B M SOI b5S ■If!] r ' '/: Descriptive Geometry for Students in Engineering Science and Architecture A CAREFULLY GRADED COURSE OF INSTRUCTION BY HENRY F. ARMSTRONG Associate Professor of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing, McGill University FIRST EDITION FIRST THOUSAND 4 NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY e^ SONS, Inc. London: CHAPMAN i: HALL, Limited Copyright, igiS BY HENRY F. ARMSTRONG THE SCIENTIFIC PRESS ROBERT DRUMMOND AND COMPANY BROOKLYN, N. Y. PREFACE The writer offers the contents of this Text Book as the result of over rfounrtht'^r"','"'""*^ "^ """"'p'^" ^^-^^'^y- ^-^ ^^ ^e has found that a logical presentation of the subject, concerning itself largely with the best sequence possible, and with the introduction, at an early stage, of practical applications and well-graded exercises by which the first rules and principles can be practised, is far more preferable and satisfactory in Its results than the mode of procedure and division of the subject matter commonly adopted in other text books on the subject Difficult and complex phases of Descriptive Geometry and problems beyond what the average student has time to assimilate during a limited college course and beyond what is worth while in such a course, are avoided because ol he tendency for students to become thereby discouraged and to sX^LLtr^ "" ^*" ^'"""' "'^^™'- P™™ '° '^ - '"-esting No pretense, therefore, has been made to place before students an exhaustive treatise on the subject, but rather to deal with the essenti" facts and methods readily arrived at and their useful application. To this end, the student is frequently required to work, independently, exercises on the problems of which illustrations are given and discussed, aiid himse to propose questions or data for new exercises to be worked It will be noticed that the study of the subject is conducted in such a way that Part I of the Text Book may serve as an Introductory Course more or less complete in itself, and may be sufficient and suitable for a first term in a Science Course Curriculum, or for the upper forms in High Schools; or. Parts I and II may be taken in the First Year and Part HI VrJy I"" ' ^"^■""'•^' "^ ^°"^=" Course in Science, if in undertaken '' ' " ""' ^'"''"^'"^ '"""'"'"' """= '"' ""^ "*°'» '" be so liHle ""^ ""''^' •"' f"'' '"'''''''' '^' ™^Sinatixe faculty of the mind, little exercised in the ordinary school curriculum, is afforded a .ood traming. while the practice in grasping a collection of detailed conditions the «ould-be engineer or architect in his future career. Janu.lry, 11)15. CONTENTS SEC. 1. The Projection Planes 2. Lines and Their Inclinations. PAGE 4 PART ONE CHAPTER I CH.VPTER II 3. Plan and I^levation Fo-ms for Plane Rectilineal Figures g 4. Plan and Elevation Forms for the Circle 10 chapti:r III 5. Oblique Planes, Their Traces and Inclinations 13 6. Traces of Lines 17 CHAPri:R IV 7. Shadows of Lines ro 8. Shadows of Plane Figures 22 CHAPTER \' (). The '■ Com[)ound Angle " for Lines 25 10. Projections of Plane Figures, Involving the Compound Angle 29 CHAPTER VI 11. Projeition of Simple Solids 31 I :;. Shadows oi Solitls and of Groups of Solids ;5 IWR'I" I'WO CHAPTER \H I ^ Rabattemcnt of Planes, and Projections of Figures Involving Its LTse 40 14. Points and Lines in Relation to Ohliiiue Planes 45 15. Intersection of Obli(iue Planes with Each Other, and of Lines with Oblique Planes 4S CONTENTS CHAPTER VIII SEC. [6. Parallel Planes. and Planes Dividing These Angles. . 56 17'. Dihedral Angles Contained by Oblique Intersecting Planes, CHAPTER IX x8. Projection of Rectilineal Angles, and of Figures and Solids Involving the Same 6^ 19. The Tetrahedron and the Oclahedron CHAPTER X 69 20. Axometric and Isometric Projection ^^ 21. Axometric Projection, Continued CHAPTER XI 22. Sections of Simple Solids... 23. Traces of Curved Surfaces. PART THREE CHAPTER XII 24. Tangent Planes to Cones and Cylinders ;.:' ^ "r^-" ' , " ^ '''' 25. Projection of Solids dependent on Tangent Planes to Right Circular Cones CHAPTER XIII 26. Tangent Planes to a Sphere, and the Finding of an Oblique Plane with Given Inclinations 93 27. Tangent Planes Common to Three Given Spheres CHAPTER XIV Surfaces m 30. Surfaces of Revolution, and the Screw Thread CHAPTER XV 31. Radial Projection. Perspective Projection . 32. Perspective Projection, continued c /- DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY PART ONE CHAPTER I THE PROJECTION FLAXES Section 1. In Descriptive Geometry the object is chiefly to prepare draw- ings as follows: — (a) Those which will display or describe by diferent views any object or arrangement of lines or figures discussed; {h) Those which will, by various analytical and constructive methods and operations, discover or disclose facts as to shapes, inclinations, appear- ances, sizes, etc.; and (c) Those which will represent planes and how they may be disposed to one another. The views mentioned above in (a) are projections, and are made on what are called planes of projection. The same projection planes, two in number, are also made use of in the discussion of planes referred to in (c). lines being drawn over the planes of projection and made to represent other planes in various alti- tudes with respect to the projection planes. The planes of projection are the Horizontal Plane and the Vertical Plane. These are considered as being jlxed, and the lines, planes, figures or objects arc considcM-ed as having a relation to them-near or otherwise as to distance, inclined or otherwise as to attitude. The drawings made either represent jjoints, fines, figures or objects hx views thrown perpendicularly on to these planes of projection (the H.P. and the V P as they arc commonly called), or they indicate the intersection of the planes of projection by lines and planes. ^ In order that the drawings ma>- be descriptive of what is under consideration It IS usually necessary to have one drawin- of (he same thing on each of the planes 2 DESCRIPTR^E GEOMETRY of projection, so that, whatever it is, it may be studied from different points of view, or better realized by the study of these drawings on the two planes of projection. /;/ the case of projections it is advisable and convenient to place one drawing representing the view projected perpendicularly on to the H.P. and another draw- ing representing the view projected perpendicularly on to the V.P. These draw- ings, projected perpendicularly from whatever is under discussion, will arrange themselves perpendicularly opposite each other. For convenience we may, while dealing with simple and elementary problems, use one part of the drawing paper, or blackboard, upon which to make the draw- ings or projections thrown on to the H.P. These drawings are called the hori- zontal projections, or, more commonly, the plans. The other part of the drawing paper, or blackboard, may be used for making the drawings or projections thrown on to the V.P., called therefore the vertical projections, or, more commonly, the elevations. In order to make use of the drawing paper effectively in this way, a Hne is drawn across it, and this is to represent the intersection line in which the V.P. and the H.P. meet. We name this line XY, and usually the lower part of the paper then represents the near part of the H.P., while the upper part represents the upper part of the V.P. The line XY, however, must not be thought to limit the extent of either of the planes, for it may sometimes be necessary to display something which would not project on to the near part of the H.P., and then the upper part of the paper would also represent the H.P., that is, the part of it beyond the V.P.'s position. Similarly, the lower part of the paper may some- times be required for projections on the V.P. from things placed below the level of the H.P. It must continually be remembered that the part of the drawing paper upon which vertical projections or elevations are made is to be considered actually vertical, and that the part of the paper used for the horizontal projections or plans must always be considered horizontal. Sometimes it may be well to fold the drawing paper along the XY line and then hold the V.P. part vertical, while the H.P. part remains horizontal. Try this. The student must learn as soon as possible to picture to himself, or arrange, simple things in different positions and attitudes in respect to the two projection planes arranged as above decided upon, one vertical and the other horizontal, and imagine what should be the views projected to these planes and how the views or projections will change with a change of attitude. When it is realized that this process of projection is perpendicular to the pro- jection planes and not like that of the camera, then it will be seen that the size of the projection, plan or elevation, as the case may be, will not depend on distance. The hand, resting on its edge on the table top, and arranged with the palm vertical, might be used to represent roughly the V.P. of projection, and the table top to represent the H.P. of projection. Now hold things with the other hand, and consider what views or appearances (elevations and plans) you might get. THE PROJECTION PLAXES 3 projected perpendicularly on to the palm of the hand and on to the table top respectively. The line across the table top where the vertical plane of the pahn of the hand meets it, will be the XY line named above, and it will be seen that any two drawings of an object which is held still, the one drawing on the table top and the other on the palm of the hand, are perpendicularly opposite each other across the XY line, when the hand is thrown back about the AT line as a hinge. We have seen that there may be plans or horizontal projections and elevations or vertical projections of points, lines, figures and objects, but it must be pointed out that there is no such thing as the plan or the elevation of a plane. A plane, however, other than the planes of projection, may be represented by a line or lines drawn on the projection planes to mark its intersection with them. EXERCISE I 1. Distinguish between attitude and position. 2. What are plans and elevations, and how are they obtained? 3. What is the XY? What is meant by H.P. and by V.P.? What is the proper relation of the planes of projection to one another? 4. How can the same sheet of paper serve for both planes of projection? 5. How arc planes, other than the projection planes, represented? 6. How are a plan and an elevation of an object arranged so as to show that they are views of the same object? By further investigation on the same lines as suggested above, it will be seen that the distances of an object held away from the planes of projection are the same as the distances of the drawings or projections of it from XY. In other words, the plan at 3" from XY will mean that the thing represented is 3" from the V.P., and the elevation at 2" from AT will mean that the thing is 2" from the H.P. When an object is on the near side of the V.P. it is said to be in front of the V.P.. and its plan, on the paper, will be placed below the AT line. EXERCISE II I. Let the projection planes, for the purpose of this exercise, be represented by. say, a large book, standing on the table, for the V.P., and by the table top for the H.P.. then arrange a book or other rectangular object, in such altitudes, with respect to the projection planes, as to satisfy the following descriptions: — (i) The book, or tlat rectangular bo.\, placed horizontally with all its edges equally inclined to the \'.P. (2) The same, so thai its true form (rectangle) will appear in elevation. (3) The same, so that its appearance will be a rhomboid on both planes. 14) The same, so that one edge is in the V.P. at, say, 45° to AT, and the surface of it is at, say, 60° to the V.P. 4 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY (5) The same, so that both projections are lines only, supposing the book to be very thin. (6) The same, so that its plan and elevation are both rectangles. 2. Make sketch or freehand drawings, on a paper or blackboard, not carefully measured or scaled, as plans and elevations, to satisfy the descriptions above, and insert distances from the planes of projection, wherever possible. 3. How are distances from the planes of projection shown, of any points in an object whose plan and elevation are required or given? LINES AND THEIR INCLINATIONS Section 2. It will novv^ be seen that any object, such as, for instance, a book, may have many different sets of drawings (a set = plan and elevation), differing according to its attitude or arrangement in relation to the projection planes, to represent it, and that, given any such set of drawings for the book, the book may (i) (ii) (iii) be' (iv) c b' J a' 1 \ \ \ b'e ( :d:_ — 1 \ 1 1 1 'c'd' i\ \ 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 d 1 d ' /k ' '/\l id ■■'-4:^' J c b < b Fic I. be held in the proper way to give, or provide for, that set of drawings or pro- jections. In order to distinguish plans from elevations, it is customary, for purposes of discussion, to use small letters a, b, c, etc., on the plans, and the same small letters, with a short stroke or dash as a', h' , c' , etc., for the same points named on the elevations. Capital letters A, B, C, etc., are used for the names of points regardless of their projections. Illustrations of projections^ or plans and elevations are here given, which must be thoughtfully studied, while many facts are noted. In Fig. I at (i) the point A, is represented at a and a' and has a distance above the H.P. equal to twice that of its distance in front of the V.P. At (ii) the square BCDE is arranged horizontally with edges BC and DE parallel to the V.P. The distance of the elevation above XY shows the distance of the square above the H.P. At (iii) the square still has its edges BC and DE parallel to the V.P. and LINES AND THEIR INCLINATIONS 5 its other edges still horizontal, i.e., parallel to the H.P.. but the square is inclined to the H.P., and the angle the elevation line makes with XY is the angle the figure makes with the H.P. The figure is, of course, still perpendicular to the V.P. At (iv) the plan, the same shape and size as thef plan at (iii), has been so turned that BC and DE are no longer parallel to the V.P., but as these edges are still inclined the same amount as before, to the H.P., the difference of level of their ends has not been altered, and so the elevation can be derived, partly, from the elevation at (iii). Realize that the edges CD and BE are still horizontal, but inclined to the V.P., the angle of inclination to the V'.P. being that which cd makes with XY. N.B. — A horizontal line may have any direction, for its plan, across the paper. Consider next the group of drawings in Fig. 2. At (i) a square is represented horizontal, at a distance above the H.P. and a little in front of the V.P.; one diagonal is perpendicular to the V.P. and is represented in elevation at b'd'. The full length of the diagonal AC is shown in both the plan and the elevation. At (ii) the elevation of (i) has been inclined to give an inclination of the figure to the H.P., the point at b'd' still representing the horizontal diagonal whose plan bd therefore shows true length; the plan of the other diagonal, however, is now short of its true length, due to its inclination. This diagonal is said to he foreshortened, that is, arranged so that the view of it does not show its true size. Now, if without altering the size and shape of the plan of this square as seen in Fig. 2 at (ii), it be moved so that the horizontal diagonal BD be at an inclination to the V.P. represented by ^he angle which bd makes with AT, it will be seen that the relative levels of the various points ABCD will remain as before, and hence a new elevation for set 'iii) may be obtained from the plan as now arranged 6 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY at (iii) and by making use of the levels from the elevation of (ii). The square may now be described as having a diagonal horizontal and at an angle {a°) to the V.P., and the figure as having an inclination (/3°) to the H.P. It will be seen that in order to obtain set (iii) it is necessary to first make sets (i) and (ii). From further inspection of Fig. i and Fig. 2 it will be seen that a line, in order to show its true length in a projection, must be arranged parallel to the plane upon which the projection is thrown; and, similarly with regard to plane figures, i.e., for a figure to show its full size and shape in a projection, it must be arranged parallel to the plane upon which the projection is made. This matter is still further illustrated and discussed in Fig. 3, where it will be seen that the plans in (i) and (ii) and (iii) remain full length because the line is horizontal in each case, whereas the elevations vary, because the relation of the fine to the V.P. varies. (I) (III) ah a' h' a' b a b ;b ^^ I Fig. 3. In (iii) the plan and elevation are both full size. In (iv) the elevation is full size because the line is still parallel to the V.P. as in (iii), and as shown by the arrangement of its plan, now foreshortened, however, because the line is inchned to the H.P. In (v) the plan is kept the same length as in (iv) and consequently the levels for the ends of the elevation may be taken from the elevation in (iv). At (vi) the line is vertical. It will readily be seen that in Fig. 3 at (ii) the angle the line makes with the V.P. is the angle that ab makes with XY, and that in (iv) .the angle the line makes with the H.P. is the angle a'b' makes with XY. Realize that although some of its projections are inclined to XY, the fine AB itself is not inclined to XY. If now it be required to discover the angles th^ line AB, in Fig. 3 as shown^ at (v), makes with the projection planes, it is evident that the angle it makes with LIXES AND THEIR INX'LIXATIOXS 7 the H.P. is not what its elevation at (v) makes with XY, but what its elevation at (iv) makes with AT, where the plan is arranged parallel to XY; and in order to find what inclination the line AB has with the V.P. its elevation a'b' (v) must be arranged horizontally as at (ii), and then its plan, the full length of the line, will show with XY the angle required. Let it be required to fmd the true lengths of any Hnes AB, Fig. 4. and CD, Fig. 5, and also their inchnations to the planes of projection. Their plans and elevations are shown at ab, a'b', Fig. 4 and at cd, c'd', Fig. 5. The line in each case must be arranged parallel to the V.P. by swinging its plan to become parallel to XY as at 0^2, Fig. 4, and at tJ.., Fig. 5, with the result, when the elevation Y X Fig. 4. opposite this new arrangement of the plan in each case is set up. that the true length d'b'2 and c'd' 2 respectively, is shown on the V.P., and the incUnation 0^, of the line, to the H.P. may now be seen; also, the line in each case must be arranged parallel to the H.P. by swinging its elevation parallel to XY, and so providing for a plan, a-ib and cod in the cases being considered, that will show true length and contain an angle, a°, with XY, equal to the angle the hne makes with the V^P. N.B. — The secondary positions for the lines in Figs. 4 and 5 are shown by double lines to emphasize them. EXERCISE III I. Place the plan and elevation of the line AB, making the plan ab 2" long and the elevation 3" long. Find the true length of this line, and also its inclinations to the planes of projection. Mark the angles as in Fig. 4 with arrow-headed arcs and use a. to indicate the angle with the V.P., and ii for the angle with the H.P. ^. The plan cd is 2" long. The line CD is 3" long. Draw an elevation for it, and show what angles the line -CZ) makes with the planes of projection. 8 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY 3. The elevation of EF is 2" long, and is at 45° to XY . The line is at 30° to the H.P. Find a plan for it, and also determine its true length. 4, 5 and 6. Find the true length of each of the given lines GH, JK and LM, and their indina- tions to the planes of projection. CHAPTER II PLAX AND ELEVATION FORMS FOR PLANE RECTILINEAL FIGURES Section 3. Suppose it be required to lind the projections of any plane figure inclined at a given angle to one of the projection i)lanes and having one of its edges in that projection plane at a given inclination to the XV. Illustrations of such a problem are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. In Fig. 6 a square is chosen and is first placed, as at (i), in the V.P. Its plan is therefore part of the XY line. In order that it may swing out at the required Fig. 6. Fig. 7. angle, and yet leave one edge in the V.P., it must be arranged so that when the line representing it in plan is moved to enclose the given angle a° with A'l'. one edge of it, say AB, represented in elevation at a'b\ is in plan a point, as at ab, and will remain as a point in AT. The shaded or "hatched" rectangle is now the elevation shape required. This projection shape is the first thing to obtain toward the solution of such a problem^as the above. If now this elevation shape be rearranged so that the edge AB is at the given angle to the AT, as at (ii), then it will be seen that a rhomboidal figure will be obtained for plan. The distance of the plan line cd in (ii) from A'l' will be the same as the distance it arrived at in (i\ since the elevation shape is the same in both cases and therefore the relation of the figure to the V.P. is unchanged. 9 10 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY In Fig. 7 the case of the regular pentagon should be studied. The pentagon, as l.nally arranged at (ii), may be described as being inclined at (3° to the H.P. and having one edge in the H.P. at a° to XY. The mode of procedure is similar to that for the square in Fig. 6. N.B. — It is advisable that the student, in order to comprehend clearly this matter of projections, should frequently fold his drawing paper on the XY line and stand that part of the paper with elevations on it, vertically, so that the planes of projection are rightly related. He will then realize how the projections are accounted for. Before working Exercise IV on paper, it may be well for the student to cut a square, and also a rectangle, out of a piece of cardboard, and practise placing them according to the questions. Realize that the projections or views required are thrown always perpendicularly on to the planes of projection. EXERCISE IV 1. A rectangle 2" by f" is the plan for a square. Show an elevation for it, (a) when an edge of the square is in the H.P. and perpendicular to XY, (b) when an edge in the H.P. is at 45° to XY. 2. A square of 2" edge is the plan for a rectangle having its long edges 3". Arrange the square plan so that edges representing the short edges of the rectangle are at 30° to the V.P., and then obtain an elevation. 