POPULAR SCIENTIFIC HELMHOLTZ POPULAR LECTURES ON SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS. Just published, in 1 vol. uniform. HELMHOLTZ'S POPULAR LECTURES on SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS, SECOND SERIES, translated by E. ATKINSON, Ph.D. F.C.S. With numerous Woodcuts. Crown 8vo. price 7*. Gd. LIST of the LECTURES : I. Gnstav Magnus ; In Memoriam. II. On the Origin and Significance of Geometrical Axioms.-lII. Optics in its Relation to Painting. 1, Form ; , Shade ; 8, Colour ; 4, Harmony of Colour -IV. On the Forma- tion of the Planetary System. -V. On the Freedom of Academical Teaching. VI. On Thought in Medicine. HELMHOLTZ on the SENSATIONS of TONE as a Physio- logical Basis for the Theory of Music. Translated, with the Author's sanction, from the Third German Edition, with Additional Notes and an Additional Appendix, by ALEXANDER J. ELLIS, F.R.S. &c. 8vo. price 36*. ft is hardly too much to say that this volume far exceeds in value any and every rimilar work.' ORCHESTRA. ' The most important contribution tmpor, to the science of music which has at any period been received from a sin/tie source.' MUSICAL STANDARD. The present book supersedes all other treatises on the physics of musical sound and the necessary relations of this to systems of melody ""'"PALL MALL GAZETTE. ' It is unnecessary for us to say that this famous book will be wel- comed alike by the physicist, the acoustician, and the musician. It is one of the most original works of the second half of this century.' QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. London, LONGMANS & CO. BxLibria C. K. OGDEtf POPULAR LECTURES ON SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS. BY H. HELMHOLTZ, PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS EST THE UMVEliSITT OF BERLIN. TRANSLATED BY E. ATKINSON, PH.D. F.C.S. PROFESSOR OF EX PE RIMKNT A I, SCIENCE, STAFF COLLEGE. FIRST SERIES. WITH AN INTRODUCTION by PROFESSOR TTNDALL (fcbitian. LONDON : LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1881. All rights reserved. Q T-r >>-> A -0V - ^ - SANTA E H1-7 TEANSLATOE'S PEEFACE. IN bringing this Translation of Helmholtz's Popular Scientific Lectures before the public, I have to thank Mr. A. J. Ellis for having placed at the disposal of the Publishers the translation of the third Lecture ; and also Dr. Francis, the Editor of the * Philosophical Magazine,' for giving me permission to use the translation of the fifth Lecture, which originally appeared in that Journal. In addition to the Editorial charge of the book, my own task has been limited to the translation of two of the Lectures. I should have hesitated to undertake the work, had I not from the outset been able to rely upon the aid of several gentlemen whose names are appended to the Contents. One advantage gained from this division of labour is, that the publication of the work has been accelerated; but a far more important benefit has been secured to it, in the co-operation of translators who have brought to the execution of their task special knowledge of their respective subjects. E. ATKINSON. AUTHOE'S PBEFACE. IN COMPLIANCE with many requests, I beg to offer to the public a series of popular Lectures which I have delivered on various occasions. They are designed for readers who, without being professionally occupied with the study of Natural Science, are yet interested in the scientific results of such studies. The difficulty, felt so strongly in printed scientific lectures, namely, that the reader cannot see the experiments, has in the present case been materially lessened by the numerous illustrations which the publishers have liberally furnished. The first and second Lectures have already appeared in print ; the first in a university programme, which, how- ever, was not published. The second appeared in the 'Kieler Monatsschrift' for May, 1853, but, owing to the restricted circulation of that journal, became but little known ; both have, accordingly, been reprinted. The third and fourth Lectures have not previously appeared. These Lectures, called forth as they have been by incidental occasions, have not, of course, been composed in accordance with a rigidly uniform plan. Each of them has been kept perfectly independent of the others. Hence viii AUTHOR'S PREFACE. some amount of repetition has been unavoidable, and the first four may perhaps seem somewhat confusedly thrown together. If I may claim that they have any leading thought, it would be that I have endeavoured to illustrate the essence and the import of Natural laws, and their relation to the mental activity of man. This seems to me the chief interest and the chief need in Lectures before a public whose education has been mainly literary. I have but little to remark with reference to individual Lectures. The set of Lectures which treat of the Theory of Vision have been already published in the * Preussische Jahrbiicher,' and have acquired, therefore, more of the character of Eeview articles. As it was possible in this second reprint to render many points clearer by illustrations, I have introduced a number of woodcuts, and inserted in the text the necessary explan- ations. A few other small alterations have originated in my having availed myself of the results of new series of experiments. The fifth Lecture, on the Interaction of Natural Forces, originally published sixteen years ago, could not be left entirely unaltered in this reprint. Yet the alter- ations have been as slight as possible, and have merely been such as have become necessary by new experimental facts, which partly confirm the statements originally made and partly modify them. The seventh Lecture, on the Conservation of Force, developes still further a portion of the fifth. Its main object is to elucidate the cardinal physical ideas of work, and of its unalterability. The applications and conse- AUTHOR'S PREFACE. ix quences of the law of the Conservation of Force are com- paratively more easy to grasp. They have in recent times been treated by several persons in a vivid and interesting manner, so that it seemed unnecessary to publish the cor- responding part of the cycle of lectures which I delivered on this subject; the more so as some of the more important subjects to be discussed will, perhaps in the immediate future, be capable of more definite treatment than is at present possible. On the other hand, I have invariably found that the fundamental ideas of this subject always appear difficult of comprehension not only to those who have not passed through the school of mathematical mechanics ; but even to those who attack the subject with diligence and in- telligence, and who possess a tolerable acquaintance with natural science. It is not to be denied that these ideas are abstractions of a quite peculiar kind. Even such a mind as that of Kant found difficulty in comprehending them; as is shown by his controversy with Leibnitz. Hence I thought it worth while to furnish in a popular form an explanation of these ideas, by referring them to many of the better known mechanical and physical ex- amples ; and therefore I have only for the present given the first Lecture of that series which is devoted to this object. The last Lecture was the opening address for the ' Naturforscher-Versammlung,' in Innsbruck. It was not delivered from a complete manuscript, but from brief notes, and was not written out until a year after. The present form has, therefore, no claim to be considered an x AUTHOR'S PREFACE. accurate reproduction of that address. I have added it to the present collection, for in it I have treated briefly what is more fully discussed in the other articles. Its title to the place which it occupies lies in the fact that it attempts to bring the views enunciated in the preceding Lectures into a more complete and more comprehensive whole. In conclusion, I hope that these Lectures may meet with that forbearance which lectures always require when they are not heard, but are read in print. THE AUTHOE. CONTENTS. LECTURE PAGE I. ON THE RELATION OP NATURAL SCIENCE TO SCIENCE IN GENERAL. Translated by H. W. EVE, Esq., M.A., F.C.S., Wellington College 1 II. ON GOETHE'S SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES. Translated by H. W. EVE, Esq 29 III. ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CAUSES OF HARMONY IN Music. Translated by A. J. ELLIS, Esq., M.A., F.R.S. . . .53 IV. ICE AND GLACIERS. Translated by Dr. ATKINSON, F.C.S., Professor of Experimental Science, Staff College ... 95 V. ON THE INTERACTION OF THE NATURAL FORCES. Translated by Professor TYNDALL, LL.D., F.R.S 137 VI. THE RECENT PROGRESS OF THE THEORY OF VISION. Translated by Dr. PYE-SMITH, B.A., F.R.C.P., Guy's Hospital . i. The Eye as an Optical Instrument . . . .175 ii. The Sensation of Sight 202 in. The Perception of Sight 237 VII. ON THE CONSERVATION OF FOKCE. Translated by Dr. AT- KINSON 277 VIII. ON THE AIM AND PROGRESS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE. Translated by Dr. W. FLIGHT, F.C.S., British Museum . . .319 INTBODUCTION. IN the year 1850, -when I -was a student in the University of Marburg, it was my privilege to translate for the 'Philosophical Magazine' the celebrated memoirs of Clausius, then just pub- lished, on the Moving Force of Heat. In 1851, through the liberal courtesy of the late Professor Magnus, I was enabled to pursue my scientific labours in his laboratory in Berlin. One evening during my residence there my friend Dr. Du Bois-Eaymond put a pamphlet into my hands, remarking that it was 'the production of the first head in Europe since the death of Jacobi,' and that it ought to be translated into English. Soon after my return to England I translated the essay and published it in the 'Scientific Memoirs,' then brought out under the joint-editorship of Huxley, Henfrey, Francis, and myself. This essay, which was communicated in 1847 to the Physical Society of Berlin, has become sufficiently famous since. It was entitled 'Die Erhaltung der Kraft,' and its author was Helmholtz, originally Military Physician in the Prussian service, afterwards Professor of Physiology in the Universities of Konigsberg and Heidelberg, and now Professor of Physics in the University of Berlin. Brought thus face to face with the great generalisation of the Conservation of Energy, I sought, to the best of my ability, to master it by independent thought in all its physical details. I could not forget my indebtedness to Helmholtz and Clausius, XIV INTRODUCTION. or fail to see the probable influence of their writings on the science of the coming time. For many years, therefore, it was my habit to place every physical paper published by these eminent men within the reach of purely English readers. The translation of the lecture on the ' Wechselwirkung der Naturkrafte/ printed in the following series, had this origin. It appears here with the latest emendations of the author introduced by Dr. Atkinson. The evident aim of these Lectures is to give to those 'whose education has been mainly literary,' an intelligent interest in the researches of science. Even among such persons the reputation of Helmholtz is so great as to render it almost super- fluous for me to say that the intellectual nutriment here offered is of the very first quality. Soon after the publication of the 'Tonempfindungen' by Helmholtz, I endeavoured to interest the Messrs. Longman in the work, urging that the publication of a translation of it would be an honour to their house. They went carefully into the question of expense, took sage counsel regarding the probable sale, and came reluctantly to the conclusion that it would not be remunerative. 1 I then recommended the translation of these ' Populare Vortrage,' and to this the eminent publishers imme- diately agreed. Hence the present volume, brought out under the editorship of Dr. Atkinson, of the Staff 4 College, Sandhurst. The names of the translators are, I think, a guarantee that their work will be worthy of their original. JOHN TYNDALL. ROTAL INSTITUTION: March 1873. 1 Since the date of the foregoing letter from Professor Tyndall, Messrs. Longman & Co. have made arrangements for the translation of Helmholtz's Tonempjindungen, by Mr. Alexander J. Ellis, F.R.S. &c. OX THE EELATION OF NATUEAL SCIENCE 1 TO GENERAL SCIENCE. Academical Discourse delivered at Heidelberg, November 22, 1862, BY DK. H. HELMHOLTZ, SOMETIME TROKECTOK. TO-DAY we are met, according to annual custom, in grateful commemoration of an enlightened sovereign of this kingdom, Charles Frederick, who, in an age when the ancient fabric of European society seemed tottering to its fall, strove, with lofty purpose and untiring zeal, to promote the welfare of his sub- jects, and, above all, their moral and intellectual development- Kightly did he judge that by no means could he more effectually realise this beneficent intention than by the revival and the encouragement of this University. Speaking, as I do, on such an occasion, at once in the name and in the presence of the whole University, I have thought it well to try and take, as far 1 The Gorman word Naturwissunschaft has no exact equivalent in modern English, including, as it does, both the Physical and the Natural Sciences. Curiously enough, in the original charter of the Royal Society, the phrase Natural Knowledge covers the same ground, but is there used in opposition to supernatural knowledge. (Note in Buckle's Civilisation, vol. ii. p. 341.) TR. 2 ON THE RELATION OF a* is permitted by the narrow standpoint of a single student a general view of the connection of the several sciences, and c their study. It may, indeed, be thought that, at the present day, those relations between the different sciences which have led us to combine them under the name Universitas Litterarum, have become looser than ever. We see scholars and scientific men absorbed in specialities of such vast extent, that the most universal genius cannot hope to master more than a small section of our present range of knowledge. For instance, the philologists of the last three centuries found ample occupation in the study of Greek and Latin ; at best they added to it the knowledge of two or three European languages, acquired for practical purposes. But now comparative philology aims at nothing less than an acquaintance with all the languages of all branches of the human family, in order to deduce from them the laws by which language itself has been formed, and to this gigantic task it has already applied itself with superhuman industry. Even classical philology is no longer restricted to the study of those works which, by their artistic perfection and precision of thought, or because of the importance of their contents, have become models of prose and poetry to all ages. On the contrary, we have learnt that every lost fragment of an ancient author, every gloss of a pedantic grammarian, every allusion of a Byzantine court-poet, every broken tombstone found in the wilds of Hungary or Spain or Africa, may con- tribute a fresh fact, or fresh evidence, and thus serve to increase our knowledge of the past. And so another group of scholars are busy with the vast scheme of collecting and cataloguing, for the use of their successors, every available relic of classical antiquity. Add to this, in history, the study of original documents, the critical examination of parchments and papers accumulated in the archives of states and of towns ; the combination of details scattered up and down in memoirs, in correspondence, and in biographies ; the deciphering of hieroglyphics and cuneiform in- scriptions; in natural history the more and more comprehensive classification of minerals, plants, and animals, as well living as NATURAL SCIENCE TO GENERAL SCIENCE. 3 extinct; and there opens out before us an expanse of knowledge the contemplation of which may well bewilder us. In all these sciences the range of investigation widens as fast as the means of obser- vation improve. The zoologists of past times were content to have described the teeth, the hair, the feet, and other external characteristics of an animal. The anatomist, on the other hand, confined himself to human anatomy, so far as he could make it out by the help of the knife, the saw, and the scalpel, with the occasional aid of injections of the vessels. Human anatomy then passed for an unusually extensive and difficult study. Now we are no longer satisfied with the comparatively rough science which bore the name of human anatomy, and which, though without reason, was thought to be almost exhausted. We have added to it comparative anatomy that is, the anatomy of all animals and microscopic anatomy, both of them sciences of infinitely wider range, which now absorb the interest of students. The four elements of the ancients and of mediaeval alchemy have been increased to sixty-four, the last four of which are due to a method invented in our own University, which pro- mises still further discoveries. l But not merely is the number of the elements far greater, the methods of producing compli- cated combinations of them have been so vastly improved, that what is called organic chemistry, which embraces only com- pounds of carbon with oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and a few other elements, has already taken rank as an independent science. ' As the stars of heaven for multitude ' was in ancient times the natural expression for a number beyond our comprehension, Pliny even thinks it almost presumption (' rem etiam Deo im- probam') on the part of Hipparchus to have undertaken to count the stars and to determine their relative positions. And yet none of the catalogues up to the seventeenth centuiy, con- structed without the aid of telescopes, give more than from 1 That is the method of spectrum analysis, due to Bunscn and Kirchoft', both of Heidelberg. The elements alluded to are caesium, rubidium, thallium, and iridium. B2 4 ON THK RELATION OF 1,000 to 1,500 stars of magnitudes from the first to the fifth. At present several observatories are engaged in continuing these catalogues down to stars of the tenth magnitude ; so that up- wards of 200,000 fixed stars are to be catalogued and their places accurately determined. The immediate result of these obser- vations has been the discovery of a great number of new planets; so that, instead of the six known in 1781, there are now seventy-five. 1 The contemplation of this astounding activity in all branches of science may well make us stand aghast at the audacity of man, and exclaim with the Chorus in the ' Antigone ' : ' Who can survey the whole field of knowledge 1 Who can grasp the clues, and then thread the labyrinth 1 ' One obvious consequence of this vast extension of the limits of science is, that every student is forced to choose a narrower and narrower field for his own studies, and can only keep up an imperfect acquaintance even with allied fields of research. It almost raises a smile to hear that in the seventeenth century Kepler was invited to Gratz as professor of mathematics and moral philosophy : and that at Leyden, in the beginning of the eighteenth, Boerhave occupied at the same time the chairs of botany, chemistry, and clinical medicine, and therefore practically that of pharmacy as well. At present we require at least four professors, or, in an university with its full complement of teachers, seven or eight, to represent all these branches of science. And the same is true of other faculties. One of my strongest motives for discussing to-day the con- nection of the different sciences is that I am myself a student of natural philosophy; and that it has been made of late a reproach against natural philosophy that it has struck out a path of its own, and has separated itself more and more widely from the other sciences which are united by common philological and historical studies. This opposition has, in fact, been long apparent, and seems to me to have grown up mainly under the influence of the Hegelian philosophy, or, at any rate, to have 1 At the end of November 1864, the 82nd of the small planets, Alcmene, was discovered. There are now 109. NATURAL SCIENCE TO GENERAL SCIENCE. 5 been brought out into more distinct relief by that philosophy. Certainly, at the end of the last century, when the Kantian philosophy reigned supreme, such a schism had never been pro- claimed; on the contrary, Kant's philosophy rested on exactly the same ground as the physical sciences, as is evident from his own scientific works, especially from his 'Cosmogony,' based upon Newton's Law of Gravitation, which afterwards, under the name of Laplace's Nebular Hypothesis, came to be uni- versally recognised. The sole object of Kant's 'Critical Phi- losophy ' was to test the sources and the authority of our knowledge, and to fix a definite scope and standard for the researches of philosophy, as compared with other sciences. According to his teaching, a principle discovered a priori by pure thought was a rule applicable to the method of pure thought, and nothing further ; it could contain no real, positive knowledge. The ' Philosophy of Identity ' l was bolder. It started with the hypothesis that not only spiritual phenomena, but even the actual world nature, that is, and man were the result of an act of thought on the part of a creative mind, similar, it was supposed, in kind to the human mind. On this hypothesis it seemed competent for the human mind, even with- out the guidance of external experience, to think over again the thoughts of the Creator, and to rediscover them by its own inner activity. Such was the view with which the ' Philosophy of Identity' set to work to construct a priori the results of other sciences. The process might be more or less successful in matters of theology, law, politics, language, art, history, in short, in all sciences the subject-matter of which really grows out of our moral nature, and which are therefore properly classed together under the name of moral sciences. The state, the church, art and language, exist in order to satisfy certain moral needs of man. Accordingly, whatever obstacles nature, or chance, or the rivalry of other men may interpose, the eiforts of the human mind to satisfy its needs, being systematically directed to one end, must eventually triumph over all such fortuitous 1 So called because it proclaimed the identity not only of subject and object, but of contradictories, such as existence and non-existence. Til. 6 ON THE RELATION OF hindrances. Under these circumstances, it would not be a downright impossibility for a philosopher, starting from an exact knowledge of the mind, to predict the general course of human development under the above-named conditions, especially if he has before his eyes a basis of observed facts, on which to build his abstractions. Moreover, Hegel was materially assisted, in his attempt to solve this problem, by the profound and philo- sophical views on historical and scientific subjects with which the writings of his immediate predecessors, both poets and phi- losophers, abound. He had, for the most part, only to collect and combine them, in order to produce a system calculated to impress people by a number of acute and original observations. He thus succeeded in gaining the enthusiastic approval of most of the educated men of his time, and in raising extravagantly sanguine hopes of solving the deepest enigma of human life ; all the more sanguine doubtless, as the connection of his system was disguised under a strangely abstract phraseology, and was perhaps really understood by but few of his worshippers. But even granting that Hegel was more or less successful in constructing, a priori, the leading results of the moral sciences, still it was no proof of the correctness of the hypothesis of Identity, with which he started. The facts of nature would have been the crucial test. That in the moral sciences traces of the activity of the human intellect and of the several stages of its development should present themselves, was a matter of course ; but surely, if nature really reflected the result of the thought of a creative mind, the system ought, without difficulty, to find a place for her comparatively simple phenomena and processes. It was at this point that Hegel's philosophy, we venture to say, utterly broke down. His system of nature seemed, at least to natural philosophers, absolutely crazy. Of all the distinguished scientific men who were his contem- poraries, not one was found to stand up for his ideas. Accord- ingly, Hegel himself, convinced of the importance of winning for his philosophy in the field of physical science that recog- nition which had been so freely accorded to it elsewhere, launched out, with unusual vehemence and acrimony, against NATURAL SCIENCE TO GENERAL SCIENCE. 7 the natural philosophers, and especially against Sir Isaac Newton, as the first and greatest representative of physical investigation. The philosophers accused the scientific men of narrowness; the scientific men retorted that the philosophers were crazy. And so it came about that men of science began to lay some stress on the banishment of all philosophic influences from their work ; while some of them, including men of the greatest acuteness, went so far as to condemn philosophy altogether, not merely as useless, but as mischievous dreaming. Thus, it must be con- fessed, not only were the illegitimate pretensions of the Hegelian system to subordinate to itself all other studies rejected, but no- regard was paid to the rightful claims of philosophy, that is, the criticism of the sources of cognition, and the definition of the functions of the intellect. In the moral sciences the course of things was different, though it ultimately led to almost the same result. In all branches of those studies, in theology, politics, jurisprudence, aesthetics, philology, there started up enthusiastic Hegelians, who tried to reform their several departments in accordance with the doctrines of their master, and, by the royal road of speculation, to reach at once the promised land and gather in the harvest, which had hitherto only been approached by long and laborious study. And so, for some time, a hard and fast line was drawn between the moral and the physical sciences ; in fact, the very name of science was often denied to the latter. The feud did not long subsist in its original intensity. The physical sciences proved conspicuously, by a brilliant series of discoveries and practical applications, that they contained a healthy germ of extraordinary fertility ; it was impossible any longer to withhold from them recognition and respect. And even in other departments of science, conscientious investigators- of facts soon protested against the over-bold flights of specu- lation. Still, it cannot be overlooked that the philosophy of Hegel and Schelling did exercise a beneficial influence ; since their time the attention of investigators in the moral sciences had been constantly and more keenly directed to the scope of those 8 ON THE RELATION OF sciences, and to their intellectual contents, and therefore the great amount of labour bestowed on those systems has not been entirely thrown away. We see, then, that in proportion as the experimental inves- tigation of facts has recovered its importance in the moral sciences, the opposition between them and the physical sciences has become less and less marked. Yet we must not forget that, though this opposition was brought out in an unnecessarily exaggerated form by the Hegelian philosophy, it has its founda- tion in the nature of things, and must, sooner or later, make itself felt. It depends partly on the nature of the intellectual processes the two groups of sciences involve, partly, as their very names imply, on the subjects of which they treat. It is not easy for a scientific man to convey to a scholar or a jurist a clear idea of a complicated process of nature ; he must demand of them a certain power of abstraction from the phenomena, as well as a certain skill in the use of geometrical and mechanical conceptions, in which it is difficult for them to follow him. On the other hand an artist or a theologian will perhaps find the natural philosopher too much inclined to mechanical and material explanations, which seem to them commonplace, and chilling to their feeling and enthusiasm. Nor will the scholar or the historian, who have some common ground with the theologian and the jurist, fare better with the natural philo- sopher. They will find him shockingly indifferent to literary treasures, perhaps even more indifferent than he ought to be to the history of his own science. In short, there is no denying that, while the moral sciences deal directly with the nearest and dearest interests of the human mind, and with the insti- txitions it has brought into being, the natural sciences are con- cerned with dead, indifferent matter, obviously indispensable for the sake of its practical utility, but apparently without any immediate bearing on the cultivation of the intellect. It has been shown, then, that the sciences have branched out into countless ramifications, that there has grown up between different groups of them a real and deeply felt opposi- tion, that finally no single intellect can embrace the whole range NATURAL SCIENCE TO GENERAL SCIENCE. or even a considerable portion of it. Is it still reasonable to keep them together in one place of education ? Is the union of the four faculties to form one University a mere relic of the Middle Ages 1 Many valid arguments have been adduced for separating them. Why not dismiss the medical faculty to the hospitals of our great towns, the scientific men to the Poly- technic Schools, and form special seminaries for the theologians and jurists? Long may the German universities be preserved from such a fate ! Then, indeed, would the connection between the different sciences be finally broken. How essential that connection is, not only from an university point of view, as tending to keep alive the intellectual energy of the country, but also on material grounds, to secure the successful application of that energy, will be evident from a few considerations. First, then, I would say that union of the different faculties is necessary to maintain a healthy equilibrium among the in- tellectual energies of students. Each study tries certain of our intellectual faculties more than the rest, and strengthens them accordingly by constant exercise. But any sort of one-sided development is attended with danger ; it disqualifies us for using those faculties that are less exercised, and so renders us less capable of a general view ; above all it leads us to overvalue ourselves. Any one who has found himself much more suc- cessful than others in some one department of intellectual labour, is apt to forget that there are many other things which they can do better than he can : a mistake I would have every student remember which is the worst enemy of all intellectual activity. How many men of ability have forgotten to practise that criticism of themselves which is so essential to the student, and so hard to exercise, or have been completely crippled in their progress, because they have thought dry, laborious drudgery beneath them, and have devoted all their energies to the quest of brilliant theories and wonder-working discoveries ! How many such men have become bitter misanthropes, and put an end to a melancholy existence, because they have failed to obtain among their fellows that recognition which must be won by 10 ON THE RELATION OF labour and results, but which is ever withheld from mere self-con- scious genius ! And the more isolated a man is, the more liable is he to this danger ; while, on the other hand, nothing is more inspiriting than to feel yourself forced to strain every nerve to win the admiration of men whom you, in your turn, must admire. In comparing the intellectual processes involved in the pursuit of the several branches of science, we are struck by certain generic differences, dividing one group of sciences from another. At the same time it must not be forgotten that every man of conspicuous ability has his own special mental constitution which fits him for one line of thought rather than another. Compare the work of two contemporary investigators even in closely allied branches of science, and you will generally be able to convince yourself that the more distinguished tlfe men are the more clearly does their individuality come out, and the less qualified would either of them be to canyon the other's researches. To-day I can, of course, do nothing more than characterise some of the most general of these differences. I have already noticed the enormous mass of the materials accumulated by science. It is obvious that the organisation- and arrangement of them must be proportionately perfect, if we are not to be hopelessly lost in the maze of erudition. One of the reasons why we can so far surpass our predecessors in each individual study is that they have shown us how to organise our knowledge. This organisation consists, in the first place, of a mechanical arrangement of materials, such as is to be found in our cata- logues, lexicons, registers, indexes, digests, scientific and literary annuals, systems of natural history, and the like. By these appliances thus much at least is gained, that such know- ledge as cannot be carried about in the memory is immedi- ately accessible to anyone who wants it. With a good lexicon a school-boy of the present day can achieve results in the inter- pretation of the classics which an Erasmus, with the erudition of a lifetime, could hardly attain. Works of this kind form, so to speak, our intellectual principal with the interest of which we trade : it is, so to speak, like capital invested in land. The NATURAL SCIENCE TO GENERAL SCIENCE. 