SOLICITOR'S REPORTS ADMINISTRATOR'S AND EXECUTORS' MANAGEMENT, REALISATION, AND DISTRIBUTION (IN'TEKMEDIATE ANB I^IXAL) Of THEIR INTESTATE'S OR TESTATOR'S ESTATES. RESPECTIVELY ; SPBOIAL ESTATE. ACCOUNTS REFERRED TO THKRBIN, TOGETHER WITH DETAILED IWSTRUGTIONS FOR THI PREPARATION AND OOMPLBTIOl* THEREOF. FRED. WOOD. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LffiRARY SOLICITOR'S REPORTS lla't-of-Pin 1^* IJesihtitvji legatees AS TO THE ADMINISTRATOR'S AND EXECUTORS' MANAGEMENT, REALISATION, AND DISTRIBUTION (INTERMEDIATE AND FINAL) OF THEIR INTESTATE'S OR TESTATOR'S ESTATES RESPECTIVELY; AND SPECIAL ESTATE ACCOUNTS REFERRED TO THEREIN, TOGETHER WITH DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION AND COMPLETION THEREOF. FRED. WOOD, SOLICITOB, WIGAN. LoN-noN: HORACE COX, "LAW TIMES" OFFICE. WiGAN : THOMAS WALL, "OBSERVER" OFFICE. [ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL.] 1887. Price Twelve Shillings and Sixpence. Iniiri. Abstiact of Articles of Partnership between deceased and surviv- ing Partners, 28, 30. Abstracts of Wills, 13, 30, 40, 48, 56, 61, 70, So, 97, 110 (par. 7), 118, 125, 130, 137, 141, 184. Account (general) and Valuation of Testator "s Share in Partner- ship Assets taken on behalf of his Executors and surviving Partner. Particulars thereof, 31-33. Accumulations of Interest, Dividends, Rents, «tc., 37. Administration to Share of a deceased Legatee granted to her Daughter, 127-128. Administration to Share of a deceased Legatee, a married woman, granted to her Husband, 78-79. Administration to Personal Estates of a deceased Son and Daughter (Beneficiaries), 99-100. Administration by Husband to deceased Wife's Estate, 100. Advances to eldest Son during Intestate's lifetime, and Statutory Pro-\-isions respecting same, 168. Advertisement for alleged missing "Will, 165. Advertisement of Sale of Intestate's Business, 146-147. Advertisement of Sale by Private Treaty of deceased Lessee's Interest in said Works, 22. Advertisement for one of Testator's missing Sons in America, not found, 142-143. Agreement by Executrix \vith Overseers of Poor to compound for Poor's Rate payable in respect of Testator's Cottage Property, 17. Agreement by Executrix for Lease of Testator's Works, 18. nqW^^ IV. INDEX. Agreement (second) modifying terms of first, 19 : — (1) Agreement for Sale and Lease of Intestate's Business Premises ; (2) Valuation of Stock, &c. ; (3) Payment of amount; (4) Particulars of Valuer's Account, 155-156. Agreement for Lease of Works to Purchasers from Lessee's Executrix of Fixtures, &c., 22. Agreement by Residuary Legatees to carry out Testator's inten- tions under an unexecuted Codicil, 87. Appearance to warning to Caveat by Plaintiff, 166. Application to Appointee, under a Power of Attorney, for a Detailed Account of Proceeds of Sale of an Estate in America, 114. Application to his former Solicitors thei'efor, 114. Application ; result of Appointor's Solicitor's journey to Ireland to interview Appointee, 114-115. Application to an Intestate's Creditors for particulars of their Claims, 146. Appointment by acting Trustee and Executor of three additional Trustees in place of disclaiming Trustees, 24-25. Appointment of new Trustees of a First Settlement in place of a deceased Trustee, 184. Appointment by surviving Trustee of new Trustees, under a Will, 65. Assignment by Executors of a deceased Partner of his Share of Partnership Assets to surviving Partners, who purchase under a Power in Partnership Deed, 36. Assignment by Trustee under Bankruptcy of one of Testator's Sons of latter's Share of an Annuity Fund of £500, invested for benefit of his Mother, 64. Assignment to Lessee by Executrix of Fixtures and Machinery at Testator's Works, 20-21. Assignment of a Lease of an Intestate's Business Premises with consent of his Administrator as Lessor, 157. Audit of Partnership Books, Szc, course adopted with reference thereto ; special epitome representing result thereof, 33-34. Balance, 122. INDEX. V. Balance Sheet rendered to Legatees in due course before final distribution, 79-103. Banking Accounts, 16, 42, 100-101, 193-194, 197; opened by Execu- tors, and special circumstances connected therewith, 100-101. Bond by surviving Partners to Executors of a deceased Partner to secure latter's share of Partnership Assets, 35-36. Cases for and Counsel's Opinions thereon : — (1) Upon certain points connected with result of Audit of Partnership Books, and course adopted with reference thereto, as between Executors of a deceased Partner and the surviving Partners, 34-35 ; (2) upon an Agreement for lease of a Farm formerly tenanted by Testator, and rights and remedies of parties thereunder, 91 ; Opinion and Abstract Opinion, 91-94; (3) Will executed in America; American Counsc-ls Opinion thereon as to Executors' rights and remedies, &c., against Appointee under a Power of Attorney for Sale of an Estate in America ; Ab.stract Opinion, 113-114 ; (4) as to Mortgaged Leaseholds and rights and remedies of all parties concerned, 121-122 ; Opinion, 121-122 ; (5) Caveat by eldest son against grant of letters of administration to his three brothers ; Case for Counsel's Opinion as to rights and remedies of three of Intestate's sons under application for grant of administration, 166-167. Counsel's opinion upon proposed (but unexecuted) settlement, vesting two-thirds of Estate in Trustees for benefit of children, 173-174. Caveat against Probate of Will abandoned, 110. Caveat : Defendant's summons to discontinue Caveat proceedings, and for grant, 167. Caveat : Grounds of objection to Plaintiff as Administrator, 167. Chief Rents issuing out of Property in Ireland payable to Testa- tor's Estate, 45-46. Claims delivered pursuant to Statutory Notice to Creditors, 38. Conveyance of Freeholds to a Trustee for Testator's eldest son as directed by Will, after advertisements for a missing son, supposed to be in America, but who could not be found, 143. yi. • INDEX. Conveyance of Testator's Freeholds to purchasers thereof 58. Damao'e to property by mining operations and settlement of claim therefor, 23-24. Deaths of (1) Tenant for life, 101 ; (2) Testator's sister intestate, 109 ; (3) Testator's niece, testate, 110. Debts ; payment of, 57, 63, 74 81, 126. Debts (book) collected, 122. Debts (schedule of) owing by Intestate, 151-153; payment of said debts shortly after Intestate's death by Administrator out of his own funds, subject to an allowance of 10 per cent, discount thereon, 153-154. Debts : Special circumstances connected with an Intestate's book debts, 172. Debts : Executors' inability to pay Testator's debts for a year ; (1) Sjjecial Report to Creditors as to position of his Estate, and request for further time for payment of their claims, until Executors had an opportunity of realising a portion thereof wherewith to pay ; (2) account of Testator's personal Estate to accompany ; (3) Supplemental Circular Letter ; (4) Creditors' agreement to wait as requested, 50-54. Declaration by remaining residuary Legatees as to share of a son, whose interest under Will is restricted, 87. Deed of direction by Residuary Legatees to Trustees as to post- ponement of sale of Testator's leaseholds and freeholds, 75. Deed of direction by next-of-kin to an Administrator, empowering him to postpone sale of Intestate's leaseholds until an advan- tageous opportunity pi'esents itself for a sale thereof, 159. Disclaimer of Trusts and Executorship by two Trustees and Executors, 17. Distributions : Proposed interim distribution on Testator's sons attaining 21, 64. Distribution : Circumstances preventing a final distribution of Intestate's residuary personal Estate, 168. Distributions (Interim), 79. Division (proposed) of Testator's Residuary Estate, 81-82, 103-104, 128. INDEX. Vll. Estate Accounts : (1) Schedule of particulars ; (2) proposed course in long continuing trusts ; (3) information to be inserted in account on final distribution for presentation to and exami- nation and signature by residuary Legatees, pursuant to course suggested in report 7 ; and (4) detailed particulars required to be inserted therein, 188, 200. Equitable deposit of Deeds relating to Testator's leasehold resi- dence, 31. Examination and approval of scheduled Estate Account by Legatees, 38. Funeral and testamentary expenses ; sums, stock, and securities constituting Testator's residuary personal Estate ; schedules thereof, 38, 133-134. FuniiUire Sale, etc., 16, 43, 119, 133, 143, 171.. Heir-at-Law : Report to him as to Intestate's freehold property and succession accounts passed in relation thereto, 1.'")9-1G1. Investments on mortgage by tenant for life, 25, 38. Investment of proceeds of sale of Testator's freeholds, 58. Investment on mortgage of an Annuity Fund of £500, pursuant to trust, for benefit of Testator's Avidow, G4. Investment of Infant Legatee's share, 78. Insurance of Intestate's leaseholds, he having failed to insure pursuant to covenant, 174-175. Lease of an Intestate's business prei^iises by his Administrator ; covenants therein, 156-157. Leases granted by Testator and Executrix respectively, 16. Lease of Testator's works by Executrix, 19-20. Lease of said works to new Lessees, 23. Leasehold property held by an Intestate, and burthened witli an onerous building covenant, 157-158. Legatees ; re A. B., deceased ; special circumstances connected with share, 78. Lessee's Will and death, 22. Vm. INDEX. Letters of administration; application for grant by three of Intestate's sous, 166; grant, 168, 171-172; production thereof to Intestate's bankers, 168. Loans to Testator (particulars), 30-31. Loans ; Deed of family arrangement as to said loans, ifec, and allowance of £100 out of Estate to a son who had been dis- allowed any interest under Will, 139. Loan by Testatrix to Mr. B., and repayment thereof, 131. Loan by her to Mr. C, a residuary Legatee, and agreement by him to execute on demand a mortgage of his leaseholds to secure amount, 131-132-133. Loans by Testator to his children, and latter's admissions as to respective amounts of their indebtedness, 138. Marriage of Testator's niece, 109-110. Missing son ; circumstances connected with his departure for America, 142. Mortgage by Lessee of Testator's works and fixtures, itc, to secure amount of valuation thereof, 21-22 ; special circum- stances connected with a bad mortgage security upon which Testator had advanced, 43-4.5 ; transfer of an equitable mort- gage by surviving Trustee under a Will to new Trustees appointed by him in place of deceased Trustees, 65. Mortgage to an Administratrix of a debtor's equity of redemp- tion of leaseholds after final judgment obtained against him, 175-176. Mortgaged leaseholds and special circumstances connected there- with, 119-121. Next-of-Kin ; particulars thereof, 164. Notice to Executors to quit a farm, 90. Notice to tenants of settled property of appointment of a new agent to collect rents thereof, 187. Payments by Executors, 37. Payments to Tenants for life, Testatrix's l^rother and two sisters, 126. . INDEX. IX. Payments (Schedule of) of an Intestate's Debts, 173. Personal Estate Accounts, 15, 16, 36, 37, 42, 49,76,89,119, 133-134, 138-139, 143, 147-150 (special), 165, 170, 186. Policy ; circumstances connected with Intestate's Life Policy, 177. Power of Attorney by Executrix in favour of an Agent to Collect Rents, 17. Power of Attorney to sell Estate in America, and result thereof, 108-109. Power (second) to sell, &c., 110. Probate (limited) of Will of a Married Woman, 111. Probate (double), 186. Probate ; Renunciation by Executrix, a married woman, 38. Property Account, expenditure thereon since Testator's death, 77-78, 127. Preface, 1-9. Railway Shares ; Transfer of Shares into Executors' Names, 45. Real Estate Accounts, 15, 45, (paragraph 11,) 76, 124, 159-160. Realty— No Realty, 36, 88. Re-assignment of Mortgaged Leaseholds, 122. Receipt (special,) for amount of Compensation for Damage to Property by mining operations, 24. Release to Executors on Final Distribution of Residuary Personal Estate, 58, 80-81, 104, 135. Release (qualified) of Claims and Indemnity to Executors, 65. Release to Executors, and Declaration of Trust (special), 94-95. Release to Solicitor by Administratrix on final settlement of Intestate's affairs (in special case referred to on page 1 70), 180. Re-marriage of Testator's Widow, 63. Rents of Testator's Freeholds and Leaseholds, collection thereof, 74-75. Residuary Account (special), 79-80, 102-103, 127. Residuary Account of an Intestate's Estate (Analysis), 179. Residuary Legatees, 99. X. . INDEX. Retainers and Instructions to su3 Appointee, under a Power of Attorney, for sale of an Estate in America, for amount in his hands, 114-115. Sale by Auction of Testator's Freeholds, o ' the^ewiS applied for payment of £ claimed to be due and owing to E. H., as appears by letter of applica- tion and cash account hereunto annexed. First item £ is admitted. With reference to second item, executors alleged that testator on his death-bed stated that all interest had been paid up to last (date), and under these circumstances it would appear that second mortgagee claimed one year's interest in excess of amount actually due. With reference to No. 3, executors have no information whatever upon this point, and are not aware that the money is owing. In consequence of their inability to give me any definite information therein, I applied, on their behalf, to solicitor for said E. H. to furnish me with detailed particulars of his alleged claim, to enable me to submit same to them for consideration, and, if approved, pay same in due course. Amount was tendered to him, when he stated that he had not only issued a writ against executors for recovery EXECUTORSHIPS. 121 of amount, but had also advertised mortgaged pre- mises for sale by auction, by order of mortgagee, and given notice to tenants to pay rents to E. H., or his duly authorised agent. In consequence of the complicated position of the matter, and the very summary course of action adopted by the second mortgagee's solicitor, it was deemed advisable to submit a, — 8. — As to rie^hts and remedies of all parties con- case there- " ■•■ on for cerned, and he, in effect, advised as follows : — (1) coSel^* Assuming second mortgage deed to be in ordinary form, and that time for payment has passed, mort- gagee may sell, and take other proceedings for recovery of debt, if he has no scruples about acting harshly. The onlv way in which he can be stopped is by payment, or tender of amount due on mortgage, and if after a proper tender he still persists in proceeding, he may in a proper case be charged with or not obtain his costs of a redemption suit. The only practical remedy executors have is to tender mortgage money, and a proper sum for costs of and attending advertising of property and issuing writ against executors ; and if after that he persists in going on, they should issue a writ against him to have an account taken of what is due on the said mortgage, and to redeem property comprised therein, and for an injunction against his selling the said property. (2) A fresh tender of amount to be made, together with an intimation that the executors would pay 15 122 EXECUTORSHIPS. charges properly incurred by liim in enforcing his claim, and asking him to state the amount of such charges, and then tender him a reasonable sum in respect thereof, and, if he persists afterwards in going on, issue writ and apply for said injunction. (3) Executors can only offer property for sale subject to second mortgage. Tender of Q. — Pursuaut to counscl's recommcndation, the Principal ; an*d Costs, amouut was re-tendered to him, and the matter ultimately settled. Ee-assign- IQ. — By rc-assignment, endorsed on the said mortgage, said E. H. thereby assigned unto said executors said mortgaged premises, to hold same freed and discharged from all principal and interest, secured by and from all claims and demands there- under. Attempted 11. — Said leaschoMs were on this date offered for Sale of . . . Leaseholds g^jg jjy public auctiou, but the last bid not reachmg reserve same were withdrawn. Rents have since been collected and property managed by an agent, and the amounts received appropriated towards the reduction of amount paid by me in respect of the said mortgage debts and interest. Book 12. — Amounts received on account of these have Debts. . , . also been appropriated m same manner. owing. Balance 13. — The balauco still owing to me amounts, including the interest and the legal expenses of and incidental to said matters, to £ EXECUTORSHIPS. No. 12. Schedule of Particulars. 