i'Hl i::: f\::'y 'M lililtl'K 'luiumiiiii Z^ r^t^^>XJ^Ar^A CV-. ^•^^^M^ 'cTO m FRANCIS SCOTT KEY. 1780-1843. (By courtesy of the Maryland Historical Society.) UBRARY OF CONGRESS *'The Star Spangled Banner'* (Revised and enlarged from the "Report" on the above and other airs, issued in 1909) BY OSCAR GEORGE THEODORE SONNECK CHIEF OF THE DIVISION OF MUSIC WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFTICE 1914 L. C. card, 13-35008 This volume is for sale by the Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Office Washington, D. C. Price, 85c. PREFATORY NOTE In December, 1907, I received iusiructions from the librarian of Congress to "bring together the various versions both of text and of music with notes as to the historical evolution" of "The Star Spangled Banner," "Hail Columbia," "America," and "Yankee Doodle." The result was the special "Report " issued by the Library in 1909. In form it was frankly not such a history of the subject as one would write for popular consumption. In it data were collected, eliminated, or verified; popular theories founded on these data were analyzed, their refutation or acceptance was suggested, and, of course, some theories of my o-wti were offered for critical consideration. All this was done in such a form that the reader was at no step supposed to find a locked door between himself and the argument. He was not expected to accept a single statement of fact or argument unless the evidence submitted compelled him to do so. This plein air treatment of a popular theme distinguished the "Report " somewhat from the bulk of the literature on the subject, and I concluded the prefatory note by saying: "In short, though not intended for popular consumption, it may be used for popular consumption vnih reasonable assurance of accuracy." The words "reasonable assurance of accuracy" were not intended to convey the impression that the author had spoken the last word on every phase of the history of the songs treated in his "Report." Sometimes forced to find a way out of a dark lab}Tinth of conflicting testimony, he knew better than any reader of his "Report" could possibly know, how complicated certain matters were. Often he could not go beyond his authorities. They were falhble and their errors became his, unless he detected them. Detection was not alwaA's so very simple as it may look to those whose ambition it is to clear just one of innumerable points. However, the author hoped that his "Report" would lead to the discovery of new data, that would facili- tate the solution of certain problems whidi he could only treat at the time with critical caution and without committing the reader to his personal impressions. Tliis hope has ])eon fulfdled. The "Report" of 1909 undoubtedly stimulated a revival of interest in the history of the songs discussed. With this revival of interest came renewed search for hidden data and a lively controversy arose as to whether or not John Stafford Smith composed "To Anacreon in Heaven." 3 r» c: o / > < ik 4 ''The Star Spangled Banner" In view of the probability that in September, 1914, Francis Scott Key's memory would be honored by numerous celebrations of the centenary of his ''Star Spangled Banner," the Library of Congress decided to issue the chapter on his national song separately in a revised and enlarged edition. It was to embody the principal literature on the subject since 1909. The principle and method of treatment were to be exactly the same as in the ''Report" of 1909. This accounts for the technique adopted and for much that would be unnecessary and unskillful in a plain historical narrative. If in the discussion now and then a word has fallen with a sting to it, the reader, it is hoped, will appreciate how difficult it sometimes is, even in a governmental "Report" to suppress entirely the personal note. After all, Government officials are human beings and facts do not always speak for themselves. To use a musical simile, in a com- plicated orchestral composition often much depends on the instrumen- tation of the thematic idea. Its development may be entirely logical, but, unless it be given to some instrument of piercing tone, it may in that particular moment not reach the ears of the audience at all. O. G. SONNECK Chief, Music Division Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, B.C., January, 191 J,. POSTSCRIPT This book was ready for the binder when word reached me that the discussion between Father Henry and Dr. Grattan Flood would be continued in the June number of the "American Catholic His- torical Society of Philadelphia Records." The conclusions reached in my book are not affected in the slightest thereby, inasmuch as Dr. Grattan Flood admittedly was unable to prove his sudden and startling theory that "To Anacreon in Heaven" was sung at Dublin in 1762 and at Edinburgh in 1755. From data since searched for me in Dublin sources, but received too late for insertion in this edi- tion of my book, I have gained the impression that Dr. Grattan Flood was misled into his theory by some unfortunate but pardon- able error in his notes. O. G. SoNNECK Wiesbaden, June, 1914 CONTENTS Page Prefatory note . 3-4 Introductory remarks 7-8 "To Anacreon xn Heaven" ^-^3 "The Star-Spangled Banner" 65-103 Literature used for this Report 105-109 Index Hl-H^ Appendix: Illustrations: Plate 1. "The Anacreontick Song harmonized by the author,"' on p. 33 of John StaffordSmith'3"FifthBookof Canzonets," [1799] ... I 2. Title-page of the same book II 3. The Anne Lee, Dublin edition of "The Anacreontic Song" . . Ill 4. The E. Rhames, Dublin edition of "The Anacreontic Song" . . IV 5. Earliest known publication (1778) of the text of "To Anacreon in Heaven" ^ 6 "To Anacreon in Heaven," from "The Vocal Enchantress," London, 1783 VI 7 "To Anacreon in Heaven," from Exshaw's London Magazine, Dublin, 1791 VII 8. The original Longman & Broderip, 26 Cheapside, issue of "The Ana- creontic Song," [178—] VIII 9. The later Longman & Broderip, 26 Cheapside and 13 Hajonarket, issue of "The Anacreontic Song," [178— ] IX 10. Paine's "Adams and Liberty," American Musical Miscellany, 1798 X 11. "To Anacreon in Heaven," from The Baltimore Musical Miscellany, 1804 XI 12. W. Howe's edition (1798?) of "Adams and Liberty" .... XII 13. The earliest dated publication of the "Star Spangled Banner" text XIII 14. The text as printed in the Baltimore American, September 21, 1814 . XIV 15. The original broadside XV IG. The original manuscript of the final text of Francis Scott Key's "Star Spangled Banner " XVI 17. The Keim Autograph • . • XVII-XVIII 18. Mr. Dobbin's facsimile of the Keim autograph .... XIX 19. "The Star Spangled Banner" as in the "New York Normal Song Book," 1851 XX 20. "The Star Spangled Banner" as in "Fillmore's New Nightingale . . on a mathematically constructed plan of notation," Cincinnati, 1857 XXI 21. "The Star Spangled Banner "as in "The Vocalist's Pocket Companion," Chambersburg, 1839 ("buckwheat" or "patent" notes) . . . XXII 22 Firth and Hall's edition of "The Star Soangled Banner" (183—) XXIII-XXIV 23. Geib & Co.'s edition of "The Star Spangled Banner" (betw. 1816 and 1825) XXV 5 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. In the "Report on 'The Star-Spangled Banner,' 'Hail Columbia,' 'America,' 'Yankee Doodle'" (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909), the chapter on "The Star-Spangled Banner" began with an account of the origin of Francis Scott Key's poem. This was followed by a brief summary of the European and American history of the tune "To Anacreon in Heaven," to which "The Star- Spangled Banner" is sung, by a comparative investigation of extant manuscripts of Key's poem, and finally by a survey of the different versions of the melody as now in use. For this revised and enlarged edition of the chapter a division into two independent sections was found to be more logical and convenient, one on "To Anacreon in Heaven," the other on "The Star-Spangled Banner" proper. As a prelude to this chapter it is not necessary, but it may not be inadvisable to state, in view of certain tendencies to the contrary in the matter of "The Star-Spangled Banner," that research in musical history, in common with every other kind of historical research, aims solely at the orderly establishment of facts and the logical interpretation of available facts. Such facts or the conclusions from such facts may not always be welcome, but the historian is or should be a seeker after historical truth, often enough stranger and more "romantic" than fiction. He should never allow possible preferences of his compatriots or his personal idiosyncrasies to obscure his historical vision. For instance, every patriotic American would rejoice, with the author of this "Report," if it could be shown by documentary or other unimpeachable evidence that " The Star-Spangled Banner," both in words and music, was of American origin. If that can not be shown, then every patriotic American will be sensible enough not to betray irritation of his patriotic pride because the music of our "Star-Spangled Banner" had its origin in some "monarchical" country of Europe, whether that be Turkey, Russia, Germany, France, 8 ''The Star Spangled Banner" England, or Ireland. Nor is there any patriotic reason, so far as I can see, why the citizens of the repubUcan United States of America, founded by men of English, German, Irish, or other descent, and fought for by Irishmen against Irishmen, Englishmen against English- men, Germans against Germans, should be expected to smart under the theory that ''To Anacreon in Heaven" was of English, not of Irish, French, or German, origin, and to prefer, for instance, an Irish to an English composer. We took the air and we kept it. Trans- planted on American soil, it thrived. As " To Anacreon in Heaven" of European origin the air is obsolete and extinct; as the air of "The Star-Spangled Banner," it stirs the blood of every American, regard- less of his origin or the origin of the air. jony .\'TJf-'F Mr. Kidson adds this entertaining bit of information that on page 314 of the same Bongster appears, and in the metre of "To Anacreon in Heaven " of which it obviously is a parody: "A new Anacreontic Song. Sung by Mr. Sedgwick with great applause at the Royalty Theatre," beginning "To banish life's troubles the Grecian old sage." ''The Star Spangled Banner" 35 1792. Edinburgh Musical Miscellany, Vol. I, p. 1-4. Headed "Song I. To Ana- creon in Heaven. Sung by Mr. Bannister at the Anacreontic Society." (Text and air.) 1792. The Banquet of Thalia, pref. dated York, 1792. On p. 85 as "Song Ana- creontic." (Text only. Communication of Mr. Frank Kidson, November 29, 1913.) 179-? The Banquet of Thalia. On p. 78 as "The Anacreontic Song." (Textonly. Communication of Mr. Frank Kidson, November 29, 1913, who says that the song is no longer in the 1812 ed.) [1796] The Busy Bee, Vol. II. Headed "LXX. Sung by Mr. Bannister at the Anacreontic. Written by Mr. Thomlinson." (Text only. Communica- tion of Mr. Frank Kidson, November 29, 1913.) 1797. Stewart's Vocal Magazine, Edinburgh, Vol. I. Headed "Song LXXXVII. To Anacreon in Heaven." (Text and air with bass.) 1799. The London Musical Museum, Glasgow, 1799. On p. 43 as "The Sons of Anacreon." (Text only. Communication of Mr. Frank Kidson, Decem- ber 21, 1913.) 1804. The Soul of Harmony, Norwich, plate dated 1804. On p. 1 of pt. II as "The Anacreontic Song by Ralph Tomlinson, esq." (Text only. Com- munication of Mr. Frank Kidson, November 29, 1913.) Smollet Holden, of Dublin, made a curious use of the air by includ- ing a "Masonic ode, song and chorus, written by Mr. Connel, on be- half of the Masonic Orphan School," to the air of "To Anacreon in Heaven" in his "A selection of Masonic Songs." The collection is undated, but according to Mr. Grattan Flood (under date of January 24, 1910), Holden's book contains a tune with words "by the late celebrated Bro: Robert Burns," so that the date of his death— July 27^ 179(5_would approximately fix the date of pubUcation of the first edition. A second edition bears the imprint "Dubhn, A. L. 5802" (A. D. 1802), and Mr. Elson inserted a photographic facsimile of this Masonic ode, another parody of "To Anacreon in Heaven," (first words: "To old Hiram, in Heav'n where he sat in full glee") from his copy of the second edition in his book on the National Music of America. This excursion into the history of the Anacreontic Society and mto the bibliographical history of its constitutional song "To Anacreon in Heaven" has proved at least one important fact: In view of the contemporary evidence already accumulated, Ralph Tomlinson's authorship of the text of "To Anacreon in Heaven" is clear beyond reasonable doubt and Mr. Grattan Flood's statement in 1912 that the words "are of Irish origin, and evidently emanated from Ireland about the year 1765" painfully betrays its nature of a raw assertion. Irish in origin the text was only, if Ralph Tomlinson wa.s an Irishman. Mr. Grattan Flood was prompted to his assertion by an argument hesitatingly advanced by Mr. Blake, but before long it will be seen how the premise of Mr. Blake's argument, and therewith the argument itself, collapses. 36 "The Star Spangled Banner" If it is clear on the one hand that Ralph Tomlmson indeed wrote ''To Anacreon in Heaven/' it is not clear just when this poem was written by him whom the London Magazine in March, 1780, called the ''Late Ralph Tomlinson," thereby establishing (compare also the account m the Gentleman's Magazine) his date of death at the latest as early in 1780.° If Tomlinson was a founder of the Anacreontic Society of London or one of its earliest members, then he might have written his "To Anacreon in Heaven" poem "about 1766," or shortly after this approximate date of foundation of the society given in the Gentle- man's Magazine. I am inclined to doubt such an early origin of the poem. Though his poetry is not of a high order, Tomlinson "in twined the myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine" with very much more fetching inspiration and spirit than many other poets of fugitive convivial poems of typically eighteenth century Anacreontic atmos- phere which I have read. For this reason the poem, even though perhaps at first jealously guarded by the Anacreontic Society against publicity, could not fail to gradually attract attention, and if written "about 1766" its first definitely known appearance in fashionable songsters of the time at so late a date as 1778 would be surprising. In fact, it is not imreasonable to surmise that either the writing of the poem led to Tomlinson's election as their president by the enthusi- astic "sons of harmony," or that his election as president inspired Tomlinson to write a club song for the Anacreontic Society. Barring indisputable proof of earlier appearance in print, with or without music, this would suggest the years between 1770 and 1776, inclusive of a wide safety margin. That the text of "To Anacreon in Heaven" existed at the latest in July, 1778, is obvious from its inclusion in the August, 1778, number of the Vocal Magazine. Mr. Blake's logic that therefore "it is reason- able to suppose that it existed as sheet music at least two years before " I am utterly unable to comprehend. Ordinarily the writing and printing of a poem precede its musical setting by a composer, unless the poem is fitted to an existing melody. If Tomlinson did not utilize an existing melody, then it would be more reasonable to suppose that the text of the poem existed at least two years before it existed as sheet music. That the song — other considerations aside — "may have a The British Museum possesses under Ralph Tomlinson "A slang pastoral; being a parody on a celebrated poem of Dr. Byron's [!]. Written by R. Tomlinson. London, 1780." I have been vmable to find in the Gentleman's Magazine and several other maga- zines or in works like Brydges' Censura Literaria, Nichol'a Literary Anecdotes, etc., anything further on the career of Ralph TomUnson; I am therefore not in a position to prove the obvious conjecture that the author of the British Museum pamphlet is iden- tical with the author of "To Anacreon in Heaven." '^The Star Spangled Banner" 37 existed in manuscript many years" before it appeared in print, with or without music, will not be disputed by any author or composer who has had dealings with publishers. "To Anacreon in Heaven" was written by Ralph Tomlinson, and was adopted as the constitutional song by the Anacreontic Society, founded "about 1766." It could not very well be adopted as such without appropriate music. Hence, unless Tomlinson adapted his poem to an existing melody, the argument will hold good that the music was composed shortly after the completion of the poem, and presumably by a musician who was a member of the society. Both poem and music, of course, must have existed in manuscript before "To Anacreon in Heaven" appeared in print, with or without music. Whether or not the Anacreontic Society jealously guarded its club song against publicity — the best way of accomplishing this was by keeping the song unpublished, but without publication the song could not be copyrighted, a dilemma in which other societies with club songs have found themselves — we do not know, but obviously the text of the song must have been known to the compiler of the Vocal Magazine. Whatever attention "To Anacreon in Heaven" had gained outside of the Anacreontic Society, the poem clearly appealed to the compiler sufficiently for inclusion in the first volume of his collection of — The Vocal Magazine . . . containiiig all the English, Scotch, and Irish Songs . . . Glees . . . Ballads, etc., deemed any way worthy of being transmitted to posterity. Now this collection contains about 1 ,300 poems (without music) . The compilation, selection, distribution, etc., alone of such a vast number of more or less fugitive poems must have kept the compiler busy for many months. Under the circumstances it is just a trifle too fanciful to accuse him, as did Mr. Blake, of deliberately and flagrantly having paraphrased the text of "To Anacreon in Heaven," in order to change the neutral locale of the text to London. What earthly object could the compiler have had in picking out exactly "To Anacreon in Heaven " for a flagrant piece of paraphrasing ? A diabolical. Machia- vellian creature he must have been to include in liis collection so many Irish poems and yet to change the pliraseology of "To Anacreon in Heaven "so as to fraudulently create in the minds of future historians, bent on investigating the origin of "The Star-Spangled Banner," the impression that this particular poem was of English and not of Irish provenience ! Is is not much more impartial to take it for granted that the com- piler of the Vocal Magazine published the poem as it actually read when acquired by him for incorporation in his songster? And, if two different versions of the text existed about the time that he was preparing his accumulation of many hundreds of poems for publica- tion, is it not fair to assume that he knew of only one ? Furthermore, 38 ''The Star Spangled Banner" if the difference in date between these two versions was but rela- tively slight, perhaps a difference of only one, two, or three years, is not the surmise reasonable that these textual differences were intro- duced after the compiler of the Vocal Magazine had acquired the "To Anacreon in Heaven" text for his purposes and that the changes had not yet attracted his attention when he published the text in August, 1778? Indeed, in case that a plausible reason be adduced why the Anacreontic Society should have found it necessary to amend the text of its constitutional song during those years, does it not stand to reason that the compiler of the Vocal Magazine had the earlier, the original, text in his possession for future use and not yet the amended text ? Whether the reader be willmg or not to answer these questions in the affirmative, one fact stands out like a rock: The earliest known DATED appearance of the text of "To Anacreon in Heaven" is in the Vocal Magazine of 1778. Until a dated earlier publication of the text (with or without music) be found or unless circumstantial evidence absolutely forces us to date an undated publication earlier than 1778, the text of "To Anacreon in Heaven," as it stands in the Vocal Magazine, must be considered for methodological reasons as the earliest version, of the text extant! We have seen that the growth of the Anacreontic Society forced it to change quarters repeatedly, until it moved from the London Coffee House on Ludgate Hill to the more spacious Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand. By deduction I have suggested 1776 as the year of this removal. Well, then! If the original text of "To Anacreon in Heaven" contained any reference whatsoever to Lud- gate HiU, not only can Tomlinson not have written his poem before the (to us unknown) date of the club's removal to Ludgate Hill, but an amendment of the text became immediately necessary upon the club's removal from Ludgate Hill to the Crowii and Anchor in the Strand. Casual comparison of the texts submitted or recorded would reveal no differences except differences of interpunctuation, orthography, and others here negligible. More careful comparison discloses tex- tual differences that shed further light on the bibliographical history of the music of the song, and therewith, as bibliographical research so often does, help to clear out the weeds that have interfered with the normal growth of our knowledge of the song's liistory. In the second stanza of the earliest known publication and version of the text, in the Vocal Magazine, 1778, the seventh line reads: A fig for Parnassus: To Rowley's we' II fly and in the third staixza the second line: To the hill of old Lud will incontinent flee. ''The Star Spangled Banner" 39 "Th(? hill of old Lud," of course, means old Ludgate Hill, and with this line we find ourselves in the midst of London. "To Kowley's we'll fly" can mean nothing from the context of Tomlinson's poem except that "the yeUow-hair'd god and his nine fusty maids" will fly "To Rowley's" to the Anacreontic Society. Apparently we have here an allusion to an inn on Ludgate HiU. "To Rowley's" would either mean in general a "name . . . known to have been com- mon as applied to taverns, in honour of the socaUed 'merry monarch,' Charles II," as X. in the Musical Times article of 1896 has it, or Rowley's was an iim on Ludgate Hill well known by the name of its proprietor, or an inn well enough known by the proprietor's name to have fitted into the verse with less difficulty and more poetry than the trade name of the inn and without obscurity in the mind of the reader of the poem. In other words, "To Rowley's" suggested to the members the place at which the Anacreontic Society met at the time that the poem was written. Supposing, for instance, that one Rowley was the proprietor of the London Coffee House on Ludgate HiU, even a very minor poet would have had compunctions about wilting "To the London Coffee House we'll fly," whereas "To Row- ley's we'll fly" was abundantly clear to the initiated and sounded less prosaic.° When the Anacreontic Society, probably in 1776, moved from the London Coffee House on Ludgate Hill to the Crown and Anchor in the Strand, immediately the allusion to the former locale of the society was out of place and had to be removed from the t^ext of « I have at last, I think, been able to definitely connect the name Rowley with the London Coffee House. In the London Dirocton' for 1799, I find "Rowley and Leech, Wine Merchants, 24 Ludgate Hill "' and in John Timbs' book on Clubs and Club life in London (London, 1908), under "London Coffee House": "At the bar of the London Coffee House was sold Rowley's British Cephalic Snuff." This last bit of in formation is also in Thornbury's "Old and New London," who moreover states (Vol. I, p. 227-228) that the London Coffee House, 24 to 26 Ludgate Hill, was first opened in May, 1731. That WTieatley in " London Past and Present " (Vol. II, p. 426) has the date of open- ing as late as January 5, 1771, does not conflict with the main point, since from a rough sketch made for me by Miss Constance WHiite (London) of a portion of sheet D2 in R. Horwood's " Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster, 1799 (at the British Museum, also in the Library of Congress), it appears that the London Coffee House occupied the premises on No. 24, i. e., where Rowley and Leech held forth as wine merchants. It is quite suggestive, by the way, that, as Miss Wliite found out, in the London directories a James Rowley, Linen draper, of Ludgate St. appears for the first time in 1763, and that he lived from 1768-73 at 29 Ludgate St. Finally, it is also suggestive that the London City directory of 1912 shews at 42 Ludgate Hill "Ye Old London Coffee House," next door to St. Martin Ludgate Church. There it stood in the eighteenth century, too, but the number was then 24 not 42. In 1867 the original house seems to have been closed. According to WTieatley, "The Lon- don Coffee House was at one time a great resort of Americans." Stationers' Hall was just around the corner of Rowley's. 40 ''The Star Spangled Banner" this constitutional song. What was more natural or prudent in view of this experience than to not only amend the text but to so amend it that "To Rowley's we'll fly" and "To the hill of old Lud" were replaced by words of absolutely neutral character without any per- sonal or topographical allusions that might be subject to change at any time ? Now, then, it is a fact that all texts submitted or recorded above with the only exception of the earliest one Tcnown, that in the Vocal Magazine of 1778, have in the second stanza the amended line AWAY TO THE SONS OF ANACREON We'lL FLY and in the third stanza the amended line FROM Helicon's banks will incontinent flee. These certainly were lines that could be sung anywhere.*^ Allowing for the hypothetical possibiUty that the society moved from Rowley's to its new quarters about simultaneously with the insertion of the original instead of the amended text in the Vocal Magazine, or that the editor was just a Uttle behind the times, never- theless it follows with probability that the amended text can not be dated much earHer than 1776. Furthermore, if any existing text refers in its title or elsewhere to the "late" Ralph Tomlinson then that particular text can not have been published before the death of Ralph Tomlmson, who apparently died at the latest early in 1780 or at the latest after the printing of his poem in the Vocal Magazine (about August), 1778, where he is not yet called the "late" Ralph Tomlinson. If, however, a publication says "the late president," then of course these words do not necessarily mean "the president who lately died," but may mean "lately president." In the latter case the date of the publication would be circumscribed by the terms of Ralph Tomlinson's presidency. We know from the Gentleman's Magazine that Mr. Midso succeeded Tomlinson in the chair in 1776 or 1777, but Tomlinson may have been elected president again, after the expiration of Mr. Mulso's term. Finally, if any text refers in its title or elsewhere to the "Crown and Anchor," then it can not have been published until after the society's removal to this tavern, and it follows with necessity that even the earliest text with the amended topographically neutral lines must be dated later than the removal of the Anacreontic Society from Rowley'' s on Ludgate Hill to the Crown and Anchor in the Strand. In other words, 1776 or later, if 1776 was the date of the removal. These are the criteria on which, individually or jointly and together with other incidental criteria, the chronology of undated pubHcations, <* I hasten to add that the 1781 and 1784 editions of the Vocal Magazine still have "To Rowley's we'll fly" and "To the hill of old Lud." This is quite natural, since they were merely reissues (without the preface) of the 1778 edition, not revised editions. "The Star Spangled Banner" 41 with or without music, of " To Anacreon in Heaven ' ' will have to be based. My personal impression from all these facts, circumstances, clews, deductions, etc., is that very Ukely all undated publications of "To Anacreon in Heaven" with the amended text of the song were of later date than 1778, the date of the Vocal Magazine. This personal impression is particularly strong in case of publishers whose career as publishers lasted longer after 1778 than before. It is now time to apply these and other criteria to three editions of "To Anacreon in Heaven" in sheet-music form, which on purpose have not been drawn into the argument so far. Tlicir titles read : la. The Anacreontic Song as Sung at the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand. The words by Ralph Tomlinson Esqr. late President of that Society. Price 6d. London, Printed by Longman & Broderip, 26 Cheapside. (For facsimile of copy in possession of Mr. Frank Kidson see Appendix, Plate VIII.) lb. Same title but with imprint: Longman & Broderip No. 26 Cheapside and No. 13, Hay Market (Comp. facsimile in Appendix, Plate IX. By permission of the Boston Public Library.) (la and lb consist of a four page folio music sheet; p. [I] blank, on p. 2 air and bass; p. 3 four-part "Chorus" and stanzas 2-6 of text; p. 4 arrangement of the air for guitar and for German flute. Pages 2-3 in 6/4 time. C major.) 