3. Find the plan and elevation of a square, of 2" edge, inchned at 60° to the H.P and having one edge horizontal at a distance of i" above the H.P. Place the square so that the horizontal edges are parallel to the V.P. and in front of it. 4. Find the plan and elevation of a 2" square when one diagonal of it is horizontal and at 45° to the V.P., while the figure is inclined at 60° to the H.P. (This is the same as saying that one diagonal being horizontal and at 45° to the V.P., the other is at 60° to the H.P.) \ 5. The plan of a square is a rectangle 2§" by f ", with the long edges parallel to XY. Find an elevation for this square. 6. A rectangle 2" by 3" has a long edge in the V.P. The figure is inclined to the V.P. at 60°. Show the elevation arranged so as to represent the rectangle with its long edges at 30° to the H.P., and obtain a plan for it. PLAN AND ELEVATION FORMS FOR THE CIRCLE Section 4. A similar process to that for obtaining projections of the pentagon in Fig. 7 is used for projections of the circle. For the circle to appear circular in projection it must be placed parallel to the projection plane. If it is horizontally arranged, its plan is a circle, and if it is placed parallel to the V.P. its elevation is circular. Hold some circular disc such as a coin or a piece of cardboard cut circular, and it will be observed that, like any other plane figure, it can be represented by a straight line on either one or the other, or on both at the same time, of the planes PLAX AND ELEVATION FORMS FOR THE CIRCLE 11 of projection; also, that when not {perpendicular to a projection plane, nor p>arallel to it, the circle will appear in projection as an ellipse with the major axis equal to the length of the diameter of the circle. This major axis represents the diameter parallel to the projection plane upon which the ellipse appears. Let it be required to find the projections of a circle inclined at, say, a' to the H.P. and ha\'ing its horizontal diameter at. say. ^' to the V.P. In Fig. 8 at (i) a circle is shown, horizontal, with a line for its elevation. If the elevation line be rearrange^ at an inclination of a' to A' I' as at (u) it wiJI represent the circle tilted or in^ned at a° to the H.P. The horizontal diameter AB which is perpendicular to the V.P. will remain full length in plan at a2*2- while the diameter at right angles to it. viz., CD, will now be foreshortened to C2d2- (U) (m) Fig. 8. A chord EF made parallel to AB wiU appear in ele\-ation as a pwint, and in plan at €2/2- Other horizontal chords may be made use of, and eventually suffi- cient points on the circimiference will be thus secured in the plan at u to insure a good shape, when drawn by passing a freehand cur\-ed line through them, to ser\-e as the edge of the circle when the circle is tilted or inclined to the H.P. Xow if this plan, at (ii). be turned so that the horizontal diameter, a^^s, and horizontal chords, are no longer j)erpendicular to the V.P.. but at 4" to the V-P. ELS at , from the V.P., of the free end, are determined. Fig. 23. EXERCISE XI A; Find the other projection for each of the given five lines, one projection of which is given, together with a description as follows: — AB is 25" long and one end of it is in the H.P. CD is inclined to the H.P. at 30°. EF is at 60° to the \'.P. GH is at 45° to the H.P. JK is at 60° to the V.P. THE "COMPOUND ANGLE" FOR LINES 27 By combining or compounding the results we have obtained at A and at B in Fig. 23 we shall arrive at a method for the solution to the problem of finding the plan and elevation, properly placed in relation to each other and to XV, of any given line at given angles to the planes of projection. Thus, as an illustration, let the line be 2" long, with one end tlxed in XY, and let the angle it makes with the H.P. be 45°, and that with the V.P. 30^. In Fig. 24 at (i) the height or level for the upper end of the 2" line inclined at 45° to the H.P. is marked by the dotted line hh, and the elevation length for a 2" line at 30° to the V.P. is obtained and marked e'e'. This line is then moved by an arc into its proper position, namely, between the levels proper for a 2" line at 45° to the H.P., i.e., between XY and the parallel ////. Now as the projections of any line are necessarily perpendicularly opposite each other across XY, it follows that the plan for this line at A must be opposite its elevation, and as it must also (in (III) Fio. 24. be limited to the space between XY and the parallel dd due to the 30'' angle, a perpendicular from the free end, that is, the upper end of the elevation, drawn to this parallel dd, will decide its plan. At (ii) the same result is arrived at by obtaining the plan length, marked pp, and moving it by an arc into its position due to the 30^ angle, and from this plan the elevation, which must be opposite to it, is found. If, instead of the arrangement of the line by which its projections meet in a point in AT as in Fig. 24 at (i) and (ii), an arrangement of it is desired, so that its upper end is, say, in the V.P. and its lower end is, say, in the H.P., then the solu- tion will be obtained most readily by working it out as at (iii), in the following order: — (a) plan length due to 45°; (b) distance of lower end from AT due to 30"; (c) plan put into position, and (d) elevation found. This problem, discussed in Fig. 24, is sometimes spoken of as the problem of the Compound Angle. In Fig. 25 are shown two common cases of error made by beginners in their attempts to solve this problem without properly understanding what they are 28 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY doing. The student is urged to make frequent use of some commonplace model of the planes of projection, arranged at right angles to one another, and to mark upon them projections of lines and to study these. Then open out the 90° angle between the planes, and so represent the flat paper upon which the projections are to be made. Eventually the student will be readily able to "read" sets of Fig. 25. projections and also to imagine or picture them, for cases described, without having to VianHlp a moHel. to handle a model EXERCISE XII Find projections for the following lines: — (i) AB, 2\" long, inclined at 45° to the H.P. and at 30° to the V.P. (2) CD, 2\" long, inclined at 50° to the H.P. and at 20° to the V.P. In both the above cases show two different ways of dealing with the construction. (3) EF, 2\" long, at 40° to the H.P. and at 50° to the V.P. (4) Find projections for a 2\" line, at 40° to the H.P. and at 30° to the V.P., by a method providing for one end of the Hne to be in the H.P. and the other in the V.P. (5) Propose other cases, varying the position of, say, the lower end of the line. N.B. — When proposing new cases for oblique lines, the student should realize that the sum of the two angles for the same line must not exceed 90°, and that in the case of the sum of the two angles being the limit of 90°, the plan and elevation will both appear as perpendicular to XY It will now be recognized that upon this problem depends a method of finding or arranging traces for any oblique plane whose angles with the projection planes are given. For instance, if it be required to find the traces for a plane which is inclined at 50° to the H.P. and at 70° to the V.P., since the traces required are perpendicular to the projections of a line that is at right angles to the plane, it will be seen that a Hne at 40° to the H.P. and at 20° to the V.P. will be a perpen- dicular to this plane; therefore, find the projections of this 40°, 20° line, and then make traces for the required 50°, 70° plane, perpendicular to these projections. PROJECTIONS OF PLANE FIGURES 29 EXERCISE Xlir Find the traces for the following oblique planes: — (a) 60° to the H.P. and 50^ to the V.P. (b) 45° to the H.P. and 65° to the \'.P. (c) 30° to the H.P. and 60° to the V.P. N.B. — Here it should be noticed, in proposing additional exercises, that the sum of the two angles for an oblique plane cannot be less than qo°, and in the case of the sum being equal to 90" the traces for the plane will run parallel to the XV line. PROJECTIOXS OF PL.VNE FIGURE.S, IXVOLVIXO TflE COMPOFXI) AXGLE Section 10. Illustration may now be given of the application of the com- pound angle problem to cases of plane figures in which it is involved. And first let it be realized, experimentally, that when two lines meet at right angles, if one of them is in a plane of projection or parallel to it, the projection on that plane, Fig. 26, Fig. 27. of the second line, will be perpendicular to the projection of the first Une. Con- versel}-, if one of them has to be inclined to the planes of projection, the arrange- ment of the other must follow it at right angles to the projection of the first, on the plane to which the second one is parallel. Consider, for example, that if one diagonal of a square be horizontal and the other be at 45° to the H.P. and 30° to the V.P., then it is impossible to say that the horizontal one makes any par- ticular angle with the V.P., for its plan simply follows at right angles the plan of the inclined diagonal. It is only possible therefore to say of it that it is horizontal. Study the cases shown in Figs. 26 and 27. The plan and elevation in Fig. 26 have been found for a square having one edge, AB, in the H.P., and an adjacent edge, BC, inclined at 50° to the H.P. and at 30° to the V.P.; and in Fig. 27 the plan and elevation have been found for a square when one diagonal. AR, is hori- 30 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY zontal and the other diagonal is at a compound angle— 50° to the H.P. and 30° to the V.P. The first step is to find the plan shaj £, as at (i), quite irrespective of the com- pounding of angles for the incHned edge or diagonal. The next step is to find the compound an^le for the obhque line— the edge BC in Fig. 26 and the diagonal CD in Fig. 27. For this, any length of Hne may be taken to serve the purpose, because all that is required is to obtain the direction of the plan, marked by the arrow line in each case. Now, either fit the plan shape' to this arrow line, as at J2C2, Fig. 26, or make C2d2 parallel to it as in Fig. 27. The elevation, in each case, is the last thing to find, and It may be derived from the newly arranged plan, and the first elevation which provides levels. Care must be taken, that, in working out the compound angle, the same length of line must be used (any length will do) to be placed at 30° to XY, as that which has been placed at 45° to XF. EXERCISE XIV 1. Find the plan and elevation of a rectangle, 2" by 3", when a short edge is in the H.P. and the long edges are inclined at 40° to the H.P. and at 25° to the V.P. 2. Find the plan and elevation of a square 2" edge, when one diagonal is horizontal and the other is at 50° to the H.P. and at 25° to the V.P. 3. Find the plan and elevation for a circle 2" diameter, when the diameter. perpendicular to the horizontal diameter (there is always a horizontal one) is at 55° to the H.P. and at 20° to the V.P. 4. Propose, and work out, other problems of plane figures to involve the compound angle, and realize that questions like Nos. 5 and 6, which follow, do not involve the problem of finding the compound angle. 5. Find the plan and elevationwaf a rectangle having its long edges horizontal and inclined at 30° to the V.P., and.its short edges at 50° to the H.P. 6. Find the plan and elevation of a square when c ne diagonal is horizontal and at 50° to the V.P. and the other diagonal is at 25° to the V.P. ( HAPTKR \l PROJECTIOX OF SIMI'LK SOLIDS SectiOx\ 11. The student will now be able to deal with easy problems involving the use of simple solids, and as the solids used will be familiar tj-pes, the attention can be chiefly given to the descriptions with regard to position or place, and with regard to attitude while in any particular position. The student is advised to make use of small cardboard boxes or models of wood, and continu- FlG. 28. Fig. 29. Fig. 30. ally to remember that we are to represent these solids by projecting their appear- ances perpendicularly on to the two planes of projection. Therefore he should study the possible attitudes or arrangements of the solids in relation to a vertica- plane and a horizontal plane held or placed conveniently for experimenting purl poses. In the illustrations Figs. 28, 29 and 30. the order of procedure may be studied for finding plans and elevations of such solids referred to above. In Fig. 28 is represented a cube having one of its faces in the H.P. and another face at 30° to the V.P. The dotted line in the elevation represents an edge not seen, since the student is supposed to look toward the projection plane with the solid between him and the projection plane. This applies to both planes, hence the dotted lines appearing both in plans and in elevations in Figs. 29 and 30. Note that the same edges are not represented by dotted lines in both projections. 31 32 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY In Fig. 29 the cube has one edge in the H.P. at 30° to XY, and a face adjacent, that is, to which that edge belongs, is at 30° to the H.P. There must evidently be a preliminary set of projections at (i) before the plan and elevation required can be found at (ii). This also applies to Fig. 30, where the cube has one edge of a face in the H.P. and another edge of the same face is at 60° to the H.P. and at 25° to the V.P. The preUminary plan shape and elevation for levels are shown at (i), and the compound angle problem for the edge BC is worked out as in Fig. 26, the arrow line showing the direction for &2C2 in the required plan. In the illustration Fig. 31 a regular hexagonal prism is arranged so that a short edge is in the H.P. and the long edges are at a compound angle, viz., 45° to the H.P. and 20° to the V.P. The upper end of the solid is turned away from Fig. 31, the V.P., and is therefore fully visible as a foreshortened hexagon, while dotted lines have to be used for part of the outline of the lower end. In working the compound angle problem it is only necessary to find the plan direction, marked with the arrow line in the figure, as the elevation will naturally assume its proper direction. In Fig. 32 a right cylinder is arranged so that its axis is at 50° to the H.P. and at 15° to the V.P. This means that the circular end will be at 40° to the H.P. Its plan should be found by the method previously explained. The com- pound angle for any length of line RR is found in such a way (see Fig. 24, (iii)) that when the arrow line, which indicates the direction for the plan of the axis, is obtained, and the plan of the axis of the cylinder is made parallel to it, the lower end of the cylinder is turned away from the V.P. and appears in the vertical pro- jection in full view, therefore is clear-Hned all around. The upper end will be partly outlined by a dotted line. The elevation of the axis should be drawn, PROJECTION OF SIMPLE SOLIDS 33 and, of course, will not be at 50'^ to XY. When the elevation ellipses have been correctly drawn, the width of the elevation of the cylinder, that is, at right angles to the axis, will be the same as that of the plan. Fig. 3j. In Fig. 33 a regular pentagonal pyramid is made to rest with one of its tri- angular faces in the H.P. and the axis of the solid — the line from its apex to the centre of its base — is at 30° to the V.P. This means that the compound angle Fig. must be found for the axis, since there are two angles to be taken into consideration, namely, the angle a° which it makes with the H.P.. and the 30^ angle it makes with the \'.P. In the fmal position, therefore, the plan oi the axis is made parallel to the arrow line obtained by compounding these angles. 34 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY In Fig. 34 there is no compound angle problem required to be worked out. A right circular cone is represented with its axis at 45° to the H.P., and the hori- zontal diameter of its base is at 50° to the V.P. Notice that in drawing the lines for the sides of the incHned cone, where an ellipse is part of the drawing, these side lines are tangent to the curve of the ellipse, and do not run into the ends of the major axis of the ellipse. It will be advisable to draw the line ee the full length Fig. 34. of the diameter of the base, at right angles to the elevation obtained of the axis of the cone. In finding the plans and elevations of circles inclined, not less than eight points in the curve should be found. EXERCISE XV 1. Find the plan and elevation for a cube, 2" edge, which has one edge in the H.P. at 60° to XY, and a face adjacent to that edge at 30° to the H.P. 2. A pentagonal prism has one short edge, ij" long, in the H.P. The long edges, 3" long, are at 45° to the H.P. and at 25° to the V.P. Find the plan and elevation. 3. A hexagonal pyramid, base edge i", axis 3", has one triangular face in the H.P., and the horizontal diagonal of the base is at 45° to the V.P. Find the plan and elevation. 4. A right circular cone, diameter of base 2", axis 3", lies on its side on the H.P., with its apex therefore in the H.P. Find the projections for it when its axis is at 30° to the V.P. 5. Propose and work out other problems, for example, on the square prism, the cylinder, the pentagonal pyramid and the cube, after the manner of those already given, some to involve the problem of the compound angle and some not. N.B. — This suggestion that the student himself shall be required to prepare in writing the exact description and data for additional exercises, and then work them out, is very important, for it is a good test of the student's grasp of the subject so far as the ground has been covered, and his powers of concentration. SHADOWS OF SOLIDS AND OF GROUPS OF SOLIDS 35 SHADOWS OF SOLIDS AND OF GROUPS OF SOLIDS Section 12. The more difficult cases of shadow problems, involving the use of solids, may now be undertaken. Let the rays of light be parallel as previously, and directed toward the planes of projection, the direction to be shown b)- the plan and elevation of an arrow line. Before commencing to work out the solutions for such shadow problems as now to be dealt with, the student must endeavor to picture or imagine the solid or group represented by the plan and elevation, or described verbally, with the light directed toward it, and then try to decide what edges will cause or are likely to cause the outline or contour of the shadow which will be cast. Fig. 35- The student will not be able to make very satisfactory progress until he can readily conceive mental pictures of what he has to deal with, realizing the relation of what he is picturing to the vertical and horizontal planes of projection, and judging what the projections and other results might be like. Therefore it is important that the student should take advantage of every opportunity which presents itself to train himself in these matters. In Fig. 35 it will be seen that a cube is represented, and by studying it as suggested above, it will be concluded that the light will fall on three of its faces, and that two vertical edges, those at .1 and at C, and four horizontal edges, the upper ones AB and BC, and the lower ones AD and DC, are the edges which will cast shadows to give the shadow shape. Deal with them in the order suggested by the numbers i to 6 in the figure. Notice that 3 and part of 4 will be parallel to DC and DA respective!} . In Fig. 36 it will be seen necessary to cast the shadow of the apex of the pyra- mid on to the H.P. beyond the A'F line first, in order to draw from that point, 36 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY on the H.P. the Unes forming the contour for that part of the shadow falhng upon the H.P. in front of the V.P. (see Fig. i6, (v)). These contour Hnes are then con- tinued up the V.P. from where they break at XY, to the actual shadow, on the V.P., of the apex. Notice that as two triangular faces of the pyramid, visible Fig. 36. Fig. 37. in plan, have no light falling on them, they are shaded. They are said to be in shade, as distinguished from the cast shadow just found. In the case of the cone at Fig. 37, the part in shade is determined by the radii that are perpendicular to the tangent hnes serving as contour or boundary Unes for the shadow on the H.P. In Fig. 38 it must first be realized that the outhne of the shadow of the circular block there represented will be caused by the vertical hnes on its sides found in plan at A and at B, the upper rim ACB, and the lower run ADB. The shadows of the vertical lines at A and B should first be found, then, by taking points on SHADOWS OF SOLIDS AND OF GROUPS OF SOLIDS 37 the rim lines mentioned, the curves can be obtained. The part of the lower rim casting its shadow on the H.P. will give a circular shadow with its centre at e. Only this, and the straight-Hne parts of the shadow have been found in Fig. 38; the remainder has been purposely left unfinished in order to emphasize the impor- tance of first obtaining correctly the parts that are here found. In each of the cases, Figs. 35 to 38, the part of the surface in shade and visible in the elevation is shaded with hatching to indicate that fact. Fig. 39 represents a flat block or slab resting on a vertical cylinder. First find the complete shadow of the group as it is cast on the planes of projection, and, in doing this, after drawing the shadow outlines on the H.P. and starting Fig. 39. Fig. 40. them vertically up the V.P., find the outline of that part of the shadow which falls on the V.P. The best order in which the parts of the outhne are obtained is indicated by the numbers. Notice that 5 will be made parallel to 4. and 6 made parallel to 3, for reasons that are obvious. After this shadow on the planes of projection is found, then find the shadow cast on the near or front half of the cylinder, by a portion of the upper solid. The group is reproduced in Fig. 40 in order to avoid confusion of lines, and to show only the shade and shadow seen on the near part of the cylindrical solid. The line AB should first be drawn, perpendicular to the plan direction of the rays. Then from B a vertical line on the near or front surface of the cvlinder in elevation 38 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY divides the light from the shade. Points in the order i to 8 should then be decided on, and shadows of these points cast on the surface of the cyhnder. Freehand curves will then mark the outline of the shadow cast. Notice that point 2 is the one that casts a shadow on the outside generator whose plan is C. In Fig. 41 a group consisting of a pyramid standing on a square block is repre- sented. The shadow caught by the top surface of the block will be obtained by supposing the surface of it extended sufficiently to hold the whole shadow. This will give lines i and 2. The points a and h must now follow the shadows of the Fig. edges they are on, to az and ^2. From ^2 the shadow of the slant edge of the pyra- mid continues on the H.P., parallel to 2 on the upper surface of the block, until it reaches the XY , when it runs up the V.P. to the shadow of the apex, on the V.P., and from ao a line on the V.P. to the shadow of the apex, completes the contour or outline of the shadow cast. EXERCISE XVI 1. Work out carefully all the cases dealt with in Figs. 35 to 41, making much larger drawings. 