1. — Real Estate Account. 2.— Abstract of Will. 3. — Testatrix's Death and Probate of her Will. 4. — Payment to Tenants for Life, Testatrix's Brother and two Sisters. 5. — Payment of her Debts, &c. 6. — Sale of Real Estate and Transfer thereof. 7. — Estate Account. 8. — Expenditure on Property Account. 9. — Residuary Account. 10. — Re Mrs. M. H., deceased. Administration to her share. 11. — Release to Executors on final distribution. 12. — Proposed division of Testatrix's Residuary Estate. EXECUTORSHIPS. E-E , DECEASED. SOLICITOR'S EEPOUT To Residuary Legatees under Will op Testatrix (her Nephews and Nieces and their Repre- sentatives) AS TO Surviving Executors' Man- agement, Realisation, and proposed Final Distribution op her Residuary Personal Estate, and Proceeds of Sale op her Real Estate. Real 1. — Testatrix was, at respective dates of lier will Estate -•• Account, g^j^^ death hereinafter stated, seized of the following real estate for an unincumbered estate in fee simple, subject as hereinafter mentioned, namely : — Lot 1. — A freehold cottage or dwelling-house and garden, called house, in aforesaid, occupied by (tenant), asses- sed to property tax of £ , and let at £ EXECUTORSHIPS. 125 Lot 2. — A yearly ground rent of £ issuing out of 7 freehold cottages, situate, &c., for residue of a term of 999 years, created by an indenture of lease, dated, &c. (date), and made between (parties thereto). 2. — Testatrix executed her last will on this date, Abstract of Will. and thereby gave, devised, and bequeathed all her real and personal estate, wheresoever situate, and of what nature or kind soever, unto her trustees and executors thereinafter named, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, upon trust, after pay- ment of all her debts, funeral and testamentary expenses, and all other costs, charges, and expenses of carrying trusts of her will into execution, to divide the rents, issues, and profits thereof between her brother and sisters during their lives in manner therein mentioned, and after death of all of them to sell all the messuages, lands, tenements, heredita- ments, and real estate of every tenure of or to which she should at her death be seized or entitled, or of which she should at her death have power to dispose by will (except as therein excepted) either together, or in parcels, and either by public auction or private contract, and make any stipulations as to title, or evidence, or commencement of title, or otherwise, which they or he should think fit, and might buy in, or rescind, or vary any contract for sale, and resell without being answerable for any loss which might be occasioned thereby, and might for purposes afore- 126 EXECUTOESHIPS. said, or any of them, execute and do all such assurances and things as they or he should think fit; and should stand possessed of the moneys arising from such sale and conversion of her said real estate, and from collection of her personal estate upon trust, to divide same into seven equal undivided shares, payable as follows, one each to and amongst the following persons, namely, (1) children of her brother J. F., (2) children of her sister C. S., (3) representatives of children of her sister M. H., as follows : — (1) E. H., administratrix of R. H., deceased, and (2) W. A., administratrix of J. A., formerly H., deceased, (4) son of her brother R. F., (5) children of her brother H. F., (6) children of her sister H. L., and (7) son of her sister J. H. ; and testatrix appointed her said brother, J. A., and H. F., trustees and executors of her will. Testatrix's 3. — Tcstatrix died without havinsf altered or Death, and _ _ " her wiii.°^ revoked her said will, and same was duly proved by all said executors in, &c., on (date). Payments 4. — All tlic rcuts, Issucs, aud profits arising from to Tenants . _ ± o he'r Brothel ^^^^ hereditaments were paid over to and received Sisters. by Said tenants for life in shares and proportions to which they were respectively entitled up to times of their respective deaths. I Payment ^' — All tcstatrlx's dcbts, f uucral, and testamentary of her n n 1 1 <. Debts, &c. expenses, and all other charges of carrying trusts of her said will into execution have been paid. EXECUTORSHIPS. 127 G. — Pursuant to, and in order to close the trust ^j^'^j°' contained in said will, trustee put up said premises TransVe?" for sale by public auction at (place), on (date), and at such sale A. was highest bidder for, and declared purchaser of, lot 1 for £ , and C. and D. were purchasers of lot 2 for £ . Said lots were on (date) granted unto said purchasers. 7. — The analysis of executors' account of personal Estate '' ^ Account. estate, and of moneys arising out of real estate of said testatrix, &c., is contained in account No. 5 herein, and shows receipts and payments made by them for and on account thereof since probate of said will up to and including this date. Original thereof will be read at final distril^ution if required (vide account No. 5). 8. — Said account shows amount expended by them pxpendi- i •' ture on in respect of (1) necessary repairs to said property, Account^ (2) advertising sale in local papers, printing sale bills, liquor, &c., at sale, and (3) on miscellaneous account. 9. — Duty payable to the Commissioners of Inland Kesiduary •J r ^ Account. Revenue in respect of said residuary estate amounts to £ , being after rate of £3 per cent, on said seven shares. 10. — Mrs. M. H. died on (date), leaving (name of ^r^«j ^i- "•• legal personal representative) her surviving, and uaiion to latter intends applying for letters of administration 128 EXECUTORSHIPS. to her personal estate in due course to enable her to give executors a valid discharge for seventh share payable to her under said will. Reieaseto H. — (Copv paraOTapli 14 of final report No. 7.) Executors V rj r to 1 r / on Final Distribu- proposed 12. — This is shown by cash account (No. 5), Residuary a copv of wliicli lias bccu scut to cacli residuary Estate. J^ •^ "^ legatee for examination and approval. EXECUTORSHIPS. No. 13. Testatrix, a widow, who died without issue, leaving all her property to her nephews and nieces, £500 advanced to one of the former in her lifetime beins: deducted from his share. Schedule of Particulars. 1.— Abstract of Will. 2. — Loan to Mr. B. and repayment thereof. 3. — Loan to Mr. C, a Residuary Legatee, and Agreement by him to execute on demand a Mortgage of Leaseholds to secure amount. 4. — Sale of Testatrix's Wearing Apparel, &c., to Legatees. 5. — Personal Estate Account. 6. — Statutory Notice to Creditors. 7. — Payment of Funeral and Testamentary Ex- penses, Debts, Legacies, Duties, &c. 8. — Particulars of Estate in Schedules. 9. — Payment of Shares and Release to Executors. 10. — Schedules. 16 EXECUTORSHIPS Re Mrs. , Widow, deceased. SOLICITOR'S REPORT To Beneficiaries respecting the Executors' Man- agement, Realisation, and proposed Distribution OF Testatrix's Estate. Ab<;tract of 1. — By her last will of this date (duly proved and registered by the executors on last in the District Registry attached to the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice at Liverpool) said testatrix appointed her nephews (insert names) executors and trustees thereof, and bequeathed to her niece (name) £ (free of legacy duty), for her absolute use and benefit, and directed that same be paid or retained out of first moneys that should come to hands of her said executors ; and as to all the rest of her real and personal property whatsoever testatrix devised and EXECUTOi^ snips. 131 bequeatlied same unto and to use of her said trustees and executors rrox trust (set out trusts of will). The following details will explain fully how testatrix's estate has been dealt with prior to and since her death. 2. — (1) Said testatrix advanced £ to . Bl'andre-^'^' payment (2) She advanced to him a further sum ot thereof. £ , at 5 per cent. (3) Said repaid £ to testatrix on accoimt of loan. (4) Balance of loan was repaid by to testatrix. 3. — By asrreement made between C. of one part Loan to Mr. " O X C., a Ke- and testatrix of other part, after reciting (1) Lecat7e, -IT 1 c -IT- °-^^ Acree- That C. was entitled to a lease oi certain land mp^fntby hini to exe- aforesaid, but had not then received such dema^n'd a Mortgage lease ; and (2) had erected and built upon a portion "^^^^l^' of said plot of land certain messuages, and had amo^t. agreed to sub-lease the other portion of said plot to one at a yearly rent of £ (3) That said testatrix had agreed to lend to the said C. £ upon security of such portion of the said land as said C. had built upon and the erections thereon or of the ground rent reserved in respect of said sub-lease, provided that the premises should be valued by a competent land surveyor to be appointed for that purpose by said testatrix at sum of £ at least, clear of all outgoings. It was thereby mutually agreed between parties thereto as follows : — 132 EXECUTOESHTPS. (1) Tliat tlie said C. slioiild, when thereunto requested by testatrix, execute a legal mortgage of such portion of said land and buildings or ground rent as should be valued as aforesaid. (2) Principal money to be secured by the said mortgage should be made payable at expiration of six calendar months from date thereof, after rate of £5 per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly, and mortgage should contain covenants by mortgagor for payment of said principal money and interest, and should also contain such power of sale and other powers and provisions as mortgagee should reasonably require for better securing payment of principal money and interest, including, neverthe- less, a proviso that the said principal and interest should not be called in without six months' notice in writing being previously given. The mortgage contemplated by said agreement was not insisted upon by the said testatrix, and in fact was never executed by said C, said testatrix being satisfied with security afforded by such agreement ; the interest payable under such agreement has not been regularly paid by said C, as appears by testatrix's memorandum book, containing entries of receipts by her of principal and interest. Said sum of £ still remains due and owing under said agreement, together with £ for interest thereon, making a total of £ .It has been agreed that said last- mentioned sum shall be deducted from the share of the said C. in satisfaction of principal and interest under said agreement, and that a memorandum of EXECUTORSHIPS. 133 satisfaction thereof shall be endorsed thereon, and signed by said executors and the other residuary legatees under said will. 4. — At the time of her decease the testatrix was saie of Tes- tatrix's possessed of a considerable quantity of wearing ""^^^l^l apparel and other articles, which, in order to avoid Legat°ee6. disputes as to distribution thereof among bene- ficiaries, it was mutually agreed should be sold by auction to them, and accordingly on last same was sold by auction by and realised £ , as appears by inventory marked " " hereunto annexed, duly authenticated by the respective signatures of the said executors and legatees, who have examined and admitted cor- rectness thereof. 5. — Testatrix had no personal or moveable estate ^^^^1°°*^ and effects within the United Kingdom other than ^"°'^'- and except personal estate and effects particulars and value whereof are contained in account No. 1 hereto annexed (set out particulars of personal estate). 6. — The debts, claims, and demands delivered statutory ' ' Notice to pursuant to the statutory notice to creditors inser- ^"'^''°"- ted in (name papers) are set forth in first part of second schedule hereunder, and numbered respec- tively 7. — Particulars of sums paid for funeral and testa- Payment of ^ Funeral mentary expenses of said testatrix, and for legacy menury*' bequeathed by her said will and duties payable in pebts. 1 «/ I i/ Legacies respect of her estate, are also set forth in first Tc. °'^*'^^' part of second schedule. 134 EXECUTORSHIPS. Particulars g. — Pursuaiit to tpust in that belialf contained in of Estate (Schedules). ^^.^ ^.-^^ ^^.^-^ Gxecutors possGSsed themselves of the testatrix's personal estate not specifically bequeathed by her said will (detailed particulars of which are set forth in the accounts hereinafter contained and authenticated by signatures of said executors and legatees), and have out of the said personal estate paid funeral and testamentary expenses and debts of said testatrix, and said legacy bequeathed by her said will, and all duties payable in respect of estate of said testatrix. Particulars of personal estate of the said testatrix are set forth in first part of first schedule hereunder written, and particulars of the sums received by the trustees since death of said testatrix for interest and dividends on the several investments of personal estate of said testatrix are set forth in second part of same schedule hereunder written ; and particulars of several sums of money, stock, and securities respectively paid and trans- ferred to the parties entitled thereto on account of the residue of the personal estate and effects of said testatrix are set forth in the second part of same schedule ; particulars set forth in first and second schedules hereunder written have been carefully examined by said (legatees), who are in all respects satisfied with correctness thereof. Payment of 9. — Said cxecutors have paid or transferred the Shares. said sum of £ (being the clear residue of the said personal estate) to the following persons in the following amounts, namely : — (1) £ to said in her own right, (2) £ to EXECUTOESHIPS. 135 said in her own right, (3) £ to said in her own right, (4) £ . to said in his own right, and (5) £ to said in his own right, being the shares in which, having regard to circumstances before stated, they are entitled to the said sum of £ , and for satisfaction of said executors said (legatees) have IStors. agreed to execute to them a release and discharge of the estate and effects of the said testatrix of and from all actions, claims, and demands whatsoever for or in respect or on account of the estate of said testatrix, and rents, profits, and income thereof respectively, or any part or parts thereof respec- tively, or any act, deed, matter, or thing whatsoever done or omitted to be done by said executors or any of them in or about execution of said will or trusts thereof or in anywise relating to premises. 10. — Insert schedules above referred to. schedules. EXECUTORSHIPS No. 14. Schedule op Paeticulars. 1.— Abstract of Will. 2. — Testator's Death, and Probate of Will. 3. — Testator's Loans to liis Children, and latter' s admissions as to respective amounts of their Indebtedness. 4. — Personal Estate Account. 5. — Payments. 6. — Deed of family arrangement as to said Loans to Children, and allowance of £100 out of Estate to a Son who had been disallowed any interest under Will, as appears in last clause therein. EXECUTORSHIPS. Re , DECEASED. SOLICITOR'S REPORT To Residuary Legatees as to Executors' Manage- ment, Realisation, and Proposed Distribution OF Testator's Residuary Personal Estate. 