2. The Anacreontic Song. As Sung at the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand, London, with General Admiration, [lower margin] Published by Anne Lee in Dame Street (No. 2) (Ip. folio. 6/4 time. D major. Air and bass. Six stanzas of text. No "chorus " or arrangement for other instruments. Compare facsimile in Ap- pendix, Plate III.) 3. The Anacreontic Song. Sung by Mr. Incledon with great Applause. Dublin. Published by E. Rhames, at her Musical Circulating Library, No. 16, Exchange Street. (Ip. folio. 6/4 time. D major. Airand bass. Six stanzasof text, followed by F major arrangement of the air for guitar. No "chorus." Compare fac- Bimile in Appendix, Plate IV.) These editions, too, have the amended lines "Away to the sons of Anacreon we'U fly" and "From Helicon's banks mil incontinent flee." Furthermore, they are all undated. Hence, acceptance of the above criteria would establish roughly the date of publication of all three editions as prohahly 1776 or later, if not prohahly 1778 or later. This even without the further arguments presented below. One of the most useful books to music bibliographers is Mr. Frank Kidson's British Music Pubhshers, London [1900]. In this we are told that Benjamin Rhames was succeeded by his widow Ehzabeth at 16 Upper Blind Quarry "before 1775." Apparently it was this remark which caused Mr. Blake to surmise that her edition of "To Anacreon in Heaven" may have been published as early as 1775. Mr. Blake overlooked the further remark of Mr. Kidson's that "Gil- bert's 'Dublin' tells us . . . that about 1776 Upper Blind Quary, in consequence of its evil repute, had its name altered to Exchange Street." It is this address which appears on Elizabeth Rhames's 42 "The Star Spangled Banner" edition of the song and "since she was succeeded by her son, Francis Ehames, probably near the year 1790-5" we have the rather wide range of from "about 1776" to "1790-5" as the possible date of publication of the Khames edition. But Mr. Blake overlooked another important clew, or at least he does not seem to have reaUzed its importance. I mean the reference Lq the title to Charles Benjamin Incledon, the famous English tenor, who possessed a voice of remark- ably wide range. Incledon died in 1826 and he was born in 1763! This year of birth, of course, makes it absolutely impossible to date the Ehzabeth Rhames edition anywhere near 1775. Indeed, since he was in the Enghsh navy from 1779 to 1783, since he made his fii'st appearance as a professional singer in 1784, and since there would have been ver}' httle business sense in putting the words "Sung by Mr. Incledon with great applause" on a sheet song, before Incledon had become popular enough for his name to attract the attention of the music-buying public, it foUows that the Elizabeth Rhames edition of "To Anacreon in Heaven" probably did not appear until after 1784. Indeed, the fact that Incledon's name figures in a similar manner on Exshaw's pubhcation of "To Anacreon in Heaven " in his London Magazine, September, 1791, would lead one to suspect that Elizabeth Ehames did not pubhsh the song untU about 1791. This impression is strengthened by the fact that, as Mr. W. J. Law- rence informed me in his letter of November 15, 1913, "Incledon made his first appearance in Dublin at the Crow Street Theatre on June 20, 1791, remaining there tiU August 1st." But, whether 1791 or 1784 be the approximately earliest date, clearly the Elizabeth Ehames edition can have absolutely no bearing on the early history oj " To ATMiyreon in Heaven,'^ and tentative deductions from this edi- tion as to the Irish origin of the text or its original version collapse eo ipso, and pitifully! According to Mr. Kidson's historical sketch of the important firm of Longman & Co., "in 1779 [the name of] Lukey is absent from the firm, which now remains as Longman & Broderip and exists tiU 1798 . . . Before 1785 Longman & Broderip had taken another branch shop at 13 Haymarket" in addition to their place of business at "26 Cheapside." How long before 1785 this happened Mr. Kidson does not know, but in his letter of November 3, 1913, he tells me that they "were not there much before 1783." At any rate, Longman &Broderip's earlier issue of "To Anacreon in Heaven" without "13 Haymarket" in the imprint, was not pub- Hshed before 1779 nor after the opening of the Haymarket branch shop. Incidentally, therefore, this sheet song does not interfere with the conjecture based on the Vocal Magazine that texts (with or with- ''The Star Spangled Banner" 43 out music) which have the amended lines, a reference to the ''Crown and Anchor" and a reference to the "late president" Tomlinson, probably appeared later than the Vocal Magazine of 1778. On the contrary, even the earliest Longman & Broderip edition of "To An- acreon in Heaven" corroborates that conjecture. Mr. Frank Kidson, the possessor of two copies of this exceedingly scarce original Longman & Broderip issue, generously ceded one as gift to the Library of Congress. If merely the fairly frequent issue with the hnprint 26 Cheapside and 13 Haymarket were extant, it would not be clear that this was merely the reissue of the original with changed imprint. Furthermore, no entry of "To Anacreon in Heaven" will be found in the firm's "Complete Catalogue" dated 1789 (m the Library of Congress) nor in their catalogues of 1781-82, 1786, 1790, as Mr. Kidson, who possesses these and the one of 1789, informed me on November 24, 1913. This, together with the other fact that they advertised "The Anacreontic Song" in a catalogue on verso of index to Warren's thirtieth Collection of Catches, containing the prize-medal catches of 1791 (in the Library of Congress) could have led to the argument that Longman & Broderip did not publish the song until after 1790. Possibly the reissue actuaUy did not appear until then, perhaps because the original edition had become exhausted, but this much is clear that it can not very well have appeared before the firm opened its branch shop at 13 Haymarket. Consequently, if Mr. W. Barclay Squire m his impressive catalogue of printed music in the British Museum added to this reissue (pre- sumably not known to him to be merely a reissue) the date [1780], this date would seem to be too early by a few years and would seem to apply more correctly, if at all, to the origmal Longman & Broderip issue without 13 Havmarket m the imprint. However, aside from all such bibliographical considerations, hardly any musician who has read the contemporary accounts of the Anacreontic Society will deny that Longman & Broderip published "To Anacreon in Heaven" m the form actuaUy sung by the society, first by an effective solo voice of wide range, and the refrain repeated m chorus. As to the Anne Lee, Dublm edition, even Mr. Blake granted that its' date of pubhcation swhigs leisurely between February, 1776, when Anne Lee succeeded her husband in business, , and the year 1788, when she was out of busmess. At any rate Mr. Kidson furnishes proof that she was stiU publishing under lier own name in 1781. In her title Anne Lee says "As sung at the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand, London, with general admhation." A plausible m- ference would be that at that time "To Anacreon in Heaven," or at least the music, was not yet well known in DubUn; otherwise the 44 ''The Star Spangled Banner" reference to London would have been wholly unnecessary. Perhaps Anne Lee imported a manuscript copy of words and music, but is it not much more plausible that she simply copied a printed London edition of the song ? In that case, we immediately recall the original Longman & Broderip issue of [1780?] and begm to see the reason why the British Museum dated its copy of Anne Lee's edition also as [1780?]. Mr. Kidson says in his letter of November 3, 1913: It is without doubt a copy from the Longman sheet, the music however being transposed one note higher & neither Chorus or guitar & flute parts are reprinted. Comparison proved tliat the texts are absolutely the same except that, for instance, in the first stanza tlie Longman edition has "Patron wou'd be," whereas Anne Lee has "Patron would be." As to the music, comparison will show that the Anne Lee edition has not the trill in the last bar, that the chorus refrain is indicated by a dotted line and a repetition sign, that at the word "fiddle" Anne Lee retains the same note as at "voice," instead of as in the Long- man edition taking tlie higher octave, and that at the words "lend you my" faulty printing gives us (at least in the photograph) three natural Bs, instead of D, C sharp, B natural. Aside from these insignificant differences, the transposed Anne Lee edition shows all the peculiarities in notation, phrasing, harmo- nization, rhythm, etc., of the Longman & Broderip edition. The probabihty is therefore pronounced that she indeed used a copy of the Longman cS; Broderip for her purposes — unless an edition of "To Anacreon in Heaven " turns up of unquestionably earlier date than the Longman & Broderip edition and with which in appearance the Anne Lee edition is even more closely related. Until then, the Anne Lee edition will best be dated as about 1780 or later. A point lias been reached to which the last pages have been lead- ing up gradually but systematically. Said Mr. Grattan Flood in his "Note" of 1908 (1909): The words and music of "To Anacreon" were published by Longman & Brod- erip in 1779-1780, and were reprinted by Anne Lee of Dublin (? 1780) in 1781. Dr. Cummings says that he saw a copy printed by Henry Fought— at least it is made up with single sheet songs printed by Fought — but this is scarcely likely, as Fought did not print after 1770, and the Song and music were not in existence tiU 1770-71. . ." Whether or not ^Ir. Grattan Flood was present at Mr. Cummings's Music Loan Exliibition lecture in 1904 I do not know, nor where, when, and how he got the above information or impression. In his lecture — and it does not detract in the sUghtest from my respect for Mr. Cummings's scholarly attainments if I say that his casual remarks "The Star Spangled Banner" 45 about "To Anacreon in Heaven" are not up to his customary stand- ard of carefuhiess and accuracy — Mr. Cummings simply said: ''I have brought a copy of the original pubhcation of the ode." Nor have I seen elsewhere any printed statement by Air. Cummings that "he saw a copy printed by Fought" (according to Mr. Kidson, November 8, 1913, the correct spelhng is Fougt). In reply to a pertinent inquiry Mr. Cummings sent, under date of November 7, 1908, this brief note: I had a copy of Smith's "To Anacreon" pub.[lished] in 1771. I showed it at a public lecture, but cannot now find it. I have two copies of a little later date. The first named was a single sheet song. Mr. Cummmgs evidently was not willing to commit his memory under the circumstances on the point of imprint, nor does he make it clear whether or no Smith's name appeared on the sheet song as that of the composer. On the other hand, his words would lead us to beheve that the sheet song was actually "pub. m 1771," though Mr. Cummings by no means says that the sheet song actually contains this date. !Mr. Cummings added to the casual remarks in his lecture the air of "To Anacreon in Heaven," and it is suggestive that he gave the air in C major. Mr. Cummings is not of the kind to simpUfy music for babes in the wood. I suspect that the air actually occurred on that mysterious sheet in C major, the same key in wliich Longman & Broderip pubhshed their edition. It is to be hoped that Mr. Cum- mings's sheet song turns up again, so that it may be put under the bibhographical microscope. If then the criteria enumerated above be apphed, presumably all mystery will disappear and we shall know just how this particular edition affects the history of "To Anacreon in Heaven." For reasons unkno\\Ti to me I received no reply to a letter addressed by me on the subject to Mr. Cummings under date of October .30, 1913. However, this much we know from a com- munication of Mr. James Warrington, the hymnologist, to Father Henry, that Mr. Cummings sent him a copy of the title of this mys- terious sheet song some years ago and that Ilalj)h Tomlinson's name appeared on it. The ground has now been prepared and cleared for consideration of the main question: Who composed "To Anacreon in Heaven" ? Mr. Blake was the first to deny not merely the probability but also the possibility that John Stafford Smith composed "To Anacreon in Heaven." Encouraged by his "explosion" and "annihilation" of John Stafford Smith, Mr. Grattan Flood in his Ave Maria article of 1912 advanced the theory that the melody is Irish; that it has all the characteristics of Furlough O 'Carolan's "Bumpers, Squire Jones," and is most probably his work. 46 ''The Star Spangled Banner In lieu of argument I simply submit O 'Carolan 's melody as it stands in Hime's Favourite Collection of O 'Carolan 's tunes, Dublin [17 — ]: Comment, I trust, is superfluous. If this melody of O 'Carolan 's is the nearest that Mr. Grattan ^Flood with his very extensive knowl- edge of Irish music of every description could come to "The Star Spangled Banner," scil. "To Anacreon in Heaven," after all these years of enthusiastic research in behalf of Irish music, we may rest assured, that the air of "To Anacreon in Heaven" will not be found in any Irish music publication or manuscript of an authentic and genuine date prior to the time when Ralph Tomlinson wTote the text. Nor has Mr. Frank Kidson, so he informs me, under date of November 3, 1918, run across any melody in British collections, printed or manuscript, that could by any stretch of imagination be identified with the air of "To Anacreon in Heaven." The word of such an authoritative and industrious collector of British folk and popular airs carries tenfold more weight than the statement that I, too, have failed to find any such air in the fairly numerous eight- eenth century British song publications in the Library of Congress. On the other hand, some weight may attach to my statement that I have not found the air mentioned in American publications or manuscripts prior to the latter part of the last decade of the eight- eenth century. That single melodic snatches, phrases, motives, or half motives of "To Anacreon in Heaven" are common enough in musical litera- ture, nobody will deny, just as otherwise totally different poems may have words in common, but in its entirety as melody "To Ana- "The Star Spangled Banner" 47 creon in Heaven" appears to have had no prototype.'* Everything, indeed, tends to imply that Ralph Tomlinson did not use an already existing melody but that the melody of "To Anacreon in Heaven" was composed after and not before he wrote his poem. The reader may ask : Did, perhaps, the founder of the Anacreontic Society, Jack Smith, "a sly dog at a catch" try his hand at Tomlin- son 's poem ? The reader may even suspect some connection between this Jack Smith and John Stafford Smith, so sly a dog at a catch that he repeatedly was given prize medals of the Catch Gub, but with such suggestive speculations I shall not concern myself here. Impossible the identity of the two Smiths would not be, though John Stafford Smith was but a youngster "about 1766" when the Anac- reontic Society was founded. However, Smith would not have been the first nor the last youngster, as I can testify from personal experi- ence, to have founded a club at so early an age. If Mr. Grattan Flood maintains that John Stafford Smith could not, in 1771, have composed "To Anacreon in Heaven," because Smith's earliest known composition dates from 1773, I fear that his argument will lead us nowhere. Not only is there absolutely no reason why a trained musician of about 21 years should have been too young to compose "To Anacreon in Heaven" — think of the precocity of innumerable composers, great and not great — but Mr. Grattan Flood will find in Thomas Warren's eleventh Collection of Catches, Canons, and Glees [17721 with the prize-medal pieces of 1772 on pages 10-16, the four- part canzonet "Stay, Shepherd, Stay," and on pages 32-37 the glee "Sleep, Poor Youth," both printed as by John Stafford Smith. If Smith was a printed composer in 1772, it stands to reason that he was not quite a novice in setting music to texts that struck his fancy. But, as I have said, such speculation leads us nowhere, except to demonstrate that John Stafford Smith, if called upon at that time, could have composed Tomlinson 's "To Anacreon in Heaven" about 1771. And, if the poem was not written until about 1775, then, of «» As a pleasant pastime I suggest to the reader to slightly shift the rhythm of the following melody and he will have the beginning of our "Star Spangled Banner." Bush of Boon For the benefit of those who might have no hesitation in asserting that the tune of "To Anacreon in Heaven" shows all the characteristics of "Bush of Boon," and most probably is the same, my source may here bo mentioned: Fielding's ballad farce "An Old Man Taught Wisdom, " London, J. Watts, 1735, where the tune is sung to the words "Oh, dear papa! don't look so grum." 48 ''The Star Spangled Banner" course, all chronological scruples vanish absolutely, because by that time John Stafford Smith had gained distinction as a composer. Since the rumor that Dr. Samuel Arnold composed ''To Anacreon in Heaven" has been sUenced by unanimous consent, and since John Stafford Smith is the only other British composer to whom that honor has been credited with sound argurnent, I here restrict myself absolutely to the arguments for and against his authorship. It so happened that Kev. H. T. Henry, of Philadelphia, took up the cudgels for John Stafford Smith against Mr. Blake and IVIr. Grattan Flood exactly at the time that I was preparing a revised edition of my "Star-Spangled Banner" chapter. In order to preserve as much as possible its nature of a ''Report," in order to give Father Henry all credit due him, and because we found ourselves in accord on such vital arguments as are now ripe for presentation, Father Henry's essay in the Records of the American Catholic Historical Society (Dec, 1913) will now be drawn upon to estabHsh, if possible, the composer of "To Anacreon in Heaven." First of all, it is but fair to look into Mr. Blake's and IVIr. Grattan Flood's attacks on John Stafford Smith's veracity and character as a gentleman. Says Father Henry in tliis connection, on pages 329-333 : I do not know with what intent Dr. Flood introduces hig remark concerning the "audacity" of Smith, in the following paragraph; but I may fairly con- jecture that the purpose was to impugn Smith's trustworthiness when, in 1799, he claimed that the air of "Anacreon" was "harmonized by the author." This conjecture is not, indeed, very logical, becauoe Mr. Blake and, following him, Dr. Flood, contend that by "author" Smith did not mean "composer." The major part of Mr. Blake's and Dr. Flood's argument turns on this (to their minds obvious) interpretation of "author;" and accordingly both should most earnestly affirm the absolute trustworthiness of Smith. That Smith's veracity should be impeached (and, of all men, by the two consentient interpreters of Smith's own words) is not, of course, a logical thing; but I am at a loss how else to interpret Dr. Flood's indignation at Smith's "audacity." But now to his impeachment of Smith: An examination of Smith's Fifth Book of Cazonets reveals not only the interesting fact that this foiuth-rate musician merely arranged the long-existing melody of "Anacreon," but he also arranged in a diflerent volume another Anacreontic song and likewise " God Save the King! " and had the audacity to assert that "the whole was composed by John StaSord Smith about the year 1780." (The italics are Dr. Flood's.) The hastily-written English of this paragraph might easily mislead the reader. It is not an examination of Smith's Fifth Book which will reveal to us his com- position of "another Anacreontic song, and likewise 'Grod Save the King!' . . ,'.' etc. These things were revealed to Mr. Blake when he came across the 1780 volume of Smith's in an old bookshop in London. But once more to our sheep. Dr. Flood marvels at the audacity of Smiuh in declaring that he had composed the whole of a volvime containing "God Save the King!" Readers who are not familiar with the long controversies waged about the text and tune of the British national anthem will fail to realize fully the enormous audacity of Smith in claiming that air as his own composition . . . ''The Star Spangled Banner'' 49 Had Smith . . . declared that he was the composer of an air which so many people could testify that they had heard sung or had seen in print before he was born, his act would not have been one of ''audacity,'' but rather one of the greatest foolhardiness possible to mortal man. With about equal foolishnesa might the present writer claim to have composed the "Star-Spangled Banner." Dr. Flood could not but know that the anthem was popular before Smith was born; and it is indeed because of this knowledge that he charges Smith with "audacity." I am not enough of a psychologist to explain how, under these circumstances, Dr. Flood could have considered Smith's act "audacious" rather than idiotic. He must (I presume) have "complacently followed" Mr. Blake down the rushing tide of the latter's mistaken enthusiasm. For Mr. Blake had discovered Smith's volume published in 1780, in an old bookshop in Lon- don; had purchased it for 80 cents (although, as he remarks, he would gladly have given |8, and adds — ^jocularly, I suppose — that he would sell it to Congress for $800); had found "God Save the King" in it; had read on the title page that Smith composed the "whole" of the volume and had been properly scandalized at such incomprehensible audacity. But Mr. Blake was not a musician; he was an inventor of a device for rifles, and his invention was adopted (so the biograph- ical note affixed to the binding of his pamphlet tells us) by the United States in the Spanish- American War. That Dr. Flood should have "complacently followed" Mr. Blake is the truly wonderful thing; for Dr. Flood is a musician, as well as a historian of music, and should immediately have suspected that some- thing was "out of gear" in Mr. Blake's views concerning Smith's claim to the authorship of the British national anthem. A few moment's inspection of the volume itself would have enlightened him as to the exact claim of Smith, but he followed Mr. Blake, whose offer to sell the book to Congress was quite super- fluous, for Congress possesses both the 1780 voiume and that of 1799. WTiat, then, is the explanation of the mystery of Smith's audacity? In his letters to me of 18 and 27 October, Mr. Sonneck tells simply and clearly what it really was that Smith laid claim to as composer: "Blake refers to the words, 'the whole compos'd by John Stafford Smith,' on "the title-page of his A Miscellaneous Collection of New Songs, Catches, and "Glees, London, James Blundell (published, as the contents prove, in the year "1780), and deduces his imputation that Smith fraudulently claimed with the "above words to have been the composer of 'God Save the Eling' from the "fact that on p. 27 'God Save the King' appears in 'A Canon in Subdiapente; "2 in 1 on a plain Song.' Mr. Blake, who is not by profession a musician or "historian, breaks down under his own argument by quoting Smith's Index, in " which this particular piece appears as 'Si Deus pro nobis . . . Canon . . . 27.' *'The puzzle is simple enough for a musician: 'Si Deus pro nobis' are the "words put to the 'Canon in Subdiapente; 2 in 1,' and the 'plain song,' or " 'cantus firmus,' as we would say nowadays, on which Smith composed his "canon was the melody of 'God Save Great George our King,' duly printed " with these words. . . . Dear old Smith's Index shows to what he laid claims "as 'composer' of 'the whole': the canon (as was correct) and nothing "more."