BIOLOG1 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF Mrs. William H. Harrison APPLETONS' SCIENCE TEXT-BOOKS. DESCRIPTIVE BOTANY, APPLETONS' SCIENCE TEXT-BOOKS. The following works of this new series will be im- mediately issued ; others are to follow : The Elements of Chemistry. BY PROF. F. W. CLARKE, Chemist of the United States Geological Survey. The Essentials of Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. BY ROGER S. TRACY, M. D., Author of " Handbook of Sanitary Information for Householders," Sanitary Inspector of the New York City Health Department, A Compend of Geology. BY JOSEPH LE CONTE, Professor of Geology and Natural History in the University of California ; author of " Elements of Geology," etc. Elements of Zoology. BY C. F. HOLDER, Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Linnsean Society, etc. ; AND J. B. HOLDER, M. D., Curator of Zoology of American Museum of Natural History, Central Park, New York. Descriptive Botany. BY ELIZA A. YOUMANS. ' Science fct-0ohs. DESCRIPTIVE BOTANY, A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS, WITH A POPULAR FLORA. BY ELIZA A. YOUMANS, AUTHOR OF " THE FIRST BOOK OF BOTANY " ; EDITOR OF " HENSLOW's BOTANICAL CHARTS." NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, I, 3, AND 5 BOND STREET. 1889. mm; COPYRIGHT, 1885, BY D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. CONTENTS. PAGB INTRODUCTION ix DIRECTIONS FOR STUDY xix AN EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE BO- TANICAL CHARTS xxv CHAPTER FIRST. -THE LEAF. EXERCISE I. The Parts of Leaves I II. Venation 2 III. Leaf-Margins 4 IV. The Figures of Leaves 9 V. Compound Leaves 12 VI. Varieties of Compound Leaves 13 CHAPTER SECOND. ROOTS AND STEMS. VII. Roots . . . 18 VIII. Stems and their Parts 21 IX. Buds 21 X. Stem and Leaves 23 XI. Kinds of Stems 25 CHAPTER THIRD. THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. XII. Kinds of Inflorescence 29 XIII. The Parts of Flowers . . . 32 XIV. Stamens and Pistil 34 XV. Kinds of Calyx and Corolla 36 XVI. Kinds of Corolla 38 XVII. Symmetry of Flowers . 43 XVIII. Complete and Incomplete Flowers 44 253 VI CONTENTS. EXERCISE PAGE XIX. Form of the Receptacle and Insertion of Floral Organs 47 XX. Polyandrous Stamens 48 XXI. The Growing together of Stamens . . . .50 XXII. The Growing together of Carpels . . . -52 XXIII. Union of Floral Whorls with each other Calyx and Pistil 58 XXIV. The Union of Floral Whorls with each other Corolla 60 XXV. Union of Floral Whorls with each other Stamens . 61 XXVI. The Receptacle 67 XXVII. Appendages of the Receptacle 69 CHAPTER FOURTH. COMPARING AND CLASSIFYING PLANTS. XXVIII. Plant Characters and Affinities XXIX. How to begin Classification 72 76 CHAPTER FIFTH. THE MINUTE STUDY OF THE ESSENTIAL ORGANS OF PLANTS. XXX. Parts of Stamens XXXI. Number and Shape of Anther-Lobes XXXII. Dehiscence of the Anther . XXXIII. Introrse and Extrorse Anthers . ' XXXIV. Attachment of Filament to Anther XXXV. Forms of Filaments XXXVI. Structure and Forms of Pollen . XXXVII. Forms of Connective . XXXVIII. General Features of Stamens 81 82 83 84 85 87 88 89 90 CHAPTER SIXTH. THE PISTIL. XXXIX. Kinds of Style and Stigma . XL. Form and Position of Styles XLI. Pistil, Ovary, Fruit XLII. The Structure of Ovaries . XLIII. Placentation XLIV. Modes of Dehiscence . . - . XLV. Direction of Ovules and Seeds . XLVI. Parts of the Ovule . . XLVII. Kinds of Ovule ... . . . XLVIII. The Composition of Fruit . . 92 93 93 95 98 101 103 104 105 106 CONTENTS. vii EXERCISE PAGE XLIX. Parts of the Pericarp 108 L. The Classification of Fruit 109 LI. The Seed. Its Form and Structure . . . .114 LII. Parts of the Seed 115 LIII. Parts of the Body, or Kernel 117 LIV. Parts of the Embryo 119 LV. Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons . . . .121 LVI. Position of the Embryo in Seeds . . . . . 122 CHAPTER SEVENTH. FLORAL SYMMETRY, PHYLLO- TAXY, PREFLORATION, CYMOSE INFLORESCENCE. LVI I. Numerical Plan of Flowers . . ' . . . .124 LVIII. Alternation of Parts in Flowers 125 LIX. Leaf- Arrangement. Phyllotaxis 126 LX. Arrangement of Floral Leaves in the Bud. Estivation, or Prefloration 132 LXI. Cymose or Definite Inflorescence 135 CHAPTER EIGHTH. THE COMPOSITE. LXII. Parts of Flower-Heads 139 LXI II. The Florets 142 LXIV. Characters of the Composite 146 CHAPTER NINTH. THE CRUCIFERE. LXV. Characters of the Cruciferae 149 CHAPTER TENTH. THE UMBELLIFERE. LXVI. Structure of the Flowers and Fruit . . . .151 LXVII. Classification of Umbel-bearing Plants . . . .154 CHAPTER ELEVENTH. THE LABIATE. LXVII I. Characters of the Labiatse 157 CHAPTER TWELFTH.-THE CONIFERE. LXIX. Characters of the Conifers ..... 161 viii CONTENTS. EXERCISE PAGE' CHAPTER THIRTEENTH. THE ORCHIDACE.E. LXX. Characters of the Orchidacecc . . . . 167 CHAPTER FOURTEENTH. THE GRAMINE^E. LXXI. Characters of the Gramineae 171 CHAPTER FIFTEENTH. FLOWERLESS PLANTS. L.XXII. Ferns 176 LXXIII. Reproduction of Ferns 177 LXXIV. Mosses . . . . ' . . . . .180 LXXV. Fungi . . . . ' . '. ' . . .182 LXXVI. SYSTEMATIC BOTANY 185 INTRODUCTION. THE " First Book of Botany," published in 1870, was prepared as a contribution to better methods in object- teaching. It was not designed as a text-book of Botany ; but plants were chosen as objects of study, because they offer special and unequaled advantages for training in ob- servation. It provided that the whole work of the learner should be upon his specimens; that he should find out and record the plant-characters for himself, and thus get im- portant practice in self-education. But it was soon seen that, in thus cultivating the ob- serving powers, we were laying the true foundation for a jeal knowledge of Botanical Science ; and the desire was often expressed that this method of studying plants should be carried out more fully. Accordingly, the " Second Book of Botany" was prepared upon the same plan. It has, however, been found desirable, for the sake of beginners in the science who are too old for primary lessons, that the abridged contents of the " First Book " should be pre- fixed to the " Second Book," and also that completeness as a Descriptive Botany should be given to the work, by adding to it a popular Flora. In thus combining the exer- cises of the former volumes, they have not been materially changed. They provide for the direct study of all those features of plants which are used in classification, and illustrate by practical examples the use to be made of these observations in systematic botany. The ideas given in those works, concerning the value of this study in men- tal training, are therefore equally applicable here. x INTRODUCTION. By the common practice of the schools, pupils often " go through " the botanical text-books with only the most incidental attention to the real objects of study. As there is no training in observation, there can be no attempt at the exercise of the reason and judgment of the learner upon the results of observation. To attain this important end, botany must be studied in its actual objects. The characters of plants must become familiarly known by the detailed and repeated examination and accurate descrip- tion of large numbers of plants. The pupil must proceed step by step in this preliminary work digesting his ob- servations, and making the facts his own. From the be- ginning he will be engaged in comparing his observations, and reasoning upon his facts. As he extends his knowl- edge, the work of comparison and grouping calls for a higher exercise of thought. In the final classification of plants, problems of increasing complexity arise. Plants are to be placed in groups subordinate to each other, when judged by masses of resemblances, by likenesses, and differences of unequal values, which involve the exer- cise of the best powers of the mind. That the habit of systematic arrangement, in which the study of botanical classification affords so admirable a training, is equally valuable in methodizing all the re- sults of thought, is testified to as a result of his own expe- rience by that eminent authority, Mr. John Stuart Mill. He was a regular field botanist, and cultivated the subject with a view to its important mental advantages. In the second volume of his " System of Logic "Mr. Mill says : " Although the scientific arrangements of organic na- ture afford as yet the only complete example of the true principles of rational classification, whether as to the formation of groups or of series, these principles are ap- plicable to all cases in which mankind are called upon to bring the various parts of any extensive subject into men- tal co-ordination. They are as much to the point when INTRODUCTION. xi objects are to be classed for purposes of art or business, as for those of science. The proper arrangement, for example, of a code of laws, depends on the same scientific conditions as the classifications in natural history ; nor could there be a better preparatory discipline for that im- portant function than the study of the principles of a natural arrangement, not only in the abstract, but in their actual application to the class of phenomena for which they were first elaborated, and which are still the best school for learning their use." But it will be a grave mistake to suppose that these benefits can be secured by the mere use of text-books, however full and valuable the information they contain. Nor are they to be gained by the casual examination of plants, nor by the analyses of a few flowers, with the aid of keys and dictionaries, nor in the limited time usually allotted to the subject. The study must be commenced early, and pursued steadily by direct observation, until its elementary facts and principles are made familiar. It is the claim of this book that, if its method is faithfully fol- lowed, it will not only secure an actual acquaintance with an important branch of knowledge, but will enforce a mental discipline of much value in the intellectual work of life, and which is greatly needed in general education. The exercises of the volume are designed simply as guides to self-education. The pupil is told very little. From the beginning to the end he is sent to the plant to get his knowledge of the plant. The science of botany is especially available for self- culture, because its element- ary facts are so simple that their study can be commenced in early childhood, and so numerous as to sustain a pro- longed course of observation. From rudimentary and simple facts the pupil may proceed gradually to the more complex ; from observation to the truths resting upon observation, through a course of successively higher and more comprehensive exercises. Under the guidance here xii INTRODUCTION. afforded, the pupil begins his study with leaves, the least complex in structure of the organs of plants, and learns to distinguish all their external characters. At the same time he learns the precise terms by which their parts and features are denoted, and these terms become familiar by use in his written descriptions. If, in looking over the following pages, objection should be made to so many technical terms, the reply must be that without them it is impossible to gain the mental bene- fits of this method of study. The learning of words is a large part of education, but learned in the usual loose way they favor lax and careless habits of thought. To coun- teract this and give clearness to the mental operations re- quires a discipline adapted to the purpose. Vagueness in the meaning of words necessarily involves vagueness of thought and expression ; while to have clear ideas and be able to clothe them in correct language, it is necessary to know precisely what the words represent. This end can only be secured in the best manner by the objective meth- od, in which the mind is directed first to the observed facts, the specific characters, or the definite relations, so that the terms applied to them acquire fixed and accurate meanings. Careful and minute observations recorded in explicit terms make clearness of thinking and precision of language a habit of the mind. To secure this important object, descriptive botany is superior to any other study. Its terms have been slowly perfected, and are much the same in all languages. The vocabulary of botany is more copious, precise, and well-settled than that of any other natural science, and it is therefore unrivaled in the scope it affords for exercise in clear and accurate thinking, and for the best cultivation of the descriptive powers. The method of instruction developed in these pages was devised and carried into most successful practice by the Rev. J. S. Hen slow, Professor of Botany in Cambridge University, England. He had a parish at Hitchin, and INTRODUCTION. xiii resolved to try what might be done in teaching botany to the country children of the village school. His experi- ments were most interesting, and their results, which are of great value in education, were made public by Dr. J. D. Hooker, Superintendent of the Botanical Gardens at Kew, in evidence that he gave upon the subject before a parlia- mentary commission. The following passages from his testimony will give an idea of Prof. Henslow's method : Question. Have you ever turned your attention to the teaching of botany to boys in classes at school ? Answer. I have thought it might be done very easily. My ideas are drawn from the experience of my father-in- law, the late Prof. Henslow. He introduced the study of plants into the village school of his parish. His system was entirely voluntary. He enrolled the children in a class, and left them to collect plants for themselves ; but he visited his parish daily, when the children used to come up and bring the plants they had collected, so that the lessons went on all the week round. Q. Do you know in what way he taught it ? Did he illustrate it ? A. Invariably; he made it practical. He made it an objective study. The children were taught to know the plants, and to pull them to pieces ; to give their proper names to the parts; to indicate the relations of the parts to one another ; and to find out the relation of one plant to another by the knowledge thus obtained. They learned it readily and voluntarily, and were extremely interested in it and fond of it. Q. Do you happen to know whether Prof. Henslow thought that the study of botany developed the faculties of the mind that it taught these children to think ? And do you know whether he perceived any improvement in their mental faculties from that ? A. Yes ; he used to think it was the most important x i v INTRODUCTION. agent that could be employed for cultivating their facul- ties of observation, and for strengthening their reasoning powers. Q. And Prof. Henslow thought that their minds were more developed ; that they were becoming more reasoning beings, from having this study superadded to the others ? A. Most decidedly. It was also the opinion of some of the inspectors of schools, who came to visit him, that such children were in general more intelligent than those of other parishes ; and they attribute the difference to their observant and reasoning faculties being thus devel- oped. . . . Q. So that the intellectual success of this objective study was beyond question ? A. Beyond question. ... In conducting the examina- tions of medical men for the army, which I have now con- ducted for several years, and those for the East India Company's service, which I have conducted for, I think, seven years, the questions which I am in the habit of put- ting, and which are not answered by the majority of the candidates, are what would have been answered by the children in Prof. Henslow's village school. I believe the chief reason to be, that these students' observing faculties, as children, had never been trained such faculties having lain dormant with those who naturally possessed them in a high degree ; and having never been developed, by train- ing, in those who possessed them in a low degree. It thus appears that Prof. Henslow left his pupils mostly to themselves, meeting them occasionally to con- sult with them, and advise them when in doubt or diffi- culty. But he did not rely alone upon the fascination of the subject to secure his purpose. His profound knowledge of the science and his wis- dom as a teacher enabled him to devise and skillfully ar- range a series of questions, calling attention to all the points of scientific interest in the structure of flowers, and INTRODUCTION. X y the answers to which would in each case disclose the im- portant characters of the plant described. The pupils were supplied with copies of these questions schedules, as he called them and answers were found to them by ex- amining living plants. When a plant had been described in writing by answering these questions, its schedule was pinned fast to it, and it was the examination of the col- lective work of a scholar, whether by the professor or by a more advanced fellow-learner, that took the place of for- mal recitation. Left in this way to be his own teacher, and do his own thinking, the method is seen to be chiefly one of self-education. Prof. Henslow prepared no elementary book upon bot- any carrying out his method : the printed schedule he used applied only to the flower, the most complex part of the plant, and the attention of children was directed by it chiefly to those features upon which orders depend in classification. But, instead of confining the use of sched- ules to the study of the flower, I have employed them throughout the work. In the first three chapters, the pupil is provided with leaf, stem, inflorescence, and flower- schedules on which, guided by the questions, he writes down the results of his observations. All the organs of the plant, and all their important modifications, are stud- ied in this way. The presence or absence of botanical features that determine their place and rank among plants is first noted ; and, when found, they are accurately and concisely described. In Chapter IV the subject of classing plants accord- ing to their natural affinities is entered upon. From the beginning of his schedule-work the pupil has really been classing plants in a limited way and without being aware of it. But he is now led to discover that he has been all the while using the principle on which the natural method of classification is based, and that the mastery of Prof. Henslow's flower-schedule has made the grouping of xvi INTRODUCTION. plants by this method both intelligible and easy. When he has answered all its questions concerning any plant, he has possession of the facts upon which its true classifica- tion depends. The next three chapters of the book are devoted to the observation of those minute but especially important characters of plants which require the constant use of magnifying - glasses in their study. Practice with the flower-schedule in describing newly-discovered plants, and in a more searching study of familiar ones, is still con- tinued, and furnishes inexhaustible interest to the learner. The remaining chapters of this volume are accordingly given to a critical study of six of the most natural orders of plants, specimens of which everywhere abound ; and the principles of classification illustrated by these groups will prepare the pupil for a rational use of the Flora, and thereby enable him to dispense with the artificial key that usually accompanies a popular Flora. I have, said that by the common method of studying botany there is no training in observation. The text- book is read and recited in the customary class-room way; and there is only the most incidental attention to the liv- ing objects of study, and no attempt to exercise the pupil's own faculties in solving the questions they offer. Accord- ingly, when classification is attempted, an artificial key has to be resorted to, which takes the place of the actual knowledge which the learner should have. It is at this stage that the contrast in results of the two methods is most apparent. When, by following the key, a pupil seeks for the class, order, genus, etc., to which the plant in hand belongs, he does not use his own knowledge. The struct- ure of the plant is to be compared with an ideal ; but he has not the ideal, neither can he interpret structure. So he turns to the key and learns what to look for first. When he has found the part specified, he compares its appearance with the statement of the key. If this seems INTRODUCTION. xvii to agree with the structure under examination, he is di- rected what to look for next; and if there is no agree- ment, he is told what to do. The same process is repeat- ed over and over again to the end, with very little mental benefit. The key is simply an elaborate substitution of blind groping for the intelligent action of the pupil's own faculties. The scholar undertakes that for which he has had no preparation and which is beyond his ability ; and in most cases he is too worried and confused by this unintelligible process to be able, when he sees another plant of similar structure, to recognize it. The law that time is needed for the accumulation and orderly assimila- tion of observations and the acquirement of clear ideas has been neglected, and so all his after- work in descriptive botany is wasted. By the present method, however, while the pupil is studying the structure of plants, his reflective faculties are all the while taxed to decide concerning their relationships. And when all those plant-characters upon which science insists have become familiar, so that the eye at once seizes upon them, the exercise of judgment in de- termining the groups to which a plant belongs is spontane- ous and inevitable. The popular Flora contained in this work will serve as a thorough preparation for the use of complete manuals. It will acquaint the pupil with the leading orders and genera of plants, and with those representative species having the widest range, which are found everywhere, and will most help the learner in mastering the principles of classification. It has been prepared under the immediate supervision of Dr. Byron D. Halsted, Professor of Botany in the Agricultural College of Ames, Iowa, whose extended and thorough knowledge of the science is an assurance that the work is accurate and in accordance with the most advanced views of systematic botany. While the portion of botany to which this volume is devoted can not be learned from books, there is another xviii INTRODUCTION. part of this extensive science that may be more success- fully pursued by ordinary school methods of instruction. This is physiological botany. By means of diagrams and the explanations of the text, the scholar is enabled to per- ceive how and of what the parts of plants are built up, and what functions these parts perform in its history as a living being. A valuable manual on this branch of botany by an eminent authority will shortly appear in this series, which will complete the exposition of the science here begun. DIRECTIONS FOR STUDY. THE first three chapters of this book were prepared for young children, and are, therefore, very simple and rudi- mentary. But the course of observations they contain are not to be dispensed with by beginners of any age. The constant temptation of older pupils will be toward haste and inadequate observation. The danger is that plants enough will not be collected, and that the parts of such as are collected will not be studied with sufficient care. The influence of the teacher will therefore be con- stantly needed to check the too rapid passage of older pu- pils over that portion of botany included in these chapters. An excellent way to familiarize pupils with these plant- characters is for them at once to set about preserving and describing specimens of all the- varieties they collect. As good an arrangement as any for pressing plants consists of two stout boards, that will not warp or bend, between which the specimens are placed, with any con- venient weight as stones, or masses of iron, of not less than fifty or sixty pounds laid on the top. Between the plants you put layers of drying-paper. Newspapers an- swer very well for this purpose. They should be made into packets of about a dozen thicknesses, stitched togeth- er. Lay the specimens smoothly between these packets, having fastened to each of them as full a description as your studies enable you to write. Put unsized paper be- tween the parts of a specimen that overlap each other, to prevent molding and hasten drying. Be careful to dispose the plants so that they will not lie directly above each other; keep the top of the pile as level as possible, to xx DIRECTIONS FOR STUDY. equalize the pressure. The number of packets interposed will depend upon the juiciness of the plants, and must be left to your own judgment. When plants are first put in press, the papers should be changed once a day for three or four days, after which every other day will answer. When the drying packets are changed, they should not be left lying upon the floor, but should be dried upon a line stretched across the room, or in the open air. At each change of the driers, any further knowledge that has been gained concerning each specimen should be written down, and preserved with it as before. In this way all its features will be observed, and the names denoting them recalled, and by the time they are dried for mount- ing, it will be possible, by the aid of the last schedule of the chapter, to write, upon the paper holding the speci- men, an accurate scientific description of it. Let this be followed by the pressing of entire plants, after compar- ing their different organs with the examples shown in the book. The attention thus drawn to their characters will be kept alive in changing them and caring for them, and the attempt completely to describe them, when dried and mounted, will go far toward fixing in the mind ideas of the forms and structures of the various organs, and the terms needed in description. For collecting plants, you w r ill need a small trowel for digging roots, or a large, strong clasp-knife, that will serve both for digging and for cutting branches ; a strong portfolio, from sixteen to twenty inches long, and ten FIG. A. -Collector's Portfolio. or twelve inches wide, tied with tape or a strong cord. It should be made of two stout sheets of pasteboard, sepa- rated at the back (Fig. A), and will be all the better if cov- * DIRECTIONS FOR STUDY. xxi ered with enameled cloth, to protect it from moisture. This portfolio should contain a stock of thin, unsized paper, such as the poorest printing-paper, or grocer's tea-paper. It is often convenient to have a close tin box, for preserv- ing specimens, to be examined at home while fresh. Such a box, or vasculum, is shown strapped upon the collector in Fig. B. It shuts close, and has two compartments: the large one, with a door in the side, nearly as long as the box ; and a small one, two or three inches deep, with a door in the end, for receiving- small, delicate specimens of any kind. If the collector wishes to prepare an herbarium, his specimens must be gathered with great care, and pains must be taken to get average examples of each species. If possible, they should be gathered in dry weather. Herbs should be gathered when in flower and in fruit. They should be taken by the root, and, if it is not too large, this should be pressed, along with the rest, to show whether the plant is annual, biennial, or perennial. Thick roots, bulbs, tubers, and the like, should be thinned with a knife, or cut in slices, lengthwise. Buds and fruit should be obtained, as well as the expanded flower. All three may sometimes be found upon the same plant, but generally they will have to be obtained at different times, unless, in- deed, you are able to find buds, flowers, and fruit, all at once, upon plants in different stages of development. FIG. B. A Collector at Work. xxii DIRECTIONS FOR STUDY. Small herbs may be preserved entire. If the radicle leaves are withered at flowering-time, get a younger speci- men in which they are fresh. When herbs are too large for this, they may be cut in sections, or folded, or you must be content with branches and specimen-leaves taken from near the root. In the case of woody plants, one or more shoots should be taken, bearing leaves, flowers, and fruit. Both sterile and fertile flowers should be obtained from monoecious and dioecious plants. The specimens, when freshly gathered, should be laid between the sheets of the portfolio, the more delicate ones being carefully placed between sheets of drying-paper, so that, on reaching home, they can be transferred to the press without being disturbed. The folds and doublings of leaves and petals of ordinary plants, occasioned by the wind, in the open field, are easily smoothed out when putting the plants in press. MOUNTING OF SPECIMENS. When the plants are dry, the next thing is to mount them. For this purpose you will need i. Strong, heavy, white paper, larger than fools- cap ; sheets 17^- inches in length byii^ inches in width is a size, on many accounts, desirable. 2. Corrosive sub- limate, for poisoning plants, to keep off insects. 3. Glue, to fasten them upon the paper. Dissolve about an ounce of sublimate in a quart of alcohol. It should be labeled, and kept with great care, as it is very poisonous. A simple way of applying the solution is to pour a little into a large, flat platter, so as to cover the bottom, and " immerse the whole specimen for a second therein." After poisoning, the specimens are to be laid between driers, and subjected to slight pressure for twenty-four hours, when they are ready to be fastened to the paper. The flowers and tender parts of coarse, tough plants are all that need poisoning. The specimens are to be fastened to the paper with hot glue, about as thick as cream, laid on to the plants DIRECTIONS FOR STUDY. xxiii with a camel's-hair pencil. Strips of thin, gummed paper should then be fastened over the thicker parts, to' prevent their coming loose in handling. Prepare your glue in an earthen or porcelain-lined vessel, as corrosive sublimate acts on all common metals, and the brush, passing from plant to glue again and again, will be likely to produce stains if there is a trace of metal in the solution. The labeling and arranging of plants depend upon their classification. When you know the characters upon which classes are founded, have begun to consider the affinities of plants, and have studied a few natural orders, you may intelligently begin to arrange your plants in their proper order. But, before attempting this, you should be so familiar with the assemblages of characters that plants present, and with their relations to each other, that you at once see why a plant is placed here and not there in your collection. In the Flora you will find a full statement of the characters of each order, followed by those of its lead- ing genera, and of such representative species as will aid in the full comprehension of the principles involved. THE USE OF CHARTS. Many of the features of plants are so minute that they are at first difficult to find, and much is gained by consulting beforehand enlarged and colored diagrams showing the botanical characters of the various organs of plants. " Henslow's Botanical Dia- grams," published by the Science and Art Department of the English Educational Council, have a high reputation for their scientific accuracy, their completeness of illustra- tion, their judicious selection of typical specimens, and their skillful arrangement for purposes of education. Wish- ing to furnish pupils with every advantage in this study, the author induced her publishers to incur the very con- siderable expense of publishing a revised and enlarged American edition of the English Charts. In place of the nine English sheets, this set consists of six large charts in which several American plants have been substituted for xxiv DIRECTIONS FOR STUDY. species that do not occur in this country, and illustrations of the classes of flowerless plants have been added for which Prof. Henslow did not find room. In the plan of the charts, the plant is first represented of its natural size and colors ; then a magnified section of one of its flowers is given, showing the relations of the parts to each other. Separate magnified views of the different floral organs, exhibiting all the botanical charac- ters that belong to the group of which it is a type, are also represented. The charts contain nearly five hundred fig- ures colored to the life, and which represent twenty-four orders and more than forty species of plants, showing a great variety of forms and structures of leaf, stem, root, inflorescence, flower, fruit, and seed, with numerous in- cidental characters peculiar to limited groups. All these are so presented as to be readily compared and contrasted with each other. The charts are not designed to supersede the study of plants, but only to facilitate it. Their office is the same as the illustrations of the book ; but they are more perfect, and bring the pupil a step nearer to the objects themselves. Besides this special assistance in object-study, the charts will be of great value in illustrating the Flora. In fact, they are designed to present, fully and clearly, those groupings of characters upon which orders depend in classification ; while in several cases of large and diversi- fied orders the characters of leading genera are also given by typical specimens. The charts will thus be found equally valuable to the beginner, the intermediate pupil, and the advanced student. A Key accompanies the charts, and they can be used with any botanical text-books, and during the season of plants they should be upon the walls of every school-room where botany is studied. AN EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE BOTANICAL CHARTS. Seven principal references are made with a Capital Letter, to be looked for below each Illustration ; and the subordinate parts are then noted by small letters. A reference within a O implies not magnified ; ( on the left indicates a Longitudi- nal Section, and ^ above, a Transverse. p petiole. -1 limb. 1.1. ... leaflet. s stipule. f. r.... -ph.... ph. 1.. ca . . . . ca. s . . floral receptacle, perianth, leaves of. calyx, sepals. I. fl. Inflorescence (in flower). I. fr Infructescence (in fruit) CO co. p. . S corolla, petals, stamen. - p. peduncle. - p. p. pedicel. - b. bract. - b. g. j glume. - b. p. / pale, -g. r. general receptacle. s. f... s. a. . . s. c.. . -s. p.. -pi.... pi. ca. o filament, anther, connective, pollen, pistil, carpel, ovary. ./E... ./Estivation (diagram) -o. cl.. o d cell of. dissepiment. green .... sepals, red petals. o. pi. . o f placenta, funicular cord. yellow. . stamens, brown . . . carpels, blue ovules. -sty... sti . . . oo style, stigma, ovule shaded. . . adhesion of whorls. 2 oo. rh. rhaphe. XXVI EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS, Fl oo ch chalaze S . Seed. oo f foramen in. ... integument n nectary. ts.. . I testa. tg.- / tegmen. h. ... hile. Fr Fruit. m . . . . micropyle. DC pericarp. rh. . . . rhaphe. r en c epicarp. ch.... chalaze. me. . en J mesocarp*. ' endocarp ar . . . . al . arillode. albumen. ca carpel. pe. v. . . DC cl . . . valve, cell E . Embryo. f c ' U1 ' -pe.d... pe. p. . . pe. f.. dissepiment. . . . placenta, funicular cord. ca . . . CO ... r . . . . . caulicle. cotyledon. . . radicle. pe. f . a . . . . arillus. -pi.... . . plumule. CHAPTER FIRST. THE LEAF. EXERCISE I. The Parts of Leaves. GATHER a variety of leaves, and begin their study by comparing them with the pictures and statements which follow. A leaf, in its most highly-developed state, consists of three parts (Fig. i) : The flattened portion is called the FIG. i. FIG. 2. lamina, or blade ; a narrower portion, connecting the blade with the plant, is termed the petiole, or leaf-stalk (Figs. 2 and 3,^) ; and a third portion, at the base of the petiole, which is either in the form of a sheath (Fig. 2, d), BOTANY. or consists of two little leaf-like appendages, called stip- ules, shown in Fig. 3, s s, and still smaller in Fig. i. When the petiole is absent, the leaf is said to be sessile ; and if stip- ules are wanting, it is described as exstipulate. Fig. i represents a petio- late- stipulate leaf that is, a fully-developed or complete leaf. When, as in Fig. 4, the sheath-like leaf-stem, g, ends above, at the base of the blade, /, in a little membranous appendage, lig., we call this body a ligule. It is a very common sort of stipule. Gather leaves of all kinds, from the grass and herbs underfoot, from bushes, shrubs, and trees, and find and name the parts that compose each one of them. Say whether they are sessile or petiolate, and whether they are stipulate or exstipulate. FIG. 3. FIG. 4. EXERCISE II. Venation. The lines, fine and coarse, that are seen running through the blades of leaves, are called veins j and the various ways in which they are distributed are spoken of generally as the venation of the leaf. When there is but one large central vein, reaching from the base to the apex of the blade, and giving off branches from its sides, it is called a midrib (Fig. i). When there are several large veins which thus cross the blade, as seen in Figs. 5 and 6, they are called simply ribs. Branches from the rifes are known in botanical de- scription as veins, and the smallest of these lines which THE LEAF. FIG. 5. FIG. 6. branch off from the veins are known as veinlets. Point out the ribs, veins, and veinlets in all the leaves you have that exhibit them distinctly. Now, when you hold a leaf between your eye and the light, and observe these veinlets uniting with one another in such a way as to form a kind of irregular net-work, you have in hand a reticulated or net-veined leaf (Figs, i and 6). If, on the contrary, the leaf you are examining has veins more or less parallel to one another, or to the edge of the leaf (Figs. 7 and 8), and if they are connected by unbranched veinlets, they are termed parallel-veined leaves. There is a further observation to be made concerning the venation of net-veined leaves. When, as in Fig. 9 or Fig. i, the midrib gives FIG. 7. FIG. 8- BOTANY. FIG. ii. FIG. 10. off veins right and left from its sides, it is said to be feather-veined, or pinnately veined. But when the petiole divides, at or near the base of the blade, into sever- al diverging ribs (Fig. 5), the leaf is said to be radiate, or palmate- veined. If the ribs of a net-veined leaf con- verge toward the apex, as in Fig. 7, it forms that variety of vena- tion known as ribbed. Figs. 10 and n represent parallel-veined leaves, in which the veins take the direction seen in feather- veined and palmate -veined leaves. But in this case there is no net-work of veinlets, and so they are not net-veined. You will find many such leaves connected by unbranched veinlets. Remember that it is by the absence of this irregular network that you may know parallel-veined leaves. See Fig. 38. Determine, in regard to all the leaves you can find, whether they are net-veined or parallel-veined ; and whether the net-veined ones are feather-veined or pal- mate-veined. EXERCISE III. Leaf-Margins. When the edge or margin of a leaf is smooth and even, it is said to be entire (Fig. 7). When the margin is un- even, with sharp teeth pointing toward the apex like the teeth of a saw, the leaf is said to be serrate (Fig. 12) ; if the teeth point toward the base, it is retroserrate ; if they are themselves serrate, as shown in Fig. 13, , they are said to be biserrate. When minutely serrate, they are termed serrulate. THE LEAF. 5 When the teeth are sharp, without pointing in any par- ticular direction, they form a dentate margin (Fig. 5) ; or, FIG. 12. FIG. 13. FIG. 14. when again similarly toothed, the margin is bidentate (Fig. i&c)- When the teeth are rounded (Fig. n), the margin is crenate j if twice rounded, as in Fig. 13, a, it is bicrenate. FIG. 15. FIG. 16. FIG. 17. Margins like the one shown in Fig. 14 are said to be crisped, or curled. When like Fig 15, they are said to be wavy, or undulated. 6 BOTANY. When the incisions of a leaf-margin are much deeper than these, reaching half-way to the midrib or petiole, the divisions of the blade so formed are called lobes (Figs. 1 6, 17), and the spaces between the lobes are called sinuses, or fissures. If the blade be divided nearly to the base or midrib (Fig. 1 8), the partings are termed partitions, and the leaf v* partite; if it is divided quite to the base, or midrib, the FIG. 20. FIG. 18. FIG. 19. parts are called segments, and the leaf is said to be dissect- ed (Fig. 19). When the basal lobes, partitions, or seg- ments of a palmate leaf are themselves again divided, so that the whole resembles a bird's foot, the leaf is said to be pedatifid, pedatipartite, or pedatisected, according to the depth of the divisions. Fig. 20 represents a pedatipartite leaf. In describing such incised leaves, they are said to be bifid, two-lobed ; trifid, three-lobed, etc. ; or bipartite, tri- partite ; bisected, trisected, etc., according to the number of lobes, partitions, or segments. Another way of describ- ing them depends upon the venation. If the leaf is feather- veined, it is said to be pinnatifid, pinnatipartite, or pin- natisected, etc. When palmate-veined leaves are deeply THE LEAF. 7 incised, we describe them similarly as palmatifid, palma- tipartite, palmatisected. When the terminal lobe of a leaf is large and round, with smaller lateral lobes, the leaf is lyrate (Fig. 21). When the lateral lobes have their points directed toward the base of the blade, as in Fig. 22, the leaf is said to be ruminate. APICES. When the apex of a leaf-blade is rounded, as in Fig. 31, it is said to be obtuse or blunt; when ob- tuse, with a broad, shallow notch in the middle, it is refuse. If this notch is sharp, as in Fig. 23, it is emar- ginate. When a blade ends abruptly, as if it had been cut FIG. 23. FIG. 21. FIG. 22. across, it is said to be truncate ; if the truncated edge is ragged and irregular, as if it had been bitten off, the leaf is said to be prcemorse. Fig. 24 shows an acute, or sharp-pointed apex, while Fig. 27 is acuminate, or taper- pointed. When a blade ends with a rigid point, it is cuspidate. 8 BOTANY, If a blunt apex have a short point standing on it, it is said to be mucronate (Fig. 29). Before going on to study the figures of leaves, it is very important that the pupil should be able to answer FIG. 24. FIG. 25. FIG. 26. FIG. 27. FIG. 30. FIG. 31. FIG. 32. FIG. 33. accurately the questions, What parts has a leaf ? what is its venation? what its margin? and what its apex? concern- ing any and every leaf. They should be answered ex- plicitly in writing. A description of each leaf to this extent should be written and pinned upon the specimen, and the collection offered for criticism to the teacher, or, what is better, to a fellow-pupil. NOTE. The schedule-forms for describing leaf, stem, and inflores- cence are here omitted because they occupy too much space ; but they may be found given in full in the " First Book of Botany." THE LEAF. EXERCISE IV. The Figures of Leaves. When the blades of feather-veined leaves are unequally developed on the two sides of the midrib, they are said to be oblique (Figs. 24, 25). When narrow and of nearly the same breadth at base and apex, with parallel margins, the leaf is linear (Fig. 26) ; and if ending in a sharp, rigid point, it is acerose, or needle-shaped (Fig. 28). When very narrow, and tapering from the base to a fine point, it is subulate, or awl-shaped. When broadest at the center, and three or more times as long as broad, tapering both ways, it is lanceolate (Fig. 27). When longer than broad, and slightly acute at base and apex, it is oval, or elliptical (Fig. 34). If obtuse at base and apex, as in Fig. 31, it is oblong. When a leaf is broader at the rounded base than at the apex, as in Fig. 32, it is ovate, or egg- shaped. If of the same figure, but broad- er at apex, it is obovate (Fig. 33). Fig. FIG. FIG. 35. FIG. 36. 29 shows a cuneate or wedge-shaped leaf. It is broad and abrupt-pointed at apex, and tapers toward the base. Fig. 35 shows a spatulate leaf, with its broad, rounded apex, and its sudden tapering at the base, Cordate or heart-shaped leaves (Fig. 30) have an acute apex, with their broad, round base hollowed out into two iobes. Wlien this form is reversed, as in Fig. 36, we have IO BOTANY. FIG. 37. FIG. 38. FIG. 39. an obcordate or inversely heart-shaped leaf. When a cor- date base is joined with a rounded apex (Fig. 37), the leaf FIG. 40. FIG. 42. is reniform or kidney -shaped. Fig. 38 shows a sagittale or arrow-shaped leaf. It has an acute apex, and long, pointed basal lobes. THE LEAF. II Hastate Sagittate Lanceolate Subulate-- Cordate Reniform Ovate FIG. 43 A. FIG. 43 B. Obcordate Obovate- Oblanceolate Spatulate FIG. 43 c. The outline shown in Fig. 39 represents a hastate or halberd- shaped leaf, with its horizontally extend- ing basal lobes. In Fig. 40 these lobes are seen separated from the blade. This is an auriculate or hastate- aurided leaf. The form shown in Fig. 41 is orbicular. It is also spoken of as a peltate leaf, because the petiole is inserted on the lower face of the blade, instead of at the base. Fig. 42 represents a rounded or sub-rotund leaf. A further help in determining the figure of leaves will be found by comparing them with the outlines shown in the above diagrams, Figs. 43 A, 43 B, 43 c, 43 D. When none of the terms given correctly describe a leaf, Acicular Linear Oblong Oval Elliptical Rotundate - Orbicular FIG. 43 D. 12 BOTANY. we can often easily and very nearly approach correctness by combining two of them, as ovate-lanceolate, linear- lance- olate, cordate-ovate, roundish-ovate, etc. Facility and correctness of leaf - description depend upon practice. If the scholar will add the question, Fig- ure? to the other questions of Ex. Ill, and answer them all faithfully in writing, according to his best judgment, con- cerning every leaf he finds, he will soon have command of this portion of descriptive botany. EXERCISE V. Compound Leaves. The leaves you have been describing have only one blade, and are therefore called simple leaves ; but there are hosts of leaves, resembling Fig. 44, which, you see, Leaflet. Rachis. ._ ^-Petiolule. Petiole. Stipules. FIG. 45. FIG. 44. has several blades. A leaf with more than one blade is a compound leaf, and each of its blades is called a leaflet. Gather all the compound leaves you can find and compare them with Fig. 44. Point out and name their parts. Some compound leaves have no rachis, but the leaflets all grow out from the top of the petiole (Fig. 45). These two kinds of compound leaves correspond to the two THE LEAF. 13 kinds of venation of simple leaves you have been studying. Pinnately-lobed leaves pass by slight gradations first into pinnately-sected, and finally into pinnately - compound leaves. And, in the same way, palmately-compound leaves are formed. It requires a good deal of observation to de- cide correctly in all cases between deeply-divided leaves and compound leaves. If the green matter of the blade reaches around the framework as far as the midrib, and is continued along it, however slightly, the leaf is simple ; or if in palmate-veined leaves the green matter is contin- ued about the summit of the petiole, the leaf is divided and not compound. Leaflets are often jointed to the rachis or petiole. Gather all the compound leaves you can find, point out and name their parts, and say whether they are pinnate or palmate. If pinnate, say how many pairs of leaflets they have. The leaflets of compound leaves present the same dif- ferences of margin, apex, base, incision, and outline, as the blades of simple leaves, and the same terms are used in describing them. A scientific description of a compound leaf would require that the kind of leaf should be named, and its leaflets described as if they were the blades of sim- ple leaves. EXERCISE VI. Varieties of Compound Leaves. Pinnately-compound leaves may have their leaflets in one, two, three, or many pairs. They may end with an odd leaflet, as in Fig. 46, when they are said to be unequally pinnate, or like Fig. 47, which is said to be abruptly or equally pinnate. If the rachis end in a tendril (Fig. 48) it is said to be a cirrous leaf. When they resemble Fig. 49, they 'are said to be interruptedly pinnate, and lyrately pin- nate when they resemble Fig. 50. When the leaflets of a pinnate leaf themselves become pinnate, as seen in Fig. 51, the leaf is said to be bipinnate. A further continuation of BOTANY. FIG. 47- FIG. 46. FIG. 49. FIG. FIG. 48. FIG. si. THE LEAF. the process gives the appearance seen in Fig. 52, which is said to be tripinnate. Palmately compound leaves are said to be binate, two- fingered^ or bifoliate, when two leaflets spring from a com- FIG. 52. FIG. mon point (Fig. 53) ; ternate or trifoliate if they have three leaflets similarly placed (Fig. 54) ; quadrinate, four-fin- FIG. 55. FIG. 56. gered, or quadrifoliate, when like Fig. 55 ; quinate, or five- fingered (Fig. 45) ; septenate, or seven-fingered (Fig. 56) ; 16 BOTANY. and multifoliate if there are more than seven leaflets (Fig. 57). When the leaflets of a compound leaf are arranged in a pedate manner, they are described as pedate leaves. When the leaflets of palmately-compound leaves become FIG. 57. FIG. 58. themselves compound, the same prefixes are used as in the case of pinnately-compound leaves. Fig. 58 is a biternate leaf. When stipules grow to the petiole, as shown in Fig. 44, they are said to be adnate ; when like Fig. 46, they are described as thorny ; when they are large and leaf-like, as seen in Fig. 48, they are said to be foliar stipules. If they grow around the stem, they are said to be sheathing; and when thin and colorless, they are described as membra- nous. Observe, also, whether the petiole is long or short, stiff or limber, round, half-round, channeled, flattened, etc. De- scribe the color of the two surfaces of the leaves, and state also whether the surface is smooth, shiny, hairy, woolly, silky, or the like. To describe a leaf with scientific precision requires that you should answer the following questions : Is it sim- ple or compound ? petiolate or sessile ? stipulate or ex- stipulate ? What venation, margin, and figure has it ? If compound, name the variety. Give the features of both petiole and stipules when they are present, and mention THE LEAF. also the color and surface aspect. Or these questions may take the form of a schedule, by placing them in a column at the left side of the paper, with space at the right for giving the answers to these questions in regard to any leaf you are describing. Thus : SCHEDULE FIFST, FOR SIMPLE LEAVES. Parts ? Venation ? Margin ? Base? Apex? Lobes ? Shape ? Petiole ? Color ? Surface ? SCHEDULE SECOND, FOR COMPOUND LEAVES. Parts ? No. Leaflets ? Kind? Variety ? Continue to make written descriptions of all kinds of leaves, until you are so familiar with their features, and the precise words needed to describe them, that you can make an accurate, prompt, and complete oral description of any specimen that comes to hand. CHAPTER SECOND. ROOTS AND STEMS. EXERCISE VII. Roots. WHEN you are gathering plants, you will observe their roots. There are two classes of roots that are easily dis- tinguished. Try to decide, in each case, in which one of these classes the root in hand should be placed. Figs. 59 and 60 are examples of these two different classes. In Fig. FIG. 60. FIG. 59. 60 a mass of fibers grows downward from the base of the stem. Roots which grow in this fashion are called fibrous roots. But when you find a root which seems like a ROOTS AND STEMS. 19 continuation of the stem, as in Fig. 59, it is a tap-root. Tap-roots are often branching, as in Fig. 59, but many FIG. 63. FIG. 61. FIG. 62. common plants have smooth tap-roots, as shown in Fig. 6 1, which is known as a conical root. FIG. 64. FIG. 65. 20 BOTANY. Some of the common varieties of tap-root are easily recognized. Fusiform or spindle-shaped roots, like Fig. 62, and napiform or turnip-shaped roots, like Fig. 63, are familiar to every one. In the case of fibrous roots, we have seen (Fig. 60) that the stem divides at once at its base into a mass of slender branches or rootlets. These fibers often become enlarged, and, when the swellings take the form seen in FIG. 66. FIG. 67. Fig. 64, the root is said to be tuberculated, and each en- largement is called a tubercule. Sometimes these tuber- cules resemble the human hand (see Fig. 65), when they are said to be palmated tubercules. When a number of tubercules arise from a common point, the root is said to '^fasciculated (Fig. 66). When the fibers have numerous small swellings or nodules (Fig. 67), the root is nodulose. ROOTS AND STEMS. 2 l EXERCISE VIII. Stems and their Parts. Pull up any herb which has a distinct stem and com- pare the stem with the root. Herbs are plants having stems that die down to the surface of the ground every year. If the root dies as well as the stem, the plant is called an annual ; but if it lives and sends up a flowering stem the second year, and then dies, it is a biennial / while, if the root lives on from year to year and only the stem dies, the plant is perennial. Observe the parts growing from the stem. What is at the top ? at the end of each branch ? Do you find the same structures at the tips of the roots ? Name all the differ- ences you can find between the stem and root. Com- pare an herb with Fig. 59, where the stem (/) is repre- sented as giving off leaves (ff) in a regular manner. Look at several branching stems, to find if the branches are put forth regularly. Is there any regularity in the growth of roots ? Observe, in Fig. 59, that the angle made by the leaf with the stem contains a bud, b. What do you find in this angle in living plants ? Botanists call this angle a leaf-axil, and its bud an axillary bud. Buds at the free end of stems and branches are called terminal buds. The points on a stem at which leaves are given off are called nodes, and the spaces between the nodes are internodes. Point out the nodes, internodes, axillary buds, and ter- minal bud of the main stem (primary stem) of as many plants as you can gather. Point out the same parts upon the secondary stems or branches. EXERCISE IX. Buds. The time to study winter buds is in early spring. Choose a swollen bud and observe well its outer covering. 22 BOTANY. Is it membranous ? waxy ? gummy ? lined with down, wool, or dense hairs ? or is it varnished on the outside ? Why should these parts of winter buds be called protective cover- ings ? Are summer-formed buds naked or protected ? Can you find the young leaves within these outer bud-scales ? The way in which these tiny leaves are folded, rolled, and arranged in the bud is called vernation. To study verna- tion, look for buds that are just opening, where the young leaves still keep the shape they had when packed in the bud. If you have a magnifying-glass, you will find it use- ful now. The modes of folding and rolling are named as follows : When a leaf is folded so that the apex comes near the base, as shown in the diagram (Fig. 68), it is said to be reclinate, or inflexed ; when it is folded at the mid- rib, and the margins of the right and left half come to- gether (Fig. 69), the leaf is conduplicate ; when the leaf is plaited like a fan (Fig. 70), it \* plicate. Or a leaf may be rolled from apex to base (Fig. 71), when it is said to be circinate ; or, from one margin to the other, in a single FIG. 68. FIG. 69. FIG. 70. FIG. 71. FIG. 72. coil, convolute, as Fig. 72 ; or, the two margins may both be rolled inward on the upper surface of the leaf, toward the midrib, involute (Fig. 74). When they are rolled simi- larly on the under surface (Fig. 73), the form is revoluie. Leaves are always arranged in the bud either in a val- vate or imbricate manner. The best way to study their arrangement is to cut off the top of the bud with a sharp knife and look down on the cut edges, which will show, not only whether the leaves are imbricate or valvate, but other peculiarities they may exhibit. ROOTS AND STEMS. 23 The arrangement is valvate when the edges of adjacent leaves barely touch each other (Fig. 75). It is imbricate when the edges of the leaves overlap each other (Figs. 76, 77). When involute leaves are applied together in a circle, without overlapping (Fig. 78), they are said to be condupli* FIG. 73 . FIG. FIG, 75. FIG. 76. FIG. FIG. 78. FIG. 79. FIG. 80. FIG. 81. cate. When conduplicate leaves overlap each other at the base (Figs. 79, 80), they are called equitant. When a con- volute leaf incloses another which is rolled up in a like manner (Fig. 81), the arrangement is supervolutc. EXERCISE X. Stem and Leaves. The point at which, and the mode by which, a leaf is at- tached to the stem is called its insertion. The first grown leaves (Fig. 82) are called cotyledons (c c), and the next, primordial leaves (Fig. 82, dd). Leaves are called radical when they arise at or near the surface of the ground, and cau- line when they grow from a stem with developed internodes. The small leaves upon flower-stalks are called bracts. When a leaf is enlarged at its base and clasps the stem, it is amplexicaul, or clasping (Fig. 83). When it forms a complete sheath, as seen in Fig. 84, it is sheathing. 3 BOTANY. FIG. 82. FIG. 83. FIG. 84. FIG. 86. FIG. 85. FIG. 87. FIG. 88. FIG. 89. ROOTS AND STEMS. 25 A decurrent leaf is formed when the blade is prolonged down the sides of the stem (Fig. 85). When the basal lobes of a leaf project beyond the stem and unite, as shown in Fig. 86, it is perfoliate. When opposite leaves unite by their bases, as in Fig. 87, they are called connate FIG. 90. FIG. 91. leaves. When only one leaf arises from a node, and the leaves grow alternately on different sides of the stem (Fig. 88), they are described as alternate. If there are two op- posite leaves at each node, and the successive pairs are placed at right angles to each other, they are said to de- cussate (Fig. 89). If there are three or more leaves at a node (Fig. 90), they form a whorl / and when all the leaves of a branch grow close together (Fig. 91), they are said to be tufted, or fascicled. EXERCISE XI. Kinds of Stems. Stems that have a firm texture can sustain themselves in -an upright position, but weak stems must either trail along the ground or attach themselves to other plants or objects for support. If they trail on the ground, they are said to be prostrate (Fig. 94). If they lift themselves by tendrils or other means, they are described as climbing (Fig. 92) ; and if they grow upward by twisting round other bodies, as shown in Fig. 93, they are said to be twining. The stem of an herb is named a caulis ; that of a tree, a trunk ; that of grasses, a culm, and that of tree-ferns 2O BOTANY. and palms, a caudex. Among irregular stems the most common are runners^ like Fig. 94, which gives off from the main stem a prostrate branch, a', that sends out FIG. 93 FIG. 94. leaves, r, and roots, /, so producing a new plant which extends itself in like manner. There is another prostrate stem which creeps along the ground, or partly beneath it, and produces buds from its upper surface and roots from its lower. This form of stem is k I called a rhizome (Fig. 95), where b shows the remains of the flow- ering stem of the present year, b' terminal bud, cc scars of for- mer flowering stems, r roots. FIG. 95. Another form of rhizome is ROOTS AND STEMS. FIG. 96. FIG. 98. FIG. 97. FIG. 99. FIG. 100. FIG. 101. 28 BOTANY. shown (Fig. 96), which grows wholly underground, and is spoken of as a creeping root. ' Of underground stems the tuber (Fig. 97) is a familiar example. The presence of buds, or " eyes," as they are vulgarly called, proves their stem-like nature. The bulb (Figs. 98, 99) is a kind of underground bud which gives off roots from below and a flowering stem above. In both figures you see the shortened stem a, roots b, scales <:, flowering stem d. Buds are formed in the axils of these scaly leaves. This scaly bulb has no cover- ing, and is called a naked bulb, to distinguish it from the coated or tunicated\wNQ shown in section (Fig. 100), where the scales inclose one another in a concentric manner, and have an outer membranous covering. The corm is a solid bulb, which produces one or more buds in the form of young corms (Fig. 101, a'"). In answering the questions of Schedule Third, say, as to the kind of stem, whether it is annual, biennial, or peren- nial ; whether it is erect, climbing, twining, or prostrate. If the latter, is it a runner or creeper ? or, if an under- ground stem, is it a rhizome, tuber, bulb, or corm ? Is the leaf-insertion radical or cauline ? Is the leaf-arrangement alternate, opposite, or whorled ? By turning to the FLORA, you will see that all the species there described are SCHEDULE THIRD, PERTAINING TO STEMS. chiefly known from each other by the features of leaf and stem that you have been studying ; and these differences are stated in the precise terms you have been using in schedule-work. Do not go on to study flowers till all these terms are fa- miliar. Kind of stem ? Leaf-insertion ? Leaf-arrangement. Vernation ? CHAPTER THIRD. THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER, EXERCISE XII. Kinds of Inflorescence. THE way flowers are placed upon plants is called their inflorescence. When only one flower grows upon a stem, the inflorescence is solitary ; but if several flowers grow from the same stem, it is clustered. The stem of a solitary flower or of a flow- er-cluster is called a pedun- cle. The top of the pedun- cle, from which several flow- ers start together, is called the receptacle. A rounded cluster of flowers, sessile up- on the receptacle, is called a head (Fig. 102). When, instead of a re- ceptacle, the peduncle is pro- longed, as shown in Figs. 103, 104, the portion that bears flowers is called the FIG. 102 rachis. Fig. 103 represents a cluster of flowers that are sessile upon the rachis ; / is the peduncle ; b l>, bracts ; fl, flowers. Any cluster of flowers sessile upon a rachis is described as a spike. But if the flowers grow upon short stems BOTANY. FIG. 108. FIG. IOQ. THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. of nearly equal length, as in Fig. 104, it is called a raceme. The flower-stems that grow from a rachis, or from the top of a peduncle, are called pedicels. A spadix is a spike with a thick rachis covered around by a large leaf called a spathe (Fig. 105). . A spike with sessile bracts among its flowers is called an ament or catkin. It grows on trees and shrubs, and drops off when mature (Fig. 106). When you find clus- ters of nearly sessile flowers in the axils of op- posite leaves, they form a glomerule. When from the top of the peduncle there is given off a number of pedicels of nearly equal length, arranged like the ribs of an umbrella (Fig. 107), the cluster is an umbel. When you look only at the top of a corymb (Fig. 108) it resembles an umbel, but its pedicels are of greatly unequal length (compare Figs. 108 and 107). A compound umbel has a small umbel, called an um- dellet, upon each pedicel (Fig. 109). In the same way, each of the pedicels of a corymb may bear a corymb, in which case we have a compound corymb (Fig. no). A compound raceme is formed of secondary racemes in a similar manner. When spreading, it is called a panicle. FIG. no. BOTANY. Pistil. Stamens. EXERCISE XIII. The Parts of Flowers. We now enter upon the study of flowers. There are a great many different kinds of flowers to be examined and compared, even in one small neighborhood. Each one of the specimens you find must be carefully observed and described. An accurate description requires that you should study each part by itself, and note down concern- ing it all the important particulars you can discover. But before you can do this you must know what parts a flower consists of, and what par- ticulars about these parts are important. To learn the names of these parts, then, must be your first object. Com- pare real flowers with Fig. in, which represents a flower pulled apart so that its main divisions may be fully seen. Begin with the outer leaves of a flower, and compare them with the lower circle of leaves in the diagram, and find the name of this circle. Do the same for the next circle, and so on, to the center of your specimen. Repeat this process with different flowers till you are able, at once, to point out and name the four divisions of com- mon flowers. The outer circle of green flower-leaves is named the calyx. The inner circle of delicately colored flower-leaves is named the corolla. When both circles have the same Receptacle. FIG. in. THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. 