1 . — Testator made his will, and thereof appointed (names) trustees and executors, and devised and bequeathed all his estate, real and personal, unto and to use of said (names), their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, upon trust, to sell his real estate, and call in and convert into money his said personal estate, and out of money to arise therefrom, and money of which he should be possessed at his death, pay his funeral and testa- mentary expenses and debts, and stand possessed of residue upon trust, to pay £ to his children, said (names), share and share alike. And as to 17 138 EXECUTOESHIPS. TeBtator's Death, and Probate of his Will. Testator's Loans to his Children and latter's admissions as to respective amounts of their indebted- ness. Personal Estate Account. residue, he bequeathed same unto his children (names), and directed that his son, said , who had received £ during his lifetime, should take no benefit under his will. 2. — Said testator died, without having altered or revoked his will, and same was afterwards duly- proved and registered in the District Registry attached, &c., at , by the said E. "W. and E. H., as surviving executors thereof, said Z. A. having died in month of last without having intermeddled in trusts of said will. 3. — It has been alleged that said R. W. was indebted to said testator in sum of £ , or there- abouts, for money lent to him by the latter at various times, accuracy of which debtor disputed, admitting his indebtedness in £ only, which admission the other residuary legatees have agreed to admit as correct. Said C. H., R. W., and P. W., respectively, admit owing the several sums of £ , £ , and £ to said testator's estate for money lent to them by testator at various times, which admissions the other residuary legatees have agreed to admit as correct. £ s. d. 4. — (1) Cash in the house, £ .... (2) Cash at bankers (3) Furniture, &c., sold for . (4) Mortgage and interest due at Testator's death ...£ Total of property . . . £ EXECUTORSHIPS. 5.— (1) Probate (2) Funeral expenses (3) Expenses attending execu- torship (4) Debts on simple contracts, rent, taxes, wages, &c., due at Testator's death, as per Schedule annexed £ Deduct total of payments from total of property, £ Net amount of property, £ 139 d. Payments. to said Loans, 6. — In order to avoid certain intended proceedings Deed of at suit of said R. W. in connection with said will, m"nt"^ri it has been mutually agreed by and between said &c parties, (1) that said R. W. should forbear such pro- ceedings, and take and be allowed for his own use and benefit £100 out of testator's residuary estate, less his l-6th share of expenses of and incidental to probate of said will, and winding up of testator's affairs generally, including said deed, to effectuate terms of settlement agreed upon, and (2) that said debts so owing by said legatees should be deducted from their respective shares. By said deed of arrangement, each of said residuary legatees thereby covenanted with said executors to thereafter indemnify latter, their heirs, executors, and administrators, against all a^tio)iSy claims, and demands of the issue of said legatees, or any of them, in respect of payment of said sum of £100 out of testator'' s residuary estate. EXECUTORSHIPS. No. 15. I Schedule of Particulars. 1.— Abstract of Will. 2. — Testator's Deatli, and Probate of Will. 3. — Circumstances connected with his missing Son's Departure for America. 4. — Advertisement for him. Not found. 6. — Conveyance of Freeholds to a Trustee for eldest Son, as directed by Will. 6. — Disposition of Furniture and Cash in hand. 7. — Personal Estate Account. EXECUTORSHIPS. Re H. B., deceased. SOLICITOR'S REPORT As TO THE Executors' and Trustees' Management, Realisation, and Distribution of Testator's Real and Personal Estate. 1 . — Testator duly made his last will, and thereby ^^^^^^ °' gave and devised all his four freehold messuages, situate in, &c., with their appurtenances, unto and to the use of his wife, E. B., and his sons, R. B. and A. B., their heirs and assigns, upon the trusts following, that was to say : If it should be ascertained to the satisfaction of testator's widow and two sons, or survivors or survivor of them, or heirs of such survivor, within six calendar months after his (testator's) decease, that T. B. was living at testator's death, then in trust for said R. B. and 142 EXECUTOESHIPS. T. B., their heirs and assigns absolutely, as tenants in common in equal shares. But if it should not be ascertained to satisfaction of said trustees or trustee for time being within period aforesaid that T. B. was living at testator's death, then upon teust that said trustees or trustee for time being should assure same premises to use of said R. B., his heirs and assigns absolutely, such assurance to be prepared at expense of said E-. B., his heirs or assigns, and to be conclusive evidence as against said T. B., and all persons claiming through or under him that it was not so ascertained as aforesaid within period afore- said that he was living at testator's death. And said testator appointed his said wife, and the said R. B. and A. B. executrix and executors of his said will. DelKnd 2. — Said testator died without, &c. Probate of his WiU. circum- 3. — Said T. B. left Wigan for New York in or stances Shfs^^ about the spring of 1858, and has never since been son's'de- heard of. The presumption of law would be that garture for ^ ■*• he was dead at the expiration of seven years after he was last heard of, but counsel, to whom facts of case were submitted to advise as to best course of action to be adopted under circumstances, advised " that the trustees should insert an advertisement " in (1) a New York paper of extensive circulation, " (2) the TmieSj and (3) a local paper." 4. — Accordingly on these respective dates an advertisement, of which following is a copy, was inserted in said papers, viz. : — America. EXECUTORSHIPS. 143 "J. B., second son of late H. B., formerly of " "Wigan, Lancashire, England, gardener, will hear of " something to his advantage by immediately apply- " ing to undersigned. He left Wigan for New York *' in or about spring of 1858, and has never since " been heard of. If dead, information wanted of "date and place of death." 5. — No intelligence havinof been obtained con- convey- o o ance oi cerning said J. B. by trustees, and more than sixfoTTmstee T 1 11' • -I • i ^°^ Testa- calendar months havme: expired smce testator s t'^'s widest o sr Son, &a death, said trustees, in execution of trust for that wm?^'^*'^ purpose contained in said will, granted all and singular said four messuages, &c., unto a trustee and his heirs to use of said R. B., his heirs and assigns, for ever absolutely. Clause in will as to effect of assignee enabled R. B. to make a good title to a purchaser. 6. — Testator's household furniture, books, &c., °/7,frn"°" were left to his widow absolutely, except a writing cafiAu desk to his grandson Robert and an old watch to his grandson Henry. After payment of his debts cash in hand was to be equally divided between his widow and two sons. / -Testator's personal estate consisted of follow- esu""^ ing, viz. : — (1) Cash at bankers, £ , and (2) "°"" " household furniture, &c., valued at £ Total, £ . Payments, £ . Nett amount of residue, £ N.B. — This estate was too small to necessitate a formal release, &c. ADMINISTRATIONS. No. 1. Schedule of Particulaes. 1. — Application to Intestate's Creditors for Par- ticulars of their Claims. 2. — Advertisement of Sale of Intestate's Business. 3. — Personal Estate Account. 4. — Schedule of Debts owing by Intestate. 5. — Payment of said Debts shortly after Intestate's Death by Administrator out of his own funds, subject to an allowance of a discount of 10 per cent, thereon. 6. — Preliminary Negotiations for Sale of said Business through a Transfer Agent. 7. — Sale of Intestate's Business ; special course adopted thereon. 8. — Agreement for Sale. 9, 10. — Valuation of Stock, &c. 11. — Payment of Amount; Particulars of Valuer's Account. 12. — Lease of Intestate's Business Premises ; cove- nants therein. SCHEDULE. 145 13. — Assignment of said Lease, with Lessor's con- sent. 14. — Leasehold Property held by Intestate, and burthened with an onerous covenant. 15. — Attempted Sale thereof by Private Treaty. 16. — Attempted Sale of Intestate's other Lease- holds. Half-yearly Division of Rents until an advantageous opportunity presents itself for a Sale of Leaseholds. 17. — Deed of Direction by Next-of-Kin to Adminis- trator empowering him to Postpone Sale of said Leaseholds as therein mentioned. 18 ADMINISTRATIONS. Re a. B., late op , Chemist and Druggist, deceased. SOLICITOR'S INTERMEDIATE REPORT To THE Next-op-Kin as to Administrator's Man- agement, Realisation, and proposed Interim Distribution op a portion op Intestate's Estate. Application i_ — jn coiisequeiice of the sudden death of the to Intes- T^ cre^ditora iiitestate, a bachelor, on this date, and the urgent for Particu- cTatal*'^"'^ necessity for an immediate application for a grant of letters of administration to his personal estate and effects, each creditor or merchant with whom he had traded was applied to to forward forthwith particulars of any claim he might have against estate, to enable intended administrator to claim a deduction of debts, ment'o'f^' 2. — Followiug advertisement was inserted in Intestate's MecUcal aiid Pharmaceutical Journals for disposal of Business. . ^ Intestate's business : — " Lancashire (important town, population nearly " ). Death vacancy. First-class general " retail, dispensing, and prescribing business. " Established by late proprietor in 1866. Nearly " all ready money. Very good prices obtained. ADMINISTRATIONS. 147 " Handsome, lofty, and capacious single-fronted " shop (60ft. by 16ft.), with large plate-glass *' window of a very bold and superior appearance. " Premises comprise said shop, three rooms on first " landing, three rooms on second landing, and a " very large attic. Shop handsomely fitted in first- " class style in mahogany. Thoroughly well stocked " with best drugs. Large and commodious ware- " house, cellar, and yard. Side entrance for goods. " Most prominent position in the town. Returns " (substantiated by books) for last seven years " average about £ annually. Profits large on " everything. Copied prescriptions between " March, 1866, and June, 1882. Price by valuation " (about £ ). Part of purchase-money can " remain on approved security. Splendid oppor- " tunity for an energetic man. Every investigation " courted, and references given to wholesale houses. " Late proprietor's business account books can be " seen." The circumstances connected with negotiations for and ultimate sale of said business, and lease of premises whereat same carried on, are fully detailed in paragraphs 6 to 13 inclusive. 3. — The followinar account contains a true account Personal O Estate of particulars and present value, so far as adminis- ^ccounu trator has been able to ascertain same, of all per- sonal estate and effects of intestate, for or in respect of which a grant of administration has been made, exclusive of what he may have been possessed of or entitled to as a trustee, and not beneficially. Gross value thereof altogether is £ . 148 ADMINISTRATIONS. Account No. 1. (1) Proprietary shares or deben- tures of public companies, viz. : — Five original shares, numbered respectively (Nos.) in Loan and Discount Company, Limited ; regis tered office, street (2) Dividends or interest thereon to date of grant (3) Cash in house and at bankers.. (4) Household goods, linen, wear^ ing apparel, books, plate jewels, horses, &c., valued at (5) Leasehold property, viz., vide particulars and valuation of Mr. , licensed valuer, dated, &c. : — Lot 1. — Three double cottages, and a cellar occupied as a dwelling-house, numbered 2, 3, 4, and 5, in street, adjacent to the Inn, Gross £ Contents square tenure, from Gross annual rent, £ tioned yearly ground rent, £ of land, superficial yards or thereabouts leasehold for years appor- Lot 2.- -Two messuages. numbered and a plot of vacant land (containing superficial square yards or there- abouts) at the back thereof, whereon six single messuages could be erected. £ value. s. d. ADMINISTRATIONS. Account No. 1 (continued). Plans have already been passed by the Local Authority on the old scale of building, under which the inner walls need not exceed four and a half inches in thickness. The plot of land on which the said two messuages are built has a capital frontage of feet inches, and runs in depth back- wards feet. Total contents of this and vacant land, superficial square yards or thereabouts ; tenure, leasehold for years (excepting last 10 days), from Apportioned yearly ground rent, £ ; gross annual rent, £ Lot 3. — Four leasehold double cot- tages, numbered 14 and 16, street, and 6 and 8, off street, ; together with seven single cottages, numbered 10, 12, and 18, street, and numbers 1 and 2 in yard, and 2 and 4, off street. Contents of land, superficial square yards. Annual ground rent, £ Tenure, leasehold for years from Gross annual rental, £ Lot 4. — The lessee's interest, under a lease of 21 years, fi^om at an annual rent of £ , of a ware- house, two cottages, and one shop and 140 Gross value. £ s. d. 150 ADMINISTRATIONS. rent, Account No. 1 (continued). dwelling-liouse, numbered 2, 4, and 13, row, J Wigan. G-ross annual rental, £ Lot 5. — Seven double leasehold cot- tages, numbered 49, 51, 53, 55, and 57, street ; and 1 and 3, terrace, off street, Wigan. Apportioned annual ground £ Grross annual rental, £ Lot 6. — A leasehold provision shop (with out-door license attached) and four double dwelling-houses, num- bered 59, 61, 63, and 65, street, slaughter-house adjacent, and a plot of vacant land, whereon four substan- tial dwelling-houses could be erected. Apportioned annual ground rent, £ ; gross annual rental, £ Lots 5 and 6 are leasehold for 999 years, from , except last ten days. (6) Rents of real or leasehold pro- perty due at death of deceased (7) Rents of leasehold property due since death of deceased to day of grant Money out on mortgage and other securities Interest thereon to date of grant ( days at 5 per cent.) Book debts (11) Groodwill, stock-in-trade, &c., sold for Gross value. £ s. d. (8) (9) (10) Total. The above schedule of leaseholds will be found to be a very concise form tor advertisement of sale, for posting purposes, or insertion in papers. ADMINISTRATIONS. 151 Part 1 , containing a true and particular list or ^cheduie of accounts of debts due and owing from the deceased ^ntes'tate. at time of his death to persons resident within United Kingdom, four columns, viz., (1 ) No. 2, Names and addresses of the several creditors to whom same are respectively due. (3) Description of debt (this should include date, and short particulars of any mortgage, bond, or other security for debt), e.g. (1) Goods sold and delivered (date), or between and (insert dates). (2) Balance of account for packages. (3) Proportion of ground rent of leasehold land at , in County of Lancaster, for half-year to June 24th, 1886. (4) Commission. (5) Work and labour done, and materials found and provided, between (dates). (6) Value of unreturned empties. (7) Premium for renewal of insurance of £ by fire policy, No. , for one year from Midsummer, 1886, to Midsummer, 1887. (8) Medicine and professional attendance between (dates). (9) Greneral District Rate for Borough of due on demand, made May 13th, 1886, after rate of 3s. 6d. in £. Rateable value, £ Assessment, £ (10) Amount due under intestate's bond, dated, &c. This schedule will be found serviceable to executors' solicitor in filling up particulars of debts owing by a testator, or an intestate in affidavits, for grant of iJrobate, or briefs of administration, where a deduction of debts is claimed, pursuant to statute. 152 ADMINISTRATIONS. (11) Principal (£ ) and interest owing by intestate under an equitable deposit of a mortgage of the equity of redemption of L. M., of (address and occupation), of and in a leasehold plot of land, messuages or dwelling-houses and shop and premises thereon, situate at aforesaid, for securing £120 and interest, after rate of £5 per cent, per annum. (12) Principal and interest due from intestate, under a memorandum of deposit, dated, &c., of the deeds relating to a leasehold plot of land and dwelling-houses erected thereon, situate in and fronting to Road, &c., held for residue of a term of 999 years, subject to yearly ground rent of £ (13) Principal under an I U for £ , dated, &c., and interest after rate of £5 per cent, per annum. (14) Professional services rendered to, and money paid, on behalf of intestate. (15) Proportion of ground rent payable in respect of leasehold property held for residue of a term of years, at from last to (days). (16) Annual (or apportioned) ground rent £ less tax. The said debts are payable by law out of the personal estate and effects comprised in account No. 1, and are not, nor are any of them voluntary debts made payable on intestate's death, or voluntary ADMINISTRATIONS . 