« a On p. 32 of the same collection Smith haa "A Canon on aground baas; real London Cries." According to the logic of Mr. Blake and Mr. Grattan Flood this would mean that Smith, claiming to be the composer of "The wliole"' collection, had the audacity to pose as the composer of these "real London Cries. " I can not make myself believe that John Stafford Smith was quite such an audacious idiot as all that. 24115°— 14 4 60 ''The Star Spangled Banner" Though my quotation of O'Carolan's sprightly air of "Bumper, Squire Jones" makes further comparison of it with ''To Anacreon in Heaven" unnecessary, I can not abstain from treatmg the reader to at least part of Rev, Henry's deliciously humorous and for Mr. Flood really disastrous COMPARISON OF "bUMPER" WITH "aNACREOX." As already stated, the only argument of apparent value advanced by Dr. Flood for the Irish origin of the air of our national anthem is the one he bases on musical "characteristics," for the melody of "Anacreon" has, he declares, "all the char- acteristics" of O'Carolan's "Bumper, Squire Jones." JSe invites his readers to make the comparison, assuring them that the truth of his assertion "can easily be tested" in this way. The test is not, however, quite so easily made, for the readers must catch their hare first — must first of all find O'Carolan's air — and then must proceed to cook it, as it were, in the same pot with "Anacreon." To facilitate for them the process of comparison, I have transposed "Anacreon " from the key of C into the "Bumper" [condensation used by Rev. Henry merely in the interest of brevity] key of B-flat, and have turned its 6-4 time into the 6-8 time of "Bumper." Something is lost to my demonstration of the dissimilarity between the two airs by this change in the apparent rhythm of "Anacreon" — this change of quarter notes into eighth notes; for the tendency is a natural (although not, it is true, a necessary) one, to sing 6-8 faster than 6-4 time, and to give "Anacreon" something of the rollicking gait of "Bumper." We are thus tempted to turn what may have been a fairly slow or at least a fairly moderate tempo of "Anacreon" into what was most probably a fairly fast tempo of "Bump- er." But if the comparison is to be made with ease and some approximation to accuracy, the change of "Anacreon" to the same key and the same apparent rhythm as those of "Bumper" is almost a necessity. . . . . . . The only characteristic in which "Bumper" and "Anacreon" agree is the apparently perfect agreement to disagree perfectly; for where one melody ascends the other descends, and vice versa. This agreement to disagree begins with the very first notes and continues throughout to the end, except in the first half of the eleventh bar. So true is this that if the reader looks at any two connected staves, he will fancy that he is gazing at an illustration of scholastic counterpoint in contrary motion. If he should have a very literal mind, he will gravely count the notes on which the two melodies agree as they pass each other, and will not be surprised that they are so very few in number. The "Anacreon " air has 100 notes, and only 7 of these coincide with notes in O'Carolan's air. Seven per cent is not a notable agreement. . . . The comparison of the tunes of "Bumper" and "Anacreon" makes the contention of Dr. Flood unacceptable to us. If "Bumper" is characteristically Irish, then its antithesis, "Anacreon," must be characteristically non-Irish. But the matter is even more curious than this. After I had transcribed the ' ' Bumper " song from an antique volume of music; I chanced to look over the chapter on disputed ascriptions in O'Neill's Irish Folk Music, and there learned that — mirabile dictu— the tune of "Bumper" had been adjudged English by Burk Thumoth (who in 1720 published the first collections of Irish airs), who placed it among the "Twelve English Airs" in his second volume. Hereupon O'Neill remarks that the air is duly accredited to O'Carolan in The Hibernian Muse, "the editor of which in this instance ventured to doubt Thumoth's infallibility. ' ' Can humor further go? The Star Spangled Banner" 51 COMPARISON OF CHARACTERISTICS II. "Anacreon," etc. I 52 ''The Star Spangled Banner" On pages 312-323 Eev. Henry deals with " the negative argument" as foUows: I think the question of the authorship of the tune has been simplified by elim- ination of the Irish claim (so far, of course, as that claim rests on the bases furnished by Dr. Flood's article). We are now able to consider the effect of Mr. Blake's discovery on the commonly accepted view that Smith is the author. In rejecting this view (which had in 1909 been held by him) Dr. Flood writes: In order to bolster up Stafford Smith's claim as a composer of the tune, Chappell and his copyists give the date of his Fifth Book of Canzonets as " 1780 or 1785." Fortunately for historical accuracy, a wealthy Irish-American, Mr. John Henry Blake, went to the copyright office. Stationers' Hall, Lon- don, and searched the record indexes of the copyright department from 1746 to 1799, inclusively, with the result that he discovered the actual date on which Smith entered the copyright, namely. May 14, 1799. [recte May 8. Sonneck.] Dr. Flood is very severe on "Chappell and his copyists," who attempted to "bolster up" Smith's claim by assigning too early a date for his volume. But as late as 1909 Dr. Flood himself wrote in Church Music: The most decisive proof of the fact that the time was composed by Smith is the fact that he includes it in his Fifth Collection of Canzonets, Catches, etc., in 1781. Shall we reckon Dr. Flood among the "copyists" who attempted to "bolster up " Smith's claim by assigning a date for his volume at least 18 years before the appearance of the volume? . . . This "Fifth Book of Canzonets," then, is the book whose date of copy- right was found (in October, 1910) by Mr. John Henry Blake, an American, after a search in the records of Stationers' Hall, London, from the dates 1746-1799. He located the copyright entry of the Fifth Book of Canzonets as 8 May, 1799, and notes a misprint of the title (as given above by Mr. Sonneck) of which he furnishes a photographic facsimile in his monograph. The period-mark placed before "The Anacreontic, and other popular songs," should be a comma, and the word "The" should begin with a small letter — thus associating, Mr. Blake argues, the Anacreontic, not with "other popular songs," but with the previously mentioned "glees." Mr. Blake elevates into a point of capital importance what is merely a printer's error. . . . Mr. Blake's very argument may be neatly turned against himself. Mr. Sonneck, in letters to me dated October 18 and 27, 1913, does this in the follow- ing mariner: "Mr. Blake is correct in stating that in my transcript of the title of Smith's ' ' Fifth Book there is an error. It should be ' author of the favorite glees . . . "Hark the hollow woods, etc. the Anacreontic, and other popular songs,' and "not 'woods, etc. The Anacreontic . . .' (the printer did not follow copy, "but followed office rules in using a capital letter after a period sign, and when "reading proof under pressure of other business I overlooked the error). "Mr. Blake waxes enthusiastic over this discovery, claiming that Smith by "using the lower case letter in 'the' included 'the Anacreontic' among his " aforesaid grZees composed by him and not among his ' popular songs. ' There- " fore, as ' To Anacreon in Heaven ' first appeared as a song, not as a glee. Smith "himself did not claim to have composed it, etc. All nonsense, of course, but "it ia this kind of nonsense which one has to combat. The very fact, it seems "tome, that the title reads 'etc. the' shows that 'the Anacreontic' belongs "grammatically to 'and other popular songs' and that ' the Anacreontic ' was "meant as a 'song'; and the word 'other,' it further |seems to me, compels * ' this interpretation. And again Mr. Blake breaks down under his own infor- "mation, because, as if the registrar wished to make the point raised by me ''The Star Spangled Banner" 53 "above perfectly clear, he transcribed Smith's copyright certificate for Mr. "Blake as follows: 'the Hollow Woods, etc., The Anacreontic, and other "popular songs.' "o . . . Continuing the narrative of Blake's discoveries. Dr. Flood writes in the Ave Maria: He also found indisputable evidence that Smith merely arranged the tune in the form of a "glee," and that he did not claim any copyright for the tune. The "indisputable evidence" seems to have been the fact that Smith, in hia Fifth Book of Canzonets (copyrighted May 8, 1799), writes that the tune was "harmonized by the author." ^\^^at does "author " mean here? Does it mean the author (that is, the compiler and editor) of the Fifth Book, namely. Smith; or does it mean the author (that is, the composer) of the tune? Blake contends that "author" can not mean "composer" . . . A reader who is not well versed in the literatiu-e of the present discussion might perhaps suppose that Mr. Blake had "discovered" in Smith's Fifth Book the phrase "harmonized by the author " in reference to the song "To Anacreon in Heaven." Not only was the phrase and its relation to the song well known long since, but a facsimile of the page (in the Fifth Book) containing that phrase appeared in Mr. Sonneck's Report in 1909. Again, Smith does not refer to his arrangement of "Anacreon" as a "glee." It is not wrong so to characterize his composition; but he himself did not so characterize it. He called it "Anacreontick Song." As will be seen further on, the copyright certificate appears to establish the meaning of "author" to be nothing less than "composer." He was the author (composer) of the "whole" work, the tune of the Anacreontic Song included. Where, then, is the "indisputable e\-idence" that Smith "merely arranged ihe tune in the form of a 'glee'"? The remaining argument against Smith's authorship of the tune is stated by Dr. Flood in the Ave Maria as follows: Smith lived till the year 1836, and he never asserted his claim as composer of his melody, although Key had written "The Star-Spangled Banner " to it in 1814. Surely it stands to reason that if Smith had composed the tune, and that the said tune (whether set to "Anacreon in Heaven " and the "Star- Spangled Banner") had been sung, printed, and circulated all over the British possessions and in America, he would, as a true Britisher, have asserted his claim to it. Here much is made of Smith's failure to lay claim to the authorship of the tune. In his Fifth Book of Canzonets, etc., Smith did declare that the tune there given was "harmonized by the Author." Blake (and, following his lead, Flood) can see in this declaration only a confession that Smith was not the author of the tune, but merely the author of the collection; and that if Smith desired to vin- dicate his authorship of the tune, he should have used the word "composer" instead of "author." Mr. Kidson could not see the force of this contention. In his Report Mr. Sonneck had already discussed (p. 23) this interesting question: The words "harmonized by the author'' may of course mean harmonized by the author of the collection and do not necessarily mean harmonized by the author of the air, but these words, together with the fact that the collection contains none but Smith's own glees, etc., and the wording of the title renders it probable that Smith refers to himself as the composer of the music. . . . Probably Smith composed it, if he really did compose the tune, as a song for one voic-e, and in " harmonizing " it for several and different voices he felt obliged to wander away from the original. oThe transcript of the record made in November, 1913, for the Library of Congress reads, "Woods, etc., the Anacreontic, and." In other words, if this "t" instead of a "T" in "the" is correct, then the registrar followed Smith's title exactly, adding the comma between etc. and the in order to make matters absolutely clear. 54 '^The Star Spangled Banner" This brief extract from the -Report shows us that Mr. Sonneck (a) held his judgment in suspense as to the meaning of "author," and (b) had not committed himself — ("if he really did compose the tune" are his words) — to the common ascription of the air to Smith. But here it is highly interesting to note with what felicity he is able to make use of the copyright certificate subsequently given to Mr. Blake by the registrar of Stationers' Hall records, to emphasize (almost, if not indeed quite, to the point of con^dction) the contention that Smith really did mean by the word "author" nothing less than "composer." This interesting argument is thus stated in Mr. Sonneck's letters to me (18 and 27 October, 1913): " Now the copyright record, as quoted with great glee but little understanding "by Mr. Blake, distinctly says imder 'Property of:' 'Author,' and under " ' Share:' ' Whole.' Consequently, if copyright certificates have any evidential "value at all. Smith was oflicially recorded as claiming the copyright in the " whole ' Fifth Book ' as 'Author' (i. e., composer, because to my knowledge " author was the official term used in the statute for all copj-xightable matter, in- " eluding miisical works, and not corn-poser f- and author can mean in this instance " and under the circumstances composer only and nothing else, since Smith does "not pose as compiler of the music, much less as author of the texts (in several "instances he mentions the authors of the texts). Ergo, if his words on p. 33: " ' The Anacreontick Song (sic! poor Mr. Blake) harmonized by the author ' could "leave the doubt expressed on p. 23 of my 'Report' as to what Smith meant "by these words, these words in conjunction with Smith's copyright certificate " now would appear to establish, beyond reasonable doubt, that Smith claimed "to be the author (composer) of ' The Anacreontick Song^: 'To Anacreon in "Heaven,' 'harmonized' by him in this 'Fifth Book' as a part-song, and " designated a glee by me in my ' Report ' (but not by Smith himself!). "And this (it seems to me) inevitable conclusion stops up the keyhole, which " Mr. Blake can not keep open for escape, that there is in Smith's Miscellaneous " Collection of 1780, on p. 35, a four-part piece headed simply 'Anacreontic' " In the index it is called, 'Is it summer . . . GLEE,' Thereby Mr. Blake, " or anybody else, is enjoined from operating with the over-nice distinction be- "tween 'song' and 'glee' {i. e., only when it suits their purpose). They can " not say that Smith, in the title-page of his ' Fifth Book,' referred to this 'glee' "as the popular Anacreontic songr composed by him and not to 'Anacreon in " Heaven. ' No, the title-page apparently refers to ' Anacreon in Heaven, ' and to " this Anacreontick Song (popularly known as the Anacreontick song) in a harmon- " ized version Smith laid copyright claim on "May 8, 1799, as author (composer). « Mr. Ernest Bruncken, Assistant Reg'ster of Copyright in the Library of Congress, had the kindness to inform me as follows: MUrSical copyright. The firet case is that of Bach v. Longman (Cowp., 623), in 1777. Held, that the same rules apply to both literary and musical compositions, because the words of the act of 1710, "books or other writings," were not confined to letters and language only. In D'ALmaine v. Boosey (1 Y. & C. Exch., 299) it is stated as a fact that "a gi-eat deal of music" was entered at Stationers' Hall as books; and as a matter of law that "printed music, in whatever form it may be published, is to be considered in refer- ence to copyright proceedings as books." The terms "author" and "composer" seem to be in use interchangeably. In the statute the word "author" only is used. "Musical composition" as a special object of protection by cop>Tight is not men- tioned in these terms in any copyright acts of Parliament until the act of 1842. ''The Star Spangled Banner" 55 " Perhaps he lied; but it is up to our friends Blake and Grattan Flood to prove "that he lied. Until they produce proof of fraudulent claim, Smith's ctom at " least will stand good in any court of scientific inquiry, and I can not see how, " under the circumstances, we can deny that Smith composed 'To Anacreon in " Heaven,' unless a prior authenticated claim by some other composer is pro- " duced. "And with [read in view of] Smith's own copyright claim the silly ai^ument " collapses that, if Smith had been the composer, he would have taken pains to "tell the world that he was the composer. Well, he did, on May 8, 1799, and "that is all there is to this phase of the matter at present, so far as I can see." To sum up: Even the most obstinate opponent of Smith has so far not denied that, ''To Anacreon in Heaven" excepted, John Stafford Smith was the composer of the music in his Filth Book. The word author used by Smith in the title, in the copyi-ight entiy, and in the dedication to Viscount Dudley and Ward, where he says: "These glees and songs . . . are . . . himibly inscribed by the obliged author," has so far not been denied to be the equivalent not merely of com- piler of the collection called Fifth Book, but of composer of the music therein contained, with exception of the disputed "To Anacreon in Heaven." Should now the opponents of John Stafford Smith deny that he was the actual composer of all other music contained in the Fifth Book, in order to operate vntb. the word "author" in the sense of "compiler" with special reference to "To Anacreon in Heaven," then the burden of proof would be entirely on their shoulders. Their mere denial mil be valueless m a court of scientific inquiry until such proof is fuinished. Until then the word "author" used by Smith, as occasionally by other eighteenth century composers, will be con- strued by every unbiased historian in its, under the circumstances, most natural and indeed obvious sense ot composer. "To Anacreon in Heaven" became popularly known, as the reader can not fail to have noticed, as "The Anacreon tick Song." Of the many Anacreontic songs of the time it appears to have been the only one to have gamed such distmction. In the title of his Fifth Book John Stafford Smith calls himself the author of " the Anacreontic, and other popular songs." In the copyright entry of this Fifth Book on May 8, 1799, Smith laid copyright claim to the whole book as author. On page 33 of this Filth Book "To Anacreon m Heaven" appears m a version "harmonized by the author." Though, if so inclmed, one may designate this arrangement as a glee. Smith him- self did not so designate it. He headed this harmonized version of "To Anacreon in Heaven" simply as "The Anacreontick Song," and in the index "To Anacreon in Heaven . . . harmonized" is one of the only two pieces in the book called "Song." If an obstmate opponent of Smith's claim argues that, strictly speakmg, "harmo- nized by the author" may mean harmonized by the author of the words, Ralph Tomlinson, then the deduction is all the more inevitable 56 ''The Star Spangled Banner" that John Stafford Smith claimed to be the author of the music (i. e. composer) of "The Anacreontick Song" with "To Anacreon in Heaven" as text. Without unduly wishing to influence readers of this revised * 'Report " one way or the other, self -protection against misrepresentation demands that I put myself squarely on record with this personal opinion: Available evidence, and a more thorough study of it, than in 1909, together with the deductive force of Mr. Blake's discovery of the copyright entry of Smith's Fifth Book compel me to believe that the music of ralph tomlinson's poem "to anacreon in heaven" was indeed composed by JOHN STAFFORD SMITH. Words and music of this song, later on popularly kno-vvn as "The Anacreontick Song," probably originated about the year 1775; at any rate, before the Anacreontic Society moved from Ludgate Hill, London, to the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand." One may indeed express surprise that John Stafford Smith waited until 1799 before he publicly claimed the music of "To Anacreon in Heaven" as his own. But are we really certain that he did not claim it years before? May there not be hidden away somewhere in "the wreck of time" — Bacon's beautiful phrase used by Rev. Henry — direct evidence of Smith's authorship, if not his own manuscript, then perhaps some reference in contemporary letters or the like? Even in the absence of such evidence, so late a claim as that of Smith would not be without a parallel. Rev. Henry strikingly illustrates this by pointing to Father Clarence Walworth's translation "Holy God, we praise thy name" of the "Te Deum, " published anonymously in 1853 in a Redemptorist "Mission Book." His hymn found its way into many books. Catholic and Protestant, but this translation was never printed with his name until 1880 and then in an "Evangelical Hymnal." Father Walworth himself did not publicly lay claim to his hymn until 1888, when he published his "Andiatorocte, etc.," a On purpose the method of fixing authorship by "internal evidence," "stilistic characteristics," etc., was not dragged into this matter. Legitimate enough and necessary where no binding proof of authorship in the hand of the author or no posi- tive claim by him of authorship exists, it is often an unsafe method and lends itself easily to pedantry or preconceived preferences. It is doubly unsafe in our case. Neither do the few bars of "To Anacreon in Heaven " abound in stilistic peculiari- ties, nor do the five books of Smith's music reveal stilistic characteristics sufficiently tangible for profitable comparison with "To Anacreon in Heaven." My impression is that the music in these five books, on the whole, does not conjure memories of "To Anacreon in Heaven," though now and then, as in Smith's prize medal glee of 1777 "Return blest days" at the words "Breast if e'er my cheek" {In Smith's "Select collection of catches . . .") I was startlingly reminded of "To Anacreon in Heaven.'' However, such impressions are too personal to be of any evidential value. ''The Star Spangled Banner" 57 that is, 35 years after it had first appeared in print[ ! ] " Supposing," says Rev. Henry, the EvangeHcal Hymnal of 1880 "had disappeared and Father Walworth had not lived to bring out his volume of poems, we should not find it an easy matter to settle at this late day the question of authorship. Late day — but 13 years after his death." We, who daily have to catalogue music, know best how much anonymous music exists in manuscript and in print. Some composer must be responsible for the individual piece, but it is the exception, rather than the rule, if circumstantial evidence enables us to credit the music with some degree of certainty to its composer. The path of cataloguers and bibliographers would be smooth indeed, though perhaps less interesting, if signposts so prominent as in the case of "To Anacreon in Heaven" always guided them in their work. Very often we have to struggle forward without such signposts. An author or composer is at perfect liberty to withhold his authorship of a work from the public or not. He may have reasons for keeping a work anonymous that influence him more than the considerations of glory or of the convenience of cataloguers, historians, and readers. He runs the risk of never being identified with a work that may live through many centuries as a master work, but we have no right to quarrel with him for running such a risk. If he finally, after many years, and again for reasons, known or unknown to us, does consent to lift the veil of anonymity, at least we bibliographers feel grateful, do not quarrel with him, give him the benefit of the doubt, and do not cast suspicions on his tardy claim of authorship, unless compelled by convincing evidence to the contrary. Mr. Blake's patient search through the Stationers' Hall records from 1746 to 1799 and search through the same records from 1770 to 1800, undertaken in 1913 for the Library of Congress, have made it fairly certain that "To Anacreon in Heaven" was not entered in any form for copyright either by the composer or by a publisher prior to May 8, 1799.** Now, mere copyright entry wiU never prove author- ship eo ipso. If a piece of music is entered for copyright, the pre- sumption of authorship wiU of course be so strongly in favor of the composer mentioned that bibliographers or historians will accept his authorship in the absence of proof to the contrary. However, the moment their suspicions are aroused, they wiU look upon a copyright entry as, what historically considered it reaUy is, a mere o The only time that ''To Anacreon in Heaven" was incidentally mentioned in these records from 1770 to 1800 appears to have occurred when P. Jung on February 9, 1793 "entred for his Copy Tlie Knave's Necklace, or Every Rogue a Halter, a new Anacreontic, the words by a gentleman. Sung at a loyal Association at T — r previous to burning Tom Paine in Effigy to the Tune of To Anacreon in Heaven." This is again (indirect) proof that the tune was not protected by copyright and could be used for other than the original words. 68 "The Star Spangled Banner" piece of circumstantial evidence of authorship, and will insist on other corroborative evidence, at the very least, in the particular pubUcation itself." On the other hand, neglect of copyright entry may invalidate a composer's proprietory rights legally, but never his authorship historically, if such authorship can be proved by direct or indirect evidence. This is the case of "To Anacreon in Heaven," where Smith's copyright claim together with other evidence has estab- lished his musical authorship beyond reasonable doubt. Had Smith or a pubUsher registered "To Anacreon in Heaven" at Stationers' Hall immediately upon pubhcation, they could have vindicated the copyright of the song as Rev. Henry pointed out "nowhere save in Great Britain:" The Englisli copyright law then in existence did not extend to Ireland until after the Act of Union in 1800. . . . English copyrighted books were freely pub- lished in Dublin and sometimes, to the great annoyance of English publishers, were carried into England ... in the American colonies, the Kevolution removed publishers from all liability to English law, whether statute or common and . . . the British colonies were not under the operation of the English copyright law. If Smith ... as might easily have been the case, had transferred his common- law right to the publisher of some "collection" of music, his name would not appear in the records of Stationers' Hall. Once copyright entry was neglected, Smith was practically power- less to stop piracy of his song in its original form (piracy in the ethical, not in the legal sense) even in Great Britain. His only opportunity for a copyright claim after that would have been to register the song in an arrangement. By the copyright act then in force an author could obtain cop^Tight for two terms of 14 years each, or for a possible total of 28 years. Now, there is a very remote possibility that "To Anacreon in Heaven" was first published in 1771, i. e. exactly 28 years before 1799. A peculiar coincidence this is, and shrewdly Rev. Henry seizes upon it, for a possible explanation of entry. Smith waited until 1799 before he laid claim to "To Anacreon in Heaven" because Had Smith written his tune in 1770-1771, his right to it could not sui-\'ive the year 1799; and it is quite permissible to suppose that he was ready, in that year, with an arrangement of the tune as a glee, so that a new term of copyright might be granted him. o As an illustration of how valueless a mere copyright entry may become for purely historical purposes, I submit the following case recently brought to my attention. A young and fairly well known composer submitted the manuscript of a song to a prominent American publisher for publication. Had the publisher accepted it, the song in due course of time would have been registered for copyright and this Bong in the form published would probably have been legally safe against reprint not only, but the presumption of authorship would have been very strongly and per- manently in favor of the composer mentioned. The firm's "tester" of manuscripts had his suspicions aroused by some melodic phrase in the song and he found that, though the text was new, the music was practically identical with that of one of Schu- bert's beautiful but fairly unknown songs. Needless to say, this song by Schubert "composed" by the audacious young gentleman was not published, at any rate not by that particular firm. ''The Star Spangled Banner' 59 Of course, the new term of copyright would have applied to 'To Anacreon in Heaven " in its ' ' harmonized ' ' version, but not in its orig- inal form as song for one voice," which had become pubHc property. Personally, I doubt very much that ''To Anacreon in Heaven" was published as a sheet song as early as 1771. I also doubt that Smith's inclusion of it in a ''harmonized" version in his Fifth Book was due to any special consideration of the copyright laws. I am inclined to believe that it simply had struck Smith's fancy as a composer to " a As stated in my "Report" of 1909, the "Anacreontic Songs for 1, 2, 3 & 4 voices composed and selected by Doctr. Arnold and dedicated by permission to the Anacreon- tic Society. London. Printed for J. Bland, No. 45 Holborn, 1785 " and, so a manu- script note in the Library of Congress copy informs us, "pubd. as the Act directs 4th June 1785" do not include "To Anacreon in Heaven." In this very scarce collection Arnc, Arnold, Baildon, Boyce, Green, Handel, etc. are mentioned as composers but not John'stafford Smith. Now, there occurs on the pictorial title-page an obvious allusion to Tomlinson's poem, since Mmnus ivith his rinhle phiz is pictured showing to old Thunder ' ' The humble petition of the members of the Anacreontic . " In addition some kind of a winged being with a herald's trumpet is bearing a legend "Anacreontic Society." Under these circumstances, we certainly have a right to wonder at the ex- clusion of the society's by that time fairly famous constitutional song from Arnold's collection. Rev. Henry advances this explanation: "Apparently some copyright law forbade the inclusion of the tune. If, at that early day, nobody claimed it, it seems hard to explain, why, of all the songs open to Dr. Arnold for inclusion, it should have been passed over in silence." Difficult of proof, as this explanation is, it ib plausible Of course, the puzzle would disappear if it should turn out that the Library of Congress copy is incomplete and should reaUy contain also ' ' To Anacreon m Heaven. ' ' The make-up of the collection is pecuUar. After the title page (verso blank) come p. [1] 2-63. On verso of this p. 63 begins Arnold'ssong "Flow thou regal purple stream" from his "Castle of Andalusia " and the song has the pagination 2^. With it our copy stops There is no index and nothing to indicate that our copy is incomplete, but as it appears to coincide with that at the British Museum, it probably is complete. On the other hand there are plenty of indications that previously published music plates had simply been pressed into service for this compilation by Arnold. Supposing, then, that minute bibUographical research should establish the fact that the book, with exception perhaps of one or two compositions by Arnold, contains none but songs, etc., previously/ published on plates of the same size, would not that fact suggest perhaps the probability that Bland did not care to go to the expense of engraving and printing music still in manuscript? If "To Anacreon in Heaven" in 1785 was still m manu- script, i. e. as sung by the "Anacreontic Society," would not that fact, then, furnish another plausible explanation, why the song was not inserted by Arnold? Of course, "To Anacreon in Heaven" can not very well have been in manuscript in 1785 in the form as sung by the "Anacreontic Society," if Longman & Broderip, who published the song with the double address of the firm in the imprint, liad actually opened their branch shop at 13, Haymarket before 1785. With just a little imagination, one may stumble upon other explanations. For instance, there may have existed intense pro- fessional rivalry between Smith and Arnold, and Smith may have forbidden the insertion of his song in a compilation by Arnold or Arnold did not care to insert music by Smith; or, the Anacreontic Society ^-iewed the publicity its constitutional song had already gained with displeasure and (in vain) did all in its power to prevent further publicity. I leave it to others to indulge in futile speculation along these lines, but, to repeat it, if Arnold had composed "To Anacreon in Heaven " he pre- sumably would have inserted it in the collection. 