33 color, they take the name si perianth (see Fig. in). Next inside the corolla come the stamens, and within these the pistil. If there is but one circle of flower-leaves it is called Sepal. Sepal. Sepal. FIG. 112. FIG. 113. Sepal. Sepal. a calyx, whatever its color. Point out and name the differ- ent circles that compose each of the flowers you have gath- ered. But each of these flower-circles is made up of parts of the greatest importance in the study of plants, and these parts must be found and named. Each leaf of a calyx is called a sepal (Figs. 112, 113). Each leaf of a corolla is called a petal. When these circles form a perianth, its parts are called leaves. Before finding any more parts to name, you may be- gin to note down and number the parts already found. FIG. 114. FIG. 115. Prepare several flower -schedules like Schedule Fourth. The first point to be looked for and written down con- cerning a calyx or a corolla is the number of sepals OT 34 BOTANY. of petals that compose it, as you see has been done for the flowers represented in Figs. 114, 115. When you have done this, pin the schedule to the stem of the flower it describes, so that your observations can be seen and, if need be, corrected by your teacher or a fellow-learner. SCHEDULE FOURTH, DESCRIBING FlG. 114. Names of Parts. No. Calyx ? Sepals. 5 Corolla ? i Petals. 5 SCHEDULE FIFTH, DESCRIBING FlG. 115. Names of Parts. No. Perianth ? Leaves. 6 SCHEDULE SIXTH, DESCRIBING FlG. 115. Names of Parts. No. Perianth ? Leaves. 6 Stamens ? 6 Filament. Anther. Pistil ? Carpels. 3 Style. Stigma. EXERCISE XIV. Stamens and Pistil. Prepare new flower- schedules, long enough to make room for the names of the parts of the stamens and pistil of flowers, as shown in Schedule Sixth. Begin the study of these parts with large, well-devel- THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. 35 oped flowers. Meadow-lilies are good examples. Sta- mens differ very much in form and proportions in different species of plants, but usually they consist of three parts, shown in Fig. 116. Find the filament and anther in your living specimens. Observe whether any of the anthers are shedding their pollen. As soon as you know just what parts of stamens are meant by these words, write them down in the third place of your sched- ule under " stamens." Count the stamens (when there are less than twelve) in each of your flowers, and write the number opposite, as you see done in the book. If a flower have more than twelve stamens, make the symbol oo, which means many. As soon as you can point out and name the parts of stamens, begin the study of the pistil. Its parts are shown --Stigma. -Style. Ovary. FIG. 117. FIG. 119. Four Carpels. in Figs. 117, 118, 119, The ovary is at the bottom; the stigma at the top ; and the style in the middle. If you cut across the swollen ovary, you will find it full of little round bodies that will grow and become seeds. Watch the ovary as flowers fade and disappear ; look for old, faded flowers, and in them examine it. But you are not to write '" ovary " in the schedule, for the ovary is made up of parts which you are to find, if you can, and count, and put down their 36 BOTANY. number in the schedule. These parts are called carpels (Figs. 118, 119). So, after the word "pistil" put carpels, then style, and then stigma. The carpels shown in Figs. 1 1 8, 119 are from old ripe ovaries, and may be easily counted. You can count them in Fig. 117, by the grooves down the side, showing where they have grown together. Sometimes they are not grown together at all, and so can be easily counted. If the parts of the ovary are grown smoothly together, count the styles ; and if these, too, are united, count the lobes of the stigma. Or you may cut across the ovary, as shown in Fig. 119, and count the cham- bers or cells it contains, each of which is a carpel. Count the carpels in the ovary of a lily, and compare the result with the figure giving the number of carpels in Schedule Sixth. EXERCISE XV. Kinds of Calyx and Corolla. Fig. 1 20 represents a calyx in which the sepals are all separate from each other, while in Fig. 121 a flower is shown in which the sepals are all grown together. You will find flowers that differ in this way, and many in which the sepals are partly joined and partly distinct. FIG. 120. Polysepalous Calyx. FIG. 121. Gamosepalous Calyx. When the sepals of a calyx are distinct from each other, so that each one can be pulled off separately, the calyx is said to be polysepalous. A gamosepalous calyx has its sepals grown together by THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. 37 their edges, so that, if you pull one, the whole calyx comes off. When the petals of a corolla are distinct from each other, so that one can be pulled off without disturbing the rest, it is a polypetalous corolla, as shown in Fig. 122, where pp are the distinct petals. When the petals of a corolla are more or less grown together, so that if FIG. 122. Pclypetalous Corolla. you pull one the whole corolla comes off, it is a gamopetalous corolla (Fig. I2 3)- When the leaves of a perianth are entirely separate from each other, it is described as poly- phyl'lous ; while, if they are grown together by their edges, however slightly, they are gamophyl' lous. Take time carefully to compare the flower-envelopes of your specimens with these pictures and definitions. You can count the petals of gamopetalous corollas, when other ways fail, by observing their marks of union. Be cautious about calling a corolla polypetalous until you have examined several specimens of the same kind of flower. Above all things, do not guess. If you can not decide the point, consult with fellow-learners about it. Another important feature of flowers is their regularity. A regular calyx, corolla, or perianth, has all its parts of the same size and shape (Figs. 114, 115). 38 BOTANY. An. Irregular calyx, corolla, or perianth, has some of its parts unlike the others in size or form (Figs. 129, 131). The same terms used to describe leaves are applied to the sepals and petals of flowers. Sepals are said to be erect when turned up ; reflexed, when turned down ; con- nivent, when turned inward ; and divergent, when they spread outwafdly. Separate the regular flowers of your collection from those that are irregular. Describe the flower-leaves. EXERCISE XVI. Kinds of Corolla. Gather as many different kinds of flowers as you can find before you begin with this exercise, that you may have living examples of many kinds of corolla. Of course, as your observation extends, you will, all the while, be finding new forms. A petal is made up of parts, as shown in Figs. 124, 125. The limb is the thin, broad, upper part of a petal. The claw is the part that is joined to the receptacle. Sometimes it is stem-like. Look over the flowers you have gathered, and put by themselves polypetalous ones, and in another place the gamopetalous ones. Again ex- amine the polypetalous division, and put the regular flow- ers together, leaving the irregular ones till these are looked over. Now, there are three kinds of regular polypetalous co- rollas. The first is like Fig. 122. It has four petals grow- ing in the shape of a cross, and so is called a cruciform Limb. -Claw. -- v^iaw. \i FIG. 124. THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. 39 FIG. 126. FIG. 127. corolla. When a corolla has five petals, having each a long, slender claw, as shown in Fig. 126,0, and a spreading limb (/), it is caryophylld ceous (Fig. 127). A rosaceous corolla is shown, Fig. 128. Here there are five petals with spreading limb, but the claw is short. A liliaceous perianth has six leaves, bending away, as seen in Fig. 115. Among irregular polypetalous corollas the most impor- tant is the papilionaceous (Fig. 129), where c is calyx ; a, wings ; car, keel. The large petal, called the banner (b), is the upper one next the stem ; the two side ones (a) are called wings, and the lower one (car) the keel, from its boat- shape. Other forms of irregular polypetalous corollas are said to be anomalous. When you have decided to which of these kinds your polypetalous corollas belong, turn to the gamopetalous specimens and separate them, the regu- lar from the irregular. There are certain parts of a gamopetalous corolla that vary in size and form in different flowers, and that are shown in Figs. 130, 131. The union of the petals forms the tube of a gamopeta- lous corolla. Any portion beyond this, where the petals are not united, is the limb or border. The opening into the tube is the throat. 30TANY. , or Limb. Throat. - , ^ FIG. 131. Fie. 134. FIG. 132. FIG. 135. FIG. 136. The kinds of regular gamopetalous corollas are tubular (Fig. 132), in which the border spreads little or none ; THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. 41 urceolate (Fig. 133) when the tube is swollen in the mid- dle and has a narrow opening. Rotate (Fig. 134) repre- sents a rotate or wheel-shaped corolla, with short tube and flat, spreading border. Fig. 135 represents a bell- shaped, or campan'ulate corolla. Salver-form corollas (Fig. 136) have a long, narrow tube, with the border at right angles to it. A funnel-shaped corolla resembles a funnel (Fig. 123). In the second column of the flower-schedule you have given the number of sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels of a flower, and now another wide column must be added where further observations may be written, as shown in Schedule Seventh, where the calyx and corolla are described ; but the stamens and pistil await more careful study. SCHEDULE SEVENTH, DESCRIBING FIG. 122. Names of Parts. No. Description. Calyx ? Polysepalous, regular. Sepals. 4 Oval. Corolla ? Cruciform. Petals. 4 Claw, long. Limb, spreading. Stamens ? 6 Anther. Filament. Pollen. Pistil ? BOTANY. Irregular gamopetalous corollas are labiate when the limb divides so as to resemble a pair of lips. They are of two kinds : personate, with the throat closed ; and rin- a. Personate. b. Ringent. FIG. 137. Labiate Corollas. \ FIG. 138. FIG. 139. FIG. 141. gent, with the throat open (Fig. 137, a, b}. A ligulate or strap-shaped corolla is one that seems to be formed by the splitting of the tube on one side (Fig. 138). THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. 43 Other forms of irregular gamopetalous corollas may be described as anomalous. A strange aspect is often given to a corolla by a crown or corona, and by spurs and scales. SCALES. On the inner surface of the petals of many flowers, scales, and hair-like processes of various kinds, are often seen. Figs. 139, 140 are examples. Sometimes these scales become more or less united, and form a cup-shaped part, as shown in Fig. 141. This FIG. 142. FIG. 143. is called a corona, and the corolla is said to be crowned. A petal may grow outward, so as to form a bag or sac (Fig. 143) ; it is then termed saccate. Sometimes this growth is prolonged into a spur. All of the petals in Fig. 142 are seen to be spurred. A nectary is a little gland containing sweet liquid, on the claw of a petal. EXERCISE XVII. Symmetry of Flowers. Look carefully at the pictures and explanations of this exercise. Count the sepals in Fig. 144. Count the petals and stamens. Observe the two-lobed stigma of the pistil, which shows the number of carpels. Has each of the 44 BOTANY. floral circles the same number of parts ? Then it is a sym- metrical flower. Any flower that has the same number of parts in each of its circles is symmetrical ; and even if some of the circles have just twice, or three or four times, as many as others, it is still symmetrical. Count the parts FIG. 144. Binary Symmetry. FIG. 145. Ternary Symmetry. FIG. 146. Quaternary Symmetry. FIG. 147. Quinary Symmetry. in the floral circles of Fig. 145. Is this flower symmetri- cal ? Does Fig. 146 represent a symmetrical flower? 147? These kinds of symmetry are described as binary, tern- ary, qtiaternary, and quinary. Examine the flowers you have collected and discover, if you can, the symmetrical ones, naming the symmetry they show. EXERCISE XVIII. Complete and Incomplete Flowers. A complete flower consists of calyx, corolla, stamens, and pistil. If any one or more of these flower-circles is absent, the flower is incomplete. THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. 45 If you have the botanical charts, look at the magnified flowers represented on them, and point out the symmetri- cal ones. Find also examples of complete and incomplete flowers. The stamens and pistil of flowers have been called essential organs, because seeds can not be formed without their presence. As the calyx and corolla cover and nour- ish these, they have taken the name of protecting organs. When the protecting organs are both present in a flower, it is said to be dichlamyd' eous. When there is only a calyx, it is monochlamyd' eous. If both calyx and corolla are absent, it is achlamyd' eous, or naked. A perfect flower (Fig. 148) has both the essen- tial organs ; while, if one of these be absent, it is imperfect (Figs. 149, 150) ; and, if both are wanting, it is said to be FIG. 148. FIG. 149. FIG. 150. A Perfect Flower. Imperfect Flowers. neutral. A staminate flower has no pistil. A pistillate flower has no stamens. Staminate flowers (Fig. 149) are said to be sterile, because they do not produce seed. They are also spoken of as male flowers. Pistillate flowers are said to be fertile, because they may bear seed. They are also called female flowers (Fig. 150). A perfect flower is indicated thus, . A staminate, sterile, or male flower, thus, $ . A pistillate, fertile, or female flower, thus, $ . BOTANY. When both staminate and pistillate flowers grow upon the same plant (Fig. 151), it is said to be monoecious. When staminate and pistillate flowers grow upon sep- arate plants (Figs. 153 and 154), such plants are said to be FIG. 3152. Pistillate Flower, from Catkin (Fig. 153). FIG. 151. A Monoecious Planf. FIG. 153. Female Catkin of a Dioecious Plant. di&cious. Fig. 152 represents a pistillate flower from the female catkin (Fig. 153). Fig. 155 represents a staminate flower from the male catkin (Fig. 154). These catkins grow upon different trees ; so the willow from which they were taken is dioecious. THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. 47 When staminate, pistillate, and perfect flowers are all found upon the same plant, it is polygamous. When you have filled out a schedule with the descrip- tion of a flower, ask yourself the following questions about it, and answer them, if you can, in writing, at the back of the schedule : Is this flower symmetrical or unsymmetrical ? Is it complete or incomplete ? Is it dichlamydeous, monochla- FIG. 155. Staminate Flower, from Catkin (Fig. 154). FIG. 154, Male Catkin of a Dioecious Plant. FIG. 156. mydeous, or achlamydeous ? Is it perfect or imperfect ? Did it grow upon a monoecious, dioecious, or polygamous plant ? EXERCISE XIX. Form of the Receptacle and Insertion of Floral Organs. INSERTION. In botanical language, organs are said to be inserted at the place from which they seem to grow. For instance, in Fig. 156 it will be seen that the pistil is inserted upon, or seems to grow from, the receptacle ; the stamens are inserted upon the corolla ; the corolla is in- 4 4 8 BOTANY. serted upon the receptacle, and the calyx also is inserted upon the receptacle. Look at the magnified flowers shown in section on Chart i, and point out the receptacle in each case. Are all these receptacles alike in form ? State, in regard to each flower, where the pistil is inserted ; where the sta- mens ; where the corolla ; and where the calyx. Which floral whorl in each flower occupies most space upon the receptacle ? Are these flowers perfect ? Are they com- plete ? Are they symmetrical ? Repeat these observations upon the magnified flowers shown in section in Chart 2 ; in Charts 3, 4, 5, 6. Make a longitudinal section of each of your living flowers, and look for the insertion of the floral organs. If you sometimes fail to discover it, do not be discouraged. It will not, of course, be as clearly visible as it is shown to be on the chart. Try again. Make frequent attempts, as failure is often due to lack of experience. EXERCISE XX. Polyandrous Stamens. We now return to the study of the flower at the point where it was left in Schedule Seventh. The third column of this schedule, you remember, is the place where you wrote whether the parts of floral whorls are grown together or not. You have studied the calyx and corolla to learn whether their parts are grown together. If the sepals are not grown together, you say the calyx is polysepalous ; and, if they are grown together, you say it is gamosepalous. So, also, when the petals of the corolla are distinct, you say the corolla is polypetalous ; and, when grown together, gamopetalous. Gather all the flowers you can find, and observe the stamens to see if they are grown together. Put aside all that are in the least grown together. THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. 49 Now look at the flowers with distinct stamens, and put by themselves all that have more than twelve. A flower with more than twelve distinct stamens is said to have its stamens indefinite. They are definite when there is a fixed number not above twelve. Separate those with indefinite stamens, and label them polyandrous (from poly, many, and andria, stamens), which means many distinct stamens. Now examine the flowers with definite stamens, and label each one with the name that, in the following table, FIG. 157. Didynamous Stamens. FIG. 158. Tetradynamous Stamens. is placed opposite its number of stamens. The Greek numeral prefix denotes the number of distinct stamens : Mon-androus one stamen. Di-androus two stamens. Tri-androus three stamens. Tetr-androus four stamens. Pent-androus five stamens. Hex-androus six stamens. Hept-androus seven stamens. Oct-androus eight stamens. Enne-androus nine stamens. Dec-androus ten stamens. Dodec-androus twelve sta- mens. Poly-androus more than twelve. BOTANY. Like the word polyandrous, these terms apply only to distinct stamens ; at the same time they have the impor- tant advantage of giving the precise number. But, if a tetrandrous flower has two stamens long and two short (Fig. 157), it is said to be didynamous j and, if an hexandrous flower has four stamens long, and two short (Fig. 158), it is said to be tetradynamous. These words, applied to the stamens of a flower, give at the same time their number, the fact that they are dis- tinct, and the proportion of long to short ones. Can you find upon the charts any flowers with tetra- dynamous stamens ? Have any of them didynamous sta- mens? EXERCISE XXL The Growing together of Stamens. Having disposed of all your flowers with distinct sta- mens, next examine those with united stamens. First observe whether they have grown together by their filaments, or by their anthers. All those having their anthers united, wheth- er into a tube, around the pistil, or in any other way, may be put together and la- beled syngenesious (Figs. 160 and 161). FIG. 159. Syngenesious Stamens. FIG. 160. FIG. 161. Synganesious Stamens. Syngenesious Stamens. THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. 51 Fig. 159 shows this tube laid open. Those that have grown together by their filaments have to be further studied. Are all the filaments grown together in one bundle ? If so, the stamens are monadelphous (Fig. 162). FIG. 162. Monadelphous Stamens. FIG. 163. Diadelphous Stamens. FIG. 164. Tri- or Polyadelphous Stamens. FIG. 165. Polyadelphous Are they grown together in two bundles ? Then they are diadelphous (Fig. 163). Are they in three or more bundles ? Then we say they are polyadelphous (Figs. 164 and 165). Fig. 164 has one bundle cut away. The number and length of the hard words in this exer- cise may discourage pupils, but by use they will become familiar, and they will then greatly help the process of description. 52 BOTANY. Collect all the plants in the neighborhood, from garden, road-side, fields, and woods, and, in describing their sta- mens, you will become well acquainted with all the neces- sary terms. EXERCISE XXII. The Growing together of Carpels. You have been accustomed to counting the carpels of flowers, and you are now to find whether or not they are grown together. All such as are not grown to- gether at all you may label apocar- pous (Fig. 1 66). Those that are grown together, whether slightly at the base of the ovary or through the whole length FlG l66> of the pistil, you label syncarpous Apocarpous Pistil. (FigS. 167, l68). Find all the apocarpous ovaries pictured upon the charts. All the syncarpous ones. Find also the apocarpous ovaries in your collection of flowers. The syncarpous ones. For this exercise, faded flowers, and even those that have lost their floral leaves, will serve better than such as are fresh. COHESION. In botany this word is used for the grow- ing together of parts with their fellows, as of petals with petals, carpels with carpels. Figs. 173 and 177 illustrate this. Professor Henslow, the author of the flower-schedule we are using, places the word cohesion above the third column, and devotes it to observations upon the cohesion of parts in flowers. Fig. 169 represents half a buttercup. It has been sliced down through the middle, making what is called a vertical section of the flower, that you may see the struct- THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. 53 lire of the stamens and pistil. This flower is used here because of its simplicity, its parts being all quite distinct from each other. It is without cohesion, and, in describ- FIG. 167. Syncarpous Pistil. FIG. 168. Syncarpous Pistil. ing it, you have to use terms which apply to distinct stamens and carpels. The learner will, of course, provide himself with a real flower, and fill out a schedule from his own examination of it. The buttercup is easily found, for it grows almost everywhere, and blossoms throughout the summer. I must FIG. 169. insist that the pupil be not content with simply looking over the description in the book. The example is given, not as a substitute for the pupil's own effort, but as a 54 BOTANY. means of testing his observations ; of letting him know whether his own way of carrying out the schedule descrip- tion is the correct one. Any lack of confidence he may feel in beginning a new process will disappear when he sees that his observations and statements agree with the printed ones. A schedule or two thus employed, when he is beginning to use new terms, will assist him in gaining self-reliance. Schedule Eighth, describing Fig. 169, gives this ar- rangement : SCHEDULE EIGHTH. Organs. No. Cohesion. Calyx ? Sepals. 5 Polysepalous. Corolla ? Petals. 5 Polypetalous. Stamens ? 00 Polyandrous. Pistil ? Carpels. 00 Apocarpous. Questions upon the Buttercup {Fig. 169) and Schedule. Is there cohesion in the calyx ? What word in the schedule expresses this ? Is there cohesion in the corolla ? How is this stated in the schedule ? Are the stamens definite or indefinite ? Are they grown to each other ? What word in the schedule answers this question ? Dp the carpels cohere ? How is this expressed ? THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. 55 Questions reviewing the subject of Cohesion in the Parts of a Flower. What is meant by cohesion in botany ? How do you describe a calyx with no cohesion (Fig. FIG. 170. Polysepalous, no cohesion. FIG. 171. Gamosepalous, coherent. 170)? A corolla (Fig. 172)? Stamens (Exercise XX)? Pistil (Fig. 176)? When the sepals are coherent, how do you describe the calyx (Fig. 171) ? The corolla (Fig. 173) ? FIG. 172. Polypetalous, no cohesion. FIG. 173. Gamopetalous, coherent. When stamens cohere by their anthers, what word do you use in describing them (Figs. 159, 160, 161) ? When, by their filaments in one bundle, what word is used (Fig. 162) ? BOTANY. In two bundles (Fig. 163) ? In three or more bundles (Figs. 164 and 165) ? How do you describe a coherent pistil (Fig. 177) ? FIG. 175. Triadelphous, Stamens coherent. FIG. 174. Polyandrous, Stamens not coherent. FIG. 176. Apocarpous, no cohesion. FlG. 177. Syncarpous, coherent. There are a few common flowers found everywhere in the country, in which there is no cohesion ; but, in most flowers, the parts of some of the floral circles will be found more or less united. Figs. 178, 179, and 180 represent the flower of the Saint - John's - wort. Fig. 179 is a vertical section of the flower, and Fig. 180 one Fic.~i 7 8. of the bundles of stamens. THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. 57 FIG. 179. Schedule Ninth, describing Fig. 178, is an example where cohesion of stamens and pistil is described. SCHEDULE NINTH. Organs. No. Cohesion. Calyx ? Sepals. 5 Polysepalous. Corolla ? Petals. 5 Polypetalous. Stamens ? CO Tri- or Polyadelphous. Pistil ? Carpels. 3 Syncarpous. By turning to page 63 you will see that another column is there added to the schedule. After three more exer- cises, which introduce new observa- tions and new terms, this addition be- comes necessary. Your attention is called to it now, to give urgency to the advice that you make diligent use FIG. 180. 5 g BOTANY. of the present schedule in describing all kinds and degrees of cohesion in all sorts of flowers. If you do this, when the time comes to add this fourth column, your mind will be free to attend to the new features that belong to it. The terms expressing cohesion being familiar, there will be no confusion of thought, and you will enter upon the new observations with ease and pleasure. EXERCISE XXIII. Union of Floral Whorls with each other Calyx and Pistil. In your study of pistils, did you always find the calyx at the base of the ovary ? Have you ever seen upon the apex of ripened fruit the withered calyx, or the scar left by its fall ? Point out upon the charts all the cases where the calyx is below the ovary. FIG. 181. Inferior Calyx. Superior Ovary. FIG. 182. FIG. 183. Superior Calyx. Inferior Ovary. THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. 59 Point to those where the calyx is above it. Is the calyx in all the pictures upon the chart either at the base or at the apex of the ovary ? For this exercise select flowers that have their parts so well developed that you can see distinctly where each organ is inserted. Take, for example, the morning-glory, and observe whether the calyx arises below the ovary or not. If you find it is inserted below the ovary, label it calyx below, or inferior (Fig. 181), and lay it aside. If the calyx is inserted above the ovary, label it calyx above, or superior (Fig. 182). Of course, if the calyx is below the ovary, or inferior, the ovary will be above the calyx, or superior ; and, when the calyx is superior, the ovary will be inferior. Examine all your flowers in the same way, giving each its proper label. If some specimens have the calyx in- serted neither at the bottom nor at the top of the ovary, but somewhere along its side (Fig. 184), you describe these as having the calyx half inferior, and the ovary half superior. These words, in- ferior and superior, came into use before the facts about this matter were under- stood. We now know that when the calyx seems to be inserted at the top of , CalyXi ha if inferior, the ovary, it is really inserted on the re- Ovary, half superior. ceptacle, and has its tube grown to the ovary. The true expression is "calyx adherent to ovary," in place of calyx superior ; and " calyx free from ovary," in place of calyx inferior. But the words superior and inferior are in general use, and so are retained in schedule description. 6o BOTANY. EXERCISE XXIV. The Union of Floral Whorls with each other. There is, perhaps, no part of the study of plant-forms that will tax your patience as much as the subject of this exercise. Try first to determine the insertion of the corolla. Compare the arrangement of parts in each of your flowers with that shown in Fig. 185, and, when you find the corolla insert- ed below the ova- ry, and free from the calyx, label the specimen corolla, hypogynous. Examine the remainder of your flowers, and, when you find one with the corolla insert- ed, as shown in Fig. 186, say corolla upon the calyx, or perigynous. How is the corolla inserted in Fig. 187? Point out upon the charts instances where the corolla has a similar insertion. Look at the flowers not yet described, and, if you find cases where the corolla is inserted upon the ovary, describe them as epigynous, from nt runs directly into the base of the connective (Figs. 239, 240, and 244). ADNATE. Anthers are adnate, or dorsifixed, when the filament runs up the back of the anther, joining the con- nective in such a way that the anther is hung in front of it (Figs. 241 and 242). VERSATILE. If the filament is attached by a slender apex to the middle of the anther, the ends of which swing 86 BOTANY. freely up and down, the attachment is said to be versatile (Fig. 243). The modes of attachment, pictured and named above, FIG. 239. Innate. shade into each other, so that, in practice, it is often diffi- cult to determine them. The versatile passes into the ad- FIG. 244. Basifixed. FIG. 245. Dorsifixed. FIG. 246. Apsifixed. FIG. 243. Versatile. nate, and the adnate into the innate, and a nice exercise of judgment is sometimes needed in describing this feature of flowers. THE ESSENTIAL ORGANS OF PLANTS. 87 Find these several modes of attachment on the charts. Determine and describe the mode of attachment in each of your living specimens. EXERCISE XXXV. .Forms of Filaments. FILIFORM filaments are thread-like, as the name de- notes, but strong enough to support the anther (Fig. 2 39)- SUBULATE filaments taper like an awl (Fig. 247). CAPILLARY filaments are hair-like, and too slender to support the anther (Fig. 248). DILATED filaments are flattened out like Fig. 249. PETALOID filaments resemble petals in form, and bear the anther at the summit, as seen in Figs. 250 and 251. FIG. 247. Subulate. FIG. 248, Capillary FIG. 249. Dilated. FIG. 253. Bidentate. BIDENTATE, or BICUSPID, filaments are toothed at the summit or at the base, as seen in Figs. 252 and 253. Find examples of the several kinds of filaments upon the charts. Describe the different forms of filaments in your collection of plants. 88 BOTANY. EXERCISE XXXVI. Structure and Forms of Pollen. The pollen-grain is generally composed of two mem- branes, or coats, filled with a thick liquid substance con- taining minute grains, which is its essential portion. The outer coat is frequently marked with bands, lines, and FIG. FIG. 255. FIG. 256. grooves, or covered with bristling points (Fig. 254). The inner coat is very thin, and swells when wet. If you moisten pollen-grains, you may often see, with a micro- scope, the expanded inner coat protruding through open- ings in the outer coat. EXTINE. The outer coat of a pollen-grain, usually with openings, or very thin in certain places (Figs. 254 and 255). - Fovilla. Intine Exline. FIG. 257. FIG. 258. Pollinia. FIG. 260. INTINE. The inner coat of a pollen-grain, very thin, tough, and elastic, often seen protruding through holes in the extine (Figs. 255 and 256). THE ESSENTIAL ORGANS OF PLANTS. 89 FOVILLA. The rich protoplasmic liquid contained within the intine (Fig. 257). POLLINIA. Pollen-grains cohering in masses. In Fig. 258 they are in pairs, and are furnished with stalk-like processes ; but in some plants they are single, and without a stalk. Pollen-grains display a great variety of shapes. Besides the round and oblong (Figs. 259 and 260), you will find them angular, lobed, and joined together in various ways (compound pollen) by threes, fours, and even larger num- bers. Look at the various forms of pollen pictured upon the charts. Examine the pollen of flowers with your magnifying- glass, and note the shape of the grains, and the kind of surface they present. Observe the moistened pollen of various plants under the microscope. EXERCISE XXXVII. Forms of Connective. APPENDICULAR. When the connective, ex- tending above or below the anther, takes the form of a feather, or a lengthened point, or FIG. 261. FIG. 262. FIG. 263. Appendicular. FIG. 264. FIG. 265. Connective, widened. 9 o BOTANY. a fleshy mass, or spur-like appendages, or stipules (Figs. 261, 262, and 263), it is said to be appendicular. When one lobe of an anther is abortive, or suppressed, the anther is said to be dimidiate. Fig. 266 represents a dimidiate anther and a connective developed into arms, so that the lobes are entirely disconnected. Observe the abortive anther-lobe of Fig. 266. The entire stamen, as well as each of its parts, is liable to suppression, abortion, Anther jj or imperfect development. The symmetry of flow- ers is often destroyed in f.. connective, this way. In some plants the non - development of organs that exist in the ru- -Fiiament. dimentary state is a con- stant character, and should be regarded in describing FIG. 266. Dimidiate. them. Observe the figures on the chart which illustrate these forms of connective. Look over the flowers of your col- lections, and in future describe the form of connective when you can distinguish it. EXERCISE XXXVIII. General Features of Stamens. EXSERTED. Stamens are said to be exserted when they extend beyond the corolla (Fig. 267). INCLUDED. When the stamens are not as long as the corolla, they are said to be included (Fig. 268). The entire whorl of stamens is called the andrcecium. When the filament is wanting, the anther is described as sessile. When the anther is wanting, the stamen is said to be sterile. THE ESSENTIAL ORGANS OF PLANTS. 9 1 FIG. 268. Converging stamens are said to be connivent. In observing and describing sta- FIG. 267. mens, the following questions will be found useful by calling attention to the several characters pointed out in the present chap- ter : Parts ? Number of anther-lobes ? Shape of anther- lobes ? Attachment of filament and anther? Facing? Form of filament ? Form of pollen ? ive ? General features. Form of connect- CHAPTER SIXTH. THE PISTIL. EXERCISE XXXIX. Kinds of Style and Stigma. FIG. 273. Trifid. FIG. 270. Sessile and Lateral. FIG. 271. Bifid. FIG. 272. Tiifid. FIG. 276, Lobsd. FIG. 274. Scrolled FIG. 275. GLbosa. NAME the kinds of stigma shown on the chart. THE PISTIL. 93 EXERCISE XL. Form and Position of Style FIG. 277. Sigmoid. FIG. 278. Lateral. FIG. 279. Basal. FIG. 280. Terminal. The shapes of styles may be named by the same words as the shapes of filaments. Observe, in faded flowers and young fruit, whether the styles are persistent or deciduous. EXERCISE XLI. Pistil, Ovary, Fruit. It will be convenient to apply the following names to certain distinctions among pistils with which pupils are now familiar : A COMPOUND PISTIL (Fig. 281) consists of several united carpels is syncarpous. FIG. 281. A Compound Pistil. FIG. 282. A Simple Pistil. A SIMPLE PISTIL (Fig. 282) consists of only a single carpel, and is, of course, apocarpous. 94 BOTANY. FIG. 283. Multiple Pistil. FIG. 284. Multiple Pistil. A MULTIPLE PISTIL (Figs. 283 and 284) consists of several distinct carpels is also apocarpous. Pluck from the pea or bean vine pods of different ages and com- pare them. The soft, small bodies in the young pods are called ovules. The ripe, full-grown con- tents of the mature pod are seeds. Pod and con- tents form the fruit. The fruit of a plant is its rip- ened ovary. Find the ovules of unripe apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. Count the carpels in all the ovaries you examine. Look among dry pea or bean pods for those that have begun to open. Examine the edges of the separate parts. DEHIS'CENCE is the self-opening of an ovary at ma- turity. A SUTURE is the line along which dehiscence occurs (Figs. 31.7, 319). VENTRAL SUTURE the inner suture of a carpel looking toward the center of the flower. In the pea and bean it is the suture along which the ovules are attached (Fig. 314). DORSAL SUTURE the outer suture. Besides dehiscent ovaries, which open of themselves, find indehiscent ones. DISSEP'IMENTS the partitions between the cells of syn- carpous ovaries (Figs. 291-318). PARIETES the walls of the ovary. Axis the central part of an ovary. In compound ovaries it is where the ventral sutures join together. Find the axis in Figs. 291-318. THE PISTIL. 95 VALVES the parts into which carpels separate by de- hiscence (Fig. 319). PLACENTA the cord along the ventral suture to which ovules are attached. Point out and name the various kinds of pistil shown upon the charts. EXERCISE XLII. The Structure of Ovaries. Whether a pistil is simple, multiple, or compound, each carpel may be looked upon as a single leaf. The simple pistil of the pea, for instance, may be regarded as the blade of a leaf folded at the midrib, so that its inner por- tion answers to the upper face of a leaf, and its outer por- tion to the under face. Its dorsal suture will correspond to the midrib, and its ventral suture to the margin of the leaf. To make this plainer, take any strong oblong leaf (Fig. 285), and fashion it into a carpel, like the pea-pod, taking the upper part of the leaf for the inner part of the carpel. Fold in the margins slightly to represent the placentae (Fig. 286). If the fold will not stay in place, take a stitch or two along it with a needle and thread. Now fold it together at the midrib (Fig. 287), and compare it with a pea-pod. Find the valves ; the dorsal and ventral por- tions ; the stigma ; the base. Gather old, faded pea-blossoms, in which the ovary is somewhat enlarged, and observe that the ventral suture is turned inward ; that is, it lies along the central line, or axis, of the flower. It is along this axis, then, that the double placentas are formed. Observe the position of the dorsal suture, or back of the pod. It is important to bear in mind that, in the case of the simple pistil, the ovules are attached centrally along the axis of the flower. Roughly to imitate a multiple pistil, you have only to bind together, by their petioles, several leaf-blades that 6 9 BOTANY. have been converted into carpels, as above. Observe the placentation of any multiple pistil, and you will invariably find that the placenta of each carpel is central in the same way that, in the artificial one, you have made the margins of your carpellary leaves turn inward, and the midribs outward. After thus preparing simple and multiple pistils from foliage leaves, let us try to construct a compound pistil from leaf-blades. If we can do this, it will give us a clear understanding of the structure of syncarpous ovaries. Form, from foliage leaves, an artificial ovary of three coherent carpels. A three-celled compound pistil consists FIG. 285. FIG. 286. FIG. 287. of three carpellary leaves grown together. It is as if, by pressing together the carpels of your multiple pistil, they should unite by their sides. To make an artificial com- pound pistil, then, you have only to select three large, sym- metrical foliage leaves, and pin or stitch them together in such a way that their margins will meet in the center, and their under surfaces will form its outer wall. If you can THE PISTIL. 97 not get leaves of firm texture that will hold a pin or a stitch without tearing, try lining them with some thin cloth or paper. Fold each of the leaves at the midrib, with the upper surface inward, as seen in Fig. 288. Fasten the left half of one leaf-blade to the right half of another, so that FIG. 289. FIG. 288. the united portions will form a double wall between the cells, and the six edges will meet together at the center, as represented in Fig. 289. Your aim being simply to understand how, and from what, each part of a compound pistil is formed, you need not care for the clumsiness or shapelessness of your manu- factured ovary. Point out its cells. Its dissepiments. Explain why they are double. Point out the dorsal and ventral suture of each carpel of your syncarpous structure. Where should you look for ovules in this pistil ? Prepare a compound ovary by joining three leaves at their margins, as seen in Fig. 290. In what part of an ovary so formed are the leaf-margins ? In what part of the ovary would you look for the ovules ? The theory that the pistils are made from leaves is important, because 9 8 BOTANY. it gives clear ideas of the varied and complex characters of ovaries ; and these characters are of the greatest value in classification. EXERCISE XLIII. Placentation. After studying the structure of ovaries, as explained in Ex. XLII, the following definitions will be easily un- derstood : PLACENTATION. The arrangement of placentas is called placentation. To determine the mode of placentation of a plant, slice its ovary across, and compare its appearance with the FIG. 291. FIG. 292. FIG. 293. FIG. 294. following figures. The formation and arrangement of pla- centae are so various, that we have given an unusual num- ber of drawings to illustrate the definitions. FIG. 296. FIG. 295. AXILLARY PLACENTATION. When the ovules are found along the central line, or axis of the pistil, the pla- THE PISTIL. 99 centation is called axillary, or axile (Figs. 291, 292, 293, 2 94, 295). FREE-CENTRAL PLACENTATION. When the dissepi- ments, or double partitions between the cells, are absent, leaving the placentae and ovules at the center, and all the FIG. 300. FIG. 299. FIG. 298. FIG. 302. FIG. 301. cells opening into one chamber, the placentation is said to \>z free-central (Figs. 296, 297, 298, 299). PARIETAL PLACENTATION is seen when the placentae are attached to the walls, or projections from the walls, of the ovary, as is illustrated in Figs. 300-307. FIG. 303. FIG. 304. FIG. 305. FIG. 306. FALSE DISSEPIMENTS. It will be well to know that, in many ovaries, there are partitions not formed in the way described in Ex. XLII. The following are instances of what are known as false dissepiments : Observe in Fig. 308 a partition going inward from the 100 BOTANY. dorsal suture, and nearly reaching the center of the seed- vessel. Fig. 309 shows a similar false partition not quite so much extended. Fig. 310 is a section across the middle of an ovary, and Fig. 311 is a section across the upper part of the same FIG. 307. FIG. 308. FIG. 309. ovary. The partitions that appear in one and are not seen in the other must be false they can not be formed by the sides of adjacent carpels. In Fig. 312 the placentae are parietal, but a membrane is formed, reaching across the ovary, and forming a false FIG. 310. FIG. 311. FIG. 312. dissepiment. These false dissepiments, you see, are de- veloped, in some cases, from the dorsal suture ; in others, from the placentae. It may sometimes be difficult to decide between true and false dissepiments ; but, as your knowledge of plants THE PISTIL. IOI increases, the different members of the same group will often be found to afford transitional characters that make evident what otherwise would be uncertain. Observe and name all the forms of placentae seen upon the charts. EXERCISE XLIV. Modes of Dehiscence. To understand the modes of dehiscence pictured in this exercise, you have only to prepare a three-celled com- pound ovary, as directed in Ex. XLII, observing the place of the dorsal and ventral sutures, the relations of the valves, and that the partitions are double. REGULAR OR VALVULAR DEHISCENCE occurs when the ovary separates into the regular pieces called valves. Dehiscence is SEPTICIDAL when the ovary splits through the partitions, each dissepiment separating into its two layers, one belonging to each carpel (Figs. 313, 314, and 315), Dehiscence is LOCULICIDAL when the splitting opens into the cells by the dorsal suture, as seen in the dia- FIG. 313. FIG. 314. FIG. 315. gram 316 and in Fig. 317, which represents the ovary of a violet, where the carpels flatten out as soon as they are released from each other. 102 BOTANY. Dehiscence is SEPTIFRAGAL where the valves fall away, leaving the dissepiments behind attached to the axis (Figs. 318 and 319). FIG. 316. FIG. 317. FIG. 318. IRREGULAR DEHISCENCE. Seeds are sometimes dis- charged through chinks, or pores (porous dehiscence) (Fig. 320), or the ovary may burst in some part irregularly. Name the modes of dehiscence given on the charts. Now compare the capsules in your collec- tion with the figures and definitions given in this exercise, and deter- FlG. 319- FIG. mine, if you can, the mode of dehiscence of each of them. How would you produce loculicidal dehiscence in the compound ovary you have made with leaves, as directed in the opening of this exercise ? How septicidal ? How septifragal ? THE PISTIL. 103 EXERCISE XLV. Direction of Ovules and Seeds. Ovules have a horizontal direction when they are nei- ther turned upward nor downward, as in Figs. 321 and 322. They are ascending when rising obliquely upward, as in Fig. 323. Ovules are said to be ^ FIG. 321. FIG. 322. erect when rising upright from the base of the cell (Fig. 324). They are suspended when hanging perpendicularly FIG. FIG. 326. from the summit of the cell (Fig. 325). They are /^~ FIG. 33 1 - FIG. 332. Inverted, or Anatropous. Half-inverted, or Amphitropous. until the base of the nucleus is at the apex of the ovule (Fig. 33i). In the HALF-INVERTED, or AMPHITROPOUS OVULE, the funiculus only lengthens till the ovule turns a quarter of the way over, as in Fig. 332. 106 BOTANY. In describing the pistil of flowers, answer the follow- ing questions: What is the form and position of the stig- ma ? Of the style ? Is the pistil simple or compound ? What is its placentation ? Its dehiscence ? What is the direction of the ovules ? Can you determine the kind of ovule ? EXERCISE XLVIII. The Composition of Fruit. FRUIT. The ripened ovary, with its contents, is the fruit of plants. Whatever adheres to the ovary also be- comes part of the fruit. In studying fruit, observe with care what parts, be- sides the pistil, have been concerned in its formation. In describing flowers, you note whether the pistil is inferior or superior ; is there any reason to suppose that inferior fruit would be most likely to have other parts of the flower besides the pistil united with it ? Did you observe the flowers of the cherry, plum, or peach trees, and those of apple and pear trees when they were in blossom ? and if so, will you compare your recollection of them with the appearances presented by their fruit ? If you have for- gotten their structure, perhaps you have kept a descrip- tion of them, and can refresh your memory. Observe the ripe fruit of the cherry. Look at the top of the peduncle for scars left by the parts of the fallen flower. Look for a dot at the top of the fruit, showing the place of the style. Has anything but the pistil en- tered into the formation of this fruit ? Observe the plum, peach, grape, currant, etc., and see if they are like the cherry in these respects. Now examine an apple or pear. What do you find at the top of the fruit, opposite the peduncle ? It must be the remains of the calyx-limb, the tube of which you saw united to the pistil when you studied it in flowering-time. Of what, then, does the fruit consist ? Divide an apple or THE PISTIL. 107 pear, as shown in Fig. 333. Find the parts shown in this diagram. The remains of the flower are seen at C. The calyx-tube, grown fleshy and succulent, is marked T. The outer border of the ovary is seen at E. From what part of the flower is the eatable portion of a pear or apple developed? To repeat our former question, would the fruit of a superior pistil be more likely than that of an inferior pistil to consist o'f the ovary alone ? I have illustrated the composition of fruit with apples and cherries because they are so common ; but these ob- servations may, and should be, repeated upon every vari- ety of fruit that can be found. Trace the formation of each of the fruits pictured upon the charts, and point out those that consist of the pistil alone, and those which do not. In the latter case, name the parts that are consolidated with the pistil in the fruit. When fruit is formed from the pistil alone, the wall of the ovary is called a pericarp (from/m, around). Gather specimens of every kind of fruit that grows within reach. In late summer or early autumn, the fruit of garden, field, and forest, if carefully, collected, will give you a large and various assortment. For example : you may have at the same time cucumbers, melons, beans, peas, grapes, apples, pears, elder and pokeweed berries, chest- nuts, walnuts, pumpkins, etc., and the less conspicuous seed-vessels of mullein, Saint-John's-wort, lettuce, radish, cabbage, etc., etc. Earlier in the season the list will be dif- ferent, and it will vary somewhat with the locality, but, wherever collected, and whatever its components, be sure to gather every kind that can be had. Look over your collection, and separate the superior I0 8 BOTANY. from the inferior fruits. Observe the structure of those formed from inferior pistils, and point out the pericarp in those formed from superior pistils. Preserve, for further study, the specimens you have gathered. EXERCISE XLIX. Parts of the Pericarp. EPICARP. When the walls of a pericarp are formed of two or more layers of different texture, as in the peach, plum, or cherry, the outer one (the skin, in the case of these fruits) is called the epicarp. ENDOCARP. The stony case around the seed of the peach, plum, or cherry, is called the endocarp. But the en- docarp of fruits is not always stony. Whatever its texture, the inner layer of a pericarp is named the endocarp. MESOCARP. Sometimes, between FIG. 334 . the outer and inner parts of a peri- carp, there is found a third layer of different aspect, like the pulp of a peach. This third layer is called the mesocarp. The distinction between the epi- carp and mesocarp is often very, slight, and then both to- gether are called the epicarp. In Fig. 334, e is the endocarp, s the mesocarp, and g the epicarp. In Fig. 333, E is the epicarp, N the endocarp, and S the seeds. At N is shown a slight development of the mesocarp. Point out these parts in an apple and a peach. Point out the parts of the pericarp in the different fruits pictured upon the charts. Classify your collection of fruits by the structure of the pericarp. Put by themselves all those that have but one layer in the pericarp. Put those with two layers an epicarp and endocarp by themselves, leaving those with THE PISTIL. 109 three layers epicarp, mesocarp, and endocarp. Describe the layers that make up the fruit ; that is, sayVhether, in each case, the layer is pulpy, woody, stony, membranous, leathery, etc. Preserve your collection for further study, and add to it all you can get. EXERCISE L. The Classification of Fruit. Look over your collection and separate the dehiscent from the indehiscent fruits. The indehiscent group may now be further separated into juicy fruits and dry fruits. Compare your specimens of juicy fruit, one by one, with the following pictures and definitions of fruits. The first picture is that of a berry ; so you may first find the berries of your collection. To determine whether a particular fruit is a berry or not, cut it across, and see if it agrees in structure with Fig. 335, and the requirements of the defi- nition. Never mind whether your conclusion accords with common speech or not ; whether a strawberry turns out to be a berry or not; but follow the definition wherever it leads. Indehiscent Juicy Fruits. BERRY. A thin-skinned, indehiscent, fleshy fruit, hav- ing the seeds imbedded in the pulpy mass (Figs. 335. 336). FIG. 335. FIG. 336. HESPERIDIUM. A kind of berry with a leathery rind (Fig. 337). (Example, lemon and orange.) no BOTANY. PEPO. The pepo is an indehiscent, fleshy fruit, with seeds borne on parietal placentae, and with the epicarp more or less thickened and hardened. (Example, squash.) POME is the term applied to a fleshy, indehiscent, sev- eral-celled fruit, with a leath- ery, or cartilaginous, endocarp, inclosed by the calyx-tube. Figs. 338 and 339 are trans- verse and vertical sections of a pome. (Example, apple and FIG. 337- P ear ') N \ 1 FIG. 338. FIG. 339. FIG. 340. DRUPE (example, peach or cherry) is a pulpy, indehiscent, one-celled, one or two seeded fruit, with a succulent or fibrous epicarp, and hard, stony, dis- tinct endocarp (Figs. 340 and If you have blackberries, raspberries, and the like, among your fruits, compare one of the FlG 341> little cells of which they are formed with this definition of a drupe. To one or other of these classes vou should be able to refer any form of indehiscent juicy fruit. THE PISTIL. Ill Indehiscent Dry Fruits. Select from among your dry, indehiscent fruits all those that resemble Figs. 342, 343, 344, and 345, and that are usually miscalled seeds. You will find upon many of them such appendages as hairs, teeth, plumes, bristles, etc. An ACHENIUM is a dry, indehiscent, one-seeded fruit, FIG. 342. Vertical Sec- tion of Carpel of Buttercun. FIG. 343. 3.5. with a separable pericarp, tipped with the remains of the style (Fig. 342). (The dark-colored, seed-like bodies on the outside of a strawberry are achenia.) UTRICLE. By this term is understood a kind of ache- nium, with a thin, bladdery pericarp which is sometimes dehiscent. CARYOPSIS. A dry, indehiscent, one-celled, one-seed- ed fruit, with the pericarp adherent to the seed, as seen in wheat, barley, oats, maize, etc. (Fig. 345). CREMOCARP. Pendent achenia (Fig. 344). (See Ex. LXVI.) CYPSELA. Still another variety of achenium, with an adherent calyx-tube, as in compositae (Fig. 343). NUT. A hard, one-celled, one-seeded, indehiscent fruit, produced from a several-celled ovary, in which the cells have been obliterated, and all but one of the ovules I 12 BOTANY. have disappeared during growth. It is often inclosed in an involucre, called a cupule (Fig. 346), or it has bracts at the base. FIG. 346. FIG. 347. SAMARA, or KEY-FRUIT (example, the elm). A dry, indehiscent fruit, growing single or in pairs, with a winged apex, or margin (Fig. 347). Dehiscent Fruits. Any dry, dehiscent fruit, whether simple or compound, may properly be called a pod. FOLLICLE. A pod of a single carpel, with no apparent dorsal suture, and dehis- cing by the ventral suture (Fig. 283). You will seldom find an FIG. 349. FIG. 348. FIG. 350. FIG. 351. ovary consisting of but one follicle ; but it is a common kind of carpel in multiple pistils. Observe the ripe ovary THE PISTIL. FIG. 353- FIG. 352. of columbine or paeonia. Each car- pel is a follicle, and you may find them slightly coherent at the base, as if forming a transition between the apocarpous and syncarpous pistil. LEGUME. A pod of a single carpel, with dorsal and ventral sutures, and dehiscing by both or either, as the pea and bean pod. It assumes many different forms. One of these, the LOMENT, is a sort of legume with transverse joints between the seeds, and falling to pieces at these joints (Fig. 348). Another variety, the SILIQUE, is a two-valved, slender pod, with a false dissepiment, from which the valves sep- arate in dehiscence. It has two parietal placentae (Fig. 349)- SILICLE. A short, broad silique (Fig. 350). PYXIS. A pod which dehisces by the falling off of a sort of lid (Fig. 351). CAPSULE. The pod of a compound pistil ; the dry, dehiscent fruit of syncarpous pistils (Figs. 352 and 353). The pieces into which a capsule falls at dehiscence are called valves, the same as in one-carpeled fruit. Those fruits that consist of achenia on a dry recepta- cle, as the sunflower, or on an enlarged, pulpy receptacle, as the strawberry, or those which consist of small drupes 114 BOTANY. on a dry, spongy receptacle, crowded almost into one mass, as the blackberry, are aggregate fruits. They are sometimes called etario. Accessory, or anthocarpous fruits, are such as consist of other parts of the flower only apparently joined with the ovary. MULTIPLE, COLLECTIVE, or CONFLUENT FRUITS, are formed by the union of many separate flowers into one mass (Figs. 354 and 355), The sorosis is a kind of multiple fruit, to which the 354- FIG. 355. pineapple (Fig. 354) belongs. The fig is a multiple fruit of the kind known as syconus, while strobilus is the name given to the multiple fruit of trees of the pine family (Fig. 355)- EXERCISE LI. The Seed. Its Form and Surface. The forms of seeds vary very much. They may be globular, ovoid, reniform, oblong, cylindrical, top-shaped, angular, etc. Some seeds are small and fine, like sawdust; others are flattened and bordered, as seen in Fig. 356. THE PISTIL. 115 The surfaces of seeds may be smooth, striated, ribbed, furrowed, netted, and tubercular, as shown in the follow- ing figures : Seeds are said to be definite when few and constant in number ; indefinite when numerous and variable. FIG. 359. Ribbed. FIG. 360. Netted. FIG. 361. Tuberculous. FIG. 362. Furrowed. Seeds are solitary when single in the ovary, or in a cell of the ovary. The albumen of seeds is the mass of tissue in which the embryo is imbedded. It is said to be mealy when it may be readily broken down into a starchy powder ; oily, when loaded with oil ; mucilaginous, when tough, swelling up readily in water ; and horny , when hard, and more or less elastic. EXERCISE LII. Parts of the Seed. Prepare for the study of the parts of seeds by planting all the kinds of seeds that you can get that are large enough for easy examination. The seeds of the pumpkin, squash, four-o'clock, bean, pea, apple, Indian corn, oats, and barley, are good exam- Ii6 BOTANY. pies for the purpose. Plant two or three dozens of each sort, one inch deep, in a box of soil or sawdust, which must be kept warm and moist. Put the different kinds in rows by themselves, and mark each row, so that, when you want any particular one, you can get it without mistake. When your seeds have soaked for a day or two in the wet earth, take a bean from the box and compare it with one that has not been planted. How has it changed in appearance ? Cut it in two and see whether, like a piece of chalk, it looks alike outside and inside, or whether the parts are unlike. Has it a skin or shell that you can loosen ? Take a second bean from the box, cut carefully around it, and try to peel off the outer part. SEED-COAT, OR INTEG'UMENT. The skin or shell around the outside of a seed. BODY, KERNEL, OR NU'CLEUS. The substance within the seed-coat. Compare your specimen with Fig. 363. Body. FIG. 363. Can you separate the seed-coat from the body of the bean as it is seen to be separated in the picture ? Now take a pea from your box and see if it is made up of parts. Has it a seed-coat ? Is there a kernel or body within the seed-coat ? Try a pumpkin-seed. Compare the coat of a pump- kin-seed with that of the pea or bean. THE PISTIL. 