case of grains having eccentric hila the position of the point of intersection of the two parts of the cross, together with their curvatures, may destroy every semblance of quadrants according to the conventional definition of this word. This term has therefore been used in a very broad sense throughout our investigation to indicate the four parts of the grain that are defined by the two parts of the cross, in prefer- ence to the great multiplicity of terms that would be required to define these parts if great accuracy were attempted. Likewise, for convenience we have referred to the " lines " of the interference figure in preference to the " arms " of the cross. All starches are " optically negative," hence no special references have been made in the text in this particular. The slides for polariscopic examination are prepared as follows : The end of a small spatula is thrust into the specimen of starch and moved about, withdrawn and sharply tapped several times in the center of the slide, and the slide jarred in a manner to cause a practically uniform distribution of the starch grains in a single well-disseminated layer. The margins of this layer are carefully removed so as to leave an area 12 mm. square. An expeditious way of removing the margin so as to in- sure a uniform area of starch is to use as a wiper a piece of sheet celluloid having a 12-mm. slot, wiping trans- versely and then longitudinally. A couple of drops of balsam are carefully added at the center of the area, a cover-slip put on, and the slide placed on the stage of the polarizing microscope. After determining the degree of polarization, the selenite plate is introduced and the specimen again examined. In order to reduce the degree of polarization into values in comparative terms and figures it was found desirable to adopt an arbitrary scale ( Chart B 2, Chapter IV), and to select three starches as standards that give wide and properly separated gradations of value. Thus, adopting a scale of 100 divided primarily into units of 5, the starch of Solarium luberosum was taken as having a value of 90 and " very high" ; that of Narcissus poeticus ornatus as having a value of 50, or " moderate " ; and that of Richardia albo-maculata as having a value of 30, or " low." Intermediate gradations are readily expressed by both words and figures. If the starch examined has, for instance, the same degree of polarization as that of Narcissus poeticus ornatus it is given a value of moderate or 50, but if its value be between moderate (50) and high (70) it is recorded as being moderately high (60), or moderate to moderately high (55), or moderately high to high (65). In some instances intermediate values are given where it is necessary to express smaller differences, as between members of a set consisting of parents and hybrid. The different grains of any given specimen of starch vary in the degree of polarization, so that in rating the average must be estimated; as a consequence all of the records are averages. The method is of a very gross character and the personal equation in determining values may be very important and lead to more or less divergent records by different observers, but in practice it has been found that after a degree of skill has been acquired, as is common in all such gross methods of experiment, essentially or absolutely the same values are recorded when experiments are re- peated several times at well-separated intervals, or made by two individuals who have had practically the same training. Owing to variations in illumination from time to time, it is quite important to use persistently, in con- junction with the starch to be examined, some starch that has been adopted as the standard of comparison, preferably one that has a close value. Thus, when studying the starches of a group, one of the starches is standardized with the starch-standard and scale adopted, as before stated, the standard recorded for this starch serving as the fundamental standard for comparison for the others of the group. This method gives very good comparative results, especially when the group consists of a few members; but it is, on the whole, the least valuable of all the methods employed in this research, and its usefulness is chiefly because of its remoteness from the characters of the other methods. C. IODINE REACTIONS. The use of iodine not only served to bring out certain histological peculiarities, but also valuable data in the differentiation of different kinds of starch. The typical or ordinarily observed reaction of starch with iodine is an indigo-blue, but if an excess of iodine be avoided the reaction of the grains will be found to vary usually from a blue to reddish-violet, including within these ex- tremes all shades of violet from a purple to a reddish- violet according to the kind of starch. In fact, in the presence of minute quantities of iodine, starches are colored some shade of violet, varying with the kind of starch. With any quantity of iodine certain starch- grains yield a red reaction. In studying the iodine reac- METHODS USED IN THE STUDY OF STARCHES. lion* we used >' i v {XT (cut l.ugol'* solution. Fur - i i.ii r. .1 tiona were studied . two with raw starch and two with hi tin- first i... the .ir. pt.-p.n. -I UK in tin- polarization <.>xaininati"n-. lutinj; solutions of iodine fur the balsam and :iin_ r the -I i. If* in ordinary light with a fully open diaphnipn mill ! p.-w.T. In the I. > '.' <lr<>| .'.', j-r i. nt Idol's solution are placed on the . the blidc qmrkly adjusted on the stage of the iiiii-njM.-ope, and the color reaction in quality and quan- tity at once d- I, tlu- quantitative value recorded :i us tin- standard of conipan-..n in relation to other -tar. In -. Here, as in the polarization dctcnnina- it a> found nc.vssary to adopt an arbitrary scale and -MI. h standards. The same scaJe is used an for the polan/atioii \ulues, but the terms light, deep, etc., -11'.-:. in;.-. I for low, high, etc. Moreover, it was found !.. .vssary to modify the selection of starches to be used as standards. The starch of Solatium tuberotum was taken as having a value of CO or " moderately deep," that of ( 'rinum moorei as having a value of 50 or " mod- I that of \Vattonia humilu as having a value of :m ..r - light," with corresponding intermediate figures and term* u in the polariscopic determinations. The second ex| nnu-nt is made, using 0.125 per cent solution, often bringing out color peculiarities which may be obscured or not be observed when the reagent is The third and fourth experiments are made with lioilfd -tar. li with the object of eliciting peculiarities of Hi of the grains, solution, grain-residues, and cap- \ f ter heating the grains until complete gelatiniza- tion occurs a variable amount of the starch passes into solution, so that both grains and solution give starch reactions. Upon boiling the preparation for 2 minutes nparatvely large amount of the March passes into solution, and the remains of the grains appear in the form of grain-residues which are made up of partially di-integrated grains (capsules with variable amounts of content*), together with some capsules that are almost or wholly free of starch contents. In the third experiment 0.05 gram of starch is placed in '.'" c.c. of water and carefully heated over a bunsen burner only to the point of complete gelatin ization. To f this preparation is added 2 c.c. of a 2 per cent Lugol's solution, and then the colorations of grains and solution are determined by microscopic examination. In the fourth cx|MTinirnt the remainder of the boiled preparation ia boiled for 2 minutes to further break down the starch grains; then 4 c.c. of the 2 per cent I/upnl's solution added ; and then microscopic deter- mination made of the colorations of grain residues, capsules, and solution. 7. AM LINE REACTIONS. A number of anilines have been found by various investigators to be of value in the differentiation of starches from different sources, of different grains of the same kind of starch, and of different parU of indi- vidual grains. Some experimenter* have employed double ..i tuple stains. There is also nu douht that tin- use of double or triple stains would bring out, at times at least, many poiuU of much hiatological mij-TUnce, but this would have involved the carrying out of the histological examinations in such detail as to be pro- hibitive in a research of this character. Safranin and gentian-Mulct were selected, not because they are prob- ably the best of these stains for differential purposes, but because they have been found very useful in starch exam- inations and as they yield single color reaction-. Aniline colors in solution, especially when in weak solution and exposed to light, are notably unstable, and in order to secure strictly comparable results a quantity of a relatively strong standard solution was prepared and kept in the dark, tightly corked. The stock solutions were composed of 0.25 gram of aniline with 150 c.c. of distilled water. From day to day dilute solutions were prepared by adding 33 c.c. of water to 2 c.c. of the stock solution ; 15 c.c. of the latter solution arc placed in a test-tube containing 0.07 gram of starch, the preparation agitated, 1 or 2 drops withdrawn in a minute and exam- ined under the microscope, and a final examination made at the end of half an hour. In these color determina- tions the microscope is used, as in the iodine reactions, with a fully open diaphragm and low power. Owing to the relatively slow reaction, the values for comparative purposes were taken at the end of a half hour instead of immediately, as in the first iodine n-.i.iion. The method of valuation is the same as in the iodine reac- tions, but the starch standards for these reactions are: Solanum tuberosvm, value 90, " very deep "; Amaryllu belladonna, value 50, " moderate " ; Frrejtia refmrla alba, value 30, "light. " 8. TEMPERATURES OF GELATIN IZATION. While the records of various investigators indicate that there are more or less marked differences in the temperatures of gelatinization of different kinds of starches, and even in case of different grains of the same starches, the figures applying to the same kind of starch are generally so at variance that not much value is to be attached to them. The sources of falla. \ m such observations, unless the determinations are made with the greatest precautions, are well known to every biochemist. We therefore carried out this work with especial care. A long quadrangular water-bath was used, holding about 4 liters of water ; one end was placed over the gas flame, and in the other end was inserted a thermometer which was calibrated in tenths centigrade, but which could readily be read in hundredth*. A small quantity of starch with 10 c.c. of water was placed in a test-tube, into which was inserted, through a perforated cork, a thermometer similar to the one in the water- bath, and the test-tube immersed in a suspended wire basket in the part of the water-bath farthest from the flame. The temperature of the water was raised very 26 METHODS USED IN THE STUDY OF STARCHES. slowly, and the water occasionally stirred, so that at no time did the two thermometers differ more than about 2. As the temperature increased, specimens of the starch were examined at intervals, the tube being shaken, and a specimen obtained by inserting the end of the pipette to the bottom of the tube, a clean pipette being used to remove each specimen. Each specimen was placed on a slide, upon which was recorded both tem- peratures, and the slide was examined in the polarizing microscope. The temperatures at which there is an en- tire loss of anisotropy of a majority and of all of the grains were recorded as the temperatures of the tube. The lower temperature recorded on the slide was the record of the thermometer in the test-tube, and the higher temperature was that of the water-bath. The actual temperature of gelatinization lies somewhere between the two, and for convenience, especially for purposes of comparison, the mean of the two was for obvious reasons taken as the " temperature of gelatinization." In the records all three temperatures are given in accordance with the foregoing. 9. ACTION OF SWELLING REAGENTS. Quite a number of swelling or gelatinizing reagents, of very diverse chemical composition and exhibiting more or less individuality of action, have been used by various experimenters in studies of the structural peculiarities of starch-grains or in the differentiation of different kinds of starch or for other incidental purposes. This method of differentiating starches seemed so promising that in the preceding research five such reagents were selected. For obvious reasons choice was made of those which differ widely in chemical composition and which yield sufficiently prompt and characteristic results. Those selected included chloral hydrate-iodine, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, ferric chloride, and Purdy's solu- tion. For evident reasons it is desirable to repeat some of the statements made in the preceding memoir. The chloral hydrate-iodine solution was prepared by saturating a saturated solution of chloral hydrate with iodine. This solution, sooner or later, not only causes swelling and ultimate partial dissolution of the grains, but, owing to the presence of iodine, also yields important accompanying color reactions ; and it is, on the whole, to be regarded as a very important reagent. Chromic acid was used in the form of a 25 per cent solution, and it is the only one of the five reagents that causes, within the periods of observation, a complete disintegration of the grains. It gives rise to gas bubbles during the decomposition processes. The pyrogallic-acid solution was prepared by making a saturated solution and diluting this with three parts of water, adding oxalic acid in the proportion of 4 per cent to hinder oxidation. The ferric-chloride solution consisted of equal parts of a saturated solution and water. Purdy's solution was made by diluting the standard solution with an equal volume of water. The last reagent was usually found to be the least active of the live, and it is, so far as the effects on the grains are concerned,, probably essentially an aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide, and therefore likely possesses no advantages, except perhaps in keeping quali- ties, over the simple aqueous solution. Oxygen or ex- posure to the air favors the actions of pyrogallic acid, but hinders those of chloral hydrate and ferric chloride. In the former case, the grains near the edge, or on the out- side, of the cover-slip are decidedly more affected than those within, while with the latter the opposite is true. There are some forms of commercial chloral hydrate that have very little action, which may be due to under- hydration or over-hydration. The crystals put up by Schering were used throughout this investigation. It is important that fresh solutions of the reagents be prepared at short intervals, as all tend to deteriorate, and it is well to let them stand over night before using. In using these reagents a small amount of starch was placed in a slide as in the polarization experiments, several drops of the reagent were added, a cover-glass put on, and the progress of events examined under the microscope. In using a given reagent with a given kind of starch, it was found that there was a certain amount of variation in the effects from time to time, probably attributable to variations in temperature, so that these studies were made as far as possible under constant tem- perature conditions. The variations, as a rule, were unimportant. These agents give rise to gelatinization and swelling of the grain and cause the existence of the outer and inner parts of the grains to appear very con- spicuous the outer part becoming sac-like and inclosing a less dense or semi-fluid substance. Experience taught us that not only the method but also the reagents, as regards both kind and concentration of solution, can be markedly improved. As previously stated, the method though gross seemed to meet the theo- retical requirements of the research that is, the deter- mination whether or not starches are modified in relation to species and genera without attempting to establish constants or strictly exact data. During the progress of the present research we used, in a limited number of experiments, certain reagents which in the text that follows are designated: SOLUTION No. 2. Chloral hydrate-iodine Schering's crystals of chloral hydrate 30 grams, water 17 c.c., Lugol's solution 3 c.c. Chromic acid 10 grams, water 40 c.c. Pyrogallic acid 9 grams, oxalic acid 0.5 gram, water 40 c.c. Ferric chloride 50 grams, water 5 c.c. Ammonium nitrate 15 grams, water 10 c.c. After a time the ferric chloride was abandoned be- cause of difficulties in standardization and in obtaining satisfactory uniformity in the results of repeated experi- ments, and it was also found that other of the reagents could be used to better advantage in a modified form. A few experiments were also made with ammonium nitrate and certain other reagents, but for various reasons were set aside. It is yet wholly problematical as to MKTHOD8 USED IN 1IIK STUDY OF STARCHES. 27 what reagents ami what coiit-viitraUons are best adapted for such studies, but the following ware finally adopted in tin;, r.tk-airh, although experience baa howu that all or nearly all can be modified to advantage in concentra- u.'ii Hint ilu\ i.in ' .1. !.!.-.! to with great profit Chemi- cally purr > hemii .ils and distilled water were used. The solutions -h-uM be inu-l.- only in small quantities, and when fresh solution* arc pr-parv<l they must be totted with the several selected starches, the reaction-intensi- f which are known, to determine whether or not thev arc of exactly proper strength. ral hydraU Srherinc'a chloral hydrate cryaUU IS gramr tor & .- Chromic nd "J.S (ram*, wator 90 e.e. gallic acid 4 (ram*, malic add 0.3 tram, water 36 c c Nitric id 10 r.r wator 34 c.c. Sulphuric acid IO r r . waUr 27 e.e. H> ir.-chlortc acid 8 e.e.. water 10 e.e. uaiuni hydroiid* 0.76 (ram. water 66 e.e. iwmm iodida 10 <rani>, water 30 e.e. 1'iitmiuni luliihuryanatc 6 cram*, water 30 e.e. U.UHII >ul|'liid 1 (ram. wator 40 e.e. ff~*" hydroxide 0.6 cram, water 100 e.e. Sodium aulphide 1 (ram. wator 46 e.e. Sodium ealieylato 10 crania, wator 10 e.e. .111 nitrato 8 (rant*, water 10 e.e. I rauium nitrate U (ram*. watr 10 o.e. .mui nitrato 6 graou. water 7 e.e. Cobalt nitrate (ram*, wator 16 e.e. . r nitrate 16 (ram. wator 30 e.e. chloride frame, wator 18 e.e. llahum chloride 6 (ram*, wator 12 e.e. Mercuric chloride 18 (ram*, ammonium chloride 10 (ran. water 40 e.e. Occasionally modified solutions were used in qualita- u to meet special conditions, note being made in the text at the proper place whenever this has been done. In the reactions with the chemical reagents it is essential, in order to obtain uniform and wholly reliable remits, that the slides should be prepared with much care as regards the quantity and distribution of the utan-h and the quantity of the reagent, and that imme- diately upon the addition of the reagent the preparation be protected so that changes due to alterations in concen- tration and to oxidation will not occur. The method pursuit] is as follows: A square area of starch is first prepared on a slide as in the polarization reactions. This square is surrounded by a layer of purified vaseline 5 mm. wide, applied by an artist's flat camel's hair brush. A cover-slip is now prepared by coating the margin of one surface with a corresponding band of vaseline, so that when the cover- slip is placed on the slide the surfaces of two vaseline squares form an air-tight junction, preventing change in concentration of the reagent by evaporation or absorp- tion of water and eliminating influences of the oxygen of the atmosphere. Two drops of the reagent are care- fully and quickly placed on the center of the starch layer, the cover-slip instantly applied, the slide placed on the stage of the polarizing microscope, a suitable field speed- ily found and examined in polarized light Usually a practically exact count ie made of the number of grain* in view, but if the reaction is very rapid this part of the method is modified as hereinafter stated. All procedures are done as expeditiously as possible. In the starches of some species there are to be found variable proportions of very minute grams which for obvious reasons must be ignored in making the count The . ber of grains in the field ranges usually from 150 to 200, rarely as few as 75 to 100 or as many as 400 to 600, the number depending largely upon and in approximate ratio to the mean site of the grains; bat such differences in number do not imply corresponding differences in the total amount of starch preaent In specimens in which the grains are small, the number of grains in the field will be larger than when the grains are large, and the number will vary also because of some irregularities in the distribution of the grains, a field always being selected that is well adapted for the count and for watching the processes of gelatinization. Unless gelatinization occurs very rapidly the percentages of grains and total starch gelatinized are not determined until at the end of 5 minutes from the time of the addition of the reagent, and subsequently at 15, 30, 45, and 60 minute intervals, or as may be desirable. At these periods the uumU r of grains not completely gelatinized is counted, and then the percentage of grains completely gelatinized is com- puted by finding the difference between the original number in the field and the number thus found. In addition to the grains completely gelatinized there will be seen grains in partial stages of gelatinization and perhaps some wholly unaffected. The amount of starch remaining ungelatinized is computed in terms of grains and is estimated by finding the number of grains that are unaffected and the proportions of starch ungclatinized in the partially gelatinized grains. Thus, in the latter case, if there remains an average of one-quarter of the starch unaffected (in some grains it may be one- tenth, in others one-fifth, etc.), it will take 4 grains to represent the amount of starch in an average grain of the specimen, the number thus determined being added to the number of grains that are unaffected, the sum deducted from the original number under observation, computing by the difference the percentage of the total starch gelatinized. When gelatinization occurs very rapidly or very slowly the foregoing method must be modified to suit conditions. Frequently complete or almost complete gelatinization occurs within 15 seconds after the appli- cation of the reagent Obviously time is not permitted for a count of the number of grains in the field before determining the number of grains wholly and partially ungelatinized. By extreme alertness it is possible within 15 seconds after the addition of the reagent to have the slide on the stage of the microscope, select a field, make a count of the ungelatinized grains, and estimate the parts of grains that remain ungelatinized. The number of grains in the field can not be satisfactorily counted after gelatinization because of the swollen and distorted condition and overlapping of the grains. Hence, in these very rapid reactions the average number of grains in a field is determined beforehand and a corresponding field is selected. It follows from this that the percentage of starch gelatinized under such conditions is very grossly estimated, that no importance is to be attached to the 28 METHODS USED IN THE STUDY OF STARCHES. figures beyond the time-limit of complete gelatinization, and that the figures have no value for comparison in cases of starches which likewise are very quickly gelatinized, unless by averages obtained from frequently repeated experiments. When gelatinization occurs very slowly it often is easier, after having made the count in the field, to deter- mine the number of grains gelatinized and partially gelatinized, as for instance when only 1 per cent of the total starch is gelatinized at the end of 5 minutes or 5 or 10 per cent at the end of an hour. 10. CONSTANCY OF RESULTS RECORDED BY THE FOKE- QOINQ METHOD. It goes without saying that such experiments should be carried out as far as possible under fixed conditions, especially as regards the quantity of starch in relation to the quantity of reagent. The variations in the quan- tity of starch, in so far as constant results are concerned, are absolutely negligible, as has been found not only in the records of repeated experiments, but also in the records of varieties of a species when the records should be expected to be very close because of the starches being nearly identical. The quantity of reagent used is in- variably 2 drops, each reagent being kept in a 50 c.c. bottle having a glass-stoppered finger pipette dropper with a rubber tip. Under practically identical laboratory conditions as regards quantity of starch, quantity of reagent, temperature, and humidity the results recorded by repeated experiments are either identical or vary within limits that are so narrow as to be absolutely with- out importance. Even marked variations in temperature and humidity have not been found to be important, except in rare instances. (See note under Amaryllis-Bruns- vigia-Brunsdonnce, page 34.) Obviously, some variations, even though trifling, are to be expected, so that in order to obtain constants a given experiment should be repeated a sufficient number of times and an average taken of the records, as in the determination of melting-points. Experience has shown, however, that in so far as the requirements of the present exploratory research are concerned the results of a single experiment carefully carried out are dependable within narrow and wholly unimportant limits of error. The chief sources of error to be guarded against are leakage through the vaseline seal ; the presence of contaminating substances in the starch ; certain peculiarities occasion- ally observed in the behavior of starches towards certain reagents; and errors in estimation when the reactions are very rapid. Leakage through the vaseline seal is sedulously to be avoided, and if a leak occurs the slide and records must be discarded. The presence of oxalate crystals in the starch is by no means uncommon, but no clear evidence has been found to lead to the belief that, unless in exceptionally large quantity, they in any way influence the course or time of gelatinization by the reagents used. In the present research in Calanthe only were there even many of these crystals; in the Phaius a few; arid none or practically none in the other starches. Occasionally foreign matter in the form of undetermined debris is present which can not be gotten rid of by repeated wash- ing, as in Tritonia pottsii. Such matter may affect the polarization, iodine, and aniline reactions to a detectable degree, but no effect has been noted in the other reac- tions. With the exception of this starch all have been free from such contamination. Erratic behavior of an inexplicable character has upon rare occasions been ob- served in the use of the sulphide and salicylate solutions. Finally, when the reactions are very rapid, while satis- factory records may not be obtained for comparison with those of other starches which gelatinize with similar rapidity, changes in the concentrations of the reagents can be made so as to lengthen the time of the reactions and thus permit of satisfactory differentiation. Comparatively little importance is to be attached to the polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and safranin reactions when the reactions are close. Personal equa- tion and incidental conditions are here not unimportant factors that may greatly vary the limits of error of ex- periment. In future investigations these agents might with profit be discarded for better means of study unless further experience brings out greater values than they have thus far shown. 11. REAGENTS USED IN QUALITATIVE INVESTIGATIONS. The methods used in this research are both quantita- tive and qualitative, chiefly the former because of the ease with which the data recorded can be reduced to figures and charts. The qualitative reactions have been studied especially by means of certain of the chemical reagents that were selected from time to time because of their especial adaptation to certain kinds of starches to elicit qualitative phenomena, some reagents acting better with some kinds of starches than with others. Incidentally here and there special qualitative records were made by the use of selenite, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and heat. In the qualitative reactions many points of varying degrees of interest and importance were brought out that can not be studied by the quantitative methods described, some of equal or greater importance than those obtained generally by the latter methods. In studying the starches of the Amaryllidaceae we used chloral hydrate, nitric acid, potassium iodide, potas- sium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, and sodium salicylate, excepting in the Narcissi when the sodium salicylate was omitted. Additional studies were occasion- ally made with sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, co- balt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chlo- ride, or mercuric chloride. In studying the Lilliaceaa we used chloral hydrate, chromic acid, potassium hydrox- ide, cobalt nitrate, and cupric chloride ; in the Iridaceae, chloral hydrate, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate; in Begonia, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, METHODS USED IN THE STUDY OF 8TAK' ill - and strontium intia!.-. in linhardia. chloral hydrate, chromic a- id. hydroch. '. . *odium hydroxide, and odium wilicylatc; in MUM. chloral hydrate, cl acid, pyrokMlli,- ii'-id. -"Hlnim salu ylutc. and cobalt ni- trate; in /'/Kiiu.. chloral hydrate, chromic acid, nitric arid, hydnx-hlonc nt-id, |...:.i--nim hydroxide, potassium iodide. |N.tiiium Mllj'li.N Xiitmte. potMMium HUlphlde. SO- iliiitn hydroxide, -.-dnim sulphide, and sodium salicylate ; in .Miit'-rn.i. i-liloral hydrate, chromic acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, and sodium Mlicylatr; in Cym- liiilium. cMora! lixlr.it>-. chromic acid, sodium salicylatc, Uirnini < -blonde, nnd IIHTI uric . h! i id. . and in t '-ilanthe. chloral hydrate, rhroinic acid, nitric- acid, hydrochloric acid. i Ir . dro\ide. and sodium salicylatc. In- stance* here and there will be found where additional reagent*, or reagent* of concentrations varying from andards given, were used. The special reasons for in the various cases will be found in Chanter V. 1 J. ( 'M ARTS OF REACTION-INTENSITIES or DIFFKKENT STARCHES. It is difficult or impossible to associate the different .;i ipi.-n-iti.-s of a given starch with different reag- ents or those of different starches with a single reagent when expressed in figures in such a way as to form an accurate or even a reasonably approximate mental picture of their individual and related values; and, moreover, an association of this kind becomes increasingly difficult or absolutely impossible when one attempts to multiply such pictures in a comparison of the reactions of two or more starches with different reagents or of two or reagents with a given starch. Hence, it has been found necessary to translate these figures into the forms \es which, as will be seen, give not only strikingly dear presentations of these extremely varied reaction- intensiti.--. !>ut also, as a corollary, permit of the readiest and most satisfactory comparisons. It was found during the development of the research that it is desirable to exhibit these peculiarities in six kinds of charts as follows: A 1 to A 26, showing the reaction-intensities of all or many of the starches with each agent and reagent. H 1 to B 42, showing the reaction-intensities of certain starches with certain agents and reagents. (' 1, showing the reaction-intensities of genera and sub- genera or other generic subdivisions as regards lit. mm. and average. I) 1 to P rt!M, showing the velocity-reaction* of different Man-hen with different reagent*. K 1 to K \f>, showing composite reaction-intensity curves of the starches of parent- and hybrid-stocks with different agents and reagents. 1' 1 to F 14, showing the percentages of macroscopic and microscopic characters of plant*, and of the percentage* of the reaction-intensities of starches, as regards sameness to one or the other or both parents, in termed iateness, and --- and deficit of development Inasmuch as this research m primarily a comparative investigation of the starches of parent- and hybrid- stocks, the curves that represent parents and offspring have, whenever feasible or desirable, been plotted out together in order to render comparisons easy. For various reasons, hereafter stated, all of these charts have been brought together and now compose the last part of Chapter IV, page 175, et ttq. In the groups of chsrts designated A, B, and E. in the polarization, iodine, gentian- violet, and safranin tions the abscisse an- in terms of quantitative light and color values based on an arbitrary scale of !().' m dm sions of twentieths; in the temperatures of gelatinization in the centigrade scale from 40 to 95 in division* of 2.5 ; and in the gelatinization experiment* with different reagents in a duplex scale, the upper portion giving the time of complete or practically complete gelatinization (95 per cent or more of the total starch), and the lower portion the percentage of the total starch gelatinized when complete or practically complete gelatinization has not occurred within 60 minutes. In Chart* A 1 to the vertical lines that are projected from the plant names are extended to the abscissae that represent the reaction- intensity values. Thus, if gclatinization in complete or practically complete at the end of 5 minutes the line is carried to the 5-minute abscissa; if 80 per cent is gela- tinized at the end of the 60-minute period the line is carried to the lower part of the scale that is, to the abscissa designated 80 per cent of the total starch gela- tinized in 60 minutes, and so on. The second form of chart, including H 1 to B 40, while having the same abscisse a* the first and fifth forms have different ordi nates, and Charts B 41 and B 42 while having the same ordinate* a* the others of this group have wholly or partly different abscisse to meet special condition*. In charts the reaction-intensity values have been recorded at the proper abscissa on each ordinal? and then a line projected from ordinate to ordinate to form a curve. In Charts El to R46 the ordiriatcs represent the various agents and reagents, the values are recorded as in group B 1 to B 40, and in each chart the curve* of the reaction- intensities of parent-stocks and offspring are presented. In Chart C 1 the abscissa? arc in term* of height, *nm, and average reaction-intensities, and the ordinate* represent genera, subgcncra, or generic subdivisions. In chart* D 1 to D 670 there are given records of the progress of gelatinization in per cent-time, the curve* of each *et of parent-storks and offspring beintr recorded on each chart, excepting in case of a few special chart*. The abscisssc are in terms of percentages of total starch and the onli- nates are in time-intervals of 5 minutes. While deter- mining the percentage of total starch gelatinized at defi- nite time-intervals simultaneous records were made at the same period* of the total number of grain* com- celatinizcd. When these two sets of data are rcdiiefl to mm* it i* found that varying differences are exhibited by the different starches, in the case of each starch with the various reagents, and by the differ- 30 METHODS USED IN THE STUDY OF STARCHES. ent starches with each reagent, the variations in the courses and degrees of separation of the two curves being, on the whole, quite as significant in the differentiation of the starches as differences in the percentage of total starch gelatinized (see Chapter IV, page 170). In case of some starches with a given reagent the percentage of total starch and the percentage of grains completely gela- tinized run closely together, or even almost parallel, while with other starches a large percentage of the total starch may be gelatinized, yet only a small percentage of grains be completely gelatinized ; the same peculiarity holds good in regard to any given starch with different reagents. Obviously all such data must be of importance in the formulation of the physico-chemical characteristics of any kind of starch. In Charts F 1 to F 14 there are plotted out in some percentages of macroscopic and microscopic characters of plants, and in others those of plant and starch characters, the abscissae and ordinates being varied to meet particular and obvious conditions. No one kind of chart of itself presents in full starch peculiarities. In fact, a satisfactory picture of the pecu- liarities of any starch can be had only by combining the curves of the several kinds of charts with histological peculiarities, and the polariscopical, iodine, aniline, heat, and chemical qualitative reactions. In other words, characters not brought out by one means of investiga- tion may be by another, etc. ; hence, it is the sum-total of data that must be taken in the final analysis. 13. COMPARATIVE VALUATIONS OF THE REACTION- INTENSITIES. Throughout all of the reactions definite standards of comparison were adopted, varying somewhat with the different agents, yet all forming a definite coordinate system based upon common abscissae (Chart A 1, Chap- ter IV). Thus, the reaction- values in the polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and safranin reactions are based upon a " light and color reaction " scale up to 105, from to less than 20 being grouped as very low or very light, 20 to less than 40 as low to light, 40 to less than 60 as moderate, 60 to less than 80 as high or deep, and 80 to 105 as very high or very deep ; the terms very low, low, moderate, high, and very high are applied to the polariza- tion reactions; and very light, light, moderate, deep, and very deep to the iodine and aniline reactions, the sets of terms being synonymous in so far as comparative values are concerned. The reactive-values of the tem- perature of gelatinization experiments range from 42 to 95 C. (" temperature of gelatinization " scale), 82.5 corresponding to 20, 72.5 to 40, 62.5 to 60, 52.5 to 80, and 42.5 to 100, of the foregoing scale. The reaction-values of the reactions with the various chemical reagents are, as previously stated, in terms of complete and partial gelatinization of complete gelatinization within a period of 60 minutes, and of percentage of total starch gelatinized in 60 minutes, the scale consisting of two parts in accordance with this division. These reac- tive-values based upon the light and color scale of 105, are as follows: 50 per cent of the total starch gelatinized in 60 minutes corresponding to 20, and 90 per cent to 40 ; complete gelatinization in 45 minutes to 60, in 25 minutes to 80, and in 5 minutes to 100. Comparative reactive-intensities are grossly presented in the text by referring the reactions to five groups upon the basis of the values as they fall within the five divi- sions enumerated; very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. This plan has been followed in the Summaries at the end of each set of parent- and hybrid-stocks, and each group of sets that belong to a given genus. It was found, however, in the final summing up of such data to show generic differences, that the reactive-intensities could better be presented when the exact value in units in each reaction was taken instead of the group value. For instance, two starches whose values fall within the " very high " division may have very different numerical values, one a value of 80 and the other of 100 or more, according to the first scale given, etc. In making out these values each abscissa was taken as having a value of 5, making the range of the scale from to 115, the abscissa having a value of 25 corresponding to 20, 45 to 40, 65 to 60, 85 to 80, and 105 to 100 of the " light and color reaction " scale. This difference is owing to the raising of the light scale 5 points higher than it should have been under usual circumstances. CHAPTER III. HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. OF THE MORE IMPORTANT DATA or ni> II is TO LOGIC PROPERTIES AND THE POLARI- r.. . I..I.INK. AM LINE. TEMPERATURE, AMD KEAUE.NT REACTIONS or THE STARCHES or PARENT- AXI- 1 1 MUM i. STOCKS.* The great volume of matter that has been recorded in the laboratory investigations of the starches of :. and hybrids, and which constitutes Chapter 1 :' I 'art II of this memoir, renders it desirable, for varioiu reasons that will be obvious, to bring together in a very succinct form such of the data as seem to be the in. -re important in showing parental and hybrid re- lationships and peculiarities. This has been attempted in tin- present chapter, but the records of the histologk- properties in the laboratory notes arc so condensed that in a large number of instances the summaries in this chapter will be found to be more suggestive than adequate, n have been omitted in order to avoid an almost full restatcim-nt. In the comparisons of the properties of parents and hybrids a definite system has been adopted throughout all f the parent-hybrid sets. In Section 1 the histologic properties and the qualitative polariscopic and iodine reactions, respectively, of the parents are with rare tions each first compared, and then those of the hybrid with those of the parents, and then when there are two hybrids of the same parentage their properties are compared. Much attention was given in the labora- work to the study of qualitative reactions with several of the reagents, which reactions have been found to be of importance not only in the study of the starches of different varieties, species, and genera, but also of 'arches of parents and hybrids. References are made to these reactions in this section, especially in regard to the peculiarities of the hybrid in relation to the parents. In subsequent sections the data are quanti- tative, lending themselves admirably to both tabulation and charting. Section 2 records comparisons of the react ion-iriten- sities in the polarization, iodine, gentian-violet, and tem- perature experiments. The data are tabulated under these headings in forms well adapted for ready com- parisons, the tables being followed by brief comparative summaries of the peculiarities of the reaction!* of the parents and of the reactions of hybrid and parents, and of the two hybrids when such exist. In Section 3 the reaction-intensities of the starches expressed in terms of percentage of total starch gelati- nized at definite time-intervals are tabulated under head- For conrenieaea the pvent- and hrbrid-tocki are usually referred to briefly M parents and hybrids. ings that designate the reagents used, and in a form that is well adapted to show parental and parental and hy- brid relationships and variations in the reactions of the starches with each reagent. In most of the sets of parent* and hybrids 21 reagents were used; in some only 5, usually the same. It would have been desirable to have employed the 21 reagents throughout, and also not only additional reagents, but certain of the reagents in two or more concentrations, but limitations of time, to- gether with other conditions, rendered this practically prohibitory. By reference to the text of Part II, Chapter I, it will be seen that while making these records both the per- centage of the total starch and the percentage of the entire number of grains completely gelatinized were recorded st the ends of the several time-intervals. As will be pointed out later on (Chapter IV, page 170), these two percentages vary greatly in their relationships, and the differences are often of more or less diagnostic importance. It was not, however, found to be desirable to include these figures in the tables here given because any advantage gained would be more than counter- balanced by their interference with the clear-cut presen- tation of the figures given, nor have they been found to be of sufficient value at present to justify a separate tabulation. The figures recorded in most of the tables do not convey to the mind the same impressions that are exhibited by charts, because they are too numerous and varied ; therefore, since these data are of exceptional value in the determination of similarities and dissimilari- ties of the starches from different plant sources they have been rendered in the form of curves (Charts D 1 to D 691, Chapter IV, page 210), which admirably pic- ture the progress of the several reactions. These charts have been studied somewhat in detail, individually and comparatively, in Section 4 and also in Chapter IV, pajre 167. In these experiments records were usually made at time-intervals of 5, 15, 30, 45, and 60 minut<. Occasionally, when the processes of gclatinization were very rapid, records were made at 1, 2. 3, 4, or 5 minute intervals, and sometimes, when the processes were ex- ceedingly slow, only at the end of 60 minutes. Rarely records were also made at 10 or 20 minutes, or other periods. Little or no importance is to be attached to differences in the intensities of reactions that are recorded in lew than 5 minutes unless the figures are quite dif- ferent, small differences falling within the limits of error of experiment. In the studies of the Telocity- reaction curves that conxtitnte Section 4 the data per- taining to the parents were first considered and then those of parents and hybrids and of the hybrids, as in Sections 1 and 2. 31 32 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. The marked variabilities that are exhibited by the reaction-intensities of the starches of the hybrids in relation to those of the parents, coupled with the im- portance that is almost invariably attached to inter- mediateness as a criterion of hybridism, led to the introduction of Section 5, which summarizes the reaction- intensities of the starches of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit of reac- tion-values in relation to one or the other parent or both parents. The statements herein are based upon the tables A 1 to A 26, and the Charts D 1 to D 670 in Chapter IV, page 210. The quantitative relations of the reactions of the hybrid to those of the parents could not in some instances be satisfactorily determined, because usually of too rapid or too slow reactions, variant courses of reac- tion, or differences that are so small as to fall within the limits of error of experiment; and differences may be seen in the tables that can not be or are not satisfac- torily presented in the charts, especially such as may be recorded during the first 5 minutes of the experiments. When the reactions are very rapid, any differentiation must be determined very early, and unless the records differ markedly the hybrid is credited with sameness in relation to one or the other or both parents, as the case may be. Sometimes there may be no differences early in the experiments, but marked differences occur later, in which case the values are determined late, and so on. Occasionally one or more of the curves will take on a variant course, so that the hybrid relationships to one or the other parent or both parents may be different at different periods of the experiment, in which case the relation of the hybrid must be determined by the general impression conveyed by the chart (see Chapter IV, page 168). However, in the vast majority of cases the hybrid and parental relationships are presented quite definitely. It will be seen that particular attention has been given in the statements of intermediateness to note whether or not there is mid-intermediateness, and if not, the inclination to one or the other parent or both parents, and it will be found that intermediateness is an exception rather than a rule. In each of these sections the reaction- intensities have been summarized in tabular form that will be found of much value for comparative purposes. In the preceding sections the starches of the parent- stocks and hybrid-stocks have been studied in their his- tological properties and reactions with each of the various agents and reagents, separately and comparatively, and in a measure collectively ; but as yet these reactions have not been so presented as to give a clear picture, as it were, of the reaction-intensities of each starch when collectively considered and of each starch with the others of the set. This has been attempted with a very large measure of success in Section 6. Herein representative reaction-values of each starch elicited by all of the agents and reagents used are so linked as to form a composite curve, and all three or four of the composite curves of the starches of the set are plotted out in the form of a single chart. By this means there is afforded not only a method for the study of parental and hybrid relationships, but also species, generic, and other taxonomic peculiarities. The plan of plotting out these curves is described in Chapter II, Section 12, and these curves are given fur- ther consideration, especially from the aspect of plant classification, in Chapter IV, page 172. It is of importance to note that in the gelatinization reactions the values recorded are in terms of terminal and not progress values that is, of the time of complete or practically complete gelatinization within 60 minutes or of the percentage of the total starch gelatinized when the process is not or practically not completed within this period. Therefore, when these values are compared with those stated in Sections 4 and 5, where they are based on reaction-intensities observed during the progress of gelatinization, there may appear to be many discrepan- cies of statement discrepancies that depend solely upon different adopted standards of valuation. For instance, turning to Chart E 1, the reaction-values of all four starches in the chromic-acid and sodium-salicylate reac- tions, respectively, are charted as being in each case the same that is, in the former, complete or practically complete gelatinization in 30 minutes and in the latter in 5 minutes; while in Sections 4 and 5 these starches are differentiated in each of these reactions. The con- struction of these composite charts is therefore mani- festly seriously faulty, because important differences recorded during the progress of the reactions are in part or wholly ignored, for which reason such charts must have only tentative and otherwise restricted values. Notwithstanding such grave defects, they have a very great measure of usefulness, and it is obvious from the context that in their application to the recognition of parents, hybrids, varieties, species, and genera they should be studied conjointly with the data of the preced- ing sections of this chapter. 1. COMPARISONS OF STARCHES OF AMARYLLIS BELLA- DONNA, BRUNSVIGIA JOSEPHINE, BRtrNsnoNNA SANDERfE ALBA, AND BRUNSDONNA SANDERfE. In form the grains of Brunsvigia joseplnnrr in com- parison with those of Amaryllis belladonna are leas regu- lar in outline and more varied in character, and unlike those of the latter are somewhat flattened. There are aggregates not found in the latter. Compound grains are more numerous and are much more varied in form. A type of compound grain is present that consists of two small components joined by incomplete secondary lam- ellae, sometimes by tertiary lamellae, that is not seen in Amaryllis belladonna. Indentations of the margins of the grains may be noted which are absent in the latter. The hilum is more distinct and usually less eccentric. The lamellae are not so fine, more distinct, much less numerous, and the outermost tend, unlike in Amaryllis belladonna, to be irregular and often not to follow the outline of the grain. In size the average is less, and the grains are broader in proportion to length than in the latter. The polarisoopic figure is, on the whole, con- siderably less eccentric and loss distinct; the lines are AMAIIM.I.1> coarser and. as a rule. leM oblique, and u and bisection are much more frequent ; (m]><>unil grain* are much more n inner' ai-. With Helen iU> the quadrants are lew sharply <li>fine<l. and impurity of both the blue and uranu'-, due : u \* leu frequent. In tin- quantitative mi. I qualitative iodine reaction* the colora- is of a deeper blue and more reddiah than in Amaryllis belladonna. In histological character* the grain* of Brunsdonna sandtra; a' 1 .1 arc in form closer, on the whole, to those 'rlladonna, but in tome respects closer to Hrunsri'iia joftfiliimr. A tjpe of grain peculiar to this not.-d which consists of an amorphoua-looking mass composed of a number of fused grains adherent to the side or distal end of a large grain-mass, all inclosed in !' to 12 larnellm. The hilum more closely resembles that of Amaryllis belladonna; the lamella- in furm and arrangement are closer to those of Amaryllis belladonna, (nit in number they are closer to Brunsvigia josephimr; in size and in proportions of length to breadth they are closer to Amaryllis belladonna; in polariscopic figures and linos and selenite reactions and in the qualitative iodine reactions they exhibit a closer relationship to Amaryllis belladonna. The qualitative reactions with the chemical reagents are, on the whole, much closer to i"iiryllis belladonna than to Brunsvigia josepkince. In '; -'"logical characters the grains of Brunsdonna mnitrtr are in form much nearer to those of A maryllis belladonna than to those of the other parent, but they are > near those of Amaryllis belladonna as those of the other hybrid, and not so near Brunsvigia josephina in the mmil*T and type of compound grains as those of the other hybrid. The hilum is the same as in the other hybrid, and hence nearer that of Amaryllis belladonna. It differs from the hilum of the other hybrid in being less often fissured ; hut it is more often fissured than in either parent. In character and eccentricity of the hilum these prains are nearer those of the parents than those of the other hy- brid. The lamellir in character and arrangement closely resemble those of the other hybrid and are closer to those aryllis belladonna than to those of the other parent, hut in nuniliers they are closer to Brunsvigia Josephine. In the ratio of length to breadth of the grains, and in larger grains in length, it is nearer to Amaryllis bella- donna; but in the length of the common-sized grains it is nearer to Brvnsviyia josephina. In polariscopic properties in the character of the figure and appearance with telenite this hybrid is closer to Amaryllis bella- donna than to the other parent, but not so close as the other hybrid. In qualitative iodine reactions it is closer 'aryllis belladonna. Imt not so close as the other hybrid. In the qualitative reactions with the chemical nta close relationship is shown to Amaryllis bella- donna and to the other hybrid, but closer on the whole to this parent than to the latter. In some respects the reactions are closer to Brunsvigia joiephina than to Amaryllis belladonna, showing the influences of both parents. In the chloral -hydrate, nitric-acid, potassium- sulphocyanate, and sodium-salicylate reactions it is closer to Amaryllis belladonna than to the other hybrid, but in the cobalt-nitrate, copper-nitrate, and cupric-ohloride reactions it is closer to the other hybrid. 3 Mrio/mMiitM Ktfrmtt* ey Li,kl. Color, mrf tun JtMClK/M PolarUation: A. belladoM*. very hlab, value 07. B. joaepblno. nitKin.irly hich to very blab, value U. B. Mnilrrcv alb*, very hlh, v.luo 97. B. Modero. very blab, value 06. I H A. belladonna, moderate to moderately deep, value 56. B. joeepnin*. moderately deep, value 60. B. Mndera alba, moderate to moderately deep, value 46. B. tandera. moderate to moderately deep, value 66. Gentian violet: A. belladonna, moderate to moderately deep, value 55. B. joerpliin*. moderate to deep, value 57. B. tandene alba, moderately deep, value 00. It. tandera, moderately deep, value 63. Rafranin: A. belladonna, moderate to moderately deep, value 55. B. joeepbin*. moderate, value 53. B. aandero alba, moderately deep, value 00. B. eandera. moderately deep, value 60. Temperature: A. belladonna, majority at 70 to 71*. all but dUlal part of tare train* 72.5 to 73*. mean 72.7*. B. joeepbin. majority at 65 to 66*. all but rare craim at 70 to 72'. mean 71*. B. Bandera alba, majority at 70 to 71*. all but distal part of rare (rain* 71.5 to 73*. mean 72.25*. B. aandero;. majority at 70 to 71.5*. all but diital part of rare train* 72 to 72.6*. mean 72.25*. The starch of Amaryllis belladonna in comparison with that of Hrunsriyiti josrjthintT shows higher polariza- tion and safranin reactions, and lower iodine, gentian- violet, and temperature reactions. In the polarization, iodine, ftafranin, and tcni|>eraturc reactions l>oth hvhnd- 11 re distinctly closer to Amaryllis belladonna than to the other parent lirunsdonna tandera alba showing as a whole a slightly closer relationship than the other hybrid ; in the gentian-violet reactions they show greater close- ness to Brunsriyiii jinrjthinir, the closer lieing Hruns- donna sandenr alba. In the gentian-violet and safranin reactions both hybrids show higher reactivities than it her parent, and the same or almost identical react m ties as those of Amaryllis bellailonna in the polarization, iodine, and temperature reactions. Table A 1 shows the reaction intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes). VKMWITY-HKACTION Ci HVES. This section considers velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Amaryllis belladonna, Brunsvigia josephina, Brunsdonna tandera alba, and Brunsdonna tandera, showing the quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-intervals. (Chart* D 1 to I) 21.) The Amaryllis and Brunsriyia curves tend, in reac- tions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, and barium chloride, to keep very close together; while in reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic add, pyrogallic acid, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride there is a well-marked separation during MUM important part, or the whole, of the 60-minnte period. In the chloral-hydrate reactions the curves are very close up to the 15-minute record, at which time they begin 34 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. to diverge, showing at the end of 60 minutes a differ- ence of 14 per cent in the total starch gelatinized. In the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride the greatest differences are noted at the end of the 5-minute period, and in the mercuric-chloride reactions at the end of 60 minutes.* The curves of the hybrids Brunsdonna sanderw alba and B. sanderos likewise tend to keep close together in more than half of the reactions, and in even a larger number than in the parents. Tendency to a well-marked separation of the two hybrid curves is seen in the reac- tions with sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, and copper nitrate. There is not a constant relationship of the parental and hybrid curves; for instance, the parental curves may be very close to one another, while the hybrid curves are well separated from them and even from each other, as in the latter case, in the sodium-sulphide reactions; or all four curves may be well separated, as in the calcium- nitrate reactions; or the parental curves may be fairly * Notes on the Reactive-Intensities of the Bnmsdonno; Starches, The reactions of these starches have been found at times to be quite erratic, especially with sodium hydroxide and potassium sulphide, and they appear to be affected by variations in temperature, pressure, and humidity and certain other attendant conditions to a marked degree, whereas most if not all other starches studied are either but very little or not at all influenced by corresponding conditions. There may be considerable variation in the percentage-gelatinization at different parts of the slide, so that it is always quite important that the observations with these starches be made in center of the field even though the cover-slip be sealed in the manner stated in Chapter II. Sometimes the reaction appeared to be more rapid at the margin of the cover and at other times at the central part of the preparation. Then again, where the grains are crowded the reaction appeared to be considerably retarded. The crowding may be apparent, particu- larly in clumps of grains that have been massed after the addition of the reagent. TABUS A 1. B B C4 8 n B * B IO 8 S in 8 o n B W5 ^ 8 Chloral hydrate: A. belladonna JO 50 85 92 Oft B. josephinse n Hi 74 78 QO B. sand, alba in 7R 95 07 08 B. sanderce 15 R5 08 09 00 Chromic add : A. belladonna in 70 99 B. josephinse in R5 99 B. sand, alba T RO 100 B. sanderce i 80 99 Pyrogallic acid: A. belladonna 5 10 76 85 on B. josephinsB 1? 64 98 09 B. sand, alba 1 2 10 12 19 B. sanderce 1 ft 4 7 7 Nitric acid: A. belladonna 05 oo B. josephinse RO 03 on OR B. sand, alba 73 88 08 00 B. sanderce 35 66 0? OR 90 Sulphuric acid: A. belladonna 95 inn B. josephinsB RA 90 B. sand, alba !T. 100 B. sanderoe Ofi inn Hydrochloric acid: A. belladonna 95 W B. josephinse 00 05 04 B. sand, alba f>0 0.5 00 B. sanderce 30 00 07 00 TABLE A 1. Continued. B a C4 B CO a * B HI a o a o a 8 a IO Tf B to Potassium hydroxide: A. belladonna inn B. josephinte os 90 B. sand, alba mi B. eanderce inn Potassium iodide: A. belladonna so 96 98 99 09 85 95 no 00 B. sand, alba 6 34 48 56 04 16 48 CT 7 Potassium sulphocyanate: A. belladonna m on 11 99 00 B. josephinse 6? 90 95 on ()() B. sand, alba T i > 4 5 B. sanderce 1 5 g 12 15 Potassium sulphide: A. belladonna on 97 OS 99 B. josephinse B. sand, alba B. sanderce Sodium hydroxide: A. belladonna B. josephinse B. sand, alba 65 77 90 76 88 95 97 75 ? 83 91 99 99 85 8 87 96 99 95 16 89 99 99 -HI 90 97 60 91 98 115 B. sanderoe Sodium sulphide: A. belladonna 10 30 r.ti 65 Rn 75 84 83 R7 88 89 B. josephinsB 71 S5 00 93 06 B. sand, alba ? 1 ; g in B. sanderca R >> ?n 40 -in Sodium salicylate: A. belladonna SI 00 inn B. josephinse 1(1 78 95 90 B. sand, alba 71 99 00 B. sanderce SI 99 100 Calcium nitrate: A. belladonna 96 OS 00 B. josephinse on 7fi R1 87 in B. sand, alba 4 >9 ?n ?6 n B. sanderce 5 ?0 5n I'i'i liS Uranium nitrate: A. belladonna 65 01 05 96 06 B. josephinae 55 77 84 00 01 B. sand, alba 9 15 30 50 B. sandero3 5 >o 5' 60 7n Strontium nitrate: A. belladonna OR 00 B. Josephines 7? on 07 98 00 B. sand, alba B. sanderce 72 85 97 00 99 Cobalt nitrate: A. belladonna 1 9 R 7*1 7S R? B. josephinse in 51 67 71 ~ r < B. sand, alba ? 1 1 B. sanderce 5 9 19 Copper nitrate : A. belladonna 7S 90 01 95 07 B. Josephines 5? 75 70 84 88 B. sand, alba (I r i 2 ft 10 18 B. sanderce 1 IS >1 25 SI Cupric chloride: A. belladonna 71 on 05 17 B. josephirue ?5 65 86 sr, B. sand, alba n 5 f fl 7 5 HI B. sanderoe n 5 4 7 9 1? Barium chloride: A. belladonna n 5 J B. Josephine > 5 A 7 g M B. sand, alba 5 (1 5 B. sanderoe OR n r. Mercuric chloride: A. belladonna 05 n in '6 in B. josephinse 6 ">0 11 is fio B. sand, alba n 5 (1 5 B. sanderca 5 n R AMAKYU.1S BRUN8V1QIA BRUN8DONNA. well x-paratrd but the hybrid . urves very cloee together, as in the i ui'i-ii M. !.'! relictions. (See following an/Hi* in tome reactions shows a higher react i\ ity than /.VH/I..-I i'./i.i. in other* the reverse, and in other* no essential difference. There is higher reactivity of Amaryllis witli chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, *o- dium hydroxide, sodium *alicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, am! cupric chloride; hut a lower n-m-tivity with chn>niic arid, ;> phallic acid, sodium sulphide, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. No essential differences art* noted in the reaction* with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric MI id. potassium hydroxide, and potas- Mum iodide, lccaue of the great rapidity of the reac- whilc in the potassium-sulphocyanate reaction* an important difference is noted only at the end of the .'-minute period. nparing the parental ami hybrid curve* (cliniinat- in^ reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydro- chloric ariil. and potassium hydroxide because of their hiirh rapidity obscuring differences), it will be observed that the curve** tend to be grouped in couples corre- pooding to parents and hybrids, each couple taking its own coarse, which may he similar or dissimilar to the the other couple; that the parental curves are than those of the hybrids in the reaction with chloral hydrate; that the parental curves are higher than "f the hybrids in the reactions with pyrogallie acid, - urn ' le : um -.'' m i-,-. ! im ! -dium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium ni- cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, ba- rium chloride, and mercuric chloride; and that the paren- tal curve* tend to be intermediate, or approximately no, in those with potassium sulphide, sodium salicylate, and iuni nitrate. In the chromic-acid reactions all four run very close together, the only notable difference seen at the end of 5 minutes, at which time the parental curves are higher than the hybrid curves, very soon after which the hybrid curves tend to intermediate- nest. The most remarkable feature of theoe. curves, as a en in most of the reactions in the more or less markedly lower degree of reactivity of the hybrids than of the parents. The curves of the hybrids tend, as a rule, to keep close together, there being a well-marked inclination to separation in only the reactions with sodium hydroxide. MI sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, and copper nitrate. In reactions of the hybrids with nitric sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and potassium vide, gclatinization occurs so rapidly that no satis- v differentiation can be made; but in the reactions Moral hydrate, potassium iodide, potassium sulpho- cynnste. potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium salicylate. calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt ni- trate, and copper nitrate the curves of Rrvtutdonna tan- dtnr alba are lower than those of the other hybrid ; and are practically the same in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, strontium nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. A marked early period of resistance that is followed by a moderate to rapid reaction is observed in these four larches in comparatively fow instances. In some it n observed in all four starches, as in Uie chloral-hydrate reactions; in others, in one, two, or three, as the case may be, as in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogaJlic acid, potassium iodide, and sodium hydroxide. In a number of the reactions either a very rapid rvn occurs at once, particularly with the mineral acids, potassium hydroxide, and |>otasium sulphide, or .. slow reaction, as with barium chloride and mercuric chloride. Both types of reaction may be present, as with potassium sulphocyanate ; in other instances there may be various forma of combination and gradation of these types of curves. The courses of the- curves are not identical with any two reagents (excepting in the case of nitric acid, sul- phuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and |tota*u*ium hydrox- ide, in which it is shown that the reactions occur to.. quickly for any or at least an entirely satisfactory dif- ferentiation), so that each reagent carries with its reac- tions the stamp of individuality. \\ hile in case of some of the charts the MIM.S at first glance may convey the impression of close similarity, as in the reac- tions with sodium sulphide, uranium nitrate, copper ni- trate, and cupric chloride, even a superficial examination will show well-defined differences. The parental curves are very nearly alike in their course, but with the im- portant exception that in the sodium-sulphide reactions the Amaryllis curve is the lower, while in the other three reactions it is the higher a striking difference. The hybrid curves in the four reaction- ,!., not correspond in their courses with the peculiarities of the parental curves, and in no two are they identical. The curve of IlninsJontia sandrnr alba is always the lowest, and the curves of both hybrids show a direct quantitative relationship to the parental curves in so far as when tin- parental curves are lower the hybrid curves are lower. While the parental curves tend to run closely toother the two hybrid curves exhibit some degree of independ- ence, not only of the parents but also of each other. The earliest period during tin- tin minutes at which the curves are best separated for differential purposes is variable with the different reagent*, and in some in- stances no definite time can be stated, owing to extreme rapidity of the reactions, while in other instances state- ments must be made with reserve. Approximately, this period is noted at the end of 3 minutes in the potassium- sulphide reactions ; at the end of 5 minutes in the reac- tions with chromic acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium salicylate, strontium nitrate, and cupric chloride; at the end of 15 minutes in the reactions with chloral hydrate, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, and copper nitrate; at the end of 30 minutes in the reactions with pyrogallic acid ; and at the end of 60 minutes in the reactions with calcium nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. RBACTIOX-INTKVRITIKS OP TUB Hrnnw. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrids as regards sameness, intermediatenew, excess, and deficit in relation to those of the parents. (Table A land Charts Dl toD 21.) The reactivities of BrunxAonna mnAtra alba are the same as those of the seed parent in reactions with polar- 36 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. ization and iodine, sulphuric acid, and barium chloride ; the same as those of the pollen parent in none; the same as those of both parents in the potassium-hydroxide reaction in which the reactions occur with great rapidity ; intermediate in the temperature reactions and those of chromic acid, potassium sulphide, sodium salicylate, and strontium nitrate (in two being closer to the seed parent and in three being mid-intermediate) ; highest in the reactions with gentian violet, safranin, and chloral hy- drate (in two being closer to the pollen parent, and in one closer to the seed parent) ; and lowest in the reac- tions with pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hy- droxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride (in four being closer to the seed parent, in eight being closer to the pollen parent, and in one being as close to one as to the other parent) . The reactivities of Brunsdonna sanderce are the same as those of the seed parent in the reactions with iodine, temperature, sulphuric acid, potassium sulphide, sodium salicylate, strontium nitrate, and barium chloride; the same as those of the pollen parent in none; the same as those of both parents in the potassium-hydroxide reac- tion, in which the reactions occur with great rapidity; intermediate in the polarization and strontium nitrate (in one being closer to the seed parent and in one being mid-intermediate) ; highest in the reactions with gentian violet, safranin, and chloral hydrate (in two being closer to the seed parent, and in one closer to the pollen parent) ; and lowest in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sul- phide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride (in 3 being closer to the seed parent, in 8 closer to the pollen parent, and in 3 being as close to one as to the other parent) . The hybrids differ in their parental relationships in the polarization, the safranin and temperature reactions, and in those of chromic acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphide, sodium salicylate, strontium nitrate, and cobalt nitrate. In the polarization reactions one is the same as the seed parent, the other intermediate, but nearer the seed parent. In the safranin reactions both are highest, but one closer to the pollen parent and the other to the seed parent. In the temperature reactions one is inter- mediate and closer to the seed parent, and the other the same as the seed parent. In the chromic-acid reactions one is mid-intermediate, and the other the lowest, but closer to the pollen parent. In the potassium-iodide reactions both are the lowest; one is closer to the seed parent, and the other as close to one aa to the other parent. In the potassium-sulphide reactions one is mid- intermediate and the other the same as the seed parent. In the sodium-salicylate reactions one is intermediate and closer to the seed parent and the other the same as the seed parent. In the strontium-nitrate reactions both are intermediate, one being mid-intermediate and the other closer to the seed parent. In the cobalt-nitrate reactions both are highest, but one is closer to the pollen parent and the other as close to one as to the other parent. The following table is a summary of the reaction- intensities : B. sande- rce alba. B. sande- roe. Same as seed parent 4 6 Same as pollen parent .... Same as both parents ... Intermediate 1 5 1 2 Highest 3 3 Lowest 13 14 In none of the reactions of either hybrid is the reac- tion the same as that of the pollen parent, while there are 10 reactions of the 52 which are the same as those of the seed parent. The dominating influence of the seed parent, Amaryllis belladonna, on the properties of the starch of the hybrid are well marked. COMPOSITE CURVES OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities showing the differentiation of the starches of Amaryllis belladonna, Brunsvigia joseph- ince, Brunsdonna sanderce alba, and Brunsdonna sanderce. (Chart El.) The most conspicuous features of this chart may be summed up as follows : (1) Taking the curves of Amaryllis belladonna as a standard of comparison, it will be noted that the curve of Brunsvigia Josephines follows it very closely in the up-and-down courses except in the reactions with pyro- gallic acid, potassium sulphide, and calcium nitrate, here and there crossing in accordance with higher or lower reactivity. Except the three reactions noted and those with uranium nitrate, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride, the curves keep close together. These departures indicate species widely separated and belonging either to a given genus or to two closely related genera, in this case the latter. (2) It will be noted that the reactions of Amaryllis belladonna are higher than those of Brunsvigia Josephines in polarization and in the reactions with safranin, chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride ; lower in those with iodine, gentian violet, temperature of gelatinization, pyrogallic acid, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride ; and the same or practically the same in those with chromic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium sulphide, so- dium salicylate, and cobalt nitrate. (3) In Amaryllis belladonna the very high polariza- tion and reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydro- chloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, po- tassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate; the high reactions with chromic acid, potassium sulphocyanate, uranium nitrate, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride ; the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, tempera- ture, chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, and sodium sul- phide ; the low reactions with cobalt nitrate, and very low reactions with barium chloride and mercuric chloride. (4) In Brunsvigia Josephines the very high polariza- tion and reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydro- AMARYLLIS BKUNSVHIIA BRUN8DONNA. 37 i-hlorir .1. i.l. p.'tiisMum (i).lroxi.le, potassium iodide, so- dium hv'IroMile, fexliuin >aluylat.-, tin- hiv'h r- trith iiviiiii-. iliroim,- B.i.l, |>vn->fllir acid, potassium sul- phocyanate. and strontium nitrate; moderate rea with p-iitum violet, xufraiuii, temperature of gelatimza- tioii, p.>tii.-MUiil sulphide, so!niiii Hulphulc, cak-IUIll III- . and iir.iniiiiii mtnite ; tin- low rvu.-tioim with -hlr.il hydrate, cobalt nitrate, i-opper nitrate, cuprir chloride, and ML r. urn- < lilnri.!.- ; ami the very low reactions with barium rhlon.tr. (5) In the hUinds Brunsdonna MnJriw alba and llrun.l"ntui uinilrrae the very high polarization and reac- with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hvdroxide, potassium sulphide, sodium salicy- late, and htr.nitiuin nitrate; the high reactions with gen- tian violet, safraiiin, chloral hydrate, and chromic acid ; :!i- in. .rate reactions with iodine and temperature of gelatinization ; the low with potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, calcium nitrate, and uranium nitrate; and TV low with pyrogallic acid, potassium sulphocya- nate, sodium .sulphide, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cuprir chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensities: 11 8 8 a Hih. I I 4 I M ..!. , ale. Low. ftr, I i I s i In the curves of the hybrids which show in the first place a very close correspondence with each other, and in the second place a closer correspondence, on the whole, with the curves of Amaryllis belladonna than with those of Brunsvigia josephina, the hybrid curves are for the most part either lower than or practically the same as the Amaryllis carves, in only four instances are the curves higher, and then in an unimportant degree. - OK AMARYLLIS, BRCNSVIOIA, AND BRUXSDONNJB. The botanist has assigned Amaryllis belladonna and Brunsrigia josephina to separate genera. Upon the basis of the peculiarities of their starches in their histo- logic properties and reactions with the various agents and reagents, it seems that these species may be regarded as being members of either closely related genera or well- separated species of the same genus, such as repreaen- of snbgenera; but the data are too limited to . more than speculation. The most remarkable feature* of these records are: (1) in the hybrids the many extraordinary low or high reactivities, especially the former, that exceed the parental extremes, this being noted in 15 out of the 28 reactions; (2) the absence of sameness of any reaction as that of the pollen parent ; the sameness of the reaction as that of the seed parent in 4 reactions of one and 6 reactions of the other hybrid. The marked departures of the hybrid curves -'...-.MI in excessive or deficient reactivities in comparison with the reactivities of the parent* seem to be more sug- ueric parents than of parents belonging to th> same genus. Eta i v 41, rrc. 'I In- additional matter treats of descriptions of Bruiu- tul \ niaryllis parlceri. and A. parkeri alba (A. brllatlunna kevensu alba), and comparisons of the starches of H. (ubergtni, A. parkeri alba, Bnuudonna sandera alba, and H. tandtra. Bnuudonna tvbergeni, A. parkeri. and A. parkeri alba are of especial interest in conjunction with the foregoing studies of the Amaryltis-Hrunsrigia-Hruns- donna group because: the first is known to be a hybrid of Hrunsvigia and Amaryllis; the second is looked upon as being probably a Brunsvigia- Amaryllis hybrid; the third is a variety of the second and is regarded as being the same as A. belladonna kevensis alba, the parentage of which is unknown; and the last two are known hy- brids of Amaryllis-lirunsrigia, but without positive knowledge of the direction of the cross. Appertaining to the foregoing, the following data appeared in The Gardeners' Chronicle, 1909, XLT, 57; 1911, L, 210: Bniiudonn tubrrye*i: Mr. C. O. Tubergee, Jr.. thu* de scribes the circumstances of a croae between tfninrifto /utffkintr and Amarylli* brlladonnu: Principally with a view of ascertaining toe parentage of the Kew variety of Amarylhi fc-U4o*M (see illiutratlon In Tnr <iardrn, November IV, 189H; alw> note* In Thr Otrdnurs* . M..ni.-le. Krl.ruary 0, 1901, etc.), in the autumn of IBM I artificially impregnated Hrvninyio jutrpfiintt with the pollen of Amaryltit Mlfdonmm. Seedt formed freely, aa the two gea- era, Brwunyi* and Anutiyllit. are vtry nearly related. Aa could be foreseen, with ilow-growing Rnmrrift* jotrpkina aa the female parent, a long time had to elapa* before the leedling planta would be strong enough to reach flowering ilxc. After 18 year* of patient waiting, two of the itrongwt bulb* pro- duced flower pikea in September of Uat year. When the hybrid planta had been growing for a few aeaaoaa It became evident that they differed in habit from the Kew variety of Amcryllii teHi/omn, which produce* a leaf utem of about 4 incbee high, wbereaa my hybrid* all bear the character of BnHuvigim fottpktna in the foliage, leavea being formed di- rectly above the neck of the bulb*. The infncion of belladonna blood i* clearly ahown in the bulb*, aa theae reaemble thoae of the brllodcmu* and produce, offaeta freely, whilst Hrunmyta never produeea offaeta. A comparison of the aupplemmtary illuitration, which wae drawn by Mr. Worthington (Smith from the indoreaeeaaee tent from my garden, with the engraving in the Garden above cited, lead* to the conclusion that the Kew plant can no longer be regarded aa a hybrid Mweea theae i plant can no longer be regarded aa a hybrid tetwsssi tbeae spe- cie*, unless it waa a crose effected in the reverse way, taking Ammrylii* oe/texfoM aa the female plant. In that case the blond* must have bee* used, it being the only variety sUaaVisjo* known which produce*! a leaf -stem. The color Dowers of my hybrid waa a clear, deep rose, suffuaed rmine. A single spike produced 22 flowers. rariet of A. of the with carmine. A single apike prod AmaryllU parkrri (hyb.). Thia la between Hnntiigta joirpkimtr and A differ* in the form of the umbel from A. circular and cm .in- "i to be a hybrid It being quite he lower* rrying aome SO flowers and buds. The a d<p rose shade, with whit* and orange at the baa* It la and orange-colored on the. exterior of the tuba, from the ordinary A. b$ll*1mm, poseease* greater vigor, and ha* a *tm aome S feet In hmgth. fhi* plant U almost identical with the plant known aa the Kew variety of A. teflaa'asisia, which is also A. parkrri, being the same cross and Tarring only in being a better rose color with lea* orange shade. Mr. Hod- ton informed us that hia AmaryllU waa ahown aa A. MM donna "Kew variety," because it waa received under this name from an amateur cultivator In New Zealand aoaae, ate yuan ago. This i* the first season of flowering at Onnnoisbeli I House. It may prove to be Mr Van Tubergen'e plant, which be obtained from crossing Bmttnfia with Amutylltt WUev 6MM. Mr. Tubergen'a hybrid formed the subject of a sup plemenisry illu.tratinn in The Oardeaur*' Chronicle, January 23, 1 900. 38 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. Amaryllis parkeri alba. This plant is evidently a variety of A. parkeri. It possesses a fine umbel, a large number of flowers almost pure white but with the same orange shading at the base as in the flower described above. It is a most strik- ing and distinct novelty. The origin was not stated, but every- thing points to the same cross. This was shown as A. bella- donna ketcenis alba by Mr. Worsley, Mandeville House, Isle- worth. Brunsdonna sanderce alba. In this case the umbel resembled typical A. belladonna in formation, being one-sided rather than globular. This plant is also the result of a cross between liruns- vigia and Amaryllis belladonna., but there is not sufficient in- formation to determine whether the parentage is the same as in the case of A. parkeri. Comparative examinations of a preliminary character were made of the starches of A. parkeri alba, Bruns- donna tubergeni, Brunsdonna sanderce alba, and B. san- derce, as follows : Histologic Properties. All of these starches are alike in that all have very few compound grains which consist of two components, and all have very few aggregates which usually are in the form of doublets of equal size, but occasionally as triplets that are linearly arranged. The grains of A. parkeri alba and of Brunsdonna san- derce alba, and B. sanderce have about the same degree of irregularity of surface, while those of B. tubergeni are much more irregular than the preceding, the irregu- larities in all being due to the same causes. The con- spicuous forms of the grains of A. parkeri alba and of B. sanderce alba and B. sanderce are very much alike, but those of the first are more slender and elongated than those of the two latter. The grains of B. tuber- geni are, as a rule, intermediate in slenderness between those of A. parkeri and B. sanderce alba, and B. sanderce, but closer to those of the latter ; and there is a conspic- uousness of elliptical, irregularly triangular, and nearly round grains. The hila of the grains of A. parkeri alba and those of B. sanderce alba and B. sanderce show the same degree of distinctness, and in all three more distinctness than in B. tubergeni. The eccen- tricity is about the same in all four starches. The lamellae of A. parkeri alba and B. tubergeni are more distinct and more often coarse than those of B. san- derce alba and B. sanderce, otherwise they are prac- tically the same in all four starches except that in B. tubergeni, in which they are somewhat more often irreg- ular than in the others. In size the grains of B. sanderce alba and B. sanderce are smallest, those of A. parkeri alba intermediate, and those of B. tubergeni largest ; but there are no marked differences. Polariscopic Properties. The polariscopic figure is very nearly the same in all four starches, but it is more often irregular in B. tubergeni than in the others. The degree of polarization is practically the same in all of the starches. Iodine Reactions. With 0.25 per cent Lugol's solu- tion A. parkeri alba, B. sanderce alba, and B. sanderce color about equally and from 3 to 5 units more than B. tubergeni. Aniline Reactions. With gentian violet A. parkeri alba, B. sanderce alba, and B. sanderce color about the same and about 5 units less than B. tubergeni. With safranin the results are practically the same as the fore- going, but there is somewhat less variation of coloring of the grains of B. tubergeni than of the starches. The temperatures of gelatinization are as follows (degrees) : Majority at Complete at Mean. A. parkeri alba 71.5 70 to 71.5 70 to 71.5 62 to 03.5 70 to 71 65 to 66 74.2 to 76 71.5 to 73 72 to 72.5 64 to 65.5 72.5 to 73 70 to 72 75.1 72.1-5 72.75 64.75 72.7 71 B. sandcro3 The reaction of A. parkeri alba with sulphuric acid begins immediately. Complete gelatinization occurs in about 3 per cent of the entire number of grains and 10 per cent of the total starch in 15 seconds; in about 70 per cent of the grains and 80 per cent of the total starch in 30 seconds; in about 96 per cent of the grains and 98 per cent of the total starch in 45 seconds; and in about 99 per cent of the grains and over 99 per cent of the total starch in 1 minute. The reactions of Bruns- donna sanderce alba and B. sanderce with sulphuric acid are given on pages 389 and 394, Part II, and Chart D 5. The reactions of Brunsdonna tubergeni with sul- phuric acid begin immediately. Complete gelatiniza- tion occurs in about 80 per cent of the entire number of grains and 90 per cent of the total starch in 30 sec- onds; in about 99 per cent of the grains and in more than 99 per cent of the total starch in 45 seconds ; and in 100 per cent of the starch in 1 minute. The reaction of A. parkeri alba with potassium iodide begins in a few grains in 30 seconds. Complete gela- tinization occurs in about 1 per cent of the entire num- ber of grains and 65 per cent of the total starch in 5 minutes; in about 20 per cent of the grains and 75 per cent of the total starch in 15. minutes; in about 32 per cent of the grains and 88 per cent of the total starch in 30 minutes; in about 52 per cent of the grains and 90 per cent of the total starch in 45 minutes ; and with little if any further advance in 60 minutes. The reactions of B. sanderce alba and B. sanderoe with potassium iodide are given on pages 389 and 394, Part II, and Chart D 8. The reaction of B. tubergeni with potassium iodide begins immediately. Complete gelatinization occurs in 59 per cent of the entire number of grains and 95 per cent of the total starch in 5 minutes; in about 95 per cent of the grains and in more than 99 per cent of the total starch in 15 minutes. The reaction of A. parkeri alba with sodium hydrox- ide begins immediately. Complete gelatinization occurs in about 50 per cent of the entire number of grains and 92 per cent of the total starch in 2 minutes; in about 81 per cent of the grains and 97 per cent of the total starch in 5 minutes; and in about 97 per cent of the grains and over 99 per cent of the total starch in 10 minutes. The reactions of Brunsdonna sanderce alba and B. sanderce with sodium hydroxide are given on pages 390 and 395, Part II, and Chart D 11. The reaction of Brunsdonna tubergeni with sodium hydroxide begins immediately. Complete gelatinization occurs in about 84 per cent of the entire number of grains and 97 per cent of the total starch in 5 minutes. The most important questions here involved are: (1) AMAinU.I> Hi:i N.SVIGIA BRUN8DON N A . M :e properliv* uf liruntdunna tubergent, lirunsdonna lanJenr alba, and Bruntdonna tandent indicate that these hybrid:) are the offspring uf the same cro*- : ..il . r.'.vrjt; and (2) what are the induatimi- uf the probable parentage of Amaryllis park en albaf larch of Urunsdonna tubergtn* has in compari- son with the starch of B. tandem alba and B. sandera rties thut are closely similar or identical aiul others that are more or leaf markedly dissimilar, tin- latter much predominating. The grains of the for- ire more irregular, and more slender and elongated; the hila are leas distinct; the lamella; are more distinct, often coarse, and more often irregular; the grains are larger. In the polariacopic properties there are not any conspicuous differences except that the figures tend to lie more irregular. In the iodine reactions the coloration lv le-.-. In the aniline reactions with both .in violet and safranin the coloration is more marked. In most of the foregoing instances the starch of H. tubtrytni does not differ more from the starches of li. undent alba and B. tandem than do the latter from each other. In the temperatures of gelatinization the figure for li. tubergeni is 64.76, or a difference approximately of 7.5 leas than the temperatures of .irental starches, these being 72.7 and 71, re- spectively. The temperatures for B. tandem alba and U. tandem are 72.25 and 72.75, respectively. It will be noted that while the temperature for the parental ;es differ only 1.7, that of B. tubergeni differs from tliat of the pollen parent (A. belladonna) 7.94, and from that of the seed parent (B. josephina) 6.24 ; and that the temperatures for B. tandem alba and B. tandem and their parents differ very little, mostly within the narow limits of error of experiment The very low temperature for B. tubergeni on the one hand and the marked closeness of all of the temperatures for B. tan- alba and B. tandem and their parents on the other indicate quite conclusively that B. tubergeni and B. sandertr alba must have arisen from reciprocal crosses. conclusion is substantiated by the records (not- withstanding their limitation) of the reactions with chemical reagents. The reactions of all of the starches with sulphuric acid occur with such rapidity that no satisfactory differentiation is possible, but with both potassium iodide and sodium hydroxide there are marked and distinctly diagnostic differences. In reactions with potassium iodide the starch of B. tubergeni exhibits a somewhat higher reactivity than the starch of either parent, while on the other hand the starches of B. tandem alba and B. tandem show very much lower reactivities, not nearly RO much of the latter being gelatinized at the ; -I of an hour as there is in case of the B. tubergeni and parental starches in 5 minutes. It is also to be noted that during the progress of gelatinization the - of B. tandem alba and B. tandem tend to pursue the same course, they being separated at and after the .'>-mmut<* interval by about 10 points. In the sodium hydroxide reactions similar results are recorded, the reactivity of the starch of B. tubergeni being very high and closely corresponding to the reactivities of the parental starches, but slightly higher than either, while activities of the starches of B. tandem alba and B. tandem are both moderate, the reactivity of the former being distinctly lower than that of the latter. There were u this research three groups of parental and hybrid starchea in each of which we: iluded two hybrid* of the same cross, and it is of . eat to note to what degrees in general the members of each pair compare with each other and with their p.. and how these peculiarities compare with those of the Hrunadonua* hybrids and their parents. Examining first the temperatures of gelatinization and taking up the Ntrint cntpa-eleaant-dttinty maid-queen of rottt K (page 165) it will be seen thut the temperature oi ti brids differ only 1.3 and that they are intermediate between the parental temperatures, which Utter (Infer 5.2 ; in the Nerine bowdeni-tornientu var. corusca major-gianteu-abundance group the temperatures of the hybrids differ 3.35 and both are lower than either of the parental temperatures, these differing 3.9 ; and in the Xarcissut poetieut-poeticut poetarum-poeticut kemck- poeticut dante group the temperatures of the hybrids differ 2, that of one being intermediate between the parental temperatures and the other practically the same as that of the seed parent, while the parental tempera- tures differ 5.5, that of the seed parent being the higher. The temperatures of each of these pairs of hybrids keep close together and close to the temperatures of the parents, as in the case of Bruntdonna tandem alba and li. tandem, with wider variations in the former than in the latter, but there is no suggestion of a wide departure, such as is found in B. tuberyrni, this latter indicating cither difference in parentage or in the direction of the cross from that of the other Jtruntdonna. In the reactions of the members of these groups with potassium iodide and sodium hydroxide corresponding characteristics have been recorded, that is, that the two starches of each group show close reaction-intensities. In the potassium iodide reactions of the Nerine critpa- elegane-dainly maid-queen of rotet group, those of the hybrids are very much alike and, on the whole, inter- mediate between those of the parents; and in the Nerine boicdeni-sarnientit var. corutca major-giantett-abundance group, while those of the hybrids are low and differ dis- tinctly, at least one and probably both tend to interme- diateneas, and one takes more after the seed parent and the other more after the pollen parent In the sodium- hydroxide reactions, in the first group those of the hy- brids are not only very close but also close to those of the parents ; and in the second group those of the hybrids are very close and lower than those of the parents. It will be aeen that in the reactions of each of the several pairs of hybrids there are no such departures of the reactions of each of the couples as are observed in the case of Brunsdonna tubergeni compared with B. tandem alba and B. tandem. From the description of B. tuber- geni this hybrid is more closely related in its proper! ie* to Bruntrigia jotephina than to Amaryllis belladonna. while the data of B. tandem alba and B. tandem indi- cate that, on the whole, both of these hybrids show a closer relationship to A. belladonna than to B. jottpk- ina in other words, in each case the hybrid is more closely related to the seed parent These data also give a cine as to the probable origin of Amaryllu parkeri alba. The starch of this plant throughout the histologic and polariacopic properties and the iodine and aniline reactions, with rare exceptions, exhibits a much closer relationship to Bruntdonna tan- 40 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. derce alba and B. sanderce than to B. tubergeni; in the temperature reactions it differs little from those of B. sanderce alba and B. sanderce, but much from those of B. tubergeni; while in the potassium-iodide and sodium- hydroxide reactions it is closer to B. tubergeni than to the other hybrids. From the foregoing it seems obvious that this plant is not to be identified with either B. tuber- geni or the sanderce hybrids, although closely related. It seema probable, as suggested by Tubergen, that the parentage of A. parkeri on the Amaryllis side was A. belladonna var. blanda (A. blanda Gawl) the histo- logic and polariscopic properties and the iodine, aniline, and temperature reactions pointing to the same direction of the cross as of B. sanderce alba and B. sanderce, while the potassium iodide and sodium hydroxide reactions indicate a cross in the opposite direction ; but the tem- perature reaction alone is almost if not conclusive. Addi- tional studies of the reactions would undoubtedly make absolutely positive the direction of the cross if A. parkeri is a hybrid. 2. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF HlPPEASTRUM TITAN, H. CLEONIA, AND H. TITAN-CLEONIA. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with the various chemical reag- ents these three starches are very much alike. The starch of Hippeastrum cleonia is distinguished from that of the other parent chiefly in the larger number of com- pound grains and aggregates; the presence of isolated grains each having a large pressure facet ; more round- ness but greater irregularity of the grains ; somewhat less fissuration and less eccentricity of the hilum ; more dis- tinct and more regular lamellae ; somewhat larger average size of the grains ; larger number of double and multiple polariscopic figures; greater frequency of equality of size, less frequency of irregularity of shape, and less often purity of color of the quadrants in the selenite reaction ; and some slight differences in qualitative reactions with iodine. The starch of the hybrid is in form, hilum, and polariscopic figure more closely related to the seed parent ; and in distinctness and regularity of the lamellae, size, and iodine reactions more closely related to the other parent. In the selenite reactions certain properties lean to one or the other parent. A given character may appear more conspicuously in the hybrid than in either parent. The qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, and sodium salicylate are closer to those of seed parent. Reaction-intensities Expressed l>y Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization : H. titan, high to very high, value 83. H. cleonia, high to very high, lower than in H. titan, value 80. H. titan-cleonia, high to very high, higher than in either parent, value 85. Iodine: H. titan, moderate, value 52. H. cleonia, moderately deep, deeper than in H. titan, value 55. H. titan-oleonia, moderate to deep, deeper than in the parents, value 68. Gentian violet: H. titan, moderately light to light, value 45. H. cleonia, moderate, deeper than in H. titan, value 50. H. titan-cleonia, moderate, the same as in //. cleonin, vulue 50. Saf ranin : H. titan, moderate, value 50. H. cleonia, moderate, a little deeper than in H. titan , value 55. H. titan-cleonia, moderate, the same as in H. oloonia, value 55. Temperature of gelatinization: H. titan, in majority at 74 to 75, in all but rare grains at 77 to 77.5, mean 77.26. H. cleonia, in majority at 71 to 73, in all but rare grains at 73 to 74, mean 73.6. H. titan-cleonia, in majority at 72 to 74, in all but rare grains at 73 to 74, mean 73.6. The reactivity of Hippeastrum titan is higher than that of Hippeastrum cleonia in the polarization reaction, and lower in the reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and temperature. The hybrid shows in the polarization and iodine reactions the highest reactivi- ties of all three starches; in the reactions with gentian violet, safranin, and temperature the same reactivities as those of Hippeastrum cleonia, all three reactions being higher than the corresponding reactions of the other parent. Table A 2 shows the reaction intensities in per- centages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Hippeastrum titan, II. cleonia, and H. titan-cleonia, showing the quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-inter- vals. (Charts D 22 to D 42.) Among the conspicuous features of these charts are : (1) The closeness of the curves of the three starches in all of the reactions. The reactions are so slow with potassium iodide, potassium sulphide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, co- balt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chlo- ride, and mercuric chloride that there is almost if not absolutely no differentiation. Omitting the foregoing reactions, the curve of Hippeastrum titan is higher than that of the other parent in the reactions with chromic acid and sulphuric acid, and lower in those with chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, potassium hydrox- ide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, and so- dium salicylate, indicating, on the whole, a lower reac- tivity of this starch. (2) The curves of the hybrid show marked variations in their parental relationships, with as much of a ten- dency to be higher or lower than the parental curves as to intermediateness. In a few reactions the curves are the same as those of the seed parent or of the pollen parent, and in about one-third they are the same as the parental curves. (See following section.) (3) In most of the charts in which there was a mod- erate to rapid reactivity there are indications of an early period of comparatively marked resistance. (4) The best period during the 60 minutes for the differentiation of the three starches is variable, and in case of all the very slow reactions and including those with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, potassium sulphocya- nate, and sodium hydroxide, the curves are best separated, if at all, at the end of 60 minutes. This period is noted at the end of 15 minutes in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, sulphuric acid, potassium hydrox- ide, and sodium salicylate ; at the end of 30 minutes with hydrochloric acid; and at the end of 60 minutes with the other reagents. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 2 and Charts D22 toD42.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the reactions with sodium sulphide and strontium nitrate; the same as those of the pollen parent with gentian violet, safranin, and temperature; the same as those of both parents with potassium sul- phide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride, in all of which the reactions are ex- ceedingly slow; intermediate with nitric acid, hydro- chloric acid, potassium iodide and potassium sulpho- I11ITI \-il:fM. TABLE A 2. - M - 1 :" 1 '-. 1 a - .' Chloral hydrate: II titan A 8 .; ai n : . an -fir. .ma | i i i , II Ulan 4 ., II 1. -..!.. 11 l.l.i. . 1.x. ma Pyrocallic add: 11 Ulan 1 A u , ,, W u 07 00 | 3 00 06 H II Ulan A 1 66 9 76 i. " i- 07 61 | i . eo f| 11 Utau-4'lc*>nia i 61 , Sulphuric acid : li Ulan H .-In ma ft . . ,, .- . 00 ,. 00 N 00 II titan 1 > i 11 rlo 1.1 1 11 :*:. . !.-. ma 4 M - 74 | , 78 . Potaauum hydroxide: H Ulan 15 48 54 ., n Ir-nila 11 tilu-clcouia IViaMium iodide: l\ Mian 10 i- 68 A7 7 . 72 70 g g 10 16 M -inn rlinaia. 05 4 Q 10 I 1 .tMBumeulpbocyanatt 11 Mtan 4 11 43 40 II !<. nm 7 54 80 II tita.n-cl~.nia 7 .. , ',. I'otaaaium (ulphide: It titan 06 1 11 <-!-. ma 11 titan- Ic-oiua Sodium hydroxide: H ti'.ni 0.6 0.6 1 2 15 3 1 24 1 26 - tan-<-lr,.nia 1 40 40 Sodium mlpnide: II Mian 11 , ., 0.6 7 2 to 2 13 II Mt*n-clt..nia 05 3 Sudium lallC) latr : II M'a:, 10 57 0N ....... in H 09 tan-clronia 4 65 04 (JO Calcium nitrate: II Utan | 1 7 II -lonnia LI I 7 X II 'i'I.- 1.. i.i . 7 7 I'ranium nitrate: II titan 1 7 7 M .l-.i.ia -. I I 2 a a 7 Strontium nitrate: 11 Mtan . -, 7 - 7 I A - 16 }l '.- .: .;...[. .a , j I 7 Cobalt nitrate: 11 tit^n 0.6 1 1 , 1)6 1 1 7 1)6 I 1 Copper nitrate: II Mtan '. \{ . ;~.i.i > an-djnia chloride: II Min 1 6 1X6 2 2 a i 2 2 2 Barium chloride: II Mtan A n i 2 2 OS nm : 3.6 II uun-deonia 6 1)6 Mrrruric chloride: H lit.m n. tiUUMleoni* 6 1 1 1 a i 2 2 1 2 cyanau (in on,. U - n ^ dowr to the Mod parent three iiiid-iiitvrniediate) ; highcit with iK.lanzatmn. imlin,.. ralphwie a-id. pota-.iuin hydroxide, and sodium bydroxid* (m two being closer to the need parent in three closer to tin- |K-ll<-n parent) ; and lowwt with rhlc.ral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic and. and ao- .liuin ulicylate (in three being closer to the teed parent and in one cloaer to the pollen parent). The following is a summary of the reaction inten- sities : Same aa aeed parent, 8 ; aame u pollen pan < MOW as both parent*, 8; intermediate, 4; higbtv lowest, 4. The Med parent shows a stronger influence than the pollen parent on the characters of the starch of the hybrid. COMPOSITE Cairo OP TUB REACTION-INTENSITIES. The following section treat* of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities showing the differentiation of the starches of Hippeattrum titan. II. cltvnia, and // *t7an-e/mM. ( Chart F 2. ) Among the conspicuous features of this chart are : (1) The closeness of all three curves, indicating a very close relationship of all three starches and plaiit- sourcea. (2) The generally lower position of the curve of llippeaxtrum titan in relation to the curve of the other parent, it being lower in the reactions with inline, gen- tian violet, safranin, temperature, chloral hydrate, pyro- gallic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, odium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, and strontium m trate; higher with polarization and chromic acid ; and the same or practically the same with sulphuric acid, potas- sium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, ura- nium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (3) The curve of Hippttulrum titan is very high in the polarization and chromic-acid reactions; high with sulphuric acid and sodium salicylate; moderate with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and pyrogallic acid ; low with temperature, nitric acid, hydrochloric, and potassium hydroxide; very low with chloral hydrate, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (4) The curve of II ippta.it rum clronia is very high in the polarization and chromic-acid reactions ; high with pyrogallic acid, sulphuric acid, and sodium salicylate; moderate in the iodine, gentian violet, and safranin ; and low with temperature, chloral hydrate, nitric acid, hydro- chloric acid, potassium hydroxide, and potassium sulpho- cyanate; and very low with potassium iodide, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt ni- trate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (5) The curve of the hybrid is very high in the polarization and sulphuric-acid reaction! ; high with chromic acid and sodium salicylate; moderate with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and pyrogallic acid ; low .* i ih temperature, nitric acid, hydrochloric .;.!. |x>U*- -ium hydroxide, and potassium sulphocyanate ; and very low with chloral hydrate, potassium iodide, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, xodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, trontium nitrate, cobalt ni- trate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. 42 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties : Very high. High. Moder- ate. Low. Very low. H. titan 2 2 4 4 14 2 3 3 g 12 H. titan-cleonia .... 2 2 4 5 13 3. COMPARISONS OF THE STASCHES OF HlPPEASTRUM OSSULTAN, H. PYRRHA, AND H. OSSULTAN-PYRRHA. In the histologic characteristics and polariscopic fig- ures, reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with the various chemical reagents the three starches are closely alike. The starch of H . pyrrha in comparison with that of the seed parent has fewer compound grains and aggregates, more single grains with one or more pressure facets, and more irregularities of the grains; the hilum is more fre- quently and more extensively fissured and is more eccen- tric; the lamellae are distinct in a larger number of grains, but as a rule less in number; the size as a rule is less, but the proportions of length to breadth are the same; and the polariscopic figures, reactions with sele- nite, and the qualitative reactions with iodine show minor differences which in the aggregate are of account in differentiation of the starches. The starch of the hybrid closely resembles those of the parents. It is closer to that of the seed parent in size of the grains and number of the lamella, but closer to the pollen parent in the form of the grains, fissuration and eccentricity of the hilum, and character of the lamellae. In the qualitative polarization and iodine reactions it is closer to the seed parent. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium iodide, and potassium sulphocyanate it is more like that of the seed parent, while in the nitric-acid and sodium-salicylate reactions more like that of the other parent. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization : H. ossultan, high to very high, value 83. H. pyrrha. high to very high, higher than in H. ossultan, value 85. H. ossult.-pyrh, high to very high, higher than in either parent, value 87. Iodine: H. ossultan, moderately light to moderate, value 45. H. pyrrha, moderate to moderately deep, deeper than in H. ossul- tan, value 65. H. ossult.-pyrh., moderately light to moderately deep, and inter- mediate between the parents, value 50. Gentian violet: H. ossultan, moderate, value 50. H. pyrrha, moderately light to moderately deep, lighter than in H. ossultan, value 48. H. ossult.-pyrh., moderate to moderately deep, deeper than in either parent, value 53. Safranin: H. ossultan, moderate to moderately deep, value 66. H. pyrrha, moderate, lighter than in H. ossultan, value 50. H. ossult.-pyrh., moderate to moderately deep, deeper than in either parent, value 58. Temperature of gelatinization : H. ossultan, in majority at 73 to 74, in all except rare grains at 76 to 76, mean 75.6. H. pyrrha, in majority at 71 to 73, in all except rare grains at 73 to 74, mean 73.5. H. ossult.-pyrh., in majority at 70 to 72, in all but rare grains at 72 to 73, mean 72.6. The reactivities of H. ossultan are lower than those of the other parent in the polarization, iodine, and temperature reactions and higher in those of gentian violet and safranin. The reactivities of the hybrid are higher than those of either parent in the polarization, gentian-violet, safranin and temperature reactions, and TABLE A 3. a 6 M a ec a a a 10 a 8 o SO a U5 I g Chloral hydrate: H. ossultan 7 27 37 42 H. pyrrha 19 28 39 42 H. ossult.-pyrh /i 26 36 40 Chromic acid: H. ossultan i 95 96 99 H. pyrrha i 20 on 99 H. ossult.-pyrh 45 96 99 Pyrogallic acid: H. ossultan 10 67 80 90 nr H. pyrrha 80 89 92 OR H. ossult.-pyrh 9 85 93 96 Nitric acid: H. ossultan 4 17 30 13 Kft H. pyrrha 9 10 33 50 H. ossult.-pyrh 2 19 40 Sulphuric acid: H. ossultan 45 95 99 70 96 99 H ossult -pyrh 10 95 99 Hydrochloric acid : H. ossultan 5 40 62 75 Qtt 41 70 on H. ossult.-pyrh 6 50 82 89 Potassium hydroxide: 14 50 62 69 70 H. pyrrha 8 61 72 71 TC H. ossult.-pyrh 54 74 76 Potassium iodide: 4 11 19 21 5 5 7 17 3 10 Potassium sulphocyanate: H. ossultan 4 10 19 64 > 5 25 46 H. ossult.-pyrh 10 48 61 7ft Potassium sulphide: H. ossultan 5 1 3 4 1 2 3 H. ossult.-pyrh Sodium hydroxide: 0.5 10 0.5 31 3 39 44 3 40 H. pyrrha o H 29 36 A-3 H. ossult.-pyrh ft 77 13 45 Sodium sulphide: H. ossultan ? 5 g g 1 3 5 H. ossult.-pyrh 4 6 g Sodium salicylate: H. ossultan 45 05 00 H. pyrrha 00 00 H. ossult.-pyrh 99 85 98 99 Calcium nitrate: 1 3 5 5 H. pyrrha 1 3 H. ossult.-pyrh 05 1 2 2 Uranium nitrate: H. ossultan 5 fi 10 H. pyrrha 05 1 4 H. ossult.-pyrh 05 1 Strontium nitrate: H. ossultan 7 10 12 H. pyrrha 1 5 12 H. ossult.-pyrh ?, 4 g Cobalt nitrate: H. ossultan 05 1 > 3 H. pyrrha 05 1 2 H. ossult.-pyrh 05 1 2 Copper nitrate: H. ossultan 5 4 5 H. pyrrha 05 6 H. ossult.-pyrh 05 f 2 Cupric chloride : H. ossultan 05 ? 4 H. pyrrha 05 2 H. ossult.-pyrh 05 1 Barium chloride: 5 1 3 H. pyrrha .". . . 5 5 H. ossult.-pyrh 0,5 5 Mercuric chloride: H. ossultan 5 1 o 2 H. pyrrha H. ossult.-pyrh n 5 1 1 Mil M mid-intermediate in the reaction with iodine. In the polariz*tiuu niul t. IHJK rature reactions it is clo*.T tu t.'i. . pan nt, mill tn tli<- gentian-Mnlei and ufnuin . r In the seed parent. Table A t!u- rcactnm-intr: p<Tcen- tages of total -t.ii.h gelatinized at definite intends BOMS). \ I I " irY-UUCTION COIVKS. Tins se. tin ti. lit- of tin' velocity- reaction curve* of the starches of lltppfastnim ossullan. 11. pyrrha, and iulian-iiyrrlui. .-howm-; the quaiitiUtn. differences in th<> l-ehauor toward different reagents tt definite time- r\aJs. (I 'harts 1) i:t to D03.) Tl features of these chart* do not differ in man. r. -;>. , :- from those of the preceding net ( 1 i 'lii.- . urves of all three starches are in all of the close ami, <>n the whole, about the tame as regard* the extent of separation as in the fint set, in tlii-ri- !..-in^ a little more separation and in other* lee*. In most of the reactions then is a ten- dency fr a slightly higher reactivity than in the //. M'.'.iri-r/cvfita set Many of the reactions are so slow that there is no important if any differentiation, as in with potassium sulphide, sodium sulphide, cahium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt ni- ;<r nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. . Omitting these very slow reactions, the curve <>f //. ossultan is in the remaining 11 reactions higher than the corresponding curve of the other parent in the reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, nitric ai ul, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium ii\'h'.\:.!e, and sodium salicylate ; and lower in those with pyrogallic acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and potassium hydroxide. > The curves of the hybrid bear varying relations parental carves, with very little tendency to same- ness in relation to the teed parent and none to the pollen parent; with little tendency to in termed iateness r t<> In'iiig the lowest of the three curves; with a marked to be the highest of the three ; and with a ten- clciii v to sameness an both parents in the reactions that take place with marked slowness. (See the following section.) ( 4 ) An early period of comparatively high resistance especially in the reactions with chloral hydrate, ;iic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, and potas- sium sulphocyanate; the opposite with potassium hy- droxide and sodium salicylate. (5) The best period for the differentiation of the three starches is in case of the very slow reactions above red to at the end of the 60 minutes, but in some of them even at this time there is very little or no differ- ence. The curves appear to be best separated at 5 min- utes in the reactions with sulphuric acid, potassium hy- droxide, and sodium salicylate; at 15 minutes with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and so- dium hydroxide; at 30 minutes with nitric acid, hydro- chloric acid, and potassium sulphocyanate. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intennediatenen, execs*, and t in relation to the parents. (Table A 3 and Charts 1)43 toD63.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent with sulphuric acid, sodium sulphide, and uranium nitrate; the same as those of the pollen parent in none ; the same as those of both parent* with potassium sulphide, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, mprio chloride, barium i hlonde, and men un< mediate with iiHline, chloral hydrate, and Midium h\di u Uw first being mid intermediate and in the last two nearer the aead parent) ; highest with polarization, gentian vio- let, safranin, temperature, chromic acul acid, pyrogallic and, hydro* lilon, a. id, potasniuni hy.lr. potaasiuiu iodide, and potassium nulphocyamtt. being closer to the seed parent and in five being closer to the pollen parent) ; and the lowest with sodium sal icy- lute, it U mg in the** nearer the pollen pa The following is a summary of the reaction ties: Same a* seed parent, 3; same a* pollen paren same as both parent*, 9 ; intermediate, 3 ; highest, 1 1 , lowest, 1. In not a single reaction is there sameness in relation to the pollen parent, and the stronger inlluenee of tin- Mad parent on the properties of the hybrid is quite marked. Intenneiliateness is rather exceptional, a to the lowest reactivity very exceptional, and a tendency to the highest reactivity very marked. COMPOSITE CURVED or TUB KKACTI<>S This section treat* of composite curves of the reac- tion-intensities showing the differentiation of the starches of llippeastrum ouultan, II. pyrrha, and //. oftultan-pyrrlia. ( ( 'hart E 3. ) Among the conspicuous features of this chart are : (1) Tne remarkable closeness of all three curves, the differences for the most part !-m_' in-i^intii ant r actually falling within the limit- of error of e\|.. rm,.-:it. showing an extreme botanical closeness of the parents and extremely little variance of UK- hyhrid from the parents. The only reactions in which the parents are readily differentiated are those with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, temperature, chromic acid, and sodium salicylate, and even in these the difference* are without exception of a minor degree. (2) In this curve of //. ostultan compared with that of //. pyrrha the reactivities are shown to be di-tnn tly higher in the reactions with gentian uolet, safrajim, chromic acid, and sodium salicylate, and lower with polarization, iodine, and temperature. In the other in- stances the differences are unimportant or even negligible excepting in so far as they tend to indicate a generally slightly higher reactivity of //. ouultan. (3) In //. oMullan the very high reactions with polarization, chromic acid, sulphuric acid, and mdinm salicylate, the moderate reactions with iodine, safranin, gentian violet, and pyrogallic acid ; the low rea with temperature, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potas- sium hydroxide, and (.otasKium sulphocyanaU' ; and the very low reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium iodide, potassium sulphite, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, co- balt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (4) In //. pyrrha the very high reactions with polari- zation, sulphuric acid, and sodium salicylate; the high reactions with chromic acid, the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin and pyrogallic aenl low reactions with temperature, nitric arid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium sulphocyanate; and the very low reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium iodide, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (5) In the hyhrid the very high reaction* with polar- ization, chmmn arid, sulphuric acid, pyrogallic acid, and -..hum xalitvlate; the moderate reaction* with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, temperature, and hydrochloric 44 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. acid; the low reactions with nitric acid, potassium hy- droxide, and potassium sulphocyanate ; and the very low reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium iodide, potas- sium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, cal- cium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. H. ossultau 4 4 5 13 3 1 4 5 13 H. ossult.-pyrh 5 5 3 13 4. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF HIPPEASTRUM D.5X)NES, H. ZEPHYR, AND H. DRONES-ZEPHYR. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with the various chemical reag- ents the starches of the parents exhibit properties in common and certain individualities, but generally a very close correspondence throughout. The grains of H. zephyr in comparison with those of the seed parent are found to include less numbers of aggregates and com- pounds; they are free from the long, narrow finger-like grains found in the latter; they are more regular, the protuberances being less numerous and not so large. The hilum is less distinct and less frequently fissured. The lamellae are less distinct, less fine, and less in num- ber. The common size is about the same, but the large grains show some differences in ratio of length to breadth. The polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reac- tions exhibit some minor differences. The starch of the hybrid in comparison with the starches of the parents contains a relatively larger number of aggregates and compounds but none of the long, narrow finger-like grains found in 77. dceones but not in H. zephyr. The hilum is more frequently fissured than in either parent, and in character and eccentricity it is closer to H. dceones. The lamellae in character and number are nearer to H. dceones. The common size of the grains is somewhat less than in either parent, and the size of the larger grains approaches nearer that of H. zephyr. In the qualitative polariscopic properties the leaning is in certain respects toward one parent and in other respects toward the other, and in the selenite reactions there is development of properties in excess of the development in the parents, with a lean- ing closer to the pollen parent. The qualitative iodine reactions are closer to 11. zephyr. In the qualitative chemical reactions with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, po- tassium iodide, and potassium sulphocyanate the hybrid is closer to 77. dceones, while in the sodium-salicylate reactions the relationship to the two parents is of equal degree. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization: H. dfflones, high to very high, value 80. H. zephyr, high to very high, little higher than in H. dceones, value 83. H. dteon. zeph., high to very high, higher than in the parents, value 85. Iodine: H. djeones, moderate to moderately deep, value 55. H. zephyr, moderate, less than in II. daxmes, value 50. H. deon.-zi'i>h., moderate, same as in H. zephyr, value 50. Gentian violet: H. dseones, moderate to moderately deep, value 58. H. zephyr, moderate to moderately deep, lighter than in H. deeones, value 55. H. dffion.-zeph., moderate, lighter than in either parent, value 50. Safranin: H. dseones, moderate to moderately deep, value 55. H. zephyr, moderate to moderately deep, the same as in H. deeones, value 55. H. dseon.-zeph., moderate to moderately deep, the same as in both parents, value 55. Temperature : H. daxmes, in majority at 72.5 to 74", in all but rare grains at 74 to 75, mean 74.5. H. zephyr, in the majority at 72 to 73, in all but rare grains at 73 to 75, mean 74. H. dseon.-zeph., in the majority at 72 to 73, in all but rare grains at 72 to 73, mean 72.5. The reactivities of 77. dceones are lower than those of the other parent in the polarization and temperature reactions, higher in the iodine and gentian-violet reac- tions, and the same in the safranin reaction. The reac- tivities of the hybrid are higher than those of either parent in the polarization and temperature reactions, lower than that of either parent in the gentian-violet reaction, the same as that of the pollen parent in the iodine reaction, and the same as those of both parents in the safranin reactions. On the whole the inclination is toward the pollen parent. Table A 4 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes) : VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. The following section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Hippeastrum dceones, 77. zephyr, and 77. dceones-zephyr, showing the quantitative differ- ences in the behavior toward different reagents at defi- nite time-intervals. (Charts D 64 to D 84.) As noted in the preceding sections the three starches are very closely alike, exhibiting only minor differences, but not infrequently character developments of the hy- brid that exceed the parental extremes. The most con- spicuous features of these charts are : (1) The nearness of the three curves throughout. (2) The curve of 77. dceones is higher than the curve of 77. zephyr in the reactions with chloral hydrate, chro- mic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulpho- cyanate, sodium hydroxide, and sodium sulphide through the 60 minutes. It also tends to be above in the reac- tion with strontium nitrate. In the sodium-salicylate reaction, in which gelatinization goes on with moderate rapidity, the curves are about the same; and in the reac- tions with potassium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride gelatinization proceeds so slowly that there is little or no differentiation. From these data 77. dceones has, on the whole, the higher reactivity. (3) The curves of the hybrid show varying relation- ships to the parental curves, in some instances being the same as that of one or the other parent or both parents, in others intermediate, and in others higher or lower than both parental curves. (See following section.) (4) Evidence of a preliminary period of comparative resistance is apparent in several of the charts. (5) The earliest period at which the three curves are best separated for differential purposes is variable. In the very slow reactions no differentiation seems pos- sible even at the end of 60 minutes, the differences noted being wholly within the limits of error of observation and of no significance whatsoever. The best period for sul- phuric acid is at 5 minutes; for chromic acid, pyro- gallic acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide and sodium salicylate at 15 minutes; for sodium sulphide at 30 minutes ; for strontium nitrate at 45 minutes ; and for chloral hydrate, nitric acid, and potassium iodide at 60 minutes. HII'PEASTRUM. I.', r* i : i A 1. 8 -. n V -'. S Chloral hydrate U dauM 4 ' 51 11 ., L>r n , U. da<NMM-Ml>i r \ I i - io Mid: B.dMM H u P 11 ! ,!.>r ,. 70 9t II i! I .1 H Pyrolhc uaA. HI IK n M | I >0r tl f,s | M 97 M il*oM-M|>h) r 17 s, M | |'i>< N . ' ; . r> . 7 i 70 - 78 e 1 4 i || II <lMM*-Mpfcyr 7 1 - - 85 Sulphuric cd; II. <lilu- M >,' II fi'lo r i -.1 | M ')fl"nM Mptiyr M ', ': H>JruchlurieMid: 11 ci*.,t* 1 n - , 93 II ivl.hvr - , i ^ h -n f . SI. Pulusiuni hydruxid*: M dauuc* . 18 '7 v 83 11 i.-,.:.> i 14 M 77 7 76 H. dmm-wpfcyr. u ,,, 70 77 83 PotMHum lodido. M (im>on 1? 30 | 45 11 irphyr 9 30 H daooM-Mphjrr 10 27 42 t'uturium Mlphocjrwuta: 11 dmoot 1 | (W 75 84 II |.-|.|.>r 17 ftO 76 M w BH 80 Pot i nlMi lpMd: II djumc. 7 4 M ir|l,-.r 7 1 4 M dwmw-mphjr I . 4 Sodium hydroxid.: 11 dauoo || 4. 45 62 II i.-;:.,: A 48 II dwMtw-Mpkyr 11 4 58 Sodium ulphido: 11 dwuM 10 10 23 27 II i., i.;.r 6 II 14 16 H duM*-Kphyr 1 1 14 Sodium -licyUU: 75 7fl 'M | H -phyr II TV , II daomm irphyr 17 | 1 ,. Cclrium oilntU: | 7 4 II / , .: | 3 II loMphyr OR 7 5 Trmoiuin nitraU: | 7 4 - ft H. Mphyr. . I I 4 M dMDM-Mphrr I | 3 SlrooUum nitrml*: 1 3 1 1 u 26 i s 7 9 14 " H n n iii ii|tyr I ft f i 26 -, 7 7 3 M irphyr -. : 3 3 11 .|-.!..--|.-; >Ar ft 1 ft CopfMrutraU: 2 1 H irphyr 1 | 5 Cupric chlotfcW: H dmoom 5 | 1 H i- t ,hvr ', 1 s " djBooac-wphyr | | .ft lUn-im ohlocid*: II dMM R H. wphyr II daoiwo-irphyr 1 | 1 1 Mercuric rhlorid*: H daoom ', 1 H. Mphyr ', | 1 H rlanim MBhrr 1 . 3 or ; mm. Tin* M-ction treat* of the re* . of the hvhrid as regard* nameneas, inUrmodiatenee*, exec**, UM detu-it in relation to the parent*. (Table A 4 and Chart* 1> -i.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the Mine M thoae of the seed pan-nt in not a single n-.i thoee f the pollen parent with iodine and sulphuric i.l ; the ume a* those of both parent* with lafranin, potas- sium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium rhl and mercuric chloride; intermediate with hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium i'li.|.-. pota ftulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, and strontium nitrate (in three reactions being closer to those of the seed parent and in three mid-intermediate) ; highest with polariza- tion, temperature, chromic n< ul. pvmgallir ncnl, and nitric acia (in one being closer to the pollen parent, in three closer to the seed parent, and in one ait close to one as to the other parent) ; and the lowest with gentian violet, chloral hydrate, sodium sulphide, and sodium salicylate (in two being closer to the jMilleii parent, in one closer to the seed parent, and in one as close to one aa to the other parent). The following. is a nummary of reaction-intensities : Same as seed parent, 0; same as pollen parent, V ; same as both parent*, 9 ; intermediate, 6 ; highest, 5 ; lowest, 4. In none of the reactions is there sameness to the seed and in only two is there sameness to the pollen parent; and in termed iateness is scarcely more frequent than de- velopment in excess or deficit of parental extremes. Pa- rental influences on the starch of the, hybrid seem to be somewhat in favor of the seed pan-nt. COMPOSITE CURVES OF TICK REACTION-! STKNBITIES. This section treat* of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities showing the differentiation of the starches of Hippttutrum daonen, //. ttphyr, and //. dtronet-zephyr. (Chart K I.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are: I I ) The closeness of all thm- cur (2) The curve of //. daones. excepting in the pola- rization reaction, is higher than the corresponding reac- tions of //. zephyr in the reaction*) with iodine, gentian violet, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potasium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, and strontium ni- trate; lower with polarization ; and the same or practi- cally the same with safranin, temperature, potaasium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium ni- trate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride*. (3) In //. dttonet, the very high reaction* with polarization, chromic acid, and aulphuric acid : the high with pyrogallic acid and sodium salicylate; the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and hy- drochloric acid ; the low reactions with temperature, chloral hydrate, nitric acid, potaasinm hydroxide, potas- sium sulphocyanate, and sodium hydroxide; and the very low reactions with potassium iodide, potassium sulphide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, xtrontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride reaction*. (4) In //. zephyr, the very high reaction* with polar- ization and sulphuric acid; the high with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and sodium salicylate; the moderate with iodine, gentian violet, and safranin ; UM low with temperature, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potaasium hydroxide, and pota*inm ralphocyanaie; the very low with chloral hydrate, potassium iodide, potaasium *ul- 46 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. phide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium ni- trate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mer- curic chloride. (5) In the hybrid, II. drones-zephyr, the very high reactions with polarization and sulphuric acid; the high with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and sodium salicylate ; the moderate with iodine, gentian violet, and saf rauin ; the low with temperature, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, and potassium sulphocyanate ; and the very low with chloral hydrate, potassium iodide, po- tassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. The following is a summary of the reaction intensi- ties: Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. H. cbeones 3 2 4 6 11 2 3 3 5 13 H. deeones-zephyr . . 2 3 3 5 13 NOTES ON THE HlPPEASTRCMS. The hippeastrums exhibit properties in general so closely alike as to suggest very closely related plants, such as in fact they are. In histological properties while all possess in common certain fundamental generic char- acters, each has certain individualities that are mani- fested in variable ways. Each hybrid is more closely related in certain histological features to one parent and in certain others to the other parent, but the directions of these variations may be the same or different in the dif- ferent hybrids. Thus, in form H. titan-cleonia is closer to the seed parent than to the pollen parent, while in II. ossultan-pj/rrha the relationship is closer to the pollen parent; in hilum two of the hybrids are closer to the seed parent and one closer to the pollen parent; in lamellae in one hybrid in characters they are nearer the pollen parent, but in number the same as both parents, in another hybrid the number is the same as in the seed parent but in the characters closer to those of the pollen parent, and in the third hybrid characters and number are closer to seed parent ; and in size one hybrid is more closely related to the seed parent, another to the pollen parent, and another in the larger grains to the pollen parent. The hybrid modifications are associated with inherent peculiarities of the parents, and inasmuch as the parents of the three sets differ the hybrids differ, and in fact they differ as much from each other as do the parents. The uniformity or close correspondence in the courses of the velocity-reaction curves in the case of each reagent associated with a corresponding uniformity of the com- posite reaction curves affords striking evidence of the accuracy of the method employed in the recognition of plant relationships. In a word, there is a hippeastrum curve, which curve is modified in relation to each plant represented. The parental relationships of the hybrids in the various reactions are as variable as those indicated in the histological peculiarities. Each of the hybrids may be in some of the reactions the same as the seed parent, in others the same as the pollen parent or as both parents, in others intermediate, and in others higher or lower than either parent. Intermediateness is far from being the rule, since in only 13 out of 78 reactions was intermedi- ateness recorded, and in only 6 was there mid-inter- mediateness. In fact, reactivity of the hybrid in excess. 1 UJL] J A O. E E 0* a CO E ** S iO E to S 8 B IO ^< E Chloral hydrate: 60 67 74 H. magnificua , . . 4 14 1*1 17 17 5 20 29 35 47 Chromic acid: } 5 88 92 97 8 19 <>7 86 97 n > g 25 90 95 Pyrogallic acid: T 7 10 12 30 7 n GO 76 86 1 3 g 12 26 Nitric acid: 1 5 2 3 4 4 10 IS 48 50 H. andromeda 3 I 9 n IS 20 Sulphuric acid: 10 35 70 90 94 in 71 S7 '17 99 9 SO Kl 91 98 Hydrochloric acid: 1 S 10 1? Ifi 7 Ti fifi 75 83 8 11 '10 4? Potassium hydroxide: 1 8 a 3 q 11 90 8 fi 7 11 Potassium iodide: 1 5 ? 3 1 1 4 5 7 1? 1 > 5 3 Potassium sulphocyanate: ? 5 1 4 7 11 ?? I'l 40 1 3 S 5 4 4 Potassium sulphide: 1 ? ? 1 ? 5 '> r > 1 1 Sodium hydroxide: 1 3 2 15 ?4 97 35 05 ? > 8 Sodium sulphide: 05 ? 8 a 5 7 5 9 B 95 05 1 ? 2.5 Sodium salicylate: 80 99 95 Sfi 70 95 <)8 5 Sfi 98 99 Calcium nitrate: T 1 2.5 T "i 5 "> 5 n 0.5 1 i Uranium nitrate: 1 1 ''5 2 35 5 5 0.5 05 Strontium nitrate: 2 ? 3 1.5 3 65 8 9 0.5 075 1 75 ?. 5 915 Cobalt nitrate: 0.5 1 0.5 05 n,;, 05 Copper nitrate: 0.5 1 5 0.5 1 1 0.5 05 Cupric chloride: 0.5 05 0.5 3 0.5 05 Hariuin chloride: 1.25 1 5 1.5 0.5 1 05 05 Mercuric chloride: 1 ?5 1 5 05 5 1 5 05 05 H.fMAMMt .- 47 or ! ' it of parental extremes is more common than interim-diatom's*, for in ;'l reactions the hybrids were higher than those of either parent and in ! lower than those of either parent. In rase of all three hybrids the seed parent sevma to be the more potent in influencing .laracters of the starch, this potency U-mg the most marked in //. ossultan-pyrrha and least marked in //. .'MPAKI80X8 OP THE STARCHES OF HjKMAM III - KMiiMil- '. II MA. .Ml li I .-. AM) H. A.fDBOMEDA. In hi.-tologic rhanu-U-nstic*. in polariacopic figure*. in the reactions with aelenite, in the reactions with indmc, aiul in the qualitative reactions with the various .-a! reagents it will be noted that the parent starches ,!\ r\!i:i-ii pp>|MTtie.* in common in variable de- gree* of development, but also individualities which col- ti> distinguish them. The starch grains of llcrmanthiu magnifies* contain proportionately a larger number of aggregate*; there are compound grains that are not found in //. kaiherina; and the grains tend to more irregularity, to more breadth in relation to length, and to rounded end*. The hilum is m .-t and more frequently fissured, bnt the eccentricity is about the same; the lamella are leas and the size is larger, with a tendency to I'p'adiuHs. In polariscopic figure and reactions with yelenite there are variou* differences. The grains of the hybrid //. andromeda are in form in general closer sc of //. Tcatherina, and in certain respects closer t> those of the other parent. They are more irregular than those of either parent, and there are compound grains like those found in //. maynificvs, but they are leas numerous. In the character of the hilum and in size are closer to those of //. katherintr. but in lamella- does not appear to be a definite leaning toward one or the other parent. In the polariscopic figure and appearances with wlenite the grains are closer t<> // -I/IT, and the same is true in regard to their quali- tative behavior with iodine. In the qualitative reac- with i Moral hydrate, nitric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, and sodium salicylate t In- grains show a close relationship to those of //. kaiherina. t in the case of a few grains in each reaction which show a corresponding relationship to //. maynifiriu. On the whole, the relationship is very close to //. katherinir. <*tmt,tir, Krpmtrd by l.igkt, Color, and Tempera- tun Reaction*. Polarisation: H kathrrina. high to very high. ratae 76. H. macnifirtu. vrry hib. much hiber than H. kathrrin*. ralur BO. H. andromeda. hicfa to very hih. higher than H. katherin*. rahMtt. Iodine: II katherin*. moderate to licht. value 45. II macniftooe, moderate, ihepar than H. kattwrin*. value 60. H andromeda. moderate to deep, a litUe deeper than H. katberinr. ralue47. Gentian violet: H kathrnn*. moderate to deep, ralue 00. H. macnifirua. moderate to deep: not to deep aa H. katherinv. varae 66. H. andromeda. moderate to deep. etihUy lighter than H katherin*. valoeBS, Salranin: fl. kathrhtut. moderate to deep, ralue 00. H. macnificua. moderate todeep. the euneaaH.katheriiuB, ralue 60. II andromeda. moderate to deep, lifhter than in the parent-etoek. ralue 58, Trmperaturr H Vth.rin. majority at TO to 81*. all at 83 to 84*. mean 83*. H. manmm, majority at 77 to 77.8*. all at 78 to 70*. mean 784*. H andromeda, majority at 76.6 to 80*. all at 81 to 83*. mean 81.4*. The reactivities of H. kaiherina are lower than those of //. magnifirus in the reactions with polarization, xxliiie. and temperature; higher with gentian violet; and the same with saf ranin. The reactivities of the hybrid are intermediate in the reaction* with polarizatioi line, gentian violet, and temperature; and lower than those of the parent* with safranin. With the excep- tion of the last and the temperature reaction the rela- tionship of the hybrid is practically exactly mid-inter- mediate, and in the temperature reaction it is closer to //. katherinir. Table A 5 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- age* of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes) : ViLOcmr-tiACTiON CPITM. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Utrmanthwt katherimr. //. mngnifictu, and //. andromeda, showing Uie quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagent* at definite time- intervals. (Chart D 85 to D 105.) The most conspicuous features of these charts are : (1) The individualities of each chart in relation to the reagent, except in the cases where the reactions arc so slow and the figures so dose as to be within the limiU of error. In the charts in which the reactions are other- wise than very slow the three curves vary in their close- ness to one another within wide limits. Thus, in the reactions with chromic acid and sulphuric acid all three curves keep close together throughout the 60 minutes, but the chart* are readily distinguishable from each other, especially at the 15- and 30-minute periods, at which times the curves are much higher in the sulphuric- acid chart. The curves for chloral hydrate, nitric scid, and hydrochloric acid show a tendency during the prog- ress of the reactions to divergence, in all three charts the curves of the hybrid being intermediate, but in two closer to the curve of //. katherimr. The chart for sodium salicylate stands isolated, owing especially t the relatively high reactivities of the hybrid and //. katherirur during the first 5 minutes. In all of the charts in which the three curves are sufficiently separated to make satisfactory determinations, the curve of the hybrid, with the exception of a few instances, tends defi- nitely to intermediateneaa. (2) The curves of //. mayniftciu in the reactions with chloral hydrate, pymgallic acid, chromic acid, po- tassium hydroxide, potassium *ulphocvanate, sodium salicylate, and sodium hydroxide, in all of which the reactivities are sufficiently marked to bring out positive differences in reactive-intensities, are the highest except- ing in two cases (chloral hydrate and sodium salicylate), in both of which the curves of //. katherina are the high- est a curious reversal of position. In all of the charts in which positive differences have been brought out, the curve of the hybrid tends to be closer to that of 77. kalh- frinrr irrespective of the position of the latter in relation to the curve of H. magnifictu. (3) The curves of the hybrid, except in the reactions in which all three curves are essentially the same, tend to he the same as those of the seed parent or of some degree t>f in termed iatenem. In the latter group there is an obvious tendency to mid-intermediateness or to the aeed parent REACTIOK-II !C8rrm OF TTIK HTMUU. The following section treats of the reaction-intensi- ties of the hvhrid as regards sameness, intermeHiatenesja, excess, and deficit in relation to the parent*. (Table A 5 and Charts D 85 to D 105.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the' same a* than of the seed parent in the pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, potassium ulphocvanate, sodium hydroxide, so- dium Milphide. calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, and 48 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. strontium nitrate ; the same as those of the pollen parent in none; the same as those of both parents in the reac- tions with potassium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium, chloride, and mercuric chloride; intermediate with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, temperature, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydrox- ide, and sodium salicylate (in four being closer to the seed parent, and in seven mid-intermediate) ; highest in none ; and the lowest with saf ranin, in which it is as close to one as to the other parent. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties : Same as seed parent, 8 ; same as pollen parent, ; same as both parents, 6; intermediate, 11; highest, 0; lowest, 1. The stronger influences of the seed parent on the properties of the starch of the hybrid are very marked. Intermediateness is quite common. In no reaction is there sameness in relation to the pollen parent or the highest reactivity of the three starches, and in only one reaction is the hybrid the lowest COMPOSITE-CURVES OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section deals with the composite-curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Hcemanthus katherince, II. magnificus, and H. andromeda. (Chart E 5.) The most conspicuous features of the chart may be summed up as follows: (1) The moderate to very low, generally very low, positions of the curves with few exceptions, the only important members of the latter group being the polar- ization and sodium-salicylate reactions, thus showing that these starches exhibit generally a high to very high resistance. (2) The contiguity of all three curves throughout the chart and the unity of type of curve, indicating a close botanical relationship of the parents and no ten- dency for departure of hybrid characteristics from those of the parents. (3) The highest position of the curve of H. mag- nificus throughout the chart, excepting in the reactions with gentian violet, safranin, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, and sodium salicylate in the safranin and chromic acid the curves are the same or practically the same as those of H. katherince, and with chloral hydrate and sodium salicylate distinctly lower, they being the lowest of all three curves. The inversion of the positions of the H. magnificus and H. kaiherince curves in the gentian violet, chloral hydrate, and sodium salicylate reactions is most interesting and significant. (4) In the curve of H. katherince the very high reaction with sodium salicylate; the high with polari- zation, gentian violet, and safranin; the moderate with iodine, chromic acid, and sulphuric acid ; the low with chloral hydrate; the very low with temperature, pyro- gallic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hy- droxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, po- tassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (5) In the curve of H. magnificus the very high polarization reaction; the high reactions with safranin, sulphuric acid, and sodium salicylate ; the moderate with iodine, gentian violet, and chromic acid ; the low with temperature, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and hydro- chloric acid ; the very low with chloral hydrate, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. 1 3 3 1 18 H. magnificus 1 3 3 4 15 H. andromeda 2 5 1 18 calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, co- balt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (6) In the curve of the hybrid H. andromeda, the very high reactions with polarization and sodium sali- cylate ; the absence of high reactions ; the moderate with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, chromic acid, and sul- phuric acid, the low with temperature ; and the very low with chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, hydro- chloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, po- tassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hy- droxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensities: 6. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF HJEMANTIIUS KATHERIN;E, H. PUNICETJS, AND H. KONIG ALBERT. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, in the reactions with selenite and with iodine, and in the qualitative reactions with the various chemical reagents it will be noted that the parents exhibit properties in common in varying degrees of development and indi- vidualities by which collectively they can be differen- tiated. The most conspicuous differences in the starch of H. puniceus in comparison with that of Hcemanthus katherince are to be seen in the well-marked depressions (sometimes slightly concave) which are not present in the latter starch, less frequent rounded protuberances, less frequent secondary lamella;, peculiar arrangements of the components of aggregates, and much more flatten- ing of the grains. The hilum is more often demonstrable and is, on the whole, less eccentric ; the primary lamellae vary somewhat in general characters from those of H. katherince, and they are somewhat more numerous, but secondary lamella? are less numerous ; and while the sizes are much alike there is a manifest tendency for a rela- tively greater breadth in proportion to length. In polari- scopic figure, selenite reactions, and qualitative reac- tions with iodine there are some minor differences. In the qualitative reactions with the chemical reagents there are similarities and individualities. The starch of the hybrid H. kbnig albert, is in form, character, and eccentricity of the hilum, lamellae, and size more closely related to 77. puniceus than to the other parent. In the polariscopic figures and reactions with selenite it is closer to H. puniceus, but in both qualitative and quan- titative reactions with iodine it is closer to //. kathcrimr. In the qualitative chemical reactions with chloral hy- drate, nitric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulpho- cyanate, potassium sulphide, and sodium salicylate it is closer, generally much closer, to //. katherince. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization : H. katherinte, high to very high, value 75. H. puniceus, high to very high, slightly higher than H. kntherinai, value 78. H. konig albert, high to very high, slightly higher thnn H. puni- ceus, value 80. Iodine: H. katherinre, moderate to light, value 45. H. puniceus, moderate to light, lighter than in H. katherinffi, value 40. H. kdnig albert, moderate to light, not BO deep as in H. katherinse, but deeper than in H. puniceus, value 43. II KM \NI1U S. I'.l OeatiaoTiolet: II kathrnnjv. moderate to dvp; ralue tO. II puniemu. modrrmtrly deep to deep, alichlly katberina; value 03. H. konic albert, moderate to dmp. not eo derp a* ia UM parent*. ralueM. Sa/ranin : II k.ihrriiue. moderate to deep; Tain* 00. II punicmi*. m.lrrml.|y deep to deep. .lichUy deeper than in H l.ilirnnir. value 03. H. k6m allTt. moderate to dwp. not ao dwp a* in UM parent* ralue M. Temperaturr H k.thcrina. majority at 79 to 80*. all at 83 to M*. mean ST. H punfeeua, majority at 77 to 79*. all at 81 to 82.8*. mean 81.78' II Ldwcalt>rrt. U a^>rityat80toH2*.aIlat83.6to84*.nHMU83.2&' Tin- rva.imty of II. katkerina i higher than that r (..ir.-ut in the reaction with M-'MI.- mid lower with polri/.ati..ii. gentian violet, wtfranin, ami tetii|>eratuiv. The hybrid it mid-intermediate in M. .n. t!i,- highest in the polarization reac- tion, lowest in the gentian violet and safranin reaction*, and tlu> same aa that of the need parent in the tempera- ture reaction. In three it is closer to or the same M the wed parent, in one closer to the pollen parent, and in one mid-intermediate. Table A 6 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- of total starch gelatinised at definite intenrals ( minuted). VEUX-ITY-RKACTION CURVES. following section deals with velocity-reaction - "f the starches of Hamanthtu katherina, H. j>u- <. and 77. konig albert, showing the quantitative * in the behavior toward different reagent t 'iie-interval*. (Charts D 106 to D 126.) most conspicuous features of these chart* are : ( I i The marked tendency for the curves of 77. kalh- ' and the hybrid to run together, usually very . . and well separated from the curve of 77. puniceut. Both feature* are well exhibited in all of the reactions, with the exception of those with chloral hydrate, jnr<>- gallio arid, sodium salii-ylate. and barium rhloride. Even in these instances the closer relationship of //. katherimr and the hybrid is evident. The tendency for the curve of the hybrid to an intermediate position between those of the parent-stocks, although distinctly closer to that of H. kaiherina, as shown in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and sodium salieylate. In the chloral-hydrate reaction the curve of the hybrid is curiously distinctly lower than that of either parent In the remaining reactions, 14 in number, the starches of both H. kaiherina and the hybrid are so resistant that such differences as are re- corded are slight and fall within the limit* of error, with other resistant starches modifi- cations in the titrengths of the reagents would doubtless elicit peculiarities in accord with the foregoing. The individuality of each of the chart* with few :ion ; hence, the peculiarity of each chart in specific relation to the reagent Some bear somewhat clow resemblances, aa for instance, those particularly of pyrogallic and nitric acid, and those of another group including the potassium iodide, potassium hydroxide, potassium sulphocyanate. potassium sulphide, sodium by- -odinm sulphide, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, and cupric chloride, in which the main differ- etween the positions of the curves lie* in the height of the curves of 77. punicrwt. The curve* of the sodium- salicylate reactions are of a markedly different character from those of other chemical reagent* because of the high reactivities of all three starches. High reactivities of 77. punictiu are also exhibited in the charts for pyro- 1 , r \ . H Ki- t : K 1 1 \t .i II 1 i 9 I Cyotml kydraU: II Ulhwiaa H t .uui.-.-u> . i I 1- . i o- r 74 ll II ioni albert M U II nU H. kaUwrin. 1 7<M IBM IM 7 i f6* H. kteicaUmt PyrotaUk acid: H. UtkatiM. a 1 17 44 M M M IB* " n ESialisJrf J iat rer Nitric add: U. katberina H. punioaua . . OJ 1 TA 1 4 U in. H. konic albort M in 1C- Sulphuric add: H. kattwrina )JL TO II. punicmu 0( w * H. koni< albert >HA a- as Hydrochloric add: H. katherina 1 I ' id H. punicvu* I'M H. kteic albert 1 13 M 03 07 it- H. katherioa.. ils H. puoionu H. kooic albert 1 1, 2 PoUaium iodide: H katberina 1 t f H. puniceui , , on H. k&ni albert u- Polanium ulphoeymtiato: II. katberina 26 H. punicrtu 72 .. i aj l> B. k6nif albert , 3 5 PotmMium lulpbide: H. katberina i j H. puniceu* 4o AO M II konic albert T l. Sodium hydroxide: H. kalberina | 01 07 78 80 II koni* albert i. 1 6 o- e. Sodium wlpbide: H. kathrrina 6 ] j 7. H. punicmu J M fl7 60 H. kooif albert 2 A \n *, Sodium .alir>late: H. katberina. . - | 99 M . IS H. k6ni< albert i BT 90 ic Calcium nitrate: H. katberina 1 | d H. punioMU M 67 00 > ic n A Uranium nitrate: H. kattwrina 1 1.24 i i 15 85 te H. kooic albert 06 8- f Strontium nitrate: | 3 H. puniceua it M) Ml AN H. konic albert I 1 18 Cobalt nitrate: H katbmna i. 1 gr 4 7 10 1? M H. konic albert < OA C ./opfwr nitrate: H katberina ..... i 1.5 f II u IS 10 14 II V..I.IK .l -M 04 kB*j| lUBtJaV H katberina 04 r- 37 M M 50 n II k..i,i k - nii.rt 04 Barium dOoride: || kmOiTina 1 ft 14 t : t H konic allrl 04 r blerruric chloride: J 14 7 U 17 22 04 - 50 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. gallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, and hydrochloric acid. It is of interest to note that while the //. puniceus curves are high, those of H. katherince and the hybrid are very low in the reactions with pyrogallic acid and nitric acid and variable from high to low in those with sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid. (4) The earliest period during the 60 minutes at which the three curves are best separated, and hence the best time to differentiate the starches, varies with the different reagents : with sodium salicylate at 5 minutes, with chromic acid and sulphuric acid at 15 minutes, with chloral hydrate and hydrochloric acid at 30 minutes, with pyrogallic acid at 45 minutes, and with nitric acid and the remaining reagents (15 in all), all of which react very slowly with H. katherince and the hybrid, in 60 minutes. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 6, and Charts D 106 to D 126.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent with temperature, potassium hydrox- ide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potas- sium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, cal- cium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride; the same as the pollen parent in none ; the same as those of both parents in none ; inter- mediate with iodine, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and sodium sali- cylate (in one being mid-intermediate, in one closer to the pollen parent, and in five closer to the seed parent) ; highest in the polarization reaction, and closer to the pollen parent; and the lowest in the reactions with gen- tian violet, safranin, and chloral hydrate, in all three being closer to the seed parent. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties : Same as seed parent, 15 ; same as pollen parent, ; same as both parents, 0; intermediate, 7; highest, 1; lowest, 3. While intermediateness is common, the inclination here and elsewhere, with three exceptions, is to the seed parent, and in over half of the cases the reactions are the same as those of the seed parent. The closeness of the hybrid to the seed parent almost throughout is very striking. COMPOSITE CUBVES OP REACTION-INTENSITIES. The following section deals with the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Hcemanthus katherince, H. puniceus, and H. konig albert. (Chart E 6.) The most conspicuous features of the chart may be summed up as follows: (1) The close correspondence of type of all three curves, excepting in the pyrogallic-acid reaction, in which those of H. puniceus exhibit an aberrant character, the curve rising instead of falling in order to be coincident with the curves of H. katherince and the hybrid. In the reactions in which both H. katherina and the hybrid are very resistant, which are numerous, no satisfactory relationship can be determined. (2) The tendency of the curve of //. pimiceus to be distinctly higher in most of the chemical reactions and therefore to be well separated from the curves of //. katherince and the hybrid. In the sodium-salicylate reaction all three curves impinge at practically the same point, and in the reactions with uranium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride they approximate very closely or are practically identical. The stereochemic peculiarities of these three starches are strikingly suggested in the sameness of reac- tion with sodium salicylate, associated with the marked divergencies in the reactions, especially in the pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and other reactions. (3) -In H. katherince, the very high reaction with sodium salicylate; the high with polarization, gentian violet, and safranin ; the moderate with iodine, chromic acid, and sulphuric acid ; the low with chloral hydrate ; and the very low with temperature, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, cop- per nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mer- curic chloride. (4) In H. puniceus, the very high reactions with pyrogallic aoid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and sodium salicylate; the high with polarization, gentian violet, safranin, chromic acid, nitric acid, and potas- sium hydroxide; the moderate with iodine, potassium iodide, and potassium sulphocyanate; the low tempera- ture, chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, sodium hy- droxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, and cupric chloride; and the very low with ura- nium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (5) In the hybrid, the very high reactions with pola- rization and sodium salicylate ; the high with sulphuric acid ; the moderate with iodine, gentian violet, eafranin, and chromic acid ; the low with chloral hydrate and hydrochloric acid; and the very low with temperature, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, potassium hydroxide, potas- sium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sul- phide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium ni- trate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Very high. High. Mod- crate. Low. Very low. H. katherinae 1 4 3 6 3 3 1 8 18 5 H. konig albert 2 1 4 2 17 NOTES ON THE H^EMANTHUSES. The haemanthuses belong to a group of plants that yields starches that have distinctly low mean reactivi- ties, all three species and their two hybrids showing this peculiarity, only one-sixth of the total number of reac- II. 1 MVMIII S < HIM M. 51 tion* being high to very high. It i* of interest to note that in the sodium-salicylaU reaction*, with the excep- tion of the reaction of //. maynifiaa, the cum* are not only very high !>ut n!-> the name, while in this species the curve i* distinctly lower than in the former. In tin other react ions the < -urves of all of the starches show an unmistakable tendency toward coincidence in d tion. the rises and falls being quite in harmony, except- ing in //. puniceiu with pyrogallic acid, in which then ia a marked aberration, this curve rising while the cur\--- <>f the oilier four fall. This peculiarity baa been ! in other genera, and is doubtless of both botanical and general biological significance. Comparing the rune* of the three species, the curve of //. puniteus tends to be the highest, that of //. kathrrin* the lowest, and that f //. mugnificut intermediate, but near that of //. katHrrina. r ling to Baker, 77. kaihfrinir belongs to the tub- genus XfritM, and //. jtuniceus and //. magnificus to ius Cyrtij-i--. I. ut the results of thin investiga- 'ndicate that //. kalherintr and //. magnificiu are much more closely related than are //. punicetu and //. magnifinu. The cnrvea of the former are such as to indicate different species of a subgenus, while the curve of //. t.imicfut is, as a whole, so well separated from those of the other two specie* as to point to this species being a member of another subgeneric group. In comparing the influences of the parents on the properties of the offspring, it will be seen that in both sets there is a manifest greater potency of //. kaiherintr than of the other parent, this being decidedly more marked in the If. kaiheritur-punirew-kdnig albert set than in the //. kaiherina-magnificiu-andromeda set. >lfPARI801f8 OP THE STARCHES OF Cltl.NfM MOOBKI, C. ZEYLAMCl'H, AND C. HYBRIUl'M J. '. HARVEY. In histologic characteristics, in polariscopic figures, in the reactions with selenite, in the color reactions with iodine, and in the qualitative reactions with the various chemical reagents it will be noted that the starches of the parents and hybrid exhibit properties in common in varying degrees of development, and also individualities which collectively are characteristic in each case. The rarch grains of Crinum teylanirum in comparison with those of ('. moorei exhibit differences in the proportion? -tain of the conspicuous forms ; not so much irregu- larity of the grains; certain protuberances and curva- that are not observed in C. moorei; differences in size and definition of components of certain compound prams ; and more broadening and flattening of the grains, lilum is less refractive and has less frequently a rounded cavity; the fissures are more numerous and deeper, and a dragon-fly form may be present ; a longi- tudinal fissure, rarely obserred in C. moorei, is usually present, and it is longer, deeper, and branched ; and the eccentricity is more variable. The lamella? are finer 'ward from the hilum than in C. moorei; there are some differences in the conspicuonsnesu, distribution, and number of the coarse, fairly coarse, and secondary lamella; ; and the number of lamella? is leas. In size there ia lew variation, and the grains are, on the whole, dis- tinctly larger. lu polariscopic properties, reactions with selenite, and qualitative reactions with iodine th.-re are minor differences. There are also differences in the qualitative reactions with the chemical reagents. The grains of the hybrid are, in form, characters of the hilum and lamella*, and in size in ratio of length to width closer to those of C. ttylanicum, hut in length . I -. r to C. moorei. In polariscopic figures, reactions with sele- nite, and qualitative reactions with iodine they are dis- tinctly closer to those of C. teylanicum. In the qualita- tive reactions with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, potas- sium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulpho- cyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylatc, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride alliances to both parental starches are noted, but the relationship to C. itylanicum is markedly closer than to the other parent The resemblances to C. moorei are most prominent in the sodium-aalicylate reactions. Kractto* intmntict Kj-prrtird by Light, Color, **J Trmpm- lurt Keacl\o*t. Polaritation: C. moon*, high to very hih. value 86. C. aeylanicum, vary high, much higher than C. moorei. value M. C. hybridum j. o. harray. high to very hick. hiher than C. wylmai- cum. value 95. C. moored, moderate, value 60. C. Mytaaieum, light to moderate, value 86. C. hybridum j. e. harvey. light, about the aame a* C. wylaoieum value 35. Gentian violet: C. moorri. moderate to deep, value 06. C. wylaoirum, moderate deep to deep, deeper than C. moorei. value 67. C. hybridum J. e. harvey. moderately deep to deep, deeper than either parent, value 70. Safranin: C. moorei. moderately deep to deep, value 85. C. leylanicum. moderately deep to deep, deeper than in C. moorei. value 07. C. hybridum j. e. harvry, moderate to deep, the mean lighter than in either parent, value 00. Temperature: C. moorei. majority at 08 to 70*. all but rare train* at 70 U> 71*. mean 70.fi*. C. teylanirum. majority at 77 to 78*. all but rare grain* at 70 t<> 80*. mean 79.6. C. hybridum j. c. harvey, majority at 78 to 80*. all but rare raiM at 80 to 83*. mean 81*. The reactivities of C. moorei are lower than those of (\ tfylanirvm in the reactions with polarization, gentian violet, and safranin, and higher in those with iodine and temperature. In all of these reactions, excepting the safranin, the hybrid is closer to-C. teylanicum than to the other parent In the iodine reaction it is the same as that of C. teylanicum and lower than that of C. moorei. In the polarization and gentian violet the reactivities are higher than in either parent, and in the temperature reaction lower than in either parent. The marked differ- ences in the temperature reactions of the parental starches and the much closer relationship of the hybrid to C. teylanicvm are very striking. In none f <-> reactions is there the least tendency to intermediateneaa of the hybrid, but distinctly with one exception to excess or deficit in relation to parental Table A 7 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- agea of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes) : 52 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. TABLE A 7. S a e* E ra a * a MJ a a o CO a >o * 79 6 18 94 98 e 8 Chloral hydrate: C. moorei 31 0.5 2 50 1 1 100 45 2 6 85 2 2 58 3 12 100 70 76 89 6 18 99 100 C. zeylanicum C. hybridum j. c. harvey.. . . Chromic acid: C. moorei C. zeylanicum C. hybridum j. c. harvey. . . . Pyrogallic acid : C . moorei 75 98 C . zeylanicum 1 6 97 1 2 15 12 99 1.5 3 80 60 88 60 92 76 C. hybridum j. c. harvey Nitric acid : C. moorei 80 95 6 2 6 4 7 Sulphuric acid: 75 98 99 100 C. zeylanicum 4 2.5 99 62 35 89 52 95 67 99 84 Hydrochloric acid: C. moorei 90 97 1 3 98 1 1 95 1 6 20 99 5 6 98 14 33 7 11 99 3 5.5 3.5 70 33 35 10 14 35 37 13 15 C. hybridum j. c. harvey. . . . Potassium hydroxide : C. moorei 94 97 C. hybridum j. c. harvey Potassium iodide: C . zeylanicum 6 3.5 9 6 78 7 4 11 7 81 1 1 7 8 C. hybridum j. c. harvey. . . . 1 97 1 1.5 64 1 3 99 3 3 62 Potassium sylphocy anato : C. moorei nr. C. hybridum j. c. harvey. . . . Potassium sulphide: C. zeylanicum C. hybridum j. c. harvey. . . . 1 Sodium hydroxide: 90 97 1 2 90 1 3.5 61 6 8 78 05 99 3 5 97 2 6 98 16 26 85 4 6 99 2.5 9 99 48 87 90 6 7 C. hybridum j. c. harvey. . . . Sodium sulphide: C . moorei C. zeylanicum 3 9.5 4 15 Sodium salicylate: C. moorei C. zeylanicum 82 98 98.5 99 91 1 2.5 95 1 2 C. hybridum j. c. harvey. . . Calcium nitrate: C . moorei C. zeylanicum C. hybridum j. c. h&rvey 05 1.5 89 Uranium nitrate: C. moorei 80 05 84 86 C. zeylanicum 5 1 97 1 6 74 2 Strontium nitrate: 82 05 95 C. zeylanicum 2.6 5.6 79 3.5 6.5 80 1 0.5 87 0.5 0.5 81 0.6 1.26 21 1 0.6 86 .05 1 0.5 52 on 2.5 67 Cobalt nitrate: C. zeylanicum C. hybridum j. c. harvey. . . . 05 Copper nitrate: 66 05 72 81 84 C. zeylanicum C. hybridum j. c. harvey. 05 Cupric chloride: C. moorei 64 05 66 72 77 C. zeylanicum C. hybridum j. c. harvey. ii.'. 1 21 Barium chloride: C. moorei 6 05 10 16 C. zeylanicum C. hybridum j. c. harvey o 5 Mercuric chloride: 68 1 74 79 83 C. hybridum j. c. harvey. 5 VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Crinum moorei, C. zeylanicum, and C. hybridum, j. c. harvey, showing the quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-intervals. (Charts D 127 to D 147.) Among the most conspicuous features of this group of curves are : (1) The marked differences between the curves of the starch of C. moorei on the one hand and those of C. zeylanicum and the hybrid on the other. The former is in nearly all reactions quick-reacting, while the latter is the reverse. In only 6 of the 21 reactions the former (including the reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, sulphuric acid, sodium salicylate, and barium chloride) is there an evident approximation of the curve of C. moorei to that of the other parent or the hybrid. In the reactions with chloral hydrate and barium chloride the approach of the curves is owing essentially (chloral hydrate) or solely (barium chloride) to the relatively low degree of reactivity of C. moorei with these reagents as compared with others; in those with pyrogallic acid and sulphuric acid to the relatively very high reactivity of C. zeylanicum and C. hybridum j. c. harvey; and in those with chromic acid and sodium salicylate to the combined relatively low reactivity of C. moorei and relatively high reactivity of C. zeylanicum and C. hybridum j. c. harvey. (2) The marked early period of resistance followed by a moderately rapid to a rapid reaction exhibited by C. zeylanicum and the hybrid in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, sulphuric acid, hydro- chloric acid, and sodium salicylate are in striking con- trast with the very marked continued resistance that is exhibited by the records of the remaining 16 reagents during the entire 60-minute interval. (3) A comparison of the differences in the course of the reaction-curves will elicit many points of interest. Thus, taking the acid group, and comparing the charts for chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, and hydrochloric acid, it will be seen, at a glance, that they so differ that the influence of any one reagent can readily be distinguished from those of others; like- wise, those of potassium sulphide and sodium sulphide. On the other hand, three groups of charts, including those of (a) potassium hydroxide and sodium hydrox- ide, (b) calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride, and (c) nitric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, and potassium sulphide are in each case closely alike, notwithstanding wide differences in the characters of the reagents. (4) The earliest period during the 60 minutes at which the reaction-curves are farthest apart, and hence the best period for the differentiation of the three starches, varies markedly with the different reagents. Approximately, this optimal period occurs at the end of 15 minutes in the reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric: acid, potassium iodide, and sodium hydroxide; 30 min- utes with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, and sodium salicylate; and 60 minutes with chloral hydrate, potas- sium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, calcium ni- trate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. REACTION-INTENSITIES or THE HYBRID. This section deals with the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess and CRINUM. n deficit in relation to Uie parent*. (Table A 7 and Chart* IUV7 h>D] The reactivities of tin- hybrid arc the (tame at those o! the teed pan-nt in n..ne ,.f th.- n-a. ti..n>; i he same as those of tin- jM.IK-n parent in the reactions with x-line. . hroniic acid, nitru- ami. IM.U.VIUIII hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, calcium nitrate, uraiiiuiii nitrate, c.,|>.ilt mtratf, copper nitrate, i-upra- i-hl..ri.l.', barium chloride, and men un. chloride : ili,- tune as those of both parent* in none of the r intermediate in th< with chloral hydrate, hydn><hlorir acid, sodium sulphide, midium salicylate) and stnuitium niinit<>, m all of which U-uirf cloMr to th<- |H,i!..,i |ian-iit ; highest with polarization and gentian violet, in Uth In-ing closer to the pollen parent; and tli,- lowest with safranin, temperature, pyrogallic acid, sulphuric acid, putaiwiuni iodide, potaMiom sulphocya- iiiit.