60 ''The Star Spangled Banner" "harmonize" his song or that somebody, perhaps members of the Anacreontic Society, had suggested an arrangement of his and their "To Anacreon in Heaven" as a glee for club purposes. I am all the more incUned to such a simple explanation, because Smith's other collections did not always contain his music in its orginal form. For instance, in his Mscellaneous Collection of New Songs, [1780] liis "Chearful glee" (on p. 42) had been "alter'd & adapted for treble voices" by him. Those who with jMt. Blake take it for granted that John Stafford Smith was a "good business man" probably will stiU insist on asking: Does it not stand to reason that Smith would have safeguarded his financial interests by entering "To Anacreon in Heaven" for copy- right, if he reaUy was the composer ? and Since he apparently did not copyright the song, does not this absence of a copyright claim ai^ue against his authorship ? Why, then, if he was the composer, did he not copyright "To Anacreon in Heaven" in its original form as a song? To ask such questions is very much easier than to answer them to the satisfaction of those who ask them. In themselves these questions are reasonable enough, but they proceed from a faulty premise. If by neglect of copyright entry of "To Anacreon in Heaven" Smith had furnished a glaring exception to a universal rule, then, indeed, but only then would these questions have the force of negative arguments. As a matter of fact — this opinion was recently verified through Miss Constance H. White for the Library of Congress by the ofiicials of Stationers' Hall — copyright entry at Stationers' Hall was never compulsory, and though even many sheet songs were entered and certified for copyright, much music was published in England between the years 1770 and 1800 without having been copyrighted at all. This important fact applies not merely to obscure British composers or music publishers, but with equal force to the best known, and it applies also to a good deal of valuable music issued anonymously, as every student of Mr. Barclay Squire's catalogue appreciates. How are we to know at this late date why this or that "good business man" among composers and music pubUshers neglected to put himself under the protecting wing of the copyright act? To speculate along these lines appears, at least to me, to be futile. Moreover, such speculation projects mod- ern practices into the past with its different practices and against such inapplicable, anachronistic comparison those who dabble in history can not be warned too strongly. To lose their amateurish flavor and to partake of legitimate historical curiosity, questions like the above would have to be amended thus: If Smith was in the habit of copyrighting his music and if he did compose "To Anacreon in Heaven," does it not stand to reason that he would have copy- righted also this song ? and If he did not copyright it, does not this The Star Spangled Banner" 61 fact, considering his habits in such matters, argue against his author- ship ? A satisfactory answer to these legitimate questions with their inferential force can only be given by establishing first Smith's habits in the matter of copyright claims. Accordingly, the Library of Congress instructed its London agents to search the Stationers Hall records from 1770 to 1800 with special reference to the following works of Jolin Stafford Smith preceding his Fifth Book of 1799 and all in our possession: A Select collection of catches canons and glees of different kinds . . . com- posed by J. S. Smith, London, John Welcker [1780?] A Miscellaneous collection of New Songs, catches and glees ... the whole compos'd by John Stafford Smith, London, James Blundell [1780] A collection of glees . . . including some . . . which have S^J^^d pnze medals ... the whole composed by J. S. Smith. London, ;\«l^^f'- tl^^^^^^J .^, A Collection of Songs of various kinds . . . Composed by John Stafford Smith. London, J. Preston [date?] W6 loere informed that no copyright entry was found for any of these worls, nor for any other worl hy John Stafford Smith, except has Fijth Boole! ' . , . , • 1 Evidently Smith was not in the habit of copyrighting his works. If he did not consider it necessary to claim copyright m four out of his five collections, we have no right to find fault with him-fault belated and based on the inapplicable practice of modern composers- for having neglected to copyright "To Anacreon m Heaven ! Still less the right to play out unsound "business" arguments against the word of a Gentleman of His Majesty's Chapels Royal that he, John Stafford Smith, was the author (composer) of ''To Anacreon m Heaven," once popular as "The Anacreontic Song '• Tracing the American history of the air, or rather the history of its use in America, one runs across these statements m Mr. Salisbury s "Essay on The Star-Spangled Banner," 1873, page 7: I do not discover that it was a favorite -^en Robert Treat Paine, jr.. used it« measure in his spirited song entitled "Adams and Liberty [1798]. Page 9: \fter sixteen years, in which the tune of the Anacreontic song was seldom he'^d L'hi^country orin Europe, it was applied to the pathetic versesof Mr. Key. The second of these statements is nonsensical, the first at least improbable, because it is now known that the "^^^^^^^^^f/^^^^";^^ between England and America was too lively m those dajs to have permitted such a weU-known air as "To Anacreon m Heaven pub- fished in the most popular -Uectons, to have renamed bar.e^^^^ our shores The chances are entu-ely m favor of the possibihtj that the song had its votaries here in the seventies or eighties the more so as Parke states Sir Richard Hankey, later on president of the Anacre- ontic Society, to have served in the British army durmg our war for independence Nor would it be at aU reasonable to assume that the "coCb an Anacreontic Society" founded in imitation of the Lon- 62 ^'The Star Spangled Banner" don Society in 1795 at New York, the moving spirit of which was for years the great actor-vocaHst and bon vivant John Hodgkinson, should not have helped to spread a familiarity with * 'To Anacreon in Heaven, " Indeed, at least one performance of it in public is reason- ably certain, namely, when the "Anacreontic Song" was sung by Mr. J. West at a concert at Savannah, Ga., August 19, 1796. However, Mr. Salisbury himself assists in undermining his theory that ''To Anacreon in Heaven" was little known in America before it was applied to Key's "pathetic verses. " On page 5 of his essay he writes of having seen it in his copy of "The Vocal Companion, published in Philadelphia, by Matthew Carey in 1796." It matters little that no copy of this mysterious collection is preserved at the Library of Con- gress, Boston Pubhc, New York PubUc, Brown University, Phila- delphia Library Company, Pennsylvania Historical Society, Princeton University, American Antiquarian Society; Mr. Salisbury must have seen the song in a copy of some collection in his possession. Then he mentions Robert Treat (scil. Thomas) Paine's spirited "Adams and Liberty" ("Ye Sons of Columbia who bravely have fought") written for and sung to the tune of "To Anacreon in Heaven" at the anniversary of the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society in Boston on June 1, 1798. A photographic facsimile of this famous song is given here as it was published in the very popular "American Musical Miscellany" of 1798. (Appendix, Plate X.) Mr. Salisbury further mentions Paine's song "Spain" set to the same tune for a Boston fes- tival in honor of the Spanish patriots, January 24, 1809. He also mentions (in footnote, p. 10) a "patriotic offshot" of the Anacreontic song, "perhaps as good as any other commonly known before 1814" [!] which appeared in The New York Remembrancer, Albany, 1802, with the first line "To the Gods who preside o'er the nation below," attributed by the Boston Daily Advertiser, May 1, 1873, to Jonathan Mitchell Sewall, of Portsmouth, N. H. To these four instances of the early American use of "To xlnacreon in Heaven" may be added these in the following collections: 1797. Columbian Songster, New York, p. 136. Song: For the glorious Four- teenth of July. (" The Genius of France from his star begem'd throne. ") 1799. Columbian Songster, Wrentham, Mass. Song. 32: Union of the gods. 1799. A Collection of Songs selected from the works of Mr. Charles Dibdin, to which are added the newest and most favorite American Patriotic Songs, Philadelphia, p. 315. Boston Patriotic Song [Adams and Liberty], p. 326. Our Country's efficiency ("Ye sons of Columbia, determined to keep"). 1800. American Songster, Baltimore: p. 9. "To Colimabia, who gladly reclin'd at her ease . . . p. 13. "Ye Sons of Columbia, unite in the cause." No tunes are indicated for these two, but the metre plainly suggests "To Anacreon in Heav'n." p. 233. "To Anacreon in Heav'n." ''The Star Spangled Banner" 63 1802. Vocal companion, Boston. Song XVI. By J. F. Stanfield, Sunderland. ("Not the fictions of Greece, nor the dreams of old Rome.") 1803. The American Republican Harmonist: p. 4. "New Song sung at the celebration of the 4th of July, at Sara- toga and Waterford, N. Y. By William Foster" (Brave sons of Columbia, your triumph behold). p. 30. Jefferson and Liberty. ("Ye sons of Columbia, who cherish the prize." Text merely altered from Adams and Liberty.) p. 105. Song [for the fourth of July, 1803] ("In years which are past, when America fought). p. 111. Song. Sung on the 4th of March, at an entertainment given by the American Consul at London. ("Well met, fellow free men! lets cheerfully greet.") p. 126. Song for the anniversary festival of the Tammany Society, May 12, 1803. Written by Brother D. E. 1804. 'Nightingale,' selected by Samuel Larkin, Portsmouth. p. 69. Adams and Liberty, p. 188. To Anacreon in Heaven. 1804. Baltimore Musical Miscellany: V. 1, p. 26. Anacreon in Heaven (given in Appendix in facsimile, PI. XI). p. 29. "When Bibo went down to the regions below." p. 121. Sons of Columbia [Adams and Liberty]. V. 2, p. 158. The Social Club. 1811. Musical Repository, Augusta. p. 22. Young Bibo. ("For worms when old Bibo prov'd delicate fun.") p. 140. Adams and Liberty [without indication of the tune], p. 207. Union of the Gods. ("To Columbia, who gladly clined at her ease.") 1813. James J. Wilson, National Song Book, Trenton. p. 43. "For the Fourth of July" ("Columbians arise! let the cannon resound . " ) p. 66. "Embargo and Peace" ("When our sky was illuminated by freedom's bright dawn.") p. 68. "Union and Liberty." ("Hark! The Trumpet of war from the East sounds alarm.") p. 70. "Freedom." ("Of the victory won over tyrany's power.") p. 87. "The Fourth of July." ("O'er the forest crowned hills, the rich vallies and streams.") p. 88. "Jefferson's Election." Sung by the Americans in London, March 4, 1802. "Well met, fellow freemen! Let's cheer- fully greet.") In addition to these references should be mentioned the very scarce sheet song in possession of the Boston Public Library (reproduced by permission in the Appendix, Plate XII): ''Adams and Liberty. The Boston Patriotic Song. Written by Thomas Paine, A. M. ...New York. Printed & Sold by W. Howe, Organ Builder & Importer of all Kinds of Musical Instruments. No. 320 Pearl Street." (This sheet song can not have appeared before 1798 nor after 1799 since we find in the New York City Directory of 1800 "Howe, widow of William, musical store, 320 Pearl St." The date probably is 1798.) THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER Opinions differ widely on the merits of "The Star-Spangled Banner" as a national song. Some critics fail to see in Francis Scott Key's inspired lines poetry of more than patriotic value. Some look upon it merely as a flag song, a military song, but not as a national hymn. Some criticize the melody for its excessive range, but others see no defects in "The Star-Spangled Banner" and feel not less enthusiastic over its esthetic merits as a national song than over its sincere patri- otic sentiment. This controversy will be decided, whether rightly or wrongly, by the American people regardless of critical analysis, leg- islative acts, or naive efforts to create national songs by prize com- petition. This report does not concern itseff at all with such quasi esthetic problems, nor is it here the place to trace the political history of "The Star-Spangled Banner" beyond what is necessary for the understanding of its history as a national song. Until recently the first, though brief , account of the origin of "The Star-Spangled Banner" was believed to have appeared m the Balti- more American on September 21, 1814, but Mr. John C. Fitzpatrick, of the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress, found in our volume of the Baltunore Patriot (publishers, Munroe & French), which had not been accessible to me when I wrote my "Report" of 1909, the foUowmg account m No. 59, September 20, 1814, the first issue of the paper after its temporary suspension of publication with No. 58, September 10, 1814: DEFENSE OF FORT m'HENRY. [The following beautiful and animating effusion, which is destined long to outlast the occasion and outlive the impulse which produced it, has already been exten- sively circulated. In our first renewal of publication we rejoice in an opportunity to enliven the sketch of an exploit so illustrious, with strains which a:) fitly cele- brate it.]— Ed. Pat. The annexed song was composed under the following circumstances: A gentle- man had left Baltimore in a flag of truce for the purpose of getting released from the British fleet a friend of his who had been captured at Mariborough. He went as far as the mouth of the Patuxent, and was not pennitted to return lest the intended attack on Baltimore should be disclosed. He was therefore brought up the bay to the mouth of the Patapsco, where the flag vessel was kept under the guns of a frigate, and he was compelled to witness the bombardment of Fort McHenry, which 'the admiral liad boasted that he would carry in a few hours, and that the city must fall. He watched the flag at the fort through the whole day vnth. an anxiety that can be better felt than described, until the night prevented hun from seeing it. In the night he watched the bombshells, and at early dawn his eye was again greeted by the proudly waving flag of his country. 24115°— 14 5 ^ 66 ''The Star Spangled Banner" This account is followed by the text of Key's poem without special title, but with the indication: "Tune: Anacreon in Heaven." (See Appendix, Plate XIII.) One day later the Baltimore American printed the same historical account, with text of Key's poem and indication of the tune, but without the so curiously prophetic remarks of the editor and without any allusion to previous extensive cir- culation of account and text." As this account was printed almost immediately after the events therein described took place, and were in every reader's memory, the newspaper editors, of course, omitted specific dates, but it is a matter of history that the gallant defense of Fort McHenry under Maj. Armistead began on the morning of Tuesday, September 13, and lasted until the early hours of September 14, 1814. The gentleman is, of course, Francis Scott Key, and either his own modesty or an editorial whim kept his authorship from the pubHc. The first detailed and authentic account of the origin of "The Star- Spangled Banner" practically came from Francis Scott Key himself, who narrated it shortly after the British designs on Baltimore failed, to his brother-in-law, ilr. R. B. Taney, subsequently Chief Justice of our Supreme Court. When in 1856 Mr. Henry V. D. Jones edited the "Poems of the Late Francis S. Key, Esq. . . ." (New York, 1857), Chief Justice Taney contributed Key's version from memory, in an introductory "letter . . . narrating the incidents connected with the origin of the song 'The Star-Spangled Banner.'" This interesting narrative has been made the basis of all subsequent accounts. Its substance is this: When, after the battle of Bladensburg, the main body of the British army had passed through the town of Upper Marlborough, some stragglers, who had left the ranks to plunder or from some other motive, made their appearance from time to time, singly or in small squads, and a Dr. Beanes, who had previously been very hospitable to the British officers, "put himself at the head of a smaU body of citizens to pursue and make prisoners" of the stragglers. Information of this proceeding reached the British and Dr. Beanes was promptly seized. The British "did not seem to regard him, and certainly did not treat him, as a prisoner of war, but as one who had deceived and broken his faith to them." Dr. Beanes was the leading physician of his town and so highly respected that the news of his imprisonment fiUed his friends with alarm. They o Mr. Da\-id E. Roberts, of the Library' of Congress, had the kindness to verify for me the following facts: The last issue of the Baltimore American (publishers, "W. Pechin, G. Dobbin, and Murphy) before suspension was on September 10, 1814, -with No. 4762. The first issue after suspension appeared on September 20, 1814, as No. 4766, but this number of September 20, 1814, did not contain Key's poem. The Baltimore American printed it on September 21, 1814, but not before. By courtesy of the Mar^iand Historical Society a facsimile of the Baltimore American text appears in the appendix as Plate XIV. "The Star Spangled Banner" 67 "hastened to the headquarters of the English army to solicit liis release, but it was peremptorily refused," and they were informed that he had been carried as a prisoner on board the fleet. Francis Scott Key happened also to be one of the doctor's intimate friends, and as ^Mr. Key, just then a volunteer in Maj. Peter's Light Artil- lery, but a lawyer by profession, was a resident of Georgetown, which means practically Washington, the other friends requested him — to obtain the sanction of the Government to liis going on board the admiral's ship under a flag of truce and endeavoring to prociu:e the release of Dr. Beanes, before the fleet sailed. . . . Mr. Key readily agreed to undertake the mission in Ms favor, and the Presi- dent [Madison] promptly gave his sanction to it. Orders were immediately issued to the vessel usually employed as a cartel [the Minden] in the communications with the fleet in the Chesapeake to be made ready without delay; and Mr. John S. Skinner, who was agent for the Government for flags of truce and excliange of pris- oners, and who was well known as such to the officers of the fleet, was directed to accompany Mr. Key. And as soon as the arrangements were made, he hastened to Baltimore, where the vessel was, to embark; . . . We heard nothing from him until the enemy retreated from Baltimore, which, as well aa I can now recollect, was a week or ten days after he left us; and we were becoming uneasy about him when, to our great joy, he made his appearance at my house, on his way to join his family. He told me that he found the British fleet at the mouth of the Potomac, pre- paring for the expedition against Baltimore. He was comteously received by Admiral Cochrane and the officers of the army, as well as the navy. But when he made known his business his application was received so coldly tliat he feared he would fail. General Ross and Admiral Cockburn— who accompanied the expe- dition to Washington — particularly the latter, spoke of Dr. Beanes in very liarsh terms, and seemed at first not disposed to release him. It, however, happened, fortunately, that Mr. Skinner carried letters from the wounded British officers left at Bladensburg, and in these letters to their friends on board the fleet they all spoke of the humanity and kindness with which they had been treated after they • had fallen into our hands. And after a good deal of conversation and strong repre- sentations from Mr. Key as to the character and standing of Dr. Beanes, and of the deep interest which the community in wliich he lived took in liis fate, Gen. Ross said that Dr. Beanes deserved much more punishment than he had received; but that he felt himself bound to make a return for the kindness wluch had been shown to his wounded officers, whom he had been compelled to leave at Bladens- burg; and upon that ground, and that only, he would release him. But Mr. Key was at the same time informed that neither he, nor any one else, would be per- mitted to leave the fleet for some days, and must be detained until the attack on Baltimore, wliich was then about to be made, was over. But he was assured that they would make liim and Mr. Skinner as comfortable as possible while they detained him. Admiral Coclirane, with whom they dined on tlie day of their arrival, apoligized for not accommodating them on Ids own ship, saying that it was crowded already with officers of the army, but tliat they would be well taken care of in the frigate Surprise, commanded by liis son, Sir Tliomaa Coclirane. And to this frigate they were accordingly transferred. Mr. Key liad an interview with Dr. Beanes before General Ross consented to release him. I do not recollect whether he was on board the admiral's sliip or the Surprise, but I believe it was the former. He found liim in the forward part of the ship, among the sailors and soldiers; he had not had a change of clothes "The Star Spangled Banner" from the time he waa seized; was constantly treated with indignity by those around him, and no officer would speak to him. He waa treated as a culprit, and not as a prisoner of war. And this harsh and humiliating treatment con- tinued until he was placed on board the cartel. Mr. Key and Mr. Skinner continued on board of the Surprise, where they were very kindly treated by Sir Thomas Cochrane, until the fleet reached the Patapsco, and preparations were making for landing the troops. Admiral Cochrane then shifted his flags to the frigate, in order that he might be able to move farther up the river, and superintend in person, the attack by water, on the fort. And Mr. Key and Mr. Skinner were then sent on board their own vessel, with a guard of sailors, or marines, to prevent them from landing. They were permitted to take Dr. Beanes with them and they thought themselves fortunate in being anchored in a position which enabled them to see distinctly the flag of Fort McHenry from the deck of the vessel. He proceeded then with much animation to describe the scene on the night of the bombardment. He and Mr. Skinner remained on deck during the night, watching every shell, from the moment it was fired, until it fell, listening with breathless interest to hear if an explosion followed . While the bom- bardment continued , it was sufficient proof that the fort had not surrendered . But it suddenly ceased some time before day; and as they had no communication with any of the enemy's ships, they did not know whether the fort had surrendered, or the attack upon it been abandoned. They paced the deck for the residue of the night in painful suspense, watching with intense anxiety for the return of day, and looking every few minutes at their watches, to see how long they must wait for it; and as soon as it dawned, and before it was light enough to see objects at a distance, their glasses were turned to the fort, uncertain whether they shoiild see there the Stars and Stripes, or the flag of the enemy. At length the light came, and they saw that "our flag was still there." And as the day advanced, they discovered, from the movements of the boats between the shore and the fleet, that the troops had been roughly handled, and that many woiinded men were carried to the ships. At length he waa informed that the attack on Baltimore had failed, and the British army was reembarking, and that he and Mr. Skinner, and Dr. Beanes would be permitted to leave them, and go where they pleased, as soon as the troops were on board, and the fleet ready to sail. He then told me that, under the excitement of the time, he had written a song, and handed me a printed copy of "The Star-Spangled Banner." When I had read it, and expressed my admiration, I asked him how he found time, in the scenes he had been passing through, to compose such a song? He said he com- menced it on the deck of their vessel, in the fervor of the moment, when he saw the enemy hastily retreating to their ships, and looked at the flag he had watched for BO anxiously as the morning opened; that he had written some lines, or brief notes that would aid him in calling them to mind, upon the back cf a letter which he happened to have in his pocket; and for some of the lines, as he proceeded, he was obliged to rely altogether on his memory; and that he finished it in the boat on his way to the shore, and wrote it out as it now stands, at the hotel, on the night he reached Baltimore, and immediately after he arrived. He said that on the next morning, he took it to Judge Nicholson, to ask him what he thought of it, that he was so much pleased with it, that he immediately sent it to a printer, and directed copies to be struck off in hand-bill form; and that he, Mr. Key, believed it to have been favorably received by the Baltimore public. Judge Nicholson and Mr. Key, you know, were nearly connected by marriage, Mrs. Key and Mrs. Nicholson being sisters. The judge was a man of cultivated taste, had at one time been distinguished among the leading men in Congress, and waa at the period of which I am speaking the Chief Justice of the Baltimore, ''The Star Spangled Banner" 69 and one of the Judges of the Court of Appeals, of Maryland . Notwithstanding his judicial character, which exempted him from military service, he accepted the command of a volunteer company of artillery. And when the enemy approached, and an attack on the fort was expected, he and his company offered their serv- ices to the Government, to assist in its defence. They were accepted, and formed a part of the garrison, during the bombardment. The Judge had been relieved from duty, and returned to his family only the night before Mr. Key showed him his song. And you may easily imagine the feelings with which, at such a moment, he read it, and gave it to the public. It was, no doubt, as Mr. Key modestly expressed it, favorably received. In less than an hour aft^r it was placed in the hands of the printer, it ^vas all over totm, and hailed with enthusiasm, and took its place at once as a national song . . fi More than 40 years had elapsed since Chief Justice Taney had heard this story for the first time from Francis Scott Key, and though it probably was modified or embellished in course of time, yet in substance it has the earmarks of authenticity. Exactly for this reason, if for no other, Chief Justice Taney's account furnished the foundation for all further accounts, but it should be noticed that the Chief Justice does not tell us anything beyond how the words came to be written, until struck off in handbill form. We do not learn when and under what circumstances the broadside was printed, how the poem was wedded to its music, or when and by whom the song was first read or sung. If certain waiters do include such state- ments in their quotations from Taney's account, they certainly did not read Taney's introductory letter, but most probably copied then- quotations from Admiral Preble, who indeed but carelessly attributes such statements to the Chief Justice. The data not con- tained in Taney's account had to be supplied by others, and it is very curious that instantly this part of the historv' of "The Star-Span- gled Banner" became confused, whereas Chief Justice Taney's account remained unchallenged except in unimportant points, as for instance, the reasons for Dr. Beanes's arrest. Under this head Chief Justice Taney was rather vague; not so Mrs. Anna H. Dorsey, who in the Washington Sunday Morning Clironiclo added some "lesser facts," which were reprinted in Dawson's Historical Maga- zine, 1861, volume 5, pages 282-283. According to Mrs. Dorsey, Dr William Beanes, the uncle of her mother, was celebratmg vni\v copious libations a rumored British defeat at Washington when "three foot-sore, dusty, and weary soldiers made their appearance on the scene in quest of water." Somewhat under the mfiuence of the excellent punch, Dr. Beanes and his friends made them pris- a Had Chief Justice Taney foreseen how eaf-pe, his own letter, herein published ... is a suf- ficient justification and, it is submitted, better evidence than the claims of friends and descendants of others anxious to gain some share in the honor con- nected with writing and publishing the National Anthem. It is most unfortunate that such errors should appear in a publication bearing the official stamp of our Government . From ''seems to be questioned" to "such errors" is a rather abrupt step. Mr. Smith is challenged to point out a single statement in the "Report" of 1909 which would justify him in claiming that I favored one version of the Dr. Beans episode as against the others. He is further challenged to point out where I questioned the accuracy of the statement that Samuel Sands first set the words of "The Star- Spangled Banner" in type." Finally, it may interest Mr. Smith to know, as it may others, that the United States officially is still without a national anthem. True, the Army and ]Savy use "The Star- Spangled Banner" officially. True, also, that the majority of our people seem to favor and to use "The Star-Spangled Banner" on patriotic occasions; but it is also true that as yet, at the date of writing, the United States has not officially, through its Representatives in Congress, designated "The Star-Spangled Banner" or any other of our national songs as '^the national anthem." ^ In the following no attempt will be made to dissect or even pay much attention to the second-hand compilations from original sources, no matter how spirited or otherwise attractive they may be. One C. D., in the Historical Magazine of 1864, volume 8, pages 347- 348, has this to say: One of your correspondents inquires in what form the song of the Star Spangled Banner was first printed. I think that in the History of the Philadelphia Stage you will find that subject clearly explained. The song was first printed and put a On p. 29-31 of my "Report" (now p. 85-88) I refuted Preble's assumption that Samuel Sands set the elaborate broadside fac-similed by Dielman, therewith proving that it was the other broadside which Sands set up in type. Mr. Smith apparently did not notice this distinction. ?