^>.- THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF John S.Prell A TREATISE ON FLUXIOJVS. IN TWO VOLUMES. COLIN MACLAURIN, A.M. Late Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh, and Fellow of the Royal Society. SECOND EDITION. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED AlSl ACCOUNT OF HIS LIFE. THE WHOLE CAREFUtLY CORRECTED AND REVISED BY An Eminent Mathematician. ILLUSTRATED WITH FORTY-ONE COPPERPLATES. VOL. II. LONDON : PRINTED FOR WILLIAM BAYNES, 54, PATERNOSTER ROW, AND WILLIAM DAVIS, Editor of the Geatleman's Mathematical Companion, Author of the Complete Treatise of Land Stirveying, Use of the Globes, &c. &c. SOLD ALSO BY Hanwell and Parker, Oxford ; Deighton, Cambridge ; Dickson, Edinburgh ; and Dugdale, Dublin. 1801. ^^^g^ & Comptajv Print^^I^ddl&gn^., - Cri»7 & Mechanical Engineer. SAN FBANOISOO, CAL. f Engineering Library TABLE OF THE PRINCIPAL CONTENTS. ^^, BOOK I. V^HAPTER XII. of the method of infinitesimals, of the limits of ratios, and of the general theorems which are derived from this doctrine, for the resolution of geometrical and philosophical pro- blems Of the harmony betwixt the method of fluxions and of infinitesimals . 495 Some objections against the method of infinitesimals considered. . . . 498 The true reason why parts of' the element are to be neglected in the method of infinitesimals 501 Of Sir Isaac Newton'* method by the limits of ratios 502 Propositions of the preceding chapters danonstraled briefly by this method 506 Theorems concerning the centre of gravity and its motion, and their use shown in resolving several problems coiicerning the collisions of bodies 510 Of the descent of bodies that act vpon one another, of the descent and ascent of their centre of gravity, and the preservation of the vis ascenclens, or vis viva 521 Of the centre of oscillation 534 Of the motion of water issuing from a cylindric vessel 53/ Of the motion of water issuing from any vessel , 550 Of the Catenaria, when gravity acts in parallel lines 551 General theorems concerning the trajectories, lines of sxviftest de- scent, the Catenaria, SfC 563 Chap. XIII. The analysis (f the problem concerning the lines of swiftest descent, when an unij'orm or variable gravity acts in pa- rallel lines BTi The sijnihctic demonstration 576 » 2 The 713S80 I^r CON'TENTS. The same, when gratity tends to a given centre , . . . 578 Another synthetic demonstration 584 Of the lines of swiftest descent amongst those of the same perimeter in any hypothesis of gravity 588 The first general isoperimetrical problem resolved by first fiuxions, and the resolution demonstrated synthetically 592 The problem extended further by the same method 5.97. The second general isoperimetrical problem resolved in the same manner 601 The property of the solid of least resistance demonstrated in this manner 606 Ch a p. XIV. Of the ellipse considered as the section of a cylinder . 609 General properties of the conic sections transferred briefly from the circle 622 Of gravitation towards spheres and spheroids 628 Supposing the density of the planets uniform, their figure is accu- rately that of the oblate spheroid, which is generated by the conic ellipse about its second axis 6sS Of the figure of the planets and variation of gravity towards them 641 The gravitation at the pole and equator, or any point on the surface of a spheroid, measured accurately by circular arks or logarithms 6^2 The gravitation in the axis or plane of the equator produced, mea- sured accurately by the same 648 Of the figure of the earth in particular, supposing its density uniform 655 Of the gravity towards a spheroid, supposing the density variable. . . 660 Of the figure of Jupiter, and the effects of his spheroidical form upon the motions of the satellites 682 Of the tides 686 Of other laws of attraction 6c)(S BOOK II. Of the Computations in the Method of Fluxions. CHAP. I. Of the fiuxions of quantities considered abstractly as represented by general characters in Algebra. Of the import of some algebraic symbols Art. 6,9.9 I'he principles of this method adapted to algebra 700 Of the fiuxions cf powers of all hinds 707 Of thcfiuxions of products and quotients 715 Of CONTENTS. V Of the fluxions of logarithms 717 Of second and higher fluxions 720 Chap. II. Of the notation of fluxions Art. 723 The rules of the direct method 724 The fundamental rules of the inverse method 735 Of inflnite series 745 An investigation of the binomial and vmltinomial theorems 748 Other theorems 751 Examples of their use 753 Chap. III. Of the analogy hetvcixt elliptic and hyperbolic sec- tors Art. 758 Of resolving trinomials into quadratic divisors 7^5 Of reducing fluents to circular arks and logarithms when thefluxion is expressed by rational quantities 770 Of reducing fluents to the same measures when thefluxion involves an irrational binomial or trinomial 789 Of reducing fluents to hyperbolic and elliptic arks 798 Of reducing fliie?its of a higher kind to others of a more simple form 810 Chap. IV. Of the area ichcn the ordinate is expressed by a fluent Art. 813 Of the area when the ordinate and base are both expressed by fluents 819 Instances xchercin. the total area, or fluent, is measured by circular arks or logarithms, when it does not appear that the same fluent can be generally reduced to those measures 822 ^Theorems derived from the method of fluxions for approximating to the sums of progressions by areas, and conversely 828 Theorems for finding the sum of any powers, positive or negative, of the terms in an arithmetical progression, and for flnding the sums cf their logarithms 833 Of the ratio of the sum of all the unciae of a binomial of a very high power to the vincia of the middle term 844 Of computing the area from afexo equidistant ordinates 848 Theorems derived from the method of fluxions for interpolating the intermediate terms of a series , 850 Chap. V. Of the general rules for the resolution of problems by computations, with examples Of the rules for determining the tangents Art. 857 The greatest and least ordinates 858 The points of contrary Hexure and cuspids 86' J The ■*> CONTEXTS. The centre of curiaiure , §70 The caustics by reflexion and refraction 8/2 The centripetal forces g^4. The constrtiction of the trajectory that is described by a force ivhick is interselii as theffth pouer of the distance, by logarithm in cer- tain cases fi/S la these case.'; a body may recede from the centre continually, so as never to rise to a certain altitude, or may approach to it for ever, and never descend to a certain distance, 879 TJie construction in other cases 881 The rules for computing the time of descent along a given curve . . . 884 The time in a finite circular arch measured by the arks of conic sec- tion's 886 T//« same by infnite series 887 Rules concerning the computation of motions in a medium 888 Iluksfor determining the figure (f the catenaria, and the lines of swiftest descent 889 Hulesfor the computation of areas, solids, curvilineal arks and sur- faces 890 The meridional parts in a spheroid computed by circular arks or lo- garithms 895 The gravitation towards a spheroid at the pole and equator, mea- sured by circular arks and logarithms, when the force towards any particle is inversely as any power of the distance from it. . 9OO Of the centres of gravity and oscillation 906 Of the proportion of the power to the weight, that a machine may have the greatest effect 907 Of the same when the friction is considered 90S 2'he most advantageous position of a plane, which moves parallel to itself with a given direction, that a stream may impel it with the greatest force, when the velocities of the stream and plane are given 910 7'he wind ought to strike the sails of a wind-mill in a greater angle than 5.4°. 44'. 914 The most advantageous position of the sails that the wind may impel a ship with the greatest force in a given direction, the velocities of the wind and ship being given 91^ How an ark is to he divided into any number of parts, that the profluct .of an I) powers of the sines of the several parts may be a maximuiii 921 The CONTENTS 1!U ^The most advantagemts direction of the motion of a ship, and best position of the sail, that the ship may recede from a given line or coast with the greatest velocity 922 Of reducing equations from second tofrsffuxious, 'with examples.^ 924' The construction of the elastic curxe, and of other figures, by the rectification of the conic sections . 927 Of the vibrations of musical chords 929 Problems concerning the maxima a7id minima that are proposed with limitations concerning the perimeter of the figure, its area, the solid generated by this area, SfC. resolved by frst fluxions. , 931 Examples of this kind relating to the solid of least resistance 934 An example of the method of computing from the general principles in art. 563 935 An instance of the theorems by xchich the viilue of the ordinate may be determined from the value cf the area, by common algebra. ., . 936 It is. relative not absolute space and motion that are supposed in the method of fluxions , 937 TREATISE TREATISE ON FLUXIONS. BOOK I. CHAP. XII. Of the Method of Infinitesimals, of the Limits of Ratios, and of the general Theorems which are derivedfrom this Doctrine for the Resolution of geometrical and philosophicgtl Problems. 49j.JLN the account which we have given of the method of fluxions, in the preceding part of this treatise, magnitudes were supposed to be generated by motion; and, by comparing the in- crements that were generated in any equal successive, parts of the time, it was first determined whether the motion was uni- form, accelerated, or retarded. When the motion was uni- form, the fluxion of the magnitjide was measured by the in- crement which it acquired in a given time. When the mo- tion was accelerated, this increment Was- resolved into two parts; that which alone would have been generated if the motion had not been accelerated, but had continued uniform from the beginning of the time, and that which was generated in conse- quence of the continual acceleration of the motion during that time. The latter part was rejected, and the former only re- tained for measuring the motion at the beginning of the time. And in like manner, when the motion was retarded, the quanti- ty, which was found deficient inconsequence of this retardation, was supplied; so that the motion at the term proposed was ac- curately measured, and the ratio of the fluxions always ac- curately represented. In the method of infinitesimals, the ele- ment, by which any quantity increases or decreases, is supposed to be infinitely small, and is generally expressed by two or more terms, someof which are infinitelv less than therest, which VOL.11. B * being 2 Of the Method of Infinitesimals. Book I. being neglected as of no importance, the remaining terms form what is called the difference of the proposed quantity. The terms that are neglected in this manner, as infinitely less than the other terms of the element, are the very same which arise in consequence of the acceleration, or retardation, of the gene- rating motion, during the infinitely small time in which the ele- ment is generated; so that the remaining terms express the ele- ment that would have been produced in that time, if the gene- rating motion had continued uniform. Therefore those differ^ cnces are accurately in the same ratio to each other as the ge- nerating motions or fluxions. And hence,though in this method infinitesimal parts of the elements are neglected, the conclusions are accurately true, without even an infinitely small error, and agree precisely with those that are deduced by the method of fluxions. Forexample, *inprop.2, whenDGr//^. 21), thein- crementof the base ADof the triangleADE,issupposed to become infinitely little, the trapezium DGHE (the simultaneous incre- ment of the triangle) consists of two parts, the parallelogram EG, and the triangle EIH; the latter of which is infinitely less than the former, their ratio being thatof-i-DG to AD. There- fore, according to this method, the part EIH is neglected, and the remaining part, viz. the parallelogram EG, is the difference of the triangle ADE. Now it was shown above (art. 93), that EG is precisely that part of the increment of the triangle ADE which is generated by the motion with which this triangle flows, and that EIH is the part of the same increment which is generated in consequence of the acceleration of tliis motion, while the base by flowing uniformly acquires the augment DG, whetiier DG be supposed finite or infinitely little. In prop. 3, case 1 , the incrementDELMHG C/ig-'l") of the rectangle AE consists of the parallelograms EG, EM, and lb; the last of which 16 becomes infinitely less than EG or E^I,when DG and LMtheincrementsofthe sides arc supposed infinitely small; be- cause lb is to EG as LM to AL, and to EM as DG to AD; therefore 16 being neglected, the sum of the parallelo- grams EG and EM is the difference of the rectangle AE : * The figures cited from Vol. I. are repeated in this Volume in plate 25, opposite to p. 1 i. and Ghap. XIL Of the Method of hifinitedmah. 3 and it was shown in art. 102, that the sum of EG and EM is the space that would have heen generated by the motion with which the rectangle AE flows continued uniformly, but that \b is the part of the increment of the rectangle which is generated in consequence of the acceleration of this motion, in the time that AD and AL by flowing uniformly acquire the augments DG and LINE The same may be observed of all the other propositions wherein the fluxions of quantities are determined above. 496. In general suppose, as in art. 66, that while the point P (.,^'g. 2'20) describes the rightline Aawith anuniformmotion,the poi n t M se ts o u t from L with a velocity th at is to the constan t vei o- city of P as he to Dg. and proceeds in the right line Ee with a motion continually accelerated or retarded, that LS any space described by M is always to DG the space described in the same time by P as I/to Dg, that ex is to J)g as the difference of the velocities of M at S and L to the constant velocity of P, and that LS is always to LC as I/to Lc. Then LS being always expressed by LC + CS, it is manifest that (since LC is to DG as Lc to Do-, or as the velocity of M at L to the velocity of P) LC is what would have been described by M if its motion had continued uniformly from L, and that CS arises in this expres- sion in consequence of the acceleration or retardation of the motion of the point M while it describes LS. But if LS and DG be supposed infinitely small increments of EL and AD, cv will be infinitely less than Dg; and since (/is less than ex by what was shown in art. QG, it follows that c/'will be infinitely- less than Lc, and CS infinitely less than LC. Therefore -when the increment LSis supposed infinitely small, and its expression is resolved into two parts LC, and CS, of which the former LC is always in the same ratio to DG (the simultaneous increment of AD while the increments vary, and the latter CS is infinite- ly less than the former LC, we may conclude that the part CS is that which arises in consequence of the variation of the mo- tion of M while it describes LS, and is therefore to be neglect- ed in measuring the motionof M atL, or the fluxion of the right line EL. Thus the manner of investigating the differences, or fluxions of quantities in the method of infinitesinials maybe de- B 2 duced 4 OftheMttlwdoflnJinitesimah, Book I. duced from the principles of the method of fluxions demonstrat- ed above. For instead of neglecting CS because it is infinite- ly less than LC (according to the usual manner of reasoning in that method)^ we may reject it^ because wemay thence conclude that it is not produced in consequence of the generating motion at L, but of the subsequent variations of this motion. And it appears why the conclusions in the method of infinitesimals arc not to be represented as if they were only near the truth, but are to be held as accurately true. 497. In order to render the application of this method easy, some analogous principles are admitted, as that the infinitely small elements of a curve are right lines, or that a curve is a po- lygon of an infinite number of sides, which being produced give the tangents of the curve, and by their inclination to each other measure the curvature. This is as if we should suppose that when the base flows uniformly the ordinate flows with a motion which is uniform for every infinitely small part of time, and in- creases or decreases by infinitely small differences at the end of every such time. Buthowever convenient this principle may be, it must be applied with caution and art on various occasions. It is usual therefore in many cases to resolve the element of the curve into two or more infinitely small right lines; and some- times it is necessary (if we would avoid error) to resolve it into an infinite number of such right lines, which are infinitesimals of the second order. In general it is apostulatimi in this method that we may descend to the infinitesimals of any order whatever as we find it necessary, by which means any error thatmight arise in the application of it may be discovered and corrected by a proper use of this method itself. This will appear by consider- ins: some instances wherein it is said to lead us into error. 498 (F/g.C21). The most no ted of these is taken from the doc- trine of pendulums. If we were to consider the circle ABH, whose diameter AH is perpendicular to the horizon, as a polygon of an infinite number of sides, and consequently the infinitely small arch AB as coinciding with its chord, it would seem to follow that the time of a vibration in such an arch ought to be equal to tlie time of descent in its chord, which is ecjual to the time of descent in the diameter HA ; whereas if the ratio of those times be Chap. XII. Of the Method of Infinitesimals. 5 be at all assignable, it must be that of the quadrant of a circle to the diameter, as may be shown from art. 408. But it is easy to discover that we are not in this case to argue from infi- nitesimals of the first order,since if we should suppose the same arch to coincide with its tangent AT, the time of descent in it would be found infinite. This difficulty however cannot be re- moved (as some others) by resolving the infinitely small arch AB into two infinitely small chords BD and AD, or tangents BC and AC, or into any finite number of such chords or tan- gents. The time in the tangent BC must be supposed the half of the time in the chord BA, because BC is equal to CA, and when BDA is supposed infinitely small, BC is one half of BA ; the time in CA is the half of the time in BC ; consequently the time in BC and CA is three fourths of the time in the chord BA, or diameter HA, which is nearer to the true time in the arch BDA, but is not yet equal to it. By supposing the arch BDA to be continually subdivided into more and more equal parts, and the tangents or chords to be drawn at each division, the times in the circumscribed and inscribed figures will conti- nually approach to the time in the arch, and will at length agree with it when the divisions are supposed infinite in number, in the same manner that the circumscribed and inscribed poly- gons approach to the circumference of the circle, and are said to coincide with it when the number of their sides is supposed infinite. But the time in such an infinitely small arch is briefly determined by considering it as coinciding with the time in the arch of the cycloid of the same curvature, which was determin- ed in art. 408. ^'HQi.Fi.g. 222). When a curve is considered as a polygon of an in- finite number of sides, and CE, EH are any two of those sides, if CE produced meet GH the ordinate from H in T, CT is com- monly supposed to be the tangent, and HT the subtense of the angle of contact ; and if CL, EI parallel to the base meet the ordiuatcs DE, GH in L and I, IT will be equal to LE, and TH equal to the difference of LE and IH which are the first dificiences of the ordinates; and hence HT the subtense of the angle of contact is often supposed by authors on this method to be equal to the second difference of the ordinates ; whereas it B 3 follows. 6 Of the Method of Injinitesimals. Book I. follows, from what was shown above, that when the arch is infinitely diminished, the subtense of the angle of contact is equal to the half of the second difference, or second fluxion of the ordinate, only. But it is obvious that there is no reason why the tangent of the curve at E ought to be supposed to coincide with one of those elements CE, EH, rather than tiie other; and that it ought to be considered in this method as equally inclin- ed to both, or rather as forming with each infinitel}' small angles that difler from each other by an angle infinitely less than either. Therefore let the tangent tE^ be supposed equal- ly inclined to EC and EH, and meet BC, GH in t and t; then the second difference of the ordinate (or the difference of LE and IH) will be equal to Ct-j-Hf or 2H^, that is to twice the subtense of the an2;le of contact. Thev however who consider the subtense of the angle of contact as equal to the second difference of the ordinate^ compensate this error by suppos- ing that angle in effect to be double of what it is. But whether we suppose CEand EH to be rectilineal or curvilineal elements of the figure, the subtense of the angle of contact ought to be supposed equal to the half o^lhesecond difference of the ordinate only .See art. 234. If we would compare these subtenses at different distances from the point of contact, it is better then to consider the element of the curveas aninfinitely small arch of a circle, unless when the curvature is of those kinds which were described in art. 377 and 378, that are either less or greater than the curvature of any circle. Hence when the ray of cur- Vature is finite, the subtenses of the same angle of contact are in the duplicate ratio of the arches ; but in the cases described in those articles they follow other proportions. 500. When the value of a quantity that is required in a philosophical problem becomes in certain particular oases infi- nitely great, or infinitely little, the solution would not be al- ways just though such magnitudes were admitted. As when it is required, to find by what centripetal force a curve could be described about a fixed point that is either in the curve, or is. so situated that a tangent may be drawn from it to the curve, the value of the force is found infinite at the centre of the forces in the former case, and at the point of contact in the latter; yet Chap. XII. Of the Method of Infiiiitedmah. 7 yet it is obvious that an infinite force could not inflect the line described by a body that should proceed from either of these points into a curve ; because the direction of its motion in either case passes through the centre of the forces, and no force how great soever that tends towards the centre could cause it to change that direction. But it is to be observed that the geometrical magnitude by which the force is measured is no more imaginary in this than in other cases where it becomes in- finite ; and philosophical problems have limitations that enter not always into the general solution given by geometry. 50 1 . But to insist on no more instances : what we have chief- ly in view is to show how these scruples may be obviated^ which the brief manner of proceeding in the method of infini- tesimals is apt to suggest to such as enter on the higher parts of geometry, after having been accustomed to a more strict and rigid kind of demonstration in the elementary parts. To such it may seem not to be consistent with the perfect accuracy that is required in geometrical demonstration, that in determining the first differences, any part of the element of the variable quantity should be rejected merely because it is infinitely less than the rest, and that the same part should be afterwards em- ployed for determining the second and higher differences, and resolving some of the most important problems. Nor can we suppose that their scruples will be removed, but rather confirm- ed, when they come to consider what has been advanced b}' some of the most celebrated writers on this method, who have expressed their sentiments concerning infinitely small quantities in the prcoisest terms ; while some of them deny their reality, and consider them only as incomparably less than finite quanti- ties, in the same manner as a grain of sand isimcomparably less than the whole earth ; and others represent them, in all their orders, as no less real than finite quantities. It was with a view to remove any ground there might seem to be given for scruples of this kind, that we followed a less concise method in the preceding chapters of this treatise, and showed in art. 495 and 496, that a satisfactory account may be given for the more brief way of reasoning that is in use in the method of infinitesi- mals. AVhen we investigate the first differences, we may reject B 4 the "8 Of the Limits of Ratios. Book I. the infinitesimal parts of the element, not merely because they are infinitely less than the other parts ; but because the quanti- ties generated, and their mutual relations depend upon the ge- nerating motions (art. ^4, 33, 42, 43), and are discovered by them: and because in measuring these motions^ at any term of the time, the infinitesimal parts of the element are not to be re- garded, since they are not generated in consequence of those motions themselves, but of their variations from that term ; as was shown at length in prop. 2, and its corollaries, and in seve- ral other parts of the preceding chapters. The same infinitesi- mal parts of the element hovi'^ever may serve for measuring the acceleration or retardation of those motions from that term, or the powers which may be conceived to accelerate or retard them at that term : and here the infinitely small parts of the element that are of the third order are neglected for a similar reason, being generated only in consequence of the variation of those powers from that term of the time. In this manner we presume some satisfaction may be given to the scrupulous (who may be apt to demur at the usual way of reasoning in this me- thod), while nothing is neglected without accounting for it: and thus the harmony may appear to be more perfect betwixt the method effluxions and that of infinitesimals. 502. But however safe and convenient this method ma}- be, some will always scruple to admit infinitely little quantities, and infinite orders of infinitesimals, into a science that boasts of the most evident and accurate principles as well as of the most rigid demonstrations ; and therefore we chose toestablish soextensive and useful a doctrine in the preceding chapters on more unex- ceptionable ^os^w/a^a. In order to avoid such suppositions. Sir I&aac Newton considers the simultaneous increments of the flowing quantities as finite, and then investigates theratio which is the limit of the various proportions which those increments bear to each other, while he supposes them to decrease together till they vanish; which ratio is the samewith theratioof thefluxions by what was shown in art. 66, 67, and 68. In order to discover this limit, he first determines the ratio of the increments in gene- rJil, and reduces it to the most simple terms, so as that (generally speaking) a part at least of each term may be independent of the value Chap. XII. Of the Limits of Ratios, 9 value of the increments themselves ; then by supposing the in- crements to decrease till they vanish, the limit readily appears. 503. For example, let a be an invariable quantity, x a flow- ing quantity, and o any increment of or ; then the simultaneous increments of xx and ax will be 2xo-\'(H) and ao, which are in the same ratio to each other as Q,x-\-o is to a. This ratio of 2r-|-o to a continually decreases while decreases, and is al- ways greater than the ratio of 2jr to a while is any real incre- ment, but it is manifest that it continually approaches to the ra- tio of2xto« as its limit; whence it follows that the fluxion of XX is to the fluxion of ax as Q.x is to a. If x be supposed to flow uniformly, ax will likewise flow uniformly, but xx with a motion continually accelerated : the motion with which ax flows may be measured by ao, but the motion with which xx flows is not to be measured by its increment 2xo-|-oo (by ax. 1), but by the part 2xo only, which is generated in conse- quence of that motion ; and the part 00 is to be rejected because it is generated in consequence only of the acceleration of the motion with which the variable square flows, while the in- crement of its side is generated : and the ratio of 2x0 to ao is thatof2j: to a, which was found to be the limit of the ratio of thein- crements '2xo-\-oo and ao (fig. 2G0). In general, if (as in art. QQ, ^c.) the point P be supposed to describe DG upon the right line Aa with an unifoim motion, and M describe LS upon Ee with a variable motion in the same time, the velocity of M at L be to the constant velocity of P as Lc is to J)g, and I/be al- ways to Tig as LS to DG ; it was shown in those articles that if LS and DG (the simultaneous increments of EL and AD) be supposed to decrease till they vanish, then the ratio of I/(or Lc '+ cf) to J)g, or of LS to DG, will approach continually to that of Lf to T)g as its limit. Therefore if the ratio be de- termined, which is the limit of the various proportions in M'hich I/is to Dg while the increments LS and DG decrease till they vanish, this can be no other than the ratio of Lc to Dg, or of the velocity of M at the term when it comes to L to the constant velocity of P, that is of the fluxion of EL to the fluxion of AD. If LC be to CS as Lc is to C/, then LC will be the part of LC ipCS (the expressioii of LS) which arises in consequence of the motion 10 Of the Limits of Ratios. Book I. motion of iSI at L^ and CS the part which arises in consequence of the variation of the motion of M while it describes LS. 504. This hmit is discovered by any method that serves to distinguish the two parts Lc and (/of Lc + rf the expression of L/; or LC and CS the two parts of LC + CS the expression of LS, from each other ; of which parts the former measures the motion of M at h, while the latter arises from the variation of the motion of M while it describes LS. We distinguished these parts from each other by this property, in the preceding chap- ters. But since it is the property of the part cfto decrease, and at length to vanish, with the increments LS and DG, while Lc remains, it appears to be a just as well as concise method of in- vestigating this limit, to suppose the increments to decrease, to find whatpait of the expression of 1/ decreases, and at length vanishes with them, to reject this part, and retain the other Lc only for measuring the velocity of M at L. It is objected against Sir Isaac Newton's method of investigating this limit, that he lirst supposes that there are increments (as LS and DG), that when it is said let tJte increments vanish, the former supposi- tion is destroyed, and yet a consequence of this supposition, /. e. an expression got by virtue thereof, is retained. But the suppo- sitions that are made in this method of investigating the limit are not so contradictory as this objection seems to import. He first supposes that there are increments generated, and represents their ratio by thatof two quantities (as I/and Do)^one of which (Dg) is given so as not to vary with the increments. If he had afterwards supposed that no increments had beert generated, this indeed had been a supposition directly contradictory to the former. But when he supposes those increments to be diminish- ed till they vanish, this supposition surely cannot be said to he so contradictory to the former, as to hinder us from knowing what was the ratio of those increments at any term of the time while thev had a real existence, how this ratio varied, and to what limit it approached, while the increments were continual- ly diminished. On the contrary, this is a very concise and just method of discovering the limit which is required. It had been easv, if it had been of any use, to have supposed the generating motions to have proceeded in their course: and to have substitut- ed, Chap. XTL Of the Limits of Ratios. 11 cd, ill place of hisdecreasing increments, quantities that should decrease so as to be always in tlie same ratio to each other as the increments were while they were generated. But this was not necessary, and it is to be remembered that the ratio Lc to Do-, the limit of the variable ratio of Lf to Dg, is not proposed as the ra- tio of increments that have vanished, but as the ratio of the velo* cities with which the points M and P did set out from L and D to generate real increments. 505. The ratio of Lc to T>g is likewise called ihe Jlrst or prime ratio of the increments LS and DG; because though thd ratio of those increments continually varies when the motion of M is continually accelerated or retarded, yet the ratio of the generating motions (or that of Lc to Dg) is the term or limit from which the variable ratio of the increments proceeds, or sets out, to increase or decrease. This ratio, strictly speaking, is not the ratio of any real increments whatsoever, because any increment LS partly depends on the motion of M at L, and partly on the continual acceleration or retardation of its motion from that term. But as the tangent of an arch is the right line that limits the position of all the secants that can pass through the point of contact (art. 181), though, strictly speaking, it be no secant, so a ratio may limit the variable ratios of the incre- ments, though it cannot be said to be the ratio of any real in- crements. The ratio of the generating motions may be like- wise said to be the last or ultimate ratio of the increments while they are supposed to be diminished till they vanish, for a like reason. 506. Most of the propositions in the preceding chapters maj- be briefly demonstrated by this method. It will be sufficient to giveafewexamplesCj?g;..'J8). First,let us resume the construction in art. 140, where SA is invariable, SA, AP and AL are in con- tinued proportion, and it is required to find the ratio of tlie flux- ion of AL to th.e fluxion of AP. Because L/the increment of AL is to Pp the increment of AP as DL is to SP, and the angle PSD is always equal to pSA, it is manifest that if those incre- ments L/ and Fp be supposed to be diminished till they vanish, the angle PSD will approach to PSA, and at length coincide with it, PD will become eq^ual to PL and DL to 2PL; so that the 12 Of the Centre of Gravity, Book 1. the ultimate ratio of L/ to P/? must be that of 2PL to SP, or of 2AP to SA; and the fluxion of AL must be to the fluxion of AP in the same ratio. In the same manner SA, AP, AL, and AM being in continued proportion, Mw the increment of AM is to Vp as GM to SP; and when these increments are diminish- ed till they vanish, GL becomes equal to 2LM, and GM to SLM ; so that the last ratio of Mm to Vp is that of 3LM to SP, or that of 3AL to SA ; and the fluxion of AM is to the fluxion of AP in the same ratio. In hke manner the 8th and 9th propo- sitions may be deduced. 507 . In prop. 1 4, where ADiJig. 47) is the base, DE the or- dinate, DG the increment of the base, IH the simultaneous increment of the ordinate, if DG be supposed to be diminished till it vanish, the angle HET (contained by the chord EH and tangent ET) decreases till it vanish, by art. 181; and the ulti- mate ratio of DG to IH is thatof EI to IT, which is therefore the ratio ofthe fluxion of the base AD to the fluxion of the ordinate. The ultimate ratio ofthe arch EH to the tangent ET is a ratio of equality, and the fluxion ofthe curve is to the fluxion ofthe base asETto EI. In the samemanner the 15th, l6th,and 17th propositions may be briefly deduced. 508. In prop. 1 8, acircle described through C,E, and K(;?o' 6 1, and 62) touches the righ t line AE, because the angle ECKismade equal to SEA. Therefore when P approaches to E till it coin- cide with it, the ultimate ratio of the angle PKE to PCEis a ratio of equalit}'^, and the ultimate ratio of the angle PCE to the angle PSE is that of SE to KE, or of ST to CT; whence the fluxion of the angle ACP is to the fluxion of aSP as ST is toCT. 509. If the point C(y/2:. 223) be taken upon therightlineAB, that joins the centres ofthe bodies A and B, so that C A be to C B as the body B is to A, then C is the centre of gravity of A and B ; if the point G be taken upon CE, so that GEbe to GA as the sum of A and B is to the body E, then is G the centre of gra- vity ofthe three bodies, A, B, and E; and in the same manner the centre of gravity of any number of bodies is determined. Let kn be any right line, Aa, BZ>, and Cc any parallel lines from A' B, and C that meetA-y/ in a, b, and c; thenthesuni of therect- ansfles Chap. XIT. and its Motion.' 13 angles contained by A and Aa, and by B and B6, shall be equal to the rectangle contained by A-j-B and Cc when A and B are on the same side of kn, but to the rectangle contained by \ — B and Cc when they are on different sides of kn ; because if AV and Bt? parallel to kn meet Cc in V and v, CV will be to Ct) as CA to CB^ or as B to A ; and the rectangle AXCV equal to B XCi). It follows that if G be the centre of gravity of any number of bodies, the rectangle contained by Gg(any right line from G that meets a given plane kn in g) and the sum of all the bodies is equal to the aggregate of the rectangles con- tained by each body, and the parallel from it terminated always by kn, that is to the aggregate of AXAa, BXBi, EXE<', 6;c. in collecting which any rectangle is to be considered as nega- tive, or to be subducted, when the body is not on the same side of Avi with G CJig.QO). Hence, cor. 6, prop. 19, maybe deduced (that the surface described by any line FN/" revolving aljout the axis A^^f is equalto the rectangle contained by FN/'and the line describ- ed by its centre of gravity C in the same time) by applying what has been shown of the bodies A,B,E,c*^c.to the elements of the arch FNy, and substituting this arch itself for the sum of thebodies. In the same manner itisshown thatif G(;^g-.225) be the centre of gravity of any figure DBf/, kn arightline in the plane of this figure parallel to X)d and given in position, G A perpen- dicular to kn in A meet Mm any ordinate of this figure parallel to kn in P, then the solid contained by the area DQd and the perpendicular GA will be equal to the fluent of the solid con- tained by the rectangle which measures the fluxion of the area MBw and the perpendicular PA, by substituting the elements of the area for the bodies A, B, E, <^c. and the whole area DBd for the sum of the bodies. And if G be the centre of gravity of a solid DBJ, of which Mm represents any section parallel to J)d, let the whole solid be represented by S, the fluxion of the :^olid MBm by f, and GAXS will be equal to the fluent of PAX/ 510. There are several theorems concerning the centre of gravity, and its motion, that are useful in the resolution of pro- blems of various kinds, which we shall take this occasion to "describe briefly. In any system of bodies the sum of their mo- tion? U Of tU Centre of Gnivity, Book I. tions ^vlien estimated in a given direction is equal to the motion of a body that is equal to the sum of those bodies, and pro- ceeds with the velocity of their common centre of gravity, if its motion be reduced to the same direction f/^.2'24). Amotion that is asCL, in the direction CL, reduced to any other direction Cc is measured by CP, if LP be perpendicular to Cc in P. The same motion reduced to the opposite direction cC is still mea- sured by CP, but is then considered as negative. Let the bo- dies A and B with their centre of gravity move in the same time intoF, H, and L respectively ; letl^" 11//, and hi parallel to Qc meet kn mf, h, and /,• and FM,HN, LP parallel to kn meet Aa, B6, Cc in M, N^and P respectively ; then since the sum of AXAa-fBxB6 is equal to ATBXCc, and AXF/' ~fB X IVi is equal to A + B X L/, it follows that A X AM-f- B X BN is equal to A + B x CP. In the same manner A X FM -|-B X HN is equal to A-f- B x LP. And in the same manner it appears that the aggregate of the motions of anv number of bodies A, B, E, ^c. is equal to the motion of their sum A-{-B-|-E, &)C. proceeding with the velocit}' of their com-' mon centre of gravity, when these motions are all reduced to any one direction. It follows likewise that if the motions of the bodies are all uniform and rectilineal, the centre of gravity is cither quiescent, or its motion is uniform and rectilineal. For in this case the ratio of the right lines AM, FM, BN, HN to each other being invariable, as well as the ratio of A to B, the ratio of CP to LP must be invariable. oil. As the iiirtrreo:ate of the motions of anv number of bo* dies reduced to any given direction is never affected by the composition or resolution of their motions, or by any actions of those bodies upon one another that are mutual and equal in contrary directions, or by any powers that act equally upon them with opposite directions ; so the motion of the centre of gravity of any sjstem of bodies is never affected by their colli- sions, or when they attract or repel each other equally. In th-e same manneras the motion of an3onebody continuesthesame till some external force or rf^sistance cflect it, by Sir Isaac Newto/i's first law of motion ; so the motion of the centre of gravity of any system of bodies continues the same unless some foreign A J) G Fig 62. Ai-t. ^oi ni/um- ir/mi/n/ .riwii To/.j-" l'laicX\r>i'./i; r.V.II Fill -jj. . lit .fiij Fill -J? Art 4gi Fig 4j.iit^ii7 It th E Fii/slfAn joi. J Chap. XII. and lis Motion. 15 foreign influence disturb it. If there was any action without an equal and contrary reaction, the state of the centre of gra- vity of the system would he afiected by it. And the equality of these being constantly confirmed by experience, it is not with- out ground that it is held to be a general law, and extended by Sir Isaac Nezcton to the gravitation of bodies. It is mani- fest however that it is not the sum of the absolute forces of bodies, without regard to the directions of their motions, that is preserved the same unalterable by their collisions, in conse- quence of the equality of action and reaction* (according to Sir Isaac AtaYo/i's third law of motion) ; since this is a ge- neral * When it is said that fhe quantily of ahsohilf force ts unalterable htf the colli' sien of bodies, and l^ai this foUoivs so evidently from the equality of action atul reaction, that to endeavour to demonstrate it would onlj render it more obscure^ something else must be meant by action and reaction than has been g-enerally vmderstood by these terms, and that has not been explained by those philoso- phers. According to this doctrine it would seem that the equality of action and reaction should take place in the collisions of such bodies only as are perfectly elastic (that is of no bodies known in nature), and not even of these, uiiless we measure their forces by the compound ratio of the squares of their velocities and of their quantities of matter. And though this mensuration of the forces of bodies was admitted, the quantity of absolute force will be found to be so far affected by the collisions of bodies, that it must be less during the small time in which they act upon each other than before and after the stroke ; whereas the quantity of motion estimated in the same direction is preserved the same while the bodies act upon each other as before and after, and never can suffer any chang(» from their mutual actions. But as it might seem to be an improper digression if wc should insist on this subject here, we shall only subjoin an illustration of an argument which was offered some time ago, to show, that we cannot abandon the old doctrine concerning the measures of the forces of bodies in motion, without exchanging plain principles that have been generally received concerning the actions of bodies upon the most simple and uncontested experiments, for notions that seem at best to be very obscure. Let A and B 0%". 226) be two equal bodies that are separated from each other by springs interposed between them (or in any equivalent manner) in a space EFGH, which in the mean time proceeds uniformly in the direction BA (in which the springs act) with a velocity as 1 ; and suppose that the springs imprint on the pqual bodies A and B equal velocities in opposite directions that are each as I. Then the absolute velocity of A (which was as 1) will be now as 2 ; and, accord- ing to the new doctrine, its force as 4 : whereas the absolute velocity and the force of B (which was as 1) will be now destroyed; so that the action of tlic springs adds to A a force as 3, and subducts from the equal body B a force as 1 only; and yet it seems mnnife^t that the action;, of the springs on these equal bodies 1$ Of the CoUhion of Bodies. Book I. neral law, and extends to hard and soft bodies as well as to such as are perfectly elastic, and the sum of the absolute motions of thosecannot be said to be unalterable by ibeircollisions. It is the quantity of motion estimated in the same direction that is preserved the same without any change from any mutual actions of bodies in consequence of the equality of action and reaction. But we proceed to give some instances of the use of those theorems in the resolution of problems. .512. From these principles the effects of the collisions of bodies are readily determined. ThebodiesAandB('//5-.227)beingsup- posed void of elasticity, let C be their centre of gravity, and tiieir velocities before the stroke be represented by AD and BD respectively. Then supposing the stroke to be direct, they will proceed together after it as one mass, and consequently with the velocity CD of their centre of gravity. But if the bodies are perfectly elastic, take CE equal to CD in an opposite di- rection, and the velocities of A and B after the stroke will be represented by EA and EB respectively, the change produced bodies ought to be equal. In general, if m represent the velocity of the space EFGII in the direction BA, n the velocity added to that of A and subducted from that of B by the action of the springs, then the absolute velocities of A and B will be represented by m-\-n and m — n respectively, the force added to A by the springs will be 2ot«-{-wj, and the force taken from B will be 2mn — nn, ■which differ by 2nn. Further it is allowed that the actions of bodies upon one another are the same in a space that proceeds w^ith an uniform motion as if the space was at rest {Ja force du choc, ou raction des corps les urn's sur les autres, depend tim'qucment de leur viiesses respecti-jes. Discours sur le mouxemenf, Paris, 1726). But if the space EFGH was at rest, the forces communicated by the springs to A and B had been equal, and the force of each had been represented by nn. These arguments are simple and obvious, and seem on that account to be the more proper in treating of this question. Though there are certain effects produced by the forces of bodies that are in the duplicate ratio of their velocities, we are not thence to conclude that the forces themselves are in that ratio, no more than we are to conclude that a force which would carry a body upwards 500 miles in a minute is infinite, because it may be demonstrated (if we abstract from the resist- ance of the air) that a body projected with this velocity would rise for ever, and never return to the earth. And as reaction is only equal to action when both are estimated in opposite directions upon the same right line, so we are never to estimate the force which one body loses or acquires by that which is produced or destroyed in another body in a different direction ; whence the objections against the usual manner of measuring the forces of bcdict- may be resolved, and even improved for to support it. in Chap. XII. Of the CoUhion of Bodies. 17 ill their velocities in this case by the stroke being double of what it wasih the former, the difference of AD and CL» 'w^ing equal to the diiference of CD (or CE) and EA, and the difier- cnce of CD and BD equal to the diftereuce of EB and CD. If B have no motion before the stroke, then CE is to be taken equal to CB, the velocity of A before the stroke being reprcr sented b}'^ AB. In this case if the right line oa be to ob as A is to B, and ah be bisected in e, the velocity of A before the stroke will be to that of B after the stroke as half the sum of A and B is to A, or as oe is to oa. And if motion be communi- cated in this manner from the body A to a series of bodies in geometrical progression, of which A and B are the first terms, then the velocities successively communicated to those bodies w^ill be in a geometrical progression, the common ratio of any two subsequent terms will be that of oe to oa ; and, if it be the number of bodies without including the first A, the velocity of the last will be to the velocity of the first as the power of oa whose exponent is n is to the same power of oe. Therefore if od represent the last body in the progression, and ov the velo- city communicated to it, the velocity of the first oa beino- re- presented by oa, and oa be the modnlus of the system, the logarithm of od will be to that of ov as the logarithm of oh is to that of oe, because the logarithm of od is to that of ob as n is to 1, and the logarithm of ov is. to that of oe in the same ratio. 513. Any three bodies being represented by o^r, o6, and od, let the first strike the second supposed at rest before the stroke^ and the second strike the third quiescent, let of he to od as oa is to ob; and the velocit}'- communicated in this manner to the tliird shall be to the velocity of the first as oa is to one fom-th part of the sura of oa, ob, of, and od. For the velocity of the first oa is to the velocity of the second ob as the sum of oa and ob to 2oa ; the velocity of o6 is to that of od' as the sum or ob and od to^ Qob ; consequently the velocity of the first oa is to the velocity of the third od in the compound ratio of oa-^ob to Q,oa and of ob-^od to Q,ob, that is (since oa, oh, of, od, are proportional, so that oa is to ob as oa-\-of to cb-\-od, and oa -f- ob to ob ,aS'.the , suni "of oa, oh, of, and od to ob-\-od) as the sum of oa, oh, of, and od is to 4oa. Hence the velocity of oa VOL. II. C beinsr 1% Of tht ColUsidn of Bodin. Boole I. being gvr)Sr^> t^e velocity communicated to od is inversely as the sum vA oa, ob, of, and od, and is greatest when this jum is least, that is, if oa and od be given, when ob and of coincide with each other and with the mean proportional be- twixt oa and od. Therefore the velocity communicated to od is greatest when ob the body interposed betwixt o« and od is a jnean proportional between them. This is one of Mr. Hui/gensi theorems, from which it follows, that the more such geome- trical mean proportionals are interposed betwixt oa and od, the greater is the velocity communicated to od. 514. There is however a limit which the velocity commu- nicated to od never amounts to (the bodies oa, od, and the ve- locity of oa before the stroke being given), to which it ap- proaches continually while the number of such bodies inter- posed between oa and od is always increased. And this limit is a velocity which is to the velocity of the first body oa before the stroke in the siibduplicate ratio of oa to od. This limit is not mentioned by Mr. Hiiygens, but may be determined from art. 512 and 179. For while ab is continually diminished, and ob approaches to oa, the last ratio of the logarithm of o6 to ab, or of the logarithm of oe to ae, is a ratio of equality, by art. 179; consequently the logarithm of ob becomes ultimately double of that of oe, and (by art. 512) the logarithm of oc? double t)f that of or. Therefore if oA be a mean proportion betwixt oa and od, the logarithm o^ov will become equal to the logarithm of ok, but with a contrary sign ; so that ok, oa, and ov will be in continued proportion : and ov the velocity of the last body od will be to oa the velocity of the first oa as oa is to ok, or in the subduplicate ratio of tiie first body oa to the last od. 515. The same principles will serve for determining the effects of the collision, when a body strikes any number of bodies at once in any directions whatever. Let the bodies first be perfectly hard and void of elasticity, and the body C (fg. 228) moving in the direction CD v/ith a velocity represented by CD strike at once the bodies A, B, E, (Sfc. that are suj^posed at rest before the stroke in directions CF, CII, CK, ^-c. in the same plane with CD, and Da, Dft, De, be perpendicular to CF, CH, CK iQ a, by and e respectively. Determine the point P where Chap. XII. Of the Collision of Bodies. 19 where tlie eommon centre of gravity of the bodies C, A, B, £, cVc. would be found if their centres were placed at the points C^ a, b, e, Sec. respectively, by art. 509, join 3^P, and CL parallel to DP shall be the direction of the body C after the stroke. Let PR perpendicular to DP meet CD in 11, and DL perpendicular to CD uieet CL in L; then if CLbe divided in. G so that CG be to GL in the ratio compounded of that of CD to Cli and that of the body C to the sum of all the bodies, the velocity of C after the stroke will be represented by CG ; that is, the velocity of C after the stroke will be toits velocity be- fore it as CG is to CD, Let Gf, Gk, and GA-, be respectively [lerpendieular to CP, CH, and CK inf h, and /c, and the ve- locities of A, B, and E, after the stroke will be represented by Cy, Oh, and CA-. But if we now suppose the bodies to be per- fectly elastic, or the relative velocities before and after the stroke be always equal when measured on the same right line, produce DG till D^ be equal to 2DG, join Co-, and the body C will describe Cg after the stroke in the same time that it would have described a right line equal to CD before the stroke. And in like manner the motions are determined when the elas- ticity is imperfect, if the relative velocity after the stroke is al- M ays in a given ratio to the relative velocity before it in the same right line. Mr. BeimoiiiUi has deduced the computa- tions of the motions in the case when the bodies are perfectly elastic, and there are bodies on one side of the line of direction CD that are always respectivel}^ equal to those on the other side,and are impelled in directions that form equal angks with CD in the same plane, from the principle that the sum of the bodies multiplied by the squares of the velocities is the same before and after the stroke ; which computations will be found to agree with what we have shown, by supposing DP and CL to fall upon CD, and restricting our supposition in other re- spects so as it may agree to this case. These problems being represented as of an uncommon difficulty, it may be worth while tosubjointhe following construction which is still more ge- neral, and is deduced from the principles. in art. 510 and 511. 516. Let the bodies C, A, B, E, e^'c. (>^.22g) move now in the directions CD, CF, CH, CK, S^c. in one plane with C 2 velocities 20 Of the Collision of Bodies. Book I. velocities represented by CD, Ca, Cb, Ce, ^c. and the body C overtake and strike thein at once in these directions. Let T be the point where the common centre of gravity of all the bodies C, A, B, E, S^c. would be found if they were placed in D, a, b, e, SfC. respectively ; let Ta, Tb, Te, S)-c. be perpendi- cular to CF, CH, CK, &;c. in a, h, e, 8fC. and P be the point where their connnon centre of gravity would be iound if the bodies were placed at C, a, b, e, SfC. respectively; join TP, and CL parallel to TP will be the direction of C after the stroke "ulien all the bodies are supposed perfectly hard and void of elasticity. Let PR perpendicular to TP meet CT in R, and TL perpendicular to CT meet CL in L; let CS be to CT as the body C is to the sum of all the bodies ; upon CL take CG in the same ratio toCL asCTis to CS-J-CR^and CG w^ill re- present the velocity of C after the stroke ; whence the veloci- ties of the other bodies in their respective directions CF, CH, CK, SfC. are determined as before. We omit some other theorems of this kind where the directions are in different planes, because they would lead us too far from our principal subject. When the bodies are perfectly elastic, join DG, and upon it take J)g, double of DG; but if the elasticity be imr perfect, and the respective velocity after the stroke be in a given ratio to the respective velocitj^ before the stroke, upon DG produced take G^ to DG in that given ratio; and Cg will represent the direction and velocity of C after the stroke; whence it is easy to determine the velocities of the other bodies. The other cases of this problem are resolved in like manner from the same principles. 517, Mr. Jlin/gtns has shown that in the collisions of two bodies which are perfectly elastic, the sum of the bodies multi- plied by the squares of their velocities is the same after the stroke as before it. It isjustly observed that this proposition is so far general as to obtain in all collisions of bodies that are per- fectly elastic ; but as this cannot be held an immediate conse- quence of the equality of action and reaction, as was observed above, and it is by some considered as a theorem of great use, we shall show how it may be demonstrated when a body strikes any number of bodies at once, as in art. 51d. Let l^Q, gq, fm, <5hap. XII. Of the Collision of Bodies. 21 /m,^«,A:rbeperpendiculartoCGinQ^^,w,?iandr(/?g-.{228).Thea the rectangles contained by Cm and CG, Cn and CG, Cr and CG will be respectively equal to the squares oiCf Ch, and Ck. If the bodies C, A, B, E be supposed to have no elasticity, their velocities after the stroke will be represented by CG, Cf Ch, and Ck, the velocity of C before the stroke being represented by CD; because in this case no relative velocity is generated by the stroke in their respective directions; and the sum of A X Cm, B X Cn, E x Cr is equal to C X GQ, because the sum of the motions which would be communicated to A, B, and E in the direction CG is equal to the motion which C would lose in the same direction by art. 511. Therefore the sum of AX Cf% B X Ch\ E X Ck^ is equal to C x CG x GQ; and to these if we add C X CG% the sum of all the bodies multiplied by the squares of their velocities in this case would be C x CG X CQ. But when the bodies are supposed to be perfectly elas- tic, the velocities of A, B, and E are to be represented by 2Cf, iCh, andSCA; respectively; the sum of A x 4C/% B x 4C/i* and E X 4CA'^ is equal to C4- 4CG + GQ or {elem. 8, 2) C-f CQ"— C X Cq"-; to which if we add C X Cg^ (or C x C^^ + C X GQ"') the whole sum of the products when each body is multiplied by the square of its velocity is equal to C x CD*- and consequently is the same after the stroke as it was before the stroke. But when the bodies are void of elasticit}'-, this sura islessafter the stroke than before it in the ratio of CG + CQto CD^ or of CG to CL. The same proposition is demonstrated in like manner of perfectly elastic bodies in the case of art. 16. And when the bodies A, B, E move before the stroke in direc- tions different from those in which C acts upon them, the pro- position will appear by resolving their motions into such as are in those directions (which alone are affected by the stroke), and 6uch as arc in perpendiculars to those directions, from elem. 4:7 1. This proposition likewise holds when bodies of a perfect elasticity strike any immoveable obstacle as well as when they strike one another, or when they are constrained by any power or resistance to move in directions different from those in which they impel one another, as we shall show afterwards. But it is manifest that it is not to be held a general principle or law of C ci motion 2'2 Of the Collision of Bodies. Book f, motiou, since it can take place in the collisions of one sort of bodies only. The solutions of some problems which have been deduced from it may be obtained in a general and direct man- ner from plain principles that are universally allowed,, by de- termining first the motions of hard bodies which are supposed to have no elasticity, and thence deducing the solutions of other cases when the relative velocitiesbeforeand after the stroke are equal, or in any given ratio. It will be said perhaps that ^here are no such bodies known in nature. But though nobodies that are perfectly elastic, or no mathematical fluid be known iu nature, to investigate their motions is allowed to be an useful iliquiry. It is a consequence however from the proposition we have described, that while perfectly elastic bodies move in any manner, if any new force act upon them that generates equal velocities in the same direction in each, the excess of the sum of the products of each bod}^ multiplied by the square of its ve- locity, above the product of the sum of the bodies multiplied by the square of the velocity of their common centre of gra- vity, l? not affected by this new force or by their collisions. 5 IS. Suppose now that thebodyC(^o.'230)moving in the direc- tion CD with thevelocityCDimpelsthebodiesAandBinthedi- rections CF and CH; but that A and B cannot move in those directions, being constrained to move in the respective direc- tions C/'and C//, by planes parallel to Cy'and C// along which \ve suppose them to shde without friction, or by their being fix- ed to. the extremities of lines OA and UB perpeudicular to Cf and CAA, and moveable about the centres O and I J, or in any other equivalent manner. Suppose all those lines to be in the same plane with CD, and that A and B were at rest before the stroke. Let Da and Db perpendicular to CF and CH meet Cf and CA in a and b respectively; draw aF perpendicuhu" to Ca, and 6H {)crpendicular to C^, meeting CF and CI [ in F and Hj and ¥m, iin parallel to CD meeting Da and Db iu ?« and n. Let P be the common centre of gravity of the bodies C, A, and B wlien their respective centres are supposed to be placed at C, 7n, and //, join X)P, and CL parallel to DP shall be the direction of C after the stroke, the bodies being supposed to be perfectly hard and void of elasticity. Let p be the common centre of gravity Ghap. XII. Of the Collision of Bodies, 2S gravity of C, A, and B when their respective centres are suppos- ed to be placed at D, V, and H; draw pr perpendicular to DP meeting CD in ?', let CS be to CD as the body C is to the suia ot" all the bodies ; let DL perpendicular to CD meet CL in L, join rL, and let SGparallel to rL meet CL in G,tlien CG will represent the velocity of C after the stroke; and if G/ and Gh respectively perpendicular to CF and CH meet C/'and Ch inj' and h, then Cf and Ch will represent the velocities oif A and B after the stroke. 519. \Vhen the bodies are perfectly elastic, C^ the oirection and velocity of C is found as in art. 51 5, by producing DG till Do- be equal to 2DG. In this case, though the m^-tion r '' ^;he cen- tre of gravitj'j or the sum of the motions of the bodies l^;. the direction CD, be diminished by the stroke (because of the resist- ance of the planes or lines by which the bodies A and B are hindered to mo se in the directions CF andCHin which C im- pels them, and constrained to move in the directions Cf and C^), yet the sum of the products of the bodies multiplied by the squares of their velocities is tJie same after the stroke as be- fore it. Foi let hf pfjipendiciilar to Ch meet CH inf, and fu perpendicular to C/ meet CF in u; draw fx^uz, DQ, and gq perpendicular to CL in x, z, Q, and q ; join zf, and the angle Cj'z being equal to Cuz or CGf, the triangles Czf and CfGr are similar, and the rectangle GCz equal to the square of C/*. In the same manner the rectangle GGr is equal to the square of Ch ; therelbre the sum of A X 4Cf^ and B X 4CA^ is equal to the product of A X Cz+B x Cx by 4CG. But A X C2+ B X Cx is the quantity of motion which C loses in the direction CLwhen it communicates to A and B velocities Cy and Ch in their respective directions Cj/'-and C/i, by impelling them in the directions CF and CH, and therefore is equal to C xGQ by art. 511. Therefore since C x GQ x 4CG is equal to C X CQ* — C X C/ia'i principle concerning what he calls their via ascendcns. 50. 1 . Let the accelerating force CA'g. ^28)and direction ofgravlty be ahvavs represented by CD, and let C by its gravity impel A, B and E (which we supposed at present to be avoid of gravity) in the respective directions CF, CH and CK from the begin- ning of its descent. If nothing hinder the bodies from giving way in those directions, and if these sides of A, B and E which C acts upon be planes perpendicular to CF, CH and CK (that C while it descends may impel them always in the same direc- tions) then C will descend in the right line CL that was de- termined in art. 515 ; for CL ihedirection of C which was de- termined in that article does not depend upon the incident ve- locity of C, but only upon the quantities of matter in the seve- ral bodies, the direction qf the motion of C, and those in which itacts upon the other bodies; and when these remain the direc- tion of C after the stroke is alwaj's the same. The forces that accelerate the motions of C, A, B and E in their respectve di- rections CL, CF, CH and CK will be to the accelerating force of gravity, and the respective velocities that will be acquired by them to the velocity that would be acquired in an equal time by a body faihng freely m the vertical line CD by its grar- vity, as CG, Cf, CJi, and CA; to CD. Let G<^be perpendicular to CD in d, and the sum of the products C X CG% A X C/'% B X Ck\ E X Ck' Av'ill be equal to CxCDXCd; for it was shown in art. 5 17, that C X CG' + A X C/'^ -f B X CA'- -f E X CA' is equai to C X CG X CQ, which (because CG is to Cd as CD to CQ) is equal to C x CD X C^. But if the velo- city which C acquires while it descends iiom C to G, and is accelerated by Itie force CG,be represented by CG,or its square by CG% the square of the velocity which it would acquire by t'aJiing freely in the vertical iiom C to ^ by its gravity CD will be represented 26 Of the Descent of Bodies Book L represented by CD X Cflf (art. 434). Therefore the sum of the, products which arise by multiplying each body by the square of the velocity which it acquires is equal to the product of the body C (which alone is supposed to gravitate) multiplied by the square of the velocity which it would acquire by falling freely from C to d, or by descending freely along the inclined plane CG. The same theorem holds when the directions vary in which the body C acts upon A, B and E while it descends ; the demonstration of which will be comprehended in a more general case afterwards. 522. If thebodyCimpelAandBCAg.230)by itsgravityinthe directions CFandCHfrom the beginningofitsdescent^but these bodies be constrained, as in art. 518, to move in the directions C/'and Qh, the direction of the motion of C and the velocities that will be acquired bj' the respective bodies may be deter- mined from what was shown in that article, the sides of A and B upon which C acts being planes, so that C may descend in the same right line CL and always impel A and B in the same directions CF and CH. The velocities acquired by C,A, and B at G,/'and h will be to the velocity that would be acquired in an equal time by a body falling freely in the perpendicular as CG, C/"and Ch to CD. ' And because" C X CG" + A X C/* -|- B X CA is equal to C X CG X CQ (b}' what was shown in art, 519), oi" toC x CD X Cd, Gd being perpendicular to CD in d ; therefore the sum of the products of the bodies multipli- ed by the squares of the velocities which they acquire is in this case likewise equal to the product of C multiplied by the square of the velocity which it would acquire by the same descent Cd if it fell freely in the vertical CD. 523 (-F;^. 232, iV.l).Togive some examplesofthislast case. If the body C impelby its gravity onebod}' Aonl}^ that is terminated by a plane perpendicular to CF, and A slide along a plane paral- lel to C/' without friction, let Dcr perpendicular to CF meet Cf in a, rtF perpendicular to Ca meet CF in F, and Fm parallel to CD meet Da in w ; upon Cm take CP to Cm as A is to C -{- A, join DP, and a right line from D parallel to CF will intersect CTip;nalIel to DP in G. W in this case Cfhe supposed hori- zontal or perpendicular to CD, C//? will coincide ^ith Cff.and CP Chap. XII. that act upon one anolher. 