2. Find shadows on the H.P., the V.P. and on the under solid, for a group consisting of a circular slab 2" diameter, f" thick, resting centrally on a cube, if" edge. The cube rests on the H.P. with its vertical faces equally inclined to the V.P., and one vertical edge \" from the V.P. The rays of light have plans at 60° to XY, and elevations at 45° to XY. 3. A square block 2" edge, and 1" thick, rests with a square face centrally on a circular cylinder, if" diameter, 2\" high, standing on the H.P. The horizontal edges of the square SHADOWS OF SOLIDS AND OF GROUPS OF SOLIDS 39 block are equally inclined to the \-.P. A short edge of the upper sol.d is m the \ .P. The real inclinations of the rays are 50° to the H.i>. and 30° to the X.V. Find the shade and shadows 4 \ right circular cone, 2" high, 2" diameter of base, stands vertically on the centre of a square block, i" thick, sides 3"- The block has one rectangular face parallel to the \ .1 ^and i'' from it. The rays of light have plans at 45° to XY and elevations at 30 to A Y. I-md the shade and shadows. r wu , 5. Prepare other exercises, using your best judgment, and work them out for further practice. PART TWO CHAPTER VII RABATTEMENT OF PLANES, AND PROJECTIONS OF FIGURES INVOLVING ITS USE Section 13, The process known as rabattement is that by which a plane is made to swing on one of its traces, as on a hinge, until whatever is represented as being in the plane, whether it be point, line or figure, is turned into one of the planes of projection, and its true form is made evident, also its relation to the trace of Fig. 42. the plane. In Fig. 42 the plane RST, arranged perpendicularly to the V.P., has in it a point P. If the plane is made to swing about its trace 5r as a hinge line until it is turned over into the H.P., either on the one side or on the other, it carries the point with it, and the point's rabattement is said to be at P2 or at P3. If D be a point perpendicularly opposite P, and in the H.T. or hinge line, then DP may be considered as the radius line for an arc in which the point P moves. This radius length, as shown in the figure at (ii), is the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle having for its base the perpendicular distance from the plan p to the 40 RABATTEMENT OF PLANES 41 trace at d, and for its height the distance from A'l' to p' . The right angle at c in the figure should be specially noted. In Fig. 43 an oblique plane is represented at RST and a point P in it with plan p and elevation p' . The construction for rabattement is identical with that of Fig. 42, and the point when rabatted appears in the H.P. at p2 or at pi. It -hould be noticed that whereas in Fig. 42 the true inclination between the two trace lines RS and ST is a right angle, in Fig. 43 the true inclination between the traces of the plane is the angle between ST and a line from S through />3 or through p2. This angle may be greater or less than a right angle according to the arrangement of the traces of the oblique plane given. In Fig. 44 is shown the rabattement of a plane carrying with it a line which has previously been placed in the plane and arranged so as to be at 30° to the H.P. To arrange the line in the plane it must first be placed in the V.P. with Fig. 43. one end of it at any convenient point hh' , the other end of it in A'l' at c. The plan he is then moved, by an arc with h as centre, to bring the lower end of the line into the H.T. of the plane at a. The projections of the line are ah, a'b\ and its rabattement is at ah-i or at ah?.. An illustration of the use of this method is given in Fig. 45, where it is required to find the plan of a square when it is inclined to the H.P. at 45° and one edge of it is inclined to the same projection plane at 20°. On the rabattement ahi of the line AB the figure, true size and shape, is constructed at c-zdzCi- Any ix)int in this rabattement figure will move across the H.T. at right angles until it reaches its plan position. Thus c-z and d-^ will be carried across to their plans c and (/ respectively. In order to get the plan of E from Ci, the line f.x/j is produced to the H.T. or hinge line at/, an immovable point, from which a line through d is drawn until a point opposite c-z is found at c. Parallels to cd and dc will complete the plan required of the square. 42 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY When the figure is required to be found in an obhque plane, then the elevation obtainable will be a figure as at Fig. 46. In Fig. 45 since the plan only was called for, the plane of the figure, RST, was arranged perpendicular to the V.P., and this would give a line only for elevation, if it were needed. In Fig. 46 the plan and elevation are obtained of a regular pentagon placed in a given oblique plane RST and having one of its edges at a given angle, say 20°, to the H.P. The line ab, a'b' is first found in place, as in the case of Fig. 45, and then rabatted over to a2& (see Fig. 43). On this latter is constructed the pentagon. In constructing this pentagon, the angles of it at c and d are drawn, each 108°, and de and eg made equal to cd. The fifth corner of the pentagon is then obtained by intersecting diagonals from c and d made parallel to the sides de and eg Fig. 46. respectively. To obtain the plan of the edge whose rabattement is de, produce de to the H.T. at / and from that point draw a line through the plan of D till a point opposite e is found. For the remaining two corners of the plan draw diagonal lines parallel to the plans of the edges already found. The elevation of the point E may be obtained by drawing a line through the elevation of D from the elevation in XY of the point F. The use of rabattement is again illustrated in Fig. 47, where two lines AB and BC enclose an angle the size of which it is required to find. As any two lines which meet each other have a common plane whose traces will contain the traces of the lines, it is only necessary to find the H.T. of each of the hnes at R and S respectively, and the fine passing through these is the H.T. of the plane of the lines. Use this H.T. as a hinge line about which to rabat the plane. Set up the usual right-angled triangle whose hypotenuse can be used to swing down B to its rabattement 62. This point joined to the traces of the lines will give the RABATTEMENT OF PLANES 43 rabattement of the angle, showing its true size. This is marked in the figure by the arrowed arc. EXERCISK X\II 1. Find the plan of a regular pentagon, i^" edge, whose plane is at 60' to the H.P. and which has an edge at 30° to the H.P. 2. I'"ind the plan and elevation of a regular hexagon, i" edge, when it lies in an oblique plane with \'.T. at 60° to XY and H.T. at 45° to XY, and when one edge of the tigure is at 20° to the H.P. 3. Find the true inclinations between the lines meeting as at .1, B and C. 4. I'ind the true inclination between the H.T. and the \'.T. of any given oblique plar By experimenting with two sticks of pencil, realize that a line, inclined to a plane, makes an angle with it which is the complement of the angle the same line makes with a perpendicular to the plane from any point in the inclined line. Thus, in Fig. 48 the line AB is evidently inclined to the plane RST. If a perpendicular to the plane RST be drawn from A by making its elevation per- pendicular to RS and its plan perpendicular to ST, there will be contained by 44 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY these two lines, AB and AC, an angle which is the complement of the angle which AB makes with RST. Find this angle by the method employed in Fig. 47. The angle indicated by the arrow-headed arc in Fig. 48 is the required angle the Hne AB makes with the oblique plane RST. Fig. 48. EXERCISE XVIII Find the inclination to the given oblique plane, of the line AB in each of the cases shown a.t A, B and C. POINTS AND LINES IN RELATION TO OBLIQUE PLANES 45 POINTS AND LINES IX RKLATION' TO OBLIQUE PLANES Sectiox 14. Realize by experiment the following facts: — (i) Parallel lines must be projected as parallel lines, i.e., their plans will be parallel, and their elevations will be parallel, to each other. (2) A horizontal line on an inclined plane must be parallel to any other hori- zontal line on the same plane and therefore parallel to the H.T. of that plane. (3) A line on an oblique plane must have its V.T., if it has one, in the V.T. of that oblique plane. (4) A line on an oblique plane and parallel to the V.P. is parallel to the \'.T. of that plane. (5) A line inclined to both planes of projection will have its traces in the traces of any plane containing it. Fig. 51. Thus the plan ab in Fig. 49 is made parallel to ST to represent a horizontal line in the plane of which ST is the H.T., and when AB is produced it will meet the y.V. in a point cc' in the V.T. of the plane RST in which it Hes. and the ele- vation a'b' of the horizontal line can then be determined. This consideration helps us to fmd projections of definite points on oblique planes. For example. in Fig. 50 a point on the plane LMX has its plan given at a, and there arc shown three different ways of obtaining its elevation: — i, by a horizontal line; 2, by a line parallel to the V.P., and 3, hy an oblique line, the plan of the line in each case passing through the point, and the elevation of the line being obtained. In Fig. 51 is shown how to locate, in plan and elevation, any point on a given plane and having given distances from the planes of projection, viz., say 15" from 46 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY the V.P. and i" above the H.P. The solution lines may be drawn in the order indicated, resulting in first the elevation and then the plan. EXERCISE XIX I. Find the other projection, in each < -e, for the point in the given plane, one projection of the point being given. 2. Draw traces for any plane, and find the plan and elevation of a point on it f " in front of the V.P. and il" above the H.P. In Fig. 52 is shown how to set up, in plan and elevation, a perpendicular to a given plane from any point in it. It will be remembered that a perpendicular to a plane has its projections perpendicular to the traces of the plane. Let aa' be the point. First make a perpendicular of any convenient length, hmited in the Fig. 52. figure at the arrow-head. Then turn this line so as to arrange it parallel to one of the planes of projection, thus showing its true length. Cut off the required part on this true-length line, and by a parallel to XY the length of one of the pro- jections is determined. A perpendicular across XY will define the other projection. POINTS AND LINES IN RELATION TO OBLIQUE PLANES 47 EXERCISE XX 1. Find the projections of a 2" line perpendicular to a given plane and starting from it in point i" from both planes of projection. Let the plane be inclined at 40° to the H.P. and 65° to the V.P. 2. The traces of a plane are V.T. at 30° to XV and H.T. at 45° to AT. A line perpen- dicular to this plane has a plan 2" long. Find the projections of a 2" portion of the line. 3. Work out on a larger scale the following cases: — i. Find plan and elevation of a point on the H.T. of this plane, 2" from the AT, and set up a perpendicular line from it, 2" long, ii. Find a point on this plane i\" above the H.P. and i" in front of the \".P. iii. Find a 2" line perpendicular to this plane from the point C in it. iv. Find the elevation of AB and its true length. It lies in the given plane. V. Find the plan of D which lies in the given oblique plane. Given d'. vi. Find the plan of KF which is perpendicular to the given plane, and obtain its true length, vii. Find the plan of the line (HI which lies in the given oblique plane, viii. Find the elevation of the line JK which is in the given plane, and show its inclina- tions to the H.P. ix. The plan is given of a triangle lying in the oblique plane RST. Find its eleva- tion then by rabattement of each corner in turn, on to the H.P., show the true shape and size of the triangle. 4. Find the true inclination between the traces of each of the planes at iii. iv and v. 48 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY INTERSECTION OF OBLIQUE PLANES WITH EACH OTHER, AND OF LINES WITH OBLIQUE PLANES Section 15, If any free line be taken, represented, for instance, by a pencil for purposes of experiment, it will be realized that any number of planes may contain it, and the condition of this will be, that the trace lines of such planes pass through or contain the trace points of the line. In the illustration in Fig. 53 there are six such planes shown. Two of them are specially important and useful, owing to the fact that they can be drawn or X y yV :^' I 3 i\ ! .1 ]^-^^4i.T. Fig. 53. represented without the necessity of first discovering the trace points of the given line. They are Nos. 2 and 4 — the one, a plane perpendicular to the V.P., and the other a vertical plane or plane perpendicular to the H.P. The next thing to realize is that since planes intersect each other in straight lines, it will easily be possible to show the plan and elevation of an intersection line by joining the point on the V.P. common to the Vertical Traces of the two planes (i.e., where the two V.T.'s meet), to the point on the H.P. where the planes' H.T.'s meet. In Fig. 54 an illustration is given where plane RST intersects plane LMN in line AB. The plan of the intersection line is at ah and its elevation is a'h'. INTERSECTION OF OBLIQUE PLANES WITH EACH OTHER 49 Further realize that a free Unc directed to any plane, or passing through it, will h^e an intersection point on that plane, and this will be a po.nt ,n the mter- Fig. 54. rzr:ri:T.t=:i:n/:r;rL='r.v" Fio. 55- A plane /,.1/.V containing AB intersects ^r in the line passing through V and H and shown in plan and elevati.in at vH and I .1/. 50 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY When the plan of the line AB, namely, ab, is produced to meet the plan of this intersection line, namely, vH, the plan of the intersection point is found at P, and P', the elevation of it, can be at once obtained. Be careful to note that if a vertical plane is used in which to contain the given line, then the elevation of the intersection will meet, or cross, the elevation of the line, or the line produced, at the elevation of the intersection point required, and that if a plane perpendicular to the V.P. is used to contain the line, it will be the plan of the intersection line that will meet the plan' of the given line in the plan of the intersection point required. EXERCISE XXI I. Find the intersection, showing it by plan and elevation, of the line AB with the plane /?5r in each of the cases ^, 5 and C. Y 1 2. Find the distance of the point A from the plane RST at D. 3. Find the projections of the intersection line in each of the cases at E, F, G and H where planes are arranged so as to intersect each other. Work to a large scale. CHAPTER VIII PARALLEL PLANES Section 16. It needs no demonstration to realize that planes parallel to one' another will meet the planes of projection in parallel trace lines. In Fig. 56 at (i) two vertical planes are shown, and it is evident that the dis- tance between these planes is not the distance between their Vertical Traces, which may be, for these planes, a varying distance apart according to the angle Fic. 56. at which they meet the V.P., but the distance between them is the distance between their Horizontal Traces, because they meet the H.P. perpendicularly. In the case at (ii) the distance between the planes is the same as that between their V.T.'s, because in this case the planes meet the V.P. perpendicularly. At (iii) the parallel planes are oblique, and the method of Imding the distance between them is to start a jcrpe ndicular line from som£_4iiiLnt in one of them, say, PQZ. and find where it intersects the other plane RST, then fmd the length of the line from one to the other. To do this, take any point in the H.T. of the plane PQZ, as at aa', and from it set up a perpendicular, marked with arrow-heads in the figure. Now consider this line to be in a vertical plane L.l/.V, and find the 52 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY intersection of LMN with RST, giving a line whose elevation is VH and which contains point P shown at p'p. Find the true length of AP at a'p'2' This is the distance between the two given planes. EXERCISE XXII Find the true distance between the parallel planes A and B, also between C and D. It was previously seen that a horizontal line in a plane was parallel to the H.T. of that plane, and' now it will be seen that any horizontal line parallel to a plane is parallel to the H.T. of that plane. And, as parallel lines have plans parallel to one another, it will be realized that when two planes are parallel to one another, Fig. 57. the H.T. of one of the planes is parallel to any horizontal line on the other plane. Hence the solution given in Fig, 57 for findin g a plane parallel to ?i given on^^ and at a given distance from it. PARALLEL PLANES 53 From any point A in the given plane RST set up a perpendicular AB and cut ofT a part, AP, say, i" long. Through P draw a horizontal hne parallel to the plane RST by making its plan pq parallel to ST and its elevation p'q' parallel to XY. The V.T. of this line is at q\ which is also a point in the V.T. of the required parallel plane. Draw LM parallel to RS, and 3/-V parallel to ST. It should be noticed that the plane LMX has its traces perpendicular to the projections of the line AB, and that this plane has been passed through a certain definite point P, marked in the line AB. So, likewise, if it be required to pass a plane through any given point P, Fig. 58, and to arrange it perpendicularly to any given line, AB, it is only necessary to make a second hne, CP, through P, with its plan perpendicular to the plan of the given line AB, and to represent a horizontal line, in this way, on the required plane. This line CP will have its V.T. at V, which is a point in the V.T. of the required plane RST. RS will, of course, be made perpendicular to the elevation a'b' of the given line. A problem illustrating the application of two or three recently discussed methods is worked out in Fig. 59, where it is required to lind the centre of the sphere, which has upon its surface four points whose projections are given. The four points are shown in plan and elevation at aa, bb', cc' and dd' . Any point on the surface of a sphere, joined to any other point on the surface by a straight line, will give a chord of the sphere, and a plane bisecting this chord will cut the sphere into two equal parts, that is, will pass through the centre of the sphere. Notice also another fact, namely, that if three points only be chosen as points on the surface of a sphere, the size of the sphere, upon the surface of which these points may lie, may be any size provided that it is not less in diameter than the circle upon the circumference of which these points may have place. Con- sequently, in order to limit the size of the sphere to be dealt with, a fourth point is necessary, and all four of the points must be made use of in the solution. By joining the given points, several chords may be obtained, as shown in plan and elevation. Fig. 59, and, according to the argument above, if planes are made 54 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY to bisect them at right angles, each plane so found will pass through the centre of the sphere. Thus, by joining ab and a'b' the chord AB \s represented, and from the centre point of it, pp', a horizontal line PQ is drawn as a horizontal line on the plane perpendicular to AB, giving the point q' as its V.T. through which the V.T. of the AB plane may be drawn perpendicular to a'h'. Its H.T. is then drawn perpendicular to ah. So again in the two other cases, giving the AC plane and the CD plane. The plan and elevation of the intersection of plane CD with Fig. 59. plane ^C is next found, and then the intersection of plane AB with one of these (conveniently AC m this. solution), and the plans of the intersections obtained cross each other in the plan of the centre of the sphere. Likewise the elevations of the intersections cross each other in the elevation of the centre of the sphere. The radius of the sphere may now be found, if desired, by obtaining the true length of the line joining this centre point to any of the given points A, B, C or D. The sphere may then be represented by circles, one for plan and one for elevation, with the points found, as centres. PARALLEL PLANES 55 EXERCISE XXIII I. Find the traces of a plane parallel to, and i^" distant from, a given plane shown at A, whose V.T. is at 60° to XY and H.T. at 30° to XV. 2. Find the traces of a plane parallel to the given one shown at B and i" perpendicular distance from it. 3. Kind a plane perpendicular to the given line shown at C. and passing through the given point P. T/ 1 »(" I ! 