-. and potassium sulphide, in 6 being closer to the pollen parent and in 1 closer to the seed parent following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Same as seed parent, 0; same as pollen parent, 12; same as both parents, 0; intermediate, 5; highest, 2: lowest, 7. Intennediatenesa is recorded in less than one-fifth . reactions; excess and deficit of reactivity is almost twice as frequent as in termed iatenem ; and sameness as the pollen parent is noted as often as intermediateness and excess and deficit combined. From these data the seed parent has exercised very little influence on the properties of the starch of the hybrid. viPOsiTB CURVES or REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section deals with the composite curves of the reaction-inU-nsities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Crinum moorei. C. trylanicum, and C. hybri- dum j. c. honey. (Chart I The most conspicuous features of the chart may be i- u mined up as follows: ( 1 ) The wide separation of the curve of C. moorei in four-fifths of the reactions from the curves of C. tey- lanintm and the hybrid, which latter tend to run to- gether with remarkable closeness. ) In C. moorei, the lower polarization and gen- tian-violet reactions coupled with higher reactions with iodine, lu-at, and with all of the chemical reagents as compared with C. trylanicum. (3) The differences in the relative positions of the < urves of reaction with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and safranin; as for instance, the curves of C. moorei being lowest in polarization, highest in iodine, -t in gentian-violet, and intermediate in safranin reactions, and thereafter in the chart always highest (4) In C. moorei, the very high reactions with polar- ization, pvro^allic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hy- drochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium snlphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium nlnhide, sodium salicylate, and strontium nitrate; the lions with gentian violet, safranin, and chromic th,- moderate reactions with iodine, temperature, mi nitrate, and uranium nitrate; the low reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, r nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride; and the very low reaction with barium chloride. I In C. leylanirutn the very high polarization reactions ; the hijfh reactions with gentian violet, safranin, and sulphuric acid ; the moderate reactions with chromic pyrogallic acid, and sodium salicylate ; the low reac- tions with iodine and temperature; and the very low with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, hydrochloric and, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, stron- tium nitrate, cohalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cnpric chlo- n.lc. barium chloride, and men uric , hlor (6) In 0. hybridum j. c. harvey, the tery high mo. Uon with polarization ; the high with gentian violet and safrainu ; the moderate with chromic arid and sodium MlivjUte; the low with iodine, temperature, pyrogallic aad, and sulphuric acid, and the very low with chloral Irate, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hy- droxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium nulpbjdfc calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate co- ba t nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. The following is a summary of the reaction-intcnsi- U68 I Vy Hich. M..I- rmU. Low. Vy I..W C. moonl... 12 C. MyUaieum... 1 C. hybridum j. c. harvry 1 2 I 4 17 17 8. COMPARISONS o TH STAKCHKS o CRINUM ZKYLAN1CUM, C. LONOIFOLIUM, AHD C. KIBCAPS. In histologic characteristics, in poUriscopic figures, in the reactions with selenite, in the reactions with iodine, and in the qualitative reactions with the various chemical reagents it will be noted that the starches of the parents and hybrid exhibit not only properties in common in varying degrees of development, but also individualities which collectively are in each oase charac- teristic of the starch. The starch of C. longifoUum shows in comparison with that of Crinum zrylanicum a much smaller proportion of aggregates and compound grains; that irregularities are more prominent and more frequently present; and that the majority of the gramn are broader, relatively and absolutely, and more flattened. The hilum is not quite so frequently fissured and is slightly less refractive; multiple hila are absent, although jresent in C. teylanicum; the fissures are, u a rale, less leep ; and eccentricity is somewhat greater. The lamel- SB are more distinct distalward and often more discern- ble in this region than in a lustrous band at the di-Ul nargin, which is the reverse of what is noted in C. tey- anicwn; there are some numerical differences in the aniella- and bands of lamella?, and also in the lengths of the bands; and the number of the lamella is leas. The common sizes are nearly the same, the larger grains are larger, and, in case of both, the width is greater than the length Uie opposite to what is seen in C. teylani- cum. In polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, reactions with gentian violet and safranin, and qualitative reactions with the chemical reagents there are differences, some of them striking, and of variable degree* of importance in differentiation. The starch of the hybrid in form, hilum, lamella, and size bears in most respects a closer relationship to that of C. teylanicum than to that of the other parent, but in some instances the reverse. The same is true of the polariscopic figures and reactions with selenite. In the iodine reactions it is distinctly closer to C. tfylani- cum. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hvdrate, nitric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, po- tassium sulphocyanate, sodium sulphide, sodium sali- cylate, copper nitrat<>. cupric rhloride, and mercuric chloride the r-lntion--lii]> aiv, < n the whole, much closer to C. teylanicum. hut in certain respecU here and there closer to C. longifoUum. Marked individualities of the 54 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. TABL E A 8. li . a s 6 B <^ 8 CO S * a kQ c = lA ** B 8 , Chloral hydrate: ( 5 ^ "i 1 I 46 ">7 R8 68 f 15 1 S 4 4 Chromic acid: 1 > n 1-1 99 45 70 q I 1 "i i)9 00 Pyrogallic acid : 3 15 n fit 92 50 6F> 85 98 33 R7 fi 98 98 Nitric acid: 1 ] 5 9 ( 4 C. longifolium 75 89 92 7 96 ?0 9 61 73 Sulphuric acid: 4 6 9 9 95 99 96 100 40 87 fi 99 Hydrochloric acid: 1 6 1 ?3 35 88 99 37 6*1 5 84 85 Potassium hydroxide: 1 5 7 13 Mi 90 97 q 11 V> 5 7 70 Potassium iodide: 1 1 5 7 90 97 8 9 3 18 8 9 45 Potassium sulphocyanate: 1 5 9 11 C,. zey a 70 93 95 99 7 50 70 76 82 Potassium sulphide : 1 1 50 55 60 66 1 3 3 3 Sodium hydroxide: 1 4 C 7 90 91 95 98 99 3 ?0 ?9 33 33 Sodium sulphide: 1 5 4 5? 66 a? 84 91 ?, 1 917 35 42 Sodium salicylate: 5 1 48 8? 98 37 6 95 99 3 40 69 78 Calcium nitrate: 05 1 65 78 81 81 ? 1 15 19 20 Uranium nitrate: 05 1 fi5 7 8? 87 87 0,5 3 6 8 10 Strontium nitrate: 05 1 25 3.5 69 8. 97 98 98 0,5 6 15 32 Cobalt nitrate: 05 1 34 5 60 65 70 05 2 Copper nitrate: 05 0.5 54 7 78 80 81 O.fi 6 7 8 Cupric chloride: 05 0.5 48 til 62 64 r 1 ' IH O.fi . 1 8 Barium chloride: OS 1 : Id 11 20 r* i,- 1 ** 1 OF 0.5 Mercuric chloride: Of 0.5 5; 7 r, 77 : 4 hybrid are noted especially in the reactions with potas- sium iodide, potassium sulphide, and sodium sulphide. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization: C. zeylanicum, very high, value 93. C. longifolium, high to very high, much lower than C. zeylanicum, value 83. C. kircape, high, slightly higher than C. zeylanicum, value 95. Iodine: C. zeylanicum, light to moderate, value 35. C. longifolium, light to moderate, deeper than C. zeylanicum, value 40. C. kircape, light to moderate, slightly lighter than C. longifolium- value 38. Gentian violet: C. zeylanicum, moderately deep to deep, value 67. C. longifolium, moderate, lighter than C. zeylanicum, value CO. C. kircape, moderate, the same as C. longifolium, value 60. Saf ranin : C. zeylanicum, moderately deep to deep, value 67. C. longifolium, moderate, lighter than C. zeylanicum, value 60. C. kircape, moderately deep to deep, deeper than either parent, value 70. Temperature: C. zeylanicum, majority at 77 to 78, all but rare grains at 79 to 80, mean 79.5. C. longifolium, majority at 70 to 71, all at 74 to 75, mean 74.5. C. kircape, majority at 75 to 76, all but rare grains at 77 to 79, mean 78. The reactivities of C. zeylanicum are higher than those of C, longifolium in the polarization, gentian-violet, and saf ranin reactions, and lower in the iodine and tem- perature reactions. Interesting differences are noted in these reactions in the relations between those of the hybrid to one or the other parent. In the polarization and saf'ranin reactions the hybrid reactions are higher than those of either parent, in both instances being nearer those of C. zey- lanicum, the seed parent; in the iodine reaction it stands intermediate, but somewhat closer to C. longifolium; while in the gentian-violet reaction it is lower than in C. zeylanicum and the same as in G. longifolium. The temperature reaction is intermediate, yet distinctly closer to that of C. zeylanicum, the mean being 1.5 lower than in C. zeylanicum and 3.5 higher than in C. longifolium. The reactions, on the whole, are closer to C. zeylanicum. Table A 8 shows the reaction intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (min- utes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Crinum zeylanicum, C. longifolium, and C. kircape, showing the qualitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-inter- vals. ( Charts D 1 48 to D 168.) The most striking features of this group of curves are : (1) The immediate and relatively very marked reactivity of Crinum longifolium with all of the reag- ents excepting barium chloride. With 7 of the 21 reag- ents, 90 per cent or over of the total starch was gelatinized in 5 minutes; with 3 reagents, 60 per cent or over; the lowest percentage being 34; the average gelatinizatiou for all of the reagents, excepting barium chloride, being nearly 70 per cent in 5 minutes, as compared with usually an average of 0.5 to 3 per cent in case of C. zey- lanicum and the hybrid. With the latter, in only the reactions with pyrogallic acid, sulphuric acid, and hy- drochloric acid was there any marked effect during this time-interval, these reactions in case of the hybrid rang- ing from 33 to 40 per cent, while with C. zeylanicum with the same reagents there was a gelatinization of 4 per cent or less, thus showing a remarkable approach in the properties of the starch in relation to these three reagents to the properties of C. longifolium. In the reactions with nitric acid, jK.ta.-ium hydroxide, and po- UMIUIII .-ul|>!i." \Aiiatc reactivity during the lint 5 min- utes U di.-tinetly higher in the hybrid than in ('. uylanifum. i As the reaction-, [mx-eed Uie tendency, with two !;.!!-. i- f..r the hybrid curves to become well sepa- c <>f ('. ifylanirviii. becoming inU-nne- k<f|nn^ 1 1.. JUT to thin parent than t.. < '. lunijifu'lium. 'I'll.- .-i.in li therefore manifests the reac- ;>ni|KTti< of l>oU) parent*, but i intiueooed dis- tinctly more by the higli resistant properties of (,'. irylaiiK-inn than by the relatively low resistant properties lonyifolium. The degree! of separation of the three , iin.s vary remarkably in the ditfereut reactions. In some reactions they are to a notable extent separated, showing correspondingly wide differences in reaction- intensities of all three starches, as is especially marked in the reactions with nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potaiuim hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sul- j.ii". \jiimte, sodium hydroxide, and sodium sulphide; in others, the three curves tend to be comparatively close, ss in especially the sulphuric-acid reaction. In others there :- marked tendency for the curve of ('. longifolium to be separated from those of C. teylanicum and the hybrid, the two latter inclining markedly toward one another, as in especially the reactions with chromic acid, potassium sulphide, sodium sal icy late, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, cop- it rate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mer- chlonde. In other reactions various gradations of relationship exist between the foregoing groups. The --nijiarative slowness of the C 1 . kircape reactions appears to be due in some cases to the high resistance of the ii<8 during particularly the earlier period of the ns, as for instance, in those with chromic acid, potassium sulphocyanate, and sodium salicylate. In cer- tain other reactions the resistance during the same period is low. The best period for the differentiation of the starches most of the reactions at the end of 30 minutes, in- cluding here those with chromic acid, nitric acid, potas- sium hydroxide, potassium iodide, and sodium salicylate ; in a few at the end of 15 minutes, as in those with pyro- gallic acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and potas- sium sulphocyanate; in others at the end of 60 minutes, ss in those with chloral hydrate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. In some of these reactions the differences between the njfuren for C. itylanicum and C. kircape are trifling and within the limits of error, as in the reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, barium chloride, and nier- curk- chloride; and in certain others the variations are unimportant, as in those with chromic acid, potassium Milj. In.!.', uranium nitrate, copper nitrate, and t-upric chloride. REACTION-INTEXSITIRS or THE HYBRIDS. This section deals with the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermed lateness, excess ami deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 8 and Charts D 148 to D 168.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, and barium chloride; the same as those of the pollen parent with gentian violet ; the same as those of both parents in none; intermediate in those with iodine, temperature, chromic acid, pymflal- id, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sul- phocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper in trale, i-upric chloride, mid m.-rriirir chloride- (in 3 being closer to those of the pollen parent; in 15 being closer to the seed parent ; and in several being nearly the same) ; highest in the polarization and safrauin ructions, in both being closer to the seed parent ; and the lowest in the sodium *ali.-> lute reaction and closer to the scd parent. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Same ss seed parent, 4 ; same as pollen parent, 1 ; sune as both parents, 0; intermediate, 18; highest, 8: lowest, 1. The tendency to iiitermediatenes* and to the seed parent is very marked, and it is obvious from these data that the pollen parent has exercised comparatively very little influence on the properties of the starch of the hybrid, the reverse of what was recorded in the preced- ing set, in which C. teylanicum is the pollen parent, while in this set this species is the seed parent, from which it seems that C. ttylanicum is the potent parent. whether seed or pollen, in determining the properties of the hybrid. COMPOSITE CURTO or TUB REACTION-INTENSITIES, This section deals with the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Crinum ttylanicum, C. longifolium, and C. Icircape. ( Chart E 8.) The most conspicuous features of the chart may be gummed up as follows: (1) The very distinct separation of the curves of C. teylanicum and C. kircape from the curve of C. longi- folium, excepting in the reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and temperature. (2) The intermediate position of the curve of the hybrid (except in the reactions with polarization, iodine, safranin, and sodium salicylate and its relative closeness, with few exceptions, to the curve of C. teylanicum. In the reactions with safranin, chromic acid, and pyrogallic acid the curve is closer to that of C. longifolium; and in the gentian-violet reaction it is the same as in C. longifolium. (3) In C. teylanicum the very high reaction with polarization; the high reactions with gentian violet, safranin, and sulphuric acid ; the moderate reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and sodium salicylate ; the low reactions with iodine and temperature reactions; and the very low reactions with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium ni- trate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (4) In C. longifolium the very high reactions with polarization, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, and sodium hydroxide; the high reactions with gentian violet, safranin, chromic acid, sodium salicylate, and strontium nitrate; the mod- erate reactions with iodine and sodium sulphide ; the low reactions with temperature, chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride; .ind the very low reactions with barium chloride. (5) In C. leircape the very high reaction with polar- ization ; the high reactions with gentian violet, safranin, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and sulphuric acid; the low reactions with iodine, temperature, nitric acid, hydro- . -hlnric a<id, pota*-iiini hvdroxide, potassium snlpho- cy a n ate, and sodium salicylate ; and the very low reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium iodide, potassium snl- 56 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. phide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium ni- trate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mer- curic chloride. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. 1 3 3 2 17 5 2 9 1 1 6 7 13 9. COMPAEISONS OF THE STARCHES OF CKINUM LONGIFOLIUM, C. MOOREI, AND C. POWELLII. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, reactions with iodine, and quali- tative reactions with various chemical reagents it will be found that the starches of the parents and hybrid exhibit not only properties in common in varying degrees of development but also individualities, the sum of which in case of each starch is distinctive of the starch. The starch of the hybrid is in form, characters of the hilum, lamellae, and size in certain respects closer to <me than the other parent, and in other respects as close to one as to the other. There are larger numbers of both aggregates and compound grains than are found in Crinum longifolium, but not quite so many as in C. moorei. The irregularities of the grains are more prominent and more numerous than in C. longifolium, but less than in C. moorei. An abrupt deflection of elon- gated, slender grains at or just distal to the slightly eccentric hilum is seen, this peculiarity being absent from C. longifolium, but present in C. moorei. The majority of the grains are not so broadened and flat- tened as in C. longifolium, yet more flattened than in C. moorei. In size, the grains are more evenly divided into elongated and broadened forms than in case of either parent. In polariscopic figures and ap- pearances with selenite, and in the iodine reactions, the hybrid shows on the whole a distinctly closer relationship to C. moorei. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride it is, on the whole, very much closer to C. moorei than to C. longifolium. In some reactions there are certain features that are much more like those of C. longifolium, particularly in some of the processes with potassium iodide and sodium sulphide. In the reactions with cop- per nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride the starch of the hybrid exhibits certain very interesting peculiarities, especially with reference to excess or deficit of parental extremes. Reaction-intensities Expressed oy Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization: C. longifolium, high to very high, value 83. C. moorei, high to very high, slightly higher than C. longifolium, value 86. C. powellii, high to very high, the same aa C. moorei, value 85. Iodine: C. longifolium, light to moderate, value 40. C. moorei, moderate, higher than C. longifolium, value 60. C. powellii, slightly to moderate, value 46. Gentian violet: C. longifolium, moderately deep to deep, value 60. C. moorei, moderately deep to deep, deeper than C. longifolium, value 65. C. powellii, moderately deep to deep, the same as C. moorei, value 65. Safranin: C. longifolium, moderately deep to deep, value 60. C. moorei, moderately deep to deep, deeper than C longifolium, value 65. C. powellii, moderately deep to deep, the same as C. moorei, value 65. Temperature : C. longifolium, majority at 70 to 71, all at 74 to 75; mean 74.5. C. moorei, majority at 68 to 70, all but rare grains at 70 to 71; mean 70.5. C. powellii, majority at 65 to 67, all at 68 to 69; mean 68.5. In all five reactions the reactivities of C. longifolium are lower than those of C. moorei in varying degree. The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of G. moorei in the polarization, gentian-violet, and safra- nin reactions; intermediate in the iodine reaction; and higher than those of either parent, but closer to C. moorei, in the temperature reaction. In four of the five reactions it is closer to the pollen parent, and in one intermediate. Table A 9 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section deals with the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Crinum longifolium, C. moorei, and G. powellii, showing the quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time- intervals. (Charts D 169 to D 189.) The most conspicuous features of this group of curves are: (1) The closeness of all three curves, indicating not only a closeness of the parent stocks, but also very little modification of parental peculiarities in the hybrid. (2) The higher reactivity of the hybrid than of either parent, excepting in the sodium salicylate reaction in which it is at first intermediate and then the same or practically the same as that of the pollen parent. (3) The tendency for all three curves to run close together throughout the periods of the reactions. (4) The intermediate position of the C. moorei curve throughout the series of reactions, excepting in the reactions with sodium salicylate and barium chloride. In the former it is practically the same as that of the hybrid, and in the latter practically the same as that of C. longifolium. It is of interest to note that while the curves of the parents in the reaction with barium chlo- ride are practically the same, the curve of the hybrid is well separated (higher) from them. In many of the reac- tions gelatinization goes on so rapidly during the first 5 minutes that there is but little differentiation of any two or of all three, as the case may be. With proper strengths of solution marked differences could undoubt- edly be elicited. (5) The earliest period during the 60 minutes at which the three curves are so separated as to show the most marked differences between them varies with the different reagents. Approximately, this period occurs within 5 minutes in the reactions with pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, and cobalt nitrate; within 15 minutes in those with chromic acid, uranium nitrate, mercuric chloride, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride ; at 30 minutes with chloral hydrate and potas- sium sulphide; and at 60 minutes with barium chloride. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 9 and Charts D 169 to D 189.) ( KIM M 57 TABLE A 9. S i S I I S . 8 S 9 1 Chloral hydrmU: T.JlfollUn. .1.1 40 81 46 40 7 46 69 70 06 t 70 , 08 79 H ' - W 90 C. potrrllu Chronic c>d: 60 U - 86 w; 10 C. pumrlln . .till' Hi-Ill. :>(lfullUUl : 1 80 76 W 7S I 00 99 M 100 M 1 ad: C l..U|..llUII. C. moorei .. n 90 99 99 C.powWlii Hulphuncadd: DUoUum ..rn -t-IUi 90 90 H 9A . 7 M 9H 99 Mt M 100 i.toncMKl utfolium C. mourn 90 97 .,, ...... ino i'uUMium hydroxide: M) 90 - 97 99 C. moorei C. powclln 94 98 99 97 PuUMUB iodkk: :foliuffl. C moorei .... 90 .. 97 9 - 99 C. poireUii I'utmMuin .ulpbocyaiiaU: : ,(ifoliuni 70 97 96 99 99 . A. Illl 90 i'oUMum mlphidc: C K.Dir.4iuui to M M 91 97 99 66 74 96 99 00 70 86 98 78 87 M 81 88 99 C. powrUii Bodium hydrosid*: ( luncUolium M. C. moorei . . . . C. powdlii ... Bodium ulpJJde. C. loacUolium 62 M 97 37 01 60 06 78 06 80 83 09 -- 00 97 99 00 I 96 n K6 H 71 -! .,, - "'. H 82 99 84 91 C. moorei C. powdlii Sodium MlicyUte: 96 .,. 99 78 I H -. - 99 81 87 89 81 91 87 96 C. moorei C. powrUU Calcium nitnU: < ' lunaifolium C. moorei C. powdlii I r in urn nitrate: C. loacifolium C. powWlii Btmatiuin nitrmtr: C. loocifotium 97 97 98 t C. powrUii Cobclt aitnU: C. loacifolium 34 08 M 00 -.- 48 :,l 01 * a -.: - - M ... 78 70 7. 91 60 ,... -- - in U 71 '. " 74 -.-. 7- n - 7. 1 ; ! '.-, :u 7. 06 7" 89 H M 98 '- " 97 19 H ... 77 - 7 70 80 81 87 04 81 n 00 77 -'. 99 C. moorei .. Copper nitrate: C. loncifolium C. moorei C. powdlii Cuprio chloride: f * mv*HU Barium chlurwie. :.2if*llulll C. moorei C. powrllll Mrrruric chloride: C. loncifolium ... C. mooid . C. powrllii The reactivities of the hybrid an? the . of the teed parent in none 'of the reaction*; Uie -m--r M those of the pollen parunt in the reactions with polar- ization, gentian \iu|, i. anil -.ifruimi; the Mine a* UlOM of both parent* in none of the react rmcdiato with iodine and sodium u MI one being mid- intermediate and in the other closer to the pollen parent; highest with i.-iujK-ratur.-, chloral hyili pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, nuljihuric aci.!. doric ii- id, potassium hydroxide, potassium L..II.I,-,' JK.UMIUIII Milphocjanate, DoUssium sulphide, *odium h Medium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium" nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, an. I m.-n-urii- chloride (in 19 being clowr to the pollen parent, and in being at clone to one as the other parent) ; and the lowest in no rea The following is a summary of the rcat-tion-intcnw- tiea : Same u teed parent, ; tame as pollen parent. :< . same as both parenU, 0; intermediate, 2; highest lowest, 0. liitcrmediatencw is almost absent, aameneas or incli- nation to the teed parent entirely absent, and highest reac- tivity and sameness or inclination to the pollen parent VTV conspicuous. C. moorei, the seed par. ut. not onh tends to higher reactivities than the other parent, but also to so markedly raise the reactivities of tin* hybrid as to bring the latter higher as a rule than it* own. The seed parent has obviously had very little influence in determining the properties of the starch of the hybrid. In this set C. longifolium i the seed parent and in the preceding set the pollen parunt, and in both it ha- comparatively impotent in determining the parental leanings of the hybrid. (Sec Chapter 5, Section I.) COMPOSITE CURVES or REACTION INTKNBITIW. This soctii.n treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities showing the differentiation of the starches of Crinum longifolium, C. moorei, and C. potcellii. ( Chart E 9.) The most conspicuous features of thin chart are: (1) The relatively remarkably high reactivity <>f the hybrid. It in higher than in either parent with few ex- ceptions, and in the latter instances it is the Kan -lightly lower than that of one or the other parent. (2) The closeness with which the hybrid and C. moorei curve* run through most of the reactions. In 17 out of the 26 reaction* the hybrid curve ia closer to the C. moorei curve. In 7 inntances (chromic arid, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate. , ..j.j.. r n.- cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride) it is farther separated from the curves of the parent -I.M ks than are the latter (separated from each other. The hi^li reac- tivity of the hybrid in comparison with the reactivities of the parent stocks in the reactions with calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupru- chloride, and mercuric chloride is quite remarkable by showing a wide departure from intermed lateness. (3) In C. longifolium the very high reactions with polarization, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, and sodium hydroxide; the liijfh reactions with gentian violet, safranin, chr acid, sodium salicylate, and strontium nitrate ; the mod- erate reactions with iodine and sodium sulphide ; the low .n* with chloral hydrate, temperature, potassium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt ni- trate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, ami i . hlo- ride ; and the very low reaction with barium chlorr high reaction* with polari- zation, pyrogallic acid, mtri. a. id. sulphuric acid, hrdro- .LI-!. poUssium hydroxide, pntaamum iodide. 58 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. potassium sulphocyauate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sul- phide, sodium salicylate, and strontium nitrate; the high reactions with gentian violet, saf ranin, and chromic acid ; the moderate reactions with iodine, temperature, calcium nitrate, and uranium nitrate; the low reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, cop- per nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride; and the very low reaction with barium chloride. (5) In C. powellii the very high reactions with polar- ization, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sul- phuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hy- droxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, and strontium nitrate; the high reactions with gentian violet, safranin, copper ni- trate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride ; the mod- erate reactions with iodine, temperature, and cobalt nitrate ; the low reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, and barium chloride; and the absence of any very low reaction. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensities : Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. 9 5 2 9 1 C. moorei 12 3 4 6 1 15 6 3 3 NOTES ON THE CRINUMS. Among the starches studied are three from recognized species, two of which, C. moorei and C. longifolium, are more closely related botanically and horticulturally than is either to C. zeylanicum. The first two are stated to be the only hardy species of the genus, C. moorei being less hardy than C. longifolium. C. powellii, the hybrid of C. moorei and C. longifolium, is recorded as being more hardy than C. moorei. In comparing the reactions of the starches of these three species as presented in Charts E 7, E 8, and E 9, several features of interest in addition to those already referred to will be noted : (1) The wide separation of the curves of C. longi- folium and C. moorei from the curve of C. zeylanicum, a departure so mtfrked as to suggest a greater difference botanically than is recognized or that it is an expression of marked horticultural difference. The explanation seems to rest in the latter : C. longifolium and C. moorei are, as stated, hardy crinums, and they exhibit a far higher reactivity than C. zeylanicum, a tender crinum, which has a low degree of reactivity. A number of the tender crinums were studied in respect to the reactive- intensities, including the well-known species, C. ameri- canum, C. erubescens, C. fimbriatulum, C. scabrum, and C. virginicum, all of which have low reactivity curves corresponding with the curve of C. zeylanicum. There- fore, it seems probable that among species of this genus hardiness or tenderness bears an inverse relationship to reactive-intensity. Such a relationship has been noted in other genera, as, for instance, between Amaryllis and Hippeastrum, the former being relatively hardy and the latter tender; the former being of distinctly higher mean reactivity than the latter. In accordance with the foregoing there are two generic types of curves which correspond with the two groups of hardy and tender groups of plants, respectively, and it appears from the charts that the hybrid C. kircape is in a marked measure in the nature of a connecting link between the two groups. (2) The type of curve of C. longifolium and C. moorei, notwithstanding that these curves are far sepa- rated in all of the important reactions from the curve of C. zeylanicum, corresponds with that of C. zeylanicum. The rises and falls are strikingly coincident coinci- dences that could be greatly accentuated by modifications in the strengths of the reagents. (3) The curves of the hybrids, in the three charts exhibit certain well-defined peculiarities: In each the hybrid curve tends to follow closely one parent, that of C. hybridum j. c. harvey following the curve of C. zey- lanicum; that of C. powellii the curve of C. moorei; and that of G. kircape the curve of C. zeylanicum. The rela- tively very potent influences of C. zeylanicum on the properties of the hybrid are strikingly evident, espe- cially on C. hybridum j. c. harvey. As regards sameness, intermediateness, and deficit of development in relation to the parents, the data of the three sets of starches show marked differences, as is illus- trated in the following summaries : C. hybridum j. c.harvey. C. kircape. C. powellii. Same as, or practically the same as: 4 Pollen parent 12 1 3 Intermediate 5 18 2 Highest..' 2 2 21 7 1 10. COMPARISONS OF THE STAECHES OF NEEINE CBISPA, N. ELEGANS, N. DAINTY MAID, AND N. QUEEN OF EOSES. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with the various chemical reag- ents, all four starches exhibit properties in common in varying degrees of development, and each starch has certain individualities. The starch of Nerine elegans in comparison with that of the other parent N. crispa is found to contain compound grains which have a larger number of components, and also aggregates which are not found in the latter. The grains are more regular in form, of less breadth usually in proportion to length, and in the majority of the grains the proximal end is smaller than the distal end, whereas in N. crispa only the minority of the grains have this feature. The hilum is not so distinct, less fissured, and slightly more eccen- tric. The lamellse are, as a rule, finer but not so dis- tinct; there are more grains that have lamellae that are not so fine at the distal end as near the hilum; and the number of lamellae is less. The sizes are generally less and there are differences in the ratios of length to breadth. In the polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, and qualitative reactions with iodine there are many differences, mostly apparently of a minor charac- M KIM N In the qualitative reai-tinii* with rhli.ml hydrate, nitric anl. |M<USMIUIII i-iiilc. poUwiutu sulphide, ami my .liilrii-i.. - are noted, tome rather (Inking but ni.'-tly M'oimngly of minur importance. -tarch uf tin- hybrid N. dainty maid in comparison with the starches of the parents contains more aggre- gates than that of A', elegant and as many aa in N. cntpa; regularities are more numerous than in N. elegant and alxnit the same as in the other parent; and while moat uf tlu> -T.UI.- in relative sizes of the proximal and dutal ends resemble thoae of A', critpa, there are more that hare t!., j.r..\:inl end smaller than the distal end. The luliini in iii-n:.. tnesa is cloaer to X. critpa, while in the figuration it is closer to N. elegant; in eccen- tri> itv it also is closer to the latter. The lamelUe are than thoM of either parent, but nearer N. elegant, while m general character* and arrangements they are nearer A. crispa; the number it less than in either parent, but nearer that of A', critpa. The sin is some- what closer to A', elegant. In the polarization, selenite, ami qualitative reactions the resemblances lean to one or the other parent, but on the whole distinctly more to A", tlfj-in.f. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulpho- cyanate, potassium xulphide, and sodium salicylate cer- tain of the phenomena lean to one parent and certain others to the other parent, but the relationship is, on hole, distinctly closer to A', elegant. In comparison with the .-tar. lies of the parenU the starch of the hybrid A*, queen of rotet contains a larger number of aggregates which have a larger number of component grains, and more compound grains than in either parent; and the latter are like those of N. elegant; the grains are leas regular than those of N. elegant but more regular than those of A*, crispa. The hilum is as distinct as in A', critpa and more distinct than in the other parent; rarely fissured, thus being closer to A', elegant; and the eccentricity is greater than in either parent, being nearer N. elegant. The lamella; in characters and arrangements closely resemble those of N. critpa, but the number is less than in either parent and closer to that of A", elegant. In size the grains are smaller than those of either parent, and closer to those of N. elegant. In the polarization, selenite, and qualitative reactions with iodine the resemblances are closer to N. elegant. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium xulphide, and sodium salicylate certain of the phenomena lean to one parent and certain others to the other. In the reactions with chloral hydrate and sodium salicylate on the whole, more closely resemble those of N. . ru-/j. but those with nitric acid, potassium iodide, potaa- -iiiin sulphocyanate, and potassium sulphide more closely resemble those of N. elegant. The two hybrids differ in certain very interesting respects, especially as regjards their greater resemblances in their various properties to one or the other parent A', dainty maid is in form more like N. crispa than .V. fleoane, but in other histological respects more like ther parent N. queen of met is in form and hilum more like N. elegant than N. critpa, but in the lamella? it is nearer to N. critpa. In the polarization properties both hybrids are closer to N. elegant than to A', rrispa, N. queen of rotet being closer than N. dainty maid. In the iodine reactions, both Quantitative and qualitative, N. dainty maid more closely resembles N. elegant; but in the other hybrid, A', queen of rote*, the unheated grains show a closer relationship to N. elegant and the heated or gelatinised grains to the other parent In the aniline reactions N. dainty maid is closer to ff. elegant than to N. critpa; while A', queen of met u ilium to N. critpa than to N. elegant. In the qualitative reac- tions with the various chemical reagent* xiuular . individualities are recorded, as regards interparental and inter-hybrid and parental-hybrid reactions. The hy- brids are sometimes practically alike and at others quite as different from each other as they are from the parents, or as the parent* are from each other. The qualitative reactions may be closer to one or the other parent, accord- ing to the reagent In the chloral-hydrate reactions both hybrids are closer to N. critpa, N. dainty maid being the closer. In the reactions with nitric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, and potassium sulphide the hybrids are closer to A', elegant, N. dainty maid being the closer. In the sodium-salicylate reactions A 7 , dainty maid is nearer to N. elegant, and A', queen of rotes i. to A*, critpa, there being nearly as much difference be- tween the hybrids themselves aa between the hybrid A', queen of rotet and the parent N. elegant. KrocttoH imtcnntirt Krpretttd by Light, Color, tnj TVmprr*. lurt KtaetuHU. Polarisation: Nerina erupt. moderaU to ray high, value 66. Nerine eUgana. moderate to very bih. lower than N. rritpa. value 80. Nerine dainty maid, moderate to vrry hih. eame a* N. elegant. value 80. Nerioe queen of roeee. moderate to very high, lower than either parrot, value 77. Iodine: Nerine critpa. moderate, value 46. Nerine elegant, moderate, deeper than in N. criepa, value 66. Nerine dainty maid, moderate to Jeep, deeper than in either parent. value M. Nerine queen of roiee. moderate, the eame aa in N. elegant, value 66. Geptitn violet: Nerine criepa. light to moderate, v.lue 40. Nerine decant. Uaht to moderate, lighter than N. eriepa. value . Nerine dainty maid, liaht to moderate, the eame ae in N. elecane value 86. Nerine queen of row*. liht to moderate, the eame M in N. eriepa. value 40. Safranin: Nerioe eriepa, moderate, value 60. Nerine elegant, moderate, lighter than in N. eriepa. value 46. Nerine dainty maid, moderate, the eame aa in N. elegant, value 60. NVrine quean of rote*, moderate, the eame at in N. eriepa, value 60. Temperature: Nerine eriepa. in the majority at M to 06*; in all at 70 to 7I.6*; mean 70.7*. Nerine elegant, in the majority at 68.6 te 70*; in all at 76 to 76 V; mean 76.0*. Nerine dainty maid, in the majority at 00 to 704*; in all at 72 A to 73-8*; mean, 73.3*. Nerine queen of rone. In the majority at 8 to W.I*, in all at 71 to 72-**; mean 71. 9*. N. critpa shows a higher reactivity than the other parent N. elegant in the reactions with polarisation, gen- tian violet, safranin, and temperature, and a lower reac- tivity with iodine. Roth hybrids in the polarization and iodine reactions are nearer to N. elegant than to the other parent, N. dainty maid having the same polarization reaction as this parent, bat a higher iodine reaction. 60 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. With gentian violet and safranin N. dainty maid is the same as N. elegans, while N. queen of roses is the same as N. crispa. In the temperature reactions the hybrids are intermediate, N. dainty maid being closer to N. elegans, and N. queen of roses closer to N. crispa. N. dainty maid is, on the whole, more closely related in these reactions to the pollen parent, and N. queen of roses to the seed parent. Table A 10 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes) : TABLE A 10. ^~ r a a C4 g CO 8 * a O f> "3 * 8 S Chloral hydrate: Nerine crispa 1? 37 65 67 72 15 89 97 Nerine dainty maid 13 77 00 92 95 Nerine queen of roses 70 99 Chromic acid: Nerine crispa 1 9 36 90 95 5 3 50 Q9 QQ Nerine dainty maid 0,5 1 33 83 95 Nerine queen of roses ? 4 31 86 96 Pyrogallic acid : Nerine crispa - 1 o 3 3 Nerine elegans 0,5 1 1 Nerine dainty maid ?, 2 Nerine queen of roses 0,5 5 Nitric acid: Nerine crispa fi? SO 95 99 99 88 96 09 7? 83 05 96 97 Nerine queen of roses 75 90 08 99 Sulphuric acid: Nerine crispa 8,5 0<t 100 Nerine elegans 90 99 99 Nerine dainty maid 95 90 90 Nerine queen of roses 99 100 90 Hydrochloric acid: 90 00 90 00 Nerine dainty maid 95 98 98 00 Potassium hydroxide: Nerine crispa 97 99 99 Nerine elegans 99 00 Nerine dainty maid 9,5 97 90 Nerine queen of roses 99 99 Potassium iodide: 1 4 9 17 28 5 1 9 3 g 05 3 12 15 1 <t o 11 19 Potassium sulphocyanate: 3 10 4 61 70 3 10 30 40 55 Nerine dainty maid 4 40 70 85 00 5 36 65 80 88 Potassium sulphide: no 88 03 95 95 ? 91 05 97 97 Nerine dainty maid o:i 90 91 05 OS 75 0? 91 96 99 Sodium hydroxide: | ? 3 o 10 3 5 8 1 in 05 4 7 in 18 3 5 1' 15 99 Sodium sulphide: 1 | 4 ? 3 4 5 f } 5 n 7 1 ? 3 4 n TABLE A 10. Continued. a a <N a CO a ^ a" 1C a o a 8 a *o V a S Sodium salicylate: Nerine crispa 1 S OS Nerine elegans S 00 Nerine dainty maid 7 OS Nerine queen of roses 93 Calcium nitrate: Nerine crispa 9 1 g 10 Nerine elegans 2 5 x Nerine dainty maid 4 o 10 16 Nerine queen of roses 4 7 n Uranium nitrate: Nerine crispa 3 9 19 '8 Nerine elegans n ^ o 11 14 Nerine dainty maid g >o 30 38 i 11 20 33 Strontium nitrate: 68 00 95 96 99 Nerine elegans 60 05 OS 99 00 Nerine dainty maid 63 on 05 OS 09 88 00 00 Cobalt nitrate: Nerine crispa n 5 1 1 Nerine elegana i g ? Nerine dainty maid 05 f, 3 Nerine queen of roses 05 f a Copper nitrate: Nerine crispa 5 9 14 99 ?5 5 5 f fi o 1 5 n R 33 Nerine queen of roses 5 1 ft 10 17 Cupric chloride: Nerine crispa 5 ? I Nerine elegans 1 f 9 1 ? 3 3 Nerine queen of roses 3 3 Barium chloride: 05 ? 9 Nerine elegans 05 1 1 5 1 1 Nerine queen of roses n 5 on Mercuric chloride: 5 5 6 5 ] 3 i 5 1 1 3 5 ? ? VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section deals with the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Nerine crispa, N. elegans, N. dainty maid, and N. queen of roses, showing the quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-intervals. (Charts D 190 to D 210.) Among the conspicuous features of these charts are : (1) The marked closeness of all four curves, except- ing in the reactions with chloral hydrate and potassium sulphocyanate, in which there is a marked tendency to separation, especially in the former, although in the general course of curves the characters of the reactions agree. In the reactions with pyrogallic acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride gelatinization occurs either with such rapidity or slowness that there is no satisfactory differentiation, such differences as are noted falling within the limits of error of experiment or being unimportant. Even in some of the other reac- tions the differences are small. M 1UNE. (8) Tliv curve of .V. crigpa i higher than the cure elfijans in tin- reactions with potassium iodide, potaosium sulphocyanate, uranium nitrate, and copper nitrate; and lower with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, nitric acid, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, so- dium galicylate, and strontium mtr. (3) The curves of the hybrids show varying parental relationships. th>>n> U-mg a well-marked tendency in the reactions of .V. dainty maid to intermediateneM and a Inpher position than the parental curves, with a some- v hiit nirr III.ITM <l closeness to the pollen parent, while 'futen of rostt there is lea* tendency to interraediate- ne* but a greater tendency to highness with about an equal inclination to one or the other parent. i An early period of comparatively marked re- sistance followed by a rapid to moderate gelatinixation is seldom recorded, as seen for instance in the curve* for chromic acid and potassium sulphocyanate. (6) The earliest period of the 60 minutes that u the best for the differentiation of the four starches is for the reactions with nitric acid, potassium sulphide, sodium salicylate, and strontium nitrate at 5 minutes; with tho chloral hydrate at 15 minutes; with chromic acid and potassium sulphocyanate at 30 minutes; and with potas- -MIIII iodide, sodium hydroxide, uranium nitrate, and copper nitrate at 60 minutes. The other reactions are cither so fast or so slow that no satisfactory differentia- tion can be made. REACTION-INTENSITIES or THB HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermed lateness, excess, at;.! ]. ti.it in relation to the parent. (Table A 10, and Charts D 190 to D 210.) The reactivities of the hybrid N. dainty maid are the same as those of the seed parent in the safranin reaction ; the same as those of the pollen parent with polarization and gentian violet ; the same as both parents with pyro- pallic acid, potassium sulphide, sodium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride; intermediate with temperature, chloral hy- drate, nitric acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, sodium salicylate (in four being closer to the pollen parent, in one nearer the seed parent, and in one mid- intermediate) ; highest with iodine, sulphuric acid, hydro- chloric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate (in three being closer to the pollen parent, in four nearer the seed parent, and in one as near to one as to the other parent) ; and lowest with chromic acid and potassium hydroxide (in one being nearer to seed parent, and in one as near one u the other parent). The reactivities of the hybrid N. queen of rose* arc ime as those of the seed parent in the reactions with gentian violet and safranin; the same u those of the pollen parent with iodine; the same as both parents with pyrogallic acid, potassium hydroxide, so- dium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride ; intermediate with tem- perature, nitric acid, and potassium iodide (in two being closer to the seed parent, and in one mid-intermediate) ; highest with chloral hydrate, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, to- N. dainty maid. N .!!, olroata. Total. BMM or practically UM MUM u: 8<*d parent | | Polka parent 1 3 Both paraoU 7 14 lotcrmwiiaU.. a fUjhort u 10 Lowe* t 4 .hum hydroxide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, ura- nium nitrate, strontium nitrate, and copper nitrate (in six being nearer the pollen parent, in four nearer the teed parent, and in one as near to one as to the other parent) ; and the lowest with polarization and chromic acid (in one being nearer the pollen parent and in the other nearer the seed parent). The following U a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties of the hybrid aa regard* sameness, intennediateoeas, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents : The hybrids differ from each other in the reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, tem- perature, chloral hydrate, sodium hydroxide, strontium nitrate, calcium nitrate, and copper nitrate, in several to a minor degree. The hybrid A', dainty maid haa a higher reactivity than the other hybrid in the reactions with polarization, iodine, calcium nitrate, and copper nitrate, and a lower reactivity in those with gentian violet, safranin, temperature, chloral hydrate, sodium hydroxide, and strontium nitrate. The most striking difference is seen in the reactions with chloral hydrate. The hybrids differ on the whole less from each other than the parents from each other, but they differ as much from the parents as do the parents from each other. The parental relationships of the two hybrids vary in the different reactions as regards sameness, intermediateness, etc., each hybrid showing relationships quite independent of those of other. Thus, in the polarization tva<t!<>n- .V. dainty maid is the same as the pollen parent, while .V. queen of roses has the lowest reactivity and is nearer the pollen parent ; in the temperature reactions both are intermediate, but the former is nearer the pollen par-nt. and the latter nearer the seed parent ; in the reactions with chloral hydrate the former is intermediate and nearer the pollen parent, and the latter highest and nearer the pollen parent, etc. (See Chapter V.) COMPOSITE CTJITM OP REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section deals with the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Nerine crigpa, fi. elegant, N. dainty maid, and JV. queen of met. (Chart E 10.) The most conspicuous feature* of this chart are: ( 1 ) The very dose correspondence in the rises and falls of the curves of the two parent*, excepting in the reaction with chloral hydrate, in which the curve of one parent is ascending and of the other descending. A* will be seen also by other charts (Ell ai: *ome of the nerines are comparatively fast-reacting with thi* reagent and other* the reverse. The curve* ran *o closely a* to suggest closely related plants. (N. crupa is a garden variety and Jt. elegant it a hybrid of If. fleruota and \. tarnientit var. rote*. N. flex- 62 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. uosa has a high reactivity with chloral hydrate and N. sarniensis var. rosea a low reactivity, so that N. elegans takes after 2V. flexuosa in this reaction.) (2) N. crisjta, in comparison with the other parent N. elegans, shows higher reactions with polarization, gentian violet, safranin, temperature, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, calcium nitrate, uranium ni- trate, and cupric chloride; lower reactions with iodine, chloral hydrate, nitric acid, potassium sulphide, sodium salicylate, and strontium nitrate ; and the same or prac- tically the same reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydrox- ide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mer- curic chloride. (3) The closeness of the curves of the two hybrids is striking, the only important differences in their courses being noted in the chromic-acid reactions, the reaction of N. dainty maid being distinctly higher than in either of the parents, and very much higher than in the other hybrid IV. queen of roses. The reaction of N. dainty maid is closer to N. elegans, while that of N. queen of roses is intermediate between the parents, but very much closer to N. crispa. N. dainty maid shows higher reac- tivities with polarization, iodine, calcium nitrate, and copper nitrate ; and lower reactivities with gentian violet, safranin, temperature, chloral hydrate, and strontium ni- trate; and the same or practically the same reactivities with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium, sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (4) In N. crispa the very high reactions with polar- ization, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hy- droxide, and sodium salicylate; the high reactions with nitric acid, potassium sulphide, and strontium nitrate; the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safra- nin, temperature, and chromic acid ; the low reactions with chloral hydrate, and potassium sulphocyanate; and the very low reactions with pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium ni- trate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (5) In N. elegans the very high reactions with polar- ization, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, sodium salicylate, and strontium nitrate; the high reactions with chloral hydrate, and potassium sulphide ; the moderate reactions with iodine, safranin, and chromic acid ; the low reactions with gen- tian violet, temperature, and potassium sulphocyanate; and the very low reactions with pyrogallic acid, potas- sium iodide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (6) In the hybrid 2V. dainty maid the very high reac- tions with polarization, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate; the high reactions with iodine, nitric acid, potassium sulphide, and strontium nitrate ; the moderate reactions with safranin, chromic acid, and potassium sulphocyanate ; the low reac- tions with gentian violet and temperature ; and the very low reactions with pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (7) In the reactivities of the hybrid N. queen of roses the very high reactions with chloral hydrate, sul- phuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, so- dium salicylate, and strontium nitrate; the high reactions with polarization, nitric acid, and potassium sulphide; the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safra- nin, temperature, and chromic acid; the low reactions with potassium sulphocyanate ; and the very low reactions with pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. Nerine crispa 5 3 5 2 11 Nerine elegans 7 2 3 3 11 Nerine dainty maid . 5 4 2 3 11 Nerine queen of roses 6 3 5 1 11 11. COMPARISONS OF THE STAKCHES OF NERINE BOWDENI, N. SAKNIENSIS VAR. CORUSCA MAJOR, N. GIANTESS, AND N. ABUNDANCE. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with the various chemical reag- ents the starches of the parents exhibit properties in com- mon, and also individualities by which they can be dif- ferentiated. The starch of Nerine sarniensis var. corusca major in comparison with that of 2V. bowdeni contains a smaller number of compound grains and aggregates ; the grains are more regular and less varied in form, and the irregularities are due much more frequently to notches and depressions at the margins ; and the flattened broad forms are less flattened. The hilum is not so distinct, is less frequently fissured, and is more eccentric. The lamellae are not quite as distinct, they are more regular, coarse lamellae are less numerous, the arrangements of coarse and fine lamellae differ from that which is observed in 2V. bowdeni, and the number is somewhat less. In size the grains are smaller, and there are not forms that are as broad as are found in the other parent. In the polariscopic, selenite, and iodine reactions there are many differences. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sul- phide, potassium sulphocyanate, and sodium salicylate there are also many differences, some of which are quite interesting, and all are collectively of marked value in the differentiation of the two starches. The starch of the hybrid 2V. giantess, in comparison with the starches of the parents, contains a much less number of compound grains and aggregates than that of 2V. bowdeni, but slightly more than in the starch of the other parent, and the compound grains are partly of a type that is found exclusively in 2V. bowdeni, and also partly of other types n that are found in the starches of both parent*; and in outline they are nearer to N. bowdtni. !iiluin in character and ec> i the aame as that of A*. sarnitnsit var. eonuca major. The lamella? in character and arrangement, and the size are aim nearer tiuwe of this species. The numU-r of lamella* ia leas than in cither pan-tit. In the polariacopic figures and reac- tions with telenite the relationship is closer to N. tar- mVn<iji var. eonuca major. In the qualitative iodine reactions the raw grains behave more like those of N. tarnitnsu var. eonuca major, but the heated grains more like those of the other species. In the qualitative reac- tions with the chemical reagents the resemblances are closer to : : .V. buu-Jeni in the reactions with chloral h\. Irate and sodium salicylate, but closer t-> the other parent in those with nitric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, and potassium sulphide. The starch of the hybrid X. abundance, in comparison with the starches of the parents, contains a smaller in. rnjMiiii"! grains and aggregates than either, and only an occasional compound grain is seen of a type that was 1 exclusively in .V. bowdeni; irregularity is more than in A*, tarn\ensi rar. conuca major, but consider- ably leas than in the other parent. The form is in gen- eral nearlj mid-intermediate between the forms of the parental starches, but somewhat nearer that of N. sar- nifnxis Tar. eonuca major. The hilum is in character nearer A T . boirdrni, but in eccentricity it exceeds that of r parent and is nearer A 7 , tanientit Tar. eonuca major. The lamella- are in both character and arrange- ment nearer A*. sarnitnis var. eonuca major, but the number is notably less than in either parent. The size ia, on the whole, intermediate, but somewhat nearer that of A", bowdeni. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualita- )odine reactions it is nearer N. bowdeni. In the qualitative chemical reactions with the six reagent* re- lances lean to one or the other parent, but on the whole the relationship is closer to N. bowdeni. For the most part the hybrids bear closer relationships to each other than does either to either parent They vary much in their parent leanings, each independently of the other, so that while one hybrid may show a leaning to the seed parent in a giTen character, the other hybrid may in this same character lean as markedly toward the other parent. Thus, in form N. giantest is more closely related to A 7 , bowdeni, but N. abundance is nearly mid-intermediate between the parents with an inclination to A 7 , fornienng Tar. eonuca major. In hilum A 7 , giantes* is closer to N. tarniensit Tar. conuca major, while A 7 , abundance is closer to N. bowdeni in characters and to the other parent in eccen- tricity. In lamellae both are closer to A 7 , sarniensis Tar. eonuca major. In size A 7 , giant w is closer to A 7 , sar- nifmit Tar. roruxca major, and A 7 , abundance to A', bow- dfni. In the qualitative iodine reactions A 7 , giantea is in the reactions of the ungelatinized grains closer to A 7 , tarnientit Tar. eonuca major, and in the gelatinized grains closer to A T . bowdeni; but AT. abundance is in both respects closer to A 7 , bowdeni. In the qualitative reac- with the chemical reagents N. giant tn* is with certain reagents closer to one parent and with others closer to the other parent, while A 7 , abundance is closer with all reagents to A 7 , bowdtni. MMh4M9MMfsj Kffrntti y Ufkt, Color, mvt Trmftr*- Pblaitaalion: N. bowdeni. moderate to bifth. value as, N. mm. var. tor. maj.. moderate to very Uch. higher than la N. bowdeni, value 90. N. ciuteee, moderately hich to very hick, lower than it, either p*rol, value 80. N. abundance, moderately bleb to very Uch. Ik* eame a. N . ciant- eee, value 80. I !::. N. bowdni. moderate, value 60. N. sara. ra. cor. maj.. moderately deep. deeper than in N. bow- doni. value 00. N. ciaateea. modontely dcp. ib* MOM u N. mm. var. cor. maj.. value 00. N. abunduM*. moderate. MUD* u N. bowdvoi, valo* 60. Gcntima riolct: N. buwdenl. modenkte, value 46. N. tun. var. cor. mj . lilit to moderate, lightrr Ibmo N. Iwwdroi. value 40. N. (iaalM*. moderate, earne a* in N. bowdeni. value 46. N. abundance. liht to moderate, *ame u N. mm. var. cor. ma]., value 40. Safranin: N. bowdeni, moderate, value 60. N. earn. var. cor. maj., moderate, murb lex than in N. Uowdrni. value 40. N. cianteee, moderate, the aame a* N. bowdrnl. value 60. N. abundant*, moderate, lea* than N. bowdeni and murb more than N. earn. var. eor. maj.. value 46. Temperature: N. bowdeni. in majority at 67.0 to 07.0*. in all at 74 to 76*. mean 74-8". N. earn. var. eor. maj.. in majority at 70 to 71*. in all but rare graini at 70 to 78.8*. mean 78.4*. N. iantoe. in majority at 08.2 to 89. 1*. in all at 70.9 to 71*. mean 70.96'. N. abundance, in majority at 09 to 09.9*. in all at 73.9 to 744*. 74-3*. A 7 , bntrdeni shows in the polarization and iodine reactions lower reactivities than N. tarniennt var. conura TABLE A 11. a M M E I s 1 <a a 8 i - S 8 Chloral hydrate: I IA i 52 M N. earn. var. eor. maj . . . N. cianteee N 17 80 NO M 9ft H 97 PJ >>'! N. abundance 4A 97 ... u Chromic acid: N. bowdeni OR 7R 96 aj N. earn. var. eor. maj . . . N. cianteaa . . U ... M BJ 97 u | , 86 M Pyrocallicacid: N. bowdeni OR | I . . | | N. cuntea* ........... on 1 N abundance 7 | Nitric acid: N. howdeni M u , 9A 97 i . 78 . 9R N. cianteee 74 .. . 9R N. abundance 70 -i PJ 9| Sulphuric acid: N bowdeni M 07 99 N. earn. var. cor. maj . N fJantoei - . as M 99 97 N abundance HA - 99 M- i: | : . 7. i M w 90 77 93 4 M 97 N cianteee . ... -7 97 96 M 9A N abundance 71 90 M 941 9A 64 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. TABLE A 11. Continued. - - a a 04 a CO a <* a to o >-: I S B U3 ** 1 g Potassium hydroxide: N. bowdeni N. earn. var. cor. maj . . . N. giantess N. abundance Potassium iodide : N. bowdeni OS 05 03 03 06 07 OS 06 ii 5 98 98 97 97 ft >> 47 47 N. sarn. var. cor. maj . . . 1 ft 4 7 N. giantess 1 16 *>7 11 N. abundance 05 1 ft B 8 Potassium sulphocyanate : N. bowdeni in 46 7fi Rft 00 N. sarn. var. cor. maj . . . N. giantess 2 i 7 9 19 n 29 16 50 61 N. abundance ft 5 7 8 18 Potassium sulphide: N. bowdeni i? 47 6? 68 71 N. sarn. var. cor. maj . . 5? 67 T> 77 79 N. giantess 41 61 70 71 77 19 60 66 70 71 Sodium hydroxide: ft 1? ?1 ?4 30 N. Barn. var. cor. maj . . . ft B 11 is ">0 ? 3 10 14 11 N. abundance 1 f B in 10 Sodium sulphide: N. bowdeni 05 1 4 B 7 N. sarn. var. cor. maj . . . f, 4 B 6 H ? ft 4 n 6 N. abundance 1 f ft ft Sodium salicylate: 63 89 99 N. sarn. var. cor. maj . . . 88 89 09 99 86 99 Calcium nitrate: N . bowdeni 1 B 17 ?5 9 8 N. earn. var. cor. maj. . . 1 ? 8 1? 16 n,f, ? 6 10 15 N. abundance OB f 3 4 B Uranium nitrate : ft 11 >7 17 14 3 4 ft ]> 18 N. giantess 05 ft 14 >o n r, 1 f 4 fj Strontium nitrate: N. bowdeni 16 69 85 89 91 .ID 80 8R 05 07 N. giantess 65 88 91 9f> 96 19 78 86 ^'1 03 Cobalt nitrate: 1 1 N. sarn. var. cor. maj . . 05 1 1 N. giantess OB 1 1 N. abundance OB 05 Copper nitrate : ? 7 10 16 >o N. sain. var. cor. maj . . . 1 5 2 V 3 ft 6 10 6 15 N. abundance OB 5 ? ft ft Cupric chloride : N. bowdcni 05 1 ? ? N. sarn. var. cor. maj . . . OB I 1 N. giantess 05 1 > N. abundance OB 1 1 Barium chloride: N. bowdeni i ', 5 N. sarn. var. cor. maj . . . i ', 5 N. giantess OB 5 N. abundance 05 5 Mercuric chloride: N. bowdeni 5 1 1 N. sarn. var, cor. maj . . . ? ? N. giantess 05 5 N. abundance 05 5 major, and in the gentian-violet, safranin, and tempera- ture reactions higher reactivities. Both hybrids in the polarization and temperature reactions show higher reac- tivities than either parent, both being in both reactions closer to N. bowdeni than to the other parent, but in the temperature reaction N. abundance is practically the same as N. bowdeni. The hybrid N. giantess in the iodine reactions is the same as N. sarniensis var. corusca major, but 2V. abundance is the same as the other parents. N. giantess is the same as N. boivdeni in the gentian- violet reactions, while TV. abundance is the samo as the other parent. N. giantess is the same as N. bowdeni in the safranin reactions, while N. abundance is inter- mediate between the parents, but closer to N. boivdeni. Table A 11 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Nerine bowdeni, N. sarniensis var. corusca major, N. giantess, and N. abundance, showing the quan- titative differences in the behavior toward different reag- ents at definite time-intervals. (Charts D 211 to D 231.) Among the most conspicuous features of these charts are: (1) The marked closeness and correspondence in the courses of all four curves, excepting in the reactions with chloral hydrate and potassium sulphocyanate, as was noted in the preceding set. Owing to too rapid, too slow, or too close reactions no satisfactory if any differ- entiation can be made in the reactions with pyrogallic acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hy- droxide, sodium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (2) The curve of 2V. bowdeni is higher than the curve of the other parent in the reactions with chromic acid, nitric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, and cupric chloride ; and lower in those with chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, sodium salicylate, and strontium nitrate. (3) The curves of the hybrids bear varying relation- ships to the parental curves, and the hybrid curves them- selves differ in many respects from each other. There is in 2V. giantess a distinct tendency to intermediateness and to the lowest position in relation to the parental curves, and with a decided inclination to the curves of the pollen parent; while in 2V. abundance there is a particularly marked inclination to be the highest of the three curves and to the curves of the pollen parent. (4) An early period of high resistance followed by a rapid to moderate gelatinization is noted in very few of the experiments, but especially in the chromic-acid reaction. (5) The earliest period during the 60 minutes that is best for the differentiation of all four starches is for chloral hydrate, nitric acid, potassium sulphide, sodium salicylate, and strontium nitrate at 5 minutes ; for potas- sium iodide at 30 minutes ; for potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, and cupric chloride at 60 minutes. Other reactions are too slow or too fast for satisfactory differentiation. REACTION-INTENSITIES OP THE HYBRIDS. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hyl-nds as regards sameness, mtermediateness, excess, nd deficit in relation t<> the parents. (Table A 11 and Charts D211 to D231.) The reactivities of the hybrid X. giantess are the same as those of the seed parent in the reactions with irnitian violet and safranin; the same as those of the ; parent with iodine, chloral hydrate, sulphuric acid, .-'.hum salicylate, calcium nitrate, and uranium nitrate; and the same as those of both parents with pyrogallic acid, potassium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, ana mer- curic chloride, in all of which the reactions are too fast -> slow for differentiation ; intermediate with chromic acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potas- Minn sulphide, strontium nitrate, and copper nitrate (in three \*-\ng mid-intermediate, in one nearer the seed parent, and in two nearer the pollen parent) ; highest in the temperature reaction, and nearer the seed parent; and lowest in the reactions with polarization, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, and sodium hydroxide (in one being as near as the other parent, in one nearer the aeed parent, and in one nearer the pollen parent). The reactivities of the hybrid N. abundance are the same as those of the aeed parent in the reactions with iodine, temperature, and sulphuric acid; the same as those of the pollen parent with gentian violet, potassium iodide, and sodium salicylate ; the same as those of both ts with pyrogallic acid, potassium hydroxide, so- dium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride, in all of which the reac- tions are too fast or too slow for differentiation ; inter- mediate with safranin, potassium sulphide, and strontium nitrate (in two being closer to the seed parent, and in one closer to the pollen parent) ; highest with tempera- ture and chloral hydrate, in the former being closer to the seed parent and in the latter to the pollen parent; and lowest with polarization, chromic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hy- droxide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, and copper nitrate (in one being as close to one parent as to the other, in one closer to the seed parent, and in seven closer to the pollen parent). COMPOSITE CURVES or THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of tf trine bovdeni, N. samiensis var. corusca major, N. gianltss, and Jf. abundance. (Chart E 11.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : ( 1 ) The very close correspondence in the rises and falls of the curves of the parents, excepting in the reac- tions with chloral hydrate and potassium sulphide, the same peculiarity having been noted in the preceding set, excepting that in this set the potassium-sulphide curves retain the same relative positions, the disagreement in the latter being attributable to the relatively low reac- tivity of .V. bovdeni. (2 ) .V. bovdeni has higher reactivities than the other parent (X. sarnitnsit var. corusca major) with gentian violet, safranin, temperature, chromic acid, nitric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hy- 6 le, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, and copper nitrate; lower with polarization, iodine, chloral hydrate, sodium salicylate, and strontium nitrate ; and the same or practically the same with pyrogallic acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium nulphide, sodium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (3) In N. bovdeni the very high reactions with polarization, sulphuric acid, and potassium hydroxide; the high reactions with chromic acid, hydrochloric acid, and sodium salicylate ; t he moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, nitric acid, potassium sulpho- cyanate, and strontium nitrate; tin- low reactions with temperature, chloral hydrate, and potassium sulphide; the very low reactions with pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium ni- trate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and men -urn- < -Monde. (4) In N. tarniensis var. corusca major the very high reactions with polarization, sulphuric acid, potassium hydroxide, and sodium salicylatc ; the high reactions with iodine, chloral hydrate, hydrochloric acid, and strontium nitrate ; the moderate reactions with gentian violet, safra- nin, chromic acid, and nitric arid ; the low reactions with temperature, potassium sulphocyanate, and potassium sulphide; and the very low reactions with pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sul- phide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (5) In the hybrid A T . giantess the very high reactions with polarization, sulphuric acid, potassium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate; the high reactions with iodine, chloral hydrate, hydrochloric acid, and strontium nitrate ; the moderate reactions with gentian violet, safranin, temperature, chromic acid, and nitric acid ; the low reac- tions with potassium sulphocyanate and potassium sul- phide ; and the very low reactions with pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (6) In the hybrid N. abundance the very high reac- tions with polarization, sulphuric acid, potassium hydrox- ide, and sodium salicylate ; the high reactions with chloral hydrate and hydrochloric acid ; the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, chromic acid, nitric acid, and strontium nitrate ; the low reactions with tem- perature and potassium sulphide ; and the very low reac- tions with pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, cal- cium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. The following is a summary of the reaction -intensi- ties: Vy Rich. Mod- ' lam. Vy low. V, bowdeni .. . s 3 e 3 II N. mm, rmr. eor. m*j. V, cutaUw 4 4 4 4 4 s S 1 II II N, huodmac* 4 3 s S It 66 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. The two hybrids show in general a closer relation- ship in their reactivities to each other than does either to either parent. In some reactions the reactivities are the same, and in others one hybrid has a higher reactivity than the other, but in other reactions the reverse. Then again their reactivities in their parental relationships are of a most variable character in that in a given reaction both may be lower or higher than the reactions of the parents, in another reaction that of one may be higher and that of the other lower, or intermediate, or the same, etc. Thus, eliminating the seven reactions in which, owing to a too rapid or too slow reaction, the results were the same in case of all four starches, it will be noted that out of the remaining 19 reactions in only 6 were the reactions of the same relationship to the parents in the polarization reactions the reactivities of both hy- brids are the lowest and both nearer the seed parent; in the temperature reactions one is higher than either parent, but closer to the seed parent, and the other is practically the same as the seed parent; in the nitric acid reactions both are the highest, in the former nearer the seed parent and in the latter nearer the pollen parent; in the hydrochloric acid reactions the reactivities are lowest, and both as close to one as to the other parent; in the sodium-hydroxide reactions both are highest and nearer the seed parent; and in the sodium-salicylate reac- tions both are the same as the pollen parent. In each of the other reactions one hybrid shows a parental rela- tionship that is different from that of the other. Thus, in the iodine reactions 2V. giantess is closer to the seed parent, while N. abundance is closer to the pollen parent ; in the sulphuric-acid reactions N. giantess is closer to the pollen parent, while N. abundance is closer to the seed parent; in the potassium-sulphide reactions both hybrids are intermediate, but one is closer to the pollen parent and the other to the seed parent, etc. The reac- tivities of N. giantess are, on the whole, slightly higher than those of the other hybrid, and both are in this respect nearer the pollen than the seed parent, 2V. giantess being the closer. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties of the hybrids as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents : N. giantess. N. abundance. Same or practically same as Seed parent 2 3 Pollen parent 3 Both parents 7 7 Intermediate 6 3 Highest 1 1 Lowest 4 9 In both hybrids the properties seem to be influenced much more by the pollen parent. In the first hybrid there is greater tendency to intermediateness and less tendency to lowness of reactivity than in the other hy- brid. The hybrids differ sufficiently in their parental relationships to be readily distinguished notwithstanding their close similarities. (See Chapter V.) 12. COMPABISONS OF THE STARCHES OF NfiBINE SABNIEN8IS VAB. COBTJSCA MAJOB, N". CTJEVIFOLIA VAE. FOTHEROILLI MAJOB, AND N. OLOEY OF SARNIA. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with the various chemical reag- ents all three starches exhibit properties in common, and each haa certain individualities, but all are closely related. The starch of N. curvifolia var. fothergilli major contains in comparison with the starch of the other parent a larger number of compound grains and aggregates, and the former are of more varied types. The grains are less regular and somewhat more slender and pointed. The hilum is more distinct and eccentric. The lamellae are more distinct and less numerous, and there is difference in the grouping of the coarse lamellfe. The size is less and the grains tend to be less broad in proportion to length. In the polariscopic, selenite, and iodine reactions differences are noted. In the quali- tative reactions with the chemical reagents many simi- larities and differences are recorded, some of the latter being quite striking, and taken collectively readily dif- ferentiate the starches. The starch of the hybrid con- tains fewer compound grains and aggregates than are found in the parents, and the types of compound grains are for the most part those observed in the starch of N. sarniensis var. corusca major. The grains are more regular in form than in either parent, and on the whole nearer those of N. sarniensis var. corusca major. The characters of the hilum are closer to those of the same parent, and the eccentricity is less than in either parent. The lamellae are less distinct but more numerous than in either parent, and they are more closely related to those of N. sarniensis var. corusca major. In sizes the grains are also more closely related to the same parent. In the qualitative polarization, selenite, and iodine reactions the hybrid shows a more marked closeness to 2V. sarniensis var. corusca major. In the qualitative reactions with tha chemical reagents, including choral hydrate, nitric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, and sodium salicylate, reactions in each re- sembling more closely those of one or the other parent are noted, but in case of each reagent the phenomena are collectively closer to those of N. sarniensis var. corusca major than to those of the other parent. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization: N. sara. var. cor. maj., moderate to very high, value 90. N. curvi. var. foth. maj., moderate to very high, lower than N. sarn. var. cor. maj., value 87. N. glory of sarnia, moderate to very high, the same as N. earn. var. cor. maj., value 90. Iodine: N. earn. var. cor. maj., moderately deep, value 60. N. curvi. var. foth. maj., moderately deep, deeper than N. sarn. var. cor. maj., value 66. N. glory of sarnia, moderate, less than either parent, value 55. Gentian violet: N. sarn. var. cor. maj., light to moderate, value 40. N. curvi. var. foth. maj., moderate, deeper than N. sarn. v. cor. maj., value 45. N. glory of sarnia, light to moderate, lighter than in either parent, value 35. Safranin: N. sarn. var. cor. maj., moderate, value 40. N. curvi. var. foth. maj., moderate, deeper than N. sarn var. cor. maj., value 35. N. glory of snrnia, light to moderate, less than either parent, value 35. Temperature: N. sarn. var. cor. maj., in the majority at 70 to 71, in all but rare grains 76 to 78.8, mean 78.4. N. curvi. var. foth maj., in the majority at 68.1 to 69, in all at 73.2 to 74.3, mean 73.8. N. glory of sarnia, in the majority at 70 to 72 in all at 75.8 to 77. mean 76.4. N. sarniensis var. corusca major shows in the polariza- tion and temperature reactions higher reactivities than the other parent, hut lower reactivities in those with iodine, gentian violet, and safranin. The hybrid shows the same reactivity as 2V. sarniensis var. corusca major in the polarization reaction, but less than that of the other parent; lower reactivities than the parents with iodine, NERIHsJ. TA.I* A 12. Chloral artirmU: .N tara. rmr. ear. BUJ -rr. rmr. loth. BttJ dory of mvm N. ra rmr. cor. 0*4 . .rr. rmr. foU- MJ N. Story of .nu. N N. N - rmr. eoc. Bttj . rmr lotk. Ml N CWT. rmr. (OU. BMJ. N.dTof N* MITT* TB N dry of . rmr. fath. Btmj N. N rmr. foU. Bmj N Mm. Tmr. ear. Bimj N. rarr. rmr. iota. BJ N. dory of N. muv-rm N crr n N. dorr of N n>. rmr cor mmj N. ewrr. rmr. (oU. mj.. N dory of N. tvr. rmr. foU. naj. V dorr of N.I N. COT. Tmr. Iota. BMJ N. doryofBUBim Cobmlt nitrate: N. tmra. rmr. ear. mmj . N. eurr. rmr loth- OMJ N dory of BUI N rurr rmr. Mk. BMJ N. doty afi 00 97 : 67 73 70 ;: :- M . : .- violet, tad mfrmnio;aod it rto^T. - Table A 19 ibowi the MMtini i*mAtln in ptrant- fM of toUI tUrch gdatiniicd at definite interraU (imrtn). Vkxocrrr-UACTioM Cuirmm. This tectioo treU of the relocity-ratetioB curr of the trch of JN'triiw MmiMMt Tar. eonutm m*jor. N. amifol* rar. fotktryilli m*jor. and AT. glory of'mrmt. bowing the qoantitatire difference* in the behavior to- ward different reagent* at definite time-interrala. (Charts D tit to DMt.) Amonjrthe oonqNOMMM featnre. of thaw charts an: ( 1 ) The cloeenew and cormpondrnce of the currM of all three starches, excepting in the reactions with potasnom snlpbocyanate in which there appears to be ft marked disproportionately low reartiritj of .V. taminui* rar. conuea major, in comparison with N. cvrrifolie rar. fotkergtili major, the departare becoming more and more marked during the course of the experiment. It is of importance to note that the reactions of the former and the hybrid are practically absolutely identical With a slightly stronger solution of the reagent or a longer period of study it is probable that this discrepancy would become markedly less. The extremely rapid or slow reactions of all three sUrrhes with pyrogalfic arid, sul- phuric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, so- dium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cnpric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride yield curres that are wholly or practically valueless for satis- factory differential study. (2) The curve of JV. tarnirngis rar. conuem major is higher than the curve of the other parent A*, currifolia rar. fothtrgilli major in the reactions with chromic acid, nitric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, and strontium nitrate; and lower in reactions with chloral hydrate, hydrochloric acid, sodium salicylate, bat in sereral the differences are slight (3) The curres of the hybrid hear rarrinp relation* to those of the parents. There are marked tendencies to mtw<Bi to the pollen parent and to both parents; little tendency to the seed parent ; none to be the highest of the three curres ; and a rery marked tendency to be the lowest with equal inclination to each parent (4) An carry period of high resistance followed by a rapid to moderate gelatinization is noted only in the experiments with chromic arid and nitric acid, espe- cially in the first, and in the Utter only in N. currifolia rar. fothfryilli major. (5) The earliest period during the 60 minutes that is best for the differentiation of the three starches is for chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, sodium salicylate, and strontium nitrate at the end of 5 minutes ; for nitnr acid and hydrochloric acid at 15 minutes; for chromic acid at 30 minutes; and for potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, calicum nitrate, and uranium nitrate at r,0 minute*. With the rery slow reactions, including those with pyrogmllic acid, sulphuric acid, potasnun iodide, sodium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cnpric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride, if any differentiation is possible, the longer the period of the reaction the better. REAcno-nrrjfm8 or TH HYBHB. This section treats of the rss^km-intsMJiies of the deficit in relation to the parent. (Table A It* and Charts D 232 to D 252.) 68 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the polarization reaction ; the same as the pollen parent in the reactions with safranin, po- tassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sul- phide, calcium nitrate, and uranium nitrate; the same as both parents with pyrogallic acid, potassium hydrox- ide, potassium iodide, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride, in all of which the reactions are too slow for differentia- tion; intermediate in the temperature reaction, being closer to the seed parent; highest in none; and lowest with iodine, gentian violet, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium sulphide, sodium salicylate, and strontium nitrate (in five being closer to the seed parent, in four closer to the pollen parent, and in one as close to one as to the other parent). The following is a summary of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, ex- cess, and deficit in relation to the parents : Same or prac- tically the same as the seed parent, 1 ; the pollen parent, 6 ; both parents, 8 ; intermediate, 1 ; highest, ; lowest, 10. The tendency to lower curves than in either of the parents, the more marked influence of the pollen parent, the almost entire absence of intermediateness, and the entire absence of curves higher than those of the parents are quite conspicuous. COMPOSITE CURVES OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reac- tions-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Nerine sarniensis var. corusca major, N. cur- vifolia var. fothergilli major, and N. glory of sarnia. (Chart E 12.) Among the most conspicuous features of this chart are: (1) The very close correspondence in the rises and falls of all three curves, indicating a very close botanical relationship between the parents and but little botanical character variations in the hybrid from parental characters. (2) In the curve of N. sarniensis var. corusca major in comparison with N. curvifolia var. fothergilli major the higher reactions with polarization, potassium sulpho- cyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium salicylate, uranium nitrate, and strontium nitrate, and the same or practi- cally the same with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyro- gallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, potassium hy- droxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. In only the reactions with temperature, hydrochloric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, and strontium nitrate are there important differentiations. (3) In N. sarniensis var. corusca major the very high reactions with polarization, sulphuric acid, potassium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate ; the high reactions with iodine, chloral hydrate, hydrochloric acid, and strontium nitrate; the moderate reactions with gentian violet, sa- franin, chromic acid, and nitric acid; the low reactions with temperature, potassium sulphocyanate, and potas- sium sulphide ; and the very low reactions with pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sul- phide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (4) In N. curvifolia var. fothergilli major the very high reactions with polarization, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate; the high reactions with iodine- and chloral hydrate ; the mod- erate reactions with gentian violet, safranin, chromic acid, nitric acid, and strontium nitrate ; the low reactions with temperature and potassium sulphide; and the very low reactions with pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, po- tassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sul- phide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (5) In the hybrid N. glory of sarnia the very high reactions with polarization, sulphuric acid, potassium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate; the high reactions with hydrochloric acid; the moderate reactions with io- dine, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, and strontium nitrate; the low reactions with gentian violet, safranin, temperature, nitric acid, and potassium sulphide; the very low reactions with pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sul- phide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. The following is a summary of reaction-intensities : Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. N. sarn. var. cor. maj 3 3 6 3 11 5 2 6 2 12 4 1 4 4 12 NOTES ON THE QUANTITATIVE REACTIONS OF THE NE- 1UNES WITH THE VAEIOUS CHEMICAL REAGENTS. (Charts D 253 to D 258.)* The most conspicuous features are: (1) The three composite-curve charts are strikingly alike, showing very clearly the generic type of curve; and the curves run together quite closely, indicating nearly related members of the genus. The most marked differences exhibited by the five parents are seen in the reactions with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, and strontium nitrate. In the other reactions such differ- ences as may exist are either of minor importance or possibly or probably fall within the limits of error of experiment, at least not within the limits of convincing differentiation. (2) Comparisons of the curves of the five starches presented by each reagent show in the case of each reagent a correspondence in the type of curve, allowances being made for slight modifications due to variations in the rate of gelatinization and for small errors of estimation of percentages. Thus, comparing, for instance, the charts of the five reagents above noted, or better the special charts (D 253 to D 258) which give the curves of all five starches with each of the reagents, it will be observed that each chart has certain individualities by which it can be distinguished from the others. The charts for NEHINE NARCISSUS. nitric acid ami strontium nitrate are very much alike, the most distiuct difference being noted in the curve* during the fint five minute*, jet, while there is a MTV clow correspondence in the course* of the carve*, tin-re re curious alterations in the relative position*, u for instance, while the curve of N. curvifolia var. fothtrgilli major it the lowest and the curve of N. bowdeni iuter- nie<liau in the nitric-acid reactions, tin- curve of the former m next to the lowest and that of the latter the lowest in the itrontium-nirate reaction*, showing that there are inherent important differences in the relations of these reagent* to the starch molecule*. Similar dif- ference* are very strikingly presented by certain *tarches of other genera which show more or lea* marked differ- ence* in the action* of these two reagent*. (3) Notable variation* are shown in the degree of separation of the curve* of the five starches in each of the chart*. In the chart for hydrochloric acid all of the curves run closely together, those of N. criipa and .V. elegant being identical, and those of the other three being almost identical. In the reactions with chloral hydrate the curves of N. curvifolia var. fothergilli major, X. elegant, and N. tarnientit var. corutca major are very nearly the same, but those of X. critpa and A', bow- dtni are well separated from the former and from each other. In the reaction* with nitric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, and potassium sulphide all the curve* are fairly to well separated. (4) In each chart the several curves bear the tame position-relationship, there being no crossing of curves, so that if a given curve is the highest at the 5-minute interval it will not fall below another, although there may be dispersion or approximation of the curve* during the progress of gelatinization in the latter case they may become identical. (5) The order of position of the five curves varies in the different reactions, a* follows, in each case beginning with the highest and proceeding in order to the lowest: Chloral hydrate: N. cunr. var. foth. maj.. N. elrcan*. N. (am. var. cor. maj.. N. cri^ja. N. liiimlanl Nitric add: N. ln. N. crisp.. N. bowdeni. N. aun. var. cor. maj.. N. eurv. var. foth. maj. Hydrochloric acid: N. criepa, N. atagm. N. eurv. var. foth. maj.. N. bowdeni. N. tarn. var. cor. maj. PoUMumMlphoryanate: N. bowdeni. N.criapa, N.alen, N.amrn var. cor. maj.. N. eurv. var. foth. maj. nlphida: N. criapa. N. awn. var. cor. maj., N. eurv. var. foth. maj.. N. bowdeni, N. Strontium nitrate: N. ilipni N. rriapa. N. aun. var. cor. maj.. N. eurv. var. foth. maj., N. bowdeni. The variations in relative positions are quite remark- able and are expressions of definite physico-chemical peculiarities of the starch molecules in relation to the reagents. It will be observed that A', cvrvifolia var. fothergilli major is the highest in the reactions with chloral hydrate, but the lowest with nitric acid and potassium sulphocyanate; N. elegant is highest with nitric acid and strontium nitrate, but the lowest with potassium sulphide; A', botcdtnt is the highest with potassium sulphocyanate, but the lowest with chloral hydrate and strontium nitrate, etc. It is of interest to note that while the chart* for nitric acid and strontium nitrate bear a very close resemblance, as previously stated, the order of curves is not the same in both. (6) In comparing the chart for hydrochloric acid with the abscissas for hydrochloric acid of the composite- curve chart* (E 10, E 11, and E 12) it will be seen that in the latter the difference* between the parent* is seem- ingly much exaggerated. This latter u owing to the very slow gelatinization after 15 minute*, rendering the curve* of N. bovdeni and A', tarnitntit var. corutca major disproportionately low. Both curves should per- haps be brought up as high a* the 20-minutc abscissa. The error is, however, of no essential importance, inas- much as it does not give rise to error in the onl reactivity or essentially modify the generic type of curve. (7) The hybrids in all three sets exhibit the same fundamental peculiarities in relation to their respective parents, in so far as each hybrid may in some reactions be intermediate, higher, lower, or the same a* one or the other parent or both parent*, as the case may be. It can not be foretold from the reactions of the parents with any given reagent what the reaction of the hybrid is likely to be. The hybrids lend to follow one parent closer than the other, in some reactions one parent and in others the other, there not being in any one of the three set* a uni- versal sexual prepotency. In the first set the hybrids bear, on the whole, a closer relationship to the seed parent, but in the second and third set* to the pollen parents. In the first and second sets, in each of which there are two hybrids, the hybrids exhibit differences between each other in some reactions as marked a*, or more marked than, the differences between the parents, but commonly the hybrids tend to be closely alike, espe- cially when the parents are close, but there is no rule. As regards the latter, for instance, in the chloral-hydrate reactions of the first set (Chart D 190), the parents are well separated and likewise the two hybrids ; in the sec- ond set (Chart 1)211), the parents are well separated, but both hybrids are the same and also the same as on* parent; and in the third set (Chart D232) the parents are the same, but the hybrid is well separated from the parents, and so on with other reactions. (8) No more striking feature seems to be presented than that of the shifting parental relationships of the two hybrids of each of the first two sets in the several reactions, as referred to in Section 6 and fully tabulated in Chapter V. 13. COMPARISONS OF THE STAKCHKS or NARCISSUS POKTICUB OKNATTS, N. POKTICt'8 POET ABU M, N. porncus DERRICK, AND N. POKTICCS DAKTK. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with various chemical reagents all four starches show properties in common in varying de- grees of development together with certain individualities which collectively in each case serve to be characteristic. The starch of X'arciuut poeticut pottarum in compari- son with that of A 7 , potticut ornatut ha* a larger number of compound grain*, more aggregate* that are formed of a single primary grain inclosed in a- secondary deposit, more irregularity of the grains, lea* distinctness of the hilum, more extensive figuration but less branching, and hunellation not so distinct or so coarse; the poloriza- tion figure is leas often well defined and the line* are more apt to be bisected and bent and lea* often form 70 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. a cross; with selenite the quadrants are not so well defined and are more irregular in shape and size, the colors are not so pure, and there are fewer grains having a greenish tinge ; with iodine the raw grains become more bluish and of a somewhat deeper tint, while the gela- tinized grains and grain residues color less but the solu- tion more. In the qualitative reactions with the various chemical reagents there are various differences. The starch of the hybrid N. poeticus herrick is in form, char- acters of the hilum, and characters of the lamella closer to N. poeticus ornatus than to the other parent, but in size the reverse. In polariscopic figure and appearances with selenite it is closer to 2V. poeticus ornatus; but in degree of polarization, the reverse. In the qualitative iodine reactions it is closer to N. poeticus poetarum. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid it is closer to N. poeticus poetarum. The starch of the hybrid N. poeticus dante is in form closer to N. poeticus than to the other parent, but in the characters of the hilum, in lamella, and in size it is closer to the other parent N. poeticus poetarum. In the polariscopic figure and reactions with selenite it is closer to N. poeticus poe- tarum. In the qualitative iodine reactions it is closer to N. poeticus poetarum. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid it shows a closer relationship to N. poeticus poetarum. The starch of the hybrid JV. poeticus dante is more rounded than that of the other hybrid, and it does not show as close a relationship to N. poeticus ornatus. In character and eccentricity of the hilum it shows as close a relationship to N. poeticus poetarum as does that of the other hybrid to the other parent, and in the characters of the lamellae the same holds true. In size it is larger than in the other hybrid, and therefore not so close to N. poeticus poetarum, yet it is closer to it than to the other parent. In polariscopic figure and appearances with selenite both hybrids bear the same relationship to the parents, and in the iodine- qualitative reactions there are no differences between the hybrids. In the qualitative chemical reactions the starch of the hybrid N. poeticus dante bears a closer relation- ship than the starch of the other hybrid N. poeticus herrick to N. poeticus poetarum in the chloral-hydrate reaction, but not so close a relationship to this parent in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization: N. poet, ornatus, low to very high, value 50. N. poet, poetarum, low to very high, lower than in N. poet, ornatus, value 40. N. poet, herrick, low to very high, somewhat lower than in N. poet. ornatus, value 47. N. poet, dante, low to very high, somewhat lower than in N. poet. ornatus, value 47. Iodine: N. poet, ornatus, light to moderate, value 40. N. poet, poetarum, moderate, somewhat higher than in N. poet. ornatus, value 45. N. poet, herrick, moderate, the same as in N. poet, poetarum, value 45. N. poet, dante, moderate, the same as in N. poet, poetarum, value 45. Gentian violet: N. poet, oruatus, light to moderate, value 30. N. poet, poetarum, light to moderate, somewhat deeper than in N. poet, ornatus, value 35. N. pool, herrick, light to moderate, lighter than in either parent, value 25. N. poet, dante, light to moderate, the same as in N. poet, poetarum, value 35. .Safranin: N. poet, ornatus, moderate, value 45. N. poet, poetarum, moderate, somewhat deeper than in N. poet. oruatus, value 50. N. poet, herrick, light to moderate, lighter than in either parent, value 40. N. poet, daute, moderate, the same as in N. poet, poetarum, value 50. Temperature: N. poet, ornatus, in majority at 73 to 74, in all at 77 to 78, mean 77.5. N. poet, poetarum, in majority at 67 to 69, in all at 71 to 73, mean 72. N. poet, herrick, in majority at 69 to 71, in all at 76 to 78, mean 77. N. poet, dante, in majority at 71.2 to 73.1, in all at 74 to 76, mean 75. N. poeticus ornatus exhibits a higher reactivity than the other parent in the polarization reactions, and lower reactivities in those with iodine, gentian violet, safrauin, and temperature. The hybrid N. poeticus herrick is higher than N. poeticus and lower than N. poeticus poe- larum in the temperature reactions ; the same as the latter parent in the iodine reaction; intermediate in polariza- tion reaction; and the lowest in the reactions with gentian violet and safranin. The hybrid N. poeticus dante has the same or practically the same reactivity as N. poeticus ornatus in no reaction ; the same or prac- tically the same reactivity as N. poeticus poetarum in the reactions with iodine, gentian violet, and safranin; and intermediate in the polarization and temperature reac- tions. The two hybrids are alike in the polarization and iodine reactions, but N. poeticus herrick has lower reac- tivities than the other hybrid in the reactions with gen- tian violet, safranin, and temperature. TABLE A 13. a B N a CO a a 10 a 1C e n 5 * a Chloral hydrate: 05 g M 28 31 N. poet, poetarum 05 1 9 11 17 4 g 10 12 11 N. poet, dante 7 10 1-> 16 16 Chromic acid: N. poet, ornatus 7 D.'j 80 95 OS 3 <>> fi5 75 "5 N. poet, herrick fi 4? 70 82 to N. poet, dante fi 14 fi7 RO SS Pyrogallic acid: ? ">0 68 81 88 1 in 70 84 0? ? in fiO 83 01 1 17 75 ss '.il Nitric acid: N. poet, ornatus 6 70 SO Crt 70 in 40 5? fiO fi? N. poet, herrick 30 5R fiQ 7fi 78 IP fi r > 70 78 SO Sulphuric acid: N. poet, ornatus N. poet, poetarum 93 79 99 <M N. poet, herrick 98 <to N. poet, dante 95 <>o \ \ HCI88U8. 71 Table A 13 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- age* of total starch gelatinized at definite iutrval (minutes). VELOCITT-RXACTION CUBVES. Tin* Motion trvata of the vi>U ity-reaetion curve* of the starches of Sarcittut poelicua ornatut, N. poeticut poetarum, N. poeticut herrick, and .V. poeticut dante, showing the quantitative differences in the behavior to- ward different reagent* at different time-intervals. (I 'harts l)-.>59toD264.) aspicuous among the features of these charts are tlu- following: i i i In the five charts there is generally a man in each chart for all four curves to keep to- gether, the only places where there is leaning toward a well marked separation are in the charts for chromic acid and nitric acid at the 15-minute interval. In the Kul|>luin> -u( ul r. a. tiun gelatinization proceeds with such rapidity that there is not, except in one instance, what can be accepted as an entirely satisfactory differentiation of any one starch from any other, this instance being the star< h of A', poeticus pottarum, which reacted with dis- v less rapidity than the other three (which react with identical intensity) during the first three minutes, i The fuur i urvea bear varying relations to each other in the different reactions. (3) The curve of N. poeticus ornaiut is the highest of the four and well separated from the other three in the reactions with chloral hydrate and chromic acid ; the lowest at first and intermediate finally with nitric acid ; and practically the same, but with a lower tendency than in the other three, with pyrogallic acid, although in this reaction the curves of N. poelictu ornatus, N. poeticut poet arum, and N. poeticut herrick are practically the same. There is an obvious tendency for the curves of .V. poeticut poetarum, N. poeticut herrick, and N. poeti- cut dante to keep close in the reactions with chloral hy- drate and chromic acid. ( 4 ) The carves of the two hybrids tend to run closely. In the reactions with chloral hydrate and sulphuric acid they are the same; with chromic acid very nearly the same; and with pyrogallic acid and nitric acid they are separated sufficiently for differential purposes. The curve of the hybrid N. poeticut herrick is higher than the curve of the other hybrid in the chromic-acid reaction, lower in the pyrogallic-acid reaction, and for the most part lower in the nitric-acid reaction. (5) An early period of resistance is noted particu- larly in the reactions with chromic acid and pyrogallic acid, and is suggested in the curves of the nitric acid. (6) The earliest period at which the curves are best separated and hence the best for differential purposes is at 3 minute* in the reaction with sulphuric acid; at 5 min- utes in those with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid; and at 60 minutes in that with chloral hydrate. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRIDS. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrids as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 13, Charts D 259 to D 264.) The reactivities of the hybrid N. poeticut herritk are the same as those of the seed parent in none of the reactions; the same as those of tin- pollen parent with iodine, chloral hydrate, and pyrogallic acid; the same as both parents in none; intermediate with polarization, temperature, and chromic an. I (in two nearer the seed parent and in one nearer the pollen parent ) ; highest with nitric acid and sulphuric ami (in one as near to one as to the other parent and in one nearer the pollen parent) ; and lowest with gentian violet and safraniu, being in both nearer the seed parent. The reactivities of the hybrid N. poeticut dante are the same as those of the seed parent in the sulphuric- acid reaction; the same as those of the pollen parent in the reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and chloral hydrate ; the same as those of both parents in no reaction; intermediate in the reactions with polariza- tion, temperature, chromic acid, and nitric acid (in two being closer to the seed parent, in one nearer the poll.-u parent, and in one mid-intermediate) ; highest with pyrogallic acid, being as near one as the other parent; and lowest in none. Following is a summary of the reaction-intensities: N. pooticu* berrick. N. pocUcu. daoto. SMM M nd parent 1 | 4 BUM u both pansrts ... i o Intermediate . 3 4 Hicbwt J | LowMt 2 The varying relationships of the two hybrids to the parents in the individual reactions is quite marked. Thus, in the polarization reactions both are intermediate and nearer the seed parent; in the iodine reactions both are the same as the pollen parent ; in the gentian violet reaction one is lower than either parent and nearer the seed parent, but the other is the same as the pollen parent, etc. COMPOSITE CDBVBS or REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section deals with the composite curves of the reaction-intensities showing the differentiation of the starches of Karciuut poeticut ornatut, N. poeticut poe- tarum, N. poeticut herrick, and ff. poeticut dante. ( Chart E 13.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : (1) The marked closeness of all four curves and the very close correspondence in the rises and falls, snowing agreement with a given species-tyix-. (2) In N. poeticut ornatut as compared with N. po- eticut pottarum the higher reactions with polarization, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid; the same or practically the same reactions with pyrogallic acid; and the lower reactions with iodine, safranin, gentian violet, and temperature. (3) In ff. poeticut ornatut the very high reaction with sulphuric acid ; the high reaction with chromic acid ; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, and safranin ; the low reactions with gentian violet, tempera- ture, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid ; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. 72 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. (4) In N. poeticus poetarum the very high reaction with sulphuric acid; the absence of any high reaction; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, safraniu, temperature, and pyrogallic acid ; the low reactions with gentian violet, chromic acid, and nitric acid ; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. (5) In the hybrid N. poeticus herrick the very high reactions with sulphuric acid; the absence of any high reaction; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, safranin, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid; the low reactions with gentian violet, temperature, and nitric acid; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. (6) In the hybrid N. poeticus dante the very high sulphuric-acid reaction ; the absence of any high reaction ; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, safra- nin, chromic acid, and pyrogallic acid; the low reactions with gentian violet, temperature, and nitric acid; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties ( 10 reactions) : Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. N. poet, ornatua I 1 3 4 1 1 6 3 1 1 6 3 1 N. poet, dante 1 | 3 1 14. COMPARISONS OF THE SlABCHES OF NARCISSUS TA2ETTA GEAND MONABQUE, N. POETICUS OB- NATUS, AND N. POETAZ TBIUMPH. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, reactions with iodine, and qualita- tive reactions with the various chemical reagents it will be noted that the starches of the parents and hybrid exhibit not only properties in common in varying degrees of development but also occasional individualities which collectively are in each case distinctive. In histologic properties the starches of the parents differ in well- defined respects. In the polariscopic figures and reac- tions with selenite there are no important differences. In the qualitative reactions with iodine, the raw grains of Narcissus tazetta grand monarque are colored less in comparison with those of the other parent, while after heating in water fewer grains are moderately colored and the solution is more deeply colored. In the quali- tative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyro- gallic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid, there are in each case similarities and certain definite differences. The starch of the hybrid in comparison with the starches of the parents shows more irregularities in form than in either parent, and it is, on the whole, more closely related to N. tazetta grand monarque than to the other parent. In the character of the lamellae, and in the size and pro- portions of different kinds of grains, the relationship is closer to N. tazetta grand monarque; in character of the hilum it is closer to the other parent, and in the eccen- tricity of the hilum it is the same as the parents. In the polariscopic figures, appearances with selenite, and iodine reactions it is closer to 2V. poeticus ornaius. In the quali- tative reactions with the chemical reagent it is in all closer, on the whole, to N. tazetta grand monarque. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarisation: N. tai. grand rnon., low to very high, value 60. N. poet, ornatue, low to very high, same as N. tazetta grand mon- arque, value 50. N. ] .in-tin triumph, low to very high, tame I\H both parents, value 60. Iodine: N. taz. grand mon., light to moderate, value 45. N. poet, ornatus, light to moderate, less than N. tazetta grand monarque, value 40. N. poetaz triumph, light to moderate, the same as N. poeticus ornatus, value 40. Gentian violet: N. taz. grand mon., light to moderate, value 40. N. poet, ornatua, light to moderate, less than N. tazetta grand monarque, value 35. N. poetaz triumph, light to moderate, the same as N. tazetta grand monarque, value 40. Safranin: N. taz. grand mon., moderate, value 45. N. poet, ornatus, moderate, the same as N. tazetta grand monarque, value 45. N. poetaz triumph, light to moderate, less than in either parent, value 40. Temperature: N. taz. grand mon., in majority at 73 to 75, in all at 76 to 77, mean 76.6. N. poet, ornatus, in majority at 73 to 74, in all at 77 to 78, mean 77.5. N. poetaz triumph, in majority at 73 to 75, in all at 76 to 77, mean 76.5. The reactivity of N. tazetta grand monarque is the same or practically the same as that of the other parent in the polarization and saf ranin reactions ; higher in the temperature reaction, and lower in the iodine and gen- tian-violet reactions. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as those of both parents in the polarization reaction ; the same or practically the same as the reactivity of N. tazetta grand monarque in the gentian-violet and temperature reactions; the same or practically the same as that of the other parent in the iodine reaction; and the lowest of the three in the safranin reaction. In none of the five reactions is there intermediateness. In some respects the hybrid is closer to one parent and in other respects to the other. Table A 14 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Narcissus tazetta grand monarque, N. poeticus ornatus, and N. poetaz triumph, showing quan- titative differences in the behavior toward different reag- ents at definite time- intervals. (Charts D 265 to D 286.) The most conspicuous features of this group of curves are: (1) The closeness generally of all three curves in all of the reactions, with a tendency throughout, with the exception of that with sulphuric acid, to a moderate to low or very low reaction value. The curves of two or all three starches, excepting the reactions with the sulphuric acid, cobalt nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chlo- ride, are satisfactorily separated, commonly well sepa- rated, for differentiation in reactivities. In the reactions with pyrogallic acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hy- droxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cop- per nitrate, and cupric chloride two of the curves tend to closeness and separation from the third, which two may be the curve of the hybrid and that of one or the other parent, or the curves of the parents. In some of the reactions the three curves do not closely correspond in course, as in the reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, potassium iodide, ura- nium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, and strontium nitrate; the departure of one from the course of the others may be in the curve of the hybrid or either parent, more often in the curve of N. tazetta grand monarque. (2) The lower reactivity of N. tazetta grand mon- arque than of the other parent in the reactions with NAHCI88U8. 73 TABUE A 14. i i I 1 s 1 S I s Chloral hydraU: N. Uuctla t inui. N. pucUcui uruat f ( , . . > 4 -'I ' - S3 S4 . M M M 40 34 Af) Chrunuo acni. A 75 90 98 7 | -n 9A 9N 1* .,i 97 99 PyrogaUie add: 1 - 47 7N N L-uvltou ornat a | SJ HI 8H IM triumph s , I HA 9A Mid: N. UMtta t mini a A 14 n M ,, ai AA 43 70 10 f n 74 8A 88 Sulphuric acid: H W SJ W N pot*a triumph w 90 H;, ;i .; M.U 78 ., , 9A 97 M -> ,- u 98 99 00 SJ 99 IA H 47 4A 19 .., i , 48 A3 M M 7A 8A 91 PoUMium iodide: S 17 AA A9 7A N poUc%M ornat A 61 AN 77 80 10 57 7A 8A 90 P !' N tutl* g moo 39 A? 7A 89 94 4A 70 H 90 97 A7 N i 91 9A 98 PoUMium mlnhkb: fj tuelta g- B>oo A | a 7 | 3 4 4 N. poeUa triumph . A 9 11 13 14 Sudium hydroxide: N UkMtU (. BOB , * A 43 SO 73 78 1H 49 A? 7A 80 81 AA HA 90 97 - I .:,:.. : N Uwtu g moo 7 7 18 40 80 N poetieue oroat 3 1? i , A3 AA N. poet** triumph 18 80 7A W) 8A Sodium ealicjrUU: N, UMtU i moo 81 99 -.-::, 50 9? 99 AA 99 Calrium nitraU: N. UMtU f moo 3 A 14 39 41 N ptwtfam omat S 9 19 43 A3 N. ptMUl triumph 9 47 AA AA 73 Uranium nitrmte: S 4 A A N poetical ornat I A 7 10 17 N. povtai triumph A 14 70 2A 3A Strontium oitraU: I 8 i.i 53 Afl N poetinuonut 10 43 AA 63 AA N. Doetaa triumph ?A A7 7A 81 88 Cobalt nitraU: N. UMtU (. mon N. poeticui ornat .- U i ', 1 1 3 a a a 3 a N poeUi triumph | | A A A Copper nitraU: N poetieue omat 1 A 9 10 IA N. poetai triumph 10 36 3(1 88 Cupric chloride: N. taartU |. mon 1 a 4 6 N poetical oroat 1 4 A e N DoeUs triumph 5 10 17 IA 19 Ban urn chloride: T T 1 1 Mercuric chloride: 2 a a N poetieue ornat | 4 7 N. po*U triumph 4 6 10 u 13 acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric B> -id. potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potsssinm sulphocYsnate, sodium hydroxide, Mxlium sulphide, to* dium Ntlu -vlatf, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, stron- tium nitrate, and copper nitrate, and the same or practically the same reactivity with sulphuric acid, po- tassium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, cupru- < lili-rnlr, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (3) The highest position of the hybrid curve of sll three curves in all of the 21 reactions, excepting the barium chloride, in which latter owing to extremely slow reactions all three curves are absolutely or practically the same. In many reactions the hybrid curve U more separated from the parental curves than the latter are separated from each other, and in most instances the nearer parental curve is that of A*, poetinu ornatta. There is in no instance a tendency either to intermedi- ateness or to the lowest reactivity. (4) An early period of comparative resistance fol- lowed by comparative rapid reaction is frequently noticed, sometimes in the case of one, two, or three of the starches. This is seen in all three starches in the reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, potassium iodide, and calcium nitrate; in the two parental starches with *o- dium sulphide and strontium nitrate ; and in .V. iatetta grand monarque with sodium hydroxide. In several, thin resistant period is prolonged to 15 to 30 minutes. (5) The earliest period during the 60 minutes at which the three curves are best separated for differentia- tion varies with the different reagents. Approximately, within the 5-minute interval in the reactions with sul- phuric acid, sodium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate reactions ; at the 15-minute interval with chromic acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium sul- phocyanate, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, and strontium nitrate; at the 30-minute interval with chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, potassium iodide, and copper nitrate ; and at the 60-minute interval with potassium sulphide, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, cop- per nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. REACTION-INTENSITIES OP THE HYBRID. This section deals with the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 14 and Charts D 265 to D 286.) The hybrid has the same reactivity as the seed parent in the reactions with gentian violet and safranin; the same as the pollen parent with polarization and iodine ; the same as both parents with barium chloride, in which the reactions are too slow for differentiation ; intermedi- ate in none; highest with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium gulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, ura- nium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride (in 2 being closer to the seed parent, in 15 nearer the pollen parent, and in 3 as near one as the other parent) ; and lowest in the safranin reaction, as near one as the other parent. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Same u seed parent, 2; same as pollen parent, 2; same as both parents, 1 ; intermediate, 0; highest, 20; The most remarkable feature of these data is the almost universal higher reactivity of the hybrid in all of the chemical reactions, the only exception being with 74 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. barium chloride in which the reactions are almost abso- lutely nil, yet even here there is at least the suggestion of highest reactivity. The inclination to the properties of the pollen parent are also strikingly manifested. COMPOSITE CURVES OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Narcissus tazetta grand monarque, N. poeti- cus ornatus, and N. poetaz triumph. (Chart E 14.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : (1) The close correspondence in the courses of all three curves, and more particularly of the parental curves which not only tend almost invariably to marked closeness but also with few exceptions to keep below the hybrid curve. (2) The curve of N. tazetta grand monarque tends usually to be lower than the curve of the other parent. It is distinctly lower in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and hydrochloric acid; slightly lower or nearly the same with potassium hydrox- ide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, so- dium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, cal- cium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride ; higher with iodine, gentian violet, temperature, and chloral hydrate ; and the same or prac- tically the same with polarization, safrauin, and sul- phuric acid. (3) In N. tazetta grand monarque the very high re- action with sulphuric acid; the high reactions with hydrochloric acid and sodium salicylate; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, sa- franin, chromic acid, and potassium sulphocyanate ; the low reactions with temperature, pyrogallic acid, potas- sium iodide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, and strontium nitrate; and the very low reactions with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, potassium hydroxide, potas- sium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (4) In N. poeticus ornatus the very high reactions with sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid ; the high reac- tions with chromic acid and sodium salicylate ; the moder- ate reactions with polarization, safranin, and potassium sulphocyanate; the low reactions with gentian violet, temperature, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, potassium hy- droxide, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sul- phide, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, and the very low reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (5) In the hybrid the very high reactions with sul- phuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and sodium salicylate; the high reactions with chromic acid and potassium sulpho- cyanate ; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, fentian violet, safranin, pyrogallic acid, potassium hy- roxide, potassium iodide, and sodium hydroxide; the low reactions with temperature, chloral hydrate, nitric acid, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, and strontium nitrate; and the very low reactions with potassium sul- phide, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensities : Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. N. tazetta grand monarque. . . . N. poeticus ornatus 1 2 2 2 4 6 10 11 g N. poetaz triumph 3 2 8 6 7 15. COMPARISONS OF THE STABCHES OF NARCISSUS GLORIA MUNDI, N. POETICUS ORNATUS, AND N. FIERY CKOSS. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, reactions with iodine, and quali- tative reactions with the various chemical reagents the starches of the parents and hybrid possess properties in common in varying degrees of development together with occasional individualities which collectively in each starch are distinctive. In histologic properties the parental starches differ in both minor and major re- spects. The starch of N. poeticus ornatus in comparison with that of the other parents shows in the polarization figure more distinctness and better definition, and other differences; and with selenite the quadrants are more often well defined, less irregular in shape, the colors not so often pure, and fewer grains have a greenish tinge. In the qualitative iodine reactions no qualitative differ- ences were recorded. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid there are in each case characteristics in common and also individualities. The starch of the hybrid in comparison with the starches of the parents shows a closer relationship to that of 2V. gloria, mundi in the form of the grains, character of the hilum, charac- ter and arrangement of the lamelke, and in size ; but it is closer to the other parent in the eccentricity of the hilum. In the polarization figures and in the reactions with selenite the relationship is closer to N. poeticus ornatus. In the iodine qualitative reactions differences between hybrid and parents, and between the latter were noted. In the qualitative reactions with the chemical reagents the hybrid shows certain resemblances to one parent and others to the other, but it is, on the whole, much more closely related to N. gloria mundi than to N. poeticus ornatus. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization : N. gloria mundi, low to very high, usually moderate to moderately high, value 60. N. poeticus ornat., low to very high, lower than in N. gloria mundi, value 50. N. fiery cross, low to very high, the same as in N. poeticus ornatus, value 50. Iodine: N. gloria mundi, moderate, value 60. N. poeticus ornat, moderate, much less than in N. gloria mundi, value 40. N. fiery cross, moderate, the same as N. gloria mundi, value 60. Gentian violet: N. gloria mundi, light to moderate, value 40. N. poeticus ornat., light to moderate, much less than in N. poeticus mundi, value 30. N. fiery cross, light to moderate, intermediate between the parents, value 35. Safranin: N. gloria mundi, moderate, value 40. N. poeticus ornat., moderate, higher than in N. gloria mundi, value 45. N. fiery cross, moderate, the same as in N. gloria mundi, value 40. NARCISSUS. 75 Tampere tun: . ,,na mm,.!.. ia mj..nt> at 71 to 7X8*. ia all at 74 to 74*. .111 74. S. N. poeticu* ornat.. in majority at 73 to 74*. in all at 77 to 78*. N. in majority at 71 u, 7'J*. in all at 73.5 to 74.5*. 74*. The reactivity of N. gloria mundi is higher than that uf the other pan-lit in the reactions with polarization, i.-lin.', p-iiiian violet, and temperature; and lower in the safraniu reaction. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of N. gloria mundi in the iodine and tafranin reactions, and slightly higher in the temperature reaction; the same or prac- tically the same as that of the other parent in the polar- ization reaction; and mid-intermediate in the gentian reaction. Table A 15 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes) : TABLE A 16. i M S m t o a S a S a 9 d 8 Chloral hydrate: M 1 r r r li 05 8 38 33 35 flK A 34 28 34 OK ft A 13 Chromic acid: 3 an M 83 00 N. portion* ornaUu 7 66 HO 05 08 N fljii-tr irlViM s 13 no 85 05 1'.: ..... .,1 N. gloria muiidi 1 IK 85 78 01 N pueticiu ornaUu 3 i, 88 81 88 N AMY nn^m s 13 70 88 03 Nitric aeid: N. gloria muBcli 8 33 47 65 61 A 10 30 65 70 N. fiery ero A 13 30 54 no Sulphuric acid: w 01 N. fiary croai 07 VELOCITY-REACTION CURTIS. This section treats of the velocity- reaction curves of the starches of Xarciuv* gloria mundi, N. porlinu ornalut, and N. fiery crost, showing quantitative differ- ence* in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-intervals. (Charts D 287 to D 292.) The most conspicuous features of these five charts are: (1) The closeness of all three curves in all of the reactions, with the exception of that with chromic acid at the 15-minute interval, at which time the three curves are well separated; and also the tendency, with the exception that with sulphuric acid, for the reactions to be of moderate to low or very low intensity. In the sulphuric-acid reaction gelatin ization proceeds so quickly that the curves are the same or practically the same, and in that with pyrogallic acid the curves are quite close, yet sufficiently separated and uniform in their courses to indicate clearly the reaction-intensity relationship*. (2) The relations of the parental curves to each other and to the hybrid vary in the reactions, and moreover vary during the progress of the reactions. (3) The curve of N. gloria mundi it the highest of the three in the reaction with chloral hydrate; the highest during most of those with nitric acid and then intermediate; intermediate during most of those with chromic an. I, otherwise the lowest; and lowest in thaw with pyrogallic acid. (4) The hybrid curve tends to lowness or highness in relation to Uie parental curves, it being the highest of the three in the pyrogul lie-arid reaction; the lowest in those with chloral hydrate and nitric acid ; and lowest throughout nearly the whole 60-minute period in those with chromic acid, and finally intermediate but close to -V. gloria mundi. (5) An early period of comparative resistance is .M. lent in one or more of the starches in all of the reac- tions, with the exception of the quick reaction with sul- phuric acid, but in that with nitric acid it is seen only in the relation of the hybrid. (6) The earliest period at which the curves are best separated for differential purposes is questionable. The sulphuric-acid reaction is so rapid that any differentia- tion must be made at the very beginning of the reaction. In the chromic-acid reaction it is probably at 15 minutes; in those with chloral hydrate and nitric acid probably at 30 minutes; and in that with pyrogallic acid probably at 45 or 60 minutes. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermodiatencss, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 15 and Charts D 287 to D 292.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the eame as those of the seed parent in the iodine reaction; the same as those of the pollen parent in the polarization and saf ranin reactions; the same as those of both parents in no reaction; intermediate in those with gentian violet and sulphuric acid, in both being mid-intermediate; highest in those with temperature and pyrogallic acid (in one closer to the seed parent and in the other closer to the pollen parent) ; and lowest in those with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, and nitric acid (in one being closer to the seed parent, in one closer to the pollen parent, and in one being as close to one as to the other parent). The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties : Same as seed parent, 1 ; same as pollen parent, 2 ; same as both parents, 0; intermediate, 2; highest, 2; lowest, 3. The parents seem to have about equal influence on the properties of the starch of the hybrid. COMPOSITE CURVE or THE KKACTION-INTKNSITIKS. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Narcissus gloria mundi, N. poeiicut ornatus, and A', fiery crost. ( Chart E 15. ) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : (1) The close correspondence of all three corves in their courses. (2) In A r . gloria mundi compared with the other parent the higher reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and temperature; the lower with chromic acid and nitric acid; and the same or practically the same with pyrogallic acid and nitric acid. 76 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. (3) In N. gloria mundi the very high sulphuric-acid reactions; the high polarization and iodine reactions; the moderate with gentian violet, safranin, chromic acid, and pyrogallic acid ; the low with temperature and nitric acid ; and the very low with chloral hydrate. (4) In N. poeticus ornatus the very high sulphuric- acid reaction ; the high with chromic acid ; the moderate with polarization, iodine, and safranin; the low with gentian violet, temperature, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid ; and the very low with chloral hydrate. (5) In the hybrid the very high sulphuric-acid reac- tion; the high iodine reaction; the moderate reactions with polarization, safranin, chromic acid, and pyrogallic acid ; the low with gentian violet, temperature, and nitric acid ; and the very low with chloral hydrate. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties (10 reactions) : Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. N. gloria mundi 1 2 4 2 1 N. poeticus ornatus 1 1 3 4 1 N. fiery cross 1 1 4 3 1 16. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF NARCISSUS . TELAMONIUS PLENUS, N. POETICUS OBNATUS, N. DOUBLOON. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, reactions with iodine, and qualita- tive reactions with the various chemical reagents the starches of the parents and hybrid exhibit not only properties in common in varying degrees of development but also certain individualities which collectively in each case are distinctive of the starch. In histologic proper- ties the parental starches differ in certain well-defined respects. In N. poeticus ornatus the polariscopic figure is not so distinct or so well defined as in the other parent; and with selenite the quadrants are not so well defined and are more irregular in form, the colors are more often pure, and there are more grains with a greenish tinge. With iodine the raw grains of N. poeticus ornatus color less, and after boiling the grain-residues are more deeply colored and the solution less deeply colored than in N. telamonius plenus. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid there are in each case rather striking differences. The starch of the hybrid in com- parison with the starches of the parents shows in form a closer relationship to the starch of N. telamonius plenus than to that of the other parent, and the same relation- ship is true of the character of the hilum and the charac- ter of the lamella?; in size of the grains the relationship is reversed ; while in eccentricity of the hilum there is, on the whole, no appreciable difference between the three starches. In the polarization figure and reactions with selenite the relationship is closer to N. poeticus ornatus. In the qualitative iodine reactions the resem- blances are closer to N. telamonius plenus. In the quali- tative reactions with chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid the relationship is closer to N. telamonius plenus, while in those with the chromic acid and sul- phuric acid the relationship is reversed. In these reac- tions the three starches can be differentiated quite readily. The influences of each parent on the properties of the starch of the hybrid are manifest. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization : N. telamonius plen., low to very high, value 45. N. poeticus ornat., low to very high, higher than in N. telamonius plenus, value 50. N. doubloon, low to very high, the same as in N. tolamonius plenus, value 45. Iodine : N. telamonius plen., moderate, value 45. N. poeticus ornat., moderate, less than in N. telamonius plenus, value 40. N. doubloon, moderate, the same as in N. telamonius plenus, value 45. Gentian violet : N. telamonicus plen., light to moderate, value 40. N. poeticus ornat., light to moderate, less than in N. telamonius plenus, value 30. N. doubloon, light to moderate, less than in N. telamonius plenus. value 33. Safranin: N. telamonius plen., moderate, value 50. N. poeticus ornat., moderate, less than in N. telamonius plenus, value 45. N. doubloon, moderate, the same as in N. poeticus ornatus, value 451 . Temperature: N. telamonius plen., in majority at 70 to 72, in all at 73 to 75, mean 74. N. poeticus ornat., in majority at 73 to 74, in all at 77 to 78, mean 77.5. N. doubloon, in majority at 71.2 to 73, in all at 75 to 77, mean 76. The reactivity of N. telamonius plenus is lower than that of the other parent in the polarization reaction; and higher with iodine, gentian voilet, safranin, and temperature. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of N. telamonius plenus in the polarization and iodine reactions; the same or practically the same as that of the other parent in the safranin reaction ; and intermediate in the gentian violet and temperature, both being closer to 2V. poeticus ornatus. Table A 16 shows the reaction-intensities in per- centages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes) : TABLE A 16. a a N a M a * >o B IO a o n a IO V a i Chloral hydrate: N. tclamoniua plen 9 11 ?0 ?? ?4 n 5 fl "M >8 11 N. doubloon ... .... ft n S8 50 M Chromic acid: n f> ? 77 95 09 7 ns 80 95 08 9 in 7fi <10 98 Pyrogallic acid: ? n 71 84 90 f, ?o 68 SI 88 N. doubloon n 35 fi7 80 87 Nitric acid : i-i 65 75 80 85 A ?0 19 5 70 97 fiO 7? 7fi 81 Sulphuric acid: 99 N. poeticus ornat 93 97 NARCISSUS. 77 VlLOClTT-RKACTION GOTH. This Motion treat* with velocity-reaction carves of the starch. - <>f .YurriAtiM ttlamonius plenus, N. poetieut ornaltu, and .V. ilubloon, showing quantitative differ- anew in the behavior toward different reagent* at definite iit.rval*. (l harts D 293 to D 298.) The most conspicuous features of these charts are : (1) The tendency in three of the charts to well- marked separation of oiu> of the three curves from the other two, to closeness of the curves in the reaction with jiyn-jfalln- a< u), and to identity in the sulphuric-acid reac- tion. In the chloral-hydrate reaction the parental cum-- are in close correspondence in their course*, the hyliriil . MTU- ilcjiarting; but in the charts for chromic acid and nitric a. i,| the curves of N. telamonius jilrnus and the hybrid t-n<! to closeness and the carve of N. poeticus ornatus to departure. With the exception of the very high reactivity with sulphuric acid, and the very low reactivity with chloral hydrate the reactions tend to be moderate to low. ) The relations of the parental carves to each other and to the hybrid vary in the four reactions. ( .'! ) Tin- curve of N. telamonius plenus is higher than the curve of the other parent throughout the whole, or the larger part, of the 60 minutes in the reactions with chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid, but iiu-tly the lower in the reaction with chromic acid. (4) The hybrid carves are very variable in their parental relationships. In the chloral-hydrate reaction the hybrid curve is distinctly the highest of the three curves; in that with chromic acid the lowest; in that with pyrogallic acid at first somewhat the highest and then pas-ill:; on to be the lowest, although in this reac- tion all time curves tend to marked closeness; and in that with nitric acid it is at first the highest and then intermediate, but much closer to N. telamonius plenus than to the other parent The relationship is, on the whole, rather closer to .V. telamonitu plenus. (5) An early period of comparative resistance fol- lowed by a comparatively rapid reaction is noted with chromic acid and pyrogallic acid, not at all with nitric acid, and to a slight degree with chloral hydrate. (6) The earliest period at which the curves are beet separated for differential purposes is within or at 5 minutes in the reactions with sulphuric acid and nitric acid ; at 15 minutes in those with chromic acid and pyrogallic acid ; and either at 30 or 60 minutes in that with chloral hydrate at the first N. telamonius plenus would be intermediate in position, while at the latter it would be lowest. RBACTIOX-INTEXSITIES or THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateneaa, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 16 and Charts D 293 to D 298.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the polarization and iodine reac- tions; the same as those of the pollen parent in the safranin reaction ; the same as those of both parents in that with pyrogallic acid ; intermediate in those with gen- tian violet, temperature, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid (in two being closer to the seed parent and in two closer to the pollen parent) ; highest in none; and lowest in those with chloral hydrate and chromic acid (in one being as close to one as to the other parent, and in the other closer to the seed parent). The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties (10 reactions) : Same as seed parent, 8; same u pollen parent, 1 ; same as both parent*, 1 ; intermediate, 4; highest, 0; lowest, 2. The seed parent, A 7 , poeticus ornaius, seems to be the more potent in influencing the characters of the starch of the hybrid. COMPOSITE CURVES or THE HRACTIOX-IXTEXSITIBS. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Narcissus telamonius plenus, ff. poelicut ornatus. and N. doubloon. (Chart K 16.) The most conspicuous features of the chart are : (1) The close correspondence of all three curves in their courses, especially of the parental curves. (2) In A', telamonius plenus in comparison with the other parent the higher reactions with iodine, gentisn violet, safranin, temperature, and nitric acid ; the lower reactions with polarization and chloral hydrate ; and the game or practically the same reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and sulphuric acid. (3) In N. telamonius plenus the very high reaction with sulphuric acid ; the high reaction with chromic acid ; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and pyrogailic acid ; the low reactions with temperature and nitnc acid ; and the very low reac- tion with chloral hydrate. (4) In A", poeticus ornaius the very high reaction with sulphuric acid ; the high reaction with chromic acid ; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, and safranin ; the low reactions with gentian violet, tempera- ture, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. (5) In the hybrid the very high reaction with sul- phuric acid ; the absence of any high reaction ; the mod- erate reactions with polarization, iodine, safranin, and chromic acid ; the low reactions with gentian violet, tem- perature, chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid ; and the absence of any very low reaction. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties (10 reactions) : Very hih. 1! .'. Mod- rrato Low. Vary low. N. tnlunoafai pleotw 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 j 4 1 I 4 6 17. COMPARISONS or TUB STARCHES or NARCISSUS PRINCESS MART, N. POETICUB POBTABUM, AND N. OBMBRl In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reac- tions with selenite, reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with various chemical reagents the starches of the parents and hybrids possess properties in common in varying degrees of development and individualities which collectively are in each case distinctive. In histo- 78 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. logic properties the starches of the parents differ in cer- tain well-defined respects. The starch of Narcissus poeti- cus poetarum in comparison with that of the other parent shows in the polarization figure less definition and some differences in the characters of the lines; and in the selenite reaction less clean-cut quadrants, more irregu- larity of shape, more often purity of colors, and more grains with a greenish tinge. With iodine no qualita- tive differences were recorded. In the qualitative reac- tions with the chemical reagents there are well-defined differences which for the most part are related to varia- tions in the histologic peculiarities of the grains of the two plants. The starch of the hybrid in comparison with the starches of the parents contains a larger percentage of aggregates and compound grains than in either parent ; it is more like the starch of N. princess mary as regards the absence of clearness of distinction between the pri- mary and secondary starch deposits; but it is, on .the whole, in closer relationship to the starch of N. poeticus poetarum. In the character and eccentricity of the hilum and size of the grains the relationship is closer to N. princess mary, but in the character of the lamellae it is nearer the other parent. In character of the polariscopic figure, and in the reactions with eelenite, the relationship is closer to 2V. princess mary. In the qualitative iodine reaction it is closer to N. poeticus poetarum. In all of the qualitative reactions with the chemical reagents (including chloral liydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid) characteristics of each of the parents are evident and also certain individualities not observed in the parents, but the resemblances of the hybrid, as a whole, are closer to N. princess mary than to N. poeticus poetarum. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization: N. princess mary, low to high, value 35. N. poeticus poetar., low to high, higher than in N. princess mary, value 40. N. cresset, low to high, same as in N. poeticus poetarum, value 40 Iodine: N. princess mary, light to moderate, value 42. N. poeticus poetar., light to moderate, slightly higher than in N. princess mary. value 45. N. cresset, light to moderate, the same as in N. poeticus poetarum, value 45. Gentian violet: N. princess mary, light to moderate, value 37. N. poeticus poetar., light to moderate, slightly lighter than in N. princess mary, value 35. N. cresset, light to moderate, the same as in N. princess mary, value 37. Safranin : N. princess mary. moderate, value 50. N. poeticus poetar, moderate, the game as in N. princess mary. value 50. N. cresset, moderate, the same as in both parents, value 50. Temperature: N. princess mary, in majority at 70 to 72, in all at 74 to 76, mean 75. N. poeticus poetar., in majority at 67 to 69, in all at 71 to 73, mean 72. N. cresset, in majority at 71 to 73, in all at 74.5 to 76, mean 75.7. The reactivity of N. princess mary is the same or practically the same as that of the other parent in the safranin reaction ; higher in the gentian-violet reaction ; and lower in the polarization, iodine, and temperature reactions. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of N. princess mary with gentian violet; the same or practically the same as that of the other parent in the polarization and iodine reac- tions; the same as that of both parents with safranin; and the lowest of the three with temperature, but nearer N. princess mary. Table A 17 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes) : TABLE A 17. a 8 C4 a CO a <* a U5 a U5 a S 6 U3 ^" a g Chloral hydrate: N. princess mary ] R ft R J5 N. poeticus poetar 5 ft 9 11 17 N. cresset ? 3 7 18 '? Chromic acid: > >5 70 00 'IS' N. poeticus poetar ^ <>> fi5 75 R5 N. cresset ? 15 70 01 'Hi Pyrogallic acid : ^ 10 77 R7 N 1 in 70 84 M N. cresset ft ifi fiO 74 S| Nitric acid: n 55 (is 75 "'1 10 <10 n 60 N N. cresset ?? fi7 75 77 BO Sulphuric acid : 95 N. poeticus poetar 79 '.is 99 VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section deals with the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Narcissus princess mary, N. poeticus poetarum, and N. cresset, showing quantitative differ- ences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-intervals. (Charts D 299 to D 304.) The most conspicuous features of these charts are : (1) The closeness of all three curves in all of the charts (with the exception of the very quick sulphuric- acid reaction in which there is no differentiation) and the moderate to low or very low reactivities. In the sul- phuric-acid reaction gelatinization proceeds so rapidly that there is differentiation only before the end of about 3 minutes, at the end of 2 minutes the reactions of N. princess mary and the hybrid are practically absolutely the same, but the reaction of the other parent is distinctly less. In the reaction with chloral hydrate there is unim- portant separation of the curves, but in the other three reactions there are varying degrees of separation. (2) The relationships of the parental curves to each other and to the curve of the hybrid vary in the different reactions and during the progress of the reactions. (3) The curve of N. princess mary is the highest in the reaction with pyrogallic acid; lowest with chloral hydrate; intermediate with nitric acid; and practically the same as that of the hybrid and higher than the curve of the other parent with chromic acid. (4) The hybrid curve is the highest of the three in the reactions with chloral hydrate and nitric acid; it tends to be the lowest with pyrogallic acid; and it in- clines to be the lowest at first and the highest later with chromic acid. It is more closely related to the curve of N. princess mary in the reaction with chloral hydrate; to the curve of the other parent with nitric acid ; and first s \i; UtH > 79 to one parent and tln-n to tin- other with chromic acid and pyrogallic and. the parental relationships lieinc reversal in those two reactions. An carh |.cri<>d of resistance followed by a < parati\rly rapid reaction is wn in the rcactii-iis with air nrnl and pyrogallic acid in all three starches in the first ami in the two starches in the second. (6) The earliest period at which the three currea are best separated for differential purposes is in the sul- phuric-acid reaction within the 5-mmute period ; in that with pyrogallir acid at 45 minutes; ana in that with chloral" hydrate at 60 minutes. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF TUB HYBRID. This section deals with the reaction-intensities of tin hybrid as regards sameness, interned lateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 17 and Chart . D304.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the reactions with gentian violet and chromic acid ; the same as those of the pollen parent in those with polarization, iodine, and safranin ; the same as those of both parents in none; intermediate in none: highest in those with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, and sulphuric arid, in all three being closer to the seed parent : ana lowest in those with temperature and pyrogallic acid, in both being closer to the seed parent. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties (10 reactions) : Same as seed parent, 2; same a- pollen parent, 3 ; same as both parents, ; intermediate, ; highest, 3 ; lowest, 2. The seed parent, If. princas mary, has from these data exercised a far more potent influence than .V. poeti- cvt poetanim on the properties of the starch of th< hybrid. COMPOSITE CURVES OP THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reac- tion-intensities, showing the differentiation of thr starches of Xareitnu princes* mary, N. poeticiu poe- tarvm, and .V. creuel. (Chart E 17.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : (1) The very close correspondence in the curves, both as to nearness and course. (2) In \. princess mary in comparison with the other parent the higher reactions with gentian violet, chromic acid, and nitric acid ; the lower reactions with polarization and iodine ; and the same or practically the same reactions with chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, and sulphuric acid. (3) In N. princfss mary the very high sulphuric- acid reaction ; the absence of any high reaction ; the moderate reactions with iodine, safranin, chromic acid, and pyrogallic acid ; the low reactions with polarization, gentian violet, temperature, and nitric acid ; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. (4) In N. poeticiu poetarum the very high reaction with sulphuric acid ; the absence of any high reaction ; tho moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, safranin. temperature, and pyrogalhc acid ; the low reactions with gentian violet, chromic acid, and nitric acid ; and the Tery low reaction with chloral hydrate. (5) In the hybrid the very high reaction with sul- phuric acid ; the absence of any high reaction ; the mod- erate reaction!) with polarization, iodine, safranin, and chromic acid ; the low reactions with gentian violet, tem- perature, pyrogallic acid, and nitric and; and the Tery low reaction with chloral hydrate. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties (10 reactions) : Vy : .'. llih. Mod- erato. Low. Very low. \ ; f ::. . - !! if. 1 o 1 o 4 4 1 18. COMPARISONS or TUB STARCHES op NARCISSUS AB8CI88U8, N. POETICUS POETARl'M, AND N. WILL SCARLET. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenito, reactions with iodine, and quali- tative reactions with the various chemical reagents the starches of the parents and hybrid exhibit pn>|M-rt<- common in varying degrees of development, which collec- tively in each case are distinctive, although all three starches are very much alike. In histologic properties the starches of the parents differ very little, and the same is also true of the polariscopic figures and reactions with selenite. In the iodine reactions no qualitative dif- ferences were recorded. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid there are properties in common and also individualities. The starch of the hybrid in com- parison with the starches of the parents shows a closer relationship to Narcissiu abscissiu in the form of the grains, the character of the hilum, the character of the lamella?, and the size of the larger grains; but closer to the other parent in the size of the smaller grains. The eccentricity of the hilum is about the same in all three starches, and in the hybrid the lamella? are more distinct than in the parents, and the hilum is not so deeply and extensively fissured. In the polarization figures and reactions with selenite the relationship is closer to \. abtcistus. In the qualitative iodine reactions it is closer to .V. poeticu* poetarum. In all of the qualitative reac- tions with the chemical reagents peculiarities of both parents are observed, but the resemblances are, on the whole, closer to A', abscissu*. Such differences as have been recorded are only of a minor character. Reaction intmtttiri Exprtnrd by Light, Color, and furs Reaction*. Polarisation: N. aberiu. low to hih. ralue 43. N. poctiou Doctor., low to hicb. omewbat Itw than in N. I ralue 4O. N. will .cartel, low to hih, the BUM a* in N. abadamia, ralue 43. Iodine: N. ahKUMU. licht to moderate, value 40. N. portion poeUr.. liht to moderate, omewbat IMS than in N. abadoM, ralo* 46. N. will (carle*. liht to moderate. UM BUM a in N. poMim* poet- aruin. ralue 45. Gentian rioUt: N. badopi*. licbt to moderate, rahie 33. N. poetidM poetar. licbt to moderate, (omewbat more tWa m N. abadsna. raloa 36. N. will .cartel, licht to moderate, bister thaa in either panel, ralue 37. 80 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. Saf ranin : N. abscissus, moderate, value 47. N. poeticus poetar., moderate, somewhat more than in N. abscissus, value 50. N. will scarlet, moderate, higher than in either parent, value 53. Temperature: N. abscissus, in majority at 69.5 to 71, in all at 73 to 74, mean 73.5. N. poeticus poetar., in majority at 69 to 71, in all at 71 to 73, mean 72. N. will scarlet, in majority at 69.8 to 71.9, in all at 72 to 74, mean 73. The reactivity of N. abscissus is the same or practi- cally the same as that of the other parent in not a single reaction ; higher in the polarization reaction ; and lower in those with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and tem- perature. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of N. abscissus in the polar- ization reaction; the same or practically the same as that of the other parent in the iodine reaction ; and the highest of the three in the reactions with gentian violet and safranin; and intermediate but close to the seed parent in the temperature reaction. Table A 18 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes) : TABLE A 18. a B N 6 CO 8 *" a IQ a >n a 8 a to -* a i Chloral hydrate: 9 4 11 17 18 N. poeticua poetar n > 6 o 11 17 9 s 8 16 18 Chromic acid: 4 96 81 91 98 3 ?? 6f> 75 85 /) 49 8S 97 99 Pyrogallic acid: 9 S 6fi 79 88 92 1 16 70 84 93 N. will scarlet 3 ?6 73 81 86 Nitric acid : v\ 66 71 80 86 in 40 SS 60 63 6i 78 8? 87 91 Sulphuric acid: 99 79 99 98 VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Narcissus abscissus, N. poeticus poetarwm, and N. will scarlet, showing qualitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time- intervals. ( Charts D 305 to D 310. ) The most conspicuous features of theee charts are : (1) The close correspondence of all three curves (excepting in the pyrogallic-acid reaction, in which there is a disproportionate separation of the curve of N. ab- scissus from the other curves) ; and also the tendency for the reactions, excepting that with sulphuric acid, to be of moderate to low or very low intensity. The sul- phuric-acid reaction is so very rapid that there is no differentiation to be seen in the charts, although, as will be seen from the preceding table, the reactivity of N. poeticus poetarwm is less at first than that of either of the other starches. In the chloral-hydrate reaction the differences are of a very minor character, not sufficient for satisfactory differentiation. (2) The relations of the parental curves to each other and to the hybrid vary in the reactions, and in the pyrogallic-acid reaction they vary during their course. (3) The curve of N. abscissus is higher than that of the other parent in the reactions with chromic acid, pyro- gallic acid, and nitric acid, in the two latter being quite well separated. A higher reactivity of N. alsci-ssus is also indicated in the records of the reactions with chloral hydrate and sulphuric acid. (4) The curve of the hybrid is the highest of the three in the reactions with chromic acid and nitric acid, and intermediate during the first part and lowest during the latter part of that with pyrogallic acid, although in this reaction there are but small differences between the hybrid and N. poeticus poetarum. (5) An early period of resistance followed by com- paratively rapid gelatinization is noted in all three starches in the reaction with chromic acid, in two with pyrogallic acid, and in one with nitric acid. The reac- tion with sulphuric acid is too rapid and with chloral hydrate too slow for a manifestation of this peculiarity. (6) The earliest period at which the curves are best separated for differential purposes varies in the different reactions. This period is approximately in the reactions with sulphuric acid and pyrogallic acid within the 5-min- ute interval ; in those with chromic acid and pyrogallic acid at the 15-minute interval ; and in the chloral-hydrate reaction at probably 30 to 45 minutes, although at any time the differences in this reaction may fall wholly within the limits of error of experiment. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 18 and Charts D 305 to D 310.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the polarization and sulphuric acid ; the same as those of the pollen parent in the iodine reac- tion ; the same as both parents in that with chloral hy- drate; intermediate in those with temperature and pyro- gallic acid (in one being closer to one parent and in the other closer to the other parent) ; highest in those with gentian violet, safranin, chromic acid, and nitric acid (in three being closer to the pollen parent, and in one closer to the seed parent) ; and lowest in none. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties (10 reactions) : Same as seed parent, 2; same as pollen parent, 1 ; same as both parents, 1 ; intermediate, 2 ; highest, 4 ; lowest, 0. The seed parent has probably slightly more influence than the pollen parent in determining the properties of the hybrid. The tendency of the hybrid to highness is evident, this being more marked than to intermediateness. COMPOSITE CURVES OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Narcissus abscissus, N. poeticus poetarum, and N. will scarlet. (Chart E 18.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are: (1) The close correspondence of the three curves both as to closeness and course, the only tendency even VUICI88TJS. M to a in.-!. Tiit.- M-paration U-m^ in the reactions with chromic acid and nitric acid. i : > In .V. abscuunis in comparison with* the other parent the higher reaction* with polarization, < -lirnu-- arid, and nitric acid ; the lower reactions with iodine, gcntnm \iolet. oafrunin, and tem|>eriitiire ; and the same r |.r:n tn ally the Mine reaction* with chloral hydrate, jallie acid, and sulphuric acnl. VIM the verv high reaction with sul- phuric acid; the hi^-li reaction with chromic acid; the modi-rate reaction* with |<olarization, iodine, safranin. and pyropillic acid ; the low reactions with gentian violet, ire. and nitric acid: and the Tery low reaction witli chloral hydrate. ( I ) In A', fiftinu poelarum the very high sulphuric- ion ; the absence of a high reaction ; the moder- ate reactions with polarization, iodine, safranin, tem- ure, and pyrogallic acid; the low reactions with in violet, chromic ncid. und nitric acid; and tin- low reaction with chloral hydrate. < In the hybrid the very high reaction with sul- phuric acid ; the absence of a high reaction ; the moderate <>ns with polarization, iodine, safranin, chromic and nitric acid ; the low reactions with gentian viol.-t, temperature, and pyrogallic acid; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties (10 reactions) : Very hih. High. M-! erate. Low. \.r-, low. N, ahtrunu I 1 4 3 1 1 6 3 1 N .. - ' 1 6 3 1 19. COMPARISONS or THE STARCHES or XARCUWK \ I HICAN8, N. ABSCIBSUB, AHD N. BICOLOB APRICOT. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic fipi reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with the various chemical reag- ents the Marches of the parents and hybrid exhibit prop- erties in common in varying degrees of development together with certain individualities which collectively in each case are distinctive of the starch. In hit- tologic properties there are certain well-defined differ- ences between the starches of the parents. In Narcisnu abtcwmu compared with the other parent the polari- scopic figure is not so well defined, and there are minor differences in the lines; and with selenite the quadrants are not so clean-cut and are more irregular, the colors are more often pure, and more grains have a greenish tinge. In the iodine reactions no qualitative difference was recorded. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric arid, and sulphuric acid there are both properties in common and differences which are quite definite. The starch of the hybrid has fewer compound grains than in either parent, and in form generally shows a cloaer relationship to A", albifans than to .V. abscissa*. While the eccentricity of the hilum is about the same in all three starches, the character of the hilum is somewhat closer to that of 6 N. abc\nu. In the character of the lamella and in the size of the grains the relationship is closer to A', albitatu. In the character of the polan ureand tin- appear- ance* with selenite the relationship i much closer to .V. albiftuu. In the qualitati\c iodine reactions the raw grain* show a closer relationship to A', olbicaiu. but lifter heating the relationship in cloaer to the other parent. In the qualitative chemical reactions peculiari- ties of both parents are observed. With chloral hydrate the reactions, on the whole, more closely reaenilile tho-te of A 7 , albicuns; but in those with chromic acid, j.\ :< .-nllic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid they re*enii>l< clonely those of the other parent There are also certain individualities in the way of accentual i-n in the hybrid. Kcactum imtrHiitirt Krpmtrd by l.igltt. Color, tnd T'tnpm- turr Knrtum*. I'olariMtimi: N ll>irii, low to high, value 37. N. abariMu, low to hih. hihcr than in N. all.ir.i... value 43. N. bioolor apricot, low to huh. the aame a* in N. all.imn.. value 37. I . !.. N. albieuM, moderate, value 55. N. abeciam, light to moderate, much \rm than in N. all.irani. value 40. N. bioolor apricot, moderate, intermediate between the paranU, but much doeer to N. albicana, value 53. Gontian violet: N. alhirarw, liuhl to moderate, value 40. N. aheriwu*. liaht to modrratr. lilit-r than in N. albirani. valur 33. N. bieolor apricot, light to moderate, the tune aa N. alhicana, value 40. .Safranin: N. albksana, moderate, value 60. N. abKiMua. moderate. le than in N. albicaaa. value 47. N. bieolor apricot, moderate, the aame a* N. albicani. value 50. Trnipenture: N. alhicann. in majority at 70.2 to 72*. in all at 73 to 75*. mean 74*. N. aburiamu. in majority at 00.5 to 71*. in all at 73 to 74*. mran 73.5*. N. bkolor apricot, in majority at 71 to 72.5*. in all at 74 to 70*. m< an 75*. The reactivity of A 7 , alhiran* is higher than that of the other parent in the reactions with iodine, gentian violet, and safranin ; and lower in those with polariza- tion and temperature. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same an that of .V. alhiran* with polarization, gentian violet, and safranin ; intermediate TABU A 19. I M s t t m i 8 i 9 8 Chloral hydrate: N. albicanc OA 14 31 40 41 N. ntieruBUi 7 4 || 17 IH N. bieolor apricot . . . X ft IK 71 Mm *nie acid: N albicao* II 7H .- W N. abMbaua 4 20 -1 M M N. bienlor apricot Pjrrocallic ari'l: N. albiouw 6 2ft 30 78 - (U 97 9A 9* 97 N aheriann 73 mi 79 H 91 N. bieolor apticot Nitrir arid: N albieaiw 10 n M 78 73 n I 90 M 33 M 73 I M N bieolor apricot 16 M m 7A Ml Sulphuric add: N alhicann w N abariami w \ |.ir..!(ir i-ni-"t M 82 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. but nearer N. albicans with iodine; and the lowest of the three, but nearer N. albicans, with temperature. Table A 19 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Narcissus albicans, N. abscissus, and N. bicolor apricot, showing the quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time- intervals. (Charts D 311 to D 316.) The most conspicuous features of these charts are : (1) The close correspondence of the curves in their courses in all of the reactions (with the exception of the very rapid sulphuric-acid reaction, in which there is no differentiation) and the tendency mostly to a moderate or low reactivity. (2) The relationships of the parental curves to each other and to the curve of the hybrid (excepting the quick sulphuric-acid reaction) vary in the different reactions and during their progress. (3) The curve of N. albicans is distinctly higher than that of the other parent in reactions with the chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, chromic acid, and nitric acid, the degree of separation varying as stated. (4) The hybrid curve is the same or practically the same as that of N. abscissus in the reactions with chloral hydrate and chromic acid, being fairly well separated from the curve of the other parent ; and it is lowest in the reactions with pyrogallic acid and nitric acid, it being in both closer to N. abscissus. (5) A tendency to an early period of resistance followed by comparatively high reactivity is indicated only in a minor degree, and almost solely that with chromic acid. (6) The earliest period at which the three curves are best separated for differential purposes is in the reaction with sulphuric acid at the very beginning; with pyrogallic acid, chromic acid, and nitric acid at 15 minutes ; and with chloral hydrate at 30 minutes or later. KEACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRIDS. This section deals with the reaction-intensities of the hybrids as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 19 and Charts D 311 toD 316.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the reactions with gentian violet and safranin ; the same as those of the pollen parent with polarization and chloral hydrate; the same as those of both parents with sulphuric acid, in which the reactions occur too rapidly for differentiation; intermediate in those with iodine and chromic acid, in both being closer to those of the seed parent; highest in none; and the lowest in those with temperature, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid, in one being closer to the seed parent and in two closer to the pollen parent. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties (10 reactions) : Same as seed parent, 3 ; same as pol- lent parent, 4 ; same as both parents, 1 ; intermediate, 2 ; highest, ; lowest, 3. The eeed parent seems to be much more potent in influencing the characters of the starch of the hybrid. COMPOSITE CURVES OF THE KEACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Narcissus albicans, N. abscissus, and N. bi- color apricot. (Chart E 19.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : (1) The close correspondence of the curves both as to nearness and course. (2) In N. albicans in comparison with the other parent the higher reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, and pyrogallic acid ; the lower reactions with polarization and tempera- ture; and the same reactions with nitric acid and sul- phuric acid. (3) In 2V. albicans the very high sulphuric-acid reac- tion ; the high reactions with chromic acid and pyrogallic acid, the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, and safranin ; the low reactions with polarization, tem- perature, and nitric acid ; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. (4) In N. abscissus the very high sulphuric-acid reaction; the high chromic-acid reaction; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, safranin, and pyro- gallic acid; the low reactions with gentian violet, tem- perature, and nitric acid ; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. (5) In the hybrid the very high reaction with sul- phuric acid; the high reaction with chromic acid; the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and pyrogallic acid ; the low reactions with polarization, temperature, and nitric acid ; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensities (10 reactions) : Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 20. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF NARCISSUS EMPRESS, N. ALBICANS, AND N. MADAME DE GRAAFF. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, reactions with iodine, and quali- tative reactions with various chemical reagents the starches of the parents and hybrid have properties in common in varying degrees of development together with certain individualities which collectively are in each case distinctive of the starch. The differences are, as a whole, of rather a minor character. In histologic properties the parental starches differ particularly in the number of aggregates, compound and composite grains, irregu- larity, and conspicuous forms, especially as regards the last. The nearly round and short elliptical grains seen in Narcissus albicans are not present in N. empress. There are minor differences in the hilum and lamella?, and the grains are smaller in N. abscissus. In the polarization figures and reactions with selenite there are minor dif- ferences. In the reactions with iodine no qualitative differences were recorded. In the reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and NARCISSUS. sulphuric acid, there are differences of minor charac- Tlic starch of the hyhrid has more isolate.! mul uiurr .-imple grains than cither parent, and in form it is more v related, on the whulf. tu .Y. . m//rr>.< than to .Y. albicans; moreover, some characteristics of the former arc accentuated. The liiluin is less fissured than in either pan-nt, and in both character and eccentricity of the h'.luiii it is in closer relationship to N. albican.' hi the character and number of the lamellae the relation- ship is closer to N. albicans, but in size the relationship is closer to ff. empress. In the character of the polari- scopic figure and appearance with selenite the relation- ship is closer to X. empress. In the qualitative iodine reactions the raw grains behave more like those of N. .-m/.rr. while after the grains are boiled there are no ditTercnccs noted in the three starches. In the qualita- ti\e reactions with the chemical reagents peculiarities of tx.th parents are e\ident. In the reactions with chloral IM draff, ehnaiuc acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid the relationship is, on the whole, closer to JV. empress; but in the pyrogallic-arid reaction the relationship is cloeer to the other parent Ktmclitm-intnutiet B*frtttd by Light, Color, and Tempera turr Reaction*. Polariiation: N. emprea*, low to high, value 42. N. alhieana. low to high, lower than in N. emprea*. value 37. N. madam* de graaff. low to high, the tarn* a* in N. albiean*. value 37. I i N. emprea*. moderate, value 50. N. alhteana. moderate, higher than in N. emprea*. value 55. ..dame de graaff. moderate, the aame aa in N. emprea*, value 50. OenUao violet: N. emprea*. light to moderate, value 43. N. albJeana. light to value 40. derate hat lee* than in N. empmw, N. madaroe de graaff, light to moderate, the aune a* in N. eatprcas, value 43. Safranin: N. emprea*. moderate, value 53. N. albicans. moderate, anmewhat leaf than in N. emprra*. value 60. N. madamedegraaff. moderate, the HUDeaa in N. empreaa, value 63. Temperature: N. emprew. in majority at 70 to 71*. in all at 73 to 74*. mean 73.5. N. albteana, in majority at 70.2 to 72*. in all at 73 to 75. mean 74. N. madam* de graaff. in majority at 70 to 72, in all at 78.5 to 75, . 