29 CP being taken upon Ca, in the same ratio to Ca as A is to C + A, a right hne from D parallel to CF will intersect CL pa- rallel to DP in G, so that CG will represent the direction in which C will descend and the force that accelerates its motion ; and CG will be described by it in the same time that it would have described CD by falling freely in the vertical. If we sup- pose CF (fg, 232;, N. 2.) to coincide with the vertical CD, Da will in this case be perpendicular to CD, and oF being per- pendicular to Crt, the points will fall upon D, and CD is to be divided in G so that CG may be to DG in the compound ratio of C to A and of CD to CF,or of the square of CD to the square of Ca. These last are the two cases considered by Mr. Bernouilli which have been lately pubhshed, Comni. Acad.Petropol. torn. 5; and these constructions agree with the computations which he deduces by resolving the force of C into two infinite pro- gressions. If the body C impel in like manner two equal bo- dies A and B Cfig. 232, N. 3) in directions CF and CH that form equal angles with the vertical, andfCh be one continued horizontal line, CD is to be divided in G, so that CG may be to GD in the compound ratio of C to the sum of the bodies A and B and of the duplicate ratio of the sine of the angle FCD to its cosine ; and CG will represent the force that accelerates the motion of C, providing it always impel A and B in the same directions from the beginning of its descent. 524. The rest remaining as in art. 323, let us now suppose the bodies A andB (fig. 233) to gravitate as well as C. In this case the body C while it descends will have no effect upon the bodies A and B, unless the angles Dc/'and Dch exceed DCF and DCH respectively. The force and direction with which C descends being represented by CG, let Gf and Gh perpendi- cular to CF and CH (the respective directions in which C acts upon A and B) meet Cfand Ch in/and h, that Cfand Ch may represent the forces by which the motions of A and B are acce- lerated in the directions Cfand Ch. Let Da and Db perpen- dicular to C/ and CA meet CF and CH in K and R respec- tively; letyVi; perpendicular to Cfmeei CF in k, and hr perpen- dicular to CA meet CH in r. Draw KM, /cm, BN, and r;i perpendi- cular to CG in M, m, N, and n ; and draw Gd,fVj andhv perpen- dicular 50 Of the Descent of Bodies. l^ook I. dicular to the vertical line CD in d, V^anclr. While C describes CGj Adescribes Cf; and because A would have described Ca in the same time by its own gravit}', the part AXfif of the force which produces the motion of A is what is generated in conse- quence of the action of C upon it; the force which Closes in the direction CF(inwhichitacts upon A)ingcneratingthisinci'ease trf the force of A in the direction C/'is AxK/c, which reduced to the direction CG is AXMw. In the same manner the forc<* which C loses in the direction CG by Vts action on B is BxN«. Let DQ, be perpendicular to CG -in Q, and the force with which C endcavoms to descend in CG in consequence of it? gravity being C X CQ, it follows that C X CG + A X Mw + B X Nn is e([ual to C X CQ, and C X CG" + A X CG X Mm + B X CG X N/i.equal to C X CQ X CG or C X CDX Cd. But the triangles Cmf/CfG being similar, INI t?i is to af as Cm to Cf or Cf to CG, and Mm X CG is equal to Cf X af or Cp '- CfXCa, that is (because C/is to CV as CD to Ca, and CfX Ca is equal to CD X CV) to C/^-— ~ CD X CV ; and in the same manner N/ X ^^ the force which C loses in the same direction CG by its action on B is B X «/ X-fP^' ^X qX ~; consequent- b' C X g + A X /J X §^ + B X ^ X ;;^ is equal to C X G. If .r, y, and z represent the fluxions of the res[)eotive spaces de- scribed by C, A, and B, by their motions, x will be to j/ as CG to Cf, and X to z as cG to ch. Therefore Cox -j- Apt/ -\- Bqz will be equal to CaG. or Cgx -\- APy -4- ^^*^^~ equal to CxG -|- Aki/ -|-B/^. But if V, n, and v represent the respective veloci- ties that are acquired by C^A, and B at the points G,f, and h, and I, K, L the respective velocities which the same bodies would have acquired by falling freely from the same altitudes from which they have descended ; then (art. 434) o-x, Py, and Q:: will represent the respective fluxions of | VV, | uu, \ vv ; and Gi', %, Iz will represent the fluxions of | II, | KK, and ■i LL. Therefore since we suppose these velocities to begin to be generated together, CVV -f- Aim -{- Bvv is equal to CII -{- AKK -\- BLL, where AKK or BLL are to be subducted if A or B ascend while C descends. It is obvious that if we suppose the body C to act upon any number of bodies, or these to act on other bodies in any directions, the theorem will still obtain by collecting the sums of tlie products of all the bodies that act u])on each other multiplied by the squares of their velocities. 526. If we suppose the bodies C, A, and B to ascend from their respective places G,f, and /«wiLh the motions which they have acquired, so as to be retarded by their gravity only, their common centre of gravity will rise to the same level from which it descended. For suppose X, Y, and Z to be the respective al- titudes to which these bodies would rise in this manner, H the altitude which would be described by their common centre of gravity, A the altitude which it described in descending, I, K, and L the respective altitudes from which the bodies dc-scend- ed, and S the sum of tlie bodies ; thca by the last article CX -}- AY -J- BZ will be equal to CI -f AK -f BL : and these sums Chap. XII. that act upon one another. 33 sums are respectively equal to S X H and S x h, by art. 509 ; therefore H is equal to h. These theorems extend equally to bo- dies of all kinds, those that are void of elasticity, as well as those tiiat have any degree of elasticity, there being no relative velo- city generated by C in the directions in which it acts upon the other bodies. Whereas the theorems demonstrated in art, 517 and 5 19, concerning the equality of the sums of the products of the bodies multiplied by the squaresof their velocities compar- ed together before and after their collisions, extend only to such bodies as have a perfect elasticity. These last are founded on the equality of the relative velocities of C, and the several bodies A, B, ^c. in their respective directions before and after the stroke ; but those on art. 434, and the general principle describ- ed in art. 511. There may be an analogy however between those theorems, that may be explained perhaps from the mo- tions which are generated in bodies by the actions of springs; but we are not to extend those theorems to motions of all kinds for the sake of this analogy. 527. For if the body C descend from any height IC before it begin to act upon the other bodies; or if there be any colli- sion of the bodies while they descend, and they have no elasti- city, or an imperfect one; or, in general, if there be any sud- den communication of motion from one body to another, and the relative velocities in their respective dh-ections be less im- mediately after that action than before it; in those cases the sum of the products of the bodies multiplied by the squares of their velocities will be less than it would have been if the bo- dies had descended freely from the same respective altitudes; and if the bodies be supposed to ascend with their respective ve- locitiestit any time, and their motions be retarded by their gra- vity only, the common centre of gravity will not ascend to the same level from which it descended. When the bodies C and A (7':g. 235) that have no elasticity, or an imperfect one,suspended by equal lines KC and LA from the points K and L (that are on the same level, and at. a distance from each other equal to the sum of the semidiameters of the bodies), after describins: the arks IC and EA, strike one another,- or when any body C af- ter its descent from I is loaded with a new body at C VOL. IL D which 34 Of the Descent of Bodies Book L which it carries along with it in its ascent (as in a known expe- riment made b}' Mr.GraAa;/i),itisubvioustl)attheascentoftheir common centreofgravitymustbe less than its descent.To give an- other simple instance: su[)po3e that the body C0ig.'236)descend.'> in thever ticalC iJ^and at the same time draws any bod y Aalong the horizontal line KL without friction by a line or chain CMA (which we suppose to be void of gravity) that is directed by the pull}' iVI, so that MA is always horizontal. First, let C draw the body A as soon as it begins to descend; and the accelerat- ing force being always as the absolute force directly, and the matter that is to be moved inversely, the motion of each body' will be accelerated by a force that is less than the accelerating force of gravity in the ratio of C to C -|- A. Let CG be equal to Aa, and the square of the velocity of C when it comes to G, or of A when it comes to a, will be to the square of the ve- locity which C would have acquired by falling freely from C to G in the same ratio of C to C -}- A, the squares of the ve- locities acquired by descending from the same altitude being as the forces that generate them, when these forces act uniforni- Iv, by art. 4S4 ; consequently the product of the sum of C and A multiplied by the square of their common velocity is equal lo the product of C multiplied by the square of the velocity which it would have acquired by the same perpendicular de- scent, if it had fallen freely from C to G; and if the bodies C and A be supposed to ascend from G and a with the respective motions acquired at these points, their common centre of gra- . vitv will rise to the same level from which it descended in this case. But let us suppose now that the body C lirst descend<> from ?vl to C, and that the hue or chain AMC is not stretched till it come to C, so that no motion is communicated to the body A till that instant; the motion acquired by C will be then divided betwixt C and A so as to produce equal velocities in each ; the sum of the products of the bodies multiplied bv the squares of these velocities will be less in this case than the product of C multiplied by the square of the velocity which it acquired bv descending freely from M to C in proportion as C is kss than C 4- A; and if the bodies C and A be supposed to ascend with those velocities from their respective places, the ascent Chap. Xir. that act upon one another. S5 asceiitof theircentreof gravity will be less than itsdescent in the same ratio (//g. 230). If we suppose in art. 52 1 ancl522; that the body C falls from I to C before it act upon A and B, and there- after descends impelling those bodies by its gravity as above, let Ce be to Cf as Cd is to CD, and the sum of the products of the bodies multiplied by the squares of the respective velocities which they acquire when C comes to G, will be equal to the pro- duct of C multi})lied by the square of that velocit}^ only which it would acquire by descending freely from e to d. In the same manner it may be shown, that in the case of art. 524 (Jig. 233), if C fall from any altitude before it act upon A and B, and thereafter descendimpelling them as in that article,and thebo- flies be supposed to ascend with the respective velocities acquir- ed by them fiom their respective places at any time, the ascent of the centre of gravity will be less than its descent. We have mentioned these instances, though they are obvious, to prevent mistakes from the expressions of some celebrated authors,who seem to represent this principle concerning the equality of the ascent and descent of the centre of gravity as general. 528. When thebodyCC/?g-. 236) wassuppdsed'to draw thebody A along KL by the hne or chainCMA froiti the beginning of its descent, a greater quantity of motion was generated in C and A by the uniform power of gravity acting upon C than that M'hich C alone would have acquired by the same perpendicu- lar descent CG, in the same proportion that the time of descent in CG is prolonged in the former case above what it is in the latter ; and the like may be said of those cases which were de- scribed in art. 521 and 522, if regard be had to the directions in which the bodies move. And as the same power acting with the same direction upon the same body may be reasonably sup- posed to generate a greater force in a greater time, as well as a greater quantity of motion ; so there is no ground to alter the usual manner of measuring the forces of bodies in motion on account of the preceding theorems, or of those that folJow concerning the sums of the products of the bodies "multiplied by the squares of their velocities. If we were to measure the forces of bodies ia motion by the product of their quantities of matter, and of the squares of their velocities, the sum of the D 2 forces 36 Of the Descent of Bodies Book I. forces acquired by the bodies C and A at G and a would be equal to the force which C alone would acquire by the same de- scent CG ; and the same force that imprinted on the body C alone would cause it to ascend in the vertical from G to C, if it was imprinted on the bodies Cand A at once, so as to generate equal velocities in the body A from A towards a along the ho- rizontal line LK, and in the body C upwards from G,. it would cause the body C to rise to the same height from G to C as in the other case, and at the same time cause the body A to de- scribe aA equal to GC along the horizontal LK ; the force which would be sufficient to produce those two effects would be always the same how great soever we should suppose the bo- dy A to be : and if we should likewise admit that the force which causes a given body C to ascend from G to C, and de- scribe a given altitude GC, is always the same without regard to the time, it would thence follow that the motion of the bo- dy A from A to a is an effect that ought to be held of no ac- count. An observation of the same kind might be made in other instances; but thereis nonecessityforperpjexingthetheo- ry of motion with the consequences that follow from this doc- trine concerning the mensuration of the forces of bodies ; and therefore we proceed to argue from the principle in art. 511, which is universally allowed. 529. Hitherto we have supposed the body C (Jig. 237)to aetim- mediately bycontact on the other bodies. Let the bodies Aand B be now fixed to the axis KIL at the respective distances KA and LB, and the body C impinge on the inflexible lever IC (that is fixed perpendicularly to the same axis) with a direction and velocity represented by CD ; and supposing the figure to be at rest before the stroke, let it be moveable about the axis KL onlv. LetCQ perpendicular to IC meet DQ parallel to it in Q ; divide CQ in N, so that CN may be to NQ as the pro- duct of the body C multiplied by the square of its distance from the axis of motion to the sum of the products of the other bodies multiplied by the squares of their respective dis- tances from the same axis; and DG parallel to CQ will intersect NG parallel to IC in G, so that CG will represent the velocity of C after the stroke ; and if A/ and Bk be to CN as KA and Chap. XII. that act upon one another. S7 and LB to IC respectively, Af and Bh will represent the respec- tive velocities of A and B after the stroke when there is no elas- ticity. For if we suppose any line CN to represent the veloci- ty of C after the stroke in the direction CQ, then (because whea the figure moves about the axis KL the velocity of any point A is to the velocity of any point C as KA to IC, or as Afto CN) Af will represent the velocity, and A X Af the motion of A. The motion which C must lose in the direction CQ by ge- nerating in A this motion A X Af must be to A X Af as KA to IC (by the principles of mechanics), or' to A X CN as KA* to KC% and the motion which C loses in the same direction by producing in B a motion B X BA is in like manner to B X BA as LB to IC or to B X CN as LB^ to 1C\ And the whole motion lost by C in the direction CQ being C x NQ, it fol- lows that C X NQ X IC^ is equal to A xCN x KA*+B x CN X LB% and that CN is to NQ as C x IC^ to A x KA* + B X LB*. Therefore since CQ was divided in this ratio in N, and the motion QD is not affected by the stroke, CG will represent the direction and velocity of C after the stroke. When C is perfectly elastic, produce DG till Dg be equal to 2DG ; then Cg will show the direction and measure the velocity of C after the stroke, and the respective velocities of A and B will be represented by 2A/and 2BA. 530. When the bodj' C and the lever are supposed to have no elasticity, the sum of the products of the bodies multiplied by the squares of their velocities after the stroke is less than the product of C multiplied by the square of its incident velocity in the ratio of Cd to CD, Gd being perpendicular to CD j but when C is perfectly elastic these are equal to each other. For by what was shown in the last article C X CN X NQ is equal to to A X Af- -f B X BA-, and by adding C x CG% the whole sum becomes equal to the product of C by CD"" — CQ^ + QCN or CD'— CQN, or (because DG or QN is to Bd as CD to CQ) CD"— CD xm, that is, to C x CD x C^; which is less than C x CD^ in the ratio of Cd to CD. But C x C^* + A X 4A/' + B X 4Bh- is equal to C x CD* ; for let gn be perpendicular to CN in n, and that sura being equal to C x Co-* + C x 4QNC (by what was shown in the last article) or to B 3 the 38 Of t/ie Descent of BoJus Book I. the product of C by C«-+^/j'' + 4QNC, it is equal (elem. Q, % QN and Nn being equal) toCxCD\ Therefore if we suppose LhatCacquires its incident velocity CD byfalHng from any altitude cQ, and the bodies be supposed to ascend with their respective velocities immediately after the coUision^ so that their motions be retaided by their gravity only, their centre of gra- vity will ascend to the same height from which it descended in ihe latter case when C is supposed to have a perfect elasticity ; but in the former case the ascent of the centre of gravity will be less than its descent in the same ratio as Cd is less than CD. These theorems are easily extended to the cases when several bodies strike the lever IC at once, or different levers fixed to the same axis with given directions and velocities ; and v*'hcn the elasticity is imperfect, the ascentof the centre of gravity will be always less than its descent, the motions of the bodies be- ing supposed to be converted upwards after the collision. 531. Suppose now that the body C acts by its gravity only upon the lever IC, and b}' means of this lever impels the whole figure about the axis KL, the bodies A and B being supposed to have no gravity, then the accelerating force and the direc- tion of gravity being represented by CD, the force and direction with which C will begin to descend will be represented by CG if the body C be allowed to slide along the lever IC, but by CN, if the bod}' C be fixed to the lever, the force NG being destroyed in this case by the resistance of the axis. Because C xCCr- + A X Af^ + B X BA^ is equal to C x CD x Cd, it followj that in either case the sum of the products of the bodies multiplied by the squares of their respective velocities is equal to the produclof Cmultipliedby thesquareof thevelocity which it would have acquired by the same perpendicular descent, if it had fallen freely in the vertical CD, providing the body C act upon theleverfromthebeginningof itsdescentC/Jg.SSTi^.^). Itfol- lows likewise from art. 529, that if I be the centre of gravity of the bodies A, B, 4fc. and a weight P act xipon the lever lA at the distance IC from the axis of motion which we suppose to pass through I, then the force CG with which P descends will be to its gravity CD as P X IC^ to the sum of the products of the bodies A, B, ^;c. multiplied by the squares of their respec- tive Chap. XII. that act upon one another. 39 live distances from the axis added to P x IC^ ; and hence the motion of P ma}^ be determined when it turns the figure around the centre of gravity I by means of a rope PCZR that goes round the axis CZR. .532. Ifwesuppose allthebodiesCjAjandB0?g.2.'38)fixed tothe axis at their respective distances CI,AK,andBLto gravitate in pa- rallel lines CD, Aa, and B6; let these lines be equal to each other, and represent the accelerating force of gravity ; let Cg, Af, and BA represent the forces b\' which their motions are actually accelerated with llieirrespective directions perpendicu- lar to IC, KA, and LB, while the figure moves upon its axis KL. Let DQ, am, and hk be perpendicular to those direc- tions in Q, m, and k; and gd, fn, hr be perpendicular to CD, Aa, and B6 in d, n, and r. If CQ be greater than Cg, but Aa Jess than Aii, and Bb less than Br, then the body C loses by its action on the lever IC a force C X ^C^, and thereby the bo- dies A and B acquire the forces A X mjand B x kh respective- ly. Hence regard being had to the lengths of the several le- vers CI, KA, and BL, according to the known principles of me- chanics, C X gQ x IC will be equal to A X nif x K A + B x kk X LB, or (because the velocities Cg, Af, and BA are as the dis- tances from the axis IC, AK, and BL) C X Cg X gQ equal to AxAf X mf-i- B X BA x kh, that is, C x CQ x Cg — C x Cg^ equal to A X A/^ — Ax Af x Am 4- B x BA ^ — B x BA X Bk. ButCQ X Cgisequal toCD x Cd,Afx Am to AaxAu and BA x BA to B6 x Br. Therefore C x C^-^^ + A x Af^ + B X BA" is equal to C X CD X C^ + A x CD x'' An + B x CD xBr; from which it follows (by art. 431), that when all the bodies descend while the axis moves, the sum of the products of the bodies multiplied by the squares of the respective veloci- ties acquired by them at anytime is the same as if they had fallen freely along the perpendicular altitudes from whicli they have descended. But if any body as B (for example) had been on the other side of the axis KL so as to have ascended while the common centre of gravity of the bodies descended, AA had been equal to BA-f-BA, ^ In this case the term B X CD x Br iuust be subducted in the latter part of the last equation; and in general the sum of the products of the bodies multiplied by D 4 the 40 Of the Centre of Oscillation. Book I, the squares of their respective velocities is equal to the differ- ence of the sum of the products of those that descend multi- plied by the squares of the velocities that would have been ac- quired by the same descents if ihey had fallen freely, and of the sum of the products of those that ascend multiplied by the squares of the respective velocities that would be acquired by i'alling freely along the respective altitudes to which they have arisen. In either case it follows that if the bodies be supposed to ascend from their respective places at any time, and to be re- tarded by their gravity only, their common centre of gravity will always ascend to the same level from which it descended. This principle is demonstrated in like manner when the bodies C, A, B, ^"c. are supposed to act upon one another by compound levers or other mechanical engines, without friction or re- sistance from the ambient medium. But it will not hold if we suppose any body first to impinge on the lever or engine with any assignable velocity, and then to descend with it. 523. It was advanced long ago by Mr. Hui/gem* as a ge- neral principle, '^ That if bodies begin to move by their gra- ■^•^ vit}', their common centre of gravity can never rise higher "' than where it was at the beginning of the motion." To which he added as a second hypothesis, " That abstracting from the ■^^ resistance ofthe air and such obviousimpediments,a compound " pendulum will describe equal arks in its descent. and ascent." And by these two principles he was able to determine the length of a simple pendulum that should vibrate in a void in the same time with a compound one in any similar arks, and to find the centre of oscillation of bodies. He did not then affirm that the centre of gravity of the bodies would always rise to the same height from which it descended, but that it will never rise to a greater height than this; which is indeed a general principle, for the ascent of the centre of gravity will be always found to be either equal to its descent or less than it, but never greater. He seems however to go farther afterwards, and to affirm that Horol. OfciL par. 4. Hyp. L & 2. bodies Chap. XII. Of the Centre of Oscillation. 41 bodies always retain tlieir vis ascendens'^, as he calls it, by which their centre of gravity would rise to the same level from which it descended. This principle obtains indeed in all the oases he has mentioned (these being called hard bodies by him Mhich are supposed to have a perfect elasticity) and in many others; as has been shown in the preceding articles; where we have endeavoured to distinguish those cases in which this princi- ple takes place from those wherein it cannot be admitted, and to show at the same time that no useful conclusion in mechanics is affected by the disputes concerning the mensuration of the force of bodies in motion which have been objected to mathe- maticians f. 534. Suppose therefore OV(/o'/238) to beequal to thelength of a simple pendulum that in a void performs its vibrations in simi- lar arksin the same time with the compound pendulum describ- ed in art. dol, or let OV be the distance of a point in this lat- ter pendulum that moves in it with the same velocity as if OV was a simple pendulum suspended at O. Let S represent the sum of the bodies C, A, and B,and OG be the distance of their centre of gravity from the axis. While the pendulum moves, let the points C, B, A, G, and V descend to c, b, a, g, and v respectively; let GM be the perpendicular descent of the cen- tre of gravity, and VR the perpendicular descent of the point V. Then because the velocities of the points C, B, A, G, and V are as their distances from the axis of oscillation, and the ve- locity acquired at v is such as would cause a body to ascend from R to V (by the supposition), and the altitudes to which bodies would ascend by the velocities acquired at c,6, a, and v are in the duplicate ratio of these velocities, it follows that C, B, and A would ascend by their respective velocities at those points to the altitudes VR X -^^i VR x — - and VR x -^. And since their common centre of gravity would ascend to the * Hicc c^nstans lex est corpora servare: vim suam ascendentem, tS" tdcirco summam quadratorum vehcitatuin illorum semper manere eandem. Hoc auiem non solum obiimt in ponJerthiiS pendulorum IS" percussione corporum durorum, sed in muUts quoque alns mechanicis experimenUs. Cbicxv. D. ii/wj'^t'/;^ in literas D. March de rHospitalj l?''^. Oper. Vol. I. p. 258, t Aiiai^st, Qurry 9, satne 42 Of the Cmtre of Oscillation. Book I. same altitude from which it descended^ by art. 532, it follows (art. 509), that C X VR x I^% + B X VR x i-?! + A x O V * O V ^ VR X ~ is equal to S x GM. But the arks described by G and V being similar, GM is to VR as OG to OV ; consequent- ly SxOGxOV is equal to C X IC* + R X LB" + A X KA^ ; and OV is found by multiplying each body by the square of its distance from the axis of oscillation, and dividing the sum of the products by S X OG, which is the product of the sum of the bodies multiplied by the distance of their common centre of gravity from the same axis. The same demonstration being ap- plicable to any number of bodies, we may conclude that when an}' body moves about a given axis, the distance of its centre of oscillation from this axis (or the length of a simple pendulum that vibrates in avoid in the same time with the body in simi- lar arks) is found by computing the fluent when each particle or element of the body is supposed to be multiplied by the square of its distance from the axis, and dividing this fluent by the product of the body multiplied by the distance of its centre of giavity from the same axis. 535. If the points C, A, and B be in one plane that is per- pendicular to the axis of oscillation in O, let Cc, B/ and Ak be perpendicular to OG in /, / and k ; then OC" being equal to OG^ -h CG"— 20G/', OB* to OG* + BG* -I- 20G/and OxV* to 0G* + AG*-|-20GA; {clem. 12 and 13, 2), the point i being betwixt O and G, and the points / and k on the other side of G, and C X /G being equal to B X /G + A x A:G (art. 509), it follows that the sum of the products of the bodies mul- tiplied by the squares of their distances from O, or S X OG. xOV is equal to SxOG* + CxCG* 4- BxBG* -I- A x AG* ; consequently S X OG X GV is equal to the sum of the products when each body is multiplied by the square of its dis- tance from the centre of gravity, and GV the distance of the centre of oscillation from the centre of gravity is found by di- viding this sum by S X OG ; whence the computation of the dis- tance of the centre of oscillation from the axis in solids is in some cases abridged. 536. 7q Chap. XII. Of t/ie Centre of OscUIatloii. 43 536. To give an example, let DEc/(//g.239)be theseetionofa sphere through its centre G by a plane perpendicular to the axisof oscillation, Dd the diameter of this circle perpendicular to the axis, GE the radius perpendicular to Dd, and PFp any concen- tric circle; let MP an ordinate perpendicidar to Dd at P meet DEd in M, MN be perpendicular to GE in N, and the ra- tio of « to 1 express that of" the circumference of a circle to its radius. Let a cylindric surface be imagined to stand on the circumference PF/? perpendicular to the plane DEd, and termi- nated by the surface of the sphere, and its altitude being 2PM, it may be expressed by Q.n X GP X GN,vvhieh being multipli- ed by the square of GP (which is the distance of the particles in each section of this surface perpendicular to the axis of oscil- lation from the centre of gravity of the section), and the pro- duct 2n X GN X GP ^ being multiplied by the fluxion of GP, or (because GP"- is equal to GD^ — GN% and the fluxion of GP is to the fluxion of GN as GN to GP) the product of 2/e X GN^ and GE* — GN"" being multiplied by the fluxion of PM, the fluent by the converse of art. 146, will be the product of 2« X GN^ by i GE* — i GN*. But this fluent becomes equal to rr X n X GE^ when P has described the whole radius DG, and GN becomes equal to GE; and this being divided by J « X GE^ X OG (which expresses the solid content of the sphere multiplied by OG, by v.h at was shown in the Introduction), GV the distance of the centre of oscilla- tion from the centre of gravity in the s}there is found to be GE' -f Q^ or to be two flfths of a third proportional to OG and GE. This subject havingbeen treated offuUy in the /foro/. Oscil. par. 4, Acta Lipsia.-, 1714, and Method. Increm. prop. 24, and in several olher pieces, we shall not insist on it further here, and shallonly add, thatwhen aweightP(//o-.237. N.2)turns afiguro about its centre of gravity 1 by means of a rope PCZR that goes round the axis CZR as in art. 531, let V^ be the centre of oscillation of the figure when C is the centre of suspension, let S denote the mass or weight of the figure to be inoved, le be taken up- on IC in the same ratio to IC as P is to S ; then CG the force .by which the motion of P Avill be actually accelerated will be to 44 Of the Motion of Water issuing Book I. to CD the accelerating force of gravity as el to eV. For (by art. 531) CG is to GD in tiiis case as P x IC* to A x AP -f B X BI% S^c. which last is equal to S X IC x fV, by art. 535; consequently CG ia to GD as P x IC to S x IV, or as el to IV, and CG to CD as el to eV ; which agrees with the solu- tion given by the learned Mr. Daniel Bernoulli, Comment. Petropolit. torn. 537. Sir Isaac Newton has considered the motion of wa- ter issuing from a cylindric vessel ABDC (Jig. 24:0. N. 1) at an ori- fice EF in the bottoni CD, Pn«cip./j6.C;,/?ro/). 36. His doctrine on this subject may receive some illustration from the following considerations.While the water issues at the orificeEF,thatwhich remains in the vessel subsides at the same time; and though the particles of this water descend with unequal velocities, we may consider the velocity with which the surface AB descends to be their mean velocity. This velocity manifestly begins from no- thing (as that of any heavy body that descends by its gravi- ty), and while it is accelerated is always to the velocity with which the water issues at EF in the ratio of EF to AB. The continual effect of the gravitation of the whole mass ol" water may be considered as threefold. It accelerates, for some time at least, the motion with which the water in the vessel descends; it generates the excess of the motion with which the water is- sues at the orifice above the motion which it would have had in common with the rest of the water; and it acts on the bot- tom of the vessel at the same time. Let the velocity with which the water issues at EF at any term of the time be represented by X, the velocity with which the surface AB subsides by V, the accelerating force of gravity by g, the force which would gene- rate the acceleration of V by f and the time from the begin- ning of the motion by T. The gravitation of the whole mass of water in the cylindric vessel ABCD may be expressed by AB X AC Xg; and because the force^ is employed in generat- ing the acceleration of the motion with which the water sub- sides in the vessel, the force AB X AC X g—f is what we are to suppose to be employed in acting upon the bottom, and in generating the velocity X — V in the water that issues at the orifice. Suppose that the ratio of r — 1 to 1 expresses the propoi^i^ I'i^. 23S i'iMc^Wiu;i-u.r,-/jc ri^.23S-K. Chap. XII. from a CT/UndricFesscI. 45 proportion of the parts of this last force which produce these two effects, or that r is to 1 as the force AB x AC x g—f is to that part of it which we conceive to produce the velocity X — ^V in the water issuing at EF; and this part will be expressed by AB X AC X —-• The quantity of water which would issue at the orifice EF in any time T with the velocity X continued uniformly is expressed by EFxTxX, and the force which would generate the velocity X — V in this quantity of water is as the quantity of motion that would be generated in this manner (or EF X TX X X — V) directly, and the time T in- versely, that is as EF x X x X — V, or (because X is to V as AB to EF, and X— V to X as AB— EF to AB) as EF X — -- — X XX, which we are to suppose equal to AB X AC X^ZZ. that represents the same force. The square of the velo- city that would be acquired by the descent AC is expressed by «AC Xg (art. 434), and if KC be to AC as AB X AB is to 2r X EF X AB — EF, and A denote the velocity that would be ac- quired by the descent KC, then AA will be to 2AC Xg as KC to AC, or as AB X ABto 2r x EF x AB — EF,and consequently as XX is to 2 AC Xg—f. Therefore A A will be to XX as g is to g—f, and g to / as AA to AA — XX. From this it follows, that if we suppose the fluxion of X (or of V which is in a given ratio to X) to vanish, in order to find its greatest va- lue, or the limit of all its values, by art. 242,/ the force which accelerates V must vanish, g— ^must be equal to g, and X to A. In general, the descent by which any velocity X of the issuing water would be acquired is to KC the descent by which A would be acquired as g—f to g. It appears also that the fluxion of V is to the fluxion of the velocity of a body that de- scends freely at the same time in the vertical asf to g, or as AA— XX to AA. If the fluxions of T, X, and V be repre- sented by t, X, and v respectively, then f will be represented by I, and AA will be to A A — XX as gt io ft or gt to v, or as AB X gt to EF x x, because v is to *^ as EF to AB, by art. 45 Of tlic Mof and T will be to Z as canX.lJLY to ca^ xAB. Hence if Z, Tj^A X v^p and L be proportional, and the ratio of which L is the logarithm (the modulus being ab) be that of c to d, then the velocity ab will be to the velocity ac- quired at the end of the time T as c-i-d to c — d. For ex- ample, if the area AB be to the area EF as 10 to 1, and T be supposed equal to Z, L will be to ab as 20 to 1, c to d in a greater ratio than 48J000000 to 1 j and the excess of ab above ad Chap, XII. from a CyUndric Feisel. 47 ad will be less than the 242000000 part of ab in the time a body would fall from K to C, though according- to this theory ad can never become precisely equal to ab. 539. Let mk perpendicular to the asymptote meet the hyper- bola in/?, join cp, and the quantity of water that issues at the orifice EF in the time T will be to the quantity that would have issued at EF in the same time if the velocity had been alwa3'S equal to A as the hyperbolic sector cap is to the sector cati. For let the quantity of water that issues at EF in the time T be re- presented by Q, and its fluxion by q, then q will be expressed by Xt X EF, which (by art. 537) is to EF X — as A A X EF to A A — XX X AB ; so that the fluent of Xt is to half the loga- rithm of the ratio of AA— XX to AA as EF to 0^ x AB, the modulus being AA. Let ae be perpendicular to the asymptote in e, and if the modulus be ce^ or | AA, the area aekp will be the logarithm of the ratio of pk to ae, or of ce to ck or of ca to cm, that is, aekp will be equal to one half of the logarithm of the ratio of ca"" to art^, or of AA — XX to AA. There- fore the fluent of Xt is to the area aekp, or the sector cap, as 2EF to g X AB. But A X T X EF expresses the quantity of wa- ter that would have issued at the orifice EF in the same time T with the velocity A, and A xT is to the sector can in the same ratio, by the last article. Therefore Q is to A xT X EF as the sector cap to ca7t. Hence the difterence of ATxEF and Q is to AT x EF as the sector cp7i to ca)i, and is to the quantity that would issue at the orifice EF in the time Z (in which a body would fall from K to C) as EF X ncp to AB x cab. Let ch be taken on the asymptote equal to 2re, and hf perpendicular to ch meet the iiyperbola iny; let mn produced meet the asymptote inw, and nl be perpendicular to the asymp- tote in /; then cl being always less than cu or Q.ck, it follows that 7icp is always less than the sector ca/ or the hyperbolic lo- garithm of 2 ; and that the difterence of the quantity of water whichissues at theorificeEF, and that which would have issued in the same time with the velocity A, is to what would issue with the velocity A in the time Z in a ratio that is always less than 48 Of the Motion of Water issuing Book I. than that of EF X caf to AB X cab, but that continually ap- proaches to this ratio as its Umit. 5^0. In the two preceding articles we supposed the vesseltobe kept ahvaysfull to the altitude AC (>?g.241),and the water to be always supplied at the surface AB with the velocity V with which the water in the vessel subsides. If we now suppose that no water is supplied, but that the upper surface AB subsides while the water issues at the orifice EF, let flC be the sdtitude of the water at the beginning of the motion, AC its altitude after any time, and let the ratio of e to 1 be that which is com- pounded of the ratio of 2r to 1 and of AB — EF to EF. Lot a series of continued proportionals be formed, of which Ca and CA are the first terms, and CH be the term whose place in the progression is denoted by e + 1 when e is any rational number, or more generally let the logarithm of CH be to the logarithm of CA as e is to 1, the moduhis being Ca ,• then the velocity of the water issuing at EF will be such as would be acquired by a descent that is to AH in the invariable ratio of AB* to EF^X~T. For let AC be represented by H and its fluxion by — h (which is negative because AC decreases), let D repre- sent the descent by which X would be acquired and d its flux- ion, then since — h is represented by Vt, gd by Xx (art. 434), V is to .r as EF to AB, and g is to f as AA to AA — XX ; it follows that — h is to ^ as EF^ x AA to AB^ X A A — XX, or as EF* X H to AB* x H — EF^- x e x D, so that Uh AB* X —J- is equal to eDh — Hd ; and hence by multiplying by H """ and finding the fluents (by the converse of art. 99 and 168). EFx7:iTxD is equal to AB* x CA— CH or AB* X CH — CA, according as e is greater or less than unit. But when e is equal to unit, then D will be found to be to CA in the compound ratio of AB* to EF*, and of the logarithm of CA to the modulus Ca. When e exceeds unit the velocity of the water is greatest when CA is to Ca as unit is to the num- ber the logarithm of which is to the logarithm of e as unit to e — 1, and the velocity is such as would be acquired by a de- scent that is to AC as AB* to e x EF*. 541. Let Chap. XIT. from a CyUnchic Vessel, 49 .041. Let IG Cfg. 240, N. 1) perpendicular to the area EF at G meet AB in W, and be to TH in the duplicate ratio of the area AB to the area EF ; and let AMEFNB be such a catar- act of water that any horizontal section of it as jSIN may be always inversely in the subduplirate ratio of IR its di^.tance from I. Tlien supposing, with Sir Isaac Nezcton, the water around this cataract to be congealed, and the water to enter sdwavs into the cataract in the surfa<;e AB with the velocity tliat would be acquired l>y the descent IH, the water v. ill descend in the form of this cataract the sections of which diminish in the same proportion as the velocity of the de- scending fluid increases, and will exert no pressure on tiie ambient congealed part. Thus, the water in the vessel is distinguished into two parts; the gravitation of the cataract generates the increase of the motion of the water that descends throuc-h every section, or theexcessof that with which it issues at the orifice above what it had in entering the surface AB ; while the gravitation of the ambient parts is what acts upon the bottom of the vesseh The ratio of these two parts is that of 2EFtoAB — EF. For, since the section MNis inversely in the subduplicate ratio of IR, the solid AMEFNB is equal to 2EF X IG — 2AB X IH (as may be easily deduced from art. 307), which is to 2EFxIG as AB — EF to AB, because III is to IG as EF"- to AB^. The content of the cylinder is AB x HG, or IG X — — ; consequently tiie content of the cataract is to that of the cylinder- as 2EF to AB-j- EF. Supposing therefore with Sir Isaac Nezctoi/, that the forces which gene- rate the velocity X — V in the water that issues at EF and that act upon the bottom of the vessel are the same when all the water is fluid, the ratio of r to 1 will be that of AB -}- EF to 2EF. And if we substitute this ratio for that of r to 1 in the preceding articles, A the limit of the velocities with which the water issues at EF (when the vessel is always kept full to the height CA) will be suih as is acquired by the descent KG, if KG be toi-AC as AB^ X eEF to EFxAB^— EF% or to AC as AB" to AB^— EFS that is, if KC be equal to IG. The time in which any velocity X (or ad) is acquired, and the quantity of water that issues in that time, will be such VOL.11. E as 50 Of the Motion of Wdter issuing Book I. as were determined in art. 538 and 339, abstracting from fric- tion, the resistance of the air, and the elfect of the obhque motions of the particles described by Sir Isaac Nercton, by which this quantity is diiuiuished C/ig. 2-tl). If we substitute this value for the ratio of r to 1 in art. .540, where the water was not supposed to be supplied, we shall find e to 1 as AB* — EF- to EF", or e + 1 to 1 as AB"- to EF" j and if the loga- rithm of CH be to the logarithm of CA as AB^ — EF' to EF% the modulus being Co, the velocity of the water issuing at EF will be such as would be acquired by a descent that is to Ail in the invariable ratio of AB' to AB"- — 2EF\ If we had supposed that the action on all parts of the area CD is the same, or that the Ibrce wiiich generates the velocity X-— V in the water issuing at EF is to the action on the bottom of the vessel (or 1 to r — 1) as the area EF to the area AB — EF, or 1 to r as EF to AB, then KC would have been to I AC as AB to AB— EF, and e to 1 as sABxAB— EF to EF^ Cjig. 240, N. 1). We supposed that the forces which gene- rate the motion X — Vin the water that issues at EF and that act upon the bottom are in the same ratio when the water that is ■without the cataract AM^sEFB is congealed, and when it is fluid ; but there are several ditTerences betwixt the motion of the water in these two cases. In the first the vein of water is no more contracted after its exit than thefigure of the cataract requires; whereas in the latter case if the water issue at EF through a thin plate, the vein is immediately contracted after itse.vit in consequence or the oblique motions of theparticles converging towards the orifice; and the area of a horizontal section of it at a little distance from the oriace is found to be less than the orifice in the ratio of 1 to VI nearly when AB is much greater than EF; una. the quantity of wat^r that issues at EF is lound to be ne4rl3' the same that would have issued in the same time if the ratio ofr to 1 had been that of AB to EF according to the second h3'pothesis. If wc suppose that in this case the quantity of water which issues at EF answers to the second hypothesis, but that the velocity answers to the first whenwc substitutethesectionof thevein of water afterit is con- tracted for EF, then the area of the orifice EF will be to this section of the vein of water in the subduplicate ratio of AB' Chap. Xir. • from a Cylindric Vtssel. 51 AB^ -|- AB — EF"^ to AB% which is always less than the ratio of -•2 to 1, but is very near rt when EF is very small compared with AB, and is a ratio of equality when AB and EF are equal. But when the water issues not ut EF through a very thin plate, or when the vessel is not cylindric, the motion of the water and form of the vein is different. See on this subject Princip. lib. %p. 329, Edit. S. 542. When the water is supposed to be supplied in acylin^ dcr, so as to stand always at tlie same altitude above the orifice, there is an analogy between the acceleration of the motion of the water that issues at the orifice and the acceleration of a bo- dy that descends by its gravity in a medium which resists in the duplicate ratio of the velocity of the body, that deserves to be mentioned. Let g represent the force of gravity, R the re- sistance of the medium when the velocity is X, and let R be to g as XX to AA ; then g — R the force by which the motion of the body is actually accelerated in its descent will be to g as A A — XX to A A, and A will be the greatest velocity which the descending body can acquire, or (to speak more ac- curately) the limit of all its possible velocities, because if X be supposed equal to A, R will be equal to g, and there can be no further acceleration. The fluxions of the velocity X and time T being represented by x and t, g — R will be expressed by -> and twill be to -as AA to AA — XX. Hence if the resistance be equal to the force of gravity when the velo- city is equal to that which would be acquired by the descent IG (or the limit of the velocities which the descending body can acquire, and the limit of the velocities with which the water issues at the orifice EF be equal), then T the time in which the descending body acquires any velocity X will be toT the time in which the water issuing at EF'acquires the same veloci- ty in the invariable ratio of AB to EF ; because we found in art. 537, that t was to - in the compound ratio of AA to A A— XX and of EF to AB ; so that t is to < as AB to EF, "and r to T in the same ratio. 543. In the same manner it appears, that if S be the space described by the body while itdescends insuch a medium in any E 2 time 52 Of the Motion of Water iasmmr Book I. time r, tlien the quantity of \vater that issues at the orifice EF EF in a time 2^^^ ^'iU he equal to a C3'lindric column on the EF base EF of aheight equal to S x— , For since the times in which the body and the water acquire equal velocities are al- ways in the invariable ratio of AB to EF, it follows that S the space described by the body in the time T is to the height of acolumn of water on the baseEF equal to the quantity tliat . . . EF issues at EF in the time T or 2^ x 7-5 in the same ratio. AB 544. The same conclusions follow from the principles de- scribed above in art. 50.5 and 531, which are applied in an in- genious manner to this doctrine by ^Ir, Daniel BeruouiUi, Comment. Acad.Petrop. torn. 1, who seems first to have deter-^ mined rightly the manner in which the motion of v/ater issuing from any vessel is accelerated, when we abstract from the impe^ diments above mentioned. Supposing the surface AB of thefluid to subside in the vessel, and the fluxion of the time being re- presented by t, and that of the altitude AC by—// as formerly, the fluxion of the square of the velocity of a body that de^ scends freely in the vertical will be expressed by — *lgh, the fluxion of the square of the velocity V with which the mass of water contained in the vessel actually descends by — C/7j (art, 434), and since the particle of water which issues at the orifice in the time t may be represented by AB X—h, if v/e suppose ABxACx — 2gh -f ABxACx'2/A equal to ABx — h j< XX — VV (in consequence of what was shown in art.oCo and 532), it will follow that 2AC X g^fi^ equal to XX — VV, which is to XX as AB^—EF^ is\o AB\ Therefore if KG be to AC as AB'^ to AB* — EF", and A be the velocity which would be acquired by the descent KC (so that A A maybe to SAC X o-inthe same ratio), then 2AC Xg— /will be to XX as QAC y.g is to AA, and g—f to g as XX to AA ; which is egreeabie to what we found in art. 537 and 541, iu a different jaanner. And this is conformable to what was first taught by Sir Isaac Newton, thai Lhougli llie pressure upon EF is to the prcssm-e upon Chap. XTI. from a C^Undric Fessd. 53 \ipon the base CD^ before the orifice is opened, as the area EF to the area CD; yet when we suppose the water to issue at EF, and to have acquired its utmost velocity, the force that generates tile velocity X — ^V in the water at EF is measured by the gravity of tlie cataract AMEFNB, or by a column of AB the fluid of an altitude equal to 2HG X - ^^ , - ~ on a base equal to the section of the vein of water after it is contracted ; that is, the quantity of motion which is generated in the water issuing at EF with that uniform velocity, is equal to the motion which such a column of water would acquire by falling freely with its gravity in an equal time. He has not enquired into the manner in which the water is accelerated from the beginnin^^^ of the motion; but if we represent the content of the cataract AMEFNB by C, and suppose C x^— /equal to EF x X + X^ the force which generates the velocity X — V in the water is- suingat EF, then, becauseCisto 2EF X HG as AB to AB-f EF, X — V to X as AB — EF to AB, and AA is supposed to be to aACxo- as AB* to AB"— EF% it will follow, that XX is to A.A as g—fis to g, as we found above. 545. The ratio of the action on the bottom of tlie vessel to the force that generates the velocity X — ^V in the water issu- ing at EF (or that of r — 1 to 1), which was deduced from the cataract after Sir Isaac Netaton's method in art. 541, fol- lows likewise from the principle described in art. 525 or 532. Let P represent the first of these two forces, F the second, and P + F will be equal to AB X AC x JH/ (by what was showa in art. 5.37), which is equal to ii\.B X xx— vv or -^ AB X XX X ^— ^~ — ^y '^^^^ ^"^'^^ deduced from that principle in the last article. But F is equal to EF ^ X X x^ (by art 537), or EF X XX X ^H. ; therefore P +P is to F (or r to l)as^AB X ^^^toEFx ^-or as AB + EF to 2EF; and P to F (or r — 1 to 1) as AB — EF to 2EF, which is the same ratio that was deduced from the cataract in art. 541; and in cor. 2 and 5, prop. 3d, Princip. lib. 2, where tlie water is supposed tQ have Hcq^uired its utmost velocity. ' Ei 546. ft 54 Of the Motion of JVatcr issuing Book L 546. It must be acknowledged, liowever, that the preceding theory concerning the manner in which the watur issuing at EF isacceleratcd from the beginningof the motion, is not to be con- sidered as accurate in all respects, being founded on the hypothe- sis, that all the particles of the fluid within the cylindric vessel descend with the sam.e velocity V, and that the water issuing at EF acquires the velocity X — V at once, which cannot be sup- posed to hold accurately. The acceleration of V is similar to thatof aheavy body descendingby its gravity in a medium that resists in the duplicate ratio of the velocity (the relative gravity of the body in the fluid being supposed equal to g) by what was shown in art. 542. And as the fluxion of the velocity of such a body is the same at the beginning of the descent, as if the body fell freely by the gravity g; so when the orifice EF is opened in the bottom of the vessel, if V or X be supposed to begin from no- thing, AA — XX must be equal to AA at the beginning of the motion, and consequently/" equal to g, so that the fluxion of V must be then equal to the fluxion of the velocity with which the water or any other body descends freely by its gravity. From which it follows, that, according to this theory, the pres- sure on the bottom of the vessel is wholly taken off at the in- stant of time when the water begins to issue at EF; and as this conclusion cannot be admitted, we may learn from this instance that this theory is not to be considered as perfectly exact. It ■will be worth while however to pursue this speculation a little furlher, and to show how the method described in art. 537 and 541 may be applied for determining the motion of water issu- ing from other vessels. 547 (Fig.'24:2). Suppose now the vessel to consist of two cylin- ders a6c6?,ABCD;andletfl6thesection of theupper part be greater thanAB. The velocity of-the water at EF being represented by X, and the velocity ifi the vessel ABCD by V, as formerly, let its velocity in abed be represented by Z, and the forces by which y, Z, and X are accelerated by /', p, and F respectively. Let the sections AB and ab be represented by B and C, the altitudes AC and ac by b and c respectively, and the aperture EF by O; let the surface ACDB continued upwards intersect the plane ab in LM. Then the force that acts upon the surface CD corre- sponding Chap, XII. from a Ct/Ihidric FesseL 55 sponding to that which is supposed (according to this method) lo generate the velocity X — V in the water issuing at EF will be expressed, as in art, 537, by ;0X xX — V, or (according to the ratio or" /• to 1 that was deduced from the cataract in art. 641) by XX X —^ — . In hke manner the force which ge- nerates the velocity V — Z at the surface AB is OX X V — Z, or (because V is to Z as C to B, and V to X as O to B) by XXx— 7T— x-r- > and if this force be increased in the ratio of ai + AB to 2AB (according to art. 541), or of C + B to 2B, we shall have XX X 7~' x ^^ for the action on the whole surface tv/ corresponding to that which generates the velo- city V — Z in the water, while it passes from the upper into the lower cylinder at the surfiicc A B. But because all the particles ofthewater that arein the saniesectionofthevesselaresupposed to descend with equal velocities in this theory, and to contribute equally to the actionsof thcfluid, we aretodiminish thisforcein the ratio of AB to ab, or of B to C, that we may have the part of it XX X —^ — Xtttt which is to be ascribed to the column 2ti CO LCDM, Therefore since the velocity of the water in ACDB is. accelerated by the force/, and its velocity in LABM by the force p, we are to suppose AC x AB X JH/ + AL x AB X JIlp,or Bb EB— OO X g—f + Be X g~f equal to XX x ^ + XX X CC— RB no T.^A^o . CC-00 2B ^CC orXXB X ~~, that is TfT X g—bf—cp equal to XX X -^- — 5 consequently if KC be to LC (or b-{c) as ab^ to ab^—EF' or CC to CC— 00, and A de- note the velocity that would be acquired by the descent KC, XX will be to AA as Xp X g~bf—cp is to Tp X g, and A will be the Umit of all the values of X. The velocities X, V,and Z, and their respective fluxions are in an invariable ratio, so that /' will be to F as v to x, or Y to X, or O to B ; and p will be to V as Z to X or O to C. Therefore XX will be to A A as . E 4 g—^ 56 Of the Motion of IVater issuing Book I . g — F X -TTT. ^ J + c '■^ o ' ^^ ^^ ^^ '**^ represented by H_, and i^+l2. by K, XX will be to AA as gH— FK to ^r^H ; con- sequently if the fluxion of X be represented by .v, and ibe flux- ion of the time by t, since x may be expre.^sed by ¥t, it fol- lows that ? will be expressed by -^ x——^- Hence if the velocity A be represented by ab (Fig. 240, n. 2), and any leaser velocity X by ad, and the water be always supplied at the sur- face ah with the velo<;ity Z, the time in which the water issuing at EF will acquire the velocity X, will be to the time of descent from K to C in the compound ratio of the hyperbolic sector cati to the triangle cab and of K to H, If we had supposed r to 1 as the area C D to the area EF (which was Sir Isaac Nezoion's hypothesis in the first edition of his Principia), then KC ought to have been taken in the same ratio to ^LC as 1 — • --f— X - ~ --'is to If and A being supposed equal to the velocity that would be acquired by the descent KC, the con- struction would have been in other respects the same. o48. When ab the uppermost section of the vessel and the area of the orifice EF with the altitude LC remain, the descent KC and the velocity A are the same, without any regard to the ratio of LA to AC. Hence if we suppose the water to be continually supplied into a cylinder LCDM at the surface LM, with a velocity that is less than V in any given ratio, let this ratio be that of LC or AB to ab, and if KC be to LC as ab^ to tf 6^ — EF% the utmost value of X will be the velocity that is required by tbe descent K('. And if the water be sup- posed to be always supplied at the surface LM, without hav- ing any velocity communicated to it (but what it receives frorrs the water beneath, which cannot descend without it), then KC wjll be equal to LC ; and the utmost velocity of the water at EF will be such as v/onld be acquired by the descent LC, the altitude of the water in the vessel above the orifice EF. ^9. Tf the cylinders fluffy, ABC D (figM4,S, N.2), communicate with each other only by anaperturc (f in the plane AB, and we abstract Chap. XII. frojn any Vessel. 57 abstract from any pressure upwards upon the lower side of the plane AB, the motion of the water may be determined as in art. 547. Thcaction on the plane CDcorrerfpondin<2; to the force that generates the velocity X — V at the aperture EF will be express- cd as before by XX x \^^ ■ • If the aperture tf he represent- ed by 0, and the velocity in efhy Y, the action on the surface cd corresponding to that which generates the velocity Y — Z in the water issuing at ej] will be found as above (by substitute ins: ef or for AB) to be XX X — jrpr-x — ■> which beina: diminished in the ratio of CD to ab or of B to C, gives XX x -~- X — X B for the part of this action that is to be ascrib- ed to the gravity of the column LCDM; and the sum of these being supposed equal to BZ* X Jl^-f Be X]~^, we shall have XX to ogH-oFK, as 1 is to 1 +22^22 _ 22; and the descent by which the utmost velocity of the water at the orifice EF would be acquired^ is to H in the same ratio • from which it follows (because F is measured by-> that this ratio being represented by that of 1 to t7i, the fluxion of the time in which the water issuing at EF acquires the velocity X, will be represented by ~ x—^—T' and that this time may be determined by a construction similar to that in ai't. 538, when the vessel is supposed to be kept always full to the alti- tude LC. If O be very small compared with B and C, then 1 is to m as 00 to 00 + 00. And when ab is equal to AB, if no water be supplied into the vessel, the velocity is determin- ed by the construction in art. 540, by supposing e to represent- BB— 00 BB— ,p(j 00 5 50. When the vessel consists of any numl>er of cy lindric or pris- matic parts that have the areas B,C, D, ^c. (Jig. 'IAS) for their seve- ral bases, and b,c,d,SfC. for their respective altitudes, then, by proceeding as in art. 547, the forces that act at the respective surfaces 53 Of the Motion of Water issuing Book I. surfaces B, C, D, AAX — ^]7-Xcc' ^"^' ^ "^ P^^^^ of these forces, which are to be ascribed to the gravity of thecolumn which insists on the lowermost base B, areexpress- A u W ^BB— 00 OOB ,.^^ CC— BB OOB ^^ cd by XX X ^^-x — , XXx -j^ X -^, XX X PD-CC OOB p ^1 f 1- u ■ w , B— OOB ._ • ^^^^ X ~— » ^'C- the sum or which is XX x -^ -^^ if She the uppci most section of the vessel. But supposing F, f, p, &c. to represent the forces described in art. 547, the same sum is equal to B6 X ~7+ ^^ ^ i—v + 4'^'- or (supposing K equal to bx^+c x- + c?x^> 4-c.) to BHg— BKF. From ^Yhich it follows that XX x - ,^^^^r— is equal to Hg — KF; and that if A represent the velocity which would be acquired SSH by a descent equal to then XX will be to A A as Hg — KF to Ho- ,• so that if the water be always supplied at the surface S, with the same velocity with which it subsides at S, when F is supposed to vanish, or the water at EF to have acquired its utmost velocity, X is equal to A. The fluxion of the time is expressed by — x -t-t — '^ where x represents the fluxion of X ; and consequently the time is determined as in art, 538, by hyperbolic areas or logarithms. \^ hen no water is supposed to be supplied into the vessel, let D be the descent by which X the velocity of the water at EF would be acquir- ed, c? its fluxion, — h the fluxion of H the altitude of the ^vater in the vessel above the orifice, then XX being equal to 2gD (art. 434), or Xx to gd, the velocity with which the sur- face of the water subsides, or X X-r being expressed by -^> F being Chap. XIT, Of the Catenaria. 5g F being expressed by-^ or "f^— > and XX X ^~^^ equal to H^'' — -KF^ by what has been shown, it follows that d, the fluxion of D, is to — h the fluxion of H as H — D X^~^ — to K X -r where S always denotes the area of the uppermost surface of the water, O the area of the orifice, H the height of the water in the vessel above O, D the descent by which the velocity X would he acquired, and K is supposed equal to the sum of the products w^hen the altitude of each part of the vessel that contains water is multiplied by the ratio of tlie ori- fice to the area of the section of that part. It easily appears that the same conclusions take place when an erect vessel is terminated by any curvilineal surface, supposing K to represent the area of a figure, whose ordinate at any point of the axis is to 1 as the area of the orifice is to the section of the vessel at that point : and these agree with what is deduced by the learned author above mentioned, from the principle described in art. 59,5 and 532. When any sections of the vessel increase from any part downwards towards the orifice, this theory sup- poses that there is an action of the water from below upwards, while it passes from narrower into larger parts of the vessel ; and in this case the motion of the water does not seem to b^ so justly determined by it; see art. 52?. Several other obser- vations might be made on this doctrine, but our design obliges ws to proceed now to other subjects. 55 1 . There are several other principles that relate to the centre of gravity of bodies, besides these we have insisted on hitherto, that are also of use in the resolution of problems. When two powers sustain any body or figure that is supposed to gravitate, a right line from its centre of gravity perpendi- cular to the horizon passes through the intersection of the right hnes in which these powers act, which with the gravity of the figure are in the same ratio to one another as any three right hnes constituting a triangle that are parallel to the respective directions of these powers. Hence the nature of the figure is discovered, which is assumed by a heavy chain or perfectly flexible 60 General Observations concerning Book I. flexible line that is suspended from any two of its points. Let FEU (/ig. 244) be such a line, F its lowermost point, where the tuagent FT is parallel to the horizon, ED an ordinate from E to the horizontal line AD, £T the tangent at E intersect- ing FTinT, and G the centre of gravity of the portion FE of the hne or chain. Then the three powers are, the gravity of the chain which acts in the perpendicular to the horizon, and the powers at F and E which retain those extremities of the chain, by acting in the tangents FT and ET, and are equal to the tension of the chain at those points. Therefore by this principle the perpendicular from G to the horizon passes through T; and if EI parallel to AD or FT meet TG in I, the weight of the part of the chain FE will be to the tension of the chain at F as IT to EI, or (by prop. 14) as the fluxion of the ordinate DE to the flu>don of the base AD; consequently the tangent of the angle lET, in which the curve intersects a parallel to the horizon at any point E, is always as the weight of the portion FE of the chain that is betwixt E and the lower- most point F ; the tension of the chain at any point E, is to its tension at F as ET to EI (by the same principles) or as the fluxion of the curve to the fluxion of the base, and is as the secant of the angle lET. We shall afterwards consider this subject in a more general manner. When any body or number of bodies connected together are suspended in any manner, their common centre of gravity descends to as low a place as possible ; and hence some problems have been re- solved concerning the wa.rfwa and w//«"OTa ; but of these we are to treat afterwards, and proceed now to some general observa- tions on the subjects of the 10th and 11th chapters, whence we shall endeavour to draw some general principles that may be of use in resolving philosophical problems of various kind*. 552. It was observed above in art. 312, that the asymptote of thebranch of acurve is considered as the tangent at itsinfinitely distant extremity. In prop. 26,whilePdescribes thebranch that approaches to the asymptote RX (fig. 1 17), let CP and SP meet RX in m and n ; and when the revolving lines CP and SP become parallel to one another and to RX, their angular velocities will be in the ultimate ratio of the angles PCx and Chap. XIT. the Jfighs of Contact, Sec. 6l TSy, or of CmR, and S/iR, and consequently in the ratio of Cl{ to SR; so that SQ will be to CQ as CR k to SR, and CR equal to SQ. And thus the demonstration of the 26tli pro- position may be abridged, the use of which has been shown bj many examples in chap, x. 553. The propositions in chap, xi, concerning the curvatm'C of lines and its variation may be likewise briefly demonstrated from the limi ts of ratios. LctTR (Jg. 149) parallel to EB uleet the curve EMH in M, the circle ERB in R, and their common tangent in T, as in prop. 32 ; then supposing £T to be con- tinually diminished till it vanish, the ultimate ratio of TM to Til w ill be the ratio of the curvature of the line EM at E to the imiform curvature of the circle ERB; and the rays of cur- vature will be in the inverse ratio. ^\ hen this is a ratio of equalit}^, no circle can pass between EM and ER within the an- gle of contact REM, and ERB is the circle of curvature at E, Because TM, ET, and TK are supposed to be in continued pro- propotion (art. 366), and when ET represents the fluxion of the curve, TM ultimately measures one half of the second fluxioa of the ordinate, and TK ultimately coincides with EB; it fol- lows that the right lines which measure the second fluxion of the ordinate and the first fluxion of the curve and a EB are in continued proportion, aswas shown at greater length in prop.33« When we speak of the ratio of a fluxion to a fluent, we always understand the ratio of the right lines that represent them. 554. Angles of contact are in the ultimate ratio of their sub- tenses, when the arches, or their tangents, are supposed to be equal, and to be continually diminislied till they vanish, if the subtenses are inclined in equal angles to those tangents. It was shown in art, 369, that RM the subtense of the angle of contact MER contained by the curve EM and circle of curva- ture ER was as KQ directly, and the rectangle KTQ inverse- ly, ET being given. Therefore when EB is the diameter of the circle of curs^ature, and BV the tangent of BK is not paral- lel to ET, the angle of contact MER is as the tangent of the angle BVE directl}^ and the square of the ray of curvature in- versely; and when the curvature at E is given, the index of the variation of curvature (according to Sir Isaac Newton's ex- plication) ^2 Ge.nernl Oh^ervnfibns concerning Book L plication) is as the angle MER (f'S- 1'^-)- ^^"hen thecurveBK touch(»> che circle BQ at B, it'C a iidO be the respective centres of curvature of BQ and BKatB, then KQisa.sOCdirectly,an(l the )-ectangle OBC inversel}', and the angle of contact jNIEK is as OB directlv, and CB* inversely; and when the arches EM and •£>» are similar in this case, the angle MER is to mer in the tri- plicate ratio of E6 to EB. Tlie angle of contact, for example, contained by the parabola and the circle ofcurvature at its ver- tex is inversely as the cube of the parameter of the axis. AVhea the contact of BK and BQ is of any order denoted by n, ac- cording to the explication in art. SQQ, then the angle MER in similar arches is inversely as the power of the ray ofcurvature the exponent of which is n + 2. 