117 Are they alike in thickness ? in hardness ? in color ? in transparency ? Name all the differences you see be- tween them. In the same way, take up and examine, one after an- other, seeds from each of the rows. Find their parts, and compare the parts of one kind of seed with those of an- other kind. If you are not able at first readily to separate a seed into distinct portions, do not hastily conclude that it is without them. Let it lie in its warm, wet bed a while longer, and then try again. EXERCISE LIII. Parts of the Body, or Kernel. When you have carefully examined all the kinds of seeds you planted to find the parts that make them up, you will be ready to study one of these parts by itself. After FIG. 364. FIG. 365. FIG. 366. Albumen. Embryo. Embryo. taking off the skin or coat of a seed, look closely at the body of it. Begin with a well-soaked seed of Indian corn. Compare it with Fig. 364. Is your seed narrower at one end than the other ? Are the two sides of it alike ? Is there a little pointed or rounded figure to be seen on one side ? Remove the skin and look carefully at the figured side of your specimen. Can you see a thick, lumpy body like the one marked a in the picture ? Try, with a dull knife or the finger-nail, to pry this lump out of its bed. If the seed is soaked to its center. BOTANY. you can easily do this. Look carefully at the hole it leaves. Is not its surface smooth ? Do you see any spot where the lump seems to have been grown to the other part, and to have broken away when you took it out ? Compare the parts you have got with Figs. 365, 366. EM'BRYO. The young plant contained in a seed. ALBU'MEN, EN'DOSPERM. The material in which the embryo is imbedded. What names are given to the two parts of the body of a seed of Indian corn ? Which is the embryo in your specimen ? Which is the albumen ? Now examine the kernel of a pea or bean. Can you separate this into two parts without breaking it some- where ? Compare it with the parts of Indian corn. What name is given to the entire kernel ? What part, found in the Indian corn, is missing here ? FIG. 367. FIG. 368. FIG. 369. FIG. 370. Look at the body of a seed of four-o'clock and see how many and what parts it has. Look also at the body of a pumpkin-seed. Examine the kernel of each of the kinds of seed you have planted, and observe which consist of em- bryo alone, and which are part embryo and part albumen. ALBUMINOUS SEEDS are those which have albumen. EXALBUMINOUS SEEDS are those in which the body consists of the embryo alone. The relations of embryo to albumen in various seeds THE PISTIL. are here shown. But they may be better seen upon the charts. Your own observation, however, will supply you with much information upon this subject. EXERCISE LIV. Parts of the Embryo. Take out of the soil a bean which has begun to sprout. Remove the seed-coat, and let the parts of the embryo separate, as seen in Figs. 371 and 373. COTYLE'DON. The bulky first leaf or leaves of the embryo more or less formed before the growth of the seed begins. RAD'ICLE. The lower, or root end, of the embryo. PLU'MULE. The first the terminal bud the upper end of the embryo. GERMINATION. The beginning of growth in a seed. Read the names of the parts of the embryo given in Plumule. Cotyledon' ''Cotyledon. Radicle. Plumule. FIG. 372. Cotyledon. Plumule. Radicle. FIG. 373. FIG. 374. Figs- 372 and 373. Look at the definitions of these words. Compare your specimen with the figures, and point out its cotyledons ; its radicle ; its plumule. Handle your em- 7 120 BOTANY. bryo with care, for it breaks easily. Has its radicle begun to put forth roots ? Take from your box a vigorous seed of Indian corn in which the roots have begun to grow, and compare it with Fig. 374- Separate the embryo and albumen, and, if it has grown as much as the one pictured above, you may easily find the cotyledon, the plumule, and the radicle. When you are sure that you have found the radicle or root-end of your embryo, that you know which part is cotyledon, and which plumule, take another seed of the same kind, but less grown one plui ? ule - where the root-end of the em- bryo has scarcely begun to swell and see if you can find the Cotyledon. | Jll S M Plumule. Radicie....lf Fig. 375 represents such an FIG. 375. embryo with the parts shown. Point out and name the parts of the embryo of an apple-seed; of a pumpkin-seed; and of each of your specimens successively, as in former exer- cises. Which of your seeds has the largest plumule before growth begins ? Have you any in which the embryo has at first no plumule at all ? Have you failed to find cotyledons in any embryo looked at?* * If these experiments with seeds are made as early as April, in this climate, the children who have made them will be ready for more extended observations when planting in the garden begins. Most garden-seeds are too small to be separated into parts by young chil- dren. But, when growth begins, their parts enlarge, and a child, who has before studied larger seeds, will be able to identify the radicle, cotyledons, and plumule, without difficulty. In the kitchen-garden, a universal appendage of country-houses, the sprouting of the radish, onion, beet, parsnip, lettuce, tomato, carrot, cabbage, cucumber, etc., will furnish an excellent continuation of the study of seeds. THE PISTIL. 121 EXERCISE LV. Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons. A MONOCOTYLED'ONOUS embryo has one cotyledon or seed-leaf (Fig. 376). A DICOTYLED'ONOUS embryo has two cotyledons or seed-leaves (Fig. 377). These are long, hard words, hard to pronounce and hard to spell. But they are very necessary words in de- scribing seeds. Go over the seeds you have planted, and point out the dicotyledons. Find the two thick leaves that were packed within the seed-coat when the seed ripened. Are any of your seeds monocotyledonous ? If so, which ? Figs. 376 and 377 were drawn from plants that had grown a little. When your seeds have also grown a little, Cotyledon. Cotyledon. FIG. 376. FIG. 377. compare them one after another with these pictures. Look at your young bean-plant. Find the first node above the cotyledons. How many leaves are growing there ? how many at the first node of the corn-stem ? how many in each of your growing seeds ? 122 BOTANY. Observe whether the cotyledons in all cases rise into the light and air. Observe whether all cotyledons are shaped alike, and also whether they resemble the true leaves of the plant.* EXERCISE LVI. Position of the Embryo in Seeds. You are now familiar with the different aspects of the embryo in many different seeds. You have seen it large and small, straight and curved, outside the albumen and imbedded within it ; sometimes with flat cotyledons, and sometimes with cotyledons folded or coiled in various ways and degrees. We are now to observe its relation to the parts of the seed. In studying ovules, you found the hilum and the micro- pyle, and you may find the same parts in the seeds that were once ovules. The hilum of seeds is usually obvious enough, and the micropyle may be easily found. You have only to soak the seed till its coats are distended with water, and, on squeezing, the micropyle is made apparent by the escape of water at that point. The place of the micropyle is important, because the radicle of the embryo always points toward it, and, in sprouting, issues through it, and the relation of the micropyle to the hilum deter- mines the attitude of the embryo. Seeds are straight, half inverted, inverted, and curved, the same as ovules, and * A word of caution may not here be amiss. There is danger that the sympathy of teachers with bright and interested pupils will lead them to tell in advance what children can find out for themselves by continued observation. The relation between number of cotyledons and venation is an instance of such temptation. By-and-by, when the leaves of his growing plants are well developed, the pupil might be put in the way of discovery, by asking him to make a list of his monoco- tyledons, and to give their venation in each case. Let him do the same with his dicotyledons. He will now see a perfect uniformity of relation in a few cases, and will be curious to know if it is everywhere constant. He will thus arrive at the induction by his own observation. THE PISTIL. I2 3 the same terms are used to express these facts in regard to them. In a straight or orthotropous seed, the micro- pyle being at the apex, you find an inverted embryo, like Fig. 378. In this case the embryo is said to be antitropal, or reversed. FIG. 379. FIG, 378. FIG. 382. FIG. 381. If the micropyle be turned to one side, the embryo will be oblique, as seen in Fig. 380. In this case the em- bryo is said to be heterotropal. Fig. 379 represents the seed which is shown in section in Fig. 380. If the seed be inverted, or antitropous, the embryo will be erect, as shown in Fig. 381. Here the embryo is said to be orthotropal. When a seed is curved upon itself so as to bring the orifice next the hilum, or point of attachment (campylo- tropous seed), you may find the embryo presenting the appearance shown in Fig. 382. When the embryo is in the center of the albumen (Fig. 381), it is said to be axial j and when not in the center, it is said to be .excentric. There are two modes of folding to which the embryo is subject, which occur uniformly in certain groups of plants. They are cotyledons decumbent that is, with the radicle folded against their edges ; and cotyledons incum- bent, having the radicle folded against the back of one of them. CHAPTER SEVENTH. FLORAL SYMMETRY, PHYLLOTAXY, PREFOLIATION, CYMOSE INFLORESCENCE, ETC. EXERCISE LVII. Numerical Plan of Flowers. WHEN, in examining a flower, you count the parts of its calyx and corolla, the stamens and the carpels, and find that some particular number oc- curs again and again ; and when, in case of deviation, you fre- quently find multiples of this number, the plan of the flower is said to be based upon it. For instance, the plan of the flower represented in Fig. 383 is based on the number three. The plan of the flower represented in Fig. 384 is based on the number four, and that of Fig. 385 upon the number five. In other words, in Fig. 383, three, or its multiple, six, is the con- FIG. 383. FIG. 384- FIG. 385. FLORAL SYMMETRY. 125 stant number ; in Fig. 384, four is the prevailing number ; while in Fig. 385 it is five. What numbers have occurred oftenest in your written descriptions of flowers ? When you describe a flower, observe always what figures you use in numbering its parts, and decide what number the plan of the flower is based upon. EXERCISE LVIII. Alternation of Parts in Flowers. Figs. 387 and 388 represent the stamens and pistil of the flower shown in Fig. 386. Does this picture represent a perfect flower ? Does it repre- sent a complete flower? a regu- lar flower ? a symmetrical flower ? Fig. 389 is a cross-section of this flower, given to illustrate the re- lation of the parts to each other. Observe that the petals alternate with the sepals; that is, they stand opposite to the openings between the sepals. In the same way the stamens alternate with the petals, FIG. 386. FIG. 387. FIG. 388. and the carpels with the stamens. This regular alterna- tion of parts is spoken of as a symmetrical arrangement 126 BOTANY. of the flower. Fig. 392 is the cross-section of Fig. 390, and Fig. 391 gives a vertical section of the same flower. FIG. 389. FIG. 390. Are its parts arranged symmetrically ? that is, is the alter- nation perfect ? You see that flowers present symmetry of arrangement as well as symmetry of numbers, and it is important that you should observe them in this respect. Determine what FIG. 391. FIG. parts of the flower you are studying alternate symmetri- cally, and where the symmetry fails. You will often find these observations valuable in classification. EXERCISE LIX. Leaf-Arrangement. Phyllotaxis. To study leaf-arrangement, get straight leafy stems, or shoots, a foot or more in length, such as are shown in Fi g s - 393 an d 394, from any vigorous tree, shrub, or herb. PHYLLOTAXY. 127 First separate the specimens having opposite and verti- cillate leaves from those with alternate leaves. Observe that the successive pairs of leaves in opposite- leaved plants are placed at right angles to each other, FIG. 393. each leaf of the upper pair being placed over a space left by the lower pair. They are hence called decussate leaves. In the same way the whorls of leaves in verticillate-leaved stems are so placed that they alternate with each other. Observe the arrangement of leaves in the stems of grasses, and in stems with equitant leaves. Put by themselves all the stems in which the leaves are neither decussate nor whorled. Examine them, one after the other, thus : Take a 128 BOTANY. small string, and, holding one end of it just below one of the lower leaves of your specimen, carry it up and around the stem (Fig. 395), so that it shall pass just under each successive leaf. Proceed in this way till you reach a leaf standing directly over the one you started with. Your string now includes what is called a leaf-cycle ; that is, FIG. 394- the distance in a spiral line around the stem, from one leaf to another placed exactly above it. Holding the string in place, observe, first, how many times it has wound around the stem ; and, second, how PHYLLOTAXY. I2 9 many leaves it passes on its way. If, in passing from the first leaf to the one directly over it, the string makes but one circuit around the stem, and the third leaf is over the first, so that the cycle includes but two leaves, the fourth leaf being over the second, and so on, you have an ar- rangement like that seen in Fig. 393. The leaves in this example are seen to form two rows along the side of the stem, which are separated by half its diameter. This is the distichous, two-ranked, or \ arrangement. If, in passing from one leaf to another directly above it, the string goes but once round the stem, and the fourth leaf is over the first, giving a cycle of three leaves, the arrangement is like that shown in Figs. 394 and 395. There are three perpendicular rows of leaves along the stem, separated from each other by -J its circumference. This is the tristichous, three- ranked, or -J arrangement. Again, the string may pass twice around the stem before it reaches the leaf placed just over the first, which, on counting, proves to be the sixth (Fig. 397). There are five longitudi- nal rows along the stem, sepa- rated from each other by f its circumference. This is the pentastichous, quincuncial, or f arrangement. FlG - 395- FIG. 396. Observe that the numerator in the foregoing fractions gives the number of times the string winds around the stem in completing a cycle, while the denominator gives the number of leaves in the cycle. This fraction is sometimes called the angle of diver- s 130 BOTANY. gence of the leaves. In Fig. 393 the angle of divergence is I the circumference of the stem ; in Fig. 394 it is -J-, and in Fig. 396 it is f its circumference. In studying some of your specimens, the string may pass three times round the stem in its spiral course before you come to a leaf placed over the first, and this leaf may be the ninth in the upward succession, eight leaves being required to complete the cycle. Here you have eight per- FIG. 397. pendicular rows of leaves, with an angular divergence of f the circumference of the stem ; it is, therefore, called the f arrangement. In some plants the leaf-cycle includes five turns of the spiral and thirteen leaves, so that the fourteenth is placed PHYLLOTAXY. 131 over tiie first. This is the -^ arrangement. There are also the -/ f , the f arrangements, and so on. But these more complex modes are only found where leaves grow in rosettes, as the house-leek, or in the case of crowded radi- cal leaves, or in the scales of cones. In these cases the vertical rows are not distinguishable, and the order has to be made out by processes of reasoning rather than by sim- ple observation. There is a curious feature of the fractions expressing the angular divergence of leaves. Observe that any one of the fractions of the series is the sum of the two pre- ceding simpler ones. For example, the angles of diver- gence in Figs. 393 and 394 are ^ and -J. Adding these numerators and these denominators, we have -f, the pen- tastichous, or next more complex arrangement. By add- ing in the same way J and f, we get f, while f and f give y 5 ^-, and so on. The J, -J, and f modes of arrangement are so definite and simple as to be easily discovered ; but it is not worth while, ordinarily, to continue the study of a specimen if it does not belong to one of these modes. A slight twisting of the stem, a considerable lengthening of internodes, or theii absence altogether, renders observation difficult, and the decision uncertain. So, when commencing the study of leaf-arrangement, take care to select the straightest and thriftiest stems for the purpose. Examine the arrangement of bracts, and see if they follow the same order as leaves. Observe whether the spirals take the same direction in branches as in the parent stem. When they do, they are called homodromous ; but when they turn in opposite di- rections, they are said to be heterodromous. Give the numbers of the leaves in each perpendicular series in your specimen showing the \ arrangement (Fig. 393). In the arrangement, what leaf stands over the first ? I3 2 BOTANY. over the second ? the third ? the fourth ? the fifth ? Give the series of numbers that belong to the leaves of each row. The name applied by botanists to these modes of leaf- arrangement \spkyllotaxU, EXERCISE LX. Arrangement of Floral Leaves in the Bud. ^Estivation, or Prefloration. In most common flowers, the floral circles, calyx, co- rolla, etc., appear quite distinct ; but have you never ob- served cases in which it was doubtful where the calyx ended and the corolla began ? or, where the corolla ended and the calyx began ? or, even, where the bracts ended and the calyx began ? Have you never seen sepals with the color and delicacy of petals, and in the same flower some sepals that were green, and some more or less like petals? or, the same sepal green without an'd petal-like within? Have you not seen the involucre made up of colored bracts, which looked like a corolla ? Have you not sometimes met with flowers in which you could see the gradual transition from petals to stamens? or in which some of the stamens or carpels were changed to green foliage-leaves ? Have you ever known of single flowers becoming double by cultivation, and of stamens and car- pels replaced by petals ? Did you ever see a leafy shoot growing out from the center of a flower, or of a flower- bud? These appearances are not uncommon, and may be easily observed if you are watchful. It is from these singular aspects of plants, joined with the study of their development, that botanists have come to regard flowers as altered branches, and floral leaves as changed foliage-leaves. They speak of carpels as carpel- lary leaves, stamens as staminal leaves, petals as corolla- leaves, and the sepals as calyx-leaves. PREFLORATION. 133 If this be so, the laws of arrangement of floral leaves ought to agree with the phyllotaxy of foliage-leaves. Bot- anists say that they do so agree, and the place where this agreement is best seen is in the flower-bud. The arrange- ment of floral leaves is an important help in determining the affinities of plants. To observe this arrangement, make a horizontal sec- tion of a bud just before it opens. Be careful to make the section in the upper part of the bud, where the petals FIG. 398. FIG. 399. FIG. 400. and sepals are most easily 'seen. Observe with a magni- fying-glass the disposition of parts, and compare your ex- amples with the modes of arrangement here pictured and named. In VALVULAR prsefloration there is no overlapping of parts. The edges of the sepals and petals just meet, and the flower is almost always regular (Fig. 398). INDUPLICATE is a form of valvate aestivation, in which the edges are turned slightly inward, or touch by their external face (Fig. 399). REDUPLICATE is a form of valvate aestivation, in which the edges turn slightly outward, or touch by their internal face (Fig. 400). In the CONTORTED arrangement, each leaf overlaps its neighbor, and the parts seem twisted together (Fig. 401). It becomes CONVOLUTE when each sepal or petal wholly covers those within it. In IMBRICATE aestivation, the parts of a floral circle, usually five, are placed as seen in Fig. 402. The first leaf 134 BOTANY. is external, the fifth internal, and the intermediate ones successively overlap each other. lG. 404. FIG. 405. FIG. 406. The QUINCUNCIAL arrangement is seen in Fig, 403. There are two exterior leaves, two interior, and one inter- mediate. The VEXILLARY ar- rangement (Fig. 404) is a form of the quin- cuncial, where one of the petals, that ought to be internal, has, by rapid growth, become larger than the others, and external to them, so as to cover them in. In the COCHLEAR arrangement, inequality of develop- ment has produced the order seen in Fig. 405. We are reminded of the DECUSSATE arrangement of FIG. 407. FIG. 408. CYMOSE INFLORESCENCE. 135 foliage-leaves by the position of the floral leaves shown in Fig. 406. The SUPERVOLUTE arrangement is the name given to the folding of the gamosepalous calyx, or the gamopetal- ous corolla (Fig. 407). Observe whether the overlapping is from right to left, or from left to right, as you stand before the flower. Observe, also, whether the mode of arrangement is the same in the calyx and corolla. The plaiting of a gamopetalous corolla is shown in Fig. 408. EXERCISE LXI. Cymose, or Definite Inflorescence. It often requires much skill and patience to determine whether a particular panicle, corymb, raceme, or head, is definite or indefinite. The buttercup, wild columbine, rose, and cinquefoil, are common examples of cymose inflorescence among alternate-leaved plants, while Saint- John's-wort, chickweed, sedum or live-forever, dog-wood, elder, hydrangea, are opposite-leaved examples. Get as many of these as you can, and begin the study with the inflorescence of an alternate-leaved plant. Compare it with Fig. 409. In this plant each shoot terminates in a flower, and the growth is continued by means of branches. Here the main or primary stem (A, A) terminates with a flower which must, of course, be the oldest of the cluster. The branches (B, B, B) continue the growth, blossom, and cease to lengthen. From these branches proceed others (C, C), and so on. Such a loose, irregular, definite inflorescence is called a cyme ; but, when the number of branches is greatly in- creased, and the peduncles acquire such lengths as to give a peculiar outline, the cluster receives a more special name. Fig. 410 represents the cymose inflorescence of an opposite-leaved plant. The main or primary stem termi- 136 BOTANY. B nates in a flower between two branches. These branches, or secondary stems, also terminate in flowers, each one of which is situated be- tween branches of the third order, and so on. In this way is formed a forked or dichotomouscyme. If, in place of two, we have three branch- es, forming a sort of whorl around the primary stem,, and each of these branches has anoth- er whorl of three tertiary branches, and so on, we get a trichotomous cyme. When the branching is carried forward, as seen in Fig. 411, the cyme becomes FIG. 409. globose. When the central flower is sup- pressed, the process of development is not easily traced. Suppose that, at each stage of the branching, one of the divisions is regularly suppressed, as shown in Fig. 412, where the dotted lines take the place of the absent branches, the cyme is apparently changed into a one-sided raceme, and the flowers seem to expand in the same way as in the indefinite raceme. In opposite-leaved plants bearing this kind of inflorescence, the leaf or bract op- posite the flower shows that the raceme is definite ; but when, as in Fig. 413, there is no such bract, it is not easy CYMOSE INFLORESCENCE. 137 to decide whether the cluster is definite or indefinite. However, the one-sided mode of branching gives the stem a coiled appearance, which is characteristic of the false or cymose raceme, described s scorpioid curved like the tail of a scorpion. FIG. 410. FIG. 411. You may know a cymose umbel by observing that its oldest flowers are in the center of the cluster (Fig. 414), with buds, on short peduncles, sur- rounding them. A FASCICLE (Fig. 415) is a cymose cluster of nearly sessile flowers. FIG. 412. FIG. 413. A GLOMERULE is a cymose cluster of sessile flowers in the axil of a leaf. 138 BOTANY. What is known as compound inflorescence occurs when the flower-clusters of a plant develop in one way, and the plant itself develops in another way. This state of things is often met with. Compare the development of the sunflower with that of catnip and hoar- hound in this respect. FIG. FIG. 415. The indefinite mode of growth is sometimes spoken of as centripetal, because the flowers open first at the circum- ference ; while definite forms are said to be centrifugal, because here the flowers open at the center first. CHAPTER EIGHTH. THE COMPOSITE. EXERCISE LXII. Parts of Flower-Heads. To illustrate this chapter, gather all the plants you can find that have the inflorescence in a dense head. The dandelion, thistle, aster, marigold, sun- flower, daisy, dahlia, burdock, mayweed, bachelor's - button, boneset or thorough- wort, golden - rod, lettuce, saffron, cud- weed or everlast- ing, wormwood, tan- sy, yarrow, feverfew, camomile, ragweed, tickseed, elecam- pane, are familiar examples of such plants. For your first observations se- Florets Involucre of Bracts FIG. 416. 140 BOTANY. lect some flower-head in which the parts are well devel- oped, as the marigold, thistle, or dandelion. Fig. 416 shows a thistle-head, with lines pointing to its princi- Florets. pal divisions. Fig. 417 represents a marigold, in which the same parts are shown. In Fig. 418 we look down upon the top of the flower-head, and observe that it pre- sents unlikeness of as- pect, which is still more FIG. 418. plainly shown in section in Fig. 419. The parts pointed out in these pictures may be thus denned : INVOLUCRE. The outer green circle of a flower-head, often mistaken for a calyx. THE COMPOSITE. 141 SCALES. The bracts forming the involucre of a flower- head. FLORETS. The flowers of a flower-head. RAY FLORETS. The outer petal-like florets of a flower- head. DISK FLORETS. The inner florets of a flower-head. Observe the bract at the base of the floret in Fig. 421. Observe the chaffy, bract-like bodies growing among the florets in Fig. 420. Examine your specimens, and see if, in any case, FIG. 420. FIG. 421. FIG. 422. you find such things growing out of the receptacle among the florets. These chaffy bodies are known as pale. several erect, bottle-shaped ovules at the base (Fig. 448). The developed cone of the white cedar is scarcely larger than a pea, with scales firmly closed, but opening at maturity. The juniper or red cedar, common on dry, sterile, rocky hills, both northward and southward, blossoms in April. The various species are mostly dioecious, and the catkins are very small. Observed only when in fruit, you would scarcely regard the juniper as a coniferous plant, but the ? catkin, when in flower, is seen to consist of from three to six scales, bearing a variable number of ovules precisely in the same manner as the pine. But, in ripening, these scales grow together, turn purple, and form a berry-like fruit as large as a pea. Fig. 449 represents one of these berries with its scaly bracts underneath, while Fig. 450 shows one of its enlarged bony seeds. The ber- ries ripen the second year from the flower. The ground-hemlock is another coniferous plant with a berry-like fruit. Its ? flower is more simple than those we have been examining, for it consists of a single ovule, without even an accompanying scale. This straggling bush, two or three feet high, is found in shady places, 1 66 BOTANY. along streams, on thin, rocky soils, from Canada to Penn- sylvania and Kentucky, and south along the Alleghanies. Its linear leaves are nearly an inch in length, in two oppo- site rows, along the branches. It blossoms in April. Fig. 451 represents its axillary $ inflorescence, consisting of six scale-like connectives, bearing the anther-cells on their FIG. 449. FIG. 450. FIG. 451. inner faces. Fig. 452 represents its solitary fertile flower. You see it is a single, erect, sessile ovule, surrounded by scaly bracts. At its base is a cup-shaped disk, that becomes pulpy, red, and berry-like, as the ovule ripens and turns black. Fig. 453 represents a vertical section of this fruit. The embryo of a coniferous seed is shown in Fig. 454. It is said to be polycotyledonous. FIG. 452. FIG. 453. FIG. 454. The lower half of Chart IV is devoted to the Coni- fers. Examples of the leading genera of this order are given, showing the foliage, fruit, and seed, the latter much magnified, and all colored from Nature. CHAPTER THIRTEENTH. THE ORCHIDACEJE. EXERCISE LXX. Characters of the Orchidaceae. THERE is a widely-distributed and well-known plant, with showy flowers, blossoming in early summer, and called the lady's-slipper, or sometimes the moccasin-flower (Fig. 455). It is an orchid ; and, though unlike other orchids in some respects, it has the chief traits of the order to which it belongs. Provide yourself with some of these plants, and com- pare them with the following description : Herbs with parallel-veined leaves and irregular flowers. Perianth of six parts in two sets ; the three outer ones nearly alike, and petaloid in structure and appearance ; the three inner ones unlike. One of these, differing much in shape and direction from the others, is called the lip. In Fig. 455 the lip is the sac or slipper, which gives the plant its common name. The lip varies much in different orchids, but in all its appearance is singular and striking. It is seen spurred and lobed, and assumes many fantastic forms. Examine, now, the stamens and pistil of your flower. Lift up the little, drooping organ opposite the lip, and compare the structure beneath with Fig. 456. You have here the stamens and pistil consolidated into one organ, and known as the column. The fertile anthers are shown at a, a, while a sterile stamen back of the stigma is marked Q 1 58 BOTANY. st. The stigma is marked stig. The fertile anthers are ses- sile upon the style. In most orchids there is but one an- FIG. 455. FIG. 456. ther, which is fertile, and placed behind the stigma, in the position of the sterile stamen of the lady's-slipper. Ex- amine the pollen. Instead of being dry and powdery, THE ORCHIDACE&. 169 you find it pulpy-granular. In many orchids it coheres into coarse grains, held together in one mass by cobwebby tissue, and known as pollinia (Fig. 457). You find just such pollen masses, or pollinia, in the gynandrous stamens of the milk-weed (Fig. 458). The ovary of the lady's- FIG. 457. FIG. 458. slipper is inferior, forming in fruit a one-celled pod, with innumerable minute seeds borne on parietal placentae. In some orchids you find it so twisted as to alter the posi- tion of the petals. The characters of the Orchidaceae will be better under- stood by comparing them with other groups of parallel- leaved plants. Provide yourself with lilies of any sort, and specimens of blue flag, or flower-de-luce. Compare your lilies with the following description : Herbs with simple, sheathing or clasping, parallel- veined leaves. Flowers regular, perfect. Perianth of six parts in two circles of similar color and form. Stamens six, inserted on the leaves of the perianth ; anthers in- trorse. Ovary free, three-celled, with numerous ovules on axile placentas ; the styles united into one. What number have you found prevailing in the lilies you have examined ? What number occurred oftenest in describing the Gompositse ? The Labiatae ? The Umbel- 1 70 BOTANY. liferae ? The Cruciferse ? Point out the affinities of the lady's-slipper and the lily. Compare flower-de-luce, or blue flag, with the follow- ing description : Herbs with parallel-veined, equitant, two-ranked leaves and perfect flowers. Tube of the perianth coherent with the three-celled ovary ; limb petal-like and six-parted ; convolute in the bud in two sets. Stamens three, mona- delphous or distinct, with extrorse anthers. Pod three- celled, loculicidal, many-seeded. What affinities can you point out between the flower- de-luce and lily? between the lady's-slipper and flower- de-luce ? In what respect are these three plants alike ? The genera and species of these orders are described in their proper place in the Flora. We think of a SPECIES as made up of individuals that have descended from a common ancestor, or that are so nearly alike that they might have done so, like the indi- vidual plants in a bed of pansies or a field of wheat. All the dandelions scattered everywhere constitute such a spe- cies. They are of common descent, and they produce plants like themselves from their seed. A GENUS (the singular of genera) is an assemblage of species that resemble each other much more nearly than they resemble any other plants. All the species of oak form an oak genus ; the species of clover, white, red, etc., a clover genus ; the roses, a rose genus, and so on. On Chart V several orders of parallel-leaved plants are given, and their characters are so magnified that they may be easily seen and compared. CHAPTER FOURTEENTH. THE GRAMINE&. EXERCISE LXXI. Characters of the Gramineae. THERE is a large group of plants blossoming in pe- culiar-looking spikes, heads, and panicles, the flowers of which are furnished with green or brown scales, called glumes, whence the entire group is known as the Gluma- ceae. They constitute a twelfth part of the described spe- cies of flowering plants, and at least nine tenths of the indi- viduals composing the vegetation of the world. They grow everywhere. All grasses and all the cultivated crops of grain belong among them, besides many other plants not so important to man.- They have true flowers, but no calyx or corolla. The Glumaceae are* divided into two groups ; one group the sedges having solid stems, while the other the grasses has hollow stems. The flowers of both these groups have a special structure, which your previous study will not enable you to understand. From this large class we will select examples that be- long to the family of grasses or Gramine?e, the members of which have hollow stems, and the sheaths of their ligu- late leaves are split in front. Gather specimens of wheat, if possible, in blossoming- time, when the stamens are to be seen (Fig. 459). Along the rachis are rows of peculiar-looking bundles. The number of these rows varies in different kinds of wheat. BOTANY. Break the spike at about the middle, and take off a bun- dle from the top of the lower half. Observe whether it is attached by its side or its end, and whether any of its scales adhere to the rachis either wholly or in part. pistil. FIG. 459. FIG. 460. FIG. 462. Remove the first two of these scales : there is no trace of either pistil or stamens within them. They are quite empty. What do you find next? Are there not two or THE GRAMINP:&. '73 three separate flowers forming a sort of spikelet within these two outer scales (Fig. 460). Examine one of them. In Fig. 461 a sin- gle flower is shown, with the two glumes found at the base of the spikelet, and called the lower and upper glumes. What remain are the parts of a single flower. Beginning with the outermost of these at the right, you see a scale called the outer palet. Does the outer palet, in the specimen you are studying, termi- nate in a bristle ? At the left you see a peculiar scale, folded at the sides, and called the inner palet. Then come the scales. Look carefully at your flower for these mi- nute bodies, which are thought to be a sort of perianth, the outer and inner scales being of the nature of bracts. We next come upon the stamens, with their versatile anthers, and the pistil, with its plumose stigmas the unmistakable flower. The peculiar features of this inflorescence, then, are FIG. 463. 174 BOTANY. GLUMES. Scales of the spikelct, and exterior scales of the flower. PALETS. Chaffy, inner scales of the flower. AWN. The beard or bristle of a scale. SQUAMULA. One of the minute scales at the base of the ovary of grasses. The following questions, which form a schedule for this group of plants, are answered as if asked concerning Figs. 459 and 461 : Answer these questions in regard to the heads of barley and rye. Compare the culm* and leaves of these plants with those of wheat. Gather a plant of the oat in blossoming-time, and compare it with Figs. 463 and 464. Re- member that the outer glumes belong to the spikelet, and not to the flower. Look out for sterile flowers below or above the perfect ones. Compare the culm, leaves, and stipules of the oat with those of wheat, rye, and barley. Palet. Sterile Fower. Inflorescence ? Glumes ? Spike. 2. Outer palet ? Inner palet ? Lodicules ? I. I. 2. Stamens ? Styles ? 3- 2. Upper Glume. FIG. 464. FIG. 465- * Culm : a straw ; the stem of grasses and sedges. THE GRAMINE^E. 175 Inflorescence ? Panicle. Glumes ? 2. Outer palet ? i. Palet ? i. Lodicules ? 2. Stamens ? 3. Styles ? 2. In Fig. 465 are seen the palet, squamulae, stamens, and pistil. The oat may be thus described : Compare a plant of In- dian corn, when in blossom, with the following descrip- tion : 6 flowers in a terminal panicle of racemes known as the tassel ; spikelets two- flowered; glumes herbaceous, palets membranous ; anthers three, linear. $ flowers in an axillary spike, partially imbedded in the rachis, known as the cob, the bracts forming its spathe being the husks ; lower flower of each spikelet consisting of two palets, abor- tive ; glume broad, thick, membranous, obtuse ; styles, very long, filiform, exserted and pendulous, forming the silk ; kernels in eight, ten, twelve, or some even number of rows. The further study of orders, genera, and species may be pursued with the aid of the Flora. The botanical name of a plant is the name of its ge- nus followed by that of the species. The generic name may be compared to the surname or family name of a per- son, as Jones or Smith, and the specific name to the given or baptismal name, as James or William. The botanical names are in Latin, that the botanists of all countries may have a common language. The name of the genus comes before that of the species. Thus, in naming the members of the oak genus, the scientific name of the white oak is Quercus alba, Quercus being the generic name, and alba that of the species. The red oak has the name Quercus rubra ; the black oak, Quercus mgra. The name of the genus is a substantive, and that of the species an adjective. ORDERS are commonly named from their most representa- tive genus, thus : Ranunculacece, from the genus Ranuncu- lus ; Rosacece, from the genus Rosa, CHAPTER FIFTEENTH. FLOWERLESS PLANTS. EXERCISE LXXII. Ferns. You have often seen dense, green patches of plants, more or less resembling Fig. 466, and called brakes, or ferns. They seem, when growing, to be all leaf and no stem ; but you see in the figure that the stem is a short, under- ground rhizoma. In FIG. 467. some ferns the rhizo . ma takes a vertical direction, and bears a whorl or tuft of foliage at the top. Here it gives off sin- gle leaves as it ad- vances. Although, in our climate, the stems of ferns are found creeping under- ground, yet in the warm climates of the tropics they rise in the air, sometimes forming trees, forty or fifty feet in height. FIG. 468. FIG. 466. FLOWERLESS PLANTS. 177 Did you ever see any flowers upon this sort of plant ? anything, that looked like fruit ? Since studying the Coni- ferae, you are aware how very simple and obscure flowers may become, and you will, of course, look very carefully at a plant before deciding that it has none. Gather as many kinds of ferns as you can find, and search for the seed-bearing portions. Meantime you can learn the terms FIG. 469. by which their parts are distinguished. They are the fol- lowing: The leaf of a fern is called a frond. The stalk or peti- ole of a frond is called a stipe. Point out the frond and stipe in the specimens you have gathered. The lobes of a frond are called pinncz (Fig. 467). Subdivisions of pin- nae are called pinnules (Fig. 469). Point out the pinnae in your specimens. Have you found any in which the pinnae are divided or lobed by pinnules ? Observe the differences of stipe in your specimens. What kind of soil did you find them in ? Were they growing in shady or sunny places ? Did you observe the way the young fronds were folded in the bud ? EXERCISE LXXIII. Reproduction of Ferns. Did you find anything that you could fancy to be a flower, in your examination of ferns ? Look them over BOTANY. once more on all sides, and note all appearances that are repeated on different specimens. Observe carefully the under side of the frond, along the veins and the margin. FIG. 471. FIG. 470. FIG. 472. Do you not anywhere find little brown patches resembling the spots seen in Fig. 467, representing magnified pinnae, or the pinnules of Fig. 469 ? In Figs. 470 and 471 you see how these spots may be concealed under folds of the mar- gin of fronds. FIG. 473 . FIG. 474. FIG. 474 A. These brown patches certainly look very little like flowers. Examine them never so carefully with your mi- croscope, you will not find stamens or pistils. And yet FLOWERLESS PLANTS. 179 these little brown patches answer, in a certain way, to seeds. It is from them that new ferns arise. They are the reproductive parts of this class of plants, and the fronds that bear them are said to be fertile. Examine these spots carefully with your magnifying-glass, and com- pare them with Fig. 468 or Fig. 472. The small, brown- ish clusters of fruit-dots seen on the under surface of fronds, in rows along the veins, or on the margin of the pinnae, are called sort, and a single cluster a sorus. The scale or protective covering of a sorus, seen in Fig. 472, but absent in Fig. 468, is called an indusium. This organ is still more plainly seen in Fig. 473. In the sorus (Fig. 473) you see little, peculiar-looking bodies escaping from beneath the indusium. Each of FIG. 475. these cell-like bodies, of which the sorus is composed, is known as a spore-case, sporange, or theca. They are some- times stalked, as seen in Fig. 474. The singular-looking band around them is an elastic membrane, which bursts when they are mature, and thus the spores contained in the spore-case escape (Fig. 474, A). It is from spores that ferns arise, but by a process more like budding than like the sprouting of a seed. When a spore commences to grow, appearances like those represented in Fig. 475 may be observed. The growth begun by a spore, as at a, and seen more advanced at b, is shown at c, expanded into a leaf-like body, called a prothallus, which gives off roots at 180 BOTANY. the under surface. Among these roots may be found cer- tain bodies, analogous to the stamens and pistils of flowers, and called the antheridia and pistillidia. It is not until these bodies have matured and done their work that the young fern appears. If there is anything like flowering in the history of ferns, it is the prothallus produced from the spore that bears the flowers, and from these produces the young fern as seen at s, and the same, still more devel- oped, at /. EXERCISE LXXIV. Mosses. In place of flowers, mosses have antheridia and pistil- lidia. These plants may be either monoecious or dioe- cious. Fig. 476 represents a moss having its antheridia and pistillidia on different plants. At a you notice a moss-plant with sessile leaves and unbranched stem, ending in a sort of rosette, which is seen in section at , where you may observe the peculiar cylindrical bodies growing among the leaves. These are antheridia. One of these bodies, detached and much mag- nified, is seen at c. The stalk-like bodies accompanying the antheridia (h) are called paraphyses. They are not well understood, but are thought to be abortive states of the antheridia. At first these little organs contain mu- cilage, but, when mature, their contents, seen escaping at c, are granular, and each of the little ejected cellules sets free an active antherozoid. Sometimes the leaves that sur- round the antheridia grow together into a kind of cap called a perigone, and in monoecious mosses, the antheridia and pistillidia are often found within the same perigone. The archegone or pistillidia of mosses also arise in clus- ters of leaves, and are cell-like bodies, having a cap or epigone of the same nature as the perigone of antheridia. But the pistillidia bursts its cap, leaving part of it as a sheath below, and is carried up on a stalk ( H. CANADENSE (Rock Rose). Stem simple, pubescent ; leaves oblong, entire, usually alternate, acute, paler beneath ; flowers of two kinds, the earlier ones large, few, bright yellow, fugacious, terminal ; petals large, thin, nearly orbicular, emarginate, twice as long as the calyx ; later ones apet- alous, or with very small petals, axillary, sessile, nearly solitary, very small ; capsules smooth, shining ; those of the apetalous flowers very small. June- September. Order XIII. POLYGALACE^: (Milk-wort Family). Herbs, or somewhat shrubby plants. Leaves simple. Flow- ers perfect, irregular. Sepals 5, distinct, very irregular ; 3 exterior and smaller ; the 2 lateral, interior ones larger, and petaloid. Petals irregular, the anterior one (the keel) larger than the others. Stamens 6-8, hypogynous. Filaments united into a tube, which is split on the upper side. Ovary compound, free from the calyx, consisting of 2 united carpels. I. Polygala. Embryo large, with broad cotyledons. Some species bear concealed flowers, near the ground. (T) y i. P. VERTICILLATA (Green-flowered Polygala]. Stem erect, branched ; leaves linear, in whorls ; spikes linear, slender ; flowers very small, crested, CARYOPHYLLACE^. 205 greenish white ; bracts deciduous. A slender plant, with inconspicuous flowers, 3'-4' high. On dry hills. July-October. 2. P. PAUCIFOLIA (Fringed Polygala). Stem erect, simple, leafy at summit ; leaves ovate, entire, petiolate ; flowers 2-3, large and handsome, I' long, deep rose-color, on pedicels nearly i' long, crested ; radical flowers wingless ; crest inconspicuous, purple ; rhizoma creeping and branching. A handsome plant, in low woods and swamps. May. Order XIV. CARYOPHYLLACE^E (Pink Family). Herbs. Leaves opposite, entire, sometimes verticillate. Flow- ers regular. Sepals 4, or 5, sometimes coherent in a tube. Petals 4, or 5, or none. Stamens as many, or twice as many, as the petals, rarely only 2 or 3. Ovary mostly I -celled. Styles 2-5. Fruit a i -celled utricle, or a capsule, 2-5-valved, or opening at top by twice as many valves, or teeth, as there are stigmas. f Calyx with scales at base Dianthus. f Sepals forming a tube f Styles 2 Saponaria. [ No scales -I Styles 3 Silene. 1. Styles 5 Lychnis. Sepals united f Capsule i-celled Scleranthus. Capsule 3-celled Mullugo. Petals entire f Stipules-^^/*. at the base (r none)- f Styles 3-A renaria. No stipules t-1 f Styles vA nychia. [ Petals 2-cleft \ Styles ^-^Stellaria. t Styles 5 Cerastium. I. Silene. Calyx tubular, swelling, 5-toothed. Petals 5, unguicu- late. Stamens 10. Styles 3. Capsule 3-celled, many-seeded, opening at the top by 6 teeth. y. 1. S. ARMERIA (Garden Catchfly}. Very glabrous; stem erect, branch- ing, glutinous ; leaves ovate-lanceolate ; flowers purple, in cymes, numer- ous ; petals obcordate, crowned ; calyx clavate, lo-striate. A common garden flower, i2'-i8' high. July-September. 2. Lychnis. Calyx .tubular, 5-toothed. Petals 5, unguiculate ; claws slender. Stamens 10. Styles 5. Capsule i -celled or 5-celled at base. 11 i. L. GITHAGO (Corn-cockle}. Stem dichotomous, hirsute; leaves pale green, sessile, soft-hairy ; flowers few, light purple, on long peduncles. A handsome weed, 1-3 feet high, in cultivated grounds. July. 206 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 2. L. CHALJEDONICA (Scarlet Lychnis}. Nearly smooth ; leaves ovate- lanceolate, dark green ; flowers in terminal, dense fascicles, scarlet ; petals 2-lobed. Flowers varying to white, sometimes double. Gardens, growing 6' high. June-July. 3. Saponaria. Calyx tubular, 5-toothed. Petals 5, with claws as long as the calyx. Stamens 10. Styles 2. Capsule i-celled. ^ i. S. OFFICINALIS (Bouncing Bet}. Plant smooth, somewhat fleshy ; leaves ovate-lanceolate, smooth, sessile ; flowers large, pale rose-color, in paniculate fascicles ; crown of the petals linear ; flowers often double. Com- mon in waste places, 1-2 feet high. Introduced. July-August. 4. Dianthus. Calyx tubular, 5-toothed, *vith one or more pairs of opposite, imbricated scales at base. Petals 5, with long claws. Sta- mens 10. Styles 2. Capsule i-celled. ^ 1. D. BARBATUS (Sweet- William}. Stem branching; leaves lanceolate ; flowers red, often much variegated, in dense fascicles. A well-known garden flower, io'-i8' high. May-July. 2. D. CARYOPHYLLUS (Carnation). Glaucous ; leaves linear, chan- neled ; flowers large, solitary, fragrant ; scales short, ovate ; petals very broad, beardless, crenate. Stem 1-3 feet high, branched. From this species, under the influence of cultivation, have been derived all the splendid varieties of carnations. 5. Stellaria. Sepals 5, connected at the base. Petals 5, 2-cleft. Stamens 10. Styles 3-4. Capsule i-celled, 3-valved, many-seeded. 2f 1. S. MEDIA (Chickweed). Stem procumbent, marked with hairy lines; leaves ovate, smooth ; flowers small, white ; petals oblong ; stamens varying from 3-10. In waste places. March-November. 2. S. LONGIFOLIA (Stitchwort). Stem weak, with rough angles, slender and brittle ; leaves linear, sessile, i-nerved ; flowers white, in long cymes, with lanceolate, scarious bracts ; petals deeply cleft. In meadows, 8'-io' high. June-July. 6. Cerastium. Sepals 5, somewhat united at base. Petals 5, bifid. Stamens 10, rarely fewer. Styles 5, Capsule roundish, i- celled, lo-toothed. Seeds numerous. IT C. NUTANS (Morose-ear Chick-weed}. Clammy pubescent ; leaves oblong ; loosely flowered ; pods long, nodding. In moist ground. 7. Arenaria. Sepals 5. Petals 5, entire. Stamens 10, rarely fewer. Styles 3. Capsule 3-valved ; valves usually 2-parted. A. SERPYLLIFOLIA (Sandworf). Stem diffuse, dichotomous, pubescent ; leaves small, ovate, sessile, acute ; flowers small, white, numerous ; sepals lanceolate, hairy, striate ; capsule ovate, 6 -toothed. In cultivated grounds 3'-4' high. Introduced. May-June. PORTULACACE^E. 207 8. Sagina. Sepals 4-5, united at base. Petals 4-5, entire, or none. Stamens 4-5. Capsules 4-5-valved, many-seeded. S. PROCUMBENS (Pearlworf). Glabrous; stem slender, procumbent; leaves linear ; flowers small, white or green, axillary ; petals sometimes want- ing ; stamens, sepals, and petals 4-5. In wet, springy grounds. May-July. 9. Anychia. Sepals 5, ovate-oblong, connivent, subsaccate at the apex. Petals none. Stamens 2-5, inserted on the base of the sepals. A. DICHOTOMA (Forked Chickweed). Stem smooth, dichotomously branched, slender ; leaves oval, sessile ; flowers minute, white, axillary, solitary, or in terminal clusters of 3. A delicate, very branching plant, on hill-sides, 4'-8' high. June- August. 10. Spergula. Sepals 5, nearly distinct. Petals 5, entire. Sta- mens 5-10. Styles 3-5. Capsules ovate, 3-5-valved, many-seeded. 1. S. ARVENSIS (Corn Spurrey). Stem branching, somewhat viscid; leaves linear, verticillate, 10-20 in a whorl, dark green ; stipules minute ; flowers in terminal cymes ; petals white ; stamens 10 ; styles 5 ; seeds uni- form. In cultivated grounds, i foot high. May-August. 2. S. RUBRA (Red Corn Spurrey}. Stem decumbent, much branched, smooth ; leaves narrow-linear, somewhat fleshy. Stipules ovate, cleft ; flowers small, solitary, axillary, red, or rose-color, on hairy peduncles. A variable little plant, in dry soils. 11. Scleranthus. Sepals 5, united at base. Petals none. Sta- mens 10 or 5, inserted at the throat of the calyx. Styles 2. S. ANNUUS (Knawel). Stem procumbent, branching, tufted ; leaves numerous, narrow-linear, acute, opposite ; flowers small, greenish, nearly sessile, in leafy clusters. In dry soils, 2'-4' long. June- July. 12. Mollugo. Sepals 5, united at base. Petals none. Stamens 5, sometimes 3-10. Styles 3. Capsule 3-valved, 3-celled, many- seeded. M. VERTICILLATA (Carpet-weed}. Stem branched ; leaves spatulate, en- tire, in verticils of 5 ; flowers greenish white, axillary ; stamens mostly 3. A weed in cultivated grounds, spreading flat on the earth. July-September. Order XV. PORTULACACE.E {Purslane Family). Succulent or fleshy -herbs. Leaves entire. Flowers showy, opening in the sunshine. Sepals 2, often cohering to the ovary. Petals 5, rarely more, ephemeral. Stamens sometimes as many as the petals, and opposite them. Ovary i -celled. Styles 2-8. Fruit a pyxis, or a loculicidal* capsule, with as many valves as there are stigmas. ( Stamens 5 Claytonia. PORTULACACE^E.- ( Stamens more than 5 Portulaca. 208 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 1. Portulaca. Sepals 2, united ; upper portion deciduous. Petals 4-6, equal. Stamens 8-20. Styles 3-6, cleft at apex. Capsule a pyxis, many-seeded. P. OLERACEA (Purslane). Stem thick, very branching, prostrate, spread- ing ; leaves sessile ; flowers pale yellow, sessile ; petals 5, cohering at base ; foliage reddish green. A common and troublesome weed. Introduced. June-July. 2. Claytonia. Sepals 2, persistent. Petals 5, hypogynous. Sta- mens 5, on the claws of the petals. Stigma 3-cleft. Capsule 3-valvcd, 2-5-seeded. y. C. VIRGINICA (Spring Beauty). Stem simple, glabrous ; leaves opposite, linear ; flowers white, veined with purple, in a raceme ; sepals rather acute. A handsome little plant 4'-8' high, arising from a root. Low grounds. April-May. Order XVI. HYPERICACE^: (St.-John's-wort Family). Herbs or shrubs. Leaves opposite, entire, without stipules, punctate with black glands and transparent dots. Flowers mostly regular. Sepals 4-5, persistent. Petals as many as the sepals, and alternate with them, twisted in prefloration. Stamens hypo- gynous, usually numerous, and cohering by their filaments in 3 or more sets ; sometimes definite, and monadelphous, or distinct. Anthers versatile. Ovary composed of 2-5 united carpels. Fruit a many-seeded capsule, with septicidal dehiscence, either i -celled, or more or less completely 2-5-celled. ( Petals convolute Hypericum. HYPERICACE^E.^ ( Petals imbricated Elodes. I. Hypericum. Sepals 5, connected at base. Petals 5, oblique. Stamens numerous, sometimes few, united at base into 3-5 parcels, occasionally distinct. Styles 3-5, separate, or united, persistent, 1. H. PERFORATUM (St .-John 1 s-worf}. Stem erect, 2-edged, smooth, branching ; leaves elliptical, obtuse, sessile, punctate with pellucid dots ; flowers bright yellow, in panicles ; sepals lanceolate, shorter than the obo- vate petals. A troublesome plant, in pastures and dry grounds. Introduced. June-July. 2. H. MUTILUM (Small St.-John's-wqrt}. Stem erect, smooth, 4-angled ; leaves oval, obtuse, entire, sessile, s-veined ; flowers very small, greenish yellow, in leafy cymes ; sepals lanceolate, a little longer than the petals ; stamens 6-12, distinct ; capsule ovate, conical. A small species in wet grounds. July-August. MAL VACE&. 209 2. Elodea. Sepals 5, equal, somewhat united. Petals 5, decidu- ous. Stamens in 3 parcels, which alternate with 3 hypogynous glands. Styles 3, distinct. Capsule 3-celled. y E. VIRGINICA (Marsh St.-John's-worf). Stem smooth, branching ; leaves sessile, clasping, oblong, obtuse, glaucous beneath ; flowers large, dull orange purple, in racemes ; petals obovate, marked with reddish veins ; stamens united below the middle, 3 in a set. In swamps and ditches, 8'-i6' high. July-August. Order XVII. MALVACEAE (Mallow Tribe]. Herbs, shrubs, or trees. Leaves alternate, stipulate. Flowers regular, axillary. Sepals 5, somewhat united. Petals alternate with sepals, hypogynous. Stamens numerous, monadelphous, hypogynous, united to the petals at base. Anthers uniform, i- celled, bursting transversely. Pollen hispid. Ovary I, several- celled ; or ovaries several, arranged circularly round a common axis. Fruit a several-celled capsule, or consisting of several sepa- rate or separable i-2-seeded carpels. f Calyx without involucel Abutilon. MALVACEAE, -j f Involucel 3-leaved Malva. \ Calyx with involucel \ Involucel 6-9 cleft Althaea. [_ Involucel many-cleft Hibiscus. 1. Malva. Calyx 5-cleft, with an involucel of 3 leaves. Carpels several, i-celled, i-seeded, dry, indehiscent, circularly arranged. % M. ROTUNDIFOLIA (Low Mallow). Stems prostrate, branching; leaves on long petioles, obtusely 5-lobed, crenate ; flowers axillary, pale pink, or whitish ; petals deeply notched ; involucre 3-leaved ; fruit spherical, depressed in the center, mucilaginous. May-September. 2. Althaea. Calyx with a 6-g-cleft involucel. Carpels numerous, indehiscent, arranged around the axis, separating when ripe. 7f A. ROSEA (Hollyhock}. Stem erect, hairy ; leaves rough, cordate, 5-7- angled ; flowers large, axillary, sessile. Flowers red, purple, white, or yel- low, often double. Stem 6-8 feet high. 3. Hibiscus. Calyx 5-cleft, surrounded by a many-leaved involucel. Stigmas 5. Carpels 5, united into a 5-celled capsule. y. H. SYRIACUS (Althcea). Leaves 3-lobed, toothed ; flowers delicate, large, purple, axillary, solitary ; white, red, and variegated flowers. Shrub, 5-10 feet high. July-September. 4. Abutilon. Calyx 5-cleft, without an involucel. Ovary 5-celled, several-seeded. Capsule of 5 or more carpels, 2-valved, i-3-seeded. (D 2io SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. A. AVICENN^E (Indian Mallow). Stem erect, with spreading branches ; leaves orbicular, cordate, acuminate, velvety ; flowers large, orange-yellow, on peduncles, solitary ; carpels about 15, 3-seeded, inflated, 2-beaked, hairy. In waste places, 2-5 feet high. July-September, Order XVIII. TILIACE.E (Linden Family}. Trees, or shrubby plants. Leaves alternate, stipulate, decidu- ous. Sepals 4-5, deciduous. Petals 4-5, with glands at base. Stamens indefinite, distinct, hypogynous. Ovary with 2-10 united carpels. Styles united. Stigmas as many as the carpels. Fruit a 2-5-celled capsule. Tilia. Sepals 5, united, colored. Petals 5. Stamens numerous, in several parcels, mostly 5 in each set, with a petaloid scale. Ovary globose, 5-celled. Cells i-2-seeded. T. AMERICANA (Bass-wood). Leaves alternate, obliquely cordate, sharply serrate, abruptly acuminate, glabrous ; flowers dull white, with a heavy odor, in dense, pendent cymes. Peduncle united to the mid-vein of an oblong bract ; petals truncate, or obtuse ; fruit greenish, as large as peas. The inner bark is very mucilaginous, and its fiber is extremely strong. A tall, elegant tree of regular growth. June. DISCIFLORAL POLYPETALOUS EXOGENS. Order XIX. LINAGES (Linen Family). Herbs, sometimes suffruticose. Leaves sessile, entire, alternate. Flowers regular, symmetrical. Sepals 3-5. Petals as many as the sepals, and alternate with them. Stamens 3-5, with 5 processes resembling teeth. Styles as many as the stamens. Ovaries of 3-5 united carpels. Stigmas capitate. Capsule globose, 3-5-celled. Carpels 2-valved at apex, 2-seeded. Seeds without albumen. Linum. Herbs with tough bark. Leaves simple, sessile, and ex- stipulate. All flower-circles regularly 5-merous. Carpel 5-celled ; seeds flat, mucilaginous. L. USITATISSIMUM (Flax). Glabrous ; leaves linear-lanceolate, very acute ; flowers large, blue, in a corymbose panicle ; sepals ovate, 3-nerved at base. Cultivated for the seed and fiber, the basis of the linen fabric. Order XX. GERANIACE^E. Herbs, sometimes somewhat suffruticose. Leaves usually palmately veined and lobed, the lower ones opposite. Sepals 5, persistent. Petals 5, unguiculate. Stamens 10, hypogynous, GERANIACE^E. 211 united by their broad filaments. Ovary with 5 2-ovuled carpels. Styles attached to the base of a prolonged axis. Fruit consisting of 5 i -seeded carpels, which separate from the axis by curving back from their base. f Styles sOxalis. C Flowers regular, herbs -j [Style 5-cleft Geranium. CFRANIACF/E \ Flowers somewhat irregular, shrubby Pelargonium. Stamens 8, climbing herbs Tropa- l Flowers very irregular ' olum - [_ Stamens 5, erect herbs Impatiens. 1. Geranium. Sepals 5, equal. Petals 5, equal. Stamens 10 ; alternate ones larger, with a nectariferous gland at base. Styles per- sistent. Fruit beaked, y. G. MACULATUM (Cranesbill}. Stem erect, dichotomous, angular ; leaves s-y-parted ; peduncles dichotomous, i-3-flowered ; flowers large, light purple ; sepals awned ; petals entire. Woods, fields, and thickets, 1-2 feet high. May- June. 2. Pelargonium. Sepals 5 ; upper one terminating in a nectarif- erous tube, extending down the peduncle. Petals 5, irregular, larger than the sepals. Filaments 10 ; 3 of them sterile, y 1. P. ZONALE (dorses/tog Geranium}. Stem thick, shrubby; leaves orbicular, with shallow lobes, dentate, marked with a colored zone near the margin ; flowers bright scarlet, in umbels with long peduncles. 2. P. INQUINANS {Scarlet Geraniutn). Stem erect, with downy branches ; leaves round-reniform, scarcely lobed, crenate, viscid ; flowers bright scarlet, in many-flowered umbels. 3. P. PELTATUM (Ivy-leaved Geranium}. Stem long, climbing ; leaves 5-lobed, with the lobes entire, fleshy, smooth, peltate ; flowers purplish, in few-flowered umbels. 3. Oxalis. Sepals 5, distinct or united at base. Petals 5, much longer than the calyx. Capsule oblong, or subglobose. Carpels 5. y. 0. STRICTA (Wood-sorrel}. Stem simple, smooth, leafy; leaves trifoli- ate, on long petioles ; leaflets obcordate ; flowers yellow, in umbels ; cap- sules hirsute, leaves acid to the taste. Fields, from 3'-6' high. April-Sep- tember. 4. Impatiens. Sepals 5, colored, apparently 4, from the union of the 2 upper ones ; lowest spurred. Petals 4, apparently 2. Anthers cohering at apex. Capsule often i-celled. 1. I. FULVA (Jewel-weed). Stem, succulent ; leaves rhombic-ovate, ob- tuse, coarsely serrate, with mucronate teeth ; flowers deep orange, spotted with brown dots, very irregular in form ; spur longer than the petals, re- curved. In wet grounds, 1-3 feet high. June-September. 212 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 2. I. BALSAMINA (Balsamine. Touch-me-not}. Stem succulent ; leaves lanceolate, serrate, lower ones opposite ; flowers large, in axillary clusters ; spur shorter than the flower. 