11 learning buried in catalogues, lexicons, and indexes looks as bare and uninviting as the soil of a farm ; the uninitiated cannot see or appreciate the labour and capital already invested there ; to them the work of the ploughman seems infinitely dull, weary, and monotonous. But though the compiler of a lexicon or of a system of natural history must be prepared to encounter labour as weary and as obstinate as the ploughman's, yet it need not be supposed that his work is of a low type, or that it is by any means as dry and mechanical as it looks when we have it before us in black and white. In this, as in any other sort of scientific work, it is necessary to discover every fact by careful observation, then to verify and collate them, and to separate what is important from what is not. All this requires a man with a thorough grasp both of the object of the compilation and of the matter and methods of the science; and for such a man every detail has its bearing on the whole, and its special interest. Otherwise dictionary-making would be the vilest drudgery imaginable. 1 That the influence of the progressive development of scientific ideas extends to these works is obvious from the constant demand for new lexicons, new natural histories, new digests, new catalogues of stars, all denoting advancement in the art of methodising and organising science. But our knowledge is not to lie dormant in the shape of catalogues. The very fact that we must carry it about in black and white shows that our intellectual mastery of it is incomplete. It is not enough to be acquainted with the facts; scientific knowledge begins only when their laws and their causes are un- veiled. Our materials must be worked up by a logical process ; and the first step is to connect like with like, and to elaborate a general conception embracing them all. Such a conception, as the name implies, takes a number of single facts together, and stands as their representative in our mind. We call it a general conception, or the conception of a genus, when it embraces a number of existing objects; we call it a law when it embraces a series of incidents or occurrences. When, for example, I have 1 Condcndnque lexica mnndat damnatis. Tit. 12 ON THE RELATION OK made out that all mammals that is, all warm-blooded, vivi- parous animals breathe through lungs, have two chambers in the heart, and at least three tympanal bones, I need no longer remember these anatomical peculiarities in the individual cases of the monkey, the dog, the horse, and the whale; the general rule includes a vast number of single instances, and represents them in my memory. When I enunciate the law of refraction, not only does this law embrace all cases of rays falling at all possible angles on a plane surface of water, and inform me of the result, but it includes all cases of rays of any colour incident on transparent surfaces of any form and any constitution what- soever. This law, therefore, includes an infinite number of cases, which it would have been absolutely impossible to carry in one's memoiy. Moreover, it should be noticed that not only does this law include the cases which we ourselves or other men have already observed, but that we shall not hesitate to apply it to new cases, not yet observed, with absolute confidence in the reliability of our results. In the same way, if we were to find a new species of mammal, not yet dissected, we are entitled to assume, with a confidence bordering on a certainty, that it has lungs, two chambers in the heart, and three or more tympanal bones. Thus, when we combine the results of experience by a pro- cess of thought, and form conceptions, whether general concep- tions or laws, we not only bring our knowledge into a form in which it can be easily used and easily retained, but we actually enlarge it, inasmuch as we feel ourselves entitled to extend the rules and the laws we have discovered to all similar cases that may be hereafter presented to us. The above-mentioned examples are of a class in which the mental process of combining a number of single cases so as to form conceptions is unattended by farther difficulties, and can be distinctly followed in all its stages. But in complicated cases it is not so easy completely to separate like facts from unlike, and to combine them into a clear well-defined conception. Assume that we know a man to be ambitious ; we shall perhaps be able to predict with tolerable certainty that if he has to act under NATURAL SCIENCE TO GENERAL SCIENCE. 13 certain conditions, he will follow the dictates of his ambition, and decide on a certain line of action. But, in the first place,, we cannot define with absolute precision what constitutes an ambitious man, or by what standard the intensity of his ambition is to be measured: nor, again, can we say precisely what degree of ambition must operate in order to impress the given direction on the actions of the man under those particular circumstances. Accordingly, we institute comparisons between the actions of the man in question, as far as we have hitherto observed them, and those of other men who in similar cases have acted as he has done, and we draw our inference respecting his future actions without being able to express either the major or the minor pre- miss in a clear, sharply defined form perhaps even without hav- ing convinced ourselves that our anticipation rests on such an analogy as I have described. In such cases our decision proceeds only from a certain psychological instinct, not from conscious reasoning, though in reality we have gone through an intellectual process identical with that which leads ns to assume that a newly discovered mammal has lungs. This latter kind of induction, which can never be perfectly assimilated to forms of logical reasoning, nor pressed so far as to establish universal laws, plays a most important part in human life. The whole of the process by which we translate our sen- sations into perceptions depends upon it, as appears especially from the investigation of what are called illusions. For in- stance, when the retina of the eye is irritated by a blow, we imagine we see a light in our field of vision, because we have, throughout our lives, felt irritation in the optic nerves only when there was light in the field of vision, and have become accustomed to identify the sensations of those nerves with the presence of light in the field of vision. Moreover, such is the complexity of the influences affecting the formation both of character in general and of the mental condition at any given moment, that this same kind of induction necessarily plays a leading part in the investigation of psychological processes. In fact, in ascribing to ourselves free-will, that is, full power to act as we please without being subject to a stern inevitable law of 14 ON THE RELATION OF causality, we deny in toto the possiblity of referring at least one of the ways in which our mental activity expresses itself to a rigorous law. We might possibly, in opposition to logical induction which reduces a question to clearly denned universal propositions, call this kind of reasoning cesthetie induction, because it is most con- spicuous in the higher class of works of art. It is an essential part of an artist's talent to reproduce by words, by form, by colour, or by music, the external indications of a character or a state of mind, and by a kind of instinctive intuition, uncon- trolled by any definable rule, to seize the necessary steps by which we pass from one mood to another. If we do find that the artist has consciously worked after general rules and abstrac- tions, we think his work poor and commonplace, and cease to admire. On the contrary, the works of great artists bring be- fore us characters and moods with such a lifelikeness, with such a wealth of individual traits and such an overwhelming con- viction of truth, that they almost seem to be more real than the reality itself, because all disturbing influences are eliminated. Now if, after these reflections, we proceed to review the different sciences, and to classify them according to the method by which they must arrive at their results, we are brought face to face with a generic difference between the natural and the moral sciences. The natural sciences are for the most part in a position to reduce their inductions to sharply defined general rules and principles; the moral sciences, on the other hand, have, in by far the most numerous cases, to do with conclusions arrived at by psychological instinct. Philology, in so far as it is concerned with the interpretation and emendation of the texts handed down to us, must seek to feel out, as it were, the meaning which the author intended to express, and the accessory notions which he wished his words to suggest : and for that pur- pose it is necessary to start with a correct insight, both into the personality of the author, and into the genius of the language in which he wrote. All this affords scope for {esthetic, but not for strictly logical, induction. It is only possible to pass judgment, if you have ready in your memory a great number of NATURAL SCIENCE TO GENERAL SCIENCE. 15 similar facts, to be instantaneously confronted with the question you are trying to solve. Accordingly, one of the first requisites for studies of this class is an accurate and ready memory. Many celebrated historians and philologists have, in fact, astounded their contemporaries by their extraordinary strength of memory. Of course memory alone is insufficient without a knack of everywhere discovering real resemblance, and without a delicately and fully trained insight into the springs of human action; while this again is unattainable without a certain warmth of sympathy and an interest in observing the working of other men's minds. Intercourse with our fellow-men in daily life must lay the foundation of this insight, but the study of history and art serves to make it richer and completer, for there we see men acting under comparatively unusual conditions, and thus come to appreciate the full scope of the energies which lie hidden in our breasts. None of this group of sciences, except grammar, lead us, as a rule, to frame and enunciate general laws, valid under all circum- stances. The laws of grammar are a product of the human will, though they can hardly be said to have been framed de- liberately, but rather to have grown up gradually, as they were wanted. Accordingly, they present themselves to a learner rather in the form of commands, that is, of laws imposed by external authority. With these sciences theology and jurisprudence are naturally connected. In fact, certain branches of history and philology serve both as stepping-stones and as handmaids to them. The general laws of theology and jurisprudence are likewise com- mands, laws imposed by external authority to regulate, from a moral or juridical point of view, the actions of mankind ; not laws which, like those of nature, contain generalisations from a vast multitude of facts. At the same time the application of a grammatical, legal, moral, or theological rule is couched, like the application of a law of nature to a particular case, in the forms of logical inference. The rule forms the major premiss of the syllogism, while the minor must settle whether the case in ques- tion satisfies the conditions to which the rule is intended to 16 OX THK RELATION OF apply. The solution of this latter problem, whether in gram- matical analysis, where the meaning of a sentence is to be evolved, or in the legal criticism of the credibility of the facts alleged, of the intentions of the parties, or of the meaning of the documents they have put into court, will, in most cases, be again a matter of psychological insight. On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that both the syntax of fully developed languages and a system of jurisprudence gradually elaborated, as ours has been, by the practice of more than 2,000 years, 1 have reached a high pitch of logical completeness and consistency; so that, speaking generally, the cases which do not obviously fall under some one or other of the laws actually laid down are quite exceptional. Such exceptions there will always be, for the legis- lation of man can never have the absolute consistency and perfection of the laws of nature. In such cases there is no- course open but to try and guess the intention of the legislator; or, if needs be, to supplement it after the analogy of his decisions in similar cases. Grammar and juiisprudence have a certain advantage as means of training the intellect, inasmuch as they tax pretty equally all the intellectual powers. On this account secondary education among modern European nations is based mainly upon the grammatical study of foreign languages. The mother- tongue and modern foreign languages, when acquired solely by practice, do not call for any conscious logical exercise of thought, though we may cultivate by means of them an appreciation for artistic beauty of expi-ession. The two classical languages, Latin and Greek, have, besides their exquisite logical subtlety and aesthetic beauty, an additional advantage, which they seem to possess in common with most ancient and original languages they indicate accurately the relations of words and sentences to each other by numerous and distinct inflexions. Languages are, as it were, abraded by long use ; grammatical distinctions are cut down to a minimum for the sake of brevity and rapidity It should be remembered that the Roman law, which has only partially nnd indirectly influenced English practice, is the recognised basis of German jurisprudence. Ti:. NATURAL SCIENCE TO GENERAL SCIENCE. 17 of expression, and are thus made less and less definite, as is obvious from the comparison of any modern European language with Latin ; in English the process has gone further than in any other. This seems to me to be really the reason why the modern languages are far less fitted than the ancient for instru- ments of education. 1 As grammar is the staple of school education, legal studies are used, and rightly, as a means of training persons of maturer age, even when not specially required for professional purposes. We now come to those sciences which, in respect of the kind of intellectual labour they require, stand at the opposite end of the series to philology and history ; namely, the natural and physical sciences. I do not mean to say that in many branches even of these sciences an instinctive appreciation of analogies and a certain artistic sense have no part to play. On the contrary, in natural history the decision which characteristics are to be looked upon as important for classification, and which as unimportant, what divisions of the animal and vegetable kingdoms are more natural than others, is really left to an instinct of this kind, acting without any strictly definable rule. And it is a very suggestive fact that it was an artist, Goethe, who gave the first impulse to the researches of comparative anatomy into the analogy of corresponding organs in different animals, and to the parallel theory of the metamorphosis of leaves in the vegetable kingdom; and thus, in fact, really pointed out the direction which the science has followed ever since. But even in those departments of science where we have to do with the least understood vital processes, it is, speaking generally, far easier to make out general and compre- hensive ideas and principles, and to express them in definite language, than in cases where we must base our judgment on the analysis of the human mind. It is only when we come to the experimental sciences to which mathematics are applied, and especially when we come to pure mathematics, that we ' Those to whom German is not a foreign tongue may, perhaps, be per- mitted to hold different views on the efficacy of modern languages in educa- tion. TR. 18 ON THE RELATION OF see the peculiar characteristics of the natural and physical sciences fully brought out. The essential differentia of these sciences seems to me to consist in the comparative ease with which the individual results of observation and experiment are combined under general laws of unexceptionable validity and of an extra- ordinarily comprehensive character. In the moral sciences, on the other hand, this is just the point where insuperable diffi- culties are encountered. In mathematics the general propo- sitions which, under the name of axioms, stand at the head of the reasoning, are so few in number, so comprehensive, and so immediately obvious, that no proof whatever is needed for them. Let me remind you that the whole of algebra and aiithmetic is developed out of the three axioms : ' Things which are equal to the same things are equal to- one another.' ' If equals be added to equals, the wholes are equal.' ' If unequals be added to equals, the wholes are unequal.' And the axioms of geometry and mechanics are not more numerous. The sciences we have named are developed out of these few axioms by a continual process of deduction from them in more and more complicated cases. Algebra, however,, does not confine itself to finding the sum of the most hetero- geneous combinations of a finite number of magnitudes, but in- the higher analysis it teaches us to sum even infinite series, he terms of which increase or diminish according to the most various laws ; to solve, in fact, problems which could never be completed by direct addition. An instance of this kind shows us the conscious logical activity of the mind in its purest and most perfect form. On the one hand we see the laborious nature of the process, the extreme caution with which it is necessary to advance, the accuracy required to determine exactly the scope of such universal principles as have been attained, the difficulty of forming and understanding abstract conceptions. On the other hand, we gain confidence in the certainty, the range, and the fertility of this kind of intellectual work. The fertility of the method comes out more strikingly in NATURAL SCIENCE TO GENERAL SCIENCE. 19 applied mathematics, especially in mathematical physics, in- cluding, of course, physical astronomy. From the time when Newton discovered, by analysing the motions of the planets on mechanical principles, that every particle of ponderable matter in the universe attracts every other particle with a force vary- ing inversely as the square of the distance, astronomers have been able, in virtue of that one law of gravitation, to calculate with the greatest accuracy the movements of the planets to the remotest past and the most distant future, given only the posi- tion, velocity, and mass of each body of our system at any one time. More than that, we recognise the operation of this law in the movements of double stars, whose distances from us are so great that their light takes years to reach us; in some cases, indeed, so great that all attempts to measure them have failed. This discovery of the law of gravitation and its consequences is the most imposing achievement that the logical power of the human mind has hitherto performed. I do not mean to say that there have not been men who in power of abstraction have equalled or even surpassed Newton and the other astronomers, who either paved the way for his discovery, or have carried it out to its legitimate consequences; but there has never been presented to the human mind such an admirable subject as those involved and complex movements of the planets, which hitherto had served merely as food for the astrological super- stitions of ignorant star-gazers, and were now reduced to a single law, capable of rendering the most exact account of the minutest detail of their motions. The principles of this magnificent discovery have been suc- cessfully applied to several other physical sciences, among which physical optics and the theory of electricity and magnetism are especially worthy of notice. The experimental sciences have one great advantage over the natural sciences in the investiga- tion of general laws of nature : they can change at pleasure the conditions under which a given result takes place, and can thus confine themselves to a small number of characteristic instances, in order to discover the law. Of course its validity must then c2 20 ON THE RELATION OF stand the test of application to more complex cases. Accord- ingly the physical sciences, when once the right methods have been discovered, have made proportionately rapid progress. Not only have they allowed us to look back into primaeval chaos, where nebulous masses were forming themselves into suns and planets, and becoming heated by the energy of their contraction ; not only have they permitted us to investigate the chemical constituents of the solar atmosphere and of the remotest fixed stare, but they have enabled us to turn the forces of surrounding nature to our own uses and to make them the ministers of our will. Enough has been said to show how widely the intellectual processes involved in this group of sciences differ, for the most part, from those required by the moi'al sciences. The mathe- matician need have no memory whatever for detached facts, the physicist' hardly any. Hypotheses based on the recollection of similar cases may, indeed, be useful to guide one into the right track, but they have no real value till they have led to a precise and strictly defined law. Nature does not allow us for a moment "to doubt that we have to do with a rigid chain of cause and effect, admitting of no exceptions. Therefore to us, as her students, goes forth the mandate to labour on till we have dis- covered unvarying laws ; till then we dare not rest satisfied, for then only can our knowledge grapple victoriously with time and space and the forces of the universe. The iron labour of conscious logical reasoning demands great perseverance and great caution ; it moves on but slowly, and is rarely illuminated by brilliant flashes of genius. It knows little of that facility with which the most varied instances come thronging into the memory of the philologist or the historian. Rather is it an essential condition of the methodical progress of mathematical reasoning that the mind should remain concen- trated on a single point, undisturbed alike by collateral ideas on the one hand, and by wishes and hopes on the other, and moving on steadily in the direction it has deliberately chosen. A cele- brated logician, Mr. John Stuart Mill, expresses his conviction that the inrluctive sciences have of late done more for the advance NATU1UL SCIENCE TO GENERAL SCIENCE. 21 of logical methods than the labours of philosophers properly so called. One essential ground for such an assertion must un- doubtedly be that in no department of knowledge can a fault in the chain of reasoning be so easily detected by the incorrect- ness of the results as in those sciences in which the results of reasoning can be most directly compared with the facts of nature. Though I have maintained that it is in the physical sciences, and especially in such branches of them as are treated mathe- matically, that the solution of scientific problems has been most successfully achieved, you will not, I trust, imagine that I wish to depreciate other studies in comparison with them. If the natural and physical sciences have the advantage of great per- fection in form, it is the privilege of the moral sciences to deal with a richer material, with questions that touch more nearly the interests and the feelings of men, with the human mind itself, in fact, in its motives and the different branches of its activity. They have, indeed, the loftier and the more difficult task, but yet they cannot afford to lose sight of the example of their rivals, which, in form at least, have, owing to the more ductile nature of their materials, made greater progress. Not only have they something to learn from them in point of method, but they may also draw encouragement from the greatness of their results. And I do think that our age has learnt many lessons from the physical sciences. The absolute, unconditional reverence for facts, and the fidelity with which they are col^ lected, a certain distrustfulness of appearances, the effort to detect in all cases relations of cause and effect, and the tendency to assume their existence, which distinguish our century from preceding ones, seem to me to point to such an influence. I do not intend to go deeply into the question how far mathematical studies, as the representatives of conscious logical reasoning, should take a more important place in school educa- tion. But it is, in reality, one of the questions of the day. In proportion as the range of science extends, its system and or- ganisation must be improved, and it must inevitably come about that individual students will find themselves compelled to go 22 ON THE RELATION OF through a stricter course of training than grammar is in a position to supply. What strikes me in my own experience of students who pass from our classical schools to scientific and medical studies, is, first, a certain laxity in the application of strictly universal laws. The grammatical rules in which they have been exercised are for the most part followed by long lists of exceptions; accordingly they are not in the habit of relying implicitly on the certainty of a legitimate deduction from a strictly universal law. Secondly, I find them for the most part too much inclined to trust to authority, even in cases where they might form an independent judgment. In fact, in philological studies, inasmuch as it is seldom possible to take in the whole of the premisses at a glance, and inasmuch as the de- cision of disputed questions often depends on an aesthetic feeling for beauty of expression, and for the genius of the language, attainable only by long training, it must often happen that the student is referred to authorities even by the best teachers. Both faults are traceable to a certain indolence and vagueness of thought, the sad effects of which are not confined to sub- sequent scientific studies. But certainly the best remedy for both is to be found in mathematics, where there is absolute certainty in the reasoning, and no authority is recognised but that of one's own intelligence. So much for the several branches of science considered as exercises for the intellect, and as supplementing each other in that respect. But knowledge is not the sole object of man upon arth. Though the sciences arouse and educate the subtlest powers of the mind, yet a man who should study simply for the sake of knowing, would assuredly not fulfil the purpose of his existence. We often see men of considerable endowments, to whom their good or bad fortune has secured a comfortable livelihood or good social position, without giving them, at the ame time, ambition or energy enough to make them work, e exhibited, but can never be put in a cut and 42 ON GOETHE'S SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES. dry form.' And so, or nearly so, the problem stands to this day. The difference may be brought out still more clearly if we consider how physiology, which investigates the relations of vital processes as cause and effect, would have to treat this idea of a common type of animal structure. The science might ask, Is it, on the one hand, a correct view, that during the geological periods that have passed over the earth, one species has been developed from another, so that, for example, the breast-fin of the fish has gradually changed into an arm or a wing ? Or again, shall we say that the different species of animals were created equally perfect that the points of resemblance between them are to be ascribed to the fact that in all vertebrate animals the first steps in development from the egg can only be effected by Nature in one .way, almost identical in all cases, and that the later analogies of structure are determined by these features, common to all embryos ? Probably the majority of observers incline to the latter view, 1 for the agreement between the embryos of different vertebrate animals, in the earlier stages, is very striking. Thus even young mammals have occasionally rudimentary gills on the side of the neck, like fishes. It seems, in fact, that what are in the mature animals corresponding parts originate in the same way during the process of development, so that scientific men have lately begun to make use of embryology as a sort of check on the theoretical views of comparative ana- tomy. It is evident that by the application of the physiological views just suggested, the idea of a common type would acquire definiteness and meaning as a distinct scientific conception. Goethe did much : he saw by a happy intuition that there was a law, and he followed up the indications of it with great shrewdness. But what law it was he did not see ; nor did he even try to find it out. That was not in his line. Moreover, even in the present condition of science, a definite view on the question is impossible ; the very form in which it should be proposed is scarcely yet settled. And therefore we readily admit that in this department Goethe did all that was possible at the time when he lived. I said just now that he treated nature like a work of 1 This was written before the appearance of Darwin's Oriyin of Species. ON GOETHE'S SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES. 43 art. In his studies on morphology, he reminds one of a spectator at a play, with strong artistic sympathies. His delicate instinct makes him feel how all the details fall into their places, and work harmoniously together, and how some common purpose governs the whole ; and yet while this exquisite order and sym- metry give him intense pleasure he cannot formulate the dominant idea. That is reserved for the scientific critic of the drama, while the artistic spectator feels perhaps, as Goethe did in the presence of natural phenomena, an antipathy to such dissection, fearing, though without reason, that his pleasure may be spoilt by it. Goethe's point of view in the Theory of Colour is much the same. We have seen that he rebels against the physical theory just at the point where it gives complete and consistent expla- nations from principles once accepted. Evidently it is not the insufficiency of the theory to explain individual cases that is a stumbling-block to him. He takes offence at the assumption made for the sake of explaining the phenomena, which seem to him so absurd, that he looks upon the interpretation as no inter- pretation at all Above all, the idea that white light could be composed of coloured light seems to have been quite inconceiv- able to him at the very beginning of the controversy, he rails at the disgusting Newtonian white of the natural philosophers, an expression which seems to show that this was the assumption that most annoyed him. Again, in his later attacks on Newton, which were not published till after his Theory of Colour was completed, he rather strives to show that Newton's facts might be explained on his own hypothesis, and that therefore Newton's hypothesis was not fully proved, than attempts to prove that hypothesis inconsistent with itself or with the facts. Nay, he seems to consider the obviousness of his own hypothesis so overwhelming, that it need only be brought forward to upset Newton's entirely. There are only a few passages where he disputes the experiments described by Newton. Some of them, apparently, he could not succeed in refuting, because the result is not equally easy to observe in all positions of the lenses used, and because he was 44 ox GOETHE'S SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES. unacquainted with the geometrical relations by which the most favourable positions of them are determined. In other experi- ments on the separation of simple coloured light by means of prisms alone, Goethe's objections are not quite groundless, inas- much as the isolation of single colours cannot by this means be so effectually carried out, that after refraction through another prism there are no traces of other tints at the edges. A com- plete isolation of light of one colour can only be effected by very carefully arranged apparatus, consisting of combined prisms and lenses, a set of experiments which Goethe postponed to a supplement, and finally left unnoticed. When he complains- of the complication of these contrivances, we need only think of the laborious and roundabout methods which chemists must often adopt to obtain certain elementary bodies in a pure form ; and we need not Ije surprised to find that it is impossible to solve a similar problem in the case of light in the open air in a garden, and with a single prism in one's hand. 1 Goethe must, consistently with his theory, deny in toto the possibility of isolating pure light of one colour. Whether he ever experi- mented with the proper apparatus to solve the problem remains doubtful, as the supplement in which he promised to detail these experiments was never published. To give some idea of the passionate way in which Goethe, usually so temperate and even courtier-like, attacks Newton, I quote from a few pages of the controversial part of his work the following expressions, which he applies to the propositions of this consummate thinker in physical and astronomical science- -' incredibly impudent' ; ' mere twaddle' ; ' ludicrous ex- planation' ; ' admirable for school-children in a go-cart' ; ' but I see nothing will do but lying, and plenty of it.' 2 1 I venture to add that 1 am acquainted with the impossibility of decom- posing or changing simple coloured light, the two principles which form the basis of Newton's theory, not merely by hearsay, but from actual observation, having been under the necessity in one of my own researches of obtaining light of one colour in a state of the greatest possible purity. (See I'oggendorfTs- Annulet,, vol. Ixxxvi. p. f>01, on Sir D. Brewster's Xtw 'Analysis of Sunlight.) 