I* % ii K THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Commodore Byron McCandless / FIG. 1 CROSS OFSTOEORGE FIG 2 CROSS OF ST ANDREW FIG 3 CROSS OF ST PATRICK FIG 4 THE FIRST UNION JACK FIG. 5 THE PRESENT UNION JACK THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE UNION JACK A SHORT HISTORY — OF — The Union Jack COMPRISING A CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF ITS IMPORTANT VICTORIES, APPORTIONED TO THE THREE STAGES OF OUR FLAG'S DEVELOPMENT, FROM SLUYS TO TEL-EL-KEBIR, WITH NOTES ON THE PRINCIPAL BATTLES. BY WILLIAM HENRY HOLMES, B.C.L. TORONTO: THE COPP, CLARK COMPANY, LIMITED. 1897. Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, by William Henry Holmes, Truro, N.S., in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. US 7 PREFACE. This little work was begun as a diversion during a vacation, and was originally intended to be a mere pamphlet for use in the author's household only, as a supplement to the ordinary school text-books used by the members — especially the boys — of his family; but as the task progressed it grew correspondingly more con- genial, and, in the enthusiasm of the subject, proceeded until it attained, almost unwittingly, the proportions of a small volume, which, at the earnest solicitations of his friends, he has ventured to offer to the public. Apologies for defects of such efforts are often prefixed more to propitiate vanity than for any real excuse : human nature, all the world knows, is not infallible — it is the best I could do in the short time and the very limited resources at my disposal, for I have had no opportunity for recourse to anything outside my own small library. To attempt a description of each of the battles listed in the following pages would, practically, be to write a complete military history of the British Empire, which the author of this simple work is not so presumptuous as to essay. What he has undertaken generally to do is merely to recite the most conspicuous incidents of the victories, the most striking features of the campaigns, or VI PREFACE. the chief points of interest of their scenes, or in the lives of their principal actors. To this rule Inkerman is the chief exception, made for the purpose of comparison with Waterloo, with the details of which the world, for nearly a century, has been familiar. It may be commented that some comparatively insig- nificant actions have been " noted " at some length while the greatest victories in our history are passed almost without reference. My justification of this is that every- one — particularly every Briton — who is able to read, ought to be conversant with pretty much everything pertaining to such crowning achievements as Trafalgar and Waterloo and their respective heroes, whereas it is often difficult — especially with people living remote from public libraries or other more or less extensive collec- tions of books — to obtain anything upon these less famous but nevertheless important successes. Exception may also be taken to the space devoted to the affairs of Napoleon I. ; my reason for this is to counteract, even to this trifling extent, the wave of unnatural adulation of him — and corresponding censure of his British conquerors — which recently overflowed the United States and was conveyed by American maga- zines to Canadian centres, though without anything like the same effect upon the judgment of our people. I say " unnatural " because the subject's life was so utterly inconsistent with true democratic principles, which " His Majesty" so ruthlessly outraged ; and in the annulling PREFACE. Vli of his brother's marriage with a fair daughter of the American Republic (Miss Patterson, of Baltimore) the self-made "Emperor" offered its democracy an insult which a people who pride themselves upon their national spirit ought not so soon to have forgotten ; " unnatural " because it was the homage of political puritans to a barbarian, from whose devouring despotism their very republic was saved only by the insurmountable barrier interposed by England's naval and military forces ; for who can believe that, with the submission of Britain, the tyrant would have limited his conquests to the eastern hemisphere? One of the difficulties of the work was the obtaining of correct dates — rather a unanimity of the authorities, for in this respect I found a surprising variation : the claim to accuracy of those I have given lies only in the fact that they are those of the majority of my references. I have taken some pains to get the Christian names— i.e., those by which they were generally known in their respective services, the navy or the army — of command- ers lower in the social scale than the peerage. In the case of peers, the titles given are those belonging to them at the time of the battle. With regard to their military or naval rank, in the few cases where that is below General or Admiral, it will be found in the note. W. H. Holmes. Truro, Nova Scotia, January, i8gj. A SHORT HISTORY OF THE UNION JACK. The flag of a country represents its people as a nation, and however individuals of a community may differ in domestic politics or in creed, or however geographically divided such communities of a people may be, the national flag affords all a common ground for united life, whether in peace as competitors in the markets of the world or in war as defenders of the general interest. Hence, as the representative of our homes, our altars, our people throughout the length and breadth of the land (as well as those who repose within the soil and who have confided to us the trust) the emblem of a nation becomes a sacred thing, the simple sight of which should animate the true citizen with the noblest senti- ment, banish narrow selfishness and inspire him with the loftiest emulation of virtue. 2 A SHORT HISTORY OF Our flag, as that of the British Empire, symbolizes the mightiest union the world has ever seen ; a union comprising four hundred millions of people and surpass- ing in material and moral greatness the ancient empires of Persia, Greece and Rome ; an empire possessing one-half the shipping of the whole world and whose navy — the Royal Navy — is as large as those of France, Germany and Russia together ; an empire on which the sun never sets, and whose capital, London, with a cir- cumference of ninety miles, is as large as New York, Paris and Berlin combined ; an empire whose mother tongue is daily spoken by more than a hundred millions of our own people and understood by fifty millions more, and which is surely becoming the language of Christen- dom ; an empire which secures the amplest liberty of conscience and action, and guarantees the fullest protec- tion to person and property — " No freeman shall be arrested, imprisoned, outlawed, or dispossessed of land, except by the lawful judgment of his peers" runs the most important provision of The Great Charter to which from century to century patriots have looked back as the foundation of English liberty ; an empire whose constitution, though that of a monarchy, is the nearest approach to a true commonwealth that human society has ever attained to ; an empire whose illustrious head for four generations has proved herself, as sovereign and citizen, the noblest ruler to whom has ever been entrusted the destinies of a nation. THE UNION JACK. 3 Such a queen we Canadians are privileged to honour as our Sovereign ; to such an empire it is our fortune to belong, and to share the glories of its flag that " for a thousand years has braved the battle arid the breeze." Our Union Jack of to-day is a combination of three distinct emblems, viz.: those of England, Scotland and Ireland. St. George is the patron saint of England, and the design for her flag was taken from the shield-device of the Red Cross Knight (red on a white ground, heraldic- ally described as argent, a cross gules). (See Frontis- piece, Fig. 1.) This was the first recognized national banner of England, having come into use as such during the thirteenth century. Of the three original national flags of England, Scot- land and Ireland, this is the only one in official use, beiiiL, now flown at the masthead of an admiral's ship — hence the term " flag-ship." The patron saint of Scotland is St. Andrew, hence the diagonal cross or saltire of St. Andrew (white on a blue ground ; in the language of heraldry, azure, a saltire argent) as Scotland's banner. (See Frontispiece, Fig. 2.) St. Patrick's red saltire, the standard of Ireland's patron saint (red on a white ground, or in heraldic form, 4 A SHORT HISTORY OF argent, a saltire gules) was introduced into the Union to represent Ireland. (See Frontispiece, Fig. 3.) Upon the death of Elizabeth in 1603 James VI. of Scotland became the unquestioned king of the whole island. He ascended the English throne as the descend- ant of Margaret, eldest daughter of Henry VII., who became the wife of James IV. of Scotland : the unfor- tunate Mary Queen of Scots was their grand-daughter and her son the successor of her rival, Elizabeth. The most cherished scheme of James was to effect a union between England and his native country, but the nearest attainment to that end was the draughting of a design for a union flag, which, however, was destined for no use until the consummation of that grand project in the reign of the last of the Stuarts. Soon after the accession of Anne the scheme was mooted within the walls of parliament, and a commis- sion was nominated in 1702 to treat concerning the union, but after numerous meetings the scheme collapsed as neither side would agree to the terms of the other : compensation for the unfortunate Darien enterprise being one insuperable difficulty. But in 1704 a Bill was passed enabling the Queen to appoint a new com- mission, whose efforts proved more satisfactory. A Treaty of Union was framed, which, although met by a storm of opposition from the people of Scotland, passed THE UNION JACK. 5 the Scottish Parliament in 1707 by a majority of one hundred and ten votes. The proposed treaty was pre- sented to the English Parliament on the 28th of January 1708, and, though certain factions here did their utmost to impede the ratification, the measure passed both Houses and received the royal assent. With regard to the date from which the treaty took effect, that is provided for in the following clause : — "That the two kingdoms should, upon the first day of May next ensuing, and for ever after, be united into one kingdom by the name of Great Britain." The date, therefore, of the legislative union of England and Scotland is the 1st of May, 1708, and the design which James I. had had prepared for a union flag was now adopted for that of a national emblem for the United Kingdom. The flag of England, then, down to this period was the Red Cross of St. George on a white field, and under it began at Sluys a career of naval and military glory, which has been steadily enhanced by achievements of succeeding reigns, and comprising a record of feats of arms on sea and land the most brilliant and far reaching in either ancient or modern history. To the Red Cross Banner (Fig. 1, Frontispiece) belong the following famous victories: — A SHORT HISTORY OF Battle. Commander. Date. Reign and Opposing Power. SLUYS. 1 The King in person. June 13, 1340. Edward III. v. France. CRESSY. "- ii ii Aug. 26, 1346. ii ii POITIERS. AGINCOURT. Young Edward, the Black Prince. The King himself. Sept. 19, 1356. Oct. 25, 1415. ii it Henry V. v. France. THE ARMADA Howard of Effingham. Aug. 8, 1588. Elizabeth v. Spain. LA HOGUE.» Edward Russell. May 19, 1692. Wm. & Mary v. France GIBRALTAR.* Rooke and Shovel. July 23, 1704. Anne v. France. BLENHEIM. Duke of Marlborough. Aug. 13, 1704. ii ii RAMILLIES. ii ii May 23, 1706. ii ii 1 When the French at Sluys bore down upon the English ships and began the attack, our seamen received them with loud and continued cheers, accompanied by deadly showers of arrows from the long bow : this is the first notice we have of the now famous British " hurrah." For the first time, too, in naval warfare the iron beaks of the ships were not brought into play. 2 Edward employed cannon or " bombards " in this engagement, and with good results — the first instance of the use of artillery in field warfare. 3 La Hogue checked for nearly a century the maritime efforts of the House of Bourbon, and was the first of that series of triumphs which ended in placing the British navy on the pinnacle of fame that it occupies to-day. THE UNION JACK. 7 4 For three years and seven months (1779-1782) Gibraltar was successfully defended by General Elliott against the united forces of France and Spain. This brings us to the period of the first Union Jack, the flag, upon the union of England and Scotland, appointed as the national ensign of the United King- dom. (See Frontispiece, Fig. 4.) It is formed by the union of the cross of St. George (red on a white ground, Fig. 1, Frontispiece) and the diagonal cross or saltire of St. Andrew (white on a blue ground, Fig. 2, Frontis- piece) described in heraldic terms as azure, a saltire argent surmounted by a cross gules fimbriated or edged of the second. As to the origin of the term " Jack," two explanations have been given. One is that the coats of livery or uni- form upon which the cross of St. George was first worn were called "Jacks"; the other tradition is that it is derived from the abbreviated name of the reigning sover- eign, King James The First, under whose direction the first Union Flag was designed, and who signed his name "Jacques"; hence "Jacques' Union," and, finally, " Union Jack." Under this flag the following glorious names were added to British history : — 8 A SHORT HISTORY OF Battlb. Commander. Date. Reign and Opposing Power. OUDENARDE. Duke of Marlborough. July 11, 1708. Anne v. France. MALPLAQUET. it it Sept. 11, 1709. ii ii DETTINGEN. 1 The King in person. June 27, 1743. George II. v. France. PLASSEY. - Robert Clive. June 23, 1757. ii ii MONMOUTH AND FOUDROYANT. 3 Arthur Gardiner. Feb. 29, 1758. it it LOUISBOURG.* Amherst and Boscawen. July 26, 1758. it it MINDEN. 6 Ferdinand of Brunswick Aug. 1, 1759. it it QUEBEC 6 James Wolfe. Sept. 13, 1759. it it QUIBERON. Sir Edward Hawke. Nov. 20, 1759. it it " THE GLORIOUS 1st OF JUNE." ' Earl Howe. June 1, 1794. George III. v. France. ST. VINCENT, Sir John Jen is. Feb. 14, 1797. * it v. Spain. CAMPERDOWN. Adam Duncan. Oct. 11, 1797. tt v. Holland NILE. 8 Sir Horatio Nelson. Aug. 1, 1798. it v. France. 1 Dettingen was the last occasion upon which a sover- eign of Britain personally commanded his troops in action. 2 With the victory of Plassey began in fact the Empire of England in the East, of which, a hundred years later, Queen Victoria assumed the direct control as Empress of India. 3 One of the most desperate encounters in the whole history of the navy was this brilliant action, which added the name of the now cherished Foudroyant to our fleet of grand, old battle-ships. The hero of the engagement had been Byng's flag-captain at Minorca, THE UNION' JACK. 9 and this daring act was prompted, independently of that British instinct for duty, by the sting of his admiral's disgrace two years previously, which had, though un- justly, reflected upon the other officers of that unfortu- nate squadron. The Foudroyant at Minorca was the French admiral's flag-ship, and after that unhappy affair Gardiner vowed that if ever he got a chance at this crack French ship he would attack her at all hazards, even though he should perish by it. Nobly now he redeemed his word, though his little ship was scarcely more than half the size of her antagonist. The fight lasted well through the night ; at nine o'clock he was severely wounded but refused to quit the deck ; later in the action he received a mortal wound. The prize of Gardiner's victory afterwards became the favourite flag- ship of Nelson, who often spoke of her as his "darling Foudroyant" and this is the same ship the news of whose sale by the Admiralty to a firm of German ship- breakers in 1892 shocked all England as a national desecration ; public feeling became instantly aroused, the noble old ship was rescued, and, at a cost of some .£30,000, she has been restored as nearly as possible to the condition in which Nelson left her. 4 This was the second, and final reduction of this powerful fortress; the first in 1745 by Commodore Warren with the British West- India squadron, and a land force IO A SHORT HISTORY OF of British Americans under Colonel Pepperell. By the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle Louisbourg was restored to France in 1748, hence the necessity for the second siege. Wolfe, the hero of Quebec in the following year, was a brigadier at Louisbourg, in the operations before which he distinguished himself. 5 The six English regiments in Ferdinand's army were the I2th, 20th, 23rd, 25th, 37th and 51st (according to their numbering in the Army List of September, 1873, which is the only copy my library contains), and at Mind en they immediately fronted the French cavalry, ten thousand strong, massed in their centre. Owing to a mistake in construing the order for their advance, our troops marched directly upon their opponents in line, and, in this simple formation, they not only repelled with fire fierce and persistent charges of the enemy's squadrons, but countercharged with the bayonet with such successful results that within an hour their an- tagonists became utterly demoralized. " I have seen," said Contades, " what I never thought to be possible — a single line of infantry break through three lines of cavalry, ranked in order of battle, and tumble them to ruin." One of these regiments, the 20th, became famous not only for the vigour and effectiveness of its charges this clay, but for the lusty shout — something different and even more terrible than the well-known British "hurrah" THE UNION JACK. II that accompanies our infantry attacks with the steel — that regularly broke from the ranks and resounded throughout the field and above the din of battle. After- wards this distinguishing demonstration was systematic- ally practised and faithfully preserved in the regiment. and a hundred years later, at Inkerman, when 180 " Twenties," in company with 200 " Diehards " of the 57th, were driving at the point of the bayonet 2,000 Russians of the Iakoutsk regiment from the front of Home Ridge, across the Barrier and into the Quarry Ravine, that same " Minden yell" was the accompani- ment of their brilliant charge. 6 The British world is familiar with the history of this memorable battle that added Canada to the empire, and with the worthy monuments to our hero in Quebec and Westminster Abbey. A more recent memorial, in the form of a window, has this year (1896) been completed in the parish church of St. Alphege, Greenwich, England, through the liberality of a former auditor of the church accounts. It is in the crypt of this church that the remains of Wolfe were buried and still repose. "This victory of Lord Howe (at the advanced age of sixty-nine), as glorious as any in our annals, bears no other name than that of the day on which it was won, the title given above being that adopted by the naval service. 12 A SHORT HISTORY OF 8 The battle of the Nile — also known as that of Aboukir Bay — ranks, from a professional point of view, as the greatest victory ever achieved by the British navy. For it Nelson was raised to the peerage with the title of Baron Nelson of the Nile, and of Burnham Thorpe in Norfolk. We come now to the third stage of our flag's develop- ment, the complete union of St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick. After much constitutional experimenting with Ireland and the complete failure of an eighteen years' trial of legislative " independence," during which England and Ireland were simply held together by the fact that the sovereign of the one island was also the sovereign of the other, the first part of Pitt's great plan for domestic peace was carried into execution, and Ireland was, on the first of January, 1801, united to Great Britain, and thenceforth sent her representatives to Westminster. The red cross or saltire of St. Patrick (Fig. 3, Frontis- piece) was added to those of the previously united kingdoms, and as thus modified our national ensign (see Frontispiece, Fig. 5) now exists. To the Union Jack of our century, as the universal representative of Britons, the following immortal roll is to be ascribed : — THE UNION JACK. 13 Battlk. COMMANDKR. Date. Rkiox AND OPPOSING 1'UWKK. ALEXANDRIA. ' Sir Ralph Abercronibv. Mar. 21, 1801. George III. v. France. COPENHAGEN. - Parker and Nelson. Apr. 2, 1801. 11 v. Denmark. ASSAYE. Sir Arthur Wellesley. Sep. 23, 1S03. it v. Mahratta. TRAFALGAR 4 Viscount Nelson. Oct. 21, 1S05. 11 v. France. VIMIERA. 4 Sir Arthur Wellesley. Aug. 21, 1808. 11 11 CORUNNA. » Sir John Moore. Jan. 16, 1809. 11 11 TALAVERA. Sir Arthur Wellesley. July 28, 1809. 11 11 BUSACO Viscount Wellington. Aug. 27, 1810. 11 11 FUENTES D'ONORO 11 u May 5, 1811. 11 11 ALBUERA. Sir William Beresford. May 16, 1811. 11 11 CIUDAD RODRIGO 6 Viscount Wellington. Jan. 19, 1812. 11 11 BADAJOZ" Earl of Wellington. Apr. 6, 1S12. 11 11 1 On the 2nd of March the fleet bearing the expedition anchored in Aboukir Bay, precisely on the spot where Nelson's great victory had been gained three years before. The remains of that terrible strife were still visible ; the Foudroyant chafed her cables against the L Orient's wreck, and soon after fished up her anchor. Sir Ralph Abercromby's was the first decisive British victory over the arms of revolutionary France, which had previously been regarded as invincible. "The battle of Alexandria not only delivered Egypt from the Republican yoke; it decided, in its ultimate consequences, the fate of the civilized world. The im- portance of a triumph is not always measured by the number of troops engaged ; twenty-four thousand 14 A SHORT HISTORY OF Romans, under Caesar at Pharsalia, changed the face of antiquity ; thirty thousand Republicans, at Marengo, seated Napoleon on the consular throne, and estab- lished a power which overturned all the monarchies of Europe. The contest of twelve thousand British, with an equal number of French, on the sands of Alexandria, in its remote effects, overthrew a greater empire than that of Charlemagne, and rescued mankind from a more galling tyranny than that of the Roman emperors. It first elevated the hopes and confirmed the resolution of the English soldiers ; it first broke the charm by which the Continental nations had so long been enthralled ; it first revived the military spirit of the English people, and awakened the pleasing hope that the descendants of the victors at Cressy and Agincourt had not degen- erated from the valour of their fathers. Nothing but the recollection of this decisive trial of strength could have supported the British nation through the arduous con- flict which awaited them on the renewal of the war, and induced them to remain firm and unshaken amid the successive prostration of every Continental power, till the dawn of hope began over the summit of the Pyrenees, and the eastern sky was reddened by the conflagration of Moscow. The Continental nations, accustomed to the shock of vast armies, and to regard the English only as a naval power, attached little im- portance to the contest of such inconsiderable bodies of men on a distant shore ; but the prophetic eye of THE UNION JACK. 15 • Napoleon at once discerned the magnitude of its con- sequences, and he received the intelligence of the disaster at Alexandria with a degree of anguish equalled only by that experienced from the shock of Trafalgar." — Alison s History of Europe. Sir Ralph Abercromby received a mortal wound in the battle and was carried on board the Foudroyant, where he expired on the morning of the 29th. 2 Though Sir Hyde Parker, a brave officer and ex- perienced seaman, was in chief command of the squadron, the conduct of the bombardment was wholly in the hands of Lord Nelson. 3 " May the great God whom I worship grant to my country, and for the benefit of Europe in general, a great and glorious victory, and may no misconduct in any one tarnish it ; and may humanity after victory be the pre- dominant feature in the British fleet ! For myself individually, I commit my life to Him that made me, and may His blessing alight on my endeavours for serving my country faithfully. To Him I resign myself and the just cause which is entrusted to me to defend," wrote the hero in the privacy of his cabin just before the action began, and how well this worth)- prayer was answered Trafalgar eloquently attests. Amid such glory departed the greatest naval genius of our nation and whose exploits are without parallel in the annals of any other. l6 A SHORT HISTORY OF 4 It was at Vimiera that the English first discovered their ability to successfully encounter in line other troops in dense formation, and learned the effectiveness of this mode of fighting, which afterwards distinguished our infantry from that of other nationalities. In this engage- ment Col. Walker, with 700 men of the 50th Regiment, was opposed to a French column of over 2,000 bayonets, and after a volley from his "thin red line," which was skilfully drawn up obliquely to the enemy's advancing mass, whose flank as well as front was now exposed to the 50th' s fire, the order to charge was given, and the British regiment with its levelled row of glistening steel rushed in compact order on Laborde's column of thou- sands and rolled it back in confusion. "The French," said the Duke of Wellington, describing afterwards this battle, " came on on that occasion with great boldness, and seemed to feel their way less than I always found them to do afterward. They came on, as usual, in very heavy columns, and I received them in line, which they were not accustomed to, and we re- pulsed them three several times." — Gleig's Life of the Duke of Wellington. It was at Vimiera, too, that shrapnel shells made their debut, and the French were astonished at the deadly effect of the new missiles, " which, after striking down bva point blank discharge whole files of soldiers in front exploded with all the devastation of bombs in the rear." THE UNION JACK. 17 5 When the struggle was at its height Sir John was struck on the left breast by a round shot, and although the wound was mortal he lived to see victor}- assured. As the soldiers placed him on a blanket to carry him from the field, the hilt of his sword was driven into the wound ; Captain Hardinge attempted to take it off, but ihe dying hero exclaimed, " It is as well as it is ; I had rather it should go off the field with me." During his intense suffering which preceded death he never for a moment lost his sweet composure, and continued to con- verse in a calm and even cheerful voice. At his side now was his old friend, Colonel Anderson, and to him he said, " You know that I always wished to die this way." Once only his voice faltered ; it was when referring fondly to his mother. His last words were — " I hope the people of England will be satisfied ; I hope my country will do me justice." In accordance with his expressed wish, that he might be laid in the field on which he fell, the rampart of the citadel was happily chosen for his final resting-place His midnight interment by the officers of his staff is accurately as well as graphically described in Charles Wolfe's famous poem, with which the English-speaking world is familiar. Through the generosity of Marshal Ney, a monument was soon after erected over Sir John 's grave ; it bears this inscription : — 1 8 A SHORT HISTORY OF "A la Gloria del Ex mo S r D. Juan Moore, Gen 1 , del Ex'° Ingleso Y a la de sus valientes compatiiotas, la Espana agradecida." The twelve guns used at Corunna were spiked and buried in the sand, but afterwards discovered by the enemy. Not one, from first to last, was taken in action. 