1 ' »»' \ - 1 1 11 1 1 T^' ! i •«' j ! Ill 1 lit''' '1 ' t/'' A' ' II' ! 1 1 1 V k i '1 j |v id it. I 1 1 • 1 \ 1 j 1 1 1 ''* id 1 • ! 4. Find the centre of the sphere which has on its surface the four given points shown at A BCD. 5 Find the plan and elevation of the sphere which has on its surface the four given points EFGU 56 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY DIHEDRAL ANGLES CONTAINED BY OBLIQUE INTERSECTING PLANES, AND PLANES DIVIDING THESE ANGLES Section 17. In considering dihedral angles, or angles contained by planes as they incline to one another, the illustration at (i), Fig. 60, shows two planes RST and LMN meeting each other in a vertical line at H, and meeting the H.P. at right angles with the result that the angle and its supplement, named the dihedral angles contained by these two planes, are equalled by the angles MHS and SEN on the H.P. Similarly, at (ii), the two planes RST and LMN meet the V.P. at right angles, and the dihedral angles contained by them are evident at MVS and SVL, because Fig. 60. they are equalled by the rectilineal angles contained by the traces or intersections RS and LM on the V.P., that is, on the plane perpendicular to them. At (iii) the planes are so arranged that they are not perpendicular to one of the planes of projection, and consequently a third plane, other than one of the planes of projection which served the purpose in cases (i) and (ii), must be made use of, in order that the intersections by the two given planes made on this third plane may be found, and the angles by the intersections on it measured. Because at (iii) the planes are so arranged as to intersect each other in a hori- zontal line not perpendicular to the vertical plane of projection, the third plane, with its H.T. marked 3, is arranged so that it cuts the given planes at right angles. It cuts the intersection line of the given planes at P, and when this point is rabatted onto the H.P. at P2 and joined to a and b where the third plane's H.T. crosses the H.T.'s of the given planes, the angle aP^b and its supplement are obtained, to which the dihedral angles required are equal. DIHEDRAL ANGLES-OBLIQUE INTERSECTING PLANES 57 In Fig. 6 1 the two planes are so arranged that their common intersection line is inclined from the point v' where the vertical traces cross, to the point H where the horizontal traces cross. In this case a third plane, perpendicular to the two given ones, will therefore be inclined, and, being at right angles to the intersec- tion line VH, its H.T. marked 3, must, of course, be made at right angles to the plan, vH, of the intersection line. By turning vH, with centre v, into the XF, and carrying with it the point c, the real inclinations of the intersection line and of the third plane may be repre- sented on the V.P., where the line I'P is a view of the intersection line showing »\ r ^ / X / X .u\ .y '^^^\. \^ \ / h 1 1 1 x*^ XT/ 7 ^^ / ^ 1 1 Fig. 61. its inclination to the H.P. and the line at right angles to it through P shows the inclination of the plane 3. Point P marks the level at which they intersect. From the point P, where the inclined intersection line passes through the inclined plane 3, the distance, indicated by a bracket, down the plane 3 to the H.P. is then taken and transferred to cPi. Join Pi to a and to h, and these lines, which are the rabattements of intersections made by RST and LM'S , respectively, with plane 3, as in case (iii), Fig. 60, will give angles to which the dihedral angles required are equal, namely, aP-ih and its supplement. In working exercises, it is advisable, until the student is familiar with each step, to make hair lines and attach names to all the various lines and points whi!<^ the solution is in progress. 58 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY (Notice that the third plane's H.T., marked 3, and arranged at any convenient place perpendicular to the plan vH of the intersection line, may need to be produced beyond XY in order to meet the H.T. of LMN at h, as in Fig. 62.) EXERCISE XXIV Find and mark the angles contained by the planes represented in pairs at (i), (2), (3) and (4). Make the drawings very much larger than what is shown here. By experiment with an open book, it will be realized that any dihedral angle, contained by the covers of the book, may be divided by arranging a leaf or leaves of the book, so that from one cover to a leaf is a dihedral angle, and from that leaf to another, separated from it, or to the other cover, will be another dihedral angle. The leaf, representing a plane, divides the dihedral angle between the covers which represent other planes, and will be seen to have the same intersec- tion line as the covers have, namely, the hinge edge of the book. Now, let it be required to find the traces of planes which will bisect the dihedral angles contained by any two planes whose traces are given. It will be clear that such traces will pass through the traces of the intersection line made by the given planes, since they must contain the same intersection line. In Fig. 62 the planes RST and LMN are the given planes with their inter- section Hne passing through V and H. After proceeding as in the case explained in Fig. 61, the rabatted intersections oi RST and LMN with plane 3 will give the angles aP2b and aPod marked by arrow-headed arcs, showing the sizes of the dihedral angles contained by the given planes. Now, bisectors of these angles, marked in the figure by straight lines with arrow- heads, will serve as rabatted intersections made with plane 3 by planes bisecting the dihedral angles, and, of course, these intersection lines will have their H.T.'s in the H.T. of plane 3 at e and/ respectively, and also it will be realized that these DIHEDRAL AXGLES-OBLIQUE INTERSECTING PLANES 59 H.T.'s will be in the H.T.'s of the required bisecting planes. Since the bisecting planes contain the intersection line passing through V and //, these points, V and //, are in the traces of the bisecting planes required. The result is. that the line through II and c is the H.T., and from where this meets XV a line through -/ is the V.T., of one of the required planes, while /// is the H.T., and a line through v' to meet JH in XY, is the V.T. of the other required plane. If, as is the case in this figure, there is not room enough to lind the meeting of the H.T. and V.T. on XY for the last plane, then a point xx' should be chosen Fig. 62. on the common intersection line, and a horizontal line on the required plane should be drawn to meet the \'.P. at kk'. This latter point on the \'.P. is in the V.T. required, which is obtained by joining v' to k'. If the H.T. of this last plane, marked /F, is parallel to AT, of course the \'.T. of it, passing through ?' \\i\\ also be parallel to A'l^. Also, if ^he bisector Pyf runs nearly parallel to H.T. 3. so that there is not room enough to find/, then the direction of the line/// may be obtained by making use of an inclined line in the plane required. 60 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY EXERCISE XXV Find the traces of planes which bisect the dihedral angles contained by the pairs of planes given at A and at B. It will now be seen, that, by supposing the rabattement of the angle between two planes, and working conversely to the method in Fig. 6i, it will be possible to find the traces of a second plane at a given angle to a first one, whose traces may be given, and intersecting it in a line of given inclination to the H.P. Fig. 63. For illustration, let the plane RST, Fig. 63, be given, and let it be required j to find the traces of another which will cut into this one in a line of 30° to the! H.P., and make a dihedral angle of, say, 70° with this given plane. DIHEDRAL ANGLES-OBLIQUE INTERSECTING PLANES 61 From any point V in RS draw a line on the V.P. at 30^ to XY. With :•, the plan of V, as centre, bring the plan of this line around by an arc until its lower end is at // in ST. Then, at any convenient place, cross this plan of the intersection line by the H.T. of plane 3, previously made use of in Figs. 60 and 61, and carry the point c into XY so as to show from the point there obtained the inclination of plane 3 and its intersection of the given intersection line at P. The bracket line, now measured off at cPj, will give a i)oint which when joined to a will show the rabattement of intersection of the given plane RST with the plane 3. Apply to this rabattement the angle 70° and so obtain the rabatted intersection Pzb of the required plane with plane 3, and b, a point in its H.T. By joining H and b and producing the line to XY the H.T. of the required plane is found, and its V.T. may then be found by drawing a line, from this point in XY, through v'. EXERCISE XXVI Find the traces of a plane which makes with the given plane an angle of 65° and intersects it in a line inclined at 30° to the H.P. Two cases, .4 and B. CHAPTER IX PROJECTION OF RECTILINEAL ANGLES, AND OF FIGURES AND SOLIDS INVOLVING THE SAME Section 18. Two inclined lines meeting each other at a point above the H.P. may be made to form any angle as they meet, and if, say, two sticks of pencil, to serve for lines, be used experimentally, it may be seen that the projections of the two lines and of the angle they contain will vary according to how the pair of lines is disposed in relation to the planes of projection. Notice that the plane Fig. 64. of the two lines, that is, the plane in which both have place, varies in its attitude, with the variation of the angle formed by the two lines, while the lines may still remain each at its own particular angle to the H.P. As illustration, let there be two lines A and B. Let A be inclined at, say, 35° to the H.P., and B have an inclination of, say, 50° to the H.P. It must first be realized that the greatest possible angle that can be contained by these lines is 95°, and in order that this may be so, the plane of the lines would have to be vertical. Such an arrangement of them is shown in Fig. 64, where the plans of the lines are parts of the XY line. Realize that the lengths of their plans will not vary so long as the lines are not increased in length and their angles with the H.P. are not changed. The plans, however, may be moved the one toward the other so that instead of the distance between their lower ends or H.T.'s being as great as from a to ^ in the figure, it may be reduced to, say, the distance a to b2, the line B being moved so as to have its H.T. at bo. The angle contained by the 62 PROJECTION OF RECTILINEAL ANGLES 63 two lines A and B is now reduced, since the distance a to bo, subtending the angle, is reduced, but not the lengths of the lines. The new elevation of B is now at B2, and the angle contained by A and B has been reduced to an angle of which the plan and elevation are indicated by the arrow-headed arcs. The true size of this angle can readily be obtained by rabattement about ab^ as a hinge line, abz being the H.T. of the plane of the two lines as now arranged. As a specific case, let it be required to find plan and elevation for an angle contained by a pair of lines of any length when one of them is at 30° to the H.P. and the other is at 45° to the H.P., and the angle contained by them is 80°. By placing both lines in the V.P. as in Fig, 65-, (i), at A and B, starting them both from the same point and producing them downward to their H.T.'s at a and b respectively, their plans, proper for the particular angles they make with the H.P., are found. Allowing the 30° line A to remain in the V.P., the 45° line B must be moved toward A in order to reduce the angle from what it is at present (105°) Fic. 65. to 80°. This 80° will be subtended by a line, across the H.P. between the H.T.'s of the lines, the length of which must be found, therefore with c' as centre move B toward A until 80° is enclosed as shown by the arrow-headed arc. This gives the distance abo required to subtend 80° when the lines are A and B. Now, with c as centre bring the plan cb round by an arc until the H.T. of B is at its proper dis- tance from the H.T. of A. This will require the use of an intersecting arc with a as centre and (7/)2 as radius. The new place for the H.T. of B is ^3- Join it to c for the new position of plan, and then obtain the elevation of the line as shown. By joining a to b^ the H.T. of the plane of the two lines is obtained, and the V.T. of the plane of the two lines will be dc\ In Fig. 65 at (ii) is shown a particular case which is very useful. The case is that of the right angle (90°) contained by two lines, the sum of whose angles to the H.P. is less than 90°. The two lines are first placed as at A and B in the V.P., with their plans therefore in AT. If, now, A be allowed to remain in the V.P. wath ca as its plan, and B is to be placed so as to contain with .1 an angle 64 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY of 90°, then the elevation of B will be a perpendicular to the elevation A, because, as we have seen previously, when a right angle is contained by two lines, and one of them is in a projection plane or parallel to it, then the other has its projection on the same plane perpendicular to the projection of the first. Therefore c'h' is at once obtained as the elevation of the B line, and its plan can then be found by making a perpendicular from h' and intersecting it by an arc with c as centre, which carries down the plan length ch into its new place. Notice that by joining a toh the H.T. of the plane of the two lines is obtained, and, of course, the V.T. of the same plane is ac', coinciding with the elevation ac' of the line A which is in the V.P. N.B. — When the sum of the angles made with the H.P. by the given Hnes is over 90°, the angle contained by them must be less than 90°. Consequently, for large contained angles the inclinations of the lines to the H.P. must be small accordingly. EXERCISE XXVII 1. Find the plan and elevation of an angle of 45° contained by two lines when one of them is in the V.P. and inclined to the H.P. at 35°, and the other is at 50° to the H.P. 2. Find the plan and elevation of two lines, one at 25° to the H.P., and in the V.P., and the other at 45° to the H.P., when they contain an angle of 100°. 3. Find the plan and elevation of two lines, one at 45° to the H.P. and in the V.P., and the other at 30° to the H.P., when they contain an angle of 45°. 4. Find the plan and elevation of an angle of 90° when contained by two lines, one at 35° to the H.P., and the other at 20° to the H.P. N.B. — In each case mark which is the plan of the contained angle, and which is the ele- vation of it. An application of the problem above discussed may now be made to the finding of the projections of any rectilineal figure, triangle, square or polygon, when two adjacent sides, or a diagonal and an adjacent side, or two diagonals, are given at inclinations to the H.P. Instead of inchnations for edges, etc., levels may be given for corners, and the inclinations of edges or diagonals ascertained accordingly. In Fig. 66 is represented in plan and elevation a square having one edge at 25° to the H.P. and in the V.P., and an adjacent edge at 40° to the H.P. As the angle contained by the two Unes is 90°, the 40° line can be found in its proper place in relation to the 25° one, by the method of Fig. 65 (ii). The edge-length of the square must be marked off as c'a' on the true length of the 25° line and as c'h'2 on the true length of the 40° line, a'c' gives ac as its plan, and from c'h'2 may be obtained c'h' and ch, the elevation and the plan respectively, of the 40° edge of the square. Opposite edges of the figure being parallels, their projections may be obtained by making them parallel to those already obtained. The square PROJECTIOX OF RECTILINEAL AXGLES 65 thus found may now be considered as the face of a cube, and it will be seen that by drawing a line through ////i, which points are the H.T.'s of the two edges of the square, the H.T. of the plane of the square is obtained, and Ila'c' will be the V.T. of the plane of the square. A perpendicular to this plane from, say, the point A may be made by the method explained in Fig. 52. If this perpendicular be made equal in length to the edge of the square, then it will be seen that the cube can be represented by drawing other perpendiculars with projections equal in length to the projections of this one and parallel to it; and by joining the upper ends of them the drawing will be completed. To correctly represent this cube as a solid the three edges in plan from the corner d should be made dotted lines, and the edge a'c' in the elevation should also be made a dotted line. Fig. 66. In Fig. 67 the plan and elevation of a regular pentagon (whose angle is 108°) is found, one edge being at 25° to the H.P. and an adjacent edge at 35° to the H.P. Following the construction shown in Fig. 65, (i), the inclined lines are found in position at ac, ch for plans, and ac', c'b' for elevations. Point C is then rabatted to Co, where the angle 108° appears at its true size, and the figure is formed with this angle for one of its corners. From the figure so formed in rabattement the corner points are carried over the H.T. line ab perpendicularly to the plan, and then from the plan the elevation is obtained. Advantage is taken of the fact that there is a diagonal of the pentagon parallel to each side of it. The plan and elevation of the pentagon having been completed, the centre of it may be obtained by directing lines from the centres of any two sides to oppo- site corners and letting them intersect as at dd' . The pentagon might be considered to be the base of a pyramid, and then a perpendicular from dd' may be found, of a given length, to serve as the axis of the solid, by the method of Fig. 52. The upper end of this axis, i.e., the apex of the pyramid, may then be joined by straight lines to the corners of the pentagon to 66 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY complete the representation of the solid. Care must be taken to make certain lines dotted lines to represent them as being out of view, in the plan and in the elevation. In Fig. 67 the apex pp' is found, but the solid is not shown. EXERCISE XXVIII 1. Find the plan and elevation of a regular pentagon i\" edge, when one edge is at 20° to the H.P. and an adjacent edge is at 35° to the H.P. 2. Find the plan and elevation of a right hexagonal pyramid when one edge of the base is at 15° to the H.P. and an adjacent edge of the base is at 40° to the H.P. The length of t*he base edge is i", and of the axis 3". 3. Find the plan and elevation of a cube 2" edge, when one edge is at 25** to the H.P. and an adjacent edge is at 50° to the H.P. 4. Find the plan and elevation of a pentagon, 1" edge, when three consecutive corners of it are at levels \" , l" and if", above the H.P. THE TETRAHEDRON AND THE OCTAHEDRON Section 19. Of the " regular " soHds, we have already dealt with the cube, and we shall now proceed to consider two others, the tetrahedron, with four equal faces, each an equilateral triangle, and the octahedron, which has eight equal faces, each being an equilateral triangle. THE TETRAHEDRON AND THE OCTAHEDRON 67 The appearance and characteristics of these solids may be judged from the representations of them in Fig. 68 at (i) and (ii). The tetrahedron has a corner perpendicularly opposite the centre of each face; while the perpendicular distance of a corner from the opposite face is the height of the solid. The simplest way by which to find* the height of any tetra- hedron is to place it on the H.P., as shown at (iii), and then, since all of its edges are equal, and the edge ^-B is parallel to the V.P., a'h' shows true length, its plan being at ah. The height of the solid is therefore found to be b'c'. The octahedron might be looked upon as two square pyramids, base to base, the height of each being equal to half the diagonal of its base. In other words, Fig. 68. the solid has three diagonals at right angles to one another, and each one therefore at right angles to the plane of the two others. The simplest way to arrange this solid is shown at (iv) in Fig. 68, where the full height in the elevation is made equal to a diagonal o^ the square representing the solid in plan. At (v) the solid is shown cast over on to one of its faces, and in plan a dotted triangle for the under face, equilateral, and another, clear-lined for the upper face will be necessary. All the sloping edges are seen in plan and form a regular he.xagon. In Fig. 69 an octahedron, of given edge ah, is arranged so that one diagonal is in the V.P. at if to the H.P., and another diagonal is at 45° to the H.P. 68 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY From c' the half diagonal, obtained from the square on ah, is marked off on each of the inclined lines. When the plans and elevations of these have been determined, they are extended to make the complete diagonals. The third diagonal is then found, as a perpendicular to the plane of the two already found. Par- ticular care must be taken in clear-lining the projections, so that the correct use of dotted lines is made for the edges not in view. It should be recognized that dd' is the near and upper end of the third diagonal. Fig. 69. EXERCISE XXIX 1. Find the projections of a tetrahedron, 2" edge, when one edge is at 25° to the H.P. and another edge is at 45° to the H.P. 2. Find the projections of an octahedron, \\" edge, when one diagonal is in the V.P. at 20° to the H.P., and another diagonal is at 35° to the H.P. 3. Find the projections of an octahedron \\" edge, when one edge is in the V.P. at 20° to the H.P. and a diagonal, adjacent to it, is at 40° to the H.P. 4. Find the plan of an octahedron, \\" edge, with one face in the H.P., and show an ele- vation of it, derived from this plan, on a plane to which no edge of the solid is parallel. CHAPTER X AXO.METRIC AND ISOMKTRIC PROJKCTIOX Section 20. Realize experimentally or otherwise the following facts: — 1. When two inclined lines meet, there is a plane of these lines which has its H.T. passing through the H.T.'s of the two lines; 2. When a line is perpendicular to a plane, the plan of the line and the H.T. of the plane are at right angles to one another; 3. Three lines may meet in a point, and each one be perpendicular to both of the others, that is, to the plane of the others; and 4. Three such lines, each perpendicular to the others, may either be equally inclined to the H.P. or all differently inclined. Fig. 70. Let there be three lines, .1. B and C, meeting in one pi)int. and containing right angles with each other. If they be equally inclined t > the H.P., the three right angles will appear in plan equal to one another, and the plans of the right angles will be 1 20° in each case, as at (i) in Fig. 70. Now, if the point where A, B and C meet each other be at some distance above the H.P., then some point in one of them, say, // in .1. will be the H.T. of line .1, and the H.T. of B and the H.T. of C can then be placed similarly in the lines B and C at the same distance from the point where they all meet, as seen at (ii). 