8 Something parallel to this extraordinary proceeding of Goethe's may be found in Hobbes's attack on Wallis. TK. ON GOETHE'S SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES. 45 Thus, in the theory of colour, Goethe remains faithful to his principle, that Nature must reveal her secrets of her own free will ; that she is but the transparent repi*esentation of the ideal world. Accordingly, he demands, as a preliminary to the investigation of physical phenomena, that the observed facts shall be so arranged that one explains the other, and that thus we may attain an insight into their connection without ever having to trust to anything but our senses. This demand of Tiis looks most attractive, but is essentially wrong in principle. For a natui*al phenomenon is not considei'ed in physical science to be fully explained until you have traced it back to the ultimate forces which are concerned in its production and its maintenance. Now, as we can never become cognisant of forces qua forces, but only of their effects, we are compelled in every explanation of natural phenomena to leave the sphere of sense, and to pass to things which are not objects of sense, and are denned only by abstract conceptions. When we find a stove warm, and then observe that a fire is burning in it, we say, though somewhat inaccurately, that the former sensation is explained by the latter. But in reality this is equivalent to say- ing, we are always accustomed to find heat where fire is burn- ing ; now, a fire is burning in the stove, therefore we shall find heat there. Accordingly we bring our single fact under a more general, better-known fact, rest satisfied with it, and call it falsely an explanation. Evidently, however, the generality of the observation does not necessarily imply an insight into causes; such an insight is only obtained when we can make out what forces are at work in the fire, and how the effects depend upon them. But this step into the region of abstract conceptions, which must necessarily be taken if we wish to penetrate to the causes of phenomena, scares the poet away. In writing a poem he has been accustomed to look, as it were, right into the subject, and to reproduce his intuition without formulating any of the steps that led him to it. And his success is proportionate to the vividness of the intuition. Such is the fashion in which he would have Nature attacked. But the natural philosopher in- sists on transporting him into a world of invisible atoms and 46 ON GOETHE'S SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES. movements, of attractive and repulsive forces, whose intricate actions and reactions, though governed by strict laws, can scarcely be taken in at a glance. To him the impressions ^of sense are not an irrefragable authority ; he examines what claim they have to be trusted ; he asks whether things which they pronounce alike are really alike, and whether things which they pronounce different are really different ; and often finds that he must answer, no ! The result of such examination, as at present understood, is that the organs of sense do indeed give us informa- tion about external effects produced on them, but convey those effects to our consciousness in a totally different form, so that the character of a sensuous perception depends not so much on the properties of the object perceived as on those of the organ by which we receive the information. All that the optic nerve conveys to us, it conveys under the form of a sensation of light, whether it be the rays of the sun, or a blow in the eye, or an electric current passing through it. Again, the auditory nerve translates everything into phenomena of sound, the nerves of the skin into sensations of temperature or touch. The same electric current whose existence is indicated by the optic nerve as a flash of light, or by the organ of taste as an acid flavour, excites in the nerves of the skin the sensation of burning. The same ray of sunshine, which is called light when it falls on the eye, we call heat when it falls on the skin. But on the other hand, in spite of their different effects upon our organisation, the daylight which enters through our windows, and the heat radiated by an iron stove, do not in reality differ more or less from each other than the red and blue constituents of light. In fact, just as in the Undulatory Theory the red rays are distinguished from the blue rays only by their longer period of vibration, and their smaller refrangibility, so the dark heat rays of the stove have a still longer period and still smaller refrangibility than the red rays of light, but are in every other respect exactly similar to them. All these rays, whether luminous or non-luminous, have heating properties, but only a certain number of them, to which for that reason we give the name of light, can penetrate through the transparent part of the eye to the optic nerve, and excite a ox GOETHE'S SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES. 47 sensation of light. Perhaps the relation between our senses and the external world may be best enunciated as follows : our sen- sations are for us only symbols of the objects of the external world, and correspond to them only in some such way as written characters or articulate words to the things they denote. They give us, it is true, information respecting the properties of things without us, but no better infonnation than we give a blind man about colour by verbal descriptions. We see that science has arrived at an estimate of the senses very different from that which was present to the poet's mind. And Newton's assertion that white was composed of all the colours of the spectrum was the first germ of the scientific view which has subsequently been developed. For at that time there were none of those galvanic observations which paved the way to a knowledge of the functions of the nerves in the production of sensations. Natural philosophers asserted that white, to the eye the simplest and purest of all our sensations of colour, was compounded of less pure and complex materials. It seems to have flashed upon the poet's mind that all his principles were unsettled by the results of this assertion, and that is why the hypothesis seems to him so unthinkable, so ineffably absurd. We must look upon his theoiy of colour as a forlorn hope, as a desperate attempt to rescue from the attacks of science the belief in the direct truth of our sensations. And this will ac- count for the enthusiasm with which he strives to elaborate and to defend his theory, for the passionate irritability with which he attacks his opponent, for the overweening importance which he attaches to these researches in comparison with his other achieve- ments, and for his inaccessibility to conviction or compromise. If we now turn to Goethe's own theories on the subject, we must, on the grounds above stated, expect to find that he cannot, without being untrue to his own principle, give us- anything deserving to be called a scientific explanation of the phenomena, and that is exactly what happens. He starts with the proposition that all colours are darker than white, that they have something of shade in them (on the physical theory, white compounded of all colours must necessarily be brighter than 48 ox GOETHE'S SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES. any of its constituents). The direct mixture of dark and light, of black and white, gives grey ; the colours must therefore owe their existence to some form of the co-operation of light and shade. Goethe imagines he has discovered it in the phenomena presented by slightly opaque or hazy media. Such media usually look blue when the light falls on them and they are seen in front of a dark object, but yellow when a bright object is looked at through them. Thus in the daytime the air looks blue against the dark background of the sky, and the sun, when viewed, as is the case at sunset, through a thick and hazy stratum of air, appears yellow. The physical explanation of this phenomenon, which, however, is not exhibited by all such media, as, for instance, by plates of unpolished glass, would lead us too far from the subject. According to Goethe, the semi-opaque medium imparts to the light something corporeal, something of the nature of shade, such as is requisite, he would say, for the formation of colour. This conception alone is enough to perplex any one who looks upon it as a physical explanation. Does he mean to say that material particles mingle with the light and fly away with it ? But this is Goethe's fundamental experiment, this is the typical phenomenon under which he tries to reduce all the phenomena of colour, especially those connected with the prismatic spectrum. He looks upon all transparent bodies as slightly hazy, and assumes that the prism imparts to the image which it shows to an observer something of its own opacity. Here, again, it is hard to get a definite conception of what is meant. Goethe seems to have thought that a prism never gives perfectly defined images, but only indistinct, half- obliterated ones, for he puts them all in the same class with the double images which are exhibited by parallel plates of glass and by Iceland spar. The images formed by a prism are, it is true, indistinct in compound light, but they are perfectly defined when simple light is used. If you examine, he says, a bright siirface on a dark ground through a prism, the image is displaced and blurred by the prism. The anterior edge is pushed forward over the dark background, and consequently a hazy light on a dark ground appears blue, while the other edge ON GOETHE'S SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES. 49 is covered by the image of the black surface which comes after it, and, consequently, being a light image behind a hazy dark colour, appears yellowish-red. But why the anterior edge appears in front of the ground, the posterior edge behind it, and not vice versd, he does not explain. Let us analyse this explanation, and try to grasp clearly the conception of an optical image. When I see a bright object reflected in a mirror, the reason is that the light which proceeds from it is thrown back exactly as if it came from an object of the same kind behind the mirror. The eye of the observer receives the impression accordingly, and therefore he imagines he really sees the object. Every one knows there is nothing real behind the mirror to correspond to the image that no light can penetrate thither, but that what is called the image is simply a geometrical point, in which the reflected rays, if produced backwards, would intersect. And, accordingly, no one expects the image to produce any real effect behind the mirror. In the same way the prism shows us images of objects which occupy a different position from the objects themselves ; that is to say, the light which an object sends to the prism is refracted by it, so that it appears to come from an object lying to one side, called the image. This image, again > is not real ; it is, as in the case of reflection, the geometrical point in which the refracted rays intersect when produced back- wards. And yet, according to Goethe, this image is to produce real effects by its displacement; the displaced patch of light makes, he says, the dark space behind it appear blue, just as an imperfectly transparent body would, and so again the displaced dark patch makes the bright space behind appear reddish-yellow. That Goethe really treats the image as an actual object in the place it appears to occupy is obvious enough, especially as he is compelled to assume, in the course of his explanation, that the blue and red edges of the bright space are respectively before and behind the dark image which, like it, is displaced by the prism. He does, in fact, remain loyal to the appearance pre- sented to the senses, and treats a geometrical locus as if it were a material object. Again, he does not scruple at one time to make red and blue destroy each other, as, for example, in the I. E 50 ON GOETHE'S SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES. blue edge of a red surface seen through the prism, and at another to construct out of them a beautiful purple, as when the blue and red edges of two neighbouring white surfaces meet in a black ground. And when he comes to Newton's more complicated experiments, he is driven to still more mar- vellous expedients. As long as you treat his explanations as a pictorial way of representing the physical processes, you may acquiesce in them, and even frequently find them vivid and characteristic, but as physical elucidations of the phenomena they are absolutely irrational. In conclusion, it must be obvious to every one that the theoretical part of the Theory of Colour is not natural philo- sophy at all ; at the same time we can, to a certain extent, see that the poet wanted to introduce a totally different method into the study of Nature, and more or less understand how he came to do so. Poetry is concerned solely with the ' beautiful show ' which makes it possible to contemplate the ideal ; how that show is produced is a matter of indifference. Even nature is, in the poet's eyes, but the sensible expression of the spiritual. The natural philosopher, on the other hand, tries to discover the levers, the cords, and the pulleys which work behind the scenes, and shift them. Of course the sight of the machinery spoils the beautiful show, and therefore the poet would gladly talk it out of existence, and ignoring cords and pulleys as the chimeras of a pedant's brain, he would have us believe that the scenes shift themselves, or are governed by the idea of the drama. And it is just characteristic of Goethe that he, and he alone among poets, must needs bi-eak a lance with natural philosophers. Other poets are either so entirely carried away by the fire of their enthusiasm that they do not trouble themselves about the disturbing influences of the outer world, or else they rejoice in the triumphs of mind over matter, even on that unpropitious battlefield. But Goethe, whom no intensity of subjective feeling could blind to the realities around him, cannot rest satisfied until he has stamped reality itself with the image and super- scription of poetry. This constitutes the peculiar beauty of his poetry, and at the same time fully accounts for his resolute ON GOETHE'S SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES. 51 hostility to the machinery that every moment threatens to disturb his poetic repose, and for his determination to attack the enemy in his own camp. But we cannot triumph over the machinery of matter by ignoring it ; we can triumph over it only by subordinating it to the aims of our moral intelligence. We must familiarise ourselves with its levers and pulleys, fatal though it be to poetic contemplation, in order to be able to govern them after our own will, and therein lies the complete justification of physical investigation, and its vast importance for the advance of human civilisation. From what I have said it will be apparent that Goethe did follow the same line of thought in all his contributions to science, but that the problems he encountered were of diametrically opposite characters. And, perhaps, when it is understood how the self-same characteristic of his intellect, which in one branch of science won for him immortal renown, entailed upon him egregious failure in the other, it will tend to dissipate, in the minds of many worshippers of the great poet, a lingering pre- judice against natural philosophers, whom they suspect of being blinded by narrow professional pride to the loftiest inspirations of genius. 53 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CAUSES OF HAEMONY IN MUSIC. A Lecture delivered in Bonn during the Winter of 1857. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, In the native town of Beethoven, the mightiest among the heroes of harmony, no subject seemed to me better adapted for a popular audience than music itself. Following, therefore, the direction of my researches during the last few years, I will endeavour to explain to you what physics and physiology have to say regarding the most cherished art of the Rhenish land music and musical relations. Music has hitherto withdrawn itself from scientific treatment more than any other art. Poetry, painting, and sculpture borrow at least the material for their delineations from the world of experience. They portray nature and man. Not only can their material be critically investigated in respect to its correctness and truth to nature, but scientific art-criticism, however much enthusiasts may have disputed its right to do so, has actually succeeded in making some progress in investigating the causes of that aesthetic pleasure which it is the intention of these arts to excite. In music, on the other hand, it seems at first sight as if those were still in the right who reject all ' anatomisation of pleasurable sensations.' This art, borrowing no part of its material from the experience of our senses, not attempting to describe, and 54 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CAUSES OF only exceptionally to imitate the outer world, necessarily with- draws from scientific consideration the chief points of attack which other arts present, and hence seems to be as incompre- hensible and wonderful as it is certainly powerful in its effects. We are, therefore, obliged, and we purpose, to confine ourselves, in the first place, to a consideration of the material of the art, musical sounds or sensations. It always struck me as a wonder- ful and peculiarly interesting mystery, that in the theory of musical sounds, in the physical and technical foundations of music, which above all other arts seems in its action on the mind as the most immaterial, evanescent, and tender creator of incalculable and indescribable states of consciousness, that here in especial the science of purest and strictest thought mathe- matics should prove pre-eminently fertile. Thorough bass is a, kind of applied mathematics. In considering musical intervals,, divisions of time, and so forth, numerical fractions, and some- times even logarithms, play a prominent part. Mathematics and music ! the most glaring possible opposites of human thought! and yet connected, mutually sustained! It is as- if they would demonstrate the hidden consensus of all the actions of our mind, which in the revelations of genius makes us forefeel unconscious utterances of a mysteriously active intelligence. When I considered physical acoustics from a physiological point of view, and thus more closely followed up the part which the ear plays in the perception of musical sounds, much became clear of which the connection had not been previously evident. I will attempt to inspire you with some of the interest which these questions have awakened in my own mind, by endeavour- ing to exhibit a few of the results of physical and physiological acoustics. The short space of time at my disposal obliges me to confine my attention to one particular point; but I shall select the most important of all, which will best show you the significance and results of scientific investigation in this field ; I mean the foundation of concord. It is an acknowledged fact that the numbers of the vibrations of concordant tones bear to each HARMONY IN MUSIC. 55 other ratios expressible by small whole numbers. But why I What have the ratios of .small whole numbers to do with con- cord 1 This is an old riddle, propounded by Pythagoras, and hitherto unsolved. Let us see whether the means at the com- mand of modern science will furnish the answer. First of all, what is a musical tone? Common experience teaches us that all sounding bodies are in a state of vibration. This vibration can be seen and felt ; and in the case of loud sounds we feel the trembling of the air even without touching the sounding bodies. Physical science has ascertained that any series of impulses which produce a vibration of the air will, if repeated with sufficient rapidity, generate sound. This sound becomes a musical tone, when such rapid im- pulses recur with perfect regularity and in precisely equal times. Irregular agitation of the air generates only noise. The pitch of a musical tone depends on the number of impulses which take place in a given time ; the more there are in the same time the higher or sharper is the tone. And, as before remarked,, there is found to be a close relationship between the well-known harmonious musical intervals and the number of the vibrations of the air. If twice as many vibrations are performed in the same time for one tone as for another, the first is the octave above the second. If the numbers of vibrations in the same time are as 2 to 3, the two tones form a fifth ; if they are as 4 to 5, the two tones form a major third. If you observe that the numbers of the vibrations which generate the tones of the major chord C E G c are in the ratio of the numbers 4:5:6:8, you can deduce from these all other relations of musical tones, by imagining a new major chord, having the same relations of the numbers of vibrations,. to be formed upon each of the above-named tones. The num- bers of vibrations within the limits of audible tones which would be obtained by executing the calculation thus indicated are extraordinarily different. Since the octave above any tone has twice as many vibrations as the tone itself, the second octave above will have four times, the third has eight times as many. Our modern pianofortes have seven octaves. Their highest 56 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CAUSES OF tones, therefore, perform 128 vibrations in the time that their lowest tone makes one single vibration. The deepest C, which our pianos usually possess answers to the sixteen-foot open pipe of the organ musicians call it the * contra-C ' and makes thirty-three vibrations in one second of time. This is very nearly the limit of audibility. You will have observed that these tones have a dull, bad quality of sound on the piano, and that it is difficult to determine their pitch and the accuracy of their tuning. On the organ the contra-C is somewhat more powerful than on the piano, but even here some uncertainty is felt in judging of its pitch. On larger organs there is a whole octave of tones below the contra-C, reaching to the next low,er C, with 16^ vibrations in a second. But the ear can scarcely separate these tones from an obscure drone ; and the deeper they are the more plainly can it distinguish the sepa- rate impulses of the air to which they are due. Hence they are used solely in conjunction with the next higher octaves, to strengthen their notes, and produce an impression of greater depth. With the exception of the organ, all "musical instruments, however diverse the methods in which their sounds are pro- duced, have their limit of depth at about the same point in the scale as the piano ; not because it would be impossible to produce slower impulses of the air of sufficient power, but because the ear refuses its office, and hears slower impulses separately, without gathering them up into single tones. The often-repeated assertion of the French physicist Savart, that he heard tones of eight vibrations in a second, upon a peculiarly constructed instrument, seems due to an error. Ascending the scale from the contra-C, pianofortes usually have a compass of seven octaves, up to the so-called five-accented c, which has 4,224 vibrations in a second. Among orchestral instruments it is only the piccolo flute which can reach as high, and this will give even one tone higher. The violin usually mounts no higher than the e below, which has 2,640 vibrations of course we except the gymnastics of heaven-scaling virtuosi, who are ever striving to excruciate their audience by some new HARMONY IN MUSIC. 57 impossibility. Such performers may aspire to three whole octaves lying above the five-accented c, and very painful to the ear, for their existence has been established by Despretz, who, by exciting small tuning-forks with a violin bow, obtained and heard the eight-accented c, having 32,770 vibrations in a second. Here the sensation of tone seemed to have reached its upper limit, and the intervals were really undistinguishable in the later octaves. The musical pitch of a tone depends entirely on the number of vibrations of the air in a second, and not at all upon the mode in which they are produced. It is quite indifferent whether they are generated by the vibrating strings of a piano or violin, the vocal chords of the human larynx, the metal tongues of the harmonium, the reeds of the clarionet, oboe, and bassoon, the "trembling lips of the trumpeter, or the air cut by a sharp edge in organ pipes and flutes. A tone of the same number of vibrations has always the same pitch, by whichever one of these instruments it is pro- duced. That which distinguishes the note A of a piano, for example, from the equally high A of the violin, flute, clarionet, or trumpet, is called the quality of the tone, and to this we shall have to recur presently. As an interesting example of these assertions, T beg to show you a peculiar physical instrument for producing musical tones, called the siren, Fig. 1, which is especially adapted to establish the properties resulting from the ratios of the numbers of vibrations. In order to produce tones upon this instrument, the portvents g and g, are connected by means of flexible tubes with a bellows. The air enters into round brass boxes, a and aj, and escapes by the per- forated covers of these boxes at c and c r But the holes for the escape of air are not perfectly free. Immediately before the covers of both boxes there are two other perforated discs, fastened to a per- pendicular axis k, which turns with great readiness. In the figure, only the perforated disc can be seen at c , and immediately below it is the similarly perforated cover of the box. In the upper box, c p only the edge of the disc is visible. If then the holes of the disc are precisely opposite to those of the cover, the air can escape freely But if the disc is made to revolve, so that some of its unperforated HARMONY IN MUSIC. 59* portions stand before the holes of the box, the air cannot escape at all. On turning the disc rapidly, the vent-holes of the box are alter" nately opened and closed. During the opening, air escapes ; during the closure, no air can pass. Hence the continuous stream of air from the bellows is converted into a series of discontinuous puffs, which, when they follow one another with sufficient rapidity, gather them- selves together into a tone. Each of the revolving discs of this instrument (which is more complicated in its construction than any one of the kind hitherto made, and hence admits of a much greater number of combinations of tone) has four concentric circles of holes, the lower set having 8, 10, 12, 18, and the upper set 9, 12, 15, and 16 holes respectively. The series of holes in the covers of the boxes are precisely the same as those in the discs, but under each of them lies a perforated ring,, which can be so arranged, by means of the stops i i i i, that the corresponding holes of the cover can either communicate freely with the inside of the box, or are entirely cut off from it. We are thus enabled to use any one of the eight series of holes singly, or com- bined two and two, or three and three together, in any arbitrary manner. The round boxes, h h and h, h u of which halves only are drawn in the figure, serve by their resonance to soften the harshness of the tone. The holes in the boxes and discs are cut obliquely, so that when the air enters the boxes through one or more of , the series of holes, the wind itself drives the discs round with a perpetually increasing velocity. On beginning to blow the instrument, we first hear separate im- pulses of the air, escaping as puffs, as often as the holes of the disc pass in front of those of the box. These puffs of air follow one an- other more and more quickly, as the velocity of the revolving discs increases, just like the puff's of steam of a locomotive on beginning to move with the train. They next produce a whirring and whizzing, which constantly becomes more rapid. At last we hear a dull drone,- which, as the velocity further increases, gradually gains in pitch and strength. Suppose that the discs have been brought to a velocity of 3.3 re- volutions in a second, and that the series with 8 holes has been opened. At each revolution of the disc all these 8 holes will pass before each separate hole of the cover. Hence there will be 8 puffs for each revolution of the disc, or 8 times 33, that is, 264 puffs in a 60 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CAUSES OF .second. This gives us the once-accented c' of our musical scale [that is, ' middle c,' written on the leger line between the bass and treble .staves]. But on opening the series of 16 holes instead, we have twice as many, or 16 times 33, that is, 528 vibrations in a second. We hear exactly the octave above the first c', that is, the twice-accented c'' [or c on the third space of the treble staff]. By opening both the .series of 8 and 16 holes at once, we have both c' and c" at once, and can convince ourselves that we have the absolutely pure concord of the octave. By taking 8 and 12 holes, which give numbers of vibra- tions in the ratio of 2 to 3, we have the concord of a perfect fifth. Similarly 12 and 16 or 9 and 12 give fourths, 12 and 15 give a major third, and so on. The upper box is furnished with a contrivance for slightly sharpen- ing or flattening the tgnes which it produces. This box is movable upon an axis, and connected with a toothed wheel, which is worked by the driver attached to the handle d. By turning the handle slowly while one of the series of holes in the upper box is in use, the tone will be sharper or flatter, according as the box moves in the opposite direction to the disc, or in the same direction as the disc. When the motion is in the opposite direction, the holes meet those of the disc a little sooner than they otherwise would, the time of vibra- tion of the tone is shortened, and the tone becomes sharper. The contrary ensues in the other case. Now, on blowing through 8 holes below and 16 above, we have a perfect octave, as long as the upper box is still ; but when it is in motion, the pitch of the upper tone is slightly altered, and the octave becomes false. On blowing through 12 holes above and 18 below, the result is a perfect fifth as long as the upper box is at rest, but if it moves the concord is perceptibly injured. These experiments with the siren show us, therefore : 1. That a series of puffs following one another with sufficient rapidity produce a musical tone. 2. That the more rapidly they follow one another, the sharper is the tone. 3. That when the ratio of the number of vibrations is exactly 1 to 2, the result is a perfect octave ; when it is 2 to 3, a perfect 'fifth ; when it is 3 to 4, a pure fourth, and so on. The slightest alteration in these ratios destroys the purity of the concord. You will perceive, from what has been hitherto adduced, HARMONY IN MUSIC. 