> In the House of Representatives, January 30, 1913, Mr. Jefferson M. Levy intro- duced the following joint resolution [H. J. Res. 391, 62d Congress, 3d Session]; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and ordered to be printed: Joint resolution recognizing "The Star- Spangled Banner" as the official anthem of the United States of America. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That on and after the passage of this resolution "The Star-Spangled Banner" shall be recognized as the oflBcial anthem of the United States of America. Sec. 2. Thatwhenever " The Star-Spangled Banner" is played on any occasionat any public place where persons belonging to any branch of the Government sarvice are present they will stand at attention, and all other citizens wDl stand, such positions being retained until the last note of " The Star-Spangled Banner." The clerk of the Judiciary Committee informed us on November 13, 1913, and again on March 18, 1914, that no further action had been taken. ''The Star Spangled Banner" 73 upon the press by Captain Edes, of Baltimore, who belonged to Colonel Long's Twenty-seventh Regiment of militia. He kept his printing office at the corner of Baltimore and Gay Streets. It was given him by the author, Mr. Key, of Washington, in its amended form, after the battle of North Point, about the latter end of September, 1814. Tlie original draft, with its interlineations and amendatory erasures, etc., was purchased by the late Gen. George Keim, of Reading, and I suppose his heirs have it now. It was printed on a small piece of paper in the style of our old ballads that were wont to be hawked about the streets in days of yore. It was first sung by about twenty volunteer soldiers in front of the Holliday Street Theater, who used to congregate at the adjoining tavern to get their early mint juleps. Ben. Edes brought it round to them on one of those libating mornings or matinees. I was one of the group. My brother sang it. We all formed the chorus. This is its history . . . The reference to the History of the Philadelphia Stage and to "my brother" immediately implies the identity of this C. D. with Charles Durang, brother of Ferdinand Durang (both actors), and joint author, or, rather, editor, of his father John's History of the Philadelphia Stage, published serially in the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch, 1854-55. Consequently we have here the (unfortunately not very accurate) testimony of a contemporary earwitness. A few years later, in 1867, Col. John L. Warner read before the Penn- sylvania Historical Society a paper on "The origin of the American national anthem called The Star-Spangled Banner," and this paper was printed in the Historical Magazine, 1867, Volume II, pages 279-280, As will be seen from the following quotation, it does not contradict Charles Durang's account, but merely supplements it. Says Col. Warner: It was first sung when fresh from his [Capt. Benjamin Edes!] press, at a small frame one-story house, occupied as a tavern next to the Iloliday Street Theatre. This tavern had long been kept by the widow Berling, and then by a Col. MacConkey, a house where the players "most did congregate," with the quid nuncs of that day, to do honor to, and to prepare for, the daily military drills in Gay Street (for every able man was then a soldier); and here came, also, Capt. Benjamin Edes, of the Twenty-seventh Regiment; Captain Long and Captain Thomas Warner, of the Thirty-ninth Regiment; and Major Frailey. Warner was a silversmith of good repute in that neighborhood. It was the latter end of September, 1814, when a lot of the young volunteer defenders of the Monumental City were thus assembled. Captain Edes and Cap- tain Thomas Warner came early along one morning and forthwith called the group (quite merry with the British defeat) to order, to listen to a patriotic song wliich the former had just struck off at his press. He then read it to all the young volunteers there assembled, who greeted each verse with hearty shouts. It was then suggested that it should be sung; but who was able to sing it? Ferdinand Durang, who was a soldier in the cause and known to ])e a Aocalist, being among the group, was a.ssigned the task of vocalising this truly inspired patriotic hymn of the lamented Key. The old air of "Anacreon in Heaven" had been adapted to it by the author, and Mr. Edes was desired so to print it on the top of the ballad. Its solemn melody and impressive notes seem naturally allied to the poetry, and speak emphatically the musical taste and judgment of Mr. Key. Ferdinand Durang mounted an old-fashioned rush-bottomed chair, and sang this admirable 74 ''The Star Spangled Banner '* national song for the first time in our Union, the chorus to each verse being re- echoed by those present with infinite harmony of voices. It was thus sung several times during the morning. When the theater was opened by Warren and Wood, it was sung nightly, after the play, by Paddy McFarland and the company. So far the historian would have plain sailing, but his troubles begin with an article written for Harper's Magazine, 1871, volume 43, pages 254-258, by IVirs. Nellie Eyster, as appears from the printed index. Under the title of "The Star-Spangled Banner: An hour with an octogenarian," she reports an interview held on November 20, 1870, with Mr. Hendon, of Frederick, Md., who knew Francis Scott Key personally as a boy and who moved in 1809 to Lancaster, Pa., whence hoth. the Durangs hailed. Together with Charles and Ferdinand Durang he belonged to the Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia, which on August 1, 1814, left Harrisburg in defense of Baltimore, but, remem- bers Mr, Hendon, they "marched to the seat of war three days after the battle had been won," and with special reference to the defense of Fort McHenry he "was chafing like a caged tiger because [he] was not in it." He further says that " they remained upon Gallows Hill, near Baltimore, for three months, daily waiting for an enemy that never came. Then, for the first time since leaving York [Pa.], [they] took breathing time and looked about for amusement." Follows what Admiral George Henry Preble called a more fanciful version than Warner's account when he copied Mr. Hendon's words for a foot- note (p. 494) in the chapter on "Our National Songs" (pp. 490-511) in the first edition (Albany, 1872) of his industrious and popular compilation, Our Flag: "Have you heard Francis Key's poem?" said one of our men, coming in one evening, as we lay scattered over the green hill near the captain's marquee. It was a rude copy, and written in a scrawl which Horace Greeley might have mis- taken for his own. He read it aloud, once, twice, three times, until the entire division seemed electrified by its pathetic eloquence. An idea seized Ferd. Durang. Hunting up a volume of flute music, which was in somebody's tent, he impatiently whistled snatches of tune after tune, just as they caught his quick eye. One, called " Anacreon in Heaven," (I have played it often for it was in my book that he found it), struck his fancy and riveted his attention. Note after note fell from his puckered lips until, with a leap and shout, he exclaimed "Boys, I've hit it!" and fitting the tune to the words, they sang out for the first time the song of the Star-Spangled Banner. How the men shouted and clapped, for never was there a wedding of poetry to music made under such inspiring influences! Getting a brief furlough, the brothers [!!] sang it in public soon after . . . In the second edition of his work (1880), then called History of the Flag of the United States of America, Admiral Preble reprinted this fanciful story, together with the Charles Durang and Col. Warner account, but again without the slightest attempt at critical com- parison and apparently without noticing that we do not have to ''The Star Spangled Banner" 75 deal here with more or less fanciful differences, but with reminiscent accounts that exclude each other. What subsequent writers con- tributed in this vein to the literature on "The Star-Spangled Ban- ner" may be disregarded, since they merely paraphrased with more or less accuracy what they found in Preble or in his sources, as, for instance, when one writer in the American Historical Record, 1873, volume 2, pages 24-25, carelessly mentions Charles instead of Ferdi- nand Durang as the first singer of "The Star-Spangled Banner." However, a belated version with fanciful variations of the main theme should be noticed, as it was printed some time in 1897 in the Philadelphia Ledger and from there reprinted in substance in the Iowa Historical Record, July, 1897, page 144. According to this, "the second day after the words were written, Ferdinand Durang was rummaging in his trunk in a tavern in Baltimore, where he had his baggage, for music to suit the words, and finally selected that of 'Anacreon in Heaven.' By the time he had sung the third verse, in trying the music to the words, the little tavern was full of people, who spontaneously joined in the chorus. The company was soon joined by the author of the words, Francis Scott Key, to whom the tune was submitted for approval, who also took up the refrain of the chorus, thus indorsing the music. A few nights afterward 'The Star- Spangled Banner' being called for by the audience at the Holliday Street Theater, in Baltimore, Ferdinand Durang sang it from the stage. Durang died in New York in 1832. Durang had a brother, Charles, also a soldier in the 'Blues,' who was likewise an actor, who died in Philadelphia in 1875. . . ." That to Ferdinand Durang belongs the honor of having first sung Key's poem is unanimously asserted (except by those who confuse him with his brother Charles), but it remains an open question when and where he might so have done. On this point the two earwit- nesses, Charles Durang and Mr. Hendon, disagree. Accordmg to the reminiscences of the latter, the event must have happened at least three months after September 14 in camp on Gallows Hill near Bal- timore. Now, it has already been mentioned that the brief account of the circumstances leading to the writing of Key's poem prmted in the Baltimore Patriot on September 20, preceded the full text of the poem under the heading "Defence of Fort M'Henry" with the remark ''Tune: Anacreon in Heaven." It may be that Mr. Hendon heard Ferdinand Durang smg the hynm in camp after September 20, but it stands to reason that at least as early as September 20 other vocally inclined readers of the Baltimore Patriot enjoyed the com- bination of Key's "Defence of Fort M'Henry," and the tune "To Anacreon in Heaven." If we possessed no other contemporary evi- dence, Ferdinand Durang's claims would rest upon very shaky grounds indeed, nor is the rest of Mr. Hendon's story at all of a nature 76 "The Star Spangled Banner" as to inspire reliance upon his memory. Mr, Elson in his ' ' National Music of America" (p. 202) bluntly expressed his suspicion to the effect that "never was a bolder or more fantastical claim set up in musical history," and every musician will agree with him that the "puckered lips" and the frantic hunt for a suitable tune in a volume of flute music is sheer journalistic nonsense, which verdict applies also to the Philadelphia Ledger account. And his hunt for a melody happened three months after the tune, with which the words were to keep company, had been publicly announced! The suspicious character of Mr. Hendon's long-distance reminis- cences leaves those of Charles Durang to stand on their own merits, but unfortunately they do not help us in fixing the exact date of the first performance of "The Star-Spangled Banner." Charles Durang merely remembered having been one of the chorus when his brother Ferdinand and about twenty volunteer soldiers who used to con- gregate at the adjoining tavern in the morning first sang the song after Benj. Edes brought it round to them on oTie of those libating mornings. This may have been the morning of September 15, when Samuel Sands, the apprentice, is popularly supposed to have set the poem as a broadside, or any other morning, including a morning after September 20, when the poem had appeared with indication of the tune in the Baltimore Patriot, Nor is Col. Warner's account, who perhaps was a descendant of Capt, Thomas Warner, which pos- sibility would give his account the strength of a family tradition, more expUcit on this point. At this tavern, it being a southern Sep- tember morning, may mean practically the same as in Charles Du- rang's version, in front of the adjoining Holliday Street Theater. There Capt. Edes, in company of Capt. Thomas Warner, is said to have called the attention of the group of volunteers "to a patriotic song which [he] had just struck off at his press," Consequently, neither Durang nor Warner substantiate the popular version that Ferdinand Durang sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" for the first time on September 15, 1814. Nor do they even substantiate the frequently accepted story that the broadside was struck off Edes's press [from which it was not struck off at all] on September 15! Indeed, not even Key-Taney's report: "Judge Nicholson , . . im- mediately sent it [the manuscript] to a printer, and directed copies to be struck off in hand-bill form," necessarily impUes the conclusion that they were struck off on the morning of September 15, At any rate, the story that Key's poem was taken to a printer, set as a broadside, distributed about town, read, discussed, sung with great gusto, etc, and all this on the morning of September 15, 1814, belongs to the realm of unwholesome historical fiction! On the evening of September 15 "The Star-Spangled Banner," says Mr, F, S. Key Smith, was "rendered upon the stage of the "The Star Spangled Banner" 77 HoUiday Street Theater by an actress." Also Ferdmand Durang is mentioned in this connection by some writers, and others proffer other names. What are the facts ? In the first place, the suspicions of the historians should have been aroused by the observation that the actor-manager. Wood, in his autobiography does not mention any theatrical performances at Baltimore in September, 1814. In the second place, if they had consulted the Baltimore papers of that period, such as the Federal Gazette, Baltimore Patriot, Baltimore American — none of which was published, by the way, by Benjamin Edes! — they would have found no theatrical performances announced in September, 1814, at all, but they would have found a notice in the Federal Gazette, September 20, to the effect that "about 600 Pennsylvania troops arrived yesterday," among them a Lancaster company, apparently the very militia troops to which Ferdinand Durang belonged. Not only this, the historians would further have found from the same source that the theater was not opened until Odoher 12, I8I4. No reference to "The Star-Spangled Banner" appears in the announcements of this evening or of the benefit per- formance on October 14 "to aid the fund for the defense of the city," unless hidden away on the benefit program as "a patriotic epilogue by Mrs. Mason." On this evening Ferdinand Durang did appear — dancing a "military hornpipe." With a little patience the historians at last would have found in the announcement of the' historical play "Count Benyowski" for Wednesday evening, Octo- ber 19, 1814 (in the Baltimore American appears October 15 as a misprint), the following lines, which at last shed the light of fact on the whole matter : After the play, Mr. Harding [the Federal Gazette spells the name Hardinge] will sing a much admired Neiv Song, -written by a gentleman of Maryland, in commemoration of the gallant Defense op Fort M'Henry, called, The Star- Spangled Banner. . . . The rather immaterial question of whether or not and when and where Ferdinand Durang possibly sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" for the first time leads up to the much more important question: How came the tune of "To Anacreon in Heaven," and no other, to be wedded to Key's poem? Chief Justice Taney, as anybody can see and as all should have seen before rushing into print vnih their stories, is absolute^ silent on this point. So is Charles Durang. Col. Warner says: The old air of Anacreon in Ueaven had been adapted to it by the author, and Mr. Edes was desired so to print it on to the top of the ballad. The most reliable reports, therefore, do not mention Ferdinand Durang at all in this connection. He figures as musical godfather to "The Star-Spangled Banner" in the journalistic reports only and under rather suspicious circumstances. However, there exists 78 ''The Star Spangled Banner" another and different version. Mrs. Rebecca Lloyd Shippen, of Baltimore, a granddaughter of Judge Joseph Hopper Nicholson and a greatniece of Francis Scott Key, contributed to the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 1901-2, volume 25, pages 427- 428, an article on "The original manuscript of The Star-Spangled Banner," of which more will have to be said further on. In this article we read : Judge Nicholson wrote a little piece that appears at the heading of the lines, above which he also wrote the name of the tune "Anacreon in Heaven" — a tune which Mrs. Charles Howard, the daughter of Francis Scott Key, told me was a common one at that day — and Judge Nicholson, being a musician among his other accomplishments and something of a poet, no doubt took but a few minutes to see that the lines given him by Francis Scott Key could be simg to that tune, and, in all haste to give the lines as a song to the public, he thus marked it. I possess this rare original manuscript, kept carefully folded by his wife, Rebecca Lloyd Nicholson, and taken from her private papers by myself [Mrs. Shippen] Eind framed. Judge Nicholson's part in the history of "The Star-Spangled Ban- ner" was narrated in substantially the same manner in editorial foot- notes to an article on "The Star-Spangled Banner " written by Mrs. Shippen for the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biog- raphy, 1898-99, volume 22, pages 321-325, and similar to Taney's version. It foUows that the editor was either inspired by Mrs. Shippen or Mrs. Shippen by the editor. Careful reading of this par- ticular part of the article implies that we do not have to face here strictly contemporary evidence. Waiving aside for the present some doubts as to the accuracy of the story as quoted above, the main contention appears to be that Judge Nicholson supplied the tune. Light is shed on the whole matter by the history of the tune "To Anacreon in Heaven" in England and America investigated in the preceding pages. The summary there given of publications of "To Anacreon in Heaven" was not intended as an exhaustive attempt to trace the tune "To Anacreon in Heaven" in early American song publications, but merely to prove and to corroborate bj^ facts that "the tune was a common one at that day" in America, as Francis Scott Key's own daughter, Mrs. Howard, told Mrs. Shippen. We have some further contemporary evidence in this communi- cation sent by Mr. Charles V. Hagner to the American Historical Record, 1873, volume 2, page 129: At the time it was written by Mr. Key, during the attack on Fort McHenrj', Sept., 1814, there was a very popular and fashionable new song in vogue, viz: "To Anacreon in Heaven," every one who could sing seemed to be singing it. The writer of this was at the time (Sept., 1814), one of some three to four thou- sand men composing the advance Light Brigade, chiefly volunteers from Phila- delphia, under the command of General John Cadwalader, then encamped in the State of Delaware. In the evenings before tattoo, many of the men would assemble in squads and sing this song, hundreds joining in the chorus. Mr. Key must have caught the infection and adapted his words to the same air. '^The Star Spangled Banner" 79 Francis Scott Key simply can not have escaped ''To Anacreon in Heaven" ! Indeed so common was the tune that, after Thomas Paine had set the example with his "Adams and Liberty, " the music and the rather involved form and meter of "To Anacreon in Heaven" were adopted as standards by poetically inclined patriots. This historical fact apphes with all its force to Francis Scott Key. The form and meter of "To Anacreon in Heaven," "Adams and Liberty," and "The Star-Spangled Banner" are practically the same, as the juxta- position of the first stanza will prove, if such proof be necessary. TO ANACREON IN HEAVEN. To Anacreon in heaven, where he sat in full glee, A few sons of Harmony sent a petition, That he their inspirer and patron would be. When this answer arrived from the jolly old Grecian: "Voice, fiddle, and flute, "No longer be mute, "I'll lend ye my name, and inspire ye to boot: "And besides, I'll instruct you, like me, to entwine "The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine. " THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER. O say, can you see by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight. O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming! And the rocket's red glare, The bombs bursting in air Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there; O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? It is absurd to think that any poetically inclined patriot of those days hke Key on the spur of the moment could have set himself to writing a poem of such involved meter and peculiar form as his is without consciously or unconsciously using a model. It is equally absurd under the circumstances to believe any story, tradition, or anecdote from whatever source to the effect that others, with more or less difficulty, suppUed a tune which fits the words almost more smoothly than does John Stafford Smith's air the Anacreontic text of Ralph Tomlinson. Internal evidence proves that Francis Scott Key, when his imagination took fire from the bombardment of Fort McHenry, had either the meter and form of the words or words and air of "To Anacreon in Heaven" or one of its American offshoots in mind as a scaffold. If this be now taken for granted, two possibiUties offer themselves: First, Key wrote his inspired lines as a poem with- out anticipating its musical use. When shortly afterwards a desire was felt to sing his poem, the identity of poetic meter and form of both poems necessarily, and, as it were, automatically, suggested to 80 "The Star Spangled Banner" Key Mmself or any other person of culture the air of "To Anacreon m Heaven." The second possibiUty is that Key did anticipate the musical possibilities of his poem and intended it as a song to be sung. In that case the fact, as will be seen, that his so-called original manuscript does not contain any indication of the tune may be explained by assuming that Key, very much like the editor of the American Songster, Baltimore (1800), considered it unnecessary to mention what was self-evident to him as the author. Col. Warner's statement that "The old air of 'Anacreon in Heaven' had been adapted to it [the poem] by the author" seems to approach the truth, though if a very fine distinction were to be made we should rather say that the poem was adapted by the author to one of the then current poetic mates of the old air "To Anacreon in Heaven." The first possibihty is really the more plausible in view of what Mr. W. U. Hensel, Lancaster, Pa., wrote me under date of March 10, 1910: ... I believe, however, that you have fallen into a misapprehension as to the likelihood of Key having had in his miad and memory the air of "To Anacreon in Heaven." I doubt whe>-her Key knew enough about music to carry any air in his mind. You no doubt have access to the files of the [Philadelphia] Press in the National Library, and you may be interested to know upon the authority of his immediate relatives that I said in my article [Aug. 1, 1881, on Key's early poetry]: Whatever the merits of its composition, it was a matter of little concern to its author. Inclined as he was to rhythmical expression of his fancies he had an ignorance of musical composition that would be utterly inconceivable if it were not, by a most remarkable illustration of the law of heredity' made plain in the case of some of his descendants. He could not tell one tune from another. Old Hundred, Yankee Doodle, HaU Columbia, and the Star-Spangled Banner were entirely undistinguishable to the ear of Francis Scott Key. Upon the occa- sion of the visit to Tuscaloosa, before referred to, he was serenaded, and the local band naturally played the music of his famous song. To the great astonishment and amusement of the gentlemen about him, he innocently remarked that "it was a pretty air," densely ignorant of the tune they were playing. A daughter iaherited the same lack of musical aptitude and her daughter, in turn; and now, in the fourth generation, a great-granddaughter of the author of the S tar-Spangled Banner has vainly tried for years to accomplish enough musical knowledge to know that tune when it is played. Even if literally true, this entertaining bit of information would not affect the substance of my argument. I am not claiming that Key must have had in his mind and memory the music of the air of "To Anacreon in Heaven." Even if Key had been absolutely deaf and not merely tone-deaf, it was but necessary for him or one of his associates to have in mind and memory the name of the air that was generally sung to patriotic songs in the uncommon meter of Key's poem. If Francis Scott Key was so unmusical that he did not even consider the possibility of singing his poem (which, like hun- dreds of other patriotic poems, would probably have died a natural death without the preserving power of music) not so Judge Nicholson. "The Star Spangled Banner'' 81 He was a "musician and something of a poet," so his granddaughter infonned us: I therefore think that her view of the matter is abso- lutely correct — provided that Key himself did not propose the tune of "To Anacreon in Heaven," or any of its then current American equivalents — if she says: Judge Nicholson ... no doubt took but a few minutes to see that the lines given him by Francis Scott Key could be sung to that tune, and, in all haste to give the lines as a song to the public, he thus marked it. Whether or not he really thus marked Key's