74.2S. The reactivity of N. emprtss is higher than that of the other parent in the reactions with polarization, gen- tian violet, safranin, and temperature; and lower in the iodine reaction. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of .V. emprent in the reactions with iodine, gentian violet, and safranin, and the same or practically the same as that of the other parent in the polarization, iodine, and temperature reac- In no reaction is there interned iatenew of the hybrid. Table A 20 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- age of total starch gelatinized at definite time-intervals. VELOCITY-REACTION CfHVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Xarcwstu emprea. N. albicans, and .V. madame de graaff, showing the quantitative differ in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-intervals. ( Charts D 3 1 7 to D .r . A 30. a a 1 4 4 * < S :. I R i 9 i s Chloral hydrate: N. amproai 06 N. alUcan. ii 14 81 40 1 1 N. madam* de graaff . 4 ., IS 43 48 Chromic acid: N. emprea*. .. N. albican* 2 II 46 75 n gg M 00 00 N. madam* de graaff . I 77 01 MJ PyrogaUic add: N. Mnpraai 3 II M> 01 71 N. albican* 24 78 01 05 07 N. madame de graaff 1 M 70 Mid: N. emprMi |7 57 58 , 70 N. alMraiu 11 7N -. SO N uiadame dc graaff 10 | 40 i , Sulphuric arid: N. rin|.ri -- Oft N. albiauu 90 N . madam* dc graaff OH The most conspicuous features of these charts are: (1) The close correspondence in the courses of the three curves in all of the reactions (with the exception of the sulphuric-acid reaction, in which reaction is so rapid that there is no differentiation), and the tendency mostly to moderate to low reactivity. (2) The varying relations of the parental curves to each other and the hybrid in the different reactions, ex- cepting the sulphuric-acid reaction during the progress of the reactions. (3) The curve of N. empress is distinctly lower than that of the other parent in the reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, py regal lie acid, and nitric acid, especially in that with pyrogallic acid. (4) The hybrid curve is the highest of the three in the chloral-hydrate reaction; lowest with chromic acid and nitric acid ; and intermediate with pyrogallic acid. In the reactions with chromic acid and nitric acid it is more closely related to N. empress, while in those with chloral hydrate and pyrogallic acid more closely related to -V. albicans. (5) A tendency to an early period of resistance fol- lowed by a comparatively rapid reactivity is noticed in the reactions with chromic acid and pyrogallic acid in all three starches in the former and in two in the latter. There are also suggestions of early resistance in the other two reaction?. (6) The earliest period at which the three curves are beet separated for differential purposes is in the sul- phuric-acid reaction at the very beginning of the reac- tions; in those with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and chloral hydrate at 15 minutes. REACTION-INTENSITIES OP THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateneaa, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 20 and Charts D 31 7 to D 322.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the reactions with iodine, gentian violet, and safranin ; the same as those of the pollen parent in the polarization reaction ; the same as those of both parents in none; intermediate with pyrogallic 84 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. acid, and closer to that of the seed parent; highest with chloral hydrate, and nearer that of the pollen parent; and lowest with temperature, chromic acid, and nitric acid, in being closer to that of the seed parent and in three being closer to those of the pollen parent. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties (10 reactions): Same as seed parent, 4; same as pollen parent, 2 ; same as both parents, ; intermediate, 1 ; highest, 1 ; lowest, 2. The seed parent seems to be far more potent in determining the characters of the starch of the hybrid. The tendency to sameness or inclination of the hybrid to the seed parent is quite marked. COMPOSITE CURVES OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Narcissus empress, N. albicans, and N. madame de graaff. ( Chart E 20. ) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : (1) The close correspondence in the curves both as to course and nearness, the only well-marked tendency to departure being in the well-marked separation of the three curves in the chromic-acid reaction and of the parental curve in the pyrogallic-acid reaction. (2) In N. empress in comparison with the other parent the higher reactions with polarization, gentian violet, and safranin; the lower reactions with iodine, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid ; and the same or practically the same reactions with temperature and sulphuric acid. (3) In N. empress the very high reaction with sul- phuric acid; the high reaction with chromic acid; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and safranin ; the low reactions with temperature, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid; and the very low reac- tion with chloral hydrate. (4) In 2V. albicans the very high reactions with sulphuric acid ; the high reactions with chromic acid and pyrogallic acid ; the moderate reactions with iodine, gen- tian violet, and safranin ; the low reactions with polariza- tion, temperature, and nitric acid ; and the very low reac- tion with chloral hydrate. (5) In the hybrid the very high sulphuric-acid reaction ; the absence of a high reaction ; the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and chromic acid ; the low reactions with polarization, tem- perature, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid ; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensites (10 reactions) : Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. N. empress 1 1 4 3 I N. allnraiifl , , , , 1 2 3 3 1 N. madame de graaff . . . 1 4 4 1 21. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF NARCISSUS WEARDALE PERFECTION, N. MADAME DE GRAAFF, AND N. PYRAMU8. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, reactions with iodine, and quali- tative reactions with the various chemical reagents the starches of the parents and hybrid have properties in common in varying degrees of development together with certain individualities which collectively in each case is distinctive of the starch. The differences are, however, for the most part of a very minor character. In histologic properties the parental starches differ in that in Narcissus madame de graaff in comparison with the other parent the relative number of compound grains and number of grains having both primary and sec- ondary starch deposits are more numerous, there are more irregularities, and there is a larger number of forms. The hilum is not so often fissured or so deeply, and some- what less eccentric; the lamellfe are somewhat less dis- tinct and not so coarse ; and the grains are, on the whole, larger. In the polariscopic figure there is less distinct- ness and definition and other differences, and in the selenite reaction the quadrants are less clean-cut and more often irregular, and the colors somewhat more pure, and there are more grains with a greenish tinge. In the qualitative iodine reactions the capsules color a red or reddish violet instead of nearly a reddish violet as in N. weardale perfection. In the reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid there are many differences, chiefly of minor importance, but which collectively distinguish one starch from the other. The starch of the hybrid shows in form, character, and eccentricity of the hilum, and character of the lamellae a closer relationship to N. madame de graaff than to the other parent, but in size the opposite. In the polarization figure and appear- ances with selenite the relationship is closer to IV. madame de graaff, but in the qualitative iodine reactions the relationship is reversed. In the reactions with the chemical reagents variable relationships, and hence the influences of one or the other or both parents, are re- corded, and in some instances parental characteristics are exaggerated in the hybrid; but in all of the five reac- tions the relationships are, on the whole, closer to N. weardale perfection than to TV. madame de graaff. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization : N. weardale perfect., low to high, value 37. N. madame de graaff, low to high, the same as in N. weardale perfection, value 37. N. pyramus, low to high, higher than in either parent, value 42. Iodine: N. weardale perfect., moderate, value 55. N. madame de graaff, moderate, less than in N. weardale perfec- tion, value 50. N. pyramus, moderate, the same as in N. weardale perfection, value 55. Gentian violet: N. weardale perfect., light to moderate, value 30. N. madame dc graaff, light to moderate, much more than in N. weardale perfection, value 43. N. pyramus, light to moderate, little less than in N. weardale perfection, value 40. Safranin : N. weardale perfect., light to moderate, value 40. N. madame de graaff, moderate, much more than in N. weardale perfection, value 53. N. pyramus, moderate, little less than in N. weardale perfection, value 50. Temperature: N. weardale perfect., in majority at 68 to 69, in all at 72 to 74", mean 73. N. madame de graaff, in majority at 70 to 72, in all at 73.5 to 75, mean 74.25. N. pyramus, in majority at 73 to 74, in all at 76 to 77, mean 76. N K HCI88U8. BB The reactivity of A", veardale perfection is the Mine or practically the same aa that of BH other pan-nt in the polarization reaction; higher in tin- iodine and tem- perature fractions; and lower in the gcntian-violi-t and aafranin reaction*. The reactivity of the hybrid is the r j.rartn-ally the same aa that of N. weardale per- fection in tin- iodine reaction ; intermediate between those of the parents with gentian violet and aafnuiin; :he three in the temperature reaction; and the hi^'hcxt of the three in the polarization reaction. Table A 21 show* the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals t minutes) : TABLB A 21. i 8 4 a * t g 1 J 1 g Chloral bydraU: N woardaU perfect A 9 VI 28 33 ttlame d cra*ff 4 20 M 43 48 a A 19 91 23 Chromic *cid: iv 40 91 99 99 i ; , 77 91 M 7 A4 9A 99 99 PyrocalUe acid: V wrartl*t pcf*Ct I S7 79 Ml 01 1 ; M AH 79 10 60 M xs ttl NicncMid: N. wMrdaU p*rf ct 11 48 67 AA i.'i 10 79 4V M ..:, 18 M >,< 70 76 Sulphuric Add: N w*rtUle perfect 98 .> , VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the .-larches of Xarcissiu weardale perfection, N. ma- dame de graaff, and A", pyratnut, showing the quantita- iitTerences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-intervals. (Charts D 323 to D 328.) The most conspicuous features of these charts are: ( 1 ) The close correspondence of the curves in each of the reactions during their progress (the curves of the sulphuric-acid reaction are identical, owing to the ex- tremely rapid reaction), and the tendency of the reac- tions to be moderate to low. i The varying relations of the parental curves to each other and the hybrid in the different reactions and i'ting with sulphuric acid) during the progress of the reaction*. (3) The curve of 2V. weardale perfection is lower than the curve of the other parent in the chloral-hydrate reaction; higher in those of chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid ; and the same in that of sulphuric acid. In all except the latter they are sufficiently well separated for positive differentiation. it) The curve of the hybrid is the lowest of the three in the reaction with chloral hydrate; and the highest with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid. The relationship is closer to N. weardale perfec- tion in the chloral-hydrate reaction; and to this parent at first and to the other parent later in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid. On the whole, however, the relationship is distinctly clc to JV. weardale perfection. (6) A tendency to an early period of resistance fol- lowed by comparatively rapid reactivity is noted in the reactions with chromic acid and pyrogallic acid, with suggested resistance in the chloral hydrate reaction. (6) The earliest period at In. h the three curves are best separated for differential pur|x>ses is in the sul- phuric-acid reaction at the very beginning of the reac- tion ; in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid at 15 minutes; and in the chloral-hydrate reaction at 60 minutes, or probably quite as good at 15 minutes. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF TUB HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, iiitermedi&teneM, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 21 and Charts D 323 to D 328.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the iodine reaction; the same aa those of the pollen parent in none; the same as those of both parents in the sulphuric-acid reaction, in which the reactions occur too rapidly for differentiation ; inter- mediate in the reactions with gentian violet and safranin, in both being closer to those of the pollen parent; high- est in the reactions with polarization, chromic acid, pyro- gallic acid, and nitric acid, in one being as close to one as to the other parent, and in three HO-.T to the seed parent; and lowest with temperature and chloral hydrate, in both being closer to the pollen parent. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties (10 reactions) : Same as seed parent, 1 ; same as pollen parent, ; same as both parents, 1 ; intermediate, 2 ; highest, 4 ; lowest, 2. The seed parent exercises a distinctly more marked influence than the other parent in determining the char- acters of the starch of the hybrid. The almost entire absence of sameness to one or the other parent and the tendency, on the other hand, to highest and lowest reac- tivities are conspicuous features of the reactions of the hybrid. COMPOSITE CURVES OF REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Narcimnu weardale perfection, N. madame de graaff, and A', pyramiu. (Chart E 21.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are: (1) The close correspondence of all three curves both as to course and nearness, the only well-marked tendency to departure being in the chromic-acid reaction in which all three curves tend to be well separated. (2) In N. weardale perfection in comparison with the other parent the higher reactions with iodine, tem- perature, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid ; the lower reactions with gentian violet, safrauin, and chloral hydrate; and the same or practically the same reactions with polarization and sulphuric acid. (3) In \. wear dale perfection the very high sul- phuric-acid reaction; the high chromic-acid reaction; the moderate reactions with iodine, safranin, and pyro- gallic acid ; the low reactions with polarization, gentian 86 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. violet, temperature, and nitric acid; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. (4) In N. madame de graaff the very high reaction with sulphuric acid ; the absence of a high reaction ; the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safraniu, and chromic acid; the low reactions with polarization, temperature, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid ; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. (5) In the hybrid the very high reaction with sul- phuric acid; the high reaction with chromic acid; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian, violet, safranin, and pyrogallic acid; the low reactions with temperature and nitric acid ; and the very low reac- tion with chloral hydrate. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties (10 reactions) : Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. 1 1 3 4 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 5 2 1 22. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF NARCISSUS MONARCH, N. MADAME DE GRAAFF, AND N". LORD ROBERTS. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, reaction with iodine, and reac- tions with the various chemical reagents the starches of the parents and hybrid have properties in common in varying degrees of development, the sum of which in case of each starch is distinctive of the starch. Such differences, as recorded, are of a minor character. The starch of N. madame de graaff, in comparison with that of the other parent, shows more aggregates and fewer compound grains, and the latter grains contain a larger number of components; there are more simple grains having both primary and secondary starch formation; and there is more irregularity and a greater variety of form. There is less fissuration of the hilum and more eccentricity. The lamellae are more often visible, some- what more distinct, and not so coarse. The grains are, on the whole, smaller. The polariscopic figure is more distinct and there are other minor differences ; end with selenite the quadrants are more often clear-cut and less irregular in form. No qualitative differences -were re- corded in the iodine reactions. In the qualitative reac- tions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid there are various minor differences which collectively serve to differentiate the starches. The starch of the hybrid has more aggregates and compound grains than either parent and the grains are in form closer related to those of N. monarch than to those of the other parent. In the character and eccen- tricity of the hilum the relationship is closer to N. monarch; but in the character of the lamellae and in the size of the grains to N. madame de graaff. In the polari- scopic figure and reactions with selenite the relationship is closer to N. madame de graaff. In the qualitative reactions with iodine no differences were recorded in the three starches. In. the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid characteristics of both parents are mani- fest, certain reactions resembling "in certain respects those of one parent and other reactions those of the other. The relationship is closer to N. monarch in the reactions with chloral hydrate and sulphuric acid; but closer to N. madame de graaff in those with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid. The characters throughout indicate a close relationship of all three starches. Reaction-intensities Expressed ly Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization : N. monarch, low to high, value 40. N. madame de graaff, low to high, somewhat lower than in N. monarch, value 37. N. lord roberts, low to high, the same as in N. madame de graaff, value 37. Iodine: N. monarch, moderate, value 50. N. madame de graaff, moderate,' the same as in N. monarch, value 60. N. lord roberts, moderate, the same as in the parent, value 50. Gentian violet: N. monarch, moderate, value 45. N. madame de graaff, moderate, slightly less than in N. monarch, value 43. N. lord roberts, moderate, the same as in N. monarch, value 45. Safranin: N. monarch, moderate, value 50. N. madame de graaff, moderate, slightly more than in N. monarch, value 53. N. lord roberts, moderate, the same as in N. monarch, value 50. Temperature : N. monarch, in majority at 67 to 68.5, in all at 72 to 73, mean 72.5. N. madame de graaff, in majority at 70 to 72, in all at 73.5 to 75, mean 74.25. N. lord roberts, in majority at 08 to 09.4, in all at 73 to 74.5, mean 73.75. The reactivity of N. monarch is higher than that of the other parent in the reactions with polarization, gen- tian violet, and temperature; the same or practically the same with iodine; and lower with safranin. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as those of the parents in the reaction with iodine; the same or practically the same as that of N. monarch with gentian violet and safranin ; the same or practically the same as that of the other parent with polarization; TABLE A 22. a B C4 6 to 6 <* E IO E W3 6 s a U5 * a* S Chloral hydrate: N. monarch ? in is ?n >3 4 >n 35 43 48 N. lord roberts 4 11 ?n ?7 79 Chromic acid: N. monarch 33 71 9,5 00 99 1 33 77 01 98 N. lord roborts 1 15 SO 7? 88 Pyrogallic acid : N. monarch 7 56 7? 8? 86 1 T> 56 (is 79 ? 36 6? 73 83 Nitric acid: 90 64 7? 78 84 in oq 49 58 65 N. lord roberts in <V> 7n 73 76 Sulphuric acid: :M; 98 N. lord roberts 95 N >. HCI88U8. S7 mud intermediate with temperature, but closer to A'. madame de groaff. Table A 22 shows the reaction-intensities -f tin- *tarche expressed by tlic percentage of total starch gelatinized at definite time- interval*. VKUK-ITY-BKAI-I i .KM. Thin section treaU of the velocity-reaction curves <>f tin- -t.m lies of A'orcisnu monarch. N. madam e de graaff, ajul .V. lord robtrtt, showing the quantitative differences in the behavior toward dinVrent reagents at definite tune-intervals. (Chart* 1 .T to 1) 334.) most conspicuous features of these charts are : ( 1 ) The correspondence in the courses of the three curves in all of the reactions (excepting the sulphuric- a. hi reaction in which gelatinization is too rapid for tliir.r.-nuation), and the tendency to moderate to low reactivity. Inclination to separation of the curves if comparatively well marked in the pyrogallic acid. I V ) The varying relations of the parental carves to each other and to the curve of the hybrid in all of the reactions (excepting in that with sulphuric acid) during their progress. i The curve of A", monarch is distinctly lower than that of the other parent in the reactions with chloral hydrate and pyrogallic acid; distinctly higher with lir.anic acid and nitric acid; and the same with iodine and sulphuric acid. (4) The curve of the hybrid is intermediate in the reactions with chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid, but close to A', monarch with chloral hydrate and nitric acid, and to the other parent with pyrogallic acid ; and the lowest of the three and well separated from the parental carves in the chromic-acid reaction. (5) A tendency to an early period of resistance fallowed by comparatively high reactivity is evident, especially in the three starches in the pyrogallic-acid reaction and in two starches in the chromic-acid reac- tion, with a suggestion of resistance in the reactions with chloral hydrate and nitric acid. (6) The earliest period at which the three curves are best separated for differential purposes is in the reaction with sulphuric acid at the very beginning; in those with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid probably at 15 minutes; and with chloral hydrate at 60 minutes. RBACTION-INTBN8ITIB8 OF THE HTBBIO. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateneas, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 22 and Charts D 329 to D 334.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the aeed parent in the reactions with gentian violet, safranin, and sulphuric acid; the same as those of the pollen parent in the polarization reaction ; the same as those of both parents in the iodine reaction ; intermediate in the reactions with temperature, chloral hydrate, pyro- gallic acid, and nitric acid, being closer to the seed parent in two and to the pollen parent in two ; highest in none ; and lowest in the chromic-acid reaction. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties (10 reactions): Same as seed parent, 3; same as pollen parent, 1 ; same as both parents, 1 ; intermediate, 4; highest, 0; lowest, 1. The parents appear to share about equally the deter- mination of the properties of the starch of 'the hyl.n.l Ih. re is obviously a tendency to intennediateneM. tin- being recorded in nearly half of the reactions. COMPOSITE CURVES OF REACTION-INTENSITES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of \areunu monarch, N. madame de graaff, and N. lord robertt. ( Chart E 22. ) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : (1) The very close correspondence in all three curves in nearness and during their course, excepting in the chromic-acid reaction, in which the curve of A', monarch is well separated from the curves of the other parent and the hybrid. (2) In N. monarch in comparison with the other parent the higher reaction with polarization, gentian vio- let, temperature, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid ; the lower with chloral hydrate ; and the same with iodine and sulphuric acid. (3) In A 7 , monarch the very high sulphuric-acid reaction ; the high chromic-acid reaction ; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and temperature; the low reactions with pyro- gallic and nitric acids; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. (4 ) In A', madame de graaff the very high sulphuric- acid reaction ; the absence of a high reaction ; the mod- erate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and chromic acid ; the low reactions with polarization, tem- perature, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties (10 reactions) : Vety hih. Hixh. Mod- raU. Low. \"> low. N. monarch 1 1 5 2 1 N, nutdune 4r gruff | o 4 4 I N. lord roberU | o 4 4 | 23. COMPARISONS OF TUB STARCHES or NABCIMCS LJEEIMUI MINNIE II I' ME, N. TRIAKDRCS AI.Bt H. AND N. AGNES HARVBT. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, reactions with iodine, and quali- tative reaction with the various chemical reagents the starches of the parents and hybrid exhibit properties in common in varying degrees of development, which col- lectively are in each case distinctive. The differences are, on the whole, of a minor character, indicating dose relationships of the three starches. In histologic prop- erties in ffarcutuM triandnu albiu in comparison with the other parent there are found a larger proportion of compound grains but fewer aggregate*, somewhat fewer grains with primary and secondary deposits, and the grains are less irregular; the hilum is more often more deeply and more extensively fissured; the lamelbe an leas often distinct and not so fine ; and the grains are, as a whole, smaller than in A", letdtii ninnit hume. HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. The polariscopic figure is better defined and there are some differences in the lines. With seleuite the quad- rants are more often clean-cut and more regular in shape, the colors more often pure, and there are more grains having a greenish tinge. In the qualitative iodine reac- tions the capsules are more reddish than those of N. leedsii minnie hume. In the reactions with the chemical reagents there are various differences of a minor charac- ter which collectively differentiate each starch. The starch of the hybrid contains fewer compound grains and aggregates than either parent, and the relationship is, on the whole, closer to N. leedsii minnie hume than to the other parent. In the character of the hilum and character of the lamellae the relationship is closer to N. leedsii minnie hume, while in size to N. triandrus albus. In the polariscopic figure and appearances with selenite the resemblances are closer to N. leedsii minnie hume, and the same is true of the qualitative iodine reactions. In the qualitative reactions with the chemical reagents the influences of both parents are manifest, and there are also individualities of a minor character of the hybrid. In all of these reactions the characters are, as a whole, more closely associated with those of N. leedsii minnie hume. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization: N. leedsii min. hume, low to very high, value 45. N. triandrus albus, low to high, higher than in N. leedsii minnie hume, value 50. N. agnes harvey, low to high, the same as in N. leedsii minnie hume, value 45. Iodine: N. leedsii min. hume, moderate deep, value 60. N. triandrus albus, deep, deeper than in N. leedsii minnie hume, value 65. N. agnes harvey, deep, the same as in N. leedsii minnie hume, value 60. Gentian violet: N. leedsii min. hume, light to moderate, value 38. N. triandrus albus, light to moderate, lighter than in N. leedsii minnie hume, value 35. N. agnes harvey, light to moderate, the same as in N. leedsii minnie hume, value 38. Safranin: N. leedsii min. hume, light to moderate, value 40. N. triandrus albus, light to moderate, the same as in N. leedsii minnie hume ; value 40. N. agnes harvey, light to moderate, the same as in the parents, value 40. Temperature : N. leedsii min. hume, in majority at 70 to 71.2", in all at 74.5 to 76, mean 75.25. N. triandrus albus, in majority at 70 to 71, in all at 73 to 75, mean 74. N. agnes harvey, in majority at 70 to 71.8, in all at 73.8 to 75, mean 74.4. The reactivity of N. leedsii minnie hume is lower than that of the other parent in the polarization, iodine, and temperature reactions; the same or practically the same in the safranin reaction ; and higher in the gentian- violet reaction. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of N. leedsii minnie hume in the polarization, iodine, and gentian-violet reactions; the same or practically the same as those of both parents in the safranin reaction; and intermediate in the tem- perature reaction, but closer to N. triandrus albus. All three starches are in these reactions either the same or practically the same or very nearly alike. Table A 23 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes) : TABLE A 23. 8 1-4 8 <N a CO * S to S E U3 S 8 S IO V E S Chloral hydrate: N. leedsii min. hume . . 9 7 n 1S "0 N. triandrus albus n 5 ? 7 11 11 N. agnes harvey 4 7 S 1 14 Chromic acid: N. leedsii min. hume. . . . 1 15 65 SO 85 S '0 70 00 94 N. agnes harvey 4 97 V> 79 s-' Pyrogallic acid: N. leedsii min. hume. . . . 1 11 45 66 77 N. triandrus albus 4 ?] 78 RS Ml N. agnes harvey ^ >o 6T 75 SI Nitric acid : N. leedsii min. hume. . . . 10 9q ?q 49 56 10 .,., d6 59 <i-> N. agnes harvey 10 55 65 70 n Sulphuric acid: N. leedsii min. hume. . . . N. triandrus albus 93 83 Q*i 99 97 <W 99 VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section deals with the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Narcissus leedsii minnie hume, N. triandrus albus, and N. agnes harvey, showing the quan- titative differences in the behavior toward different reag- ents at definite time-intervals. (Charts D 335 to D 340.) The most conspicuous features of these charts are : (1) The close correspondence of all three starches in all of the reactions (with the exception of the sul- phuric-acid reaction, which is too rapid for differentia- tion), and the tendency (with this exception) to a moderate, low, or very low reactivity. (2) The varying relations of the parental curves to each other and to the curve of the hybrid in the different reactions (excepting the very rapid sulphuric-acid reac- tion) and during their progress. (3) The curve of N. leedsii minnie hume is lower than that of the other parent in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid ; and higher with chloral hydrate. (4) The hybrid curve is the lowest of the three in the chromic-aoid reaction ; intermediate in the reactions with chloral hydrate and pyrogallic acid, but in the latter practically identical with that of N. triandrus albus; and highest with nitric acid. (5) A tendency to a period of early resistance fol- lowed by a comparatively rapid reactivity is seen in all three starches in the chromic-acid and pyrogallic- acid reactions. (6) The earliest period at which the three curves are best separated for differential purposes is in the sul- phuric-acid reaction at the very beginning of the reac- tion ; in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid at 30 to 45 minutes, and with chromic aoid at 60 minutes. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and NAHCIS8U8. deficit in relation t<> tin- parents. (Tables A 23 and CharU 1 Tin- ii-.i. tivities of the hybrid an- the same as tbow of the wed pan-lit in tin- n-actiom. with polarization, i ilnif. gentian violet, and sulphuric acid ; the same as .. }..ir. n: in iii.ni-; the same M th(M of I.- tin- safranin inaction; intermediate in those with temperature, chloral hydrate, and p\r. gallic and. in two being closer to thow of the pollen parent and in one as cloae to one M the other parent: HfjsMl in the nitric-acid reaction, and closer to the jH.ik-ii parent; and lowest in the chromic-acid reaction, lit'ing closer to the teed parent. Tlu- following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties ( 10 reactions) : Same as seed parent, 4 ; same as pol- l.-n par. nt. ; same as both parents, 1 ; intermediate, 3 . highest, 1 ; lowest, 1. From the foregoing data it seems that the seed parent exercises a distinctly greater influence than the pollen parent on the characters of the starch of the hyhrid. The most marked tendencies in the reactions are to sameness as the seed parent and to intenne- diatenaaa. MPOSITE CURVES or REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treaU of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of \arcitttu leedtii minnie htunt, N. trian- dna albtu, and A', agnet hanty. (Chart K 23.) most conspicuous features of this chart are : ( 1 ) The very close correspondence of all three curves in course and closeness throughout the chart i In A 7 , leedsii minnie hume in comparison with the other parent the higher gentian-violet and chloral- hydrate reactions; the lower reactions with polarization, iodine, temperature, chromic acid, pyrogallic, and nitric acid ; and the same or practically the same in the reac- tions with saf ranin and sulphuric acid. (3) In y. leedtii minnie humt the very high sul- phuric-acid reaction ; the high iodine reaction ; the mod- erate polarization and saf ranin reactions; the low reac- tions with gentian violet, temperature, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid; the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. (4) In A*. Iriandnu albtu the very high sulphuric- acid reaction; the high iodine reaction; the moderate reactions with polarization, safranin, chromic acid, and pyrogallic acid ; the low reactions with gentian violet, temperature, and nitric acid ; and the very low reaction with chloral hydrate. (5) In the hybrid the very high sulphuric-acid reac- tion; the high iodine reaction; the moderate polariza- tion and safranin reactions ; the low gentian-violet, tem- perature, chromic-acid, pyrogallic-acid, and nitric-acid reactions ; and the very low chloral hydrate reaction. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties (10 reactions) : v. q hih. Hih. M 4 erate. Low. low. N. leedaii minnie hume i 1 2 5 J N. triandnu alba* i 1 3 1 i 1 MI-AKI80N8 Or THE Si AK. I IM Or \AKC!MU EMPEKOR, N. Tfci ALBUSJ. AMD N. J. T. BENNETT POE. Iii hi>tolni:ir characteristics, polarisoopic figures, reactions with selenite, reactions with iodine and quali- tative reaction* with the various chemical reap UN, the Ktarches of the parents and hybrid .-\lnl.it pr common in varying degree* of d.-w-l.,pinrnt wi.i.-h col- lectively in case of each starch an- distinctm'. The differences are of a minor character. In histologic prop- erties in A'cimwtu triandrut albtu in comparison with the other parent there are more compound grains and aggregates, together with various other peculiarities, and there arc various other differences in hilum, lamella*, and size. The polariscopic figure is not so distinct but more often well defined, and there are other minor differences. With selenite the quadrants are more often clean-cut, the colors less often pure, and fewer grains with a greenish tinge. In the qualitative reactions with iodine no distinctive differences were recorded. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid both methods of gelatinization common to both starches occur, and also methods observed in A', truuulnu albtis that are not seen or seen only in modified form in A', emperor. The starch of the hybrid contains fewer compound grains and aggregates than either parent, and shows, mi the whole, a closer relationship to A', emperor than to the other parent In character and eccentricity of the hilum and in size the relationship is closer to N. emperor; but in the character of the lamella; closer to A*, triandnu alb us. In the character of the polariza- tion figure and in the reactions with selenite the relation- ship is closer to A 7 , triandnu albtu. In the qualitative relictions with iodine the raw grains are more closely related to those of N. emperor, but the gelatinized grains show no differences from those of both parents. In the qualitative reactions with the chemical reagent* the in- fluences of both parents are manifest; in the chloral hydrate and sulphuric acid the resemblances are closer to A*, emperor, while in the chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid the hybrid is closer to A 7 , triandnu albtu. Rrartion-intmilici Krprttvd by Light. Color, and Tempera- ture Reaction*. Polarisation: N. emperor, low to high, value BO. N. triandnu albue, low to high, lower thmn in N. Rnpcror. viJur SO. N. j. t. bennett poe. low to high, the MOM M in N. triandnu alba*. value 00. Iodine: N. emperor, moderate to deep, value 00. N. triandrua albu*. moderately deep, deeper than in N. emperor, value 66. N. j. t. bennett poe. moderate to deep, the earn* ae in N. emperor. TatueOO. Gentian violet: N. emperor, moderate, value 45. N. triandrut albu*. licht to moderate. lihter than in N. emperor. value M. N. j.t. bennett poe, moderate, deeper than in either penal, value 60. SeJranin: N. emperor, moderate, value 60. N. triandnu albu*. liht to moderate, lighter than in N. emperor. value 40. N. J.t. bennett poe, moderate, deeper than in either parwit. value 86. 90 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. Temperature: N. emperor, inmajorityat69 to71, in all at 74 to 75. 5, mean 74.53. N. triandrus albus, in majority at 70 to 71, in all at 73 to 75, mean 74. N. j. t. bennett poe, in majority at 64 to 04.8, in all at 69 to 71, mean 70. The reactivity of N. emperor is higher than that of the other parent in the polarization, gentian violet, and safranin reaction ; and lower in the iodine and tempera- ture reactions. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of N. emperor in the polarization and iodine reactions ; and the highest of the three in the gentian violet, safranin, and temperature reactions. There is no instance of intermediateness, and in certain respects the starch of the hybrid is nearer to one parent and in others to the other parent. Table A 24 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes) : TABLE A 24. ~ - f j- ~ r~ 6 iH a 8 CO B * B a a iO g B IO * B 8 Chloral hydrate: N. emperor ? 6 18 S >8 X . triandrus albus 0,5 ? 7 11 11 N. j. t. bennett poe /t g o "M '8 Chromic acid: N. emperor 3 S9 7fi 94 97 N. triandrua albus 6 ?n 7n 90 94 N. j. t. bennett poe 1 5] 87 95 99 Pyrogallic acid: N. emperor 5 9 74 8 15 91 4 '1 7fi 85 91 N. j. t. bennett poe >r> fin 85 95 98 Nitric acid : N. emperor in 51 > fi5 67 N. triandrua albus in V? 46 59 6? N. j. t. bennett poe 15 57 6? 09 7 Sulphuric acid: 94 99 HI 97 91) 99 VELOCITY-BEACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Narcissus emperor, N. triandrus albus, and N. j. t. bennett poe, showing the quantitative differ- ences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-intervals. (Charts D 341 to D 346.) The most conspicuous features of these charts are : (1) The correspondence in the three curves in all of the reactions, and the general tendency to a high to moderate reactivity. (2) The varying relationships of the parental curves to each other and to the curve of the hybrid in the dif- ferent reactions. (3) The curve of N. emperor is practically the same as that of the other parent in the pyrogallic-acid reac- tion and higher in the reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and sulphuric acid, the most marked difference being noted in the pyrogallic- acid reaction and the least in the quick sulphuric-acid reaction. (4) The curve of the hybrid is the same as that of 2V. emperor in the very rapid sulphuric-acid reaction; practically the same in that with chloral hydrate ; nearly the same in that with pyrogallic acid; intermediate in none; and the highest of the three in those with chromic acid and pyrogallic acid. In all of the reactions the hybrid shows a higher reactivity than either parent. (5) A tendency to an early period of resistance fol- lowed by a comparatively rapid reactivity is seen in all three starches in the reaction with chromic acid, and in the two parental starches in that with pyrogallic acid. The earliest period at which the three curves are best separated for differential purpose is in the sulphuric-acid reaction at the beginning; in those with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid at 15 minutes. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 24 and Charts D 341 to D 346.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the polarization and iodine reac- tions; the same as those of the pollen parent in none; the same as those of both parents in none ; intermediate in none; highest in those with gentian violet, safranin, temperature, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid (in six being closer to those of the seed parent, and in two closer to those of the pollen parent). The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties (10 reactions): Same as seed parent, 2; same as pollen parent, 0; same as both parents, 0; intermediate, ; highest, 8 ; lowest, 0. The seed parent seems to have almost entirely con- trolled the development of the properties of the hybrid, inasmuch as in 10 out of the 12 reactions there is same- ness or nearness in relation to this parent. Another equally striking feature is the almost universal tendency for the reactivity of the hybrid to exceed parental extremes. COMPOSITE CURVES OF REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reac- tion-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Narcissus emperor, N. triandrus albus, and N. j. t. bennett poe. (Chart E 24.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are: (1) The close correspondence in the courses and closeness of the curves throughout the chart. (2) In 2V. emperor in comparison with N. triandrus albus the higher reactions with polarization, gentian vio- let, safranin, chloral hydrate, and chromic acid; the lower reactions with iodine and nitric acid ; and the same or practically the same reactions with temperature, pyro- gallic acid, and sulphuric acid. (3) In 2V. emperor the very high reaction with sul- phuric acid; the high reactions with polarization and iodine ; the moderate reactions with gentian violet, safra- nin, chromic acid, and pyrogallic acid ; the low reactions with temperature and nitric acid ; and the very low reac- tion with chloral hydrate. (4) In 2V. triandrus albus the very high reaction with sulphuric acid; the high reaction with iodine; the moderate reactions with polarization, safranin, chromic acid, and pyrogallic acid ; the low reactions with gentian NAHC'ISM S I.I I.I TM. '..I \. !!. ! iii),.-raturf, and mtri.- a< i>l ; and the very low faction with chloral hydrate. (5) In the hybrid the very high sulphuric-acid the high reactions with polarization, iodine, .hn. mi .1,1.1. aiul |>\n>gallic acid; the moderate reac- .n.ui \iolct, .-afr.inin, and temperature: >w reaction with nitric acid; and the very low reac- tion w ith chloral hydrate. The following i> a summary of the reaction-iutooai- tiea (10 reactions) : Vmr ..:. >!.>. Mod- erau. Low. Vfy low. N. nparor . . 1 2 4 a 1 N tnandnw albu* 1 1 4 3 1 N j 1 bMMUpoo 1 4 3 1 1 NOTES or THK NARCISSI. The starche* of the narcissi belong according to the foregoing data to the moderate to very low reaction group average value low. The reaction-intenaitiea, in- cluding the ten reactions (polarization, iodine, gentian :. safranin, temperature, chloral hydrate, chromic .i, nl, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid), which were studied in all the seta, show that nearly 70 per cent are moderate or low (nearly equally divided), and about 10 per cent very low. From the records of Set 2 and Chart K 1 >, where 26 reactions are recorded, there are about 50 per cent of the reactions that are moderate or low and about 30 per cent very low. The comparatively lower reactivities shown by the Utter are owing to the fact that the additional reagents represented include a relatively large number that are among the least reactive with starches in general. The curves of the composite charts (Charts E 13 to inclusive) show a close general correspondence in the courses, indicating clearly in comparison with charts of other genera a definite type of Narcissus curve. The closeness of the parental and hybrid curves varies in the different chart*. The sulphuric-acid reactions reach completion so rapidly that differentiation of the starches can be made only, if at all, at the very onset of the reaction. With the other agents there is closeness, or even marked closeness, inclination to separation of the curves being most marked in the reactions with chromic acid and pyrogallic acid, especially in the former. The two parental curves bear varying relations to each other, not only in the different sets but also in each set, some- times the seed parent and sometimes the pollen parent showing the higher reactivity, and sometimes both are the same or practically the same. The hybrids bear varying relationships to the parents, not only in the different sets but also in each set, each being in one reaction the same or practically the same as one parent or the other or both, and in another inter- mediate or developed in excess or deficit Even the off- spring of the same cross may show differences in the same reaction, as, for instance, the hybrids N. poeticus kerrick and N. poeticut dante. The varying relation- ships of the hybrids are indicated grossly in the follow- ing recapitulation : ntif o/ Ikt Vanovi Hybrid' (W >nr. 146 in ' II .1 p ]i 1 1 1 1 2 i a 3 1 8 4 1 3 4 2 27 3 4 3 - 1 3 1 1 2 1 20 1 I 7 > 4 2 4 2 1 1 2 4 3 27 I 1 . 2 3 4 1 4 1 4 2 1 1 1 IB N. pocticu* dmoU N. pueUi triumph tl mml N. wUI Mark* U. Ucotor apricot N. madam* d* fraaff. . . N. lord rulwrU N . ftciit-* harvey N. j. t. branatt yarn A corresponding shifting of relationship of the parents to each other and of the hybrid to the parents was recorded in the histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, re-art IOIIH with HelcniU*. qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with the various chemi- cal reagents. Among these will be found not only prop- erties which are nearer to or identical with one or tin- other parent or the same as in both parents, or developed in excess or deficit, but also properties that are peculiar to the hybrid. 25. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF LILIUM MAKTAGON ALBUM, L. MACt'LATUM, AND L. MARIIAN. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with the various chemical reagents all three starches exhihit pn>|>ertica in common in various degrees of development, the sum of which in each case is distinctive. The starch of Lilium macu- latum in comparison with that of L. martagon album contains a less number of aggregates and compound grains, the grains are somewhat more irregular, and there is a form of irregularity that is peculiar. The hilum is more distinct, much more often fissured, and somewhat more eccentric. The lamella; are less fun-, more distinct, and leas numerous. In size the grains are on the whole broader, absolutely and proportionately, in breadth to length. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reactions there are various differences. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, potassium hydroxide, cobalt nitrate, and cupric chloride there are numerous differences, some of which are quite striking. The starch of the hybrid shows in form a closer relationship to that of L. marulalum. The hilum is more often fissured and occupied by a cavity than in either parent, and in character and eccen- tricity is in closer relationship to L. martagon album. The lamella? are as distinct and fine as in L. mariagon album, but in general characteristic* and arrangement are the same as in both parents. In size the relationship 92 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. is closer to L. martagon album. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reactions the relationships are closer to L. maculatum. Here and there are data of development of the hybrid beyond parental extremes, as in the degree of irregularity of the grains, the appear- ance of secondary lamellae, fissuration of and the cavi- ties in the hilum, and in the bending and bisection of the lines of the polariscopic figure. In the qualitative reac- tions with the chemical reagents the resemblances are in the chloral-hydrate reactions closer to L. martagon album; but in those with chromic acid, potassium hy- droxide, cobalt nitrate, and cupric chloride they are closer, on the whole, to those of L. maculatum. In some of these reactions the greater influence of one or the other parent is quite conspicuous. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization : L. martagon album, low to high, value 65. L. maculatum, low to high, much lower than in L. martagon album, value 50. L. uiarhan, low to high, the same as in L. maculatum, value 50. Iodine : L. martagon album, moderate, value 65. L. maculatum, moderate, less than in L. martagon album, value 55. L. marhan, moderate, intermediate between the parents, value 58. Gentian violet: L. martagon album, moderate, value 55. L. maculatum, moderate, less than in L. martagon album, value 45. L. marhan, moderate, less than in either parent, value 43. Safranin: L. martagon album, moderate, value 50. L. maculatum, moderate, less than in L. martagon album, value 45. L. marhan, moderate, less than in either parent, value 43. Temperature: L. martagon album, in majority at 59 to 61, in all at 62 to 64", mean 63. L. maculatum, in majority at 57 to 58, in all at 60 to 62, mean 61. L. marhan, in majority at 56 to 58, in all at 59 to 60, mean 59.5. The reactivity of L. marfagon album is higher than that of the other parent in the reactions with polariza- tion, iodine, gentian violet, and safrauin; and lower in that with temperature. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of L. macu- latum in the polarization reaction ; intermediate between those of the parents in the iodine reaction; lowest of the three in those with gentian violet and safranin ; and the highest of the three in that with temperature. The reactions of the hybrid are closer throughout all five reactions to those of L. maculatum than to those of the other parent. Table A 25 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (seconds and minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Lilium martagon album, L. maculatum, and L. marhan, showing the quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time- intervals. ( Charts D 347 to D 353. ) These starches are generally so sensitive to the reag- ents used that only five of the reactions give satisfactory data for the construction of charts. In many of the reactions, notwithstanding the speed of gelatinization, more or less marked differences are recorded, yet little reliance should be placed on the figures unless they are confirmed by repeated experiment. In some instances the reactions of all three starches during the first min- ute are practically or absolutely alike, as in those with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potas- sium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sul- phide, sodium hydroxide, and sodium sulphide. In others there are such differences as to suggest that TABLE A 25. n 10 V O w S M 5 E * = ^ e o = B s a Q * Chloral hydrate: L. martagon album 47 "> ss 97 95 97 97 99 9S 99 L. maculatum l>5 (HI Chromic acid: L. martagon album L. maculatum 82 99 L. marhan 99 Pyrogallic acid: 90 9 r i ')'> L. marhan '<) Nitric acid: 99 L. maculatum 99 90 Sulphuric acid: 99 L. maculatum L. marhan 9' Hydrochloric acid: L. martagon album 98 ino L. marhan inn Potassium hydroxide: L. martagon album 0.0. inn inn Potassium iodide: L. martagon album 97 L. maculatum HH III! Potassium sulphocyanate: 91 0.9 98 Potassium sulphide: L martagon album 0,9 L. maculatum ion inn Sodium hydroxide: 99 L. maculatum inn ion Sodium sulphide: 98 99 98 Sodium salicylate: IS X4 '.17 '.in IIS !l!l 10(1 99 69 11 Calcium nitrate: L. martagon album 85 9F> 97 99 91 99 Uranium nitrate: 66 99 m 100 V 99 Strontium nitrate: 71 99 91 inn HI 98 Cobalt nitrate: L. martagon album 17 91 87 9'i 95 98 81 99 Copper nitrate: 71 99 99 98 77 100 99 Cupric chloride: 99 98 inn 97 99 Barium chloride: L. martagon album L. maculatum L. marhan Mercuric chloride: 10 89 82 91 76 97 99 99 SI 99 '.19 '.!-' 9-, 91 99 99 I.II.IVM. with reagents of suitable concentration there would be shown marked differentiation. Attention has been directed to greater resemblance generally of the hybrid to L. maculatum than to the other parent in histologic and certain qualitative peculiarities, and also in the react ion- in tenuities expressed by light, and temperature and it is of interest in this connection tii n.ii.- that in the reactions with calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and barium chloride the figure* show very definitely the same parental relationship, while in that with strontium nitrate the hybrid figure approxi- mates mid-intermediateness, and in that with mercuric chloride a reactivity higher than in either parent. In the remaining IMCOMM, all of which being lew rapid, with chl'irnl hydrate the reaction of the hybrid is prac- tically mid-intermediate; with chromic acid and pyro- gnllic ai nl the reaction* are closer to /.. maculalum; am) with MMlium salicylatc the reaction is at tin- end of 3 minute* distinctly lower than those of the parents and at 5 minutes mid-intermediate. Inferring to the charts, it will be seen that in all five reactions the curve of L. mnrlayon album is the lowest of the three; that the hybrid curve is practically the same as the cnnre of L. maculatum in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and barium chloride; that the hybrid curve is intermediate in the chloral-hydrate reaction, but on the whole closer to L. maculalum; and that the hybrid curve is lower at first than that of either parent, and then inter- mediate, in the sodium salicylate reaction. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This mt-titui treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, in termed iateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 25 and Charts D 34? to D 353.) The reactivity of the hybrid is the same as that of the seed parent in none of the reactions ; the same as those of the pollen parent in the reactions with polarization, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride; the same as those of both parents with nitric arid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hy- droxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, and sodium sul- phide, in all of which the reactions occur too rapidly for differentiation ; intermediate with iodine, chloral hydrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt ni- trate, and barium chloride (in four being closer to the seed parent, and in four closer to the pollen parent) ; highest with mercuric chloride, and as near one as the other parent; and lowest with gentian violet, safranin, temperature, sodium salicylate, and calcium nitrate (in three being closer to the pollen parent and in two closer to the seed parent) . The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties : Same as seed parent, ; same as pollen parent, 5 ; same as both parents, 9; intermediate, 6; highest, 1; lowest, 5. The pollen parent has obviously exercised a much more potent influence than the other parent on the proper- ties of the starch of the hybrid. The most conspicuous features of these reactions, apart from the many instances of sameness to both parents, are sameness to the pollen parent, intermediateness, and lowest reactivities. COMPOSITE CURVES OF REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the difTerentiation of the starches of Lilium martagon album, L. macula turn, and L. marhan. (Chart E 25.) The roost conspicuous features of this chart are: i 1 ) The close correspondence of all three curves throughout, the curves keeping close together excepting in the barium-chloride reaction. In most of the charts there is either little or no difTerentiation of the three starches, as in the reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, |Mitas-ium Mil|>hocvniiatc, potassium sulphi<l dium hydroxide, and sodium sulphide. In all other reactions the curves of the hybrid and L. macvlatum run very closely together, excepting in the reactions with sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, in which the curves of the hybrid and L. martagon album are the same and below that of the other parent ; in the cobalt-nitrate reaction, where the curve is intermediate, and in that of mercuric chloride, in which the curves of the parents are the same and the curve of the hybrid distinctly higher. (2) In /.. iiiiirliiijun album in comparison with the other parent the higher reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, safranin ; the lower reactions with temperature, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and barium chloride ; and the same or practically the same reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydro- chloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, po- tassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hy- droxide, sodium sulphide, and mercuric chloride. (3) In L. martagon album, the very high reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate. potassium sulphide, so- dium hvdroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, cal- cium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride; the high reactions with polarization, iodine, chloral hydrate, and barium chloride ; the moderate reac- tions with gentian violet, safranin, and temperature. (4) In L. maculalum, the very high reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogsllir acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydrox- ide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potas- sium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, so- dium salicylatc, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, stron- tium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride; the high reactions with temperature; and the moderate reac- tions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and safranin. (5) In the hybrid, the very high reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydrox- ide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potas- sium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cnpric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride; the high reaction with temperature ; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and safranin. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: VT Rich. Mod- erate. Low. Vy low. IB 4 3 21 1 4 31 1 4 94 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. 26. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF LlLIUM MARTAGON., L. MACULATUM, AND L. DALHANSONI. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine and with the various chemical reagents all three starches exhibit properties in common in various degrees of de- velopment, the sum of which in each case is character- istic. The starch of L. maculatum in comparison with that of L. martagon contains no aggregates and few com- pound grains ; the grains are more tegular ; broad forms are more numerous; and a larger number of grains are flattened. The hilum is more distinct, more often fis- sured, and less eccentric. The lamellae are less fine, more distinct, and less numerous. In size there is more broadness. In the polariscopic, selenite, iodine, and aniline reactions there are various differences. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, potassium hydroxide, cobalt nitrate, and cupric chlo- ride there are many differences which collectively are distinctive. The starch of the hybrid shows an absence of compound grains that were found in the starches of both parents; there is greater regularity of the grains than in either parent ; and the starch shows, on the whole, a closer relationship to that of L. martagon. The hilum in character and eccentricity is more closely related to L. maculatum. The lamellae in character and arrange- ment are more like those of L. martagon, but in number closer to the other parent. In size the larger grains are not so large as the corresponding grains in both parents, but their dimensions and also the common sizes are closer to those of L. martagon. In the polariscopic, selenite, iodine, and aniline reactions the relationships are closer to L. martagon. In the qualitative reactions with the chemical reagents closer resemblances to one or the other parent or in common to both parents are recorded. In the chloral-hydrate reactions the relation- ship is closer to L. maculatum, while in those with chromic acid, potassium hydroxide, cobalt nitrate, and cupric chloride the relationships are closer to L. martagon. Reaction-intensities Expressed 6t/ % Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization : L. martagon, low to high, value 60. L. maculaturo, low to high, lower than in L. martagon, value 50. L. dalhansoni, low to high, the same as in L. martiigon, value 60. Iodine: L. martagon, moderate, value 60. L. maculatura, moderate, less than in L. martagon, value 55. L. dalhansoni, moderate to deep, higher than in either parent, value 65. Gentian violet: L. martagon, moderate to moderately deep, value 55. L. maculatum, moderate, less than in L. martagon, value 45. L. dalhansoni, moderate, the same as in L. martagon, value 65. Saf ranin : L. martagon, moderate, value 55. L. maculatum, moderate, less than in L. martagon, value 45. L. dalhansoni, moderate, the same as in L. martagun, value 65. Temperature : L. martagon, in majority at 62 to 64, in all at 66.5 to 68.3, mean 67.4. L. maculatum, in majority at 57 to 58, in all at 60 to 62, mean 61. L. dalhansoni, in majority at 59 to 60.2, in all at 63 to 64, mean 63.9. The reactivity of L. martagon is higher than that of the other parent in the reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and safranin; and lower in those with temperature. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of L. martagon in the reactions with polarization, gentian violet, and safranin ; the highest of the three in that with iodine ; and inter- mediate in that with temperature. With the exception of the temperature reaction, the relationship of the hybrid is much closer to L. martagon than to the other parent. Table A 26 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (seconds and minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Lilium martagon, L. maculatum, and L. dalhansoni, showing the quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-inter- vals. ( Charts D 354 to D 360.) Most of the reactions occur with such rapidity that the data do not lend themselves to the making of charts. Gelatinization is complete within 15 to 30 seconds in the reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, and sodium sulphide. In certain other reactions, even though they proceed with speed, there are more or less distinctive differences, as, for instance, in the reactions with calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride, in all of which gelatinization is almost if not complete within 3 minutes. In all of these reactions, excepting those with uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, and cupric chloride the hybrid reactions are very distinctly closer to those of L. maculatum than to those of the other parent; in those with uranium nitrate and cupric chloride the hybrid is approximately mid-intermediate ; and in those with strontium nitrate the same as L. martagon. In histologic and qualitative peculiarities, and in the polar- ization, iodine, and aniline reactions the hybrid shows in general a closer relationship to L. martagon; but occa- sionally closer to the other parent, or intermediate as in the temperature reaction. Referring to the charts, it will be seen that in all of them the curves of L. maculatum and the hybrid are almost exactly the same, and higher than the curve of the other parent ; and that the hybrid curves tend to be slightly lower than those of L. macu- latum. The relatively greater resistance of the starch of L. martagon is exhibited particularly in the curves for chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and barium chloride. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRIDS. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrids as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 26 and Charts D 354 to D 360.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the reactions with polarization, gentian voilet, and strontium nitrate ; the same as those of the pollen parent with chloral hydrate; the same as those of both parents with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, so- dium hydroxide,' and sodium sulphide, in all of which the reactions occur too quickly for differentiation ; in- termediate with temperature, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric choride, and barium chloride (in seven closer to those of the pollen parent, in one closer to that of the seed parent, and in one mid-intermediate) ; highest with iodine and sodium salicylate (in one being closer to the seed parent, and in one closer to the pollen parent) ; and lowest with mercuric chloride, and closer to the pollen parent. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties : Same as seed parent, 4 ; same as pollen parent, 1 ; same as both parents, 9 ; intermediate, 9 ; highest, 2 ; lowest, 1. I. ll.lt M. Ton* 36 A. I. m*itcoD . . 1. maruUlum I.. .Ulhinrai . Chramie Mid: I niarincon . . I marul.tum I.. dmHuuwooi 1. t I laliuuimi. Nitric Mid: I n, :i:! i k -..|| I m.uUtum I lUlbaiMoai . Sulphuric Mid: I niartacoo. . U RutrtJMtoo. . . I.. nukcuUtum. . I . ! I I. <i>lh. L. mwtaeoo. . . L. mmruliit inn ! ' I'-,-.. . : I. i L.I I L.I L-i : . - L. martaeon. . L. macuUtum. L. dmlbmiuoai. Sodium Ml I. i L.I U. Claum nitnto: I HUUtCaa . I., rn.cul.tuni L. dalbaonai . Cranium nitrate: L. marUcoa . L. nutcuUtura L.C 100 100 100 99 M ' 100 M -. H ,. I iw m the foregoing data the pollen parent has been by far the more potent in lU influence* on determining the properties of the starch of the hybrid. The tendency to intermediateness U quite manifest COMPOSITE CURVES or RSACTION-INTKNSITIHI. This section treat* of the composite curve* of the reaction-intensities, showing Uic dinYn>nti:itii>n .if the starches of Lilium martagon, L. maculatum. am! /. (io/Aaiuoni. (Chart E 26.) The most conspicuous feature* of this chart are: (1) The clo*e correspondence in the three curves excepting in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrognllic acid, and barium chloride, in which there occurs in i-arb instance a marked drop in the curve of L. marln while the curve* of L. maculatum and the hybrid t> n<l to keep the name or quite clow? tn^i-tlii-r. In H lar^<- number of reactions there is no differentiation between the three starches, as in those with chloral hydra!.-, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, pota-'ciuin hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potawium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, and uranium nitrate; and in nthi-r instance* there is a tendency for the hybrid curve to be the same as that of one or the other parent, or occasionally above both or intermediate. In part the hybrid curve is more dis- tinctly related to the curve of /,. mamlattim than to that of the other parent, and in part the reverse. (2) In L. martagon in comparison with the other parent, the high reactions with polarization, iodine, gen- tian violet and safranin; the same or practically the name with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, and mercuric chloride ; and the lower with temperature, chromic acid, pyro^allic acid, sodium salicylate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper ni- trate, cupric chloride, and barium chloride. (3) In L. martagon the very high reactions with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hvdroxidn, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrnt<>, ura- nium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride ; the high reactions with polarization, iodine, chromic acid, pyro- gallic acid, and barium chloride; and the moderate reac- tions with gentian violet, safranin, and temperature. (4) In L. marulalum the very high reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hy- droxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate. po- tassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, aodinm salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride; tbn hiirli t'-miN-rnturc reaction ; the moderate reaction* with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and safranin. (5) In the hybrid, the very high reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hy- droxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, po- tassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, ?odinm salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride; the hi^li reactions with polarization and iodine ; and the mod- erate reactions with gentian violet, tafranin, and temperature. HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. Following is a summary of the reaction-intensities: Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. 18 5 3 L. maculatum 21 1 4 21 2 3 27. COMPARISONS OF THE STAECHES OF LILIUM TENUIFOLIUM, L. MAKTAGON ALBUM, AND L. GOLDEN GLEAM. In the histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with the chemical reagents all three starches exhibit properties in common in various degrees of development, the sum of which in each case is characteristic. The starch of Lilium marlagon album in comparison with that of L. tenuifolium contains very few compound grains and aggregates ; there is less irreg- ularity and variety in the forms, and the protuber- ances are less rounded ; and a less number of grains are flattened. The hilum is not so distinct; less often occupied by a cavity; somewhat more fissured; and less eccentric. The lamellae have the same characteristics and arrangement as in the other parent, but they are less numerous. The size is somewhat larger. In the polari- scopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reactions various differences are noted. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, potassium hydroxide, co- balt nitrate, and cupric chloride the differences are sufficient for easy differentiation. The starch of the hybrid shows in comparison with the starches of the parents fewer compound grains than in either parent, and there is an absence of aggregates; and the grains are more irregular than in either parent. The hilum is as distinct as in L. tenuifolium and more distinct than in the other parent; and it is fissured more often and the eccentricity is less than in either parent. The lamellae are less distinct and less fine than in either parent. The size is about the same as in L. tenuifolium and slightly less than in the other parent. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reactions there are leanings to one or the other parent, but the relationship is on the whole closer to L. tenuifolium. In the qualitative chemical reactions certain reactions lean to one parent and certain others to the other parent, but with chloral hydrate the relationship is closer to L. mar- tagon album, and in those with chromic acid, potassium hydroxide, cobalt nitrate, and cupric chloride closer to L. tenuifolium. Reaction-intensities Eaepretsed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization : L. tenuifolium, low to high, value 50. L. martagon album, low to high, much higher than in L. tenui- folium, value 65. L. golden gleam, low to high, lower than in either parent, value 45. Iodine : L. tenuifolium, moderate, value 55. L. martagon album, moderate, much higher than in L. tenuifolium, value 65. L. golden gleam, moderate, less than in either parent, value 50. Gentian violet: L. tenuifolium, moderate, value 60. L. martagon album, moderate, less than in L. tenuifolium, value 55. L. golden gleam, moderate, less than in either parent, value 50. Saf ranin : L. tenuifolium, moderate, value 55. L. martagon album, moderate, less than in L. tenuifolium, value 50. L. golden gleam, moderate, less than in either parent, value 48. Temperature: L. tenuifolium, in majority at 52 to 53, in all at 55.6 to 56", mean 55.8. L. martagon album, in majority at 59 to 61, in all at 62 to 64, mean 63. L. golden gleam, in majority at 53 to 54.4, in all at 57 to 58.7, mean 67.8*. TABLE A 27. E a S o e if. S /. :o S E <N a n S a Chloral hydrate: 68 19 L. martagon album 471- - ss S'-i .17 17 L. golden gleam 59 Chromic acid: 9i H 99 L. martagon album 82 9S 90. . 99' 97 99 Pyrogallic acid: L. tenuifolium 99 L. martagon album 90 ,,- L. golden gleam 99 Nitric acid: L. tenuifolium 99 L. martagon album 99 L. golden gleam 99 Sulphuric acid: L. tenuifolium '111 L. martagon album L. golden gleam 'IS Hydrochloric acid: L. tenuifolium 98 L. martagon album 98 L. golden gleam 99 Potassium hydroxide: L. tenuifolium inn L. martagon album 99 L. golden gleam inn Potassium iodide: L. tenuifolium L. martagon album '17 L. golden gleam 'I'l Potassium sulphocyanate: L. tenuifolium 'I'l L. martagon album Ti L. golden gleam 'I'l Potassium sulphide: L. tenuifolium 9? L. martagon album 99 L. golden gleam 99 Sodium hydroxide: L. tenuifolium 9fi L. martagon album 99 L. golden gleam ion Sodium sulphide: L. tenuifolium 96 L. martagon album 98 99 L. golden gleam Sodium salicylate: L. tenuifolium i? 83 83 93 '.111 (111 '.111 L. martagon album L. golden gleam fi? Calcium nitrate: L. tenuifolium 9R L. martagon album S r i 97 L. golden gleam '11 98 Uranium nitrate: L. tenuifolium S3 90 L. martagon album mi 99 L. golden gleam ws 99 Strontium nitrate: L. tenuifolium '111 inn L. martagon album 99 L. golden gleam ')" 99 Cobalt nitrate: L. tenuifolium L. martagon album L. golden gleam Copper nitrate: L. tenuifolium 71 17 70 'id 95 87 99 99 98 95 100 r 99 L. golden gleam 'I'l inn Cupric chloride: L. tenuifolium 7(1 77 95 'I'l 99 L. golden gleam 99 Barium chloride: L. tenuifolium L. martagon album L. golden gleam Mercuric chloride: L. tenuifolium L. martagon album 66 Id 97 'II 88 76 99 100 99 96 81 99 .in 9^ 95 L. golden gleam IIS 100 I II. MM. '.'7 The reactivity iui/u/ium ia lower than that of the oth--r parent in the polarization and iodine reac- tions; and higher in the gentian violet, tafranin, and tt>iii|H>rnturv reactions. The reactivity of the hybrid is the lowi-.-t of tin- thro.- in the reactions with polariza- tion. iodine, L'-ntiiiii violet, and ufranin; ami mt.-r nii-.li.it.- with t- iiijH-ratiir.-. In the polarization, iodine, and tetn|-rature reactions the hybrid is cloner to L. ttnuifiilium, and in thm* with gentian violet, ufranin, and temperature closer to /,. martagon album. Tahle A V? >h.'* the reaction. intensities in percent- age* of total starch gelatinized at definite interval* (sec- onds and muni VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. Thin section treat* of the Telocity-reaction euro* of the starche* of Lilium ttnuifolium, L. maHagon album, and L. golden gleam, ahowing the quantitative differences in the behavior toward difiVr.-n: reagents at definite time-interval*. (Chart* D 361 to D 366.) These starches generally react so rapidly with the various reagent* that there are few instance* where the data are of value in presentation in the form of chart.*. In the reaction* with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hy- drochloric acid, potassium hydroxide; potassium iodide, potassium sulphocvanate, potassium sulphide, sodium In.lroxide, and sodium sulphide complete or nearly com- plete gelatinization occurs of all three starches within 15 to 30 seconds. In other reactions, notwithstanding the rapidity, more or less differentiation is evident, a* with calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cnpric chloride, and mer- curic chloride, in which gelatinization i* almost if not wholly completed in 3 minutes. Differences in these cases are quite noticeable at the end of 1 minute, L. trnuifolium has a lower reactivity than the other parent in the calcium-nitrate and cupric-chloride reactions, and a higher reactivity in the others, and the hybrid shows reactivities an high or higher than either parent. Not much importance is to be attached to these figure*, al- though they are very suggestive, owing to the difficulties of obtaining accurate record*. Referring to the charts, it will ho noted that all three curves in each chart tend to closeness; that the hybrid curve is almost exactly the same as the curve of L. marlagon album in the chloral- hydrate reaction, hut like that of the other parent in the chromic-acid and pyrogallic-acid reactions; that the parental curves are practically exactly the same in the fodium-wilicylate reaction, but the hybrid curve defi- nitely higher: that the hybrid curve* are the highest in three out of the fonr reactions, namely, in those of chromic acid, sodium salicvlate, and barium chloride : and that the parental curves differ somewhat in their relative positions, the curve of L. tfnuifoliiim being hijrher than that of the other parent in the reactions with chloral hydratp, chromic acid, and barium chloride, but the same in the reactions with sodium salicylatc. OF THE Thi* section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hvbrid a* regards sameness, intermediat^ness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parent*. (Table A 27 and Charts D 361 to T) 366.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same a* those of the seed parent in the reactions with chromie acid, pvronnllic acid, potassinm sulphocvanate, and mercuric chloride: the same as those of the pollen parent with chloral hydrate, potassinm sulphide, sodinm hydroTi'de. and sodium sulphide: the wime as those of both pirents with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hvdrochloric acid, potas- sium hydroxide, and potassium iodide, in all of which 7" the reaction* occur too rapidly for differentiation; intr mediate with temperature and strontium nitrate, in both of which the reaction* are closer to thoae of the teed parent; highest with sodium salicylat*, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cnpric Mn.|.-. and barium chloride (in four being cloaer to the reaction* of the seed parent, in two to those of the pollen parent, and in one a* close to one a* to the other parent) ; and lowest with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and *afranin (in two nearer the aeed parent, and in two nearer the pollen parent). The following u a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties : Same a* seed parent, 4 ; same as pollen parent, 4 ; same a* both parent*, 5; intermediate, 2; highest. ?, lowest, 4. These data indicate that the wed parent had a more marked influence than the pollen parent in determining the properties of the hyl.rid. The tendency to highest or lowest reactivity of the hybrid i* quite marked, this being evident in nearly half of the reactions. COMPOSITE CURVES OP REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treat* of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Lilium Ifnuifolium, L. marlagon album, and L. golden gleam. (Chart E 26.) The moat conspicuous features of this chart are: (1) The closeness of all three curve*, the only point of important departure being in the barium-chloride reaction, in which there is a marked drop of the curve of L. martagon album from the curves of the other parent and the hybrid. Throughout a large part of the chart there is little or absolutely no differentiation of the curves, as in the reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium .hydroxide, pota^ium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, so- dium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylat*, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mer- curic chloride. Tn the remaining 9 reactions the parental curves are well separated, and the hybrid curve tend* usually to be close to or identical with that of //. tmui- folium rather than with that of the other parent. (2) In L. tenuifolium , in comparison with the other parent, the lower reaction* with polarization and iodine; the higher reaction* with gentian violet, safranin, tem- perature, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, cobalt nitrate, and harium chloride; and the same or practically the same reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassinm sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, so- dium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, cal- cium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, cnpric chloride, and mercuric chloride. (3) Tn //. tenuifolium the very high reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, snlphurie acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hy- droxide, potassium iodide, potassinm sulphocyanate, po- tassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium Milphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cnpric chloride, and mercuric chloride ; the high reaction* with gentian violet, temperature, and harium chloride; and the moderate reaction* with polarization, iodine, and safranin. (4) Tn L. maHagon album the very high reaction* with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, ralphnrir 'ivdrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide. pota*ium iodide, potassium snlphocyannte. potassium sulphide, podium hydroxide, sodium salicylate. calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, cop- HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. per nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride; the high reactions with polarization, iodine, chloral hydrate, and barium chloride; a'nd the moderate reactions with gentian violet, safranin, and temperature. (5) In the hybrid the very high reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride ; the high reactions with temperature and chloral hydrate; and the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and safranin. Following is a summary of the reaction-intensities: Very high. High. Mod- crate. Low. Very low. L. tenuifolium 21 2 3 19 4 3 20 2 4 28. COMPARISONS OF THE STAKCHES OF LILIUM CHALCEDONICUM, L. CANDIDUM, AND L. TESTACEUM. In the histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite and qualitative reactions with iodine and with various chemical reagents all three starches possess properties in common in various de- grees of development, the sum of which in each case is characteristic of the starch. The starch of Lilium can- didum in comparison with that of L. chalcedonicum con- tains a larger proportion of grains that are regular in form, and there is a more marked tendency for the proximal end to be narrower than the distal end of the grain. The hilum is more often fissured and the eccen- tricity is less. The lamellae are more distinct; broad, refractive lamellae are more numerous ; and there is often present a band of three or four broad lamellae in the distal third of the grain; and the number is somewhat less. The sizes of corresponding types of grains are less. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reac- tions there are numerous differences. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, potassium hydroxde, cobalt nitrate, and cupric chloride various differences are recorded, several of which are quite dis- tinctive of one or the other parent. The starch of the hybrid in comparison with the starches of the parents is less regular in form than in either parent, and there is a kind of irregularity that is peculiar to the hybrid; and the grains tend to be less pointed at the proximal end than in L. chalcedonicum, but somewhat more pointed than in L. candidum. The hilum is in charac- ter closer to that of L. chalcedonicum, but in degree of eccentricity closer to that of L. candidum. The lamellae are less distinct, less numerous, and finer than in either parent. The sizes of corresponding types of grains are closer to those of L. candidum and on the whole smaller than in the other parent. In the qualitative chemical reactions the hybrid leans to L. chalcedonicum, which reactions may be modified through the influence of the other parent. Reaction-intentitiet Expretsfd. by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization: L. chalcedonicum, low to high, value 60. L. candidum, low to high, higher than in L. chalcedonicum, value 05. L. testaceum, low to high, the same as in L. chalcedonicum value 60. Iodine: L. chalcedonicum, moderate, value 55. L. candidum, moderate, deeper than in L. chalcedonicum, value 05. L. testaceum, moderate, less than in either parent, value 50. Gentian violet: L. chalcedonicum, moderate, value 60. L. candidum, moderate to very deep, much deeper than in L. chal- cedonicum, value 80. L. testaceum, moderate to very deep, the same as in L. candidum, value 80. Safranin : L. chalcedonicum, moderate, value 65. L. candidum, moderate to very deep, much deeper than in L. chal- cedonicum, value 80. L. testaceum, moderate to very deep, the same as in L. candidum, value 80. Temperature: L. chalcedonicum, in majority at 59.2 to 61, in all at 63 to 64, mean 63.5. L. candidum, in majority at 57 to 58.7, in all at 60 to 62, mean 61. L. testaceum, in majority at 61.2 to 63, in all at 63.5 to 67, mean 65.25. The reactivity of L. chalcedonicum is lower than that of the other parent in all five reactions. The reac- tivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of L. chalcedonicum in the polarization reaction ; the same or practically the same as that of the other parent in the gentian-violet and safranin reactions ; and the lowest of the .three in the iodine and temperature reactions. The hybrid in the polarization, iodine, and temperature reactions is closer to L. chalcedonicum than to the other parent, but in the gentian-violet and safranin reactions the reverse. Table A 28 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (sec- onds and minutes) . VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Lilium chalcedonicum, L. candidum, and L. testaceum, showing the quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-inter- vals. (Charts D 367 to D 372.) These starches react for the most part with such rapidity that but few data are of a character satisfactory for chart formation. However, even among the most rapid reacting reagents more or less marked differences are sometimes noted, as, for instance, in the reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potas- sium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocya- nate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, and sodium sulphide. Excepting those with hydrochloric acid and potassium hydroxide, there are varying degrees of lower reactivity of L. candidum than of the other parent and the hybrid. In other reactions that are less rapid, in which approximately corresponding percentages of gelatiniza- tion occur in about 3 minutes (as in the reactions with calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cop- per nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride), with uranium nitrate and strontium nitrate the reactivity of L. candidum is at the end of the first minute distinctly the lowest of the three; with calcium nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride about the same as L. can- didum and distinctly lower than in L. chalcedonicum; and with copper nitrate all three are alike. In all six charts the curves are from close to very close together. In all of the reactions the curves of L. chalcedonicum are higher than those of the other parent, the separation being well marked in all, especially with chloral hydrate and pyrogallic acid, which are distinctly the less rapid of the six. The hybrid is nearly the same as that of L. chalcedonicum in the reactions with chromic acid, sodium salicylate, and barium chloride ; nearly the same as that of L. candidum with cobalt nitrate ; distinctly in- termediate with pyrogallic acid; and the highest of the 1 11.11 M TABU A 38. three with chloral hydrate. These peculiarities are in accord with the shifting relationship to one or the other parent recorded in the histologic and qualitative charac- ter*. In the reaction* in which gelatinizatiou i* very rapid, marked difference* would in all likelihood have appeared had the concentration of the reagent* been lees, so aa to lengthen the period* of gelatmizaUon. REACTION-INTENSITIES OP THE HYBRID. Thi* section treat* of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateneas, excees, and deficit in relation to the parent*. (Table A 28 and Chart* D 367 to D 372.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the reactions with polarization, potassium iodide, potassium sulphide, and sodium hy- droxide; the same aa those of the pollen parent with gentian violet, safranin, and cupric chloride; the same aa those of both parent* with potassium hydroxide and copper nitrate; intermediate with chromic acid, pyro- gallic acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, calcium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, and barium chloride (in five be- ing nearer the seed parent, in one nearer the pollen parent, and in one as near to one as to the other parent) ; highest with temperature, potassium sulphocyanate, so- dium sulphide, sodium salicylate, uranium nitrate, and strontium nitrate (in all six being closer to the seed parent) ; and lowest with iodine, chloral hydrate, nitric acid, and mercuric chloride (in two being nearer the seed parent, in one nearer the pollen parent, and in one a* close to one as to the other parent). The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Same aa seed parent, 4; same a* pollen parent, 3; same a* both parents, 2; intermediate, 7; highest, 6; lowest, 4. The seed parent in comparison with the pollen parent has had a very potent influence in determining the prop- erties of the starch of the hybrid. While there U a dis- tinct tendency to intermediateness, there is an equal tendency to sameness as regards one or the othnr parent, and a decidedly greater tendency to highest and lowest reactivities of the hybrid. COMPOSITE CURVES OP REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Lilium chalctdonicitm, L. candidum, and L. testaceum. (Chart E 28.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : (1) The close correspondence of all three curves, with the exception of those in the reaction* with chloral ivdrate and pyrogallic acid. It seems, judging from this and other records, that the reactions with chloral lydrate, chromic acid, and pyrogallic acid have a dis- inct tendency to be aberrant. This is seen in the reac- .ions with chromic acid and pyrogallic acid of L. mor- lagnn in Chart E 26 ; with chloral hydrate and pyrogallic acid of L. candidum. and in the pyrogallic-aoid reaction of the hybrid in this chart; ana in the chromic-acid and pyrogallic-acid reactions of the hybrid, L. burbanki, n Chart K 20. In most of the chart* there i* little or no differentiation of the three starchea, aa in the reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potas- sium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium snlphocya- nate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium *ul- >hide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium ni- rate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, ruprie chloride, and mercuric chloride. The curves of the hybrid and /.. rnndifium t< rul to lo morr> closely related than the curves of the hybrid and the other parent, or the curves of the parent*. * 1 2 8 " S " " ! jj TTaTITiTiTi L cbalradooicuni .. i 1 1 1-Ji . . J.. 86 1 -iH^i . ,. 8 97 M" .Urrum 77 p rsni^L. 78. .96.. M. i -- - ,. U . . M MUttOH i ' .iii..ii.. Nitric acid: L. aUlojdoohmio uoj 99 * *' ( 1 1 !! . . 7397 .. 1 t -t.-..i M TV ", ' 96. 100 90l 100.. 100 100 1 lamlfcliaB L. UMMB... 1 ouxttdm : ' . ; :. 1 caadtdum L. ttr-uni M | j,a (HdflB 1 haiaoim " I'utaMtan mlplikle : L. cluUrnJonioum 99 . Ueutdidun. 93 97 . ft _ _* %. < j _a . .-.,.:... : r \ i . L. eUleedooicum 94 . 88 94 1 twUcmun -...,-. . L rtMOmdanfaMin 88 33 97 98 flBifauB Beytrto: L_ f^n^Ji^ym 26 46 M 99 1 ll>ii 87 8999 C'alrium nitrate: 24 96 99 I candidm 9 66 i '. I tectacmn 8 86 1 :,-,.:. ..,-. I' auKttdam 16 . 90 Ii twtotrroB 50 97 -V HM :..:> 54 Q8 1. *~r U.1 1 "** 16 ge Ti tle*am 99 CoUlt nitrate: . . . 10 W 99 90. . 97 - , T Ir nutdidam | tertaecam 7 73 Copfxr nitrate: 1. cUlndoaieam .. . . 86 90 87 99 Ii te*tecmai 87 98 < .;:. ' ..:.:. .. . M <- :, Ir. CMKttdam 8 . 86 Ii 1l1l HIM ', ! ' .... 8 71 .. 96 I mwliffinn 4 61 1 ' ill, , _ , 16 . . . 67 . . . . n 16 . 9698 , M. .: L. cUlcfdoafcoB ." M I. TlBlaiKIUIII 71 98 100 HISTOLOGIC PEOPERTIES AND REACTIONS. (2) In L. chalcedonicum in comparison with that of the other parent, the lower reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and temperature; the higher reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyro- gallic acid, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, and barium chloride ; and the same or practically the same with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydrox- ide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potas- sium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, and mercuric chloride. (3) In L. chalcedonicum the very high reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium io- dide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride ; the high reactions with polarization, gentian violet, safranin, and chloral hy- drate; and the moderate reactions with iodine and temperature. (4) In L. candidum the very high reactions with gentian violet, safranin, chromic acid, nitric acid, sul- phuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride ; the high reactions with polariza- tion, iodine, temperature, and barium chloride ; and the moderate reactions with chloral hydrate and pyrogallic acid. (5) In the hybrid, the very high reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hy- drochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt ni- trate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride ; the high reactions with polarization and barium chloride; and the moderate reactions with iodine, tem- perature, and pyrogallic acid. Following is a summary of the reaction-intensities: Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. L. chalcedonicum 20 4 2 20 4 2 o L. testaceum 21 2 3 o o 29. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF LILIUM PARDAIJNUM, L. PABRYI, AND L. BURBANKI. In the histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with the various chemical reag- ents all three starches exhibit properties in common in varying degrees of development, the sum of which in each case being characteristic of the starch. The starch of L. parryi in comparison with that of L. pardalinum con- tains less numbers of compound grains and aggregates, and the grains are less irregular. The hilum is slightly less eccentric. The lamellae are ICFS distinct, and less numerous, and there is an absence of a broad refractive lamella that is found in L. pardalinum. The sizes of the corresponding forms of the grains are distinctly less. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reactions there are some apparently minor differences. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, potassium hydroxide, cobalt nitrate, and cupric chloride various differences are recorded which seem to be of minor importance. The starch of the hybrid in comparison with the starches of the parents shows an absence of compound grains that are found in both parents; and the grains are more regular in form than in either parent. The hilum is less distinct, less often fissured, and less eccentric than in either parent. The lamellae are in general characters like those of the parents, but they are less numerous. The sizes of the correspond- ing forms of grains are about mid-intermediate between those of the parents. In the polariscopic and selenite reactions the relationship of the hybrid is closer to L. parryi, but in the qualitative reactions closer to L. pardalinum. In the qualitative reactions with the chemical reagents in the reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, potassium hydroxide, cobalt nitrate, and cupric chloride the relationship of the hybrid is closer to L. pardalium, but there are many instances of close- ness to the peculiarities of L. parryi, especially in the chloral-hydrate and chromic-acid reactions. The in- fluences of L. parryi are quite obvious, although, as- a whole, superseded by those of the other parent. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization: L. pardalinum, low to high, value 55. L. parryi, low to high, lower than in L. pardalinum, value 60. L. burbanki, low to high, the same as in L. parryi, value 50. Iodine: L. pardalinum, light to moderate, value 40. L. parryi, moderate, much higher than in L. pardalinum, value 55. L. burbanki, light to moderate, the same as in L. pardalinum, value 40. Gentian violet: L. pardalinum, moderate to deep, value 65. L. parryi, light to moderate, very much less than in L. pardalinum, value 40. L. burbanki, moderate, more than in L. parryi, value 45. Safranin : L. pardalinum, moderate to deep, value 65. L. parryi, light to moderate, very much less than in L. pardalinum, value 35. L. burbanki, light to moderate, more than in L. parryi, value 40. Temperature: L. pardalinum, in majority at 58 to 60.5, in all at 61 to 63, mean 62. L. parryi, in majority at 47 to 48.5, in all at 51 to 52, mean 51.5. L. burbanki, in majority at 64 to 66, in all at 67 to 68.5, mean 67.76. The reactivity of L. pardalinum is higher than that of the other parent in the polarization, gentian-violet, and safranin reactions ; and lower in the iodine and tem- perature reactions. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of L. pardalinum in the iodine reaction ; the same or practically the same as that of L. parryi in the polarization reaction ; lowest of the three in the temperature reaction ; and interme- diate in the gentian-violet and safranin reactions. The hybrid in the iodine and temperature reactions is closer to L. pardalinum than to L. parryi, but in the polariza- tion, gentian violet, and safranin reactions closer to the latter parent. Table A 29 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (sec- onds and minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Lilium pardalinum, L. parryi, and L. bur- banki, showing the quantitative differences in the be- havior toward different reagents at definite time-inter- vals. ( Charts D 373 to D 378.) These starches in common with the other lily starches are generally very sensitive to gelatinizing agents, but LILIl'M. 101 1 A BUI A M ' : 1 - 1 M p i 5 83 a i ; *i HMU ( hr.iinn- mod: I.. |nlaliiiuiii >rryi I. bur l*n Li Pyrocallir > 01 . 06. 46. 70. .01 - 06 M 07.. . - ,s 00 M 01 L. burbanLi 67 7 . . 80 ,.|.| I. |*pialmunt . . . 9 L. parryi . . . 07 I.. ljrl*nLi . . . M Sulphuric add: L. Daffrvi * I. burt*nLi .... ruchlorie add: 1, panialinum , M M L panyi . ... W * * L. burt*nki 93 PoUiuin hydroride: L. pardmlinum 00 L. burbanki M PoUMum iodide: L. pardalifium . 0A L. prn i L burUnki 88 . . 98 PoUanum Mlpooeyanate: L. pardalinum 07 L. parryi. ... 00 L. burUnki 06 M Potaaaum mlphMe: L. parryi ..00 L. burbanV. ... 04 Sodium hydroxide: L. boriwnki ... 00 L. pardalinum ... 08 I. paro-i . . . 08 L. burbanki ... 00 Sodium aalicylato: A I - ., 82 0600 L. burfaaoki . . . * Calcium nitrate: L. parryi . 82 | 07.. 07 00. . pg . . . . L. burbanki . 04 0S 00 Uranium nitrate: I. parrialinum 00 . L. parryi. - 00 .. L. burtianki s Strootium nitrate: 80 00 L. parryi 00 L. burbanki | /i Cobalt nitrate: L. pardalinum .... L. parryi .... 1*. burbanki -. :. 7 06. 00. M M. W. . 80 00 06 Copper nitrate: L. pardalinum L. parryi - H M . I- burbanki - 07 C'uiiric chloride: I., pardalioum .... I. parryi . L. burbanki ... Barium chloride: L. pardalinum 00 : - in 88. M H I : -. L. parryi . .... i .^ M L. burbanki .... 8 .... > ' . M Mercuric chloride: I., panlalinum . L. parryi 00 00.. U buri*nki 1 *- M. |W then it, on the whole, distinctly let* sensitivity than of any of the four preceding group*, particularhr a* re- gard* the hybrid. At a rule, however, the data are nut of much UM-fuluess excepting ia very few instaoca* for chart making. Gelatiniiation is'u*jri)..or j: cally complete in 15 to 30 second* jn'tfaY: w'itfi nitric aciu, sulphuric and, hydnVhloiu-'ii hydroxide, potassium iodide, potaanium lulphocyu potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, ami <H|IUIII ul- phidc. lii tin- reliction* with nitric and, hydrochloric H. id. potassium i...li,lr, potassium -ulj.li.., yunaU-, sodiuni hydroxide, and odium sulphide there are distiiu t indi- cations of lower reactivity of the hybrid than of Uie parent*. Gclatinization goea on very rapidly in all three starches during the first 1 to 3 minutes in the other reactions, so that in nearly all (excepting those with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, sodium salicylate, and cupric chloride) at least 90 per cent of the total starch is broken down within this period. In occasional in- stances the hybrid ia comparatively resistant, as in the reactions with chromic acid, uranium nitrate, tn>ntium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride, in some of whic -h the resistance is quite marked or only noticeable during the first minute. There are also suggestions of differences in the parents, L. pardalinum showing generally a marked tendency to greater resistance than L. parrvi. In these reactions the hybrid is generally distinctly closer to L. pardalinum than to the other parent, this being in accord with the findings ip the histologic and quantitative peculiarities, and in the light, color, and temperature reactions. Referring to the charts, it will be seen that all three curves in each reaction tend to be from close to very close, the parental curves run- ning together in five out of the six reactions, and the hybrid with the curves of L. parryi in the sodium-sali- cylate reactions. In all six charts the curves of L. parryi are higher than the curves of L. jxirryi in the reactions with chromic acid, cobalt nitrate, harium chloride, and mercuric chloride, keeping very close together, yet show- ing quite definite difference* in the reactions. The hybrid curve is intermediate in the chloral-hydrate reaction; distinctly the lowest in those with chromic acid, pyro- gallic acid, cobalt nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride; and nearly the same as L. parryi (at fir.-t inter- mediate) with sodium salicylate. There is in general a tendency to less reactivity of the hybrid than of the parents. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediatcness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 29 and Charts D 373 to D 378.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the iodine and calcium-nitrate reac- tions; the same as those of the pollen parent in the polarization reaction ; the same as those of both parents in the potassium hydroxide reaction, in which the reac- tions occur too rapidly for differentiation; intermediate in the reactions with gentian violet, safranin, chloral hy- drate, sulphuric acid, sodium salicylate, and barium chlo- ride ( in four being closer to those of the pollen parent, and in two closer to those of the seed parent) ; highest in none ; and lowest in those with temperature, chromic a. pi, pyrogallic arid, nitric acid, hydrochloric arid, po- tassium iodide, potanxium nulphocyanate, potaMium sul- phide. Kodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride (in nine being 102 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. closer to those of the seed parent, and in seven being as close to one; &s to 'the other parent). The following is' a' summary 'of th'e reaction-intensities: Same as seed parent, j?-j.8aiae as pollen parent, 1 ; same as both parents, :ii 'Jtiternte'dif.te; ft ;. highest, 0; lowest, 16. The seed parent has according to these data to a far greater degree than the other parent influenced the prop- erties of the starch of the hybrid. The tendency to low- est reactivity of the hybrid is even more conspicuous than the leanings to the seed parent. Intermediatenesa is fairly well marked. COMPOSITE CURVES OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Lilium pardalinum, L. parryi, and L. bur- banki. ( Chart E 29.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : (1) The generally very close correspondence of all three curves, the most noticeable variations in the case of the parents being in the reactions with gentian violet and aafranin; and of the hybrid with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, cobalt nitrate, barium chloride, and mer- curic chloride. There is no satisfactory differentiation of the three starches in the reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, and sodium sulphide ; there is no differentiation of the parents in the copper-nitrate reaction, and not a very marked differentiation in those with calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mer- curic chloride. The hybrid curve tends to be somewhat erratic, and inclining to keep low and even below the parental curves, this being especially noticeable in the reactions with temperature, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. With weaker reagents where the reactions occur with great rapidity, as in the nine reactions from nitric acid on to sodium sulphide, inclusive, this tendency would doubtless be made even more conspicuous. On the whole, the hy- brid curve is much more closely related to the curve of L. pardalinum than to that of L. parryi. (2) In L. pardalinum, in comparison with the other parent, the higher reactions with polarization, gentian violet, and saf ranin ; the lower with iodine, temperature, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, sodium aalicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride; and the same or practically the same reactions as those of the other parent with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hy- droxide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, and copper nitrate. (3) In L. pardalinum the very high reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt ni- trate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride; the high reactions with gentian violet, safranin, temperature, and chloral hydrate; the moderate reactions with polarization and iodine. (4) In L. parryi the very high reactions with tem- perature, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride, reac- tions ; the absence of a high reaction ; the moderate reac- tions with polarization, iodine, and gentian violet; and the low reaction with safranin. (5) In the hybrid the very high reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hy- droxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, po- tassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride; the high reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, cobalt nitrate, and barium chloride; the moderate reac- tions with polarization, gentian violet, safranin, and tem- perature ; and the low reactions with iodine and pyrogallic acid. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. L. pardalinum 20 4 2 L. parryi 22 3 1 L. burbanki 10 4 4 2 NOTES ON THE LILIES. The starches of the various species of lilies belong to the quick-reacting group and they are universally so rapidly gelatinized by nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydro- chloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, po- tassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, and sodium sulphide that satisfactory differ- entiation is not possible, excepting with reagents of different concentration from those used in this research. Even with most of the other chemical reagents, they often react so rapidly that convincing differential data are not obtainable with the concentrations employed. The only reagents in the concentrations used that are really useful are chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, sodium salicylate, cobalt nitrate, and barium chloride. But in the reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and temperature conclusive data were usually recorded. The hybrids tend in each ease to be more closely related in the sum total of their characters to one or the other parent, and with far less inclination to interme- diateness than to identical development or to excessive or deficient development beyond parental extremes. The tendency to exceed parental extremes is particularly well marked in the curve of L. burbanki, where there is shown a very distinct inclination to be below the lower of the parental curves. In the first and fourth groups, the hybrids are more closely related on the whole to the pollen parents; and in the second, third, and fifth groups to the seed parents. The general relationship of the I. II. 11 M IIUS. in:; hybrids to their respective parents in their quantitative ,oni an exhibited in tin- following summary, the figures being, however, of an absolutely tentative- charac- ter, because many of the reaction! recorded aa sameness are so only because the concentrations of the reagents were not adapted to elicit difference* of a positive chara Following ia a summary of the reaction-intensities: I. . Ui . , :., ... i . .,."" J J I 1 4 .1 1 I I 7 ', I I 7 '. I 1 4 4 10 The general picture presented by the five charts ia that of a ili iinit.- generic type, the curve* bearing clone relationahips in their courses; but with a tendency to variability in the reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, and pyrogallic acid, this latter indicating a marked iinilri -ular instability in relation to these special reag- ents. There ia not the leaat evidence of aubgeneric grouping such as waa found in certain other genera stud- ius being in accord with the findings in the pre- ceding research in which it was stated upon the basis of that preliminary work that the division of Lilium into the six subgenera noted ia probably botanically artificial. The curve* of Liiium martagon and its horticultural variety L. martagon album very closely coincide, the rurvi- of tin- former inclining, where satisfactory differ- ence* can be made out, to be somewhat lower than that of the former, aa in the reactions with polarization, iodine, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, cobalt nitrate, and barium i -blonde; and rarely higher, aa with safranin and chloral hydrate, the latter being the only one that ia important. It is of interest to note that in the fourth group L. rhalcedonicvm (subgenua Martagon) ia crossed with A. candidum (subgcims Kuliriini ), yielding L. Ir.iliii i mn . uhi. h latter is classed in the subgenua Martagon and in the same subdivision of the subgenua aa L. choice- donicum. In this research the hybrid shows in the sum total of its characters a closer relationship, aa a whole, to L. chalcedonicum than to the other parent. Thus, in the form of the grain, general character* 01 tin hilum, characters and arrangements of the lamella?, polariscopic figure, appearance* with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, qualitative reactions with the various chemical reagents, and quantitative reactions in tin- polarization, iodine, chloral-hydrate, and chromic- ai nl reactions it is i-l.i-.-r to L. chalcedonicum ; but in eccentricity of the hilum, size of the grains, and quanti- tative reactions with gentian violet, >afranin, pyrogallic tiltalt nitrate, cupric chloride, and barium chloride it is distinctly much closer to the other parent. Curi- ously, while the foregoing data, as a whole, indicate a much closer relationship of the hybrid to L. rhalcedom- rum, the composite curves indicate the contrary, but this contradiction may be explained upon the basis of inade- quate analysis with the chemical reagents, because of tin- great rapidity <>f many of the reactions. From the fore- going, qualitative data may be more important in the recognition and differentiation of sureties than quanti- tative data, although theoretically one ahould expect them to go hand in hand. 30. COMPARISONS or TIIK STARCHED OF luis IUKKICA. I. TBOJAJTA. AMD I. IHMAU. I n the histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, reactions with iodine, and quali- tative reactions with varioua chemical reagents, the starches of the parents and hybrid exhibit properties in common in varying degree* of development, the sum of which in each case is characteristic of the starch. The starch of In* iberica in comparison with that of /. trojana contains few aggregates, and more compound grains of more type* ; the grains are more irregular ; and flatten- ing of the distal end of elongated elliptical grains ia more common. The hilum is more distinct and more fre- quently fissured. The lamellae are coarser and more dia- tinct; more apt to be irregular, especially between the hilum and the distal margin, following in their course the curvature of the notch in the distal margin; and the number is larger. The common sizes are larger- longer and broader or longer and of the same width than in the other parent In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reactions there are a number of dif- ferences of an apparently minor character. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate there are various differences, probably for the most part unimportant The starch of the hybrid in comparison with the starches of the parents contains a less number of aggregates than in either parent; more compound grains than in /. iberica but leas than in 7. tro- jana; and the grains are much more irregular than in /. iberica and more irregular than in /. trojana. The hilum in character is more closely related to /. iberica, but in eccentricity to the other parent The lamella; are in character, arrangement, and number more closely re- lated to 7. iberica. The size is leas than in either parent, but closer to 7. iberica. In the degree of polariza- tion and qualitative iodine reactions the relationship ia closer to 7. iberica, but in the qualitative polarization and selenite reactions closed to the other parent. In i In- qualitative chemical reactions there are leaninga here and there to one or the other parent, but on the whole the relationships are much closer to 7. iberira. It is of interest to note that a feature of 7. iberica may be accen- tuated in the reactions of the hybrid. llrarlio-inlrn*iliri Krpret*fd by Light, Color, o*d Ttmfcrm lurr Kraction*. Polarisation: I. iberica, low to high, value 60. I. trojana. low to moderately high, lower than ia I. iberiea, value 4ft. I. iamali. low to moderately bib. lower than in either parent. value 40. Iodine: . iberica, liht to moderate, value 40. >trojana. moderate, deeper than in I. iberica. value SO. . iemali. lijht to moderate, tbe aame ae ia I. iberica, value 40 Gentian violet: . iberica. liflht to moderate, value 40. . trojana. moderate, deeper than in I iberiea, van* 60. . iemali. light to moderate, toe BUM at ia I. iberiea, value 40. 104 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. Saf ranin : I. iberica, moderate, value 45. I. trojana, moderate, deeper than in I. iberica, value 50. I. ismali, moderate, the same as in I. iberica, value 45. Temperature : I. iberica, in the majority at 69 to 70, in all at 71 to 72.5, mean 71.75. I. trojana, in the majority at 70 to 71.5, in all at 73.2 to 75, mean 72.1. I. ismali, in the majority at 69 to 71. in all at 72 to 74, mean 73. The reactivity of /. iberica is higher than that of the other parent in the polarization and temperature experi- ments, and lower in iodine, gentian-violet, and safraiiiu reactions. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of /. iberica in the iodine, gentian-violet, and safranin reactions; the lowest of the three in the polarization reaction; and intermediate be- tween those of the parents in the temperature reaction. The hybrid is nearer to /. iberica in the iodine, gentian- violet, and safranin reactions, nearer to the other parent in the polarization reactions, and intermediate in the temperature reaction. Table A 30 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Iris iberica, I. trojana, and /. ismali, show- ing the quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-intervals. (Charts D 379 to D 399.) The most conspicuous features of this group of curves are: (1) The closeness of all three curves, indicating not only a corresponding relationship of the parents, but also very little modification of parental peculiarities in the hybrid. As regards the latter, the tendency of the curve is to follow closely that of one or the other parent or be of some degree of intermediateness. The only instances where there seems to be a notable inclina- tion for separation of the curves are in the reactions with chloral hydrate, hydrochloric acid, sodium sulphide, cal- cium nitrate, and mercuric chloride; and with the ex- ception of the last the hybrid curve is between the parental curves and distinctly closer to the curve of one or the other parent. (2) The lower reactivity of I. iberica in comparison with the other parent with all of the chemical reagents (excepting in the very rapid sulphuric-acid and the very slow cobalt^nitrate and barium-chloride reactions, where the parental curves are practically absolutely the same), the absence of differentiation doubtless being due to the extreme slowness of gelatinization. (3) The variable position of the hybrid curve in relation to the parental curves in the various reactions, with a very definite tendency to iutermediateness or low- ness. In some of the reactions one of the three starches may at first be comparatively slow in reacting, followed by a comparatively rapid reaction, so that the relations of the curves are changed. This is seen in the pyrogallic- acid, strontium-nitrate, and copper-nitrate reactions, in which the hybrid curve is the lowest at the end of 5 min- utes and subsequently intermediate; in the calcium- nitrate reactions, where the curve of /. trojana is the low- est at 5 minutes and then the highest and well separated from the other curves ; and in uranium-nitrate reaction where the parental curves change their relative positions after 5 minutes. The sulphuric-acid chart shows nodiffer- entiation, but the figures at the end of 2 minutes indicate the order of reactivity as follows: I. trojana, I. ismali, and I. iberica, making the hybrid intermediate. The TABLE A 30. a 2 E CO s s S 5 S 8 S O 6 o Chloral hydrate: I. iberica 6 19 50 60 lit I. trojana 18 51 77 88 91 I. ismali 10 76 86 90 Chromic acid : I. iberica 70 00 97 99 I. trojana ?0 08 I. ismali 9 80 92 OH yy Pyrogallic acid: I. iberica 00 70 81 H6 (jy I. trojana ?8 77 81 90 I. ismali 16 75 HI c ,n; Nitric acid: I. iberica 58 71 77 81 84 I. trojana 70 86 00 u 58 75 8 9 HO 0S Sulphuric acid: I. iberica 85 90 I. trojana 98 99 I. ismali 91 97 Hydrochloric acid: I. iberica 53 61 77 81 Mi 7? 81 91) I. IMn.'ili 64 s ~ Potassium hydroxide: I. iberica 8?, 85 89 91 1)5 I. trojana 84 O 9 96 911 I. ismali 77 81 84 88 91 Potassium iodide: I. iberica 5' 68 78 86 I. trojana 58 81 U2 91 0-1 I. ismali 65 85 89 91 in Potassium sulphocyanate: I. iberica 84 90 97 I. trojana 88 95 98 I. ismali 8?, 93 97 Potassium sulphide: I. iberica 4 5 6 7 H I. trojana. . ft 11 16 H I. ismali 5 10 11 11 Sodium hydroxide: I. iberica 59 80 88 95 97 97 I. trojana 75 87 91 05 97 07 I. ismali 60 8? 94 96 98 08 Sodium sulphide: I. iberica 14 34 47 55 I. trojana 39 58 67 77 77 I. ismali 17 51 69 75 Sodium salicylate: 55 80 99 I. trojana 77 99 I . ismali 75 99 Calcium nitrate: I. iberica 13 30 45 54 to 7 66 71 75 79 I. ismali 19 48 54 Uranium nitrate: 10 ?0 75 I. trojana 5 75 3? 40 1 r > 19 48 54 IV Strontium nitrate: I. iberica 1? 48 67 78 80 69 80 86 88 10 50 68 80 sti Cobalt nitrate: 1, 4 ft 7 8 I. trojana \ 3 8 9 05 3 Copper nitrate: 1?, 19 50 54 61 16 75 70 76 81 4 54 60 61 Cupric chloride: 10 49 61 64 70 15 50 70 77 si 5 51 61 (is Barium chloride: 1 fi 9 10 11 1 ft 7 9 11 05 1 I 3 5 Mercuric chloride 3 11 15 99 5? 6 1ft .1?, 40 46 I. ismali . . 05 3 8 9 12 IHIS. 105 hybrid ami /. trojana curve* are practically absolutely the name and above tin- /. \lur\-, i i ur\r in the leactioni ith sodium italic) il with the parental i-ur\i-- in tin- reurtiuii with (Kitnvmim PII||P|HH yainr iir-: .livniii lute and then the highe.-' rev in the rekiiti.'h- with .-'.mini 1. . although there are but littledillerciuf-i ; and th- uul then intermediate in tin- r. .t. : ...:i- with j>..M--;uin i.~!i.|.-. tending to be close to the < urxe of I. lr,ij,ina. The In lin.l nine i lower than the tal .ime* in tin- i with potassium hydrox- i|>rn i hloride, cobalt uitrato, luinuni chloride, aiid chloride. although the < ..halt-nitrate and barium-chloride curve* are very little different from tin- nil . ur\r; and the highest throughout the 60 minute* in the uranium-nitrate reaction. (4) In very few reaction* ia there a marked period of early resistance followed by a comparatively rapid x' latiiu.atii.il. A hru-f jn-riod of early resistance of all i!ir. e starches is suggested by the curves of the strontium- nitru f one or the other parent or the hybrid in the reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic .uin nitrate, uranium nitrate, and copper ni- trate, especially in the last Tli<' earliest period during the 60 minute* at which the three curves are beat separated to differentiate i h< -Mr. hes varies with the different reagents. Approxi- mately. this period occurs within 5 minutes in the reac- tions with pyrogallic acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric ami, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium salicylate, uranium nitrate, and cop- IT nitrate; at 15 minutes with chromic acid, potassium hydroxide, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, and cupric chloride ; at the end of 30 minutes with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, potassium sulphide, and sodium sulphide; and at the end of 60 minutes with cobalt nitrate, barium ehloride, and mercuric chloride (with the last perhaps at the end of 30 to 45 minutes). REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. Tlu< Mftion treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 30 and Charts D 379 to D 399.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the iodine, gentian violet, and safranin reactions ; the same as those of the pollen parent with potassium iodide and sodium hydroxide; the same as those of both parents with potassium eulphocyanate and sodium hydroxide; intermediate with temperature, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitri. sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium sulphide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, and copper nitrate (in four being closer to the seed parent, in two being closer to the pollen parent, and in six bem_' mid-intermediate) ; the highest with uranium nitrate, and nearer that of the pollen parent; and the lowest with polarization, potassium hydroxide, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and men-uric chlori'l three being closer to the seed parent, in one closer to the pollen parent, and in two being as close to one as to the other parent). The following is a summary of reaction-intensities : Same as seed parent, 3 ; same as pollen parent, 2 ; same as both parents, 2 ; intermediate, 12 ; highest, 1 ; lowest, 6. It seems from the foregoing data that the seed parent has exercised much m-n- influence than the pollen parent on the characters of the starch of the hybrid. Apart from this the mott ...n- feature." are the marked tendency to intermcdiatencss and a ten.leiiey to lowness of the hybrid. COMPOSITE CDIVH op KEACTION-INTEWSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of /ru timed, /. trojana. and /. umali. (t 'hart The most conspicuous features of this chart are: (1) The closeness of all three curves, the parental .nrxe, ruiiinnj; no rl.-ely t-vtlirr aa to suggest very closely related species (/. iberica ia, however, relegated to Uncocyliu and /. trojana, to A pay on. well-separated subgenera of the rhizoiuatous series). (The grou; of the Irids by different botanists are by no means the same, and it is recognized as being questionable if the classification of the entire genus must not be reconstructed.) (2) The curve of /. iberica tends, with the exception of the polarization and temperature reactions, to be In-low that of /. trojana; but the differences are usually slight, and most marked in those with iodine, gentian violet, temperature, chloral hydrate, chromic and, |x>tassium sulphocyanate, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, cal- cium nitrate, uranium nitrate, copper nitrate, ciipru- chloride, and mercuric chloride. (3) The curve of the hybrid wavers in its parental relationships, sometimes being closer to one parent and at others to the other, with for the most part a tendency to sameness or intermediateness, occasionally above or below parental extremes. (4) In /. iberira, the very high reactions with sul- phuric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, and sodium sali- cylate; the high reactions with chromic acid and sodium hydroxide; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, temperature, pyrogallic acid, and potassium hydroxide; the low reactions with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper ni- trate, and cupric chloride; and the very low reactions with |M>tasMiim sulphide, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (5) In /. trojana, the very high reactions with sul- phuric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, and sodium sali- cylate; the high reactions with chromic acid and sodium hydroxide; the moderate reactions with polarization, io- dine, gentian violet, safranin, chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, and potassium iodide; the low reactions with temperature, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cop- per nitrate, and cupric chloride; and the very low reac- tions with potassium sulphide, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (6) In the hybrid, the very hij;h reactions with sul- phuric acid, potassium gulphocyanatc, and sodium salicyl- ate; the high reaction* with chromic acid and sodium hydroxide; the moderate reactions with polarization, io- dine, gentian violet, chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, potassium hydroxide, and potassium iodide; the low reactions with temperature, hydrochloric acid, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, trn tium nitrate, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride ; and the >w reactions with potassium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. Following is a summary of the reaction-intensities : Vcty !..." ii Mod- Low. Vry low. 1 ihvric* a 9 7 9 t I trojaaa a t 10 a 3 | 9 4 106 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. 31. CoMPAEISONS OF THE STARCHES OF IRIS IBERICA, I. CENGIALTI, AND I. DORAK. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reac- tions with selenite, reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with various chemical reagents, the starches of the parents and hybrid exhibit properties in common in varying degrees of development, the sum of which in each case is characteristic of the starch. The three starches are very much alike, and notwithstanding the very close resemblances of the parental starches the hybrid starch shows clearly evidence of biparental in- heritance. The starch of Iris iberica in comparison with that of /. cengialti contains more compound grains and aggregates, and there are two types of compound grains in the former that are not present in the latter; the grains are not quite so regular in form; and elongated elliptical grains are more common, but ovoid forms less common. The hilum is more distinct, less often fis- sured, and more eccentric. The lamellae are less dis- tinct, not quite so coarse, and more numerous. The size is somewhat less, with variations in ratio of length to width that are interesting. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative reactions there are various differences. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, hydro- chloric acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate, there are many differences and indi- vidualities, several of the latter being quite striking. The starch of the hybrid in comparison with the parental starches contains more compound grains and aggregates than in either parent, and the compounds are of the two types found in 7. iberica, but not in the other parent; the grains are less regular ihan in either parent. The relationship is on the whole distinctly closer to 7. iberica. The hilum in character is closer to 7. iberica, but in eccentricity to the other parent. The lamella? in charac- ter are closer to I. cengialti, but in number to 7. iberica. The size is somewhat less than in either parent, and, on the whole, closer to 7. cengialti. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reactions there are lean- ings here and there toward one or the other parent, but, on the whole, the relationship is much closer to 7. iberica. In the qualitative chemical reactions the latter statement holds with equal force. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization: I. iberica, low to high, value 50. I. cengialti, moderately high to high, higher than in I. iberica, value 60. I. clornk, low to high, the same as in I. iberica, value 50. Iodine: I. iberica, light to moderate, value 40. I. cengialti, moderate, deeper than in I. iberica, value 45. I. dorak, light to moderate, the same as in I. iberica, value 40. Gentian violet: I. iberica, light to moderate, value 40. I. cengialti, moderate, deeper than in I. iberica, value 45. I. dorak, moderate, deeper than in either parent, value 60. Safranin: I. iberica, moderate, value 45. I. cengialti, moderate, deeper than in I. iberica, value 60. I. dorak, moderate, the same as in I. cengialti, value 60. Temperature: I. iberica, in the majority at 69 to 70, in all at 71 to 72.6, mean 71.5". I. cengialti, in the majority at 70 to 72 mean, in all at 74 to 76, mean 75. I. dorak, in the majority at 68 to 70, in all at 70 to 72, mean 71 .5. The reactivity of 7. iberica is lower than that of the other parent in the polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and safranin reactions, and higher in the temperature reaction. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of 7. iberica in the reactions with polarization mid iodine; the same or practically the TABLE A 31. 6 e N 8 a * E <o a 6 a o n E U5 ^ S o co Chloral hydrate: I. iberica fi 19 in fin I. cengialti in 11 52 6 I. dorak. . . r> 17 33 44 Chromic acid: I. iberica 6 7n 90 97 I. cengialti in fii 90 95 I. dorak >9 Mi 95 97 Pyrogallic acid: I. iberica 09 79 81 86 4 15 71 78 I. dorak >n 70 85 91 Nitric acid: fw 73 77 81 I. cengialti 1 t'.i; 73 83 6i 78 81 04 Sulphuric acid: I. iberica 85 99 I. cengialti < 99 I. dorak 0? 99 Hydrochloric acid: 51 63 72 81 I. cengialti CO W 90 92 I. dorak . . . fin 2 92 Potassium hydroxide: s*> 81 89 93 I. cengialti 71 C 1 on 03 94 I. dcrak fill 80 86 on Potassium iodide : 5"> 08 78 86 CO "in > 86 91 93 I dorak 75 89 93 94 91 Potassium sulphocyanate: I. iberica 84 9n 97 HI 91 95 98 I. dorak 77 90 95 Potassium sulphide: I. iberica 4 1 fi 7 g S 4 5 in 10 I. dorak 4 fi 8 17 Sodium hydroxide: I. iberica 59 sn 88 95 97 97 *>0 74 S9 95 95 96 I. dorak G5 sn 9n 95 9 r 9fi Sodium sulphide: I. iberica 14 14 47 51 58 6 is GO 66 66 I. dorak 97 47 fin 60 70 Sodium salicylate: I. iberica 55 89 99 51 91 99 I. dorak 47 on 99 Calcium nitrate: I. iberica 13 in 45 11 fin A 41 19 fii (is I. dorak 14 9 8 43 fin 68 Uranium nitrate: in ^n 22 1 9 ? in ''n 11 Ifi I dorak B is 32 39 46 Strontium nitrate: i 9 is 67 7H HO I. cengialti i? 58 71 7H Sfi I. dorak >n 11 65 79 79 Cobalt nitrate: o 4 fi 7 8 I . cengialti i ? fi 6 7 ) 1 T 4 fi fi Copper nitrate: I. iberica I 9 19 50 51 61 I. cengialti in in 5n 57 fin I. dorak >n >8 5n 55 18 Cupric chloride: I. iberica in 4 61 04 7n > 15 51 fi 1 " c,s I. dorak is 5fi 64 Ofi 7n Barium chloride: i fi in n I. cengialti n 5 1 9 i r> I. dorak i 5 n 8 i? Mercuric chloride: I. iberica 7 11 15 ?? ?5 I. cengialti n5 ? 1 9 1? I. dorak 6 11 17 ?1 n I HIS. 107 Mine > that of the other parent in the saframn r- n and the higher of the three in tin.- lc mp< r.iture n . The hyhrnl i- i...ir,-r / i/'rnV.j than t.i /. rf/iyuj/fi ,u th.- polarization, iodine, and temperature react n>ii.-, but nearer the other parent in the gentian violet and tafranin Table A 31 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total staix-h gelatinized at definite mterrala mites). VELOCITY-REACTION CURTIS. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the -larches of lri* tbrrica, I. cmytaJti. and /. donk, >!i..wniir tin- i|ii.iniit.tti\c deferences in the behavior 1 dilTeri-nt reagents at definite time-intenraU. (Chart- D I"" [<> \> ! The most conspicuous features of this group of curvet are: ( 1 ) The closeness of all three curves, occasionally almost identical, indicating corresponding relationships <>f the parents and little modification of parental pecu- liarities in the hybrid. The hybrid curve relative to the parental curves shows marked variability in so far as it in.-s follows one or the other parent closely, or is the highest or the lowest or tends to intennediateness, as the case may be. The hybrid curve inclines to differ as much from the parental curves as the latter do from each other. The tendency to separation of the parental < ur\es is more marked in this group than in the previous pruup, and with the exception of the reactions with sul- phuric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sul- phide, sodium hydroxide, sodium salicylate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, and barium chlo- ride there is more .or less marked separation, with a tendency generally for two of the three curves to keep close, sometimes the two parental curves and at others one parental curve with the hybrid curve. In some of the reactions noted there is definite although unimportant separation, as in those with sodium salicylate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, and barium chloride. (?) The sameness or marked closencsj of the pa- rental curves in the reactions with chloral hydrate and chromic acid; the sameness or marked closeness of all three curves with sulphuric acid, potassium sulphocya- nate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sali- cylate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, and copper nitrate ; the sameness or marked closeness of the hybrid curve with one or the other parental curve with pyro- gallic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, calcium ni- trate, and mercuric chloride. (3) The varying positions of the hybrid curves in relation to the parental curves in the different reactions, and the marked tendency for the hybrid curves to be higher or lower than the parental curves with almost not the lea-t tendency to in termed lateness, ( I ) In a few instances there is evidence of a com- paratively marked early resistance of one or two or all three starches, as the case may be, as in I. iberica in the chloral-hydrate and /. iberica and /. cengialti in the chromic-acid reactions ; in /. cengialti in those with pyro- gallic acid, nitric acid, sodium sulphide, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride. This peculiarity, in so far as the parents are concerned, is therefore almost confined to /. cengialti. and it is not observed in the hybrid unless perhaps in the uranium nitrate reaction. (5) The earliest period during the 60 minutes at which the three curves are best separated to differentiate .irches varies with the different reagents. Ap; matfly, thix period occurs within 5 minutes in most of th<- r unhiding the reactions with pyrogallic acid, nitric arid, sulphuric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium lndrnde, sodium sul phide, .sodium sahcylaUs, calcium nitrate, in . trate, and copper nitrate; at the end of 15 minutes with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, hydrochloric acid, potas- sium iiKlide, strontium nitrate, an : and at the end of Oil minutes with potassium sulj cobalt nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chl. In some of these cases there is little or no prartic.nl dif ferentiation at these respective periods. KB-*. rKNHITlES Or TIIK HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, inUTmrdiatr-neat, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 31 and Charts D 400 to 1)420.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the name as those of the seed parent in the reactions with polariza iodine, sodium hydroxide, barium chloride, and mm uric chloride ; the same as those of the pollen parent in those with safranin, hydrochloric acid, and potassium sulphide . the same as those of both parents in the cobalt-nitrate reaction; intermediate in that with calcium nitrate, and closer to the seed parent; highest in those with gentian violet, temperature, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, potassium iodide, sodium sulphide, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride (in six being closer to the seed parent, in five closer to the pollen parent, and in one as close to one aii to the other parent) ; and lowest with chloral hydrate, potassium hydroxide, potassium sulphocyanate, and sodium salicylate (in one being closer to Uie seed parent, in two closer to the pollen parent, and in one as close to one as to the other parent). The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Same as seed parent, 5; same as pollen parent, :< . same as both parents, 2 ; intermediate, 1 ; highest, 1 1 . lowest, 4. The seed parent has apparently influenced to a moro marked extent than the pollen parent the properties of the starch of the hybrid. The sameness to the seed parent coupled with the tendency to cloaeneas to the aeed parent in the reactions in which the hybrid is in excess of the parents is quite marked. The tendency to the highest or lowest reactivity of the hybrid is quite conspic- uous, this being noted in more than half of the reactions. COMPOSITE CURVES or REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Iris iberica, I. cengialti, and /. dorak. (Chart E31.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are: ( 1 ) The marked closeness of all three curves through- out, there being no tendency in any reaction for a marked departure of any one curve from the other two. The curves are so close as to suggest either very closely re- lated species or mere varieties, the latter rather than the former. The species are, however, classed in different subgenera: 7. ib erica in Oneoeyeliu, and /. ungialli in I'ogoniru and Krgelia. I. cengiaiti is regarded as being probably a dwarf variety of 7. pallida, which it cloaely resembles. For the most part the differences in the curves fall within or close to the limits of error of experiment, so that little or nothing of importance can be gained from a critical comparison. At some points one parental curve is higher than the other; and the hybrid owv* courses with one or the other or both parental curves, here and there running above or below both. (2) In /. iberice, the very high reactions with sul- phuric ariil, potassium sulphocyanate, and sodium tah- cylate ; the high reactions with chromic acid and sodium 108 HISTOLOGIC PROPEETIES AND REACTIONS. hydroxide; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, temperature, pyrogallic acid, and potassium hydroxide; the low reactions with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper ni- trate, and cupric chloride; and the very low reactions with potassium sulphide, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (3) In /. cengialti, the very high reactions with sul- phuric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, and sodium sali- cylate ; the high reactions with polarization, chromic acid, and sodium hydroxide; the moderate reactions with io- dine, gentian violet, safranin, hydrochloric acid, potas- sium hydroxifle, and potassium iodide ; the low reactions with temperature, chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sodium sulphide, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride; and the very low reactions with potassium sulphide, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (4) In the hybrid, the very high reactions with sul- phuric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, and sodium salicylate; the high reactions with chromic acid and so- dium hydroxide; the moderate reactions with polariza- tion, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, temperature, pyro- gallic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, and potassium iodide ; the low reactions with chloral hydrate, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, stron- tium nitrate, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride; and the very low reactions with potassium sulphide, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. Following is a summary of the reaction-intensities: Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. I. iberica 3 2 7 9 5 I. cengialti 3 3 6 9 5 I. dorak 3 2 10 6 6 32. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF IRIS CEN- GIALTI, I. PALLIDA QUEEN OF MAY, AND I. MRS. ALAN GREY. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reac- tions with selenite and iodine, and with various chemi- cal reagents the starches of the parents and hybrid ex- hibit properties in common in varying degrees of de- velopment, the sum of which in each case is characteristic of the starch. Inasmuch as one of the parents is prob- ably merely a dwarf form of the other, but little difference is to be expected between either parents or parents and hybrid. The starch of I. cengialti in comparison with that of /. pallida queen of may contains fewer compound grains and aggregates ; the grains are less irregular, more rounded, but not so slender. The hilum when not fis- sured is more distinct; more often, more deeply and more extensively fissured; and the eccentricity is greater. The lamellae are usually not so distinct, coarser, and ex- hibit a notch corresponding to a notch in the distal margin that was not noted in 7. pallida queen of may. The size of the grains is somewhat larger. In the polari- scopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reactions many differences are recorded. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate various differ- ences are noted, some of them quite individual and dis- tinctive. The starch of the hybrid in comparison with the starches of the parents contains compound grains and aggregates in about the same numbers and of the same types as in 7. pallida queen of may; the grains are more regular than in either parent. In certain respects the form is closer to that of 7. cengialti, but in most features closer to that of the other parent. The hilum is in character closer to 7. pallida queen of may, but the eccentricity is greater than in either parent, yet closer to this parent. The lamellae are less distinct than in either parent, but they are in their general characters closer on the whole to 7. cengialti. The size is less than in either parent, but closer to 7. pallida queen of may. The polariscopic and selenite reactions are closer to those of 7. pallida queen of may, but the qualitative iodine reactions are closer to those of the other parent. In the qualitative reactions with the chemical reagents the hybrid is very much more closely related to 7. pallida queen of may. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization : I. cengialti, moderately high to high, value 60. I. pallida queen of may, low to high, lower than in I. cengialti, value SO. I. mra. alan grey, low to high, lower than in either parent, value 45. Iodine: I. cengialti, moderate, value 45. I. pallida queen of may, moderate, less than in I. cengialti, value 35. I. inr.H. alan grey, moderate, deeper than in either parent, value 50. Gentian violet: . I. cengialti, moderate, value 45. I. pallida queen of may, moderate, slightly deeper than in I. cen- gialti, value 48. I. inrs. alan grey, light to moderate, less than in either parent, value 40. Safranin: I. cengialti, moderate, value 60. I. pallida queen of may, moderate, slightly deeper than in I. cen- gialti, value 52. I. mra. alan grey, moderate, less than in either parent, value 45. Temperature: I. cengialti, in the majority at 70 to 72, in all at 74 to 76, mean 75. I. pallida queen of may, in the majority at 71 to 73, in all at 75 to 75.8, mean 75.4. I. mrs. alan grey, in the majority at 69 to 70, in all at 73 to 74.6, mean 73.75. The reactivity of 7. cengialti is higher than that of the other parent in the reactions with polarization, iodine, and temperature; and lower with gentian violet and safranin. With the exception of the first two the differences are small, and in the case of temperature probably within the limits of error. The reactivity of the hybrid is the lowest of the three in the polarization, gentian-violet, safranin, and temperature reactions, and the highest of the three in the iodine reactions. The hybrid is closer to 7. cengialti than to that of the other parent in the iodine, gentian-violet, safranin, and temp- erature reactions, but the reverse in polarization reactions. Table A 32 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of 7m cengialti, I. pallida queen of may, and 7. mrs. alan grey, showing the quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time- intervals. (Charts D 421 to D 441.) The most conspicuous features of this group of charts are: (1) The closeness of all three curves, with the ex- ception of the chloral-hydrate reaction, in which the curves markedly diverge after the first 5 minutes. Ex- cepting the reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, potassium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, and barium chloride, there is sufficient separation of the curves, one or more, to permit of more or less satisfactory differentiation. It is of particular interest to note that the parental curves tend to a more marked closeness than does the IHIS. tog 1 A i r A J - e i Chloral hv.lr.tr tatti I. pallid* quern of may . . 10 I . 34 is '. . M M I. inm alati rry 14 72 06 00 Chromic arid: sJsM 1 pallid* quvon of may . . . 10 *, 83 40 00 f) 95 08 00 'i- I mm alnn (rry 6 87 M Of .> Pyrogallir > 1. eMMP*Jti 48 7 78 84 I. paltki* queen of may 10 67 84 02 al*n grey ft 11 , 66 78 I. eeagialti 12 M 73 . e 00 I. pallid* qiMra of may I mm alan jrr-. 1 63 : - : 81 * i Sulphurir :. I. rrncialli - 90 I. pallid* que*n of may W M I. mn. alan grry | OB .l.l..nr arid: I. crncialtl 8O - u 03 I. pallid* queen of may. | | R4 M I mm alan (Try TO r 78 -. 86 PotaMium hydroxide I. emcialti 78 s" 01 04 I. p*llid* queen of may 77 M K 01 03 I. mra. alan grey , , - 1 -i -s 00 Potaawum iodkU: I. crngialti 80 - j 01 03 I. pallid* queen of may . | 78 j J 00 I. mrm. alan rry r - i 77 81 83 Potamum eulphoeyanate: I. eangialti 81 01 08 08 I. pallid* queen of may . 75 J 08 06 I. mn. alan grey M 77 00 01 Polaawum aulphide: I. cetun<i I 4 ft 10 10 I. pallid* queen of may f f 10 10 I. mra. alan grey 1 f A 6 Rnrliiim tivrlmiirU- Lcencialti I. pallid* queen of may . . I. mra. alan grey Sodium Bulpbide: I. esaguUU 80 M 45 74 78 64 fl SO 00 75 48 08 02 00 60 08 05 03 66 06 M 04 66 1? :,, M -'. 62 I. mra. alan grey 7 n 11 40 52 Sodium aalicytate: 1 -.-.. .... 55 5 00 I. pallid* queen of may . Ml r, I. mra. alan gray i- 00 Calcium nitrate: I (M.lfll'll A 41 80 68 I. pallida queen of may 7 i 80 ,. 60 I mra. alan grey 10 76 Aft ! 50 Cranium nitimU: I. craxialli 2 10 (J n 36 I. pallid* queen of may 20 I. mn. alan grey 7 7 1? 1 24 Strontium nitrate: I. eragialU 17 58 71 78 86 I nalli<k nueen of mar 68 I. mra. alan grey. Cobalt nitrate: I --^ninslii 8 1 23 2 43 ft 50 A 55 7 I. pailida queen of may 5 I 1 3 I. mra. alan grey 5 ] 2 3 Copper nitrate: I. erncialti .... I. pailida queen of may . . . 2 H ,. 87 . 60 51 I. mra. alan gray ft " n 31 Cupric chloride: I. -ngi*lti 7 ft 88 67 68 I. pailida queen of may. . A 9 4ft 60 63 I. mn. *lan grey t 7 44 48 Barium chloride: I. crrupal'i 5 1 2 f 6 I. pailida quean of may.. 7 1 4 | I. mra. alan grey Mercuric chloride: I. cengialti I. pailida queen of may I. mra. alan gray 1 5 5 > > 5 1 3 1 4 9 4 8 \ 4 ( tin- hybrid to either parent or to intermediate- nwa. In fact, there in an infliiiatimi f. r :!n- parental * to be paired m th.-ir courae and for t < hybrid to be distinctly above or below the parental curves. In tin- chromic ncnl nrti<>na there ii well-mrk<-.| m- Imtciu'M of tin- hybrid, an. I in those with potas- wum, iodine, aodium ul|ihid<*. and cupnc rhl<>nd<- transient fatonMdfafcBMi during the first 5 minntea; Inn in this group, with the ex|.ii..n <( the potassium iodide reaction, tin- difTeranoea in the curves of the three starches are (light and fall within the limits of error of experiment (2) The lower reactivity of /. ctngtalli in compari- son with the other parent in the reactions with chloral hydrate and sodium salicvlat.-; the higher reactivities in those with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, potassium io- dide, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, and copper nitraU-; the name or nearly the name rea-tmtie* with hydrochloric acid, potaMium hydroxide, potassium sul- phocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, cslcium nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride; and the same reactivities also with nitric arid, sulphuric acid, potassium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, and barium chloride, in which the reactivities of all three starches are the same or practically the same. (3) The curves of the hybrid bear varying relations to the parental curves. The absence of sameness in any instance to the seed parent, the slni<'.-t entire ttlisence of inarmed iatenefw of the curve, and the \ery marked ten- dency to the curve being the highest or lowest of the three are very striking. This low tendency is a most interesting peculiarity considering- the very close rela- tionship of the parents, and it recalls the same l.ut more marked peculiarity of the hybrids of the well- separated parents Amaryllis btlladonna and Brunsi-igia josephina. (4) In a few reactions there is evidence of an early period of resistance, and this may I* noticeable in regard to one or more of three starches in any reaction. This resistance is seen in all three starches in the reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, strontium nitrate, and cupric chloride; with /. ctn- gialli in the sodium-sulphide reaction ; with both parents in that with calcium nitrate; and with the hybrid in that with cupric chloride particularly. (5) The earliest period during the 60 minute* at which the three curves are best separated to differentiate the starches varies with the different reagents. Approxi- mately, this period occurs within 5 minutes in the reac- tions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, potassium hydrox- ide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate reactions; at 15 min- utes with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, and strontium nitrate ; at 30 minutes with copper nitrate and cupric chloride ; and at 60 minutes with potassium sul- phide, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. In a number of cases the assign- ment is very questionable, so that the classification most be looked upon as having merely a tentative value. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HTMJD. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the liybrid as regards ismeneas, intermediateneas, excess, and in relation tn the parents. (Table A 32 and Charts D 421 to D 4-1 1 > The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in no reaction ; the same aa those of the pollen parent in that with cobalt nitrate ; the same as those of both parents in those with nitric acid, sul- phuric acid, and barium chloride, in all of which the 110 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. progress of gelatinization is too fast or too slow for differentiation; intermediate with chromic acid, and closer to that of the seed parent; highest with iodine, temperature, chloral hydrate, and sodium salicylate (in one being nearer the seed parent, and in three nearer the pollen parent) ; and lowest with polarization, gentian violet, safranin, pyrogallic acid, hydrochloric acid, po- tassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulpho- cyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride (in five being closer to the seed parent, in nine closer to the pollen parent, and in three being as close to one as to the other parent). The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties : Same as seed parent, ; same as pollen parent, 1 ; same as both parents, 3; intermediate, 1; highest, 3; lowest, 17. Three features stand out most conspicuously: the more marked influence of the pollen parent on the proper- ties of the starch of the hybrid, the remarkably strong tendency for the curve of the hybrid to be above or below the curves of the parents, especially to be below, and the almost entire absence of intermediateness. COMPOSITE CURVE OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curve of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Iris cengialti, I. pallida queen of may, and I. mrs. alan grey. (Chart E 32.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : (1) The closeness of all three curves, excepting in the reactions with chloral hydrate, calcium nitrate, ura- nium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride, in all of which, excepting the first, the separation is within comparatively narrow limits, and in all the separation is due in a large measure or solely to the hybrid curve going above or falling below the parental values, a tendency that was also recorded in the histologic and qualitative peculiarities and the reac- tion-intensities expressed by light, color, and temperature reactions of this summary. (2) The curve of Zrts cengialti tends to be higher than that of /. pallida queen of may in the reactions with polarization, iodine, temperature, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, potassium iodide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride; lower with gentian violet, safranin, chloral hydrate, and pyrogallic acid; and the same or practically the same with chromic acid, sulphuric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hy- droxide, sodium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. In several of the reactions where the curves differ they are so close as to be probably within the limits of error of experiment, as in the reactions with temperature, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride. Charts D 421 to D 441 are to be taken with these data in determining differences in reactivity, but the differences will doubt- less t>e found to hold excepting for slight variations. (3) The curve of the hybrid is variable in its relations to the parental curves, commonly exhibiting either an inclination to be the same as the curve of one or both parents or to be above or below, but not to intermediate- ness. In Chart D 442 in the chromic-acid reactions there was definite intermediateness up to the 45-minute rec- ord, and there were also transient intermediate tendencies in other reactions (see preceding section) ; but these are not apparent in this chart, owing to inherent defects of construction. (4) In 7. cengialli, the very high reactions with sulphuric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, and sodium salicylate ; the high reactions with polarization, chromic acid, and sodium hydroxide; the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, hydrochloric acid, potas- sium hydroxide, and potassium iodide ; the low reactions with temperature, chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sodium sulphide, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride; and the very low reactions with potassium sulphide, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (5) In I. pallida, queen of may the very high reac- tions with sulphuric acid and sodium salicylate ; the high reactions with polarization, chromic acid, potassium sul- phocyanate, and sodium hydroxide; the moderate reac- tions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, and potassium iodide; the low reactions with temperature, chloral hy- drate, pyrogallic acid, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride; and the very low reactions with potassium sulphide, ura- nium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, barium chloride, and mer- curic chloride. (6) In the hybrid, the very high reactions with sulphuric acid and sodium salicylate ; the high reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, potassium sulpho- cyanate, and sodium hydroxide reactions; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, safra- nin, and potassium hydroxide ; the low reactions with tem- perature, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, and strontium nitrate ; and the very low reactions with potas- sium sulphide, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. Following is a summary of the reaction-intensities: Very high. High. Mod- crate. Low. Very low. I. cenginlti I. pallida queen of may 3 2 2 4 7 7 9 g 6 5 2 4 5 g 7 33. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF IRIS PERSICA VAR. PURPUREA, I. SINDJARENSIS, AND I. PURSIND. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reac- tions with selenite, reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with the various chemical reagents all throe starches exhibit properties in common in varying degrees of development, the sum of which in case of each starch is distinctive of the starch. The starch of Iris sind- jarensis in comparison with that of 7. persira var. pur- purea contains many more compound grains, all of the same types but in different proportions ; and the grains are much more regular in form. The hilum is not so often or so deeply and extensively fissured; there is an ab- sence of a single fissure in compound grains which passes through nil of thn hila, as was noted in the othor parent; and eccentricity is usually greater. The lamellae are not so coarse and are more regular, and the number is larger. The size is smaller. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reactions there are various differences. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, hydro- chloric acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, sodium salicylate, and mercuric chloride there are also many differences which on the whole definitely individualize each parent. The starch of the hybrid in comparison with the starches of the parents contains a less number IIU.V 111 of coin|Miunil ^raiii.-. than in cither parent; irregularity i- iiittTine.li.it.-: and. on the whole, the resembUnces are ili.-tinctly eloM-r to /. peniea var. purpurea. The hilum in i harm t.-r is closer to /. peniea var. purpurea, hut in .-I-, cntr . r to /. sirnljarrn.fi*. The lamella* in ch.ir.n I.T ami nuiuher are closer to /. peniea var. purjiurta. T: :< closer to /. sindjarensi* I:, the |>olariscopic and selenite reactions the relationship )g closer to /. peniea var. purpurea, but in the qualitative i. "line reactions closer to /. rindjarentu. In the quali- tative reactions with the chemical reagents the le;i to one IT the other parent are numerous and marked, : the whole mm h more to 7. peniea var. purpurea than to tin- other parent; moreover, a feature that is characteristic of om- (parent may be accentuated in the hyhnd. th IMMUJJ noted especiallv in the reactions with sodium liMlroxiili- and sodium saficylate. * intrntttHt KffrtMtd by l.igkt. Color, mnd Temper*- tun ~ Polarisation: I. per v. pur., moderately hich to very Ugh. rmlu 70. I. aindjarenale. moderately h%h to very bich. hihf than in I. peniea var. purpurea. value 76. I. puraind. moderately hicb to hich. lower than in either parent. value 06. Iodine: I i~r. v. pur., moderate, value 66. 1. Mudjaroaie. moderate. lee than in I. peniea var. purpurea. value 60. 1 i-unind. moderate, the eame a* in I. aindjarenaU. value 60. in violet: I. per. v. pur., moderate, value 46. I. aindjarenefe. moderate, leai than in I. peniea var. purpurea. value 43. rwid, light to moderate, leei than in either parent, value 40. tiafranin: 1 |wr. v. pur., moderate, value 60. I. nndjarenaia. moderate, laaa than in I. peniea var. purpurea. value 47. I. puraiod. moderate, leae than in either parent, value 46. Temperature: 1. per. v. pur., in the majority at 4 to 06*. in all at 08 to 70*. mean 00*. I undjarenan. in the majority at 03.5 to 65*. in all at 00 to 07*. meanOO.6*. I. puraind. in the majority at 64.6 to 00. in all at 08 to 70, mean 00*. The reactivity of /. peniea var. purpurea is higher than tint of the other parent in the iodine, gentian violet, and saf ranin reactions, and lower in the polarization and t- ni|terature reactions. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of /. peniea var. purpurea in the temperature reaction; the same or practically the same as that of /. tindjaretuit in the iodine reaction ; and the lowest of the three in the polar- ization, gentian violet, and safrauin reactions. The hy- brid is closer to /. peniea var. purpurea than to the - parent in the polarization and temperature reac- : and the reverse in the iodine, gentian violet, and saf ran in reactions. Table A 33 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of 7rw peniea var. purpurea, I. tindjarentis, aud /. punind. showing the quantitative difference* in the behavior toward different reagenta at different time- interval*. ( Charts D 442 to D 4 68. ) The most conspicuous features of this group of curves are: ( 1 ) The marked closeness of all three curves throughout the various reactions, the only reaction in which there is a marked tendency to continually in- creasing differentiation during the 60 minutes being 1 .1 . A3 1. 1 i M I A e .. ft 1 * t 9 i 8 . U ,,1 fc !-,. I. per. v. pur I. atodjareoaia 1. punind 1 1 1 30 It 16 K M ". M mkadd: I. per. v. par :; :: 1 M i . - 91 M M 7 97 M Pyracallie acid: I. par. r. pur i , I. aindjareoafa ( IrM**e^eu4 - Nitric acid: I. par. v. pur. I. eindjarenei. | I. punind Sulphuric acid: I. per. v. pur H 1 I. aindjarenafa. . . . 07 f 1. pumnd 90 im llyurnrhloric acid: I. per. v. pur | Ofl H I. aindjareoau. . i n I. punind M 99 Potaaantm hydroxide: I. par. v. pur... -i <,. H I. aindjareneie. | .- 99 I. punind | ., 99 Putaeaium iriiiifii' I. per. v. pur | IM 99 I. iinljiiiiiali | , I. punind u Potaaaium eulpbocyanate: I. per. v. pur -.- r I. eindjareoaia M 99 I. punind ',, 99 PoUeeium eulphide: I. per. v. par. ... 1 14 I. eindjarenau . 17 40 4fl I. punind i i. J' i .iilan mt 1. OOanm ^MW*MOT. I. per. v. pur. .. . 07 M . , I. aindjaranak M M I. punind 97 .,., Sodium eulphide: I. per. v. pur US I. aindjarenaia 90 H * * 7T 86 H Sodium aalicylate: I. per. v. pur . 77 Mi 7S ,, I. aindjarenaia l> 47 70 ., I. punind If n Calcium nitrate: I. per. v. pur. ... I. aindjarenaie - ! '. -. 90 M 96 90 07 I punind . H 90 96 Uranium nitrate: I. per. v. par |. Ml -i 96 07 I nndjareoei* |7 | 96 07 Oft Iaieul 17 ... 90 90 u Strontium nitrate: I. per. v. pur 1 M M I. eindjareoaii H M I. punind M 90 Cobalt nitrate: 4 M 41 44 I, aindjareoeu i 40 | 61 I. punind i M 43 44 Copper nitrate: I. per. v. pur i . 97 9H m M I. punind .. i p. ii . 99 Cuprie chloride: I. prr. v. pur I. aindjarenaM I. punind n - i - - M 99 Barium chloride: M A i 47 I. aindjareniM I |..irin.t 7 7 7 i - II Mercuric ehfervlr I. par. v. par .... 77 |t& M M 99 I ' M n . 112 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. in that with barium chloride. In all other instances the most marked differentiation is noted early in the reactions, with an inclination for the differences to become less during the progress of the reactions. In many instances the curves are so close as not to permit of satisfactory differentiation, unless it be within the first 5 minutes, as in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, sodium sul- phide, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride; in others there may be as good or better differentiation at a later period, as in the reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium sul- phide, sodium salicylate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, and barium chloride. Gelatinization occurs with such speed in the reactions with potassium sulphocyanate and sodium hydroxide as to render satisfactory differentiation impossible. (2) The higher reactivity of 7. persica var. purpurea than of the other parent in the reactions with chloral hydrate, sodium salicylate, and calcium nitrate ; the lower reactivity with chromic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, potassium sulphide, sodium sulphide, uranium nitrate, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride; and the same or practically the same reactivity with pyrogallic acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, and cupric chloride. In some of the reactions where the curve is higher or lower the differences are unimportant and probably fall within the limits of error of experiment. (3) The variable position of the hybrid curve in rela- tion to one or both parental curves. There is a distinct tendency to intermediateness, and one also equally strong for the curve of the hybrid to be above or below the parental curves. (4) There is an entire absence of any marked ten- dency to a period of early resistance followed by rapid reaction. There are mere suggestions of such resistance as, for instance, in I. persica var. purpurea and the hybrid in the chromic-acid and uranium-nitrate reactions ; and of 7. sindjarensis in the sodium-salicylate reaction. (5) The earliest period during the 60 minutes at which the three curves are best separated to differen- tiate the starches varies with the different reagents. Approximately, this period occurs within 5 minutes in the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium suphocyanate, sodium hy- droxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chlo- ride, and mercuric chloride; at 15 minutes with chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, uranium nitrate, and cobalt nitrate ; and at 60 minutes with barium chloride. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 33 and Charts D 442 to D 462.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent with temperature, potassium sulphide, and cobalt nitrate; the same as those of the pollen parent with iodine and sulphuric acid; the same as those of both parents in the reactions with chromic acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulpho- cyanate, and sodium hydroxide; intermediate with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, sodium sulphide, uranium nitrate, and strontium nitrate (in one being closer to the seed parent, in two closer to the pollen parent, and in two mid-intermediate) ; highest with pyrogallic acid, potassium hydroxide, sodium salicylate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride (in two being closer to the seed parent, in two closer to the pollen parent, and in one as close to one as to the other parent) ; and lowest with the polarization, gentian violet, safranin, calcium nitrate, copper nitrate, and barium chloride (in four being closer to the seed parent, and in two closer to the pollen parent) . The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties : Same as seed parent, 3 ; same as pollen parent, 2 ; same as both parents, 5; intermediate, 5; highest, 5; lowest, 6. The influences of the seed and pollen parents seem to be about equal, slightly in favor of the former. Inter- mediateness is recorded in about one-fifth of the reac- tions, and highness and lowness in about two-fifths. COMPOSITE CURVES OF EEACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Iris persica var. purpura, I. sindjarensis, and 7. pursind. (Chart E 33.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : ( 1 ) The marked closeness of all three curves through- out, the most noticeable differences being in the reac- tions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, temperature, potassium hydroxide, uranium nitrate, cupric chloride, and barium chloride. In all other reac- tions (17 out of 26) the curves are nearly or practically identical, their closeness indicating very closely related parental species, or more likely varieties. (2) The curve of 7. persica var. purpurea tends to be lower than that of the other parent in the reactions with polarization, temperature, sulphuric acid, potassium sulphide, uranium nitrate, cupric chloride, and barium chloride ; higher with iodine, gentian violet, and safranin ; and the same or practically the same with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, so- dium salicylate, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, and mercuric chloride. (3) The curve of the hybrid follows very closely the curves of the parents, it being closer to or identical with the curve of one or the other, or identical with both. (4) In 7. persica var. purpurea the very high reac- tions with pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric arid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sul- phide reactions; the high reactions with polarization, chromic acid, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and meruric chloride ; the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, temperature; and the very low reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, and barium chloride. IRIS. 113 tmijarrnfu the very high reactions with pyrogalln in ill, nitru- acid, sulphuric ami, h\dr. hluru- potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulpha yanatc. wdhUB hydroxide, sodium sulphide, and c-ujirn- i-lili>riil-; tin- high reactions with polarization, clirni: ilium .-alleviate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate. strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, and mercuric chloride ; tlu> miMlerate reactions with iodine, gentian \mlit. -afniinn, HIU! tein|M-rature ; the low reactions with cobalt nitrate nml tximim elilnride reactions ; and the very low with rhloral hydrate and potassium sulphide. ' vl.rid the very high renetioiis with |i gallic aenl. ni!- -ulphnric a> id. hydrochloric acid, potajwiiini hydroxide. |>..tn-.-itiin ii-dide, [mta-Miim sul- I'h \nimte, sodium hydroxide, and sodium sulphide ; the high wnh polari/Htion, ehrniiiie acid, MM! in in JIM nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, enp|>er nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride: the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian VIM], -i, .safranin, and temperature; and the very low reac- tions with chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, cobalt. nitrate, and barium -blonde. lowing is a summary of the reaction-intensities: Very hich. Hich M ! crmtiv Low. Very low. I. pmifm vr purpnrm 9 9 4 0- 4 kiwh 10 8 4 2 2 i 9 9 4 4 NOTES ON TUB TRIBES. Among the very striking features of the four charts are: The closeness of all three curves in each chart and the wavering relationship of the hybrid curve to one or the other or both parental curves, occasionally going or below parental extremes in Charts E 30, E 31, and E 33, and frequently (15 out of 26 reactions) in Chart K 32 ; the close correspondence of the curves of the three sets of rhizomatous irids (Charts E 30, 31, and E 32 ) ; and the very definite differentiation of the - of the rhizomatous and tuberous series. In the first set the cross is between members of the rabgenera Oeocyclut and A pagan; in the second set, between members of the subgenera Ococyclvt and Pogo- nirif and Regelia; in the third set, between members of ubgenus Pogonirit and Rtgelia; and in the fourth ."t. between members of the subgentu Juno. In the three sets of rhizomatous irids the curves are so nearly alike as to suggest that the snbgeneric division of Ha>- sellirin;: referred to in Part II is botanically largely artificial, and that the primary division into rhiznmaton* and tuberous groups is well founded in expressing funda- mental botanical differentiation. Although only one set of tuberous irises wu studied in detail in this research, cursory investigations were made with other members of this series (including /. hixlrio Reichb., /. tingitiana Bows and Rent., /. rtlifvlaia M. Bieb.. I. alata PoTr., and nojrira Hoffm. ; the firrt three belonging to the rob- - Xiphion and the last two to the subgenus Juno), in all of which the reactions were in cloae correspondence with those of this set In the previnn research with irid starches it was found that the members of the rhizo- 8 matous aeries have in comparison with those of the tuber- ous series, beaidea different ln-tol..-,, |,r..|Ttie, a lower degree of polarization, lower reactivities with iodine, higher rcaetiuthv with gentian violet anil nafranin, and di-tmctly higher tcm|>eraturva of gelatnn < 'wing t.. ini|>n)|)er strengths of the reagents, evidence waa not recorded that is satisfactory to differentiate the tarchea then Mudied; hut there was clear c of grouping of the two series, the members of the rhizomatnus serial having, as a whole, higher reactivities with chlorn drate and chromic acid, and lower reactivities with chloride and 1'urdy's solution. These results t ai'eurd with tlnw< of the prvw-nt n-w-areh, there U-m^ in the rhizomatouM sericti mean lower rca< ti\itte t . with |Mila- rization and iixlinc, higher n-activitii-s with gentian Molet and nafranin, higher t. ni|-rature of geiatinizatimi. higher reactivity with chloral hydrate, the Bane or a tendency to a higher reactivity with < hnnnic aeid, and a lower reactivity with potassium hydroxide. The types of curves of the rhizomatous and tuberous irids, respectively, differ chiefly in the relative townees of the rhizomatous curve in the reactions with pyrogallic aeid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potamium iodide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, copper nitrate, tupric chloride, and mercuric chloride, and the highness in thoae with chloral hydrate and sodium oalicylate. I'rohahly among the irids will he found MUIIC -j>e<-ie< or hylirid that will, as in case of the crinums, bridge the two Aerie*. Owing to the almost invariable closeness of the three curves in each set, opportunity is rarely afforded for a satisfactory study of the relationships of the hybrid to one or the other or both parent*. It will be seen by the following summary, the figures of which are to be taken as having only tentative values, that the different hy- brids vary in their parental relationships, especially in their intermediate, highest, and lowest records. The following i* a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties of the hybrids as regards sameness, inli run ilinlintm, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents: i : I 1 ': i 1 a - i = I I. tawli 3 a a 19 i A I. dorak . . ft > ? 1 H 4 i t 1 9 17 I. minind S i i & K The differences in the reactive-intensities of the rhi- zomatous and tuberous series are indicated in the fol- lowing table: M: .. mrim: I. ib*rk4fDJuM-hmaU ..... I. iUricB-wwfaltf-Oonk . . . I. Mnialli-(MUlid*-inra. gny TubvixM MTM: Vy Hich. a 31 3J 8.7 Mod- 8.7 83 9.7 Low. 7.7 IS 0.7 47 * a.7 I.I 114 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. 34. COMPABISONS OF THE STARCHES OF GLADIOLUS CARDINALIS, G. TRISTIS, AND G. COLVILLEI. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reac- tions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with chemical reagents the parents and the hybrid exhibit properties in common in varying degrees of development and also individualities which collectively are in each case distinctive, although the starches show characters in general that are closely akin. The starch of Gladiolus tristis in comparison with that of G. cardinalis exhibits as prominent differences certain peculiarities of the aggregates and an absence of a type of compound grain that is found, and the pres- ence of another type of compound grain that is not found in G. cardinalis; and sharply defined pressure facets are more common. The hilum is less distinct ; an irregular cavity at the hilum is often larger and more irregular; fissuration is more common ; and eccentricity is greater. The lamellae are less distinct and numerous. The size of the grains is less. In the polariscopic, selenite, and quali- tative iodine reactions there are many differences which seemingly are of a minor character, yet which collec- tively are quite diagnostic. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate there are many differences, mostly minor, some individualizing one or the other parent. The starch of the hybrid in com- parison with the starches of the parents contains certain compound grains similar to a type found only in G. car- dinalis and also a linear type of aggregate that is found only in G. tristis. There are many minor differences, but the grains are on the whole more closely related to those of G. cardinalis. The hilum exhibits more numer- ous clefts and the fissuration is more varied than in either parent ; eccentricity is about the same as in G. tristis and greater than in G. cardinalis; but in general characters the hilum is more like that of G. cardinalis. The lamellae in character are mid-intermediate, but the number is in excess of the numbers in the parents. The size is closer to that of G. tristis. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reactions there are leanings to one or the other parent, but the relationship is on the whole much closer to G. cardinalis. In the qualitative chemi- cal reactions there are corresponding leanings and relationships. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarisation: G. cardinalis, high to very high, much higher than in G. tristis, value 85. G. tristis, moderate to high, value 65. G. colvillei, high to very high, not quite so high as in G. cardinalis, value 80. Iodine: G. cardinalis, moderate to deep, the same as in G. tristis, value 60. G. tristis, moderate to deep, value 60. G. colvillei, moderate to deep, lighter than in cither parent, value 65. Gentian violet: G. cardinalis, moderate, higher than in G. triatis, value 50. G. tristis, light to moderate, value 40. G. colvillei, moderate, intermediate between the parents, value 47. Safranin: G. cardinalis, moderate, deeper than in G. tristis, value 53. G. tristis, light to moderate, value 45. G. colvillei, moderate, the same as in G. cardinalis, value 53. Temperature: G. cardinalis, majority at 83 to 84.6, all at 84 to 86, mean 85. G. tristis, majority at 76 to 78, all at 78 to 79, mean 78.5. G. colvillei, majority at 78 to 80, all at 82 to 83, mean 82.5. The reactivities of G. cardinalis are higher than those of G. tristis in the polarization, gentian violet, and safra- nin ; lower in the temperature reaction ; and the same in that with iodine. The reactivities of the hybrid are in- TABLE A 34. 8 a N a w a ** 6 >o S n S B in * S Chloral hydrate: 99 45 SI 51 51 19 47 51 54 55 17 ?5 34 41 14 Chromic hydrate: 4 ?n 75 90 96 3 fin 05 OS 00 4 30 8? 01 08 Pyrogallic acid: 7 10 1? 1? * 14 75 SI 00 95 ? 5 fi 8 10 Nitric acid: 3 4 6 8 8 G tristis . 3 1? 15 17 ?1 G. Qolvillei 3 4 6 7 Sulphuric acid: 81 97 00 86 oo 60 95 00 Hydrochloric acid: 1? m 3? 5? 68 4S 68 77 81 85 ft 15 ?4 15 4? Potassium hydroxide: 11 14 99 >8 1 13 18 ?5 10 17 8 1? 15 17 19 Potassium iodide: 7 1? 15 19 ??, 8 ?1 50 58 65 G. colviUei 7 11 13 17 ?0 Potassium sulphocyanate: 11 ?? 97 15 41 G tristis 18 Mi 01 95 07 ft 15 18 9 s 717 Potassium sulphide: 4 5 6 6 G. tristis 3 4 5 6 6 ? 1 4 4 Sodium hydroxide: II 16 ?4 I 9 40 G tristis >> T> 10 61 68 G. colvillei 9 15 ?0 99 ?8 Sodium sulphide: 4 10 n 19 ?6 G. tristis 8 18 14 58 70 G. colvillei 4 o, I 9 15 17 Sodium salicylate: 5f> 81 95 OS 99 64 DO 90 ?3 50 SO on 07 Calcium nitrate: 6 8 g 9 6 10 15 in 18 4 5 6 6 Uranium nitrate: 1 >, 4 4 3 6 8 9 9 G. colvillei 1 ? 3 4 4 Strontium nitrate: 6 10 ?? ?4 ?. 10 10 10 4? 46 G. colvillei 4 5 8 16 ?,1 Cobalt nitrate: G. cardinalis 1 ? 3 3 1 ? 3 3 G. colvillei 1 ? ?5 2.5 Copper nitrate: G. cardinalis 3 4 6 7 8 5 11 13 14 14 ? 3 4 5 Cupric chloride: 3 5 6 7 7 G. trutis 3 5 6 8 10 3 5 6 6 Barium chloride: 1 ?, 3 3 G tristis 1 3 4 6 1 ?, 3 3 Mercuric chloride: 4 f, 6 6 3 5 6 7 9 G. colvillei 3 4 5 DIOLU8. 115 ti rrn. !-.!( in the |>larmition, gentian wolet, and U-mp- eraturv jvm-tions ; lowest HI tin- iodine reaction ; ami the Mine u that f <!. carilinnlitt but higher than that of f./it in tin' siifranin rein-lion. The hybrid is on the whole distinctly closer to 0. cardinalis than to (). tri.iti*. TaM. \ -iwg the reaction-intensities in percent ages of total Htarch gelatinized at definite interval! (minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURTIS. This section treat* of the velocity-fraction curve* of the starches of Gladiolus cardinalis, 0. intiit, and 0. roli-illfi, showing the quantitative difference* in the be- havior toward different reagent* at definite time-inter- val. (Charts I) ;:; to D483.) Vm.'ii- tin- rmispi. nous features of these chart* are: ( 1 ) Tin- In-licr ivartit ity of H. tristia in relation to thcr |>;ir-nt and tin- hvorid throughout. I .' i Til.- differences recorded between the react ion< of tin- starches of the two parent* with the various rea- . th>> curves varying very markedly in the extent of Tim*, tin- curves an- MTV cliw throughout .vile or nearly the whole 60-minutc jn-riod in the us with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, sulphuric a. id. potassium hydroxide, potassium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt ni- . oo|i[H>r nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and men-uric < -Monde; they are well separated to widely separated in those with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocya- nate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, and strontium nitrate. ) The almost universal tendency for the curve of n/irui/w to be closer to the curve of the hybrid than to 0. tns(is. In only the reactions with chloral hy- drate, sulphuric acid, potassium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate is the curve of 0. cardinalis definitely closer it of 0. Iristis. In the potassium-sulphide rcac- ,'olatinization proceeded so slowly that such differ- ences as were recorded fall within the limits of error of iii.-iit. In the experiments with calcium nitrate. ium nitrate, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride '. rardinalis curve is practically intermediate. < ! I The rurves of the hybrid bear varying relations parental curves, with a manifest tendency to same- ness to the curve* of 0. cardinalis, and to intermcdiatc- ness and to the lowest position, and almost invariably definitely toward the seed parent. (5) An early period of resistance followed hy a mod- erate to rapid gelatinization is noted in the chromic acid chart. In other charts the corresponding period is one of comparatively rapid gelatinization, as in the reac- with chloral hydrate, sulphuric acid, sodium sali- rylate. while in others gelatinization proceeds with marked slowness, yet steadily from the oubtart, as instanced particularly in the reactions with potn- sulphide. uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, and in other 'low reactions. There are *ome gradations be- tween these sets. (6) The earliest period of the 60 minutes tt which the three curves are best separated for differential pur- pose* varies with the different reagent*, and in some instances owing to the extremely slow reactions satis- rv differentiation is impossible. Approximately Tiod occurs at the end of 5 minnta in the reac- with chloral hydrate, sulphuric acid, and sodium late; at 15 minutes with chromic acid, pyrocallic - acid, and potassium sulphocyannte ; at 30 minutes with strontium nitrate: and at 60 minutes with nitric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide. potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, .ul. mm nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, rujirir chloride, l.nrmm ( Monde, and mercuric i-hlonde. Iii a number of the react - "f the latter group* the difference* are trivial and within the I of error of r\|>erimcnt. REACTION-INTENSITIES op TUB HYBRID. Tins MM -tum treat* of the reaction-intensities of the In lirid as regards sameness, intennrdiatvneM, excess, and in relation to the parents. (Table A 34 and CharU I) 463 to I) i The reactivities of the hybrid are the same u those of the pollen parent in none of the reaction* ; the ssjne a* those of the seed parent in the reactions with safranin, chromic acid, nitric acid, uranium nitrate, i-upm- ride, barium chloride, and men-uric chloride; the same as those of both parents in that with coUlt nitrate, wherein the gelatinization is extremely slow; interim- diate in those with polarization, gentian violet, tempera- ture, and pyrogallic acid (in all four being donor to tin- seed parent) ; highest in none; and lowest with iodin.-. chloral hydrate, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potas- sium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium Milphooya- nate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sul- phide, sodium salicylatc, calcium nitrate, strontium ni- trate, and copper nitrate (in 12 being closer to the seed parent, and in 2 as close to one as to the other parent). The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Same as seed parent, 7; same as pollen parent, 0; same as both parents, 1; intermediate, 4; highest, 0; lowest, 14. The most striking features of the foregoing data are the absence of a single reaction in which there was name- ness or even inclination more to the pollen than to the seed parent; the slight tendency in in termed iateness; and the very strongly marked tendency for the curves of the hybrid to be below those of the parent*. COMPOSITE CURVES or THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Gladiolus cardinalis, 0. trittis, and 0. col- villei. (Chart E 34.) The wont conspicuous features of this chart are : (1) The varying relationship the curve of 0. irisiis bears to the curve of the other parent, sometimes above, below, or the same or practically the same. It is above in the reactions with temperature, chloral hydrate, pyro- gallic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium sahcylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, and copper nitrate; below with polarization, gentian violet, and safranin ; and the same or practically the same with iodine, chromic acid, sulphuric acid, potassium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. The other parent, 0. cardinalis, is higher in only the polarization, gentian-violet, and safra- nin reactions. (2) The varying degrees of separation of the pa- rental curves, the most marked separation being noted in the reactions with polarization, temperature, pjrro- gallic acid, potassium iodide, potaminm ralphocyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, and strontium nitrate. (3) The marked tendencv for the curve of the hy- brid to he clowr to the curve of G. rnrdinnlis than to toe other parent, and to be lowest of the t (4) In O. trislis the very high reaction* with sul- phuric acid ; the high reactions with polarization, iodine, and sodium salicylate ; the moderate with gentian violet, 116 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. safranin, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and potassium sulphocyanate ; the low with temperature, chloral hy- drate, and hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, and sodium sulphide ; and the very low reac- tions with nitric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (5) In 0. cardinalis the very high reactions with polarization and sulphuric acid ; the high reactions with iodine and sodium salicylate ; the moderate reactions with gentian violet, safranin, and chromic acid ; the low reac- tions with chloral hydrate and hydrochloric acid ; and the very low reactions with temperature, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potas- sium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydrox- ide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (6) In the hybrid the very high reactions with polarization and sulphuric acid ; the absence of any high reaction; the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, chromic acid, and sodium salicylate ; the low reaction with temperature; the very low reactions with chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, hydro- chloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, po- tassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. Following is a summary of the reaction-intensities: Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. G. tristis 1 3 5 6 11 2 2 3 2 17 G. colvillei 2 5 1 18 35. COMPARISONS OF THE STAECHES OF TEITONIA POTTSII, T. CKOCOSMIA AUEEA, AND T. CEOCOS- M^FLORA. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reac- tions with selenite, reactions with, iodine, and qualitative reactions with the various chemical reagents the starches of the parents and hybrid exhibit properties in common in varying degrees of development and also certain indi- vidualities, which latter, although as a rule of a minor character, are in conjunction with the properties in common sufficient for differential purposes. The starch of Tritonia crocosmia aurea in comparison with that of T. pottsii shows among the most conspicuous differences in form a larger proportion of permanently isolated grains ; more numerous compound grains of two components; less numerous grains with well-defined pressure facets; triangular grains more elongated ; and varied proportions of other types of grains. The hilum is more refractive ; a rounded or irregular cavity is more frequently found ; more often fissured, and the clefts are as a rule deeper ; there are some differences in the forms of fissuration; and eccentricity is slightly greater. The lamellae are less distinct; a marginal band of refractive lamellae is more frequently present; the numbers are about the same. The sizes differ but little. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reactions there are numer- ous differences which are seemingly of a minor charac- ter. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate many differences are recorded, some of which are individually quite distinctive. The starch of the hybrid in comparison with the parental starches is found to show markedly the influences of both parents ; leaning to one or the other parent or sameness with both are very conspicuous. In form the differences are essentially in the varying proportions of different types of grains, the starch of the hybrid being closer to that of T. crocosmia aurea. The hilum in eccentricity is closer to that of T. crocosmia aurea, but in every other character closer to the other parent. The lamellas and size differ but little from those of the parents, and in both respects the relationship is closer to T. pottsii. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reac- tions, and in the reactions with the various chemical reagents there are leanings to one or the other parent, or sameness to both, but on the whole distinctly toward T. crocosmia aurea. Notwithstanding the closeness of all three starches it is quite remarkable how readily the variable parental leanings of the hybrid are detected. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization: T. pottsii, moderate to very high, value 70. T. crocosmia aurea, high to very high, higher than in T. pottsii, value 75. T. crocosmteflora, moderate to very high, lower than in T. pottsii, value 67. Iodine: T. pottsii, very light, value 10. T. crocosmia aurea, moderate, value 50. T. crocosmseflora, light, value 25. Gentian violet: T. pottsii, light to moderate, value 40. T. crocosmia aurea, light to moderate, lighter than T. pottsii, value 35. T. crocoemteflora, light to moderate, the same as T. pottsii, value 40. Safranin: T. pottsii, light to moderate, value 40. T. crocosmia aurea, light to moderate, lower than T. pottsii, value 35. T. crocosmteflora, light to moderate, deeper than in the parents, value 45. Temperature: T. pottsii, majority at 73 to 75, all at 76 to 77.5, mean 76.75. T. crocosmia aurea, majority at 78 to 80, all at 80 to 82, mean 81. T. crocosmeeflora, majority at 74 to 76, all at 76 to 78, mean 77. The reactivity of T. pottsii is higher than that of T. crocosmia aurea in the polarization and iodine reac- tions, and higher in the gentian-violet, safranin, and temperature reactions. The reactivity of the hybrid is intermediate in the iodine reaction; the same as that of T. pottsii in the gentian-violet and temperature reac- tions; lowest of the three in the polarization reaction; and the highest of the three in the safranin reaction. The relationship throughout is closer to T. pottsii. Table A 35 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Tritonia pottsii, T. crocosmia aurea, and T. crocosmceflora, showing the quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time- intervals. ( Charts D 484 to D 504. ) Among the most conspicuous features of these charts are the following: (1) Excepting the sulphuric-acid and barium-chlo- ride reactions in which the differences in reactivity are insignificant, the starches of the parents exhibit well- defined differences which are very variable in extent with the different reagents. With all of the reagents, ex- cepting those noted and chloral hydrate, T. pottsii has the higher reactivity, but in the reactions with the latter it THITONIA. 117 TABLE A 36. , r>; >. : * -.....:. . : T. T. eroeoamia aurra T. I!-. !r .".. :.:..: T. potuii T. erocoatnia aura* T. rrocotmaflon Foluuum hydroxide T. potUti T. crootxmia ur T. ^- -:.,::. J. '. :: \. '. s-.liura lutfrhHr 1 - -: . . .- i Inaium nitratr Strontium nitrate T. cmeoimU aurm Cupric chloride: lUnum chloride NtNMli :.. r,:. has a somewhat lower reactivity. The difference* are. on the whole, such u to suggest well-eeparated species. ) The curve* of the hybrid bear varying relation- lie parental CTirve*, tending for the moat part to mtermediatenes* and toward the curve* of the *eed parent <( An early period ,,f marked resistance i* rarely observed, but to the contrary the opposite tendency i* usually present, to that the percentage of starch gela- tinized BOO* the first 5 tniiiute* i* pr..|.rti..iiat*ly larger, commonly very much larger, than at any subse- quent A-minute int.-rval. An earl}' ]HTUM| of reiustance i* noticeable particularly in the reaction* with chromic pid and nyrogallic acid, while a low degree of "*itan< i* noted particularly in those with hydrochloric add, potas- sium sulphocyanate, Rodium livdrnxidc. ...limn xulphide, and sodium salicylate (T. potUii and the hybrid). (4) The earliest perir>d during the 60 minute* at which the three curves are beat teparated, and hence the beat time for the differentiation of the itarche*, i* variable in relation to the different reagent*. Approxi- mately this period occurs at the end of 5 minute* in the reactions with potassium sulphocyanate, sodium ml- Ehide, and sodium salicylate; at 15 minutes with chloral ydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, calcium ni- trate, uranium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride; at 30 minute* with nitru- and. potassium hydroxide, *trontium nitrate, and <i>lmlt ni- trate; and at GO minutes with potassium suljihi.l.-. KXACTION-INTKNBITIES OF T1IK IlYBKID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateneaa, excess, and deficit in relation to the parent (Table A 35 and Charts D 484 to D 504.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the gentian-violet and temperature reactions; the same as those of the pollen parent in tin- cobalt-nitrate reaction ; the same as those of both parent* in the sulphuric-acid and barium-chloride reactions; in- termediate in those with iodine, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, so- dium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, cal- cium nitrate, uranium nitrate, O>|I|MT nitrau-, cu|>n<- chloride, and mercuric chloride (in II In- ing closer to the seed parent and in 2 closer to the |x>llm pan-nt) ; high- est with safranin, nitric acid, and strontium nitrate (in 3 being closer to the seed parent and in th<- other to the pollen parent) ; and lowest with polarization and chloral hydrate, in both being closer to the seed parent. The following is a nummary of the reartion-intensi- tiea: Same as seed parent, 2 ; same as pollen parent, 1 ; same as both parents, 2; intermediate, 17; highest, 3; lowest, 2. The pollen parent seem* to have had very little in- fluence in determining the character* of the starch of the hybrid. The tendency to intermediatenea* of the hybrid is exceptionally well marked, and there i* very littl.- tendency for the hybrid < urve to be higher or lower than the parental curve*. COMPOSITE CURVES or REAcnox-twrnrsmM. This section treats of the com posit* curve* of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Tritonia potlni. T. rrocoswia awrso, and T. crocotmoflom. (Chart E 35.) Among the eonspicoow features of the chart are: (1) The usually well-marked separation of the carve* of the parents, together with an almost invariably 118 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. higher position of the curve of Tritonia pottsii and the close correspondence of the two curves in the up-and- down variations. The only places at which the curve of T. pottsii is distinctly lower than that of T. crocosmia aurea are in the polarization, iodine, and chloral-hydrate reactions. The curve is the same or practically the same in the reactions with sulphuric acid, potassium sul- phide, sodium salicylate, and barium chloride. (2) In T. pottsii the very high reactions with sul- phuric acid ; the high reactions with polarization, chromic acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, and sodium salicylate; the moderate reactions with gentian violet, safranin, and pyrogallic acid; the low reactions with temperature, chloral hydrate, nitric acid, potassium iodide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, and stron- tium nitrate; and the very low reactions with iodine, potassium hydroxide, potassium sulphide, calcium ni- trate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (3) In T. crocosmia aurea the very high reaction with sulphuric acid ; the high reactions with polarization and sodium salicylate ; the moderate reactions with iodine, chromic acid, and hydrochloric acid; the low reactions with gentian violet, safranin, temperature, chloral hy- drate, pyrogallic acid, potassium sulphocyanate, and so- dium hydroxide ; and the very low reactions with nitric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (4) In the hybrid the very high reactions with sul- phuric acid and sodium salicylate ; the high reactions with polarization, chromic acid, hydrochloric acid, and potas- sium sulphocyanate ; the moderate reactions with gentian violet, safranin, pyrogallic acid, and sodium hydroxide ; the low reactions with iodine, temperature, nitric acid, potassium iodide, sodium sulphide, and strontium ni- trate; and the very low reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium hydroxide, potassium sulphide, calcium ni- trate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. Following is a summary of the reaction-intensities: Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. T. pottsii 1 5 3 7 10 T. crocosmia aurea 1 2 3 7 13 T. crocosmseflora 2 4 4 g 10 36. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF BEGONIA SINGLE CRIMSON SCARLET, B. SOCOTRANA, AND B. MRS. HEAL. In the histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite and iodine, and qualitative reac- tions with the various chemical reagents the three starches have properties in common in various degrees of develop- ment and in each case certain individualities. The starch of Begonia socotrana in comparison with that of B. single crimson scarlet contains no compound grains or aggregates ; the grains are not so often irregular, but where irregularity exists it is more marked ; the grains are more elongated and the round type few. The hilum is somewhat less distinct and more often fissured, and a peculiar form of fissure is found ; ecentricity is greater. The lamellae are somewhat more distinct and somewhat less regular, and there is an absence of a very coarse lamella near the hilum and also of one outlining the pri- mary starch deposit in compound grains if the deposit consists of both primary and secondary lamellae. Other- wise the character and arrangements are the same. The size is larger. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualita- tive iodine reactions there are many differences. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and strontium nitrate there are also many differences, many quite striking and dis- tinctive of one or the other parent. The starch of the hybrid in comparison with the starches of the parents exhibits but few individualities in form, and in this histological character it is in closer relationship to B. socotrana. The starch of the hybrid is closer to that of B. single crimson scarlet in the general characters of the hilum, but nearer the other parent in form, eccentricity of the hilum, size, and arrangement of the lamelte (ex- cepting when the grain consists of a primary and a sec- ondary part, when the relationship is closer to the first parent). Certain irregularities of form are seen that are not present in cither parent, and the lamella? are more distinct and not so fine as they are in the parents. In the characters of the polariscopic figure and in the sele- nite reaction it is closer to B. single crimson scarlet. In the iodine reactions it is closer to B. single crimson scar- let. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and strontium nitrate the relationship is closer to B. single crimson scarlet. Some of the grains during gelatinization be- have like those of one parent and others like those of the other, and some show associated peculiarities of both parents. The resemblances are, on the whole, more closely related to B. single crimson scarlet, as is also the case in the quantitative reactions. Reaction-intensities Expressed l>y Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization: B. sing. crim. scar., moderately high to high, value 00. B. socotrana, moderately high to high, the same as in B. single crimson scarlet, value 60. B. mrs. heal, moderately high to high, less than in either parent, value 55. Iodine: B. sing. crim. scar., moderate, value 45. B. socotrana, light to moderate, much less than in B. single crimson scarlet, value 30. B. mrs. heal, moderate, the same as in B. single crimson scarlet, value 45. Gentian violet: B. sing. crim. scar., moderate, value 45. B. socotrana, light to moderate, much less than in B. single crimson scarlet, value 35. B. mrs. heal, moderate, same as in B. single crimson scarlet, value 45. Safranin: B. singl crim. scar., moderate to deep, value 60. B. socotrana, moderate to deep, less than in B. single crimson scarlet, value 55. B. mrs. heal, moderate to deep, same as in B. single crimson scarlet, value 60. Temperature: B. sing. crim. scar., in the majority at 67 to 68.5, in nil at 70 to 72, mean 71. B. socotrana, in the majority at 79 to 80, in all at 81 to 81.8, mean 81.4. B. mrs. heal, in the majority at 67 to 69, in all at 71 to 72, mean 71.5. The reactivity of B. single crimson scarlet is higher than that of the other parent in the iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and temperature reactions; and the same or practically the same in the polarization reaction. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the the same as that of B. single crimson scarlet in the reac- tions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and tempera- ture; and is the lowest of the three in the polarization reaction. The hybrid is closer to B. single crimson scar- let than to the other parent in the reactions with iorlin<>, gentian violet, safranin, and temperature, and is the same in relation to both parents in the polarization reaction. BEGONIA. 119 IAMB A 90. Ttble A 36 .how, the reaction-iotnuitiM in ptrorot- gea of total lurch geUtiniMd at deflnit intcrraU (Mcondi and niiuutrt). VlLOOITT-tEACTION CUKTU. Thi Motion treat* of the Telocitj-reaction currw of the sUrcbet of Heyunia tingle rrinuun trarltl. ft. toco- trana. and H. mn. Hfal. howing quaiitiUtixc <li(TraW98 in i he behavior toward different nagenU at definite tiim- intervab. (CharU 1)505 to I) 58C.) The moat coupieuoua featurei of this group of currea are: ( 1 ) The extraordinary variation of the rclationa of the curves in th- .lilTrn-nt chart* : in gome, all three curve* Iteing practically identical or clone together; in other*, two curves keeping clone and the third well tenanted or even separated to the extreme; and in others, all thre being well separated from one another. Thcue pecu- liarities an due largely primarily to the remarkable variation* in the reactivities of B. toeotnna in relation to the different reagent* (with one reagent beinj; reactive and with another the reverse) ; and secondarily to the almost uniformly very high rearti\itit>* <.f H. ttngit cnmton scarlet (18 very hi^h, 8 high, and 1 low), to- gether with the marked variation* in the relationship* of the hybrid to B. tingle crimson scarlet, the hvl.nd being in many reaction* identical or practically identical with this pun-iit and in other* having varying decrees of iiitermi'diatenrx-, but IN-JIIJ.' much closer, an a nil. . to tin- pan-tit than to the other. Ku-eptin;,' the Hulphuric-arid and potassium-hydrate chart*, in which the reaction* of all three starches are shown to occur with great rapidity, there i* a trixlenry to a well-marked or tvsjsj .\in-ni.- separation of the parental curves, the gtarch of R. tingle crimton tcarlet showing, with one exception (barium chloride), a very high to high reactivity, and that of B. socotrana, with seven exceptions (chloral hydrate, chromic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, potassium hy- droxide, potaaaium Rulphidc, and sodium salicylate) a low or usually very low reactivity. (2) The higher reactivity of B. tingle crinuon tcur- Itl than of H. tocotnuta with chloral hydrate, chromic and, pyropillic acid, nitric arid, hydrochloric acid, potas- _ 4 i 8 '. i i f M I I -. - , i I hydrate: .ii. erim. irar H. x->.trmn jj 16 li n.m. bra! flg mir acid: H 'lilt rrilll HI II >in>lrana fff .s H7 93 M II inn. hrl IVn-ciJli.- B. ain. crini. Kmr II. aocolnuui ,, B. mn. heal -- ... :i B. aiar rrim. Mar II Mjeotrmna |i II. mn. hml ii r Sulphuric Mid: II unc. crim.Mmr B. aaeotrana .... .. . H j. tt 96 *'.'.'. . \o . 'if '. .. '.'. '.'. i . 18 . 687581 (U ! v?;; "9 H. mn hU 96 IC.Ctta.MW "otrana... . .. . 100 H inn. hJ . 87 90 PoUunumh B. aoeotrana B. mn. hrl i- i . riU B. nns. erim. KMT H H H g . .. . 11 inn. bml . 80 . ... 96.. . . PotuBum mlplio- eymnale: II iii(-rniii rar B. auculrana 90. B. mr. bral PotaaMum il|>lii.ir B. aii. erim. tear. B. oeotrua 100 6. 1 . 76 90 . . . . .1. B. num. heal ** - 1 . . : . . f . , ; r i - 1 B. ain. erim. Mar. B. aoeotnuia :,. hU SodhuD aulpkid*: B.Mf.erim.MW. B. wolrana 80 9*. 90 90 ft ... 07. . 90 61 . . 78 II 11. n. hral Sodium lalirylat*: I! tint rrim. aear. B. aoooftnuui . . . , t . . . 90 9 sium iixliile, |x>tns*ium sulplux-vanatc, potaiwium sul- phide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium sali- cylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium ni- trate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cnpric chloride, barium chloride and mercuric chloride, and the same reactivities with sulphuric acid and potassium hydroxide. There are small differences in the reactivities of the pan-iits with t-hlorul hydrate, potassium sulplmle. and sodium salicylate, and from Urge to very Urge differ- ences in the other reactions noted, excepting the sul- phuric-acid and potassium-hydroxide reactions, in which the two are the same. (3) The tendency of the hybrid curves to be the same or nearly the same as the curves of B. tingle cnm- ton tcarlet, or be of some degree of intermediateoess, usually closer to this parent, throughout the whole series of reactions. (See following subsection.) (4) A period of early resistance followed by a com- parative rapid reaction is conspicuous for its almost en- tire absence. Such a period is suggested in the reactions <if the hvl'rul in the ( -aleium-nitrate reaction, in B. tingle cnmton tcarlrt in the barium -hlornle n-ai -tion, ami in B.sofolrana in the (hroniir-arid reaction. . The , .irli.--t period during the 60 minute* at whirh tin- thn-e .urvesare beet separated to differentiate the starches varies wit!, th.- .hrr.-r.ut reagents. With five exceptions tin- . um in 5 minutes. The exceptions B. mn. beal ii nitraU: B. mat. dim. Mar. B. oootraoa . . 99 . . i i B. inn. beal 99 Uranium nitrate: B. ain. rrim. MM. B. aocoirana 1 > 7-2 26 .98 II li.n. bral 80.. .. 84 100 ... . Strontium nitrate: II MU(. rrim. Bear. 9B B. aoeotrana to i r-. i i rv hral ( <>llt BHnto: B. inc. erim. aear. B. aoeotrmna 28 70 "Tol B. mn. hral . . J 4 44 . . Oi6 Copper nitrate: B. not rrim. Mar. B. aoenlrana .. 99 B. nir- h. ..1 80.. .. 96 Cupric chloride: B. nine. erim. Mar. B. aoeolnn* S 811 16 16 0809 08 B. mn bral i 8 B. mag. erim. Mar. B. aocotrua B. mn. bral 1 Mrmirie eUoride: 80 B. aoeotrana .5 .1 n . B. inn-heal i 120 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. are chromic acid, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride iu 15 minutes, pyrogallic acid in 30 minutes, and cobalt nitrate in 45 minutes. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 36 and Charts D 515 to D 526.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, temperature, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyauate, and potassium sulphide; the same as those of the pollen parent in none; the same as those of both parents in the reactions with sulphuric acid and potassium hydrox- ide; intermediate with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, so- dium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, stron- tium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride (in all 14 being nearer the seed parent) ; highest in none; and lowest in the polarization reaction, in which it is as close to one as to the other parent. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties : Same as seed parent, 9 ; same as pollen parent, ; same as both parents, 2; intermediate, 14; highest, 0; lowest, 1. Sameness as the seed parent and intermediateness with a universal inclination to the seed parent are very conspicuous features of these data. In the two reactions wherein all three starches are the same the reactions occurred with such rapidity as not to permit of differen- tiation, and in the polarization reaction in which the hybrid shows the lowest reactivity of the three and is as closely related to one as to the other parent the crudity of the method of valuation of the reaction has not brought out differences that probably exist. The properties of the starch seem to have been determined primarily by the seed parent, the effect of the other parent being expressed in the lowering of reactive-intensities, varying in degree in the different reactions, but never so far as to the point of mid-intermediateness. COMPOSITE CURVES OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Begonia single crimson scarlet, B. socotrana, and B. mrs. heal. (Chart E 36.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are: (1) The generally close accord of the curves of B. single crimson scarlet and the hybrid and the extraordi- narily erratic course of the curve of B. socotrana through- out most of the chart. The hybrid, which is a tuberous form, follows very closely, as a rule, the reactivities of the first parent, which is also tuberous, while the other parent, which is semituberous (bulbils), has a very differ- ent type of curve far more different from that of the other parent than was recorded in the curves of the tender and hardy crinums and the rhizomatous and tuberous irises. (2) The curve of B. single crimson scarlet is higher than the curve of B. socotrana throughout the chart (ex- cepting in the reactions with polarization, sulphuric acid, and potassium hydroxide, in which they are alike), and in most instances it tends to be very much higher, the only reactions in which there is marked approximation being those with chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, and sodium salicylate. (3) In B. single crimson scarlet the very high reac- tions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acidy hydrochloric acid, potassium hydrox- ide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potas- sium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride; the high reactions with polarization, safranin, pyrogallic acid, and cobalt nitrate ; the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, and temperature; and the low reaction with barium chloride. (4) In B. socotrana the very high reactions with chloral hydrate, sulphuric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium sulphide, and sodium salicylate ; the high reac- tions with polarization and nitric acid; the moderate reactions with safranin and chromic acid; the low reac- tions with iodine, gentian violet, temperature, sodium hydroxide, and strontium nitrate ; and the very low reac- tions with pyrogallic acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium sulphide, cal- cium nitrate> uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper ni- trate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. (5) In the hybrid the very high reactions with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulpho- cyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium ni- trate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, and cupric chlo- ride; the high reactions with safranin and chromic acid ; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, and gentian violet; the low reactions with temperature, pyrogallic acid, and mercuric chloride ; and the very low reactions with cobalt nitrate and barium chloride. Following is a summary of the reaction-intensities: Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. 18 4 3 1 B. socotrana 5 2 2 5 12 16 2 3 3 2 37. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF BEGONIA DOUBLE LIGHT ROSE, B. SOCOTRANA, AND B. ENSIGN. In histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reac- tions with selenite, reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with various chemical reagents all three starches have properties in common in varying degrees of de- velopment, the sum of which in each case is distinctive of the starch. The starch of Begonia socotrana in com- parison with that of B. double light rose shows an ab- sence of aggregates and has more numerous irregularities. The hilum is less distinct, somewhat more often fissured, and more eccentric. The lamellae are not so distinct ; more distinct at the distal than at the proximal end, instead of sometimes the reverse as in B. double light MOMA 121 rote; and they an- more numerous. The tile is larger limn in //. double light rote. In the polariscopic, ele- niti>. ami iodine reactions there are variuu* .Inferences Inch -in t be of a minor character, and the same u true f the reactions with chloral hydrate, i-hroinic acid, I. mtrir acid, ami .-trontium nitrate. The i of the hyhnd is closer to that of H. double light rote in tin- form of the K'r"'"*, character of the hilum, rharactcr <>f the lani.-lhc, ami -i/c of the smaller grains, hut nearer to /;. sorotrana in the wivntricity of the hilutn and size of the larger grain*. It is closer to B, lujlit ro.it in the appearance with selenite, hut nearer thr other parent in the polariscopic figure*. It in closer to the tir-t |>an-nt in the iodine react long. In the qualitative reaction.- with chloral hy.lr.iti-. chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and .-trontinm nitrate, while to H. double light rout, the intlui-iuv-. f It. toco- trana art- quite manifest in each. Krarttuntttlrxtilirt by Ligkt, Color, and Trmpm- tun fraction*. Polarisation: B. doub. light roee, moderately high to h.h. value 70. B. Kx-otraoB. moderate to moderately hicb. leat than in B. doubU liht nc. value 60. B. -rrripi. moderate to high, intermediate between parent*, value 07. B. doub. light roM, moderate, value 45. B. aoootrana. light to moderate. Irm than in B. double light roar. value SO. B. fnatn. light to modrrate, intermediate betweaa the parrnU. value 40. Gentian violet: B. doub. light roee. light to moderate, value 40. B. aoeotrana. light to moderate, lea* than in B. double light roar. value 3S. B. enaign. light to moderate. IBM than in either parent, value 30. Safranin: B. doub. licht roee, moderate to deep, value 00. H. weotraaa, moderate, lea* than in B. double light roee. value AS. B. eongn. moderate to deep, lev than in either parent, value SO. Temperature: B. doub. light roee. in the majority at 00 to 61. in all at 03 to 64. mean 03*. B. eoeotrana. in the majority at 70 to 80*. in all at 81 to 81.8*. mean 81.4*. B. enaign. in the majority at 64 to M-S". in all at 64 to 88. mean 67. The reactivity of H. double light rote is higher than that uf the other parent in all five reactions. The reac- tivity of the hybrid i<t intermediate between those of the parents in the polarization, iodine, and temperature reac- tions, and is the lowest of the three with gentian violet and saf ranin. The hybrid is closer to B. double light rote than to B. tocotrana in the polarization, iodine, and tem- perature reactions, and the reverse in those with gentian violet and saf ran in. Table A 37 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite interval* (sec- onds and minutes). VBLOCITT-REACTIOW CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction runes of the starches of Begonia double light rote, B. tocotrana, and H. ensign, showing quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-inter- vals. (Charts D 527 to D 532.) The most conspicuous features of these five charts are : The marked diversity of the relations of the three -, all three running close in the choral-hydrate i ..,, \ n . 2 . 8 1 i 1 . i i 1 i - t 8 1 9 i S . 1... .1 1 T .'. U. light race 70 M B. aoeotrana M 79 M B. enaign 99 99 Chromic aeid: U ,|.,ui, light roee 77 M f 80 - 9} i ...... in J .- Pyrogallieadid: B. doub. light roee 7(1 , 96 7 B. ucotraoa . i. ', 30 M AA MM . . : B. doub. light roee M W B. aoeotrana t7 so -- 9A U. ensign 88 99 Strontium nitrate: B. doub. light roee 77 w B. aucvtrana .... 10 44 78 HI (4 i, 91 99 reactions, two being close and the other well separated in those with nitric acid and strontium nitrate, two being somewhat close and the other well separated in that with chromic acid, and all three being well separated in that with pyrogallic acid. The tendency in all for the hybrid and //. double light rote curves to be closely related, and to be higher usually much higher than the curve* of B. tocotrana. The tendency in all of the reaction* to intermediate-lies*, highest or lowest reactivity, with an inclination in 8 out of 1U reactions toward the reactivity of the seed parent. The short period of very high resis- tance of B. tocotrana in the chromic-acid reaction. RKACTIOX-INTKNSITIEH or THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateneas, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 37 and Charts D 527 to D 532.) The reactivities of the hybrid arc not the same as those of either or both parents in a single reaction ; interme- diate in the reactions with polarization, iodine, tempera- ture, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and stron- tium nitrate, in all being closer to those of the seed .parent; highest in that with chloral hydrate, being closer to that of the seed parent; and the lowest in those with gentian violet and safranin, in both being closer to the pollen parent The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Same as seed parent, 0; same as pollen parent, 0; same as both parents, 0; intermediate, 7; highest, 1; lowest, 2. The following features of the hybrid are particularly conspicuous: The absence of any reaction that is the same as either or both parents; the marked tendency to intermediateness ; the occasional tendency to the highest or lowest reactivity; and the markedly stronger influence of the seed parent on the properties of the starch. COMPOSITE CURVES or REACTIOX-ISTKXSITIB. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the 122 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. starches of Begonia double light rose, B. socotrana, and B. ensign. (Chart E 37.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : The generally close correspondence in the courses of the three curves, although in some instances the curves are well separated. The higher position of the curve of B. double light rose in relation to that of B. socotrana throughout excepting in the nitric-acid reaction, in which the curves are the same. The varying relationship of the hybrid curve to the parental curves. It is intermediate in the reactions with polarization, iodine, temperature, chromic acid, and pyrogallic acid ; lower than the parental curves in those with gentian violet and safranin; the same or nearly the same as that of B. double light rose in those with chloral hydrate and strontium nitrate; and the same as both parents in that with nitric acid. 38. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF BEGONIA DOUBLE WHITE, B. SOCOTRANA, AND B. JULIUS. In the histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, reactions with iodine, and quali- tative reactions with various chemical reagents all three starches have properties in common in varying degrees of development, together with individualities, which col- lectively in each case serve to be distinctive. The starch of Begonia socotrana in comparison with that of B. double white shows an absence of compounds and aggregates; more irregularity of the grains and some marked differences in the causes of the irregularities; grains often elongated; and comparatively few round and triangular forms. The hilum is less distinct, much less often fissured, shows an absence of certain forms of fissuration, and eccentricity is more. The lamella? are finer but not so distinct, there is an absence of two lamellae which are quite conspicuous in the other parent ; they are more often not regular and show waviness ; and they are slightly less numerous. In size the grains are somewhat larger and more slender. In the polariscopic, selenite and qualitative iodine reactions there are many differences. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hy- drate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and stron- tium nitrate the differences are numerous and some of them quite individualize the parent. The starch of the hybrid is more closely related to B. double white in form, character and arrangement of the lamellae, and size of the grains; nearer to B. socotrana in the characters of the irregularities of the grains and in the character and eccentricity of the hilum ; and it has fewer irregularities than either parent. In the polarization figures it re- sembles both parents equally. In the iodine reactions the heated grains more closely resemble those of B. double white, while the unheated grains more closely re- semble those of B. socotrana. In the qualitative reac- tions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and strontium nitrate peculiarities of both parents are manifest, but the reactions, as a whole, more closely resemble those of B. double white than of B. socotrana. Reaction-intensities Expressed by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization: B. double white, low to moderately high, value 55. B. Bocotrana, moderate to moderately high, higher than in B. double white, value 00. H Julius, moderate to moderately, the same aa in B. double white, value 60. Iodine : B. double white, light, value 25. B. socotrana, light to moderate, deeper than in B. double white, value 30. B. Julius, light to moderate, deeper than in either parent, value 40. Gentian violet: B. double white, light to moderate, value 30. B. socotrana, light to moderate, deeper than in B. double white, value 35. B. Julius, moderate to moderately deep, deeper than in cither parent, value 45. Safranin : B. double white, light to moderate, value 40. B. socotrana, moderate, much deeper than in B. double white, value 55. B. Julius, moderately deep, deeper than in either parent, value GO. Temperature : B. double white, in the majority at GO to 61.5, in all at 65 to 66.5, mean 62.75. B. socotrana, in the majority at 79 to 80, in all at 81 to 81.8, mean 81.4. B. Julius, in the majority at 65 to 66, in all at 67 to 69, mean 68 The reactivity of B. double white is lower than that of the other parent in the polarization, gentian-violet, and safranin reactions, and higher in the temperature reaction. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of B. socotrana in the polari- zation reactions ; highest of the three in those with iodine, gentian violet, and safranin ; and intermediate in that with temperature. The hybrid is closer to B. double white than to B. socotrana in the temperature reaction ; and the reverse in those with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and safranin. Table A 39 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (sec- onds and minutes) : TABLE A 38. U O 00 g e a 01 a CO B 1* B 14 H o U5 I o CO 1 "3 I" I o CO Chloral hydrate: 8T 99 SS 79 95 90 99 Chromic acid: 97 99 r > 2 f>0 87 9'' 75 9fi 99 Pyrogallic acid : 84 95 99 5 f> ?0 75 90 9? 95 Nitric acid: ion 97 80 88 95 99 100 Strontium nitrate: 07 100 10 44 78 81 84 M oo VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Begonia double white, B. socotrana, and B. Julius, showing quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-intervals. (Charts D 533 to D538.) These charts bear close resemblances to the corre- sponding charts in the preceding set, but the differences are sufficient to show that there are differences in parent- age and offspring. There is a tendency in this set to a BEGONIA. liu'l-- :" tin- teed pan'nt, win h m turn t.-n.l- to alTevt in tin- same ilir. rcu. tmties of the h\lirid. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the react lon-intensitiea of the hybrid as regards sameness, iiii.-nnnliateneas, excess, ami ili-ii. it in relation to the parent*. (Table A 38 and ('I..; i to 1)538.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same u those of the *vd parnit in tlu> mi n. -acid reaction; the same ai tluwf of the [xillen jun-nt in the polarization reaction ; the name u those of both parent* in none ; intermediate in tin- n-.i. tiona with temperature, chromic acid, pyrogal- lie a.-i.l. an. I Mn.iitnim nitrate, in all uf uhn-li being r to thoM- uf the seed parent; highent with iodine, gentian Mol.t, safranin, and chloral hydrate (in three ;.. IIIL- i loser to those of the pollen parent and in one r to thut of the mtil parent) ; and lowest in none. The following is a summary of the reaction-intenai- ie as the teed parent, 1 ; same tut the pollen parent, 1 ; same as both parents, ; intermediate, 4 ; high- est, 4 ; lowest, 0. In these reactions the reactivities of the hybrid bear only a somewhat closer relationship to the seed parent, ami there U a marked inclination to intennediatenest ami highest reactivity. MPOtUTE C'fKVES OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES, This section treats of the composite curves of the .n-intcnsities showing the differentiation of the starches of liryunia double white, B. tocotrana, and U. juliut. (Chart 38.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : The generally close correspondence in the courses of all three curve*, although in three instances the curves are well separated. The lower position of the curve of B. double u-hite in relation to that of the other parent in the reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and safranin; the higher position with temperature, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and strontium nitrate; and the same position with nitric acid. The varying relationship of the hybrid curve to the parental curves. It is the same u the curve of B. tocotrana in thi- reaction with polarization; the Fame u that of H. double white with chloral hydrate and strontium nitrate; the same as both parents with nitric acid; the -t in the three with iodine, gentian violet, and safranin ; and intermediate with temperature, chromic a. i.l. and pyrogallic ai-nl. 1 'OMPARI80H8 OF THE STARCHE8 OF BlOOlflA DOUBLE DUCP ROSE, B. BOCOTKANA, AND B. srccBH. In the histologic characteristics, poUriscopic figures, reactions with selenite, reactions with iodine, and quali- rcactu.ns with various reagents all three starches have properties in common in varying degrees of de- velopment, the sum of which in each case is distinctive. The starch of Begonia tocotrana in comparison with that of B. double deep rote shows an absence of com- j-.un.l grains and aggregates; the grains are more regu- lar, but such irregularities aa occur are more obvious and striking; the grains are more elongated ; and round nearly round forms are very rare. The hilum is somewhat less rarely fissured ; there is an individual form of fissurmg ; and there is more eccentricity. The lam, ll are liner an.) less distinct; several are present that are not seen in B. double dttp rats; and they are much more mmirroii,. Th site is larger. The reactions with polan- /ution. selcnitc, an. I inline exhibit many difference*. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and strontium nitrate the differences are numerous and some f tl m are quit- striking ami distinctly individualize the starch. The starch of the hybrid in comparison with the starches <>f the parents shows a closer relationship to the starch of /{. double dttp rote in the characters of the irregu- larities of the grains and in the characters of the hilum ; more like the other parent in the form of the grains, eccentricity of the hilum, character and arrangement and number of the lamella', and size of the grains. It has, however, less irregularities in the grains than in either parent It is nearer B. socotrana in the polarization figures and appearances with selenite, and nearer also in the iodine reactions. It shows peculiarities of U>th pa- rents in the quantitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic <-nl, nitric ami. and strontium nitrate, but is closer to B. double deep ro.tr. inlrntilifi Krprrued by l.ifkt. Color, ami Temper** lure Kernel ion*. MsshasJsau B. doubt* deep row, moderately lw to high, value 60. B. eocotrana. moderate to high. tiichrr than in II .L.ulJe deep row. value 80. B. wccee*. moderate to kith, the aame a* in N. aoeotrana. value 00. B. double deep row. moderate, value 46. B. aoeotrana. light to moderate, much lmht than in B. double deep roee, value 30. B. *uno*ej. light to moderate, the euue u in B. soeotrana. value 90. Gentian violet: B. double deep roee. light to moderate, value 40. B. aoeoteaoa, light to moderate, leaf than in II. double deep me, value 36. B. meeeat. light to moderate, the Mine a* in B. loeotraiia, value 36. Ba/rmnin: B. double deep roee. moderate to deep, value 00. B. eoeotrana, moderate, leea than in B. double derp raw. value 66. B. pucfe. moderate to deep, the eame ae in B. double deep nee. value 00. Temperature: B. double deep roe*, in majority at 04 to OS.i*. in all at 07 to MJf. mean07.8. B. coeotrana. in majority at 7 to 80*. in all at 81 to 8I.8*. mean 81.4'. B. Moceea. in majority at 03 to 04*. in all at 08 to 09*. me) The reactivity of B. double deep rote is lower than that of the other parent in the polarization n-artioii ; and higher in those with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and temperature. The reactivity of the hybrid is the same or practically the same as that of B. double deep rote in the reaction with safranin; the same or practically the same as those of B. tocotrana with polarization, iodine, and gentian violet ; and intermediate between those of the parents in that with temperature. The hybrid is closer to B. double deep rote than to B. tocotrana in the safranin and temperature reactions, and the reverse in those with polarization, iodine, and safranin. Table A 39 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (i onds and minutes) : 124 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. TABLE A 39. '~ I a a c* a eo a * a IO s S 2 a o m a S a S Chloral hydrate: B.doubledeeprose 98 B. socotrana ?H 79 05 B. success 86 00 Chromic acid: B.doubledeeprose tir, 05 00 B. socotrana ns 9 111) 87 qo B. success 73 05 Pyrogallic acid : B. double deep rose ?5 77 88 05 96 B. socotrana Of) OS B. success 43 87 0? Of) 97 Nitric acid : B. doubledeeproae inn B. socotrana ?7 80 88 05 inn Strontium nitrate: B. doubledeeprose 8n 00 B. socotrana in 44 78 81 84 88 oo VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Begonia double deep rose, B. socotrana, and B. success, showing quantitative differences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-inter- vals. (Charts D 539 to D 544.) These charts differ from those of the last set chiefly in the reversal of the relative positions of the curves of the seed parent and hybrid and the more marked close- ness of these curves in the pyrogallic-acid reaction. The nitric-acid and strontium-nitrate curves are in the two sets in each case practically the same. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 39 and Charts D 539 to D544.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the reactions with safranin and nitric acid ; the same as those of the pollen parent with polarization, iodine, and gentian violet; the same as those of both parents in none; intermediate with tem- perature and chloral hydrate, in both being closer to those of the seed parent; highest with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and strontium nitrate, in all three being closer to those of the seed parent ; and the lowest in none. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties : Same as seed parent, 2 ; same as pollen parent, 3 ; same as both parents, 0; intermediate, 2; highest, 3; lowest, 0. In these few reactions the tendencies seem to be about equal to sameness as one or the other parent, intermedi- ateness and highest reactivity; but the influences of the seed parent in determining the properties of the starch of the hybrid distinctly dominate those of the other parent. COMPOSITE CURVES OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Begonia double deep rose, B. socotrana, and B. success. ( Chart E 39.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are: (1) The generally close correspondence of all three curves, although in some instances the curves are well separated, as in the preceding sets. (2) The higher position of the curve of B. double deep rose in the relation to the curve of the other parent in the reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, temperature, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and strontium nitrate; the lower position with polarization; and the identical position with nitric acid. (3) The varying position of the hybrid curve in rela- tion to the parental curves. It is the same or practically the same as the curve of B. double deep rose in the reac- tions with safranin, temperature, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and strontium nitrate ; the same as that of B. soco- trana in those with polarization, iodine, and gentian violet; the same as the curves of both parents in that with nitric acid; and intermediate in that with chloral hydrate. NOTES ON THE BEGONIAS. The most conspicuous features of these records are observed in the very definite and commonly wide differ- ences between the properties of the seed parents on the one hand and of Begonia socotrana, the pollen parent, on the other, representing two quite different groups of begonias. Histologically, the starches of the seed parents have characters in common which definitely group them from the starch of B. socotrana. Even far greater distinc- tions are seen in the records of the temperatures of gelatinization and of the quantitative reactions with hy- drochloric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocya- nate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper ni- trate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride. The very large differences in the temperature reactions of the two groups exceed any records thus far made of members of any genus. The least difference between members of the tuberous group and B. socotrana is 11.4, the greatest 18.65, and the average 14.85. Such differ- ences indicate corresponding marked physico-chemical peculiarities of the starch molecules and prepare one for finding similar diversities in the reactions with various chemical reagents. Comparisons of the data of the four seed parents indicate well-separated horticultural or subgeneric specimens. Inasmuch as B. socotrana is the pollen parent in each set, it is of exceptional interest to learn to what extent and in what directions the charac- ters of the hybrids are influenced by this parent. Inas- much as the seed parents exhibit among themselves dis- tinctive peculiarities it is to be expected that the hybrid in any set will be definitely different from the hybrids of the other sets, and such has been found to be a fact. The hybrids show marked variability in their relations to their parents, each exhibiting characters that are either common to both parents or individually parental, and in varying degrees of development, sometimes being like one parent or the other, or identical with both or having development beyond parental extremes in one direction or the other. While the inclination of the hybrid is, on the whole, very definitely toward, even at times exceeding, the development of the seed parent the influences of B. socotrana are themselves sometimes so potent that theseed parent seems to be without effect. KH-IIAKDIA. 125 f.'llnwmg in a sununarv of the reaction-intensi- ties of tin- livlirid as regard* sameness, in termed iateneas, -. and <li-tirit in n-lation to the parenta: 1. if 1< a| l| as I 1 I 1 1 ! Seal o o 7 14 i -in o n 7 1 3 P. juliui 1 1 4 4 *****" |n. '.. Mi-MMsoss or THB STARCHES OK Ki< IIARDIA A I !.-> -MAI I I Al \, K. KL1.10TT1AKA, AND R MB8. BO08KVKLT. Iii the histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, urns with selenite, reactions with iodine and quali- reactions with the various chemical reagents the Marches of the parents while exhibiting certain proper- n inmn aim show certain minor |H>ciiliarities by whirh collectively they may be distinguished. The -iiir.'h .'f l:\'-iiiiril\n elliottiana in comparison with that of /.'. albo-macvltita is found to differ very little, chiefly in the pro|xirtions of different kinds of grains. The hilum re often fissured, more frequently visible, and shows more often n ; to eccentricity. The lamella? are numerous. The size on the whole tends to be -lightly leas. The polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative !:]!. p .'. t;"iis exhibit many slight differences. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, hy<lr< hloric acid, potassium hydroxide, and sodium sali- cylatc there are a number of points of differentiation, ' v apparently of a very minor character. The starch of the hybrid is in form, character of the hilium, lamellae, polariscopic and selenite reactions, iodine reac- and qualitative chemical reactions slightly closer albn-macul'ita than to the other parent, but such differences as are observed are it seems of a decidedly minor character. These starches are not well adapted for differential study not only because of their very close similarities in their properties, but also because of their small size and the differences in gelatinizability of the inner and outer parts, the former gelatinizing with com- parative rapidity and the latter with comparative diffi- culty, excepting' in the rapid reactions. On this account only few reactions were studied. Jtfuction-intntitirt Krfmtfd by lAgkt, Color, mint Trmpm- turr Reaction*. P'llarUation: K lt->-ni<-nlta. moderate to hi(th. valur 70. R. elliottiana. moderate to high, lower than R. albo-maeulata. value 05. R. mra. rooeevrlt, moderate to high, between the parent*. Tain* 87. R. albo-maeulata. moderate, value 45. R. eiliottiaoa. moderate. lea* than R. albo-maeulata. value 40. R. mr rooeevelt. moderate, the MOM a* R. albo-maeulata. value 45. Gentian violet: R- albo-marulata, light, value 30. R. etliottiana. lifht. ilichtly deeper than in R. albo-maeulata. value 33. R mn. roonvelt. light, deeper than in either parent, value 35. Bafraain: K. ll> niruli. light, value 33. R. elhutUana, lihl, Wichtly deeper than in R. albo-roarulata. value 35. R. mn. RKMewlt. liht. light to moderate, deeper than to UM parenta, value 38. Temperature: R. albo-marulata. majority at 75 to 76*. all at 77 to 78.5*. mean 77.7*. R. albo-maeulata. majority at 75 to 76*. all at 77 to 78.5'. mean 77.7*. R. eUiottiana, majority at 74 to 75*. all at 70 to 77*. mean 70.6*. R. mra. roonvelt. majority at 74 to 70*. all at 76 to 78*. mean 77*. The reactivities of K. albo-marulaio are higher than those of the other parent in the polarization and iodine reactions, and lower in the gentian violet, safranin, and temperature reactions. The hybrid in the polari/ and tem|K'rature reactions is intermediate in value; in the iodine reaction it is the same as in R. albo-macul<iln and higher than in R. eUwttiana; and in the gentian- violet and saf raiiin reactions the figures are closer to, but in excess of, those of R. elliottiana, and beyond the parental extremes. Table 40 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes) : TABU A 40. i V* i n a . <f H *> 8 9 s Chloral hydrate: 95 00 R. elliottiana 82 07 1 tnn_ rrw^M*v#Jt W Chromic add: 7 AA M H 1 R eUiottiana .'( AH 07 00 A7 07 00 Pyrocatlio acid: 4 ft 9 10 1 1 R elliottiana 7 3 K 7 1 3 4 A 7 8 Nitric acid: ft albo-maeulata (I 77 7 40 Is R elliottiana 4 16 70 " 1, 11 nm aiytJt fl IA 77 3A 41 Sulphuric acid: r 00 R elliottiana 08 r, > _ -..i, , , i ,|t 07 00 Hydrochloric add: R. albo-maculata 1R 3A 62 7ft in 33 55 70 H Id 70 37 Al 7s Potaenum hydroxide: R albn-mamlata I R in 18 H R. elliottiana 8 13 14 17 i 14 1ft 25 Sodium ealieylate: R. albo-marulata R. elliotUana 92 91 00 .,, M f, VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Riehardia albo-marulala, R. tUwltiana, and R. mrs. roosevelt. (Charts D 545 to D 552.) There are very few points of interest in the accom- panying eight charts. The starches are so nearly alike that hut little differences are shown in any of the charts. In the reactions with chloral hydrate, sulphuric acid, and sodium sahcylate gelatinization occurs so rapidly that \ 126 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. such differences as are recorded probably fall within the limits of error of experiment ; in those with chromic acid and pyrogallic acid the differences are insignificant; and in those with nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, and potas- sium hydroxide the differences are not marked, yet suf- ficient for definite differential purposes. In the latter reactions it will be observed that the relations of the curves of the three starches differ in each in the nitric- acid reaction the starch of R. albo-maculata is the most reactive, R. elliottiana the least, and the hybrid inter- mediate; in the hydrochloric-acid reaction the order of reactivity is R. albo-maculata, R. elliottiana, and hybrid ; and in the potassium-hydroxide reaction the order is hybrid, R. elliottiana, and R. albo-maculata. The great- est interest centers perhaps in the differences in reac- tivity toward the different reagents, there being repre- sented in the eight charts almost the extremes of reac- tivities. In the chloral-hydrate, sulphuric-acid, and sodium-salicylate reactions within 5 minutes all three starches are gelatinized; with pyrogallic acid there is very little effect even at the end of 60 minutes; while with chromic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, and potassium hydroxide there are in-between gradations. It is also of interest to note the different courses of the curves with these four reagents. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 40 and Charts D 545 to D 552.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the iodine reaction; the same as those of the pollen parent in none; the same as those of both parents in the reactions with chromic acid, pyro- gallic acid, sulphuric acid, and sodium salicylate ; inter- mediate in the polarization, temperature, and nitric acid reactions, in all being mid-intermediate; highest with gentian violet, safranin, chloral hydrate, and potassium hydroxide; and the lowest with hydrochloric acid, it being closer to that of the pollen parent. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Same as seed parent, 1; same as pollen parent, 0; same as both parents, 4; intermediate, 3; highest, 4; lowest, 1. It is interesting to note that while in one reaction there is sameness in relation to the seed parent, there is not in any reaction sameness to the pollen parent, although in 5 reactions out of the 13 the inclination is to the pollen parent and in only the one referred to is it to the seed parent. Tendencies to mid-intermediate- ness, to highest reactivity, and to sameness as both parents are quite apparent. COMPOSITE CURVES OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Richardia albo-maculata, R. elliottiana, and R. mrs. roosevelt. (Chart E 40.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are: Marked closeness, almost identity, of all three curves. In fact, such differences as are shown are usually so small as to fall within the limits of error of record. It would perhaps be hazardous to reach a definite diagnosis of one from the other by these curves, yet if taken in connection with the curves showing the reaction-intensi- ties at definite time-intervals differentiation appears to be satisfactory. From these curves one might naturally be led to the belief that we are dealing with varieties of a species and not with two recognized species (even though they might belong to a species subgroup) and a hybrid. From these investigations (which are incon- clusive) the parents should be regarded as varieties of a given species. It is of interest to compare these curves with those of the hippeastrums, the parents of which are garden varieties that have come from closely related parentage. The marked excursions of the curves, show- ing wide variations in the reactive intensities with the different reagents, are very striking. 41. COMPARISONS OF THE STARCHES OF MUSA AKNOLDIANA, M. GILLETII, AND M. HYBRIDA. In the histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, reactions with iodine, and quali- tative reactions with the various chemical reagents the starches of the parents have properties in common in varying degrees of development and also certain individ- ualities, and the starch of the hybrid has properties like those of one or the other or both parents, and also certain individualities ; but it is, on the whole, distinctly closer to Musa gilletii than to the other parent. The starch of M. qilletii in comparison with that of M. arnoldiana has only one of the two types seen in M. arnoldiana, but there are aggregates that are not found in the latter; and there are more numerous elongated forms. The hilum is somewhat more often fissured, and eccentricity is somewhat less in some of the forms. The lamellae are more often distinct, not so fine, and less numerous. The size is slightly larger. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reactions there are many differences which seem to be of a minor character. In the qualita- tive reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyro- gallic acid, sodium salicylate, and cobalt nitrate there are very many differences, many of which quite definitely individualize one or the other parent. The starch of the hybrid in comparison with the starches of the parents shows in almost every feature a closer relationship to the starch of the pollen parent. It contains the two types of compound grains found in M. arnoldiana and the aggre- gates of the other parent, and there is a type of compound grain that is peculiar to the hybrid. The hilum is more frequently fissured than in either parent. The lamellne are in character and arrangement more like those of M. gilletii, but in number closer to M. arnoldiana. In size some of the grains exceed those of the parents. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reactions there are many differences, but the inclinations of the hybrid are distinctly to M. gilletii. In the qualitative chemical reactions the leanings are very definitely to one or the other or both parents, with, on the whole, a dis- tinctly closer relationship to M . gilletii, the pollen parent. Reaction-intensities Expressed 1>y Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reactions. Polarization : M. arnoldiana, low to high, value 40. M. gilletii, low to high, higher than in M. arnoldiana, value 45. M. hybrida, low to high, higher than in either parent, value 50. Ml SA. 127 I -hoe: M M. lillriii. m<xk<nu. KMDcwbal ! UIMI in M. BraoUiam. r^ot aa :.v moderate, the MOM M in M. tUlettt. value 80. Gentian vi M. arii.>l'li.tiu. li(ht to deep, value &0. M sill. -in. lutlit to deep, somewhat !. value 45. n.l.i. licht to deep, the MOM a* in M gUletti. value 45. Bafranin M. arnoldiana. moderate to deep, value 00. M. (UicUi. moderate lo deep, lea* than in M. arnoldiana. value 60. M. hybrida. niodwate to deep, the avne a* in M. ill-Ui. value M. Temperature: M. arnoldiana. majority at DO to 01*. all at 64 5 to 06.8*. mean 06*. ^.lleUi. majority at M to (W.5*. aU at 07.5 to 00*. mean 08.4*. M Kybrida. majority at 06.2 to 07*. all at OB lo 70*. mean 00.76*. In ii"t OIK- <>f the fire reactions are the figures for the tw<> ]..!-. nu tlie same. The polarization reaction of M. ijillrtit is ln_'liT, mill those with iodine, wifranin, gentian \ lol.'t, and temperature are lower than those of the other j.an-ht. Tlic hybrid has the same degree of reactivity 8 M. ijillctii in the reactions with iodine, gentian violet, and safranin ; higher reactivity than either parent in that with polarization ; and a lower reactivity in that with i.-ni)>. r:i:uri-. In all of these reactions the hybrid is r to If. gillrlii than to the other parent. In no :ice is thT<> int.TiiH'tliateness, and in two records the reactions are in excess or deficit of the parental Table A 41 shows the reaction-int.'n-iti. - in jH-rccnt- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (sec- onds and minutes) : TABLE A 41. - Chloral hydrate: M. araoldiana. ftft 00 00 M Kill. HI !M AO fl yy OS M hvt.niU 78 58 70 74 77 uk acid: M. araoldiana.. . M. BiUeta .. .. 06 70 100 on 00 M. hybrida 77 70 07 Pymcallir acid: M arenldianm 80 OS 00 M. BJlletn || M 71 81 84 \l hvtiricim 14 ftft 71 70 . , .: M. araoldiana.. M M. Billet" M. hybrida 07 47 - 00 00 03 01 00 Oft Sulphuric acid: M. araoldiana.. . on M. (UMii 75 M M. hybrida 48 Oft Hydrochloric acid. M. araoldiana 00 M K. .- . 7A on M. hyfarida 84 80 08 00 1 ' ' .r : . \ ide: M araoldiana 00 M f . H H \i . . 01 .-, ! ir^ti^t rouMarum todide. M araoldiana ..- M.rillmi M. hybrida n 86 7x 87 -I 00 OK - PoUaaum eulpho- cyaoate: M. araoldiana.. . on 00 M-Bill'tii 1 1 -7 07 00 M. hybrida i .] pj 00 TABLK A rf 8 i M n i i - , i 8 I 9 .- 8 I' ,- .: .'I!.,! M. ri,..Miaiia. 90 1 M. kUlrlll 70 Oft 07 M l>vl.ri<U (M 07 Oft SiMiium hydroxide: M araoldiana 00 M JBeH Aft M OR OH M. hyfarida M i. 01 or Sociiunt MJpoKM: M. aranldiaua. . 08 00 M.BiUeUi 18 4? || NO Oft Mfcm>La.Mat nyiirKi* Sodium aalirylate: M. araoldiana.. . 8 38 1ft 70 Oft 00 06 M. (ill. tn 74 KA Oft r: M. liyhrida fl? 71 00 ..)- ( 'all linn nitrate: M. araoldiana. Oft 00 M. Bill, in M. hybrida 10 8 SO 1 80 74 00 80 8fl 03 00 Cranium nitrate: 84 00 M. Billet" M. hybrida Strontium nitrate: ' * * ' 10 8 Oft 77 64 00 80 73 08 U6 03 07 06 M. (ill. tn M. hybrida Colwlt nitrate: * * 14 16 * * 83 72 87 70 is * 06 02 00 07 M M. Billet ii 14 2 ;s 48 62 10 71 ;to 40 44 Copper nitrate: 00 M. (illctii M. liyl.ri.ln Cupric chloride: M. araoldiana.. . M. Bill* -tii M. hybrida Karium chloride: 10 8 87 10 6 i 65 60 72 60 ii n i 06 71 70 1>5 ..> 00 M .1, H 86 82 00 80 86 M. Kill. -til 5 51 V 60 M. hytirida , 1" 42 Merruric chloride: M. araoldiana.. . M. BUIctii M. hybrida OS 10 a 07 31 ' ..i 48 01 : 71 02 76 ..- 70 72 VELOCITY-REACTION CUUVKS. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Miua arnoldiana, M.gilletii, and M. hy- brida, showing the quantitative differences in the be- havior towards different reagents at definite time-inter- vals. (Charts D 553 to D 573.) Among the conspicuous features of these charts are : (1) The high to very high reactivity of the starch of Miua arnoldiana throughout all of the reactions, in only one of which is the reaction high. In not less than 1 1 reac- tions out of the 20 at least 95 per cent of the total starch was gelatinized within 2 minutes, and in the others with the cxo'ption of chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, and barium chloride a similar intensity of reaction occurred in 5 minutes or less. The maximum time (99 per cent in 30 minutes) was in the chloral-hydrate reactions. In many of the reactions not only was the reactivity of this starch greater tlian in ca> <>f the other parent and the hybrid, but sometimes also markedly higher. i The marked tendency for the corves of M. gillrtii and M. hybrida to run close together, and in many in- 128 H1STOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. stances to be well separated from the curve of M. arnold- iana. The tendency for the hybrid reactions throughout (excepting those with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, and po- tassium hydroxide which are so rapid that no satisfac- tory differentiation can be made, and in that with pyro- gallic acid, in which the curve is practically identical with that of the pollen parent), to be lower than that in either parent; and also to show a distinctly closer rela- tionship to M. gilletii than to M. arnoldiana. (3) The considerable differences in the interrelations of the three curves: Thus, in the reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, sodium salicylate, calcium ni- trate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, and barium chloride the curves are quite evenly separated, the curve of M. gittetii in each chart being between the curves of M. arnoldiana and the hybrid. In the reac- tions with pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, copper ni- trate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride there is an obvious pairing of the curves of M. gilletii and the hybrid, the curves being to more or less marked de- grees separated from the curve of M. arnoldiana, and from each other, excepting in the latter in the pyrogallic- acid reactions, where the curves of M. gilletii and the hybrid are practically identical. In the reactions with nitric acid, potassium iodide, and sodium hydroxide the only important differences are noted at the very begin- ning of gelatinization. In the other reactions, with the exceptions noted, while the curves tend in general to run closely, there are sufficient differences to permit of diagnosis. (4) An early period of resistance is noted in very few of the reactions. In fact, there is generally a marked tendency for an immediate high to very high degree of reactivity which may be followed by a progressively les- sening. An early period of resistance is seen in the reactions of chromic acid with M. hybrida, of pyrogallic acid, and, particularly, of barium chloride, with both M. gilletii and M . hybrida. (5) The earliest period during the 60 minutes of observation at which the curves are best separated for the differentiation of the three starches is variable with the different reagents. In case of the very rapid reac- tions, including those with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, and sodium hydroxide, the period is noted within the first minute of the reactions; in those with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cal- cium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mer- curic chloride within 5 minutes; and in those with chloral hydrate and barium chloride within 15 minutes. From this data the best period for the differentiation of members of this genus would be, perhaps, on the whole, 5 minutes after the beginning of the reaction ; or better, to use in most cases weaker reagents. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 41 and Charts D 553 to D 573.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in no reaction; the same as those of the pollen parent in the reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and pyrogallic acid; the same as those of both parents in none; intermediate with hydrochloric acid, and potassium hydroxide, being closer to the pollen parent in one and mid-intermediate in the other ; highest in none; and the lowest with polarization, temperature, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride, in all of which being closer to the pollen parent. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties : Same as seed parent, ; same as pollen parent, 4 ; same as both parents, 0; intermediate, 2; highest, 0; lowest, 20. Lowest reactivity of the three starches and sameness and inclination to the pollen parent are two features that stand out with marked conspicuousness. The pollen parent seems to have been pre-eminent in determining the characters of the starch of the hybrid, inasmuch as in 25 of the 26 reactions this parent bears the closer rela- tionship to the hybrid, while in the remaining reaction there is mid-intermediateness, but of doubtful valuation. COMPOSITE CURVES OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Musa arnoldiana, M. gilletii, and M. hybrida. ( Chart E 41.) The most conspicuous features of the chart are : The general correspondence in the ups and downs of the curves, excepting in the case of M. arnoldiana in many reactions which occur so rapidly that differences are not satisfactorily demonstrated. The three curves from the polarization to the sulphuric acid reactions are in close accord, but from the latter on to the sodium-sulphide reaction the curve of M. arnoldiana shows practically no change, and from then on such alterations as are exhibited occur within the 5-minute limit, excepting in the barium-chloride reaction, in which the limit is ex- tended to 15 minutes. With M. gilletii and M. hybrida, however, the variations from reagent to reagent are com- monly well marked. With somewhat weaker reagents the curve of M. arnoldiana would in all probability corre- spond in its variations with the curves of M. gilletii and the hybrid. The curve of M. arnoldiana is the highest throughout, excepting in the polarization reaction, and in many instances it is much higher than the curve of M. gilletii and the hybrid. The curve of M. gilletii is higher than the curve of M. hybrida in the reaction with temperature, chloral hydrate, hydrochloric acid, potas- sium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydrox- ide, sodium salicylate, uranium nitrate, and strontium nitrate ; and the same or nearly the same in all other reac- tions, excepting with polarization, in which it is lower, the same, or nearly the same. The best reagents in the differentiation of these two starches are chloral hydrate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium salicylate, uranium nitrate, and strontium nitrate. The very high reactions of M. arnoldiana with'chromic acid, pyrogallic Ml >A. 11".) a. 1. 1. mt; . id, hydrochloric add, potM- i-iuiu Indroude, |N.ia-.Mum iodide. |MiUi"iimi Mil)', in Milphide. M|IUIII hydroxide, sodium fulphide. .....imiii . ..i!. mm nitrate, uranium r..ntiiiiii intra!'-. cobalt nitrate, O-JIJKT nitrate, .nuin chloride, ami nu-rruru- rh! ranin and chloral In with polarization, inline, gentian 1 t.-iMj.. r.itui. . ami the absence of any low or -. Tin- \cry high reactivities of M. ilphurie ai id, hydrochloric acid, potassium . potassium iodide. |Nita*.*ium Milpli-H-yanatc, . -odium hydroxide, sodium salicylatc, Tellium nitrate; the liiirh reactions with chromn I. ciKlium >ul|>!iide. uiul uruniuin nitrate; the mndcrete r in tin- |M>larizati<>n. iodine, gen- :. and safraiun, t.-nipcrature, chloral hydrate, im nitratr, ami copjHT nitrate r. actions; the low I. cobalt nitrate, cupric chlo- liariunt chli>nili>, and mercuric chloride; and the with cobalt nitrate. The very high utics of M. hybrida with sulphuric acid and the I under M. gillrlii, excepting stron- tium in- hitfh reactions with chromic acid, nitric sodium sulphide, and strontium nitrate; the mod- with jiolari/ation, iodine, gentian violet, afranin, tcm;- .ilcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, "|I[NT nitrate; the low reactions with chloral hy- . ptnqrallic acid, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride; and the \.-ry low reactions with cobalt nitrate and tiurium chloride. I llowing is a summary of the reaction-intensities: \,,-, . High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. M rnoMrw JO 2 4 o M Ull-t.. M. hybrid* . - 4 4 8 8 4 4 1 1 '. \u-.\Kisox8 OF THE STABCHES OF I'HAH s \.M'1K'I.II >. 1*. \\.\I.I.lrilIl, AMI 1'. IIYBUIHU8. In the histologio characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selcnite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reaction.-; with the various chemical rea- gents, the parents and hybrid exhibit properties in com- mon in varying degrees of development, and also certain individualities by which collectively they can be identi- fied. The starch of Phaiut trallifhii in comparison with that of /'. grandifoliut shows larger proportions of aggregates and compound grains ; more frequent irregu- larities, but given forms of irregularity vary in fre- y ; and the forms are of more varied types. The luluin is more often distinct, slightly more refractive, ami rarely fissured ; a longitudinal slit-like cavity at tht- luluin and a deflected oblique fissure are more fre- !y ni'teil ; ei ccntricity is more variable and lew. Tho lamelle exhibit some differences in distribution and form ; secondary sets are more numerous ; the number is about the cam. T -ize of the larger grains is longer and lew wide ; that of the common-sized grains about the same. In the polariscopic, sclenite, and qualitative io- dine reactions there arc various differences. In qualitative I >ns with chloral hydrate. ihr<>mic acid, pyrogallic .11 -ill, hydrochloric a< id, potassium hydroxide, potassium i<iide, potassium sulphocyanatc, potaasium sulphide, .i.uin hydroxide, sodium sulphide, and sodium sali- cylatc there are very many points of difference which seem to be wholly of a minor character. The starch of tho hybrid in comparison with the starches of the parents contains larger proportions of aggregates and compound grains than in either parent; irregularities are leas fre- |iient ; and then- are inure grains of a lender (< than in P. grandifolitui, but less than in P. MBUUfc Tho hilum is more refractive and more frequently demon- strable than in either parent; a slit-like cavity at the luluin is as frequently apparent as in /'. grandifoUus. but less frequently than in I', u-nlliflni; lissuration is -lightly more varied and more frequent than in cither parent; clefts in the form of a soaring-bird figure arc ven. this form not U-iiitf observed in (lie [lareiiU; eccen- tricity is the same as in P. trallichii. The lamellm of the primary sets are coarser than in the parents; a refractive border at the proximal and lateral margins is lew frequent, and it is of the same width as in P. grandi folitu, but less broad as a rule than in P. wailichii. Sec- ondary sets of lamella' are somewhat more frequent, often larger and commonly located as in P. grandifoliiu . hut leas numerous and less varied in location than in P. u-nl- li'-liii; and the number is about the same as in the parents. The size is closer t'. that of P. grandifdliu*. In the polarization and selenite reactions there are many inclinations to one or the other parent, hut on the whole to P. grandifolitu ; while in the qualitative iodine reactions the leanings arc on the whole to P. trallirhii. In the qualitative chemical reactions the peculiarities of one or the other or both parents are very well mani- fested, but in each the reactions are on the whole closer to those of P. grandifolius. UractioH-intmfilirt Krpreued by Light, Color, and Tempera lurr K rartion*. I'nlariutinn : P. crandifoliiu. hich to very high, vain P. wallirhii. high, lower than in P. gran-liMm*. valur 80. P. hybridun. hich to very hih. lichUy higher than in P. grandi- fuliiu. value 87. Iodine: P. crandifoliiu. moderate, value 50. P. wallichii. moderate, licbter than in P. crandifoliiu. value 40. P. hybridua, moderate, intermediate between the parent*, but nearer to P. wallichii. value 43. Grntian violet: P. irandifoliiu, moderate to derp. value 87. P. wallichii, liftht to moderate, lighter than in P. crandifoliu*. value 80. P. hybridu*. moderate to def>, deeper than either parent, value 00. Safranin: P. grandifoliu*. moderate to deep, value 60. P. wallirhii. light to moderate, lighter than in P. (randifoliua. value 65. P. hybridua, moderately deep to deep, deeper than in either parent. value . Temperature: P. grandifoJiiM, in the majority at BS to 06*. in all but rare grain* at 68 to 00*. mean 68.8. P. wallichii. in the majority at 64 to 08*. in all but rare train* at 67 to 68*. mean 97.3'. P. hybridua. in the majority at 64 to W. in all but rare grain* at 66 to 68*. mean 67*. In the reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian . and Mifrnnin P. gramlifnliuf exhibits higher reactivities than the other parent, but in the temperature 130 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. TABLE A 42. a *-i B 04 B m a * = 1C a o a '- a o CO 65 61 56 99 99 99 50 85 70 6 o ** 79 67 66 58 91 77 a i 80 67 70 67 94 84 Chloral hydrate: sn 50 48 44 70 97 87 34 80 62 71 ?1 Chromic acid: an fi7 44 Pyrogallic acid: ft 63 8 Nitric acid: Tf 95 90 99 90 78 00 Sulphuric acid: 93 96 92 96 '.''.' 98 99 99 99 100 100 100 JL* 7 ... Hydrochloric acid: 99 Potassium hydroxide: 90 inn 09 Potassium iodide: ftfi 90 95 92 99 95 98 95 97 99 98 99 99 90 8? Potassium sulphocyanate: 07 09 07 00 Potassium sulphide: 00 00 05 00 Sodium hydroxide: 00 0? 97 90 P. hybridus Sodium sulphide: P. grundifolius P. wallichii P. hybridus Sodium salicylate : P grandifolius 84 84 92 90 95 95 96 95 30 99 99 99 99 84 97 99 00 54 54 96 91 99 99 97 99 Calcium nitrate: P grandifolius 7? P wallichii m 75 00 Uranium nitrate: P grandifolius 65 90 98 95 95 99 98 98 on 68 Strontium nitrate: P. grandifolius 84 05 P wallichii 01 09 P. hybridus m 98 inn Cobalt nitrate: P. grandifolius 9 22 78 62 Ofl 56 87 76 69 90 82 72 96 86 P wallichii 48 P. hybridus in Copper nitrate : 06 00 98 9S Cupric chloride: P. grandifolius 51 76 95 82 84 97 92 3 87 98 95 90 99 96 3 25 8 90 99 95 8? 55 Barium chloride: P. grandifolius 1 ? 74 9 11 5 83 95 90 19 6 90 97 95 P. hybridus 1 Mercuric chloride: P. grandifolius 55 P. wallichii 81 P. hybridus 68 reactions lower activity. The hybrid shows in the reactions with polarization, gentian violet, and safranin higher reactivities than either of the parents ; with iodine intermediateness, but nearer to P. wallichii; and with temperature practically the same reactivity as that of P. wallichii. Table A 42 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Phaius grandifolius, P. wallichii, and P. hybridus, showing the quantitative differences in the be- havior toward different reagents at definite time-inter- vals. ( Charts D 574 to D 594.) Among the conspicuous features of these charts are: The correspondence in the courses and the closeness of all three curves in the several reactions. Owing to the very rapid reactions of the starches with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, strontium nitrate, and copper nitrate (10 out of the 21 chemical reagents), satisfactory stud- ies of the curves can not be made. Omitting these, the curves tend to run very closely excepting in the reactions with pyrogallic acid and copper nitrate, in each of which there is well-marked separation. The curve of P. c/randi- folius is higher than that of the other parent in only the chloral-hydrate reaction, and definitely lower in those of the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, po- tassium iodide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, ura- nium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride. The curves of the hy- brid vary in the different reactions in their parental relationships. There is a marked tendency to inter- mediateness, and there is about an equal tendency to excess or deficit of reaction as there is to sameness to one or the other and both parents, and there is about equal inclination to one as to the other parent. In only two of the charts (pyrogallic acid and cobalt nitrate) is there evidence of an early period of resistance followed by a moderate to rapid gelatinization. In both only two of the starches (P. grandifolius and P. hybridus) exhibit this feature, but neither to a marked degree. The earliest period of the experiments at which the curves are best separated for differential purposes is with chromic acid, potassium iodide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride at 5 minutes; pyrogallic acid and cobalt nitrate at 15 minutes; chloral hydrate at 45 minutes; and barium chloride at 60 minutes. KEACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 42 and Charts D 574 toD 594.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the strontium-nitrate reaction ; the same as those of the pollen parent in the reactions with temperature, sodium sulphide, and sodium salicylate; the same as those of both parents with sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium sulphocyanate, and copper nitrate, in most all being too fast for satisfactory differentiation; intermediate with iodine, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, potas- sium iodide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride (in 4 being closer to the seed parent, in 2 closer to the pollen parent, and in 4 being intermediate) ; I'H.Mt'S MILTOMA. 131 highest with polarization, gentian violet, and .-afranin. in all closer to the cci-1 parent; and lowest with chloral hydrate. pta*.-ium Milplude. and Mxliuui hydroxide (in to the pollen parent, and in 1 Mcloae to one aa to the other parent). The following is a nummary of the reaction-intensi- ties : Same aa seed parent, 1 ; same aa pollen parent, 3 ; tame aa both parent*, 5; intermediate, 11; highest, 3; lowMt, 3. In these reaction! the parents aeem to share about equally their influence* in determining the characters of the .starch of the hybrid. The tendency to inter- mediateneas is quite marked, and in about one-half of these reactions there is mid-intermediatenesa. There is a tendency to highest or lowest reactivity than to i to one or the other parent \i POSITS CORTES op THE REACTION-- INTENSITIES. Following is a summary of the reaction-intensities: Vnr Hicb. V . Low. Vy low. P. crandifuliiu 13 17 M 6 a S 6 2 a i .. 1 1 1 P. WBllirlm P. hybridan This wtii-n treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of I'liaiut granJifoliu.*. P. wallichii, and P. hy- bridus. (Chart K long the most conspicuous features of this chart are: The very close correspondence in the rises and falls of the curves and in most of the reactions the closeness of tin- curves to one another, suggesting closely related members of the same genus. The curve of Phaitu grandifolitm is hiirher than the curve of the other parent P. vallichii in the reactions with polarization, . gentian violet, safranin, chloral hydrate, and sodium hydroxide; lower with temperature, chromic arid, pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, sodium sali- cylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride; an<l the same or practically the same with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium sulphocyanatc, potassium sulphide, sodium sul- phide, strontium nitrate, and copper nitrate. In P. grandifolius the very high reactions with polarization, acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium tide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, m hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, mm nitrate, and copper nitrate; the high with safranin, chromic acid, potassium iodide, sodium sali- cylate, uranium nitrate; the moderate with iodine, m violet, temperature, cupric chloride, and mer- curic chloride; the low with chloral hydrate, pyro- gallic acid, and cobalt nitrate; and the very low with harium chloride. In P. rallichii the very high reactions with polarization, chromic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric arid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cop- per nitrate, and cupric chloride; the high with safra- nin and mercuric chloride; the moderate with io- dine. gentian violet, temperature, pyrogallic acid, and cobalt nitrate; the low with chloral hydrate; and the very low with barium chloride. In P. liybridu.* the very high reactions with polarization, nitric acid, hydro- chloric arid, potassium hydroxide, potassium sulpho- cyanate, potawium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, and copper nitrate ; the high with gentian violet, safranin, chromic acid, potassium iodide, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride; the mod- erate with iodine and temperature; the low with chloral hydrato. pyrogallic acid, and cobalt nitrate; and thr low with barium chloride. 43. COUPAEIBOKS OF THE STAKC1IE8 OF MlLTOMA VKXILLABIA, M. RfEZLII, AND M. BLEUANA. In (lie histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with the various chemical rea- gents, all three starches exhibit properties in common m varying degrees of development together with individ- ualities, the sum of which in each case is characteristic of the starch. The starch of Miltonia rarzlii in compari- son with that of M. verillaria shows less numerous com- pound grains; more varied aggregates and a larger number of the mosaic type; irregularities more frequent and more pronounced (there are differences in the fre- quency of the appearance of given forms of irregularity) ; a somewhat abrupt flattening at the distal margin may be observed, which peculiarity is not seen in the other starch ; flattening is more frequent in grains with second- ary lamellae. The hilum is somewhat more frequently fissured, and when not fissured is less distinct; quite, refractive hila rare; cavity directed longitudinally and clefts more frequent; fissure projected from the hilum generally deeper, more frequently branched nnd more common; eccentricity less. The lamellae are less often demonstrable, and there are a number of variations in their distribution nnd grouping. The size is larger, with a marked tendency to broadness. In the polariscopic, selenite, and qualitative iodine reactions there are* many differences. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium io- dide, and sodium salicylate there are many similarities and dissimilarities, some of the latter being quite marked. The starch of the hybrid in comparison with the start hc- of the parents contains larger numbers of compound grains and aggregates; irregularities are slightly less than in il. rcrillaria and considerably less than in M. rcnlii; a lateral extension of secondary lamellae is less frequently seen than in M. rtrzJii. The hilum when fis- sured is more distinct and is more frequently refractive than in either parent and there are various modifications in the characters of the fissures and clefts ; eccentricity is about the same as in .V. rtnlii and less than in .V. rex ij- laria. The size is larger than in either parent. The hybrid starch is in form, character of the hilum, and char- acters of the lamella morn closelv related to M. rfril- laria ; but in eccentricity of the hilum and size it is closer to M. rtrzlii. In the polariscopic. selenite. and qualita- tive iodine reactions there are obvious leanings to ore or the other parent, but the relationship is on the whole distinctly closer to M. rrrillnria. In the qualitative chemical reactions, while the relationships are on the whole distinctly closer to M. rerUlana. the influences of M. rvzlii on the hybrid starch are markedly manifest. Rractinn-intnuititi Efpmtrd by J.!7*f, Color, and Trmpfm- ture Rroftion*. Polarisation: M. millaria. hich to very high. value 85. M. waalH, moderate to my hich, lower thus in M. rnflUria. value 76. M. Ueoana, hich to vwy hich. hither than in either parcel. rain* 88. Iodine: M. vraillaria. moderate, value 55. M. n-nlii, moderate, tighter than in M. rczillana. raid* 50. M. bUuana. moderate, the aame u in M millaria. value 65. 132 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. Gentian violet: M. vexillaria, moderate, value 50. M. rcezlii, moderate to deep, deeper than in M. vexillaria, value 55. M. bleuana, moderate to deep, lighter than in M. vexillaria, value 47. Saf ranin : M. vexillaria, moderate to moderately deep, value 55. M. roezlii, moderate to deep, considerably deeper than in M. vex- illaria, value G5. M. bleuana, moderate to moderately deep, the same as in M. vex- illaria, value 55. Temperature: M. vexillaria, in the majority at 70 to 71, in all but rare grains at 73 to 74, mean 73.5. M. roezlii, in the majority at 74 to 76, in all but rare grains at 76 to 77, mean 76.5. M. bleuana, in the majority at 69 to 71, in all but rare grains at 72 to 74, mean 73. M. vexillaria shows a higher reactivity than the other pareut in the polarization, iodine, and temperature reactions, and a lower reactivity in the gentian-violet and safranin reactions. The hybrid has the highest reactivi- ties of the three in the polarization and temperature reac- tions, the lowest reactivity in the gentian-violet reactions, and the same or practically the same reactivities as M. vexillaria in the iodine and safrauin reactions. In all five reactions the hybrid is either the same as or closer to M . vexillaria. Table A 43 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Miltonia vexillaria, M. rcezlii, and M. bleuana, showing the quantitative differences in the be- havior toward different reagents at definite time-inter- vals. (Charts D 595 to D 60S).) Among the conspicuous features of these charts are : The closeness and correspondence of the curves in each of the reactions. The reactions with nitric acid, sul- phuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and potassium hydroxide occur with such rapidity that there is practically no differentiation. The curve of M. vexillaria is higher than the curve of the other parent in the reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, so- dium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, cal- cium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride ; and lower with cobalt nitrate and barium chloride. The hybrid, while bearing varying relations to one or the other or both parents as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in reactivities, shows a remarkable inclination to an almost universally higher reactivity than either of the parents, and, moreover, a similar inclination to the seed parent ; in only 2 of the 26 reactions is there a mani- fest leaning toward the pollen parent. An early period of high resistance followed by rapid to moderate gelatiniza- tion is entirely absent from this set of reactions. The earliest period during the 60 minutes that is best for the differentiation of the three starches is for chromic acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphide, potassium sulpho- cyanate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt ni- trate, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride at 5 minutes; calcium nitrate at 15 minutes; chloral hydrate, pyro- gallic acid, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride at 30 minutes. The reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and potassium hydroxide are too fast for differentiation of the starches. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and TABLE A 43. . . . . . a B <N 6 m G v 6 IO E a to H 8 I >0 ^)* S S Chloral hydrate: M. vexillaria f)7 84 97 08 GO 71 8 84 S4 M. bleuana 6? 81 05 07 '17 Chromic acid : 4 9 87 97 99 37 71 96 <ii) 63 00 95 97 Pyrogallic acid: 50 79 8<1 88 '11 43 63 7 77 SO 63 qo 96 97 99 Nitric acid: 88 92 97 00 86 93 95 97 99 M. bleuana 97 99 Sulphuric acid: M. vexillaria 9U 97 98 09 nil M. bleuana 99 Hydrochloric acid: M. vexillaria 97 99 94 97 99 99 Potassium hydroxide: M. vexillaria 98 99 99 100 99 10( Potassium iodide: 84 97 09 7S 85 00 ( i r i 9? 95 98 00 Potassium sulphocyanate : 95 99 85 89 95 98 98 99 Potassium sulphide: 83 87 90 9? 95 7? 84 85 87 S'J 9f 08 99 Sodium hydroxide: 95 90 87 9 95 '15 98 99 Sodium sulphide: 79 89 95 96 58 7? 77 90 S 1 ! 95 99 Sodium salicylate: 80 98 78 96 86 95 09 Calcium nitrate: 84 05 96 97 'IS 8 1 ? 80 00 91 'l ' 97 90 Uranium nitrate: 83 90 95 96 98 77 87 95 'Mi 95 90 Strontium nitrate: 91 95 00 86 05 96 11! Cobalt nitrate: 16 46 5? 56 00 48 56 W, fit 70 67 81 89 'Ml 'II Copper nitrate: 84 95 96 97 M 73 83 00 95 05 'IS 09 Cupric chloride: 56 70 78 81 88 5 64 68 70 7? 81 90 95 97 H Barium chloride: 7 10 1? 6 11 15 18 ?.?, 10 ?0 ffi ,30 M Mercuric chloride: 1 60 75 80 85 I"* 53 57 60 80 75 90 97 98 9ft M I I.TONIA CVMBIDIUM . 183 t in relation to the par.-nt... (Table A 43 ml CharU Mtie* of the hybrid are the Mine as those uf the - I p.irent in the n-a. ln-n- with iodine, ..il r.inin, and puUMJum sulphocyanate ; the same as thoae uf the pollen parent in niic ; the same as those of botli parents in tliiiM- with sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, ami pota*ium h\ droude. in all of which gelatinixation occurs .juickly ; intermediate, hut nearer thoaecd parvnt, in that with t Moral hydrate; highest with polarization, , lir. I. mine ;i. i.l. potassium io- dide, :' tiL-sium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sul- phide, .-..hum salu-ylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, -;r iitnini nitrate, colmlt nitrate, copper nitrate, , iiprx chloride, copper chloride, barium chloride, and irir chloride (in II lx'in>; doaer to the seed parent, in '.' . lo,.-r to the pollen parent, and in 1 as cloae to one an to the other parent ) ; and lowest with gentian violet and -rature, in both being closer to the seed parent in alter pr.i. tu-.illy the same. ' -Mowing is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Same as seed parent, 3; same as pollen parent, 0; same as both parents, 3; intermediate, 1; highest, 17; Two ven- conspicuous features of these data are the very markedly dominating influence of the seed parent <>n the properties of the starch of the hybrid, and the equally iimrkiil tendency to reactivities of the hybrid, r than those of the parents. In 20 out of the 26 reaction* th<< seed parent is the game or closer to the hybrul, while in only 2 is there closeness to the pollen t ; and in 17 reactions the hybrid exceeds the reac- tivities of the parents. MFOSITE CUHVE8 OF REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reactiun-intcn.-ities, showing the differentiation of the ies of Mtltonia vexillana, M. rcnlii, and M. bleuana. rt K i:t.) The most conspicuous features of this chart arc: The cloae correspondence in the rises and falls of all three .:ig in the ' reactions with gentian violet, il hydrate, and calcium nitrate. In the gentian- violet reactions the curves of M . rtrillaria and the hybrid fall, while the curve of If. ratxlii rises; in the chloral- hydrate reactions the curves of the fonner rise while the curve of the latter falls; and in the calcium-nitrate reac- tions tin- ( urve of M. nrz/ii appears aberrant by falling. rillnria has higher reactivities than the other pan-nt in the react inns with polarization, iodine, choral hy- drate, pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, potassium sul- .inaU 1 , potaamum sulphide, sodium hydroxide, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride; lower reactivities with -afranin, temperature, cobalt nitrate, and barium chloride; and the same or practically the same reaction-; with diromic acid, nitric acid, sul- phuric arid, hydrochloric arid, potassium hydroxide, odium sulphide, sodium salicylate, and uranium nitrite. In M. ifj-illaria the very high reactions with polarization, nitric and, sulphuric acid, hydnn hlorir arid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyairit--. \ide, sodium salicylate. calcium n: strontium nitrate, and copper nitrate; the high ron with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, sodium sulphide, and uranium nitrate; the moderate reactions with iodine, MI viol, t, safrnnin, pyroijallic acid, and |Hita>-ium sulphide: the low reactions with temperature, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride: and the ms with barium chloride. In M. ran/it thp very high reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, Very hih. !!ih. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. M. vexillaria . . 12 4 | 4 1 M. KMlii . ... ^ ^ | a 1 M. bUuana !' 4 4 1 1 hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium sul- p'hiH vanaU', MNliuni Kaluylute, and .-ic-Mmm n.- the high reaction* with polarization, safranm, chronm- .i.id, sodium li\<lr..\,.|. . Kodium Hul|ilude, uranium nitrate, and TO|I|MT nitrate; tle moderaU* n-jn tioii;- with i. Mime, gentian uol.t, tem|HTature, potassium iwlide, and calcium nitrate; the low reactions with <-lil,.r:il hydrate, pyrogallic acid, potassium sulphide, cobalt ni- trate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride; and the very low reactions with barium chloride. In If. bleuana the very high reactions with polarization, diromic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, and copper nitrate : tlu> high reac- tions with chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, cupric chlo- ride, and mercuric chloride; the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and cobalt nitrate; the low reaction with temperature; and the very low reac- tion with barium chloride. Following is a summary of the reaction-intensities: 44. COMPARISON OF THE STARCHES OF CYUIIIDII M I.OWIAMM, C. Kill K.NEVM, AND C. EBUKNKO- LOWI4JTDX. In the histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with the various chemical rea- gents all three starches exhibit properties in common in varying degrees of development together with certain individualities which collectively are in each case char- acteristic. The starch of Cymbidium /out'naum in com- parison with that of C. tbwrnmm has somewhat leas numerous grains of the disaggregate type ; pressure facets on separated grains are more numerous; the surfaces of disaggregates are more regular; large grains of the iso lated disaggregate type are more numerous and more varied in form; compactly arranged triplets and quad- ruplets are more common; components of doublets are iiion- often of equal size; and mosaics of live to ten com- ponents are more rounded. The hilum has a cavity or cleft more often ; it is more often fissured ; there are various modifications of Assuring; eccentricity is less. The lamella? are much less often demonstrable*; th- an absence of a secondary set of lamella? at riu'ht angle to the primary set; the number is probably less. The size is on the whole smaller, and differences are noted in the proportion of length to width. In the polario - I'-nitc, and qualitative iodine reactions various differ- ences are recorded in the three starches, mostly appa- rently of a very minor character. In the qualit reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, nitric arid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sul- phocyanate, and sodium salicylate various points of dif- ference have been demonstrated, but these seem to be of minor character. Throughout, with few exceptions, the hybrid is much closer to C. lovianum. Krucliun-intmtiliet fffritttd ky Light. Color, and Temper* frf Ktacliont Polarisation: C. lowiamun. hih. ralue 80. C. eburnnim. Kigh. (mm than in C. lowitniim. raluc 76. C. bttfn.-low.. hick, to* BUM M in C. lovianum. vmlvtc 80. 134 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. Iodine: C. lowianum, moderate, value 50. C. eburneum, moderate, lighter than in C. lowianum, value 45. C. eburn.-low., moderate, the same as in C. lowianum, value 50. Gentian violet: C. lowianum, moderate to moderately deep, value 55. C. eburneum, light to moderately deep, slightly deeper than in C. lowianum, value 57. C. eburn.-low., light to moderately deep, the same as in C. lowi- anum, value 55. Safranin: C. lowianum, moderate to moderately deep, value 52. C. eburneum, moderate to moderately deep, slightly deeper than in C. lowianum, value 55. C. eburn.-low., moderate to moderately deep, the same as in C. lowianum, value 52. Temperature : C. lowianum, in the majority at 58 to 60, in all at 62 to 63 , mean 62.5. C. eburneum, in the majority at 58 to 69.5, in all at 65 to 66.5 , mean 65.76. C. eburn.-low., in the majority at 61 to 63, in all but rare grains at 67 to 68, mean 67.5. C. lowianum exhibits a higher reactivity than the other parent in the polarization, iodine, and temperature reactions, and a lower reactivity in the gentian- violet and safranin reactions. The hybrid has the same reactivities as C. lowianum in the reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and safranin, but has a lower reactivity than either parent with temperature, in which it is nearer to C. eburneum. Table A 44 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (sec- onds and minutes). VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Cymbidium lowianum, C. eburneum, and C. eburneo-lowianum, showing the quantitative difference in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time- intervals. (Charts D 616 to D 618.) The reactions with the various reagents, with rare exceptions, occur with such rapidity that such differences as may have been noted are not conclusive, all three starches being gelatinized completely or practically com- pletely within a minute or two, and often within 15 to 30 seconds. Where no differences are recorded between the reactions of the parents those of the hybrid may be distinctly different, as in the chloral-hydrate, pyrogallic- acid, and barium-chloride reactions, especially in the last. For the reason stated, only the curves of these three reactions have been charted. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 44 and Charts D 616 to D 618.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and safranin ; the same as those of the pollen parent in none; the same as those of both parents with sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potas- sium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocya- nate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sul- phide, and strontium nitrate, in all of which the reactions are too rapid for differentiation ; intermediate or high- est in none; and the lowest with temperature, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, so- dium salicylate, calcium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride (in 1 being closer to the pollen parent, and in 12 as close to one as to the other parent). The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Same as seed parent, 4; same as pollen parent, 0; TABLE A 44. a U5 a 3 g 3 *< a s ft i n 10 ^l* s B E ;N 8 W a ^f s 1C Chloral hydrate: ){) tfl 10 )L> 13 J7 99 95 00 ibb Chromic acid: IS 17 19 ir, H 98 9.5 83 100 09 99 95 Pyrogallic acid: OS .19 Nitric acid: 9Fi 05 05 Sulphuric acid: ino oo 00 Hydrochloric acid : ion 1f>0 inn Potassium hydroxide: ion ion inn Potassium iodide: 05 05 07 Potassium sulphocyanate inn inn .11 Potassium sulphide: inn inn inn Sodium hydroxide: inn inn <i<i Sodium sulphide: inn 00 00 Sodium salicylate: so <i<i ss 'i< C. eburn.-low Calcium nitrate: 08 81 <j:> 111 ')>. S( OS <><) Uranium nitrate: 'II inn (17 inn 90 95 o< Strontium nitrate: 9S '!' 11! Cobalt nitrate: 00 00 on 91 Copper nitrate: OH inn OS Cupric chloride: !) 0! 86 97 Barium chloride: 97 9( 1.5 99 99 36 M 5f, 02 (17 Mercuric chloride: 00 OH i<i 78 'ii <r 98 99 CYMBIDIUM CALAN11U . 135 u both parent*, 9; intermediate, 0; highest, 0; loweot, 13. uiodt striking features of the foregoing data are in the hybnd the entire absence of sameness to the pollen parent, 'of intermediateness, and of highest reactivity; the fr.-.ju.-i,t iismcnoss of reactivity in relation to both parent* ; and the large number of lowest reactivities, with almost universal closeness to one as to the other parent. high reactivities of all three starches makes (litTtTfiitiation in moat instances impossible or unsatis- >eed parent seems to have had on the hole a somewhat higlber reactivity than the pollen parent in the reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, and safranin, l>ut in t)u chemical reactions the reactivities of the parents seem to be almost if not absolutely identi- cal. It is all the more remarkable that with this parental identity the hybrid should i-how in any reaction a depar- ture from the parental standard. With modified .rths of reagents undoubtedly parental differences would be brought out, and hybrid-parental difference* markedly exaggerated. urosiTi CURVES or THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Cymbidium lowianum, C. eburneum, and C. The most conspicuous features of this chart are : The marked closeness of all three curves throughout, ex- cepting in the nyrogal lie-acid and barium-chloride reac- tions, in the latter the hybrid curves exhibiting an exceptionally marked departure from the parental stand- ard. The parental curves are the same or practically the sain* excepting in the reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and temperature, and among these the only important difference is noted in the rature reactions, there being a difference of 3.26 in the mean temperature of gelatinization. With weaker reagents more or less marked differences in the parents would be elicited in at least most of the reactions where appear to be identical in the chart The curve of ' '. lu-ianum is higher than the carve of the other parent in the polarization, iodine, and temperature reactions; lower with gentian violet and safranin ; and the same or practically the same ip all with the chemical reactions. In i'. loirtanum the very high reactivities in the reactions with polarization, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyro- gallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sul- phocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, so- dium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride; the high reaction with temperature; and the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, and safra- nin. In C. lou'ianum the very high reactions with chloral hydrate, rhrotnic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sul- phuric acid, and hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride; the high reac- tion with polarization ; and the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and temperature. In the hybrid the very high reactions with polarization, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sul- phuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, po- tassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, sodium Very high. High. M 4 erate. Low. Very low. C. lowianum 33 1 3 o o 21 1 4 o c!eburn.-Jow 21 4 1 o salicylate, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride ; the moderate reactions with io- irentian violet, safranin, and temperature ; and the low reaction with barium chloride. Following is a summary of the reaction-intensities: 45. COMPARISONS or THE STARCHES or CALANTMK K08EA, C. VE8TITA VAB. KfBBO-OCCLATA, AND C. VB1TCHII. In the histologic characteristics, polariscopic figures, reactions with selenite, qualitative reactions with iodine, and qualitative reactions with the various chemical rea- gents all three starches exhibit properties in common in varying degrees of development and certain more or less well-delined individualities which collectively m each are distinctive. The hybrid Calanthe veilchii is in form, on the whole, much closer to C. rosea. but there are some forms that are the same as those found in and peculiar to C. t-tjttita var. rubro-oculata. In hilum and lamella) the starch is closer to (7. rosea, but in size and proportions of length to width of the grains it is closer to C. vegtila var. rubro-oculata. In polariscopic figures and reactions with selenite it is closer to C. vestita var. rubro-oculata. In the qualitative iodine reactions it is slightly eloper to C. rosea. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hy- drate, potassium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate it is closer to C. vestita var. rubro-oculata. while in the chromic-acid and hydrochloric-acid reactions it is closer to T. rosea. Krartion-intnuitir* F.Tprrurd by Lifht, Color, and Trmjtm tun Hfoftiont. Polarization: C. roeea, low to very hifb. value 66. C. vert, v. robro-oc,, moderate to very high, much higher than C. roeea, value 70. C. vrttchii. low to very bleb. intermediate between the parent*. value 00. Iodine: C. roeea, light to moderate, value 40. C. vert. v. rubro-oe., moderate, deeper than C. roeea. value 60. C. veitchii. moderate, intermediate between the parent*, value 43. Gentian violet: C. loeea. moderate to moderately deep, value 6ft. C. vert. v. rubro-oc., moderate to deep, deeper than C. roeea, value 00. C. veitchii, moderate to moderately deep, intermediate between the parent*, value 67. Safranin: C. roeea. moderate to moderately deep, value 00. C. vert. v. rubeo-oe., moderate to moderately deep, deeper than C. rc, value 85. C. veitehii. moderate to moderately deep, the MOM M C. veelita var. rubro-oeulata, value 55. Temperature: C. roeea, in the majority at 74 to 7*. in all at 76 to 77*. mean 76. C. vert. v. rubro-oc., in the majority at 72 to 74*. in all at 74 to 76* C. veitebii. in the majority at 71 to 72*. in all at 73 to 74*. mean T2.6*. C. rosea has lower reactivities than the other parent in the reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet. safranin, and temperature. The hybrid has an inter- mediate reactivity between the parents in the polariza- tion, iodine, and gentian-violet reactions; the same reac- tivity as C. vestita var. rubro-orulata in the safranin reaction ; and a higher reactivity than either parent in the temperature reaction. 136 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. Table A 45 shows the reaction-intensities in percent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (minutes) : TABLE A 45. a B <N a a * e IO a c a S a T S 8 Chloral hydrate: 65 75 ss 90 9? 40 53 58 60 > 80 9fi 99 Chromic acid: 5 95 99 in 65 80 9' 96 fifi 98 99 Pyrogallic acid: 30 fin qo 95 96 10 ?n 60 84 89 "7 54 90 93 94 Nitric acid : 74 89 87 90 95 61 fi4 71 71 78 7fi 89 90 Q9 96 Sulphuric acid: 98 99 81 99 99 Hydrochloric acid: C. roeea 84 m 95 9fi 97 18 11 HI 71 78 89 95 97 98 09 Potassium hydroxide: 78 88 !Ki 91 95 C. vest. v. rubro-oc 54 65 7? 75 77 ill 81 85 9*> 95 Sodium salicylate: 7fi 91 96 15 B8 98 89 97 VELOCITY-REACTION CURVES. This section treats of the velocity-reaction curves of the starches of Colanthe rosea, C. vestita var. rubro- oculala, and C, veitchii, showing the quantitative differ- ences in the behavior toward different reagents at definite time-intervals. (Charts D 619 to D 626.) Among the conspicuous features of these charts are : The marked separation of all three curves in the reactions with chloral hydrate and potassium hydroxide; the prac- tical identity of all three with sulphuric acid ; the close- ness of the curves of C. rosca and the hybrid curves with pyrogallic acid, chromic acid, hydrochloric acid, and sodium salicylate; and the lower curves of C. vestita var. rubro-ocnlata in all but the sulphuric-acid reactions (even in the latter there is a slightly lower reactivity, although not shown in the chart ; sec reactions in Table A 45) . The curve of C. rosea is higher than the curve of the other parent, usually very much higher, in every chart, excepting that of sulphuric acid, in which the differences between the reactions of the parents are not presented, owing to the great rapidity of gelatinization. Even with this reagent differences are shown by the fig- ures of the preceding tables, there being 98 per cent of the total starch of C. rosea and only 81 per cent of the total ^lunli of C. vestita var. rubro-oculata gelatinized in 3 minutes. The curves of the hybrid C. veitchii tend in all of the experiments to be closer, and usually much closer, to the curves of C. rosea than to those of the other parent. An early period of comparatively high resist- ance followed by a rapid to moderate rapidity of gela- tinization is noted in only the starch of C. vestita var. rubro-oculata, and in the react inns as above stated. The earliest period during the 60 minutes that is best for the differentiation of all three starches is for chromic acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, and sodium salicylate at 5 minutes, and for chloral hydrate, pyro- gallic acid, and nitric acid at 15 minutes. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 45 and Charts D 619 to U 626.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the reactions with chromic acid and sulphuric acid; the same as those of the pollen parent with safranin; the same as those of both parents witli polarization, iodine, gentian violet, pyrogallic acid, and potassium hydroxide (in 4 being closer to the seed parent and in 1 as close to one as to the other parent) ; highest with temperature, chloral hydrate, nitric acid, and sodium salicylate, in all being closer to those of the seed parent; and the lowest with hydrochloric acid. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties: Same as seed parent, 2; same as pollen parent, 1; same as both parents, ; intermediate, 5 ; highest, 4 ; lowest, 1. The most conspicuous features of these data are the pre-eminence of the seed parent in determining the prop- erties of the starch of the hybrid, and the distinct tend- ency to intermediateness and to highest and lowest reac- tivities of the hybrid. COMPOSITE CURVES OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Calanthe rosea, C. vestita var. rubro-oculata, and C. veitchii. (Chart E 45.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : The close correspondence in the rises and falls of all three curves excepting in the chloral-hydrate reactions, where one of the curves diverges, the curve of C. vestita var. rubro-oculata falling instead of rising in harmony with the curves of the other parent and the hybrid. The curve of C. rosea is higher than the curve of the other parent in the reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydro- chloric acid, and potassium hydroxide, and lower with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and tem- perature. In C. rosea the very high reactions with chromic acid and sulphuric acid; the high reactions with safranin, pyrogallic acid, and hydrochloric acid; the moderate reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, chloral hydrate, nitric acid, and potassium hy- droxide; the, low reaction with temperature. In C. vestita var. rubro-oculata the very high reaction with sulphuric acid; the high reactions witli polarization, jrrn- tian violet, and safranin ; the moderate reactions with iodine and chromic acid ; the low reactions with tempera- ture, chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, hydro- chloric acid, and potassium hydroxide. In the hybrid C. veitchii the very high reactions with chloral hydrate, chromic acid, sulphuric acid, and hydrochloric acid; the . \i \\ mi 137 with polariration anil .-.ifranm ; and the moderate reactions with i.lme. gentian \iol.-t, t. m- .r- . ), r ._ ,!h, a, i,l. nitric acid, and potassium 1 .. a summary of the reaction-intensities: Very ,..,,. II . Mod- . . ,. Low. Very low. C rwn a 3 a 1 i 3 i 6 4 a a ^0!8 09 THE STARCHES OF CALANTHK TMTH \ v.\K. Rl'BRO-OCfLATA, C. REOMKRI, AND I In tli.- hit.>logic characteristic*, polariscopic figures, -.vith sclenile, qualitative reaction* with iodine, itn.l .(iialitatne reactions with the various chemical rea- .!.. starches of parenU and hybrid exhibit proper- ii common in varying degree* of development and in ea. h ease more or lea marked individualities. The hybrid C. liryan is in form in the majority of the grains jnirri. and in a minority of the grains ('. f-stita var. rubro-ocvlata. In hilum and lamella? it is closer to C. regnitri. In moan size the grains are larger than those of either parent but closer rrijnu-ri. while in proportion of length to width m- closer to the other parent. In polariscopic figure ami reaction* with selenite it is closer to C. regnifri. In th<- i|iialitati\i> reactions with iodine it is closer to /Mi.rt. In the qualitative changes daring heat L'<-latiiii/.iii"ii it is, during the first stages, closer to ' '. rvfmrri, but (hiring the later stages closer to the other parent. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, i lir.'imr .!;!. nitric acid, and sodium salicylate it is closer ir. rubro-orvlata. but in those with hydro- chluric acid and sodium salicylate it is closer to C. rignirri. Kr*ftto*-imtrn*ittrs Erfrrueii by Light, Color, and Tempera- ture Reaction*. PolariiatMw: C. veat. T. nibco-oe.. moderato to very high, value 70. C. recnieri, very low to very hich. much lower than in C. veetita var. ruliro-orulaU. value 36. ryan, very low to very hich. intermediate between the parent*. value 45. e: .ret. v. nibro-oc.. moderate, value 50. enieri. moderately light, lichter than in C. ve*tiU var. rubro- oewate, value 35. ryan. moderate, intermediate between the parent*, value 38. Gentian violet:' -t. v. rubro-oe., moderate to deep, value 00. cnieri. licht to moderately deep, lichter than in C. vortiU var. rubro-oculaU, value 50. ryan. moderate to moderately deep, intermediate between parrot*, value 63. Safranin: C. veet. v. rubro-oe.. moderate to moderately deep, value 85. C. rrcnirri. moderate to moderately deep, lighter than in C. veetiU var. nibro-oculata. value 00. C. bryan. moderate to moderately deep, intermediate between the parent*, value 83. Temperature: C. vcet. v. rubro-oc.. in the majority at 72 to 74*. in all at 74 to 75*. mean 74.5*. cnit n. in the majority at 70 to 72*. in all but rare (rains al 70 to 78* , mean 77*. ryan. in the majority at 72 to 74. in all l.ut rare (Tain* at 70 tu 77. mean 70.6-. C. vtsltla var. rubro-oculata exhibit* a higher reartiv- itv than the other parent in all five reactions, the diller- fiice being very marked in the polarization reactions. slight in those with temperature; ami little in the <>th. r- The hybriil C. liri/nn has intermediate reactiutii-s be- tween the parents in all of the reaction*, being generally somewhat closer to (\ vtttita var. ruliro-nrulata than to the other parent. Table A 4(> show* the reaction-intenoitir* in jx-rrent- ages of total starch gelatinized at definite intervals (i onds and minutes) : TABU A 40. <i a H * 9 :. - - ( i.L.ral hydrate: 40 58 i C regnieri A7 .', 00 C. bo'* 11 .... Al 7R B| 01 4 Chromic acid: 10 80 07 : C. recnieri 7ft M 00 C br>" 40 H 93 00 PyrocmUk add: 10 70 60 84 ~ , C ncnieri | , .,, 03 on as. Ift M -,, 85 , ' Niinr acid: M 71 73 n C renieri . . -. -. i 0A 75 81 H aj Sulphuric acid: C. vert. v. rubro-oe C renieri W 81 90 C bryan 07 00 Hydrochloric acid: IR 33 M 71 n f* nwnieri 41 71 HO 01 u IM 74 VI 04 H Poteavium hydroxide: C. v*jat. v. rubro-oc M A5 n 76 n i r- 1 1 77 SI, 85 00 | : C. bryan M m 71 75 n Sodium ailicylate: 1A m 08 C. recnieri M 00 M 00 VKLOCITT-RKACTIOW CCHTM. This section treats of the velocity-reaction carves of the starches of Calanllie vrstita var. rubro-oculata, C. regnitri, and C. bryan, showing the quantitative differ- ences in the behavior toward differ, nt reagents at definite time-intervals. (CharU 1) CK? to \> ti^l.) Among the most conspicuous feature* of these charts are : The generally close correspondence in the course* of all three curves. The well-marked separation of the parental curves, even in thr sulphuric-acid reaction*, which occur very quickly, there being a* high a gelati- nization of one parent in one-half a minute as in the other in 5 minutes. The curve of C. rtslila var. rubro- oculala is lower than the carve of the other parent in all of the 8 reactions. The curves of the livhrid show a very marked tendency to intcrmediatencss, and when not mid-intermediate the inclination seems to be in r.- marked toward the pollen parent. In other reaction*, in one there is sameness, in relation to the seed parent and in another the hybrid re.-tii>n i* the highest of the thr.-e and nearer the pollen parent. A tendency to an early 138 HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES AND REACTIONS. period of high resistance followed by a rapid to moderate gelatinization is not noticeable excepting the reactions with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and sodium salicylate with C. vestita var. rubro-oculata, and in the pyrogallic- acid reaction with the hybrid C. bryan. The earliest period during the CO minutes at which it is best for the differentiation of the three starches seems, for chromic acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hy- droxide, and sodium salicylate, at 5 minutes; for pyro- gallic acid at 10 minutes; and for chloral hydrate and nitric acid at 15 minutes. EEACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE HYBRID. This section treats of the reaction-intensities of the hybrid as regards sameness, intermediateness, excess, and deficit in relation to the parents. (Table A 46 and Charts D 627 to D 634.) The reactivities of the hybrid are the same as those of the seed parent in the potassium-hydroxide reaction; the same as those of the pollen parent or both parents in none; intermediate in the polarization, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, temperature, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulpuuric acid, and sodium salicylate reactions (in 1 being closer to the seed parent, in 4 closer to the pollen parent, and in 5 being mid-intermediate) ; highest in the hydrochloric- acid reaction, and closer to the pollen parent; and the lowest in none. The following is a summary of the reaction-intensi- ties : Same as seed parent, 1 ; same as pollen parent, ; same as both parents, 0; intermediate, 11; highest, 1; lowest, 0. The pollen parent seems to have been more effective than the seed parent in determining the characters of the starch of the hybrid. Intermediateness is quite marked, and in about one-half of these reactions there is mid- intermediateness. COMPOSITE CURVES OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES. This section treats of the composite curves of the reaction-intensities, showing the differentiation of the starches of Calanthe vestita var. rubro-oculata, C. reg- nieri, and C. bryan. (Chart E46.) The most conspicuous features of this chart are : The very close correspondence in the rises and falls of all three curves excepting in the chloral-hydrate reactions, in which the curve of C. vestita var. rubro-oculata falls instead of rises in harmony with the curves of the other parent and the hybrid, as in the preceding set of Calan- the. The marked separation of the curves of the two parents in the reactions with polarization, chloral hy- drate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid, and their closeness in the others. The tendency in general for the curve of the hybrid to have a position of some degree of intermediateness and with an apparent closer relationship to C. regnieri than to the other parent. The higher position of the curve of C. vestita var. rubro- oculata than that of the other parent in the reactions with polarization, iodine, gentian violet, safranin, and temperature; and the lower positions with chloral hy- drate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and potassium hydroxide. In Very high. High. Mod- erate. Low. Very low. C. vestita var. rubro-oculata . . C- regnieri 1 2 2 4 3 3 6 3 1 2 6 3 C. vestita var. rubro-oculata the very high reaction with sulphuric acid; the high reactions with polarization and safranin; the moderate reactions with iodine, gentian violet, and chromic acid ; and the low reactions with tem- perature, chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, and potassium hydroxide. In C. reg- nieri the very high reactions with chloral hydrate and sulphuric acid ; the high reactions with safranin, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and nitric acid ; the moderate reac- tions with gentian violet, hydrochloric acid, and potas- sium hydroxide ; and the low reactions with polarization, iodine, and temperature. In the hybrid C. bryan the high reaction with sulphuric acid ; the high reactions with safranin and chromic acid ; the moderate reactions with polarization, gentian violet, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, and hydrochloric acid ; and the low reac- tions with iodine, temperature, nitric acid, and potassium hydroxide. Following is a summary of the reaction-intensities (12 reactions) : NOTES ON THE CALANTHES. In comparing the two composite-curve charts it will be observed that the curves correspond with sufficient closeness to indicate a common generic type. The three parents show marked closeness (or even a practical iden- tity) in the reactions with iodine, gentian violet, safra- nin, temperature, sulphuric acid, and potassium hydrox- ide; but more or less marked differences in those with polarization, chloral hydrate, chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and hydrochloric acid. The greatest interest in these charts doubtless centers in the differ- ences in the relations of the hybrid curves to the parental curves, in the first set the hybrid curve tending in gen- eral to follow more closely the parent (seed parent) hav- ing the higher mean reactivity, and in the second set to follow more closely the parent (pollen parent) having the lower mean reactivity. In both sets C. vestita var. rubro-oculata is a parent, in one the pollen parent and in the other the seed parent, but in neither does the hybrid show as much closeness to it as to the other parent. The relations of the hybrid curves as regards sameness, intermediateness, and excess are quite different, as indi- cated in the summaries. Owing to peculiarities of the grains of Calanthe referred to in Part II, page 769, the studies of the reactions with different reagents were limited to comparatively few of the reagents, and it is obvious for reasons stated that the data recorded must be accepted with reserve. NOTES ON THE ORCHIDS. The composite curve charts of Phaius and Miltonia are very much alike, indicating closely related genera, and quite different from those of Cymbidium and Cal- anthe, which differ very markedly from each other and also from Phaius and Miltonia. CHAPTER IV. GENERAL AND SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS OF THE REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE STARCHES OF PARENT-STOCKS AND HYBRID-STOCKS. (Chut* A I to A 20. B 1 to B 42. CI.DltoD 001. E I to E 40. ami F 1 to F 14. Tabta B 1 and D 2.) The reaction-intensities of starches lend themselves admirably to presentation in the form of charts, which charts in turn are peculiarly well adapted for compara- ;>urpoes. It hu been found advantageous, aa stated in Chapter II. to render these data in three main and various special forms of charts, each serring to accen- tuate some special feature or features of the reactions. Of the three main forms, one presents the reaction- intensities of different starches with each agent and rea- p-nt with reference especially to the specific properties of each agent and reagent, and to these peculiarities with reference to varietal, species, subgeneric, and generic groupings ; another form exhibits in particular the prog- ress of gelatinization of the starches of the parents and hybrid with different reagents in terms of percentage of starch gelatinized; and a third form gives a com- posite picture of the reaction-intensities of the starches of the parents and hybrid with all or some of the agents and reagents which serves in a special way to differ- \ari. ties, species, subgenera, and genera, and to exhibit the relations of parents and hybrids. These three forms of charts are included in the present chapter under the corresponding headings above given, and sev- eral special charts have been added which later receive adequate attention. The second and third forms have had more or less detailed comment in the preceding chapter, but additional remarks that are desirable or necessary will follow in the second and third sections of this chapter. The first form of chart will be taken up msideration in the immediately following section. It has been found advantageous to present these charts in two series, A 1 to A 26 and B 1 to B 48, which series are complementary, but demand separate consideration. The first series gives the reaction-intensities of all or most of the starches, and the second series only those of selected starches, the reasons for the latter being stated in subsequent pages. 1. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES WITH EACH AGENT AND REAGENT. (Chart* A 1 to A 20.) The reaction-intensities of different starches with different agents and reagents differ within wide ex- *, owing in part to inherent peculiarities of the starch molecules and in part to peculiarities of the reagents as regards both chemical composition and con- centration of solution. In some instances the starch molecules alone or largely determine the reaction, while in others both starch and reagent play important parts, as in chemical reactions generally. Thus, as will be stated fully later on, in the polarization reaction the starch molecule undergoes no change, the reaction being physical; hence it expresses peculiarities that are in- herent to the molfriilr. In the guntian-violet and ufranin reactions the organization of the molecule is either unaffected or affected to an nndetectable degree, the reactions being presumably adsorption phenomena. In the iodine reaction there is probably a combination of the iodine and starch, but without apparent inter- molecular disorganization. In the temperature and chemical-reagent reactions there is an intermolecular breaking down by a process of hydration, with which process there may be associated reactions that vary in character in accordance with peculiarities of the com- position of the reagents. If the molecules of the starches from different sources are in the form of stereoisomers it follows, as a corollary, that they must act differently with different agents and reagents and that, inasmuch as the agents and reagents differ, each starch should show differences that are related to variation in the kind of agent and in the composition and concentration of the reagents. In other words, the reaction in each cane is conditioned by the kind of starch and the kind of agent or reagent Such is in fact what has been found experimentally, as the subsequent data show. The most conspicuous features of these charts may be summed up as follows, consideration in detail being given under the corresponding headings : The wide range of reaction-intensities, the extent of which varying with the different agents and rea- gents, and being most marked with the reagents. The manifest tendency to grouping of the reaction-inten- sities of different starches in harmony in general with botanical groupings. The individuality or specificity of each chart that is definitely related to the character of the agent or reagent, this characteristic being most obvious in the reactions in which the starch molecule is dis- organized. The specificities of the components of the reagents that are accountable for variations in the reaction-inten- sities and in the qualitative changes apart from those dependent upon differences in stereoisomeric forms of starch. The variable relationships of the reaction-intensities in the different charts as regards sameness, intermedi- a tenets, excess and deficit of reactions of the hybrid starch in comparison with the parental Marches. Variations in the reaction-intensities of the starches as regards height, sum, and average. The average temperatures of gelatinization compared with the average reaction-intensities. 130 140 REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES. WIDE RANGE OF REACTION-INTENSITIES. (Charts A 1 to A 20.) In comparing the range of reaction-intensities it must be borne in mind that the values expressed in the polarization, iodine, gentian-violet, safranin, tempera- ture, and chemical-reagent charts are not formulated upon the same basis of calibration. In the first four instances the values are grossly quantitative, and the abscissae are founded upon crude and entirely arbitrary standards and do not likely represent values that are equivalent to those of the temperature or chemical-rea- gent records. The temperature values are based upon a scale that is different from those of the first group and from those of the chemical reagents. The calibrations in the first group, apart from the crudeness, are probably defective because the reaction-intensities of the starches studied do not extend, as in the case of those of the chemical reagents, between the extreme limits of the chart. The range in the temperature of gelatinization charts closely resembles in its limitations the ranges in the iodine, gentian-violet, and safranin charts. In these charts the abscissae-values, in comparison with the corresponding values in the chemical-reagent charts, are much too limited, but at present we have no data which enable us to state (in terms of light, color, and temperature reactions) the equivalent of a given reaction-intensity that is expressed in time-per cent of starch gelatinized. For instance, a difference of 2.5 in the temperature of gelatinization which is represented by the space between two abscissae appears small on the chart, yet this difference may have a differential value that is equal to several times this abscissas-value in the chemical-reagent charts. These temperature differences would have been nearly equitably expressed in compari- son with the chemical-reagent values had the tempera- ture scale been between the extremes of say 50 and 85 instead of 40 and 95. A similar change could have been made to advantage in the scales of the other charts men- tioned. Comparing cursorily these five charts (A 1 to A 5), it will be noted that notwithstanding the com- paratively limited ranges of reaction-activities each may readily be distinguished from the others, with the excep- tion of the gentian-violet and safranin charts, which are very much alike and which, while easily differentiated from the other charts, are distinguished from each other only and doubtfully by careful comparison (see also Chart B2). In fact, the differences in the latter are unimportant because the crudeness of the method of valuation probably makes them fall within the limits of error or observation. Among the chemical-reagent charts the variations in reaction-intensities range in nearly all, from reactions which are complete within a few seconds to those in which so little as 2 per cent or less of the starch is gelatinized in 60 minutes. In ex- ceptional charts (Charts A 10 and A 18, sulphuric acid and sodium salicylate) the extent of the variations is distinctly limited generally because of rapidity of gela- tinization of the starches, in the former most of the reac- tions being shown to be complete within 5 minutes, and in the latter within 15 minutes. MANIFEST TENDENCY TO GROUPINGS OF REACTION- INTENSITIES. In both the preceding and present researches, par- ticularly in the former because of the relatively large numbers of species and varieties included among many of the several genera, it has been found that the reaction- intensities of the representatives of a genus tend to be confined usually within well-restricted limits, the max- ima and minima reactions of members of the genus being in general wider apart as they are botanically farther separated, the greatest differences being noted when specimens are included which belong to well-defined generic subdivisions. Where the representatives of a genus are not so far separated as to fall into such sub- divisions, the variations tend to be confined to a space on the charts that rarely exceeds 3 to 5 abscissae (22 being the chart limit), frequently less; but where there are representatives that belong to different well-defined subgeneric divisions (for instance, subgenera, tender and hardy species, tuberous and rhizomatous forms, etc.) the variations are, on the whole, much more extensive, equivalent usually to the space of 10 to 20 abscissae or they may extend to practically the extremes of the chart. As extraordinary as it may seem, while such ex- treme variations may be found with one reagent, little or no difference may be found with another reagent; and with other reagents all intermediate values may be noted between these extremes. These facts are well illustrated in Begonia: No differences are noted in the reaction-intensities of these starches in Charts A 10 and A 12 (sulphuric-acid and potassium-hydroxide reac- tions), gelatinization in all being complete within le?s than a minute; while in a number of other charts (as in Chart A 9, the nitric-acid reactions) the same remark- ably rapid reaction occurs in the starch of only one of the parents and in the hybrid, while the reaction of the other parental starch is remarkably slow. The extent of generic differentiation varies in the different charts. Some differentiation is evident, for instance," in Charts A 6, A 15, A 18 (chloral-hydrate, potassium-sulphide, and sodium-salicylate reactions) ; there is better differentiation in Chart A 7 (chromic- acid reactions) ; and still better differentiation in Chart A 8 (pyrogallic-acid reactions). The grouping of mem- bers of a genus and the differentiation of the genus upon the basis of reaction-intensities can be rendered satis- factory only when large numbers of members of each genus are studied; when the maximum, minimum, and average values are determined with a number of reagents ; and when it is recognized that members of subgenera and of other generic divisions may exhibit in the sum of their reactions differences that may be as divergent as those of different genera. For instance, in Nerine, it will be seen that in 17 of the 26 charts the values of the 3 groups are within very restricted limits and constitute a group of close values; and, moreover, that while the maximum, minimum, and average values of the group may be about the same as the corresponding values of other generic groups, in certain reactions they will bo found to be different, so that in the final summing up i In- '/rims stands very distinctly apart from the other genera. In the remaining 9 charts there are varying degrees of departure from this well-defined grouping, KKA I ION-INTENSITIES WITH 1 \< II AGENT AND REAGENT. Ill ilmlly becauw of the comparative leas reactivity of the i hybrid than of the other sets. . 'LIU A '. ( lilonil li\dnitc r> tin-re i- nmr- ' '' iiuixiinal and iiuiiiinal limit* of to th- prolongation of I of the 11 :"ii|- i- nothing like o di-tm<tly in- dmduali/fd as in tin- 17 .hart* referred to wherein the ma ami iiiiniiua are clo . In Chart* A9, All, A I .'. ;.| A'.'l (nitric arul. hydrochloric aud, pnUKMiim h\dro\idc, |>tassiuni Milpho-yanate, potM- ! .-trontiiini nitrate) there u a well- m*rki-<l separation of the fint from the second and thirl showing about the same, and the former ctlv hi;;: 'ii-intensitics. Stii-h |Nvuliarilic-- are found to !- inimon among tin- other genera where a nunilHT of seta of parents and hybrids are included, from which it i- ol>\ ions that where a j;cnua is represented tin- maximum, minimum, and mean .ten-it ic- are to be taken merely tentatively as representing the generic standards. This statement find* immediate application to a num- ..nnips represented in these chart*, includ- ryllis-bruntvigta (bigeiicric). Gladiolus, Trito- nia, Hirhanlin, MUM, I'haiua, Miltunia, and Cymbidium. num. minimum, and average values differ IKK ;n the case of different sets of parents and hybrids of the same genns, bnt also of the members of the same ih different reagents. Thus, in Xrrinf, in Chart* A 8 and A 17 ( pyrogallic-acid and sodium-sulphide reac- i and in certain other chart*, the maxima, minima, and averages for all of the species and hybrids arc prac- tically ahsolutcly the same, but in Charts A 11 and A 1 I (hydrochloric-acid and potaminm-sulphocyanate reac- > and in others, all three are different in all three sets of starches. Finally, generic grouping mar seem- be set aside in some instances by wide differences reaction-intensities of one or more sets included in the genus group. This is well illustrated in Crinum, Iris, and Begonia in Chart A 9 (nitric-acid reactions). The species of Crinum studied in this research are divisi- ble into two horticultural groups, which are distinguished as tender and hardy, the starch of the former being char- zed by generally low reactivities and those of the latter by generally high reactivities, the differences being so marked that it is necessary to recognize in starches two distinct subgeneric groups. Such differ- ences are well shown in other charts, such as Charts A 8, A 10, A 11, and A 12, but there is an entire absence of such distinction in Charts A 6, A 7, A 15, A 10, A 22. *>, and others. In fact, in several of the latter ; (Terences are so slight u to suggest very closely related members of the genns. In Iris there is. a very icuous example of subgeneric grouping: In Chart-* \ . A 7. A 1". and A 15 the reaction-intensities of the me m hers of all four sets are nearly the same or do not differ to a marked degree; bnt in A 8, A 9, A 11, A 12, A 13, A 14, A 16, A 17, A 18, A 19, A 20, A 21, A 22, A -J t, A 25, and A 26 there is a well-marked group- ing, the first three sets constituting one group and the t another group. With the exception of Charts A 6 and A 18 the first group is characterized by lower reai-tion-intei. which with rare exceptions tend to be very close in all three sets, thu. forming a very distinct i-rotip. \\hih in Charts A 6 and A 18 the same grou; <ins, there is a reversal of the reaction-inU-nxitu s. the first group showing lens reactivity than the ncrond group. Even more interesting is Begonia: In Chart A '.' tin re is no oli\ IOH- differentiation of any of the set* of members of a set, but in Chart A 6 there appears a very conspicuous differentiation in the comparative slowness of the /?. socolrana reaction ; and in all other charts, with four exceptions, the length of the line is accentuated in vary- ing degree, thus markedly eharactcri/.ing tin- MI.- of ih s group. This seemingly aberrant reaction-intensity of this exceptional species give* a peculiar generic picture, and means, as in the instance* of Crinum and Iris, two generic type*. The correspondence of the grouping of the reaction- intensities of starches in accordance in general with gen- era is usually quite evident, this being not only more marked with some than with other agents and rea.- as stated, hut also more marked with pome than with other groups. A given group may stand out very con- spicuously in one chart, hut not in another, or even not be different Kited from adjoining groups, yet be more or lens distinctly differentiated from the same groups in other charts. For instance, in Chart A 10 (sulphuric- acid reactions), taking the genera represented by Jferinc. \arcissw, Lilium, Iri.i. Gladiolus, and TrUmna. it will lie seen that with the exception of Gladiolus there is no differentiation of the reaction-values that even suggests that the records arc those pertaining to different genera; in fact, they arc so nearly alike as to indicate that (lie several groups belong to a single genus. The Gladiolus reactions take place with comparative slowness, which distinctly differentiates this genus from the fire other genera. In Chart All (hydrochloric-acid reactions) Lilium stands very distinctly apart from the other five genera ; Xtrint and AVirn*.*i/. arc not differentiated from each other, hut they differ from Lilium, Iris, Gladi- olus, and Tritonia. It will be seen that three of the four sets of Iridx are practically alike and markedly different from the fourth set, showing what marked differences may be exhibited by members of subgencra or of similar div of genera. In Chart A 12 (potassium-hydroxide reac- tions) the picture is radically changed in a number of particulars: Lilium remains conspicuous as before; Ne- rine and Xarcitanu are very definitely grouped, the lines of the former being very short and those of the latter quite long; Iris differs hut little, as a whole, from the preceding chart; and in both Gladiolus and Tritonin the lines are prolonged and about the same, giving no differ- entiation between these two genera. In Chart A 13 (potassium-iodide reactions) the picture again differ.*: I.Hium is about the same; the Ntrine lines are very con- siderably prolonged and markedly exceed the length o/ the Narcissus lines which are slightly shortened in com- parison with the lenjrth in the preceding chart, thus show- ing a marked reversal of the quantitative relationships. The tforcisnu lines and those of the first three set* of Jridt are about the same, whereas in the preceding chart the latter are, on the whole, distinctly shorter; and Gladiolus and Tritonia are about the same, but longer than the Narcitsvt and Iris linen, and shorter than the 142 REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES. Nerine lines. In Chart A 15 (potassium-sulphide reac- tions) Lilium remains the same; Nerine and Narcissus are" distinctly different, the lines of the former being much shorter than those of the latter; and the lines of Narcissus, Iris (all four groups), Gladiolus, and Tri- tonia are all prolonged to about the same level, so that there are no generic differentiations of these four genera. In Chart A 18 (sodium-salicylate reactions) there is a noticeable absence of resemblance of the lines collec- tively to those of any of the preceding charts. Here, Nerine, Narcissus, Lilium, and Iris (the first three sets of the last) are, on the whole, very much alike. The third set of 7ns, which in the other charts shows greater reac- tivity than the other three sets, now shows the opposite relationship ; and, moreover, while this set in the previous charts is markedly different from Gladiolus and ZVi- tonia, here it is the same. Similar differences will be found in other generic groups, in other sets, and also with other reagents. These characteristics demonstrate conclusively that the starches of different generic groups and subgroups differ within wide limits in their molecular structures; that there are very definite generic and sub- generic peculiarities ; and that these differences can satis- factorily be reduced to figures and charts. INDIVIDUALITY OR SPECIFICITY OF EACH CHART. The individuality or specificity of each chart is very pronounced and is most striking in the reactions in which there occurs intermolecular disorganization of the starch. Inasmuch as the starches are the same in each of the charts (except in some instances as to number), and the agents and reagents are variable, this individ- uality is definitely associated with peculiarities of the latter. Taking the charts, as a whole, it will be seen that no two are alike, although in exceptional instances, and for very obvious reasons, they differ in only minor degrees and even within the limits of error of experi- ment; well-marked examples of the latter are found in the gentian-violet and safranin, and in the copper-nitrate and cupric-chloride charts. On the other hand, where in accordance with general laboratory experience no mate- rial differences should be expected, excepting such as would be dependent upon differences in the concentra- tion of the reagents, as in the potassium and sodium- hydroxide charts, respectively, the individualization is not only very marked, but also in a measure entirely independent of differences in concentration. As previously stated, these 26 charts fall naturally into two primary divisions in accordance with whether or not in the reactions there occurs intermolecular disor- ganization. In conformity with recognized principles of physical chemistry, comparatively limited variations should, as a rule, be expected when in the reactions the starch molecules remain wholly or apparently intact, as in the polarization, iodine, gentian-violet, and safranin reactions; but wide to extremely wide variations when the molecules are broken down, especially in cases of reagents which may have multiple active components taking part in the disintegrative processes. As previously stated, the polarization reaction is a light reaction in which the molecules are undisturbed ; the gentian-violet and safranin reactions are, in all likelihood, adsorptive phenomena which, as far as known, do not involve dis- arrangement of the starch molecules ; and the iodine reac- tion seems to be of a kind in which an unstable iodide of starch is formed, but without obvious intermolecular disorganization; the temperature reaction is one of hy- dration which, while causing intermolecular breaking down, does not give rise to a loss of typical starch proper- ties; and the reactions with the various chemical rea- gents are primarily phenomena of hydratiou, such as are brought about by heat, but modified quantitatively and qualitatively by differences in the components of the reagents which take part in the reaction. It is obvious that the polarization reactions stand entirely apart from all others ; that the gentian-violet and safranin reactions constitute an isolated pair; that the iodine reactions stand by themselves; and that the tem- perature and chemical-reagent reactions form a well- defined group, the former representing one and the latter another subgroup. In the temperature reaction we have a typical manifestation of the simplest form of the proc- ess of gelatinization, while in the chemical-reagent sub- group there is this same type but which is more or less materially modified by various substances that have chemical relations to the starch molecule. A comparison of the temperature and chemical-reagent charts will show that the latter not only differ markedly from the former, but also as much or more from each other. It would seem to follow, as a corollary, that the more varied and widespread the chemical disturbances in the starch mole- cules the more varied the reactions and the better the differentiation of genera, species, parents, and hybrids. The individuality of each of the chemical-reagent charts that is definitely associated with peculiarities of the reagent is due in part to concentration and in part to composition of the reagent. This salient point is elicited clearly when the data recorded in any two arbitrarily selected charts are compared. Thus, taking Charts A 6 and A 7 (chloral-hydrate and chromic-acid reactions) a first glance will indicate that the average length of the ordinate in the former is greater than in the latter and, hence, that the concentration (reactive-intensity of the reagent) is less than in the latter ; but it will also be very apparent, upon comparing the lengths of the ordinates of any given set of parents and hybrid, or of any generic group in the two charts, that the differences are not such as are to be expected were the reaction- intensities exhibited by those reagents dependent solely upon differences in concentration. Should the differences in the reaction-intensities de- pend merely upon differences in concentration (as of the same reagent) it seems obvious that if with a given starch the reaction with one reagent is equal to the length of say 2 abscissae, and with another reagent to the length of 3 abscissae, a corresponding though not necessarily proportional relationship should be found in the reactions of the different starches. In fact, not only may there be an entire absence of such quantitative relationship, but also a reversal of reaction-intensities, the reagent of higher concentration being the stronger in some reactions but the weaker in others. Thus, in Chart A 6 (chloral- hydrate reactions), in the Amaryllis-Brunsvigia-Bruns- donna set, it will be seen that the ordinates for Amaryllis and Brunsvigia extend to the abscissae values 90 and 82, respectively, and that those for the hybrids extend to I;J:M iin\- \\ITII \\i> M:; 30 and 28, respect :v,-'\ . m. .u.nu' that 96 and 82 percent, rp. wu gelatinized in 60 mimr it !'.'> |N r he stan-h of each hybrid waa B-latiiii/.-l in 30 and 28 minute*, reaped; art A 7 (chromic-acid reactions), it will be ii.it, ,l that while there is considerable shortening of the Amaryllis and Bnuuviyia line* the hybrid ordi- nal** are virtually absolute! \ tin- same. Takinu the Hippeattrum, Hamantkmi, and Cn'num groups, it will be .1 that in Chart A 6 the avenge reactivity of the HiffinnlrHm croup i slightly lew than the reactivities of the Ilirmanlhu* and Crinum groups, which are nearly like; while in Chart A 7 the average reactivity of the .mup is greater than in cither of the other groups, and f the Cnnum group is somewhat less than that ( Hipptaslrum group. In Chart A the srerage reactivity of Xerinr ia greater than in Chart -<> of what waa noted in A maryllis-Bruns- \-\q\a. Hippfastrum. llirmanlhus, and Crinum. In Nar- cissus the same reversal ia noted except in one parent and > hybrids of the first set. In Chart A 7 there are, with the preceding, generally higher reac- - <>f [.ilium. Iris. Gladiolus. Tritonia, Musa, Phaius, 'li.liiitn. and Calantlir; but the opposite with Begonia. Among the first generic groups there will md many exceptions that is, lower reactivities, the reaction of Lilium mar I agon instead of ; icr is longer; the reaction of L. chalcedonicum : -ill iilum arc shorter, but not the reaction of 'o/-rum ; and those of L. pardalinum and L. parryi are shortene<l. while the reactivity of L. burbanii is lenod. Similar inequalities appear in other group*. Finallv, in Bfyonia the reactions with a single exception 1 of !>eing shorter are longer, especially the reaction of B. tocotrana. The remarkable differences in the behavior of differ- ent reagents, irrespective of concentration of solution, are perhaps better presented in chart* of reactions of very closely allied reagents, for instance, in Charts A 12 and (potassium-hydroxide and sodium-hydroxide reac- I'he average reaction-intensity exhibited by the potassium-hydroxide chart is in some instances greater and in others less than by the podium-hydroxide chart. The records are so pregnant with interest that each set or group may with ample justification be taken up sepa- rately. Beginning with the A maryllis-brunsvigia' set it will be seen that with potassium hydroxide the reactions with the four starches occur with such rapidity that gelatin ization is practically or absolutely complete within 1 minute ; with sodium hydroxide all four reactions differ to so marked a degree that each is at a glance diflereu- from the others in Amaryllis 97 per cent of the a is gelatinized in 3 minutes, in Brunsrigia 95 per n 15 minutes, in Brunsdonna sandtra- alba 65 per cent in 60 minute?, and in Brvntdonna sandent 88 per cent in 60 minutes. The average reactivity of Ilippta*- trum with potassium hydroxide is 74 per cent, with so- dium hydroxide 14 per cent, in 60 minutes; that of II<r- manthii.i is about the same with both reagents, the chief difference being seen in the marked elongation of the //. 