61 that the human ear is affected by vibrations of the air, within certain degrees of rapidity viz. from about 20 to about 32,000 in a second and that the sensation of musical tone arises from this affection. That the sensation thus excited is a sensation of musical tone does not depend in any way upon the peculiar manner in which the air is agitated, but solely on the peculiar powers of sensation possessed by our ears and auditory nerves. I re- marked, a little while ago, that when the tones are loud the agitation of the air is perceptible to the skin. In this way deaf nrntes can perceive the motion of the air which we call sound. But they do not hear, that is, they have no sensation of tone in the ear. They feel the motion by the nerves of the skin, producing that peculiar description of sensation called whirring. The limits of the rapidity of vibration within which the ear feels an agitation of the air to be sound, depend also wholly upon the peculiar constitution of the ear. When the siren is turned slowly, and hence the puffs of air succeed each other slowly, you hear no musical sound. By the continually increasing rapidity of its revolution, no essential change is produced in the kind of vibration of the air. Nothing new happens externally to the ear. The only new result is the sensation experienced by the ear, which then for the first time begins to be affected by the agitation of the air. Hence the more rapid vibrations receive a new name, and are called Sound. If you admire paradoxes, you may say that aerial vibrations do not become sound until they fall upon a hearing ear. I must now describe the propagation of sound through the atmosphere. The motion of a mass of air through which a tone passes belongs to the so-called wave-motions a class of motions of great importance in physics. Light, as well as sound, is one of these motions. The name is derived from the analogy of waves on the sur- face of water, and these will best illustrate the peculiarity of this description of motion. When a point in a surface of still water is agitated as by throwing in a stone the motion thus caused is propagated in 62 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CAUSES OF the form of waves, which spread in rings over the surface of the water. The circles of waves continue to increase even after rest has been restored at the point first affected. At the same time the waves become continually lower, the further they are removed from the centre of motion, and gradually disappear. On each wave-ring we distinguish ridges or crests, and hollows or troughs. Crest and trough together form a wave, and we measure its length from one crest to the next. While the wave passes over the surface of the fluid, the particles of the water which form it do not move on with it. This is easily seen, by floating a chip of straw on the water. When the waves reach the chip, they raise or depress it, but when they have passed over it the position of the chip is not perceptibly changed. Now a light floating chip has no motion different from that of the adjacent particles of water. Hence we conclude that these particles do not follow the wave, but, after some pitching up and down, remain in their original position. That which really advances as a wave is, consequently, not the particles of water themselves, but only a superficial form, which continues to be built up by fresh particles of water. The paths of the separate particles of water are more nearly vertical circlas, in which they revolve with a tolerably uniform velocity, as long as the waves pass over them. In Fig. 2 the dark wave-line A B represents a section of the surface of the water over which waves are running in the direction of the arrows above a and c. The three circles a, b, and c represent the paths of particular particles of water at the surface of the wave. The particle which revolves in the circle b is supposed, at the time that the surface of the water presents the form A B C, to be at its highest point B, and the particles revolving in the circles a and c to he simultaneously in their lowest positions. The respective particles of water revolve in these circl< s in the direction marked by the arrows. The dotted curves represent other positions of the passing waves, at equal intervals of time, partly "before the assumption of the A B C position (as for the crests be*- tween a and b), and partly after the same (for the crests between b HARMONY IN MUSIC. and c). The positions of the crests are marked with figures. The same figures in the three circles show where the respective revolving particle would be, at the moment the wave assumed the corresponding form. It will be noticed that the particles advance by equal arcs of the circles, as the crest of the wave advances by equal distances parallel to the water level. In the circle b it will be further seen that the particle of water in its positions 1, 2, 3 hastens to meet the approaching wave-crests', ] , 2, 3, rises on its left-hand side, is then carried on by the crest from 4 to 7 in the direction of its advance, afterwards halts behind it, sinks down again on the right side, and finally reaches its original position at 13. (In the Lecture itself, Fig. 2 was replaced by a working model, in which the movable particles, connected by threads, really revolved in circles, while connecting elastic threads represented the surface of the water.) FIG. 2. e 78 9 10 11 1!4 13 -^* X'X'^xTX?^^' ;<,x;<> ><^ recognise, with the help of such resonators as have just been de- scribed, that the upper partial tones of each vowel are peculiarly strong in certain parts of the scale : thus O in ore has its upper partials in the neighbourhood of b' fe. A in father in the neigh bourhood of b" (an octave higher). The following gives a general view of those portions of the scale where the upper partials of the vowels, as pronounced in the north of Germany, are particularly strong. Names of Notes. : ,, / 6* .p.6''b ltd" 35-6"* <*'" TJOAAEI O U 1 on o a a u ee eu u in in in in in i u in ' in cool ore Scotch ft fate feel French French nearly nearly nearly nearly nearly nearly Donders/' d b'ti. 1 c"'j /'" g? o" 1 The corresponding English vowel sounds are probably none of them pre- cisely the same as those pronounced by the author. It is necessaiy to note this, HARMONY IN MUSIC. 85 The following easy experiment clearly shows that it is in- ilifferent whether the several simple tones contained in a com- pound tone like a vowel uttered by the human voice come from one source or several. If the dampers of a pianoforte are raised, not only do the sympathetic vibrations of the strings furnish tones of the same pitch as those uttered beside it; but if we sing A (a in father) to any note of the piano, we hear an A quite clearly returned from the strings; and if E (a in fare or fate), O (o in hole or ore), and U (po in cool), be similarly sung to the note, E, 0, and U will also be echoed back. It is only necessary to hit the note of the piano with great exactness. 1 Now the for a very slight variation in pronunciation would produce a change in the fundamental tone, and consequently a more considerable change in the position of the upper partials. The tones given by Bonders, which are written below the English equivalents, are cited on the authority of Helmholtz's Tonem- pfindungen, 3rd edition, 1870, p. 171, where Helmholtz says: ' Bonders'* results differ somewhat from mine, partly because his refer to a Butch, and mine to a North German, pronunciation, and partly because Bonders, not having had the assistance of tuning forks, could not always correctly determine the octave to which the sounds belong.' Also (ib. p. 167) the author remarks that b"V- answers only to the deep German a (which is the broad Scotch a', or aw without labialisation), and that if the brighter Italian a (English a in father) be used, the resonance rises a third, to d'". Br. C. L. Merkel, of Leipzig, in his Phy- siologic der menschlichen Sprache, 18G6, p. 109, after citing Helmholtz's experi- ments as detailed in his Tonempfindungen, gives the following as ' the pitches of the vowels according to his most recent examination of his own habits of speech, as accurately as he is able to note them.' cool hole ore Scotch father French French fat fare fate feel nearly ' Here the note a applies to the timbre obscur of A with low larynx, and b to the timbre clair of A with high larynx, and similarly the vowel E may pass from d" to e" by nan-owing the channel in the mouth. The intermediate vowels O, A, have also two different timbres, and hence their pitch is not fixed ; the most frequent are consequently written over one another ; the lower note is for the obscure, and the higher for the bright timbre. But the vowel U seems to be tolerably fixed as a', just as its parents U and I are upon d and a", and it has consequently the pitch of the ordinary a' tuning fork.' TK. 1 My own experience shows that if any vowel at any pitch be loudly and 86 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CAUSES OF sound of the vowel is produced solely by the sympathetic vibra- tion of the higher strings, which correspond with the upper partial tones of the tone sung. In this experiment the tones of numerous strings are excited by a tone proceeding from a single source, the human voice, which produces a motion of the air, equivalent in form, and ; therefore in quality, to that of this single tone itself. We have hitherto spoken only of compositions of waves of different lengths. We will now compound waves of the same length which are moving in the same direction. The result will be entirely different, according as the elevations of one coincide with those of the other (in which case elevations of double the height and depressions of double the depth are produced), or the elevations of one fall on the depi-essions of the other. If both waves have the same height, so that the elevations of one exactly fit into the depressions of the other, both elevations and depres- sions will vanish in the second case, and the two waves will mutually destroy each other. Similarly two waves of sound, as well as two waves of water, may mutually destroy each other, when the condensations of one coincide with the rarefactions of the other. This remarkable phenomenon, wherein sound is silenced by a precisely similar sound, is called the interference of sounds. This is easily proved by means of the siren already described. On placing the upper box so that the puffs of air may proceed simultaneously from the rows of twelve holes in each wind chest, their effect is reinforced, and we obtain the fundamental tone of sharply sung, or called out, beside a piano of which the dampers have been raised, that vowel will be echoed back. There is generally a sensible pause before the echo is heard. Before repeating the experiment with a new vowel, whether at the same or a different pitch, damp all the strings and then again raise the dampers. The result can easily be made audible to a hundred persons at once, and it is extremely interesting and instructive. It is peculiarly so if different vowels be sung to the same pitch, so that they have all the same fundamental tone, and the upper partials only differ in intensity. For female voices the pitches jgja J ^- a' to c" are favourable for all vowels. This is a fundamental experiment for the theory of vowel sounds, and should be re- peated by all who are interested in speech. TR. HARMONY IN MUSIC. 87 the corresponding tone of the siren very full and strong. But on arranging the boxes so that the upper puffs escape when the lower series of holes is covered, and conversely the fundamental tone vanishes, and we only hear a faint sound of the first upper partial, which is an octave higher, and which is not destroyed by interference under these circumstances. Interference leads us to the so-called musical beats. If two tones of exactly the same pitch are produced simultaneously, and their elevations coincide at first, they will never cease to coincide, and if they did not coincide at first they never will coincide. The two tones will either perpetually reinforce, or perpetually destroy each other. Biit if the two tones have only approxi matively equal pitches, and their elevations at first coincide, so that they mutually reinforce each other, the elevations of one will gradually outstrip the elevations of the other. Times will come when the elevations of the one fall upon the depressions of the other, and then other times when the more rapidly advanc- ing elevations of the one will have again reached the elevations of the other. These alternations become sensible by that alter- nate increase and decrease of loudness, which we call a beat. These beats may pften be heard when two instruments which are not exactly in unison play a note of the same name. When the two or three strings which are struck by the same hammer on a piano are out of tune, the beats may be distinctly heard. Very slow and regular beats often produce a fine effect in sostenuto passages, as in sacred part-songs by pealing through the lofty aisles like majestic waves, or by a gentle tremor giving the tone a character of enthusiasm and emotion. The greater the difference of the pitches, the quicker the beats. As long as no more than four to six beats occur in a second, the ear readily distinguishes the alternate reinforcements of the tone. If the beats are more rapid the tone grates on the ear, or, if it is high, becomes cutting. A grating tone is one interrupted by rapid breaks, like that of the letter R, which is produced by inter- rupting the tone of the voice by a tremor of the tongue or uvula. 1 1 The trill of the uvula is called the Northumbrian burr, and is not 88 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CAUSES OF When the beats become more rapid, the ear finds a con- tinually increasing difficulty when attempting to hear them sepa- rately, even though there is a sensible roughness of the tone. At last they become entirely undistinguishable, and, like the separate puffs which compose a tone, dissolve as it were into a continuous sensation of tone. 1 Hence, while every separate musical tone excites in the auditory nerve a uniform sustained sensation, two tones of dif- ferent pitches mutually disturb one another, and split up into separable beats, which excite a feeling of discontinuity as dis- agreeable to the ear as similar intermittent but rapidly repeated sources of excitement are unpleasant to the other organs of sense; for example, nickering and glittering light to the eye, scratching with a brush to the skin. This roughness of tone is the essential character of dissonance. It is most unpleasant to the ear when the two tones differ by about a semitone, in which case, In the middle portions of the scale, from twenty to forty beats ensue in a second. When the difference is a whole tone, the roughness is less; and when it reaches a third it usually disappears, at least in the higher parts of the scale. The (minor or major) third may in consequence pass as a consonance. Even when the fundamental tones have such widely different pitches that they cannot produce audible beats, the upper partial tones may beat and make the tone rough. Thus, if two tones form a fifth (that is, one makes two vibrations in the same time as the other makes three), there is one upper partial in both tones which makes six vibrations in the same time. Now, if the ratio of the pitches of the fundamental tones is exactly as 2 to 3, the two upper partial tones of six vibrations are precisely alike, and do not destroy the harmony of the fundamental tones. But if this ratio is only approximatively as 2 to 3, then these two upper known out of Northumberland, in England. In France it is called the r grasseye or provenyai, and is the commonest Parisian sound of r. The uvula trill is also very common in Germany, but it is quite unknown in Italy. TK. 1 The transition of beats into a harsh dissonance was displayed by means of two organ pipes, of which one was gradually put more and more out of tune with the other. HARMONY IN MUSIC, 89 partials are not exactly alike, and hence will beat and roughen the tone. It is very easy to hear the beats of such imperfect fifths, because, as our pianos and organs are now tuned, all the fifths are impure, although the beats are very slow. By properly directed attention, or still better with the help of a properly tuned resonator, it is easy to hear that it is the particular upper partials here spoken of that are beating together. The beats are necessarily weaker than those of the fundamental tones, because the beating upper partials are themselves weaker. Although we are not usually clearly conscious of these beating upper partials, the ear feels their effect as a want of uniformity or a roughness in the mass of tone, whereas a perfectly pure fifth, the pitches being precisely in the ratio of 2 to 3, continues to sound with perfect smoothness, without any alterations, reinforcements, diminutions, or roughnesses of tone. As has already been mentioned, the siren proves in the simplest manner that the most perfect consonance of the fifth precisely corresponds to this ratio between the pitches. We have now learned the reason of the roughness experienced when any deviations from that ratio has been produced. In the same way two tones which have their pitches ex- actly in the ratios of 3 to 4, or 4 to 5, and consequently form a perfect fourth or a perfect major third, sound much better when sounded together, than two others of which the pitches slightly deviate from this exact ratio. In this manner, then, any given tone being assumed as fundamental, there is a pre- cisely determinate number of other degrees of tone which can be sounded at the same time with it, without producing any want of uniformity or any roughness of tone, or which will at least produce less roughness than any slightly greater or smaller intervals of tone under the same circumstances. This is the reason why modern music, which is essentially based on the harmonious consonance of tones, has been compelled to limit its scale to certain determinate degrees. But even in ancient music, which allowed only one part to be sung at a time, and hence had no harmony in the modern sense of the word, it can be shown that the upper partial tones contained in all 90 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CAUSES OF musical tones sufficed to determine a preference in favour of progressions though certain determinate intervals. When an upper partial tone is common to two successive tones in a melody, the ear recognises a certain relationship between them, serving as an artistic bond of union. Time is, however, too short for me to enlarge on this topic, as we should be obliged to go far back into the history of music. I will but mention that there exists another kind of secondary tones, which are only heard when two or more loudish tones of different pitch are sounded together, and are hence termed combinational. 1 These secondary tones are likewise capable of beating, and hence producing roughness in the chords. Suppose a perfectly just major third c' e' wr~f~ (ratio of pitches, 4 to 5) is sounded on the siren, or with properly tuned organ pipes, or /vs. on a violin ; 2 then a faint C Sg==p two octaves deeper than the -ic c' will be heard as a combinational tone. The same C is also heard when the tones e' g' ^b -L (ratio of pitches 5 to 6) are sounded together. 3 If the three tones c', e', g', having their pitches precisely in the ratios 4, 5, and 6, are struck together, the combinational tone C is produced twice 4 in perfect tinison, and without beats. But if the three notes are not exactly thus tuned, 5 the two C 1 These are of two kinds, differential and summational, according as their pitch is the difference or sum of the pitches of the two generating tones. The former are the only combinational tones here spoken of. The discovery of the latter was entirely due to the theoretical investigations of the author. TK. 2 In the ordinary tuning of the English concertina this major third is just, and generally this instrument shows the differential tones very -well. The major third is very false on the harmonium and piano. TR. 3 This minor third is very false on the English concertina, harmonium, or piano, and the combinational tone heard is consequently very different from the true C. TK. * The combinational tone c, an octave higher, is also produced once from the fifth c' g'. TR. 5 As on the English concertina or harmonium, on both of which the con- sequent effect may be well heard. TR. HARMONY IN MUSIC. 91 combinational tones will have different pitches, and produce faint beats. The combinational tones are usually much weaker than the upper partial tones, and hence their beats are much less rough and sensible than those of the latter. They are conse- quently but little observable, except in tones which have scarcely any upper partials, as those produced by flutes or the closed pipes of organs. But it is indisputable that on such instruments- part-music scarcely presents any line of demarcation between harmony and dysharmony, and is consequently deficient both in strength and character. On the contrary, all good musical qualities of tones are comparatively rich in upper partials, possessing the five first, which form the octaves, fifths, and major thirds of the fundamental tone. Hence, in the mixture stops of the organ, additional pipes are used, giving the series of upper partial tones corresponding to the pipe producing the fundamental tone, in order to generate a penetrating, powerful quality of tone to accompany congregational singing. The im- portant part played by the upper partial tones in all artistic musical effects is here also indisputable. We have now reached the heart of the theory of harmony. Harmony and dysharmony are distinguished by the undisturbed current of the tones in the former, which are as flowing as when produced separately, and by the disturbances created in the latter, in which the tones split up into separate beats. All that we have considered tends to this end. In the first place the phe- nomenon of beats depends on the interference of waves. Hence they could only occur if sound were due to undulations. Next, the determination of consonant intervals necessitated a capability in the ear of feeling the upper partial tones, and analysing the compound systems of waves into simple undulations, according to Fourier's theorem. It is entirely due to this theorem that the pitches of the upper partial tones of all serviceable musical tones must stand to the pitch of their fundamental tones in the ratios of the whole numbers to 1, and that consequently the ratios of the pitches of concordant intervals must correspond with the smallest possible whole numbers. How essential is. 92 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CAUSES OF the physiological constitution of the ear which we have just considered, becomes clear by comparing it with that of the eye. Light is also an undulation of a peculiar medium, the lumi- nous ether, diffused through the universe, and light, as well as sound, exhibits phenomena of interference. Light, too, has waves of various periodic times of vibration, which produce in the eye the sensation of colour, red having the greatest periodic time, then orange, yellow, green, blue, violet; the periodic time of violet being about half that of the outermost red. But the eye is unable to decompose compound systems of luminous waves, that is, to distinguish compound colours from one another. It experiences from them a single, unanalysable, simple sensation, that of a mixed colour. It is indifferent to the eye whether this mixed colour results from a union of fundamental colours with simple or with non-simple ratios of periodic times. The eye has no sense of harmony in the same meaning as the ear. There is no' music to the eye. ^Esthetics endeavour to find the principle of artistic beauty in its unconscious conformity to law. To-day I have endea- voured to lay bare the hidden law, on which depends the -agreeableness of consonant combinations. It is in the truest ;sense of the word unconsciously obeyed, so far as it depends on the upper partial tones, which, though felt by the nerves, are not usually consciously present to the mind. Their com- patibility or incompatibility, however, is felt without the hearer knowing the cause of the feeling he experiences. These phenomena of agreeableness of tone, as determined solely by the senses, are of course merely the first step towards the beautiful in music. For the attainment of that higher beauty which appeals to the intellect, harmony and dysharmony -are only means, although essential and powerful means. In dysharmony the auditory nerve feels hurt by the beats of incom- patible tones. It longs for the pure efflux of the tones into harmony. It hastens towards that harmony for satisfaction and rest. Thus both harmony and dysharmony alternately urge -and moderate the flow of tones, while the mind sees in their immaterial motion an image of its own perpetually streaming HARMONY IN MUSIC. 93 thotights and moods. Just as in the rolling ocean, this move- ment, rhythmically repeated, and yet ever varying, rivets our attention and hurries us along. But whereas in the sea, blind physical forces alone are at work, and hence the final impression on the spectator's mind is nothing but solitude in a musical work of art the movement follows the outflow of the artist's own emotions. Now gently gliding, now gracefully leaping,. now violently stirred, penetrated or laboriously contending with the natural expression of passion, the stream of sound, in primitive vivacity, bears over into the hearer's soul unimagined moods which the artist has overheard from his own, and finally raises him up to that repose of everlasting beauty, of which God has allowed but few of his elect favourites to be the heralds. But I have reached the confines of physical science, and must close. 95 ICE AND GLACIERS. A Lecture delivered at Frank fort-on-t he-Main, and at Heidelberg, in February 1865. THE world of ice and of eternal snow, as unfolded to us on the summits of the neighbouring Alpine chain, so stern, so solitary, so dangerous, it may be, has yet its own peculiar charm. Not only does it enchain the attention of the natural philosopher, who finds in it the most wonderful disclosures as to the present and past history of the globe, but every summer it entices thousands of travellers of all conditions, who find there mental and bodily recreation. While some content themselves with admiring from afar the dazzling adornment which the pure, luminous masses of snowy peaks, interposed between the deeper blue of the sky and the succulent green of the meadows, lend to the landscape, others more boldly penetrate into the strange world, willingly subjecting themselves to the most extreme degrees of exertion and danger, if only they may fill themselves with the aspect of its sublimity. I will not attempt what has so often been attempted in vain to depict in words the beauty and magnificence of nature, whose aspect delights the Alpine traveller. I may well presume that it is known to most of you from your own observation ; or, it is to be hoped, will be so. But I imagine that the delight and interest in the magnificence of those scenes will make you the more inclined to lend a willing ear to the remarkable results of modern investigations on the more prominent phenomena of 96 ICE AND GLACIERS. the glacial world. There we see that minute peculiarities of ice, the mere mention of which might at other times be regarded as a scientific subtlety, are the causes of the most important changes in glaciers ; shapeless masses of rock begin to relate- their histories to the attentive observer, histories which often stretch far beyond the past of the human race into the obscurity of the primeval world; a peaceful, uniform, and beneficent sway of enormous natural forces, where at first sight only desert wastes are seen, either extended indefi- nitely in cheerless, desolate solitudes, or full of wild, threat- ening confusion an arena of destructive forces. And thus I think I may promise that the study of the connection or those phenomena of which I can now only give you a very short outline will not only afford you some prosaic instruction, but will make your pleasure in the magnificent scenes of the high mountains more vivid, your interest deeper, and your admiration, more exalted. Let me first of all recall to your remembrance the chief features of the external appearance of the snow-fields and of the glaciers ; and let me mention the accurate measurements which have contributed to supplement observation, before I pass to discuss the casual connection of those processes. The higher we ascend the mountains the colder it becomes. Our atmosphere is like a warm covering spread over the earth it is well-nigh entirely transparent for the luminous darting rays of the sun, and allows them to pass almost without appre- ciable change. But it is not equally penetrable by obscure heat-rays, which, proceeding from heated terrestrial bodies,, struggle to diffuse themselves into space. These are absorbed by atmospheric air, especially when it is moist ; the mass of air is itself heated thereby, and only radiates slowly into space the heat which has been gained. The expenditure of heat is thus retarded as compared with the supply, and a certain store of heat is retained along the whole surface of the earth. But on high mountains the protective coating of the atmosphere is far thinner the radiated heat of the ground can escape thence more freely into space; there, accordingly, the accumulated ICE AND GLACIERS. 97 store of heat and the temperature are far smaller than at lower levels. To this must be added another property of air which acts in the same direction. In a mass of air which expands, part of its store of heat disappears; it becomes cooler, if it cannot acquire fresh heat from without. Conversely, by renewed com- pression of the air, the same quantity of heat is reproduced which had disappeared during expansion. Thus if, for instance, south winds drive the warm air of the Mediterranean towards the north, and compel it to ascend along the great mountain- wall of the Alps, where the air, in consequence of the diminished pressure, expands by about half its volume, it thereby becomes very greatly cooled for a mean height of 11,000 feet, by from 18 to 30 C., according as it is moist or dry and it thereby deposits the greater part of its moisture as rain or snow. If the same wind, passing over to the north side of the mountains as Eohn-wind, reaches the valleys and plains, it again becomes condensed, and is again heated. Thus the same current of air which is warm in the plains, both on this side of the chain and on the other, is bitterly cold on the heights, and can there deposit snow, while in the plain we find it insupportably hot. The lower temperature at greater heights, which is due to both these causes, is, as we know, very marked on the lower mountain chains of our neighbourhood. In central Europe it amounts to about 1 C. for an ascent of 480 feet; in winter it is less 1 for about 720 feet of ascent. In the Alps the differ- ences of temperature at great heights are accordingly far more considerable, so that upon the higher parts of their peaks and slopes the snow which has fallen in winter no longer melts in summer. This line, above which snow covers the ground! throughout the entire year, is well known as the snow-line ; on the northern side of the Alps it is about 8,000 feet high, on tho- southern side about 8,800 feet. Above the snow-line it may on sunny days be very warm ; the unrestrained radiation of the sun, increased by the light reflected from the snow, often becomes utterly unbearable; so that the tourist of sedentary 98 ICE AND GLACIERS. habits, apart from the dazzling of his eyes, which he must pro- tect by dark spectacles or by a veil, usually gets severely sun- burnt in the face and hands, the result of which is an inflam- matory swelling of the skin and great blisters on the surface. More pleasant testimonies to the power of the sunshine are the vivid colours and the powerful odour of the small Alpine flowers which bloom in the sheltered rocky clefts among the snow-fields. Notwithstanding the powerful radiation of the sun the tempera- ture of the air above the snow-fields only rises to 5, or at most 8 ; this, however, is sufficient to melt a tolerable amount of the superficial layers of snow. But the warm hours and days are too short to overpower the great masses of snow which have fallen during colder times. Hence the height of the snow-line does not depend merely on the temperature of the mountain slope, but also essentially on the amount of the yearly snow- fall. It is lower, for instance, on the moist and warm south slope of the Himalayas than on the far colder but also far drier north slope of the same mountain. Corresponding to the moist climate of western Europe, the snow-fall upon the Alps is very great, and hence the number and extent of their glaciers are comparatively considerable, so that few mountains of the earth can be compared with them in this respect. Such a develop- ment of the glacial world is, as far as we know, met with only on the Himalayas, favoured by the greater height; in Greenland and in Northern Norway, owing to the colder climate ; in a few islands in Iceland ; and in New Zealand, from the more abun- dant moisture. Places above the snow-line are thus characterised by the fact that the snow which in the course of the year falls on its surface does not quite melt away in summer, but remains to some extent. This snow, which one summer has left, is pro- tected from the further action of the sun's heat by the fresh quantities that fall upon it during the next autumn, winter, and spring. Of this new snow also next summer leaves some remains, and thus year by year fresh layers of snow are accu- mulated one above the other. In those places where such an accumulation of snow ends in a steep precipice, and its inner ICE AND GLACIERS. 