mamiscri'pt is imma- terial, but the really noteworthy fact appears to be that perhaps "The Star-Spangled Banner" owes as much of its popularity to its musically cultured press agent, Judge Joseph Hopper Nicholson, as to its possibly unmusical author Francis Scott Key. Finally an account deserves to be reprinted here in part, because it mentioned the person who set Key's poem in type, though otherwise the lines quoted are not overly accurate, as the reader of the Taney letter wiU notice. It appeared in the Baltimore American on Sep- tember 12, 1872, together with a reprint of the article, etc., of September 21, 1814, and reads in part: We have placed at the head of this article this now immortal national song just as it first [incorrect; this honor belongs, as was seen, to the Baltimore Patriot] saw the light in print fifty-eight years ago . . . This song, as the form in which it is given shows, was published anonymously. The poet, P'rancis Scott Key, was too modest to announce himself, and it was some time after its appearance that he became known as its author. . . . Mr. Skinner chanced to meet Mr. Key on the flag-of-truce boat, obtained from him a copy of his song, and he fur- nished the manuscript to "The American" after the fight was over. It was at once put in type and published. It was also printed in slips and extensively circulated. The "printer's boy," then employed in the office of "The Ameri- can," who put this song in type, survives in full vigor, our respected friend, the editor and publisher of the "American Farmer," Samuel Sands, Esq. Fortunately the facts, as recollected by liim, have been narrated by Mr. Samuel Sands himself in a letter written under date of January 1, 1877, from the office of the American Farmer to Gen. Brantz Mayer. Mr. John T. Loomis of the firm of W. H. Lowdermilk & Co., Wash- ington, D. C, in 1910 kindly gave me access to this very long but very interesting letter and permission to quote the following for my purposes. Mr, Sands tells the general that he takes the earliest opportmiity of giving "a statement of my recollections and impres- sions of the participation I had in the promulgation of the original copy of our great national song, the Star-Spangled Banner." Pre- viously, he says, he had given sundry items to the editor of the Baltimore American for "the centennial edition of the paper," also, he beUeved, to Col. Scharff for his chronicles of Baltunorc, and more recently, in June, 1874, had printed in the American Farmer a 24115°— 14 6 82 "The Star Spangled Banner" more detailed account. Follows an introductory historical narra- tive based on Taney's letter and remarks on the military quarters of the "citizen soldiers," mostly from Baltimore, "upon Louden- slagers Hill, just eastward of the city borders." Sands then con- tinues : 'V^Tiilst thus located, Mr. Thos. Murphy, one of the members of Capt. Aisquith's First Baltimore Sharp Shooters, obtained leave of absence, and returned to the city, and again opened the counting room of the American which with all the other newspapers of the day, had suspended publication for the time being, the editors, journeymen, and apprentices able to bear arms being in the military service. According to the best of my recollection I was the only one belonging to the printing office that was left who was not in the military service; being then but fourteen years of age, and not capable of bearing arms, I whiled away the time during the suspense of the invasion in looking after the office and in occasional visits to the *'boys" at the entrenchments. After Mr. Murphy's return, the manu- script copy of the song was brought to the office — I always had the impression that Mr. John S. Skinner brought it, but I never so stated it as a fact, for I had no proof thereof, but it was a mere idea and I never considered it of sufficient im- portance to make inquiry upon the subject from my old and valued friend, Mr. Murphy, or from Mr. Skinner, who was subsequently engaged with me in the editing of my farm journal and who was the founder thereof — but the letter of Judge Taney alluded to above, proves that I was mistaken in that matter — Mr. Skinner was a cartel agent for our Government in its intercourse with the British fleet in our Bay and I took up the impression that he on his return from the fleet had brought from Mr. Key the manuscript, but Judge Taney gives the particulars of the examination and copying of the song, in this city, by Judge Nicholson and Mr. Key, and remarks that one of these gentlemen took it to the printers. When it was brought up to the printing office my impression is, and ever has been, that I was the only one of those belonging to the establishment who was on hand, and that it was put in type and what the printers call "galley proofs" were struck off previous to the renewal of the publication of this paper, and it may be and probably was the case that from one of these proof slips handbills were printed and circulated through the city. This is simply all the part which I had in the transaction alluded to. Although the song obtained celebrity in a little time after it was first presented to the world, yet the unimportant and very secondary consideration as to who first printed and issued it was never mooted for probably fifty years thereafter when I was called upon by sundry persons to give my recollections upon the subject which called forth the responses in the several publications alluded to already. At the time I put the song in type I was an apprentice in the office of the Balti- more American and lived in the family of Mr. Murphy. . . . One of the popular legends is that Key's poem with its music spread like wUdfire beyond Baltimore, and in a short time became a national song. The popular mind seems to consider it a blemish, a reflection on the intrinsic merits of a song (or any other work of art) if it does not obtam immediate popularity, and writers who cater to the tastes and prejudices of the multitude do not hesitate to amputate the facts accordingly. "The Star-Spangled Banner" rather gains than loses in merit if the silly anecdotes of its wildfire ''The Star Spangled Banner" 83 progress are not heeded, and if we adhere to what is still common knowledge among the older generations, namely, that "The Star- Spangled Banner" was not rushed to the front of our national songs untU the Civil War. Before that time its progress as a national song had been steady, but comparatively slow, as anybody may see who follows its career through the American song collections. This statement in no wise interferes with the fact that Francis Scott Key put it too modestly if he "believed it to have been favorably received by the Baltimore public." His poem unquestionably soon aroused patriotic interest outside of Baltimore. For instance, The Analectic Magazine, Philadelphia, 1814, volume 4, November number, page 433 (I, owe this reference to ^Ir. Charles E. Gannon, of Washington, D. C), printed Key's poem and the original historical note together with these significant introductory remarks : These lines have been abeady published in several of our newspapers; they may still, however, be new to many of our readers. Besides, we think that their merit entitles them to preservation iu some more permanent form than the columns of a daily paper. How Key's poem, originally written without a title, was beginning to gain ground under the name of "The Star-Spangled Banner" is Hhistrated by this advertisement, reprinted from the Washington National Intelligencer, January 6, 1815, in the University Musical Encyclopedia, 1911, Volume U: Star Spangled Banner and Ye Seamen op Columbia. — Two favorite patri- otic songs, this day received and for sale by Richard & Mallory, Bridge Street, Georgetown . By whom the songs were published and where I do not know, never having seen a copy. From the wording of the advertisement I infer that perhaps these publications were not broadsides of the customary kind, with mere indication of the tune, but music sheets. In that case, the advertised publication may have been the first ap- pearance in print of Key's poem and Smith's air under the title of "The Star-Spangled Banner." It would be quite possible to trace with infinite patience the progress of "The Star-Spangled Banner" through the American song collections, but this report hardly calls for such a laborious undertak- ing. However, to illustrate the point raised above, one would find that the text of "The Star-Spangled Banner" appears in such song- sters as The American Songster, New York, n. d.; New American Songster, Philadelphia, 1817; Bird of Birds, New York, 1818; The Star-Spangled Banner, Wilmington, 1816; The Songster's Magazine, New York, 1820; American Naval and Patriotic Songster, Baltimore, 1831; but not in such as The Songster's Companion, Brattleborough, Vt., 1815; The Songster's Miscellany, Philadelphia, 1817; The Song- ster's Museum, Hartford, 1826. In other words, 20 years after its 84 '^The Star Spangled Banner" conception Key's " Star-Spangle d Banner" was not yet so generally accepted as a national song as to necessitate insertion in every songster. Furthermore, no publication of "The Star-Spangled Banner" appears among the songs deposited for copyright in the several dis- trict courts during the years 1819 to 1844 and preserved at the Library of Congress. Unfortunately not aU copyright deposits have been thus preserved, Nevertheless the fact of absence is suggestive, as is the fact that of our 89 school songbooks published in America between 1834 and 1860 and classified as school songbooks in the Library of Congi-ess only 15 include the "Star-Spangled Banner." The two earliest appearances in our school songbooks are in Johnson and Osgood's Normal Song Book, Boston, 1851 (deposited January 15, 1852), and in Benjamin and Woodbury's New York Normal School Song Book, 1851 (deposited April 12, 1851). In this it forms No. 12 (the last) of part first of "America. Represented in the form of a juvenile oratorio" (compare Appendix, Plate XX). The second part of this patriotic pasticcio concludes with "Hail Columbia," and it is quite obvious from an examination of these 89 school songbooks that "Hail Columbia" and "America," even the "Marseilles Hymn" interested the compilers more than did "The Star-Spangled Banner." As Plate XXI the reader wiU find in Appendix a facsimile of the "Star-Spangled Banner" as it appears in "Fillmore's New Nightin- gale; or Normal School Singer . . . on a mathematically constructed plan of notation," Cincinnati, 1857. Not less curious is the ver- sion in "buckwheat notes" or "patent notes" in Smith and Ruby's The Vocalist's Pocket Companion, (^ambersburg (''1839), facsimiled on Plate XXII. No earHer dated edition of "The Star- Spangled Banner" for part-song purposes has so far been found in the Library of Congress. It seems to antedate our numerous song- books for "singing classes," "musical conventions," etc., but with its queer notation offeis not half so comical an appearance as the version in Suffern's The Excelsior, Cincinnati, 1862, which presents "The Star-Spangled Banner" with a regular tum-ta-ta, tum-ta-ta waltz accompaniment. If the idea should prevail that at least the "singing class" type of songbooks generally included "The Star-Spangled Banner," I am in- clined to disagree. At any rate, the "Star-Spangled Banner" will not be found in such popular songbooks as B. F. Baker's The Philharmonic, 1847; A. D. Fillmore's The Universal Musician, 1850; Ch. Jarvis's Yotmg Folk's Glee Book, 1856; W. B. Bradbury's MetropoUtan Glee Book, 1852; Lowell and WilHam Mason's Asoph, 1861; Geo. F. Root's The Coronet, 1865. The plain truth of the matter is that "The Star- Spangled Banner" was slow in gaining popular consideration equal to that accorded to "Hail Columbia" and "America." It took two wars, first the Civil War and, some 30 vears later, the Spanish War, ''The Star Spangled Banner" 85 to crowd other national songs into the background in favor of ''The Star-Spangled Banner," and that fact, it seems to me, is not quite without significance. As hist illustration (on Plate XXIII-XXIV) will be found in the Appendix, Firth & Hall's edition of "The Star- Spangled Banner." This edition does not appear to have been copy- righted, and therefore the exact date of publication is unknown to me. The ih-m of Firth & Hall, so Mr, Warren Pond, of the old and distin- guished New York music firm of Wm. A. Pond & Co., informed me on December 18, 1913, "started about the year 1821." Our copyright records show that the last copyright entry under Firth & Hall was on September 15, 1845, and the first entry under Firth, Hall & Pond on September 24, 1845. It so happens that our copy bears the stamp of "W. E. Millet's Music Saloon, 375 Broadway, N. Y." According to the city directories. Millet was at this address from 1836-37 to 1838-39. From 1839-40 on his address was at 329 Broadway. Obviously, then, the piece must have been pubhshed before 1840. The firm of Firth & Hall was not at 1 Franklin Square before 1832. Hence the years 1832 and 1839 give a rough idea of the age of the piece. At any rate, it is the earhest music sheet ecUtion of "The Star-Spangled Banner" in the Library of Congress, though, peihaps, not the earhest pubhshed in our country." Key's poem was accessible to the pubhc as a broadside possibly as early as the morning of September 15, 1814. Here must be quoted what Admiral Preble said on page 725 of the second edition, of his "History of our Flag": Tlie song on this broadside was enclosed in an elliptical border composed of the common type ornament of the day. Around that border, and a little distance from it, on a line of the same are the words "Bombardment of Fort McHenry." The letters of these words are wide apart, and each one surrounded by a circle of stars. Below the song and within the ellipsis are the words "Written by Francis S. Key, of Georgetown, D. C." This description appUcs to the ''Fac-simile of broadside as the song first appeared in print," contained in L. H. Dielman's pamphlet "The Seventh Star," pubhshed at Baltimore by the board of public works for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Howevei-, it may be pointed out by way of correction that merely the initial " F" and not the full name of Francis is printed, that we read M'Henry, not McHenry, that a rather pretty and effective ornamental outer border follows the shape of the broadside, and that the four corners contain additional ornamental designs. What arouses the curiosity a This book was in proof sheets when my attention was drawn to an edition of "The Star-Spangled Banner," published by " Geib & Co., No. 23 Maiden Lane," of New York. From the New York city directories I infer that the piece was pub- Ushed between 1816 and 1825. It is facsimiled in Appendix as Plate XXV, by per- miesion of the Boston Public Library. 86 ''The Star Spangled Banner" of the historian most is that Key's authorship is not withheld; that Admiral Preble does not mention this fact at all; that the title of the poem here is ''The Star-Spangled Banner," and that no tune is indicated. If Preble's description tallies with a broadside as facsimiled by Dielman, it absolutely differs from " one of those first 'printed handbills" which, so Mrs. Shippen stated in her article, first was in possession of her grandfather, Judge Joseph Hopper Nicholson, then of his wife, after that in Mrs. Shippen's possession, and recently was acquired together with a Star-Spangled Banner autograph by Mr. Henry Walters, of Baltimore. The latter courteously granted permission to examine these treasuies, and I found that his broadside (about 6^ by 5^ inches) is without any ornamental design whatsoever, does not mention Key's name at all, and does not bear any title except "De- fence of Fort M'Henry." (Facsimile deposited in Library of Con- gress as Historical Documents, No. 3, by Mr. J. E. H. Post. Compare Appendix, Plate XV.) This is followed by the same historical note as appeared in the Baltimore Patriot of September 20, 1814, then by the indication "Tune: Anacreon in Heaven," and lastly by practically the same text of the poem as it appears in the Judge Nicholson- Widow Nicholson-Mrs. Shippen-Mr. Walters autograph. The only differences, apart from the differences in interpunctuation, etc., are these: (1) In the first stanza was printed the "Bombs" instead of the bomb. (2) In the second stanza the misprint "reflected new shines" instead of "reflected now shines." (3) In the broadside capital letters frequently appear where they are not found in the autograph, f. i, "The Rocket's," "Land of the Free," "Home of the Brave." On the other hand, the autograph has "Country" whereas this broadside has "country." Here then are two broadsides, both of which are claimed to have belonged to that edition set up on the morning of September 15, 1814. We are not permitted to accept Mrs. Shippen's claims for her broadside offhand, since her account is clearly a mixture of family tradition, personal opinion, and sediment from reading on the subject. The broadsides to be authentic must stand the test of analytical criticism, and if by this process one is eUminated, then all reason- able skepticism will vanish from the other. The observations called forth by the broadside championed by Preble and Diehnan are curious indeed in view of the fact that the Baltimore Patriot, when pubHshing Key's poem on September 20, 1814, with a prefatory historical note, did not print the title "The Star-Spangled Banner," but instead "Defence of Fort M'Henry," "The Star Spangled Banner" 87 did not mention Key by name at all, but added: "Tmie: Anacreon in Heaven." Key's poem — and this is a fact hitherto rarely, if ever, pointed out— made its first appearance in an American songster in the very rare "National Songster, or, a collection of the most admired patriotic songs, on the brilliant victories achieved by the naval and military-heroes . . . Fhst Hagerstown edition," Hagerstown [Md.], John Gruber and Daniel May, ISlJt on p. 30-31 under the title of "DEFE>fCE OP FORT m'hENRY. Tune: Anacreon in Heaven. Wrote by an American Gentleman [!], who was compelled to witness the bom- bardment of Fort M'Henry, on board of a flag vessel at the mouth of the Patapsco." Evidently the compiler of the National Songster clipped Key's poem from the Baltimore Patriot or Baltimore American and did not use a copy of this broadside. If, as Mrs. Shippen insists (Pa. Mag. of Hist., 1901-2, pp. 427-428), her grandfather's broadside was " One of those first printed handbills," why was Key's name suppressed in the earliest newspaper accounts after Judge Nicholson had per- mitted it to go on the handbill which he himself had ordered at a printing office? One might suspect that in view of the vindictive natm-e of the British it was deemed safer for Mr. Key to suppress the name of the author of "Theh foul footsteps' pollution" m a paper of fairly healthy chculation, but this explanation is not plausible, because the historical note in the Baltimore papers could have left no doubt of the offender's identity in the minds of British officers should they have been in a position to catch Key. Possibly Key's modesty w-ould not permit disclosure of his authorship, but what could his modesty avail him if a broadside with his name had already been favorably received by the public of Baltimore? And not merely this, we have the words of Mrs. Shippen: Judge Nicholson wrote a little piece that appears at the heading of the lines, above which he also wrote the "name of the tune Anacreon in Heaven." Obviously this action of Judge Nicholson can not apply to that broadside wliich contains ''no little piece" nor indication of the tune, but it does apply to the account in the Baltimore papers. Hence it would have been Judge Nicholson himself who withheld Key's name from the newspapers after he had given it to the pubUc in the Dielman broadside. Furthermore, the Baltimore newspaper account was bodily reprmted in the National Intelligencer September 27, 1814, under the same title " Defence of Fort M'Henry," and at the bottom of the anony- mous poem appears the editorial note : " Whoever is the author of those lines they do equal honor to his principles and liis talent!" Conse- quently, not even the editor of a paper prmted at Wasliington, D. C, practically Key's home, knew of liis authorship as late as September 27. 88 ''The Star Spangled Banner" Indeed, the anonymous "gentleman" figures ui the Baltknore Amer- ican at least as late as October 19, 1814. There is another suspi- cious circumstance. It should have aroused surprise before this that Samuel Sands, the apprentice, set up at a moment's notice such an elaborate ornamental handbill as described by Preble and fac- similed by Diehnan. The boy must have had remarkably precocious artistic instincts indeed, and very rapid hands and eyes. But why did he refuse to follow copy; why are there several differences between his broadside and the so-called original manuscript? Thus one becomes convinced that this Dielman Iroadside is not and can not Tiave teen a copy of the one struck off before the publication in the Baltimore Patriot and Baltimore American, but a copy of a broadside pubUshed considerably after that date, when Key's authorship was no longer kept a secret, when his poem had changed — at least in print, the earUest manuscript extant has none — its title from " Defence of Fort M'Henry" to "The Star-Spangled Banner," and when verbal differ- ences in the text had commenced to be quite frequent. The Preble- Diehnan broadside thus being eliminated, only the Nicholson-Shippen- Walters broadside remains for serious consideration, and as far as I can see, it contains absolutely nothing to arouse our suspicion. In absence of proof to the contrary, it may indeed be called a copy, perhaps a unique copy, of the original broadside edition! We turn our attention to the whereabouts of the original manu- script of Key's poem. Mrs. Shippen writes in the article already quoted: Having heard several times of late that there are in existence several original copies, of the lines written on the night of September 12 [sic!], 1814 ... by Francis Scott Key . . . and as I am the fortunate possessor of the only document that could exist of these lines— the original manuscript — I will explain how it seems possible that there could be more than one . . . [follows a partly inaccu- rate account based on Taney] ... It is the bach of that old letter, unsigned, that Francis Scott Key (my great-uncle) gave to Judge Joseph Hopper Nicholson (my grandfather) that I possess, together with one of those first printed handbills . . . Judge Nicholson [seeing] that the lines given him by Francis Scott Key could be sung to that tune [to Anacreon in Heaven] and in all haste to give the lines as a song to the public, he thus marked it. I possess this rare original man- uscript, kept carefully folded by his wife, Rebecca Lloyd Nicholson and taken from her private papers by myself and framed. . . . This is a clear-cut claim of possession of the original manuscript, and yet ^Irs. Shippen herself undermines the claim by closing her interesting article thus : . . . The first piece of paper on which the lines he composed were written on the night of his arrival in Baltimore I have in my possession; the same that Mr. Key himself gave to Judge Nicholson. These statements shghtly contradict each other, as a careful read- ing of Chief Justice Taney's account, on which ^Mrs. Shippen partly ''The Star Spangled Banner" 89 (though perhaps indirectly) bases her claim, will prove. According to Taney, Francis Scott Key told him that — (1) He commenced it [the poem] on the deck of their vessel . . . that he had written some lines or brief notes that would aid him in calling them to mind, upon the back of a letter which he happened to have in his pocket; and for some of the lines, as he proceeded, he was obliged to rely altogether on his memory. (2) He finished it in the boat on his way to the shore. (3) He wrote it out as it now stands, at the hotel, on the night he reached Baltimore and immediately after he arrived. (4) On the next morning he took it to Judge Nicholson. Consequently, a distinction is here made between the autograph sTcetch or draftoi the poem as commenced on the cartel vessel &nd finished on the back of a letter in the boat before reaching Baltimore, and the final autograph text as written out as it now stands after Key's arrival at Baltimore. It is this first clean copy and final version of the text which Key took to Judge Nicholson for his critical opinion, and, of course, not the first complete sketch or draft on the back of the letter. In the first quotation from her article Mrs. Shippen describes this draft; in the second quotation, the manuscript as written out after Key's arrival at Baltimore. These two manuscripts she confuses, not realizing the bibliographical distinction implied in Chief Justice Taney's narrative. Hence she considered herself Judge Nicholson's heir to the original manuscript of "The Star-Spangled Banner," whereas she really possessed, and Mr. Henry Walters, oj Baltimore, now possesses, not the original manuscript (i. e., the first complete manuscript draft on the back of a letter), hut Key^s first clean copy of the original manuscript (i. e., the manuscript "written out" by Key after his arrival at Baltimore). What became of the real original manuscript we do not know. Presumably Key had no further use for the draft, after he had neatly wTitten out his poem at the hotel and probably destroyed it. The Library of Congress, by permission of Mr. I. E. H. Post who deposited a photograph facsimile of the Key manuscript as "Historical Documents, No. 1, " is now in a position to inclose here for purpose of comparison and analysis a reproduction of this facsimile of the Key manuscript, acquired by Mr. Walters. (Compare Appendix, Plate XVI.) Other facsimiles may be found in the Century Magazine, 1894, page 362, and in Dielman's pamphlet "Maryland, the Seventh Star." Nobody looking at these facsimiles or the original can con- cede that the latter has the appearance of a sketch or draft. It is too neatly WTittcn for that, the lines are too symmetrically spaced and the whole manuscript contains practically only two corrections: In the first stanza Key wrote and then crossed out "through'^ instead of " by the dawn's early light," and in the third, "They have wash'd out" 90 ''The Star Spangled Banner" instead of " Their hlood has wash'd out.'' The manuscript contains no signature, no title, nor indication of tune. This is mentioned par- ticularly because Mrs. Shippen's article might convey the impression that the manuscript is " thus marked. " The visible effects of folding do not point at all to the "old letter" in Key's pocket, since Mrs. Shippen's manuscript had been "kept carefully folded" by Judge Nicholson's -wife. Unquestionably, the manuscript now at the Walters Gallery is the earliest extant of "The Star-Spangled Banner." It may perhaps best be described as the original manuscript of the final and corrected text. In after years Key presented signed autograph copies to friends and others, but just how many such copies he made is not kno's\'n. At any rate, it is not surprising that the existence of several auto- graph copies led to confusion as to their chronological sequence. An attempt shall now be made to separate intelligently such copies as have come to my notice principally by the way of Admiral Preble's several contradictory contributions to the subject. Charles Durang, in the Historical Magazine, 1864, pages 347-348, claimed that "the origmal draft, \\-ith its interlinations and amend- atory erasures, etc., was purchased by the late Gen. George Keim, of Reading, and I suppose his heirs have it now." Without the slightest hesitation Preble used this statement in his book "Our Flag" (1st ed., 1872, p. 495). In 1874 Preble wrote in his essay "Three historic flags" (New Engl. Hist, and Gen. Reg., pp. 39-40) that this particular copy was Presented by Mr. Key in 1842 to Gen. George Keim and is now in possession of his son Henry May Keim, Esq., of Reading, Perm. ... I have a photo- graphic copy of the autograph in the possession of Mr. Keim. Retracting his former statement about the original draft, with its erasures, in a footnote on the same page, Preble states that his pho- tograph shows it to be "a fair copy, %\Titten out by Mr. Key, and I learn from Gen. Keim's son that the autograph was presented to his father by ^Ir. Key. ' ' A facsimile of this was made for the Baltimore Sanitary Fair in 1864, so Mr. Keim informed Admiral Preble January 8, 1874 (see New Engl. Hist, and Gen. Reg., 1877, pp. 29), but, if made, it cer- tainly was not included by Kennedy and Bliss in their "Autograph Leaves," as the Library of Congress copy of this work proves. Pre- ble gave the text of the Keim copy, though not in facsimile, in his essay, "Three historic flags" (1874). In the second edition of his History of Our Flag (1880) he then informed his readers that Gen. George Keim's copy had "since [been] presented to the Pennsylvania Historical Society by his son. " This statement is somewhat puzzling, because the text of the Keim copy quoted by Preble, 1874, the dedication "To Gen. Keim," and the undated signature "F. S. Key" ''The Star Spangled Banner" 91 are identical with those of a supposed "Star-Spangled Banner" auto- graph in possession of Mr. Robert A. Dobbin, of Baltimore, Md. When generously loaning this to the Library of Congress for exhi- bition purposes and granting us the privilege to reproduce it in fac- simile (see AppendLx, Plate XIX), Mr. Dobbin, under date of March 24, 1909, wTote: Mr. Key was an intimate friend of Gen. Keim of Pennsylvania. On account of this intimacy and as a mark of the friendship which existed between them, Mr. Key gave this copy, which I have loaned you, to General Keim. You will note that Gen. Keim's name is in Mr. Key's handwriting. Mr. Charles W. Keim, a son of General Keim, came into possession of this copy after the death of his father, and a few years before his own death presented it to my late wife, who was a granddaughter of Mr. Francis Scott Key. Mr. Dobbin apparently was not aware of the fact that he possessed a photograph, not an original autograph, the photograph even show- ing the marks of thumb tacks. Consequently, not he but the Penn- sylvania Historical Society is in the possession of the Keim copy, which, with its approximate date, 1842, is, of course, as far removed from the original draft with its erasures as is possible. It is here reproduced by permission of the society (see Appendix, Plate XVII.) Benson John Lossmg wrote m footnote (p. 956), in his Pictorial Fieldbook of the War of 1812, first edition, 1868: The facsimile of the original manuscript of the first stanza of the "Star- Spangled Banner," given on the opposite page, was first published, by permission of its owner (Mrs. Howard) daughter of the author [Key], in "Autograph Leaves of our Country's Authors," a volume edited by John P. Kennedy and Alexander BUss for the Baltimore Sanitary Fair, 1864. Accepting Lossing's statement, Preble in his essay, "Three historic flags," 1874, credited Mrs. Charles Howard, of Baltimore, with the possession of this autograph. As the facsmiilc m the "Autograph Leaves" shows, it bears the title "The Star-Spangled Banner" and the signature "F. S. Key," but no dedication and no date. The handw^ritmg has not the firmness of youth, and it stands to reason that Key wrote this manuscript ui late Ufe. Admhal Preble had occasion in his essay, "The Star-Spangled Banner," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 1877, pages 28-31, to correct Lossmg's statement of ownership, smce Mrs. Howard wTOte him under date of April 25, 1874: I do not think I ever had an autograph of The Star-Spangled Banner. My father [F. S. Key] gave his children from the time they could speak, the habit of committing poetry to memory, and in that way only has the song been preserved to me. Except in one or two words, Mr. Keim's version, as you have it, is the one I have ever remembered. Though, therefore, Mrs. Howard disclaimed ownership of this par- ticular autograph, yet it must have existed and is, to judge by the facsimile, genuine. 