5. Tropoeolum. Herbs climbing by leaf-stalks, exstipulate. Sepals 5, united at base in a long spur. Petals 5, with claws. Stamens 8, un- equal. T. MAJUS (Nasturtium). Leaves peltate, orbicular ; petioles long ; flow- ers large, orange-colored, with darker spots ; petals obtuse ; the 2 upper dis- tant from the 3 lower, which are fimbriate at base. June-November. Order XXI. RUTACE^. Herbs, shrubs, or trees. Leaves punctate, without stipules. Flowers perfect. Sepals 4-5. Petals 4-5. Stamens as many, or twice as many as the petals, inserted on a hypogynous disk. Ovary 3~5-lobed, 3-5-celled. Fruit usually separating into 3-5 few-seeded carpels. Herbs Ruta. RUTACE^E. I f Flowers perfect Citrus. Shrubs or trees -j [Flowers not all perfect Zanthoxylutn. I. Citrus. Sepals 5, united. Petals 5. Stamens arranged in clusters of 5 each. Filaments dilated at base. Fruit a berry, Q-iS-celled. y. 1. C. LIMONUM (Lemon). Leaves, or rather leaflets, oval, acute, toothed ; petioles somewhat winged ; flowers white, fragrant ; stamens 35 ; fruit pale yellow, oblong-spheroidal, rind thin, pulp very acid. A low tree. 2. C. AURANTIUM (Orange). Leaflet oval, acute ; petioles winged ; stamens 20 ; berry globose, with a thin rind, and sweet pulp ; flowers white, very fragrant. A middle-sized tree. 2. Ruta. Sepals 4-5, united at base. Petals 4-5, concave, obo- vate, distinct. Stamens 10. Capsule lobed. y. R. GRAVEOLENS (Rue). Nearly smooth, suffruticose ; leaves bi- and tri- pinnately divided ; segments all entire, or incised, punctate with conspicuous dots ; flowers yellow, terminal, corymbose ; petals entire. Plant 3-4 feet high. 3. Zanthoxylum. Polygamous. Perfect flowers : Sepals 5. Pet- als none. Stamens 3-6. Pistils 3-5. Carpels 3-5, i-seeded. y. Z. AMERICANUM (Prickly Ash). Branches armed with stout, hooked prickles ; leaves pinnate ; leaflets 5-7, ovate, mostly entire, sessile ; flowers small, greenish, in umbels. Bark bitter, aromatic. Order XXII. AQUIFOLIACE.E (ffolly Family). Shrubs, or trees, Leaves simple, alternate, or opposite, often evergreen, exstipulate. Flowers small, white or greenish, axil- RHAMNACE&. 213 lary, clustered or solitary, often dioecious or polygamous. Calyx- tube free from the ovary ;. limb 4-6 cleft. Corolla regular, 4-6- parted. Stamens as many as the segments of the corolla, alter- nate with them, inserted on its base. Anthers opening longitudi- nally. Ovary 2-celled, with i ovule in each cell. Stigmas 2-6. Fruit drupaceous, with 2-6 stones. Ilex. Calyx 4-5-toothed. Corolla 4-5 parted, somewhat rotate. Stamens 4-5. Stigmas 4-5, united or distinct. Berry 4 5-seeded. 1. I. OPACA (American Holly). Leaves evergreen, oval, flat, tapering at both ends, coriaceous, smooth and shining, armed with strong, spiny teeth un the margins ; flowers small, greenish white, in loose clusters, which are axillary, or situated at the base of the young branches ; calyx-teeth acute ; berry ovate, red when ripe. A tree. June. 2. I. VERTICILLATUS (Black Alder). Leaves deciduous, oval, or wedge- lanceolate, serrate ; flowers white, axillary, on very short peduncles ; fertile ones closely aggregated ; sterile ones somewhat umbelled ; pedicels i-flow- ered ; berries roundish, scarlet, persistent through the winter. In swamps, 4-8 feet high. June, v Order XXIII. RHAMNACE^:. Shrubs, or trees, often with spinose branches. Leaves simple. Flowers small. Sepals 4-5, united at base. Petals 4-5, inserted in the throat of the calyx. Stamens 4-5, opposite the petals. Ovary of 2-4 united carpels, 2-4-celled, usually more or less free from the calyx, sometimes immersed in the fleshy disk surround- ing it. Fruit, a berry, or a capsule with dry carpels. ( Fruit berry-like Rhamnus. RHAMNACE.E. -j ( Fruit a hard pod Ceanothus. 1. Rhamnus. Calyx urceolate, 4~5-cleft. Petals 4-5, perigynous. Ovary free from the calyx, 2-4-celled. Styles, 2-4. Fruit drupa- ceous, it R. CATHARTICUS (Buckthorn). Leaves ovate, doubly serrate, acute, strongly veined, nearly smooth, alternate, in fascicles at the ends of the branches ; flowers polygamous, in fascicles, mostly tetrandrous ; petals en- tire ; fruit black, globose, nauseous, and cathartic. June. 2. Ceanothus. Shrubs. Flowers in umbels. Petals 5, hood- shaped. Ovary 3-celled, becoming a hard, 3-seeded pod. C. AMERICANUS (Jersey Tea). Young branches pubescent ; leaves ovate, serrate, white-downy beneath, flowers small, white, numerous, in dense, axil- lary, thyrsoid panicles. A small shrub, with a profusion of white flowers, growing in woods, preferring a rather dry soil. Stem 2-3 feet high. June. 214 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. Order XXIV. VITACEJE. Woody plants, climbing by tendrils. Flowers small, often polyg- amous, or dioecious. Calyx small, entire, or with 4 or 5 teeth, lined by a disk. Petals 4 or 5, inserted on the margin of the disk, often cohering by their tips, and caducous. Stamens 4 or 5, opposite the petals, and inserted with them. Ovary '2-celled. Style short, or none. Fruit a globose, usually pulpy berry, often i-celled, and i or few seeded. ( Calyx on a fleshy disk Vitis. VITACE^E.-] ( No fleshy disk/? mpelopsis. I. Vitis. Calyx nearly entire. Petals 4-5. Ovary surrounded and partly inclosed in the elevated torus, 2-celled ; cells 2-ovuled. Berry i-celled, 1-4 seeded. 1. V. LABRUSCA (Wild Grape). Leaves broadly cordate, 3-lobed, toothed, tomentose beneath ; flowers dioecious, small, green, incompact, ob- long panicles ; fruit large, globose, black or reddish-purple, pleasant and eatable. In low grounds, with very long stems, which often reach the tops of the highest trees, climbing by means of its tendrils. June. 2. V. CORDIFOLIA (Frost Grape). young branches mostly smooth ; leaves cordate, often 3-lobed ; racemes loose, many-flowered ; berries small, black, late, very acid. In low grounds and woods. 2. Ampelopsis. Calyx 5-toothed. Petals thick. Disk none. Leaves digitate, with 5 leaflets. Tendrils with disks at tips. A. QUINQUEFOLIA ( Woodbine}. Stem climbing, smooth ; leaflets ob- long, serrate, acuminate, petiolate, smooth ; flowers greenish, in dichoto- mous, many-flowered panicles ; berries dark blue, as large as a small pea, with crimson peduncles and pedicels. A rapidly growing and spreading vine. Along fences and borders of woods. July. Order XXV. SAPINDACE^E (Soapberry Family}. Trees, shrubs, or herbaceous climbers, with compound leaves, and irregular and often polygamous or dioecious flowers. Petals imbricated in the bud on a disk. Ovary 2-3-celled, with 1-3 ovules in each cell. Fruit a pod or samara. f Fruit bladdery pod Staphylea. SAPINDACE^E.-! Fruit winged, leaves simple Acer. [ Fruit leathery pod sEsculus. I. Acer. Flowers polygamous. Calyx 5-cleft. Petals 5, or none. Stamens 7-10. Styles 2. Samaras 2-winged, united at base. i. A. DASYCARPUM (Silver or White Maple). Leaves deeply 5-lobed, white and smooth beneath ; sinuses obtuse ; lobes acute, entire toward the ANACARDIACE&. 215 ba:e ; flowers small, yellowish green, in crowded, simple umbels ; pedicels short and thick ; petals none ; fruit tomentcse when young, nearly smooth when old, with very large upwardly dilated diverging wings. Wood, white, soft. April. 2. A. SACCHARINUM (Sugar-Maple). Leaves palmately lobed, cordate at base ; sinuses obtuse and shallow ; lobes acuminate, with a few coarse, repand teeth ; flowers pale yellow, on long, pendulous, filiform, villous pedi- cels ; sepals bearded inside ; petals none ; fruit yellowish, with wings i f long. A noble tree of elegant foliage and growth, often cultivated. Its sap yields maple-sugar. May. 2. ^Esculus. Calyx campanulatc, tubular, 5-toothed. Petals 4-5, more or less unequal. Stamens 6-8, on a disk ; ovary of 3 united carpels. JE. HIPPOCASTANUM (Horse-CIiestnut).'Lea.ves digitate; leaflets 7, obovate, abruptly acute, serrate ; flowers large, in pyramidal thyrses or ra- cemes, pink and white ; fruit large, dark chestnut-colored, not eatable. Tree, 40- ~o feet high, of elegant growth. June. 3. Staphylea. Flowers perfect. Sepals 5, colored, persistent, erect. Petals 5. Stamens 5. Styles 3. Capsules membranaceous, 3-celled, 3-lobed. -% S. TRIFOLIA (Bladdernuf). Leaves ternate, opposite ; leaflets ovate, finely serrate ; stipules caducous ; flowers white, in nodding, axillary racemes ; petals narrow-cbovate ; fruit composed of 3 inflated, united, i-several -seeded carpels. May. Order XXVI. ANACARDIACE/E. Trees, or shrubs, with a resinous, gummy, milky, or acrid juice. Leaves alternate, not dotted, destitute of stipules. Flowers small, often polygamous, or dioecious. Sepals 5, persistent. Petals as many as the sepals, sometimes none. Stamens as many as the pet- als, alternate with them, inserted on the base of the calyx. Ovary i -celled, nearly or quite free from the calyx. Ovule solitary. Styles 3-5, distinct or united. Fruit a drupe, or a bony, i-seeded nut. Rhus. Sepals 5, united. Petals 5. Stamens 5. Styles 3. Stig- mas capitate. Fruit a dry drupe, with a bony, i-celled nut. Flowers often dioecious. 1. R. GLABRA (Sumach). Leases pinnate, 6-i5-foliate ; leaflets lance-ob- long, acuminate, smooth ; flowers small, greenish, in dense, terminal, thyrsoid panicles, followed by small drupes covered with crimson hairs, of a sour taste. A shrub 6-10 feet high, in pastures and thickets. June- July. 2. R. VENENATA (Dogwood, Poison Sumach). Very glabrous; leaflets 7-13, oval, entire ; flowers very small, green, mostly dioecious, in loose panicles ; drupes smooth, greenish, as large as peas. A shrub, in swamps, 10-15 f eet high, and exceedingly poisonous to most persons. June. 216 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 3. R. TOXICODENDRON (Poison Oak, Poison Ivy}. Stem erect, or de- cumbent ; leaves pubescent, ternate ; leaflets broad oval ; flowers green, in racemose panicles ; drupes sub-globose, smooth, pale brown. A low shrub 1-3 feet high, poisonous, but less so than the last. SUPERIOR POLYPETALOUS EXOGENS. Order XXVII. LEGUMINOS^: (Pea Family]. Herbs, shrubs, or trees. Leaves alternate, often compoundc Stipules present. Calyx consisting usually of 5, more or less united sepals. Petals 5, either papilionaceous or regular. Sta- mens perigynous, sometimes hypogynous, diadelphous, mona- delphous, or distinct. Ovary single, and simple. Fruit a le- gume, assuming various forms, sometimes divided into several I -seeded joints, when it is called a loment. Seeds solitary, or several, destitute of albumen. A very large and important or- der, distributed throughout the world, except in Arctic coun- tries. C Style bearded, next to free stamen ' Leaves abruptly [ Lathyrus. pinnate, tendriled \ Style bearded, opposite to free stamen Pisunt. Flowers papili- onaceous Leaves unequally pinnate Stems ("Woody, bluish flowers Wistaria. twining -I [ Herbs, purplish flowers Apios. Stems not f Trees or shrubs Robinia. twining -I [ Herbs Tephrosia. f Legume linear, many-seed- ed Phaseolus. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate Leaves palmately 3-foliolate Flowers not papilionaceous Calyx cam- pan ulate Legume flat, few-seeded [ Amphicarpiza. (Legume of hispid joints Desmodium. Legume not jointed, small Melilotus. f Pod small, included in calyx Trifolium. Pod curved or coiled Medicago. Pod lenticular, flat, i-seeded Lespedeza. [Pod inflated, 2-seeded Baptisia. ( Herbs Ca ssia. LEGUMINOSsE. 217 1. Lathyrus. Calyx campanulate, 5 -cleft. Style flat, dilated above, ascending, pubescent, or villous on the inside next the stamen. V L. PALUSTRIS (Marsh VetcJi). Glabrous ; stem ascending, winged; leaves 4-6-foliate ; leaflets narrow-oblong, sessile ; stipules minute ; pedun- cles axillary, 3-5 flowered ; flowers light purple ; legumes broad-linear, compressed. In meadows, 1-2 feet high. June. 2. Pisum. Calyx-segments leafy ; 2 upper shortest. Banner re- flexed. Stamens 10, in 2 sets, 9 and I. Style compressed. Legume oblong, many-seeded. P. SATIVUM (Pea). Glaucous, smooth ; stem nearly simple, climbing ; leaves 4-6-foliate ; leaflets ovate, entire ; stipules ovate, semi-cordate at base ; flowers large, white, 2-5 on axillary peduncles. A cultivated plant, 2-5 feet high, climbing by its tendrils. May-June. 3. Phaseolus. Calyx campanulate, 5-toothed, 2 upper teeth more or less united. Keel, together with the stamens and style, spirally twisted. Legume linear, or falcate, more or less compressed. 1. P. VULGARIS (Bean). Stem twining ; leaflets ovate, acuminate ; racemes solitary, shorter than the leaves ; pedicels in pairs ; legume pendu- lous. Cultivated in gardens. 2. P. MULTIFLORUS (Scarlet Pole-Bean). Stem twining ; leaflets ovate, acute ; flowers large, scarlet, very ornamental, in solitary racemes ; pedicels opposite ; legumes pendulous ; seeds reniform. Cultivated. 4. Apios. Calyx 2-lipped ; standard broad, reflexed ; . stamens diadelphous. Pod many-seeded, y. A. TUBEROSA (Ground - Nut). Sterti twining; leaves 5-y-foliate ; leaflets ovate-lanceolate, entire ; flowers dark purple, of a peculiar leathery appearance. The root bears numerous nutritious tubers. Low grounds and thickets. July-August. 5. Wistaria. Calyx campanulate ; upper lip with 2 short teeth. Banner with 2 callosities. Wings and keel falcate. Legume many- seeded, y. W. FRUTESCENS (Common Wistaria}. Stem long, climbing; leaves o/-i3-foliate ; leaflets ovate-lanceolate, acute, slightly pubescent ; racemes long, pendulous, with large, colored bracts ; flowers lilac-colored. Common in cultivation. May. 6. Amphicarpaea. Calyx tubular, campanulate, 4, sometimes 5- toothed ; segments nearly equal. Petals oblong. Banner with ap- pressed sides. Stigma capitate. Ovary stipitate. Legume flat, 2-4 seeded. Flowers of two kinds. A. MONOICA ( Wild Pea-vine']. Stem slender, hairy, twining ; leaves pinnately trifoliate ; leaflets ovate, acute, smooth ; upper and perfect flowers 218 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. nodding, in axillary racemes ; lower imperfect flowers on radical peduncles : cauline legumes 3~7-seeded ; radical ones often beneath the surface, i-seeded. A very delicate vine in low woods and thickets. July-September. 7. Robinia. Calyx short, campanulate, 5-toothed. Banner large. Keel obtuse. Stamens diadelphous. Style bearded on the inside. Legume compressed, many-seeded. Trees and shrubs. y. R. PSEUDACACIA (Locust-Tree}. Branches with stipular prickles; leaves Q-ig-foliate ; leaflets ovate, or oblong-ovate, thin, smooth ; flowers large, white ; legumes smooth. A beautiful tree with elegant foliage. May- June. 8. Tephrosia. Calyx equally 5-cleft ; standard roundish. Pod linear. Hoary herbs, y. T. VIRGINIANA (Goafs Rue). Villous ; stem simple, erect ; leaves 17-29- foliate ; leaflets oblong, softly villous beneath ; racemes terminal, oblong ; flowers large, pale yellow and purple ; legumes falcate, villous. In sandy soils, 1-2 feet high. July. 9. Trifolium. Calyx tubular, campanulate, 5 -cleft, persistent. Pet- als withering. Banner larger than the wings, reflexed. Wings oblong. Legume small, membranaceous, indehiscent. Seeds sub-globose. Leaves trifoliate. Flowers in dense heads. 1. T. REPENS (White Clover). Smooth; stem creeping, spreading; leaflets obcordate, denticulate ; petioles long ; stipules narrow-lanceolate ; heads globose ; corollas white, becoming pale brown, very fragrant, reflexed when past flowering ; legume 4-seeded. In damp soils. 2. T. ARVENSE (Rabbi? 's-foot Clover}. Silky-pubescent ; stem erect, branching ; leaflets oblong-obovate, minutely 3-toothed at apex ; petioles very short; flowers pale red or whitish, in cylindrical, very hairy heads. A hairy plant, 3'-8' high, in pastures and dry soils. July-August. 3. T. PRATENSE (Red Clover). Stems hairy, slightly pubescent ; leaflets ovate, with a large, lighter-colored spot in the center ; stipules ovate-lanceo- late, membranaceous, strongly nerved ; flowers red, in dense, short, fragrant heads. Cultivated for hay. 10. Melilotus. Calyx tubular, persistent, 5-toothed. Corolla de- ciduous. Keel-petals completely united, cohering with the wings. Stamens in 2 sets (9 and i). Legume coriaceous, i-few seeded, y M. OFFICINALIS (Yellow Mellilot Clover}. Stem erect, branching, smooth ; leaves pinnately 3-foliate ; leaflets obovate-oblong, obtuse ; flowers yellow, in loose, axillary racemes ; legume ovate, 2-seeded. In alluvial soils, 2-3 feet high. June-August. 11. Medicago. Calyx 5-cleft, somewhat cylindric. Keel of the corolla remote from the standard. Legume falcate, or spirally coiled, usually many-seeded. LEGUMINOS^E. 2I 9 M. LUPULINA (None-such). Stem procumbent, angular ; leaves trifoli- ate ; leaflets obovate ; stipules lanceolate, acute ; flowers small, yellow, in small ovate heads, on slender, pubescent peduncles, longer than the petioles ; legumes reniform, i-seeded. In fields and roadsides. May-October. 12. Desmodium. Calyx with 2 bracteoles at base, bilabiate, 5- cleft. Corolla inserted on the calyx at the base. Banner roundish.- Keel obtuse. Style filiform. Stigma capitate. Legume compressed, of several, i-seeded, separate joints. Leaves pirmately trifoliate. 2f 1. D. NUDIFLORUM (Scape Trefoil}. Stem erect, leafy at summit ; leaf- lets ovate ; flowers small, in racemes, purple ; stamens monadelphous ; legume with obtusely triangular joints. July-August. 2. D. ROTUNDIFOLIUM (Creeping Trefoil}. Stem prostrate, hairy ; petioles hairy ; leaflets orbicular, hairy ; terminal one largest ; stipules large, reflexed ; racemes with long peduncles ; flowers light purple ; legumes with 3-5 rhomboidal hispid joints. August. 13. Lespedeza. Calyx 5-cleft, with 2 bracteoles at base. Keel- petals very obtuse, on slender claws. Legume lenticular, small, reticu- lated, unarmed, indehiscent, i-seeded. %. 1. L. CAPITATA (Headed Bush Clover). Stem erect, villous ; leaves crowded ; leaflets elliptical, silky beneath ; flowers in axillary racemes ; corolla white. Dry fields and hills, 2-3 feet high. August-September. 2. L. VIOLACEA (Bush Clover). Stem erect or diffuse, branching, pu- bescent, leaves on short petioles ; leaflets hairy beneath ; flowers in axillary, few-flowered racemes, slender ones violet-purple ; apetalous flowers glomer- ate and subsessile in the axils of the leaves ; legumes much longer than the calyx. August-September. 14. Baptisia. Calyx 4-5 toothed ; standard reflexed. Stamens 10, distinct. Leaves 3-foliolate. y. B. TINCTORIA (Indigo Weed}. Stem erect, smooth, branching; leaves palmately trifoliate, on short petioles ; leaflets roundish ; flowers rather small, yellow, in few-flowered racemes, terminating the branches. In dry fields and woods, 2-4 feet high. July-September. 15. Cassia. Sepals 5, slightly united at base, nearly equal. Petals 5, unequal. Stamens 10, distinct. Legume many-seeded, ij. C. MARILANDICA ( Wild Senna}. Glabrous ; stem erect ; leaves I2-I& foliate ; leaflets oblong-lanceolate ; flowers bright yellow, numerous, in axil- lary racemes and terminal panicles ; legumes linear ; anthers blackish. In alluvial soils, 4-6 feet high. July-August. 16. Gleditschia. Polygamous. Sepals 3-5, equal, united at base. Petals 3-5, distinct, opposite the sepals. Stamens 3-5. Styles short. Stigma pubescent. Legume compressed, often interrupted between the seeds by sweet pulp. 220 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. G. TRIACANTHOS (Honey Locust}. Branches armed with stout, most- ly branching, triple thorns ; leaves abruptly pinnate, or bipinnate ; leaflets alternate, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse ; flowers small, white, spicate ; pods long, flat, curved, pendulous. A handsome, thorny tree. June. Order XXVIII. ROSACES (Rose Family]. Trees, shrubs, or herbs. Leaves alternate. Stipules usually present. Flowers regular, usually perfect. Sepals 5, rarely less, more or less united, commonly persistent. Petals 5, perigynous, sometimes wanting. Stamens numerous, rarely few, inserted on the calyx, distinct. Ovaries several, or i, often adherent to the calyx-tube, and to each other. Styles distinct, or united. Fruit a drupe, pome, achenium, or follicle. f i. Fruit a drupe Prunus. f Petals equal Spircea. 2. Fruit a follicle-^ t Petals unequal Gillenia. f Achenia pulpy Rubus. 3. Fruit achenia Achenia I dry- Receptacle fleshy Fragaria. Recep- tacle dry Achenia without long styles Achenia izwWaldsteinia. Achenia many Potentilla. { Dry Agrimo- Achenia on the | nia. calyx-tube 4 ( Fleshy Rosa. [Achenia with long persistent styles Geum. f 1-5 bony seeds Crat&gus. \ 2-5 two-seeded carpels Pyrus. 4. Fruit a pome <{ 3-5 one-seeded carpels Amelanchier. [5 many-seeded carpels Cydon ia. I. Prunus. Calyx 5-cleft, regular, deciduous. Petals spreading. Stamens 25-30. Drupe globose, fleshy, destitute of bloom, y. 1. P. CERASUS (Ctierry). Leaves oblong-ovate, hairy beneath ; flowers large, white, in umbels ; drupe ovoid. Cultivated, and esteemed for its de- licious fruit. May. 2. P. AMERICANA (Wild Plum}. Leaves oval, varying to ovate, doubly serrate ; flowers white, in sessile umbels ; drupe roundish-oval, red and orange, very smooth, sweet and pleasant, with yellow pulp, and a thick, tough skin. A straggling shrub, 8-10 feet high, with somewhat thorny branches. May. 3. P. PERSICA (Peach). Flowers rose-colored ; calyx bell-shaped. Fruit globular, with thick pulp. A small tree, largely grown for its excellent fruit ROSACES. 221 4. P. DOMESTICA (Plum), Leaves oval or ovate-lanceolate ; flowers white ; drupe round, to ovoid. A small tree, 10-15 feet high, with unarmed branches, long cultivated for its delicious fruit, sometimes black, sometimes white. May. 5. P. SEROTINA (Wild Black Cherry). Leaves oval or oblong, smooth, finely serrate, shining above ; petioles with 2 or more glands ; flowers white, in spreading racemes ; drupe black, somewhat bitter ; bark bitter, tonic. A tall, elegant tree. May. 6. P. VIRGIN! ANA (Choke-Cherry). Leaves obovate, to oval, sharply ser- rate ; petiole with 2 glands ; flowers sessile, in short, erect, spreading ra- cemes ; drupes sub-globose, dark red ; extremely bitter and astringent. Small tree, 5-20 feet high. May. 2. Spiraea. Calyx 5-cleft, persistent. Petals 5, roundish, equal. Stamens 10-50. Carpels 3-12, distinct, follicular, i-celled, l-io- seeded. 1. S. TOMENTOSA (Hardback). Stem shrubby, brittle, woolly-tomen- tose, and rust-colored ; leaves ovate, or oblong, numerous, ferruginous- tomentose beneath ; racemes short, dense, numerous, in a dense panicle ; flowers pale purple, very small, numerous. A shrub, 2-3 feet high, in past- ures and low grounds. July. 2. S. SALICIFOLIA (Meadow-sweet). Nearly smooth ; leaves oblong-obo- vate, sharply and doubly serrate ; flowers white, often tinged with red, in dense, terminal panicles ; carpels 5, smooth. A common shrub, in meadows, 2-4 feet high. July-August. 3. Gillenia. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 5-cleft. Petals 5, linear- lanceolate. Stamens 10-15. Carpels 5. Styles filiform, terminal. Follicles 3, 2-valved, 2-4-seeded. ^ G. TRIFOLIATA {Indian Physic). Stem shrubby at base, slender, and nearly smooth, branching ; leaves 3-foliate ; leaflets ovate-oblong ; stipules linear ; flowers rose-color, or nearly white, on long pedicels, in corymbose panicles ; root emetic and cathartic. In woods, 2-3 feet high. June-July. 4. Agrimonia. Calyx-tube armed with hooked bristles, contracted at the throat, with a 5-cleft limb. Petals 5. Stamens 12-15. Ovaries 2. Styles terminal. Achenia included in rim of the calyx, y. A. EUPATORIA (Agrimony). Stem erect, hirsute, branching ; leaves 5-7- foliate, upper ones 3-foliate ; leaflets ovate, oval, coarsely toothed ; stipules large ; flowers yellow, in spikes, on very short pedicels. A hairy plant, 2-4 feet high. July. 5. Geum. Calyx deeply 5-cleft, with 5 alternate segments. Petals 5. Stamens numerous. Achenia numerous on the conical, dry recep- tacle, it G. RIVALS (Water Avens). Stem erect, pubescent ; radical leaves inter- rupted and lyrately pinnate ; cauline ones 3-foliate, or 3-lobed ; flowers few, 222 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. purple, nodding ; petals purplish-yellow, broad obovate. In bogs and wat meadows. June. 6. Potentilla. Calyx 4-5-cleft, with 4-5 alternate, exterior seg- ments. Petals 4-5, dentate, deciduous. Stamens numerous, with slen- der filaments. Ovaries numerous, in a head, on a dry receptacle. Styles deciduous. Achenia numerous, if 1. P. CANADENSIS (Five-finger}. Hirsute-pubescent; procumbent; leaves palmately 3-5-foliate ; leaflets obovate, silky beneath ; stipules 2-3-cleft, or entire ; flowers yellow, on axillary, solitary pedicels. A very common and variable species, sporting into apparently distinct varieties under the influ- ence of different soils. April-August. Var. PUMILA. Very small and delicate. In dry soils. April-May. 2. P. ARGENTEA {Silvery Cinquefoil). Stems ascending, hoary-tomen- tose ; leaves palmately 3-5-foliate ; leaflets oblong, incised, entire at base, with a revolute margin, silvery beneath ; flowers small, yellow, in crowded corymbs ; petals longer than the canescent sepals. June-September. 7. Fragaria. Calyx concave, deeply 5-cleft. Petals 5, obcordate. Stamens numerous. Achenia dry, smooth, scattered on the enlarged, pulpy, deciduous receptacle. Leaves trifoliate. Stems stolonifer- OUS. 2f 1. F. VIRGINIANA (Field Strawberry}. Plants pubescent ; leaflets oval, coarsely serrate ; flowers white, on few-flowered scapes ; fruit roundish-ovoid ; achenia imbedded in pits on the receptacle ; calyx spreading in fruit. A well- known plant, in fields and meadows, universally a favorite for its delicious fruit. April-May. 2. F. VESCA (English Strawberry], Plant pubescent, leaflets oval, coarse- ly serrate, or dentate ; flowers white, on scapes longer than the leaves ; achenia scattered in the surface of the conical or semi-spherical fruit, which is not pitted. Common in cultivation. April-May. 8. Waldsteinia. Calyx 5-cleft, with 5 alternate bracteoles. Petals sessile, deciduous. Stamens numerous, inserted into the calyx. Achenia few, dry, on a short receptacle, y. W. FRAGARIOIDES (Dry Strawberry). Leaves trifoliate, with pubescent petioles ; leaflets crenately toothed, and incised ; scapes many-flowered ; flow- ers yellow ; petals obovate. In shady and hilly woods. June. 9. Rubus. Calyx 5-parted, spreading. Petals 5, deciduous. Sta- mens numerous. Ovaries numerous, with 2 ovules. Achenia pulpy, aggregated on a conical, juicy receptacle. Receptacle deciduous, y. 1. R. VILLOSUS (High Blackberry]. Stem mostly erect, angular, armed with stout, curved prickles ; young branches and peduncles villous and gland- ular ; leaves palmately 3-5-foliate ; leaflets ovate ; flowers white, in leafless racemes of 20-25. Fruit oblong, large, black, sweet and delicious. 2. R. HISPIDUS (Bristly Blackberry}. Stem slender, prostrate, clothed ROSACES. 223 with retrorse bristles ; leaves 3-foliate ; leaflets obovate, mostly obtuse, smooth, entire toward the base, coarsely serrate ; peduncles corymbose, with several flowers, often bristly ; flowers small, white ; petals obovate. Fruit small, dark purple, or blackish, sour. May- June. 3. R. ID.EUS {Garden Raspberry}. Stem hispid; leaves pinnately 3-5- foliate ; leaflets broad-ovate, unequally serrate, hoary -torn entose beneath ; flowers white, corymbosely paniculate ; petals entire, shorter than the tomen- tose, acuminate calyx. Fruit red. May. 4. R. STRIGOSUS (Raspberry). Stem unarmed, shrubby, strongly hispid ; leaves pinnately 3-5-foliate ; leaflets oblong-ovate, acuminate, serrate, hoary- tomentose beneath ; peduncles 3-6-flowered, hispid ; petals white. Fruit light red, juicy, of a peculiar and very pleasant flavor. May. 5. R. OCCIDENTALS (Black Raspberry). Stem shrubby, glaucous, armed with hooked prickles ; leaves pinnately 3-foliate ; leaflets ovate, coarsely and doubly serrate, hoary-tomentose beneath ; peduncles i-3-flowered, with short pedicels ; petals white. Fruit dark purple, covered with a glaucous bloom, pleasant flavor. May. 10. Rosa. Calyx-tube contracted at the mouth, at length fleshy, with 5 segments. Petals 5. Achenia numerous, bony, hairy, attached to the inside of the fleshy calyx-tube. Leaves pinnate. Shrubs. i. R. CAROLINA (Swamp Rose}. Stem smooth, armed with stout- hooked prickles ; leaflets 5-9, oblong, serrate, pale beneath ; petioles some- what prickly ; flowers 3-5, in leafy clusters at the ends of the branches, light red ; calyx and peduncles glandular-hispid. Common in swamps, 4-8 feet high. June-July. 2. R. LUCIDA (Wild Rose}. Stems armed with scattered prickles; leaf- lets 5-9, elliptical, sharply serrate, smooth and shining above ; flowers 1-3, pale red ; peduncles and appendaged calyx-segments glandular-hispid ; fruit depressed, globose, small, red, hispid. A shrub, in dry fields, 1-4 feet high. June-July. 3. R. SETIGERA (Prairie Rose}. Branches elongated, glabrous, with a few, stout, somewhat hooked prickles ; leaflets 3-5, large, ovate, smooth and shining above, sharply serrate ; flowers in very large, corymbose clusters, nearly scentless, of a changeable reddish color ; styles united ; fruit globose. A climbing species, 10-20 feet high. June- July. 4. R. RUBIGINOSA (Sweet Brier}. Stem smooth, armed with stout, re- curved prickles ; leaflets 5-7, roundish-oval, sharply serrate, and with the petioles and stipules clothed with ferruginous glands beneath ; flowers light red, or white, fragant, mostly solitary ; fruit ovate, or obovate, reddish-orange when full grown. Common in fields ; often cultivated. June. 11. Crataegus. Calyx-tube urceolate, with a 5-cleft limb. Petals 5, spreading. Stamens numerous Styles 1-5. Pome fleshy, contain- ing 1-5 long, i-seeded carpels. i. C. COCCINEA (White Thorn}. Leaves roundish-ovate, 5-Q-lobed, sharply incised, thin, acutely serrate, on slender petioles ; flowers white, 224 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. corymbed ; calyx and pedicels usually smooth ; styles 3-5 ; fruit large, glo- bose, bright red. A small tree, 10-20 feet high. May. 2. C. TOMENTOSA (Black Thorn}. Leaves oval, or elliptic -ovate, doubly serrate, dentate toward the apex, nearly smooth above, tomentose beneath ; flowers large, fragrant, white, in large, leafy corymbs, with calyx and pedi- cels villous-tomentose ; styles 3-5 ; fruit pyriform, ovary red, eatable, but rather insipid. In wet thickets, 10-15 feet high. May. 12. Pyrus. Calyx urceolate, with a 5-cleft limb. Petals 5, round- ish. Styles 2-5, often united at base. Pome closed, fleshy, 2-5 car- peled. Carpels cartilaginous, 2-seeded, 1. P. MALUS (Apple). Leaves ovate, or oblong-ovate, serrate, acute, or briefly acuminate, tomentose beneath, petiolate ; flowers large, light rose- color, fragrant, in corymbs ; petals short ; styles 5, united and villous at base ; pome globose. A fruit-tree, cultivated, and almost naturalized, 20-40 feet high. May. 2. P. COMMUNIS (Pear). Leaves ovate-lanceolate, smooth above, pubes- csnt beneath ; flowers smaller than in the apple, white, in racemose corymbs, styles 5, distinct and villous at base ; pome usually pyriform. A tree, 20-50 feet high. May. 3. P. ARBUTIFOLIA (Choke-berry). Leaves oblong-ovate, obtuse, or acute, smooth and shining above ; flowers in compound, terminal corymbs ; calyx and pedicels tomentose when young ; fruit pyriform, dark red, or pur- ple when ripe, astringent. A shrub, 2-5 feet high, in low grounds. May. 4. P. AMERICANA (Mountain Ash). Leaves pinnate, i3-i5-foliate, smooth ; leaflets oblong-lanceolate, sharply serrate ; flowers white, in com- pound cymes ; fruit bright red, or scarlet, globose, sour. A small tree, 15-25 feet high, common in damp woods in mountainous districts. May-June. 13. Amelanchier. Calyx 5-cleft. Petals oblong-ovate. Stamens short. Styles 5, more or less connected. Pome 3-5-celled, cells partly divided by a false dissepiment. A. CANADENSIS (Shad-flower). Leaves ovate, or oval, softly tomentose when very young, smooth when fully grown, sharply serrate ; flowers white, racemose ; berries purple, eatable. A common and variable shrub in damp, rocky woods, and low grounds, 6-15 feet high. May. Var. OBLONGIFOLIA. Leaves oval-oblong, serrate, with short acute teeth, tomentose on the lower surface during flowering ; flowers smaller than in normal form ; petals obovate-oblong. Apparently well marked while in flower, but difficult to distinguish afterward. 14. Cydonia. Calyx urceolate, with a 5-cleft limb. Petals 5. Styles 5. Pome with 5 cartilaginous, many-seeded carpels. Seeds covered with a mucilaginous pulp. C. VULGARIS (Quince). Leaves oblong-ovate, entire, smooth above, woolly beneath ; flowers large, solitary, on woolly peduncles ; calyx woolly ; petals white ; pome soft, downy, obovoid, yellow. A large shrub of strag- gling growth. May. SAXIFRAGACE&. 225 Order XXIX. SAXIFRAGACE^E (Saxifrage Family). Herbs, or shrubs. Leaves alternate, or opposite, sometimes stipulate. Sepals 4 or 5, more or less cohering, persistent. Pet- als 4 or 5, inserted between the calyx-lobes, rarely wanting. Sta- mens 5-10, inserted on the calyx-tube. Ovary adherent to the calyx-tube, of 2, or sometimes 3-5 carpels, cohering below, distinct above. Styles 2, sometimes 3-5. Fruit a I, or rarely 3~5-celled capsule. Leaves alternate Ribes. Leaves f Stamens vo-qz-Philadelphus. opposite -| (^Stamens 8-10 Hydrangea. SAXIFRAGACE^E. \ f Petals f Flowers in racemes Tiarella. I entire \ I Flowers not in racemes Saxifraga, Herbs- \ Petals pinnatifid 'Mitella. Petals none Chrysosplenium. I. Saxifraga. Sepals 5, more or less united. Petals 5, inserted on the calyx-tube, entire. Stamens 10. Anthers 2-celled, opening longitudinally. Capsule of 2 carpels, 2-celled below, opening between the 2 divergent beaks. Seeds numerous, y. 1. S. VIRGINIENSIS (Early Saxifrage}. Leaves mostly radical, ovate, spatulate, on broad petioles ; scape mostly naked ; flowers small, white, numerous, cymose. Early flowering plant, on rocks and dry hills, scape 3'- 10' high. April-May. 2. S. PENNSYLVANIA (Tall Saxifrage). Leaves radical, oval, rather acute, tapering at base, with short, margined petioles ; scape almost leafless, striate, viscid pubescent ; flowers yellowish-green, pedicellate ; petals linear- lanceolate. In swamps and meadows, with hollow scapes 1-3 feet high. May. 2. Mitella. Calyx campanulate, 5-cleft. Petals 5, pinnatifid. Stamens 5-10, included. Styles 2, short, distinct. Capsule i-cclled, 2-valved. y. M. DIPHYLLA (Common Mitella). Stem simple, pubescent; leaves cor- date, serrately toothed, pubescent ; flowers white, in long, terminal racemes on short pedicels, beautifully marked by the pectinate petals ; styles short. A plant 6'-i2' high. May-June. 3. Tiarella. Calyx 5-parted, with obtuse lobes, valvate in preflora- tion. Petals 5, entire. Stamens 10, inserted with the petals. Styles 2. Capsule i-celled, 2-valved. y. T. CORDIFOLIA (Mitreworf). Acaulescent ; leaves cordate, acutely 3-5- lobed, dentate, with mucronate teeth, hirsute above ; stolons creeping; flow- ers white, in racemes ; bracts minute ; petals oblong. May-June. 226 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 4. Chrysosplenium. Calyx coherent with the ovary, 4~5-lobed, colored within. Petals none. Stamens 8-10, with short filaments. Styles 2. Capsule obcordate, compressed, i-celled, 2-valved. Seeds numerous, if. C. AMERICANUM ( Water-carpet}. Stem slender, square, decumbent ; leaves roundish-ovate, smooth ; flowers remote, sessile ; calyx usually 4-cleft, greenish yellow, marked with purple lines ; stamens 8, very short, with orange-colored anthers. In shady springs and streams. March-May. 5. Hydrangea. Flowers either all fertile, or more commonly the marginal ones are sterile. STERILE FLOWERS. Calyx colored, mem- branaceous, veiny, 4-5-cleft. Petals, stamens, and styles none. FER- TILE FLOWERS. Calyx-tube hemispherical, with a 4~5-toothed, persist- ent limb. Petals ovate, sessile. Stamens twice as many as the petals. Styles 2, distinct. Capsule 2-beaked. H. HORTENSIS (Changeable Hydrangea}. Leaves elliptical, serrated or toothed, strongly veined, smooth ; cymes radiant ; flowers mostly sterile. In cultivation, 1-2 feet high. 6. Philadelphus. Calyx 4~5-parted, persistent, with the tube half adherent to the ovary. Petals 4-5, convolute in prefloration. Stamens 20-40. Capsule 4-celled, 4-valved. Seeds with an aril. P. CORONARIUS (False Syringa). Leaves ovate, smooth, petiolate ; flowers numerous, white, very fragrant, in leafy clusters at the ends of the branches. A cultivated shrub, 5-7 feet high. June. 7. Ribes. Leaves alternate and palmately lobed. Calyx 5-lobed. Petals 5. Stamens 5, alternate with petals. Low shrubs, if 1. R. RUBRUM (Currant}. Leaves subcordate, obliquely 3~5-lobed, mostly pubescent beneath, serrate ; racemes nearly smooth, pendulous ; flowers greenish, calyx rotate ; fruit globose, smooth, red, or sometimes white. In gardens, it varying much in the size and color of fruit. 2. R. AUREUM (Golden Currant}. Glabrous ; leaves 3-lobed ; flowers numerous, golden yellow, very fragrant, in lax, many-flowered racemes ; fruit smooth, globose, yellow, at length brown, pleasant. An ornamental shrub. Order XXX. CRASSULACE/E. Succulent herbs, or shrubby plants. Leaves simple, without stipules. Flowers usually in cymes. Sepals 3-20, more or less united at base, persistent. Petals as many as the sepals. Sta- mens as many as the sepals, and alternate with them, or twice as many, inserted on the calyx, Ovaries as many as the petals, and opposite to them. Follicles as many as the ovaries, many seeded. DROSERACE^:. 227 Leaves not fleshy Penthorum. CRASSULACE/E. 1 f Pistils 6-i2Sempervivum. Leaves fleshy -i [.Pistils 4-5 Sedum. I. Sedum. Sepals 4-5, more or less united at base. Petals 4-5, distinct. Stamens 8-10. Carpels 4-5, distinct, many-seeded, with an entire scale at the base of each, y 1. S. TERNATUM (Stone-crop). Leaves smooth, entire, lower ones ter- nately verticillate, obovate, tapering at base ; cyme of 3 spikes ; flowers sev- eral, white, sessile. In cultivation. July-August. 2. S. TELEPHIUM (Orpine, Live-forever). Root tuberous, fleshy, white ; stem simple, erect, round, leafy ; leaves flattish, ovate, serrate, obtuse, scat- tered, sessile ; cymes corymbose, leafy ; flowers white and purple. In gar- dens. August. 3. S. ACRE ( Wall-pepper). Stems procumbent, branching at base ; leaves minute, somewhat ovate, fleshy, obtuse, alternate, crowded, sessile ; cymes few-flowered in 3 divisions, leafy ; flowers yellow. A little fleshy plant, rapidly spreading wherever it is planted, and thickly covering the surface. June-July. 2. Sempervivum. Sepals 6-20, slightly united at base. Petals 6-20, acuminate. Stamens twice as many as the petals. Ovaries with lacerated scales at base. Carpels 6-20. 2f S. TECTORUM (House-leek}. Herbaceous; leaves thick and fleshy, fringed ; offsets spreading. A common plant in gardens, which sends out runners with offsets, and thus propagates itself, flowering only occasionally. 3. Penthorum. Sepals 5, united at base. Petals 5, or none. Sta- mens 10. Capsules of 5 united carpels, 5-angled, 5-celled, and 5- beaked. % P. SEDOIDES (Virginia Stone-crop}. Stem erect, somewhat branched, angular above ; leaves lanceolate, smooth, acute at both ends, serrate, almost sessile ; flowers yellowish-green, inodorous. In moist ground, 8'-i5' high. A ugust-September. Order XXXI. DROSERACE^E (Sundew Family]. Marsh herbs with regular flowers in scapes, from a tuft of glandular leaves. Sepals and petals 5. Stamens 5-15. Pod i- celled and many-seeded. Drosera. Sepals 5, united at base, equal, persistent ; petals 5 ; stamens 5 ; styles 3-5 ; capsule sub-globose, 3-valved, i-celled, many- seeded. D. ROTUNDIFOLIA (Sundew). Leaves radical, in tufts, orbicular, on long petioles, lying flat on the ground, with long, reddish, glandular hairs ; scapes circinate, racemose, i-sided ; flowers small, white. Marshes. August. 228 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. Order XXXII. HAMAMELACE^ (Witch- Hazel Family). Shrubs. Leaves alternate. Stipules deciduous. Calyx 4- cleft. Petals 4, linear, sometimes none. Stamens 8, those op- posite the petals barren, or else many, and all fertile ; inserted on the calyx. Ovary 2-celled. Styles 2, distinct. Capsule coria- ceous, or woody, 2-beaked, 2-celled, free from the calyx at apex. Hamamelis. Calyx 4-parted, 2-3-bracted at base. Petals 4, very long, linear. Fertile stamens 4. Sterile ones 4, scale-like. Capsule 2-celled. 2f H. VIRGINIANA ( Witch Hazel). Leaves obovate or oval, toothed, on short petioles, nearly smooth ; flowers sessile, 3-4 together, axillary ; petals narrowly linear, curled or twisted, yellow ; calyx downy ; ovary hirsute. A shrub of irregular growth, 10-15 feet high. December. Order XXXIII. HALORAGEJE (Water- Milfoil Family]. Marshy plants with small flowers, sessile in the axils of leaves. Calyx-tube united with ovary. Stamens 1-8. Cotyledons small ; embryo in the axis of the albumen. Floral parts in ^sMyriopkytlum. Floral parts in 3's Proserpmaca. 1. Myriophyllum. Flowers monoecious, or frequently perfect. Calyx 4-toothed or 4-parted. Petals 4, often minute or wanting. Stamens 4-8. Fruit consisting of 4 nut-like, indehiscent carpels, co- hering by their inner angles, y. i.'M. SPICATUM (Water Milfoil). Leaves in 3's, pinnately parted, with capillary segments ; flowers greenish, small, in terminal, nearly naked spikes ; petals broad-ovate. An aquatic plant in deep ponds. July-August. 2. M. AMBIGUUM (Milfoil). Leaves alternate ; submersed ones pin- nately parted, with capillary segments ; upper ones linear, entire, or slightly toothed, petiolate ; flowers axillary, minute ; petals oblong, somewhat per- sistent. An aquatic, with floating stems, in ponds and ditches. 2. Proserpinaca. Calyx-tube 3-sided, with a 3-parted limb. Petals none. Stamens 3. Stigmas 3, oblong. Fruit bony, 3-sided, 3-celled, crowned with the pei^sistent calyx. -%. P. PALUSTRIS (Mermaid -weed). Stem ascending at base, striate, smooth ; leaves alternate, lanceolate, sharply serrate ; those below the water pinnatifid ; flowers small, green, axillary, 1-3 together, followed by a hard, triangular nut. In shaded, shallow water, 6'-i2' high. June-July. Order XXXIV. MELASTOMACE.E. Trees, shrubs, or herbs, with square branches. Leaves oppo- site, ribbed, entire. Sepals 4-6, united, persistent, forming an L YTHRACE&.ONAGRACE&. 22 9 urceolate tube, which coheres only with the angles of the ovary. Petals as many as the calyx-segments, twisted in prefloratton, Stamens twice as many as the petals. Anthers I -celled, before flowering contained in the cavities between the calyx and ovary. Fruit a capsule. Rhexia. Calyx-tube with a 4-cleft, persistent limb. Petals 4. Stamens 8. Style declined. Capsule 4-celled, with prominent pla- centoe. if. R. VIRGINICA (Meadow Beauty). Stem somewhat hispid, with 4 slightly winged angles ; leaves sessile, oval- lanceolate, strongly 3-nerved ; flowers large, bright purple, showy and numerous, in corymbose cymes ; petals obo- vate ; anthers long, yellow, crooked. A very showy plant, 6'-i2' high, in wet ground. July- August. Order XXXV. LYTHRACE^E (Loosestrife Family]. Herbs with 4-sided branches and exstipulate, entire leaves. Calyx inclosing the many-seeded pod, and bearing petals and stamens on its throat. Style I ; stigma capitate. The flowers axillary or \vhorled. Seeds exalbuminous. Nesaea. Calyx broadly campanulate, 5 erect teeth and 5 elon- gated horns. Stamens 10, those opposite calyx-teeth very long. Style filiform. Stigma small. Capsule globose within calyx ; many-seeded. N. VERTICILLATA (Swamp Loosestrife}. Stem simple, woody, with recurved branches rooting at the summit ; 4-6-angled ; leaves opposite or whorled, entire, on short petioles ; flowers purple, axillary, nearly sessile. Common in swamps. August-September. Order XXXVI. ONAGRACE^E (Evening Primrose Family]. Herbs or shrubs. Flowers axillary, in spikes or racemes. Sepals united in a tubular 2-6-lobed calyx. Petals usually as many as the calyx-lobes, and alternate with them, sometimes none. Stamens as many or twice as many, inserted in the calyx - throat ; filaments distinct. Ovary coherent with the calyx-tube, 2-4, or by abortion i-2-celled. Style prolonged. Fruit baccate, or capsular. C Calyx-tube not above ovary Epilobium, 'Stamens 8 \ above ovary- DNAGRACE^E.^ [Capsule berry-like-/^a. [Petals 4 or nonzLudwigza, [Stamens 2-4 ? I Petals 2 Circata. 230 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. I. Epilobium. Calyx-tube not prolonged beyond the ovary. Limb 4-cleft. with spreading and deciduous segments. Petals 4. Stamens 8. Anthers attached near the middle. Capsule linear, 4- sided, 4-celled, 4-valved. if. 1. E. ANGUSTIFOLIUM (Willow Herb}. Stem erect, simple ; leaves lan- ceolate, sessile ; flowers numerous, large, of a purplish lilac color, in a long, terminal, spicate raceme ; stamens and styles declined. A showy plant in low grounds ; 2-6 feat high. July-August. 2. E. COLORATUM (Colored Willow Herb}. Stem erect, nearly terete, very branching ; leaves mostly opposite, lanceolate, acute, very shortly petiolate ; flowers numerous, rose-colored, small ; petals cleft at apex, twice as long as the sepals ; stigma clavate. In wet, swampy grounds ; 1-3 feet high. 2. QEnothera. Calyx-tube prolonged beyond the ovary, the seg- ments 4, reflexed. Petals 4, equal. Stamens 8. Capsule 4-celled, 4- valved, many-seeded. Stigma 4-lobed. y 1. CE. BIENNIS (Evening Primrose}. Stem erect, simple or branched; leaves ovate-lanceolate, pubescent ; flowers large, yellow, in a terminal leafy spike, sessile. In fields. Plant 3-5 feet high. June- August. 2. CE. PUMILA (Dwarf Primrose}. Stem slender, simple, reclined at base, ascending ; leaves lanceolate, entire, obtuse, tapering at base, sessile ; flowers rather small, yellow, in a terminal, leafy spike ; petals obcordate ; capsule oblong-clavate. In grassy fields, 8'-i2' high. June-August. 3. Fuchsia. Calyx tubular, funnel-form, colored, deciduous, with a 4-lobed limb. Petals 4. Disk glandular, 8-furrowed, Capsule bac- cate, oblong, obtuse, 4-sided. F. COCCINEA (Lady's Eardrop}. Stem shrubby, with smooth branches ; ovate, acute, on short petioles ; flowers axillary, nodding ; sepals oblong, acute ; petals convolute, half as long as the calyx. In cultivation, growing 1-6 feet high. 4. Ludwigia. Calyx-tube not prolonged beyond the ovary. Pet- als 4, equal. Stamens 4, opposite the calyx-segments. Capsules short, 4-celled, 4-valved. y. 1. L. ALTERNIFOLIA (Seedbox}. Stem erect, branching, slightly angled ; nearly smooth ; leaves lanceolate, or oblong-lanceolate, sessile ; flowers yel- low, on axillary, solitary peduncles ; calyx-segments broadly ovate ; capsule 4-winged, crowned with the calyx. In swamps, i8'-25' high. July-August. 2. L. PALUSTRIS (Water Purslane). Smooth and somewhat succulent ; stems procumbent ; leaves opposite, ovate, entire, petiolate, acute ; flowers sessile, axillary ; capsule oblong, 4-angled, short. Creeping plant in muddy place's. June-September. 5. Circaea. Calyx-tube slightly produced beyond the ovary, de- ciduous. Petals 2, obcordate. Stamens 2, alternate with the petals. Capsule obovate, hispid, 2-celled, at length 2-valved, 2-seeded. 11 CUCURBITACE&. 231 C. LUTETIANA (Enchanters Nightshade). Stem erect, branching, pu- bescent above ; leaves opposite, ovate ; flowers small, white, or pale rose- color, in elongated, naked racemes ; bracts none ; calyx reflexed ; fruit cov- ered with hooked bristles. Plant 1-2 feet high. Order XXXVIL CUCURBITACE.E. Succulent herbs, climbing, or creeping by tendrils. Leaves alternate, palmately lobed and veined, coarse and rough. Flowers monoecious, or polygamous. Calyx 5-lobed. Petals 5, united to- gether, attached to the calyx, very cellular, and much reticulated in structure. Stamens 5. Anthers very long, variously wavy and contorted, 2-celled. Ovary adherent to the calyx-tube, i-celled, with 3 parietal placentas. Fruit a pepo, rarely membranous, and i-4-seeded. Seeds flat. f Both kinds of flowers solitary Cucurbita. CUCURBITACE^E. \ [Sterile flowers clustered Cucumis. f Flowers large \ u Flowers small, fruit i-seeded Sicyos. BEGONIACE^E. Begonia. 1. Sicyos. Flowers monoecious. STERILE FLOWERS Calyx 5- toothed ; teeth subulate or minute. Corolla rotate. Stamens 5, mona- delphous, or in 3 parcels. Anthers contorted. FERTILE FLOWERS Calyx campanulate, 5-toothed, contracted above. Petals 5. Fruit ovate, membranaceous, hispid or echinate with spiny bristles. Seed large. S. ANGULATUS (Wild Cucumber). Stem climbing by tendrils, branching, hairy ; leaves roundish, cordate at base, 5-angled, 5-lobed ; lobes acuminate, denticulate ; tendrils 3-5-cleft ; flowers whitish ; sterile ones in crowded ra- cemes, on long peduncles ; fertile ones on short peduncles, smaller ; both usually from the same axils ; fruit somewhat spiny, in crowded clusters, each containing one large seed. July. 2. Cucumis. Flowers monoecious or perfect. Calyx tubular- campanulate. Corolla deeply 5-parted. STERILE FLOWERS Stamens 5, triadelphous. FERTILE FLOWERS Style short. Stigmas thick, 2- parted. Pepo fleshy. Seeds ovate, without margins. 1. C. SATIVUS (Cucumber). Stem rough, prostrate and trailing ; ten- drils simple ; leaves palmately 5-angled or lobed ; lobes nearly entire, acute ; the terminal one longest ; fruit oblong, obtusely angled, on a short peduncle, prickly when young ; flowers yellow, solitary, axillary. Cultivated for its green fruit. June-September. 2. C. MELO (Musk-melon). Stem prostrate, trailing, rough ; tendrls simple ; leaves roundish, palmately 5-angled or lobed ; lobes rounded, ob- tuse ; flowers sterile, fertile, and perfect, yellow ; fruit oval or sub-globose. Cultivated. June- July. 232 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 3. C. CITRULLUS (Water-melon). Stem slender, prostrate, trailing, hairy ; leaves palmately 5-lobed, very glaucous beneath ; flowers yellow, solitary ; fruit smooth, marked with various shades of green, very juicy. Cul- tivated. June- August. 3. Cucurbita. Flowers monoecious. Corolla campanulate. Petals united and cohering with the calyx. STERILE FLOWERS Calyx 5- toothed. Stamens 5, triadelphous, with united, straight anthers. FER- TILE FLOWERS Calyx 5-toothed. Stigmas 3, thick, 2-lobed. Pepo fleshy or woody, 3-5-celled. Seeds obovate, smooth, with thickened margins. C. PEPO (Pumpkin). Plant rough and hispid ; stem procumbent ; ten- drils branched ; leaves very large, cordate, palmately 5-lobed ; flowers large, axillary, yellow ; sterile ones on long peduncles ; fruit very large, roundish, and yellow when ripe. Common in cultivation. July. Order XXX VIII. CACTACE^E (Cactus Family^. Succulent, shrubby plants, almost always destitute of leaves, and producing spinose buds. Stems usually angular, or flattened. Flowers sessile, showy. Sepals numerous, forming a tube, which adheres to the ovary, completely inclosing it. Petals indefinite, often passing into the sepals, inserted into the calyx-tube over the summit of the ovary. Stamens indefinite, attached to the petals, with long filaments and versatile anthers. Ovary i -celled, fleshy. Style single, forming a stellate cluster with several anthers. Fruit a many-seeded berry. Opuntia. Sepals and petals numerous, united in a tube which adheres to the ovary. Stamens numerous, shorter than the petals. Style cylindrical, with numerous, thick, erect stigmas. Berry prickly, jj. O. VULGARIS (Prickly Pear). Prostrate, creeping, with articulated branches and broad and flattened joints, with fascicles of prickles regularly arranged ; prickles short and numerous, each fascicle usually consisting of several strong subulate spines ; flowers yellow ; fruit crimson, nearly smooth, eatable. In sandy fields. June-July. Order XXXIX. UMBELLIFER^E. Herbs, rarely suffrutescent. Stems usually hollow and fur- rowed. Leaves alternate, usually compound, the petioles becom- ing dilated, and sheathing at base. Flowers in umbels, usually with an involucre. Calyx adherent to the ovary, the very small border 5-toothed, or entire. Petals 5, usually with an inflexed point, inserted between the calyx-teeth in a disk which crowns UMBELLIFER^E. 233 the ovary. Stamens 5, alternate with the petals. Ovary of 2 united carpels, 2-celled, with I ovule in each cell. Styles 2, dis- tinct, or united and thickened at the base. Fruit consisting of 2 dry carpels, which adhere by their opposite faces (commissure) to a common axis (carpophore), at length separating, and sus- pended from the forked summit of the carpophore. Each carpel is indehiscent, mar.ked with 5 longitudinal primary ribs, and often with secondary ones alternate with the first. In the substance of the pericarp, little oil-tubes (vittce) are usually imbedded opposite the intervals between the ribs, or opposite the ribs themselves. { Flowers in simple umbels Hydrocotyle, f Fruit prickly Sanicula, f Flowers greenish-^ [ Fruit not prickly Archangelica. ( Leaves 3-parted Cryptotcemia. \ Leaves (lower) pinnately parted Apium. Leaves bi-pinnatifid Carum. Flowers in com- pound umbels. f Calyx teeth | obsolete -{ Flowers white Flowers yellow Leaves bi-ternately divided Osmorhiza. Leaves bi- or tri-ternately decompound Co- nium. f Leaves pinnate Stum. Calyx teeth small < [ Leaves ternately parted Hera.leum. f Fruit with prickles Daucus. Calyx teeth broad 4 [Fruit smooth Cicuta. [Calyx with distinct tube Coriandrum. f Fruit winged Pastinaca. [Fruit not winged Faeniculum. 1. Hydrocotyle. Calyx obsolete. Petals ovate, entire, acute, spreading, with the point not inflexed. Fruit flattened laterally, with a narrow commissure. Carpels without vittae. ^ H. AMERICANA (Penny-wort). Smooth and shining ; stem branching, often decumbent ; leaves orbicular-reniform, somewhat lobed, doubly cre- nate ; flowers minute, greenish, in axillary, sessile, few-flowered, greenish, capitate umbels ; fruit very minute, orbicular. In wet places. 2-4' long. June- A ugust. 2. Sanicula. Flowers polygamous. Calyx-tube echinate. Petals obovate, erect, with a long inflexed point. Fruit sub-globose, armed with hooked prickles. Carpels not ribbed, furnished with numerous vittse. y. S. MARILANDICA (Sanicle). Leaves digitately 5-y-parted ; segments ob- long, incisely serrate ; cauline leaves few, nearly sessile ; flowers greenish, 234 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. small ; umbels with few rays ; umbellets with numerous rays ; involucre 6- leaved, serrate ; sterile flowers numerous, on pedicels as long as the fertile, sessile flowers ; style elongated, conspicuous and recurved. In thickets, 2-3-feet high. June-July. 3. Cicuta. Calyx-margin with 5 broad teelh. Petals obcordate, with an inflexed point. Fruit roundish. Carpels with 5 flattish, equal ribs. Intervals filled with single vittse. Commissure with 2 vittse. Carpophore 2-parted. Seeds terete. Involucels many-leaved. C. MACULATA ( Water Hemlock}. Stem smooth, hollow, often streaked with purple ; lower leaves triternately divided ; upper ones biternately di- vided ; leaflets lanceolate, serrate, smooth ; flowers white, in umbels ; invo- lucel of 5-6 linear divisions ; calyx and style persistent ; root thick, fleshy, poisonous. In wet meadows, 4-8 feet high. July-August. 4. Sium. Calyx-margin 5-toothed or obsolete. Petals obcordate, with an inflexed point. Fruit nearly oval. Carpels with 5 obtuse ribs. Vittae usually several in each interval. Carpophore 2-parted. if 5. LINEARE (Long-leaved Sium}. Stem angular, sulcate ; leaves pin- nate ; leaflets linear, finely serrate ; flowers white, small ; involucres with 5-6 linear divisions ; calyx-teeth minute ; fruit obovate. A stout plant, 3-5 feet high. July. 5. Cryptotaenia. Calyx-margin obsolete. Petals obcordate, with an inflexed point. Fruit linear-oblong or ovate-oblong. Carpels with 5 equal, obtuse ribs. Vittae very narrow, twice as many as the ribs. Carphohore free, 2-parted. y. C. CANADENSIS (Honewort}. Stem smooth, branching above ; leaves 3-parted, petiolate ; teeth coarse, mucronate ; umbels irregular, somewhat paniculate, with very unequal rays ; flowers small, white ; involucres none ; involucels few-leaved ; fruit oblong-elliptical. In moist woods, 1-2 feet high. July. 6. Carum. Calyx-margin obsolete. Petals obovate, emarginate, with an inflexed point. Styles spreading, dilated at base. Fruit oval, compressed laterally. Carpels 5-ribbed, lateral ribs marginal. Inter- vals with single vittae ; commissure with 2. y. C. CARUI (Caraway). Leaves bi-pinnatifidly divided ; segments numer- ous, linear ; involucre i-leaved, or none ; involucels none ; flowers white. Cultivated for its aromatic fruit. June. 7. Apium. Calyx-margin obsolete. Petals roundish, with an in- flexed point. Fruit roundish, laterally compressed. Carpels 5-ribbed ; the lateral ribs marginal. Intervals with single vittae. Carpophore undivided. @ A. GRAVEOLENS (Celery}. Stem branching, furrowed ; lower leaves pin- nately dissected, on very long petioles ; segments incised ; upper leaves 3- UMBELLIFER&. 235 parted ; segments lobed and dentate at apex ; flowers white, in umbels, with unequal, spreading rays. Cultivated in gardens. July-August. 8. Fceniculum. Calyx-margin obsolete. Petals revolute, with a broad, retuse apex. Fruit oblong, laterally compressed. Carpels with 5 obtuse ribs ; marginal ones a little broader. Intervals with single vittse. F. VULGARE {Fennel}. Stem round, smoothed, branched ; leaves.biter- nately dissected, with linear-subulate, elongated segments ; umbels with numerous unequal, spreading rays ; involucre and involucels none ; carpels turgid, oblong-ovate ; flowers yellow. Common in gardens. July. 9. Archangelica. Calyx-teeth short. Petals equal, entire, acu- minate, with the point inflexed. Fruit dorsally compressed. Carpels with 3 carinate dorsal ribs, with the 2 lateral ones dilated into wings. Vittoe very numerous. 2f A. ATROPURPUREA (Angelica}. Stem mostly dark purple, furrowed ; leaves 3-parted, on large, inflated petioles ; divisions of the leaves bipinnately divided, with 5-7 segments ; flowers greenish, in very large umbels, on nearly smooth peduncles ; involucels many-leaved ; fruit smooth. A rank plant in meadows, 4-6 feet high. June. 10. Pastinaca. Calyx-teeth obsolete, or minute. Petals round- ish, entire, involute, with an inflexed point. Fruit much compressed, with a broad, flat margin. Carpels with 5 nearly obsolete ribs. Inter- vals with single vittoe ; commissure with 2 or none. Carpophore 2- parted. Seeds flat. Involucre and involucels few-leaved ; or none. y. P. SATIVA (Parsnip). Roots fleshy, stem smooth ; leaves pinnately di- vided, slightly pubescent, especially beneath ; leaflets ovate, or oblong ; um- bels large, on long peduncles ; flowers yellow ; fruit oval. Common in cul- tivation, and also naturalized in waste places. Stem 3-5 feet high. July- September. @ 11. Heracleum. Calyx with 5 small, distinct teeth. Petals ob- cordate, with an inflexed point, in the exterior flowers deeply 2-cleft. Fruit compressed, flat, with broad, flat margins. Carpels with 3 ob- tuse dorsal ribs. Seeds flat. Involucre caducous, mostly few-leaved. Involucels many-leaved, if H. LANATUM. Stem branching, hollow, pubescent ; leaves very large and broad ; leaflets, petiolate, cordate ; lobes acuminate ; flowers white, in very large umbels ; segments of the involucre lanceolate, deciduous, those of the involucels lanceolate, acuminate ; fruit nearly orbicular. A rank plant, 4-8 feet high, in meadows. June. 12. Daucus. Calyx-margin 5-toothed. Petals obovate, emargi- nate, with an inflexed point. Fruit ovoid, or oblong. Carpels with 5 primary ribs, 3 dorsal and 2 on the flat commissure, and 4 secondary 236 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. ribs, the latter more prominent, winged, and each bearing a single row of prickles, with single vittse beneath. Carpophore entirely free. D. CAROTA (Carrot}. Stem hispid, branching; leaves bi- or tri-pinnati- fid ; segments pinnatifid ; leaflets lanceolate or linear ; leaflets of the invo- lucre pinnatifid ; flowers white, sometimes yellowish ; the central flower in each umbellet abortive, rose-colored. Root conical. Common in cultiva- tion. " July. 13. Osmorhiza. Calyx-margin obsolete. Petals oblong, entire ; the cuspidate point inflexed. Styles conical at base. Fruit very long, linear, clavate, attenuate at base. Carpels with 5 acute, bristly ribs. Intervals without vittse. Commissure with a deep bristly channel, y. O. BREVISTYLIS (Hairy Cicely). Stem erect, branching; leaves biter- nately divided ; segments pinnatifid, hairy ; flowers white ; fruit somewhat tapering, with the persistent styles at length converging. In woods, 1-3 feet high. May-June. 14. Conium. Calyx-margin "obsolete. Petals obcordate, with a short inflexed point. Fruit ovate, with compressed sides. Carpels with 5 prominent, equal, undulate-crenulate ribs ; the lateral ones mar- ginal. Intervals without vittre. Seeds with a deep, narrow groove in the face. C. MACULATUM (Poison HemlocK). Stem smooth, branching, hollow, spotted ; leaves decompound, bipinnately divided ; leaflets lanceolate, pinnati- fid, with acute lobes ; involucel of 3-5 unilateral leaflets ; flowers small, white, in terminal umbels ; fruit smooth. A poisonous weed, 3-8 feet high, in waste places. July- August. 15. Coriandrum. Calyx with 5 conspicuous teeth. Petals obcor- date, inflexed at the point ; outer ones much larger, bifid. Fruit glo- bose. Carpels cohering together, with 5 depressed, primary ribs, and 4 secondary, more prominent ones. Seeds concave on the face. C. SATIVUM (Coriander). Glabrous ; leaves bipinnately divided ; lower ones with broad, cuneate segments ; upper ones with linear segments ; in- volucel 3-leaved, unilateral ; flowers white ; carpels hemispherical. A gar- den plant, 2-3 feet high. Order XL. ARALIACE^: (Ginseng Family]. Herbs, shrubs, or trees. Leaves compound or simple, exstipu- late. Flowers in umbels, which are often arranged in racemes or panicles. Calyx adherent to the ovary, with a small, entire, or 5-toothed limb. Petals 5-10, very rarely wanting, inserted in a disk which crowns the ovary. Stamens as many as the petals, CORNACEsE. 