99 structure is thereby exposed, the regularly stratified yearly layers are easily recognised. But it is clear that this accumulation of layer upon layer cannot go on indefinitely, for otherwise the height of the snow peak would continually increase year by year. But the more the snow is accumulated the steeper are the slopes, and the greater the weight which presses upon the lower and older layers and tries to displace them. Ultimately a state must be reached in which the snow-slopes are too steep to allow fresh snow to rest upon them, and in which the burden which presses the lower layers downwards is so great that these can no longer retain their position on the sides of the mountain. Thus, part of the snow which had originally fallen on the higher regions of the mountain above the snow-line, and had there been pro- tected from melting, is compelled to leave its original position and seek a new one, which it of course finds only below the snow- line on the lower slopes of the mountain, and especially in the valleys, where however, being exposed to the influence of a warmer air, it ultimately melts and flows away as water. The descent of masses of snow from their original positions some- times happens suddenly in avalanches, but it is usually very gradual in the form of glaciers. Thus we must discriminate between two distinct parts of the ice-fields; that is, first, the snow which originally fell called firn in Switzerland above the snow-line, covering the slopes of the peaks as far as it can hang on to them, and filling up the upper wide kettle-shaped ends of the valleys forming widely extended fields of snow or firnmeere. Secondly, the glaciers, called in the Tyrol firner, which as prolongations of the snow-fields often extend to a distance of from 4,000 to 5,000 feet below the snow-line, and in which the loose snow of the snow-fields is again found changed into transparent solid ice. Hence the name glacier, which is derived from the Latin, glades ; French, glace, glacier. The outward appearance of glaciers is very characteristically described by comparing them, with Goethe, to -currents of ice. They generally stretch from the snow-fields along the depth of H 2 100 ICE AND GLACIERS. the valleys, filling them throughout their entire breadth, and often to a considerable height. They thus follow all the cur- vatures, windings, contractions, and enlargements of the valley. Two glaciers frequently meet the valleys of which unite. The two glacial currents then join in one common principal current,, filling up the valley common to them both. In some places, these ice-currents present a tolerably level and coherent surface,. FIG. 13. but they are usually traversed by crevasses, and both over the surface and through the crevasses countless small and large water-rills ripple, which carry off the water formed by the melting of the ice. United, and forming a stream, they burst, through a vaulted and clear blue gateway of ice, out at the lower end of the larger glacier. On the surface of the ice there is a large quantity of blocks of stone, and of rocky debris, which at the lower end of the ICE AND GLACIERS. 101 glacier are heaped up and form immense walls ; these are called the lateral and terminal moraine of the glacier. Other heaps of rock, the central moraine, stretch along the surface of the glacier in the direction of its length, forming long regular dark lines. These always start from the places where two glacier streams coincide and unite. The central moraines are in such places to be regarded as the continuations of the united lateral moraines of the two glaciers. The formation f the central moraine is well represented in the view above given of the Unteraar Glacier (Fig. 13). In the background are seen the two glacier currents emerging from different valleys ; on the right from the Schreckhorn, and on the left from the Finsteraarhorn. From the place where they unite the rocky wall occupying the middle of the picture de- scends, constituting the central moraine. On the left are- seen individual large masses of rock resting on pillars of ice, which are known as glacier tables. To exemplify these circumstances still further, I lay before you in Fig. 14 a map of the Mer de Glace of Chamouni, copied from that of Forbes. The Mer de Glace in size is well known as the largest glacier in Switzerland, although in length it is exceeded by the Aletsch Glacier. It is formed from the snow-fields that cover the heights directly north of Mont Blanc, several of which, as the Grande Jorasse, the Aiguille Yerte (a, Figs. 14 and 15), the Aiguille du Geant (b), Aiguille du Midi (c), and the Aiguille du Dru (d), are only 2,000 to 3,000 feet below that king of the European mountains. The snow-fields which lie on the slopes and in the basins between these mountains collect in three prin- cipal currents, the Glacier du Geant, Glacier de Lechaud, and Glacier du Talefre, which, ultimately united as represented in the map, form the Mer de Glace; this stretches as an ice- current 2,600 to 3,000 feet in breadth down into the valley of Chamouni, where a powerful stream, the Arveyron, bursts from its lower end at k, and plunges into the Arve. The low- est precipice of the Mer de Glace, which is visible from the valley of Chamouni, and forms a large cascade of ice, is com- SANTA BARBARA 102 ICE AND GLACIERS. monly called Glacier des Bois, from a small village which lies below. Most of the visitors at Chamouni only set foot on the lowest- FIG. 14. O part of the Mer de Glace from the inn at the Montanvert, and when they are free from giddiness cross the glacier at this place to the little house on the opposite side, the Chapeau (n). ICE AND GLACIERS. Although, as the map shows, only a comparatively very small portion of the glacier is thus seen and crossed, this way shows sufficiently the magnificent scenes, and also the difficulties of a glacier excur- sion. Bolder wanderers march upwards along the glacier to the Jardin, a rocky cliff clothed with some vegetation, which divides the glacial current of the Glacier du Talefre into two branches; and bolder still they ascend yet higher, to the Col du Geant (11,000 feet above the sea), and down the Italian side to the valley of Aosta. The surface of the Mer de Glace shows four of the rocky walls which we have designated as medial mo- raines. The first, nearest the east side of the glacier, is formed where the two arms of the Glacier du Ta- lefre unite at the lower end of the Jardin ; the second proceeds from the union of the glacier in ques- tion with the Glacier de Lechaud ; the third, from the union of the last with the Glacier du Geant ; and the fourth, finally, from the top of the rock-ledge which stretches from the Aiguille du Geant towards the cas- cade (g) of the Glacier du Geant. To give you an idea of the slope and the fall of the glacier, I have given in Fig. 15 a longi- tudinal section of it according to 104 ICE AND GLACIERS. the levels and measurements taken by Forbes, with the view of the right bank of the glacier. The letters stand for the same objects as in Fig. 14 ; p is the Aiguille de Lechaud, q the Aiguille Noire, r the Mont Tacul, f is the Col du Geant, the lowest point in the high wall of rock that surrounds the upper end of the snow- fields which feed the Mer de Glace. The base line corresponds to a length of a little more than nine miles : on the right the heights above the sea are given in feet. The drawing shows very distinctly how small in most places is the fall of the glaeier. Only an approxi- mate estimate could be made of the depth, for hitherto nothing certain has been made out in reference to it. But that it is every deep is obvious from the following individual and accidental observations. At the end of a vertical rock wall of the Tacul, the edge of the Glacier du Geant is pushed forth, forming an ice wall 140 feet in height. This would give the depth of one of the upper arms of the glacier at the edge. In the middle and after the union of the three glaciers the depth must be far greater. Somewhat below the j unc- tion Tyndall and Hirst sounded a moulin, that is, a cavity through which the surface glacier waters escape, to a depth of 160 feet ; the guides alleged that they had sounded a similar aperture to a depth of 350 feet, and had found no bottom. From the usually deep trough-shaped or gorge-like form of the bottom of the valleys, which is constructed solely of rock walls, it seems improbable that for a breadth of 3,000 feet the mean depth should only be 350 feet; moreover, from the manner in which ice moves, there must necessarily be a very thick coherent mass beneath thecrevassed part. To render these magnitudes more intelligible by refer- ence to more familiar objects, imagine the valley of Heidel- berg filled with ice up to the Molkencur, or higher, so that the whole town, with all its steeples and the castle, is buried deeply beneath it; if, further, you imagine this mass of ice, gradually extending in height, continued from the mouth of the valley up to Neckargemiind, that would about correspond to the lower united ice-current of the Mer de Glace. Or, instead of the Khine and the Nahe at Bingen, suppose two ice-currents uniting which fill the Rhine valley to its upper ICE AND GLACIERS. 105 border as far as we can see from the river, and then the united currents stretching downwards to beyond Asmannshausen and Burg Rheinstein ; such a current would also about correspond to the size of the Mer de Glace. Fig. 16, which is a view of the magnificent Gorner Glacier seen from below, also gives an idea of the size of the masses of ice of the larger glaciers. FIG. 16. The surface of most glaciers is dirty, from the numerous pebbles and sand which lie upon it, and which are heaped together the more the ice under them and among them melts away. The ice of the surface has been partially destroyed and rendered crumbly. In the depths of the crevasses ice is seen of a purity and clear- ness with which nothing that we are acquainted with on the plains can be compared. From its purity it shows a splendid blue, like that of the sky, only with a greenish hue. Crevasses 106 ICE AND GLACIERS. in which pure ice is visible in the interior occur of all sizes ; in the beginning they form slight cracks in which a knife can scarcely be inserted ; becoming gradually enlarged to chasms, hundreds or even thousands, of feet in length, and twenty, fifty, and as much as a hundred feet in breadth, while some of them are immeasurably deep. Their vertical dark blue walls of crystal ice, glistening with moisture from the trickling water, form one of the most splendid spectacles which nature can present to us ; but, at the same time, a spectacle strongly impregnated with the excitement of danger, and only enjoyable by the traveller who feels perfectly free from the slightest tendency to giddiness. The tourist must know how, with the aid of well-nailed shoes and a pointed Alpenstock, to stand even on slippery ice, and at the edge of a vertical precipice the foot of which is lost in the darkness of night, and at an unknown depth. Such crevasses cannot always be evaded in crossing the glacier ; at the lower part of the Mer de Glace, for instance, where it is usually crossed by travellers, we are compelled to travel along some extent of precipitous banks of ice which are occasionally only four to six feet in breadth r and on each side of which is such a blue abyss. Many a traveller, who has crept along the steep rocky slopes without fear, there feels his heart sink, and cannot turn his eyes from the yawning chasm, for he must first carefully select every step for his feet. And yet these blue chasms, which lie open and exposed in the daylight, are by no means the worst dangers of the glacier ; though, indeed we are so organised that a clanger which we perceive, and which therefore we can safely avoid, frightens us far more than one which we know to exist, but which is veiled from our eyes. So also it is with glacier chasms. In the lower part of the glacier they yawn before us, threatening death and destruction, and lead us, timidly collecting all our presence of mind, to shrink from them ; thus accidents seldom occur. On the upper part of the glacier, on the contrary, the surface is covered with snow j this, when it falls thickly, soon arches over the- naiTower crevasses of a breadth of from four to eight feet, and forms bi-idges which quite conceal the crevasse, so that the- traveller only sees a beautiful plane snow surface before him. ICE AND GLACIERS. 107 If the snow bridges are thick enough, they will support a man ;. but they are not always so, and these are the places where men, and even chamois, are so often lost. These dangers may readily be guarded against if two or three men are roped together at intervals of ten or twelve feet. If then one of them falls into a crevasse, the two others can hold him, and draw him out again. In some places the crevasses may be entered, especially at the lower end of a glacier. In the well-known glaciers of Grindelwakl, Kosenlaui, and other places, this is facilitated by cutting steps and arranging wooden planks. Then any one who does not fear the perpetually trickling water may explore these crevasses, and admire the wonderfully transparent and pure crystal walls of these caverns. The beautiful blue colour which they exhibit is the natural colour of perfectly pure water ; liquid water as well as ice is blue, though to an extremely small extent, so that the colour is only visible in layers of from ten to twelve feet in thickness. The water of the Lake of Geneva and of the Lago di Garda exhibits the same splendid colour as ice. The glaciers are not everywhere crevassed ; in places where the ice meets with an obstacle, and in the middle of great glacier currents the motion of which is uniform, the surface is perfectly coherent. Fig. 17 represents one of the more level parts of the Mer de Glace at the Montanvert, the little hoiise of which is seen in the background. The Gries Glacier, where it forms the height of the pass from the Upper Rhone valley to the Tosa valley, may even be crossed on horseback. We find the greatest disturbance of the surface of the glacier in those places where it passes from a slightly inclined part of its bed to one where the slope is steeper. The ice is there torn in all directions into a quantity of detached blocks, which by melting are usually changed into wonderfully shaped sharp ridges and pyramids, and from time to time fall into the interjacent crevasses with a loud rumbling noise. Seen from a distance such a place appears like a wild frozen waterfall, and is therefore called a cascade ; such a cascade- is seen in the Glacier du Talefre at 1, another is seen in the Glacier du Geant at g, Fig. 19, while a third forms the lower 108 ICE AND GLACIERS. end of the Mer de Glace. The latter, already mentioned as the Olacier des Bois, which rises directly from the trough of the valley at Chamouni to a height of 1,700 feet, the height of the Konigstuhl at Heidelberg, affords at all times a chief object of FIG. 17. admiration to the Chamouni toui'ist. Fig. 18 represents a view of its fantastically rent blocks of ice. We have hitherto compared the glacier with a current as regards its outer form and appearance. This similarity, how- ever, is not merely an external one : the ice of the glacier does, indeed, move forwards like the water of a stream, only more ICE AND GLACIEKS. 109- slowly. That this must be the case follows from the con- siderations by which I have endeavoured to explain the origin of a glacier. For as the ice is being constantly diminished at FIG. 18. the lower end by melting, it would entirely disappear if fresh ice did not continually press forward from above, which, again, is made up by the snowfalls on the mountain tops. But by careful ocular observation we may convince ourselves that the glacier does actually move. For the inhabitants of the 110 ICE AND GLACIEKS. valleys, who have the glaciers constantly before their eyes, often -cross them, and in so doing make use of the larger blocks of stone as sign posts detect this motion by the fact that their guide posts gradually descend in the course of each year. And as the yearly displacement of the lower half of the Mer de Glace at Chamouni amounts to no less than from 400 to 600 feet, you can readily conceive that such displacements must ultimately be observed, notwithstanding the slow rate at which they take place, and in spite of the chaotic confusion of crevasses and rocks which the glacier exhibits. Besides rocks and stones, other objects which have acci- dentally alighted upon the glacier are dragged along. In 1788 the celebrated Genevese Saussure, together with his son and a company of guides and porters, spent sixeen days on the Col du Geant. On descending the rocks at the side of the cascade of the Glacier du Geant, they left behind them a wooden ladder. This was at the foot of the Aiguille Noire, where the fourth band of the Mer de Glace begins ; this line thus marks at the same time the direction in which ice travels from this point. In the year 1832, that is, forty-four years after, fragments of this ladder were found by Forbes and other travellers not far below the junction of the three glaciers of the Mer de Glace, in the same line (at s, Fig. 19), from which it results that these parts of the glacier must on the average have each year descended 375 feet. In the year 1827 Hugi had built a hut on the central moraine of the Unteraar Glacier for the purpose of making observations ; the exact position of this hut was determined by himself and afterwards by Agassiz, and they found that each year it had moved downwards. Fourteen years later, in the year 1841, it was 4,884 feet lower, so that every year it had on the average moved through 349 feet. Agassiz afterwards found that his own hut, which he had erected on the same glacier, had moved to a somewhat smaller extent. For these observations a long time was necessary. But if the motion of the glacier be observed by means of accurate measuring instruments, such as theodolites, it is not necessary to wait for years to observe that ice moves a single day is sufficient. ICE AND GLACIERS. Ill Such observations have in recent times been made by several observers, especially by Forbes and by Tyndall. They show that in summer the middle of the Mer de Glace moves through twenty inches a day, while towards the lower terminal cascade the motion amounts to as much as thirty-five inches in a day. In winter the velocity is only about half as great. At FIG. 19. the edges and in the lower layers of the glacier, as in a flow of water, it is considerably smaller than in the centre of the sur- face. The upper sources of the Mer de Glace also have a slower motion, the Glacier du Geant thirteen inches a day, and the Glacier du Lechaud nine inches and a half. In different glaciers the velocity is in general very various, according to the 112 ICE AND GLACIERS. size, the inclination, the amount of snow-fall, and other circum- stances. Such an enormous mass of ice thus gradually and gently moves on, imperceptibly to the casual observer, about an inch an hour the ice of the Col du Geant will take 120 years before it reaches the lower end of the Mer de Glace but it moves forward with uncontrollable force, before which any obstacles that man could oppose to it yield like straws, and the traces of which are distinctly seen even on the granite walls of the valley. If, after a series of wet seasons, and an abundant fall of snow on the heights, the base of a glacier advances, not merely does it crush dwelling houses, and break the trunks of powerful trees, but the glacier pushes before it the boulder walls which form its terminal moraine without seeming to experience any resistance. A truly magnificent spectacle is this motion, so gentle and so continuous, and yet so powerful and so irre- sistible. I will mention here that from the way in which the glacier moves we can easily infer in what places and in what directions crevasses will be formed. For as all layers of the glacier do not advance with equal velocity, some points remain behind others ; for instance, the edges as compared with the middle. Thus if we observe the distance from a given point at the edge to a given point of the middle, both of which were originally in the same line, but the latter of which afterwards descended more rapidly, we shall find that this distance continually increases; and since the ice cannot expand to an extent corresponding to the increasing distance, it breaks up and forms crevasses, as seen along the edge of the glacier in Fig. 20, which represents the Gorner Glacier at Zermatt. It would lead me too far if I were here to attempt to give a detailed explanation of the formation of the more regular system of crevasses, as they occur in certain parts of all glaciers ; it may be sufficient to mention that the conclusions deducible from the considerations above stated are fully borne out by observation. I will only draw attention to one point what extremely small displacements are sufficient to cause ice to form hundreds. ICE AND GLACIERS. 113 of crevasses. The section of the Mer de Glace (Fig. 21, at g, c, h) shows places where a scarcely perceptible change in the inclination of the surface of the ice occurs of from two to four degrees. This is sufficient to produce a system of cross crevasses on the surface. Tyndall more especially has urged and con- firmed by observation and measurements, that the mass of ice FIG. 20. of the glacier does not give way in the smallest degree to ex- tension, but when subjected to a pull is invariably torn asunder. The distribution of the boulders, too, on the surface of the glacier is readily explained when we take their motion into account. These boulders are fragments of the mountains between, which the glacier flows. Detached partly by the weathering of ICE AND GLACIERS. the stone, and partly by the freez- ing of water in its crevices, they fall, and for the most part on the edge of the mass of ice. There they either remain lying on the surface, or if they have originally burrowed in the snow, they ulti- mately reappear in consequence of the melting of the superficial layers of ice and snow, and they accumu- late especially at the lower end of the glacier, where more of the ice between them has been melted. The blocks which are gradually borne down to the lower end of the glacier are sometimes quite colossal in size. Solid rocky masses of this kind are met with in the lateral and terminal moraines, which are as large as a two-storied house. The masses of stone move in lines which are always nearly pa- rallel to each other and to the lon- gitudinal direction of the glacier. Those, therefore, that are already in the middle remain in the middle, and those that He on the edge remain at the edge. These latter are the more numerous, for during the entire course of the glacier fresh boulders are constantly falling on the edge, but cannot fall on the middle. Thus are formed on the edge of the mass of ice the lateral moraines, the boulders of which partly move along with the ice, ICE AND GLACIERS. 115 partly glide over its surface, and partly rest on the solid rocky base near the ice. But when two glacier streams unite, their coinciding lateral moraines come to lie upon the centre of the united ice-stream, and then move forward as central moraines parallel to each other and to the banks of the stream, and they show, as far as the lower end, the boundary -line of the ice which originally belonged to one or the other of the arms of the glacier. They are very remarkable as displaying in what regular parallel bands the adjacent parts of the ice-stream glide downwards. A glance at the map of the Mer de Glace, and its four central moraines, exhibits this very distinctly. On the Glacier du Geant and its continuation in the Mer de Glace, the stones on the surface of the ice delineate, in alternately greyer and whiter bands, a kind of yearly rings which were first observed by Forbes. For since in the cascade at g, Fig. 21, more ice slides down in summer than in winter, the surface of the ice below the cascade forms a series of terraces as seen in. the drawing, and as those slopes of the terraces which have a northern aspect melt less than their upper plane surfaces, the former exhibit purer ice than the latter. This, according to Tyndall, is the probable origin of these dirt bands. At first they run pretty much across the glacier, but as afterwards their centre moves somewhat more rapidly than the ends, they acquire farther down a curved shape, as represented in the map, Fig. 19. By their curvature they thus show to the observer with what varying velocity ice advances in the dif- ferent parts of its course. A very peculiar part is played by certain stones which are imbedded in the lower surface of the mass of ice, and which have partly fallen there through crevasses, and may partly have been detached from the bottom of the valley. For these stones are gradually pushed with the ice along the base of the valley, and at the same time are pressed against this base by the enormous weight of the superincumbent ice. Both the stones imbedded in the ice as well as the rocky base are equally hard, but by their friction against each other they are ground to powder with a power compared to which any human exertion, i 2 116 ICE AND GLACIERS. of force is infinitely small. The product of this friction is an extremely fine powder, which, swept away by water, appears lower down in the glacier brook, imparting to it a whitish or yellowish muddy appearance. The rocks of the trough of the valley, on the contrary, on which the glacier exerts year by year its grinding power, are polished as if in an enormous polishing machine. They remain as rounded, smoothly polished masses, in which are occasional scratches produced by individual harder stones. Thus we see them appear at the edge of existing glaciers, when after a series of dry and hot seasons the glaciers have somewhat receded. But we find such polished rocks as remains of gigantic ancient glaciers to a far greater extent in the lower parts of many Alpine valleys. In the valley of the Aar more especially, as far down as Meyringen, the rock-walls polished to a con- siderable height are very characteristic. There also we find the celebrated polished plates, over which the way passes, and- which are so smooth that furrows have had to be hewn into them and rails erected to enable men and animals to traverse them in safety. The former enormous extent of glaciers is recognised by ancient moraine-dykes and by transported blocks of stone, as well as by these polished rocks. The blocks of stone which have been carried away by the glacier are distinguished from those which water has rolled down, by their enormous magni- tude, by the perfect retention of all their edges which are not at all rounded off, and finally by their being deposited on the glacier in exactly the same order in which the rocks of which they formed part stand in the mountain ridge; while the stones which currents of water carry along are completely mixed together. From these indications, geologists have been able to prove that the glaciers of Chamouni, of Monte Rosa, of the St. Gott- hard, and the Bernese Alps, formerly penetrated through the valley of the Arve, the Rhone, the Aar, and the Rhine to the more level part of Switzerland and the Jura, where they have deposited their boulders at a height of more than a thousand ICE AND GLACIERS. 117 feet above the present level of the lake of Neufchatel. Similar traces of ancient glaciers are found upon the mountains of the British Islands, and upon the Scandinavian Peninsula. The drift-ice too of the Arctic Sea is glacier ice; it is pushed down into the sea by the glaciers of Greenland, becomes detached from the rest of the glacier, and floats away. In Switzerland we find a similar formation of drift-ice, though on a far smaller scale, in the little Marjelen See, into which part of the ice of the great Aletsch Glacier pushes down. Blocks of stone which lie in drift-ice may make long voyages over the .sea. The vast number of blocks of granite which are scattered on the North German plains, and whose granite belongs to the Scandinavian mountains, has been transported by drift-ice at the time when the European glaciers had such an enormous extent. I must unfortunately content myself with these few refer- ences to the ancient history of glaciers, and revert now to the processes at present at work in them. From the facts which I have brought before you it results that the ice of a glacier flows slowly like the current of a very viscous substance, such for instance as honey, tar, or thick magma of clay. The mass of ice does not merely flow along the ground like a solid which glidas over a precipice, but it bends and twists in itself; and although even while doing this it moves along the base of the valley, yet the parts which are in contact with the bottom and the sides of the valley are per- ceptibly retarded by the powerful friction ; the middle of the surface of the glacier, which is most distant both from the bottom and the sides, moving most rapidly. Rendu, a Savoyard priest, and the celebrated natural philosopher Forbes, were the first to suggest the similarity of a glacier with a current of a viscous substance. Now you will perhaps inquire with astonishment how it is possible that ice, which is the most brittle and fragile of sub- stances, can flow in the glacier like a viscous mass ; and you may perhaps be disposed to regard this as one of the wildest and most improbable statements that have ever been made by 118 ICE AND GLACIERS. philosophers. I will at once admit that philosophers themselves were not a little perplexed by these results of their investiga- tions. But the facts were there, and could not be got rid of. How this mode of motion originated was for a long time quite enigmatical, the more so since the numerous crevasses in glaciers were a sufficient indication of the well-known brittleness of ice; and as Tyndall correctly remarked, this constituted an essential difference between a stream of ice and the flow of lava, of tar, of honey, or of a current of mud. The solution of this strange problem was found, as is so often the case in the natural sciences, in apparently recondite investigations into the nature of heat, which form one of the most important conquests of modern physics, and which constitute what is known as the mechanical theory of heat. Among a great number of deductions as to the relations of the diverse natural forces to each other, the principles of the mechanical theory of heat lead to certain conclusions as to the dependence of the freezing-point of water on the pressure to which ice and water are exposed. Every one knows that we determine that one fixed point of our thermometer scale which we call the freezing-point or zero by placing the thermometer in a mixture of pure water and ice. Water, at any rate when in contact with ice, cannot be cooled below zero without itself being converted into ice ; ice cannot be heated above the freezing-point without melting. Ice and water can exist in each other's presence at only one temperature, the temperature of zero. Now, if we attempt to heat such a mixture by a flame beneath it, the ice melts, but the temperature of the mixture is never raised above that of so long as some of the ice remains unmelted. The heat imparted changes ice at zero into water at zero, but the thermometer indicates no increase of temperature. Hence physicists say that heat has become latent, and that water contains a certain quantity of latent heat beyond that of ice at the same temperature. On the other hand, when we withdraw more heat from the mixture of ice and water, the water gradually freezes : but ICE AND GLACIERS. 119 as long as there is still liquid water, the temperature remains at zero. Water at has given up its latent heat, and has become changed into ice at 0. Now a glacier is a mass of ice which is everywhere inter- penetrated by water, and its internal temperature is therefore everywhere that of the freezing-point. The deeper layers, even of the fields of neve, appear on the heights which occur in our Alpine chain to have everywhere the same temperature. For, though the freshly fallen snow of these heights is, for the most part, at a lower temperature than that of 0, the first hours of warm sunshine melt its surface and form water, which trickles into the deeper colder layers, and there freezes, until it has throughout been brought to the temperature of the freezing- point. This temperature then remains unchanged. For, though by the sun's rays the surface of the ice may be melted, it cannot be raised above zero, and the cold of winter penetrates as little into the badly conducting masses of snow and ice as it does into our cellars. Thus the interior of the masses of neve, as well as of the glacier, remains permanently at the melting- point. But the temperature at which water freezes may be altered by strong pressure. This was first deduced from the mechanical theory of heat by James Thomson of Belfast, and almost simul- taneously by Clausius of Zurich ; and, indeed, the amount of this change may be correctly predicted from the same reasoning. For each increase of a pressure of one atmosphere the freezing- point is lowered by the T-r5^h part of a degree Centigrade. The brother of the former, Sir W. Thomson, the celebrated Glasgow physicist, made an experimental confirmation of this theoretical deduction by compressing in a suitable vessel a mix- ture of ice and snow. This mixture became colder and colder as the pressure was increased, and to the extent required by the mechanical theory. Now, if a mixture of ice and water becomes colder when it is subjected to increased pressure without the withdrawal of heat, this can only be effected by some free heat becoming latent; that is, some ice in the mixture must melt and be converted 120 ICE AND GLACIERS. into water. In this is found the reason why mechanical pressure can influence the freezing-point. You know that ice occupies more space than the water from which it is formed. When water freezes in closed vessels, it can burst not only glass vessels, but even iron shells. Inasmuch, therefore, as in the compressed mixture of ice and water some of the ice melts and is converted into water, the volume of the mass diminishes, and the mass can yield more to the pressure upon it than it could have done without such an alteration of the freezing-point. Pres- sure furthers in this case, as is usual in the interaction of various natural forces, the occurrence of a change, that is fusion, which is favourable to the development of its own activity. In Sir W. Thomson's experiments water and ice were con- fined in a closed vessel from which nothing could escape. The case is somewhat different when, as with glaciers, the water dis- seminated in the compressed ice can escape through fissures. The ice is then compressed, but not the water which escapes. The compressed ice becomes colder in conformity with the lower- ing of its freezing-point by pressure; but the freezing-point of water which is not compressed is not lowered. Thus under these circumstances we have ice colder than in contact with water at 0. The consequence is that around the compressed ice water continually freezes and forms new ice, while on the other hand part of the compressed ice melts. This occurs, for instance, when only two pieces of ice are pressed against each other. By the water which freezes at their surfaces of contact they are firmly joined into one coherent piece of ice. With powerful pressure, and the chilling therefore great, this is quickly effected; but even with a feeble pressure it takes place, if sufficient time be given. Faraday, who discovered this property, called it the regelation of ice; the explanation of this phenomenon has been much controverted ; I have detailed to you that which I consider most satisfactory. This freezing together of two pieces of ice is very readily effected by pieces of any shape, which must not, however, be at a lower temperature than 0, and the experiment succeeds best ICE AND GLACIERS. 