92 ''The Star Spangled Banner" Another autograph of ''The Star-Spangled Banner" was thus described by Preble in his book, Our Flag, 1872: A copy of the poem in Key's own handwriting, a copy prepared many years after its composition, and evidently in the exact language intended by its author (as it was presented by him to James Mahar, who for thirty years was the gardener of the executive mansion), was a few years since exhibited in the window of Messrs. Phillip & Solomons, on Pennsylvania avenue, Washington. The iden- tity of the handwriting was certified to by Judge Dunlop, Nicholas Callen, Esq., Peter Force, and others, all of whom were intimately acquainted with Mr. Key and perfectly familiar with his style of penmanship. In fact his style was so peculiar and uniform that it would be almost impossible for anyone who had ever noticed it with ordinary care to be mistaken. This report Preble evidently took from a copy of the National IntelUgencer, from which he further quoted "verbatim" the text of the Mahar autograph which evidently bore the title: "The Star- Spangled Banner" and the signature "For Mr. Jas. Mahar, of Wash- ington city, Washington, June 7, 1842. From F. S, Key." In his essay, "Three historic flags," Preble merely added that the Mahar copy was exhibited at Washington "in 1843, after Mr. Key's death." The present whereabouts of the Mahar copy is unknown to me. Finally, in his essay, "The Star-Spangled Banner," 1877 (already quoted above), Preble remarked of a copy, dated October 21, 1840: It was first published in facsimile in the American Historical and Literary Curi- osities (PI. LV) by John Jay Smith [Sec. Ser. N. Y. 1860, pi. 55] who stated the original was in the possession of Louis J. Cist. Preble enhvened his narrative by adding a reduced facsimile of this 1840 copy, and he again used it in the second edition of his History of Our Flag, 1880. From there it was reproduced by Miss Mary L. D. Ferris in the New England Magazine, 1890, for her article on "Our national songs ' ' (pp. 483-504) . Another facsimile is in the possession of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, as ;Mr. E. M. Barton, the librarian, informed me. The American Antiquarian Society re- ceived it on October 21, 1875, from Maj. Albert H. Hoyt, then editor of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. The orig- inal seems to have disappeared until offered for sale as No. 273 in Stan. V. Henkel's catalogue of the Rogers collection of autograph letters, etc., 1895. The added facsimile shows absolute identity in date, signature, orthography, appearance, and every other detail with the facsimile at Worcester. To sum up, it appears that, not counting the original draft (i. e. the real original manuscript) at least five copies of "The Star-Spangled Banner" in Francis Scott Key's handwriting exist, or at least existed: (1) The Judge Nicholson-Mrs. Shippen-Walters copy, 1814. (Walters.) (2) The Louis J. Cist copy, 1840. (Cist, present whereabouts unknown.) (3) The supposed Howard copy, ca. 1840. (Howard.) (4) The Gen. Keim-Pennsylvania Historical Soc. copy. (Pa. Hist. Soc.) (5) The Mahar copy, 1842. (Mahar.) ''The Star Spangled Banner" 93 There may be other copies, but those five are sufficient for the pur- pose of showing the changes Francis Scott Key himself made in his poem. The different versions would, as often happens in such cases, be used by different compilers. In course of time verbal inaccuracies would creep from one song book into the other. Also the compilers themselves have sometimes felt justified in improving Key's text. The result of all this has been, of course, that gradually Key's text became unsettled. As earl}^ as 1872 Preble marked the verbal differ- ences between certain different versions, and since then surely the confusion has not decreased. Hence, very properly, the cry for an authoritative text has been raised. What should constitute such a text, whether one of Key's own version, or a combination of them, or any later "improved" version, it is not for me to say, though I may be permitted to remark that in my opinion there is no reason for going outside of Key's own mtentions. At any rate, I do not consider it my duty to' wade through endless song books in order to trace all the verbal inaccuracies and alterations of the text of "The Star-Spangled Banner," '^ The comparison wiU be extensive enough for all practical purposes if it be limited to Key's own five versions, to the earliest « In this connection part of the memorandum of Dr. A. R. Spofford, November 19, 1907, is very instructive. He wrote: "A collation of this authentic copy [i e., the Cist copy], with several widely cir- culated collections of songs, shows numerous variations and omissions. Following is a statement of a few of these, with the number of discrepancies found in each : "Nason (E.). A Monogram [!] on our National Songs. Albany, 1869. (11 varia- tions from original, and one stanza omitted.) "Higgins (Edwin). The Star-Spangled Banner. Baltimore, 1898. (7 variations.) "Sousa (J. P.). National and Patriotic Airs of All Lands. Philadelphia, 1890. (14 variations, with a fifth stanza added, which was not written by Key.) "Brj^ant (W. C). Library of Poetr>- and Song. New York, 1880. (8 variations.) "Dana (C. D.). Household Poetrj-. New York, 1859. (7 variations.) "Coates (H. T.). Fireside Encyclopoedia of Poetry. Philadelphia, 1879. (9 variations.) "Stedman (E. C). American Anthology. Boston, 1900. (5 variations.) "WTiile some of these alterations from the author's manuscript may seem unim- portant, others actually change the meaning of the lines, as in the second stanza, where Key wrote — " 'What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep "As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?' "The second line is perverted into — " 'As it fitfully blows, now conceals, now discloses?' "In all except three of the reprints before noted this change occurs. "It is fur the worse, for two reasons: "(1) It destroys the fine image of the wind flapping the flag so as to show and con- ceal alternately parts of the stars and stripes; while the substitution makes the breeze sometimes conceal the whole star-spangled banner. "(2) The substitution is bad literary form, since it twice uses the word 'now,' which the author has applied twice in the two lines immediately following." 94 "The Star Spangled Banner" printed versions, and to the one in his collected poems. They will be distinguished from each other, where necessary, by the words written in parenthesis. These printed texts here compared with the earliest manuscript extant are : (6) The Walters Broadside. (Broadside I.) (7) The Pr^ble-Dielman Broadside. (Broadside II.) (8) Baltimore Patriot, 1814. (Patriot.) (9) Baltimore American, 1814. (Baltimore Am.) (10) The "National Songster." (National Songster.) (11) Key's Poems, publ. 1857. (Poems.) The comparison is based on the Walters text, without esthetic com- ment. The (later) title "The Star-Spangled Banner" is taken for granted. The words that differ are italicized. Differences in spelling and interpunctuation are disregarded. O say can ^ you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hail'd ^ at the twilight's last gleaming, Whose ^ hroad stripes & bright stars through the * perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the ^ bomb bursting in air. Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there O say does that star spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free & the home of the brave? * On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep, Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, ^AaZ/ conceals, AaZ/ discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam In full glory reflected now shines ® in the stream 'Tis the star-spangled banner — O long may it wave O'er the land of the free & the home of the brave ! And where ^ is that band who so ^^ vauntingly swore, That the havoc of war & the battle's confusion A home & a Country should leave us no more? " Their blood has wash'd out ^^ their foul footstep's pollution No refuge could save the hireling & slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave, And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O'er the land of the free & the home of the brave. " thus be it ever when "^^ freemen shall stand Between their lov'd ^^home & ^^the ivar's desolation ! Blest with vict'ry & peace may the heav'n rescued land Praise the power that hath made & preserved us a nation ! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just. And this be our motto — ' ' In God is our Trust, ' ' And the star-spangled banner ^' in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free & the home of the brave. ''The Star Spangled Banner" 95 DIFFERENCES. 1 Ye: Cist. ^By: Cist. 3 Bright stars & broad stripes: Cist. * Clouds of the: Cist^ Pa. Hist. Soc; Howard; Mahar. ^ Bombs: Broadside I and II; Baltimore Am; Patriot; Poems. ^ From: Broadside II. ^ On that: Cist; Pa. Hist. Soc; Howard: Poems. ^ Now-now: Poems. ^On: Cist; Mahar; Patriot. I Are the foes that: Pa. Hist. Soc.; Howard. Are the foes who: Poems. That host that: Cist. The foe that: Mahar. ^°Sweepingly: Mahar. !• This: Mahar. ^^His: Mahar. ^^And: Broadside II. ^* Foemen: Mahar. ^^ Homes: Baltimore Am.; Cist; Pa. Hist. Soc; Howard; Mahar. ^^War's: Mahar. "0 long may it: Broadside II. Like other patriotic songs, ''The Star-Spangled Bamier" has had its share of additional stanzas; that is, of verses suggested by the changmg times, the changing spirit of the times, and sectional an- tagonism. On the other hand, at least one stanza often came to be omitted. It is the third, undoubtedly expressive of bitter sentiment against the English, as was natural and logical in 1814, but rather mmatural and illogical after we were again the friends of England. This apparent defect of Key's text for a national hymn, which should stand above party feehng and chauvinism, led to the composition of one of the two additional stanzas, which shall here be briefly con- sidered. Its origin was narrated to Preble in 1876 by Benjamin Rush in the following words printed by the Admiral in liis essay on "The Star-Spangled Banner" (New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg., 1877, p. 31): The circumstances under which these additional stanzas to the Star-Spangled Banner first came to my hand were briefly adverted to in the Preface to my edition of my father's book, entitled "Recollections of the EngUsh and French Courts," published in London in 1871, where I then was. The stanzas were also published- but that need not interfere in the least with your desire to insert them in the second edition of your History of the Flag, wherein I should say they would appropriately come in. The name of the author by whom they were com- posed was George Spowers, Esq., and this has never been pubUshed. I thmk it eminently due to him now that his name should be given to the pubUc, con- sidering not only the beauty but the admirable sentiments of the stanzas. He had seen in my hands a manuscript copy of the original song, and asked me to lend it to him, which I did. A day or two aftenvards he returned it to me wth these stanzas. I was quite a boy at the time, at school with my two brothers at liampstead, near London, while my father was residing in London as minister of the United States. It must have been about the year 1S24. 96 "The Star Spangled Banner" Mr. Spowers's stanza, well-meant but objectionable, because it, too, drags our national hymn into foreign pohtics, reads: But hush'd be that strain! They our Foes are no longer; Lo Britain the right hand of Friendship extends, And Albion's fair Isle we behold with affection The land of our Fathers — the land of our Friends! Long, long may we flourish, Columbia and Britain, In amity still may your children be found. And the Star-Spangled Banner and Red Cross together Wave free and triumphant the wide world aro\md! The best known of the additional stanzas is the one written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, as he informed Admiral Preble, April 14,1872, at the request of a lady during our civil war, there being no verse alluding to treasonable attempt against the flag. According to Preble the stanza was first pubUshed in the Boston Evening Tran- script. Preble received a corrected and amended autograph of the stanza from Holmes, and this he reproduced in facsimile in the second edition of his famous work (p. 730). It reads: "When our land is illumined with liberty's smile, If a foe from within strikes a blow at her glorj^, Down, down with the traitor that dares to defile The flag of the stars, and the page of her story ! By the millions imchained Who their birth-right have gained, We will keep her bright blazon forever unstained; And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave, While the land of the free is the home of the brave. It has been noticed beiore this that not only the text of "The Star- Spangled Banner" but its music is sung and played with noticeable differences. These occur both in the harmonization of the melody and m the melody itself. To trace the discrepancies in the harmoni- zation would hardly be profitable, since the harmonization of any melody will, to a certain degree, always be a matter of individual taste. Often many ways are possible, several equally good — i. e., equally ap- propiiate — and seldom one the only proper one. The harmonization depends, of course, largely on the bass, and since the harmonization of a national song should be simple and easily g^-asped by the popular mind, there can not be much variance ol opinion as to the bass. However, historical considerations will hardly be helpful in this direc- tion. An authoritative harmonization is less a problem of history than of musical grammar, and authoritative it can be only for those who accept the harmonization recommended by a jury ol musicians as the authoritative one for the persons under their own musical jurisdiction. It is somewhat different with the melody. True, neither an act of Congress nor the recommendation of a board of musicians will stop the process of polishing and modification (either The Star Spangled Banner" 97 for better or for worse) which takes place with all folk, traditional, and patriotic songs. Yet it is obviously imperative for musical and other reasons that at least the melody of a national hymn have as much stability and imiformity as can be forced through official chan- nels on the popular mind. The most suitable form of the melody will again be a matter of decision by a jury of musicians, yet it may be interesting and instructive to contrast "To Anacreon in Heaven," as used and modified, partly for verbal reasons, about 1800, with the common versions of its offshoot "The Star-Spangled Banner" of to- day, which from the beginning must have slightly differed from "To Anacreon in Heaven" by dint of the peculiarities of Key's poem. First, the melody as it appears in the Vocal Enchantress, 1783, the earliest version of indisputable date in the Library of Congress, will be compared bar for bar with ''Adams and Liberty" in the American Musical Miscellany, 1798 (A. M. M.), and with the version in the Baltimore Musical Miscellany, 1804 (B. M. M.). (The facsimile of the "harmonized" version in Smith's Fifth Book shows it to be too garbled for purposes of melodic comparison. The melody given by Longman & Broderip in the probably earliest publication of the music of "To Anacreon in Heaven" is the same as in the Vocal Enchantress.) VOCAI. ENCHAKTBBSS. 1783. 2 24115°— 14 The Star Spangled Banner" OlFFBBBNCBS 3 4 Thus the so-called polishing process had begun %vithin one genera- tion after the Sons of Harmony had adopted "To Anacreon in Heaven " as their constitutional song. How is their club melody sung to the words of "The Star-Spangled Banner" by Americans young and old at the beginning oi the twentieth century ? For the purpose of comparison I have selected at random 12 recent songbooks and John Philip Sousa's "National, patriotic, typical ahs of all lands" (1890), compiled "by authority" for use in the United States Navy. (Sousa.) If these few differ so widely in single bars, what discrep- ancies could be revealed if all the songbooks used in our country were similarly compared ? 1. W. H. Aiken. Part songs for mixed voices for high schools, 1908. 2. C. A. Boyle. School praise and song, 1903. (B) 3. C. H. Famsworth. Songs for schools, 1906. (F) 4. A. J. Gantvoort. School music reader, 1907 (G) '■ 5. B. Jepson's New Standard Music Readers, Seventh year, 1904 (J) 6. McLaughlin-Gilchrist. Fifth Music Reader, 1906. (M) 7. Ripley-Tapper. Harmonic Fifth Reader, 1904. (R) 8. E. Smith. Music Course, Book Four, 1908. (Sm) 9. J. B. Shirley. Part songs for girl's voices, 1908 (Sh.) 10. H. 0. Siefert. Choice songs, 1902 (Si) 11. C. E. Whiting. The New public school music course, Third reader, 1909 (W) 12. E. J. A. Zeiner. The High school song book, 1908. (Z) ''The Star Spangled Banner" 99 7, 16 8, 16 9, 17 18 19 \4= ^ ^ J Ir r ~J I J ,^U^=£=^== ^-^^^^^-^fes^ 26 27 100 The Star Spangled Banner It is not within the province of the Library of Congress to recom- mend the adoption of one of these different versions against the others, but attention may properly be drawn to "the various efforts made by the music department of the N. E. A. [National Education Association] to secure uniformity in the singing of four of our national songs." A resume of these efforts was recently issued by Mr, A. J. Gantvoort, chairman of the committee in charge of the matter, and reads in part : ... 3. At the N. E. A. meeting, held in Cleveland in July, 1908, Mra. Frances E. Clark, president of the department, upon motion, appointed A. J. Gantvoort, Elsie M. Shaw, and Osbourne McConathy a committee to make a singable edition of "America," "The Star-Spangled Banner," "Hail Columbia," and the "Red, White and Blue," giving the committee authority to revise words and music for this purpose. At the meeting in Denver in July, 1909, the chairman reported in open meeting that the committee had been unable to agree and upon motion presented his views by playing the songs on the piano. A motion was then made and carried o Here we read (p. 791) in the secretary's minutes under date of July 6: "The follow- ing arrangements of the melodies of 'America' and of 'The Star-Spangled Banner' were finally agreed upon as the versions which the Department of Music Education recommends as the standard." They follow with the savie incorrect statement of musical authorship in the heading as in the committee 's version of 1912 and it is quite obvious that in 1910 harmony did not re%n supreme in the discussions. The principal bar of contention seems to have been the fiith. If, as appears from the quotation be- low, three versions with different note value for four verses of the same poem were recommended, then it was a foregone conclusion that this recommendation could not be final. Some version would have to be adopted to which all verses could be sung uniformly — a sine qua non for mass utterance in national songs. As reported by the Committee ' / i' l r r r "What 60 proud - ly we hailed As adopted by the Department of Music Education ;/ir- r f "What so proud - ly we hailed pdt ^ nr t I "Where the foe's haugh-ty host Be - tween their loved homes V\. OF H ''The Star Sp a n-g^ed Banner'' 101 that tlie committee be enlarged to seven menbers, but this waa reconsidered at an adjourned meeting to allow the number of members to be changed to ten, aa follows: A. J. Gantvoort, Elsie M. Shaw, Osbourne McConathy, R. G. Cole, Thomas Tapper, Jessie L. Gaynor, E. B. Birge, Mrs. C. B. Kelsey, Charles H. Fams- worth, and Mrs. Frances E. Clark. At the meeting held in Boston in 1910, the chairman of the committee made a majority report agreed upon by seven of the members present at a meeting in Cincinnati, and presented copies of its findings before the department. Motion was made and carried to consider only the melodies of these songs, omitting the harmonization. After some discussion, a version of the melody of "America" was unanimously adopted. After considerable discussion, a version of "The Star-Spangled Banner," differing in each stanza, was adopted by a close vote, in which several associate members are said to have voted. The report, as far aa was agreed upon, was published in the volume of proceedings in 1910. « Upon motion, the committee was continued and ordered to finish its report at the next meeting, which was held in San Francisco in 1911. The chairman of the com- mittee, being absent from this meeting, presented through the president of the department the same report as at the Boston meeting, and after much discussion, upon motion, the action of the Boston meeting was ordered to be reconsidered and the whole matter referred back to the committee for a full report the following year. At the meeting of 1912 in Chicago, the committee presented a unanimous report, which, after much discussion, was finally unanimously adopted, aa presented on the following pages. & A. J. Gantvoort, Chairman. o See foot note o, page 100. &Mr. Gantvoort informed me that by an oversight the air there continued to he dncor recti ij attributed to Samuel Arnold. When 1 called his attention to the error, his surprise was comical to behold. 102 2 "The Star Spangled Banner" THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER Francis Scott Key, 1779-1843 Solo or Unison Dr. Samuel Arnold, 1740-1802 1. Oh! say can you see, by the dawn' sear-ly light. What so proud-ly r/e 2. Ontheshore.dim-Iy seen thro' the mist of the deep, Where the foe's haughty 3. Oh! thus be it ev • er when freemen shall stand Be - tween their lov'd hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars thro' the per-il-ous host in dread si lence re-pKJS - es. What is that which the breeze,o' er the tow-er-ing home and the war's des-o - la - tion. Blest with vict' ry and peace, may the Heav'n-r«8-cued fight, O' er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming. And the rockets' red steep, As it fit - ful - ly blows, half conceals, half dis-clos-es? Now it catches the land Praise the Pow'r that halh made and preserved us a na - tion. Then con-quer we glare, the bombs bursting in air. Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there, gleam of the morning' s first beam, In full glo-ry re-flect-ed, now shines on the stream, must, when our cause it is just. And this be our motto, " In God is our trust." ''The Star Spangled Banner" 103 3 THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER. Continued Refrain Suprano and Alto 2. 'Tis the star span - gled 3. And the staf span - gled y Bass. ban ban ner, ner ohl long tri " may umph It shall Oh I ^ say does the 'Tis the star span - gled. star spang - gled ban ban - ner, oh! long ban - ner in tri - ner may umph yet : it shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of wave O'er the land of the free and the home of brave ? brave I wave O'er the knd of the free and the home of wave O'er the land of the free and the home of wave O'er the land of the free and the home of brave ? brave I brave I LITERATURE USED FOR THIS REPORT. GENERAL. Banks, Loins Albert: Immortal songs of camp and field; the story of their inspira- tion, together with striking anecdotes connected with their history . . . Cleve- land, The Burrows bros. co., 1899 [1898]. 298 p. illus. 8°. Brinton', Howard Futhey: Patriotic songs of the American people. New Haven, The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor co., 1900. Ill p. 12°. Brown, James Duff: Characteristic songs and dances of all nations. London, Beyley & Ferguson, c 1901. 276 p. 4°. BuTTERWORTH, Hezekiah: The great composers. Rev. and enl. Boston, Lothrop publishing company, 1894. 5 p. 1., 195 p. incl. plates. 18^ cm. pp. 124-160. Celebrated folksongs and their true history. Metronome, 1903, v. 19, no. 9, p. 9. Daniell, Carl A.: National airs and who wrote them. Current literature, 1896, vol. 20, pp. 453-454. Elson, Louis Charles: Folk songs of many nations, collected and ed., with preface and annotations. Cincinnati, Chicago [etc.] The J. Church company [1905]. 1 p. 1., 171 p. 28 cm. Elson, Louis Charles: The national music of America and its sources. Boston, L. C. Page and company, 1900 [1899]. vi, v-\iii, 9-326 p. 4 port. (incl. front.). 