237 alternate with them, Ovaiy 2-i5-celled, with I ovule in each cell. Styles erect, conniv r ent, as many as the cells. Fruit drupaceous, or baccate. {Leaves compound Aralia. t Leaves simple Hedera. I. Aralia. Calyx-limb 5-toothed or entire, short. Petals 5, f preading. Stamens 5, alternating with the petals. Styles 5, at length diverging. Fruit baccate, 5-lobed, 5-celled, 5-seeded. if. 1. A. RACEMOSA (Spikenard}. Stem smooth, herbaceous; leaves decom- pound, 3~5-parted ; each division with 3-5 ovate leaflets ; umbels small, numerous, arranged in branching, compound racemes, forming panicles on axillary peduncles ; flowers small, greenish white ; fruit small, dark purple. In rich, rocky woodlands, 3-6 feet high. July. 2. A. NUDICAULIS (Sarsaparilla). Nearly acaulescent ; leaf radical, solitary, on a long, 3-cleft petiole ; each division pinnately 3-5 foliate ; leaf- ets oval or obovate, sharply serrate ; scape naked, baaring 3 simple, pedun- culate umbels ; flowers small, greenish ; root long, creeping, aromatic. In rich woods, with a scape i foot high. May- June. 3. A. TRIFOLIUM (Dwarf Ginseng], Root globose ; leaves 3, verticil- late, 3~5-foliate ; leaflets oblong-lanceolate, serrate, subsessile ; peduncle nearly as long as the leaves ; flowers white, on short pedicels ; styles 3 ; berries 3-seeded. In low woods, 3'-6' high. May. 2. Hedera. Calyx 5-toothed. Petals 5, dilated at base. Berry 5- seeded, surrounded by the persistent calyx. Evergreen, if. H. HELIX (English Ivy). Stem and branches long and flexible, attaching themselves to the earth, walls, or trees, by numerous rootlets ; leaves dark green, smooth, petiolate, with white veins ; lower ones 5-lobed ; upper ovate ; flowers green, in numerous umbels, arranged in corymbs ; berry black. A climbing, shrubby plant, in cultivation. Order XLI. CORNACE.E (Cornel Family]. Shrubs or trees. Leaves simple. Flowers small ; calyx united to the i-2-celled ovary. Petals valvate in bud. Style i. Fruit a drupe or berry. I. Cornus. Calyx-limb 4-toothed, with minute segments. Petals 4, oblong, spreading. Stamens 4, with filiform filaments. Style i. Drupes baccate. Trees, shrubs, and perennial herbs. i. C. FLORIDA (Boxwood}. Leaves ovate, acuminate, entire ; flowers small, greenish-yellow, surrounded by a large 4-leaved involucre, the segments of which are obcordate, with a callous point at apex, white and showy, often tinged with red ; drupes oval, bright red. A tree 15-30 feet high. May~ 238 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 2. C. CANADENSIS (Low Cornel). Herbaceous ; flowering stems low, simple, erect ; rhizoma creeping, somewhat woody ; upper leaves about 6, somewhat verticillate, oval, acute ; involucre 4-leaved, much larger than the flowers ; leaflets broad-ovate, greenish-white, petaloid, inclosing the umbel of greenish-yellow flowers ; drupes red, baccate, rather large, and of a sweetish taste. In damp woods, 4-6' high. May-June. SUPERIOR MONOPETALOUS EXOGENS. Order XLIL CAPRIFOLIACE^E {Honeysuckle Family). Shrubs, often climbing, rarely herbs. Leaves opposite. Stip- ules none. Calyx-tube adherent to the ovary; limb 4-5-cleft. Corolla regular, or irregular ; limb 4~5-lobed. Stamens 4-5, al- ternate with the corolla-segments when equaling them in num- ber. Ovary 3-5-celled. Style I . Fruit always crowned with the persistent calyx-teeth. Seeds pendulous. f Corolla CAPRIFOLIACE.E. \ f Trailing, evergreen Linnhoricarpus. Shrubs \ \ Several-seeded \>erryLonicera. f Leaves simple Viburnum. L Corolla rotate < [ Leaves pinnate Sambucus. I. Lonicera. Calyx-limb with 5 short teeth. Corolla tubular or funnel-form, with a 5-cleft, usually quite irregular limb. Stamens 5. Ovary 2-3-celled. Berry few-seeded, y. 1. L. SEMPERVIRENS (Trumpet Honeysuckle). Leaves oblong, ever- green, pale beneath, upper pairs connate ; flowers in whorls, almost regular, ventricose above, scarlet without and yellow within, nearly 2' long, inodor- ous. A climbing evergreen, in cultivation. May-August. 2. L. CAPRIFOLIUM (Italian Honeysuckle}. Leaves deciduous, the upper pair connate ; flowers in a terminal whorl ; corolla ringent, varying through red, yellow, and white, very fragrant. Cultivated species. June-August. 2. Triosteum. Calyx-limb with 5 linear, foliaceous, persistent teeth. Corolla tubular ; limb with 5 subequal lobes. Stigma capitate. Fruit dry, drupaceous. Seeds 3-angled, bony. 24 T. PERFOLIATUM (Feverworf). Herbaceous ; stem hollow, pubescent, simple ; leaves ovate, entire, connate, pubescent ; flowers sessile, in verticils of 5-8 ; corolla viscid-pubescent, dull purple, with a curved tube ; fruit some- what 3-sided, orange-colored when ripe. A coarse, hairy plant, 2-3 feet high. June. CAPRIFOLIACE^E. 239 3. Symphoricarpus. Calyx-tube globose ; limb with 4-5 persist- ent teeth. Corolla bell-shaped. Stamens 4-5, inserted on the corolla. Berry globose, 4-celled, 2-seeded ; 2 cells abortive, y. S. RACEMOSUS (Snow-berry}, Leaves oval, often undulate at the margin, mostly smooth, paler beneath, on short petioles ; flowers in terminal, loose, interrupted, and somewhat leafy racemes ; corolla densely bearded within, rose-colored ; stamens and style included ; berries large, roundish. In culti- vation. June-September. 4. Linnaea. Calyx-limb deciduous, with 5 subulate teeth. Corolla campanulate ; limb with 5 nearly equal lobes. Stamens 4, 2 longer than the other 2. Berry 3-celled, dry, indehiscent, i-seeded, with 2 abortive cells. 2f L. BOREALIS ( Twin -flower). Evergreen ; stems filiform, creeping, branching and rooting through their whole length ; leaves small, round- ish, crenate, with short petioles and a few scattered hairs ; peduncles erect, filiform ; corolla rose-colored, of a deeper hue inside. In moist woods. June. 5. Sambucus. Calyx with 5 minute or obsolete teeth. Corolla with 5 spreading segments. Stamens .5. Stigmas 3. Berry globose, pulpy, 3-seeded. 21 1. S. CANADENSIS (Elder). Stem shrubby ; leaves pinnate ; leaflets 5-11, oblong or oval, serrate, smooth ; cyme flat, 5-parted ; flowers white, very numerous, with a rather oppressive odor ; berry dark purple, juicy. Shrub, in waste grounds, 6-10 feet high. May- July. 2. S. PUBENS (Red-berried Elder}. Stem shrubby, with a warted bark ; leaves pinnate ; leaflets 5-7, oval-lanceolate, acuminate, and with the petiole pubescent beneath ; cymes densely panicled, or pyramidal ; flowers white ; fruit scarlet, small. May-June. 6. Viburnum. Calyx persistent, 5-toothed. Corolla with 5 obtuse, spreading segments. Stamens 5. Stigmas 3. Fruit a i-celled, I- seeded drupe. 1. V. OPULUS (Cranberry-Tree}. Leaves chiefly 3-lobed, rounded, rarely tapering at base ; dentate ; cymes pedunculate ; fruit ovoid, red, acid. A handsome shrub of erect growth. 2. V. ACERIFOLIUM (Maple-leaved Viburnum). Leaves 3-veined, 3- lobed, somewhat cordate at base, sharply serrate, pubescent beneath ; petioles and young branches pubescent ; cymes on long peduncles, flat ; fruit oval, compressed ; flowers dull white. A shrub 4-6 feet high. June. 3. V. LENTAGO (Sweet Viburnum}. Leaves ovate, acuminate, finely and sharply serrate ; petioles long ; flowers white, in broad cymes ; berries oval, finally black and edible, with a sweetish taste. A handsome shrub or small tree, 10-15 ^ ee t high. May-June. 12 RUBIACE^E. 240 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 4. V. DENTATUM (Arrow-wood). Smooth ; leaves roundish -ovate, sharp- ly and coarsely serrate, with very prominent veins ; flowers small, white, in smooth cymes ; fruit small, roundish, dark blue. A common shrub, 6-10 feet high. June-July. Order XLIII. RUBIACE^E (Madder Family]. Trees, shrubs, or herbs. Leaves opposite, sometimes verticil- late, entire. Stipules present, interpetiolar, sometimes taking the size and appearance of leaves. Calyx-tube more or less adherent to the ovary. Limb 3~5-cleft, sometimes obsolete. Corolla regu- lar, 3~5-lobed. Stamens equaling the number of the corolla- lobes, alternate with them, inserted in the tube. Ovary 2-5-celled. Style entire, or partially divided. Fruit of various forms. Leaves whorled, without stipules Galium. (Ovary -cells one-seeded Mitchella. Ovary-cells many-seeded Hous- tonia. Shrubs or trees Cephalanthus. I. Galium. Calyx minute, with 3-4 teeth. Corolla rotate, 3-4- cleft. Stamens 3-4, short. Styles 2. Fruit of 2 united i-seeded, in- dehiscent capsules. Stem 4-angled. % 1. G. ASPRELLUM (Rough Cleavers}. Stem weak, very branching, prick- ly backward, supporting itself by its prickles ; leaves in verticels of about 6 on the main stems, and 4 on the branches, oblong-lanceolate ; flowers numer- ous, minute, white ; fruit mostly smooth. In low grounds, 4-6 feet high. July. 2. G. TRIFIDUM (Goose-grass}. Stem slender, decumbent, or nearly erect, weak, rough backward ; leaves in whorls of 4-6, oblong-linear, with rough margins ; peduncles i-3-flowered ; pedicels slender ; flowers white, the parts mostly in 3's, minute ; fruit smooth. In wet grounds, 4'-i8' high. June- A ugust. 3. G. TRIFLORUM (Three-flowered Cleavers}. Stem weak, procumbent t rough backward on the angles ; leaves mostly in 6's, oval-lanceolate, mucro- nate ; peduncles 3-flowered ; flowers pedicellate, greenish ; fruit hispid. Ir. moist woods, 1-3 feet long. July. 2. Mitchella. Flowers in pairs, with united ovaries. Calyx 4- parted. Corolla funnel-shaped, bearded within, 4-lobed. Stamens 4. Stigmas 4. P'ruit a baccate drupe, y M. REPENS (Partridge-berry). Evergreen ; stem creeping ; leaves dark green, roundish-ovate, opposite ; flowers white, or tinged with rose, fragrant, 2 together, on a double ovary ; berries small, bright red, edible but dry. Creeping plant in woods. June- July. DIPSACE^ COMPOSITE. 241 3. Houstonia. Calyx 4-parted, persistent, inserted on the corolla. Stigmas 2. Capsule 2-celled, many-seeded. # H. CCERULEA (Bluets, Innocence). Smooth ; stem slender, dichoto- mous ; radical leaves spatulate ; peduncles long, filiform, i-2-flowered ; corolla pale blue, fading to white, with a yellow base, somewhat salver-form. Little plant, z'-S' high, in moist grounds. April-September. 4. Cephalanthus. Calyx-limb 4-toothed. Corolla tubular, slen- der, 4-toothed. Stamens 4. Style filiform, much exserted. Stigma capitate. % C. OCCIDENTALIS (Button-busK). Leaves oval, entire, smooth, acute, petiolate ; flowers in large, globose heads, white. Common in wet grounds. July. Order XLIV. DIPSACE^E. Herbs. Leaves opposite, or verticillate, sessile. Stipules none. Flowers in dense involucrate heads. Calyx-tube adherent to the ovary. Limb somewhat campanulate, sometimes taking the form of a pappus. Corolla tubular, with a 4-5-lobed, slightly irregular limb. Stamens 4, distinct, rarely united in pairs, often unequal, inserted on the corolla. Ovary I -celled, containing I ovule. Fruit a bony achenium. Dipsacus. Flowers in heads. Involucre many-leaved. Calyx- tube adhering to the ovary. Corolla tubular, 4-cleft. Stamens 4. Fruit i-seeded, crowned with the calyx. %. D. SYLVESTRIS (Teazel}. Prickly ; leaves lanceolate-oblong, opposite ; heads cylindrical ; bent inward ; bracts terminating in a long, straight awn ; flowers blue. A prickly plant, 2-4 feet high. July. Order XLV. COMPOSITE. Herbs, or shrubs. Leaves alternate, or opposite, without stipules. Flowers arranged in dense heads, on a common recep- tacle, and surrounded by an involucre of bracts ; the separate flowers often with chaffy bracteoles somewhat like a calyx. Calyx- tube adherent to the ovary ; limb obsolete, or present, and assum- ing the various forms of bristles, hairs, scales, and is termed pap- pus. Corolla ligulate, or tubular, often 5-cleft, and rarely wanting. Stamens 5, their anthers united in a tube. Ovary i -celled, i- ovuled. Style 2-cleft, Fruit a dry, indehiscent achenium crowned with the pappus. 242 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY, jads erect Liatris. 2ads nodding Senecitf. rtemisia. >olly herbs Gnaphalium. 5 Antennaria. [ous \ Heads forming a \>\.mXanthium. ' | No burr Ambrosia, s. herbs Eupatorium. ling herbs Mikania. ll acle honey-combed A ster. acle naked -f Fa PP us Erigeron. acie najcea , p at)DUS wKtLeucanthemuitt. :acle chaffy Achillea. felianthus. Coreopsis. i. s ss ffiW ^ > S EJ if M*w 5 J S & & w 1 1 ,s $ k" [" Leaves prickly Cirsi f Flowers all perfect \ , Leaves not prickly -| Marginal flowers pistillate- { gW Marginal flowers sterile Centaurea. fDioeci [ Heads wholly staminate or pistillate X ( Mon< ("Heads many flowers Bia f Flowers perfect -1 [Heads few flowers] g _ Marginal flowers pistillate shrubby Iva. ! % 5 i to S2 1 o . ate-j fRays yellow-] g^J J 8 8 pi c^ * v i 1 >> 1 , ' f Rays pistillate Dahlia. \ Rec -Wrasses >ng-beaked Taraxacum. ot long-beaked Leontodon. j Achenia beaked Lactuca. \ Achenia not beaked Hieracium. .i j Involucre-scales in one row Nabalu \ Involucre-scales in two series Cicho, j S 1 B | ^ G .2.2 | ^ > 4) 2s rt ;~; -M s s 11 "S g g ||| H OJ i'a s? 1 E u v -, ' a \ i 3 E \ COMPOSITE. 243 I. Eupatorium. Heads 3 to many-flowered. Involucre cylindrical, imbricate. Receptacle flat. Style much exserted. Pappus simple, rough- ish. Achenia 5-angled. # 1. E. PURPUREUM {Trumpet-weed}. Stem tall, simple; leaves broad- ovate to lanceolate, veiny, rough, toothed, 3-6 in a whorl ; heads 5-10- flowered ; scales of the involucre purplish, numerous, closely imbricated in several rows of unequal length ; flowers light purple, in dense compound corymbs. Low ground, 2-10 feet high. August-September. 2. E. PERFOLIATUM (Bonesef). Stem erect, stout, rough, hairy; leaves lanceolate, connate-perfoliate ; heads white, about i2-flowered, in a flat- topped, pubescent corymb ; scales of the involucre linear-lanceolate. In low grounds. August-September. 2. Mikania. Involucre about 4-leaved. Heads with about 4 flow- ers. Receptacle naked. Pappus simple, capillary, roughish. Achenia 5-angled. y. M. SCANDENS (Climbing Mikania). Smooth ; stem climbing ; leaves op- posite, cordate ; heads in numerous, axillary, pedunculate corymbs ; flowers pale pink or flesh-color. In wet thickets. August-September. 3. Liatris. Heads few to many-flowered. Involucres imbricate, with appressed scales. Pappus abundant, more or less plumose. Ache- nia tapering at base. Styles much exserted. y L. SCARIOSA (Blazing Star). Stem erect, simple, rough ; lower leaves lanceolate, on long petioles ; upper ones linear, and smaller ; heads large, purple, 2o~4o-flowered, in a long, terminal raceme ; involucre somewhat hemispherical ; scales obovate, very obtuse, with scarious and often purplish tips. In dry, sandy soils, 2-4 feet high. August-September. 4. Tussilago. Heads many-flowered. Ray-flowers narrow, in many rows, pistillate. Disk-flowers few, staminate. Involucre mostly simple. Receptacle naked, flat. Pappus capillary, y. T. FARFARA (Coifs-foot}. Acaulescent ; rhizoma creeping ; leaves large, cordate, angular, toothed ; scapes simple, i-flowered, scaly, preceding the leaves ; flowers yellow, with numerous, very narrow rays. April. 5. Aster. Heads many-flowered. Involucre-scales generally im- bricated, often with herbaceous tips. Ray-flowers pistillate, fertile, in a single row. Disk -flowers tubular, perfect. Receptacle flat, alveo- late. Pappus simple, capillary. Achenia usually compressed, y. 1. A. CORYMBOSUS (Corymbed Aster}. Stem slender, flexuous, smooth, with pubescent branches ; leaves ovate, sharply and irregularly serrate, nearly smooth ; lower and radical ones cordate ; uppermost ovate-lanceolate, ses- sile ; petioles naked ; involucre of closely appressed, obtuse scales ; rays 6-9, narrow. Dry woods and thickets. August. 2. A. MACROPHYLLUS (Large-leaved Aster). Stem stout, branched, not flexuous ; leaves rough, finely serrate ; lower ones large, cordate, on long 244 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. petioles ; upper ones ovate or oblong, sessile, or on winged petioles ; heads in large, flat corymbs ; rays 12-15, white or bluish ; involucre with oblong, acute scales. In woods, 1-2 feet high. August-September, 3. A. CORDIFOLIUS (Heart-leaved Aster). Stem erect, mostly smooth, with many divaricate branches above ; leaves cordate, sharply serrate ; heads racemed on the branches ; rays 10-15, P a le blue ; involucre-scales appressed, with short green tips. In rocky woods, 2 feet high. 4. A. UNDULATUS ( Variable Aster}. Pubescent and somewhat hairy ; stem erect, panicled above ; lower leaves cordate, on winged petioles ; upper ones ovate or ovate-lanceolate, undulate or slightly serrate, on short, broadly margined petioles ; all somewhat rough above, pubescent beneath ; heads solitary, in somewhat unilateral racemes, arranged in a terminal panicle ; rays pale blue. In dry woods and thickets. August-September. 5. A. PATENS (Spreading Aster}. Pubescent and somewhat rough ; stem branching ; leaves oblong-ovate, or oblong, sessile, cordate, and clasping the stem at base, rough above and on the margin, entire ; heads large, with very showy violet-purple rays, solitary, on leafy branchlets, forming a loose, termi- nal panicle ; involucre-scales lanceolate, with spreading, green tips ; achenia silky. In dry fields, 2-3 feet high. August-October. 6. A. L^EVIS (Smooth Aster). Very smooth and often glaucous ; stem angular; leaves lanceolate, or ovate-lanceolate, somewhat fleshy, mostly entire ; the upper ones somewhat cordate, or auriculate at base ; the lower and radical ones tapering to a winged petiole ; involucre-scales with broad- linear, appressed, green tips ; heads large at the ends of the branchlets, with bright blue, showy rays, forming a terminal panicle. In low grounds, 2-3 feet high. September-November. 7. A. PUNICEUS (Rough Aster). Stem erect, very branching, pubescent, rough, paniculate above ; leaves lanceolate, auriculate, and clasping at base, slightly serrate, pubescent ; heads large, with very numerous and narrow, pale-purple rays, showy, forming a very large and leafy panicle ; involucre- scales narrow-linear, long and revolute in 2 rows. Swamps and low grounds. September- October. 8. A. NOV^E ANGLIC (New England Aster}. Stem stout, hispid, pa- niculate above ; leaves lanceolate, entire, acute, auriculate and clasping at base, somewhat pubescent, thickly clothing the stem ; heads large, with numerous, deep-purple rays, somewhat paniculately corymbose. In moist grounds. September. 9. A. TRADESCANTI (Narrow-leaved Aster). Nearly or quite smooth; stem terete, with virgate, erect, spreading, or diverging branches ; leaves linear-lanceolate, the lower ones commonly serrate in the middle, the others entire ; heads very numerous, rather small, mostly with rays, densely race- mose on the branches ; involucre-scales narrow-linear. In moist fields. August-October. 10. A. MULTIFLORUS (Many-lowered Aster}. Pubescent and some- what rough ; stem very branching ; leaves linear, crowded on the stem, en- tire, sessile, those of the branches much smaller ; heads small', with white rays, very numerous, densely racemose on the spreading branches ; involucre- COMPOSITE. 245 scales linear-spatulate, with spreading, green tips. Dry soils, 2 feet high. September. 6. Erigeron. Heads many-flowered, somewhat hemispherical. Rays narrow, very numerous, pistillate. Disk-flowers perfect. Recep- tacle flat, naked. 1. E. PHILADELPHICUM (Purple Fleabane}. Hairy ; stem slender, leafy ; leaves thin, oblong, clasping at base, mostly entire ; heads with exceedingly numerous and narrow, reddish-purple, or flesh-colored rays, broadly co- rymbed at the summit of the stem. In fields, 7-3 feet high. June-August. 2. E. ANNUUM (Daisy Fleabane}. Stem tall, furrowed, rough, pubes- cent, branching ; leaves hairy, closely serrate, the lowest ovate ; upper ones ovate-lanceolate, crowded, acute, tapering at base, sessile, the uppermost lanceolate ; heads large, with very numerous, narrow, and short white rays tinged with purple, corymbose at the summit of the stem. A tall plant, growing as a weed in fields and waste places. Very common. August. 3. E. CANADENSE (Fleabane). Hairy ; stem erect, furrowed, with numerous short branches ; leaves linear-lanceolate, radical ones incised ; heads very numerous, small, with numerous white rays scarcely longer than the involucre, racemose on the branches. In waste places, 6'-6 feet high. July-October. 7. Dahlia. Heads many-flowered. Disk-flowers pistillate. In- volucre double. Outer scales, double series. Receptacle chaffy. No pappus. 2f D. VARIABILIS. (Dahlia). Stem smooth, green ; leaves pinnate, oppo- site ; leaflets about 5, ovate ; outer involucre reflexed. Very common in cultivation. 8. Solidago. Heads few or many-flowered. Disk-flowers per- fect. Involucre with imbricated, appressed scales. Receptacle small. Pappus simple, capillary. Achenia nearly round. Heads, with I ex- ception, yellow. it 1. S. BICOLOR (White-rayed Golden-rod}. Pubescent; stem mostly simple ; leaves oblong, or oblong-lanceolate, acute at each end ; lower ones oval and petiolate, slightly serrate ; heads in numerous, erect, densely flow- ered, axillary, racemose clusters, forming a long, terminal, interrupted spike ; involucre-scales ovate, obtuse ; rays short, pale cream-color, or white, about 8 in number. Dry fields and woods. August-September. 2. S. GIGANTEA (Large Golden-rod}. Stem stout, smooth ; leaves lan- ceolate, nearly or quite smooth on both sides, acuminate, sharply serrate, tapering and entire at base, and ciliate on the margin ; panicles large, with pubescent branches. In low grounds, 4-6 feet high. August-October. 3. S. ODORA (Spicy Golden-rod). Nearly or quite smooth ; stem slender, erect, or reclined ; leaves linear-lanceolate, entire, shining above, very smooth, fragrant, with pellucid dots ; heads small, with 3-4 rays, in short, spreading racemes, forming rather small, unilateral panicles. July-September. 246 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 4. S. ARGUTA (Sharp-toothed Golden-rod}. Smooth ; stem erect, thick, furrowed ; leaves sharply serrate, with diverging teeth, acuminate, tapering at base ; lower and radical ones oval-lanceolate or lanceolate, attenuate to marginal and ciliate petioles ; cauline ones lanceolate, or oblong, the highest entire. 9. Inula. Heads many-flowered, involucre imbricated. Rays numerous in one row. Disk-flowers perfect. Receptacle naked. Pap- pus capillary, y. HELENIUM. Stem stout; leaves ovate, serrate; heads very large, solitary, terminating the branches ; rays linear, light yellow, 2-3-toothed at apex; involucre-scales ovate, foliaceous. Common by roadsides, 4-6 feet high. July-August. 10. Helianthus. Heads many-flowered. Rays neutral. Disk- flowers perfect. Involucre-scales imbricated in several rows. Chaff persistent with the 4-sided, laterally compressed achenia. Pappus of 2 deciduous, chaffy awns. y 1. H. ANNUUS (Sunflower). Leaves cordate, petiolate, 3- veined, the low- est opposite the others, alternate ; heads very large, on nodding peduncles ; rays numerous, broad, bright yellow. In cultivation, 8-10 feet high. July- September. 2. H. DECAPETALUS (Ten-rayed Sunflower). Stem tall, branching, rough above, smooth below ; leaves opposite, ovate, acuminate, coarsely ser- rate, 3-veined, of the same color on both sides, abrupt at base, with winged petioles ; heads rather large, with about 10 pale-yellow rays ; involucre-scales linear-lanceolate, spreading. Along river-banks, 2-5 feet high. August- September. 3. H. DIVARICATUS (Slender Sunflower}. Stem smooth, simple, or sparingly branched ; leaves opposite, ovate-lanceolate, 3-veined, sessile, ser- rate, rough above ; heads small, few, somewhat corymbose ; involucre-scales lanceolate, acuminate. In dry grounds, 2-5 feet high. August-September. 11. Achillea. Heads many-flowered. Rays 5-10, pistillate. In- volucre with imbricate, unequal scales. Receptacle flat, chaffy. Pap- pus none. y. A. MILLEFOLIUM ( Yarrow}. Stem erect, furrowed, branching above ; leaves alternate, bi-pinnately divided, segments linear, toothed or lobed ; heads small, numerous., in dense, flat, terminal corymbs ; rays about 5, short, white (sometimes rose-color) ; involucre furrowed, oblong. In fields, i foot high. June-August. 12. Leucanthemum. Heads many-flowered. Rays numerous, pistillate. Involucre depressed, flattish ; scales imbricated, with sca- rious margins. Receptacle naked, flat. Achenia striate. Pappus none. y. L. VULGARE (Ox-eye Daisy). Stem erect, simple, or sparingly branched, furrowed. Leaves few and rather small, cut pinnatifid, incised at base ; COMPOSITE. 24; heads large, solitary, on long, naked, furrowed peduncles ; rays white ; disk yellow ; involucre-scales with brownish margins. July-September. 13. Coreopsis. Heads many-flowered. Rays about 8 ; neutral. Involucre double. Each series 6-io-leaved. Receptacle flat and chaffy. Achenia compressed, emarginate, 2-avvned. C. TINCTORIA (Coreopsis). Smooth; stem erect, branching; radical leaves somewhat bi-pinnate, segments oval, entire ; cauline ones somewhat pinnate, with linear segments ; heads large, numerous, brilliant ; rays bright yellow, brownish purple at base ; achenia smooth. In cultivation, 1-3 feet high. 14. Bidens. Heads many-flowered. Rays neutral. Involucre double. Outer series large and foliaceous. Receptacle chaffy, flat. Achenia compressed, or slender and 4-sided, armed with 2-4 rigid, per- sistent awns. B. FRONDOSA (Beggar-Ticks). Smooth, or slightly pubescent; stem erect, tall, with spreading branches ; leaves pinnately 3-5 parted, segments lanceolate, acuminate, serrate, mostly petiolate ; leaflets of the outer invo- lucre much longer than the flower, ciliate at base ; heads discoid ; achenia flat, cuneate-obovate, 2-awned, with rough margins. A troublesome weed in moist grounds. July-September. 15. Senecio. Heads many-flowered, either discoid, with tubular, perfect flowers, or radiate, with pistillate rays. Involucre-scales mostly in a single ro\v. Receptacle flat, naked. Pappus simple. 1. S. VULGARIS (Common Groundsel). Stem erect, branching, angular, mostly smooth ; leaves pinnatifid, toothed, clasping ; radical ones petiolate ; heads discoid, terminal, yellow, in loose corymbs, nodding. In waste grounds, 15' high. 2. S. AUREUS (Golden Senecio}. Mostly smooth ; stem furrowed, erect, nearly simple ; radical leaves undivided and roundish, mostly cordate, cre- nate, on long petioles ; lower cauline ones lyrate ; upper lanceolate, pinnati- fid, sessile ; heads large, showy, with golden-yellow rays, somewhat umbel- late, in flat, terminal corymbs ; involucre-scales linear, acute. In meadows, io'-2o' high. 1 6. Artemisia. Heads discoid, few, or many-flowered. Flowers all tubular. Involucre-scales imbricate, dry and scarious on the mar- gins. Receptacle flat, naked, or slightly hairy. Achenia with a small disk at summit. Pappus none. 1. A. VULGARIS (Mugworf). Stem erect ; leaves whitish tomentose be- neath ; cauline ones pinnatifid, with linear-lanceolate, entire, or incised lobes ; heads few, erect, nearly sessile, purplish, racemose, forming a loose, leafy, terminal panicle ; involucre tomentose. Plant 2-3 feet high. July- August. 2. A. ABSINTHIUM (Wormwood). Stem erect, furrowed, very branch- 248 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. ing, somewhat shrubby, covered with white, silky down ; leaves bi- or in- pinnately parted ; segments lanceolate, obtuse, often incised ; heads very numerous, yellowish, nodding, racemose on the branches, forming a large, leafy panicle. August. 17. Gnaphalium. Heads many-flowered, discoid ; outer flower? pistillate and slender; central ones perfect. Involucre-scales imbri- cated, scarious, white or colored. Receptacle flat, naked. Pappus simple, rough, capillary. 1. G. POLYCEPHALUM (Life Everlasting). Stem erect, branching, covered with cottony down ; leaves linear-lanceolate, tapering at base, ses- sile, white downy beneath, nearly smooth above ; heads in dense clusters at the summit of the branches, corymbose, fragrant ; involucre-scales ovate, acute, whitish ; flowers yellowish. In fields, 1-2 feet high. August-Sep- tember. 2. G. ULIGINOSUM (Cudweed}. Woolly ; stem low, diffusely branched ; leaves lanceolate or linear ; heads small, in sessile, terminal, crowded, leafy clusters ; involucre-scales oblong, yellowish. In low grounds, 3'-6' high. A ugust-September. 18. Antennaria. Heads many-flowered, dioecious ; pistillate heads with filiform corollas. Involucre-scales imbricated, scarious, white or colored. Receptacle not chaffy. Pappus simple, bristly. y. 1. A. MARGARITACEA (Pearl Everlasting). Stem erect, leafy, white- downy, corymbose above ; leaves linear-lanceolate, sessile ; heads in a ter- minal, flat corymb ; involucre-scales elliptic, obtuse, pearly white ; flowers yellowish. In fields and pastures, 1-2 feet high. August. 2. A. PLANTAGINIFOLIA (Mouse-ear Everlasting). Stoloniferous ; stem simple, downy ; leaves white and silky when young, at length green above and hoary beneath ; heads small, aggregate in a dense, terminal corymb ; involucre-scales mostly white ; outer ones more or less obtuse. In old fields and pastures, 3'-6' high. April-July. 19. Xanthium. Sterile and fertile flowers in different heads upon the same plant. Sterile involucre imbricated ; receptacle chaffy. Fer- tile involucre closed, 2-leaved, covered with hooked prickles, 2-flow- ered. X. STRUMARIUM (Clot-weed). Stem erect, unarmed, branching; leaves cordate, 3~5-lobed, dentate, rough ; fruit oval, with 2 straight beaks. Stem 2-4 feet high. August-September. 20. Ambrosia. Sterile and fertile flowers in different heads upon the same plant. Sterile involucre hemispherical. Staminate flowers 5 or more, funnel-form. Fertile involucre i-leaved, closed, i-flow- ered. i. A. TRIFIDA (Great Rag-weed}. Hairy, rough; stem tall, square, stout, usually branching ; leaves large, opposite, usually 3-lobed, serrate ; COMPOSITE. 249 sterile flowers in long, naked racemes ; fertile flowers sessile below, each with a 6-ribbed involucre, terminating in 6 tubercles. A tall, rank, herbaceous plant. In low grounds. August. 2. A. ARTEMISLEFOLIA (Roman Wormwood). Stem erect, slender, branching, more or less hairy ; leaves bipinnatifid, nearly smooth above ; lower ones opposite, upper ones alternate ; sterile racemes naked, terminal, loosely panicled ; fertile flowers sessile in the axils of the upper leaves. Homely weed, 2-4 feet high. August-September. 21. Iva. Heads discoid ; marginal flowers 1-5, pistillate, with a tubular corolla. Involucre-scales few, mostly in one row. Receptacle hairy. Achenia obovoid, obtuse. Pappus none. y. I. FRUTESCENS (Marsh Elder. Highwater Shrub). Nearly or quite smooth ; stem shrubby, with opposite branches ; leaves oval or lanceolate, coarsely serrate, with 3 prominent veins, petiolate, the lower ones opposite, the upper alternate, narrow ; heads greenish-white, on short, recurved pedi- cels, in long, axillary racemes, arranged in a long, leafy, terminal panicle. Along the sea-shore, 3-6 feet high. August. 22. Centaurea. Heads many-flowered. Flowers all tubular ; marginal ones mostly enlarged and sterile, resembling ray-flowers. Involucre imbricate. Receptacle bristly. C. CYANUS (Bachelor's Button). Stem erect, branching, downy ; leaves linear, sessile, downy ; heads solitary, ovoid ; sterile flowers longer than the disk ; involucre-scales fringed. A garden annual. July. 23. Cirsium. Heads discoid, many-flowered. Flowers all perfect. Involucre-scales imbricated in many rows. Receptacle bristly. Pap- pus of capillary, plumose bristles in a ring. Achenia oblong, com- pressed, smooth. 1. C. ARVENSE (Canada Thistle). Root creeping; stem erect, branch- ing; leaves pinnatifid, with spiny teeth, smooth or somewhat downy beneath ; heads small, light purple, numerous, in a terminal, loose panicle ; involucre- scales closely appressed, tipped with minute spines. A weed, spreading rap- idly by its creeping roots. July. 2. C. LANCEOLATUM (Common Thistle). Stem very branching, leafy; leaves deeply pinnatifid, decurrent, hispid above, white and woolly beneath ; heads large, numerous, purple ; involucre-scales spreading, lanceolate, tipped with long and formidable spines. July-September. 3. C. PUMILUM (Pasture Thistle). Stem very stout, hairy, nearly or quite simple ; leaves pinnatifid, clasping at base, green on both sides ; seg- ments variously lobed and cut, ciliate, spinose ; heads very large, i'-3' in diameter, fragrant, about 1-3 in number, purple, rarely whitish ; involucre- scales spinous. August. 24. Cichorium. Heads many-flowered. Involucre double ; outer of 5 short, leafy scales ; the inner of 8-10. Receptacle chaffy. Pap- pus short, chaffy. Achenia striate. y 250 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. C. INTYBUS (Succory). Stem terete, with several long, nearly simple branches ; upper ones oblong or lanceolate, more or less clasping at base, slightly dentate or entire, small and inconspicuous ; heads 2-3 together, axil- lary, sessile, light blue, showy ; corolla 5-toothed. July-September. 25. Leontodon. Heads many-flowered. Involucre scarcely im- bricated, with several small scales at base. Receptacle naked. Pap- pus plumose, persistent. Achenia striate, somewhat rostrate, if L. AUTUMNALIS (Autumn Dandelion}. Acaulescent ; scape smooth, branching ; leaves radical, lanceolate, pinnatifid ; peduncles scaly, thickened upward ; heads yellow, on separate peduncles, resembling somewhat those of the dandelion. July-November. 26. Lactuca. Heads several-flowered. Involucre-scales in 2 or more rows. Pappus copious, fugacious, soft and capillary. Achenia compressed, with long, filiform beaks. 1. L. ELONGATA ( Wild Lettuce). Stem tall, stout, usually leafy, branch- ing above ; leaves smooth, paler beneath, entire, sessile ; heads small, nu- merous, racemose on the branches, forming a long, naked panicle ; corolla yel- low, rarely purple ; achenia oval. Plant, abounding in a milky juice, 2-6 feet high. In rich, moist soils. 2. L. SATIVA (Garden Lettuce}. Stem smooth, branching, corymbose above ; leaves more or less orbicular, very smooth ; cauline ones cordate ; heads numerous, small, yellow, in terminal corymbs. Universally cultivated. June-July. 27. Hieracium. Heads many-flowered. Involucre-scales usually more or less imbricate. Achenia striate, oblong, more or less rostrate. Pappus of tawny, fragile, capillary bristles, in a single row. y. 1. H. CANADENSE (Canadian Hawkweed}. Stem leafy, somewhat pubes- cent ; leaves lanceolate, or oblong-ovate, acute, dentate with coarse and acute teeth, sessile ; heads large, on hairy peduncles, forming a terminal, panicu- late corymb ; involucre-scales linear, imbricated. In dry woods, 1-2 feet high. August. 2. H. VENOSUM ( Veiny Haiukweed}. Mostly acaulescent ; stem or scape slender, smooth, often with i or 2 leaves, branching, loosely corymbose above ; radical leaves obovate, sometimes oblong, nearly entire, on very short petioles, hairy above, ciliate, marked with purplish veins ; heads rather small, solitary, bright yellow. In dry woods, 1-2 feet high. July-August. 3. H. SCABRUM (Rough Hawkweed*). Stem leafy, nearly simple, rough, hairy ; leaves hairy, nearly entire ; lower ones obovate, slightly petiolate, upper ones oval, sessile ; peduncle thick, glandular-hispid ; heads 4c-5o-flow- ered. In dry soils, 15^24' high. 28. Nabalus. Involucre cylindrical, with 5-10 linear scales in one row, and a few scales at base. Receptacle naked. Pappus-bristles copious, capillary, brownish or straw-color, in two series. Achenia striate, linear-oblong, without beaks. % CAMPANULA CE&. 251 1. N. ALBUS (White Lettuce). Stem tall, smooth, somewhat glaucous, corymbosely paniculate above ; leaves angular-hastate, often 3-5-lobed ; up- per ones ovate, dentate, or oblong, entire ; involucre purplish ; heads 8-12- flowered in nodding racemes ; pappus brownish. In woods, 2-4 feet high. August, 2. N. ALTISSIMUS ( Tall White Lettuce]. Smooth ; stem slender, tall ; leaves triangular-ovate, cordate, petiolate, variously lobed and toothed ; peti- oles naked or margined ; involucre of 5 greenish scales ; heads nodding, 5-6- flowered in racemes, forming a long, leafy, virgate panicle ; pappus dirty white or pale straw-color. In woods, 3-6 feet high. August. V). Taraxacum. Heads many-flowered. Involucre double ; outer series of short scales. Receptacle naked. Achenia oblong, with a long, filiform beak crowned with the white, copious, capillary pappus. y. T. DENS-LEONIS {Dandelion). Acaulescent ; smooth or nearly so ; scapes several, hollow, naked, i-flowered ; leaves runcinately toothed ; heads large, erect, yellow ; outer involucre reflexed. A common plant in fields and pastures. April-October. Order XLVI. CAMPANULACE.E (Campanula Family). Herbs with a somewhat milky juice. Leaves alternate. Stip- ules none. Flowers usually blue and showy. Calyx-tube adher- ent to the ovary ; limb usually 5-cleft, persistent. Corolla regu- lar, campanulate, usually 5-lobed, withering. Stamens 5, distinct, inserted on the calyx, alternate with the 5 lobes of the corolla. Anthers 2-celled. Ovary 2-5- celled. Capsule crowned with the persistent calyx-tube, opening with loculicidal dehiscence, many- seeded. f Campanulate Campanula, f Corolla regular -j CAMPANULACE.E. | <- Rotate-#:/ri. [ Corolla irregular Lobelia. I. Campanula. Calyx 5-cleft. Corolla mostly campanulate, 5- lobed. Stamens 5, broad at base. Stigmas 3-5. Capsule 3~5-celled, opening laterally by pores. 1. C. ROTUNDIFOLIA (Harebell']. Stem slender, branching, weak ; radi- cal leaves ovate, or roundish, cordate, crenate, on long petioles, soon with- ering and disappearing ; cauline narrow-linear, entire, smooth ; flowers bright blue, nodding ; corolla twice as long as the subulate calyx-teeth. A foot high, growing on rocky banks. July-September, y. 2. C. APARINOIDES (Prickly Bell-flower}. Stem slender, weak, branch- ing, 3-angled, the angles rough backward ; leaves linear-lanceolate, denticu- late, rough backward on the margin and veins ; flowers small, nearly white, solitary ; corolla much longer than the triangular calyx-teeth. In low grounds. June-August. 252 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 3. C. AMERICANA {American Bell-flower}. Stem erect, virgate, nearly simple ; leaves ovate-lanceolate, tapering at both ends, serrate, slightly hairy, with ciliate petioles ; the lowest sometimes cordate ; flowers large, blue, near- ly rotate, deeply cleft, axillary, sessile, solitary, or several together ; calyx- teeth subulate, shorter than the corolla. In cultivation. July-August. 4. C. MEDIUM (Canterbury Bell}. Stem erect, simple, hispid ; leaves lanceolate, obtusely serrate, sessile, with 3 veins at base ; flowers very large, broad at base, with a reflexed limb, deep blue, erect. In gardens. 2. Specularia. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla rotate, 5-lobed. Stamens with hairy filaments. Style hairy, included. Stigmas 3. Capsule pris- matic, 3-celled, opening by 3 lateral valves. 5. PERFOLIATA (Clasping Bell-flower). Stem erect, simple, somewhat pubescent ; leaves nearly orbicular, clasping and cordate at base, crenate ; flowers sessile, deep blue ; the upper ones only opening ; corolla with spread- ing segments ; calyx-segments acute, lanceolate. In dry, sandy fields, 8'-i2' m S n - June-July. 3. Lobelia. Calyx 5-cleft, with a short tube. Corolla tubular, ir- regular, deeply cleft on the upper side ; upper lip nearly erect, 2-cleft ; lower lip spreading, 3-cleft. Capsule 2-celled, opening at summit. Seeds minute, many. 1. L. CARDINALIS (Cardinal Flower}. Stem erect, simple ; leaves ovate- lanceolate, acute, serrate ; flowers deep scarlet, large, in a long, terminal raceme ; bracts linear, leaflike ; pedicels short ; corolla much longer than the calyx. In low grounds, 2-3 feet high. July-September. 2. L. SPICATA (Slender Lobelia). Slightly pubescent ; stem erect, sim- ple, slender ; radical leaves oblong, or spatulate, all but the uppermost den- tate ; flowers small, pale blue, in long, spicate racemes ; bracts narrow-linear, nearly as long as the pedicels ; calyx-teeth as long as the corolla, subulate. In fields, 1-2 feet high. July-August. INFERIOR MONOPETALOUS EXOGENS WITH REGULAR FLOWERS. Order XLVII. ERICACEAE (Heath Family). Shrubs ; or evergreen or leafless herbs. Leaves simple, alter- nate, rarely opposite, often evergreen. Stipules none. Calyx- tube usually free from the ovary, sometimes adherent ; limb 4-6, usually 5-cleft, rarely entire. Corolla regular, or sometimes irregu- lar, 4-6, usually 5-cleft, rarely with 5 distinct petals. Stamens inserted with the corolla. Anthers 2-celled, opening by pores, often appendaged at top. Ovary 2-io-celled. Style I. Stigma i. Fruit a berry, drupe, or capsule. ERICACEAE. 253 Calyx united to ovary p Shrubs or trees Ovaries 8-io-celled, anthers awnless Gaylussacia. Ovaries 4-5-celled, anthers often awned Vaccinium. I Corolla bell-shaped, s-lobed A ndromeda. Corolla not f Flower-buds scaly Aza- I bell-shaped, j lea. Calyx free- No scaly buds Kalmia. corolla urn-shaped A re- Trailing shrubs 5-toothed f Fruit a berry, tostaphylos. Fruit a f Cal ? x drypod-j ria - [ Calyx dry Epigcea. Evergreen herbs f Flowers racemed Pyrola. [Flowers corymbed Chimaphila. Fleshy herbs Monotropa. I. Gaylussacia. Calyx 5-toothed. Corolla with a 5-cleft, reflexed limb. Stamens 10. Anthers awnless. Fruit a drupe resembling a berry, with 8-10 seeds. -# 1. G. FRONDOSA (Dangle berry). Smooth, with terete, slender branches ; leaves oblong-obovate, obtuse, entire, covered with minute, resinous dots ; flowers in loose, bracteate racemes ; corolla ovoid-campanulate, nearly glo- bose, small, of a reddish-white color ; berries large, blue, ripening late, cov- ered when mature with a glaucous bloom, sweet and edible. In low wood- lands, 3-5 feet high. June. 2. G. RESINOSA (Huckleberry. Whortleberry}, Very branching; leaves oval, or oblong, entire, clammy with resinous dots when young, petiolate ; flowers small, greenish, striped with red, covered with resinous dots, in short, clustered, drooping racemes ; corolla ovoid-conic, contracted at apex ; ber- ries black, destitute of bloom, ripe in July and August. In woods and past- ures, 1-4 feet high. May- June. 2. Vaccinium. Calyx 5-toothcd. Corolla campanulate, or cylin- drical. Limb 4-5 -cleft, revolute. Stamens 8-10. Anthers often 2- awned. Berry 4-5-celled, many-seeded, sometimes apparently 8-10- celled. ?i 1. V. MACROCARPON (Cranberry). Evergreen ; stem trailing, with erect branches ; leaves oblong, obtuse, glaucous beneath, with slightly revolute edges ; flowers rather large, on long pedicels ; corolla deeply 4-parted, flesh- colored ; berries on drooping pedicels, globular, bright scarlet, smooth, juicy, of a keen, acid taste, ripe in October. In boggy meadows. June. 2. V. VACILLANS (Blueberry}. Shrub, with angular, green branches ; leaves oval, or obovate, of a pale, dull green, smooth on both sides, glaucous beneath ; flowers in dense, sessile racemes, on nearly naked branchlets ; corolla yellowish or reddish-white ; berries blue, large and sweet, ripe in July and August. In open woods, 1-2 feet high. May- June. 254 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 3. V. CORYMBOSUM (Swamp Huckleberry). Tall ; leaves oblong, or oval-obovate, smooth on both sides, slightly pubescent beneath when young ; flowers in short, sessile racemes ; corolla large, white, or slightly tinged with red, cylindric, slightly contracted at the mouth ; stamens included ; berries large, deep blue, ripe in August and September. In swamps, 4-8 feet high. May-June. 3. Arctostaphylos. Calyx 5-parted, persistent. Corolla ovoid ; limb short, revolute, 5-toothed. Stamens 10. Drupe 5-seeded. y. A. UVA-URSI (Bearberry}. Stem woody, trailing ; leaves evergreen, thick and leathery, obovate, entire, smooth and shining; flowers white, tinged with rose, in short, drooping racemes, terminating the branches ; corolla bell-form, hairy inside ; berry red, insipid. Mountains and hilly woods. May-June. 4. Gaultheria. Calyx 5-cleft, with 2 bracts at base. Corolla ovoid-cylindric, with 5 short, revolute teeth. Stamens 10, hairy, includ- ed. Fruit 5-celled, 5-valved, inclosed in the fleshy lobes of the calyx. G. PROCUMBENS (Checker-berry, Partridge-berry). Stem creeping and throwing up simple, erect branches ; leaves evergreen, obovate or oval, shining above, in tufts ; flowers few, axillary, nodding ; corolla white, con- tracted at the mouth ; berry bright red, and together with the leaves of a pleasant, spicy flavor. In woods, 2'-^' high. June-July. 5. Epigaea. Calyx 5-parted, with 3 bracts at base. Corolla sal- ver form ; tube hairy within. Stamens 10, with filiform filaments. Capsule 5-celled, 5-valved, many-seeded, y. E. REPENS (Trailing Arbutus. May-flower}. Stem trailing, clothed with long, rusty hairs ; leaves evergreen, ovate, entire, with a bristly, red- dish pubescence ; flowers erect, in small clusters, very fragrant ; corolla white, often tinged with rose-color. April-May. 6. Andromeda. Calyx 5-parted, minute, persistent. Corolla ovoid-cylindric ; limb with 5 reflexed teeth. Stamens 8-10, included. Capsule 5-celled, 5-valved, many-seeded. A. LIGUSTRINA (Panicled Andromeda}. Leaves deciduous, obovate, or oblong-obovate, pubescent beneath, nearly entire ; flowers small, dull white, in dense racemes ; corolla subglobose, pubescent without ; filaments pubes- cent. In low grounds, 3-5 feet high. June. 7. Azalea. Calyx 5-parted, persistent. Corolla funnel - form, 5-lobed, with spreading, unequal lobes. Stamens 5-10. Capsule 5-celled, 5-valved. 1. A. NUDIFLORA (Swamp Pink}. Branchlets slightly hairy ; leaves obo- vate, downy beneath ; flowers large, pale pink or purple ; calyx-teeth minute ; stamens and style much exserted. In low grounds, 4-8 feet high. May. 2. A. VISCOSA ( White Swamp Pink}. Branchlets hispid ; leaves obo- vate, or oblong ; flowers white, sometimes tinged with rose-color, in large PLUMBAGINACE&. 255 clusters, fragrant ; corolla clammy, with viscid hairs ; stamens slightly ex- serted ; style much exserted. In low grounds. Stem 4-8 feet high. June- July, 8. Kalmia. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla rotate-campanulate, 5-lobed, with 10 cavities inside, in which the anthers are lodged. Capsule glo- bose, 5-celled, many-seeded. Evergreen shrubs. 1. K. LATIFOLIA (High Laurel}. Leaves oval-lanceolate, smooth; flowers in terminal corymbs, white, shaded with pink ; peduncles clammy- pubescent ; pedicels bracted. In dry thickets, 4-8 feet high. June. 2. K. ANGUSTIFOLIA (Low Laurel. Sheep Laurel}. Leaves opposite, or in threes, narrow-oblong, light green, paler beneath ; corymbs lateral and axillary ; flowers deep red ; bracts minute, linear lanceolate, 3 at the base of each pedicel. In damp grounds, 2-4 feet high. June- July. 9. Pyrola. Calyx 5-parted, persistent. Petals 5, concave, decidu- ous. Stamens 10. Filaments subulate. Anthers large, pendulous, opening by 2 pores at apex. Style long. Stigma 5-rayed, 5-tubercled at apex. Capsule 5-celled, 5-valved, many-seeded. 1. P. ROTUNDIFOLIA (Round-leaved Pyrola}. Leaves orbicular, thick and shining, entire ; scapes 3-angled ; flowers white, large, drooping, fra- grant, in a long, terminal raceme ; petals round-obovate. Woods, 6'-i2' high. July. 2. P. ELLIPTICA (Oval-leaved Pyrola). Leaves thin, elliptical, smooth, mostly larger than the marginal petioles ; racemes many-flowered ; flowers white, nodding, fragrant ; calyx-teeth ovate, acute. In woods, s'-io' high. July. 10. Chimaphila. Petals 5, concave, spreading. Stamens 10. Style short and thick. Stigma broad, orbicular, obscurely 5-toothed on the margin. Capsule 5-celled, opening downward. C. UMBELLATA (Prince's Pine}. Leaves wedge-lanceolate, tapering at base, serrate, coriaceous ; flowers large, light purple or whitish, fragrant, 3-7 in a terminal corymb ; anthers violet. July. 11. Monotropa. Sepals 4-5, bractlike, deciduous. Petals 4-5, distinct, fleshy, gibbous at base. Stamens 8-10. Anthers 2-celled. Style columnar, hollow. Stigma disk-like, bearded at the margin. Capsule 4-5-celled, 4~5-valved. M. UNIFLORA (Indian Pipe]. Plant smooth, fleshy, white throughout, scentless ; stem low, simple, furnished with lanceolate scales instead of leaves, one-flowered ; flower large, smooth inside and out, nodding at first, finally erect. In rich woods. June-July. Order XL VIII. PLUMB AGIN ACE^E (Leadwort Family). Herbs, or somewhat suffruticose. Leaves simple, alternate, or all radical. Flowers often on simple or branching scapes. Calyx 256 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. tubular, 5-toothed, plaited, persistent. Corolla with the 5 sta- mens inserted opposite its lobes. Styles 5. Ovary i-celled, free from the ealyx. Fruit a I- seeded utricle; or else opening by $ valves. Statice. Flowers scattered, or loosely spicate in a compound corymb, i-sided, 2-3-bracted. Calyx funnel-form, dry and membra- nous, persistent. Petals 5. Stamens 5, attached at base. Styles 5, distinct. Fruit indehiscent. 2f S. LIMONIUM (Marsh Rosemary}, Leaves radical, lanceolate, oroblong- obovate, i-veined, entire, mucronate below the tip, thick and fleshy, dull green, on long petioles ; scape with withering sheaths, very branching, forming a large, flat-topped, compound corymb, of small, pale-blue flowers, which are sessile in secund spikes upon the branchlets. In salt marshes, a foot high. August-October. Order XLIX. PRIMULACE^E (Primrose Family). Herbs. Leaves opposite, verticillate, or alternate, or all radi- cal. Stipules none. Calyx 4-5-cleft, usually persistent, nearly or quite free from the ovary. Corolla regular, 4-5-cleft. Sta- mens as many as the lobes of the corolla, and inserted opposite them. Ovary i-celled, with a free, central placenta. Style i. Stigma i. Capsule many-seeded ; the placenta attached only to the base of the cell. ( Flower parts 7 Trientalis. PRIMULACE^X ( Flower parts 5 Lysimachia. 1. Trientalis. Calyx and corolla mostly 7-parted. Stamens most- ly 7. Filaments united in a ring at base. Capsule many-seeded, y. T. AMERICANA (Chick Winter green}. Stem low, slender, crowned by a whorl of leaves ; flowers few, on very slender peduncles, projecting from among the leaves, white and starlike ; sepals linear. In damp, rich woods, 6'-io' high. May. 2. Lysimachia. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla 5-parted, rotate, with a very short tube. Limb 5-parted, spreading. Stamens 5. Capsule globose, 5-io-valved, opening at apex. y. L. STRICTA (Upright Loosestrife). Stem erect, simple, or branching; leaves opposite, or in threes, lanceolate, tapering at both ends, smooth, punctate, sessile ; flowers numerous, on slender pedicels, whorled, the numer- ous whorls forming a long, cylindrical raceme ; pedicels nearly horizontal ; corolla yellow, spotted with purple ; capsule 5-seeded. In swamps, 1-2 feet high. July. OLEACEJZ. 257 Order L. OLEACE^E (Olive Family). Trees, or shrubs. Leaves opposite, simple, or pinnate. Flow- ers perfect, or polygamous. Sepals united at base, persistent, sometimes none. Petals 4, united below, sometimes distinct, valv- ate in prefloration, sometimes none. Stamens 2. Anthers 2- celled. Ovary free, 2-celled. Ovules pendulous. Style i. Stig- ma i, or bifid. Fruit drupaceous, baccate, or a samara, usually i -celled, i-2-seeded, by abortion. f Fruit a pod Syringa. (Flowers perfect 4 Fruit a berry Ligustrum. [ Fruit a drupe Chionanthus. Flowers imperfect Fraxinus. I. Syringa. Calyx small, with 4 erect lobes. Corolla salver-form ; tube much longer than the calyx-limb, 4-cleft, with obtuse, spreading segments. Stamens short, included in the tube. Capsule 2-celled, 2-valved. Shrubs. 1. S. VULGARIS (Lilac). Leaves cordate, entire, smooth, green on both sides ; flowers light purple, large, fragrant, in dense thyrses ; corolla-limb somewhat concave. Universally cultivated, 5-8 feet high. April-May. 2. S. PERSICA (Persian Lilac). Leaves smooth, lanceolate or pinnatifid, green on both sides ; limb of the corolla flat. A smaller and more delicate shrub than the last, frequent in cultivation, 3-6 feet high. April-May. 2. Ligustrum. Calyx tubular, short, deciduous ; with 4, minute teeth. Corolla funnel-form, 4-lobed ; lobes spreading, obtuse. Sta- mens inserted on the corolla-tube. Stigma 2-cleft. Berry 2-celled, 2-4-seeded. L. VULGARE (Prim). Shrubby ; leaves oblong-lanceolate, varying to obovate, acute, or obtuse, entire, smooth, dark green, on short petioles ; flowers small, white, in dense panicles ; anthers large, exserted ; berries black, bitter. Used for hedges, 4-6 feet high. May- June. 3. Chionanthus. Calyx small, persistent, 4-parted. Corolla in 4 long and linear divisions. Stamens very short, inserted at the base of the corolla. Style very short. Drupe fleshy, i-celled, i-seeded. Trees. C. VIRGINICA (Fringe-tree]. Leaves oval-oblong, smooth or somewhat downy, petiolate, entire ; flowers snow-white, on long pedicels, in racemes, forming drooping panicles ; calyx smooth ; segments of the corolla linear ; drupes purple, covered with a bloom. May-June. 4. Fraxinus. Flowers polygamous or dioecious, often perfect. Staminate flowers calyx small, 4-cleft, or wanting; stamens usually 2. 258 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. Pistillate flowers calyx and corolla as in the staminate ; style single ; stigma 2-cleft. Fruit a i-2-celled samara, flattened; winged at apex. Trees. 1. F. AMERICANA (White AsK). Leaflets 7-9, petiolate, oblong or ob- long-ovate, acuminate, glaucous beneath, mostly smooth ; calyx present ; corolla wanting ; fertile flowers in loose panicles ; the barren in dense, con- tracted ones ; samara obtuse, narrow, spatulate, with a long, tapering base. April-May. 2. F. PUBESCENS (Red AsK). Leaflets 7-9, petiolate, lanceolate or lance- ovate, soft-downy ; calyx present ; corolla wanting ; samara obtuse, abruptly tapering at base. April-May. 3. F. SAMBUCIFOLIA (Black Ask). Leaflets 7-11, sessile, ovate-lanceo- late, serrate, hairy on the veins beneath ; calyx and corolla both wanting ; samara oblong, extremely obtuse at both ends. In moist woods and swamps. May. Order LI. APOCYNACE^E (Dogbane Family). Trees, shrubs, or herbs, with a milky juice. Leaves opposite, or verticillate, rarely alternate, without stipules. Flowers regular. Sepals 5, united, persistent. Corolla 5-lobed, twisted in preflora- tion. Stamens 5, alternate with the segments of the corolla. Filaments distinct. Anthers 2-celled, sometimes slightly con- nected. Ovaries 2, distinct, rarely united, but with 2 united styles or stigmas. Fruit usually a pair of follicles, I sometimes abortive. Seeds often with a coma, or tuft of hairs. C Shrubs Nerium. APOCYNACFJE. f Upright herbs _^,^ [ Herbs \ [ Trailing or creeping Vinca. I. Apocynum. Calyx very small, 5-parted. Corolla campanulate, with 5 short lobes. Stamens 5, inserted at the base of the corolla. Anthers sagittate, converging, much longer than the very short fila- ments. Stigma ovoid, obscurely 2-lobed. Fruit 2 long, slender fol- licles. 1. A. ANDROS.^MIFOLIUM (Dog's-bane). Smooth ; stem erect, branch- ing above, reddened by the sun on one side, with diverging, forked branches ; leaves ovate, entire ; flowers in loose cymes ; corolla white, striped with rose- color, with 5 acute, revolute segments ; follicles 2 '-3' long, nodding. In thickets, 2-3 feet high. June- July. 2f 2. A. CANNABINUM (Indian Hemp). Stem erect, dividing above into long, ascending branches ; leaves oblong; flowers very small, greenish-white, in dense, erect, many-flowered cymes, shorter than the leaves ; corolla-lobes nearly erect, the tube scarcely longer than the lanceolate calyx-teeth. In thickets, 2-3 feet high. June-July. ASCLEPIADACE&. 259 2. Vinca. Corolla salver-form, contorted ; limb 5-cleft ; lobes oblique ; throat 5-angled. Ovary with 2 glands at base. Capsule fol- licular, erect. V. MINOR (Small Periwinkle). Evergreen ; stems procumbent, shrubby, terete, smooth, leafy ; leaves smooth and shining, elliptic-lanceolate ; flow- ers solitary, alternate, pedunculate, violet ; sepals lanceolate. In cultivation. May. 3. Nerium. Calyx with 5 teeth at base. Corolla salver-form. Filaments inserted into the middle of the corolla-tube. Anthers sagit- tate, adhering to the stigma by the middle, y. N. OLEANDER (Oleander}. Evergreen, shrubby, leaves linear-lanceo- late, smooth, entire, 3 together, prominently veined beneath ; flowers large, in terminal clusters, rose-colored. In house cultivation, 4-6 feet high. Order LII. ASCLEPIADACE.E, Herbs, or shrubs, usually with a milky juice. Leaves usually opposite, sometimes alternate or verticillate. Flowers generally in umbels, sometimes in racemes or corymbs. Sepals 5, slightly united at base. Corolla regular, consisting of 5 petals. Stamens 5, inserted at the base of the corolla, alternate with its segments united into a tube. Anthers 2-celled. Pollen cohering in masses. Ovaries 2. Styles 2, often very short. Stigmas united into i column for both ovaries. Fruit consisting of 2 follicles, I some- times abortive. Seeds usually with a coma. Asclepias. Calyx 5-parted ; lobes small, spreading. Corolla deeply 5-cleft ; segments valvate in prefloration, reflexed when open, deciduous. Crown consisting of 5 hooded lobes, resting on the united mass of the stamens, and furnished with an incurved, horn-like process. Filaments united into a tube, inclosing the style. Anthers adhering to the stigma, with 2 cells opening longitudinally, each containing pollen- masses. Seeds flat, furnished with a long tuft of silky hairs. if 1. A. CORNUTI (Common Milkweed). Stem erect, simple, rarely branch- ing ; leaves nearly oval, tapering at both extremities, petiolate ; flowers in large, dense, simple, globose umbels, odorous ; calyx-segments lanceolate ; petals reflexed, dull purple ; horn short and stout. In rich soils, 3-5 feet high. July. 2. A. INCARNATA (Swamp Milkweed). Nearly smooth ; stem erect, branching above, marked with 2 pubescent lines ; leaves oblong-lanceolate, obtuse at base, with distinct petioles ; umbels numerous, many-flowered, erect, often opposite ; peduncles half as long as the leaves ; segments of the corolla reddish-purple ; hoods of the crown flesh-colored, entire. In wet grounds, 2-3 feet high. July-August. GENTIANACE^L. 260 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 3. A. QUADRIFOLIA (Four-leaved Milkweed). Smooth ; stem erect, slender, simple ; leaves ovate, smooth and thin, mostly in whorls of 4 ; um- bels few. loose ; pedicels filiform, marked with a pubescent line ; segments of the corolla white, tinged with pink ; hoods of the crown white, 2-toothed ; horn stout and thick. In dry woods, 1-2 feet high. July. Order LIII. GENTIANACE^E {Gentian Family). Herbs, usually smooth, with a watery juice. Leaves usually opposite, rarely alternate, radical or single. Flowers regular, usually terminal or axillary, often showy. Calyx of 4-12 sepals, united at base. Corolla convolute, sometimes induplicate in pre- floration, 4~i2-parted, regular. Stamens as many as the seg- ments of the corolla, inserted on the tube, alternately with them. Ovary i -celled, free, sometimes apparently 2-celled, on account of the 2 introflexed placentae. Style I, or wanting. Stigmas usually 2, sometimes i. Leaves opposite, f Leafy plant Gentiana. sessile \ [ Leaves reduced to scales Bartonia. Leaves alternate, f Leaves simple Limnanthemum. petioled < ( Leaves trifoliate Menyanthes. I. Gentiana. Calyx 4-5-cleft. Corolla marcescent, regular, tubu- lar at base ; limb 4-5-cleft. Stamens 4-5, inserted on the corolla-tube. Stigmas 2, persistent. Capsule i-celled, 2-valved, many-seeded. 1. G. CRINITA (Fringed Gentian}. Stem round, erect, branching; branches spreading at base ; leaves lanceolate, sessile, cordate, or rounded at base ; flowers of a rich blue, solitary, showy, terminating the branches ; calyx 4-angled, 4-parted ; corolla campanulate at base, open at summit, expand- ing when the sun shines ; segments fringed on the margin. In low, grassy meadows, io'-i5' high. October. 2. G. ANDREWSII (Soap-wort Gentian). Smooth ; stem erect, simple ; leaves lanceolate, acute or narrowed at base, 3-veined ; flowers large, pur- plish-blue, in sessile heads ; corolla inflated, club-shaped, closed at top. Stem 1-2 feet high. September-October. 2. Bartonia. Calyx 4-parted. Corolla deeply 4-cleft ; segments but slightly united, erect. Stamens short. Stigma large, persistent, at length 2-lobed. Capsule oblong, i-celled, 2-valved. (T) B. TENELLA (Screw-stem). Stem slender, erect, square, branching above ; leaves minute, scale-like ; flowers small, yellowish-white, 1-3 on the opposite branches ; style none. Damp grounds, 3'-8' high. August. 3. Limnanthemum. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla-tube short ; limb 5-lobed ; lobes deciduous, fringed merely at the base or margin. Style POLEMONIACE&. 2 6i short, or none. Stigma 2-lobed, persistent. Capsule i-celled, valve- less. 2f L. LACUNOSUM (Lake-flower). Floating ; stem filiform, bearing at top a single leaf, an umbel of flowers, and a tuft of short radicles ; leaves reni- form, floating at top, somewhat peltate, rough above ; flowers 5-6, in an umbel beneath the water ; corolla white ; lobes oval. 1-3 feet long. July. 4. Menyanthes. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla funnel-form, 5-parted, deciduous. Stamens 5. Styles slender, persistent. Stigma 2-lobed, capitate, i-celled. y. M. TRIFOLIATA (Buckbeari). Scape round, erect ; leaves radical, tri- foliate, on long petioles, with sheathing, membranous bases ; leaflets oval, varying to obovate, entire, sessile ; flowers in long, naked racemes ; corolla white or flesh-colored. Bogs, i foot high. May. Order LIV. POLEMONIACE.E. Herbs. Leaves opposite, rarely alternate, simple or compound. Calyx free from the ovary, 5-cleft, persistent. Corolla regular, with a 5-lobed limb, convolute in prefloration. Stamens 5, inserted on the corolla, alternately with its lobes, often unequal in length. Ovary 3-celled. Style i. Stigma trifid. Capsule 3-celled, 3- valved, loculicidal, the valves separating from the 3-angled axis, which bears the seeds. (Leaves entire Phlox. f Stamens declined-^. Leaves not entire 4 {_ Stamens not declined Polemonium. I. Phlox. Calyx somewhat prismatic, deeply 5-cleft. Corolla salver-form, with the slender tube more or less curved. Stamens very unequal, inserted in the corolla-tube above the middle. Capsule ovoid, 3-celled ; cells i-seeded. 1. P. DIVARICATA (Early Phlox). Low, diffuse, covered with minute down ; stems branching at base into a few, weak, ascending flowering- branches ; leaves oblong-lanceolate ; floral leaves narrow-linear ; flowers in terminal, loose corymbs ; corolla bright bluish-purple. In damp woods, 1-2 feet long. May. 2. P. DRUMMONDII (Drummond">s Phlox). Plant clothed with rough, glandular hairs; stem erect, dichotomously branching; leaves oblong or lan- ceolate ; flowers very showy, in dense, terminal cymes ; calyx hairy ; corolla varying from white to dark purple. In gardens, 8'-i2' high. 3. P. SUBULATA (Dwarf Phlox') Stems procumbent, tufted, clothed with minute down, very branching ; leaves rigid, or very narrowly linear, small, crowded, with fascicles of smaller ones in their axils ; cymes few-flow- ered ; corolla pink or rose-colored, rarely white. In gardens. May. 262 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY, 2. Gilia. Calyx 5-cleft ; segments acute. Corolla-tube long or short ; limb regularly 5-lobed. Stamens 5, equal, inserted at the top of the tube. Capsule oblong or ovoid, few to many-seeded. G. TRICOLOR (Three-colored Gilia). Stem erect, nearly smooth ; leaves alternate, twice and thrice pinnatifid ; segments narrowly-linear ; flowers 3-6 together, in cymes, arranged in panicles, bractless. A garden annual, one foot high. . 