70 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY By drawing lines through these H.T.'s we have the H.T.'s of the planes of pairs of lines, and it will be seen that as the hnes A and B contain a right angle, they will, when rabatted, expose that right angle, which is, of course, the angle of a semicircle; therefore, taking advantage of this fact, on HH make a semicircle, and by a perpendicular across the trace HH from the plan of the point where A and B meet, to the circumference of the semicircle, we obtain the rabattement of A and B as seen at ^2 and Bo, and so, true lengths are now shown for these lines A and B. Next consider the case when the lines A, B and C are at different angles to the H.P., and let A be at 25° and B be at 45°, then by the method explained and illustrated in Fig. 65, (ii), the plans of A and B are found and their H.T.'s are at HH in Fig. 71. Through HH draw the H.T. of the plane of A and B, and the Fig. 71 plan of C will be perpendicular to this H.T. Hne. This is shown by the arrow line in the figure. The H.T. of this arrow Hne can now be found by drawing the H.T. of the plane of B and C perpendicular to the plan A, or by drawing the H.T. of the plane of A and C perpendicular to plan B. This H.T. of C is indicated at HC. From point HC to the point where the three hnes meet is the plan of C, and this plan may be swung into XY and then the elevation of C, on the V.P., may be drawn, to show the angle, marked in the figure with an arrow-headed arc, just in the way that the lines A and B showed their inclinations, 25° and 45° respectively, when originally placed in the V.P. As in the previous case. Fig. 70, (ii), since each pair of lines contains a right angle, true lengths for ^, B and C may readily be arrived at by rabatting them into semicircles, as shown at A2, B2 and C2, Fig. 72. Upon these rabattements any true length measurements may be made as at ^2 and then carried perpendicu- larly across to the plan line A Sit d. AXOMETRIC AND ISOMETRIC PROJECTION 71 This arrangement of three lines, A, B and C, provides a very useful means of making single projections or plans which show three dimensions to defmite scales, and because of the three lines which serve as axes of direction for measurable distances, the method is known as Axometric Projection. It will be recognized that the " scale " of measurement along each of the three lines, A, B and C, or axes of projection, as they are called, in Fig. 70 at (ii), is the same, because the axes are equally inclined to the projection plane. This is therefore referred to as Isometric — a special case of axometric projection. The scales of measurement along the axes A, B and C in Figs. 71 and 72, however, are all different from one another, so that, for instance, 2" on the axis A is represented by a longer line than 2" on the axis B. As an illustration of the use of this method, let it be required to find the axo- metric projection of a skeleton cube, each face of which will appear as a foreshort- FiG. 72. ened view of Fig. 73, (,i). There will be twelve bars of square section, each one represented by three lines, as suggested at (ii). There are three directions for the edges of a cube, four edges to each direction, therefore the three axes of projection may each contain an edge. Let two of the axes be at 25° and 45° respectively, to the projection plane. First find the axes .1, B and C and rabattements of them at .!_', B2 and €2- On these rabattements mark oft" measurements taken from the edges of the square at (i), and transfer them to the axes by perpendiculars to the trace lines. Then by parallels the three upper faces of the cube, all foreshortened in appearance, may be found. Three of the bars are by this time represented, each by three lines. By the careful use of parallels each of the remaining nine bars may be found. All the twelve bars have square ends which may be shown as at fii) in the figure. 72 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY The drawing here shown is not completed, but should be carried out on a large scale and completed by the student. (II) Fig. 73. EXERCISE XXX 1. Find the projection of a 2" cube when two of the axes of projection are inclined at 25° and 40° respectively to the projection plane. 2. Find the inclination to the projection plane of the third axis in i. 3. Find by axometric projection a skeleton cube 3I" outside, 2\" inside, measurement. One axis is at 30° and another at 40° to the projection plane. 4. Find in isometric projection the two parts, separated as in the illustration herewith, of a mortise and tenon joint. Use dotted lines to represent those lines not in view. AXOMETRIC PROJECTION, CONTINUED 73 AXOMETRIC PROJECTION, Continued Section 21. Since " scale," with respect to drawings, is the ratio of projection length to real length, it will be seen that the axes in axometric projection may be arranged in place when scales for any two of them are given, by setting up two lines at inclinations to the H.P. that will give those scales, and, having arranged their plans correctly, placing the third axis in proper relation to these. The scale of the third may then be obtained also. Thus, suppose the scales for A and B are to be f and -^ respectively, the incli- nations of A and B to the H.P. may be obtained as in Fig. 74 at (i), where ab, equal to 4 divisions, is represented in plan by ac equal to 3 of the same divisions; Fig. 74. that is, ac is f full length, and the inclination for this scale of f is the angle bac. Again, ad, equal to 6 divisions, is represented in plan by ac, equal to 5 divisions, i.e., ae is i full length and the angle for the axis which will have a scale of ,^ will be the angle dac. Employing the method as shown in Fig. 71, set up at Fig. 74, (ii), the angle dae at a and the angle bac at /3, and proceed to find axes A and B with their H.T.'s at HH. The third axes, C, will be found and its H.T. obtained as in Fig. 71. By swinging the plan of that portion of it above the H.P. into AT, the plan length RS and the real length TS are obtained, which will give the scale for the third axis RS C as TS' From what was seen previously (see Note in Section 18), the contained angle between the axes of projection being 90°, the inclinations of them to the projection plane must be small, so that the sum of them is less than 00°, and this limits the 74 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY use of axometric projection to large scales only, if the drawings are to serve the purpose they are intended to serve. Suppose the arrangement of the axes of projection to be given in plan as at (i), Fig, 75, and let it be required to find the projection of some solid having its edges or other lines in the directions of the axes given. First choose any point in one of the lines, say, H, in axis A at (i) , and proceed to find points in B and C that are at the same level, by lines from H perpendicular to C and B respectively. Then by rabatting the right angle contained by axes A and B, also by A and C, into semicircles, true lengths are obtained at ^2, Bo and C2, and the measurements of the cube or other solid may be marked on these and transferred to A, B and C respectively, as in Fig. 73 at (iii). (TI) Fig. 75- If the incHnations of these given axes. Fig. 75, are required to be found, it will be seen that a vertical plane containing one of them, say, axis A , will cut the plane of the others in the Hne RT, see (ii), and that HR is at right angles to RT, therefore the vertical semicircle on the line HT for diameter, rabatted as at HR2T, will show the angle the axis A makes with the projection plane, namely, the angle R2HR. This estabhshes the height of R above the projection plane. Hence, if the H.T.'s of B and C be brought around into the line HRT, their angles will Hkewise be seen. A further illustration is given in Axometric Projection in Fig. 76. Let it be required to find the projection of a pentagonal pyramid when one edge of the base is at 25° to the projection plane and the axis of the solid is at 40° to the same plane. First find the three axes of projection. As the axis of the sohd has to be in the 40° direction, the base must be placed in the plane of the two others. The base, not being right angular, must be placed in a rectangle as at (ii). As AB at (ii) AXOMETRIC PROJFXTIOX, CONTIXUED 75 contains an edge of the base, the Hne AB must be fitted on to the 25" axis of pro- jection. Therefore, place it in rabattement at /l2i^2and draw the complete figure contained in the rectangle BoAoCo, and proceed to carry it over to its position in plan. Having completed the base in plan, find its centre C, and from that centre draw a line in the direction of the 40° axis. Find, by the proper method, the projection length of the axis at coa^ or c-zb-y, according to its length, and then mark this off on the axis line of the pyramid starting from c, thus giving the apex at (/ or h. Join the apex to the corners of the base and fmish as usual with dotted lines for some edges as the case may require. Fig. 76. If a circular hole has to be represented, in a block, for instance, in axomctric projection, points should be obtained in the circumference by using diagonals and parallels to the sides of a square made to contain the circle, the sides of the square being made to follow axis directions in the projection. EXERCISK XXXI 1. The plans of the three axes of projection enclose angles of iio^. 120° and i.^o"". Find the inclinations of the three axes to the projection plane. 2. The scales of two of the axes for a projection are J^ and j^. Find the projection of the axes and represent the scale of the third axis. 3. P'ind by axomctric projection the plan of a regular hexagonal pyramid, when the axis of the pyramid, 3" long, is at 30° to the projection plane, and one of the edges of the base, i" long, is at 45° to the projection plane. CHAPTER XI SECTIONS OF SIMPLE SOLIDS Section 22. Sections of solids are made by passing planes through them. By rabatting these planes, carrying with them the outline points of the section shape, the true form of the particular section may be obtained. For convenience, the section plane is usually arranged either perpendicularly to the H.P. or per- pendicularly to the V.P. Fig. 77 Illustrations of the process are shown in several figures now to be considered. In Fig. 77 a cube has a vertical section plane RST passing through it. Hori- zontal edges are cut by it at a, b and c, while at d two of the inclined edges are cut. Realize that three inclined faces are cut and one vertical one. By using S as a centre and making rabattement of all the points in which the plane cuts the edges, the true form is obtained on the V.P. It is covered with hatching or shading in the figure. In Fig. 78 a square pyramid has a section plane RST perpendicular to the V.P., passing through it. The slant edges of the pyramid are all cut in points whose elevations are marked a'b'c' and d'. By using S as centre and rabatting all these points on to the H.P. the true form is obtained. Notice that it is neces- sary to have the plans of the four points. These are readily found in the case of a and of d, but as the projections of the edges in which B and C occur are so nearly 76 SECTIONS OF SIMPLE SOLIDS 77 perpendicular to XV these points are carried by level lines to the slant edge in which a occurs and from their plans in the plan of this edge they are carried by arcs to their proper places in the plans of the edges they belong to, and thence by perpendiculars across the H.T. line to their rabattements. The true form may now be drawn and is marked in the figure by hatching. In Fig. 79 a right circular cylinder has a section plane perpendicular to the V.P., passing through it in such a way as to cut the top horizontal surface and cut also a considerable amount of its cur\'ed vertical surface. Since the section shape of a right circular cylinder by a plane inclined to its axis is an ellipse, the result in this case will be part of an ellipse, as the shape of the section. Points in the curved outline of the true form are obtained by choosing straight generator lines, as they are called, on the curved surface of the cylinder, marked in this example at a, b c, d, c, etc. Portions of the elevations of these generators are shown in order to obtain the elevations of the intersection points to be rabattcd. In the figure the shape of section is shown covered with hatching. In Fig. 80 a right circular cone has a section plane RST passing through it, and since this plane cuts all the generators of the curved surface it produces an ellipse for the shape of the section. This shape is rabatted on to the H.P. by using 5 as centre. Generators, taken in such places as will give a good distribu- tion of points in the curve, are drawn at a, b, c, d, e, etc. These in elevation are seen to be cut by the section plane, and the points in which they are cut are carried over by arcs to the H.P. It is necessary to locate them in plan, which is straight- forward work except in the case of generator bb'. The point in this generator must be carried horizontally to the generator c, and its plan carried back to the generator b by an arc as seen in the figure. 78 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY Fig. 8 1 shows a right circular cone with a section plane RST passing through it so as to give the hyperbola as a section. The plane for the hyperbola is parallel to the plane of two generator lines of the cone, whereas the plane for a parabola has only one generator line of the cone parallel to it. The two generators parallel to the plane of the hyperbola in this case are shown at a and b, and their Horizontal Traces are at ////. The curve of the hyperbola is shown in plan at cc with its true form by rabattement at C2C2. The H.T.'s of this curve are at gg. Now, if the line cc which lies on the curved surface of the cone be continually produced in the same plane it becomes straight, at infinity, on opposite sides of the cone, and since the plane of the parallel generator lines A and B is at such Fig. 81. a small distance from the plane of the hyperbola, the tangents to the hyperbola lines, at infinity, and the generator hnes near them are pairs of parallels. These tangents and generators on the surface of the cone at infinity will meet the cir- cumference of the circular section of the cone at infinity, at right angles, and the H.T.'s of the planes of the pairs of parallels at infinity will be perpendiculars to the generators whose plans are a and b respectively. Consequently, on the Horizontal Plane of projection, from points // perpen- diculars to the plans a and b will pass through the H.T.'s of the tangents at infinity to the hyperbola, which tangent lines also He in the plane of the hyperbola. There- fore HH are the H.T.'s of the tangents at infinity to the hyperbola, and the plans of them are the lines dd, made parallel in plan to the generators a and b. TRACES OF CURVED SURFACES 79 The tangents at infinity to the h\perbola are called the Asymptotes, and meet each other at an angle. In Fig. 8i they are rabatted on to the H.P. and show the angle contained, which is marked by an arrow-headed arc. Strictly speaking, the asymptotes, lying outside the two branches of a hyper- bola, which are sections of two equal cones united at their ape.xes and having the same axis line, are lines which never really meet the curves of the hv-perbola. exp:rcise XXXII 1. A square prism, 15" edge of end, 2§" long, has a long edge in the H.P, at 30° to XV, and the face adjacent to it is at 30° to the H.P. Find the true form of section by a vertical plane at 45° to the \'.P., passing through the soh'd and cutting its axis i" from one end. Two solutions. 2. Find the true form of section of a right hexagonal pyramid, base in H.P. with one diag- onal of base parallel to A'F, by a plane perpendicular to V'.P., at 45° to the H.P., and passing through a point in the axis |" from the base. Base edge i". Axis 22". 3. Find the true form of a parabola by a plane passing through a cone, when its base is 2" diameter, and height of apex of the cone above the base 25". The plane cuts the axis in the centre. 4. Find the asymptotes and show the angle contained by them in the case of a hyperbola made by a plane at 15° tp the axis of a cone, cutting the axis in a point i" from the apex. The angle of the cone at the apex is 40°. TRACES OF CURVED .SURFACES Section 23. When a right circular cylinder is inclined to a projection plane, its curved surface, produced to meet the plane, will meet it in the curve of an ellipse, for the projection plane might be considered as a section plane passing through the circular cylinder at an angle to its axis. This applies also to the curved surface of a cone. The line in which the curved surface of the cone meets the projection plane will be an ellipse, if the cone is a right circular one, i.e., one that has a circular section in any plane at right angles to its a.xis. The line of intersection in which the curved surface of a cylinder or of a cone, whether its axis be inclined or not. will meet the projection plane, if the curved surface is produced to do so, is called the trace of the curved surface, and may be the Vertical trace or the Horizontal trace according to whether it is found on the V.P. or on the H.P. Illustrations are shown in Figs. 82. and 83. It will be seen that in the case of the right circular cylinder, the H.T. is an ellipse with its minor axis equal to the diameter of the cylinder, whereas in the case of the right circular cone the ellipse for H.T. has a minor axis which varies in length with the inclination of the cone or with the distance of its apex from the projection plane. The method of obtaining the trace is to choose any number of generator lines and produce them until their traces are found, then to draw, by freehand, the curve through these trace points. 80 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY A further illustration is shown in Fig. 84, where it is important to realize that the generators whose plans are at aa have their elevations at a'a', and that Fig. 82. Fig. S3. these are best located by recognizing the fact that they pass through the ends of the horizontal diameter of the end of the cylinder. The topmost generator Fig. 84. line, having its plan at h, has its elevation at //, which is not the topmost line of the elevation. Other generators, chosen at convenience for the purpose of secur- TRACES OF CURVED SURFACES 81 ing points in the trace, such as those marked cc-z in the figure, should meet the end of the cyUnder in pairs, at the ends of horizontal chords, for then the elevation marked c'2 can the more certainly be located by making use of the horizontal chord through the end of the one marked cc' . N.B. — The projections for the circular ends of the solids should be carefully found by the method previously discussed. (See Section 4, Fig. 8.) EXERCISE XXXIII 1. Find the H.T. of the curved surface of a right circular cylinder, i\" diameter, when its axis is at 35° to the H.P. and the plan of it is at 25' to XY . 2. Find the H.T. of the curved surface of a right circular cone, whose base is i\" diameter and axis ih" long. Let the axis be parallel to the V.P., and inclined to the H.P. at 45°. 