17i cm. {See also his Hist, of Am. Music, 1904, pp. 140-164.) Ferris, Mary L. D.: Our national songs [illus. fac-similes, especially of letter by Rev. S. F. Smith, dated 1889 and narrating origin of "America"]. New England magazine, 1890. new ser. vol. 2, pp. 483-504. FiTZ-GERALD, S. J. Adair: Stories of famous songs. London, 1898. Johnson, Helen (Kendrick) "Mrs. Rossikr Johnson:'' Our familiar songs and those who made them. More than three hundred standard songs of the EngUsh-speaking race, arranged with piano accompaniment, and preceded by sketches of the writers and histories of the songs. New York, H. Holt and co. 1881 . xiii, 660 p. 4°. Johnson, Helen (Kendrick) " Mrs. Rossiter Johnson:'' Our familiar songs and those who made them; three hundred standard songs of the English speaking race, arrange-280. Wilcox, Marion: America's National song [The Star Spangled Banner] Harper's weekly, 1905. vol. 49, p. 373. X. The Star Spangled Banner . . . Musical times, 1896. vol. 37, pp. 516-519. INDEX "Adams and Liberty," 15, 16, 62, 63, 79, 97, PI. X, XII. Aiken, W. H., 98. "All the way to Gal way," 14. "America," 84. "America" ("juvenile oratorio"), 84. American art journal (1896), 10. American Catholic Historical Society, 17, 48-55. "American Musical Miscellany," 16. American Naval and Patriotic Songster, 83. The American Republican harmonist, 63. American Songster, 62, 80, 83. "Anacreon a poet of excellent skill," 19. Anacreon in Heaven. See ' ' To Anacreon in Heaven." "Anacreontic" (in J. S. Smith's "Miscel- laneous collection"), 25, 54. The Anacreonric Society (Dublin), 32. The Anacreontic Society, London, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 28-31 (history and descrip- tion), 34, 35, 39, 40, 43. "Anacreontic Society" (same as "To Anacreon in Heaven"), 32. "Anacreontic Songs" (Arnold), 19, 29, 59. The Anacreontick Song. See "To Anac- reon in Heaven." The Analectic Magazine, 83. Anonymous music, 57-61. Antiquary (author), 107. Appleton, N., 107. "Arethusa," 17. Armistead, Major, 66. Arnold, Samuel, 10, 15, 19, 29, 48, 59, 100, 102. Asoph, 84. Au^or, copyright term, 54. Ave Maria (magazine), 15. Baltimore American, 65, 66, 70, 81. Baltimore Musical Miscellany, 63. Baltimore Patriot, 65, 66. Banks, L. A., 105. Bannister, Charies, 29, 30, 34, 35. The Banquet of Thalia, 34, 35. Bartlett, H. V., 107. Bean(e)s, Dr., 66, 69, 70, 71, 72. Beef-steak club, 29. Bellas, 31. The Billington Songster, 34. Bird of Birds, 83. Birge, E. B., 101. Blake, J. H., 16, 20, 22-27, 35, 36, 37, 41^5, 48-55, 107. Book, copyright term, 54. "The Boston patriotic song" (same as Adams and Liberty), 62, 63. Boston Public Libran,-, 41, 85. Boyce, 14, 16, 19. Boyle, C. A., 98. "Brave sons of Columbia," 63. Brinton, H. F., 105. " Britannia— To Neptune enthroned," 10. Brown, J. D., 105. Brown and Stratton, 19. Browne, C. A., 107. Bruncken, E., 54. Bryant, W. C, 93. "The Bullfinch," 34. "Bumper(s) Squire Jones," 17,46,50-51. "Bush of Boon," 47. The Busy Bee, 35. Butterworth, H., 105. C, J., 10. "Calliope," 11, 15, 34. "A Canon on a ground bass, real London cries," (by J. S. Smith), 49. Carey, Matthew, 11, 16. Carpenter, J. C, 107. Chappell, W., 11-12, 15, 22, 24, 107. "Chearful glee" (by J. S. Smith i, 60. Church Music (magazine^, 13, 15. Cist, L. C, 92. Clark, Mrs. V.E., 100, 101. Coates, H. T., 93. Cole, R. G., 101. Ill 112 Index "A collection of songs" (PMla., 1799), 62. Columbian Anacreontic Society, 15, 61. Columbian Songster, 62. "Columbians arise! let the cannon," 63. Composer, copyright term, p. 54. Copyright entry, value for historical pur- poses, 57-58. The Coronet, 84. Cramer's Magazin der Musik, 30, 31. Crown and Anchor Tavern, 11, 12, 29, 32, 39, 40. Cummings, W. H., 12, 13, 14, 44-45, 107. D., C, 72. Dana, C. D., 93. Daniell, Carl A., 105. Dawson's Historical Magazine, 69. "Defense of Fort M'(Mc)Henry," 65,77, 87. Dielman, 72, 86-88. Dobbin, R. A., 91. Dorsey, Mrs. A. H., 69, 107. Durang, Charles and Ferdinand, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 90. E., Brother D., 63. Edes, Benj., 70, 73, 76. The Edinburgh Musical Miscellany, 11, 35. Elson, L. C, 15, 35, 76, 105. "Embargo and peace," 63. English music (Music loan Exhibition lectures), 12. The Excelsior, 84. Eyster, Mrs. Nellie, 74. Farnsworth, C. H., 98, 101. The Feathers and Half-moon Tavern, 31. Ferris, M. L. D., 105. The Festival of Anacreon, 29, 34. Fielding's " An old man taught wisdom, ' ' 47. "A Fifth book of canzonets" (by J. S. Smith), 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 53-55, 61. "A fig for Parnassus," 21, 33, 38, 39. Fitz & Hall, ed. of The St. Sp. B.. 85, PI. XXIII-XXIV. Fitz-Gerald, S. J. Adair, 105. Fitzpatrick, J. C, 65. Flood, W. H. Grattan, 1^-18, 20, 21, 23, 28, 32, 35, 44-45, 46, 47, 48-55, 107. "For worms when old Bibo," 63. Foster, William, 63. Foug(h)t, H., 12, 44-45. "The Fourth of July," 63. "The frantic lady" (cantata), 25. "Freedom," 63. Gannon, Charles E., 83. Gantvoort, A. J., 98, 100, 101. Gaynor, J. L., 101. Gebhart, D. R., 107. Geib & Co.'s ed. of The St. Sp. B., 85, PI. XXV. " The genius of France, " 26, 62. Gentleman's Magazine, 31, 34. Gilchrist, 98. "God save the King" (as cantus fir mua in J. S. Smith's Canon in Subdiapente), 25, 49. Grove's Dictionary . . . , 12. Hagner, A. B., 107. Hagner, Ch. V., 78. " Hail Columbia, " 84. Hankey, Sir Rich., 30, 61. "Hark! The Trumpet of War, " 63. Haydn, 15, 28. Hendon, 74, 75, 76. Henn,^ H. T., 15, 17, 18, 48-55, 56, 58, 59, 107. Hensel, W. U., 80. Higgins, E., 93, 107. Hill, M., 107. Hodgkinson, John, 62. Holden, Smollet, 15, 35. Holmes, O. W., 96. Howard, Mrs. Ch., 78, 91. Howe, William, 63, PI. XII. Hoyt, A. H., 92. Humbug Club, 29. "The Humming Bird," 34. Husk, WiUiam H., 19. Incledon, Charles Benj., 35, 41, 42. "Is it summer?" 25. "Jefferson and liberty," 63. "Jefferson's election," 63. Jepson, B., 98. Johnson, Helen, 105. Keim, George, 73, 90, 91. Kelsey, Mrs. C. B., 101. Key, Francis Scott, front., 15, 24, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, etc., to 103. Kidson, F., 10, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 34-35, 41-15, 46, 53, 54, 55, 107. King, H., 107. Kinnear, Wm. B., 108. "The Knave's necklace," 57. Kobb4, G., 105. Index 113 Lawrence, W. J., 34. Lee, Anne, 13, 15, 16, 21, 23, 41-42, PI. III. Leinard, L., 108. Levy, Jefferson M., 72. London Coffee House, 29, 31, 32, 38, 39, 40. London Cries (worked into a canon by J. S. Smith), 49. London Magazine, 34. London Magazine and Monthly Chronol- ogy (Dublin), 34. The London Musical Museum, 35. Longman & Broderip, 11, 15, 41-45, 97. See also -pi. in Appendix. Loomis, John T., 81. Lossing, B. J., 91, 108. "Lyre and Owl," 12. McCarty, W., 105. McCauley, Capt.,70,71. McConathy.O., 100,101. McFarland, Paddy, 74. Mackeson, Ch., 28. McLaughlin, J. Fairfax, 10-11, 98, 108. Mahar, J., 92. Maryland Historical Society, 66. "Masonic ode . . . by Mr. Connel," 35. Masonic version of "To Anacreon in Heaven," 15. Mead, L., 106. Metropolitan Glee Book, 84. Millet, W. E., 85. "Monarchical" origin of "The Star Spangled Banner," 7-8. Moore, P., 106. Moore, Sir John, 30. Morris, captain, 29. Mulis {recte Mulso), 15. Mulso, 15, 28, 31, 40. Music Loan Exhibition (1904), 12. Musical composition, copyright term, 54. Musical Miscellany (1786), 15, 34. Musical Repository, 63. Musical Times (1896), 11. The Musical World (magazine), 19. The M>Ttle and the Vine, 10. Nason, E., 10,93, 106. National Education Association's version of "The Star Spangled Banner," 100- 103. National Song Book, 63. National Songster (1814), 87. New American Songster, 83. "A new Anacreontic Song," 34. 24115°— 14 8 New Nightingale, 84. The New Vocal Enchantress, 34. New York Normal School Song Book, 84. Nicholson, Judge J. H., 68, 69, 70, 78, 80, 81, 86-88, 89. Nightingale, 63. Normal Song Book, 84. "Not the fictions of Greece," 63. O'Carolan, Turlough, 16, 17, 45, 50-51. "The Occasional Ode for 1780," 25. "O'er the forest crowned hills," 63. "Of the victory won," 63. " Oh! dear papa! don't look so grum," 47. "Our country's efficiency," 62. Paine, Thomas (Robert Treat), 15, 16, 61, 79. Parke, W. T., 28. Peter, Major, 67. The Pliilharmonic, 84. Pinkerton, W., 10, 108. Plagiarism, 58. Pond, Warren, 85. Post, J. E. H., 86, 89. Preble, G. H., 69, 72, 75, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96, 106. Prior, Matt., 9, 10. Reddall, H. F., 106. Report on the Star Spangled Banner, etc. (1909), 3, 7, 14-18, 22-24, 25, 65, 71. " Return blest days" (by J. S. Smith), 56. Rhames, E., 23, 41-42, PI. IV. Rimbault, E. F., 106. Ripley, 98. Roberts, D. E., 66, Roberts, John, 20. RoSewig, A. H., 13, 21, 108. "Rowley's," 21, 32, 38, 39, 40. Royal Library, Dublin, 34. The Royalty Songster, 34. Rush, Benj., 95. Saffell, W. T. R., 106. Salisbury', St., 10, 61, 108. Sands, Samuel, 70, 71, 72, 76, 81-82, 88. "Satan's visit to the Jacobine Club," 10, Schell, F. H., 109. Sedgwick, 34. "The Seventh star, " 109. Sewall, Jonathan Mitchell, 62. Shaw, Elsie M., 100, 101. Shippen, Mrs. R. L., 78, 86, 88, 89, 90, 109. Shirley, J. B., 98. " Si Deus pro nobis, " 25, 49. Siefert, H. 0., 98. 114 Index Skinner, John S., 67, 68, 81, 82. " A slang pastoral " (by R. Tomlinson), 36. " Sleep, poor youth, " 47. Smith, E., 98. Smith, F. S. Key, 70-72, 76, 109. Smith, Gertrude Stafford,. 19. S[mith], Jack, 31, 47. Smith, John Stafford, 9, IT, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22-24, 25, 26, 45- 63! Smith, Nic, 106. "The Social Club," 63. The Songster's Companion, 83. The Songster's Magazine, 83. The Songster's Miscellany, 83. The Songster's Museum, 83. Sonneck, 0. G., 13-18, 49-55, 71, 72, 106. " Sons of Columbia, "63. The Soul of Harmony, 35. Sousa, J. P., 93, 98, 106. " Spain, " 62. Spenser, the younger, Edmund, 29. Spofford, A. R., 93, 106. Spowers, G., 95-96. Squire, W. Barclay, 43. Stainer, -Sir J., 21. Stanfield, J. F., 63. "The Star Spangled Banner," 65-103 See also Introductory remarks. Additional stanzas, 95-96. Air of. See "To Anacreon in Heav- en." Autographs, Key's, 88-92. Bibliography. See Literature used for this report, 105-109. Broadsides, early, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 76, 82, 85-88. Composer. See "To Anacreon in Heaven, " composer. Congress and the St. Sp. B., 72. Date of origin, 66. Differences in melody, 96-103; in text, 86, 89, 93-95, 100. Early appearances in song collec- tions, 83-85. Editions (early), 65, 66, 83-85, 86-88. Esthetic merits, 65. Facsimiles, 89-92, PI. XIII-XXV. First accounts of, 65, 66-69. First mentioned under its present title, 77. First printed, 65, 66-69, 72, 76, 81-82, 83, 86-88. First published under this title, 83. ■ The Star Spangled Banner" — Contd. First publisher, 65, 66. First sung, 70, 73, 74, 77. First text, 65, 66. Melody of. See "To Anacreon in Heaven." National Anthem, 72. National song, merits as, 65, 95, 96. Origin of music. See "To Anacreon in Heaven." Origin of text, 65-69. Original manuscript, 73, 78, 88-90. Popularity, early, 70, 71, 76, 82, 83-85. "Singable." Efforts to make the melody uniformly and, 20, 100-103. Standardization of melody, 96-103. Taney's account, 66-69, 77, 88, 89, 109. ' ' To Anacreon in Heaven . ' ' See this for historj' of the tune. For the selection of the tune for the St. Sp. B. see 66, 70, 71, 73, 74-76, 77-81. Tune of. See "To Anacreon in Heaven." The Star Spargled Banner (songster), 83. "Stay, Shepherd, Stay," 47. Stedman, E. C, 93. Stevenson, E. I., 106. Stewart's Vocal Magazine, 35. Strype, 11. Tammany Society, 63. Tapper, Th., 98, 101. "To Anacreon in Heaven," chapter on, 9-63. American history, 15, 46, 62-G3. See also "The Star Spangled Banner" chapter. American origin, 10-11, 24, 26. Anonymously published, 57-61. Author, 11, 14, 21, 27, 31, 32-35, 36. Bibliographical histon,-, 32-35, 40-45, 62-63. Bumper, Squire Jones. See this. Characteristics, 15, 17, 27, 50, 56. Charter song of the Anacreontic So- ciety. See the latter. Composer, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14-18, 21, 27, 36, 45-63. Copyright entry, 12, 22, 23, 52, 53-55, 57-59. Criteria for dating undated eds., 39- 41,44-45. Date of copyright entry, 16. Index 115 "To Anacreon in Heaven," chapter on — Continued. Earliest appearance of music in print, 40-45. Earliest appearance of words in print, 32. See also The Vocal Magazine. Earliest publication, 11, 14-18, 21, 32, 4(M5, 59. Editions, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 21, 23. 34-35, 41-45, 62-63. English origin, 16, 24. See also John Stafford Smith. Facsimiles, PI. I-IX, XI. See also ■'Adams and Liberty" and "The Star Spangled Banner." French origin, 26. Glee, arranged as, 16, 18, 22, 24, 53- 55, 58. Internal evidence, 56. Irish origin, 7, 8, 9, 15-18, 24, 26, 35, 42, 50-51. See also O'Carolan. Masonic words, 15. Monarchical origin, 26. Origin, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14-18, 23, 36, 37, 40, 42, 50-51. Original and amended text, 16, 21, 37^0. Parodies, etc., 10, 29, 34, 35, 62-63. Popularly known as "The Anacreon- tick Song, " 55-56. Texts, 11, 29, 31, 32, 34-35, 38, 39-45. "To banish life's troubles," 34. "To Columbia, who gladly reclin'd," 62, 63. "To Neptune enthroned," 10. "To old Hiram, in Heav'n," 35. "To old Satan in Hell," 10. "To the Gods who preside, " 62. "To the hiU of old Lud, " 21, 33, 38, 39. "To the lame old Gold-smith, " 29. Tomlinson, Ralph, 11, 12, 21, 31, 32-35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41^5, 46, 47, 55. Travers, John, 10. The Ugly Club, 29. Uneda, 9, 109. "Union and liberty," 63. "Union of the gods, " 62, 63. Universal Melodist, 10. The Universal Miisician, 84. Universal Songster, 9, 10. The Vocal Companion (1796), 16, 62, 63. Vocal Enchantress, 16, 21, 34, 97. Vocal magazine (1778, etc.), 9, 12, 15, 16, 20, 32, 37, 38. The Vocalist's Pocket Companion, 84. Walters, Henry, 86, 89. Walworth, Father Clarence, 56. Warner, John L., 73, 77, 80, 109. Warren; eleventh Coll. of catches, 47. Warren; thirtieth Coll. of catches, 43. Warrington, James, 45. Washington National Intelligencer, 83. Washington Sunday Morning Chronicle, 69. Wayne, F., 106. "Well met, fellow free men, "63. West, J., 62. "When Bibo went down, " 9, 63. "\Mien Bibo thought fit," 9, 10. "WTien our sky was illuminated, "63. ^\^lite, Miss Constance H., 39, 60. WTiite, R. G., 106. Whiting, C. E., 98. Wilcox, M., 109. Woolbridgre, H. E.. 12. ♦ X., 11, 12, 109. "Yankee Doodle," 14, 17. "Ye mortals whom trouble, " 19. ,• Ye seamen of Columbia, " 83. "Ye sons of Columbia, determined to keep, " 62. ••Ye sons of Columbia, unite in the cause," 62. "Ye Sons of Columbia who bravely have fought, "62. •Ye sons of Columbia, who cherish the prize," 63. •Young Bibo," 63. Young Folk's Glee Book, 84. Zeiner, E. J. A., 98. ILLUSTRATIONS star Spangled Banner. The ANACREONTIC pntron woifld be FROM JOHN STAFFORD SMITH'S "FIFT SONG harmoaiied ty the Aufhc 53 from the jol.ly ol.i GrPci'n JOOK OF CANZONETS." LONDON [1799]. TITLE-PAGE OF JOHN STAFFORD SMITH'S IF *.i [Ks,c AXONS *(;lees ? ihe Score: ^ --' JfnuHsfton tc^J^T^" ULEy^rr^d Ward, > K OVA l; ' • .S)ir.u;^(;anlf n«..V at the Music- Shops IFTH BOOK OF CANZONETS," LONDON [1799]. ^.* Ie C t) 3 XI ~ * is irS _ s w <£ £ : J! ^ " to o vs; -c ^ < — f 9 §<^ £ * 2 E S « tc.-s o ^'^•^^ ?! » « 2 c ■>< -^ «, II i'5 • 3 O X c > ., ^ w < c- ..K ^ rt T? 2 TJ tT o 5 -il Ji . UJ^i CM 2 K^ J r « «< u £^ < = := ■^ "^ "* i ." -g f!= ^ ■ ; f ?■ c -SB o :3 c ,"5 •£ '-> u •< S — . <« I Z'2^ 1 2 2 S^ o u c 3 y ) Jc <* 2 o '" ; oEi «.- -^ ^ if oil' CO 4) E m Q _c < A, mm im o O s 2 s i*^ r^-j SH til i|i|| li jj 15- ^ . . I mil O J * . -^ li 2 5 6 o '^ - ^ . - - - ?^ ^ ? •1 -i -^2 3|iti|ii ir ■i^ s-i s^ i": i: 7 ^ 'e-^^ SsLs o^-j ■J. V- ^ i? h:- 2; zs ^i'pS.l » 8 i = s ! s > 1 £-s r.= 'I I i 2 — "c c I i 6 •-> 5 iJ tl -s nil i « = e -O " 13 -o a c: ^ ^ « V S -" a fc.E o -^ H < H t- 2 E e r 5 ? E 2 — jj >- rf: ^- — K-= c i - u-^-B IJI S*5 c-;^?;; e •- V •» c . ^ — ~5 « S<.-^2I • «, 1 9. ? « CO sS 3;c3*^fc: ^ ^^^ E '^ ^ b ' z ^" .1- t-f=. 7 !- -a M ^ e:5 " -5 1- ^A _l cr tan < z o star Spangled Banner. [336] 3 o N c; crw II. I o .\::aacon, :u ii.,v'n, uhe:.; he f^t in full gkt', 1- i!.oirin-f|ir-crr.nd patron would be; when this ani\vcrar-;k-'arrcn (Ik- j\,Mv old Grecian—" Voi-o iiiiiiiiiiii fiddle, and flute, no longer be mute, I'll knd you my name aTd inipire you to boot ; and, bef/d"^, I'll inftrud you like j^e to ia. f.vinc the myrtle of Venus 'TO ANACREON IN HEAVEN," FROM "1; Venus with Bac - chcs's vine, and, befides, I'll p^^ ftruft YOU like mc lo intwinc the myrtle of Venus iiii^; with Bacchub's vine. The news through Olymptis imTnediately A^vv ; When old Thunder pretended to ^ve hijnfclf airs-* ^' If thefe mortals arc fufFer'd their TcUcmf^ to purlue, «« The devil a goddcfs will ftay above ftairs. " Hark! already the)rcry^ ^' ^ ' ^ «' In tranfjpotts of joy,\ ' \.» „ " Awavto the fons of Anacrebn "^cMl fl}', . . ' And there, with good fellows, we'll learn to mlwinft - The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus'^ vlhe. *< The yellow-hair'd God pnd his ninp fully maid., «• From Helicon's banks will incontineni tlce, *' IdaThi win bpaft bat.<»f tenantlefs iha-^ [tl!' V • lyj. » \ — - Q < irr* '; ■,l'-r ^; -i : 1 « '^-' < ,?]^ i ,v^! ^- " -^' i*t' % ■ ^-''^ ' ■ : * '. • < •^ - Hn", *■ "■• . ■^^ f^l - '.Illil 1 . ■ ^ '"-'-, ,* 1 rrn» 5^ '''^ ; ' 1 1 ■ r fe] ^ u-lI; ■ ii-UU' •u_; : * J * -- l--^/^ .'J'^ '•!.:■ ^~ E till tl.' h ««:>- it! 1 1 »€Pt ssii . ^ we^ /" T" ^ Hill m 'iiiii craii ilill Mill ilill JMII liMI llfll Mill i : i ; 1 ;Iii; ijil! Hill .!||i! nil! iill! Iill! ■;!ii; li'lH liill . IIIII III!! lilil ;i!ii !|!li tl!!l m ' ^■^, ^*^ y. inii . ili'i'i iiiti ^ /iiij c rrn« t!!)i ITTU iiii; iiTT B i»Uj S? m»i • tiij; 1 VH\\ : »rn;! J rifii . "^"m^' iiW4 "^rf ^ i»'^ H''! > ■•ii; 1 ' >« ! irri! • a«t_^ jfiil ■&|Kt 5|i^| J il star spangled Banner. AXAC^llE (XNTIC BONO ^ — -^^ ^^ tbc (MotW bi) O^ o '^lly4Lrn ^/7)AJLL \ '^'OX £/f/'/ff/^(''l\c/My?/ n^^^iat SOCIETY. \J_^(>\\^'^^fyjflut/,(//vZoMrMcui !rBroJfrt))^S.'''26&„a^u,'(/^- ' ^^^'i^' THE ORIGINAL LONGMAN & BRODERIP. 25 CHEA' Chorus. * , » And be fides I'n -ftrnct yoB lite mc to ea. Aud be f,d« I'll m.ftract you like irfe to en.l Aiid be rides I'll in.fttoct ^u like me to Aiid be fide» I'U in-ftroct yoo like .US with Bac.CHVS'..s Vine. 2. 4. Tlie news throngh Olymujs ijnm.-.liHtoly flew; ^OLLO rofe np; and faid,"Pr>ythee ue'er quarrel, ^^When OLD Tut-NDER. prif tended to give hinifeliAir»J^Good King of the God», with my Vot'rie* below: ^^ir thefe Mortals are f-.iffer'd their Scheme to perfue^Yonr Thunder is ufelefs-then, fhewiug his Laurel, Tlie l>>;vll a Goddefs will ftay above Stairs . Cry'd.lSic n-iiaHUfulniit, yoo know I Hark! already they cry, "Then over each Head 'InTranfiJortsof Joy, "My I^aineUI'U fpread; dread ■'Away to the Sons of AnAOlUSOll wt'll fly, ^So my Sons from your Crackers uoXnfrhieffliall' And there,with good V.-Uows, we'll learn to intwiae IVhilft fnog in their Club.Room they joviaDy twine "The Mvrtle of VCNVS with BaccHCS's Vine. "The Myrtle of VekvS with Bacch'vs'S Vine. __ThL' YEi.Low.nAiR'D God and his nine fofty Maids, Next MoMOS got up, with his riCble Phix, Kroni Helicon^ Banks will incontinent flee, And (Vrore with AtOLLO he'd chearfuUy join. l^lDALIA will boaft bat of tenantlefs Shades, "The full Tide of Harmony ftiU fhaU be his, "Audthi- hi. forked Hill a mere Defart will be "BattheSong,and theCatch,&theLaaghfliaUbemine '"My Thunder, no fear on'l, "Then, JOVE, be not jealous J "Shall foon do it'5 F.rrand, "'Of thefe honeft Fellows. ^, "Andtdatrfrae; I'll fwinge theRingleaders,! warrant, CryVi JOiVE,"We relent, fukce theTrothyon now tell Ijl'll trim the young Dogs.for thus daring to twine 'And fwear,byOu> STYX, that they longfhalliutwine Tlo Myrtle of Vevvs with BACCHUs'is Vine. "The MyrUe of Vekvs with Bacchus'* Vine . 6 Ye fans of ANACKEOK,thon,joiuHa4idinHand., Preferre Unanimity, Friendfhip,a3d Love. Tis yout's to ftipport what's fo happily plann'd; You've the Sanction of Gods , and t'.ie FlAT of Jon. While thus wc agree. Our Toaft let it be. May onr Club flonrifli happy, united, and freel And long niaj the Sons of AwACH^os intwine The Myrtle of Vewws with Bacchus's Vine. DE ISSUE OF "THE ANACREONTIC SONG" [178-]. ► I star Spangled Banner. 'A'.//JV/ Vo.uz/. I -SOX y:xn» A,/, /yr/^,/ry,.y ,y ■;];,,/ \or.//r/) ^^mm^^^ ^mrmmm i.R.r be THE LATER LONGMAN & BRODERIP, 26 CHEAPSIDE ANI <^ Chorus. m^^^^m^Mmm^^^,^^^ ■1.. Ir..i.l|>orU, o( Jo> t u.r Soiib cf .«SACjia of VtNUS Willi b,itClil!>N \n "T!..- Y^LH.W-i. .Ia'd cod jiuI ill-. MM. 'u!l ',',-.>ni akUCOK'S Hillk> Mill -I... II'.; t fj. ''l...>LIA A.lll.o.rt l.«l..( Ui.Ji.ll.l. Sl.4.i.», •^v.,1 •:..:,>.-forl...:HiUj.mr. E.farlvill !• "Mv TUuiil.r no f>..r ..i.'t, "SI.U r. (.11 do id Krr ..id, \U....uaii.>i>.t I I'll ^Wmp-- t;., •»i,.pl...«l. r^ ) ■■'I'U -rim lilt y.„ i.g Di<);s,f..r ilms d iruip In i Tl,. Mjrtl. nf ▼tja* .^ iU. IIACCIILS'S V jl • ■ imI laid, Pr»y'Ao«MArqtt»rre*, ,1. nitl. uiy Vot'rMf bclo«-T 1. I.& ..il..ii,nir«iiinU» Ljurui, ,1. fulf.tti, joo know I 1,,,.. ...r ..-jcli H..4d . "J, L.ur.l.I'Ufprwd Sd HI) Sums froinyoiirlrjdi.r. .mo Mifdii. rOi.:! d.- • "Wl.iUt.ii.-igiu ill. irtlllb-ft,<,ii..ai>j JoM Mt i.-.i . I'Ti.i MyrU.- of VtSVS .ill. M.itUl^S \ :... . Next M<.VIS ROt u|. •ill. liis r-r.;,i. Pl.ii, .\i..llVor. mil. .V^OIXOhi'UI.^jrfiill join - "Tl...- fi.li Ti Jf of H .rii.oi.y Hill n..i) be Iiii . "rtUltll>.'Sol>(^,.i..d llii:C:adyv.ai>.'LwgbUi:allicl.lil.i *'II. 1^, JOV*;,l, I CryM J«vE,"«.r.l..,t,ri:ui I". T1-inh>CR..-.OK,i1j»ii joiiiHiudinHM VT ,o!ir»» to fm-ii. ri .vli..tM"ob»p|Mly |>l.i"i:' V.o'.^lli. Salirl.oi. ..f Gu.;.,;.n Vt'liili lliii- ««■ .Kr,-, ■ tliil. flolirHI. ii.it. T of JOVK, lid fr.c! HAYMARKET ISSUE OF "THE ANACREONTIC SONG" [178-]. Star Spangled Banner T VrL A M EH I C AN r-v^^-T#-*^^-»^-^ :g:crt:t:t=£ tr L — tH"" — t"! — i jl^iPplilliiii > ^c fons of Co - lum - bia, who bravely Y have fought, For thofe rights, which unftain'd from PAINE'S "ADAMS /, MUSICAL M I S C E L L A N V. ^:d::i=r=^r:gzTz~rzr?5r!^r:rr ^ your Sires had dc - fccnd cd. May you ^ long u.le the He (Ting* your valour has [liiiEiPJiPpi^ill ^ bought, And your fons r<'ap tlic foil,which you ^ fathers defended, Mid the reign of I ijE jre^zpziq:±zdiz; LIBERTY." 1793. star Spangled Banner. 26 Hard, hard is my fate! oh, how galling iny char.. My life's stcer'd by iniscry'.s chart — And 'tho 'gainst my tyraiits I scorn to complain^ Tcar.s gii.sh forth to ease my sad heart : I di.sdalne'en to shrink, tho* I feel t'le .sharp lash; Yet my breast bleeds for her I adore ; While round mo the unfeeling billows will dash, I sigh! — ^and still tug at the oar. How fortune deceives! — I had pleasure in tow. The port where she dwelt we'd in \'lew ; But the wi«sh'd nuptial morn was o'erclouded with And, dear Anne, I hurried from you. [woe. Our shallop was boarded, and I borne away. To hchold my lov'd Anno no more! But (lispair wastes my spirits, my form feols decay- He sigh'd — and expir'd at the oar! ANACREON IN HEAVEN. To Anatifj!! in Hcav'ii wheiehe -^at in (a^ 5ICC, A few sons of hariijony sent a petition , FROM "BALTIMORE MU 'i'li.il lie their iiisplrcr and pritroM wuuld l).\ l-:cv an:! pritroM wuuld I).-, x- — 2_! — V — [ — k^ic-r — tf-.j_ \v}nMUliis;iii^u'rraiTlvM rio'iulu- jollvu! ? C c c!;,:; : A'oicc fiddle an ' llntc no loM-vr !> • My;:'.-, I";! Jcixd you my name luid inspire you to boot Urn: 'Aiul bcsiflfs rilJ!) tnict vow liii - to .• itaia mm Aiul bcsidrs n piiiiiiiSiHii 'Ihr Myrtle o*' \'«Mius '.viih Bacchns'sVi.ie 'i '••^ ••"■■> ili.i'u^li (yiyin-ju.. io.ii.c-.iuacly flew, Whrii old Thunder pretcDtcd to ijivc liii/i.v '^ AL MISCELLANY," 1804. star Spangled Banner. ADAMS A V V 1, ! B K R T Y Tlic B often Pal rlolic Song W. HOWE'S EDITION (1798?; ln^,-tio<-,»horeric»n!i!fsf<>cd ymartsof the fcrrlcf Whoff Oiorf V are unfhtken by Rnropi-s rryrmorion . fheTrMeni of rommprff OiouH n<^Tr b» li^rlif To •r.c«ir»«helef:itimHi(. powers ofthpcww; Bin Oould fimtfi iriTaa-, Though jp Thunder Hrrny'H , 1.»f your C«nron detlHrethefree Choner of TraJe^ For n.vr n,B|1 tke Ton', of COLUMRI A b* f J»»e4, WH !e the e»rth bests « plmitpr the Tm roMi its wxtei J Tr •• r.re of OUT lirois.ofoiif !ii»s tVe ti'M f-A:,,, Hr4<| (ufily enob!e im:'.f;>- in fold T^M n,>Vf»!Mth., foM, iVc. ■urp;(rri-.iv deTtroy AnnrcTiJ p^ftilent vorm, t 0111 Librrty's growth Hotild bechedt'd by for rhen let clouds thicken around us.ire heed not fftorm Our rex!-. rr;,rsnonioct but|-e»rt!i?c»n eTpIoflnn Fo-i :.(t«il us in Taih , •nioii.h their rtF.EtS bridfethe mKin fForour M,»r. Vt.h-«s with our lives ve'lhm»int,in. r.-Vr ill.hefons&re. hile Knince h-r hi.-^-e lirrl s ba«h.is recuT)bfr«in blnn indrociety'i b!irethr(>a.s«ith»irf.-dirrolution, :• pe:)celiletheDoie,.horetumd from the flood. ;nd mi Arlof »bodrinourmiMrONSTlTrT10i>( But though pp,,cei< our Aim, VettheboonwedifrI»iin, ')..Khre eWorld by ourfelTej a-difdnin r .llTifion ; Whilewith patriot pride. To ourUtcs xe're allied, : for CKn fubduc us no fi<«tion divide, r ne'er rhHiUhefon»8r<-. Ourvounn.ins urecTovn'dwiihimpifrial 0»v , Wiofe roots Ii»f our liberties ,»^;^sfc,y,„,u,ifh'j Bui lone e'er ournation fubroits tc the yoke^ I « tree fh;,!! be left en the field where it flourinil S!^- oM inTifion impend. Every frore ♦oulj defcend , n ihr hill tops they fhaded o^.r Chores to defend; ne'er ■lilhhercni 8r» . d Should tothedeep . ne'er*iiltV.crons8r..- « Let Fime lotht vorld foun I \-neric»'s ^oiee, No Intrifue can her Tons fro : theifcoternTient fe^er Her pride is her ADAMS _ Us laws iteher choice, .ndrhallflourifhtill LI BFKtYfIu»ber forever. Then unit«,he«rt and k»nd, Like Leonidas' bind, AndTwearto theOODofihe eceanand land; That ne'er itill the foni of COLUMBIA beflares, While, he earth bean » pUntorthefea rolls itsw«Te i-'w YORK FriniedSfSc I by w-HOWK Or ii'i Z'lO IV- .1 rv Importer of alUinds of Mun^llnftnimenu F "ADAMS AND LIBERTY." ■1 5 -- a ' f^M^|lli=ii|ll! i . > s =-a -2 JC «- ^ tf -^^/^^ fill if : -i ^ I ^'~ «?•'' - ^ E fee » -r " oj C "*= ^ 3 rf, ■ 5 A -o * J o f ^; . * - 5 "2 * J '" ss 9 *•■'!« i! at * f. ■^ Ill i Si « « S 3 ^ - Sf ^ ill <= 3-2 5t Si® - S §•0 m'a ""o C <= SJ -» I •S H s ? c - 5~ "r^ Ik ^ -^ >.^^ :r ' rs ^^^Iiw^ ^ V ^ ,i I '■^"^^^T >5 i^^ l^}y-. hrht ^ star Spangled Banner eP'^^ ytcXifiir,^, ^^^ S-OL^^. -^^..^^^^ t^ n^ .^^ ^ -^ i4i>E_^ ^ .CA^,4^_^ x^c:d__^^ ^.^i^^U^ THE KEIM AUTOGRAPH (CA. 1842), IN POSSESSIO if PLATES XVII-XVIII. 5 F THE PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. '^^ :y^: ^' ^ i I I ,'i Y "«=> j^ 4 ^'; M 1 .;- i i ^ ' ^ i ^^ K ] i' kii star Spangled Banner. Nc rtn JT-: ^ ^ 12.-THE STAR-SPA ■ And the rocket* red s'are. I gnllaul - ly itiLamiuyt S ° ;rti[==_'JBr;;zzi=-rr;:t±zc:zb:t:zz RJlfu'e ri- - ii.M-,fs. / >- • , . , CuS ! ail ,l',r|„M s 1 S -^'^'^' '' catches (he gl.'am ■ ■■'•'■'• '■■>-'•>'=■ -fc— k^ k^ -fit FROM "THE VOCALIST'S POCKET COM PANION," CHAI PLATE XXII. »LED BANNER. K«T. s ear - ly lipht, Wliat so proudly wo hail'd at the ! perilous lij^lit. O'er tlic rainparls we watch'd were so its of tho di'ep, "Where the foe's haughiy host in JreaJ )wcr - in.,' sttjrp, As it fit-ful-ly Llovfs, half con- iiiiilgligi bom'.js b;irsiiiig in air, Gave proof through tho night that our he niornin;,'"s Hrbl heain, In full glo - ry rcllocteJ now ERSBURG, 1839 ("BUCKWHEAT" OR "PATENT" NOTES). star Spangled Banner. A^^ ^\ •Vf: ."' A r J :( '.-^ A :! , ,\ ,;i H i'tauiv i^ovtc - ',,'• /. r/. fril, :.H.lll I I',„,:ll 6^ t fjy Sf^KlKl rfi. \, 4: ♦ i- • ^ - - - *",-'" ^» ■#^ « *= ^ -; J PUBLISHED BETV PLATES XXIII-XXIV. lait^t{-.Hniiic.Whw«»tH- th* ^ ' ^r I of Ihrfn. HJmtp thp foe* hjituj^htyJiuKt iadt^^itl ivilflicf rejuncs H i,ai ia- tlisi iliic h il>« lir««»e,o'er the tovjfririg ^Krii A« it fiiruliy bluKi half cunceaU btM iit(\utf; No« il c«tchc» lh« iUam.or the aprninga finl beain. In full sl.irir ritieawd nvw »liioe» ih the ureia, And :hr fttar apui^Ud hanaer O' lung laay if ««\e. OVr lh» iau'l at ibt trr*, an. I tlir hoaf of (hp b,ra\e. 5 Aiiii *1>,,8v«iE.»«^Co^■'43 Maiden Lai. ■^^ -1_'°"' '"' ^^'' " '•' tht^mpart^ we M«.U\xd ^..r^ .„ s;»!Unt:y „t GEIB & CO.'S EDITION, PUBL i'. (inir rhoras ^^«^=^:r=^:^g^^P^^^ iiiil oj tht frici. th. home .,f tht- b^li^. /> Sy A^/> /> . . „, ►'-'«.■•, ovr (III- lewrring -iwp, ! A. horn' «ni a country, -Kuli l^iT.. ii. i« X . .t filfclly blow., h..f . .„-..N, hKir .„«l„.,.i ) Tk... bro-.J h»- „Jb'd «o. -h.ir.ou, wit i-ttcWi tk» gl»«ra ..flhr morniaKS fir,t li„ni, j No rrf.^- '-ulj -v- ih.- Hr-I,t.c >n.! 1 ftlli (florj rafltct^a a-w .Lior. U. ih^ .Ii»ub, i Fr<.iD Ih.. t.rror of (l.-Kt rth- (lo'^w Tbili»>tw«^aiiltl«lbanaFi«0!tnii(iB«y il warf, ' And tk- ->i. ipao'tl-.l b^ni,-p,i,i 0>r th« l«aaofth»rw, «Ddib«hom,„Iih, brav*. t OVr ih. |:,,..i of ii... fr-«,,„,Mh-h> U»p».(lo(hW»V» Pr»»»*> th* R»wV tbiftt 1 ED BETWEEN 1816 AND 1825. 14 DAY USE MN TO DESK FROM WHICH t>' ' MU5IC LIBrJARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. "^i^ Renewed books are subjea to immediate recall. F> ^K? for-. ^ ^ti •?* ^^ ' '''"^■' p ^^^ DEC 1 1962 S^ 5© 0EC19 1967 APR0 2 19/a /i^ JUN 30 1S81 ■■^^_ md MUSIC ^t ^5^ JAN 3 1985 I "i^ ^ *^^ rM> /Sl^ fe^ r Sl^ * LD 21-50to-6,'59 (A2845sl0)476 General Library University of California Berkeley 'i?