3. Polemonium. Calyx campanulate, 5-cleft. Corolla rotate- campanulate, 5-lobed, erect ; tube very short. Filaments furnished with hairy appendages at base. Cells of the capsule few, many-seed- ed. 2f P. CCERULEUM (Greek Valerian]. Stems stout, clustered, smooth, sim- ple, erect, hollow ; leaves mostly radical, alternate, in long, channeled peti- oles, pinnately parted ; flowers erect, in a terminal, corymbose panicle ; corolla blue, rather large. In cultivation, 1-2 feet high. June. Order LV. BORRAGINACE^E (Borage Family], Herbs ; sometimes shrubby plants. Stems round. Leaves alternate, usually rough. Flowers often in i -sided clusters, un- folding spirally. Calyx free from the ovary, persistent, regular, consisting of 5 sepals, more or less united at base. Corolla regu- lar, rarely irregular, the limb 5-toothed, often with a row of scales in the throat. Stamens 5, inserted on the corolla alternately with its lobes. Ovary deeply 4-lobed. Style i, usually central, pro- ceeding from base of the ovary, sometimes terminal. Fruit con- sisting of 4 achenia. Nutlets with hooked prickles f Corolla salver-form Echinospermu \ Corolla funnel-form Cynoglossum. f Corolla rotate Borrago. Nutlets excavated at base (. Corolla tubular Symphytum. Nutlets not I f Plants smooth Mertensia. O I prickly] f Corolla M | Nutlets not exca- funnel-form { Plants rough, nutlets smooth, L vatedatbase -I i. stony Lithospermum. [ Corolla wheel-shaped Myosotis. I. Borrago. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla rotate, 5-cleft ; segments acute ; tube with a crown at throat. Achenia rounded, with a perfora- tion at base. B. OFFICINALIS (Borage). Rough with scattered bristles ; stem erect, branching ; leaves ovate ; lower with short petioles ; upper sessile ; flowers large, in nodding racemes, sky-blue ; calyx spreading. Common. In gar- dens, 2 feet high. June-September. BORRAGINACE&. 263 3. Symphytum. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla tubular-campanulate, inflated above, 5-parted ; segments short, spreading. Stamens included in the corolla. Style filiform. Achenia smooth, perforated. S. OFFICINALE (Comfrey). Hairy ; stem erect, branching above ; lower leaves ovate-lanceolate ; upper ones decurrent ; flowers in i-sided, nodding racemes ; corolla yellowish-white, occasionally pink or red ; sepals lanceo- late. In low grounds, 3-5 feet high. June-August. 3. Lithospermum. Calyx 5-parted, persistent. Corolla funnel- form ; limb 5-lobed ; throat open at the orifice. Stamens included in the corolla. Anthers oblong. Achenia smooth or rugose. L. ARVENSE (Cromwell). Stem erect, slender ; leaves lanceolate, sessile, entire ; flowers in nodding racemes, which become erect and elongated ; lower flowers remote. In dry grounds, 6'-i2' high. June-July. 4. Mertensia. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla-tube cylindric, expand- ing ; limb 5-lobed. Stamens inserted. Style long, filiform. Achenia smooth or somewhat wrinkled, y. M. VIRGINICA ( Virginian Lungwort). Smooth, stem erect, simple ; leaves obovate, ovate ; entire, pale green ; flowers large, in racemes, desti- tute of bracts, corolla brilliant purplish blue, rarely white. In rich woods, io'-2o' high. May. 5. Myosotis. Calyx 5-cleft. Corolla salver-form ; tube as long as calyx, 5-lobed ; throat with 5 short, concave scales. Achenia ovate, smooth, flattened. M. PALUSTRIS (Forget-me-not}. Nearly smooth ; stem ascending, root- ing near the base ; leaves linear-oblong, obtuse ; flowers small, in long, bractless, i-sided racemes ; calyx in 5 short, spreading segments, open in fruit. In wet grounds, 6'-i2' high. June-September. 6. Echinospermum. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla salver- form, short, closed at the throat by 5 short, concave scales. Achenia compressed, armed on the back with barbed prickles. E. LAPPULA (Burr-seed). Rough-hairy ; stem erect, very branching above ; leaves lanceolate ; flowers small, blue, in bracted racemes ; corolla longer than the calyx. In waste places, 1-2 feet high. July. 7. Cynoglossurn. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla funnel-form. Achenia depressed, affixed laterally to the base of the style, covered with short, hooked prickles. 1. C. OFFICINALE (Hound 's-tongue}. Plant with a soft, silky pubes- cence ; stem erect, branching, leafy ; leaves lanceolate, acute ; upper ones clasping with a rounded base ; entire ; flowers large, in nearly bractless ra- cemes ; corolla dull red or purplish. Road-sides, 1-2 feet high. July. 2. C. MORISONI (Beggar's Lice}. Hairy ; stem erect, very branching above, leafy; leaves oblong-ovate, acuminate ; remote, entire, thin, rough 264 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. above ; flowers very small, in leafy, bracteate, forking racemes ; pedicels nodding in fruit ; corolla minute ; achenia convex with hooked prickles. In thickets, 2-4 feet high. July. Order LVI. CONVOLVULACE^: (Convolvulus Family). Herbs, or shrubs ; often with a milky juice. Stems trailing or climbing", rarely erect. Leaves alternate, sometimes none. Stip- ules none. Flowers often showy. Sepals 5, usually more or less united at base, persistent. Corolla regular, limb 5-cleft or entire, twisted and plaited in prefloration. Stamens 5, inserted at the base of the corolla, alternate with its segments, when lobed. Ovary 2-4, rarely I -celled, free from the calyx. Style I, rarely more. Fruit a capsule, 2-4-celled, opening by septifragal dehis- cence. Seeds few, large. f Stamens included, stigmas 2, linear Ipomoea. Stamens protruded Qua- moclit. CONVOLVULACE^E. [Calyx inclosed in bracts Calystegia, Without green herbage Cuscuta. I. Ipomcea. Calyx 5-parted, naked. Corolla campanulate, fun- nel-form ; limb with 5 plaits, and the border entire, or 5-lobed. Style i, often 2-cleft at apex. Capsule 2-4-celled, 4-6-seeded. 1. PURPUREA (Common Morning-glory). Stem twining, rough with re- flexed hairs; leaves cordate, entire; peduncles elongated, 2-5-flowered ; pedicels thickened ; sepals hispid, ovate-lanceolate, acute ; corolla funnel- form, large, 2' long, with a spreading, entire border. June-September. 2. Calystegia. Calyx 5-parted, included in 2 large, leafy bracts. Corolla funnel-form. Stamens nearly equal, shorter than the limb. Style i. Stigmas 2. Ovary imperfectly 2-4-celled. Capsule i-celled, 4-seeded. y. C. SEPIUM (Wild Morning-glory). Stem twining, mostly smooth ; leaves sagittate ; peduncles sharply 4-angled, i-flowered ; bracts cordate, much longer than the concealed calyx ; flowers large, 2' long, white, varying to pale rose-color. In low thickets, 5-10 feet long. June-July. H. 3. Quamoclit. Sepals 5, mostly mucronate. Corolla tubular cylindric. Stamens exserted. Style i. Stigma capitate, 2-lobed. Ovary 4-celled ; cells i-seeded. Q. VULGARIS (Cypress Vine). Smooth; stem very slender, twining; leaves deeply pinnatifid ; segments linear, parallel, acute ; peduncles i-flow- ered ; flowers small, brilliant, scarlet. In cultivation. July-August. SOLANACE^E. 2 6$ 4. Cuscuta. Calyx 5, rarely 4-cleft. Corolla glpbose-campanu- late ; border spreading, 5, rarely 4-cleft. Stamens 5, rarely 4. Stig- mas 2. Capsule 2-celled ; cells 2-seeded. C. GRONOVII (Dodder}. Plant leafless, parasitic, destitute of all verdure ; stem filiform, orange-yellow ; flowers sessile, in dense clusters, white ; corolla campanulate, withering at the base of the globose capsule. July-Sep- tember. Order LVII. SOLANACE.E (Nightshade Family). Herbs, or shrubby plants with a colorless juice. Leaves alter- nate. Calyx free from the ovary, consisting of 45 persistent sepals, more or less united at base. Corolla regular, rarely slight- ly irregular, limb 4-5-cleft, plaited in prefloration. Stamens as many as the corolla-lobes, alternate with its segments. Ovary 2, and rarely 4 or 6-celled, with a central placenta. Fruit a many- seeded capsule or berry. f Calyx deeply 5-parted Petunia. Corolla with a tube | f Fruit prickly Datura. ( Calyx tubular- - , Herbs-MV^: [ Fruit not prickly 4 [_ Shrubs Lycium. Corolla-tube very f Corolla [Capsule Capsicum. rotate- 4 , a-celled, wusSi-Solanum. [Berry-' short or none -j [3-6-celled, large Lycopersicum, ("Corolla blue Nicandra. Corolla campanulate- H , Yellowish-/>^/. I Not blue- \ [ Purplish A tropa. 1. Petunia. Calyx with a short tube and a 5-cleft, leafy limb. Corolla salver-form ; tube cylindric ; limb in 5 unequal, flat, folded lobes. Stamens 5, unequal. Capsule 2-valved. P. VIOLACEA (Purple Petunia}. Stem weak, hairy, viscid ; leaves broad- ovate, acute, on short, winged petioles, entire ; peduncles axillary ; sepals obtuse ; corolla-limb bright purple, divided into 5 unequal, rounded, acute lobes. In cultivation, 2-4 feet long. July. 2. Nicotiana. Calyx urn-shaped, 5-cleft. Corolla funnel-form, or salver-form, regular ; limb plaited, 5-lobed. Stigma capitate. Cap- sule 2-celled, 2-4-valved. Seeds minute. N. TABACUM (Tobacco}. Viscid-pubescent ; stem erect, paniculate above ; leaves very long, lanceolate, sessile, decurrent ; flowers dull rose-color. Stem 4-6 feet high. July. 266 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 3. Datura. Calyx tubular, ventricose, 5-angled, 5-toothed. Co- rolla funnel-form, with a long-cylindrical tube ; limb plaited, 5-parted. Stigma 2-lipped. Capsule globular, prickly, 2-celled, 2-valved. Seeds large. (T) D. STRAMONIUM (Thorn Apple}. Smooth; stem erect, fleshy, hollow, sometimes spotted with purple ; leaves large, ovate, irregularly dentate ; flowers large, 2'-^' long, dull white ; calyx-teeth acuminate ; fruit of the size and shape of a hen's egg, covered with short, sharp spines. Poisonous weed, in waste grounds, 1-3 feet high. 4. Nicandra. Calyx 5-cleft, 5-angled ; angles compressed. Seg- ments sagittate, enlarged in fruit. Corolla campanulate ; border open, plaited, nearly entire. Stamens 5, converging. (T) N. PHYSALOIDES (Apple of Peru). Smooth, herbaceous ; stem erect, branching ; leaves large, broad-ovate ; flowers axillary, terminal, solitary, pale blue, white in the center, with 5 blue spots ; calyx closed, with the angles very acute. In gardens, 2-5 feet high. August. 5. Physalis. Calyx 5-cleft, persistent, reticulated, inflated after flowering. Corolla spreading, campanulate, with a very short tube ; limb obscurely 5-lobed. Stamens 5, converging. P. VISCOSA ( Yellow Henbane). Viscid-pubescent, branching, herba- ceous ; leaves ovate, or lance-ovate, cordate or tapering at base, repandly toothed, or entire ; flowers nodding ; corolla greenish-yellow, with 5 brown- ish spots at the base inside ; fruit yellow or orange-color, inclosed in the in- flated, angular calyx. Dry hills, a foot high. July- August. 6. Capsicum. Calyx erect, 5-parted, persistent. Corolla rotate ; tube very short ; limb plaited, 5-lobed. Stamens converging. Cap- sule dry, inflated, 2-3-celled. Seeds flat, extremely acrid. C. ANNUUM (Red Pepper). Smooth ; stem herbaceous, angular, branch- ing above ; leaves ovate-acuminate, petiolate, entire ; flowers nodding ; calyx angular, with 5 short, acute lobes ; corolla white, lobes spreading ; fruit oblong, red to yellow. Cultivated, 1-2 feet high. 7. Solanum. Calyx mostly 5-parted, spreading, persistent. Co- rolla usually rotate ; tube very short ; limb mostly 5-cleft, plaited in the bud. Filaments very short. Anthers opening at top by 2 pores. 1. S. DULCAMARA (Bitter-sweet}. Stem shrubby toward the base, climb- ing, more or less smooth ; leaves ovate-cordate, hastate ; flowers in corym- bose clusters ; corolla dull purple, the segments reflexed ; berries oval, scar- let, poisonous. In moist thickets, 4-6 feet long. July. 2. S. NIGRUM (Nightshade}. Smooth, herbaceous ; stem very branch- ing, with rough angles ; leaves ovate, toothed and undulate ; flowers small, white, in drooping, lateral umbels ; anthers yellow ; berry globular, black. In waste grounds. July-August. (T) 3. S. TUBEROSUM (Potato}. Rhizoma producing tubers ; stem ascend- SCROPHULARIACE^E. 267 ing, herbaceous, nearly simple, with winged angles ; leaves interruptedly pinnate ; alternate leaflets much the smallest, all entire ; flowers dull-white, sometimes purplish, nodding, in terminal umbels, pedicellate. June-July. 4. S. PSEUDO-CAPSICUM (Jerusalem Cherry). Evergreen ; stem shrub- by, branching above ; leaves oblong-lanceolate, dark green, smooth and shin- ing ; flowers solitary, nodding ; corolla white ; anthers orange ; berries glo- bose, scarlet, as large as small cherries. Cultivated, 2-4 feet high. 5. S. MELONGENA (Egg-plant). Stem prickly, herbaceous, branching ; leaves ovate, downy, prickly ; flowers small, whitish ; fruit large, ovate, varying from 2-8' in length, smooth, glossy, purple. Cultivated, 2-3 feet high. July-September. 8. Lycopersicum. Calyx mostly 5-parted, persistent. Corolla rotate ; tube very short ; limb mostly 5-lobed, plicate. Anthers con- verging, opening at top by 2 pores. Berry 3-6-celled. L. ESCULENTUM ( Tomato}. Hairy ; stem herbaceous ; leaves unequally pinnatifid ; segments incised, glaucous beneath ; peduncles bearing clusters of greenish-yellow flowers ; fruit torulose, furrowed, smooth, green at first, but bright red and juicy when mature. Stem 3-5 feet long. 9. Atropa. Calyx persistent, 5-cleft. Corolla campanulate. Sta- mens distant. Berry globose, sitting on the calyx, 2-celled. A. BELLADONNA (Deadly Nightshade}. Smooth, herbaceous ; stem branching below ; leaves large, ovate, entire ; flowers dull, lurid purple ; ber- ries large, green at first, black when mature, full of purple juice ; stem 4 feet high. A poisonous plant. Gardens. July-August. 10. Lycium. Calyx 2-5-cleft, short. Corolla tubular, limb mostly 5-lobed, spreading. Stamens 4-5. Filaments bearded, closing the throat of the corolla. Berry 2-celled. Seeds several, reniform. L. VULGARE {Matrimony Vine}. Shrubby ; stem branching ; branches long, pendulous, ending in a spiny point, often furnished with axillary spines ; leaves lanceolate, often in clusters, smooth, acute or obtuse, tapering to a petiole ; flowers axillary, greenish-purple ; berries orange-red. In cul- tivation. July. INFERIOR MONOPETALOUS EXOGENS WITH IRREGULAR FLOWERS. Order LVIII. SCROPHULARIACE^E (Figwort Family]. Herbs, or sometimes shrubby. Leaves opposite, or alternate, sometimes verticillate or radical. Sepals 4-5, persistent, more or less united. Corolla bilabiate, personate, sometimes nearly regu- lar, with 4-5 more or less unequal segments, the lobes imbricated in prefloration. Stamens didynamous, often with the rudiments 268 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. of a 5th, which is sometimes perfect ; oftener still only 2. Ovary free, 2-celled. Style i. Stigma 2-lobed. Capsule 2-valved, many- seeded. [ULARIACE^E. Upper lip of co- rolla inclosing lower Leaves op- posite Leaves (upf alterna f Stamens woolly Chelone. ' Perfect sta- mens 4 -j f Fifth stamen barren Stamens not Scrophularia. [ woolly -< 1 No fifth stamen Mi- [ inulus. Perfect sta- f Filaments of sterile stamens forked [Filaments simple Gratiola. ( Stamens 5 Verbascum. >er) I te j f Corolla spurred Linaria. \ Stamens 4 \ VT . A ..J.' 7. - f Corolla lobes [Stamens ^-Veronica. i nearly equal- - , g tems ^\z-Di S itali s . Lower lip inclos- [Stamens 4 -j ing the upper -j [ Stems branching Gerardia. Corolla two- f Flowers with colored bracts Castilleia. lipped j NQ ^^^ p tems simple _^ bracts I. Verbascum. Calyx 5 -parted. Corolla rotate, with 5 nearly equal lobes. Stamens 5, all perfect, declinate. Capsule globose or ovoid, many-seeded. @ 1. V. THAPSUS (Mullein"). Plant densely woolly throughout ; stem tall, rigidly erect, usually simple ; leaves decurrent, oblong, acute ; flowers yel- low, in a long, dense, terminal, cylindrical spike ; two lower stamens usually beardless. In neglected fields, 4-7 feet high. June-August. 2. V. BLATTARIA (Moth Mullein). Stem simple or branching above, leafy, erect ; leaves smooth, clasping, oblong, coarsely serrate, the lower petiolate ; flowers in a long, leafy raceme, yellow or white, usually tinged with purple ; stamens unequal, with purple, woolly filaments. Road-sides, 2-3 feet hi^h. June-July. 2. Linaria. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla personate ; upper lip bifid, reflexed ; lower lip 3-cleft ; palate prominent ; tube inflated and spurred. Stamens 4. Capsule opening at the summit by 1-2 pores. 1. L. VULGARIS (Toad-flax Snapdragon). Smooth and glaucous; stem erect, with short, leafy branches ; leaves alternate, crowded, linear-lanceo- late ; flowers yellow, in dense, terminal spikes ; corolla with a long spur, the throat completely closed by the orange-colored palate. Common along road- sides. July-August. 2. L. CANADENSIS (Canadian Snapdragon}. Smooth ; stem slender, SCROPHULARIACE&. 9 269 erect, nearly simple ; leaves linear, erect, smooth, scattered, obtuse ; flowers small, blue, in an elongated, slender, terminal raceme, on short pedicels ; spur filiform, curved, as long as the corolla. In sandy soils, 6'-is' high. June- October. 3. Antirrhinum. Calyx 5-sepaled. Corolla gibbous at base ; up- per lip bifid, reflexed ; lower lip trifid, closed. Capsule without valves, opening by 3 pores, y A. MAJUS (Snapdragon). Stem erect ; leaves lanceolate, opposite ; up- per ones alternate ; flowers in terminal racemes, pink, with the lip white, and the mouth yellow ; sepals lanceolate, acute, covered with glandular hairs. Gardens. July- August. 4. Scrophularia. Calyx-segments 5, acute. Corolla-tube sub- globose ; limb contracted ; upper lip with 4 erect lobes ; lower lip spreading. Stamens 4, declinate ; a 5th stamen as a scale on the corolla-tube. Capsule 2-celled, many-seeded. y 5. NODOSA (Figwort}. Smooth ; stem tall, angular, branching ; leaves ovate or ovate-oblong, the upper ones varying to lanceolate, all acute, den- tate or serrate, petiolate, mostly cordate or rounded at base ; flowers of a dull purple, in loose cymes ; calyx-teeth broad, obtuse, somewhat margined. In low grounds, 4-6 feet high. July. 5. Chelone. Calyx-sepals distinct, with 3 bracts at base. Corolla tubular, inflated, 2-lipped ; upper lip arched, emarginate ; lower lip bearded at the throat, 3-lobed. Stamens with woolly filaments and anthers ; 5th filament sterile and smaller. Seeds with broad, mem- branous margins, y C. GLABRA (Snake-head}. Smooth ; stem erect, simple or branching ; leaves opposite, lanceolate, acuminate, serrate, on very short petioles ; flow- ers large, white, varying to rose-color, in dense, short spikes ; corolla with an open throat and contracted mouth ; style long, exserted. In wet grounds, 2-3 feet high. July-September. 6. Mimulus. Calyx prismatic, 5-toothed. Corolla tubular, rin- gent ; upper lip erect, and reflexed at the sides, 2-lobecl ; lower lip with a prominent palate, 3-lobed. Stamens 4. Stigma thick, 2-lipped. Capsule 2-celled, many-seeded, y M. RINGENS (Monkey-flower]. Smooth ; stem erect, square, branching ; leaves sessile, oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, acuminate, serrate ; flowers large, on solitary, square peduncles, curved upward ; corolla pale blue, with a yellow throat. In wet places, 1-2 feet high. July-August. 7. Gratiola. Calyx-segments nearly equal. Corolla 2-lipped ; upper lip entire or 2-cleft ; lower lip without a prominent palate, 3-cleft. Fertile stamens 2. Style dilated or 2-lipped at apex. Capsule 2-celled, 4-valved, many-seeded, y 2/0 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 1. G. VIRGINIANA ( Virginian Hedge Hyssop}. Nearly or quite smooth ; stem low, erect, simple or branching ; leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, sessile, opposite, slightly serrate, tapering at base ; flowers small, on axillary peduncles ; corolla whitish, generally with a pale yellow tube ; sterile fila- ments none. In muddy grounds, 3'-8' high. July-August. 2. G. AUREA (Golden Hedge Hyssop). Smooth ; stem decumbent at base, erect above, square, simple, or with ascending branches ; leaves oblong-lan- ceolate, nearly entire, sessile ; flowers solitary, golden yellow ; sterile fila- ments 2, minute. Common on the borders of ponds, 3'-8' high. August- September. 8. Ilysanthes. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla 2-lipped ; upper lip short, erect, 2-cleft ; lower large, spreading, 3-cleft. Fertile stamens 2, in- cluded, posterior. Sterile stamens 2, anterior, forked. Style 2-lipped at apex. Capsule many-seeded, y. I. GRATIOLOIDES (False Pimpernel). Smooth ; stem ascending, branch- ing, low ; leaves opposite, sessile, ovate or oblong, sparingly serrate, more or less obtuse, the lower ones sometimes obovate and tapering at base ; flow- ers small, pale blue, solitary, on axillary, bractless peduncles ; corolla erect. In wet grounds, 2 '-4' high. July-August, n 9. Digitalis. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla campamilate, ventricose. Limb of 5 nearly equal lobes. Capsule ovate, 2-celled, 2-valved, with a double dissepiment. D. PURPUREA (Foxglove}. Stem erect ; leaves oblong, rugose, downy, crenate, lower ones crowded, petiolate ; flowers large, crimson, beautifully spotted within, in a long, showy, i-sided raceme ; calyx-segments ovate-ob- long ; corolla obtuse, upper lip entire. July. 10. Veronica. Calyx 4-parted. Corolla rotate or tubular, deeply 4-cleft. Stamens 2, exserted, one on each side of the upper lobe of the corolla. Style entire. Stigma single. Capsule compressed, 2-fur- rowed. 1. V. VIRGINICA (Culver's Physic}. Mostly smooth ; stem erect, simple, straight, tall ; leaves lanceolate, petiolate, acute, or acuminate, finely serrate, in whorls of 4-7 ; flowers white, in panicled spikes ; corolla tubular, pubes- cent within ; stamens and style twice as long as the corolla. In rich, low grounds, 2-6 feet high. July. 2. V. AMERICANA (Brooklime}. Smooth and rather fleshy ; stem de- cumbent at base, and then erect ; leaves ovate, or oblong, serrate ; flowers small, in opposite, loose racemes, on slender, spreading pedicels twice longer than the bracts ; corolla pale blue, marked with brownish lines ; capsule tur- gid, emarginate. In wet grounds, 6'-i2' high. June-August. 3. V. SERPYLLIFOLIA (Common Speedwell). Nearly or quite smooth ; stem low, prostrate, much branched at base, with ascending, simple branches ; leaves ovate or oblong, obtuse ; lowest roundish, petiolate ; upper sessile, entire bracts ; flowers in loose, bracted, terminal racemes, elongated in fruit ; SCROPHULARIACE^E. 271 corolla bl^e and white, marked with purple lines ; capsule obtusely emargin- ate. In grassy fields, 2' -6' high. May-September. 11. Gerardia. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla tubular, swelling above, with 5 spreading, more or less unequal lobes ; 2 upper ones usually the smallest. Stamens 4, included, hairy. Style elongated. Capsule ovate, acuminate, many-seeded. 1. G. PURPUREA (Purple Gerardia}. Smooth ; stem erect, angular, with long, spreading branches ; leaves linear, acute, rough on the margin ; flowers axillary, solitary ; calyx-teeth subulate ; corolla bright purple, showy, smooth or slightly downy. In wet, grassy grounds, 8'-2o' high. August. 2. G. FLAVA (Yellow Gerardia). Pubescent; stem erect, simple, or branching toward the summit ; leaves opposite, sessile, ovate-lanceolate, or oblong, entire, obtuse ; flowers large, opposite, axillary, on very short pe- duncles ; calyx-segments oblong, obtuse. In dry woods, 2-3 feet high. August. 3. G. QUERCIFOLIA (Oak-leaved Gerardia}. Smooth and glaucous; stem tall, simple, or somewhat branching ; lower leaves twice pinnatifid ; upper oblong-lanceolate, pinnatifid or entire ; flowers pedunculate, axillary, opposite, of a brilliant yellow, large and showy ; segments of the calyx linear- lanceolate, equaling the tube. In rich woods, 4-6 feet high. August. 4. G. PEDICULARIA (Bushy Gerardia). Stem erect, very branching ; leaves opposite, ovate, pinnatifid ; the lobes variously cut and toothed ; peti- oles short, hairy ; flowers large, yellow ; segments of the calyx usually toothed, as long as the hairy tube ; corolla i' long, with rounded, spreading segments. In dry woods, 3-4 feet high. August. 12. Castilleia. Calyx tubular, flattened, 2-4-cleft, included in colored bracts. Corolla-tube included in the calyx ; upper lip long and narrow, arched, inclosing the stamens ; lower lip short, 3-lobed. Sta- mens 4. Anthers oblong-linear, 2-lobed, with unequal lobes. Capsule many-seeded, y. C. COCCINEA (Painted Cup). Pubescent ; stem erect, angular, simple ; leaves alternate, sessile, pinnatifid, radical ones clustered at base ; bracts 3- cleft, colored with bright scarlet at apex, rarely yellow, longer than the co- rolla ; flowers in short, dense, terminal spikes ; calyx and corolla greenish yellow, the former tinged with scarlet at tip. In meadows, io'-2o' high. May-June. 13. Pedicularis. Calyx campanulate or tubular, 2-5-cleft ; the segments leafy. Corolla strongly bilabiate ; upper lip arched, emar- ginate ; lower lip spreading, 3-lobed. Stamens 4, included in the up- per lip. Capsule oblique, if. P. CANADENSIS (Lousewort). Stems low, erect, simple, clustered ; leaves petiolate, alternate ; lowest pinnately dissected ; lobes oblong-ovate, crenately toothed ; flowers in short, dense, hairy, terminal heads ; calyx 2-toothed ; 272 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. corolla greenish yellow, or dull red ; upper lip vaulted, terminating in 2 teeth, turned downward. In fields, 6'-i5' high. May-July. 14. Melampyrum. Calyx campanulate, 4-cleft ; the lobes with long, bristly points. Corolla-tube cylindrical, larger above ; upper lip arching. Stamens 4, included in the upper lip. Capsule usually 4- seeded, oblique, compressed. M. PRATENSE (Coiv-zvheaf). Smooth; stem erect, branching; leaves opposite, lanceolate, or linear, petiolate ; upper ones larger, with a few long teeth ; flowers solitary, remote ; calyx smooth ; corolla yellowish. In dry woods, 6'-io' high. July-August. Order LIX. LENTIBULACE^ (Bladderivort Family}. Herbs, growing in the water or mud. Leaves radical ; when floating in the water much dissected, and furnished with air- bladders ; when growing on land, entire and fleshy. Flowers showy, very irregular. Calyx of 2-5 sepals, distinct, or partially united. Corolla bilabiate, personate, tube very short, spurred. Stamens 2, inserted on the upper lip. Anthers i -celled. Ovary free from the qalyx, I -celled. Style I. Fruit a many-seeded capsule, Utricularia. Calyx 2-parted, with nearly equal lips. Corolla irregularly 2-lipped. personate ; the lower lip projecting, and sometimes closing the throat, if. 1. U. INFLATA (Inflated Bladderwort^.Upptt leaves floating in a whorl of 5 or 6, which are inflated into oblong bladders, but dissected at apex into capillary segments ; lower leaves submerged, very finely dissected, and bearing many little bladders ; scape projecting above the water, 4-6- flowered ; flowers large, yellow, very irregular, spurred, striate, emarginate, upper lip of the corolla broad -ovate, entire ; lower 3-lobed. Common in ponds. July-August. 2. U. VULGARIS (Common Bladderworf). Leaves all submerged, crowded, dissected into very numerous, capillary segments, furnished with little bladders ; flowers 5-12, pedicellate, yellow, very showy, alternate ; spur conical, obtuse, much shorter than the corolla. Common in ponds. June- August. Order LX. BIGNONIACE^E. Trees, or shrubby, climbing, or twining plants. Flowers usu- ally large and showy. Leaves simple, or pinnately parted. Co- rolla broad at the throat, with a bilabiate or irregularly 5-lobed limb. Stamens 5, I or 3 sterile, when 4, often didynamous. Ovary 2-celled, free from the calyx, surrounded by a fleshy disk at VERBENACE&. 273 base. Style i. Fruit a woody or coriaceous 2-valved, many- seeded pod. Seeds winged. ( Climbers Tecoma. BIGNONIACE^ ( Trees Catalpa. 1. Tecoma. Calyx campanulate, 5-toothed. Corolla funnel-form, with a 5-lobed limb, somewhat bilabiate. Stamens didynamous. Cap- sule long and narrow, 2-celled, 2-valved. Seeds winged. T. RADICANS {Trumpet Creeper). Stem woody, climbing by means of rootlets ; leaves pinnate ; leaflets 5-11, ovate, acuminate, dentate ; flowers corymbed ; corolla large, 2'-$' long, orange and scarlet, very showy ; sta- mens included. July-August. 2. Catalpa. Calyx 2-lipped. Corolla campanulate ; tube inflated ; limb irregular. Stamens 5, 2 only usually have anthers. Stigma 2-lipped. Capsule long and slender, 2-celled. C. BIGNONIOIDES {Catalpa). Leaves cordate, or ovate-cordate, acumi- nate, entire ; flowers in compound panicles, white, tinged and spotted with purple and yellow, large and showy ; calyx-teeth mucronate ; capsule cylin- dric, pendent, 6'-i2' long. June-July. Order LXI. VERBENACE.E ( Vervain Family}. Herbs, shrubs ; or trees in the tropics. Leaves usually oppo- site, without stipules. Calyx tubular, free from the ovary, 4-5- cleft, persistent. Corolla tubular ; the limb bilabiate, or with 4-5 more or less unequal lobes. Stamens 4, didynamous, sometimes only 2. Ovary entire, 2-4-celled, rarely I -celled, each cell with I ovule. Style i. Fruit separating into 2 or more indehiscent i- seeded portions, rarely a single achenium. A large, chiefly tropical order, represented here chiefly by Ver- bena, of which we have several native and exotic species. ( Fruit 4 achenia Verbena. VERBENACE^E.-j ( Fruit i-seeded Phryma. I. Verbena. Calyx tubular, 5-toothed. Corolla funnel-form ; limb with 5 slightly unequal lobes. Stamens 4, rarely 2, included. Style slender. Stigma capitate. Fruit splitting into 4 achenia. 1. V. HASTATA (Blue Vervairi). Stem tall, erect, with a few opposite branches above ; leaves lanceolate, sharply serrate ; flowers sessile, in dense, slender, erect spikes, usually arranged in terminal panicles ; corolla purplish blue ; stamens 4. In low grounds, 3-5 feet high. July-September. 2. V. URTICIFOLIA (Nettle-leaved Vervain). Stem tall, erect, branch- ing ; leaves ovate, or oblong-ovate, acute, coarsely serrate, strongly nerved ; 274 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. flowers minute, remote, white, sessile in elongated, very slender spikes. Common in waste places. 2-3 feet high. July- August. 3. V. AUBLETIA (Garden Verbena). Stem weak, decumbent at base, erect above, square, viscid-pubescent, with opposite branches ; leaves oval, deeply cut and toothed ; flowers-large, in solitary, dense, corymbose clusters, on long peduncles ; bracts downy, nearly as long as the downy calyx, narrow, persistent ; corolla rose-red or scarlet, with emarginate lobes. In house cultivation, also in the open air. 1-2 feet high. May. 2. Phryma. Calyx cylindrical, bilabiate ; upper lip longer, with 3 bristly teeth ; lower lip 2-toothed. Corolla bilabiate. Style slender. Stigma 2-lobed. Fruit oblong, i-celled, i-seeded. y. P. LEPTOSTACHYA (Lopseed}. Stem erect, slender, square, branching, pubescent ; leaves ovate, coarsely serrate, thin and large ; flowers opposite, rather small, in very long, slender spikes ; corolla light purple ; pedicels of the fruit deflexed ; seed solitary, inclosed in a thin pericarp, all invested by the closed calyx. In rich woodlands. 1-3 feet high. July. Order LXII. LABIATE (Mint Family). Herbs, or slightly shrubby plants. Stems square, usually with opposite branches. Leaves opposite or verticillate, usually con- taining receptacles of volatile oil. Flowers axillary or terminal, in whorls, which sometimes take the form of dense heads ; rarely solitary. Calyx tubular, free from the ovary, persistent, 4~5-cleft, or bilabiate. Corolla bilabiate, rarely almost regular, with 4-5 subequal lobes. Stamens didynamous, sometimes only 2, the upper pair being abortive, or wanting. Ovary deeply 4-lobed. Style i, central, arising from the base of the 4 lobes of the ovary, which in fruit consists of 4, rarely fewer, little separate nuts or achenia, contained in the tube of the persistent calyx. 1. Lavandula. Calyx ovoid-cylindric, with 5 short teeth ; the upper ones often the largest. Upper lip of the corolla 2-lobed ; lower lip 3-lobed ; lobes nearly equal. Stamens included, y. L. VERA (Lavender}. Stem suffruticose and branching at base ; leaves linear-lanceolate, sessile, revolute on the margin, white-downy ; flowers blu- ish, in interrupted spikes ; corolla much exsert. July. 2. Mentha. Calyx somewhat campanulate, with 5 equal teeth. Corolla with a short tube, nearly regular, 4-cleft ; upper lobe broadest, entire or emarginate. Stamens 4, nearly equal, straight, distant. Achenia smooth, y. "i. M. CANADENSIS (fforseminf).Stem low, ascending, simple or branch- ing, pubescent with reversed hairs on the angles ; leaves oblong, or oblong- lanceolate, serrate ; flowers small, pale purple, in dense, axillary, globular LAB I A T^E. 275 ^ open crosswise Galeopsh open lengthwise Leonui -Pycnanthentuitt* I J 1 s e 1 1 V. V ,c 1 I utellaria. ii i 4 c ^ 1 .2 1 1 hroat Thymus. [laments very long T, Physostegia. Emarginate Lat, fAn Obcordate ^ I An [^ Entire Stachys. Mentha. lowers pale, in close cj lowers blue, clustered- -a 1 tg .-I ^3 4_ %^4 ^ AJ CL ,n c^3 | fa fa c Co ^ fa -> ' 1 .2 43" >> o i- 1 o a s i i O 4) u lo E U I 1 v- -s / o g A u> t-t ' O 0) .1 X T3 ^ g "rt "rt s 1 A 5 4j CJ O c Jj ^ O i J2 "o c i 2 | f 5 3 1 I o U v J T 1 3 'o a c o I" 1 5 u^ ~~ "p To 1 2 o "o O, s not unde: 1 <. S 1 ' under coi t '.5 i .s: 5 i 1 c i G 1 .9* ' o c H -o i 3 ^ B U3 mens " rt 11 1 mens f CO 3 S rt CO rt 1 'J3 1 X 10-tOOI "c5 *rt "rt O o 10 U 276 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. whorls; calyx hairy; stamens exserted. In wet grounds, 1-2 feet high. July-September. 2. M. VIRIDIS (Spearmint}. Stem smooth, upright, with erect branches ; leaves ovate-lanceolate, acute, unequally serrate, smooth ; flowers pale pur- ple, in distinct, axillary whorls, arranged in slender, interrupted spikes ; calyx-teeth somewhat hairy. Wet grounds, 1-2 feet high. July. 3. M. PIPERITA (Peppermint}. Smooth ; stem purplish, erect, branch- ing ; leaves ovate, acute, serrate, petiolate, dark green ; flowers purplish, in dense whorls, forming compact spikes ; bracts lanceolate. In wet grounds, 2-3 feet high. July. 3. Lycopus. Calyx tubular, 4-5-toothed. Corolla campanulate, with 4 subequal lobes ; upper segment broadest, emarginate. Stamens 2, distant, sometimes with 2 sterile rudiments. Style straight. Achenia smooth, with thickened margins, if 1. L. EUROP^US (Water Hoarhound). Stem sharply 4-angled, branch- ing ; leaves oblong-lanceolate, tapering at both ends, petiolate ; lowest pin- natifid ; uppermost linear and nearly entire ; flowers small, white, in dense, axillary whorls ; calyx-teeth 5. In low grounds, io'-i8' high. August. 2. L. VIRGINICUS (Bugle Weed). Stem obtusely 4-angled, with concave sides ; leaves ovate-lanceolate, or oblong, coarsely toothed, on short peti- oles ; flowers small, purplish white, in few-flowered, axillary whorls ; calyx- teeth 4, ovate, obtuse. In low grounds, io'-i5' high. July-August. 4. Monarda. Calyx elongated, tubular, 15 -nerved, 5-toothed. Corolla tubular, with a somewhat inflated throat. Limb strongly 2-lipped ; upper lip linear, erect ; lower lip spreading, 3-lobed. Sta- mens 2, elongated. Anthers linear, y. 1. M. DIDYMA (Bee JJalm). Stem erect, usually branching ; leaves ovate, or ovate-lanceolate, rounded or somewhat cordate at base, rough, on short petioles ; bracts and uppermost leaves tinged with red ; flowers in dense, terminal heads ; calyx smooth, colored ; corolla large and showy, smooth, very long, bright red or scarlet. July. 2. M. FISTULOSA ( Wild Bergamot}. Nearly smooth ; stem erect; leaves petiolate, ovate-lanceolate, rounded ; flowers in a few, dense, terminal, many- flowered heads, surrounded by sessile bracts, the upper and outer of which are leafy and often colored ; calyx very hairy at the throat ; corolla pale purple, greenish white or rose-colored, smooth or hairy. In woods, 2-4 feet high. July-September. 5. Salvia. Calyx campanulate, striate, bilabiate ; upper lip 2-3- cleft ; lower lip 2-cleft. Corolla deeply 2-lipped ; upper lip straight ; lower lip spreading, 3-lobed. Stamens 2, with short filaments. 2f S. OFFICINALIS (Sage}. Stem low, shrubby ; leaves ovate-lanceolate, of a dull, grayish green ; flowers in few-flowered whorls, arranged in spikes ; calyx-teeth mucronate, viscid ; corolla blue, with an elongated tube ; upper lip as long as the lower, and somewhat vaulted. July. LABI AT JE. 277 6. Pycnanthemum. Calyx more or less tubular, about 13-nerved, 5-toothed. Corolla bilabiate, with a short tube ; upper lio nearly flat ; lower lip with 3 ovate, obtuse lobes. Stamens distant. Anther-cells parallel, y. 1. P. INCANUM {Mountain Mint}. Stem erect, obtusely 4-angled, white- downy, leaves oblong-ovate, remotely toothed, acute, hoary beneath ; up- permost whitish on both sides ; flowers in dense 'whorls, forming loose, com- pound cymes or heads ; corolla flesh-colored or pale purple ; the lower lip spotted with dark purple ; calyx bilabiate, the 3 upper segments being united and bearded at the extremity. In rocky woods, 2-3 feet high. July. 2. P. LANCEOLATUM (Narrow-leaved Wild Basil}. Smooth or slightly downy ; stem erect, pubescent on the angles, very branching, leafy ; leaves lanceolate ; flowers in dense heads, forming a terminal corymb ; bracts ovate- lanceolate, acuminate, white-downy ; calyx-teeth short, triangular, white- downy ; corolla pale purplish white, spotted with brownish purple. Thickets and fields, 1-3 feet high. July-August. 7. Thymus. Calyx bilabiate, about 13-nerved, hairy in the throat ; upper lip 3-toothed ; lower lip 2-cleft. Corolla short, somewhat 2-lipped ; upper lip flattish, lower lip spreading, with 3 nearly equal teeth. Stamens 4, distant. 1. T. VULGARIS (Thyme]. Stems decumbent at base, ascending, branch- ing, tufted ; leaves oblong-ovate, or lanceolate, entire, veiny, revolute on the margins ; flowers in whorls, arranged so as to form terminal, leafy spikes ; corolla purplish. June-August. 2. T. SERPYLLUM (Creeping Thyme). Stems decumbent at base, ascend- ing, wiry, branching, slender, leafy, downy above, tufted ; leaves ovate, obtuse, entire ; flowers in dense, oblong heads ; corolla purple, spotted. June- July. 8. Hyssopus. Corolla bilabiate ; upper lip erect, flat, emargi- nate ; lower lip 3-parted ; tube about as long as the calyx, y. H. OFFICINALIS (Hyssop}. Stems erect, tufted ; leaves linear-lanceolate, acute, entire, sessile ; flowers in racemose, one-sided verticils, bright blue ; calyx-teeth erect. In gardens, 2 feet high. July. 9. Collinsonia. Calyx bilabiate ; upper lip truncate, 3-toothed ; lower lip 2-toothed. Corolla somewhat bilabiate ; upper lip with 4 nearly equal lobes ; lower lip longer, fringed. Stamens 2, rarely want- ing, much exserted, diverging, y. C. CANADENSIS (Horse-Balm). Stem erect, square, branching; leaves ovate, coarsely serrate ; flowers rather large, in racemes, forming a terminal panicle ; corolla pale yellow, with a conspicuously fringed lower lip ; calyx- teeth subulate ; style and stamens very long. In damp, rich soils, 3-5 feet high. July-September. 10. Hedeoma. Calyx nearly tubular, 13-ribbed, bilabiate ; upper lip 3-toothed ; lower lip 2-toothed ; throat hairy. Corolla bilabiate ; up- 278 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. per lip flat, erect ; lower lip spreading, 3-lobed ; lobes nearly equal. Stamens 2, sometimes accompanied by 2 sterile filaments. H. PULEGIOIDES (Pennyroyal}. Stem erect, branching ; leaves ovate, or oblong-ovate, few-toothed, on short petioles, smooth above ; flowers small, pale purple, in whorls ; corolla pubescent. In dry, barren fields, 3'-8' high. July-September. 11. Melissa. Calyx 13-ribbed, flattish above ; upper lip 3-toothed ; lower lip 2-toothed. Corolla bilabiate ; upper lip erect, flattish ; lower lip spreading, 3-lobed ; middle lobe broadest. Stamens ascending, y. M. OFFICINALIS (Balm). Stem erect, branching ; leaves ovate, acute, coarsely toothed ; flowers in half whorls, white or yellow ; bracts few, ovate- lanceolate, petiolate. June-August. 12. Scutellaria. Calyx campanulate, bilabiate ; lips entire ; up- per sepal arched. Corolla bilabiate, with the tube elongated ; upper lip arched, entire ; lower lip with its middle lobe dilated and convex. Stamens 4, ascending beneath the upper lip. Anthers approximate in pairs, ciliate. of 1. S. GALERICULATA (Common Skullcap). Stem simple or slightly branched ; leaves all alike, ovate, or ovate-lanceolate, acute, serrate, more or less cordate at base, on very short petioles, almost sessile ; flowers large, axil- lary, usually solitary ; corolla blue, greatly expanded above. In swamps and meadows, 1-2 feet high. August. 2. S. LATERIFLORA (Side-flowering Skullcap} . Stem erect, with oppo- site branches ; leaves ovate-lanceolate ; lower floral leaves resembling the others ; upper floral leaves small, resembling bracts ; flowers small, in lateral, axillary, leafy, long-peduncled, somewhat one-sided racemes ; corolla blue. In meadows and low grounds, io'-i8' high. July-August. 13. Brunella. Calyx tubular campanulate, bilabiate, closed in fruit ; upper lip broad and flat, with 3 short teeth ; lower with 2 lanceo- late teeth. Corolla bilabiate ; upper lip vaulted, erect, entire ; lower lip spreading, reflexed, 3-cleft. Stamens 4. Filaments forked, the lower division bearing the anther, y. P. VWLG\RI$ (Self-heal). Stem low, simple, or slightly branched, marked with pubescent lines ; leaves oblong-ovate, entire, or slightly toothed, petio- late ; flowers in dense, sessile, bracted, 5-6-flowered verticils, forming a dense, terminal spike ; bracts reniform, 2 to each verticil, membranous, ciliate ; co- rolla blue or violet of various shades. In meadows, 6'-i2' high. June- August. 14. Nepeta. Calyx tubular, obliquely 5-toothed. Corolla naked and expanded at the throat, bilabiate ; upper lip erect, emarginate ; lower lip spreading, y-cleft. Stamens 4, approximate in pairs, y. i. N. CATARIA (Catnip). Stem tall, erect, branching ; leaves cordate, trenate, soft and velvety ; flowers in slightly pedunculate whorls, arranged LABIATE. 279 in interrupted spikes ; corolla purplish white, twice as long as the calyx ; lower lip dotted with purple. In waste places, 3-4 feet high. July. 2. N. GLECHOMA (Gill. Ground Ivy}. Stem creeping, rooting at base ; leaves reniform, crenate, glaucous green ; flowers 3-5 together, in loose clusters ; corolla light blue, variegated at the throat ; anther-cells di- verging at a right angle. In waste grounds, 1-2 feet long. May-August. 15. Physostegia. Calyx campanulate, with 5 nearly equal teeth, inflated after flowering. Corolla with the throat inflated ; upper lip nearly erect, entire ; lower lip spreading, 3-parted ; middle lobe broad and rounded, emarginate. Stamens 4. 21 P. VIRGINIANA (False Dragon's Head). Stem erect, thick, and rigid ; leaves lanceolate-ovate ; flowers large, showy, in dense, terminal, 4-rowed spikes ; corolla pale purple or flesh-color, spotted inside. Stem 1-3 feet high. July-September. 16. Lamium. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 5-ribbed, with 5 nearly equal teeth. Corolla dilated at throat, bilabiate ; upper lip vaulted, narrowed at base ; lower lip 3-parted ; lateral lobes small, attached to the margin of the throat. Stamens 4. L. AMPLEXICAULE (Dead Nettle). Stems decumbent at base; leaves broad, nearly round, hairy ; lower ones small ; cauline ones cordate ; floral leaves similar, but nearly or quite sessile ; flowers in dense verticils, sessile in the axils of the upper leaves ; calyx hairy ; corolla light purple, elongat- ed ; upper lip downy ; lower lip spotted. In waste grounds, 5'-i8' high. May-October. 17. Leonurus. Calyx turbinate, 5-ribbed, with 5 subequal teeth. Corolla bilabiate ; upper lip erect, oblong, entire, hairy ; lower lip 3- lobed, spreading ; middle lobe obcordate. Stamens 4. y. L. CARDIACA (Motherworf). Stem erect, branching, often purplish; leaves palmately lobed ; floral leaves trifid, variously toothed and arranged in 4 rows on the stem ; flowers in dense, axillary whorls ; corolla purplish, hairy outside, variegated inside. In waste places, 3-5 feet high. July-Sep- tember. 18. Galeopsis. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 5-ribbed, with 5 sub- equal teeth. Corolla bilabiate, dilated at the throat ; upper lip ovate, arched ; lower lip 3-cleft, spreading ; middle lobe obcordate, toothed ; the palate with 2 teeth on the upper side. Stamens 4. G. TETRAHIT (Hemp Nettle). Stem hispid, swollen below the joints ; leaves ovate, coarsely serrate, hispid, acute ; flowers in dense, axillary verti- cils ; corolla purple, variegated with white. In waste places, 1-2 feet high. June- July. 19. Stachys. Calyx tubular-campanulate, angular, 5-io-ribbed, 5-toothed. Corolla bilabiate ; upper lip erect, spreading, or arched, entire ; lower lip spreading, 3-lobed ; middle lobe nearly entire. Sta- 280 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. mens 4, ascending beneath the lower lip. Anthers approximate in pairs, if S. PALUSTRIS (Hedge Nettle. Woundwort). Stem erect, nearly simple, clothed with stiff, deflexed bristles, especially on the angles ; leaves ovate- lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, acute, serrate, bristly, especially on the mid- rib and veins, rounded at base, on short petioles ; flowers arranged in spikes ; calyx with bristly teeth ; corolla pale purple. In swamps and meadows, 1-3 feet high. July. 20. Marrubium. Calyx tubular, 5-io-ribbed, with 5-10 nearly equal teeth. Corolla bilabiate ; upper lip erect, flattish, emarginate ; lower lip spreading, 3-cleft. Stamens 4, included in the corolla-tube. if. M. VULGARE (Hoarhound). Stem ascending, white-downy ; leaves round- ish-ovate, crenately toothed, petiolate, white-downy beneath ; flowers in dense, hairy, axillary whorls ; calyx-teeth 10, recurved ; alternate ones short- er ; corolla small, white. A bitter, aromatic herb, rather frequent in waste grounds. Introduced. Stem 1-2 feet high. August. 21. Trichostema. Calyx campanulate, oblique, deeply and un- equally 5-toothed ; upper lip with 3 nearly equal teeth. Corolla with a very short tube, unequally 5-lobed ; lobes oblong, declined. Sta- mens 4. T. DICHOTOMUM (Blue Curls). Stem erect, dichotomously branching, hairy ; leaves oblong- lanceolate ; flowers axillary and terminal, on slender, i-flowered pedicels, becoming inverted by the twisting of their stalks ; corolla small, bright blue ; stamens very long, much exserted, bright blue, very con- spicuous, curving from the lower lip to the upper. In dry pastures, 6'-8' high. August. Order LXIII. PLANTAGINACE./E (Plantain Family). Herbs usually acaulescent. Leaves in a radical tuft, often ribbed. Calyx 4-cleft, free from the ovary, persistent. Corolla more or less tubular, 4-cleft, scarious, persistent. Stamens 4, alternate with the corolla-lobes. Filaments long and weak. An- thers versatile. Ovary 2-celled. Style i. Capsule a membrana- ceous pyxis, the cells i or several-seeded. Plantago. Calyx-teeth 4, persistent, dry. Corolla tubular, with- ering, with a 4-cleft, reflexed border. Capsule an ovoid, 2-celled pyxis. Acaulescent. i. P. MAJOR (Common Plantain). Leaves large, ovate, tapering abruptly at base, very strongly ribbed ; spike long, cylindrical ; flowers densely im- bricated, whitish, inconspicuous. In damp soils, 8'-2 feet high. June-Sep- tember. NYCTAGINACE&.AMARANTACE&. 2 8l 2. P. LANCEOLATA (Ribwort"). Leaves lanceolate, strongly 3-5-nerved, nearly entire, tapering at both ends ; petioles slender ; scape slender, angu- lar, more or less pubescent ; spike ovate, densely flowered ; stamens whitish. In dry, grassy fields, 6'-2o' high. May-October. APETALOUS EXOGENS WITH PERFECT FLOWERS. Order LXIV. NYCTAGINACE^E. Herbs, or shrubs. Leaves opposite, one of each pair smaller than the other. Calyx colored, at length separating from the lower part, which hardens and incloses the achenium. Stamens hypogynous, 1-20. Ovary free, i -celled. Style i. Stigma I. Fruit an achenium. Mirabilis. Calyx funnel-form, with 2 bracts at base ; tube con- tracted, free from the ovary; limb plaited, entire, deciduous. Stamens 5. Style I. Stigma globose. M. JALAPA (Four-o'clock). Stem erect, dichotomous, smooth ; leaves opposite, acuminate, smooth ; flowers pedicellate, in axillary and terminal clusters, large and fragrant ; root large and tuberous. A showy plant, in cultivation, 2-3 feet high. June-September. Order LXV. AMARANTACE^E (Amaranth Family). Herbs, or shrubs. Leaves alternate, without stipules. Flow- ers in heads or spikes, or dense clusters, furnished with dry and scarious, usually colored bracts. Calyx consisting of 3-5, dry and scarious, persistent sepals. Stamens 3-5, or more, hypogynous, distinct or monadelphous. Ovary free, i -celled, with i or more ovules. Fruit a utricle, rarely a many-seeded capsule. Leaves opposite Gotnphrena. AMARANTACE^E. -, ,_,. c ^, j Flowers perfect Celosia. , Leaves alternate < { Flowers imperfect Amarantus. I. Amarantus. Flowers monoecious or polygamous, sometimes dioecious, with 3 bracts. Sepals 3-5, mostly colored, persistent. Sta- mens 3-5. Styles 2-3, sometimes 4, filiform. Utricle indehiscent, i-seeded. A. ALBUS (White Pigweed}. Smooth; stem erect or ascending, angu- lar ; leaves obovate, entire, retuse, with a mucronate point, light green ; flowers greenish, inconspicuous, in axillary clusters. Common weed, 1-2 feet high. July. 282 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 2. Gomphrena. Flowers perfect. Bracts 5, colored ; 3 outer converging. Sepals 5, hairy. Disk cylindric, 5-toothed. Stamens 5. Stigma i. Utricle i-celled. G. GLOBOSA (Globe Amaranth}. Stems erect, hairy, with opposite branches ; leaves opposite, obtuse, pubescent ; flowers purple, in dense, glo- bose, solitary heads. Cultivated for its fadeless heads of flowers. io'-i8' high. July-September. 3. Celosia. Sepals 3-5, colored. Stamens 5, united at base by a plicate disk. Style 2-3- cleft. Utricle circumscissile. C. CRISTATA (Cockscomb). Stem erect, mostly simple ; leaves ovate, acuminate, mostly alternate ; stipules falcate, striate ; flowers small, densely crowded, in large, compressed, thin clusters, bright, purplish red. The crests of flowers vary 2'-8' in breadth. Common in cultivation, 1-2 feet high. June-September. Order LXVI. CHENOPODIACE.E (Goosefoot Family). Herbs, rarely shrubby. Leaves alternate, often more or less succulent or fleshy. Sometimes none. Flowers greenish, incon- spicuous, usually perfect, sometimes dioecious or polygamous. Calyx sometimes tubular at base, persistent. Stamens as many as the calyx-segments, or fewer, inserted at their base. Ovary free, I -celled, i-ovuled. Styles 2-4, rarely i. Fruit a utricle. f Root large Beta. { Flowers perfect -I CHENOPODIACE.E. \ I Root sma11 ' v^fcChenopodium. [ Flowers imperfect Spinacia. I. Chenopodium. Flowers perfect, bractless. Calyx 5-parted, at length dry, partially enveloping the fruit. Stamens 5. Styles 2. Utri- cle membranaceous. Seed lenticular. 1. C. ALBUM (Lamb's Quarters). Smooth ; stem erect, branching ; leaves rhomboid-ovate, coarsely toothed, entire at base, pale green, petiolate, white and mealy beneath ; flowers greenish, mealy, sessile, forming large, terminal panicles. Homely weed, 2-5 feet high, in waste grounds. July-September. 2. C. HYBRIDUM (Tall Lamb's Quarters}. Smooth ; stem erect, slender, very branching ; leaves ovate, cordate at base, angular, with a few large, re- mote teeth, light green on both sides ; flowers greenish, sessile, in racemes. A common weed in waste grounds, stem 2-3 feet high. July-August. 2. Beta. Flowers perfect. Calyx of 5 sepals. Stamens 5. Styles 2, very short, erect. Stigmas acute. Seeds reniform, inclosed in the fleshy calyx. (2) B. VULGARIS (Common Beef). Stem erect, branching, furrowed ; leaves alternate, nearly entire ; lower ones ovate, upper narrower ; flowers green, PHYTOLACCACE&.POL YGONACEsE. 283 in dense, axillary, sessile clusters, arranged in spikes ; root fleshy. Is culti- vated . A ugust, 3. Spinacia. Flowers dioecious. Barren flowers calyx 5-cleft ; stamens 5. Fertile flowers calyx 2-4-cleft. Styles 4, capillary. Utricle contained in the hardened and sometimes spiny calyx. S. OLERACEA (Spinage). Stem erect, branching; leaves hastate-lanceo- late, tapering at base, on long petioles ; flowers greenish ; barren in a ter- minal panicle ; fertile in dense, sessile racemes ; fruit sessile, prickly, or un- armed. In kitchen gardens. Stem 1-2 feet high. June-July. Order LXVII. PHYTOLACCACE.E. Herbs, rarely shrubby. Leaves alternate, without stipules. Flowers perfect, in racemes. Sepals 4-5, petaloid. Stamens 4-5 and alternate with the sepals ; or else 10 or more. Ovary i or several-celled. Styles and stigmas as many as the cells. Fruit dry or baccate, consisting of i, or several I -seeded carpels. Phytolacca. Calyx of 5 petaloid sepals. Stamens 5-30. Styles 5-12. Ovary composed of 5-12 united carpels, forming a 5-12-celled, half-globular berry. Cells I -seeded. P. DECANDRA (Poke-weed). Smooth ; stem tall, terete, branching, changing at length to deep purple ; leaves large, ovate, acute at both ends, petiolate, entire ; flowers greenish white, in long cylindrical racemes, at first terminal, but at length opposite the leaves ; stamens 10 ; styles 10 ; fruit glo- bose, depressed, dark purple, juicy. A tall, stout, poisonous plant, 6-8 feet high, rising from a very large, branching, poisonous root. July-September. Order LXVIII. POLYGON ACE^: (Buckwheat Family). Herbs, or shrubs. Leaves alternate. Stipules ochreate, rarely none. Flowers usually perfect. Sepals 4-6, more or less united at base, often petaloid. Stamens definite, inserted on the base of the sepals. Ovary free, i -celled, i-ovuled. Styles or stigmas 2 or 3. Achenium usually triangular or oblong. f Sepals 4-6. embryo one side of albumen Polygonum. POLYGONACE.E. fs , s a ,, ^_ Rheum ^ ( Sepals 6- \ [.Sepals of 2 sorts Rumex. I. Rheum. Calyx colored, of 6 sepals, persistent. Stamens 9. Styles 3. Stigma many-parted, reflexed. Achenia 3-angled ; angles winged, if. R. RHAPONTICUM (Garden Rhubarb}. Stem erect, stout, fleshy, hollow ; joints sheathed by large stipules ; leaves ovate, cordate, obtuse, smooth ,; 284 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. petioles rounded beneath, channeled above ; flowers very numerous, green- ish white, in fasciculate clusters. Cultivated for its large, acid petioles. 3-6 feet high. May.. 2. Polygonum. Calyx 4-6, mostly 5-parted ; segments often peta- loid, persistent, and inclosing the achenium. Stamens 4-9, mostly 8. Styles 2-3, mostly 3, short, filiform. Achenium mostly triangular. 1. P. AVICULARE (Knot-grass) Smooth ; stem procumbent, spreading ; branches ascending ; leaves oblong, rough on the margin, acute, sessile, mostly pale green ; stipules short, white, gashed ; flowers nearly sessile, 2-3 together in the axils of the leaves, greenish white, sometimes reddish white. In waste grounds, 4/-io' long. June-November. (T) 2. P. HYDROPIPER (Water Pepper}. Smooth; stem erect or ascending, simple or branching ; leaves lanceolate, entire, acuminate, with pellucid dots, rough on the margin ; stipules inflated, fringed ; flowers pale greenish white, in loose, nodding spikes ; stamens 6-8 ; styles 2-3, united at base ; fruit len- ticular or triangular. In low grounds, 1-2 feet high. August-September. 3. P. ORIENTALE {Prince's Feather}. Stem tall, erect, branching, some- what hairy ; leaves ovate, upper stipules hairy, somewhat salver-form ; flow- ers large, open, rose-colored, in long, nodding, showy spikes ; calyx 5-parted ; stamens 7 ; style 2-cleft ; fruit lenticular. Cultivated, 4-8 feet high. Au- gust. 4. P. SAGITTATUM (Arrow-leaved Bindweed). Stem weak, ascending or prostrate, square, with the angles bristly backward ; leaves sagittate, en- tire, acute ; stipules smooth ; flowers small, whitish, in small, terminal heads, on long, slender, smooth peduncles ; stamens mostly 8 ; styles 3 ; fruit acutely 3-angled. In wet grounds, 1-2 feet long. June-August. 5. P. CONVOLVULUS (Black Bindweed). Stem angular, twining or pros- trate, somewhat rough, naked at the joints ; leaves petiolate, hastate, cordate at base, acute, entire ; stipules nearly entire ; flowers greenish white, some- times tinged with purple, in clusters of 3-4, nodding in fruit ; stamens 8 ; styles 3 ; fruit mostly smooth, triangular. In cultivated grounds, 1-5 feet long. June-September. 3. Rumex. Calyx persistent ; sepals 6 ; stamens 6 ; styles 3. Stigmas forming a tuft. Achenium 3^angled, covered by the sepals. 1. R. OBTUSIFOLIUS (Broad-leaved Dock). Stem erect, stout, somewhat rough, branching ; lower leaves ovate, obtuse, cordate at base ; upper ones oblong-lanceolate, acute ; flowers in loose, distant whorls, forming long, nearly naked racemes ; valves sharply toothed at base. Weed in cultivated grounds, 2-4 feet high. July. 2. R. CRISPUS (Yellow Dock}. Smooth; stem erect, branching; leaves lanceolate, acute, strongly waved on the margin ; flowers in numerous whorls, arranged in crowded racemes, leafless above, forming a large, terminal pani- cle. Root yellow, spindle-shaped. Weed in cultivated grounds, 2-3 feet high. June-July. 3. R. ACETOSELLA (Sheep Sorrel). Stem erect, leafy, branching; leaves ARISTOLOCHIACE^E.LA URACE&. 285 lanceolate-hastate ; upper ones lanceolate ; all entire, petiolate, very acid to the taste ; flowers small, tinged with a dull red, in slender, leafless racemes, anthers of the barren flowers yellow ; valves ovate. Weed, in dry, sandy soils, 3'-8' high. May-October. Order LXXI. ARISTOLOCHIACE^E {Birthwort Family). Herbs, or shrubby plants ; in the latter case often climbing. Leaves alternate or radical. Flowers perfect, solitary, of a dull brown or greenish color. Calyx-tube more or less adherent to the ovary; limb 3-cleft. Stamens 6 or 12, epigynous, or adherent to the base of the short and thick style. Ovary 3- or 6-celled. Stigmas radiate, as many as the cells of the ovary. Fruit a many- seeded capsule or berry. Asarum. Calyx campanulate ; limb 3-cleft ; tube adherent to the ovary. Stamens 12, inserted on the ovary. Anthers short. Style very short. Stigma 6-rayed. Fruit globular, fleshy, 6-celled. ^ A. CANADENSE ( Wild Ginger}. Pubescent, stemless ; leaves 2, broad- reniform, large, on long, hairy petioles, soft-downy ; flowers solitary, large, nodding, on a downy pedicel ; calyx woolly ; segments reflexed from the mid- dle, brownish purple within. In rich woods. July. Order LXX. LAURACE^E (Laurel Family). Trees, or shrubs. Leaves alternate, usually punctate with pellucid dots, destitute of stipules. Flowers perfect, or diceciously polygamous. Sepals 4-6, more or less united at base, imbricated in 2 series. Stamens definite, usually more numerous than the sepals, inserted on their base. Anthers 2-4-celled, opening by recurved valves from base to apex. Ovary, style, and stigma single. Fruit a berry or drupe, usually with a thickened pedicel. Seed large, with a conspicuous embryo. f Fruit a drupe Sassafras. LAURACE^:. \ (. Fruit a berry Lindera. I. Sassafras. Flowers dioecious. Calyx spreading, colored, 6- parted. Barren flowers with 9 stamens, in 3 rows. Anthers opening by 4 valves. Fertile flowers with 6 rudimentary stamens. Style fili- form. Drupe obovoid, i-seeded. Trees. S. OFFICINALE (Sassafras}. Leaves ovate, entire, or 3-lobed, and taper- ing at base, alternate, petiolate, mucilaginous, as also the young shoots ; flowers greenish yellow, in pedunculate clusters, appearing before the leaves ; drupes dark blue, on a red stalk. Woodlands, 20-40 feet high. April-May. 286 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 2. Lindera. Flowers dioeciously polygamous. Calyx 6-parted, open. Sterile flowers with 9 stamens in 3 rows. Anthers 2-celled, 2-valved. Fertile flowers with 15-18 rudimentary stamens. Berry obovoid, i-seeded. L. BENZOIN (Spice Bush}. Leaves oblong-obovate, entire, sessile, wedge- shaped at base, thin, paler beneath, nearly smooth ; flowers greenish yellow, in compound clusters ; pedicels scarcely as long as the flowers ; calyx-teeth oblong ; berries red. In moist woods, 5-12 feet high. April. Order LXXI. THYMELEACE^E (Mezereum Family). Shrubs with a tough bark. Leaves alternate, or opposite, en- tire. Flowers perfect. Calyx petaloid, tubular, free from the ovary ; limb usually 4-cleft, the lobes imbricated in prefloration, sometimes entire. Stamens definite, usually twice as many as the calyx-lobes, inserted in its throat. Ovary with I ovule. Style I . Stigma i. Fruit drupaceous. f Style short Daphne. THYMELEACE^:. \ [ Style long Dirca. 1. Dirca. Calyx petaloid, tubular, truncate; margin waved. Stamens 8, long and slender, inserted in the calyx-tube. Style filiform. Stigma capitate. Berry oval, i-seeded. D. PALUSTRIS (Leather-wood). Shrubby ; stem very branching ; leaves oblong-obovate, entire ; flowers appearing before the leaves, pale yellow, rather small, funnel-form, 2-3 together ; berry small, reddish. April-May. 2. Daphne. Calyx 4-cleft, withering ; limb spreading. Stamens 8, included in the calyx-tube. Style i. Berry i-seeded. Shrubs. D. MEZEREUM (^Mezereum). Leaves deciduous, lanceolate, entire, ses- sile, in terminal tufts ; flowers sessile in clusters of 3-4 ; calyx salver-form, with ovate, spreading segments ; stamens inserted in 2 rows near the top of the tube ; stigma sessile. March. Order LXXII. SANTALACE.E (Sanddlwood Family). Trees, shrubs, or herbs. Leaves alternate, entire. Flowers small, perfect, rarely dioecious, polygamous. Calyx-tube adher- ent to the ovary ; limb 4-5-cleft. Stamens as many as the lobes of the calyx, and inserted opposite them. Ovary i -celled, with i -4 ovules. Style i. Fruit indehiscent, crowned with the per- sistent calyx, often drupaceous. Comandra. Flowers perfect. Calyx somewhat urceolate ; limb 4-5-parted, with an adherent, 5-lobed disk. Stamens 4-5. Fruit dry, i-seeded, crowned with the persistent calyx-lobes. EUPHORBIACE&. 