153 debts payable under some instrument deb'vered to donee thereof within three months before intestate's death, or debts which are primarily payable out of any real estate belonging to intestate, or debts in respect whereof a reimbursement is capable of beino- claimed from such real estate, or from any other estate or person whatsoever. 4. — The aggregate amount of said debts and funeral expenses is £ , which being deducted from value of personal estate and effects, as specified in account No. 1 to administrator's affidavit for Commissioners of Inland Revenue, reduced such value for purpose of charge of administration duty thereon to £ Part 2, containing an account of intestate's funeral expenses. Deceased had no personal estate and effects situate abroad. Deceased had no personal or moveable estate and effects within United Kingdom, other than and except personal estate and effects, particulars and value whereof are contained in said account No. 1 . 5. — As the estate could not (in consequence of its Payment of . Intestate's magnitude, and the many complicated circumstances ^*^^^''- wherewith it was surrounded) be fully realised for a considerable time, and, under these circumstances there being no available funds for payment of intestate's accounts before expiration of usual period (12 months) allowed for payment thereof, and as administrator did not wish to defer payment until then, provided creditors would allow a liberal 19 164 ADMINISTRATIONS. discount (10 per cent.) for cash forthwith, payable (if he found it worth while to avail himself of any abatement they might be pleased to make) out of his own funds, and he to be recouped out of first available assets, to enable him to close intestate's aifairs as far as practicable, the administrator consulted me with reference to outstanding trade accounts owing by intestate at date of his decease, and instructed me to lay before his creditors the facts relative thereto, and said proposal was submitted for their consideration. I accordingly addressed a circular letter to each creditor (without prejudice) detailing the facts, and asking them to inform me, at their early convenience, of their decision respecting same. nary Nego- ^- — ^^ ordcr to satisfy himself as to the weekly saii°oT ""^ returns arising from the said business, I took the Intestate's thTouira precaution (by letter) to require purchaser : — (1) to Agent. '^ go through, and fully examine intestate's account books, in order to satisfy himself as to correctness or otherwise of representations made concerning same ; and, (2) to sign a memorandum of such examination, admitting that he was perfectly satisfied therewith. intesfate's '^ • — Aftcr Satisfying himself as to said returns, sp^'e'cTaf^' purchaser agreed with said agent to take business course i o o thCTeol^ and premises on following terms, viz. : — (1) Stock and fixtures at a fair valuation ; (2) rent £ per annum, on lease for years, first year at £ and remainder of term £ per annum, provided his solicitor approved draft of proposed lease. ADMINISTRATIONS. 155 Deposit paid, £10 per cent, on purchase money, special, subject to negotiations terminating satisfactorily. Transfer agent required this deposit to secure himself against loss in event of vendor and purchaser carrying out bargain without his aid. Usual course to pursue, and one adopted in this case, is for purchaser to pay a sum approximate to value into a joint-stock bank, on deposit, in joint names of either vendor and purchaser, or some other two persons appointed to represent them, and then he takes possession of business from the date of commencement of stock-taking, allowing to vendor cost price of any goods sold that have not been valued. 8. — Agreement signed by said administrator to Agreement O n J lor Sale. sell to said purchaser stock-in-trade and fixtures, [^fu4uues and to efrant a lease of said premises for a termpieniucs; *-• ■•• Covenants of years, subject to lessees' power to determine *^""''" same at end of years. 9. — Valuer commenced stock-taking V4?^''i°?„ O of Stock, &c. . Valuation £ 10. — Copy inventory and valuation sent to purchaser for perusal. 11. — Purchaser paid amount of valuation payable Pfy'^em i IT ./ of .\niouut, by him for scheduled effects and stock-in-trade, and otx^iul^^ . . , . T 1 • .\ccount. orignial inventory and valuation were thereupon delivered up to him, and his receipt on copy obtained. Valuer's account was — (1) £ for class return railway fares from London to AVigan, for 156 ADMINISTRATIONS. himself and stock-taker. (2) Inventory £1 Is. (3) Stamp thereon £1. (4) Commission on sale of business £ . (5) Valuation fee £ Lease of 12. — Said admlulstrator demised said premises Intestate's PremisS; uuto purcliascr for years, from day of Covenants . , , -i , • i i j i i therein. mstaut, determmaoie nevertheless as hereinafter mentioned. Yearly rent £ for first year ; yearly rent £ for each succeeding year thereof, clear of all deductions, (except property or income tax) payable half-yearly on (dates). Lessees' Covenants : — (1) To pay rent, rates, and taxes. (2) To carry on upon said premises business of a chemist and druggist, or other trade or business of a similar character, and not to carry on, or permit to be carried on thereon, any other trade or business whatsoever, nor occupy, or use, or permit same to be occupied or used in any other manner, or for any other purpose. (3) Not to commit waste. (4) To keep premises in repair, and deliver up same in repair at end of term. (5) To paint inside every years. (6) To permit lessor to enter to view state of premises, and to repair after notice of defects. (7) To insure in joint names of lessor and lessee, to pay premiums, &c., and produce policy and receipts for premiums, to lay out insurance money in re-building, and, if insufficient, to make up deficiency. (8) Not to assign or underlet without lessors' consent, but same not to be unreasonably withheld. (9) Power of re-entry for non-payment of rent, or breach of covenants. (10) Power to lessee to determine ADMINISTRATIONS. 1^7 lease at end of 7 or 14 years. (11) Proviso that rent shall be suspended, in case of destruction l)y fire. Lessor's Covenants : — (1) To repair outside of said premises. (2) For quiet enjoyment by lessee. Assign- ment ol said Lease. 13. — Said lessee subsequently aofreed to sell hismentof interest as such under said lease to , and said lessor consented to assignment, testified by his execution thereof. 14. — By lease made between R. L. of one part, rropeny^ and said intestate of other part, all that plot of intestate. i ' •■■ and bur- land situate in , and containing superficial l^^h^^n -, 1 T / • T onerous square yards, or thereabouts, (exceptnig and reserv- g^j^^^^s^ ing all mines and minerals, with powers and liberties of working and getting same therein particularly mentioned) was demised unto said intestate, his executors, administrators, and assigns for a term of 999 years from (date), subject nevertheless to all existing leases, and agreements for leases of mines and minerals lying under said premises and any adjoining lands, and to exercise by reversioners of powers and liberties thereinbefore reserved, at clear yearly rent of £ , by equal half-yearly payments. Intestate thereby covenanted for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, within five years from date thereof, to erect and finish in a substantial and workmanlike manner, upon said land, upon a site, and according to plans, elevations, and specifications to be first approved of in writing 158 ADMINISTEATIONS. by, and to satisfaction of reversioner, or his agent, one or more dwelling-liouse, or dwelling-liouses, or other buildings, to be built of good, sound, and proper materials of their respective kinds, with proper boundary walls thereto, and to expend in so doing at least £ Attempted i^ — lutcstate dlcd before expiration of term private ^'^ limited for performance of said buildins^ covenant. Treaty. ^ , ,. . . and on this date lessor s solicitors applied to his administrator to carry out same without further delay. Strenuous and repeated efforts have been made to dispose of lessee's interest under said lease (with lessor's consent) by private treaty, but same have been abortive, and, under these circumstances, said leasehold will have to be kept in hand until an opportunity for sale presents itself. Attempted 16. — Said IcaselioMs were offered for sale by Sale of Leasehold^ auctloii Oil tliis date, in lots mentioned in said ofvisLTof schedule of leaseholds, but as offers then made did Rents. not reach reserves fixed, same were withdrawn, and rents thereof have since been collected by ]\Ir. , as agent for, and on behalf of, said administrator. Pending sale of said leaseholds half-yearly accounts will be rendered by said agent, and balances divided in due course afterwards in proportions to which next of kin are severally entitled under statute for distribution of intestate's estates. ADMINISTRATIONS. 159 17. — The administrator has a year from the ^f,^^^^i*|J„ intestate's death a discretionary power as to Kin to realisation of estate, (that time always being allowed e^,1p°\;,er. for winding- up same), and it would be very postpone O r y^ •/ ya,le of 8aid disadvantageous to next-of-kin if said leaseholds Jf there/n'* Of 1 c ir» •111 "1 nienlioued. were again onered tor sale tor a considerable period. It is believed that much larger prices will hereafter be realised if sale and • conversion of estate is postponed beyond the year, until, in administrator's uncontrolled discretion, a favourable opportunity should arise for realisation thereof, he dividing in the meantime, as aforesaid, net rents and profits of said leaseholds remaining unsold, and having, until such sale and realisation all such powers as are incidental to an administration. The deed of direc- tion duly executed by beneficiaries authorised the administrator to postpone said sale and realisation. SOLICITOR'S REPORT To Intestate's Heir-at-Law in preceding Case. The intestate died seized of the following freehold soH^itorjs property, viz. :— (1) All that plot, piece, or ISf"' parcel of land situate in and fronting to liase^^'"^ aforesaid, and commonly known as " And also all and singular those twenty several 160 ADMINISTRATIONS. messuages, cottages, or dwelling-houses and other erections and buildings thereon erected. Weekly rentals £ £ s. d. Total deductions (as specified in succession account) Total gross annual value Total annual value of deductions . Net annual value £ (2) All that plot of land situate and fronting to Market Place, in Borough of aforesaid, together with three shops and appurtenances erected thereon, and numbered 11, 13, and 15, respectively occupied by (tenants' names). Gross rental, or annual value, £ . One shop is let at a yearly rental of £ , another at £ , and another (formerly occupied by intestate) was leased as aforesaid on (date) to Mr. , for a term of years, subject to lessee's right to determine same at end of first seven years, at a yearly rental of £ for the first year, and £ for second and every subsequent year. There is a small shop adjoining worth about £ per annum when let, but it has been untenanted since last. Said premises are assessed at £ in respect of property tax payable on account thereof, as appears by certificate of assessment of local surveyor ADMINISTRATIONS. 161 of taxes annexed to succession account, whicli latter, delivered on your behalf as successor, was assessed on tins date by Commissioners of Inland Revenue at £ , duty on this sum being at rate of per cent., which was duly paid on last. 20 ADMINISTRATIONS. No. 2. Schedule of Particulars. 1. — Intestate's Next-of-Kin. 2. — Personal Estate Account. 3. — Advertisement for alleged Missing Will. 4. — Application for Grant of Letters of Adminis- tration by three of his Sons. 5. — Caveat entered against G-rant by his eldest Son. 6. — Warning issued on behalf of Administrators. 7. — Appearance thereto by Plaintiff. 8. — Case for Counsel's Opinion, and Opinion thereon. 9. — Defendants' Summons to discontinue Proceed- ings, and for Grant. 10. — Grounds of Objection to Plaintiff as Adminis- trator. SCHEDULE. 163 11. — DiscoTitinnance of Caveat Proceedings. 12. — Grant of Letters. 13. — Production thereof to Intestate's Bankers. 14. — Statutory Notice to Creditors. 15. — Advances to eldest Son during Intestate's life- time. 16. — Circumstances preventing a Final Distribution of Intestate's Residuary Personal Estate. ADMINISTRATIONS Ee , DECEASED. ADMINISTRATOES' SOLICITOR'S INTER- MEDIATE REPORT To NEXT-or-KiN op Intestate eespecting Manage- ment OF his Residuary Personal Estate, pending the ultimate Realisation and Distri- bution thereof. Ein, Intestate's 1. — Said iiitestate died on this date, a widower, Next-of- leaving the following natural and lawful children and next-of-kin surviving him, viz. : — (1) Robert, his eldest son ; (2) Roger, (3) Philip, (4) Harold, (5) William, (6) Amos, (7) Joseph, and (8) Mary. The two latter are infants. ADMINISTRATIONS. 165 2. — Following is a true account of particulars EHtat"^' and present value, &c. The gross value thereof^""""'' altogether is £ . £ s. d. (1) Cash in house (2) Cash at bankers on deposit ... (3) Money out on mortgage (4) Book debts (5) Household goods, &c., unsold, valued at (6) Stock-in-trade, unsold, valued^ at (7) Rents of intestate's real estate due prior to death, but not received by him, estimated at' Aggregate amount of intestate's debts and funeral expenses is £ , which, being deducted from value of personal estate before specified, reduces such value to £ 3. — It being supposed that deceased had made a will (which could not be found) in or about (date), and was believed to have been prepared by either a Manchester or Liverpool solicitor, an advertisement was inserted in (name papers) containing formal notice thereof, and that if such was the fact, and same was in the custody of any solicitor practising there, he would oblige by forthwith communicating with us. There were, however, no replies to said advertisements. Advertise- ment for alleged missing WiU. 166 ADMINISTEATIONS. Application 4, — ^t the desiPG of all the members of the family, Admlnls-* except intestate's eldest son, three of the other sons, tration by rv t • p hissons '^os. 2, 3, and 4, were sworn to their affidavits for required grant on this date, which, together with usual administration bond, were lodged by me in District Registry attached to Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice at , to enable them to obtain said grant forthwith, and thereafter carry on intestate's business, and arrange as to winding up his affairs, but on Caveat 5. — A cavcat "was entered bv' said R. B. against entered G^rtSfbyhisS^^^^ by Mcssrs. , as agents for Messrs. eldest Son. ^ ^^ ^j^^^ towu, his solicitors, and on Warning 6. — A wamiug tliercto was issued by my London issued on Admiiistra- ^gGiit ou behalf of administrators, to which tors. Appear- '^ ' — Plaintiff entered an appearance. In con- ance there- pi t t piamtifl sequence oi the complicated state oi the matter, consequent upon the action taken by the said R. B., Case for 8. — A casc. Containing all the facts connected Counsel's •!• jpp- i-tp •• Opinion, With mtcstatc s aftairs, was submitted tor opinion of the"eon. couuscl, wlio adviscd, in effect, as follows, upon the various points contained therein, viz. : — (1) That it was not a case for an action, as there was no issue to try. (2) There was no contention concerning priority of relationship of respective applicants to intestate, as they were all in an equal degree of relationship, namely, sons and daughters, (3) That selection of an administrator was a question for vacation registrar's discretion, as question arose ADMINISTRATIONS. 1G7 in vacation. (4) Question became one of fitness ; and, (5) promptness in deciding this was vital to interests of all concerned in carrying on intestate's business. 9. — A summons was issued (as advised by counsel) ^1!™^*^ on behalf of administrators, as defendants in said tinue Pro- ceediiiRS, action, calling upon plaintiff to attend the vacation ^"rauf registrar, at principal registry, on (date), to show cause why contentious proceedings therein, arising from said caveat, should not be discontinued, and why letters of administration of intestate's personal estate and effects should not be granted to defend- ants if entitled thereto. Following 10. — Grounds of objection to plaintiff as adminis- g^?°p"^fj^,f^ trator were relied upon, viz. : — That he had had no asAdminu- , , trator. experience in the management of said mtestate s works, and it was most important in interest of estate that a person or persons fully conversant with business should be appointed to carry it on and administer his affairs. Said had acted as cashier for said intestate for a period of years, and during same period had been fully con- versant with all his business transactions, and acquired a complete knowledge thereof. 11. — Said plaintiff having decided to abandon all oiscontmu- further opposition to said grant, upon this date, ceei^ga!'^ upon hearing solicitors for plaintiff and defendants, and by consent, registrar ordered that said conten- tious proceedings be discontinued, and that letters 168 ADMINISTRATIONS. of administration be granted to said applicants accordingly. Grant of 12. — Lottcrs of administration, &c. were granted (by registrar's order) by said registry. Production 13. — Same were produced to intestate's bankers thereof to _ ■"■ B^nkers^^ on transfer of his account into names of said administrators. statutory 14. — A uotico was inscrtcd in (paper) requiring Creditors. ^-^^ persous liaviug any claims against intestate's estate to forthwith send particulars thereof to us, as solicitors to administrators, and in due course claims amounting to £ were received, and have since been duly discharged. Advances 15. — ^Whcrc positivc proof can be adduced that to eldest i°tJ^^t^l any child has been advanced in life, sum he has received may be rightly deducted from his share of personalty, under section 5 of Statute of Distribu- tions, &c. In this case said R. B. had been from time to time advanced large sums of money by intestate, amounting in aggregate to £ or thereabouts. circum- 16. — The intestate's business is being" carried on stances pre- *-' flnai'dfstri- by two of his sons, as managers and receivers thereof Intestate's by mutual arrangement, pending a suitable oppor- ElWtT^ tunity for a beneficial realisation thereof. When this has been done, a final report will be rendered containing full particulars of administrators' dealings with estate up to and including distribution thereof, and investment of shares of intestate's infant children. ADMINISTRATIONS. No. 3. Schedule of Particulars. 1 to 6. — Personal Estate Account. 7. — Grrant of Letters of Administration. 8. — Special circumstances connected with Intes- tate's Book Debts. 9, 10. — Statutory Notice to Creditors. Accounts received in pursuance thereof. 11, 12. — Sales by Administratrix of Stock-in-Trade. 13. — Proposed (but unexecuted) Settlement, vesting two-thirds of Estate in Trustees, for benefit of Children. Counsel's Opinion thereon. 14 to 17. — Insurance of Leaseholds. 18. — Writs, issued for Recovery of Outstanding Debts. 19, 20, 21. — Mortgage of Equity of Redemption of Leaseholds, executed by a Debtor against whom Writ issued, and final Judgment thereunder afterwards obtained. 22, 23. — Compromises with Defendants. 21 ADMINISTRATIONS. Memorandum. — In tlie case to wliicli following report refers, author was entrusted with entire management of affairs of intestate (a wholesale butcher), which were of a very complicated character, on behalf of administratrix, and her infant children, and when same had been finally settled he rendered to them said report, so that practically the informa- tion respecting said affairs contained therein would be identical with, and as ample as that possessed by himself, both as regards special circumstances con- nected therewith, and amounts received and paid on account of the estate. Re a. B., deceased. ExPARTE , Administratrix of Intestate's Personal Estate. SOLICITOR'S REPORT As to his Management and Realisation of Intes- tate's Estate on behalf of Administratrix. Intestate's Intcstatc died, leavino^ Mrs. A. B., his lawful Death, leav- ' ° ' mfnfstra- widow aud rclict, and three infant children surviv- threein- jng. Hc was thcu posscsscd of following property, viz. : — ADMINISTRATIONS. 171 1. — Furniture, and stock-in-trade, &c., afterwards rcrsonai sold for £ , excluding a portion of furniture ^'^'="""'' retained by, and now in possession of administratrix. 2. — A large number of book debts, on account of "which I have received the sum of £ , as per detailed particulars delivered to, and now in possession, or under control of administratrix, for examination and approval. 3. — A plot of land, with ten cottages, &c., thereon (one of which is used as a shop), situate at (place), held for residue of a term of 999 years, subject to a yearly ground rent of £ , valued for purpose of residuary account, submitted to Commissioners of Inland Revenue, at £ 4. — A plot of land, with five messuages thereon, situate in, &c., held for residue of a term of 999 years, at a yearly ground rent of £ , valued for purpose aforesaid at £ 5. — A policy of assurance, No. , on his Hfe, for £ , in Life Assurance Company, subject to a yearly premium of £ 6. — Mr. 0., valuer, Wigan, valued intestate's household furniture, stock-in-trade, vehicles, &c., for purpose of administration, at £ tration. 7. — Letters of administration of his personal ^|tt^«^°f estate were granted by Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, at District Registry, attached to Probate 172 ADMINISTRATIONS. Division thereof at , to A. B., as lawful widow and relict of said intestate. Personal estate sworn under £ . Stamp duty £ Special cir- 8. — lutostate appears to have had a very extensive cumstauces withinfei business connection, and at date of his decease, Debt's.^"" there were a large number of book debts owing to his estate, amounting in aggregate to £ . His wholesale customers appear to have had pass books delivered to them at commencement of their trading, wherein deceased entered detailed particulars of meat supplied to them. Several of his customers had contracted very large accounts, and been in habit of paying same by instalments. All the books were in intestate's handwriting, so far as they were posted up at time of his death. His account books, and the customers' pass books, were very much in arrear at his death, to such an extent, in fact, that when taken possession of by me I found it neces- sary to instruct an accountant to post up (1) Cash book, (2) Day book, and, (3) Ledger, and make out accounts owing to estate, and he was constantly engaged in balancing, posting up said books, and making out said accounts, for days, ending on (date). To enable me to realise (as far as practicable) outstanding book debts, it was necessary to deliver up pass books to the several customers for inspection. Statutory 9. — Pursuaut, &c., " Noticc was sfiven (and Notice to ' ' o \ Accounts; advertised in " London Gazette," of (date), rGCGivGd. in pursuance " Livcrpool Mcrcury," (date), and " Wigan ADMINISTRATIONS. 173 Observer," and " Examiner,") that all persons having any claims or demands against or affecting said estate were thereby required to send to me particulars in writing of their respective claims and demands, &c." 10. — Pursuant to said advertisement, accounts schedule of Payments. included in schedule of payments sent herewith were received in due course. 11. — Administratrix sold to Mr. certain saies by Adniims- articles enumerated in valuation, marked "A," for si');ck4u-^ Trade. £ 12. — Mr. sold residue of intestate's stock, &c., by public auction. Amount realised, £ Payments, £ . Balance, £ , as appears by sale account, marked " B." 13. — Counsel was instructed to draw a settlement, Proposed (but un- vesting intestate's estate in trustees, and in doing setuement. so he advised (in effect) as follows : — two-tlfirds ^ ^ of Estate in " One-third of property beloup's to widow, and beni-tit'^of" i- i^ -^ O 5 Children. " remaining two-thirds to children. Widow may Sp"^on* " settle her one-third, but no valid settlement can " properly be made of two-thirds ; they should " remain in possession of administratrix, in trust " for children. Court will not appoint trustees for " children. If estate is administered by Court, " personalty will be sold, debts paid, and residue " put into consols, and retained in Court until " children come of age." Proposed settlement, 174 ADMINISTRATIONS. although drawn, was never executed, counsel advising further : — (1) " That administratrix had " no real power to make it, and hence trustees " would not have power to sell leaseholds, and, (2) " That settlement could not be maintained unless " she sold them and handed over proceeds to " trustees." Insurance 14. — Bv leaso, datcd (date) made between of Iiites- "^ ' ^ / Leaseholds, o^ 0^16 part, aud said of other part, he having . , ,. , . i f i • i • failed to said tor himseli, his heirs, executors. Insure, pur- civenlnt. admiuistrators, and assigns, covenanted (amongst other things) to insure premises, to be erected pursuant thereto, in two-thirds at least of full value thereof, and, when thereunto requested, to produce to lessor, receipts for premiums of such insurance, and in case of damage by fire (with all convenient speed) to lay out money to be received on account thereof, and such other of his, and their own moneys as might be necessary, for substantially re-building, repairing, and re-instating all such buildings as should have been destroyed or damaged. 15. — Lease, dated , made between of one part, and of other part, contains a similar covenant to insure, &c. 16. — Pursuant to said covenants, and upon instruc- tions of administratrix, I insured said leaseholds by Policies No. in Fire Office, in several sums of £ and £ , at annual premiums of £ ADMINISTRATIONS. 175 17. — On (date), (as appears by a memorandum endorsed thereon), interest in policies was transfer- red to said administratrix. 18. — During course of collection of intestate's issued for recovery of outstanding: book debts, it became necessary to putstand- o ' 'J lug Debts. issue Writs of Summons out of District Registry of Queen's Bench Division of High Court of Justice, to recover amounts alleged to be due from undermentioned debtors, viz. : — (1) Date; (2) Defendants' names; (3) Amount l^Sfns^ of claim; Solicitor's observations as to settlement ?°V°''''°^ ' informa- of action, or otherwise. *'°°' 19. — R. R's. claim. Said debtor admitted owing £ , and by agreement of this date agreed to pay same by monthly instalments of £ , up to, and including (date). He paid £ on account, leaving a balance of £ , for which on (date), a writ was issued, and on (date), final judgment on non-appearance was duly signed for said amount, and £ taxed costs. 20. — Defendant executed a mortgage in favour Equity o;''^ of administratrix, of his equity of redemption ofofLease- and in leasehold messuages, situate in , nS'r!'^ ^^ of which Mr. is first mortg-as-ee, under, and ?^'io"i '^^ " O & ' ' issued, ant rit and by virtue of a morte^asi-e, dated , to secure meythlre- •^ t) o ' ^ »^ uiiifer after- repayment of £ , and interest at £5 per cent. tate.°^' per annum. 21. — In consequence of mortgagor's default, first mortgagee entered into possession, and receipt of 176 ADMINISTRATIONS. rents and profits of said premises, and his agent's account is open to inspection by, or on belialf of administratrix as second mortgagee, at any time she may wish same to be produced, to enable her to see exactly how account stands. compro- 22. — Administratrix v. claim, £ mises with (1) Writ issued, claim, £ , less contra account for professional services rendered, (2) Defendant's solicitor accepted service, and undertook to enter an appearance thereto. (3) Notice of appearance. (4) Authority, signed by administratrix, to me to accept £ , in settlement of debt and costs. (5) Settlement. 23.— D.'s claim, £ (1) Writ issued. (2) Action compromised, by acceptance of £ , in settlement of debt and costs, after a very careful investigation of defendant's receipts with papers in my possession. (3) Original claim, £ , interest, £ , costs of agreement intended to be signed by defendant for payment by instalments, but which he neglected to sign, £ ADMINISTRATIONS. 177 The secretary of the said Company wrote intes- L"ff^^^^;* tate some time prior to his death, as to the amount Life^*" of bonus up to 31st December, 1875 ; according to ^T^^^for letters the policy might be applied in any one of the fuum /""*!' ways therein mentioned, and with regard to the bonus, it was apportioned contingently, on the assured living to pay his fourth annual premium, vide secretary's letter of (date). The Company's deed of settlement provides that no bonus shall be payable on any policy which has not been enforced for three complete years. Under these circum- stances the intestate was not entitled to any bonus. On this date, I delivered to administratrix the ^^ *» t"'« ^ Deeds re- title deeds relating to the intestate's leaseholds at intestate's . ^ f \ Leaseholds. , (vide her receipt therefor). The title deeds relating to his leaseholds at are still in my possession, and will be delivered up to her on a final settlement of the intestate's affairs. A schedule of all the papers connected with the schedule of ^ ^ Estate estate is hereto annexed, and latter can, if required, ^^p®"- be inspected any time the administratrix may think fit to appoint. A schedule was delivered to the administratrix schedule of Accounts on this date, containing the following classified iTte° tate at particulars, to enable her to see how the outstand- fmlciassifi- ing debts had been dealt with, and the grounds or obstacles rendering the collection of a large number of them absolutely impossible (amounts being set forth at end of each item), viz. : — 22 cation thereof. 178 ADMINISTRATIONS. (1) Casli paid by debtors to administratrix. (2) Accounts paid to me in full. (3) Accounts from which deductions have been made on account of (1) overcharges, and (2) receipts produced by debtors for amounts not credited by the deceased. (4) Deceased debtors whose estates are insolvent (5) Debtors who have paid by instalments. (6) Debtors whose addresses are insufficient and cannot be ascertained. (7) Accounts disputed in toto. (8) Accounts barred by the statute of limita- tions. (9) Accounts for which receipts have been produced but not credited by deceased. (10) Unsettled accounts returned through the dead letter office. (11) Debtors who have become bankrupt or compounded with their creditors. (12) Outstanding accounts requiring further explanation. Receipts The rcccipts on account of the estate, as per the and Pay- ^ ■"■ detailed particulars hereunto annexed marked "R," amount to the sum of £ , and the payments, detailed particulars of which are also hereunto annexed marked " P," made by me for and on behalf and at the request of the said administratrix, amount to the sum of £ , leaving a balance of £ in my hands, from which my bills of costs have to be deducted. raents. ADMINISTRATIONS. 179 Analysis op Intestate's Residuary Account, as comp- ^^^.^i'li^i^r"' TROLLED BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF InLAND Re VENUE. Re DECEASED. An account of intestate's personal estate : — (1) Furniture, linen, china, books, pictures, wearing apparel, ornaments, horses, stock-in-trade (vide accounts left herewith), sold for (2) Life assurance policy (3) Book and other debts (4) Leaseholds, valued at Total of property £ Payments : — ( 1 ) Administration, £ (2) Funeral expenses, £ (3) Expenses attending administration, £. . , (4) Debts on simple contracts, rent, wages, &c., due at the death of the deceased, as per schedule annexed, £ Net amount of property Carried forward To show the balance of cash, if any : — ( 1 ) Money received, and property converted into money (2) Total payments Cash account Net amount of property brought forward ... Accumulations of interest, dividends, rents,&c. : (1) Rents of leaschokls, to date of accouiit. (2) Interest at 4 percent, on X , being said balance of cash in hand, to date of this account Total £ Payments out of interest, &c (1) Vide detailed statements of account hereunto annexed. (2) Net residue or balance £ Deduct one-third of residue payable to widow, not liable to duty Residue on which duty is chargeable .£1 per cent, upon residue, Assessment (date), Receipt (date). £ s. d. 180 ADMINISTRATIONS. Release of TliG monev valuG of the residuary personal estate myself as 'J t/ i idminis-*° now payable to you, the administratrix, is the sum tratrix on . fl°^i^ settle- of £ . Previous to my payment, I shall require afifahs^'^ ^ you to examine, or have examined by an accountant on your behalf, the detailed accounts before referred to, showing the disposition and application of the intestate's estate and the proceeds thereof, and of the income thereof respectively, in order to satisfy yourself as to the correctness thereof, after which I shall require you to execute a deed releasing me from all actions, claims, and demands whatsoever for or in respect, or on account of the said personal estate, and the profits and income thereof respec- tively, (excepting the rents of the said leaseholds, which have been collected by or on your behalf), or any part or parts thereof respectively, or any act, deed, matter, or thing whatsoever done or omitted to be done by me, in, or about the adminis- tration of the said estate, or in anywise relating to the premises. EXECUTORSHIPS. No. 16. Following Report strictly should have come in at end of Intermediate Reports. Schedule op Particulaes. 1. — First Settlement under which Testator's Lease- hold Property acquired. 2. — Second Settlement, &c. 3. — Appointment of new Trustees of first Settle- ment in place of a deceased Trustee. 4.— Abstract of Will. 5. — Testator's Death and Probate of his Will. 6. — Personal Estate Account. 7.— Debts. 8. — Double Probate. 9. — Notice to Tenants of Settled Property of a new Agent to collect Rents, &c. EXECUTORSHIPS. Ee DECEASED. SOLICITOPt'S INTERMEDIATE REPORT To Tenant foe Life and Residuary Legatees, as to Executors' Management of Testator's Estate. First 1. — By settlement, dated (date), and expressed Settlement * -r> n whtchTes- t^ ^® made between A. B., ot one part, and Leasrfioid testator and M. B. of other part. After reciting Property acquired, (i^^ ^\^^i gai(j ^, g. ^as posscssed of premises thereinafter described, and expressed to be thereby assigned for residue of term of 999 years, therein- after mentioned, subject to the rent reserved by, and reservations, and lessee's covenants, and agree- ments contained in lease thereinafter mentioned, but free from all other incumbrances ; and (2) that said A. B. was desirous of assuring and settling same premises in manner thereinafter appearing, EXECUTORSHIPS. 183 It is witnessed that for effectuating said desire, and in consideration of five shillings to said A. B. paid by said testator and M. B. (receipt acknow- ledged), said A. B. thereby assigned unto said testator and M. B., their executors, administrators, and assigns, all that one equal undivided moiety, or half part, or share of said A. B., of and in all that plot of land, &c. (copy parcels from lease verbatim), and containing in the whole superficial square yards, or thereabouts (be same more or less), delineated in plan drawn upon, or in margin of a certain demise or lease, dated (date), and made between (parties), and therein edged lake, (except and reserved as in said demise is mentioned). And also of and in all those eight messuages, &c., and all other buildings erected upon said described plot of land, &c. To hold same (except and reserved as aforesaid) unto testator and M. B., their executors, administrators, and assigns, thenceforth for residue of term of 999 years, granted therein by said lease (subject nevertheless as in latter is mentioned), and subject to payment of one moiety only of yearly rent of £ , reserved by, and reservations, lessee's covenants and conditions con- tained in said lease, and henceforth to be per- formed and observed by said A. B., his executors, administrators, or assigns, in respect of thereby assigned premises. Declaration that said and survivor of them, his executors, administrators, or assigns, or other trustees, or trustee for time being, of said 184 EXECUTORSHIPS. settlement, should stand possessed of premises thereinbefore assigned, upon trusts, and for intents and purposes thereinafter declared concerning same, that was to say (copy trusts in numbered paragraphs in same manner as in abstract of will to Report No. 7). ieuiement 2' — ^J Settlement, dated (date), and expressed to be made between said A. B. of one part, and said testator and M. B. of other part, another moiety of another leasehold plot of land, and the messuages, and buildings thereon was settled upon the same trusts as declared in the preceding case. Appoint- 3. — By appointment, endorsed on first settlement, teMor^' said testator, in pursuance and exercise of power m'entin for that purDoso vested in him by ioint operation place of a i r J J L Tvllfet of 23 and 24 Yict., c. 145, and of said settlement, and of all other powers (if any), him thereunto enabling, appointed J. A. and B. Gr. trustees of latter, in place of said M. B., deceased, and they consented to be such trustees accordingly. Will Abstract of 4. — Bv liis last will of this date testator g-ave. Will tJ '-^ devised, and bequeathed unto his trustees and executors thereinafter named, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, all his real and personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever, except estates vested in him as a trustee or mortgagee. (1) Upon trust to pay income to arise therefrom, after payment thereout of all necessary expenses, unto his wife during widow- hood, and from, and after her decease or second EXECUTORSHIPS. 185 marriage (whichever shall first happen). (2) Upon TRUST to sell and convert same into money, and divide proceeds thereof amongst all his children living at his decease, or born in due time afterwards, who, being a son or sons, shall attain 21, or shall afterwards attain that age, or, being a daughter or daughters, shall then have attained 21, or have been married, or shall afterwards attain that age or marry, in equal shares, and if there shall be only one such child, whole to go to that one child. Deceased children's child or children to take (if more than one equally between them) parent's share. Declaration that on death or marriage again of testator's wife, his surviving trustees and executors might, at their discretion, postpone sale and conver- sion of his estate until requested by writing under hand of all beneficiaries to sell same, and that rents, profits, and income thereof, after her decease or marriage, should, after payment thereout of all inci- dental expenses, be paid to and amongst testator's children and grandchildren. Declaration that said trustees, other than testa- tor's wife, whose consent in writing during her life, or until marriage again, should nevertheless be ob- tained thereto, might at their discretion raise any part or parts, not exceeding together one moiety of expectant share of any child or grandchild, and apply same for his or her advancement, &c., as said trustees, with such consent or at such discretion as aforesaid, should think fit. 23 186 EXECUTORSHIPS. Declaration that shares of females should be for their separate use, &c. Testator appointed (1) his said wife during widowhood, (2) D. B., (3) his brother J. A., and (4) E. Gr., trustees and executors, and guardians of his infant children. Testator's 5. — Tcstator died without havinof revoked or Death, and " towrn."* altered his said will, and same was duly proved and registered in, &c., by his widow and D. B., power being reserved of making like grant to said J. A. and E. Gr. Personal 6. — (1) Houscliold ffoods, &c., valued at £ , Estate ^ ^ o ' ' ' Account. ^2) Leasehold property, viz. : — Two stone built cottages, situate in , occupied by , as tenants thereof. Annual value, £ . Yearly ground rent, £ . Unexpired term years, valued at £ Seven cottages, situate in , numbered respectively (Nos.) occupied by (tenants). Annual value, £ . Yearly ground rent, £ . Un- expired term years, valued at £ Eents of said leaseholds due since death of testator to date of grant. Debts. 7. — Debts due and owing from testator amounted to £ , and his funeral expenses, £ , have all been duly paid. A schedule thereof, now in my possession, can be inspected by each beneficiary, if required, in order to satisfy himself as to the correctness thereof. Double 8. — Said J. A. and E. Gr., on this day obtained a Probate. grant of double probate of said will, and, EXECUTORSHIPS. 187 9. — On this date, as trustees of said settlements, Notice to ' ' Tenants of and executors of said will, it being deemed advisable property of Appoint- to discontinue services of former collector, and ^^'^^y"' appoint a new one, the followinsf formal notice was ^o^uect ° ^ ^ . Rents, &c. served upon each tenant, viz. : — To R. S., the tenant or occupier of the messuage or dwelling-house and premises, situate in and numbered , in (situation). In pursuance of two indentures of settlement, dated respectively the (dates), and made between A. B. of the one part, and H. A. and M. B. of the other part, and as executors under the last will and testament of the said H. A., we, the undersigned, J. A., of (address and occupation), and E. G., of (address and occupation), hereby give you notice that you are henceforth required to pay to Mr. K. W., of (address), the agent duly appointed by us, all the rent now due, and hereafter to accrue due in respect of the said messuage or dwelling-house and premises ; and on no account after the date hereof, to pay any rent in respect of the said messuage or dwelling-house and premises to (former collector), of (address), or to any other person or persons other than the said K. W. As witness our hands this day of 18 Signed by , trustees of the said settlements, and executors of the will of A. B., deceased. 10. — Said rents are now being collected accord- collection o and appro- ingly,and appropriated pursuant to trusts of said will. ^'jnt9°"°^ ESTATE ACCOUNTS. Schedule of Paeticulaes. Proposed course in long continuing Trusts ; Annual Accounts duly verified. Information to be inserted in account of final distribution for presentation to and examination and signature by Residuary Legatees, pursuant to the course suggested in Report No. 7. 1. — Residuary Legatees, &c. 2. — Schedule of Corporation Mortgages or Debenture Stock. 3. — Borough Treasurer's Interest Account thereon. 4. — Cash in House. 5. — Balance at Bankers. 6. — Furniture Sale ; particulars in Auctioneer's Account. 7. — Rents due. 8. — Sale Bill of Testator's Properties, if and when sold. 9. — Sales by Private Treaty. 10. — Columnar Schedule of Testator's Funeral Expenses. 11. — Schedule of Receipts of Rents of Testator's Freehold and Leasehold Properties. SCHEDULE. 180 12. — Receipts by Executors on Bank Interest Account, or other Deposits therein. 13 & 14. — Corporation Debenture Stock or Mortgage Account. 15. — Columnar Schedule of Payments on Repairs Account. 16. — Payments on account of Grround Rents of Leaseholds. 17. — Payments on Sale Account. 18. — Payments on General Account to be separately specified. 19. — Debts contracted before Testator's Death. 20. — Schedule of Deposits in Bank on Executors' Account. 21. — Payments to Bankers. 22. — Interest on Interim Distributions Account. 23. — Estimated Interest Account on Interim Distributions, &c., calculated as aforesaid (par. 15, pp. 81 and 82, Report 7). 24. — Proof of correctness thereof. 25. — Interest chargeable against an Infant Legatee's Share. 26.— The like. 27. — Special Division of said Interest. 28. — Analysis of Executors' Estate Account. 29. — Memorandum of examination and approval of Executors' detailed Estate Account, to be added at end thereof, and signed by or on behalf of each Legatee. ESTATE ACCOUNTS. SUGaESTIONS OR INSTRUCTIONS For the Prepaeation and Completion or an Adminis- trator's OR Executors' Estate Account, to be ANNEXED TO PROPOSED REPORT TO BeNEEICIARIES. To further facilitate the solicitor's or accountant's labours, and enable him to prepare and complete the necessary estate account, I venture to think that the following instructions, which are based upon a very special residuary account passed by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue, will show fully the exact particulars required under each specific head, and the precise form necessary to render the account as complete as possible, however large the estate may be. The special cash accounts herein- after set forth have been rendered in cases wherein the author has acted as solicitor to administrators and executors, and comprise all the necessary forms of accounts and receipts required on an intermediate distribution, or on the final winding up of an intestate's or testator's estate. ESTATE ACCOUNTS. 191 In the case of lone; continuing: trusts it is sub- Proposed o o course in mitted that some scheme mi^ht be developed contkmS Trusts. whereby it would be made obligatory upon all Accounts trustees and executors to prepare, either through their verffled. solicitor, or an accountant, and transmit for examina- tion by residuary legatees, an annual cash account, showing clearly (1) nature of their investments of trust funds, (2) accumulations of interest, dividends, rents, &c., (3) all payments made in connection with trust estate, and (4) a statement of all facts wherewith it is their duty to furnish them. The author ventures to think that the enforcement of a statutory obligation of this character would result beneficially to all parties concerned, inasmuch as it would afford an annual opportunity of ascertaining, from a careful inspection of the securities and documents relating to the trust estate, sucJi inspec- tion to he (lull/ verified hij the solicitor, that the funded portion of such estate is invested upon securities coming strictly within the investment clause of the instrument creating the trust, or such as trustees are legally authorised toinvest in. There is no doubt the development and active enforcement of a scheme of this character would ultimately lead to the ready detection of fraud by dishonest trustees, and the avoidance of many losses by beneficiaries at the hands of defaulting trustees, or trustees who have probably exercised a random and unwise discretion in the investment of the whole or a part of the trust funds upon unauthorised and probably indifferent or rotten securities. The author has 192 ESTATE ACCOUNTS. deemed it right to incorporate liis views herein, for the perusal and kind consideration of the members of the two professions for whom this work is intended, who will be well able to judge if the suggestion is worthy of notice, and ultimate adop- tion, and if it is worth while taking any decisive action with a view to the ultimate accomplishment of the object proposed. The importance of the subject to them generally is (it is respectfully submitted) a sufficient justification for troubling them with the foregoing views thereon, and has emboldened the author to communicate them fully herein, the idea having occurred too late for incor- poration in its legitimate place in the preface. Morma-^ Thc exccutors should either (1) personally, (2) Account oS through their solicitor, or (3) an accountant, prepare final distri- . c • -i bution. a strict estate account tor presentation to, and examination by or on behalf of the residuary legatees on the final distribution of testator's residuary estate, and following specimen, being a case wherein author acted for executors in matter to which report No. 7 refers, shows in detail the information that should be set forth therein, namely : — Residuary 1. — List of rcsiduary legatees, number, surnames, ^^- christian names, addresses, occupations, relationship to testator. Schedule of 2. — A list of Corporation mortgages, or debenture gageSr*" stock, if any, due at testator's death, in the follow- Debenture . „ Stock. mg torm : — ESTATE ACCOUNTS. 193 (1) Bond or mortgage of the Local Board of Health for the District of the Borough of , in the County of , No. , (date), for £ , repayable on the (date), with interest thereon at the rate of £ per centum per annum, renewed by the testator on the (date), and to bear interest at 4 per cent, per annum. (2) Bond or mortgage of the said Board of Health, No. , (date), for £ , repayable on the (date), with interest at the rate of £ per centum per annum, renewed by testator on , at 4 per cent. (3) (Name) Corporation debenture stock certi-" ficate, No. , for £ , (date), interest 4J per cent, per annum, payable half- yearly, 1st January and 1st July. (4) (Name) Corporation debenture stock certi- ficate. No. , for £ , (date), interest 4^ per cent, per annum, payable half- yearly, 1st January and 1st July. 3. — Borough treasurer's official account of interest Borongi^,^ . , T , T Interest then due thereon. Account thereon. 4._Cash in testator's house at death. cash^ia .5. — Balance in bank, as per pass book. Banker!^' 24 194 ESTATE ACCOUNTS. Furniture 6. — If fumiture sold, copy sale account tlierein, Sale, showing on Dr. side total amount of sale, and on Cr. side payments and deductions by auctioneer. Eentsdue. 7. — Rcuts duo at testator's death. saieBiu. 8. — A print of sale bill of testator's properties, if and when sold. Sales by 9. — Particulars of property sold by private treaty. Treaty. Columnar 10. — (1) No., (2) date of payment, (3) paid by, FunerlT^ (4) crcdltors' names, (5) addresses, (6) occupations. Expenses. ^^^ naturc of claim, e.g., hearse, &c., coffin and shroud, tombstone, interment charges, provisions supplied at funeral, &c., (8) No. of cheque, if so paid, and (9) amount. Schedule of H. — Lot 1, (spccifv samc), e^ross annual rental, Receipts of ' \ r .7 / ' O Sator's £ J set forth rents received from commencement and^Lease- of cxocutorship to distribution, as follows, viz. : — hold Pro- ^ perties. ^]^^ jv^^^^ l^2) date of receipt, (3) tenants' names, (4) week's, quarter's, half-year's, or year's rent, or proportion thereof, as case may be. Receiptsby 12. — (1) No., (2) date, (3) interest on £ , (4) Executors ^ ' 'v/ ' \ / >./ on Bank • , i Interest lUterCSt. Account on their Deposits Cor ora- 1^- — (Namc) Corporatiou debenture stock. No. tur'l stock,' , for £ , date of receipt, six months orMortgage Account, interest at 4^ per cent., less mcome tax, £ The like for each successive receipt. ESTATE ACCOUNTS. 195 14. — The like for each debenture or mortgage, to show exactly interest receipts in respect of each. 15. — (1) No., (2) when paid, (3) creditors' names, g^^'^^^fo, (4) addresses, (5) occupations, (6) amount paid, oiXpaiw /n\ 1 • f /n\ TVT PI / Account to {7) claim tor , (8) JNo. of cheque (if so paid), ^^^^l'^^^^ The following examples will show what should be herein'f^^'" inserted in column No. 7, viz. : — (1) Repairs at aforesaid ; (2) contract for painting, white washing, plastering, papering, &c., , aforesaid; (3) work done at property, or A. B.'s house ; (4) new sewers to property, joint cost with Mr. , (owner of adjoining property) ; (5) repairing roof of property at ; (6) draining ; (7) general repairs to testator's property, prior to intended sale thereof by auction ; (8) goods. 16. — Claim column — Half a year's chief or g-round Payments ^ o on account rent payable, in respect of land at , less tax. Rents^of"^ Leaseholds 17. — (1) Surveyor — To taking dimensions of. Payments on Sale and lotting testator's property, preparatory to Account. advertising same for sale by auction, making plans thereof, including chainman and expenses, fair copy plans, ascertaining quantities, colouring plans, shewing rights of road, &c., and attendance at vendors' solicitor's office upon the business ; (2) Innkeeper — Liquor, &c., supplied at sale ; (3) Printer — Printing sale bills and circulars thereof ; (4) Valuer — Charges for inspecting the various lots, prior to sale by auction ; (5) Advertisers — To advertising sale of property between and 196 ESTATE ACCOUNTS. inclusive ; insertions at each ; (6) Bill Poster — To posting posters of sale in (districts) ; (7) Auctioneer — Charges for offering five lots of property for sale by auction on (date). Payments 18. — (1) Fixturcs at I (2) cleaning" No. on General ^ ^ ' \ / O besepa-**° j &c. ; (3) incomc and land tax for specified), property ; (4) premiums paid to County Fire Office, for and in respect of insurance of testator's property, under policies therein ; (5) general district rate ; (6) water rent; (7) poor rate; (8) registration fee on transfer of testator's Wigan Corporation deben- ture stock, &c., in executors' names ; (9) forty-six weeks' wages, at 8s. per week, between (dates), attending upon testator; (10) valuation for residuary account; (11) taking valuation of property, and fair copies thereof; (12) auctioneer's charges for (1) advertising sale of testator's household furniture in local papers, (2) printing and posting sale bills, (3) two men and clerk in attendance at sale, and (4) commission for selling, as per particulars on page hereof ; (13) taking valuation of testator's leasehold property, household furniture, &c., (as agreed), for probate purposes. Debts con- 19. — (1) Attendance on testator during his last tracted t n Tutor's illiiess ; (2) coal supphed to testator ; (3) meat Death. supplied to tcstator, between (dates) ; (4) work done ; (5) gas ; (6) poor rates, or other rates and taxes payable in respect of testator's property ; (7) medical attendance upon, and medicine supplied to testator ; (8) interest after rate of £ per ESTATE ACCOUNTS. 197 cent, per annum, since the day of last, owing under the following indentures, viz. : — (1) Mortgage of testator's equity of redemption ot and in the said leaseholds, to secure £ ; (2) further charge, dated , to secure £ ; (3) further charge, dated , to secure £ ; (4) transfer of mortgage, dated , to secure £ ; and (5) further charge, dated , to secure £ ; (9) any other debts contracted, as aforesaid. 20. — (1) Dates; (2) depositor; (3) from whom sch^^^uie ^f amount deposited has been received, to identify wxecu'tor's Account. receipt and deposit thereof ; and (4) amount. 21. — (1) Cheque book ; (2) bank commission ; f^f^ankers. (3) amounts paid. 22. — To be calculated pursuant to the method J°terest on JT Intenni suggested in paragraph 15, pages 81 and 82 of report tion"''"" Account. No. 7. Dates of interim distributions : — (1) To interest on£ , (amount distributed), after the rate of £4 per cent, per annum from this date, up to, and including the (date of final distribution), years and days ; (2) to interest on £ , (amount distributed), after said rate from this date, up to and including the (date of final distribution), years and days; (3) to interest on £ , (amount distributed), after said rate from this date, up to and including the (date of final distribution), years and days. Interest chargeable against fourteen of the adult legatees, £ Estimated Interest Account on Interim Distribu- tion, &c., calculated as aforesaid (par. 15, pp. 81, 82, Ke- port 7). Proof of correctness thereof. 198 ESTATE ACCOUNTS. £ s. d. 23.— 1881, April 12tli, to interest on £1400, at 4 per cent., paid to fourteen legatees 213 11 2 1882,May 9tli,to interest on £1050, at 4 per cent., paid to fourteen legatees 115 1 10 1883, March 15tli, to interest on £3500, at 4 per cent, paid to fourteen legatees 264 13 2 To interest on £95, advanced on Miss C.'s account 5 7 10 To interest on £75, advanced on Miss B.'s account 3 14 24. — Credit sixteen legatees with £37 13s. each will equal 602 8 Debit fourteen legatees with £42 7s. 7d. will equal... £593 6 2 Debit Miss B 3 14 „ MissC 5 7 10 602 8 Interest 25. — Datcs of pavmeuts to her guardian on chargeable x «/ o as'shlr^i" account of her share : — (1) To interest on £25, after . ^-^^ ^^^^ aforesaid, from this date, up to and includ- ing (date of final distribution), years and days; (2) the like interest on £25, years and days ; (3) the like interest on £20, years and days. -(1) To interest on £25, after the rate ip to and including (date years and days ; (2) Interest ' 26. DatCS ! against^M. aforcsald, from this date, up to and including (date (aninfant). ^^ g^^j distributlou). ESTATE ACCOUNTS. 199 the like interest on £25, years and days ; (3) the like interest on £25, years and days. 27. — This amount is to be treated as part of the estate, in fact, as income, and to be divided into sixteen parts, corresponding with the number of adult and infant beneficiaries, and each beneficiary thereby gets a part. The interest chargeable to each of the fourteen beneficiaries will thus amount to, e.g £42 7 7 Each will receive back 37 13 So that he or she only loses 4 14 7 Whilst Miss B. and Miss C. each receive 37 13 They paying £ interest for money advanced on their respective accounts, as above. 28. — (1) Receipts; (2) payments, excluding Analysis of residuary duty separately to be deducted ; (3) Account. divide balance into sixteen shares, balance, £ ; (4) each share is thus represented by sum of £ ; (5) residuary duty, at 3 per cent., payable by legatees except T. C. £ ; (6) legacy duty, at 10 per cent., payable by T. C. £ . Total duty, £ 29. — We, the undersigned, hereby severally admit Memoran- •^ dum of Ex- that the said executors have rendered to each of us ali'dXpr" (being the several residuary legatees parties to an Kxecutor-a indenture of release of even date herewith of the be added at first fourteen parts), an analysis of the preceding and signed' detailed account of the personal estate, and oi^^^^l^l^''^ 200 ESTATE ACCOUNTS. moneys arising out of the real estate of the said testator, directed by his will to be sold, and of the disposition and application of the same, and the proceeds and income thereof respectively, which we have examined (and as to such as are illiterate and cannot read or write " hereby admit has been care- fully examined on our behalf,") and wherewith we do hereby respectively acknowledge and declare we are perfectly satisfied. As witness our hands this day of , 1887. (Signatures,) N.B. — An account according to the preceding suggestions was prepared and presented for examina- tion and signature by legatees, in case to which report No. 7 refers. ESTATE ACCOUNTS Repeered to in the poeegoing Repoets, compeising ALMOST EVEEY POEM OP AdMINISTEATOE's AND ExEGUTOEs' Accounts, and the Receipts eequieed to be signed by Next-op-Kin oe Residuaey Legatees on an Inteeim oe Final Disteibution op theie Intestate's oe Testatoe's Estates eespbctively. 95 202 ESTATE No. Dr. The Executors of the Will of the late A. B. in Receipts. Date. — 1. Cash in the house 2. ,, Preston Bank 3. ,, Parr's Bank 4. Mersey Dock Bond ilOOO 5. „ „ 200 6. „ 625 7. Half-year's interest on said three Dock Bonds, at Zh per cent., due 1st January, 1886 8. Wigan Corporation Bond, at 4 per cent 9. Half-year's interest, due 1st January, 1886 10. Half-year's interest, due 1st July, 1886 11. Furniture, &c., sold for 12. Mortgage on property in 13. Interest thereon, at 5 per cent., from , 1886, to , 1886, less tax 14. Mersey Dock Bond for ^'500, at 3^ per cent., sold for 15. Half-year's interest thereon, due (date) 16. 17. Interest thereon paid by purchaser (date) 18. Interest from Parr's Bank 19. ,. ,, Preston Bank, say To balance, being net residue One-eleventh £, Two-elevenths Two-elevenths to children and issue of testator's late aunt, M. H Children of William : — R. H., |th of ^ths C. L., i of ^th of ^i^ths J. H., i of ^th of jSfths J. H., |th of ,2rths Legal personal representative of James, ^th of ^^rths M. R., -Jth of ,2^ths Loss on division 1825 492 10 1. ACCOUNTS. 203 account with the Residuary Legatees thereunder. Ob. Payments. £ s. d. Funeral Expenses. Date. — 1. M. C, draper. This includes a suit of mourning each to (names) C. D., hearse and cars E. F., dinners, &c ON Simple Contracts due at the Testator's Death. By surgeon ,, rent >, gas ,, probate ,, headstone ,, letters of administration to estate of A. C ,, letters of administration to estate of J. C ,, expenses attending sale of furniture ,, servant's keep and wages ,, allowed tax on interest coupons ,, stamped cheques „ Messrs. , charges attending winding up and dividing the estate, j say ,, Residuary duty on estate of A. C. ,, ,, ,, ,, J. C... Pecuniary Legacies. J. V C. B E. R A. C Duty on residue at 5 per cent Balance, being net residue „ 2. „ 3. Debts Date.— 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Vide receipt in precedent 2. Schedule of legatees' names or share list as given in precedent 5, and rfice pt therein to be inserted. 204 ESTATE No. Residuary Personal Estate divisible amongst Testator's Shares op certain Advances to them The Executors of the late Mr. Db. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Heceipts. To cash in bank at testator's death ,, house club money half-year's rent of cottages railway interest warrant proceeds of sale of Loudon and North- Western Railway Preference Stock bank interest to (date) W. D., for watch „ cash lent, £40 and i;10 ,, interest thereon, at 5 per cent., from to . ^24 6s. 3d., less paid on account £10 W. D., club money J. D., for cash lent ,, interest thereon, at 5 per cent., from 22nd June, 1865, to 1st Oct., 1886 T. D., for cash lent ,, interest thereon, at 5 per cent., from to R. P., for cash lent £240 ,, interest thereon, at 5 per cent., to 21st October, 1885 R. P., for interest to 1st Oct., 1886 R. P., for cash lent ,, interest thereon, at 5 per cent., from 2nd Jan. to 1st October, 1886 R. P., for cow and calf 11 11 40 6 10 2 9 19 13 22. Less R. P., on account. £324 10 1* 221 14 2j £102 15 Hi £ £ 403 93 10 9 6 419 3 3 50 14 50 53 8 221 1349 18 15 15 2 18 6 17 5 14 d. 3 2 9 4 6 9 ^ 2i Hi We, the above-named residuary legatees, hereby admit as follows, namely — (1) That the above account has been carefully read over and explained to us on behalf of the said executors, (2) that we jierfectly understand the contents thereof, and (3) are perfectly satisfied therewith, and (4) that we have this day received from them the several sums set opposite to our respective names in the account No> 4 hereunto annexed, shewing the division of the testator's personal 2. ACCOUNTS. 205 Children, subject to Deduction from their respective BY HIM (vide Report No. 5, page 56). in account with his Estate. Cr. Payments. <£ s. d. 1. By paid (enumerate each payment) 127 6 probate duty and fees. solicitors' costs 'I . D., legacy M. R, „ balance for division.... 58 14 19 19 1108 1349 14 12 19 19 10 9 3 111 Hi estate hereinafter written, in full satisfaction and discharge of all our claims and demands whatsoever for or in respect of the .said testator's personal estate up to and including the date hereof. As witness our hands this day of October, 1886. Witness to the signatures of the said ) Legatees'signatures, . £221^ 14!!'2id. legatees, .J » ^ each. 206 ESTATE No. Account showing the Division op the Testator's Personal Estate £ s. d. £ s. d. 1. Cash in the bank 763 18 2. Amount owing by W. D., as per account No. 1 65 3 3 3. Amount owing by J. D., as per account No. 1 103 5 4. Amount ov/^ing by T. D., as per account No. 1 9 5. Amount owing by E. P., as per account No. 1 £324 10s. l^d., and credited on account No. 1 221 14 2^ 3 £1163 1 2\ Deduct : — 1. Legacy to T. D....£19 19 2. „ M. K.. 19 19 3. Solicitors' costs... 14 12 3 54 10 3 Balance, to be divided into five shares 1108 10 11^ Each share amounts to £221 14 2\ 763 18 763 18 3. ACCOUNTS. 207 Residuary Personal Estate in preceding Case No. 2. Account. £ s. d. 1. W. D.'s share 22114 2^ Less principal and interest owing by him 65 3 3^ 2. J. D.'s share 22114 2^ Less principal and interest... 103 5 5| 3. Jas. D.'s share 22114 2i 4. M. D.'s share 22114 2} f). E. P.'s share 22114 2^ Less on account of principal and interest 221 14 21 6. T. D., legacy Less principal and interest... 