121 -when the pieces are already in the act of melting. 1 They need only be strongly pressed together for a few minutes to make them -adhere. The more plane are the surfaces in contact, the more complete is their union. But a very slight pressure is sufficient if the two pieces are left in contact for some time. 2 This property of melting ice is also utilised by boys in making snow-balls and snow-men. It is well known that this only succeeds either when the snow is already melting, or at any rate is only so much lower than that the warmth of the hand is sufficient to raise it to this temperature. Yery cold snow is a dry loose powder which does not stick together. The process which children carry out on a small scale in making snow-balls takes place in glaciers on the very largest .scale. The deeper layers of what was originally fine loose neve are compressed by the hugh masses resting on them, often amounting to several hundred feet, and under this pressure they cohere with an ever firmer and closer structure. The freshly fallen snow originally consisted of delicate microscopically fine ice-spicules, united and forming delicate six-rayed, feathery stars of extreme beauty. As often as the upper layers of the snow- fields are exposed to the sun's rays, some of the snow melts; water permeates the mass, and on reaching the lower layers of still colder snow, it again freezes ; thus it is that the firn first becomes granular and acquires the temperature of the freezing- point. But as the weight of the superincumbent masses of snow continually increases by the firmer adherence of its individual granules, it ultimately changes into a dense and perfectly hard mass. This transformation of snow into ice may be artificially fleeted by using a corresponding pressure. We have here (Fig. 22) a cylindrical cast-iron vessel, A A ; the base, B B, is held by three screws, and can be detached, so as to remove the cylinder of ice which is formed. After the vessel 1 In the Lecture a series of small cylinders of ice, which had been prepared 25 the external aperture of which is only two thirds the diameter of the cylindrical aperture of the form. Fig. 25 gives a sec- tion of the whole. If now I insert into this one of the com- pressed cylinders of ice, and force down the plug a, the ice is forced through the narrow aperture in the base. It at first emerges as a solid cylinder of the same dia- meter as the aperture; but as the ice follows more rapidly in the centre than at the edges, the free terminal surface of the cylinder becomes curved, the end thickens, so that it could not be brought back through the aperture, and it ultimately splits off. Fig. 26 exhibits a series of shapes which have resulted in this manner. 1 FIG. 26. Here also the cracks in the emerging cylinder of ice exhibit a surprising similarity with the longitudinal rifts which divide 1 In this experiment the lower temperature of the compressed ice sometimes extended so far through the iron form, that the water in the slit between the base plate and the cylinder froze and formed a thin sheet of ice, although the pieces of ice as well as the iron mould had previously laid in ice-water, and could, not be colder than 0. 126 ICE AND GLACIERS. a glacier current where it presses through a narrow rocky pass into a wider valley. In the cases which we have described we see the change in shape of the ice taking place before our eyes, whereby the block of ice retains its coherence without breaking into individual pieces. The brittle mass of ice seems rather to yield like a piece of wax. A closer inspection of a clear cylinder of ice compressed from clear pieces of ice, while the pressure is being applied, shows us what takes place in the interior ; for we then see an innumerable quantity of extremely fine radiating cracks shoot through it like a turbid cloud, which mostly disappear, though not completely, the moment the pressure is suspended. Such a compressed block is distinctly more opaque immediately after the experiment than it was before; and the turbidity arises, as may easily be observed by means of a lens, from a great number of whitish capillary lines crossing the interior of the mass of what is otherwise clear. These lines are the optical expression of extremely fine cracks l which interpenetrate the mass of the ice. Hence we may conclude that the compressed block is travelled by a great number of fine cracks and fissures which render it pliable ; that its particles become a little dis- persed, and are therefore withdrawn from pressure, and that immediately afterwards the greater part of the fissures disappear, owing to their sides freezing. Only in those places in which the surfaces of the small displaced particles do not accurately fit to each other some fissured spaces remain open, and are discovered as white lines and surfaces by the reflection of the light. These cracks and laminae also become more perceptible when 1 These cracks arc probably quite empty and free from air, for they are also formed when perfectly clear and air-free pieces of ice are pressed in the form which has been previously filled with water, and where, therefore, no air could gain access to the pieces of ice. That such air-free crevices occur in glacier ice has been already demonstrated by Tyndall. When the compressed ice afterwards melts, these crevices fill up with water, no air being left. They are then, however, far less visible, and the whole block is therefore clearer. And just for this reason they could not originally have been filled with water. ICE AND GLACIERS. 127 the ice which, as I before mentioned, is below zero immediately after pressure has been applied is again raised to this tempera- ture and begins to melt. The crevices then fill with water, and such ice then consists of a quantity of minute granules from the size of a pin's head to that of a pea, which are closely pushed into one another at the edges and projections, and in part have coalesced, while the narrow fissures between them are full of water. A block of ice thus formed of ice-granules adheres firmly together ; but if particles be detached from its corners they are seen to consist of these angular granules. Gla- cier ice, when it begins to melt, is seen to possess the same structure, except that the pieces of which it consists are mostly larger than in artificial ice, attaining the size of a pigeon's egg. Glacier ice and compressed ice are thus seen to be substances of a granular structure, in opposition to regularly crystallised ice, such as is formed on the surface of still water. We here meet with the same differences as between calcareous spar and marble, both of which consist of carbonate of lime ; but while the former is in large, regular crystals, the latter is made up of irregularly agglomerated crystalline grains. In calcareous spar, as well as in crystallised ice, the cracks produced by inserting the point of a knife extend through the mass, while in granular ice a crack which arises in one of the bodies where it must yield does not necessarily spread beyond the limits of the granule. Ice which has been compressed from snow, and has thus from the outset consisted of innumerable very fine crystalline needles, is seen to be particularly plastic. Yet in appearance it materially differs from glacier ice, for it is very opaque, owing to the great quantity of air which was originally inclosed in the flaky mass of snow, and which remains there as extremely minute bubbles. It can be made clearer by pressing a cylinder of such ice between wooden boards ; the air-bubbles appear then on the top of the cylinder as a light foam. If the discs are again broken, placed in the mould, and pressed into a cylinder, the air may gradually be more and more eliminated, and the ice be made clearer. No doubt in glaciers the originally whitish -mass of ne>e is thus gradually transformed into the clear, transparent ice of the glacier 128 ICE AND GLACIERS. Lastly, when streaked cylinders of ice formed from pieces of snow and ice are pressed into discs, they become finely streaked, for both their clear and their opaque layers are uniformly ex- tended. Ice thus striated occurs in numerous glaciers, and is no doubt caused, as Tyndall maintains, by snow falling between the blocks of ice ; this mixture of snow and clear ice is again compressed in the subsequent path of the glacier, and gradually stretched by the motion of the mass : a process quite analogous to the artificial one which we have demonstrated. Thus to the eye of the natural philosopher the glacier, with its wildly heaped ice-blocks, its desolate, stony, and muddy sur- face, and its threatening crevasses, has become a majestic stream whose peaceful and regular flow has no parallel ; which, accord- ing to fixed and definite laws, narrows, expands, is heaped up, or, broken and shattered, falls down precipitous heights. If we trace it beyond its termination we see its waters, uniting to a copious brook, burst through its icy gate and flow away. Such a brook, on emerging from the glacier, seems dirty and turbid enough, for it carries away as powder the stone which the glacier has ground. We are disenchanted at seeing the won- drously beautiful and transparent ice converted into such muddy water. But the water of the glacier streams is as pure and beautiful as the ice, though its beauty is for the moment concealed and invisible. We must search for these waters after they have passed through a lake in which they have deposited this pow- dered stone. The Lakes of Geneva, of Thun, of Lucerne, of Constance, the Lago Maggiore, the Lake of Como, and the Lago di Garda are chiefly fed with glacier waters ; their clearness and their wonderfully beautiful blue or blue-green colour are the delight of all travellers. Yet, leaving aside the beauty of these waters, and considering only their utility, we shall have still more reason for admiration. The unsightly mud which the glacier streams wash away forms a highly fertile soil in the places where it is deposited ; for its state of mechanical division is extremely fine, and it i& moreover an utterly unexhausted virgin soil, rich in the mineral ICE AND GLACIERS. 129 food of plants. The fruitful layers of fine loam which extend along the whole Rhine plain as far as Belgium, and are known as Loess, are nothing more than the dust of ancient glaciers. Then, again, the irrigation of a district, which is effected by the snow-fields and glaciers of the mountains, is distinguished from that of other places by its comparatively greater abundancy, for the moist air which is driven over the cold mountain peaks deposits there most of the water it contains in the form of snow. In the second place, the snow melts most rapidly in summer, and thus the springs which flow from the snow-fields are most abundant in that season of the year in which they are most needed. Thus we ultimately get to know the wild, dead ice- wastes from another point of view. From them trickles in thousands of rills, springs, and brooks the fructifying moisture which enables the industrious dwellers of the Alps to procure succulent vegetation and abundance of nourishment from the wild moun- tain slopes. On the comparatively small surface of the Alpine chain they produce the mighty streams the Rhine, the Rhone, the Po, the Adige, the Inn, which for hundreds of miles form broad, rich river-valleys, extending through Europe to the German Ocean, the Mediterranean, the Adriatic, and the Black Sea. Let us call to mind how magnificently Goethe, in ' Maho- met's Song,' has depicted the course of the rocky spring, from its origin beyond the clouds to its union with Father Ocean. It would be presumptuous after him to give such a picture in other than his own words : And along, in triumph rolling, Names he gives to regions ; cities Grow amain beneath his feet. On and ever on he rushes ; Spire and turret fiery crested Marble palaces, the creatures Of his wealth, he leaves behind. 130 ICE AND GLACIERS. Pine-built houses bears the Atlas On his giant shoulders. O'er his Head a thousand pennons rustle, Floating far upon the breezes, Tokens of his majesty. And so beareth he his brothers, And his treasures, and his children, To their primal sire expectant, All his bosom throbbing, heaving With a wild tumultuous joy. THEODORE MAKTIN'S Translation. ICE AND GLACIEKS. 131 ADDITIONS. THE theory of the revelation of ice has led to scientific discussions between Faraday and Tyndall on the one hand, and James and Sir W. Thomson on the other. In the text I have adopted the theory of the latter, and must now accordingly defend it. Faraday's experiments show that a very slight pressure, not more than that produced by the capillarity of the layer of water between two pieces of ice, is sufficient to freeze them together. James Thom- son observed that in Faraday's experiments pressure which could freeze them together was not utterly wanting. I have satisfied my- self by my own experiments that only veiy slight pressure is necessary. It must, however, be remembered that the smaller the pressure the longerwill be the time required to freeze the two pieces, and that then the junction will be very narrow and very fragile. Both these points are readily explicable on Thomson's theory. For under a feeble pressure the difference in temperature between ice and water will be very small, and the latent heat will only be slowly abstracted from the layers of water in contact with the pressed parts of the ice, so that a long time is necessary before they freeze. We must further take into account that we cannot in general consider that the two surfaces are quite in contact ; under a feeble pressure which does not appreciably alter their shape, they will only touch in what are practically three points. A feeble total pressure on the pieces of ice concentrated on such narrow surfaces will always produce a tolerably great local pressure under the influence of which some ice will melt, and the water thus formed will freeze. But the bridge which joins them will never be otherwise than narrow. Under stronger pressure, which' may more completely alter the shape of the pieces of ice, and fit them against each other, and which will melt more of the surfaces that are first in contact, there will be a greater difference between the temperature of the ice and water, and the bridges will be more rapidly formed, and be of greater extent. 132 ICE AND GLACIERS. In order to show the slow action of the small differences of tempera- ture which here come into play, I made the following experiments. A glass flask with a drawn-out neck was half filled with water, which was boiled until all the air in the flask was driven out. The neck of the flask was then hermetically sealed. When cooled, the flask was void of air, and the water within it freed from the pressure of the atmosphere. As the water thus prepared can be cooled con- siderably below C. before the first ice is formed, while when ice is in the flask it freezes at C., the flask was in the first* instance placed in a freezing mixure until the water was changed into ice. It was afterwards permitted to melt slowly in a place the temperature of which was + 2 C., until the half of it was liquefied. The flask thus half filled with water, having a disc of ice swimming upon it, was placed in a mixture of ice and water, being quite surrounded by the mixture. After an hour, the disc within the flask was frozen to the glass. By shaking the flask the disc was liberated, but it froze again. This occurred as often as the shaking was repeated. The flask was permitted to remain for eight days in the mixture^ which was kept throughout at a temperature of C. During this time a number of very regular and sharply defined ice-crystals were formed, and augmented very slowly in size. This is perhaps the best method of obtaining beautifully formed crystals of ice. While, therefore, the outer ice which had to support the pressure of the atmosphere slowly melted, the water within the flask, whose freezing-point, on account of a defect of pressure, was 0'0075 C. higher, deposited crystals of ice. The heat abstracted from the water in this operation had, moreover, to pass through the glass of the flask, which, together with the small difference of temperature, explains the slowness of the freezing process. Now as the pressure of one atmosphere on a square millimetre amounts to about ten grammes, a piece of ice weighing ten grammes, which lies upon another and touches it in three places, the total surface of which is a square millimetre, will produce on these surfaces a pressure of an atmosphere. Ice will therefore be formed more rapidly in the surrounding water than it was in the flask, where the side of the glass was interposed between the ice and the water. Even with a much smaller weight the same result will follow in the course of an hour. The broader the bridges become, owing to the freshly formed ice, the greater will be the surfaces over which the pressure exerted by the upper piece of ice is distributed, and the ICE AND GLACIERS. 133 feebler it will become; so that with such feebla pressure the bridges can only slowly increase, and therefore they will be readily broken when we try to separate the pieces. It cannot, moreover, be doubted that in Faraday's experiments, in which two perforated discs of ice were placed in contact on a hori- zontal glass rod, so that gravity exerted no pressure, capillary attrac- tion is sufficient to produce a pressure of some grammes between the plates, and the preceding discussions show that such a pressure, if adequate time be given, can form bridges between the plates. If, on the other hand, two of the above-described cylinders of ice are powerfully pressed together by the hands, they adhere in a few minutes so firmly, that they can only be detached by the exertion of a considerable force, for which indeed that of the hands is sometimes inadequate. In my experiments I found that the force and rapidity with which the pieces of ice united were so entirely proportional to the pressure that I cannot but assign this as the actual and sufficient cause of their union. In Faraday's explanation, according to which regelation is due to a contact action of ice and water, I find a theoretical difficulty. By the water freezing, a considerable quantity of latent heat must be set free, and it is not clear what becomes of this. Finally, if ice in its change into water passes through an inter- mediate viscous condition, a mixture of ice and water which was kept for days at a temperature of must ultimately assume this condition in its entire mass, provided its temperature was uniform throughout ; this however is 'never the case. As regards what is called the plasticity of ice, James Thomson has given an explanation of it in which the formation of cracks in the interior is not presupposed. No doubt when a mass of ice in different parts of the interior is exposed to different pressures, a portion of the more powerfully compressed ice will melt ; and the latent heat neces- sary for this will be supplied by the ice which is less strongly com- pressed, and by the water in contact with it. Thus ice would melt at the compressed places, and water would freeze in those which are not pressed : ice would thus be gradually transformed and yield to pressure. It is also clear that, owing to the very small conduc- tivity for heat which ice possesses, a process of this kind must be ex- tremely slow, if the compressed and colder layers of ice, as in glaciers, are at considerable distances from the less compressed ones, and from the water which furnishes the heat for melting. 134 ICE AND GLACIERS. To test this hypothesis, I placed in a cylindrical vessel, between- two discs of ice of three inches in diameter, a smaller cylindrical piece of an inch in diameter. On the uppermost disc I placed a wooden disc, and this I loaded with a weight of twenty pounds. The section of the narrow piece was thus exposed to a pressure of more than an atmosphere. The whole vessel was packed between pieces of ice, and left for five days in a room the temperature of which was a few degrees above the freezing-point. Under these circumstances the ice in the vessel, which was exposed to the pressure of the weight, should melt, and it might be expected that the narrow cylinder on which the pressure was most powerful should have been most melted. Some water was indeed formed in the vessel, but mostly at the ex- pense of the larger discs at the top and bottom, which being nearest the outside mixture of ice and water could acquire heat through the sides of the vessel. A small welt, too, of ice, was formed round the surface of contact of the narrower with the lower broad piece, which showed that the water, which had been formed in conse- quence of the pressure, had again frozen in places in which the pressure ceased. Yet under these circumstances there was no ap- preciable alteration in the shape of the middle piece which was most compressed. This experiment shows that although changes in the shape of the pieces of ice must take place in the course of time in accordance with J. Thomson's explanation, by which the more strongly compressed parts melt, and new ice is formed at the places which are freed from pressure, these changes must be extremely slow when the thickness of the pieces of ice through which the heat is conducted is at all con- siderable. Any marked change in shape by melting in a medium the temperature of which is everywhere 0, could not occur without access of external heat, or from the uncompressed ice and water ; and with the small differences in temperature which here come into play, and from the badly conducting power of ice, it must be ex- tremely slow. That on the other hand, especially in granular ice, the formation of cracks, and the displacement of the surfaces of those cracks, render such a change of form possible, is shown by the above-described ex- periments on pressure; and that in glacier ice changes of form thus occur, follows from the banded structure, and the granular aggrega- tion which is manifest on melting, and also from the manner in which the layers change their position when moved, and so forth. Hence, I doubt not that Tyndall has discovered the essential and principal ICE AND GLACIERS. 135 cause of the motion of glaciers, in referring it to the formation of cracks and to regelation. I would at the same time observe that a quantity of heat, which is far from inconsiderable, must be produced by friction in the larger glaciers. It may be easily shown by calculation that when a mass of firn moves from the Col du Ge"ant to the source of the Arveyron, the heat due to the mechanical work would be sufficient to melt a fourteenth part of the mass. And as the friction must be greatest in those places that are most compressed, it will at any rate be suf- ficient to remove just those parts of the ice which offer most resistance to motion. I will add, in conclusion, that the above-described granular structure of ice is beautifully shown in polarised light. If a small clear piece is pressed in the iron mould, so as to form a disc of about five inches in thickness, this is sufficiently transparent for investiga- tion. Viewed in the polarising apparatus, a great number of variously coloured small bands and rings are seen in the interior ; and by the arrangement of their colours it is easy to recognise the limits of the ice-granules, which, heaped on one another in irregular order of their optical axes, constitute the plate. The appearance is es- sentially the same when the plate has just been taken out of the press, and the cracks appear in it as whitish lines, as afterwards when these crevices have been filled up in consequence of the ice beginning to melt. In order to explain the continued coherence of the piece of ice during its change of form, it is to be observed that in general the cracks in the granular ice are only superficial, and do not extend throughout its entire mass. This is directly seen during the pressing of the ice. The crevices form and extend in different directions, like cracks produced by a heated wire in a glass tube. Ice possesses a certain degree of elasticity, as may be seen in a thin flexible plate. A fissured block of ice of this kind will be able to undergo a displacement at the two sides which form the crack, even when these continue to adhere in the unfissured part of the block. If then part of the fissure at first formed is closed by regelation, the fissure can extend in the opposite direction without the continuity of the block being at any time disturbed. It seems to me doubtful, too, whether in compressed ice and in glacier ice, which apparently consists of interlaced poly- hedral granules, these granules, before any attempt is made to separate them, are completely detached from each other, and are not rather connected by ice-bridges which readily give way ; and whether these 136 ICE AND GLACIERS. latter do not produce the comparatively firm coherence of the apparent heap of granules. The properties of ice here described are interesting from a physical point of view, for they enable us to follow so closely the transition from a crystalline body to a granular one ; and they give the causes of the alteration of its properties better than in any other well-known example. Most natural substances show no regular crystalline struc- ture; our theoretical ideas refer almost exclusively to crystallised and perfectly elastic bodies. It is precisely in this relationship that the transition from fragile and elastic crystalline ice into plastic granular ice is so very instructive. is: ON THE INTEKACTION OF NATUEAL FOECES. A Lecture delivered February 7, 1854, at Konigsberg, in Prussia. A NEW conquest of very general interest has been recently made by natural philosophy. In the following pages I will endeavour to give an idea of the nature of this conquest. It has reference to a new and universal natural law, which rules the action of natural forces in their mutual relations towards each other, and is as influential on our theoretic views of natural processes as it is important in their technical applications. Among the practical arts which owe their progress to the development of the natural sciences, from the conclusion of the middle ages downwards, practical mechanics, aided by the mathe- matical science which bears the same name, was one of the most prominent. The character of the art was, at the time referred to, naturally very different from its present one. Surprised and stimulated by its own success, it thought no problem beyond its power, and immediately attacked some of the most difficult and complicated. Thus it was attempted to build automaton figures which should perform the functions of men and animals. The marvel of the last century was Vaucanson's duck, which fed and digested its food ; the flute-player of the same artist, which moved all its fingers correctly ; the writing-boy of the elder, and the pianoforte-player of the younger, Droz ; which latter, when performing, followed its hands with its eyes, and at the con- 138 ON THE INTERACTION OF NATURAL FORCES. elusion of the piece bowed courteously to the audience. That men like those mentioned, whose talent might bear comparison with the most inventive heads of the present age, should spend so much time in the construction of these figures, which we at present regard as the merest trifles, would be incompre- hensible if they had not hoped in solemn earnest to solve a great problem. The writing-boy of the elder Droz was publicly exhibited in Germany some years ago. Its wheelwork is so complicated that no ordinary head would be sufficient to de- cipher its manner of action. When, however, we are informed that this boy and its constructor, being suspected of the black art, lay for a time in the Spanish Inquisition, and with diffi- culty obtained their freedom, we may infer that in those days even such a toy appeared great enough to excite doubts as to its natural origin. And though these artists may not have hoped to breathe into the creature of their ingenuity a soul gifted with moral completeness, still there were many who would be willing to dispense with the moral qualities of their servants, if at the same time their immoral qualities could also be got rid of; and to accept, instead of the mutability of flesh and bones, services which should combine the regularity of a machine with the durability of brass and steel. The object, therefore, which the inventive genius of the past century placed before it with the fullest earnestness, and not as a piece of amusement merely, was boldly chosen, and was followed up with an expenditure of sagacity which has contributed not a little to enrich the mechanical experience which a later time knew how to take advantage of. We no longer seek to build machines which shall fulfil the thousand services required of one man, but desire, on the contrary, that a machine shall perform one service, and shall occupy in doing it the place of a thousand men. From these efforts to imitate living creatures, another idea, also by a misunderstanding, seems to have developed itself, and which, as it were, formed the new philosopher's stone of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It was now the en- deavour to construct a perpetual motion. Under this term was ON THE INTERACTION OF NATURAL FORCES. 139 understood a machine which, without being wound up, without consuming in the working of it falling water, wind, or any other natural force, should still continue in motion, the motive power being perpetually supplied by the machine itself. Beasts and human beings seemed to correspond to the idea of such an apparatus, for they moved themselves energetically and in- cessantly as long as they lived, and were never wound up ; nobody set them in motion. A connexion between tho supply of nourishment and the development of force did not make itself apparent. The nourishment seemed only necessary to grease, as it were, the wheelwork of the animal machine, to replace what was used up, and to renew the old. The develop- ment of force out of itself seemed to be the essential peculiarity, the real quintessence of organic life. If, therefore, men were to be constructed, a perpetual motion must first be found. Another hope also seemed to take up incidentally the second place, which in our wiser age would certainly have claimed the first rank in the thoughts of men. The perpetual motion was to produce work inexhaustibly without corresponding consump- tion, that is to say, out of nothing. Work, however, is money. Here, therefore, the great practical problem which the cunning heads of all centuries have followed in the most diverse ways, namely, to fabricate money out of nothing, invited solution. The similarity with the philosopher's stone sought by the ancient chemists was complete. That also was thought to contain the quintessence of organic life, and to be capable of producing gold. The spur* which drove men to inquiry was sharp, and the talent of some of the seekers must not be estimated as small. The nature of the problem was quite calculated to entice poring brains, to lead them round a circle for years, deceiving ever with new expectations which vanished upon nearer approach, and finally reducing these dupes of hope to open insanity. The phantom could not be grasped. It would be impossible to give a history of these efforts, as the clearer heads, among whom the elder Droz must be ranked, convinced themselves of the futility of their experiments, and were naturally not inclined to speak 140 ON THE INTERACTION OF NATURAL FORCES. much about them. Bewildered intellects, however, proclaimed often enough that they had discovered the grand secret; and as the incorrectness of their proceedings was always speedily mani- fest, the matter fell into bad repute, and the opinion strength- ened itself more and more that the problem was not capable of solution; one difficulty after another was brought under the dominion of mathematical mechanics, and finally a point was reached where it could be proved that at least by the use of pure mechanical forces no perpetual motion could be generated. We have here arrived at the idea of the driving force or power of a machine, and shall have much to do with it in future. I must therefore give an explanation of it. The idea of work is evidently transferred to machines by comparing their per- formances with those of men and animals, to replace which they were applied. We still reckon the work of steam-engines according to horse-power. The value of manual labour is de- termined partly by the force which is expended in it (a strong labourer is valued more highly than a weak one), partly, however, by the skill which is brought into action. Skilled workmen are not to be had in any quantity at a moment's notice ; they must have both talent and instruction, their edu- cation requires both time and trouble. A machine, on the contrary, which executes work skilfully, can always be multi- plied to any extent ; hence its skill has not the high value of human skill in domains where the latter cannot be supplied by machines. Thus the idea of the quantity of work in the case of machines has been limited to the consideration of the expen- diture of force ; this was the more important, as indeed most machines are constructed for the express purpose of exceeding, by the magnitude of their effects, the powers of men and animals. Hence, in a mechanical sense, the idea of work has become identical with that of the expenditure of force, and in this way I will apply it in the following pages. How, then, can we measure this expenditure, and compare it in the case of different machines 1 I must here conduct you a portion of the way as short a portion as possible over the uninviting field of mathematico- ON THE INTERACTION OF NATURAL FORCES. 