28; C. UMBELLATA (False Toad-flax}. Very smooth ; stem erect, slender, branching above ; leaves oblong, entire, alternate ; flowers small, greenish white, in small clustered umbels of 3-5, each cluster with 4 deciduous bracts. In dry and rocky grounds, 6'-i2 ( high. June. APETALOUS EXOGENS WITH IMPERFECT FLOWERS. Order LXXIII. EUPHORBIACE^: (Spurge Family). Herbs, shrubs, or even trees, often with a milky juice. Leaves opposite, alternate, or verticillate, usually simple, often stipulate. Flowers monoecious or dioecious. Staminate and pistillate flowers usually separate, but often combined and surrounded by a com- mon, mostly petaloid involucre, the staminate being reduced to a single stamen, and the pistillate to a compound pistil, destitute of calyx, and supported on a conspicuous jointed pedicel. Calyx, when present, several-lobed. Petals sometimes present, and as many as the calyx-lobes. Anthers 2-celled. Ovary free from the calyx, when the latter is present, consisting of 2-9 more or less united carpels, attached to a prolongation of the axis. Styles as many as the carpels, distinct, often 2-cleft. Fruit a capsule sepa- rating into its component carpels. f Apparent flowers perfect Euphorbia. EUPHORCIACE^E. Flowers imperfect Evergreen shrubs Buxus. Tall annuals Ricinus. Low weeds Acalypha. I. Euphorbia. Flowers monoecious, in a usually petaloid, 4-5- parted involucre. Sterile flowers numerous, included within the in- volucre, consisting of a single stamen on a jointed pedicel, and furnished with a bract at base. Anthers composed of 2 separate, globular cells. Fertile flower solitary, in the center, pedicellate, consisting of a 3-lobed, 3-celled ovary, destitute of a calyx. Styles 3, each 2 -parted. Capsule consisting of 3 i-seeded carpels, opening each by 2 valves. Herbs with a milky juice. 1. E. LATHYRIS (Caper Spurge}. Smooth ; stem erect, stout, branch- ing ; leaves linear-lanceolate, somewhat acute, entire, sessile ; leaves of the involucre oblong-ovate, cordate at base, acuminate ; fruit and seeds smooth. Stem 2-3 feet high. July-September. 2. E. HYPERICIFOLIA (Spurge}. Stem smooth, nearly erect, with spread- ing branches ; leaves opposite, oval-oblong, obliquely cordate at base, 3-5- 288 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. nerved beneath ; heads whitish, in axillary and terminal clusters, forming a sort of terminal corymb. In waste grounds, 8'-i5' high. July-August. (T) 3. E. MACULATA (Spotted Spurge). Mostly hairy ; stem prostrate, dif- fusely branching ; leaves oval, sessile, smoothish above, pale and hairy be- neath, often with large, purple spots above ; heads of flowers in axillary clusters, minute, whitish. A prostrate species, forming flat patches. Com- mon in cultivated grounds. June-September. 2. Acalypha. Flowers monoecious. Barren flowers very small ; calyx 4-parted ; stamens 8-16, united at base. Fertile flowers few ; calyx 3-parted. Styles 3, elongated, fringed. A. VIRGINICA (Three-seeded Mercury}. More or less pubescent ; stem erect or ascending, branching ; leaves ovate or oblong-ovate, serrate ; barren flowers on short peduncles ; pistillate flowers 1-3 together in a large, leaf- like, broad, cordate-ovate, unequally lobed and toothed, acuminate bract, which is longer than the barren spike. In cultivated grounds, 6'-i5' high. August. 3. Ricinus. Flowers monoecious. Barren flowers calyx 5-partecl ; stamens numerous. Fertile flowers calyx 3-parted ; styles 3, each 2- parted. Capsule prickly, 3-celled, 3-seeded. R. COMMUNIS (Castor-oil Plan f). Herbaceous ; stem erect, branching, and mealy in appearance ; leaves peltate, palmate, with the lobes lanceolate, serrate, on long petioles ; fruit prickly. July-August. 4. Buxus. Flowers monoecious. Barren flowers calyx 3-leaved ; petals 2 ; stamens 4, with a rudimental ovary. Fertile flowers calyx 4-leaved ; petals 3. Styles 3. Capsule 3-beaked, 3-celled, 2-seeded. Shrubs. B. SEMPERVIRENS (Box). Evergreen ; leaves opposite, ovate or obovate, entire, dark green, the petioles hairy on the margin ; anthers ovate-sagittate. The leaves are sometimes narrowly lanceolate. A dwarf variety is used for edgings. Order LXXIV. URTICACE^ (Nettle Family}. Trees, or shrubs, usually with a milky or yellowish juice ; or herbs with a watery juice. Leaves alternate or opposite, often rough or hispid, with stinging hairs, frequently stipulate. Flow- ers monoecious, dioecious, or polygamous, in panicles, aments, or fleshy heads. Calyx regular, persistent, rarely wanting, usually 3~5-parted. Stamens definite, distinct, inserted on the base of the calyx, usually as many as its lobes, and opposite them. Ovary free from the calyx, i-ovuled. Style i. Fruit a i -seeded utricle, sur- rounded by the membranous or fleshy calyx. URTICACE&. 289 {Fruit dry Ulmus. Fruit a berry-like drupe Celtis. Fruit like a blackberry Morus, URTICACE^. . Tall twiners Humulus. Herbs- Style one Urtica. Styles two, long Cannabis, 1. Morus. Flowers monoecious or dioecious, the different kinds in separate spikes. Calyx 4-parted. Stamens 4. Styles 2. Achenia ovate, contained within the fleshy calyx, forming a juicy, berry-like fruit. Trees. M. RUBRA (Red Mulberry), Leaves rough-pubescent beneath, cordate or rounded at base, acuminate, entire, 3 to several-lobed ; flowers small, often dioecious ; fruit dark red, sweetish. May. 2. Cannabis. Flowers dioecious. Barren flowers in axillary ra- cemes or panicles ; sepals 5 ; stamens 5. Fertile flowers spicate, clus- tered ; calyx of I entire sepal inclosing the ovary. Herbs. C. SATIVA (Hemp}. Stem erect, tall, branching, rough ; leaves oppo- site ; upper ones alternate ; all digitately parted ; leaflets lanceolate or linear- lanceolate, coarsely serrate, dark green above, paler beneath ; flowers green ; barren in terminal panicles, fertile in spikes. Weed-like plant, 4-6 feet high. June. 3. Humulus. Flowers dioecious ; barren in axillary panicles ; se- pals 5 ; stamens 5 ; fertile in axillary spikes or aments ; bracts leafy, imbricated. Achenia invested in the persistent, enlarged calyx, form- ing a strobile, y. H. LUPULUS (Hop). Stem twining with the sun, rough backward with reflexed prickles ; leaves opposite, cordate, 3-s-lobed or undivided ; stipules ovate, persistent ; barren flowers very abundant, greenish, in axillary pani- cles ; fertile in large strobiles or cones. July. 4. Urtica. Flowers monoecious or dioecious. Calyx mostly of 4 sepals. Stamens 4. Stigma sessile, globular. Achenium compressed, smooth, invested in the calyx. Stinging herbs. U. DIOICA (Nettle}. Stem erect, branching, very hispid and stinging, obtusely 4-angled ; leaves opposite, ovate ; cordate at base ; flowers monoe- cious or dioecious, in branching, panicled spikes. A stinging weed, 2-4 feet high. July- August. 5. Ulmus. Flowers perfect, rarely polygamous. Calyx campanu- late, 4-g-cleft. Stamens 4-9. Styles 2. Ovaries flat. Fruit a flat samara with a winged margin, by abortion i-celled, i-seeded. Trees. i. U. AMERICANA (Elm}. Young branches nearly smooth ; leaves ob- long-obovate, doubly serrate, smooth above, pubescent beneath ; flowers 290 SYSTEMATIC BOTAXY. small, purplish, pedicellate, in lateral clusters, appearing before the leaves ; fruit oval, fringed with dense down. April. 2. U. FULVA (Slippery Elm}. Young branches rough-pubescent ; leaves oblong-ovate, acute, doubly serrate ; buds covered with a rust-colored down ; flowers nearly sessile, in dense clusters ; calyx hairy ; fruit nearly orbicular, naked on the margin. 6. Celtis. Flowers monoecious-polygamous. Calyx 5-6-parted, persistent. Stamens 5-6. Stigmas 2, long, recurved. Drupe globu- lar, i-seeded. Trees or shrubs. C. OCCIDENTALIS (ffackberry). Leaves ovate, entire, oblique at base, rough, often cordate at base ; flowers small, greenish white, axillary, pe- dunculate, appearing at the same time as the leaves ; fruit globular, with a thin, sweet flesh, small, dull red. May. Order LXXV. JUGLANDACE^E ( Walnut Family). Trees. Leaves unequally pinnate. Stipules none. Flowers greenish, monoecious. Sterile ones in aments. Calyx membra- nous, irregular. Stamens indefinite. Fertile flowers usually in small clusters. Calyx-tube adherent to the ovary ; limb 3-5- parted. Petals sometimes present, and as many as the calyx-seg- ments. Ovary i-celled, partially 2-4-celled, i-ovuled. Fruit dru- paceous, the epicarp sometimes indehiscent, sometimes regularly dehiscent ; endocarp bony. Seeds single, oily, often edible. ( Husk 4-valved Carya. JUGLANDACE^EX ( Husk not 4-valved Juglans. I. Juglans. Barren flowers in long and simple aments ; stamens 8-40, with very short filaments. Fertile flowers solitary, or several to- gether ; calyx 4-parted ; corolla 4-petaled ; stigmas 2. Fruit drupa- ceous, with a spongy, indehiscent epicarp, and irregularly-furrowed endocarp. Trees. 1. J. CINEREA (Butternut). Leaves is-ig-foliate ; leaflets oblong-lance- olate, serrate, obtuse at base, acuminate, pubescent ; fruit oblong, about 2' in length, clothed with a clammy pubescence, tapering to an obtuse point ; nut rough, with sharp, ragged ridges. April-May. 2. J. NIGRA (Black Walnut). Leaflets numerous, 15-21, ovate-lanceo- late, long-acuminate, serrate, somewhat pubescent beneath ; fruit globose, covered with rough dots ; nuts marked with rough ridges. May. 2. Carya. Barren flowers in slender aments ; calyx 3-parted ; stamens 3-8, nearly destitute of filaments. Fertile flowers 2-3 togeth- er ; calyx 4-parted ; corolla none ; stigma 4-lobed. Fruit globular, inclosed in a 4-valved epicarp, which opens. Nut smooth, 4-6-angled, Trees. MYRICACEAZ. 291 1. C. ALBA (Shag-bark). Leaflets about 5, lanceolate-obovate or oblong- lanceolate, acuminate, serrate ; fruit globular, depressed at apex ; nut some- what compressed, covered with a thick epicarp, tapering abruptly at the end, thin-shelled, with a large, oily, delicious kernel. May. 2. C. TOMENTOSA ( Thick-shelled Walnut). Leaflets 7-9, oblong-lance- olate or obovate-lanceolate, acuminate, aments hairy ; fruit between ovoid and globose ; epicarp thick and almost woody ; nut marked with about 6 angles, with a well-flavored kernel. May. 3. C. PORCINA (Pig-nut]. Leaflets 5-7, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, serrate, acuminate ; fruit obovate or pyriform, with a thin, dry epicarp, open- ing not more than half-way ; nut small, extremely hard, with a thickish shell, and a small, bitterish kernel. May. 4. C. AMARA (Bitter-nut}. Leaflets 7-11, oblong-lanceolate, serrate, acuminate, smooth ; fruit globular, with a very thin and soft husk, opening half-way down ; nut with a very thin shell, capable of being crushed by the fingers ; kernel very bitter. May. Order LXXVI. MYRICACE^E (Sweet-Gale Family). Shrubs. Leaves simple, aromatic, dotted with resinous glands. Flowers monoecious or dioecious. Sterile ones in aments, each in the axil of a bract. Stamens 2-6. Anthers 2-4-celled, opening lengthwise. Fertile flowers in aments or globose clusters. Ovary i -celled, i-ovuled, surrounded by several scales. Stigmas 2, subu- late, or dilated and somewhat petaloid. Fruit a drupe-like, i- seeded nut. {Flowers dioecious Myrica. 1. Myrica. Flowers dioecious. Barren on oblong aments, each contained in a bract ; stamens 2-8. Fertile flowers in ovoid aments. Ovary solitary, with 2 filiform stigmas. Fruit a globular nut, covered with resinous scales. Shrubs. M. GALE (Sweet Gale). Leaves lanceolate, cuneate at base, serrate near the apex, on very short petioles, after the flowers. Barren aments clustered ; scales ovate, cordate ; fruit in dense, oblong heads. A low shrub with a dark brownish bark. Shrub, 3-4 feet high. April. 2. Comptonia. Flowers monoecious. Barren flowers in cylindri- cal aments ; bracts reniform, cordate ; stamens 3-6. Fertile flowers in globular aments ; calyx-scales 5-6. Styles 2. Nut ovoid, smooth, i-celled. Shrubs. C. ASPLENIFOLIA (Sweet Fern). Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, pinnatifid with rounded segments, thin, dark green, numerous, on short petioles, fragrant ; stipules semi-cordate, in pairs ; barren aments erect, ob- MYRICACEyE. . Flowers monoecious Comptonia. 292 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. long ; fertile, rounded burrs, situated beneath the barren ; nut ovate, brown. A low shrub, 1-3 feet high, in dry woods. April-May. Order LXXVIL CUPULIFERJE (Oak Family}. Trees or shrubs. Leaves simple, alternate, with straight veins and deciduous stipules. Flowers usually monoecious. Sterile ones or both in aments. Calyx membranous and regular, or else scale-like. Stamens 1-4 times as many as the calyx-lobes. Ovary 2-6-celled, with i or more ovules in a cell. Fruit a i- celled, i-seeded nut or samara. Nuts inclosed in a [Nut in a cup- -Quercus. s$ r/ cup or burr -| f Sterile flowers in catkins Castanea. w [Nut in a burr- -\ h [ Sterile flowers in heads Fagus. 3 s Fertile flowers in heads Corylus. PH ;_) u Nut not in a cup or burr f Fruit in a bladder Ostrya. Fruit not J Fertile flowers ^ in catkins "* winged 1 Fruit a nerved nut on base of [ large bracts Carpinus. f No calyx Betula. Fruit winged \ [Calyx Alnus. I. Quercus. Barren flowers in loose, slender, nodding aments calyx 6-8-parted ; stamens 5-12. Fertile flowers solitary or clustered involucre or capsule clip-shaped, scaly ; ovary 3-celled, with 6 ovules stigma 3-lobed. Nut i-celled, i-seeded. 1. Q. ALBA (White Oak}. Leaves oblong or oblong-ovate, smooth, paler, and glaucous beneath, light green above, deeply and smoothly 5-7- lobed ; lobes oblong or oblong-linear, obtuse, nearly entire ; fruit peduncu- late ; cup hemispherical, much shorter than the ovate acorn ; kernel sweetish, edible. A large forest-tree. 2. Q. BICOLOR (Swamp White Oak}. Leaves oblong-ovate, tapering and entire at base, white-downy underneath, coarsely and minutely 8-12- toothed, on short petioles ; teeth unequal, acutish ; fruit mostly in pairs, on long peduncles ; cup hemispherical, scarcely half as long as the oblong-ovate acorn ; kernel sweet. A tall tree, in swamps. May. 3. Q. PRINOIDES (Dwarf Chestnut Oak). Shrubby ; leaves obovate, den tate, with coarse and nearly equal teeth, downy beneath, on short petioles ; fruit sessile, or on very short peduncles ; cup hemispherical ; acorn ovate ; kernel sweet. A dwarf species, in dry, sandy soils. May. 4. Q. RUBRA (Red Oak}. Leaves smooth, oblong, paler beneath, sinu- ately 7-11 lobed ; lobes spreading, entire or dentate, acute, with narrow sinuses between ; cup very flat and shallow, saucer-shaped, much shorter than the oblong-ovate acorn. A tall tree, in forests. May. 5. Q. COCCINEA (Scarlet Oak}. Leaves oblong or oval in outline, CUP U LIFERS. 293 smooth, deeply and sinuately s-g-lobed, bright green on both sides, on long petioles ; lobes divaricate, sparingly toothed, with broad, open, deep sinuses, which extend two thirds to the mid-vein, or farther ; cups very scaly. A large tree. May. 2. Castanea. Barren flowers in separate clusters, in long aments ; calyx 5-6-parted ; perfect stamens 8-15. Fertile flowers 2-3 together, in a prickly, 4-lobed involucre ; calyx-border 5-6-lobed ; ovary 3-6- celled, with 10-15 ovules ; styles 3-6, capillary.; nuts 2-3 together, in- closed in the enlarged, thick, coriaceous involucre. Chiefly trees. C. VESCA (Chestnut). Leaves oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, marked with very prominent, straight veins ; sterile aments long, pendulous, fertile flowers yellowish white, very abundant, appearing after the leaves are full- grown ; nuts 2-3 together, of a peculiar, rich brown, hairy above, flattened on the sides, inclosed in a grean, very prickly, 4-parted involucre. A large forest-tree. July. 3. Fagus. Barren flowers in small heads, on nodding peduncles ; calyx 5-6-cleft ; stamens 5-12. Fertile flowers mostly 2 together, in- closed within a prickly involucre, bracted at base ; calyx with 4-5 su- bulate lobes ; ovary 3-celled ; cells 2-ovuled ; styles 3, filiform. Nuts i-seeded, acutely triangular, 2 together in the prickly, 4-lobed invo- lucre. Trees. F. FERRUGINEA (Beecli). Leaves oblong-ovate, acuminate, with distinct teeth, light green, withering and mostly persistent in the winter ; flowers appearing with the leaves ; barren yellowish, soft-pubescent, in little, globu- lar clusters, on slender peduncles, 2' long ; nuts usually 2 together, dark brown, with an oily, sweet kernel. A forest-tree. May. 4. Corylus. Barren flowers in long, drooping aments; anthers i-celled. Fertile flowers several together, in terminal and lateral heads ; calyx none ; ovaries several, 2-celled ; cells i-ovuled ; stigmas 2, filiform. Nut bony, ovoid, surrounded by the enlarged, leafy cori- aceous involucre. Shrubs. C. AMERICANA (Hazel-nut). Young branches glandular-pubescent ; leaves cordate, rounded, acuminate, coarsely serrate ; stigmas of the fertile buds red, forming a little tuft at the top of the bud ; involucre somewhat campanulate below, dilated. A shrub, 3-8 feet high. April. 5. Ostrya. Barren flowers in drooping aments; stamens 8-12, furnished with a roundish, ciliate bract, instead of a calyx. Fertile flowers numerous, with small, deciduous bracts in loose aments, each inclosed in an inflated, sac-like involucre. Ovaiy 2-celled, 2-ovuled. O. VIRGINICA (Iron-wood'). Leaves ovate or oblong-ovat3, acuminate, sheathing, and unequally serrate, petiolate, somewhat pubescent ; fertile aments resembling a cluster of hops ; involucre-scales bristly at base. A small, slender tree. April-May. 294 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 6. Carpinus. Barren flowers in drooping, cylindrical aments ; stamens 8-12, furnished with a roundish, ciliate bract instead of a calyx ; filaments very short ; anthers bearded at apex. Fertile flowers mostly in twos, each pair with a small, deciduous bract, contained in a large, 3-lobed involucre, each flower with a 2-celled, 2-ovuled ovary, terminating in 2 filiform stigmas. Nuts small, ovoid, furnished with an enlarged, open, and leaf-like scale. Trees. C. AMERICANA (Hornbeam). Leaves oval or oblong-ovate, acuminate, acutely and unequally serrate, petiolate ; fruiting aments drooping, long, loose, with the dark-brown nuts arranged by twos, each with an involucre. A small tree. April-May. 7. Betula. Barren flowers in cylindric aments, each bract with 3 flowers, each flower consisting of 4 stamens. Fertile flowers in ob- long-ovoid aments, 3 to each bract, with no calyx, each consisting of an ovary with 2 filiform stigmas. Fruit compressed. Trees. 1. B. LENTA (Black Birch). Leaves ovate, serrate, cordate at base, acuminate, hairy on the veins beneath, as also the petioles ; fertile aments oval, erect, somewhat hairy ; lobes of the scales obtuse. A tree of rather large size, common in forests. April-May. 2. B. PAPYRACEA (Paper Birch). Leaves ovate, acuminate, mostly cor- date or obtuse at base, doubly serrate, dark green and smooth above, hairy on the veins beneath. A large tree. April-May. 3. B. ALBA, var. POPULIFOLIA (White Birch). Leaves deltoid, with a very long acuminate point, truncate or hearted at base, smooth, and of a bright, shining green on both sides. A very slender and graceful tree, com- mon in rocky woods and thickets. April-May. 8. Alnus. Barren flowers in long, cylindrical, nodding aments ; scales 3-lobed, 3-flowered ; flowers with a 4-parted calyx and 4 stamens. Fertile flowers in ovoid aments ; bracts fleshy, 2-flowered, 3-lobed ; calyx-scales 4, minute. Shrubs. 1. A. INCANA (Hoary Alder). Leaves broad-oval or ovate, somewhat cordate at base, sharply serrate, sometimes coarsely toothed, mostly white- downy underneath ; stipules oblong-lanceolate ; fertile aments oval. A shrub, 8-15 feet high. March-April. 2. A. SERRULATA (Common Alder). Leaves obovate, acuminate, taper- ing at base, sharply and finely serrate, smooth and green on both sides, somewhat pubescent on the veins beneath ; fertile aments oblong-oval ; fruit ovate. A common shrub, 6-15 feet high. March-April. Order LXXVIIL SALICACE^E ( Willow Family}. Trees, or shrubs, rarely somewhat herbaceous. Leaves alter- nate, simple, with deciduous or persistent stipules. Flowers dice- SALICACE&. 295 cious; both kinds in aments, achlamydeous, in the axils of i- flowered bracts. Stamens 2-several, distinct or monadelphous. Ovary I -celled, 2-valved. Seeds numerous, with a silky coma. ( Catkin-scales entire, stigmas short Salix. SALICACE^E.-^ ( Catkin-scales cleft, stigmas long Populus. I. Salix. Aments cylindric ; bracts entire, i-flowered. Barren flowers calyx none ; stamens 2-8, rarely I, accompanied by glands. Fertile flowers each with a gland at base ; ovary simple ; stigmas 2, short, mostly bifid. Shrubs and trees. 1. S. TRISTIS (Sage Willow), Leaves nearly sessile, narrow-lanceolate, cuneate at base, acute or obtuse, woolly on both sides, at last nearly smooth ; stipules minute, disappearing very early ; aments small, nearly globular when young, loosely flowered ; ovaries tapering to a long point, silky-pubes- cent ; style short, stigmas bifid. A straggling shrub, io'-i8' high. April- May. 2. S. HUMILIS (Low Bush Willow). Leaves lanceolate or oblanceolate, abruptly acute or obtuse, petiolate, nearly smooth above ; stipules usually present, varying from half ovate to lunate, entire or dentate ; style long ; stigma bifid. Stem 3-8 feet high. April-May. 3. S. VIMINALIS (Osier, Basket Willow}. Branchlets very long, straight and slender ; leaves linear-lanceolate, very long-acuminate, nearly entire, white beneath, with silky pubescence ; aments densely clothed with long hairs ; ovary elongated ; style filiform ; stigmas linear. A large shrub, 10-15 feet high, in wet meadows. May. 4. S. CORD ATA (Heart-leaved Willow'). Leaves lanceolate, or ovate- lanceolate, sharply serrate, acuminate at base, smooth, paler beneath ; stip- ules reniform, dentate ; aments appearing with the leaves, furnished with several leafy bracts at base ; ovary pedicellate, smooth, lanceolate, acumi- nate. A variable shrub, 4-15 feet high, in wet grounds. May. 5. S. BABYLONICA (Weeping Willow). Branchlets very long and slen- der, drooping ; leaves lanceolate, acuminate, smooth, glaucous beneath ; stip- ules roundish-oblique, acuminate ; ovaries sessile, ovate, smooth. A beauti- ful tree, cultivated. 2. Populus. Aments cylindrical. Bracts fringed and lobed at apex. Flowers on an oblique, turbinate disk. Stamens 830. Style very short. Stigma long, bifid. Aments drooping and preceding the leaves. Trees. 1. P. TREMULOIDES (American Aspen, White Poplar). Leaves round- ed-cordate, abruptly acuminate, dentate, smooth on both sides, pubescent on the margin, dark green, on flattened petioles ; scales of the ament cut into several linear segments, fringed with hairs. A common tree in forests. April. 2. P. GRANDIDENTATA (Large Poplar). Leaves roundish-ovate, acute, dentate, with large, unequal, sinuate teeth, white-downy beneath when 296 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. young ; scales of the ament cut into several small, unequal segments, scarce- ly fringed with hairs. A large tree. April. 3. P. DILATATA (Lombardy Poplar). Leaves deltoid, acuminate, smooth, serrate, as broad as long ; trunk furrowed. A tall tree, of regular, pyramidal growth. April. SUPERIOR ENDOGENS. Order LXXIX. ORCHIDACE^E (Orchid Family). Perennial, often acaulescent herbs. Leaves simple, entire, par- allel-veined. Flowers very irregular. Perianth of 6 segments, all usually colored, and assuming various forms, especially the lowest of the 4 inner segments, or lip, which is often spurred. Stamens 3, consolidated with the style into a column, only the central one fertile ; sometimes the two lateral ones fertile, and the central one abortive. Pollen sometimes granular and powdery, but more com- monly cohering in wax-like masses, which are usually attached to a gland of the stigma. Ovary twisted, adherent to the tube of the perianth, I -celled, many-ovuled. Fruit a 3-ribbed, 3-valved capsule. Anthers one, 2- celled- ^ ( Stigma-glands hooded Ore/its. Lip with distinct spur Lip [Stigma-glands not hooded Habenaria. f Flowers one Arethusa. without bearded ~ | Flowers one or f Pollen-masses -Caloj>ogon. :..: I I more -I [Pollen-masses 2 Pogonia. distinct spur- Lip not green Plants r Leaves variegated Goody era. bearded -I [Leaves not variegated Spiranthes. O [Plants not green Corallorhiza. Anthers 2 Cypripedium. 1. Corallorhiza. Sepals and petals nearly equal ; lateral ones erect ; upper vaulted. Lips spreading and recurved, usually produced behind into a short spur, which adheres to the top of the ovary. Pol- len-masses 4, oblique to each other. Leafless. C. MULTIFLORA (Coral-root}. Scape many-flowered ; lip cuneate, oval, 3-lobed, spotted with bright purple ; middle lobe recurved, much longer than the lateral, tooth-like lobes ; spur conspicuous ; capsule and ovary oblong. A leafless plant, i2'-i8' high, with a brownish-purple scape, probably para- sitic on the roots of trees. July-August. 2. Orchis. Flower ringent. Sepals and petals nearly equal, most of them converging and vaulted. Lip depressed, attached to the base ORCHIDACE&. 297 of the column, and terminating in a spur. Anthers all parallel, close together. Pollen in small grains combined in 2 large masses. 0. SPECTABILIS (Showy Orchis). Acaulescent ; scape low, with about 5 acute angles ; leaves few, mostly 2, nearly as long as the scape, oblong-obo- vate, somewhat thick in texture, of a shining green ; flowers large, few, showy ; bracts lanceolate, acute, large and leaf -like ; petals and sepals arched, mostly pink, rarely white ; lip white, entire ; spur obtuse, white. In rich, rocky woods. May. 3. Habenaria. Flower ringent. Sepals and petals nearly equal. Lip depressed, attached to the base of the column, terminating in a spur. Anther-cells parallel. Pollen-masses 2, pedicellate, attached to the 2 glands of the stigma. 1. H. TRIDENTATA (Naked Orchis). Stem slender, bearing a large, ob- long or oblong-ovate, obtuse leaf toward the base, and several smaller ones above ; flowers small, greenish, rather numerous, in a short, oblong spike ; lip truncate, 3-toothed ; spur slender, curved upward, clavate, longer than the ovary. July. 2. H. PSYCODES (Small-fringed Orchis"). Stem leafy, angled ; leaves oblong, upper ones lanceolate ; flowers small, purple, fragrant, in a dense raceme ; lower sepals roundish-elliptical, obtuse ; petals toothed at the ex- tremity ; lip 3-parted, tapering at base ; spur longer than the ovary. Com- mon in wet meadows. July-August. 4. Arethusa. Flowers ringent. Sepals and petals lanceolate, nearly equal, cohering at base. Lip destitute of spur, spreading and recurved, bearded inside. Column dilated, attached at base to the lip. Anther-cells 2, approximate. Pollen-masses 4. A. BULBOSA (Arethusa}. Mostly leafless in blossom ; scape low, sheathed, arising from a round bulb, and bearing a single, large, fragrant, purple flower. The sheaths contain a linear leaf, which sometimes appears with the flower, but generally follows it. In bogs, 4'-8' high. May. 5. Pogonia. Flowers ringent. Sepals and petals somewhat spreading, not united at base. Lip crested or 3-lobed, bearded inside. Column clavate, not winged at apex. Anther pedicellate. Pollen- masses 2, I in each cell. P. OPHIOGLOSSOIDES (Adder* s-tongue Arethusa}. Stem slender, i-leaved and i-bracted ; leaf situated at the middle of the stem, oval or lanceolate, clasping ; flowers mostly solitary, rarely 2-3, large, pale purple or pink, somewhat nodding ; lip spatulate. In meadows and bogs. June-July. 6. Calopogon. Sepals and petals nearly equal, distinct at base. Lip on the upper side of the flower, tapering to a claw or stalk, ex- panded at summit, bearded above. Column free, winged at apex. Pollen-masses 2, angular. 298 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. C. PULCHELLUS (Grass Pink}. Scape slender, i-leaved, several-flow- ered, arising from a solid bulb ; leaf linear, grass-like, veiny, sheathing the base of the scape ; flowers large, bright reddish-purple, fragrant, 2-4 in num- ber ; bracts minute ; lip concave, dilated at summit, bearded inside. In meadows and bogs, 8 '-12' high. July. 7. Spiranthes. Flowers somewhat ringent, in a mostly spiral spike. Upper sepal cohering with the petals. Lip oblong, con- cave, tapering at base, and furnished with 2 callous processes. Col- umn arching, clavate, on a short, oblique pedicel. Stigma beaked, at length 2-cleft. Pollen-masses 2, composed of scarcely cohering grains. 1. S. GRACILIS (Slender Ladies' 1 Tresses). Scape very slender, smooth ; leaves all radical, ovate, or oval-lanceolate, petiolate ; flowers small, pearly white, arranged in a single row, which usually winds spirally round the axis ; bracts ovate, acute ; lip narrow-obovate, crisped at the summit. In dry fields, 6'-i2' high. July-August. 2. S. CERNUA (Ladies' Tresses). Stem rather stout, pubescent above ; radical leaves linear-lanceolate ; flowers whitish or cream-color, crowded in a dense spike, fragrant, somewhat pubescent ; bracts ovate-lanceolate ; lip oblong, dilated and crisped at apex. In wet ground, j'-is' high. August- October. 8. Goodyera. Flowers ringent. Upper sepal cohering with the petals, vaulted. Lower sepals situated beneath the lip, which is sessile. Column straight. Pollen-masses 2, composed of angular grains. G. PUBESCENS (Rattlesnake Plantain). Scape pubescent ; leaves all radi- cal, in tufts, ovate, petiolate, dark green, veined and blotched with white ; flowers small, greenish white, like the scape glandular-pubescent, arranged in a dense spike ; the roundish, inflated lip ovate, ending in an abrupt point. In rich woods, 6'-i2 ; high. July-August. 9. Cypripedium. Sepals spreading ; the 2 lower or forward ones united into I below the lip, rarely distinct. Petals alike. Lip a large, inflated, obtuse sac. Column 3-lobed ; lateral lobes anther- bearing. 1. C. PARVIFLORUM ( Yellow Lady's Slipper}. Stem leafy, pubescent; leaves oval, acuminate, strongly parallel- veined, pubescent ; flowers large, mostly solitary ; sepals ovate, or ovate-lanceolate ; petals elongated, green- ish, striped and spotted with brownish purple ; lip large, inflated, yellow, spotted inside. In moist, rich woods, io'-2o' high. May- June. 2. C. ACAULE (Lady's Slipper}. Acaulescent ; stem naked, 2-leaved at base, i-flowered ; leaves oval or oblong, acute, strongly veined, pubescent ; flower large, bracted ; sepals oblong-lanceolate ; petals linear ; lip depend- ent, purple, reticulate, longer than the petals, opening by a fissure on the upper side ; middle lobe of the column rhomboidal, acuminate, deflexed . In moist, and especially in evergreen woods, 6'-i2 f high. May-June. IRIDACE^E. 299 Order LXXX. IRIDACE^: (Iris Family). Perennial herbs, arising from rhizomas, bulbs, or corms, rare- Jy with fibrous roots. Leaves equitant. Flowers often showy, usually arising from a spathe. Perianth-tube adherent to the ovary ; limb colored, 6-parted ; the divisions usually in 2 obvious, often unequal series. Stamens 3, distinct or monadelphous, with extrorse, 2-celled anthers. Ovary 3-celled. Style i. Stigmas 3, dilated or petaloid. Capsule 3-celled, 3-valved, with loculicidal dehiscence. f Perianth of unequal parts, stamens 3 Iris. IRIDACEjE.-j ["Leaves grass-like Sisyrinchium. [ Perianth of equal parts \ [_ Leaves not grass-like Crocus. I. Iris. Perianth 6-cleft, 3 outer segments reflexed, larger than the 3 inner ones. Stamens 3, distinct, placed before the 3 inner seg- ments of the perianth. Stigmas 3, petaloid. Capsule 3-6-angled. Rhizoma creeping or tuberous. 1. I. VERSICOLOR (Blue Flag}. Stem stout and thick, acute on one side, simple or branching ; leaves sheathing at base ; flowers beardless, large, blue, showy ; outer segments of the perianth variegated with green, yellow, and white, and veined with purple ; ovary obtusely triangular. Common in wet meadows, 1-2 feet high. June. 2. I. GERMANICA (Flower-de-Luce). Stem often branching, many-flow- ered ; leaves shorter than the stem ; spathe membranous at apex ; flowers large, beardless, light blue or bluish white ; segments of the perianth emar- ginate ; stigmas acute, serrate. In gardens, 1-3 feet high. May-June. 2. Sisyrinchium. Perianth arising from a 2-parted spathe, 6- parted ; segments similar, spreading. Stamens monadelphous. Stig- mas 3, filiform. Capsule globose, somewhat 3-angled. S. BERMUDIANA (Blue-eyed Grass). Scape simple or branching, com- pressed, winged, naked or i-2-leaved ; leaves narrow-linear, grass-like ; spathe with 2-5 blue flowers, opening in succession ; pedicels filiform ; seg- ments of the perianth obovate. In moist meadows and grassy fields, 6'-i2* high. June- July. 3. Crocus. Perianth funnel-form, with a very long, slender tube, arising from a radical spathe. Stigma 3-cleft, crested ; segments con- volute. C. VERNUS (Crocus). Flowers large, with a very long, slender tube, ses- sile on the bulb ; anthers sagittate, yellow ; stigma included in the perianth, with short segments ; scape triangular, rising after flowering, and bearing the ovary ; leases narrow-linear, following the flowers. Garden plant. March-April. 300 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. Order LXXXI. AMARYLLIDACE.E {Amaryllis Family]. Perennial herbs, arising from bulbs, rarely with fibrous roots. Leaves parallel- veined. Flowers showy, mostly on scapes, and arising from spathes. Perianth regular. Stamens 6, with introrse anthers, arising from the segments of the perianth. Ovary 3-celled. Style i. Stigma 3-lobed. Fruit a capsule or berry. r Corolla with j Crown ^tir^-Narcissus. f Flowers a crown j Crown segmented Galan- nodding \ { thus. AMARYLLIDACE^:. \ \ n . , [Corolla without crown Amaryllis. (_ Flowers vczdHypoxys. 1. Amaryllis. Perianth 6-parted, nodding, somewhat funnel- shaped ; segments petaloid, nearly similar, somewhat unequal. Sta- mens 6, inserted at the throat. Capsule 3-parted. Seeds flat, numerous. A. FORMOSISSIMA (Jacobcean ZzTy). Acaulescent ; scape i-flowered ; leaves linear, or narrow-oblong, thick ; flower large, nodding, of a brilliant dark red ; segments very much spreading ; tube fringed ; spathe red. Cul- tivated. June- August. 2. Narcissus. Perianth of 6 equal divisions, furnished with a crown at the throat, consisting of a whorl of sterile stamens completely united in a tube. Fertile stamens 6, inserted within the crown. Root bulbous. 1. N. JONQUILLA {Jonquil}. Scape slender, i-2-flowered ; leaves nar- row ; flowers large, rich yellow, very fragrant, rising from a long spathe ; segments of the perianth spatulate, reflexed ; crown shorter than the seg- ments, flat, shallow, and somewhat like a saucer, spreading, crenate. Cul- tivated. May-June. 2. N. POETICUS (Narcissus). Scape i-flowered ; leaves linear, as long as the scape ; flower large, mostly white, fragrant ; segments imbricated at base, reflexed ; crown expanded, flat, white variegated with circles or rings of crimson and yellow. Cultivated. June. 3. N. PSEUDO-NARCISSUS (Daffodil}. Scape erect, 2-edged, striate, i- flowered ; leaves linear, striate ; flower very large, sulphur-yellow ; crown very long, cup-shaped, serrate on the margin. A garden plant. April- May. 3. Galanthus. Flowers arising from a spathe. Perianth 6-parted, outer segments concave ; tube furnished with a crown of 3 small, emar- ginate segments. G. NIVALIS (Snow-drop}. Stem usually 2-leaved near the summit, i- flowered ; leaves linear, acute ; flower large, nodding, snow-white. Com- mon in gardens, 3'-8' high. April. ALISMACE^E. 301 4. Hypoxys. Perianth persistent, 6-parted, spreading. Stamens 6. Capsule crowned with the withered perianth, narrowed at base. Seeds roundish. H. ERECTA (Star-grass}. Hairy, acaulescent ; scape i-4-flowered ; leaves linear, grassy, longer than the scape ; flowers in a sort of umbel, each with a minute bract at base ; segments hairy, yellow within, greenish with- out. In meadows and grassy fields, 3'-6' high. June- July. INFERIOR ENDOGENS. Order LXXXIL ALISMACE^E ( Water-Plantain Family). Marsh herbs, acaulescent. Leaves parallel-veined, but often with reticulated veinlets, sometimes linear and fleshy. Flowers regular, perfect, or monoecious, usually in racemes or panicles. Perianth of 6 sepals, in 2 series. Sepals herbaceous. Petals often colored, sometimes similar to the calyx. Stamens definite or indefinite. Carpels 3 or more, i-celled, i-seecled. Styles and stigmas as many as the carpels. f Leaves rush-like Triglochin. ALISMACE*. f Flowers perfect-^,. [ Leaves with blades \ \_ Flowers imperfect Sagittaria. 1. Alisma. Flowers perfect. Stamens 6. Ovaries numerous, arranged in a circle. Achenia compressed, coriaceous. A. PLANTAGO (Water Plantain). Leaves oval or ovate, varying to ob- long, or even lanceolate, acuminate, on long petioles, 3~9-nerved ; flowers in a loose panicle ; petals small, deciduous, white, with a purplish tinge, longer than the green sepals. In wet grounds, 1-2 feet high. July-Au- gust. 2. Sagittaria. Flowers monoecious, rarely dioecious. Stamens numerous. Ovaries many, aggregated in a spherical head, and form- ing in fruit a globose head of compressed, winged achenia. n S. VARIABILIS (Arrowhead). Scape simple, sheathed at base by the petioles, acaulescent ; flowers in verticils of 3 ; sterile ones at the summit of the scape, fertile ones below ; petals white ; leaves extremely variable, gen- erally triangular with sagittate lobes, varying from very broad to very nar- row. In other forms, the leaves are oval or oblong, with thick, spongy peti- oles. Again, the leaves are linear, and the scape and petioles very slender. Common in wet grounds. June- July. 3. Triglochin. Sepals and petals concave, greenish, deciduous. Stamens 6. Filaments very short. Anthers large, oval. Pistils a com- 302 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. pound ovary of 3-6 cells. Stigmas sessile. Capsule dividing at length into 3-6 i-seeded carpels. T. MARITIMUM (Arrozv-grass). Scape naked, fleshy, angled ; leaves very narrowly linear, fleshy, semi-cylindric, shorter than the scape ; flowers small, green, pedicellate, arranged in a long, loose raceme, destitute of bracts ; fruit ovate, composed of 6 carpels, rounded at base. In salt marshes, 8'-i5' high. August, y. Order LXXXIII. NAIAD ACE^E (Pondweed Family). Aquatic plants, with cellular leaves. Flowers inconspicuous, perfect, monoecious, or dioecious. Perianth of 4 distinct sepals, rarely monosepalous. Stamens definite, 4, 2, or I. Ovaries I ; or else 2-4, free from the perianth, distinct. Stigma simple, often sessile. Fruit I -celled, I -seeded, indehiscent. ( Flowers perfect Potamogeton. ( Flowers imperfect Naias. 1. Naias. Flowers monoecious or dioecious, axillary, solitary. Bar- ren flowers stamen I, in a little spathe. Fertile style I, short ; stig- mas 2-4 ; ovary I. Achenium i-seeded, in a loose, membranous sheath. N. FLEXILIS ( Water Nymph}. Aquatic ; stem very slender, dichoto- mously branched ; leaves opposite or whorled, very narrowly linear, sheath- ing at base ; flowers minute, axillary. In ponds and slow waters. Stem 5'-2o' long. July-September. 2. Potamogeton. Flowers perfect, spicate. Sepals 4. Stamens 4. Anthers 2-celled. Ovaries 4. Achenia 4, sessile, flattened on the inner side. Floating aquatics. 2{ 1. P. NATANS {Broad-leaved Pondweed). Stem nearly or quite simple ; upper leaves ovate or broadly elliptical, varying to oblong-lanceolate, rounded or cordate at base ; immersed ones lanceolate, linear or capillary, all on long petioles ; spike of purplish flowers raised above the water. Ponds and slow waters. July-September . 2. P. GRAMINEUS (Various-leaved Pondweed). Stems slender, mostly branched below ; upper leaves oval, on long petioles ; immersed ones lanceo- late, varying to narrow-linear, or even capillary ; lower ones sessile ; spikes cylindrical, somewhat loose, on long peduncles thicker than the stem. Com- mon in shallow, stagnant, and slow waters. July-August. 3. P. PERFOLIATUS (Clasping Pondweed). Stem branching dichoto- rnously ; leaves alternate, ovate, sometimes broad-ovate, obtuse, cordate and clasping at base ; spike purplish, loosely-floweredj on a short peduncle, July- A ugust. TYPHACBA&ARACE& 303 Order LXXXIV. TYPHACE^E (Cat-tail Family). Herbs of marshes and ditches. Stems without joints. Leaves rigid. Flowers monoecious, arranged in a spadix, which is desti- tute of a spathe, or in globose heads. Perianth of 3 sepals, or none. Stamens 3-6, with long and slender filaments, and cunei- form anthers. Ovary free from the perianth, I -celled, i -seeded. Stigmas 1-2. Fruit a utricle. ( Flowers in heads Sparganium. TYPHACE^E.^ ( Flowers in spikes Typha. 1. Typha. Flowers in a long, terminal, cylindrical spike, upper part staminate. Stamens intermingled with hairs, with 3 anthers on a common filament. Ovaries below, surrounded by numerous bristles. 2f T. LATIFOLIA (Cat-tail}. Stem erect, simple ; rhizoma creeping ; leaves ensiform, nearly flat ; barren and fertile spikes contiguous, mostly forming one long, compact, cylindrical spike, turning brownish in fruit. Common in swamps, 3-5 feet high. July. 2. Sparganium. Flowers in separate, globose heads, with leafy bracts ; upper ones barren scales ; lower fertile ; ovaries surrounded by 3-6 calyx-like scales. Fruit turbinate, i-2-celled, i-2-seeded. % S. EURYCARPUM (Burr-reed). Stem erect, branching above ; leaves lin- ear, triangular at base, with concave sides ; flowers in globular clusters, re- sembling burrs, of a whitish green, lowest mostly pedicellate ; stigma linear, longer than the style, often 2. Around ponds and in ditches. July-Au- gust. Order LXXXV. ARACE^E (Arum Family}. Herbs, or tropical shrubs, with a fleshy rhizoma or corm. Leaves sheathing at base, simple or compound, sometimes with more or less reticulated veins. Flowers usually sessile in a termi- nal or lateral spadix, sometimes monoecious ; sometimes perfect with a perianth of 4-6 sepals. Stamens definite in the perfect flowers, 4-6, usually indefinite in the monoecious flowers. Ovary free from the perianth, I -several-celled. Seeds solitary, or sev- eral. Fruit usually a proper berry, sometimes dry. Leaves with f expanded blade ,owers without Leaves compound-^ ris*,na. lowers wiinout calyx and corolla j -- Leaves [ simple- | Leavescordate Flowers with peiianth Symplocarpus. -Calla. Leaves linear Acorns. 304 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 1. Arum. Flowers mostly monoecious, situated at the base of a spadix, which is naked above. Fertile flowers below. Barren above, inclosed in a cucullate spathe. Perianth none. Berries distinct, i- celled, several-seeded. K A. TRIPHYLLUM (Indian Turnip}. Acaulescent ; leaves mostly 2, on long petioles, sheathing at base, ternate ; leaflets ovate or oval, acuminate, sessile ; spadix shorter than, and included within the ovate, acuminate spathe, which is flattened and bent over the top of the spadix, and is fre- quently marked with dark purple or whitish spots or stripes, otherwise of a dark, shining green. Common in rich, rocky woods. May. 2. Peltandra. Flowers monoecious, covering the long spadix. Spathe elongated, convolute. Perianth none. Anthers on the upper part of the spadix, sessile, peltate. Ovaries at the base of the spadix. Berries distinct, i-celled, i-3-seeded. -4 P. VIRGINICA (Arrow Arum). Acaulescent ; leaves oblong-sagittate, acute at apex, with obtuse lobes, on long petioles, dark, shining green, of large size ; spathe elongated, curved at apex, dark green, enveloping the slender spadix ; ovaries sessile, becoming a bunch of green berries. A water-plant, io'-i8' high. June-July. 3. Calla. Spathe ovate, spreading, persistent. Spadix covered with flowers, the lower perfect, the upper often entirely staminate. Perianth none. Berries distinct, several-seeded. C. PALUSTRIS (Water Arum}. Acaulescent; leaves cordate, on long, sheathing petioles, shining green, large and smooth. Herb in cold bogs with creeping root-stock. 4. Acorus. Spathe none ; spadix lateral, sessile, densely flowered. Flowers perfect. Sepals 6. Stamens 6. Anthers reniform. Stig- mas sessile, minute. Ovaries 2-3-celled, becoming dry and few- seeded, y. A. CALAMUS (Sweet Flag). Rhizoma creeping ; leaves long, light green ; scape long, resembling the leaves, bearing the sessile spadix on its edge, just above the middle ; spadix covered with yellowish-green flowers. Common in wet grounds. June- July. 5. Symplocarpus. Spathe with an incurved point, fleshy. Spa- dix pedunculate, oval, entirely covered with the perfect flowers. Se- pals 4, persistent. Stamens 4. Style 4-angled. Stigma minute. Seeds large, globular, imbedded in the enlarged, spongy spadix. S. FCETIDUS (Skunk Cabbage). Acaulescent ; leaves ovate, cordate at base, acute, on short petioles, at length very large ; spadix preceding tha leaves, enveloped in a spathe, striped with purplish brown ; flowers crowded on the spadix, dull-purple. Common in swamps and wet meadows, with offensive odors, resembling that of a skunk. March-April. LILIACE^E. 305 Order LXXXVL LILIACE^E (Lily Family]. Herbs, arising from bulbs or tubers, rarely with fibrous or fas- cicled roots. Leaves simple, sheathing or clasping at base. Flowers regular, perfect, often showy. Perianth with 6, rarely 4, equal, usually colored segments, free from the ovary. Stamens 6, rarely 4, inserted on the segments of the perianth. Anthers introrse. Ovary 3-celled. Styles united into i. Stigma simple, or 3 lobed. Fruit capsular, with several or many seeds in each cell. f Erect Tulip. ( Flower one Flowers on a scape Flowers in corymbs or umbels Flowers in racemes Nodding Erythronium. Flowers many, small, umbellate Alliunt. {Stigma simple ; no bulb Hemerocallis. Stigma 3-angled ; a bulb Ornitkogalum. Umbellate Clintonia. f Stamens on perianth Hyacinthus. ( Stem from Stamens at base of perianth Convallaria. , ^ f Parts of perianth spreading Lilium. Stem leafy J a bulb -1 large \Parts not spreading Frit ilia ^Leaves small scales Asparagus. Stem from a creeping rhizome Fruit a berry f Berry purple f Se P als g reen ~ Trillium. [.Sepals [Barry black or blue Polygonatum. Fruit a capsule Uvular ia. I. Trillium. Sepals 3, green, persistent. Petals 3, colored, at length withering. Stamens 6. Anthers linear, with short filaments. Stigmas persistent. Berry 3-celled ; cells several-seeded. Stem sim- ple, i-flowered, whorl of 3 leaves. 1, T. CERNUUM (Nodding Trillium}. Leaves broad-rhomboidal, ab- ruptly acuminate, nearly sessile ; flower nodding beneath the leaves, on a recurved peduncle, white ; petals oblong-ovate, acute, recurved, scarcely longer than the sepals. In wet woods, 8'-i5' high. May- June. 2. T. ERECTUM (Purple Trillium}. Leaves broad-rhomboidal, abruptly and sharply acuminate, sessile ; peduncle nearly erect, soon reclining ; petals ovate, flat, spreading, scarcely longer, but much broader than the sepals, dull purple ; ovary brownish purple. In low, rich woods, io'-i5' high. May. 306 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 2. Medeola. Perianth revolute, consisting of 6 petaloid, similar, oblong, deciduous segments. Stamens 6, with filiform filaments. Stigmas 3, long and recurved. Berry globose, 3-celled, several-seeded. M. VIRGINICA (Cucumber Root}. Stem erect, slender, simple, covered with soft locks of wool ; leaves in 2 whorls ; lower one near the middle of the stem, consisting of 5-8 obovate-lanceolate, acuminate leaves ; upper one of 3 ovate, acuminate, smaller leaves ; flowers appearing in succession, yel- lowish green ; styles dark red. In rich, damp woods. June-July. 3. Tulipa. Perianth campanulate ; segments 6. Stamens 6, short, subulate. Anthers 4-angled. Stigmas thick. Capsule oblong, 3- angled. T. GESNERIANA (Tulip} Scape smooth, i-flowered ; leaves radical, ovate-lanceolate ; flowers erect ; segments of the perianth obtuse, smooth. A universally admired exotic bulb. May- June. 4. L ilium. Perianth campanulate or somewhat funnel-form ; seg- ments 6, distinct, each with a honey-bearing furrow near the base. Stamens 6. Anthers linear. Capsule oblong, somewhat 3-angled. Seeds flat. 1. L. CANADENSE (Yellow Lily}. Leaves in several remote whorls of 3-6, lanceolate, 3-nerved, rough on the margins and nerves ; flowers nod- ding, campanulate, few, yellow, often tinged with scarlet, spotted with purple inside, on long peduncles ; sepals sessile, revolute from the middle. In wet meadows, 2-3 feet high. June-July. 2. L. PHILADELPHICUM (Red Lily). Leaves linear-lanceolate, acute ; lower ones usually scattered ; upper ones verticillate in several whorls of 5-7 ; flowers 1-4, campanulate, erect, vermilion-red, spotted inside ; sepals lanceolate, erect, tapering to a claw at base. In dry thickets and shrubby pastures. 3. L. CANDIDUM ( White Lily]. Stem erect, thick ; leaves scattered, lanceolate, tapering at base ; flowers large, campanulate, snow-white, in a terminal umbel, very fragrant, smooth inside. In gardens, 3-4 feet high. July. 4. L. TIGRINUM (Tiger Lily). Stem tall, bulb-bearing; leaves scattered, 3-veined, lanceolate ; upper ones ovate, cordate at base ; flowers large, dark orange, spotted with brownish purple, in a pyramidal raceme ; segments of the perianth revolute, covered with glandular projections on the inside. In gardens, 5-6 feet high. July- August. 5. Fritillaria. Perianth campanulate ; segments 6, broad at base, with a honey-bearing cavity just above the claw. Stamens 6, as long as the petals. F. IMPERIALIS (Crown-Imperial}. Stem thick, leafy below, naked above ; leaves mostly linear-lanceolate, long and narrow, entire ; flowers large, nodding, pedicellate, in a terminal cluster; pedicels each furnished with a pair of small, narrow leaves, which, together, form a sort of terminal LILIACEsE. 307 crown, beneath which the flowers hang. In gardens, 2-3 feet high. April- May. 6. Erythronium. Perianth campanulate ; segments 6, distinct, recurved, deciduous, the 3 inner usually with a groove at base. Fila- ments 6, subulate. Style elongated. Capsule obovate, 3-valved, Seeds ovate. E. AMERICANUM (Dog-tooth Violet}. Nearly stemless ; scape about 2- leaved near the base, i -flowered ; leaves oval-lanceolate or lanceolate, green, spotted with brownish purple, nearly equal in length ; flower nodding, pale yellow, spotted at base inside ; style clavate ; stigma undivided. Common on rich hill-sides, 3'-6' high. May. 7. Hemerocallis. Perianth funnel-form ; tube short ; limb spreading, 6-parted. Stamens 6, inserted at the throat. Filaments long and filiform. Stigma simple. H. FULVA {Day Lily). Scape erect, smooth, corymbosely branching above ; leaves long-linear ; flowers large, erect, bracted, of a tawny red on the inside, in a corymb ; outer sepals with branching veins, inner wavy, ob- tuse. In gardens, 2-4 feet high. July. 8. Allium. Flowers in an umbel, with a spathe at base. Perianth of 6 distinct sepals. Stamens 6. Capsule 3-lobed. Seed black. 1. A. TRICOCCUM (Wild Leek}. Scape naked, leaves oval-lanceolate, flat, thin, smooth, tapering to a petiole, withering before the appearance of the flowers ; umbel not bulb-bearing, many-flowered, globose ; flowers white ; filaments undivided ; pod deeply 3-lobed. In damp, rich woods, 8'- 15' high. June- July. 2. A CEPA (Onion). Scape stout, hollow, swelling below the middle, glaucous ; leaves round, hollow, swelling below the middle, glaucous, shorter than the scape ; umbel globose, many-flowered ; flowers greenish white. 3-4 feet high. July. 3. A. SATIVUM (Garlic). Bulb compound, consisting of several smaller ones united, and included in one covering membrane ; stem leafy, bulbifer- ous ; leaves linear ; flowers small, white ; stamens 3-cleft. Scape 2-feet high. July. 9. Ornithogalum. Perianth leafy, 6-parted ; segments spreading above the middle. Filaments 6, dilated at base. Stigma 3-angled. Capsule roundish, angled. Seeds roundish. O. UMBELLATUM (Star of Bethlehem}. Scape naked ; leaves narrow- linear, channeled, as long as the scape ; flowers few, loosely corymbose, pedicellate, bracted ; sepals white, marked with a green stripe on the outside. Cultivated, 5 '-8' high. May. 10. Hyacinthus. Perianth varying from funnel-form to campanu- late, subglobose ; segments 6, similar. Stamens 6, inserted near the middle of the segments. Ovary with 3 honey-bearing pores. 3 o8 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. H. ORIENTALIS (Hyacinth}. Scape naked ; leaves linear-lanceolate, half as long as the scape ; flowers in a dense, terminal, and somewhat thyrsoid raceme ; perianth funnel-form, cleft to the middle, swelling at base. Culti- vated and admired, 6'-i2' high. April-May. 11. Convallaria. Flowers racemed. Perianth campanulate, 6- parted ; segments spreading, united at base. Stamen 6, at the base of the segments, Berry globose, 2-celled. C. MAJALIS (Lily of the Valley). Scape smooth, naked, semi-cylindric ; leaves usually 2, situated near the base of the scape, ovate or elliptic-ovate ; flowers white, fragrant, in a simple, loose, i-sided raceme. Cultivated in gardens, 5' -6' high. May. 12. Clintonia. Flowers umbellate. Perianth campanulate. Se- pals 6, distinct, deciduous. Stamens 6, inserted at the base. Style long, filiform, columnar. Ovary 2-celled. C. BOREALIS (Wild Lily of the Valley}. Rhizoma slender, creeping; scape naked, 2-4-leaved at base ; leaves large, oval or oblong, petiolate, smooth and shining ; flowers few, rarely single, greenish yellow, nodding, in a terminal umbel ; berries blue. In damp woods, S'-i2 high. June. 13. Porygonatum. Perianth tubular, 6-cleft at summit. Stamens 6, inserted at or above the middle of the tube, and inclosed in it. Ovary 3-celled. Berry globular. Cells i-seeded. 1. P. PUBESCENS (Solomon* s Ssal). Stem recurved at summit, round, rarely marked with a single furrow; leaves. oval-lanceolate, glaucous and very slightly pubescent beneath, 3-5-veined, sessile ; peduncles axillary, smooth, nodding, i-2-flowered ; flowers greenish. In woods and thickets, 1-2 feet high. June. 2. P. CANALICULATUM (Large Solomon's Seal). Stem tall and stout, channeled, recurved ; leaves oblong-ovate, somewhat clasping at base, marked with numerous prominent veins ; peduncles nodding, smooth, 2-5-flowered ; flowers greenish. In rich, moist thickets, 2-5 feet high. June. 14. Uvularia. Perianth nearly campanulate, deeply 6-parted. Stamens 6, short, adherent to the base of the segments. Anthers long. Style deeply 3-cleft. Capsule 3-angled, 3-celled, opening by 3 valves at top. Seeds few in a cell, arilled. Rhizoma creeping. U. GRANDIFLORA (Large Bellworf). Stems branching above, recurved ; leaves perfeliate, oblong ; flowers large, greenish yellow, lily-like, nodding, terminating the branches ; sepals smooth within. In rich woods, 8'-i8' high. May-fane. 15. Asparagus. Perianth erect, 6-parted ; segments spreading above, with the 6 stamens at base. Style short. Stigma 3-lobed. Berry globular, 3-celled. Cells 2-seeded. 309 A. OFFICINALIS (Asparagus). Stem erect, very branching, herbaceous ; leaves in clusters, pale green ; flowers small, axillary, yellowish green ; ber- ries red. Cultivated for its young shoots, 2-4 feet high. June. Order LXXXVIL SMILAGE*: (Smilax Family}. Herbs, or shrubs, often climbing. Leaves reticulately-veined. Flowers dioecious. Perianth free from the ovary, 6-parted, regu- lar. Stamens 6, inserted at the base of the segments. Ovary 3- celled. Fruit a globular, few or many-seeded berry. Smilax. Flowers dioecious or polygamous. Perianth campanu- late, with 6 equal, spreading, deciduous segments. Stamens 6, attached at base, with short filaments. Anthers linear, attached by the base. Stigmas 3, nearly sessile. Berry globose, i-3-celled, i-seeded. 1. S. ROTUNDIFOLIA (Greenbrier}. Stem climbing, prickly, woody ; branches round or somewhat 4-angled ; leaves roundish-ovate, somewhat cordate at base, 5-nerved, abruptly acuminate, on short petioles, pale be- neath ; berries round, bluish, with a glaucous bloom. June. 2. S. HERBACEA (Carrionflower). Stem herbaceous, unarmed, angular, erect, recurved or climbing by tendrils ; leaves ovate, often roundish, 7-9- veined, mucronate or acuminate, usually cordate at base, smooth, paler be- neath ; flowers yellowish green, in dense umbels of 20-40, on long peduncles, extremely fcetid ; berries dark blue, covered with a bloom. In moist thick- ets, with a disgusting, carrion-like odor to the flowers. June. Order LXXXVIII. JUNCACE^E (Rush Family). Herbaceous plants, generally coarse and grass-like, often leaf- less. Flowers usually greenish, small, dry, glumaceous, in cymose clusters. Leaves fistular, or else flat, often channeled, sometimes none. Perianth regular, in 2 series of 3 segments in each. Sta- mens 6, or 3. Ovary 3-celled, or r-celled, because the placentas do not reach the axis. Styles united into i. Stigmas 3. Capsule 3-valved. JUNCACE^E. ( Capsule i-celled Luzula. j. "S ( Capsule 3-celled Juncus. I. Luzula. Perianth persistent. Stamens 6 Stigmas 3. Cap r sule i-cellecl, 3-seeded. Leaves grass-like. L. CAMPESTRIS (Field Rush}. Leaves linear, hairy, especially on the margin ; flowers in little spikes, the central one being nearly sessile ; sepals acuminate, awned, longer than the obtuse capsule. In fields and open woods, 3'-io' high. May. 3io SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 2. Juncus. Perianth persistent, 6-parted. Stamens 6, rarely 3. Stigmas 3. Capsule 3-celled, loculicidal, many-seeded. 1. J. EFFUSUS (Bog Rush}. Scape erect, soft and flexible, striate, sheathed at base ; flowers in a sessile, very branching panicle, small, numerous, green- ish ; sepals acute ; stamens mostly 3 ; capsule obtuse. In wet grounds, 2-3 feet high. June- July. 2. J. ACUMINATUS (Bog Rusti). Stem erect, round ; leaves few, round or nearly so ; flowers in many or few brownish, few-flowered heads, arranged in a panicle ; sepals linear-lanceolate, very acute, much shorter than the acute, triangular capsule. In bogs and along ponds, io'-i8' high. August. 3. J. TENUIS (Slender Rush). Stem very slender, erect, leafless, except at base ; leaves linear, setaceous, shorter than the stem ; flowers separate, rarely sessile, in a loose, somewhat umbelled, cymose panicle, with unequal branches ; sepals lanceolate, acuminate, longer than the ovoid-globose cap- sule. 4. J. BUFONIUS (Annual Rush}. Stem slender, leafy, often branching at base ; leaves channeled, very narrowly linear ; flowers greenish, remote, sessile, forming a spreading dichotomously branching panicle ; sepals lanceo- late, much longer than the obtuse capsule. Along road-sides, 3 / -6 / high. June- August. Order LXXXIX. PONTEDERIACE.E {Pickerel-weed Family?) Aquatic herbs. Flowers solitary, or spicate, arising from a spathe, or from a fissure in the petiole. Perianth tubular, 6-cleft, persistent and withering, colored, often irregular. Stamens 3, inserted on the throat of the perianth ; or 6, and variously at- tached to the perianth. Ovary I -3-celled. Style i. Stigma i. Capsule 3 valved, i or many-seeded. Pontederia. Perianth funnel-form, bilabiate, upper lip 3-parted ; lower lip of 3 spreading divisions. Stamens 6, 3 inserted near the sum- mit of the tube, and exsert ; 3 near the base (often imperfect) with very short filaments. Ovary 3-celled, i-ovuled. if. P. CORDATA (Pickerel-weed). Stem thick and stout, erect ; leaves mostly radical, cordate-sagittate, smooth and glossy green, petiolate ; flowers blue, in a dense spike, with a bract-like spathe ; anthers blue. In shallow water, To'-i8' above water. July. Order XC. CYPERACE^E (Sedge Family). Herbs, usually perennial, coarse, grassy, caespitose plants. Culms usually solid, without joints or nodes, mostly triangular. Leaves with entire sheaths, sometimes wanting. Flowers soli- CYPERACE^E. 311 tary, each in the axil of a glume-like bract. Perianth wanting, or else reduced to mere bristles. Stamens usually 3, sometimes 2, or i. Styles 2-3, more or less united. Fruit an achenium. C Flowers with bristles Dulichium. ' Flowers in regular spikelets \ Flowers without bristles Cyperus. Achenium with tubercle at apex Eleocharis. regular t. spikelets. Bristles ^ ked at apex- (_Not cottony Scirpus. Bristles none Fimbristylis, { Bristles present Rhynchospora, Flowers imperfect -j f Achenium in sac Carex. | Bristles nons -J [ I, No sac Cladium, I. Cyperus. Spikelets few, many-flowsred, in loose or dense clus- ters. Glumes arranged in 2 rows, decurrent at base. Stamens 1-3, usually three. Style 2-3-cleft. Achenium lenticular or triangular. Culm triangular, with 1-3 leaves at summit, forming an involucre to the umbel. 1. C. DIANDRUS (Brown Sedge). Culm slender, usually decumbent ; spikelets flat, oblong-lanceolate, acutish, i4-2c-flowered, more or less in fas- cicles forming an umbel with 2-4 very short, sometimes unequal rays ; glumes oblong, brown on the margin ; stamens 2. Stem 6'-io' long. August- September. 2. C. STRIGOSUS (Bulbous Sedge). Culm erect, leafy, tuberous at base ; leaves broad-linear ; umbel simple or decompound ; spikelets narrow-linear, flat and few-flowered, at length reflexed, on spikes forming an umbel ; scales oblong-lanceolate, yellowish ; stamens 3 ; achenium narrow-oblong. In wet grounds, 1-2 feet high. August. 2. Dulichium. Spikelets linear, compressed, arranged in 2 rows, on solitary, axillary peduncles. Glumes arranged in 2 rows. Perianth reduced to bristles. Stamens 3. Style 2-cleft above, the lower portion persistent, forming a beak to the compressed achenium. D. SPATHACEUM (Sheathed Sedge). Culm erect, simple, leafy, sheathed below ; leaves alternate, linear, flat, short, arranged on the stem in 3 rows ; spikes proceeding from the sheaths, consisting of 8-12 linear-lanceolate spike- lets, in 2 rows ; spikelets s-g-flowered, rather long. Along rivers and bor- ders of ponds, 1-2 feet high. August. 3. Eleocharis. Spikes single, terminal. Glumes imbricated all round without much order. Perianth reduced to 3-12, mostly 6, rigid, persistent bristles. Stamens 3. Style 2-3-cleft, bulbous and persistent at base. Culms leafless, simple. 15 3 I2 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 1. E. OBTUSA (Spike Rush}. Culms nearly terete in tufts ; spike globose v at length becoming somewhat cylindrical, obtuse, densely many-flowered ; glumes very obtuse, light brown, whitish on the margin ; achenium obovate, of a shining brown, surrounded by 6 bristles. In shallow water and muddy grounds, 6'-i2 ( high. July-August. 