7. M. R., legacy 8. Solicitors' costs 19 19 9 3 19 19 s. d. 156 118 221 221 10 10 19 14 14 14 lOf 8f H 18 19 12 763 18 Signed by legatees and witnessed. 208 ESTATE No. The Executors of the late Mr. in account Balance Sheet showing Amounts payable to each Legatee Dr. him to the Estate (vide £ s. d. 1. W. D.'s share — To one-fifth share of the said testator's residuary per sonal estate To balance brought down. 2. J. D.'s share — The like share To balance brought down. Jas. D. 's share — The like share To balance brought down M. D.'s share — The like share To balance brought down. E. P.'s share — The like share To balance owing to estate by legatee ; of this amount one-fifth, or £20 lis. 2|d., will have to be returned to him as his share, leaving £82 4s. 9d. to be divided amongst the other four legatees 6. T. D.'s legacy— To amount thereof To balance brought down . 7. M. K.'s legacy — To amount thereof £ To balance brought down £| 221 221 156 221 221 118 221 221 221 221 221 102 324 19 19 10 19 14 14 2i 10 lOf 14 14 2i " 2i 8 8| 14 2| 14 2i 14 2i 14 2i 14 15 19 18 19 19 2i 2| Hi 10 1| 19 19 ACCOUNTS. 209 with the Residuary Legatees under his Will. (in No. 2 Account) after Deduction of Amount owing by Report No. 5, page 56). Cr. 1. By tpstator's loan to you 2. The like 3. thereon, at 5 per cent., from 9th January, 1877. to date £24 G 3i Less paid on account 10 v4. Club money received by you 5. Balance of share payable on final distribution 1. By testator's loan to you 2. Interest thereon, afc 5 per cent. , from 22nd June, 1865, to date 3. Balance of share, &c 1. By amount payable on final distribution 1. The like. 1. By testator's loan to you 2. ,, interest thereon, at 5 per cent., to 21st October, 1885 3. By interest thereon, at 5 per cent., on £240, from 21st October, 1885, to 1st October, 1886 4. By Testator's loan to you 5. ,, interest thereon, at 5 per cent., from January 2nd 1886, to date 0. By cow and calf sold to you by testator 1. By testator's loan to j'ou 2. ,, interest thereon, at 5 per cent., from 19th Febru- ary, 1884, to date 3. By balance now payable 1. By amount payable £ £ 40 10 14 156 221 50 53 118 221 221 221 240 11 11 40 19 324 1 10 19 19 fi. d. 6 3i 17 10 10| 14 2i 14 14 14 9 13 10 18 19 5i 8| jF Jt 10 9J 6 ^' 3 9 19 The receipt in the preceding case wa.s sisj^ned on account No. 2, this account being annexed thereto and signed by each legatee. A duplicate receipt was, of course, under the circumstances, unnecessary. 26 210 ESTATE No. Balance Sheet on Distribution of Residue arising AMONGST Seven of Testatrix's Nephews and Nieces Messrs. A. and B. Dr. Nieces (vide Report surviving Executors of the late C, to be sold, Sfc, in account with the Receipts. 3. To amount of mortgages received from (specify mortgagors' names) Proceeds of sale of testatrix's realty, viz. : — (1) A freehold messuage or dwelling-house, &c., called (name), sold to Mr. (purchaser) for ... A ground rent of £ , reserved and made payable by an indenture of lease dated (date), and issuing out of seven messuages called "Yorkshire Row," situate, &c. (situa- tion), sold to Messrs. for Accumulations of Interest, Dividends, Rents, &c. 4. Rents of said real estate from death of Mrs. L. (survivor of three tenants for life), on (date), to this date, (days) 5. Interest on said mortgages 6. To balance, i^ayable on final distribution brought down £ Share List. 1. To children of testatrix's brother, J. F., their names and amounts of their several individual shares of such seventh share to be separately inserted in first column 2. To children of her late sister, C, like 3. To children of her late sister, M. H., like 4. To children of her late brother, H. F., like 5. To children of her late sister, H. L., like 6. To children of her late sister, J. H., like 7. Tosonofherlatebrother,R.F.,like Sevenths. s. Total residue divisible. £ s. d. The amount of column 1 will correspond with 2nd column. 5. ACCOUNTS. 211 UPON Death of a Survivino Tenant for Life, divisible AND RePRESENTATIVKS OF DECEASED NePIIEWS AND No. 12, PAGE 124). and Trustees of the Beat Estate directed hi/ lirr Will Residuary Legatees the^'emider. Or. Payments. 1. Legal expenses of and incidental to sale of real estate and final distribution of testatrix's residuary estate 2. Auctioneer's charges for selling 3. Hotel expenses at said sale 4. Miscellaneous disbursements 5. Rates and taxes paid in respect of realty 6. Repairs thereto 7. Residuary duty on residue, £ , assessed' after the rate of 3 per cent, at the sum of... 8. Balance of residue and moneys arising upon death of H. L., surviving tenant for life under will of deceased, to be divided into seven equal undivided parts or shares amongst persons named hereunder Receipt to be signed by each legatee in a special column for "Legatees' signatmes " opposite amounts of their several shares, and the followiug memo- randum to be also signed : — We, the under-named residuary legatees, hereby admit as follows, viz. :— (1) That we have carefully read over the above account (or that the above account has been carefully read over and exi)lained to us) on behalf of the said executors, (2) that we perfectly undeCstand the content.s thereof, (3) are perfectly satisfied therewith, and (4) that we ha"e this day received from them the several sums set opposite to our respective names in the foregoing account in full satisfaction and discharge of all our claims and demands whatsoever for or in respect of the said testator's personal estate or tiie i)roceeds of sale of her said real estate up to and including the dat" hereof (numbered schedule of legatees to be inserted). As witness our hands this day of 1887. Witness to the said signatures, . 212 ESTATE No. Special Cash Account for a deceased The amount payable thereunder was not payable at same time and executors banked it for 3| years, until legal personal of administration were granted to her, to Tlie Executors under the Will of the late A. B. in Estate of the De. Receipts. £ s. d. Date. — 1. To amount of intestate's one-seventh' share of and in the residuary estate of the said testatrix, as shown by the residuary account duly comp- trolled by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue, now produced for my inspection 2. To half-year's bank interest thereon, at 2 per cent 3. The like on £ (compound interest), at 2 per cent 4. The like on £ (compound interest), at 2 per cent 5. The like on £ (compound interest), at 2 per cent 6. The like on £ (compound interest), at 2 per cent 7. The like on £ (compound interest), at 2 per cent 8. The like on £ (compound interest), at 2 per cent 9. To balance brought down £ Memorandum. — The above account arose under the will mentioned in precedent No. 12, page 124, whereby trustees were directed to pay one-seventh part or share of testatrix's residuary personal estate to her sister, M. H., if she should be living at her decease, and if then dead to pay same to and amongst such of the child or children of said M. H. as should be living at testatrix's decease in equal shares. M. H. died after testatrix, leaving is.sue. Share became payable to her administrator in trust for such of her children as were living at testatrix's death. The author has deemed it advisalile to incorporate this account herein, as it may be serviceable in the preparation of a legatee's account under the like or similar circumstances. 6. ACCOUNTS. 213 Legatee's Administratrix in Preceding Case. as other six shares referred to in Final Report No. 12, page 124, represi.'ntative of testatrix's sister attained 21, when letters enable her to give a valid receipt therefor. account wltli late M. H. tkr Adininistrafrii; of the Personal Or. Date.- Payments. -1. By solicitor's bill of costs (as per particulars rendered) of and inci- dental to the matter 2. By balance payable carried down ... Receipt by administratrix. T, the undersigned administratrix of the i)ersonal estate and effents of the above-named intestate, M. H., hereby admit as follows, viz.: — (1) That the above account has been read over and carefullj- cxjilained to me \xo portionate part of which are charge- able against railway company £ To balance payable to vendors brought down £ £ s. d Cash Account to be Prepared by Vendors' Solicitor, or an Accountant, on completion of Sale of a Testator's Leasehold Property. N.B. — The author has deemed it advisable to include herein the necessary cash account to be prepared as above, prior to completion of the executors' sale of their testator's leaseholds, and sincerely trusts it will be useful as a precedent for their guidance, and handy reference in making up such an account. It is prudent in all cases, hotvever small the purchase money, to have a proper balance sheet ])repared m the form suggested, so that no disputes or com))lications may thereafter arise concerning the calculations of interest, apiwrtionment of rates, taxes, and other outgoings payable in respect of the ju'emises agreed to be sold. The following ijrecedent refers to a sale of two lots of a testator's leaseholds, and tlie conditions of sale relating to completion thereof, provided in effect, as follows, viz. :—(l) Purchaser shall jiay remainder of his purchase money at time and [dace appointed by special conditions of sale for comjjletion of pur- chase ; (2) rents or possession will be received or retained, and outgoings dis- charged by vendors up to day appointed for such com])letion, and as from that day outgoings shall be discharged, and rents or possession taken by purchaser, such rents and outgroings sliall (if necessary) be ajiiiortioned between vendors and purchaser for the purpose of this condition ; and (3) if purchaser shall not complete piirchase at time ap|)ointed, he shall i)ay interest on remainder of purchase money at rate of £.5 per centum per annum from that time until same shall be paid, or vendors may, at their option, take rents or retain possession of property, current rent and outgoings being, if necessary, n. ACCOUNTS. Sale of two Lots of a Testator's Property. Purchaser in account wltli the Vendors. 1886. Aug. 31.- 221 Cr d. -1. By deposit on lots 1 and 2 2. ,, proportion of ground rent (if leaseliold) £ , less property tax, from (date) to (date) days 3. ,, income tax on £ 4. ,, rent received from Mr. (one of the tenants) j)roportion from last to date ; six weeks after the rate of per week 5. ,, balance payable to vendors £ apportioned between vendors and purchaser. Latter was allowed further time for completion, to enable liim to complete certain arrangements to raise a portion of the ]jurchase money on mortgage, and in consequence of liis iuabilitj' to complete on exact day fixed by iiis contract, venders' rifhts under preceding conditions arose, whereby they were entitled to debit purchaser witli items numbered 3 to 8 inclusive. Under these circumstances, purchaser, on other hand, was entitled to benefit of credits referred to in items numbered 2, 3, and 4 on credit side of account. The following specimen account will be found applicable to almost every ordinary sale letion of casli account and report.. 9. By balance payable to you carried down Special receipt signed by administratrix as follows : — I, the undersigned, administratrix of the personal estate and effects of the above-named intestate, hereby admit as follows, viz., (1) that the above account has been read over and carefully explained tome by Mr. A.B., of afore.said, the accountant emjjloyed b .• me to go through and examine all tlie accounts remlered by you relating to the said estate ; (2) that I perfectly understand the contents thereof ; (3) and am perfectly satisfied therewitli ; and (4) that I have this day received from you the sum of £ , being the balance in your hands under the said intestacy, in full satisfaction and discharge of all my claims and demands whatsoever against you as my solicitor or agent, for or ni respect of the said intestate's personal estate, up to and including the date hereof. Signature As witness my hand, this day of , 188 . Witness to the signature of the said administratrix Memor.\ndum to be signed by Account.\nt. — Having carefully examined Mr. Fred Wood's accounts in the above estate, I hereby certify same to be correct. 228 ESTATE No. Account referred to in Final Report No. 9, par. 11, Proceeds of Sale of a Copyhold Estate, &,c., divisible Messrs. A. B., Executors under the Will of the Legatees Dr. Receipts. £ s. d. 1. Testator's household furniture and effects,! valued at I 2. Proceeds of Sale of his copyhold estate at , sold to Mr. , of •. 3. Bank interest thereon to date of this account, at per cent, per annum (current rate). 4. Rents of said copyholds to date of .surrender of latter to purchaser, as per collector's account hereunto annexed 5. Arrears of rent due from Mr. To balance divisible brought down £ 15 ACCOUNTS. 229 PAGE 103 (14, AT END TIlEnEOF, TO BE READ AS 15). AMONGST Testator's Children and tiikir Representatives. late J. G., Farmer^ in accoiud with the Residuari/ thereunder. Payments. Mr. commission for collection of said rents Half-year's tithe rent-charge to executors of the late D. 3. Poor's rate ( overseers) 4. General District Rate Local Board 5. Repairs, «tc. , to property 6. Messrs. B. and D.'s charges agreed to be paid as solicitors for all the legatees, (excepting executors) 7. Mr. F. W.'s costs of and incidental to the' said sale, and the winding up of the testator's affairs generally, as per bill now produced i Balance, carried down, divisible amongst said legatees in the undermentioned pro- portions, viz. : — 8 Lega- tees. Names. W. G. G. Belationship to Testator. Daughter-in- law Grandson ... Son Son Kemarks. Claims as ad- ministratrix of W.G., tes- tator's de- ceased son Claims as ad- ministrator of testator's deceased daughter C. Amount of Share. £ s. d. Receipt (vide Form No. 13.) Or. s. d. 230 ESTATE No. This Account refers to the Estate dealt with by Report No. 13 as tenant for Jife, to the Interest, Rent, Income, and Proceeds of to her at the date of her decease, and was afterwards paid to De. The Executors under the Will of the late Legatees Receipts. <£ s. d. Accumulations of Interest, Dividends, Bents, &c., to WHICH Testatrix was at hi;b Decease Entitled as Tenant fob Life under her late Husband's Will: — 1. Apportioned amonat of dividend ou £ Consols, from (date) to testatrix's decease; by clieque from (trustee under last named will) if so received 2. From Messrs. C. and F. (address), solicitors for said trustee, viz.: — Proportion of rent of testator's pro perty to date of testatrix's decease, as per collector'^ detailed account rendered marked " A" 3. Arrears of rent ; balance considered bad 4. Proportion of interest to date of testatrix's decease in respect of mortgage investments and cash at bankers, under will of her late husband, as per detailed accoimt (if one) rendered marked "B" 5. Bank interest on amount £ (comprising items 2, 3, and 4) from dates of receipt thereof by said solicitors (same not having, in consequence of certain disputes, been paid over by them to executors of tenant for life in due course after receipt.) Cash at Bankers:— 6. Principal standing to testatrix's credit at Parr's Bank (Southport branch), as per pass book now produced ... 7. Interest thereon as per said book 8. K.B. — If realisation of estate has extended over a con- siderable period, and half-yearly calculatiuns of interest on amount in bank have been made, each one, with date thereof, must be entered as follows, viz., "Bank interest to date," in order to show exact state of executors' deposit account up to and including final distribution Mobtgages Sold:— 9. Proceeds of sale t>> Mr. A., of , of mortgage No. on improvement rate account of tlie borougli of 10. Interest thereon to date @ 4 per cent. 11. Proceeds of sale to Mr. B., of , of mortgage No. on said rate _ 12. Interest thereon to date© 4 per cent Loans :— 13. Mr. ; principal and interest owing under an agree- ment for mortgage of premises in Wigau, made between said of one part and testratrix of other part, &c., dated (date) Goods, &c. :— 14. Proceeds of sale of testatrix's clothing, ornamentsi .^^ :■ •j; " '■ '>.