3. Show the plan and elevation of a cone whose H.T. is a circle 2^" diameter, and whose axis is 3" long and inclined at 40° to the H.P. and 40° to the V.P. Show the V.T. of its curved surface when the centre of the circular H.T. is i\" from XY. 4. Find the shadow of a sphere of 2" diameter, having its centre 2" above the H.P. and 2" in front of the \'.P., when the rays of parallel light are inclined at 45° to the H.P. and 30° to the V.P. N.B. — The shadow problem here given involves the method discussed in this section. PART THREE CHAPTER XII - TANGENT PLANES TO CONES AND CYLINDERS Section 24. Since the generator of a cylinder, and also of a cone, is a straight line, it is evident that a plane, tangent to or touching the curved surface Fig. 85. of one or of the other, will touch it along a straight hne, and, in the case of the cone, will include its apex. Such a tangent plane may be shown, as usually planes are shown, by its traces, and its traces will be tangential to the curved traces of the curved surface of the solid. In the illustration, Fig. 85, a right circular cone, that is, one whose sec- tion perpendicular to its axis is circular, stands vertically on the H.P., conse- 82 TANGENT PLANES TO CONES AND CYLINDERS 83 quently, the circle, which is the circumference of its base, is the H.T. of its cur\^ed surface. A plane, tangent to this cone, will therefore have its H T. tangent to this circular H.T.. and this is shown at ST. As the apex aa' is in the tangent plane, a horizontal line may be drawn through it, lying in the tangent plane. This will have its plan parallel to ST, and its elevation will give its V.T. at V. RS, the V.T. of the plane, may then be drawn. It will be realized next, that, as all the generators of the vertical cone meet the H.P. at the same incUnation, therefore the generator whose plan is ab. is at the same inclination as the generator whose elevation is a'c', and whose inclination is indicated by an arrow-headed arc in the figure; and, since the plane is at the same inclination as a line in it perpendicular to its trace, and AB is perpendicular to the trace ST. the tangent plane RST is at the angle indicated at c'. Fig. 86. The converse of this problem is specially useful. For instance, if it be required to fmd the traces of a plane of given inclination to the H.P. having its H.T. in a given direction, it is only necessary to set up a right circular cone whose generators are at the given inclination for the required plane, and then make the H.T. of the plane tangent to the circular trace, the base of the cone is the H.P.. and proceed as before to find the V.T. of the plane. In Fig. 86 the V.T. of a plane is given at RS. Suppose the plane, whose V.T. is RS, to be inclined at 6o° to the H.P.,, and let it be required to find its H.T. Then, because any point in this V.T. is in the plane and may be taken as the apex of a right circular vertical cone to which the plane is tangent, from any such point A draw the line a'c' in the V.P. at 6o° to the H.P. The circumference of the circle drawn, with a as centre and ac' as radius, is the H.T. of the 6o° cone, and the point A, its apex, is contained in every tangent plane to the cone. There- fore from the point, namely 5. in .VI', where the V.T. line meets it, draw the H.T. 84 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY line, ^ST, of the required 60' plane, making it tangent to the circular trace of the cone. The line SN shows the H.T. of another plane, having the same V.T., and tangent to the same 60° cone, therefore also at 60° to the H.P. There are, therefore, two planes, RST and RSN, satisfying the conditions. In Fig. 87 a line AB is given, and it is shown how a plane of any particular inclination to the H.P., greater than the inclination of the given line to the H.P., may be found, when it has to contain the given Kne. For the solution, any point cc' in the given line may be taken, to serve as the apex of a right circular vertical cone. Fig. 87. The cone may be represented by drawing the line c'd' to make with XY an angle, a, equal to the given inclination of the required plane, and with cd, its plan, as radius, drawing the circular H.T. of its curved surface. Next, find the H.T. of the given line AB a.t H, and through H draw tangent lines to the circle. These are the horizontal traces of two tangent planes to the cone, each containing the given line. Horizontal Hnes on these planes, drawn through the apex C, will give points V and Vi in the Vertical Traces required to more com- pletely determine the planes. HeV is one of the planes. The other plane, whose H.T. is Hf, gives an opportunity of showing how to obtain the V.T. without first making Hf meet XY. Thus, from any point g, in Hf, draw the plan of a line through some point in the line ^^— through the apex C will do— and produce this plan TAXGEXT PLANES TO COXES AXD CYLIXDERS 85 and its elevation till its V.T. is found at V2. Join V1V2 and this line is part of the Ventcal Trace of the second plane, part of whose H.T. is the line II f. EXERCISE XXXIV 1. Find a plane at 50° to the H.P. containing ihe given point .1 at (i). Let the H.T. of the plane be at 45° to the A' I'. 2. Find a plane at 65^ to the H.P. and containing the given line AB at (iij. 3. The \'.T. of a plane is given at (iii). Show the H.T. of it when the plane is at 45'' to the H.P. Two solutions. (i (ii) /; (iii) . Ta' / 4 d( 1" ^^'^ X ' :!(i^\ Y -'' a\ \»/ ' ia \ ^ By experiment with a cylindrical object — a roll of paper will do — it should be realized that if the cylinder is inclined, there may be any number of planes tangent to it, of angles to the H.P. not less than the angle of inclination of the axis of the cylinder to the H.P. Thus, in Fig. 88 at (i) the plane RST is tangent to the inclined cylinder and is at the same inclination to the H.P. as that of the cylinder. Any plane of greater inclination may be made tangent to the same cylinder, until one is reached that is vertical, such as that whose H.T. is at LL. If the cylinder were inclined to the V.P. also, then this plane LL would have a V.T. perpendicular to the A' I'. As previously noted, the condition for a plane to be tangent to a cylinder is, that it shall contain a straight-line generator of the curved surface, and as all such generators have their H.T.'s in the cur\'e of the ellipse serving for the H.T. of the cylinder, the H.T. of any tangent plane to the cylinder must be a tangent line to the curved H.T. of the surface of the cylinder. Now let ah. a'h\ at (ii), be the projections of a line parallel to the generators of the given cylinder, and from some point in it, serving as the apex of a cone, arrange a right circular vertical cone whose generators are at, say a° to the H.P. Two a° tangent planes may now be represented by their H.T.'s at ac and ad, to contain the line AB; and because parallel planes have their H.T.'s parallel, and AB is a parallel to all the tangent planes to the given cylinder, being parallel 86 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY to all its generators, there will be four a° planes, two parallel to plane ac and two parallel to ad, and they will be shown by their H.T.'s, tangent to the curved H.T. Fig. 88. of the cylinder, as at e, f, g and h. Each of these four planes contains one generator of the cylinder, and therefore, since the generators of the cylinder are Fig. 89. parallel to the V.P., the V.T.'s of these planes will be parallel to the elevations of the generators of the cylinder. Therefore, by producing the H.T. marked g TAXGEXT PLANES TO CONES AND CYLINDERS 87 to XY, the V.T. for it may be drawn as shown, parallel to the generators of the cylinder. So, also, with the V.T.'s of the other planes. X.B. The ellipse for H.T. should be obtained by the method shown in Section 23. In Fig. 89 is shown a right circular cylinder whose axis is inclined to both planes of projection. Its H.T., an ellipse, is also shown. Suppose a tangent plane Fig. 90. to this cylinder has ST for its H.T., obtained as in the previous case; then because the point H is the H.T. of a generator of the cylinder, and //' is the elevation of //, the generator having // for its H.T. can be located, as shown in the figure at GG', and produced until its V.T. is found at V. Now draw VSR, which is the V.T. of the tangent plane. So proceed with others. In Fig. 90, a right circular cone is represented in plan and elevation, with axis inclined to both planes of projection. Its H.T., the large ellipse, is also shown. 88 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY Let it be required to find the traces of planes tangent to this inclined cone and having a given inclination to the H.P. Since all planes, tangent to the given cone, must pass through the apex of it, and a plane of a particular inclination, say a°, must be tangent to a vertical right circular cone whose generators are at that particular inclination, it is necessary to make use of the apex of the given inclined cone to serve as the apex of such a vertical one. The H.T. of the vertical cone referred to is the circle H in the figure. It should now be realized that a plane tangent to both cones at the same time, will have its H.T. as a common tangent to the H.T.'s of the two cones, and will contain the common apex A. The H.T. of such a plane is shown at ST, and to obtain the point V in its V.T., a horizontal line, on the tangent plane, may be drawn through the apex aa'. The line SV is the V.T. required. In the case illustrated in Fig. 90, three other tangent planes of the same inclination may be found. If the H.T. of one of them is parallel, or nearly parallel, to the XY, or at such a small angle with it that there is not room for the point to be located in XY, where the H.T. and the V.T. meet, then two inclined Hues on the plane required may be drawn through the apex and through any convenient points c and d in the H.T., and their V.T.'s found at Vi and V2. The line drawn through these V.T. points is the V.T. of the tangent plane whose H.T. is the line upon which the points c and d were chosen. EXERCISE XXXV 1. Find the four tangent planes, each at 65° to the H.P., to a right circular cylinder whose axis is at 40° to the H.P. and at 25° to the V.P. Diameter of cylinder i|". Let the cylinder rest on a point in the H.P. 2" from XY. 2. Find the traces of planes inclined to the H.P. at 65° and tangent to a right circular cone of iV' base, and ih" axis, when the axis is at 40° to the H.P. and the plan of the axis is at ■ 45° to XY. Let the cone rest on the H.P. in a point 15" from the XY. PROJECTION OF SOLIDS DEPENDENT ON TANGENT PLANES TO RIGHT CIRCULAR CONES Section 25. In finding the projections of prisms, cubes and pyramids when different faces of the same soHd are at different inclinations to the same projec- tion plane, it is necessary to make use of the plane tangent to a right circular cone. Illustrations are given and explained in Figs. 91 and 92. In Fig. 91 the method is shown for finding the plan of a cube, or of a right prism, when one face is at, say, 40° to the H.P. and another face is at, say, 70° to the H.P. RST is the 40° plane in which one of the faces will be found, and is arranged perpendicularly to the V.P. for greater convenience. The line AB, shown in PROJECTION OF SOLIDS DEPENDENT ON TANGENT PLANES 89 plan at ab and in elevation at a'b', is an edge of the cube perpendicular to the 40 "" face and therefore may serve as an edge of the 70° face. The 70° plane, to include this edge of the 70° face, is found, according to the method recently explained, by the use of a cone of 70° with its apex in the line AB or that line produced. This 70° plane, thus containing AB, has its H.T. at ////. Fig. 91. The point A is common to both planes, the 40° and the 70°; so, also, is the point // where the two planes' H.T.'s meet. Join // to a therefore, and so obtain the plan of the intersection of the 40° plane with the 70° plane. This line will con- tain the edge of the cube common to the two faces whose inclinations are given. Rabatte//a to ha2, and using ao as the comer for a square, mark off J2C2 on the rabatted line, and also make d-ido perpendicular to it. These measurements, in 90 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY the case of a cube, will be the same as that of a'b' previously chosen as the length of an edge of the cube, or they should be made the same as the edges of the 40° face of the prism, if it be a prism that has to be projected. Fig. 02. It will readily be seen that from this rabattement of the two edges the plans ac and ad may be obtained. Three edges are now found in plan, namely AB^ PROJECTION OF SOLIDS DEPEXDEXT OX TAXGEXT PLAXES 91 AC and AD, and parallels to these will be necessary in order to complete the plan of the cube. Of the two faces found in the figure, the face dace is a 40° face, and the face bacf is a 70° face. In Fig, 92 is shown the case of a pyramid in which the mjth ;d requires the employment of two right circular cones, since the triangular faces of the solid are inclined to the plane of the base. Let it be required to find the plan of a square pyramid when the base is inclined at, say, 45° to the H.P. and one triangular face is at, say, 65° to the H.P. The base plane is marked RST in the figure, and is purposely arranged perpendicularly to the V.P. in order to simplify the work. At (i) in the figure the square pyramid is set up in plan and elevation in such a way as to find the angle, a'^, of the vertical cone to which each of the triangular faces of the solid is tangent. Each face is tangent on a generator which is at the same time the middle line of a triangular face and meets the middle point of a base edge of the pyramid, as at d in be. At any convenient place on the plane i^^T at (ii) set up the right cone with base angle equal to that in (i), namely a°. Then find its horizontal trace, the large ellipse, on the H.P. A tangent plane to this inclined cone, with its inclination accord- ing to that given in the problem for a triangular face of the pyramid, viz., 65°, is now obtained, with its H.T. at HH2. This trace is made tangent to the large ellipse and at the same time tangent to the circular trace of a vertical cone of 65° from the same apex as that of the inclined cone, viz., the point aa'. The V.T. of this plane is not needed, so is therefore neglected. The generator ae, a'e\ of the inclined cone, which at the same time lies in the 65° plane is now drawn, e being its H.T. Its elevation ae crosses RS, giving the elevation d' , of the point in which it passes through the base plane. The line ad in (ii) corresponds to the ad in (i), and by drawing a line through d and the point // where the H.T.'s of the 45° and 65° planes intersect, the plan of the intersection of the two planes, base plane and face plane, is obtained. The rabattement of thij intersection line is ///. On this line /7/mark off, on either side of the rabattement of point d, marked d-i, the measurements of dh, dc from the base edge in (i), and construct the square in rabattement. Bring this up to its proper place in plan, where it will appear foreshortened, and the edges of it will be tangents to the small ellipse, the plan of the base of the inclined cone. Join the corners of the square to the apex a, and the plan will be completed when such edges as are not in view are shown by dotted lines. In the figure the plan of the solid is not completed, in order to save confusion of lines. N.B. — In the figure the construction work for finding the ellipses is reduced or omitted as far as possible to save confusion of lines. In finding the plan of the base of the inclined cone, however, there is shown a method of finding plans of horizontal chords of it. Point g is the elevation of such a chord. Its plan can be found by making a semicifcle as shown, and a perpendicular from g in the diameter of it. to the circumference, thus giving half the chord length. 92 ' DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY EXERCISE XXXVI 1. Work out completely the problem in Fig. gi, and obtain an elevation of the solid on a vertical projection plane whose XY is at 45° to the XY given. Let the length of the edge of the cube be 2". 2. Work out completely the problem in Fig. 92, making the base edge of the pyramid 2" and its height 3I", with the triangular face at 70° to the H.P. instead of at 65°. 3. Find the plan and elevation of a square prism, when the square end of it is at 45° to the H.P. and a rectangular face is at 70° to the H.P. Short edges il", long edges 2^". 4. Find the plan of a regular pentagonal pyramid, i" edge of base, height 3", when the base is incHned to the H.P. at 40°, and one triangular face is at 65° to the H.P. CHAPTER XIII TANGENT PLANES TO A SPHERE, AND THE FINDING OF AN OBLIQUE PLANE WITH GIVEN INCLINATIONS Section 26. In discussing tangent planes to spheres it must chiefly be noticed that the radius of the sphere, from the tangent point on its surface, is a perpen- dicular to the tangent plane, and its projections will therefore be perpendicular to the traces of the tangent plane. yiC: 93- ru-.. 94. In the illustration. Fig. 93, a plane is shown tangent to a given sphere the centre of which is aa'. The radius, which is perpendicular to the plane, is also shown in elevation and plan, a'p' and up. A great circle of the sphere, that is, one whose plane passes through the centre of the sphere, is shown in plan by the (lotted line be and in elevation by the circle b'c'. It is perpendicular to the tan- gent plane, and has for its radius the line AP. In Fig. 94, any point on the surface of the sphere is shown in plan at p. It is required to find the tangent plane to the sphere at this point. Any number of points on the surface of the sphere, and at the same level, would be in the cir- cumference of a horizontal circle whose eU^vation would appear as a straight line 93 94 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY a'b'. Consequently, such a horizontal circle is represented and p' found in its elevation. Similarly, if the point be thought of as being on the circumference of a vertical circle whose plan would be a straight line through p parallel to XY, a circle in elevation would need to be drawn in order to locate the elevation of the point. A tangent plane to the sphere at P may now be obtained by drawing a horizontal line through P in the direction of the H.T. required, i.e., perpendicular in plan, to the plan of the radius from P. Thus will be obtained a point V in the V.T. Fig. 95. required, and the traces of the plane may now be drawn perpendicular to the radius from P. In Fig. 95 the same problem as in Fig. 94 is solved by the employment of a vertical plane containing the radius from the given point and therefore at right angles to the plane required. This vertical plane has HH for its H.T. By rabatting it on to the H.P., the centre of the sphere is carried over to C2, and a rabatted great circle of the sphere is made on the H.P., shown in the figure covered with hatching. The point P will now appear rabatted to p2, and the rabattement of the radius is seen at c-ypi- At right angles to this draw poh as the rabattement of the intersec- tion of the required plane with the vertical plane employed whose H.T. is the line HH. This gives /?, a point in the H.T. of the required plane. Through h draw the H.T. marked ST, and through 5 draw RS at right angles to the elevation TANGENT PLANES TO A SPHERE 95 of the radius. RST is the plane required. The height of /»' above XY is taken from the rabattement, as indicated by the bracket line. This construction, Fig. 95, will be necessary, used conversely, when the trace of a plane tangent to a sphere is given, and it is required to find the other trace of the plane and the projections of the tangent point. EXKRCISK XXXVII 1. Find the planes tangent to the sphere whose projections are at .1, each containing a point on its surface, for which />' is the elevation. 2. A sphere, 2" diameter, touches both planes of projection. Find the two planes, each touching the sphere in a point 15" above the H.P. and i§" from the V.P. 3. A sphere is given at B, and the H.T. of a plane tangent to it. Find the V'.T. and also show the plan and elevation of the tangent [)oint. 4. Find the traces of a plane tangent to the sphere whose projections are at C, and make it perpendicular to the line AB, whose projections are given. Mark the plan and elevation of the tangent point. 5. Find the traces of three planes equally inclined to each other and all at 60^ to the H.T. Let ihcm be tangent to a sphere of 2" diameter, resting on the H.P. with centre i^" from the \'.P. Find also the inclination between any two of the tangent planes. By e.xperiment and examination it should be realized that a sphere may be enveloped by a right circular cone, having for its apex any point outside the sphere, and that if two cones envelope the same sphere, a tangent plane to the sphere may contain both apexes; also, that any two unequal spheres may be en- veloped by a cone, the apex of which will lie in the line passing through their centres. The tangent lines on the surfaces of such spheres as are enveloped by cones are circumferences of circles, smaller than great circles of the spheres, and perpendicular to the axis of the cone in each case. 96 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY Fig. 96 is an illustration of the use of cones enveloping a single sphere, and is a second method for obtaining the traces of an oblique plane whose angles with the planes of projection are given. The previously discussed and more com- monly used method was explained in Part I, Section 9, and was shown to depend on the projections of a Hne set up at angles complementary to those of the required plane, the traces of the required plane being then drawn perpendicular to the pro- jections of the line. In the method now discussed, a sphere with its centre in the XY, is represented by the circle with centre at c. This circle therefore serves for both plan and elevation of the sphere. Fig. 96. Suppose the required plane is to have angles of 60° to the H.P. and 45° to the V.P., then a vertical cone to envelope the sphere, with its generators at 60"*, to the H.P. and its apex therefore at V in the V.P., will have part of its circular H.T. represented by the arc de, and any plane, whose H.T. is a tangent to this arc, and whose V.T. contains the apex V, is therefore a plane at 60° to the H.P. Next, represent another enveloping cone, about the same sphere, with its axis perpendicular to the V.P., and its apex therefore at the point H in the H.P., and make its generators at 45° to the V.P. Part of its circular V.T. will be the arc fg. Any plane whose V.T. is a tangent to this arc and whose H.T. passes through TANGENT PLANES COMMON TO THREE GIVEN SPHERES 97 ^ is a plane at 45° to the V.P. because it is tangent to a right cone perpendicular to the V.P. We now have two cones enveloping the same sphere, and a plane containing both apexes, and tangent to the sphere, will contain a generator of each cone. Such a plane may now be represented by drawing its H.T. through H, tangent to the circular H.T. of the 60° cone and its \'.T. through V, tangent to the circular V.T. of the 45° cone. These traces, being traces of the same plane, meet in the XY at R. EXERCISE XXXVIII Find, by the method employing enveloping or tangent conea/to a sphere, the traces of the following oblique plane: / {a) At 70° to the H.P. and at 55° to the \'.P. {b) At 35° to the H.P. and at 75° to the V.P. {c) At 65° to the H.P. and at 50° to the V.P. TANGENT PLANES COMMON TO THREE GIVfeN SPHERES Section 27. In Fig. 97 is illustrated the method of finding tangent planes common to three unequal spheres, and the projections of the tangent points on their surfaces. The three spheres .4, B and C, are resting on the H.P., so that enveloping cones of any two of them have their apexes in the H.P. The enveloping cone of .1 and B has its apex at Hi, and one enveloping .1 and C has its apex at H-z- The line through Hi and II2 is therefore the H.T. of a plane tangent to the three spheres, and by passing a vertical plane, perpendicular to this tangent plane, through the centre of one of the spheres, say, C, and rabatting as in Fig. 95. the tangent point cc' is obtained. The V.T .of the tangent plane will be perpen- dicular to the elevation of the radius which ends in c' . Just as the radius to point C is perpendicular to the tangent plane found, so, in like manner, the radius lines to the tangent points on the surfaces of A and B will be perpendicular to the plane, therefore plans of these radius lines made perpendicular to the H.T., and elevations of them made perpendicular to the V.T. may be drawn. These must be limited at aa and bb' by generator lines on the surfaces of the cones, one from H2 through cc' to limit the radius line from the centre of sphere A, and another from this point aa' found on sphere A, drawn to III, to limit the radius of the sphere B at bb'. The elevations of the points may be obtained by carrying perpendiculars across A'l' from the plans, instead of using elevations of generator lines. Both ways are shown in the figure. One checks the accuracv of the other. 