6 "The rapid reduction of Ciudad Rodrigo was unpar- alleled in modern war, and its fall was so unexpected, that Marmont's efforts to relieve it were scarcely con- ceived and commenced before the tidings reached him that the fortress he prized so highly was lost. By the lowest estimate of time, it was calculated that four-and- twenty days would be required to bring the siege to a successful issue. On the 8th, ground was broken, and on the 19th the British colours were flying from the flag- staff of the citadel. Massena, after a tedious bombardment, took a full month to reduce it ; Wellington carried it by assault in eleven days. No wonder, therefore, that Marmont, in his despatch to Berthier, was puzzled to account for the rapid reduction of a place, respecting whose present safety and ultimate relief he had previously forwarded the most encouraging assurances." — Maxwell. The splendid achievement of the conqueror of Rodrigo obtained an honourable requital. He was advanced, in Spain, to the rank of a grandee of the first order, with THE UNION JACK. 19 the title Duque de Ciudad Rodrigo ; by the Portuguese he was made Marquis of Torres Vedras, and at home, raised to the earldom of Wellington, with an increased annuity of £2,000 a year. In the debate which took place in the Lower House, when the grant for supporting his additional honours was proposed, " Mr. Canning took occasion to state, that a revenue of £5,000 a year had been granted to Lord Wellington by the Portuguese government, when they conferred upon him the title of Conde de Vimiero ; that as captain-general of Spain, £5,000 a year had been offered him, and £7,000 as marshal in the Portuguese service, all of which he had declined, saying, ' he would receive nothing from Spain and Portugal in their present state : he had only done his duty to his country, and to his country alone he would look for reward.' " 7 Among the slain in this action was a son of the first and most distinguished Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada and founder of York (now the City of Toronto and capital of Ontario), the Honourable John Graves Simcoe. The Rev. Dr. Scadding, in his work " Toronto of Old," thus refers to this sad incident : — "The Iroquois at Niagara had given the Governor a title, expressive of hospitality — Deyonynhokrawen, 'one whose door is always open. 1 They had, moreover, in council declared his son a chief, and had named him Tioga, or Deyoken, ' between the two objects ' ; and to 20 A SHORT HISTORY OF humour them in return, as De Liancourt informs us, the child — about five years of age, and bearing the name of Francis — was occasionally attired in Indian costume. For most men it is well that the future is veiled from them. It happened eventually that a warrior's fate befell the young chieftain Tioga. The little, spirited lad who had been at one time moving about the assembled Iroquois at Niagara, under a certain restraint, probably, from the unwonted garb of embroidered deerskin, in which, on such occasions, he would be arrayed, and at another time clambering up and down the steep hill- sides at Castle Frank, with the restless energy of a free English boy, was at last, after the lapse of seventeen years, seen a mangled corpse ; one in that ghastly pile of ' English dead,' which, in 1812, closed up the breach at Badajoz." His grandfather, on his mother's side, met a similar death before Quebec, in which campaign he was serving as aide-de-camp to General Wolfe. Battle. Commander. Date. Reign and Opposing Power. MICHILIMACKINAC Charles Roberts. July 17, 1812. George III. v. U. S. SALAMANCA. Earl of Wellington. July 22, 1812. 11 v. France DETROIT. 2 Isaac Brock. Aug. 16, 1812. 11 v. U. S. QUEENSTON. s Roger H. Sheaffe. Oct. 13, 1812. it 11 CHESAPEAKE AND SHANNON. 4 Philip Broke. June 1, 1813. 11 11 STONEY CREEK. 6 Sir John Harvey. June 5, 1813. n 11 VITTORIA 6 Marquis of Wellington. June 21, 1813. 11 v. France THE UNION JACK. 21 1 Michilimackinac was the very first blow struck in the war declared by the United States with the object of acquiring Canada, and, as a consequence, the other British North American possessions, and for which they had long been making preparation. The island was an important point commanding the entrance to Lake Michigan ; its capture interrupted an extensive American lake trade and afforded confidence and protection to British subjects employed in the fur trade on the islands and along the shores of Huron and Superior. A year before the commencement of hostilities the command of the troops in the western province (of whom only fifteen hundred belonged to the Imperial Army) devolved upon Major-General Brock, who was also acting President and Administrator of Upper Canada during the absence of Governor Gore in Eng- land. The young general — who proved himself as cap- able and energetic a statesman as he was a courageous and skilful soldier — early foresaw that war was inevit- able, and the scantiness of his resources both in men and material compelled the anticipation of and the provision for events independently of a legislature that was almost traitorous in its apathy. His plan of com- pensation for internal difficult}- and external odds was to strike quickly and seize advantages; hence his season- able arrangements for securing possession of Michili- 22 A SHORT HISTORY OF mackinac and Detroit ; and it was these first two successes that decided the result of the war, for Cana- dians then realized that the Union Jack was here to stay. President Madison declared war against England on the 1 8th of June, 1812, but before any hostile step had been taken by either side — the affair of the Little Belt and the President being accepted as the result of a mutual mistake — the British government, by an order in council dated 23rd of June, had actually repealed the previous orders, so that the ostensible ground of the United States' complaint against England was removed. But this fact made no difference to the American ruling party, who were not going to be balked by the lack of a casus belli in their scheme for the acquisition of Canada, and for the successful accomplishment of which, they believed, the task of England in behalf of Europe was affording America so favourable an opportunity. " Great events were about to take place when the Americans thus thrust themselves into the contest : three days later Wellington crossed the Agueda to commence the Salamanca campaign : six days later Napoleon crossed the Niemen on his march to Moscow. No cause of complaint or hostility now remained ; for although the right of search exercised by the British, in conformity with the common maritime law of nations, may have afforded a fit subject for remonstrance and THE UNION JACK. 23 adjustment, it was no ground for immediate hostilities. But on war they were determined and to war they went. And thus had America, the greatest republic in exist- ence, and which had ever proclaimed its attachment to the cause of freedom in all nations, the disgrace of going to war with Great Britain, then the last refuge of liberty in the civilized world, when their only ground of com- plaint against it had been removed ; and of allying their arms with those of France, at that very moment com- mencing its unjust crusade against Russia, and straining every nerve to crush in the Old World the last vestige of continental independence." Captain Roberts, with a company of the 49th, a de- tachment of artillerymen with two iron six-pounders, and about two hundred Canadian voyageurs, had been early despatched to St. Joseph's Island, St. Mary's river, the nearest British point to Michilimackinac, to be in readiness to move at once upon the American island, about forty miles distant, the moment he should receive advice of the declaration of war. On the 15th of July an express arrived at St. Joseph's with letters from General Brock informing Roberts that war had been declared and ordering him to "adopt the most punctual measures ". Leaving an officer and six privates in charge of the post, Roberts, at 10 o'clock on the morning of the 16th, embarked his force — which, with three hundred Indians, now amount- ed to about six hundred men, though half the vov- 24 A SHORT HISTORY OF aeeurs were without arms — in ten batteaux, seventy canoes and the North-West Company's ship, Caledonia. The flotilla arrived at the island at three o'clock on the morning of the 17th, at a spot since known as "British Landing," and, through the exertions of the voyageurs, one of the guns was hauled to a height commanding the fort. Having completed all his arrangements for carry- ing the place by storm should resistance be offered — and his expedition was fully equipped with the appliances necessary for a successful escalade — Roberts, at half-past eleven o'clock, sent in a flag of truce demanding of the American commandant the surrender of the fort and island to his Britannic Majesty's forces. This was the first intimation that that officer, Lieut. Porter Hanks, had received of the declaration of war, and deciding that opposition would be useless, he accordingly sub- mitted to Roberts's demand and the British immediately took " quiet possession " of the island, together with nine vessels at the time in the harbour, two others arriving shortly afterward with seven hundred packs of furs. Hanks's report of the capitulation was made to " His Excellency General Hull, commanding the North-West Army," who underwent exactly the same experience, a month later, at Detroit, for at neither place a shot was fired by the garrison. (The day before the surrender of Detroit the opposing batteries exchanged long shots across the river, but with THE UNION JACK. 2$ little effect. On the 16th the guns of the enemy were charged for close action in anticipation of an assault, but Brock and Tecumseh were spared the service .by Hull's prompt surrender.) Michilimackinac was again the scene of active opera- tions in the last (1814) campaign of the war, when an expedition of about 1,000 men under the command of Colonel George Croghan attempted to regain possession of the island. In this engagement the British force was directed by Lieut.-Col. Robert McDouall, Glengarry Light Infantry Fencibles, then the island commandant. The Americans arrived on the 4th of August and selected for their landing the same spot that Roberts had chosen in his successful descent two years pre- viously. McDouall was calmly awaiting them in a well- selected position, which was strengthened on the right by an earthwork and four field guns, and protected on the left by dense woods occupied by Indians. Croghan was taken completely by surprise on meet- ing so suddenly this obstacle to his advance. His formation was a line of skirmishers composed of militia- men, followed by their supports of similar troops. Next came his regulars, in command of Major Holmes, ex- tending well to the right, and the artillery in the rear. On encountering the British fire the militia imme- diately gave way. Holmes endeavoured to restore con- fidence by a steady advance with his corps against the 26 A SHORT HISTORY OF British left, but a hot volley from the woods laid low the gallant major, severely wounded Captain Desha, the next in command, and wrought havoc in the ranks of the regulars : the line, consequently, was thrown into confusion, from which the best exertions of its officers were not able to recover it. An effort was made to get a gun into action, but so galling was the fire from the breastwork that the attempt was relinquished and the discomfited invaders fled to their boats. The American losses in this action were : — One major (Andrew Hunter Holmes, in whose memory Fort Holmes was named) and twelve privates killed ; two captains, one lieutenant, six sergeants, three corporals, one musician and thirty-eight privates wounded. Two privates missing. The casualties of the British were insignificant. Two armed schooners, each carrying a twenty-four pounder, and which had convoyed the American troops, were even boarded and captured. Thus it was that on the conclusion of the war the Union Jack was still flying over this beautiful island of Michilimackinac, as it was also over Fort Niagara at the mouth of that famous river. By the terms of the Treaty of Ghent, signed on the 24th of December, 18 14, both these posts were restored to the United States. THE UNION JACK. 27 2 This success was largely, if not chiefly, due to the skilful demonstration of the Indians commanded by that heroic Shawanee chief, Tecumseh, who by marching his braves (who comprised the advance-guard of the British force) in a circle whose front arc lay across a clearing in the woods, and in full view of the American general and his garrison, impressed them with the idea that instead of 600 there were 3,000 red- skins ready to swoop upon them, and whom they feared with a dread akin to horror. By the terms of this capitulation, two thousand five hundred prisoners, as many stands of arms, thirty-three pieces of cannon, a large store of ammunition, three months' provisions, and a vessel of war fell into the hands of the conquerors. (See Appendix V.) 3 Though "the Hero of Upper Canada" met a glorious death near these heights, the battle that resulted in this famous victory was fought several hours after his fall in the preliminary skirmish early in the da)-. (See Appen- dices II, III and IV.) 4 Captain Broke being severely wounded and Lieuten- ant Watt having been killed, the command of the Shannon devolved upon Lieutenant Provo Wall is, who secured the American prisoners, and, under the most trying and arduous circumstances, brought his ship and her prize safely into Halifax harbour, where she was received with loud cheering by the crews of ships in port 28 A SHORT HISTORY OF and by the populace assembled in thousands to greet the victors. For his gallantry in this famous action Lieut. Wallis was made commander at the age of 22. Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1794, he became vice-admiral in 1857, admiral in 1863, and admiral of the fleet in 1877. He was aide-de-camp to the Queen 1847-51, created K.C.B. in i860 and G.C.B. in 1873. He died in 1892, aged a hundred and one years. 5 After General Vincent's evacuation of Newark and Fort George on the 27th, he retired to Burlington Heights via Queenston, Beaver Dams, and the Mountain road. A couple of days later General Winder was de- spatched in pursuit, followed on the 3rd of June by General Chandler, who, on the morning of the 5th, was within a few miles of the British camp with a brigade consisting of about 3,500 infantry, 250 cavalry, and eight field-euns, flushed with their recent success and confident of its repetition against Vincent's force, materially weakened by its late reverse and correspondingly dis- pirited. Vincent himself could see but little prospect of successful resistance with his diminished army suffering from the lack of clothing and proper food. One regi- ment, the 41st, was reported by Captain Fulton to Sir George Prevost as being " literally naked," and another, the 49th, as " in rags and without shoes," while Vincent was compelled to borrow money from the inhabitants with which to purchase cattle in order to supply his men with a little meat. THE UNION JACK. 29 Sir John Harvey, however, was more hopeful ; he had a plan and he was confident of its success. Nearly all the militia of Vincent's command had been disbanded a week before and his regular troops reduced by 350 men, but the remnant of his army consisted almost wholly of the King's troops, and they were not only ready but eager, despite their hard condition, for " another go" at the enemy. Sir John's hopes, moreover, were not mere Chateaux en Espagne ; he was a practical man and a soldier as enterprising as he was brave. His plan was the result of a daring and careful reconnaissance by which he ascertained that " the enemy's camp guards were few and negligent ; that his line of encampment was long and broken ; that his artillery was feebly sup- ported, and that several of his corps were placed too far in the rear to aid in repelling a blow which might be rapidly struck in the front." He proposed to General Vincent the organization of a night attack with picked men, and assured him of the success of the scheme, to which the General, at length, gave his consent. In addition to the strong force in the American camp under General Chandler, another brigade of nearly two thousand men was advancing from the Niagara to their support. But Sir John knew his men, and he carefully selected seven hundred of the best of them from the 8th and 49th Regiments, cautioning them most particularly as to the nature of the service and their individual duty. 30 A SHORT HISTORY OF The night was " pitch dark," and, moreover, the " red coats " were screened by thick woods extending close to the enemy's camp, and through which the regulars — by this time used to Canadian forests — crept as stealthily as " redskins." At a signal they sprang like hungry panthers from their lair, and their bayonets, for an instant gleaming in the light of the camp-fires, were plunging the next into the bodies of the startled sentries : then the carnage began. The enemy's field-pieces, ready charged for action, belched out with lurid flash their grape and canister, but before the gunners could grasp a sponge-staff for the second round, they were transfixed and the guns made British prizes. By this time the whole camp was thoroughly aroused, and, scattered as it was, the panic caused by the first rush could not reach it all ; so, from the heights close by, the heroic stormers, surrounded by and conspicuous in the glare of the camp-fires, were exposed to a galling fire from which they suffered terribly while it lasted. Heedless, however, of all danger and indifferent to the odds, the Englishmen, with bayonets reeking and more thirsty than ever — for it was upon " British steel " that they were accustomed -to depend for success in such emergencies — made straight for the hill, and, with that lusty and defiant " Hurrah 1" the precursor of victory on many a field both before and since, they cleared it of their tormentors. THE UNION JACK. 31 It was all done in three-quarters of an hour, and both the United States brigadiers, 123 officers and men, and their artillery were taken. With the first dawn of day the Americans began their retreat, after burning their baggage, and did not draw a rein until a dozen miles had been put between them and the men whom they had, a few hours previously, re- garded as their certain prey. On the arrival, two days later, of a squadron of British gun-boats and transport-schooners, which had sailed from Kingston with a reinforcement of 250 regulars for the defence of the Niagara frontier, General Vincent followed in pursuit and came up with them at the Forty Mile Creek, but the Americans avoided an engagement by precipitate retreat to Fort George ; and so hasty was the abandonment of their camp that it was impossible to save their boats or baggage, or even to destroy them, and these were captured by the pursuers, together with another hundred prisoners. For the remainder of the flight the flanks and rear of the fugitives were hung upon by Canadians and Indians, who harassed them untiringly, and they reached the frontier in a demoral- ized condition. Immediately afterward the American detachments at Queenston, Chippawa, and Fort Erie were called in, and, for the remainder of the Niagara frontier campaign, the United States forces wen-, practi- cally, blockaded in their camp round Fort George, and 32 A SHORT HISTORY OF that, too, by very inferior numbers, so completely were they cowed by the affair of Stoney Creek. (See Appen- dix II.) 6 The direct result of Vittoria was the evacuation of Spain by the French invaders ; its indirect effect was the deliverance of Europe from the yoke of Napoleon and the removal of the danger to the rest of the world threatened by his despotic tyranny ; for, after the defeat of the allied armies of Russia and Prussia at Lutzen and Bautzen, the two powers, disheartened by these reverses and the neutral attitude resolutely maintained by Austria, negotiated for peace. The news, however, of the loss of Spain and Wellington's advance on the Fyrenees inspired them with fresh vigour ; at the close of the armistice Austria fell into line with the Allied Powers, and as the 18th of October dawned on Leipsic the last hour of the French Empire began to toll. " The campaign of Vittoria is the most glorious, both from a moral and political point of view, which is to be found in the British annals But there is one glory connected with the Peninsular war which the British Empire shares with no other power, and which the biographer of Wellington is entitled to claim as ex- clusively his own. During all the difficulties of the con- test, and in the midst of the almost overwhelming em- barrassments which arose from the long continuance and oppressive burdens of the war, England never adopted THE UNION JACK. 33 the odious revolutionary principle of drawing the re- sources for the contest from the country in which it was carried on ; and, from first to last, firmly, to her own great immediate loss, -repudiated the maxim that war should maintain war. Whatever she did, she did with her own forces, and from her own means alone : no ravaged country had to rue the day when her standards appeared among them ; no wasted realm showed where her armies had been ; no tears of the fatherless and the widow, mourning cold-blooded massacres, dimmed the lustre of her victories. If disorders occurred, as occur they did, and occur they will, it was against her system of warfare, and despite the utmost efforts of her chief. With unconquerable constancy, Wellington and the British Government adhered to this noble system, in the midst of pecuniary difficulties which would have crushed any other man, and financial embarrassments which would have overwhelmed any other nation. During all this time Napoleon's generals and armies were revelling in wealth and affluence, and France itself was enjoying comparatively light taxation, the fruit of the unbounded and systematic extortion which they practised in all the countries which their armies occupied. But mark the end of these things, and the final opposite effect of the gains of oppression, and the rule of justice 14)011 the for- tunes of nations. Napoleon, driven with disgrace behind the Rhine and the Pyrenees, was unable to protect even the mighty empire he ruled from the aroused and uni- 3 34 A SHORT HISTORY OF versal indignation of mankind ; while Wellington, com- mencing from small beginnings, had at length burst, with an overwhelming force, through the mountain barrier of the south, liberated the whole Peninsula from the op- pressor's yoke, and planted his victorious standard, amid the blessings of a protected and grateful people, on the plains of France." — Alisoiis History of Europe. Battle. Commander. Date. Reigx and Opposing Power. BEAVER DAMS. 1 James Fitzgfibbon. June 24, 1813. George III. v. U. S. SAN SEBASTIAN. Marquis of Wellington. Aug. 31, 1813. ii v. France CHATEAUGUAY. » (. has.MicheldeSalaberry Oct. 26, 1»13. v. U. S. CHRYSLER'S FARM. 3 Joseph Warton Morrison Nov. 11, 1813. n it FORT NIAGARA John Murray. Dec. 19, 1813. ii it ORTHEZ. Marquis of Wellington. Feb. 27, 1814. ii v. France TOULOUSE.* it ii April 1U, 1814. ii it LUNDY'S LANE 5 Geo. Gordon Drummond July 25, 1814. ,i v. L. S. BLADENSBURG. 6 Robert Ross. Aug. 24, 1814. ti ii 1 The brilliant success of this action was largely owing to the devotion and tact, the courage and extraordinary exertions of a woman, who on this occasion proved her- self a heroine indeed, and truly worthy a niche in Britain's temple of fame. Becoming informed of the enemy's plans to surprise the force under Fitzgibbon posted at DeCew's, Laura Secord, her husband being invalided from wounds received at Queenston, deter- mined to go herself to the- British lines and put the THE UNION JACK. 35 commandant on his guard. Bv a cunning stratagem she successfully passed the pickets of the Americans, then in possession of that portion of the country, and, by a circuitous route, in order to escape notice, through the most difficult country imaginable, she tramped day and night, barefoot and her clothing largely torn from her body, scrambling through swamp and thicket, the haunts of the rattlesnake and the wild-cat, and undis- mayed by the hungry howl of a wolf or the fiendish yell of a redskin, she reached her goal, delivered her warning, then sank in a swoon from exhaustion ; the danger was averted, a victory gained, and the enemy, instead of surprising our troops, were, with their colours, artillery and baggage, captured almost to a man. His Roval Highness the Prince of Wales, when in Canada in i860, made Mrs. Secord a donation of four hundred dollars in recognition of the above distinguished service. The heroine died at Chippawa, Ontario, on the 17th of October, 1868, aged ninety-three, and worthily rests now in soil redolent with deeds of glory, in the old church- yard at Drummondville, and surrounded by British heroes in their last earthly quarters, silently awaiting the great reveille. Fitzgibbon, who early in his career had been with Nelson at Copenhagen, spent the last years ol his life as a Military Knight of Windsor, where he dud on the [2th 36 A SHORT HISTORY OF of December, 1863, at the advanced age of eighty-three. (See Appendices II and V.) 2 The British force, so victorious at Chateauguay, was composed entirely of Canadians, and chiefly those who had descended from the early French colonists, and throughout the war they afforded the most practical proof of their courage and loyalty. For this success a gold medal was presented to Colonel de Salaberry by the British government, and he was created a mili- tary Commander of the Bath for his services. After several years' agitation of the subject, the Home govern- ment in 1847 granted war medals for Detroit, Chrysler's, and Chateauguay. De Salaberry died in 1829, and an heroic bronze statue of the gallant soldier adorns the front of the Provincial Buildings in Quebec. 3 The battles of Chateauguay and Chrysler's Farm, so bravely won by inferior numbers, by making impossible the junction of the expeditions of Generals Hampton and Wilkinson for a combined attack on Montreal, saved the lower province and terminated the campaign of 18 13. 4 This was an unnecessary encounter, for the war at that moment, though neither general knew it, was at an end. On the 31st of March the allied sovereigns had entered Paris ; on the 2nd of April the senate, by a solemn decree, dethroned the emperor, and absolved the army and people from their oaths of allegiance ; on the 1 ith the formal treaty between Napoleon and the Allied THE UNION JACK. 37 Powers was signed, by which he renounced the empire of France and the kingdom of Italy for himself and his de- scendants on certain conditions, among which were the following: — Napoleon was to retain the title of emperor, and his mother, brothers, sisters, nephews, and nieces, those of princes and princesses of his family. The island of Elba was appointed as his residence (said to have been the sole act of the Emperor of Russia, and to which Lord Castlereagh, on the part of England, took exception, for reasons which results, two years later, proved were founded on wise grounds), and it was erected into a principality in his favour ; an annual income of two million five hundred thousand francs ($500,000 a year) was provided for him, and two mil- lions more to descend after his decease to his heirs — both Maria Louise, with her son, and Josephine were equally liberally provided for ; and he was to be at liberty to take with him four hundred soldiers to form his body-guard. Napoleon reached Frejus on the 28th of April, where he was met by the English frigate, Undaunted, on which he embarked for Elba, and which was specially provided for his conveyance. Louis XVIII. was called by the senate to the throne of France, and his heirs, according to the established order of succession previous to the Revolution. 38 A SHORT HISTORY OF " Louis XVIII. was not long in responding to the call made upon him by the Senate. On the 20th of April, the fugitive monarch left his peaceable retreat of Hart- well, to be again tossed upon the stormy sea of public affairs, and made his entry, amidst an extraordinary con- course of spectators, into London, where he was received in state by the Prince Regent. No words can convey an adequate idea of the enthusiasm which prevailed on this occasion. It was a great national triumph, unmixed by one circumstance of alloy ; it gave demonstration strong of the total overthrow of the Revolutionary system; sympathy with an illustrious race, long weighed down with misfortune, was mingled with exultation at the glorious reward now obtained for a quarter of a cen- tury of toils and dangers. White cockades were uni- versal ; the general rapture was shared alike by the rich and the poor ; the fierce divisions, the rancorous faction, with which the war commenced, had disappeared in one tumultuous swell of universal exultation. ' Sire,' said the monarch, with emotion, to the Prince Regent, when he first addressed him, ' I shall always consider that, under God, I owe my restoration to your Royal High- ness.' "The Prince Regent received his illustrious guest with that dignified courtesy for which he was so celebrated, accompanied the royal family to Dover, and bade them farewell at the extremity of the pier at that place. In a THE UNION JACK. 39 beautiful day (April 27), and with the utmost splendour, the Royal Squadron, under the command of the Duke of Clarence, accompanied the illustrious exiles to their own country; and hardly had the thunder of artillery from the Castle of Dover ceased to ring in the ears, when the chalk cliffs of France exhibited a continued blaze, and the roar of cannon on every projecting point, from Calais to Boulogne, announced the arrival of the monarch in the kingdom of his forefathers." — Alisons History of Europe. 