1'nniffu* ordinate in the sodium-hydroxide reaction. The Cnnum ordinates differ in the two charts very little, the only noticeable differences being seen in the C. moorei, ('. Itircape, and C. povtllii ordinates. mostly not at all marked. In ff trine there are wide differences, the potas- sium hydroxide onlinatea being very markedly snorter than tli<MM> of sodium li\.|r"\ile. tin- former indirating almost if not complete gelntinization of all of the starches in 3 minutes or leas, and the latter an average gelatiniza- tion of about 15 per cent in 60 minutes. This wide difference in comparison with what was noted in 7/ip- peoftrum, llirmanthiui, and Cnnum ia remarkable. Narciuiu. like the last three genera, does not show very much difference with these reagent*, tho averages being 63 and 83 per cent, respectively, in 60 minutes, the shortening hcmj; due almost wholly to the greater reactivities of the parent*. The starches <f I. ilium gvla- tinize with great rapidity with both reagents. The Irit ordinates are longer throughout in tho potassium- hydroxide chart except in case of I. trojana, the ordinate remaining the same in the sodium-hydroxide chart not- withstanding that the ordinates of the other parent (/. ibtrica) and the hybrid (/. txmo/i) are materially shortened. In Gladiolus and Trilnniti the ordinates are very nearly the same in the potassium hydroxide chart, but both are shortened in the sodium-hydroxide chart, Gladiolus somewhat less than Triionia. In Bfgoni*. a striking difference is seen in the B. socotrana ordinates but very little differences in the others; thus, in the potassium-hydroxide reaction this starch is completely gelatinized in one-sixth of a second, while in the sodium- hydroxide reaction only 84 per cent is gelatinized in 60 minutes a remarkable difference. Richardia was not studied with sodium hydroxide. Uusa, Phaitu, Mil- tonia. and <';/niliiilium all show shortw ordinates gener- ally with potassium hydroxide than with sodium hydrox- ide, the most conspicuous variation being noticed in the sodium-hydroxide chart in the markedly disproportionate elongation of the M. rcczlii ordinate. Similar characteristics are found in Charts A 15 and A 17 (potassium-sulphide and sodium-sulphide reac- tions), given groups acting with greater reactivity with potassium sulphide than with sodium sulphide, with others the reverse, and members of the same group bear- ing varying quantitative relationships in the two reac- tions, etc. The Amaryllis-Brunsvigia group has in the potassium-sulphide reactions much shorter ordinates than in the sodium-sulphide reactions, Amaryllis bella- donna and Brunsdonna sandene being alike, and B. san- derce alba between them and the ordinate of Brunsrigia josephina; while in the sodium-sulphide chart the Amaryllis belladonna and Brunsiigia josephina ordi- are almost exactly the same, and those of the hy- brids longer than those of the parents, and nearly alike. The Hippeastrum and Hcrmanthus ordinates are, on the whole, closely alike in both charts, but the Cnnum ordi- nates show some noticeable differences. The Ntrine group is particularly conspicuous because of the lea* length of all of the ordinates in the potassium-sulphide chart than in the sodium-sulphide chart ; because of the marked difference between the lengths of those Of the first group and those of the second and third groups in the potassium-sulphide charts ; and because all three groups have almost exactly the same length of ordinates in the sodium-sulphide chart Narciaus has, to the contrary, rtly longer ordinates in the potassium-sulphide 144 REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES. chart than in the sodium-sulphide chart. Iris is, like Nerine, conspicuous by the differences of the ordinates, but particularly in reversed ways. The Iris ordinates in the potassium-sulphide chart are distinctly longer than in the other chart and they are of about the same length (the opposite to what is seen in Nerine) ; and in the sodium-sulphide chart the ordi- nates of three of the groups are the same, while those of the fourth group are much shortened. More or less marked differences in the two charts are seen in the remaining generic groups, especially in members of Begonia, Musa, and Miltonia. Another pair of reagents that yield reactions worthy of especial examination are represented in Charts A 23 and A 24 (copper-nitrate and cupric-chloride reactions). These two charts are in the corresponding groups almost the same throughout, the chief differences being noted in Crinum powellii, Lilium burbanki, Iris sind- jarensis, I. pursind, Begonia mrs. heal, Musa gilletii, Miltonia (both parents and hybrid), and Gymbidium eburneo-lowianum. These differences are in every case such as not to fall within the limits of error of experiment. Any two or more of these charts can thus be com- pared with the certainty of finding results that conform to those referred to in the preceding pairs. The one 'feature above all others that serves to indi- vidualize each chart is the variable relationships of the reaction-intensities of the members of each of the differ- ent sets of parents and* hybrid and of groups of sets in the different charts. For instance, taking the Amaryllis- Brunsvigia set it will be seen upon comparing the dif- ferent charts that differences in the average reaction- intensities of this set in comparison with the differences in other sets and groups of sets are nothing like so striking and characteristic as are the differences in the group itself in the various charts. In other words, while there is a general tendency for the average reaction- intensity of this group to rise or fall with the averages of other groups in the different charts, the individual members of the group exhibit marked independence in the direction and extent of the changes. Thus, in this group in the charts of chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, sodium hy- droxide, sodium salicylate, cobalt nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride the four ordinates are in couples, the parental couple being in the chloral- hydrate reaction shorter than the hybrid couple, but in the other reactions the reverse. In the reactions of chromic acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide, sodium salicylate, and barium chloride all four ordinates are the same or closely the same, there being neither the coupling so obvious in the previous set nor any marked departure of any from an average standard. In the reactions of potassium sulphide, cal- cium nitrate, strontium nitrate, and uranium nitrate (with the exception of potassium sulphide and strontium nitrate) no two of the four ordinates are alike with any reagent, and the relative lengths of the four ordi nates vary in the different reactions, the order of length being : Potassium sulphide: Brunsvigia, Brunsdonna aanderre alba, Amaryllis, and Brunsdonna aanderoe. Calcium nitrate: Brunsdonna sanderce alba, B. sanderoe, Brunsvigia (these two being the same), and Amaryllis. Strontium nitrate: Brunsvigia, Brunsdonna sanderce alba, B. sanderce (these two being the same), Amaryllis. Uranium nitrate: Brunsdonna sanderce alba, Brunsdonna sandercc, Brunsvigia, and Amaryllis. Such variations will be treated quite fully in the following subsection : THE SPECIFICITIES OF THE COMPONENTS OF THE EEAGENTS. (Charts B 1 to B42.) Inasmuch as different starches behave differently, qualitatively and quantitatively, with a given reagent, and a given starch differently with different reagents, it follows, as a corollary, that certain peculiarities of the reactions are to be attached to the starches and certain others to the reagents in other words, the characters of the reactions are conditioned, as before stated, by both starch and reagent. In this research the phenomena of gelatiiiization have been taken as the chief indices in the differentiation of starches and it has been shown that a considerable variety of reagents may be used. The terms gelatinized starch and soluble starch are used synonymously, yet starch may be in a soluble form without being gelatinized or gelatinizable, for it has been shown that raw starch through the agency of acid can be converted into soluble starch without apparent antecedent change in the structure of the starch grain that can be detected in the reaction of the grains in polarized light ; that such grains can be dissolved in hot water without the appearance of gelatinization ; and that such grains in solid form or in solution yield the blue starch-reaction with iodine. (See preceding memoir,* page 105.) It is therefore obvious that the changes ex- pressed by gelatinization and solubility are independent, although usually associated ; and, as a consequence, that a gelatinizing reagent may give rise coincidently to such molecular alterations as will convert an insoluble into a soluble and gelatinized starch or into a soluble but un- gelatinizable starch. In all of the experiments with these reagents the former change has be?n brought about; but accompanying alterations may occur, henco, the question naturally arises in conjunction with the use of different reagents as to the meanings of the dif- ferences in the two cases. It is of importance to note that in all of these investi- gations the soluble non-gelatinizable form was prepared by the use of acids, inorganic or organic, non-volatile or volatile. On the other hand, as far as the voluminous records go, alkalies always give rise to soluble starch of the gelatinized form. This indicates clearly that the actions of the acids and alkalies may be inherently quite different. When the grains are heated in water, gela- tinization occurs at a given temperature, varying within narrow limits, the mean temperature differing in starches from different sources. In accordance with the fore- going, heat and alkalies may be placed in one and acids in another category, but without the assumption that the actions of the several members of each class are precisely the same. Gelatinization is undoubtedly due to a hy- dration of the starch molecules, but the alteration from Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 173 (1913). RBACTIOS-IMKNSITIKS \\1I1I K \r|| A-.I.M AM) Kl.V.lAI II.-, the insoluble to the soluble non-gelatinizablu form is apparently not in any way related to water, inaMinn h it may be brought about in anhydrous starch l>y anliy- .mi] i therefore nn anhydrous process oolcM water : in some obscure way by intrs- Bolrcular disorganization There i* at all events no molecular disorganization such a* occurs antecedent with obvious gelation. rhanges in the starch niolivules in association with the mr. or lew mark*"! differences exhibited by a given starch in the nactions with different rcag-ii(- inilirutc 1 1- .irl\ tii.it beneath niul overshadowed rupiniou- phenomena of gelation there lay pnxvsM- - that vary, within even wide limits, in relation to the OOapOMOii of the reagent*. More- raw stan-h present* certain very striking charac- :i it- relations to water, entirely apart from lenomcna of hydriition that is expressed by gelation. It has been found that raw starch is not only highly scopic and clings tenaceously to water, but also that its Miavior toward water is in certain respects different from that of hydrated starch, the percentage of water in the raw Drains being influenced to a rery limited degree and that of hydrated starch to a maximum degree, in the presence of water by changes in temperature. Air- 1 starches from different sources have been found ntain from 9.9 to 35 per cent of water, the figure varying with the kind of starch, impurities, and per- centage of moisture in the air. Freshly prepared starch may contain as much as 45 per cent of water. Anhy- drous starch is obtained by subjecting the starch to a temperature of 120 or in racuo at 100. Starch that has been partially or completely dehydrated and then placed in water at room temperature takes up water very rapidly with the evolution of heat, the amount being in relationship to the degree of dehydration ami the kind and amount of starch. A preparation consisting of 20 grams of air-dried potato starch in 20 grams of water chowcd an increase of temperature equal to 3 ; and a Minilar preparation of anyhydrous starch, an increase of 13.8. The formation of heat has been ascribed to an actual chemical combination of the starch and water (see ling memoir, page 167), but it can satisfactorily and better be accounted for upon the basis of adsorption (which, however, is in fact a form of chemical union). The level of aqueous saturation is maintained within narrow limits, and it is very much more influenced i nations in external moisture than by changes in rature that occur below the temperature of gela- tion; and it is reached before there is the least detectable change in the starch grain or starch molecule. This ;-, however, not only materially higher in hydrated starch, hut also variable within wide degrees and in direct relation to moisture and temperature, and it probably reaches its highest level at the baking temperature of bread (Katz, Zeits<h. physiol. Ch. m., HH.l. \rv. 104). .0 temperature falls, even though in the presence of an atmosphere saturated with moisture, there is some reversion of hydrated starch to raw or insoluble st.in-h. Starch grains do not either gelatinize or pass into solution in their normal state because apparently of the nee of some peculiar surface condition which, like 10 an osmotic membrane, serres to prevent a further inflow of water after a certain level of partial saturation has been reached, and which likewise prevents an outflow of water as long as external conditions are unaltered T words, maintains a state of physico-chemical equilibrium as regards water within and without the starch grain. That such a surface condition exists seems evident in the sudden dissipation of this level at the tfiiijH-rature of gelation and in the absence of thu in comminuted and otherwise injured grains in which the starch molecules of the interior of the grain arc freely exposed to the water. The intracapsular starch thus exposed exhibits a similar but not identical surface condition, which is owing to differences in the intra- capsular and capsulnr starches, M will be noted more particularly later. Therefore, in studying the phe- nomena of gelntinization and absorption of water l>oth of these surface conditions must be considered, as must also be both forms of starch. When raw starch in water is subjected to slowly ris- ing temperature, at a certain temperature that varies for different starches and within narrow limits for each starch there occurs a loss of anisotropy (which indicates an intcrmolecular disorganization) that is immediately followed by a rapid taking up of water attended by swelling and gelatinization. This disappearance of anisotropy is taken to mean that immediately antecedent a modification or removal of the surface condition has occurred. This surface condition may likewise be affected by various gelatinizing reagents such as have been used in this research, and thus hydration of the starch grain permitted as in the case of gelation by heat ; or there may be the opposite effect, as when there is present a sufficient quantity of alcohol, acetone, alcohol-ether, brine or other so-called dehydrating rea- gent. Analogous phenomena have lx>en noted in the study of certain other colloids, from which it seems that heat and other gelatinizing agents are effective by affect- ing primarily the surface condition, thus giving rise to an alteration in the level of aqueous saturation. The underlying cause of this peculiar surface condition is at present problematical, but it seems that it is to be located directly or indirectly either in a hypothetical deposit on the surface of the grain by the cell-sap or in the modified form of the starch that constitutes the cap-ul a r part of the grain (the so-called starch cellu- lose). This part of the grain is the last to be deposited, and it differs from the inner part (or so-called starch granulose) especially in density, solubility in cold and hot water, digestibility, dextrin products of digestion, :... to decomposing agents, and in both quantita- tive and qualitative color reactions with iodine. The degree of resistance varies in starches from different sources, and it is so marked in some instances in the initial stage of the reaction as to render gelatinization very slow for a period varying from 1 to 10 minutes, to U- followed by gelatinization that varies in rapidity from slow to very rapid, as will be seen by an examination of Charts 1) i '1 that exhibit the velocities of gela- tinization. T'pon this assumption, any agent which affects the physico-chemical condition of the capmlar part of the grain will modify the surface conditions or 146 REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES. surface tension so that hydration may be augmented or inhibited. As stated elsewhere (see preceding memoir, pages 95 and 96), while there can be no doubt of the essential part played by water in the swelling, gelatinization, pseudo- solution, and true solution of starch, it seems that none of these phenomena is due to either hydrolysis (de- composition in which molecules of water are taken up and become an integral part of the molecules) or hydration in the strictly chemical sense (the formation of deriva- tives in which basic matter is substituted by hydrogen atoms of water, or the actual combination of water so that the molecules of water constitute intramolecular components of the derivatives). The terms hydrolysis and hydration are often used synonymously, but at times incorrectly, because while hydration may mean hydro- lysis, it may on the other hand signify a union or im- pregnation with water which is an extramolecular and not an intramolecular phenomenon. According to the recent developments of physical chemistry, none of the processes concerned in the conversion of raw starch into the so-called soluble starch, of which starch-paste and pseudo-solution and true solution are simple modifica- tions, is one of hydrolysis or hydration in the strictly chemical sense, but one of adsorption, that is, an extra- molecular union with water that is of a physico-chemical character, such, for instance, as is observed in the depo- sition of moisture on glass and the taking up of water by hygroscopic substances in which there may be no true chemical union in the conventional meaning, but a mere surface combination or surface condensation. The com- bination is, of course, actually chemical, but it is not chemical in the customary sense any more than is the solution of sugar in water chemical, and thus in the form technically of a hydrate. Starch in common with other organic colloids is hygroscopic, and the so-called process of hydration or hydrolysis that is associated with swelling and gelatinization is explicable upon the basis of adsorp- tion that is, a physico-chemical affinity that is specific and selective, and supplemental to satisfied affinities ac- cording to the laws of stoichiometry. This, however, does not preclude the possibility or probability of the occasional occurrence, of reagent reactions that are strictly speaking those of hydration. It seems clear from the foregoing that in the gela- tinization of normal starch grains the first and essential step is the modification or dissipation of the surface condition that prevents an inflow of water after the nor- mal point of partial saturation, or state of physico- chemical equilibrium as regards water, has been reached. This barrier it seems is not mechanical but physico- chemical, as is suggested by the fact that corresponding or analogous phenomena have been observed in the be- havior of other colloids in vitro and in the living cells, where it seems to have been clearly demonstrated that they are manifestations of surface tension. Heat, when a certain temperature is reached, is assumed to give rise to a surface alteration or change in surface tension that causes a mass action of the molecules of water with a consequent inflow of water and attendant gelatinization, and it has been found that the addition of various sub- stances to the water may lower or raise the temperature of gelatinization in other words, aid or oppose the action of heat in altering the surface tension. The various gelatinizing reagents which are active at room temperature are undoubtedly effective by causing similar or identical alterations in surface tension, for evidence has been found that the ions do not form an adsorption union with the starch molecules but give rise to the surface alteration that leads to an adsorption union of molecules of water and starch ; and it would seem to follow, in accordance with our knowledge of the be- havior of other colloids with ions and molecules of dif- ferent kinds, that this surface change, as well as subse- quent phenomena, are modifiable in relation to the kinds and concentrations of ions and molecules taking part in the reactions. Hence, the phenomena of gelatinization brought about in distilled water by heat would likely be different in certain respects from those due to some chemical reagent, such as chromic acid ; and those of any given reagent will differ from those of every other reagent. Such is in fact what has been found in this research Samac (Studien iiber Pflanzenkolloide I. Die L6- sungsquellung der Stiirke bei Gegenwart von Kristal- loiden. Dresden, 1912, S. 42) made studies with potato starch in which he used equimolecular solutions of various electrolytes and non-electrolytes in concentra- tions varying from 0.25 to 10 gram-molecules to the liter. Both cations and anions were found to be effec- tive. Lithium, sodium, potassium, ammonium, mag- nesium, calcium, strontium, and barium chloride in weak solution raised the temperature of gelatinizntion ; and with increasing increments of concentration there occurred with some a further elevation followed by a fall, but with others a fall, the effects being different according to the kind of cation present. Sulphate, oxa- late, tartrate, acetate, chloride, bromide, nitrate, iodide, sulphocyanate, and carbonate of potassium, and also calcium nitrate, sodium sulphate, and ammonium sul- phate, behaved differently in accordance with the kind of anion. With some, in any concentration, the tem- perature of gelatinization was raised ; with others, with increasing increments of concentration a rise was fol- lowed by a fall; and with others there was a fall with any concentration. Sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and acetic acid likewise caused varying effects. With sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid increasing incre- ments of concentration caused a rise followed by a fall, while under the same conditions acetic acid caused a fall. Both potassium hydroxide and ammonia in all concen- trations caused a fall. Dextrose and glycerin, which are in any concentration without detectable gelatinizing action at room temperatures, caused with increasing in- crements of concentration a steady elevation of the tem- perature of gelatinization; and urea and chloral hydrate, under the same conditions, caused a steady lowering. Both acetic acid and potassium hydroxide in any con- centration caused a fall ; but acetate of potassium in in- creasing increments of concentration caused a rise followed by a fall. These results are in harmony with those obtained by various investigators in swelling and precipitation experiments with proteins. The starch molecule like the protein molecule has the property of acting as an acid or base to form salts, this being explicable upon the assumption that both starch and protein molecules are produced by a condensation BBACTION-INTENSITIES WITH EACH AGENT AND REAGENT. 147 of two different kinds of group*. Th-- starch molecule U-haves a.i an ami !ectrolyte, . timr M an acid or hn.e in n-lation to tli-- components of the reagents rm different salts, the reactions bring ' the splitting off of hydrogen or hydrxyl iona. All <>f the reagents used In thil research to gelatinize starch are aqueous solution* of electrolytes or imperfect electro- lytes, am! hence each is partially ionized, the degree of ation varying with the different reagent* ; more- i \ariety of elementa and molecules, acid and hase. that may enter into chemical oomliination with the starch molecules. llcmv it fnllnwa that each solu- tion ii a complex that consist* of molecules of wmter and solute, and of inns of water and of solute. Having now a starch molecule that mav assume either acid or basic rties, and reagents that contain both water and of elements and moleriili-s that may enter hemical combination with the starch to form gaits. that the phenomena of gelatinization or swelling, quantitatively and qualitatively, may Tary more or le. markedly in accordance with the chemical reac- tion* that occur coincidentlv with the adsorption of water. An examination of the list of reagents used in search will show that there arc well-defined classi- fications or groupings in accordance with peculiarities of the substances entering into the reagents as the solnt. r in-itam-c. organic acid, inorganic acids, potassium salts, sodium salts, hydroxides, sulphides, ni- trates, chlorides, etc. Not only are variations to be expected in the reactions because of differences in the composition of these reagents, but also because of differ- ences in the molecular arrangements of the starch mole- If the starches from different plant sources exist in different stcreoisomcric forms, it seems upon the basis of our knowledge of the peculiarities of stereoisomers in general that variations in the reactions that are due to this peculiarity may be as great or even greater than those due to differences in the reagents that is, that variation* in the reactions of different starches with a given reatrcnt may be as marked or more marked than those in the case of a single starch with different rea- gents. This has been found to be a fact by the results of this research. In the study of the phenomena of gelatinization that are definitely associated with peculiarities of the rea- gents the object has been to demonstrate differences in the behavior of different reagents without reference to the cause of these differences, except as they go to prove xistence of starch in stereoisomeric forms that are modified in specific relationship to the plant source. Obviously, there would be many advantages in a com- bined study of both gross phenomena of gelatinization and reactions that occur during and subsequent to gela- tinization, and much is to be gained by the use of reagents in equimolecular solutions ; but certain unavoidable con- ditions attending this research made it necessary to pursue the studies of the actions of reagents with refer- ence to effect and without more than incidental reference to cause. It will be recognized, from what has been stated, that the reactions are conditioned by both starch and rea- gent. Having a number of starches of presumably dif- ferent stereoisomeric forms, there remained the selection of the kind and concentration of reagents that would < IK it nut -h differences in the reactions as would demon - -tratc clearly not only isomerism but an isomerism that is specific in relation to genera, species, varieties and hybrids. It was found advantageous, in formulating these solutions, to disregard entirely concentrations upon the gram-molecular basis and to determine experimen- tally the strengths of solution that seemed best adapted to gire wide ranges of reaction with different stc- under the same conditions of experiment. The marked variations in the behavior of different starches with a given reagent, and of different reagents with a given starch, are presented in striking form in Charts A 1 to A 26; but these features are brought out even better in certain respects in Charts E 1 to E 46, and very much better in ninsf respects in Charts B 1 to II I'.'. The fir-t group of charts has been considered in a previous sub- section of this chapter; the second group will be taken up in a subsequent subsection ; and the third group will here be studied in only sufficient detail to meet requirements. In the construction of the group of charts designated B t to B 42 the main purpose was to bring out certain extraordinary peculiarities in the reactions of selected pairs (occasionally more) of reagents with a number of starches which are taken tentatively to be representa- tive of genera and of suhgenerie divisions. Tn the selec- tion of the reagents for comparison it seemed that characteristics peculiar to each of the several reagents could be presented particularly well if in one group of this series of charts the reactions of a given reagent are taken as the standard of comparison with the react ions of each of the other 25 agents and reagents; and if in a second group we compare the reactions of certain two or more agents or reagents, selected because of certain peculiarities, such as similarity or dissimilarity of agent and reagent, this plan was carried out. Tn th^ first series the reactions of nitric acid are taken as the stand- ard; and in the second series the reactions of anilines, inorganic acids, hydroxides, sulphides, etc., various com- binations of two or more agents and reagents were. made. To reiterate, there is in the polarization reactions no molecular alteration of the starch molecule; color reactions are present with gentian violet and safranin which are attributable ti adsorption without detectable attendant molecular disorganization ; in the iodine reac- tions there is in all probability a union of iodine and starch to form an unstable iodide of starch, but no intermolecular breaking down ; in the temperature reac- tions intermolecular disorganization is associated with the adsorption of water, but without the loss of properties that characterize the starch molecule; and in the chemi- cal-reagent reactions not only intermolecular disorgan- ization occurs, but various associated reactions that depend upon the acid or base character and parti- ul T elements and molecules of the reagents. From this it would follow that these reactions fall into well-defined groups: the polarization, aniline, iodine, temperature, and chemical-reagent reactions, respectively. When the reaction-intensities with polarization, gen- tian violet, safranin. iodine, and temperature are plotted out in curves, as in Chart B 1, and the chemical-reagent reaction-intensities are plotted out, as in Charts B 2 to 148 REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES. B 42, it will be apparent that there is a well-marked line of demarcation between these two groups; and also that when the five curves of Chart B 1 are com- pared differences are exhibited that are in harmony with the similarities and dissimilarities of the char- acters of the reaction-processes. The polarization curve stands in its peculiarities quite apart from the others, and it appears, on the whole, to be in its course without more than incidental relationship to the courses of the other curves; but the gentian-violet and safranin curves show almost throughout their courses, close correspondence in their variations with each other (see also Chart B 2), yet an absence of corre- spondence with the other three curves. Such differences as are recorded in these two curves are doubtless attribu- table to errors of experiment. When the crudity of the method of valuation of these reactions is considered, it is remarkable that the curves are so close, rather than that there are some discrepancies. The iodine and tempera- ture curves bear certain well-defined similarities, but they lack the close agreement seen in the two aniline curves; and they differ enough to indicate that the processes involved in the two reactions are not the same. The absence of conformity of the aniline and iodine curves, together with the agreement of the former, is convincing evidence that here also the processes of the two sets of reactions can not be the same. While the iodine and temperature curves show similarities (Chart B 3) they differ as much in general from each other as do the iodine and aniline curves. It will be seen that the iodine curve remains at vari- able distances above the temperature curve, excepting in Lilium tenuifolium, L. chalcedonicum, L. pardalinnm, Iris iberira, Tritonia pottsii, and PJiaius grandifolius, where in 5 of the 6 it is below and in one the same. The iodine valuations are only approximate, yet the errors of observation are probably not sufficient to alter the curve in any essential respect, at least in so far as concerns general comparisons. On the other hand, the temperature valuations are approximately scientifically correct inasmuch as the errors of experiment fall within such very narrow limits as not to affect appreciably the position of the curve at any point. While certain variations in the quantitative differences between these curves, and at points the inversion and reversion of the curves, might suggest errors of valuation, they are in conformity with the findings shown in the other charts, as will be seen. Some of the variations of the iodine records are probably due to differences in the behavior of this reagent with the capsular and intracapsular parts of the grains. Nageli found that iodine in weak solu- tions may penetrate the capsular part to the intra- capsular part of the grains, coloring the latter but not the former. It would seem, therefore, that the iodine reactions of the raw starch grains, as here studied, are reactions essentially, and with weak solutions solely, of the intracapsular part of the grain, and that the differ- ences in color values of the reactions are dependent in part upon the peculiarities of the intracapsular starch, and in part upon variations in the transmissive and reactive properties of the capsule. With a given strength of iodine solution, when the grains are gelatinized by heating, both intracapsular and capsular parts color, the former very much more than in the normal grain, and the latter a different color from the intracapsular part the former blue, and the latter violet, old-rose, etc. Heating the starch grains in water, and various rea- gents gelatinize starch, but the molecular processes in- volved can not, for reasons stated, be precisely the same. The qualitative gelatinization changes in different starches differ from each other; those caused by heat differ from those caused by chemical reagents ; and those caused by one reagent differ from those caused by an- other. The quantitative differences are in all corre- sponding cases far more marked than the qualitative changes. In the gelatinization caused by heat the change in surface tension that gives rise to the inflow of water is due, in accordance with our knowledge in general of colloidal swelling, to ionic action. Both hydrogen and hydroxyl ions are present, but it seems that the hydrogen ion is the effective agent, and effective only at certain temperatures that vary with the kind of starch. With the chemical reagents there are not only hydrogen and hydroxyl ions present, but also they are in compara- tively very high concentration; and, moreover, there are in the different solutions other kinds of ions and also molecules that vary in kind and concentration. In these reagents the ion concentration is without the aid of heat sufficient to bring about the alteration in surface tension that permits of hydration of the starch, and also there are components of the solutions that with the ampho- teric starch molecule may form various chemical com- binations and influence the processes of gelatinization, as previously stated. If these statements are justified, such should be indicated when, for instance, the tem- perature-reaction experiments are compared with those of chloral hydrate, pyrogallic acid, nitric acid, and other reagents. In comparing the curves of Charts B 4, B 5, and B 6, it will be seen in each that the temperature-curve differs markedly from the reagent curve, although there are many suggestions of correspondence in the variations ; but they differ quite as distinctly from each other as do the reagent-curves from each other. Moreover, not only are there marked quantitative differences, but these dif- ferences not infrequently take the form of inversion of the curves, so that while with one starch temperature reactivity may be higher than reagent activity, in an- other starch there may be the reverse. For instance, in the temperature chloral-hydrate chart (Chart B4) it will be seen that, here and there, varying direct and inverse relationships in the up and down courses of the curves occur, the one curve keeps continually above the other with variable degrees of separation, and then the curves will cross or become inverted, and at varying dis- tances recross, such crossing and recrossing occurring a number of times. Thus, the temperature curve is higher than the chloral-hydrate curve in Amaryllis belladonna, Hcemanihus Jcatherince, H. puniceu.t, Nerine bowdeni, N. sarniensis var. corusca major, Lilium martagon, L. trtniifolium, L. cJialcedonicum, L. pardalinum, Iris tro- jana, Begonia, single crimson scarlet, B. socofrana, and Miltonia bleiiana. In Amaryllis belladonna the tem- perature curve is lower than the chloral-hydrate curve, but in Brunsvigia, josephinte the reverse. In the three IKppeastrums the temperature curve is the higher ; the REACTION-INTENSIT1KS \\rni i:\.ll AGKVI \M UEAOENT. Hit difference between the two cur\. - in each u nearly the Mine; both are hu-h.-r in t)u> second ancl third than in ami th<- cimc m .ill three U lower than in Amaryllis and Hrunin-iijia. In Ilittimnthiu the i an- : tin- temperature nine U-in^ the lower, ml the .' --twit-ii the currea ia practically the same. In tin- Crmums tin- c-urvea racroM, tin- i< mpcra- n the higher, and the d is tun res lietwoen in tin- thn < -i.-. u-s are quite different in the two hardy ..jnviea the distance* an small but dill ajul in tin- tender specie* well marked, showing delimit- . iit-ric dm-ion. In the three Nerinea, in the first : the higher, and in the second .111.1 third the l..wer. In other words, Nerine crispa has a higher n-U'-tiMty in the temjx-ratiirc than in thechloral- hou-iifni and N. tamientit Tar. ronuca major exhibit the opposite peculiarity. These remarkable inversion* and reversions, both in- Ingeneric and intrageneric, have been found to be coin- n the researches with tho various reagents, as will be seen. -*IM the temperature curve is a.'ain the lnirher, and in Lilium inversion again occurs, (he tcm]NTaiure run i- in all four being the lower, the dis- tance between the two curves being very marked in the first species, marked in tho other three, and nearly the same in eat-h. In Iris the temperature curve is the r in the first, third, and fourth, and lower in the ! : and the distance between the curves is different in each, it U-ing greatest by far in the fourth. In both Gladiolus and Trilonia the temperature curve is the r, and the difference between the two curves is small and practically the same in both genera. In Begonia again occurs, in both the temperature curve being lower and very markedly lower than the chloral- Ue curve, the separation being greater in Begonia tocolrana. In Phaius crossing again occurs, and again in Miltimia, the separation in the former being distiint ami in the latter marked. While the courses of these s vary greatly, the variations are not more than in tho teiii|H-rature-|>yrogallic acid and temperaturc- nitrir-aeid charts (Charts B5 and B6), or when tho rature curve is compared witli that of any other of the reagents, or when the curves of almost any two reagents arbitrarily selected are compared. mparisons of the tetnperatnre-pyrogallic acid and teni|vrature-. liloral hydrate charts (B5 and B4) bring out many striking differences: The range of reaction ities of pyrogallic acid is distinctly greater than with chloral hydrate; the temperature and pyrogallie- urves show far less tendency than the temperature and chloral-hydrate curves to any relationship in their s; the variations in the degrees of separation in nii*rature and pyrogal lie-acid curves bear no evi- <!> nt relationship to what was seen in the temperature- il hydrate chart; and the points of inversion and recrossing of the curves have no correspondence unless of apparently a purely accidental character. The tem- perature-chloral hydrate reactions with Amaryllis and IIrun.<ri;iia show only small differences between the two -.the temperature curve being the lower in Amaryl- li* an 'ier in Bruntrigia; and in the temperature- i reai-tnuis the tempi-future nine 18 the - in both, and tin-re is extremely little or practically no separation in .\marylli but marked separation in Hrunsviyia, In tho former, in Hippeattrum, the tem- perature curve U the higher, while in the latter it is the lower, and Hie manner of separation of the curves ia very different. In the former, in Ilirmanthtu, the tempera- ture i -line is the lower; in the latter, in the first species it is the higher and in the second species the lower, and the difference* in the degree of separation are .TV different. In the former, in Crinum, the temperature nine is the higher in all three species; in the latter, it is the lower in all three, and the separations of tin- curves wholly unlike. In the former, in Nerine, the temperature curve is the higher in one and the lower in two; in the Utter, it is higher in all three; and while the chloral-hydrate curve is hifjh in tin- former the pyro- gallic-acid curve is very low, almost zero, in the latter. In both the former and the latter charts, in Lilium the temperature curve is tho lower, and there are some dif- ferences in the separation of the curve*. In Iris and throughout the remainder of the charts similar differ- ences will be found. Comparing now the temperature- nitric acid chart (Chart B 6) with the foregoing, it will be seen that it presents a very different picture, and here also there are the vagrant variations in the degree* of separation of the curves and the vagrant inversions and reversions, but which do not bear more than acci- dental relationships to the variations observed hcr<-t - fore. In other words, each chart presents evidence in support of certain well-defined principles regarding reactive intensities of different starches with different reagents, and is a specific and characteristic picture that is indicative of the particular reagent. From the point of view of strictly fair comparisons of the temperature and chemical-reagent reactivities some fallacy is intrdu(vd, because these two groups of reac- tivities have not an identical basis of valuation, and therefore because the value expressed by the space be- tween any two abscissa} in the temperature reactions may not have the equivalent value* of reagent reactions. In constructing the temperature scale in this research ad- vantage was taken of data obtained in the previous in- vestigation, and the scale was made to include what was believed to be the lowest and highest temperatures of gelatinization of the kinds of starches thai were likely to be studied, this scale being taken to be the equivalent in values of the scale of reaction-intensities with reagents that was made to extend between the ex- tremes of highest and lowest possible reactivities. But it will be seen, upon examination of Charts B 4, B 5, and B i. that the temperature reactions are limited in the starches examined between 55.8 (lAlium tenuifolium) and 83 (llirmantliujt Icalherintt) ; whereas, in the chloral-hydrate reactions the values extend between 5 per n-iit of the total starch gelatinized in 60 minutes (I'rinum zeylanirum) to 99 per cent in 10 minutes (Begonia tingle crimson scarlet), and in both the pyro- ^allic-acid and nitric-acid reactions the values vary prac- tically from extreme to extreme of the scale. The temperature scale as thus constructed represents a scale that has just about one- half the abscissa; values represented by the chemical-reappnt scale. If now the former scale is modified so that the extremes represent the extreme temperatures recorded among the starches 150 REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES. studied, the maximum and minimum temperatures will be as shown in Chart B 6, in which the temperatures as plotted out by the standard scale are represented by the heavy continuous line, and those by the modified scale by the broken line. It will be seen that the effect of the new scale is not only to accentuate differences, but also to bring about some differences in the relative positions of the curves as regards inversion and reversion. The first noticeable difference of importance is seen in llip- peastrum, in which in all three starches with the old calibration the temperature curve is the higher, while with the new it is lower in two and higher in one, and with marked differences in the degree of separation of the two curves. In Hcemanthus with the former the tem- perature curve is the higher in both species, while with the latter the two curves are practically alike in the first species and the temperature curve is very much lower in the second species, and so on throughout the chart. It will be seen, however, that the important characteristics pointed out in the preceding charts are present with both forms of calibration that is, independence in the variations of the two curves dur- ing their progress, with some tendency to concordance, inversions and reversions of the curves at points, and independence of the fluctuations of the curves of each reagent and of the points of inversion, recrossing and separation of the curves in each chart of that which is recorded in any other chart. The standard calibration adopted for the temperature experiments is preferable to the other because "better adapted for future investigations and, therefore, also for comparisons of the results of the present research with those of subsequent studies. The peculiarities elicited by these charts are extra- ordinary; they are harmonious in the demonstration of certain fundamental principles ; and they positively indi- cate that they are conditioned by both kind of reagent and kind of starch. It is, consequently, well worth while to extend these studies by means of a group of charts in which a given reagent will be taken as a standard of comparison with each of the other reagents, and in addi- tion to supplement this with another group in which each chart shall present the reactive-intensities of two selected reagents. To this end one group of charts, Charts B' 6 to B 30, inclusive, and another, B 31 to B 42, have been prepared. In the former the nitric-acid reac- tions are taken as the standard of comparison, these reactions being particularly well adapted for the purpose because of their wide range and their exceptional value in the differentiation of genera, subgeneric divisions, species, and hybrids. Much space would be required to go over all the first group of charts individually and in detail, and indeed this is not necessary if the plan adopted in comparing Charts B 1 and B 6 is pursued. There are, however, several points to which, because of their broad application, especial reference should be made: First, the marked differences exhibited by the various agents and reagents in the range of activities, even when the latter are plotted out upon the same basis of valuation, as in the case of all of the chemical rea- gents; second, the independence of the curve of each agent and reagent of the curve of every other (in several instances, however, as in the anilines and copper salts, there are no important differencee) ; third, the wide differences in values exhibited by different agents and reagents in the differentiation of genera, subgeneric divi- sions, species, etc. ; fourth, the differentiation of certain genera, subgeneric divisions, and species by one reagent without differentiation by others; fifth, the differences in the manner of differentiation by different agents and reagents of genera, subgeneric divisions, and species; sixth, the repeated inversions and reversions of the two curves in almost every chart, and the entire independence of the points of crossing in one chart of those in another ; seventh, the marked variations that occur in the degree of separation of the two curves in each chart, and in each chart compared with each other chart; and eighth, the suggestion at least of a tendency to some correspondence, varying in extent, throughout the series of curves in the up and down movements of the curves. Of not less or even of greater interest and value are the second group of charts (Charts B 31 to B 42, inclusive) which present the reaction-intensities of selected pairs of reagents, such as chromic acid and pyrogallic acid, sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and sulphuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, potassium hydroxide and so- dium hydroxide, potassium sulphide and sodium sul- phide, etc. Probably in no other way pan the data of the specificity of each agent and reagent and of each form of starch be more convincingly exhibited. These charts are worthy of careful study. The differences shown in the reactions of chromic acid and pyrogallic acid (Chart B 31) are very striking and full of interest, and the chart is worthy of a carefully detailed study. Considered from a rather general aspect, it will be seen that the chromic-acid curve undergoes much less variation than that of pyrogallic acid ; that in some parts of the chart the chromic-acid curve is higher, in other parts lower, and in other parts the same or prac- tically the same as the pyrogallic-acid curve; that the two curves rise and fall for the most part at the same ordinates and at points to indicate generic and subgeneric dividing lines; that the quantitative differences between the curves vary within wide limits, not only in different genera but also among members of the same genus, especially among subgeneric representatives; and that inversions and reversions of the curves occur at a num- ber of ordinates at which such deviations are consistent with plant differentiation. Among the many peculiarities worthy of more than passing notice are the following: In Amaryllis and Brunsvigia chromic acid failed to bring out any differ- entiation at the end of the 30-minute period, at which time there was 99 per cent of the total starch of each gelatinized, although, as shown by our records during the earlier part of the experiments, the former showed distinctly less reactivity than the latter. Pyrogallic acid elicited, from the beginning and throughout the reaction, very definite differentiation; and it showed very much less reactivity than chromic acid with Amaryllis, but the same reactivity with Brunsvigia, 90 per cent of the former being gelatinized in 60 minutes and 98 per cent of the latter, in 30 minutes. The Hippeastrums show dis- tinctly higher reactivities with chromic acid than with pyrogallic acid, and the quantitative differences exhibited by H. titan and H. ossultan are very markedly larger than those shown by H. dceones. In Hcemanthus the HBACTION-INTK.NMIIKS \\nii KAC II At.l.M \\D REAGENT. l.'.l reactivities with chrumi.- avid an- moderate and thote with pyrogallic acid very low; while the corresponding reactivities with //. mtniceui are high and very high, The chromic-acid reaction U an much ii r than the pyrogallie-acid reaction in //. kaiherintr i- !,.. T in //. ['uniceus. Thi* interesting inver- intensities of the two starches with these reap nsi.-ti-nt with well-separated < Iwnuters of :es. as already pointed oat 1 n ( 'rinum the two -ie are much more reactive to chromic acid . whereas the reverse relationship .-i in th< <>f the tender species; moreover, > ur.. .iti.T are inverted in comparison with the f,.rni. r. In V.nnr the chromic-acid reactions are mod- erate, while those of pyrogallic acid are so very low as to be almost absolutely negligible, making a very marked difference between the reaction-intensitiec. In Narcistiu hroraic-acid r< a. tion is moderate and the pyrogallic- acid reaction low, but without much difference between them. In I. ilium all of the reactions are high to very high, the chromic-acid reactions being the higher except in one species, in which both reactions are the same, although during the earlier part of the experiments chromic acid howed a somewhat higher reactive intensity than I'vrogallic acid. The degree of separation of the two curves in the other three specimens is not alike in any two. In Iris .ii-- < -hromic -acid reactions are high in all four starches, and the pyrngallic-acid reactions moderate in two, low in one, ainl MTV high in one. The distance between the ; is marked in all four, and in /. pertica var. purpurta the curves are inverted in other words, the first three starches are more sensitive to chromic acid than rogallic acid, while in tin- last there is the reverse. ut this group of charts it will be seen that this . of Iris exhibit* a number of peculiarities of reac- tivity which definitely differentiate it from the preceding . which in turn seem to be closely related in their reactivities. Inversion and reversion of the curves of the irids corresponding to the foregoing will be found arts B 7, B 8, B 9, B 10, B 12, B 22, and B 36. In "lus and Tritonia the chromic-acid reactions are high and the pyrogallic-acid reactions moderate, the reactions of the two starches with each reagent being the same or practically the same, but the reaction-intensi- ties with the two reagents being markedly different In ia the chromic-acid and pyrogallic-acid reactions are distinctly higher in Begonia tingle crimson scarlet than in If. tocotrana, and the difference between the two reactions is very much greater in the latter than in the r. In Phaitu and ililtonia the chromic-acid reac- tions are much higher than the pyrogallic-acid reactions, hut the amount of separation between the two carves is nearly the same. Examining this chart (B31) from the aspect of generic and subgeneric differentiation, it is essential to bear in mind that certain genera are represented by individuals that show such marked differences as to indicate that they belong to subgenera or some other form of subgeneric division, as in Hamanthut, Cn'num, Iris, and Begonia, and that on this account variations of their curves may be such as to appear to be opposed to recognized generic grouping. With this peculiarity in view, beginning with Amaryllis and firururtyui (.losely related genera), it will be seen the positions of the two curves in each are very different in Amaryllis the two curves are well separated, but in Hruntriyia they are the same. There is here a definite separation of the two genera. These genera are well separated from Hippeas- Irum, and the latter from the H<rmanthiu, by the marked differences in the curve*. In the three forms of Jlip- peaatrum the chr<>iiuc-acid curve is higher or eu-n much higher than in the preceding and succeeding genera, and it is in two well above and in one definitely iiUnc the pyrogallic-acid curve. The pictures presented by the curves in these three generic groups are so different that one could not possibly be confounded with another. In Httmanthtu there is a drop of the chromic-acid carve in //. leaiherina and //. punicetu; and a very marked drop of the pyrogallic-acid curve in the former, but a marked rise in the latter, giving rise to a well-defined separation of this genus from Ilijipeastrum and to inver- sion of the curves in //. puniceus with consequent separa- tion of the two species. In Crinum the picture is again different, there being a rise of the chromic-acid curvi- accompanied by a rue of the pyrogallic-acid curve in two and a fall in one. Inversion of the curves occurs in relation to C. tey- lanicum, this feature of itself differentiating this tender species from the two hardy species. In K trine the pic- ture is again and markedly altered. Hoth curves fall, the chromic-acid curve to a moderate level and the pyro- gallic-acid curve almost to zero, and with very little or practically no difference in the reactivities of the four starches with each of the reagents. In Narcissus, while the chromic-acid carve remains at practically the same level as in Nerine the pyrogallic-acid curve has ruun almost to the level of moderate reactivity, thus causing some separation of the two curves and giving a generic combination of the two curves which differs from that found in any other part of the chart. In Lilium the picture is again changed and is again distinctive of the genus. And so on, as we pass to Iris, Oladioltu and Tritonia, Begonia, Phaitu, and Millonin, the curves vary in their positions and degree of separation in such man- ners as to differentiate or suggest, as the case may be, not only generic but subgeneric groups. The Oladioltu and Tritonia curves are practically identical, the explana- tion for which has been referred to repeatedly. The first three and the last of the Iris are well separated; but Begonia shows curves of the two starches which, while well separated, rather indicate well-separated spe- cies than representatives of subgenera, as in the case of many of the other charts. While it is true that in a number of instances a genu* is represented by only a single species and that, inasmuch as the reactivities of different species of a genus exhibit varying reactivities with the same reagents and thus sug- gest that the differences (in so far as they are applied to the differentiation of genera) may be merely casual, it will nevertheless be found perfectly clear by examina- tion of the accompanying charts that the evidence in sap- port of the generic and subgeneric differentiations and other relations here noted is cumulative and convincing. The very marked differences in the reactivities of sab- generic groups which are quite as great, on the who]*-, 152 REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES. as those of different genera, represent probably the most remarkable feature of the chart, and they might natur- ally be regarded as being accidental were it not that corresponding peculiarities have been recorded in nearly all instances where the reactivities of two agents or reagents have been compared. A further consideration of this striking phenomenon will be taken up later. The inorganic acids, here typified by nitric acid, sul- phuric acid, and hydrochloric acid (Chart B 32) are of pecular interest because of their pre-eminently hydrionic character, and because in each, in accordance with ionic action in relation to the swelling of proteins, the active agent in bringing about the alteration in surface tension that initiates gelatinization is the anion. But that these ions alone are insufficient to account for differences in the phenomena of gelatinization due to these agents, that the cations in each acid play a part, and that the reac- tions are modified by both concentration and kind of ions, is rendered apparent by a study of the curves. The most conspicuous features of this chart are: The wide differences exhibited by the different kinds of starch, and the obvious generic and subgeneric groupings; the identity or practical identity of the reactions of two or all three of the acids with certain starches in contrast with the marked to very marked variations with others ; and the tendency generally for the nitric-acid and the hydro- chloric-acid curves to run closely together and, as a rule, well apart from the sulphuric-acid curve, with, however, occasional greater closeness of the hydrochloric and sul- phuric-acid curves than of the nitric-acid and hydro- chloric-acid curves. This separation of the curves, while in part unquestionably due to differences in concentra- tion of the reagents, is also partly due to differences in the characters of the reactions dependent upon the ca- tions. In Amaryllis and Brunsvigia all three reagents yield exceedingly rapid reactions, but in Brunsvigia the nitric-acid reaction is distinctly less rapid than the sulphuric-acid and hydrochloric-acid reactions, the last two being the same. In Crinum moorei, LUium mar- tagon, L. tenuifolium, L. chalcedonicum, L. pardalinum, and Begonia single crimson scarlet the reactions with all three reagents are very rapid, and are the same or prac- tically the same. The sulphuric-acid and hydrochloric- acid reactions are nearly the same or practically the same in Brunsvigia josephince, Crinum longifolium, Iris persica var. purpurea, Phaius grandifolius, and MUtonia bleuana. The nitric-acid and hydrochloric-acid reac- tions tend to be close to very close, and at the same time well separated from the sulphuric-acid reactions, in Hip- peastrum titan, H. ossultan, H. dceones, Hcemanthus katherina, Crinum zeylanicum. Iris iberica, I. trojana, and 7. cengialti; to be approximately mid-intermediate in Hcemanthus puniceus, Nerine crispa, N. bowdeni, N. sarniensis var. corusca major, Narcissus tazetta grand monarque, Gladiolus Tristis, and Tritonia pottsii. Curiously, in only 1 of the 28 starches (Begonia soco- trana) is the hydrochloric reaction lower than the reac- tions of the other two acids ; and not only is the difference in the reaction-intensities very marked between this and the next closer or nitric-acid reaction, but the difference between the latter and the sulphuric-acid reaction is also very marked ; and the three reactions form a group that is widely and remarkably different from the reactions observed in the other Begonias. It is of especial interest to note that in Hcemanthus, Crinum, and Iris, among which there are subgeneric representatives, the sub- generic differentiation is in each genus well marked. These extraordinary variations in the relations of the reactions of the three reagents are inexplicable upon the basis merely of differences in ionic and molecular con- centration of the reagents; or upon differences in the starches that may be assumed to be due to varying pro- portions of components of a mechanical mixture ; or upon differences in reaction owing to the amount or kind of impurities; but they are entirely explicable upon the basis of different stereoisomeric forms of starch that have specific and varying relationships to the kinds and concentrations of solutes in aqueous solution. The potassium-hydroxide and sodium-hydroxide chart (Chart B33) presents features which, while less ex- traordinary, are quite interesting and significant. These reagents, like the acids, bear very close relationships, but there are aqueous solutions that are pre-eminently cationic, and here, as in the acid chart, it will be seen that reaction-intensities vary within the extremes of the abscissae and elicit very definitely but in modified forms the generic and subgeneric divisions that are brought out so strikingly by the acids. Moreover, it is perfectly obvious that here, as in preceding charts, while certain differences may justifiably be attributed to differences in the concentration of the reagents, other differences seem to be inseparable from the presence of stereoiso- mers and of components of the solute that form specific and variable kinds of products through chemical union with the raw-starch molecules and their derivatives. The concentration of the potassium-hydroxide solution is 1.5 grams to 110 c.c. of water, and of the sodium- hydroxide solution 0.5 gram to 100 c.c. of water. It will be seen that the curves tend for the most part to keep close together in their variations; that while generally the potassium-hydroxide curve is the higher it is in a number of instances somewhat or even markedly lower, and in other instances the same or practically the same as the sodium-hydroxide curve ; and that the generic and subgeneric divisions that were demonstrated in the pre- ceding charts are here also elicited but in modified forms. The two reactions are the same or practically the same in Hcemanthus katherinw, Crinum zeylanicum, Lilium martagon, L. tenuifolium, L. chalcedonicum, L. parda- linum, Iris trojana, and Begonia single crimson scarlet. The potassium-hydroxide reactions are higher in all of the remaining starches excepting Crinum longifolium, Narcissus tazelta grand monarque, Iris iberica, I. cen- gialti, I. persica var. purpurea, Gladiolus tristis, and Tritonia pottsii, in which group it is markedly to very markedly lower, chiefly the latter. The very mnrkcd differences in the reaction-intensities of the two rea- gents in Nerine and Begonia in comparison with the dif- ferences generally stand out very conspicuously. One feature of especial interest is to be noted in the species of Crinum: C. moorei is more sensitive to potas- sium hydroxide than to sodium hydroxide; C. longifo- lium shows the reverse; and C. zeylanicum about equal reactivity with the two reagents. Another feature is to be found in species of Iris, the first three showing with sodium hydroxide the same sensitivity and the last a REACTIO\-IMKN-1T11> WITH i: \< II AOENT AND REAGENT. L6I Terr nuirh higher sensitivity than tin- former; while . hydroxide there are three gradation* >f ,\ity. T:. -n* of /n.t prrxifa var. purpurea differentiate it from the first three member* of tin* Another feature is aeen in the very striking dirtYreiKvs in / in the first Hrgonia both refte- . . TV hi^'h and the same, while in the second the -lum-hydroudc reaction U similarly high and the odium-hydroxide reaction U low and far separated from tin- former. .in sulphide and sodium sulphide (Chart B 3 1 ) elic it reactions which at a whole are quite different from those recorded in the preceding chart*, bnt are lu-levs in entire support of the fundamental pecu- liarities that have U-.-n found to be set forth by the in* of each pair of reagents thus far studied that it, an inde|N-mlencc of each reagent in its reactions that is due to Uitli .<iini-iitr.it ion and kind of solute; an inde- pendence of the reactions of each starch that U dependent rences in stereoisomeric forms; and an imle- nce of the course of each curve to such a degree that there may not only be most variable quantitative different?* hut also inversion, yet with a manifest ten- nforming with the peculiarities of a prototype (say the nitric-acid curve). 1'robably the first feature that will attract attention is the very marked differences in tin- behaviors of Amaryllit and Brunsrigia with these . reagent*, the former exhibiting a very hurh reactivity with potassium sulphide and a moderate with sodium sulphide, thus showing a very difference in reactivity, there being 97 per cent of the total starch of Amaryllis gelatinized in 3 minutes and only 91 per cent of the total starch of Bruntvigia minutes; whereas with sodium sulphide the reac- of both starches are very nearly the same, 90 and 96 per cent, respectively, in 60 minutes being recorded, Amaryllis throughout the course of the reaction showing only slightly leas reactivity than Bruiuvigia. It will be noted that the two curves here are entirely different from those of the three preceding charts (Charts I'. .<!. I'. :<2, and B33), which also so differ from each other that each chart is very definitely individualized. The reactions of the sulphides are the same or practically the same in Brunsvigia Joseph intr, Ilippfastrum titan. II. otfultan, Ilirmanthux josephimr, Crinum teylanicum, I. ilium martagon, L. tenuifolium, L. chalcedonieum, L. pardalinum, and Begonia tingle crimson tcarlet. The potassium-sulphide reactions are higher in Amaryllu bel- ladonna, llcemanthus puniceut, Kerine crispa, N. botc- deni, A', sarnirnfi* var. corusca major, Begonia tocotrana, and Pkaiut grandifolius ; and lower in llippeattrum daones, Crinum moorri, C. lonyifolium. Narcissus late-tin grand monarque, Irit iberioa, /. trojana. I. cengialti, I. persica var. purpurra. Gladiolus tritlit, Triionia potlsii, and .Miltuniii rrxillarin. For the most part the curves are well separated, this feature being particularly accen- tuated in Amaryllis belladonna, Crinum moorti, fferine crispa, Irit persica var. purpurra, and Hrgonia tocotrana. inlhus katherina and //. puniceut are not nearly so well differentiated as in the preceding charts; the hardy and tender Crinnms are well differentiated, as in the previous pairs of reactions. The I rids show nearly the same reactivities with potassium sulphide, while three show nearly the same reactivities with sodium sulphide, luit higher than with potassium sulphide, and one a very much higher reactivity than the first three with sodium *ul|>hidc and a corresponding difference in relation t potassium sulphide, showing a marked subgeneric sub- division such as was noted with other reagents. In Oladiolut and Tritonia the potassium-sulphide curves are well IM-IMW the sodium-sulphide curves, the difference in each being about the same. In Begonia the differentia- tion of the two starches is very striking. In I'haius and Miltonia the generic differences are pronounced, not only in regard to the degree of separation of the curves, but also in respect to the inversion of the curves. The high reactivities shown in Amaryllit belladonna, Nerine critpa, and Begonia socotrana with potassium sulphide in comparison with the moderate to very low rc.-u ti-.itic- with the other reagent, together with the very opposite in Crinum moorri, Iris persica var. purpurea, and Mil- tonia bleuana, are striking manifestations of differences in the molecular constitution of starches from different plant sources. The reaction-intensities of potassium iodide and po- tassium sulphocyanate (Chart B35) present very much closer relationships than do those of any of the pairs of reagents thus far considered, yet here also are found the fundamental peculiarities that have characterized all of the comparisons brought out in the preceding churl*. The reactivities of these reagents are the same in llaman- thut kafhrrinir, Crinum moorei, C. teylanicum, C. longi- folium, Lilium martagon, L. tenuifolium, L. chalcedoni- cum, L. pardalinum, and Begonia tingle crimson scarlet. The reactions of potassium iodide are higher than those of potassium sulphocyanate in Amaryllis belladonna and Brunsrigia Joseph inct, and IOWA- with all of the remain- ing starches, except the group noted. The curves show for the most part a marked concordance in their up- and-down movements, but the degree of separation < f the curves is quite variable and there are inversions only of Amaryllit and Brunsrigia. A comparative examination of the curves of the reac- tions of sodium hydroxide and sodium salicylate (('hart B 36) brings out one very exceptional feature that is associated with the latter reagent, and various featun that are in harmony with characteristics that are com- mon to the other charts. The marked limitations of the reactions of sodium salicylate are most striking and peculiar to this reagent. In only two reactions (those with Crinum jrylanicum and Begonia tingle crimton tcarlet) is there a departure from the narrow limits of the upper six abscissa (a trifle more than one-fourth of the highest and lowest limits of reaction-intensities). This limitation greatly restrict* the value of the reagent in the differentiation of starches from different plant sources, yet there are in some instance* marked to very marked differentiation, especially of subgeneric groups. The differences in the reactions of the two specie* of Htrmantkut are not of themselves sufficient to definitely indicate subgeneric division, but rather well-separated species; in Crinum the two hardy forms are well differ- entiated from the tender form; in Iru the first three stand definitely apart from the fourth ; and in Begonia there are striking difference* between the two starches. 154 REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES. The independence of the variations in the courses of these two curves, together with the individuality of the salicylate curve when compared with curves of the reac- tions of the other reagents, suggests peculiar relation- ships of the salicylate with the starch molecule that are worthy of special study. While this reagent is, at least in the concentration used, of comparatively little value in the differentiation of genera, it is not only of marked usefulness in recognition of subgeneric groups, as stated, but also in the differentiation of species and hybrids (see Chart A 18, page 183) ; and it has proven of much value in the study of the qualitative reactions of different starches, as will be found by reference to data in Part II and to Tables C 1 to C 17 in subsequent pages. Lens (Seventh Inter. Congress Applied Chem., London, 1909; Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1909, xxvii, 731) had already found that this reagent could be used in the microchemi- cal differentiation of starches from different sources. He states that if a trace of rye starch, in a hanging drop of a solution of 1 part of sodium salicylate in 11 parts of water, is examined under a magnification of 200, at the ordinary temperature, it will be found that after the lapse of an hour (more distinctly after 24 hours) most of the large granules have swollen and that only a small part resists the action of the salicylate and still shows the polarization cross between crossed nicols. In the case of wheat starch, only a few of the large granules become swollen ; after 1 to 24 hours the outline of the unswollen wheat starch-granules is sharply defined, and the gran- ules, unlike those of rye starch, do not become flattened (starch of any kind which has been altered by storage in a moist condition swells on treatment with the salicylate solution). Barley and millet starches swell to a small extent only. Only few of the grains of oat, maize, rice, potato, bean, pea, lentil, and arrowroot starches become swollen. The calcium-nitrate and strontium-nitrate curves (Chart B 37) exhibit wide excursions, those of the latter being the more marked; and the fluctuations tend with few exceptions to correspond in their directions, although with more or less marked quantitative variations. Both generic and subgeneric differentiations are as conspicuous as in the preceding charts; but inversion of the curves does not occur at any point. The reactions of these reagents are the same or practically the same in A maryllis belladonna, Hcemanthus leathering, Crinum zeylanicum, Lilium chalcedonicum, L. pardalinum, and Begonia sin- gle crimson scarlet; and very nearly the same in Hippeas- trum titan, L. martagon, and L. tenuifolium. Else- where the differences range within variable limits, the widest being in Brunsvigia Josephines, Crinum moorei, C. longifolium, Nerine crispa, N. bowdeni, N. sarniensis var. corusca major, and Begonia socotrana. The curves of the uranium-nitrate and cobalt-nitrate reactions (Chart B 38) bear in general close relationships to the curves of the preceding chart, the most noticeable differences being apparent in the generally higher reac- tivities of calcium nitrate and strontium nitrate, par- ticularly the latter. The curves tend to be distinctly closer than with the latter reagents ; no inversion of the curves occurs at any place ; and generic and subgeneric differentiations, especially the latter, are with rare excep- tions well marked. The copper-nitrate and cupric-chloride curves (Chart B 39) are very similar to those of the two preceding charts, the reactions tending to be the same or somewhat greater than with uranium and cobalt nitrate, but as a whole distinctly lower than with calcium nitrate and strontium nitrate. Both generic and subgeneric dis- tinctions are well marked. Barium chloride and mercuric chloride in the con- centrations used are the weakest of all of the reagents in the gelation of starch. Both curves (Chart B40) are therefore lower, as a whole, than is found in the other charts, the barium-chloride curve being distinctly the lowest curve recorded. The fluctuations in this chart are in close correspondence with those of the imme- diately preceding charts. No inversion of the curves occurs except possibly in Hcemanthus puniceus, whore the difference in the reactions falls within the limits of error of experiment. Eeviewing these charts, as a whole, from both general and special aspects, it will be found that they may be divided primarily into two well-defined groups in accord- ance with the peculiarities of the curves: first, those showing the reactions with polarization, gentian violet, safranin, and iodine; second, those showing reactions with temperature and chemical reagents. This distinc- tion is due in part to differences in the method of cali- brating reaction-values and (in part and chiefly) to differences in the inherent characters of the reactions. As before noted, and of fundamental importance at this juncture, the scale-values in the experiments with polar- ization, gentian violet, safranin, iodine, and temperature are different from those in the chemical reagent experi- ments ; the polarization reaction is an optic phenomenon that is without associated molecular disturbance; the gentian-violet and safranin reactions are probably sim- ple phenomena of adsorption, but without apparent molecular disturbance; the iodine reaction is probably a manifestation of chemical combination of the iodine with the starch to form a feeble union, but without a detectable appearance of intermolecular disorganiza- tion; the temperature reaction elicits an intermolecular disaggregation that is associated with hydration ; and the chemical-reagent reactions are expressions of not only intermolecular breaking down and hydration, but also various quantitative and qualitative modifications in the starch molecules and their derivatives that depend upon differences in concentration and components of the rea- gents, the starch molecule because of its amphoteric properties combining with both acids and bases, and the gelatinization processes being .more or less modified by some reagents by associated chemical changes. The polarization curve (Chart B 1) bears no well-defined relationship, except of an apparently accidental charac- ter, to any of the other curves. The gentian-violet and safranin curves (Chart B 2) are very much alike, and where differences are noted they are doubtless to be attributed to errors of experiment; and these curves stand apart from all other curves. The iodine and tem- perature curves (Chart 3) show in general a closeness which suggests that since in the temperature reaction there is intermolecular disorganization there is a more marked molecular change in the iodine reaction than is shown by the microscope in ordinary or polarized light. REACTION-INTENSITIES WITH EACH AGENT AND REAGENT. 155 Inasmuch as the temperature valuations are quite d (as exact as the determinations of the melting- points of crystalline substances), and as the iodine valua- are of a gross character, it seems probable that seeming deviations from what i- judged to be the normal in tin- two charts may be due to errors of experiment ; but wine f the-e dnbntMM are explicable only upon the assumption of jteculiaritics of tin- molecules of the lies, causing them to behave differently with .hiTerent reagent*, as was found in the study of the reactions with the . heinical reagents. The tempera- ture cur\e, while MTV much more limite.l in its excur- sions than the curves of most of the chemical reagents, bean- .il a well-defined relationship in its fluc- tuations to the variations collectively of the latter. This relationship becomes more obvious when the temperature values are in a modified form to render them more con- t with the i hemiral reagent values, as shown in Chart B 0, in which the temperature and nitric-acid curves are figured, the former being exhibited in one in accord with the standard calibration and in another with a modified valuation so formulated that these values, like the chemical reagent values, extend the entire limits of chart between the highest and lowest abscissa?. When, however, the iodine values are similarly modified (Chart B 8) there is no more similar- it the whole, between this modified form of curve and the nitric-acid curve than there is when the standard calibration is used in fact, if anything, there is a greater lack of correspondence. Comparisons of this modified curve with curves of the reactions of other reagents are fully confirmative of these findings in sup- port of inherent differences in the behavior of the starch molecules in these reactions. In a word, these facts indicate quite convincingly that the iodine, temperature, ami mine-acid reactions are in some way or ways funda- mentally different and that there is an obscure rela- iip between the temperature and nitric-acid curve> that does not exist between the iodine and nitric-acid curves. In these comparisons the nitric-acid curve has been taken as a prototype of the chemical-reagent curves. \\h--n the latter are individually compared with this prototype and with each other it will be found that, while no two are alike, all conform to this type in a manner that is comparable to the conformity of the members of a genus to a generic prototype. In other words, the variations shown by the different reagents are comparable to the variations exhibited by the members of a genus. Sufficient reference has doubtless been made to the peculiarities of the reactions of the various reagents, individually and in couples, that are specific to each reagent in association with peculiarities of the various stereoisomeric forms of starch, yet it seems that addi- tional statements may be made with profit in respect especially to certain reactions of well-defined natural groups of reagent*, such as the inorganic acids, hydrox- ides, sulphides, nitrates, chlorides, potassium salts, so- dium salts, copper salts, etc. The only organic acid used in this research is pyrogallic acid, to the solution of which was added a small amount of oxalic acid for the purpose of preservation. Chromic acid, while belonging to the inorganic group that comprises nitric, sulphuric, and hydrochloric acids, may for certain reasons be con- with pyrogallic acid, and then with the otln -r three acids. Chromic acid acts on the starch grain in a manner that is not only entirely individual and dutim - tive in comparison with the actions of the other acids, but also quite diiTerent from that of any other reagent. This acid causes the grain at first to be altered into a _ l.i tin ized capsule and a semi-liquid contents; the cap- sule then rujiturea at some point and the contents flow out; and then both capsular part and escaped contents pass rapidly into solution. Pyrogallic acid brings about changes that belong to a fundamental type that is com- mon to the other chemical reagents, but variously modifi- able with each reagent. By comparing the chromic-acid and pyrogal lie-acid curves (Chart B 31), and then these with the nitric-acid, sulphuric-acid, and hydrochloric- acid curves (Chart B32), it will be seen that the first two differ markedly from each other, that the chromic- acid curve is not in closer relationship than the pyro- gallic-acid curve to the curves of the group of inorganic acids, and that the pyrogallic-acid curve is more closely related than the sulphuric-acid curve to the nitric-acid and hydrochloric-acid curves. The sulphuric-acid curve in comparison with the nitric- and hydrochloric-acid curves appears to be vagrant, but this seeming discrep- ancy may be due, in a large measure at least, to the higher reactive-intensity of this reagent. These five reagents undoubtedly have, because of their inherent chemical difference?, different chemical relation- ships to the starch molecule and accordingly yield reac- tions that can not be identical qualitatively. Chromic acid and nitric acid apparently stand apart from the other acids because of their oxidizing properties, but it may be, as suggested by the investigations of Sacharow and of Gruss (see previous memoir, pages 95, 146, and 186), that oxygen is essential in both the initial and final stages of the saccharification of starch. If this is so, the part played by oxygen in the actions of the other reagents is masked. However, chromic acid has been used commercially to liquefy starch and form dextrin and sugar because of its asserted oxidising power. Nitric acid has been found similarly valuable to form oxalic acid from starch and other carbohydrates. Pyrogallic acid, on the other hand, is an active deoxidizer, taking up oxygen freely ; and, moreover, this acid does not, as is well known, form true salts. Both sulphuric and hydro- chloric acids have been employed by a large number of investigators to reduce starch to dextrin and sugar (aee Publication No. 173, page 104). While our knowledge of the exact characters of the intermediate products of saccharification is very limited, it is justifiable, from what is known, to assume that the interactions of these various reagents with the starch molecule may be quite as varied as those which occur in the evolution of oxygen from peroxides, chlorates, and permanganates, respec- tively, and that they may differ even more than the proc- esses of enzymes and acids, respectively, in the liquefac- tion, dextrinization, and saccharification of starch (see previous memoir, page 149). Probably no two pairs of curves elicit more interest than those of potassium and sodium hydroxides and nitric and hydrochloric acids when the members of each pair and of the two pairs are compared. The first two rea- gents are pre-eminently cationir; the latter ix pre-emi- 156 REACTION-INTENSITIES OP STARCHES. nently anionic. It might naturally be expected that if one of the two reagents of either pair exhibits a higher reac- tivity than the other member of the pair with a given starch the same relationship in reaction-intensity should be found in the reactions with other starches, but it will be seen in each of these pairs of curves that there is not only an absence of consistent relationship in so far as one curve is always higher than the other, but also in other respects, so that there is more or less marked inde- pendence in the courses of the curves independence quite as conspicuous as has been found in the compari- sons of any pair of microscopic and macroscopic charac- ters of the plants themselves. Thus, in Amaryllis bella- donna with potassium hydroxide (Chart B 33) there is complete gelatinization in 1 minute, and with sodium hydroxide a not quite complete gelatinization in 3 min- utes; while in the Brunsvigia josephince reactions the records with the same reagents are 98 per cent in 1 minute and 95 per cent in 15 minutes, respectively. With the first starch the reagents exhibit but little dif- ference, but with the second a marked difference, while in both the potassium hydroxide is the stronger in its actions. In other instances the values may be the same, or the curves may be more or less separated, or inverted so that the potassium hydroxide is the less effective. Passing from starch to starch it will be seen that the separation of the curves observed in Brunsvigia is as well marked in Hippeastrum. In Ilcemanihus kath- erince the reactions of both reagents are very slow, almost nil; but in II. puniceus there is a wide separation of the curves, the potassium curve being high and the sodium- hydroxide curve low. In Crinum moorei the two reac- tions are very high and in C. zeylanicum very low. In C. longifolium both are very high, but not so high as in C. moorei. In C. moorei and C. zeylanicum there is in each little difference in the potassium and sodium curves, in the latter practically none ; but in C. longifolium the curves are well separated. Subgeneric differentiation here, as in the case of the species of Hcemanthus, is quite marked. In Nerine the two curves are antipodal, the potassium-hydroxide curve being very high and the sodium-hydroxide curve very low, making the separation exceptionally wide. In Narcissus the curves of both rea- gents are low to very low, and the reactivities of the reagents are in inverse relationship to what has been heretofore noted, this starch being more responsive to the sodium than to the potassium salt. In /.ilium the reactions with both reagents take place with such rapidity that there is not satisfactory differentiation. In 7ns interesting differences in the curves are seen, and so on with the other starches. Similar peculiarities will be found in the comparisons of the curves of the pair of acids. Comparing now the pairs of acid and base curves (Charts B 15 and B 33) it will be noticed that notwith- standing the opposite characters of the ions the curves of the two charts bear in general resemblances that con- form closely to a common type of curve ; that in each pair one of the two reagents tends to be the more active, or to have the same reactivity as the companion reagent throughout most of the chart; that in each pair of curves the quantitative relationships may be so altered that there may be not only very variable degrees of dif- ferences in the extent of separation of the curves, but also inversions and recrossings of the curves; and that in the two charts the ordinates at which sameness of reactivity-intensity of the reagents, higher reactivity of one reagent over the other, inversion, recrossing, etc., may have no correspondence. These facts demonstrate an individuality of each reagent and each form of starch. It will also be seen that while the two pairs of curves are in general in their fluctuations in accord they may not correspond in the extent of the variations. This feature is conspicuous in Nerine, Narcissus, Iris, Gladi- olus, Tritonia, and Begonia. Thus, in Nerine both of the acid curves fall, the hydrochloric-acid curve for the first two species (the values for the second and third be- ing the same), and the nitric-acid curve for all three species, making about the same difference between the two curves for the first two species and a more marked difference for the third species. The picture here is entirely different from that of the potassium and sodium- hydroxide chart. In Narcissus the hydrochloric-acid curve is high and the nitric-acid curve very low; the potassium and sodium-hydroxide curves are both very low; the nitric-acid reaction is practically the same as that of potassium hydroxide, somewhat lower than that of sodium hydroxide, and markedly lower than that of hydrochloric acid. In 7ns both acid curves fall to the level of moderate to low reactivity in the first three starches, and in all practically the same; but in the fourth starch both reactions are very high, the hydro- chloric-acid reaction being distinctly higher than the nitric-acid reaction. With the base reagents both curves fall to the level of high to moderate reactivity in the first three starches, and rise to high reactivity in the fourth starch. The positions of the curves of the first three starches differ entirely from those of the acids, while those of the fourth starch are practically precisely the same as those of the acids. In Gladiolus and Tri- lonia both pairs of curves fall to the levels of low to very low reactivity, the nitric-acid curve falling to a lower level than the hydrochloric-acid curve; the hy- droxide curves fall to an intermediate position, the so- dium curve being lower than that of potassium, Be- gonia shows striking similarities and dissimilarities: In B. single crimson scarlet all four reagents act with great energy, gelatinization being complete in one min- ute or less. In B. socotrana both acid curves fall, one to the level of the line of demarcation of high to mod- erate activity, and the other to very low reactivity; whereas with the hydroxides the reaction with the potas- sium salt is very rapid and is over in less than a minute, while with the sodium salt it is very slow. Moreover, in the acid reactions, while most of the starches show a lower reactivity with nitric acid, B. socotrana shows a markedly lower reactivity; and in the potassium-sodium chart most of the starches show a higher reactivity to potassium than to sodium, the starch of B. socotrana also showing this character. In other words, this spe- cies is aberrant, as it were, in its reactions with the ;i< ills in comparison with the reactions of the other Begonias and most other starches, but in harmony in the potas- sium and sodium reactions. In both Phaius and Miltonia there is a reversal of the reaction-intensities of the two acids, but not of the hydroxides, as compared with B. REACTION-INTENSITIES WITH EACH AGENT AND REAGENT. 157 ' Mitional comparisons of the data of these ii: fact*. Tho pota*ium-sul|hidc and sodium-sulphide chart :- in ..-rt.iiu respects ,'-. r rcaem- . .< to tin- hydroxide i h.irt (Chart ll.'U) than to the 'iart B 15), and in other respects the re- . thu- in.: hat the alteration of the hydrox- ide* into the .-uiphidcs has yielded reagents which give turn* that toggeat the presence of both a> n\< in contradistinction to the reactions of t!i xides and acids which are pre-eminently id aninnic. resj>e< lively. These sulphide reae- . in intcn-ity in lioth directions to almost the of tin- abscissa*, from the extremely high * of potassium sulphide that are recorded in /'/fiw, and I'haius in which complete gclatiniza- - in 2 minutes or leas, to the extremely low \ities in //i'/'/>rafrum, llarmanthw. Crinum, etc., tit or leaa is gelatinized in 60 minutes. - of these curves from the acid and base curves are much more marked than the variations of the s themselves, and the quantitative differences ba- the curves tend to be more marked and erratic, and inversions to be more frequent, than in the acid and l>a*<- curves. In \rrine there occurs in the sulphide -. a.s in those of the hydroxide, an inversion, in both charts the potassium salt is the stronger. In In is a marked separation of the curves, as was found to be the case with one exception in the hydroxide reac- : but in three of the starches there was no separa- f the acid curves. In Begonia tocotrana the curves arc loss like those of the bases than of the acids, while in Millonia they stand apart from both base and acid curves. The wide separation of the sulphide curves in Amaryllis is very conspicuous in comparison with the small separation of the base curves and the absence of separation of the acid curves. Similar peculiarities will be found in the reactions of these three pairs of rea?ent. with other starches. The potassium-iodide and potaaunm-sulphocyanate ons (Chart B35) bear, on the whole, far closer resemblances to the hydroxide reactions than to the acid or sulphide reactions. In contradistinction to the sul- phides these reagents contain acid radicals that are probably almost inert. Comparing this chart with the base chart (Chart B 33), the most noticeable differences will be found in the reactivities with Amaryllis. Brun*- rigia, Hcemanihus puniceus, Nerine, Irit, Begonia, is, and Mil (onto. Amaryllis and Brunsvigia each exhibits practically no difference in the potassium-iodide or potasflium-sulpnocyanate reactions, but Amaryllis and llrunsrigia are differentiated from each other by both reagent*, both starches reacting more readily with po- tassium iodide than with the other reagent. In Haeman- /'. i/t punier us, while these reagents do not differ in their reactivities, potassium hydroxide yields a markedly dif- ferent result from that of sodium hydroxide. In Nerine reactivity with the iodide is very low and with the sul- phocyanate low; while in the hydroxide reactions those with potassium hydroxide are very high and those with sodium hydroxide very low. In Irit the potas- sium iodide reactions are very much lower in the first three Irids and somewhat lower in the fourth; while in the hydroxide reactions in two there are very marked differences, in one no difference, and in another a marked difference, the potassium reactions IM-MI^ the lower when difference exists. In Begonia t and sulphocyanatc reactions show very little difference, in B. tingle crimson tcarlet both reagents acting with greet intensity and in II. socotrana with great slowness, the iodide being practically inert; while in the hydroxide reactions both reagents act with great intensity with B, single crimson tcarlet, potassium hydroxide acts with equal vigor, but sodium hydroxide with low intensity with B. socot ratio. In Phaius and Millonia both the iodide and the sulphocyanate show differences between these genera and between the iiii-nili.-rs of each genus, the iodide U'ing leaa active than the sulphocyanate. While in both I'haius and Millonia marked differences exist be* tween the reaction-intensities of the iodido and the sulphocyanate, there arc comparatively small differences between the intensities of the hydroxides. The curve of sodium salicylate (Chart B 36) stands alone, as before stated, and therefore is not comparable, as in the foregoing instances, with that of any other reagent. Calcium nitrate and strontium nitrate (Chart B3?) exhibit differences that are most pronounced in Bruns- vigia, Crinum, Nerine, and Miltonia. The calcium curve appears to correspond more particularly with the curves of potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, and so- dium hydroxide; while the strontium curve appears to be more closely related to the curves of uranium nitrate, copper nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride. All of the latter curves appear to be very closely related to a common type, which suggests that the reactions, in so far as the latter depend upon the reagents, are due essentially to differences in the basic ions or cations. Differentiation of Subgenrric Groups. There is probably no feature of these charts more prominent or of greater value in proof of the worth of the gelatinization method in the differentiation of starches from different sources than the constancy and definiteness in similar and dissimilar directions of the differentiation of sub- jreneric representatives. JIamantnuf l-aihrrin<e and //. punicfUH are, from the standpoint of the systematic, at most well-separated species, but from tho result* of this research they are probably to be regarded as representa- tives of well-defined subgeneric groups. Had thin marked snbgeneric differentiation been indicated by the reac- tions of a single or an occasional reagent it might natur- ally be regarded as being accidental, but it is evident throughout the charts of the reactions of the 21 reagents, except the chloral-hydrate and sodinm-salicylate reac- tions. The one species is as definitely and widely differ- entiated from the other as are genera in general, with the exception only of the closely related Gladiolus and Tritonia. While at the end of 60 minutes there is only slight and questionable differentiation in the chloral- hydrate reactions, and in the sodium-ralicylate reactions no differentiation, there are differences of importance shown during the progress of the reactions (Charts P lOfi and D118). The hardy and tender Crinums are with V.TV reagent markedly differentiated, hut by some to a - degree than by others. The abscisae of the two hardy Crinum.* are in all of the reactions above those 158 REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES. of the tender Crinum, so that in every chart the curves of these three species are V-shaped, and the first segment of the V is longer than the second, the difference in length varying with the different reagents. In Iris the first three specimens are definitely differentiated from the fourth in most of the charts by the distinctly lower reactivities of the former, the exceptions being in the reactions of chloral hydrate, chromic acid, sulphuric acid, potassium sulphocyanate, potassium sulphide, and so- dium salicylate (in the chloral-hydrate and potassium- sulphide reactions those of the former are the higher). In other words, in only 4 of the 21 reactions is there not a definite separation of the first three from the fourth. In Begonia the differentiation is not only very marked, but also in certain respects extraordinary: B. socotrana is a very exceptional form of the genus, is semituberous, and is botanically quite different from the tuberous Be- gonia single crimson scarlet. The starches of the two plants in histologic and polariscopic characters, qualita- tive reactions with various reagents, are alike in many respects and very dissimilar in others, so that each ex- hibits certain striking and distinctive characteristics (see Chapters III and V, and Part II, Chapter VIII). These peculiarities together with the remarkable differences in their reaction-intensities constitute pne of the excep- tionally interesting findings of this research. The curves of the reactions of the four tuberous Be- gonias (Charts E 36, E 37, E 38, and E 39) tend to be as much in accord as should be expected in plants that have such a botanical relationship, but the curve of B. socotrana (Chart E 36) appears definitely to be vagrant in nearly all of the reactions. The four hybrids incline, on the whole, to an obviously closer relationship to the tuberous parents than to B. socotrana. Examinations of the curves of the preceding charts (Charts B 11 et seq.) will show that: With chloral hydrate there is definite but not marked differentiation, 99 per cent of the total starch of B. single crimson scarlet being gelatinized in 10 minutes and 95 per cent of the starch of B. soco- trana in 15 minutes. With chromic acid there is 98 per cent in 15 minutes and 92 per cent in 60 minutes, re- spectively, a wide difference. With pyrogallic acid, 95 per cent in 45 minutes and only 0.5 per cent, or almost nothing, in 60 minutes, giving a much wider difference than with the preceding reagent. With sulphuric acid a practically complete gelatinization occurs in both starches in a minute, while with hydrochloric and nitric acids with the starch of the first plant there is immediate gelatinization with both reagents; and with B. socotrana with the hydrochloric acid there is 45 per cent in 45 minutes, and with nitric acid only 12 per cent in 60 minutes. With potassium hydroxide there is an almost instantaneous gelatinization of both starches. With po- tassium iodide there is practically complete gelatiniza- tion of one in 30 seconds, while with the other there is almost no detectable effect, only about 1 per cent being gelatinized in 60 minutes almost the absolute extremes of reaction-intensity. With potassium sulphocyanate pe- culiarities are elicited that are almost identical with those of the last reagents, the only difference being a some- what larger percentage of starch of B. socotrana gelati- nized in 60 minutes here 18 per cent. With potassium sulphide the differences between the reactions of two starches is positive, complete gelatinization occurring in the starch of B. single crimson scarlet in 15 seconds and 99 per cent in the case of B. socotrana in 5 minutes. With nearly all of the remaining reagents (including sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate and cupric chloride) gelatinization of the starch of B. single crim- son scarlet is with each reagent complete within 2 min- utes, while with the starch of B. socotrana it varies from 0.5 per cent to 84 per cent in 60 minutes (with two reagents there was 84 per cent, with one 25 per cent, with one 9 per cent, with one 1 per cent, and with two 0.5 per cent). With sodium salicylate the figures for the first starch are 97 per cent in 3 minutes, and for the sec- ond 99 per cent in 10 minutes. With cobalt nitrate the figures for first are 66 per cent in 60 minutes (the low- est record for this starch with any of the reagents), and for the second 0.5 per cent in 60 minutes. With mer- curic chloride the first starch shows a gelatinization of 96 per cent in 15 minutes, and the second 0.5 per cent in 60 minutes. The extraordinary differences exhibited by these starches are at present inexplicable, and they open a field of most interesting and promising research of the most fundamental character. Inversion and Reversion of Reaction-intensities. The inversion and reversion of the reaction-intensities of different starches with different pairs of reagents is also a feature of exceptional interest and of pre-eminent importance in proof of the existence of starches from different plant sources being in stereoisomeric forms. It is obvious, as before stated, that if we were dealing with starches that differ from each other because merely of differences in density, reaction, impurities, percentage of water, or varying proportions of several modifications of starch in the form of mechanical mixtures, the two curves would be alike or one would always be above the other, the distance, however, varying in relationship to the rapidity of reaction, the slower the reaction the greater probably the tendency in general to separate. It has been repeatedly noted that inversion and reversion of the curves is not limited to the distinction of genera, although it is more apt to be associated with genera, and next in order with subgeneric groups, and next with species. In other words, if with any two reagents a member of a given genus will exhibit a greater reactivity with one than the other reagent the same peculiarity will probably be found with all other members of the genus unless there are definite subgeneric divisions of the genus, under which conditions the subgeneric divisions may be as distinctly differentiated as may be genera by inversion or reversion of the reaction-intensities. Sometimes species of a genus which are not recognized as belonging to subgeneric groups may exhibit inversion or reversion in their reactivities in relation to the reac- tivities of the other species, as has been found, for in- stance, in Nerine. These inversions and reversions are, as a rule, not so apt to occur with reagents of a similar as of a dissimilar character. Moreover, the points at which inversions and reversions of the curves of any pair of reagents occur may be the same or different from those at which inversions and reversions of another pair occur that is, two genera or representatives of two subgeneric divisions, or two species of a genus, may be REACTION-INTENSITIES WITH EACH AGENT AND REAGENT. I.V.I cli.-mutly differentiate.) l.y the inversion or reversion of the reactive-intensities of a given pair of reagent*, but lint by another pair. Thus in the rhloral-h\ anfl nitrn- acid reactions (Chart B 11) the first inversion Men occurs in the curve* between Hippeastrum and ll.tmanihus. the three upecies Htrmanlhus showing a y with nitric acid than with chloral hy- (irai.-, while Ilirmanthu* kathrrina shows the reverse. But the differentiation here is not generic because the .. -. II inmntHus puniffus, exhibits a reversion in rvlation to the first species. In the chromic-acid and pyrogallie-acid reactions the reverse is noted in the ! ' those two species, //. kathtrina showing minon with II \jipfiuttrum a higher reactivity with nc a< -id. while //. punicetu dhows the inversion. her charts (a*. fr instance, in Chart B 32 and > all species of Hippeastrum and lltrntanthus show Minion a higher reactivity with one of the two rea- : while in other charts there are various modifica- r instance, in Chart B 35 each Uippeaslrum shows different reactivities with the two reagents, bat the minuses no differ. ssing of the curves occurs a^ain between Nerinr l-'iu.lfn\ and .V. sarniensis corusca major, thus markedly differ the first from the last two species of this generic group. The same separation will be seen in ntian violet and safranin), while in Chart i: I (chloral hydrate and temperature) and Chart 8 (ni- tric acid and iodine) the crossing occurs between A'. erispa and .V. bmrdrnt. The next crossing occurs between Iris and Gladiolus; the next between Tritonia and Be- gnniti and the next between Begonia and Phaiut all rep- resenting generic lines of division. Comparing the of these points of inversion or reversion with those in the nitric-acid and chromic-acid chart (Chart l> l v i it will lie found that with two exceptions (between Iris and Gladiolus, and between Tritonia and Begonia) th<- [Hunts are entirely different. The first crossing here <H < urs between Brunstigia and Hippeastrum ; the second en Ilamanthus and Crinum; the third between Tan urn moorri and C. teylanicum; the fourth between .lanicum and C. Jongifolium; the fifth between Ne- rine tamiensis var. corusca major and Narcissus; the sixth between Narcissus and Lilium ; the seventh between /, i/i urn and Iris; the eighth between Iris ctngialti and 7. ptrsica var. purpurea; the ninth between Iris and Glad- iolus; and the tenth between Tritonia and Begonia. Some of these ten inversions and reversions occur between generic representatives, while others represent subgeneric dividing lines. The different points of inversion and reversion of the nr-.es shown in these charts (Charts B 1 to B40) are exhibited collectively in Chart B41, this presentation ring further detailed statement in regard to each chart unnecessary. Even a superficial study of the vary- ing points of crossing of the curve* and of the totals of this chart brings out very interesting and significant c >m- parisons. In confirmation of statements made in preced- ing pages, it will be found that in some of the charts (12 out of the 40) no crossing of the curves occurs at any part; that in most of the charts there are inversions and reversions, the number ranging from 3 to 10 ; that inver- sions and reversions are, on the whole, more common when the agents and reagents are of dissimilar character and when they exhibit wide and frequently varying ranges of reaction-intensities; and that the crossings of the curve* are moat apt to occur at point* of separation of genera and subgeneric representative*, and in variable numbers with different reagent* and different starches at such place*. The closely related genera Amaryllis and Brunsvigia are distinguished bj the inversion of the reactions in only a single instance ( Chart B 4, tempera- ture and chloral-hydrate reactions). Brunsvigia and Hippeastrum have a separation by 9 crossing*, but the latter is separated from Ilamanthus by only 3. Curi- ously, the two species of lltrmanthus are separated by 6 crossings, these variations of the curve* suggesting sub- generic division of the species. Utfrnanthus is separated from frinurn by 8 crossings, and Crinum from Nerine by 7 ; but there are 9 between Crinum moorei and C. try- lanicum. and 11 between the hitter and (\ longifolium, markedly differentiating the two hardy forma from the tender form. The separation of Nerine from rrinm and from Narcissus is well marked, there being 7 crossings at the former point and 14 at the latter. Narcissus is separated from Lilium by !), and the latter from Iris by 15. The separation of the first three Irids from the fourth is evident by 8. Gladiolus and Tritonia are separated by only 3, but these two are oeparated from Iris by 12 and from Begonia by 11. The remarkable differences exhibited by the tuberous and semituberous Begonias are here illustrated by the separation of the two by 16 crossings. Begonia is separated from Phaius by 7, and Phaius from Miltonia by 8. Wide Differences in the Reactions with Different Pairs of Reagent*. Another feature of exceptional in- terest is the wide differences in the reactions of different pairs of starches with different reagent*, as ha* been referred to repeatedly, and which is worthy of some special notice. This peculiarity is well exemplified, for instance, in Amaryllis and Brunsvigia. Little or. in some instances, no difference is observed in the reactions of these starches with chromic arid, sul- phuric arid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, potas- sium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocya- nate, sodium sulphide, cobalt nitrate and barium chlo- ride ; distinct but not marked differences are noted with chloral hydrate and sodium salicylate; and marked dif- ferences are recorded with pyrogallic acid, potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, calcium nitrate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, copper nitrate, and cupric chloride. The reactions of Amaryllis are higher than those of Brunsvigia with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, potassium sul- phide, sodium hydroxide, sodium salicylate, calcium ni- trate, uranium nitrate, strontium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, and cupric chloride; lower with pyrogallic acid, potas- sium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium snlpbocya- natc, barium chloride, and mercuric chloride; and the same with chromic acid and sodium sulphide. Even better illustrations are to be found with other pair* of starches, as, for instance, the two Begonias. Limitation of Number of Gelatinizing Reagents, Etc. The variety of the reagents used in this research to gelatinize starch, together with the amphoteric proper- tie* of the starch molecules, may give the impression 160 REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES. that almost any kind of reagent in aqueous solution may react with starch in this way. In fact, however, it is rather surprising to find how few reagents outside of certain well-defined groups are effective. It is also to be noted that there are various substances which while in any concentration in aqueous solution may be prac- tically or absolutely inactive as a gelatinizing agent at room temperature may aid or hinder the gelatinizing effect of heat, as is evident by their property of lower- ing or raising the temperature of gelatinization (page 146). As a corollary, there may be found two reagents, each of which when alone is active, that may be inactive when associated in solution, as, for instance, solutions of potassium hydroxide and nitric acid, both of which are active when in separate solution, .but inactive in the form of potassium nitrate; and that a gelatinizing rea- gent may be rendered less active or even inert by the presence of another reagent, as, for instance, the presence of alcohol, glycerine, or sodium chloride in concentration. In the selection of the reagents used in this research a very large number of most varied kinds, electrolytes and non-electrolytes, and in various concentrations, were tried, the number aggregating probably 200; but un- fortunately only a partial list was preserved. One of the difficulties met with in making this selection and in determining the concentration was in the wide differ- ences in the behavior of different starches that could not be foretold excepting to a very limited degree. That is, if a given reagent in any concentration was found to be useless when tested with a given starch it could not be set aside because it might be found to be not only active but even extremely active with another starch. It was also found that there are certain starches that have a high to very high reactivity; others low to very low reactivity, and others high to moderate reactivity with a given reagent in given concentration. Thus, with a given reagent while the starches of Lilium tend to high to very high reactivity, those of Hippeastrum and Hcemanthus tend mostly to low or very low reactivity, and those of the Irids mostly to intermediate gradation or moderate reactivities. It was also found that certain reagents are with all starches very strong gelatinizers, while others, in any concentration, tend to be relatively feeble; and still others that represent intermediate gra- dations. The reactions with sulphuric acid and sodium salicylate are mostly high to very high ; those of chromic acid mostly moderate to high ; those of barium chloride mostly low to very low; those of pyrogallic and nitric acids widely variable with different starches, etc. It is obvious, in so far as values of individual rea- gents are concerned, that it must be recognized that the most useful in the differentiation starches are those whose activities show the most marked differences with different starches or, in other words, which show the widest and most numerous fluctuations of the reaction- intensity curves, as is instanced in the records of pyro- gallic acid and nitric acid; that the fast-reacting reagents are of especial value in the differentiation of the slow to very slow reacting starches; and that the slow-reacting reagents are similarly valuable in relation to the rapidly reacting starches. A selection of the rea- gents on this basis is manifestly necessary where starches of diverse character are to be studied. In the testing of the various reagents to determine their values it was found in practice desirable to make at the outstart very concentrated solutions, using in the case of acids and bases generally approximately 50 per, cent solutions, and of salts approximately saturated solutions, and then modify the concentrations in the direction the intensity of the reaction indicates. It was also found of advan- tage to use for the first test a form of starch that is classed among the readily gelatinized and readily ob- tainable, such as that of Lilium candidum, and then make the final tests with this starch and with others which are classed among those having mostly a high, moderate, low, and very low reactivity, respectively. In this way reagents were selected which in kind and concentration have served admirably, although by no means perfectly, in eliciting peculiarities of the various starches here studied. The following very incomplete list of the reagents and their effects shown by the starch of Lilium candidum, may be of advantage to subsequent investigators : Reagent. Concentration of aqueous solution. Percentage of starch gelatinized. Pyrogallic acid Tartaric acid with 0.3 gm. of oxalic acid Lactic acid Do Do Tannic acid . . Do Do Citric acid Do Do Do Do Chromic acid 2 5 gms in 20 c c Hydrochloric acid Phosphomolybdic acid. . . . Do Do. Phosphoric acid Do .... Do. Carbolic acid Do Do Chloral hydrate 100 p ct in 15 sec Potassium hydroxide Potassium chloride 0.76 gm. in 55 c.c. 100 p. ct. in 15 sec. ? Potassium bromide Do Complete in majority in 10 min. ; no further effect in 60 min. Potassium nitrate Potassium nitrite Do Potassium fcrricyanide . . . Do Potassium ferrocyanide . . . Do Do. Potassium cyanide Do Potassium sulphide Potassium sulphocyanate . Potassium mctabisulphatc Potassium permanganate 1 gm. in 40 c.c.. . 5 gms. in 30 c.c.. Concentrated Do 60 min. 93 p. ct. in 15 see. 98 p. ct. in 60 sec. No effect in 60 min. Do. 5 gm in 100 c c 88 p ct in 15 sec Sodium sulphide 97 p. ct in 30 sec. Sodium salicylate 95 p. ct. in 10 sec. Sodium nitrate . . Sodium nitroprusside Do ... No effect in 60 min. Do Do Calcium nitrate 95 p. ct. in 10 min. Ammonia Do No effect in 60 min. Ammonium bichromate. . . Do 100 p. ct. in less than Strontium nitrate . . 30 min. Strontium bromide Concentrated. . 100 p. ct. in 30 min. Barium chloride 96 p. ct. in 30 min. Barium nitrate Concentrated No effect in 90 min. 100 p ct. in 2 min. Cobalt nitrate 97 p. ct. in 15 min. REACTION-INTENSITIES \\nil K.\< H AGENT AND REAGENT. 161 i. . Copprr iiitr.ii- ; ,c chloride. Uofidc Z.nr (ulphn Mvcuric chloride t'ruitum nilrttr i .:.. queou* mluUuo. l& got*, in 30 c.e. B cm*, in IS e.c. CoBMBtratod... 18 gnu. in 40 rr. with 10 cm*, of wncDotuum :.: .!. Stm^inlOe.e Do Do Do. Do Vaifod oooeentra- OHSHIMM. Do Do Do of (Urea M p. et. in 6 min. 100 p. et. in IMS lain 3 min. No affect in 00 min. M p. et. in 3 min. 0H p. et. in 6 min. No ffwt in 60 min. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Many interacting and unexpected peculiarities will ind ii|w>n examination of the foregoing table. For initance, potassium nitrate is inert with the starch of ;i candidutn. while potassium nitrite causes com- ^elatiuization in 1 minute; and while the former .on found i" be inactive with this starch, it is re- 'th.-r invi -tijrator* as being active in relation starches <>f Tritirum and Xea. This latter pecu- v is noted in the case of tannic acid. Tin- sul- .utsium and sodium an- very active, but :' calcium is inactive. Strontium nitrate i '.i- |* T i cut of the starch in 3 minutes, while . bromide required 30 minutes for tin- name : hut the corresponding potassium salts showed a -dl of reaction-intensities. Barium chloride is very . hut barium nitrate is inactive; and zinc chloride ulphate show the same characteristics. Sodium and hydrochloric acid when in separate solu- ictive, but sodium chloride is inactive, etc. \ detailed study of the specific properties of the ions ml molecules of these reagents in their relations to the starch molecules in the phenomena of gelatinization, and a!-" in the subsequent disintegration processes, is of prime importance, and not only in the elucidation of the chemistry of the starch molecule, but also in colloidal chemistry in general. Inasmuch, however, a* the funda- of these gelatinization experiment* ha.* ntiation of starches from different sources - of the quantitative ami qualitative reuc- : has been attained without reference natures of the chemical reactions involved, and as detailed study of part* played by the different ions and molecules is therefore needless for the fulfil- ment of the purposes of the investigation and would lead iu far U\ :.<! the limitations of space in this memoir, further -tudy of this nature has been omitted. V AIM A BLR RKI.ATIOXBHIM OF THR RFACTIOX-IVT TIES A8 REGARDS SAME.VRS8, IXTKRH RDIATRXE88, I That we are dealing in the starches from different plant sources with stereoisomera, and not merely with mechanical mixtures of varying proportions of several II kind* of starch or with starches that differ lcause of varying impurities, etc., is evidenced by variations ob- served in the reaction-intensity relationships of the parental and hybrid starches with different reagent* (see charts of both A and B series). Were there. f<>r instance, merely mechanical mixtures of varying pro- |Mirtn>n> representing the parental and hybrid starches, respectively, and a given reagent, it might be found that the reactivities are in the order of teed parent, pollen parent, and hybrid, and that if there were used other concentrations of the same reagent, while the reaction- intensities would be increased or decreased, the order of reactivity would not be changed. Moreover, it would be expected that with all reagents the same order of reactivity would be found. It also seems clear, if im- purities played any important part, that when closely related reagent*, such as potassium and sodium hydroxide, are used, while some differences in mean reaction-inten- sity might be expected, there should not be a change in the order of reactivity. The opposite is ,-hown by these charts. Tliun, Charts A 6, A 7, A 8 (chloral-hydrate, chromic-acid, and pyrogallic-acid reactions) of the Ama- ryllig-HriuuiriyiarHningdonna reactions show in the chloral-hydrate reaction that the order of reactivity is lirnn.fdonna tandenr, B. sandene alba, Amaryllis brlla- ilnnna. and Uruiuriijw jotephina, the first two showing a markedly greater reactivity than the second two, and the reactions of the members of each pair being closely alike. In the chromic-acid reactions all four are alike, so that while there is marked differentiation with chloral hydrate there is none with chromic acid. In the pyro- gallic-acid reactions there is somewhat better differen- tiation than in the chloral-hydrate reactions, and also an entire change in the order of reactivities, here the order being Brunsrigia josephintr, Amaryllis belladonna, lininsdonna sandera alba, and B. tandem, the hybrids, as in the chloral-hydrate reactions, being nearly the same, but the parental starches well differentiated from each other; moreover, here the parental starches are more reactive, while in the chloral-hydrate reactions they are less reactive. Corresponding phenomena are observed in instances where the reagents are chemically very closely related, as in the cases of potassium and sodium hydroxide, potassium and sodium sulphide, and mineral acids, which would seem to eliminate the possibility of these changes being due to mechanical mixtures of different starches or to impurities. The Amaryllis sot exhibits with potassium hydroxide no noticeable differences in the reactivities of the four starches, because probably of the great rapidity of gelatinization, and little r \.-ry little difference is found in the reactions with the nitric, sulphuric, and hydrochloric acidx. But with so- dium hydroxide and all of the other reagents, excepting chromic acid, one or more of the reactivities will he found at variance with the others; and, moreover, the relationships of order of reaction-intensity are of the most varied character. Thus, in the sodium hydroxide chart the order of reactivity is Amaryllis belladonna, Bmurigia jotfphinfr, Bruntdonna Mndfrtr alba, and B. sandfrte, which order is entirely different from what is found in the chloral-hydrate and pyrogallic-acid cliarts. Comparing the potassium-sulphide and nodinm-nulphide charts it is seen that in the former the order i- Amaryllis 162 REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES. belladonna, and Brunsdonna sanderos (both the same), Brunsvigia josephinoe, and Brunsdonna sanderw alba; and in the sodium-sulphide chart, Brunsvigia josephince, Amaryllis belladonna, Brunsdonna sanderce, and B. san- derce alba. Viewing the various charts of this set, all sorts of variations in the relative reaction-intensities of these four starches will be found: In some, such as in the charts for chromic acid, potaesium hydroxide, and barium chloride, there are practically or absolutely no differences; the charts for nitric acid, sulphuric acid, and hydrochloric acid show some but not marked differ- ences; the charts for chloral hydrate, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, and cobalt nitrate show well- defined pairing in all three reactions the parents and the hybrids, respectively, are paired, in the chloral- hydrate reaction the parental pair having the less reac- tivity, while in the potassium-sulphocyanate and cobalt- nitrate reactions the greater reactivity. In other in- stances there may be a single pair, the other two starches differing from this pair and from each other, as in the reactions of pyrogallic acid, potassium sulphide, stron- tium nitrate, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride; in other instances all four are unlike, as in the charts of sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide, calcium nitrate, and so on. Pairing when present may be confined to either the parents or the hybrids, or there may be pairing of both parents and both hybrids, and in one instance (potas- sium-sulphide chart) Amaryllis and Brunsdonna san- derce are paired, and show distinctly different reaction- intensities from those of the other parent and the other hybrid, which two latter in turn differ markedly. In other words, if any given set of parents and offspring be taken and their reaction-intensities with the different reagents be compared, it will be found that there are not only very marked differences in the average reaction- intensities of the several members with the different rea- gents, but also most remarkable variations in the rela- tive reaction-intensities with these reagents, so that while a given starch may show the highest reactivity of the set with one reagent it may show the least with another, and so on, each starch being capable of reacting in a way independently of the others, so that all possible combinations of varying relationships may occur. This means, of course, that in one reaction the hybrid may be the same as that of the seed parent, in another the same as that of the pollen parent, in another the same as the reactions of both parents, in another intermediate, in another in excess of those of either parents, etc. Each reagent, therefore, has the property of eliciting some definite parental phase. A somewhat detailed considera- tion of this important phenomenon will be taken up in Chapter V. VARIATIONS IN THE KEACTION-INTENSITIES AS EE- OABDB HEIGHT, SUM, AND AVERAGE. (Table B 1, Chart C 1.) The valuations of the reaction-intensities have been based, as has been repeatedly stated, on definite but arbi- trary scales: Those of the reaction-intensities of the polarization, iodine, gentian-violet, and safranin reac- tions on a scale of to 105 ; those of the temperatures of gelatinization on a scale of 40 to 95, and those of the reactions with the chemical reagents on a scale that shows in one segment the percentage of total starch gelatinized within 60 minutes, and in another the time of complete or practically complete gelatinization within the same period. Inasmuch as in all three sets the same abscissae are used, and as the scale-values bear in all of the charts the same relationships, the figures of one scale always have a fixed value in relation to given figures of the other scales; hence, if the scale for the polarization reactions were adopted for valuation of all kinds of reactions the values in all cases would be comparable upon a common basis. For purposes of gross comparisons this scale has been divided arbitrarily into 5 parts which are intended to designate very high, high, moderate, low, and very low reactivity, respectively. Thus, any reaction that falls between 80 and 105 (or in the temperature scale 52.5 and 42.5 ; or in the chemical reagent scale 25 and minutes), both inclusive, is recorded as being very high; between 60 and less than 80, etc., as being high, etc. Table B 1 gives, in connection with each starch, the num- bers of the 26 reactions that fall under one or another of these divisions; the sum of the individual reaction- intensity values of each starch; and the average of this sum, which latter is obtained by dividing by 2fi. Such data constitute a very satisfactory basis for comparisons of the reaction-intensities of the different starches indi- vidually, generically, and so on, and they are rendered of additional value if they are also reduced to chart form. (Chart C 1.) The most conspicuous features of the table and chart are: The close correspondence in the numerical distri- bution of the reaction-intensities (very high, high, mod- erate, low, very low) of the several starches of each set of parents and hybrids and of each generic group, to- gether with the close correspondence of the sum and the average values, except when the set or genus represented contains members of subgenera or subgeneric groups ; and the varying values of the different generic groups. It will be seen, for example, in Hippeastrum, in which generic group the parents are closely related, and where consequently there is but little deviation in the reactions of the hybrids from those of the parents, that the figures in each of the columns of the chart for all of the parents and hybrids are in close correspondence, and that the sums and averages of the reaction-intensities are also quite close. The range of these figures in the table for all the starches studied is limited by 2614 (sum) and 100 (average) in Cymbidium lowianum and 525 (sum) and 20 (average) in Hcemantlius katherina. Tn the first column (very high reactivities) the figures range from 2 to 4 ; in the second column, from to 3 ; in the third column, from 3 to 5 ; in the fourth column, from 3 to 6; in the fifth column, from 11 to 14; in the sixth column, from 748 to 925 ; and in the last column, from 29 to 36. These ranges will be found to be within very narrow limits when compared with the figures of the table, as a whole. Such correspondences are also well marked in Nerine, Narcissus, Lilium, Oladiiolus, Tritonia, Phaius, Miltonia, and Cymbidium. On the other hand, when the genus is represented by bigeneric parents or by members of subgenera or subgeneric groups, there may be more or less marked deviations from those found when the parents are monogeneric and not so far separated HKAl TH>N-l\TKN>rm> \\IMI KAC II A<,r.NT AM) KKA,KM. 169 T*ut B 1. Summon of * Reattton-tnlnuiHti and tin .Sum and A* 4wrM ReofJioH-falutt of Uu XtarcJut ./ I'artnt- I. . - .:." jll'lll. III -|>.Mli Hwnaathu.1 Hwnuilhiu unlroawia . h ... . m laicum. imj. c. h. .. im .ocrfepa. .., NhM dainty i '..:,, ,..-:. || N^nijr l".wirtil e aarn. rar. cor. maj... .aboadanM : rn. Tmr. eoc. mat . . . curr. rmr. loth. mj . (lory of Mrni* S'*rrim U. (nod moo. . . > album Ubun maeulatun I.tliuni marhao ........ 1. ilium mrt*cun I . ilium m ft^'il a t um UUam dalhaiwoai nitrucoa album. ipuryi Lttoa burbanki In. dank Irhpanidaqoanof mar In* nr*. alaa trry Ilk piita var. purpuna. Iru i In* | I .1 i I I i :-. IVK IM 1437 --. 880 - M m 626 653 536 636 1304 : m 504 550 504 UH Ml MM 1007 2143 1003 1147 1144 1190 M I 1016 1051 M7 1015 1001 800 864 038 1088 2802 2651 2641 :i | 2661 1MB 2667 MM 2300 1130 IM 1181 11SO 1160 1181 1166 1100 1085 1S53 1033 1858 II n 63.6 I] 30.3 34 23 304 30 40 734 44 30 374 37 07 07 07 M 04.6 44 44 43 73 H i I \ >: 1 Voylow. i Gladiolu* eaidinalu t ., 17 AM 77 GladioliM Ufcti* \ 877 M Gladiolui colvillei . . t n 18 > { t Tritonia potuii s 10 064 i | M 741 H i 4 10 060 <r Booia ain. aim. *ear IK 4 7AAO M Begonia oeotrana A -' om i- Bonia mn. heal. 16 | 3 2117 81 Mua* araoldiaoa d ?0? OA Mwapllrtii 4 I 1811 no Muaahybrida 8 7 177K AA I'huiu crmodifoliiM 1? i - 77' Phaiiu wdlirhii 17 i n 81 14 , 3006 81 Miltonia millaria 1? 4 I960 76 Miltonia raulii 7 7 176A A7 Miltonia blwana 16 4 87 Cymbidium (osmium n 1 (i n 3614 ion Cymbidium eburneo-lowianum 21 1 i 2510 07 I [I 27 34 70 77 80 77 00 M to fall into subgeneric division*, u in the case of the genera just referred to. In the Amaryllii-Rrunfi-iijia set two closely related genera are represented and there is a tendency to higher reactivity of Amaryllix bella- donna than of Bruntvigia josephina, differences being noted especially in the numbers of the very high and the low reactivities, and in the snms and averages. The hy- brids show distinctly lower reactivities, as a whole, than those of either parent, and there is striking identity as regards the distribution of the reaction-jntensities among the several divisions, but there are distinct though not marked differences in both snms and averages, no that while these two starches are not distinguishable from each other by differences in distribution of the reaction- intensities they may be distinguished by the sums and averages of the reaction-intensities. In the Crinnms there are subgeneric groups characterized by tender sod hardy species, the former having a tendency to distinctly lower reactivities than the latter. Each of the hybrids tends to be more closely related in its reaction-intensities to either seed or pollen parent. The differences in distribution in the highly reactive species and hybrids are conspicuous especially in the high number of very high reactivities and the low number of the very low reactivities, and for the reverse in the low reactive species and the hybrids. The sums and averages are markedly different in the two groups. In Iftrman- thtu. H. punicftu seems to be representative of a sub- generic group that differs from that of which the other two species belong. In In*, the /. pernca-rindjaren\- pertica var. purpwea set stands distinctly apart from the other three, exhibiting markedly higher reactivities. In Brgonin, B. mcotrana is evidently variant in relation to the other species, and is. an is well known, an excep- tional form of this genus. In MUM there is a very well- marked tendency for higher reactivities of one than of the other parent, which indicate that these species repre- sent some form of generic subdivision. 164 REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES. With these exceptions, the figures for the several members of each group and each genus tend to be distrib- uted among the several divisions in case of each genus with remarkable uniformity, in some genera a conspicu- ously large number falling among the very high, or the very high and high reactions, or the very low, or the very low and low reactivities, and so on. Such differences, of themselves, are usually quite definite in making distinct groups which upon comparison will be found to agree remarkably with botanical classification. Thus Hippeas- trum, Nerine, Gladiolus, and Tritonia are characterized particularly by the relatively large number of reactions that are very low (the number varying in the different genera) and the fairly uniform distribution of the re- maining reactions among the other divisions, chiefly among the moderate and low. In Lilium, Phaius, and Cymbidium the characterization is by the very large number of very high reactions and the fairly uniform distribution of the other reactions among the other divisions, especially generally among the high and mod- erate. In Amaryllis-Brunsvigia, Crinum, Hcemanthus, Iris, Begonia, and Musa variations from these systems may be observed because of certain subgeneric peculiari- ties that have already been referred to. These data indicate quite clearly that peculiarities in the distribution of these reaction-intensities are inti- mately related to generic and subgeneric divisions, and that when the distributions in the case of members of a set or of a genus may be alike or nearly alike there may be differences in the sums and averages that are more or less definitely distinctive. For instance, the distribution in Brunsdonna sanderce alba and B. sanderoa is identical, but the sums and averages differ sufficiently to differ- entiate these hybrids. In Nerine, the distributions dif- fer very little ; in some cases the sums and averages are absolutely or practically identical, and in others they differ within small to very narrow limits. Under such conditions positive identification of different members of the group can not satisfactorily be made. Correspond- ing conditions are found in relation to intergeneric dif- ferentiation. Thus, the distributions in Flippeastrum and Nerine are closely the same, and were dependence placed upon this feature to distinguish genera it would naturally be concluded that the genera are alike; but upon a careful examination of the two sets of figures it will be found that in Hippeastrum there is a manifest tendency for a shifting of the reaction-intensities toward the very low reactivity end, and in Nerine in the same direction, but to a slightly less degree, so that in the final summing up the sums and averages in the former fall lower than in the latter in Hippeastrum, ranging from 748 to 925 and 29 to 36, respectively; and in Nerine from 869 to 1199 and 33 to 46, respectively. In Glad- iolus and Tritonia, very closely related genera, the dis- tribution closely corresponds to the preceding groups in the several respects referred to. On the other hand, Lilium and Cymbidium, while in general very closely alike in distribution, sum, and average are very markedly different from all other groups. Phaius values bear a close resemblance to the figures of Lilium and Cymbidium. Iris in its first three sets stands apart from all other genera in the manner of distribution of the reaction- intensities, yet the sums and averages are close to but somewhat less than in Nerine. In other word?, different genera may or may not exhibit distinctive peculiarities in the distribution, sum, and average of the reaction-inten- sities. The value of suuh data seems to lay particularly in showing that members of a genus that are not ?o differentiated as to fall into subgeneric divisions tend to exhibit a method of distribution of the reaction-intensities according to a definite system, which system is composed of the averages of the number of very high, high, moder- ate, low, and very low reaction-intensities, of the average of the sum of the reaction-intensities, and of the average of the latter. For comparative purposes the system repre- sented by Hippeastrum, Iris (first three sets), and Lilium may be taken because they show different types : Hippe- astrum. Iris. Lilium. Very high 2.8 2 7 20 High 1.8 2.6 2.7 3 7 76 3.1 Low 5 g 0.2 Very low 12.8 5.1 Sum 836. 1,160. 2,447. Average 31. 44. 94. If the figures for any given member of any one of the genera represented be compared with the figures for the genus, it will be found that those for the corresponding columns differ, if at all, only within narrow limits. Thus), in case of Hippeastrum the figure in the first column of this table and chart is 2.8, while the figures for the nine starches represented in this genus vary between 2 and 5 ; in the last column the figure is 12.8, while the range for all of these starches is from 11 to 14. The sum is 836, and the range from 748 to 925. The average is 31, and the range from 29 to 36. And so on with 7ns and Lilium. When, however, there are subgeneric groups there may be as many types as there are groups, as is well illustrated by instances referred to. Obviously, the method of differentiating genera, sub- generic groups, species, hybrids, and varieties by such a system has its limitations, not because of the failure of the data per se, but because of the faultiness of the method of formulating the data. This is manifest, for instance, in Hippeastrum and Nerine, in which the data as tabulated indicate very closely related genera or even subgenera, yet these genera, although belonging to the same family, are well separated and are no't confounded by the botanist. When, however, the data are presented in other forms, as in other tables and charts, the genera are as markedly differentiated from each other, and the members of each genus from each other, as they are by the data of the systematist. Finally, it is of interest to note that in summing up these averages intermediate- ness of the hybrid is not the rule, the tendency beinsj more frequently for the hybrid values to exceed or fall below those of the parents than to be intermediate. AVERAGE TEMPERATURES OF GELATINIZATION COMPARED WITH THE AVERAGE REACTION-INTENSITIES. (Table B 2, Chart B 42) During the progress of the research it was found that the temperatures of gelatinization bore varying relation- ships to the average reaction-intensities, as a whole, of different members of certain sets, different sets, and dif- Kl \( 1U'\-I\ II v-lllK- \\llll KACII AGENT AND REAGENT. TAMJI B a. C<mMmM(. It,;, Ti* B 2. T*MFI HATl-RM Of GBLATIMK ri.is-. lum . * rain*. ID all .. r . allofUt* grain*. M . ..( latl.r Aw a* 70 to 71* 724 l. . ,.. OS 66 70 UfVaMtftcMUM Mltti- kll>A 70 71 70 714 714 7J 724 ...... 72.76 71.18 HippMitnim uun 74 75 77 77.6 71 73 73 74 734 74 t? .(rum 1 1 1 n n ointniai 73 74 734 73 74 76 76 764 71 73 73 74 734 nA ..(rum a**uU.-pyrn . . 70 734 74 n 73 74 76 724 744 73 73 76 74 73 7 72 73 724 HaMWBtaua kalberina- Hamaolhiu manincuii llamianthiu andrucucda HainiHhthui kathrrinai . . . 79 80 77 77.4 764 80 7V 80 89 84 78 79 M 82 -i 784 814 81 77 79 -l 824 81.76 lUm.nthu. ktai albert - 06 70 824 84 70 71 704 77 79 80 794 - Crlaum bybndum j c *^_* . l^fcM^M 78 80 77 78 79 HO n : , Criaum loaatfolfaiai 70 71 74 76 744 774 ( MI.JH. kir i-.- 76 70 77 79 78 I nnum ImigHolluaa 70 71 74 76 744 . 68 70 70 71 704 71.2 ( tn.ur. i-..,l I 66 67 08 69 N. . 64 66 70 714 707 Nrrine decani 084 70 76 76.9 76.9 Nmne daiuty mm 1 69 704 724 734 73.2 72.9 Nerioe queen of roaaf 68 W.I 71 724 71.9 . 67.6 67 . 74 76 744 Mm. var. ear. maj. . Strut* (uo(r . . . 70 71 6&X 60.1 70 784 70.9 71 7H.4 . .-. 74.8 69 69.0 73.9 744 74.3 Ncnae tun. var. cor. maj. rurv vr (oth. maj. 70 71 68.1 60 70 72 70 78.8 73.2 74.3 764 77 78.4 734 70.4 76.2 u poetioue oraat 73 74 67 69 77 78 71 73 77.8 a* poetieas herriek.. . .u. porticu* dnt* . . Nareieea* lm. grand roon. . . 09 71 71.2 73.1 73 76 73 74 70 78 74 70 70 77 77 78 77 76 704 774 764 734 73 76 70 77 764 NarrieMM gloria muodi 71 72 A 74 76 744 u poetiru* oraatiu. ManlanM ftary rrnai 73 74 71 72 77 78 734 744 774 74 76 NiMaaiii telMamihai plea. 70 73 74 73 76 77 78 74 774 758 < doubloon 71.2 73 78 77 76 <u* princrw mar 70 72 67 60 74 76 71 73 76 7 74 2 N,, ....;. . r ,.,. i 71 73 74.6 70 75.7 694 71 73 74 73.6 ae paeUru* paeUr. . . Naratame will erartrt 69 71 694 71.9 71 73 72 74 73 724 70.2 72 73 76 71 694 71 73 74 734 74.2 *n bicolor apricot v ir-ienM empnw 71 724 70 71 74 76 73 74 75 734 nualbicane 70.2 73 78 74 73.9 70 72 7S4 76 74.26 NarcMM veardale perfect 68 69 70 72 73 74 72 74 73.8 76 76 :: 73 74,26 76 744 . 67 084 72 73 70 72 734 78 ' i | ' NarcMo* lord roberla M 09.4 73 744 73.75 70 71.2 70 7t 744 76 73 78 ' ' 74 744 Narriaeua aOMB V"TW 70 71* 09 71 734 76 74 784 744 7443 mtriaDdrwalbw.. NifflMi i. 1. bnuwtt poe . 70 71 04 044 73 76 09 71 74 70 724 In majority la all or practically all of the graina. M , Arer- ! 1 1 67 66 62 67 62 69 63 67 01.2 68 47 04 09 70 N 70 M 70 71 n M 034 044 83 ;.. 78 73 78 74 07 79 07 00 79 04 GO 79 64 79 75 74 74 GO 64 68 64 64 70 74 ' 68 58 61 74 72 71 72 70 72 61 68 68 04 68 MM 63 01 54.4 01 68.7 03 004 484 ,,. 70 71.6 71 70 72 70 72 78 70 06 68 66 -l ' 78 80 78 H 70 684 80 09 01 80 05.6 014 tj 00 064 80 04 70 76 70 01 07 00 06 00 71 70 71 OO 694 03 70 74 72 74 72 74 02 04 60 62 69 60 00.6 ON.3 00 02 03 04 66.0 60 . 67 68.7 03 04 60 62 034 67 61 63 61 62 67 684 71 724 73.2 76 72 74 71 724 74 76 70 72 74 76 76 75.K 73 74.6 68 70 00 07 08 70 84 80 78 79 82 83 76 77.5 80 82 76 78 70 72 81 81.8 71 72 62 64 81 814 06 68 81 814 67 69 67 084 81 814 08 09 77 784 70 77 70 78 044 064 HJ M 09 70 68 69 67 68 00 68 73 74 70 77 72 74 62 63 68 004 07 08 78 77 74 78 73 74 74 76 70 78 70 77 . 01 69.6 07.4 61 63.9 66.8 1 | 61 MJI 62 61.5 67.76 71.75 74.1 73 71.76 76 71 76 76.4 73.75 09 | 86 784 70.76 81 77 71 Ml 714 03 81.4 07 02.75 81.4 08 074 81.4 08.6 77.7 704 77 05 08.4 W.71 074 07 734 704 73 024 08.76 074 70 744 724 744 77 704 014 04.1 68.9 034 00.4 72.9 724 744 08.2 82 78.2 74.9 704 71.7 72.0 77.1 07.7 07.7 74.7 66.2 744 70 1 ill i ii &rul 1 Hi UUlItt) HlJLrtaKU'l UJiutu dalbMMoai n nmiiiaKi.il album .... 1 kill m r II * Uliimi ralKiidum Lilium tcetaceum Lilium parry i Lilium burbanki IrUiberica IrU trojana IrUiamali IrUiberica IrU eengialti IrU donk IrU cengialti IrU pallida queen of may . . . IrU mm. alan grey IrU peniea Tar. purpurea. . . IrU aindjareneU IrU punind Uladiolui cardinalU GUdiolui trUtU Gladiolui oolvillei Tri tonia pottati Tritonia erocoamU aurea Tritonia croeoemvflora Baton ia aing. crim. arar .... Begonia eocotnna Begonia mra. heal Begonia doub. light roee Begonia aoeotrana Begonia encign Begonia double white Begonia doub. deep roee. . . . it. jj. .Jll | ..I]''' ,-H^ Richardia albo-maeulata . . . Hirliarilia rlliottiana Hicliardia ram. rooatrelt.. . . MUM arnoldiana MUM gilMii MUM hybrida Phaiui grandifoliua Phaiui wallichii Phaiui hyliridui Cyrnliiditim lowianum . . . Cymbtdium rlmrneo-lowia- Calanthe roeea ( 'alaatbe Teat. Tar. rab.-oe. . Calanthe reitohii Calantbe Teat. Tar. rab.-oe. . Calantbe regnieri Calanthe hryan Average mean temperature of gelatiniiation ot U seed parent- tocki Arena* mean Utnperalure of t*latinUation of the poUco- parant etoefca . 73.08* tenpenture of elatinisation of the hybrid- 7263* 166 REACTION-INTENSITIES OP STARCHES. ferent genera, the reaction being in some instances higher, or lower, or the same, or about the same, as the average reaction-intensity. In comparing the data of different genera, species, or hybrids, it was usually found that the two tend to fall and rise together in other words, that if in one set the average mean temperature of gelatinization and the average reaction-intensity is at a given standard and if in the next set the temperature is higher, the average reaction-intensity will be higher, although the quantitative relationship between the two may vary; but one may rise and the other fall, and so on. The varying relationships of these two sets of reac- tions will be seen by comparing the records in Table B 2 and Chart B 42. Strictly equivalent values in the two cases are not given because the scales are different and arbitrary. The range of temperature reactions are in- cluded between 51.5 (Lilium parryi) and 83.25 (Hcemanthus konig albert), representing a range of only about three-fifths of the scale, while in the reaction-inten- sities, as a whole, the entire scale is included ; hence, it follows that strictly comparative values of the excursions of the temperature curve should be amplified two-fifths. This fault, however, does not interfere with the gross comparisons sought. Taking the two averages for the Amaryllis-brunsvigia-brunsdonna group as a starting- point, it will be observed that there is a well-marked sepa- ration of the two curves and that the temperature curve is the lower. Both curves fall in Hippeastrum, the tem- perature curve less than the other, and there is an inver- sion of the positions of the two curves, the temperature curve now being the higher. In Hcemanthus both curves are still lower, both being close in the first set but well separated and again reversed in the second set, the tem- perature curve now being the lower as in Amaryllis- brunsvigia-brunsdonna. This last crossing is due to pe- culiarities, several times referred to, of Hcemanthus puniceus. In Crinum both curves rise and undergo a marked separation in the last set, the temperature curve remaining in all three sets lower and changed to a less degree than the other curve. In Nerine both curves fall and approximate. In Narcissus the reaction-intensity curve remains at the same level as in the last set of Nerine, but the temperature curve rises to a point slightly above the reaction-intensity curve. In all of the follow- ing generic groups the temperature curve falls below the other curve, the degree being very variable, and the range of variability far in excess of what can be accounted for by error of calibration above referred to. These average differences do not begin to bring out or even indicate the extent and kind of these variations that are found when the data for members of different sets are compared. For instance, in Amaryllis-bruns- vigia-brunsdonna the temperatures of gelatinization are nearly the same, the maximum difference being only 1.75, but the reaction-intensities vary between 76 and 52, the temperatures for Amaryllis and Rrunsdonna san- derce being practically absolutely the same, while the reaction-intensity averages are 76 and 55, respectively a wide difference. In other words, there may be no dif- ference in the temperature of gelatinization, but a wide difference in reaction-intensities. In the Crinum longi- folium-moorei-powellii set, C. poiveTlii has the lowest tem- perature of gelatinization, but the highest average reaction-intensity. In 7ns, in the first three sets the temperatures are uniformly higher than in the fourth set, but the relative reaction-intensities are the opposite, they being very much lower in the first three sets than in the last set, and the difference is proportionately far more marked than in the temperatures of gelatiuization. In Begonia, in B. socotrana the temperature of gela- tinization is very much higher than in the other members of the genus represented, but the reaction-intensity is very decidedly lower. On the other hand, in Hippeas- trum the temperatures of gelatinization and average reaction-intensities are in both cases very closely alike. In Hcemanthus katherince the temperature of gelatiniza- tion is distinctly higher than in PI. magnificus, but with the average reaction-intensity, although there is a tend- ency, on the whole, for a starch that has a high tem- perature of gelatinization to have a corresponding reaction-intensity. In comparing the data of this table it is worthy of note that while there may be evidence in some reaction of a grouping of genera and of subgeneric divisions there may not be in others. For instance, the tempera- ture of gelatinization of the members of two genera may be close, as in the case of Hippeastrum and Nerine, but the sum and average reaction-intensities may be dis- tinctly different; or the temperatures may more or less distinctly individualize the genus, as in the case of Lilium; or they may individualize subgeneric groups, as in Iris, in which the first three sets and the last set stand distinctly apart from each other. While it may not be possible positively to recognize a genus upon the basis of temperature of gelatinization and average reac- tion-intensitiy, it is at least possible to state that it may be this or that genus or positively that it can not be a certain genus. For instance, having the data for Hip- peastrum and Nerine, it could perhaps not be stated conclusively which is which, although there is evident differentiation ; but neither could possibly be confounded with Amaryllis-brunsvigia, Lilium, Iris, Musa, Phaius, Miltonia, or Cymbidium; nor could Lilium be mistaken for Iris or for any other genus with the exception, possibly, of Cymbidium. Lilium and Cymbidium are very widely separated genera, one belonging to Liliacese and the other to Orchidacea;, and there should be a wide difference in the sum-total of their reactivities, but the reason why they are not here so differentiated is owing to their great sensitivity to the chemical reagents. So far as the temperature of gelatinization is concerned, it is well established that starches obtained from very remote plant sources may have the same temperature of gela- tinization, which peculiarity applies also to every rea- gent, both of which being in accord with what is to be expected of stereoisomers. On the other hand, they may exhibit differences, which vary in degree with different reagents. Hence, it follows that the starches are to be distinguished from each other by the collective pecu- liarities of each starch compared with those of other starches. 2. VELOCITY-REACTIONS WITH DIFFEKENT REAGENTS. (Charts D 1 to D 691.) In the preceding section it was shown, among various conspicuous phenomena, that different starches exhibit a wide range of reaction-intensities with a given agrnt or KEACTION-INTENS1TM :> \\ini KM H AGENT AND REAGENT. 167 reagent ; that the reactions of a given starch may vary with ilittVrent agenU and reagents within wide iimiU; that there U a manifest tendency to groupings of reac- t>on-inteiiMties of different starches that are, on the whole, very closely in harmony with tin- plant groupings iif the systematic; that the most ranahlu relationships U'twevn the Htarches in their reaction-intensities, as regard* sameness, intermediateneM, excess and delicit :i-intcn>ity ile\cl"pineiit of the hyhrid in rela- tiiin t thi- reactions of thr parent*; ami that tho ditTer- enoea in the reaction* are conditioned l.v differences of the tarch niulei ulc. l>y the characters of the agents, and by ular ctin.tituti"ii and concentration of the reagents. imparative ttudie* of the reactions with the chemi- .1 r. H.-eiit.- have as their sole basis values that are ex- pressed in t. rms of percentage of atarch gelatinized in 60 minutes or leas. There waa no note regarding dif- t-s that were recorded in the comparative percent- ages of the entire number of grains and total starch gelatinized at definite time-intervals, and only the most :1 references were made to peculiarities observed in the progress of curves of the reactions from period l>oth of these features are found to be of importance, alone and in conjunction with the :tgs presented in the foregoing sections, in the de- termination of generic, species, varietal, parental, and hybrid peculiarities of starches. The reaction-intensi- f different starches with different reagents recorded in Cart II, Chapter I, include the percentages of both .tire grains and total starch gelatinized at definite intervals. The data of the total starch gelatinized een tabulated in Section 3 of each of the Compari- sons of the Stan lies of the Parent- and Hyhrid-Stocks in Chapter III, and they are here presented with few unimportant exceptions in the form of Charts D 1 to i which admirably exhibit both intensity and *$ of the reactions, and render comparisons of the f both starches and reagents very satisfactory. I charts (Charts I) 635 to D 691) have been laced to show the relationships between the per- centages of entire grains and total starch gelatinized at given MM. -intervals. There will also be found among .tftti, LUium, and Begonia a few charts that show differences between these percentages, and a few addi- tional charts to bring out certain generic peculiarities. These charts are so very numerous and the curves so ':n-ly \arie<l that detailed descriptions and coro- na are rendered impracticable because of necessary itions of space, although it will be perfectly mam- ifter even a superficial survey, that the recalls of such a study would prove of great value in many direc- tion* much that is of more than mere passing interest, value and suggeativeneM can be brought out by even casual examination. I'KRCEXTAOR or TOTAL STARCH GKLATIXIZED AT DEFINITE (Chart* D 1 to D 034.) The curves of total starch gelatinized vary widely and the number and forms of types recognized are purely arhitranr. In some instances the curre is nearly or absolutely rectilinear, but in moat cases it U circnmli'm ar and varied, but suggestive usually of an ellipse, hyperbola or parabola or some modification of one of the three. The rectilinear curves are presented in the form of three type* or what may tentatively be regarded as three modi fi- ns or forms of a single type: (a) A form that is characterized by an immediate, very rapid and continually rapid rise of the curve at an angle approximating about 1" to 2 with the verti- cal, thus representing a complete or practically com- plete gelatinization in 1 or 2 minutes. This curve should probably be cm-unilinear inasmuch as it is likely that during equal increment* of time larger increments "f the HUn-h are gelatinized during the earlier than later periods of the reactions, but the time-intervals here are too short for such determinations. This belief is sup- ported by the fact that when the reactions of the aame starch but with a weakened reagent are somewhat less rapid, as when complete gelatinization occurs at the end of 5 minutes, this variation is noted and the circumlinear character of the curve is quite marked, the increments of gelatinized starch falling very rapidly and dispro- portionately after the first minute. This form of curve is illustrated in the Amaryllii-Krurutvigia-Brurudonna group in the reactions with nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and potassium hydroxide (Charts 1) 4, D 5, D 6, and I) 7). It will be seen that in fome of the reactions the line is straight and in others curved. (6) Another form of the rectilinear type presents a curve that is almost if not entirely rectilinear, but having an inclination that rarely is less than an angle of 80" with the vertical, which is equivalent to a maximum of approximately 15 per cent of the total starch gelatinized in 60 minutes. This form of curre is associated usually with weak gelatinizing reagents and exceptionally re- sistant starches. It will very frequently be found in the study of these charts that while a given starch may show such a curve with one reagent, a curve of the first form or of an entirely different type may be exhibited with another reagent. Such a curve is well typified in the reac- tions of Brwwdonna tandera alba with sodium sulphide, cobalt nitrate, cupric chloride, barium chloride, and mer- curic chloride (Charts D 12, D 17, D 19, D 20, D 21). (e) A third form of the rectilinear curve links in its varied positions the first and third forms, and were it not that the first two forms are very common and the third form relatively rare, there would be no good reason for the recognition of three forms. This form is illustrated in the reactions of Hrunsrigia josephina with mercuric chloride (Chart D21), of Crinum Icircape with sodium sulphide (Chart D 159), and of N trine bowdeni with uranium nitrate (Chart D 225). The circumlinear type of curves is divisible into three forms: (a) One form shows that gelatinizatinn begins and proceeds rapidly, there being progressively or practically progressively decreasing increments of starch gelatinized with additional increments of time. This form is illus- trated in the reactions of Amaryllu belladonna with sodium sulphide (Chart 1)12). This form of curve is very common, perhaps the most common of all. An examination of this aerie* of charts (Charts Dl to D 634) will elicit most varied and modified gradations in both directions from what may properly be regarded as a true hyperbolic form. 168 REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES. (6) Another form is an inversion of the latter, gela- tinization proceeding very slowly at first and then in- creasing with additional increments of time. Such curves are illustrated in the reactions of Brunsdonna sanderce alba with uranium nitrate (Chart D 15), of Hippeastrum pyrrha with nitric acid (Chart D46), of Crinum kircape with strontium nitrate (Chart D 163), and of Nerine sarniensis var. corusca major and N. giantess with potassium sulphocyanate (Chart D219). In this form there is a tendency to a continuously in- creasing increment of starch gelatinized with increasing increments of time. (c) A third form, and one that is frequently ob- served, shows reactions that begin relatively or absolutely slowly, followed by progressively increasing reaction, and this in turn by progressively decreasing reaction, with additional increments of time, thus giving a curve that approximates the form of the letter /. Such a curve is typified in the reactions of all f our starches of the Amaryl- lis-Brunsvigia-Brunsdonna group with chloral hydrate (Chart D 1), and in one or more of these starches with chromic acid, pyrogallic acid, potassium iodide, calcium nitrate, and copper nitrate (Charts D 2, D 8, I) 14, and D 18). This curve is a modification of the first form of the circumlinear type, the modification being brought about chiefly by a relatively marked early resistance of the grains to the reagent. The duration of the period and the degree of resistance are very variable. In some instances there is merely a suggestion of resistance ; and in others resistance is very marked in both degree and duration ; and in others various intermediate gradations and variations. Thus, in the reactions of Amaryllis belladonna and Brunsvigia Josephines with cobalt nitrate (Chart D 17) there is only slight evidence of this early resistance, while in the Brunsdonna sanderce alba and B. sanderce reactions the resistance is very marked (Chart D 2), in the latter instance there being only 3 and 1 per cent respectively of the total starch gelatinized in 5 min- utes; while 77 and 79 per cent, respectively, was gela- tinized during the succeeding 10 minutes. In the chromic-acid reactions of the Nerine crispa-elegans- dainty maid-queen of roses group this period lasts in all four starches for 15 minutes, followed by a rapid gela- tinization, giving a well-marked / form of curve. While all four starches may show this resistance with one rea- gent, one or all may not with others, and the degree and duration of the resistance may either or both be quite variable. Thus, in the chloral-hydrate reactions, two of the starches show slight early resistance, and two not any (Chart D 190) ; in the potassium-sulphocyanate reactions all four show a resistant period, two for 5 minutes, and so on. The inclination of this form of curve is very varia- ble, in some instances, being less than 30 (Chart D 2) ; in others, about 50 (Chart D 1), in others about 80 (Chart D 18) ; and in others, between or beyond these extremes, the less the angle the less rapid, as a whole, is the process of gelatinization. Curves are not infrequently found which do not pur- sue a uniform rectilinear or curvilinear course, so that they are not classifiable among the forms stated. In other words, they appear to be at times erratic in their courses. For instance, in the reactions of Brunsdonna sanderce with sodium sulphide (Chart D 12) the curve during the first 15 minutes appears like a segment of the / form, but between the 15-minute and 45-minute inter- vals the curve drops instead of rises. In the sodium- hydroxide reactions with Brunsdonna sanderce alba (Chart D 11), it seems from the courses of the curves of the other starches shown in the chart that the curve should have risen decidedly more by the end of the 15- minute interval, impinging at perhaps the 30 per cent ab- scissa instead of at the 16. In some instances these seem- ing or actual aberrations in the progress of gelatinization may be due to errors of experiment that are attributable to errors of estimation or to variations in attendant con- ditions ; but in most and probably in nearly all instances they are owing to peculiarities, molecular or physical, of the starch grains, as is indicated by the occurrence of identical or practically identical records when experi- ments have been repeated, even under varying incidental conditions. The curves of gelatinization of the starches consti- tuting a parental-hybrid group tend usually to divergence in their courses during the early part of the reactions, and when a definite position-relationship (highest, inter- mediate, same or lowest) is once established it is com- monly retained throughout the courses of the curves, but the degree of separation may be very variable, usually in- creasing for a variable period and then decreasing or increasing, more frequently decreasing. In some in- stances there is little or no difference between two or more of the curves of the group during an early period of the experiment, the length of which period being varia- ble, this period being followed by variable degree of divergence ; and in other instances, while divergence may be marked during the early and mid-periods of experi- ment, there may be sameness during the final period, and so on. 'Crossing of curves is occasionally observed, but recrossing is very rare. Such peculiarities as are here indicated are illustrated in large part by the Amaryllis- Brunsvigia-Brunsdonna reactions (Charts D 1 to D 21). In most of these charts (excepting those in which gela- tinization is very rapid or very slow) there occurs pri- marily divergence and secondarily convergence. In Chart D 21 there is practically divergence from begin- ning to end of reaction. Charts belonging to the diver- gent type are common, for instance, among the Crinum zeylanicum-longifolium-kircape group (Charts D 148 to D168). Different starches may exhibit with a given reagent the same or different curves. Thus the chloral-hydrate reactions with different starches show varying differences in regard to both type and form of type and in the de- gree of inclination of the curves. This feature is shown by both the individuals of the groups of parental and hybrid starches and by the different generic groups, as seen, for instance, by an examination of the reactions of the four starches as presented in Chart D 1. and by the reactions of various generic representatives shown in Charts D 22, D 85, D 127, D 190, D 265, D 361, D 379, D 463, D 484, D 505, D 545, D 574, D 595, D 616, and D 619. Similar variations will be found in the reactions of other reagents, these differences being usually more conspicuous in the case of reagents that act usually with moderate activity than with those which act commonly with either much or little intensity. Kl \< nnN-lNTKXSITlKS \\HII I. MM .M.I.M AND III M, INI \ -.h may exhibit like or unlike reaction! with ilitfi-r.-nt reagents, and the curvi-s vary a* much as .I.. those of d; ' .r, h,- with the same reagent, to that there may be moat varied forms of t .- liinYrent 11ns feature will be found to be well exhibited hi-n the .ur\c> of tin- reactions of any given star any une of the generic groups are com. r in- .-, the i urvea of Amaryllis brllatlonna (Chart l> 1 t" ur\e 111 the chloral-hydrate reaction it of fiirin, having mi iiieliimtKUi of about 50, to that :|i|M-r en.l is at the terminutii'ii of the CD-minute interval. The eurve of the chromic-a. ill react imi the f form, hut it terminate* at the end of the 30-ininutv il. -^.Mg it an inclination of about 30, which . mil. h more rapid gelatinization. It will be seen, h .< . r. that during the tint 5 minutis the gelatinized in both reacti"ii- i- practically the tame (1- and 10 per cent, res|>e -lively i, that th- .11 the . :. 1 reaction occurs during the next HI minutes; ami that the quantities gelatini/.eil during the interval between !." and 30 minute- are the same in both reactions. The pyrogallic-acid and ehloral-hydrate s bear a clone n-*-nil)laiur ; hut the former is lower throughout, especially at the end of the 5-minute inter- val. indicating a more marked early resistance t> thin reagent than to chloral hydrate. From tin- point on- ward to the end of CO minutes the curves run very closely pa rail. 1. In 11 of the 21 experiments with different reagents irves belong to the form of circumlinear type that . rized by progressively decreasing increments of starch gelatinized during additional increments of time. These carves vary markedly in character. In some the .'iient of starch gelatinized during the first 5 minutes ry disproportionate to the quantities subsequently broken down, as is noted particularly in the reactions of potassium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, calcium nitrate, -trontium nitrate (Charts D 10, D 11, D 14, and lli. i. in each of which about 98 per cent of the total starch was gelatinized in 5 minutes. In the sodium- mlp n.- the increments of gelatinized starch an- (if,, 1 1. i. :t, und per cent. In the other reactions f tin- group, in. hiding those of potassium iodide, so- dium salicvlate. uranium nitrate, copper nitrate, and chloride (Charts D8, D 13, D 15. D 18, and i. tl.e curves exhibit various modifications in com- parison with the foregoing. In the mercuric-chloride reactions the curve is of a modified / form, tending, in fact, like the accompanying Hnmtriyia jottphintr curve, rectilinear, but at an angle of about 18 as com- pared with about 26 for the latter. In the reactions of nitrii m id. -ulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and potas- v (Charts D4, D5, DC. and I) 7), th. linear and almost vertical, while in the barii; !e reactions (Chart D20) it is rectilinear and almost horizontal. irches of members of a genus tend, as a rule, in their reactions with each reagent to yield curves that are :.. l.i..- to the name type and type form, except when are snbgeneric representatives or widely separated . which case it may be found that there is or is not relationship in the characters of the curves, and this peculiarity may also apply to the curves of hyhr relation to those of its parents. For instance, taking the chloral-hydrate reactions : of the starches of LUitim (Chart* l..i:. 