141 mechanical ideas, in order to bring you to a point of view from which a more rewarding prospect will open. And though the example which I will here choose, namely, that of a water-mill with iron hammer, appears to be tolerably romantic, still, alas! I must leave the dark forest valley, the foaming brook, the spark-emitting anvil, and the black Cyclops wholly out of sight, and beg a moment's attention for the less poetic side of the question, namely, the- machinery. This is driven by a water- wheel, which in its turn is set in motion by the falling water. The axle of the water-wheel has at certain places small projec- tions, thumbs, which, during the rotation, lift the heavy hammer and permit it to fall again. The falling hammer belabours the mass of metal which is introduced beneath it. The work therefore done by the machine consists, in this case, in the lift- ing of the hammer, to do which the gravity of the latter must be overcome. The expenditure of force will, in the first place, other circumstances being equal, be proportional to the weight of the hammer; it will, for example, be double when the weight of the hammer is doubled. But the action of the hammer depends not upon its weight alone, but also upon the height from which it faHs. If it falls through two feet, it will produce a greater effect than if it falls through only one foot. It is, however, clear that if the machine, with a certain expenditure of force, lifts the hammer a foot in height, the same amount of force must be expended to raise it a second foot in height. The work is therefore not only doubled when the weight of the hammer is increased twofold, but also when the space through, which it falls is doubled. From this it is easy to see that the work must be measured by the product of the weight into the space through which it ascends. And in this way, indeed, we measure in mechanics. The unit of work is a foot-pound, that is, a pound weight raised to the height of one foot. While the work in this case consists in the raising of the heavy hammer-head, the driving force which sets the latter in motion is generated by failing water. It is not necessary that the water should fall vertically, it can also flow in a moderately inclined bed ; but it must always, where it has water-mills to- 142 ON THE INTERACTION OF NATURAL FORCES. set in motion, move from a higher to a lower position. Ex- periment and theory concur in teaching that when a hammer of a hundredweight is to be raised one foot, to accomplish this at least a hundredweight of water must fall through the space of one foot ; or, what is equivalent to this, two hundredweight must fall half a foot, or four hundredweight a quarter of a foot, &c. In short, if we multiply the weight of the falling water by the height through which it falls, and regard, as before, the product as the measure of the work, then the work performed by the machine in raising the hammer can, in the most favour- able case, be only equal to the number of foot-pounds of water which have fallen in the same time. In practice, indeed, this ratio is by no means attained : a great portion of the work of the falling water escapes unused, inasmuch as part of the force is willingly sacrificed for the sake of obtaining greater speed. I will further remark that this relation remains unchanged whether the hammer is driven immediately by the axle of the wheel, or whether by the intervention of wheel work, endless screws, pulleys, ropes the motion is transferred to the hammer. We may, indeed, by such arrangements succeed in raising a hammer of ten hundredweight, when by the first simple arrange- ment the elevation of a hammer of one hundredweight might alone be possible ; but either this heavier hammer is raised to only one tenth of the height, or tenfold the time is required to raise it to the same height ; so that, however we may alter, by the interposition of machinery, the intensity of the acting force, :still in a certain time, during which the mill-stream furnishes us with a definite quantity of water, a certain definite quantity of work, and no more, can be performed. Our machinery, therefore, has in the first place done nothing more than make use of the gravity of the falling water in order to overpower the gravity of the hammer, and to raise the latter. When it has lifted the hammer to the necessary height, it again liberates it, and the hammer falls upon the metal mass which is pushed beneath it. But why does the falling hammer here exer- cise a greater force than when it is permitted simply to press with its own weight on the mass of metal ? Why is its power greater ON THE INTERACTION OF NATURAL FORCES. 143 as the height from which it falls is increased, and the greater therefore the velocity of its fall? We find, in fact, that the work pel-formed by the hammer is determined by its velocity. In other cases, also, the velocity of moving masses is a means of producing great effects. I only remind you of the destruc- tive effects of musket-bullets, which in a state of rest are the most harmless things in the world. I remind you of the wind- mill, which derives its force from the moving air. It may appear surprising that motion, which we are accustomed to regard as a non-essential and transitory endowment of bodies, can produce such great effects. But the fact is, that motion appears to us, under ordinary circumstances, transitory, because the movement of all terrestrial bodies is resisted perpetually by other forces, friction, resistance of the air, iss",n- schaftliche Unterhaltungen, vol. iii. 1852. ' Human Vision,' a popular Scien- tific Lecture by H. Helmholtz, Leipzig, 1855. 204 RECENT PROGRESS OF THE THEORY OF VISION. What, therefore, we directly apprehend is not the immediate action of the external exciting cause upon the ends of our nerves, but only the changed condition of the nervous fibres which we call the state of excitation or functional activity. Now all the nerves of the body, so far as we at present know, have the same structure, and the change which we call excitation is in each of them a process of precisely the same kind, whatever be the function it subserves. For while the task of some nerves is that already mentioned, of carrying sen- sitive impressions from the external organs to the brain, others convey voluntary impulses in the opposite direction, from the brain to the muscles, causing them to contract, and so moving the limbs. Other nerves, again, carry an impression from the brain to certain glands, and call forth their secretion, or to the heart and to the blood-vessels, and regulate the circulation. But the fibres of all these nerves are the same clear cylindrical threads of microscopic minuteness, containing the same oily and albuminous material. It is true that there is a difference in the diameter of the fibres, but this, so far as we know, depends only upon minor causes, such as the necessity of a certain strength and of getting room for a certain number of independent con- ducting fibres. It appears to have no relation to their pe- culiarities of function. Moreover, all nerves have the same electro-motor actions, as the researches of Du Bois Reymond l prove. In all of them the condition of excitation is called forth by the same mechanical, electrical, chemical, or thermometric changes. It is propagated with the same rapidity, of about one hundred feet in the second, to each end of the fibres, and produces the same changes in their electro-motor properties. Lastly, all nerves die when submitted to like conditions, and, with a slight apparent differ- ence according to their thickness, undergo the same coagulation of their contents. In short, all that we can ascertain of ner- vous structure and function, apart from the action of the other organs with which they are united and in which during life we see the proofs of their activity, is precisely the same for all the 1 Professor of Physiology in the University of Berlin. THE SENSATION OF SIGHT. 205 different kinds of nerves. Very lately tbe French physiologists Philippeau and Vulpian, after dividing the motor and sensitive nerves of the tongue, succeeded in getting the upper half of the sensitive nerve to unite with the lower half of the motor. After the wound had healed, they found that irritation of the upper half, which in normal conditions would have been felt as a sensation, now excited the motor branches below, and thus caused the muscles of the tongue to move. We conclude from these facts that all the difference which is seen in the excitation of different nerves depends only upon the difference of the organs to which the nerve is united, and to which it transmits the state of excitation. The nerve fibres have been often compared with telegraphic wires traversing a country, and the comparison is well fitted to illustrate this striking and important peculiarity of their mode of action. In the network of telegraphs we find everywhere the same copper or iron wires carrying the same kind of move- ment, a stream of electricity, but producing the most different results in the various stations according to the auxiliary apparatus with which they are connected. At one station the effect is the ringing of a bell, at another a signal is moved, and at a third a recording instrument is set to work. Chemical decompositions may be produced which will serve to spell out the messages, and even the human arm may be moved by electricity so as to convey telegraphic signals. When the Atlantic cable was being laid, Sir William Thomson found that the slightest signals could be recognised by the sense of taste, if the wire was laid upon the tongue. Or, again, a strong electric current may be transmitted by telegraphic wires in order to ignite gunpowder for blasting rocks. In short, every one of the hundred different actions which electricity is capable of producing may be called forth by a telegraphic wire laid to whatever spot we please, and it is always the same process in the wire itself which leads to these diverse consequences. Nerve fibres and telegraphic wires are equally striking examples to illustrate the doctrine that the same causes may, under different conditions, produce different results. However commonplace this may now sound, mankind 206 RECENT PROGRESS OF THE THEORY OF VISION. had to work long and hard before it was understood, and before this doctrine replaced the belief previously held in the constant and exact correspondence between cause and effect. And we can scarcely say that the truth is even yet universally recog- nised, since in our present subject its consequences have been till lately disputed. Therefore, as motor nerves, when irritated, produce move- ment, because they are connected with muscles, and glandular nerves secretion, because they lead to glands, so do sensitive nerves, when they are irritated, produce sensation, because they are connected with sensitive organs. But we have very different kinds of sensation. In the first place, the impressions derived from external objects fall into five groups, entirely distinct from each other. These correspond to the five senses, and their difference is so great that it is not possible to compare in quality a sensation of light with one of sound or of smell. We will name this difference, so much deeper than that between com- parable qualities, a difference of the mode, or kind, of sensation, and will describe the differences between impressions belonging to the same sense (for example, the difference between the various sensations of colour) as a difference of quality. Whether by the irritation of a nerve we produce a muscular movement, a secretion or a sensation, depends upon whether we are handling a motor, a glandular, or a sensitive nerve, and not at all upon what means of irritation we may use. It may be an electrical shock, or tearing the nerve, or cutting it through, or moistening it with a solution of salt, or touching it with a hot wire. In the same way (and this great step in advance was due to Johannes M tiller) the kind of sensation which will ensue when we irritate a sensitive nerve, whether an impression of light, or of sound, or of feeling, or of smell, or of taste, will be produced, depends entirely upon which sense the excited nerve subserves, and not at all upon the method of excitation we adopt. Let us now apply this to the optic nerve, which is the object of our present inquiry. In the first place, we know that no kind of action upon any part of the body, except the eye and THE SENSATION OF SIGHT. 207 the nerve which belongs to it, can ever produce the sensation of light. The stories of somnambiilists, which are the only argu- ments that can be adduced against this belief, we may be allowed to disbelieve. But, on the other hand, it is not light alone which can produce the sensation of light upon the eye, but also any other power which can excite the optic nerve. If the weakest electrical currents are passed through the eye they produce flashes of light. A blow, or even a slight pressure made upon the side of the eyeball with the finger, makes an impression of light in the darkest room, and, under favourable circumstances, this may become intense. In these cases it is important to remember that there is no objective light produced in the retina, as some of the older physiologists assumed, for the sensation of light may be so strong that a second observer could not fail to see through the pupil the illumination of the retina which would follow, if the sensation were really produced by an actual development of light within the eye. But nothing of the sort has ever been seen. Pressure or the electric current excites the optic nerve, and therefore, according to Miiller's law, a sensation of light results, but under these circumstances, at least, there is not the smallest spark of actual light. In the same way, increased pressure of blood, its abnormal constitution in fevers, or its contamination with intoxicating or narcotic drugs, can produce sensations of light to which no actual light corresponds. Even in cases in which an eye is entirely lost by accident or by an operation, the irritation of the stump of the optic nerve while it is healing is capable of pro- ducing similar subjective effects. It follows from these facts that the peculiarity in kind which distinguishes the sensation of light from all others does not depend upon any peculiar qualities of light itself. Every action which is capable of exciting the optic nerve is capable of producing the impression of light ; and the purely subjective sensation thus produced is so precisely similar to that, caused by external light, that persons unacquain- ted with these phenomena readily suppose that the rays they pee are real objective beams. Thus we see that external light produces no other effects in 208 RECENT PROGRESS OF THE THEORY OF VISION. the optic nerve than other agents of an entirely different nature. In one respect only does light differ from the other causes which are capable of exciting this nerve : namely, that the retina, being placed at the back of the firm globe of the eye, and further protected by the bony orbit, is almost entirely withdrawn from other exciting agents, and is thus only exceptionally affected by them, while it is continually receiving the rays of light which stream in upon it through the transparent media of the eye. On the other hand, the optic nerve, by reason of the peculiar structures in connection with the ends of its fibres, the rods and cones of the retina, is incomparably more sensitive to rays of light than any other nervous apparatus of the body, since the rest can only be affected by rays which are concentrated enough to produce noticeable elevation of temperature. This explains why the sensations of the optic nerve are for us the ordinary sensible sign of the presence of light in the field of vision, and why we always connect the sensation of light with light itself, even where they are really unconnected. But we must never forget that a survey of all the facts in their natu- ral conneection puts it beyond doubt that external light is only one of the exciting causes capable of bringing the optic nerve into functional activity, and therefore that there is no exclusive relation between the sensation of light and light itself. Now that we have considered the action of excitants upon the optic nerve in general, we will proceed to the qualitative differences of the sensation of light, that is to say, to the various sensations of colour. We will try to ascertain how far these differences of sensation correspond to actual differences in exter- nal objects. Light is known in Physics as a movement which is propa- gated by successive waves in the elastic ether distributed through the universe, a movement of the same kind as the circles which spread upon the smooth surface of a pond when a stone falls on it, or the vibration which is transmitted through our atmosphere as sound. The chief difference is, that the rate with which light spreads, and the rapidity of movement of the minute THE SENSATION OF SIGHT. 209 particles which form the waves of ether, are both enormously greater than that of the waves of water or of air. The waves of light sent forth from the sun differ exceedingly in size, just as the little ripples whose summits are a few inches distant from each other differ from the waves of the ocean, between whose foaming crests lie valleys of sixty or a hundred feet. But, just as high and low, short and long waves, on the surface of water, do not differ in kind, but only in size, so the various waves of light which stream from the sun differ in their height and length, but move all in the same manner, and show (with certain differences depending upon the length of the waves) the same remarkable properties of reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction, and polarisation. Hence we conclude that the undulating movement of the ether is in all of them the same- We must particularly note that the phenomena of interference, under which light is now strengthened, and now obscured by light of the same kind, according to the distance it has traversed, prove that all the rays of light depend upon oscillations of waves ; and further, that the phenomena of polarisation, which differ according to different lateral directions of the rays, show that the particles of ether vibrate at right angles to the direction in which the ray is propagated. All the different sorts of rays which T have mentioned produce one effect in common. They raise the temperature of the objects on which they fall, and accordingly are all felt by our skin as rays of heat. On the other hand, the eye only perceives one part of these vibrations of ether as light. It is not at all cognisant of the waves of great length, which I have compared with those of the ocean ; these, therefore, are named the dark heat-rays. Such are those which proceed from a warm but not red-hot stove, and which we recognise as heat, but not as light. Again, the waves of shortest length, which correspond with the very smallest ripples pi'oduced by a gentle breeze, are so slightly appreciated by the eye, that such rays are also generally regarded as invisible, and are known as the dark cheimcK'vays. Between the very long and the very short waves of ether I. p 210 RECENT PROGRESS OF THE THEORY OF VISION. there are waves of intermediate length, which strongly affect the eye, but do not essentially differ in any other physical property from the dark rays of heat and the dark chemical rays. The distinction between the visible and invisible rays depends only on the different length of their waves and the different physical relations which result therefrom. We call these middle rays Light, because they alone illuminate our eyes. When we consider the heating property of these rays we also call them luminous heat ; and because they produce such a very different impression on our skin and on our eyes, heat was universally considered as an entirely different kind of radiation from light, until about thirty years ago. But both kinds of ra- diation are inseparable from one another in the illuminating rays of the sun ; indeed, the most careful recent investigations prove that they are precisely identical. To whatever optical processes they may be subjected, it is impossible to weaken their illumi- nating power without at the same time, and in the same degree, diminishing their heating and their chemical action. Whatever produces an undulatory movement of ether, of course produces thereby all the effects of the undulation, whether light, or heat, or fluorescence, or chemical change. Those undulations which strongly affect our eyes, and which we call light, excite the impression of different colours, accord- ing to the length of the waves. The undulations with the longest waves appear to us red ; and as the length of the waves gradually diminishes they seem to be golden-yellow, yellow, green, blue, violet, the last colour being that of the illuminating rays which have the smallest wave-length. This series of colours is universally known in the rainbow. We also see it if we look towards the light through a glass prism, and a diamond sparkles with hues which follow in the same order. In passing through transparent prisms, the primitive beam of white light, which consists of a multitude of rays of various colour and various wave-length, is decomposed by the different degree of re- fraction of its several parts, referred to in the last essay ; and thus each of its component hues appears separately. These THE SENSATION OF SIGHT. 211 colours of the several primary forms of light are best seen in the spectrum produced by a narrow streak of light passing through a glass prism ; they are at once the fullest and the most brilliant which the external world can show. When several of these colours are mixed together, they give the impression of a new colour, which generally seems more or less white. If they were all mingled in precisely the same pro- portions in which thoy are combined in the sun-light, they would give the impression of perfect white. According as the rays of greatest, middle, or least wave-length predominate in such a mixture, it appears as reddish-white, greenish-white, bluish-white, and so on. Everyone who has watched a painter at work knows that two colours mixed together give a new one. Xow, although the results of the mixture of coloured light differ in many particulars from those of the mixture of pigments, yet on the whole the appearance to the eye is similar in both cases. If we allow two different coloured lights to fall at the same time upon a white screen, or upon the same part of our retina, we see only a single compound colour, more or less different from the two original ones. The most striking difference between the mixture of pig- ments and that of coloured light is, that while painters make green by mixing blue and yellow pigments, the union of blue and yellow rays of light produces white. The simplest way of mixing coloured light is shown in Fig. 33. p is a small flat piece of glass ; b and g are two coloured wafers. The observer looks at b through the glass plate, while g is seen reflected in the same ; and if g is put in a proper position, its image exactly coincides with that of b. It then appears as if there was a single wafer at b, with a colour produced by the mixture of the two real ones. In this experiment the light from b, which traverses the glass pane, actually unites with that from g, which p2 212 RECENT PROGRESS OF THE THEORY OF VISION. is reflected from it, and the two combined pass on to the retina at o. In general, then, light, which consists of undulations of different wave-lengths, produces different impressions upon our eye, namely, those of different colours. But the number of hues which we can recognise is much smaller than that of the various possible combinations of rays with different wave-lengths which external objects can convey to our eyes. The retina cannot distinguish between the white which is produced by the union of scarlet and bluish-green light, and that which is com- posed of yellowish-green and violet, or of yellow and ultramarine blue, or of red, green, and violet, or of all the colours of the spectrum united. All these combinations appear identically as white ; and yet, from a physical point of view, they are very different. In fact, the only resemblance between the several combinations just mentioned is, that they are indistinguishable to the human eye. For instance, a surface illuminated with red and bluish-green light would come out black in a photograph ; while another lighted with yellowish green and violet would appear very bright, although both surfaces alike seem to the eye to be simply white. Again, if we successively illuminate coloured objects with white beams of light of various composi- tion, they will appear differently coloured. And whenever we decompose two such beams by a prism, or look at them through a, coloured glass, the difference batween them at once becomes evident. Other colours, also, especially when they are not strongly pronounced, may, like pure white light, be composed of very different mixtures, and yet appear indistinguishable to the eye, while in every other property, physical or chemical, they are entirely distinct. Newton first showed how to represent the system of colours distinguishable to the eye in a simple diagrammatic form ; and by the same means it is comparatively easy to demonstrate the law of the combination of colours. The primary colours of the spectrum are arranged in a series around the circumference of a circle, beginning with red, and by imperceptible degrees passing THE SENSATION OF SIGHT. 213 through the various hues of the rainbow to violet. The red and violet are united by shades of purple, which on the one side pass off to the indigo and blue tints, and on the other through crimson and scarlet to orange. The middle of the circle is left white, and on lines which run from the centre to the circumfer- ence are represented the various tints which can be produced by diluting the full colours of the circumference until they pass into white. A colour-disc of this kind shows all the varieties of hue which can be produced with the same amount of light. It will now be found possible so to arrange the places of the several colours in this diagram, and the quantity of light which each reflects, that when we have ascertained the resultants of FIG. 84. Green Blue Violet Purple two colours of different known strength of light (in the same way as we might determine the centre of gravity of two bodies of different known weights), we shall then find their combina- tion-colour at the ' centre of gravity ' of the two amounts of light. That is to say, that in a properly constructed colour-disc, the combination-colour of any two colours will be found upon a straight line drawn from between them ; and compound colours which contain more of one than of the other component hue, will be found in that proportion nearer to the former, and further from the latter. We find, however, when we have drawn our diagram, that those colours of the spectrum which are most saturated in nature 214 RECENT PROGRESS OF THE THEORY OF VISION. and which must therefore be placed at the greatest distance from the central white, will not arrange themselves in the form of a circle. The circumference of the diagram presents three pro- jections corresponding to the red, the green, and the violet, so that the colour circle is more properly a triangle, with the corners rounded off, as seen in Fig. 34. The continuous line represents the curve of the colours of the spectrum, and the small circle in the middle the white. At the corners are the three colours I have mentioned, 1 and the sides of the triangle show the transitions from red through yellow into green, from green through bluish-green and ultramarine to violet, and from violet through purple to scarlet. Newton used the diagram of the colours of the spectrum (in a somewhat different form from that just given) only as a con- venient way of representing the facts to the eye.; but recently Maxwell has succeeded in demonstrating the strict and even quantitative accuracy of the principles involved in the construc- tion of this diagram. His method is to produce combinations of colours on swiftly rotating discs, painted of various tints in sectors. When such a disc is turned rapidly roiand, so that the eye can no longer follow the separate hues, they melt into a uni- form combination-colour, and the quantity of light which belongs to each can be directly measured by the breadth of the sector of the circle it occupies. Now the combination-colours which are produced in this manner are exactly those which would result if the same qualities of coloured light ilhiminated the same surface continuously, as can be experimentally proved. Thus have the relations of size and number been introduced into the apparently inaccessible region of colours, and their differences in quality have been reduced to relations of quantity. All differences between colours may be reduced to three, which may be described as difference of tone, difference of fulness, or, as it is technically called, ' saturation,' and difference of brightness. The differences of tone are those which exist between the several 1 The author has restored violet as a primitive colour in accordance with the experiments of J. J. Miiller, having in the first edition adopted the opinion of Maxwell that it is blue. THE SENSATION OF SIGHT. 215 colours of the spectrum, and to which we give the names red, yellow, blue, violet, purple. Thus, with regard to tone, colours form a series which returns upon itself ; a series which we com- plete when we allow the terminal colours of the rainbow to pass into one another through purple and crimson. It is in fact the same which we describe as arranged around the circumference of the colour disc. The fulness or saturation of colours is greatest in the pure tints of the spectrum, and becomes less in proportion as they are mixed with white light. This, at least, is true for colours pro- duced by external light, but for our sensations it is possible to increase still further the apparent saturation of colour, as we shall presently see. Pink is a whitish-crimson, flesh-colour a whitish-scarlet, and so pale green, straw-colour, light blue, Ac., are all produced by diluting the corresponding colours with white. All compound colours are, as a rule, less saturated than the simple tints of the spectrum. Lastly, we have the difference of brightness, or strength of light, which is not represented in the colour-disc. As long as we observe coloured rays of light, difference in brightness appeal's to be only one of quantity, not of quality. Black is only dark ness that is, simple absence of light. But when we examine the colours of external objects, black corresponds just as much to a peculiarity of surface in reflection, as does white, and therefore has as good a right to be called a colour. And as a matter of fact, we find in common language a series of terms to express colours with a small amount of light. We call them dark (or rather in English, deep) when they have little light but are 'full ' in tint, and grey when they are 'pale.' Thus dark blue conveys the idea of depth in tint, of a full blue with a small amount of light ; while grey- blue is a pale blue with a small amount of light. In the same way, the colours known as maroon, brown, and olive are dark, more or less saturated tints of red, yellow and green respectively. In this way we may reduce all possible actual (objective) differences in colour, so far as they are appreciated by the eye, to three kinds ; difference of hue (tone), difference of fulness (satura- 216 RECENT PROGRESS OF THE THEORY OF VISION. tion), and difference of amount of illumination (brightness). It is in this way that we describe the system of colours in ordinary language. But we are able to express this threefold difference in another way. I said above that a properly constructed colour-disc ap- proaches a triangle in its outline. Let us suppose for a moment that it is an exact rectilinear triangle, as made by the dotted line in Fig. 34 ; how far this differs from the actual condition we shall have afterwards to point out. Let the colours red, green, and violet be placed at the corners, then we see the law which was mentioned above : namely that all the colours in the in- terior and on the sides of the triangle are compounds of the three at its corners. It follows that all differences of hue depend upon combinations in different proportions of the three primary colours. It is best to consider the three just named as primary ; the old ones red, yellow, and blue are inconvenient, and were only chosen from experience of painters' colours. It is impossible to make a green out of blue and yellow light. We shall better understand the remarkable fact that we are able to refer all the varieties in the composition of external light to mixtures of three primitive colours, if in this respect we compare the eye with the ear. Sound, as I mentioned before, is, like light, an undulating movement, spreading by waves. In the case of sound also, we have to distinguish waves of various length which produce upon our ear impressions of different quality. We recognise the long waves as low notes, the short as high-pitched, and the ear may receive at once many waves of sound that is to say, many notes. But here these do not melt into compound notes in the same way that colours, when perceived at the same time and place, melt into compound colours. The eye cannot tell the difference, if we substitute orange for red and yellow ; but if we hear the notes C and E sounded at the same time, we cannot put D instead of them, without entirely changing the impres- sion upon the ear. The most complicated harmony of a full orchestra becomes changed to our perception if we alter any one of its notes. No accord (or consonance of several tones) is, at THE SENSATION OF SIGHT. 