5 This engagement, the hardest fought battle of the American war, is known as " Bridgewater " by the Americans, and in the Imperial service as "Niagara," the following regiments including that name among the battle-honours on their colours : 1st, 6th, 8th, 41st, 82nd and 89th. (See Appendices II and V.) 6 Over the crypt-door of St. Paul's Cathedral is a tabular monument to the memory of General Ross. The sculpture, executed by Kendrick, represents Valour placing an American flag on the departed hero's tomb, over which Britannia is weeping, while Fame descends with a laurel wreath to crown his bust. The following is the inscription : — Erected at the public expense to the memory of Major-General Robert Ross, Who having undertaken and executed an enterprise against the city of Washington, the capital of the United States of America, which was crowned with complete succe^, was killed shortly afterwards while directing a success- ful attack upon a superior force, near the citj of Baltimore, on the 12th day of September, [814. 40 A SHORT HISTORY OF In this campaign there served in the 6oth Rifles a young officer, who was destined to win distinction in his profession, to attain high rank in the service, to be elevated to the Peerage and to merit the admiration of his fellow subjects not only for his military genius, but for his courage and simple devotion to duty in the face of many discouragements, the rdsult of his lack of influence at the Horse Guards — Colin Campbell, afterwards Sir Colin Campbell, and finally Lord Clyde, whose brilliant career we shall treat fully at a later page. Battle. Commander. Date. Reign and Opposing Power. QUATRE BRAS. WATERLOO. 1 Duke of Wellington. ir ft June 16, 1815. June 18, 1815. George III. v. France, it it 1 Scarcely had the sounds of the exultant joy of the British people at the glorious termination of the war in 1 8 14 died away when the world was startled and civilization shocked by the return of the ex-Emperor to France on the 1st of March, 181 5. On the 1st of April the usurper addressed from the Tuileries a circular to all the sovereigns, adopting the usual style from one sovereign to another, " Sir, my Brother," and conclud- ing with the strongest assurances of his peaceful in- tentions. The British cabinet returned the letter, which was addressed to the Prince Regent, unopened, and from the Congress at Vienna (where the Allied Powers were, THE UNION JACK. 41 at the time, occupied, completing the settlement of Europe) it elicited this reply : — -" The man who now offers to sanction the treaty of Paris, and pretends to substitute his guarantee for that of a sovereign whose loyalty was unstained and benevolence unbounded, is the same who for fifteen vears has ravaged and con- vulsed the earth to find food for his ambition ; who has sacrificed millions of victims, and the happiness of a whole generation, to a system of conquest, which truces, little entitled to the name of peace, have only served to render more oppressive and more odious ; who, after having by his wild enterprises wearied even Fortune, armed all Europe against him, and exhausted all the resources of France, has been compelled to renounce his projects and abdicate his power in order to secure the wreck of his existence : who, at a time when the nations of Europe indulged in the hope of enjoying permanent repose, has meditated fresh catastrophies, and by an act of double treason to the Powers who too generously spared him, and to a government which he could attack only through the blackest treachery, has usurped a throne which he had renounced, and which he had occupied only to inflict misery on France and on the world. This man has no other guarantee to propose to Europe but his word ; but after the fatal experience of fifteen years who would be rash enough to accept the guaran- tee? Peace, with a government placed in such hand-, and composed of such elements, would prove only a 42 A SHORT HISTORY OF perpetual state of uncertainty, anxiety and danger. No power could really disarm ; nations would not enjoy any of the advantages of a true peace : they would be crushed by inevitable expenses. As confidence would nowhere revive, industry and commerce would every- where languish ; as there would be no stability in political relations, gloomy discontent would sit brooding over every country and agitated Europe would be in daily fear of fresh explosions." All jealousies of the Congress were immediately cast aside, and the one object now of the powers was the complete emancipation of Europe from the barbarous tyranny of this monster of the revolution and the per- manent establishment of constitutional freedom, which, in the name first of liberty, finally of glory, had been ruthlessly overthrown by the devastating despot of a military republic. For this purpose they engaged to supply a million of men, but such was the exhaustion of the finances of the great powers from the unparalleled efforts they had made during the two preceding years, that they were wholly unable to put their armies in motion without pecuniary assistance, which England was the one country to supply, and to support these enormous hosts she paid to foreign powers that year a sum exceed- ing eleven million pounds sterling. Never did nations take up arms in a more righteous cause, and in opposing the insatiate ambition of a man who, for nearly twenty THE UNION JACK. 43 years, deluged Europe in blood for purely personal ends, the Allied Powers acted in the highest interests of peace, of humanity and of christian civilization. Waterloo was, indeed, a battle of giants, and " the two great commanders who had severally overthrown every antagonist, were there for the first time brought into collision; the conqueror of Europe measured swords with the deliverer of Spain. . . . Never were two armies of such fame, under leaders of such renown, and animated by such heroic feelings, brought into contact in modern Europe, and never were interests so moment- ous at issue in the strife." Many of Wellington's victories were as decisive, but he had never inflicted a defeat so terrible as at Waterloo: the rout, with Blucher's aid, was complete and the ruin irrecoverable. Deplorable as was the loss of so many gallant officers and devoted soldiers in that brief campaign, the grief of diminished families was almost overwhelmed amid the universal exultation over the splendid victory which terminated it, and it was realized that life could not have been so well sacrificed as for the advancement of such a cause. Nor were the sufferers forgotten in the rapturous applause for the victors. The general sub- scription spontaneously entered into in ever)- chapel and parish of the kingdom for the widows and orphans 44 A SHORT HISTORY OF of those who had fallen, and for the relief of those who had been maimed in the fight, soon reached the magnifi- cent sum of five hundred thousand pounds, and afforded the most touching proof of the universal sympathy of the nation. At the close of the war, the year before, Wellington had been elevated to the rank of duke, and the munifi- cent provision of half a million pounds sterling was made as an expression of Britain's gratitude to the great soldier ; and when he was presented to the House of Commons to publicly receive the thanks of Parliament for the achievements which had shed such lustre on his country, the hero was received with loud cheers, all the members standing, and the Speaker addressed to him the following eloquent and immortal tribute : — " My lord, since I last had the honour of addressing you from this place, a series of eventful years has elapsed, but none without some mark and note of your rising glory. The military triumphs which your valour has achieved upon the banks of the Douro and the Tagus, of the Ebro and the Garonne, have called forth the spontaneous shouts of admiring nations. Their names have been written by your conquering sword in the annals of Europe, and we shall hand them down with exultation to our children's children. It is not, however, the grandeur of military success which has alone fixed THE UNION JACK. 45 our admiration, or commanded our applause ; it has been that generous and lofty spirit which inspired your troops with unbounded confidence, and taught them to know that the day of battle was always a day of victory ; that moral courage and enduring fortitude, which in perilous times, when gloom and doubt had beset ordinary minds, stood, nevertheless unshaken ; and that ascendancy of character, which, uniting the energies of jealous and rival nations, enabled you to wield at will the fate and fortunes of mighty empires. For the repeated thanks and grants bestowed upon you h>\- this House, in gratitude for your eminent services, you have thought fit this day to offer us your acknow- iedg-ements ; but this nation well knows that it is still largely your debtor. It owes to you the proud satisfaction that, amid the constellation of illustrious warriors who have recently visited your country, we could present to them a leader of our own, to whom all common acclamation conceded the pre-eminence; and when the will of Heaven and the common destinies of our nature shall have swept away the present generation, you will have left your great name — an imperishable monument— exciting others to like deeds of glory ; and serving at once to adorn, defend and perpetuate tin- existence of this country among the ruling nations of the earth." 4 6 A SHORT HISTORY OF Battle. Commander. Date. Reign and Opposing Power. NAVARINO. 1 Sir EchvaVd Codrington. Oct. 20, 1827. George IV. v. Turkey. ACRE. 2 Sir Robert Stopford. Nov. 3, 1840. Victoria v. Egypt. CABUL. Sir George Pollock. Sep. 15, 1842. ■ i v. Afghanistan. MEANER Sir Charles Napier. Feb. 17, 1843. ii v. Scinde. DUBBA 11 11 it Mar. 24, 1843. ii ii GOOJERAT.» Lord Gough. Feb. 21, 1849. ii v. Punjaub. ALMA* . Lord Raglan. Sep. 20, 1854. n v. Russia. 1 It was the struggle of Greece for independence that attracted the sympathy of Lord Byron, and at the time of his death, at Missolonghi in 1824, he was actively engaged in the work of emancipating his temporarily adopted country from Turkish tyranny. For this reason, as well as our share in the ultimate success of the war. and the fact that the present ruler of Greece, George I., King of the Hellenes, is a brother of our much beloved Princess of Wales, Englishmen will ever have a deep interest in the welfare of this kingdom. It is a circumstance worth noting in connection with Navarino that, a quarter of a century later, a son of the distinguished admiral, who commanded in this victory over the Turks, was brought by events in arms for the Sultan's cause. This son at the battle of the Alma was in command of the First Brigade of the Light Division ; it was he who, on his own responsibility and with merely broken clusters of men, undertook the terrible task of THE UNION JACK. 47 storming the Great Redoubt, and for three hundred yards, in the face of blasts of round shot, grape and canister from heavy guns, led the assault and carried the sreat field-work, which was the key of the enemy's position on the Alma, himself being the first man into the breastwork, the most brilliant achievement of that glorious day. It was, too, his first experience of war. At the battle of Inkerman it was General Codrington who first became aware of the Russian approach, a little after five o'clock, on that dark, misty Sunday morning in November ; it was he who, the following year, super- intended the arrangements by which General Shirley so gallantly won the Quarries on the 7th of June; and when the final assault was made on the 8th of September, it was he who was selected to conduct the attack on the Redan. A month later Lieut-Gen. Sir William John Codrington, K.C.B., was appointed to succeed General Simpson as Commander-in-Chief of the Army in the Crimea. 2 In this bombardment steamships were for the first time employed in naval warfare, and in three hours the fortress, mounting 147 guns and which had baffled even the mighty Napoleon, yielded to British cannon. ;) The result of this campaign was the annexation of the great district of the Punjaub to our Indian Empire. 4 Although Marshal St. Arnaud and the French par- ticipate in the glory of this victory by reason of their 48 A SHORT HISTORY OF presence on its scene, yet as we are dealing here with the British services, naval and military, only, we give in the list only the names of our own commanders. Waterloo had given the great nations of Europe nearly forty years of peace, and on the banks of the Alma, to assert the power of justice in behalf of a threatened and weaker state, and for the freedom of that division of the world, was arrayed the finest army ever sent by England against a foe. Lord Raglan, the hero of this great infantry fight — for before the advance of the Guards and Highlanders nearly all the Russian artillery had been withdrawn from the front, and from this forward the work of the battle was done with small-arms — was a grandson of Admiral Hon. Edward Boscawen, who commanded the English fleet at the reduction of Louisbourg in 1758, and served, as Fitzroy Somerset, throughout the Peninsular War as aide-de-camp and military secretary to the Duke of Wellington, for distinguished conduct in the several en- gagements of which campaign he had a cross and five clasps. He was again with the Duke of Wellington, as aide-de-camp and military secretary, at Waterloo, where, while riding near La Haye-Sainte, he lost his right arm from a shot. He did not see active service again till his appointment to the command of the British expedition to the Crimea, where he fell a victim to an attack of cholera on the 28th of June, 1855. THE UNION JACK. 49 In this battle, in contrast to the deep, crowded masses of the Russians and the French, Lord Raglan's troops were in their English array, and the formation, suggested by the genius of Wellington, and in which the Briton, by his distinguishing independent vigour, is so peculiar- ly qualified to fight, was again successfully tested against the unwieldy system of the Continental armies. When the splendid battalions of the Guards and High- landers formed on the southern bank and, in a line two deep extending for more than a mile and a half, began their majestic advance up the slope in perfect order and with the same step, it was the most magnificent spec- tacle ever witnessed on a field of battle. The Russians were struck with astonishment at the sight, for they had never seen such a thing as an attack by a slender line in the face of massive columns ; the French looked on in admiration, and in a moment of enthusiasm Marshal Canrobert exclaimed : " All I ask of Fortune now is, that I might command a corps of English troops for three short weeks ; I should then die happy!" Rut the most remarkable incident of the battle was the gallop of Lord Raglan, immediately after the first English advance, into the very heart of the Russian position, and the sudden establishment of the I lead- Quarter Staff on the knoll to the east of the Telegraph Height. This position, which gave him the complete command of the fight, he reached alone — if we exclude 4 50 A SHORT HISTORY OF " Shadrach," the grand, old hunter who bore him — far ahead of any troops, and even before his own staff. He was there before Codrington began the assault of the Great Redoubt, into which the English general now looked from its left rear, viewing it as a spectator from the enemy's lines ; he was there before the First Divi- sion — the Guards and the Highlanders — had even crossed the river ; it was an exploit unique in the annals of war. The French had failed in the object of their advance, viz., the turning of the Russian left, " and the forces thus palsied were nothing less than the whole French army, including even their reserves ; " they were threat- ened not only with disaster but sheer ruin, but at the sight of the English staff, coolly directing their business even in their very rear, the Russians became paralyzed and the fate of the battle was sealed. Mr. Kinglake, in his splendid work, which is the leading authority on this great war, says : " I know of no battle in which, whilst the forces of his adversary were still upon their ground, and still unbroken, a general has had the fortune to stand upon a spot so commanding as that which Lord Raglan now found on the summit of the knoll." The Alma was the first great battle in which rifles were extensively and successfully used. Although the first weapon of this kind in the British service dates THE UNION JACK. 51 from about the year 1800, when the old 95th Regiment, the parent-corps of the Rifle Brigade, was armed with "Baker" rifles, it was not until 1851 that the English government began seriously to take into consideration the adoption of the new system for the army. This year rifle-muskets were made (called Minie muskets) and used by our troops in the Caffre war. It was also the weapon used by the principal regiments during the first period of the Crimean war, being superseded by the "Enfield" during the last months of the campaign. But so inadequate were the means of production that it was very late in the war before all our men had rifles in their hands, and at Inkerman the 4th Division, with the exception of Horsford's battalion, had, practically, no other arm than the musket — the old " Brown Bess " altered to the percussion principle. Battle. Commander. Date. Reign and Opposing Power. BALAKT.AVA. Lord Raglan. Oct. 25, 1854. Victoria v. Russia. In the sense that the Battle of the Alma was an infantry fight, so the engagement of the 25th of October was a contest of cavalry. While the battalion of our Turkish allies made a most gallant stand on Canrobert's Hill, which, after having been raked by the fire of thirty- pieces of artillery, \\as stormed by eight Russian batta- lions supported by three more, the combat was, of course, 52 A SHORT HISTORY OF of short duration, and the brave defenders, overborne by sheer weight of numbers, compelled to abandon their position. The only other occasion that infantry was opposed to the enemy that day was when four squadrons of Russian cavalry, detaching themselves from the main body ad- vancing under General Ryjoff up the North Valley, approached Kadikoi and suddenly found themselves in the front of Sir Colin Campbell with 550 of the 93rd Highlanders and some English soldiers in command of a couple of officers of the Guards — a volley at long range, a manoeuvre, and the Muscovite horsemen were in retreat. But it is to the English Cavalry Division that the chief glory of " Balaklava " belongs, and the distinctive exploits of the Heavy and Light Brigades are among the grandest of the achievements of British arms. The first of these was the charge of the Heavy Brigade led by General Scarlett, and its scene was on the slopes of the Southern Valley. They were the same regiments — for the Royals, although without orders to do so, quickly followed the Greys and Innis- killings — that, in the Wellington campaigns, formed the famous " Union Brigade " and which, under Lord Ux- bridge, wrought such terrible havoc among the French cuirassiers and lancers at Waterloo, but, carrying their charge too far, were in turn beset by Milhaud's fresh THE UNION JACK. 53 horsemen, Sir Henry Ponsonby was slain and the brigade brought back hardly a fifth of its numbers. Discomfiture, however, was closely awaiting these triumphant cuirassiers ; charged by Lord Edward Somerset's Heavy Brigade, consisting of the Life Guards, Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoon Guards, the French cavalry was fairly overborne by the weight of these matchless English squadrons, overflowing with strength, and against whose giant wielded swords cuirass and helmet proved no protection. It was short work ; the French horsemen were scattered and the survivors driven back to their lines with awful loss. At Balaklava the object of the " Heavies' ' attack was Ryjoff's column of two thousand troopers, who, on coming under artillery-fire at the head of the North Valley, inclined to their left and ascended the Causeway Heights overlooking the South Valley. There they suddenly came in view of our cavalry marching towards Kadikdi to support Sir Colin Campbell, then threatened by the four detached squadrons before referred to. Scarlett's inarch was at once arrested, and with three squadrons, he showed a front towards the enemy, now advancing down the slope. They halted, he charged, and in eight minutes, with his three hundred Scotsmen and Irishmen, had cut clean through the huge human block, composed of thousands, from front to rear, while the Englishmen made lanes from flank to flank. Thus 54 A SHORT HISTORY OF cleft by the terrible onset of our irresistible horsemen, the mass first swayed, then heaved, and, finally break- ing, fled in retreat across the Heights and sought refuge in rear of the guns at the foot of the South Valley. "It was truly magnificent; and to me who could see the enormous numbers opposed to you, the whole valley being filled with Russian cavalry, the victory of the Heavy Brigade was the most glorious thing I ever saw," said a French general officer who was a spectator of the fight. And well indeed did the victors in this extra- ordinary encounter " prove to the world that they had not degenerated from the men of the ' Union Brigade.' who, by their heroic deeds on the field of Waterloo, so faithfully represented the military virtues of the British Empire." An hour later took place that great act of martyrdom, which, as an example of unwavering devotion to duty, is without parallel in the history of war. All the world is familiar with this most famous feat of god-like heroes — The Charge of the Light Brigade — whose chivalry electrified Christendom, elicited from the nations a chorus of applause, and inspired in England's Laureate those immortal lines that portray the tragic scene so well. Nor was it all in vain, for such was the reputation made by our cavalry, that, after that day, it was re- garded by the Russians as invincible, and so great was THE UNION JACK. 55 the ascendancy thus gained, that, thenceforward, they could not be brought to face the English squadrons in combat. Of course it was a mistake, but, as the greatest his- torian of the war says : " The perversity which sent our squadrons to their doom is only, after all, the mortal part of the story. Half forgotten already, the origin of the 'Light Cavalry Charge' is fading away out of sight. Its splendour remains, and splendour like this is some- thing more than the mere outward adornment which graces the life of a nation. It is strength — strength other than that of mere riches, and other than that of gross numbers — strength carried by proud descent from one generation to another — strength awaiting trials that are to come." Battle. COM.MANDKR. Date. Rkiqn and Opposing Power. DTKERMAN. Lord Raglan. Nov. 5, 1854. Victoria v. Russia. Wellington's line of battle at Waterloo, from Hougou- mont on the right to Papelotte on the left, extended little more than two miles ; his force amounted to 72,000 men, who were opposed to 80,000 French. Prince Mentschikoff's front of battle, this Sunday, from Artillery Bay on the right to Kamaraon the left, covered a length of twelve miles. His force comprised 120,000 56 A SHORT HISTORY OF men ; moreover, he was supported by two ships in the roadstead, whose fire was effective over a large section of Mount Inkerman. To combat this Russian host was an Anglo-French army of 65,000 men with 11,000 Turkish auxiliaries. And although the front of action extended, as we have said, twelve miles, the necessity of covering Balaklava, the British port of supply, stretched out the allied line to a total length of nearly twenty miles. This brief comparison between these two famous fields will enable the civilian reader more clearly to comprehend the enormity of the task imposed, this memorable day, upon the Allies. The four miles of fortifications along the Sebastopol front are included in Prince MentschikofT s line of battle because, not only was the garrison in constant and close touch with the field or relieving army, but special, aggres- sive duties were allotted to it, apart from the regular work of checking the siege, and among which was General Timovieffs powerful sortie against the French left. Prince Mentschikoff's chief effort, however, was directed against the scantily guarded English position on Mount Inkerman. Not only was this portion of the Chersonese very weakly guarded by the English (owing to the smallness of their numbers and the heavy work imposed upon them in the trenches as well as in the field), but the enemy was already master of the northern portion of the ground, THE UNION JACK. 57 which was commanded by the batteries in the Karabel Foubourg and also by his war-ships in the upper harbour. Long before daylight — which, this morning, was much retarded by the rain and mist — columns of infantry and trains of artillery began to issue silently from Sebastopol, and at a quarter to six o'clock General Soimonoff's skir- mishers became engaged with our outposts. This was the firing heard by General Codrington, whose camp was on the further side of Careenage Ravine, and who was the first to divine the intention of the enemy to attack in force ; his brigade was immediately put under arms, and Lord Raglan notified of the move- ment of the Russians. In half an hour Soimonoff had established himself on the crest of Shell Hill with twenty- two heavy guns in position, and he now opened a brisk fire on the camp of the Second Division in rear of Home Ridge. Under cover of his now active and commandin<7 suns — Shell Hill, rising, as it did, to a great altitude in the very centre of the Inkerman Heights, flanked by ravines and crowned with heavy batteries, was like a citadel over- awing all surroundings — General Dannenberg, now as- suming command, began the launching of Soimonoffs and Pauloff's columns, which were destined for six long hours to encounter alternately the most dogged resist- ance and the most desperate attacks that it is possible for men to make. 58 A SHORT HISTORY OF " Inkerman " was the supreme effort of the Czar against the western invaders, and under his personal supervision were formed the plans for their annihilation. Moreover, such was the confidence placed in these skilful designs, and in the overwhelming numbers by whom they were to be executed, that two Grand Dukes — Michael and Nicholas — were appointed not only to inspire the troops with enthusiasm, but to witness the surely expected triumph of their country's cause, that they, from personal observation, might afterward narrate in their proud capital the glorious spectacle of the Allies driven into the sea by the sanctified legions of " holy " Russia. The key of the English position was the Home Ridge, three-quarters of a mile south of Shell Hill, and against this central point the chief exertions of the enemy were directed, his steady endeavour being simply to crush by sheer weight of numbers the thin and broken line of our troops, which, at best, was little better than one of out-posts ; and, practically, as such they fought throughout the battle; nor in the proper sense of the term had they any such thing as reserves. General Dannenberg made his first attacks on Mount Inkerman with forces aggregating 25,000 infantry and 38 guns. To meet these advancing masses General Pennefather — who was temporarily in command of the Second Division through the illness of Sir De Lacy Evans — had but 3,000 men, with 12 guns under THE UNION JACK. 59 Colonel Fitzmayer. The English force on the north- eastern corner of the Chersonese, small and broken as that force was, steadily proving invincible, the assailing numbers were gradually increased, through the hours of the fight, to 40,000, while Dannenberg's artillery, along a mile of front, was belching fire from a hundred guns. In the meantime all the reinforcements that were available for our people amounted only to 14,200 with 50 guns. A series of defiles, ravines or gullies, beginning with the Careenage Ravine on the west to the Quarry Ravine on the east, ran up on the north side of Mount Inkerman,from the roadstead and the valley of the Tchernaya, and con- verged toward Home Ridge, the English centre, afford- ing the enemy easy ascent to Shell Hill and the toplands south. It was from such lairs as these (as well as from the flanking juts of Shell Hill) that his columns made their attacks, and the system of combat on our side was not to await his assaults but to strike him immediately and wherever his head was shown. These may have been "Donnybrook tactics" but the plan was almost in- variably successful. His masses, long before they could see an enemy, were harassed by our pickets, who plied them with a fire from their " Minies " as effective as it was steady ; and when at length they debouched from the glen or the brushwood, they were charged by a lew- score of our men, hastily got together by some officer 6o A SHORT HISTORY OF who led so resolutely that there was no halt till they were actually within the assailing mass ; the bayonet did the rest. Such was the exploit of General Buller's youthful aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Hugh Clifford, with some men of the 77th, which, with a "finishing touch" by Captain Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar and his picket of Grenadiers, completely routed the enemy's Under- road Column. Such, too, was the charge of Colonel Egerton, with 259 men of his regiment into the wing of a column 8,ooo strong, made with such impetuosity that their first opponents were completely shattered, and, continuing their onslaught, broke into the column itself and, with bayonet and butt, tore it asunder and sent it in retreat from the English Heights. Similarly, and with equal success, Colonel Mauleverer charged with 200 men of the 30th, whose rifles were, for the most part, too wet from their night's exposure to the rain, to take fire, — i.e., for the detonating-charge in the percussion-cap to reach the powder in the chamber of the barrel — and so were without any other resource than the bayonet with which to meet the masses of the Borodino regiment advancing up the face of Fore Ridge. And so it was all along the Mount Inkerman line — a series of independent and close combats in which com- panies struggled with regiments, and, completely isolated either by distance, by mist, or by brush-wood, each little THE UNION JACK. 6 1 party of Britons fought as though they were the only force in the field, and that upon them alone depended the honour and destiny of England. In such a spirit were the thousands met and worsted by the hundreds. The story of the Sandbag Battery is an account of a battle in itself. This was a small earth parapet, from eight to ten feet in height, with embrasures for two guns. It had been erected in the early days of the siege for the purpose of silencing a work on the opposite side of the valley, after which accomplishment it was dismantled. Never having been intended for infantry use, it, of course, lacked a banquette, and hence, when men once found themselves inside of it, they discovered that, far from affording them any advantage, it simply rendered them powerless. It stood facing a little north of east on the slopes of the Kitspur, and by reason of its having been mistakenly regarded as a link in the English chain of defence, it was on both sides fought for with a chivalry that defied death. It was the scene of the hottest work this day, for here was spent alike the energy and the blood of that splendid brigade of Guards against vastly overwhelming odds. At least seven times it was cap- tured during the course of the action, and such was the slaughter round this lethal spot that the French were wont to name it " L'abattoir." The most important incident of the battle was the bringing up of the ih'-poundcrs, which was accomplished 62 A SHORT HISTORY OF with great physical effort, and if ever a flash of genius influenced the fate of a battle it was when Lord Raglan was seized with the idea and determination to have re- course to the two heavy " long bills " with which to attack — for it was more than a defensive move ; it was an act of aggression — the enemy's domineering batteries on Shell Hill ; and from the moment of their opening fire Dannenberg's artillery ascendancy began to decline. So terribly destructive was the execution of these guns in the very heart of his position, the very base of his operations on Mount Inkerman, and so steadily was the devastation wrought, that eventually he was compelled to relinquish his commanding and all-important post. In the meantime his battalions, although they had fought with a fiendish braver}', had been repulsed at all points, and, considering further effort useless, General Dannen- berg, about I p.m., gave the order for his luckless forces to retire to the town. The French part in the fight dates from the arrival at 8 o'clock of two battalions of Bourbaki's brigade, the 6th of the line and the 7th Leger, in all 1,600 men. The first work of the former was their attack of the two Okhotsk battalions in flank as the latter were advancing upon Captain Burnaby and his Grenadiers in and near the Sandbag Battery, which resulted in the defeat of the Muscovites. The 7th Leger did good service, too, in opposing, with our troops, the advance of the enemy's great trunk column THE UNION JACK. 63 past the Barrier and against Home Ridge, but which was fortunately stopped — just as the young French battalion (in spite of the encouraging efforts of its own officers as well as the demonstrative exertions of General Penne- father and his staff) was breaking into retreat — by the brilliant charge of Colonel Daubeney at the head of thirty men of the 55th, which was one of the finest things performed throughout this heroic day. This little band of Englishmen, without firing a shot, fearlessly assailed the right flank of the great oncoming mass, and did not stop until they emerged from the opposite side of the column, through which its effect spread dismay. The opportunity was immediately taken advantage of by General Pennefather — the 7th Leger in the meantime having been reformed and aligned with 200 English under the 57th's colours and a party of 60 truant Zouaves, who had come up to the front of their own accord and chivalrously offered their services to General Pennefather — to advance against the palsied Russians, who at once began an orderly retreat and were soon out of sight in Quarry Ravine. Our artillery also was ably seconded by Boussiniere, with twelve guns. When General Bosquet arrived on the scene at 10 o'clock, followed quickly by a French force of horse, foot and artillery that numbered about 4,000 men, he had it in his power — such was the condition of the enemy, from 64 A SHORT HISTORY OF his repeated repulses and the work of the two 18- pounders — to deliver what another class of combatants call a '" knock out," but, innocently avoiding his adver- sary's "opening" and bearing away to the right, he, prac- tically, committed the same mistake that was made by Sir George Cathcart, which, we may reasonably say, cost the latter his life and very seriously compromised the Duke of Cambridge and his Guards. With his force harmlessly arrayed on Inkerman Tusk, he was surprised by a Russian column, which sprang on his left from Quarry Ravine, and, before his artillery could escape, captured one of his guns, while, out of courtesy, we must presume, or some other consideration — Bosquet himself said the Russian soldiery all but saluted him — they refrained from killing or capturing the French general. At the same time, taken in rear by another Russian battalion ascending the Kitspur, the French fell back in retreat ; and such was the pursuing fire of some pieces of the enemy's artillery not accessible to the two 18-pounders, that not only were those troops that sought refuge in rear of Boussiniere's guns com- pelled to continue their retreat, but the artillerymen, after having endured cruel losses in men and horses, were forced to seek safer ground for themselves and their cannon. Shortly afterward General D'Autemarre came up with three fresh battalions, and, with this addition of strength THE UNION JACK. 65 to his forces, General Bosquet determined to make a supreme effort to recover the ground from which he had been driven. In the meantime the Selinghinsk batta- lions were in possession of the Sandbag Battery and the surrounding portion of the Kitspur ; these were now assailed by the French, who, during the advance, had been joined by a party of the Coldstream Guards now in alignment on the right of the Zouaves ; the old dismantled earthwork was once more carried and the treacherous Kitspur ceased henceforth to be a scene of conflict. Although the French were now further reinforced by three battalions under Monet, making an infantry force of 7,500 men at the disposal of General Canrobert, and although pressed by Lord Raglan to use these troops for the relief of our weary soldiery, who since early dawn had been constantly fighting — frequently at close quarters, with great physical exertion, and for the most part, too, without breaking their fast — he stolidly refused to further employ this force in action, and, beyond their mere presence, they gave the English no assistance what- ever during the two remaining hours of the struggle. Prince Gortchakoff, with a force of all arms number- ing 22,000 men and showing a front of nearly five miles, from north to south, toward the eastern escarpment of the Chersonese, was charged with the duty of threaten- ing this portion of the allied line for the purpose of 66 A SHORT HISTORY OF preventing any assistance being given by the troops there stationed to the English force on Mount Inker- man, when it should be attacked by Soimonoff and Pauloff's 40,000, and whom Gortchakoff was to join with his division on a certain condition, which, fortunately, never happened. But in spite of this demonstration on their front, the real import of which was soon under- stood by the allies, the Duke of Cambridge and General Bosquet found easy opportunity to share in the fight on the English Heights. But not so fortunate was Sir Colin Campbell with his fine brigade of Highlanders, whose services would have been so welcome to their hard pressed and famishing comrades on the Inkerman front, but who not once throughout this glorious day were afforded an opportunity of drawing a trigger. Their duty being to cover Balaklava, in conjunction with General Vinoy's brigade, Prince Gortchakoffs menacing attitude imposed upon them the necessity of remaining inactive at their southern post. It has been said, and by at least one historian (Aubrey), that " Inkerman was the common soldiers'' battle. Strategy there was none." In no battle since men first faced each other in mortal combat was there such desperate fighting, such enduring valour as was displayed by the English common soldiery for seven hours on Mount Inkerman against terrible odds ; but they were invariably led and, as a rule, skilfully handled THE UNION JACK. 67 by their officers, each one of whom did his duty like a Paladin. On this point I quote from Kinglake's " Invasion of the Crimea " as follows: "The Russians, it is true, had masses so great and so dense in propor- tion to the ground they assailed that, despite the dim- ness of the atmosphere, their columns — too huge to be lost — could in general be reached by orders dispatched from elsewhere, and the whole of them might, therefore, if stead}', maintain that clear singleness of action and purpose which makes the strength of an army ; whilst the English force, on the contrary, was broken up into detachments so small and so far apart that the mist which lay heavy between them made their severance from each other complete ; and at many a spot, as we have seen, a young officer with a very scant following of soldiery and strong bodies of Russians before him, became, as it were, the supreme commander in a narrow field of action beyond the reach of control, and also cut off from all help. But this kind of isolation proved not altogether uncongenial to the peculiar people who are said to have been always warlike without having patience to be 'military'; and for once, notwithstanding old maxims, the slender and separate stems proved stronger than the closely bound fagot. A force which had greatness and unity gave way to a number of spontaneous efforts by segregated handfuls of men. The result was, of course, in a great measure owing to the high quality of the officers who thus found them- 68 A SHORT HISTORY OF selves invested with power, and yet, speaking generally, they were not selected men. Thornton Grant, Hugh Clifford, Prince Edward, Fordyce, Buller (with Egerton under him), John Turner, Bellairs, Mauleverer, Adams — all these, one after another, conducted separate fights, but excepting Buller and Adams (both brigadier- generals) none of them came into action with a prospect of independent command, such as that which circum- stance gave them. It seems hardly unsafe to conjecture that a number of leaders thus raised up into sudden power by the chances of battle, yet proving, every one of them, equal to the varying and successive occasions, were, after all, only fair samples of the body from which they came, and that, as regards both its officers and the soldiery under them, our army at Inkerman was rich in men able to cope with that kind of emergency which can best be met by sheer fighting." Now, there is very much in common between the battles of Waterloo and Inkerman, and, at the com- mencement of this note, we instituted this comparison ; we would ask here — without the slightest disparagement of Wellington's greatest fight, but in reply to those who have attempted to detract from the glory of the more recent battle — where was the strategy at Waterloo ? The English commander at Waterloo, like the English com- mander at Inkerman, was entirely on the defensive, and the plan jn both cases was one of simple resistance. The THE UNION JACK. 69 former in particular was a field, devoid of any scientific display on either side. Napoleon's scheme was simply to exhaust the endurance of the English infantry by a series of attacks delivered directly from his front. This is the way the Duke described it in a letter to Lord Beresford a few days after the fight : — " You will have heard of our battle of the 1 8th. Never did I see such a pounding match. Both were what the boxers call gluttons. Napoleon did not manoeuvre at all. He just moved forward in the old style, in columns, and was driven off in the old style." At Inkerman Prince Mentschikoff's idea was to overwhelm the allies with his numerical superiority. In both battles the English commanders relied upon allies to assist in striking a finishing blow ; in the Duke's case, his ex- pectations on this score were realized ; in Lord Raglan's, he was disappointed. Waterloo was the greatest victory ever won on land by British arms, but, apart from the interests at issue and the effects of the battles upon the defeated, Inkerman is the greatest fight in the annals of the British army. It is for this reason that we have treated this battle at such length, for the details of which, as well as of the others of the Russian war, we have relied chiefly upon the incomparable work of the late Mr. Kin-lake previously referred to. 7o A SHORT HISTORY OF Battle. Commander. Date. Reign and Opposing Power. SEBASTOPOL. James Simpson. Sept. 8, 1855. Victoria v. Russia. The siege of Sebastopol lasted 349 days and was terminated by the capture of the Malakoff, the key of the Russian position, by the French, after the work had been almost silenced by the terrible fire of the English batteries during the three previous days of the bom- bardment, the Mamelon throughout that period remain- ing all but silent. The walls round the fort had been nearly levelled by the continuous artillery fire that was specially directed against this principal work ; so that the stormers, after a dash of only twenty-five yards, could walk directly into it without the necessity of an escalade. The Russians were taken by surprise, and before they could recover themselves the assailants were in possession. No one knew better than General Pelissier that the chief difficulty in connection with the capture of the Malakoff was not the getting into the work, but the holding of it long enough to bring his reserves and artillery into action and put the place in a state of defence. It was exactly this result that the capture of the Redan by the English — as well as the French attack of the Central Bastion — and their heroic resistance there for nearly two hours accomplished ; for, after the THE UNION JACK. 7 I surprise of the Malakoff, the larger number of its de- fenders rushed to the Redan to aid in repelling the assault of the English, which was not effected until nearly two o'clock, by which time the Malakoff, in the meantime comparatively free from Russian attack, was in a condition to successfully resist any attempt that the Russians, after having been freed from duty at the Redan and the Central Bastion, could make to recover it. The diversions, therefore, of the English at the Redan and the corps of General de Salles at the Central Bastion conduced as much to the success of this day as did the assault of the Malakoff itself, for certain it is that, but for the former, the retention of the latter would have been impossible. Speaking of the sacrifice of our men under Colonel Windham, it is said by one writer : " This was exactly in accordance with the tactics of the great Napoleon, who was in the habit of sacrificing a certain number of men in order to secure the object in view. He would say to the colonel of a regiment, without mincing the matter, 'allez-vous faire tuer, vous et votre regiment,' when he sent a devoted corps to the attack of a redoubt or a position which there was not the slightest chance of taking, but in order to facilitate the success of another part of the arm)-. And the corps of General de Salles, who attacked the Central Bastion and was repulsed, was olaced in the same position as the English, except that J2 A SHORT HISTORY OF the work it had to do was not quite so desperate. The devoted band who attacked the Redan, as well as the French under de Sa-lles, were the forlorn hope — les enfants perdus — of the allied armies. And what was the result ? Notwithstanding all the force brought against them our poor fellows occupied the place and held the Russians in check, not merely for an hour as requested by General Pelissier, but for nearly double that time, and that against immense masses of the enemy General Pelissier had, then, double the time of respite he asked of General Simpson, and during this interval the French had made the most of their time. The approaches on the French side were levelled so as to allow the entrance of artillery and the rapid advance of the reserves. A riumber of field-pieces by this means were brought up and placed in battery, and the Imperial Guard were entered for the defence in addition to the troops employed in the assault. The cannon of the Russians were turned against the enemy and the place in a manner fortified against the Russians themselves. After this the Malakoff was secure and could not be retaken. It is true that after the Russians had finally repulsed the English, but not till then, they returned to the assault of the French in the Malakoff; and they brought their whole army to this operation. But it was too late." It is right, therefore, that our regiments have included the name, " Sebastopol," among the battle-honours em- THE UNION JACK. 73 blazoned on their colours, for, equally with their gallant allies, they share the glory of this memorable day. During the night Prince Gortschakoff evacuated the town, which, by fire and explosion, he endeavoured to completely destroy. By means of a pontoon bridge previously constructed across the harbour, his army marched over to the north side, where he took up a new- position on the right bank of the Tchernaya with Mac- kenzie's farm as his centre, the remaining ships of his fleet having, in the meantime, either been burnt or scuttled and sunk in the harbour. Sebastopol was not a fortress, but a military position of the greatest strength, by reason of the natural con- figuration of the ground, which the lack, on the part of the allies, of a line of circumvallation, permitted the Russians to augment rapidly and steadily under the direction of the greatest engineering genius of his day, Todleben, whose extraordinary defences, constructed in the presence of a powerful enemy — for on the 26th of September, when the English arrived on the south side, Sebastopol was practically open and only defended by the vessels in the harbour — and which he had made good against six bombardments, form one of the greatest achievements in military mechanics in modern times. So, too, in the absence of investment, it is incorrect t<> speak of the operations before Sebastopol as a siege ; the place being completely open in rear, there was 74 A SHORT HISTORY OF nothing, from first to last, to prevent the defenders having the amplest recourse to all the resources of the empire to aid them- in the struggle, and the wonder is that the allies were able to take it at all by direct assault. In the final bombardment the allies used 700 cannon. The total weight of shot and shell expended by the English alone before Sebastopol was nine thousand and fifty-three tons, to project which twelve hundred and thirty-nine tons of gunpowder were used. The cannon captured by the allies reached the enor- mous number of four thousand pieces, for which, also, there were found 100,000 projectiles. The military novelties of the siege were : — (1) Rifled ordnance, or rather ordnance so constructed as to give the projectile a revolving motion as in the case of rifled small-arms ; such was the " Lancaster " or oval-bore gun used here ; (2) Electric telegraph connecting head- quarters in camp with the War Office in London ; (3) Railway from port of supply to the front, and, " last but not least," (4) The newspaper war correspondent. Battle. Commander. Date. Reign and Opposing Power. DELHI. LUCKNOW.' Archdale Wilson. Sir Colin Campbell. Sept, 20, 1857. March 19, 1S5S. Victoria v. Oude. ii M 1 On the 25th of September Sir James Outram and General Havelock fought their way to the Residency, THE UNION JACK. 75 which had been besieged by the mutineers for eighty- seven days, and whose little garrison, having lost two commandants, the brave Sir Henry Lawrence and Major Banks, were reduced to the severest straits. Colonel Inglis, although nearly a hundred and fifty of his small force were sick and wounded, and the care of four hun- dred and fifty women and children had to be provided for, not only continued to repel daily assaults, but, when- ever opportunity offered, took the offensive, no less than five sorties having been made by the garrison, when two of the enemy's heaviest guns were spiked and several houses blown up from which the insurgents had kept up a most harassing fire upon the defenders ; but when, at last, they were reached by the relieving force, it was found that the besiegers had so advanced their mines that another day would have sealed the fate of the heroic band. Of their matchless resistance the London Tims thus spoke:— "The defence of that place is, we believe, without precedent in modern warfare. Fortified towns defended by sufficient force have ere now repelled for months the attacks of an army, and in some case s courage and desperation have struggled against over- whelming odds; but neither Genoa nor Saragossa can rival in heroism the little Residency of Lucknow." Sir James Outram, however, finding it impossible to extricate the women, children and non-combatants, remained with the united forces until finally relieved by Sir Colin Campbell on the 17th November. This reliev j6 A SHORT HISTORY OF ing expedition under the Commander-in-Chief was com- posed as follows : — A European horse battery, two troops of horse-artillery, sixty Royal Artillerymen with two 18-pounders and two 8-inch mortars; 320 of the 9th Lancers, detachments of Her Majesty's 5th, 8th, 53rd, 75th and 93rd, and 300 of the Naval Brigade, or, including the 900 joining him from Alumbagh, above 3,000 Europeans in all : besides a squadron of Sikhs and of Hodson's Horse, 1,000 Sikh infantry, sappers and miners, etc., or an additional 2,000 natives. In the face of 50,000 insurgents in and about Lucknow, Sir Colin, with the comparatively small force at his disposal, deemed it unwise to attempt a capture of the city at this stage ; the abandonment of the Residency was, accordingly, decided upon, but the chief difficulty was the safe removal of the sick and wounded, and the women and children ; the withdrawal, however, was planned with such skill and executed with such precision that, throughout the arduous operation, not one was lost. In a despatch, dated Alumbagh, Nov. 25th, to the Governor-General, the Commander-in-Chief records the incidents connected with the evacuation of the Lucknow Residency. After giving an account of three days' skirmishes with the enemy, Sir Colin proceeds thus : — " Having led the enemy to believe that immediate assault was contemplated, orders were issued for the retreat of the garrison through the lines of our pickets at midnight on the 22nd. THE UNION JACK. yj "The ladies and families, the wounded, the treasure, the guns it was thought worth while to keep, the ord- nance stores, the grain still possessed by the commis- sariat of the garrison, and the state prisoners had all been previously removed. " Sir James Outram had received orders to burst the guns which it was thought undesirable to take away ; and he was finally directed silently to evacuate the Residency of Lucknow at the hour indicated. " The dispositions to cover their retreat and to resist the enemy should he pursue, were ably carried out by Brigadier the Hon. Adrian Hope ; but I am happy to say the enemy was completely deceived, and he did not attempt to follow. On the contrary, he began firing on our old positions many hours after we had left them. The movement of retreat was admirably executed, and was a perfect lesson in such combinations. " Each exterior line came gradually retiring through its supports, till at length nothing remained but the last line of infantry and guns, with which I was myself to crush the enemy if he had dared to follow up the pickets. "The only line of retreat lay through a long and tortuous lane, and all these precautions were absolutely necessary to insure the safety of the force." Sir Colin fell back on Cawnpore, whence the women, children, etc., were forwarded to Calcutta. 78 A SHORT HISTORY OF In the meantime the army sustained a severe loss in the death of one of its most distinguished generals, Sir Henry Havelock, who died on the 25th of November, at Alumbagh, from dysentery, brought on by exposure and anxiety. He had been in every Indian victory from the capture of Bhurtpore to the battle of Goojerat, and his record shed the brightest lustre over British arms in India. Early in the following March, 1858, Sir Colin Camp- bell was again before Lucknow, this time with an adequate force — about 40,000 men, of whom nearly one- half were Europeans — of which a very large proportion was artillery, under the command of Sir Archdale Wilson, of Delhi, at whose disposal were 250 pieces of ordnance, many of them being heavy siege-guns. On the 9th the attack began, and by the 19th every post still offering resistance was successfully stormed and Lucknow at last was in our complete possession, and that, too, with comparatively small loss owing to skilful generalship. Oude was the stronghold of the mutiny, and with the fall of Lucknow the speedy and final conquest of the kingdom was assured. In the suppression of the Sepoy Revolt the British troops covered themselves with fresh glory, and never were their courage, endurance and devotion more severely tested than in this arduous campaign, in periods of THE UNION JACK. 79 which resistance might reasonably seem without chance of success, but in which they never for a moment faltered. In these emergencies it was not the possible scintilla of hope that sustained them, it was duty — that patient, stoical submission to destiny inspired by a chival- rous sense of honour, that never dreams of fear, and, in action, brooks neither doubt nor hesitation. Such was the conduct of the men : as much may be said of the women of that army — many of them ladies who, in their maiden lives, saw nothing but luxury — who shared the dangers and the trials of this horrible rebel- lion. " I cannot refrain," says Colonel Inglis in his official report of the siege of Lucknow, " from bringing to the prominent notice of his Lordship in Council the patient endurance and the Christian resignation which have been evinced by the women of this garrison. They have animated us by their example. Many, alas ! have been made widows, and their children fatherless, in this cruel struggle. But all such seemed resigned to the will of Providence, and many, among whom may be men- tioned the honoured names of Birch, of Polehampton, of Barbor, and of Gall, have, after the example of Miss Nightingale, constituted themselves the tender and solici- tous nurses of the wounded and dying soldiers in the hospital." Great, however, as is the honour won by English sol- diers in this campaign, it is equalled, if not surpassed, l>\ 80 A SHORT HISTORY OF the chivalry of those native troops who remained loyal to the flag, in the face of the most cruel circumstances that could possibly befall a soldiery different in race and creed to the authorities who ruled or commanded it. And the conduct of those faithful sepoys in resisting alike the seduccments and the threats of their late com- rades (now misguided and defected through foreign treachery) at the time in the ascendant, is the relieving feature of this unfortunate revolt. This will be the better understood by the following extract from Briga- dier Inglis's report above referred to : — "With respect to the native troops, I am of opinion that their loyalty has never been surpassed. They were indifferently fed and worse housed. They were exposed, especially the 13th Regiment, under the gallant Lieutenant Aitken, to a most galling fire of round-shot and musketry, which materially decreased their numbers. They were so near the enemy that conversation could be carried on between them ; and every effort, persuasion, promise and threat was alternately resorted to in vain to seduce them from their allegiance to the handful of Europeans, who, in all probability, would have been sacrificed by their desertion." But the hero of this eventful period was the gallant General by whose consummate genius the rebellion had been so successfully crushed. He was as perfect a sol- dier as he was excellent a man, and the annals of the British armv contain no more worthy name than that THE UNION JACK. 8 1 of Colin Campbell. Entering the service a poor lad of fifteen, "a friendless and penniless subaltern," he forced his way to the rank of Field Marshal, and to the colonelcy of a regiment of the Guards ; and although no man cared less for either, he obtained two of the proverbial distinctions which are associated with the profession of arms: in his life he climbed to the Peerage, and in death he reposes in Westminster Abbey. The following is a synopsis of this distinguished career : — The Right Hon. Sir Colin Campbell, G.C.B., K.S.I. , D.C.L., Baron Clyde, of Clydesdale, in Scotland, was the son of John McLiver, cabinet maker, of Glasgow, and was born there on the 20th of October, 1792. His mother was a Campbell, of the Campbells of Islay. He adopted her name, and through her and her family obtained his first commission in the British army. He entered the service as an ensign in the 9th Foot, on the 26th of May, 1808, and became a lieutenant on the 28th of June in the following year. He was in the midst of war at the very commencement of his long and brilliant course. He began with the victory of Vimiera. He was in the Walcheren expedition, and shared in the toil and glory of Corunna, under Sir John Moore. He was at Osma, Vittoria, and the relief of the posts in the valley of Malaga. He was severely wounded at the passage of the Bidassoa, a musket shot passing through his thigh. At the assault of San Sebastian, 6 82 A SHORT HISTORY OF where he heroically led the forlorn hope, he was twice wounded. In 1813 he was honourably mentioned, and, as Captain Campbell, he, in 1814 and 181 5, served in the 60th Rifles in the American War, his presence in that campaign probably preventing his being at Waterloo. His turn of peace-duty took him for some years to the West Indies, and in 1823 he acted as brigade-major or the troops engaged in quelling the insurrection in Deme- rara. He became a major in 1825, a lieutenant-colonel in 1832, and a colonel and aide-de-camp to the Queen in 1842. He again saw active service that year in China, where he commanded the 98th Regiment at the siege and capture of Chin-Kiang-Foo, and was present at the subsequent operations near Nankin. His first Indian career commenced about 1844, when he led the 39th at Maharajpore. II is command of the Third Division throughout the Punjaub war in 1848-49 established his fame. He was at Ramnugger, at the passage of the Chenab, at Chillianwallah, where he was wounded, and at Goojerat. In 1849 he was created a K.C.B., and re- ceived the thanks of Parliament and of the East India Company for his conduct in the campaign. In 185 1 and 1852, and the following year, whilst brigadier-general commanding the Peshawur districts, he was continually engaged in operations against the hill- tribes surrounding the valley, including the forcing of the Kohat Pass, under Sir Charles Napier ; and repeated affairs with the Momunds, who finally made terms after their defeat at THE UNION JACK. 8$ Punj Pao by a small detachment of cavalry and horse- artillery under Sir Colin Campbell's immediate com- mand — the combined tribes numbering upwards of 8,000 men. He returned to England in 1853, with the reputa- tion of a general ; but his promotion had been so slow that in 1854, when sixty-two years of age, his rank in the army was only that of colonel. In that year he was promoted to the grade of major-general and took the command of the Highland Brigade of the First Division of our forces in the Crimea : at the close of the war he was again thanked by Parliament for his services. He was created a G.C.B. and attained the rank of lieutenant- general in 1856; he was promoted to the colonelcy of the 67th Regiment, and was honoured with the degree of D.C.L. by the University of Oxford. He received also the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour, the Sardinian order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus, and the Turkish order of the Medjidie, first-class, with a medal ; also the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Balaklava and Sebastopol ; the war medal with five clasps, the Chinese medal, and the Punjaub medal with two clasps, and was nominated military aide-de-camp to Her Majesty. His fellow citizens of Glasgow voted him a sword of honour, of beautiful design and exquisite workmanship, costing 280 guineas, which was presented to the distin- guished warrior by Sir Archibald Alison: the City of London also honoured him with their freedom. On the receipt in England of the terrible news of the sudden in- 84 A SHORT HISTORY OF surrection in India, Sir Colin Campbell accepted the command-in-chief, and within twenty-four hours started for the scene of operations, arriving in Calcutta on the 29th of August, 1857. He was at Alumbagh in Novem- ber ; he occupied Delkooshah and Martiniere, and then * hastened to the assistance of Outram and Havelock and the relief of Lucknow as above described. Sir Colin was wounded at Lucknow. His other victorious battles at this time were Cawnpore, Nov. 3rd ; the defeat of the Gwalior Contingent, Nov. 6th ; Futtehghur, Jan. 2nd, 1858 ; a defeat of the rebels again, Feb. nth. The final capture of Lucknow the following month put a period to the insurrection, and Sir Colin was saluted as the pre- server of British empire in India. On the 16th of August, 1858, he was raised to the peerage with the title of Baron Clyde and a pension of ,£2,000 a year was con- ferred upon him, receiving at the same time the thanks of both Houses of Parliament. In 1859 ne returned to England, and in June, i860, was appointed colonel of the Coldstream Guards. When the order of knighthood the Star of India was created in 1861, Lord Clyde, of course, was placed among the first and chief recipients of the honour. Throughout his long and active career Lord Clyde's constitution proved as unyielding as iron to disease, but the death of his old friend and illustrious companion in arms, Sir James Outram, in March, 1863, was a shock THE UNION JACK. 85 which seemed destined to sap his vitality. Shortly afterward he was seized with an illness which was followed by atrophy, and on the 14th of August, at General Eyre's house at Chatham, the lion-hearted hero passed peacefully away. On Saturday, the 22nd, his remains were interred in Westminster Abbey, close beside those of his noble comrade, Sir James Outram, over whose grave only a few months previously he bent in deep grief. His tomb bears the following inscription : — " Beneath this stone rest the remains of Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde, who by his own deserts, through fifty years of arduous service, from the* earliest battles in the Penin- sular War to the Pacification of India, in 1858, rose to the rank of Field- Marshal and the Peerage. He died lamented by the Queen, the army, and the people, August the 14th, 1863, in the seventy-first year of his age." It is a source of pride to Canadians that Colonel Inglis — afterwards Sir J. E. Inglis, K.C.B., — the daunt- less defender of the Lucknow Residency from the time of Major Banks' death until the arrival of Generals Outram and Havelock, was born in Halifax, where both his father and grandfather resided as Bishops of Nova Scotia. In 1858 an address was passed by the two Houses of the Provincial Parliament to their distin- guished fellow-countryman. 86 A SHORT HISTORY OF When the mother-country was under the pressure of the great Indian rebellion, Canada offered to raise a regiment and place it at the disposal of the Home Government. The offer was cordially accepted, and in an incredibly short space of time a regiment, recruited entirely in Canada, was enrolled and completed. In succession to the Ninety-ninth, which was the last regi- ment on the Army List, it was numbered the Hundredth Recriment of Foot, and inscribed in full as the Prince of Wales' Royal Canadian Regiment. This, however, was not the first regiment of that num- ber ; there had before been one known as the iooth Prince Regent's Regiment, which was disbanded in 1 8 1 8. The peculiarity of this Canadian creation was that it was a regiment raised in the colonies from the colonial population, and yet enrolled among the regular bat- talions of the army for indiscriminate service in any part of the world. No instance of this kind had ever occurred before. A Royal American Regiment was, indeed, once included as the 6oth of the line in the strength of the army ; but its constitution never resem- bled that of the iooth. It was raised about the middle of the last century, and united in its composition the characteristics of a colonial corps with those of a foreign legion. It was intended for duty in British America, but it was open especially to foreign volunteers who might be disposed to enlist for colonial service under the THE UNION JACK. 87 British Crown. After the termination of the war of Independence the 60th lost its American character, but still retained much of its foreign stamp ; and having been converted into a rifle regiment of no fewer than forty companies, it furnished the army with sharp- shooters through the wars which ensued. At no time, however, was there a regiment of the Line, disposable like other regiments for the ordinary service of the empire, raised in America or from American colonists. On the institution of the Territorial system the title of the 1 ooth was changed, and by Royal Warrant, dated 1st July, 1 88 1, was styled the 1st Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians), under which designation it still forms part of the regular infantry of the army. The year following the organization of the new 100th the regiment was presented with colours by the Prince of Wales, which ceremony was described by the London News as follows : — " The first public act of the Prince of Wales was per- formed last week at Shorncliffe. On Monday, the 10th inst. (January 1859), his Royal Highness presented colours to the regiment raised in Canada, and called the 1 ooth, or Prince of Wales' Royal Canadian Regiment of Foot. " The Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge, attended by their respective suites, arrived at the camp from Folkestone, under an escort from the nth Hussars, 88 A SHORT HISTORY OF at 2 o'clock p.m. His Royal Highness was received by a Royal salute from the troops on the ground, consisting of three batteries of the Royal Artillery, one squadron of the nth Hussars, two troops of the Military Train, one company of Sappers and Miners, the I ith Regiment of Foot, the iooth Regiment, and the Royal Dublin City Militia. " The whole of the troops on the ground were com- manded by Lieut-General Mansel, K.H., Commandant of the South-Eastern Division. Lord Melville, Colonel of the iooth, and Major-General Crawford, as well as several other officers of distinction, were present. "The infantry were formed in line, and the cavalry and artillery at right angles to them on either flank, the iooth Regiment being the centre of the line. " The Prince passed down the front of the line, the Duke of Cambridge making remarks upon each corps to his Royal Highness, evidently denoting satisfaction, and seeming particularly struck with the fine body of men composing the iooth Regiment. " After this his Royal Highness took up a position in the centre of the line, and the iooth Regiment, being advanced about forty paces, formed three sides of a square by the wheeling up of three of its companies upon both flanks ; the drums were piled in the centre, and im- mediately before the Prince, and upon them were placed the two colours to be presented. THE UNION JACK. 89 " The Chaplain (Rev. E. G. Parker) having read the form of prayer for blessing the colours, the two majors, Lieut.-Col. Robertson and Major Dunn, took the colours and handed them to the Prince, upon which the two senior Ensigns of the regiment advanced and, kneeling before his Royal Highness, received them from him, and, rising, remained in that position whilst the Prince addressed the regiment as follows : — Lord Melville, Colonel de Rottenburg, and Officers and Soldiers of the 100th Regiment, — It is most gratifying to me that, by the Queen's gracious permission, my first public act since I have had the honour of holding a commission in the British army should be the presentation of colours to a regiment which is the spontaneous offering of the loyal and spirited Canadian people, and with which, at their desire, my name has been specially associated. The cere- monial in which we are now engaged possesses a peculiar signifi- cance and solemnity, because, in confiding to you for the first time this emblem of military fidelity and valour, I not only recognize emphatically your enrolment into our national force, but celebrate an act which proclaims and strengthens the unity of the various parts of this vast empire under the sway of our common Sovereign. Although, owing to my youth and inexperience, I can but very imperfectly give expression to the sentiments which this occasion is calculated to awaken with reference to yourselves and to the great and flourishing province of Canada, you may rest assured that I shall ever watch the progress and achievements of your gallant corps with deep interest, and that I heartily wish you all honour and success in the prosecution of the noble career on which you have entered. "The Prince's address was listened to with profound attention, both by the officers and the men of the regi- ment ; and, although delivered in a tolerably loud tone 90 A SHORT HISTORY OF of voice, was spoken with quiet emphasis, and without the least appearance of hesitation or timidity. "Colonel, the Baron de Rottenburg, who is in command of the regiment, replied as follows : — May it please your Royal Highness, — As the immediate Com- manding Officer of your Royal Highness's Canadian Regiment, I tender my humble duty to your Royal Highness for the honour which you have done the regiment this day in condescending to present its colours, and for the gracious terms in which you have addressed the officers and men. I assure your Royal Highness that we are all deeply grateful for this act on the part of your Royal Highness. The great colony in which this regiment was raised, amongst whose ranks hundreds of its sons are serving, and all who belong to it are more or less connected with Canada, will also feel most grateful for the honour which the first regiment raised in a colony for general service has received from your Royal Highness; and I assure you that at the call of our Sovereign, Canada would send ten such regiments as this one in defence of the empire, should such an emergency ever arise requiring their services. The iooth Regiment has received its first colours in the most honour- able manner that such could be bestowed, viz., from the hands of the illustrious heir to the throne of this empire. It rests with the regiment to maintain their colours always with honour : I confi- dently assure your Royal Highness that they will do so. If these colours are ever unfurled in the presence of an enemy, the officers and men of the iooth Regiment will be ready to shed their blood in the defence of their colours, of their Queen, and of their country. I again humbly thank your Royal Highness for the honour you have done the regiment. THE UNION JACK. 91 " The youthful Prince performed his part of the cere- mony in a most able manner — the whole tenor of his bearing being cool, manly and dignified, such as would have done credit to one over whose head forty summers had passed. It made a great impression upon every officer and man of the regiment. "After the addresses the colours were marched through the ranks of the regiment from left to right ; they were saluted, and then placed in their proper position in the centre of the regiment. The whole of the troops then broke into open columns and marched past the Prince in quick time and then returned to quarters. "The Prince subsequently partook of an elegant lunch- eon in the officers' mess of the 100th Regiment and left shortly afterwards for Dover, amidst the enthusiastic cheering of the men of the 100th Regiment, who, almost to a man, turned out of their own accord, and made the air ring with the expression of their loyalty. " In the evening the officers of the 100th Regiment gave a ball and supper, which was numerously at- tended, and went off with great eclat. "In further celebration of the day the non-commissioned officers of the regiment invited a numerous circle of friends to a ball and supper, which was, by the permis- sion of the authorities, allowed to be held in the mess- room of the C range." 92 A SHORT HISTORY OF More than once since the mutiny Canada has offered to furnish troops for the defence of the empire. In 1878, during the war between Russia and the Ottoman empire, when, after the fall of Plevna, the conquerors marched further south and penetrated the Balkans, with every prospect of their ignoring the Treaty of Paris of 1856, and pushing on until they became masters of Constanti- nople ; when the fleet was sent into Turkish waters, and at home the Reserves were called out ; when another great war seemed inevitable ; then again it was that Canadians showed themselves ready to face the threat- ened storm with their brothers over seas. In 1884 a Canadian contingent was with Lord Wolseley in the Soudan ; and in 1896, when the President of the United States, in his message to Congress concerning the Anglo- Venezuelan boundary dispute, recklessly threatened England with possible war, Her Majesty's subjects in the loyal Dominion promptly and enthusiastically tendered their services to the mother-country for any emergency. And there can be no doubt that, in proportion as the power and prestige of England increases and the develop- ment and prosperity of the empire continues to excite foreign jealousy, especially in nations mistakenly claim- ing a freer and more progressive form of government, so will the different sections of the great British community be drawn more closely together in the common weal, for " Blood is thicker than water." THE UNION JACK. 93 Battle. CANDAHAR ALEXANDRIA' TEL-EL-KEBIR. 2 COMMANHF.R. Sir Frederick Roberts. Sir Beauehamp Seymour. Sir Garnet Wolseley. Datb. Sept. 1, 1S80. July 11, 18S2. Sept. 13, 1882. Keign and OppobdH) Power. Victoria v. Afghanistan ii v. Egypt. 1 The most conspicuous incident of this engagement was the brilliant work of.H.M. Gunboat Condor, and to this little vessel and her gallant commander, Lord Charles Beresford, belong the chief laurels of the action. Ordered at 7.20 a.m. by the admiral to engage Fort Marabout, which was somewhat harassing the vessels Penelope, Invincible and Monarch, which were bombard- ing the Mex Forts, the little Condor ran in right under- the enemy's guns and engaged him, practically, at close quarters. In a very short time the Condor, though carrying only three small guns — two 64-pounders and one 112-pounder — while the fort was reckoned the second strongest in Alexandria, mounting four powerful and twenty smaller smooth bore guns, succeeded in silencing all the guns but one ; the plucky achievement being acknowledged by the Admiral in the now familiar signal, " Well done, Condor!' Admiral Seymour's management of the squadron was a perfect scientific demonstration, and he received by telegraph Her Majesty's congratulations on the success of the operations. On his return to England at the 94 A SHORT HISTORY OF close of the campaign he was raised to the peerage with the title of Baron Alcester ; he died in 1895. The bombardment of Alexandria was the first practi- cal test of modern heavy rifled guns of the " Infant " class, and the result proved that, in comparison with the old pattern ordnance, their effectiveness was more than proportionate to the increased cost of construction of the weapon, as well as of the projectile, and the size of the firing-charge. As an example of the expensiveness of modern cannon, the 67-ton breech-loading gun of 13^ inch bore and firing a shot of 1,250 lbs. weight, costs over £13,500 to make, and it takes Woolwich Arsenal upwards of a year and a half to turn one out, while its life, in the language of artillerists, is only 120 rounds fired with full charges. The 22-ton gun, the smallest type of heavy breech-loader carried in the modern ships of the Royal Navy, attains a range of 21,800 yards, or nearly 12 miles. The cost of this gun is £5,000, and its firing charge is 144 lbs. of powder, with a projectile of 380 lbs. weight — the round costing £33. To go outside our own service (for Canada is well represented in the Royal Navy, and a Canadian has recently been promoted to the rank of rear-admiral, Archibald Lucius Douglas, a native of the city of Quebec, where he was born in 1842. So, too, the late Admiral Sir Provo Wallis, " The father of the Fleet " at the time of his death, in 1892, was a Nova Scotian ; and THE UNION JACK. 95 we hope the day is not far distant when Canada, as an important member of that great community which it is the office of the Royal Navy to protect, will take an active participation in this powerful and glorious service by contributing more to its force and sharing in the responsibilities of its maintenance), the Krupp steel 130-ton gun has a range of 15 miles, and can fire two shots a minute. The shot weighs 2,600 pounds, and 700 pounds of powder are required for a charge. The cost of a single round from this gun is $1,500. The powder used by these guns is very coarse, some- times being in grains as large as two inch prisms. The object of this is to have it burn more slowly, although the shot has a greater muzzle-velocity by reason of the length of bore through which it has to go. It has the further advantage of producing not a sudden blow, compara- tively speaking, but a steady pressure, so that the strain on the gun is not so great. The English 110-ton gun has a firing-charge of 450 lbs. of powder behind a pro- jectile that weighs a ton ; if so great a quantity of powder were of fine grain the shock of sudden explosion would probably destroy the gun. 2 A prominent feature of the Egyptian expedition was the presence of representative squadrons of the House- hold Cavalry. The last active service of the Life Guards had been at Waterloo, since which campaign their duty comprised nothing more exciting than the usual barrack g6 A SHORT HISTORY OF routine, attending State ceremonials, mounting guard, etc., and the splendid fellows of the premier corps had become the butt of satirical radicals, who begrudged every shilling voted for the maintenance of the historic brigade. They were frequently taunted with "existing merely to be looked at " ; so that when the opportunity was given them to share in this active foreign service it was seized with avidity as a chance to prove their effectiveness in war, of which it was said that even no less an authority than the Commander-in-Chief of the expedition (then Sir Garnet Wolseley) had doubts. If this be true, he must have been amazed at their success- ful work at Tel-el-Mahuta, the 25th of August, the very next day after their landing, when nearly 10,000 of the enemy were dispersed by their irresistible charge and the work captured which threatened to cut off the chief water supply to a large section of country. In addition to this great advantage, five Krupp guns and seventy- five railway-vans laden with provisions were captured. At Kassassin, three days later, when General Graham's advance-guard was hard pressed by harassing attacks from the enemy — the British force comprising only 1,875 men and four guns, three of which had but twenty- five rounds of ammunition — he sent to Mahsameh for reinforcements, the Egyptians having now appeared in full force — some 8,000 infantry, 1,000 cavalry, and 12 guns. A detachment of the Household Brigade and the THE UNION JACK. 97 7th Dragoon Guards, under General Drury Lowe, was at once despatched to Graham's assistance, together with four guns of the Royal Horse Artillery and a body of Marines. Upon their arrival on the scene the guns were galloped to the front, and, unlimbering under a hot fire, soon made awful gaps with their shells in the enemy's ranks, silencing his artillery and preparing the way for a decisive blow by the Whitehall giants. Then " cease firing " was sent to the guns and " charge " to the Heavies, who, now unleashed, sprang from their ground and thundered upon the foe, Colonel Ewart, like Scarlett and Cardigan at Balaklava, showing the way. " The dense line of riflemen," said the Times, describ- ing this charge, " was broken like a sheet of glass, and Arabi's troops were hurled backwards to the earth by shock of towering horse and dint of heavy blade ; and for some distance the enthusiastic troopers, who lately were sitting so serenely at Whitehall, chased the crowd of shrieking fugitives, cutting them down right and left." This spirited cavalry charge was one of the most brilliant * achievements of the campaign. So, at Tel-el-Kebir, the work was finished by the Household Brigade, with the Dragoon Guards, and the native Indian cavalry, who cut to pieces the tide of retreating soldiery and brought the war to a close by the capture of Arabi at Abassiyeh the following day. 7 98 A SHORT HISTORY OF On the return of the Life Guards and the Blues to London they were given an ovation, and the English public, by every possible sign, manifested its appreciation of their splendid services in the late war, and which have, we trust forever, stopped the mouths of radical traducers. An important section of Sir Garnet Wolseley's force consisted of native Indian troops, in all about 5,500 men, under the command of Major-General Sir Herbert T. Macpherson, K.C.B., V.C., one of the heroes, under Outram and Havelock, of the Lucknow Relief, in which arduous service he won the soldier's most dearly prized distinction, the Victoria Cross ; and, for thirty years prior to this Egyptian campaign, prominently identified with the Indian army. It was the first campaign of any note in which Eng- land had employed such troops outside of India. When, in 1878, the Reserves were called out and orders issued for the despatch of 7,000 Indian soldiers to Malta, the action of the Government was severely criticized through- out the kingdom, and condemned by the Opposition as unexampled and unconstitutional. Lord Beaconsfield, however, disputed that assertion, and explained that the step was neither illegal nor without precedent. Native Indian troops, he said, had been sent from India for service in the Cape ; for four years, during a period of disturbance, the Straits Settlements had been garrisoned by the Madras native infantry ; and again Indian troops THE UNION JACK. 99 had been employed in Hong-Kong, and during the war in Abyssinia. So much for the absence of precedent. Nor was there, he contended, any Act of Parliament for- bidding the use of native Indian troops for European warfare ; the provisions of the Mutiny Act referred only to the tvJiite army serving in India, and not to the native soldiery ; and since the native Indian army were forces of the Crown, the Sovereign had an absolute right — a right not limited — to move such troops whither she pleased. So much, he said, for the unconstitutional character of the proceeding. The Indian contingent did not arrive in the Suez Canal till after Kassassin, but at the close of the day of Tel-el-Kebir these eastern troops had marched more than thirty miles over sandy roads under an Egyptian sun and fought a victorious battle within the space of sixteen hours. Such men merited, indeed, the congratulations of the Viceroy of India, as having "added fresh lustre to the reputation of the Indian army," and proved them- selves in every way worthy the encomiums passed upon them by the Indian Government ; for, amidst the finest troops of which England can boast, none proved them- selves more gallant, none more loyal, none more zealous, than the swarthy and faithful soldiers of our Indian empire. The result of the work of the Indian Contingent in this war was thus expressed by one of the leading IOO A SHORT HISTORY OF London papers :—" The events of the Egyptian cam- paign have shown, in a way not open to misconstruction, that the troops of Hindustan are the troops of the British Empire — that the foes of England are the foes of India — and that they who dare insult the honour or touch the interest of our nation and isle, must lay their count not only to cope with the power and might of this country, but to measure swords with the thousands of warriors of the East ever ready to serve their Queen and defend her dominions. This is a lesson of the Egyptian campaign, which will not be easily forgotten or lightly overlooked." A novelty of this campaign was the ironclad train for offensive purposes, which was devised by Captain Fisher of the Inflexible, and which was very successfully used on the line of railway between Alexandria and Cairo. The first service of the train was a reconnaisance on the 28th of July, for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of damage done by Arabi to the road-bed (in order to prevent a sudden advance of our troops upon his posi- tion) and the time which would be required to restore the connection. The train's "company" — to use a naval expression — consisted of General Alison, Captain Fisher, Flag-Lieutenant Lambton, and Mr. Wright of the Egyptian Railways, accompanied by 300 marines and six mounted infantry. Its armament comprised a Nor- denfelt, a Gatling and one nine-pounder gun. Two THE UNION JACK. IOI empty trucks were placed in front to strike torpedoes or explode mines. The Nordenfelt gun was mounted on one of the front trucks and was provided with an iron shield, while the Gatling on the last carriage covered the rear. The reconnaisance was successfully made — the rails having been torn up at a point between Mellaha Junction and Gabari, and, although a brisk fire was exchanged with the enemy, no casualty was sustained. On a later occasion, the 5th of August, the armoured train was used in reconnoitering Arabi's position. One of the trucks, this time, carried a 40-pounder Armstrong gun, which did good execution, being fired from the truck-platform just as if in battery in a permanent work. The train had now passed the experimental stage and was destined to become an increasingly important factor in modern warfare. The sand-bags of these first "wheeled ironclads" -for so these Egyptian engines were protected as well as the gun-trucks, the latter having a regular parapet so constructed — have been superseded by iron and steel, and the war-locomotive of to-day is a decidedly more business-like structure than its makeshift predecessor of 1882. It is well represented in its latest form by two locomotives recently built by the Baldwin Locomotive Works of Philadelphia for the Spanish military corps in Cuba. Both engines have cabs of heavy steel plate, capable of resisting rifle-fire, 102 A SHORT HISTORY OF and the windows and doors are fitted with steel shutters, having loop-holes through which the " crew" can operate small arms or the machine-gun, which is to be mounted in the cab. A note upon this expedition would scarcely be com- plete without a brief sketch of the distinguished career of the hero to whose genius its quick and complete suc- cess is due, and who has recently attained and now occu- pies the highest position in the service to which he has devoted his life. Field Marshal the Right Honourable Sir Garnet Joseph, first Viscount Wolseley, K.P., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., was born at Golden Bridge House, County Dublin, Ire- land, on the 4th of June, 1833, his father being the late Major Garnet J. Wolseley, of the 25th Foot. In March, 1852, young Wolseley was gazetted to an Ensigncy in the 80th Foot and saw his first active service the following year in the second Burmese war, in which he was severely wounded while leading a storming party in an attack on Myat-toon's stronghold. He was invalided home and six months later was gazetted to a Lieutenancy in the 90th Light Infantry. In November, 1854, the 90th was ordered to the Crimea, where he served before Sebas- topol as Acting Engineer ; was slightly wounded in an attack on " the Quarries " and mentioned in despatches. On the 3rd of August he was severely wounded in the trenches, which prevented his being present at the final THE UNION JACK. 103 assault on the 8th of September. Upon his return to duty he served for the remainder of the campaign as Deputy-Assistant-Quartermaster-General with the Light Division. On his return to England he took command of his company in the 90th, although his captain's com- mission in the regiment was dated December, 1854. When the Sepoy rebellion broke out in 1857, he was ordered to India and was present with Sir Colin Camp- bell's force at the final relief of Lucknow. He was after- wards appointed Quartermaster- General with the Oude Division and received the brevet rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. The following year he served in China as Deputy-Assistant-Quartermaster-General with Sir Hope Grant, and was present at the capture of the Taku Forts and the surrender of Pekin. When, in November, 1861, the seizure, by Captain Wilks of the United States war- ship San Jacinto, of Messrs. Mason and Slidell, Con- federate Commissioners to England and France, on board the British mail steamer Trent, threatened to em- broil England and the Federal States of America in war, Wolseley was despatched to Canada as Assistant-Quar- termaster-General. The early removal of the prospect of a campaign, by the prompt compliance of President Lincoln with the demands of the British Government and the consequent restoration of the Confederate Com- missioners, permitted Wolseley a respite from duty, which he employed in privately visiting the headquarters of the Confederate Army in Virginia, where he enjoyed 104 A SHORT HISTORY OF the society of Generals Lee and " Stonewall " Jackson, while further adding to his knowledge of the business of war. Upon his return to Canada he bent his energies — especially in view of threatened Fenian raids — to the thorough organization of the volunteer militia, of the material of which he had already formed a high opinion; and the success of his efforts in this direction gained him a reputation for handling irregular troops. He was appointed Colonel in 1865, and in 1867 was again in Canada as Deputy Quartermaster-General of the Colonial Forces in- succession to Colonel Lysons ; and, on the breaking out of the first Riel rebellion in 1870, he com- manded the Red River expedition, composed of Cana- dian volunteers and a regiment of Imperial troops. The striking incident of this enterprise was his successful advance from Thunder Bay to Fort Garry (now the loyal and thriving city of Winnipeg) through 500 miles of wilderness that presented difficulties of penetration suffi- cient to tax equally the skill and the courage of an older and more experienced campaigner (for he was only thirty-seven years of age) but which were overcome with a resolution as patient and dogged as it was dauntless, and, on the part of the men, with an endurance not sur- passed in the annals of the army. It was this experience and the practical knowledge thus gained of the qualities of Canadians that prompted Lord Wolseley, on the formation of the Gordon relief-expedition in 1884, to request Lord Lansdowne, then Governor-General, to THE UNION JACK. 10$ organize a corps of Canadian voyageurs to aid in the transport of troops and stores up the Nile. On the restoration of the Manitoba Government, Colonel Wol- seley returned to England, and was made a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, and shortly afterwards was appointed Assistant-Adju- tant-General at the Horse Guards. He commanded in the Ashanti campaign, 1873-74, on the successful ter- mination of which he was voted the sum of .£25,000 : he was also created a K.C.B., and was confirmed in the rank of Major-General. Britain welcomed him on his return as a tried and distinguished military leader ; the freedom of the City of London was presented to him, together with a sword of honour, and he received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament. In 1875 he was Military Commissioner in Natal ; a member of the Council of India in 1876 ; Governor, High Commis- sioner, and Commander-in-Chief of the Island of Cyprus in 1878; and Governor of Natal and the Transvaal, 1879-80. He was made Quartermaster-General in 1880, and Adjutant-General in 1882. For the Egyptian campaign he was raised to the peerage and made General, and the Nile expedition, 1884-85, brought him a Viscounty. In 1890 he was appointed Commander- in-Chief of the forces in Ireland, and in 1894 was pro- moted a Field Marshal. In March, 1895, he was gazetted Colonel of the Blues, and on the 1st of 106 A SHORT HISTORY OF November he succeeded the Duke of Cambridge as Commander-in-Chief. In addition to his talents as a general, Lord Wolseley includes those of an author, the following works having come from his pen : — " Narrative of the War with China in i860" (i860). An account of his visit to the army in Virginia appeared in the January number of Blackwood's Magazine in 1863. "The Soldier's Pocket-Book" (1869) ; " System of Field Manoeuvres " (1872); "Marley Castle," a novel (1877), etc. It is by such men and such deeds that the Union Jack has been carried to and firmly planted in every quarter of the globe ; and with a success that has natur- ally excited the envy of peoples less endowed by Providence with those national qualifications for the rational prosecution of such a task and the fearless, steady and impartial discharge of the duties and obliga- tions consequent upon the attainment of such a position; but a jealousy balked by the fact that wherever that emblem holds its sway there the rights of person and property are best protected from injustice within, as well as invasion from without, and for which glorious duty there is available the mightiest power that this earth has ever witnessed. No enemy can point to a spot where that flag floats that has not been blest by its advent, while its friends can as surely prove a decline in the best of all that pertains to civilization where it has been THE UNION JACK. IO7 divorced. While enjoying the prosperity which its vic- tories have procured us and which it constantly guards, we should not forget that as the British empire has been made so must it be preserved, and that in its strength and immediate ability, not merely to resist aggression or to punish insult directed toward itself, but, in the general interest of mankind, to protect weaker states from the despotic ambition of powerful and rapacious neighbours, is the best guarantee of the world's peace and freedom. " That empire," said one of England's greatest statesmen in a speech, not many years since, in the Upper House, " was formed by the enterprise and energy of our ancestors, my lords ; and it is one of a very peculiar character. I know no example of it either in ancient or modern history. No Caesar or Charlemagne ever presided over a dominion so peculiar. Its flag floats over many waters ; it has provinces in every zone; they are inhabited by persons of different races, different religion, different laws, manners, customs. Some of these are bound to us by the ties of liberty, fully conscious that without their connection with the metropolis they have no security for public freedom and self-government ; others are bound to us by flesh and blood, and by material as well as moral considerations. There are millions who are bound to us by our military sway, and they bow to that sway because they know that they are indebted to it for order and justice. All these communities agree in recognizing the commanding I08 A SHORT HISTORY OF spirit of these islands that has formed and fashioned in such a manner so great a portion of the globe. My lords, that empire is no mean heritage ; but it is not a heritage that can only be enjoyed ; it must be main- tained, and it can only be maintained by the same qualities that created it — by courage, by discipline, by patience, by determination, and by a reverence for public law and respect for national rights." In these days of ultra-commercialism when returns must not only be pecuniarily profitable but immediate, qualities the most valuable to a people, but which are not quoted in the stock bulletins, are too apt to be belittled by a certain class whose standard of life is the individual gain of each during his earthly existence irrespective of the after consequences to his successors or the future of the state. But, to the intelligent busi- ness man, loyalty — even, too, from a selfish point of view — is by no means an idle sentiment ; it is, indeed, some- thing by which a country, as a nation, lives and on which the stability of its commerce (which, either directly or indirectly, includes his business) depends. It is this loyalty, irrespective of and high above petty politics, this true and constant allegiance to the Crown and Constitution as part of the righteous living of the British people — in contradistinction to that boasted " patriotism," so often the enticing and deceptive foil of treason, with which the ignorant and unwary are seduced — that is the secret of the power of England, the THE UNION JACK. IOy foremost example of commercial success in the world to-day ; and it constitutes the base of that imperial structure — a consolidation, for all purposes, of the great family of Britons — which is silently but surely rising by the mutual love and faith of parent and children , a fabric whose foundations have been deeply and firmly laid by the realization of mutual interest in times when competition, politically as well as commercially, limits success to only the strongest combinations, and cemented by the highest admiration, the deepest veneration and the most loyal affection for our common Sovereign — sterling sentiments begotten by the peerless life and the faultless rule of the noblest personage and the grandest monarch that ever adorned a throne. APPENDICES. I. — Calendar of Victories. II. — Canadian Battle Fields. III.— Canada's In Memoriam. IV. — View from Brock's Monument. V. — Lundy's Lane. VI. — General Smyth's Dedication. VII. — United States History. VIII.— Comrades in Arms. hi APPENDIX I. CALENDAR OF VICTORIES. January. i6th. Corunna 1809 19th. Ciudad Rodrigo 1812 February. 14th. St. Vincent ...... 1797 17th- Meanee 1843 2 1 st. Goojerat ....... 1849 27th. 1814 29th. Monmouth and Foudroyant • . . 1758 March. 19th- Capture of Lucknow 1858 2 1 st. Alexandria • • . . . .1801 24th. Dubba 1843 April. 2nd. Copenhagen 1801 6th. "Badajoz • • . . . . .1812 1 oth. Toulouse . . . . . . 18 14 May. 5th. Fuentes d'Onoro • ■ . . . .1811 16th. Ubuera • • . . . . . 181 1 19th- La Mo . . . . . . . 1692 23rd. R; ; . . . . . . . ij j 8 113 ii4 APPENDIX I. J tine. ist. "The Glorious ist of June" .... 1794 1st. Chesapeake and Shannon . . - 18 13 5th. Stoney Creek 181 3 13th. Sluys 1340 16th. Quatre Bras 1815 1 8th. Waterloo 1815 2 1 st. Vlttoria 18 13 23rd. Plassey ....... 1757 24th. Beaver Dams 181 3 27th. Dettingen 1/43 1708 1882 1812 1812 1704 1814 1758 1809 1759 1798 1588 1704 1812 My. 1 ith. Oudenarde . nth. Alexandria 17th. Michilimackinac . 22nd. . 23rd. . 25 th. Lundy's Lane . 26th. Louisbourg . 28th. Talavera . August. ist. Minden ist. Nile . 8th. The Armada 13th. . 1 6th. Detroit CALENDAR OF VICTORIES. I 1 5 2 1st. Vimiera 1808 24th. Bladensburg 18 14 26th. >essy . 1346 27th. Busaco 1 8 10 3 j st. San Sebastian . . . . . .1813 September. 1st. Candahar 1880 8th. Sebastopol . . . . . . -1855 nth. Malplaquet 1709 13th. Quebec 1759 13th. Tel-el-Kebir 1882 15th. Kabool 1842 19th. Poitiers 1356 20th. Alria 1854 20th Delhi 1857 23rd. Assaye 1803 October. nth. ...... 1797 13th. nston . . . . . . .1812 20th. 10 1827 2 1 st. Trafalgar 1805 25th. 1415 25th. 1854 26th. 18 13 n 6 APPENDIX I. November. 3rd. Acre l8 4° 5th. Inkerman l8 54 nth. Chrysler's Farm . . • • • l8l 3 20th. Quiberon 1 7S9 December. 19th. Fort Niagara l8l 3 APPENDIX II. CANADIAN BATTLE FIELDS A?id the Lesson They Teach the Young Men of Canada. The anniversary of Niagara (Lundy's Lane) is near at hand and it is a seasonable time to revisit, if only in the imagination, a few of those spots made famous by the blood of our countrymen and hallowed by their sacred memory. And in these reflections we may find some- thing to revive the fainting heart of the whining pessimist and to stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of younger, braver and more honest souls. For this purpose it will not be necessary to wander over all Canada or intrude even within the precincts of our sister province to the eastward, whose soil is as prolific of noble deeds as our own and whose patriotism has been as frequently and as satisfactorily tried. Within a few miles of Toronto — practically within its neighbourhood by reason of the easy communication — there is a stretch of country as rich in its romantic history as it is beautiful in its natural scenery, the Niagara peninsula, whose almost every acre has felt the tread of an army and whose frontier was for three years — from 1812 to 181 5 — the theatre of exploits as valorous and 117 Il8 APPENDIX II. heroic as any that grace the page of British military history. In an old guide-book of " The Falls," edited and pub- lished on the American side in 1850, referring- to this section, as well as the corresponding bank of the river, as viewed from " Mount Eagle Tower," it says : " Within this classic circle has been fought the greatest number of battles of any spot in America and more human life has been lost. The victims of war within this area of forty miles, of French, English and American, inclusive of epidemics and diseases incident to war, cannot be esti- mated at less than thirty thousand." It sets forth, in numbered paragraphs, the various points of interest (of which I shall give only the historical) within range of sight as follows : " 4th — Four miles east of Fort Niagara is the Four Mile Creek. At the mouth of this stream the British regulars and provincial auxiliaries landed and entrenched themselves in 1759 in their advance upon Fort Niagara, then in possession of the French. At this creek, also, Col. Chrystie landed with his regiment in thirty-nine batteaux in October, 181 2, a few days before the battle of Queenston. The colonel was taken prisoner in that battle and those of his regiment who were not killed were made prisoners. And here may be mentioned a most singular want of management in providing boats CANADIAN BATTLE FIELDS. II9 for the conveyance of our troops from the American side to Canada on that occasion. " A large number of batteaux had been built at the Falls for this expedition, yet thirteen boats only were ready. The forces were ferried over in these, but as day dawned and the enemy was enabled to direct his fire, many of them were soon disabled, and before the battle was over the whole were wrecked, destroyed or lost. The thirty-nine boats of Chrystie's corps at the Four Mile Creek, only eleven miles distant, lay unused, and those built at the Falls were noticed a few days after, strung along the road at different places to the very brow of the mountain. " 5. The ruins of Fort George, distant eight miles, are now but just discernible, so completely are the works dilapidated, yet at the commencement of the war this fort was the strongest and most complete fortification of any this side of Quebec. " 6. The village of Newark, now known by the name of Niagara, is seen between Fort George and the lake. "The battle of the 27th of May, 18 13, took place near the lake shore, a mile west of the village, and was for our arms a most brilliant affair. For three days previous an incessant fire of red-hot shot had been kept up from Fort Niagara, the Salt Battery at Youngstown and the other batteries on this side, upon Fort George and the British works, and nearly every building occupied by 120 APPENDIX II. their troops was rendered untenable or was burnt down. At sunrise on that day the American flotilla, consisting of eleven men-of-war, was anchored out in the lake and two hundred boats, under cover of the fire of the fleet, proceeded towards the shore. At the same time a terrific cannonade was maintained from the American side of the river. This scene, with the glorious sun just rising clear and effulgent, is described by those who beheld it as inexpressibly grand and absorbing the very soul with the intensity of the emotions which it excited. The troops landed, rushed up the bank and their impetuosity soon drove the enemy from the field. "7. A mile from the fort on the American side is Youngstown, where there was a large, effective work called the Salt Battery, from its having been at first made with about five hundred barrels of salt covered over with earth. It mounted two eighteen pounders. " 8. Three miles this side of Fort Niagara is one of the old battle grounds of the French and English, in which, in 1759, the English gained a most decisive victory over a body of about fifteen hundred men, who were on their way from the western posts of the French to reinforce the fort. "9. The ' Five Mile Meadow' is a mile further up the river. At this place, after the American victory ob- tained at Fort George, the dragoons belonging to the army crossed in scows for the purpose of cutting off the CANADIAN BATTLE FIELDS. 121 retreat of the garrison, but the enemy was not pursued ; they made good their retreat with their arms and some of their artillery and stores. " 10. Part of Lewiston is seen, but Queenston lies under the brow of the heights and is hidden from view, but where the steam ferry now crosses the river the troops were ferried over to the battle of the 13th of October, 18 12. The conflict commenced between 2 and 3 o'clock in the morning and continued till 4 o'clock in the afternoon. General Van Rensselaer was wounded and disabled from advancing in the early part of the engagement. " 11. In full view rises up Brock's monument, broken and shattered, from the heights of Queenston. The general and his aide-de-camp, Lieut.-Col. McDonnell, rest beneath its base. Brock met his fate about fifty rods below the monument, near a cherry tree at the foot of the hill in rear of Queenston. " Below the mountain and beyond Queenston, on a point of land above the river, are the remains of Fro- man's battery ; it did great execution on the day of the battle and at the close of the tragic retreat, when many vainly attempted to swim the river. " 12. On Lewiston Heights was a heavy battery called Fort Grey, after Col. Grey, of the United States army, under whose direction it was built. A constant but not 122 APPENDIX II. very effective fire was kept up from it during the battle of Oueenston. " 13. From the commanding site of Mount Eagle Tower the river is viewed for eleven miles, commencing at the whirlpool and running torrent-like through its deep gorge to the termination of the mountain ridge ; thence to Lake Ontario the current is strong and, unless agitated by the wind, is smooth and clear. Just as it joins the lake the small point of land, on which old Fort Niagara stands, juts from the east and intercepts the eye from the river as it debouches into Ontario. "Space will not permit us to detail the many great and romantic events of which this old fort, with varying fortune, has been the scene since La Salle, en route to the Mississippi, erected its first palisade in 1678 down to its evacuation by the British at the close of the war, in accordance with the terms of the treaty of Ghent, signed on the 24th of December, 18 14. " 17. Round the right bank of the whirlpool passes the Portage road, the oldest road in the country, first made and travelled by the French. At this point it is inter- sected by a deep ravine where in 1759 took place a cele- brated and bloody encounter, called the battle of the Devil's Hole, between a band of Seneca Indians, who had formed an ambush in the surrounding woods, and a hundred British troops escorting cattle and provisions. With the exception of four men the whole command CANADIAN BATTLE FIELDS. 1 23 were killed or cast down the bank to perish. The bones of the slaughtered are yet found on the rocks below, two skulls having been picked up in 1849, ninety years after the engagement. "20. Opposite, on the Canadian side, lies the township of Stamford, a fine tract of country, thickly populated and in a high state of cultivation ; the village, two miles to the west, is hidden by the woods. " Eight miles still to the west is Beech Woods, or Beaver Dams. There Lieut.-Col. Charles G. Bcerstler, of the 14th United States infantry or "Maryland Regi- ment," on the 24th June, 18 13, with between five and six hundred men, unfortunately allowed himself to be sur- prised and surrounded by the enemy. Those that were not killed of the whole body were captured, together with the colours of the 14th, and two pieces of field artillery. " Thirty miles still further west is Stoney Creek, another spot long to be remembered among the unfortu- nate affairs in which we suffered during the progress of that war. The enemy succeeded in capturing two generals, a portion of the troops and two field guns, and drove back the Americans with heavy loss. This disaster, after which followed Boerstler's, just mentioned, totally eclipsed the brilliant prospects with which the campaign had opened. From that time our arms were put upon the defensive ; next followed the retreat from 124 APPENDIX II. the shores of Canada, then the invasion of American soil, the loss of Fort Niagara and the devastation and depopulation of fifty miles of this frontier. "21. Those three objects at the southwest, which are seen to spire above the woods, are observatories built upon the ground of the bloody battle of Lundy's Lane. It was fought on the 25th of July, 1814, and the struggle lasted from 5 o'clock in the afternoon till 12 o'clock at midnight. The Americans were under the command of Generals Brown, Scott and Ripley, of whom the first two were wounded and obliged to retire from the field before the close of the engagement. " General Drummond, who commanded the British, returned to Forts George and Niagara, and the Ameri- cans to their camp at Bridgewater. Both sides claimed the victory. " 22. Two miles beyond the Falls, and hidden by the woods of Goat Island, is the battlefield of Chippawa, which occurred on the 5th of July, 18 14. General Brown, having under him Generals Brown, Scott and Porter, who eminently distinguished themselves in that engagement, drove the enemy from all his positions and obliged him to retreat. " Twenty miles beyond is Fort Erie, on the British side, and Black Rock and Buffalo on the American, all memorable as scenes of war-like action — of assaults, CANADIAN BATTLE FIELDS. I25 bastions blown up, reciprocal invasions, day and night attacks, sorties, rapine and destruction." Speaking of the aspect of this part of the country it says : " The farms have a fine and garden-like appear- ance, and are not surpassed by any in rural wealth and beauty. The waving fields of grain, the velvet-like pastures, the towering and unsubdued parts of forests of centuries, which still on some sides close in the scene, give interest to the beholder; and the comfortable homes — many of them veritable mansions — of the inhabitants, embowered in trees of fruit and shade, evidence to the mind that if there is comfort in this world it is to be found in such retreats as these." The victory of Queenston, of which, it is noticeable, our American guide avoids mention in its lengthy- apology for their defeat, was as brilliant as it was decisive and its results fruitful. The Americans, under the generalship of such experienced and undoubtedly able officers as Winfield Scott and Chrystie, occupied an entrenched position on the heights, in force a third stronger than our own, to say nothing of the advantage of their commanding position, protected from assault by serious natural obstacles ; yet so skilful was General Sheaffe's plan of attack and disposition of his forces — General Brock and Colonel McDonnell had fallen in the preliminary skirmish early in the morning — and so gal- lant and impetuous the advance of our men, many of 126 APPENDIX II. whom, after half a night's rest, had had a forced march of seven miles, from Fort George on the one side and ten from Chippawa on the other, through roads almost im- passable from the recent heavy rains, that the Americans became terror-stricken and fled precipitately before the storm, losing five hundred men in killed and wounded, and surrendering to the number of one thousand, to- gether with their colours and artillery. Though suffering so disastrous a defeat the Ameri- cans, in their inmost hearts, thanked God for the removal of Brock, and considered the price they paid a small one for such deliverance. And this fact is the best evidence of our hero's gallantry, and of his faithful and illustrious service to his Sovereign and his country. The monument referred to in the eleventh paragraph of the "Guide" is not the present beautiful structure, which is the second memorial Canadians have erected to that splendid man and gallant soldier, to whose foresight, energy, courage, and determination in the beginning of the war, they are indebted for the preservation of their country and all those blessings that are guaranteed to a people by the sway of the Union Jack. The monument here spoken of was built in 1816, and was a plain column one hundred and twenty-six feet in height, terminating in a cupola. A spiral stair-case, of one hundred and seventy steps, led to an upper gallery protected on the exterior by an iron railing, and from CANADIAN BATTLE FIELDS. \2J which a magnificent view of its picturesque and romantic surroundings was obtainable. Its site was on the right, or north side, of the present avenue, about a hundred yards to the eastward of the new shaft, the spot being noticeable by a clearing in the trees and shrubbery ; and, on close inspection, the old foundation is still discernible, for the grass grows reluctantly there, and gentle Nature seems loath to efface completely the early and sacred work of loyalty and affection. Its inscription, slightly different to that of the suc- ceeding memorial, was as follows : — The Legislature of Upper Canada has dedicated this monument to the many civil and military services of the late Sir Isaac Brock, Knight Commander of the most honourable Order of the Bath, Provisional Lieutenant-Governor and Major-General commanding his Majesty's forces therein. He fell in action on the 13th of October, 1812, honoured and beloved by those whom he governed, and deplored by his Sovereign to whose service his life had been devoted. His remains are deposited in this vault, as are also those of his aide-de-camp, Lieutenant-Colonel John McDonnell, who died of his wounds, the 14th of October, 181 2, received the day before in action. In the interim, between the death of the General and the removal to this monument, the body lay entombed in a bastion of Fort George, to which it was taken with becoming ceremony the second day after the battle (the interment taking place on the 16th) ; and as the proces- 128 APPENDIX II. sion slowly traversed the intervening seven miles along the bank of the river, and for nearly the whole distance in sight of the opposite shore, the Americans, with a chivalry as admirable as it was generous, fired minute- guns at every post along that part of their lines, and studiously cloaked for the'time every sign of war. On the night of the 17th of April, 1840, a vandal, named Lett, endeavoured to completely destroy the column by an explosion of gunpowder. The concussion, however, left the monument standing, but such were the injuries to the structure and such the indignation aroused by the dastardly attempt, that it was decided to remove it altogether and replace it by another of far greater dimensions, and of design as graceful and workmanship as exquisite as any of that class in the world. Of the success of their noble efforts, the present elegant and majestic fabric that crowns those classic Heights grandly attests, and proclaims alike to the land the worth of her hero and the gratitude of her people. The bombardment and capture of Newark and Fort George, which our guide describes so graphically and for which so much credit is given to its side, was accom- plished by a force of nearly eight thousand men, to whom was opposed a British brigade of less than fifteen hundred with only five guns, and who, in heroically attempting to prevent the enemy's landing, suffered terrible loss from the broadsides of the ships anchored CANADIAN BATTLE FIELDS. 1 29 within three hundred yards of the shore, and whose artillery numbered fifty-two pieces, supported, moreover, by the guns of Fort Niagara and the adjacent batteries. It was greatly to the credit of General Vincent that, when further resistance was useless, he effected an or- derly retreat with the remnant of his brigade, together with their arms and part of their artillery and stores. A few days later — the 5th of June — occurred that almost quixotic achievement at Stoney Creek, where a party of seven hundred men under Sir John Harvey, in a night attack, surprised more than three thousand five hundred Americans, capturing both their brigadiers, a hundred and twenty-three officers and men, and four pieces of artillery. This disaster caused the immediate retreat of the Americans to the frontier. Equally romantic was the victory (at Beaver Dams) of that dashing and intrepid young officer, Lieutenant James Fitzgibbon, than whom those stirring times pos- sessed no more chivalrous character, and whose brilliant and effective services throughout the war entitle him to rank as one of its most worthy heroes. And, in connection with this famous engagement, Canadians ought never to forget the name of that coura- geous little woman, Laura Secord, to whose forethought and valour this success is largely to be ascribed. The reverse at Chippawa, on the 5th of July the fol- lowing year, reflected no dishonour on our arms. Though 130 APPENDIX II. the odds against him were greater than three to one, the plucky-hearted Riall attacked them with the fearlessness and the chivalry of a Paladin, and he was so successful in the first part of the engagement that Porter's brigade was thrown into complete confusion, and fled before the charge of our militia and Indians. The troops fought with all the ardour and bravery of British soldiers, and their terrible losses in killed and wounded testify eloquently to their matchless gallantry and stoical endurance. But in no other battle of the war, and, probably, of ancient or modern times, was there a greater test of human courage and devotion to duty than at Niagara, where the bloody struggle was prolonged far into the night, and with a desperate bravery as undaunted and tenacious as that of Waterloo or Inkerman. The famous and gory " Sand-bag battery " of the latter field wit- nessed no more heroic work than did the Churchyard battery of Lundy's Lane. Think of men marching twenty miles under a Canadian July sun and entering a murderous action at nine o'clock at night ! Yet such was the classic feat of Scott's brigade, and they did it with an enthusiasm " above all Greek, above all Roman fame." The Americans, though undoubtedly beaten, proved themselves, on this occasion, worthy of our steel. The glory of those who conquer the truly brave is greater CANADIAN BATTLE FIELDS. 131 than the glory of those who gain easy victories over cowards, and it is but just to them to admit their hero- ism and to wish that it had been exerted in a better cause, for this invasion of Canada was inspired by nothing else than greedy aggrandizement, the more ignoble, too, because that government believed we were helpless and that England had " her hands full " in the Peninsula, and on that account unable to lend us any aid. And, unless current events greatly belie them- selves, the same feeling is again rapidly becoming dominant in the republic in which the Christian for- bearance of England, which democratic ignorance has construed as fear, has been systematically abused by sciolist and unscrupulous statesmen until Great Britain's dignified patience is well-nigh worn out. This condition of affairs cannot be long maintained, unless the best American intelligence should assert itself and counteract the dangerous influence of designing politicians, whose supporters are hungry for army contracts and the scattered "boodle" incident to war — a contingency it is by no means safe to count upon in a country where the franchise is universal, and which, like nearly everything else, is a marketable commodity — and we must be pre- pared sooner or later for the worst results of American maladministration. Throughout the severe campaigning of 181 2, '13 and '14, Englishmen had no reason to blush for the conduct I32 APPENDIX II. of their Canadian comrades in defending this portion of the empire, and " the old flag " was carried as proudly, and protected as sacredly, on the banks of the St. Law- rence and the Niagara as it was afterwards on the plains of Belgium or the shores of the Black Sea. More than one British regiment have not disdained to emblazon on their colours the glorious names of "Queenston" and "Niagara," and Canadians, surely, should point to them with as generous, if not greater pride. The country then was, comparatively, a wilderness and the inhabitants generally poor, yet when the call to arms was made they left their homes with an abnegation of every selfish consideration and flocked to the standards with an alacrity and enthusiasm worthy of their nation- ality, and ready to go " quo fas et gloria dticunt." Without anything like the prospects of a successful defence, which we to-day might not unreasonably count upon, they never despaired of their country, and rightly considered it treason to do so. With the scenes of the recent American rebellion fresh in many of their minds they knew full well all the horrors which war entails, but war, even in its worst form, was, in their manly estimation, a less evil than the sacrifice of honour and the loss of independence ; and, above all, they realized their duty to their country, and had learned to appreciate that priceless CANADIAN BATTLE FIELDS. 1 33 heritage of British liberty and civilization which England had handed down to them, purchased with her treasure and her best blood. Their devotion was so entire and their loyalty so notori- ously disinterested that the republic did not then contain a mind so foolish as to even dream of offering - them a consideration for their birthright, as has been suggested in our day. And the world knew, too, that Englishmen, pioneers of commerce though they were in every quarter of the globe, and though they had ever used every legiti- mate device and lawful means to multiply their spindles and looms, and to increase the quantity and value of their output, had never yet, and never will, set a market price on the precious products of the human heart, of which patriotism, next to the love of God, is the chiefest virtue. Canadians can look back with honest pride upon the heroic achievements of these early patriots, and when the necessity arises, the same immortal spirit will animate the land, and the recital of their deeds will stir the young blood of our countrymen to a generous emulation of merit so exalted. William H. Holmes. Toronto, 21st July, 1890. — From the Toronto " Empire " oj 2jth July, iSgo. APPENDIX III. Canada's in memoriam to her great and distinguished SONS. Our Duty in the Erection of National Monuments — No Memorial Stone for Governor Simcoe — The Splendid Shaft that marks the Death of Brock— A Graphic Description of the Monument and its Surroundings. What commemorative art — such as family portraits, sculpture, etc. — is to a well-appointed home, national memorials are to the country that has been benefited by the lives of their distinguished subjects. And this class of art exerts a two-fold influence, no less potent because it is silent : it educates the mind to an appreciation of art per se, and, secondly, by a contemplation of the characters of the subjects, it stim- ulates the emulation of virtue. By no persons is such an influence experienced to as great an extent as by those who, having spent the early portion of their lives in a young country like this, where, owing to the limited population and the great demands upon the public purse, the revenue has been able to supply only the most practical necessaries, and who, being possessed of a fair education and having some love for historic literature, for the first time find them- i34 CANADA'S IN MEMORIAM. 1 35 selves in one of the European capitals. When such a tourist, in Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's, or in the public squares of London, comes face to face with the heroic representations of some of the noblest characters of English history — in arms, in science, in literature or in art — perhaps the particular one who has been his very ideal of a hero — will he not, at the prospect, feel a thrill of pride in his heart and realize an inspiration that never before took possession of his soul ? And can any- one doubt the effect of such emotions upon the mind and, so, upon the character ? In one of the French text books that I used at college, I remember the passage : " On dit qu' a la vue de l'Apollon le corps se redresse et prend une plus digne attitude ; au souvenir d'une belle vie, l'ame doit se sentir, de meme, relevee et ennoblie ! " (It is said that, on viewing the statue of Apollo, one stands more than usually erect, and the body, sponta- neously, assumes a more dignified attitude. In the same way, when contemplating a grand character, the soul should feel itself exalted and ennobled.) In Canada we have a few public monuments, most of them worthy of their subjects and the country, but in this respect we have only commenced our duty as a nation. It is a disgrace to this wealthy province, and to Toronto as its capital, that not a stone has been scratched to preserve the memory of Colonel the Honourable John Graves Simcoe, and to publicly record the gratitude of 136 APPENDIX III. Ontario due to its first and illustrious lieutenant-gover- nor, who did so much to promote the prosperity of Upper Canada. Of those who argue that the expendi- ture of money upon such memorials is folly and that the endowment of some useful public institution or a chair in a university is a monument more enduring and con- sistent with modern civilization, I would ask how many Canadians know the origin of Lake Simcoe's name or that of the county town of Norfolk ? Or, if they do, how many ever associate the famous lieutenant-governor with it? To the farmer who drives ten or twenty miles down Yonge street with produce for Toronto market, though the cobble-stones, striking his horses' feet, should cry " Simcoe ! " " Simcoe ! " at every step, how often would the maker of the celebrated road himself be suggested? It is only by some object specially de- signed to attract the attention and to call to mind the man himself, his attributes and deeds, that his memory can rightly be said to be perpetuated and the good effects, which our French friend aptly illustrates, ob- tained : in such a monument the spirit of the noble subject actually lives and is immortal. The construction of the first roads of the province was a great work, and, as Yonge street is the main artery, would it not be a good suggestion to erect his monument on that thoroughfare ? The intersection of Yonge and Queen streets would make an admirable site for such an Canada's in memoriam. 137 ornament ; it is the very heart of the city, a much more elevated and commanding location than the crossing of Yonge and King, and, with the removal of the corner buildings, which are old and inexpensive, ample space would be allowed for traffic. A bronze statue, on an appropriate pedestal of granite, would constitute an imposing centre-piece, and ornamental drinking-fountains on the north-west and south-east corners, with bronze vases on granite bases or similar ornaments on the other two, would complete " Simcoe Square" and one that would be a credit to any city. The Brant memorial of Brantford is, unquestionably, the finest specimen of that kind of art (bronze) in Canada, and, with the surrounding trees and shrubs, plants and grass, kept with a Parisian neatness and care, forms one of the most beautiful public squares in America. London (Ontario) has, in Tecumseh, a hero who, so far as individual character is concerned, was the peer of Brant, and whose memory she, with the aid of the country, should no longer delay to honour as worthily. And among our leaders in the war of 1812 we have the names of men whose sphere of action was, perhaps, less extensive, but whose lives were no less chivalrous and whose services were scarcely less important to the empire than those military heroes whose statues adorn George's Square in Glasgow, or Trafalgar Square in London: General Sir Roger II. Sheaffe, General Sir George Gordon Drummond, 138 APPENDIX III. General John Vincent, Major-General Phineas Riall, Colonel Sir John Harvey, Colonel Joseph Warton Mor- rison, Lieutenant James Fitzgibbon, are a few whose memory has a first claim upon the homage of Upper Canadians. If Port Hope could afford to pay her tribute of merited honour to the memory of the late Colonel Williams, how much more should the province recognize the eminent services of those to whose courage and devotion she is indebted for her existence? It speaks volumes for the appreciation, the loyalty and the grati- tude of the early inhabitants that they twice erected a memorial to the gallant Brock, and it is no exaggeration to say that the present one is the finest monument of that class in the world. There are, of course, monuments of greater height, such as the one at Washington, which is five hundred and fifty-five feet, but it is a simple obelisk with little pretence to art. The same may be said of the Bunker Hill monument of Boston. The Scott monu- ment, Edinburgh, is the same height as Brock's, but it is of a distinctly different style (Gothic) and, consequently, is not comparable with the latter. In the same class as Scott's, though much more ornate and costly, is the Albert Memorial in London, but this is twenty feet lower than the Canadian column. The Nelson column in Tra- falgar Square is almost identical in design with Brock's, both being copied from one of the Corinthian columns of the Temple of Mars the Avenger at Rome, but the state- liness and beauty of proportion of the latter are greatly CANADA'S IN MEMORIAM. 139 enhanced by the sub- basement, which raises the super- structure fifteen feet higher than the former. And in this respect it is also superior to "The Monument," which marks the starting-point of the great fire of Lon- don in 1666, and which is also a fluted column and very similar to Nelson's and Brock's. By the small advantage of twelve feet over the latter, the London monument gains the distinction of being the loftiest isolated column in existence. The Colonne Vendome, in Paris, is of bronze and the same height as Brock's, but its diameter, thirteen feet, is disproportionate to the length of the shaft. The Colonne de Juillet, on the site of the Bastille, is a much more graceful structure than the former, but it is only one hundred and sixty-four feet high. But apart from the individual beauty of our memorial is the grandeur of its commanding site, which is three hundred and fifty feet above the river, and beside which «' the mound " on the field of Waterloo (which the writer visited in 1878), in its artificiality, looks like an exagger- ated potato-hill. The prospect from the summit of Brock's monument is one of the most magnificent in the world, commanding, as it does, such a vast expanse of land and waterscape— of plain and tableland, of lake and river. And when we include such famous scenery as the Falls, the Rapids, the Whirlpool, and the more peaceful flow and graceful curve of the Niagara from the Heights to its outlet, where can we go for comparison ? 140 APPENDIX III. To the artist who is thirsting for a stimulant to his genius I should recommend a summer sunset viewed from this advantageous point. All is so calm and peace- ful, for it is the country, and he can experience, indeed, the reality of Gray's pastoral sketch : Now fades the glimmering landscape on the sight, And all the air a solemn stillness holds, Save where the beetle wheels his droning flight, And drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds. Then, at the remembrance of the scenes that have made this ground historic and at the sight of the noble shaft beside him, he can realize the full force of the philosophy : The boast of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, Await, alike, th' inevitable hour : The paths of glory lead but to the grave. Spread out before him, as a carpet, lies the fruitful plain diversified by wood and meadow, by vineyard, orchard and plantation. His eye can range far over the placid lake, which Sol, descending, has made a flaming flood and gilds the land with his aurient beam. The lowering clouds reflect the double light and the radiant heavens vie with the earth for brilliant supremacy. In one blood-red mass of living light he kisses the sea, and, growing more and more ruddy as he sinks, takes a last glimpse along the mirror surface, sheds a CANADA'S IN MEMORIAM. 141 parting smile and is gone. Deep crimson follows gold, bright purple succeeds the crimson, and the purplish hue soon dissolves into the fast-growing grey. Darkness follows in the train, and Sable night sits brooding on the deep. Brock's monument, the gem of all our public art, and which, in its site, in its surroundings and in its individual beauty, stands unrivalled on the globe, is comparatively little known, sad to relate, even to Canadians, and for this reason I am constrained to give a detailed descrip- tion of it in the hope that my countrymen may person- ally acquaint themselves with this famous spot ; may the better appreciate the sacrifices of their predecessors in this fair province and realize the debt of honour they owe to their memory. The first monument was erected in 18 16 and destroyed by a vandal in 1840. The present massive memorial, as the brass plate at the entrance tells the visitor, "was erected chiefly by the voluntary contributions of the militia and Indian war- riors of this province, aided by a grant from the Legisla- ture." The work was begun in 1853, and on the 13th of October in that year, the ceremonies of laying the foundation-stone and also those of the third reinterment of Brock took place ; his remains, together with those of his aide-de-camp, having been temporarily removed from the ruined column to an adjoining burying-ground. The foundation-stone was laid by Lieut.-Col. McDonnell, 142 APPENDIX III. brother of the gallant man who shared the fate and the honours of his commander-in-chief. The writer was present at the inauguration on the 13th of October, 1859, and it was a great event. General Sir W. Fenwick Williams, K.C.B., the " Hero of Kars," himself a Canadian, and who was more honoured in the circumstances of his defeat than it falls to the lot of most men to be in the achievement of the most complete success, was then Commander of the forces in Canada. He was present on the occasion and inspected the troops, who represented nearly every district of the province, and who were sup- plemented by a considerable number of veterans of the war of 1 8 12, arrayed for the most part in the quaint uniforms of that early period, and by a numerous band of Indians from the Grand River Reserve, whose abori- ginal costumes enhanced much the picturesqueness of the general effect. Sir Allan Napier McNab was the orator of the day and delivered the inaugural address, which comprehensively set forth the exploits of the chivalrous Brock. The foundation of the monument is built upon the solid rock and is forty feet square and ten feet thick of massive stone. Upon this the structure stands in a grooved plinth or sub-basement thirty-eight feet square and twenty-seven feet in height, having an eastern en- trance by a heavy oak door and bronze pateras, and form- ing two galleries to the interior one hundred and fourteen CANADA'S IN MEMORIAM. I43 feet in extent round the inner pedestal, on the north and south sides of which, in vaults underneath the ground floor, repose, in massive stone sarcophagi, the remains of General Brock and those of his aide-de-camp. On the exterior angles of the sub-basement are lions rampant, seven feet in height, supporting shields with the armorial bearings of the hero, and beneath, upon a riband, is the motto, " Vincit Veritas!' On the north face is the follow- ing inscription : Upper Canada has dedicated this monument to the memory of the late Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, K.B., Provisional Lieu- tenant-Governor and Commander of the Forces in this province, whose remains are deposited in the vault beneath. Opposing the invading enemy, he fell in action near these heights on the 13th of October, 1812, in the 43rd year of his age, revered and lamented by the people whom he governed and deplored by the Sovereign to whose service his life had been devoted. On brass tablets within the monument are the follow- ing inscriptions : In a vault underneath are deposited the mortal remains of the lamented Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, K.B., who fell in action near these heights on the 13th 'of October, 1812, and was entombed on the 16th of October, at the bastion of Fort George, Niagara ; re- moved from thence and reinterred under a monument to the east- ward of this site on the 13th of October, 1824 ; and in consequence of that monument having received irreparable injury by a lawless act on the 17th April, 1840, it was found requisite to take down the former structure and erect this monument — the foundation stone being laid, and the remains again interred with due solemnity on 13th of October, 1853. 144 APPENDIX III. In a vault beneath are deposited the mortal remains of Lieut.-Col. John McDonnell, P. A. D. C, and aide-de-camp to the lamented Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, K.B., who fell mortally wounded in the Battle of Queenston on the 13th of October, 1812, and died on the following day. His remains were removed and reinterred with due solemnity on the 13th of October, 1853. Round the base of the monument, which rests upon a slightly elevated platform, is a dwarf-wall enclosure, seventy-five feet square, with a fosse on the interior. At the angles are placed massive military trophies, re- presentations of Roman armour, on pedestals of cut stone twenty feet in height. Standing upon the sub- basement is the pedestal of the order, sixteen feet square and twenty-eight feet high, the die having on three of its enriched panelled sides emblematic basso-relievos, and on the fourth, fronting Queenston, a scene of the battle in alto-relievo. It represents the hero at the moment he received his death-wound. Having dismounted at the foot of the heights, he is seen at the head of his old regiment, the 49th, leading the troops to the assault and animating the men by voice and gesture. " Push on, York Volunteers !" he shouts inspiringly, his right arm high up-raised and pointing with his sword in the direc- tion of the redan battery, which they had been compelled to relinquish at the commencement of the action and which it was the object of the charge now to regain. In this heroic attitude he was for the second time struck, and a junior officer seeing him falter, is about to support CANADA'S IN MEMORIAM. I45 him as he sinks. A few paces to the rear a soldier is seen taking deliberate aim at the man who fired the fatal shot. The plinth of the order is enriched with lions' heads supporting festoons in bold relief. The column, a fluted shaft, is of the Roman composite order, ninety-five feet in height and ten feet in diameter, the lower tones adorned with laurel leaves and the flutes terminating on the base with palms. The capital of the column is sixteen feet square and twelve feet six inches high. On each face is sculptured a figure of Victory, ten feet six inches high, with extended arms, grasping military shields as volutes, the acanthus leaves being wreathed with palms, the whole in the style of the antique. From the ground to the gallery at the top of the column winds a spiral staircase of cut stone, with a solid newel, of two hundred and thirty-five steps and amply lighted by loop-holes cut at intervals in the fluting and unnotice- able from the exterior. Light and air are admitted to the upper and lower galleries through sufficiently large circular openings (bull's eyes) enriched round the face with wreaths of laurel in relief. Upon the abacus stands the cippas, supporting the statue of the hero, sculptured in the full-dress uniform of a field marshal, seventeen feet high, the left hand resting upon the sword-hilt, the right arm extended, with baton. The total height is one hundred and ninety feet. The grounds surrounding the monument contain about forty acres, and, with little expense, could be made a most beautiful park. The 10 I46 APPENDIX III. lodge at the entrance is a pretty little cut-stone struc- ture, and the gates and piers, surmounted by the arms of the general, are handsome specimens of art. From here a carriage road winds gracefully up the hill, and, on attaining the summit of the heights, broadens into a fine avenue one hundred feet in width, skirted by boulevards planted with chestnuts, maples, etc., and terminating at the monument in a circle a hundred and eighty feet in diameter. Were it not for its present neglected appear- ance it would not require an extraordinary effort for the traveller, who has visited the other continent, to imagine himself in an unexplored section of the Champs Elys^es. The total cost was between £40,000 and £50,000, or nearly a quarter of a million dollars. Such a park, so beautiful by nature, so embellished by art, and so famed in history, is a most interesting point for the intellectual tourist, and, with the splendid service afforded by the magnificent steamers of the Niagara Navigation Company, it ought to be the most popular rendezvous for the Toronto excursionist. This superb monument and its surroundings, in their present condi- tion, are the picture of neglect and indifference, and a sadly eloquent censure upon the people and the Govern- ment of this province, who, I think I am safe in saying, have not during the past thirty years spent $500 alto- gether in their preservation. It cannot be expected that the caretaker, who has simply the use of the lodge, CANADA S IN MEMORIAM. 1 47 without salary, can afford to expend much labour on the park, which, during the summer months, should have a staff of at least three competent gardeners to keep it in a creditable shape. The avenue should be regravelled and the boulevards defined and relieved at intervals by alternate beds of blooming and foliage plants of artistic design. An abundant supply of water is near, which could be made available by means of a pony-pump and reservoir at comparatively small expense. And if a couple of Crimean guns, or, better still, a few of the thirty-three pieces that Brock brought from Detroit, could be had and placed at the head of the avenue, they would make a fitting completion of the grand approach to the stately column. In addition to the wear of time and weather, this beautiful and costly memorial, which badly needs a thorough repointing, has suffered from vandalism, the statue having been damaged by a rifle shot, which took off the end of the baton. Outside of the sacredness of its object, it is far too valuable a structure to be left so exposed and unguarded. If the Government would permit a detachment from C Com- pany, Infantry School Corps, to be stationed at Queens- ton, the lodge could be readily converted into a proper guard-room, and a red-coated sentry at the gate and another at the monument would give the place an inhabited appearance and ensure for it respect. It would cost little, if any more, to keep the men there than at the New Fort, and, to prevent monotony, they could be 148 APPENDIX III. exchanged monthly if necessary, the transport being quick and inexpensive. The Government, by arrangement with Sir Casimir Gzowski, the owner, should include the strip of eleven acres adjoining the southern boundary of the park, and should also acquire a field on the north side adjacent to the burial-ground. The former is practi- cally worthless in its present state, while it contains some very interesting relics of the war. On that land, and within forty yards of the monument, are the compar- atively well-preserved remains of a redoubt and out- works that were alternately garrisoned throughout the war by the British and the United States troops. Their lines are clearly defined, the work having been well constructed with glacis, ditch, parapet and banquette, and it is even now, with the aid of the trees that have since overgrown the fortification, a difficult task for a man to enter the enclosure except by the entrance in the rear. The brush should be cleared and the ramparts restored and sodded, not, it is needless for me to say, for any hostile use, but as an historic orna- ment to the park. The flagstaff, which, in its present location by the side of the monument, looks like a pin stuck in the earth, would be a becoming adjunct to the redoubt. The burial-trenches of the soldiers who were killed in the battle are in the field at the foot of the heights, though at present scarcely traceable; they should CANADA'S IN MEMORIAM. 149 be mounded and becomingly marked. Were the im- provements that I have suggested carried out and the tramway continued along the river bank from the Whirl- pool to Queenston, the revenue from the fees to ascend the monument would be almost, if not quite, sufficient to meet the cost of proper maintenance. With the new dock now at Queenston and the increased attraction of the park, the Toronto steamers would be enabled to make regular stops at that point, which, hitherto, it has been impossible for them to do. There is just one more suggestion that I desire to offer in connection with this subject. At the re-presen- tation of the colours to the 10th Royal Grenadiers, a short time since in the pavilion, the Hon. Mr. Allan, in his excellent address, mentioned his having in his possession one or more of the old battle-flags of the York militia, inscribed with the glorious names of "Detroit," "Queens- ton," " Stoney Creek," etc. Now I have no doubt that if the application were made by the proper authorities, Mr. Allan would allow these sacred relics to be preserved in the Cathedral, which is the proper repository for such memorials, and to which they would add historic interest and be a con- stant reminder of the " Hero of Upper Canada," who was a member of St. James' congregation. There the public would have at least a weekly opportunity of seeing the standards their forefathers so valiantly defended and 150 APPENDIX III. which inspired countless deeds of the truest heroism. There they would be a silent, yet eloquent, illustration of the scriptural injunction to fear God and honour the King, and would prove a perpetual object lesson exalt- ing the heroic virtues, and "showing honour, patriotism and the love of truth and justice to be things beyond money and the most precious possessions of states as well as of individuals." William H. Holmes. Toronto, August, 1890. — From the Toronto "Empire" of jot h August, i8go. Note — Since the publication of this and the pre- ceding article (Appendix II.) the Niagara Falls Park and River Railway Company has been organized and its line constructed along the route outlined above. Shortly afterward, also, the monument, by direction of the Ontario Government, was overhauled from base to summit and put in a thorough state of repair. W. H. H. APPENDIX IV. VIEW FROM BROCK'S MONUMENT. What the Duke of Argyll Had to Say of it in iSjg. " If the cataract of Niagara had continued to be where it once was it would have given additional splendour to one of the most beautiful landscapes of the world. In- stead of falling, as it does now, into a narrow chasm where it cannot be seen a few yards from either bank, it would have poured its magnificent torrent over a higher range of cliff, and would have shown for hundreds of miles over land and sea. Of this landscape I confess I had never heard, and I saw it by the merest accident. In the war of 1812 the Americans invaded Canada at Queenston and seized the steep line of heights above that town, which form the termination or escarpment of the comparatively high table-land of the upper lakes. The American forces were attacked and speedily dis- lodged by the British troops under the command of General Brock. This brave officer, however, fell early in the action and a very handsome monument, consisting of a lofty column, has been erected to his memory on the summit of the ridge. Being told at the hotel that ' Brock's Monument ' was an object of interest and that 151 152 APPENDIX IV. from it there was a ' good view,' we drove there from Niagara. We found a ' good view,' indeed. No scene we met with in America has left such an impression on my mind. It is altogether peculiar, unlike anything in the old world, and such as few spots so accessible can command even in the new. One great glory of the American Continent is its lakes and rivers. But they are generally too large to make much impression on the eye. The rivers are often so broad as to look like lakes without their picturesqueness, and the lakes are so large as to look like the sea without its grandeur. Another great glory of America is its vast breadth of habitable surface. But these again are so vast that there are few spots indeed whence they can be seen and estimated. But from the Queenston Heights both these great fea- tures are spread out before the eye after a manner in which they can be taken in. The steep bank below us is covered with fine specimens of the thuja occidentalism commonly called the cedar in America. Looking to the north-east the horizon is occupied by the blue waters of Lake Ontario, which form the sky line. But on either side the shores can be seen bending round the lake to an illimitable distance and losing themselves in fading tints of blue. To the left, turning towards the north-west, the fair Province of Ontario stretches in immense plains and in escarpments of the same table-land. The whole of this immense extent of country has the aspect of a land comfortably settled, widely cultivated and beautifully VIEW FROM BROCK'S MONUMENT. 153 clothed with trees. Towns and villages are indicated by little spots of gleaming white, by smoke, and a few- spires. To the left, on the Canadian shore, and seen over a deep bay, the City of Toronto is distinctly visible when the atmosphere is clear. At our feet the magnifi- cent river of the Niagara emerges from its ravine into the open sunlight of the plains, and winds slowly in long reaches of a lovely green, and round a succession of low- wooded capes, into the vast waters of Ontario. The contrast is very striking between the perfect restfulness of its current here and the tormented violence of its course at the falls, at the rapids, and at the whirlpool. " The six or seven miles of road between Niagara and the Heights of Queenston afforded me my first oppor- tunity of seeing a bit of Canadian country in detail. The farms seemed to be of very considerable size — the cultivation careless, so far as neatness is concerned, and manifesting that complete contempt of economy of sur- face which is conspicuous over the whole of North America. Straggling fences, wide spaces of land along the roads left unappropriated, irregular clumps and masses of natural wood — odd corners left rough and wild all these features proclaimed a country where economy in culture was wholly needless and never attended to. The vast landscape from Brock's monu- ment, along both shores of Lake Ontario, as far as the 154 APPENDIX IV. eye could reach, exhibited the same characteristic fea- tures. They are features eminently picturesque, com- bining the aspects of wildness with the impression ot exuberant fertility and of boundless wealth." — From an article, " First Impressions of a New World" by /us Grace in " Fraser's Magazine " oj December^ 187Q. APPENDIX V. lundy's lane. A Recent Discovery at the Famous Old Battlefield — A Visit to the Scene. The recent discovery of a burial-trench at Lundy's Lane has awakened fresh interest in the scene and the history of that famous fight, which added another and worthy name to the glorious record emblazoned on the colours of the regiments that had the fortune to take part in the victory, and forever inscribed on the memo- ries of Britons in whatever quarter of the globe their lot has been cast. Imbued with this interest, the writer visited Drum- mondville on Saturday last. And right here regret must be expressed that that municipality should have seen fit to change the name of their pretty village, which Cana- dians will, nevertheless, continue to designate by the old and familiar name out of homage to the memory of the illustrious general, who, by his heroic bravery and un- daunted resolution at a most critical moment, turned the tide of battle and gave the spot an honoured place in the page of history. The newly found trench is a hundred and fifty yards north of the Presbyterian church, and, so far, eleven »55 156 APPENDIX V. skeletons have been exhumed, nine on Thursday and two on Friday last, which have been taken charge of by the Historical Society for reinterment in the cemetery. The Imperial troops engaged in the battle were : the ist Royal Scots, 8th King's, 41st, 89th, 103rd and 104th, with detachments of Royal Engineers, Royal Artillery, and Royal Marine Artillery. The Canadian Militia were represented by the following corps: 19th Dragoons, Provincial Light Dragoons, Glengarry Light Infantry, Incorporated, Militia, 2nd York Militia, and 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Lincoln Militia. The remains lately found are those of men of the 89th and 103rd regiments, the buttons still retaining the numerals very distinctly. Mr. John Orchard, magistrate of Drummondville and secretary of the Lundy's Lane Historical Society, has the custody of the relics found with the bones, the most interesting being a portion of an officer's tunic, consist- ing of the lower portion of the back and the " swallow- tail," which was the regulation pattern in the British army at that period. The cloth is wonderfully well preserved, considering the time, seventy-seven years, that it has been in the earth, without so much as the protection of a pine box. The scarlet has become a tan colour, and the bullion lace, while discoloured, is but little corroded, and here lundy's lane. 157 and there the gold threads glisten in the new light, as they did on that fiery July day and lurid summer night. Now the losses of the 89th, to which regiment this tunic belonged, and which suffered the most severely of all the troops engaged that day, were : Two officers, 27 N.C.O. and men killed ; 11 officers, 177 N.C.O. and men wounded, and 37 N.C.O. and men missing ; and as the two officers killed were Capt. Spooner and Lieutenant Lathom, one of the skeletons found must be that of one of them. The 89th, under Col. Morrison, were the heroes of Chrysler's farm, which put an end, the year before, to the formidable invasion of Lower Canada ; they had arrived at York on the 21st of July, with Sir Gordon Drum- mond, from Kingston, and immediately embarked in schooners for Niagara. The 103rd were, like the 41st, a "boy regiment," and on this account were not permitted during the previous year to serve in the field, but kept on garrison duty. They were part of Scott's brigade that made that famous march of nearly twenty miles (part of the distance having been doubled on account of countermanding orders) from St. Catharines, then known as " The Twelve," on the afternoon of the 25th, and cheerfully engaged the stub- born enemy at 9 o'clock. It was at such an "evening service" held, not in the church, though in its very yard, and to which they were 158 APPENDIX V. summoned not by the vesper bell, but by the booming of cannon and the murderous rattle of musketry, that the lads of the 103rd received their "baptism" of fire. From the elevation of the country the stately shaft of Brock's monument is plainly discernible, towering above the woods that fringe the northern horizon, while close at hand, on the crest of this classic slope, are the less pretentious, but no less sacred, memorials of as faithful soldiers and the graves of as noble dust. Here are a few of the inscriptions : — Sacred to the Memory of Lieut-Col. th« Hon. Cecil Bishop. 1st Foot Guards, and Inspecting Field Officer in Upper Canada. Eldest and only surviving son of Sir Cecil Bishop, Bart. : Baron de la Zouche in England. After having served with distinction in the British army in Hol- land, Spain and Portugal, he died on the 16th July, 1813, aged 30, in consequence of wounds received in action with the enemy at Black Rock the 13th of the same month, to the great grief of his family and friends, and is buried here. This tomb, erected at the time by his brother officers, becoming much dilapidated, is now, 1846, renewed by his affectionate sisters, the Baroness de la Zouche and the Hon. Mrs. Pechell, in memorial of an excellent man and beloved brother. lundy's lane. 159 To the Memory of Lieut-Col. Gordon and Capt. Torrens, of the Royals, Killed at Fort Erie during the Campaign of 1814. Erected by Major Barry Fox, late of said Regiment, their Friend and Companion. June 20, 185 1. Sacred to the Memory of Robert Dossie Patterson. Captain in the 6th Regiment of Infantry, Royal 1st Warwickshire. Who, after Serving under Sir John Moore and the Duke of Wellington Throughout the Peninsular War, fell before Fort Erie at the age of 26. September 17, 1814. Sacred to the Memory of Lieut. William Hemphill, of the Royals, Who fell at the Battle of Lundy's Lane on the 25th July, 18 14. This Stone was Placed by his son, Lieut-Col. Hemphill, of the 26th Cameronians, July 17, 1854. Here Rests Laura Beloved Wife of James Secord, died October 17, 1868, aged 93 years. 160 APPENDIX V. There is another grave that may with propriety be mentioned here. It is marked : Here lies the body of Abraham F. Hull, Captain in the 9th Regiment U.S. Infantry, Who Fell Near This Spot in the Battle of Bridgewater, July 25th, 1814. Aged 28 years. This young officer was a son of General Hull, who on the 1 6th of August, 181 2, surrendered Detroit with a garrison of 2,500 men and 33 pieces of artillery, to Gen- eral Brock without firing a single gun. This country churchyard is indeed holy ground, and — "Those fields are sacred, and that sward shall be Canadians' boast, The spot where valor's few hurled back the dark invader's host. The tale shall live while grow the trees, while rippling water runs, Of Fame's bright birth to Canada from the life-blood of her sons." William H. Holmes. Toronto, 7th September, 1891. — From Toronto " Empire " oj 8th September , i8gi. APPENDIX VI. GENERAL SMYTH'S DEDICATION. Dedication of " Precis of The I Vars in Canada from 1755 to the Treaty of Ghent in 1814" by Maj.-Gen. Sir fames Carmichael Smyth, Bart., C.B., K.M.T., K.S. IV. To His Grace The Duke of Wellington, Master General of His Majesty's Ordnance, K.G., G.C.B. & G.C.H. &c, &c, &c. My Lord, — In my anxious endeavours to execute to the best of my abilities the important commission in His Majesty's North American Provinces, which your Grace was pleased, last year, to do me the high honour of entrusting to my care, it became a very necessary and very interesting part of my duty to make myself acquainted with the details of the several campaigns, and the objects of the different movements which had formerly taken place, both in attacking and defending the Canadas. 1 he following pages are the result of my reading and reflections upon the subject, aided by the local information I acquired in visiting the country. I venture, with the utmost deference, to lay them before your Grace. 11 161 1 62 APPENDIX VI. The events of these wars afford, in my opinion, a demonstration as clear as that of any proposition in Euclid, of the impossibility (under Divine Providence) of these Provinces ever being wrested from under His Majesty's authority by the government of the United States, provided we avail ourselves of the military pre- cautions in our power to adopt, by establishing those communications and occupying those points, which posterity will one day learn with, if possible, increased respect for your Grace's great name, were principally suggested by your Grace. It will ever be to me a subject of proud recollection that I should have been selected by your Grace to contribute my humble efforts towards the completion of a plan, the outlines of which had been already traced by your Grace's own hand. I have the honour to be, My Lord, with the utmost respect, Your Grace's most obedient, most obliged, and most faithful humble servant, James Carmichael Smyth. Nutwood, Reigate, 15th August, 1826. APPENDIX VII. HALIFAX HERALD, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1897. United States History. It has frequently been pointed out that histories of the United States, written in that country, appear to have been designed mainly for the purpose of training up United States youth to hate the Mother Country, from which the founders of that great republic not only took their lineage, but also received their language, their laws, and the most valuable features of their political institutions. To accomplish this most undesirable end, terrible fictitious stories of cruel and wanton atrocity have been written up against the British, and these form an ever present part of the smaller histories, to fire the generous blood of youth, and of the larger histories, such as Bancroft's, to confirm the settled animosity of maturer years. But it is pleasing to be able to note that this ill- will towards the British, thus engendered in the United States by false history, is matter for regret of some, and we would hope of many, leading men in the United States at the present day, and that there is in that country some evidence of a desire to re-write those portions of their history relating t<> the British, with due regard to the truth. 164 APPENDIX VII. The alleg?d burning of Norfolk, Virginia, in January, 1776, by the British under Dunmore, the Royal Gover- nor of Virginia, was one of the British "atrocities" which has long done duty in United States history in the way just indicated. But it will be seen from the letter of William Henry Sargeant, keeper of the Norfolk Library, reprinted in this issue from the New York Post of February 8th inst., that it was not Lord Dunmore and the British who burnt Norfolk at all, but that the destruction of that town of 6,000 inhabitants in mid- winter is chargeable to the Continentals themselves, that the whole subject was investigated by the Legislature of Virginia in 1777, and a report made to that effect, and it also appears that not only did the Virginia soldiers set fire to the main part of the town, but they could have extinguished the flames in the few houses fired by order of Lord Dunmore, if they had had a mind to do so. Why Lord Dunmore burnt the few houses he did is also well known. These houses were made a base for attack upon Lord Dunmore's men landing to obtain supplies for the starving refugees on the ships. Leasing, who is about as anti-British as any United States writer, bears truthful testimony on this point, because appar- ently the picture of British distress pleased him. He says : — Distress soon prevailed in the ships ; famine menaced them with its keen fangs. Parties sent on shore to procure provisions from UNITED STATES HISTORY. 165 the neighbouring country were cut off, or greatly annoyed by the Virginians, and supplies for the multitude of mouths became daily more precarious. The ships were galled by a desultory fire from the houses, and their position became intolerable. At this juncture the Liverpool frigate from Great Britain came into the harbour and gave boldness to Governor Dunmore. By the captain of the Liverpool, he immediately sent a flag to Colonel Howe, command- ing him to cease firing on the ships and supply the fleet with pro- visions, otherwise he should bombard the town. The patriot answered by a flat refusal, and the governor prepared to execute his barbarous threat. He never carried out any barbarous threat, unless burnine a few houses that were made an enemy's fort to prevent his getting supplies for the starving people of the fleet, could be called barbarous. The barbarity was left for the Continentals and their convention, as Mr. Sargeant very conclusively shows. ( Reprinted from New York Evening Post of Feb. 8, i8gy.) The Burning of Norfolk in 1776. To the Editor of the Evening Post : Sir, — If we are to believe the school histories of the day, if we are to believe Bancroft and Fiske, the British under Lord Dunmore, early in the Revolutionary war, burned the City of Norfolk to the ground ; and yet, as a matter of fact, the destruction of that prosperous town was accomplished by the Continental forces themselves, and partly by the direct orders of the convention of the State of Virginia. l66 APPENDIX VII. Bancroft, in his eighth volume, describes in his most graphic manner the destruction of the city, and concludes by saying that the American commanders, Howe and Woodford, certainly made every effort to arrest the flames, and argues that troops without tents would hardly in midwinter have burned down the houses that were their only shelter. He goes on to say that " When Washington learned the fate of the rich emporium of his own ' country,' for so he called Virginia, his breast heaved with waves of anger and grief; ' I hope,' he said, 'this and the threatened devastation of other places will unite the whole country in one indissoluble band against a nation that seems lost to every sense of virtue,' " etc. Fiske treats of the incident briefly, and in no wise men- tions the fact that the Continentals had any part or por- tion in the destruction of the town, but assumes that the whole conflagration was the result of the British bom- bardment. Though it does not seem to be generally known, the whole question of the destruction of Norfolk was investi- gated in the year 1777 by Commissioners appointed by the General Assembly. Their report was made October 10, 1777, and I suppose is still on the file in the Auditor's Department. At any rate, it was a matter of discussion in the House of Delegates in 1835-36, and was published with the proceedings of that year. This report is accompanied by a schedule of all the property UNITED STATES HISTORY. 1 67 destroyed — time when, by whom, and value — and by the depositions establishing the facts. It establishes that, out of one thousand three hundred and thirty-three houses burned, only fifty-four were destroyed by Lord Dunmore, and that on January 1, when the historians state that he burned the whole town, he burned only nineteen houses — thirty-two having been burned by him November 30, 1775, and three January 21, 1776. It establishes that eight hundred and sixty-three houses were burned by the troops of the state before January 15, 1776, and that four hundred and sixteen houses were destroyed by order of the convention in February. It goes on to say : Upon an inspection of the schedule and the depositions which have been taken, it will appear that very few of the houses were des- troyed by the enemy, either from their cannonade or by the parties they landed on the wharves ; indeed the efforts of these latter were so feeble that we are induced to believe that most of the houses which they did set fire to might have been saved had a disposition of that kind prevailed among the soldiery, but they appear to have had no such intentions ; on the contrary, they wantonly set fire to the greater part of the houses within the town where the enemy never attempted to approach, and where it would have been impossible for them to have penetrated. I find this corroborated by an extract from the Vir- ginia Gazette, published on board the ship Dunmore, lying off Norfolk, dated January 15, 1776, which is to be found in American archives, 4th series (vol. iv., page 542). 168 APPENDIX VII. As the wind was moderate, and from the shore it was judged with certainty that the destruction would end with that part of the town next the water, which the King's ships meant only should be fired ; but the rebels cruelly and unnecessarily completed the destruction of the whole town by setting fire to the houses in the streets back, which were before safe from the flames. The only explanation that I have seen of the action of the state troops in this matter is worthy of S*ir Boyle Roche. It was that they had burned the zvJiole town in order that they might be better able to defend the remainder. Wm. Henry Sargeant. Public Library, Norfolk, Va. t January 23, 1897. APPENDIX VIII. COMRADES IN ARMS. Loval Canada shows the way to all the British Colonies, and the Dominion will shortly be the scene of a little experiment in military organization which may well lead to developments of exceedingly great import- ance to the Empire. Next month a company of the Royal Regiment of Canadian Infantry will exchange duties with a company of the Berkshire Regiment, now stationed at Halifax, Nova Scotia, and for several months the Canadian detachment will share in the duties and discipline of the English army. Should the experiment prove successful, other companies of the Canadian regular force will in turn be associated with British regiments for similar periods, and if the result is not to make our Canadian Tommy Atkins " a first- class fighting man" — well, there is no force in comrade- ship, in discipline, or in the spirit of hearty emulation. The Canadian regulars are already a fine body of men, well trained and excellently equipped. But it can hardly be doubted that they will improve under the management of English officers, and with the stimulus of friendly rivalry to urge them on. The officials re- sponsible for the scheme — it was suggested by Canadian 169 I70 APPENDIX VIII. officers and recommended to the Imperial Government by General Montgomery Moore — are careful to specify that its development will be conditional on the success of the experiment to be tried next month, but the plan is so simple, so logical, and so human that it can hardly fail of success. Need we say that the advantages of the plan will not end with the putting of a little extra polish on the drill of the Canadian soldier? That is relatively a small matter. The great point is that our colonial troops will feel themselves veritably comrades in arms with English regiments, and in a double sense soldiers of the Queen. The still greater point is that the loyalty of Canada, and of every colony in which the experiment shall be tried, will be braced and stimulated as it has never been before. There is not a mother or a sweetheart or a friend of any one of these sturdy colonial lads who will not feel their comradeship with England's soldiers some- thing to be glad and proud of, something to draw them closer to England's flag and make them more jealous of England's honour. We shall want our fighting cousins of the colonies one of these days. The world is not yet converted to peace, and the final war of the world remains to be fought. In the day of danger that will all too surely come we shall be right glad to know that the soldiers of the Empire are the comrades and friends of the soldiers of England. That way lies our hope— it COMRADES IN ARMS. 1 7 I may be, our salvation. Canada makes a good begin- ning ; it is for England to see that the good work goes on, until there is never a colony under the British flag which lacks its complement of British soldiers to defend it. — From the London {England) Daily Mail 0/ March 2j, i8gy. THE END. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-32m-8,'58(5876s4)444 OB HolmR.s -■ 115 Short history of G7'T7 i-.h p TT^ ^-n Jack UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 710 401 CR 115 S7H7 ^^^^^^^^