1' .. I' '...and 1>373) the concord- ance of both type and tvpe-form is obvious; of the starches of Xtriiu (Charts D 190, 1)211, and D'j;).'), the curves of the five parental starches are of the / form, but vary in their courses >uili. i, ntly for easy differentia- tion; of the starches of Crinum Mimrri. <'. Innyifiilium and C. potrellii compared with those of ('. try/an irum, where we have suhgeneric or the equivalent of aubgenerio : jT.vntatives (Chart* D K 1 :. D IIS, and D Hi-.M. the i ur\en of the first thnv c.niform to a given type-form, while the curve of the latter is of an entirely different type; of the starches of Hegonia, where similarly well- neparatod starches are represented by those of the aeed parent on the one hand and by the starch of It. socolrano (pollen parent) on the other (Charts I) H,:<, l> 1)533, and D539), the curves are closely similar; of the starches of Amaryllu and lintnurigia, where two recognized genera are represented, the curves arc imii h alike (Chart Dl). Varieties that are olTsjirin closely related parental stock, as in Hippeaxlruin (Charts I > -'-'. I > 43, and D 64), tend to show marked closeness in the curves and this may also be seen not only in closely related species, as in J'hain* (Chart D. r iTl) and Irit (Chart D 4'.'1 ), hut also in closely related penera, as in (Hadiolu* and Trifonia (Charts I) |f,:i and 1> |s| ). The .iir\es of hybrids show, as will be pointed out particu- larly hereafter, the most varied relationships to the parental curves, varying between identity and great dissimilarity. Taking the reactions of all of the parental starches with any given reagent and comparing them with those of other reagents, it becomes apparent that those of each reagent represent a group in which there are both simi- larities and dissimilarities ; and that the different groups as such exhibit similarities and dis-imilantie-. the reac- tions collectively of each group iM'ing quite as or even more distinct from those of another group as are those of members of the same group; that the more closely related the starches the more marked the tendency . ally to closeness of the curves, yet sometime^ distantly or wholly unrelated starches may exhibit almost if not identical curves with a given reagent. In a word, the {x-culiarities of these reactions are of such characters as should logically be expected if we are dealing with stereoisomeric forms of staroh. The starches of the hybrid and parents usually take on within a brief period after the beginning of gelatinization definite relationships, which may be the same or different in the reactions with different reagents. That is, if shortly after the beginning of the reaction the |M.sitions of the three carves should he in the order of intensity of reactivity, seed parent, pollen parent, and hyhrid ( high- . -t. intermediate, and lowest), this relationship usually tends to be continued during the entire period of gela- tinization, but with varying degrees of separation of the curves. The hybrid curve may bear any relationship to one or the other or both parental curves that is, be higher or lower than either, or intermediate, or the same as one or the other or both. Itarelv the parental curves crow (Chart D169), or the hyhrid curve crowes one or the other parental curve (Chart 089). The hybrid curves tend usually to follow closely the parental curves, but they may differ as much or more from the parental 170 REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES. curves as do the latter from each other (Charts D 2-tl, D 277, and D 343). When there are two hybrids of the same parentage, the curves may differ quite as much or more from each other, as the parental curves differ from each other. (Charts D 1 to D 21.) PERCENTAGES OF TOTAL STARCH AND ENTIRE NUMBER OF GRAINS GELATINIZED AT DEFINITE TIME-INTERVALS-. (Charts D 635 to D 688; also D 261, D 268, D 290, D 296, D 302, D 308, D 314, D 320, D 326, D 332, D 338, D 344, D 350, U 351, D 357, D 365, D 366, D 508, D 530, D 536, D 542.) The curves of the percentages of total starch and the entire number of grams completely gelatinized tend in general to correspond in their courses; but both may differ in varying ways, relatively and absolutely, in accordance with the kind of starch and the reagent, excepting, of course, when the reactions are too fast or too slow for definite differentiation. When starch is gelatinized it passes into an imperfect or pseudo-solution, and the grains, like solid particles or masses of other substances passing into solution, show differences in solubility of both grains in their entirety and parts of individual grains. Some grains may undergo complete gelatinization, while others do not exhibit any obvious change ; and other grains show very variable proportions that have undergone a breaking down. These peculiarities have been observed in all kinds of starch with the same reagent. They are con- stant for the same starch with the same reagent ; variable with the same starch with different reagents ; and variable with different starches with the same reagent. The behavior of each starch with the different reagents is, as a whole, so characteristic and specific as to be diagnostic. These several points will be found to be well illustrated if there be taken a number of starches that are represen- tative of different generic and subgeneric divisions, plot- ting in curves the data of the reactions of one of the starches with one reagent, and supplementing this group with curvea of the reactions of a few arbitrarily selected starches with several reagents. Thus, taking the pyro- gallic-acid reactions (Charts D 635 to D 649), it will be found that the curves of the percentages of total starch and the entire number of grains completely gelatinized differ widely; that the two curves of each starch tend in general to correspondence in their courses; that the degree of correspondence varies from marked closeness to an almost lack of any likeness; and that the degree of separation of the curves varies in the different starches and also during the progress of the reactions. It is obvious that the farther the separation of the curves the smaller relatively the percentage of the entire num- ber of grains completely gelatinized, and the higher rela- tively the proportion of the total starch gelatinized in the partially gelatinized grains. In some of the starches it will be seen that during the progress of the reactions the increasing height of the curve of the percentage of total starch gelatinized is almost if not directly proportional to the increase in percentage of the entire number of grains completely gelatinized in other words, the total per cent gela- tinized is not appreciably or but little contributed to by the amount of gelatinization in grains that have under- gone only varying degrees of partial disorganization ; in others, there will be found the reverse, the major por- tion of the percentage of total starch gelatinized being yielded by grains that have been only in part, but to vary- ing degrees, broken down; in others, there are various gradations between the former. These peculiarities are constant with each starch with each reagent, except in very rare instances, indicating thereby that they are in part expressions of inherent constitutional properties of starch molecules that differ in accordance with the plant source. In reactions that are completed within 2 to 5 minutes or so, or which are so slow that a very small percentage of the starch is gelatinized by .the end of 60 minutes, the differences between the two percentages may be so small as to be undetectable, or if detectable of little or no value in demonstrating this peculiarity. This is found, for instance, in Lilium tenuifolium (Chart D 644), 99 per cent of the total starch is gelatinized in 5 minutes, 93 of this 99 per cent being contributed by grains completely gelatinized and the remaining 6 per cent of grains being only partially gelatinized, and 1 per cent unaffected. Additional instances are found, but in the opposite direction, in the reactions of Hcemanthus kather- ince (Chart D639), 7ns iberica (Chart D 684), and Kichardia albo-maculata (Chart D 652). Taking, in turn for comparative purposes, several selected charts of this series, and beginning with those of Lilium tenuifolium (Chart D 644) and Hcemanthus katherince (Chart D639), which represent opposite ex- tremes of reaction-intensities, and wherein the two per- centage curves in each are almost identical, variations in the courses of these curves will be found that are coupled with variations in the degree of separation of the curves during the progress of reactions, each chart being in one or both respects different from the other charts, and therefore characteristic of starch plus rea- gent. In Cymbidium loivianum (Chart D 657) the reac- tions occur rapidly, gelatinization being practically complete in 15 minutes, 98 per cent of the total starch being gelatinized in 5 minutes, of which quantity 87 was made up of the starch of completely gelatinized grains; while in Richardia albo-maculata only 11 per cent of the total starch was gelatinized in 60 minutes, of which quantity 6 per cent was made up of the starch of grains completely gelatinized. In some of the other charts gelatinization is shown to pro- ceed with fair to moderate activity, but during the earlier part of the 60-minute period the proportion of gelatinized starch contributed by grains that are entirely broken down is decidedly less than that by the partially gela- tinized grains. This peculiarity is well illustrated, for instance, in Iris iberica (Chart D646), Iris tro- jana (Chart D647), and Phaius grandifolius (Chart D655). In Iris iberica, at the end of 5-miimte period, 20 per cent of the total starch was gelatinized, of which quantity only 2 per cent was contributed by grains that were entirely gelatinized; at 15 minutes the figures are 62 and 30, respectively; at 30 minutes, 81 and 42, respectively; at 45 minutes, 86 and 53, respec- tively ; and at 60 minutes, 54 and 90, respectively. Simi- lar data are recorded in the other two charts, the proportions in each varying at the different periods at the end of 60 minutes, in frit iberica, 54 : 70, in I. tro- jana, 63 : 96, and in Phaius grandifolius, 28 : 67, of the gelatinized starch was contributed by the grains that REACTION-INTENSITIES WITH EACH AGENT AND REAGENT. 171 were entirely gelatinized. In Xarcittut tazetta grand monarqut. during the first 15 minutes leas than 0.5 per cent of the grain.*, hut .'" JXT .-.-nt of the toUl starch, were gelatinized, and during the pragma of the reaction i-.th cunes rise, but the curve of the percentage of total itarch rises somewhat more rapidly than the other. In certain of the charts thin progressive separation is seen, as in Amaryllis brlltulunna (Chart 1)635) and TYi'/unta polLtii (Chart I '..' I i ; in others, there is for a time separation, this UMII,' f..ll",-,l by approximation, as in Hifi/if ii.it rum titan (Chart 1> ':!') aiul Ilifinanthus puni- criu (Chart HtMO); and in others, there is an early marked separation followed in time by approximate parallcliMii. an in Gladiolus trittit (Chart 1)650) and Catanlhe rotea (Chart D658), and so on with various differences. While no two charts are identical some are quite Minilar. yet readily differentiated. Such similarity is apt to be found in very closely related varieties and species nstance, in /A'/>/>r<ufrum titan, II. ostultan, and //. dooms (Charts D636, D637, and D638), and in Iris (Charts D 646, D 647, and D 648). Those of the several species of I.iiium differ markedly (Charts and D 645). Those of widely separated species, each as Hirmanthus katkerina and //. punicrus. are decidedly diiT.-r. nt from each other, which species for reasons as stated, probably represent subgeneric groups. The same peculiarities are true in Iris, those of /. ibenca (Chart in; 10), /. trojana (Chart D647) and /. cen- yialti (Chart D 648) having a close general resemblance, and markedly contrasted with the curves of the appa- rently distantly related /. pertica Tar. purpurra (Chart ' i , which curves are quite different from the former. (iladiolus and Tritonia (Charts D 650 and D 651), while representing closely related genera and exhibiting at the em! of the 60-minute period the same percentages of 'th total starch and entire number of grains completely L'I l.itun.v,!. iii-v.-rtheleas present differences in the courses of the curves that are quite definitely distinctive. In some of the charts it will be seen that there is an early period of resistance of the starch to gelatinization. is manifest in some instances in the percentage of completely gelatinized grains, but not in the percentage of total starch gelatinised, as in Iris ibenca and /. trojana (Charts D 646 and D 647), and in Lilium chalcedonicum (Chart D 645) ; in others, it may be the reverse, as in ntut tairtla grand monarque (Chart D642) ; and in others, in both percentages, as in Amaryllis bella- donna (Chart D635) and Hippeastrum titan (Chart '). In other charts both curves may begin at once v rapidly, but the percentage curve of total starch rises more rapidly than the other, as in Hcemanthus puniceus (Chart D640), L. martagon (Chart DC.l.ti. MUM arnoltiiana (Chart D 654), and MUtonia vexUlaria (Chart D 656). In the different starches these changes Kon with varying rapidity and relationship*. w> that . the end of the 5-minute period not only may the two curve* of any given starch be well separated hut their courses may be quite different Thus, the figures for the percentages of total starch and number of grains com- pletely gelatinized in 5 minutes in the above four species are 33 and 65, 30 and 77, 30 and 86, and 27 and 50, respectively. It is to be noted that while in the four cases the percentages of the entire number of grains com- ... gelatinized are the same or nearly the same, the percentages of total starch are in all distinctly different This is of diagnostic importance because it indicates inherent individual peculiarities of the several larches. The preceding groups of charts indicate to what degree the reactions of different starches with a given reagent may differ in the percentages of both total starch aii<l entire number of grains completely gelatinized, and also the tendencies in general to similarities of the pair of curves of closely related starches and to dissimilarities of distantly or unrelated starches. \\lien similarities are observed, as in the very closely related Hippeastrums, such jnvuliahty is to be expected in the reactions of the same starches with other reagents. Fur instance, in the reactions with chloral hydrate (Charts D659, D660, and D661) the three pain of curves are closely alike, the type of curve is the same as is seen in the pyrogal lie-acid reactions (Charts DC36, D 637, and D 638), but the positions of the curves in the two reactions are different, owing to the distinctly lower reactivities of these starches with chloral hydrate. When, however, the reactions of the starches of well-separated or unrelated species are studied it is found that there may be the widest variations in the relationships of the two curves, not only with different agenta but also with the same reagent, even to the extent that the percentage of total starch gelatinized will give a type of curve entirely different from that of the percentage of grains completely gelatinized. Thus, examining the pyrogallic- acid reactions of the various starches (Charts 1) G35 to D658), it will be found that there is with few excep- tions a well-marked tendency to separation of the two curves, and that in some instances the two curves are not of the same type, as in Lilium chalcedonicum (Chart D645) and Iris trojana (Chart D647). In contrast with this, in the chloral-hydrate reactions (Charts D 659 to D 667) both curves tend to marked closeness in course and hence to the game type. Comparisons of the pyro- gallic-acid and chloral-hydrate reactions of the same starch bring out many interesting points. For instance, in Amaryllis belladonna (Charts D635 and D662) in the pyrogallic-acid reaction the two curves become widely separated during their progress, the percentage of M.III- pletely gelatinized grains ceases to increase after 30 minutes, but the quantity of gelatinized starch is mate- rially being added to by the grains that are undergoing partial gelatinization ; while in the chloral-hydrate reac- tion the curves keep very close throughout. The most marked difference between the reactions of the two rea- gents is seen in the curves of the percentage of the entire number of grains completely gelatinized, which differ greatly, while the total percentage curve* differ compara- tively very little. In Ilcemanthu*. punifrus (('harts D640 and D664) the pyrogallic-acid and chloral-hy- drate curves are of different types; and the curves of both pairs of percentages tend to closeness, more particu- larly the chloral-hydrate curves. In \arcis*us tazrtta grand monarque (Charts D 648 and D665) both pair* are again different, not only from those of the preceding charts, but also from each other, and as markedly in the Utter as in the former case. Here the types of the pairs of curves are distinctly different, and while the two curves in the pyrogallic-acid reaction tend to progressive separation, those of the chloral-hydrate reaction tend to 172 REACTION-INTENSITIES OP STARCHES. continued closeness. In Iris iberica (Charts D 646 and D 666) there is a difference in the type of the two curves in the pyrogallic-acid reaction, but not in the chloral- hydrate reaction, and in the former the curves tend to marked separations, but in the latter to marked closeness. In Phaius grandifolius (Charts D 655 and D 667) the same peculiarities are observed. Similar pairs of charts of the curves of other starches with these and other reagents exhibit corresponding characteristics. It is of importance to recognize that the differences be- tween the two curves may be as marked in the reactions of the same starch with different reagents as it is in the case of different starches with the same reagent. Indications of these differences have had incidental reference in the immediately preceding statements, and they may be sufficiently accentuated by reference to a single generic group of reactions, as, for instance, the reactions of 7ns iberica with different rea- gents (Charts D 668 to D 688), that which is found here being taken as a rough index or suggestion of the records of the other starches. 3. COMPOSITE REACTION-INTENSITY CURVES WITH DIFFERENT AGENTS AND REAGENTS. (Charts E 1 to E 46. and D 1 to D 691.) In the construction of the composite reaction-inten- sity curves the abscissae are, in the polarization, iodine, gentian-violet, and safranin reactions in terms of gross quantitative light and color values based on an arbitrary scale of 105 in divisions of twentieths; in the tempera- tures of gelatinization, in the centigrade scale in divisions of 2.5 ; and in the reactions with the chemical reagents on a duplex scale, the upper portion giving the time of complete or practically complete gelatinization (95 per cent or more of the total starch), and the lower portion of the scale the percentage of total starch gelatinized when complete or practically complete gelatinization has occurred within not less than an hour. The ordinates represent the agents and reagents used in the reactions. The reaction-intensity of each agent and reagent is marked upon its ordinate and upon the proper abscissa, and then a line is continued from ordinate to ordinate, making an irregular curve. This form of chart is espe- cially useful in the differentiation and recognition of varieties, species, subgenera and genera, and in compari- sons of the peculiarities of parents and hybrids. The method of construction is, however, faulty, and the curves are at times misleading because differences that have been recorded antecedent to the record used in the chart may be of very different significance, on which account there will be found here and there what appear to be discrepancies from what should be expected upon the basis of the data of the systematist ; but as previously stated, each of these different kinds of charts brings out in a particular way certain features, and it is of pri- mary importance to note that there are presented in Charts D 1 to D 691 data of the progress of the reactions that are of essential importance in connection with understanding and proper interpretation of these com- posite charts. In a word, the composite charts exhibit in a gross and by no means accurate way comparative reaction-intensities. For instance, the reaction-intensi- ties of two or more starches may be shown to be 95 per cent of the total starch gelatinized in 30 minutes, or pre- cisely the same, whereas the records for the preceding periods may or may not have shown any differences. This is illustrated in the uranium-nitrate reactions of Amaryllis belladonna, Phaius grandifolius, and Miltonia vexillaria (Chart D689), wherein at the end of the 5-minute period the figure for both Amaryllis and Phaius is the same or 65 per cent; and that of Milfonia 83; and at 15 minutes, and thence onward, they are practi- cally exactly the same for all three. Then again, the curves of gelatinization of any given starch may undergo a complete change in its relationships to other curves during its progress. This is well shown in the cobalt- nitrate reactions with the same starches (Chart D 690). At the end of the 5-minute period the order of reactivity is Miltonia, Amaryllis, and Phaius; at 15 minutes, Amaryllis, Miltonia, and Phaius; and at the end of the 30, 45, and 60 minute intervals, Amaryllis, Phaius, and Miltonia. In making the composite charts the records of these species at the end of 60 minutes are taken, and quite a different impression is given of relative reaction-intensi- ties than if the records had been used at the 5- or 15- minute periods. Another source of fallacy is to be found in the tendency in most of the reactions for convergence or divergence of the curves, this being apparent not only in the charts of the reactions of the starches of parents and hybrid, but also when the curves of arbitrarily selected starches are compared. This latter is set forth in the pyrogallic-acid reactions of the Amaryllis, Phaius, and Miltonia starches (Chart D691). Here it will be noted that while the Miltonia curve is highest, that of Amaryllis lowest, and that of Phaius intermediate, at the end of the 5-minute period the figures are 50, G, and 5 per cent, respectively; at the end of the 15-minute period 34, 40, and 72 per cent, respectively ; at the end of the 30-minute period 50, 75, and 84 per cent, respec- tively ; and at the end of 60 minutes 94, 90, and 67 per cent, respectively. In a word, at the end of the 5-minute period there was no practical difference between Amaryl- lis and Phaius, but a wide difference between them and Miltonia; and during the progress of the reactions, while gelatinization in Phaius tends to keep about parallel in intensity with that in Miltonia, that in Amaryllis tends to approach more and more closely the intensity of reac- tion in Miltonia, so that by the end of the hour the figures for Miltonia and Amaryllis are very nearly the same (94 and 90 per cent, respectively) while the figure for Phaius is only 67 per cent. Notwithstanding the grossness of this method of charting and the manifest tendency to introduce fallacies, it will be apparent by even a cursory survey of these charts from the aspect of taxonomy that they are not without very considerable value, and that by necessary modifications in the plan of charting we shall arrive at a positive means by which plants can be identified and classified by the physico- chemical peculiarities of their starches and other complex metabolites, in other words, by a strictly scientific method. In Publication 173 similar charts were presented. In their formulation the number of reactions wa less, the reagents somewhat different from those used in the pres- ent research, and the values expressed were in terms <>f complete or practically complete gelatinization time. At- tempts were made in the present investigation to lessen !.!.\- I!"N-IVIKNMMK> \\III1 KM 1! A'. KM AMI lil.\i.INI 17:; the sources of fallacy wing the number and changing the concentration of the reagent* and in m;; tin- -Mnil.inl of \ulu v .th the abscis- sa; here u-ed. Notwith-t.iinliii;; the crudities of the in< ti: '- a<! ;' I ami the fallacies introduce. I in the f.innulati f the composite charts in the former Mowing wu rendered apparent: That the f members of a genus constitute a well-defined . the mean f the character-values constituting a dMinrt L-i-iierii- t\ . j>e tending to be similar to the t\ ]>: of very closely related genera and dissimilar to the types of dixtantl'y related or unrelated genera; that the r.-a. tions of different species of a geniu yield HIM' nd to be closely in conformity with the generic type of rune, hut when there are representative* 1 'genera or similar _. M.TI.- subdivisions there may ires or aberrati"iis from tin- generic type so that there may be as many subgeneric or group type* as nera or sul>geiieric groups; that the reac- >4ofasp> i curves that very closely 1 with thnae of the species ; and that the generic, . and species differentiations arc in general e accord with established botanical data. The rc- >f the present research are in harmony with those nf tin- prei-cdini: investigation, but some unexpected variations have been found, especially in the extent of i'Tie and subgeneric dilTerentiations which will I to here with sufficient detail. Taking up first those genera which arc bent repre- ! by -|XM j.-s ainl varieties, but in which there are not inrliideil Mih-.'cneric or similar generic group rcpre- !i a.< ll\i>i*atrvm (Charts K 2, E 3, and . Chart> K 10. K 11, and E 18), Narcissus -.'I. inclusive), and Lilium (Charts I, inclusive), it will be apparent UJMUI -u|HTticial examination that the starches of the varieties or species, or of both varieties and species, of each genus have curves that are in general very similar in form and that the type form of the curve in each genus t from that of any other, and so markedly so that the curves of the members of one genus could not he confounded with those of another any more than could the plants themselves. It will also be noted that when the starches are from very closely related plants, as in the Ilipiwastrumx, the curves arc very closely alike, while in \erinf and .Vomwus, respectively, where there are instances of both botanical closeness and separation, the variation* from the mean or the generic type of tend to be more and more marked as the repn- : ives of the genus are botanically farther separated. The curves of Lilium. while yielding a generic type very different from the //i'/i/w.frum, fferine, and .YarrtMtM types, arc of little usefulness in the differentiation of .arious member? of the genus represented because very rapid gelatinization of the starches with nearly all of the reagents. In order to satisfactorily differentiate th.-e starches reagents of such modified :ui*t be used as will render gelatinization very much less rapid, and probably additional reagents may '-;;iry. In <>thT genera studied, where there are nnly the two parental and the hybrid representative* of _renu*, as in Qlatliolus (('hart K31). Trilnnia On (Chart E40). MUM (Chart Kill. /V...V fihart Miltonia (Chart I Cymbidium (' ^ponding peculiarities will l>c found, although in HlnJiolus ami Trilonia. closely related gem m, tin- curves are so much alike a* to indi- rate different species rather than different genera. There is also much resemblance between th>> Amaryllis and 1'haiiu charts which represent very widely separated genera, but this singular peculiarity will If rvferr particularly later on. In the Amaryllin-Hrunfvigia reac- tions (Chart El), where there is bigcncric representa- tion, the curves are quite different . When genera are represented by subgcnera or cub- ic groups, as in Iliiinnnthus (Chart K < I. Cn'num (Charts E7, E8, and E9), Iris (Charts E 30, E31, and E 33), and Begonia (Chart E 30), the curves of the subgeneric representatives may differ not only markedly but to even a much more marked degree than the curves of different genera generally of the same family a most curious and n yet inexplicable phe- nomenon. In llirmanlhu* the curve of //. puniftut is so variant in comparison with those of //. kallirrintr. II. magnifinu, and both hybrids that it seems that this spe- cies must be separated botanically sufficiently far from the other two to be regarded a* bclon^in^ to a different subgenus, although this differentiation may not have IHI-H recognized by the systematist. In Crinum the curves of the representatives of the hardy and tender forms (C. moorrt and C. longifolium, hardy ; C. ;ri/lnni' inn. tender ) differ so markedly as to suggest mcmlxTs of different genera. In Iris, in the first three sets (Charts K :?". E 31, and K 32), the reactions of rhyzomatou* form- are represented, and it will be Keen that all of the curves conform closely to a common type; but in the fourth set (Chart E33) the reactions are of tultcrous forms, all three curves conform with great closeness to a common type, and they all differ materially from the rhyzomatous type, and in fact so different are they that they would certainly not in the present stages of the investigation be recognized as belonging to the same genus. In llr- gonia there is found an even more remarkable instance of subgeneric differentiation in the curves of the tuU-rou. and semituherous forms, the former l>eing repre*' by four garden varieties and the latter hy //. socotrana, a very exceptional and isolated species of the genus. Comparing the curves of these charts (Charts E 36 to K3!) it will be seen that the curve- of the tuberous forms are in close conformity to a common type, while the curve of B. socolrana. is so very unlike the curves of the former in a large number of the reactions with the chemical reagents as to suggest anything but generic relationship to the tuln-nms forms, rnfortunately. the number of reactions of the latter were with a single ex- ception very limited, hut the curve of the reactions of B. tingle crimton tear! ft (Chart E30) can with perfect safety be taken as very closely typifying the curves of the others. The Amarytlix and Phaitut curves (Charts El and E42), while representing wholly unrelated and widely separated genera, give the impression of curves of closely relsted genera or even of species of a genus; in far* reaemblance is much closer than that of related crenera here represented, as, for instance, of A marylli* and Brunt- rigia (Chart E 1). "f t'haiu* and Miltonia (Chart* and K ID. or of PAoiiw and CymbMium (Chart* and K II). While there is some resemblance l-tween 174 REACTION-INTENSITIES OF STARCHES. Phaius and Miltonia, there is exceedingly little between Phaius and Cymbidium. Obviously, from what is mani- fest by the curves generally of these charts, this resem- blance must be seeming rather than actual, and due to faultiness in the methods of experiment and charting. That the Amaryllis and Phaius starches differ far more than is indicated by the composite curves is shown by the records of the velocity reactions (Charts D 1 to D 21, and D 574 to D 594), and it is obvious that in the construc- tion of composite charts the recognition of such differ- ences is essential to even an approximately accurate presentation of the reaction peculiarities of any starch. It will probably be found that taxonomic differences of much value will be brought out by differences in the ratios of the reaction-intensities of different pairs or combina- tions of certain pairs of reagents, and there undoubtedly yet remain many reagents that can be employed to advan- tage in these studies, it being not improbable that the differences in reactions of a very few reagents may be specific in the differentiation of certain genera, as has been found, for instance, in the tests for proteins, all proteins responding to certain of the protein tests, but eome only to certain tests to which others do not respond. Similar restricted methods of differentiation are by no means rare even to the systematist. Then again, in com- paring these curves it will be seen that no less than 7 of the 21 reagents have, apparently at least, proved useless because of the energy with which they cause gelatiniza- tion. Modifications of the strengths of these alone, or in conjunction with the other reagents, may elicit generic differences of such a character as to indicate the wide separation of these genera. These composite charts were studied individually in Chapter III, Section 6, of the comparisons of the reactions of the members of each set of parent- and hybrid-stocks, and two or more of them were considered comparatively whenever there were two or more sets belonging to the same genus. The main object in these studies was to bring out the relations of the hybrids in their reactions, individually and collectively, to one or the other or both parents. If now these charts are stud- ied collectively, with especial reference to the relation- ships of the hybrid curves to the parental curves, much data of comparative interest will be elicited that is likely to be missed otherwise. When the parental curves run very closely together, the hybrid curve tends to similar closeness; but when the parental curves tend to separa- tion, and especially with variance in their courses, the hybrid curve may tend to follow the curve of one or the other parent, to be intermediate, or to be more or less distinctly independent of both parental curves. Inter- mediateness is much more of an exception than a rule, and therefore, except in few instances is far from being a criterion of a hybrid. (See also Tables F and H.) In Hippeastrum (Charts E2 to E4), Narcissus (Charts E 13 to E 24), Iris (Charts E 30 to E 33), and Richardia (Chart E 40) the parental curves tend in each group and genus to marked closeness in their positions and courses, and the hybrid curves similarly tend to closeness to the parental curves, but varying from reaction to reaction in their parental relationships. When the parents are well separated species, as in Hcemanthus (Chart E5), Crinum (Chart E 9), Nerine (Charts E 10 to E 12), Narcissus (Chart E 14), etc., and the parental curves are generally well separated and somewhat variant in their courses, though on the whole conforming to generic types, the hybrid curves tend to equal or greater degrees of variance. And when the parents are representatives of different genera, as in the Amaryllis-Brunsvigia group (Chart E 1), or of subgenera or subgeneric groups, as in Hcemanthus (Chart E6), Crinum (Charts E7 and E 8), and Begonia (Chart E36) where the paren- tal curves are not only well separated but tend to more or less markedly different courses the hybrid curves show their greatest variabilities in their relations to the parental curves, in some instances tending to have in general marked closeness to the curves of one parent, in others to have a position of intermediateness which is usually closer to one of the parents than to the other, and in others to have a more or less wide departure from both parental curves. When there are two hybrids of the same parentage, as in Amaryllis-Brunsvigia (Chart El), Nerine (Charts E 10 and Ell) and Narcissus (Chart E 13), the hybrids of each pair of parents tend to differ less from each other, as a rule, than the parents differ from each other; unless, as in case of Amaryllis-Bruns- vigia, the parents are so far separated as to give well separated curves, in which case the curves of the hybrids may not only be quite at variance with the parental curves, but also be distinctly better separated from each other, and show even more marked differences from the parental curves than the latter show in relation to each other. In a number of sets of parent- and hybrid-stocks studied a given parent is found to be the seed parent in one set and the pollen parent in another, or the seed parent or the pollen parent in both sets, but with an as- sociated parent that is different in each of the two sets as in Hcemanthus (H. katherince, which is the seed parent in two sets, the pollen parents being different) ; Crinum (C. moorei, C. zeylanicum, and C. longifolium, which are differently paired in the three sets) ; Nerine (N. sarniensis corusca major) ; Narcissus (N. poeticus or- natus, N. poeticus poetarum, N. abscissus, N. albicans, N. madame de graaff, and 2V. triandrus albus) ; Lilium (L. martagon album and L. maculatum) ; Iris (I. iberica and I. cengialti) ; and Calanthe (C. vestita var. rubro- oculata). In connection therewith many interesting features have been recorded in the histologic and polari- scopic properties and in the reactions with heat and various chemical reagents which show most varying trans- missibilities in both kind and degree of parental charac- ters to the hybrid, but a detailed review is not necessary and is prohibited by want of space in an already too volu- minous report. The most important of such data will be found presented for the most part and in succinct form in Chapter III, and in detail in Part II, Chapter I, under the appropriate headings. 4. SERIES OF CHARTS. The various charts of the reaction-intensities are re- ferred to particularly or incidentally with frequency throughout Part I, and it was found in the final arrange- ment of the report that it was desirable chiefly for conven- ience of reference to bring all of them together in one section. In addition to these a series, F 1 to F 14, is in- cluded, but which belongs in the next chapter, in several of which certain reaction-intensities are also recorded. 175 ( 'M\RT A 1. Polarisation Reaction*. CHART A 2. Iodine Readiont. 176 CHART A 3. Gentian-violet Reactions. wrtium or uorr Am COLOR i 8 8 8 8 $ g NAKCISSDI POFTICUS OR[fAT. IARCISSPS POETICUS POF.TAR. KARCISSDS POCTICUS MtRPtCZ -- POKTICVS DAKTE FAKC1SSUS TAZ. GRAND MOI* NARCISSUS POETICUS OBKATIT1 KARCISSUS POETA1 TRtllUrH AXCISSO9 r.tORU HTVDI ARCISSVS POET1CVS OfKATOI AKCISSUS FIERY CROSS lARCISSOS TrLAMOBirs PLIH. (IARC1SSDS POKIICU1 ORNAICt KAROSSVS DUBLOON ARC1S5US PRINCESS MARY ARCISSUS POETICUS POETAJL ARCISSUS CUSSET ARC1S.SCS AftSCI1S03 AtCISSt'S POETICDS P^ITAJI. ARCtSSDS WILL SCARLII ARC1SS0S ALICAHS ARCISSUS AB&C1SSU3 ARCISSUS HCOLOR APWODT AHOSSOS IMPRESS ARCtSSUl AIBICAKS ARC1S6US MADAM! 01 OUAT? RCISSCS WTARDALI prrtrf. AOBSQS NAOAMI OS ORAATT AJtCISSDS PTRAMUS AKOSSttS MONARCH ARCISSUS MADAME Hf r.mir LORD KOMRT!- HIPPEASTRUM TrTAIf tmsjanant CLIONIA IUPPEASTRUM TtTAH-CtEOIHA EA5TRUM OS5PLTAJI FASTHTM PYRR1IA EASTRUM OSSl'lT PYRH. T ASTRO M DCONFS rAsm'M 7F.PHY* MlPPEASTRUM P*OB-ZTH1. KjTMANTinJS XATITZRIX *!rn)'% M*i-.!inct; A.t I HI'S AffDROMEDA rMAKTHrs KATHERINX 'MAKTHDS PUNtCFUi 1HAHTHVS EO*NIG ALBUT mTM MOORTI INUM tFYIANICtTM IJfBM HYBRJDCM J t H :U)TM URCAPE RfNGM LONCtrOLIUM It I'M MOORM CRINUM POWELLB lERINt rn-.j't NERINE BOWDENI VAR. COIL AJ. E r.UKIESS t ABUKDAJ1CI BFH1HT SAHN 1 IERIHE omv i ERIPE GLORY 'AIL CO* MAI. AR EOTH KAJ. or SARJ<U LFEDSn MIH )[UMt TR1ANDROS AUUS ARCISSUS ACRES HARTIT ,RClS!ttn EMPUOX JiCISSUS TBIARDHUS ALVC9 ARCISSCS j i. unnttT en I-IWM MARTACOK ALBUM MUM MACVLATUM -IUM MARJUH tI"M MARTACOK n.R'M MACULATUM LJfM DAIHAJISONI . 'M TIMUIVOttUM LILIUM MARTAr,QN A1BUM JLIVM GOLDEN GUAM CIIALCEDONICVM CANDIDUM TE1TACIDM HUM BURlAJHU US ISMAU IRIS [BERICA I OORAK I CENOIALT1 1 PALLIDA OWEN OF MAT > MM ALAN GREY IRIS WRSICA VAR PCRPCUA " SJNDJAREHS1S I1IKMND LADIOICS CARDTNA1IB LADIOLUS COLVILLEI roma CROCO.SMIA AOTtCA TWTOHIA CROCOSMJirtOKA UOOKIA MNC CPIIM KAK. OOKIA SfCt>TR>BA GONU MRS. REAL IA DOtTB li'-lir BOSS fiOfllA AOCOTRANA RtOOHlA If WOU EOON1A D01TB ntPr c'.J lOOHtA BOCOTRAXA GOKU SDCCK&a CIIARMA ALBO-MACUUTA ruiorruHA MI", l"i- ' . . II UTOHU nULLAUA HTON1A ilZLU U.TONU BUUANA 'MKDfOM LOW1AN1TM CHART A 4. Safranin Reactions. orrSKsm or twm AND COLOR REACTIONS. _fe ft 8 8 8 8 3 S 8 8 8 lUPPtASTRUM OSStn.T.-PTRO. . HjCMAIfTHUS AflDROVIl'A HXMANTHTTS KATHFftin* AnTHUS PUN1CEUS AITTBUS KfiniO AI !f T rFIWTTM MOOREI IRINUM ZEn-ANICIJM CRJNUM UYBR1DDM T C II. f. ELEGAN9 E DAINTY MAID E QVtKX OF BOSE8 IER1NI ABDNDAN.CI lERm SABN TAR. COR. MA). NFRINE cnRV VAR FOTH MAJ. KB GLORY OF SARNIA TAHCISKTTS TAI GRAND V>t (ARCISSUS POCTA2 TRIVMVII GLORIA MUNTII NARCISSUS POETICCS OUNATrS NARCISSUS FIERT CPO'.S 1ARCIS5US POETICDS OBHAHJS NARCISSUS OUBLOOH PB1NCT5S MART NARCIS.SUS POETICUS PUEIAB. NARCISSUS CR15SET lARCISStTS ABSCISStTS I ARCISSUS POETIC-US POFTAB. IARCISSUS wiu SCARLET LIIKANS HM-I--M". BICOLOR ATBICOT EMPPFSS IAKCISSUS MADAME Dl CRJUF? . WFARPAIF PEHFTET. NARCISSUS MAHAMK I'F OHAAFF NARCISSUS PTXAMU3 lARaSSITS MONARCH 'ARCISSUS MADAMS. DI niAAIV 'ARCISSUS LC1HI) ROfikRTR ABCISSDS A APTIVsrs EMPIROR RCISSUS TRIAKDRUS Aim>* ARCUSUS ;. T BXltHETT PWi ILItTM MARTAGON ALBUM I MACULATUM ILIUM MARHAN n ri'M MARtACOIt H.IUM MAcrLATtJM DALUANSOM illl'M TAPHVI ILIUM BURBAJfU iis nnucA RIS TROJAKA UUS ISMAU AFRICA CBMU1.TI nua DORAX I CENGIALTI , PALLiriA QITEFW OF MAT ) MRS. ALAN GREY LADIOLDS r ARCH* AMI I At.loiilv TRISTIS LADIOLUS COLVILLEI 1ITONIA CROCOSMIA AORTA RITON1A CROCOSM^nORA GON1A UNO CRIM. SCAR- :OONIA IOTOTRANA .GONU MRS. HEAL EGONU DOU1 I " (IT n - I1A SOCnTRANA U INSIGH IA Doom.* in IF '.ONIA SOCOTRAHA EGONU JULIUS tGORIA DOUH Tittf BOU '.'INIA '.' "THAU* tOONU SUCCESS CltARDtA AUIO MAOTUT1 CHARDLA MRS. ROOSITTBLT A ARNOtDUKA JSA HYBRIDA IAIUS ciuin>i?oinja IAIUS WAMM Pill 1AIDS HVBUPOS ILTOKU VFXILLAKIA II TON U R(B7LO [LTONU EUUAJU MMlllI'M IX>W1ANTTM MhlMIIM EBURNEUM BBORNEO LOW1ANUH RO4BA 177 ( HAKI A 5. Temperature of Gelatinimtion Rtadwnt. < ii MIT A 6. Chloral-hydrate Reactions. 178 CHART A 7. Chromic-acid Reactions. TOTAt tTABCV OBLAnPUBO IF M MTWCTK. TtKB Of C00UTB OILATIWIZAT10H IF UQIUTZ1. CHART A 8. Pyrogallic-acid Reactions. CJBIT Or TOTAL STARCH OKUTUnZBD IN TO MOTTJTIS T1MI Or COWTLBTB OtLATDnZATTOtt IK BIOTtl*. ! 8 8 8 8 3 8 8 Us 8 S i 8 8 8 8 a 5 UOOUt ZBTLAf.ccif HTBUDCIM J. C. B. ZRTLAIflCITM CRIHUM LOKGirOLTOM cmnm vxcu-t UKUH uooiii CXI1TOM POWSLUI iriRiiiB onizM or ROSBS imuKi BowDun nmm SAJUI. YAJL co*. MA;. i KAMI. TAR. COIL MAJ wi CORV. VAIL FOTH luj. xi GLORT or BAJUUA BAROSSDS FOBTTCITS OWIAT. NARCISSUS porncns POETAJI. IIAJtClSSBS PoniCOS HIRfK K HARCISSnS TAI. GRAHI) MOIf. MAMCIS30S POETICUS ORKATIi) JSWi POKT AZ TUVH kli IAKOSSCS ALSICAKS IARCIS5DS ABSaSSCS N AJtCUSDS BJCOLOB APUCOT S MOFAICB 8 MADAM! ni OliiTf I LOftD IOUBI) UEDSD KIR. !FIXI niAjiMtvs *uci HAJtOSmS ACMIS HAKTCT I OUT fAlt B rummo TVTOHU OOCOSMIA ArtU HMOPU DODB. UORT 1O41 HOONU BIIMOH JAJLD1A ALBO-MACTTUTA A1DU HUOTTIA.fA 1. 100BBTB.T IPPFASTItOM TTTAB MrM ainnt tSTKCH TITAJKIIOI1 I'IKCM O&SVLTAH *MBtm pnuuu U'PIASTHUH OSSUIT-PTH HIPPEASTRUM DCOMU D'PFASTRPM I>KYt JPPI AiTBCM P*OH Jll M MOOMI M reuANicir*. RIKUM HYBWDDM ). C ztruincni RJNUM LOIfCirOLIUH RJRUM K1RCAP1 ERJNE ELEGAIO FRirtE DAINTY HA EWHE OUIEK Of M)SM EHIHI AJUKDAMCB IAJICI&SDS POETtcoB L lABCtSSCS TA2 GRAFT' M AUDSSUS P<JFT1CD5 ]* IAACISSUS POITAI nn IAKCIS10S CLOWA Mild KADC1SSUS TltAMOim^ HARCTSSCS PorilCCI DAJICI&SDS D0BLOO* tARTLtn BriiADom-n UBSVIG1A JOMPHJJH! UKSDOI1IIA SAHD AIB* UHSOOltKA SAjfDUO A! UK IX* IIL-OLnI t:l II IMPUM S ALBICAR* t MADAMB 1 1 WIARDALB F MADAM1 II miAMVi a MOKAICI S MADAMI M I LOW) I n AUCISSDS tUDm Kit HAMCISSD9 TRUNDRCJ i BARHSSUB AGIOS BUt)n ABCtSSUS lARcibsus AJtCISSC* 'AKCISTOS IARCISSUS IACtSSDS ABCIMSUS TRUKDROS * .aiUM t>ALBAJIOKt illl-M UAXTAGOH Altnl .OJUM COLOIN C-LIAM LILJUM TESTACBDH < Kill TMnlAKA IM 1SMAJ4 IIS CBNOIA1T1 PALLIDA orrrzw F MBS A1A CUT LADIOtUS CAKDnWU GLADIOLUS TWm GLADIOL08 COLVUU MTOITU tvma RITOTflA CKOCO<IW 'C ftlTONJA CBOCOSIKn IOORU UltO C*. * NIA SOCOTKAHA niA Mrs IIIAI )FU DOVBLE WH1I BBOOHU OC6TRAHA BEGOK1A JUUCI BEGOFU DOCB. Dtf I )HU SOCOTRAJl- )H1A BDCCBM RICHARDU AtBOIUCTU Ji HAWlIA IUJOTTIA'* IICKARDU M HOC * IVBA ARJIOLCIAXA i/'A MT11IDA -. PKATCI EYBUDOI i rxumiUM tBV*ni ,!TTH I0m i vxrrcxa WST > CHART A 9. Nitric-acid Reaction*. 179 CHART A 10. Sulphuric-acid Reaction*. 180 SaS 3|S3 o fill pi III 111 Nil fill TTT CHART A 11. Hydrochloric-acid Reactions. 533 333 liS ssj ^" i- P as 40 8 45 65 | <00 5 BO t B 80 S 20 111 ..I ill ??5 i 6 to IB 20 2B 30 8 46 g-0 x> S go I B 00 3 K 40 I- 8 20 & ,0 I CHART A 12. Potassium-hydroxide Reactions. Bn t J^ if* i i ' A . J ! ffl s!l 1 -fc S >. is 33* il :is 3li 3 S B ill lei ill iff I a asa ii i II i 181 < IUUT A W.Folairivm-ioditle lit actions. CHART A 14. Potatrium-tulphocyanate Readiont. Li 182 CHART A 15. Potassium-sulphide Reactions. 6 i to E 1S | 20 i 25 300 r 36 9 4O S 46 MO 6S 1 10 i 00 < E 80 1 T i 40 5 so 1 40 1- 8 20 i .0 1 ill IJ i BE 23 i|| q 53 ps as s ig x i g ; 1 IH i l ill iii s 5Si l!i 11 III 1 III ill ill lei nil mi ill III III ill h i ill in in in iii 111 II 111 iii 111 iii IP! 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHART A 16. Sodium-hydroxide Reactions. I * %2 >P d WC* tf>- il $ s!3 |=g d 8 i^iS ^ s SS *5 III MI yl 2 " ^ 321 i 3ii sss ii sS Ss 3 m 6 . la :' II 1 i jji E EBB -"- "-" - IP i 1 B CC9 aSa ooo Mt-E- 38 XXX a-iS SIX* CCb 1 ]l 1" 1 Ml s 1P p 8 80 1 B 80 1 T 3 * S 60 6 40 1- 8 ao S ,0 1 is:; CHART A 17. Sodtwn-tulpkide Reaction*. CHART A 18. Sodium-aalicylaU Reactions. 184 CHART A 19. Calcium-nitrate Reactions. LI y J , f If! i ffi li li 1 1 1 Si 1 MU.TOHIA TCIILLAAU MILTOItU fca/LIl WLTOHU BLSUAJ7A cnomnrM LOWUKTTU CYMBIJja'M UHKJ>VM CTIiiUDHiM UDJUTLO-LOlriAinTl !" I 16 120 30 jj as S 40 8 1- 66 F I 00 t B 00 9 TO i 60 U 40 8 20 g ,0 i 1 I'l '1 III 1 n 1 ' . CHART A 20. Uranium-nitrate Reactions. ill ill B 5 "^a d! i s | |!l fil ill in ill ill i iii jl 88 pa saa m Sa gig sa Si l.V, ( 'ii ART A 21. Strontium-nitrate Reaction*. CHART A 22. Cobalt-nitrate Reactions. 186 CHART A 23. Copper-nitrate Reactions. fit I il R ! i if Iff III |II ||g IBS i!3 11 sis sla ill m It % S33S Has igS UUQ 2oa 2Co 5c SSS 33 s! 3 3> Hi 35 | Hi HI els ESI: !h s? 1 il 3 IP If! ss o 5^; SE" gg O UChX KkO^ K 3 saa ifi |; 1 o 1 III 111 lit ill III III II i" i" ii ' in rT r III 1 u i *> i : f> 00 - d a j eo i S 20 i 10 XI CHART A 24. Cupric-chloride Reactions. iiiii -' il i 3O F as 4O S 48 goo 88 I 10 9 so i E 80 3" C 40 | 30 8 20 is: < if \RT A 2!>. Barium-chloride Reaction*. imnktil CHART A 26. Mercuric-chloride Readioru. 188 \_/HAn 100 42. 08 48- 90 47. 86 SO' 80 62. 76 68* ; 70 67. j SO 3 62. 8 65 J 66- 5 60 5 C7 g 46 | 70- 4O 1 72 38 B 75- t 3O 77 26 00 2O 82 is as 10 87 5 80 2 1 ! i i ', 9 9 r r r r r, r 5 5 a I 8 i V li " c . \ .fteach'ons. i i I I l ! iii] l"**Illlllif! NEIUXI CUSPA KIROn BOWDEKI SI / \ \ \ 2 \ / " ~"^ I / \ / \ i \ k / ^^^ \ / \ / X / \ 7 .s* ?**' \ \ / 5 x j z \ | ^ S / '."' V. / \ \ 2 zz -N vt. / x' I v\ // \ \ : \ \ 7 fl // * ! \ / \ Jb / / 2 \ ,x / \ / \ \ /* \ /?,' \ J S 2 1 // \ ___,.- '*" \ / \ 2 \s ^ ' / \ 1 ^ / \^ x 'V... iU S '// \ \ ~7 / \ i X 7 \ \ // v\\ 2 \ ,^ ' \ 1 \ ' N _ X \~ ' S // \ \ / ' - 1 \ \ \ 1 \ 1 CHART B 2. Gentian-violet Mill ^ and Safranin ( \ 1 ?eadions. 1 III! I ! lit / I i 5 S : a ) ' H ! KM es eo 86 eo 76 r TO | SB I 60 8 66 S SO 46 8 40 f 3 B 90 26 2O IS K> 6 1 - J F 1 1 1 - i 1*1 " . i k ^ss= ^ 5 y 1 ^~zss / -^* \\ X / \ \ / ^ ^ ^ \\ / 7 ^ \ \ / I \ \ / \ t \ // S x^ N ^ / 1 \ / z / \ / \, i^- \ \ / \ i 1X11 * ii M.r B 3. Temperature ( ) and Iodine (- /....,: | . 1 | I j 1 i 1 1 , 1 . ! ' 1 / \ \ \ / \ 1 \ / V / \ / \ / \ \ / / \ / \ 2 \ / \ \ \ 2 X / \ 2 ' N E // \ 1 \ / / \ \ 1 / A / X / s 1 ^ > \ \ / * \ ^ \ / E / \ \ ^^ V \ J \ \ \ \ 1 ' ( HAKT B 4. Temperature (- 1 1 1 , 1 ! ) and Chloral-hydrate (- ? I -) Reactions. -'I " i LP : r i XT I 190 CHART B 5. Temperature ( ) and Pyrogallic-acid ( ) Reactions. CHART B 6. Temperature (standard and new calibrations') and Nitric-acid (- 1 191 (HART B l.Nitne-add (- -) and Polarisation (- ! I -) Reactions i ( ii MIT B 8. Nitric-odd ( ) and Iodine (standard II and new calibration*) Reactions. J 192 CHAHT B 9. Nitric-acid ( ) and Gentian-violet ( ) Reactions. V CHART B 10. Nitric-acid ( - ) and Safranin ( ) Reactions. I CHART B 11. Nitric-acid ( ) and Chloral-hydrate ( ) Reaction*. 193 Mh Hi CHAKT B 12. Nitric-acid ( ) and Chromic-acid ( III.... -) Reactions. P= , 13 194 CHART B 13. Nitric-acid ( f ) and Pyrogallic-acid (- I -) Reactions. CHART B 14. Nitric-acid ( ) and Sulphuric-acid '( ) Reactions. CHART B 15. \itric-acid (- -) and Hydrochloric-acid (- I I ) Reactwnt. I Itt CHABT B 16. Nitric-acid (- ) and Potassium-hydroxide ( ) Reactions. !! . I Illi 1 f r 196 CHART B 17. Nitric-acid ( ) and Potassium-iodide ( ) Reactions. i * s 5 3 | ( I I i ! ! i I I l I I J I I 3 a g g g g e CHART B 18. Nitric-acid (- -) and Potassium-sulphocyanate (- 3 I g -) Reactions. I CHART B 19. Nitric-acid ( I! HI -) and Potastium-sulphidt (- \ I CHART B 20. Nitric-acid (- \ I! ) and Sodium-hydroxide ( ? I -) Reactions. 198 CHART B 21. Nitric-acid ( ) and Sodium-sulphide ( ) Reactions. CHART B 22. Nitric-acid ( ) and Sodium-salicylate ( ) Reactions. < HART B 23. \\trit-acid ( ) and Calcium-nitrate (- !!i /:>.'. I ! il !!!! CHART B 24. Nitric-acid (- hlllhii -) and Uranium-nitrate (- I!, -) Reaction!. \ 200 CHART B 25. Nitric-acid ( ) and Strontium-nitrate ( ) Reactions. CHART B 26. Nitric-acid ( ) and Cobalt-nitrate ( ) Reactions. I I | i I t I 1 I 201 CIMKT B 27. \itric-acid (- ) and Copper-nitrate (- I A'..;.' , ! ill CHART B 28. Nitric-acid ( ) and Cupric-chloride ( ) Reaction*. I 202 CHART B 29. Nitric-acid ( ) and Barium-chloride ( ) Reactions. CHART B 30. Nitric-acid ( ) and Mercuric-chloride ( ) Reactions. : CHART B 31. Ckromic-atid ( ) and Puroqallic-arid (- \ I ! !>!! CHART B 32. Xitric-acid ( ), Sulphuric-acid ( ) , and Hydrochloric-acid ( ) Reactions. i, ilnhi lill.i ! 204 CHART B 33. Potassium-hydroxide ( ) and Sodium-hydroxide ( ) Reactions. CHART B 34. Potassium-sulphide ( ) and Sodium-sulphide ( ) Reactions. 906 CHAUT II 35. Potauium-iodide (- -) and I'o(as\um~sulphocy<inatc ( ) Reaction*. i! ' ' CHART B 36. Sodium-hydroxide ( ) and Sodium-salicylatt ( ) Reaction*. ' 206 CHART B 37. Calcium-nitrate ( ) and Strontium-nitrate ( ) Reactions. CHART B 38. Uranium-nitrate ( ) and Cobalt-nitrate ( ) Reactions. 207 CHART B 39. Copper-nitrate (- ) and Cupric-fhloride (- ! I CHART B 40. Barium-chloride (- ) and Mercuric-chloride (- \ I -) Reactions. 208 CHART B 41. Points of Inversion and Recrossing of the Curves. ! s i i i ! I I I 6 e 7 e 8 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 IT 18 IB 20 23 22 23 24 2S 2 2T 26 29 ao at 32 33 34 36 36 3T 3R I T 11 18 7" CHART B 42. Average Reaction-Intensities ( ) and Temperatures of Gelatinization (- Jll'.l CHART C 1. Height, Sum, and Average of Reaction-Intensitie* of Starche* Hybrid-Stocks and Parent-Stndu. 14 210 TOIOD OF UACTTOH W KUTTTft raiOD or lurnott m Hnrrm*. 1- i 7o 6 50 ~ ^ f=r '_: 100 ,-t *? 100 / .... U X ,. -- / -/i ^< /" ^ --- -' r^ ' r- a f I --- // ',- ' fi fin /// / ' / /', i i If 2 u / / 3 f/ L 'f / s v / : 8 40 * M /I 8 , f / i ^ '/v R / f i! ; g / E : g ~f I / ^ /' * 10 ' - -- 6 10 15 20 23 30 33 40 43 60 63 80 pouot> or RZAcnoK oi mmms, 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 65 60 PSMOD Of REACTIOrT HI KUTUTIS. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 6* 60 6 * ^ ~ 5 100 F 1 B0 i 70 S 80 ji Of TOTAL RAXCH OUjlTTBIJCTi. ! 8 8 8 3 8 ! 1 TH ; i: ,; 4 u 5 6 * r 8 30 i! fi . i ., 8 ,0 8 M nuoo OF M*cnor* at uonrru. 5 10 15 20 25 3O 35 40 45 00 85 6C 100 1" 1" i 7 " 60 | 40 8 30 nuoo or UACTIOH n httmTiu. 6 10 15 2O 25 30 35 4O 45 50 00 M' 6 ' 10 15 20 23 30 35 40 45 80 69 99 ~r-- - ^~ .T--= ,T=- ' 90 l3 70 !" I l" __ ..- * ='' = r " jj .*' ,* .- "* i , 'i 8 ,- ** -" _^ 1 / J 7 ^ - - ' f ^-' ^^ ^^ 1 9 ;/ / ^^ | t x ^ r/ / I I c / .. 100 I 90 r 3 70 860 H 80 | 40 i" &L ' ~A &= i i nvi 1 ^ ~" ' nnaD or Ruction n 10 15 20 25 30 3 none. 9 40 46 60 66 W muoD oi uAcnor. at uattfm. 6 10 15 20 29 30 35 40 45 60 69 t in or UACTtOH in Mnrurts. 5 20 25 30 55 40 45 00 55 60 100 f f ,- - rt -. .... / - " 1 1 ,- ,.- -- - _. - * X - "" -- . | W | // '/ _^ -" 3 70 / !? - >- ~^- g 8 80 60 i r uu 10 L 11 X i 12 1 j / 8 / / 8 * j! ^ I i 1 / i: i / ' **~" r 1 '1 ^- , _- ^^ 1 R =n I Film I nut 5 10 1 B or tucnor. or mmrna 20299035404960 66 N nuoo or uucnoi m KDIWTU. 6 10 10 20 29 30 30 40 45 00 65 60 D or uucnoit w Mnur 20 25 30 35 4 M. 45 90 65 80 i -- ~ -- ... :^ 1 >/7 / i . ^ "* / .., - -*" B e Ej ! * i ,. -' ! 80 ,' -"' M fz j i i x ^ - 1 Q oo fi ^ c . n ft 13 S M i 14 ^- ^ *^ I 60 ( ' 15 ^ -' ? i n > i ^* I: / x , ? JD P40 e 4o g ,: J 8 -IT a / X iX fi n i ? ^~- ^^ / ^ ^ ! ; /J / 8^0 / ^ 9 ^ L= X" - .-"^ CHARTS D 1 TO D 15. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Amaryllis belladonna ( ), Brunsvigia Josephines ( ), Brunsdonna sanderce alba ( ), and Brunsdonna sanderas ( ). 1. With Choral Hydrate. 2. With Chromic Acid. 3. With Pyrogallic Acid. 4. With Nitric Acid. 6. With Sulphuric Acid. 6. With Hydrochloric Acid. 7. With Potassium Hydroxide. 8. With Potauium Iodide. 9. With 1'otasBium Sulphoeyanate. 10. With Potassium Sulphide. 11. With Sodium Hydroxide. 12. With Sodium Sulphide. 13. With Hodium Salicylate. 14. With Calcium Nitrate. 15. With Uranium Nitrate. 211 J II CHARTS D 16 TO D 21. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Amaryllis belladonna ( ), Brunsviyia joephince ( ), Brunsdonna tanderae alba ( ), and Bruntdonna sandera ( ). 1 With Strontium Nilrtu. IT .lhlo6.1t NlUU 1*. With CopiMr NltraU 19. With Cpri CUoridt. 20. With lUrium Chloride. 21. With Mrrcurie ChlofiO.. :.-. too - p 1 . . " ' 1 | ' - \ t * X 1 1 I ^ 1 : ; . - I ^ : | ; g . ; i: t ' ! - I I lij I n -' CHARTS D 22 TO D 27. Velocity-Reactions of Starchet of Hippeattnun Man ( - - - ), //. cfeonia ( ), and //. titan-cleonia (). U. Will, Cklonl RrdrmM . W,U CfaMM Acid. 24. With rrroclB Add. 2i. With Nilne And. M. W,U 17. W,th 212 naoo or U&CTKW n 10 IS 20 25 30 36 40 49 50 SB 00 ntioo or tiAcnov or 8 10 IB 20 26 30 35 40 43 60 65 wo 100 . so | 8C i '"' | ; so | 40 i: B 20 8,0 100 . eo I 80 i 70 5 60 too . 90 \ 8C I- B eo S 50 140 i; 1. 100 do 1 T- 28 3 " SIW1 -- ^ - .- -.. .0 / > - --- -- ... 29 30 i . ^ ^^ 1 /< ^ , ,- , '/, ... .... A I ' X r:X / in /.' / r-X ,' 8 , / / --- .-= ^ ,- ...<^ & L ^ _-:- 1= S5 -" - its /Z .'- tmoD ot Rucnox w towns. 6 10 IS 20 25 30 35 40 45SO 55 flj RUOO or KMCTIOH m MOTTTCT. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 BO 55 M PHUOD O? KUCTtOR n 6 10 16 20 26 .10 3 9 40 46 00 65 60 too i eo 1 1 9 uo 6 00 31 32 " SO :i3 ^- ^- _~ - 8 ~, 8 .,, ^ . ' j: o :o i i! / 1 ---, - ' _._ ^x- '--- -- " _ -- wo 1 ni n i in ? i ? irj i ? 1 3 rn 1 KTTTT ^ 4 n < > ft * 1 1 ( * 1 PT 3 1 n r- ? r 'J 3 2 C7IO ^ 3 i a .^ Mt^r ft 4 r-n. A D ft , ffr 100 flo 1- " 60 g 40 I 30 5 rat 1 in o 5 2 r tzj 2 cno 3 N IK , MTirr 5 Tl Ifl t fl ^ n A , - i- i" X, y\ [. ! X -/ T $ " R no / , ' 34 1 35 30 f i s ^ / '/ 8 x & ho D 20 ,t * K> 1 .,. -i 100 rauon or tiAcnoM n trmmt a 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 49 60 85 e< nuoD Of Riucnoi n MCTUTM. ft 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 65 8C 10 15 20 26 30 33 40 46 BO 69 60 100 l! ! : i i M !<m ; 37 3S 3!) i ^ 8 8 . 8 * \l 1. 1 8 ,o __ -- g M t+= :=. . - . .- mm* LfcM *.' -,! r'tl , , 1 hi 111 m pj n nuoD or tucTio 10 15 20 25 3 i m Mmvn*. 35 40 45 00 65 DO - 40 *^ ., km > !* 1 in ( i .' r pi 3 ' T!' | t IN g Mi*I ) / rrs. ') -, - ' i ."0 e eo 41 ? , fi. 8 TTI 100 r eo mioo or uucnoR n Hnrvn& 6 10 19 20 29 30 39 40 49 BO M 60 g 7 R An 1 B SO (m * v 42 *!! 8 , u CHARTS D 28 TO D 42. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Hippeastrum titan ( ), //. cleonia ( ), and H. titan-cleonia ( ). 28. With Potassium Hydroxide. 29. With Potawuum Iodide. 30. With PotaeBium Sulphocyanate. 31. With Potassium Sulphide. 32. With Sodium Hydroxide. 33. With Sodium Sulphide. 34. With Sodium Sahcylate. 35. With Calcium Nitrate. 36. With Uranium Nitrate. 37. With Strontium Nitrate. 38. With Cobalt Nitrate. 39. With Copper Nitrate. 40. With Cuprio Chloride. 41. With Barium Chloride. 42. With Mercuric Chloride. 41 / . 14 ; 1 . . l" i ' ," 4., i . , , t | - - . . ' IM - 1 J / -i S - ' 40 < JO m ! 1,. i IM 1 " r >-' U L ] l' i " t _ - . - i 1. '' ' 1 , I ' ^ . . - 00 l" -. . IK : M i * in l" I , .., , i. ' ' 1 In 1 , ' , 4n * K ,' 1 1 . s* < , . 1. . 9 ' !- r | Ml 1,1 " 1 |0 ,! M i * * * V ' ' 1 L ' 1 ^ t , 1 7 CHARTS D 43 TO D 57. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Hippeastrvm ossultan ( ), //. pyrrha ( and H. ostmllan-pyrrha ( ). '.-. Chio..! HrdrtU 44 WuhChrofnK- And 44 With Pnn>llu Artd 44 Wiifc NhHi Add. 4* ith Hrdrayorfe AU. 4* M .th PowiB Uy4naU 40 With faumtmm lodhti 41 With HoUMOB IWpl>oryuMt if With l-<*~mam fWphuto. :\ WtAt M u Nltrat* 47 With t r.mum NilraU. 214 PSUOD or UAcnon w imfrrrxa. 10 15 20 25 30 39 40 49 SO 55 60 pnuoD or RucTtoM n mmma. 6 JO 19 2d 29 30 39 40 49 50 99 80 100 90 i 7C t | 40 r X " K 100 too 1 8C 370 - I ro -,s 5!) 60 i 8 30 g 40 E 3 1 *- ^ -z- ^. E ., 100 8" !" 1" H 90 | 40 \ X " 20 A-.J I . - j -_ -- -- -- -- rvuoD or mcnon MBTDTI& 8 10 15 20 29 30 35 40 45 90 85 80 FIBIOD 01 6 10 19 2 r i : CTTG1 LI T .1 KiXV S J n. 4 S 5 D 5 1 60 100 . 80 a eo i 70 8 60 l" i: i. mi 1 ID S ? r m o r CT _ Tfi. ' 5 eo i 60 a 70 f.l a " 62 b.1 \ E 40 i! D 20 1, Cm 100 L RT8 D 58 TO D 63. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Hippeastrur and H. ossultan-pyrrha ( ). 58. With Strontium Nitrate. 60. With Copper Nitrate. 6. With Cobalt Nitrate. 61. With Cuprio Chloride. nuoo of ftucnoii a MWUTI* muoo or lucre* Mnnm* 8 10 19 2O 29 30 39 40 49 80 69 00 5 10 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 8G n ossulU 62. 63. too 90 M Wi Wi ( ^ , H. pyrrha ( Chloride. ;o Chloride. UAcnoN DI Konrrta \~ " 1 h Barium :b Merour PKS1OD O 10 15 2 y ^ '' --' " ^ -- -.i T -I- 1 / t / ^,; - x 5 80 ;/ 1 ' 3 70 / .-;.: t | / ' d 70 8 60 /'' IM .... 5 80 / . 65 /'' 66 i- ,. - * S40 /, / / --' - "~ JjJ ^* * i //' / i 30 1 / ^," -" 1 / i j 1 t ,- V E A 1 ;'/ / too 1" ! 1 R ATI <ei / Lz f IL 6 10 19 SO 29 30 39 40 45 60 55 80 100 potioo or UACTIOI n 6 W ift 20 25 30 3 MI3TD- ) 4 . ) 55 00 100 90 g 80 3" 6 60 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 65 80 L" -"^ ^^ =liii t :l*l r,7 ---- -- 1 W 1^^ .- ; . ... - if "~ 2 _^~" - -- -" " X' ---- M I i -' i * 80 /- --' *' , '/I GH t. 69 / } 1- * M // 8 so ' - 8 M ; ,/ ;v" ' fi fi '//' a w 1 / E 1 8 , // !jj >^ CHARTS D 64 TO D 69. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Hippeastrum dceones ( ), H. zephyr ( and //. daones-zephyr ( ). 64. With Chloral Hydrate. 66. With Chromic Acid. 66. With Pyrogallic Acid. 07. With Nitric Acid 68. With Sulphuric Add. 69. With Hydrochloric Aoid. I" g l" " 1 7. * I" -- ; : 1 1 " I-, i: ;; 71 . 7c i 1. { * H . - 1 * * i , | 1 1* i * y . I ; / -.- x- y . ' . < ~ r a - t .. . ^ - u ... , , . .. . . . . ri% *** In I.n Im 1 " | M 1 " I_ ;: M 71 - n f - -- - . 1 * * M . | \i i: - i .. - - i i -- 1 ^ M , ia - - m . t. f M . - .- n - 3< b - ^ ' rf n. . .:. - '- t - FM. H - ^ - - * Ni 08 i" P I" In . : i * | M t ^ i w 1 " IH ;; 76 1 77 !I 7* i / J * n // i K i I I * i , ] i * i Q i * *u 0* t- . : iwa i - . rt - !-! -. .- ! W ' . .- - ' f*4 MM M . i. --. IR fmm II -- J . tt. . r- W M i I" l-n (. I_ 1 " 1 m 1 7t ; M : II i . * * * M : ^" * 0- * 3 ... - -* - -~-* I * i j 1 , . . . IL. -M - MM 10 | M M Ifi M ja M k - ,* . >1. > M fO M M wo nn I In 1" ' I IM 1 ^ ) I ! "2 E ,. M - ; 1 _ f . ! , I " 1 ,. * K i 1 1,, 1 . CHARTS D 70 TO D 84. Velocity-Readiont of and II . TO With Poturfva Hjrdroiid* 75 71 Wiifc PuUMiM lodtd*. V . ' : w W w : | . -.-. . Ik Ik he o/ //ipp< ie*-tepAyr (- . - 'i '' -..'', . . I trum II Witk Coppw NitrmW. t. Whfc C ^TM Cklocidfc M W.UM^MtUCUorid. CM<UB NiirM. Unahoi NltnM 216 moot) o* UAcrrcit at Mnnrm to 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 55 60 85 _,- ,- -- i*- / / ** / .. ,, - ^ / ,^~-~ r -'" g ..._. ._. ..._. -~ jl V 100 Ou 60 70 rUUOD or UACTiOH Of Hmm4 e 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 90 ,.__ ^i ~* I --'' I / 86 / / , 1 |< / Ju U ' , ^' 'X f x'' g ' M t~* ffrf /-' or MACHO* or umunf. 8 10 IS 20 25 30 35 40 4S 60 58 60 87 100 eo 7C wsioo or KKACnov D KOTUTM. S 10 15 20 25 30 3 40 45 50 55 60 88 _ . _ ...- - / / _- 4 >] ... ... --- _.. D or RIACTIOX in 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 nuoo or REACTION m 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40^45 SO 55 60 100 . ^" P. ' - r^ too $ '' ^ C^ * | DC ^ / 3 7 90 _... -- "^* / 7 ' g 70 B >o X .-- / / 1 i / ? ,0 ' / / 89 , X 8 40 S / / f ' 8 ' ^ X* R :'/ / x X '/' 1 , / x _,- - /^ <f4 =-=r=a " --^ r^- -- or UACTIOI at Honms. or UACT10H a HI5ITT1&. 5 1 ^ 2 o : 5 - 5 a - 1 ! 5 e > 1 5 2 2 ? j . 5 ' - 5 5 o : 5 80 g 1 g 00 g 60 n B BO S rn 91 I 92 3 40 n .. f * 30 s!! - * ,0 11 e: - 1 riBi 1 III ', 2 r y L D ; LIIU ) ,- i w J -- 1 Mlf.'. 'i Hi a . I ' 1 M 1 S 1 rkwi 1 in . 2 t BE ? i 2 " 1 n.ni , 4 !kl I) 4 1 5 S i eo 8 60 R AA i: 94 I 95 * " m 8 M ,.- R -- ._.. - ...- *" E ,. * " ' _. T^ X* 1 PUI 1 Jt) S 2 kit D 2 cnu 5 ' t IX i U1.11T 5 .- El 4 ! ' 5 5 i eo s 93 g 6 4U * JU >p . - - "" fi o ,, '" t m .., '- .' "" 100 90 CO MR10D Of UACTIOM IK UDfUTIS. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 96 -- P-..- ' -- w nuoD or UACTIO 6 10 19 20 25 3 ID UIKCTia. 35 40 45 50 55 6O -0 , ' / / X } _, i / / J i ' ft 7 i f 97 H '' , r / V i-1 - KRIOb or EXACTION IN MIHOTK. PIMOD Or UACTtOH 01 MtNGIIl too 100 | 3 ,o 3 5 '" 98 J" 99 40 8 ^ 1 40 8 , 1 r E , . - - "-1 , - ~ --- a r r: .--/. CHARTS D 85 TO D 99. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Hoemanthus katherince ( ), H. magnificus (- and H. andromeda ( ). 96. With Sodium Hydroiido. 96. With Sodium Sulphide 85. With Chloral Hydrate 86. With Chromic Acid. 87 With Pyrogallic Acid 88. With Nttril Arid 8. With Sulphuric Acid. 90. With Hydrochloric Acid. 91. With Potassium Hydroiide. 92. With Potassium Iodide. 93. With Potassium Bulphocyanate. 'it With Potassium Sulphide. 97 With Sodium Salicylate. 08. With Calcium Nitrate 99. With Uranium Nitrate. 217 10 10 10- 1. 1 u i i 1 I * 1 ll. 1 . * u . - * I! 10 1 * i M (in UTS I) 100 TO D 105. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Hctmanthuskatherina ( ), //. magnificut ( ), and H. andromcda ( ). 100 With Huoatium SilrmU. 101. With CapfMt Nur.t. 101 Wltk Capri* ChWid*. 104 With Bwiw CkloriiU IDS. With MvmiHc ChlocM* I- &' 10* fi. I : (MARTS D 106 TO D 111. Velocity -Reactions of Starches of Hcmanthut kalherina ( ), llamanOnu punictus ( ), and Hcrmanthus kdnig albert ( ). ' ' .. .- 107. W,th Chrom* Aad 108 109 With 110. With HolphiNM A<d 111. With Hydrc*lort A. 218 PUUOD or KEACT10H Dt I 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 in PHUOD or KttcnoM nr 6 10 15 20 28 30 35 40 45 rO 05 60 too 'nn , - | ] n / 3 / UJ * / B" / e lu / / _ PDUOD or UACTTOB n 100 ,-'/ / / 2 / !eo 11 i \ 10 1 S * 1 i 1 j I I S 1 PHI 1 'D 5 r r iij 2 (.110 5 | i n 3 KDra 5 -! -ia. o / 5 e 1 6 5 60 12 1 ^ ' ^-* ^** ^~ , ' _^ -^- - ^- ^^~ * ID / 8 / i lu / / _ ! .-- ... -- --. PKUOD or tucnon ra too 1" \: Jon 12 4 j ,0 j> 40 ^ s * ill i. / I / pnjoo ot RUCTION a tasam. ^ ^ j jX ^ ^ --- ' ^*~ " 11 3 1 1 i 1 1 IU , __. S M PEBJOD Or IIACtlOK Of MDCOTta. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 SO 55 60 PKUOD or IMACTK* w unnma. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 43 60 S5 60 or kucnon a MOTOTW. 8 10 IS 20 2 30 39 4O 46 60 65 00 12 PUIOD or RUCTION ai 100 10 IS 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 65 6O 1 80 i 7 12 1 C 60 * 1C Lo * ,u Oi ^ST r-i PERIOD ot RBACTIOW DI Monma. a 10 15 20 ;s 30 35 <o a so 5; ao 100 80 I ao C 60 i 100 90 i 80 i * 8 60 60 g 40 I"" B 20 , ruuoD or ijucnon in UDnrna. , 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 55 60 u =^" ^ - I / / / / *c= i'jr .-?- u^^r: 1MT ri'_ L-_-: FUUOD or UACT10K DI 1UHDTBS. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 SO 55 C< 12 nuoc or Bicnun n fl 10 16 20 25 30 35 40 45 5d 85 60 M i jt< ? !' 12; 2 R R g,. P " i( i / rauoo or UUCTIOB ot 10 IS 20 25 30 35 -10 45 50 flS CO CHARTS D 112 TO D 126. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Hcemanthus katherince ( ), Hcmanthus puniceus ( ), and Hcemanthus konig albert ( ). 112. With Potassium Hydroxide. 113. With Potassium Iodide. 114. With Potassium Sulphocyanate. I 1 ' With Potassium Sulphide. 116. With Sodium Hydroxide. 117. With Sodium Sulphide. 118. With Sodium Salicylate. 119. With Calcium Nitrate. 120. With Uranium Nitrate. 121. With Strontium Nitrate. 122. With Cobalt Nitrate. 123. With Copper Nitrate. 124. With Cupric Chloride. 125. With Barium Chloride 126. With Mercuric Chloride. 219 ,*1~ S3 K L ' j - il 1-h ^ .- - : . I. I . ! u L y J^ 1 " * 1 L- r ^^ u 2 .- KI _^. ^ -* 1 i A I- " 7 1 - 1 - * i v\ -^x- ; . K M . I 1" H i. Z . 1 . - ^ - jfl -s i c . - - L_ 1- * r. u - . . > ,: . ^ r^ 1 <* - . . a * f> M . ** .' 100 ' , . . f !" 1 ( . : M - I_, ' 1 < ' ' I: ij 1 ,' i 1 I 1 '' i i t U 1 i: "-=^. 2 l! 1 ' I, 7 ^. ._ . k_ - ** . i . -. 1 - ' a *,- -.. , \ , . 11. W.. ' r ^ f a_ien M M 40 4t KLJB "*"" J5 ' -' I , 1 l Il4 ' - ' ;: , ; ' 1 i m 1 ; ; ; ;. 1! 1 i i. 4 - II i {- ; l!t t ,r m ! i Im IL *. -*-! - M r - 5 . H ' - - - ' 1 -- - - 1 1 ,!__ , : n** . -- 1. - - f=- r=- .. u , * = ;=:= - - : r Hwra 1 **r < --.- It ? f ft M M M 48 M M If / ..--' | ; ll " . .- - ; "3 1 ; B^ ^ ! -- !! 1 1 1 l4 " 1 \ 1 !.' i- l"J * in * 1 t- J u 1. I 1 , i i ! : = _.-e:=: r 1 n* ' < * 01 H I. -* i i ! H * !< * -v-J m .3 ; u. 1 - 1 m^ * fc a < ID i ' - . i MMR / " * " /*** l ,' ' - ' i~ !_ ~ "~ -. i ' -' q : ' : :: i Im 1 1 , ' | M K-j - IM ; ' - u > "4- ^ 1 i . : J ' ' i , | / 11 I 1C 1 i > j 13 1 s ' i"r ! <' , J S*r / HABTS D 127 TO D 141. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Crinum moo and Crinum hybridum j.c.k. ( 1ST With Chloral Hydra*. IM. With HyditMhlori* Arid. in With Chromic Arid. IM. With PotMiun Hydrodd*. IN With Prraonu Arid. IM. With Poturiai Iodide rei ( ) t Crinum Kylanicum ( o. s^asaE 130. With Vitht Acid. IU With PetMrioa fWphocyMMto. 140 With (!<* Nitr.i* Ul With fclphrt. Arid. IM. With PoUMiUB itulphxi.. 1 4 1 With IrMUu. N.u.u 220 > or uucnni n uvum. ft HI 19 20 25 30 35 40 49 60 99 80 MO ""on -- X 1 | jj 1 1 1 14 ? 1 fc J R ,. J $1 1 | t , u 1 1 a -^ :^i ^^ : r =: 100 mioe or Rucnox w Honms. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 59 60 60 70 |. --- -- * ^'' " / 14 J f i 1 I 1 i f raioo 01 iiAcnni IB inmrm. 10 15 20 2? 30 35 40 49 90 55 100 I 6 1 70 B eo U 50 . _-. ,- '' / 14 4 1 ft 1 r fi 1 i I? , T < ' 100 G. 7u 6 10 19 20 29 30 39 40 45 90 66 i 1 --- -' 14 I 40 1 1 1 1 i 1 100 . o P1K1OD Or UACnOB W WVCR& 9 10 19 20 25 30 38 40 49 90 99 60 70 : 14 i j| i __.. .-- --- ~" - --- 100 A K I eo 1 n |- ' tauoD or KiAcnoH w iinnma. 6 tO 16 20 25 30 35 40 49 60 65 90 _, ._ -- s . --- f' 14 1 6 30 B 20 * IU 1 i 1 i 1 1 e CHARTS D 142 TO D 147. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Crinum moorei ( ), Crinum zeylanicum ( ), and Crinum hybridum j.c.h. ( ). 142. With Strontium Nitrate. 143. With Cobalt Nitrate. 144. With Copper Nitrate. 145. With Cuprio Cbloride. 146. With Barium Chloride. 147. With Mercuric Chloride. > o* UACTIOW at K d 70 R eo * _..- _... U .s -^ ,-' \\ H 2 ! 1 t 1 t , u I ! ... MUOD or ncnc icunnw. 6 10 15 20 25 30 3ft 4O 45 50 65 601 /' / ..- """ / ^ y- ' / / ,' z // / / it / y 1 /, , / // 14 9 5 / I / ? , / /' 1 *3 =r: / 100 90 80 nsioD o> ii ICT*> or tcnnma 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45j>60 65 j ^ .-- / / -^ ,-- --" / / I / 1 | / / J 15 ) ^ ' 1^. /' \ 1 1 ? > 1 o : j ^ 1 5 f 1 M t gQ % I \ " j J IS 1 ^-" ^ ^ *^ *" f ^ X 8 40 " V / ^ fi / 1 , u / / 100 ^-~ ^~- _. i ^-- '- ""' / j 9 ,-' 70 CO 6D 20 i / / j / / / 7 / 15 I / /' j 1 / / 7 / t /,. ' MUOD OT IUCTT01T Dl 6 10 15 20 25 30 3S 40 46 60 56 60 too / | ^ 3 T<1 ^, --' ' j lu 1 / ^ 1 / 15 3 i / J . jjl / f ,' 1 / ^ ? ''" CHARTS D 148 TO D 153. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Crinum zeylanicum ( ), Crinum longifolium ( ), and Crinum kircape ( ). 148 With Chloral Hydrate 140. With Chromic Acid. 150. With Pyrogallic Acid. 151. With Nitric Acid. 152. With Sulphuric Acid. 153. With Hydrochloric Acid. 154 : i . l" 1 " : s IS i 1 } i \ i ' K ' -* - - 1 ,- ' In i ,/ .-' / ' ^ I_, i 16- J X ' 2 i f ' /' I , / / * n ' / f ,- 2 i ; x / "_^ ,-- j . - l< (. JIAKT8 D 154 TO D 168. Velocity-Reaction* of Starchet of Cn'nuro ceyianicum ( ..... >, Crinum lonyifolium ( ....... ), and Crt'nvm kircape ( - ). lii IV, 1M WiUi POUMU& 1M. Witk HodituB 8lphid 160. Witfc hxttm. BmlbyUto. 161. Wltfc CtMum Nltnu. 161. Wiik f rmntua Nur.t. 16*. Wtok 8u<U NitraM IM. WithColMll Niirtu. 16t. WhkCopfMr Nilraw 166. Whfc C^ri* Cklorid*. 167. Witk BMUW Cklorul* 166. Witk Mr*vi CUond* 222 100 1 eo i 7o i: rruoD or IIACTIOII cr imnrns. FEIIOO or UACTIOF m KCIU. MUOD or WACTTOW w KnnrrBS/ B 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 55 60 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 46 50 55 D 5 10 1-s 20 2S> SO 35 4O 45 sb 66 M rr ' W / -~~ x / 100 jl i ' ^. ^~. ^^ 1 Mm A ? ^ / _ ^-^ *..' *" / / ? r i ** ^ ^"^ -- ^~ ~~ ~~ ' " "~~ g 70 // /' | L ^ r . '" 1 V- 17 a f ., ^ , I ~f/ nr \: /r 16' 8 30 1 | 40 //[ 20 1 |. & ILL MO & * PKRIOO or KEACTIOX 01 minrm. PEKIOD or REACTIOH IB Munrns. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5O 55 60 5 10 IS 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 "too PERIOD or UACTIOK ci Honms. B 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 2 V-" -- '' ' a 1 \: 1" K 60 8 i t i 17 17 1 17- I 40 8 S 40 i 5: j i ,. 100 I eo 3 70 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 SO 100 TOUOD op Kacnon ot imnTTta. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 55 60 PERIOD Or REACTION HI WIHUTIS. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 "7s --- -~ \ f 1 w* 1 : 1 70 a 7 1 7 5M j 1 .r 17 17 > 1 17' 1 4 1 S 30 8 1 | 40 8 M :f I i f til ill T PERIOD or MACHO* a unun* 6 (0 15 20 25 30 36 40 45 50 65 60 . M rauOD or UACTIOH in iuiurrr. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 55 60 PERIOD or UAcnoN n Monnu. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 65 60 100 90 i - \ -- 90 1 .* .-' _. i 70 8 60 ,, I 1 - ^ -- i' 1 J _,' ' / 1 ~' - -- f 6 60 1 ,- ' \<- -'' 17' \y 18 J V so 17 I 40 1 ijt 8 30 ' i fr IX ; j-rr E ,1_ 100 l! LL 9 10 15 20 25 30 38 40 49 50 96 91 i 100 4 * i o i 7o . PERIOD or UACTIOH v Mcnnrs. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 55 60 5 PZR10D OP UACTlOIt 01 MUnTTIl 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 i <"' / H 1 / . .- - ,'/ y V - -~ inn Y - ^ : i: i / ' ,' ~ ~ 3 70 \ , -- " j I , 3 ![* 1 1 / 18 1 \ 18 2 B 50 , 18 1 ,' 4 g 40 ^ a 20 1 , L * | I S M I '/' IJ f i 1 1 5 X * totf f L CHARTS D 169 TO D 183.- 169. With Chloral Hydrate. 170. With Chromic Acid. 171. With Pyrogallio Acid. 172. With Nitric Acid. 173. With Sulphuric Acid. -Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Crinum longifolium ( ), Crinum moorei (- and Crinum powellii ( ) . 174. With Hydrochloric Acid. 175. With Potassium Hydroiide. 176. With Potassium Iodide. 177. With Potassium Sulphocyanate. 178. With Potassium Hydroxide. 179. With Sodium Hydroiido 180. With Sodium Sulphide. 181. With Sodium Salicylat*. 182. With Calcium Nitrate. 183. With Uranium Nitrate. 238 isi CHARTS D 184 TO D 189. VelocHy-Reactiona of Starches of Crinum lonyifolium ( ),Crinummoorri ( ), and Crinum powcllii ( ). 1M Witk Ptrontium Nitriu US. With Ccb.lt Nitntt. 186. With Copper Nitrmt.. 117. With Capri* CUarkU. IRS. With n.rium Chlorid*. US. With M.rrunc Cblorid* . i . . . ^ | I n ' ii ' l i t ** i _ , 1, f 1 / 1 / II CHARTS D 190 TO D 195. Velocity-Reactiont of Slarche* of Nerine erupa ( ), Ncrine elegant ( ), Nerine dainiy maid ( ), Nerine queen of rotet ( ). 190 With CUortl 191. With Chromic Acid : . hri < IN. WUhN.tri.Ac* 1M. Whh MphwU Add. 1M. With BHrochlofi* Arfd. 224 rujoD o* tucno* DI i S >0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 55 PO Of REACTION Dl MDICTtS too R Q0 191 R .. |J g 1(J 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 ^-^ m -*- ^ -^r j=^: r_n: -!=^ , , 1 / 2 3 70 E '/ i t go 1 in f - 3 J fi I IJf nuoD or tucnoi lonvna 6 tO 19 20 29 30 39 40 49 50 95 00 100 I ^ / u / it / 5 r M; E 202 I f I: I, C i/ ^ P1WOD or MACTWH IH KIHUTM. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 too 90 I 6 | ; B 60 g 40 !: i j* < - .- -- P i 1 {// /,-' 20: ! 1 I I P > or mucnon cr vcnms. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 100 6 10 16 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 65 60 | 60 i 70 i 2oe g M ' ,u M tt-r Irt- n ws PT ! ^ imr *1B f-?? ^^ dainty maid ( 100 I 40 8 30 20 g , 1 | | , 1 19f s" " 3 7n X ^ ^ c 2 __. - . ' 50 | 19' 2 ' " '' ,..- /, x' ,' * k * s 1 ' / .-*-' ! ^ - -' I '/ 2 ' i. ^ ,-- _*- t^: = / ^ 1 si r f 1 m nui' ) i =e _r^r D 2 ^* ^ .J^ KAcnon of Mmvns. ) 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 vmop or UNCTION tit Munms. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 | 8 E DO 9 eo L 2Q( 201 f, 8 30 1* __. ^ . _. - r; 8 1C 1 100 90 1 8 3 70 o .*M *= 1 tf r^ &- ^zzr -"- " 100 . 90 i eo 1" 8 60 " 80 .!: 1 m r*B pi .IP ( rc3 F RF. I Ht? err. 3 w - =r==T 551 ?J= puuoo or uucnoN nt XDnma. 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 H Hi Monms. 30 35 40 45 50 55 M 203 20- ? .u E 4U -- 1 __ ** " .- :.'.; '- | g x _^ ffS .._ wo 90 I " 9 eo fc 60 g 40 I" B 20 (1 a MIX t OS m - .r. < .- Si ^ Si Wi rir -W IJ= n^ s*s ^ E^ sv. r UACTIOR DI Kunma. 25 30 36 40 45 50 56 60 . roioD or BEACTWII or ttaum. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 60 I 60 5 60 20( \ 50 Z07 8 30 ^ \\ ~f ~- - ^ < ,0 ^ ^ - ^ -- "" "" 100 eo 1 eo i 7o |" B 50 I 40 i" B 20 FW rax CTJ rt 1 fa ( D n ^ ; rn r (F 1 TV l(T!< I W3 n in n SIT | ?? T1S B PS i^ L^ o ;n? n 1 i t ==? i i s ^: ' D or KXACTIOI* m Mnnnrs. 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 1 8 5 70 I ' Q M 20 , 50 !10 f 8 JO ,n ctions of Starches of Nerine crispa , Nerine elegans ( ), Neri }. f 198. With PotMsium Hydroxide. 167. With Potomium Iodide. 108. With Potumium Sulphocyanate. 190. With Potauium Sulphide. 200. With Sodium Hydroxide. 201. With Sodium Sulphide. 202. With Sodium Salicylate. 203. With Calcium Nitrate. 204. With Uranium Nitrate. 205. With Strontium Nitrate. 206. With Cobalt Nitrate. 207. With Copper Nitrate. 208. With Cupric Chloride. 209. With Barium Chloride. 210. With Mercuric Chloride. J-J.-l 223 . . i . . 1 '. I MS ? * K i, 1.1 B CHARTS D 211 TO D 225. YelocU ^-Reaction* of Starchet of Nerine bowdtni ( ), Nerine tarnientu tar. corutea major ( ), Nerine ffianteu ( ), and Nerine abundance ( ). 211 With Chloral Hrdrtt*. *I2. With Chrami* Acid. . , *I4 With Xiine Ar II*. Witk Rrdrakloric Acid. 117. Wltk Pw ii*. with r 119. Witk I MO. With I Ml Wltk Sodttui H Ml. WUkSo* M*. WltkB*L M4. WithCW Niu.w ~ auo, N.u.w 226 IvO A * 2 i= -' ^m= ^ ^= wo 100 S * 1 80 | 70 | 6 50 | g 40 S 30 / ,7 ^- -' - - 3 70 If g 70 | M 1' 60 27 !28 g A1 ' 26 4 8 V /'// 8 M i E 620 2 e ,. 8,0 ^ _ - = _ - - ' t r., M R *K 1C >XBK> 15 tai D or 2C " - 6 10 15 2O 25 30 35 40 45 SO 60 60 n 10 15 D or KUCTIOH at ttatum. 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 55 9O 25 30 35 40 49 50 55 M too 100 | 1 eo i 70 K 50 3 70 g 70 | M !29 :30 1 6 .31 I 6 3 8 ,. 830 8 JO fi , 8 v, l! 6 M 8 50 -Reactio erine gi t~B CHARTS D 226 ro w 8. 1 7. 1 9 U >0 D KIJ Vit Vit wmo S 2,1 or ,St jc: rt 1. Vel ( oc ), itr te. ''/ A' lie. ^ ns ui of tes 2 2 5 ,S Y ! ( 28. n. For archt s < ), op up ACTTT '5 >/; rt/i >er ir m Vc rfj Nit "Ll WIW 35 in Nc rnl( jrid ma C t n'; . e. 45 ou & ( (/(' (fcl !i e ) , Nerine sarniensis var. corusca \ * V mdance 230. 231. c wo 9C 1 n 22 22 00 < 1 \ rontium > >balt Nitn 9 40 45 ( WithC WithC too ot u 5 20 \ y With Barium Chloride. With Mercuric Chloride. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 TTM- ^0 45 50 85 60 " - - _i_ . 8 ^ ,r* v / ^. '' -- ,- ;- x' i rc 1" AC 1 " I* 8 x 2 ^- I ? // ' 1 " $ M A 23 ' / / J 1 23; 1 / '/ 23 / (i 2 | '// 8 v /' / / 8 , fi j . X j /' r / y c , ^ '/ :.=. e 0152023303940*960 is eo 5 K) 15 20 25 30 38 40 45 60 59 90 PM 6 10 (ID Of UACnOtf IK M1HU1I& S 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 85 60 , M i M i ro B K * ec i * g* H ac =J * J 1 / ~^ ~ -r U=- L^ t'ne , '/ x O r*t .'- X - " / ^- -"^ I vA 3 7C / / ? K rAuL 1 C H ., I / i / / p IJI 23 1* 1 23' / '/ j 1 l I ' // * "IT 8 * 8 -u 1 j t ll s I /I 8 CHAR r rs D 232 TO D 237. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Nerine sarniensis var. co curviflora var. fothergilii major ( ), and Nerine glory of sarnie 232. With Choral Hydrate. 234. With Pyrogallic Acid. 230. With 233. With Chromic Acid. 235. With Nitric Aoid. 237. With lisca w (T ajar ( ), Ner ). Acid, fio Acid. Sulphuric Hydroohlc 227 l! " | M ,. i -' t i f i" M-. I I 1 1 -4. ^ I | _ 1- -- - -- - - -- 1 -- - M II CHARTO D 238 TO D 252. Velociiy-Rfnrtiont of Starchet of N 'trine tarnientu tar. eonuea major ( ), Nerine cunifiam tar. Jotkergilii major ( ), and Nerint glory of tarnia ( ). SM Wlibl . :i- I 228 o* UAcno* a> ttaarm. 254 9 K> 15 20 25 30 35 M 49 90 55 00 WO * 4 "- ^-~"' ^. '""' ;3 / ^. ^ ^ 3 TO a '.*/ ,**" .' B BO i '/^ / / I B 50 ' / f 255 i 1 f *: \\ t ! iii / i mioD of wucno* a mmrm. 6 10 10 20 25 3O 35 40 45 60 65 60 /I 256 rauott or uicncm n i P 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 55 ' 257 ration or UA 6 10 19 20 2 CTIOI n nanrn* 5 90 35 40 45 5O 50 60 CHARTS D 253 TO D 258. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Nerine curvifolia var. fothergilli major ( N. elegans ( ), N. sarniensis var. corusca major ( ), N. crispa ( ), and N. bowdeni ( 263. With Hydrochloric Acid. 254. With Chloral Hydrate. 255. With Nitric Acid. 257. With Potassium Sulphide. 256. With Potassium Sulphooyanate. 258. With Strontium Nitrate. of RIACTIOII 10 ID 28 30 38 <0 4g 80 259 no 9 K> IB SO 25 30 35 40 4B SO 9 12 I " i 7o > ^* ^-. ^ *Z ^' ** ^< <# >* ""' j, : , / //- '/ / /, X-' 260 E " 1 / / 2 6, f 1 / / '/ / 2 / ^ F no t m wo oi incnoi tO IS 10 25 3 Hi tranrna, 36 40 45 60 BO 60 !j: ll" ^i , ^ -^ J / / , 61 5 w / ^ Z- *" 1. / ^ x ll / x- i> ;i / X ' i iu ^ / / umi Off WUCTIOB n KonrrM. ) Of UACT10B II I. t s g K) IS 20 2t M 35 40 60 60 6O WO g 263 ^ --=: -_^ ~ -< 2 60 "^ S -- i . ..- U -^ .- x' f f . ^ X i" B 8 /I 2 r *' / f I / f s l> / ,' j fr r 9 10 1 )2029309S40499009m 100 g" H .n # I | g ' U 264 8 s f CHARTS D259, D 260, D 262 TO D 264. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Narcissus poeticus ornatus ( ), N. poeticus poetarum ( - ), N. poelicus herrick ( ), and N. poeticus dante ( ). 259. With Chloral Hydrate. 260. With Chromic Acid. 262. With Pyrogallic Acid. 263. With Nitric Acid. 264. With Sulphuric Acid. CHART D261. Velocity-Reactions of Pyrogallic Acid with the Starch of Narcissus poelicus ornatus. Percentage of entire number of grains ( ) and of total starch ( ) gelatinized. 229 II I 1 n i. n n : M 5 / n CHAR-TO D 265 TO D 207. D 269 TO D 279.\'elocity~Keaetion* of Starchet of Narcutiu tateUa grand monarque ( ), Narntnu poet ietu ontahu ( ), and Narcitnu poetat triumph ( ). sr l Wilfc Hyfcmfcliril A4d ITJ WHk P ! Bvd^l t74 w'.U I *7i Wnkl m m. w in S7t < IIAKT D 268 Yrlocity-Krartwns of Pyroyollif Acid wtih the Starch of Narcunu tatetta grand monarque. Per- centaot of entire number of grain* ( ) and of total tlnreh ( ) oflatinited. 230 c* UACTto.x oi Murorn POUOD Of KKACTION Of 6 '0 15 20 25 30 35 -W 45 60 69 6C 3 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 6C B 60 50 40 Ii ,-^- == - < J82 1 _^- ^*- ft .. 8 f u 281 ^ .._ ... ... 80 / .^ -" -- -- t S An / x'' ,- " 8 g 40 g J / / , ,' ! 1 TO oat an S 1 Rtrc IW o S Ml O r luj tx. CTtO -=^i 7^; 1 B 20 1 -- j- . - * - !! 7 * , ^- a 3 HWff 5 A M*. 4 5 5 3 5 5 8C ^ ^ FWC to of HAcnon or j w or uucnoi n 5 40 49 90 55 M I 60 1" 40 30 20 28S wo 100 so I 70 1C jj 5C 8 2C 8 ic t-mm K3= 5 rr FIR r; OD 5 3 na F El 2 3C1 CTIO 3r: o ; UINU 5 ' i US. 45 M 60 SM 83 I 284 28( I * K 8 M . -' S l" 2 - .^ - =3" ^ " . ' ^ V F ' ^HE ^=: CHAR 100 6 * 1 * 1 70 M ta -' " -- _ aa ma is. '= '*' ""--=" -- - E re D 280 TO D 286. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Narcissus tazetta gr poeticus ornatus ( ), and Narcissus poetaz triumph 280. With Uranium Nitrate. 282. With Cobalt Nitrate. 28S. 281. With Strontium Nitrate. 283. With Copper Nitrate. 286. 284. With Cuprio Chloride. KFJOD OF tiACT.ON or Munrna PUUOD OF UACTXOII a Mijnm& > 10 15 20 29 30 35 40 49 90 59 90 10 19 20 25 30 39 40 49 50 59 fJO 1 i niir ind mo ) S K/5 ii in cur D 01 2 gwe ( ) , Narcissus With Bar With Mer 9 10 1' Chloride, c Chloride. UACnox at Mnnu 1 29 30 35 40 45 50 55 90 100 288 ^ ,^ 1 ^. ^ / ^ -' >89 X TV -- "" ^. ^ ,^- '" i 7 4! ^< .. " X" ( ~y j 2 28" I y t ^/ y i / ^ /// i: ._ '"" f / / S 30 y > ""_ 1 i , V " A 1 ^ / . r: r ! 1 '' ? ! , ^' IOC K 3 7C | H * 90 ft fcS 5 v\ 'L A. ^-" *'' ^ r 100 of MUCTIOII in uiinnia pmoo OF mcnon n mxrm vox* ' "cn m mums. S a M in xn 45 50 55 80 '" '" ~ < " ", fm Vl flft .m,.. 5 20 25 30 5 5 50 5 90' -^ 100 * I act jy ^^ f 291 II ^ 70 R M t - \3t 1 '-- ^~ U^ >-* II 292 ^ -? S S ^i x ^ ~, ii M i f P g 40 * 30 / I R - / ... -' '.'-H ii t I/ - ' { j X 8 r / , ^ ^ C-. rf * f .l M jl T .K M taM w Ik. Sttrth* of CHARTS D 287 TO D 289 AND D 291. D 292. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Narcissus gloria mundi (-- --). Narcissus poeticus ornatus ( ), onii Narcissus fiery cross ( ). 287. With Chloral Hydrate. 289. With Pyrogallic Acid. 291. With Nitric Acid. 288. With Chromic Acid. 292. With Sulphuric Acid. CHART D290. Velocity-Reactions of Pyrogallic Acid unlh the Starch of Narcissus gloria mundi. Percentage of entire number of grains ( ) and of total starch ( ) gelatinized. 231 T f~ " '. MM "* In 1 r - r" j- ^ ! - - 1" J * f y -; ji 1 " 1 " ' f\ i / , ^ ,,-* , < r - - j ;! , ' , i ^/ ' I j j ' ' : M _.,,. j l! r : - i , ' ( i ^ ! . ., J ~~ I rw- * > . ^r. . .- ~ 1 ^ : . i i ___ _ . - 1 i r. i - * , - ^ _^ r ^ r^ 1 I_ i! f , i ; ' i! / ' ' /- , i ' ' H Si" i!! f ' 1. i " / ' i 1 i ^ >298. tticusor >/ PIP* r of gra 1 * CHARTS D 293 TO D 295, D 297, Narcissus >M Witk CUonl Hrdrau 4. With Ckromi* Aeid. < ' 1 1 A RT D 29C . Velocity-Reaction of entire nun MMMMMI E ; k * r, M ri ]-. IN 1 H M 1 ', 1 1 .1 -Reactu ^ '- i I < -i 1 ',' . n - r \ Mi M 'torches arcissvt . rchof 1 il starch of Narc doubloo M7 Varcissu ( i ... n m w. 1 tu* tclamonius pltnu* - ' ni / bPyro vith ) ant >mfom ik Nitric Add h Sulpkmi* Add. efamomW plenus. Percentage tlalinised. K>lMnKM4041MMM n>- < ^ !" , , ^-^ NO m -J f! .14 ^ - "^ f * - ' ^ ^-^ ,-^ ^^ . X | ^ -r-* , ^ 1 ^ | M / ^ i " /' ,' / I / / * J 1 , I * / ' 2 f 1. 1 < ^ ^ - -^ r_ i * .'' // l / / =- r-. r: ,^ ^ i * 5 | ^ ^ J gj V. : >. *- r. - < i. : M .> ; - M. . ... M 1 , 1 5 ll i =-* r^ 1 1 l" ' n ^- . ^n II : | -" . * ^ 1 n ! H i- . ' 1," /, -' - - -* M r , ' ^ ^ J [f 1 * ll * i!! ' r 1 / 1 1 " * 1 CHARTS D 299 TO D301, D303, D 3<M. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Narcissus princess mary ( ), Narcissus porticus poetarum ( ), and Narcissus cresset ( ). Witk CUrnl Bjrdrat*. Ml. Witk PrrafdU Arid. M*. Wilk Nttii. A4d. am Witk Cltioaii And KM Witk tiil>>lll AU. KT D 302. Velocity-Reactions of Pyrogallic Acid in'/A the Starch of Narcissus princess nary. Percentage of entire number of grains ( ) and of total starch ( ) gelatinised. 232 M r r i ' |" 60 l" 1 X B 20 E ,. PCUOD Of UACTIOII DI MDRjm- nrjOD OTUACTIOR a KonrTtt- 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 BO 55 90 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4O 45 50 55 100 80 rmou or UAcnoK m mvuna 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 49 50 99 90 xr-4 -I | .-tf ..- ^- -*" ^ . ^ - a Tn _ .- | 80 ^ -' -^ ^- g 70 / .-- t go "' // SOS i: 40 * 30 / / / / 1 1 . // / 7 10i, g 40 i 3 20 6,0 ,00 eo I eo 1 70 8 eo C 60 | 40 8 30 8 20 E .. / / (07 j f -t r / ^ / r= " /, '/ ^ ' ,. 100 1 *=* Sfi o= IB ----- too . 60 1 eo a 70 n ... (<' Lz /' raioD or UAcnoff w mmrm 6 tO 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 59 BC 8 10 15 20 23 30 35 40 43 50 93 t< muOD or mcnoii n umtrnr. e 10 ,9 20 29 30 35 40 45 50 55 90 JOS - / 3 ^- -^ - / _^ rr- ~- _ .^ HI -- / | 1 70 i r 1 M II j. ^ 1 ! -' .- -- Y f - ' ..-. / ^ 1" f t - 310 . X ' ? \ ' -- 7 B 'O e ... / 309 / t ' t ho i , /.'] .' r / A ' /' y CHART CHART 100 r In 8 eo ' 50 ^ B 20 e,o too 53- jl*. / ,4' 310. 1 etarum if Pyroc, grains ( i y\ s D 305 TO D 307, D 309, E poeticus pi 305. With Chloral Hydrate. 306. With Chromic Acid. 1 D 308. Velocity-Reactions number of rauo or UACTKB ra uonmn 9 10 15 20 29 30 35 40 45 50 65 feloc (.... 30 attic ity-Readions of Si ..-), and Narcissi 7. With Pyrogallic Acid Acid with the Sta ) and of total sta PIUOD or RZAcnofl n MUTOTBI 13 20 23 30 35 40 t ((r is . fd ]<) j ' in n >o. ( ?..' sc Is n / Narcissus i ibscissus ( ) , Narcissus ). Citric Acid. <ulphuric Acid. C188U8. Percentage of entire 9d. ruuoD or UACnoi n ummzi 309. 310. fardssu Withl WithS s abs liniz 9 t 9 5 S, too 90 3 '0 100 ^ ^ 1 . ... -- j- i ^ -*' -' F- ...' -^: ,- _- -" t ? // / ^ ^'" ^ ' 1 / I , / 311 l 1 ( //' '/ / __ / 31 Z - / 31 3 __ ^ -- " g 3U / // g // / , -' B 20 1 /- r f f 7 '' -r< =^ .-:= '/ 2 / ,- - -^ r*' 10 / y 10 16 20 25 30 35 *40 45 50 55 X 1 too 90 i B0 8 60 KUOD Of UACT10M n MHIVT1*. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 49 60 59 90 nrjoD or U4CTK>* n mmjni ,0 ,5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 90 P ^ ^ ^ ^ .~-'- .- -^ - .^_ . i eo a TO / -' i ~ ~~ , / / ^ - I" x ~*~~ 5 70 ,' , J X -^ 31 6 / ' 31 I /'/ 1 31 5 * 3 / / J ^ I ' 8 / 1 i / / B t / 1 M /. .' CHARTS D311 TO D313, D 315, D 316. Velocity-Reactions of Starches abscissus ( ), and Narcissus bicolor apn 311. With Chloral Hydrate. 313. With Pyrogallic Acid. 312. With Chromic Acid. CHART D 314. Velocity-Reaction of Pyrogallic Acid with the starch of 1 number nf nrn^na ( _ . . _ ^ nnti rtf tntnl stnrrh ( of Narcisi rnf ( ' ws albicans ( ), Narcissus . th Nitric Acid. ,h Sulphuric Acid. zlbicans. Percentage of entire fctMri 315. Wi 316. Wi Varcissus ^ nplntit 233 -, M - 5 r - - - ' !" J ' i " * i | II - 1 ii : - - - - i ; ii H / I > ^'^ - . - s * i . s , l i. 2 . - ' / i L ^ n. " 11. B --r - MM 1* H MM* M f M M M *j t tiyiyypyt'l* 1 ; ' ( " lOi 1 * 1 . - I' Jl , L . H ' 1 " 1 --* r - : - - - : i i Ii 1 1- ' ' i it . - 1 I " / a > 1C !i * 1 * ' ' 1. i * 1 ' i .* . ' I/ I) 317 TO D319 I 1 . i - , >:, ; - d <-' n -: 1 1 k. / >322. Vcloc ],ani SI fa//i<; '. II ' 1 4 ' .r. :. r M H i .. ii it .1. .-. >' H f / M I ' .. . M ^ I i \ 1 :/. l j r i ;' : ! M h ,-; :: M -'- J U rcAe of Nan de graaff ( Ml. SM. fc o/ A'arcwi t ^ /,;/, iuu* emprets r.. ^ Narciuut J17 lit. MIT D320. V CUbC-Mon fitb C kroi , ' .,-,' -J . of Pyre grains ( MO With Nllrio Acid. With Sulphur!. Acid. u empreu. Percentage of entire [United. r n. 1. ' .--r ~ U - :., ** * - ) i ; f / ' ** 1 I ^~-- - , - i > ' ' * '" i / < 1 " s - 1 r i . / I / / / / f * - - ( * ; 2 <: / / s I ** r~ , i - i 1 10 S ' a i! ' ' - . * p i , i, / | i ^ g 1 a 1 f - - t / , /, . 11 - - . ' m .. Mi T MM - i 1 - :-- '1. i " : -- 1 Si' ' 327 v -^- P ,_ - g -- - " ^^~ 1 i- ' ; , - - , ~- i \: ? ,. * . , * id if" i" / |, k * : " 1 I " J'Hiii ,' T n ma m n .IOA n 397 n ra> l v/v./n-P^i/-///* nt x//ir/-A of A'arrts*u wtardole verfection ( ATarctMU madame de graaff ( ....... ), and Narciuitt pyroimu ( - ). ' HKKT D326. Vtlocity-R*M*i< of Pp-oQaUic Acid uiA the Starch of Ncuru^ Percentage of entire number of grains ( ..... ) and o/ toto/ dare* ( - ) gelatinised. 234 putioD of MUCTIOH o MIKI/JW ruuot) or nftcnoit m Mmum 6 10 IS 20, 26 30 35 40 J?_SQ_ 55 60 100 HI CFJt I Of TOTAL CTAXCH CtLATDtinD. ooooooooo X -- - - 1001 S ..- / .. p / / ^ g 90 - '" ^ ^- ^ *" 1- 29 / ' x / S ,' ^-* - '* / X ^,. I* * M - -- / / / ,' / .* ' '' / S 30 3 31 a , ^ __ i / / 53( I / // 7" -ff* -S--T i^ "" / ' S 10 /v 10 >< " 1 / -/ PBMOO Or tXACTIOM lit MtOTTtt. B 10 15 20 23 30 35 40 49 90 55 60 rauoD or UACTioit w UIKCTU. 9 K) 15 20 2S 30 35 40 45 50 55 90 100 ruuoo or rjucnon a umuTES. S 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 90 100 I f c 5 a ' c jl" i: It* 1 k t " CHART CHART KM 90 . g 1 eo i-"- 1 6 ii ^r^ - _ f 70 ; 9 f -- z> i=> ..- 5 60 ^- ^ - i ,... ,-- 50 (34 ^ X I- / ' B . I/ x ~^~ S 3C / * 33 B B . / i33 B 20 / i I / I/ 10 ~j * 10 2 Cnnti el IM V0citr-Ructi of Uw SUi s D 329 TO D 3S .-. .,i i, U oni OIII /-/ K UIMI: , - NARt D UK nr c A ie< ID) rzi ) 4 3c '? dr <-ul C/( ik "i 5 MOKARCH 3, D ie de >te. ons o rofi } 55 90 334.- graaff ( f Pyroc, rains ( too 90 i ao 1. 50 1 40 * 30 8 2C ,c 100 i >o I" B to g 40 r 20 " 10 feloc 33 attic ihj o i. ^ A )t P1H] 1 -R ,< V'it *id im jn o i r C(U im -P. 1C lo, r u o : ti( 'A /ros itft f < C1VJ 9 : /(S far all <;< Oti 1 111 o/ CM o A el As MINI ', - s si; cid a tai ns. j tar si re} ch 1 5 chcs yrd n i of 1 ( :>/ Narcissus monarch ( ), Narcissus 329. With Chi 330. With Chi D 332. Velocih 333. W 334. W Varcissus ith Nitric Acid, ith Sulphuric Acid. monarch. Percentage of entire nized. KUOD or UACTIOM a wmuru. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 95 9^ nuoD or UACTIOI* m 5 10 1 20 25 30 3 t 55 90 100 . 90 1 70 , ..- 1 f *3 ^* _. _- -" 33" .X ^X .* ^ ^ 3 70 - / ^ fj^ ** / '/ .' / i '" _y ^ ,- * 6 60 i 30 6 20 .o s B0 8 C <0 E : "' j p ' CHART CHART (35 / / / / ,'' .'/ (V .- ,' x 8 30- / / ' //. / I - ^ , rrr , i 1 ./, ' 8 , c . ,' *< ill i rra: T '. =r. jj i*' ~d?' io or uucnoii n wnnms. 1 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 95 90 PUIOD or UAcrtoir m MmDm. e 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 95 90 ratoo or UACTIOK w UIHUTO. 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 90 55 7 ^ ^ 339 ^r" )3b / * ,- O / -" X 1 '' __ -- (4( ^ ? ..x- - '' 7 " 1 ,,,' '- -' 8 / ' / ,y r / * ' i* C , ^ ' ,. -' ' 7 8l E D 335 TO D 337, D 339, D Narcissus triar 335. With Sulphuric Acid. 336. With Chloral Hydrate. I 338. Velocity-Reactions q 340. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Narciss drus albus ( ) and Narcissus agnes harvey 337. With Chromic Acid. 339. W 338. With I'yrngallic Acid. 340. Vi /" Pyrogallic Acid with the Starch of Narcissus It T n{ nrn-ins ( .. .-~\ nntl nt total stnrrh ( 1 a us leedsii minnie hume ( ) , ( -} ith Nitric Acid, ith Sulphuric Acid. edsii minnie hume. Percentage e.latinized. 286 , in " -^ * 1 | r 4 - 1 i -' ' \ ', ' ' i , i " i _, I ii '. ,' i j ' / . i 1 in 1 ; ' . j 1 j f i " t , . 11 I I I : ; C'IIAHTS D 34 1 TO D 343, D 345, D 346. V tlocily-Rcadiont of Starche* of Narcitttu emperor (-- --),Narciuu triandrus albut ( ), and Narcittut j. t. bennett poe ( ). .141 With Cfclonl H r dr*t Ml. With Pyrofklllc Add. M. With Nitric AM. 342. WiU. Ckromi, idd. M. With Sulphuric Add. :T D 344. Velociiy-Reactions of Pyrogallic Acid with the Starch of Narcittut emperor. Percentage of entire number of grains ( ) and of total starch ( ) gelatinized. CHARTS D 347 TO D 349, D 352, D 353. Velocity-Reaction* of Starchet of Lilium martagon album ( Lilium maculatum ( ), and Lilium marhan ( ). ), w.th Chloral H J4 W,UChro Hnbmto. Arid M*. With PyraoJU* Acid. US. With Ul. HTS D 350 AHD D 351. Velocity-Reaction* of Pyrogallic Acid viih the Slarchnt of l.ilium martagon album /. maculatum. Percentage of entire number of grain* ( ..... ) and of total ttarck ( ) gelatinised. 236 *_V>_ 15 20 25 3Q 35 40 45 50 99 HO 354 K 4 80 | 60 rf 'n nmioD of UAcnoH m MI*UTO. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 BO 1 ~- r~* -~ f f 1 I 6 50 | 40 !: Ij i *55 1 1 I Ptiuoa or MACTIO* m UIKUTU. / .. __ "i r X i f i5C t; I ft or tucnoi n imrxrm 5 10 15.. M .25. 30 100 4 90 1 80 i i < 2 80 g 41 3 puioo or UUCTI.II n ujnorra K) 15 20 25 30 ,'( ^, i f f I ; ! 359 1 1' { \ 100 6 9C 1 o 1' S 60 & 00 I 40 i" B 20 1. ,7 i PZBl 1 in o i 2 P UACT1OH Iff MlflDTt* 25 30 35 40 4 - -- "' "" I x 5 ! 300 r I ! CHARTS D 354 TO D 356, D 358 TO D 360. Velocity-Reactions of Starc)ies of Lilium martagon ( ), Lilium maculatum ( ), and Lilium dalhansoni ( ). 354. With Chloral Hydrate. 355. With Chromic Acid. 356. With Pyrogallio Acid. 358. With Sodium Salicylate. 359. With Cobalt Nitrate. 360. With Barium Chloride. CHART D 357. Velocity -Reactions of Pyrogallic Acid with the Starch of Lilium martagon. Percentage of entire number of grains ( ) and of total starch ( ) gelatinized. rvuOD t* uucnoi n MOTTO, > K> J 2O 29 30 >9 4O 45 SO 61 raioo 07 iumon B uonntt B 10 18 20 25 30 38 40 48 65 C 62 KWOD OF kUCTTOH W 19 20 29 80 35 40, 46_BO 8S M PMIOD ot tucno* v icmrm 6 10 t5 20 29 30 S5 40 4S 60 6 f 164 mioD or lucnoii n Knvnt 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 48 BO 85 M 36S ttitiOD or UAcnoit in MWITTSI. ft 10 tS 20 25 30 35 40 4 5 60 C5 60 CHARTS D 361 TO D 364. Velocity-Reactions of the Starches of Lilium tenuifolium (-- --), Lilium martagon album (- ), and Lilium golden gleam ( ). 361. With Chloral Hydrate. 362. With Chromic Acid. 363. With Sodium Salicylata. 304. With Barium Chloride. ODZ. TT IIH V^OruullC YIUIU. OVJ-B. "itll Lanuu4 ^xujwiiuv. CHARTS D 365 and D 366. Velocity-Reactions of Pyrogallic Acid with the Starches of Inlium tenuifolium and L. golden gleam. Percentage of entire number of grains ( ) and of total starch ( ) gelatinized. .. 171 < IIAKTS D 367 TO D 372. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Lilium chalcedoniatm ( ), Lilium eandidum ( ), and Lilium testaceum ( ). M7. With Chloral HrdraU. M* With Chrari Aovi 100 With PrrooW* Add. 170. With Sodiiun 8byUu. 171. With Coblt Nitru S72 With BMiwo CUond*. : CHARTS D 373 TO D 378. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Lilium pardalinum ( ), Lilium parryi ( ), and Lilium burbanki ( ). S73. With Chloral HrdraU. *74 With I 238 m j: 1 1 : !* r 100 6 * 1 60 a , c 10 15 20 25 30 33 40 45 60 65 60 ,-.- , ^ .^ .^ i - r ..^ s' f * -- / 1 / ,-- -" jj 40 II ,. / /, -- " f i V' i ; 2 8 ,u ^ 2 PHUOD or UAcnoit nt 5 10 I 20 2i 30 35 40 4 15 SO 55 CO 382 rmoD OF KUCTIOR w nnnmn. ft' 10 IB 20 25 30 &5 40 45 SO 55 6l mjOD or EiACnoR tn IUHDTM. 6 10 15 20 M 30 35 40 45 50 59 ft 388 rax>D or UACTKM v i 6 10 1 ?0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 CO 331 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 65 60 100 00 1 so 1" B 60 t jo j> 40 I: 8,0 . ..-- ^f* -rs -- -- I : ^, <| ,- 11 / s III r /' S80 /i I //, 4 I f & PERIOD or uicnon mtnms. 6 10 IB 20 25 30 35 4 *> SO S5 JO 100 i d 9 333 a IU E 4U , n e J0 H ,, p PKBIOD or KiAcnoR m Humrts. S 10 15 20 25 30 35 4Q 45 60 55 CO JHf PIRIOD or Kucnon DI mnrms. 6 tO 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 SO 85 389 D of BJUCTIOH n iranrns. 8 10 IS 20 25 30 35 40 45 SO 55 90 H !S2 ...- ^ i "^ / ' ~- _^- "' H / -"' j x< ^^ ^ /i r /"' D OP ttiAcnon a imrvna 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 6Q 100 I 'o | 60 2 50 | 40 ^ ^l ^ .- - - It ^. I J81 jli >/ l" j [ 100 . 1 e "j K 60 i" D 20 r PSRIOD or RIACTIOH DI Miwris. 6 tO 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 00 =^ _, -- --- .< '/ *.- -' if .-- -" E : 384 I I * PERIOD Or UACT1OH Qt MUIDTIS 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 6 61 (00 BO 1 60 i' 390 ._ JJ^ ~ .,. *" ^, S 60 i 4 1 / X" _, .-- -" -- S* Si ^' J ' , /f ft.' s / /, 8,0 i 4 / 100 M 00 50 tg ruuoD or BKACTIO 5 10 15 20 25 K DI MOTCTTS. tO 35 40 45 50 55 M 39.- 1 r--- i ^ ' . ..- ^ ^ / '' / --'' , _-, .-- -- " ~~ / ,^ <~ /A '' CHARTS D 379 TO D 393. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Iris iberica ( ), Ins Irojana ( ), and Iris ismali ( ). 379. With Chloral Hydrate. 380. With Chromic Acid. 381. With Pyrogallic Acid. 382. With Nitric Acid. 383. With Sulphuric Acid. 384. With Hydrochloric Acid. 385. With Potassium Hydroxide. 386. With Potassium Iodide. 387. With Potauium Sulphocyanate. 388. With Potawium Sulphide. 389. With Sodium Hydroxide. 390. With Sodium Sulphide. 391. With Sodium Sahcylate. 392. With Calcium Nitrate. 393. With Uranium Nitrate. 289 V4 i: i ' M t . i, i . ' in'.: - I > .i'.H TO D399. Velocity-Reactions of Slarchet of Iri* ibcrica ( ), /ns trojana ( ), and Iri itmali ( ). M*. With B.num Chtocid*. 394. With UtrontiuiB Nilrt. SM. With Cubli Nitrmu. 1M. With Coppw Niru. W7. With Cuora Chlwid*. CHARTS D 400 TO D 405. Velocity-Reaction* of Starchc* of Irit iberica (-- -), 7ru ctngialti ( ), and Iru dorak ( ). 400. With Chloral Brdrat*. 40 40l! W,thChf*.Aod 40 240 HJUOD or UACTTO* m Murom. 5 10 t9 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 S9 60 FHUOD or uifnoit m imnrm. B 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 , pnuoD or ftiACTion m Momna. 6 10 15 20 25 30 36 40 49 50 99 80 409 ICO mioo or RUCTION m itnnma. 9 tO 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 66 60 ^^ y* > // / II //I [ ''/ 412 i i j\ B 100 90 nuoo or wucnon at Mimrru. 9 10 19 20 29 30 39 40 49 90 99 415 muoo or RUCTIOR m MIJIITOS. 10 19 20 29 30 39 40 49 90 99 100 | 80 i 70 B 60 * 60 j> 40 \ X 8 20 t lu 418 ^= -=- tr~ '-* " / , " , ** * -' ~** 1 x ' x ' f ' / 7 /> ' / / / x /'! ,* 2.0 t 60 rSSS? 410 PSHJOD or UACTtOIt Dl HDTOTW. 6 10 19 20 29 30 39 40 49 90 99 60 100 eo 80 70 eo 60 40 412 _ V* ~~- , ^x- ^^^ -^. -- -' ' ..' * ^ ' * ^ / ^ <^ / J ' PKRIOD or RIACTIO* n if mints- S 10 15 20 25 30 39 40 45 90 55 CO 416 muoD or UACTTOS n HQTUTIS. 10 19 20 29 30 39 40 48 60 99 419 5 tO 15 20 25 3O 35 40 45 90 99 W g ^i^ iii= 4 JOS PEJUUD OP REACTION IB UIHITTV9 100 I'" r i 7 |. 6 so j> -i o' 1: 41 1 **"= "- s* * ,_- ... -- / -- ~" / /_, --" j i /_, 7 p PUUOD Or REACTION IF UDTUT8S. 6 10 15 20 25 30 39 40 45 50 '* tQ 414 .^- - . , ' 1 ..- ^ -1* - -- *fi S^S ,f ..' " 2 ' PIRIOO or REACTOR m Mmrrrts. 5 tO 19 20 25 30 35 4O 45 50 M 8 417 -T 1* >Sfc <; f' X S </ X / /' I'"" PR cnrr or TOTU STUCK OXUTTVIZBX oooooooSRS B rtuoo or KKACTIOH at nonms 15 20 29 30 39 40 49 50 ?,5 M 420 rfr- o_ -T r^; -ff r -^ ^r= -r= ^ <= _.. CHARTS D406 TO D420. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Iris iberica ( ), and Iris dorak ( ). cengialti ( - 406. With Potassium Hydroxide. 407. With Potassium Iodide. 408. With Potassium Bulphocyanate. 409. With Potassium Sulphide. 410. With Sodium Hydroxide. 411. With Sodium Sulphide. 412. With Sodium Sahcylate. 413. With Calcium Nitrate. 414. With Uranium Nitrate. 415. With Strontium Nitrate. 415. With Cobalt Nitrate. 417. With Copper Nitrate. 418. With Cupric Chloride. 410. With Barium Chloride. 420. With Mercuric Chloride. 241 4JJ t \ j 426 CHARTS D 421 TO D 435. Velocity-Reaction* of Starchet of Irit cengialti ( may ( ), and 7rw mrt. a/an grty (). 421. With CUanl Hrdnto. 4M. Wiih HrdrorWoci. AoM. 4JI. 477 Will, CkrMM. A4M. 417. Wlik PotM^rai Hf<itrilJ < 4 Wit* Tmfmt **d. 4M. With PaUMfaM ledU*. ' >v,ihNiimAcU. 4 Wttli FnlinlM Mjl >!> 4J4 -t ^^^^ r i Attfi- j^j Wtlk PatA^ttKM BttlDkMiC * ), /rtf pallida queen of 242 natoD or MACHO* DI Mortrrts. S 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 65 60 100 r r d 70 436 ,-- :tr ~- --* 1 SBO ,,' ** ..- ..- * 50 ? . / l i . . - -^ =- ' /,' ' f 40 * ir 1 X \s i" ,- x * u '^ X / psRtoD or uucrtoit A KDTorta. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4Q 45 50 55 60 100 100 I 7 1 i eo 438 437 .... ..i -- - . * . ' DO | '' ^ .-- 2 40 S 33 S s +. 9 i! '' *"* ~^ .^ -^ r , | v 4 r! ?*** K- ^^ ^ nuoD OF UAcnoH m MINCIIS ptuoo Of BiAcnox IB mums. > or MACTion w unnma. s 1 ^ 2 o ; 5 , o ; > < ^ S -i n ' ^ P- ^ 1 ) ? n ? n i 1 1 F\ t n << 1 flC n < n 4 i n 1 5 i no 100 100 i:: 1 439 -- ..- k-' .** MO 441 / / s 40 8 y / i K ;' V 8 M i " .. :- d ^ Mft, ^M (* Ml. UM LJU fcja Mb MU J <IA rV*'** -a-J fsrs- r-'- C HARTS D 436 TO D 44 1 . Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Iris cengialti ( ) , Iris pallida queen of may ( ) , and Iris mrs. alan grey ( ). 436. With Strontium Nitrate. 437. With Cobalt Nitrate. 438. With Copper Nitrate. 439. With Cuprio Chloride. 440. With Barium Chloride. 441. With Mercuric Chloride. FMJOD Or UACTtOH HI MOTTrro. or Kucnoa n 5 20 29 30 35 40 45 80 55 CO 100 .^-^ - r=- r=- rr= rr= -m i- "" a 70 /' g 70 / 445 I i 443 i g 40 g 4C /A * r ^ -^J 30 /A h f . -< >^ __ ""1 - " / j 1 >u 'rr\ - ?* *~ 1 ,0 2 i r 100 miOD of UACTIO* at mmrna. 6 10 15 20 25 3O 35 4O 45 60 65 M ^ 80 X,J x" / ,v' ' I 444 f I I ;j B 10 15 ZO 25 30 35 4O nuoo or UACTIOM m Morms. 445 100 ^ i 3 70 U 70 S 50 wJ S AT s J3 a j 2 ,c 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 SS I 447 CHARTS D442 TO D447. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Iris persica var. purpurea ( ), Iris sindjarensis ( ), and Iris pursind ( ). 442. With Chloral Hydrate. 443. With Chromic Acid. 444. With Pyroicallic Acid. 445. With Nitric Acid. 446. With Sulphuric Acid. 447. With Hydrochloric Acid. 243 4SI 461 4&3 KTS D 448 TO D462.\'eloniy-Rfaction4 of Slarche* of 7ru perrica wr. purpwrta ( ), 7rii rindjartnn ( ), and Iru purrind ( ). tt. Wit* 4M Witfc 4*7. Wttfc M? WIU BMtw CUorid*. Ml. Wiifc MOTOT. CUn>. 244 FEVIO3 OP UACTIOII IF 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 90 68 80 KX 9C ec 7C ! " 100 _- -- 100 _.. - 1 / ^ -^ ' ' " | eo . 7 .' a 70 -- 46 60 60 s y _ . .=-- xz- .-= 464 ; 165 I* . x -- i / / g 8 20 100 to 1 3 70 H eo / / , -^ /, s M 1 i ~? ^ --- 6 3 ' ./ / / g / ill ""^ // ,' 3 -- ^ r f __ - PDJOD op UACnon ci MOTTT*. puioD op REACTION n unrolls. 10 ,9 20 29 30 39 40 45 90 55 60 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 90 95 OX .00 PERIOD OP ItZACTIOH O, unnTTls S 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 95 60 . 90 .^ tj. ^=- f 7 I 3 70 |70 ... -- f / / ,' 1 166 U (W1 ' 167 , e 168 ,,' * l" 4 g , ,' 8 w 8 ,. s ,. 1 S 30 1 ,'' _^ ~~~^ \. il i; j J .- * - ^.^ ^~ 8 IU ..- ..- -'- " r 10 j -'' ^ ** 100 J eo Ml :> ^=~ rifu I M .-- _^ ^= ^^ ^13 _-" u r" - __^ 1 2 on op xiAcnov w Knvm. 5 20 25 30 35 40 49 90 95 60 ptuoD op UAcnoH 01 Knnnvs. 9 .0 19 20 29 30 39 40 49 90 99 TO PUUOD or UACTIOII DI unnms. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 90 100 IOC BC 1 ec 5 ec I: j: ,00 1 eo K 90 1- 8 3d * ,0 ,00 90 I eo ... - - ! " 1 - r .' 3 B no 1 70 170 .- .' II 16S * 90 ... ^H --' " 1 471 a X 8 in ___. o g ./' / -- . g -~ ~~ 1 7 ^= | _. - l" ,00 . 90 z ~- ^^ .-- *r i ' ' i ^ ^ ^; -^ =i= = ^.r: i , , ^ if 9 10 15 20 29 30 35 40 45 50 55 90 .00 90 I SO |70 | 90 S 50 . PUUOD op KuicnoH m Mimrrw 10 19 20 2 30 39 40 49 90 65 S< PUUOD OP UACT10M HI HWUTW. ,0 15 JO 25 M 35 40 45 50 SB nn 1 TO 8 M _ ..- .^ ^ 172 i 173 X 474 / ^.' /' * an 8 M -B . - . - -" ^ ^ 1. l -" . . ,,-' __ .-- | g _- .- ' ^ ^= ^ =s ^ -- _^_ I C.T J Ji. ^r r ' *T Ml" too r i. 3 70 naioo or BJUCTK in Monrra. 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 55 90 miiOD op tucr.311 0) Mimrra 9 10 15 20 29 30 39 40 49 90 99 C rwino op tXACTTox n tmvna 9 .0 19 20 29 30 35 40 49 90 95 -- "^ -' -- "~ ~ ^- ' ^^ too / ,' ^ ^^"" ~^"^ I eo / 2 , X ' / / " W / 2 / i 17S 176 1 477 /,' / i , I / $ 40 8 j: S L / H u . -" .._ .- [ARTS D 463 TO D 477. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Gladiolus cardinalis ( ) , Gladiolus nnrl nindinlui rnlmllpi ( \ <m<w ( 483. With Chloral Hydrt. 468. With Hydrochloric Acid. 473. With Sodium Hydroiide. 474. With Sodium Sulphide. 464. With Chromio Acid. 465. With Pyrogllio Acid. 466. With Nitric Acid. 467. With Sulphuric Acid. 489. With Potassium Hydroiide. 470. With Potassium Iodide. 471. With Potassium Sulphocyanatc. 472. With Potassium Sulphide. 475. With Sodium Sallcylate. 476. With Calcium Nitrate. 477. With Uranium Nitrate. 245 , . - w- .-), . r 1- " I - i * 1 I u * IM - ITS , I/' , i 1 1 . - N * 1 - - i i J - - - - ., - 1,, I B s, 1 . . * n, - .. B . ., -.. ... -. .- t j - .. '. t . ki. > . J jl | 1 * VK i.. Ii [1 I" !" ';. i i | B i " <ti ;. H : .VI i i. . i H i * * M- i ll i s i 1 ._ < ' ii AMI s I ) 1 78 TO D 483. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Gladiolus cardinalis ( and Gladiolus colmllei ( ). 47 With StroMio. N.ir.i. 4M. With Copper NitrtU. <J 4Tt. Wuh Cobalt Nitrtu. 4S1. With Cuprw Chlortd* 4*3 , Gladiolus tristis ( rim Chloride rcwte Chlorkto. . . 7 WltbBaj WiU U HM 10 1 M / ^ ^ -^ ^1 J- DIB .-- -- l" 1 '/* | ..* (' H, -' ,-- ^ ! / 1 / u -' ^ 1 * IM - " - i / / 7 1 ~ I ,' ^-^ - " ..- -' , . * , / : ^ - ,' X I J -* 2 i / / / .' / i " i= 2 X . . , J E * 10 V ? * m 7 ff -.: :> -r - 1 ^ ^ S M j / s i l / 1 X 1 ,y / - ^ f ^ . ^-' f MB s * . t**K- : .^ . . MM t * . 11 ^ - in -rm t M > jj " "* ; u." II ' >.i rri *- HI " 1 mr ^- (I ll 1 1- L' --- ^-- r i i !: 4T # * ~ ! J 1" 1 ^ | f *-~ \ '* 1 I t ' i: / " I i I /r 4h i ? * -- * ' i 1- D i _ ? ^ ' i * M_ D i, 5 5 1 i3H i /"' ' it JM- r *- TJ CBARTS D484 TO D489. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Tritonia pottrii (- --), Tritonia crocotmia aurea ( ), and Tritonia crocotntaftora ( ). 4*4 With Chloral Hrdrtu. 4M. With PrnwtAb A*d. . With gdhjtorto AU. 4M WMkCWMttiaZ 4*7. W,th NIUM Acid 246 mtoo ot OACTKMI Marrm 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4O 49 50 S5 80 10 15 20' 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 100 70 eo 50 100 too 3= jj *& tJ ^ *^ AJ -W s?> a , 1 ^ ' . ""' 1 7 : 191 _ _- . 1 i t 7 490 , " _^ ^ ***" I '' 92 . - ^ * 'ill , .. _- -^ 8 .-^ S S 30 - _ 1 ^ - ^~ *^" = V v ..- i fcU ^* -'j '/ ' ..' ft ^ '<. f' 100 nuoD or IKACTIOH at imrom. PUIOD or HXACTION in MIMDTU. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 49 50 65 60 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 PERIOD or REACTION IK lUrDTtS. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 HE g ^ ""' 3 TO . .- , 2 70 I T _: / ' o 6 60 195 gr . -- ^ ^-- 193 j - ... "" .. 50 - .- *^ X 4 1 ^ ** ,' / s J / *"' g 30 8 20 B . ,< '^ ^ > ' Ijt t ' 94 '' / ~ -*" .... ofc ft ' *' o _ .-. -- I0/ pn dMT Off TOTAL fTAHCH OEUTOflZB \ SoSSSoSooS c "' raiOD or UACTKM m Kijnrnti. 6 10 15 2O 25 30 39 40 45 SO 55 60 100 90 a 70 rouoo or UACTIOV at iciwnt 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 St. 00 PERIOD Or REACTION MOTITTES. 6 10 IS 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 00 100 . >* ^ / , . ..- .._ // '1 / 7 H M 4u / J s R 80 I j , 196 I! 197 496 i i 8 * - --' JJ \ / 1, .. __ ,_J -? ^^t ^-* 7 ] " ^jf-jf ^ i * . ' L,.-i .... - ; - .- -- ._. M N v M1.I >D L. 1 u> t ? CT10 i 1 m ^ Mil:' S - El 4 ^ '. T ', d^ .00 i" !" 5 1'IR 1 .ID i. t) 2 r nt . LTU 5 R Dl MUHTTIS. 10 35 40 45 50 55 M Ls ruuoo or RACTtoit in Herons. 1 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 i eo 70 3 70 -" . 99 ^* r 5(K 6 so 501 ^^- - - ,. .-- i!! X ' ___..- ** 8 40 S * 30 1 * , - ^-' i; ^ -- -^ ~ =^. ^w- _ 10 / ^ ;? 1C , ^ mtm m c?r no ; r r- 1 r M T mTf ^TT- =TT =-rr =^ * 1C ^ ... ' nuoo or UACIIOII m Moroni UmOR Dl MUIUT1S. 5 30 35 40 45 50 55 00 5 PUUOD Of UACTIOF Dl M1MUIU. 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 55 M H too M 7r a , so: K so; 0- 8 , 1 8 2 i i; B , * ? - r= K f.U IT.- * 1 1 i- ) 4-=--- <>< 1 o I) .".o -1 '<'/ OCI ( ty-Reaci iu , <i /.S' // r S /('/ in/ m chi a ',8 en CIA r <w rit rfl in ()T( /I ( potlsii ( _ == ), Tritonia crocosmia au 490. With Potassium Hydroxide. 491. With Potassium Iodide. 492. With Potassium Sulphocyanate. 493. With Potassium Sulphide. 4U4 With Sodium Hydroxide. 495. With Sodium Sulphide. 496. With Sodium Sahcylate. 497. With Calcium Nitrate. 498. With Uranium Nitrate 499. With Strontium Nitrate. 500. With Cobalt Nitrate. 601. With Copper Nitrate. 602. With Cupric Chloride. 603. With Barium Chloride. 604. With Mercuric Chloride. LM7 I I ,11 u If o f 17 ' 12 y *q *-< (18 (U I, >to 13 8-fl I ICM.OM40.ttO 19 < HABT9 D505 TO D 507, D 509 TO D 519. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Begonia tingle crimson tcarld ( Begonia tocotrana ( ), and Begonia mrt. heal ( ). KM. Witfc CMonl Bnfamu. KM Witk CbroM- And 07 WUkPmctlL to Witk Slim AoJ io WkkMptari* *ll Wltk BHnxUofie Add 41 J WiU POIA^WB Hrtlroci< 113 llh Pol &I4 With P sis -in rm , Sl W.th IT WUfc, 51i WiUH ftlt. Witk ' - 1 i - 9 Cn 'inu i 1 ) 508. Velocity-Reaction* of Pyrogattic Add uilH the Starch of Begonia tingle crimton scarlet. Percentage of entire number of grain* ( ) and total starch ( ) gelatinized. 248 or Rucnott at MHRRM. 6 10 15 20 28 3O _35 40 45 60 65 60 X 520 MUOO ot uucnon n MUTOTS* 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 59 6O < *Ult ZL. r sj.i cnu 5 ; j UOTL 5 - Tn. -. 5 r ) r , M s / ; * 522 i ; X i i x J / "^ fJ> ^ " pniOD ot uicnoH t> utxtrrm 6 10 15 20 25 30 39 40 45 60 MM 526 CHARTS D 520 TO D 526. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Begonia single crimson scarlet (-- --), Begonia socotrana (-..-..-), and Begonia mrs. heal ( ). 620. With Uranium Nitrate. 521. With Strontium Nitrate. 622. With Cobalt Nitrate. 623. With Copper Nitrate. 524. With Cuprio Chloride. 525. With Barium Chloride. 526. With Mercuric Chloride. 80 28 30 39 40 49 00 B 80 527 t ot Buenos 6 tO J9 20 26 30 38 4O 43 6Q__56_gO mc.D or UAcno* a ttnvru. S 10 15 20 25 30 38 40 45 60 65 60 100 I" 1 B 90 ^x 1 ^ I '' a " 8 i / ^-^ - - i^ * 1 t D0 / J/ ^ ^^ 1 X X" 8 in 1 / X ;; / / 529 * ,u / / : nuoi> ot UAcno* i a 10 18 20 25 90 39 40 46 60 6ft 60 mjoo or tXAcnon i 530 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 48 6O 66 60 J ..- ..- - ""* i i I : 31 1 1 / S32 40 <; 60 BO CHARTS D 527 TO D 529, D 531, D 532. Velocity-Reactions of the Starches of Begonia double light rose ( ), Begonia socotrana ( ), and Begonia ensign ( ) 529. With Pyrogallio Acid. 627. With Chloral Hydrate. 528. With Chromic Acid. 531. With Nitric Acid. 532. With Strontium Nitrate. CHART D 530. Velocity-Reactions of Pyrogallic Acid wth the Starch of Begonia double light rose. Percentage of entire number of grains ( ) and of total starch ( ) gelatinized. L'1'.i i M7 at rn MITS D 533 TO D 535, D 537, D 538. Velocity-Reaction* of Starches of Begonia double white ( ), Begonia tocotrana ( ), and Begonia juliut ( ). 3J. With CUonl Hydrmu. MS. With PyrocalUe Add. M7. With Nllric Add. &M. With Chronic Add. US. With Strontium Nltnu. ("II.IKT D 536. Velocity-Reactions of Pyrogallic Acid with the Starch of Begonia double white. Percentage of entire number of grain* ( ) and total starch ( ) gelatinized. ; 1 ' I 1 ! 1 >.. _ 3 II *, -" j - ii i i i s I ', re D 539 TO D 541, D 543, D 544. Velocity-Reaction* of Starches of Begonia double deep rote ( ), Begonia tocotrana ( ), and Begonia success ( ). LT trr2i 541. With Prrocmlli* Add. Ml. With KltH Acid. M4. With OlraBliM NlMte. . " >IM Btnmnmm nnimt*. H SHT D 542. Ve/ori/y-ffeaefuww o/ PyngoMic Acid with the Starch of Begonia double deep rote. Percentage of entin number of grain* ( - - - - ) and total starch ( ) ,---*-- 250 FCUOD ftXACTIOl CT >00 100 m >l ' 3 >r g 1 " / 54 5 1" 54 & 54 j 1 I. 8 30 8 x ] % * i! i B B 2C 9 f 4l *i s Pti *= OD G 12= ; = :3: :H ^p.^: fODoo of UAcaoB n wnvnt 10 13 20 2 30 35 40 49 60 59 60 rauoD or UACTIOII in mmma. 5 10 15 20 25 30 3ft 40 43 50 55 60 p KACTION u umms. 100 00 | BO S' D 20 i )0 | 100 J 1 ^ g , 55( ^^ "_" ^ ^ I g "> .,- f f .,-** ^ 548 f 54? E nn X , / r- -- >-" f " '/ / 8 so- *- ^ .- IT-- - f 8 v, X ^ 1^ s!o .-- -- "_ <? ^~ *" 1 1 ^ * ,u , ,^^1 U* 5 10 f 1 | / puuoo or UNCTION u Monma. 9 10 16 20 25 30 35 49 50 55 KBJOD Or UACT1OH IR HDrUTU. 6 10 15 20 23 30 35 40 45 30 33 60 mm*m PUUOD OP UACT1OH IB muTmi 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 49 60 55 60 100 - 100 . 90 1 60 3 70 B 90 U 90 1- S jo I 90 r- . .-' " .. ^- r J i 60 ,' ^- ~" g Wl S | 3 '0 r -' p^ . - - I 70 , , 551 I | / / ^ I 55; a B 60 ^7 53 I 4 p 40 / / ^ 8 . ' 8 30 i '/ ! **" ^-^ li //, '< _.. <<>- .. -- IT E 10 y / i" -- ' ! T rmoo or UACTIOR n MOTCTM. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 SO SS 60 FUUOD or kt^cnoR w Honnu. 6 10 IS 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 rtuoo or UACTIOR itnnfTi*. 6 tO 15 20 25 30 3S 40 45 50 55 SO 100 - - ..- ^ too - -- ~ aoC I*** ^.Tt j^a \ i / . / . i ,X f f ^ e^ .-" _ - -- 3 ' 1' / J 1 ^ P/ B / 60- I / 1 554 i / s 1 !/ E 5oW 56 / i i 7 55 / 8 w i f r *j ' S i / "f' / [ t K 10 f I I PtWO 6 10 IS D op uuno* m Mmrm. 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 65 M 6 nuo 10 15 D or UUCTIOR at Muron* 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 1 riticjD or UACTIOV t> Huron*. 10 13 20 25 30 35 40 49 SO 65 00 too I * i 80 | 60 B '" 57 58 1 5S 4 M | * so 3C r i! " 20 a \ , * ,- - li. CHARTS D 545 TO D 559. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Richardia albo-maculata ( ), Richardia elliotliuna ( ), and Richardia mrs. roosevelt ( ). M.I. With Chloral Hydrate. Mr, With Chromic Acid. 647. With Pyrojallic Acid. 648. With Nitric Acid. 649. With Sulphuric Acid. 650. With Hydrochloric Acid. 661. With Potassium Hydroiide. 652. With Sodium Kalicylate. 653. With Chloral Hydrate. 654. With Chromic Acid. 655. With Pyrogallic Acid. 556. With Nitric Acid. 557. With Sulphuric Acid. 558. With Hydrochloric Acid. 659. With Potaasium Hydruiide. i M ^ - ' j 1 5 ! M I- 1.. M i n A KTB D 560 TO D 565. Velocity-Reaetiont of Slarchet o/ Richardia albo-maculata ( ) , Richardia eUioUiana ( ), and Richardia mrt. rooteveli ( ). MO With P Ml. WilhP Ml. With Pouom BnlpUd*. Ml. With Sodium M4. With Sodium Hulphid*. Mi. With Sodium <MARTS , and Mt. With M*. With Cotah Nitnl*. ^^sarsat r. 252 PtWOC OF UACnOX Hi MlJnTTl* PHUOD or aucno* a KXOTTU. ft 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 58. 60 P1WOD 0V UACTlOff Or MO7TU. 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 46 SO 85 60 TOO 100 / ^ ^? 100 1: a 70 i 6C .. - i 90 ' 1 r f --I . ^i -.' - ^^ ! i 70 o 5 eo 6 90 r- 1- / ,' s . ^ ^. >'l ' ^-* i i 1 / / ^~- . - ^. -- - -i.' ^- < ' 1 / >75 j I ,. .- ^ - ' | ''; >* *^ 8 J0 j' f , --' 1 /' / 574 n 1 j f '' * //, 8 20 B , i 1 / [76 I i IE / // i 1 100 . eo 1 BO 5 eo * 90 | 40 \: r mioo or uucnoir m Munms. PKBJOD or pOAcnon DI HOnms. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 6C 100 I* feo 3 70 5 60 6 so j> 40 8 JO * ,0 PVPJOD OP PJUCTIOH DI MDrtTTES too . 1 |" j | uc ' 1 577 57fc 579 3 K 5 j f * 10 100 r r d 70 MOD or Kucnoi n Konms. S 10 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 59 3 6C nH 100 pimiOD OP pjucnon o> uonrrvs. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 '_-. - -.- 1 T* ~y^. ^i s-*1 =-=- I '/' f I /I/ 1- | 1 8 co e J i: 58C 1 581 r / 582 5 40 f j 2 * 8 JQ f 8 5^ : i I * 10 it f L M rsuoo or UACTKm n Mmrm. ruuoo or UACTION in MHVTIS 15 20 25 30 39 40 45 60 55 80 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 mioD or UACnoK m tiamnt. 5 10 15 20- 25 30 35 40 49 50 55 90 ! ft r- s^ 100 !: j 70 6 90 | s 30 I go f y I j 1 > I: f 1 { 1 I 58.1 | 58-1 I 585 / 8 |_ !: I 1 f IJ 1 '4n !;i f ruuoo of UACTKMI m Kurorts. ft 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 95 5C 100 rUUOO O* tXACTK> IK lUmTXB. 90 ruioo or IUCTIOR a UDnmta 6 10 15 20 25 30 39 40 45 SO 55 80 100 [i fifi & * / .. - ' ^-* ^' << ^ _ -^t - 1 * 3 70 ! eo .'' I 60 a 70 h | / // ^' r ! 7 M K / i 1 if // iHG i: I 40 8 , i: * ,0 1 581 K go i 58S 4 ,' I i 40 ! 8 20 ART 7' f in I I i3 ' E ,1 Reactioi I * a D 574 TO D 588. Velocitv- is of Starches of Phaius arandifolius ( ) , Phaius wallichii ( 574. With Chlorl Hydrate. 675. With Chromic Acid 678. With Pyrogallic Acid. 677. With Nitric Acid. 678. With Hulphurio Acid. and Phaius hybridus ( ). 579. With Hydrochloric Acid. 680. With Potasuium Hydroxide. 681. With Potaaeium Iodide. 682. With Potasamm Sulphocyanate. 683. With Potaxiium Bulphide. 584. With Sodium Hydroxide. 686. With Sodium Sulphide. 580. With Sodium Salicylate. 587. With Calcium Nitrate. 688. With Uranium Nitrate. 258 CHARTS D 589 TO D 594. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Phaius grandifolius ( ), I'haiuswallichii ( and Phaius hybridiu ( ). IM. With fXnatium Niirtu. WO. With Colwll Niu.u. Ml . With Corixr Nilr.tr. Ml. W,th Cupiie Chlundi. 593. With P.tium Chloride. M4. With Mcrcom Chlarid*. 254 PERIOD O UACTtOK IB MDTOTli. 6 )0 IS 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 595 PUUOD or EZACTIO* at Hnrtms. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 ^ H Tn g H eo 3 59f X fi ! 2 nuoD or RucnoH in MIKOTXS. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 PEUOD or RZACTIOH m 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 80 mioD or niAcnox 01 10 15 20 25 30 35 <0 45 50 59 60 07 PUUOD or nucnon n Moams. 6 10 15 20 M 30 .33 40 45 50 55 6O 100 "x 1 -- _ .. - /,' "* j 3 TO u I 1 1 t 7 r\ / /. j 596 / '/ s ,. u P ; t , PKBJOD Or REACTION Ql 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 7 597 too 90 I 80 I" | M 80 | 40 i' PBUOD Of MACTIOH IB MOTDTW. PERIOD OF RZACT105 CT MDItrTW 100 i. K u 5 60 S91 1 60C t S *n t ' 5 30 E 2 ,0 PERIOD OP REACTION W MIKOTES 9 10 13 20 25 30 35 AO 4* *ft *.* an I'EKJOD (W tlACnOIf HI MmUTES. 5 10 t5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 35 80 [^ 1' i> ^ ' -- -' \f' .-^ ., I 13 70 1 1 a ,. I 1 .' 1 K on 50 ;o2 - 50 1 603 K An I i e ^rir 8 30 UL S 30 i3 ! i 10 , PEJUOD Or REACTION IK lUNlTTES. 6 10 ^15 20 25 30 35 4Q 45 50 SS 60 05 rauoD or REACTION at icmurcs. B 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 606 PERIOD or RUCTION Dt lumnts. 10 15 10 25 30 35 40 50 55 60 608 PERIOD Or REACTION DT I 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 CHARTS D 595 TO D 609. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Miltonia vexillaria ( ),MilloniarcEzlii(- and Miltonia bleuana ( ). 895. With Chloral Hydrate. 696. With Chromic Acid. 597. With Pyrogallic Acid. 898. With Nitric Acid. 890. With Sulphuric Acid. 600. With Hydrochloric Acid. 601. With Potassium Hydroiide. 602. With Potassium Iodide. 603. With Potassium Sulphocyanatt. 604. With Potassium Sulphide. 605. With Sodium Hydroiide. 606. With Sodium Sulphide. 607. With Sodium Salicylate. 608. With Calcium Nitrate. 609. With Uranium Nitrate. 2S5 - ' - 11 m t m i m m m .15 ure D 610 TO D 615. Velocity-Reaction* of Starches of Miltonia vexillaria ( ), Miltonia rtezlii ( ), and Miltonia bltuana ( ). 10. With Strontium NilmU. fill. WithCobtU Nurau. II. With Copptr Nitnu. u! With Cupri. Chlood.. 14. With n.num Cblorid*. 8I&. With Mwcvrie CUond*. 16 f. CHARTB D 616 TO D 618. Velocity-Reaciioru of the Starehc* of Cymbidium Unrianum ( ), Cymbidium ebvrnewn ( ), and Cymbidium ttmrneo-lowianvm ( ). U. Wlih Chlol HH*. (IT. WUh rjm^K* AM. !. WUh Bn. ChUrkl.. 256 m too or DACTIOV a 6 10 15 20 29 30 3 619 40 45 60 83 M POJOD or OACTTOB OT 8 >0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 80 65 60 / - ... // ^^ 2 ^'' ^' f 1 ^ 1 : / / 1 520 / 1 f \\i a rauoo or UACTIOM n fe TO 15 20 29 30 3 WETUTES 15 40 45 SO 55 I X* 90 I M ^" -=r- -^; -r^r, -i^: .'/ '7 X ^ 5 r- 'V ' j/ i B 60 40 I" S 20 ,. // / / / / / '/ i >' 321 y ,v / y .-" ..^ KUOD or auction n Monrm. 6 10 15 20 25 80 35 *5 SO 5S CO PZJUOD Or REACTION IB MLWTVS 6 .0 IS 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 5? CO 100 f i S S S S 3 S , QZZIMUTTIO B3WJS TflOl *O UOC I \ \ \ I 02.1 J PHUOD or RKACTIOH in 10 15 20 Z5 30 3 5 40 46 60 05 60 62-1 o> IURK 01 10 a 20 ;s 30 35 40 4 625 ,5 50 50 61 nuoD or lAcnoit a ttuiv 10 16 20 25 30 35 40 626 CHARTS D 619 TO D 626. Velocity-Reactions of Starches oj Calanthe rosea ( ), Calanthe vestita var. rubro- oculata ( - -), and Calanthe veitchii ( ). 019. With Chloral Hydrate. 620. With Chromic Acid. 621. With Pyrogallic Acid. 622. With Nitric Acid. 623. With Sulphuric Acid. 624. With Hydrochloric Acid. 625. With Potassium Hydroxide. 626. With Sodium Salicylate. J.-.7 KTS D 627 TO D 034. Velocity-Reactions oj Starchet of Calanthe vettita cor. rubro-oculata ( ), Calanthe regmeri ( ), and Calanthe bryan ( r ). MO With Ntlfi* AM. til. With B 13. With H . With PotMdoi Hrdmid^ . Wllh 8odi. S^UyUu. 17 258 too i PERIOD Or REACnOW IN MINUTES. B 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 48 50 55 60 CtNT Or BNTIRfi WUMBEH OF GRAINS AND Ot TOTAt STARCH GELATmiZKD. OOOOOOOOO PERIOD OP RIACTlOrt 171 MICTTTES. \ H g 3 3 40 1 6 10 IS 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 SO . _ -- _ _.. ( 535 ^** _- . / -~ ^. ^* ^ ^-" ^""^ ,^- &"" a R 70 ) -" / , '' ^\ *** -- --" S 3 60 / j* f ,' i i ^"" *r ji * / / / / / / ,' / / / ., s 536 / / 637 si M / . --' / *g 3 ' L jj 2 j / / , li- ! r E lu 100 8 90 5 .0 ,1. | 50 M x \- dfi / ,' S g '" i , llw ; ^t ' ^_ PERIOD 01 RiACTiGN IN MINUTES. S 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 46 50 55 6C PERIOD Or REACTION IN MINUTES. B 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 PERIOD Or RfACTIOK IB MOTTTTE*. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 60 55 60 S n f y ,,. -- nmu ETCIUER or GRAMS AND rAl STARCH GELATtBUBX * 9 9 "** * * > O O O O C : /, .- - / * / / / / Si 60 , / / / f 63 a| /I ' 64C ,3f 1| / / / | s 40 53 30 / // s J " / / II // ,- fi ' L "" fe " /;' i ~ 8 10 ^*f r- r=^ =^r i io n PIRJOD or KUcnoH m Hnnrrts. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 65 60 H s 90 . 60 \ 1 '0 si- g 64 1 ,*- - / / J ,- / .-- -" cawT or jrrna m TOTU THCH 8 S 8 / '' / t / / / X / / I tf K- -- 1 I'EII 1 1 D O 2 KFA 3 2 'TIO 5 3 ra 3 Mtnr 5 4 -EO. d 5 5 3 5 5 fiQ s IW S / / 3 uu 642 / fe au ^ Ej JU X" **^ / sfe JU ^^ ^' X X k ' u 7 ? 2 ,o / r- --" PERIOD OT KEACTION DC IHHUTES. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 flQ ruuoo or tzACnoit IP puuoo or UAcnoR 01 MUTUTES. FKVOD ur KZACT1OR IK MWUIE9. i 1 1 i i ? ^ ? T 3 i 4 4 5 5 ) 5 , 60 i 3 1 \ ? 3 ? 5 3 3 5 1 4 5 5 D 5 5 ec i i 1 1 ? i r i 3 3 5 a 4 5 5 ) 9 5 60 100 1 1 * to S DO i M I | / ^ x - _ ' _ ^ | i ' ^^.^ *** ^*- g| '0 S c I si . . x l / M 00 [ 644 i|; / / S^ / 54b ^. -- ... -- l^ su I i| M 1 645 h / ,-'' r** l IK * B a t |i 40 E d , n / - -' SI" j ss t t B i 30 n i fi " | k ' / / j i 10 ' i lu i / t / i vtluoD or UACTIOII in Konrm. u or UACTIOK n wnnts 100 S 90 t _ - - * ' . -~~- ii- J | 70 8 I 00 _ - g S 8 8 S S tnntfiirao Havru ittoi , umo .0 mruu. noun l ^ ^ _ / 547 _. / J ,- 1 I ^ ? / ,-- '' li y / 148 / 6 K"' . S si > -' ^"' i " / '' ' h " / ^ <>**' / .-' 8 ^ -- ,*' 100 I " 60 li 60 3 M 50 E 1 PERIOD Or REACTION IN MOfOTXa. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 1 / / .^' ^' / ^ x- I / / 1 l 549 / as 4 S ^ in / i / sc JJ / / '" 1 ' / / 7 CHARTS D 635 TO D 649. Velocity-reactions o/ pyrogallic acid with various starches, showing the percentage oj the entire number o/ grains ( ) and oj the total starch ( ) gelatinized. 635. With Amaryllis belladonna. 636. With Hippeastrum titan. 637. With Hippeastrum ossultan. 638. With Hippeaatrum dnonea. 639. With HeemnnthuB katherina. 840. With HtemanthuH puniceus. 641. With Crinum leylanicum. 642. With Narcissus tax. grand mon. 643. With Lilium martagon. 644. With Lilium tenuifolium. 645. With Lilium chalcedonicum. 646. With Irisibcrica. 647. With Iris trojana. 648. With Iris cengialti. 649. With Iris pcrsica var. purpurea. 380 i: i i si * II. 1 ' 1 ll" '!" " 9 .--* ^^ ^^ ^ r~~* 1 X X 1 X 1 1* / -- / - " 1 .- ^ .re D 650 TO D 658. Velocity-reactiont of pyrogaUic acid with rariout starchet, ihowing the percentage of the entire number of grain* ( ), and of the total starch ( ) gelatinized. i tratM. Ml. With B*ioni erim. I SO. WiU Ml. With Ml! Witk 643. With Btom n M. With MM* *r ' Ml. WUhPtwu 8eeboCharta: MI. K dort. no. *J6. 44. N SM. UNmi Ml. '" M. With M.ltonl* v.iill.ri*. 657. Wilk Crn>b44i M. With CiJutk* i U7. MO. 1 ' Ml. 260 muoD or REACTION m Mtnrms. rnioD or REACTION m PERIOD Or RIACTtOIl HI MtHUTES. s 3 too * so . GO 1 70 is 80 II _ 3 o S l 60 jjii S5i 9 i i 360 li \ 61 - 11 ii , H 3 -^ -^.- * x<~ M 30 - I* ^ - , - P -" t- --" g R40 ^ --' SE 30 ,- ^ -*' si 30 / *" ,-- * ! S 30 o P /' 8 X i " > '-'' / g 10 ^- * t io ^ / S IU / ' PSRJOD Or REACTtOH Dl HDIUTES. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 SO SB 60 TBUOD Or OACnOH W 100 1 sr -^ . - 100 S 90 80 ] ^^ -' "" / / - " 363 ___^ / , p. - . / ' i!" / -- -* ' il: 7 f 62 / f "' r>' SB * l| 30 t / f " /, it /. ' /,- r I '" s ''' PERIOD Or REACTION Dl MHTUTZS. 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 OF' CILUKS AHD Of n -j os o> C > O O i-=r rm S* x** ^ ^- -- """ CK5T or urrnut HUVTJER TOTAL STARCH GO. 8 8 S 8 $ / ^ * / f / 564 / / // , y I / muoD or Kuerten DI Hnruns. PERIOD Of REACTION IH PEBIOD Or SEACTIOn Dl HDIOTES. 100 8 ' 90 g g 80 667 ^ ^,- ^-- --- ... 565 M 60 566 ^~ - || ^ ^ ' II ^, ^-~ --- -" K^" <- r f E| ^ ^. --' S b 40 7 -' ^- - | B 40 || / ^* '' M 30 / X / . " ^ n ---' 8 si ju // II K C 20 / / / /,. --' 8 20 2 8 // ,x ^,' x '' ? t' CHARTS D 659 TO D 667. Velocity-Reactions of chloral hydrate with various starches, showing the percentage of entire number of grains ( ) and total starch ( ) gelatinized. 659. With Hippeastrum titan. 680. With Hippeastrum ossultan. 661. With Ilippeastrum dseones. 662. With Amaryllis belladonna. 663. With Hmmanthus katherina. 664. With Hemanthiu puniceus. 665. With Narcissus taz. grand mon. 666. With Iris iberica. 667. With Phaius urandifolius. J.,1 N f y M 1 ^* ^** I ./ Si . I, , * ll ,7l 1 : I. 1 '" 1 . t h 1- Mil ;^ ^ , ' - 1 ^ *-" ' ^ ^ II / _. ~- -- 1 / - f / r ~ " -' I 1 f ( MARTS 668 TO D 682. VdoeHy-Rtaetunt of Starch of Irit ibmca with variant reagentt, thawing the percentage of the entire number of graint ( ) and of the total itareh ( ) gelatimted. M*. WhhCUonl W Wllk ~ :. , - ; ii. : : UM 74. Wtah Po- ' "-' "- TS. wiu T. Wtekl .-- Ml. WHk Uiuim Nttnto. 262 KRIOD or UACTIOII a Kurorts. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 PCUOD Of UACT1OH IK lUKtTTIS. 100 ! ; 1 1 ^ 100 . i^-^- 5 M In G83 ^ jl II |350 |U 40 x ^"^ ^3 M ^ x .-_ - - I S8-4 / , .-" " ^ 5 / -' ' 8^ / ,' 8^ X t 9r 1 / '' i M 1 U lu 8 ' 2 / s Br ' C= t =r fEUI 3 l n o 2 nuoo or uicnoii n nauru. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 80 REACTION IN MINUTES. ) 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 8 (K, eo fi 60 | C 40 8 3 60 586 _^ _- _ 2 587 X k Z" / St 3 ' t 30 L -- -- -" > * . L - - f 1 2 s ' g 1(> MK C= ' HKIOD OF REACTION HI S 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 8 ' sfe S8f s' 5 4 sfe JU \ ^ . - - 8 I0 *' ^-r 1 - i I - CHARTS D 683 TO D 688. Velocity-Reactions of Starch of Iris iberica with various reagents, showing the percentage of entire number of grains ( ), and total starch ( ) gelatinized. 683. With Strontium Nitrate. 684. With Cobalt Nitrate. 685. With Copper Nitrate. 686. With Cupric Chloride. 687. With Barium Chloride. 688. With Mercuric Chloride. mioD or UACTIOII w Moron* 10 15 30 25 30 33 40 5 M K 60 689 PtRIOD Of REACnOK 01 MINUTES. 5 10 15 20 25 3O 35 4O 45 50 55 < S 100 90 | 80 3 70 8 eo K 50 ? ,u PERIOD OP REACTION IN MUTOTH -^- _ ^* - _ -- x- ** / -- ^ / / .... .-" / / .-" --' / t .> .- "* K *" ft .. 1] / -' s \ , if 691 t , V 3 CHARTS D 689 TO D 691. Velocity-Reactions of Starches of Amaryllis belladonna ( ), Phaius grandifolius ( ), and Miltonia vexillaria ( ). 689. With Uranium Nitrate. 690. With Cobalt Nitrate. 691. With Pyrogallic Acid. 288 Mill! I (HART E 1. Compotite Curvet of the Starches of Amaryllis belladonna (-- --), Bnmmigia jotephina ( ), Bruntdonna sandera alba ( ), and Brwudonna sandera ( ). CIIABT E 2. Composite Curvet of the Starchet of Hippeattntm titan (- ), Hippeaitrum deonia and Hippeattntm titan-deonia ( ). ( ), 264 CHART E3. Composite Curves of the Starches of Hippeastrum ossultan ( ), Hippeastrum pyrrha (- ), and Hippeastrum ossultan-pyrrha ( ). I CHART E 4. Composite Curves of the Starches of Hippeastrum dceones (-- --), Hippeastrum zephyr ( ), and Hippeastrum dceones-zephyr ( ). . CHART E 5. Composite Curve* of the Starehesof Hamanthu* katherina ( ),Hamanthvsmagnificut( ), and Hamanthut andromeda ( ). CHAKT E 8. CompotiU Curvet of the Starches of Hamanihut katherina ( ), Hamanthu* puniceiu ( ), and Hamonthu* k&nig albert ( ). 266 CHART E7. Composite Curves of the Starches of Crinum moorei ( ), Crinum zeylanicum ( -) an d Crinum hybridum j. c. h. ( ). \ 1 B I! CHART E 8. Composite Curves of the Starches of Crinum zeylanicum ( ), Crinum longifolium ( ), and Crinum kircape ( ). jr,7 VKT E9. Composite Curvet of the Starches ofCrinum lonyijolium ( ), Crinum moorei( ), and Crinum powellii ( ). l 1 1 1 1 ! i CHART E 10. Componte Curves of the Starches of Nerine crispa ( - - -- ), Nerine elegant ( ), Nerine dainty maid ( ), and Nerine queen of rotes ( ). 268 CHART E 11. Composite Curves of the Starches of Nerine bowdeni ( ), Nerine sarniensis var. corusca major ), Nerine giantess ( ), and Nerine abundance ( 100 42.S- S 48* 00 47.8' 88 SO- BO 82.8* 78 88* I TO ST.6- I |T j * 80 |-s- 8 1 88 388- 60 81 80 8 87.8" 48 TO* 4O I 72.8* 38 B76- 30 TT.e- f 1OO S eo t B 80 I 7O 3 80 IS OS' C 40 W 7.5- K 30 B 00* S 20 2.8* 8 <O 1 CHART E 12. Composite Curves of the Starches of Nerine sarniensis var. corusca major (-- --), Nerine curviflora var. fothergilii major ( ), and Nerine glory of sarnia ( ). 969 r L 1 \.-Compotite Curvet of the Slarchct of Narcittut tateUa grand monarque ( ), Narcittut poeticut ornatut ( ), and Narcittut poelaz triumph ( ). i. : 1 13. ComponU Cunet of the Starchet of Narcittut poeticut ornatut ( ), Narcittut poeticut poetarum ( ), Narcittut poeticut herrick ( ), and \arcutut poeticut dante ( ). CHART E 15. ComponU Curvet of the Starehet of Narcittut gloria mundi ( --), Nardttut poeticut ronatut ( ), and Narcittut fiery erott ( ). 270 CHART E 16. Composite Curves of the Starches of Narcissus telamonius plenus (-- - - ) , Narcissus poeticus ornatus ( - -), and Narcissus doubloon ( ). I CHART E 18. Composite Curves of the Starches of Narcissus abscissus (-- --), Narcissus poeticus poeta- rum ( ), and Narcissus will scarlet ( ). * - I 5 * \ I I g TO 6T.5' 8 35 es geo- S 40 * 80 3 82.6* g 46 8 66 gee- eo S 60 gT.5* 85 46 | TO' E 1OO 4O | TS.6' a 9O I 36 " T6' B 60 " 3O TT.6' I TO 26 BO' J 80 2O 62.6' B 60 16 86* tt 40 1O 8T.6* | 30 5 BO* S 20 B2.6' B 10 8 I 8 / \ jS \ / V ^ P ,' r \ I ' \ ^J 1 ft / \ i \ \\ W i CHART E 17. Composite Curves of the Starches of Narcissus princess mary (-- --)i Narcissus poeticus poetarum ( ), and Narcissus cresset ( ). CHART E 19. Composite Curves of the Starches of Narcissus albicans (-- --), Narcissus abscissus ( ) , and Narcissus bicolor apricot ( ). 271 IART E 20. Composite Curvet of the Starches of Narcissus empress ( ), Narcissus aQncans ( ), and Narcistut madame de graaff ( ). CHART E 22. Composite Curvet of the Starches of Narcissus monarch ( ), Narcissus madame de ), and Narcissus lord roberts ( ). r I CHART E 21. Composite Curvet of the Starches of Narcissus wear dale perfection ( ), Narcissus madame de graaff ( ), and Narcissus pyramus CHART E 23. Composite Curvet of the Starches of Narcittut leedsii minnie hume ( ), Narcissus Iriandrut aOms ( ), and Narcittut agues honey 272 CHART E 24. Composite Curves of the Starches of Narcissus emperor (-- --)> Narcissus triandrus albus ( ), and Narcissus j. t. bennet poe ( ). i i i i \ \ \ \ M 1 | 1 i 1 i ! ! i ! 1 y 1 ! I i ! i i i \ 1 1 ! i i s ! i \ 1 1 i I j ft* f S , ft^i ^. rf^**\ t V / \ 1 / t \ / 1 / \ \ I / 1 \ 1 / 1 \ 1 / '' 1 8 t \ i / / \ Vx ' o ^ \ x ~t_ \ 1 3 6 2 i CHART E 25. Composite Curves of the Starches of Lilium martagon album ( ) , Lilium maculatum ( ) , and Lilium marhan ( ). 273 *. 1- :J tm* i :J 'I r I 1 , i i , i 1 | i ,< v s ^ r^T! ^i* . - ; 2 V '- 5 / !/ i I / / \ i i \ / \ i f \ i I \ i 1 V i i \ : s \ > /' \ f \ i ' 5 ,/ 1 i I - \ 1 1 X, y \ ' 1 ' 1 \ \ I ! i , i Lilium 1 } ! dol ! ^aru 1 loni ("" ^ , i\ Ivl4 I i 1 1 y ! ^ ^1 **' I r ! r : i & I I** j i r l :, *** i ** r I w 2 * | 1 /; ? / Zz \ ' // T~ -t- / \ /' \ 2 ^ 2 , ^ h Y/ ,' X, / X ^ CIIAHT K 27. Composite Curvet o/ <A Starches of Lilium lenui/olium ( -- ), LtUum mariagon album ( -), and Lilium goldtn gleam ( ). 274 I I I I | I '. 1 t | !e 1 | \ | j ! ] i j : \ \ \ \ . \ 1 ! 1 i 1 1 | j e I 1 I : b :_ i ^ j i : ^ __^ -^^ a X \ 7 i / 1 \ / \\ / ! I \ / / \ * / S / \ i .) / / \ I i // V I/' / I \\ \ / / X N } \ 1 1*11 \ N 3 \ / e " \ / \ / \ i ' | a CHABT E 28. Composite Curves of the Starches of Lilium chalcedonicum (-- -- ), Lilium candidum ( - -). and Lilium testaceum ( ). CHART E 29. Composite Curves of the Starches of Lilium pardalinum (-- --), Lilium parryi ( ), and Lilium burbanki ( ). ! I ! I I I i CHART E 30. Composite Curves of the Starches of Irit iberica ( ), Irit trojana ( ),andlrisismali ( ). it ill CHAKTE31. CompotiUCvrvetof the Starches of Iris iberica( ),lritcenyiaUi( ), and Irit dorak ( ). 276 CHART E 32. Composite Curves of the Starches of Iris cengialti (-- -- )> Iris pallida queen of may (- Iris mrs. akin grey ( ). --), 10O 42. S' 85 45' SO 47.5* as oo" DO 52. S- T3 65* TO 67.5' 5 seo* 6O 3 62. 5' 89 36S- s SO ST.S' 45 JJW 40 iTZ.s- 35 S 75' 3O 77.S' 25 BO- 2O 62.S* ts as* 10 87.S- 8 00- 92.5- CHART E 33. Composite Curves of the Starches of Iris persica var. purpurea (-- --), Iris sindjarensis ( and Iris pursind ( ). 277 ; AJ I' : k i : I rr I L : \ r I r i 10 I - hi.fi \ ir ( nvitr !:.{. ComponU Curvet of the Slarchet of Gladiolus cardinalis (-- --), Gladioliu trittit ( ), and Gladiolus colrillei ( ). ihiiii ! MM r K 35. ComponU Curt** of ike Starehet of Tntonia potltii ( ), Tritonia crocomia aurta and Tritonia crocosmaflora ( ). 278 CHART E 36. Composite Curves of the Starches of Begonia single crimson scarlet ( ), Begonia socotrana ( ), and Begonia mrs. heal ( I I CHART E 37. Composite Curves of the Starches of Begonia double light rose ( ), Begonia socotrana ( ), and Begonia ensign ( ). CHART E 38. Composite Curves of the Starches of Begonia double white ( ), Begonia socotrana ( ), and Begonia Julius ( ). hi! ill! I in CHART E M.Compotite Curvet of the Starche* CHART E 40. CompotiU Curves of the Starches of Rich- of Btgonia double deep rote (- --), Begonia toco- ardia albo-maculata (- --), Richardia elliottiana ( ), trana ( ), and Begonia tucceu ( ). and Richardia mrt. rootevtU ( ). : ,i (HART 41 'ompotUe Curve* of the Starchet of MUM arnoldiana ( Muta hybrida ( ). ), Muta gitletii( ), and 280 CHART E 42. Composite Curves of the Starches of Phaius grandifolius ( ), Phaius wallichii ( ), and Phaius hybridus ( ). CHART E 43. Composite Curves of the Starches of Miltonia vexillaria ( ), Millonia rcezlii ( and Miltonia bleuana ( ). L'M ll CHART E 44. Composite Curve* of the Starches of Cymbidium lowianvm ( ),Cymbidium eburneum ( and Cymbidium eburneo-lowianum ( ). - A E 45. Composite Curves of the Starches of Calanthe ( MART E 46. Composite Curvet of the Starches of roan ( ), Calanthe rettita var. rubro-ocvlata ( ), and Calanthe vtstita var. rubro-oculata ( ), Calanthe Calanthe veitchii ( ). reonieri ( ), and Calanthe bryan ( ). 282 33 3 ' ! s| | I 46 40 36 30 26 20 16 10 6 \ / l i \,* /^, \ t i i i / t 1 1 \\ i i ; / 8 // 1 // s I I i 1 t 'x. ; 1 : ^: ! | 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 5 I s 1 i i M <fl & i / \ t t t 5 \ \ \\ i : 5 i l 1 : \ / ' ; \ \ / / !\ j 'x \ i \ \ \ ' N 60 55 1 / \ / \ \ 45 f \ \ \ 35 i \ \ / / \\ / / \\ / / 15 \\ \\ ^-' ,,''_ \ i -r*- \ N F l.Ipomoea tloteri. F 2. Lcclia-Cattlya cankamiana. F 3. Cymbtdtum eburneo-lowianum. CHARTS F 1 TO F 3. Percentages of Macroscopic ( ) and Microscopic ( ) Characters. 40 35 30 26 20 16 10 5 'a 3 3 " : I 1 1 S E9 ' \ 1 1 \\ / ,'j s / / / \ / / ; \ .^ J -[/ y . -J '''' 3 F 4. Dtndrobivm eybele. 1 1 1 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 j p f i 3 3 E a s / \ , \ \ // * t n \\ t ( N \ > '.! v\ / \ l ii : l \ V f \ % i Ii : 1 V \ ^< 1 | \ \ ,-" > 86 i 80 I 76 I JO J 65 60 65 60 45 40 35 30 26 20 16 10 > i i i \ i i / i l / i i-. J / i i n i \ i \ ii \ i/ \ / :x^ ^ ~\ ^ N y K - I' j JU 1 j Go S tiU j OL | ; j I 4b i f ^ n n o j \ i / 1 1 : \ n i // ', t ,'/ i i > \ / \ *--.. \ F 5. Miltonia F 6. Cvpriptdium lathamianum. F 7. Cvpriptdium iaMamianum intfrum. CHARTS F 4 TO F 7. Percentages of Macroscopic ( ) and Microscopic ( ) Characters. L>S:< l s l s !. if l| a| I 5 ! S I 5 H 4?, *0 3C 30 2'. 20 1C, 10 6 \ 1 1 \ 1 1 \ V 1 1 1 X \ X li V I \ ^ \ V 1 i \J \ 1 I A \ "-^ +*** i i ' * 1 1 ; H H H u 6 L fc i ( 1 1 \ 1 1 \ \ I 1 1 ^ \ V \ V x, / i ^ ^ 41, l / F 10. T ) and Microscopic ( ) Character*. -) and Starch Readion-Intenntitt CHART F 8. Ptnmtaga of Macroteopie ( - CHART F 9. Ptrcentagei of Macroscopic and Microscopic Characters ( ( ) of Hybrid-Stocks in regard to Samrness, Intermedtatentss, and Excess and Deficit of Development in relation to I'arent-Slocks. (.'HART F 10. Percentage of Macroscopic ( ) and Microscopic ( ) Characters and Starch Reaction- Intensities ( ) of Hybrid-Stocks in regard to Sameness, Intermediateness, and Excess and Deficit of Development in relation to Parent-Stocks. CHARTS F 1 1 AND F 12. Percentages of Macroscopic ( ) and Microscopic ( ) Characters and Starch Reaction-Inlemities ( ) in regard to Sameness, Inlcrmediatness, and Excess and Deficit of Development in relation to Parent-Stocks. CHARTS F 13 AND F 14. Percentages of Sameness and Inclination of Macroscopic (- ) and Microscopic ) Tissue Characters and Starch Reaction- Intensities ( ) in relation to those of Parent-Stocks. CHAPTER V. SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. This chapter is devoted to the summaries of the histo- logic characters and qualitative and quantitative reac- tions of the starches of hybrid-stocks in relation to the starches of the parent-stocks, and of the microscopic and macroscopic characters of the hybrid-stocks in relation to the parent-stock plants. 1. THE STARCHES. HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS AND CERTAIN QUALITA- TIVE AND QUANTITATIVE REACTIONS. (Tables C, 1 to 17; D; E, 1 to 22; F, 1 to 50; G; H, 1 to 26; and I, 1 to 8.) The methods used in this research in the differentia- tion of starches are both quantitative and qualitative. From a glance at the large number of charts and tables that set forth quantitative results the impression may be gained that much more importance is to be attached to the former than to the latter method of investigation ; but this will be found to be unwarranted by the consider- able space that has been given to and the remarkably valuable results that have been recorded under qualita- tive reactions. In fact, the qualitative method has been found to have far the larger and more varied, and an at least equally important, field of usefulness. Unfortu- nately very little data included under histologic and qualitative records lend themselves to chart-making, or to such forms of tabulation, as have proven so valuable in the preceding chapter and elsewhere in this memoir. Hence, the records herein summarized are presented in a modified arrangement that is particularly well adapted to set forth only a certain but an important aspect of the comparative peculiarities of hybrid and parental properties. From the records found in various parts of this work it will be noted that the starch of the hybrid exhibits, his- tologically, physically, and physico-chemically, not only both uniparental and biparental inheritance, but also individualities that are not observed in either parent; and that any given parental character that appears in the hybrid may be found in quality and quantity to be the same or practically the same as that of one parent or both parents, or of some degree of intermediateness, or de- veloped in excess or deficit of parental extremes. More- over, each unit character and unit character-phase (see Preface and Chapter I, Section 8) is to such a degree independent of the others that one unit-character or character unit-phase may be identical with or very close to that of one parent, while another bears the same rela- tion to the other parent, etc. Thus, in regard to the unit- characters (especially the lamellae), the hybrid may show a very close relationship in the distinctness of the lamellae to one parent, but in the forms of the lamellae to the other parent; in fineness or coarseness it may be exactly inter- mediate ; while in variety, or distribution, or number it may be found at the same time to have the most vary- ing relationships. In a word, in the summing up of the parental relationships it is usually recorded in each of the designations of study (hilum, lamella?, size, polari- 284 scopic reactions, iodine reactions, and gelatinization reactions with each of the different reagents) that a num- ber of correlated unit-characters or unit-character-plmses are separable, and that there is a most remarkable and inexplicable swinging to one or the other parent of unit character-development and unit character-phase - development. These records show collectively an extraordinary variability in the character relationships of the hybrid to the parents; an independence of each unit-character and unit-character-phase of every other in the direction and degree of its development; an absolute unpredicta- bility at the present embryonic stage of our knowledge of the form, in which, if at all, any given unit-character or unit-character-phase of either or both parents may appear in the hybrid ; and the closer relationship usually of the hybrid in the sum-total of the group-characters or character-phases included in every designation, and of these designations collectively, to one or the other parent. For instance, among the data pertaining to the histologic properties of Brunsdonna sanderce alba, under the designation form it will be noted that the starch grains are more like those of Amaryllis belladonna than those of Brunsvigia josephince in that they are usually simple and isolated, in their regularity of outline, and in their conspicuous forms; yet in other respects they are more like those of Brunsvigia josephinw because of the presence of a relatively large number of compound grains, of a few small aggregates that consist of 2 or 3 components, and of a peculiar form of compound grain, both of which latter are found in this parent but not in Amaryllis belladonna. In the data relating to the la- mellae, the hybrid is closer in form and arrangement to the corresponding parts of the grains of Amaryllis bella- donna; but in average number it is closer to the other parent. In the chloral-hydrate reactions the hybrid in its quantitative reactions shows a decidedly greater sensitiv- ity than either parent, but it is distinctly closer to A mary l- lis belladonna than to Brunsvigia josephince. In other reactions the starch is the same or practically the same as one parent or the other or both parents, or of some degree of intermediateness, or of less or even very decidedly less sensitivity than in either parent, very commonly of the latter category. In the qualitative reactions it is in cer- tain well-defined respects closer to Amaryllis belladonna than to the other parent, and in others the reverse; but on the whole the inclination is distinctly toward Amaryl- lis belladonna. Moreover, forms of gelatinization are seen in the hy- brids that are individual. In this hybrid it will be found that in the aggregate the gelatinization phenomena re- corded under each reagent incline more or less markedly toward Amaryllis belladonna. With other hybrids the greatest variability of parental relationships may be noted, as, for instance, in Tlippeastrum, where it will be found that with one reagent the relationship may be closer to one parent and with another to the other, and more or less marked differences may be noted in the SUMMARIES OF Till, m lOLOGIC CHARA< 286 .U from the again in the -.1111. i rots (we Bmntdoitna) ; luit here again in the final dimming up there i* usually found t<> U> a .II-ML ; iii.ij,.r.t\ of the reactions leaning tlxT par. nt. It i- unfortunate that frequently the data have not l*vn reoordfld in accord- . itli the plan adopt, d at tin- outotart <>( the research so as to leave iu> ilul>t in each character or character- phai" i rental relationships of the hybrid, such a ir-u-.i in mik.!',;; t : ipuantitat n nation*. this .1. necessary to present theae in a modified tabular form, and with the \ u-w part: the fluctuating relationship* of In the preparation of the follow (Tables C 1 to C 17 i. th- properties of : tli.'ir parental relationships have been I,-..! llectivcl n Id -. << ni _ : thd sion* of the tables, those of form n as one designation, those with a given rea- ie designation, ami o on. The p/tu *i<jn is to as meaning that in the final summing up .ta of each designation the hybrid in it-* unit- i-haractcr and unit- liara- tor-phase bears, on the whole, -nship to the parent indicated at the head linn. The r/iiiiux sign is, of course, the nega- !ie former ; while tin- />/n.-minu.< sign null. :ie hybrid r. -emMes in degree one as ma h a- tl. ;rent. In tlu> last itilumn tin- terms tXCttt and in that a unit-character or unit-character- phac is developed in excess or deficit <>f parental ex- trvmcs; \ndiridtial means that a unit-character or unit- character-phase has been discovered in the hybrid that wax not observed in either parent ruin apparently minor peculiarities have been dis- regarded in this tabulation. In some instance.- it i* <rl)itrary whether we regard a given property as (1 in excess or deficit of parental extremes. Thus, if the grains of the hybrid be more irregular, or ntttm** to reagents greater, than those of the parents, are we to look upon the difference as being an . ticreased or decreased development ? Ten- rcnces have been taken as represent- icreased derelopm< nt ; and, if there be leas irregu- or lees resist n i; e, the opposite. It is obvious that these tablet indicate merely very grossly certain promi- ; >basea of hybrid and parental relationships, and that the coeUati must be studied therewith in order that the (a) Brurudonna tandcrec alba (tame parentage as foUouing hybrid). TABLE C \.-Bruntdonmatmdrrmelba. qualitative and quantitative ilu> tuations ,,f tlie Inbrid in . each parent can properlv be understood. In the several sets of tables that follow, the symbols 9, d* and 9 = <J are used as sex designation* to indicate nearer the seed parent, nearer the poll, n parent, and equally related to both, rv> , The symbol $ in Tables F. 1 to :.". and II. 1 to ': indicates that the reactions are too fast or too slow for satisfactory different i or that because of fluctuations in the courses of gela- t miration there is either no satisfactory differentiation or sufficiently definite inclination t<> either parent. The data of the quantitative reaction* are taken from the various tables of the reaction intensities expressed by the percentage of total Ktar.li -.Lit m >. .1 at definite t intervals that cuiistitute tin- third M-etion ,.i eaeh MIIII- mary in Chapter III, and also tabulated in modified ar- rangement in Set tion 4 of this chapter. These data have also been presented in the form of chart* in Chapter IV. It is important to note that in the studies of the quali- t4iti\e rcHrtionM the reagents selected varied somewhat in number and kind in the different seta of parent) and hybrids and that in the formulation of these tables the quantitative reactions given arc limited to those of the reagents ucd to elicit the qualitative reactions. Hence, in the summing up in these tallies of the relationships of the reactions of the hybrids to those of the parents there may seem to be some discrepancies when the figures are coinpare.1 with tin*.- of Tables E, 1 to 28, F, 1 to 50, and II, 1 to 26. For instance, in the quantitative reac- tions of Ilruiijtiliinna Mnilrnr alba it will be noted that of the H reaction* with the chemical reagents none is like that of the seed parent, pollen parent, or l>th parents, 1 is intermediate, 1 is lusher than that of either parent, and 6 arc lower than thorn of cither parent. When, however, all of the VM reactions are summed up it is found (Tahlc F, 1) that 4 arc the same as those of seed parents, none the same as those of the pollen parent, 1 the same as those of both parents, 5 intermediate. 3 higher than those of the parent*, and 13 lower than tho e of the parents. The limited quantitative data given in Tables C 1 to C 17 arc mainly for comparisons with the qunlr reactions with the same reagents, the data of this kind being tabulated in full in tables E, F, and II. Limited comment only is necessary in explaining this series of M what*, to UM- 8c*d parrot. Pollen paraoi. I:. :...:.. l (UUMitjr) practically tune M 9 8am* 9 MM* I Very Vry lowrr Uuui rithw parrot <f lower than Mktt parrot 9 parrot 9 MMk km than Um parent <? Murfa low* than (Hkw parrot <f Much lower than citber parent <f 286 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE C 2. Hippeastrum. Designation, agent or reagent. Closer, as a whole, to the Excess, deficit, or individual. Quantitative reactions. Seed parent. Pollen parent. 1. Hippcastrum titan-cleonia: Histologic peculiarities Form + + + + + + + + + Number + + + + + + + + + + + + + db + + + + + Character + + + Larger grains + + + Excess Excess Excess Excess Excess Excess Excess Excess Excess Excess Excess Excess, deficit Excess Excess, individual Excess, individual Excess Excess Deficit Deficit Excess Excess Excess Excess Excess Excess, deficit (Intensity) higher than either parent 9 Higher than either parent cT Lower than either parent 9 Intennediate 9=cr Intermediate 9 = cf Intermediate 9 = cf Lower than cither parent 9 (Intensity) higher than either parent c? Intermediate 9 = c? Intermediate 9 Higher than cither parent 9 Higher than cither parent 9 Slightly higher than either parent 9 Slightly lower than either parent a* (Intensity) higher than either parent <? Same as d 1 Lower than either parentc? Higher than either parent cf Intermediate 9 Intermediate 9 = d 1 Slightly lower than either parent 9 Hilum Lamella? Size Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) Selenite Chloral hydrate Potassium iodide Sodium salicy late 2. Hippeastrum ossultan-pyrrha: Histologic peculiarities Laracllffi Size . Qualitative reactions Selenite Chloral hydrate Nitric acid Potassium sulphocy anate Sodium sal icy late 3. Hippeastrum dseones-zephyr : Histologic peculiarities Form Size Qualitative reactions Selenite Chloral hydrate Nitric acid (b) Brunsdonna sanderce (same parentage as preceding hybrid). The foregoing table is with five differences dupli- cated by the records of this hybrid. These hybrids differ more in certain particulars (both qualitatively and quan- titatively) from each other than do either from their parents or the parents from each other. This hybrid, like its mate, bears, on the whole, a decidedly closer rela- tionship to Amaryllis belladonna than to Brunsvigia Josephines, and is closer than the first hybrid to Amaryllis belladonna. The dissociation of lamellar characteristics (the form and arrangement being closer to one parent, and the number to the other) is very interesting, but by no means an uncommon phenomenon in the starches of hybrids. Moreover, as will be found by reference to the context, similar splitting occurs of the characters of the hilum and in the size of the grains. That the quantitative and qualitative reactions are also as independent of each other in the direction <jf their parental relationships is strikingly shown in the table. Throughout the qualitative reactions the hybrids incline to the seed parent, but in the quantitative reac- tions wide variations are shown in the parental rela- tionships. Thus, in the polarization reactions the first hybrid is the same as the seed parent, while the second is intermediate but closer to the seed parent; in the potassium-iodide reactions both have reactivities lower than those of the parents, the first being closer to the seed parent and the second as close to one as to the other parent; in the sodium-sal icyl ate reactions the first is intermediate but closer to the seed parent, and the second is the same as the seed parent ; and in the cobalt reactions both have reactivities lower than those of the parents, but one is closer to the pollen parent while the other is as close to one as to the other parent. Otherwise they are essentially the same in their parental relationships. Curiously, while in the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate, nitric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulpho- cyanate, and sodium salicylate it is closer than the other SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, EH JS7 hybrid to .-1 maryllit btllaJonna, in the copper-nitrat*- and OBprifrUorida nations it is not to close u the oilier hybrid. Hn-MEAJtrmrM. (TABLBC2.) In ..nii'.iri!: these record* and keeping in view UM boUnical closeness of th* parents in each case, and also a corresponding . |.>seness of the offspring to the parent*, together with the great importance that i commonly attached t<> intermetliateneei a* a criterion of hybrid*, one in Mrurk l>y ( 1 ) the fn-|uenrv of the development f propertie-i <'f the hybrid in excess or deficit of parental i the appearance of reaction* in the hybrid WML -.!! in the |iur.-nt- ; and ( :l) the twinging <>f hybrid development to one or the other parent in an utterly inexplicable manner. Among the 36 designations of the three seta, in no less than 23 tome property or rties were developed in exceea of parental extreme*, and in 4 there waa deficient development. In two in- stance* properties were noted in the hybrid that were not apparent in either parent The hybrid of the first m form clo*er to the seed parent, bat in the second and third sets it if closer to the pollen parent; in hilum, m the first and third seta, closer to the seed parent, but in the second set closer to the pollen parent ; in lamella;, in the first set closer to the pollen parent, in the third er to the seed parent, and in the second set closer seed parent in number and to the pollen parent in il characters; in size, in the first set rlooer to the n the second set closer to the seed parent, and in the third set equally like both parent* in common 'lit like the pollen parent in the larger grains. In polariscopic figures and reactions with selenite, in the first and second seta the hybrid* are more like the aeed parent, but in the third set the likeness is to the pollen parent. The Qualitative reactions with the chemical reagents are full of interest. In the first set, with all five reagents the reactions are, on the whole, closer to those of the seed parent ; in the second set those of three of the reagent* (chloral hydrate, potassium iodide, and potassium lulphocyanate) are closer to those of the seed parent, and two (nitric acid and sodium salicylate) closer to those of the pollen parent ; and in the third set those of four of the reagents are closer to the seed parent and that of one (sodium salicylate) as close to that of one a* to that of the other parent The relationships, on the whole, are somewhat closer to the seed parent The quantitative and qualitative reactions show com- paratively the most variable relationships. HMAxnirg. (TABU C 3.) The hybrid in the first set, in form and hilum, in closer to the seed parent ; in lamella? it resembles both parent* in equal degree; and in size it U nearer the pollen parent In the second set, in all four histologic designations, it is nearer the pollen parent. In the polariscopic figures and selenite reactions and in the qualitative reactions with the chemical reagents the resemblance (except the iodine reaction in the second set) is closer to the seed parent In three instances development in excess of parental extremes, and in one instance individuality, were recorded. The quantitative reactions are most vagarious in their relations to the qualitative reactions. It is of interest to note that the aeed parent is the same in both seta and that in both TABLB CS.HrnmanUnu, Clow. M a whole, to the Bead parent. Polka parent. EXOMI, deficit, < individual. Quantitative reactions. 1 II Excee*. individual (InteMity) intermediate 9 -< Intermediate 9 -o" Intermediate 9 - o* Intermediate 9 a. 9 s9 serf Eitw (InteMfty) hihr than cither parent <f Intermediate 9 <? Lower than either parent 9 9 M 9 M 9 as 9 Intermediate if 288 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. hybrids there is clear evidence of biparental inheritance. The relationships, on the whole, are distinctly closer to the seed parent. CRINIUM. (TABLEC4). The parents in each of these three sets of Crinums are recognized species that belong to the hardy and tender groups C. moorei and C. longtfolium to the former and C. zeylanicum to the latter. In each set the hybrid shows very markedly in each of the designations biparental inheritance, varying in degree in relation to the various unit-characters and unit-character-phascs. Occasional individualities of the hybrids are recorded, and excessive and deficient developments are noted rarely in the first and second sets, but not infrequently in the third set. In the first and third sets C. moorei was a parent in the first the seed parent, and in the third TABLE C 4. Crinum. Designation, agent and reagent. Closer, as a whole, to the Excess, deficit, or individual. Quantitative reactions. Seed parent. Pollen parent. 1. Crinum hybridum j. c. harvcy: Histologic peculiarities Length + Character + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Eccentricity + + + Length, breadth + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Eccentricity + Character + + + + + -f + + + + + + + + Excess, individual Excess Individual Individual Excess, individual Excess, deficit Excess Excess Excess Deficit Deficit Deficit (Intensity) higher than either parent 9 Same as cf Intermediate cf Same as cf Same as cf Lower than cither parent cf Lower than either parent cf Same as cf Intermediate cf Intermediate cf Intermediate cf Same as cf (Intensity) higher than either parent 9 Intermediate cf Same as 9 Intermediate 9 Intermediate 9 Intermediate 9 Intermediate cf Same as 9 Intermediate 9 Lower than either parent 9 Intermediate 9 Intermediate 9 Nearly same as 9 (Intensity) same as cf Intermediate 9 =cf Higher than either parent cf Higher than cither parent cf Higher than either parent cf Higher than either parent cf Higher than either parent cf Intermediate cf Higher than either parent cf Higher than either parent cf Higher than cither parent cf Sue Qualitative reactions Iodine Nitric acid Potassium sulphide Sodium salicylate Cupric chloride 2. Crinum kircape: Histologic peculiarities Form Hilum Lamellae Size Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) Selenite Iodine Chloral hydrate Nitric acid Potassium hydroxide Potassium iodide Potassium sulphocyanate Potassium sulphide Sodium sulphide Sodium salicylate Copper nitrate Cupric chloride Mercuric chloride 3. Crinum powellii: Histologic peculiarities Form Hilum Lamellae Size Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) Selenite Iodine Chloral hydrate Potassium iodide Potassium sulphocyanate Potassium sulphide Sodium sulphide Sodium salicylate Copper nitrate Cupric chloride Mercuric chloride SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. tin- pollen parent. In the histologic properties and qualitative reactions, in the first set the hybrid show* throughout the designation* a markedly closer relation- chip, on the whole, to ('. trylann-um (the pollen parent) than to C. moorri (the seed parent) ; while in the third M t tin- hybrid shows a eloser relationship. n the whole, riumrri (the pollen parent) than to C. lowifolium (the seed parent). In the first set C. moorei (hardy) is croMed with C. :rylanirum (tender), the two specie* being well separated, the hybrid leaning strongly to the p:irmt I'. :ryliinirnm. In the second set C. nry- lanifvm (tender) is crossed with C. longifoli urn (hardy), the specie* are well separated, the hybrid leaning -;r..!,_'l\. hut leas strongly than in the preceding set, tlanifuim. In the third not C.*longi folium (hardy) is crossed with C. moorei (hardy), the species comparatively close, the hybrid tending to be, on id- whole, distinctly closer to C. moorei (the pollen t ) than to C. longifolium. The shifting of paren- tal potency in relation to hybrid development is of inter- est, C. xeylanifvm being the more potent aa both pollen and seed parent in relation to C. moorei and C. longi- folium, respectively, and C. moorei being more potent than C. longifolium. The quantitative in comparison with the qualitative reactions are of great interest. In the first set there is strong leaning to the pollen parent; in the second set to intermediatenees and to the seed rather than to the pollen parent ; and in the third set almost wholly to the pollen parent, in each the inclina- tion* being in harmony with the leanings, on the whol , of the qualitative reactions. NEUNB. (TABLE C 6.) The first two hybrids vary in a most interesting man- ner in their resemblances and differences in regard to each other and to their parents ; and they differ from each other almost as much as they do from the parents, or as the parents differ from each other. Piparental inheri- tance showing varying degrees of influence of each parent is manifest throughout the designations. The hybrid 2V. quern of reset differs in the form of the grains from the other hybrid by a greater resemblance to N. erispa because of its grains having a more regular form, more aggregates, and more compound grains. The hybrids more closely resemble each other than either parent in the character of the hilum, and both are closer in this feature of N. elegant than to N. erispa. The lamella; of \. i/uftn of roses are clow* than those of the other hybrid to those of N. erispa, while those of .V. dainty maid are closer to those of the other parent. The size of the grains of .V. queen of roses ia less than that of the other hybrid, but it is closer to that of the latter than the latter is to either parent, yet not so close as is that of A*, dainty maid to that of .V. elegant. In the polari- TABLB C 5. Nerint. Deai(BaUon. accnt and rracrnt. Cloaw. u a whole, to too ExOtJM, deficit. Off indiridual. Quantitative reactions. Seed parent Pollen parent. 1 (). Nerine dainty maid (Mine parental* as the following hybrid): Histolotie peculiarities Form Character. Character. arrancaoMnt Gelatinised (rains + + + + Fineness + + + + + + + + N * ' + + + Raw (rain* + + + + DdWt (Intensity) same as <f Same a* <^ Intermediate <f Intermediate 9 Intermediate 9 - <f Hlchar than either parent 9 Same as both parents Intermediate <f (Intensity) lower than either parent <f Same as <f Hi(ber than either parent cf Intermediate 9 -<f Intermediate 9 Biber than either parent 9 aticfaUy Uanar than either parent <f Hicher than either parent <f UMHAB Pise Qualitative fraction* Polarisation (figure) RalmiU InHfn* < Moral hydrate Potassium iodide Potassium sulphocyanate Sodium salicylate Kb). Nerine queen of roses dameparant- * as the forepaiw hybrid): Histoloafe peculiarities Form ,. m Lssarfh Sue Qualitative reaction* Satenite... Mhs Chloral hydrate ncacid ! ft* PotA^Mum MilrJifa^ Sodium lalicy late : 290 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. scopic figure and selenite reactions N. queen of roses is closer than N. dainty maid to N. elegans. In the iodine reactions with the raw grains N. queen of roses is closer than N. dainty maid to N. elegans; but with the gela- tinized grains they closely resemble those of N. crispa, while those of the other hybrid resemble those of the other parent. In the qualitative reactions with chloral hydrate both are closer to N. elegans than to N. crispa, but N. queen of roses is not so close to N. crispa as is N. dainty maid to N. elegans, and there is nearly as much difference between the hybrids as there is between N. queen of roses and N. elegans. In the reactions of nitric acid, potassium iodide, potassium sulphocyanate, and potassium sulphide the hybrids are close to one another, and N. queen of roses is not so close as is N. dainty maid to N. elegans. In the sodium-salicylate reactions N. queen of roses is not so close to N. crispa as is N. dainty maid to N. elegans, and there is nearly as much differ- ence between the hybrids as there is between N. queen of roses and N. elegans. The reactions of chloral hy- drate and sodium salicylate are of especial interest be- cause of the reversal of the hybrid and parental relation- ships, 2V. queen of roses being closer to N. elegans, and N. dainty maid closer to N. crispa, in both reactions; while both hybrids incline, as a whole, to N. elegans, N. dainty maid is closer than the other hybrid. The quan- titative reactions bear the most variable relationships to the qualitative reactions, showing, as in preceding sets, the independence of qualitative and quantitative reac- tions with the same agent and reagent. TABLE C 5. Nerine. Continued. Designation, agent and reagent. Closer, as a whole, to the Excess, deficit, or individual. Quantitative reactions. Seed parent. Pollen parent. 2 (a) . Nerine giantess (same parentage as the following hybrid) : Histologic properties Form + + + + Gelatinized grains + + Character + + + Raw and gela. grains + + + + + + + + + + -f- + + + + + + + + + Raw grains + + + + + Eccentricity + + Deficit Deficit, excess (Intensity) lower than either parent 9 Same as d* Same as cf Lower than either parent cf Intermediate 9 Intermediate rf 1 Intermediate d" Same as d" (Intensity) lower than either parent 9 Same as 9 Higher than either parent <? Lower than either parent <? Same as cf Lower than cither parent d* Intermediate a* Same as cf (Intensity) same as 9 Lower than either parent 9 Lower than either parent 9 Lower than either parent <? Same as both parents Same as <? Lower than either parent & Lower than cither parent 9 Hilurn Lamcllffi Size Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) , , . Selenite Iodine Chloral hydrate Nitric acid Potassium iodide Potassium sulphocyanatc Potassium sulphide Sodium salicylate 2(b). Nerine abundance (same parentage as foregoing hybrid) : Histologic properties Form Hilum Lamellae Size Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) Selenite Iodine Chloral hydrate Nitric acid Potassium iodide Potassium sulphocyanate Potassium sulphide Sodium salicylate 3. Nerine glory of sarnia: Histologic properties Form Hilum Lamellce Size Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) Selenite Iodine Chloral hydrate Nitric acid Potassium iodide Potassium sulphocyanate . Potassium sulphide Sodium sulphide SUMMARIES OF THE HIBTOLOCIC CHARACTERS, ETC. -'.II The second two hybrids differ almost u much from each other a* they do from th-ir parent*, or n thf parent* differ from ra<-h other. Kiparental inlirr nuini- feat in all of the designations, varying < 1 1 tTereiictw in tin- <* of influence of one or tin- other pa;. quite apparent throughout. In form, the grains yianttta incline to If. boirdfni. and those of N. abund- ance to the other parent ; but the grain* of the hybrids iirv wry clow to one another. In hilum. .V. giantta it cloaer to N. tarniennt var. rorwca major; whereat in N. abundancr it UK linen in character to .V. lux l.tit in eccentricity to the other parent. In character, .V. abundance is nearer than N. giant ru to N. bou In both lamella? and sin there are reversals in both In - drills of parental relationship*. In aiie ff. abundance U nearer than .V. giantrst to N. bowdrni. In the TABUC C6. Nareitnu. Deeicnation. afmt and mcnV Cloeer. aia rbole. to the Exeea*. deficit, or Seed parent. I 1 I :. ; : * ' > I. () Narrumu poeelem berriek (eame parataav a* tb*foUowia hybrid): II:-'.! Bj ;r ;.::.- 4. 4. I !! . ! 4. 4. PoUhutioa (flmn) 4. (lotenauty) tntrrniliAl< 9 ffilinlti 4. 1 -llM 4. Chloral hydrate 4. Deficit Chromic acid.. ^^ 4. IntrrmediAto ^ PyrocaUie add 4. Same M ^ Nitric add 4. Hichrr thin iMtber puvnt ^ "(f Sulphuric wad 4. 1. (b) NarawM poeticu* duto (MOM 1 BVBkVI ( HSJ BM k*M ! Hirtotogic ptopvtM* 4. Deficit Hflum 4. -j- 8b* 4. QumliUtiv* rMctiotM PolmriwOioD (ficure) . . . 4. (lutcn-uty) int<-niHxliAt 9 Bclenito 4. Iodine 4- Chloral hydrate 4- Intermediate 9 ^ ( 'hrotnic >dd ^ 4- Deficit InlrrnifxJintc ^ PyrocBilic acid . . 4. Hijchrr th&n either parent 9 "d 1 Nitric acid 4- IntrmcduiU 9 d* Sulphuric acid 4. About the une a* 9 2. NarriaMM poeUi triumph: Hirtolocic propwtie. Fonn... 4. Ezoeei Hflom Character Exceai 4. Sue 4. Exeee* Qualitative ""^ty^tt PoUrimation (fifure) 4. (Intensity) MUD* M <^ ^ ^ 4. ^ lodiat 4. flama au r? 1 Chrankadd 4. Hicher than either parent 9 Pyrogmllk aoid .. 4. Hicber than either parent <? Nitric acid 4. Hifhirr than either parent tf Sulphuric acid 4- About the eame ai <? 3. Naraami fiery oraai: Form 4. Hilum Character Eccentricity 4- - I- 4. ^_ ^^ ^ m QualiUUre reaction* Polarisation (ficnra) 4. (Inteneity) Mine ai cf ^ 4- ^ Iodine .. k * _ Same at 9 Chloral hydrate 4- 4- Lower than either parent <f Chromic acid.... 4. _ Lawtr than either parent 9 PyrocaUk acid. . . 4. ^^ Hicber than either parent <? Nitric aoid... 4. _ ^^ Lower than either parent 9 tf Sulphuric acid 4. ^ m . Intermediate 9 -tf 292 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE C 6. Narcissus. Continued. Designation, agent and reagent. Closer, as a whole, to the Excess, deficit, or individual. Quantitative reactions. Seed parent. Pollen parent. 4. Narcissus doubloon : Histologic properties Character it. + Character Character Large Character Common Character Deficit Deficit Individual Excess Deficit (Intensity) same as 9 Same as 9 Lower than either parent 9 = cf Lower than either parent 9 About the same as both parents Intermediate 9 Intermediate 9 (Intensity) same as cf Same as cf Higher than cither parent 9 About the same as 9 Lower than either parent 9 Higher than either parent 9 Higher than either parent 9 (Intensity) same as 9 Same as cf About same as both parents 9 = cf Higher than either parent cf Intermediate 9 Higher than either parent 9 Same as 9 (Intensity) same as 9 Intermediate 9 Same as 9 Intermediate 9 Lower than cither parent cf Lower than either parent cf Same as both parents. (Intensity) same as cf Size Qualitative reactions Selenite Sulphuric acid 5. Narcissus cresset: Histologic properties Size Qualitative reactions Selenite Chloral hydrate Pyrogallic acid Sulphuric acid 6. Narcissus will scarlet: Histologic properties Form Hilum Lamellae Size Qualitative reactions Selenite Chloral hydrate Pyrogallic acid Sulphuric acid 7. Narcissus bicolor apricot: Histologic properties Form Hilum Size Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) Selenite Chloral hydrate Pyrogallic acid Nitric acid Sulphuric acid 8. Narcissus madame de graafl": Histologic properties Form Hilum Lamella) Size Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) Selenite... si MMAIUKS I.K i UK iiiMOLOGIC CHARACTERS, BTC. TABL C 8. Nurdmt*. CmHmili. 293 Deaicnalion. acent and Ctoeer. ai wbol*. to UM ,,: r , , . .:. ! . . : t.' :.:.', ,',.. ,. , . - . i clean martame de craaff. CenJ. Qualitative reaction* lodta. Raw ( -Moral hydrate ... + Chromic . i.l + Pyrocallicedd. NiinrariJ + Sulphuric acid . ... + 9. N.rdeMepyramua: llutolocie propertie* Form Httum._.... SiM Qualitative reactioM PolarUation (ficure) Chloral hydrate .'. Chromir acid. Nitric acid Sulphuric arid. ... 10. Narcuwu lord roberte: Hwtolocic properUa* m Hilum -r- + Qualitative reaction* ,(flcure) Iodine..... Chloral hydrate Chromic acid Pyrocallie add. Nitric acid Sulphuric acid + 11 NarciaHuacneaharvejr: Hietolocio propertie* Form + Character * Qualitative reaction* Polaruation (ficure) + -.:..... Iodine + Chloral hydrate Chromic acid -f- PyrocaUie add Nitric acid Sulphuric acid + !.' Narciij. t. benneltpoe: 11,-' ' .: -;r p*J|a| Form + + Polaruation (Bcnre). Raw Chloral hydrate + Chromic acid.. Pyrocallie acid. Nitric acid Sulphuric acid + Ham* a* 9 MM Lower than either parent 9 Interrodiate 9 Lower than either parent 9 Same a* 9 Untenaity) hicher than either parent 9-< Same at 9 Lower than either parent 9 Higher than either parent 9 Richer than either parent 9 Hicher than either parent 9 ai both parent* (Intenaity) aaroe a* <? Same u both parent* Intermediate 9 Lower than either parent <f Intermediate <? Intermediate 9 Sameai 9 Deficit (Intenaity) aame ai 9 Sameai 9 Intermediate <? Lower than either parent 9 Intermediate 9 - <? Richer than either parent 9 About the aame at 9 Deficit Deficit + f + (Intenaity) aame u 9 Same a* 9 Richer than either parent 9 Richer than either parent 9 Richer than either parent d> Hicher than either parent 9 II.. ,:..",: ; ,-.,.: . 