217 least for the practised ear, completely like another, composed of different tones ; whereas, if the ear perceived musical tones as the eye colours, every accord might be completely represented by combining only three constant notes, one very low, one very high, and one intermediate, simply changing the relative strength of these three primary notes to produce all possible musical effects. In reality we find that an accord only remains unchanged to the ear, when the strength of each separate tone which it con- tains remains unchanged. Accordingly, if we wish to describe it exactly and completely, the strength of each of its component tones must be exactly stated. In the same way, the physical nature of a particular kind of light can only be fully ascertained by measuring and noting the amount of light of each of the simple colours which it contains. But in sunlight, in the light of most of the stars, and in flames, we find a continuous transition of colours into one another through numberless intermediate gradations. Accordingly, we must ascertain the amount of light of an infinite number of compound rays if we would arrive at an exact physical know- ledge of sun or star light. In the sensations of the eye we need distinguish for this purpose only the varying intensities of three components. The practised musician is able to catch the separate notes of the various instruments among the complicated harmonies of an entire orchestra, but the optician cannot directly ascertain the composition of light by means of the eye ; he must make use of the prism to decompose the light for him. As soon, however, as this is done, the composite character of light becomes ap- parent, and he can then distinguish the light of separate fixed stars from one another by the dark and bright lines which the spectrum shows him, and can recognise what chemical elements are contained in flames which are met with on the earth, ov even in the intense heat of the sun's atmosphere, in the fixed stars or in the nebulae. The fact that light derived from each separate source carries with it certain permanent physical peculiarities is the foundation of spectrum analysis that most brilliant dis- 218 RECENT PROGRESS OF THE THEORY OF VISION. covery of recent years, which has opened the extreme limits of celestial space to chemical analysis. - There is an extremely interesting and not very uncommon defect of sight which is known as colour-blindness. In this condition the differences of colour are reduced to a still more simple system than that described above ; namely, to combina- tions of only two primary colours. Persons so affected are called colour blind, because they confound certain hues which appear very different to ordinary eyes. At the same time they distin- guish other colours, and that quite as accurately, or even (as it seems) rather more accurately, than ordinary people. They are usually ' red-blind '; that is to say, there is no red in their system of colours, and accordingly they see no difference which is produced by the addition of red. All tints are for them varieties of blue and green, or, as they call it, yellow. Accord- ingly scarlet, flesh-colour, white, and bluish- green appear to them to be identical, or at the utmost to differ in brightness. The same applies to crimson, violet, and blue, and to red, orange, yellow, and green. The scarlet flowers of the geranium have for them exactly the same colours as its leaves. They cannot distinguish between the red and the green signals of trains. They cannot see the red end of the spectriTm at all. Very full scarlet appears to them almost black, so that a red- blind Scotch clergyman went to biay scarlet cloth for his gown, thinking it was black. 1 In this particular of discrimination of colours, we find remarkable inequalities in different parts of the retina. In the first place, all of us are red-blind in the outermost part of our field of vision. A geranium-blossom when moved backwards and forwards just within the field of sight, is only recognised as a moving object. Its colour is not seen, so that if it is waved in front of a mass of leaves of the same plant it cannot be dis- tinguished from them in hue. In fact, all red colours appear much darker when viewed indirectly. This red-blind part of 1 A similar story is told of Dalton, the author of the Atomic Theory.' He was a Quaker, and went to the Friends' Meeting, at Manchester, in a pair of scarlet stockings, which some wag had put in place of his ordinary dark grey ones. TB. THE SENSATION OF SIGHT. 219 the retina is most extensive on the inner or nasal side of the field of vision ; and according to recent researches of Woinow, there is at the furthest limit of the visible field a narrow zone in which all distinction of colours ceases and there only remain differences of brightness. In this outermost circle everything appears white, grey, or black. Probably those nervous fibres which convey impressions of green light are alone present in this part of the retina. In the second place, as I have already mentioned, the middle of the retina, just around the central pit, is coloured yellow. This makes all blue light appear somewhat darker in the centre of the field of sight. The effect is particularly striking with mixtures of red and greenish-blue, which appear white when looked at directly, but acquire a blue tint when viewed at a slight distance from the middle of the field ; and, on the other hand, when they appear white here, are red to direct vision. These inequalities of the retina, like the others mentioned in the former essay, are rectified by the constant movements of the eye. We know from the pale and indistinct colours of the external world as usually seen, what impressions of indirect vision correspond to those of direct ; and we thus learn to judge of the colours of objects according to the impression which they would make on us if seen directly. The result is, that only unusual combinations and unusual or .special direction of atten- tion enable us to recognise the difference of which I have been speaking. The theory of colours, with all these marvellous and com- plicated relations, was a riddle which Goethe in vain attempted to solve; nor were we physicists and physiologists more suc- cessful. I include myself in (the number ; for I long toiled at the task, without getting any nearer my object, until I at last discovered that a wonderfully simple solution had been dis- covered at the beginning of this century, and had been in print ever since for anyone to read who chose. This solution was found and published by the same Thomas Young 1 who first showed the right method of arriving at the interpretation of i Born at Milverton, in Somersetshire, 1773, died 18*2. 220 RECENT PROGRESS OF THE THEORY OF VISION. Egyptian hieroglyphics. He was one of the most acute men who ever lived, but had the misfortune to be too far in advance of his contemporaries. They looked on him with astonishment, but could not follow his bold speculations, and thus a mass of his most important thoughts remained buried and forgotten in the ' Transactions of the Royal Society,' until a later generation by slow degrees arrived at the rediscovery of his discoveries, and came to appreciate the force of his arguments and the accuracy of his conclusions. In proceeding to explain the theory of colours proposed by him, I beg the reader to notice that the conclusions afterwards to be drawn upon the nature of the sensations of sight are quite independent of what is hypothetical in this theory. Dr. Young supposes that there are in the eye three kinds of nerve-fibres, the first of which, when irritated in any way, produces the sensation of red, the second the sensation of green, and the third that of violet. He further assumes that the first are excited most strongly by the waves of ether of greatest length ; the second, which are sensitive to green light, by the waves of middle length ; while those which convey impressions of violet are acted upon only by the shortest vibrations of ether. Accordingly, at the red end of the spectrum the excitation of those fibres which are sensitive to that colour predominates; hence the appearance of this part as red. Further on there is added an impression upon the fibres sensitive to green light, and thus results the mixed sensation of yellow. In the middle of the spectrum, the nerves sensitive to green become much more excited than the other two kinds, and accordingly green is the predominant impression. As soon as this becomes mixed with violet the result is the colour known as blue ; while at the most highly refracted end of the spectrum the impression pro- duced on the fibres which are sensitive to violet light overcomes every other, 1 1 The precise tint of the three primary colours cannot yet be precisely ascertained by experiment. The red alone, it is certain from the experience of the colour-blind, belongs to the extreme red of the spectrum. At the other end Young took violet for the primitive colour, while Maxwell considers that it is more properly blue. The question is still an open one : according THE SENSATION OF SIGHT, 221 It will be seen that this hypothesis is nothing more than a further extension of Johannes Miiller's law of special sensation. Just as the difference of sensation of light and warmth depends dernonstrably upon whether the rays of the sun fall upon nerves of sight or nerves of feeling, so it is supposed in Young's hypo- thesis that the difference of sensation of colours depends simply upon whether one or the other kind of nervous fibres are more strongly affected. When all three kinds are equally excited, the result is the sensation of white light. The phenomena that occur in red-blindness must be referred to a condition in which the one kind of nerves, which are sensi- tive to red rays, are incapable of excitation. It is possible that this class of fibres are wanting, or at least very sparingly distributed, along the edge of the retina, even in the normal human eye. It must be confessed that both in men and in quadrupeds we have at present no anatomical basis for this theory of colours ; but Max Schultze has discovered a structure in birds and reptiles which manifestly corresponds with what we should expect to find. In the eyes of many of this group of animals there are found among the rods of the retina a number which contain a red drop of oil in their anterior end, that namely which is turned towards the light ; while other rods contain a yellow drop, and others none at all. Now there can be no doubt that red light will reach the rods with a red drop much better than light of any other colour, while yellow and green light, on the contrary, will find easiest entrance to the rods with the yellow drop. Blue light would be shut off almost completely from both, but would affect the colourless rods all the more effectually. We may therefore with great probability regard these rods as the terminal organs of those nervous fibres which respectively convey impressions of red, of yellow, and of blue light. I have myself subsequently found a similar hypothesis very convenient and well fitted to explain in a most simple manner to J. J. Mttller's experiments (Archiv fur OphtJialmologie, XV. 2. p. 208^) violet is more probable. The fluorescence of the retina is herd a source of difficulty. 222 RECENT PROGRESS OF THE THEORY OF VISION. certain peculiarities which have been observed in the perception of musical notes, peculiarities as enigmatical as those we have been considering in the eye. In the cochlea of the internal ear the ends of the nerve fibres lie regularly spread out side by side, and provided with minute elastic appendages (the rods of Corti) arranged like the keys and hammers of a piano. My hypothesis is, that here each separate nerve fibre is constructed so as to take cognizance of a definite note, to which its elastic fibre vibrates in perfect consonance. This is not the place to describe the special characters of our sensations of musical tones which led me to frame this hypothesis. Its analogy with Young's theory of colours is obvious, and it refers the origin of overtones, the perception of the quality of sounds, the difference between consonance and dissonance, the formation of the musical scale, and other acoustic phenomena, to as simple a principle as that of Young. But in the case of the ear, I could point to a much more distinct anatomical foundation for such a hypothesis, and since that time, I have been able actually to demonstrate the relation supposed; not, it is true, in man or any vertebrate animals, whose labyrinth lies too deep for experiment, but in some of the marine Crustacea. These animals have external appendages to their organs of hearing which may be observed in the living animal, jointed filaments to which the fibres of the auditory nerve are distributed ; and Hensen, of Kiel, has satis- fied himself that some of these filaments are set in motion by certain notes, and others by different ones. It remains to reply to an objection against Young's theory of colour. I mentioned above that the outline of the colour- disc, which marks the position of the most saturated colours (those of the spectrum), approaches to a triangle in form ; but our conclusions upon the theory of the three primary colours depend upon a perfect rectilinear triangle inclosing the complete colour-system, for only in that case is it possible to produce all possible tints by various combinations of the three primary colours at the angles. It must, however, be remembered that the colour-disc only includes the entire series of colours which actually occur in nature, while our theory has to do with the THE SENSATION OF SIGHT. 223 analysis of our subjective sensations of colour. We need then only assume that actual coloured light does not produce sensa- tions of absolutely pure colour; that red, for instance, even when completely freed from all admixture of white light, still does not excite those nervous fibres alone which are sensitive to impressions of red, but also, to a very slight degree, those which are sensitive to green, and perhaps to a still smaller- extent those which are sensitive to violet rays. If this be so, then the sensation which the purest red light produces in the eye is still not the purest sensation of red which we can conceive of as possible. This sensation could only be called forth by a fuller, purer, more saturated red than has ever been seen in this world. It is possible to verify this conclusion. We are able to produce artificially a sensation of the kind I have described. This fact is not only important as a complete answer to a possible objection to Young's theory, but is also, as will readily be seen, of the greatest importance for understanding the real value of our sensations of colour. In order to describe the experiment I must first give an account of a new series of phenomena. The result of nervous action is fatigue, and this will be proportioned to the activity of the function performed, and the time of its continuance. The blood, on the other hand, which flows in through the arteries, is constantly performing its func- tion, replacing used material by fresh, and thus carrying away the chemical results of functional activity; that is to say, removing the source of fatigue. The process of fatigue as the result of nervous action, takes place in the eye as well as other organs. When the entire retina becomes tired, as when we spend some time in the open air in brilliant sunshine, it becomes insensible to weaker light, so that if we pass immediately into a dimly lighted room we see nothing at first ; we are blinded, as we call it, by the , previous brightness. After a time the eye recovers itself, and at last we are able to see, and even to read, by the same dim light which at first appeared complete darkness. 224 RECENT PROGRESS OF THE THEORY OF VISION. It is thus that fatigue of the entire retina shows itself. But it is possible for separate parts of that membrane to become exhausted, if they alone have received a strong light. If we look steadily for some time at any bright object, surrounded by a dark background it is necessary to look steadily in order that the image may remain quiet upon the retina, and thus fatigue a sharply defined portion of its surface and afterwards turn our eyes upon a uniform dark-grey surface, we see projected upon it an after-image of the bright object we were looking at just before, with the same outline but with reversed illumin- ation. What was dark appears bright, and what was bright dark, like the first negative of a photographer. By care- fully fixing the attention, it is possible to produce very elaborate after-images, so much so that occasionally even printing can be distinguished in them. This phenomenon is the result of a local fatigue of the retina. Those parts of the membrane upon which the bright light fell before, are now less sensitive to the light of the dark-grey background than the neighbouring regions, and there now appears a dark spot upon the really uni- form surface, corresponding in extent to the surface of the retina which before received the bright light. ( I may here remark that illuminated sheets of white paper are sufficiently bright to produce this after-image. If we look at much brighter objects at flames, or at the sun itself the effect becomes complicated. The strong excitement of the retina does not pass away immediately, but produces a direct or positive after-image, which at first unites with the negative or indirect one produced by the fatigue of the retina. Besides this the effects of the different colours of white light differ both in duration and intensity, so that the after-images become coloured, and the whole phenomenon much more complicated.) By means of these after-images it is easy to convince oneself that the impression produced by a bright surface begins to di- minish after the first second, and that by the end of a single minute it has lost from a quarter to half of its intensity. The simplest form of experiment for this object is as follows. Cover half of a white sheet of paper with a black one, fix the eye upon THE SENSATION OF SIGHT. 225 some point of the white sheet near the margin of the black, and after 30 to 60 seconds draw the black sheet quickly away, with- out losing sight of the point. The half of the white sheet which is then exposed appears suddenly of the most brilliant brightness ; and thus it becomes apparent how very much the first impression produced by the upper half of the sheet had become blunted and weakened, even in the short time taken by the experiment. And yet, what is also important to remark, the observer does not at all notice this fact, until the contrast brings it before him. Lastly, it is possible to produce a partial fatigue of the retina in another way. We may tire it for certain colours only, by exposing either the entire retina, or a portion of it, for a certain time (from half a minute to five minutes) to one and the same colour. According to Young's theory, only one or two kinds of the optic nerve fibres will then be fatigued, those namely which are sensitive to impressions of the colour in ques- tion. All the rest will remain unaffected. The result is, that when the after-image appears, red, we will suppose, upon a grey background, the uniformly mixed light of the latter can only produce sensations of green and violet in the part of the retina which has become fatigued by red light. This part is made red- blind for the time. The after-image accordingly appears of a bluish green, the complementary colour to red. It is by this means that we are able to produce in the retina the pure and primitive sensations of saturated colours. If, for instance, we wish to see pure red, we fatigue a part of our retina by the bluish green of the spectrum, which is the complementary colour of red. We thus make this part at once green-blind and violet-blind. We then throw the after-image upon the red of as perfect a prismatic spectrum as possible ; the image immediately appears in full and burning red, while the red light of the spectrum which surrounds it, although the purest that the world can offer, now seems to the unfatigued part of the retina less saturated than the after-image, and looks as if it were covered by a whitish mist. These facts are perhaps enough. I will not accumulate fur- I. Q 226 RECENT PROGRESS OF THE THEORY OF VISION. ther details, to understand which it would be necessary to enter upon lengthy descriptions of many separate experiments. "We have already seen enough to answer the question whether it is possible to maintain the natural and innate convic- tion that the quality of our sensations, and especially our sensa- tions of sight, give us a true impression of corresponding qualities in the outer world. It is clear that they do not. The question was really decided by Johannes Miiller's deduction from well-ascertained facts of the law cf specific nervous energy. Whether the rays of the sun appear to us as colour, or as warmth, does not at all depend upon their own properties, but simply upon whether they excite the fibres of the optic nerve, or those of the skin. Pressure upon the eyeball, a feeble current of electricity passed through it, a narcotic drug carried to the retina by the blood, are capable of exciting the sensation of light just as well as the sunbeams. The most complete differ- ence offered by our several sensations, that namely between those of sight, of hearing, of taste, of smell, and of touch this deepest of all distinctions, so deep that it is impossible to draw any comparison of likeness, or unlikeness, between the sensations of colour and of musical tones does not, as we now see, at all depend upon the nature of the external object, but solely upon the central connections of the nerves which are affected. We now see that the question whether within the special range of each particular sense it is possible to discover a coin- cidence between its objects and the sensations they produce, is of only subordinate interest. What colour the waves of ether shall appear to us when they are perceived by the optic nerve depends upon their length. The system of naturally visible colours offers us a series of varieties in the composition of light, but the number of those varieties is wonderfully reduced from an unlimited number to only three. Inasmuch as the most im- portant property of the eye is its minute appreciation of locality, and as it is so much more perfectly organised for this purpose than the ear, we may be well content that it is capable of re- cognising comparatively few differences in quality of light; the ear, which in the latter respect is so enormously better provided, THE SENSATION OF SIGHT. 227 has scarcely any power of appreciating differences of locality. But it is certainly matter for astonishment to anyone who trusts to the direct information of his natural senses, that neither the limits within which the spectrum affects our eyes nor the differences of colour which alone remain as the simpli- fied effect of all the actual differences of light in kind, should have any other demonstrable import than for the sense of sight. Light which is precisely the same to our eyes, may in all other physical and chemical effects be completely different. - Lastly, we find that the unmixed primitive elements of all our sensa- tions of colour (the perception of the simple primary tints) cannot be produced by any kind of external light in the natural unfatigued condition of the eye. These elementary sensations of colour can only be called forth by artificial preparation of the organ, so that, in fact, they only exist as subjective phenomena. We see, therefore, that as to any correspondence in kind of ex- ternal light with the sensations it produces, there is only one bond of connection between them, a bond which at first sight may seem slender enough, but is in fact quite sufficient to lead to an infinite number of most useful applications. This law of correspondence between what is subjective and objective in vision is as follows : Similar light produces under like conditions a like sensation of colour. Light which under like conditions excites unlike sensations of colour is dissimilar. When two relations correspond to one another in this manner, the one is a sign for the other. Hitherto the notions of a ' sign ' and of an 'image' or representation have not been carefully enough distinguished in the theory of perception; and this seems to me to have been the source of numberless mistakes and false hypotheses. In an ' image ' the representation must be of the same kind as that which is represented. Indeed, it is only so far an image as it is like in kind. A statue is an image of a man, so far as its form reproduces his : even if it is exe- cuted on a smaller scale, every dimension will be represented in proportion. A picture is an image or representation of the original, first because it represents the colours of the latter by Q2 228 RECENT PROGRESS OF THE THEORY OF VISION. similar colours, secondly because it represents a part of its re- lations in space those, namely, -which belong to perspective* by corresponding relations in space. Functional cerebral activity and the mental conceptions which go with it may be ' images ' of actual occurrences in the outer world, so far as the former represent the sequence in time of the latter, so far as they represent likeness of objects by likeness of signs that is, a regular arrangement by a regular arrangement. This is obviously sufficient to enable the understanding to deduce what is constant from the varied changes of the external world and to formulate it as a notion or a law. That it is also sufficient for all practical purposes we shall see in the next chap- ter. But not only uneducated persons who are accustomed to trust blindly to their senses, even the educated, who know that their senses may be deceived, are inclined to demur to so com- plete a want of any closer correspondence in kind between actual objects and the sensations they produce than the law I have just expounded. For instance, natural philosophers long hesitated to admit the identity of the rays of light and of heat, and ex- hausted all possible means of escaping a conclusion which seemed to contradict the evidence of their senses. Another example is that of Goethe, as I have endeavoured to show elsewhere. He was led to contradict Newton's theory of colours, because he could not persuade himself that white, which appears to our sensation as the purest manifestation of the brightest light, could be composed of darker colours. It was Newton's discovery of the composition of light that was the first germ of the modern doctrine of the true functions of the senses ; and in the writings of his contemporary, Locke, were correctly laid down the most important principles on which the right in- terpretation of sensible qualities depends. But, however clearly we may feel that here lies the difficulty for a large number of people, I have never found the opposite conviction of certainty derived from the senses so distinctly expressed that it is possible to lay hold of the point of error ; and the reason seems to me to lie in the fact that beneath the popular notions on the subject lie other and more fundamentally erroneous conceptions. THE SENSATION OF SIGHT. 229 We must not be led astray by confounding the notions of a phenomenon and an appearance,. The colours of objects are phenomena caused by certain real differences in their consti- tution. They are, according to the scientific as well as to the uninstructed view, no mere appearance, even though the way in which they appear depends chiefly upon the constitution of our nervous system. A ' deceptive appearance ' is the result of the normal phenomena of one object being confounded with those of another. But the sensation of colour is by no means a decep- tive appearance. There is no other way in which colour can appear ; so that there is nothing which we could describe as the normal phenomenon, in distinction from the impressions of colour received through the eye. Here the principal difficulty seems to me to lie in the notion of quality. All difficulty vanishes as soon as we clearly under- stand that each quality or property of a thing is, in reality, nothing else but its capability of exercising certain effects upon other things. These actions either go on between similar parts of the same body, and so produce the differences of its aggregate condition ; or they proceed from one body upon another, as in the case of chemical reactions ; or they produce their effect on our organs of special sense, and are there recognised as sensations, as those of sight, with which we have now to do. Any of these ac- tions is called a ' property, 'when its object is understood without being expressly mentioned. Thus, when we speak of the ' solu- bility ' of a substance, we mean its behaviour towards water ; when we speak of its ' weight,' we mean its attraction to the earth ; and in the same way we may correctly call a substance ' blue,' understanding, as a tacit assumption, that we are only speaking of its action upon a normal eye. But if what we call a property always implies an action of one thing on another, then a property or quality can never de- pend upon the nature of one agent alone, but exists only in re- lation to, and dependent on, the nature of some second object, which is acted upon. Hence, there is really no meaning in talking of properties of light which belong to it absolutely, in- dependent of all other objects, and which we may expect to find 230 RECENT PROGRESS OF THE THEORY OF VISION. represented in the sensations of the human eye. The notion of such properties is a contradiction in itself. They cannot possibly exist, and therefore we cannot expect to find any coincidence of our sensations of colour with qualities of light. These considerations have natui-ally long ago suggested themselves to thoughtful minds ; they may he found clearly ex- pressed in the writings of Locke and Herbart, 1 and they are completely in accordance with Kant's philosophy. But in former times, they demanded a more than usual power of abstraction in order that their truth should be understood ; whereas now the facts which we have laid before the reader illustrate them in the clearest manner. After this excursion into the world of abstract ideas, we return once more to the subject of colour, and will now ex- amine it as a sensible ' sign ' of certain external qualities, either of light itself or of the objects which reflect it. It is essential for a good sign to be constant that is, the same sign must always denote the same object. Now we have already seen that in this particular our sensations of colour are imperfect; they are not quite uniform over the entire field of the retina. But the constant movement of the eye supplies this imperfection, in the same way as it makes up for the un- equal sensitiveness of the different parts of the retina to form. We have also seen that when the retina becomes tired, the intensity of the impression produced on it rapidly diminishes, but here again the usual effect of the constant movements of the eye is to equalise the fatigue of the various parts, and hence we rarely see after-images. If they appear at all, it is in the case of brilliant objects like very bright flames, or the sun itself. And, so long as the fatigue of the entire retina is uniform, the re- lative brightness and colour of the different objects in sight re- mains almost unchanged, so that the effect of fatigue is gradually to weaken the apparent illumination of the entire field of vision. 1 Johann Friedrich Herbart, born .1776, died 1841, professor of philosophy at Konigsberp an