2. E. PALUSTRIS (Round Rush}. Culm nearly terete ; spike oblong- lanceolate, acute, many-flowered, often obliquely attached ; glumes reddish- brown, achenium obovate, surrounded by about four bristles longer than it- self, and crowned with a small, ovate, flattened tubercle. In shallow water and low grounds, 6'-2o' high. June-July. 3. E. TENUIS (Slender Rush). Culm very slender and wiry, 4-angled with concave sides ; spike elliptical, 2o-3o-flowered ; glumes ovate, obtuse ; achenium obovate, with a small, depressed tubercle, and surrounded by bristles. In wet meadows, 6'-i2' high. June-July. 4. Scirpus. Spikes cylindrical, clustered. Glumes imbricated in no order. Perianth of 3-6 bristles. Stamens 3. Style 2-3-cleft. Culms sheathed at base. 1. S. VALIDUS (Bulrush)'. Culm tall, cylindric, filled with spongy pith, tapering above, dark green ; spikes oblong-ovate, numerous, arranged in a compound panicle ; glumes ovate, achenium obovate, mucronate, sur- rounded by 4-5 bristles. In wet grounds, 4-8 feet high. July. 2. S. PUNGENS (Acute Club Rush). Culm acutely angled with concave sides ; leaves few below, channeled above, often 6'-8' long ; spikes ovoid, sessile, 1-5 in a cluster ; glumes ovate, 2-cleft, mucronate ; style 2-cleft ; bristles 2-6, shorter than the obovate, mucronate achenium. In ponds and streams. July-August. 3. S. ATROVIRENS (Umbelled Club Rush). Culm obtusely triangular, rigidly erect, leafy ; leaves broad-linear, rough on the margin, flat ; spike ovoid, crowded in dens3, globular, dark, dull-green heads, containing icn-2o spikes. July. 5. Eriophorum. Spikes many-flowered. Scales imbricated all round without order. Perianth consisting of numerous, rarely 6, woolly, persistent bristles. Stamens mostly 3. Style 3-cleft. 1. E. POLYSTACHYON (Cotton Grass). Culm rigidly erect, obscurely 3- angled ; leaves linear, flat, terminating in a triangular point ; involucre 2-3- leaved ; spikes about 10, on slender, nodding peduncles. Wool straight, nearly an inch long. Bogs and meadows, 1-2 feet high. June. 2. E. VIRGINICUM (Brown Cotton Grass). Culm rather stout, rigid, nearly terete, leafy ; leaves long, flat, narrowly-linear, rough on the margin ; involucre 2-4-leaved ; spikes erect, crowded in a dense head ; wool dense, of a rusty-brown color, 3 or 4 times as long as the scale ; stamen i. July- August. 6. Fimbristylis. Spike several or many-flowered. Glumes im- bricated in regular rows. Perianth of bristles none. Stamens 1-3. CYPERACE&. 313 Style 2-3-cleft, with a bulbous base, which is deciduous or per- sistent. 1. F. AUTUMNALIS (Autumn Club Rush). Culms low, slender, com- pressed, tufted ; leaves narrow linear, flat, acute, shorter than the stem ; in- volucre 2-leaved ; spikes oblong, acute ; glumes ovate-lanceolate, brownish, mucronate ; stamens 2-3 ; style 3-cleft, entirely deciduous. In muddy grounds, 3'-8' high. August-October. 2. F. CAPILLARIS (Annual Club Rusk). Culms nearly naked, capillary in dense little tufts ; leaves setaceous, shorter than the culms, with sheaths, hairy at the throat ; involucre 2-3-leaved ; spikes ovoid ; glumes oblong, brownish ; stamens 2 ; style 3-cleft, the bulbous base persistent. In sandy fields, 3'-6' high. August. 7. Rhyncospora. Flowers in ovate, several-flowered, loose spikes. Lower glumes usually empty. Perianth of 6 bristles. Stamens usu- ally 3, Style 2-cleft. Achenia coherent with the bulbous, persistent base of the style. 1. R. ALBA ( White Beak Rush} Culm slender, 3-angled above, leafy ; leaves linear, very narrow, spikes lanceolate, white, in corymbose, axillary and terminal fascicles, on slender peduncles ; glumes lanceolate ; achenium ovoid, shorter than the bristles, with a slender beak or tubercle nearly as long as itself. July- August. 2. R. GLOMERATA (Beak Rush). Stem slender, triangular, leafy ; leaves linear, flat, rough on the edge ; spikes oblong-ovate, in dense, very distant clusters, on long peduncles, sometimes in pairs from the same axil ; ache- nium obovoid ; bristles rough backwards. In wet grounds, 10-20' high. July- A ugust. 8. Cladium. Flowers polygamous, in a loose spike ; lowerglumes empty ; terminal ones bearing a perfect or fertile flower. Perianth of bristles none. Style 2-3-cleft, deciduous. Achenium hard and corky, without a tubercle. C. MARISCOIDES (Twig Rush). Culm leafy, obscurely triangular, erect; leaves narrow-linear, channeled ; spikes in heads or clusters of 5-8, arranged in small, compound cymes or umbels, on very long peduncles ; glumes light tawny-brown ; styles 3-cleft ; achenium ovoid-globose, with a short beak. In meadows and low grounds. i2'-2i' high. July-August. 9. Carex. Flowers monoecious ; the two kinds are either com- bined in the same spike, or else arranged in different spikes ; rarely dioecious. Glumes single, I- flowered, imbricated without order. Sta- mens 3, rarely 2. Stigmas 2-3. Achenium inclosed in a perigynium, or inflated persistent sac, contracted and closed at apex, and crowned with more or less of the persistent base of the style. i. C. BROMOIDES (Slender Swamp Sedge). Stem slender, leafy ; spikes several, approximate, oblong-lanceolate, alternate, lower ones barren, or all 314 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. often so ; perigynia erect, lanceolate, acuminate, bifid, longer than the lan- ceolate glume. In swamps and meadows. io'-2o' high. 2. C. CEPHALOPHORA (Pasture Sedge). Stem rather stout ; spikes 4-6, closely aggregated in an ovoid, bracteate head ; the lower ones sometimes a little remote ; perigynium compressed, broad ovate, green when mature. In dry fields and woods, 6'-i2 f high. 3. C. SPARGANIOIDES (Pale Sedge). Spikes 7-10, ovoid ; upper ones more or less aggregated ; lower usually distinct, and more or less remote ; peri- gynium broad ovate, not nerved, rough on the margin, compressed, margined, diverging, hispid, green when mature ; style short, swelling at base. 4. C. VULPINOIDEA (Fox Sedge). Spikes numerous, very dense, gen- erally branching, closely aggregate, forming an oblong, dense, compound spike ; perigynium ovate, broad at base, small, compressed, margined, nerved with a short, bifid, abrupt beak, yellowish when mature. 5. C. STIPATA ( Three-cornered Sedge). Culm thick, sharply 3-angled, with concave sides ; spikes 6-12, aggregated, lower ones often distinct ; peri- gynium lanceolate, round and truncate at base, destitute of a margin, on a short stalk, nerved, tapering to a long, bifid beak. In wet grounds, lo'-iS' high. 6. C. ROSE A (Rose' Sedge). Culm low, slender ; spikes several-flowered, 3~5) tw uppermost usually approximate, the rast distinct, more or less re- mote ; perigynia oblong, margined, rough on the margin, compressed with a bifid beak, diverging and stellate when mature, twice as long as the broad- ovate, obtuse glume, green at maturity. In low grounds, 8'-i5' high. 7. C. SCOPARIA (Brown Sedge). Spikes 5-10, somewhat clavate when young, at length ovate, approximate, sometimes aggregated in a dense head ; perigynia narrow lanceolate, nerved, margined, longer than the lanceolate, acuminate glume. In low grounds and meadows, 1-2 feet high. 8. C. STRAMINEA (Winged Sedge*). Spikes 3-6, roundish-ovoid, alter- nate, approximate ; perigynia roundish-ovate, much compressed, broadly winged, with a short, abrupt, bifid beak, somewhat longer than the lanceo- late glume. A common species in fields along woods, distinguished by its broad, broadly-winged perigynia. 9. C. POLYTRICHOIDES (Dwarf Sedge}. Culms very low, setaceous ; spike linear, staminate above ; perigynia few, alternate, oblong, somewhat triangular, obtuse, smooth, emarginate, twice as long as the ovate, mostly obtuse glume. In cold swamps and bogs, 2'-4' high. 10. C. TENTACULATA (Burr Sedge). Fertile spikes 2-3, ovoid-cylindri- cal, densely flowered, approximate, upper one sessile, the others on short peduncles ; bracts leafy, much longer than the culm ; perigynia much in- flated, spreading, smooth, with a long, bifid beak, twice longer than the lan- ceolate, awned glume. 11. C. STRICTA (Rigid Sedge). Staminate spikes 1-3, cylindric ; fertile 2-4, long-cylindric, usually barren above, sessile ; lower one often on a short peduncle ; bracts rarely longer than the culm, auricled at base ; perigynia ovate-acuminate, or elliptical, nerveless, not beaked. Tufts in wet grounds, 2-3 feet high. GRAMIKE&. 315 Order XCI. GR AMINES (Grass Family). Perennial herbs with fibrous roots, rarely arising from bulbs, sometimes annual or biennial. Culms cylindrical, usually fistular, closed at the nodes, sometimes solid. Leaves entire, usually narrow, alternate, with the sheath split from one node down to the next, usually with a membranous ligule between the base of the leaf and sheath. Flowers in spikes, racemes, or panicles, usually perfect, in I to many-flowered spikelets, composed of glume- like bracts in 2 rows. Outer bracts (glumes) 2, rarely i, often unequal ; the inner 2 immediately inclosing each flower (paletz), alternate. Perianth none, or consisting of very small, membranous scales (squamulce). Stamens 1-6, commonly 3, Anthers versatile. Ovary i -celled. Styles 2. Stigmas 2, feathery. Fruit a caryopsis. i. Spikelets i-flowered, with 2 glumes and 2 paleae, or less. , * GLUMES ABSENT, OR BOTH VERY MINUTE. PALEAE 2. Leersia. * * SPIKELETS IN PANICLES, OFTEN CONTRACTED, AND APPARENTLY RACEMOSE. + Palece awnless or with inconspicuous awns. Glumes equal, or the lower somewhat longer. Paleae thin, not coriaceous, ob- tuse, upper smaller ; one often minute or wanting. Agrostis. Lower glume smaller, often minute, usually shorter. Paleae surrounded by short hairs at base ; lower 3-nerved, usually mucronate. Stamens 3. Muhlen- bergia. Spikelets with a rudimentary, plumose pedicel. Glumes mostly nearly equal, longer than the flower. Paleae surrounded at base by a tuft of white bristles ; lower paleae awnless, or with inconspicuous awn attached to the back. Stamens 3. Cala- magrostis. Spikelets with 2 rudiments of abortive flowers, i on each side of the perfect flower. Paleae shorter than the equal glumes. Phalaris. + + Paletz with a conspicuous awn. Lower glume smaller than the upper, sometimes minute. Paleae 2, herbaceous. Awn of the lower palea single, not jointed on its apex. Muklenbergia. Glumes not equal, often mucronate. Lower palea with 3 awns at tip, much larger than the upper. A ristida. * * * FLOWERS ARRANGED IN SIMPLE OR NEARLY SIMPLE SPIKES. t Spike terminal, Spike simple, dense, cylindrical. Glumes mucronate or awned. Paleae both present, awnless. Phleum. Spikelets in threes at each joint of the rachis. Glumes side by side, mucronate, awned. Lower palea awned at apex. Hordeum. t \ Spikes more than one. Spikelets loosely arranged in 2-4 rows, on one side of the flattened rachis. Spikes few. Paspalum. Flowers oblong, crowded in clusters of 2-3, in i-sided, approximate, slender cpikes. Panicum. SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 2. Spikelets 2-flowered, the upper perfect, the lower staminate or neu- tral, and in the latter case usually reduced to a single palea. Spikelets single, with the terminal flower perfect, not surrounded by bristles, arranged in racemes, panicles, or compound spikes. Panicum. Spikelets surrounded by several or many bristles, and arranged in a cylindrical more or less compound spike. Setaria. Spikelets in pairs, one pedicellate and sterile ; the other with the terminal flower perfect and awned, all arranged in spikes or racemes. A ndropogon. Spikelets in clusters of 2-3, i only with the terminal flower perfect and awned, in panicles. Sorghum. Flowers monoecious ; barren flowers in terminal, numerous spikes ; fertile in soli- tary, lateral spikes, inclosed in a leafy involucre of numerous bracts. Styles long and slender. Zea. 3. Spikelets 3-flowered, 2 of them imperfect or abortive, mostly reduced to single paleae. Spikelets in contracted panicles ; lower flower abortive or obsolete ; middle flower perfect ; upper flower staminate. Holcus. Spikelets in nearly simple, cylindrical spikes ; the two lateral flowers neutral, re- duced to awned paleae ; middle flower perfect, with awnless palea. A nthoxanthum. 4. Spikelets more than 2 flowers, or if only 2 both are perfect. * SPIKELETS IN PANICLES OFTEN MUCH CONTRACTED AND SPIKE-LIKE. t Lower palea with a conspicuous awn. Spikelets 3-6-flowered, in dense, i-sided clusters, forming a crowded panicle. Glumes awned, somewhat rough and ciliate on the back, as also the lower palea. Dactylis. Spikelets 3-10-6* owered, in open panicles, or contracted, spicate ones. Glumes unequal. Paleae rounded on the back, awned at the apex. Festuca. Spikelets 5-1 2-flowered, in loose, at length drooping panicles. Glumes unequal. Lower palea mostly 2-cleft, with a straight awn below the tip. Bromus. Spikelets 7-flowered, in a loose, racemose panicle. Lower palea 2-toothed at apex, with an awn composed of the three twisted nerves rising from between the teeth. Danthonia. Spikelets 3-6-flowered ; uppermost imperfect. Glumes unequal. Lower palea rounded on the back, with a twisted awn, consisting only of the middle nerve, and arising on the back below the 2-cleft tip. A vena. t + Lower paleee awnless. Spikelets compressed, 2-7-flowered, in open panicles, clothed with more or less of a web-like down, but not bearded at base. Upper palea 2-toothed, deciduous, together with the larger, s-nerved, lower palea. Poa. Spikelets 3-io-flowered ; flowers not webbed nor bearded at base. Paleae rounded on the back ; upper one adhering to the inclosed grain, which is somewhat downy at apex. Festuca. Spikelets 3-7-flowered ; flowers with a copious silky beard at base ; lower flower with i stamen ; the others with 3 stamens. Glumes very unequal. Phragmites. * * SPIKF,LETS IN SIMPLE, TERMINAL SPIKES. Spikelets 3-io-flowered, attached singly tq the joints of the rachis, with the side against it. Glumes 2, on opposite sides of the spikelet. Triticum. Spikelets solitary at each joint of the rachis, 2-3-flowercd. Glumes 2, opposite, subulate, shorter than the flowers. Sccale. Spikelets 2-7-flowered, in clusters of 2-4 at each joint of the rachis. Glumes side by side on the front of the spikelets, rarely none. Elymus. GRAMINE^E. 317 1. Leersia. Spikelets i-flowered, compressed, perfect, in secund racemes, arranged in panicles. Paleae 2, compressed, awnless, nearly equal ; lower broader. Stamens 1-6. Stigmas plumose, y. L. ORYZOIDES (Cut-Grass). Culm rough backward, with hooked prickles, as also the lanceolate leaves ; panicle sheathed at base, with numerous diffuse branches ; stamens 3 ; paleae whitish, ciliate on the keel. In wet grounds, 1-2 feet high. August. 2. Phleum. Glumes 2, much longer than the paleae, mucronate or awned. Palece 2, unequal, truncate, included in the glumes. Sta- mens 3. 11 P. PRATENSE ( Timothy. Herd's Grass}. Culm erect, simple, smooth, sometimes bulbous at base ; leaves flat, glaucous ; flowers in a long, dense, simple, terminal, cylindrical spike ; glumes ciliate on the back, truncate, tipped with a very short awn ; anthers purplish. June- July. 3. Agrostis. Spikelets i-flowered, paniculate. Glumes 2, sub- equal, or the lower one larger, mostly longer than the paleae. Paleae 1-2 ; lower one larger, often awned ; upper one often wanting, or mi- nute. Stamens 3. Caryopsis free. y. A. VULGARIS (Red-top. Herd's Grass in Penn.). Culm mostly erect, slender ; leaves linear, with smooth sheaths ; ligule short, truncate ; panicle spreading, with slender, purplish branches ; lower palea 3-veined, twice as long as the upper, equaling the glumes, rarely awned. Culm 1-2 feet high. July. 4. Muhlenbergia. Spikelets i-flowered, in more or less contract- ed, often spicate panicles. Glumes acute, mucronate, persistent ; lower one smaller, often minute. Paleae 2, usually bearded at base, inclosing the grain. Stamens 3. y. M. MEXICANA (Mexican Drop-seed}. Culm erect, ascending, very branch- ing, and very leafy above ; leaves linear, short ; panicles numerous, contract- ed, densely flowered ; branches somewhat spicate ; glumes acute, unequal ; upper glume as long as the very acute, lower palea. In damp grounds, 1-3 feet high. August. 5. Calamagrostis. Spikelets i-flowered, often with a rudiment- ary flower, in a loose panicle. Glumes 2, nearly equal in length, sur- rounded by a tuft of white bristles. Lower palea awned on the back, below the tip, or awnless, mostly longer than the upper one. Sta- mens 3. C. CANADENSIS (Blue-joint). Culm simple, tall, stout, rigid ; leaves with smooth sheaths, linear-lanceolate ; panicle oblong, loose ; lower palea 3~5-nerved, equaling the tuft of hairs surrounding it, and with a very fine awn on the back below the tip, scarcely exceeding it. A reedy grass, 2-5 feet high. July-August. 3l8 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 6. Aristida. Spikelets i-flowered. Glumes 2, unequal, often mucronate ; paleae pedicellate ; lower tipped with 3 awns ; upper palea much smaller, minute. Stamens 3. Stigmas plumose. A. DICHOTOMA (Poverty Grass). Culms tufted, dichotomously and very branching ; leaves very narrow, more or less revolute ; spikelets on clavate pedicels, in short, appressed racemes ; lateral ones minute, middle one as long as or longer than the palea, bent or twisted. In sandy fields, 6'-i2' high. August-September. 7. Dactylis. Spikelets 2 -3-flowered, aggregated in dense clusters, forming a dense, branching, i-sided panicle. Glumes unequal, cari- nate, mucronate. Stamens 3. y. D. GLOMERATA (Orchard Grass). Culm erect, somewhat rough ; leaves linear-lanceolate, rough, somewhat glaucous ; panicle dense, with remote branches ; glumes very unequal ; anthers large, yellow. In shaded fields, especially orchards. 2-3 feet high. June. 8. Poa. Spikelets compressed, ovate or oblong, few-flowered, in loose, open panicles. Glumes usually shorter than the flowers ; the lower one smaller. Lower palea 5-nerved, with a soft, web-like down. Upper palea smaller, 2-toothed, deciduous with the rest of the flower. Stamens 2-3. 1. P. ANNUA (Low Meadow Grass). Culms low, mostly decumbent or spreading, somewhat compressed ; leaves short, smooth, with smooth sheaths ; panicle nearly as long as broad, with mostly solitary, at length horizontal branches ; spikelets 3-6-flowered, on very short pedicels, much crowded ; flowers slightly downy near the apex. Common everywhere, 3'-6' high. May-November. 2. P. PRATENSIS (Meadow Grass). Culm erect, round, smooth ; leaves with smooth sheaths ; ligules short, truncate ; panicle pyramidal, diffuse ; branches spreading, in half- whorls of 4-5 ; spikelets 3-5-flowered, nearly ses- sile, densely crowded on the branches. May-July. 9. Festuca. Spikelets 3-io-flowered, in open or racemose pani- cles. Flowers not webbed at base. Glumes unequal. Paleae rounded on the back, entire, acute, and often awned at apex. Upper palea usu- ally adhering to the ripe caryopsis. Stamens mostly 3. 1. F. TENELLA (Slender Fescue Grass}. Culm very slender, wiry, mostly simple ; leaves very narrow ; panicle simple, with racemose branches, contracted so as to resemble a spike ; spikelets 6-8-flowered ; palea tipped with an awn shorter than itself. In dry soils, 6'-i2' high. June-July. 2. F. ELATIOR (Tall Fescue Grass). Culm smooth, erect ; leaves broad- linear ; panicle open, loosely branching, with spreading, drooping branches ; spikelets crowded, 4-6-flowered ; lower palea awnless. In meadows, 2-4 feet high. June. GRAMINE^E. 319 10. Bromus. Spikelets 5-15-flowered, panicled. Glumes unequal, shorter than the flower, nerved. Lower palea convex, with an awn pro- ceeding from below the tip. Upper palea convolute, adhering to the caryopsis at the groove. Stamens 3. B. SECALINUS (Chess). Culm smooth, erect; leaves flat, rough above, wivh margins and sheaths smooth ; panicle spreading, with branches nearly simple, drooping ; spikelets ovate, cylindrical, tumid, smooth, about lo-flow- ered ; awn of the lower palea usually shorter than the spikelet. Trouble- some in wheat-fields, 2-3 feet high. June. 11. Pragmites. Spikelets 3-8-flowered. Flowers with tufts of white, silky hairs at base. Lower flower either neutral, or with a single stamen ; the others perfect with 3 stamens. Glumes 2, shorter than the flowers, very unequal. Lower palea twice as long as the upper, y. P. COMMUNIS (Water Reed). Culm erect, smooth, very stout; leaves very long, broad-lanceolate, glaucous ; panicle very large, loosely branched, at length diffuse ; branches in half whorls, erect, spreading, slender ; spike- lets 3-5-flowered, erect. On the borders of ponds and streams, 6-10 feet high. July- August. 12. Triticum. Spikelets 3-8-flowered, spicate, each attached to a separate joint of the rachis. Glumes 2. nearly equal, opposite, ovate. Palese 2 ; lower one awned or mucronate ; upper compressed. Sta- mens 3. 1. T. VULGARE (Wheat). Culm erect, terete, smooth; leaves linear, somewhat rough above ; spike somewhat 4-sided ; spikelets crowded, about 4-flowered ; glumes ventricose ; awns longer than the flower. The most valuable species of grain cultivated. June. 2. T. REPENS (Couch Grass). Culm erect, arising from a creeping rhi- zoma ; leaves linear-lanceolate, somewhat rough or hairy above ; spike com- pressed ; spikelets remote, alternate, 4-8-flowered ; glumes 5-y-veined, lan- ceolate. A weed in gardens. June- August, 13. Secale. Spikelets 2-3-flowered, spicate, each attached to a single point of the rachis ; lower flowers sessile and opposite ; upper often abortive. Glumes opposite, shorter than the flowers. Lower palea ciliate on the keel and margin, tipped with a very long awn. S. CERE ALE (Rye). Culm tall, erect, slender, hairy below the spike ; leaves rough above and on the margin, glaucous ; spike long, compressed ; awns long and straight. A valuable grain, 3-6 feet high. Jtine. 14. Elymus. Spikelets 2-6-flowered, attached, 2-4 together at each joint of the rachis. Glumes 2, side by side, and not opposite, nearly equal, subulate. Lower palea convex on the back, mostly awned at apex. if E. VIRGINICUS ( Wild Rye). Culm erect, stout, smooth; leaves broad- linear, rough, deep green ; spike erect, rigid, thick, on a short peduncle ; 320 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. spikelets mostly in pairs, 2-3-flowered, smooth ; glumes rough, lanceolate, tipped with a short awn ; lower palea with a short awn. In damp thickets, 2-4 feet high. August. 15. Hordeum. Spikelets i-flowered, with an awn-like rudiment at base on the inner side, 3 at each joint of the rachis ; lateral ones often abortive. Glumes 2, side by side, and not opposite, subulate. Lower palea long-awned at apex. H. VULGARE {Barley}. Culm erect, smooth ; leaves broad-linear, nearly smooth ; spike erect, thick ; spikelets all fertile ; glumes shorter than the flowers ; lower palea very long-awned ; fruit arranged in 4-6 rows. Fre- quently cultivated, 2-3 feet high. May. (T) 1 6. Danthonia. Spikelets 3-8-flowered, in a spicate panicle. Glumes 2, longer than the flowers. Lower palea nerved, 2-toothed at apex, with a twisted awn arising from between the teeth ; upper palea obtuse, entire, of D. SPICATA {Oat Grass). Culms slender, erect, ascending, tufted ; leaves mostly radical, somewhat involute ; cauline leaves much shorter than the radical ones, erect, with sheaths hairy at the throat ; panicle slender, bearing a few, appressed, y-flowered spikelets ; lower palea hairy. In dry fields, 1-2 feet high. June- July. 17. A vena. Spikelets 2-7-flowered in panicles ; uppermost flower imperfect. Glumes 2, large and somewhat unequal. Lower palea rounded on the back, nerved, 2-toothed at apex, with a twisted or bent awn on the back. A. SATIVA (Oaf). Culm erect, smooth ; leaves broad-linear, rough above ; panicle loose, with slender, drooping branchlets ; spikelets 2-4-flowered, on slender, drooping peduncles ; lower flower awned, rarely both awnless ; up- per palea closely investing the grain. Valuable grain, 2-3 feet high. June. 18. Holcus. Spikelets 2-3-flowered, in a contracted panicle. Flowers pedicellate, shorter than the glume ; lowest flower neutral, often wanting ; middle flower perfect, awnless ; upper staminate, with its lower palea awned on the back. y. H. LANATUS {Velvet Grass). Culm and broad-linear leaves pale green, covered with soft, velvety down ; panicle oblong, dense-flowered, whitish, tinged with purple ; staminate upper flower with a recurved, short awn. In wet meadows, io'-2o' high. June-July. 19. Anthoxanthum. Spikelets 3-flowered, in a spicate panicle ; lateral flowers neutral, consisting of I hairy palea, awned on the back ; central flower perfect. Glumes 2, very unequal, the upper one larger and equaling the flowers. ^ A. ODORATUM (Sweet Vernal Grass). Culm erect, slender ; leaves short, pale green ; panicle spicate, oblong, with short, nearly simple branches ; GRAMINE^E. 321 spikelets pubescent, green ; paleae of the lateral flowers ciliate on the margin, one with a bent awn ; the other with a short, straight awn below the tip. An early grass in fields, fragrant when drying. May- June. 20. Phalaris. Spikelets in dense panicles, with i perfect flower, and 2 neutral, abortive rudiments at base. Glumes 2, equal, longer than the 2 coriaceous, awnless paleoe which inclose the compressed grain. 2f P. ARUNDINACEA (Canary Grass). Culm tall, erect, simple or branch- ing ; leaves lanceolate, rough on the margin ; panicle contracted, oblong, branching ; branches somewhat spicate, densely flowered, at length some- what spreading ; rudimentary flowers hairy, much shorter than the perfect ones. In wet grounds, 2-5 feet high. July. 21. Paspalum. Spikelets roundish, flat on the under side, convex above, in several rows, on one side of a flattened rachis, apparently i- flowered, with only a single glume. Paleoe 2. Stigma plumose, col- ored. 2f P. SETACEUM (Wild Millet}. Culm slender, decumbent or ascending, simple or branching at base ; leaves linear-lanceolate, flat, ciliate, and with the sheaths softly hairy ; spikes mostly solitary, very slender, terminal one on a long, very slender peduncle ; lateral ones often with included peduncles ; spikelets orbicular, in 2 rows. Weed in sandy fields, 1-2 feet long. August. 22. Panicum. Spikelets panicled, racemed, or somewhat spicate, I neutral or staminate flower, and I perfect flower. Glumes 2, usually .minute, sometimes wanting. Lower flower with a single palea usually awnless, sometimes awned, rarely with 2 paleoe ; upper flower perfect, with 2 awnless palece which inclose the free grain. Stigmas plumose, mostly colored. 1. P. SANGUINALE (Crab Grass). Culms decumbent at base, rooting at the joints, then erect ; leaves linear-lanceolate, and with the sheath somewhat hairy ; spikes 3-12, in digitate, terminal clusters ; spikelets mostly in pairs, oblong ; upper glume shorter than the flower. Troublesome weed in culti- vated grounds, 1-2 feet high. 2. P. CAPILLARE (Hair Panic Grass}. Culm erect, simple above, often branched at base ; leaves broad-linear, hairy as well as the sheaths ; panicle very large, pyramidal, very loose, with numerous capillary branches ; spike- lets small, on long, slender pedicels ; neutral flower consisting of i palea, much longer than the perfect flower. In cultivated grounds, 1-2 feet high. August. 3. P. LATIFOLIUM (Broad-leaved Panic Grass). Culm erect, smooth, nearly simple, usually bearded with soft hairs at the nodes ; leaves oval-lan- ceolate, cordate and clasping at base, nearly or quite smooth, except at the usually bearded throat ; panicle loose, short, on an exserted peduncle, with short, nearly simple, spreading branches. In thickets and damp woods, 1-2 feet high. June- July. 322 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 4. P. DICHOTOMUM (Forked Panic Grass). Culm slender, erect, or somewhat decumbent, generally very branching, and somewhat dichotomous ; leaves linear-lanceolate, flat ; radical ones usually much shorter and broader, dark green, as also the sheaths, sometimes pale green, and more or less hairy ; panicles compound, terminal and lateral, with spreading branches ; lateral panicles often short and simple ; lower flower neutral, with a single palea. In moist situations, 4'-2o' high. June-September. 5. P. CRUS-GALLI (Barnyard Grass]. Culm stout, branching at base ; leaves lanceolate, flat, rough on the margin, otherwise smooth, as also the sheaths ; spikes alternate, compound, forming a dense panicle ; lower flower neutral, with 2 paleas ; lower palea awned ; awn rough, usually long. In rich, waste grounds. August-September. 23. Setaria. Spikelets in compound, cylindrical spikes, furnished with i or more bristles, resembling awns ; otherwise as in the Panicums proper. S. GLAUCA (Bottle Grass}. Culm erect ; leaves lanceolate, rough, hairy at base ; spike dense, cylindric, of a dull-yellowish color when mature ; bristles in clusters of 6-10, much longer than the spikelets. Weed in waste places, 1-2 feet high. July-August. 24. Andropogon. Spikelets in pairs at the joints of the rachis, spicate or racemed, one of them pedicellate, barren, often rudimentary ; the other with the lower flower neutral ; the upper perfect. Paleoe thin and delicate ; lower one awned at the tip. Stamens 1-3. ^ A. FURCATUS (Broom Grass). Culms erect, branching, nearly smooth ; leaves linear-lanceolate, nearly smooth ; radical ones very long ; spikes straight, 3-6, hairy, digitate or clustered at the top of the culm, usually pur- ple ; spikelets approximate, hairy, appressed ; sterile spikelets staminate, awnless ; stamens 3. In dry soils, 4-6 feet high. September. 25. Sorghum. Spikelets pedicellate, in clusters of 2-3, forming an open panicle ; lateral ones barren ; middle spikelet fertile. Glumes coriaceous ; 2 lower flowers neutral ; upper flower with 2 paleae, the highest awned at the tip. S. VULGARE (Broom Corn}. Culm tall, erect, solid ; leaves lanceo- late, pubescent at base ; panicle very large, diffuse ; branches long, slender, whorled, at length drooping ; perfect spikelets with hairy, persistent glumes. Extensively cultivated, 6-12 feet high. 26. Zea. Flowers monoecious. Barren flowers in terminal, clus- tered racemes. Spikelets 2-flowered ; glumes 2, obtuse, nearly equal ; paleae obtuse, awnless. Fertile flowers lateral and axillary. Spikelets 2-flowered, I flower abortive. Glumes 2, obtuse. Palese awnless. Style I, very long, filiform. Grains in 3-12, usually regular rows, com- pressed. (I) CONIFERS. 323 Z. MAYS {Indian Corti). Culm erect, leafy, branching only at base; leaves very long, channeled, recurved, entire, 2-4 feet long ; barren spikes 6-12, in terminal, nearly digitate clusters ; fertile spikes, 1-4, nearly sessile, 6'-i5' long, and even longer. Cultivated, 5-20 feet high. July. GYMNOSPERMS. Order XCI I. CONIFERS (Pine Family). Trees or shrubs ; the wood abounding in a resinous juice. Leaves scale-like, almost always evergreen. Flowers monoecious, or dioecious, destitute of calyx and corolla. Stamens I, or more, often monadelphous, forming a sort of loose ament. Fertile flow- ers usually in aments, consisting of open carpellary scales, some- times solitary and destitute of any form of carpel. Ovary, style and stigma wanting. Ovules naked, I, 2, or more, erect, or some- times turned downward. Fruit a strobile, or cone, sometimes drupaceous, or a solitary drupaceous seed. Embryo with 2, or frequently more cotyledons. Fertile flowers many ; f Leaves ' with bracts ; cone large 1 j CONIFERS, -{ f Scales shield-shaped Cupressus. \ F V$rf ~ I*- "' ^ieM-shaped-T-/,^. [ bracts [ Fruit a berry Juniperus. I. Pinus. Flowers monoecious. Barren aments in spikes ; sta- mens numerous, with very short filaments ; anthers 2-celled ; pollen consisting of 3 united grains. Fertile aments terminating the branches, consisting of imbricated scales, each with a deciduous bract outside, and a pair of ovules inside, attached to the base. Fruit a cone. Seeds sunk in hollows at the base of the scales. Cotyledons 3-12. Trees with acerose leaves. 1. P. RESINOSA {Red Pine). Leaves in pairs, half cylindrical, elongated, arising from long sheaths ; cones ovoid-conical, solitary or several together, half as long as the leaves ; scales dilated in the middle, unarmed. A tall species. May. 2. P. RIGIDA (Pitch Pine}. Leaves in threes, with short sheaths ; cones ovoid-conical, mostly in clusters ; scales ending in short, recurved spines. Common in sandy soils. May. 3. P. STROBUS (White Pine). Leaves in fives, slender, with very short, deciduous sheaths ; cones cylindrical, pendulous, solitary, loose, somewhat curved. A tall tree, common in rich woods. May. 324 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY, 2. Abies. Barren aments scattered, or clustered near the ends of the branchlets. Strobile small, round oblong, with thin, flat scales, not thickened at apex. Seeds winged. Cotyledons 3-9. A. BALSAMEA (Balsam Fir). Leaves narrow-linear, flat, obtuse, bright green above, silvery white baneath ; cones erect, large, cylindrical, violet-colored ; bracts obovate, appressed. A slender and beautiful fir, in cold woods and swamps. May, 3. Thuya. Flowers monoecious, the two kinds on separate branches. Barren flowers in small, ovoid aments ; stamens attached by a scale-like filament, with 4 anther-cells. Fertile flowers consisting of a few loose scales, each bearing 2 erect ovules at the base inside. Seed winged. Cotyledons 2. T. OCCIDENTALIS (Arbor-vitfoot Violet, 203. Bitter Cress, 200. Bitter-nut, 291. Bitter-sweet, 266. Black Alder, 213. Black Ash, 258. Black Bindweed, 284. Black Birch, 294. Black Raspberry, 223. Black Thorn, 224. Black Walnut, 290. Bladdernut, 215. Blazing Star, 243. Blood-root, 197. Blueberry, 253. Blue Cohosh, 195. Blue Curls, 280. Blue-eyed Grass, 299. Blue Flag, 299. Blue Joints, 317. Bluets, 241. Blue Vervain, 273. Bog Rush, 310. Boneset, 243. Borage, 262. BORRAGINACE.*: (Borage Family), 262. Borrago, 262. Bottle Grass, 322. Bouncing Bet, 206. Box, 288. Boxwood, 237. Brasenia, 196. Brassica, 201. Bristly Blackberry, 222. Broad-leaved Dock, 284. Broad-leaved Panic Grass, 321. Broad-leaved Pondweed, 302. Bromus, 319. Brooklime, 270. Broom Corn, 322. Broom Grass, 322. Brown Cotton Grass, 312. Brown Sedge, 311, 314. Brunella, 278. Buckbean, 261. Buckthorn, 213. Bugle Weed, 276. Bulbous Sedge, 311. Bulrush, 312. Burr-reed, 303. Burr Sedge, 314. Burr-seed, 263. Bush Clover, 219. Bushy Gerardia, 271. Buttercups, 193. Butternut, 290. Button-bush, 241. Buxus, 288. Cabbage, 201. CACTACE^ (Cactus Family), 232, Calamagrostis, 317. Calla, 304. Calopogon, 297. Caltha, 193. Calystegia, 264. INDEX. 339 Campanula, 251. CAMPANULACE^E(Campanula Fam- ily), 251. Canada Thistle, 249. Canadian Hawkweed, 250. Canadian Snapdragon, 268. Canadian Violet, 203. Canary Grass, 321. Cannabis, 289. Canterbury Bell, 252. Caper Spurge, 287. CAPPARIDACE^, 202. CAPRIFOLIACE.^E (Honeysuckle Family), 238. Capsella, 199. Capsicum, 266. Caraway, 234. Cardamine, 200. Cardamine rhomboida, 200. Cardinal Flower, 252. Car ex, 313. Carnation, 206. Carpet-weed, 207. Carpinus, 294. Carrion Flower, 309. Carrot, 236. Carum, 234. Carya, 290. CARYOPHYLLACE/E(Pink Family), 205. Cassia, 219. Castanea, 293. Castilleja, 271. Castor-oil Plant, 288. Catalpa, 273. Catalpa, 273. Catnip, 278. Cat-tail, 303. Caulophyllum, 195. Ceanothes, 213. Celandine, 197. Celery, 234. Celosia, 282. Celtis, 290. Centaurca, 249. Cephalanthiis, 241. Cerastium, 206. Changeable Hydrangea, 226. Checkerberry, 254. Chelidonium, 198. Che lone, 269. CHENOPODiACE.^F.(Goosefoot Fam- ily), 282. Chenopodium, 282. Cherry, 220. Chess, 319. Chestnut, 293. Chickweed, 206. Chick Wintergreen, 256. Chimaphila, 255. Chionanthus, 257. Choke Cherry, 221, 224. Chrysosplenium, 226. Cichorium, 249. Cicuta, 234. Circcea, 230. Cirsium, 249. CISTACE/E (Rock Rose Family), 204. Citrus, 212. Cladium, 313. Clasping Bellflower, 252. Clasping Pondweed, 302. Claytonia, 208. Clematis, 191. Cleome, 202. Climbing Mikania, 243. Clintonia, 308. Clot-weed, 248. Cockscomb, 282. Collinsonia, 277. Colored Willow Herb, 230. Colt's-foot, 243. Columbine, 193. Comandra, 286. Comfrey, 263. Common Alder, 294. Common Beet, 282. Common Bladderwort, 272. Common Fumitory, 199. Common Grounsel, 247. Common Milkweed, 259. Common Mitella, 225. Common Morning Glory, 264. Common Plantain, 280. Common Skullcap, 278. Common Speedwell, 270. Common Thistle, 249. Common Wistaria, 217. COMPOSITE, 241. Comptonia, 291. CONIFERS (Pine Family), 323. Conium, 236. Convallaria, 308. CONVOLVULACE^E (Convolvulus Family), 264. 340 INDEX. Coptis, 193. Corallorhiza, 296. Coral-root, 296. Coreopsis, 247. Coreopsis, 247. Coriander, 236. Coriandrum, 236. CornacecB (Cornel Family), 237. Corn Cockle, 205. Corn Spurry, 207. Cornus, 237. Corydalis, 198. Coryhts, 293. Corymbed Aster, 243. Cotton Grass, 312. Couch Grass, 319. Cow- wheat, 272. Crab Grass, 321. Cranberry, 253. Cranberry Tree, 239. Cranesbill, 2 1 1. CRASSULACE^;, 226. Cratcegus, 223. Creeping Crowfoot, 194. Creeping Trefoil, 219. Crocus, 299. Crocus, 299. Crown Imperial, 306. CRUCIFER^;, 199. Cryptotsenia, 234. Cucumber, 231. Cucumber-root, 306. Cucttmis, 231. Cticurbita, 232. CUCURBITACE^;, 23!. Cudweed, 248. Culver's physic, 270. Cupressus, 324. CUPULIFER^: (Oak Family), 292. Currant, 226. Cuscuta, 265. Cut Grass, 317. Cydonia, 224. Cynoglossum, 263. CYPERACE^E (Sedge Family), 310. Cyperus, 311. Cypress Vine, 264. Cypripedium, 298. Dactylis, 318. Daffodil, 300. Dahlia, 245. Dahlia, 245. Daisy F^eabane, 245. Dandelion, 251. Dangleberry, 253. Danthonia, 320. Daphne, 286. Datura, 266. Daucus, 235. Day Lily, 307. Deadly Nightshade, 267. Dead Nettle, 2/9. Delphinium, 193. Dentatia, 201. Desmodium, 219. Dianthus, 206. Dicentra, 198. Digitalis, 270. Diphylleia, 195. DIPSACE^:, 241. Dipsacus, 241. Dirca, 286. Dodder, 265 Dog's-bane, 258. Dog-tooth Violet, 307. Dogwood, 215. Drosera, 227. DROSERACE.'E (Sundew Family), 227. Drummond's Phlox, 261. Dry Strawberry, 222. Dulichium, 311. Dutchman's Breeches, 198. Dwarf Chestnut Oak, 292. Dwarf Ginseng, 237. Dwarf Primrose, 230. Dwarf Sedge, 314. Early Phlox, 261. Early Saxifrage, 225. Echinospermium, 263. Egg-plant, 267. Elder, 239. Eleocharis, 311. Elm, 289. Elodia, 209. JElymus, 319. Enchanter's Nightshade, 231. English Ivy, 237. English Strawberry, 222. Epigata, 254. Epilobium, 230. ERICACEAE (Heath Family), 252. Erigeron, 245. Eriophofum, 312. INDEX. 341 Erythronitim, 307. Eupatorium, 243. Euphorbia, 287. EUPHORBIACE^: (Spurge Family), 287. Evening Primrose, 230. Fagus, 293. False Dragon's Head, 279. False Pimpernel, 270. False Syringa, 226. False Toad-flax, 287. Fennel, 235. Festuca, 318. Feverwort, 238. Field Strawberry, 222. Field Rush, 309. Figwort, 269. Fim bristylis, 312. Five-finger, 222. Flax, 210. Fleabane, 245. Flower-de-Luce, 299. Fcenicufam, 235. Forget-me-not, 263. Forked Chickweed, 208. Forked Panic Grass, 322. Four-leaved Milkweed, 260. Four-o'clock, 281. Foxglove, 270. Fox Sedge, 314. Fragaria, 222. Fraximts, 257. Fringed Gentian, 260. Fringed Polygala, 205. Fringe-tree, 257. Fritillaria, 306. Frost Grape, 214. Fuchsia, 230. Funtarla, 198. FUMARIACE/E, 198. Galanthus, 300. Galeopsis, 279. Galium, 240. Garden Catchfly, 205. Garden Lettuce, 250. Garden Raspberry, 223. Garden Rhubarb, 283. Garden Verbena, 274. Garlic, 307. Gaultheria, 254. Gaylussacia, 253. Gentiana, 260. GENTIANACE^E, 260. GERANIACE/E, 210. Geranium, 211. Gerardia, 271. Geum, 221. Gilia, 262. Gill, 279. Gillenia, 221. Gleditschia, 219. Globe Amaranth, 282. Gnaphalium, 248. Goat's Rue, 218. Golden Currant, 226. Golden Hedge Hyssop, 270. Golden Senecio, 247. Goldthread, 193. Gomphrena, 282. Goodyera, 298. Goose-grass, 240. GRAMINE^E (Grass Family), 315. Grass Pink, 298. Gratiola, 269. Great Ragweed, 248. Green-flowered Polygala, 204. Greenbrier, 309. Greek Valerian, 262. Gromwell, 263. Ground Ivy, 279. Ground-nut, 217. Habenaria, 297. Hackberiy, 290. Hair Panic Grass, 321. Hairy Cicely, 236. HALORAGE^; (Water Milfoil Fam- ily), 228. HAMAMELACE^: (Witch - Hazel Family), 228. Hamamelis, 228. Hardback, 221. Harebell, 251. Hazelnut, 293. Headed Bush Clover, 219. Heart-leaved Aster, 244. Heart-leaved Willow, 295. Heart Liverwort, 192. Hedeoma, 277. Hedera, 237. Hedge Mustard, 201. Hedge Nettle, 280. Helenium, 246. He Ha n them urn, 204. 342 INDEX. Helianthus, 246. Hemerocallis, 307. Hemp, 289. Hemp Nettle, 279. Hepatica, 192. Heracleum, 235. Heracleum lavatum, 235. Herd's Grass, 317. Herd's Grass (Perm.), 317. Hesperis, 201. Hibiscus, 209. Hieracium, 250. High Blackberry, 222. High Laurel, 255. Highwater Shrub, 249. Hoarhound, 280. Holcus, 320. Hollyhock, 209. Honesty, 201. Honewort, 234. Honey Locust, 220. Hooded Violet, 203. Hop, 289. Horieum, 320. Hornbeam, 294. Horse-balm, 277. Horse-chestnut, 215. Horsemint, 274. Horseshoe Geranium, 211. Hound's-tongue, 263. House-leek, 227. ffoustoni a, 241. Huckleberry, 253. Humulus, 289. Hyacinth, 308. Hyacinthus, 307. Hydrangea, 226. Hydrocotyle, 233. HYPERICACE^E (St. John's-wort Family), 208. Hypericum, 208. Hypoxys, 301. Hyssop, 277. Hyssopus, 277. rteris, 200. Hex, 213. Hysanthes, 270. Impatiens, 211. Indian Corn, 323. Indian Hemp, 258. Indian Mallow, 210. Indian Physic, 221, Indian Pipe, 255. Indian Turnip, 304. Indigo Weed, 219. Inflated Bladderwort, 272. Innocence, 241. Imila, 246. Ipomea, 264. IRIDACE/E (Iris Family), 299. Iris, 299. Iron-wood, 293. Italian Honeysuckle, 238. fva, 249. Ivy-leaved Geranium, 211. Jacobean Lily, 300. Jeffersonia, 195. Jersey Tea, 213. Jerusalem Cherry, 267. Jewel-weed, 211. Jonquil, 300. JUGLANDACE.^E (Walnut Family), 290. Juglans, 290. JUNCACE/E (Rush Family), 309. June us, 310. Juniper, 324, Juniperus, 324. Kalmia, 255. Knawel, 207. Knot-grass, 284. LABIATE (Mint Family), 274. Lactuca, 250. Ladies' Eardrop, 230. Ladies' Slipper, 298. Ladies' Tresses, 298. Lake Flower, 261. Lamb's Quarters, 282. Lamium, 279. Large Bellwort, 308. Large Golden-rod, 245. Large-leaved Aster, 243. Large Poplar, 295. Large Solomon's Seal, 508. Large Yellow Violet, 303. Larkspur, 194. Lathyrus, 217. LAURACE/E (Laurel Family), 285, Lavandula, 274. Lavender, 274. Leather-wood, 286. Lechea, 204. INDEX. 343 Leersia, 317. LEGUMINOS^ (Pea Family), 216. Lemon, 212. LENTiBULACE^:(Bladder\vortFam. ily), 272. Leontodon, 250. Leonurus, 279. Lepidium, igg. Lespedeza, 219. Leucanthemum, 246. Liatris, 243. Life Everlasting, 248. Ligustrum, 257. Lilac, 257. LiLiACExE (Lily Family), 305. Lilitim, 306. Lily of the Valley, 308. Limnanthemum.) 260. Linaria, 268. LINAGES (Linen Family), 210. Lindera, 286. Linncea, 239. Linum, 210. Liriodendron, 195. Lithospermum, 263. Live-forever, 227. Lobelia, 252. Locust Tree, 218. Lombardy Poplar, 296. Long-leaved Sium, 234. Lonicera, 238. Low Bush Willow, 295. Low Cornel, 238. Low Laurel, 255. Low Meadow Grass, 318. Lopseed, 274. Louse wort, 271. Lttdwigia, 230. Lunaria, 201. Lychnis, 206. Lydum, 267. Lycopersicum, 267. Lycopus, 276. Lysimachia, 256. LYTHRACE^-; (Loosestrife Fam- ily), 229. Luzula, 309. Magnolia, 194. MAGNOLIACE^E (Magnolia Fam- ily), 194. Ma/fa, 209. MALVACEAE (Mallow Family), 209. Many-flowered Aster, 244. Maple-leaved Viburnum, 239. Marnibiitm, 280. Marsh Elder, 249. Marsh Marigold, 193. Marsh Rosemary, 256. Marsh St. Jolm's-wort, 209. Marsh Vetch, 217. Mathiola, 201. Matrimony Vine, 267. May-Apple, 196. May-Flower, 254. Meadow Beauty, 229. Meadow Grass, 318. Meadow Rue, 192. Meadow Sweet, 221. Medeola, 306. Medicago, 2 1 8. Mdampyrum, 272. MELASTOMACEyE, 228. Melilotus, 2 1 8. Melissa, 278. Mentha, 274. Menyanthes, 261. Mermaid-weed, 228. Mertcnsia, 263. Mexican Drop-seed, 317. Mezereum, 286. Mignonette, 203. Mikania, 243. Milfoil, 228. Mimulus, 269. Mirabilis, 281. Mitchella, 240. Mitella, 225. Mitrewort, 225. Mollugo, 207. Monarda, 276. Monkey Flower, 269. Monk's-Hood, 194. Monotropa, 255. Mother-wort, 279. Moth Mullein, 268. Morus, 289. Mountain Ash, 224. Mountain Fringe, 198. Mountain Mint, 277. Mouse-ear Chickweed, 206. Mouse-ear Everlasting, 248. Mugwort, 247. Muhlenbergia, 317. Mullein, 268. Musk -melon, 231. 344 INDEX. Mustard, 201. Myrica, 291. MYRICACE^E (Sweet-Gale Family), 291. Myriophyllum, 228. Myosoiis, 263. Nabalus, 250. NAIADACE^ (Pondweed Family), 302. Naias, 302. Naked Orchis, 297. Narcissus, 300. Narcissus, 300. Narrow-leaved Aster, 244. Narrow-leaved Wild Basil, 277. Nasturtium, 212. Nepeta, 278. Nerium, 259. JVescea, 229. Nettle, 289. Nettle-leaved Vervain, 273. New England Aster, 244. Nicandra, 266. Nicotiana, 265. Nightshade, 266. Nodding Trillium, 305. None-such, 219. Nuphar, 196. NYCTAGINACE^E, 281. Nymphaa, 196. NYMPH^ACE^: (Water Lily Fami- ly), 196- Oak-leaved Gerardia, 271. Oat, 320. Oat Grass, 320. CEnothera, 230. OLEACE^E (Olive Family), 257. Oleander. 259. ONAGRACE^: (Evening Primrose Family), 229. Onion, 307. Opium Poppy, 198. Opuntia, 232. Orange, 212. Orchard Grass, 318. ORCHIDACE^E (Orchid Family), 296. Orchis, 296. Ornithogalum, 307. Orpine, 227. Osier, 295. Osmorhiza, 236. Ostrya, 293. Oval-leaved Pyrola, 255. Oxalis, 211. Ox-eye Daisy, 246. P&onia, 194. Painted Cup, 271. Pale Corydalis, 198. Pale Sedge, 314. Panicled Andromeda, 254. Panicum, 321. Pansy, 203. Pap aver, 198. PAPAVERACE/E, 197. Paper Birch, 294. Parsnip, 254. Partridge-Berry, 240, 254. Paspalum, 321. Pastlnaca, 235. Pasture Sedge, 314. Pasture Thistle, 249. Pea, 217. Peach, 220. Pear, 224. Pearl Everlasting, 248. Pearl wort, 207. Pedicularis, 271. Pelargonium, 21 1. Peltandra, 304. Pennyroyal, 278. Pennywort, 233. Penthorum, 227. Peony, 194. Peppermint, 276. Pepper-root, 201. Persian Lilac, 257. Petunia, 265. Phalatis, 321. Phaseolus, 217. Philadelphia, 226. Phleum, 317. Phlox, 261. Phryma, 274. Phy satis, 266. Physostegia, 279. Phytolacca, 283. PHYTOLACCACE^;, 283. Pickerel -weed, 310. Pignut, 291. Pinus, 323. Pisum, 2J7. Pitcher-plant, 198. INDEX. 345 Pitch Pine, 323. PLANTAGINACE^; (Plantain Fami- ly), 280. Plantago, 280. Plum, 221. PLUMBAGINACE^: (Leadwort Fam- ily), 255. Poa, 318. Podophyllum, 196. Pogonia, 297. Poison Hemlock, 236. Poison Ivy, 216. Poison Oak, 216. Poison Sumach, 215. Polanisia, 202. Polanisia Graveolens, 202. POLEMONIACE^:, 26l. Polemonium, 262. POLYGALACE^E (Milkwort Fami- ly), 204. Poly gala, 204. POLYGONACE^E (Buckwheat Fami- ly), 283. Polygonatum, 308. Polygonum, 284. Pontedeiia, 310. PONTEDERIACE^: (Pickerel - weed Family), 310. Populus, 295. Portulaca, 208. PORTULACACE^E (Purslane Fami- ly), 207. Potato, 266. Potentilla, 222. Potomageton, 302. Poverty Grass, 318. Pragmites, 319. Prairie Rose, 223. Prickly Ash, 212. Prickly Bellflower, 251. Prickly Pear, 232. Prickly Poppy, 197. Prim, 257. PRIMULACE/E (Primrose Family), 256. Prince's Feather, 284. Prince's Pine, 255. Proserpinaca, 228. Prunus, 220. Pumpkin, 232. Purple Candy-tuft, 200. Purple Fleabane, 245. Purple Gerardia, 271. Purple Petunia, 265, Purple Trillium, 305. Purslane, 208. PycnantJiemum, 277. Pytus, 224. Quamoclit, 264. Quercus, 292* Quince, 224. Rabbit's-foot Clover, 218. RANUNCULACE^; (Crowfoot Fami- ly), 191. Ranunculus, 192. RapJianus, 202. Raspberry, 223. Rattlesnake Plantain, 298. Red Ash, 258. Red Baneberry, 194. Red-berried Elder, 239. Red Cedar, 324. Red Clover, 218. Red Corn Spurry, 207. Red Lily, 306. Red Mulberry, 289. Red Oak, 292. Red Pepper, 266. Red Pine, 323. Red-top, 317. Reseda, 203. RESEDACE^E (Mignonette Family), 202. RHAMNACE^E, 213. Rhamnus, 213. Rheum, 283. Rhexia, 229. Rhus, 215. Rhyncospora, 313. Ribes, 226. Ribwort, 281. Ricinus, 288. Rigid Sedge, 314. Robinia, 2 1 8. Rocket, 201. Rock Rose, 204. Roman Wormwood, 249. Rosa, 223. ROSACE/E (Rose Family), 220. Rose Sedge, 314. Rough Aster, 244. Rough Cleavers, 240. Rough Hawk weed, 250. Round-leaved Pyrola, 255. 346 INDEX. Round Rush, 312. RUBIACE^E (Madder Family), 240. Rubus, 222. Rue, 212. Rue Anemone, 192. Rumex, 284. Ruta, 212. RUTACE/E, 212. Rye, 319. Sage, 276. Sage Willow, 295. Sagina, 207. Sagittaria, 301. SALICACE^E (Willow Family), 294. Salix, 295. Salvia, 276. Sambucus, 239. Sandwort, 206. Sangitinaria, 197. Sanicle, 233. Sanicula, 233. SANTALACE^E (Sandalwood Fami- ly), 286. SAPINDACE^;, 214. Saponana^ 206. Sarracenia, 197. SARRACENIACE^E (Pitcher - plant Family), 197. Sarsaparilla, 237. Sassafras, 285. Sassafras, 285. Saxifraga, 225. SAXIFRAGACE^; (Saxifrage Fami- ly), 225. Scape Trefoil, 219. Scarlet Lychnis, 206. Scarlet Oak, 292. Scarlet Pole Bean, 217. Scirpus, 312. Scleranthes, 208. Screw-stem, 260. Scrap Imlaria, 269. ScROPHULARiACE,4-:(Figwort Fam- ily), 267. Sctettflatuii 278. Secale, 319. Sedum, 227. Seedbox, 230. Self-heal, 278. Sempervivum , 227. Senecio, 247. Setaria^ 322. Shad Flower, 224. Shagbark, 291. Sharp-toothed Golden-rod, 246 Sheathed Sedge, 311. Sheep Laurel, 255. Sheep Sorrel, 284. Shepherd's Purse, 199. Showy Orchis, 297. Sicyos, 231. Side-flowering Skullcap, 278. Silene, 205. Silver Maple, 214. Silvery Cinquefoil, 222. Sisymbrium, 201. Stum, 234. Skunk Cabbage, 304. Slender Fescue Grass, 318. Slender Ladies' Tresses, 298. Slender Lobelia, 252. Slender Rush, 310, 312. Slender Sunflower, 246. Slender Swamp Sedge, 313. Slippery Elm, 290. Snake-head, 269. Snapdragon, 269. Snowberry, 239. Snowdrop, 300. Small-flowered Crowfoot, 193. Small Fringed Orchis, 297. Small Magnolia, 194. Small Periwinkle, 259. Small Pinweed, 204. Small St. John's-wort, 208. SMILACE/E (Smilax Family), 309. Smilax, 309. Smooth Aster, 244. Soapwort Gentian, 260. SOLANACE^ (Night-shade Fami- ly), 265. Solatium, 266. Solidago, 245. Solomon's Seal, 308. Sorghttm, 322. Sparganium, 303. Spearmint, 276. Specularia, 252. -Spergula, 207. Spice Bush, 286. Spicy Golden-rod, 245. Spiderwort, 202. Spikenard, 237. Spike Rush, 312. Spinada^ 283. INDEX. 347 Spinage, 283. Spirtza, 221. Spiranthes, 298. Spotted Spurge, 288. Spreading Aster, 244. Spring Beauty, 208. Spurge, 287. Squirrel-corn, 198. Stachys, 279. Staphylea, 215. Star Grass, 301. Star of Bethlehem, 307. Statice, 256. Stellar ia, 206. Stitchwort, 206. St. John's-wort, 208. Stonecrop, 227. Succory, 250. Sugar Maple, 215. Sumach, 215. Sundew, 227. Sunflower, 246. Swamp Huckleberry, 254. Swamp Loosestrife, 229. Swamp Milkweed, 259. Swamp Pink, 254. Swamp Rose, 223. Swamp White Oak, 292. Sweet Alyssum, 201. Sweet Brier, 223. Sweet Fern, 291. Sweet Flag, 304. Sweet Gale, 291. Sweet Vernal Grass, 320. Sweet Viburnum, 239. Sweet William, 206. Symphoiicarpus, 239. Symphytum, 263. Symplocarpus, 304. Syringa, 257. Tall Fescue Grass, 318. Tall Lamb's Quarters, 282. Tall Larkspur, 194. Tall Saxifrage, 225. Tall White Lettuce, 251. Taraxacum, 251. Teazel, 241. Tecoma, 273. Ten-rayed Sunflower, 246. Ten Weeks' Stock, 201. Tephrosia, 218. Thalictrum, 192. Thick-shelled Walnut, 291. Thorn Apple, 266. Three-colored Gilia, 262. Three-cornered Sedge, 314. Three-flowered Cleavers, 240. Three-seeded Mercury, 288. Thuya , 324. Thyme, 277. THYMELEACE/E (Mezereum Farni. ly), 286. Thymus, 277. Tiarella, 225. Tiger Lily, 306. Till a, 210. TILIACE^: (Linden Family), 210. Timothy, 317. Toad-flax, 268. Tobacco, 265. Tomato, 267. Trailing Arbutus, 254. Tfichostema, 280. Trifolium, 218. Triglochin, 301. Trillium, 305. Triosteum, 238. Triticum, 319. Tropceolum, 212. Trumpet Creeper, 273. Trumpet Honeysuckle, 238. x Trumpet-weed, 243. Tulip, 306. Tulipa, 306. Tulip-tree, 195. Turnip, 201. Tussifago t 243. Twig Rush, 313. Twin-Flower, 239. Twin-Leaf, 196. Typha, 303. TYPHACE/E (Cat-tail Family), 303, Ulntts, 289. Umbelled Club Rush, 312. UMBELLIFEILE, 232. Umbrella Leaf, 196. Upright Loosestrife, 256. Urtica, 289. URTICACE/E (Nettle Family), 288. Utricularia, 272. Uvularia, 308. Vaccinium, 253. Variable Aster, 244- 348 INDEX. Various-leaved Pondweed, 302. Veiny Hawkweecl, 250. Velvet Grass, 320. Verbascum, 268. Verbena, 273. VERBENACE/E (Verbena Family), 273- Veronica, 270. Viburnum, 239. Vinca, 259. Viola, 203. VIOLACE^: (Violet Family), 203. Virginia Hedge Hyssop, 270. Virginia Lungwort, 263. Virginia Stonecrop, 227. Virgin's Bower, 192. VITACE^E, 214. Vitis, 214. Waldsteinia, 222. Wall Pepper, 227. Water Arum, 304. Water Avens, 221. Water Carpet, 226. Water Hemlock, 234. Water Hoarhound, 276. Water-melon, 232. Water Milfoil, 228. Water Nymph, 302. Water Pepper, 284. Water Plantain, 301. Water Purslane, 230. \Vater Reed, 319. Water Shield, 196. Weeping Willow, 295. Wheat, 319. White Ash, 258. White Beak Rush, 313. White Birch, 294. White Cedar, 324. White Clover, 218. White Lettuce, 251. White Lily, 306. White Maple, 214. White Oak, 292. White Pigweed, 281. White Pine, 323. White Pond Lily, 196. White Poplar, 295. White-rayed Golden-rod, 245. White Swamp Pink, 254. White Thorn, 223. White Violet, 203. White Water Crowfoot, 193. Whortleberry, 253. Wild Bergamot, 276. Wild Black Cherry, 221. Wild Cucumber, 231. Wild Ginger, 285. Wild Grape, 214. Wild Leek, 307. Wild Lily of the Valley, 308. Wild Millet, 321. Wild Morning-Glory, 264. Wild Pea-vine, 217. Wild Pepper Grass, 200. Wild Plum, 220. Wild Radish, 202. Wild Rose, 223. Wild Rye, 319. Wild Senna, 219. Willow Herb, 230. Wind-Flower, 192. Winged Sedge, 314. Winter Cress, 200. Wistaria, 217. Witch-Hazel, 228. Wood Anemone, 192. Woodbine, 214. Wood Crowfoot, 193. Wood Sorrel, 211. Wormwood, 247. Woundwort, 280. Xanthium, 248. Yarrow, 246. Yellow Dock, 284. Yellow Gerardia, 271. Yellow Henbane, 266. Yellow Ladies' Slipper, 298. Yellow Lily, 306. Yellow Mellilot Clover, 2i& Yellow Pond Lily, 197. Zanthoxylum, 212. Zea, 322. THE END. APPLETONS' SCIENCE TEXT-BOOKS. 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APPLETON & CO., Publishers, NEW YORK, BOSTON, CHICAGO, ATLANTA, SAN FRANCISCO, * BOTANY BY OBSERVATION. SCIENCE PEIMEE OF BOTANY. BY J. D. HOOKER, C. B., P. R. S. FCLLY ILLUSTRATED. ISmo. Flexible cloth. A very interesting and valuable little work, designed to supply an element- ary knowledge of the principal facts of plant-life, together with the means of training beginners in the way to ob- serve plants methodically and accu rately. FIRST BOOK OF BOTANY. BY ELIZA A. YOUMANS. Designed to Cultivate the Observ- ing and Reasoning Powers of Children. The trne objective method applied to elementary science-teaching. Plants themselves are the objects of Btudy. Tne pupil is told very little, and from the beginning throughout he is sent to the plant to get hit* knowledge of the plant. DESCRIPTIVE BOTANY. BY ELIZA A. YOUMANS. A Practical Guide to the Classifica- tion of Plants, with a Popular Flora. Introduces the pupil to tbe study of Botany by the direct observation of vegetable forms. This book takes the place of the au- thor's "Second Book of Botany." but provides a complete course in itself, no other book being necessary. PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. BY ROBERT BEXTLEY, F. L. S., Prof, of Botany in King's College, Lond. Prepared as a Sequel to " Descrip- tive Botany," by Eliza A. Youmans. HENSLOW'S BOTANICAL CHARTS. Thoroughly Modified and Adapted for Use in the United States, by Eliza A. Youmans. Designed to give an elementary ac- count of Structural and Physiological Botany, or of the inner and minute mechanism and activities of plants. It treats of what the parts of a plant are built up, and what functions they perform In its history as a living being. Six Charts mounted on rollers, con- taining nearly five hundred figures colored to the life, which represent twenty-four orders and more than forty species of plants. An invaluable aid in making the study of Botany interest- ing and attractive. New York : D. APPLETON & CO., 1, 3, & 5 Bond Street HENSLOWS BOTANICAL CHARTS. Modified and adapted for Use in the United States, By ELJZA A. YOUMANS. One of the most attractive, interesting, and instructive accessories for the school-room ever published. A diagram system of illustration, as an aid in teaching a subject like botany, is o valuable that the publishers have been induced, at the risk of heavy expense, to issue this series of charts for school use. In the plan of illustration adopted, the plant is first represented in its natural size and colors ; then a magnified section of its flowers is given, showing the relations of the parts to each other, and also mag- nified views of the different floral organs. The charts contain nearly five hundred figures colored to the life, and which represent twenty-four orders and more than forty species of plants, showing a great variety of forms and structures of leaf, stem, root, flower, fruit, and seed. The Charts are not designed to supersede the study of plants, but only to facilitate it. Their office is the same as the illustrations of the book ; but they are more perfect, and bring the pupil a step nearer to the objects themselves. Many plant characters are so minute that they are difficult to find, and much is gained by referring first to the enlarged and colored representations. Besides this special assistance in object- study, they will be of great value in bringing into a narrow compass a complete view of the structures and relations of the leading types of the vegetable kingdom. While individual characters are distinctly shown, they are brought collectively before the eye, so as to be readily com- pared and contrasted with each other. As the natural objects are im- aged with such fullness and truthfulness of detail, they will be found equally valuable to the beginner, the intermediate pupil, and the ad- vanced student equally useful in helping to a knowledge of the rudi- ments, and in guiding to the higher classifications of the science. They can be used with any botanical text-books, and during the season of plants they should be upon the walls of every school-room where botany is studied. D. APPLETON & CO., PUBLISHERS, 1, 3, & 5 BOND STREET, N. Y. OUR PLACE IN SPACE I ASTRONOMY BY OBSERVATION. By ELIZA A. BOW EN. 4to. 90 pages. AN elementary text-book for High-Schools and Academies, based on the most practical and interesting method of studying the subject that of observation. To assist the pupil in his work, careful directions are given when, how, and where to find the heavenly bodies ; also-for observ- ing, in entertaining and instructive ways, the characteristics and phenom- ena of the constellations. Their motions are described in familiar language, in the order in which they can be seen by an observer. The large quarto pages admit maps and views on a scale that will give a clear conception of the vast expanse of the celestial regions. LOCKYER'S ELEMENTS OF ASTRONOMY. Accompanied with numerous Illustrations, a Colored Representa- tion of the Solar, Stellar, and Nebular Spectra, and Arago's Celestial Charts of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. American edition, revised and enlarged, and specially adapted to the wants of American schools. 12mo. 312 pages. The author's aim throughout the book has been to give a connected view of the whole subject rather than to discuss any particular parts of it, and to supply facts and ideas founded thereon, to serve as a basis for subsequent study. The fine STAR-MAPS OF ARAGO, showing the boundaries of the constellations and the principal stars they contain, are appended to the volume. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, NEW YORK, BOSTON, CHICAGO, ATLANTA, SAN FRANCISCO. FOR ELEMENTARY SCIENCE STUDY. HOW WE LIVE; OR, THE HUMAX BODY, AND HOW TO TAKE CARE OF IT. An Elementary Course in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. By JAMES JOHONNOT, EUGENE BOCTON, Ph. D., and HENRY D. DIDAMA, M.D. A text-book thoroughly adapted to elementary instruction in the public schools, Driving special attention to the laws of Hygiene (including the eflects of alcohol), with a special chapter on Alcohol and Narcotics by Dr. Didama. INTRODUCTION PRICE, 40 cents. FIRST BOOK OF CHEMISTRY. By MA.RY SHAW-BREWSTER. A course of simple experiments for beginners, giving great prominence to practical work by the pupil. The experiments are of, the most elementary char- acter, and the simplest apparatus is employed. INTRODUCTION PRICE, 66 cents. FIRST BOOK OF BOTANY. Designed to Cultivate the Observing Powers of Children. By ELIZA A. YOUMANS. Revised edition. 12mo. 158 pages. In this book the true objective method is applied to elementary science- teaching. Plants themselves are the object? of study, and the knowledge thus gained becomes at once accurate and of practical value as a preparation for study in other departments of science. INTRODUCTION PRICE, 64 cents. FIRST BOOK OF ZOOLOGY. By EDWARD S. MORSE, Ph. D., formerly Professor of Comparative Anat- omy and Zoology in Bowdoin College. 12mo. 190 pages. Professor Morse has adapted this First Book of ZoOlojry to the pupils of the United States. The examples presented for study are such as are common and familiar to every school-boy as snails, insects, spiders, worms, mollusks, etc. INTRODUCTION PRICE, 87 cents. Sample copies will be mailed, post-paid, to teachers or school-officers, for exami- nation, at the introduction price. Send for full descrijjtive circulars, catalogue, 'Educational Notes," etc. D. 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Exercise-Books A, B, and C, make Movement practicable for public schools. Graded Exercise-Books A (primary drill-book), B, and C (grammar grades, high-schools, and business colleges), contain a series of exercises calculated to train the muscles of the arm and hand, producing the true writing-movement. Practical drills upon all possible combinations of letters. They are designed to supple- ment the regular writing-book. Business Forms, i. 2, and 3, contain all kinds of business and social forms, blank checks, receipts, etc., etc. Business forms and let- ters contained in these books are the joint product of some of the leading educators and business men of this country. Designed for the upper grades, high-schools, and business colleges, these books are a valuable addition to our popular system, and a long step in the right direction. Teachers will find it to their interest to examine these books, and they are accordingly invited to correspond ivith the publishers. D. 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Professor Trowbridge's NEW PHYSICS is a successful and complete refutation of the fallacy which has long prevailed among those who adhere exclusively to the classics for purposes of mental discipline. Its text shows that the mastery of certain definite and proportionate requirements in the sciences, as requisites for college admission, calling for definite attainment before entrance upon a collegiate course of study, will furnish, in due proportion, that mental training and development which are a necessary preparation for the broader training of the college curriculum. THE NEW PHYSICS is also adapted to the use of colleges and special training-schools, and will be found a convenient and practical text-book for such institutions. For sale by all booksellers ; or sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price. New York: D. 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