294 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. polariscopic reactions both incline to N. bowdeni, but N. abundance is not so close as N. giantess. In the iodine reactions with the raw grains the hybrids are as well separated from each other as they are from the parents. In N. giantess the gela- tinized grains behave more like those of N. bowdeni, while the raw grains lean to the other parent; but in the other hybrid there was not found any difference in the parental inclinations of both gelatinized and raw grains. The qualitative reactions with the chemical reagents show curious differences, N. giantess in only two of the six reactions inclining to N. bowdeni and in the other four to the other parent; while the other hybrid inclines all six reactions to N. bowdeni. In the reac- tions of chloral hydrate, potassium sulphocyanate, and sodium salicylate N. abundance is closer than N. giantess to N. bowdeni; and in the potassium-sulphocyanate reac- tion the hybrids are closer to each other than to either parent. In the nitric-acid reaction N. giantess is closer to N. sarniensis var. corusca major than is N. abundance to N. bowdeni, but the hybrids themselves are very close. In the potassium-iodide reaction N. giantess leans to N. sarniensis var. corusca major, while the other hybrid inclines to the other parent; but the hybrids are closer to each other than is either to the parent to which it is the more closely related. The quantitative and quali- tative reactions show most interesting differences and independence. It will be seen by an examination of the preceding table how variable and absolutely unpredictable is the shifting of hybrid properties toward one or the other parent. Biparental inheritance in each of the designa- tions is manifest; but in some instances hybrid and parents are very closely alike, and in others the hybrids are more alike or more different than are the parents, or they differ more from the parents or resemble more closely one or the other parent than do the parents them- selves appear to be the same or different. With the first pair of hybrids, N. dainty maid inclines in the histologic properties and qualitative reactions, with the exception of the character and arrangement of the lamellae, in every designation to N. elegans: while its mate, N. queen of roses, leans in only about two-thirds of the designations to the same parent. With the second pair, N. giantess inclines in about one-half of the designations to N. bow- deni, while N. abundance inclines almost wholly to the same parent. With the last hybrid, N. glory of sar- nia, the inclination with the exception of a single desig- nation is to N. sarniensis var. corusca major. Excess and deficit of development are rarely noted, and no indi- viduality of the hybrid in any case was recorded. In the quantitative reactions there is obvious independence of the qualitative reactions, inasmuch as they may or may not correspond. In N. dainty maid, while in both histo- logic properties and qualitative reactions the inclination is positively to the pollen parent, in the quantitative reactions there is a tendency to intermediateness, and to the pollen parent. In N. queen of roses there is an inclination of about two-thirds of the histologic proper- ties and qualitative reactions to the pollen parent, while in the quantitative reactions there is more of a leaning to the pollen than to the seed parent. In N. giantess about one-half of the histologic properties and qualitative reactions lean to the seed parent, in the quantitative reactions six of the eight reactions lean to the pollen parent. In N. abundance the histologic properties and qualitative reactions incline almost wholly to the seed parent, in the quantitative reactions six of the eight in- cline to the pollen parent. In N. glory of sarnia the histologic properties and qualitative reactions incline almost wholly to the seed parent and the quantitative reactions incline equally to each of the two parents. NARCISSUS. (TABLE C 6.) The first two hybrids, while showing throughout the various designations biparental inheritance, usually bear a closer relationship to N. poeticm poetarum than to N. poeticus ornatus; and on the whole are closer to one another than to either parent. It is strange that while N. poeticus herrick is in form, hilum, and lamellae closer to a, poeticus ornatus than to the other parent, the rela- tionship in size and all other designations is closer to N. poeticus poetarum. N. poeticus dante is in form closer to N. poeticus ornatus, but in all other designations closer to the other parent. In form both hybrids are closer to N. poeticus ornatus, but N. poeticus herriok is the closer of the two. In hilum and lamellae, N. poeti- cus herrick shows as close relationship to N. poeticus ornatus as does N. poeticus dante to N. poeticus poe- tarum. In size, N. poeticus herrick is closer than N. poeticus dante to N. poeticus poetarum. In both polari- scopic figure and selenite reactions both hybrids are closer, and in equal degree, to if. poeticus poetarum. In the iodine reactions the hybrids do not differ and are therefore equally close to N. poeticus poetarum. Throughout the qualitative chemical reagent designa- tions the hybrids are closer to N. poeticus poetarum. In the chloral-hydrate and nitric-acid reactions N. poeti- cus dante is closer than N. poeticus herrick to N. poeti- cus poetarum; but in the chromic-acid and pyrogallic- acid reactions the reverse. Only rare records of deficient development were recorded; in no instance was there excess of development or individuality. In the quanti- tative reactions N. poeticus herrick is mid-intermediate or shows a closer relationship to the pollen parent; while N. poeticus dante is mid-intermediate in three of the seven reactions and shows a closer relationship in two to the seed parent, and in two to the pollen parent. It is of interest to note that while in the qualitative reac- tions both hybrids are throughout very much closer to the pollen parent than to the seed parent, in the quantita- tive reactions the first leans markedly to the pollen parent and the second to one as much as to the other parent. There is seen throughout the designations of the various sets of Narcissi the same swinging of hybrid development to one or the other parent, the independence of each unit-character and unit-character-phase of every other in its direction and degree of development, the absolute impossibility of forecasting the parental rela- tionship of any designation, and the usually close rela- tionship of the hybrid in its properties, as a whole, to one or the other parent, as is evident in preceding sets. Special features of the Narcissi group are attached to the relative potencies of certain of the parents that occur in a number of sets, and to the hybrid 2V. madame de graaff, which in two sets is the pollen parent. N. poeti- cus ornatus is the seed parent in Set 1 and the pollen parent in Sets 2, 3, and 4. As the seed parent, it exhibits M'MMAKIKS ,,K TIIK II I - |. .|..,, , |r . H Mi \< III;-. Kh TABU C7.-Li7i urn. Cloeer. a* a rhole,lothe- Exnva. defleH. or -..:;.. Pollen parent. iMHridual QtiAotiUUr* rvttctiofM. 1. Uliura marhaa: II:-' .: |Mp r:.. - I Tt:, 4. } \ 4. 4- Bise 4. Uuml.tmlive reaction* Polarisation (ficure) 4. Selenite 4. Iodine _ Chloral hydrate .... 4. lllJJM MLfuUslljl Jt Chromic Mid 4. ft&nwt ** ff 1* (A^BUlin k ii tmn mtitf ^ m 4. Cobalt nitrmte 4. f nt*rnLRj1i.Li. ^ < upric chloride. ... 4. AlwMlt tikJt em W< 2. Lilium dalhaneoni: Hietoioafa properties 4. I>. , , , . . .. HUum 4. LMMsta Character Number 8u '. DoAril Qualitative reactions Polaritatioo (ficure) 4. Belenite 4. lodiae 4- Chloral hydrate 4. Chromic acid 4. Potaawum hydroxide 4. ** 1 ^ t Cobalt nitrate 4. IntcrrtifvltBUi rV Cuprie chloride... 4- Inte^mMiiatA /4* Form 4. &ram d^Mt HUum. . 4. EXOM LMMSS* 4. I . ( ir, 8iM 4. Qualitative reectiooe PolariiaUoo (ficurr) 4- Beleoito... 4. lodiae 4. Chloral hydrate . 4. SAHII* M ^ Chromic acid 4. 4. Cobalt nitrate.... 4. Cuprie chloride . 4. 4. Uliuro tretaraum: Bietelosie propertiee Form 4. Deficit iodividtud .m ( ' , i ' . r 4. De6dt MM 4. Qualitative reactione Polarisation (flcnre) 4. (Intensity) >mine M 9 4. lodiae 4- Chloral hydrate 4. Chromic acid 4. r..! m*m ,N ir i,!.. 4. Sftme M both p*roU. Cobalt nitrate . .. 4. IntonMdiftto <f Cuprie chloride. .. 4- SMM cT 8. Ulhan burbanki: H.-t .: K. ;r ;-r-..- Form 4. Deficit, nc*m 4. I .i:i.--;; i 4- 8Ue 4. ^ Polarisation (ficurc) _ 4. (Intenaity) same aa <f 4. I - 1 i 4. Same a* 9 Chloral hydrate 4. [ntermcdiate 9 Chromie acid Lower than either parent 9 ' ,.: ,.,-, + 4- ^* Same ae both parent*. Lower than either parent 9 Coptic chloride . . 4- ^ mm Lower than either parent 9 296 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. very much less influence on the properties of the hybrids than the pollen parent; in Sets 2 and 3, as the pollen parent, it is less effective than the seed parent; and in Set 4 it is about equally effective as the seed parent. N. poeticus poctarum appears in Sets 1, 5, and G as the pollen parent. In Set 1 it greatly dominates the seed parent in its influence; in Set 5 it is of somewhat less potency than the other parent ; and in Set 6 it is almost completely dominated by the seed parent. N. abscissus is the seed and the pollen parent, respectively, in Sets 7 and 8. In the former, it somewhat dominates the pollen parent, and in the latter it is distinctly subordinate to the seed parent. N. iriandms albus is the pollen parent in Sets 11 and 12, in the former it being almost wholly sub- ordinate, and in the latter of about equal value to the other parent, in influencing the properties of the off- spring. N. madame de graaff is of especial interest because of its being a hybrid in Set 8, and the seed TABLE C 8. Iris. Designation, agent and reagent. Closer, as a whole, to the Excess, deficit, or individual. Quantitative reactions. Seed parent. Pollen parent. 1. Iris Umali : Histologic properties Form ... + Character + + + + + + + + + Character Number + + + + + + + + + + + Indistinctness + + Character + + + + + + + f + Eccentricity. + + Eccentricity Character Character + + + + + + + + Eccentricity + Excess, deficit Deficit Deficit Excess Excess Deficit Excess Deficit + Excess Excess (Intensity) lower than either parent Same as 9 Intermediate c? Intermediate of About the same as d* About the same as both parents Same as d 1 (Intensity) same as 9 Same as 9 Lower than either parent 9 = cf Same as d" Higher than either parent cf About the same as 9 Slightly lower than either parent 9 (Intensity) lower than either parent Higher than either parent 9 Higher than either parent d" Lower than either parent c? Lower than either parent d 1 Lower than either parent 9 = cT Higher than either parent d" (Intensity) lower than either parent Same as cf About the same as both parents About the same as both parents About the same as both parents About the same as both parents Higher than either parent 9 d" rf 1 9 Hilum Lamella 4 L L . . . Size Qualitative reactions Selenite Chloral hydrate Potassium iodide Sodium salicytate 2. Iris dorak: Histologic properties Form Hilum . . . Lamella? Size Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) Selenite Iodine Hydrochloric acid Sodium hydroxide 3. Iris mrs. ulan gray: Histologic properties Hilum LaiuelUe Size Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) Selenite Iodine Chloral hydrate Hydrochloric acid Potassium iodide ... Sodium hydroxide Sodium aalicylate .... 4. Iris pursind: Histologic properties Form Hilum Lamella} Sue Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) Selenite Iodine Chloral hydrate Hydrochloric acid Potassium iodide Sodium hydroxide Sodium salicylate SUMMARIES OP THE HI8TOLOOIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABU CO.-GMUhu. Clcner. a* a hole, totae 1 . . I.'..!,, Seed parent. Pollen parrot individual. II... - ... 1! . ;: Form 4. Character Eccentricity LaflMllflt * * Ex mat MM + Qualitative reaction* ivj^ i ^^!LMI tHf\in>\ 4- i Intensity) intrrtntxliate 9 4. i |H 4. ^ ral hydrate 4- Lower than either parent <f Hydrochloric acid 4. _ Individual 4. !^ fLwifatMl W*l n ! rl + m m Sodium ft&licrUte ^ Lower than either parent 9 parent in Sets 9 and 10. As a hybrid it exhibit* mark- edly biparental inheritance in all of the designations in varying degrees in relation to one or the other parent, but leaning, un the whole, strongly to the seed parent; not e\ln!>it:ii_' any notable peculiarity that is not ob- served in one or the other parent, nor showing any de- ment in excess or deficit of parental development, in certain hiitologic feature* of minor character. As a wed parent it shows in Set 9 leas potency, and in Set 10 about equal potency, compared with the other parent in determining the properties of the hybrid. ,V. madame de graaff shows in its qualitative reactions with the various chemical reagents the peculiar processes of gelatinization that were recorded in the reactions of one parent or both parents ; and the processes of this hy- >re manifested in its offspring in a manner not dis- tinguishable from that which on general principles should be expected were it a species or a variety and not a hybrid. The quantitative reactions bear to the histoloeric prop- erties and qualitative reactions the most variable rela- hips in their parental leanings. I jut M. (TABLE C 7.) In histologic properties and qualitative reactions /,. marlian bears in three-fourths of its designations a closer relationship to the pollen parent. In form and size of the grains the relationship is closer to the pollen parent; but in hilum and lamella* the reverse. Apart from the chloral hydrate reaction, which is closer to the seed parent, all of the qualitative reactions are closer to the pollen parent. L. dalhansoni in form, size, charac- ter, and arrangement of the lamella- is closer to the seed parent, but in hilum and number of the lamella; is closer to the pollen parent. In only the chloral- hydrate reaction is the hybrid closer in the qualitative reactions to the pollen parent, and in the others closer to the seed parent, the opposite to what was noted in the first hybrid. Each of these hybrids has the same pollen parent, but there is an almost entire reversal of the parental relationships in the various designations. In //. golden gleam the relationship is, with the single exception of the chloral-hydrate reaction, closer to the seed parent. The pollen parent of //. marhan is the same as the seed parent of L. golden gleam, the hybrid relationships of each being closer to th<* seed parvnt, L, maculaium and //. tenuifolium, respectively. L. tei- laceum in form and in character of the hilum and lamella: is closer to the seed parent, but in eccentricity of the hilum and in size it is closer to the pollen parent. In all of the qualitative reactions it is shown to be closer TAIU K C 10. Trttonta. Clossr, aaw bole, to the Exctw. dcfidt, or Quantitative mfcctioo*. Seed parent. Pollen parent. individual. : . ' 4- Eccentricity Character _ 1 . r 4- ^^ _ MM 4- _ _ QtuJiUtir* reaction* Polarisation (figure) 4- (Intotuity) lower than ettfeer pareot 9 Sefcoito 4- Iodine . . 4. _ _ lateraiodiaU 9 Chloral hydrate 4. _,_ Lower than either parent 9 ^^ Intermediate 9 PotaAvum Wxiiiie 4- Intennediato 9 Sodttm aTjIrfliu*^ ^ latermediate 9 |B|u||^_- *T ,|-f^ o. 298 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. to the seed parent. L. burbanki in form, lamellae, and size is closer to the seed parent, but in hilum closer to the pollen parent. Except the polariscopic ligure and selenite reaction it is closer in all of the qualitative designations to the seed parent. Excess and deficit of development are recorded only among the histologic prop- erties, and no individuality is noted in any of the five hybrids in any of the designations. The quantitative reactions bear most variable and in- dependent relationships to the qualitative reactions in each of the sets of parents and hybrid. IBIS. (TABLE C 8.) I. ismali inclines to the seed parent in all of the designations of histologic properties and qualitative re- actions, except in eccentricity of the hilum, polariscopic TABLE C 11. Begonia. Designation, agent and reagent. Closer, as a whole, to the Excess, deficit, or individual. Quantitative reactions. Seed parent. Pollen parent. 1. Begonia mrs. heal: Histologic properties Form Character + + + + + + + + -f Character Character Smaller grains + + + + + + + + Sizes rik Gelat. grains + + + + + Character + + + + + + Eccentricity + + Eccentricity Number Larger grains + + + Length breadth Raw grains + Eccentricity + + + + + Deficit Excess (Intensity) lower than either parent 9 = cf Same as 9 Intermediate 9 Intermediate 9 Intermediate 9 Same as 9 Intermediate 9 (Intensity) intermediate 9 Intermediate 9 Higher than either parent 9 Intermediate 9 Intermediate 9 Intermediate 9 Intermediate 9 (Intensity) same as cf Higher than either parent cT Higher than either parent 9 Intermediate 9 Intermediate 9 Same as 9 Intermediate 9 (Intensity) same as cf Same as o" Intermediate 9 Higher than either parent 9 Higher than either parent 9 Same as 9 Higher than either parent 9 Hilufri .... Lamella Size Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) Selenite I* idini- , . . , , 4 , , j , R , , Chloral hydrate Chromic acid . . Pyrogallic acid Nitric acid Strontium nitrate 2. Begonia ensign: Higtologic propertiea Form Hilum Lamella Size Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) Selenite Iodine Chloral hydrate Chromic acid Pyrogallic acid Nitric acid Strontium nitrate 3. Begonia Julius Histologic properties Form Hilum Lamella Sue . Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) Selenite Iodine Chloral hydrate Chromic acid Pyrogallic acid Nitric acid Strontium nitrate 4. Begonia success: Histologic properties Form Hilum Lamella Size Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) Selenite Iodine Chloral hydrate Pyrogallic acid Nitric acid Strontium nitrate SUMMARIES OF THE HI8TOLOOIC CHARACTERS, ETC. figure, and selenite reactions. 7. dorale shown even a . the iced parent, closer resemblances l |i..l!.-n |..ir.-iit being recorded in only the eocen- tru ity !' tin- hilum and lamella}. The seed parent of hybrids is the same and it show* in both hybrids inu. h -r. uter potency than the other parent. In /. mn. aliin tjrry tb> f.irin, hilum, and indistinctness of the luui.-lhv Jean to the teed parent, but the general charac- f th>> lamella- and the size of the grains incline t<> the |Ni|l.-n parent. Among the qualitative reactions, in t !>.> with imline alone is there greater closeness to the wed parvnt. /. ,lnrat and /. mn. alan grey hare /. erngialti as their pollen and seed parent, respectively; in earh hybrid tins parent exhibits the lesser influence on the histologic characters and qualitative reactions of the hybrids. /. jiurnnd shows, with the exception : u ity of the hilum and qualitative reactions with iodine, a closer relationship to the seed parent. De- and excess of development, mostly in histologic properties, are occasionally noted; but individualities of the hybrids are absent The independence and vagariousness of the quantita- ractions in relation to the qualitative reactions are very striking in all of the sets. GLADIOLUS. (TABLB C 9.) The seed parent of 0. colvillei shows throughout the histologic properties and qualitative reactions, the more pofent influence on the hybrid, excepting in the eccentricity of the hilum and the lamella?, in the former respect being subordinate, and in the latter of equal value, to the seed parent. Excess of development of parental extremes was noted in the lamella-, and indi- viduality was recorded in the hydrochloric-acid reaction. I n the quantitative reactions there is mostly a tend- ency to sameness as both parents, together with some inclination to excess and deficit of development ; but, on the whole, th." leaning is rather toward the seed parent. TUTONIA. (TABLB C 10.) This hybrid in its designations shares about equally in closeness to one or the other parent. In eccentricity of the hilum, lamella?, and size it is closer to the seed parent, but in form and character of the hilum closer to the pollen parent. In the polariscopic figure, and in the wlenite and iodine reactions it is closer to the twd parent, but in all the other Qualitative reactions it is closer to the pollen parent, Rroeas and deficit of de- velopment and individualities were not noted. Curi- ously, while in the qualitative reactions with the various chemical reagents the leaning of the hybrid is to the !>olleii ].:in m. in the quantitative reactions the inclina- tion is in all seven reactions to the seed parent. This almost complete reversal of qualitative ana quantitative parental relationships is by no means uncommon, as will be seen in other tables. BsnoNiA. (TABuCll.) II. tocotrana is the pollen parent in all four hybrids, it belonging to the semi-tuberous group ; the seed parents are horticultural varieties that belong to the tuberous group. In all four hybrids there is among the histo- logical properties a manifest tendency to a splitting of the characters in their parental relationships (except solely in the form of the grains) and to fluctuation ( given characters in different hybrids to one parent or the other. The form of the grains in B. mn. heal, B. Julius, and B. success is closer to the pollen parent, but in B. ensign closer to the other parent. The hilum in charac- ter is in B. mn. heal, R. ensign, and B. success closer to the seed parent, but in B. juliut closer to the pollen parent; while in eccentricity it ia closer in all to the pollen parent. The lamella; in character are in B. en- sign and H. Julius closer to the pollen parent, while in number this property is in all four closer to the pollen parent. In size, in common sizes it is in /?. mn. heal and B. success closer to the seed parent, in the larger grains in B. ensign closer to the pollen parent, and in propor- tion of length to breadth in It. Julius closer to the pollen parent. The polariscopic figure is in B. mn. heal closer to the seed parent, but in the other three the same as both parents or closer to the pollen parent. The selenite reactions are closer to those of the seed parent in B. mn. heal and B. ensign; closer to those of the pollen parent in B. success; and the same as both parents in B. Julius. The independence of polariscopic figure and selenite reaction is illustrated in B. ensign. In the iodine reac- tions the inclinations may be to one or the other parent, but in B. Julius there is a splitting so that the reactions of the gelatinized grains are closer to the seed parent, C12. RickarJia. Dotcnatioo agent nH rmgMt Clam. aiaw hole, to the EXOMB, deficit, or QuAotiUUv* mrUxu. Seed parent. Pollen parent. individual. IHrlnntii mn. rooawelt: I! - -..-.. Form + Deficit, excca* Hilum + _ Lamella) * _ _ 8be + Deficit _ Qualitative raaetfcma Polarisation (6ure) + (Inteneity) intermediate 9 -<f 8clut + M Iodine - + - Same a* 9 Chlonl hydrate.... Chromic Mid + 4. ^* ~ About tit* aune a* both parent* 4. ^^ _ Lower than either parent tf Potaaaum hydroxide. + M Bicker than either parent <? Sodium MlieyUte + _ _ Same M both parente 300 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE C 13. Musa. Designation, agent and reagent. Closer, as a whole, to the- Excess, deficit, or individual. Quantitative reactions. Seed parent. Pollen parent. Musa hybrida: Histologic properties Form Number Character Excess Excess Excess (Intensity) higher than either parent d 1 Same as d 1 Lower than either parent d* Lower than either parent d* Same as d 1 Lower than either parent c? 1 Lower than either parent d 1 Size Qualitative reactions Selenite . . ; Iodine Chloral hydrate Cobalt nitrate TABLE C 14. Phaius. Designation, agent and reagent. Closer, as a whole, to the Excess, deficit, or individual. Quantitative reactions. Seed parent. Pollen parent. Phaius hybridus: Histologic properties Form + Character, arrange + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Character + Excess (Intensity) higher than either parent 9 Intermediate cf Lower than either parent o* Intermediate 9 =<? Intermediate 9 Same as t? Same as both parents. Intermediate 9 = d* Same as both parents. Lower than either parent 9 = c? Lower than either parent d* Same as of Same as d* HUum Size Qualitative reactions Selenite Chloral hydrate Potassium hydroxide . . Potassium iodide Potassium sulphide Sodium sulphide TABLE C 15. Millonia. Designation, agent and reagent. Closer, as a whole, to the Excess, deficit, or individual. Quantitative reactions. Seed parent. Pollen parent. Miltonia blcuana: Hiatologic properties Form + Character Character + + + + + + + + Eccentricity + Excess Excess (Intensity) higher than either parent V Same as 9 Intermediate 9 Higher than either parent 9 Same as both parents Higher than either parent 9 Higher than either parent 9 Hilum Lamellffi Size Qualitative reactions Polarization (figure) Selenite Iodine Chloral hydrate Chromic acid Hydrochloric acid Potassium iodide Sodium salicylate SUMMARIES OK Mil IIISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABUS C 16.- 301 Ooeer. at a w bole, to the I:..- I,,., Seed parent. Potlea parent. !. : .. Cymbtdium burneo-lotrianum II:--- *. I:.-:'-- Form 4. Hiluin 8m* Character 8iM 1 .:.-:. H| Length, width - Quantitative reaction* Polariiation (ncure) (Intenaitv) aame aa 9 i Iodine 4. _ > Same ae 9 Chloral hydrate _ Lower MMH either parent 9 <J i hrotnic acid 4 m ^ Lower *k** either parent 9 cf Sodium uliryUtr 4. Lower than either parent 9 ^ 4. > ^ Lower than either parent 9 * c^ Mercurie chloride. . 4. Lower than either parent 9 <^ while those of the raw grains are closer to the pollen ;. \\ith one exception, in all of the qualitative mctioDB of all four hybrids the relationship is closer to the seed parent. Excess of qualitative development was noted once, deficit once, and individuality not at all. The quantitative reactions are frequently intermediate, imes the same as or higher or lower than both parents; usually very much closer to the seed parent ami far separated from the pollen parent, and rarely the same as or closer to the pollen parent. KHHARDU. (T*BUcC 12.) In form, polariscopic figure, selenite reaction, and iodine reaction the hybrid inclines to the pollen parent ; in lamellw it is equally related to both parents ; and in all other designations closer to the seed parent Deficit of development was noted twice, excess of development once, and indiriduality not at all. The quantitative reactions are quite variable in their parental relationships, and without other than casual correspondence in their bearings with Uic qualitative reactions. Mrs A. (TABLE C 13.) With the exception of the number of the lamelUc, the designations of this hybrid are toward the pollen parent. The quantitative reactions are in all seven designations toward the pollen parent. TABLB C 17. Calanllu. Clonr. M w hole. totbe- Exceai, deficit, or Seed parent. Pollen parent. individual. 1. ( alaothe vettchii: Mott - .-.. Hilom 4. _ m UoMlte . 4. MI- 4. Qualitative reaction* Polarisation (figure) 4. (Intenaity) intermediate O Myu 4- __ > ItdbM 4. ^ ^ Intermediate 9 Chloral hydrate 4. mm Higher than either parent 9 Chronic acid 4- m ^ Same a* 9 Hydrochloric Mid Lower than either parent 9 Intermediate 9 4. Hifhrr than either parent 9 2. Calanth* btyu: Hiatolocie propcrtM. Fora - ::. M - .m 4 mm _ . 4- 8iw Lencth. width Sue Exeeei _ PoUriBktioa (Bfvn) 4. (Intimity) intermediate ef Bakaftc mm 4- Mhi + mt Intemediate 9 - <f Chloral hydrate . 4. ^ _ Intermediate 9-<f Chromic arid . 4. _ ^ Intermediate <f Hydrochloric acid + - Hi^Mr than either parrot <f 4. + _ latarmanikte 9 -d 1 302 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. PHAIUS. (TABLE C 14.) With the exception of the character of the hilum and the reaction with iodine the hybrid in its histologic properties and qualitative reactions is closer to the seed parent. Excess of development is noted once; deficit and individuality not at all. The quantitative reactions are very variable in their parental relationships, exhibiting sameness in relation to one parent or the other or both parents, intermediateness, and excess or deficit in relation to parental extremes, as the case may be. MILTONIA. (TABLE C 15.) Except in the eccentricity of the hilum and size of the grains all of the designations of this hybrid incline toward the seed parent. The qualitative reactions while variable in their parental relationships tend with one exception to the seed parent, but in none to the pollen parent. CTMBIDIUM. (TABLE C 16.) The hybrid bears a closer relationship to the seed parent in all of the histologic and qualitative designa- tions with the exception of eccentricity of the hilum and of ratio of length to breadth of the grains. In the quantitative reactions the inclination is, with one exception, to lower reactivity than in either parent, the hybrid being in the latter reactions lower than in either parent but as close to one as to the other parent. The leaning is generally very doubtful because of the great rapidity of the reactions. C ALAXTHE. (TABLE C 17.) In C. veitchii two-thirds of the designations incline to the seed parent. In form most of the grains are more like those of C. rosea, and only some like those of the other parent. In hilum and lamellae the hybrid is close to the seed parent, but in size closer to the other parent. In the polarization figure, selenite reaction, and iodine reaction it is closer to the seed parent. In the qualita- tive reactions with chloral hydrate, potassium hydroxide and sodium salicylate it is closer to the pollen parent; but in those with chromic acid and hydrochloric acid it is closer to the seed parent. In the quantitative reactions throughout the hybrid is the same as or closer to the seed parent. In C. bryan the designations are about equally divided in their parental closeness. In form some of the grains are more like those of the seed parent, but most are like those of the pollen parent the reverse of what was recorded in the other hybrid (in this set the seed parent is the same as the pollen parent in the preceding set). There is in this hybrid in comparison with the other hy- brids reversal of the relations of the hilum and lamellae to the parents, and there is a splitting of the characters pertaining to size the grains in ratio of length to breadth being closer to the seed parent, but in size gener- ally closer to the pollen parent. While the polariscopic figure and selenite reaction are in comparison with the foregoing hybrid reversed, the iodine reaction remains closer to the seed parent. The qualitative reactions like- wise show curious differences. Here the chloral hydrate, chromic acid, and sodium salicylate reactions are closer to the seed parent, while the hydrochloric acid and po- tassium hydroxide reactions are closer to the pollen parent (the reactions of chloral hydrate, hydrochloric acid, and sodium salicylate being reversed, but those of chromic acid and potassium hydroxide remaining the same in comparison with those of C. veitchii). The quantitative reactions exhibit a tendency to mid- intermediateness,' and otherwise mostly to closeness to the pollen parent. In only one of the seven quantitative designations is there manifest greater closeness to the seed parent than to the pollen parent. HISTOLOGIC PROPERTIES OF STAECHES OF HYBRIDS IN KELATION TO THOSE OF THE PARENTS. In the preceding section, in the consideration of the peculiarities of each starch, reference was made to the remarkable shifting of the various histologic characters in their parental relationships. These peculiarities are of exceptional interest and significance, and they have been presented for the most part in a succinct form in Table D. One would not unnaturally be led to the conclusion that if the grains of the hybrid are closely like those of the seed parent or the pollen parent in form, lamella?, and size, the same would hold good for the hilum, but such may in fact be far from the rase. Moreover, not only may there be different parental rela- tionships of the hybrid starch in form, hilum, lamellae, and size, but there may also be a splitting of characters in each of these designations, so that in a certain respect the hilum, for instance, may be close in its relationship to one parent, but in another respect equally as close to the other parent. In other words, not only are form, hilum, lamellae, and size independent characters that may be modified in the starch of any hybrid in their parental relations in like or unlike directions, but each may be split into a variable number of components which in like manner may swing to one or the other parent in an absolutely unpredictable and inexplicable way. It is unfortunate that in making the laboratory records the data pertaining to variations in form were not so syste- matically made as to make it possible to present in a consistent way the splitting of properties such as was recorded in the properties of the hilum, lamellae, and size, especially of the two former. Sufficient data were accumulated to show that such splitting is a common phenomenon, as, for instance, where it has been found that the hybrid is close to one parent in the characters and numbers of compound grains, but close to the other parent in the characters and numbers of the aggregates ; where a certain type of compound grain or aggregate is closer to that of one parent, but another type closer to that of the other; where the kinds of irregularity of the grains incline to one parent, but the frequency of irregu- larity to the other, etc. Similarly, only little analytic attention was given to the peculiarities of sizes, but enough to show that a splitting of characters must be quite common. On the other hand, the records of the peculiarities of the hilum and lamellae, while capable of much and important extension, are rich in instances of splitting. Taking several concrete examples for illus- tration, we find that both Brunsdonna hybrids are closer to the seed parent in form, hilum, and size, but closer to the pollen parent in the form, arrangement, and number of the lamellae. Hippeastrum titan-clennia is closer to the seed parent in form and hilum ; but closer to SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, BTC. the pollen parent in lamella- and *iz>. llinpratlrvnt o,uullan-i>yrrHa is closer to the sew! pmvnt in the numU-r of tin' lamella- an. I in niz-; Imt closer !> the pollen parent in fnii, luluiii, anil rharactiTK of the liu In* dnrai r t the ed pan-nt in form, size, characters of tin' lulum, and numlH-r of the lamella- : l>ut closer to the |>ollpn parent in erwitrieitv of the liilum, and in the character >f tin- lamella-, etc. In only two of the hybrids (llcemanthua kUnig albrrt and I.itium goldrn tjlfam I is the parental relationship in all four dentations the same, i.e., the hybrid is in form, hilum. lamella, and sin closer to one parent ; the (Winer in cloeer to the pollen parent, and the latter to the seed parent In otlx-r hybrids, M in lirwudonna. f'rtii urn hybridtun j. e. A., N trine dainty moid, and JVarrunu cresttt. aa many as three designations may be closer to one parent ; but there are seldom more than two, aa is seen in Hippeaslrum titan-cUonia and Httnmnthtu andromrda. In others, there may be only one, the other three being split in various ways, aa in Begonia tntign, in which hybrid the form of the grains is cloeer to the seed parent, and the character of the hilum cloeer to the eeed parent, but in eccentricity cloeer to the pollen parent ; the character of the lamella; ia cloeer to the eeed TABLX D. Hybrida. Form. Hilum. LamelUm. Sbe. Cloeer. on the whole, lo- Ctoeer. on tb B whole, to Cloeer. on the whole, to Cloeer. on the whole, to ll : ; , : . : Pollen parent Seed parrot. r Seed parent Pollen parent Seed parent. Pollen parent + 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- Moet 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- Char. earn DMi '.'- Char. 4- 4- Char. Char. 4- Char. + Char. 4- 4- Char. Char. Char. 4- Char. Char. sag*. Char. Char. Char. Char. Char. 4- 4- Form, arranc. Form, arranc. No. 4- 4- Char., arranc 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- Char. Char. 4- 4- 4- Cbar., arranc 4- 4- 4- 4- No. lodiet. 4- 4- Cbar. 4- No. Char., arranc Char. 4- + No. No. + Char. + 4- 4- Finenrei 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- No. Char. Char. 4- No. 4- Char., arranc 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- Larcrr craint 4- 4- Lencthto breadth 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- Common 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- Lengtai to breadth 4- 4- 4- Langtk to bradth 4- II titan-deonia H. oevult . -pyrh II : i. : I. ; . flMIIBnthllB BIMtnMIMtfla 4- 4- Eeoen. Char. Fiam..ehar.,A OOOML 4- Ecoen. 4- i '.. ir Eeoen. Char. f 4- 4- Eoeen. 4- Eoeen. Eeeen. Eeean. 1 : Eocen. 4- i -. 4- 4- C. hybridum j. c. h 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- f 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- M ' Length 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- Large 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- f 4- 4- Smaller 4- 4- Length to breadth C. kircai- C. powrilu N. dainty maid . N. quneii of roan N. cianteei N pocUeoe Derrick N. porla* triumph N. doubloon N. crrecrt . . . N. will erarlrt N. bieolor apricot. .. N. madam* de craaff N. lord roberU N. j. u tiaaaitt poe. I :x ..--. L. golden gleam L. Irctacrum L. burbanki I. iemali I. dorak I. mn. alan gray I. punind O. colvOM B. mn. heal... B.enaicn B. julm. R mn. rooeevelt. . . M.hybrida Pkvts.Hf4... M.bleuaoa C. eburneo-lowianam C. Tdtehii .... C. bryan 304 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. parent, but in number is closer to the pollen parent ; and the smaller sizes are closer to the seed parent, but the .larger sizes closer to the pollen parent. A similar split- ting and shifting is seen in Miltonia bleuana, in which the form is closer to the seed parent; the character of the hilum closer to the seed parent, but eccentricity is closer to the pollen parent ; the character of the lamella? is closer to the seed parent, but certain other features closer to the pollen parent, or as close to one as to the other parent; and the common sizes are closer to the pollen parent. These last two instances are exceptional, probably, merely because of inadequate data. In over half the hybrid is the same as or closer to one parent in only two designations, and in less than half in three designations. In only two are all four designations alike, and in only two are all four designations different, in their parental relationships. It is of especial interest to note that in 15 of the 50 hybrids (nearly one-third) character and eccentricity of the hilum are separated in their parental relation- ships, character in 12 being closer to the seed parent and in 3 being closer to the pollen parent; while eccentric- ity in 12 is closer to the pollen parent and in 3 closer to the seed parent (an exact reversal), a most remarkable peculiarity and one that is very suggestive in connection with the processes concerned in the formation of the starch grain. Another of the several forms of splitting is instanced in Nerine queen of roses, where the hilum in distinctness is closer to the seed parent, but in. fissura- tion, character, and eccentricity closer to the pollen parent ; and it is very much less often fissured but more eccentric than in either parent. The lamellae appear to show less tendency to a splitting of their characters in their parental relationships, but this may be merely apparent and not actual, as will probably be brought out by a sufficiently detailed study. In 9 of the hybrids there occurred an obvious splitting of lamellar properties, this being noted in a separation of character and num- ber; but here, unlike in the ease of the hilum, there is not a definite inclination generally of one or the other of these features to one or the other parent. In the split- ting of the hilum into character and eccentricity, charac- ter tends to the seed parent and eccentricity to the pollen parent; but in the lamellae split, character, and number swing apparently indifferently to one or the other parent. In size, splitting of characters seems to be comparatively uncommon, though here as elsewhere in these studies it is probably not so much an absence of commonness as of careful investigation and analysis. Such splitting as has been recorded under this designation has been manifested chiefly in the ratios of length to breadth of the grains and of the common sizes to other types and different types of grains. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE REACTIONS OF STARCHES OF HYBRIDS WITH ESPECIAL REF- ERENCE TO REVERSAL OF THESE REACTIONS IN THEIR PARENTAL RELATIONSHIPS. (Table E, Parti 1 to 21 and Summary.) In the first section, in the tabulations of the starches in regard to histologic and polariscopic properties and to the reactions with iodine and various chemical reagents, data were collected to indicate that the characters em- braced under the designations form, hilum, lamellae, and size, respectively, may in each designation collectively be independently heritable ; or that each designation may be split into several independently heritable characters, so that a given hybrid may have a starch that is like that of the seed parent in form, but like that of the other parent in the lamellae; or that it may be like one parent in the general characters of the hilum, but like the other parent in the eccentricity of the hilum, and so on. In the second section, further consideration was given to these peculiarities with reference to histological inheritance. It was shown, moreover, that each reaction is, in its qualitative and quantitative manifestations, heritable independently of each other, so that while with a given reagent there may be sameness or near sameness in the qualitative reaction to the seed parent, with another reagent the relationship may correspond to the pollen parent; that while a given qualitative reaction may cor- respond to that of the seed parent, the correlative quanti- tative reaction may correspond to that of the pollen parent, etc.; and that while with one reagent the rela- tionship may be to the seed parent, with another reagent it may be to the pollen parent, and so on. These parental similarities and dissimilarities are of such interest and suggestiveness in connection with both the constitutional peculiarities of different starches and the mechanism of heredity that it seems desirable to tabulate such data more fully and with especial reference to the reversals of the qualitative and quantitative reactions of each agent and reagent in their parental relationships. Of Table E it will be noticed that with only three of the agents and reagents were the reactions of all of the 50 hybrids re- corded; and that in the others the number of hybrids varied from 1 to 32 (in seven less than 10, and in eleven 10 or more the restricted numbers being due to the limitations of studies of the qualitative reactions). The most conspicuous features of these tables, apart from those already referred to, are : (1) The absence in members of a genus of constancy of both qualitative and quantitative reactions as regards sameness of the reactions in their parental bearings; (2) the tendency to the appearance of a definite ratio in the qualitative reactions in their inclinations to the seed and pollen parent; (3) the tendency to an absence of such a ratio in the quantitative reactions in their in- clinations to the seed and pollen parent; (4) the large percentage of instances of reversal of the parental rela- tionships of qualitative and quantitative reactions with given agents and reagents. It will be noted that in the reactions with each rea- gent there does not exist generic constancy or uniformity of either qualitative or quantitative reactions in their parental closeness. For instance, while in the chloral hydrate qualitative reactions of Brunsdonna, TTippeas- trum, Hcrmanthus, and Begonia all of the hybrids bo- longing to each genus incline to the seed parent, in all other genera represented in which there are two or more members some of the hybrids of each genus incline to one parent and others to the other parent. Thus, in Crinum one hybrid inclines to the seed parent and two to the pollen parent; in Nerine four incline to the seod parent and one to the pollen parent ; in Narcissus eleven incline to the seed parent and two to the pollen parent ; in Lilium three incline to the seed parent and two to the M'MMAKlr> i'K 1IIK 1! I- I . >l.< ,\< c HAKA. IKIO. IK MM pollen parent ; in /ri< three incline to the need parent and otic t<> the jollen parent; and in 1'iilanlke one in- ilini-i t.. th.- Heed parent and one to the pollen parent In the i/u<:'i!ilnlii-r reactions this absence of constancy or the other parent is uiuch more marked; thus, in Miih /.Vufi-./..fi/i.i and lifijonia do all of these chloral- hydrate ! to the seed parent ; but in no .- do all of thorn incline to the pollen parent. Exam- ining the different generic groups we note that in Hip- ptattrum in two h\hrids the reactions incline to the teed parent and in one to the pollen parent ; in Harmanthiu in one hybrid >n incline* to one an much u to iher parent, and in the other to the aeed parent; -mum <>ne inclines to the need parent and two to the i parent ; in \rrinr one inclines to the feed parent and fur t<> the pollen parent; in .\arcimnu five incline to the seed parent, gix to the pollen parent, and two in- cline to one a.- much aa to the other parent ; in l.ilium two im-line to the *vd parent and three to the pnllon parent; in Iris tn incline to one aa much u to the other parent, and two incline to the pollen parent ; and in Calanthf one incline* to the seed parent and the other inclines to one as much as to the other parent. Of exceptional interest is the fart, several times noted, that in case of any hybrid the qualitative and quantitative reactions may nr may not correspond in their parental inclinations. ::!;. remarkable that with a given reagent the qualitative reaction may correspond with that of the seed parent and the quantitative reaction with that of the ; parent, or rice versa, and so on in other varied relationships. Th.- tendency in general to a ratio of approximately :i the qualitative reactions in their relations to the seed and pollen parents is well marked. This ratio varie* from 4 : to 1:1, but in about half of the cases it will he found to be as first stated. Totaling these rec- it will be seen that 62.8 per cent of these reactions incline to the seed parent and 35.8 per cent to the pollen parent, a ratio of 1.8 : 1. In other words, there is approximately twice the tendency for the qualitative reaction to be closer to the seed parent than to the pollen parent. There is not a corresponding tendency to such a com- mon ratio in the quantitative reactions, but to a marked inconstancy. In the qualitative reactions the ratio is always in favor of the seed parent; but in the quantita- -i-adions it may be in favor of either or of neither parent. Thus, it is found that there may be a ratio I in favor of the seed parent, or one of 1 : 3 or 1 : 4 in favor of the pollen parent, and intermediate grada- S itnming up these reactions, 44 per cent incline to the seed parent and 40 per cent to the pollen parent a ratio of approximately 1:1. In .-tudying the quanti- tative records the large number of reactions that are recorded as being the same as those of both parents should be taken into consideration, because had these been shown to have had in each ca.e, or even in most cases, definite uniparental inclinations these ratios would of course be subject to more or less modification. Nearly all these reactions showed no difference from the parental reactions because of gelatinization occurring with too great a rapidity or slowness for differentiation. Modi- fied strengths of reagents would doubtless have elicited differences that are wholly obscured by very quick or <dow reactions. It i, however, not probable that there uould be brought about any iui|>ortant change, aa a whole, in these ratios. Why the qualitative ratios !. be so different from the quantitative ratio* IK entirely problematical, wry interesting, and very suggestive of stereochemic peculiarities of the starches. feature of these records is more remarkable than the reversal of the qualitative and quantitative reactions of a given stan-h with a given reagent in their pm inclinations. It is of importance to note that this phe- nomenon is not peculiar to any starch or reageut, but is common, and doubtless common to all starches and to all reagents. With not a single starch was it found that there was not such reversal ; and with onlv four of the reagents (strontium nitrate, barium chloride, and mer- curic chloride) was reversal not recorded, the rea-on for which is doubtless to be found in the small number of qualitative reactions recorded with these reagents (four us with the first, one with the second, and four with the third). Not lexs remarkable than tho reversal of the reactions is the frequency with which this phe- nomenon occurs, the percentages ranging from 6 in the iodine reactions to as nigh as 50 in the cobalt-nit rate and cupric-chloride reactions with the different starches. The mean is 22.5, or close to one-fourth. TABU R. Hybrid*. Qualitative reactions.* closer as a whole to Quantitative reactions,* closer asa whole to 8Md parent Polka parrot tad . : ' Pollen parent. 1. Polarisation reactions: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 1 +++ 1 ++ 1 +++ 1 + 1 1 +++ ++ 1 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 +++ + + * + + + + + + + + + + + Brunsdonna sandercE . HiDbeaitruru titan-rhtmisi , HsMnanlhua ktaif Albert Narcissus poeticus duite Narcissus poetai triumph Ytfttn-i^HM i4ntiKl/vm Nan-l^HtB fff^^ft Narcissus will scarlet Narcissus bicolor apricot Narcissus raadaine de (naff Narcissus acnre harvry Narcissus j. t. baa*tt pet Lilium marhan m JijtjJjgBiii LOfam burbanki Iris l.n.ali Qualitative reaction. - polarisation ten* : qtuoUtatir* reaction - polarisation intensity. 306 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE E. Continued. TABLE E. Continued. Hybrids. Qualitative reactions, closer as a whole to Quantitative reactions, closer as a whole to Seed parent. Pollen parent. Seed parent. Pollen parent. 1. Polarization reactions. Con*.: + + 4444 1 1 I I 1 4444 1 4444444 1 ++ ft+++ M + * 1 1 1 ++ 1 1 1 1 + 1 ++ 1 + 1 ++ 1 + + + + 1 1 1 If 1 4444 1 + sfc 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4-4- If 4-4-4- 114-11 4-4-4- 1 1 4-4-1-4-4-4-4- 1 4-4- If 4-4-4- 1 1 4-4- 1 1 1 +4- 1 1 1 If 1 1 If If 1 If 1 +4- 1 4-4-4-4- 1 If 1 1 4- If 4-4-4- 1 + 4- it 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- Cymbidium eburneo-lowianum .... Calanthe veitchii 2. Iodine reactions: H fie man thus andromeda Narcissus pyramus Narcissus agnes harvey Lilium marhan Lilium golden gleam Lilium burbanki Iris ismali Iris dorak Iris mrs. alan grey Iris pursind Gladiolus colvillei Tritonia crocosmeflora Begonia mrs. heal Begonia ensign Begonia Julius Begonia success Richardia mrs. roosevelt Musmhybrida Phaius hybridus Miltonia bleuana Cymbidium eburneo-lowianum .... Calanthe veitchii Calanthe bryan 3. Chloral-hydrate reactions: Brunsdonna sanderce alba Brunsdonna sanderce Hybrids. Qualitative reactions, closer as a whole to Quantitative reactions, closer as a whole to Seed parent. Pollen parent. Seed parent. Pollen parent. 3. Chloral-hydrate reactions. Cont. : f ++++ ++ 1 1 + 1 ++ 1 ++ 1 ++ 1 1 +1 ++ + 1 +++++ i ++ 1 ++++ 1 1 ++ +++ + ++++++ 1 1 ++++ 1 14- 1 +++++ t 4-4-4-4-4-4- 1 1 4-4- 1 4-4-4- 1 4-4-4-4- 1 1 if 4- If 4- 1 1 4-4-4-4-4-4- 1 If 1 If 1 4-4- 1 1 1 4- 1 4-4- 1 1 If 4- 1 1 4- if 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 4- 1 4- If 1 4-4- rih 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- db 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- Nerine dainty maid Iris dorak Iris pursind Tritonia crocosmjeflora Begonia Julius Phaius hybridus Cymbidium eburneo-lowianum .... Calanthe bryan 4. Chromic-acid reactions: Narcissus doubloon Narcissus will scarlet Narcissus j. t. bennett poe Lilium marhan Lilium dalhansoni Lilium testaceum Lilium burbanki Begonia mrs. heal Begonia Julius. . M'MM\Hlr> OK IIIK II |>| , .|., i, .|, .-|I\H\. , K H>. I |, TAMJI E. roH/iimM 1 . TABM E. C 3()7 Hybrid*. Qualitative reaction*, aloeer ai a Mm QuaatitaUr* doaeraia Hybrid*. Qualitative reaction*, loeeraea whole lo- eloear a* a whole to .-.,.i ,..... Pollen parent ,.-.:.' i- ..... . :.' haj c ..:.. (Wd as h 1 4-4-4- 1 4-4-4-4- 1 4- 1 4- 1 1 4-4-4-4-4- 1 1 4-4-4-4-4- 1 4-4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- T 4- 4- 7. Sulphuric-acid rMeUoM.-Cnl. : 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- + 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- + 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- + 4- 4- NfcrrioMM lord robota Milt" iila U.-UMUI Na\rriaVMn i I haMfelMtt tVM CalanUM witaMI.. - Ih !,M .- ..,,lr., (.,,. Calaath* bryaa Iricdorak aUc-actd nactiona: Iriamn. alan gray Richardia mn. roowrelt 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- Miltonia bleuana 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- MM will acartet Calanth* reitchii jo* taeootor apricot Calanth* bryaa 0. Potaeeium-hydroiide reaction*: Crinum hybridum J. e. h ,u k,rj robarU 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- Crinum powellii 4- 4- 4- Ijlium marhan Lilium dalhanaoni j . . i . Lilium golden gleam Haxoua juliue Lilium teetaoeum LUiuro burbaaki Muiahybrida Rkhardia mn. nxMeralt Nanc-acid reaction*: Phaiu* hybridu* Calantb* veitchii Bninfdoona aaodara HippMetrum titan-deonia aatrum owult.-pyrh 10. Potaeaiuro-iodid* reaction*: Brunedonna aandera alba Ha*nanlhu* konig albert ' .. C nnum powellii Neriae dainty maid Nerine queen of rone Nerine panic** N>nn* al.uiitianre Nrnae glory of aarnia <u poetieu* berrick Narnuui poetieui danle Narrurai poetai triumph u doubloon Narcueu* emtrt Narcueu* will rarlel Narruaut bieolor apricot Narruen* madame de graaff 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- Hippeaetrum titan-cieonia Hlppeaetrum daron. **ph Hannanthu* andromeda Hamanthu* konig albert Crinum hybridum j. e. h. Crinum kircap* Nerin* dainty maid Nerine glnt* Nerin. abundance Nerine glory of earnia Irieiamali Iriidorak Iriemn. alan grey Iriepuniod Gladiolue colrillei Phaiu* hybridu* kl Utoaia blcoaaa 11. Potaaaum lplini ji*Unactioa: 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- Narrow* j. t. bennett pot Begonia mn. beat 7. Sulphuric-acid reaction.: < poeticn. berriek < potU* triumph ui doubloon Narrtam eneaet NraawM will ararlet Narcumi bieolor apricot 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- f4-4-4-4-4- 1 4-1 14-4-4-1 4- 4- i , -. | , Hmanthu* kAnig albert Crtnom hybridum j. e. h. Crinum kirape Nertee dainty maid N: _* Nerine abundance + 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- f 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- + + 11111 14-4-4-1 I4-4-4-1 308 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE E. Continued. TABLE E. Continued. Hybrids. Qualitative reactions, closer as a whole to Qualitative reactions closer as a whole to Seed parent. Pollen parent. Seed parent. Pollen parent. 12. Potassium-sulphide reactions: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + zfc + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + db + + =fc =t + =fc + + + + + + d= + + + + + + =t + dc + d= + + + + + + + + =t + + + .+ db d= d= db + + + + + dc + + + + + + + + + + dfc + + d= dc + + + + + + 13. Sodium-hydroxide reactions: 14. Sodium-sulphide reactions: 15. Sodium-sal icy late reactions: Crinum powellu Nerine queen of roses Nerine abundance Iris ismali Iris mrs. alan grey Iris pursind Gladiolus colvillei Tritonia crocosmte flora .... Richardia mrs. roosevelt Musft hybrida Phaiua hybridus Miltonia bleuana Calanthe veitchii CsJanthe bryan 16. Strontium-nitrate reactions: Begonia mm. heal Begonia ensign Begonia success 17. Cobalt-nitrate reactions: Brunsdonna sanderoe alba Brunsdonna sanderoe I, ilium marhan Lilium dalh&nsoni Lilium golden gleam Lilium testaceum Lilium burbanki Musa hybrida Hybrids. Qualitative reactions, closer as a whole to Qualitative reactions, closer as a whole to Seed parent. Pollen parent. Seed parent. Pollen parent + + + + + + + + + + + + dc + + =fc 18. Copper-nitrate reactions: Brunsdonna sanderce alba Brunsdonna sanderoe + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + d + 4= Crinum hybridum j. c. h. Crinum kircape Crinum powellii 19. Cupric-chloride reactions: Brunsdonna sandcrce alba Brunsdonna sanderoe . Crinum hybridum j. c. h. . Crinum powellii Lilium dalhansoni .... Lilium burbanki 20. Barium-chloride reaction: Cymbidium eburneo-lowianum 21. Mercuric-chloride reactions: Crinum hybridum j. c. h Crinum powellii Cymbidium eburneo-lowianum SUMMARY OF TABLE E. Qualitative and Quantitative Reaction! of the Starches of Hybrid-stocks in regard to Sameness and Inclination to one or the other or both Parent-stocks. / Agents and Reagents. o a & ea J3 a o 1| o' 55 Qualitative reactions. Quantitative reactions. Qualitative and quantitative re- versed in parental closeness. Closer, on the whole, to the 3 a 01 a 5 3 V Closer, on the whole, to the 4 a S a .C a o ~ s to *> a o, TJ 1 a I a, a a> 1 1 1 a ** c S 1 a a _aj "o Oi Polarization 50 50 50 29 18 32 13 11 11 23 16 10 7 4 28 4 B 5 10 1 4 24 28 38 21 11 22 9 7 7 15 11 5 4 2 18 4 6 3 7 1 2 25 20 12 8 7 10 4 4 4 8 5 5 3 2 9 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 27 26 23 18 8 19 8 2 2 10 5 2 2 1 10 4 2 1 3 1 2 19 18 20 9 7 9 2 7 3 7 6 6 2 3 14 6 4 7 1 4 6 7 2 3 4 3 2 6 6 5 2 3 4 1 1 6 3 15 5 2 8 3 5 2 6 5 2 2 1 8 4 2 5 Chloral hydrate .... Chromic acid Nitric acid Potassium iodide Potassium sulphocyanate. . . Potassium sulphide Sodium sulphide Strontium nitrate Copper nitrate Barium chloride Total number 374 235 62.8 134 35.8 5 1.34 166 44 150 40 59 15.8 84 22.5 SUMMARIES OK THE HI8TOLOG1C CHARACTERS, TC. OF E.M II livUKIU (Tabla f. Part* 1 to 60 and Summary: U and II. Part* 1 to Mud 8ummari 1 i. particular reference was made recognition <>f int<-rmc.liaieneaa a* one of the primary . this ;ii. i. Km.: if.t ..nly to macroscopic ami iniiTi>*tii[>ic c 1 ara. te:- of plants, but also t >f starches. Int.Tin.-.liateness of starched wan therein shown to have been rtH-orded by larluiii- (pau'e : I in Itibtt, Bryantkua, and y/rc/y- ekium, and by l>arl.\hire (page 8) in /'uurn. Mats Farlane slates that in Ribet grouularia, R. culvfrvrllii (intirid) and /;. niyrum the starch graina of the three are very variable in site, but in the first the largest are In and the average V: in the third the large** are 3 M and the average l l /^> *nd in the second the largest u and the average -V In Mentitnit empertriformu var., Hry>intliu.< rrrrtiu (hybrid) and Hlioduilfttdron cham(T>-ixtu.< he found that in the thirl the starch grains are -V across the largest, though most are from V to n the first the largest granules are 6/t across, and in all canes they are larger than in the third ; and in the second the size of the granules falls rather toward the third. In llrdychium gardnenanum . H. tad If nan urn rid), and //. coronarium he notes that in the first ra. h -larch grain is a small triangular plate, measuring l<y to r.v. from hilum to base, and that the lamination u not :n. t ; in the third each grain is ovate, or in OHM cases tapered rather finely to a point at the hilum, ''" I..HIT fmin hilum to base, and the lamination is very marked; in the second "the grains may best be described if we suppose a rather reduced one of the : to be set on the reduced basal half of one of the latter. The lamination also is more pronounced than in the first, less so than in the second." Darbyshire records that the round starch grain of the F, generation is a blend between the type of grain of the round pea ! otato-shaped ) and the type of grain of the wrinkled pea (th.- coin|tund) in respect to the three characters: i-hreadth-index, distribution of componndness, 'egree of compoundness. While these data are very meager they are concordant and in harmony with the dictum of interm.-diateness of histologic and naked-eye characters of hybrids. In the present research it was found in the studies of the histologic peculiarities that in case of every hybrid there are certain characters that are intermediate, the dfg** of intermediatcness varying from mid-interme- diateness to almost identity with one or the other parent. vied lateness was found to be, on the whole, far common than a degree of interned iateneas that closely approached one or the other parent; identity >f a given character with that of one or the other parent was quite common; development of a given character iracter-pha*e in excess or deficit of those of both parent* quite frequent ; and the appearance of individ- ualities in the hybrid that are not seen in either parent was by no means rare. In fact, it seems clear that the more in detail these studies are carried out the farther we are taken fr.-m the conception of generality of inter- mediateneos of the properties of the hybrid. The records f the histologic peculiarities of the starches are fully supported by those of the hi.tologio and macroscopic character* of plants a set forth in this chapter and in II. ' :..i;.r. r II, and also by the Qualitative and quantitative reactions of the starches throughout the entire range of agents and reagents as shown by the data that are represented especially in Chapter III and I'art 1 1. < liapter 1. In preceding parts of the present chap- arious tabular statements exlul.it from different aspect* parental relationship of the hybrids. It seems desirable at this point to tabulate the rea< -tum intensi- ties of the hybrids with reference to ttnmnfus to one or the other parent or both parent*, intermedia tenets, and excess and deficit of development in relation to the parents, so that one may see at a glance, as it were, the relative importance of the several phases of parent-charac- ter development in regard to the reaction-intensities of: (a) Each hybrid starch with different agents and rea- gents, which will exhibit particularly the differences in the behavior of each starch in comparison with the reac- tion of other starches in the presence of the same agents and reagents ; (b) each hybrid starch as regards iimtinses and inclination in its properties in relation to one or the other or both parents, which will exhibit particularly the comparative potencies of the parents in determining the properties of the starch of the hybrid; and (r) all of the hybrid starches with each agent and reagent, which will exhibit particularly the independence of the behavior of each agent and reagent, and also all of the hybrid starches with each agent and reagent, as regards sameness and inclination in the properties to one or the other parent or both parents, which will exhil.it particularly the independent tendencies of each agent or reagent to elicit definite and specific parent-phases. While all of these tabulations are most intimately cor- related, each brings out certain features with marked accentuation in a form not elicited by the others. REACTION-INTENSITIES or EACH HYBRID STARCH WITH DIFFERENT AOBNTS AND HKAORNTS. (Table. F. Parti 1 to 60 and Summary.) It is to be noted in an examination of the results formulated in the accompanying table that in only 32 of the 60 hybrids recorded all of the 26 reactions, 16 record- ed only 10 reactions, and 2 only 13 reactions. Taking up this table, even a most cursory examination will indi- cate the very wide variations of the numerical values of the 6 phases of parent-development of the different starches in their parental relationships, and each part of the table is different from every other part and is specifi- cally distinctive of the hybrid, even in the cases of hybrids that have resulted from the same cross as in xandfnr alba and R. tandem (Table F, 1 and 2). and Narcisfut potlicun herridc and N. poeticv* danlr (Table F, 16 and 17). Moreover, in one hybrid intermediateneas may be relatively so very conspicuous that the other phases sink into insignificance, while in another this phase may be as markedly conspicuous by its almost or entire absence, and so on in other tables with the other phases. It is also very obvious that the hybrid is leas apt to be characterized by a prominence of infrrmediate- ness than by a conspicuonaness of highest or lowest de- velopment or even of other phase of parental relationship. The several parts of this table may, for convenience of study, be grouped into four classes: (1) those in which one of the phases of development very markedly domi- nates the others, one-half or more of the reactions being 310 SUMMARIES OP THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. included in this phase; (2) those in which two phases are definitely dominant, but which may be quite different in value; (3) those in which three phases are dominant, but which may have different values; and (4) those in which the parental relationships of the hybrid seem to be directed largely indifferently to the several phases. Among the starches that were studied in all of the 26 reactions it is rare, as, for instance in /rife dorak, to find that the assignment is not unmistakable. Where the number of reactions is restricted to 10 to 13 the classification is often indefinite. The grouping in accordance with the foregoing is as follows : Hybrids. 1 1 8^ i a Same as pollen parent. 3 2 s s a a 03 Intermediate. i Lowest. First class: Brunsdonna sanderce alba . . 4 | n 1 1 5 | 3 1 13 14 4 i 18 2 1 ( 'rim nn powellii a n 9 1 Narcissus poetaz triumph. . . Narcissus j. t. bennett poe. . 2 2 ? 2 i i i A 20 8 1 (10)* 16 Irifl mrs. alan grey i 3 1 4 17 2 i 2 16 3 2 Begonia ensign n n 7 1 2 (10)* i ^ ? 20 Miltonia bleuana 8 n 3 1 17 2 i n 11 1 (13)* Second class: Hippeastrum ossult.-pyrha . . Hffimanthus konig albert... . 3 5 2 i 8 7 3 7 3 11 1 11 1 3 2 Nerine abundance 3 3 7 3 1 9 Narcissus poeticus dante .... Narcissus lord roberts 1 3 4 4 i n 1 1 4 4 3 1 1 (10)* 1 (10)* 1 (10)* Iris ismali 3 ? f, 1? 1 6 7 n 1 4 o 14 Begonia mra. heal 9 1 i 2 14 4 4 1 (10)* Phaius hybriduB 1 3 6 11 3 3 Cymbidium eburneo-lowia- num 4 n n n 13 ? i f) 5 4 1 (13)* Third class: Hsemanthus andromeda .... Crinum hybridum j. c. h ... . 8 1 12 ? 6 7 11 5 n 2 8 1 7 2 Nerine glory of sarnia 1 ? 6 1 8 1 i 4 n 10 2 (10)* Narcissus will scariet 2 4 1 1 1 u 2 9 4 ? (10)* 1 Richardia mrs. rooaevelt. . . . Fourth class: Hippeastrum titan-cleonia . . Hippeastrum dceones-cephyr 1 2 2 3 2 6 4 8 9 7 3 4 6 n 4 5 6 1 1 (10)* 4 4 4 Narcissus poeticus herrick . 1 3 ? o 3 ? 3 ? 2 (10)* 3 (10)* Narcissus cresset ? 3 n n 3 2 (10)* Narcissus bicolor apricot Narcissus madame de graaff 3 4 1 1 1 n i i 2 i ? 1 4 3 (10)* 2 (10)* 2 (10)* I, ilium marhan n 5 9 n 1 6 (10)* 4 4 5 ? 7 4 4 3 ? 7 ft 4 5 3 2 i 11 4 3 f, i i; fi e Begonia succeaa 2 3 2 3 (10)* * Number of reactiona when less than 26. The distribution of the hybrids among the four classes is fairly uniform except in the third class, there being 13 (26 per cent) in the first class, 14 (28 per cent) in the second class, 8 (6 per cent) in the third class, and 15 (30 per cent) in the fourth class. In the first class, 4 of the hybrids are characterized by the con- spicuousness of intermediateness, this phase of parental relationship being noted in one hybrid in 18 of the 26 reactions, in another in 16 of 26 reactions, in another in 7 of 10 reactions, and in another in 11 of 13 reactions. In 4 hybrids the characterization is especially in de- velopment in excess of parental extremes, this phase being recorded in one in 21 of the 26 reactions, in another in 20 of the 26 reactions, in another in 8 of 10 reactions, and in another in 17 of 26 reactions. In 5 hybrids the characterization is especially by development in deficit of parental extremes, this being found in one in 13 of 26 reactions, in another in 14 of 26 reactions, in another in 16 of 26 reactions, in another in 17 of 26 reactions, and in another in 20 of 26 reactions. In the second class, the dominant figure of the couple is found in 1 hybrid under the phase the same as the seed parent, in 5 under intermediate, in 2 under highest, and in 3 under lowest; in 1 there is duplication of the figures under the phases the same as the pollen parent and inter- mediate, and in another under intermediate and high- est. This coupling is more marked in the instances where 26 reactions were studied than when the number is 10 or 13. In the third class there is not only less tendency to a very marked degree of characterization as regards any one or more of these phases, but also to the characterization being present in three phases usually with slight gradation, as, for instance, in Nerine dainty maid where the values are 7, 6, and 8 under same as both parents, intermediate, and highest, respectively; and in Nerine glory of sarnia, where the values are 6, 8, and 10 under same as pollen parent, same as both parents, and lowest, respectively. Or there may be some dupli- cation, as, for instance, in Lilium dalhansoni, where the values are 4, 9, and 9 under same as seed parent, same as both parents and intermediate, respectively, etc. Prom this limited data one may expect that further studies will elicit various combinations of both phases and values. In one hybrid the highest number of the triple is found under same as seed parent, in two under intermediate, in two under highest, and in one, under low- est. In one there is duplication of the highest values under same as both parents and intermediate ; and in an- other under same as both parents and highest. In the three hybrids with which in each only 10 reactions were recorded the grouping of the phases in triplets does not yield the striking comparisons that are observed when the reactions number 26, or 21/2 times larger. In the fourth class, with 7 of the 15 hybrids only 10 reactions were recorded in each, and in these instances the values are (with possibly two exceptions, Narcissus pyramus and N. madame de graaff) so distributed among the dif- ferent phases that there is not the convincing evidence of a well-defined inclination of the hybrids in their parental relationships that was found in corresponding cases in the preceding classes. Among the remaining 8 there is marked dominance of 1 phase of the 6 in a single hybrid (Iris doralc) in which 11 of the 26 reac- tions fall under highest, the other values being 5, 3, 2, 1, 8UMMAKIES OF THE HISTOLOCIC CHARACTERS, ETC. 311 and 4. This hybrid should perha) be assigned to the first or second class. In several other instances there is evident tendency t-> dominance in one phase especially, as in Hippfoftrum lifan-cleonia, II. dtrvm+tephyr, and Ltiium marhan. Apropos of intermediatenesa aa a criterion of hybrids, it is of inter, -t to note that 4 of the hybrid* (\arcisttu pottat triunijrh, X. j. t. brnnftt pot, AT. crtutt. and Cy in I' i,l ium fliumto-lmrianum) do not in a single reac- tion exhibit intcnnediaU-nesw, Two of these belong to the tint class, both being conspicuous because four- fifths of the reactions of each hybrid are higher than those of the parents. One belongs to the fourth class, and there are no very definite parental leanings. One in found in the third class, with very definite inclinations to activities that are the lowest or the same as those of both parents, especially the first and in the order given (13, S, and 4, respectively). In recapitulating the totals exhibited by these tables several very interesting points of comparison are elicited (summary of Table F). All together 1,018 reactions were recorded, which are distributed as follows : Same as seed parent 137 ( 13.4 per cent) ; same as pollen parent 94 per cent); same as both parents 138 (13.6 per ; intermediate 236 (23.2 per cent) ; highest 187 (18.4 per cent) ; and lowest 226 (2?.2 per cent). It is very obvious that there are much more marked tenden- cies to intennediateness. highness, and lowness than to sameness of development in relation to one or the other parent or both parents, there being somewhat less than two-thirds of the reactions (63.8 per cent) that tall within the first, and 36.2 per cent within the second category. There is about an equal tendency to inter- mediateness (23.2 per cent) as to lowest development ( .'.'.' per cent) and distinctly less tendency to highest development (18.2 per cent) than to either of the for- mer; and there is on an average approximately only about one-half the tendency to sameness to the seed parent (13.4 per cent) and to both parents (13.6 per cent) as there is to intermediateness, the least tendency being shown in sameness to the pollen parent (9.2 per cent). Comparing the tendency to intermediateness with the tendencies to highest plus the lowest react i\i- ties, it is found that the latter predominate in the pro- portion of 23.2 to 40.6 per cent, or approximating 1:2; in other word*, there is only a little more than one-half the tendency to an intermediate reaction as there is to one that is above or below parental extremes; and there is an equal tendency to sameness as one or the other parent as there is to intermediateness. If a comparison is made the number of intermediate reactions with the total of other reactions the proportion is found to be 23.;; to 76.8 per cent or approximately 1 : 3, that is, there is in general a likelihood of only 1 reaction in 4 being intermediate. When these intermediate reaction* are analyzed only 54 of 236, or somewhat more than one-fifth and less than one-fourth (23 per cent), are mid-intermediate, the larger proportion being closer to one or the other parent than to mid-intermediatenesa. 1 TALI *F. AM)t or reacenl. 1 a j i i i* J a J ] i j 1. BraaadotioaaajMUra alba: Polarisation + Iodine + Gentian vioUt m 4-ff S*frmn ^ 4- ft* ^ M 4- Cblonl hydrate Chromic add - - - 4. o mf f + 9 - Pyrocallic acid 4- O Nitric arid ^ -i-sw* Sulphuric acid + Hydrochloric add . . . Potaatium hydroxide Potaaaium iodide Potesaium mlpboc) anal* - - - +<r + 9 + O _ J> Potaaaium sulphide . . Sodium hydroxide . . Sodium sulphide Sodium aalicylate. . . Calcium nitrate Uranium nitrate. . . . Strontium nitrate . . . Cobalt nitrate - - + 9-d- + 9 + 9-rf - +<r + 9 +<f +<f 4- rP Copper nitrate _ 4-rf Cupric chloride Barium chloride .... Mercuric chloride. . . . + _ _ - ^ m + <f + 9 4 i 6 I 11 Polarisation. . + 9 Iodine + Gentian violet -Lff Satranin + 9 Temperature + Chloral hydrate 4- 9 Chromic acid Pyrocallic acid - - +<f + 9 Nitric acid -j-nf Sulphuric acid + Hydrochloric acid... Potaarium hydroxide. Poteaaium iodide. . . . Potaaaium eolphory- aaato - e - - +<f f 9-<f m<f Potassium sulphide.. Sodium hydroxide . . Sodium sulphide Sodium aalirylate.. . . Calcium nitrate . + + - = - - + <f + 9 + tf Uranium nitrate.. .. +tf Strontium nitrate... Cobalt nitrate - + 9 - <) -<? Copper nitrate ^ + cf Cupric chloride +<f Barium chloride Mercuric chloride... + - + 9 i t a 14 312 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE F. Continued. TABLE F. Continued. Agent or reagent. * fc "> S i - a| I s !i on Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. 3. Hippeastrum titan- cleonia: Polarization + 9 Gentian violet _ i _ i i Chloral hydrate - - - - - + 9 -i-r? Pyrogallic acid - - - 4- 9 =cT - + 9 Sulphuric acid + 9 Hydrochloric acid.. . . Potassium hydroxide Potassium iodide .... Potassium sulphocy - - - + 9 4- 9 d" - Potassium sulphide.. Sodium hydroxide.. . Sodium sulphide. . . . Sodium salicylate . . . Calcium nitrate .... Uranium nitrate .... Strontium nitrate. . . Cobalt nitrate - e + "_ + 9 Copper nitrate Cupric chloride Barium chloride .... Mercuric chloride. . . - - ffi ffi - - - 4. Hippeastrum ossul- tan-pyrha: Polarization 2 3 8 4 5 4 Iodine 4- 9 ef Gentian violet + 9 Saf ranin 4- 9 Temperature Chloral hydrate Chromic acid - - - + 9 + 9 - Pyrogallic acid Nitric acid - - - - 4-0" + 9 '- Sulphuric acid 4. Hydrochloric acid . . . Potassium hydroxide Potassium iodide . . . Potassium sulphocy- anate - - - + 9 + 9 4- 9 - Potassium sulphide.. Sodium hydroxide . Sodium sulphide Sodium salicylate.. . Calcium nitrate .... Uranium nitrate .... Strontium nitrate. . . Cobalt nitrate Copper nitrate Cupric chloride Barium chloride .... Mercuric chloride. . . \ - ffi ffi + 9 f a 8 3 11 1 Agent or reagent. 1 ! a S G C- &1 a| is a~ OQ _c o a| a * 02 Intermediate. | H Lowest. 5. Hippeastrum deeones- zephyr: Polarization + c? + Gentian violet _ _ _ + cf _ Temperature _ _ + 9 - cT Chloral hydrate Chromic acid - - - + 9 +d" Pyrogallic acid _ _ _ + 9 Nitric acid _ + 9 Sulphuric acid _ + _ _ Hydrochloric acid.. . . Potassium hydroxide. Potassium iodide .... Potassium sulphocy- anate - - + 9=cf + 9 + 9. + 9 =cf - - Potassium sulphide . . Sodium hydroxide . . . Sodium sulphide Sodium salicylate .... Calcium nitrate - - e + 9 = + 9 = d" + 9 Uranium nitrate Strontium nitrate .... Cobalt nitrate - - + 9=tf - Copper nitrate _ _ Cupric chloride _ <? Barium chloride Mercuric chloride. . . . - - - - 2 9 6 5 4 6. Hii'innuthus andro- meda Polarization + 9 =cf Iodine ... . _ + 9 =cf Gentian violet _ _ + 9 =d" Saf ranin _ + 9 =cT Temperature _ _ + 9 Chloral hydrate _ _ + 9 =cf Chromic acid _ + 9=o" Pyrogallic acid + _ Nitric acid _ _ + 9 Sulphuric acid . . _ + 9 = c? _ Hydrochloric acid. . . Potassium hydroxide Potassium iodide .... Potassium sulphocy- anate + + - - + 9 + 9=0" - - Potassium lulphide.. Sodium hydroxide . . Sodium sulphide. . . . Sodium salicylate.. . Calcium nitrate Uranium nitrate. . . . Strontium nitrate + + + + + - ffi + 9 - Copper nitrate _ _ _ _ __ ffi Barium chloride Mercuric chloride. . . . - - ffi ffi - - 8 6 11 1 SUMMARIES OK I III II18TOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE K. C<mti*<*4. TL K. CVm/mW 313 Acrut or rca(*ot jl Iioandsj*! -tort r song jl i I I 7. Hamtanthue konic al- bert: Pularisation _ 1 ^ 4- 9 m <f ^ Gentian violet _ , __ .. __ f 9 Safranin ^ ^ __ _ + 9 i pp ral hydraU _ ^ ^ ^ _ + 9 Chromic add ^ + 9 ^ Pyroollk add ^ ^ + 9 _ _ Nitrir arid ^ m mt + 9 _ H, Sulphuric arid Hydrochloric add + 9 + 9 - Potaaaium iodide Potaaaium lulpbocy- - Potassium sulphide, Booiim hjrdfoxMM . . Sodium sulphide. . Sodium salicylaU Calrium nitraU. . . 1 raniurn nitraU.. . Strontium nitraU. . Cobalt nitraU | - I " - Copper nitrate . . i ^ ^ ,^ _ Cupric chloride i _ ^ ,_, ^ ^ Barium chloride Mercuric chloride.... J - - IS 7 1 3 . Cnnuni hybridum j c. harvey: Plantation ^T ^ 4. ^ _ Gentian violet . ^ m ^^ Safranin . < + 9 Tempers furs _ ^ ^ ^ Chloral hydraU.... Chromic acid - - - +f Pyroollic add Nitric add + y Sulphuric acid ^ ^ _ pj^ -t*d* Hydrochloric acid . . . Potassium hydroxide Potassium iodide . . . Potassium sulpbocy- aoate - i - T - *^ ^r Q n itliiJ. * J m - .mil) ij\ ir> x; .* Sodium sulphide... . Sodium salicy late . . . Calcium nitrate .... Uranium nitraU. . . . Strontium nitraU. . . Cobalt nitrate - t - w - *^ c/ Copper nitrate ^ i. ^ ^ _ Cupric chloride - 4- - - - - Mercuric chloride - - - - - 13 6 2 7 AfWitorrwflMt Si ii i 1 i) M 1 I 0. Crinuni kircape: Polarisation + 9 Iodine L + <f Gentian violet w j. ^^ Rafranin ^^ + 9 Temperature + 9 Chloral hydraU . + Chromic add + 9 Pyrotallie add + <f Nitric acid . + 9 Sulphuric acid .... + 9 Hydrochloric acid . . . Potaaaiuin hydroxide Potaaeium iodide .... Potaaaium ulphocy- anato - - - + 9 + 9 -1-9 + <f - - Poteaaium euiphide. Sodium hydroxide . . Sodium eulphide Sodium ealicylaU Calcium nitrate + - - -t-9 + 9 + 9 - + 9 Uranium nitrate ^ _ ^ + 9 _ Strontium nitrate. . . . Cobalt nitrate . 4. - - + 9 - - Copper nitrate + 9 _ Cuprie chloride ^^ m + 9 ^ Barium chloride Mercuric chloride . . . + - + 9 - ^ 4 i 18 3 1 10. Crinum powellii: Polarisation + Iodine m ^ + 9 -<? ^ ^ Gentian riolet _ + ^ _ .. Safranin __ + ^ _ __ mi Temperature _ ^ _ + <f .. Chloral hydrate Chromic add - - - -f-9-d- + o" Pyrotallic acid Nitric add - - - + o" -r-tf Sulphuric acid _ _ +<f _ Hydrochloric add . . . Potaanum hydroxide Potaanum Iodide . . . Potaeaium eulpbocy- - - - - fo" +<r +<r +<? - Potaaaium eulphide Sodium hydroxide Sodium sulphide. . Sodium ealicylate. Calcium nitrate... Uranium nitrate . . Strontium nitraU. Cobalt nitrate - - - + <f +<f +<? +<r +<f +<r +<f +<f - + ef __ Cupric chloride... Barium chloride Mercuric ealofide ~ _ - - + <f + 9-<r +<? - 3 3 n 314 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE F. Continued. TABLE F. Continued. Agent or reagent. 3 c 1 * - 1 & CO "o ** ^ 3 a 3 i * d Intermediate. .g Lowest. 11. Nerine dainty maid + Iodine + o" -f __ Safranin + _ + o" _. Chloral hydrate - + <? + 9 _ _ _ Nitric acid + 9 _ __ _ + <? Hydrochloric acid. . . . Potassium hydroxide. Potassium iodide .... Potassium sulphocy- anate - - - + 9=d" + 9 = c7 + 9 + 9=o" Potassium sulphide . . Sodium hydroxide . . . - e +<? - Sodium sal icy la to . . . . - - +<? + 9 - Uranium nitrate Strontium nitrate. . . . Cobalt nitrate - - - + 9 +<r Copper nitrate . __ __ _ + 9 Cupric chloride _ Barium chloride Mercuric chloride. . . . - e e - i 2 7 6 8 2 12. Nerine queen of roses: Polarization + cT Iodine + Gentian violet + + Temperature + 9 + c? Chromic acid + 9 Pyrogallic acid Nitric acid + 9 =c" Sulphuric acid . . . + cT Hydrochloric acid Potassium hydroxide. Potassium iodide .... Potassium sulphocy- anate - - e + 9 + 9-0" + 9 - Potassium sulphide.. . Sodium hydroxide . . . Sodium sulphide Sodium salicylate. . . . Calcium nitrate _ - e E +d" +o" +o" + 9 \ Uranium nitrate _ ^ -1-0 Strontium nitrate. .. . Cobalt nitrate - - - + o" - Copper nitrate 4- 9 Cupric chloride _ Barium chloride Mercuric chloride. . . . - e e - - 2 1 7 3 11 2 Agent or reagent. TJ h I* 00 if 2 ca a a a J3 ?! QJ [3 Intermediate. 8 I a Lowest. 13. Nerine giantess: + 9 Iodine _ + _ _ + Safranin + _ _ _ + 9 Chloral hydrate - + - + 9 -0* - Pyrogallic acid _ ffl _ Nitric acid _ + tf Sulphuric acid _ + Hydrochloric acid .... Potassium- hydroxide . Potassium iodide .... Potassium sulphocy- - e + 9 + o" - + 9=o* Potassium sulphide.. . Sodium hydroxide . . . Sodium sulphide Sodium salicylate.. . . Calcium nitrate ... . - + -j- + 0" - + cT Uranium nitrate Strontium nitrate. . . . Cobalt nitrate - + w + 9=o" - Copper nitrate + 9 =o" Cupric chloride _ w _ Barium chloride Mercuric chloride .... - - 2 6 7 6 1 4 14. Nerine abundance: + 9 Iodine + _ + mm Safranin _ _ + 9 + Chloral hydrate - - + <? + 0* Pyrogallic acid _ __ + 0* Sulphuric acid + _ _ Hydrochloric acid Potassium hydroxide . Potassium iodide .... Potassium sulphocy- + e - - + 9=c? + o" Potassium sulphide. . . Sodium hydroxide . . . Sodium sulphide Sodium salicylate. . . . Calcium nitrate - + + o" - + <? + o" __ _ + o" Strontium nitrate... . Cobalt nitrate ff> + o" _ _ + 0* Cupric chloride * Barium chloride Mercuric chloride. . . . e - - - 3 3 7 3 1 SUMMARIES OF TDK MI8TOLOOIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE F. Ctmtt***! TAILS 315 A*Dtor rrfrtlt !' !i J J I, If 1 S m 1 i \S. NOTIIM i'ry ' ' n, Plan*ation + Iodine + 9 Gentian violet... ^ m ^ ^ + 9 Skfranin ^^ 4. ^ m ^- tm Trm peratura JJ 4.0 _ Chloral hydrate + 9 Chmmic acid ^ + <f mt Nitric acid + <f Sulphuric add ^ _ r 4-9 -o" Hydrochloric Mid ... P>.urum hydroxide Pota-iumiodid. ... Pouaaum .ulphocy- anale , , - 4. e - - + 9 4-/JI BfwUnM W 11 A* L LJ^ . : i . . * 1 r > 1 : 1 f^wiiitm ^tlnkutA Sodium aalieyUte . Calcium nitrate _ + -r- 4. _ - ^ + 9 Uranium nitrate 4- ^^ ^^ Strontium nitrate Cobalt nitrate - - + tf Copper nitrate ^ __ m __ ir chloride _ Barium chloride ^ _ Mercuric chloride. . . . - - - - - i 8 i 10 10. Narcieeut poetieaa herrick: Polarisation + 9 Iodine ^^ 4. ^^ < '.Titian violet .... ^^ ^ ^^ 4-9 Safranin + 9 Temperature ^ m ^ + 9 Chloral hydrate Chromioedd + -r-cf Pyrocallie add 4. ^ ^ Nitric acid ^^ + 9-0* Sulphuric acid ^ ^ m ^ -f-cf j^ a S I S 17 Narciawa povUeoe dante: Polarisation + 9 Iodine ^^ 4- ^ ^ Gentian violet ^ . 4. _ ^ aja, BU Safranin ^^ ^ m ._ ^ Temperature ^ ^_ ^ + 9 ^ ._ Chloral hydrate ^^ 4- ^_ ^ __ Chromic add ^ ^ 4-d 1 , paj Pyrocallic add ^ m ^ ^^ + 9<f ^ Nitric add Sulphuric add 4. + 9-d 1 4 4 1 Acent or reaceot s 11 I 1 h ! J I uinpli : Polarisation + Iodine _ + _ ^^ ._ Gratimn violet + ^ ^ ^ S.tramu _ ._ ^ m + 9-^ Temperature + _ ^ ^ Chloral hydrate agj, ^ ._ + 9 > _ Chronic acid _ ^ + 9 j_ Prrocallic Mid . . . ^ a^ + <? .. Nitric acid __ _ + <f ^ Sulphuric acid a^ + <? mm Hydrochloric acid. . . Potaaeium hydroxide PotaaBium iodide.... PoUaniun eulphocy- anatr - - - - +<r f<f +<f + 0* - Potaaaium eulphide Sodium hydroxide . . Sodium .ulph.de . . . Sodium ealicylate. . . Calcium nitrate - _ - - + 9-o +<f +<f +<f + <f - Uranium nitrate. . . . Strontium nitrate. . . Cobalt nitrate - - - M + o +rf -t-v-o" - Copper nitrate _ _ aj + <f mm Cupric chloride _ _ ^ ^ + 9-0* __ Barium chloride Mercuric chloride . . . - ^ e - + tf - 3 3 i 10 I 10. Narderoa fiery eroae Polarisation + Iodine + _ .. IB MB Gentian violet ^ ^ -r-O-J' ^ BBI Saf ranin _ + ^ _ _ Temperature ^ + 9 a,. Chloral hydrate _ _ ^ ^ + <y i ^ g.^ __ + 9 I'y rof allic acid _ _ _. ga. +d" Nitric acid _ _ _ ^ag + 9-(f Sulphuric add __ ^ + 0-CT _ 1 > t a a 20. NardeMH doubloon : Polarisation + Iodine + ._ .^ _ agi .. Gentian violet _ _ -f<y M _ Safranin + ^ _ _ ^^ _ -l-d 1 _ _ Chloral hydrate ^ gag + 9-o* Chromic acid ^ ._ _ + 9 Pyrogalhc add ^ 9 ^ BB Nitric acid ^^ _ + 9 _ _ Sulphuric Mid , . ^ + 9 BB _ S 1 1 4 I 316 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE F. Continued. TABLE F. Continued. Agent or reagent h |R 03 "o ** 1 a| a a -= ** 3g g Intermediate. 1 i 3 Lowest. 21. Narcissus cresset: + Iodine + -f- Safranin 4. 4- 9 Chloral hydrate + - - - + 9 Pyrogallic acid 4- 9 Nitric acid. . _ 4- 9 Sulphuric acid 4- 9 2 3 3 2 22. Narcissus will scar- let: Polarization + Iodine + Gentian violet 4-ri" Safranin 4-d 1 Temperature 4- 9 Chloral hydrate Chromic acid + ef Pyrogallic acid + 9 Nitric acid 4- 9 Sulphuric acid -(- 2 1 1 2 4 23. Narcissus bicolor apricot: Polarization .... -f- Iodine + 9 Gentian violet -f Safranin + Tern perature . . . 4- 9 Chloral hydrate + Chromic acid 4- 9 Pyrogallic acid 4-d" Nitric acid 4-f-i* Sulphuric acid (ft 3 1 1 2 3 24. Narcissus madame de graaff: Polarization -f- + Gentian violet . . 4- 4- Temperature -f Chloral hydrate +d" Chromic acid _ _ 4- 9 Pyrogallic acid 4- 9 Nitric acid 4- 9 Sulphuric acid + 4 2 1 1 2 Agent or reagent. on J S * tl S a S . 02 3 2- a| a $5 1 03 Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. 25. Narcissus pyramus: Polarization 4- 9 - cf 4- Gentian violet . . . 4-cT 4-cf Temperature .... _ 4-d* Chloral hydrate Chromic acid - - - 4- 9 4-9 4- 9 Nitric acid _ 4- 9> Sulphuric acid _ i 1 2 4 2 26. Narcissus lord rob- erts: Polarization + 9 Gentian violet 4- 4- Temperature _ 4-cf 4- 9 _ 4-o" _ _ 4-cf Nitric acid _ 4-9 + _ 3 1 1 4 1 27. Narcissus agnes har- vey: Polarization 4- + _ 4- _ 9 Temperature 4-cf Chloral hydrate - - - 4-rf 1 - 4- 9 Pyrogallic acid _ _ _ 4- 9 =cT _ 4-9 Sulphuric acid 4- _ _ 4 1 3 1 i 28. Narcissus j. t. ben- nett poe: 4- Iodine 4- _ _ _ _ 4- 9 __ _ _ 4-9 _ _ 4-ci" Chloral hydrate - - - - 4-9 4-9 Pyrogallic acid _ _ 4-c? _ _ 4- 9 Sulphuric acid _ _ + 9 2 8 SUMMARIES OF T1IK II l> Il.< X.K CHARACTERS, ETC TAUC K Co*tiHutd. TABU P. C< 317 Agent or reagent. s Same M pol- knpanat. jt ! I i 30. Lilium marhan: Iodide . . Gentian riolet ^ ^ m . .mi ^ ^ m 4- tf ^ + ef Chloral hydrate . . . ^ ^ 4-cf . : Pyrogallie add _.J 4. ic acid 9 Sulphuric add ^ m 9 Hydrochloric add PoUaaum hydroxide Potaauum iodide .... uMium ulphocy- - - 9 9 9 9 - - - . . I*J14- R*w4t k 1 i4* Sodium ealicylate! '. - - 9 - - 4-9 Calcium nitrate... . Uranium nitrate.. Strontium nitrate. Cobalt nitrate - - 4-9 4-ef _ 4-9 4. ( 'upric chloride 4. Barium chloride 4- 9 Mercuric chloride. . . . - - - 49-J - 6 9 6 1 6 30. Lilium dalhaneoni: Polarisation 4. Iodine 4- 9 Gentian riolet 4. Sairanin 4. Temperature 4-cf Chloral hydrate + Chromic add ^ m ^^ 4-cf Pyrocallie add Nitric add ^^ 9 Sulphuric add 9 Hydrochloric add.. . *>_*__ i , , rouMRiin nyoroxMw Poteamum iodide.. . Poueaium ulphoey anato - - 9 9 9 9 - - - Potaanum lulphide Sodium hydroxide Sodium ulphide.. Sodium aalieylate. Calcium nitrate... I'ranium nitrate.. Strontium nitrate. Cobalt nitrate - - 9 9 9 4-9 + <f - . j. Cuprie chloride 4 9 -cP Barium chloride Mercuric chloride. . . . -" - - + * 4 1 9 S 1 Agrnt or reagent. |i 1.. . -tod m wins j! M J i 31. Lilium golden gleam: Polarisation 4 9 Iodine ^ == ^ 49 Gentian riolet . . . _ _ ^ ^ m 4-cf Safranin ^ m ^ m ^ Temperature ^ m ^ ^ + 9 Chloral hydrate ^ m 4 ^ Chromic acid i ^ Pyrogallie acid + ^ m Nitric acid 9 ^ m Sulphuric acid _ _ 9 mf ^ m Hydrochloric acid.. . . Potaauum hydroxide. Potaeeium iodide Potaeeium eulphocy- anate 4. - 9 9 9 - - - Potaanum ulphide.. Sodium hydroxide . . , Sodium eulphide Sodium aalieylate.. .. Calcium nitrate 1 - - + "-<f - Uranium nitrate Strontium nitrate. . . . Cobalt nitrate - ^ ~ 4-9 49 4- 9 ~ Copper nitrate ^ m B _ 4 9 Cuprie chloride... . ^ ^ ^ _ ^ Barium chloride Mercuric chloride. . . . ; "" - 49 4 4 6 2 7 4 33. Lilium teaUceum: Polarisation 4. Iodine ^ mm _ 4-9 Gentian riolet ^ 4. ^ ^ ^ Safranin + ^ m ^ ^^ 4-9 Chloral hydrate . . . ^ _ M _ 49 Chromic acid ^ 4-9 Pyrogallie arid . . _, _ . 4-9 ^ ^ m 4 9 -cT Sulphuric arid. . .. _ ^^ + 9 -o" ^ Hydrochloric add.. . . Potaanuffl iodifie .... Potaanum ulpboey- ? - 9 4-9 + 9 - Potaanum eulphide ! Sodium hydroxide . . Sodium eVulpoKM. . . . Sodium aaliry late. .. Calcium nitrate . . i - - 4-9 4-9 4-9 mm Uranium nitrate.. . . Strontium nitrate. . . Cobalt nitrate - ^ ~~ +<f 4-9 49 mm Copper nitrate ^ _ _ , Cuprie chloride .. ^ _ _ ^ .^ Barium chloride Mercuric chloride. . . . "- + 9 " 4~c? 4 a a 7 6 4 318 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE F. Continued. TABLE F. Continued. Agent or reagent. *l a * !i a 5 ji o> 1, a| = 5 g a GO Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. 33. Lilium hurbanki: 4- Iodine + 4-d 1 _ Saf rani n 4-d 1 Temperature + 9 Chloral hydrate Chromic acid ... . - - - + 9 - + 9 Pyrogallic acid + 9 Nitric acid + 9 = d" Sulphuric acid -f-d 1 Hydrochloric acid.. . . Potassium hydroxide. Potassium iodide Potassium sulphocy- anate - - e - + 9 4-9d" + 9 = d" Potassium sulphide. . . Sodium hydroxide . . . - + 9=c7 + 9=0" 4- 9 tf Sodium salicylate. . . . Calcium nitrate 4. - - 4-d 1 - Uranium nitrate Strontium nitrate. . . . Cobalt nitrate - - - + 9 + 9 + 9 Copper nitrate . _ 4- 9 d" Cupric chloride Barium chloride . - - - + 9 - + 9 Mercuric chloride. . . . - - - - + 9 34. Iris ismali : Polarization 2 1 i 6 16 +<? + _ Gentian violet + Raf rani n + Temperature 4- 9 cf Chloral hydrate Chromic acid - - - 4-d 1 + 9 - - Pyrogallic acid + 90* Nitric acid 4-9 =d" Sulphuric acid + 9 = d" Hydrochloric acid.. . . Potassium hydroxide. Potassium iodide .... Potassium sulphocy- anate - + 4-d 1 - + 9 Potassium sulphide.. . flxliinii hydroxide . . . - + 9=cf 4-9=0" - - Sodium salicylate. . . . Calcium nitrate - + - + 9 - - Uranium nitrate Strontium nitrate. . . . Cobalt nitrate Copper nitrate . _ + - + 9 + 9 + <? 4-9-d 1 Cupric chloride Barium chloride Mercuric chloride. . . . - _ _ _ + 9 + 9=cf + 9 3 2 2 12 1 6 Agent or reagent. i n "M a| 11 S a 9 B 11 * cfl CD Intermediate. Highest. d 35. Iris dorak : Polarization 4. Iodine 4- -i-r^ Safranin + -1- Q Chloral hydrate 4- r? 1 4- 9 Pyrogallic acid . . . + 9 Nitric acid 4- Q Sulphuric acid .... 4- 9 Hydrochloric acid .... Potassium hydroxide. Potassium iodide .... Potassium eulphocy- - + - - 4-rf 1 4-d" 4-d 1 Potassium sulphide.. . Sodium hydroxide . . . Sodium sulphide Sodium salicylate. . . . Calcium nitrate + + - + 9 4-d" 4-9 Uranium nitrate Strontium nitrate. .. . Cobalt nitrate 4-9=cf - Copper nitrate _ + 9 Cupric chloride + 9 Barium chloride Mercuric chloride. .. . 4- + - - 5 3 2 1 11 4 36. Iris mm. alan grey: Polarization 4-d 1 Iodine + 9 Gentian violet 4-9 Safranin _ 4-9 Temperature _ 4-d 1 Chloral hydrate Chromic acid - + 9 4-d 1 4-d 1 Nitric acid ff> _ ($ __ _ Hydrochloric acid.. . . Potassium hydroxide. Potassium iodide .... Potassium eulphocy- anate - - - - 4-d 1 4-9=^ 4-d 1 4-d 1 Potassium sulphide.. . Sodium hydroxide . . . Sodium sulphide Sodium fmlicylate. . . . _ - - + <? 4-9=0" 4-9=d 1 4-d 1 4-d 1 Uranium nitrate Strontium nitrate. . . . Cobalt nitrate -|- - - - 4-9 4-9 _ 4-d 1 __ 4-d 1 Barium chloride Mercuric chloride. . . . - - 4-9 1 3 1 4 17 MMMAItIK- or llli: lll.-K'l.oi.lr ( II \ H \( I KIIS. KM TABLE r. Continued. TABLB F. 319 Xi<-ut ur rrrnt. |1 II I J ]i i 1 i 37. Iriepureiad: PuUruatiiin I. -line _ . + ^ + 9 Gvntian violrt _, ^ m ^ +d* Safranin ^^ ^ ^ m + <f Temperature < lil..rl hydrate + - + 9 - ^ ^ l'\r .;> i I ^ ^ m -fd 1 mm Nltrir .,.! ^ + d" Sulphuric eid ^ + _. J _ [ mm 1 1 \ Jrochloric acid. . . . PotaiMum hydroxide PoUMfam iodide .... IVtuMum Mlpbocy- an*U> - 9 e A - +<y - I'uUuMum culpbide . Sodium hydroxide Sodium eulphide. . . Sodium talicylate. . Calcium nitrate I'rauium nitrate.. :tium nitrate. Cobalt nitrate .... + 4. - e + 6-(f -f-o-d 1 -r-d 1 + 9 + 9 ^ m + 9 Cupric chloride ^ f-9 -<y ^ _ ^ ^ + 9 Mercuric chloride - - - - + 9 3 2 6 1 6 38. Gladiolus col villei: I'.-larimation + 9 Iodine ^^ _ ^ m + 9-<y Gentian violet ^ ^ ^ + 9 ^ Safranin -f- ^^ ^ ^ ^ + 9 ^^ wm Chloral hydrate ^_ + 9 ( 'Kmmic acid + .._ m Pyrocmllic acid ^ + 9 N itric acid -}- ^ Sulphuric acid. . . __ + 9 Hydrochloric acid.... Poteaeium hydroxide. - + 9 + 9 4- O Potaieium eulpbocy- AeUttfF + 9 Poteeaium Nlphide . BtxHum hydroxide ^ , Sodium ealievUto! Calcium nitrate . . - ~ ^_ ^^ - + 9-<f + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 I ranium nitrate.. Strontium nitrate. . Cobalt nitrate + " w ^ + 9 Copper nitrate . ^ ^ ^ + 9 + ^ ^ mm Barium chloride Mercuric chloride.... + + - - - 7 i 4 14 s H i j ii M 1 1 30. Tritooia croeoemev flora: Polariiatioa 4- Iodine 4-9 Grntiao violet + Safranin J.O Temperature ..... . + Chloral hydrate + Chromic acid + 9 Pyrogallic add ^ + 9 Nitric acid + 9 Sulphuric acid ^ Hydrochloric add.. . . Poteeaium hydroxide. Poteeeium iodide .... Potaaeium eulpbocy- anate - - + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 - - Poteaaium eulphide.. Sodium hydroxide . . Sodium eulphide - - - +<r + 9 + 9 - - Sodium aalicylate.... Calcium nitrate - - - + 9 + 9 - - Uranium nitrate ^ m _ + <f ^ Strontium nitrate. .. . Cobalt nitrate - + - + <f - Copper nitrate + 9 ^ m _ + 9 ^ Mercuric chloride. . . . - - + 9 - - 3 i a 18 8 2 40. Beconia rare, heal : Polarisation + 9 ~<f Iodine -}- ^ m Gentian violet 4- ^ mm _ Safranin 4- ^ m ^ _ Temperature + mm ^ ^ Chloral hydrate + 9 __ Chromic add Pyrogallic add - - + 9 + 9 - - Nitric acid . . . 4 ^ m ^ 9 m _ _ mm Hydrochloric add.. . . PoUoium hydroxide. + 9 - - PolAMiufD ml pbocy 1 ' '1 ' + PotoMiam eulphide Boanm njrdfoxKM Sodium eulphide.. . Sodium eelicytate. . + ^ - f 9 f 9 + 9 + 9 ^ - Uranium nitrate.. Strontium nitrate. Cobalt nitrate - - - + 9 + 9 + 9 - wm ^^ ^^ ^ m + 9 _ ^ ^ + 9 _ mm Barium chloride Mercuric chloride.... + 9 + 9 ^ "" 9 9 14 1 320 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE F. Continued. TABLE F. Continued. Agent or reagent. 3 | (y l-j | 0. m a ! l ii 02 J3 a o H * eJ GO 1 a ! i N Lowest. 41. Begonia ensign: + 9 + 9 _ + c? _ + <? __ + 9 Chloral hydrate - + 9 + 9 - _ + 9 _ + 9 Strontium nitrate. . . . - - - + 9 - - 7 1 2 42. Begonia juliua: Polarization + _ +d" Gentian violet _ + cf _ + cf Temperature _ + 9 Chloral hydrate Chromic acid - - - + 9 + 9 - _ + 9 Nitric acid + Strontium nitrate. . . . - - + 9 - - 1 1 4 4 43. Begonia success: -)- Iodine + Gentian violet _ + Saf ranin + _ + 9 Chloral hydrate + 9 Chromic acid _ + 9 Pyrogallic acid . . + - - - + 9 - Strontium nitrate - - - + 9 - 2 3 2 3 44. Ri chard ia mr. roosevelt + 9 **<? Iodine + _ 4-O* Saf ranin + C" _ + 9 =a" Chloral hydrate - - + <? - Pyrogallic acid ff Nitric acid _ _ + 9 =cf Sulphuric acid ffi Hydrochloric acid Potassium hydroxide. Sodium salicylate. . . . _ _ e _ + <? + cT 1 4 3 4 1 Agent or reagent. 13 ^ 1 i & oo "M a| s - OJ oo J3 \t 1 * /- Intermediate. +J I I m Lowest. 45. Musa hybrida: Polarization + <? + Gentian violet .... _ + _ + _ _ _ + d" Chloral hydrate Chromic acid - - + d" + d" + Nitric acid _ _ + cf + c? Hydrochloric acid .... Potassium hydroxide. Potassium iodide .... Potassium sulphocy- - - - + 0" + 9=cT - + cf -\-r? Potassium sulphide . . Sodium hydroxide . . . Sodium sulphide Sodium salicylate. . . . Calcium nitrate - - - - - I'b'b'b'b't , + cf Strontium nitrate... . - + cT + cf L , 4-5 1 _ . _ _ +5 1 Barium chloride Mercuric chloride. . . . - - 4-rf 1 + 0" 1 3 2 20 46. Phaius hybridus: Polarization + 9 _ + o" Gentian violet _ _ + 9 _ _ + 9 Temperature _ + _ _ Chloral hydrate Chromic acid + 9 =d" + 0" _ + 9 =cf Nitric acid _ mm _ + 9 _ __ _ ..._ Hydrochloric acid.. . . Potassium hydroxide. Potassium iodide .... Potassium sulphocy- anate - - e + 9=c? - - Potassium sulphide.. . Sodium hydroxide . . . Sodium sulphide Sodium salicylate.. . . Calcium nitrate Uranium nitrate Strontium nitrate .... Cobalt nitrate + + + + 9 + 9 + tf - + 9=c? + cf w Cupric chloride Barium chloride Mercuric chloride .... + 9=cf + 9 + 9=cT - - 1 3 6 11 3 3 % St'MMAH TABUI r.-C. OF THE HISTOLOG1C CHARACTERS, 1TC. TAHUI 321 Atml or reagent. 1 11 n i j i. i^ j 1 i 47. Millonia bleuaaa: PoUrUalion r + __ M _ + 9 _ Gentian violet ^ ^ m + 9 Hafranm + ^ m ^ 1 _ Traiprrature + 9 (Moral hydri. ^ _ + 9 ^ Chronic Mid + 9 Prrocallie add ^ ^ m + 9 Nilnc arid _ ^ ^ ^ m + 9-d* ^ m Sulphuric add ^^ 9 Hydrochloric > Potaanum hydroxide PotaHium iodide.... Pounium ulphocy- 4. - 9 9 - + 9 - Potaaaum nlphide Sodium hydroxide . . . Sodium lulphide Sodium laJicylate. . . . ( 'aJcium uitrftte - - - -f-9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 - I'rmnium nitrt* . + 9 Strontium nitrate. . . . Cobalt nitrate Copper nitrate ^ - - -f-9 + <? + 9 - t .i|>n. rl.;..n i- + 9 \-rf Mereuric chloride . . . - - - - + 9 - 4ft. Cymbidium ebum- eo-lowiaaam: PoUrualion 4. . MBB 1 ^^^BSS 17 i Iodine Gotian violet. . . -f. Raf rmnin + Trmpornture + <? Chloral hydrate ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m -f- 9 "<f Chromieadd 1 t- ? -d" Pyromllic arid ^ _ -(- 9 - d" Nitric add -r-9 -t? Sulphuric acid ^ m ._ Hydrochloric add Potucium hydroxide. Poteamm iodide.... *^. .: !!. nm rtMamm uipoocy- nate - - - - - Potaeaum ulphide. . Sodium hydroxide . . . 1 : - ~ Axenl or ramfant. 1 il \\ I J !j i 1 i i ) 48. Cymbidium ebura- ao4owiaoum CeH . : Sodium Milphide Sodium wlirylate.. .. Citlriuni nitrate - - - - + 9-cf 4-9 ef ^ m _ -t- 9 -cf Strontium nitrate .... Cobalt nitrate - - f-9 -d* Copper nitrate _ ^ ^ ^ 4- 9 d 1 + 9 "tf Barium chloride ^^ ^ ^ + 9 -d" Mercuric chloride - - - - - + 9-d 4 9 13 40. Calantbeveitchii: Polarisation + 9 Iodine _ _ ^ m + 9 Gentian violet ^^ ^ m _ + 9 u' Safranin + ^ ^ ^ + 9 < Moral hydrate Chromic acid + - - + 9 - -f ^^ + 9 Nitrir arid . . ^ _ ^^ + 9 + m ^ -. Hydrochloric acid.. . . Potaadum hydroxide. Sodium aalicylate _ - + 9 + 9 + 9 60. Calanthe bryan: 2 1 5 + d" 4 *IMMMMa- 1 ^a^aMMM Iodine + 9 -d" Gentian violet ^ ^ m -t-9 -d" _ Saf rmnin ^ ^ ^ + 9 **d* _ - Temperature ^ ^ m + 9 _ ^ Chloral hydrate ^ _ ^ -r-9 -d" __ _ Chromic acid ^ m ^ ^ -r-d* ^ - ^ - Pyrocallic arid ^ m ^ _ + d* ^ _ Nitric acid ^ ^ ^ + 9 ^ ^^ + d* T Hydrochloric acid.. . . Potaaaum hydroxide. Sodium adicylate -r- - - + 9-d* +d - 1 11 1 21 322 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. SUMMARY or TABLE F. Recapitulation of the Sum-totals of the Reaction-intensities of the Starches of all of the Hybrids as regards Sameness, Intermediateness, Excess, and Deficit of Development of Different Hybrids in relation to the Parents. Hybrids. Same as seed parent. Same as pollen parent. Same as both parents. Inter- mediate. Highest. Lowest. Brunsdonna sanderoe alba 4 Brunsdonna sanderoa 6 Hippeastrum titan-cleonia Hippeastrum ossultan-pyrrha 3 Hippeastrum dseones-zephyr Htemanthus andromeda 8 Hsemanthus konig albert 15 Crinum hybridum j. c. h 12 Crinum kircape 4 1 Crinum powellii 3 Nerine dainty maid 1 Nerine queen of roses 2 1 Nerine giantess 6 Nerine abundance 3 3 Nerine glory of sarnia 1 6 Narcissus poeticus herrick 3 Narcissus poeticus dante 1 4 Narcissus poetaz triumph 2 Narcissus fiery cross 1 Narcissus doubloon 2 1 Narcissus cresset 3 Narcissus will scarlet 2 1 Narcissus bicolor apricot 3 1 Narcissus madame de graaff 4 2 Narcissus pyramus 1 Narcissus lord roberts 3 1 Narcissus agnes harvey 4 Narcissus j. t. bcnnett poe 2 Lilium marhan 5 Lilium dalhansoni 4 1 Lilium golden gleam 4 4 Lilium testaceum '. 4 3 Lilium burbanki 1 Iris ismali 3 Iris dorak 5 3 Iris mrs. alan grey 1 Iris pursind Gladiolus col villei 7 Tritonia crocosmteflora 2 1 Begonia mrs. heal 9 Begonia ensign Begonia Julius 1 1 Begonia success 2 Richardia mrs. roosevelt 1 Musa hybrida 1 Phaius hybridus 1 Miltonia bleuana Cymbidium eburneo-lowianum 4 Calanthe veitchii 2 1 Calanthe bryan 1 Total number of reactions 137 94 Per cent of 1018 reactions 13.4 9.2 Per cent of sameness and of intermediatcness, highest and lowest . 36 . 2 1 1 8 8 9 6 7 7 7 7 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 5 2 1 2 2 3 5 1 2 2 4 5 3 9 138 13.6 5 2 4 3 6 11 7 5 18 2 6 3 6 3 1 3 4 2 4 2 2 1 2 4 3 6 9 2 7 6 12 1 1 5 4 16 14 7 4 2 3 2 11 1 5 11 236 23.2 3 3 5 11 5 1 2 2 21 8 11 1 1 2 1 20 2 3 4 1 4 1 8 1 2 7 6 1 11 4 5 3 1 4 3 4 3 17 4 1 187 18.4 13 14 4 1 4 1 3 7 1 2 2 4 9 10 2* 0* 1 3 2* 2* 0* 3* 2* 2* 1* 1* 0* 5 1 4 4 16 16 4 17 6 14 2 1 2* 0* 0* 1* 20 3 2 13 1* 0* 226 22.2 * Number of reactions = 10 or 13. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF EACH HYBRID STARCH IN RELATION TO SAMENESS AND INCLINATION TO EACH PARENT AND BOTH PARENTS. (Table G.) The data included in Table F, Parts 1 to 50, can be given a setting that will show quite clearly, although somewhat grossly, the comparative degrees of influence that have been exerted by each of the parents on the properties of the starch of the hybrid. Such a presenta- tion will be found in Table G. From the figures here formulated it will be seen that the various hybrids ex- hibit the widest differences in their parental bearings, there being all gradations between one extreme where with the exception of 3 reactions of 26 there is same- ness or inclination to the seed parent (as in Htrmanthus l-onig albert and Begonia mrs. heal) and the other ex- treme where with the exception of 1 or 2 reactions of 26 the corresponding relationship is borne to the pollen parent (as in Crinum hybridum j. c. h., C. powellii, Gladiolus colvillei, and Musa Jujbrida). In most of the hybrids there is a quite definite leaning to one or the other parent. In summing up the total number of reac- tions in each column it is found that of 1,018 reactions M MM.' OF TIIK IIIVTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. 828 t ) fall unil.T Hune u or inclined to seed parent, .i:t' (.'I'M JHT cent) under same M r in clme.j t<> |MilliMi p.innt. 1 in i 1 ; .; ) under same u both pan-tit*, and 111 (11.1 percent) under M dona an t.> the other parent. Nearly all of the reaction* recorded aa being the aame aa thoae of both parenta have been found ao because of too rapid or too alow gelatiniza- ti<>n. ami therefore doubtless misleading and def in classification. It U of especial iutereat to note that TABiaG I. -Summary t/8mt*n<ndIcU*otio* of U* Rviciim- int.n,,i,t* of tkt Slarektt j to Hybrid* in relation to |A > / 1 . . Bmiudonna aandarca alba. Hninwinnna Rippaaatrum tit Hippamatmm oawllan-pyrrha. kAoia albert . .m hybridum j. e. h . ( r mum kirrape ( 'riiiuin puwt41ii :,, dainty maid lMj.rilL> ntMaMt ftf H^m Nnineaianteai ... Nrrine abundance . Neriaa afery of avnia NafcMMsa poaucoa Derrick . Nutaawa poetieua daate . . Naraam poetaa triumph. . Naraaauafia Na Na Nardana will aoarirt Narcuaua bieolor apricot Narciaaue madama de graaff . Naraaau* pyramua Naraiaaua lord robarta Naroiaaui J. t bennatt poa!! ! I.iliurn marfaaa l.iluim ilalhm in I .ilium aolden (lorn I .ilium teetaeaom I .ilium burbanki Iriaiamali Iria dorak Iria mr. alan rry Iria puniod Oladioluaeolrillei Tritooia erocoanuaflorm . . i-w - Rfahardia mra. rooaevalt . Muaa hybrida Phaius hybridui Miltonial l -alanthe eithH. Calantbe hryan . . Total number of react ioaM. . Par cent of 1018 i a or indined to- H ll 13 a ii 7 19 1 22 7 ! 12 17 13 10 13 7 10 . : H 23 8 7 1 8 - 4 11 3 10 7 6 9 25 4 - l 8 10 12 10 5 5 17 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 S 2 12 10 8 6 5 a 9 13 8 4 2 4 3 6 25 7 2 1 1 5 434 330 42.7 32.4 75.1 I I I I - 1 I - I I ; 2 I a i g i l i 140 13.8 . Jl . I I I I I I I I I I 1 2 4 3 I 1 1 1 1 2 7 8 2 3 2 1 3 1 I 12 1 5 114 11.1 . l | 764 (75.1 per cent) of the reactions fall under the first two column*, 455.7 per cent of the 75.1 |T < -nt. or dm- tin. tlv :. than one-half, being in favor of the aeed parent and tin- n-inninin^ .>;'. 1 JUT <vnt U-ing in favor of the pollen parent, showing a distinctly greater influence of the seed parent. The last column includes many of the intermediate, excess, and deficit reactions of the hy- brids, some of which will likely be traced by further investigation to closeness to one or the other parent Thus when a reaction of the hybrid exceeds parental limits and is as close to one as to the other parent it is aa likely that the peculiarity of the hybrid is due to one of the parents as to both. At present we hate not the data to permit of this differentiation. REACTION-INTENSITIES OF Al.l. TIIK HviilUI. SrAKCHE* will! Hull AOENT AND ItRAOBNT AND AH KEOARDti SAMEVK88 AND INCLINATION OF TlIKIR 1'llOPEKTIEN IN RELATION TO ONE OR THE OTHER OR BOTH PARENTS. (Table H. Part* 1 to 20 and Summaries 1 and 2.) In Table F, 1 to 50, in a preceding subsection it ia shown that combinations of the reactions of starches with different agents and reagents give in the case of each starch a mosaic picture that is specific to the starch, no two tablet) being the same, or even very much alike, even when the hybrids are of the same cross ; and that, as a corollary, each hybrid starch can positively l>e diagnosed from every other by the peculiarities of the parental rela- tionships. It was also rendered evident that this demon ^(ration of individuality ix dependent upon both specifi- city of the starch and specificity of the acrent or reagent, as is manifest by the fnct that if one starch he substituted for another or one reagent oubstitutcd for another the react ions may be like or unlike. Thus, taking the three C'rinums. it will be wen that the iodine reactions of the seed parenta are in all three the came or practically the '.nine as those of the corresponding pollen parents. In the temperature reactions one ((\ hybridum j. r. h.) has a higher reactivity than that of either parent and closer to the pollen parent; another (C. Irirenpf) has an intermediate reactivity and is closer to the seed parent; and another (C. potrtllii) has a higher reactivity than that of either parent ami closer to the pollen parent In the chloral-hydrate reactions ore hybrid M inter- mediate and closer to the pollen parent ; another the aame as the seed parent ; and another the highest, and as close to one as to the other parent. In the pyrogallic acid reactions one hybrid is the lowest and closer to the pollen parent ; another intermediate and closer to the pollen parent; another highest and closer to the pollen parent, ; In other words, the nature of the reaction is deter- mined by the character of the starch plus the character of the agent or reagent ; each starch has inherently poten- tialities of both parents that are expressed by reaction- intensities, either or both of which may be elicited in accordance with conditions; different agents and reagents may behave the same or differently in relation to theae potentialities; and either parental potentiality can be developed at will by proper selection of the agent or reagent. Theae facts are of such fundamental importance and broadness in their bearings that it seems to be highly 324 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. desirable to inquire somewhat critically into the evidence at hand so as to learn to what extent, if any, each of the various agents and reagents exhibits a definite propensity to elicit one or the other parent-phases. Consequently, the data recorded in the preceding tables have been given a resetting in Table H, Parts 1 to 26, in each of which division will be found the reactions of all of the hybrid starches with each agent and reagent, thus presenting in a most succinct and striking form the peculiarities mani- fested by each agent and reagent in the elicitation of such reactions. Each division of the table is, as in the pre- ceding set, so characteristic of the agent or reagent that each is specific and diagnostic in the former set, specific and diagnostic in relation especially to the starch ; in this set, specific and diagnostic in relation especially to the agent or reagent. Even the tables representing the off- spring of the same cross (Brunsdonna sanderce alba and B. sandercs; and Narcissiis poeticus herrick and N. poeti- cus dante) can be distinguished from each other at a glance. In the present table of agents and reagents we find parallels in pairs that are similar to the pairs of hybrids in the preceding tables, as, for instance, in potas- sium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide and potas- sium sulphide and sodium sulphide which are comparable to two hybrids of the same cross, in each of which pairs the two tables will be found to be so definitely unlike in so many respects as to be as specific and diagnostic as are the tables of the pairs of Brunsdonnte and Narcissus hy- brids, respectively. It has been pointed out particularly that different starches in their reactions with different agents and rea- gents exhibit marked variations in both kind and dis- tribution of the reactions among the six parental phases, there being all gradations between one extreme that is characterized by almost universal sameness of the hybrid starch to the starch of the seed parent and the other ex- treme where a corresponding relationship was found to- ward the pollen parent; or a striking proneness to intermediateness ; or for the reactions to be in excess of deficit of parental extremes. In other words, certain starches show in their reactions marked likeness to the seed or pollen parent, or intermediateness, etc., while others exhibit a two-phase peculiarity which may be mani- fested in sameness to both parents associated with de- velopment in excess of the parental extremes, or in other forms of combination as pointed out in Table C 17 under Calanthe. Inasmuch as the reactions of the different starches were obtained by means of the same agents and reagents, one would naturally be led to the conclusion that with the starch as the varying factor and the agents and reagents as the constant factor the propensities of different starches to exhibit especially seed or pollen parent propensities, intermediateness, etc., are inherent to the starch molecules, and that the agents and reagents may be inert or indifferent, or in other words, that they do not have any especial propensity of themselves to elicit any given parent-phase in preference to any other. There- fore, in differentiating the part played by starch mole- cule and reagent, respectively, when a given parent-phase is developed, it seems that we should take into account in the reaction whether or not the starch molecule has been altered, for if not altered the peculiarity of the reaction would naturally be attributed to the starch alone and would represent an existent phase in contradistinc- tion to a developed phase that is owing to the reagent bringing to light a potential or latent phase. In some instances as pointed out the starch molecule is either not. in the least modified or but extremely slightly modified in the reaction, whereas in others it is partially or completely broken down by presumably simple processes of hydration, or by a process of hydra- tion plus some additional reaction or reactions that de- pended upon some peculiar component or components of the reagent. Inasmuch as in the polarization reaction the molecules are unchanged the reaction must depend solely upon inherent properties of the molecules and indicate an existent parent-phase, comparable to the obvious parent-phases that are exhibited in the histologic properties of the starch grains; and it might be taken for granted, as a corollary, that any agent or reagent that yields a reaction with the starch molecules without break- ing down the molecules, would elicit the same parent- phase reaction. That is, if in the polarization reaction sameness to the seed parent is noted the same would be seen in the iodine and aniline reactions ; but as this is, in fact, not the case, any parent-phase of this complex may be demonstrated without or with molecular disorganiza- tion. Thus, in Crinum kircape, we find that the polariza- tion reaction is higher than in either parent, but closer to the reaction of the seed parent; the iodine reaction is intermediate, but closer to that of the pollen parent; the gentian-violet reaction is the same as that of the pol- len parent ; and the saf ranin reaction higher than in either parent, but nearer the reaction of the seed parent, and so on in different starches in varying forms of combination of these reactions. In other words, in the starch mole- cule as in the albumin molecule the components or potentials are in the form of a complex labile aggregate, so that it is easy to elicit any parent-phase component or potential of the starch molecule. Not only are these parent-phases readily separable and demonstrable by proper agents and reagents, but there is also evidence that different agents and reagents exhibit marked differences in their propensities to elicit a given phase or given phases. This is rendered very obvious by the data as reset in the summaries of Table H (page 336) in which, how- ever, those recorded under " same as both parents " should be omitted because in nearly all instances there was no satisfactory differentiation owing to extremely rapid or extremely slow gelatinization. It will be seen by the first summary of this Table that while in case of many of the agents and rea- gents there is no manifest propensity to elicit sameness as the seed parent, or sameness as the pollen parent, or intermediateness, etc., the opposite holds good in varying degree for others. Thus, in the polarization reactions the reactions of the 50 starches are distributed quite equally among the 6 phases. In the iodine reactions there is an obvious increase in the number of reactions that fall in the first column, this being associated par- ticularly with a falling off in the " highest " and " low- est" columns. In the temperatures of gelatinization there is a marked lessening in sameness as the seed parent and sameness as the pollen parent, this being asso- ciated with a corresponding increase in the intermediate column, showing that in 21 of the 50 starches heat, in SI M MARIES OF THE HI8TOLOG1C CHARACTERS, ETC. 836 cmoiiog gelatinixation, gives rise to coiupicuonaness of an intermediate parent-phase. In I" .-f the 4? starches sulphuric a. i.l developed muueiieas as the wed parent, and in unly 3 umeneM at the pollen parent; potassium ral- |iliin \anate i!.-\. l..pi-.l sameness as wed parent in of th.- ;;' r.-a. t mil* and samenew as the pollen patvnt in on- only; |.,.ta nun MI||>!I:,|.-. in .*> an. I 1, respectively; htmntiuin nitrate, in ;. and <>, respectively, and to on. i Yrtain tlicr reagents <-\lnl<it a reversal of Uiene pro- pensities, a* i noted particularly in the reactions of chloral hydrate, sodium -all- \ hit.-, and < u;>rii- chloride, in which an- fminil ratio* 1 : (!, 1 : 1. and ' : :i, respectively. Hut in tlu- intermediaU', highest, and lowest columns, many reactions are recorded that are closer to one than tu tin- other parent, and when these are added to the first two columns, as in the summary of Table E, the pro- -.tics an- in .->m.- in-tan. ea practically unaltered, in others accentuated, and in others lessened or reversed. It will be seen by comparing the two summaries that in the first in the polarization reactions 11 are the same as those of the seed parent and 11 the same as those of the pollen parent; and in the second an almost equal division, 26 and 20, respectively. In the iodine reactions the figures in the two tables are 16:12 and 25 : 18, respec- tiv.lv a ratio of 1:0.75 and 1 : n.7'.', re*|Hi -lively ; in Mh'of these reactions there being no essential difference in the two tables. In tin t. mix-nature of gelatin izatiou ons the first table gives 7 : 3, and the second 20 : 18, or ratios of 1 : 0.43 and 1 : 0.62, which show a slight falling off in the Utter. In the chloral-hydrate reactions the first table shows a marked propensity to the pollen parent, and the second a propensity to one about as much as to the other; on the other hand, in the chromic- acid reactions in the first table there is shown a ratio of 4 : 3 and in the second table 31 : 12, or in the latter two and a half times the propensity to develop sameness or closeness to the wed parent as to the pollen parent. In other words, it seems that certain reagents, while having definite propensities to develop a seed or pollen phase, show varying degrees in their propensities to elicit same- ness or closeness, some tending comparatively largely to sameness and little to closeness, and others the reverse, and so forth. Moreover, while a given reagent may have a propensity to elicit *nwff- as one parent, it may have at the same time a marked propensity to develop closeness to the other parent in other starches, so that in the summing up of the reactions with different -taivhes one may counterbalance the other. This is illustrated in the chloral-hydrate reactions, in which it is shown in the two summaries that the propensity to dint sameness to the pollen parents is 6 times greater than to sameness to the other parent, while it is also shown that because of a propensity to develop closeness to the seed parent the former difference is dissipated and an equal tendency is manifested to develop either the seed or pollen parent phase, the ratio being 2:t : ;'. It seems, therefore, that a better picture is to be obtained of these propensities if those to sameness are included with those to closeness, A cursory examination of the figures of the first two columns of the latter table (the fast columns may be omitted to advantage and without leading to misunderstanding), will n-mli-r it evident that the agents and reagents fall into 3 classes in accord- ance with their propensity to elicit sameness and close- new to the wed parent, sameness or closeness to the pollen parent, or an absence of propensity to elicit either parental relationship in preference to the other, and that *>> iutw CBIU uiuci, mm luiiu wu. .!.' Seed parent. r ;,:,:. Polarisation... Iodine cWnnin Tempenluretof cdatiniulion -, 18 Chloral hydrate 20 Chromic add , 81 12 Pytosallicadd. . 33 IS Nitric Mid l Sulphuric add 18 11 I'oUMum iodide 13 g I'oteeduiu Mlphocyanate 13 9 Sodium milphiiie 12 g Calcium nitrate . . 10 12 Uranium nitrate 15 10 Strontium nitrate.. . 16 10 H&riiim chloride 13 4 Mercuric chloride 14 g Copper nitrate 12 10 Sodium uliryUte 16 16 Pobueium hydroxide g g Cupric chloride g g Hydrochloric add 11 12 Gentian violet 21 26 PotMciuin ulphldr 7 10 Sodium hydroxide 11 14 Cobalt nitrate g 11 With very few exceptions the ratios appear to be .-urli as to make the assignment quite definite. From thew groups it will be seen that most of the agents and reagents (17 of the 26) tend, m...-t of them markedly, to elicit the seed parent phase ; somewhat less than one-sixth (4 of the 26), seldom markedly, tend to elicit the pollen parent phase; and the remaining lent than one-fifth (5 of the 26) tend with about or equal propensity to elicit one or the other parent-phase. Perhaps, several that have been assigned to the first group, especially chloral hy- drate, should be transferred to the hut group, and other redistribution made. It seems from the foregoing data that the develop- ment of the various parent-phases is dependent upon two fundamental factors: One, inherent properties of the starch by virtue of which different starches exhibit with the same agent or reagent specific parent-phase reactions, one starch reacting the same as the seed parent, another the same as the pollen parent, another intermediate be- tween the two parents, etc., as shown in preceding table ; and the other, inherent properties of the agents and reagents by virtue of which, in association with the plas- tic starch molecule, any parent-phase desired may be de- veloped at will in any given starch. Inasmuch as there are thus two factors which may tend in like or unlike directions in the evolution of a parent-phase, it is clear that the greatest variations in these manifestations must be expected in the reactions, both when there is a single starch reacting with various reagents or a single reagent reacting with various starches. 326 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE H. TABLE H. Continued. Hybrids. 3 1 I Same as pol- len parent. li Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. 1. Polarization reactions: Brunsdonna sandero3 alba Brunsdonna sanderce . Hippeastrum titan- + 9 + 9 Hippeastrum ossul- Hippeastrum daeones- Heemanthus andro- + 9 =cT Heemanthus kouig al- bert Ci m urn hybridum j. c h Crinum kircape ( 'i iiium powellii .... Nerine dainty maid. Nerine queen of roses Nerine giantess Nerine abundance . . Nerine glory of sarnia Narcissus poeticus ; i + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 Narcissus poeticus + 9 Narcissus poetaz tri- Narcissus fiery cross Narcissus doubloon . Narcissus cresset . . . Narcissus will scarlet Narcissus bicolor apri cot I - - - - Narcissus madame de Narcissus pyramus . . Narcissus lord roberts Narcissus agnes har- vey - + - - + 9=d" - Narcissus j. t. bennet poe Lilium marhan Lilium dalhansoni . . Lilium golden gleam Lilium testaceum. . . Lilium burbanki .... + + - - - + 9 +d" _ J _ Iris mrs. alan grey. . - - - - - + 9 Gladiolus colvillei . . . Tritonia crocosmae- flora + 9 + 9 Begonia mrs. heal . . . Begonia ensign ~ ~ + 9 - Begonia success .... Itichanlia mrs. rooso- vclt + + 9 **<? M usa hybrida .... _ _ i ji Phaius hybridus .... Miltonia blcuana . . . Cymbidium eburneo- lowianum - - - - + 9 + 9 - Calanthe veitchii . . . Calantbe bryan + 9 + 0" - 11 H 9 9 10 Hybrids. 3 3 g 3 Q. Q 3 ** a> C g ju If CQ Intermediate. 1 i m Lowest. 2. Iodine reactions: Brunsdonna sandcrca alba 4- Brunsdonna sanderce . Hippeastrum titan- cleonia + d" Hippeastrum oasul- tan-pyrrha + 9 ~cT Hippeastrum-daeoncs- zephyr Htemanthus andro- meda + 9 = d" Haemanthus konig al- bert + 9=cf Crinum hybridum j. c. h. . Crinum kircape Crinum powellii Nerine dainty maid. Nerine queen of roses Nerine giantess Nerine abundance. . . Nerine glory of sarnia Narcissus poeticus I + - + 9 =o" +> + 9 Narcissus poeticus Narcissus poetaz tri- Narcissus fiery cross Narcissus doubloon . Narcissus cresset Narcissus will scarlet Narcissus bicolor apri t I - + 9* - - Narcissus madame de Narcissus pyramus . . Narcissus lord roberts Narcissus agnea har- + - e - - - Narcissus j. t. bennett Lilium marhan Lilium dalhanaoni . . . Lilium golden gleam Lilium testaceum . . . Lilium burbanki.. .. + - - - + 9 + 9 + 9 Iris dorak 1 Iris mrs. alan grey. . Iris pursind - - - - + 9 - Gladiolus colvillei.. . Tritonia crocosmae- + 9 + 9=c? Begonia mrs. heal . . . Begonia ensign Begonia Julius t + 9 - Begonia success Itichardia mrs. roose- velt . . + Musa hybrida i _ _ _ _ Phaius hybridus. . . . Miltonia bleuana . . . Cymbidium eburneo- lowianum I - - + 0" - - Calanthe veitchii . . . Calanthe bryan + 9 - - 16 12 i 12 6 4 -i \i\!.\i:il> T mi: Hi.vrOfc06 < H \i:\' n i:-. I I- TAHUC II. -f Wiiiwri. TABU rida. 1 : 8am a* pol- :' J H 1 1 3. Grotiao-Yiolrt rrao- Ufunedonna aadera alba 4-eP llruiMdonna nutden* *lruni Utao- deooia 4. +<f llii>|ica*trum oaMiI- 4-0 lli[.l*tnim dwMMB- i.-l.hvr + ff Hwnanthu* aodro- 4- V Ibrmaathiu konic al- 1- rt + o Cfioum hybridum j. .- h + <f . im kirrii|- ^ 4. ^ .. .. 4- Nerin. dainty maid, rw qaeM of TOM \. rn,' irnt.t. " + 4. + - - NeriM abuDdaoe* *ldaryof*anua .NardMM poetiou brrriok 4- ' ^~ ^ m + 9 4- O NarruMU portion dante 4. N'arcMm* poeUi tri- umph 4. NATCMMB ooubloon . . N.rciu. will Karict + ^ ~ + v "cr + cf + <f n cot 4. NarcuMi* madam* de KraalT 4. \trrim ni-rmii< i j NarriMU lord roberto NarciMu anea bar- -. . -, + 4. TO^ - Nkrrunuj.t.beanett poe 4- 9 + ef I. ilium dalbaiMooi. . . . I ilium coldeo (learn I. ilium burbacki + 4- _ + cf - + <f Iri* iamali 4- Ira dorak + ef Ira mn. alan (ray . . . Irupumnd . .. - - - 4-9 4-rf Cladioluicolrfllei.... Trit* ni cmet^fnm tan 4- +<? Rooia mn. heal + - - - + rf ^ 4-ef * tnTTTTM 4. Kir hArdi* mn. roon Tdt + <f MM t. ..liarJrta __ 4. 4- O M: ' ' , MM - - - - 4-9 lowiaoom , . . . 4- CalantheTaHeUI.... - - + 9-<f 4- O M ^* - - 13 8 10 10 Hybrid^ ii SUM a* pot- ' . H 1 1 4. Safranln irarlioM: alba. . 4- .4* HippeaMram titan- cleoola -f T 9 Hippautnim oawl- tao-pyrrha 4- O lli|,pastnnndBoix*- icphyr HaMnanthui aodro- meda 4- O W Ha-manthu* konic al- bert 4- O Crinura hybridum j. r. h 4- o num kircape ^ 4- < nnum pnwrllii 4. Nerine dainty mud. . Nerine queen of nee* Nerine giantm. + + + - NeriM abundance . . . Nerioe glory of aarnia Nucumi* porlicu* benick .. 4- - + 9 - 4- O NarHam pocticu* dante 4. Nardami* poetu tri- innph 4- O J" Narrumu flry croai Narcianu doubloon Narciamu enmet .... Nardanu will acarlet Narcumbicolorapri- cot -|- + + + - - + <? Xarriwuu madame de (raaff ... , , , , 4. Nairiamu pyramu* . . NardaMU lord roberto Narrianu afnci har- vey . . . + - +<? - ^ m NarcuniBJ.t.beonrtt poe + 9 I. ilium marhan + <f 1. ilium dalhaiwoni I ilium anMiin >lmtn + - - - - ji I jlium teataeenm UliumburtMuld.!!! Iru umali + + - + <? T<T ln dorak 4. Iris mra. alan crejr. . . Irw puniivi - - - + 9 + <f Gladioltucolrillei.... Tritonia croeoemg- + 4.0 Becooia mra. heal Begonia enacn + - - - + (f Btonia juliiu + (? Becooia meen* Richard ia mn. rooac- + ^ ^ + <f MUM hybrMa 4- Phaiua hybridoa Miltnni* hleuaoa Cymbidium cbtiriMo. lowianum + + - - + 9 - Calanlh* vritr!. Calantbe bryan 4- - + 9-<f - 13 11 > 4 10 10 328 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE H. Continued. TABLE H. Continued. Hybrids. j 1 si I* 2 tl aR fl 3 OJ 1" Same as both parents. Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. Hybrids. a X *> "' | a ii " a 8 H .S J3 2.8 3 g 3 - w Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. 5. Mean temperatures of gelatinization: Brunsdonna sanderoe alba -f 9 6. Chloral-hydrate reac- tions : Brunsdonna sandcroe alba + 9 Brunsdonna sandero3 . Hippeastrum titau- + -i- -- Brunsdonna sanderce. Hippeastrum titan- cleonia + 9 + 9 Hippeastrum ossul- +rf Hippeastrum ossul- tan-py rrha + 9 Hippeastrum daeones- + 9 =d' Hippeastrum daeones- ephyr +tf Heemanthus andro- + 9 Haamanthus andro- + 9 ~ cT Ha-manthus konig al- bert + Haamanthus kdnig al- bert 4- 9 Crinum hybridum j. c h + d" Crinum hybridum j. c. h + d" Crinum kircape + 9 Crinum kircape + _ _ + <? Crinum powellii _ + 9 <? Nerine dainty maid. Nerine queen of roses - +<P + 9 + 9 - Nerine dainty maid. . Nerine queen of roses Nerine giantess - + + J + cf - Nerine abundance . . Nerine glory of sarnia Narcissus poeticus + : - + 9 + 9 - Nerine abundance . . Nerine glory of sarnia Narcissus poeticus herrick - + - - +d" + 9 Narcissus poeticus + 9 Narcissus poeticus dante + Narcissus poetas tri- -)- Narcissus poetai tri- umph + 9 Narcissus fiery cross Narcissus doubloon . Narcissus cresset .... Narcissus will scarlet Narcissus bicolor apri - - +<* + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 Narcissus fiery cross Narcissus doubloon . Narcissus cresset . . . Narcissus will scarlet Narcissus bicolor apri cot - + e - + 9 4-d" + 9=<f Narcissus madame de 4. Narcissus madame de + CJ" Narcissus pyramus. . Narcissus lord roberts Narcissus agnes bar- - : + & + cT - + c? Narcissus pyramus . . Narcissus lord roberts Narcissus agnes har- - - - + 9 + <7 + 9 Narcissus j. t. bennett +d" Narcissus j. t. bennett + 9 + cT Lilium marhan + cT I. ilium dalhansoni . . Lilium golden gleam I. ilium testaceum . . . Lilium burbanki.. . . - = j + rf + 9 + 9-d" + 9 + 9 Lilium dalhansoni. . . Lilium golden gleam Lilium testaceum. . . Lilium burbanki.. . . Iris ismali - + + - + 9 + cf - + 9 Iris dorak . . + 9 _ Iris dorak + 9 =d* Iris mrs. alan grey. . Iris pursind . . + - - + c? Iris mrs. alan grey. . Iris pursind + 9 + tf Gladiolus colvillei. . . Tritonia crocosmso- flora + + <? ~ Gladiolus colvillei. . . Tritonia crocosmas- flora ^ ^ ~~ + 9 + 9 Begonia mrs. heal . . . + - - + 9 - Begonia mrs. heal . . . + 9 + 9 + 9 Begonia Julius _ _ _ ... + 9 + 9 _ Begonia success + 9 Richardia mrs. roose- velt + 9 =? Richardia mrs. roose- velt + cP +d" Musa hybrida = ^^ + cf Phaius hybridus. . . . Miltoriia bleuana . . . Cymbidium eburneo- - + - - - + 9 + d" Phaius hybridus. . . . Miltonia bleuana . . . Cymbidium eburneo- lowianum - - - + 9 - + <? + 9=^ Calanthe veitchii . . . OaUnthe bryan - + 9 + 9 Calanthe veitdiii Calanthe bryan + 9=c? + 9 7 3 21 10 1 6 i 14 14 14 SUMMARIES OK I UK III8TOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. 828 TALC H Confinumi. TABU H.Co*liHul H>bnd. J! 11 r l! \ i 1 !!>!. : Sane aa pal- 1 lenpareat. 1 1 1 r .mic-acid reac : . : . ' H. PyroaU-add raae- UOM: alt* J.O mff n. . 4- L./4* llnin_li,nn> m*nA*rrm .-Minim titan- oleooia + <f Hippeaatnim titan- cicooU 4-9 4. O HIJ l*atruiu oeeul- 4.0 Hippaaitnun ovul- taD'py rrha .... 4-tf lli|j|x utruui tiannie phyr + 9 HippaaiUum daMMM*- Mphyr . 4- 9 llrniaiiihu* andro- + 9 -d" llvnianlbui andro- meda 4. Ilvinintliui kunift al- bert + Hamanthui konif al- bert 9 ( rioum hybndum j r h + Crinum hybridum j. a. h + rf mi kirrapr 9 ^^ ^ m + f tin puwellu ^ ^ ^ m <f ^ _ _ + cf Ncriar dainty maid. Nerine tjueen of rota* - - + 9 -cf + 9 + 9 Narina dainty maid. . Nerine queen of roeea Nerine ciantw ^ ue abundance . . \. :.:.. ^ :\ . '. -:.::, ., Nirciawu poetirui hrmck - - - + <f ' +o +<f Nerine abundance . . . Nerine (lory of aarnia NardaKU poetictu nerriek " + - - N fcrcttme poeucue dante + <? Narcianu poetictu dante 4-9 - cf Narriamu poetai tri- .!: ' '. 4.0 Narciamu poetai tri- + tf Narruuu fiery eroa* N nrcucui doubloon . N arc ueu creaatt . . . Narciatui will eoariet + - - - +<F + 9 -f-9 Narcimii fiery croe* Narcianu doubloon . NarciaMuereaHt.. . Narcianu will ararlrt Mm l^nlli nil I anri - - + 9 + <f 4-9 cot _ + 9 cot ^ ^ m ^ 4-0* "in iau '<- fraaff + 9 Narciamu madune de mmtf -f o NarciaM* pyramu* . NarciawulordroberU Nmrriaws acne* har- - - - - + 9 -f-o" + 9 Narcianu pyramut. . Narcianu lord roberta Narcianu acnee har- - - - f + 9 <f o* + 9 - NtrcieaueJ.t. be*ett poe + 9 Narcunu j. t. bennett 4-o" I. ilium narban + + ^ ^ m Ijliuni dalbanaooi . . . I.ilium golden (learn I. ilium I<M<IIIIII . . I. ilium burfaank Iris iflnali + - + d- + 9 + 9 _ -9 I.ilium dalbanaoni. . . IJlii|m golden fleam Iritirn teataomini . . Lilium burbanki Irk iamali + ^ f- + + 9 o" 9 -cT ^ 4-9 Iri* d..rmk _ ^ + 9 Irie dorak ^ __ + 9 ^ Iri* mn. alan gny . . Irii punind - - + 9 - Iru mra. alan rey. . - - 4-o" 4d" GladioluacolvilM... Thtuaia ciuroam*- n,,ru + ~ + 9 Gladiolu. colrillei Tritonia crocoama>- flora " ~ 4 4 9 9 ^ Bccooiamn. heal... ' g"V' '; - + 9 + 9 - - Beconia mn. heal... Begonia nieigji 4 4 9 9 Beonia juliu _ + 9 Beconia julitu ^ _ -B 4 9 _ .^ Hrffi nlm Mim^a + 9 t ,,,,1,1,,, ^ ^^ ^^ + 9 Kirhanlia mra. rooa Telt 9 Kichardia mra. rooee- Tlt Mtua hybrid* ^ ^ m ^ m + d" Muaa hybrida 4. ^ ^ _ Phaiu. hybridu. . . . MUtonia bleuana Cymbidium butao- - - - + 9-J + 9 f 9 -<f Pbaiua hybridu. . . . kiatonia bleuana. . 1 -,';.';! l f ; . '' i ::.- - - + 9 -o" 4-9 -9 -<y Calantn* rcitcl. CalanUw bo'n + +<r CmUotb* vcitehii . . . CaUotb* bry.ut - - - 4 4 9 o" 4 2 9 18 10 14 a 3 7 7 12 9 330 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE H. Continued. TABLE H. Continued. Hybrids. a *> g ^ c3 1 "o ** g 3R s a " 5 \l I a Intermediate. I 43 W) H Lowest. 9. Nitric-acid reactions: Brunsdonna sanderce alba + cf Brunsdonna sanderce Hippeastrum titan- cleonia + 9 =d* + 0" Hippeaatrura ossul- tan-py rrha + 9 Hippeastrum doeones- zephyr + 9 Hcemanthus andru- meda + 9 Haemanthus konig al- bert + 9 Crinum hybridum j. c. h + + 9 Crinum powellii Nerine dainty maid. . Nerine queen of roses - + 9 + 9=d" + 0" 4-r? 1 Nerine abundance . . . Nerine glory of sarnia Narcissus poeticus herrick . , - - - - + 9 -<? + d* +d" Narcissus poeticus dante . . -|-9 -cf Narcissus poetaz tri- umph . . + d" Narcissus fiery cross . . Narcissus doubloon . . Narcissus cresset .... Narcissus will scarlet. Narcissus bicolor apri- cot - - - + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9=cf cf Narcissus madame de groan* . 4- 9 Narcissus pyramus. . . Narcissus lord roberts Narcissus agnea har- vey - - - + 9 + 9 + 9 Narcissus j. t. bennett poe + 9 I .ilium marhan ffl I. ilium dalhansoni . . . Lilium golden gleam . Lilium testaceum. . . . Lilium burbanki - + 9=rf- + 9 d" Iris ismali __ -f- 9 =cf Iris dorak _ + 9 Iris mrs. alan grey. . . Iris pursind e + <? - Gladiolus colvillei Tritonia crocosmie- flora .... + + 9 Begonia mrs. heal Begonia ensign + - - + 9 - Begonia Julius + Begonia success Richardia mrs. roosc- velt + ~ + 9 =cf Musa hybrida _ + <? Phaius hybridus Miltonia bleuana .... Cymbidium eburneo- lowianum - - - + 9 + 9=c7 4- Q rp Calanthe veitchii .... Calanthe bryan - - - + 9 + 9 4 i 4 IS 14 12 Hybrids. 3+i a ll 00 t| s| fi jg n ! 1 1 t/3 Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. 10. Sulphuric-acid reac- tions: Brunsdonna sanderce alba + Brunsdonna sandcroc Hippeastrum titan- cleonia + + 9 Hippeastrum ossul- tan-py rrha + Hippeastrum dseones- zephyr -1- Hcemanthua andro- meda + 9 =<? Haemanthus konig al- bert + 9 Crinum hybridum j. c. h 4-cT _,_ + 9 Crinum powellii Nerine dainty maid . . Nerine queen of roses Nerine giantess - + - + c7 + 0" + d" ": Nerine abundance . . . Nerine glory of sarnia Narcissus poeticus + - - + cf + 9=c? Narcissus poeticus dante + Narcissus poetaz tri- umph ....... +<f Narcissus fiery cross Narcissus doubloon . . Narcissus cresset .... Narcissus will scarlet. Narcissus bicolor apri- cot + + 9=d" + 9 + 9 - Narcissus madame de graaff + Narcissus pyramus. . . Narcissus lord roberts Narcissus agnes har- vey + + - - - - Narcissus j. t. bennett pee + 9 Lilium marhan _ Lilium dalhansoni.. . . Lilium golden gleam . Lilium testaceum. . . . Lilium burbanki Ill- i: nirili - - + 9=c7 + <? + 9=0" - - Iris dorak _ _ + 9 _ Iris mrs. alan grey. . . Iris pursind + Gladiolus colvillei .... Tritonia crocosmro- flora ~ <D + 9 Begonia mrs. heal Richardia mrs. roose- velt ~ V Musa hybrida , + <f Phaius hybridus Miltonia bleuana .... Cymbidium eburneo- - - - - Calanthe veitchii .... Calanthe bryan + - +<? - - 10 3 12 9 9 4 BUMMA1UKS OF THK MISTOLOOIC CHARACTERS, ETC. 881 TABU :: : i-i li j 1 i II. Hydrochloric-acid rrarttooa: llrunadunna landerce alba II. . -i .':.:. MM ,':!> i,.. ~" ^ ^ + 9 4? HippMutnim oaaul* 4-d 1 aephyr + 9 -<? Havnanlhui andro- meda 4-9 Herman ttiui kuni al- Mrl + 9 .am hybridum j. C ll am kircapr ^ ^^ m m 4.0 uni powellu Nerine dainty maid Nerine queen of roeea Nerine ftantotf - 4-9-d" 4-9 e? Nerine abundance . . . Nerine dory of aamia NarciaMia poetai tri- vnph - - - : - -f-9 I. ilium marhan . _ Lilium dalhanaoni . ^ : 4- O Ulium burbanki Iru iamali " - - - 4-9 Irudorak ^ f ^^ Iria mra. alan rey. . . Iru puraind :. - - + <f GladioluacolrOM.... * ~~ 4.0 4-9 Beannia mra. heal... Ricbardia mra. rooee- relt + ^ -{f Muaa hybrid* ^ Phahia by bridua Mil tonia Hanana Cymbidium eburneo- - - . - - Calanthe reltchii . . Calanthe bryan.. - - - 4-9 1 i 7 10 ' 10 12. Polaanuin- hydroxide reactiona: Hrunadonna aandcra alba :. Brunadonna aandero Ilippeaatrum titan- deonia ^ Hippeaatnim oeaul- tan-pyrrha . . . HippMutrum rlaionea aephyr 4-9 Hannanthui andro- 4- 9 "d" Homanthui kunic al- bert - Crinum hybridum j. c h .... 'im kireape ^ m _ ^^ + 9 ^ ( nnum powellii Nerine dainty maid. . N mO* QUMQ of TOMB Nerine (iantea.. IMMI t. q etMB . ~ " ; : 1 " + 9_-d- II.-,.:. a : ]! 1 I IS. Potaaaiunvhydroilde fwetioM CanfV Nareiawa poeUa tri- umph X ff Lilium marhan Lilium dalbanaoni I ilium MililMi aliMin Lilmm burbankl ! - - e - - - Iriabmali -i- O Irudorak T W ji Iria mra. alan grey. . . Iru puraind - - - - ^.rf ~<r -9-<f Gladiolus oolvilM.... Tritoola enwtMBua- flora + o + 9 Ragoni mn. heal Rkhardia mra. rooaa Tell LiP Muaahyhrida -4-9 if I'!, rf !.,' :. ! :- MUloniablaoan*.... Cymbidium buroeo- Calaothe vcvtrlm Calantha bryan 4. - + 9 - - 3 1 is 6 13. PoUaium-iodide ra- actiona: Bmnadonna aandanB alba 4- O Brunadonna andaro Hipiicailruru titan- daonia 4-9 if -9-<f Hippeaatrum oaaul- tan-pyrrha 4- O Hippraatnun daonea- aephyr 4- 9 Hamanttiui andro- meda Hnmantbui kOnii al- bert + 4. - - - - Crinum hybridum j. e. h -f-d" C*rinum kircape . , . ^_ ^ m 4-9 Crinum powellii Nrrine dainty maid. . Narina queen of roaea Nerine gianteaa .... - - - + 9-<f + 9 4-9 4-d 1 _ Nerin* abundance Nerine dory of aarnia Narciania poeUa Ui- iim Dh - + 4-rf : <f> Lilium dalhanaoni. I jlium (olden fleam IJlium tMUeenm Lilium l,urinki + - 4-9 -d" Iruiamali ^ + * ^ m Irudorak _ . ^ + <f ^ Iria mn. alan grey. . . Iru punind - 4-<f Gladiolui rolrillei . . . Tritonia eroeoemav ora ^ ~ 4-9 + 9 Baconia mra. heal... Muaa hyl.rvU + - - 4-d" Phaiu. hybridua Miltooia bteuana , . , - - -f-9-d 1 -r-9 4 t 9 6 7 332 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE H. Continued. TABLE H. Continued. Hybrids. a| a a CO ii o c ja -*j 2* S| 1 * Intermediate. 4 I m Lowest. 14. Potassium-sulpho- cyanate reactions: Brunsdonna sanderce alba 4- 9 if Brunsdonna sanderce Hippeastrum titan- 4-Q rf + 9=0* Hippeastrum ossul- tan-pyrrha Hippeastrum dseones- zephyr - - - 4- 9 if + 9 - Htemanthus andro- + Heemanthus kdnig al- bert -j- Crinurii hybridum j. c. h 4-r? Crinum kircape + c? Crinum powellii Nerine dainty maid. . N'erine queen of roses Nerine giantess _ - 4. ,-71 + <? + 9 + 9 - Nerine abundance . . . Nerine glory of sarnia Narcissus poetaz tri- umph - + - + ef +<* Lilium marhan ^ Lilium dalhansoni. . . . 1. ilium golden gleam . Lilium teataceum. . . . Lilium burbanki Iris ismali + - <B - + 9 + 9=c? Iris dorak -4-r? 1 Iris mrs. alan grey. . . Iris pursind. . . - - - - +<* Gladiolus col villei Tritonia crocosmse- fiora + 9 + 9 Begonia mrs. heal Musa hybrida + - - - + cf Phaius hybridus MUtonia bleuana .... Cymbidium eburneo- lowianum + - e - : 5 1 5 C 9 15. Potassium-sulphide reactions. Brunsdonna sanderce alba + 9 e? Brunsdonna sanderce Hippeastrum titan- cleoDia + <B Hippeastrum ossul- tan-pyrrha Hippeastrum dieoncs- sephyr ffl Hiemanthus andro- Hsemanthus kdnig al- bert + Crinum hybridum j. c. h. . + tf Crinum kircape Crinum powellii Nerine dainty maid. . Nerine queen of rocs Nerine giantess Nerine abundance . . . Nerine glory of sarnia + - + <? + <? + <? +<F + cf Hybrids. 3 "l OS a o. 7." i- s| l S o S j 03 Same as both parents. Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. 15. Potassium-sulphide reactions. Cont'd : Narcissus poetaz tri- -4- rf I. ilium marhan .... _ _ Lilium dalhansoni . . Lilium golden gleam Lilium testaceum .... Lilium burbanki + + e + Q rf - + 9=0" Iris dorak _ + _ Iris mrs. alan grey. . . Iris pursind + - - + 9=cT Gladiolus colvillei. . . . Tritonia crocosmae- flora + cf + 9=cf Begonia mrs. heal.. . . Musa hybrida + - + c? Phaius hybridus __ + Q rf Miltonia bleuana .... Cymbidium eburneo- lowianum ff + 9 6 2 8 5 4 7 1G. Sodium-hydroxide reactions : Brunsdonna sanderoa alba ... + rf Brunsdonna sanderce. Hippeastrum titan- cleonia + cf + (? Hippeastrum ossul- tan-pyrrha . + 9 Hippeastrum daeonea- zephyr. . . . + 9 Hffimanthus andro- meda + Hirriianthus konig al- bert + Crinum hybridum j. c. h -f Crinum kircape Crinum powellii Nerine dainty maid. . Nerine queen of roses Nerine giantess - - + 9 + 0" + tf + cT + (? Nerine abundance . . . Nerine glory of sarnia Narcissus poetaz tri- umph - + - - + cT +<f Lilium marhan _ fft Lilium dalhansoni . . . Lilium golden gleam. Lilium testaccum .... Lilium burbanki Iris ismali + + (g - - + 9-cf Iris dorak + Iris mrs. alan grey. . . Iris pursind - ffl - - -r-9-rf 1 Gladiolus colvillei .... Tritonia crocosmae- flora + 9 + 9 Begonia mrs. heal Musa hybrida Phaius hybridus Miltonia bleuana .... Cymbidium eburneo- - - fp + 9 + 9 + cf + <? 4 3 5 6 5 9 M MMARIK8 OF THE HISTOI/KJK II ARACTER8, ETC TABLE HCmtimu*. TABU 888 Hybrida. !] r ii V ii r 2 I 1 Hybrida. \ i* f| I J 1- a H 1 I 17. 8odium-ilphkM r- rlioiu: 18. Sodium-Mlieylau raaotiooi Ctufd. T ilium tn.pK.n alb* ^ ^^ m m 4. a laliiim (i&lkAHaMffif + 9 Rnuudoona andero> lli|>la.tnim titn- ctaonii + ~ + 9 Lilium coldra eroai . Ulium twtamum. . l.ilura burbanki J. ^< T<T + 9+cf 4-9 - Ili:>l-ulnuu omul- l:i- laV . ; + T<T IAII i'\rrli + _ ^ ^ ^ Iru dorak -i. O niinma.li nin ilaniini !; tur + 9 -<f Iris mr. alao gray... - - - - +<? X O H*a>anlhu* andro- r... : , f OUdiolm eolvflM. . . Tritonia etotxmum- - - - - + 9 Hannanlhtu k6oig al flora + 9 bert + ^ ^ ^ m i ft < nnum hybridum j. r. h + <? Riohardia mr. roon rait T V Crintun kireapr _ -. + 9 ^ .. MUM hybrida ^ + <f (nnum powdlu Narin* dainty maid ^ :.:,- ,.''. ! : - - = - e $ +d Phaiu* hybridui . . . Miltoniableuana. Cymbidium eburiMo- - + - + 9 Narine giantw. _ _ _ ^ _ lowianum ^ m ^ m -f-9 -d" Nerineabundanc... NeriM glory of awnia NirHaw. poeCai tri- - + e - - - CalanUt* reitohii . Calaothe bryan.. .. - - + 9~-rf + 9 umph _ ^ ^ g^ + d" ^ m Ijliym dalhaiuoni ^ LUium golden gUam. I -ilium tcataceum. 1 ilium burbanki In* um*li - + + v-d- + 9 4-9-<? 10. Caletum-nitrato ra- aeiiooi: Brunadonna aaoderci alba + <f Iru dorak Iru mr. alan cray- - - - j. O _ jl +d +<f HippMwtnim UUn- oleooim + <f Gladioli* oolrilloi.... - - - T V ~<r + 9 Hippeutnim omul- t*n-pyrrh . . . flora _ + 9 HippeMtnim daoDM- Mphyr. . . ^ m _ mf ^ Begonia mr*. heal Muaa hybrida. ~ -i- 9 ^ + d" ffflMnanth*!* nd(t>- roedji . + __ ^ ^ ^ m ^ Phaiu. hybridu* Miltooia bleuaaa . - T - - + 9 IlAfnanthtu konic al- bert + lowianum - - - - - Crioum hyhridum j. o. h + 4 3 7 t 6 7 Crinum kirrape C noum powrilii + 9 + <f 18. Bodium-aalieylat* reactioDi: Nerin* dainty maid.. Narine queen of roan Nerine gianteai . . . - -f. - - + 9 + 9 - Bruiudonna a*ndan MdwitftA ttKllrwlMnfsn L Jl alba. . _ + 9 ro^ Bnuwdoooa undrna HippoMtmm Utao- umph + <? dconia ^ ^ _ ^ + 9 4-9 I. ilium dalhannni m ^ ^ m ^ +<f t*D-pyrrha .. _, ^^ ,f Ijlium golden gleam + cf BipfMMtrnm dmoott- tphyr + 9 Ulium burbanki + - - + 9 - HavnanUra* andro- Irb iamali . . . ^_ + 9 ^ nwda ^^ ^ _ + 9 Iru dorak + 9 Hirmtnthiu k6tu al- bart + <? Iria mn. alan grey. . . - - - - + <f 4- 9 C nnuin ajrbnduni j. e. h + <f GladioliuoolrilMi.... Tritooia ninrramai - - - - - + 9 Crinuin kircape ^ m ^ + 9 flora + 9 'nnum powellii - - - +<f - Begonia mra. heal - - - - + 9 NfrineaiaBteM... Nerin* abuodanw Nvhae glory of awnia - + + - + <T 4-d 1 + 9 Muaa hybrida Phaiu. hybridu. afafayntf bleoaaa lowianum ~ - ~ + 9 -r-9 + J 9 J ^_ ^ ^_ + <? _ t | s I g A e 334 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE II. Continued. Hybrids. o v 3 *a g t! I S &l s| II .-. CO 5 ^1 it Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. 20. Uranium-nitrate re- actions: Brunsdonna sanderce alba + <? Brunsdonna sanderce. Hippeastrum titan- <P + d" H. ossultan-pyrrha . . H. dseones-zephyr . . . Heemanthus andro- + + - e - - - H konig albert + Crinum hyb. j. 0. h. . + + 9 - Crinum powellii Nerine dainty maid. . Nerine queen of roses - + + <? + 9 + 9 - Nerine abundance . . . Nerine glory of sarnia Narcissus p. triumph - + - + <f + 0" + cf Lilium dalhansoni . . . Lilium golden gleam Lilium testaceum. . . . Lilium burbanki - - - + 9 + 9 + 9 + 0* + 9 (& Iris mrs. alan grey. . . - + 9 -<? - + 9 Gladiolus colvillci. . . . Trit. crocosmseflora. . . Begonia mrs. heal. . . . + - + d" + * - + ci" Phaius hybridus Miltonia bleuana .... Cymbidium eburneo- - - - + 9 + 9 4-9-0" 4 3 3 7 8 7 21. Strontium-nitrate reactions: Brunsdonna sanderce + 9 =ti" Brunsdonna sanderce . Hippeastrum titan- + + 9 H. oesultan-pyrrha . . H. dteones-zephyr . . . Heemanthus andrc- + - + 9=d" - - H. konig albert + _ Crinum hyb. j. c. h. . + tf + 9 - - Crinum powellii Nerine dainty maid. . Nerine queen of roses - '- + 9=c? + 0" + 0" + d" Nerine abundance . . . Nerine glory of sarnia Narcissus p. triumph - + cf + 9 + <? + 0" Lilium dalhansoni . . . Lilium golden glow. . Lilium testaceum. . . . Lilium burbanki Iris ismali + - + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 Iris dorak _ f 9 =d" Iris mrs. alan grey. . . - - + d" + 9 Gladiolus colvillci. . . . Trit. crocogmfflflora . Begonia mrs. heal .... _ - - + 9 +<? + 9 TABLE H. Continued. Hybrids. 3 |S H Q. GO !i as <D e a ~ Same as both parents. Intermediate. J 9) V 1 i Lowest. 21. Strontium - nitrate reactions. Cont'd: Musa hybrida Phaius hybridus Miltonia bleuana .... Cymbidium eburneo- + - - + 9 +<? 22. Cobalt-nitrate reac- tions: Brunsdonna sanderoe alba 5 2 12 8 5 + <? + 9=d" + 9 + 9=d" + tf + 9=cf + + + + + + . + cf +<? +<? + 9 +<* + 0" + 9=cf + 9 + cT Brunsdonna sanderce . Hippeastrum titan- H. ossultan-pyrrha . . H. daeones-zephyr . . . Hecmanthus andro- meda Crinum hyb. j. c. h. . Crinum powellii. . . . Nerine dainty maid. . Nerine queen of roses Nerine giantess Nerine abundance . . . Nerine glory of sarnia Narcissus p. triumph Lilium marham 1 .ilium dalhansoni . . . Lilium golden gleam. Lilium testaccum .... Lilium burbanki Iris dorak Iris mrs. alan grey. . . Iris pursind Gladiolus col villei .... Trit. crocosnueflora.. . Begonia mrs. heal .... Phaius hybridus Miltonia bleuana .... Cymbidium eburneo- 23. Copper-nitrate re- actions: Brunsdonna sanderce alba 3 3 11 5 4 + d" + 9 + 9 + 9=0" + c? + cT 6 +d" +<? + 0" + + + + 9 Brunsdonna sandcroe Hippeastrum titan- H. ossultan-pyrrha . . H. djDones-zephyr . . . Hffimanthus andro- H. konig albert Crinum hyb. j. e. h. . Crinum kircape Crinum powellii Nerine dainty maid. . Nerine queen of roses Nerine giantess Nerine abundance . . . Nerine glory of sarnia Narcissus p. triumph . Lilium marhan Lilium dalhansoni . . . SUMMARIES OF I UK IIISTOLOGIC CHAI rAi.ii: II -r..r,/, nu ..j. TABLK H frnHnmtd. 888 rife ^ Same a* pol- 1 Ian parent. ]i i J 1 23. Copper-nitrate re- action*. Cewl'a 1 . 1 ilium (olden (leajn. .m teatanemn. . . . Liliuni burbanki ^ m ^ - 4-9 4-9 ~{f I ru uaital i __ ^_ __ 4-9 ^ n lank ^ _ _ . 4-9 p Iru mn. alan (rey. . . - - 4-9 Cila<liulu* colrilM 1 nt. croeoaBMeDora . . Begonia mn. heal.. . . Muaa hybrida - - 4-9 4-9 - 4-9 V ' ,' . . -fc- - , - , 11 . lowianum .... - - e - 4-9 + 9 -d" :l>rir~chlorid re- action*: I iruiudonna nandera nil* I J akVBaK 7 * 4 mm^asss^ 9 llriinadonna undera Hippeaetrum titan- oleonia ~ ^ ~ If M .wulUn-pyrrha 1 1 .laoora laphyr . . Havnanthua andro- meda - - - - - II Ionic albert i ^ ^ mi hyb. j. c. h. . ( rinviin kirra(>*- - 4- - 4-9 - - < 'niium [towrllu ^ mm ^ i . :e dainty maid, tie queen o( roee* ^ tm - Nerine abundance . . Nerine (lory of aarnia NarciaMia p. triumph 1, ilium marhan - 4-9-cf - I. ilium dalhaneooi... . 1 .ilium (oldea (learn. LjliuBi taateoauB. Liliuni burbank ; - 4-9-d- + ? 4-9 Iru iamali T _ M ^ J- Iru dorak ^ m ^ m 4-9 Iria mra. alan (rey. . . Iru punind. . . - - 4-9 "<f ^r ^T CladioHucolvillei. . Begonia mra. heal Muaa hybrida 1 _ 4-9 4-9 _ haiu* nybridu*. .... Miltonia hleuana. .. i ymbidium ebomeo- lowianum - - 4-9_-d" + 9 4-9 " <? 9 3 9 6 7 25. Barium-chloride re- action.: Brunadonna aaadant alba . 4. nruoedonna aandera. Hippeaatrum titan- rleonia " H 'waultan-pyrrha. . . M 'laooat atpl Hawianthu* andro- meda . - - - - i ii Same aa pol- 1 : ' ' I 1 pi 1 1 25. Barium-chloride re actiona. Cttd: 11 kOni(albrrt .-im hyb. j. c. h :><im kirrape . + .f. + - : - - ^ 4-9 - cf Nerino dainty maid. . Neriao qinan of rom NerinegianUw - - e - - iDeabondaaoa. . Nerine dory ol aarnia Nardawa p. triumph l.iljuni marhan - - -f-9 _ - I jlium dalhanaoni. Ijlium (olden (toam. I.ihuni tntaoeum. . . . I .ilium hiirhanki .... - - E + <f + 9 + 9 + 9 _ Iris initial) fm ^ 4- 9 mtf Iria dorak + ^^ Iru mn. alan (rey. . . Iris punand. . - - 4. o Gladiolua oolvillei. . . Tril FTnwmmlLirm. + - - - MOBB hybrida. . - - + 9 - + ff Phaiufl li>l>riilti + 9 Miltonia Mruana .... Cymbidium eburneo- lowi&Dum ~ + <f + 9 -d" 1 a 4 20. Mercuric-chloride reaction*: Brunadonna atndero alba + 9 Brunadonna aaodero] Hippaaatnnn titan- dconia . . ~ ~ + 9 R. oaaultan-pyrrha . H. daooaa-aephyr .. . Hannanthui andro- meda - " - - - H. kdnif albert + _ Crinum hyb. j. c. h. Crinum kircape -t- ~" + 9 +<f - Nerine dainty maid. Nenne Queen of roaca Nerina (iantcai .... - - Nerine abundance . . _ _ _ ^ ^ Nerine dory of aarnia Narciaaui p. triumph LUium marhan -~ - ~ +<f + 9 -<f I jlium dalhanaooi ^ ^ .. _ + <f Ulium (olden (learn. Ijlium teataewon UliumburbanV: Iriaiamali + - - - - + <f + 9 + 9 Iria dorak + _ _ _ __ Iria mra. alan (rey. . . Iru punind + 9 4-9 RfignnU mr. bcal M^_ a i t J^ - - + 9 + 9 - +<f i i ' nWlOal ByOTHIIIJ Miltonia hleuana .. Cymbidram eburneo- lowianum - - - + 9-<f + 9 4-9 -t? i : 4 t 9 336 SUMMARIES OF THE HISTOLOGIC CHARACTERS, ETC. 1. SUMMART or TABLE H. Totals of Reaction-intensities of Starches of Hybrids with each Agent and Reagent as regards Sameness, Intermediateness, Excess, and Deficit of Development in relation to the Parents. Agents and reagents. Same as seed parent. Same as pollen parent. Same as both parents. Inter- mediate. Highest. Lowest. No. of starches. 11 11 9 9 10 50 16 12 1 12 5 4 50 13 9 8 10 10 50 13 11 2 4 10 10 50 7 3 21 10 9 50 1 6 1 14 14 14 50 4 3 2 18 10 14 50 3 2 7 17 12 9 50 4 1 4 15 14 12 50 10 3 12 9 9 4 47 1 1 7 10 6 10 35 2 1 15 6 6 5 35 4 2 6 8 5 7 32 6 1 6 5 6 9 32 5 2 8 5 4 7 32 4 3 5 6 5 9 32 4 3 7 6 5 7 32 1 4 1 10 Q 10 35 3 4 3 8 ' 6 9 32 4 3 3 7 g 7 32 5 2 12 8 5 32 Cobalt nitrate . . 3 3 11 5 4 6 32 1 2 7 4 9 9 32 2 3 9 5 6 7 32 6 1 12 6 3 4 32 4 1 9 4 5 9 32 2. SUMMARY OF TABLE H. SamenetsandlnclinationoftheReaction-intemitietofallof Hybrid Starches with each Agent and Reagent. Agents and reagents. Same as or closer to Same as both parents. As close to one as to the other parent. Number of starches. Seed parent. Pollen parent. 26 25 21 24 29 23 31 23 24 18 11 8 13 13 7 11 12 16 16 15 15 6 12 9 13 14 20 18 25 21 18 20 12 15 11 11 12 8 8 9 10 14 9 15 12 10 10 11 10 9 4 6 1 2 1 2 7 4 12 7 15 6 6 8 6 7 1 3 3 2 11 7 9 12 9 4 6 4 3 3 6 5 5 11 6 5 4 5 4 7 2 4 3 1 2 5 4 3 5 3 3 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 47 35 35 32 32 32 32 32 35 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 Gentian violet Temperature Chloral hydrate ... Chromic acid Hydrochloric acid Strontium nitrate Copper nitrate 437 328 140 113 1018 765 253 SUMMARIES OF PLANT ( II \H VOTERS, ETC. 3:57 J Till: I'l.ANT TISsri ID .MHKOSOOPIC CHARACTERS or II \ liUllftilnrks IN ( 'iiMPARUO.N \M I II I UK IvEAC- ITIES or STARCHES or UYBRIU- NEsa, EXCESS, AXD DxriciT or DEVELOPHI RELATION TO THE I'ABEXT-STOCKS. (TUe I. I'arU I to 8. and Summariv 1 to 7. Charta F. 1 to 14.) Inasmuch as the macrocopic and microscopic char- acters of plaiife art-, like tin- microscopic characters and i starches, expressions of physico-chemical processes, it follow*, a corollary, if starche* exhibit wrll .1. lin.il [( -uliarities in their parental relationships, MII h a- ha\e Ijeen shown very dearly in preceding pages that corres|M. n .linj; characteristics should be manifested l>v the plant tissue*. This is not only what has been found. Imt also a remarkable eongruity of the data eon- Mdering tin- exceptional diversity of the methods of investigation in tin; two entirely distinct although co- tive lines of investigation. In the studies of the .es the records show that each form of starch ex- lulut.- in its histologic, polariscopic, and chemical proper- arying relationships to the parents, some of these profMTtie* (\arym;: in kind and miml>er in different hybrids) being the same or practically the same as the projuTty of the seed parent, or of the pollen parent, or of both parents ; others being intermediate between the i.'rr.-|M,ii(lin^ projKTties of the parents; and others showing development in excess or deficit of parental extremes. As exceptionally striking facts it was also observed that the distribution of the data of parental relationship under the six parent-phase divisions varied with the different hybrid starches so markedly and characteristically that each table of the characters of each starch is diagnostic of the starch ; that the propor- "f intermediate and non-intermediate characters vary within wide limits in different starches; that the development of characters in excess or deficit of parental extremes is more conspicuous than intennediateness or sameness to either parent or both parents; and that the comparative degree of influence of the seed and pollen parents varied within extremes characterized by an almost rsal dominance of one or the other parent. Tables < . and H give recapitulations and summaries of the reaction-intensities of the starches of hybrids which are not only exceptionally well adapted for comparison" of certain fundamental data of the peculiarities of starches, but also for bases of comparison of starch and tissue characteristics. In Table I the macroscopic and microscopic data of hybrid-stocks are formulated in correspondence with the n-intensity data of the starches in Tables F and H. Comparing in a general way the two sets of tables one gets at first glance the impression of concordance, and of so definite a character that it seems obvious that if the two sets of tables were intermingled, the botanical names having been removed, it would be impossible to distribute them to their proper plant and starch groups. The tiwne tables differ from each other as do ireh taldes, and each is as individualized and diag- nostic of the plant as is each starch table. In comparing the data of Table 1 and its summaries the most con- 22 us feature* an: The general or gross agreement between the figures of the corresponding columns ; the small number of characters and reactions that are the same as one or the other or both parents in comparison with the number that are intermediate, highest, and low- est; the distinctly smaller number that are intermediate in comparison with the combined numbers that are highest and lowest ; the comparatively small number that are intermediate (in view of intennediateneas being a criterion ,,f h\linds); and the many or leas marked dissimilarities in the distribution of the macroscopic and microscopic data among the six parent-phases. In mak- ing these comparisons it is preferable to take percentage*, inasmuch as the numbers of characters and reactions are not the same. Referring to the first summary, it will be found that of the 959 tissue characters 17.8 per cent are the same as one or the other parent or both parents, and that 82.2 per cent are intermediate, highest, and lowest; while with the reactions of the starches (Table F) the figures are 36.2 and 63.8 per cent, respectively, the ratio of the former being 1 : 4.7 and of the latter 1 : 1.8. Comparing the figures of the corresponding columns of the two tables, the following percentages will be noted, the first figure being for the tiasues and the second for the starches: Same aa aeed parent 5.8 and 1.1.4; same as pollen parent 6.8 and 9.2 ; same as both parents 5.2 and 13.6- intermediate 43.2 and 23.2; highest 21.9 and 18.4; and lowest 14.1 and 22.2. Intermediate char- acters in the tissue represent 43.2, and highest and lowest characters 39, compared with 23.2 and 40.6 in the reac- tions, showing in both cases that the percentages of characters and reactions developed in excess or deficit of parental extremes are very large, and in the reactions very much larger than the intermediate percentages. It therefore would seem to follow, as a corollary, that if intermediateness is of given value as a criterion of hy- brids, development in excess and deficit of parental extremes is a criterion of greater value. One of the most unexpected features exhibited by these data is the presence or absence of dote correspond- ence in the form of distribution of the macroscopic and microscopic characters among the six parent-phases. One would naturally be led to the assumption that if, for in- stance, a given percentage of macroscopic characters were the same as those of the seed parent a similar or very closely similar percentage of microscopic characters would fall under the same heading ; but, strange enough, there may be a range of relationship between almost or practical identity and very marked divergence, and even inversion, of the percentages of the two groups of characters. Thus, in Ipomaa ttottri (Chart P 1, Table I, Part 1 and Summary 1 ) there is in general closeness of the two curves, the only marked variation being in the in- termediate characters. The percentages of characters that are the same as those of the pollen parent and both parents, and that are developed in deficit of parental extremes, are in each case Terr close. The percentages of macroscopic characters under each of these parent- phases is lower than the corresponding percentages of microscopic characters except in intermediate characters. In the latter the percentages are not only markedly dif- ferent (macroscopic 47.4 and microscopi but there is also an inversion of the percentages, and then- 338 SUMMARIES OF PLANT CHARACTERS, ETC. fore of the relative positions of the curves. The percent- age of microscopic characters developed in excess of parental extremes is precisely the same as the percentage of macroscopic intermediate characters; and the com- bined percentages of macroscopic and microscopic charac- ters developed in excess and deficit of parental extremes is much larger than the combined percentages of macro- scopic and microscopic intermediate characters, the pro- portions being 51.9 to 36.9. It is remarkable and inex- plicable that the percentage of macroscopic characters should exceed the percentage of microscopic characters among intermediate groups and be the reverse in all of the other five parent-phase groups. In Ltelia-Cattleya canhamiana (Chart F 2, Summary 1 of Table I, Part 2 and Summary 1) there is similar gross correspondence and lack of correspondence in per- centages and in curves, but the curves so differ from those of Ipomaa sloteri as to be readily distinguishable. In this hybrid the differences between the macroscopic and microscopic data are, as a whole, distinctly more marked ; the percentages of macroscopic characters are less than those of the microscopic characters in 5 of the 6 parent-phases, the most marked difference being noted among the characters that are developed in deficit of parental extremes, while the percentages of both macro- scopic and microscopic characters that are intermediate are notably in excess of the percentages of characters fall- ing under the other 5 parent-phases. Among the inter- mediate characters, 52.9 per cent are macroscopic and 35.3 per cent microscopic. Taking the characters as a whole, 40.3 per cent are intermediate and 34.4 per cent are developed in excess or deficit of parental extremes. In Cymbidium eburneo-lowianum (Chart F 3, Table I, Part 3 and Summary 1) the percentages of char- acters differ, on the whole, only slightly more than in either Ipomcea sloteri or Lcelia-Cattleya canhamiana. The percentages of macroscopic characters are higher than those of the microscopic characters in 3 and lower in 3 of the six parent-phases, and the most marked differences are found among the characters that are intermediate and that are developed in excess and deficit of parental ex- tremes. The percentage of macroscopic intermediate characters is very much higher than the percentage of microscopic characters (62.9 and 36, respectively) ; the combined percentages of both macroscopic and micro- scopic intermediate characters is close to one-half (44.6 per cent) of the total of all of the characters, and nearly double the combined percentages (25.4 per cent) of char- acters that are developed in excess and deficit of parental extremes. It is extraordinary that while the ratio of macroscopic characters that are intermediate to those which are developed in excess and deficit of parental extremes is 62.9 : 5.7, the ratio of microscopic characters is 36 : 34.7. In Dendrobium cybele (Chart F 4, Table I, Part 4 and Summary 1) the percentages of characters differ in degree, with one exception, from distinct to well marked, the greatest divergence being noted among the characters that fall under those which are the same as those of the pollen parent, the same as those of both parents, and which are developed in deficit of parental extremes, especially the latter. In 3 of the 6 parent- phases the macroscopic characters show higher percent- ages than the microscopic characters, in 2 lower per- centages, and in 1 practically the same percentages. The percentages of microscopic characters that are interme- diate represent much more than one-third (43.3 per cent) of the total characters and distinctly more than the com- bined percentages (29.9 per cent) of characters that are developed in excess and deficit of parental extremes. The intermediate macroscopic characters represent a percent- age (37 per cent) somewhat lower than the macroscopic characters and distinctly lower than the combined per- centages of characters developed in excess and deficit of parental extremes (52.5 per cent). This inversed re- lationship of the percentages that are intermediate and developed in excess and deficit in comparison with the macroscopic characters is extremely interesting. The total percentage of intermediate characters is 37 in com- parison with 46.6 per cent of characters developed in excess or deficit of parental extremes. In Miltonia bleuana (Chart F 5, Table I, Part 5 and Summary 1) there is a marked tendency to variation in the distribution of percentages of macroscopic and micro- scopic characters among the 6 parent-phases, the per- centages being close in 3 and well apart in 3. The most marked differences noted are in the percentages that fall under characters that are the same as the seed parent, the same as the pollen parent, and which developed in deficit of parental extremes. The differences are not only well marked, but much accentuated because of the relatively small differences found under the other parent-phases. The macroscopic character percentages are higher than the microscopic percentages in 2 of the 4 parent-phases. The macroscopic characters that are intermediate rep- resent 31 per cent of the total characters, distinctly higher than the combined percentages of characters de- veloped in excess and deficit of parental extremes (17.2 per cent). The microscopic characters that are inter- mediate show a somewhat higher percentage than the macroscopic characters, but distinctly lower than the combined percentages of characters developed in excess and deficit of parental extremes, the ratio being 36.4 : 45.9, a reversal of values in comparison with the macroscopic characters. The total percentage of inter- mediate characters is 35.1 compared with the combined percentages (38.7 per cent) of characters developed in excess and deficit of parental extremes. The two Cypripedium hybrids C. lathianum and C. lathianum inversum are offspring of reversed crosses. In Cypripedium lathamianum (Chart F 6, Table I, Part 6 and Summary 1) the records are remarkable on ac- count chiefly of the comparatively high percentages of characters that are intermediate and that are developed in excess of parental extremes, and the correspondingly low percentages that fall under all of the other parent- phases; the very marked differences between the per- centages of macroscopic and microscopic characters that are intermediate, and that are developed in excess of parental extremes ; and the inversion of the macroscopic and microscopic values in these two phases. The macro- scopic percentages are lower than the microscopic per- centages among the characters that are the same as those of the pollen parent, developed in excess of parental ex- tremes, and developed in deficit of parental extremes; and lower in the other three phases. Among characters SUMMARIES OF PLANT < 1IARACTER8, BTC. 339 that are the same u one or the other parent or both parents tin- differences arc omall. Among the macn>- scopic character*, 85.3 per rent an- intermediate, and there is a very (mail combined percentage of character! developed in excess and deficit of parental extr. m<>- (5.9 per cent). Among the microscopic character* I' 1 l (XT cent are intermediate and 42.5 per cent are jH-,1 beyond parental extreme*. Summing up the F r. :' character* that are intermediate and that are developed beyond parental extreme*, respectively, it is een that of the total character* 60 per cent are intermediate and 32.4 per cent developed beyond parental extreme*. In the companion hybrid, Cypripfdium lathamianum IT- 17. table I, 1), the macroscopic and mil rosoopic character* are found to be closely in accord in their percentage* with those of the C. loihamianiun . the most noticeable difference* being in the percentage* that fall under the character* that are the same a* the pollen parent and those that are intermediate. In thi- hybrid the percentage of macroscopic character* that are the same as those of the pollen parent is larger than the percentage of microscopic characters; but in the other hybrid the reverse. The percentages of both macro- scopic and microscopic intermediate characters are less, especially M regard* the former. In thig hybrid 73.5 per cent and in the other 85.3 per cent of the macro- scopic character* are intermediate, while the figures for the microscopic characters are 46.6 and 49.4, respec- tively. Summing up the characters that are interme- diate and those that are developed beyond parental ex- tremes, respectively, it i* seen that of the total character* 54.1 per cent are intermediate and 36.5 per cent de- veloped beyond parental extremes. This gives in thin hybrid in comparison with the other a lower percentage of characters that are intermediate and a larger percent- age that are developed in excess and deficit of parental extremes. The corresponding percentages and hence the corresponding curves of these hybrid* are so closely alike that one should at a glance inspect that the plant* are very closely related. In fact, the similarities and dissimilarities noted are generally in accord with what should naturally be expected from the data of hybrid*. The remarkable degree of concordance of the data of these two hybrid* i* a matter of pre-eminent impor- tance because of the data of one being in the nature of a check-off or test experiment in relation to the other. >bvious if the data do not agree within limits that hare been found by the systematic in his descriptions of the naked-eye character* of plant*, that they would be regarded a* being undependable, and that if, on the other hand, they do agree that the differences in the corresponding percentages in the macroscopic and micro- scopic characters are not fallacious. It scarcely seems within the realm of possibility, if the data were not reliable within reasonable or small limits of error of observation, that the two seta of curves would be to nearly alike and differ only to about the degree that should be expected in the case of offspring of reciprocal crosses. There is also, as will be seen, a distinct likeness of the courses of the curves of the chart of Cypriprdium nittnx to those of the preceding Cypriprdium charts, and the difference* between the former and the latter are defi- nitely more marked, thus indicating that the parentage in the two cases U not identical. The likeness can bs accounted for in part by the fact that one of the parents <>f C. nilrnt (C. nV/ofum) is also a parent of each of the other hybrids the pollen parent in the firt and the seed parent in the second. The charts of and C. Inihamianum invertvm are more alike than those of ( \ nitfn* and C. lathamianum ; in both of the former the seed parent is the same; and, aa will be pointed out later in sufficient detail, (\ i i77.um is more potent in influencing the characters of the hybrids than is either of the other parents, which in a measure will account for similarities of all three charts. In Cypripedium nitftu (Chart F8, Table I, 1) the percentages of both macroscopic and microscopic charac- ters that are the same as those of the seed parent and that are developed in excess of parental extreme* are dis- tinctly larger, and there are notable lowcrings of per- centages of both macroscopic and microscopic interme- diate characters. There is a more marked difference be- tween the percentages of macroscopic characters that are the same as those of both parents, with, moreover, an inversion of the macroscopic and microscopic values in this phase; and the macroscopic and microscopic per- centages of characters that are developed in excess of parental extremes are practically the same, whereas in the other two hybrids they are very different. The macroscopic percentages are higher than the microscopic percentages among the characters that are the same aa those of the seed parent and that are intermediate, but lower in the other four sex-phases. Of the total num- ber of macroscopic characters 50 per cent are interme- diate and 34.4 per cent are developed in excess and deficit of parental extremes; and of the microscopic characters 35 per cent are intermediate and 47 per cent are developed in excess or deficit of parental extremes. Summing both macroscopic and microscopic characters, 39 per cent are intermediate and 42.4 per cent are de- veloped beyond parental extremes. The corresponding figures for C. Jaihamianum are 60 and 32.4, and for C. lathamianum invermm 54.1 and 36.5, showing in C. nitent an inversion of these sex-phase values com- pared with the values of the other two hybrids. By comparing Charts F 1 to F 8 it will be seen that while there are throughout certain well-defined resem- blances, no two are so similar, even in the case of the two Cypnptdium hybrids that have come from recipro- cal crosses, as to lead to one being mistaken for an- other. A common plan of distribution of percentages of characters among the six parent-phases is evident in all of the charts and is only exceptionally departed from that is, in general, comparatively low percentages of characters that are the same u one or the other parent or both parents, generally higher percentages of characters that are developed in excess or deficit of parental extremes, and still higher percentages of char- acters that are intermediate. Departures of modifi- cations of this plan are seen particularly in Ipomtra nloieri, in the higher percentage of characters developed in excess of parental extremes than of intermediate char- acters; and in Mil Ionia, blrnana in the high percentage of macroscopic character* that are the same aa those of the seed and pollen parent. Perhaps there is nothing 340 SUMMARIES OF PLANT CHARACTERS, ETC. BO remarkable among these records as the marked ten- dencies in the several sets of parents and hybrids to inverted relations of macroscopic and microscopic values ; and the tendency for macroscopic values to be higher than the microscopic values in the intermediate charac- ters, and for the reverse in the characters that are de- veloped in excess and deficit of parental extremes. Recapitulating the sums of both macroscopic and microscopic characters that fall under the six sex-phases (Table I, Summary 1) it is found that of the 959 charac- ters 5.8 per cent are the same as those of the seed parent, 6.8 the same as those of the pollen parent, 5.2 the same as those of both parents, 43.2 intermediate, 24.9 developed in excess of parental extremes, and 14.1 in deficit of parental extremes. It will also be seen that 17.8 per cent are the same as those of one or the other parent or both parents; that 82.2 per cent are intermediate and de- veloped beyond parental extremes; and that 43.2 per cent are intermediate against 39 per cent that are de- veloped beyond parental extremes. Further studies of the separate percentages of macro- scopic and microscopic characters show, as presented in the second summary of Table I, in the former as com- pared with the latter, lower percentages in the characters that are the same as one or the other parent or both parents and that are intermediate, but higher percentages in the characters that are developed beyond parental ex- tremes, especially in those which are developed in deficit of parental extremes. The figures in relation to sameness to one or the other parent or both parents run closely, but in the other three parent-phases they show marked divergence. The frequent absence of agreement between the dis- tribution of the macroscopic and microscopic data of the hybrids among the six. parent-phases is at present inex- plicable. As before stated, it seems, if in any hybrid given proportions of macroscopic characters would be found to be the same as those of the seed parent and as those of the pollen parent, that the corresponding pro- portions of the microscopic characters would be found; but the proportions may not only be quite different but even reversed. The proportions of macroscopic and microscopic characters that are the same as or inclined to the seed and pollen parents, respectively, are approxi- mately in Ipomwa sloteri (Table I, Summary 4) about 2 to 1 and 3 to 1, respectively; in Lcelia-Cattleya can- hamiana, 1 to 2 and 1 to 2; in Cymbidium eburneo- lowianum, 3 to 2 and nearly 1 to 1 respectively ; in Den- brobium cybele, 1 to 3 and about 1 to 1 respectively; in Miltonia bleuana, 4 to 3 and 1 to nearly Vfa respec- tively; in Cypripedium lathamianum, about 1 to 1 and nearly 1 to I 1 /*, respectively; in C. lathamianum inver- sum, 2 to 1 and iy 2 to 1 respectively, and in C. nitens 1% to 1 and 1 to 1%, respectively. With such marked and unaccountable variations of macroscopic and micro- scopic values, it is to be expected that owing to the great dissimilarity in the methods and characters of the data of the tissue and starch investigations the two sets of data may differ even more widely than the macro- scopic and microscopic data just examined ; and such is found to be the case, as will be shown in the following section wherein additional consideration of the tissue characters is given. 