98 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY EXERCISE XXXIX 1. Find two tangent planes to three spheres, the planes not to pass between any of the spheres, and mark the projections of the tangent points on their surfaces. The spheres have their centres all at the same level, and these centres are the corners of an equilateral triangle 2" side, with no side parallel to the V.P. Diameters of the spheres if", i\" and f " respectively 2. Three spheres rest on the H.P. and touch each other. Their centres are at difTerent distances from the V.P. Their diameters are if", |" and f" respectively. Find the inclined plane tangent to all three spheres and mark the projections of the tangent points. Fig. 97. When the centres of three unequal spheres are at unequal distances from the planes of projection and the spheres are not all resting on the H.P., then the line joining the apex points of the enveloping cones will be oblique, and the problem becomes more involved. If, however, the line joining the apex points be considered in relation to one sphere only, then it becomes a matter of finding the planes con- taining this line and tangent to the one sphere. It will be seen that the tangent planes found will be tangent to the other spheres, the apex of whose common enveloping cone is a point in the line. The tangent points, also, having been obtained on the one sphere, the tangent points on the others may be found as in the case considered in Fig. 97. Let ah, a'h' in Fig. 98 be an inclined line, such as that referred to above, and cc' the centre of a sphere whose projections are given. Let it be required to find TANGENT PLANES COMMON TO THREE OIVEN SPHERES 99 the tangent planes to this sphere, which contain the Hne AB. The order of procedure might be as follows: — (i) Find the traces, II and V, of the given line. These will be in the traces of the planes required. (2) Find a plane, RST, passing through the centre of the sphere and perpendicular to the line AB. (3) By the Fig. 98. help of a plane LMX, containing the line -1^, and intersecting plane RST, find the point of intersection which AB makes with RST at />/>'. (4) Rabatte the point P about 5rto p2, and also rabatte the centre C to C2, and draw the rabatted great circle of the sphere made by the intersection of the sphere by plane RST passing through its centre. (5) From p-^ draw the rabatted tangent lines to this great 100 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY circle and find their H.T.'s at Ih and Ho. (6) Join Hi and H2 to p and so obtain the plans of two lines which are tangent to the sphere and have a common point P in the given line AB. (7) The planes required, tangent to the sphere, will each contain one of these tangent lines and the given Hne, therefore draw the traces of the required planes by making their H.T's at HiH and H2H respectively. Their V.T.'s will pass through the V.T. of the given line AB, viz., V. (8) The projec- tions of the tangent points may be obtained by passing them over from their rabattements at J2 and co to their plans at d and e respectively, and then obtain- ino; their elevations in the usual way. EXERCISE XL 1. Find the traces of the tangent planes to the sphere, of 2" diameter, which has its centre i\" from both planes of projection, and contains a line whose H.T. is 2" from XY and 2" from the plan of the centre of the sphere, while its V.T. is 3" above XY and if" from the elevation of the centre of the sphere. Both these given traces are to the right of the centre of the sphere. Also, mark the projections of the tangent points on the surface of the sphere. 2. Arrange three spheres of difTerent sizes and not far away from each other, placing them at different levels. Find two planes tangent to all the spheres and mark the tangent points on the spheres. CHAPTER XIV SIMPLE CASES OF IXTERPEXETRATIOXS OF SOLIDS, AND THE DEVELOPMENTS OF SURFACES Section 28. The matter of finding intelligently the intersection of the surface or surfaces of one solid with the surface or surfaces of another, depends IlG. yy. chiefly upon recognizing the use of sectional planes or of surfaces which will con- tain elements or generators of both of the given surfaces, meeting each other in points common to both given surfaces. The solids should be so arranged as to provide for the use of planes which will readily give plans and elevations of the generators or elements, and their intersection points common to both surfaces. In Fig. 99 is shown a square prism penetrating a cylinder. In making the 101 102 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY projections of the solids, or, rather, such parts of them as may be necessary, start by making the square which will serve as the rabattement of the end of the square prism. Inspection of the figure will disclose the following facts:— (i), that a vertical section plane containing the axis of the cylinder contains two vertical generators of the cylinder, and may also contain the edges A and B of the prism which has been placed parallel to the V.P.; (2) that the elevations of the points of intersec- tion of these two edges with the generators of the surface of the cylinder are a'a' and b'b' respectively; (3) that similarly c'c' are the elevations of the intersections of the edge C with the surface of the cylinder; (4) that for other points, common to both surfaces, straight lines, of any convenient number, and placed conveniently (i.e., not necessarily at equal distances from each other) to run parallel to the V.P., are drawn on the surfaces of the prism at i, 2, 3, 4, first in plan and then in eleva- tion, by taking advantage of the rabatted square end; (5) that vertical generator lines on the surface of the cylinder, and in the same vertical section planes as the lines on the prism, pass through the points where these lines i, 2, 3 and 4 cut the curved surface of the cylinder. These are then projected, resulting in the eleva- tions of points, common to both surfaces, and shown at d', e', f, g' , etc.; (6) that these elevation points must be joined by freehand curved lines to indicate the elevation of the common section Hues. In Fig. 100 is shown what is called the development of the surfaces of the prism of Fig. 99, in order to show what the section lines on those surfaces appear like. The long lines marked ACBDA are set up at distances from each other equal to the width of the faces of the prism. Then the straight lines which were drawn SIMPLE CASES OF IXTERPEXETRATIOXS OF SOLIDS 103 upon those faces in Fig. 99 are drawn at their proper distances from each other, taken from the rabatted end and numbered. The distances of the points of inter- section on all these lines and upon the edges ACBD are now taken from the eleva- tion in the figure, and joined by freehand curves, thus marking the exact way in which each face has been penetrated by the surface of the cylinder. In a similar way the curved surface of the cylinder may be " develoi)cd " and the intersection lines upon its surface shown. The circumference of the end Fig. ioi. is laid out as a straight line, and pcri)cndiculars are made from it to represent generators. These are cut at heights taken from the elevation in the figure and then the points so found are joined by curved lines, showing the e.xact way in which the surface has been cut. A further illustration of development is given in Fig. loi, where it will be seen that the circular base of the solid is laid out as well as the cun'ed surface, and the intersection lines made on them are displayed. For convenience the curved surface is divided into twelve equal parts. One-twelfth of the circum- ference of the base, that between 7 and S in the plan. is. by an approximate 104 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY method, found to be equal to the tangent marked 76. The method is, to make the hne from point 7 through the centre to a, equal to three times the radius of the circle, and from a to draw ab through the other end of the 30° arc to the tangent line from 7. Since all the division lines of the curved surface are equal, from c in the elevation, as centre, draw the arc i, 2, 3, etc., to i, marking on it the divisions, equal to the line jb in the plan drawing. The intersections of the lines on the surface of the cone are now carried across, by parallels to XY, to the line ci, and from that line carried by arcs with c as centre to their development. Between the points 2 and 3 the circumference of the base is cut by the plane RST, and at this point, therefore, in the development, draw a tangent circle, so that the intersection of the base from this point may be marked on the circle representing it in the development. EXERCISE XLI 1. Find the elevation of the intersection lines, made by the surfaces meeting each other of a square prism, 2" short edge, standing vertically with a vertical face at 30° to the V.P., and another square prism, i|" short edge, with long edges horizontal and parallel to the V.P. A face of this prism is at 20° to the H.P., so that both of the diagonals of the end of it are inclined, the one at 65° and the other at 25°, to the H.P. Arrange it so that three of the vertical edges of the first prism pass -through the second prism, and one of the vertical edges of the first passes through the axis of the second. (N.B. — In working out the result, it must be seen that the vertical edges of the first prism penetrate faces of the second prism in points through which should be drawn, on the faces of the second prism, hnes parallel to the long edges. The elevations of these should then be obtained.) 2. A right cylinder, 2" diameter, has its axis vertical, and a square prism, with one diagonal of end horizontal and at 70° to the V.P., has its axis inclined at 20° to the H.P. The axis of the prism passes through the axis of the cylinder. The edge of end of the prism is ij" long. (N.B. — It is suggested that in setting up these solids the prism should be arranged correctly first, in relation to the planes of projection, and the cylinder placed in position after this has been done.) 3. Two right circular cylinders interpenetrate each other. Let one be placed with its axis vertical, its diameter being 2", and let the other, with diameter if", have its axis inclined at 20° to the H.P. and parallel to the V.P., is" farther away from the V.P. than the axis of the other cylinder. Show the elevation of the intersection curve made by their surfaces. Make also a development of the curved surface of the 2" cylinder to show the intersection line upon it. MORE DIFFICULT CASES OF INTERPENETRATION OF SOLIDS, AND THE PROJECTION OF THE INTERSECTIONS OF THEIR SURFACES Section 29. When the intersecting surfaces are those of the cone and the sphere, then all that is necessary, in order to obtain the projection of points common to both surfaces, is to make use of planes which give circular sections of the cone, and pass through the sphere. If the circular sections of the sphere, MORE DIFFICULT CAbES OF INTEKPEXETRATIOX OF SOLIDS lu5 by these planes, intersect the circular sections of the cone by the same planes, then the points of intersection are points on both surfaces. Another method of determining the intersection of the surfaces of these soHds. is by the use of intersecting spherical surfaces instead of intersecting planes, and depends on the following facts: — (i) That a sphere whose centre is in the axis of a right circular cone will intersect the surface of that cone, if it intersects at all. in a circle perpendicular to the axis of the cone; Fig. io: Fig. 103. (2) That if a sphere intersects another sphere the intersection of their sur- faces is the circumference of a circle, the plane of which is perpendicular to the line joining their centres; and (3) That if a sphere, with its centre in the axis of a right circular cone inter- penetrates at the same time another sphere, then the intersection of the circular sections it makes with both solids will be points common to the surfaces of both solids. Illustrations of the use of both methods referred to are given in Figs. 102 and 103. In Fig. 102, a right circular cone with its axis vertical, and a sphere 106 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY whose centre is cc', are arranged so that their surfaces intersect. The centre of the sphere is not necessarily at the same distance from the V.P. as the axis of the cone. By the use of horizontal section planes a number of points will be found in plan, where the circular sections of the solids intersect. Their elevations are readily discovered, and by joining the points by freehand curves, the projec- tions of the section line or lines, are obtained. In Fig. 103, concentric sectional spheres, having their common centre at the apex of the cone, are represented a.t A, B, C, etc. Since the centre of the given Fig. 104. sphere is at the same distance from the V.P. as the axis of the given cone, the sections the given cone and sphere make with the concentric spheres will appear in elevation as straight lines, intersecting each other in the elevations of points com- mon to their surfaces. These points may readily be found in plan in the plans of the circular sections of the cone. For example, the cone intersects the sphere A in the circle whose elevation is a'a', and the given sphere intersects the sphere A in the circle whose elevation is a' 2a' 2. Where these cross each other is the point a'z, which is the elevation for two points a^ and as in plan. MORE DIFFICULT CASES OF INTERPEXETRATIOX OF SOLIDS 107 In Fig. 104 is shown how best to deal with the problem of linding the plan and elevation of the intersection of the surface of a cone with the surface of a cylinder, when the two solids interpenetrate. The c>linder is placed with its a.xis parallel to the V.P., and a secondary ele- vation plane is represented, perpendicular to the ordinary V.P., with its XY marked X2Y2 in the figure. Upon this secondary vertical plane' is drawn an end view of the cylinder, and another view of the cone. Inclined planes perpendicular to this secondary vertical plane, and con- taining generators of the cylinder and of the cone, are represented with their H.T.'s at A, B, C, etc., and their V.T.'s, passing through the secondary elevation of the apex of the cone at c". One generator of the cone and two generators of the cylinder are contained in the plane A . The intersections made by the generators result in two points whose elevations are a and a'2. Plane B contains two genera- tors of each solid and consequently four points common to the two surfaces are found; and so on. After sufTicient points are found the freehand curves may be drawn through them. In the figure, the elevation has been completed, in order to emphasize the fact that it is better to work it out first. The plan may now jjc obtained, either by projecting from the elevations of the points on to the plans of the generators of the cone, or by making plans of the generators of the cylinder to cross the plans of the generators of the cone in the points required. This latter method will be necessary in the case of the plans to be marked a and a-z. EXERCISt: XLII 1. Find plan and elevation of the intersection of the surfaces of a right circular cone and a sphere, by using the method involving spherical section surfaces. The cone has a base 2 J" diameter, in the H.P. and a height 2^". The sphere, diameter 2", rests on the H.P., and has its centre in the curved surface of the cone. 2. Find, by the method of horizontal section planes, the plant and elevation of the inter- section line, when a cone with 25" circle for its H.T., and with an axis 2§" long from the centre of its H.T. to its ape.x, inclined at 70° to the H.P., interpenetrates with a sphere, 2" diameter, resting on the H.P. and having its centre in the shortest line from the apex to the H.P.. on the surface of the cone. 3. A right circular cylinder. 2" diameter, lies with one of its generators in the H.P., parallel to the \'.P. A cone, whose H.T. is a circle 3" diameter, has the centre of this circle in the plan of the axis of the cylinder. The axis of the cone is 4" long, and has a plan J" long at 45° to XY. Find the plan and elevation of the intersection of the surfaces of the two solids. To obtain the projections of the surface intersections when inclined cones and cylinders, not necessarily right circular ones, interpenetrate, it is necessary to make use of section planes which will have in them straight generator lines on both sur- faces. Hence, when the surfaces of cones are cut by those of other cones, or of cylin- ders, the apex points of the cones must be in the section planes made use of; and in 108 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY the case of cylinders, their axes must be parallel to the section planes. Thus, in Fig. 105, where two cylinders are represented whose given H.T.'s are circles and whose axes are directed as indicated by the plans and elevations of generators of their Fig. 105. surfaces, it is necessary to take any generator of one cylinder, or a parallel to it as ab, a'b' , and from some point in that line to draw another line, say ac, a'c', parallel to the generators of the second cylinder. The H.T.'s of these two lines are h and c respectively, and the plane of the two lines has the line HH for its H.T. All the generators of both surfaces are parallel to this plane, and hence any plane MORE DIFFICULT CASES OF IXTERPENETRATIOX OF SOLIDS 109 made parallel to this one, and having its H.T. crossing the circular H.T.'s of the given cyhnders will therefore contain generators of the surfaces of both cylinders. The points in which these generators cut each other are points in the intersection line of the surfaces, and the plan and elevation of it can in this way be found, as shown. It will be found an advantage to arrange tangent planes to commence with. These in Fig. 105, are marked i and 2 respectively, and it will be there seen that a strip on each of the cylinders is not pierced by the surface of the other, and the curves will be turned back from these strips accordingly. Fio. 106. In Fig. 106 two cones are represented. A hne through the ape.\ points will be contained in the planes which have generators of both surfaces. Hence the V.T. and the H.T. of this line must be found, as at V and Z7, and the traces of planes passed through them. Those planes, such as VRII, which contain genera- tors of both cones, will give points common to both surfaces. A number of such points must be found in order to obtain the projections of the cur\-e or curves. In Fig. 107, a cylinder and a cone are represented, and here it will be seen that since the apex of the cone must be in all the section planes that are of sersice in finding the intersection, and these section planes must contain generators of no DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY the cylinder also, therefore they must contain a line, through the apex point, parallel to the generators of the cylinder. Having drawn this line and obtained its traces, as at V and H, it is only necessary then to draw traces of section planes through V and H which will cross the H.T. of the cylinder and the V.T. of the Fig. 107. cone, as the plane VRH does, and obtain plans and elevations of generators of both surfaces, as they cross each other, thus finding projections of section points. Other simple cases of interpenetration, not requiring for their solution any new principle, or serious change of method, will doubtless suggest themselves. EXERCISE XLIII Work to completion, in plan and elevation, the cases of interpenetration shown in Figs. 106 and 107. SURFACES OF REVOLUTION, AND THE SCREW THREAD U; SURFACES OK RE\OLLTIOX, AND THE SCREW THREAD Sectiox 30. Thus far we have dealt with three different surfaces of revolu- tion, the cylinder, the cone and the sphere. The first is formed by revolving a straight line round an axis of rotation while maintaining a parallel attitude in relation to it. The second is formed by revolving a straight line round an axis of rotation, the revolving line having one point of it in the axis of rotation. The third is formed by revolving a semicircle, making use of its diameter as the axis of rotation. Others will now be considered, namely, the hyperboloid and the helicoid. The hyperboloid of revolution is obtained as the result of a straight line revolv- ing about an axis of rotation, but not in the same plane with it. Each point in the revolving line travels in the circumference of a circle for its locus, the plane of which is at right angles to the axis. This will be noted in Fig. io8, where c, c'c' is the axis of rotation, and ah. ah' is the line revolving. .