555. The rest remaining, let MN (fig. 245) perpendicular to the tangent at M, and M^ perpendicular to the chord EM meet the ray of curvature FC in N and d respectively; then thelast ratio of EN to theray of curvature EC and of JLd to 2EC will be a ratio of equality. For Eg? is to TK as EM* to E'P, and the excess of Ef/ above TK toTK as TM^ to ET^ or MTK, that is, asTM to TK; consequently Ed always exceeds TK by TM, which excess vanishes with £T when TK coincides with EB. The fluxion of Ed is equal to the fluxion of TK when M sets out from E, and may serve for measuring the variation of cur- vature at E, by art. 369 and 386. 556. Any arch bein^ given, the centre of its curvature is the limit of the intersections of right lines that bisect perpendicu- larly the sides of the rectilineal inscribed or circumscribed figures when the arch (with those figures) is continually dimi- nished till it vanish; and is also the limit of the intersections of right lines that bisect the angles of those figures. But the in- tersection of right lines perpendicular to those sides at their ex- tremities will not coincide ultimately with the centre of cur- " vature(ji4'o-.246). Lei ?/!' bisect an}' chord M^;6 perpendicularly in w, and meet therayof turvature EC in r, thenCwillbethelimitof all the situations of the point ;■ when the arch E^^w is supposed to he diminished till it vanish ; but if ws perpendicular to Mm at m meet EC in S, the ultimate ratio of ES to EC will be the same with the ultimate ratio of Ewe to EM + I Mw; so that if E//I Chap. XII. Angles of Contact, Sec. ©3 Em be to EM as m to n, the ultimate ratio of ES to EC will be that of 9,m to Q.m — //, 557- SupposingasaboveET(^^o-.o4.5)tobetheiangcnlof EM atEjTM thesubtense of theangleof contactparalleito EB,TK ET* to be always equal to — — > and FK the locus of the point K to intersect EB in B ; it is manifest that when ET is supposed to be continually diminished and at length to vanish, TK then coincides with EB; and this seems to be sufficient to justify the expression, when it is said that EB is the ultimate value of FT* —r- which is supposed to be always equal to TK. But if it should be objected, that when ET vanishes TM likewise va- nishes, the ratio of ET to TM is not assignable, and the value of -— must therefore be then inconceiv.able or imaginaiy. In answ'er to this we may observe first, that nothing is more usual in Geometry than to determine the points of one figune from those in another b}' a construction or equation, as in this case any point K in FKB from the corresponding point M in IIME by supposing TK always equal to t^vt' that the point in the former v.hich corresponds to E in the latter can be no other than B where the locus FKB intersects EB ; that EB must ET* either be allowed to be the ultimate value of — — -» or we must 1 M ET* only say that ^r- is equal to TK with the single exception of the case when T falls on E : and as it has not been usual, or thought necessary, to require so scrupulous an exactness, so it seems unreasonable to find fault with the inventor of this me- thod for making use of a convenient and conciseexpression that is not liable to more exceptions than such as were allowed be- fore his time. When EMH is an arch of a semicircle described upon the diameter EB, FKB is an arch of the same semicircle, ET* and — T- is generally allowed to be always equal to TK or EB — TM without excepting any particular case; from which it 64 Gcnernl Ohbervnt'inm coiicerning Book I. k would follow that since Eli — TM becomes equal to EB when ET and TM vanish, the ultimate value of =tt-t- is EB. But there is no necessity for making use of exceptionable ex- pressions in any part of Geometry ; and the same author lias shown us how to avoid them in this case. For we may consider EB as the ultimate value of TK, but only as the limit of the values of r;;Tr when ET is continually diminished till it vanish : and such a limit may be understood to be alwaj^s meant by what is called the ultimate value of a quantity that is deter- mined in this manner from others that vanish totrethcr. There can be no flexure or curvature in a point, and the curvature at E has indeed a dependence on the values of ~- when ET and TMare real.butin so far only as the value of their limit EB has a dependence on those values: for it was shown in prop.32,that in order to determine the curvature at E (as it was defined in art. 364), it is sufficient to ascertain the distance EB. This is no more than one of those problems that frequently occur, the determining the intersection of a curve with a right line given in position ; and it is, generally speaking, more easy to determine the point B than the intersection of FKB with any other paral- lel TK. 558. WhenS(/?of.G45)is any given point in EB,IetSjVJ meet the tangent ET in /, and IM will be to TM as S/ to SE, ^vhich is ultimately a ratio of equality; consequently the ultimate FT* ■ ET* value of ~- is the same as oi -7^- and is equal to EB ; the . , p EM* EM* same is to be said ot -— or ^.-^y* 559. Thetangcntsof thcevoh;taoCI(Xfi^. 180), intercepted by AEM give a con venien t scale of the rays of curvature of the latter. And if these rays CE, QAI be divided in Z, z, so that CZ be al- ways to EZ in the same given ratio of m to n, and the tangent of the locus of Z meet ET perpendicular to CE in t, the va- riation of curvature at E will be always as - X tangent E^ Z. For Chap. XII. centripetal Forces, &c. 65 For let an arch Zx described from the centre C meet QM in Xy and the last ratio of EM to Zx will be that of EC: to ZC; and because Zar is ultimately equal to CQ + CZ — Q2, and Qz — CZ is to QM — CE (or CQ) as CZ to CE, the last ratio of 0^ to CQ is that of EZ to EC. Therefore the lust ra- tio of xz to Zx is that of CQ X EZ to EM x ZC, or of n x CQ, to VI X EM; consequently the last ratio of CQ to EM, or of the fluxion of the ray of curvature CE to the fluxion of the curve A E (which ratio measures the variation of curvature), is that of m X xz to n x Zx, or of m x EZ to 71 x Et, or of - X tang. E^Z to the radius. It is easy to show, from art. 384, that in all figures wherein the sine of the angle contained by the ordinate and curve is as a power of the ordinate whose ex- ponent is any number r (as for example in the cycloid, catena- ria, clastic curve, &c.), the ray of curvature EC always meets the base at Z so that EZ is to EC in the invariable ratio of 1 to r; consequently the base being the locus of Z, the varia- tion of curvature in such figures is as x co-tang, of the an- gle contained by the ordinate and curve. 560. When EMH(/7a'.247)isdescribedb3''agravity that acts at E in the direction EB,letEKbe the space that would bedescribed by a body falling from E in the right line EB by the gravity at E continued uniformly in the same time that the tangent ET would be described by the motion in the trajectory at E; then this time being given, the gravity at E will be measured by SEK, because a force ismeasured by the motion which it %vould generate in a given time, and a space 2EK would be described by the motion acquired at K in the time that EK would be de- cribcd by the body descending from E to K, by art. 9.5. But when ET is continually diminished till it vanish, the ultimate ratio of TM to EK is a ratio of equality,- and the velocity in the trajectory being measured by ET, the gravity at E will be in the ultimate ratio of 2TM. It is usual in enquiries of this nature first to consider =:^ie.itr(6tion as uniform in the chords mE, EM inscribed in the figure, or, in its tangents, and to conceive the gravity to be applied at once at the angle E. T.iet RM pa- VOL. II. E raild 66 General Observations concerning Book 1. rallel to EB meet the chord wiE produced in R and the tangent at E in T, then the ultimate ratio of KM to2TM will be a ra- tio of equality^ and the gravity at E will be in the ultimate ratio of RM or 2TM, whether it be conceived to act at once at E (as mprop. 30, lib. 5, Princip. Edit. 3), or to act continually, the velocity at E being in the ultimate ratio of ET or EM. Let EM the side of the inscribed figure.be bisected in L, and the angle ELc? being supposed equal to MTE, let Ld meet EB in d, and the triangles MTE, ELf/ being similar, Ed will ul- timately coincide with JLb half the chord of curvature EB; and the ultimate ratio of the rectangle R]M x Eb to EM^ will be a ratio of equality; or the rectangle contained by half the chord of curvature and the right line which measures the gravity equal to the square of that which measures the velocity at E, as in art. 464. 56 1. In like manner if we suppose wEM to be an}' arch of a perfectly flexible line or chain, n to denote the section of that chain at E perpendicular to its length, EK the accelerating force of the gravity at E, then EK x « x EM will express the absolute gravity of an uniform chain equal in length to EM of a base equal to n that is acted upon by the force EK; and this is ultimately equal to the absolute gravity of the portion EM of the chain ; consequently the tension of wEM at E is mea- sured by the ultimate value of EK x w x EM X ttt-, orofEK •' KM X « X Eb, and is equal to the weight of a chain equal in length to E6of the same thickness '»vith AEB at E that is acted upon by an uniform gravity equal to EK. 562. Let E(;^'g. 248) by any point in ILarightlincgiven in po- sition, A a given point that is not in I L,join AE, and let ACperpen- dicular to AE meet IL in C. Then if we suppose the point E to move in IL, butC to remain, AE and CE will flow proportion- ally ; that is, the fluxion of AE will be to the fluxion of CE as AE to CE. For let AK be perpendicular to IL in K, and the fluxion of AE will be to the fluxion of KE as KE to AE (b}^ prop. 15), or as AE to CE; and the fluxion of CE is equal to the fluxion of KE when C is supposed to remain tixed. When the point A is taken any where upon an arcli described from the centre Chap. XII. centripetal Forces, &C; 67 centre C, and AE the tangent of this arch at A meets the dia- meter XL given in position in E, then the point A being sup- posed to remain if"E move in the right hne CE, the fluxion of AE will be always to the fluxion of CE as AE toCE. The converse of which is, that when the fluxion of AE is always to the fluxion of CE as AE is to CE, the point A being taken any where on the circular arch, and E being supposed to move in CE, then C is the centre of the arch. In general let the fluxion of AE be always to the fluxion of cE as AE is to cE, the points A and c being supposed to remain ; and if while the, point A approaches to the right line IL till it coincide with it, ihe point c approach to C as the limit of its various positions, then is C the centre of the curvature of the line upon which A is supposed to move at that point of it where A falls upon IL. 563. These observations lead us to some general propositions relating to philosophical enquiries, which we shall represent in one view, that the analogy which is between them may the better appear. The first gives the property of the trajectories that are described by any centripetal forces how variable so- ever, these forces or their directions may be : the second gives a like general property of the lines of swiftest descent : the third gives the property of the lines that are described in less time than any other of an equal perimeter: and the fourth gives the property of the figure that'4s assumed by a flexibfe line or chain in consequence of any such forces acting upon it. Let AEB (fig. 249) be an arch of any of those lines, HE//, a right line in the direction of the power EK that results from the composition of the several forces that are supposed to act at E, and let a perpendicular from O, the centre of curvature at E, meet HE in C. I. The velocity in the trajectory at E is equal to that which would be acquired by a descent equal to -i- CE by an uniform gravity equal to EK the force which acts at E. And if we sup- pose a body to set out from E in the right line HEA with a ve- locity equal to that in the trajectory at E, and its motion to be accelerated or retarded by the same powers that act at E, then ils velocity and distance from C will increase proportionally j that is, the fluxion of the right line V, which represents its ve- locity, will be to the fluxion of its distance from C as Vis to F 2 the 6d General Observations concerning Book I. the distance CE. Or, in other words, if EN the ordinate of the figure HNG measure its velocity at any point as E of H/t, and NT the tangent of HNG at N meet Wh in T, the subtan- gent ET will be equal to EC on the opposite side of E. II. The velocity in the line of swiftest descent AEB at E is equal to that which would be acquired by an uniform gravity equal to EK, the force that acts at E, by a descent equal to t CE. The curvature of this line at E is equal to the curva- ture of the trajectory that would be described by a body pro- jected from E in the direction of the tangent of AEB with the velocity acquired in AEB at E, and that is acted upon by the same force EK. And in this case likewise V and CE flow pro- portionally ; or ET the subtangent of the figure HNG and EC half the chord of curvature coincide with one another. III. Whenthesumor difference of the time in which the line AEB is described, and of the time in which it would be de- scribed by an uniform motion with a given velocity is a ?/i2«/wi/w, the line AEB will then be described in less time than any line of an equal perimeter that has the same extremities A and B. And it is a property of such lines that if a body set out from E with the velocity u acquired at E in EH or E/a, the fluxion of u will be to the fluxion of its distance from C in the com- pound ratio of ?/ to CE, and of the sum or difference of 6 and u to a, b and a being supposed to represent invariable velo- cities. By principles analogous to this, the nature of the line that is described in less time than any line that includes the same area AEB with the chord AB in any hypothesis of gra- vity may be discovered, and other problems of this kind con- cerning isoperimetrical figures resolved. IV. When AEB is a flexible line or chain, its tension at E is equal to the weight of a chain that is in length equal to CE, of an uniform thickness equal to that of AEB at E, and that is acted upon by an uniform gravity equal to EK the force that results from the composition of the several powers that act at E. Let A be a given point in the chain AEB, Aa equal to one half of the chord of the circle of curvature at A, that is in the direc- tion of the force which acts on the chain at A. Let E/cbealwaya to EK the force that acts at any point E as the section of the chain Chap. XII. centripetal Forces^ &c. 69 chain at E to its section at A, and the direction of the force 'Ek be opposite to that of EK ; then if a body set out from A with a just velocity {viz. that which would be acquired by a descent equal to a A, by an uniform gravity equal to the force that acts at A), and while it is made to move along the curve AEB, its motion be always accelerated or retarded by the forces represented by E/c, the tension of the chain at any point E will be always in the duplicate ratio of the velocity acquired at E ; which is the same velocity that would be acquired by the de- scent CE with an uniform gravity equal to the force EA;. And if abody be projected from E with this velocity in the direction of the tangent of AEB, the curvature at E of the trajectory that would be described by the force JLk will be one half of the curvature of the chain at E. 564. The first of these follows easily from what was shown above in art. 464 or 560. For the fluxion of the velocity EN being in the compound ratio of the force EK and of the flux- ion of the time, whiqh is as the fluxion of the distance CE directly (the point C being supposed to remain fixed), and the velocity inversely, it follows that the fluxion of EN is" to the fluxion of CE as EK is to EN, or as EN to EC ; but the flux- ion of EN is to the fluxion of CE as EN is to ET ; conse- quently CE is equal to ET. But having insisted at length on this subject in the last chapter, we have mentioned this theo- rem here for the sake of its analogy to the rest only. 065. Let A and B (Jig. 2.50) be two given points, XL a right line that bisects AB perpendicularly in K ; and it is manifest, that if a body is to move from A to B in the least time with a given uniform 'avotion, it must describe the right line AB ; and if it is to move from A to the right line IL in the shortest time, it must describe the perpendicular AK. But E being an}' point upon ILJoin AE and BE; and if we now suppose that the body is to describe AEB with an uni- form motion, but with a velocity that is always as CE, the distance of E from C a point given upon IL, then the motion will not be performed in the least time when E falls upon K, but when AE is perpendicular to AC. For let KR parallel to AE meet AC in R, and the time in which any hne AE is F 3 described 70 Of the Figure of a Line or Chain Book I, described will be always directly as AE, and inversely as the velocity or CE; that is, the time will be as KR, since KR is to KC as AE to EC, and KC is given; but KR is least when it is perpendicular to AC ; consequently AE is described in the least time when AE is perpendicular to AC. It fol- lows, conversely, that if AE or AEB be described in the least time, and the velocity be as the distance of E from some point upon IL, that point must be C, where AC perpendicular to AE intersects IL. And this with art. 562, suggests the gene- ral property of the curvature of the lines of swiftest descent, that if IL meet this line in E, and the velocity in IL be as the distance from C,or, more generally, if (the point C remaining) when CE increases or decreases the velocity at E begin to flow in the same proportion as CE, then the ilexure of the line of swiftest descent at E must be such as to have the centre of its curvature in C. In this investigation of the curvature of the line of swiftest descent, we conceive AE and EB not to be the whole chords that form the rectilineal figure inscrib- ed in it (or the whole tangents that form the circumscribed figures), but their halves only, and any two such successive parts to be described uniformly with the velocity pertaining to their intersection E, which is ultimately the mean velocity in the arch, and tiie centre of curvature to be determined by the ultimate intereection of the perpendiculars AC, BC with each other, or with IL that bisects the angle AEB, according to art. 562. But the nature of the line of swiftest descent may be discovered more easily than from this property, when the gra-r vity acts in parallel lines, or is directed towards a given cen- tre ; and that this theory may beset in a clear light, we shall treat of it and the higher problems concerning the maxima and minima in a separate chapter, 5G6. The first part of the fourth theorem, that was proposed in art. 363,has been already demonstrated in art. 5(i],viz. that the tension of the line or chain AEB Cfg. 249), at any point E, is equal to the weight of a chain of the same thickness with AEB at E that is in length equal to EC and is acted upon by an uniform gravity equal to EK, and consequentl}' is measured by the rectangle kEC. As to the latter part, let A-;- be perpendi- cular to the tangent of AEB at E in /',• let V be a right line determined Chap. XII. that is acted on hi/ any Powers. 7^ determined from the forces Ek, as in art 435, so as to repre- sent the velocity which the body is siH)posed to acquire at E, while it moves along AEB in the manner described in the theorem ; then because Er is the force by which that velocity is accelerated or retarded, the rectangle contained by Er and the fluxion of the curve AE will measure the fluxion of |VV. But because EA; is in the compound ratio of the force EK and thickness of the chain at E, Er is the force by which the ten- sion of the chain increases from the point E, and the rectangle contained by Er and the fluxion of the curve AE will measure the fluxion of the tension at E or of the rectangle ^'EC. There- fore since -iVV is supposed equal to the rectangle /cEC when the point E falls upon A, they will be always equal to each other. Let E^" meet in Q the circle of the same curvature at E with the trajectory described by the force E/c, when the body is projected from E with the velocity V in the direction Er,- and by what has been shown above, if EQ be bisected in b, the rectangle b^k will be equal to VV, and consequently to GCExE/i. Therefore E6 is equal to 2EC, or the curvature of the trajectory at E is one half of the curvature of the chain at E. 567. When EK (Jig. 251) is either a centripetal or centrifugal force that is directed towards a given point S, or from it, take SM upon SA always equal to SE, let the ordinate MN of the figure a JNM be always equal to E/c, and if the area aAgd be equal to 4.VV w^hen the body sets out from A, or measure the tension at A, the ajea ad^^l will al- w\iys measure |-VV or the tension at any point E. And if SP be perpendicular to the tangent of the cattnaria AEB at E, this perpendicular SP will be always inversely as the area «c?NM, or inversely as the leusion at E, or inversely as VV the square of the velocity acquired at E. For, since the fluxion of SE is to the fluxion of the curve AE as Er is to EA', it fol- lows that the fluxion of iVV is equal to the rectangle con- tained by E/c and the fluxion of SE ; so that the fluxion of V is to the fluxion of SE as E/c is to V or ^V to EC. But the fluxion of SE is to the fluxion of SP as EC is to SP, by art. 384, consequently, the fluxion of V is to the fluxion of SP as V to S P ; and since SP decreases while V increases, it fol- F 4 lows 7'j; Of the Figure of a Line or Chat n Book L lows that SP is inversely as VV or arfNM. Hence an analogy appears between these figures and the trajectories described by centripetal or centrifugal forces : in these, SP the perpendicular from the centre S upon the tangentof the trajectory is inversely as the velocity of the body that describes it ; whereas in those, SP IS inversely as the square of V the velocity of the body that moves along the curve, when the direction of the force is changed according to the fourth theorem in art. 5(13. If the forceEK beinvariable,forexample,andthechain isof an uniform thickness, and if Sfl vanish (that is, if the tension at A be equal to the weight of a chain of the same thickness ^rith AEB at A, equal in length to SA, and that is acted upon by an uniform gravity equal to the force EK), SP is inversely as SE, and con- sequently AEB is an equilateral hyperbola, as Mr. Herman ob- serves. But AEB is not always such an hyperbola, when the force towards S is uniform, as this learned author seemed to think. For when the tension at A is different, SP is inversely as flM or SE + Sa. In like manner when the chain is of an uniform thickness, and EK is a centrifugal force that is in- versely as the square of the distance from S, and the tension at A is equal to the weight of a chain of the same thickness equal in length to SA and that is acted upon by an uniform gravity equal to the force at A, AEB is an aich of a logarithmic spiral. When the force EK is centrifugal and inversely as the cube of the distance from S, AEB in a similar case is an arch of a semi- circle described upon the diameter SA; and when EKis as some other power of the distance, AEB is in similar cases one of those figures that Avere constructed in art. 392 or 395. 568. When the forceEK (Jig. 252) acts in parallel lines, the sine of the angle DEP contained by the curve and the ordinate that is in the direction of the force is inversely as VV, or the area adNM, or the tension at £. If the force E^ be uniform, let ED in the direction of the forces meet ad in D, and the sine of DEP being inversely as aM or DE, DP perpendicular to EP the tangent at E will be invariable. In this figure the rect- angle kEC is equal to aM x EA", and EC equal to ayi or DE; and the ray of curvature EO being to EC (or DE) as DE to DP, EO is inversely as the square of the sine of the angle DEP. 5C)y. When HateXXMU/;. ;-.\oa\. PJaUXXMIl : ,_l.Vil .r - S 1 : A r 1 J Chap. XII. that is acted on by any Powers. 73 569. When the force EK is perpendicular to the ciirvCj it has no effect on V, so that V is in this case constant, and the tension is the same in a!i parts of the figure, and EC (which in this case is the ray of curvature) is inversely as the force that acts at E. This force in the velaria (according to Mr. Ber- nouiUi) is as the square of the sine of the angle in which the ordinate intersects the curve ; so that the ray of curvature must be inversely as that square, and the velaria must coincide with the common catemiria, by what was observed at the end of the last article. In the elastic curve the force EK is as the ordinate, and the ray of curvature is inversely as the ordinate. 570. When a power EI (fig. 2j3) always perpendicular to the curve, and a centripetal or centrifugal force EL alwaj's directed towards or from a given centre S, act at once upon a line or chain AEB of an uniform thickness, the former has no effect upon V ; and if LZ be perpendicular to the ray of cur- vature in Z, and SM Leing equal to SE, the ordinate MN be always equal to EL, as in art. 567, the rectangle contained by the ray of curvature EO and Ei-f-EZ will be always equal to the area ^(iNjM. For complete the parallelogram ELKI, let KR be perpendicular to OE in R, and the rectangle REO will be equal to tho rectangle KECor iWwhich is equal toflJNM; and since IR is equal to EZ, it follows, that «£?NM is equal to the rectangle contained by EO and the sum or difference of EI and EZ. It is manifest that EZ is to EL the force that acts in the right line ES, as SP the perpendicular from S on the tangent at E is to SE; and that when EL acts in parallel lines, EZ is to EL as the fluxion of the base is to the fluxion of the curve; in which last ci>sc this theorem agrees with what is shown comment, petropol. torn. 3. The property of the ray of curvature being thus discovered, the nature of the figure may in some cases be defined by first fluxions, orby acommon ecjua- tion, by a proper application of the inverse method of flux- ions. The problems in art. .563, considered in a general man- ner, depend on the curvature of lines; and therefore the gene- ral solution involves the ray of curvature, or something equi- valent. But there are often particular principles which serve for resolving more easily particular cases of those problems, of which 74 Of the Lines of swiftest Descent, Book I. which we gave instances in art. 441 and 551 (where the solu- tion agrees with that in art. 568)^ and we shall have occasion to give other instances in the following chapter relating to the Jines of swiftest descent. CHAP. XIII. Wherein the Nature of the Lines of swiftest Descent is deter- mined in any Hypothesis of Gravity, and the Problems con- cerning isoperimcirical Figures, xcith others of the same Kind, are resolved byfrst Fluxions, and the Solutions verified hy synthetic Demonstrations. 571. JLT was shown in chap. ix. how the greatest and least ordinates of figures are readily determined by the method of fluxions^ where the usual rules with the corrections that are necessary to render them accurate and general were demon- strated. But there are problems concerning the maxima and minima which are of a higher nature, that cannot be immedi- ately reduced to these. It was known long ago that of all equal areas the circle has the least circumference, and of all equal solids the sphere is bounded by the least surface. But the first problem of this kind that required a more subtile investiga- tion, seems to have been resolved by Sir Isaac Newton, Schol. prop. 34, lib. 2, Princip. where he gives the property of the figure, that by revolving on its axis generates the solid of least resistance. Afterwards Mr. Bernouilli found, that the cycloid was the line of swiftest descent in the common hypothesis of gravity, and determined the nature of this line in several other cases and under various restrictions. The analysis of the ge^ neral problem concerning figures, that amongst all those of the same perimeter produce maxima and minima was given by jNIr. James Bernouilli, from computations that involve second and third fluxions, by resolving the element of the curve into three infinitely small parts.* And several enquiries of this nature * AnaJif^is magni .problcmaiis isopcrimetriti . Acta erud. Lips, 1701,/. 213, ^ seqq have Chap. XIII. when Graviti/ acts in parallel Lines. 75 have been since prosecuted in like manner, but not always with equal success. In pursuit of our principal design in this treatise, of vindicating this doctrine from the imputation of uncertain- ty or obscurity, we shall endeavour to illustrate this subject, which is commonly considered as one of its most abstruse parts, by proposing the resolution and composition of these problems, and to determine the properties of the lines of swiftest descent (whether gravity be supposed to act in parallel lines, or to be directed to a given centre, and whether the perimeter of the figure be supposed to be a determinate quantity, or other limi- tations of this kind be added or not), and of the isoperimetri- cal figares that produce other maxima and minima immediately by first fluxions, without resolving the elements of the curve into two or more parts, and in such a manner as may suoo-est a synthetic demonstration that may serve to verify the solution. The whole might be contained in a few general propositions ; but it may be useful in this, as in the preceding chapters, to begin with the more simple cases, and to proceed from them to such as are more complex. We shall therefore first suppose the gravity to act in parallel lines. 572. The following /cwwrt is to be premised. LeiKL(yig.254) bearightlinegiveninposition,AKaperpendicularuponKLfrom a given point A, E any point in this line, join AE, suppose KE to be described uniformly with any given velocity a, and AE to be described uniformly with any given velocit}'^ it tiiat is less than a : let L be taken upon the right line KL, so that Ah may be to KL as a is to a; and the difference of the times in which the right lines AE and KE will be described by the respective velocities u and a (or — — ) will be least when }L falls upon L ; that is, when the angle KAE is such, that its sine is to the radius as u is to a. For let KH and EV be perpendicular on AL in H and V respectively, and AR be taken upon AL equal to AE ; then HV will be to KE as KL is to AL, or (by the construction) as u to a; consequently HV will be described with the velocity u, in the same time that KE is described with the velocity a. Therefore the ex- cess of the time in which AE is described with the velocity m, above 76 Of the Lhies of szciffest Descent, Book I. above the time in which KE is described with the velocity a, is equal to the time in which AE HV, or AR HV, or AH + VR is described with the velocity u; and because AH is invariable, this time is least when VR vanishes; that is, when E fails upon L, and the sine ot" the angle KAE is to the radius as u is to a. The same appears from art. G42, according to which — ^^ — is a minimum when its fluxion vanishes, that tt a is (because u and a arc supposed to be invariable), when u is to a as the fluxion of AE to the fluxion of KE, or (by art. 193) as KE is to AE, that is, when E falls upon L. 573. It follows, that if A-/, KL be any two parallel lines, e any point upon Id, and E an}'^ point upon KL, the right line f E be described with the velocity u, and eb being perpendicu- lar to KLin b, bE be described with the velocity a, the difler- ence of the times in which eE and bE arc thus described will be least when the sine of the angle Ee6 is to the radius as n is to a ; and that when it is required that this difference should be a minimum, the angle Eeb does not depend on the magni- tude of tb, but on the ratio of u to a only. 574. The gravity being supposed to act in parallel lines, sup- pose FED (//£;•. Q.56) to be the line of swiftest descent from the pointFto any given vertical HD. LetAEbeany archof this line (the point E being supposed to be lower than A), KE a parallel through E to the horizontal line FH, and AK perpendicular to KE. Then the excess of the time of descent in the arch AE above the time in which KE would be described uniformly by the motion acquired at D is always a minimum, AK being given. Let Ac and Ae be any other lines drawn from A to any points in KE on either side of E; let the time of descent in AE be expressed by T . AE; and in like manner let the times of descent in Ae and Ae, and the times in which KE, Ke, and Ke would be described by the motion acquired at D, be expressed by prefixing T to each; then I say that T . AE— T . KE will be less than T . At-— T . Ke, or T . Ae— T . Ke. To demonstrate this, Ave are first to observe, that no point of the line FED betwixt F and D can be lower than D; for let FiD be any line that has a point z betwixt F and D lower than D, and Chap. XIII. when Gravitif ads in parallel Lines, 77 and let zr parallel to FH meet HD in r, then zr will be de- scribed in less time than ^D, and Fzr in less time than TrD^sa that F2I) cannot be the line of swiftest descent from the point F to the vertical HD. This being premised, let e be any point betwixt K and £, and e any point on the other side of E; let ed and ed be lines equal and similar to ED and similarly situat- ed, so that cE maj'^ be equal to d\}, and Ee to Dd. Then by the supposition the time of descent along AED is less tliau the time of descent along AedJ}, and by substracting the equal times of descent along ED and ed, it follows tluitT . AE is less than T . Ae + T . did, or T . Ae + T . eJL, or T . At. + T . KE — T . Ke. Therefore T . AE — T . KE is less than T . Ac — T . Ke. Let ed meet HD in any point x, and since D is the lowermost point of FED, d must be the lowermost point of ed, and x nmst be above D. By the supposi- tion the time of descent along AED is less than the time along Ae.r, and the time in Dd being less than the time in xd, it fol- lows that the time of descent along AEDd is less than along Aed, and by subducting the equal times along ED and ed, it follows that T . AE + T . Dd is less than T . Ae ; that is, T . AE + T . Ee, or T . AE + T . Ke — T . KE, is less than T . Ae. Therefore T . AE — KE is less than T . Ae — T.Ke. 575. This property of the line of swiftest descent suggests immediately the nature of the figure. Let AT the tangent of this hue at A meet Ke in T, let the velocity acquired at A be called u, and the velocity acquired at D be called a. It is manifest that when AK is continually diminished till it vanish, the ultimate ratio of the time of descent along A E to the time in which AT would be described \vith the velocity u is a ratio of equality ; and that the ultimate ratio of KE to KT, or of the times in which KE and KT would be described with the velocity a, is likewise a ratio of equality. Therefore, since the excess of the time of descent along AE above the time in which KE would be described with the velocity a is ahvays a mini- mum, it follows that the difference of the times in which AT and KT would be described with the respective velocities u and « is a minimum, AK being given . Therefore by art. 572, the 78 Of the Lines of swiftest Descent, Book I. the -sine of llie angle KAT is to the radius as It is to a ; and if Art be the ordinate from A to FH, the fluxion of the base Ya will be always to the fluxion of the curve FA as the velocity at A to the velocit3'at D. And this is Xhe anal ij sin of the pro- blem when the gravity acts in parallel lines. It is obvious, that the line of swiftest descent from F to the vertical line HD is likewise the line of swiftest descent from F to D, or betwixt any two points of FED. Because u becomes equal to a when E comes to D, the cuivc is therefore perpendicular to HD at D. 57G. It will now be eas}- to show by a syn thetic demonstration, thattheline which has this property is thelineofswiltcstdescent^ Suppase that FAEBD Cfig. 9,50) is a line of such a nature that the sine of the angle contained by it at any point E and EQ, the ordinate perpendicular to the horizon, is always as the velo- city of the body that descends along it at E ; let AEB be an arch of this line, Aa and B6 ordinate? perpendicular to the ho- rizontal line FH, AP, and Bp parallel to FH, AT the tangent at A, TEf the tangent at E, ^B the tangent at B, and TB, tr parallel to FH. It appears from art. 573, that if AT, It, and iB be described uniformly with the respective velocities that are acquired at the points of contact A, E, and B, the excess of the time in AT^B above the time in which ab would be described with any given velocity a greater than that which is acquired at B, will be less than if the poiiits T, t, and B were taken any where else upon the parallelsTB, tr, and Bp. LetTR and tr meet the curve in 0^ and h, and Sgf, \hv the tangents atg and h meet AT, Tt, and tQ in S,y^ V, and r respectively ; and AS, S/,/V, Vv, vB be described with the respective velocities that are acquired at the respective points of contact A, g, E, A, B, then the excess of the time in which the circumscribed figure AS/"VuB is thus described above the time in which ah would be described by the given velocity a, will be less than if the points S,/, V, Vf and B were taken any where else upon the right lines SX, fx, VZ, vz, and Bj) parallel to FH, by the same article. By increasing in this manner the sides of the cir- cmnscribed figure, and supposing each side to be described al- ways with the velocity acquired at its contact with the curve, the time in which the circumscribed figure would be thus de- scribed Chap. XIII. when Gravity acts in parallel Lines. 79 scribed will approach continually to the time of descent in the arch AEB, and the ultimate ratio of those times will be a ra- tio of equality; and consequently the excess of the time of de- scent along AEB, above the time in which ab would be de- scribed with the given velocity a will be a minimum, the point A with the distance between theparallelsAPand Bpbeinggiven, and the velocities being always the same in the same horizontal lines. Therefore since ab is given when the points A and B are given, and the velocity a is given, the time in which ab would be described with this velocity is given; consequently AEB will be described in less time than any other line AeB that passes through A and B. It appears easily that FED per- pendicular to HD is the line of swiftest descent from F to HD. 577. When the gravity is uniform, the velocitj'at ECJig. ^56,N. 2) is in the subduplicateratioof the ordinate QE; sothat(bywhat hasbeen shown) the fluxion of the base FQis tothefluxion of FE the line of swiftest descent in the subduplicate ratio of QE to HD; and this being the property of a cycloid that has FH for its base, and HD for its axis, the cycloid is therefore the line of swiftest desccntinthe common hypothesis of gravity. When the gravity is as the power of the distance from FH whose ex- ponent is any number n, and the body is supposed to descend from FH, or to descend from any point A m ith the velocity that would be acquired by the descent a A, then the velocity at E is as the power of QE whose exponent is |- w + 4 ; and the fluxion of the base FQ is to the fluxion of FEtlie line of swift- est descent, as that power of QE is to the same power of HD. In those cases, if EI always perpendicular to the curve meet FH in I, the motion of the point I in the right line FH will be uniform while the body descends along the curve, and may serve to measure the time of descent. The velocity of I in the right line FH will be to the velocity acquired at D, the lower- most point of the line of swiftest descent, as the difference be- hvixt 1 and w is to 2; and the time in which HI would be de- scribed uniformly with the motion acquired at D, will be to the time of descent in ED in the same ratio. Let FQ be sup- posed to flow uniformly, then (by the property of the line of Bwiitest descent) the fluxion of FE will be inversely as the ve- locity 80 Of the Lines of swiftest Descent, Book T. locity at E, or the power of EQ whose exponent is i w+ \, and (by art, 16?) the second fluxion of FE will be to the fluxion of EQ in the compound ratio ofyi + 1 to 2, and of the fluxion of FE to EQ; consequently (art. 384) if CE be the ray of curvature at E, and CA^ be perpendicular to EQ in k, ¥.k will be to EQ as (J to ;/ + 1, and CI to CE as the difference of 1 and It to 2. But the fluxion of HI is to the fluxion of the curve DE in the ratio compounded ol that of CI to CE_, and of tlie ratio of EI to EQ, or of the velocity at JJ to the veloci- ty at E. Therefore when FH is described with tlie velocity acquired at D, the fluxion of the time in Vi is to the fluxion of the time in the line of swiftest descent as CI to CE, or the dif- ference of 1 and « to 2; and the time in which the right line IH is described by a motion equal to that which is acquired at D, is to the time of descent along the arch ED in the line of swiftest descent in the same ratio. This theorem is not extend- ed to the case wherein n is equal to unit; in which AED is an arch of a circle, and the point I has no motion. What was shown in art. 407, concerning the motion of a body that de- scends jdong a cycloid in the common hypothesis of gravity is a particular case of this theorem. 578. In order to discover the nature of the line of swiftest descent, when the gravity is directed towards a given centre, the following lemma will be of the same use as that in art. 572 wasintheprecedingcase. LetAIandKL(//^.257) be circles de- scribed from the same centre S ; and, the point A being given upon AI, let E be any point upon KL, and SE meet Al in M; join AE, suppose AE to be described with any given velocity repre- sented by u, the arch AM to be described with a given veloci- ty represented by h, and the diflference of the times in which AE and AM will be thus described will be least (or — ~~~ will be a minimum), when the sine of the angle SAE is to the radius as u is to h, if the ratio of u to b be less than that of SK to SA. Let SH be to SA as u is to h, and SE meet the circle HNA described from the centre S in N, then HN will be to AM as SH to SA or u to b; so that HN will be describ- ed with the velocity u in the same time that AM is described with Chap. XKI. zchen Gravity tends tozcards a Centre. 81 with the velocity b. Therefore the difference of the times in which AE is described with the velocity u and AM with the velocity b, is equal to the time in which AE — HN is de- scribed with the velocity u, and is least when AE — HN is least. Let AP the tangent of the circle HN/i from A meet the arch KEA: in L, and Sp be perpendicular to AE in p, then the fluxion of AE will be to the fluxion of KE as Sp to SE or SK; hut the fluxion of KE is to the fluxion of HN as SK to SH ; consequently the fluxion of AE is to the fluxion of HN as S/> is to SHj and the fluxion of AE — HN is to the fluxion of HN as Sp — SH or S/? — SP to SP. Therefore KE and HN being supposed to increase uniformly, AE — HN decreases till E come to L, where its fluxion vanishes (because Sp becomes then equal SP), and thereafter it increases till AE become a ^j^ AM tangent to KE/c,- consequently AE — HN, or — -j-, is a minimum when E falls upon L, in which case the sine of SAE is to the radius as SP or SH to SA, that is, as u to b. Though this be sufficient for our present purpose, it may be worth while to observe, that if AP produced meet the circle KLA; in I, AE — HN is a maximum when E comes to /, SH being less than SK ; but that when SH is equal to SK, AE — HN (which in this case is AE — KE) never becomes a minimum or maximum, though its fluxion vanishes when AE becomes a tangent of KE/c: and this is an instance of what was shown in art. 261, concerning the inaccuracy of the common rule for de- termining a maximum or minimum, and the correction that is requisite to render it general. For the arch HN being supposed to flow uniformly, the fluxion of AE — HNis as Sp — SH, and it is easy to see that the fluxion of Sp — SH or the se- cond fluxion of AE — HN vanishes in this case as well as its first fluxion, but that its third fluxion does not vanish. 579- In the same manner when e is taken upon kl a circle de- scribed from the centre S with a radius S/c greater than SA, and Se intersects the arch AI in in, ~ -r- is a miiiimum when. ' u b the sine of the angle SAe or SAE is to the radius as u to h; VOL. H, G conse^ 82 Of the Lines of swiftest Descent, Book T. consequently — -7- is likewise a minimum in ihia case^ \T in z, and /x perpendicular to S/meet CE in x. Then the velocity at M will be to the ve- locity at E Q.%pn to PN, and consecjuentiy in a less ratio than vz to PN, orTp to TP, or dl to dliL, or Co: to CE, and there-r fore {Cx being less than CM) in a less ratio than CM to CE. From which it follows (by the last article) that AEB is describ- ed in less time than anyother line drawn from any pointin Aa to any point in B6, the velocities being supposed equal at equal distances from S, or being such as would be acquired by a dcr cent from the same distance from the centre S. The same de-r monstration takes place when HNG is a right line, because ia that case Cx is still less than CM. It is not applicable when HNG is convex towards HD, nor is AEB in this case the line of swiftest descent from Aa to B6 ; but it appears from art. 583, that it is the line of swiftest descent from the point A to the point B. It is obvious that the same demonstration takes place when the gravity acts in parallel lines and HNG is concave towards H D, by substituting a horizontal line in place of the arch p^ll: but it is not applicable when HNG is a right hue, in which case an arch of a circle is the line of swiftest descent from A to B, but a similar concentric arch is described in the same time with AEB, as may be easily demonstrated. 586. The figures constructed in art. 392 and 393, which are the trajectories and catenaries (by art. 436, 437:, 438, and 569), in some of the most simple cases when the centripetal or cen- trifugal force is inversely as a power of the distance from the centre, of an exponent greater or less than unit, are likewise the lines of swiftest descent in certain analogous cases. When a centripetal force is inversely as a power of the distance /( greater than unit, and the velocity at any point F is to the velocity in a circle at the distance SF in the subduplicate ratio of 2 to n ' — 1, the line of swiftest descent from F to the vertical SDH is the same that was constructed in art. 392, from the right line AM Cfg' 171) by taking always the angle ASL to ASM as 2 to »+ 1, and SL to SA as the power of SM of the exponent —j-r is to the same power of SM. For in these figures the sine of the angle SAT is inversely as the power of SA of the expo- nent Chap. XII r. Of the Linen of szciftcst Dcsce?if. 87 ncnt {n-\-l, and therefore in the compound ratio of the direct ratio of the velocity (which is inversely as the power of SA of the exponent ^n — |-) and the inverse ratio of the distance ; consequently, these are the lines of swiftest descent in this case, by art. 582. For example, v.hen the force is inversely as the cube of the distance (or n is equal to 3), and a body descends from any point F with a velocity equal to the velocity in a circle at the distance SF, the line of swiftest descent AEB is an arch of an equilateral hyperbola that has its centre in S. When )i is equal to 2, and the velocity at F to the velocity in a circle at the distance SF as \/ 2 to 1, the figure is construct- ed by taking ASL equal to l-ASM and SL equal to the first of two mean proportionals betwixt SM and SA. When a cen- trifugal force acts upon the body tliat is inversely as a power of SA of an exponent w less than an unit, and the velocity at any point F is to the velocity in a circle described at the dis- tance SF by a centripetal force equal to the centrifugal force at F in the subduplicate ratio of 2 to 1 — n, AEB is likewise one of the figures constructed in art. 392, by taking ASL to ASM as 2 to 1 — w, and SL to SA as the power of SM of the 2 exponent y~ ^o the same power of SA. For example, when the centrifugal force is constant, and the velocity at F to the velocity in the circle at the distance SF as 'v/2 to 1, the line of swiftest descent is an arch of a parabola that has lis focus m S. W^hen the centrifugal force is as the distance from S, and the velocity at F equal to the velocity in the circle, the line of swiftest descent from one given point to another is an arch of a circle or of a logarithmic spiral. When the centrifugal force is as a power of the distance of the exponent n greatei than unit, and the velocity at F is to the velocity in a circle described at the distance SF with a centripetal force equal to the centrifugal force at F as 2 is to w-j-l, the line of swiftest descent is one of those constructed in art. 393 C/ig. 172) from the circle, by taking ASL to ASM as 2 to u — 1 and SL to SA as the power of SM of the exponent — r to the same power of SA, And, in this case according as ?i is equal to 3, 3, G 4 01 g8 Of the Lines ofszcifiest Descent Book I. or 5, AEB is an arch of an epicycloid described by a point in the circumference of a circle that revolves on an equal circle, or it is an arch of a semicircle, or of the lemniscata. It is obvi- ous that these figures satisfy likewise the problem, when a body wHich is acted upon by a force diliused from S that is as any power of the distance, moves from a givfen point A to a given point E with a given velocity, and it is required that the sum of the actions shall be aminimum. For example, if the power be inversely as the square of the distance, AE is an arch of a semicircle described through the three points S, A, and E ; if it be inversely as the pov/er of the distance of the exponent m greater than unit, then AMS being a semicircle let the angle ASL (Jig. 172) be to ASM as 1 to wi— 1, and SL to SAas the power of SM of the exponent —— to the same power of SA. 587. To conclude this subject with an instance which may show the extensive use of the second general theorem in art. 563, and how it may serve for finding the curvature of the line of swiftest descent when the gravitation tends to several cen- tres, let equal and uniform forces tend towards C and S as in art. 491. Let the velocity CJig. 217) be such as would be ac-. quired by a descent from F, E any point in the line of swiftest descent, upon CE produced take Em equal to the excess of CF + SF above CE + SE, and uz perpendicular to Cm shall in- tersect the right line Ez, that bisects the angles CES, in z, so that E2 shall be one fourth part of that chord of the circle of the same curvature with the line of swiftest descent at E which bisects the angle CES. 588. Suppose now that it is required to find the nature of the line that of all those that pass through two given points A and B (jig.QoG), and have equal perimeters, is described in the least time. Let the time in which AEB is described In' a body that descends along it b}' its gravity be expressed by T . AEB, and the time in which the same line would be described uniformly with any given velocity a by ^ . AEB, and let the ratio oi' in to n be any given ratio ; then if - xT . AEB+" t . AEB be a minimum, AEB will be described in less time than any other line Chap. XIII. amongst those of the same Perimeter. 89 line AeB of an equal perimeter. For letT . AeB represent the time of the descent along x\eB, t, AeB the time in which AeB would be described uniformly with the same given velocity a ; then by the supposition - X T . AEB+ ^, AEB is less than ^ X T . AeB T t . AeB. But t . AEB is equal to t . AeB, these being the times in which equal lines are described by equa^ uniform motions. Therefore T . AEB is less than T . AeB, that is, AEB is described in less time than any other line of an equal perimeter that passes through A and B. It is obviousthat - X T. AEB + t , AEB cannot be a minimum, when AEB is greater than the line which is described in less time than any other line whatever that passes through A and B ; and that - X T . AEB — t, AEB cannot be a minimum^ when AEB is n less than that line. 589. Let the velocity at any point E be represented by m, ^nd ^ be to a as m is to n ; let V be to m as a is to b -J- u, and if AEB be the line that is described in less time than any other whatsoever that passes through A and B^ by a velocity which at any point E is represented by V, the same line AEB will be described in less thne than any other of an equal perimeter that passes through A and B, by a velocity which at any point E is represented by u : for the fluxion of T . AEB is expressed by the ratio of the fluxion of AE to u, the fluxion of t , AEB by the ratio of the fluxion of AE to a ; consequently the fluxioa of ^ X T . AEB + t . AEB by the ratio of the fluxion of AE to V. And ^ X T . AEB T t . AEB is equal to the time in which AEB is described with a velocity that is always equal, to V at any point E. Therefore when this time is a minimum, ^ X T . AEB -f t . AEB is likewise a minimum, and AEB is described in less time than any other line of the same perimeter \\ydt passes through A and B. 590. Suppose 90 The Resolution of the general Book I. 590. Suppose the gravity to act in parallel lines, which is the case considered hy Mr. BernouiUi ; and if the sine of the angle FEQ be to the radius (or the fluxion of the base FQ be to the fluxion of the curve FE) as V is to an invariable velo- city, that is in a ratio compounded of the ratio of u the velo- city at E to the sum or diflcrence of h and // and of an invari- able ratio, then AEB will be described in less time than any equal line that passes througli A and B, by art. 576, which coincides with the equation of the curve that was found by that learned author, by resolving the element of the curve into three infinitely small rectilinec}] pnits and computations from second fluxions. Mem. de VAcad. lioj/ale dts Sciences, 1718, prop. 4, and schol. 2. .59 1 . The same method discovers the property of those lines, when the gravity is directed towards a given centre S with the same facility. Let the velocity of the body that descends along the curve AEB at any point E be represented by M,and 6 express an invariable velocity ; then if the sine of the angle S EB (Jig.Q.5't), contained at E by the curve AE and ray SE, be always to the radius in a ratio compounded of that of u to the sum or difier- ence of h and u, and of the ratio of an invariable line to the distance SE, the line AEB will be described in less time than any equal line that can be drawn from A to B, the velocities being supposed equal at A in each. In general, let EC be half of the chord of the circle of curvature at E, that is in the di-;. rection of the force EK that acts upon the body at that point, as iri art. oGS, and suppose the body to descend from E in CE ■with the velocity u acquired in the curve at E, then the point C -being su|)posed to remain, if the curvature of the line is such, that the fluxion of u be to the fluxion of EC in the compound ratio oi u to EC and of 6 + a to b, then AEB will be described in less time than any equal line that passes through A and C, the velocities being equal at A. The demonstration is similar to that in art..3f>5. 59'i. The celebrated isoperimetrical problems maj' be treated in the same manner, and rendered more general than is usual, without having recourse to the fluxions of the higher orders ; and the solutions of these problems (that are generally consi-» dere4 Chap.^IlI. Isoperimdrical Problems demonstrated. 01 dered as of a very abstruse nature) ma}' be verified by easy syn- thetic demonstrations. The lemma that is required for this purpose differs notmaterially from that in art. 572, which wede- monstrated withouthaving recourse lo fluxions. Let KL^/Zo-.QGI) be a right hne given in position, A any given point that is not ia KL, A K perpend icuhn- to KL in K, E any point upon KL; and let a and u represent any given or invariable hnes : then if KL be to AL, or the sine of the angle KAL to the radius, as u is to a, AE x a — KE x u will be vcmirnmum wdien E falls upon L. For let KH and EV be perpendicular to AL in H and V, and AR made equal to AE ; because KE is to HV as AL to KL, or a to u, KE X u is equal to HV x a, AE x a — KE X u equal to AE— HV x a, or AH+Vll x a, which Is evidently least wlienVR vanishes, that is when E falls upoa L. It follows from this that the point A, the distance AK, and EA; the distance of the parallels KL and kl, being given, E/c be- ing perpendicular to Id in k, and E and c being any points upon these parallels; if «, u, and v be supposed invariable, then A Ed' X a — KE y. u — ke x v will be least when the sine of the angle KAE is to the radius as u to a, and at the same time the sine of A:Ee to the radius as ■y to « ,• for in this case AE X a — KE X u will be a minimum, and Ee x « — kc x "9 will be less than when the angle kEe is of any other magni- tude, so that their sum will be less than if the right lines AE and Ee were inflected in any other manner. 593. Itis easily demonstrated from what was shown in thelast article, that kC (fig.26Q,) and CG being perpendicular to each otherinC,KMNLGagivenfigureappliedonCG,Eany pointiii the curve AED,EPN a parallel to kC that meets CG in P, and the curve ML in N, Epn a parallel to CG that meets /cC inp, upon which pn is supposed to be taken always equal to PN the ordinate of the figure KMNLG,and to generate the area kmnlg in this manner, then if the point A, the distance KG (or the difference of A/c andDg the ordinates from the curve AED to /C), and the figure KMNLG with the right line a be given, the excess of AED x a above kmnlg, the area generated hy pn, will be a minimum, when the sine of the angle AEp contained ty the curve AE and any ordinate Ep, is to the radius as PN the §3 The Hesolution of the general Book Ia the corresponding ordinate of the figure KMNLG is to the in- variable line a. For let TE? the tangent at E meet AT the tangent at A in T, and D/ the tangent at D in i, let TRS and /VX parallel to kC meet CG in R and V, and ML in S and X, Trs and tvx parallel to CG meet kC in r and v, and mnl in $ andx; complete the parallelograms /jr/t/,7;;;«Ojp»j/t'^t;x2:o-; and the excess of ATEil '0 x. a above the figure kufoyxzg, the sum of these parallelogi'auiSj will be less than if the points T, E, t, D were taken any where else upon the parallels TR, EP^ i\ , DG, hy the last article. Then by drawing tangents to the curve AEB at the points where TR and t\ intersect it^ and parallels |o kC through the points where these tangents intersect AT, Tt, and tjy, and proceeding in this manner, the ultimate ra- tio of tiie circumscribed figure AT^I) to the curve AED, and of the area /^{/b^a:;!^ to the curvilineal area kmnlg, will be a ra- tio ofequality ; consequently AED Xa — kmnlg will be a mivi- mum ; the point A, with the right hues a and KG^ and the figure KMLG being given. 594. It follows that the point A being given with the figure KMLG, \^ pn be always equal to PN, and the sine of the angle AEp be always to the radius as PN to a, then the area kmnlg will be greater than any area A'wz;/g- generated in the same manner from any line AED that is drawn from A to LGD of a perimeter equal to AED. For since AED X a — knndg is less than Ae D X a — kmvlg, by the last article; and AeD is equal to AED, by the supposition ; it is manifest that kmnlg must be greater than kmvlg. Therefore when the sine of the angle AEp is always to the radius as PN to a, AED is the line that amongst all those which are drawn from A to LGD, and have equal perimeteis, produces the gix?atest area knniig. . 5fj5. The rest remaining as before, let HI parallel to KG at any given distance KII meet EP in Q, and hi parallel to kg at an equal distance kh meet Epin q, and the points h, k, yn lie in the same order from each other as H, K, M. Then qn will be always equal to QN, and the area hilnm generated by the ordinate qn will be a maximum or minimum according as H I and KG cue on the same or different sides of MjNL, the points A and D being given.. For since kmuIg is always a maximum, and the Chap. XIII. Isoperhnetrical Problems demonstrated. t)3 the rectangle hg is given, hmnli will be a maximum when Iii and kf are on the same side o^mnl, that is when HI and KG are on the same side of MNL; and hmnli will be a minimum when hi and kg are on different sides of mnl, that is when HI and KG are on different sides of MNL. It appears therefore that the area hmnU generated by the ordinate qn, equal to QN, is -A maximum vvhentlie sine of the angle AEa is ahvays to the radius (or the fluxion of the base hq to the fluxion of the curve AE) as QN + HK is to a, or as QN — HK to a, if QN in this latter case be never less than HK; because when HI and KG are on the same side of MNL, PN (or jpw) is either equal to QN-f-HK, or to QN — HK, QN being in this case never less than QP orHK; but that the area hmnli is •^minimum, when the sine of the angle AE^ is always to the radius (or the fluxion of the base hq to the fluxion of the curve AE) as HK — QM to a, HK being supposed to be never less than QN any ordinate fromMNLto the axis HI; because when KG and HI are on dif- ferent sides of MNL, HK — QN is equal to PN. The points A and D with the figure HMLI are supposed to be given, and the perimeter AED to be always the same. And this property of the line AED, which amongst all those of aa equal perimeter that pass through A and D produces the greatest or least area hmnli, by taking the ordinate qn always equal to QN the correspond- ing ordinate of the figure KMNLG, is' the same that Mess. Bernouilli, Dr. Taylor, and others, deduced from computations that involve third fluxions. It is obvious that the curve AED is concave, or convex, towards AK, according as the sine of the angle A'Eq increases, or decreases^ while KP increases; that is, according as PN increases, or decreases, while ICP increases. When HI intersects MNL in any point betwixt M and L, hi intersects mnl at some poin t betwixt w and /,- and one part of the figure AED produces a maximum and the other a minimum. When MNL meets KG, the angle AEg- vanishes, and the curve touches the ordinate Eg'; and if PN become equal to a, KEq will become a right angle, and the curve perpendicular to the ordinate. 596. Because the sine of the angle contained by the curve and ordinate Eg is to the radius as PN to a, it follows from ai-t. g4 The Resolution of the general Book Ij art. 57()j that AED is likewise the line of swiftest descent when the velocity in any part of the right line EPN is always mea- sured by the corresponding ordinate PN, as was observed by Mr. James Bernouilli; and this analogy between the lines that satisfy these two problems is accounted for, from the similitude of the methods by which their properties were demonstrated in art. 576 and 595. 597. Suppose now that S (fg. 265) is a given point, that a circle ^p/: is described from the centre S with a given radius Sg-, that SA, SB, and SD meet this circle in k, p, and g, that the figure HMLD being given, and SQ being always equal toSE,S» is taken upon SE always equal to QN the corresponding ordinate of HMLD; and that Sm and SI being taken upon SA and SD respectively equal to HM and DL the corresponding ordinatesof the same figure, it is required to find the nature of the line AED that amongst all those which pass through the points A and D, and have equal perimeters, produces in this manner thegreatest or least area Smnl. It is manifest that a being an invariable line, if AED X a — kmlg be a minimum,thenkmlg\y'i\\ be greater than any area formed in the same manner from any figure that has its perimeter equal to AED ; and that Smnl will be the greatest or least of the areas terminated by S/re and SI ac- cording as the point Sand the circular arch kpg arc on the same or on different sides of mnl. To find when AED X a — kmlg is a minimum, let AT the tangent at A meet the circle QE de- scribed from the centre S in T, and ST produced meet the arch ARH described from the same centre in R, and it appears from art. 578, that AT X a — AR Xu is a minimum (IIQ being given) when the sine of the angle SAT (in which any ray SA inter- sects the curve AED) is to the radius as uio a. Let us there- fore suppose AR x?^ to be ultimately equal to the area kmnp; and since kmnp is ultimately to the sector SAR (or ^SA x AR) as the difference or sum (according as k and m are on the same or different sides of S) of the squares of Sw and S/c to thesquare of SA, it will follow that u is to ISA as the difference or sum of those squares is to SA^; so that u is to a, and consequently the sine of the angle SAE is always to the radius, as that difference or sum is to 2SAxa. Therefore in the figure AED, if SX be perpen- Ff^.2S. H 11a«eX\LX^«,fl^. IbfM. F^^HXl d C^iap. XIIl. Isoperimetricai Problems demomtrated. ^5 perpendicular to the tangent EX at X, So^ and QN be repre- sented by c and V, respectively^ the rectangle '2tf xSX will be cqnal to the difterence or sum of VV and cc. The invariable Quantities a and c (with another invariable line that will arise in determining the figure from this property) serve to satisfy the conditions of the problem^, which requires that the curve shall pass through A and Y), the perimeter being supposed of the same magnitude in all these figures amongst which AED pro- duces the greatest or least area Slum. 598. When So- is supposed to vanish, 2fl! X SX is equal toQN*, or SX is a third proportional to Ca and QN, and the area Smnl U -A maximum. In this case, if HMNLD be a parabola that has its vertex in S and axis in Sli, or an hyperbola of any order whose ordinate QN is inversely as any power of SQ, AED is one of the figures constructed in art. SQ1 or 3^S, ■which we have found already to satisfy the most simple cases of several problems in art. 436, 457, 438, 439, 567, and 586. For example, when S/i is taken upon SE alwaj^s equal to a mean proportional betwixt SE and a given line, and AED is an arch of a logarithmic spiral that has its pole in S, the area Sw«/ is the greatest that can be produced in the same manner from an arch of an equal perimeter that passes through A and D. When Sw is inversely in the subduplicate ratio of SE, and AED is an equilateral hyperbola that has its centre in S, S;«/// is the greatest area that can be produced in the same manner, from any arch of an equal perimeter that passes through A and D. When MNL is a right line thai passes through S, AED is an arch of a circle, and midh likewise an arch of a circle similarly situated with respect to S, whether Sn^ be supposed to vanish or not ; and, in this case, it is well known that tlie area 'Stintl is a maximum or minimum accord- ing as mill is concave or convex towards S. 599- It appears, in the same manner, that if any given line hqi meet SA, SE, and SD in h, q, and / ,• and qu be always taken upon Sr/ equal to QN, it will be the property of the figure AED, that amongt those of an equal perimeter which pass tlirough A and D^ produces the greatest or least avcahmli, that the 9a The Resolutio7i of the general Book 1, the sine of the angle AEX will be to the radius as the differ- ence or sum of the squares of S^ + QN and Sg to 2SE x a. 600. The property of the line AED that is described by a velocity -svhich at the distance SE^ or SQ^ is always measured by QN, the ordinate of a given figure HMLD, and that of all those which pass through A and D, and are described in the same time, comprehends the greatest or least area SAED, is that the sine of the angle SEX is to the radius in the com- pound ratio of QN to an invariable velocity, and of the differ- ence or sum of the square of SE and an invariable square to the rectangle contained by SE and an invariable line. For the construction being the same as in art. 597, '\^ aa x T . AED — A^Dgpk be a minimum, the point A and right line HD being given, the area AEDo-pA; will be greater than any area AeDgpk ■which is terminated by any line AeD that is described in the sametimev/ith AED; and SAEDvvillbe greater or less thanSAeD, according as the point S and arch hpg are on the same or dif- ferent sides of AED. Because — X ^^ ^ minim,um (HQ being given) when the sine of SAT is to the radius as u is to 6, by art. 578, let QN be equal to u, and suppose — — ultimately AR equal to-7-' Then because AEpA; is ultimately to the sector SAR, or iSA x AR, as the difference or sum of SA* and S/c* to SA- ; it follows, that b will be to 2SA, as aa is to that differ- ence or sum ; and that u is to b, or the sine of the angle in which any ray SA intersects the curve to the radius, in the compound ratio of the same difference or sum to aa and of QN to gSA. When the gravity acts in parallel lines, the nature of the line AED is discovered in the same manner. 601. The following lemma leads to an easy solution of the second general isoperiraetrical problem. The ^omtACjig. 264) being given, the right lines AE, b, and u being given in magni- tude, and AG given in position, let EKbe perpendicular to AGin K, and EK X 6 4- AK x u will be a maximum, when the tangent of the angle AEK is to the radius as u is to h. For let the circle BEZ» described from the centre A with the given radius AEmeet AG in G ; let Gg be erected perpeadicuJar to AG, so that Chap. XIII. Tsoperimetrical Problems demonstrated. 97 thatGg and KE may be on different sides oFAG, and let G^ be to AG as w is to 6 ; join Ag, and Ag will he given in posi- tion ; let EK produced meet Ag in O^, then because KO is to AK as Go- to AG or u to b, AK X u will be equal to KO x b ; so that EK X 6 + AK x u will be equal to EO x b, and will be a maximum when EO is greatest; and it is manifest that EO is greatest, when ET the tangent of the circle at E is parallel to A^, or when AE is perpendicular to Ag, that is, when AK is to KE, or the tangent of the angle AEK to the radius, as Gg to AG, or as u to b. In the same manner it appears, that if th^ right lines Ee and v be likewise given in length, and ek be perpendicular to AG in k, then ek >c b •{- AK X u 4- KA X V will be a maximum when the tangent of the angle AEK is to the radius as u to 6, and at the same time the tanarent of EcA; to the radius as x; to 6 ,• because EK x 6 + AK x u is then a maximum; and, Em parallel to AG being supposed to meet ek in m, em X b -\- Em X v will be greater than if tlie angle Ee^ was of any other magnitude. In general, let the line AEefD consist of any number of parts AE, Ee, ef^fJ) whereof each is given in length ; let EK, ek,fl, DL be perpen- cliculap to AL ; and upon these perpendiculars take Km, kv, Ix, Jjz equal to any given lines ; then the radius being supposed equal to^, let the figure of the line AEf/'D be such that the tangents of the angles AEK, EeA', efl,fDL may be respectively equal to the perpendiculars Km, kv, Ix, Ls ; complete the pa- rallelograms AKz/r, Kkvs, klxt, Ihzy ; and the sum of the rectangle LD x b added to the area Arw/i'^orj/^L (which is made up of those parallelograms) will be greater than if the line AEe/"D was disposed into any other figure. 602. Let AEDL (JigMQd) and ABM ILbe applied upon the same axisAL,EPM parallel to DLmeet BMIinM,and thetangentof the angle AEP, in which the curve AED intersects its ordinate •EP, be always to the radius as PM to b. Let Aed be any other line equal in length to AED, and the arch Ae being al- ways equal to AE, let epm parallel to DL meet AL m p, and pm always equal to PM generate the area A^mil ; then it fol- lows from what was shown in the last article, that DL X b + ABMIL will be always greater than (f/ X 6 + A^mil. From VOL. H. H which 98 The Resolution of the general Book L which it follows^ that when dl is. equal to DLj the area ABMIL is greater than ABmil. And if we suppose d to coincide with D (and consequently il coincide with IL)^ and, AH being Fiven upon AB, if HG parallel to AL meet ID in G, PM in Q, and pin in (/, the area HBMIG generated by the ordi- 3iate QM will be greater or less than HBwIG generated by the ordinate qm, according as HG and AL are on the same or dif- ferent sides of jMNI. Therefore since QM is equal to the sum or difference of PM and AH, it is the property of the line AED, which of all those that pass through thepoints A and Dandhave equal perimeters, produces the greatest or least area HBMIG, when the ordinate QM depends upon the length of the arch AE, being what is called a function of the arch AE (that is, QM being always equal to the ordinate of a given figure when the base is equal to AE), that the tangent of the angle AEP is to the radius, or the fluxion of the base AP to the flux- ion of the ordinate PE, as the sum or difference of QM and an invariable line AH is to an invariable line b. And this agrees with what the authors above-mentioned found by their computations when carried on justly. 603. Itappearsas in art. 597 (Jig- 3556), that when S is a given point, and upon SE arightline SM is always taken equal to afunc- tion of the arch AE (that is, equal to the ordinate of any given figure when the base is equal to the arch AE), and the area SBML is the greatest or least of all those that can be thus pro- duced by lines of equal perimeters that pass through A and D, the tangent of the angle SED, in which any ray intersects the curve, is always to the radius as the difference or sum of the square of SM and an invariable square to ^SE x b. 604. The other isoperimetrical problems may be reduced to these, or treated in like manner. Por example, letERparallelto AK (^V.<2f)7) meet AS parallel to K DinR,and RN, SVtheordi- nates of the figure ANVS be always equal to fund io7is of the arches AE and A ED ; let NZ and VX be perpendicular to KA produced in Z and X. Then because the area AVX is equal to AS X SV — ANVS, and when A and D are given, and the nrcli A ED is given in length, hs function SV being given, the rectangle AS x SV is given, it follows that the area AVX is a niaxi- flMcXWl./^a.cuf.lW.il. K ]> Fa?. -J? J. Fig. 2S2.N^2. Fiff.232.N'°S. C v/ V" / \^/ \ \ 7/ \v/ \ \ \ / \ \.- ril Flalc-X.\\-l./},_„ AE and the fluxion of — to the fluxion of AE (art. I67) as ^ AE 1—"^ X — to AE, or as 1 — n io ii. The fluxion of AE ia to the fluxion of KE as KE to AE by art. IQS, consequently A^ KE the fluxion of — ^ is to the fluxion of — as 1— ^ x KE to M a AE X -• Therefore if n be less than unit, these fluxions are a A 17 VI? equal, and — — is a minim, um, or its fluxion vajiishes, Vvhen KE is to AE as u is to ~ « X a. And when n is greater than unit, AF KE . ,, AE , KE . . . ■ «— decreases while — mcreases, and — + " is a minimum, ff a w t* or its fluxion vanishes, when KE is to AE, or the sine of KAE is to the radius, as u is to ;;ilT X a. In these cases therefore likewise the sine of the angle KAE is still as u ; and this theo- lem thus extended will serve for resolving problems concerning H S thff 100 The Propertif of the Solid 15ook li^ the maxima and minima, to which the lemma in art. 572 does not reach. 606 {Fig. 266). It remains now to show how the problem con- cerning the solid of least resistancemay be resolved by first flux- ions. The point A being given, let the ordinate AD meet KL (parallel to the axis DG) in K;, let E be any point upon KL, join AE ; and the resistance of the fluid being represented by a given right line AR, the resistance of the right line AK mov- ing in the direction KL will be represented by AK x AR. Let RM be perpendicular to A E in M, and IMN perpendicular to AR in N ; and the resistance which the conical surface gene- rated by AE (when the l^gure is supposed to revolve about the axis DG) meets with, will be to the resistance of the annular Space generated by AK as RN to AR, and therefore (AK being bisected in a) that resistance will be as Da X AK X RN. Because, AK being given, RN decreases while KE increases, let us enquire w hen Da x AK x RN + KE x AR x a is a m.ijii-i mum. The fluxion of this sum vanishes, AR (which measures the direct resistance of the fluid) with AK, Dfl and a beings supposed invariable, when the fluxion of KEis to the fluxion o^ RN as AK x Da to AR x a. But RN being to AR as AK* to AE", RN is inversely as AE% and (art. 167) the fluxion of RN is to the fluxion of AE as 2RN to AE; consequently the fluxion of KE is to the fluxion of AE, or (art. 193) Ap to KE as 2Dfl X AK x RN to a x AE x AR ; that is, as ^Da X AK^ to a X AE^ Therefore Da X AK x R 4-KE X AR X a is a minimum when 2Da x AK^ X KE is equal to a X AE\ 607. From this it follows, that KE parallel to the axis BH being supposed to meet the ordinate A D in K, and AE the tan- gent at A in E, and a being an invariable quantity, if the liue FAL be of such anatitrfe that AD x AK^ X KE be always equal to -i-a X- AE"", then the solid generated by FALi revolv- ing about the axis BH will ineet with less resistance, when it moves in a given fluid with a given velocity in the direction of the axis BH. than the solid generated in the same manner by any other figure whose perimeter passes through Fand L. For when AK is continually diminished. Da is ultimately ecjual to DA; Plate XKXTa JOO. T^'/.R. B D L H piat<-.\xxRi/,w.r;./jL \ .B \S 41 9 i -r I I, \J / y ^'^ ^~~~-~-^tz— Fig. 26ej\'°iArt. 606 \ J ^hap. XIV. of the Ellipse comideredy^c. 101 P A ; and it follows from the last article that the sum of the so- lid which measures the resistance of the conical surface gene- rated by AE about the axis BH, added to KE x AR X a will be always ultimately a minimum. And because the sum of the resistances of these conical surfaces is ultimately equal to the resistance of the solid generated by P'AL about the same axis BH; and the sum of the solids KE x AR x a is ultimately a given solid &L X AR X a (because b\j, AR, and a are supposed to be given), it appears that the resistance of the solid gene- rated by FAL is a minimum. It is easy to see that this agrees with the property of this solid, which was given by Sir Isaac Newton. 608. InthesamemannerwhenaplanefigureFAL(//g.267)re- volves aboutagiven centre S,thatisintheplaneofthefigurejiua medium that resists in the duplicate ratio of the velocity, it is the property of the line which in this case meets with the least resistance, that the sine of the angle SAP contained by the ray SA and tangent at A is inversely as the cube of the tangent AP, SP being perpendicular to AP in P. There are several other en- quiries of this nature which might be prosecuted in the same manner, but we proceed to what may be of more use in philo- sophy. CHAP XIV. Of the Ellipse considered as the Section of a Cylinder. Of the Gravitation towards Bodies, zvhich results from the Gravita- tion towards their Particles. Of the Figure of the Earth, and the Variation of Gravity towards it. Of the cbbin\ that is, to the square of the tangent et, or to the rectangle hek ; therefore, he, ge, and ke being in con- tinued proportion, HE, GE, and KE are likewise proportional. It appears, in the same manner, that when G is any other point upon the diameter AB, the difference of the rectangle HEK and of the square of EG is to the square of the semi- diameter parallel to EG, as the difference of AFB and GF^ to CB% 62 1 . Let any quadrilateral figure aefb {Jig, 277) be inscribed in the circle, and gm any parallel to f, one of its sides, meet the other sides ah, ae, hfm g, k, I, respectively, and the circle in h and m ; then gh, gk, gl, and gm will be proportional ; for the angle gak being equal to efh, or gib, it follows that the triangles gak and gib are similar, and the rectangle kgl equal to agb, or hgm. From this it follows, that if AEFB be any quadrilateral figure inscribed in the ellipse, and any right line GM parallel to one of the sides EF meet the other sides AB, AE, BF in G, K, L, and the ellipse in H and M, then GH, GK, GL, and GM will be proportional. In this manner, many other properties of the ellipse are briefly deduced, as lemma C!4, 25, lib. 1, Princip. , But we shall onl}^ subjoin an instance or two of the properties of the conic sections, that are briefly demonstrated, by showing first that they take place in the circle, and then transferring them to any conic section in general, by considering it as the projection of a circle upon an oblique plane, by rays that issue from a given point. 622. Letg (^"^.278) beagiven point in thcplane of thecircle, c/* a right line through g that meets the circle in e andy^ et and /if the tangents at e andy^ and their intersection t will he always found in a right line given in position ; for, join eg, and let td be perpendicular to eg in d, join ct, and it will bisect ef in ra. The rectangle met is equal to ce% and the triangles cgm, cf J being similar, the rectangle o^c^ is equal to met, and conse- quently to ct^ ; therefore ed is given, and dt is given in posi- tion. But it is obvious, that if this figure be projected upon oblique plane by rays issuing from a given point V, the projec- tion lOS General Properties of the conic Sections took Ti tion of the circle will be a conic section, the right lines et and ft will be projected by the tangents of the conic section, the point g by a given point, and td by a right line in llic plane of the conic section given in position. Therefore vvheo G is a given point in the plane of any conic section, and EF always passes through G, the intersection of ET and FT the tangents at E and F will be always found in a right line TD given in position. 623. Let the five points C, S, E, A, and B (fig. 279) be in the circumference of the circle ; produce BC and ES till they meet in D ; let CP and SP be drawn from C and S to any point P in the circle ; let CP meet EA in N, and SP meet BA in Q, then D, Q, and N will be always in a right line. Foe let N« parallel to SE meet SQ in n, AP in m, and AB in r ; let An meet the circle in b and SE in G, and BA meet with SE in K. Because the angle AN« is equal to AEK, or APS, a circle will pass through A, N, n, and P, and the angle N An (or EA6) will be equal to NPw, or CPS; consequently the arch Eb will be equal to CS, and C6 parallel to SE. Let BA, BS, and AE meet Cb in f e., and /, and /"i will be to^^ as^e is to jTC, by art. 62 1 . But KG is to KE 'as fb to^, and, because BfS is a right line, KS is to KD as fe to fC. Therefore KG is to KE as KS to KD ; and KG being to KE as rn to rN, KS is to KD as rn to rN ; and because S, Q, and n are in a right line, it follows that D, Q, and N are likewise in a right line. From which it follows, by supposing this figure to be projected as in the last article, that if C, S, E, B, and A be five points in a conic section, and any two of the light lines BC and ES intersect each other in D, CP and SP be drawn to any point P in the section, CP meet EA in N, and SP meet AB in Q, then D, Q, and N will be always in a right line. Hence it appears that a conic section can be drawn through those five points C, S, E, B, and A, by drawing any line DQNfrom D meeting AEin Nand AB in Q,joining SQ and CN; for their intersection P will be a point in the conic section. And this is the method of describine: a conic section through any fivegivenpoints(when nomore than two of those points are in a right line), that was mentioned in art. 322. The way of drawing a tangent to any point C of the conic sec- tion^ U/. 1 a V4, 1 _ I E^ i i h / f^ ^7- \ 1 H ; 1 V p" \ \ /■ 3 "i i > ^ Mk 7 \ [^ \ F 1 ■ all- XaX-flzjcrf. I'vUI. ■ "m^^' r\ Chap. XIV". transferred briefly from the Circle, 199- tion> that was described in art. 324, may be demonstrated in the same manner^ by showing first that it takes place in the circle. By supposing one or more of the right lines that were inscribed in the conic section to be tangents,, several properties of those figures may be briefly deduced from this proposition ; parti- cularly that which was mentioned (as analogous to aproperty of the lines of the third order) in art. 401, is the case when the right lines ESD and BCD are tangents at S and C. 624. Let P, H, and K {fig. 280) be any three points in an ellipse, let PM parallel to HK and KN parallel to PH meet the ellipse in M and N, and a right line through H parallel to MN will be the tangent at H. When the iigure is a circle, the arch HM is equal to HN, MN is perpendicular to the diameter through H, and consequently parallel to the tan- gent at H. This property is extended to the ellipse, by art. 6\ 1 and 6l2, and may be demonstrated of any conic section. But we proceed now to these properties of the ellipse, which we had chiefly in view, because of their use in the following enquiries. 625. Let PH (fg. 281) be a chord of an ellipse parallel to the axis DE, LK any ordinate to this axis at V, meeting the (ellipse in L and K, join DL and DK, let PM and PN parallel to DL and DK meet it in M and N, let MQ and NR be per- pendicular to PH in Q and R, then the sum or difll:erence of PQ and PR (according as Q and R are on the same or differ- ent sides of P) will be to 2DV as the chord PH to the axis DE. For supposing, first, the figure to be a circle, let the semidia- meter HC meet the circumference again in I ; and the arches HM and HN being equal to EL and EK, and consequently equal to one another, the right line MN will be bisected perpendicularly by the diameter HI in X. Because the arch MH is equal to LE, IX is equal to DV ; let XZ be perpendicular to PH in Z, and because the angle HPI is right, PZ will be to IX (or DV) as PH to IH or DE. But QR is bisected in Z; therefore PR + PQ is equal to2EZ,and is to 2DV as PH to DE. This is extended to the ellipse by art. 6 11 and 6 14, and may be demonstrated of any conic section. 626. Let PJ and He {fig. 282) be perpendicular to the axis JDE in d and e, describe an ellipse adde upon the axis dc simi- lar 110 Of the Gravitation Boole T, lar to ADBE. Let Ik an ordinate from the internal ellipse to the axis de in v meet this ellipse in / and k. Let PM and PN parallel to dl and dk meet the external ellipse in M and N, MQ andNRbeperpendiculartoPHinQandR^andPR + PQv/illbe equal to Q.dv. For dv will be to DV'^ as de (or PH) toDE, and therefore as PR + PQ to 2DV, by the last article ; consequently PR + PQ is equal to idv. This may be demonstrated in the usual manner from the property of the ellipse described at the end of art. 6 12. 627. Let the right hne PS perpendicular to the ellipse in P meet the axis DE in Sj and SZ be perpendicular to the semi- diameter CP in Z, then the rectangle CPZ will be equal to the square of the semiaxis CA, that is conjugate to CD. For let PY parallel to AC meet CD in d and CO the semidiameter conjugate to CP in Y ; and let PS meet CO in T. Then, be- cause PS is to PZ as PC to PT, the rectangle CPZ is equal to SPT, which (because PT is to PY as Vd to PS) is equal to the rectangle c?PY, and therefore is equal to CA% by art. 6l2. In the same manner if PS meet the axis AB in /, the rectangle /PT will be equal to CD% and PS will be to P/as CA^ to CD*. Because dC is to dS as P/to PS, and is similar to any other section of the solid by a parallel plane, the ratio of the axis GH to the other axis being that of CQ to CD. From this it follows that the sections of two si- milar concentric spheroids similarly situated, which are made by the same plane, are similar ellipses; because they are similar to the sections of the same solids by a parallel plane that passes through their common centre; and these last are similar by art. 122. It appears likewise that all sections of the spheroid made by planes perpendicular to the circle generated by the axis CD (which we may call the Equatoj' of the solid) are simi- lar to the generating ellipse ADBE. 634. The gravity of any paiticle of a sphere or spheroid be- ing resolved into two forces, oue perpendicular to the axis .of the Chap. XIV. towards Spheres a)id Spheroids. IIS the sohd, the other perpendiculai* to the plane of its equator, all particles equally distant from the axis tend towards it with equal forces, and ail particles at equal distances from the plane of the equator gravitate equally towards this plane, whether the particles be at the surface of the solid or within it. And the forces with which particles at different distances from the axis tend towards it are as these distances : the same is to be said of the forces with which they, tend. towards the plane of the equa- tor. This easily appears of the spherQ from what was shown in art. 6S 1 > and is mentioned for the sake of the analogy only. Let P (//g. '286) be anypointinthesurfaceof aspheroid^APDBEasec- tion of the solid through its axis AB, Vf a perpendicular to AB in f, Pd a perpendicular to the equator of tlie solid in d ; and the gravity at P towards the solid being resolved into a force in tiie direction P/"and another force in the direction Vd, the for- mer will be equal to the gravity at d towards the solid, and the latter equal to the gravity atf. Let adbe be a spheroid similar to ADBE having the same centre C and its axis ab in the same risht line AB with the axis of the external solid. The sections of these spheroids by any plane that passes through the right line Pdfl will be similar concentric ellipses similarly situated by art. 633, and the gravity of P in the direction lyperpendiculat to the axis AB that arises from the attraction of any portion or slice of the external solid contained by two such planes will be equal to thegravityatJin the direction that is (by the sup- position) as Vd X dC to dQ X dC or as Pc? to dQ; consequent- ly the gravity at P is in the direction PQ ; and if the gravity at A towards the spheroid be represented by AC, the gravity at P in the direction I*d will be represented by PJ, and the gra- vity at P towards the spheroid by PQ. In the same manner if fq be taken upon the axis from /"tow^ards C in the same ratio to /C as A X CD to D X CA, then P^' will always show the direc- tion and measure the force of the gravity at any point P to- wards the spheroid, supposing the gravity at D to be represent- ed by DC. Let Dx perpendicular to CD represent the gravity at D, join C±, and besause the gravity of any particle in the semidiameter CD is as its distance from C, the gravity of the column DC (the spheroid being supposed to be fluid) will be measured by the triangle CD-r or ^ CD X Dx, or | CD X D. In the same manner the gravity of the column AC will 1*» measured by i AC X A. And as the columns CD and AC gra- yi tate equally in the-sphere, so the gravity of the column CD is I 2 greatei Il6 Of the Figure of tliePlaiiets, Book f , greater or less than the gravity of the column AC in the s^*he- roid according as it is oblate or oblong, and CD x D is greater or less thanCA X A in the spheroid, according as CD is greater or less than CA (because the fluid would sink in the former case at D,and in thelatter at A, till its figure becomesspherical). But this will appear more fully afterwards when we come to determine the ratio of A to D in a given spheroid. 636. Hitherto we have supposed the particles of the spheroid to be affected only by their mutual gravitation towards each other. Let us now suppose any new powers to act upon all the particles of the spheroid in right lines, either perpendicular to the axis of the spheroid, or to the plane of its equator ; or some powers to act in right lines perpendicularto the axis, and others in lines parallel to it ; and let each force vary always as the dis- tance of the particles from the axis, or equator, to which the direction of the force is supposed perpendicular. Then the spheroid being supposed to be fluid, if CA be to CD inversely as the whole forces that act on equal particles at A and D, the fluid will be every where in aquilibrio. To demonstrate this proposition fully, we shall show, 1. That the force which re- sults from the attraction of the spheroid and those extraneous powers compounded together acts always in a right line perpen- dicular to the surface of the spheroid. C. That the columns of the fluidsustain or balance eachotherat the centreof the sphe- roid. And, 3. That any particle in the spheroid is impelled equally in fill directions. 637. 1 {Fig.Q.BQ). Lettheforcesthatresultfromtheattractiort of the spheroid and the extraneous powers at AandD be call- ed M andN; andMwillbetoNasCDtoCA,bythesupposition. Because the attraction of the spheroid at Pin the direction Vd is to its attraction at A as Pc? to AC, and the force of each ex- traneous power at Pis supposed to be to the force of the ^ame power at A in the same ratio of P^ to AC, it follows that the whole force by which a particle atP tends in the direction Pc? is to Mas Vdio AC. In the same manner the whole'force with which a particle at P tends in the direction ly is to N as P/'or dO to DC ; consequently the force with which P teiids in the direction Vd is to the force with which it tends in the direction Tf Chap. XIV. and Variation of Gravity towards them. 117 P/as M Xtc *° -^ '^Iic ^ ^"^^ supposing PK that meets CD in K to be the direction in which a particle at P tends towards the spheroid from the composition of those two forces, Prf will be to dK in the same ratio ; so that dK will be to dC as N X AC to M X DC, or (because N is to M as AC to DC, by thp supposition) as AC^ to DC^. But if PK was supposed pet^ pcndicular to the ellipse APDB at P, d K would be to dC in this same ratio, by art. 627. Therefore any particle as Pat the surface of the spheroid tends towards it in a right line per- pendicular to its surface ; and the force M which aqts on a particle at the pole A being represented by the semiaxisAC,'the force wiiich acts on an equal particle at any point of the surface P will be alwaj's represented by the perpendicular PK terminat- ed by the plane of the equator of the solid in K. It appears iikewise that any particlej^ within the spheroid in the semidia- meter CP tends in the direction p/r parallel to PK, with a force that is measured by the right line pk terminated by the same plane in A:, because th,e forces that act on P and^ in right lines perpendicular to the axis, or equator, are as the distances fronx the axis, or equator, by th-e supposition, 638. In order to show, that when the spheroid is fluid, the columns sustain each other at the centre, let KZ (fig.Q^Q) an4 J:z be perpendicular to PC in Z and %; then the force M which acts at the pole A being represented by the semiaxis AC, the force with which particles at P and p tend in the direction PC will be represented by PZ andps respectively ; and because pz is to PZ as Cp to CP, the gravity of the whole column PC in the direction PC will be measured by i PZ X PC, which i;i equal to |- CA^ (by art. 627), or to i CAxM. Therefore the gravity of any column PC in the direction PC is equal to the gravity of the column AC in the direction AC, and all the columns of the fluid sustain each other at C. 639- Letp (Jig. 288) be any particle in the spheroid, Vp a co- lumn from the surface to the point p, produce Cp till it meet the surface in q ; upon CA take CO in the same ratio to CA as Cp is to Cq, and the gravity of the column P/? in the direction Tp will be equal to the gravity of the column AO in the direc- I 3 tion 1 18 Of the Figure of the Planets, Book 1 . tion AC. First, let Vp be in the plane APDB, let PG and pg be perpendicular to the plane of the equator in G and g, PL and pi perpendicular to the axis AB in L and /,- and Pp being sup- posed to meet AB inland DE in h, let gc and lu be perpendi- cular to Vp in e and u. Then the force with which the particle p tends in the right line parallel to the axis will be to M nspg to AC, by the supposition ; and this force reduced to the direc- tion Pp will be to M as pe to AC. The force with which p tends in the duection perpendicular to the axis is to N as pi to DC, and this force reduced to the direction Vp is to N as pu to DC. Therefore the whole force with which p tends in the direction P» is M x -^ + N x ^5 or M X 4?; x AC-* J-zO AC/ ^ + N X ^ X -75* From which it follows that the gra- vity of the whole column Vp in the direction Vp is jtjtt x ^ X hV^-hp^ + 2DC ^ ^» ^ /P -//^ that IS 2AC ^ PG=-/^' + ^ ^ rL"-/^- But PL^ is to CA* — CL^ and pi"- to CO* — C/* as CD* to CA* ; consequently PL* — pt is to the difference of CA*— CL* and CO* — C/* in the same ratio, and (because M is to N as DC to AC) the whole gravity of the column Vp in the direction Vp will be toi M X AC as CL* — C/* + CA* — CO* + C/* — CL* to CA*, that is as CA* — CO* is to CA*, and consequently equal to the gravity of the column AO in_lhe direction AC. Therefore the particle p is pressed equally in all directions in the meridian plane APDB that passes through p. In like man- ner it is shown, that any other columns from the surface of the spheroid to the particle p press equally upon it, and sustain each other. 640. We conclude, therefore, that when the particles of a fluid spheroid of an uniform density gravitate tqwards each other, with forces that are inversely as the squares of their dis- tances from each other, and any olher powers act on the par- ticles of the fluid, either in right hnes perpendicular to the PlateXSXi XTaiib. Vrl.lL. FlateZXXll«( j,/tv, the fluid will be every where in aquiUhrio. For in this case M is equal to A, there being no centrifugal force at the pole; the force N that acts on any particle in the circumference of the equator is equal to D — V the excess of the attraction above the centriiugal force there; and the centrifugal force, with which any particle of the spheroid endeavours to recede from its axis in consequence of the rotation of the spheroid, is as its distance from the axis; consequently if A be to I) — V as CD to CA, tlie fluid will be in (tquilibrio in all its parts, by what has been shown. It appears therefore that if the earth, or any other planet, was fluid, and of an uniform density, the figure which it would assume in consequence of its diurnal rotation would be accurately that of an oblate spheroid generated by an ellipsis revolving about its second axis, as Sir Isaac New- tun supposed : and v.e cannot but observe, that as no theory of gravity has a foundation in nature but his only, so no Other gives so simple a figuie of the planets, as vyill appear I 4 by 120 Of the Figure of the Planets, Book I, by comparing what was demonstrated above in art, 4913, This theorem is applicciblc in Hkc manner to the theory of the tides. But before vye proceed to a more particular application of it, we 3re first to show how the gravity towards a spheroid at the pole is easily measured by a circular or hy})erbolic area, according as the spheroid is oblate or oblong ; and how the gra- vity towards it at the circumference of the equator, or at any distance in the axis, or in the plane of the equator produced, is determined from the gravity at the pole, without any new qua- drature or computation. For this end we premise the follow- ing lemma. 642. LetADfZa (7?g-CS9)be any section ofa solid of an uniform density by aplanethatpassesthroughagivenpointP,andPC,PH be right lines given in position in this plane; let ariy right line PM drawn from P meet the figure ADr/a in jM and m, and a circle BN6 described with the given radius PC in N; let MQ and mq be always perpendicular to PC in Q and q, and NR be perpendicular to PH in P^; upon RN take RK equal to PQ — Vq; and let the ordinate RK always determined in this manner generate the area HGgA, while PJNI revolves about P. from PA to P«. Then if we suppose another plane that passes through the right line PH to cut the same solid, the gravity of the particle P towardsthe slice of the solid included betwixt those two planes and that stands upon the base AD(//-i -11 1 /^ Kr RK X Iir -r. to the direction PL^ will be as Qq X -j^r; or — — — But IIK X Rr ultimately measures the fluxion of the area IIGKR. Therefore the gravity of P in the direction PC, that arises Irom the attraction of the whole slice of the solid which has the figure ADc/a for its base, is ultimately' as— p^, the angle con- tained by the planes which terminate the slice being continual- ly diminished. When the point P is betwixt M- and m, thea RK is to be taken equal to PQ — P^, and the gravity at P is measured in the same manner. It follows from this lemma, that, supposing the figure ADc?a to revolve about the axis PH, and to generate a solid, and the direction PC to coincide with PH, the gravity at P towards this whole solid willbe as ■ f^ -* When the particle P is so situated with respect to the figure ADda, that the perpendiculars from the points M intersect PC on different sides of P, the gravity at P in the direction PC is to be determined from the difference of the areas generated by the ordinate RK. 643. Let aparticle atP (fig. CQO) gravitate tow^ards the sphere generated by thesemicircleADBabout theaxis AB,and C being the centre of the sphere, let any riglitline PM meet the semi- circle in INI and m, and the circle CNH described from the cen- tre P in N ; let NR be perpendicular to PC in R,-and RK be always equal to Q^ when P is without the sphere or in contact with it.'^ . Let CL be perpendicular to PM in L, and Mm being bisected in L, LM^ will be equal to PL' — MPm or PR^ — APB, a«d the fluxion of LM"- equal to the fluxion of PR"- ; so that the fluxion of PR will be to the fluxion of LM as LM to PR. And because KR or Qq is to 2LM as PR to PN, the ^uxion of the area generated by the ordinate KR is in this case equal 122 Of the Figure of the Planets, Book I. PG equal to the rectangle contained by -7—- and the fluxion of LM. Therefore the area IRK is etjual to p -> and the gravity at P towards the portion of the sphere generated by the segment MDm about the axis AB is as „, > and consequent- ly as the cube of Mm the chord of the segment ISID/w directly, and the square of PC the distance of the particle from the cen- tre inversely. Hence the gravity at P towards the whole sphere is as the cube of its diameter (or its quantity of matter, the density being given), directly, and the square of PC in- vers<:ly ; and is the same as if we should conceive the whole matter in the sphere to be collected in its centre. The same i* to be said of the gravity towards the aggregate of any number of sucli spheres that have a common centre ; from which it fol- lows, that however variable the density of a sphere may be at diflevent distancesfrom the centre, providing the densisty be al- ways the same at the same distance from it, the gravity of a particle(that is not within the sphere) towards it will be as the quantity of matter in the sphere directly, and the square of the distance of the particle from its centre inversely. It appears from vrhat has been shown, that the whole area IKGC is equal to ^^[^r-r-j and that the trravity at A towards the spliere ADBB ismeasuredbv^- — accordms; to the last article. 644. Let ADB E (fig. G9 1 , IV. 1 and 2) be now a spheroid of an uniform density, generated by the semi-ellipse ADB revolving about the axis AB; letAM any rightlinefrom the pole Ameetthe ellipse in M and the circle CN H in N; let MQand Nil be perpen- dicular to AB in (iand K; upon RX take RK always equal to AQ, and let this ordinate RK generate the area AKGC while^ AM revolves about A and describes the area of the semi-ellipse ' ADB. Then the gravity at the pole A tov^ards the spheroid ADBE will be measured by — r-r- (bv art. 642), and is to the gravity at A towards a spliere described upon the diameter AB (whicli Chnp. XIV. and Variation of Gravity towards tJiem. 123 (which is measured by \ AC, by the last article) as the area AKGC to I CA\ 64-5. The gravity al D at the circumference of the equator towards the spheroid is to the gravity at D towards a sphere described upon the diameter of the equator as SCA* — AKGC to ^ CA% and to the gravity at the pole A as 2CA'' — AKGC CD to 2AKGC X ^' For suppose the two elliplic sections DBEA and J)bea to be perpendicular to the plane of tlie equa- tor of the solid, and to intersect each other in the right line hdg theircoramon tangent atD; let any rightline D/wfrom D meet the ellipse in m, and the circle cnh described from the centre D with the radius Dc (equal to AC) in 7i, let mq be perpendi- cular to DE in q, and nr perpendicular to DA in r meet mq in k; and let AA-ED be the area generated by the ordinate rk^ while J))n revolves aboutDand describes the elliptic areaBBE; then the gravit}^ at D towards the shce of the spheroid con- tained by the planes DBEA and Yibea will be ultimately mea- sured by ~^y the angle contained by those planes being given, by art, 642. But if RK produced meet GI parallel to AC in X, and the right lines AM and Dm revolve about A and D so that the angle hDm be always equal to BAM ; then D« being equal to AN, and the angle rJ)n to RAN, Dr will be always equal to AR, and hr equal to CR or G.r. Because qm"^ is to the rectangle D(/E as the rectangle AQB to QM% and the triangles Dyw, MQ A being similar^ qm is to D^- as AQto QM^ it follows that qm is to that is, by the supposition, as ~^ to ~7 > or (because qtii^ is to the difference of qm^ and qv^ as CD' to CF% and Ix"- is to the difference of Ix* and ly* as Qd^ to CF^ as the difference of qm^ and qv^ to the differ- ence of Lr' and ly'^\ consequently Pm"' is to ^m^ — qm^ + qv^^ or Pz)* as Pa' to Py% and Pw to Pz? as Vx to Vy. And because q'V is to ^m as CA to CD, and ly to Ix as CP to Cd, so that ^ is to ^ as 1^ to ^; and therefore as Fm to pjr, or (by Trhat has been demonstrated) as Fv to Vi/, it follows that P is to ^/ as CA to CP : therefore Cr is to CI as CA to CP It Py follows, that the triangles Crv, C/P are similar, and Yv (or ^rv) to Fy (or 2?/) as CA to CP. But Mtn is to Vv as Pm to Pt), or Vx to Pj/ ; consequently Mm is to Pa^ as Yv to Pj/-, or as CA to CP. It appears from hence, that when two ellipses Fdp APB have the same centre and focus, if any semidiameters GE andCe of those ellipses constituteanglespCE,pCe with the axts Cp, whose sines are in the same ratio as CD to Cd, these semidiameters will be to each other as CP to CA. For if CE and IG'8 Of the Figure of the Plaficfa, Book I. and Ce be respectively parallel to Px and Pm^ CE will ht to Ce as Px to Mm. 649. The ellipses Pdp, ADB that have the common centre C and focus F being supposed to revolve about the axis PCp, and to generate spheroids of the same densit}', the gravities at P towards these solids will be in the same ratio as the quanti- ties of matter contained in them, or as Cd^ X CP to CD^ X CA,- For let any right line P,nlsL from P meet the internal elHpse in m and M, and the circle CNH described from the centre F in N, and P.t^ meet the external ellipse in x and CNH in L; let 7?iq, MQ, xl, NRj and LZ be perpendicular to P^; in q, Q, I, R, and Z respectively ; upon RN take RK always equal to Qq, and upon ZL take Zk ahvays equal to PI, and the gravity at P towards the internal solid will be to the gravi- ty at P towards the external solid, as the area generated by the ordinate RK to the area generated by the ordinate Zk : suppose LZ to be always to NR as Cd is to CD, then Mni will be always to Px as CA to CP, by the last article. But Qq is to Mm as PR to PC, and PI to P.r as PZ to PC; and the fluxion of the area CRKG is to the fluxion of the area CZkg in the compound ratio of Q^ to PI, and of the fluxion of PR to the fluxion of PZ, that is, in the compound ratio of Mm to PXf and of the fluxion of PPt- to the fluxion of PZ^ (or of the fluxion of NR- to the fluxion of LZ-), and consequently in the compound ratio of CA to CP, and«f CD^ to Cd'- ; and the areas CRKG, CZkg being in the same ratio, it follows that the gravity at P towards the portion of the internal spheroid that is generated by the segment AwMB is to the gravity atP towards the portion of the external spheroid generated by the segment Pxp, as CA x CD- to CP x Cd-, and that the gravities at P towards the whole spheroids are in the same ratio; because Px by revolving about P describes the semi-ellipse P^, while t/iM describes the semi-ellipse ADB. ().30. Hence the gravity towards the oblate spheroid ADBE at any point P in its axis produced beyond A, is measured bv — — — — X CF— cs, PF being supposed to meet the arch CNH described from the centre P in S; because the gravity at €D; the area CaZr is to CAVR, and CaZ to CAV, as Ca X Cd to CA X CD, and CZ:; to CVv in the same ratio. Therefore the gravity at P towards the slice terminated by theplanes PZC and P^C is always to the gravity at P towards the slice termi-- nated by pYC and piC in the invariable ratio of Ca X Cd'- to- Cx4 X C\y ; and the gravity at P towards the whole external solid is to the gravity at P towards the whole internal solid i» the same ratio, or as the content of the former to the content of the latter solid. 652. Henceto measure the gi-avity towards any oblate spheroid- AUBE of an uniform density, at any distance CP in the plane of its equator produced, let F be the focus of a section of the solid through its axis, describe from the centre F with a radium equal to the distance CP an arch intersecting the axis in a, and from a as centre describe with the same radius the arch FQ meeting CB in- O'; then the gravity at P towards the spheroid *T^T^T^ -111 ji SCAxCD^ FCO . , ,. ADBE will be measured by — ~^ — x -^ > because this gravity is to the gi\avity at P towards the external solid adbe (which is measured by —^^ — x -^y by article o4o), as CA X CD' to Ca X Cd-, by the last article. The gravity at P towards ADCE is to the gravity at a towards it as FCO to CP-f- CF— cs, by art. 650. And if the density of the spheroid adbe be supposed to vary from the surface to theceutre,but so as to be always the same in the difibrent parts of the same surface gene- rated by any ellipse ADB that has always the same centre and focus vv'ith adby the gravity at the equator of the solid Gc/^t; will be to the gravity at the pole a in the same ratio as if the densi- ty of this spheroid was unitorm.- 653. The Plate XXXinJ^^.*.?^. To/, i [ •2^2.^1. Fu^.'2<^i.y.'2. I J- G Plate xxxinj",;^,!,'. rh/.ii . ia. lyj.J't. r^ tJhap. XIV. arid V'ariation of Gravity towards them. 131 Q53. The rest remaining as in art. 6,5 1 , suppose ihe solid not to be a spheroid, or Cp to be greater or less tlian CD, but so that the difference of the squares of Cp and CD be equal to the difference of the squares of CP and Cd, that the sec- tions DpC, dVC may be still ellipses that have the same centre and focus; and if we suppose the sections PCZ.^pCV to be al- ways ellipses that have PC and CZ, pC, and CV for their re- spective axes, the distances of ihew foci from the centre C \vill be always equal, as before; and it will appear in the same manner, that the gravity at P towards the external solid will be to the gravity at P towards the internal solid as Ca x Qd X CP to CA X CD X Cp. 654. Let X be any point in the surface of the spheroid adbe, which is supposed to be generated by an ellipse that has the same centre and focus with ADBE, as formerly, and the gra- vity at X towards the internal solid ADBE will be to the gra- vity at X towards the external spheroid adbe either accurately or nearly when the spheroids differ little from spheres, as CA X CD* to Ca X Cc?*, or as the content of the external to the content of the internal solid. When x is at the pole of the sphe- roid, or at the circmnference of the equator, this appears from art. 650 and 652> and in other cases it may be deduced from the last article ; but we proceed to the application of those theorems to enquiries that relate to the planetary system. Q55. The gravity towards the spheroid ADBE (fg. 294) at the pole A being represented by A, at the equator by D, and the centrifugal force at D by V, as formerly ; if the density of the spheroid be uniform, D will be to A as the area of the segment FCO to CD X CF— cs, by art. 646, that is (by the series usually given for the mensuration of circular segments and arches, the proof of which we are to give in the second book), b, a, and c, being supposed to represent CD, CA^ and CF re- spectivelyas 1 +-_ + —, &cto 1 +--+—, &c. There^ fore Db — ka, or Yb, will be to D6, or V will be to D, as ratio of c to 6 is given^ the ratio of V to D may be determined K 2 to .132 Of the Figure of the Phaicts, Book 1, to any degree of exactness, at pleasure. When the ratio of V to D is given, and thence the ratio of c to ^ is required, let V be to D as 1 to m, and c^ to 6* as z to 1, then ~ +-^, 8cc. 6 Jo will be to 1 +1Q+-355 Sec. as 1 to m ; from which it fol- lows (by the methods for inversion of series) that z is equal to r — ^ — , &c. This series may be continued at pleasure : but when the spheroid differs little from a sphere, 2 will be nearly equal to - . -^ and c* to 6* nearly as 5V to 2D + ^ — , con- sequently^ in this case, the excess of the semidiameter of the equator above the semiaxis is to the mean' semidiameter nearly as5V to4D— ^-. 606. The ratio of z to 1, or cc to bb, may be discovered several ways, without having observations made at the equator of the spheroid. For this end the two following properties of the ellipse are subjoined. Let PK perpendicular to the el- lipse at any point P meet CD in K. Let the sine and co-sine of the angle PKD (which is the latitude of the place P) be denoted by S and K respectively, the radius being unit. Then PK^ will be .to CA^ as CA^ to CA^ + CF^ x KK, or as CA* to CD^ — CF"^ X SS. For Vd being perpendicular to CD in d, dK will be to dC as CA^ to CD% by art. 627, and dC being to CA^ — Prf* as CD^ to CA% dK^ is to CA* — P^^as CA^ to CD* ; consequently CA*— PK- is to dK"- as CF^ to CA* ; and since dK^ is to PK* as KK to 1, CA* — PK* is to PK* as CF*xKK to CA*, and PK* to CA* as CA* to CA + CF* X KK, or as CA* to CD*— CF* x SS. 657. The ray of curvature at any point P is always in the triplicate ratio of the perpendicular PK. For let CG be the se- midiameter conjugate to CP, and because the ray of curvature at P is as the cube of CG, by art. 374, and PK is inversely as PZ the perpendicular to CG in Z (art. 627) which is inversely as CG, it follows that PK is as CG, and that the ray of curva- ture ■Chap. XIV. and Va?'iation of Gravity towards them. 133 ture at P is as llie cube of PK. Hence the ray of curvature, or a degree upon the meridian, at any latitude P, is in the triph- cate ratio of PK, or of the force with which a body descends towards the spheroid at P, by art. 637. 638. The magnitude of the earth is usually determined from that of a degree upon the meridian. This however gives us only the ray of curvature at that place of the meridian, or the ra- dius of a sphere that would have all its degrees equal to that degree ; and the centrifugal force derived from thence, and from the period of the earth's revolution upon its axis, is the centrifugal force at the equator of such a sphere when it is sup- posed to revolve on its axis in the same time with the earth. In order to derive the ratio of cc to hb in the spheroid from the ob- servations made in any latitude P, let g represent the force with which a body is found by observation to descend towards the earth at P^t' the centrifugal forceat the equatorof a sphere that has its degrees equal to the degree which we suppose to be measured at P, and that revolves on its axis in the same time with the spheroid ; and, the radius being supposed equal to unit, let the sine of the latitude of P be S. Then CF^ will be to CD% or cc to hb, nearly as 5v io Q,g — -^ + SSSy. For let Vo the ray of curvature at P meet CD in K, PK be represented by L, and the ratio of g to x? by that of n to unit. Then (by the last article) Po is to the ray of curvature at A, or - > as L^ to a^ ; V is to v as DC to Po, the times in which the spheroid ADBE and the sphere of the radius Po are supposed to revolve being equal ; consequently V is to t; as a* to bU. But g is to A the gravity at the pole as L to a, by art. 637^ and A to D — V as b to a, by art. 64 1, consequently g is to D — V as L6 to aa ; and m, or rrj equal to —r + ], or — - -f- 1, or •^ V •' Lb\ aav ~- + 1, that is (art. QoQ), ^^l^css "^ ^' Therefore m + 1 — nz — SSs is to 1 — SS^ as m to unit, or (art. Qoo) as 1 + fg + ^) &c. to 1" + ^, &c. From which it follows, K3 that 134 Of the Figure of the Earth, Book I, that when n is a large number, z is nearly to u nit, or cc to bb, as 1 to "I + ^Q + SS + 5J + X' °^ (because z is nearly- equal to \) as 1 to I" + SS — |., and therefore (« being to 1 as g to ;;) as 5v to 2g + 5SSv — - • Hence the ratio, of cc to bb is determined from the magnitude of a degree mea- sured on the meridian in any latitude, and the length of the pendulum that vibrates in a given time in the same latitude (the earth being supposed of an uniform density), by computing v from the former, and g from the latter. At the equator this ra- tio is that of 5u to 2g — •^''j at the poles, that o^5v to 2g + -;^'- 659. The ratio of c^ to b^ (fig. 293), may be likewise disco- vered from what has been demonstrated, by comparing the eravity of a satellite that revolves about the spheroid in the plane of its equator with the centrifugal force at D. Let Cc? be any distance in the plane of the equator, and let Qa be taken upon the axis so that aF may be equal to Qd ; from the centres a and A describe the arches FO and Fo meeting CB in O and 0, and the p^ravity at d will be to the gravity at D as FCO X CI> to FCo X Cd (by art, 646), or, supposing Cdto be represented 3c* 9c* by d,'m the compound ratio of b^ to rf% and of 1 -f j^ + —^t. &c. to 1 + Y~- -1- -^9 &c. It appears from this, that the gravity towards an oblate spheroid decreases in the plane of its equator in a greater ratio than the square ol' the distance from the centre of the spheroid increases. Hence the periodic times of the satellites of Jupiter ought to increase in a greater proportion than accord- ing to KepIer^s law, or the sesquiplicate ratio of their distances from the centre of Jupiter; but the variation from his Jaw will hardly be sensible even in the nearest satellites. In like manner, the gravity towards an oblate spheroid decreases in the ^xisproduced ina less ratio tliantiiat in which the square of the distance Chap. XIV. its Densitj/ being supposed uniform, 135 distance from the centre increases. For, the righ t lines aV and AF being supposed to meet thearcht'S C/andCS described from the centres a and A in/ and S, the gravity at a towards the spheroid ADBE will be to the gravity at A towards the same spheroid as CF — C/to CF — CS, that is, Ca and CA being represented by e and a, in the compoimd ratio of a* to e% and of 1 — — +, &c. to 1 — — > &c. It appears in the same manner, that the gravity towards an oblong spheroid decreases in the plane of the equator in a less ratio than that in which the squares of the distances from the centre increase, but in a greater ratio in the axis produced from tkepole. 660. Let N be to 1 in the compound ratio of the cube of Cd to the cube of CD, and of the square of the time in which the spheroid revolves on its axis to the square of the time in which a satellite revolves about the spheroid in the plane of its equa- tor at the distance Cd ; and let Cd be to CD as M to unit ; 45 3 then cc will be to hh nearly as 5 to 2N + rj — - • For, by the last article^ the gravity at d is to the gravity at D in the compound ratio of 1 to MM and of 1 -f - ^^ ? &,c. to I 4- j^ J &c. Bui the gravity at D is to V as 1 -f ^^ j &c. to -^ + ^> 8cc. consequently the gravity at d is to V, or --rji is to unit, in the compound ratio of 1 to MM and of 1 -f ira' ^^- *° r + S-'* ^^- Therefore 1 -f ^, &c. is equal to -^ + -^> &c. From which it follows, that when we may neglect the terms of the equation that involve the higher powers of z, it is tqual to -——^L ^ '^ 2N i»6NN ^ 8MMNN &c. or z IS nearly to unit, or cc to bh, as J to^^ -i 5 14 3 ,i"0MM' ^^^ ^^^^ excess of the semidiameter of the equator K 4 above e 336 Of the Tigure of the Earth, Book I. above the semiaxis is to themeansemidiameteras5 to 4N + 10 3 , -^ — -nrr. nearly. 7 MM -^ 66 1. To apply those theorems to the earth, a degree of the meridian about the latitude o^ Paris is 57060 tohes according to Mr. Picart ; conscvquently if the earth was a perfect sphere, its radius would be 1961,5783 French feet, and a bod}' at the equator of such a s|)here would describe 1430 . 4 feet in a se- cond of time by the diurnal motion, the versed sine of which is 7.510148 hnes. Thcji because a. pendulum that vibrates in a second at Paris (by the observations made lately by Mr. De Mairaif) is 440.57 lines; and the space described by a body that descends freely by its gravity in any time is to the length of fipenduhimihiit vibrates in the same time in the duplicate ratio of the semicircle to its diameter, by art. 405, it follows that in that latitude a bod})- would describe by its gravity about 2172 . 9 in a second of time, and that v is there to g (according to the notation in art. 658), as 7 . 510148 to 2172 . 9 • or as 1 to 289 . 3. From which it follows by art. 658 that cc is to bb as 1 to 11 6, and that the excess of thesemidiameter of the equa- tor above the semiaxis is about ^-jf of the mean semidiameter. If the degree of the meridian near to Paris be greater thaa 57060 toises, the ratio of this excess to the mean semidiameter "will be greater almost in the same ratio ; but though this degree be 57183 toises (as it is said to be found by some late observations), that excess virill not be above a-j-f of the mean semidiameter. By the mensuration and observations of the members of the Royal Academy of Sciences nt Paris made near the polar circle, u is to g there as 1 to 287 . 8 . as will appear by com- paring in the same manner the degree measured by them with the length of the pendalinn, which, by their observations, vi- brates at Pe//o in a second of time. From which cc is to bb as 1 to 1 15 . 9 • i^'^d almost the same excess of the semidiame- ter of the equator above the semiaxis arises as from the obser- vations ■d.tParis. This ratio jfnaybelikewisedetermined from the distance and periodictimeof the moon, compared with the time in which the earth revolves on its axis, and thence finding the ratio Chap. XIV. its Density/ being supposed U7iiform. 157 ratio of N to unit, according to art. 660. By this computation the difterence of the semidiameters of the earth is nearly the same as by the former. And these agree nearly with Sir Isacc Nezctons, according to which the semidiameter of the equa- tor is to the semiaxis as 230 to 229. 662. But supposing the earth to be a spheroid, according to what was demonstrated above, upon the supposition that the density is uniform from the surface to the centre, if we com- pute the difference of those semidiameters of the earth from the lengths of pendulums that have been found to vibrate in equal times in different latitudes ; or from the increase of the degree of the meridian from Paris to the polar circle, as it has been determined lately ; the difference of these semidiameters will be found to be considerably greater than -^ of the mean semidiameter. Let L and /denote the lengths of two suchjsm- dulums mtiw^'o places P and p, and, the radius being unit, letS and /represent the respective sines of the latitudes of P and p (that is, of the angles PKD,pA;D), then cc will be to bb as LL — // to LLSS — llff. For PK^ is to pie as i — fl^" to 1 — — , b bb by art. 6b6. The space described in a given time by a body descending freely is as the gravity ; and it follows by art. 408, that the length of a pendulum that vibrates in a given time is likewise as the gravity ; consequently LL is to // as PK* to pk*- by art. 647, or as 1 — ^ to 1 — -^ • Therefore cc is to hh as LL — // to LLSS — llff. Hence if L be to / as 1 + m to 1 — u, cc will be to bb nearly as 4m to SS — ff + 2m SS + Q^nff 66o. If a degree upon the meridian at P be to a degree atp as G to g, cc will be tobb as G ^ — g ^ to G ^ SS — g ^ ff; because G is to g as the ray of curvature at P to the ray of cur- vature at p, that is, as PK^ to pk^, by art, 657 ; consequently G ^ IS to o- ^ as 1 — -fr to 1 rr > and cc to bb as '-' t?b bo G T_^ ^ to G ^ SS — g ' #. This rule for finding the ratio of 158 Of the Grcvitij tozvards a Spheroid, Book L of cc I o hb (whence the ratio of bb — cc, or' aa, to bb is easily computed) is accurate, and is founded on no particular theory of gravity^ but on the supposition that the earth is a spheroid only. When the spheroid differs little from a sphere, let the degree at P be to the degree at ^; as ] + a: to 1 — x, and cc will be to bb nearly as -^ to SS — ff -\- -~ -f t^ m 664. For example, the length of the pendulum that vibrates in a second of time at Pello latit. Q&^ . 48' . is 441 . 17 by the observation * of Mr. De Maiipertuis, See. The penduhint that vibrates in the same time at Paris, Latit. 48° . 50' . 10" . is 440 . 57 lines. Suppose therefore L to be to / as 441 . 17 to , . 30 SO J , 440 .5/, or as 1 -|- ^;^^ to 1 — ^^^53^? and by computing from either of the rules in art. 662, cc will be to bb as 1 to 102 . 8. By comparing in the same manner the observations made in Jamaica by Cohn Campbell, Esq. t^ and at London hy Mr. Graham, cc is to bb nearly as 1 to 95 ; and by com- puting from some other observations of this kind, t this ratio is found still greater ; which ought to be that of 1 to 1 16, if the earth was of an uniform density, by art. 66O. 665. The degree that cuts the polar circle was found to be 57438 foises, and the middle of the arch was in latit. 66°. 19' • 34". The degree measured by Mr. Picart, allowing the correction mad6 lately by Mr. De Maupertuis, is of 57183 toises, and the middle of the arch that was measured is in latit. 49'"- 21'. 24''. Suppose therefore G to ^ as 57438 to 571S3, or as 1 + ~~-^ to 1 — ^~^, and by the rules in art. 663, cc will be to bb as 1 to 89 y. Hence, 6 is to c or thcsemidiameterof the equator to the semiaxis, in the sub- duplicate ratio of 89 y to 88 ^, or nearly as 178 i to 177 ^j and consequent!}^ tiie difference of those semidiameters is about 22 miles, which if the density of the earth was uniform ought to be 17 miles only. If the correction of Mr. Picart's arch be not allowed, the difference of those semidiameters will be considerably greater. * Figure of the eaithj Bool 3, Ch. 6. § 6. + Phil. Trans. N. 432. J Mem. de I'Acad. 173fi. 666. From Chap. XIV, Xi)hen the Derisilij is variable. 139 666. From these observations, there ;j ground to thhik that the variation of the density of the internal parts of the earth is considerable; and to enable us to form somejucrment of this, it may be of use to enquire what proportions of the seniidame- ters DC and AC, and of the gravitation at A to the gravitation, at D, arise, when the density is supposed to increase or decrease towards the centre ; or even when the earth is supposed to be hollow with a nucleus included, according to the ingenious hy- pothesis advanced long ago by Dr. IlaUry. If the density was uniform, the increase o^ gravitation (by which we shall un- derstand with Mr. Dc Maupertuis in what follows the force with which a body actually tends downwards, or the excess of the gravity above the centrifugal force) from the equator to the poles ought to be in the same proportion to the mean gra- vitation as the diiference of the semidiameters DC and AC to the mean semidiameter ; because A is to D— V as DC to AC, hy art. 641, and the excess of A above D — V to half their sum, as DC — AC to | DC rf i AC. If we suppose new mat- ter to be added at the centre, or the density to be increased there, the attraction of this new matter will add more to the gravity at the pole than at the equator, the distance being less, and may account for a greater increase of gravitation from D tp A than arises from the hypothesis of an uniform density, as; Sii" Isaac Nezcrton has justly observed. But this will not ac- count for a Q-reater difference of the semidiameters DC and AC. Supposing the columns to be fluid (after Sir Isaac^s manner), and to have sustained each other before the new mat- ter was added at the centre, the attraction of this new matter will add more to the gravity of the longer column DC than of CA,- and though we suppose the centrifugal force at D to be in- creased till it be in the same ratio to the whole gravity at D as before, the column CD will be more than a counterpoise for CA, till CD and CA come nearer to an equality, and the figure nearer to a sphere. For let d represent the increment of the gravity at D from the attraction of that new matter, N the in- crement of the gravitation of the column AC arising from the same attraction, and the increment of the centrifugal force at D being represented by v, let t) be to c? as V to D, that the ra- tio 140 Of the Gravity towards a Spheroid. Book T, tio of 1 to m (or Vt) to D + d) may remain the same as before; tlien -- + N will represent the whole gravitation of the co- lumn AC, imd ^-^^^ ^. N + c? X b—a — -| the gravita- tion of DC ; but I Aa is supposed equal to -*- h x d— v-, and - being equal to -^ > or (because c^ is to 5^ as 5V to !2D, nearly, by art. 655) -^y which stands less than d X JIZ, or j^ in the ratio of 2 to 5, nearly, it follows that the gravitation af DC is now greater than that of AC ; so that these columns cannot balance each other, unless the fluid subside at D and rise at A. If the new matter be in the form of a sphere about the centre C, it is shown in the same manner, that the column AC will not balance DC ; and the same will appear after- wards, when tlie new matter is supposed to be formed into a spheroid similar and concentric to ADBE. 667. On the other hand, if we suppose the density to be less at the centre, or some matter to be taken away there, the co- lumn DC will no longer balance or sustain the column AC ; and the fluid in the canal ACD will not be in cequilibrio till it rise at D and subside at A ; that is, till the figure vary more from a sphere than in the case when the density was supposed uniform: for supposing the decrement of the gravity at D in consequence of the rarefaction of the matter at the centre to be represented by d, and the decrement of the gravity of the whole column AC by N; let z) the decrement of the centrifu- gal force be such, that V — v may be now to D — d in the same ratio as V was to D; then -7; N will represent the gravitation of the column AC, and „ ^ ^ — ^^ — '^ ^ ^--^ ^^^^ gravi- tation of CD. But ^ being less than d x JZ^ , as in the last article ; and — equal to — — ^ ^> because the columns were supposed to sustain each other before the matter at the centre was Chap. XIV. when the "Demitij is variable. 141 was taken away ; It appears tlmt the column AC is now more than a counterpoise for DC. Thus the rarefaction of the matter at the centre will account for a greater difference of the semi- diameters DC and AC, or a greater variation from the spherical figure, than the hypothesis of an uniform densit}'. But it will not account for a greater increase of gravitation from the equa- tor to the poles. On the contrary the increase of gravitation will be less in this case than when we suppose the density uni- form. For since A — D + V is to A + D — V as 6 — a to b -{■ a, that is, as 5 to 8m, nearly, by art, Q55, the increase of gravitation from the equator to the poles is nearly to the meaa gravity (which we shall call G) as 5 to 4m, when the density of the spheroid is uniform. But when the matter about the cen- tre is supposed to be rarefied, as above, let c? be to G as 1 tor; and the gravity at A being A -^ and the gravitation at D equal to D — d — ^V + v, the difference of which is to half their sum as A — D 1 + \—v to|A + AD — I V + |t) ; it follows (because A — D + t; is to 2G as ft — a to 6 + a or 5 to 8w, c^ to a^ as 5 to 2m, and t^ to G as 1 to rm nearly), that the increase of gravitation from the equator to the poles will be in this case to the mean gravitation nearly as 9 2 5r — 14 to 4mr — 4m + 2, or as 5 -. to 4m -| r)which r — 1 r — 1 is a less ratio than that of 5 to 4m. And if we suppose the fluid to rise at Dand subside at A, till the columns AC and DC sus- tain each other, the increase of gravitation from D to A will in this case be to the mean gravitation in a less ratio than before. The hypothesis therefore of a greater density towards the cen- tre may account for a greater increase of gravitation from the equator to the poles than that of an uniform density, but not for a greater increase of the degrees of the meridian : and the hypothesis of a less density towards the centre may account for a greater increase of the degrees of the meridian, but not for a greater increase of the gravitation, supposing always (after Sir Isaac Nezvton's manner) the columns DC and AC to extend from the surface to the centre, and there to sustain each other. Tliis 142 Of the Graviti/ touards a Spheroid, Book t. This is likewise the result of our computations (some of which we are to subjoin),when we have supposed thedensity toincrease: ordecrease continually from the surfaceof the spheroid ADBE to the centre,, so as to be uniform in the different parts of any one similar and concentric elliptic surface; and in several other cases. And hence there seems to be some foundation for proposing it, as a Querifi, Whether the internal constitution of the parts of the earth;, above-mentioned, that was proposed by Dr. Halley for resolving some of the phaenomena of the magnetick needle, will not be found to account in a probable manner for the in- crease of gravitation^ and at the same time of the degrees of the meridian from the equator to the poles ; as these have been determined by thebestobservalionshitherto. The grounds upon which we mention this will appear better from wh at follows. 668. LetADBE(^g.295) beasectionof a spheroid through its axisAB,Ftheybc«s,andFOan arch described from thecentre A, as formerl}^, meeting CB in O ; let adbt be any similar concen- tric ellipse, y its focm^fX a parallel to the axis meeting the arch FO in Z, and ZV a perpendicular to the axis in V. Sup- pose the density to be always the same over the surface generat- ed by any ellipsis adb about the axis AB, however variable it may be in different elliptic surfaces; and let e represent the den- sity at the surface adbe. Then if VKbe taken upon VZ in the; same ratio to VZ as e is to CD, and the ordinate VK generate the area OKHC, the gravity at D towards the whole spheroid ADBE will be measured by ^^^^- x OKIIC. For let Imnr be another similar and concentric ellipsis^ ^ its/ofMS, xz parallel to AB meet FO in z, zv be perpendicular to AB in vi then (by art. C)51) the gravity at D towards the solid gene- rated by the annular space bounded by adb and Imn revolv- ing about the axis AB, of the density c, will be measured by ' -^j X — — • ) which, when at is continually dimi- nished, is ultimately equal to rrrr^ X or (by ''CD^XCA the supposition) to -^^^r^ — . x VK X Vv; consequently the ijravity Clifip. XIV. its Densifi/ being supposed variable. 143 gravity at D towards the whole spheroid ADBE is measured by :: — ^p— X OKHC ; and is to the gravity at D towards the spheroid ADBE, when its density is supposed uniform, and re- presented by E, as OKHC x CD to FCO x E. For example, if the density in the ray CD at any point d be inversely as Cd the distance from the centre, the gravity at D towards this sphe- roid will be to the gravity at D towards a spheroid of an uni- form density equal to that of the former at D, as CF x CO to the area FCO ; because if E represent the density at D, V K will be to E as VZ (or Cf) to Cd, or as CF to CD, and the area OKHC X CD equal to E X CF x CO. In this case the gra- vity is the same in all parts of the column DC. In the same manner, when the density at d is inversely as the square of the distance Cd, the gravity at D towards such a spheroid is to the gravity at D towards the spheroid when its density is uniform and equal to that of the former at D, as CF* X CO to FCO x CD : and the gravity at any point d in the column CD is in- versely as the distance Cd. 669. Inlike manner,letjf^ perpendicular to CD atj^ thejhcus of adbe, be to e as Cf"- to A/% and the ordinate /A generate the areaCA-oF; and the gravity at A towards the spheroid ADBE. ''CD"' X CA will be measured by - — ^^^3 — X CkoV. This is demonstrated in the same manner from art 650. The gravity towards such a spheroid at any point in its axis, or in the plane of its equa- tor produced without the solid, may be determined iu the same manner. 670. Suppose, for example, that the density in any semidia- meter is as the distance from C, and the density at the surface being represented by E, e will be to E as Cd to CD, and VK to VZ as E X Cd to CD% or (because Cd is to CD as ZV to CF) as E X ZV to CD X CF ; and VK will be to E as ZV^ or AO^— AV% to CD x CF; consequently if AM perpendicu- lar to AO be to AO, or CD, as E is to CF; and a para- bola be described upon the axis MA that shall have its vertex. in M and pass through O, OKH will be a portion of this parabola; and the area OKHC will be found equal to E X M4 Of the Figure of the Earth, Book I. x, SCD'XCO — CD3 4-CA3 , j- , ,1 . i- • JL X 3CDXCF ' °^" (according lo Uie notation in art. 655), to -^ X Li^. Therefore the jrravity at D to- wards such a splieroid will be measured by -j-< x yT^' ^ "'^ gravity at rf is to the gravity at D in the compound ratio of Cd to CD and of the density at d to the density at D, and conse- quently as Cd^ to CD\ Therefore if the gravity at D be repre- sented by Q, and Cd by z, the gravity at d will be represented Ly-^) the density at c? by -^9 and the gravity of the co- iumn DC will be measured by an area upon the base CD that has its ordinate at any point d equal to -^j- > and this area is equal to ^QEb. Any distance in the plane of the equator, as Cp, greater than CD being represented by d, and Vd^7 by a, 2i'aE 2i/-|-a . .,, the gravity at p will be measured by — ^ X - — - > as wili appear in the same manner. 671. In the same spheroid^yA* is to be taken to E as Cf to A/^ X CF ; and if L denote the logarithm of the ratio of DC to AC, the modulus being AC;, the area CkoV will be found equal ^^ ICF ^ CF* — 2ACXL j and the gravity at A towards the spheroid will be measured by — ^ x c' — 2aL. The gravity at a towards it will be to the gravity at A in the compound ratio of the density at a to the density at A and of Ca to CA, that is, as Ca^ to CA^. Therefore h' q denote the gravity at A, and Ca be represented by u, the gravity at a will be ^» and the density at a will be — ; consequently the gravity qF the column AC will be measured by ^ qlLa. 672. Let V represent the centrifugal force at D, arising from the rotation of the spheroid on its axis, the centrifugal force at Chap. XIV. its Density being supposed variable. 14^ ate? will be -^5 andj the density at rf being -^j the quantity to besubdiicted from the gravity ofthe column DC, on this ac- count, will be measured by an area on the base CDlh'.t has^ the ordinate at any point cif equal to -jp'^ "and this areabeino-. equal to ^ YEb, the gravitation of the column DC is f E^Q — I- EbV, or (supposing V to be to Q the gravity at D as I to m, as formerly) E6Q x "'~ • 673. If we now suppose (after Sir Isaac Newton's man- ner) the columns DC and AC to be fluid, and to sustain each other at C, we shall have bQ x -^^ equal to ~^j or b to a as 7 to Q X -^- But when the spheroid differs little from a sphere, Q and q may be considered as equal ; for by art. 67O and 67 1 (supposing CD to be equal to I -{- x, and CA to 1 — x), W will be to fl' as 4 X === or i -i — ? to - x cc—9^i » which last being likewise expressed by t, those terms only will be found different that involve the second and higher powers of a,'. Therefore ^ is to a nearly as 3m to 3m — 4, and b — a to b nearly as 4 to 3m, that is, as 4V to SQ. , And in this case the excess of the semidiameter of the equator above the semiaxis is greater than when the density is supposed uniform in the ra- tio of 16 to 15, the ratio of V to Q being supposed the same as that of V to D was before. Let Q be to V as 289. to 1:> as in the earth, and CD — CA will be to CD as 4 to 3 X 289, or as 1 to 216 I-,- consequently CD will be to CA as 2l6 I to 215 1. This hypothesis, therefore, of a density that de- creases as the distance from the centre decreases, might ac- count for a greater excess of the semidiametei of the equator abo^■« the semiaxis, than-'that which resirivs from the supposi- tion of- an uniform dens>ty', but it would not account for a greater increase of gravitation from the equator to the poles. For since the values of Q and q almost coincide in this case, it follows that the gravitation at the equator is to the gravity at VOL. II. / L th^ 146 Of the Figure of the Earth, Book I. the pole as Q — V to Q, or as m — 1 to m, that is, as 288 to 289 i whereas in the hypothesis of an uniform density, this ratio was that of 230 to 231. In Uke manner, by supposing the density to decrease in the same proportion as the cube of the distance from C, the ratio of DC to AC will be found to be that of 226 to 225, nearly, but the increase of gravitation will be less than in the former hypothesis. 674. It will be easy, from what has been shown, to measure the gravity at D and A towards a spheroid, when the depths from the surface being supposed to increase uniformly, the den- sity increases likewise uniformly, till at the centre it become any multiple of what it is at the surface ; and to determine the form of the ellipsis ADBE. Let L be taken upon CD produ- ced upwards, so as thatCL may be to LD as any number n to 1 ; and suppose the density at any point d to be always as hd. Let e denote the density at the surface, and ne will represent the density at the centre. In this case, we may conceive the density of the spheroid at any orb adbe, as the difference of the densities of a spheroid of an uniform density ne, and of another spheroid that has the density at its surface equal to «_i x e, and its density decreasing downwards in the same proportion as the distance from C, as in the preceding articles ; because the difference of those densities at any point d will be equal to ne — «_i X ~ X e or — j-^ Xe, or— X e, which re- presents the density at d of the spheroid ADBE that we are now considering; consequently the gravity at any point towards this spheroid ADBE is equal to the difference of the gravities towards those two spheroids at the same point. Therefore if P denote the gravity at D towards a spheroid of an uniform density represented by tie, and Q denote the gravity at D to- wards the spheroid, whose density at D is n— 1 X e, and at any other point d is asCc?; then P — Q shall denote the gravity at D towards the spheroid ADBE, and (CD and Cd being repre- sented by b and z as formerly) -^ — -rr the gravity at d towards it. The density at d is represented by ?ie — n^ X j » con- Chap. XIV. its Density being supposed variable. 147 consequently the gravity of the column CD will be measured by an area upon the base CD, of an ordinate at d equal to ^-f — ~ X ne — n — 1 x t> that is, by ^ x n+2 X P 646 ; and the value of Q is ^hae X "—^ X .-=": > t>y art. 67 0. -^- X Q- The value of P is — - x 7ie X -j-> by art, b^a'^ If it is required to determine the gravity towards this sphe- roid at any point p in the plane of its equator produced, de- scribe from the centre F, with a radius equal to Cp, an arch intersecting the axis in p, and the arch Fo with the same ra- dius from the centre p intersecting the axis in ; and the gra- vity at p towards the spheroid ADBE will be measured by •200^ X CA ^ FCo 2DCa X CA SCp+C/. jrr^ X -- X nc ^tP X ^^ \ X «- i X e. Ci^ Cp 3Cp Cp+C/^ 675. The centrifugal force at D being represented by V, the centrifugal force at d will be -^S and the density at d being ne «:rr X ~) the quantity to be subducted from the gra- vitation of the column DC, on account of the centrifugal force, will be measured by an area upon the base DC the ordinate at d being always equal to -^ «- 1 X -jj- ? and this area is ch\ X 2i^ (or supposing the ratio of the centrifugal force V to P — Q, the gravity at D to be represented by that of 1 to jfi\ e5 X ^~^ X — • Therefore the gravitation of the co- lumn DC, by subducting this quantity, is reduced to e6P X-^ X — — — "T" X o ~~~ ""„ 676. Leip denote the gravity at the pole A towards a sphe- roid of an uniform density represented by we, and q the gravity at A towards the other spheroid, the density of which in any column AC is as the distance from C; then p — q ^vill denote L2 the 148 Of the Figure of the Earth, Book I, the gravity at A towards the spheroid ADBE (the density of Avhich at any orb acIOe is supposed to be as hd), and by pro- ceeding as in art. (i74, the gravity of the cohimn AC will be found to be measured by — X „_^2 X p — -— X q. The value of ^ is ^—f- X cf— Cb X ne, and the value of q is b^ae X .^^ . X c^- — 2a'L, by art. 67 1. 1^77. .The supposition of the (Equilibrium of the columns DC and AG ffives us )6P X -~ 5Qx ■~^, equal to an — aq^ sT^' oiNbeing supposed equal to ^^j Z*P X ~ — i6Q X "'^" equal to ap •—• ^aq; and 5 to a as p — N<7 to - — X P — Q X -^-3 ; -so that b — a will be to & + a^ or (supposing Z> equal to 1 + .r^ and a to 1 — a:) x to 1, as p — P X to p + P — 2NQ, nearly ; because Q and q may be considered as equal, by what was observed in art. 673, and m is supposed to be a large number. From this it will be found (by substituting for p, V, and Q their values, from art. 674 and 676, and neglecting the terms where the index of x is greater than unit, and where x is divided by va) that —^ — N X «— i X x is equal to ^~> and (substi- tutmg for N its value jttt) ^ equal to -. x ,-= — . .„ , ■* The same value of x is found when n is a fraction ; that is/ ? being taken upon CE, when the density at the centre is less than the density at D in the ratio of /C to /D, and the den- sity at any point d is as Id. According as n is greater or less thaa tinit,ar is less or greater than „— ; for x is equal to g— Chap. XIV. its Density being supposed variable. 149 15 3,7+1 X «^T rrii r- .1 ■ ^ ■. ' — -r- X T ^ , „, I v; - 1 heretore the ratio of the centri- , Sot 1 7;.'« -|- J4'«-p43 fugal force at D to the gravity being given, the spheroid is found to differ less from a sphere, when the density increases to- wards the centre in the manner we have described above, than when the density is supposed uniform ; but to vary more from a sphere when the density decreases towards the centre. 678. The increase of gravitation from the equatoT to the pole is to the mean gravitation as p — ^^^ X P— -to ■T ^ ■'-mm p Q ■|P + ip — Q + "l^T"' ^^^^* ^^> '"* ^^^^ compound ratio of 1 to m, and of 2.5 X «+i^ + 20 to 17 x Jipi^ + 28 ; or in the compound ratio of 5 to Am, and of 1 -f 3 x " X " — } ^ ■ 17««-f.31.;-f-23 to 1 . Therefore the increase of gravitation from the equator to the poles is to the mean gravitation in a greater or less ra- tio than that of 5 to 4m (which is the ratio when the density is uniform) according as n is greater or less than unit ; that is according as the density increases or decreases towards the centre. And it appears from hence, and from the last article^ that no supposition of this kind can account for a greater va- riation from the spherical figure, and at the same time for a greater increase of gravitation from the equator to the poles, than the hypothesis of an uniform density ; if the columns AC and DC be supposed to extend from the surface to the centre, and be supposed to balance each other at C. 679. To mention some examples : if the density at the cen- tre be double of what it is at the surface, or n be equal to 2, the excess of DC above AC will be to the mean seinidiameter as 200 to 181 m; consequently in the earth (m being equal to 289) the semidiameter of the equator will be to the semiaxis as 262 to 261, and the gravitation at the equator to the'oravi- tation at the poles as 213 to 214. If n be equal to 3, the dif- ference of CD and CA will be to the mean semidiameter as 1 to m ; and in the earth the semidiameter of the equator to the semiaxis as 289 to 288 ; in which case the gravitation at the e<|uator will be to the gravitation at the poles as 20G to 207. L 3 if 150 Of the Figure of the Earth, Book I. If the density be as the distance below the surface, or the point L coincide with D, the difference of CD and AC will be to the mean semidiameter as 10 to 17 w; in the earth DC will be to AC as 492 to 491, and the gravitation at D to the gi'avi- tationatAas 196to 197. 680. Suppose the density to be uniform from the surface ADBE to the similar concentric orb adbe, and to be uniform likewise iVom adbe to the centre ; and the density within the orb adbe be to the density without it as 1 + t' to 1. In this case the increase of gravitation from D to A will be greater than in the hypothesis of an uniform density ; but supposing the columns AC and DC to sustain each other at C, and DC to be to dC as n to 1, then the excess of the semidiameter of the equator above the semiaxis will be to the mean semidiameter nearly in the compound ratio of 5 to 4m, and of «' + en^ + eri^ 4- ee to w' + eii^ + e«* + een^ + 3e X —5 — i which compound ratio, when e is positive, is manifestly less than that of to 4m (the ratio of the difference of CD and CA to the mean semidiameter when the density is supposed uniform); since 7ih necessarily greater than unit. This likewise holds, when there are three or more such orbs, providing the density be always greater within the orbs that are nearest to the centre, 681. Let us therefore now suppose the earth ADBE to be hollow with a 7iuclais Imnr included ; let the convex and con- cave elliptic surfaces ADBE, adbe that bound the external part be similar ; and first let Imnr be a sphere. Let CD be to Cd as fi to 1, the area of the sphere Imnr to the area of the sphe- roid ADBE as 1 to N, the centrifugal force at D to the gra- vity as 1 to m ; and the external part bounded b}- ADBE and adbe being supposed of an imiform density, if we suppose the columns Aa and Dd to gravitate equally, the excess of CD above CA will be to the mean semidiameter nearly in the com- pound ratio of on + 5 to 2a«N, and of ?i^ -t- n^ N — N to 2«* + 2w' + 2«^ — 3n — 3 — -j^ j and the increase of gravitation from the equator to the poles will be to £lie mean gravitation Chap. XIV. its Densiti/ being supposed variable. 151 j'ravitation nearly as 1 + o,,n,.Q» o q — ttTt X o" to w. la this cage the difference of the semidiameters CD and CA, and the increase of gravitation from D to A, may be both greater than when the density is supposed uniform, the ratio of 1 to m being supposed the same in both cases. For example, let n be supposed equal to 5, N to 45, and m to 289; then the semidiameter of the equator will be to the semiaxis as 180 I to 179 i nearly ; and the increase of gravitation from the equator to the poles will be -^ of the mean gravitation. \i Imnr be a spheroid(as is more probable), and y the focus of a meridian section of it, let Of be to the mean semidiameter of ADBE as 1 to r; and the rest remaining as in the former case, the difference of CD and CA will be nearly to the mean 1 • /-iT-v » <-i A « -+- 1 n^ 3n* betwixt CD and CA as 5 x ■■ ^— - x w^ — ^ + n — 2>7n X „« + « + ! to 2n* + 2k' + 2«* — 3/i — 3 — ^« This ratio may be computed from the same principles, when the density is supposed to increase or decrease from ADBE to adbe. But, because the hypothesis of the equal gravitation of the co- lumns Aa and J)d, as well as of an uniform density in the dif- ferent parts of every elliptic orb similar and concentric to ADBE, may seem precarious, we shall not insist on the con- sequences that would follow from such a constitution of the internal parts of the earth, as we have here supposed. If we suppose the density to be uniform in the different parts of every orb adhe that is generated by an ellipse, which has always the same centre and ybcMS with ADBE, but to vary in different orbs ofithis kind, the gravity at any point in CD or CA may be computed from the principles in art. 650 and ^59.. But the conclusions deduced from this hypothesis, when the density is supposed to increase towards the centre, agree no better with the phaenomena than those in art. 677 ^md 6/8. By imagin- ing the density to be greater in the axis than in the plane of the equator at equal distances from the centre, an hypothesis perhaps might be found that would account for most of the L 4 phseno- 152 Of the Figure of Jupiter, Book I. phaenomena ; but as this may seem to be an improbable suppo- sition, and it is not so easy to compute the consequences that would result from it, we shall insist on this subject no further. When more degrees shall be measured accurately on the me- ridian, and the increase of gravitation from the equator, to- wards the poles determined by a series of many exact obser- vations, the various hypotheses, that may be imagined concern- ing the internal constitution of the earth, may be examined with more certain t3^ We have always abstracted from any powers thatmay affect the gravitation, besides the mutual gra- .vity of the particles and their centrifugal force. . 682. The figure of the planet Jupiter is found to differ consider- ably from a sphere, by the observations of Astronomers, as well as . by this theory. By Dr. Poim^^'s observations, the distance of the fourth satellite is to the greatestsemidiameter of Jupiter as 26, 63 to ] , and its periodic time to the time in which Jupiter revolves on his axis as 24032,15 to 596. Therefore let N be to 1 in the compound ratio of the cube of 26,63 to 1, and of the square of 596 to 24032,15 according to art. 66O, and N will be found equal to 11,615. By continuing the series in art. 66O, one step further, the excess of the semidiameter of the equator above the semiaxis is to the mean semidiameter as 5 is to 4N + ? — mT^ + ^' ^''' ^^ ^^'""^ ^'1"''^ ^"^ ^^'^^ • *''^"" sequently this ratio is that of I to 9,8; and the semidiameter of the equator to the semiaxis as 10,3 to 9,S, the density being supposed uniform ; and this agrees with Sir Isaac Newton s computation. But the difference of thosesemidiameters, accord- ing to Mr. Cassini, is only -^-^ of Jupiter's semidiameler, and by Doctor PouncVs observations is betwixt ^5^ and --^ of it. Hence, according to what was shown in art. 677, the density of Jupiter seems to increase towards the centre. We have ab- stracted from the efiect of thegravitation of the fourth satellite towards the other satellites, and towards the atmosphere of Ju- piter (if there is any); but the difference betwixt this computa- " tion and the observations cannotbe imputed to these. Itis near- Chap. XIV. arid of his St/stem. 153 ]y the same ratio of the semidiameters of Jupiter that is foimd by computing from Dr. Pou;2(i's observations of the eiongatioa of the third satelHte. 683. If we suppose the density of Jupiter to increase from the surface to the centre, in the manner described in art. 674, so as to become quadi'uple at the centre of what it is at the surface; then, by art. 677^ CD being supposed equal to \ -{- x, and CA 210 to 1 — X, X will be nearly equal to rrr" ^J computing from what was shown at the end of art. 674, m will be nearly to N as w + 3. +, — - + lOx to i + 2;^ X „ + 3 + 5J^j^; and supposing n equal to 4, m will be equal to 12 nearly, x to rr--j and the semidiameter of the equator to the semiaxis as 13,4 to 12,4; which differs little from the mean ratio that re- sults from Dr. Pound's observations. 684. Sir Isaac Nezoton has found, that the mean density of Jupiter is to the mean density ol" the earth as 94 | to 400. If we suppose n equal to 4, as in the last article, the density at the surface of Jupiter will be to the mean density as 4 to 7, and. consequentljr to the mean density of the earth as 94 i to 700. The earth is therefore not only more dense than Jupiter, but there is some ground to think, from whathas been shown concerning those planets, that the ratio of the densities at their respective surfaces is greater than the ratio of their mean densities (or that of 94 I to 400), and that it approaches more towards the ratio of the densities of the rays of the sun incident upon them at their respective distances. 685. It cannot be expected that we should be able to disco- ver, by observation, the variation of the distances of the satellites from Kepler's law mentioned in art. 659-, For let z denote the distance of the first satellite as it is deterjnined by this law, from its periodic time, and from the distance and periodic time of the fourth satellite; that is, let the square of the periodic time of the fourth satellite'be to the square of the periodic time of the first, as the cube of the distance of the fourth to z^; let c denote the distance of ihefocus of the meridian section of Ju- piter 154 Of the Tides. Book I. piterfrom the centre; and the mean distance of the first satel- lite will be nearly z + ^^-^ >^ 75^ ^ which, when the density cc 1 is uniform, exceeds z by -— only, that is, by less than -■ ' part of Jupiter's semidiameLer; and this excess is still less when n is greater than 1, or when the density' is supposed to increase towards the centre. It would seem, therefore, that if there are any irregularities observed in the motions ofthose satellites, or in- deed in an}' of the celestial motions, they are not to be ascribed to the consequences of the variation of the figure of the sun or planets from that of perfect spheres, but to their gravitation to- wards one another^ or to some other causes. 686. We are next to apply the proposition demonstrated above from art. QSQ to art. 641 to the theory of the tides. It follows from it, that if we suppose the earth to be fluid, and ab- stract from its motion on its axis, and the inchnation of the right lines in which its particles gravitate towards the sun or moon, the figure which it would assume, in consequence of the imequal gravitation of its particles towards either of those bo- dies, would be accurately that of an oblong spheroid having its axis directed towards that body. For (^'g.296)let ADBEbeany section ofthe earth through the right lineDCEth at is supposed to bedirectedtowardsthesunatS; and what was shown concerning the inequality of the gravities of the earth and moon towards the sun in art. 47 1 and 472. being applied to the particles ofthe earth, it will appear, in the same manner, that any particle P may be conceived to be affected by two forces, besides its gra- vity towards the earth ; a force in the direction PC which the action ofthe sun adds to the gravitation ofthe particle P; and another in the direction PA", parallel to CS, by which the action ofthe sun draws the particle from the plane ArfB perpendicular to the right line SC at C. The former force is always as the distance PC; and if V represent this force at the mean distance d, then (PN and PM being perpendicular to AB and DE in N V and M respectively) it may be resolved into a force PN x j perpen- Chap. XIV. Of the Tides, 155 perpendicular to the plane AfZB and a force PM x t perpendi- cular to DE, which we now suppose to be the axis of this oh- 3V long spheroid. The latter force is PN x -j • Therefore if the gravity at D be represenled by D, and the gravity at A by A, CA and CD by a and b, as formerly ; the particle P will gravi- tate in the direction PN perpendicular to the plane A^B with a force -J X PN by art. 634, and the whole force, with which it will tend in that direction in consequ ence of its gravity and the other two forces, will be -j j- x PN. The particle tends in the direction PM perpendicular to the axis with a force - J X PM. The former force is always as PN the distance of the particle P from the plane Ac?B to which its direction is perpendicular; and the latter as the distance from the axis DE. Therefore by art. 640, if the whole force at A be to the whole force at D (that is, if A + --j- be to D -j-) as b\oa; the fluid will be every where in aquilibriQ. And any particle P will tend towards the spheroid in a direction PK perpendicular to its surface APDB, with a force that is always measured by the right line PK terminated by the axis DE in K. 687. Let L represent the logarithm of the ratio of CAto DF, or of the subduplicate ratio of 6 + c to 6 — c, the. modulus be- ing b ; and by art. 647, D will be to A as 2ff6L — 2a6cto bbc — aoL ; consequently Db will be to Aa as £6Z/L — 266c to bbc — aaL. Therefore if L — c be represented by K,D6 — Aa will be to D6 as 366K — ccK — ccc to 266K, or (because K is equal to ^ + ^ + — , Sec.) as |, + ^1^' See. to 1 + ^,, &c. And (because Db — Aa is equal to — ^ — x V, by the last article) '- — -— X V ib to D6 in the same ratio. Hence if we suppose h equal to J + J, and a equal io d — x, we shall find that 156 Of the Tides. Book 1. that .r is to d nearly as 1.5V to 8D, or, more nearly^ as 15V is to 8D — 9 y V ; and that the excess ol" CD above CA is to the mean semidiameter d, as 15V to 4D — 4 -H: X V. 688. The mean force, which the solar action adds to the jjra- vity ol' the moon in the quadratures, is to the gravity of the moon towards the earth at her mean distance, in the duplicate ratip of the periodic time in which the moon would revolve about the earth in a circle at her mean distance, by her gravity towards the earth only, to the periodic time of the earth about the sun. By diminishing the former of these forces in the ratio of the mean distance of the moon to the semidiameter of the earth, and increasing the latter force in the duplicate ratio. Sir Isaac Newton finds V to be to D as 1 to 38604600. There- fore the ascent of the water under the equator, in consequence of its unequal gravitation towards the sun, ought to be to the semidiameter of the equator as 15 to 4 X 38604600; and this ascent oua^ht to be about 1 foot 1 1 i^- inches; which almost co- incides with that which Sir Isaac founds by computing it brief-^ ly from what he had shown before concerning the figure of the earth. Hededuces the lunarforce from the solar, by comparing their effects in the syzygies, when they conspire together, with their effects in the quadratures of the sun and moon when these forces act against one other. The effect of the moon is much greater than of the sun, by common experience ; and by his computations, the lunar force is to the solar as 448 to 100. These effects (according to observations and his theory) depend upon the positions of the luminaries to one another, their dis- tances from the earth, their declinations from the equator, the latitudes of places, and the form and situation of the channels by which the tides are propagated to them from the ocean. 689. The ascent of the water, which was determined in the ]ast article, is that which would be produced under the equator in consequence of the solar force, if the earth was fluid, and had no diurnid rotation ; the gravitation towards the particles of the earth being supposed to decrease as the squares of the distances from them increase. But it does not follow, that the ascent of the water which arises from the solar action will be so great, if the oblong spheroid ADB£ be in a different situation, and Chap. XIV. Of the Tides. \5l its transverse axis be not directed towards the sun ; or when the whole mass (because of the constant figure of the solid parts) cannot assume the figure of such a spheroid. For the difference of CD and CA, that we have computed, proceeds not from the action of the sun only, but in part from the excess of the gravity at A above the gravity at D, which is owing to the spheroidical figure, and depends upon it. If the gravity had been supposed uniform in all parts of the surface, the ascent of the water would have not been above ~ X c/, which is less than -rrp X t? by — > or one fifth part of the whole ascent. When the transverse axis of the oblong spheroid is directed towards the sun, the solar force and the dimhiution of gravity at the extremi- ty of the transverse axis conspire together to produce the ascent of the water from A to D. But when DE the transverse axis of this oblong spheroid constitutes an angle with the right line CS, that joins the centres of the sun and earth, while the solar force endeavours to raise the water in this right line, the excess of the gravity at A above the gravity at D tends to raise it in a different part; and if by increasing the velocity of the diur- nal rotation, the transverse axis DE should become perpendicu- lar to CS, these causes would act directly against one another. 690. Sir Isaac Newton has shown that the lunar orbit (ab- stracting from its excentricity) ought to be an elliptic figure, having its centre in the centre of the earth, and the shorter axis directed to the sun, in consequence of the inequality of the gra- vity of the moon and earth towards the sun ; and, supposing it to be a perfect ellipsis, endeavours to determine the ratio of the second axis to the transverse, jarop. 28, lib. 3, Princip. In the same manner, if we should suppose the earth to re . olve on its axis with a sufficient velocity, the particles of the sea at the equator would describe figures of an elliptic form about the centre of the earth, and revolve as satellites, without gravitating on those beneath them; andDE the greater axis of those figures being perpendicular to CS,the greatest ascent of the water would beat Dand E. If we g.297) should suppose all the sections of the earth perpendicular to its axis to be ellipses of this kind similar 158 Of the Tides. Book f. similar to each other^ and the whole mass to form either an ob- late spheroid, such as would be generated by the semi-ellipsis ADB revolving about the second axis AB, or an oblong sphe- roid, such as would be generated by DAE, about the transverse axis DE ; then if the ratio of CD to CA was such, that (A and D being supposed to represent the gravities at A and D, as CA formerly) A — ^ x D should be to SV as CA is to the mean semidiameter, the whole force that would acton each particle P, resulting from its gravity and the solar action, would be di- rected precisely to the centre C, and vary in the same ratio as the distance PC. For CD being represented by b, CA by a, and the mean semidiameter by d, as formerly, let PN be per- pendicular to DE in N, PM perpendicular to AB in M, and Nj be taken uponNC in the same ratio to NC as D X a to A X ^6, join Vq, and produce it till it meet AB in Q. Then, by art. QS5, the gravity at P towards this spheroid will act in the di- rection PQ, and be always as PQ. Because N^ is to NC as Dtf to Ah, Cq is to NC, or CQ to MQ, as A5 — Da to Ab, or (by the supposition) as -^- to A ; that is, as the force by which the solar action endeavours to draw the water at A from the plane perpendicular to CS, to the gravity at A ; or as the force PA- by which the sun endeavours to draw the particle P from that plane to the gravity at P in the direction PN, by art. 634. Therefore CQ is to PQ as the force Pk to the gravity at P ; and the force which acts at P, compounded from the gravity and the force P/c, acts precisely in the direction PC, and varies in the same proportion as the distance PC. The other force which the solar action adds to the gravit}' is directed to C, and varies likewise as PC. Therefore the whole force that in this case acts on any particle P tends precisely to the centre of the spheroid, and is as the distance PC, And (by article 445) any particle Pin the plane of the equator issuing from any point P with a just velocity, would dcscrihe the ellipse ADBE accurate* ly, in the same time that a bod}' would describe a circle about C at the distance DC by the force D + j x V, or at any distance presented hy d + x, and ahy d — x) as d -\- -^ io d + nearly ; consequently, A5 is to Da as fi? + -r^ to c? + -^ / and Chap. XIV. Of the Tides. 159 distance CP by the whole force that acts at P : or if the earth was supposed to revolve on its axis in this time, the water in the canal EADB would move freely in this figure without gravi- tating on the bottom of the canal. 691. The ascent of the water in this case, or the excess of CD above CA, depends on the supposition that Ah — aD is to 0V6 as a to d, by which the whole compounded force that acts on any particle of the spheroid is reduced precisely to the direction PC, so as to be measured by PC. To determine this ascent, and the form of the ellipsis EADB, the distance of the focus from the centre being represented by c, A was to D as ^ "*" 5^7? ^^' *^ 1 + Ioij» ^^' ^y ^^^' ^^^' ^^ ^^ being re- b V rJ. t\ n and tke corresponding values of the square will be AA — 2Am 170 Of the Fluxiom Book 11. SAm + uu,AA, A A + <2Au + mt, wliich increase by the dif- ferences 2Am — nil, 2A?/ + uu, &c. and because those differ- ences increase, it follows from art. 704, that if the fluxion of A be represented by it, the fluxion of AA cannot be represented by a quantity tliat is greater than Q,Au + uu, or less than SAm — uu. This being premised, suppose, as in the proposi- tion, that the fluxion of A is equal to a; and if the fluxion of AA be not equal to Q.Aa, let it first be greater than 2Aa in any ratio, as that of 2A + o to 2 A, and consequently equal to SAct 4- oa. Suppose now that u is any increment of A less than o; and because a is to u as Q.Aa + oa to QAu + ou, it follows (art. 706) that if the fluxion of A should be represented by u, the fluxion of AA would be represented by Q,Au -\- ou, which is greater than 2 Am + uu. But it was shown, from art. 704, that if the fluxion of A be represented by u, the fluxion of AA cannot be represented by a quantity greater than 2Am + uu. And these being contradictory, it follows that the fluxion of A being equal to a, the fluxion of 2AA cannot be greater than 2Aa. If it can be less than 2Aa, when the fluxion of A is supposed equal to a, let it be lees in any ratio of 2A o to 2A, and there- fore equal to 2Aa — oa. Then because a is to u as 2Aa — oa is to sAm — on, which is less than QAu — uu (u being sup-i- posed less than 0, as before), it follows that if the fluxion of A was represented by w, the fluxion of A A would be represented by a quantity less than 2Ak — uu, against what has been shown from art. 704. Therefore the fluxion of A being suppose^ equal to a, the fluxion of AA must be equal to Q,Aa. 708. The fluxions of A and B being supposed equal to a and b, respectively, the fluxion of A + B will be a + b, the fluxion of A+B^ or of A A + 2AB + BB, will be 2 X 1C\^ x 7+7 or 2Aa + 2B6 + 2Ba + 2 A6, by the last article. The flux- ion of AA + BB is 2Aa + 2B6, by the same; consequently the fluxion of 2AB is 2Ba + 2A^; and the fluxion of AB is Ba + A6. Hence if P be equal toAB, and the fluxion of P be p, then p will be equal to B« + Ab, and dividing by P, or AB, we find p- = X "»"§• ^^^ — g 5 and ^r be the fluxions of Q, then Chap. I. of algebraic Quantities, 171 then QB = A,| + -r=jorJ=^ — ^; and consequent- T Qa Qb a Ah cB — Kb ^-^-r, « , •^ ^~X"~T — B~"BB°^ ~"bb~- ^^"en any of the quantities decrease, its fluxion is to be considered as negative. 709. If w be any integer number, and the sum of the terms E«-', E«-^ F, E«-^ F% E«-* F^ S^c. continued till their number be equal to n, be multiplied by E — F, the product will be E'* — F«. For the terms being formed by subducting continually unit from the index of E and adding it to the index of F, the last term will be F"— '. The product of their sum multiplied by E will be E« + E«-^ F + E«-^ F^ + EF»— ' ; their sum multiplied by — F gives — E«— ' F — £„_2 F* .... — EF«— ' — F« J and the sum of these two products is E» — F«. 710. Supposing E to be greater than F, E" — F^ will be less than wE«— ' x e — F, but greater than /iF*— ' X e — f. For each of the terms E«— % E'»— ^ F, E'*— ^ F^, &)C. is greater than the subsequent term in tlie same ratio that E is greater than F, and E»— ' is the greatest term ; consequently the number of terms being equal to n, /iE"— ' is greater than their sum ; and ?iE"— ' X E — F is greater than their sum multiplied by E — F, or (by the last article) greater than E'» — F". Because the last term Fi*— ' is less than any preceding terra, wF«— ' x e— F is less than the sum of the terms multiplied by E — F, or less than E» — F», 711. When n is any integer positive number, the root A be- ing supposed to increase by any equal successive differences, the successive ditfercnces of the power A'* will continually increase. For let A — a. A, A + a, be any successive values of the root, and A — a". A", a + «" will be the corresponding values of the power. But A 4- a" — A'Ms greater than wA«— 'b; as appears by substituting, in the last article, A + « for E, A for F, and a for E — F. In like manner wA"— 'a is greater than A" — A— o*. Therefore A~rS" — A** is greater than A" — a — J^, and the successive differences of tl'fe power continually increase. 712. Prop. 172 Of the Fluxions Book IL 712. Prop. II. The fluxion of the root A being supposed equal to a, ihefuxion of the power A" Zi)ill be waA"— '. For if the fluxion of A« can be greater than naAr-—^, let the excess he equal to any quantity r ; suppose o equal to the ex- cess of ^ A"—' +X, above A, and consequently ^-f.o«— * = na A«— ' + -^ • Then na x T+T"— ' will be equal to nflA**—* +r, the fluxion of A». Let u be any increment of A less than o ; and because a is to m as na X a + o"~* to nii X a + J^—^, it fol- lows (by art. 706), that if the fluxion of A be now repre- sented by the increment ^<, the fluxion of A will be represented "by nil X A4-o»— ' which is greater than nu X a-j-w**^*, and this last is itself greater than a -}- «*— ' — A«, by art. 7 10. But when the successive values of the root are A — w. A, A + m, those of the power are a + r A A^, a + u^, the successive dif- ferences of which continually increase ; consequently (by art. 704), if the fluxion of A be represented by u, the fluxion of A" cannot be represented by a quantity greater than a+ «" — A", or less than A'* — a + «". And these being contradictory, it follows that when the fluxion of A is supposed equal to a, the fluxion of A*^ cannot be greater than waA«— '. If it can be less than naA»— ', let it be equal to waA" — r, or (by sup- «— 1 posing o = A — '^ A«-*— »- ) to na X a^«-'. Then u na being supposed less than o, if the fluxion of A was represented by u, the fluxion of A** would be represented by 7iu X a — o«— ', •which is less than nu x a — »."— ' (because we suppose u to be less than o) and therefore less than A« — X'^I^'^by art. 710. But this is repugnant to what has been demonstrated from art. 704. Therefore the fluxion of A being supposed equal to a, the fluxion of A" must be equal to 72flA'*— '. 713. The Chap. I. of algebraic Quantities. 17S 713.Thefluxionsof— jorofA-, may be determined in the same manner : but these being comprehended in the following theorem, it is needless to consider them separately. We shall only observe that the lemma for determining the former is, that 1 J £'i prt when E is greater than F, — ■ — -r. or — is less than o 'f« E" E"F'* »£" — * , ,, . nE—nF i • i . , X E— F (by art. 710), or — x e — f which is less E"F" EF" than "I^-~\ but greater than "-^^ X eTTf (art. 710), and consequently greater than ~"_ T* ^^^ hence it may be demonstrated, as in art. 712, that when the fluxion of A is supposed equal to «, the fluxion of ^ is '^[77, the sign being negative because — decreases while A increases. We have supposed n to be an integer positive number in this and the last article. 714. Prop. III. Thejliixion of A being supposed equal to a, (he fluxion of A^i zvill ie — X ^ ~ , First, let the exponent - be any positive fraction whatsoever , ■m m n suppose An—K\ consequently A =: K ; and the fluxion of K being supposed equal to k, maA^—^ zz wA'K"—^ by art. 7 12, and 174 Of the Fluxions Book it. and k or the fluxion of ^^ will be eqflal to — — — r: ^- = - X aA'~ • When ^ is negative^ let it be equal to n — r — r; and suppose A r=K,or 1 = A''K ; then taking the flux- r— I ions (by art. 708)^ rA aK + khr — o, and k — =: — rA = - X ,. , a. r a n .n. 715. Prop. IV. Suppose P to he the product of any factors A, B, C, Jy, E, 4 f. {or P = ABCDE, 4^-.) ht the fuxions of P, A, B, C, D, E, be re^ptclixdy equal' to p, a, b, c, d, e, ^c. cnd^ mil Be equal ^^ x '^ b ^ c '^ d '^^* Let Q be equal to the product of all the factors of P, the first A excepted ; that is, suppose P =r AQ. Suppose R equal to the product of all the factors, the first two A and Bexcepted, that is, let P zn ABR, or Q = BR. In the same manner let R — CS, S := DT, and so on. Then, the fluxions of Q, R, S, T, 8^c. being supposed respectively equal to q, r,f, t, 8$c. it follows, from art. 708, that ^ =: ^ + ^ — (because ^ = - r\ a h r ,, r c s \ a b c s + mJ A + B + iT == ^^^^^^^^ R=G+?Ja + B + C+S , .9 d t\ a h c d f T = (because- ^p+^pjx + B'^c + D+TJ ^"*^ ^° *^"- Therefore ^ is equal to the sum of the quotients when the fluxion of each factor of P is divided by the factor itself. 716. It the factors be supposed equal to each other, and their number be equal to n, then P — A", and by the last pro- position Chap. I. of algebraic Quantities. 175 position p = ^ ; consequently^—'^ — naA"~^*y aswefound in art. 712. 717. Prop. Y.IfV - KLMx^c. ^^^ ^^^ fluxions of the re- spective quantities be expressed by the small letters, p, a, b c m A. J. J. ^ "ft') ^t yy ^i &c. as formerly, then | = ^ + ^ + i - i _ i^_ - ^^. For PKLM x S^c. - ABC x S^c. and, by art. 715, ^ k I m Q o b c p +K+L + M'*^'^*~A + B+C} ^'^' whence by trans- . . p a b c k In position- =- + - +-_-_-, ^c. 718. The fluxion of the logarithms being supposed invariable, the fluxions of any quantities N and M will be in the same proportion as these quantities themselves. For it is the funda- mental property of the logarithms, that when they are taken in any arithmetical progression, the quantities of which they are the logarithms are always in a geometrical progression. There- fore, the logarithms being supposed to increase by any equal differences, these quantities will increase or decrease by dif- ferences that increase or decretvse in the same proportion as the quantities themselves. Let A — a. A, A + a, be the respec- tive logarithms of N — n, N, N + n\ and B — a, B, B -j- a the logarithms of M — mM,M -\- m ; then because the logarithms increase by the constant difference a, n will be to w as N to N + w ,• m to m as M to M + m ; and n to m as N + « to M. Therefore when the quantities and their lo- garithms increase together, it follows from art. 704, that if the constant fluxion of the logarithm be supposed equal to its incre- ment a, the fluxion of N will not be greater than n, or the flux- ion of M less than m ; consequently the fluxion of N is to the fluxion of N in a ratio that is not greater than that of « to m, or of N + w to M. But if the fluxion of N could be to the fluxion 176 0/ t/ie Fluxions Bookll. fluxion of M in any ratio greater than that of N to M, as in that of N + M to M ; then by supposing n to be less than u, the fluxion of N would be to the fluxion of M in a ratio greater than that of N ■{• ?i to M. And these being contradictory, it follows that the ratio of these fluxions is not greater than that of N to M. In the same manner the fluxion of M is to the fluxion of Nina ratio that is not greater than that of M to N. Therefore the ratio of the fluxions of M and N is the same with the ratio of the quantities M and N. When the quantities decrease while ihe logarithms increase, the demonstration is the same. 719' Prop. VI. The fluxion of any quantity N w to the fluxion of its logarithm as N is to the modulus of the logarithmic system. For the quantities and their logarithms being suppossedto in- crease or decrease together, when the quantity increases or de- creases at the same rate as its logarithm, it is then equal to the 'modulus. Suppose this quantity to be M, and since the fluxion of N is to the fluxion of M as N is to M, by the last article ; it follows that the fluxion of N is to the fluxion of its logarithm as N is to the modulus. Hence if N := A«, e being any invari- able exponent, the log. N — e x log. A, consequently, the flux- ions of N and A being supposed equal to n and a respectively, ■r- ■=. -7—, and ;i rr -r = e\ „, We msisted on this, at N A ' A " ' some length, in chap. (). book I. 720. When the fluxion of a quantity is variable, it may be considered as a fluent; and its fluxion may be determined (which is called the second fluxion of that quantity') by the pre- ceding propositions. Thus we found in art. 707, that the flux- ion of A being supposed equal to a, the fluxion oi AA is 2Aa ; and if Abe supposed to increase at an unil'orm rate, or its flux- ion a be invariable, IR Isaac Newton, on some occasions,* represent- ed the fluents by capital letters, and their fluxions by the small letters that correspond to them. We followed this no- tation in the last chapter, in demonstrating the grounds of the operations. But it is convenient that the fluxions should be distinguished from other algebraic expressions, and in such a manner that the second and higher fluxions may be represent- ed so as to preserve the original fluent in view. In his last me- thod he represented the variable or flowing quantities by the final letters of the alphabet, as .r, y, z ; their first fluxions by the same letters pointed once, as by x, y, z', their second fluxions by the same letters pointed twice, as by x, y, z; the third fluxions by the letters pointed thrice, as by x,i/, z, and so on, where the number of points serves to show the order of the fluxion that is represented with respect to tlie first fluent; and the diflTerence of those numbers show of what order any of * Piincip. lib. ii. lemm. 2. N 2 then^ / , 180 The Rules in the Book \\, tlicui is the fluxion of lliose that precede it, as y is the first fluxion of I/, but the second fluxion of y. Mr. Leibnitz re- presented tl\e infinitely small differences of x, y, z, by dx, dy, ■dz ; their second difterences by ddx, ddy, ddz ; and their in- finitesimal difierenccs of any order n, by rf x, d y, d z. The symbol x, or dx, expresses the fluxion of x generally, without determining whether it is to be consid.ered as positive or nega- tive ; that is, whether x increases or decreases with respect to the other fluents. Invariable quantities arc reprcseuted by the first letters of the alphabet, as a, h, c, Sec. These have no fluxions ; and, in the same manner, when any fluxion is sup- posed constant, its fluxion vanishes. Sir Isaac JSezaton* has comprehended most of the rwles of the direct method in one general proposition ; but it is more usual to represent them separately ; and it may be of use to proceed gradually from tiic simple eases to those that are more complex. 724. I. When one simple fluent only enters each term of a compound quantit}^, the fluxion of this quantity is found by collecting the fluxions of each term, or by placing a point over each fluent. Thus the fluxion of x -\- y — '-z, is x ■\- y — z; the fluxion oi' ax '\- by — czis ax -{- by — qz. The fluxi- on of ax, or of ax -\- bb, is ax. This rule is obvious, and fol- lows from art. 701, or art. SQ, 41, and 78. 725. II, As the fluxion of xy is xy -^-yx (by art. 708 and 99), so the fluxion of a product of any two fluents is the sum of the several products when the fluxion of each factor is mul- tiplied by the other factor. Thus the fluxion of 'a-\-x X. T^ isx X T^ — y X rt-f.v =: xb xy-r^-ya — yx. As the flux- ion of az is fl^; so the fluxion of axy [& a x .Ty-f-j^x == xya 7^26. III. As the fluxion of the fraction- is -^—^ by art. 708, so the fluxion of any fraction is found by multiplying the fluxion of the numerator by the denominator, substracting the * See hi? Lemma H. to Prop. VIJI, Ub, II of Ki? Prin.ipia. product Chap. IL direct Method of Fluxiom. 181 product of the fluxion of" the denominator multiplied by the numerator, and dividing the remainder of the square of the de- nomuiator. Thus the fluxion of — r- is — ^ — ' — I -|- * fl; —1 — 1 • .r —2—1 — I X X X a' or — -, —2 X x x x er Qx, -~3X X X xoY-~3x; and the fluxion of -1 or x~" is — n XX X xov — ;-:-• The fluxions of surds are found X by expressing them as powers with fractional exponents. Thus the fluxion of -/^ or x^is-X.rl~ x x=-^x x~^x=^, <> 2 2xi ■ 3 — . i 1 »_1 . ^^j;. The fluxion of V x or x^ is- x x X x =■ ' N 3 : 182 The Rules in the Book II. - 1 - ^ f The fluxion of v' x orr isixj;^' y'x ^^ S\^xx .7 1 _1 . ; and the fluxion of « or x n is n n — 1 ^' n x "■ —l—tt 1 n ' XX j< r =: — .. — p-^— : — 1— ,— , Theflux- n — ?— . nx « -«— 1 a -f ion of a + x is 7« X a + a^ X :r; and the fluxion of • *4- m — I . n n — 1 . m m y. a-Y X xx x b -^^ x n y. b -{■ x xxxa-{-x is : ( . . . — " — M Vdividing the nui^ierator and denominator by b-\-x , / ■ • m 1 m mx X b -i- X X a + X nx X a + x . «4-i 728. V, As when jp := x x i/ x z X u, &c. or to this product multiplied by any invariable quantity K, it follows, from art. • • • . . • V X 2/ Z U ' PX 719, that -=7 + - + 7 + - &c. or that p - ^ + ^ ^^ ^^ &c. So the fluxion of any product divided by the product itself is equal to the sum of the quotients, when the fluxion of each factor is divided by the factor ; or the flux- ion of any product is equal to the sum of the several quantities that are formed, by substituting successively in that product the fluxion of each factor in place of the factor itself. Thus if/; = XJ/Z, Chap. II. direct Method of Fluxions. 183 xyz, then p —xyz +yxz + zxj/. If p = i + -* X M-7 x c + * then £ :r -^+ -l- + -1__. It> ztTT^", then ^ + -li. If p = .r + ^/J^r then £ - , ^^^ = — , ,/ ■ _ ' w • — = — '— * ^ =;• Hence if p + -/Ty, t i /^ '"^^ -h^ XV 4- 1 , then ^-=7 - ^— 729. VI. As when p — *^-^^'' Sec. it follows, from art. ^ — 5 X « X ^ 717, that£:=i+£+i-i-£-i &c. or p-^i + ££ + p X tf z s u t X y — — — — — — ^ &c. So when any fraction is proposed, if we divide the fluxion of each factor of the numerator by the factor itself, and from the sum of the quotients substract the se- veral quotients that arise by dividing the fluxion of each factor of the denominator by this factor itself, the remainder will be equal to the fluxion of the fraction divided by the fraction; or the remainder muItipUed by the fraction will give its fluxion. Thus \\ p ~ - — - ^ 7 : X ; — - ; then - — rr— + ' •T a — X D — X c — X ' p a -\- X a — x X X , * I ■'^ ^^* I ^^-^ I 2cjr + -r-x T 7 1 r 1 — r TT 1 ' b -\- X o — X c -\- X c — X aa .xx bb-xx cc-xx 730. VII. Any equation of this form ^^X^^ItTx^wX &,c. = o being proposed, the equation for the fluxions will be ic—r Xx—'s xi— «x &c. = 0. For since x must be equal to r, or to s, or to u, 8cc. x must be equal to r_, or to s, or U, 8cc. 731. VIII. Let L represent the logarithm of x, the modulus being equal tocr; then as L=:— - by art. 721, so the fluxion N 4 of 184 The Rules in the Book IT, of thelogarithm of any quantity is found by dividing its fluxion by the quantity itself, and multiplying by the modulus. If p — a"^ the fluxion of the logarithm of p is fP or 2££^ ^, ^ . ,.11 1 ' • nax may ^„ The fluxion of the logarithm ot j«y"' is --- + ~^. U p = 7X7 X np7 ^ c + z >^ Sic. then the fluxion of the logarithm of p is «/^ or (by art. 728) -^ + *^ + -^+ &c. This likewise follows from the property of logarithms, that the lo^ garithm of the product is equal to the sum of the logarithms of the factors; and consequently the fluxion of the logarithm ofj3 equal to the sum of the fluxions of the logarithms of the fac-- tors a + X, b + 1/, c -{■ z, that is to — -L. + .^^ + _fl. In the same manner the fluxion of the logarithm of , is the difference of the fluxions of the logarithms of x — a and a^ + a, and therefore equal to — : — - ~__:::: — — The fluxion X — a X -\~ a XX — xx ot the loofanUim or xi x &c. is 1- &c. 73'2. IX. A quantiiy that has a variable exponent, asj/J^, is called an exponential or percurrent * quantity ; and its fluxion is AT— I . 1 X ?/^' X log. j/+ »y j/. For if we suppose y^ zz-ii, then a by the properties of logarithms (art. 157) x X log. y rr log. u. And finding the fluxions by ait. 7*25 and 731, x X \og.y-{- _^X.r — Jfi consequently the fluxion of j/^, or «— — ,xlog. ij -f-.iL__— _ X j/^ X log. y -\- n/^— ' ?/.f In like manner the ' Aytu I.ij'-. it. 'k * V. Eaicrfon'.^ Fhuions, p. 14, Kx. !3. & 19 fluxion chap. II. direct Method of Fluxions. 185 fluxions are found of exponential quantities of higher de- grees. 733. X. The second fluxion is determined from the first flux- ion, and the fluxion of any order from that of the preceding order, by the same rules. It is often useful to suppose one of the variable quantities to flow uniformly, or its fluxion to be con- stant; in which case that quantity will have no second or liigh- er fluxion, and the second or higher fluxions of quantities that depend upon it will be expressed in a more simple manner. Thus the fluxion of x being supposed constant, the first fluxion of a." being nxjp , its second fluxion will be n x n— i xa* X ~ , its third fluxion n X « — i X « — 2 X x' x"~ ; and its fluxion of any order m will be « x n—i x ^"i x ^IIs X 8cc. x x"^ X ^~'"^ where the factors in the coefficient are to be continu-: ed till their number be equal to m. 734. The second or higher fluxions of quantities may be found (without computing those of the preceding orders) by particular theorems, as in the last example. Thus the fluxion of xj/ is .r^ + yi" ; the second fluxion of xt/ is therefore xy + •2^^ + xi/ ; its third fluxion is xj/ + 3xy -]- 3xi/ -{-xt/ ; and in general the fluxion of Xj/ of any order denoted by m is found by multiplying the fluxion of .r of the order m by j/, the fluxion of X of the order m — 1 by 7/, the fluxion of .r of the order 7n — 2 hy )/, and proceeding alwa3's in this manner (diminishing the order of the fluxion of a, and increasing the order of the fluxion of 7/ by unit), then prefixing to the several products the respective coefiicients of the binomial 1 + 1 raised to tiie power m ; the last term being the product of x by the fluxion of 1/ of the order m. If we suppose the fluxion of x to be constant, then the two last terms will give the fluxion of xi/ of the order re- quired : and if the second fluxion of .r be constant, the three last terms will give that fluxion of .ry ; and so on, \T'hen the fluxion of .r of any order r, and the fluxion of t/ of an}' order s, ai"e supposed constant, the fluxion of xi/ of any order m (sup- posing tn not to exceed r + s) is determined by this theorem. 735. In 186 Of the inverse Method of Fiiaions. Book II. 735. In the inverse method, it is required to find the fluent when the fluxion is given ; and the rules are derived from those of the direct method ; as the rules of division and evolution in algebra are deduced from those of multiplication and involu- tion. As when a fluent consists of a variable and an invariable part, the latter does not appear in the fluxion ; so when any flux- ion is proposed, it is only the variable part of the fluent that can be derived from it. If x represent any fluxion that may be proposed, the variable part of the fluent will be equal to x ; for supposing j/ to be any variable quantity, if a, -f ?/ could represent tlie fluent of x, then x + t/ would be equal to x, and 1/ — 0, or ^ would be invariable, against the supposition. But supposing K to represent any invariable quantit}-, then jr-f K may gene- rally represent the fluent of .r. If it be required to find such a fluent of x as shall vanish when x is supposed to vanish, it can be no other than x ; and if it be required that the fluent should vanish when .r is equal to any given quantity a, then b\^ supposing x + K to vanish when x becomes equal to a, we have af + Kr=o, or Kn — a; whence the fluent is x — a. In the same manner the fluent of — x may be generally repre- sented by K — X. When a fluxion, that is proposed, coincides with any of those vj^hich were deduced from their fluents in any of the preceding articles, the variable part of the fluent requir- ed must coincide with that which was there proposed. As di- vision in algebra leads us to fractions, and evolution to surds, so the inverse method of fluxions leads us often to quantities that are notknowu in the common algebra, and that cannot be expressed by the common algebraic symbols. In the following articles we will endeavour to give some account of the pro- gress that has been made in this method. 736. I. As the fluxion of ax-\-hi/-cz is ax + by-cz\ so, conversely, when any aggregate of quantities is proposed, each of which involves a simple fluxion that is not multiplied by any flowing quantity, the variable part of the fluent is found by sub- stituting in place of each fluxion its particular fluent ; or by taking away the points, or other fluxionary symbols. Thus the variable part of the fluent of ax-^by-cz is ax -{- bj/-cz. If it is required that this fluent should vanish when x vanishes, let 7/ he Chap. II. Of the inverse Method of Fluxions. 187 y be then equal to e, and z equal to /"; and the fluent will be ax + b X "p^ — ex 717. For the whole fluent may be ex- pressed by ax + by - cz + K, wliere K is supposed invariable. But, by the supposition, when x vanishes, this fluent vanishes, and is equal to be - cf -{■ K ; whence Krr- be + c/'; and conse- quently ax -i- by - cz + K is equal to ax -\- by - be - cz + cf, or to ax + b X y—e -ex z~f. 737' II. As the fluxion of x is nx ^^by art. 727, so, con- versely, when the fluxion proposed is the product of any power of a variable quantity multiplied b^ats fluxion,with any invaria- ble coefficient, the variable part of the fluent is found by adding unit to the exponent of the power, dividing by the exponent thus increased and by the fluxion of the root. Thus the vari- «—!-{- 1 . „_l . nx X _ able part of the fluent of w.r .r is , — , r—x^"■: and if f «— 1+1 Xx it is required that the fluent should vanish when x vanishes, it is then precisely .r ; but if it is to vanish when .r is equal to any given quantity o, the whole fluent is x — a . In general we may express it by x + K, where K may represent any inva- riable quantity. In the same manner the fluent of axx is ; + i; ,1 a X '• — + K r: - axx + K ; the fluent of ax^x is 2x 2 2 + 1. . 1 , • —2. ax '^ _j_ K n -ax"^ + K; the fluent of££, or ax x, is 3; ^ ■ x^ -2+1. , ^ ^+1 . ^^ '5_-f K =— f +K; the fluent of x^r is "^ ^ — 1 X ^ "^ ^^ J- K =: ""^^ -f K. The fluent of an aggregate of quantities of this kind is found by computing the fluent of each term se- parately. Thus the fluent of x'^x -{- axx + bbx is i x^ + |- ax^ + 66a- + K; the fluent of xxxa^x^, or of aaxx + Q.ax'-x + r\ 3 1''^ • ■ 'ft x' X is i a\i- + ~~ + '-J. The fluent oi x^x X x+a. wlien 188 Of the wverse Method of Fluxions. Book II. vhen n is an integer, is found by raising x^a to the power n, multiplying each tenn by x^^x, finding the fluent of each se- parately by this nile, and collecting them into one sum. The variable part of the fluent is assignable in all those cases, un- — 1 less when the fluxion £ or xx is involved in one of the a- terms, of which case we are to treat afterwards. 738. III. As the fluxion oi xy is xy + yx, by art. 725, so when any proposed fluxion can be resolved into two terms of this form, where there are two fluxions, each of which is sepa- rately multiplied by the fluent of the other, then the product of the two fluents is the variable part of the fluent recpiired. Thus the fluent of hz — uz — au — zu, or zxT^" — uxT^z is b—u xl^7 + K. In the same manner, when a fluxion can be re- solved into three parts in the form xyz + yxz + zxy, where there are three fluxions x, y, z, and each of these is separately multiplied by the product of the fluents of the other two fluxions, then xyz the product of the three fluents is the vari- able part of the fluent required. These theorems are easily continued from art. 728. 739. IV. The fluxion of exz-\-zx, where e is supposed to . be invariable, is not of the same form with any of those in the preceding article, but by multiplying it by r , the pro- duct exx z + zx is easily reduced to the fust of them, lor supposing y — x , exx ;:+:-r nj/.s -f zj/, the fluent of which 1? yz^ or zx ; which is therefore the fluent of exz -\- zx X J'^ '. In the same manner, if eryz -\-fyxz-\-zxy be multiplied by x 7/ , the fluent of the product will h6 of y z. And wlien the fluxion exyzu-\- fyxzu -\- gzxyu -f* ■)ixyz is multiplied by .1 y z , the fluent is x y z^ u ; and so on. It follows from the first of these, that when un equation exz -f- zx — ar x is proposed, the equation for Chap. II. Of the inverse Method of Fluxiom. .189 for the fluents is zx^ 4- K — , x ax^ •. p,nd in this manner the fluents in art. 540 were found. 740. V. When i - £ 4. i! + i -f- Sec. then we may p X y z -^ conclude thatp is the product of r, ?/, z, Sec. and of some in- variable quantity K; for this fluxional equation will arise (by art. 728) when we suppose p r= K ay: X S^c. If £. — * -J- p X ^ 4- - — L — - &c. then we may conclude that p — !^.^-^.- y ^ z s u ^ ^ su X &c. Thus if .£ — — f^ 1^. we may conclude that « = K X ^:-^. liii-'lk.jL.'i (e, m and n being sup- *• + * p X * y Oi posed invariable), then j3« = K x'^y'^. 74 1 . VI. A fluxion that is hot proposed under any of the pre- ceding forms may in some cases, by a proper substitution, be changed into an equal fluxion that will appear under one or more of them; and thus the fluent may be discovered. The fluxion % z y^a-\-z is not immediately comprehended under any of the preceding forms when m is a fraction, or any negative number. But by supposing x ■=■ a-\- z,oxz-=.x — n. and consequently z .=: x^ and z = x — a the proposed flux- ion is transformed into XX Y,x — a ; the fluent of which is found by raising x — a to the power of the exponent n, mul- tiplying each term by .r x, and computing the fluent of e,acli product separately by art. 737. 742. The fluxion x x x c-h/^" being proposed; suppose e -f/r" = z, and '"-±^ - r- then a« = IZZ^ , x" -^ * - «j -4- 1 -■ ~- 1 " zz ■ •~ ~> and (by taking the fluxions) m-\-l X m X X IQO Of the inverse Method of Fluxions. Book If. 1 X .r = y^ X z — e X z. Tlicrefore the fluxion that was r-l proposed will be equal to " w /v X ^ — ^ X zh — m + 1 X/ * / f 1 IL- y^ 2 g • consequently the fluent is found by raising 2 — e to the power of the exponent r — 1, multiplying each terni of this power by zz^, finding the fluent of each product separately by art. 737, and dividing the sum of these fluents by nO\ This fluent is assignable in finite terms when r or *" "*" \ •^ n is an integer (unless / be of such a value as to give occasion to the exception mentioned above at the end of art. 737), and will consist of as many terms as there are units in r; because this is the number of terms in the power of z — e of the exponent r — 1 , For example, the fluent of i'"x X <^-\-f^^ is assignable in alge- braic terras equal in number to m-^-l, when m is any integer and positive number; for in this case n:zz\ and rzzm'\-\. The fluent o^ x^x%e-\-fx'^ is assignable in finite terms when m is any odd positive number; because in this case «=2, and r ■=. "' "^ zz ^ which is an integer when m is an odd posi- tive number. The fluxion x^x »/ex +/rr — x ^ x X ^ , r^' ; and consequently the fluent is assignable when in-\- — is an integer positive number, that is when m is equal to any fraction of this series — _, -, -, -, &c. The fluent of xx i 2 2 2 2 • k X e -\-fx s 1 is assignable in finite terms when s -|- 1 is any mul- tiple of A:; for in this case r (or _ -}- 1 divided by _ ) is equal to UlL, and is an integer when 5-f- 1 is a multiple of k. 743. The Chap. II. Of the hiterse Method of Fluxions. ig\ 743. The same fluxion x x x ^ +fx (multiplying the first part .r"' j: by j: , and dividing the other part e-\-fx by the same x , by ^vhich their product is not altered) is ex- pressed by xx"* X ex "-\-f . As the value of r taken from the first expression was '-~~, so its value computed from the se- cond expression is -3;^ — * Therefore the fluent is assignable in a finite number of algebraic terms^ not only when ^^ is an integer and positive number^ but likewise when "' _ "^ is such a ninnber. Thus the fluent of x X ^4"^" "isassignablein a finite number of terms when k is integer and positive, whatever number be reprciented by n ; for in this case ?n — o, l— — k — - ~-—j—, ''/+ 1 -—7>k, and -i:^ rr- ^- •744. ^\^hen the diflerence or sum of two fluents is invariable, their fluxions arc equal, as we observed in art, 735. And hence when the same fluxion is represented by two diflferent expres- sions, as in the two preceding articles, there may be some dif- ference betwixt the fluents that arc derived from them bv the preceding rules; but by the addition or substraction of an inva- riable quantity, they will be found to agree with one another. Thus, for example, the fluent of x x «+*'l~^ is (by art. 737) ^X o 4-x — -i-. The same fluxion is equal to x~~^ x y ~ |— 2 ax -f 1 ' , and the fluent of this fluxion (by the same ar- ticle)isi: 'l^J!ll±l :^JIi_Jll -, -' —2 The latter fluent vanishes when x vanishes. The former ~^, by adding the invariable quantity K, becomes IQ'i Of the inverse Method of Fhixi&ns, Book IT. 1 K -{"^nr;:; and if we suppose tliis fluent to vauisli when x va- nlshes;, K +7T^ = o^ K = — -, and the fluent will be ■~^+^-i-v. — — ,— . —I ===, which coincides with the latter fluent. 745. VII, Wlien a fluent cannot be represented accurately in algebraic terms, it is then to be expressed by a converging sericsj or by a more simple fluent that is already known. In di- vision in tlie common algebra(and in decimal arithmetic) the fjnotient is often such a series. Let—- be the fluxion propos- ed ; and if we divide a by a x by the usual method, we shall find the quotient or -— —\-\- - -\ 1 + 77 &c. Hence - ^ ; ■ — X -|" "T "^ — a^ ^ "Ts" ^^' ^^^ ^^^^ fluent of ^_^ - XX, x'- X is equal (by finding the fluents of the terms x, -^ —^, &c. X^ X^ X^ separately from art. 737) to the series ^^^ + 2J + i^^ + 4^ 4- &c. which may be of use for determining the fluent when .1' is very small in respect of a ; because, in that case, a few terms at the beginning of the series will be nearly equal to the value of the whole. This series gives us the logarithm of ^^ the modulus being supposed equal to a, by art. 731. For if we suppose — = r, then - — =i-, by art. 7*28, and the fluent A ^ a—x a — X z of—— is equal to log. z or log. ., or to — log. a — x. aa *■* *■* *^ 746. In the same manner — ; — — \ — -r +^ — "^ aa-\-xx 0.0. X • n c ' ■*^"''^ ^^'"^ &c. and the fluent of — 1- is the fluent of .r — TT +^ aa-\-xx Ghap. II. Of the inverse Mtthod of Fluxions. 19S — ^ &c. that is (by art. 737), ^ — ^» + ^ — ^s &c. Be- cause the fluxion of the arch is to the fluxion of its tangent in the duplicate ratio of the radius to the secant (by art. 195), it follows that if the radius be a, the tangent x, and consequently the secant equal to */aa-\-xx, the fluxion of the arch will be equal to j~^ ; and the ark itself will be expressed by the se- ries T- g + ^-^ &c.or z X 1 - 3~ + ~~i, &c. This series was given by Mr. James Gregorj/ for computing the arch from its tangent. Comnur. epistoL I671. Dr. Halley has computed the ratio of the circumference of the circle to its diameter from it, by supposing x to be the tangent of an arch of 30 gr. in which case the tangent x is to the secant '/aa -{-xx as 1 to 2, and consequently x to cr as 1 to -v/?; so that the arch of 30 gr. is the product of -TT multiplied by the series 1 — . g + — — 189 "^ 7^ ^^* ^^^ ^^^ whole circumference to th€ diameter as vTS multiplied by this series to miit. This series may be represented by 1 — ^ + ^ _ ^ 4. ^_L ^ -- — — - Sec. that the law of its continuation may appear. 747. In like manner, when the roots of powers are extract- ed by the usual rules in algebra, the root is often expressed by a series of this kind. Thus : Vaa—xx = a — ,~ — g-5 — * * „ .1 • . • **Af x^x x^:t ^-^ &c. consequently I- >/ aa-xx -ax— — — — — .^ &c. Therefore the fluent of x >/ aa—xx is (by art. 737) ax — ? TTT-i — TTTn — ,,-0 n ^^' And if C A the radius of the circle be represented by a, upon which CP(^'g. 298) be taken from the centre C equal to x, CB and PM perpendicular to CA meet the VOL. II. O circle CBMP X Va • = ax — ,r3 = W XX " 6^ — + *5 8ai + x7 16aS &C. — x3 3^ + 194 Of the inverse Method of Fluxions. Book If. circle in B and M; then the area CBMP will be expressed by this series; for PM = aa-xx, the fluxion of the area CBMP (art. 107) equal to PM X x — x */ aa—xx: and consequently the area CBMP equal to the fluent. Let MN be perpendicu- lar to CB in N, and the area BMN = CBMP — CP x PM „ &c. 748. Because the fluxion of the arch BM is to x the fluxion of its sine MN or CP, as CB to PM, that is, as a to »/ aa~xx, the fluxion of BM is expressed by — ^I— = -}}t'EEl- Vaa—xx a,i—xx (dividing the series which expresses Vaa—xx by aa — xx) x + ^ -I- -^ + T^ + &c. consequently the arch BM is equal to a- + -^ + 40^ + i7^ ^c- - ^' + 23^ ^ -^ + f^^ X — 4- -^ X — 4- &c. where A represents the first term x, B the second term — , C the third tenn, and so on. "It is useful to represent a series in this manner, that it may be easily continued to any number of terms, and the fluent com- puted to any degree of exactness that may be required. Let the arch NS described from the centre C meet CM in S, and KS will be to BM as CN to CB, that is as \/aa~xx ^o a ; con- sequently, if the series which expresses BM be multiplied by the series wnich expresses — ^ viz. ^ — -^r—^^ rk, ^^-^ t^-^e Pi^oduct X — :^ _ ?il _ '^^ &c. will represent the ark NS. Therefore MN— NS = ^^ + ff 3 2a* 8d* 5?f5 fly-? , ^iL- &.C. And the area BMN is to CB X mIwNS as x3 Chap. II. Of the inverse Method of Fluxions. IQS r^ + To^ + 6S7s ^^- *^ 3^ + TTaT + To5^ &c, or as 1 + ^x + ISt &c. to 1 + g + |1 &c. This ratio by substituting ^ instead of - coincides with that which was given in article 655, without a proof, as the ratio (fg. 294) of the segment FCO to CD X CF— CS. 748. Sir Isaac Newton's binomial theorem is of excellent use for extracting the roots of powers, or reducing a quantity to aseriesof this kind ; and, having made no use of this theorem in demonstrating the rules in the direct method of fluxions, we may the rather give an investigation of it from art. 727 . Let it be required to find 1 +.r , where n may represent any integer, number, or fraction, whether it be positive or negative. It is evident, from what is shown in the common algebra concern- ing powers and their roots, that the first term of any power of 1-\'X is 1, and that the subsequent terms involve x, x% .r', x*, &c. with invariable coefficients. Suppose, therefore, l-{-x ~ 1 + Ax + Bx' + Cx' + Bx* + &.C. where A, B, C, D, &c. represent any such coefficients. By finding the fluxions (art. -rt— 1 727) nx X l+x = Ax + 2Btx + sCj^x + 4Dx'x + &c. and, dividing b}; 7ix, we have i ^-x :=: — -f- — 4- "-7- + — ^ + Sec. And since this equation must be true, whatever the value of x may be, it follows by supposing X = (or because the first terra of T+~a'"~ must be 1), that - = 1, and A = n. By taking the fluxion of the last equation, -——n—^ . ' 5Bx 6C.r.r . 12D;r»r n— 1 X l+x X X = — - + — + . 4- &c, ' ■ « n ijt ' -n— 2 2B and dividing by w — 1 X xj we have l+x rr - —- — 1. nxn—X ~ 2 ecAT »x>j— 1 196 Of the inverst Method of Fluxitns. Book II. ■ . -J. + nxn—i "^ ^*^* ^"^" "3' siipposmg X = (or because the first term of any power of 1 + -r must be 1), " = 1 or Jj — n X -g— By taking the fluxions again, we find «— T x n— 3 V • 6Ci J 240;^^ . n-3 _ iJLx ^ X — ^-= H == gcc. and l + x ~ • nxn — 1 nX"— I 6C , 24DAr , 2, „ .V . 6C _|_ — - — — -\- &c. SO that — «X«— IX"— 2 nx«— lX«— 2 nx«— IXn— 2 1, or C — n X -Y' ^ "i~ ' ^^^ ^° °^*- Therefore T+T"' = 1 + nx 4- « X -^— X a- + ?i X -^— X -^— X j,'^ + &c. And a -{- b =:a + b X «» = 1 +- X tt" 1= (by substitut- mg - lor X) a + + « X -ir X — r- + ;< x —r- n — 2 a"i3 n « — 1, « — 1 „ o X -3- ,X —^ 4- &c. = a + ?m b + n x —^ xa 6 * -f w X — g- X —J-- X a"~ 6' + Sec. which is the binomial theorem. 749- "En the same manner if we suppose a+ox+cxx-\-dxi k'c^ =:^ + Ba: 4- Ci* + Dx^ &c. b}^ supposing x = a, we have A-=tt . By faking the fluxions, and dividing by x, we shall find a + bx + cxx &.C. X nb + 2iicx + otidx"- Sic. rr B 4- £Cx + SDx^ + &c. and by supposing x =: o, we have B = na"~ b. By taking the fluxions again, dividing by Q.x, and then supposing X = 0, we shall find C rr w x ^^^ X a*~^bb "^ na*^ c. And by proceeding in the same manner, we may in- vestigate the other coefficients D, E, 8cc. in Mr. De itf o/rre's theorem for raising a multinomial to any power of the index n. Of Chap. II. Of the i7iverse Method of Fluxions. 1S7 Of this the reader will find a fuller account in the Philosoph. Trans. n. 230, otMiscel. Analyt. pi 87- There are sev'eralother methods by which these theorems are investigated, but we have described that which is immediately suggested by the method of fluxions, and will be of use afterwards in other enquiiies. 750. When any fluxion i-P is proposed, and P is any quan- tity that can be expressed by any powers of x and invariable quantities, the value of P can be resolved into a series by these theorems ; and each term being multiplied by x, the fluent of each may be found separately by art. 737, such excepted as are of the same form with Aa'x~ . Thus to find the fluent of a:"^r x c •fyi" , it is first transformed by supposing 2 — e 4*/^" into —r X ~ — t''"^ (as in art. 742) r= (by the binomial theo- rem)— x z — r — 1 x 2 e + r — Ix'-^x^ fe-&c. nf . 2 . ■ ,1-'- '+'■ consequently the fluent is the product of L^mulfiplied by 1— r— 1 l-X-r—l , . r— I ', r—2 ' I+r—2 xz e 4* —9- X ., ^ • Xz ee &c. /+r— 1 '"^ - * 2 l+r—2 which (by restoring c + /a," for z, supposing / 4* r =:. s, and 7-;/ — 71 =■ py will be found equal to — ;_ x « + A'^ ^ — nj^r ■ T — 1 eA r — 2 *c? r — 3 eC „ > . . . X — A — X -rr X -r— &c. where A re- s_l yx« ^ s— 2 /;i" s— 3 ./j:»* presents the first term, B the second, C the third, and so on. This series was given long ago by Sir Isaac 'Sezcton, Com-. mtr. cphtol. And in his Treatise of Quadratures he has shown how to assign the fluent of !rP in a series,-when P is the product of a J^ hx^ + CI'*'' See. multiplied by x'^, and \>y any multi- nomial c + fx'^ + go:^" + hx"'^ 8cc. raised to a power of any exponent I; or when P is equal to the product of those quanti- O 3 ties 198 Of the invetst Method of Fluxions. Book 11. ties multiplied by k + 1 j:'» + m x^ &c. raised to a power of any exponent k. De quadrat, curvar. prop. 5 & 6. 751. The follo^ving theorem is likewise of great use in this doctrine. Suppose that ?/ is any quantity that can be expressed by a series of this form A + Bz + Cz^ + Dz^ 4 &c. where A, B, C, &c. represent invariable coefficients as usual, any of which may be supposed to vanish. When z vanishes, let E be the value of y, and let E, E, E, 6cc. be then the respective values of y, y, y, &c. z being supposed to flow uniformly. rp, „ Ez Ez* Ei3 Ez* Then 3^ = E + — + r + + + z lx2i^ 1x2x323 1x2x3x42* &c. the law of the continuation of which series is manifest: for since 3/ = A + Bz + Cz^ -\- Dz^ + &c. it follows that when z = 0, A is equal toy; but (by the supposition) £ is then equal toy; consequently A = E. By taking the fluxions, and dividing by z] i: = B + sCz + SDz* + &c. and when z 2 = Oj B is equal to ^ j that is to _ • By taking the fluxions z z again, and dividing by z (which is supposed invariable) ^ = z* 2C + 6Dz + &c. let z — o, and substituting E fory, - — z* 2C, or C ~ -^. By taking the fluxions again, and dividing by 22 . " E z, — — QJ) ^ Sec. and by supposing z — 0, we have D = -r-. z^ Si} Thus it appears that y = A + Bz + Cz^ + Dz' + &c. = Jt' + -T- T ^ — V — ^ T : r occ. 1 his pro- I lX2z- 1X2X323 1x2X3X1-4 ^ position may be likewise deduced from the binomial theorem. Let Chap. IT. Of the inverse Method of Fluxions. 199 Let BD Cfg.Q.99), the ordinate of the figure FDM at B, be equal to E, BP = z, PM = y, and this series will serve for resolving the value of PM, or ?/ (some particular cases being excepted, as when any of the coefiicients E_, -7-^ -r~> &c. become infi- z z^ nite), into a series, not only in such cases as were described in the preceding articles, but likewise when the relation of y and z is determined by an affected equation, and in many cases when their relation is determined by a fluxional equation. This theorem was given by Dr. Taylor, method, increm. By sup- posing the fluxion of 5; to be represented by BP, or 2 = z, we • F" P P have y = E+fi + -2- + -6'+24r'*' ^^- (^^ '^^''^^ observ- ed in art. 155):, and hence it appears at what rate the fluxion of y of each order contributes to produce the increment or de- E E E crement of y, since ?/ — E=:E + '2- + -g-' + 2^ + &c. If Bp be taken on the other side of B equal to BP, then pm— A — B2 + Cz* — -Dz^ + &c. = (the same quantities being re- P P presented by - , -;-,. g^c. as before, or the base being supposed to flow the same way) E r + lX2z^ :: 4 8cc. consequently PM + pw = 2E + IXSXSX'^i lx2z' :: 4- 2Ez . o r- + &C. lX2X3Xt^ 752. The area BDMP, or the fluent oiyz, is equal to the a *. c X}' I Ezz . Ez'^z . Ez^z fluent of Ez + -r~+ r- + + &c. that is (be- 2. Ix2z* Ix2x3z^ ^ cause while this area is generated by the ordinate PM, the O 4 quanti- 200 O/tJiC inverse Method of Fluxions* Book II. . . _ e" E „ . . , , ^ T^ Ez* ciuantities E, t j t- > &c. are invanable) to E? H r + * 12* lX2i + &c. wliich theorem is not materi- 1X2X3^' lX2X3X4i* ally different from Mr. BernouilWs Act. Erud. Lips., 1694. Ei* F ' In the same manner the area BDw^ = Er — r + f.z^ . Ez lx2z Ix2x3i' Ea4 -77 &c. where a is supposed to be the same as in tb e lX2X3x4z' former case; therefore the area PMw/> bounded by the ordi- nates PM and pm, that are at equal distances from BD (or E), :: $ 2Ei5 9 Ej: on opposite sides, is 2E2 + n + rr + &c, and ^^ 1x2x32^ lX2X3X4X5s* is equal to the rectangle contained by the base Pp (or 2r) and 1 • -n . Ez . Ez .0 the series h H r, + r- + &c. 2x3x« SxSXIXaz" 753. The series for finding the number of a given logarithm may be deduced by the theorem in art. 751. Let z represent the logarithm of ^, the modulus being represented by M; and since^ =: ~ by art. 73 1, it follows that?/ = ^> 3/ = ^—- • i :. • • » ;^3 :: •• • 3 '4 • :::: ~) V rr ^^-^ =: — > V = -^^ — —5 and so on, M* -^ M^ Mi "^ M3 M+ When z =■ 0, then 3/ rr 1 : therefore we are to suppose E =: 1, i^=i^'E=S^'^ = S^'^=S^' consequently, by the theorem, 3^ = 1 + ^ + sS^ + 6-mT + ii^ •^ &c. The same series is found by supposing y = l 4* -Az 4* Bz* •{• Cz^ 4" Dz* 4" Sec; and therefore My rr yz r= z 4" Azz •!* Bz* 2 4" Cz' 2*4" &-C, consequently by finding the fluents,My (or M Chap. II. Of the inverse Method of Fluxions. 201 M J^ AM2 + BM2^ + CM2^ 4- &c.) = K 4*2 4- -|^ •* ?|! ^ _1 1^ &c. and by comparing the terms of those two values of My that involve the same powers of 2, K r: M, AM = lorA = ±,BM = torB = A, CM = | or C = Ij. and so on ; therefore y = 1 -I* -^ 4* 7^ 4" gJjT "^ ^<=- % supposing z = M, y — \ ^ 1 4" t •!- | 4" 2V •!• rio 4* &c. = 2, 7182818, &c. The ratio of this number to unit is that which Mr. Cotes calls the ratio modularis, the modulus beins: always the logarithm of this ratio in any logarithmic systeiUo See art. 175- 754. In the same manner the series for finding the cosine, when the arch is given, is deduced from the theorem in art.7dl. Let the arch BM = z, and its cosine PM =r y, then because V : z : : CP : CM : : V^^- : a, t :=, ±± %L =^ and so on. When the arch BM vanishes, or z "^-o, PM rz CB = a ; supposing therefore E r= a, substitute a for ?/ in those va- lues of y,y,y, &c. in order to obtain E, E, E, &c. and ^ Thereforey = E 4* j- 4* |jr 4- &c. = « — g- ^~ 2.6 — 72Qfl5 4* &c. If we suppose BM still equal to Zy but its right sine MN now equal to y, the same equation ~- r: ^~^ will express the relation of y to r, and the values of y, v, &c. will SOS Of the inverse Method of F/iixiotis. Book II. will be the same as in the former case : but because when BM vanishes, its sine MN likewise vanishes, we are now to sup- pose E rr o, and to substitute o for ?/ in the values ofy, y, y. Sec. in order to obtain E, E, E, &c.; therefore, in this case, rz — ^) h = o, &c. And y r: a3 aS E rr 0, — z^ ?.7 6a^ ' 120a4- 5010flfi + See. If y represent the tangent of the ark z, then (as in art, 746) -4- — flt^^^ and suppos- ing R r:i o (because y vanishes with ::), and, proceeding as before, we shall find y =r s + |i + y£i + i^ + &c. \i y represent the secant of the ark z, then y : z :: y V yy—aa : fl«, and supposing E rr cr, because the secant becomes equal to the radius when the ark vanishes, it will be found thaty rr ^ + 2^ + 24^ + 720^ + ^^' ^" "^^^ ^^'^^ manner ge- neral theorems are found for the reversion of series, such as are given by Sir Isaac Nezoton, Commerc. Epist., in his letter of October I676, towards the end. We now proceed with our account of the inverse method of fluxions ; but will have occasion to return to the doctrine of series afterwards, and to show further the use of the theorems in art. 7j1 and 753. CHAP 203 CHAP. III. Of the Analogy hetzoixt circular Arches and Logarithms, and of reducing Fluents to these, or to hyperbolic and elliptic Arches, or to other Fluents of a more simple Form, when they are not assignable in finite alge- braic Terms. 755. vV HEN it does not appear that a fluent can be assigned in a finite number of algebraic terms, we are not, therefore, to have recourse immediately to an infinite series. The arches of a circle, and hyperbolic areas or logarithms, cannot be assigned in algebraic terms^ but have been computed with great exactness by several methods. By these, with algebraic quan- tities, any segments of conic sections and the arks of a parabo- la are easily measured ; and when a fluent can be assigned by them, this is considered as the second degree of resolution. When it does not appear that a fluent can be measured by tiie areas of conic sections, it may however be measured in some cases by their arks ; and this may be considered as the third degree of resolution. Ifitdoesnotappearthat afluent can be as- signed by the arks of any conic sections (the circle included), it may however be of some use to assign the fluent by an area or ark of some other figure that is easily constructed or described ; and it is often important that the proposed fluxion, be reduced to a proper form, in order that the series for the fluent may not be too complex, and that it may not converge at too slow a rate. 756. The rule in art. 737 is of no use to find the fluent of X X, or-^; for, according to that rule, the fluent is X X f _ X ,, O 1 — 1 ^ ^ 1 == — : — --— = (because .r — x — — r: 1) - ; I— 1 X * O ^ X from which expression no computation of the fluent can be de- duced ^ £04 Of the Ajiahgy hdicixt Book II. duced, and therefore this case was excepted. By art. 731, the fluent of -is equal to — ^— > M being the modulus, and the fluent being supposed to vanish when x is equal to 1, or to the quantity whose logarithm vanishes. If we suppose x =: a^z, then i^ — -^j and the fluent will be found (as in art. 745) " ^-"sT + 3?^ ± 411 + 5^ ^^- &Wose;> - j~, and ^art. 728) — — —- + —^ '} consequently the fluent of ^ CTlog.p = 2M X I + g 4- — + :^ + Sec. as in art. 173. In the same manner other theorems are found for com- puting logarithms. 757. The fluent of ^ is equal to AH IE (Jg.300) the area of the equilateral hyperbola,AHbeing perpendicular from thevertexA andEIfrom any point E Lo the as3'mptote OH in H and I^ suppos- ing OH = 1 jandOI — a',0 being the centre of the figure; because the ordinate EI = — — — =. — Hence the area AHIE, or the sector AOE, is called the hyperbolic logarithm of 01, or EI, the ?woc?w/ms being supposed equal to AH x OH or 1 ; and such coincide with the logarithms in Napier s first tables ; whereas the tabular logarithms are now equal to these multi- plied by the reciprocal of the hyperbolic logarithm of 10, as was more fully explained in art. 174. If the sector OAK : OAE ::n: 1, and KL be perpendicular to the asymptote in L, then log. OL = n X log. 01; and OL : OH :: 0I» : OH". 758. The properties of the circle and ellipse often suggest si- milar properties of the h^'perbola; and reciprocally the pro- perties of hyperbolic areas (which are sometimes more easily discovered because of their analogy to the properties of loga- rithms described in book 1, chap. 6) are of use for discovering tije analogous properties of circular and elliptic areas. The fol- Chap. III. elliptic and hj/perboUc Sectors. 205 following theorem serves to show how great this analogy is, and leads us in a brief manner to various general theorems that re- late to the multiplication and division of circular sectors or arks. Let O (fig. 300 and 30 1 ) be the centre of the ellipse or hyperbola AEK, OA either semi-axis of the ellipse^ but the semi-transverse axis in the hyperbola, av the axis perpendicular to OA, OAK a sector that is the same multiple of the sector OABin both figures, Kk and B6 perpendicular to av in k and b; suppose OA := «_, B^ =: X, and Kk = z, when the perpendiculars B6, Kk are on the same side of the axis av witli OA (as they always are in the hy- perbola) ; but B6 = — X or Kk = — z, when Bb, or Kk, are on the other side of av in the ellipse. Then the relation of r to x will be determined by the same equation in both figures. To make this appear, let AOB, BOC, COD, DOE, &,c. be any equal sectors in the hyperbola; and let AOB, BOC, COD, DOE, &,c. be likewise any equal sectors in the elhpse ; let Bb, Cc, Dd, Ef, &c. be perpendicular to av in b, c, d, c, &c. in each figure; join AC, BD, CE, DF, &c. intersecting the semidiameters OB, OC, OD, OE, 8cc. in M, N, P, Q, &c. respectively. Because the sectors AOB, BOC, COD, DOE, &c. are equal, AC, BD, CE, DP, Sec. are ordinates of the respective semi-diameters OB, OC, OD, OE, &c. For the same reason OB is to OM, OC to ON, OD to OP, OE to OQ, &c. always in the same ratio of Bb to OA, in the same figure ; as was shown above of the ellipse iintrod. p. 8, 4- §6 17), and is easiij^ extended to the hyperbo- la. Let M/», Nw, Pp, Q^, &c. be perpendicular to the diame- ter av in each figure in /«, n,p, q, r, &c. respectively ; and the ratio of Mw to B6, of N« to Cc, of Pp to Y)d, of Qq to '£x, &c. will be always the same as that of Bb to OA. Then because AC is bisected in M, Cc -{- OA == sMr/i = SB^ x ^=£B6 X ~ * because BD is bisected in N, Dt? -f B6 = 2N« = SCc X -• In the same manner Ec -f Cc = iVp = SDc? x-: and SO on : therefore, since in both figures Cc =: 2B^ X OA, Dd 206 0/ the Analogy betwixt Book II. Dd — 2Cc X - — B&, Ee = 2Dc? x - -^ Cc, and so on; it appears that the relation of Cc to B6, of Dc? to B6, Ee to B5, and, in general, the relation of YJi to B6 (the sector OAK be- ing the same multiple of OAB in both figures), will be expressed always by the same equation in the ellipse and hyperbola, the perpendiculars B6 and K^' being on the same side of the di- ameter av with OA, But if the perpendicular F/*(for example) stand in the ellipse on the other side of ar, then — F/"will be determined from B6 andOAin the ellipse by an equation of the same form with that which serves for determining 4- Pyfrom BftandOA in the hyperbola; for in this case we find in the ellipse DJ__F/-- 2Q^=r 2Ed x^,or — F/=2Ee X j— D<^,-and in the hyperbola + F/'zr 2Ee X Dc?. In the same manner in the ellipse — Gg— — 2F/ x j — Ee, but + Gg = sFf X - — Ee in the hyperbola; whence — Yf, — Gg, &c. are deter- mined in the ellipse by the same equation as + F/", 4- Gg, &c. in the hyperbola : and in general it appears that + KA- or z is always determined from + BZ*, or x, and OA, or a, in both figures by the same equation. 759. In the equilateral hyperbola, let BS and KT (fig-oOO) be perpendicular to the transverse axis in S and T, VBand LK per- pendicular to the asymptote meet the same axis in X and Z ; let the sector OAK : OAB : : n : 1, OX = y, B6 or OS = x, and Kk or OT =z z as before : then by the common property of this hyperbola, BS- r= OS'^ — OA% that is BS = >/ xx-aa^ and OX {-y) = OS + SX = OS + BS = x + V^^^^ in the same manner KT n '/^■i.—aa, OZ := OT + TZ :=■ OT + TK r: 2 4* V~2— flfl. Because the sector AOK : AOB : : w : 1, it follows (art. 757), that OV« : 0H« ( : : OX" : OA«^) : : OL : OH : : OZ : OA ; that is,y« : a" : : 2 -f -• »a— aa : a^ Chap. III. elliptic and hyperholic Sectors. 207 w" , or Z + '/zz—aa := ^'^J because ?/ == X + *^ xx — 7a, y-^ zz XX — aa, or yy — Q,xy + aa :=. o ; and because z + '/%z—aa yn = "^^x' it follows thaty" — 2a«— ' zy' + a""" = o. Hence the relation of z to j? is found in the hyperbola by comparing the two equations y^" — 2~a"^' y" + fl'" = o, and t/j/ — 2ij/ + aa = 0, and exterminating y. Therefore, by the last art. (Jig. 301), if the sector OAK be to OAB in the circle i\s n to 1, or the ark AK =z n x AB, then the relation of ip K/t (the cosine of the ark AK) to If Bh (the cosine of AB) will be determin- ed by supposing If Kk z=: z,Zf Bb—x, OA r: a, and extermi- nating y from the two equations 7/^" — 22a"—' y" + «^" = o, and yy — <2xy + aa = o ; of which theorem Mr. De Moivre has made excellent use for resolving a trinomial of the form y^" — 2^y + 1 into quadratic trinomials {Miscel. Analyt.lib. 1), as we shall see afterwards. 76Q. Produce SB and TK (fig. 300), till they meet the asymp- tote in s and t, and K^ : OA : : Bs« ; OA" ,• that is Z Visa: — aa — CI X a : : x — '/xx — aa : fl" ," consequently rj X V XX — aa Therefore since z + -v/^a 1 X + V XX- - aa a , it follows (by adding those equations) , a a + V x.v — aa -^ X */ xx — aa , . , , , that z r: - X — — ^, 3 which (by the binomial theorem) is equal to -^ multiplied by x" + ri x -j— «— 1 XX«— ^Xr;r — ^ + WX — ^ X -^ X—J— XX«— *X;*-Ar— is* + &c. Or, the radius a being supposed equal to unit, raise ^'+ 1 to the power of the exponent n, multiply the terms taken alter- SK)S Of the Analogy betwixt Book II. alternate^, beginning with the first x** by 1, xx — 1, 2 3 XX — ], XX — 1, &c. respectively, and the sum of the pro- ducts will be equal to 2. Hence if 06 the sine of the ark AB (,%. 30 1 ) be represented by u, or uu=:aa — xx, then Kk or z will be equaUotheproductof— — , multipliedbyl — n X x 1- ,_, n — 1 « — 2 n — 3 «* , t • • i f> i i , nx.-^~ X -sp X -— - X — — ice. Itisevidentfromwhatbasbeea 1— >« and 2a "X shown that a.- if: '•;^Ar— ^a = a X IJl^ = 2+ V'^i3^i"4- 2— -v/^JH^r- Let O^- (the sine of the ark AK) = S, or SS — aa — zz "=. (by substituting the value ci z) , 2«^" - ^4- A/.._-^ - X- V..-.. . consequently X -\- V XX — aa X 's/ xx — i ^ = " " — ogn-i ~^ — ~ ^ V— 1 which (by the "binomial theorem) is equal to — 3j multiplied by nx^—^ u — n X -g— X -~ X X ' ?i^ + Sec. The series given by Sir/s«<2c Newton for finding the sine of the ark AK from the sine of AB, may be derived from this theorem, or from ai'ticle 751. 76 1 . Let Ar and AR (fg. 300 and 301 ), the tangents of the hy- perbola or circle at A intefcepted by the semidiameters OB and OK,be represented by i and T; and because B& : 06: :OA:Ar,we find in the hyperbola. r = — and ^/xx—aa^z — ■ ^ but in *y aa — // '/aa—tt the circle x = — ~ — and '/TT^Z = ~ * By substitut- V aa-\-it Vaa-iftt ing these values for x and */ xx—aa, and similar values for z and ty^-^a in the first equation in art. 759, z + V^-^ = flX Chap. III. circular Arks and Logarithms. fi09 a X ~ — —\ , which was shown to be common to both — -,« figures we have in the hyperbola — ° ■ = - —^ I or (be- and T = /z x cause — h--, =: — ^) — ^p = — !~ g + ^— g— f . but in the circle f±Z^rl =: l±LYjzl. 7+T" + ^7'' 'y^'^^ -f Tf~ -/ "^7+ /7" or — a — IV— 1 a — f-/— 1 and 1 = a X — - .. a + tVZri'-i-u-y/'-Zf na'^^ t—nx -— x — - x a t' + H^c, r= (by art. 748) a x ^j— -j i . fl"— n X 1-^ X ««— ^ ^ * + &c. This theorem was given by Mr. BernouiUi, Act. Lips. 1712. ' 762. The same theorems are immediately deduced from the inverse method of fluxions, by representing circular arks as ima- ginary logarithms; for inthismanneran analogy is preserved in the expressions of the fluents, as near as possible to that which is betwixt their fluxions, or betwixt the equations of the circle and h3rperbola. The fluxion of the hyperbolic sector OAB is to the fluxion of the triangle OAr (or la't ) as BS* to Ar*, or as OS^ (= OA* + BS*) to OA% and consequently as OA* to OA* — Ar*, that is, as aa to aa — it; and is expressed by -'' X — rr» the fluxion of OAK is in the same manner 2 aa—'tt ' - a t X — ^TTTp. Therefore since OAK = w X OAB, we have «i:ZTf = 7^::rt' ^3^ supposmgp =: a X — -, we have (art. 728) - = -rr + — 7 = T,^ and rrTT = pT. I" the VOL. II. P same 210 Of the Atialogy betmxt Book II. samemanner, by supposing ^f rr o X ^^^, the iiuxioii aa-TT = %'j consequently f^ = ^, J = ^J ^"^ (^^■^' 7^8) p = .7'^ X K where K is invariable, or a x --t^ = « K x "■—-] or (because T and t vanish together, and a"K =: «) — ^ = f-lL- , as in the last article. a — t\ ' 763. In the same manner the fluxion of the circular ark AB, VIZ. (art. 740 K by supposmg p = ax — =, is trans- formed mto 7=' because (art. 728) - zz , ^^, __ ^= + 2/?-/— I p a + ^A/-.! / ^/ZII[ 2 a/ Hi Therefore the circular ark is equal to a — 1\/^\ aa-\-tt the fluent of — ^^=5 and is expressed by — r-i — = X loff. p =: 2/JV/-1 ^ ^ Qy\^~^ ^•f a a + t\/Z:i. f. • . - ■ ■ , r ■ -z:^ X log. a X 7—7=:} where the value or »is imasrma- ry, and is so far compensated by the imaginary symbol M '/^, that the whole compound expression maybe supposed to denote the circular ark ; as such imaginary symbols compensate each other in the expressions of the real roots of cubic and higher equations. See art. 699. In the same manner the fluxion of the 1 AT^ ««T , . r/+T\/irr circular AK, or ™=-' by supposmg q = a x — -i au +11 ci — 1 \/ I is transformed into -^: and since T^ ^=^ """" * it fol- lows that 1 — !!^5 — ,1 ~ 5 or (because T and t vanish together, and conse- a-^t'/—i a + T\/-^i a + tV^i quently a»K = a) — , ,p . ^ = z= 5 as m art. 76 1. 764. In Tlatc XXXJnLFa.QiP. VolJI. B E JJ- ay F c 7 M A D Fi^.^oiJt^.Q^rtj^g. P A O e> ^ A j3 F^.-i^^. TlatcXXXIIIlJ°rf.2/^-. f7vy/. Chap. III. circular Arks and Logarithms. 211 764. In like manner, supposing, as above, OA — a,Bb~ x, K/c — z, the fluxion of the ark AB (art. 747) is ' ~°^ ^ and V aa —' XX the fluxion of AK is ■ """^ -. . These fluxions are trans- formed, by supposing p —x ^ Vxx — aa, and q-=.z-\- sf^^^^a (by art. 728) into -~r=z. and — ~r Therefore since AK ^ ■^ pV—x qV—x* -=.11 Y. AB, ^ = ^ tf = p« X K, or s + '/^^^^a = 1 /'^ ^ a:+ '/xx—aa'' X K r= (because when B6 or .r = a, then 2 = a> and consequently a = «"K) a X ^^.'^^n^'' 9 as we found in art. 759- And supposing y =. x •\- /xx~\^q;'\ so that 2z = I'+V'^T^+j: — ^j(.;;f_i, the same equation that we found in art. 7o9, for the cosines ; which, expanded as above, will be found always to agree with those by which the relations of the cosines are determined by the common methods. But let us now proceed to show how fluents, or areas, are measured by circular arks and logarithms ; and, first, when the ordinates are expressed by rational quantities. n , 770. Let it be required to assign the fluent of •^^— ^^ n being any integer positive number. It was shown in art. 709, that if y»— » ^ yn—T- ^ .j. yu—i o^ , , . a"^' be multiplied by y — a, the product will be y'» — a'K Therefore ^--^ zz y^—^y + •Chap. III. to circular Ark$ and LogaritJms. 217 ay y+«y y... + a y -^- • consequent- h' the fluent of i::!li^(by art. 737 and 740) is i:! + ^Z! manner y — y a +y a . . , , q: c r= — - — • Therefore the fluent of -^"-^L is ^ — 'i^Zl + .^-f."! . . , j/-\-a n n— 1 »— 2 t: f_ X log. y + fl. 77 1 . Any integer number bei'^g represented by w, the fluent of ■ ^ -^ is expicsscd by a circular ark, or logarithm (^with algebraic quantities), according as n is an even or odd num- ber. For it appears, as in the last article, that when n is an evea positive number, if 3^"—^' — a-j/"— * ^ a+y"— g — a'y^—^ Hh 8cc. be multiplied by j/^ + (i^, the product will be y — ■ a", or^" + «", according as |« is an even or odd number. Therefore J!J- -V^-S — "y^V + a^y^'-^y -T ^ y • consequently if A represent the ark whose tangent is equal to y, the radius being equal to a (so that A =: n . , -> by art. 744), the fluent of - ' . - will be equal to y:zL__^lrzL . <^ . . . +«-.^ X A. Whennisan odd affirmative number, suppose it equal to ;« + 1 ; and, by what has CIS Of reducing Fluents Book IL has been shown, ^ - ^^ ^ — 3/'"— 'j/ — 'if'—^a-y + y^'—'^a'^i/. . , + — — ■; the fluent of which (because the fluent of -— - n — 1 n — J ' n — 3 M — « . . « . By supposing ^ =-, ^^^ is transformed nito — ^^:^^ x —J the fluent of which (by what has been shown) is express- ed by a circular ark or logarithm, according as n is an even or odd number. By supposina: z zz a x ^~y the fluxion -^^ is transformed into — . b}-^ art. 728; consequently the fluent is r^ X log. a X ^^^\ and the fluent of ''^ - • beins: equal to 2M '=' i'+« Hi/ — '^^ — ~ — M^^~~' ^^ easily follows that when n is any integer num- ber, the fluent of - — ^ is expressed by logarithms and alge- braic quantities. 772. Let ^-—. — r= o., and let it be required to find aa-\-1bi/-\-i/y the fluent of 6 . By supposing y + 6 = 2,, and consequently iiTzz. i/ij + 2fji/ + aa zz zz ^^ aa — bb,Q = — ; -5 and the fluent Q is expressed by a circular ark, or logarithm, accord- ing as a is greater or less than b, by the last article ; and if a =6 the fluent is ^ K, by art. 737. The fluxion — -—-, — is transformed into —^^^^^-^3 by the same substitu- aa-\-^bj/-\-yif siz-{-aa—oo '^ tion ; Chap. Til. to circular Arks and Logarithms. 219 lion; and the fluent maybe found by thelast article. Or supposing VZ+^bf^ = u, bccause ^^^,^^,^^^ is equal to - , by art. 728, it follows that the fluent of ,,_,.-gy^^^ is ^^ — ^Q = log. ^/..+g^^-f//y _^Q^ The fluent of Jj^ is found (when n is any integer positive number) by dividing j/** hy 7/_y+ o^y _{. ««^ and continuing the operation tilltheremainder beof the form Au-^^ (where A and B represent invariable coefficients), multiplying each term of the quotient by y, finding the fluent of each product by art. 737, and determining the fluent of -^~r, — ^, bv this article. The fluxion ', ^u 1 is trans- I . —a" z formed, by supposing _y = -, into ^ ^^ _ , and the fluent is found as before. It appears, therefore, that, the ordinate be- ing expressed by a fraction, if the denominator be any quadra- tic trinomial 1 + Q.hi/ -f yy, and the numerator consist of terras that involve any powers ot t/ and invariablequantities; and the exponents of those powers of j/ be integers; the fluent may be assigned by circular arks or logarithms with algebraic quanti- ties. And any fluxion Py being proposed, if P can be resolved into an}^ number of fractions of this form, the fluent of Pj^ can be assigned in like manner. 773. What was demonstrated in art. 715 and 7 17, or in 728 and 729> is often of use for resolving an ordinate into such frac- tions. For example, as when p rr xi/zu X &c. it follows, that T — ^+-+-' + &c. so if we resolve 1 + ?/" (sup- posing n to be an even number) into its quadratic divisors 1 — 2ffy + yy, 1 — 2ij/ ~^yy> ^ — ^^1/ + M> ^^- according to art. 765, it follows, that ^^^^^^^l = -l^^^^Zf^- + SJlilfZ^li ©20 Of reducing Fluents Bool? II, A ^ — 1 — -I- &c. and consequently — ■ -r-^ — r^ + + Sec. so that the fluent of ■■ ' ■ - is equal to ?/ added to the fluents of the several fluxions — —^ — x - — ' ■^"" - - ^^J/+I/I/ n' 1— 23y+_y^ — . 8cc. which are found by the last article. 774. The same method serves for investigating briefly the first four propositions of Mr. De Moitres Miscel. Anali^t. lib. I. Suppose, first, n to be an even number, and since \-\-y^^zz l_2ay4.j/_y X \—2by-ifj/j/ X \-.2cj/-\-j/y X &,C. it foUowS, dividing l+ybyy", and each quadratic divisor by y^, that li^ —\— &c. Then (2 being supposed invariable) it follows, as in art. 728, that -^ ^^^^^ —T^-r h , ^Z ■ +8cc.or(mnltiplying , *^ ^ ""y" — "^^ .V — '^ K ^-~^ 1 — 26j/— ' 4- j/— ^ X &c. it follows (as in art. 728), that ^2«_2,y«4-l - 1-2.^+^y -T TZIoJh^ "^ ^''- ^^^ '""^ °^ those equations eives ■■ """""" _j^--g_x =^ 3.-"+^ "i* i— ay ^ ° /"— 2^j,'^+l 1— 2aj.+jj, — 1-- :%+^^ 'T c^c.; and It follows, from art. 772, that the fluent of ^ „. , is assignable by cir- cular arks and logarithms w'ith algebraic quantities. 77G. By a similar application of what was shown in art. 728, if w'e suppose xx — Ax ± B :r: x—a X x—6, the fraction T— 7-0 is resolved into fractions that shall have the simple divisors .r — a, x — b for their respective denominators wnth in- variable coefficients. Tor since xx — Ax+ B zz "^IZ X IHJ, it follows Chap. III. to circular Arks and Logarithms. 2Q,Sv follows (art. 728), that ■ — ^ '[„ = ~ — | — ^; and be- ^ ■" xx—Pi.x-^D x—a ' X — o* cause 1 — A.r— * + Br—* =1 — az— ' x 1 — bx--\ it fol- lows that Axx—'^Bx ax . bx jcx—'-.^lix ax ox x? xi — ■ . „ = \- — r, rrom these two equa- — A;f+B X — a X — b T "■ , X Ih—a X , 4 A — h tions we have t—ts — rji — riT ^ — ": + "^ — Tjr X ^-^ = (because A :=. a + b and B := ah, by the known pro- 1 !• 1 ■* perties of equations) --_- X -— - + ■^- X ^::rj. Hence r— -^ = -i-r X + T — X — r. Therefore ifr' — Ax" a:,x»— A;f + li a — b x—a b—a x — * -{-Bx—C—'^IZ X :;zr X ~o it follows, that _^3_^^,^g^_^ zz — =:=-X =:(bywhathasbeenshown)rrr= — z=r- — ==. X — a X X — b * '^ a-—b X x — a X x—^ -f — r- — — ■ ■ - r: (by resolving each of these last fractions b — jx X — by, X — c in the same manner) := — + =^ — + a — b X o — c X x—^ a—b X c—^ x x—'a b — a X b — c X X — b b—a x c — b X x—c Of—b X a—c X x^-a — : . The continuation of those b — a >< b — c X X — b c — a X c-^b X ■*■ — e theorems is manifest, the coefficient of x — b, for example, being always the product of the differences b — a, b — c, &c. by which the root b exceeds the other roots of the equation ^a X "7^ X ~7 X &.C. r: 0, This subject is considered by Mr. Leibnitz, Act. Lips. 1702, and Mr. Dc Moivre, Phil. 'Trans. N. 373, &c. 777. But these fractions are briefly discovered in the follow- ing manner. Suppose x^ — A.t"— ' + Bcr"— ^ — C:r"— ^ + &.c. := "i^II^ X Zm X ^37 xX^ X &,c. and let this product be represented by P; letQ represent the product of all the simple divisors, the first x — a excepted; that is, let Q = ^7 x 7^ X a;— — I a \^aa—l — ^TTr — 77= ^ v'— 1. Hence if Bo, the cosine of the ark AB (Jig. 302) be equal to a, the radius OA being unit, the ark AQ be to the ark AB asm to ], and Q^ be the cosine of AQ, then Ob being equal to '/i.—aa, it follows (b}^ comparing the value of S determined in art. 760), that L— -i^ , Let the ark QZ be made equal to AB, so that AZ may be equal to ^T X AB, or ^T x AB, according as m — 1 is greater or less than r, and Zz be the cosine of the ark AZ ; then I = T^rrpr, Therefore the fraction - — ^r— ^^ — = - Qi^^^ X i_2ax+xx * "^^^^ values of the other frac- tions are similar. And thus it appears how the fluent of r' — - — ""' '^. T, ... -, ^ is assignable by circular arks and x"-"- — Ax"-"—' + Bx"'''—'' -&c. ^ -^ logarithms when the denominator is the product of any qua- dratic divisors. 781. If the values of L and / are to be expressed algebraical- ly, then raise tr + 1 to the power of the exponent m, tlie differ- Q 2 ence 228 Of reducing Fluentu Book II, cnce of n and r, by art. 748 ; multiply the dd, 4th, 6th, &c. terms of this power by 1, aa — 1, aa — I ,aa — 1 , 8cc. re- spectively ; and the sum of the products divided by Sa— 24 X 2^112^ X 2a— 2d X &c. wiU be equal to + L or — L, ac- cording as n is greater or less than r. The other coefficient / of the fraction - — is found bv multiplying tlie like terms 1 — 2ax-\-xx •' 1 ^ o of the power ofa + 1 of the exponent n-r-\ or r — n + 1 (according as n — 1 is greater or less than r) by 1, aa — 1, aa-X , aa-l , &c. respectively, dividing the sum of the pro- ducts by 2 O^^ supposing AZ = m^l e J e —f X AB, and Zz to he the cosine of AZ, / = — ^, There- fore the fraction -i±^ = ^-^^^I__ , When y = M, or to w — 1, the numerators of those fractions consist of one term only. 784. It appears, as in art. 773, that the fraction \.^^ i,xJr qx^ 4- '-x^ ■'- •'^''^- . •, K L M "1, — ;7~; r^ — ;: is equal to + — 7 + N H J + &c. If a, h, c, d, the roots of the equation a:" ■=— At'"~i + Bj;'*— * — tScc. r= o be all unequal, the index of x in the numerator 1 + px + qx^ + &c. be less than n, and we suppose the coefficients K, L, M, N, &c. respectively equal to the quantities that result when we substitute successively a, by c/d, &c. for X in h^±^±l^^ ^'+^o This theorem serves for reducing briefly the fluent of ' '^ '^' X ;^ to los;arithms or circular arks. 785. Suppose now that some of the factors of the denomina- tor of the fraction, by which the ordinate is expressed, are equal to each other ; and let it be required to find the fluent or aica. For example, let it be required to find the fluent of , ' __,, _„ X ^ , Suppose ^ _1„ ■— =: x+a X.v-J-5 x^a Xjf-1-^ H dhap. III. to circular Arks and Logarithms, 23 1 ji ^ L hi — -i^OT 4- m — 1 4- =~:ot — 2 ... J- =« a. "■ -ft-.1 _i / =~^«~2 + &;c. where H, K, L, h, k, I, &c. are the in- variable coefficients that are to be determined, and the fractions of each sort are to be continued till their number be equal to m and u respectively. By reducing the equation to a common denominator, H x 7+i'' 4- K x ~a x 7fl» + L x "^^^ X 7+J" . . . + A X T+;«» -i- k K r+7 X Tj^a"^ + / X *+ A* X J+;'» + &c. =1 + px -h qx"- + rx^ + &c. By supposing X + a — o, oy x =: — a, all the terms of this equa- tion that involve x-{-a vanish, and we find H X r^a^=:l — ■pa ^ qa^ — ra' + &c. orH = — 1=~ . By taking b — a the fluxion of the equation, dividing each term by x, and then supposing x z=. — a, we have riYi X JTr^"—* + K x iTZ^^ zzp — iqa^sra"- — Sec. By taking the fluxions again, divid- mg by X, and supposing x zz — a, we find n x ^i X H X Xr^n-2 ^ o^K X 33^«— • + 2L X JZr^n = 2^ — Qra J^ &c. Thus the values of H, K, L, &,c. are easily computed 5 and by proceeding in like manner, and supposing xJ^^b =0, the values of A, k, I, See. are determined. If the fraction proposed be --— — , that is, if p, q, r, 8cc. be supposed to vanish, then H = -i-, K =-=!.--, L = « x 2±L x -i---, * n n-\-\ 2 w-f-1 rr-i— , A: = ~" ■., / = m X « + 1 X J --,&c.which ' — « w + i — 2~~ "^^ « — 3 a — b a — b coincides with Mr. Ldbnitz's theorem, Act. Lips. 1703. If Q 4 th« 2.3a Of reducing Fluents Book il. the fjactioii proposed be ! , and we sup- poseitequalto 4- — ^ — 4* — ^^+ See. it will appear in — -m m-\ m-2 ■•■ -^ x-\-a x-\-a x-\-a the same manner, that H — , K z= z::!!!^ — i — — n s b — a c-^a,' b — a Y^c — a 1 — -.^ ■ - - • ^- oC, rr 771 X m- -1 + i'ms + sy^s- -1 2 — . _2 b—a i— r 4* ^'^'^ 4^ Sec. By supposing x 4« * = o, or X — — Z», K X "7^"* = 1 — p6 4* (jb'' — See. The supposi- tion of X =: gives Ka™ 1^ Ab ■=. \, By taking the fluxions of the equation, dividing by x, and supposing x •=:. 0, wKa"»— ' Chap. III. to others of a more simple Form. 233 »i* A'i'Bb—p; and by proceeding in this manner the coeffi- cients K, A, B, C, &c. may be deteraiined. If the fraction be ^^ ,the coefficient of any term in the numerator of the second fraction, as of F^''^ is found by raising a — b to the power of the exponent 7n, rejecting as many of the terms of thispower a""^, ma'"'—^ b, Sec. us there are units m r ^ 1 ; and dividing the sum of these that remain by 6 X a — b ; for the quo- tient will give •{" i*^ or — F, according as r is an even or odd number. The fraction ^;^^ is resolved in like i-ax X 1 — 1>^ manner by a similar rule, and supposing it equal to A + B.r + Co:^ . . . G i'«-' ,. b"^ . b^ + ; K = , A =: 1 — m m n I — ax b — a I— -a B == 6A 4* , C =: bB . &c. b — a 2x3—^ 788. The fluxion "■ — -r- is transformed into . e+/a" e'^fz''"- by supposing r =■ z; because a; "^ -rz z , x'^xrzrz r and ar'« =: z''*. In like manner the fluxion is transformed, so as to become rational, when the denominator is a trinomial - and the fluent ma}^ be found by the preceding articles. 789- Sh- Isaac Nezoton has given some excellent theorems for reducing fluents to others of a more simple form, in the 7th, 8th, and llth prdjp. of his treatise DeQuadrat.Curvar. Let R n= e +yx« + gx''"- + hx'^^'- + &c. and, consequently, r — n/x^-^'x + 2wgr^-«— i!r + S/i/i*^'*— '* + &c. Let a =: 234 Of reducing Fluents Book II. j,m— I ;. Yyi^ B* — \x^, c = 'bx\ d = cx^, &c. and In + n = p. Then ?weA + ff^ x /B + 2^ « x gC + 3^+;;r X /«D + &c. =: x''^ R'+'. This theorem will appear by tak- ing tlie fluxion of a:'" IV-'r', which (by art. 725) is a"*-' R' x mRx -h Tfi XXR —x^^—'x R' X me + mfx" + tngx'-n + &c. i4« 7'+T X ?//'r« X 7+1 X 2/<^'.r'''i + &c. — mek + p-J-w X fh'i'^p-\-m X gc +, 3p 4- wi X ho + See. Let the num- ber of terms in e + /i" + gx-" + &c. the value of R be re- presented by q ; and if as many of the successive areas A, B, C, D, &c. be known as there are units in q — 1^ the rest can be computed from these, by this theorem. Thus if R be a bino- nomial e + fx^'} any one of the areas. A, B, C, D, &c. being given, the rest may be computed from it ; and when R is a tri- nomial e + fx"- 4- gx^^, any two of those areas, as A and B, are sufficient for determining the rest. 790. Let H = .r"*-'; R'+» r= a"*-'; R« x e^fx'' '^ g x"-" »J- &c. — ek 4*/b 'i' g'c ^ hb 4" ^C'* and it fol- lows that H = eA >^fB 4* g^ 4" hD 4* &c. Hence it ap- pears that m and /being any numbers whatsoever, if /• and s be any integer numbers, and as many of the areas A, B, C, t), &c. be known as there are units in q — 1, the fluent of x'n+^«— * '^, X e 'i'fx'^ "^^ may be computed from them. 791. Li like manner it appears, that if R rr e ^fx'^ 4- gx^^ + Sec. S =: E -I- Fa'i + Gx->^ + &c. a = a"*-*; R' S^, B :=: A X", c =: Br", &c. and In + n = p, kn *i> n — q, then i^'R^^* S^ + ^=«zeEA+ meV + mjE +p/E + ^eF X B + yncG + mgl^-\rmfY + p/F + qfl^ + 2pgE + IqeG x C 792. From Ghap. IIL to others of a more simple Form. 235 792. From these, particular theorems are easily cletluced that may be of use in the resolution of problems. Let R be the bi- nomial e—fx'^; and, as in art. 789, let a —x'^—^x R^ b =a jt", c = B a", D = 'cx», &c. ; and M =.In +« + m. Let m and / + 1 be any positive numbers whatsoever, that x^ R^+' may- vanish either when x zr 0, or e — y^" = ; and let r be any integer positive number ; then if A represent the fluent of a,"*— • X X e — fx^ that is generated while x flows, and from being o becomesequaltoTl'',thefluentofx'"+'"«— '.^ x.e—fp' generated m the same time will be to A X — as *tt X • x — ^^— - r ^ M-|-» M+2« X ^t£ ^ ^^- *^ ^ ' wliere the fractions ^^ 8cc. are to be continued till their number be equal to r. For in the present case weA— M/B=:o, by art. 789, and B= ^ X ^, C= -"+.!! ^ / — M ^ M+« ^ Jf ^ - M+2« ^ y-M ^ M+; X Sr2« ^ /r^ ^"^ so on. The same theorem serves whea A = x"^'x X yi" — ■?. 793. For example, let A = ~~^' '"^^^ consequently A equal to the fourth part of the circumference of the circle whose radius is 1, and the fluent of ■ — - generated while V 1 — >xx X flows, and from being becomes equal to 1, will be to A as 2x4xt>x8X&c'. ^^ ^ ' 'fi\^QT:& the fractions are to be conti- nued till their number be equal to r. Because in this case a Qixm~^x X e—fxrt = x^—'x X l—xx"^, SO that ;» = 1, 236 Of reducing Flumts Book II, / — — 1, n = 2, M = 2, e = 1, and/= 1, The fluxion jstransfonued into 7x;-M' supposing j:= — =r, and — =^= ^T" V 1 + zz Vl — jfx V'l— ;rj» x~' X ■XX ,2r into ^ ■ { ,• the fluent of which is, therefore, to A the 1 +Z2; fluent of \ v.Zi (P^ ^^^ quadrantal ark of the circle of the ra- dius 1) as ^ ^ 4 ^ 6 ^ 8 ^ ^^- *° ^- If ^^^ suppose a = X Vl—xx, in wnich case A is the fourth part of the area of the circle whose radius is 1, then the fluent of x'^^'x '/x-^xx will be *« A ^' 1x6x8xIq ^ ^"- '•^ '• ^^ ^Wosing ^ = ;;=^, the corresponding fluent of — ^— ^ — - will be to the fluent of f -, in the same ratio. In Kke manner other theorems of this kind may be deduced from those in art. 789, &c. VT—Z 794. The fluxion i-'"—':r X e+/ar'* being transformed, as in art. 742, by supposing e. + /i« ~ 2, the fluent will be measured by the areas of conic sections when - is any in- teger number positive or negative, by art. 789, When — \- I is any integer number, the same will appear by suppos- ing 2 •=. — — , Or if / be equal to the fraction -- we ^ e4- fxi^ may suppose 2 =: e +y x" « in the former case, andz; =: - ^ | in the latter. The fluxion xX^"—* x '^+■^^" 1 is transformed, by Chap. III. to others of a more simple Form. 237 by supposing — ^^ = z (and consequently a" = \ ^, nx _^^^^-e/. .. ^/l^ and - = =:^_== X 2) into ^L-11 xz^^ x ^=|2 . By supposing z =z gx" + ^ f, the fluxion ar"»— ' ;. X e+/x«+g.r"« ^ is transformed into- x . ^~/ _'"" - ^"1 J and the fluent may be found in both those cases by the preceding articles^ when r is any integer number. It we suppose 7/ = ^ S_ and transform the last fluxion from x to ?/, its expression will become rational as is shown, Miscel. Analyt. p. Q5. When any of those fluxions is multiplied or divided by a rational binomial E + F^, or tri- nomial E + Fa" -r Gx^'^, or by any quantity that can be re- solved into such binomial or trinomial factors, the fluent may be measured by the areas of conic sections (that is, either by algebraic quantities, or by circular arks, or logarithms, or these compounded together), by the preceding articles. 795. When a fluxion is proposed that involves an irrational quantity, the fluent is sometimes obtained in finite terms, or compared with a circular ark or logarithm, by supposing the quantity that is under the radical sign equal to a new flowino- quantity. Thus if q =3 - — X ^+^ E + Yx y. e-iffx eJffx -J and we suppose z - ^±1^ then - = ^1 Y_^ x * and '—1 Q — Ye—zf ' ^consequently the fluent Q — X m X Ve—Ef e-i-Jx m X Fc— E/ E+F.v^ But this is often more easily obtain- ed 238 Of reducing Flvcnts Book 11. ed by transfonning the fluxion from the sine or cosine of an ark to the tangent or secant, or to the sum or difference of the secant and tangent, or by the converse operations. If we sup- pose X = — ' ■ (2 being the tangent that corresponds to the smex), then — "^ =r — - — , Hence if d = VI-—XX 1+22 X^v/l— XX then d = ^, and Q r= - = — ^, And if q = j___fff____ _ .JgL- then Q is equal to the aa-^-xxV^l — XX (ICL -\- aa — \ y. ZZ^ ark of a circle described with the radius -—:==== that has its tangent equal to z ox — = If we suppose a: + Vxx-^-X v' 1 — ■«•*• __ . 1 X K T f (I -^ V aa + XX __ = z, then — ■ = -. It we suppose — ^ = — — ^t -/x^+l z '" A' then — ^"^ ~ -; so that the fluent is the logarithm of X V aa^^rxx ^ . f + ^ ee + ffx'^^ Zj the modulus being 1. And by supposing ;^-^-^ rr z, , is transformed into —-; so that the fluent is ■— X loff. z, the morfM/ws beina: unit. 796. Supposing, as in art. 789, R = f+/i", A = x*"— 1 X W, and B = A3:" we found meA + M/B — a"^ R^+1 ; from which it follows, that if neither »i=o, nor M=o, A and B depend mutually upon each other ; but if ?;^ =0, B is as- signable in finite algebraic terms; and if M r= 0, A is assignable in such terms. If neither^ nor - be equal to o, or to an in- teger number, the fluents of all the fluxions in the series A X^"* Chap. III. to others of a more simple Form, 239 A:r^", 'Ax'\ a, Ax-'S A:c-'«, &c. (wliicli may be conti- nued either way) depend upon the fluent of any one fluxion in the series ; but when either - or - is an intecrer, or when n n o •' either of them vanishes, this cannot be said of the whole series. Let A r= ^ "" -, where M = O;, m = — 1, and A =: X V oc — XX '"'"'"' but the fluent of Aa'' (= --^^L=) is the circular ax ' V aa — XX' ark whose sine is x, the radius being a : the fluents of ^2'—% Ax—*, &c. depend upon the former, and are assignable in finite algebraic terms ; but the fluents of Ax*, Ax''', &c. de- pend upon the latter, and are assignable by that circular aric with algebraic quantities. If A = —^^^r::;: m zz o, M= 1, V aa — xx^ A = V7a—xx, and the fluents of 'ax^, ax*, &c. are assignable by algebraic quantities ; but the fluent of A.r-- (rr ~^ - ^ X\^ aa — XX J is the logarithm of — — ~J the modulus being unit, and the fluents of Ax —*, Aa— -^ &c. depend upon this logarithm. In like manner, if A = ■ - — , A is the logarithm of a; + V'*^— I, and the fluents ofAx^Ax'^, &c. depend upon it; but the fluents of Ar— % Aa— ■% &c. are assignable in finite algebraic terms. If A = — — — , A = V xx-^aa, and the flu- Vxx—\ ents of A-r% "ax*. Sec. are assignable in finite algebraic terms ; but the fluent of Act— * (=: "N is the ark whose secant XVxx—\ ) is x, the radius being unit, and the fluents of Aa:—*, Ax"'^, &c. depend 240 Of redtiting Fluents Book If. depend upon it. If a = -- .— , and m be a fraction, the fluents of all the fluxions in the series Ar+'^j A>r+*, kx+^, &c. depend upon A. 797. Let R -fx^^ — e/k - a:'«-';R«, b — kx~'\ c = B.TT— " = kx—^^, D = c.r— " = kx—^'\ &c. and M = //z + w + m, as formerly ; then whenyi" = e, B =: —^ x — , C = — — - x*^ — , D = — 5- X -^ &c. Ihereforer beino-anyin- teger positive number, if q == kx—^^, Q : — : : ~" x ■ ? X "1- X &c. (where these fractions are to be con- tinued till their number be equal to r) : 1 . For example, let A = Q = — rr7-T-=^J ^'^^" Q : A : : i X I X xVxx-\^ x''+W - X - X &c. : 1 . these fluents are generated while - from beine: 6 8 ° X O becomes equal to 1 . 798. After the fluents that can be accurately assigned in finite terms by common algebraic expressions, and those which can be reduced to circular arks and logarithms, the fluents that deserve the next place are such as are assigned by hyperbolic and eUiptic arks; which with the former are all comprehended under these which are measured by the lines that bound the conic sections (the triangle and circle being figures of this kind), as the first two are measured by the areas of conic sections. The fluent of is of the first class ; that of — -= - — -- or of -— ^^ — -v/l + v '^x X a/I-I-a; \/l-\.xx is of the second ; but the fluents of "* ^ ..? — :; — > V l^xx Vx X V iJ^xx ■r^— 1< and =^1t are of the third class, and (as far as has ap- Chap. III. to others of a more simple Form. 241 appeared hitherto) cannot be reduced to the former. The fluents of this class are sometimes required in the resolution of useful problems, and our design obhges us to give some account of them likewise. 799. Let AEH(^g.305)b6anequilateral hyperbola, thathasits centre in S and vertex in A, AD a right line perpendicular to SA, suppose SA=1, SN = :r, and let a circle described with the radius SN from the centre S meet AD in M, let SE bisect the angle ASM, and meet the hyperbola in E ; then the hyperbolic ark AE shall be equal to the fluent of — ^ ^^ » For let the ^ QV XX— 1 ark AE =: s, SEr= r, and SP be perpendicular on EP the tan- gent of the hyperbola in P5 then the triangles SMA and SEP will be similar, by art. 181, and ; : )■ : : SE : EP : : SM - AM :: X : '^l^^x ; but SA, SE, and SM, are in continued pro- portion, or r == v';^ so that r : X : : 1 : ^V x', conse- quently i = ■■ • * "^ : and supposing the fluent of -.■ — : ^V XX — 1 w XX — 1 to begin to be generated when a:r:i, and thereafter to in- crease while :r increases, it will be always equal to 2iAE. If Am be perpendicular to SM in m, and we now suppose Sw=:.r, then the hyperbolic ark AE will be the fluentof — ■•• i^ : — /. t-. (as will appear by substituting in the former fluxion ar^' for ir); and EP — AE the excess of the tangent above the hyperbolic ark AE will be the fluent of -=^^^; because EP will then be equal to ' — xj and its fluxion to —- 800. Let AB be perpendicular from A the vertex of the hy- perbola to the asymptote SB in B. Suppose now SB r: 1, up- on BA take BLrrx, join SL, and let it meet the hyperbola in E; from the centre S describe the ark AQ, intersecting SE in Q; and the hyperbolic ark AE shall be equal to the fluent VOL. H. R of 2-12 Of reducing Fluents Book II. of S^ — ~^5 because if A^, LZ, and EK, be perpendicular to the other asymptote in b, Z, and K, respectively, S6 . SK : : EK : A6(= LZ) : : SK : SZ, SZ =:BL = x, SK = ^/s6l^£ rrv'r, SE*=SK* + EK"=: j: + ;; ; and the fluxion of AE be- ing to the fluxion of SK as SE to SK^ it is therefore equal to if- X Vr+^ or — ~^» The fluxion of SE or of QE is 2x X 2x\/x r — ^."^ ^. r^by adding which to the fluxion of AE, it appears QX'/xX\/xx+l •' ° y Lf that AE 4- EQ is the fluent of — =~r which begins to be '/l+xx generated when a: = 1 (or when BL — BA), and thereafter in- creases while X increases. In the same manner AE — EQ is the fluent of "" " "" that begins to be generated when x zz 1, and \/l+xx thereafter increases while x decreases. 801. Suppose SA = 1, AM = x, and £AE will be the fluent of ===r *^^^ vanishes with x ; as appears by substitut- l + ATXli ing in the first value of '$, in art. 799> -/i+T^in the place ofT. Suppose SA = 1, Am—Xy and 2EP — sAE will be the fluent of ===rj7 that begins to be generated when or = 1, and thereafter increases whiles decreases. Ifwe suppose SB = 1, SL = X, then AE + EQ will be the fluent of+rs^ XX — lljT that begins to be generated when xx = 2. 802. As for the fluent of -— ^=r— ^— === or of ==7, it does not appear that it is possible to represent it by any hyper- bolic arch and algebraic quantities. But by assuming an elliptic ark, likewise, it may be assigned by the following construction. J The rest remaining as in art. 799- Let an ellipse ARD be de- scribed having its centre in S, SF the distance of the focus F from Chap. III. to others of a more simple Form. 243 from the centre S equal to the shorter semi-axis SA, and con- sequently the semi-transverse axisSD : SA : : -/"s": 1. Sup- pose SA = 1, S»« = Xf take SX upon SA equal to SP (or to a mean proportional betwixt SA and Sm), let the ordinate XR meet the ellipse in R: and the fluent of _ ~^ . r::that begins to be generated when x ■=. \, and thereafter Increases while X decreases, will be equal to AR -\- AE — EP, the dif- ference by which the sum of the elliptic and hyperbolic arks AR and AE exceeds EP the tangent of the latter. -» For SX = y^j and if RT the tangent of the ellipse at R meet SA in T, ST = -i=, XT = ST— SX r= i=L, XR^ - o x T^^, V x^ V x^ RT* = XT^ + XR^ = ^:=^; and the fluxion of the el- X ' liptic ark AR will be to the fluxion of SX as RT to XT, that is, as */ i—xx to 1 — .r, or as 1 -\- x to >/ \—xx \ consequently (the fluxion of SX being — ^ ] the fluxion of the ark AR is IVx J -l4= v-l±-"— = -^ i^; and the fluent of — "7^ (by the latter part of art. 799) equal to -iiV X y^ V \'—xx AR + AE — EP. If we suppose km = r, AR + AE — EP will be the fluent of — ■ » as will appear by substitut- ing Vx-'xx for x in the former fluxion. By supposing BL — z, and SB = 1, the same diff"erence AR + AE — EP gives the fluent of , "^ ■ -.. -.1 because if Sw — x, then x ~ It is likewise the fluent of - — 3 ? if we sup- pose SL=:z, and SB ;= 1, or of —-^=73, if we suppose AM ~ z, and S A = 1 . R 2 803. The 244 Of reducing Fluents Book IL 803. The fluent of ,. . — , — . (which we found equal 'XX to AR + AE — EP, art. 80'i) is equal to AP the ark of the curve that is the locus of P (where the perpendiculars from the centreSintersect the tangents of theequilateral hyperbola) which is called the lemniscata. For (art. 212) the fluxion of the curve AP is to the fluxion of SP as SE to EP, or as Sx^ to A?n, that is (supposing SA ~ 1^ and Sm zn x), as 1 to -v/TZ^; but SP : SA : : SA : SE^ and SE = — r=5 consequently SP zz VT^ the -/ X fluxion of SP is r= and the fluxion ofAPrr ^2\/ X '2V X X Vl^xx IfFbethefocusofthehyperbola, FH (Jig. SOG) perpendicular to the tangent EP in H, then it is known th at H will be always found in a circle described from the centre S with the radius SA ; and if FH produced meet this circle in h, SP will be equal to \ ah. From which it appears^ that the lemniscata may be constructed in the following easy manner. Bisect SF (Jig. 307) inf, from the centrey describe a circle with a radius equal to I SA, let any right line SX meet this circle in X and x, set oft" SP from 8 on the same right line always equal to the chord 'Kjx, and the point P shall be in the lemniscata : and the fluents that were described in art. 802 may either be represented by AR + AE — EP, or by the ark AP of this curve, which is so easily con- structed. 804. Let AEH be any other hyperbola, SA the semi-trans- verse and SDthe semi-conjugate axis, SA = a, SD =r 3, e =: ^^, SE= r, SP = p, AE - s, and x =z ^; then the hyper- bolic ark AE shall be equal to the flnpnh nf /^ ^'^ * ^ Q\^xx + 2^x—6I> For let SH be the seraidiameter conjugate to SE,then SE' — SH* - aa—hb- 2ea, or SH^ sirr — oea ; and SH x SP SA X SB =: abi and rr — 2ea zz. -^- zr ax. But i'P SE; Vla.telQOC/ra.244yo^il Tiate-jaac/rm^Vo/n. H Chap. III. to others of a more simple Form, 245 SE : EP : : r: '/77:^p, and ; - "'' Ic/ ^a _ */ rr-~pp 'i'/ xx-\- 2ex — bb Because EP = Vrr—pp ~ V"-^ — ^^ — ^ the fluxion of EP is ^=5 X —~=~=z^ and EP — AE (the excess of 2x V X V xx-\-2ex--bb the tangent above the hyperbolic ark) is the fluent of bb X \/T , . f>P bb\ ^ -i^v-j. ^/;;Ti;^ ' °' (^..pposmg z = - = -; of — •-« a/ ax. .,, „ — * It appears likewise that the ark AE is the y bb+2e-i—zii ^^ fluent of ~''^'^ -, and that EP— AE is the fluent of ■pp V a- b^ + laepp—p"-^ ^J ^ ==» Inlikemanner it appears that if AEB(;^g. 309) be an ellipsis, S the centre,SA=«, SB=6, aa-\-bb—0,e.a, SPbe perpendicular on the tangent EP in P, and SP = j9, a? = ~, then the ark AE will be the fluent of - " " ^ "" - , or of V 2ex — xx~^bb " ' . . that beeins to be srenerated when p z=: a. pp 805. In order to represent the fluent of - or of ■ . . . , " , we must have recourse to both the hyper- -y a^b'-Z\-'-2aep^—p'^^ •'^ bolic and elliptic arks. The rest remaining as in the last article, join AD, and let AF Qig. 308) perpendicular to AD meet DS produced in F, describe an ellipse AR6 that has its focus in F, centre in S, and SA for the second semiaxis ; upon SA take SQ equal to SP, let QR the ordinate at Q meet the ellipse in R, and -X AR + AE— EPshallbethefluentof ■ ^^- '/aa-~ppX Vbii-pp R3 or 246 Of reducing Fluents Book 11, or (supposing pp zz uz, and Q.ta — bb — aa, as above) of o^^lT^f^^^^l' ■^°' '^ ^'^ ^^'^ ^^'"Sent of the ellipse at R meet SA in T, AR =/ SQ (= SP) = p, and SF - k, then ST zz^.,qt: - ".^-ill^ RT zr ^15^^ v/««4. il|:, . — ^ : : RT : QT, and/ i= ^ x "!jff' _ (because /iZ»=:<7rt,by the supposition)^^ X • — — i>b+ pp ^^ '> Vaa—pp X Vbb-^pp* But the fiuxion of EP — AE was found (art. 802) equal to -r^^ 7=-.. Therefore i x AR + AE— EP is the Vaa—pp X VbbJfpp "■ fluent of ■ _-Z.' ^ — ■ or of "", \ that Vaa—ppy^Vbb\pp^ ^V a% ^ V bb—'i.ez—>.% begins to be generated when p and z are equal to a ; and that the fluent is flniie which is generated while x decreases till it va- nish, appears from art. 327. 806. The values of those fluents, as of . Cthe M V aa — pp ^ fluxion of the elliptic ark BR), may be computed either by re- solvmg ^ aa—sA ^^^**^ ^ scncs, muUiplymg each tei-ni by t. , and findino^ the fluents of the several products by art. 737, which will form a series of algebraic quantities. Or we may compare it with the fluent of- — _ (the circular ark of the V aa — pp radius a and sinep^, by resolving V'J^^f- only into a series, by art. 793. Thus / = -^ x 1 + ^^ ~ ^ + &c.; V aa — pp consequently the elliptic quadrant ABB is to the quadrant of the circle of the radius a as 1 + _ _ ^^ + jr-^ — &c. to Chap. III. to others of amort simple Form. 24f to 1. The same elliptic quadrant is to the quadrant of the circle of a radius equal to SB the semi-transverse axis, suppos- ingSB = fl, asl— i;^ — ^5^ — -2567— .&c. tol. 807. Let ^y - Q^ ^4=r = A, then a V aa—pp X V bb-\-pp Vaa^pp - a/^TIT;^ '^^' "" « ^^ 2W+8M 166" + ^c. and, by art. 793, the fluent Q that is generated betwixt the terms, when p zz o and ^ r= cr, is (N being supposed to repre- sent the ratio of the semi-circumference of a circle to its dia- meter) K6 X 1— £^ -I- ^ — ^ -I- &c. where the nu- merical coefficients 1, 1,1^, &,c. are the squares of the several uncia of a binomial raised to the power of the exponent — |. If we suppose x — a — ^, and E r: a -i , then q s bb X , - -7=X-— -== X 1 — -r 5 or - X ■ ^ XI "" ^\^Ex—xx o\ Let A first denote the ark of a circle described upon the dia- meter fl, whose versed sine is equal to x, and A = — : 2 V oa; — XX = I axx X a — X ; whence m — 1 =: — |, w = |, w=: 1, / = — h € = a,f — 1, M =bi -^ n + 171 = 1 ; and, by art. 792, when r is any integer positive number, the fluent of r ' A X ^ , that is generated while x increases from o till it be- come equal totf, isAx4-X|-x|-x4-X &c. these fractions being continued till their number be equal to r, and A being sup- posed now to represent the semi-circumference on the diameter Ibk. X 5xx bx"^ _ a. Therefore, smce G = ^^^7=^1 + .2e + 8EE+T6eI+ ^^• it follows, that Q = ^^ >^ ^ + lE + 64E^ + 256E3 + ^^^ R4 In 248 Of reducing Tlucnts Book 11. In like manner, q z:— x — ~- x 1 — -l"^. Whence Q may be corapfircci with an ark of a circle upon the diameter E that has its versed sine equal to .r. 808.Letd - , ~^'*^ , and A = '~"^ then d Vaa—pp X V hb-\-pp y aa — /./»' = ^- X > + W' = T. ^f-W^%- &c. Thcr.- fore the fluent Q generated betwixt the terms when p =: oand — • ^'"^ I ~^- ' ~^^ 175fl6 „ jp _ «, IS -T- X 2 i5Z,i + 128M ~ " 8 X 256^6 + ^^' This fluent is the ultimate excess of the tangent EP above the hyperbolic ark AE, that is, the limit of this excess while the figure is produced, or (according to the usual manner of expres- sion) the excess of the asymptote above the curve AE, when both are supposed to be infinitely produced. By supposing aa — fp z=. ax Q. zz — — - — 3 and the same fluentwillbefound •* '2.x V £ — X (by art. 792) equal to _x^— + 23^ + 4^^ + ^ ■ ' " -. + Sec. where A denotes in the usual manner 6x8E ^ SxlOE the first term — X ^ ~, -^ the second term ^, C the third term, and so on. 8O9. It follows, from what was shown above, art. 792, 799, &c. that when r is any integer number, the fluent of is assignable by the arks of conic sections; that is, by right lines, when r is equal to 4, or to any multiple of 4 ; by cir- cular and parabolic arks (which may be reduced to loga-- rithms) with right lines, when r is any other even number ; by arks of an equilateral hyperbola with right lines, when r is any munber oft^e series .3, 1, 11, 15, &c. ; and by arks of the same Chap. III. to others of a more simple Form. 24f) same hyperbola and right lines^, with arks of an elhpsis that has ks excentricity equal to the second axis, when r is any of the numbers 1, 5, 9, 13, 8cc. For if we suppose z« = xx, the pro- r posed fluxion will be transformed into - — ■> when r = 3, 2 — I =l> and the fluent is found by art. 799 or 800 ; but when *' = 1^2" — ^ — — T-> ^"^ t^>^ fluent is found by art. 802. 810. \jeXn (Jig.S \0) beany fraction whatsoever,and thefluent <^* oi' .. -.—r . be required. For this end let AL be one of the figures constructed in art. 392, where the point S, and right line AE, were supposed to be given in position, SA was perpendicular to AE in A, M any point upon AE ; and the ra- tio of the angle ASL to ASM, and that of the logarithm of the ray SL to the logarithm of SM, was always the same inva- luable ratio of 7i to 1 ; that is, ASL : ASM : : n : 1, and SL to SA asSM +« to SA+ «. LetSA — 1,SM = .t,SL = /•,andthe ark AL n s ; consequently r rr a?+'», V = + wa;+"— 'x,and (by art. 392) 's : + r : : SM : AM : : x : VT^^, or / = nxTK rp, f an . 0^+"^ . 1 I -- , . 1 hererore the fluent or ^ is -- X s — r x Vxx—\ V xx—l " AL. If Am be perpendicular to SM in m, then Sm == - ; consequently, if we suppose Sm =: z, then the fluent of ■ — will be equal to - X AL. By supposing z =: V'l— yy and u — O — 2A-, =—=7; is transformed into - , 1— jy^l vi— s» nm 1 w ^ ' and the fluent is - x AL. By supposing y'^—.z^, — — ■ — 2c"--'2" 9 -IS transformed into ; , and tlie fluent is -^ x AL. These 950 Of reducing Fluents Book IL These are the figures which we found to resolve the most simple cases of problems of various kinds in the first book, art. 436> 569, &c. 811. LetA/,Ap,AL,APr//g.31 1), &c.be such a series of figures as was described in art. 212, where each curve is supposed to be always defined by the intersections of the tangents of the preceding curve with the respective perpendiculars on those tangents drawn from the given point S. Let AL be a figure of the kind described in the last article; that is, let the angle ASL be to ASM, and log. SL to log. SM always in the same invariable ratio. Then A/, Ap, AP, and all the other figures in the series, shall be likewise of this kind. By art. 212,^ the angle AS/ == ASL + 2ASM, SI =x +'*^', and the fluxion of Al to the fl[uxion of AL as the fluxion of S/ to the fluxion of SL, or as «q:2 x ar"^ to n; consequently the fluxion of AL is li- X sx^ ; and the ark A/ is assignable by s and al- It gebraic quantities, by art. 792. The same is to be saidof all the other arks in the series taken alternately, that is, of the 2d, 2th, 6th, &c. from AL. The other curves in the series Ap, AP, &c. are all assignable by AP and right lines; but the arks of any twofigures that immediately succeed each other in the series, as of AP and AL, cannot be compared with each other by an al- gebraic equation. WhenA/)S(//g.31 l,A^.2)issupposedtobease- lnicircleuponthediameterSA,/coincideswithA,andA/vanishes, ALand ihesubsequent arks in the series taken alternate]y(which have all a cuspid in S) are assignable by right lines ; but the other arks in the series are measured by the circular ark Ap and xightlines. When AL(N.3)issupposedtocoincidewith the right line AM itself (or n — 1), P coincides with A, and AP vanishes, A/> jsacommon parabola thathasitsfocusinS,A/and the arks in the scries continued backwards, taken alternately from A/,admitof a perfect rectificiilion; huttheotherarksin the same series are mea- sured bv parabolic arks and right lines. Ofall the figures wherein the an<^ie ASL is to the angle ASM and log. SL to log. SM in tbesameinvariableratio,thcrearenoncbesides these that seem to admit Chap. III. to others of a more zimph Form. 251 admitof a perfect rectification, or an accurate mensuration by cir- cular arks or logarithms. When AL is an equilateral hyperbo- la that has its centre in S (or «=|), the curves taken alternate- ly from AL either way in the series,, are measured by AL and right lines ;but the other curves in the series are measured by AL with an elhptic ark (described above, art. 802) and right lines. By supposing u—^, ^, |, &c. other series of curs'es will be formed. And every series of such curves gives tvpo distinct sorts of fluents, vl^hich cannot be compared with each other, or with those of any difterent series of this kind. CHAP. IV. Of the Area, when the Ordinate and Base are expressed by Flu- ents ; of computing Fluents from the Sums of Progressions, or the Sums of Progressions from Fluents, and other Branches of this Method. 812. JL HE base being represented by z, and the ordinate of the figure by y, the fluxion of the area is zy. \^ y and z be both assigned by quantities compounded in common algebraic terms from the powers of the same variable quantity x, the fluxion of the area will be expressed by such quantities mul- tiplied by X. Having insisted on the fluents of such expres- sions in the preceding chapters, we now proceed to enquire into the area or fluent when the ordinate is itself assigned by an area or fluent, or when the ordinate and base are both ex- pressed by fluents : and in this case it will be sufficient if wc can reduce the area of the figure to the fluents of the former kind ; as to circular arks and logarithms, or to elliptic and hyper- bolic arks, or, in general, to the fluents of expressions that in- volve one variable quantity only in algebraic terms with its fluxion. In this case we shall find that the total area (or that which insists upon a certain given base) may be sometimes mea- sured by circular arks or logarithms, though it may not appear that 252 Of the Area, when the Ordinate Book IT. that in the same instances the part of the area can be assigned in this manner which stands upon any segment of the base that may be proposed. For example, let ADcr, BE6 (//g. 312), be con- centric circles described from thcsame centre, CBbeingless thaa CA;ietAG be the tangent atA, and T any point upon AG; join CT intersecting the circle BE6 in V and v. Now, let the figure CHKR be constructed so that the base CR may be always equal to the logarithm of the ratio of CT + AT to CA, and the ordinate RK always equal to the logarithm of the ratio of Tiy to TV, the modulus being CA. Then the whole area CHKLLRC generated by the ordinate RK, while the point V describes the quadrant BVE, shall be equal to the rectangle con- tained by the quadrant AFD and the ark DF whose sine is CB ; but it does not appear that the part of this area CHKR, that stands upon any given base CR, can be measured in this manner. The fluents of this kind are sometimes required in the resolution of useful problems, and the mensuration of the whole area is commonly what is most valuable. But before we treat of the ai'ea, when the ordinate and base are both expressed by fluents, some theorems are to be premised concerning the area, when the ordinate only is expressed in this manner. 813. Let A represent any area on the base x, suppose Ax =; K, K;^ = h ,<'hx = M, Mx "==■ ii , &c. where K represents the area when the ordinate is A, L the area when the ordinate is K, M the area when the ordinate is L, and so on. LetoTA =: B, ^B — Cy xc ~ i), xb = E, &c. ; and suppose B^r' — i, k'x •=. /, I'x — m, nix = n. Sec. Then shall K =: x\ — B, 2L = xK — k, 3M z= arL — /, 4N rr xM — m, and so on. For since Ar + XA = k + B, it follows, by finding the fluents (art. 738), that Ax =: K + B, and K = Ax — B. Because Ki -f xk — i = L + AX;; — Bi- = L + Ax—B X i = t -I- K:^ = 2l, by taking the fluents xK ~ k z=: 2L. In like manner, Lx + xl — / — M + Kxr — kr" = M + iLx ~ ;1m, and SM ■=■ xL — /,• M;:^ + xm — m =: n + Lx^-' — Vx := N + 3M>" == 4n, and 4N zr xM — m, and so on. 814. In Chap. rV. ayid Base are expressed by FIue7its. ^53 814. In the same manner that K=tA — B, it is manifest that k — xB — C ; consequently 2L = a:K — k = jt^A — arB — a:B + C = x"A — Q.xB + C, and 2/ = or^B — 2aC + D. Hence 6M = (by the last art.) 2xL — <2,l z=. x X ;ciA— 2*'B+c — x'-'E.—'ixC-fD — x'^A — 3j:^B 4- SxC — D, and Cmi ■=. a,3g _ 3^^c + SxY) — E ; 24N = GxM. — 6m = x x ;^3A — 3.*r»B +5xC—D — x3B— 3;tr*C+ 3xD — E = X*A — 4x^B -f 6x^0 — 4xD + E. And in this manner it is mani- fest, that if r denote the place of any fluent Z in the series x'-A—rx^—' B + r X ^^ x a:'-—'C-8LC. K, L, M^ N, &C. Z = IX2X3X4X . . . Xr " which is the first part of prop. 1 1, De Quadrat. Curvar. When «'-A— rcf-'B + r X ^^ a'--"C-&c. X = a, then Z = 1 X 2 X3. .. Xr 815. Let» zz 7Z.J X A = fl'"A — ra'-—'xk +rx ^- X a*"— *j:^A — &c. r= a'' a — ra''— ' b + ^ X ^- X a''— *c &c. ; consequently j2 — a'A — ra'— ' B + r x ^- x a''-— »C — &c. and when x =: a, Z = i^zxsx ...Xr » ^^^"*^"^^ ^ the second part of the same proposition. 816. Let .TA = P, Pa =: Q, Qa = r, T^a = i, &c. and the fluent of AV will be equal to xA" — ;jA«— ' P + ?* x "^r x A«— ^Q — M X "^T X 'IJIir X A"--^R — &c. For, by art. 738, the fluent of AVis xA^ — F, /?A«— ' xk (where F is prefixed to denote the fluent of the expression that imme- diately follows) n xA'^ — F, wA"— ' p = iA" — ?< A''— ' P + l\ n X IZT X A«— ^ d = xA^ — «A«— ' V -\- n x tliZIi x A''—"- Q — F, w X ^T X 7^ X A"— ^Q, and so on. 81 7. For example, let a = ■ — , and K the fluent of V 1 +.VX' A'x will be J A — B = (because b = xA = ^ ^ _ and B 254 Of the Area, when the Ordinate Boole ^11, = hP Vi^xx) x\ + »/ iz^xx ; and, because the fluents B, Q, J), &c. are expressed by circular arks or logarithms with alge- braic quantities,, according as A is itself a circular ark or loga- rithm, the same is to be said of the fluents K, L, M, N, 8cc. by art. 814. Let */\^.xx = z ,• then A = 1-, p r= .ta = T. -^ ■=■ + 5=1 and P = + ;:; ; q = Pa = + x\ and Q = + t;r = Qa = T~ =2, and R =: r,- s = Ra = v, and S 3 = X. Therefore the fluent of A''^ is ivV ± ?2A«— '2; + n x ^ZT X A«— ^a^ — w X ^r X ;;^ X A«— ^2 + w x "^ZTi x ^;Z2 X ^Z^s X A"— ^a: + 8cc. 818. Supposing A = .yi-, B '=■ oc'i^rz yxx. Ify can be ex- pressed by X, B may be expressed by a fluxion that involves an invariable quantity only (viz. xj with its fluxion ; and if A and B can be reduced to algebraic quantities, or to circular arks or logarithms, by the preceding articles, the same is to be said of K, the fluent of A^., becauseK^rxA — B, Itisobviousthat if A anda^be assignable by each other, A.r or km ay be easily express- ed by a fluxion that involves one variable quantity only (viz. X or A) with its fluxion ; and the fluent of A;^ may, in many cases, be assigned in algebraic quantities, or compared with circular arks or logarithms, by the preceding articles. But be- sides these more obvious cases, there are others wherein the fluent of x X F,y;^ ( or of A;^ ) can be reduced to such as have been considered above. 819. The base of a figure being represented by z, and the ordinate by 3f, lets =: Vi''"— ' xE + F.i»l^', and ^ = xX'^"-* X e-f/x"^» and let x = f? when E -f Fx« = (that is, let (Jn — — - j ; then if 7- + s -f I + k :=: o, the area of the figure (or the fluent of ij/) that is generated while .r by flowing from becomes equal to d, shall be equal to the simultaneous fliuents Chap. IV. and Base are expressed hi/ Fluents. 255 fluents of x^^+^'^^i X E + P>^~' and :rs»— * ; x e +/>^+' multiplied by p^; that is, let Q, G, and P, represent the se- veral fluents of i^'"— I X E + Fx«'""' x F. irs"— ' x e+fJF^^ ixrn+tn^i ^ E+lV'^"'^ and xx""-' X ^7^'^+^ that are generated while x by flowing from ^6 becomes equal to d ; and Q = - e I^. i^OY, by the supposition, -^ = xX*"-' X 1 +- — I = (by the binomial theorem) a^"— »; + — X xsn+n^z; + A X i=l X -f X x^'^+'n^i^ + &c. and (A) ,i:ir« - 1 + m X T- + 7+^ X A- X ~ x-'^-+ &c.; consequently ?/s is equal to the product of ^-^ x a:»-«+sM— i •J-i x E + Fa" multiplied by this series. Therefore, by art. 792, if in this series you substitute d for x, and multiply the terms respectively by 1, -^^, -^ ^;T7T7TT. ^^- ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ y+s = — / ~ A-, and r + s + / = — k) by 1, ^i, d^f x — ip-j-j &c. and suppose the series thence arising, viz. i + $ /J" , i + l—l ffd'-n — X i+ / X V+7P ^ * + ' X -2-- ^ ~ + &C. = el L, we shall have Q =: - X GL. But by substituting: in the equation A, by which the value of y was determined, P for y,k-i-l for k, and d for x, it is manifest that L zn ■ ,'", -. e'^+'d^"9 GP consequently Q = ~T^« This theorem is founded on art. 792, and is to be understood with similar limitations, particu- larlv 250 Of the Area, when the Oydinat6 Book IL laily with those described in art. 79G. We have supposed r + s -f / -f k "=1 0, or s =3 — r — / — A"; but it is easy to see that if s be increased Or diminished by any integer number, this theo- rem will be of use for discovering the fluent of y^l when x =: d, or for reducing it to common fluents, that is, to such as involve the powers of one variable (quantity compounded together in common algebraic terms with the fluxion of that quantity. Sup- pose, for example, that d = » X F, yX", and let e +/i'* = R, then Q = —-. — ==r. — -p — ^ -• nJXs + k+l JXs+i + i 820. Let X — D when e + fx^ — o ; and, the values of « and y remaining the same as in the last article, let Y, Z, and q, he the respective fluents ofy, z, and ^2, when e + fx"' = Oi Let g and p be the simultaneous fluents of ^2rji-f.s»— i >j e-\- fx^^ and 'xx'"'~^ X E + Ri-'''+^ Then if r + 5 + / + A —0, as formerly, q =YZ — vkt^^Ura ' '^^'^ theorem follows from the last, because F, y^ zz yz—V, Zy . 821. Let a = — ;.r''— ™— * X Ex«TF^""', 7 = — ix"^ '1/ X ex^ + f , X •=. d when E + Fjt" =: 0, and the area or fluent of ya' which is generated while a: flows till from being equal to d it becomes infinitely great (or the limit to which this area approximates while x increases continually),i9theproductof the fluents of— ;a:n+"fc— I x EIm-F'""' and - ;,r'»— "^Xf.r"+/^""^^ multiplied by each other and by - ^ , ^^^ • as will appear by substituting .r— > for x'\n art. 819^ and supposing w = rn + In — ]. The fluent of y«* when e+fx^ rr is the excess of the product of the corresponding values of 3^ and z above the product of the simultaneous fluents of — .Vx"'— ' X t'.r"+/'^ and — -^x' —m—nh—'Z >; li,jv«^i.+ multiplied by each other Dw-fi — id and by -r=n— > by the last article. 822. from Chap. IV. and Base are expressed hi/ Fluents. 'Z57 822. From these theorems tables might be computed of fluents of this kind that may be reduced to circular arks and lo- garithms ; but we shall only give a few examples of their use. Suppose tliatit is required to find this area or fluent of y.*, when, m being anv positive number, \ = and ,; zz. — — — • that is, let it be required to find the fluent of — * X F, •^ X^\/bh—xx ■ _ • when X rzh. In this case, by comparing the expo- nents with those in art. 819, 11 — ^, r— ^^^, / — 1 s — ~. 2 2^ 2 ' and k rr — 1, so that r + / + s + /.• - ^~"+^+" '— l rro,as the theorem requires. Because in this cased ~ '^ and ^ V bb — XX — " _ ; it follows, that if N denote the ratio of the cir- cumference of a circle to its diameter, the fluent required is -_-- >c F. ___f_ , if b be substituted for x in the value of this^ 2flO"» Vaa^Lxx last fluent after it is determined. Thus if 4;=loo-. ^^~^^^ ^-^^ X ■ and j/ = log. a x -/—^/and H represent the ark described with the radius a that has its sine equal to b, then the area re- quired will be equal to ~ x H ; whence the proposition that was advanced in art. 812 follows: for in this example ^ =: bbv . aay' ~7~=. , = ^^^-,m =: 1 and P = F, -JL If, the xv'ii—xx aa — XX -v/J^HTv same value of z remaining, we suppose y to be always equal to the ark described with the radius a that has its tangent equal to X, or 3, ~ — 1 — ^ then p == — ; and in this example aa-{-xx VaaJr^x ^ VOL. II -^ the 258 Of the Area, when the Ordinate Book II. the fluent required is — — X log. .!Lff±£ilL- ; so that the flu- '2 a cnt, whicli in the former case was the product of two circular arksj is now the product of a circular ark by a logarithm. If m be any integer number, the fluent required may be measured by the areas of conic sections, and if m be equal to any of the fractions ^, |, f, &c. it may be measured by their arks. 823. It is obvious that in other cases the fluents may be com- puted from the theorem besides those wherein ?• + s + / -f. /; r=o. Suppose, for exam ple,K — " — - and y — i. xW bb—xx e -i-Jxx Because y = x — -ILJL — , ^t/ zh f -f — x f4-/r.r a.rVM— Arr xWsb-^xx A'l • ^ F, — i^~. The fluent of the former part is assignable in e +fxx algebraic terms, and the fluent of the latter (by the theorem in art. 819) by circular arks and right lines. 824. In like manner it follows, from art. 822, that if i' =3 ___f___ and y = — ~—> then the area, or fluent of y« x^Vx.x—bb xx+aa that is generated while x flows till from being equal to 6 it N x^~^x become infinite, is — _ x F, — - . 825. The theorems in art. 819, Sec. are cliiefly of use for reducing fluents to circular arks or logarithms, or to others of a more siiiipie form (and consequently for rendering our solutions of problems more simple and elegant than when we have im- mediately recourse to an infinite series), when neither j/ nor z can be expressed by x in algebraic terms^ But they may be of some use, likewise, for finding the fluent of j/a;* when^ is as- signed by X. Thus, to find the fluent of aax aa -{- XX ^ V" bb—xx when X ■=:: b) suppose ri = — tj/=: , and conse- Vbb—xx . aa + xx quently Ghap. iV". Unci Base are expressed hy Vluenti. ^5^ queritly^ •=. ." - ■ / By comparing these values of » and aa-\-xx p with their general values in art. 819> ?« — 2, ^ — i> ^ =^ |^ s =r 1, /c = — 2> and r+l-\-s-^k:=:o,as the theorem re- quires, G the fluent of -- is -j and P the fluent of ^ Vbb—XX 4 -^ . '^— is — ■ * whence^ hy the theorem in art. 819, the diz+ xx\^ l/aa-\-xx fluent required is ■ - . Other exariiples might he given, 2 V aa-\-bb if we were not obliged to hasten towards a conclusion, this Trea- tise having already grown to a far greater bulk than was at first intended. 826. If we assume an equation as x-^-a/^- X 7+%" = E, where m, n, A, B, E, are supposed invariable, then (by art. 728) i/'x + otA4-«b X *-}^ + OT+n X ABjy^ = 0. If we had as- sumed T+XP'" X j/« = E, then wj/x + w% + ^Ij^ X Aj/^ =0, where the term x'x is wanting. When a fluxional equation is proposed that can be reduced to a form of this kind, then, by comparing its coefficients with those of the equation of the same form, the values of wz, n, A, Sec. maybe determined, and the equation for the fluents discovered; as is shown more fully^ Comment. Petropol. torn. 1, &c. 827. When an area or fluent is reduced to a: series by the methods described in art. 745, &c. the series in some cases con- verges at so slow a rate as to be of little use for finding the area. Suppose FjVI/*(y?g. 313) to be an equilateralhyperbolathathasits centrein Oand Oa for one of its asymptotes ; let OA =. 1, AP =r, PM = y, and y = -— = l — x -i- x^ — x'^ + &c. whence the area APMF =1- p^^; = x — j + ^ -j- '1* + Sec ; and S2 if •fiGO Of computing the Sn)7is of Progressions Book II.^ ii'AB = \, tlic area ABEF z=i— i+l._l-^-i_ -■ + 5cc. rr 2 + T2" + so" "^ ^^' ^^'^''^^^ ^^ '^''^ sei'ies mentioned foi- the quadrature of the lij'perbola (or for finding the hyperbolic logaritliui of 2) in art. 36 1. But this series con- verges so slowly, that the sum of the first 1000 terras * of it is found deficient from the true value of the area in the fifth deci- mal; and other examples similar to this might be brought; wherein the area may be more easily computed from the in- scribed polygons tlian from the series. Some further artifice is therefore necessary in order to compute the area in such cases^ instances of which were described in art. 36l, and others are to be met with in several authors^ particularly those who have treatcdof the compulation of logaritliras and mensuration of the circle. The following theorems, derived from the method of fluxions, may be of use for this purpose; and serve for the reso- lution of many problems that are usually referred to what is call- ed Sir Isaac Ne?i:tuifs differ enlial method. 828. Suppose the base AP=:r (fig. 314), the ordinate PMrry, and, the base being supposed to flow uniformly,let '%^=.\. Let the firstordiuateAFbe representedby «, ABn: 1, and theareaABEF =:A. As Ais the area generated by the ordinate?/, so let B,C,D, E,F,&c. represent the areas upon the same baseABgeneratedby the respective ordinates^,/,^,]^", &.c. Then AF = i* 22 whence, by exterminating a, a, Sec. from the value of a, the theorem will appear. The coefticients of C, E, G, &c. are continued thus : let the several coefiicients of a, a, &c. in the value of -^ (derived from art. 752) be represented by k, I, -^ z^k zH m, n, &.C. that is, let k-zz — --d I = r, m = ^— — -> ^* 2 X 02* 4 X oz-- 6 X 7a* - ^''^ -, &c. ; then let K = - = -i-, L = AK — Chap. IV. afid Areas from each other. CCS ^,M -kh — lK + ~, N = AM — /L + wK — -^j &c. And the values of the coefficients K, L, j\T, N, &c. being thus- computed, then a = -^ — KC + LE — MG + NI — &c. Be- cause the areas C, E, &c. are the respective fluents of^^, y% , &c. if the respective differences of the first, third, fifth, seventh, and higher alternate fluxions of the ordinates rv and. RV, be expressed by /3, I, ^, 6, Sec. then a = ~ -%- -f : :- + r- &C. 720!23 30240z5 1209600;=7 832. Fromthisitfollows,thatifAF,BE,CK(y70f.3 15)&c.bease- ries of equidistant ordinates upon the base Aa, of which i^F is the first and oythe last; AB their common distance be equal to Q,z; AR be taken backwards from A equal to z or \ AB, and ar be taken forwards from a also equal to \ AB; the ordinates RV and rv terminate the area RVzt; and this area being repre- sented by A, the differences by which the first, third, fifth, seventh, and higher alternate fluxions of rv exceed the same fluxions of RV, be expressed by |3, 5, ^, 0, &c. and the sum of the ordinates AF, BE, CK, &c. (including af) by S, then __ _A_ _ z^ 7z'S _ 31 z'^ 127z'S 22 12a 720^5 30240a;S 1209600^7 ' r + &C. A = O- S + -,- + — ;- ?- 47900160i;9 fo SbOi^ 15120-j? , 127/6 511;'°>t . Tr Ao + r- — r— + &c. Ir we suppose AB rr i, 6048002i'' 23950080*'' and ^ zz I, then 2 = | and S = A ~ '— 4- rr:- — —l,^ ' ^ 24. • 3760 9o7o80 "r 1 f.Afto»snr^ *^c. ana n — ^ + "SZ Tt^ + ^ 164828800 """ """* j.x — ^ i 24. 6760 ^ 967680 &c. which are the two other theorems mentioned in art. ."52 and 353, only, in order to include the term of, ar is here taken forwards from a, whereaa afwixs there excluded^ and ar taken the contrary way. S 4 ^33. Tlic 254 Of computing the Sums of Progressions Book 11. 833. The use of these theorems will best appear by examples. First, let w, m+e, m + Q^e, m-{-3e, . . . n, be a series of num- bers in arithmetical progression, where m denotes the first term, c the common difference, and n the last term ; and r being any number positive or negative ( — 1 excepted) S the sum of the powers of tiiese numbers of the exponent r, that is, m^ + mT"'" + ^7+2^'- 4* "'i-a^'' + . . . • + n''- — == — X ?/'• - m^ n^' + nf re > — -■ ^ r.r — ] . r — 2 . e^ ^ 1- -rr X //'•-'—?«'•—' — X 2 12 720 ',^7-— 3 — ^;i'-— 3 -f &c. For,supposingOPm',PM=r_y,letO?g.3 I4,N^. 1 &2) FAI/be the paraboiaor hyperbola whoseequationisy^ijr'', OA =z m, Oa:=:n ; consequently Af :=im'', af z=. w'", F. i/x = T.x'^^'x = and the area AF/a = A = » af — AF zr fi{ =: ?i''^— m*"; ^ = ra:'"— 'i , and, supposing;^ = 2 = 1, the difference of the fluxions of af and AF is rtO'—t — rm^'—^= /5 ; ^' — r X~T x 7Il2 x j'— ^ ^ , and ^:=zrx7^ X 7^2 X w'— ^ — m"— \ In like manner, ^, 6, &c. are com- putedj and it follows, from art. 830, that S — W = — = — — ' n^ — m'" re -\- — X n'—^ — m"— I — &.C. therefore S 2 12 w^+i — W+i n^' + m^ re — • „ _ 7+Txe ^ 2 ^ 12 ^ supposing e =. I and tn = o, it follows, that the sum of the powers of the numbeis 0, 1,2,3,4, . . . n of any integer and posi- . w'+i n^' rn''—^ r x ~ X 7^ X ?/'■— ^ tive exponent ris— + ^J + ITT ^q " -J- &.C. this series being continued to as many terms as there are units in 2 + ~- only, when r is an odd number : be- cause when r ■=. 1, the fluxions of AF and of are equal, and /3 = c>: Chap. IV. and Arca& from each other. 265 /5 — ; when r = 3^ 5 = o ; when r — 5, ^— o, 8cc. Thus if r r: 1, S rr ^- + ^; it r = 2, b = - + ^ + _; and if r =;: 3, S rz - + g + J"* This is the theorem given by Islx. James Bernouilli, Ars, Conjeclcmdi, p. 97. When r is -a fraction or negative number, the sum of the powers of the same numbers (by supposmg m ~ 1) is -{ 4. rtv—i —^r r X r— 1 x r_2 X W— ^ -1 + &c. 12 720 834. The sum S (fig. 3 1 5) of the same powers of m + e,m + 3e, m-\-5e,m-\-1le,. . . n — e, where 2c is the common diflerence of the terms, computed by the theorem in art. 832, by supposing OR = m, RA :=. e =. ar, Or =. n (and computing the area RVrr with the differences of the first, third, and higher alternate flux- 1 ■ ■ — 7'g ions of TV and RV), is ■= X «'+i -w'+» X ^' r+iX2e 12 77'Xr — 1 Xr— 2 Xe^ 720 Sir xTZT xm? X~3 xTZi 30240 ^ ^' ^ ;.'-^-m'-= + &c. By supposing m zz e — \, the numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... . T , _, w'+i nV— I 7r X~Tx~2X;i''— ^ w — i, and S — ■ 4- r+1 24 5760 31rxrZTx7Il2x733X~+ „ 1 X ?!'■— 5 + CCC. r:r 9^)7(380 7+TX2M-I , ^ 7rx;n:Tx~2 "*" 24 X or-i 5760 X 2'--^ ■*" 835. When r is negative, let r r= — s; and if s be greater than unit, then, by what we have shown in article 1 ' ' 833, tne sum of the proa-ression — + =, + ==-, J , 1 J + ;rF37' + ^^' (by supposing ~ zzo)zz -7 x cv;.-i + ^^^J + ^Gd Of computing the Sums of Progressions Book IF; ^ s£ s X 7+T X 7+2 X t^ .sxT+T x 7+2 x ~i x 7+1 X e^ — ■ &c. This series was deduced from different principles by Mr. De Moivre. In like manner it follows, from the last 1 1 J I article, that =p.^- -f ^=F=« + -^^^^-s -i. ==s j- &,c, _ 1 se 7.S X 7+T X 7+"2 x e^ &c. For example, if s = 2 and e zz ^, then S =: r-r-r 7 31 r^ siOffls" — i3Um'^ "^ ^^* "^^ compute the sum of the progression l + r + -5+ 7^ + -^ +&c. find the sum of J the tenns at the beo-innina: of the series as far as -=7=71 exclu- sively, then compute the sum of the subsequent terms by this theorem. Thus if we add the three first only 1 + - + g- r= 1. 361 1 i &c. suppose 771 -i- J zz 4, or m zz ^, and the sum of the following terms will be | X 1 — j^ + -jj^^ - &:c. three terms of which series only collected and added to the former number 1. 361 ] 1 &c. give 1. 64493 I2 ^ ^ nn ~ bl2i 720 ^ "^ ^ =; V — --: and by so few sub-divisions of the base B.r 64xb4x64' •' and terms of the series, the area R/-z;V, or the hyperbolic lo- garithm of 2, is 0. 693146 &c. which differs from the trulh by ^n unit only in the sixth decimal. 837. The logarithm of m being given, the logarithm of ^ + s is assigned by this theorem, log. w-j-^ - — log. m ziz — ^ multiplied by the series 1 — it X — -- — i -f == w, Aa-=z, FM/the logarithmic curve havingits asymptote EZ perpendicular to EA, EP=x, PM =2/, the modulus or ordinate Ee =: 1 ; then by the nature of the figure (art. 178), j^ zr - or a-^ = ^ ; consequently, MN being perpendicular to the asymptote in N, the area Ee FMN = r — ], <^MP = EP x PM — Ee FMN =: r X log. a: — -ar + 1, and the area AFfa =: Z^ X log.^^l — m X log. m — 2; == A. And because u r= af— AF = log. ^ir\^ — log. m (supposing i = 1), AF = a z= log. m = (art. 829) T " 2 + T2 ~ 720 + 30240 ' ^<^- = — + J X log.;.+.- --o X log. m- 1 + 12" - 720 + I02I0 — &c. Therefore ~ + 2 ^ ^^S- "^ — ^^o* ^ — I — f? 12 CGS Of compulijig the Sams of Progressions Book I L 12 + 7l^ - sllo + ^^'- = (becausei = 1 and ^ = ;^^ 3 „ = — - and S — =% -i 8cc.) 1 x 1 I z' I 1 z' 1 1 ^^ — — + :T7^;^x=^=3— T3'— T:;7^x=^-s -T:?' Hence, if we suppose w IT l^andz = ], because log. 1 = o, it follows, Q 1 7 31 that J X log. 2=1+ "123^ — 3^o^8 + "12603^ — ^C. And by supposing z = |^ |- x log, \ — I + -^ — 360x8x37 31 1 + 1260x32x343 ~ ^^' ^^ ^ similar computation, it appears that if z denote the excess of the logarithm of a + c? abov^ the logarithm of a, or measure the ratio of « + d to a, then d the difference of the numbers may be found by dividing az by the series i _| -}. ^_ ^ + _^___g^c. Other the- orems of this kind may be derived from art. 832. 838. Let it be required to find the sum of the logarithms of a series of numbers m + e, m + Se, m 4- be,m + 7^ • . • . n — e, in arithmetical progression, where m -\- e denotes the least term, n — e the greatest, and 2e the common difference of the terms ; or, to find the logarithm of the product m-f e X m^?)e X m^-be X m-\-ie X ... X 7i^, whcn all thcsc numbors are supposed to be multiplied continually by one another. For this end, the figure being the same as in the last article, let EA be now equal to m + f, Ea rz n — f, take All from A towards E equal to e, and ar the contrary way equal to AR, and still sup- pose the fluxion of the base equal to 1 ; then ER r= m, Er=^)i, the area RVrr — n X log. n — m X log. m — u + m :=■ A, the difference of the fluxions of the ordinates rv and RV^, is i 1— c?x — r. ^/-£i_£lA — !!? ft m '^ rr nry ^ n^ nr ' n' _ Z2^, &c. Therefore (by art. 832), S = — — ^ + -^ 3/a' ^ ^ '2e 12 720 — 1- -f 5cc. rz — ■ — ^ o 30240 26- 2e 12 X Chap. IV. and Areas from each other. 269 n m 360 n^ m3 1260 «5 ^5 1680 1 1 — 8cc. And this is the same sokition which Mr. «'/ w' Stirling derives from his method, pi^op. 28, De Interpol. Serierum. 8.39. The terms in arithmetical progression being represent- ed by m, m + f , m + 2e, m + 3e,m + 4e, . . . . n — e, where ni de- notes the least term, f the common difference, and n — c the great- est term; thesumof the logarithms computed by the theorem for S,inart.830, is equalto the excess of the series - — - X log. n — _ + — - — + 8vc. above X e \2n 360«3 1260;j5 e 2 losf. m — - + T^ -^ — + --^, 8cc. For if » e I2m '360mi 1260/7i5 we now suppose EA=m, and Ea — n, AF will be the first or- dinate, the area AF/Y/r:« xlog. n — m xlog, m, a'=-af — AF= log. n — ^log. 7n, the difference of the fluxions of cr/and AF, or /3 — « 5 = -, — — r. &,c. ; and the theorem appears by substituting these values for A, (i, 5> &c. in the equation for S, in art. 830. This coincides with the value of S derived by, Mr. De Moivrc in a different manner, Suppl. ad MisceL Analyl. " 840. The sura of the logarithms of the odd numbers, 3, 5, 7, 9, \\,...n — lis obtained expeditiously, when w is a large number, by computing | X log. n—\— ^^ 4* -3^5^ + , " — &c. and thereafter adding —^5 ^^ 1260«S ' 1680«7 ^^' ""^ ."^.v,«.v^. «v.«,xio 2 the constant logarithm .346573590 &c. Because, if we suppose, _ _ 1 1 "» X loff. 771 f"- 1 m art. 838, e z=. l, and m =: 2, then ~ — — 3- — -nr- » 7 31 „ , 1.7 ^ 360/7;3 1260;«5 ^^ *^^- — ^'-'a* ^ ^ 12x2 ^ 360x8 ^^ + &c. = (by art. 837) log. 2 — | X log. 2 = 1260x^2 270 0/ computing the Sams of Progressions Book 11.- -^ ^ X log. 2 ; and this quantity is to be substracted from I" X log. n — - — — + Sec. in order to obtain the sttm of the logarithms of 3:, 5,1, .. .n — 1, by art. 838. 841. The sura of a scries^ of which the terms are alternately positive and negative, is found by computing separately the sums of such as are affected with the same sign by either of the theo- rems in art. 830 or 83'2, and then taking the difference of these sums. But when the terms^ which are added and substracted al- ternately, may be considered as the successive ordinates of the same figure, the computation of the area may be avoided, and the sum of the series more elegantly obtained by the following theorem. Let AF represent the first positive term, aythe term which when the progression is continued succeeds after the lasfe negative term, ethecommondistance ofthe ordinates, Sthesum of the terms that precede ctf, and let 0, 5, ^, &c. denote the differences by which the alternate fluxions of cr/ exceed the re- spective fluxions of AF, as formerly. Then S =z — ^^ -f £:_ — £_£ -f £^ — Sec. For the sum of the positive terms- 4 43 4aO ^ (by art. 830> the common distance ofthe ordinates whicfh tb'- present them being 2e) is ^ — _ 4- r__ — _^ 4< 8cc. 9e 2 12 720 A__^ 2^ 12 and the sura of the negative terms is (art. 832) -^ — -7^ 4* il— — &,c. the difference of which (ai being equal to af-^AF)t 720 is 2 4 48 cr alternate fluxions of fl/" vanish, and ^, d, ^, &c. represent the first, third, arid higher alternate fluxions of AF, without 1 • .v • • .u o AF— 0/ e/3 ,e'S e'? changmg their signs, then S = ^-^ — _ 4. __. — _| 80640 842. Hence if EA =: 2, AF = log. 2, Ea =: n, af— log. w, and /3, J, ^, &c. denote the several fluxions of AF, the loga- rithm Chap. IV. and Areas from each other. 27! lithm of the ultimate value of the product f x|-X7-X|-Xff^ X ... X ^^ X 2 v/T will be equal to ^°-- '^'"^' ^ ~-| + :: + &C. 4- loo- Q J- -2. — z: — X loff. 2 — -" ^ 43 480 ^ ^ ^ o "^ ^ 2 2 ^ 4, ■'■ 43" ~ 4^ + ^^' - (because, by art. 837, | X log. 2 = 1 /3 7$ 31C „ . , 2g 8? 32^ ''" 12 720 "^ 3G240 '' 12 ''" 720 "30243 + 8cc.=(because(3rriJ=|,^=||,&c.) 1— i + i^— ^ + TTgQ — &c. But (by what has been shown by Dr. Wallis) if c denote the circuraference of the radius unit, c = 8 X 8 24 48 80 „ , . , , . J .„ ,, jrXTrr- Xtt-X-ttX ccc. which product continued till the 9 23 49 81 '^ denominator of the last fraction be ^ZJi*, may be expressed by 4 16 36 64 ^P ,v *''9''25'^49'^8r'^"*-''S^ '^"' *^«nseq^^"^^^ _. , , . , .2468 w— 2 , -v/ c IS the ultimate value ot TrX-rXz-Xr-x.... X — r* ^ Q^/7; and log. ^/^ = -^- =: i _ ± + 34o- t4o + -^^ — 8tc. This (which was first observed by Mr. Stirling) serves for abridging the computation in finding the sura of the logarithms of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... n — 1. For suppose, in art. 839, mi=e=:l, then the latter series in that ar- tide X log. m + -r^ rr—r ■ -f &c. = — I I 1 I „ — log. c •< r^ + 12 — sTo + 1260 — ^^^- = "-J-^ consequently S = ^ X log. n — n + ~ — 3go;r + Tik^ — &c. + ^; or ifw-idcnote thegieatest number in the progression, then (sub- stituting 272 Of computing the Sums of Progressiom Book IT." stitiUing I for e in art. 838) S =. 7i x log. 7i — 7^ — — 4* ssk^-iolo^ + &c- +-T; ''^'^^^^ ^»-^ ^^>« rules giveri for this case in the treatises above-mentioned. Bat if it is re- 8 24 48 quired to find the value of 8 Xg X 25" ^ ig" ^ , ^c. by the tiieorem in art. 841 (that is, to compute c from Dr. Ji'allis's, proposition), then, because the series for the logarithm of a/T" converges at too slow a rate, when EA is supposed equal to '2^ lei r be any greater even number; find the number whose loga- rithm is -T rrr-: + ;^T Scc. Call this number N, and T 2 V" ~r~ >/" = 2>^ |X|-X|X| .. . X73j-^~N~* If?-=10, then let N be the number whose logarithm is equal to Tq- — "24000 1 „ , ,_ 256 A/lO -„7; — occ. and -/ c = ' 2000000 " *• ~~ -313 N 843. In like manner the logarithm of the ultimate value of 21 77 other products of this kind may be found ; as of 3 X ^ X rr- X l69" ^ "^9" ^ ^^' ^'^^^^'^ ^^^ denominators are the squares of the odd numbers 5, Q, 13, 17,21, &c. whose common difference is 4, and each numerator is less than its denominator by 4. Let the ultimate value of this product be called p, and -/"/"will be the ultimate value of-x- x — x— x .... """^ x \/~^ Let r be any number in the progression, 3,7, 1 1, 15, 21, 25, &C. and N the number whose logarithm is equal to — ^ + ±- &c. then v'T" = ^Ll x2 X IxiixH . . . x II^ *^^ N 6 9 13 17 7^» 844. The problem, concerning the ratio of the sum of all the uncm of the power of a binomial to the uncia of the middle term, may be resolved by article 838 or 839, with article 842, or rather by the following theorem. Let r be the exponent of Chap. IV. and Jrcasfrom each other. 273 of the power to which the binomial is to be raised when the exponent isan even number, or equal to this exponent diminish-' ed by uiiit when it is an odd number; and c denote the cir- cumference of the circle when the radius is unit; let N de- 1 note the number whose looarithm is equal to — — = — o i 4X7- -(-I a A V ~—,i "^ 7^7rcr^^=5 — ^c. and the ratio required will be —T' '^ r-\- \ ZU X r -(- 1 Vex TTT ^ that of ^^ — to unit : for this ratio is equal to 1 x 3 ^ 4' 6 8 r — 2 1 . 1 „ 3- X y X g X .... X •--■ - X r, which (by art. S4'2) is equal to the ultimate value of _^1 X ~r-^ X ^^ X —^ X ... X V~~s, where s is supposed to represen"; a number that Continually increases by the increment 2 ; and the logarithm of this ultimate value is (by art. 841, supposing AF=:log. r+T^ and./ = Iog.— )i^- i^^ + !2iLL±I _. Tz^ -1- — ^=^ ^=-3 + &c. + l2Si.^±l - 4X;+1 ^ '24Xr+l 20Xr+l ^ ^^^- ^ 2 — ^ 2 4 X r+ 1 'i4Xr+ 1^ 20Xr + l^^^' — log. — - — ~ — These are always supposed to be hyperbo- lic logarithms, but are converted into tabular logarithms by multiplying by 0.4342944819 &c. The resolution of tliis probleili derived from other principles may be found in Mr. De Moivre^s Siippl. Miscel. Anah/t. p. 17, and Mr. StirJi)igs Tract, de Sammat. Serier. p. 1 19. Because the other coeffici- ents of the terms of a binomial (when the exponent ;• is an even number) are found by multiplying the coefficient of the middle term by -4~x X ~- X -f- X &c. these may be likewise found by art. 838;, &c. For the use of the properties of the terms of a binomial, when raised to a high power, see Mr. VOL. II. T James 274 Of computing the Area Book IT. James Bcrnouill'is jIis. Conject. part 4, chap. 4, and Mr. Dc Moivre'a Doctrine of Chances. 1 1 I 84.5. The sum of the scries — ; — =:r + ■m'^ pi + e m-^'Ie r- :,. • -j- • ;. — &c. is (by art. 841^ because fr/'vvith all tit-\-3e vi-\-be its fluxions ullinuilely vanish in this case) + —- — 12;«/« 10m//.' ItSmw "X ft'D -}- cS:c. where Ain the usual manner denotbs the first term, ■ , B the second. C the third, not includini? its sisrn. Sec. If r rr 1, then S = -- + + r — - — + &c. '2m 4a: m 8/;i+ 4/m^ Sm' ^^' And hence the sum of tlie series 1 — -f +y — ;!: + i — i + &c. (which is equal to the hyperbolic logarithm of 2) may be easih' computed to a great number of decimal places, by firiyt collecting the sun:i of the terms at the beginning of the series (by common arithmetic) that precede --, so as that m may be a pretty large number (ecpial to 0,5 or 27, for example), and then computing the sum of the other terms by this series. If 1 113 m 2, then S = 1- -— - — — - + -— - — 5ic. whence '2mm <2>« '2//r 2m' the sum of the series 1 — ^ + J, — -J^ + ^ — ^^ 4- &,c. may be computed in like manner. By supposing r =: 1 and CZZ2, the sum of the series I — ■ ^ + ^ — y + i — tt+ tj -V + &c. ma)' be computed by first collecting the sum of the terms at the beginning of the series that precede -, viz. 1 ». -f f — -1 . . .• -^, by common arithmetic; and then 1 1 1 8 1 li adding — + + — — — + See. This scries is ° 2m 2inm tii^ ni' m' equal to iof tlie circumference of the circle, the radius being equid to 1, by art. 74(j j and hence the ratio of the circumfe- rence Chap. iV. from a few equidistant Ordinates. 275 rence to the diameter maybe computed to many decimal places with little labour. 846. The theorems in art. 830 and 832 may be applied for approximating to the sum of the series that is formed by substi- tuting successively any numbers in arithmetical progression in the place ofcT in the fraction • — - . (where x-\- a X ,r4- b X j; -f- c X cCC. tt, b, c, &,c. represent any given numbers^j by what was shown in the last chapter concerning the area, when the ordinate is equal to such a fraction, &c. And in some cases this sum may be as- s«igned accurately by art. SQ 1 . Si/. If N represent the number whose hyperbolic logarithm is fc, the sum of the series i + 1 -j- .^^ _ ^^ + ^ -. j^5^g-^ + &c. ■=: r^—^\ and the sum of the series ^ -- ~ + 720 302 io' "^ 1209600 ^^' " NN—T* -^ hese appear by supposing, in art. 830 and 832, the curve FM/to be the lo- garithmic, Aa its asymptote, AFor RV equal iothemodulus, and finding the sum of the ordinates by the conimon rule for a geo- metrical progression, and putting this sum equal to the value of S in those articles. 848. The base A« being divided into any number of equal parts represented by n, let the area AVfa:=.Q, the sura of the extreme ordinates AF -\- af — A, the sum of all the intermedi- ate ordinates BE + CK -f &,c. n B, the base Aa z=. R, and the same quantities be represented by /3, 1, ^, Sec. as formerly; then the area AVfa -Q = _A_ .~I^x R — ?l1 + i^ ^ 2/Z+2 ^ vn—\ 720«« 30240 nn-l^\ o -n. • • ^ c^ c/— AF X — ^j &c. box supposmg, m art. 830, c——^ S + =^— ^ — * — B4- — = V —■ — ;7-;^ V ~— — &.C. and sup- 2 K 12/j 720«3 30240/15 ^ posing e rr R in the same theorem, — —-^ z= - r: ~ •{< R5 R^5 , R'^ o .1 x. 1:2- ■" -7?o- "^ Tm ■" ^''- ^^'^"' '^ '''^ exterminate /2 T 2 by ■076 Of interpolating Book II, by these two equations, the proposition will appear. It" we neglect 5, t, d. Sic. AVJa = -^^^ + -^^^^-^, Sup- pose n ■=■ 2, or that there are three ordinates only (in which case B denotes the middle ordinate), then the area A¥fa =: :^±f^ X R— J^ + — ^- —Sec. Ifvve-suppose7/-3, 6 4x7^20 16x30240 ^^ or that there are four ordinates onlj^, B will represent the sum of the second and third, and the area AF fa — — Z x R — — — •^8 9x720 + '. z-^ — Sec. Bv nearlectina: 5, K, G, Sec. we shall 81x302i " ^ Q ^ > ^ have two of the theorems given by Sir Isaac Nercton and others for computing the area from equidistant ordinates, the latter of which (viz. AFfa =z '— - — x R) is much recom- mended by Mr. Cotes. 849. By exterminating 5, ^, 6, &c. successively, other the- orems will be found by which the area will be more and more accurately determined from the ordinates. Let there be five ordinates, A the sum of the first and last, B the sum of the se- cond and fourth, and C the middle ordinate : then the area J — 90 ^ ^^ 6x16x16x30210 ^ ' for by the rule for three ordinates ^ — '—^ — X R — i_ -f ^ • By dividinac the base into two equal 4x720 16x30240 -^ ^ '■ parts, and computing from thesame rule the area thatstands up- on each part, and adding these areas together, ^ ,zz —^A- — R^S oR'f — + ^TTrTT-r — ^'^' then, byexterminatina: 32x720 ^ 2x16x16x30240 •' » § by these two equations, the proposition appears. These the- orems may be continued in like manner, and some judgment formed of the accuracy of the several rules, by comparing the quantities that are neglected in them. 8jO. The Chap. IV. the intermediate Terms of a Scries. -77 850. The theorems in art. 830 and 832, from which we have drawn so many conclusions, may he of use for interpolating the terms of a series likewise, or for finding the intermediate ordi- natcs of a figure when the equidistant primary ordinates are given. When the equation of the figure FM/is known, the in- termediate ordinates are found without any difficulty, by sub- stituting the intermediate values of the base in theequation; but it is not so obvious how we are to interpolate the values of S, or thesums of thoseordinates. SupposeFNs Cfg-3\7) tobethe figure whose succcssiveordinates at the points A,B,C,D,&c. are al ways equal to the successive sums of the ordinates of the figure FlNl/'at the same points beginning with AF; that is, let AF = AF, Bf = AF + BE, Ck = Bf"+ CK, Da - Ck + DL, &:c. and let it be required to determine any intermediate or- dinate PN of the figure VNz. Let this ordinate PN meet the curve FM/in M, AF = a, PM =r y, the common distance of the ordinates AB = e, the area AFMP — Q, '>/ — a — &, '^ _ -J =: 5, SCO. then PN = S + 1±^ + i^ - g + ~S_ — , -f Sec. because, if we suppose PN to 3024.0 1209o00 ' ^^ move successively into the places of the ordinates of the figure FNs at A, B, C, D, &c. its successive values will be rightly determined by this theorem, by art. 830. Or if we Tv'ould avoid the arpa Q in the theorem for PN, let APrr/n, and, since :- == — + — — + — _ — ixc. It follows. 2 >» 12 720 30240 that P\T — t±l V ^+!i _L ^"""•* V R ^^~"'' V X -L gQ2^ X ^ — Sec. A siiijilar theorem follows from art. 832 : let AR be taken backwards from A, and Vr forwards from P, each equal to i AB, R V and rv meet FM/in V and v ; let Q now denote the area RVvr, and /}, 5, ^, &c. denote the differences by which the first, third, fifth, and higher alternate fluxions of the ordi- Hate rv, exceed the respective fluxions of RV, and AB = e, as T 3 for- 278 Of interpolating Book II, formerly : then any ordinate PN = _1 — -I — + IlJ^ — •^ -^ e 2x12 8x720 ^ — + &c. The ordinates al the points A, B, C, D, &c. are called the primary ordinates of the figures FN^ or TMf. If Pp = AB, /j« meet FNz in n and FAJ/'in m, then j9« r:; FN •!« p«z or PN — pm, according as Pp is taken forwards or backwards from P : and hence any intermediate ordinate PN being known,, all other ordinates of the figure FNz that are at a distance from i t equal to AB, or any multiple of AB, are easily found by adding or substracting the intermediate ordinates of the figure FM/". 851. LetTX and T' X'be the primary ordinates of the figure FiM/' adjoining to the intermediate ordinate PN; bisect TT' in X, let the ordinate a,;?/meetFM/in //, the area xi/vr—q^ the ordinate at T of the figure FNz, viz. Tr — J, x\j — y, rv =z u, then PN =/4- ^ — o—j ^ '^""-^ "^ sTtFo ^ "— J^ ■ — Sec. For if RV =r a, the area RVrr rr Q, then RVyj? — Q— /7, and PN = - — ^~fj x '« _.;j + ^^^^X « — a— &c, by the last article ; and "Ir —f — —- — Tr-ro X y— « + fx720 X 'if— a — cic by art. 830; consequently PN — /n: 7 — sT ^^ + 8"xW ^ «-i; — &c. andPN zz/4. -f — V "^~ + &c. This series will convero;e very fast in many cases, when PN is at a great distance from AF. 852. This leads us to some easy and simple theorems for finding the intermediate terms of a series by interpolating the difitbrences of the terms. First, suppose the diflerences of the terms to decrease continually, so that by continuing the series these differences may become less than any given quantitv, but never vanish; or that the terms of the series being represented by the ordinates of the figure FNz, and their diflFerences by the ordinates of FM/, this latter figure has the base F/for its asymp- tote. Chap. IV. the inlermediate Terms of a Series. 279 tote. In this case ttv the term of the series tliat precedes the first primary term AF, at any distance A% less than AB, is equal to tiie excess of the sum olthe priauuy differences AF+ BE + CK + &c. above the sum of the interpolated differ- ences be + ck + dl + ^c. the chstances Bb, Cc, Dd, 8cc. being each equal to At, iind taken the same way from B^ C, 1), &c. For in this case PS is ultimately equal to Tt; that is (supposing PT' = ttA), ttv + be »>5*c/; 4* J/ + &c. is ultimately equal t© AF -J- BE 4* ^^ 4" "^^"-j consequently %v :=^ AF — *£" 4- BE — c/c 4- CK — dl 4- &c. 853. For example, suppose AFrrl, BE — |, CK = i, DL ~ ^, &c. then the successive primary ordinates of the figure T?x- -n 1- 3 11 25 137 147 o t . a t * -r. FiVwillbel,^, -, 725 -60 5 -60J ^^' LetAxrriAB, and because the intermediate differences be = ^, ck rz |-, c?/rz f , &c. it follows, that tv — 1— 1 + ^ — t + t — f + f ~ t + &c. = 2 X 4- — i + 4: — i + J- — I -5- &c. =1 (be- cause log. o-i_|. + ^_i.4.±_|.4. 8cc.) 2 X 1-10,^.2. And the other mtermediate terms are found b}^ adding succes- sively the intermediate differences f, f , ^, &c.* 854. In like manner, if we suppose AF =: 1, BE—^, CK =: f, DL =: yV> ^c* ^1' the successive primary ordinates of FM/" to be the squares of 1, ~, -j, ^, \, &c. and we suppose At =: 4 AB, then the intermediate differences be, ck, dl, &c. will be ^o> 4-g) T9":> *-^c. the ordinates AF, Bf, Qv., Da, i.'v-c. will be * The intermediate terms of this series are determined by the learned Mr. Euler, Comment. PetropoL iom. b, p. 93, by finding a fluent that expresses the terms of the 1— v" series in a general manner, which in this case is F, X''* supposing n to denote the place of the term in the scries (that is, 1 for the first term, 2 for the second, &'c. and i for the term ^j^i), and 1 to be substituted for .v after the iluent is determined ; l-VJ . whence ^v = ^^YH X *• = 2 — 2 x log. 2. I take this opportunity to mention, that, having occasionally shown, in 1737, the 292 and 293d pages of this Treatise (after they were printed) to Mr. S/irling, he took notice that a theorem similar to the first of these described in art. 352 had been coinmimicatcd to him by Mr, Eu/er. T 4 1, 280 Of interpolating, &c. Boole IT. 1, 1 + I. 1 4- I + i, 1 + I + f + ^\, &c. and the or- dinate TTV that stands bel"ore the first primary ordinate AF, at hall' tb.e common distance of the ordinates, will be 4"" 1 4i 1 Aa eoiial tol — -J-- — _j__ _ r s^p — A ^ I 9 ~ 4 25 • 9 49 — 4 X 4 — 9 "^ ~Q — 25 + ^^^- Therefore, if the sum of the 1 1 1 1 1 series 1 — - + - _ -^ _}. -^ ^ _ + 8i.c. (which may be computed easily from art. 845) be denoted by N, then xv =: 4 _'4N. If AF = 1, BE = \, CK = f, DL = ^V <^c. and Att =i AB, then ttv— 1 — ^ +i — f + &c. which is equal to the eighth part of the circumference of the radius unit. 855 rTi>.3 1 8). When the terms may be continued withoutend;, and their second differences decrease so as ultimately to vanish, let K denote the ijltimate value of the first differences of the terms; and ttv vviilbe equal to -— — x K added to the excess of the sum of the primarydifferences AF + BE + CK, &c. above the sum of the intermediate differences he + ck +c?/ + &o. because in this case the iluxions of rv and xy ultimately vanish, PN i§ ultimately equal to/ -1 — , 5 to K x xr rz K X ab— A^ and consequently ttv = — —'- X K "J* AF — be + BE — ek 4- 6vc. A like theorem may be applied, when the second differences of the terras continually approach to a certain limit. 856. The series 1, 1 x 1, 1 XG, 1 X 2 X 3, 1 X C X 3 X 4, 1 x2X3X4X5j £cc. being proposed, let it be required to find the term that is betwixt the two first piiraary terms at equal distances from each. Thedifferences of the logarithmsof the terms are log. 1, log. 2, log. 3, log. 4, log. 5, &c. and the ordinates of the figure FM/' being supposed to represent these logarithms, the inlermediate ordinates will be log. f, log. I, log. I, log. I, &.C. Therefore the logarithm of the term required is - + log. 1 — log. |- + log. 2 — log. I + lo^. Fuj.3o3.XU H F^.QH-N''^ V N Fi^. 316 PlateX)CX'\l/;;?A'I,Vn fM.aatl.XU. X, Fi^.3o8.yi.jirtJod T^gaoj). ^^ Tig Sio. Chap. V. Of the general RuJea, kc. ^81 iQg^ 3 — log. I + &c. v.'hich is equal to ihe Icgarithin of the ," r.2 4 6 8 n , __ ultimate vakie ot ^- x -^- X y X g- • • x — - X v^/.-fi = •\/r (by what was shown in art. 842, from Dr. Waliis) log. __.-;con- seqnently the term required is equal to half the square root of the cireumfercnee of the radius 1 ;v*'hieh is agreeable to what has been discovered by other methods. This subject might be prosecuted further, and other instances given of the use of the method of liuxions in finding the sum of a series, or interpo- lating its terms; but we proceed to what is more necessary for bringing this Treatise to a proper conclusion. CHAP. V. Of the general Rules for the Resolutton of Problems, 857 (Fig' 319). J[T remains that we describe bi'iefly tlie ge- neralrulesthatarederived from this method for the resolution of problems, andilli)stratethembyexamples. The base AP being repni-sented by .r, and the ordinate PM by y, the subtancrent PT (which is the right line intercepted upon the base betwixt the ordinate and tangent) is found by computingjff . When y increases while .rincreases, this value of PT is positive, and PT is on the same side of P with PA; but when y decreases while X increases, this value of PT is negative, and PT is on the other side of P. If x vanish in respect of y, PT vanishes, and the ordinate is the tangent; but if ^ vanish in respect of i, the tangent is parallel to the base. If the curve FM be repre- sented by z, then the tangent MT == ~ =: '^ ^ "^ -JL. If MN perpendicular to the tangent MT meet the base in N, PN (which is sometimes called the subnormal) zz M. These fol- low <282 Of the general liu/cs ]5ook II. low from art. 188, &.c. by which r, ,}, and », are in the same proportion as the right hnes PT, PM, and MT; or as P^.I^PN, andMN. For example, if y^ =rt"'--\r, then (art.7CS,/g.320) ^ - % and PT rz ^ - mx - m x AP. Let the rai/ SE revolve about a given centre S, and meet the curve AEB in E, the arkyE be described from the centre S, SE := r, the ark of the curve AE rr s, the fluxion of the circular ark^E be repre- sented by x, and SP be perpendicular from S on the tangent EP in P ; then SP zr ^, and EP - II, by art. 202. There s s are other theorems relating to the tangents which are of use in particular enquiries, of wiiieh some were given in book I. chap. 8. 858. When the first fluxion of the ordinate vanishes, if at the same time its second fluxion is positive, the ordinate is then a minimum, but is a maximum if its second fluxion is then ne- gative; that is, it is less in the former, and greater in the lat- ter case than the ordinates from the adjoining parts of that branch of the cuiTe on either side. This follows from what was shown at great length in chap, g, b. I., or may appear thus. Let the ordinate AF r: E, AP rr r (fig. 319), and, the base being supposed to flow uniforml}', the ordinate PMr=(art. 751) E -1- ~ + f" + £i_. + &c.; let Ap be taken on the other A.- S.v" Gx " side of A equal to AP, then the ordinate pm = E — —1 J^ X E f* E.'"^ , . E r^ -^— r--+ Sec. Supposenow E:=o,thenPM=:E^+ -r — - E.r^ ^c. and pm r:: E * + — ?cc. Therefore if the distances AP and Ap be small enough, PM and pm will both exceed the ordinate AF when e is positive; but wiU be both less than AF Chap. V. for the Resolution of Problems. 283 AF if E be negative. But if e vanish as well asE, and e does not vanish, one of the adjoining oidinatcs PM orpm shall be greater than AF, and the other less than it; so that in this case the ordinate is neither a maximum nor minimum. We al- "jvays suppose the expression of the ordinate to be positive. 859. In general, if the first fiiixion of the ordinate, with its fluxions of several subsequent orders, vanish, the ordinate is a minimum o\- maximum, when the number of all those Huxions that vanish is 1, 3, 5, or any odd number. The ordinate is a rninimum when tlieliuxion next to those that vanish is positive; but a maximum when this iiuxion is negative. This appears from art. 261, or by comparing the values of PM ancljjm in the last article. But if the number of all the fluxions of the ordi- nate of the first and subsequent successive orders that vanish be an even number, the ordinate is then neither a maximum nor piiftimum. 860. When the fluxion of the ordinate y is supposed equal to nothing, and an equation is thence derived for determining x, if the roots of this equation are all unequal, each gives a value of X that may correspond to a greatest or least ordinate. But if two, or any even number of these roots be equal, the ordinate that corresponds to them is neither a maximum nor miuimum. If an odd number of these roots be equal, there is one maximum or m«y/i/;»//?i that corresponds to these roots, andoneonly. Thus if ^ zz x^ -{- ax'' + hx'^ + cr + d, then, supposing all the roots of the equation a,* -f ax'^ + hx^ + ex + d -rz o to be real, if the four roots are equal, there is no ordinate that is a maximum or minimum; if two or three of the roots only are equal, there are two ordinates that are maxima or minima ; and if all the roots are unequal, there are four such ordinates. 86 1. To give a few examples of the most simple cases. Let y z=. a'-x — x^, then ^ = a'^'x — 3x^x and j." ■=. — Gx.x-^. Sup- a , pose ^ zz o, and 3x^ = a' or x = Tz-F' ^^^ which case ^ =: 264 Of the general Rules Book II, '■^' Therefore, .^ being negative, ?/ is a maximiun wlien V 3 .r — - 71-1:: , and jts greatest value is -—7=. Jfy •=. aa -{■ ibx — rr, then ], — ibx — Ixx , and i, -- — ■ 2>; consequently y is a maximum when 26 — 2x =: 0, or xrzb. li'y zz aa - — Qbx 4- XX, then ^ = — 2bx +2X;^,and y =r2i'; consequent- ly y is now a minimum when xzzb, if" a be greater than /;. 862. TherighthnesBFandGH (yzff 321) being perpendicular to the given righ t line BG in the same planCjH a given poi n t,C any point upon BF, and the figure being supposed to revolve about the axis BG, let it be required to determine the position of the rio-ht line HC when the conical surface described bv it is a viinimum. l-et DE bisect BG perpendicularly in D, and meet HC in E, and (by art. 2 16) the surface described by HC about the axis BG will be as DE X EH =: (supposing GH = a, DG ::r b, DE z=i X, and consequentl}^ EH^ zz bb -\- a — x" ) x\/ bb-\-aa—'2-ax + xx. Supposc, therefore, j/ =: 6\r^ + a'^x^ — 2ax^ + x^, then^ = ^x'^'x — Qax'^'x + ^a'x'x + ^ib'^x'x, and 'y zz \1x'x'^ — \^axx^ + la'x'' + ^b\-^. By supposing ^ zz 0, Ave have iixx— &ax + 2aa + ^bb X x ZZ ; tiie re- solution of v/hicli equation gives (besides x z± u) x =: So + Vaa—Hbb 3a \/aa—Sbb ^nr^rr ^->r^ oxx — • IfGII^-v/VxBG, then aa zz SZ^Z*, and these tuo values of j. become equal to each other and to-. In this cascT- =12 X -* x — 4 ■ x'^ 44. + 2«fl + — rr o, and y is neither a maximum nor minimum; but while we suppose the point C to move from B along the right line BF, the conical surface described by the right line HC about the axis BG continually increases, though its fluxion 00 IT vanishes when DE = ""j"* If GH be greater than v^2 xBG, tlienrt«> 866, the former value of xgivesj^ positive, tin(\yii mini- mum : Chap. V. for the Resolution of Problems. 285 mum ; but the latter value of j gives}' negalive, and y a max'mum; that is, tlie value of j/ is greater when .r ~ "^ '^ ■"'-^^'' thur, 4 its atljoining values on either side. But this is not to be under- stood as if the value of ij was then the greatest possible; for it is obvious that, by supposing the point C to proceed in the right line BF, DE X EII may exceed any given rectangle. See art. 239. AVhen GH is less than v'~ x BG, aa is less than 8bb, and the values of x are imaginary. Examples of this kind may frequently occur; and Avhat has been shown of ordinates is transferred to the rays that are drawn from a given point to a curve, by art. 1277. 8().j. When ^J = o, if j," be at the same time infinite in re- spect of X (which is supposed constant), we cannot conclude that y is then a maximum or minimum without some further enquiry; for the ordinate may then pass through a point of con- trary flexure or a cuspid. Let -^ — — ^^fZZfl^ then ^ zr ~ — . , The supposition of L =. o gives a.r — xx =r o, 2a \/ ax— XX ^^ J CD f and orrr a, or x zz o ; in both cases }' is infinite ; and it is ob- vious that the curve is reflected from the ordinate, because when X is supposed greater than a, or negative, the values of L are imaginary. In like manner, if j,", ],", and }, vanish, and ]; be infinite in respect of x, we cannot thence conclude y to be a maximum ox minimum. But it maybe admitted as a rule, that when ^'=■0, and, x being constant,]^ is real and finite; or when any odd number of fluxions of i/ of the successive orders jj, if\ ],', &.C. vanish together, and the fluxion of the next order to these is real and finite in respect of ;^, we may safely conclude (without any further enquiry) that;y is then a maximum ox mi- nimum, according as this last fluxion is negative or positive. However, when, after supposing y — o, x is determined by a simple 2S6 Of the general "Rules Book II. simple C({aation, we may conclude 7/ to be a maximum or mini- mum without farther trouble. 8G4. It was observed in art. 244, that when any quantity N is expressed by a fraction -^ if P and Q vanish at the same time, we are not thence to conclude that N =: 0. Thus, sup- pose N = 7-=*, ana when x — a, the numerator and dt- * a V ax nominator of N vanish together; but if we reduce the value of M to a more simple form, by dividing the numera- tor and denominator by their common divisor >/T — V~7, we shall find 1^-a X ^~+^_L- (when x = a) a xi^ a 1/ a t: 2a. In such cases the value ofN is found by computing — ; because when P and Q decrease till they vanish, the ulti- Q mate ratio of P to Q is that of p to d. If P and Q vanisli p at the same time, then N = — • This rule was ^iven in the Q Anal, des Injiniment Petits,]). 145, and is sometimes of usein pre- venting mistakes concerning the gl-eatest and least ordinates ( as are described Mem, de VAcad. des Sciences, 17 06), as well as on other occasions. The computations in enquiries of this kind are sometimes abridged by art. 730. Thus ifmxx ±= nj/y -i-T^iiZ:^ X j/Tj thenjqr;!; X m^ — o, andj^ -\-mx X ;; — ny =: 0. 865. The 2;reatest and least ordinates are likewise discover- ed, in some cases, by supposing ^ to be infinite in respect of x -, \)ut it is obvious that there are several exceptions to this rule, Sincethe curve may then form a continued arch that is reflected from the ordinate after touching it, or may be continued on tlic other side wi th a contrary flexure. See art. 262. By com- paring the signs of ^ on the ditferent sides of the ordinate (which in this case is a tangent to the curve), tiie latter of these cases maybe distinguished from that wherein the ordinate is a maximum OYmininium; and when the curve is reflected from the Chap. V. for the Resolution of Problems. QS7 the ordinate, some of the values of^ beeoine imaginaiy on one side of" that ordinate. As for the maxima and minima, which were said to be of the second kind in art 240, see art. 27G. 8()6, The points of contrary flexure and reflexion are usu- ally determined by supposing y ■=: o or infinite. But this rule being liable to several exceptions, it was shown, in art. 263, that the ordinate y passes through a point of contrarj^ flexure, when, the curve being continued on both sides of the ordinate, ^ is a ?7iaximum or minimum ; which (by what has been shown) does not always happen when ^ =-o or infinite. Hence, if ^ ~ 0, and 7/ be real and finite, then ?/ passes through a point of contrary flexure (fig. 319). Thisappearslikewise by comparing thevaluesofPMandpw inart.859. Let PMmeetthetangentat Ex Fin V, and pw meet it in r; then PV r= E +-r— , and pv :r E — ~ ; but when E =:o, PM -E + ^^, + ~ 4- &c. X XX andy;w rz E — ^j^ r- + &c. ; consequent!}', if E be positive, and the distances AP and Ap small enough, PM will be greater than PV^, and^m less thanjst',- and whether e be positive or negative, the arks FM and Vm shall be on difi'er- cnt sides of the tangent TF^,- consequently' F will be a point of contrary flexure: but if E likewise vanish, and E be of a real value, PM andpw will be both greater or both less than the re- spective perpendiculars PV andpy intercepted by the tangent^ and there v> ill he no point of contrary flexure at F. In gene- ral, if ij, I/, y. Sic. vanish, the number of these fluxions be- ing odd, and tlie fluxion of the next order to them have a real and finite value, then y passes through a point of contrarv flex- ure; but if the number of these fluxions that vanish be even, it cannot be said to pass through such a point, unless it should be allowed that a double infinitely small flexure can be formed at S8S Of the general Prides Book IL at one point. To give one of" the most simple examples, sup- pose j/ = 1 — .r'^, then y zz — Ax^x, y— — \1x x'^, j/ = — ti^xx^, and y ■=: — 24.r'^. If we suppose y ~ o, then x — o; but, because y is then likewise nothing, and y real and finite, y does not pass through a point of' contrary flexure, but is in- deed a maximiuii ; the truth of which might easily be shown otlierwise. 8G7. The curve being supposed to be continued from the ordinate PAT, ov y,on both sides, if/ be infinite, M is notthere- fore always a point of contrary flexure, as j^ is not in this case aKvays a maximum or minimum^ by art. 813 j, and the curve jnay have its concavity turned the same way on both sides of M. But these cases may behkewise distinguished by comparing the signs of y on the different sides of PM, for, when these signs are different, M isa point of contrary flexure: for example, let ?/ ~ 1 — .r^^, then j/ = — -t-^=' whi eh becomes infinite when .mo or j/= 1, and is affected with contrary signs on differ- ent sides of y; consequently the ordinate passes through a point of contrary flexure when x rr 0. The suppositions of *y — or iniinity, and of i/ := or infinity, serve to direct us where we are to search for the maxima or mimima, and for points of contrary flexure, but where we are not always sure to find them; for though an ordinate or a fluxion that is posi- tive never becomes negative at once, but by decreasing or in- creasing gradually (as w'as shown in art. 262), yet, after it has decreased till it vanish, itmay thereafter increase,continuingstin positive; or, after increasing till it becomes infinite, itmay thereafter decrease, without changing its sign. 868. Tlie points of reflexion, or cuspids, were distinguished into two kinds iti art. 268. When the curve is reflected from: the ordinate PM ox y, it always forms a cuspid, unless when y is infinite in respect of x, in which case likewise M is some- limes a cuspid of the second kind ; and when y or y is real and finite, M is always a cuspid of the second kind. If/ —o, the Chap. V. for the Resolution of Problems. 289 the cuspid may be of either kind. But the most simple kind of the cuspids of the first sort (such as are in some of the Unes of the third order) are formed when y is infinite, as the most simple kind of points of contrary flexure are formed where y no; see art. 270 and 379. When^ is such a maximum or minimum as was described in art. 865, y passes through a cus- pid of the first kind. Other observations may be derived from art. 269. 869. Suppose(asinart.857)ST (;/fg.,S22) perpendicular from the given point Son the tangent PT in T, SP = r, the fluxion of the curve equal to /, the fluxion of the ark/P described from the centre S equal to «',• consequently ST — ^ ; and (by s art. 281) P is a point of contrary flexure, when the angle SPT is oblique, and ST is a maximum or minimum; whence rules may be deduced analogous to the former for determin- ing those points. Suppose % constant, and, the fluxion of ST being equal to "^JLLlULLl. , the points of contrary flexure are found by supposing 'r $ .t /,' or (because V s "=■ r r »{« 2 a and s "s •=. r r ) '^ — T 'r\ equal to nothing or infinity ; but with exceptions similar to those described in art. 866 and 867. 870. LetC(J?g.3 1 9)be the centre of the curvature at M,C6 per- pendicular to PM in h, AP=.r, PM=:^, the ark FM=s, and (by art. 382), supposing x constant, M6 ~ il r= ILiLlI, or (because ,' V = ^ y) M& = 4r-j and the ray of curvature s CM = -7-^. For example, if ay = xx, then a'^ = o^x'x^ J} = 2xh x» + ^* = ■"T?'" X ^* = •—-- X ^*f and Mb = VOL. II. U ^ s* 290 Of the general Rules Book IL ^ =: 2y 4- la. If the ray of curvature be expressed by R, the 3' variation of curvature (according to Sir Isaac Newton's ex- plication) will be as -p. But we have insisted on this sub- ject at length in chap. 11, b. I. 87 1. Resuiningthesuppositionsinart.869,let(^o^.322)ST=j:;/ then the ray of curvature at P, viz. PC = — ; and^ ifCIbeper- pendicular to SP in I, IP = ~. This was demonstrated in art. 384, and may be briefly shown thus. Let S^ be per- pendicular to /?^ the tangent at p, and the arks tn, pu, de- scribed from the centre S, meet ST and SP in n and u. Then the angles VCp, TSt, being equal, PC will be to ST in the ultimate ratio of Pp to tn ; but IP is to PC in the ultimate ratio of pu to Vp; consequently IP is to ST in the ultimate ratio of pu to tn, or (because the angles SPp, STtj are ultimately equal) of P« to Tw, that is, of r to ;,. therefore IP = A and PC = IP x - = — . And by sub- stituting for p the fluxion of ^, or (supposing the circle AD s to be described with the given radius SA from the centre S, SP to meet this circle always in D, SArra, AD =:: c, and conse- quently » — — j of -^^j and supposing c", z, /, or r, constant, a ' as various forms may be derived for expressing the ray of curva- ture CP, or IP half the chord of the circle of curvature that passes through S. To give one of the most simple examples, let i : a : : a^ : r", as in the figures constructed in art. 393 ; then;) = — = — —> — = ;»+ 1 x _, IP = ^ = -—-, s a"^ p r p n+V 1 rt" a^d PC = -i- X JL^. w+1 ;»—' 872. The Chap. V. for the Refiolution of Problems. ^g\ 872. The rest remaining as in the last article^ suppose S to be ii radiating points SP any ray incident upon the curve AP, and reflected by it so as to touch the caustic at m. Then the angle CPm ~ CPS; and the reflected ray Fm will be to the incident rav SP (or r) as 1 is to — x t- + 1^ where this unit is to be p added or substracted according as the ark at P has its convexity or concavity towards the radiating point S. For if CU be perpendicular to Fm in R, PR bisected in q, and P/ be taken on the reflected ray equal to the incident ray PS ; then (art. 410) of: o-R : : ^R : qm, and P^ being equal to — , it follows, that Pm : SP : : — ; r + ~, For example, if i : i : : tt" : /■«, then - x- ^ n + I, and Fm : SP : : 1 : Qn + 1. P 873. Suppose the curve AP (fig. 322, N, 2) to refract the ray SP, let PM be the refracted ray, and touch the caustic in this case at M. The rest of the construction remaining the same as before, let Or be perpendicular to PM in r, PR = e,Fr =f3 PM = X, and let the constant ratio of the sine of incidence to the sine of refractidn (or of CR to Cr) be that of « to 1 ; then (by art. 413) PM : rU : : x : x—f: : CR X SP X Pr t C/- X SR X PR : : nfr : r^ X e ; consequently x r= -'-' £> K^Mf^fv ^/-inol tr\ ^__ , , e being equal to ^ and /"—-:- X \/„„—\ x rr -hpp^ nfr—er±ee1 p '' np 874. Suppose the curve AP (fig. 3Q.%N. 1 ) tobe described by any centripetal forces, and the force that acts at any point P will be directly as the square of the velocity at P, and inversely ias half the chord of the circle of curvature that is in the direction of the force : when it is directed towards a given centre S, the ctrea described by the ray SP about S flows uniformly ; the ve- locity at any point P is inversely as ST the perpendicular from S on the tangent, and is to the velocity by which a circle could be described about S at the same distance SP by the same cen- U 2 tripetai X 29*3 Of the general Rules Book IT. tripetal force as - to ^ - • and the force at P is as -^, r J) pif ' because the velocity is as 1, and PI =: £!_• The same force is as-— 7, or as — ± r, the fluxion of the area (or r^) being supposed constant. Thus if i : 3 : : a'* : r"^ the centripetal force directed towards S will be inversely as the power of SP of the exponent Q.n + 3 (because p = and-^ = n+l ^J— j, and the velocity at P to the velocity in a circle at the same distance as ^ ~ to ^ ^ 5 that is, as 1 to -v/T+T. The r p ' demonstration that was promised in art. 4.51 may be deduced in the following manner. 875. Let AMB (^g. 323) be any figure th at canbe described by a centripetal force directed towards S that is always as the power of the distance SM of the exponent m. Constitute the angle ASL : ASM : : m + 3 : 2 ; and, supposing SA = \, SM == x, SL rz r, let r z=. x ^-; that is, let the angle ASL be to the angle ASM, and the logarithm of the ray SL to the logarithm of SM always in the same invariable ratio of w + 3 to 2 ; then the curve ALD may be described by a centripetal force direct- ed towards S that always varies as the power of the distance 4, SL whose exponent is -— - — 3. For let SQ and SP be per* pendicular to the respective tangents of AM and AL in Q and P, SQ =: y, and SP •=. p. Then, by the supposition, -~r- := €X^, where e represents an invariable quantity. By finding 1 2fx"*+' tlie fluents -r = 2K — — > where K denotes an in- y* m + 1 variable Ghap. V. for the Resolution of Problems. Q^S variable quantity, according to art. 735. The triangles SMQ, SLP, being similar (art. 394), it follows, that — — — r~i — 1 2K 2e (because r^ zz. a"» + ^) _ __ __ 2K/- , and -—• = — ^^-— X Kr , wi + 3 wi 4- 1 p r jn + 3 m-\-3' 4 or as the power of r of the exponent — -^ — 3 . If the rays from S be perpendicular to the curve AMB in A andB, and to the curve ALD in A and D, the angle ASD ; ASB : : w + 3 : 2, by the construction. S7 6 (Fig. 32'2). Suppose the centripetal force to be always the same ateqnal distances from the centre S. Let e and V denote the forces at the respective distances SA and SP, A andw the veloci- ties at A and P, let SA zz a, and SP = r ; then mi = F. — 2Vr (by art. 43.5) ,* in determining which fluent, care must be taken that u become equal to h when r zz a. When V is to « as r to a, or as aa to rr, the trajectory is a conic section, by art. 445 and 446 ; and when Y : e : : a^ :r^, the trajectory may be constructed by the areas of conic sections, as has been already shown by several authors. When V : e : : a* : r*, the trajectory is constructed, in some particular cases only, by the areas of conic sections (or circular arks and logarithms), but is constructed in general by the arks of conic sections. la this case abody may continually descend in a spiral line towards the centre, and yet never descend so far as to enter within a circle of a certain radius ; and a body may recede for ever from the centre, so as never to arise to a certain finite altitude, but revolve in a spiral that is always within a certain circle. This remarkable circumstance could not take place in the trajectories that are described in the former cases, which have been already constructed by others ; and therefore we have chosen the con- struction of this case for an example of the method of determia- ing the trajectory from the law of the centripetal force. U 3 877. Let 294 Of the general Rules Book II. 877. Let A denote the velocity, and AG or GA be the direc- tion of the body at any given point A. Let h be to the veloci- ty with which the body would describe a circle at the same distance by the same centripetal force as y'l+wm to VT"; that is, let (fig. oQ-i) hh:ac::\-\- mm : 2. Let SG be perpendicular to AG in G, and any ray SP from S meet the trajectory in P, and the circle AX described from the centre S in X, SA = a, SG r=. b, SP rr r, ST (the pependicular on the tangent at P) "^^ p, the ark AX ~ c ; and the same flux- ions be represented by '$ and j^, as before. Then uit ■=. P, — ^ — rr r-T + K rr (because when r r:^ a, then uu r= lih ae -,T l-i-mm _■, . tt- mmae\ a*-\-mmr* = - + K =r -^ X ae, so that K = -^j ■ ^^ ■ 7 7 a 1 + mm aehbs^ . . i • • X «e = nh X — = X :-} consequently i" : z* _^___ _ . TV c*- \ : : a* + wwr^ : \\.mm X bbr^, and r* : z» (— — } : • a* + >n//2/-+ — 1 -)-OTOT X Z?^/''^ : "Tf^ x bbr^\ therefore p — J, , — Ihe ratio of V\A-mm to \fa'^-\.^,Mn X bbr^-^vimr"^ 1 is that of the velocity at A in the trajectory to the velocity that would be acquired by an infinite descent to A. Yim rr o, .c — — ■ sand the traj ec tory is an ark of a circle that passes througb S, described upon a diameter equal to yj which is agreeable to art. 437. 878. The trajectory is constructed by circular arks and loga-. rithms (and is of that kind of spiral lines which were mention- ed at the latter end of art. 343), when the body sets out from A in the trajectory with a velocity that is to the velocity in a circle at the same distance SA as SA is to ^/SA^ + v'sA* — SG*. In this case (supposing SA* : SG* : : w : 1, or aar=inbb), 1 -^mm : 2 : : a* : «"• + Va'^^b^ : : n : n ^ i/nn—l, ;w = m Chap. V. for the Resolution of Problems. 295 ± v'nn—i, and i-\-mm X bb = — " ^ •■ zz Q.maa ; conse- . . 4- 'ruaV'^ ^ 111- * quently c = • Suppose, 1, that the velocity at A. in the trajectory is to the velocity in a circle at the distance SA as v^T to ^/ n + v/ «/j_i (in which case m ■=. n — \/«„ — i), upon SA produced take Sk : SA : : 1 : V"^ describe the circle AxK from the centre S, take the ark AK (on the same side 1 1 — V7t of A; that AG is of A) equal to , X loa;. -i the modulus being S/c, join SK, and it shall be the tangent of the trajectory at the points. To find any other point of the trajectory, as 1 ^ ;• P ; let SK ■=:. d, take the ark Kx -=■ — = X loo-. -—- 5 join Sar, and upon the right line Sx take SPrzr. For, suppose the ark Tr 11 . + dd'r V~ - , , \s.x — y, then, by art. 731,^ = dd—r ' r — ^ (because ddx J\-aa'r y/T , ., au +aa'r a/I^ Cfl : : 1 : m) and c "=■ -^ zz , as itougrht aa—mrr to be. Therefore describe an equilateral hyperbola Ka^x; hav- ing its centre in S and vertex in K ; let any right line Srw meet the hyperbola in n and the tangent at K in r, then let the circular sector SK x : SKn : : \/~: 1, and SP betaken upoa Sx equal to Kr, and P shall be a point in this trajectory. 2. Let the velocity at A in the trajectory be to the velocity in a circle at the distance SA (fig. 325) as v'h to V;* — '/nn—i, then m =. n + Vnn—^i, SK is to be taken less than SA in the ratio of 1 to v'Z) the sector SKa: : SKn : : VJ: 1 ; and SP is to be taken upon the ray Sjt, so that Kr : SK : : SK : SP, 879- In the first case [when the velocity at A (Jig. 324) in the trajectory is to the velocity in a circle at the same distance as a to \/a^ -f- v^a4_z,4], if the body set out from A with the direction GA, it will perform its revolutions in a spiral always within the chcle Kxz, and never can arise to the altitude SK from the centre S ; because Kr (to which the distance SP is always U 4 equal) 296 OJ the general Rules Book II. equal) cannot become equal to SK^ while the area SKw or ark Kx are finite. The area described by the ray SP about the centre S is always to the hyperbolic area generated by the rJQfhtline^vnn the invariable ratio of VT to 1 ; because* : y r'z y riWHT -harr'r V^. j ^ n • : : rx/^ : a, — =. - — ^ = —n n ? and the fluxion of the ai-ea Km(=:SK« — SKr) is ^^^^„,^^ * Therefore if the body set out from A, with the direction AG, it will de- scend in the curve APS to the centre S in the time that, by proceeding in the tangent AG with its velocity at A, it would describe about S a triangle equal to VT x KRN, KPt being supposed equal to SA. In this figure the area SoPxK (termi- nated by the curve SoP, the circular ark K.r, and right lines SK and Pi:) admits of a perfect quadrature, and is to the triangle SKr as v'"2~to 1. 880. In the second case^ when the velocity at A Cfg. 30.5) is to the velocity in a circle at the same distance as a to ^^ a'- — v' a*— i<, if the body set out from A with the direction AG, it will re- volve in a spiral that always approaches to the circle Kj:, but it never can descend to this circle ; because SP (= -j^J can^ not become equal to SK in any finite time. This spiral has an asymptote at a distance from S equal to -^ x V 2 , because, by art. 877, pp = i '" i ^ hhr"^, and the ultimate value or pp IS y. OQ =. (in this case) — — j — , 88 1 (Fig. 32G).Iaothercases,thetrajectoryma3' be constructed by hyperbolic and elliptic arks, from art. 805. If the velocity at A be to the velocity in a circle at the distance SA as i/ i—mm to -/"sT 3.nd the direction at A be perpendicular to SA (fit a ^b), then by substituting, in art. 877, — mmiovmm. Chap. V. for the Resolution of Problems. 297 'Z a'— I— mm X aarr--)nni7"^ \/aa — rr X V^flj + zwr may be compared with -== — ^ _ , b}' supposing 6 V aa—pp X \/ hh-\-pp =: - andp=r. The fluent of this last fluxion was found (art. 805, fig, 308) to be equal to j X AT? + AE— EP. Therefore, when the velocity at the distance SA is less than the velocity by which a circle would be described at the same distance in the ratio of y'l-— »iw to -/ 2^ the trajectory may be constructed in the following manner. Let SD : SA : : 1 : m, S6 : SA : : */\^m \ 1 ; describe an hyperbola AEZ having SA and SD for its two semi-axes, and an elUpse AlXb having SA and Sb for its semi-axes ; draw E/? a tangent to the hyperbola at any point E, and Sp a perpendicular to E/? ; upon SA take SQ z= Sp, and let the ordinate at Q meet the ellipse in R ; then up- on the circle Axz described from the centre S take the ark Ax: - X AR + AE — . Ep : : w a/ i—mm : 1, upon the ray S^ take SP = Sp, then P shall be a point in the trajectory. In this case the velocity at A is such as could be acquired by a body descending to A from some greater distance by the same centripetal force. 882. When the velocity at the distance SA is to the velo- city in a circle at the same distance as \/i+mm to v''2, then * ~i~raa v 1 + mm zi • v c = . ^ J- = (by supposmgpp - aa — rr) V aa——rr A v aa — mmrr 3l /)aa V' 1 + mm ■, ■, . ,i • n — =r — ^^=====: ; and, by comparing this flux- X^aa—'pp >< V I — mm x aa-\-mmpp ion with that in art. 805, it appears that, when m is less than 1, we are to take SD : SA : : Vi—mm : m, Sb : SA : : 1 : \/ 1 — mm, and to proceed in the construction as in the last article ; only, after Sp and Ax are deter mined, we are now to take SP upon the ray Sj: equal to -/sa^-— b/^. 883. When 293 Of the general Rules 883.When wis greater than l^then^bysupposingjs: , aa ' J^fi.T */ l^mm andconsequenUyrz: — ==;:: ' "~ V^oa— />/ V aa—pp X a^^ ^jn— 1 Xaa + pp therefore, in this case, we are to make SD : SA : : \^mm—i : 1, S6 : SA : : m : Vmm—x, to determine Sp and Ax, as in art. 88 b awcl then we are to take SP (upon the ray Sr) equal to a third proportional to v'sA^— s/.* and SA. If upon Sxyou take SP a third proportional to Sp and SA, P will be a point in the trajectory which is described by a centrifugal force directed from S that is inversely as the fifth power of the distance. When the direction of the body at the distance SA is oblique to the ray drawn from the centre S, the trajectories may be constructed in a similar manner. 884. If the curve FM (Jig. 319) be described by powers di- rected in any manner whatsoever, and the force at any point M, resulting from the composition of these powers, act in the direction MK, and be measured by MK ; let MK be resolved into the force MO in the direction of the ordinates MP (=j/), and the force OK parallel to the base AP { zz x)\ then, the time being supposed to flow uniformly, or the velocity at M being represented by the fluxion of the curve FM, the force "^10 will be measured by y\ and the force OK by x\ by art. 460 and 466 ; but we insisted on this, and its use, in book I. chap. 11> article 4G5, &c. 885. Let abody descend along the curve FPA(/' g, 327) by its s;ravitation towards S, the time of the motion be represented by^, the velocity at any distance SP or r by u, the centripetal force at the same distance by g, the ark FP by s ; then the motion of the body along the curve is accelerated by the force — ^il — s If— — (because / — — ) ^; consequently J« — — g'r, uu r: 1 us p — o ' and /' — " When the gravity is uni- v^F.-'V form. Chap. V. for the Resolution of Problems. 299 form, and acts in parallel lines, letz be the space described ia a vertical line from the beginning of the descent, then uu = . = F. 2^ =: 9.gz, i — — =, and t—V — The gravity be- V2g^ g ing still uniform, let {fg. 23-', N. 1) the body begin to descend along the curve DMS from D, MN be perpt;ndicula. to the horizontal line DA in N, the ark SM — s, MN = z, and t re- present the time of descent from M to the lowermost point S; then i = - ^ ■ . If DMS be an ark of a semi-cycloid that has its axis perpendicular to the horizon, the diameter of the gene- rating circle r::a, ASrz^^ then (by the second property of this figure in art. 805) i ; — » :: V7 ; v'^H,", and / — ~" If N be to 1 as the semi-circumference of a circle to tiie dia- meter, N shall represent the fluent of —-" — ^ that is gene- rated while Z- becomes equal to h ; consequently the time of descent in the ark of the cycloid DMS is expressed by N x y -^, and is to the time of descent in the axis a (viz. \^~ \ g g ^ fis N to ], as we found in art, 408. 886. But when DMS is an ark of a circle, f is a fluent of a higher kind, and is not to be represented by the areas of conic sections,butby their arks. LetC(j^"g.238,]V.2)be the centreofthe circle, HCS the vertical diameter, MV perpendicular to HS in V, HS = E, CA = F; then ; : — ^ : : CS : MV : : ^ E : ViEE—F¥—2Fz—xz, and / = — '^ > 2\/^«= X ViEE-Ft'-Q¥z-2Z Let this fluxion be compared with (d =) = J~ ' ^ . the fluent of which was determined in art. 805 ; and we have hh- \ EE — FF, or h = AD, 2F =: 2e r= ^^=^, and a = 300 Of the general Rules Book II. IE — F = SA. Therefore, let S be the centre, A the ver- tex, and SD the asymptote of the hyperbola AE ; produce HD till it meet S6 perpendicular to SA in k, take S6 = DA:, and describe the ellipsis A116 ; let SQ or SP — -/^ and the AD fluent Q will be represented by -^ X AR + AE — EP, by art. 805 ; t the time of descent from INI to S will be express- ed by Q X — - — — ^, and is to the time of descent in the *' AD- V^s vertical SA as Q to ^^, 887. It follows, from art. 807> that if the semi-circumference be to the diameter as N to 1, and HA : AD ■.m:: 1, then the time HS X N in the whole ark DMS will be represented by — ■■■ V2^ X HA X 1 — r — 4- TT-L — 8cc. the ultimate value of which when SA is supposed to vanish, is \/^ x N. Therefore the time of descent in the ark DMS is to this ultimate value of ^ (which is said to be the time in an evanescent ark, and, by art. 885, is equal to the time in any ark of a cycloid that has the diameter of the generating circle equal to | CS) as x \ — J- jL. _: L- a. &c. to U By the sequel of the same, art. 807, if SH : SA : : « : 1, then the whole time in the ark BMS will be expressed by N ^ ~ x I jL. J— ^ ^__ ^ &.C. and the time in DMS will be to the 4.T 64'i- time in an infinitely small ark (or the ultimate value of t) as 1 + ±. .1- _L" + -^'^- + &c. to 1. When DMS is Chap. V". for the Resolution of Problems. 301 is a quadrant, the time of descent is measured by the arks of the /em/«*sc«^a, of which we gave an easy construction in article 803 (fig. 307). 888. If a body descend or ascend in the vertical line 2 in a medium, and the resistance be represented by R, its motion is accelerated or retarded by g± R —~ =. i^* and+^a / 55 — e±^ ^ «*•• For example, if the resistance be as the square of the velocity, and a denote the velocity when the resistance is equal to the gravity, or R : g : : wm : aa, then + «« = /s aa-\-uu . aa ^Zuu , . u aa aa * g aa-^uu^ if + R S ^^q~5 whence z and t may be computed from u by loo-a- rithms or circular arks. See art. 542. When the body descends along a curve line, it is accelerated by the excess of the force ^^~ above R, which is therefore equal to — 5 and if it ascends, the sum of these forces is equal to ^-, When a trajectory is described in a medium, and the centripetal force is directed towards S (fig.o21),\ei this force at any pointP be to the centri- petal force atP by which thesame trajectory would be described in a void as zto a, and (retaining the same symbols as in art. 869) the resistance at P will be as — r, or, if the area of the figure be supposed to flow uniformly, as % I (by art. 452), and is to the centripetal force at P in the medium as pr a to 22 's p. If the resistance R be in the compound ratio of the density D and square of the velocity mm, then D is as — ^ or (because uu is as rf) as Ar and if the curve be such as can be described ia a void 302 Of the general Rules Book if. void by a force directed towards S that is as any power of the distance, D will be inversely as —. If the centripetal r force in the medium be uniform, and act in parallel lines, and ^ be an ordinate in thedirection of the force, then the resistance -^ill be to the gravity as ^ s to 2^'^ ; and if R be as Duu, then- D will be as —-• 889. Suppose FP A CJig. 327) to be thefigure wliicli is assumed by achain that isperfectly flexible,and gravitates towards thegiven point S. Then ST the perpendicular from S on PT the tangent at P shall be inversely as F. gr, and the tension of the chain at £iny point P inversely as ST, by art. 567. If FPA be the line of swiftest descent from F to the lowermost point A, SA = a, SP (=: /•) meet the circle AD described fi-om the centre S in D, the ark AD =r c, and w be to « as the velocity at P to the ve- locity acquired at A ; then c = — ■ . by art. 581 and 582. T V rr—uu If the gravity act in parallel lines, let VM.{— y) be an ordinate in the direction of the force, FMni-, PMrsy, the ark FPi=s; then if FTA be the catenaria, ~ will be as F. gy, by article 568. And if FPA be the line of swiftest descent, u denote the ve* locity acquired at P (or u zz "V^F. 2g^ ), and a the velocity ac quired at the lowermost point A, then j : i : : a : m, by art. 575 and 576. 890. The base AP (fig. 3 1 9) being represented by i', and the or- dinate PM by 1/, if the F, i/x, be computed, and the expression be made to vanish when a:=ro, according to art. 735, it will give the area APMF. When the fluent is negative, it gives the area on the other side of PM. For example, let 1/ =: a"*, then F.- yx ^ F. x"'x = ' ^ ■ ■, which gives the area when m is any positive number, or is a negative number less than 1. But when m is t)hap. V. for the Resolution of ProhkinS. 303 m is a negative number greater tlian unit, this expression is ne^- gative^and gives the area on the other side of PM (^o-.322).The area generated by the ray SP about S (according to tlie symbols in art. 869) is the fluent of ^ or of—. We have had many ex- amples above of the computation of areas from those theorems. There are several general theorems for computing the area de- scribed above, as in art. 752, 819, 830, 832, &c. 89 1 . The solid generated by the area APMF (fig. 319) about the axis AP is found by computing F. 2Ny* x, where N denotes the ratio of the semi-circumference to the diameter. For exam- ple, let the figure be any conic section, AP the axis, and the ge- neral equation of the figure being yy=.Axx + B jr + C, the so- lid generated by APMF about AP will be equal to — -^ -j. NBjt* + 2Nc:r. Let Ap be taken on the other side of A equal to AP, and pm be the ordinate atp, ihen pm^-=.Axx — • Bx + C; consequently the solid generated by the area ApmF about the axis Ap will be equal to "-^ NBjt* -f 2NC2*. Therefore the solid generated by the area VMmp is equal to — ^ + 4NCx. When x =. o, 1/1/ ~ C •, consequently the cylinder generated by the rectangle PH//p(HFA being parallel to Pp) is equal to 4NCjr,- and the excess of the frustum gene- rated by the area PMmp above this cylinder is -^ x A:r' = (supposing Vp — 2x = v) ^^ ; which (if PZ : Pp : : v'a : 1) is I of the cone generated by the right-angled triangle PZp about Vp, and is always of the same magnitude when t> and A are the same. The frustum is greater or less than the cylinder according as A is positive or negative ; and they are equal when A rr o,- that is, when the figure is a parabola. In this manner the properties of these solids described above, p. 24, are briefly demonstrated. When the value of F . QNyy^r is 304 Of the general Rules Book II. is negative, it represents the solid that is generated b}- the area on the other side of the ordinate PM. Thus if yrrj:""'", then F. SNvvo: =: ^ = — -x — ——, Avhich expression 19 -'-' — . '2m-\- 1 2m— -I negative when m is greater than |, and represents the limit to which the solid generated by the hyperbolic area on the other side of PM continually approaches whilst that area is supposed to be produced. See art. 307, &c. 892« The ark FP is the fluent of s, or of '^>+j^-. For 3. X • example, let ai/i/ zz x^, then y •=. ^, y — -Li-j s = 1 X -/E+E, and by art.7a7,s=~tii"+K. If we suppose s^o " 27«^ when-a:=o, then K= -^^r- and s=: —^ . In like man- 27 a' ner, if we make use of the notation in art. 869 (Jig. 322, N. 1), 6* •=. — —=.. Suppose, for example, «pp =: r% then s s V rr--pp rr a/7 . 2 , — f J , ^ ^^^. ^ I il — =: rn xa — r\ , and (art. 727) « = 2a Xa — r V ffr;' — rrr = 2v'aa— ar. If wc supposc AP (fig. 329) to be a parabola, S the focus, and A the vertex, then T will be always found in the right line AE perpendicular to SA ; and the parabo- lic ark AP = PT + log. ST + TA, the tnoduhis being SA. For let SA = a, ST = p, SP = r, AP = s, and PT = q, then pp — ar, s = ""^ = • Z — (because q = V rr — pp V rr—ar ^/rr—ar aud q = " , ) *? + ^ , . But if W = ST + TA Chap. V. foT the Resolution of Prohhms. 305 + TA = '/■77+ */7^^^, then *. consequently s = j -^ — 5 and % z=. q-^ log. u, the modulus being equal to a. See art. 746 and 845, for the mensuration ot circular arks, and art. 806, 807, 808, for hyperbolic and elliptic arks. 893. The surface generated by the ark s, when the figure re- volves about the base (the ordinate being represented by y and base by .r), is F. 4%s or F. 4Nj/ v^F+7% by art. 229. Thus if the parabola AP (Jig. 329) revolve about the axis ASM, PM being perpendicular to AS in M, PM —y — o, AT == 2 */ ar—aa, and 's — /■^■~~~ ' consequently _ysn2r -/^the surface generated , , I * r. • 16N __ -. 16N — — by the ark AF is — x rV ra + K = -j- X sp x st-sa% and (if SE be a mean proportional betwixt SP and ST) this surface is to the circle of the radius AE as 8 to 3. 894. Let C (fig. 330) be the centre, CD half the transverse axis,andCAhalf theseoond axis of the ellipse ADB,F the focus, PN perpendicular to CD, PM perpendicular to CA, and PK perpendicular to the curve meet CD in K, CA r: a, CD = h, CF = c, CN = X, PN =: y, and the ark AP = s ; then NK : NC : : a^ : h\ or NK - ~, PN* = ~ X _^^___ c^c'^t'- a ___^__ hb—xx, VYJ- — a^ —, and PK = — X v/i4— c»x\ But s. X : : PK : PN — y, ys rr j^ = (sup- posing c.b::b:d-CG) "''' "^J^' -* Therefore let CA and NP meet the circle GZE described from the centre C in E and Z, and when the figure is supposed to revolve about the axis CD, the surface generated by the elliptic ark AP will be to the area CEZN as 4N x ac to hh ; and if DI perpen- dicuhir to CD meet GZE in I, the whole surface of the spheroid VOL. IJ. X will 506 Of the general Rules Book II, tvill be to the surface of the sphere of the radius CA as ^^ y, So CEID to 4Na«, that is, as EI + CA to <2CA. In hke manner, if PK produced meet AC in /:, Ml: : MC { — y) : : b"- : a"-, and Vk =-^ X Vir^TcTp. ■ let DP =/, and / : ; : : P/c : PM, or PM x/ =. 'j/XFk; consequent!}' the fluxion of the surface get nerated by the ark DP about the axis CA is — - x Va* + c^/ = (if c : « : : a : e rr Cg) — — X y Veejfj/i/, the fluent of L'm which is - — X y Vee-\-j/j/ + 2N6 X \o^.y-\- -/ ee-\-j/y (the modulus being equal to c or Cg) = 2N X CM X PA + 2N6 X log. CM + P/c X g^. Hence the surface generated by the elliptic quadrant DPA about the axis CA is 2N6 X b 4- log. a X —-y and the surface of this spheroid is to the- surface of a sphere of the radius CD as CD + log. ^^ ■ ■ lo 2CD, the modulus being Cg. These constructions agree with Mr. Coles's Harmon. Mensurar. p. 28 and 29, where he iUustrates the transition from circular arks to logarithms (or from the measures of angles to the measures of ratios), that so often occurs in the resolution of the various cases of a problem, from an analogous transition observed long ago by f^ieta in the resolution of cubic equations ; the roots of which are in some cases obtained by trisecting an ark, and in other cases bjr what may be called the trisecting a ratio {/,. e. interposing two mean proportionals betwixt the terms of the ratio) ; so that the trigonometrical and logarithmical canon are mutually supple- ments to each other. Theharmony of thoscmeasures, which was so much considered by this excellent author, may be further illustrated by the resolution of the two following useful pro- blems relating to the spheroid. 895. In Chap. V. for ike Resolutkn ofProhlems, '307 895- I" plain sailing the meridians are supposed parallel, and the degrees of longitude as well as those of" latitude are sup- posed equal ; whereas the meridians intersect each other in the pole, the degrees of longitude decrease in the same proportion as the semi-diameters of the parallels of latitude, and the de- grees of latitude (because of the oblate figure of the earth) increase from the equator towards the poles. In order to cor- rect some of the errors that arise in Navigation from these false suppositions, a projection was invented (commonly called Mer~ cator's Chart) in which the meridians are still supposed parallel, and the degrees of longitude enlarged as in the former, but the degrees of latitude upon the meridians are enlarged in the same proportion. The arks of the meridian thus enlarged (or the me- ridional parts)iive found in a sphere or spheroid by the following theorems. LetthearkDHr/g.SSljiV. I),orangleDCH,bethe latitude for which the meridional partsz are required, HEits sine, let CT bisect the ark H6?(the complement of HD),and meet the CD tangent at d inT. Then, 1, in the sphere 2=:log, ^,i[iemodu- ius being CD. 2. In the oblate spheroid, let Dh be an ark whose sine eh is to EH as CF the distance of the focus from the centre to CD the semi-diameter of the equator ; let Ct bisect the ark dh, and meet dT in i ; then z = loi?. ■^t^ — ttt: K ^ a I CD log. -^, 3. In the oblong spheroid> let Dq (fg. 331, JV. 2) be the ark whose tangent is to EH the sine of DH as CF to CD, , , CD CF TA and z = log. ^ + — X D^. 896. For, supposing ADB to be a meridian section through the poles A and B, as in art. 894, let CA =: a, CD = b, CF = c, CM = 1/, EH-w, and the elliptic ark DP=5. Then, to find the meridional parts z, we are to suppose the element or fluxion of the ark DP to be always enlarged in the ratio of CD the radius of the equator to PM the radius of the parallel CD of P, that is, 4 == ^ X p;^ = (because 's : } : : PK : NK : : X2 CH 308 Oft%t general Rules Book IL CH : CE) JL^ X ~ =(because PM : NK : : &6 : aa, and NK : CE : : FN : EH) I x "'"'■. By what we found in art. y bb — i/u 894^ PA = — X '/a''-\-ccyy or — X Va'^—cc^, according as CD is greater or less than CA ; consequently Vk be- ing to yik as CH to EH;, we have u = — ■ j^ or y = ? and (by art. 728) — = h ti=- = - Vb^^ccuu y u b'^+ccuu u O* mi r ■ aab'^u , 1 heretore a = ■ — — - < that is, a = b'^+CCUU " bb—uuysb'^-'t-ccuu 'U hb —uu Ihu • .1 1 • bbu b-ccu . , m the sphere, % = rr — tt i" the ob- late spheroid, and i = - — ^ + Tr-r— — ^" the oblons spheroid. Suppose now dh to be the diameter of the circle d\yh, join ^xx, because in this case r : z : : a : Vaa-^xx' 902. Suppose a solid to be generated by the figure PMA (ftr, 332,iV.2)revolvingabout the axisPC^and the gravity atPtowards this sohd in the direction PC to be measured by Q, then Q = — 3^^ " ■ X F. r """a\rj N being supposed to denote the ratio of the semi-circumference to the diameter, as formerly. For example, if PMA be a semicircle of the radius PC, then PM =:: 12PR, or r = Q^x ; and Q = F. ^"""1 ^ ~"^ = (when r be- comes equal to 2a) ^ ^ 1.1 . If w=2, Q=: ^^l ' ,andthe gravity is the same as if the whole matter in the sphere attract- ed from the centre C, because the solid content of the sphere is — ^* and in other cases the gravity is to this attraction as 3X2"^ to 3 — n X 5 — n> Ifw =-— 1, these are equal. If 71 = 0, their ratio is that of 4 to 5; and if ?« =: 1, the ratio is that of 3 to 4. In different spheres, when n is given, the gra- vity is as PC^ — " , because e is as PC— » . g03. To find the attraction at the pole A (/«g.333) towards the spheroid generated by the semi-ellipsis ADB about the axisAB, suppose P to coincide with A, AC = a, CD =: h, CF (F being the focus) — c, AR == x, AQ =: 2, AM =: r; then AR* : : NR' : : AQ* : QMS or xx : art — xa: : : zz : -^ x lb Si" a** 1a% — zz'. '. z '. — X 2a — ;; ; consequently z = — — , aa a"' 4I c* ;«" 2A^ a*-x aa and (because x '. a \\ z \ r) r zz. — — — , or ,r r= — x ——————. 2' — " Na*""^ /^''"""^"r If id + Vh^^^^r. Therefore Q = "^ ^^^ X X 4 '^ V. 312 Of the general Rules Book IL X F. = -^— — .-.jj r^ ; or, if we suppose bb zz dc, Q will be equal to ■ X F. ———= 1 . , which fluents are easily measured by the areas of conic sections, when n is any integer number. The upper signs are for the oblong spheroid. 904. To find the attraction at the pointD(j^g.334)in the equa- tor of the spheroid, let P coincide with D, DBE be a section of the solid perpendicular to its equator, PH or DH a tangent at D, HNc a circle described from the centre D with the radius Dc ( = CA) meet DM in N, MQ perpendicular to DE, and NE to DH, CA zz. a, CD = b, CF zz c, as formerly, and DQ = z, DM = r, DR = X. Then NR^ : DR^ : : DQ* : QM% that IS, aa — XX : XX : '. zz : -rr X ^bz—^z :: z: -rr X 2b — % and zzz bo bo , aa — XX .1 / az \ iba^ >/ aa-xx Ihaa X — —\-^ \ consequently 7- (=- ~ a^-^rC^X^ V aa—xx' a'' -\- CCXX mi r a^—'^ef T? T ,' , T- Sa^b^fex Therefore a = ± x F. r^—^'x '/aa—xx — F. 1 ^ 3 n 3— « X '2aab[* 4 — » X L^ ^ , — y which gives the ultimate value of the gra- vity at D towards a slice of the spheroid contained by two planes perpendicular to its equator that intersect each other in DH, when the angle contained by the planes va- nishes, by art. 901. If we suppose c zzo or a — b, the last fluxion becomes equal to ■ ^ — x aa — jrxl— ^- zz (sup- posing yy zz aa — jtx) ^-- X — ^ — ^ , the fluent of 3~« X 2" >/ aa— yy which gives the ultimate value of the gravity at D towards the slice of the sphere (described upon the diameter of the equator of Chap. V. for the Resolution of Problems. 313 of the spheroid) that is contained by the same planes. Because the sections of the spheroid by planes perpendicular to the equator are ellipses similar to the meridian section and to one another, and the secticns of the sphere by these planes are cir- cles, the gravity at D towards the spheroid is to the gravity at D towards the sphere described upon the diameter of the equa- tor as the former to the latter fluent, that is (supposing cc ^ aa :: m : 1), as F. a'-'^ b'~"x x — ~^^'^l ,^ to F. x x 4— n aa — jr-rj'~2~. These flaxionary expressions are rational when n is an even number ; and when n is an odd number they are transformed into rational expressions by supposing .r rr -— — ^^ — . Hence, therefore, the gravity at the equator, as well as the gravity at the poles, is measured by circular arks or lo- garithms when ;/ is any integer number less than + 3. 905. When w=:2, the gravity at the pole or equator is easily computed from the first theorem in art. 901, viz. 5^ — F. fl" — eizx ' — - — '■—- X r^— «rr(when ?i=:2) F. efzx. For when the par- ticle P, whose gravity is required, is at A, as in art. g03, z (or AQ, supposing All z=. x) ■=. — X F.— ™— ; consequently the gravity at the pole A towards the spheroid is to the gravity at A towards the sphei-e of the diameter A-B as hb X F. — L!' - to \aa. When the particle aa-\-mxx * P is at D on the circumference of the equator, suppose, as in art. 904, DR = x, then DQ =: :: = 26 x Jl^^Hil and a =: F. efzx =: 2bef X F. a' X -^^'^- ; consequentlv the gravity at D on the circumference of the equator towards the spheroid 314 Of the general Rules Book II, spheroid is to the gravity at D towards the sphere upon the dia-f meter DE as F. abx x ~r=- — to F. x x aa—xx = (when aa-\-mxx ^ xz=.a)~y and these fluents give the same constnictions by circular arks and logarithms that were described in art. 646 and 647. The gravity at any point P on the surface of the spheroid in the direction parallel to the axis, or perpendicular to it, may be computed in like manner from the theorem ^ = F, efzr; but this case is reduced to the former by art. 634. When the density varies, but so as to be uniform over any surface si^ milar and concentric to ADBE, the gravity at any place in the plane of the equator, or axis of the spheroid, may be computed ■ by art. 668, Sec. The reader will find this subject treated in a different manner in a late ingenious essa}', Phil. Trans. N. 449, by INIr. Clairaut. It was demonstrated in art. QsQ, &c. that if the density of the earth was uniform, its figure would be such a spheroid as is generated by an ellipsis revolving about its second axis, according to the theory of gravity; but this was assumed as an hypothesis in art. 67 9^ 681, &c. where the density was supposed variable. 906 {Fig. 335).Thecentresof gravity and oscillation of figures are determined from art. 509 and 534. LetG be thecentre of gra- vity, and O be the centre of oscillation of theplane figure F/znM when it revolves about the axisF/] OG A perpendicular to Vf'm A and to Mm in P,AP = .r,Mm=3^,GA=:2;,OArr»; then 2= L^ F. yr and u ~ ■ — =^— — . inus_, u -^t/ — a: , ^ _ - — — — T.yxxr F.x"'x r> ?)2 -I- 2. * "•^^ X X, or G A : PA : : m + 1 : m + 2 ; and u - — — -I- ^ !1±| X ^, or OA : PA : : m + 2 : m + 3 (Jig. 239). The centre of oscillation of a sphere was determined^ in art. 536, from the fluent Chap. V. for the Resolution of Frohhms. S15 fluentof 2«_y^y X aa—uy [supposing, in fig. 239 {Jig- 239) the ra- llius GE — «, GN:=PM=:y, 0(jt=.z and n to 1 as the circum-f fcrenceof the circle to its radius], which is <2.nip x — ^* •^ a 6 » and this fluent becomes equal to -^ when PM = GE oryrra, which being divided by — X a^ X z (the solid content of the sphere multiplied by the distance of its centre of gravity from the ajcis of oscillation) gives - j< -— — m. The centre of percussion is in a right line perpendicular to AO at O. Several principles concerning the centre of gravity and its motion, that iare of use in the resolution of problems, ^vere explained in art. 511, 526, 5oS, 544, 551, 8cc. The motion of a fluid issuing from a cylindric vessel was considered in art. 537, 540, 541, &c. and an example of the method by which the principle con- cerning the equality of the ascent and descent of the centre of gravity is applied to this enquiry {Comment. Petropol. torn. 2) is described in art. 544. But the same theory has been since prosecuted more fully by the learned author, and illustrated by various experiments, in a particular treatise, entitled JHydrodynamica . 907. In any engine the proportion of the power to the weight, when they balance each other, is found by supposing the en- gine to move, and reducing their velocities to the respective directions in which they act; for the inverse ratio of those ve- locities is that of the power to the weight, according to the general principle of mechanics. But it is of use to determine likewise the proportion they ought to bear to each other, that when the power prevails, and the engine is in motion, it may produce the greatest effect in a given time. When the power prevails, the weight moves at first with an accelerated motion; and when the velocity of the power is invariable, its action up- on the weight decreases while the velocity of the weight in- creases. Thus the action of a stream of water or air upon a wheel is to be estimated from the excess of the velocity of the fluid 31& Of the gcneralUuks **lBook IT. fluid above the velocity of the part of the engine which it strikes, or their relative velocity, only. The motion of the engine ceases to be accelerated when this relative velocity is so far diminished that the action of the power becomes equal to the resistance of the engine arising from the gravity of the matter that is elevat- ed by itj and from friction; for when these balance each other, the engine proceeds with the uniform motion it has acquired. Let a denote the velocity of the stream, u the velocity of the part of the engine which it strikes when the motion of the machine is uniform, and a — u will represent their relative ve- locity. Let A represent the weight which would balance the force of the stream when its velocity is a, and p the weight which would balance the force of the same stream if its veloci- A X u^ ty was only a — ii ; then p : A : : a—Z^ : a-, or p =; , and p shall represent the action of the stream upon the wheel. If we abstract from friction, and have regard to the quantity of the weight only, let it be equal to qA (or be to A as 5- to 1), and, because the motion of the machine is supposed uniform, . Ax a—u a — u m . r» p — q X A :=: , or q =: . Ihe momentum of A )/ yc. ' ^ this weight is qku :=. , which is a maximum w^hen 7/ yc * ~ ^ • the fluxion of '^—^ vanishes, that is, when u x 7-I!7* — ^uu X a—u :=. o,ora — 3u =■ 0. Therefore, in this case, the machine will have the greatest effect if u = -, or the weight A X ~" 4 A qA := -—^ n: ~ ; that is, if the weight that is raised by the engine be less than the weight which would balance the power in the proportion of 4 to 9 ; and the momottum of the weight is -r-- . 908. If Chap. V. for the Resolutioti of Problems. 317 g08. If we would likewise consider the friction arising: from the motion of the weight, let 1 be to n as the weight is to the resistance of the engine which would arise from this friction, if the motion of the engine was such that the part of it impelled by the stream moved with the given velocity a; then, supposing the friction to be always in the compound ratio ofthe weight and velocity, the resistance of the engine arising from the same cause when the part of the wheel impelled by the stream moves with the velocity u will be — -. Suppose, there- n A . ngfiiu A X a — u ,, . A a — u ^ lore, p = oA + -^ — = , then oA = - x « and the momentum ofthe weight qAu rr — f x -""" : theflux- ion of which being supposed to vanish, we shall find aa — Sau — • Q,nuu = 0, or u = — - — .- , and the weidit oA r= 4A x — — , ; that is, the machine will have the ffrealest ef- 3+'/9 + 8« ^ feet (according to this supposition) when m : a : : 2 : 3 -f Vg + Sn, and the weightistothatwhichwouldbalance the power as 2 + 2 V9 + 8« to 9 -t- 4w + 3 VTlT^n. For example, if n — -, then u—-^, and ^ A : A : : 20 ; 49 ^ consequently, though the velocity u be less than in the former case in the ratio of 6 to 7 (and therefore the action of the power on the wheel be greater), yet the weight that is raised is less in the ratio of 45 to 49^ and the effect of the engine is less in the ratio of 270 to 343. If n be very small in respect of 1, then u: a : : 1 : 3 + J-, and qA : A : : 4 + — : 9 + 4n nearly. But if we would have likewise regard to the friction arising from the mo- tion ofthe parts of the engine, as well as to that which arises from the elevation of the weight, the computation will be some- what ^1^ Of the general Rules Book ll» ivhat different. Let the friction be equal to mA when the ma- chine moves without any charge in such a manner that the ve- locity of the part impelled by the stream is equal to a; and the friction will be equal to ^- when this velocity is «, where we suppose m invariable, because the machine re- mains the same. When the motion of the engine is uniform^ mjAu niAu A x "^Z^Z"- , . , p =z qA + --— + — ^ — 3 and, supposmg the momentum of qA to be a maximum, u will be found by re- solving the equation u^ -{■ -^^ 1 — j X au^ — ^- Xaau^ ■^, For example, if ;^ = — and w = TTT? " ^^ ^^^""^y To"* qA IS about -j^, and the effect of the engine about -i- of Aff or |-ths of what it would have been if there was no friction^ and u was equal to -r, 909. Suppose that the given weightP (^o-.^SS) descendingby Jtsgravity in the vertical line raises a given weight W by the line PMW (that passes over the pully M) along the inclined plane BD, the height of which BA is given; and let the position of the plane BD be required, along which W will be raised in the least time from the horizontal line AD to B. Let AB ■=. a, BDrrjT, ^z-lime in which Wdescribes DB; the force which ac- celerates the motion of W is P — - — . tt is as - „ "" ■' -. and if we suppose the fluxion of this quantity to vanish, wc shall find X — — — or r =: • consequently the plane Hu requir- ed is that u[)on which a weight equal to 2W would be sus- tained by P; or if BC be the plane upon which W would sustain P, tiien BD r= N. 2) co- incides with V, DG is perpendicular to AD, and A^ =: Lf + A/= V 2aa + ^ "*" "T" ^^ A« = c —o, then A^ : AC : : -v/? : I, or AP the sine of ACE to the radius AC as AG to 2CA, or as \/ad to V 2ca, that is, as \/2 to v's'. There- fore the stream at the beginning of the motion will have the greatest effect upon the plane CE, if the angle ACE be of 54*^. 44'. ; and this is the case which has been considered by several authors : but if the plane CE has already a motion in the direction CB, the stream will have the greatest effect upon it if the angle ACE be greater. For example, if the velocity of the plane CE in the direction CB be a third part of the velocity of the stream, or c — ^, then A^ = ^2aa 4- T" "*■ I ~ ^'^•^ ^'' ^^^^ tangent of the angle ACE ought to be double of the radius, that is, ACE = 63°. 2fi'. If c : a : : \^s : \^9, then A^ : AC ; : 2 -f a/J : 1, and ACE ©ught to be of 73° 40'. If c = «, then ACE = 74"* 19'. 914. Hence the sails of a common windmill ought to be so situated that the wind may strike them in a greater angle than VOL. II. Y that 322 Of the general Rules Book II. that of 54" 44'; for this is the most advantageous angle at the beginning of the motion only; and when any part of the en- gine has acquired a velocity c, the effect of the wind upon that part will be greatest when the tangent of the angle in which the wind strikes it is to the radius asva + ~- + ~^^ ^' Let the rightline Mrepresentthelcngthofoneof thesails, take AC to Ab as the velocity of the wind to the velocity of the given point 6 about the axis of motion, LA r: AC X \/ 2, and a being- any point upon bh, take Af=. —— • then if the sail be so form- ed that the wind shall strike it at any distance Aa from the axis of motion in an angle wliose tangent is always to the radius as L/'-J- A/to CA, the wind shall have the greatest eft'ect upon the sail. It is true, that a celebrated author has drawn an oppo- site conclusion from his computations, viz. that tlje angle in which the wind strikes the sail ought to decrease as the distance from the axis of motion increases ; that if c r= a, the wind ought to strike the sail in an angle of 45'^; and that if the sail be in one plane, it ought to be inclined to the wind at a medium in an angle of about 50 degrees : but if he had reduced the equation of six dimensions, by which he has determined the maximum, to a biquadratic equation^ our conclusions would have agreed ; and the divisor by which this reduction may be made is of no use for determining themostadvantageous position of the sail when the engine is in motion ;becauseitdoes not give a maximum, but a 7nm/m?/w that corresponds to the case when CE coincides with Ca, and the stream has no effect upon the planeCE. Su ppose Aa n AC, or c-=.a ; and if the angle ACE be of 45'^, CE will coincide with Ca, the velocities of the plane CE and of the stream estimated in the direction perpendicular toCE must be equal; so that the stream will have no effect upon the plane CE in this case to pre- serve or accelerate its motion; and the angle ACE mustbein. creased, that the velocity o^the stream in the direction ap (in which it acts upon the plane) may be greater than the veloci- ty of the plane in the same direction. In the same manner it is Chap, V. for the Resolution of Prohknts, S23 is obvious that, if Aa was equal to 2AC, and ACE of 54° 44'. then the stream could have no effect upon the plane CE, and the angle ACE must be increased. 915. When (fig. 339) the engine is of such a nature that the whole fluid, or the same quantity of it, is always incident on the plane CE in its various positions, the force by which it impels CE in the direction CB is as ak — E?n X EN X ^^ which is a maximum (Ca and CE being given) when CE bisects the angle oCB, by art. 9 10, because in this case «= 1, CD : CV : : n — 1 : ;^ + 1 : : o : 2, that is, CD vanishes, and DG coincides with CB. In this case, if AC and Aa, the velocities of the stream and plane, be given, with CB the direction of the motion of the plane, but the angle ACBbe variable, and Aa be greater than I AC, the action of the fluid upon the plane will not be greatest when AC is perpendicular to CEand CE to CB ; but when ACB being an obtuse angle, the sine of ACV is to the radius as AC to 2Aa, and the plane CE is perpendicular to AC. For let C^ =: Ca, aq be perpendicular to CB in q, then ak — igq. Suppose CA = «, Art =: c, AV = X, then ak — Co- + C^ = Ca +rtV" =: Vaa-^-cc—^cx-Vx — c,' and whcn the fluxion of this quantity vanishes, — -^-x =: o, aa+cc — Qcx — cc, aarzocx, */ aaJf cc-^cx or .r : a : : rt : 2c ; and it is easy to see from the construction that in this case ACE must be a right angle. For example, if c =a then .T=f a, ACV = 30 degr. ACB = 120 degr. ACE = go degr. and ECB = 30. degr. 916. Suppose now that AC (fig. 338) represents the direction and velocity of the wind,CB the direction in which a ship moves. Art parallel to CB the velocity of the ship, CE the situation of the sail, and letus abstract from her leeward wtdiX, or suppose that no deflexion from the direction CB is occasioned by the obliquity of the wind or sail to the course CB. Then, in order to determine the most advantageous position of the sail CE (when CA, CB, and Art, are given), that the wind may act with the greatest foicc to impel the ship in the given direction CB, produce AC Y 2 till 324 Of the general Rules Book IF. till AD : AC : : 4 : 3. Let DG be parallel to CB, and a circle aeg described from the centre C with the distance Ctr meet DG in g; then the sail CE ought to bisect the angle aCg, by art. 91 1 ; or let CV be perpendicular to Aa in V^ LV =: VC X Vli y/r: I Ma, \t = Lf + V/', and CE produced pass through t. When Aa the velocity of the ship is neglected, or when the motion begins, CE ought to bisect the angle ACG ; which is the case that was resolved long ago by Mr. Fatio and Mr. lluygens by a biquadratic equation; and has been considered more fully since by Mr. Bernouilli, Manoeuvre des l^aisseaux, chap. 5. But in some cases the ratio of Art to AC is not in- considerable; and supposing AC perpendicular to CB, if (for example) Aa z=. \ AC, the angle ACE ought to exceed \ ACG ( =: 54'^ 44' in this case) by about 9 1 degr., if we would have the wind impel the ship with the greatest force in the direction CB. 917. The force with which the wind impels the ship in the direction CB is always measured by ah X ap; and when this force and the resistance of the water become equal, the motion of the ship becomes uniform. Let CK represent the uniform velocity which the ship would acquire by the same wind in its direction AC, if the sail was perpendicular to AC, and the force in this case which sustains the motion of the ship, and balances the resistance, will be measured by KB*. Therefore (the re- sistance of the water being as the square of the velocity of the ship) CK"" : Art"" : : KB* : ap X ak zz. (supposing Aa parallel to CB to meet CE in aV- X -^j; consequently Aa : at -. \ CK X \/^: KB. LetCA=a,Aa = .r,EN=?/,AV =», CK:KB: : 1 :w;then Aa '.at : :7/\/'7":?wa -/T,- and, because ht - Vf =P AV = V7^::=Tp X ^^^ + i?,.Aa - xzz ^' ^ — .—- '-^ — - • Suppose a,p, and nu to be con- stant^ Chap. V. for the Rcsolutwn of Problems. 3C5 stant, and when xxsa maximum we shalf find that aa — oj/y — • • '-^+ ■ ■ • ^^ = 0- liiis IS an equation for determm- m \/aa — fifi ingthe sine of the angle ECB which ought to be contained by the sail and the hue of the ship's motion, in order that the velo- city of the ship in this line maybe the greatest possible, a,p, and m, being given. 918. If AC be perpendicular to CB, then p := o, and 5j/i/ + •^ — r^ = aa. For example, let m nay's", that is, let the ve- locity of the ship be to the velocity of the wind when the ship moves in the direction of the wind, and the wind is perpendi- cular to the sail as 1 to 1 4" 2-/ 2 (or nearly as 1 to 3.828) ; then, if the ship sail in a direction perpendicular to that of the wind, the sail oughtto be inclined to the wind in an angle of 60'', or to the way of the ship in an angleof 30''. For the equation fory v/hen i" is a maximum is, in this example, aa — ^yy — '^—^- — 0, which gives w = - ; and in this case the velocity of V2 2 "^ a V y X V aa — yy __ U the ship is — ^ "" £ - = —--, The sine of tlie angle ECB is always less than x CB. 919. The angle ECB (fig. 340) contained by the sail CE and course oftheshipCB,withACthe velocity of the wind bcinggiven, the velocity of the ship is greatest when ACE is a right angle, that is, when the wind is perpendicular to the sail; as is obvious, and agrees with art. 917j where, if a, y, and w, be given, x be- comes a maximum when p'^y- Supposing AC to be perpendicu- lar to CE, x~ ^-=~ — r., and is a maximum when y oxpzza ma-Za-^-yVif 9 X V^~- ; that is, of all cases wherein tlie wind is supposed to be perpendicular to the sail, the velocity of the ship is greatest Y 3 (providing o 26 t)f the general Rules Book II. (providing CK be not less than -f- CA, or m be not greater than 2) when the sine of the angle ECB contained by the sail and course is to the radius as v'wot to vT> and the velocity of the ship is gi-eater in this case than when the wind biows in the direction of the course, and is perpendicular to the sail in the 3 ratio of ?» + 1 to 3 ^'^, or (supposing « = 2 — m) of 1 — -to 1 — ^' ^. If, for example, CK : CA : : 1 : 2, the velo- city of the ship in the direction CB will be greatest when the sine of ECB, or ACV, is to the radius as 1 to v'T; that is, when the angle ECB is about 39^ 3', or when the angle AC&, in which the direction of the wind is inclined to the course of the ship, is an angle of about 50*^ 57'. And the velocity of the ship is in this case greater thanwhenthe same wind blows directly in the course of the ship, and the sail is perpendicular to the wind (in which case the wind is commonly thought S3 3 to be most favourable) in the ratio of v/ss to \^2T, or of Q^/T to 3; and by inclining the sail CE to the wind, so as to increase the angle BCE, the velocity of the ship in the right line CB will be still greater. There may be many other cases supposed from art. 916, wherein a side-wind would promote the motion of the vessel more than a direct wind. For example, if the ve- locity of the vessel in the direction CB be to the velocity of the wind as 1 to 3, and the angle ACB be only of 109'' 28', the force by which the wind will promote the motion of the vessel in the course CB will in this case be greater than when the wind is direct, or the angle ACB is of 180°, in the ratio of 3 ___^ 3 \/ 32 to 1/21 ; the sail being supposed in both cases to have the most advantageous position, which was determined in art. QlG. 920. AgiVenlineAC(y?of.341) beingdividedinB, therectangle AB X BCisiimaximumvfhenAB = BC, by what is shown in the elements of geometry. Hence it folWvvs, that, if a given line AG Chap. V. for the Resolution of Problems. 327 AG be divided into a given number of parts AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, FG, the product of the parts AB x BC x CD x DE, &c. is Si maximum when they are equal to each other; because if BD the sum of any two adjoining parts be divided equally in C and inequally in c, BC X CD is greater than Be x cD, and AB X BC X CD X DE x &c. is greater than AB x Be x cD X DE X &c. If a given right line AG be divided in C, and AC« X CG"* be a maximum, then AC : CG : : n :m; for if we suppose AG = a, AC =: x, a" x a — x*" = y, then -^ = ^ ^, and if 7/ = 0. - = , that is, AC : CG : : n : m. a—x ^ X a — X •• The same proposition may be derived from the former case when n and m are any integer numbers : for example, AB X BG* is a maximum when AB is to BG as 1 to 5; because if BG be divided into five equal parts BC, CD, &c.thenAB x BG* = 5XoX5x5x5xABxBCxCDxDExEFx FG, jvhich is a inaximum when AB zr BC ::= CD = DE = EF = FG. If AG be divided into three parts AB, BD, and DG, then AB x BD« x DG»» is a maximum when AB, BD, and DG, are to each other in the same proportion as the numbers l,w,and m, respectively; because, wherever we suppose the point Bio be, BD« X DG"* cannot he a maximum {and consequently AB X BD« X DG"* is not amaximum) unless BD : DG : : n :m; and wherever we suppose the point D to be, AB x BD" cannot be a maximum unless AB : BD : : 1 : w. The continuation of those theorems is obvious; and this brief method of resolving several questions relating to maximaand minima that cannot be so easily reduced to the common rules, was mentioned in a letter to Martin Folkcs, Esq. Phil. Trans. No. 408. The following article gives another useful instance. 921. TherudiusACC/ig-.342)andarkAFbeinggiven,letAFbe divided into three parts, AE, EB, and BF, let EM, EN, and BR, be the sines of the arks AE, EB, and BF; then if £M« x EN X BR"»be amajwrtMw, the tangents of the arks AE,EB, and y 4 BF; '28 Of the general Rules Book 11. BF, shall be in the same pioportion as the numbers n, \, and m. This follows trooi art. 910, because, wherever we suppose the point B to be placed upon the ark FE^, EM" X EN is not a max- imum {aii ^10), unless the tangent of the ark A E be to the tangent of EB as ^^ to 1 ; consequently the ark AB must be divided in this manner, t'uit BI\"» x EN X EM" may be a maximum. In like manner, wherever we suppose the point Eto be taken upon the ark AB, EN X BR*" cannot be a maximum, luiless the tangent of EB be to the tangent of BF as 1 to m; and the arkFE must be divided in this manner, that EM" X EN xBR"^nvdyhe a maximum. Therefore if EM:« X EN x BR"» te a tnaximum, the tangent of AE must be to the tangent of EB as n to 1, and the tangent of EB to the tangent of BF as 1 to m; that is, the ark FA mnst be divided in such a manner in B and E that the tangents of AE, EB,and BF,maybe in the same proportion to each other as the numbers n, 1, and m. liii—my then AE •=. BF. The continuation of these theorems is like- wise obvious. If a given ark be divided into any given num- ber of parts whose sines are represented by a, h, c, d, e, &c. and din X !>« X C' X c?s X &c. be a maximum, then the tangents of the respective parts must be in the same proportion as the in- dices, m, n, r, s, &,c. and (because the sine of an ark is to the radius as the radius to the secant of the same ark) the product of the same powers of the respective secants of those parts is a maximum. 922. For an example of this, the force and direction of the wind being given, let it be required to find the most advanta- «-eous course of the ship and position of the sail, that the ship maybe carried in a given direction, or removed from a given coast or right line, as fast as possible. Let AC represent the force and direction of the wind, CF the line from which the ship is to be carried as fast as possible, CB the course of the ship, and CE the position of the sail. Let AQ be parallel to CB, AP perpendicular to CE in P, and PQ perpendicular to AQ in Q. Then the force by which the wind impels the ship in the di- rection CB at the beginning of the motion will be as AP X AQ Chap. V. for lite Tle^ohition of Trohlcms. 329 EN = EM* + — ; and the velocity of the ship (supposing it to be incomparably less than the velocity of the wind) shall be as EM X '/en ; which, reduced to the direction B II perpendicu- lar to CF, is as EM X -/en X BR ; and this last velocit}- is a maximum (by the last article) when the tangents of the arks AE, EB, and BF, are in the same proportion as the numbers 1, land 1, or 2, 1 and 2. Let the radius CErra, the tangent of AF be represented by h, the tangent of AE or BF by t, and the tangent of AB or FE by T. Because the arks AB-f BF =:AF, it will easily appear that if— ax- ~",„ : and in the same '' *■ * au-\-o i manner, because BF -}- BE — FE, the tangent of BE (= -) -"" ^ -^^Tt/' ^'^^^lenceT = ^__-.; consequently ?^—4Z*« — 5aat + 2baa — o ; and, h being given, t and T may be found by the resolution of this cubic equation. 923. If FCA be aright angle, then b is infinite, and (ltt=aa, OTt:a:: I : -/s", and T : « : : a/s" : 1 ; that is, ACB = FCE= 54° 44' ; consequently, if the velocity of the ship may be neg- lected as incomparably less than the velocity of the wind, the course ought to contain an angle of 54° 44', and th^s sail an angle of 35° iG' with the direction of the wind, that the ship piay gain upon the wind as much as possible; and this is the case resolved by Mr. Bernouil/i, Manoeuwc chs Faisseaiix, p. 50, 8cc. If the course CB and position of the sail CE is re- quired, that the ship may get away from the line AC as fast as possible, then we are to suppose ACF to be a continued right line, or b =. o, in which case tt =: 5aa, or t : a : : '/'^ : i ; consequently the angle ACE ought to be of 65° 54', and ACB of 1 14° 6'. If the angle ACE be given, the tangent of ECB ought to be to the tangent of ECF as 2 to 1 ; and ECB is de- termined by a construction similar to that in art. 910. We have always supposed the sail to be a plane, and have abstracted from the lec-way of the ship, but shall not enter farther into this 330 Of the general Rules Book II, this theory at present. Mr, Renau published an ingenious treatise on this subject in 1689; but some particulars in it have been corrected by Mr. Hui/gens and Mr. Bernouilli. Several other mechanical problems may be resolved in the »amc manner as these we have considered. 9C4. In book I. chap. 13, it was show^n how many problems may be immediately reduced to equations that involve first fluxions only, which it has been usual to resolve first by equa- tions that involve second or higher fluxions ; but as that me- thod is not always applicable, we shall give some examples of the method of reducing equations from second to first fluxions. Suppose X constant, and if the equation involve x, y, and y, but if either x or y be w'anting (of which kind are those which arise most commonly in the resolution of problems), it may be reduced to first fluxions, by introducing a new variable quantity z, and supposing it equal to ^ or "-. Suppose, for example, that a* -J- y* = — , let y zz. zx, and consequently y zzz x, n then nx- X ] +zz zzyzx, or 7ix K l+zz { — 7iyX —^^J — yz ; therefore ^ = ■ ^^ , and (by art. 740) w'a = 1 + 22 X A, y ]-^zz or zz :=■ 1 rz ^ ; consequently x = - ^ — , where A ;^ Vj^i»-A A denotes an invariable quantity. 925. Let the point T (^g.343>) move in the right line Aff, and the point M in the curve FM, so that the velocity of the point T may be to the velocity of the point M in the invariable ratio of » to 1, and the motion of M may be always in the direction MT or TjNI ; and let it be required to determine the curve FM. Let AP = X, PM = y, FM = s, AT = t; then ns - 't = (be- cause t "=■ X — rr-^ or to ^ — X, and x is supposed constant) y n Chap. V. for the Resolution of Problems. 331 ,JLI1-* Let X — zij, then zy •\- zy ■=. o, and ny ^/Tl^ — / _ . . . tlili = ±yz, and ^ = -^ whence Av" = zy"- y '•l + zs' "^ <•!+»» i^^ an^ AAj/-»+ 2A~j/» = 1, or 2z = ^ r= ~ti if _ V +1 ± Ay», consequently 2r=: i^- ± ky^y, and 2a: =£ —^ + K, where K denotes an invariable quantity. If w r: j^ then x — — — — ±— — -~ + K, and the curve is aparabolaof the third order oflines. Ifw =rl, the curve (^g-. 344) is constructed by logarithms or the equilateriil hyperbola. Let NDN be such an hyperbola described betwixt the asymptotes Ca and Cb, D a given point in the hyperbola, join CD, let KLM perpendicular to the iisymptote Ca in L meet CD in K, and let LM X 2FD be always equal to the area DJNK ; then M shall be a point in the curve. 926. An equation that involves second fluxions is sometimes easily reduced to first tluxions, by the common rules of the in- verse method, which were described in chap. 2 ; and that the solution may be general enough, when any fluxion is supposed constant, a quantity compounded from it or from its powers and invariable quantities ought to be added to the equation. For example, let it be required to find the nature of the line in which the curvature is always as the ordinate, this being a figure by which several problems of different kinds are resolved. Let the ray of curvature be represented by R, and because R IT . / \ „ 3 suppose s constant, then R r= -^ • In the s X X s X figure required R is inversely as the ordinate^ ; consequentl}'^, a being an invariable quantity, we may suppose — =: R = 4r or 33 2 . Of^ the general Rules Book II. or Q.J/1/S = aax ; and by finding the fluents, t/j/s = aax -f K« Avhere K denotes an invariable quantity, and Ks is' added because s is supposed constant. If K = o, then s'^ : ,i^ : : a* : • • -p. ' y,_y» : x^ : : a+ — y : j/% and consequently .r = ^~-^'' 927. The celebrated author who first resolved this as well as several other curious problems, after his account of this fi'nire (which is commonly called the clastic curve), adds, Ob graves causassuspicor cttrvid nostra const ructionem a nuUiussecUo- nis conica scu qiiadratura seu rectijicatione peyidere, Act. Lips. 1694, p. 272. Butit is constructed by the rectification of theequi- lateral hyperbola ; for if the base of a figure be always taken equal to the perpendicular from the centre on the tangent of such an hyperbola, and the ordinate equal to the excess of the tangent terminated by that perpendicular above the ark intercepted be- twixt the vertex of the hyperbolaand thepoint of contact, then the figure shallbe the elastic curve. Let AEZ fjg. 345) be an equi- lateral hvperbola that has its centre in S and vertex in A, let E be any point in the hyperbola, ET a tangent at E, and SP per- pendicular from the centre S to the tangent at P; upon S A take SQ=:SP,andthe ordinate QM always equal to the excess of the tangent EP above the ark AE of the hyperbola ; then M shall be a point in the elastic curve AMB. For suppose SA — a, SQ (=:SP) = y, QM=:.r, SE = r, EP = z, and the ark AE = 5, then r = — 3 EP = 5 = Vrr-^j/y -) z — ■ ^ -^ ^ - But s : r : : r : 2 : : a« : v^a*— _y4 and r = — ^-» consequently 5 and X 3J ^_X — ; which is the equation for the common clastic curve. 92s. In Chap. V. for the Resolution of Problems. Sf^s 928. In general, the equation for the elastic curve was aax =z yyi — Ks,- consequently X =: + i/x - - j'JCZ ! ^^,^ — -— — » y aa — K -\-ijif X ^a -|- K —yif and by comparing this fluxion with those described in art. 804 and 805, it will appear that the elastic curve may be construct- ed in all cases by the rectification of the conic sections. Let SArA"o;-346') be halflhe transverse axis of the hyperbola AEH,SD half the second axis ; upon DS take SF. SA : : SA. SD, and S3 =:AF, describe the elliptic quadrant A11Z>, and, E being any point in the hyperbola, SP perpendicular to the tangent EP in V, upon S A take SQ — SP, and let the ordinate QR meet the ellipse in R ; then, by taking QM upon QR equal to ~1 x . SD*— SA^ EP— AE + g^^ ^ g^ X AR, M shall be a point in the elastic curve ; and the ray of curvature at any point M shall be A D^ equal to ^^, because in comparing those fluxions we suppose aa—¥.- SD^ and «a + K = SA% or ^ — 9 and (which are mentioned, ibid, p. 338, where it is said of the first only, that it may be assigned by the rectification of the hyperbola) are all assignable by the rectification of the equilateral hyperbola, and of the ellipsis, whose excentricity is equal to the second axis. Let AE and AR (Jig. 348) be such an hyperbpla and ellipsis, SA=:a, and SE=s, then the F — — rrAE, and the fluent of — ^=: = AR + AE — EP. if SP be peipendicular from the 336 Of the general Rules Book II, the centre S on the tangent at E in P, SA—a, and SP = z, then the F. -I^^ = AR + AE — EP, and the F. -^ ^j.. = EP — AE, as appears from art. 799 and. 802. Fluents of other forms may be assigned by the rectification of the conic sections by art. 804 and 805. 931. It may be worth while to show here how the same easy method which was described in chap. 13, book I. for de- termining, by first fluxions only, thenatureof the lines of swift- est descent, of the figures that amongst all those of equal peri- meters produce wiaxma and minima, and of that which gene- rates the solid of least resistance, serves with equal facility and evidence for discovering the equation of the curve when other limitations are added in the problem ; as when it is required to find the solid, which amongst all those of equal capacities, and that are bounded by equal surfaces, meets with the least resist- ance in a fluid. The fundamental lemma (demonstrated in ' art.572and 592)isthat, 'dAK(Jig.349) begiven,KE be perpen- dicular to A K, a and 2< denote any given or invariable quantities, AE KE\ then AE x a — KE X m (or ) is a minimum whea KE :AE::u: a, or a xKE-uX AE. Let the base FP == X, the ordinate PA zz y, the ark G A = s, AK = y, and if AE the tangent at A meet KE parallel to the base in E,*then AE = s and KE = jr ,• and it follows from the lemma, that if V and u represent any quantities compounded from the powers of j/ (so as to be of the same value when 2/ is the same), and if y be given, then Vs — ux, and -^ -^ are minima when Yx — us. From this it follows (as in art. 576 and 593), that if GAD be the whole curve, and DH the difference of the ordinates at G and D be given, then the F. Vs — F. «.r, or the F. -^ F. — , shall be a minimum when the nature of the figure is defined by the equation Nxzzm. Therefore, supposing this Chap. V. for the Resolution of Prohlcms. 337 this to be tlie equation of the curve, and DH to be given, if the fluent of Vs be also given, then the F. ux shall be nmaxi- miim ; or if the latter fluent be given, then the former shall be a minimum : ant! if the fluent of— be given, the F. -^ shall be a maximum ; or if the fluent of™ be 2;iven, the fluent of — ^ shall bo a muiiinum. It appears, likewise (as in art. 59-5), that if DIi witii the base FC or G II be given, and the fluent of Vsbe given or invariable, then the F, ux will be a maximum or mini- mum when the equation of the curve is V.r =: e+u X s, where € dei;otes an invariable quantity that may be positive;, or ncgn^ tive, or vanish. .'■■:> 932. Suppose, therefore, V= A + Bj/ + Cyy|- J)f + ifeVi and uzz a -\- h !/-{■ c r/^ + df -r&ic. where A, B, C, &c. and a, h, c, &c. denote any invariable coefficients that may be positive or negative, any of which may be supposed to vanish; and the flu- en t of V.S — ux, tiiat is, of s X A -TBj/ + Cj/j/ + &c. — x X a -f bij + o/y + &c. shall be a minimum when the equation of the figure is .r X A + Bj/ + Cj/y -!- &c. =: sxa-\-hy-rcyy-\-^c. the ordinate DH being given. Therefore, if the fluent of .s- X A -f B// -f Ci/i/ 4- "Sec. be also given, the fluent of a? x « + ^j/ + cj/j/ ►J- &c. siuill be a maximum-; or if the latter be given, the former shall be a minimum : and if the base FC or GH be given with DH and the F. s x A + Bi/-\- Oyy + &c. then the F. X X a + by + cyy -f »Scc. shall be a maximum or minimum when X X A -f Bj/ -|- Cyy + &c. ~ s X e + A + Bj/ ^Cyy + &c. Of which theorein it is an obvious but a particular case only, that, if the nature oi'the figure be defined by the last equation, and G H, DH, with the fluents of As, 'Bys, Cyys, &c. byx, cyyx, (hf^X) 8cc. be all given or invariable, one only excepted, this last fluent shall be either a maximum or minimum. VOL. II. Z 933. For 53S Of the general Rules Book II. 933. For example, the [)oints G and D being given, if the perimetei- GAD (or tiie F. As) be also given, tlie area FGADC (or the F. ?/x) is a niaxitimm or niini/mim when Ar =s X e+A+Bi/, that is, wlien GAD is an ark of" a cirelc. If the surface gene- rated by the ark GAD about the axis FC (or the F. By.s) be given, then the solid generated by the figure FG A DC about the same axis (or the F. tj/j/.i) is a /naiiniiitu or tui/iimum when Bi/x = s X e'-fiyi/; and when e r: o, this is again a circle. If the perimeter GAD (or the F. As) be given, the solid generated by FGADC about the axis FC is a maximum, or minimum when Ax = e-\-cy>j X 6', and GAD is the elastic curve, which was con- stnicted by the arks of conic sections in art. 928. If the F. s'x A + By be given^ then the fluent of .r X a + bij + cyy is a max i- mum or minimum when jr X A + B// = s X c+a + Oi/ -{■ cyy. And it is no more but a particular case of this theorem that ihe , same equation comprehends that of the figure when the points G,D,with thesnrface generated by GAD.about FC and thearca FGADC, are given or invariable, and the solid generated by this area about the axis FC isa maximum or miuimutn. For since, by the supposition, the fluents of i- X A-\- By with the F. ax and F.^j/o: are given, so that thcF. cyyx alone is variable, and the fluent of F. x X a -{-by-i- ctjy is a maximum or minimum, it is ma- nifest that the F. cyyx is a maximum or minimum. Nor is there any occasion, in order to obtain surhec|uations, to have recourse to higher fluxions, or to resolve the element of the curve into a number of infinitesimal parts. Other examples may be derived in the same manner at pleasure. 934. The same metiiod is extended to several other sorts of problems, by art. 605. Let V" be now compounded from the powers of * and y as well as iVom the powers of y and iu- variable quantitie.^. For example, let V =~v~ + A + By + C//-+Dy^ + &.c. where K is supposed to be eompoundeJ from the powers of j/ and invariable quantities, antl u — a <^ by + Chap. V. for the Resolution of Problems. 3iJ9 cyy + See. as formerly. Then it appears, as in article GOo, that \s + ux shall be a mininmm when T^ X -^ + Ax + V>i/x + Cy\i' 4- Sec. = + 'sii = + s X rt+ /yj/ + cj/j/ + &c. and by substituting 3 for u this equation serves for resolving theproblems that may be proposed concerningthe solid of least resistance. For, supposing the solid thatisgenerated by the revolution of thefigure I^G XDC(tig.ooO) to move in a fluid with a given velocity, and in the direction of the axis CF, then, according to the common doctrine of the action of the particles of fluids on bodies (or if the fluid be rare, as Sir hauc Xetctoii supposes), the resistance of the co- nical surface generated by the tangent AE will be ultimate- AK- //^ ,',^ • • • Iv as PA X AK X = -^ =^^ X s, and £i/i/^x — xs AE~ > si ^^ X A + Bj/ + Ct/i/ + Sec. = s* X a + bj/ + cj/y + Sec. is the equation for the curve that generates the solid of least resist- ance, when the points G and D with the fluents of As, Bj/s, Cj/j/s, and the F. r X « -f bj/ "4* rj/j/ + 8cc. are supposed tobegiven or invariable. Thus if the points G and D only are given, the equation is 2//j/lr rr as^, as Sir Isaac Nezcto/i found. If the solid of the least resistance is required amongst all the solids of equal capacity, the equation is 'lyif x zz as^ + cif s^. If the solids are supposed to be bounded by equal surfaces, the equation for the figure which generates the solid of least resist- ance is ili/i/x — By is' ii: as'^. If the solid is to have the least resistance of all those that have equal capacity, and are termi- nated b}' equal surfaces, the equation is C'/j/^r — Vjj/xs^ •=. «s*4- cifs^ ; and in like manner the equation is fouiid, when other limitations that relate to the perimeter GAD, area FGADC, &c. are superadded. 93 j. Because the theorems proposed in art. bGS, and explain- ed in the subsequent articles, are of more general use, it may be proper to give one example of the manner oi" applying them Z 2 for ,^^Q Of the general Rules Book IT. for discovering the equation of the figure required. Let u the Telocity acquired at any point Abe as Aa'"«'l-Bj/'» xi'y, and the equationofthelineofswiftestdescentbe required. Let OA (fig. 3,51) the rayof curvature at A be considered;;? given in})o^itioii, and, supposing the point O to remain, let A move in the right line OA, and APbe always perpendicular to FC in P ; let OA r= <^, FF = :r, and AP :r: ?/, then if OA meet PC in I — x : q : : PI : L\ : : j/ : s, and y : q \ \ PA \\k . : x : s. But, by the theorem in art. 565, OA and u increase proportionally while the point A is supposed to move in the right line OA, that IS, -^ = — = — f =^ •r — + ^-' q u Ax^+Bj/"" X y Hence by substituting ~4^ for x, and ~ for j/, then dividinn; S S hy q, and substituting for the ray of curvature q its value _i 5 X being supposed constant, it follows, that i-1 = —X J/ ' ^ ^ s" nAx^';-v.^^r-^x _j_ V. ^ ii. Kit be required that tho Ax"+ Bf X y • curve shall be described in less time than any other of an equal perimeter, the equation may be found by the third general principle described in art. 563. 936. Tiie preceding examples may serve to show the exten- sive usefulness of the method of fluxions in geometry and the various parts of philosophy. In the account ^ve gave of this cloctrine in the iir?t book, we supposed with Sir Isaac NeWf ton quantities to be gei}erated by motion, and considered the fluxion of a quantity rts the velocity or n^easure of this motion. Some propositions, however, were demonstrated (as prop. 20 and 32) without making use of fluxions; and several other theories described in this and the preceding book may be like- wise established inauianncrindependent of the notion of a flux- ion. Chap. V. for the Resolution of Problems . S4l ion. Thus, it is easily demonstrated from art. 7 10, that, sup- posing n to be any integer and positive number, if the area uponlhebaseAPfy/g.Soa^M-xbealwa^'sequalto^r", thentheordi- iiatePM orj/shalibealwayseqnal to ?a:«— '. For let o represent Vp any increment of the base .r; and, because a^ and y increase together, PM X Pp, or y X o, shall be less than PM/np z=z X +0" — a", the simultaneous increment of the area, which (by substituting x + o for E, and x for F, in art. 710) is less than ii X 1 -f 0"— ^ X o; consequently 3/ is less than n X a:+o«— '. In the sarnemanner, itappearsthatPM X Vp, ory X o, isgreater than PAJ/xT = >r'* — x — o", which, by the same article, is greater than no X x — o"— ' ; consequently the ordinate y is greater than n X .r — o'— '. But if j/ be said to be greater than. ??.i"— % suppose y =r //.r"— ' -f r, and o rr t»— ' + - ,._i r, or j+ o« — ' rr a"—' -f -, then y rr ?/.r« — * y^ r zz n x a -j- 0"— ', the contrary of which has been demonstrated; and if y be said to be less than ?/.i" — ', suppose y n nx^—^ 1 r r, and r= jr — a"—' — -«— ij, or x — o"— ' rr an—' — — , then j/ rr n X a — oi , against what has been demon- strated : therefore?/ = ;u"~'. 1 intended to have subjoin- ed demonstrations of this kind of some other theorems ; but this seems to be unnecessar}', after what has been shown at so great length in the first book, and the first chapter of this book, for demonstrating the evidence of this method. Some- times we have spoke of infinites in this chapter in the usual style of writers on this subject; but Ave took no greater libcrt}" in making use of such expressions than is allowed to authors in the inferior parts of these sciences, particularly to such S42 Of the general Rules, kc. Book II. such as treat of trigonometry, wlio, while they assign a tan- gout and secant to every ark, and find that no finite tangent or secant can belong to the quadrant, therefore mark it injinite in their tables. In the same sense // or j/ arc in certain t.*ases supposed to become infinite; but we pretend to draw no conckisions conecrninginfinitcs from the use of such concise and convenient expressions^ nor inferences of any kind, but such as may be otherwise justified by unexceptionable evi- <^ence. 937. In this doctrine^ when the velocity of amotion is de- termined, it is always with relation to the veloeit)' of some ©iher motion; and when we enquire at what rate the ordinat(;, for example, increases or decreases, it is always in relation to the base, or some other magnitude, with which it is compared. It is only relative space and motion we have occasion to consi- der in this method, than which no sort of quantities scein to be q[iiore clearly conceived by u.s. FINIS. Forjht au'i Coiapldi), Pnntcv , '..'iJd'e jfect. Cloth Fair. Fi^.-^ct.7lo..j\ Fi(f.-3ii. B D \ Fig. 326. Nj A FlHicXXX\-Ui;. bf nl,i,;i ,,/ th/ f:„.i .„vr^i_ii } JWil F M Fig. 330 FU].332.N'^2. KC < nateXXXVIH. /•(' /.<• piacd,it the End of l.'l I I 1^111320. Tujisj. 330 / -^^ G D J p/ t N K N^ / [ ^"^ ^ 1 E g A] « c k B k '^'' h .^^^^ ) & ^s^^i^aai.vV;'' / \^ \\ T fe -^:~^''> a ^ A M C * B * Figs3i.N"i r^ '.jr. ¥.2. B/ f2 ?« KatcXXXDCj;. /■t/'iu-iia/t/itJiruiffr- IW.M . ^'■iiXi 9fTi>ZJZ. Tialc XL.Ii' bi-pitwdait/uSTidoi'JilJZ. f?f-34d- _^ F^.347. I 9 ~~^--, M "^Na^^^ \ "x tf^ c S i N 6 Fiff-ai!)- I ^ .6^K F^3oO- Fi^.351- F /PP T/ C P F LIST OF BOOKS Sold by W. BAYNES, Paternoster Row. 1. Bull's Brief Introduction to Astrology, a new Edition, I2mo., 2s 6d bound. 2. 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