3. TISSUES AND STAKCHES OF SAME PARENT- AND HYBRID-STOCKS. COMPARISONS OF CHARACTERS OF THE TISSUES AND OF THE HlSTOLOGIC AND OTHER PROPERTIES AND REACTION-INTENSITIES OF THE STARCHES OF HYBRID-STOCKS AS REGARDS SAMENESS, INTER- MEDIATENESS, EXCESS AND DEFICIT OF DEVELOP- MENT IN RELATION TO THE PARENT-STOCKS. (Table I, Parts 1 to 8. and Summaries 1 to 9. Charts F 1 to F 14.) When the present research was planned it was the intention, as stated in the introduction, to make coinci- dent studies of the tissues and starches of each parent and hybrid specimen, with the especial object of show- ing what relationships, if any, exist between the macro- scopic and microscopic characters of the plants and the histological and other properties and reaction-intensi- ties of the starches, but various conditions combined to render this project impracticable. One might be led to the assumption, upon superficial thought, that if, for instance, the macroscopic plant-characters of any hy- brid are distributed in certain percentages among the six sex-phase divisions a closely corresponding division of the microscopic characters would be found, and that starch characters, physical and physico-chemical, would be in similar agreement. In other words, a universality of type or plan of distribution of characters, so that if, for example, in Ipomcea sloteri the distribution of macro- scopic characters among the six parent-phases be (Table I, Summary 1) 2.6, 2.6, 0, 47.4, 42.1, and 5.3 per cent, re- spectively, the distribution of the microscopic characters would be essentially or closely the same ; but, in fact, there are more or less marked differences, as is evident by the following figures for the latter: 8.4, 3.2, 2.1, 32.6, 47.4, and 6.3 per cent, respectively. By such compari- sons it will be noted that, among the macroscopic char- acters as compared with the number of microscopic char- acters, less than one-third will be the same as those of the seed parent (2.6 : 8.4) ; a slightly smaller percentage the same as pollen parent (2.6 : 3.2) ; a smaller percent- age the same as both parents (0:2.1); a very much higher percentage intermediate (47.4:32.6); a smaller percentage developed to excess of parental extremes (42.1 : 47.4) ; and a slightly smaller percentage devel- oped in deficit of parental extremes (5.3:6.5). Such differences vary in the different hybrids in both quantity and direction, and when the percentages for all of the hybrids are summed up, as in Table I, Summary 2, the macroscopic characters show distinctly higher percent- ages than the microscopic characters in regard to same- ness as the seed parent, pollen parent, and both parents, and also to intermediateness, especially the latter; and markedly lower percentages in the characters developed beyond parental extremes. In view of such extraordinary differences in percent- ages of microscopic and macroscopic characters, interest is at once aroused in regard to the relative peculiarities of the tissues and starches in their parental relationships. On general principles it seems probable that if two groups of characters which are so closely related as the naked eye and microscopic characters differ so notably that the group of characters consisting of reaction-inten- sities of the starches should differ as much or more from SIMMAIUKS OK n.AM ( H \ H \i I >:i;-. Mr. 341 the tissue groups u do the latter from each other. paring th. i...\ lt . chancier* and starch reactmtie (Table I. Summary :t). it is found that the former huw distantly lower percentage* in regard to samene* a* the *eed parent, jHilU-n parent, and Mb p.i markedly hi>rhT [HTcenta^cs in regard t<> m 1 new and character* that arc di-\ rlu].-d m excea* of paren- tal extreme* ; and a distinctly lower ]H-r,viita^r de\clu|>,d in di lint { parental evtreinc-. It deem* obvious fr>m this that tin- li^uriM recorded in urn -he>e modes nf imcstij.Mti.in ran not be taken as an index of what ! found by another, if the percentage* of tho iraeters and starch character* are charted (Chart it will be seen that there i* only a very grow, if any, correspondence between the two curves. If three curves are const ructed to show the macroscopic, micro- scopic, and reaction data respectively (Chart F 10), a ni'xliti.d picture is presented. It will be noted that the macroscopic and microscopic curves show similarities and that neither appears to be related to the starch curve. The comparative degree* of influence of each of the parents in determiiiiiiir the characters of the hybrid varies not only with the different *-ta, but also in the 'ntages of macroscopic and microscopic characters in each set. Table H, Summary 2, gives a summary of the sameness and inclination of the reaction-intensities of the starches of hybrids to one or the other parent or both parents. Table I, Summary 4, preset) U similar data of the macroscopic and microscopic plant characters. Tak- ing the macroscopic and microscopic characters together, it will IN- found that there is marked dominance of the eed parent in Ipomcta tloteri (58:23) and Cypripe- dium lathamianum inrrnum (60: 43), and of the pollen parent in Isrlia-Caitlfya canhamiana (31 : 61), and that there is little dominance of either parent in Cymbidium tburneo-lovianum (41 : 35), .Miltunia bleuana (39: 47), Cttirrifitdium luihamianum (39:48), and Cypripedium nitfns (41:47). In none of these hybrids is there noted in the tissue characters the extreme dominance recorded in the reaction-intensities and histological properties of some of the hybrids in the starch investigation, but such dominance will undoubtedly be brought out in researches with other parents and hybrids. In summing up the numbers and percentages of the tissue characters and starch reaction-intensities that are the same as or inclined to the seed parent, the pollen parent, and to both parents, and which are as close to one as to the other parent, respectively, it is found that the different hybrids show the widest variations in dip and degree (Table I. Summary 6, and Table 0). Thus, in Ipomeea tloteri the ratio of macroscopic charac- ters that are the same as or inclined to the seed parent to those that are the same as or inclined to the pollen parent is about 2:1. while of the microscopic characters it is almost 3:1. In Lrrlia-Cattlrya canhamiana the ratios are about 1:2 and 1:2 respectively. In Cym- bidium rburnro-loirianum the ratios are 1V&: 1, and 1: 1, respectively. In Dendrobium cyltle the ratios are 1 : 3 and 1:1, respectively, and so on. In the case of the ftarches the ratios are far more varied, ranging from 23 : at one extreme to : 25 at the other extreme, with great variations in between. In summing up the figure* and percentages for the tissues and comparing them with the corresponding figures for the starches, it is found that tin- figure!* fur the >mbined macroscopic and n. --.pic character* that are the Mine aa or inclined to the Mad parent and the pollen parent, respectively, are 36.8 'i.:. while for the starches they are 42.7 and 32.4. haracters that are the Mine u those of both parent* the figures for the tissues and starches are 5.2 and 3.8, respectively. In group of characters first stated the figures are almost the same in the first couple, while in the second couple the first figure is about one-third higher than the second. In the m-cond group the first figure is amall in comparison with the second, this probably being due to the fact that in the study <>f the tissue characters many characters that were found in the hybrid to be the same or practically the same as the characters in the parent* were not recorded. Of characters that are aa close to one aa to the other parent the tissue character percentage is 21.1, while that of the starches is 11.1. Finally, among the tissue characters, 73.7 per cent are the same as or inclined to the seed or the pollen parent ; and among the starch characters 75.1 per <rnt, or prac- tically the same. In case of two set* of parents and hybrids (Cym- bidium and Miltonia), studies were made coincident ly of both tissue and starch characters, but unfortunately in one (Cymbidium) the reactions of the starches were with few exceptions so very rapid that satisfactory data for differential purposes were not obtained. These data are summarized in Tables I, 3, and 6, and F, 47 and 48, and also in Charts F3, F6, F 11, and F 12. Re- ferring to the characters and character-phases of Cym- bidium fburneo-lou-ianum it will be apparent upon com- parison of the data pertaining to the several parental- phases (Chart F3) that the percentages of macroscopic characters are smaller than those of the microscopic characters that are the same a* those of the seed parent, and which are developed in excess and in deficit of parental extremes; but larger among those which are the same as those of the pollen parent and of both parents, and which are intermediate. Hence, there are inver- sions of the curves in the chart. The quantitative differ- ences between the plant and the reaction characters vary in the several parental-phases (Chart K 11). the differ- ences being distinct among the characters that are the same as those of one or the other parent or both parents, marked among those which are developed in excess or deficit of parental extremes, and very marked among those which are intermediate. While there are some correspondence* in the percentages and curves of the macroscopic and microscopic data, there is no corre- spondence between theae and the starch reaction-inten- sity curve. In fact, there seems to be a tendency to nver*e rather than direct relationship. In Milionio ileuana the macroscopic and microscopic figure* and curve* differ in some respect* lea* and in others more ban in Cymbidium rburnro-lotnanum (Chart F12). The percentage* of the macroscopic character* are higher than those of the macroscopic character* among the characters that are the same a* those of the wed parent and the name a* those of the pollen parent, but lower among the character* that fail under the other four tarental-phaaea, so that here also there is invention of the wo curve*. The percentage* and curve* of the rtarch reaction-intensities bear, a* in the foregoing hybrid, ipparently no relationship to either macroscopic or 342 SUMMARIES OF PLANT CHARACTERS, ETC. microscopic character curve, and here also it appears as though there is a tendency to inverse rather than direct relationship. While the starch reaction-intensity data in Cymbidium are of little value, for reasons stated, the data of Miltonia are to be regarded as being quite as dependable as those of either macroscopic or microscopic characters. In further comparisons to bring out specifically the comparative influences of the seed and the pollen parent on the properties of the hybrids (Table I, Sum- mary 5, Charts F 11 and F 12) it will be found in Cym- bidium eburneo-lowianum that the macroscopic and microscopic percentages and curves tend to correspond- ence in their courses with varying degrees of separation, and also to inversions in their positions. The percentages of macroscopic characters compared with those of micro- scopic characters are lower among the characters that are the same as those of the seed parent, that are highest and that are lowest; and higher among those that are the same as those of the pollen parent, that are the same as those of both parents and that are intermediate. Comparing now the starch-reaction data with the foregoing, it will be seen that while the percentages and curves of the tissue data have some correspondence, the starch data and curve appear to be quite independ- ent, the starch curve being higher than the tissue curve in respect to characters that are the same as those of the seed parent, the same as those of both parents and those which are lowest; and zero in characters that are the same as those of the pollen parent, intermediate and highest. In Miltonia bleuana the macroscopic and micro- scopic values and curves are quite different from the preceding. The curve of the macroscopic characters is higher than that of the microscopic characters among the characters that are the same as those of the seed parent and the same as those of the pollen parent, and lower in the other four parental designations. The starch curve here is also very variant, bearing no relationship to the tissue curves. It is intermediate between the macro- scopic and microscopic curves in regard to characters that are tha same as those of the seed parent and that are lowest, lower in characters that are the same as those of the pollen parent and that are intermediate, and higher in characters that are the same as those of both parents and that are highest. In Cymbidium eburneo- loivianum (Table I, Summary 5) 30 per cent of the tissue characters are the same as those of one or the other parent or both parents ; 44.5 per cent intermediate ; and 25.4 per cent developed in excess or deficit of parental extremes. The starch reactions show 50.1, 0, and 50 per cent, re- spectively, the figures in the several columns differing markedly from those of the tissues. In Miltonia bleuana the figures for the tissues are 26.2, 35.1 and 38.6, respec- tively; and for the starch 23, 3.8, and 73.1, respectively. The comparative degrees of influence exerted by each parent on the properties of the hybrid are shown in Table I, Summary 6, and presented in chart form in Charts F 14 and F 15. In Cymbidium eburneo-lowianum, in the macroscopic characters the seed parent has exerted a much greater influence than the pollen parent, but in the microscopic characters very little more than the pollen parent. In Miltonia bleuana, in the macroscopic charac- ters the seed parent is distinctly more potent, but in the microscopic characters the pollen parent is the more potent, the values being practically reversed. Summing up the macroscopic and microscopic characters it is found that in Cymbidium eburneo-lowianum the seed parent is but little more potent than the pollen parent (37.3: 31.8 per cent), and that in Miltonia blueana the seed parent is decidedly less potent than the pollen parent (34.2:41.2 per cent). As to the starches in Cymbidium eburneo-lowianum the influences of the seed parent are far greater than those of the pollen parent as shown by the ratio of 15.4 : 3.8 ; and in Miltonia blue- ana the difference is very much greater, the ratio here being 77 : 7.7 in the former 4 times greater and in the latter almost 10 times greater. Little or no importance, however, is to be attached to the data of the starch of Cymbidium for reasons already given. In the histological examinations of the starches it was found that the starch of Cymbidium eburneo-lowianum in the form of the grains, character of the hilum, lamellae, and size is closer, as a whole, to the seed parent ; and in eccentricity of the hilum and ratio of length to width of the grains closer, as a whole, to the pollen parent. In the qualitative reactions it is in all respects closer to the seed parent. In Miltonia bleuana the starch is in the form of the grains, character of the hilum, and character of the lamellae closer, as a whole, to the seed parent ; but in eccentricity of the hilum and size of the grains it is closer, as a whole, to the pollen parent. In all of the qualitative reactions it is closer to the seed parent. Apropos of intermediateness as a criterion of hy- brids, it is worth while to compare the percentages of microscopic and macroscopic characters and starch reac- tion-intensities that are intermediate and non-interme- diate. These data are given in Table I, Summary 7, by which it will be seen that of 264 macroscopic characters recorded 56.4 per cent are intermediate and 43.6 per cent non-intermediate ; of the 695 microscopic characters, 38.2 per cent are intermediate and 61.8 per cent non-interme- diatejand of the 1,018 starch reaction-intensities, 23. 2 per cent are intermediate and 76.8 per cent non-intermediate. The data recorded are so numerous and of such a character that considerable space could be devoted to their study, but this seems unnecessary because they have been so thoroughly systematized and clearly pre- sented in tables and charts as to be instantly understood and readily available for any who may be particularly interested in any or all of the various phases represented ; nor is it necessary, because such detailed consideration as has been given meets the requirements of the objects of the research. SUMMARIES OF PLANT CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE I. TABU I i 11 I h 1 ! i 1 . IpomoM alotari. m*e- roeeopic chmrmo- ten: Cotyledon*: Shape 4- Length of midrib I -riigth of petiole. AHfM bttWMQ lOtM Root: Length ol primary root before branching + - - -f- + 9 + 9-d* ^ E Diameter ^ ^ pj + 9 ^ Extent of root *y*- tern Itai Diameter - - - - + 9 + 9 - Growth ^_ ^ _ ^ + 9 ^ Diitane* from (round before branching . . . + <f Length of braaobe* Leaf: Number "~ ~ ^ + 9 + <f ^ Duration ^^ ^ + 9-<f Flrmnaai of textun Reiel.fipi to in- erU " ^ ^ " + 9-<f + 9 -<? ~ Hie rn of lamina. . . Length of lamina. . >^. lib uf lamina... Length of petiole.. Flower: Length of flow* talk 1 - - -r-9-d 1 f 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 - Number of flower, per flower .talk Ralationehip of pe- duncle to pedicle - - - + 9-<f f V-d 1 - Shape of eorolla limb Diameter of corolla limb 4-9 -cT Color of eorolla limb Length of eorolla tube -t-d" Diameter of corolla tube +d* Color of anther*. . . - - - f-ff-d- - - Length of filament* Capmle: Number maturing OB one Bower talk + -r-9-d 1 Shape ^ ^ f-9-d 1 ^ Number of eeed* in capeule +<? Proportion ol weds that germinate . Length of atede... . Width of teed* - - - +<f + 9 4-9-d 1 Total 38 i i o 18 10 J S< 11 P ]! M i 1 IpomoM eloteri. micro- i , rvT..i'L Upper epidermal: Wavioaat of wall* Length of cell. Width of eelb.... Number of (laad* Bbeof gUndi Number of ttomata MM of stomata Lower tpidermk: Wavineei of wall*. Length of eelb .... Width of rail* Number of gland*. Siae of gland* - - - + 9-rf + <f + 9-<f -f-9 -f-9 f-(f + 9 + 9 -1-9 + 9-<y + 9 -f-9 rfHeta < .:...n.:a Sbeof tomata Root: Number of cork layer* 4. - - - + 9 +<r Length of cork Mils Width of cork cell. Length of cork cam- bialcelU . 1 : : -1-9 + 9-o" +{f - Width of cork cam- bial cell* + ef Number of oortex layer* .... 4.0 -ft Length of oortex cell* + <f Width of cortex cell* + 9 Number of clrren- chyma patebee. . Grouping of pitted vend* - + - + 9-<f - PoaUion of largeet Teml* + 9-d* Average diameter of pitted reeaeU. . Diameter of larger pitted ve**el> . . . Width and di*tinc- tion* of ~**i l> - + + - ~ Stem: Width ol epidermal cell* +cy l>. ; ft .< .;. i i.-.-n.V cell* + Number of cork layer* + 9 -<f Length of cork cam - Mai cell* + 9 Width of cork cam- bialcell* f-9-o" Number of cortex layer* + Length endodermal cell* + 9 Width endodermal cell* f 9 Diameter of nler- oeedeeU* + 9 Number of *eere- tory cell* + 344 SUMMARIES OF PLANT CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE I. Continued. TABLE I. Continued. M a a Same as pol- len parent. J3 ri * Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. Ipomcea sloteri, micro- scopic characters Continued: Stem Continued: Number of cham- bered crystal cells Development of + 9 + 9 Diameter of larg- est vasa + 9 Number of proto- xylem patches. . . Number of crystal cells in intra- xylaryphlcem .... Leaf Lamina : Upper epidermis at base: Waviness of cell walls - - - + 9 = 0" + 9 = d" + 9 Length of cells. . . . Width of cells Number of sto- - - + + 9 + 9 - Number of glands Diameter o + 9 4.9 Position of sto- m a t a a n c + 9 =c? Number of hairs. . Length of hairs. . Stiffness of hairs. . Length of papil- Iffi along veins . . Length of margi- nal papille Upper epidermis at apex: Length of cells Width of cells Number of sto- a. + - + 9-<f + 9=rf + 9 + 9 + c? + 9=tf - Number of glands Diameter o: + 9=cf + 9 Length of hairs. . . Length of papilla long veins Lower epidermis at base: Length of cells .... Width of cells Number of sto- mata + - ; : W + 9=d" + 9 + 9 Number o : + 9 =c? Diameter o: glands + 9 Lower epidermis a apex: Length of cells. . . . Width of cells _ _ _ _ + 9 -j-rf 1 _ Number of sto- + 9 Number of glands Diameter 01 elands f 9 =o" + 9 o *J g 0) CO If 3 S o 8 ja <n J3 1l w GJ " S Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. Ipomcea sloteri, micro- scopic characters Continued: Petiole, transverse sec- tion: Angle between + 9 Outline + 9 =d" Depth of epidermis Number of cortex + + 9 <? Diameter of cor- + cf Diameter of largest + 9 Epidermis at base: Length of cells .... Width of cells Number of glands. . Diameter of glands Length of multicel- lular protuber- ances - - - + 9 + c? + 9=cf + 9=0" + 9 - Corolla, limb: Upper epidermis: Length of cells .... Width + 9 + 9 *<? Mesophyll cells shape + 9 =<f Lower epidermis : Waviness of cells. . Thickening at an- gles - - - + 9=0* + 9 =d" - - _ + ef Corolla tube: Outer epidermis: Length of cells. . . . Width of cells Waviness of walls. Thickness of walls. Size of chromoplast Stamens: Length of multicel- lular glands at base - + - + 9+d- + 9-d" + 9 =cT + 9 + 9=0^ Total 95 1 a a 31 45 6 2. Lffilia-cattleya can- hamiana, macro- scopic characters Root: Size and character of root + Pseudobulb: Length + cf Width _ _ -f <j" Ridging of old pseu- + 9 Leaf: Thicknen + Color __ + Length + 9 =d" _ _ Width + THL M MMAKIES OF IM.\M n AKACTEBB, ire. TABU I. C< Ml i n ttame a. pot- 1 |Wj MM ]i s. } 1 Lath* ritUvya oanhanv iana. tnaeroecopk character* Ce- tUMMf riower: Lencth of flower talk +<f >ii.- f ,!,,iil, ^ + ^^ Color of ahead* Number of flowen Lencth of pedicel*. MI Lencthofdoreal .. Lncth of lateral. . Difference in lencth between lalrral and donal erpali Width Of aepaU. flkftpe of lateral ee- Mfc - + + f - -r-V + v-d- + 9-<f +<r +<f Nectary at apex . . . Color - + 9-<f -r-9-d 1 - Lateral petals: Lencth +d" Width. ^ ^^ fm ^ +d" ^ m Color e* ^ + 9 -d" Labdlum: Lracth -f. Width ^ 4. ^ + 9 -d" Wavinem of ante- rior marfio Cleft in anterior martin - - + V + 9 - Color of baee . P _ - + 9 -d" Color of apical half. Column: |.-,,Ktt, + _ -f-9-d 1 Width . ^^ ^^ -f-9 -d" Color of anterior fait -r-9-d* Color of poeterior far* + 9 -d* PoUinia, eie . ^ ^ ^ -t-9 -d" Total 84 7 4 4 18 4 2 Lalia-rattleya "- iana, microecopic Pwwdobulb. traiv- ren* xetton: Dn*h of cuticle . . Shape of epidermal + ^ . . + 9-<r . Depth of epidermal + Width of' epidermal Mil + d" Depth of fin* layer beneath + 0* Width of cell* of 6nt layer beneath Thickneei of wall. of fir* layer be- - - - -f 9 - + <f Unti Upper epidende: Leocth of e*U> at apex f o* |i ii i j r si i i 1 Letlia-cattlejr* **ltnrr- iana. mieroecopir eharaeten Ce- Leaf-Ce^iniMif. Width of eelU at apex 4-9 -rf Uncth of eetU at middle + tf Width of eelU at middle 4- Length of eelb at beM . . 4-tf Width of cell* at twee + 9 Lower epidermje: Lencth of eelU at apex + Width of cell, at apex -f. + <f Number of rtomaU at apex -r-d* Uncth of eelU at middle + <f Width of cell* at middle fo" Number of itomata at middle.. + d* Lencth of cdU at baae 4.0 Width of cell* at baee 4-tf Number of tomata at baee -f-d' Leaf, traiMvene tt- t i o n at m i d- rib: Depth of cuticle. . . Amount of deno- tation of upper epidermal eelU . . Lencth of upper ep- idermal rU> ... Lencth of Mbepi- dermaleelk Depth of cu tide on + - + 9-<y + 9 + 9 - Depth of lower epi- dermie f-9 Arrancement and MM | Ml ,;. dermia -f 9-d" Depth of midrib -f-d* Width of midrib bundle +<? !..;' of|U ,n, Depth of xytem.... Depth of ederen- ehyma heath.... At firat main vete: Depth of upper eu- eutiele - 4- + 9-o" *' + 9 +<f Depth of upper epi- dermal celU Width of upper epi- Depth of fint layer f- - + <f -r-0 346 SUMMARIES OF PLANT CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE I. Continued. TABLE I. Continued. 1 si a"~* *> g a| 11 I j i* ll Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. S+j S a * a"~* *J g *! 4) g S v 5 !* J! - en Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. Lsslia-cattleya eanham- iaua, microscopic characters Con- tinued: At first main vein: Width of cells of first layer be- + Lajlia-cattleya canham- iana, microscopic characters Con- tinued: 1. ul it'll uin : Upper epidermis middle lobe: + rf Depth of cuticle on lower epidermis. . Depth of lower epi- - - + 9=<? + 9 - - Width of cells Length of papillte. . Lower epidermis, - - : + 9 +<f - Width of lower epi- dermal cells Depth of cells be- neath lower epi- dermis - + - + 9 - - Length of cells .... Width of cells Length of papillae... Number of stomata \ + - + 9 + 9 + 0" - Width of cells be- neath lower epi- dermis . +<? proximal parts of label! urn: Length of cells .... + d" Number of scleren- chyma strands Width of cells Papillae - - + 9=0" +<f - + mm _ Total 85 6 14 30 14 21 Diameter of these.. Number beneath + 9 lower epidermis.. Diameter of these. . Flower stalk, trans- verse section: Depth of epidermal cells + + ^~ * +<f 3. Cymbidium eburneo- lowianum, macro- scopic characters: Root: Width of epidermal cells + & Size and character + Regularity of hypo- + Pseudobulb: + Depth of hypoder- inal cells 4-cP Leaf: Amount of droop- Width of hypodcr- 4- ing previous + c? Width of cortex . . . Length of bundles. Width of bundles. . Proportion of phloem in bundle Flower: Sepal, upper epider- - - + 9=d" - + c? W + cf Length of old leaves Width of old leaves Length of this year's leaves .... Width of this year's leaves .... Number of leaves + + + 9 w + 9 =d" Length of cells .... Width of cells Size of papilla? - + + <? + 9 Flower: Length of flower stalk + 9 Number of stomata - - - + 0" Diameter of flower stalk + Length of cells .... Width of cells +<? + 9 Length of bracts. . . Length of pedicels. + 9 + 9 Number of stomata Number of hairs. . . ~ - - + 9 + 9 +<? Number of flowers . Dorsal sepal : 4. ~ + 6=cf ~ ~* Width __ _ + 9 _ + Length of cells .... Width of cells + + - - - - Lateral sepals: + Papilln + 9 ~<f Width _ + 9 Number of stomata Absence of hairs. . . - + - + 9 - - Color - background of upper surface + 9 =<? Length of cells .... Width of cells Papillae - + 9-c? +<? + 9 - Color lines on upper surface sepals . . . Color lower surface - _ - + 9 - _ + 9 _ _ + 9 =d" _ SUMMARIES OF PLANT CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE 1. r<mfimterf. T, 347 il ti 5 - P i. || I 1 | ( I CjrmUdium uanno lowianum, maoro- eoopie character* twinned.- lateral petal*: Lrnath f 9 -u* Wi.lth __ + 9 . ,r ^ ^ ^ + 9-tf Label) um: L*ncth + cf Width ^ m _ ^ 4.0 Color of outer eur- faee + Color of inner eur- face of tab*. . . . Color of inner eur- faeeattipafereet Color of mark on anterior lob* Column: 1^-ncth + 9-<f f 9-<r + 9 + cf - + _ ^ Main eolor of inner eurf ace + Color of epeck* on inner eurf ace. .. . lor of outer eur- face . - - + 9-<r + 9 -<? - - Total 85 ? 4 5 23 1 Mieroeoopic character*: Root (trmnsverw erc- Uon): Arerace width of + 9 Width of epidermal + 9 Depth of epidermal eelb + <? 8fc*vpe> of pidcmiAJ + Width of cortex : Number of Mter- oeedeeiUin cor- tex . . + 9-<f + <f ' Thiekneai of wall* of thoje + <f Depth of eododer- maleeUe + 9-<? Width of codomeral ceil* + Number of phlom patchce + 9 Diameter of larger vua + <? Leaf: Shape of eelb Preetoee of cry.tal Thickneee of wall* Lenkth of cell* at apex .... - - + + + - + <f - Width of eelb at apex + <f Lenth of cell, at middle + <f ii ii p !i | 1 I CymUdfawi etwnMo- - Tundr,^^ LMf-CnruHM*V Width of eelb at middle + Unth of eelb at hM f o* Width of celb at baa* f 9 Lower epidermle: Shape of eelb 4- Thick one. of wall*. Length of eelb at apex ~ ^ + + 9 Width of eelb at apex + 9-o* Number of ftomata at apex + Lencth of eelb at middle Width of celb at middle + - - +# - Number of etoraata at middle Lencth of eelb at baa* - - + 9 - +<f Width of celb at heee + 9 Number of etomata at baee + 9-<f Leaf, (traaererae eec- t,.,,,i At midrib: Depth of upper epi- dermb + <f Depth of aqueuui tiawerell* +<r Width of aqueoue IUBUC r. Hi 4- Depth of midrib bundb fo" Width of midrib Imndfo . + Diameter of Urejeet + Depth of lower epi- dcrmM + 9 Between midrib and martin: Depth of upper BjUajmih + 9 -<f Depth of upper II 1 1 1 II i !! etrande + 9 Width of upper elerenchyma (trande . . . + Number of upper elereochjrma (trande + Number of mew- phyll layen Depth of lower cl erenehyma etrande 4- - - - + 9 348 SUMMARIES OP PLANT CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE I. Continued. TABLE I. Continued. | "0 +5 ft g a 1 . .5 i 3 1 % a. '! to i ts * a "-' fl a a a E 1 1" a XI a H a Cymbidum eburneo- lowianum, micro- scopic characters Continued: Between midrid and margin Con- tinued: Width of lower a c 1 e r e n c hyma strands _ _ _ + 9 ="=0" Number of lower s c 1 e r e nchyma strands _ + 9 __ Depth of lower epi- dermis + c^ _ Flower: Dorsal sepal : Upper epidermis: Shape of cells _ i Thickness of walla __ i _ 9 Length of cells _ + 9 Width of cells -{- _ Lower epidermis: Length of cells. . . . + 9 Width of cells -J- _ _ _ Lateral petal : Upper epidermis: Length of cells .... + 9 = 0" Width of cells _ _ _ + o* _ Lower epidermis: Length of cells .... + 9 Width of cells -f- Labellum: Upper epidermis, anterior lobe: Shape of papilla). . + 9=d" Length of papila) . . + 9 =6* Color of papilla). . . + 9=0" Lower epidermis. anterior lobe: Length of cells. . . . _ _ _ _ + 9 <f Width of cells _ i ^i Upper epidermis, lateral lobe: Length of cells _ _ _ + 1 Width of cells _ _ _ + o" _ _ Shape of papilla). . . _ _ _ + 9=d" _ _ Length of papilla; . . + 9 Color of papilla!. . . -|- Lower epidermis, lateral lobe: Length of cells _ _ _ + 9 _ _ Width of cells _ _ _ + 9 _ Inner epidermis, above band: Length of cells. . . . _ _ _ _ _ + 9 Width of cells + 9 Epidermis above crest: Length of papil- la) _ 1 jt Width of papilla). . . + 9 =<? Column: Inner epidermis at base: Length of cells. . . . _ + 9 Width of cells + 0" Total 75 7 7 8 27 12 14 J *j i a GO ti l a S 3 it a a o. as Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. 4. Dendrobium cybele, macroscopic char- acters: Root: Size and character of root system . . . Stem: Color + + 9 =<? . Amount of ridging of internodes. . . . Length of inter- nodes - - - + 9 = - + d" Diameter of nar- rowest part of +<? Amount of swelling + d" Diameter of nodal + Leaf: Length of petiole . . Width of petiole. . . Length of lamina. . Width of lamina. . . Flower: Time of flowering. . Length of pedicels . Color of pedicels. . . Size of sepals - + + + + d" + 0" + 6=d" + 9 + 9 Color of sepals. . . . Size of petals . - - -f + <? - Color of petals .... Waviness of mar- gin of petal Length of labellum. Width of labellum Depth of labellum . Apex of labellum. . Smoothness of ex- terior tubular part of labellum -f - + 9=d" + 9 + 9=d" + 9 = d" + 9=c? + d" Color of exterior tubular part of labellum (appar- ent) + Color of interior tubular part of labellum (appar- ent) + + d" Color of apex ...... _ _ _ _ + 9 *<? _ Color of concave face of column. . Color of anther case _ _ _ + 9=c? + 9=c? _ Total 30 1 4 4 13 5 3 Dendrobium cybele, mi- croscopic charac- ters: Root: Width of velamen. . Depth of epider- mal cells - - - + 9 - + 9 Width of epidermal cells + Width of cortex. . . Depth of endoder- mal cells - - - - + 0" + SUMMARIES OF PLANT < IIAK.M TKIO, K T< IAI I ; i! Same M pot- '. i .:' , H i ! i? 1! i j li w J I ;...:, ; .- . .' ' - Dodroblum<-yb.mi- ten foiim**t K/"t CulHMrf ,;:. ..( endoder- IlinJ rcll _ + 9 I ,' !.: . , < -. timiW: Numl*r of iwik*O uneter ol raacu- lar cylinder N umtnr of protoxy- lem patrbe* - - - + 9 + 9 m <? - - epidermal odU at baw Upper epidermic Lenctb of eella at - - - - +<f - 1 MmliH'trr of large* 1 apex _ _ 4- 8 vaa - 4- - - - - Width of Mil* at apex 4-d 1 ,.:.',. : . rnllinc: Number of eunken cell* at apex. . . . Number of itomata - - - +<f 4-9 ancteroftiem* SIM ol intanellular ~ " " + 9-tf " Leocth of rail* a middle 4-9 . . . _^ . mm mH +ef Dbtributioa of \Vilih at 01U ft ... . _ ^ ^ _ 4-d 1 "* ^ ^ + V Amount of (torch SIM of train* at 3d interned*.. ^ ^ + 9-d- 4-9 Numbr of Miikcn cclUal middle.. Number of UmiaLa At middle - - 4-0- 4-o" - Depth of cuUcU. . . _ _ 4-9-d 1 ^ _ edit + C? _ Leoth of cell* at beee 1 J( 1.. . . .;.!. r:,.., oelb +<r _ Width of cell, a t-_ T<T 1 Jl flfcariii of hypoder- mal eelb 4.0 H( f Number of *unken T<T \\Mth of hypoder nial ccJlx +<f ooll* at baa*. . . . Number of etomaU 4-0* 4. -* Depth of hypoder mml oalb + 9 Leaf, tnoiverae *eo- 8iM of ioteirellu Ur p*cr + tion at midrib: Depth of upper epi- Number of bundln . of buodlw Width of bundle* C o m p r* t i v widtbi of ider + 4- - - - + 9 dermal cell above midrib .. Depth of ridM. . Depth of cell* form- in ridge* - - +<r - 4-d 1 4-9 oehym* and by !:>. 4- 9 "d" Depth of lower epi- dermal cell. 4-d 1 I >uunrtr of largn + ef Depth of midrib bundle 4-0* Width of midrib bundle 4-9 \jftJ. lamina: Midrib between TlurkiMM of Oil walU + 9 midrib bund) and martin: -L O Lmctb of oelb i; - x + 9 Depth ol cuucJe. . Depth of upper epi- T" V Width of cell* * + 9 dermal cell* . . Width of upper epi- Ttf t o Numbrr of wnkr eptdcrmal ocU apex . + 9 dermal eeOe.. .. Lrncth of lower epi- dermal cell* _ 4- 4-9-d 1 LwU> of oelb a nuddle + 9 n idth of lower epi- dermal eelb. ... - - - - +<r Width of odb a middle 4-d 1 Leocth of eunken epidermal cell* - - - - - 4-9 Number of wnkra pidrrmal cell* a middle 4-d 1 Leaf, petiole: Lower epidermi* aeai Lrncth of oelU a 1 i + 9 : . ' Width of eelb . . . ^^ ^ ~" 4-tf 4-9~-<f Width of cdU a i Number of unkr _ _ 4-9-<y ^ ^ 350 SUMMARIES OF PLANT CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE I. Continued. TABLE I. Continued. 1 '1 o b e* so ii '-_ a Same as both parents. Intermediate. 1 Highest. Lowest. -w is 1* OQ Is >g 2 c S I ji 3,* Sg I 1 Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. Dendrobium cybele, mi- croscopic charac- ters Continued: At base: + 9 Miltonia bleuana, mac- roscopic charac- ters Con/inued . Leaf: -i- Width of cells + 9 =cf _ Width + cf Color. . + tf cells _ + 9 Number of leaves Upper epidermis near lamina: Length of cells .... Width of cells -1- + in one growth. . . Flower: Length of flower stalk + 9=c? + O =(-? Number of hairs. . . At base: + v + 9 Length of pedicel . . Sepals: Shape + 9 tf + 9=c? Width of rells + _u Number of hairs. . Average length of + 9 4-rf 1 Length of dorsal . . . Width of dorsal.... Length of lateral.. . + + + 9 - - Flower, lateral sepal: Upper epidermis: + & Width of lateral . . . Petals: Shape + + Q rf Width of cells _; _ + <? Length + Width + __ + 9 Color of base + Width of cells _ _ _ + 9 Color of apical f . . . 4- Lateral petal: Labellum : Length -L _ _ + cf Width . . -I- Width of cells Lower epidermis: Length of cells .... Width of cells + _ _ + <? + 9 Length of cleft in comparison with length of label- + Label lum: Outer surface: +<? Angle between lobes Length of apex. . . . + 9 + 9=o" J-rT Width of cells . + 9 Color of rest of la- _ _ + 9 4. Length of hairs. . . . Color - - - + 9 + 9 =<? - - Column : Length + Width + 9-o" + <f -f Total 29 8 e i g 4 j Color _ 4-9-d 1 Upper epidermis of rim: Length of hairs. . . . Number of hairs. . . Color of chromo- plasts - - + + 9 + 9 = d" - Miltonia bleuana, micro- scopic characters: Pseudobulb: Upper epidermis at Thickness of cell + apex: Length of cells .... _ _ _ _ + 9 _ Length of epider- + cf Width of cells m _ _ + 9 __ ^ Length of hairs. . . . - - - + <? - - Width of epidermal cells 4- 9 Number of hairs. . . Color of red violet sap + J + 9 *<? Pseudobulb, trans- verse section: Length of epider- Total 97 3 6 3 34 10 32 mal cells + 9 Depth of epidermal cells _ _ w _ _ Thickness of outer + 9 macroscopic char- acters: Pseudobulb: Length + 9 Length of bundles. Width of bundles. . I-eaf: Upper epidermis: - - - +P + 9=tf - - Width _ _ __ + 9 + _ Thickness + _ + SfMMAKIES OF PLANT UIAK \(TER8, BTC. 351 -.:' s l h 1 BMW poU 1 ,...;,-.: r if .; 1 1 ]i ii i j s ; 1 I Uiltoina Uruana. nn- MUtooia bleuaaa, mi- tm Conri nwrf . L**f-CmruHM.- Lencth ot eWU at apex 4-9 rf l.r. (W.nu^/ Leaf-CMKuMMf. At firet main rein: \\ Mlh ol crll. .1 dermal r*ll. 4- apex Number u( hair at apex ~ ~ ~" + 9+d- 4-tf Depth of upper epi- dermal c.-ll ... Width of upper ept- - + - - Lencth of cell, at dwmaleelk ^ +<f midiiir _ ^^ + 9 Depth of oalU of Width ..( rrll, al middle fcf lir-' I ,'..r..( i;; (H r Lracth ol erll. at b*etl J- Width of eell* of Width of cell* at MM + 9 aqueoue tiaeue .. . Depth of handle " - - + 9 - t Number of bain at t.aur + <f Width of bundle .. Depth of cell* of + - - -rV - - T-nwM iilMiiiU Shape of cell. .. . _ -i- lower ajQQeovti 9 Lracth of cell, at + cf Width of oelle of Width of ceil* at tiaeue ^ 4. + 9 _ ^ + 9 wm ^ Depth of lower epl- N umber of (toma ta dermal cell* == ^ _ ^ m + d _ ^ ^ _ 4-cT Width of lower epi- Lencth of cell* at dermal cell* _ ^ , ^ ^ tm + <f middle ^ _ i[ -(- 9 -cT Width of cell, at middle + 9 Flower, dorsal npal Number of atomata at middle + d* Ix-nglh of rrll. . . . Width of r-ll +<r +<f Length of cell* at Papilb) __ mm __ + 9-c? hue ^ _ ^ + <? Lracth of hain ^ _ .. + 9 M ^ Width of cell, at bam + 9 Number of hair. .. Color -f +<* - at baae _ + 9-cf Shape of ceUa + _ Leaf, transrene aee- tion at midrib: Thirkne.* of leaf. Ancle between halve* of lamina Depth of upper epi- _ +<f + 9-d- 4.O _ I >^ijtt n of OHM .... Width of cell* Number of .toroata Lateral petal: Upper epidermia: Shape of edla... Lracth of retla . Width of cell. . + + +<r +<f +<f - +<f Width of upper epi- dermu + 9 Lencth of hair*. Number of hain -r + <f Depth of 6rat la ver Color + _ __ PJ ^ f n-|JJ illlllMillU beaalh upper 4. Lencth of cella .... Width of cell* . . . - - - + 9 + 9-^ - Depth of middle bundle . + 9 Number of .tomata LabeUmn: + 9 Width of middle bundle +<f Upper epidermi* at kMK Depth of cell* of . , _ + 9 _ _ lower aqueour tJMII + 9 -cf Lracth of cell* Width of orfle + 9 +ef Width of cell* of lower aqueoa* UMHII . . + 9 N amber of ha Lencth of hair- I^nctb of papill*. - ^ +<f -t-cf +<f Depth of lower epi- + cf Shade of red-violet _ + 9-f _ _ WidUi of lower epi- + <f Extent of red-riolet + 9-<r _ 352 SUMMARIES OF PLANT CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE I. Continued. TABLE I. Continued. 3 Sw g 1 * GO "o ** a g 3 0. - a S J t 1 - 03 Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. Miltonia bleuana, mi- croscopic charac- ters Continued : Flower Continued : Upper epidermis at middle of lobe: + Length of cells. . . . Width of cells Number of hairs. . . Length of hairs .... Lower epidermis at middle: Length of cells .... Width of cells Number of stomata - - + 9=cf + <7 + 9 + 9 + c? + c^ + c^ Total 85 ? 5 8 31 15 24 6. Cypripedium latha- mianum, macro- scopic characters: Leaf: Shape + Thickness __ + T| _ Length + d" Width __ __ + cC _ Colored area at base Length of spottec area + 9 + cf Length of youngest leaf + cf Relative shortness of youngest lea Flower: Flowering period. . . Length of flower stalk - + 9=0" 4-d 1 + (f - - Color of flower stalk Length of bract. . . Length of ovary. . . Color of ovary . . . Dorsal sepal: + 9=cf + 9 + 9=0" + 9=cf + 9 - - Width ... _ + 9 Ratio of length to width . . + 9 =cf Shape = : + 9 _ Color. . t + 9 __ Anterior sepal : Length . . . + 9 Width + = _ Color . + c? Lateral petals: Length . . + cf Width + 9 Shape. . __ _ _. . + 9 Crisping of dorsa margin + 9 Color _ _ + 9-cf Labcllum: 4-9 Width __ = +d* ^_ Color of exterior. Color interior .... Btaminode: Shape - - - + 9 = rf- + 9=cf + 9 =cf - Width +<P ^_ . Color _ __ + 9-cf ^ __ Total . ..34 1 2 29 2 J! If s| a oo J3 ^1 g 09 Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. Cypripedium lathamia- nnin, microscopic characters: Leaf: Upper epidermis : Thickness of walls _i_ Q Length of cells at 4- 9 Width of cells at + ef Thickness of walls + Length of cells at + C? Width of cells at + Length of cells at + cT Width of cells at + <? Lower epidermis: Length of cells at + c? Width of cells at + 9 Number of stomuta + 9 =d" Length of cells at + cf Width of cells at + 9=^ Number of stomata + Length of cells at +rf Width of cells at + C? Number of stomata + 9 =<? Leaf, transverse sec- tion: Depth of cuticle + d" Depth of upper epi- dermal cells Depth of cuticle on lower epidermis. . Depth of lower epi- dermal cells Width of lower epi- dermal cells Depth of midrib - - - + 0" frf + c? + <? + 9 Width of midrib + <? Thickness of trans- verse section at + d" Flower stalk : Epidermis at top: Length of cells. . . . Width of cells Kind of hairs pre- + - - + cf + 0" - Numbcr of hairs. . . Length of pointec ^ ~~ + d" + 9 Color _ _ + 9=c? _ SUMMARIES Or PLAN! 11 ARACTERS, ETC. 858 TABL. I.-C 1 |1 |i r ]! 1 1 1 vtliuiu Utbamia- nuin. uiicroeoopie t b v ac ton Cea- (UMMrf: r lower lalke C- MMC* .rum at mid- Lcocthufcell W ,.|lh ..( crll. hind of bain promt Number ui b> Lrncth of pointed hair. - - +tf + 9-<T +<f + 9 + <f - L*ncth of dub- chaped bain ... Color . - - +<r + 9 -d" - - Flower ctalk. trane- verwMctioo: Thieknea* of oUr epidermal wall p.;'*, i ajlcwaaej oa* - - - + 9 + 9 rrlU + 9 -cf lib of eottas. . . Number of layen in H ^ ^ + 9-d f V -0 s M Doraaleepal: Upper epidermic at uS Lmclh of eetle ^ ^ ^ +d- + 9 ] Numbrrof bain . Length of hair- Color above mi.lnl Upper epidermic at ban: Lnwthofc.ll. Width of cede - ^ - + 9-d + d" + 9 f 9 +<f Number of hr Lrncth of bain Color - - + tf -H 9 -cT + 9 - Lower epidermic at middle: Ratio of pointed to club-ehaped bain Leacth of pointed bain - - - + 9-d- + 9 - - Lenitb of club- shaped bain Col. - - - + 9 + 9-d* - * " Loww epidermic at haw: I-.-llirtlinf r..||. LMWth of pointed bain - - + 9 4-9 + <? - Lmcta of club- baped bain Ratio of pointed to Hub-ebaped bain Color of edU . . - 4. + 9 - 4-9 Color of bain ^ m ^^ + 9-<f Lateral petal* : Upper epidemic at middle: LencUtofeeUa.... Width of erIU ^ ^ ^ 4-d 1 - 9 4. Color.. ^ + 9-d* ii j i i ,.:.,. rikm :.. i .. RJHM.V Lateral petaUCen- ^^^j^. Lower epidermic at middle: Lencth of eelU U idth of oelU +<f 4- Shape of eelii ^ 4. WavioeMofwalb. . Upper epidemu at baee: Leocth of bain Color.. + " 4- 9 -rf 4-<f ; Labellum: Upper epidermic at beMi Lencth of cell - Width of oelU 4-9-<f + rf Length of bain . Color - - - - 4-ef 4-9 Upper epidermic at moct anterior part: I.<-IH-t||i.f c-. IU 4.0 . J \\ Kith of crlU J.Q Lencth of bain.... Color - - - 4-9 -if 4-d 1 - Lower epidermic between apei and most an- terior part: Lentth of crll. Width of oellc + 4-d 1 Color 4-9 "<f Lower epidermic at baee: UBccBefwBi Width of oellc _ 4-9 4-9 _ Color ^ 4-9 Total 87 1 4 j 4) 10 7 7. Crpripedium latha mianum inrer- cum. maeraeeopie charaeten: Leaf: . Thick neai Lencth ^ m ^ m _ 4-9 ^ m Width 4-9 Colored ana at ban 4-9 Leacth of epotted :ir' 't . 4-9 Lencth of youoceet leaf + <? Relative chortnecc of jroonceet leaf . 1 ' -A. r i t - + - x o - - Lmcth of flower talk +<f Color of flower ctelk Leacth of tract Length of ovary. .. Color of ovary + - - 4-9 +<? 4-9 - - 23 354 SUMMARIES OF PLANT CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE I Continued. TABLE I. Continued. "8 3 *i " - I* CO H o 2 & JS a lj 21 S& 00 Intermediate. S | a Lowest. Cypripedium lathamia- nuin inversum, macroscopic char- acters Contin'd: Flower Continued: Dorsal sepal: + 9 Width mm __ +0 Ratio of length to width + 9 =c7 Shape _ + 9 =cT _ __ -i- 9 =cT Anterior sepal: + 9 Width .-.- + Color _ _ + 9=c? Lateral petals: + 9 Width .... __ __ + <? Shape . _ + d" Crisping of dorsal + d" Color __ + 9 Label! um : + 9 Width __ _ + 9 Color of exterior. . . Color of interior. . . Staminode: Shape - - - + 9 + 9=0" + 9 - Width + _ Color .' _ _ + 9 Total 34 f ? ? 25 3 Cypripedium lathamia- num inveraum, microscopic char- acters: Leaf: Upper epidermis: Thickness of walls + 9 Length of cells at + c? Width of cells at + 9 Thickness of walls -1- Length of cells at middle +cP Width of cells at + d" Length of cells at base + 9 Width of cells at base + 9 Lower epidermis: Length of cells at -f v Width of cells at +<? Number of stomata + cF Length of cells at middle + Width of cells at middle . + 9-d" it i & & ! sR 11 01 oE -Z 1,1 !1 83 ! a GO Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. Cypripedium lathamia- num inversum, microscopic char- acters Contin'd : lie&t Continued: Number of stomata -4- O Length of cells at base + cf Width of cells at -1- Number of stomata at base + 9 Leaf, transverse sec- tion: Depth of cuticle -I- O Depth of upper cpi- -1- Depth of cuticle on lower epidermis. . Depth of lower epi- - - - 4- + cT Width of lower epi- dermal cells Depth of midrib bundle - - - + 9 <? + 0" - Width of midrib + 9 Thickness of leaf at + 9 Flower stalk : Epidermis at top: Length of cells .... Width of cells Kind of hairs pres- - - - + tf + o" + 9 - Number of hairs. . . Length of pointed hairs + cT + d" Length of club- shaped hairs .... Color - - - + 9 + 9 - - Epidermis at mid- dle: Length of cells .... Width of cells Kind of hairs pres- ent - - - + 9 + 9 + tf Number of hairs. . . Length of pointed + <f + 9 Length of club- shaped hairs .... Color - - - + 9 + 9 - - Flower stalk, trans- verse section: Thickness of outer epidermal walls. Depth of epidermal cells - - - + 9 + c? - Width of epidermal rells + 9 Width of cortex . . . Number of layers + + <? """ M MM \IUE8 0- PLAN! <M\I<\< MM, ETC. 355 TABUI I. Contimitd. I u.l r I i il '! r r Ij : ; H , I I I 1 ll , I I j i I : ii.mni UthamUaun . IilvrtWUPI, UdTjeOOptC rhoXBCten tWm'rf: Doraalwpal: l'|>|ier r |> i d r r lu i * .1 middle: Length of mil* + + - f- + 9-<f +<f + 9 + 9+<r + 9 -r-9-cf -f-9 +<f + <? + 9-<f -r-9-tf +<f + 9-<f + 9 +<r +<f +<r + 9 +<f +<? + 9 + 9 + "o -f-d 1 h<f uJ*~* efc "~ 1 *" : Li-ncth + + + - -r-9-cT + <f + 0" + 9-0" + ef + 9-tf + <f + 9-<f + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 +<f +<y + Width Colorad an* at hav LaBCUl of dotted aira Uogth of younMt Ual Hrl.iiv, abortaM of . bar of bain Lancthof bain i:. .., Mowerinc period Color bov, n.i.inl. l'l> per epidermic at ba*e: li nf rrlU Leocth of flower (talk Color of flowrr *talk 1 '.i." ! 1 ... Numlier of hain 1 :. " 1] ff ,^ Lrngth of hain 1 ! ..( M IB Color Donalaopal: l^nctb. . . . Lowerepidermia at middle: LMKth of pointed bmin Lrnclh <-f rlub-ahaped hair* Color ol upper urf are Anterior *epal: IxwcUi. . Rmlio of pointed to club- duped hain Width Color Color Lower epidermi* at ba*e: Length of cell* Lateral peUI*: Lracth Width o( n-ll. Width Lencth of pointed bain Length of rlut>-haprd hair. Shape <'ri.|>iri of nmrcin... Color - - - +<r Ratio of pointed to rlub- ilmirij hair* UMhMi Lencth Wi.lt 1, ^ _ - + 9-<f Color of mil* Color of hair* ( 'ijnr nf V99rinr Lateral petal*: Upper epidermi* at middle: Length of ceil* Color of interior Staminode: Ix-ncth of apex + + - - Width tt.lthofcelU Color Lower epidermal at middle: - + 9 +<f + 9 + 9 f 9-d 1 + <f + 9 + 9 -f-9 + <f + <f Total 30 4 1 15 8 Cjrpripedium niten*. micro- ropic character*: Leaf: Upper epidermi.: Shape of cell* Ix-ngt h nf edu Width of eefla -r-9-d 1 + 9 + 9 + + o + <f + + - + + + + 9-<f -f-9 + <f + tf +<f + 9 + 9 +cf 9-cf + 9 + 9 -f-tf + 9 +~9 >pe of eell* Wavinre* of wall*. .... l.'iit oof hain... :. r Thick aem of wall* al apex I ,'-,. Upper epidermi* al baae: Length of rrll. Lrrurth of rrll* at apex Width of cell* at apex Thirknea* of wall* at nn. Ml.- , of cell* Lroth of bain Color I^mrthofrrlbatmiddb Wi.lt h nf rrlUat mi.MI. I^nrth nf rrll* at baa*. . Width of cell* at ban. . Lower epidermi.: t'jiinr rpidenni* at moct anterior part: Ix-nth of 41i .... \\ i.|h of frHt lynitth of hain Color... Lrncth of ecll. al apex VS i.lth of cell* at apex. . Number of ctomata at aprx Lower pidemi* betwn-n apex and mo*t ante- rior part: Length of rdU Lencth nf rrll* at middle .! *t middlr Numtirr of tomata at .abMIr Width of mil* . . Color Lower epidermi* at baae: Lriurth of n4U l>rnrth .4 rrll. at baa*. Ith of eafl* at baa. . Ahernre of itomala al ' i.. Ithof rrll. Color... fotal 88 8 I 3 41 i . Color at rm 356 SUMMARIES OF PLANT CHARACTERS, ETC. TABLE I. Continued. TABLE I. Continued. | 8 S-4-s g 2 a - CO i 1 s| 2 a S _ CO Same as both parents. d "3 1 a M i B Lowest. Cypripedium nitens, micro- scopic characters Continued: Leaf , transverse section: Depth of cuticle and wax Depth of upper epider- - - - - + <? + 9 Depth of cuticle on + cf Depth of lower epider- + 9 Width of lower epider- + 9 Depth of midrib bundle Width of midrib bundle Thickness of transverse section at midrib .... Flower stalk: Epidermis at top: - - + + 9 + 9 + 9 _ -r-cf Width of cells _ +d" Thickness of walls Ratio of pointed to club- + + 9+d" _ + 9=d" Length of pointed hairs Length of club-shaped hairs + +d" Color .... + Epidermis at middle: + Cf" Width of cells _ _ _ + 9 Ratio of pointed to club- + 9 =cf + 0" Length of pointed hairs Length of club-shaped hairs + <? -l-r? 1 Flower stalk, transverse section: Thickness of outer epi- dermal wall + Shape of epidermal cells Depth of epidermal cells Width of epidermal cells Width of cortex . + + 9 + 9=rf + <? - Number of layers in cortex + Dorsal sepal : Cpper epidermis at middle: Length of cells + <? Width of cells + <? Color _ _ _ + d" Upper epidermis at base: Length of cells -t-rf 1 Width of cells . . + _ I 4 00 (. *- *l !& CO ~M a| S B i- 2 co J3 1, al "> S 1 & CO Intermediate. Highest. Lowest. Cypripedium nitens, micro- scopic characters Continued: Dorsal sepal Continued: Color ... + + 9 ~ <? Lower epidermis at middle: Length of pointed hairs Length of club-shaped - - + 9 - + <? Ratio of pointed to club- + 9 Color + Lower epidermis at base : Length of cells + d" Width of cells + 9 Ratio of pointed to club- + 9 -d 1 Color 4- 9 -cT Lateral petals: Upper epidermis at middle: + c? Width of cells + c? Color + cf Lower epidermis at middle : 4-rf Width of cells + 9 Upper epidermis at base: + 9 Color _ _ + 9 Label! um: Upper epidermis at base along mid-line: -f 9 Width of cells + r? + 9 Color ' . . + d" Upper epidermis at most anterior part along mid-line: + cf Width of cells _ + cf + V Color + _ _ _ _ Lower epidermis be- tween the apex and most anterior part : + <? Width of cells _ _ _ + d" _ + c? Lower epidermis at base along mid-line: + c? Width of cells .... + cf Total 83 5 4 7 2<) 24 14 1. 8i'MMA*Y or Txut I . -I MM \H1KS OK PLAN! CIIAHAi Hi. I i< o ttu Mat. of tkt MwrNO|Me and jtfacrtMMptt Cferwfcr* o/ (A la *< /'am**. U* of plant* hybrid-atooka. \ parent. | 1 1 parant. ' >.' pu*oU. lotar- I.. 1. .'- ,,.. LOVMI. ToUl. \.. No. N H ri N P. ct. P.et. No. P.et. No. IpoBMMalotori: Marraaropie 1 8 3.0 8.4 1 3 3.0 3.J 2 . 2.1 Is ai 40 32.0 M.O 10 4ft 01 47.4 IM a 8 S3 04 e 3M Oft 1 . : Mi, r. -.,|.i.- 4 M >. t<M.-1l|.ll- 9 8 ..i 7 4 M 11 - lfl.ft 4 11 s 18 30 ..- 4 M ii - lOJk a 21 B.O .1 Mi r ,. < \ m Indium f>burnat*4owtanuiii : MaaoMopie , DamlinUiim ejrbala: Macraacopic Uicraacop. MUtoDuMeuaiui: Muvaaoopie Mhnwvli 18 4 48 K. ; 18 1A.I M 104 110 a 7 tt.3 4 7 1! 1 83 :. 8 II : 10.7 1 1 : 3.1 3.4 0.4 ft.O 2.2 -- a? .,.' i 30 .' 12 ,'. 7 10 n 14 14 (i is: . 7ft 9 11 13 40 44.0 14 12.7 12.7 no 1 3 3.1 2.3 1 1 4 13.3 0.2 -> 7 6.9 IP 4.0 6.9 11 : ft 4 3 M 34 1 , : 3ft A 10 H, i, 19.4 i 82 1 : . " 07 m .-> Hft 4 8 2 10 ft 7 1 8 47 31 37 II 30.4 34 mmmm 4 1ft 10 I , - 17.7 36 1 24 MMM* 3.4 10 11 4 3 3 40 .', l H ^m^m 2 30 10.7 2ft 7 33 114 34 121 M... r. .,.,.!.- Mieroaeop" Cypripedium latiuun. inren.: M l.-p.-'. .(.! 1 1 .-. 43 -.-, 40.4 A.O 34.5 8 2 4 4 72 00 32 20.4 7 2 3 3.4 2 1 3 2 4 6.0 2.2 .:, 41 7 . -, I., | 3 33 .* 37* 8 0.1 34 122 Mi. r,,- ..J.H- ft 3 00 M.I 30 30 8 OS MacroMopie. MicroMopio ToUl number of rliaracU-n ... Per rant of MO enaractfTt 4 A ! . . 1 4 7 8.2 ~ 1ft 20 80 38 8 24 .: 7 30 2 M 0.7 17 30 83 * ft ^ * 30 M ; > 10 = 14.1 ~ 113 ~ 2. SUMMABT or TABLE I. Nttmberi md Ptrentagu Sammm, Inttrmtdiatfneti, Bxteu. of Ike Sfaeroteopie and Microscopic Ckaraderi of Hybrid-flock* a ngardt and Deficit of Development in Kf lotion to tk Partnt-ttodu. Lttt of pUnU hybrid-Mock*. mtA parent. Same u pollen parent. Sanaa* both parent*. Inter- mediate. Hicneat. LowwC ToUl. Mx-nMcopic chanctm: 1 1 is 10 2 Ljrlis-catUrym eanhamwiui 2 4 4 Is 4 2 34 2 4 ft 22 2 .', Deodrobium eybele 1 4 4 13 ft 3 30 Mi'i.,, i , ;. ,i ,r,i 8 1 4 1 20 1 2 20 2 M 2 2 2 26 3 34 " : .' i. :.- 4 1 16 8 2 20 21 22 18 140 44 10 /'.I 8.7 0.8 60.4 10.0 3.8 Uieronopio ehanurtcra: IpomcM rioUvl 8 3 2 31 4ft Oft i , ... . , a 14 30 14 21 H f vmfrMtfiinm ^^MtrfMW^ Ifv^riA ni i m 7 7 8 27 12 14 7ft n^ M i..j>.i-. njijil! 3 3 M 10 - 07 MUtonia hlnnaoa 2 ft 8 31 16 34 1 4 2 43 30 7 87 , 1 2 41 . : 8 ft 4 7 20 M 14 si Ti>tJ numliT o( characters ... 3ft 44 :. . 102 120 006 Percmtaceof pfaarartrn A. 86 4.7 :-- 27.0 !> 1 358 SUMMARIES OF PLANT CHARACTERS, ETC. 3. SUMMARY OF TABLE I . Numbers and Percentages of Tissue Characters and Starch Reaction-intensities of the Hybrid-slocks in regard to .Sameness, Intermediateness, and Excess, and Deficit of Development in Relation to the Parent-stocks. Charts F 9 and F 10. Parent-relationships. Tissue characters, macroscopic. Tissue characters, microscopic. 8 hybrid plants (959 characters). 50 hybrid starches (1,018 reactions). No. P. ct. No. P. ct. No. P. ct. No. P. ct. 21 22 18 149 44 10 7.9 8.7 6.8 56.4 16.6 3.8 35 44 32 266 192 126 5 6.5 4.7 38.2 27.6 18.1 56 66 50 415 236 126 5.9 6.9 5.2 43.2 24.9 14.1 130 101 138 236 187 226 12.7 9.9 13.6 23.2 18.4 22.2 Highest 4. SUMMARY OK TABLE I. Summary of Sameness and Inclination of the Macroscopic and Microscopic Characters of the Hybrid- stocks in Relation to the Parent-stocks. List of plants hybrid-stocks. Same as or inclined to seed parent. Same as or inclined to pollen parent. Same as both parents. As close to one as to other parent. Number. Macro- scopic. Micro- scopic. Macro- scopic. Micro- scopic. Macro- scopic. Micro- scopic. Macro- scopic. Micro- scopic. Macro- scopic. Micro- scopic. 13 6 12 4 12 12 18 12 45 25 29 40 27 27 42 29 7 11 8 12 9 10 9 9 16 50 27 38 38 38 34 38 4 5 4 1 2 2 2 8 3 8 2 2 7 18 13 10 10 7 10 5 9 32 10 11 16 12 20 10 9 38 34 35 30 29 34 34 30 9 95 85 75 97 85 87 88 83 59 Dendrobium cybele Cypripedium nitens 353 36.8 354 36.9 50 5.2 202 21.1 Per cent of 1018 Starch Reactions 73.7 42.7 32.4 26.3 13.8 11.1 75.1 24.9 5. SUMMARY op TABLE I. Summary of the Macroscopic and Microscopic Characters and of the Starch React ion- Intensities of Cymbidium eburneo-lowianum and Miltonia bleuana in regard to Sameness, Intermediateness, and Excess and Dffirit of Development in relation to the Parent-Stocks. Charts F 11 and F 12. Plants. Same as seed parent. Same as pollen parent. Same as both parents. Inter- mediate. Highest. Lowest. Total. No. P. ct. No. P. ct. No. P. ct. No. P. ct. No. P. ct. No. P. ct. No. P. ct. Cymbidium eburneo-lowianum : 2 7 5.9 9.3 4 7 11.4 9.3 5 8 14.3 10.7 22 27 62.9 36.0 2 12 6.7 16 14 18.7 35 75 Microscopic Starch 9 4 8 2 8.2 15.5 27.6 2.3 11 6 5 10 13 9 11.8 34.6 49 9 31 44.5 14 12.7 14 13 12.7 60 110 26 Miltonia bleuana: 20.7 6.9 1 8 3.4 9.4 31 36.4 4 15 13.8 17.7 1 24 3.4 28.2 29 85 Starch 10 3 8.7 11.5 11 9.6 9 3 7.9 11.5 40 1 35.1 3.8 19 17 16.7 65.4 25 2 21.9 7.7 111 20 SUMMARIES Of PLANT t H Ml \< ' I KK-. IK 6. St'UMABT or TABLB I. Summary of Sammeit and U tf Ai Ckmrtt f 18 vnt F H Plant*. (Urn Ml wd MOT Bi 10 pot. tm , i ;..,;.., MOT Md to !. in :,' tern . :. both MOT ,., i ,.. ..!. |j ulol I- -toon. jMOtlM* MIL itu No. P. OC No. I' H No. P.H. No. P.M. Hi I' ,1 MxToaooptn 11 S44 g 909 I 14 3 - , MKCUKUPM . i .1- f. 17 M ( 107 II 14 7 7', 41 373 S5 :n s U l\M It 19.1 110 Str.-h 4 18.4 1 3.8 9 34 .8 11 1> K VI lit. .1. IB tJ*Mltttt- MircMcotjie . 12 41.4 31 I 3.6 7 14 I 10 V :il s as 44.7 g 0.4 12 14 i 10 M 84.2 47 41.3 7.0 19 18.7 IM BUnh 30 77 1 7.7 | 11.6 1 SJ M 7. SUMIIAAY or TABLE I -Tim* Ckaraeleri and Starek Reactio*i a* liegardi I nlrmtdiattii*u and Non-1 nttrmd\alr*<u of (A* Hybriat. i'hmnrtrn Mi. r..-..i.,.- SUuvh ri. ti -in No. IK M 416 P. ct. 68.4 38.2 43.2 . No. 116 429 644 P. et. 43.8 81.8 ru CHAPTER VI. APPLICATIONS OF RESULTS OF RESEARCHES. In considering the applications of the results of these researches to the explanation of the developmental changes in the germplasm, and of variations, fluctua- tions, sports, mutations, Mendelism, the genesis of spe- cies, etc., it must be borne in mind that the investiga- tions (Publications Nos. 116, 173, and the present) have been of a purely exploratory character and no serious attempt has been made to do more than lay a substantial foundation for future investigation, theoreti- cal and practical. Hence, in the present chapter noth- ing more than mere suggestions will be offered in the applications of the results of fundamental problems of biology ; nor would more here be possible, if for no other reason than the enormity of the field to be covered.* SPECIFICITY OF STEREOISOMERIDES IN RELATION TO GENERA, SPECIES, ETC. These researches have as their essential basis the con- ception that in different organisms corresponding com- plex organic substances that constitute the supreme structural components of protoplasm and the major synthetic products of protoplasmic activity are not in any case absolutely identical in chemical constitution, and that each such substance may exist in countless modifications, each modification being characteristic of the form of protoplasm, the organ, the individual, the sex, the species, and the genus. This conception was sup- ported not only by the extraordinary differences noted between the albuminous substances of venom and those of other parts of the serpent, f but also by the results of the investigations of Hanriot, who described marked dif- ferences in the properties of the lipases of the pancreatic juice and the blood; of Hoppe-Seyler and others who stated that the pepsins of cold- and warm-blooded ani- mals are not identical; of Wroblewsky and others who recorded differences in the pepsins of mammals; of Kossell and his students who found that the protamins obtained from the spermatozoa of different species of fish are not identical ; and of various observers who have noted that the erythrocytes of one species when injected into the blood of another are in the nature of foreign bodies and rapidly destroyed. During subsequent years, and especially very recently, data have been rapidly accumulating along many and diverse lines of investi- gation which collectively indicate that every individual is a chemical entity that differs in characteristic par- ticulars from every other. To any one familiar with the advances of biochemistry and with the trend of scien- tific progress toward the explanation of vital phenom- ena on a physico-chemical basis, it will be obvious that if the conception of the non-uniform constitution of *The first three sections of this chapter are reproduced, with some alteration and addition, from an article that was published in Science, 1914, n.s., XI., 649-661. fResearches upon the Venoms of Poisonous Serpents. By S. Weir Mitchell and Edward T. Reichert. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Publication No. 647, 1886. 360 corresponding proteins and other corresponding complex organic substances in different organisms and parts of organisms wore found to be justified by the results of laboratory investigation a bewildering field of specu- lation, reasoning, and investigation would be laid open a field so extensive as to include every domain of bio- logical science, and seemingly to render possible, and even probable, a logical explanation of the mechanisms underlying the differentiations of individuals, sex, varie- ties, species, and genera; of the causes of fluctuations and mutations; of the phenomena of Mendelism and heredity in general ; of the processes of fecundation and sex-determination ; of the tolerance of certain organisms to organic poisons that may be extremely virulent to other forms of life ; of tumor formation, reversions, mal- formations, and monsters; of anaphylaxis, certain tox- emias, immunities, etc. ; and of a vast number of other phenomena of normal and abnormal life which as yet are partially or wholly clothed in mystery. Some years previous to the discovery of the nature of the lethal constituents of venoms, Pasteur found that there exist three kinds of tartaric acid which, because of different effects on the ray of polarized light, are dis- tinguished as the dextro-, Isevo- and racemic-tartaric acids, the dextro form rotating the ray to the right, the laevo form to the left, and the racemic form not at all. When these acids were subjected in separate solutions to the actions of Penicillium glaucum fermentation pro- ceeded in the dextro form, but not in the laevo form, while in the solution of the racemic acid, which is a mixture of the dextro and laevo acids, the dextro form disappeared, leaving the loevo moiety unaffected. All three acids have the same chemical composition and chemical properties, but differ strikingly in their effects on polarized light and in nutritive properties. Identi- cal or corresponding peculiarities have since been re- corded in relation to a large number of substances. Thus, of the twelve known forms of hexoses, or glu- coses, only the dextro forms are fermentable, that is, capable of being used by certain low organisms as food, but not all are thus available, and, moreover, those which are show marked differences in the degrees of fcrmen- tability. In the case of other substances Penicillium may consume the laevo form, but not the dextro form. Other organisms show similar selectivity's, using either dextro or laevo form, or both, but in the latter case in unequal degree. Even more striking instances have been recorded in the actions of poisons, as, for instance, dextro-nicotine is only half as toxic as the laevo form; dextro-ad renal in has only one-twelfth the power of the laevo form; racemic-cocaine has a quicker and more in- tense but less lasting action than the lajvo form ; the asparagines, hyoscines, hyoscyamines and other sub- stances have been found to exhibit marked differences in accordance with variations in their optical properties. With other bodies belonging to this category it may be APPLICATIONS OF RESULTS Or 161 found that <>!)!> f<>rm is sweet while toother is tasteless; another may be odorous, but its enantimorphou form without <>dor. To tli.- foregoing there may le added examples o( other substance- t 1 phy.'inM hemieally In-long to a different claM. Thus. nitroglycerine ma\ forms that are so dilT that umliT given roii.litM.n-i of teni|H-rature ami j>ercus- ,>l<wive ami the other ii"ii cxpl.i.-nc. l>if- f.Tencf* in si! ;r.- f.>utiil in allotnpic forms may be as marked as in any of thr pr.-ocding illus- trations, a.-, for in.-tance, in the case of phosphorus, which is familiar as the \ellow. white, hlack, and red varieties, all of which with the exception of red phosphorus are lingly poisonous, while the latt. r is inert. The ortho, metu, an.l para forms of a given substance may fxhil.it more or lesa marked physiological and toxicologi- cml variations, and so n. Tlie explanation <>f the remarkable differences shown .ese substances, which differences are paralleled by tboae manifested by tlie lethal and mocuous proteins of the sT]..-nt. the pepsins, the protamins and the red-blood i <>r|iuitcle8,i8to l- found in the result* of two ind<-|>< intent but intimately related lines of physico-chemical re- search : ( 1 ) The investigations of Yaii't HolT and LeBcI and subsequent observers which have laid the foundation of a now, and to tlie hi.ilogist and physician an extra- ordinarily important, development of chemistry known aa itereochenii-try a department that treats of the arrangements of the atoms, groups and masses of mole- cules, or in other words of intramolecular arrangement or configuration of molecular components in the three dimensions of space. (2) The investigations of \Villard Uibbs and others which have given us the " phase rule," which defines the phases or forms in which a given sub- or combination of substances may exist owing to differences in intramolecular and extra molecular ar- r.iii.'. ni.-m- and MMMrintftt -f tli.-:r MBpOMBti 111 relation to temperature and pressure. According to stereochemistry a given substance may n multiple forms dependent upon differences in the configuration of the molecule, all of which forms have miuon the fundamental chemical characteristics of a given prototy|>e. yet each may have certain properties which positively distinguish it from the others. Theo- retically, such substances as serum albumin, serum glo- bulin, hemoglobin, March, glycogen, and chlorophyl may be produced by nature in countless modified forms, owing to differences in intramolecular arrangements. Miescher haa estimated that the serum globulin molecule may exist in a thousand million forms. Substances that exist in u. h multiple forms of a prototype an 1 di-tinirui-hed as isomere. The r.-mnrkable fact has been noted by I.T and others that stereoisomers may exhibit as great or even greater differences in thoir properties than tli..-.- manifested by even closely related isomere. which hitter in comparison with stereoisomers are dis- tantly if at all chemically related. A- already instanced, so alight a change in molecular configuration aa gives rise to dextro and la>vo forms may be sufficient to cause definite and characteristic and even profound differences in physical, nutritive, and physiological properties. In accordance with the "phase rule" .1 sut^tance or a combination of substances may eii-t in the form of geneoua or homogeneous systems,'* -\-t.lll c..ll-1-tlllg of a llUIIli.T .."i holu-il.vn.-oll-. .\.tcIIM. each of which latter is a manift- .dual phase and distinguishable from the others by ph M:. al. chemical, or physiological properties. The number of phases of a heterogeneous system increases with the number of component systems and the number of the latter is in direct rclation-hip to the numl independent variable conntit l.y means of variationa of either or Mli intramolecular or . molecular arrangement the numU-r of forms of a sub- stance or combination of substances may range from few to infinite. Our means of differentiating stereoisomers are, on the whole, limited, and for the most part crude, and while it has been found that differences so marked as those referred to may be detected by the ordinary pro- cvdures, it seems obvious that the inherent limitations of such methods render them inadequ a large numlHT of stereoisomerides or related bodies which may exhibit only obscure modifications are to be definitely differentiated, so that other and more sensitive methods must be sought, or at least special methods that are adapted to exceptional conditions. The results of much preliminary investigation in this direction l.-d in one research to the adoption of the crystallographie method, especially the use of the polarizing microscope, which in its very modern developments of analysis has demon- strated that substances which have different molecular structures exhibit corresponding diffen-nees in cr line form and polariacopic |>r<>perties; and, moreover, that the " optical reactions may be found to lie as distinctive and as exact analytically as the react in- obtained by the conventional methods of the chemist. Furthermore, the necessities of the hypothesis dem.r the selection of a substance for study of a diameter which upon theoretical grounds might be exjiocted to n nature widely distributed and readily procura- ble, and, as a con- m was -.!., tod. In the study of the hemoglohin* the author had as a co-worker Professor Amos Peaalee Brown.* Hemoglo- bins were examined from over 100 animalx, representing a large variety of species, genera, and families. From the data recorded certain facts are especially conspic- uous, among which may be mentioned the followin 1. The constant recurrence of certain angles, plane and dihedral, in the hemoglobins of various species, even when the species are widely separated and the crystal* belong to various crystal systems. This feature indi- cates a common structure of the hemoglobin molecules, whatever their sour 2. The constant recurrence of certain type* of twin- ning in the hemoglobins, and the prevalence of mimosie. This has the same significance as the foregoing. 3. The constancy of generic characters in the crys- tals. The crystals of the various species of any genns : to a crystallographic group. When their charac- ters are tabulated they at once recall crystallogrn groups of inorganic compounds. The crystals of the genns Felit constitute an isomorphous group which is as \ isomorphous as the groups of rnombobedral and rhomhic carbonates among minerals, or the more CWMM In* WMk. Pub No 116 362 APPLICATIONS OP RESULTS OF RESEARCHES. complex molecules of the members of the group of monosymmetric double sulphates. 4. The crystallographic specificity in relation to spe- cies. The crystals of each species of a genus, when they are favorably developed for examination in the polariz- ing microscope, can usually be distinguished from each other by definite angles and other properties, while preserving the isomorphous character belonging to the genus. Where, on account of difficulty of measurement, the differences can not be given a quantitative value, variations in habit and mode of growth of the crystals often show specific differences. 5. The occurrence of several types' of oxy-hemoglobin in members of certain genera. In some species the oxy- hemoglobin is dimorphous and in others trimorphous. Where several types of crystals occur in this way in the species of a genus the crystals of each type may be arranged in an isomorphous series. In other words, certain genera as regards the hemoglobins are isodimor- phous and others isotrimorphous. 6. When orders, families, genera, or species are well separated the hemoglobins are correspondingly mark- edly differentiated. For instance, so. different are the hemoglobins of Aves, Marsupialia, Ungulata, and Ro- dentia that there would be no more likelihood of con- founding the hemoglobins than there would be of mis- taking the animals themselves. Even where there is much less zoological separation, as in the case of the genera of a given family, but where there is well-marked zoological distinction, the hemoglobins are so different as to permit readily of positive diagnosis. When, however, the relationships are close the hemoglobins are corre- spondingly close, so that in instances of an alliance such as in Canis, Vulpes, and Urocyon, which genera years ago were included in one genus (and doubtless correctly) the hemoglobins are very much alike, and in these cases they may exhibit closer resemblances than may be found in general in specimens obtained from well-separated species of a genus. So distinctive zoologically are these modified forms of hemoglobins that we had no difficulty in recognizing that the common white rat is the albino of Mus nor- vegicus (Mus norvegicus albus Hatai) and not of Mus radius, as almost universally stated, and that Ursidae are related to Phocidae (as suggested by Mivart 30 years ago), but not to Canidse, as stated in modern works on zoology. Moreover, we were quick to detect errors in labeling, as, for instance, when a specimen marked as coming from a species of Papio was found to belong to one of the Felidae. Generic forms of hemoglobin when obtained from well-separated genera are, in fact, so dif- ferent in their molecular structures that when any two arc together in solution they do not fuse to form a single kind of hemoglobin or a homogeneous solution, but con- tinue as discrete disunited particles, so that when crystal- lization occurs each crystallizes independently of the other and without modification other than that which is dependent upon such incidental conditions as are to be taken into account ordinarily during crystallization. Thus, the hemoglobin of the dog crystallizes in rhombic prisms which have a diamond-shaped cross-section ; that of the guinea-pig in tetrahedra ; that of the squirrel in hexagonal plates ; and that of the rat in elongated six- sided plates. When any two of these hemoglobins are together in solution and crystallization occurs, each ap- pears in its own form. Such phenomena indicate that the structures of the hemoglobin molecules are quite different; in fact, more differentiated than the mole- cules of members of an isomorphous group of simple carbonates, such as the carbonates of calcium and mag- nesium, which in separate solutions crystallize in rhom- bohedrons whose corresponding angles differ 2 15', but in molecular union, as in the mineral dolomite, crystal- lize as a single substance which has an intermediate angle. Upon the basis of our data it is not going too far to assume that it has been satisfactorily demonstrated theo- retically, iuferentially, and experimentally that at least this one substance (hemoglobin) may exist in an incon- ceivable number of stereoisomeric forms,* each form being peculiar to at least genus and species and so de- cidedly differentiated as to render the " hemoglobin crystal test " more sensitive in the recognition of ani- mals and animal relationships than the " zooprecipitin test." Subsequent to the research referred to, investigations have been pursued in the study of hemoglobins from various additional sources, especially from representa- tives of Primates, with the result in the latter case of finding indubitable evidence of an ancestral alliance of man and the man-like apes. More or less elaborate studies by crystallographic and other methods have also been made with other albu- minous substances and with starches, glycogens, pliyto- cholesterins, chlorophyls, and other complex synthetic products of animal and plant life, especially with starches, of which over 300 specimens were examined, obtained from representatives of a considerable number of families, genera, species, varieties, and hybrids. In all of these investigations the results are not only in full accord with those of the hemoglobin researches but, in some instances of broader significance, because by better methods of differentiation it was found possible to recog- nize not only peculiarities as regards genus or species, but also varieties and hybrids, and even to trace in hy- brids with marked ddinitcncs.s the transmission of parental characteristics. Summing up the results of these independent but interwoven researches, we find that the modified forms of each of these substances lend themselves to a very definite system of classification, and to one that is in general accord with that of the botanist and zoologist, that is, each genus is characterized by a distinctive type of hemoglobin, albumin, starch, etc., as the case may be, which may be designated the generic-type ; every species of thje genus will have a modification of this type, which is a species-type, or generic primary sub-type ; and every variety of a species will have a modification of the species- type, that is a variety-type, or generic secondary sub- type, or species sub-type. In fact, it seems clear that with revisions of present classifications that are certain to come there will be found definite family types; and, moreover, that with improved methods of differentiation there will be discovered positively distinctive sex- and *Even if we assume that the different forms are not, strictly speaking, stereoisomcrs it must be admitted thnt hemoglobin exists in forms that are specifically modified in relation to genera and species. AI'l'I.ir.YllKNS OF RESULTS OF iM.|i\i.luii!-t\|M-s. This last statement already has sup l*>rt in tlio r- .r.\[ line* of r*sta bear U|H>II tin- .-JK-* ii'u itics of en/urn-*, anaphylaxi i i|>itni rca< tion-i. immune MTU. Fruin tin- f. r. _'!! i - data it seems obvious that (A complex onj'i incrx which may be assumed to 'ttutt thf .-.iftitial fundamental constituents of protoplasm and thf immediate complex synthetic prod- ucts of protoplasmic activity may exist M exceedingly numerous or >( less stertoitomeric forms, tack form being peculiarly and 'y modified in rela- tion to genus, specie*, larifty. tn.iu t<lual, or even part of an individual. ...l'l.A.-M A < ..M. ItKOlHOM ^-ITEM. The next logical -; ;> in "iir investigation is maiii- fe.-tly the .-tu.lv .-i I:..- U-.irings of these storeoisomers, as Mich niitl in their v.inaMc c.>ii!liiiiati(iii8 and associ.r u|...ii the .-trui nm i , processes, and products <>f , pla-lii. I'rotopla.-m. M tu tin' modern develop- nn-nt.i nf biochemistry, is to IK- regarded u being in the nature of an extr. 1, \, labile aggregate of pro- . carl..'h\. (rates, and other substances that are (fdiliarly associated to con.-titute a phy-i. o-ch. me, hani.-m. The possible number of " phases " in which -.1. h a system can exist varies with the forms of the tercoisomerides and in general with the number anil in- :::!. ility of the components. In such a me. hanism we conceive that the numlwr <>f variables is ibly great. Kr<>in analogy we believe that such mechanisms an so extremely .-en-iti\e that the proper- ties and processes may be modified by even so si: change an the sulistitution of one form of stereoison. for another of the same prototype. Were it practicable to examine all of the most complex of the organic struc- tural components of protoplasm, it doubtless would Le fi.uii.l that every one exists in a form peculiar to the individual and his position in classification. Moreover, we must conceive that the components of protoplasm are as specific in relation to the form of protoplasm as are the peculiar forms of stereoisomers, so that differ- ent form* of protoplasm are characterized physico-chemi- cal ly ( 1 ) by the peculiarities of the storeoisomerides, and '.y the peculiarities of the kinds, combinati ns associations, and arrangements of the components in the thr.-e dimensions of space. In accordance with the foregoing the human organ- ism may be regarded as being a highly organized com- posite of heterogeneous physico-chemical systems that are composed of a vast number of parts, each such part ng a particular " phase " of the system and ly. nieohani.-ally, ehemioallv, and func- tionally an individual interne; HILT unit of the aggregate. follows that the sum or totality of these pecu- liarly modified stereoisc r arrange- ments with the associated components, constitutes a system " peculiar to the cell ; that the fum of the cell-systems is peculiar to the tissue ; that the sum of the tissue-systems is peculiar to the organ; and that the sum of the organ-systems is peculiar to the individual. While the living organism had been for years recog- nized as being in the nature of an exree ; o-chemical aggregate of interacting independent interdependent parts that consUtat* a single <>rk- nit in only recent yean hare the ""^"Sr- that bring about co-opcratn< of the various parU been made clear. The governing influences of the ner- vous system were found inadequate even in the highest organisms, not to speak ,,f life , :>ut in ulueh there is apparently a total absence of nervous matter. As an associate of the ner- vous system, and doubtless far antedating it in organic evolution, is a correlative mechanism of a chemical acter of the greatest importance, and doubtless equally so throughout the whole range of hung organisms from the lowest to the highest Kv.n living cell, whether it be in the form of a unicellular organism or a com- l-.neiit of a multicellular organ :! .uhtedly in the nature of a heterogeneous steraochemic system, each of the component parts of the system forming substances which may affect directly or indirectly the ucti\itios of the processes of the other parts; likeu v cell of a multicellular organism is not only in iUelf a !>. geneous system, but a part of a number of associated heterogeneous systems and which by virtue ,if <vrtain of its products, with or without the agency of the blood- vascular or lymph-vascular systems, may exercise in- fluences upon other structures, which structures may have or Htvmiiigly not have either Mriictural or |.' logical relationship. Thus we find that a set ret in formed in the pyloric glands of the gastric mucosa may excite the glands of the cardia; that growth is determined by some product or products of the pituitary body that are carried to the various structures; that the liver, pan- creas and intestinal glands are excited to secretory activ- ity by a peculiar substance formed in the duodenal and jejunal mucosae; that carbohydrate nictaUliMii in the liver and muscles is influenced to a profound degree by hormones that are formed in the pancreas; that lactation is determined essentially by substances derived from the corpus luteum, placenta, and involuting womb; that the penods of ovulation and menstruation are inhibited by secretions of the corpus luteum ; that vitally important states of activity of the generative organs are directly asso- ciated with functions of the adrenal and other glands ; and that normal development, especially of secondary sexual characters, is intimately related to the ovaries and tes- ticles. To these extraordinary correlations might be added many others. Some of the bodily structure* are in this way so definitely associated in their activities as to constitute co-operating or interacting systems, so that the tissue products are complementary, supplementary, synergistic, or antagonistic in their" influence* upon given structures. Such correlations must be, for per- fectly obvious reasons, one of the most primitive forms of interprotonlasmic correlation, and we are justified, upon the basis of our present knowledge, in the con- clusion that each active part of a cell, each cell, each tissue and each organ contributes products which may affect the activities of functionally related or unrelated parts. !! I would follow the dictum that not only it every part of a cell, every cell, every (wtuf, and trrry organ an individualited tlfreochemic unit, but alto that its operation f. and hence the nature of its product*, mutt be wbject directly or indirectly to the influence of tvtiy other active part of the organism, korntr different the tinctures and functions may be. 364 APPLICATIONS OF RESULTS OF RESEARCHES. THE GERMPLASM A STEREOCHEMIC SYSTEM. The Germplasm is a Stereochemic System that is, a Physico-chemical System Particularized by the Char- acters of its Stereoisomers and the Arrangements of its Components in the Three Dimensions of Space. If during the progress of development there arise the multiple forms of differentiated protoplasm that are represented in the nerve cells, muscles, glands, etc., which exhibit such diversity of form, functions, com- position, and products, each part being correlated to other parts by the agency of tissue products, it is logical to assume that in the development of the ovaries and testicles these organs have been so specialized as to en- dow them with the attribute of producing a form of protoplasm that embodies in a germinal state the funda- mental peculiar stereoisomerides and the peculiar ar- rangements or phases of the associated proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and other substances which inherently characterize the organism; and, moreover, that owing to the influences of the products of activity of the vari- ous tissues upon these organs, such changes in the organ- ism as give rise to acquired characters may through the actions of modified or new tissue products or foreign substances affect the operations of these organs and thus alter the germplasm and consequently become mani- fested in some form in the offspring. The ovule in its incipiency is conceived to be comparable to a complex unequilibrated solution in which changes go on until the attainment of full development, at which time it is equilibrated and remains inactive because of the absence of some disturbing influence, but in which energy-reac- tions may be initiated physically, mechanically, or chem- ically, and proceed according to definite physico-chemi- cal laws in definite directions to a definite end. For instance, when a solution of boiled starch and diastase is at a temperature below the minimal of activity and the temperature is raised, causing immediate developmental activation ; or when the equilibrated molecules of nitro- glycerine are exploded by percussion ; or when an equili- brated maltose-dextrose-glucase solution is rendered active by dilution with water. The nature of the germplasm or transmissive material that serves as the bridge of continuity between parents and offspring has been the subject of speculation from time immemorial. Such hypotheses and theories as have been advanced have had reference almost wholly to its physical constitution or ultimate morphological struc- ture. Most of them are micromcric, that is, they hold that the germplasm is made up of an infinite number of discrete ultramicroscopic particles which are endowed with both determinate structural and vital attributes. A considerable degree of ingenuity has been displayed in thoir formulation. Thus, we have the "organic mole- cules" of Buffon, the "microzymes" of liechainp, the " life units " of Spencer, the " plastidules " of Maggi, the "bioplasts" of Altmann, the " stirps " of Galton, the " gemmules " of Darwin, the " biophors " of Weis- mann, the "pangens" of DeVries, etc., each author attributing to the units certain inherent peculiarities. To the foregoing might be added particularly the con- ceptions that belong to the chemical category, such as the " cheniism " of Le Dantec and the " physico-chemical " theory of Delage. Some of these conceptions are so fan- ciful in the light of modern science as to be unworthy of more than passing consideration, while none of them'has led anywhere beyond the field of speculation and reason- ing. Even the very recent and extremely interesting and important additions to our knowledge of the histo- logical phenomena of the developing ovum, especially of the chromosomes, have not taken us appreciably nearer the ultimate constitution or mechanism of the germ- plasm, or even to the nature of the reactions which occur immediately antecedent to and cause the formation of the chromosomes. A theory to be ideal must not only have as its basis well-defined principles that are consistent with facts, but also be capable of substantiation by laboratory in- vestigation. Given as the basis of scientific study a germplasm that has inherently the power of develop- ment, that is in the form of a stereochemic system that is peculiar to the organism, that is highly impression- able to stimuli, and that has the marked plasticity inherent to organic colloidal matter, we have all the postulates that are needed as a foundation upon which, according to the laws of physical chemistry, can be built a logical explanation of the essential fundamental ele- ments of the mechanism of heredity. The inherent potentiality that determines the de- velopment of the egg along a line of definite sequential processes must be recognized as being common to Iwth animate and inanimate matter and subject to the same laws, so that the phenomena of living and dead matter are inseparably linked and reciprocally explanatory. The typical condition of matter of definite composition is crys- talline, and the crystalline form is the result of develop- ment that becomes manifested in a separation and orderly and progressive arrangements of components in the three dimensions of space. Having a homogeneous solution of various selected crystalline substances of appropriate chemical composition and constitution, and given con- ditions attendant to crystallization, the successive stages of crystalline development will proceed along fixed and definitely recognized lines, and the interactions and interaction-relationships between the various substances constituting the physico-chemical mechanism become obvious to a greater or less extent in the peculiarities of form, composition, and other properties of the crys- tals. Having in the germplasm an analogous physico- chemical system, but one which is markedly different especially because of its organic and colloidal character and infinitely greater molecular complexity and s ii- tivity, the phenomena of development likewise proceed in conformity with the same laws along definite lines. but they are for perfectly manifest reasons more com- plex and varied, more difficult of analysis, and neces- sarily in many very important respects quite different. Each step in this orderly development leads not merely to changes of the physico-chemical mechanism by the modification, rearrangement, or splitting off of com- ponent parts, but also to alterations which automati- cally determine the characters of the next succeeding step, and so on to the establishment of physico-chemical equilibrium and the consequent termination of the reactions. In living matter the chemical processes are depend- ent to a preeminent degree upon en/ymes that are formed by the different kinds of protoplasm to serve as .\ITU<-.\T1MN> OK RESULTS OF M6 iinpleinc! ut ojHT.it ions that are to their . ..-, are m* my ami quality in a internal iiinl external conditions. Tin- natu i I products of enzyra lep - - tin- con.-titution and coinpo-ition of the phy-iio . henii "ic. -banisui of which tli. pin \\ li< tln-r or ii rea. lions a i i-f pri'-fM.-tin^ d modified or a new ; i* formal w!, - an essential part if tin- particular phaw of the .t known, I'ut T the other occurs is apparently without ' "II. It ; It .-ome l if the low i : -i*. rach as the y. a-t plant, have the prop- thc rhu: vmea pro- ! in rela' -'udies df the animal organism show that the -am.- phenomenon <H,ur- in iH.th tiues ami blood ; and our knowledge proceaws o in the cataholism and ana- Mi of complex substances-, such as starch, is fully in Miji|irt of such a conception. In other words, as each pment is readied the alterations which physic..-, lieinii -a! iiierhaiii-in absolutely automatically predetermine the diameters of the dbtOgtt "f tli' -tep, and so on to the end. I it follows that the peculiarities of any given physico- chemical inivhunism pri-detenniiie the characters of the phenomena which ensue under . vlitinns. An illustration of the probahle modiu operand* of Midi a mechanism is found in the phenomena of the and analysis of starch: During the production irch through t \ of the chloroplast T leuco- plast we . ihat then' are instituted a jiredet.-r- niined. orderly. indci>endeiit and interdc|>ciident series e first of which is manifested in an intcr- water and carbon dioxide through the ne in the form of an oxidate to form formaldehyde. I>urin_' this process there is formed an- other which tentatively may be designated an aldchydase, that reacts with formaldehyde and by poly- i and condensation of six molecules gives rise to a MIM: . such as dextrose. At the same time pears in the form of maltase, which. "Be causes the formation of mal- tose, during which reaction another enzyme, a dex- trine -hich reacts with the maltose to yield dextrin on with this reaction, another ie which may be designated an amylase appears, whic "'.triii. forms soluble starch. I'urr them arises another enzyme, a coajru- lase, which converts the starch from the soluble to the iiiMiluble form or ordinary stJirdi. At this sta^' 1 ' th- have reached th<>ir eml bcca state il (i|iiililiriuni has In-come estab- i'lirpose of the processes being attaine<i. that is, a form of pabulum of extremely high nutritive value and of extremely low molecular hihle form, so that it may entirely and rapidly disappear without disturbance of physico-chemical eqni- librium i: h-bearing cella. The mechanism con- I in Mar aralleled in the synthe- organic substances, and it is luit a step from the indi- | vidual serial processes concerned in the formation of i each of these rabaUocM to iMOctottd prooeMM wfatrtbjf there are formed and combined the \ariuu.. ub^ that constitute the organ: ,rl cotnpOoeiiU of pmtopla>iii. M..r. rerer- -iM.- at any stage, and so simple a >. as a ehangi- in the pcrcenta,ge of wat*r may, * in the maltotc- -e-glucam- reaction, cause H /'. i tiro in both synthetic and an.i like thoae whi serial steps i and breaking down of stanh. protnn. fat, and other complex organic substances, there does not occur in any n. as far as known, either a tranaformatioi production of enzyme such as occurs in riro. hence, when a single enzyme is present it carriex out hut one step of the reactions, but when, as in the case of diastases as ordinarily prepared, the enzyme is not a > stance or unit body but a composite of a number of enzymes or modifications of a given basic enzyme, serial steps may occur as in in... Thus if only a single enzyme be present formaldehyde may be converted mt a monosaccharose, or a monosaccharose into a duac- charose, or a disacchamse into a polysaccharose such a< dextrin, or a dextrin into a higher form of polyvaccharose such as soluble starch, according to the enzyme or modi- fied enzyme and initial substance present; or the reverse of any one of these processes may occur if proper con- ditions are present, but never do any two successive progressive or regressive steps occur unless through the agency of two different enzymes or modified forms of one enzyme which are present. It will thus be apparent that the first step of syn- thesis is determined by the character of the initial physico-chemical mechanism and that all subst-uu nt reactions under given conditions an- definitely prede- termined; in other words, the entire train of reactions depi-nds inherently U|M>II the nature of the initial physico- chemical mechanism of which the enzyme that starts the serial changes is an integral part. Having a specific sterox-hemii *\ ha sys- tem in accordance with the laws of physical-chemistry can exist in either a latent or active etate, and that when in an active state the reaction or reactions are always in the direction of the establishment of equilibrium of solution, every reaction or series of reactions being as definitely predetermined as is every reaction familiar to the inorganic chemist. The germpla>m in the form in which it is secreted may be regarded as U-ing in the nature of an exceedingly complex Ktcn< !;. mic system which is from it- im i; soon is in a state of physico-chemical unequilihrium, and in which, as a consequence, reactions are set up which are manifested especially in histological dc\clpmenU that ultimately c-hara fully ,!.. :..|-d ovule, at which time a state of ph\-h o-.-liemicsj equilibrium is established, as lent liv the arrested developmental activities. Thi* state of physico-chemical equilibrium of the matured ovule may be instantly chanjred to one leading to rial i by means of an acti- .stance or condition, such as certain ions or .mic salts, a spermatozoon, or a needle prick, by the first step of the reactions, the nature of the succeed in}? re.i ng predetermined primarily l.y the inherent nature of the physico-chemical system 366 APPLICATIONS OF RESULTS OF RESEARCHES. and secondarily by the factor that activates it. In other words, from this initial stereodicmic system there arises a complex heterogeneous system that ultimately is mor- phologically expressed in the histology of the matured ovule and from which are formed a composite of cor- related, independent, interdependent, and differentiated masses which represent different phases of the compon- ents of the initial system which have been modi lied not only physico-chemically as expressed by changes in physical, mechanical, and chemical properties, but also in developmental energies; and from this composite art? developed successively other systems. Owing to the great impressionability and plasticity of such an exceedingly complex stereochemic system as the germplasm, it follows that the germplasm. must be extremely sensitive to changes in internal and external conditions, and that its operations and products may be so materially modified by changes in its molecular arrangements or components as to give rise to variables that are manifested in the transmutability of sex, varia- tions, fluctuations, mutations, deformities, retrogres- sions, tumor formation, immunities, etc. Assuming in accordance with our conception that the germplasm is in its incipiency an unequilibrated stereochemic system that is characteristic of the inherent, fundamental stereochemic system of the parent, it fol- lows, as a corollary, that having a highly specialized form of parental structural material with peculiar energy-properties, the offspring must of necessity pos- sess essentially the same fundamental characteristics as the parents when normal fecundation has occurred, and that it would be quite as impossible to have any other result than in ordinary chemical reactions under given conditions of experiment. The essential characters cf the building material as regards substances, arrange- ments, and energy-properties are definitely fixed within narrow limits of variation. That the peculiar forms of stereoisomerides or inti- mately related bodies that are inherent in the parent are conveyed in the germplasm to the offspring, and hence of necessity serve to distinguish a given form of germplasm from that of any other species or genus, and that the stereochemic conception of the nature of the germplasm is capable of laboratory demonstration, are instanced in the results of the investigations of Kossell and his students who found that simple forms of pro- tein, known as protamins, obtained from the sperma- tozoa of different species of fish are different, each being apparently of a form peculiar to the source. Here is one substance at least that seems to be in specific stereo- isomeric forms in the sperm of different species, which obviously must affect the properties of the gcrmplani, and which when brought in contact with the germplasm of the egg plays its part in determining the phenoin"na of development. Moreover, by the " precipitin reaction " method Blakeslee and Gortner have found evidence that is consistent with the conclusion that there are not only " species proteins " but also " sex proteins," and this receives support in a number of very recent investiga- tions, especially those of Steinach, who found that the corresponding hormones secreted by the ovaries and testicles are different, and that by virtue of these differ- ences the secondary sexual characters, female and male, are determined. Thus he found in castrated young males, in which transplantation of ovaries had been practised, that the development of masculine peculiari- ties is inhibited and female traits substituted, so that the individuals tend to assume the female type and be- come to a striking degree feminizcd-males, as shown in bodily form, in a development of the mammary glands, in lactation, and in an alteration of psycho-sexual char- acters. Lillie, in studies of the explanation of the steril- ity of females of opposite-sexed twins, has presented evi- dence of the existence of sex hormones, and both Lip- schiitz and Morgan have recorded facts to justify the belief that the testicular hormone furthers the develop- ment of male characters and inhibits the development of female characters, while the ovarian hormone favors the development of female characters and inhibits the devel- opment of male characters. This dual property is ob- viously of great fundamental importance in the explana- tion of various sex phenomena which have been quite inexplicable. Furthermore, Riddle has found that the ova of the pigeon are dimorphic, one-half having an in- herent tendency to produce males and the other half females ; that eggs with the male tendency have a higher percentage of water, a smaller size, and a lower percent- age of potential energy; and that the " sex-foundation " of the germplasm is transmutable, so that an egg that lias inherently the male tendency may become female, and that such females exhibit secondary male sexual charac- ters. The transmutability of the germplasm is compara- ble in its physico-chemical mechanism to the reversion of the maltose-dextrose-glucase reaction caused by a change in concentration of the solution, the dextrose being reverted into isomaltose and not to the antecedent maltose the male egg is not changed into a female egg, but into a modified or feminized-male egg. In considering the transmissibility of parental sub- stances it is essential to distinguish positively between the stereoisomerides and intimately related bodies that are inherent in the parent and those which are acquired through infection or otherwise. Thus antibodies ac- quired by the mother may be without influence upon the ovary during the formation of the germplasm and not even become a constituent of the latter. On the other hand, an immunity may be established in the mother that may be conveyed to the offspring, yet, curiously enough, such an immunity may not be trans- mitted by the immunized male. In processes of the production of the germplasm the ovary may be as insen- sitive to the presence of many acquired sub-tance-s of the blood as are some or all other organs, and there is no more reason in general for expecting the ovary ami its product to be affected by such bodies or conditions than there is for the pancreas and the pancreatic juice or any other secretory structure and its product to be affected. Every acquired substance must in its relations to the ovaries be governed by the same physico-chemical laws as determine specific select ivitics or react.ivilies in con- nection with the tissues generally. Hence, any such substance may be reactive in relation to one structure, but not to another. Plasticity as regards sex-determination has been dem- onstrated in the studies of the development of a male (drone) bee from the unfertilized egg, and of a female APH.K AII.'N- OF REMI.I> RKHKA 887 from the fcrtili/.rii i-fs. ' -.eloping female bee when fill cin orilinnry food U-.o in. n common female " worker." hut when f. . ps into i|ii< Tho ronliniiitit of thr builtling malrriiil between pan-lit iiinl I'lT-pi i:._- i- s<fii in iiianifeeta- nivn,' prot-7'M i.y binary fiaainn and huddnnr. by whi. h the part .<e,.arteil from th par. nt mas* is in all essential respect* like the iian-nt, having the (-ame fumlamuntal physico-clicniicni |NiMtiiui iiinl constitution. That in such in ing should be a segmental counterpart of the parent nuaa seems as obvious as that halve* of a on should be alike. Similarly, if we h iv !: th-- ovule and (i|Tin form* of protoplasm which as stereo hemic :i< are in all fundamental respect* <-uir those from which th.- parents w .it follow* that under normal conditions in ac- cordance with the law >,al chemistry hav the same fundamental parental characteristics, as much so as separated portions of any c..iiipl.-.\ s:er < hcmic sys- tem must possess the properties of the initial mass. Moreover, if the ster. M lieniic systems of gcrmplasms of the female and niale differ, as must be admitted, it is manifest that the stcrcochcmic system of the egg that has been activate*] artificially or naturally, as the case mav U'. mu-t !K> different and hence undergo develop- ment differences that will be obvious in the offspring. In the first instance, the serial reactions which load to the formation of the different tissues, etc., are activated hy a mere disturbance of physico-chemical equilibrium, which may be due to the conversion of a proen/yrne into enzyme or a prosecrctin to a sccretin, or in other words of an inactive body into an active one. In the second >ce, there is not only activation, but the extremely important addition of the male stereochemic system which by admixture with the female system constitutes a female-male system. Therefore, in the first place the offspring is developed solely from the female stcreo- chemic system, and in the second place from the com- bined female and male systems, one or the other of which may be wholly or in part accountable in determin- ing certain peculiarities in the developmental changes. ver, owing to the transmutahility of stereoisome- nid the multiphase transmutability of stereochemic systems, coupled with the reversibility of metabolic processes which may be due to even the simplest of changes in physico-chemical mechanisms, we have a logical basis for the explanation of the phenomena of ' dimorphism that is expressed in the so-called male and f i, and male and female spermatozoa; of primary and secondary hcrmaphroditism ; of paradoxi- cal sex developments where the unfertilized egg develops into either male or female offspring; and of sexual trans- mutability of the inherently male or female ovule. It follows upon the basis of our theory that because of the inherent peculiarities of the stereochemic systems of the germplasms and the definitely predetermined nature of the entire series of reactions in accordance with the laws of physical chcmi-try that "like begets like" because like every other p' mical phenomenon, individual or serial, single or complex, under given tions, it is a physico-chemical fatality. PROTOPLASMIC STRRKOCIIEMIC SYSTEM An-i irn TO TH 'KTIIB M ,IUA- no Among the most constant phenomena of living mat it inconstancy or variation. The fundamental reasons for this p treme comph -eaaionability. and pla the molecules of protoplasm in association with uuoa* ing and varying kinds and degree .-nt.il changes. I'ln-ticity is a property that i doubt lex* moil to every form of matter, the degree varying within wide limits in different sul*tanre* and under va: condition*. Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, sulphur, c him. phosphorus, ar-M-ni.-, tin, iridiimi, piilla-liiim, and other have long been known to be calcium nitrate and metaphosphatc, ammonium nitrate and tluo-ili( ate, silver nitrate and iodide, calcium car- bonate, silica, copper sulphate, iron i-ulph.iti>. magne- sium sulphate, mercuric chloride nnd ii*! ride, arscnimis and antimonioiis oxides, potassium hi- eliminate and ammonium parntungstate. re only a few of the simple inorganic compounds that have been found to be dimorphous or polymorphous; and the known organic or carbon compounds that exist in multiple forms are so numerous as to make a- u'lv largo list. In some instances tho differences in form are said to indicate merely differences in physical nature, being variations in color, hardness, density, melt ins- point, crystalline form, etc., without change in chemical properties; but in others the differences are Mli p cal and chemical and the latter may complete! v over- shadow the former. Perhaps, there is no more remark- able or suggestive instance of difference in properties that is associated with differences in modular form than that of strychnine in ordinary and mlloiilal | the latter having only one-fourth the txicitv < former; and one wonders, apart from anything what changes have occurred in the properties of the various non-colloidal substances such as inorganic salts when they have become an intesrral part of the mo'. of the most complex of all colloids protoplasm. ' over, change from one state or phase into 'another is usually brought about by very simple means, such as mere solution, heat, sunlight, repeated recrvKtAllixation. gelation, chemical reagents, etc. (See Pub'ication 173. Introduction, page 9.) Water, while among the simplest rabsUnrts of nature, is endowed with mot extraordinary properties, especially in connection with living matt< ihita a remarkahlo dezroo of plasticity in it" molecular stru-- ture. The universal conception up to very recent years that water is correctly rcpresentwl by th- symbol H,n has been shown to be untenable except ing under very limited condition*, and it acems clear that the molecule ! looked upon as heine in the form of a molecular i that consists of H n fri.oii .',.. !r !>. f}{ (dihydrol), and (H,O). (trihydrol), which vary in pro- portions in relation to temperature and pressure, end which are readily convertible from one form into an other by changes in attendant conditions. It is ass i that when polymerization occurs there take* place a chemical combination of the simple molecules and that with this combination change* occur in properties, such, 368 APPLICATIONS OF RESULTS OF RESEARCHES. for instance, as has been referred to in the synthesis of starch (see Publication 173, page 156), when six mole- cules of formaldehyde are polymerized and condensed to form dextrose. Moreover, it is to be assumed that the molecular system consists of these three forms of mole- cules in chemical combination, and therefore if the pro- portions vary the system will vary in its properties. The chief component of this system when water is in the form of ice is (H 2 0) 3 and of steam (H 2 0), while in the form of liquid water it is (H 2 0) 2 . Each of these forms of water is, therefore, a ternary mixture of molecules in chemical combination, the pro- portions of the three kinds of molecules differing, and alterable in relation to changes in temperature and pressure, and in the direction of the maintenance of physico-chemical equilibrium. It is also probable that there may be higher polymers, and that each polymer may exist in more than one form, thus indicating a further and by no means unimportant degree of plastic- ity in stereochemic phenomena, especially in relation to vital processes. Even the proportions of these molecules in ice prepared under varied conditions are almost cer- tainly different, inasmuch as some forms of ice are heavier and other forms lighter than water, and as one form crystallizes in the hexagonal system, another in the tetragonal system, and another in the regular system. Further evidence of the plasticity of water is seen in the variety of forms of snow crystals, all of which are said to belong to the hexagonal system. It is easy to account for these different forms if, as is indicated, the proportions of these three kinds of molecules vary with temperature; if water in vapor form in the clouds has like eteam a maximum proportion of the (H 2 0) mole- cules, and if cooling to the freezing-point brings about (as the temperature falls) progressive changes in the proportions of the molecules, and hence of the molecular system, so that at any given temperature the composi- tion of the system is different from that at any other temperature; if these changes in proportions may be further influenced by the rapidity of the fall of tempera- ture, the velocity of the change not keeping pace with the temperature change; and if crystallization may be influenced by incidental conditions, as is manifested in the variety of crystalline figures when ice forms on a win- dow pane. It has recently been found that when con- densation takes place in highly supersaturated ascend- ing air, and the air temperature is much below freezing- point, both snow crystals and rain-drops are formed. If such plasticity is to be found in substances so simple as water it seems that almost any conceivable degree is to be expected in complex substances, such as the pro- teins, fats, carbohydrates, and other organic metabo- lites, and to the very ultimate degree in protoplasm. The plasticity of proteins has been demonstrated in the modifications of the hemoglobins in specific relationship to the source ; and of carbohydrates in the starches in the same respect, and especially in the diversified reactions in which properties are elicited that are the same as those of one or the other parent, or both parents, or which are not exhibited by either parent, and which are therefore peculiar to the hybrid, and in all the phases of the reactions seem to be limited only by the number of reagents. Having now in protoplasm a molecular system of extreme complexity, affectibility, and plasticity, unceas- ing changes in internal and external conditions and a knowledge of the fundamentals of biochemistry such as is indicated in preceding sections, it requires no more effort of the imagination, than in the reactions of organic substances generally, to picture the underlying factors and processes that become expressed in the differences in form, structure, and vital characteristics that are mani- fested in variations, sports, fluctuations, and kindred phe- nomena, and in individuals, varieties, species, and genera. It seems that the mechanisms of Mendelian inheritance and sex have striking analogies in the evolution of a and ft forms of stereoisomers, as, for instance, in the case of a- and /8-glucose, as was pointed out in the preceding memoir, page 10. PROTOPLASMIC STEREOCHEMIC SYSTEM APPLIED TO THE GENESIS OF SPECIES. The importance of hybridization in the genesis of species has undoubtedly been greatly underestimated, chiefly because of a false valuation that has been placed upon intermediateness as a criterion of hybrids and the belief that the hybrids between species are very commonly infertile. But it seems obvious from the records of this research that such characters of a hybrid as may be in- termediate may be overshadowed by others, some of which are the same as those of one or the other parent or both parents, or developed beyond parental extremes, or which may be peculiar to the hybrid. De Vrics, in his exposition of the laws of mutation of Oenotkera, states as follows : | "The mutations to which the origin of new elementary species is due appear to be indefinite, that is to say, the changes may affect all organs and seem to take place in almost every conceivable direction. The plants become stronger (gigas) or weaker (albida), with broader or with smaller leaves. The flowers become larger (gigas) and darker yellow (ruprinervis), or smaller (oblonga and scintillans) and paler (albida). The fruits become longer (rubrinervis) or shorter (gigas, albida, lata). The epidermis becomes more uneven (albida) or smoother (Icevifolia); the crumples on the leaves either in- crease (lata) or diminish (scintillans). The production of pollen is either increased (rubrinervis) or diminished (scin- tillans); the seeds become larger (gigas) or smaller (scintil- lans), more plentiful (rubrinervis) or more scanty (lata). The plant becomes female (lata) or almost entirely male (brevistylis) ; many forms which are not described here were almost entirely sterile, some almost destitute of flowers. 0. gigas, 0. scintillans, 0. oblongata tends to become biennial more than O. lamarckiana; and 0. lata tends to become less so; whilst 0. nanella cultivated in the usual way scarcely ever runs into the second year. This list could easily be extended, but for the present it may suffice. To regard the new forms from another point of view, some of them are fitter, some unfitter, than the parent form and others neither the one nor the other." In reference to 0. lamarckiana, he states that nearly all organs and all characters mutate, and in almost every conceivable direction and combination. The foregoing quotation is of especial interest at the present juncture because the data are applicable to hybrids, and as it seems to have been satisfactorily established that these mutants nrc actually hybrids. Moreover, when they are taken in connection with the data quoted from Focke in the Introduction, we have facts that arc in entire accord with the results of the studies of the physico-chemical properties of the starches. Again, Ipomcea sloteri, one APIM.li \ll' - OK HKSRAKCIl of the hvhrnl- stii'lie.l in this research HI respect to it* macroscopic nml nn< r-. opi. <-|ir found to o ilitTi-r from it* parents that w, re it not known to be hybrid th.-r. would IK- amp!.- justification I" regard it n- a -) /;>m<t. Part II). It is well known to tin' l"'tam-t that many <>f the hyhnd- included among the hundreds! referred to by Fockc are an indnidualizcd as to warrant their assignment * -: -iiU|>ecies. Finally, it mvin- from tin- pre-< nt -tat. <>( our knowl- edge that tin- ditlirulty "f hybridisation, th> to infertility f the offspring, tin- tendency to the develop incut "f <har.nt.-t> in tin- hybrid in excess of parental ex- trrm.-, iin.l thi- tfiiil.'iu \ to i|i- \.-lop new charactorH in tin- hylirnl. >M>ur ii-u.i!!\ an HIM -r.-i- n-latin.-hi|) to tin- near- Den of the par. in-, while the ! intcrtiieiliate- new ln-ar* usually a ilimt n-liiti<>nslnp. Owmir. huw- tr.inr |la-tinty cf protoplasm the moat variaMe results in hyliniliTaition are to be expected, u iu-ateil l-y the r.-iilt.- of thi- -tmliw of the starche*, a- |!r.->.-nt.-il partu ularly in Tal.le II, 1'arU 1 to 26, and summaries. The -tiidy of the s;eiieBi of species it without doubt a stit>lv of the evolution of > hemiral compound*, and essentially of int>-ra< lion*, rearrangements, and com- binations of 8tereoohemir -\st.-in- an<l th'-ir i-onipon- ents. In tho origin of - . h\hridi/ation there is, according to the conce[>tion 8tate<l in the ponultiin.ite n, a union of two gtcreoisomeric systems of rary- in>; ] . fmiale and male, in ea<-h of which there an assumed to be potentially tvery or practically every character and chractor-ph*- of' the parent More- ihia varialiihty of plu-tinty applies not only to the system, as a whole. l>ut alM> to <ii. nteffral stono- chrmii- tr \ ing extremely complex, plasti< t.-ra. tin.' nystems, and applying thereto a fundani knowledge of physical cnemiMtry, especially of organic eoll,.idn, M i in.|i.-.ite.|. it xcenvi that there should be no more difficulty than in the P aim- sub- tancfi generally in reaching K;I un- .- of the diverae derelopmental changes that .-. nr in the hyliri<l t!i:it in, why some characters are like those of one or the other parent or Mh parents, or n<) parental extreme*, or new character! appear; or why one parent may be of equal or greater |M>ten< v in influencing the development of the characters of the hybrid ; or why species of remote genera cai be crossed, or, on the other hand, why varieties of the same species may readily be crossed ; or why characters that may hare existed in ancestral generations, but which are riot apparent in the parents, may appear in the off> spring; or why there may or may not be Mendelian inheritance; or why mutations can be induced arti- ficially by the injection of certain substance* into the ovaries, etc.. etc. rnfortunately thi* subject is so Tsst that a detailed consideration of xuch point.- would take us far beyond the possible limits of space of this report, and th.-r. for.-, as previously stated, nothing more can be offered at present than mere suggestions. CHAPTER VII. NOTES AND CONCLUSIONS. HYPOTHESIS UNDERLYING THESE RESEARCHES. These investigations (Publications Nos. 116, 173, and the present) have as their essential basis the conception that in different organisms corresponding complex organic substances that constitute the supreme struc- tural elements of protoplasm and the major synthetic products of protoplasmic activity are not in any case absolutely identical in chemical constitution, and that each substance may exist in countless modifications, each modification being characteristic of the form of proto- plasm, the organ, the individual, the sex, the species, the genus, etc., and that the possible number of modified forms of each substance is in direct relationship to the complexity of the molecules. EXPLORATORY CHARACTER EVIDENCE IN SUPPORT OF THE HYPOTHESIS, ETC. These inquiries have for certain reasons been practically of a purely exploratory character and there- fore no serious attempt has been made to do more than gather sufficiently convincing evidence to amply sustain the hypothesis and thus lay a satisfactory foundation for subsequent inquiries. It is obvious, from the results of each of these studies, that considering the difficulties met in pioneer investigations the measure of success has been beyond that which should reasonably have been expected. Hemoglobins from 107 species were examined, mostly from mammals, including representatives of Pisces, Batrachia, Aves, Marsupialia, Edenta, Sirenia, TTngulata, Rodentia, Otariidia, Phocidse, Mustclidse, Procyonidfe, Ursidse, Canidae, Felidae, Viveridoe, Insec- tivora, Chiroptera, and Primates. The number seems large in comparison with the numbers studied by various previous investigators, yet it is an insignificant fraction of the number existent in vertebrates and invertebrates. Moreover, in antecedent investigations the crystallo- graphic examinations were, with scarcely an exception of a single hemoglobin, limited to geometric form, while in the studies embraced in this series of researches both geometric form and optic reactions were recorded, the latter being here very important and often as distinctive and as exact in differentiation as chemical reactions. The starches studied have been so numerous as to cover a far broader field, including in the precnling research 300 that represent 105 genera and 35 families, and in the present research 47 sets of parent- and hybrid- stocks, and representing 17 genera and 7 families. The total number examined compared with those available for similar investigation 'is, as in the hemoglobins, an exceedingly small or almost negligible fraction. Not only have the hemoglobins and starches been scarcely more than touched, but there remains an enor- mous list of complex metabolites included among the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, enzymes, coloring matters, cholesterols, organic acids, alkaloids, etc., and also a very large number of compounds, which as yet have been 370 subjected to extremely little or absolutely no investi- gation in regard to their constitutional properties in rela- tion to biological source. Some or even many of these metabolites are not unit substances that is, they are combinations, physical or chemical, of like or unlike sub- stances. Moreover, there are derivatives of many of these primary or initial substances for instance, the crystalline chlorophyls (cthylchlorophylides) that are most promising for such investigations. An unlimited field of investigation in both material and promise is opened by the facts that probably every sub- stance, elementary and compound, may exist in more than one form; that when molecules are associated during polymerization there is chemical combination, and that in these combinations the arrangements of the components in the three dimensions of space may yield different forms of the same substance (as in water), or entirely different substances (as in the polymerization of formaldehyde to form dextrose) ; that the possible number of stereoisomeric forms increases directly with the complexity of the molecular organization; and that in all probability these various stereoisomeric forms of substances produced by protoplasmic activity are spe- cifically modified in relation to biologic origin. METHODS EMPLOYED AND RECOMMENDED. The crystallographic method used in the investiga- tions of the hemoglobins is, in so far as the require- ments of these investigations are concerned, not only exact but also a very sensitive means of differentiation of different forms of these substances. Differences in chemical constitution can readily be demonstrated which as yet are too obscure for detection by any known chemi- cal procedures ; differences have been shown that can not be brought out by any of the biologic tests; repeated experiments with the hemoglobins from different indi- viduals of the same species have yielded practically or absolutely the same results; biologic differences elicited by this means are in accord with the data of the syste- matist wherever the latter is not open to question ; and these records have had confirmation in the results of anaphylactic reactions. The methods for differentiat- ing stereoisomers are with rare exceptions quite crude, but even those which are inexact may be not only checks upon each other but also collectively and even individ- ually be of much usefulness in such investigations. It was pointed out that differences had been recorded in the hemoglobins from different species in their solubilities, crystallizabilities, water of crystallization, extinction co- efficients and quotients, and decomposability ; and it is evident, inasmuch as differences that may be exhibited by one method may not be brought out by another, or in varying degree, that much is to be gained by the use of many or all methods. Very much is possible by means of further development of biologic tests. In the differentiation of starches, both in the pre- ceding and present researches, the methods employed NOTES AND >\< \\ -!..\ arc the wiinc I. ut modified in their applicat rUin inii-Ttant respects. In l">th investiirations < iodine ami aniline r>a lion*, and tin 1 gelatinixation ri a< lions with heat and \anotij, r cal reap : in tlu- in. ill- 1 <>f record i ni; the reactions with the chemi- cal reagent.*, an<l in tin- kinds and concentrations reagent*. In the form, r re-, arch tin- qu.intu fercntiation- |.\ means of the chemical reagents were made by determining the time of the : ooni- r pra.ti.ally complete gelatioization, ami the prcp.i tin- rva. nut ade- .(uat.lv protected from the air and evaporation. It was found 'iur.!..,' the progress of tin* work that fictitious values may lie recorded owing to the existence in nearly form of March of dilTerciit kind* of grain* which vary in proportions ami gclutinizabilities. together with varying decrees of influence of the air (probably chiefly ly differences in oxidation), and effects that are due U> varying rapidity and degrees of evaporation. Such sources of falla. y illy eliminated in tlie pr. - t research by making records of the progress of gclatini/ation in regard to both tlie entire nuraU-r of grains completely gelatinized and the |>ercentage of the latinized at definite time-int.Tvala; and prevention nf oxidation and evaporation by seal- lie preparation^. In nearly every form of starch there are grains, usually very small, and also part* of graii i quite reistant to reagents. The former i. mmonly represent much less than '> per cent of the quantity of starch, and it has been assumed that L'e|atim/at'..'li letc when It.") |MT i the total March hu- The methods used and their values in the differentiation of starches have rtii in full in the preceding memoir on pages Kt, and supplementary statements are to be found in the present memoir in Chapter* II. IV. and V. Tl :ic method employed in this research is the same in all respects as in the prcivding investigation, in tin- rejwrt of which it has been discussed with suffi- cient fulness (page .')<>? ). Its value ha. not only been sub- stantiated hut accentuated by the results of the present ,-tiiilv of : | parent- and hybrid-stocks. The jxilari-i-opic, iodine, and aniline methods are so crude that the jxTsonal equation enters largely into the determination of the values recorded, and while they have proved of u able usefulness they are so inferior t<> the geJatinization method that they should .en a very MiUinlinate place. The polarization and aniline im-tlmd. are by fur ' of all o' he anilines will be found of much value in the differentiation of different lamella? of individual grains, as h:i own h\- the work of Denniston (see pre- Meinoir, page "><). Iiniino. like the anilines, can be nv it advantage in the studv of the -trudnre of the starch prain. It is aim of usefulness by showing Iiy variation- in the color re.ntioii- differences in the constitution of starches from different sources; of dif- ferent kinds of grains of the same starch ; of the capsular and intracapsular parts of the grains; anfl of the cap- sules themselves. The method used in determining the temperature of gelatinizti< act, as has been shown by the fact that when the experiments are made with proper care the figures recorded are quite as uniform as t!i M . obtained in the determination of lot melting-points of various substance*. The gelatinization method by means of various i -henncal reagents as here pursued has proven to be so that the records of I experiment* ry rarely, been found to be exactly or prac- tically exactly the same, even though made at widely > ami with varying temperature and hum; \ rarely, for HOtt inexplicable reason, a markedly aberrant n-o>rd has been i every instance this error was detected because of absence of agreement with what was editions. In fac<. as was found < and as will be obvious by the context, the records of the re.i obtained by means of the various I arc in the case of each agent an . ami of all c. lively, in a very huge measure checks upon each other. In other words, the values for the starch of a given spe- cies serve as prototype or generic standard with v the records of all other species and varieties of the genus inn t conform, unless there are represented members of subgenera or other subgeneric divisions. The closer botanically the sjx-cies or the varieties the closer will the records collectively agree with the given standard. Varieties of a species exhibit remarkable closeness, and their values represent a species type. V ibers of subgenera or other form of subgeneric division are represented they may exhibit differences that are as marked, and even more marked, than those of members of closely related genera. (~Tt is to be borne in mind that the method of classi- fication of the systematist is of an arbitrary chan as is evident, for instance, in the shifting of species from one to another genus, the remodeling of genera, families, etc. This classifying and reclassifying that has been in progress for generations continues at the present time, and even now the most generally accepted classification can not be accepted as being more than tentative. If, therefore, the results of these investigations seem to be or are not in accord in isolated instances with the classi- fication of the systematist it docs not follow that the former are wrong. As evidence of the mutual checking of the records one need examine only the very similar curves of the starchc* of the clow-ly related members of /rvTjn'tarts E 30 to K 33) and llir'l,ar,lia (Ch.. the dissimilar curves of the starches of members of subgcneric divisions, such as the hardy and tender species of Crintim (Charts ' the dissimilar curves of the starches of members of subgenera of Be- nonia (Chart- Ur curvns of arches of the closely related genera /( maryf/i* and Hrun.*i-i'ji>i (Chart ]'. I), and of ami 7V. (Charts E 34 and E3.1); and the dissimilar curve*, usually highly characteristic, of the starches of various ime and different families that are shows in this series of charts (El to E 46), as a whole. These similsrities and dissimilarities are in degree variable in accordance with what in general should be expected, or what is at least in accord with unquestionable botanical classification. The differentiation of starches br heat, as in tile temperature of gvlatinization method, is to be recom- mended s- ' much value, both quantitatively and qualitatively. It was shown in the preceding invest!- 372 NOTES AND CONCLUSIONS. gation that the temperatures of gelatinization of starches from different sources vary within a range of over 40 C. ; and that the figures for the starches of different members of a genus usually tend to keep within limits of about 5, the closer the plant sources the closer the temperatures. Moreover, qualitative differences similar to those elicited by the various chemical reagents have been observed, and they are worthy of detailed study. These it seems will be found Jo differ not only in dif- ferent starches, but also to differ from the reactions elicited by the chemical reagents and to differ as much from them as they do from each other. These qualitative reactions have been found, as a whole, to have such values as to recommend them for extensive use. In the present research these reactions with heat and chemical reagents have yielded records that are of especial interest in the differentiation of the starches of the hybrid- and parent-stocks, and they have not only shown peculiari- ties of the hybrid that are the same as those of one or the other parent or both parents, but also individualities not observed in either parent and corresponding to what was found in the records of the histologic and other characters and character-phases. The extraordinary plasticity and complexity of the starch molecules and its character and character-phase potentialities offer endless opportunities in this form of investigation. The quantitative data appeal more to both experi- menter and reader because they lend themselves so admirably to reduction to tables and charts. The possi- bilities for additions to our knowledge of this kind are unlimited. As previously indicated, the number of starches available for such investigations is enormous and the number of the reagents can be considerably amplified. Moreover, there can often be used, to much advantage, several concentrations of the same reagent and also combinations of certain reagents. These various reagents differ markedly in their values in the quantitative and qualitative reactions, respectively, and some are better for the former than the latter and vice versa; moreover, a reagent that may be particularly good for qualitative reactions with one form of starch may be inferior for another form, and so on. Recognition of these points will be of great advantage in subsequent investigations. STAECH SUBSTANCES AS NON-UNIT SUBSTANCES. Starch from any given plant is a heterogeneous col- lection of grains which vary in microscopical and molecular properties ; even the individual grains, except perhaps the very small embryonic, spherical, and seem- ingly amorphous forms, are likewise of non-uniform composition. The differences in the behavior of the inner and outer parts or (according to general ideas) of the so-called amylose and cellulose can be demon- strated with the greatest ease and in ways to show that these parts represent different forms of starch-substance. As already repeatedly pointed out, the individualities of these two parts arc markedly shown in their different behavior towards various reagents. As a rule, the outer part is the more resistive, but toward some reagents it is the less resistive. In relation to moist heat, when the grains re boiled in water the outer part is always the last to disappear, sometimes resisting boiling for many minutes, appearing in suspension in the form of empty capsules from which the less resistive inner starch has escaped in semi-liquid form and passed into a pseudo solution. The different lamellae of the mature starch-grain are of less and less density from without inward. These peculiar variations are, it seems clear, not owing to an increase in the density of each additional lamella as it is deposited, but to a gradual transition of the molecular states of the inner or older lamellfe to a less dense con- dition. Such a change is explicable in the light of the ready transmutability of one stereoisomeric form into another owing to slight differences in attendant con- ditions. (See preceding memoir Publication No. 173, page 9.) The mere separation of the starch from direct contact with the plastid or the cell-sap by the later-de- posited starch, age, and other incidental conditions, are of themselves doubtless sufficient to satisfactorily account for this transmutation. Likewise, differences in other parts, such as in primary and secondary lamellae, pro- tuberances, etc., in relation to other parts of the grains, may be explained in the same way. EACH STAECH PROPERTY AN INDEPENDENT PHYSICO- CHEMICAL UNIT-CHARACTER. CEach starch property, whether it be manifested in peculiarities in size, form, hilum, lamellation, or fissura- tion, or in reactions to light, or in color reactions with iodine or anilines, or in gelatinization reactions with heat or chemical reagents, is an expression of an inde- pendent physico-chemical unit-character that is an index of specific peculiarities of intramolecular configuration, the sum of which is in turn an index which expresses specific peculiarities of the constitution of the proto- plasm that synthetized the starch molecule. The unit- character represented by the form of the starch grain is independent of that size ; that of lamellation independent of that of fissuration, etc. This is evident in the fact that in different starches variations in one may not be associated with variation in another, and that wlien variations in different properties are coincidently ob- served they may be of like or unlike character^] Gela- tinizability is one of the most conspicuous properties of starch and it represents a primary physico-chemical unit-character, which character may be studied in as many quantitative and qualitative phases as there are kinds of starches and kinds of gelatinizing reagents, the phenomena of gelatinization by heat being distinguish- able from those by a given chemical reagent, and those by one reagent from those by another, and those of one starch by a given rengent from those of another starch. The gelatinization of the starch grain is not only a very definite chemical process but one that must vary in character in accordance with the reagent entering into the reaction. It follows, as a corollary, that the prop- erty of gelatinizability of any specimen of starch may be expressed in as many independent physico-chemical unit- charactcr-phases as there are reagents to elicit them. INDIVIDUALITY OR SPECIFICITY OF EACH AGENT AND REAGENT. The methods employed in the research, all micro- scopic, have, a.s stilted, included inquiries into histo- logic characters; polariscopic, iodine and aniline reac- tions; temperatures of gelatinization; and quantitative NOTES AND CONCLUSIONS. nd qualitative gflatinization ,. with a variety of chemical reagent* which represent a wide rang? of different-! * in BMMVlBr ewnposatiott. Ill wiinc in-tan.?* tin- starch mol.-vules alone or largely determi: on. while 111 other- li.'th stnrvh .in.l reagent play important part*, as in chemical r g.-n. rally. Thus, in tin- cr\.-tall<igra|>lii. .if the gMiin crj-taU .11,.! in ill,' polarization nl, > ih-- ni no change; hence tin- on- i-xpn--- p.. 'Hilarities that an- inherent : niol.-ciiles. In i>i: ntian- ii"lrt an. I *afnmiii reaction-, the organization of the molecule* is cither uniitTcrt<>d or affected t> an und-- ! dcgn-e, the reui -lions I.. tion phenomena; in t! reaction* there is DVOO* alily a f.vKle chemical combination of the iodine and i. lint without .ij']>.ir.'iit intcrmlccular ili-nrgan- ii ; in the temperature ami . h. in.,- 1! i, :u'. 'it reac- there if nn inteniiolerular hr.-akm.' .|..ti bj a -s of hydration. with which process there may be asocial^! n-a.-tion. that \ar\ 111 character ami numlier in :an. e with |N-cuhariti.'S MI the c..mp.i-iti..n of the reagents. If the molecules of the starches from different f are in the form of - .era, it follows, ng a eorollary. that they imi-t .-xliil.it differences in their hehaxior with different agents and reagents, and .-how ditTeren.es that ure relat.-d to \anation in the kind of agent and in the composition and concentration of the In other words, the reaction in each case i* conditioned by the kind of starch and the kind of (lot or reap VBIMTY OF MKTHOIW A8 SlIOWS BV ClIAKTS AMD i.iKMiiv OF RESULTS COLLICTIVBLY. It is ohvi.ms that testa of the reliahility of the methods employed in the differentiation of starches from various sources are to be found in the agreement of the results of r \periments and in th- formitv of the results with established data of the gynte- \a stated in preceding paragraphs, the polari- , iodine, and aniline methods are, notwithstanding their crudity and limitations, reliable if the experiment* irried out with siilli. lent rare; the temperature ( gelatinization method is accurate within verj- narrow limits of error; and the gelatinization method used in the present research by means of chemical reagents is i.-ally exact. The fir-4 three me<h<Hl are, owing to their usually very re*tri,t-<l ruu-e <>f values, of very much more usefulness in the differentiation of memliers of a genus than of different genera, and this applies, although to a less degree, to the temperatun? of gela- tinizat!<>n method; while the chemical reagent method has unlimited application to Iwth intrageneric and in- tngencric differentiation, though the different rea- have widely varying values. In comparing these records with those of the systematic it is im- portant t- . that a slight chanifi> in molecular tution may give rise t" \.-rv marked changes in properties and that distinction must lie made between that which is definitely established and that which is ten- tative in ev.n the ino-t advanced taxonomic system. All things if.n-id.-r. <!. it i- remarkable how close in general is the greement of the data of these exceeding lar meth. -ti^ation. In fact, they are evidently mutually cnrrr-ti\i or a. tual duagreemeuU etist it doulitlca* will U- fond thai further applications of the phyK-o^hcmic*J method will dHMMtnto the i the several charU are of in sh.iwin- the : the meth particularly thorn- which are included in the groups 1) 1 I.. I' 69] and I! 1 ! soinewli.il dcUiile.l a in >,,n..ii 2 and i IV. Kven a most cursory examination wpar- -iher will ileinoiihtra:. 'ii|i 1' I in which are pre- the progress of gelatinization at r\als, in the char. > ill in courses in the individual charts and in the parent ! and the generic grou|M, that they are quite as dependable as the data of the systematisi U re these records not reliahle, it seems clear that (lie curves would not take regular but irregular or xigxag circumlinear courses, or instead of being straight or practically straight lines be ular, etc.; moreover, there would not U- the con- formity of the curves of the reactions with each reagent that is found in each set of parent- and hyl> or in the sets belonging to each genus, excepting in the when subgenem diusions are represented. The more or less marked suhp-n.-nc .liir.-r.-n.vH attest the value of the method, and if in some instance* they may seem to be disproportionate to the difference!* of the sys- tematist, this may be and d.mlitleas is owing to a gr sensitivity of the ph\>ic.. chemical method. The plan adopted in the preparation of Charts E 1 to in whi.-h composite curves of the reaction-intensi- ties are exhibited, has proved in a very large measure successful in eliciting \arietal, species, Mihgcncric. and generic peculiarities, but its essential defect is to be found in the neglect of differences that were found dar- ing the earlier periods of experiment. In the formula- tion of these charts terminal data were used (hat is, the time of complete or practically complete gelatinization in an hour or of the jMTcentage of total tar. h p-latu within the same period. In many instances such figures may be the same, yet there may have been more or leas marked differences in the progress of gelatinization dur- ing the early f>criods of the experiments. Notwithstand- ing such defects, there is in general a remarkable degree of conformity of these curves with taxonomic data. Then should be considered with the foregoing the figures pre- ! in Table B 1 which give the numlMT- f ory high, high, moderate, low, and very low res sums of : and average reaction -in tensities of each starch and each parcnt-lnlirid - t of starchea. OEXER.U. ' * DRAWN FROM RnrL-ra or THE HEMOOLOBI.X RKSKARCHBS. The results of the crystallographic studies of the hemoglobins indicate : that there is a common strn of the hemoglobin molecule, whatsoever the source of the hemoglobin ; that the crystals of the species of a genus belong to a crntallographic group which represents grner vstaN of each species of a genus when favorably developed can be distinguished from r species of the genns; that in some spe- cies there may Ix- found one. two. or three forms of bBO , and that this seems to be a generic peculi 374 NOTES AND CONCLUSIONS. inasmuch as if in one species there be found, say, three forms the same number will exist in other members of the genus ; that the crystals of different genera differ as definitely and specifically as those of crystalline groups of mineral substances differ chemically and as generic groups differ zoologically or botanically; and that by means of peculiarities of the hemoglobins phylogenetic relationships can be traced, as has been found in the case of the bear and seal and other animals. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS DEAWN FROM THE STAKCII RESEARCHES. The results of the hemoglobin and starch researches are mutually confirmatory in support of the existence of stereoisomeric forms of complex organic substances that are specifically modified in relation to varieties, species, subgenera, and genera, and that these specificities indi- cate corresponding peculiarities of the protoplasms in which the substances are formed. The records of the starch researches indicate: that each starch property is an independent physico-chemical unit-character, and that the unit-character represented by the property of gela- tinizability may be manifested in an indefinite number of quantitative and qualitative unit-character-phases, the number varying with the form of starch and the number of gelatinizing reagents employed ; that qualitative reac- tions are as distinctive and important as the quantitative reactions; that the reactions of different starches with a given reagent vary within wide limits, and that those of each starch vary with each reagent independently of the variations of other starches; that the reactions of varieties of a species very closely correspond to those of the species and are in accord with botanical characters ; that the reactions of members of a genus are in general in close accord with taxonomic data and constitute a generic type, the varieties and species tending to exhibit closeness or separation in their relationships in close accord with botanical peculiarities ; that when a genus is represented by subgenera or other form of subgeneric division (such as rhizomatous and tuberous plants, or hardy and tender species, etc.), the reactions may exhibit as many different groupings as there are subgeneric divisions, and that these divisions may show very marked differences, even more marked than what may be noted in the case of closely related genera; that the reactions of closely related genera tend to be similarly close ; that in hybrids any one of the six parent-phases (the same as the seed parent, the same as the pollen parent, the same as both parents, intermediate, higher than either parent, and lower than either parent) can be developed at will by the selection of the proper reagent; that the tendencies of different reagents to elicit in the hybrid any given parent-phase varies with reagent and starch, certain reagents tending to develop sameness to the seed parent or to the pollen parent, etc., and a given reajent may elicit one phase with one starch and another phase with another starch, etc., so that by the selection of the reagent any parent-phase can bo developed in any given starch ; that the starches of hybrids tend to show marked closeness to the properties of the parental starches when the parents are closely related, and to exhibit a tendency to more and more divergence as the parents are more and more distantly related, in some instances tending by comparatively numerous intermediate characters to bridging the parental characters and in others to be par- ticularly characterized by being very closely related to one parent, or in others (by excess or deficit of develop- ment) to be quite variant from the parental types, etc.; that the starches of different hybrids show a very wide range in their parental relationships, some being almost throughout very close to the seed parent, others very close to the pollen parent, others for the most part inter- mediate, etc.; that the starches of hybrids of reciprocal crosses and of the same cross, respectively, are different, the former differing from each other far more than the latter from each other; that the relationships of the properties of starches of hybrids to the properties of the parents are in harmony with the data of the macroscopic characters collected by Fockc, with the data of DeVries mutants (hybrids), and with the macroscopic and micro- scopic tissue characters recorded in this research, in showing that in any given hybrid the development of dif- ferent characters may take on different directions so that some properties are like those of one or the other parent or both parents, or developed in excess or deficit of parental extremes, and also that new characters and character-phases may appear. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS DRAWN FROM INVESTIGA- TIONS OF THE MACROSCOPIC AND MICROSCOPIC CHARACTERS OF THE PLANT. The results of the studies of macroscopic and micro- scopic tissue characters are in harmony with those re- corded by Focke and of the researches with the starches in showing that in any given hybrid certain characters may be the same as those in one or the other parent or both parents, intermediate, or developed in excess or deficit of parental extremes, and that the distribution of these directions of character development is most vari- able. A surprising result is found in a common lack of correspondence between the percentages of macroscopic and microscopic characters of any given hybrid that arc the same as those of the seed parent or pollen parent, or intermediate, etc. Why, for instance, in any hybrid the percentage of macroscopic characters that are the same as those of the seed parent are relatively large in comparison with the percentage of microscopic charac- ters or vice versa is as yet inexplicable. What pertains to one of the six parent-phases applies equally to all. Moreover, there is not a constant quantitative agreement between the macroscopic and microscopic characters, separately or combined, and between either of these and the starch characters of the same plant in the percentage distributions among the parent-phases. THE RELATIVE POTENTIALITIES OF THE SEED PARENT AND THE POLLEN PARENT IN INFLUENC- ING THE CHARACTERS OF THE HYBRID. The relative potentialities of the parents in determin- ing tin 1 characters of the hybrids and in the distribution of characters among the six parent-phases varies within wide limits. In the starch reactions it is shown that in some hybrids the influences of one parent are almost or practically negligible, in others they appear to be about equally divided, and in others there are various grada- tions in degree and kind between these extremes. In the tissue characters concordant results were recorded, but here the variations were found to be very much restricted, NOTES AND CONCLUSIONS. doubtless because chiefly of the email number and Un- kind* of hybrids studied. In i-uniming up the elm that are thesanie a.-, or in.'iin.-.l to the sovd parent and the pollen parent, respectively, it was found id xxl parvi the wliole, di.-tmctly m.>n> potent than the pollen parent, while in 959 tissue character- the parental influences are equal. Srt tam I'M:I nil M:M UUC.NTS. The parental pro|H-rtics referred to in the preo n arc. in an important M-n-r. illusory, because they indicate se\ual instead of species characti in-m- seed parent and pollen parent have !-.-n u-.-l in this rc- i in the comciitiiiiial sense of th. and horti- eulturi.st. that is. without necessarily implying or inferring uni-cMiality of the plant gethcr with the employment of tbt { 9 and i , may n tlnit the jwrcnts of tin- hybrid's arc . y female and male, bat all of the :s are tlowenny plants in which in each individual tlierv are prodiuvd U>th female and male gamete*, plant is, therefore, female or male in reproduction in e with whether it furnishes the seed or the ;x>llen, ir <>f the actual sex of the orgn A concrete illustration of this |>aradoxu-al statement in found, for instance, in ('iijiriptdium sitencrrianum and 'lofum. which have Uvn ndpVMuh crossed, yield- "ie hybrids ('. lathamianum and ('. lathiamianum unt. these hybrids not being identical but very ly resembling each other (page :W8 r( *<</.). In the first eross the need of ( \,nnim was fertilized by the |M.Heii of r. \-\ll<:*um, and in the s<-cond cross the |H)||en of f. $pcnceritiniim fertilised the seed of < losum, thu* re\er-in<; the parentage. Inasmuch as each plain --ly the simc in both en-;-.- . idi-nt that the properties nscriled to C. sprnctnanum as the seed parent and the |x>Ileii |>arent, respectively, are identi- cal and therefore that they arc, as far as we can discern, f s|x-cies and not of sex. However, the dinVrcmvs in the offspring of n-cipnx-al crosses show that while the vd and the |x.llen carry species-characters they nlo transmit ii-rtain obscure properties that arc j>cculiar to each of the sex elem. living tissues have without question fp*rif*-type* of nietalxilism, and, as a corolla r organic nietalx.lites (see pn-o-dinu' memoir. C'ar- negie Institution of Wn-ihin^ton, 1'ub and if the tissues are further charaotiri/.e.l by femaleneso or malenww. they mu.*t have the corresponding *ei-type*. In bisexual or >ua organisms, such as the plants search for the sources of the starches and tissu' processes, and products, with the of th'*> In-longing to the primary sex organs, arc without determinal . yet for well- known reasons it is certain that they possem inherently potentialities of both sexes. In unisexual < . as in certain plant* and in all normal mammalia, there mint be both *|>c< ies-types and HX-I n-. in the first group of the properties are broadly speaking or pre- eminently those of species, and in the second those of species and sex. That there are species-types i* convincingly shown by the distinjniishing features of species; and that there are very definite sex-types has been rendered positive, especially by recent investigations. For '"tttmrt! in Iromorpha (u noted in a bulltim-! in a chaffinch by Weber, in a pheasant by Bood, and in OMB, dogs, guinea-pigs, crabs, bee*, anU, but i- r :! . .. and moths th<> structure* of the two aidei 1 interior parts of the body, or of <i <rgans or of parts of an organ are mixed. Geoffrey Smith found that tho bloods of female and male spider .-nil* dilTer, and Stcrke in iuvtwtigationa w ith moths noted that not only do th< f the sexes i tier but also are as much unlike as are those of viduaU of the same- sex of different specioa. The bloods of woman and man. and of the -e\. .,f certain other mammals, are not identical. The orariea and testicles are specifically female and male organs, and the "ggi spermatozoon, and sex hormones are similarly send. Moreover, during the existence of the gcrmplasm, and even in some organism* long after meat has proceeded, there is a period of sexual pla which various factors may be directly operative on the egg or indirectly through the parent, or directly on the >lic processes of the individual, to lead to the development of either sex or of either female or male secondary characters, as the case may be, and hence to corresponding female or male types of metabolism and metabolites. In studies of the pupa of butterflies. Stand- fuss found that by the influence of temperature the female can be made to assume the male type, Qeoffn-v Smith noted that the sacculinatcd male spider crab (that is partially or completely paraaitically castratnl i comes markedly feminized, even to the extent of rudi- mentary eggs being formed in the testes. Kiddle ni-ord in studies of pigeon eggs a tranomu lability so marked that eggs having one sex tendency may be caused to be- come oppositely sexed. Steinach and others in ovarian and testieular transplantation experiment* hare shown that the female can be masculinized and the male femi- nized. Moreover, the potent influent-en of food, of an excess or deficit of water in the cjrg. of the energy of oxidative metabolism, and of light on * 1 are well known. And in the human being indication* of female and male types of mctaholium and metabolites are to be found among difference* in the sexes in l.!ilv structure*, in the composition of the blood and certain other parts, in the actions of a number of medicinal sub- stances and certain internal secretions, in the prop- of the sex hormones and of some other substances that are produced by sex organs other than the ovaries and testes, in basal metabolism, in psychic phenomena, etc. The factor or factors that determine species-types are not known, nor have we much definite knowledge of those which control sex -types, but it may justly be assumed thai what is learned of one is applicable in principle to the ndior. Since the discovery of the sex hormones them bus been a tendency generally to attribute to them the deter- mination of secondary sex characters, but there an reasons for believing that other substances, as yet un- known, may be similarly potent. Thus, Meisenheimer showed by the result* of experiments with the larva* of the gypsy moth thai secondary sex characters are devel- oped without material modification after the removal of the ovaries and testea ; and it is evident that in gynar morphs both sex hormones circulate throughout the organism, and thus reach every tissue, yet some parts 376 NOTES AND CONCLUSIONS. become specifically female and others male. Moreover, in addition to these sex hormones and hypothetical sub- stances there are the influences of environmental con- ditions which are effective in unknown ways. If, as seems manifest, there are species-types of metabolism, if these types are undoubtedly modifiable by environmental conditions, if these types give rise to corresponding species-types of metabolites, and if these metabolites have inherently the potentialities of both parents that can, as has been shown, be elicited in any one or more of the six parent-phases by the selection of the proper agent or reagent, it seems to follow, as a corollary, that corresponding properties should be mani- fested by sex-types. These statements suggest that in artificial parthenogenesis and artificial fertilization the selection of a proper agent or reagent may render it pos- sible to give rise to either sex, or before or after develop- ment has begun, to gynandromorphism. In a word, from present knowledge and indications (and all that they imply), species, parthenogenesis, fertilization, sex, sec- ondary sex characters, and sex control are problems of physical chemistry. INTERMEDJATENESS AS A CRITERION OF HYBRIDS. Whether or not intermediateness is a criterion of hy- brids depends upon the sense in which these two terms are used that is, whether or not intermediateness is to be taken as meaning mid-intermediateness, and where the line is to be drawn where dntermediateness in either a broad or a narrow sense is or is not a criterion. Some authorities, as is evident by references in the introduc- tion, look upon intermediateness in the sense of mid- intermediateness or " exact intermediateness," and upon this developmental peculiarity as being a criterion when all or nearly all of the characters of the hybrid are mid- intermediate ; but it is manifest that such a conception is not justified by literature and is untenable. Viewing intermediateness from a broad point of view that is, to include all characters which show stages of character development between those of the parents, it is an open question as to whether a character that is intermediate but exhibits almost identity with that of one parent should be classified as intermediate or as being the same as the character of the parent. Many of both the starch- reaction and the tissue characters that herein have been classified as intermediate have been so close in their development to the parent characters that it is question- able if they should not have been assigned to the charac- ters that are the same or practically the same as those of the parent. Then again, what percentage of inter- mediate characters must be intermediate to justify the application of the term criterion? Among the 1.018 starch reactions, 236 were recorded as being intermediate, while 53 were mid-intermediate. Among the 959 macro- scopic and microscopic tissue characters 415 were inter- mediate, and 160 were mill-intermediate. The differences in the figures of the starch and tissue records are prob- ably due chiefly to differences in both number and kind of material. Moreover, the percentages of characters devel- oped beyond parental extremes are very high, those in the starch reactions exceeding (nearly doubling) the per- centage in intermediate characters (40.6:23.2), and in the tissue characters being almost as high as the latter (39 : 43.2). It seems from these data that if intermedi- ateness is a criterion, development in excess and deficit of parental extremes may or should have an equal or greater degree of importance, and even a far greater value if only mid-intermediate characters are taken as the criterion. GERMPLASM A STEREOCHEMIC SYSTEM. The recognition that the germplasm is a stereochemic system that is characterized by the kinds and arrange- ments of its stereoisomers in the three dimensions of space; that it is of great complexity, impressionability, and plasticity; that it presumably possesses potentially the characters and character-phases of the parent; that the germplasms of the sexes are different, varying in plasticity, etc.; and that in normal fecundation there occurs a union of the two sex systems with interactions, rearrangements, and combinations, and therefore a new physico-chemical state is developed that possesses the potentialities of both sexes; that stereoisomerides are readily transmuted with attendant change of properties, and that the directions and propensities of the reactions are determined by peculiarities of the compounds and attendant conditions; and, finally, that we have, in a word, in the germplasm a form of protoplasm that must like all colloidal substances be studied upon the basis of physical chemistry, opens up a unique and promising field for investigation of the laws that determine organic growth, form, and function. APPLICATIONS TO THE EXPLANATIONS OF THE OC- CURRENCE OF VARIATIONS, SPORTS, FLUCTUA- TIONS AND THE GENESIS OF SPECIES. The characters of the germplasm and of protoplasm, and incidentally the extraordinary plasticity of the starch molecule, as set forth by the results of this research, seem readily to induce clear conceptions of the mechan- isms that underlie variations, sports, fluctuations, Men- delism, reversions, monstrosities, etc., and also the genesis of strains, subspecies, and species by gradual and progres- sive changes and ultimate fixation. And it also seems, from the data presented in conjunction with biological literature, that we have all of the postulates that are necessary to warrant the assumption that probably the chief method in the genesis of species is> by hybridization. SCIENTIFIC BASIS FOR CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS AND FOR THE STUDY OF PHOTO- PLASM. The discovery of the existence of highly specialized stereoisomers that arc specifically modilied in relation to genera, species, varieties, etc., has brought to light one of the most extraordinary phenomena of living matter,, and it not only gives us a strictly scientific basis for tho classification of all forms of life, but also leads us to the varying constitutions of protoplasm of the same and nf different organisms, and to the differences in vital phenomena that are dependent upon these variations. The dictum set forth in the hemoglobin investigation that "vital peculiarities may be resolved to a physico- chemical basis " has been most substantially supported, and it may be safely predicted that important and even epochal advances in the elucidation of many of the great problems of biology will be made in the near future along such or closely related lines of investigation as have been pursued in these researches. C. A-l \ 1 and 4. .\marylti* btUodtmita. 1 and 5. Hruiutrifia jatepUmr. 3. HrtintdaMtt ttHlmr alha . PLAT! t 12 7. HippraMtrum titan. X. llippra*tnm rlfonia. 9. Ilippnutrvm tttnn-rli 10 1 1 lltppnutnim 12. PLATI3 1.1 IK MATE 4 -I) 21 24 19. llirmanltiuM katkmiut. 22. Crinum moorri. 'JO. Ilirmnnlhut miittmu. 23. ('mini" crytomnim. 21. Wirman/Aw* iUniy o/irrf. 24. f'nnKM kybrvlum j. r. karrry. f. ATI m urn 'Jit. I'rtnum J7 * r,num kiraipr. rtnum bmft/a/i . fVinum PtATIt 31 mm! 34. .Ymiw rritpa. 32 and 35. \tri*r rbgatu 33. Krrimt ,ia,l* maul. 35. firrim* fm ^ raw*. . . ATI m 38 and 4 1 . .Vmne *ar* i/ M vr. ;> \. I.' \ PLATH 4.-. 4K 43 and 46. .Vmrw tarmmtit var. rartum major. 44 and 47. .Vmn rum/n/ui vmr fatkrrgiUt major. 45 and 48. .NVrtnr 0f<D> o/ aomu. HATI - M 49 mad K2. \am**n* partirta oowWiu. 90 and 53. .Vomwiu portion porlamm. A I. .Van-tun* parfmu krrrvlt. M. .Varrunu paHtnu <tmt*. PLATE 10 <iA*ut latrlln grand mm irftMtia pnrtiria nrnaluM. rrujuj portal Irtumpli. rriUKJ f/OTM MWMr/l A0. .Vonrunu pnrttru* armtfiu. 00. .VorrUnu >nv PLAT! It 61. A'orruftu IrlamiMiui fJmtu. 62. .Vorrunu partifu* anal**. 64. A'orrwnu jmnrru Mary. 66. A'orrtMiu /nrfirw pnrimv 66. A'amwiu rrnwf . KAII '7 \ BJ ab*ri*nu. > \amjjiM porfu-iu 00. .Vorruvw 7<) \ rciMu> !/' 71 \ .!. tif.ri. 7.' NiirnuiM htfiJor a I All ..I irnttut rmpnu. 74 . ,\ urn MIM alhtrnttt. 7 '. Vamnu madamt de yroaf ii .Vorrunu tetarjalr prrfrrtiim. 77 Vorrunu modame dr gnaf 78. A'omwiu pyramiu. PLAT! 14 SI 7'i \ ,-tui " NorruuruJ mmlnmr <lr grnaf . s| \ tin IIM xj \>tn-uiu Imlfit HiiitKir tiumr >ti Ir Hindi** ottnt* FLAT! 15 > K.V \arri*tia rmptrar. 88. 88. .Vamutnj triamlrta albtu. 88. 87. Kamtnuj. I. bmitftt ftt. W. . I AM ;tl /.I/IUJH martago*. 94. Mi MM lrv>/nl,tim. 92. IMtum marulnlum 05. /.i/twm mnrlnfM alhttm. 93 MIMH <iaUuaMi. 96. /./ dU *"* PLATt 17 gg 102 C I. ilium dialmlimirum. |m. /.i/n urn rnn/Mum. |O| f.i/i 90. /.l/l urn I PLAT! It 105 108 1 'i /r,. .fcrrMM. 104. Iru Irnjaoa. 105. Iru umali. 105. /rn IO7. IOH. PLATE 19 110 ft*_ 114 I in I n* crngtalli . I III /n /.I//L/.I < /u /rn <>/ may. 111. /rw dim. a/an ffirf. I IJ /ri. fmrttra vnr. yory I I : /rn itu.ljai. Ill l',.p*r.,~t Pi ATI 20 117 ll.'i (, \ lii (,/.i./i.Ju. In. I,. 117 r.7Ji.,/iMrn/.i//M 1rilia.ui 1 l' 7 ......( i r> IJII Tnlimia mrtt*m<tflan> KATI91 I VI IJ1 lirgimia *inglr mmtntt trarlri. I'/J Htgunin farolmiui. 123. Hrgm,,a mn. kral. l.'l Hfa doMt PLATIM ( HI l-'T IkqiHxH ilnulJr irktle. IJx lt-ii-">"i "rntrana. I '.* I HrpHi HI jul I u* I ill It.' HtfOHUi PtATB J3 I 1.13. MHMI arnoMuttia i:u .t/M wii'i" I.C. UuMAyArvia. I I'lkaiu* 137. /'fciiiu 138. /'* *6rW PLAT! 24 Ml III !ill,,t,,,i rrfillarut I in I/I/I..IM.I r.rr/n 141. . PtATIfft r I.V.' 147 IV I 145. Ipamaa rnrnnm. Cotyledon, (bowing Icing prtmlr, long timlriK blunt wide Inhm. with an ftnglr of 0O*hrt I Is Ipamaa fnomorlil. The name, (bowing nbort prtiolr. nhort midiib. long nairow pointed lobe*, and an nglc al I iO nrt n it *n Ioo0a. 151. Ipnmaa ilalm Tbr itamr, nhnwing mnlium U-ngih prtiolr and midrib, lobm of mrdium width and mmrwhat taprnng, and an angle of I 'JO* hrtwrrn lobm. ll>' Ipamtra ramnm. l^itrrel branch, nfxming rntirr Iravc*. 149. Ipamaa <putmnrlU. Thr nmr, nbing pinnatr Irarr*. 1 '..' Ipomaa datrn. Thr nunr, nhowing ilrrply lohrd leavM. 147. Ipamaa coenmta. Klowpr, nhowmg rnuncinl lobn. \M. lpnmaa<i<tamarltl. The mmr, (htm mg ixuntrd lobe*. 153. Ipamaa tlolrri. Thr itamr, nhtmmg olighlly |iintr<l lx-v.igrKi.il outline. Fin. 145, 148, and 151 n> .Inhtlr. but rqtully. miumi Kite*. 1 46 and 149 arr rrdurd r]ully.aod Km IS2i.fr.|,,,J morr than the fonwr. Fi|t 147. 150, and 153 arr natural aiw. PLATIM 154. Ipomm fnrm,,<i S-rimti of upprr rpiiirrniM nl tr of ntaturr Inf. .,< in numrrotM XoouU. rrcular di- UilMitioti of nloniala. t might -utallnl crIU, ind DO tail*. 155. Ipnmaa quamarlil. Thr NMIM>. nhnwinc frvrr utimuiU ; rtommU cmuprd mainly t mrw. wary-wmllrd rrlU and horl <Unti-r-likr hair* 156. Ipomm tldm. Tkr VUIM-. K.miii mnrp li>ninlji than in /. qttantarlil. but frrr Itan in /. rnmiM, modmlrljr vy--llrl rrllx. longrr hnim. and Urpr <-rll and ulnrnaU. 157. lfomo rarrtnm. Section of nanir at margin <>f Iraf. *h<iwinK prnt ulirninmi frnm marinnal rrlb 15M. Ipomm quamaetil. Thr mix-. i>hom|i flat marginal nrlln. m> pmlutirrBnrpii. 159. Ipomma ttotrrt. The n>p. nhrnrinn muillrr pmlubrranmi from mancinal rrlb. PLAT! 17 Itt) Ittt llil 101. / 182. / 183. / 164. / 1A5 / |>|irr<-|M<l<TniiiiBt |NW<>( matiirr lrf ,ovrr win. nhtnrinc l (fuamacltt. The mate. h<m ing no papilbp ovw VMM. tlalert. Thr mmr. nhowinK Miullrr papillv k vnn and that ihr (tooMU M lihlly nimxriHiii at the vrim. I ramitni. Section of r|wirntiM at bup of filamml AowUHC *lwn (UnduUr - gy Kjur OMorlit. TV MUW. *ho IIIK much kidflpr jfaathlUf -"^gft bun. Wdtn. The nunr. (bovine (UnduUr | ... PLATE lf.7 170 106. Ipomaa Mrriiwa. Trmrawnp Mvlioa ; prtiolp of malurr InJ rquidiManl f nun ihe kmina nd (hr IMP 167. Ipomaa quamaelit. The mate. 108. Ipamaailatm. The mate. 189. Ipomra rarnnra. MullirrlluUr pcntuhrnUM** ! hup of prliolr. 170. Ipomra q*amorll. The miw. 171. IpommUtm The mate. PlATItt -*v- **' ;7 177 172. luamaa rarnitni. I'lHirr rjwirrniw. limb uf rundla. 173. I porno* ,/,/ the nr 174. Ipomav tlotrri. The aamr, howinc lararr rrlln than in rithrr / rorriiw* or /. , 175. Ipamtm camera. Ixmrr rpidmnv. limb uf contlla nhciwini li(thilv mv> rrll wall* 176. Ipamao quamarltl. Thr nainr, *himinK vrr>- wavy rrll walla. 177. lpom*a floUrt. Thr ajur. ahowioc wavmrai tirtwrm that of tin- two |rrtil. PIATIM 178 1M 179 1X0 178. Ixr/iu purimraia. Trannvrnw arrtion of iMrii<l<>liiilt> at tnwMk- (bowing thirk-wallrd rrlU of two layrr* lirnralh ppidrmn* pp rulirlr. 179. Cattlrya Mouur. Thr MIIM-. -hem in* iihallctwrr rpxlcniial rrlln. rulirlr uVrp a* in /. jntrfntrvla. crib of two UVPIK bptMWth the ppKlrrniw not rkm|(ntnl ami "lily tbovp of firnt Uyrr Kvr ihirkrnml vail* 180. L*Ha-t'atUna rankamiana. Thr nanir. RbimiiiK rpwirnnal rrlln. <Wprr than thtxr in '' mtan but not quiU u <lrrp u thoar in L. nurpurato. cutirlr, drrprr than in rithrr I', moan* or /.. fiurfimlf. and two layrni brnrath tbr ppulpniiin nnt a* rloagatrd nor an thirk-wailrd an in /. fmr more rlonnUd and thirkrr wallrd than in ( '. motntr. 181 . Laiia piajmrata. Tranmrerar arctKm of In/ near aprx. abowinjc lihtly rlooKatrd crib of fin( Uyrr of tiwur at midrib, and lantr bundlr. 1K2. Caltlrya motna. TV aamr. HhowinK morr rlongatod rplln of aqurou* tiiwir and rather wnall bundlr. 1K3. Isrtin-laltlryacnnknmiann Thr unc, howin< crll> of aguroiM tiair of mmf Irnglh a in ('. bundlr than in rithrr ('. matna or L. p*rptvala. PLATI 31 V, 184 num TraMverae *ertmn of tool, abowina: vaaeular cylinder und port of Mirroumimc carles. bowing one wry rare. li|thil\ M-lrnwrd cell in cortex, narrow endndermal crib. IA phkrtn rwlrfcr*. and Untr vam. U5. CymMium rtnmnm. Thr aune. hnwinit numrrou* thirkly M-lrnMn) crib. <Wprr radodrnml orlk. I* pub*** patchf*. and umall ram. 188. CymMivm rtnmm-Una*>im. The name, nhowiaff aderoacd rrll* not a* ihiri-walM nr a* numrrmi* a* in ' rfcumnm but morr niunerou* than in ('. Itmimmvm: eadodernial rrlU runly aud-inlpnnMiiato betwrrn thr two parrnU in depth. 1 1 phhrm patrbe* and raaa in *iir hrtarrp tonv of two parrou. 187. CymMtum tmnanum Trannvrnp pction of leaf near apex, ahowmc mmparalirrlT (hallow upper rpidenna! cell*, ihort rrlln of layer beneath upper epidermi*. 188. CfwAviium fhta-itfum. The aune. ihowinR deeper upper epidermal crlU, lnng rrlU of Uyrr beneath upper epidennw. 189. Cymbvittim rMtnvo4nv-inin. The name, ahowwc deeper eptdrmial crlk than in either f (MTMMMN or C. ; crib of layer beneath upper than in either < '. latnmaim otC. PLATItt I TO '' I ".I 190. IknilriJnum hHilln! f an>" n Tramn-rmr ivrtina l mot, ntHminR fiarnnr vrUmtti und mull v**rulr r>lindr. 191. hmiirulnum natnlf. Thr wnir. nhnwing nlr vrUn rn nl VK!T vniK-iiUr rylinlrr 192. Ittnilrahium ryhrlt. The **mr. h<m iri( vrUmrn nd vmnnilar r\ Imrlrr in m ulh lirlvrrn Ihr Iwa |rrti(> 193. Itrndrnktum ftmltayaitvm . TraiMvrnr iprtioa i>f Iraf n.idway krtwra iprx and hur. howtnc <Wp larnr lowrr Fpiiirmial rrlln n<l l.irp- liundk-. 194. Dntdrolnum nnlalr. Thr mmr. !>.. inr li(hll> UrRrr iwljTm. UritP lowrr r|wirmuil rrlU. and dichlly ttundlr. 195. Itrndrotntim rybrlr TV name, nhowinc Uitil nd|e(. mullrr rpidrrawl rrlU. and mwUrr bundli- ihmn in Uwr parrot. PLATIM 197 .1*1 1'ts 198. MUlonia rrjtllana. Tram-verm- MTtum irf leaf l equal dMtanom from apr* and HMT, h>iu>( rl<>nclr<l krl. rkinfcatni tvlU l-l<m up|T i-|iHlrniu>. Inner iiviil Inimllr 197. MUlonia rasln. The mmr. chominK nmrh h<>rlrr kwl. mon> unitr nU- nl nmlnli. Inn rkifigxtrtl crlk tirbm ihr up|irr rpHlrrtnin. nnd * miiall nlmoiit rimiUr bundlr. IW. \lilii-nin Utuana Thr mmr. RlMminR krrl fairly mtrrmniulp, W unglr ( mxlnli fniriy tnlrnnniulr. rlm>- KBtml ii-\\- <>f layer hrnmlh up|n-r rpiilrrmin \>x>t in .W nrtin. oval Imrxlb- nmrly (ante u n I/ urtllaria. 19B. I'kaitu gmndijoliv* Trarwvrnr nrrtioa prliolr of malurr Icmf. kbowiiiK nmlnh Ixitxllr with upfirr and nrlorrnrhyma ohrmlhu. JOO. I'kniu* uvlltrkn. 'The amp. nhowuiK midnb hundlr with mnlinuou* rlrrrnrhyma hralh 201. /'A<niMAyfcri</u*. TV mrnr. nhcminn midrib bundlr with upprf and towrf rk-r>orriyro ahraltui. IKI! joining mrh otbrr than in /'. ymndifnliut. an appfnximalr mmn hHwtvn ihr two parmU. . A't 204 207 202. Cyprtpnlium tpiemmum. Tratwvrrw o-rtHin at Ira/ midway lietwem |ir and hair, honing iWp aqueoiM iMiur and narrow leaf at midrib region. vpnpniium nUonm. The xaror. ibowinit narmw aquroun IMMIT and wide Iraf al midnh rt-cmn .'" Cypnptdmm lalkamtniotm The moor. K>wmj( oarmwrr aquraun IMMN- and Ira/ wider al uixlril. than in eilhrr parrnt. I'ypripniium latltamutttum inrrrmm. Thr akinp, howimt aquroua IMMIT in width Ivlwrrn thr lo (urMMa, and widrr Ira/ than in nthrr parrnt. 206. <'fpripnftum iiuiynf maulri. Thr nunr. ahowinK aqurou* tiwur almoat nainr wnllh a* in C. nlUmm, but narrower Ira/ at midnb rrfpon. 207. CypripeHitim mitnu. Thr namr. nhowinK narrower aquruu* twrnir than in rithrr parml. and width of leaf hrtwrrn the two parrnt* THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. 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