\ny points taken in this line revolve in paths which are the circumferences of circles whose planes are horizontal, the axis being vertical, and on joining the elevations of the extreme limits to which these points move from one side to the other, the freehand cur\-e gives the projection of the contour of the surface of revolution generated, namely, the hyperboloid of revolution. The helicoid. or surface of revolution generated by a straight line moving so that any point in it travels in a helicoidal line or helLx, as a spiral, while the 112 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY line is not in the same plane with the axis, but is constantly maintaining the same attitude in relation to it, is used in the making of screw-threads on bolts, etc. Fig. iio. In projecting screw-threads, the curved edge lines of the threads are the paths of points in the generating lines of hehcoids, and may be thought of as lines SURFACES OF REVOLUTION, AND THE SCREW THREAD 113 drawn on the surfaces of cylinders or drums. The development of such a cylin- drical surface of a bolt, showing the thread line, would give that line as a straight one, as ac in the Fig. 109. The Hne ab is the length of the circumference of the circular section, and the distance be represents the pitch or distance travelled in the direction of the axis during one revolution, ac is the straight line represent- ing the helicoidal line developed as from the surface of a cylinder. These curved helicoidal lines may be projected on to the V.P., and in this way a screw-thread is represented. As in illustration, in Fig. no, let ABB2 be the triangular section, made by a plane which has in it the axis of the bolt, of a screw-thread to be pro- jected, when the large circle in the plan, represents the section of the bolt. From B to B2 is the pitch of the thread. Two helicoidal lines must be found, one, on the outside cylindrical surface, and passing through the point A, and the other on an inner cylinder or drum upon which is situated the point B. Notice that the pitch is the same for both lines. For convenience, 30° divisions of the circular plan are made, therefore twelve in all, and for each 30° division over which the line moves it rises ,Vt of the pitch. For a right-hand screw the thread runs upwards in the direction of the arrow- headed line. For a thread of square section there will be four helicoidal lines to draw. In such a case if the pitch be f ", the edge of the square section will be |". EXERCISE XLI\' 1. Find the elevation of a screw-thread on a vertical bolt 2^" diameter, when the section of the thread by a plane including the a.xis, is an equilateral triangle. The thread to be single, and pitch |". 2. Find the projection of a bolt screw-thread with square section. Diameter of bolt 3", pitch f . 3. Find the surfaces of revolution generated by the edges of a cube made to rotate on one of its solid diagonals, i.e., on a diagonal passing through its centre. Edge 2". CHAPTER XV RADIAL PROJECTION. PERSPECTIVE PROJECTION Section 31. Things are made visible to us by means of light, and in order to obtain, in the eye, a picture of anything, rays of light, which travel in straight lines, must proceed from the thing looked at, to the eye. The retina, at the back of the eye, is the picture surface, a curved one, receiving the projection or view of the object. This projection or view is obtained by a process called Radial Projection. It is the same as that by which a plane surface, the plate or flat film, in a camera, receives a picture. In Orthographical Projection, by which we have obtained plans and eleva- tions of things, the projectors are at right angles to the projection plane. In Radial Projection the projectors are inchned to the projection plane. Radial Projection is used in different ways for the projection of maps, etc., but is most commonly used, by Architects and others, in what is called Perspective Projection. In Perspective Projection a single projection plane is used, and is situated between the object and the eye. It can be seen through, by the spectator, as he looks at the object. The view or projection of the object is caught by this projection plane, or Picture Plane as it is called, which is, in attitude, at right angles to the direction of vision. Since, in a natural way, and ordinarily, a person's sight is directed, as he stands, in a horizontal direction, the Picture Plane, in Perspective Projection, is arranged as a vertical plane, with a point, perpendicularly opposite the eye, marked upon it, as the Centre of Vision. The eye-level exactly agrees with what one sees in the distance as the hori- zon, and is represented on the Picture Plane by a horizontal Hne, in which the Centre of Vision point is situated. This line, representing the eye-level and at the same time the horizon, is called the Horizon Line, and parallel to it, on the Picture Plane, another horizontal Hne is drawn, at a distance below the Horizon Line equal to the distance of the spectator's eye from the ground and is consequently called the Ground Line. The distance from the Horizon Line to the Ground Line is decided upon for each case, and should be such as will best serve the purpose m viewing the object to be represented. Drawings, of course, are necessarily made strictly to some chosen scale — |" to the foot, ^" to the foot, half size, etc., as may be suitable. The distance between the object and the spectator is variable, and may be any distance chosen. The appearance of the object depends very much upon the 114 RADIAL PROJECTION. PERSPECTIVE PROJECTION 115 distance chosen. This distance being settled, it is then necessary to fix the posi- tion, between the object and the spectator, of the Picture Plane, and upon this will depend the size of the drawing or projection of the object. Let the student imagine the vertical transparent Picture Plane, between his eye and the object, and he will realize that, as the plane is placed nearer to the object the view of it which he could trace on the plane will be larger, and as he brings the Picture Plane towards the eye, the view of the object, traced on the plane, will be smaller. X Plan of Picture Piano Xz \<-V S*Plan of Spectator's Eye Fig. III. This and other matters will be better understood if reference is made to Fig. Ill, where the proper arrangement for perspective projection is shown in plan. It will be seen that the spectator is at a distance OS from the object, and that A'l', representing the vertical picture plane, at right angles to the direction of vision rei)resentcd by the direction of the line OS, is placed not far away from the object in relation to the distance of the spectator from it, and consequently, the size of the picture of the object obtained by the interception of the rays, from the object to the eye. by the plane at .VI'. will be fairly large. On the other 116 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY hand, if the picture plane be placed so as to have its plan at X2Y2, that is, rather close to the eye in relation to the distance of the object from it, then the picture obtained by the interception of the rays from the object as they proceed to the eye, will be correspondingly small. The point C is the plan of what was spoken of as the Centre of Vision, and is commonly marked CV. If a vertical plane be imagined as containing the horizontal line of sight or direction of vision, the line SC, then anything to the left of this vertical plane, as, for instance, the corner A of the object, is said to be to the left of the spectator, and anything to the right of this same vertical plane, as 5, is said to be to the right of the spectator. The whole object might be to the left, or to the right, of the spectator, and of course that would mean that the plan of it would have to be placed to the left, or right, of the line 5C, accordingly. In order to make a perspective projection or drawing, the essential things are: — (i) The placing of the spectator S, and the Une of sight SC. (2) The placing of the object, represented by plan, at its proper distance from the spectator, measured in the direction of the line of sight, and at its proper distance to the right or left of the spectator. (3) The placing of the picture plane, represented by XY, and (4) The decision as to the height of the eye above the horizontal plane of the ground, on which, or in relation to which, the object is placed. To represent the two lines Ground Line and Horizon Line, two lines, so named, are drawn at their proper distances apart, across the paper parallel to XY, and at any convenient place between the point 5 and the line XY, as in Fig. 112. Before proceeding to discuss specific cases of perspective projection, certain facts which have a bearing on the intelligent understanding of the method adopted, must be realized. These are as follows: — (i) All parallel lines receding from the spectator appear to converge, regardless of attitude or direction. (2) All horizontal lines regardless of level, when receding from the spectator approach the horizon, and when produced to infinity lose themselves on the horizon in points commonly spoken of as vanishing points, and (3) Any number of parallel horizontal lines, regardless of levels or direction, have the same vanishing point in the horizon. Consequently, therefore, lines on the ground plane, or other horizontal lines below the level of the eye, if receding from the spectator, will be represented by lines rising in the projection from their near ends towards the eye-level line which represents the horizon, and, similarly, horizontal receding lines above the level of the eye will be represented by lines drawn downwards from their near ends towards the eye-level line where their vanishing points are. Consequently, also, horizontal lines that are perpendicular to the projection plane, that is, in the same direction as the line of sight, wherever they are, will RADIAL PROJECTION. PERSPECTIVE PROJECTION 117 have their vanishing point at C, or CA' ., in the horizon Hne, that is, at the Centre of Vision. An illustration is shown in Fig. 112, where a vertical shaft standing centrally on a square block is represented. The plan of this group is placed a little to the Fig. 112. left of the spectator, measured to the left of the line of sight, and is at a distance, measured along the line of sight, from the spectator whose position is marked 5. The picture plane, that is, the projection plane, is placed vertically at AT, which is its plan, and is then represented again, lower down on the paper, with .VI' or Ground Line parallel to the original position and the eye-level line or Horizon 118 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY Line represented at the height decided upon for the eye. In the figure the elevation of the group is shown, exactly opposite the plan of it, on this plane, and in this way the true heights on the picture plane, where horizontal lines through the points of the group, and perpendicular to the plane, meet it, are obtained. To obtain the Perspective Projection it is now only necessary to represent all the horizontal lines that are really perpendicular to the Picture Plane, as pro- ceeding to the Centre of Vision, C.V., and drop perpendiculars to them from the points in the plan XY of the picture plane, where rays from the points, to the eye, are intercepted by the picture plane. In the figure most of these perpen- diculars are only started, as dotted lines, not carried all the way, in order to avoid confusion. Fig. 112 illustrates what is often spoken of as Parallel Perspective, since the lines necessary for it are either parallel to the picture plane or parallel to the Line of Sight. N B. — Since the view or projection is not influenced, except in size, by the distance of the picture plane from the spectator, and the things represented are often large things drawn to a small scale, the picture plane is arranged as if near the object in order to get a reasonably large drawing for the projection. EXERCISE XLV 1. Find the perspective projection of a box with a lid. Its measurements are 2 ft. X3 ft. and it is i| ft. high. Thicknesses may be omitted. Let the picture plane be 10 ft. from the spectator and the box 2 ft. beyond the plane, or 2 ft. " into the picture " as it is said, and the nearest corner 4 ft. to the left. Let one end be parallel to the picture plane and the front of the box be on the near side. Let the lid be opened to an angle of 45°. 2. Make a perspective projection of a double cross, that is having four arms at right angles to each other, with a pedestal and shaft similar to those in Fig. 112. Let the spectator's eye be 5 ft. above the ground and the total height of the group 10 ft., the pedestal being i^ ft. thick and 4 ft. square, one edge of the square being parallel to the picture plane and 3 ft. into the picture (i.e., beyond the picture plane). Make the shaft and crossbars i ft. square in section, each arm being i| ft. long, and the distance from pedestal to crossbars 5 ft. Let the nearest corner of the pedestal be 3 ft. to the right of the spectator and the distance of the picture plane from the spectator 12 ft. 3. Make a perspective projection of any familiar object such as a book, a hut, a boat-house, a table, or any simple thing arranged in parallel perspective. PERSPECTIVE PROJECTION, Continued Section 32. We have seen that the vanishing point, in the horizon, for hori- zontal lines perpendicular to the picture plane, is the same as that for the line of sight or line from the eye perpendicular to the picture plane, and marked C.V.^ the central vanishing point, or Centre of Vision. We shall now consider the determination of vanishing points for lines that are not perpendicular to the picture plane. For a horizontal line, the vanish- PERSPECTIVE PROJECTION, CONTINUED 119 ing point must be in the horizon, and must, for our purposes of projection, be represented by a point on the horizon line drawn on the picture plane. This point, the given line's vanishing point, will be the same as for a line proceeding from the eye of the spectator parallel to the given line. Hence the method shown in Fig. 113, namely, from S draw a line parallel to the plan of the given horizontal line, ab, to meet XV, the projection plane, in a point whose plan is V, and whose place in the Horizon Line on the picture plane is V.P. Since the line ab and the parallel to it SV are in the same plane, an oblique plane, it will be realized that the trace, on the picture plane, of the line ab, viz., xi' Plan of Pi Mro riano V Y Horizon Line / tV I .. I X Fig. ii.v the point whose plan is v, joined to the trace of the line 5F at the point whose plan is r, will give the intersection of the oblique plane with the picture plane. This is shown as the line, across the picture plane, marked v'V , and so it will be realized that the perspective projection of the line ab, a line in the oblique plane, as seen from the point 5, a point in the same plane, by radial projection in that oblique plane, must be a foreshortened line lying in the intersection line v'V in the projection plane. The plans of the rays are directed from a and b to S in the drawing, and are seen to meet the plan of the projection plane, AT. at points from which vertical projectors are drawn to determine the perspective projection ah' . The point in the Horizon Line marked \" is the vanishing point 120 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY for the line AB and for all other lines parallel to it>-It is therefore also marked V.P. A second hne, horizontal, and immediately above the hne AB, is shown in projection at a'2^'2- Its vertical trace in the picture plane is y'2. The inter- section, of the plane of this second line and the eye point, with the picture plane, is the trace line v'2V', and since, as before, the rays of light from thi§ upper line Fig. 114. travel to the eye in the obhque plane whose intersection with the picture plane is v'oV, the representation of the line in perspective is inclined, and is found to be a'2&'2. In Fig. 114, an illustration is given involving the use of vanishing points other than the central vanishing point. These are marked V.Pi and V.Po. It will be noticed that as there are no lines in the object perpendicular to the Picture Plane, the C.V. does not come into use as a vanishing point in this case. PERSPECTIVE PROJECTION, CONTINUED 121 The nearest corner of the cottage is at a certain distance into the picture, i.e., beyond the Picture Plane, and also at a distance to the left of the spectator, that is, to the left of the central line of vision, or Line of Sight. The plan of the cottage is arranged so that the length way of it is at an angle of 40° to the Picture Plane. At a convenient place to the left, on the Ground Line as base, is erected an end elevation, from which levels for the vertical traces of lines, such as that for the roof ridge, may be found, from which to draw vanishing lines to the vanishing points. These vanishing lines on the Picture Plane, as was seen above, are intersections of the Picture Plane by oblique planes, each containing the eye and some line, such as the ridge line of the roof, and there- fore containing the projection of it, by radial projection from the said line to the eye. In Fig. 114, the drawing has been made as economically as possible, in order to save confusion of lines. It will be readily seen that by continuing in the same manner, windows and door ways, etc., might be added. The student will doubtless realize that, if it were necessary to find vanishing points for oblique Hnes, these would be found in the vertical traces, on the Picture Plane, of vertical planes through the eye, parallel to such oblique lines. For the purposes of our present study, however, sufficient has been undertaken. EXERCISE XLVI 1. Work out to a scale, such as |" to the ft., a plan and elevation for a structure such as that given in the Fig. 1 14, where the sizes are 15 ft. by 26 ft., with roof plan ig ft. by 30 ft. The nearest corner of the roof is 4 ft. into the picture and 3 ft, to the left of the spectator. The distance of the spectator is 40 ft., that is, 36 ft. from the picture plane. Suitable heights and details should be chosen. Height of the eye 6 ft. 2. Numerous problems will readily suggest themselves, such as books lying unevenly upon one another, pieces of furniture, buildings, etc. iNDi:x Asymptotes. 70 Attitude. 2 Axes of projection. 71 Axis, of cone, 34 of cylinder. 32 of rotation, 11 1 Axometric projection, 71 Centre of vision, (W., 114 Chords, of circles, 1 1 of the sphere, 53 Circles, projected, 11 as great circles of spheres, 04 as H.T.'s of right vertical cones, 83 as sections of right cones and cylin- ders, 70 as sections of si)heres with spheres, 105 shadows of, 2^^ ("omplement angle, 14 Compound angle, 27 Cone, projection of. 34 sections of, 7S shadow of, 36 tangent planes to. S2, 8q I races of. 70 Cones enveloping spheres, g6. 97 Cube, projected under ditlerenl conditions. I'igs. 28, 20. 30, 45. 66, 73, Qi Curved surfaces, traces of, 7q Cylinders, projections of. ,^2 sections of. 77 shadows of. 37 tangent planes to. S5 traces of. 71) Develo{)ments of surfaces. io-\ 103 Dihedral angles. 56 Distances from planes of projection, 4 Elevations, 2 Kllil)se, the foreshortened a|jpearance of a circle, 1 1 the section of a cylinder or cone, 77 the trace of a cylinder or of a cone. 80 Eye level. 116 Foreshortened appearance. 5. 6 Generator lines. 7 Ground line. 1 14 Helicoid. 1 1 1 Helix. 1 1 1 Horizon line. 1 14 Horizontal diameter of inclined circle lines on oblique plane. 45 plane of projection. H.I*.. Hyperbola. 78 Hyperboloid of revolution. 1 1 1 Inclination, 5 of lines to oblique planes. 44 of lines to planes of projection. 7 of planes to each other, 60 Interpenetrations of solids, loi. 105. io6, laS Intersection, of lines with planes. 18. 4q of planes with each other, 48 Isometric projection, 71 l.ine. generator, of a cylinder or cone. 77. 7g. 01 of intersection. AT. 2 of intersection of oblique planes. 48 of intersection of surfaces of interpcne trating solids. 105. 107 representing ray of light. 20, 35. 1 14 shadow of. :o tangent to great cirrle of a sphere. o<) l.M 124 INDEX Lines, as edges and diagonals of figures, 4, 5 I Projection plane, I at inclinations to both planes of pro- Pyramids, projection of, 33, 65, 91 jection, 27 j sections of, 76 inclinations, attitudes, and true lengths shadows of, 35, 3S of, 6, 7 inclined to oblique planes, 44 inclined to one another and projected, Rabattement, of great circle of a sphere, 94 43, 62 in planes, 45 perpendicular to planes, 46 projection lengths of, 25 Notation adopted for naming points and their projections, etc., 4 Oblique planes, found, angles given, 28, q6 angles contained by, 57 rabatted, 41, 42 represented by lines, i, 14 Octahedron, 66 Orthographical or perpendicular projection, i, 114 Parabola, 78 Parallel perspective, 118 planes, 51 Penetration, see Interpenet rations. Perspective projection, 114 Picture plane, 114 Pitch, 113 IMane figures, projection forms of, q, 10 projection of, 20 shadows of, 22 Planes, oblic}ue, 13 angles contained by, 56 intersection of, 48 parallel, 51 rabattement of, 40 Plans, 2 Points, at distances from planes of projection, 4 on oblique planes, 45 on planes of projection, 17 on surface of sphere, 54, 03 planes passing through, 53 tangent, on spheres by planes, gS Prisms, 32, 88 development of surfaces of, 102 interpenetration of, 101 of planes, 40 of right angles in axometric projection, 74 of sections of solids, 76 to determine angles between lines, 42 to determine dihedral angles, 56 Radial projection, 114 Rays of light, 20, 35, 114 Revolution, surfaces of, iii Scale, 73 Screw-threads, 112 Secondary elevation, of a figure, 11 of solids, 107 Secondary XY line, 11, 107 Sections of solids, with curved surfaces, 77, 78 with plane surfaces, 76 Shade, 36 Shadow of sphere, 81 Shadows, of figures, 22 of lines, 20 of solids, 35 Skeleton cube, 71 Solids, in perspective, 114, 120 projection of, 31, 88 Sphere, found, when points on its- surface are given, 53 great circle of, 94 interpenetrating with other spheres or with cones, 105 shadow of, 81 tangent planes to, 93, 97 to find points on surface of, 93 with enveloping cones, 96, 98 Spiral, 1 1 1 Supplement angle, 56 Surfaces of revolution, iii Tangents at inlinity to the hyperbola, 78 Tangent planes, to cones, 82 to cylinders, 8^ INDEX V2'i Tangent planes, to spheres, 03 Tetrahedron, 66 height of, 67 Traces, of curved surfaces, 79 of lines, iS of planes, i,^ True forms, of figures by rabattement. 47 of sections of solids. 76 True inclinations, of lines with each other by XY line, 2 rabattement of plane containing them. 42 A'sKj. or secondary AT line, 11, 107 ! True inclinations, of lines to planes. 44 True lengths of lines, 7 Vertical plane of projection, V.P.. i Vertical transparent picture plane in per- sfK'Ctive projection. 115 14 DAY USE KBTORN TO DBSK BROM WH.CH BORKOWBO I OAN OEPT. Renewed booUs are s,-— --d—»"- LD 21-100m-6,'56 (B9311sl0)476 General Library . Universiry of California Berkeley YD 05053 -f\' UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY