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 loo pp. 1864 Pitman. 
 DO. DO. DO. 2nd Edition Demy 8vo, 
 80 pp. 1865 Smith <5p* Son. 
 200 pp. 1866 Longmans. 
 DO. Do, DO. 2nd Edition. Post 8vo, 
 200 pp. 186S Do. 
 RAMBLES ABOUT MORLEY. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, 
 200 pp. 1866 J. R. Smith. 
 HISTORY OF MORLEY. Illustrated. Demy 8vo, 
 300 pp. 1876 Longmans. 
 OLD YORKSHIRE. Vol. i. Illustrated. Demy 8vo, 
 330 pp. 1881 Do. 
 Do. DO. Vol 2. Illustrated. Demy 8vo, 
 330 pp. i88i Do. 
 DO. DO- Vol. 3. Illustrated. Demy 8vo, 
 330 pp. 1882 Do. 
 Do. DO. Vol. 4. Illustrated. Demy 8vo, 
 340 pp. 1883 Do. 
 DO. DO. Vol. 5. Illustrated. Demy 8vo, 
 360 pp. 1884 Do. 
 Also in Demy 4to. OLD YORKSHIRE, complete in Five Volumes. 
 All the above-named Works are out of print. 
 Demy 8vo. 340 pp. 1886. Price 7s. 6d Longmans. 
 „ 4to. „ ,, *, I2S. 6d... Do. 
 WILLIAM SMITH, Osborne House, MORLEY, nr. Leeds. 
 Very chastely printed, in royal 32mo, with two Etchings by the Author. 
 Post free 6d. 
 Address— Mr. \V. Sckuton, West Bowling, Bradford. 
 Edited hy 
To collect the scattered memorials of bygone times, and 
 present them to his fellow-townsmen in a connected and 
 readable form, was the life-long desire and sincerest wish of the 
 author of the following pages. In preparing this work, con- 
 taining an epitome of nearly all that relates to Pudsey and its 
 neighbourhood, he spared no pains to obtain the best and most 
 accurate information, and carefully consulted many manuscripts 
 hitherto unpublished. 
 As to the fitness of Mr. Rayner for the work of the his- 
 torian, no one who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, can 
 for one moment doubt, that he was eminently fitted to be the 
 chronicler of his native town. He had spent every spare 
 moment in the acquisition of genealogical, historical, and topo- 
 graphical facts, and whether they came under his notice in 
 written papers or in conversation, he carefully noted them, and 
 systematically stored them away for future use. The desire to 
 be accurate was with him a passion, and all who came in con- 
 tact with him could not but admire his industry and care as a 
 genealogical and topographical collector. 
vi. -PREFACE. 
 For more than a quarter of a century, Mr. Rayner had been 
 accumulating fact upon fact, and there are, probably, not many 
 families in Pudsey, save recent importations, of whom he had 
 not a more or less complete account. The parish registers 
 received careful transcription from his pen, and he knew well 
 the genealogical value of wills and deeds. For years past he 
 was the oracle to whom all inquirers into Pudsey history 
 resorted. Antiquarian students in neighbouring towns per- 
 petually made use of his kindly advice and counsel, and those 
 who were thus benefited gave him some return in kind, and thus 
 matters came into his possession that would not have been 
 entrusted to one less discreet. 
 Although the author, at the time of his death, had written 
 out the greater part of his work, he had left the modern history 
 of the place comparatively untouched, and it must therefore be 
 understood by the reader that the chapters dealing with the 
 modern development of the town, and the sketches of worthies, 
 living and dead, have, in the main, been written by the Editor, 
 who is anxious that Mr. Rayner should not be held responsible 
 for another person's views or opinions. 
 The chapters dealing with the social condition and manu- 
 factures of Pudsey have been purposely abbreviated, these 
 features having been already fully described in an excellent 
 work lately published by Mr. Joseph Lawson, entitled " Progress 
 in Pudsey during the last Sixty Years." The opportune 
 appearance of this work has enabled me to devote the space at 
 my disposal in the present volume to matters of greater anti- 
 quarian interest. 
 I am anxious to express my acknowledgments for all the 
 help rendered to me in the preparation of this work, for 
 without such assistance I should hav^e been unable to present 
 many interesting facts and pleasing illustrations to the reader. 
 My especial thanks are due to Mr. Samuel Margerison, of Cal- 
 verley, for his careful supervision of the chapter on the Early 
 Civil History of Pudsey, and for other valuable communica- 
 tions ; to Mr. W. Wheater, for his notes on place-names ; to 
 Mr. J. T. Beer, F.S.A.S., for the very complete and satisfactory 
 manner in which he has woven together the interesting facts 
 connected with the history of the Moravian Establishment at 
 Fulneck ; and to the following gentlemen I am also indebted for 
 many valuable suggestions : — The Rev. R. V. Taylor, B.A., 
 Messrs. John Boyes, Joseph Town, Stephen Kirkwood, Geo. 
 Haynes, and others. 
 For the gift or loan of engravings and other illustrations, I 
 am indebted to Messrs. Walter Crawshaw, of Batley ; William 
 Scruton, of Bowling ; J. W, Knight, of Bradford ; " E. M. C"; 
 J. Horsfall Turner, of Idle ; the Bradford Antiquarian Society ; 
 John Cliff, F.G.S. ; W. Andrews, of Hull, and Mr. Pritchett, of 
 It is a matter of sincere regret, that the Author was not 
 spared to see his work through the press, as I feel satisfied 
 that, had such been the case, a much more valuable book would 
 have come into the possession of the reader, but in under- 
 taking the work of Editor, at the express wish of my deceased 
 friend, I have striven to carry out my task in the manner which 
 I think would have been most congenial to his feelings and 
 W. S. 
 Osborne House, 
 MoRLEY, near Leeds, Jiine, 1887. 
 The biography of a man, who by force of perseverance, industry, and 
 integrity, raises himself from the most humble surroundings, to occupy 
 an honourable position amongst his fellow men, should be a stimulant to 
 all thoughtful minds ; and when, as in the case of the subject of our 
 sketch, time is found (amidst the struggle for existence in the fierce 
 competition of business life) not only for self-improvement, but for the 
 cultivation of literature, and the discharge of important social and public 
 duties, the story should be an encouragement to young men entering 
 life, as showing to them that work is noble, and that any position, 
 however humble, may be turned to wise and profitable uses. Simeon 
 Rayner was a self-made man, and, for whatever attainments of a literary 
 character he possessed, he was indebted to his own plodding industry, 
 and careful cultivation of the reflective powers, and, above all, to the stern 
 self-reliance of his early life. He was no child of fortune, nor was he 
 favoured with even an ordinary education, but when he came of an age 
 to understand the importance of knowledge, he became a diligent and 
 earnest student of many branches of learning, including archaeology, 
 topography, and kindred subjects. 
 Mr. Rayner was born at Greenside, Pudsey, in 1832, and was the 
 son of Joshua and Esther Rayner, his father at that time, being engaged 
 in the " listing " trade, an article extensively used in the woollen manu- 
 facture. The only school to which young Rayner was sent, was taught 
 by a man named Samuel Dufton, the School being "kept" in the cottage 
 tenanted by the schoolmaster. The boy left this training ground when 
 nine years of age, and the rest of his education was received at the 
 classes of the Mechanics' Institution, of which he was one of the 
 originators. While still a young man, he entered heartily into every 
 movement for the welfare of his fellow townsmen, more especially for 
 the young men of the village. He was throughout his whole life, an 
 earnest advocate of education for the young. During his long connection 
 with the Mechanics' Institution, he had several times filled the various 
 offices of government and trust in connection therewith, and had on 
 many occasions represented the Institute at the annual meetings of the 
 Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutions. Mr. Rayner was for several 
 years a member of the Pudsey School Board, being vice-chairman at his 
 death. He was also one of the founders of the Pudsey Literary Union, 
 and a firm supporter of the Pudsey Choral Union, being a vice-president 
 for many years. 
 In religion, Mr. Rayner was a Congregationalist, and was a member 
 and trustee of the Congregational Church. In politics, he was a firm and 
 consistent Liberal, with the courage of his convictions, but did not 
 needlessly and offensively obtrude his political views upon others. He 
 was a member of the Council of the Liberal Association. 
 It was mainly, however, on subjects of local history and archaeology 
 that Mr. Rayner was most enthusiastic, for he was an ardent antiquary, 
 and most assiduous in his researches as to ihe past history of his native 
 town. A local journal sums up his literary career as follows : — " He was 
 a member — and, we believe, one of the founders— of the Bradford 
 Historical and Antiquarian Society, and a member of the Yorkshire 
 Archaeological and Topographical Association. Particularly did any 
 matter in the history of his native town interest Mr. Rayner, and he 
 delivered lectures at various times before local and other audiences, on 
 the antiquities of the district. He also contributed papers to the societies 
 named, both papers and lectures bearing evidences of deep and pains- 
 taking research, and very accurate and sound views and conclusions. 
 His collection of local memcraHlia is by far the most complete known in 
 the district. In the fine arts, too, Mr. Rayner displayed considerable 
MEMOIR. xi. 
 taste, and could himself sketch passably well. But it was chiefly in literary 
 matters that Mr. Rayner excelled, and here his patience, industry, and 
 perseverance, together with his practical, common sense view of things, 
 rather than brilliancy in either writing or speaking, earned for him a good 
 deal of success, and endeared him to a wide circle of litterateurs and 
 friends." Mr. Rayner was a regular contributor to Notes and Queries, the 
 Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement, and also furnished many valuable 
 articles and poems to The Yorkshire Magazine, Smith's Old York- 
 shire, Cudworth's Round about Bradford, The Yorkshire/nan, Coufitry 
 Words of the West Hiding, Bradford Antiquary, Hull Miscellany, 
 and other journals. For more than a quarter of a century he was 
 the resident correspondent for the Leeds Mercury and Bradford 
 Observer, and a regular contributor to the local journals. 
 In June, 1886, Mr. Rayner was seized with a fatal illness, and not- 
 withstanding all the care and attention, and best medical skill obtainable,- 
 he succumbed on the 25th day of August, to the serious internal malady 
 which afflicted him. The Yorkshireman, in a notice of his death, said : — 
 " If testimony were required of how wide-spread was the esteem in which 
 a worthy, but unostentatious man was held, by those who had the 
 privilege of his acquaintance, it was furnished at the funeral obsequies of 
 Mr. Rayner on Saturday last. Church and Chapel men closed their 
 places of business, and joined with Whigs and Tories, in the funeral 
 cortege, in which they found ministers and laymen, representatives of 
 literary and philanthropic societies, and others, who felt that a void had 
 been created in the sacred corner of their affections. Simeon Rayner 
 was not a brilliant man in any respect. His chief virtues lay in his 
 persevering industry in the study of archseology ; his devotedness to his 
 native town ; his fidelity to mankind. His character was written on his 
 face — in fact, he was a fine specimen of a Yorkshireman. This tribute 
 was accorded him at the funeral, by the Rev. Robert Collyer, D. D., of 
 New York, a personal friend, and no mean judge of character." 
 Dr. Collyer, in the address here alluded to, referred in feeling terms 
 to his long and intimate friendship with Mr. Rayner, and bore witness 
 to the equable, cheerful, kindly, and intelligent nature of the deceased. 
 In the opening of his address, the rev. gentleman recited the following 
 beautiful lines by the Rev. George Dawson, as being good and true to 
 the time and to the deceased : — 
 The saints of God are holy men, 
 And women good, and children dear; 
 All those who ever loved the Lord, 
 And lived in faith and fear. 
 They are not all together now, 
 For some are dead and gone before. 
 And some are striving still on earth. 
 Their trial is not o'er. 
 Great numbers are they of all states, 
 And bom in every place and land. 
 Who never saw each other's face 
 Or touched each other's hand. 
 But they are all made one in Christ, 
 They love each other tenderly, 
 The old and young, and rich and poor, 
 In that great company. 
 And there shall come a glorious day. 
 When all these good saints, every one. 
 Shall meet within our Father's home 
 And stand about Ilis throne. 
 In concluding this brief notice of our friend, we can truly say that 
 he was beloved by all who knew him, for his kind and genial disposition. 
 His amiability and modesty were equal to his knowledge, and his literary 
 characteristics were appreciated by all who were of kindred tastes. His 
 cheery words and frank and open countenance are now but a pleasant 
 memory. He died comparatively a young man, but it might be said of 
 him, as it has been written of a friend of his, " He lived his fifty four 
 years, and not merely existed. His mind was essentially an active one 
 and was ever busy. He was a good man, and did his duty unostenta- 
 tiously, but effectively, in that state of life in which it had pleased God 
 to call him." Mr. Rayner left a widow and two daughters. 
 The Editor. 
 I.— Portrait of the Author ... 
 II.— Portrait of Robert Salter, Esq. 
 III.— Portrait OF W. D. Scales, Esq. 
 (^First Chairman of the Pudsey Local Board.) 
 IV. — Portrait of William Huggan, Esq. ... 
 (Councillor of the Borough of Leeds.') 
 v.— Portrait of Richard Womerslf.y, Esq. 
 (First Chairman of the Pudsey Burial Board. ) 
 VI. — Portrait of James Banks, Esq. ... ... ... 
 VII.— Portrait of George Hinings, Esq. ... 
 (First Chairman of the Pudsey School Board.) 
 VIII.— Portrait of E. Sewell, Esq., M.A 
 To face Title page. 
 To face page i 
 .. .., 167 
 >. 171 
 .1 ,. 207 
 » „ 220 
 >> )> 
 I. — Portrait of Rev. R. B. Thompson ... 
 ( Vicar of St. Lawrence Church, Pudsey. ) 
 II.— Nesbit Hall ... ... ... 
 {The residence of John Clif, Esq., F.R.Hist. Society.) 
 III. —Grove House 
 ( The residence of W. D. Scales, Esq. ) 
 To face page 74 
 Moravian Establishment, Fulneck ... .. ... ...Title Page. 
 Facsimile OF Domesday Book ... ... ... ... ... 6 
 Bolton Church, Craven ... ... ... ... ... 14 
 Brass OF Henry PuDSEY .. ... ... ... ... ... 16 
 Arms of Pudsey of Bolton ... ... .. ... ... 17 
 Groat OF Richard II. ... ... ... ... ... ... 33 
 Old Manor-house ... ... ... ... ... ... 42 
 All Saints' Chapel .. ... .. ... ... ... 45 
 The Old Parsonage ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 
 All Saints' Chapel ... ... ... .. ... ... 48 
 Facsimile of Handwriting by Elkanah Wales... ... ... 49 
 St. Lawrence Church ... ... ... ... ... ... 67 
 Portrait OF Rev. David Jenkins ... ... ... ... 74 
 St. Paul's Church... ... ... ... ... ... ... 76 
 Old Independent Chapel ... ... ... ... ... 78 
 Old House at Pudsey ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 
 Facsimile OF Rev. E. Berry's Register... ... ... ... 86 
 Portrait of Rev. William Colefax .. ... ... ... 92 
 Facsimile Autographs of Congregational Ministers .. ... 94 
 Portrait OF Rev. John Atkinson ... ... ... ... ... 95 
 Congregational Church ... ... ... ... ... 96 
 Portrait of Rev. Joseph Sutcliffe, M.A.... ... ... ... 100 
 Portrait of Mr. John Shaw ... ... ... ... ... 106 
 Pudsey Big Pudding ... ... ... ... ... .. 124 
 Pudsey from Railway Station. Bramley ... ... ... 137 
 Facsimile Autographs of Towns' Officials ... ... ... 142 
 The Village Stocks .. ... ... ... ... ... 144 
 Facsimile Autographs of Towns' Officials ... ... ... 148 
 Portrait OF P. A. Strickland, Esq. ... ... ... ... 172 
 KiRKSTALL Abbey ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 184 
 Football in Pudsey, 1887 ... .. ... ... ... 196 
 Cricket IN PuDSEY, 1887 ... ... ... ... ... ... 197 
 The Ducking Stool ... ... ... ... ... ... 199 
 Riding THE Stang ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2co 
 Portrait OF John Farrer, Esq., J. P. ... ... ... ... 208 
 Co-operative Stores ... ... ... ... ... ... 214 
 Mechanics' Institution ... ... ... ... ... 224 
 Fulneck ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 234 
 The Terrace, Fulneck ... ... ... .. ... 235 
 The Girls' Playground ... ... ... ... ... ... 237 
 Fulneck iROM TONG Hill ... ... ... ... ... 238 
 The Middle Walk ... ... ... ... ... ... 242 
 Portrait OF Benjamin La Trobe ... ... ... ... 253 
 In THE Woods ... .. ... ... ... ... 262 
 Portrait OF Rev. G. Clemens ... ... ... ... ... 273 
 Portrait of James Montgomery ... ... ... .. ... 276 
 T has become common, in some parts of our country, to 
 see on the sites of what were formerly obscure villages 
 and hamlets, considerable towns, whose trading con- 
 nections are in touch with every part of the civilized 
 world. Although we cannot claim as much as can be 
 done for many, for the town whose history forms the 
 subject of this volume, yet it is not very long since it 
 was a place of far less importance than it now is. It 
 has outgrown the neighbouring villages, and in industrial matters 
 has got far a-head of its mother-town, Calverley. And besides 
 its increased population and commercial prosperity, it has lately 
 had conferred upon it the dignity of being made the centre of, 
 and giving the name to, a polling district of the Eastern Division 
 of the West Riding. 
 Pudsey is a township in the parish of Calverley, in the 
 diocese of Ripon, the archdeaconry of Craven, and the rural 
 deanery of Bradford. For civil purposes, it is in the wapentake 
 of Morley, the petty sessional division of Bradford, and the 
 North Bierley Poor Law Union. Pudsey proper contains 1,903 
 acres, and the hamlet of Tyersal 642 acres ; total, 2,545 acres. 
 Its highest elevations above the level of the sea are, 625 feet, 
 which is attained at Owlcotes Hill, and at the Heights, Green- 
 top ; whilst its lowest is only 200 feet, — at Hough End. The 
 centre of the township is four miles from Bradford and six from 
 Leeds, both of which boroughs it adjoins ; the former on the 
 western side, and the latter on the eastern, whilst on its southern 
 boundary is the lordship of Tong, and on its northern, the town- 
 ship of Calverley-with-Farsley. Its situation, more precisely, is 
 about S3°45' north latitude, and i°34'30" west longitude. 
 Hitherto the history of Pudsey has been passed over in a 
 few lines, both by local and general historians, but that it has 
 a history worth recording we shall endeavour to show in the 
 following pages. Certainly it has no pre-historic memorials 
 upon which we can dilate, no Druidical or ancient British tumuli 
 to examine, no finds of flint, stone, or bronze implements upon 
 which to speculate, no Roman roads, and little in the way of 
 Roman or British remains to describe. The only memorials 
 found in this neighbourhood, relating to these periods are an 
 ancient British jar or urn, and some Roman coins. The jar was 
 found in a stone quarry at Hough End, just outside our town- 
 ship, in December, 1879, and was filled with calcined bones. 
 Unfortunately, it was broken into fragments. It was placed on 
 a dish-shaped hollow, some two or three feet deep, with charcoal 
 and burnt earth, as usual. My friend, Mr. John Holmes, of 
 Roundhay, from whom I received these particulars, had a sketch 
 of the vessel in his museum. No doubt the urn contained the 
 remains of a Briton, who, one of a party hunting or wandering 
 gipsy-like through the district, and only having a temporary 
 abode here, died, and was thus disposed of The Roman coins 
 were found under circumstances detailed in the Anmial Register 
 for 1775, p. loi, as follows : — 
 As one Benjamin Scholfield, of Pudsey, was clearing away some rubbish from a 
 place on Pudsey Common, called King Alfred's Camp, adjoining to an old cave, he 
 accidentally found the thigh-bone of a horse, in the cavity of which were upwards of 
 one hundred Roman silver coins, many of them of prior date to Julius Caesar. 
 Pudsey and the neighbourhood seem to have been about 
 the centre of the little kingdom of Elmete, which maintained its 
 independence for upwards of 200 years— long after the other 
 petty kingdoms had been subdued by the Saxons. Its boundary 
 stretched from Sherburn in the east to Keighley and Halifax in 
 the west, from the Wharfe in the north to the Calder in the 
 south. The royal residences existed at Barwick-in-Elmete and 
 Oswinthorpc, near Leeds. One of the kings of Elmete was 
 named Henric, who was poisoned, and it was governed by one 
 named Cereticus (supposed to have been a Briton, possibly 
 himself the poisoner), and in 6i6 Edwin, uncle to Henric, 
 conquered the territory, and added it to Deira, a neighbouring 
 kingdom, after it had maintained its independence for 200 years. 
 This district was the last to come under the dominion of a 
 foreign yoke, and the inhabitants possessed the forms of early 
 Christianity before Augustine came over from Rome. Bede tells 
 us that there remained, surrounded by the desert of Saxon Pagan- 
 ism, a little kingdom called Elmete, which, despite the most 
 furious efforts of the Pagans, defied their military prowess, and 
 preserved the literature, arts, and, above all, the Christian 
 doctrines left to the British Aborigines by their former con- 
 querors ; so it comes to be historically authenticated and 
 universally admitted that the light of the gospel once lit upon 
 the soil was never quenched, and that Elmete maintained and 
 openly practised its Christianity during Britain's second period 
 of Paganism.* Then it was this little kingdom of Deira (a name 
 expressing its wild condition), of which this district formed a 
 part, during the 450 years when the Saxons reigned and ruled 
 as with a rod of iron, fought many bloody battles, and filled the 
 cup of British misery to the brim. The Danes also appeared 
 upon the scene, inflicting most shocking brutalities upon the 
 helpless inhabitants who fell into their power. They were in 
 this immediate neighbourhood, and had a camp and fortifications 
 at Giant's Hill, near Armley ; the whole of this district being over- 
 run by their troops. Both the Saxon and the Dane left their 
 impress on the neighbourhood, in the many names borne by the 
 hills and valleys, the streams, fields, and towns; but more of this 
 We come, in the eleventh century, to the oldest known 
 record in which this township of Pudsey is mentioned, and we 
 learn that in the reign of King Pldward the Confessor (1041- 
 1066) the land, estimated at about 800 acres, more or less, was 
 owned by two powerful Saxon thanes, or noblemen, Dunstan 
 and Stainulf, and that the rateable value was forty shillings, a 
 considerable sum in those days. Leeds was only rated at six 
 pounds, Calverley and Parsley at 20s., Bramley 40s., Armley 
 20s., Tong 20s., Bradford four pounds, Morley 40s., Horsforth 
 30s., and Rawden los. The value of money at the above-named 
 period has been variously estimated at from 15 times to 100 
 times as much as its present value. Between 30 and 40 times as 
 * From a paper by John Jamks, historian of Bradford, read before the British Archaeological 
 Society at Leeds, Oct., 1863 ; afterwards published in their joixrnal, and re-published in vol. li.of Mav- 
 n/^l.\'^ Annals oj Vorkshiref pp. 124-128. 
 much will most probably be much nearer the value of the money, 
 when we learn that labourers could be had for id. a-day, and 
 other things in similar proportion. Before the Norman Conquest 
 in 1066, Dunstan held lands also at Gomersall, Drighlington, 
 Cleckheaton, Morley, Temple-Newsome, Swillington, Tadcaster, 
 and Batley, and in York he had a house. All these manors, and 
 his house, were by fortune of war lost to him : confiscated, and 
 given to others by William the Conqueror. Who was Dunstan, 
 who was thus cruelly robbed of his all? Mr. HUTCHINSON, in 
 his Memoir of Elk. Wales, M.A., of Pudsey, says that this " Dun- 
 stan was Archbishop of York"; but this is a mistake, as there has 
 not been one of the name of Dunstan, Archbishop of York. In 
 the year 1002 there was a Wulstan archbishop ; in 1023, Afric 
 Pullock ; in 1050, Kinsius ; and in 1060, Aldred, who was arch- 
 bishop when the Norman Conqueror came in 1066. 
 It appears that the Norman follower of the Conqueror, 
 Ilbert de Laci, to whom all the manors just named were given, 
 allowed Dunstan to have half a hide of land at Golcar, near 
 Dunstan held of Ilbert de Laci lands in Gudlagesarc. 
 [Guthlac's Scar, now Golcar.] It is remarkable that only one 
 of his name occurs in the Domesday Survey as a landowner in 
 the reign of King Edward, for all the entries evidently relate to 
 one person, and it is not improbable that he was the same who 
 only managed to obtain the devasted half-hide of land* at Gol- 
 car, which had been Leninc's, by the clemency of Ilbert, to 
 whom had been given his former manors in Swillington, New- 
 some, Morley, Pudsey, Drighlington, Gomersal, [Cleck] Heaton, 
 and Batley, William de Perci had acquired Dunstan's manor in 
 Tadcaster, and a house in York. His land in Howne, which 
 some say is inland, others in the soke of Wakefield, was re- 
 tained in the king's hands. The men of the wapentakes of 
 Barkston and Skyrack say that Dunstan had not Turchil's land 
 in Tadcaster, in the time of King Edward, as had been asserted. t 
 As Dunstan, son of Athelneth, he is mentioned by Florence of 
 Worcester as one of the Northumbrian thanes who entered 
 York to avenge the murder of Gospatrick, on the Monday after 
 Michaelmas, 1065, and so powerful was this movement against 
 Earl Tostig, that with the assistance of Earl Edwin, they pro- 
 cured his outlawry and banishment. X 
 • A hide of land generally contained about too to 120 acres. 
 t Claims, fo. 373 b. 
 J T/ic Yorkshire ArclKzological and Topographical 'journal, vol. v., p. 297. 
 That Dunstan was a most eminent man seems certain. It 
 had been said that 
 The virtues and vices of the eleventh century, in their most striking forin and 
 most conspicuous position, cannot be more adequately represented than by Dunstan, 
 Canute, and Edward. It was a period of aspiring ecclesiastics and of savage rulers — 
 tinctured with some rudiments of the arts of war and government, where 1hose who 
 escaped atrocious crimes were too ignorant and base not to embrace superstition in- 
 stead of religion. Dunstan was a zealous and perhaps useful reformer of religious 
 instruction, of commanding abilities, of a haughty, stern, and turbulent nature, with- 
 out more personal ambition, perhaps, than is usually blended with public principle ; 
 and who, if he were proved guilty of some pious frauds, might not unreasonably pray 
 that a part of the burden of such guilt might be transferred from him to his age.* 
 The other Saxon proprietor was Stainulf, who had pos- 
 sessions also in Tong, Wyke, Batley, Bierley, Seacroft, and in 
 the parish of Rothwell, where he had a hall, according to 
 Domesday Book, page 142 of Bawdwen's translation. These 
 two Saxon thanes lost all their possessions. For what ? For 
 their patriotism ; for standing up to defend their hearths and 
 homes against the ruthless Norman invader ! Their estates 
 were all seized, confiscated, and given to Ilbert de Laci, one of 
 the favoured followers of the Conqueror, and afterwards the 
 mighty Baron of Pontefract. The farms and buildings were all 
 destroyed, the humble tenants either fled or were cruelly put to 
 death by the swords of the savage Norman soldiers. It is said 
 that the Conqueror assembled his forces, and, stimulating them 
 with the prospect of a rich booty, marched against the rebels in 
 the north, and mowed them down like grass. He ordered the 
 whole of the north of England to be laid waste, the houses to 
 be reduced to ashes, the cattle to be seized and driven away, 
 and nothing to be spared. More than one hundred thousand 
 persons were thus destroyed by sword and famine. Thus vil- 
 lages were depopulated ; the most fertile regions were laid waste ; 
 fire and slaughter made desolate the face of the land. Ancient 
 and honourable families were reduced to beggary ; the nobles 
 were everywhere treated with ignominy and contempt, and they 
 had the mortification of seeing their castles and manors possessed 
 by Normans of the meanest birth and lowest stations. 
 The Conqueror, having thus subdued the country, ordered 
 that a survey of all the lands in the kingdom should be made, 
 and for that purpose appointed commissioners, who registered 
 the name and particulars of each district, whether meadow, or 
 pasture, or arid, or arable land, with the nature of the tenure, 
 value, and name of the proprietor, as well as the names of the 
 former owners. In some of the entries the number of tenants, 
 cottagers, and slaves are also given. The survey took six years 
 • Mackintosh's History of England, vol. i., p. 68. 
 to compile, 1080 to 1086, and the original is carefully preserved 
 in the Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, London. 
 The record of Pudsey is as follows : — 
 _ to 7 7 
 m In Podechesaie, Dunstan 7 Stainulf Ir. br. VIII. Car. tre ad gld. ubi. iiii. 
 Car. poss. ee. Ilbt ht nc. Sz wast, e T.R. E. uni. XL. Sol. Silua past dim 
 ^ _ 7 
 lev. Ig — 7 dim lat. 
 The following is a translation ; — 
 II Manors. In Podechesaie [Pudsey] Dimstan and Stainulf had eight caru- 
 ■cates of land to be taxed, where there may be four ploughs. Ilbert now has it, but it 
 is w.aste. Value in King Edward's time, forty shillings. Wood pasture half-a-mile 
 long and half broad.* 
 We here learn then that this township had suffered severely 
 in the devastation which had swept over the north of England, 
 and that the whole cultivated lands here had been laid waste. 
 -m p^-f CO T^gtf. 
 Not a single inhabitant is mentioned ; neither a thane, bordar, 
 sokeman, nor even a poor villane. Such, however, as the place 
 was, it had been given to Ilbert de Laci, one of the most favoured 
 amongst the followers of William the Conqueror. For his loyal 
 .service to his master he received from him nearly 200 manors, 
 bcrewicks, and sokes, 1 50 manors being in the West Riding, and 
 .so far did his estates extend, that it is said he could ride on horse- 
 back for three days continuously and see nothing but his 
 own lands. If this township fared so badly at this period, let 
 us also look a moment at the Domesday Record as regards our 
 immediate neighbours. 
 In Calverlei and Ferselleia, Archill had three carucates of land to be taxed, and 
 there may be two ploughs. Ilbert has it, and it is waste. Value in King Edward's 
 time, twenty shillings. Wood pasture half-a-niile long and half broad. 
 • Bawdwkn's TraHslation of Domesday Sook,p. 141. 
 In Brameleia Archil had four carucates of land to be taxed, and there may be 
 two ploughs there. Ilbert now has it, and it is waste. Wood pasture half-a-mile 
 long and half broad. Value in King Edward's time, forty shillings. 
 Land of Gospatrick. In Brameleia two carucates of land to be taxed. Land 
 one plough. 
 In fuinc [Tong] Stainulf had four carucates of land to be taxed where there 
 may be two ploughs. Ilbert has it. and it is waste. Value in King Edward's time, 
 twenty shillings. Wood pasture half-mile long and half broad. 
 And so wherever we turn in this neighbourhood it is the 
 same sad story almost invariably — " waste," " waste," and that 
 " Ilbert has it." Ilbert de Laci, who was created Baron of Pon- 
 tefract in the year 1070, built there a strong castle, and lived 
 like a petty king. It is also said that he had other smaller 
 castles at Leeds, Bradford, etc., and fortified manor houses in 
 his territory to enable him to maintain his hold upon the exten- 
 sive estates which had been wrung from the former owners and 
 given to him, who now held his estates in capite, that is, direct 
 from the head — the king. He then gave or sublet some of his 
 manors to others of his favourite friends to be held in fee simple 
 — to render him service when he required it, as he was to render 
 service to the king when required. 
 So the land being thus settled upon Normans, who, as is the 
 custom in their country, took upon themselves surnames from the 
 names of the places of their several settlements, and the better to 
 distinguish them, etc., as de Pudsey, de Calverley, de Bradford, 
 etc. It was thus that we obtained many of the- names in 
 existence even at the present day. Into the origin and history 
 of the ancient Pudsey family I will shortly proceed to examine. 
 In my inquiries into this subject, and turning to the pages 
 of Thoresby, in his Diicatus Leodiensis ; to Whitaker, in his 
 History of Craven ; to FORSTER, in his Pedigrees of Yorkshire 
 Families, I find that all are blank, all are dumb as to the origin 
 or commencement of the family, as they each commence the 
 pedigree with the name of Simon Pudsey, who had married 
 Katherine, the daughter and rich heiress of John Bolton, Lord of 
 Bolton, near Gisburn, in Craven, in the reign of Edward. But 
 none of them tell from whence he came. In the last edition of 
 Whitaker'.S Craven, edited by MORANT, we have " Simon 
 Pudsey, of Barford," but this was a mere assumption, without one 
 tittle of proof.* Dr. Whitaker, in his first edition of Craven, 
 in noticing one branch of the family, who resided at Settle, says : 
 The family of Pudsey, I have no doubt, was originally Norman. Where they 
 resided before their acquisition of Settle in the time of Stephen, I know not, any more 
 than when they parted with it. 
 ^ In fact, the .Manor of Hereford wa.<J not obtained by the Pudseys until the third generation 
 after him, viz., by his grandson, Sir Henry de Pudsey, Knt., who obtained it by marriage. 
 A communication of inquiry on this subject was sent in 
 i85i,to the then Hving representative of the family, and he, 
 Pudsey Dawson, Esq., of Hornby Castle, in a letter dated 
 February loth, 1851, wrote on this subject as follows : — 
 I have some ancient deeds now before me, and a draft of a pedigree sent imto 
 liolton Hall, in 1750, five descents higher than Simon Pudsey, wherein we are called 
 " Pudsey of Pudsey, Bolton, and Barforth, in the ("ounty of York." The above draft 
 was taken from a register belonging to Kirkstall Abbey, now in the hands of Sir 
 "Walter Blackett, Bart. 
 The names in this pedigree would undoubtedly be the same as 
 those given in HOPKINSON'S MSS., copied by, and known as the 
 Wilson MSS., in the Leeds Old Library. 
 This pedigree has not generally been considered quite satis- 
 factory, though the names arc of those who had undoubtedly given 
 lands to Kirkstall Abbey, and as liberal benefactors to that monas- 
 tery we shall notice them in the proper place. The best pedigree, 
 and the one most likely to be correct, as far as it goes, is the one 
 ■compiled and published by General Plantagenet Harrison.* 
 Upon inquiry as to his authorities for the particulars of the 
 statements contained in his pedigree of this family of Pudsey, he 
 wrote me that " the Pudsey pedigree was compiled principally 
 from the Pleas Rolls,' adding that he had not time then to look 
 up references amongst his MSS., but that if he could serve me 
 he would with pleasure. In a second letter to him I stated that 
 at the same period of time we had statements in numerous 
 charters of the Scotts or Calverleys being " Lords of Pudsey," as 
 well as the Pudseys being " Lords of Pudsey," and asked, v/ith 
 his vast experience in these subjects, " How were these two 
 statements to be reconciled ?" He replied that, "if he remembered 
 rightly, there were two or three manors in Pudsey, and that after 
 a certain marriage mentioned in the pedigree, the Calverley 
 family had the whole of the Manor of Pudsey." Now this idea 
 had occurred to me before, that there were probably two manors 
 in Pudsey, as there were at the time of the Domesday Survey, 
 Thus a difficulty, which had presented itself both to me and to 
 others, I believe to be quite satisfactorily explainable. Many of 
 the names which are given in the account of the family by General 
 Harrison I have met with in numerous charters relating to the 
 Calverleys. I shall now proceed to give the pedigree of the 
 Pagan de Pudsey, Lord of Pudsey, held eight carucates of 
 land belonging to the King's geld of Robert de Lacy in the time 
 of Kings William, Rufus, and Henry I. [1087-1135.] 
 * History of Yorkshire^ vol. i. 11879), GiUing West. 
 He had two sons, Geoffrey de Pudsey, who was Lord of 
 Pudsey, and Hugh de Pudsey, who was the famous Bishop of 
 Geoffrey, son of Pagan, paid 62s. 6d. Danegeld i Hen. H. 
 [11 54.] He married Agnes, daughter and heir of Robert de 
 Tireshall, Lord of Tireshall, co. York. [This marriage would 
 most probably be the cause of the hamlet of Tireshall being part 
 of the township of Pudsey.] He went into the Holy Land with 
 Richard I. In 5 John he gave, conjointly with Agnes his wife,, 
 the third part of two bovates of land and two messuages with the 
 appurtenances in Tireshall, to Richard de Tange, to hold to him 
 and his heirs forever of them, the said Geoffrey and Agnes and their 
 heirs, at the yearly rent of fourpence, and died the same year.* 
 Hugh, who became Bishop of Durham, being consecrated 
 bishop by the Pope himself at Rome, Dec. 30, 1153, was bishop 
 above 40 years. He purchased the earldom of Northumberland, 
 together with the lordship of Sedberge ; and he gave 1,000 mark.s 
 for the office of Lord Chief Justice of England at the same time 
 (1189). He was the founder of Sherburne Hospital, in the 
 county of Durham. He died 3rd March, 1 193-4. 
 Geoffrey had two sons, his heir being Henry DE Pudsey, 
 Lord of Pudsey, who was nephew and heir to Hugh de Pudsey, 
 Bishop of Durham, 6 John. 
 This Geoffrey, son of Pagan, was undoubtedly of Pudsey 
 (S.R.), and Roger de Pudsey, of Tireshall, who levied a fine of 
 lands there, 3 Hen. HI. [12 19.] He married Agnes d. and h. of 
 Lambert de Ringlawe [or perhaps Tinglawe]. They had two 
 sons, Peiteum and Lambert.t Peiteum de Pudsey had a son 
 named Walter de Pudsey, who married Emmc de la Schon, and 
 his grandfather and grandmother, Roger de Pudsey and Agnes 
 his wife, as the right of the said Agnes, gave lands in Pudsey to 
 him, 3 Hen. HI. 
 ^ In the oldest Pipe Roll, said to belotig to the 31 Hen. I. or the 5th Stephen, but more 
 probably to i Hen. II., Bertram Bulmer, .Sheriff of Yorkshire, renders account of the great vassals 
 of F^arl Stephen of Britaiiy, viz. : — Various names follow, with the amounts of their respective pay- 
 ments. Then continuing — And in pardon by the King's writ, the Ear! of Britany, 22 marks in silver, 
 of his lesser vassals ; Kalph. the son of Ribald, 5 marks in silver ; the Archbishop of York 
 Gamel He Hochesworda, 20s ; Chetelle, the son of Sueini, i mark in -ilver ; ,'Vlan de Moncelle, 70s. ; 
 the Earl of Waren.io;; Origrim de Frismareis. 40s. In demesne, Roger de Moubrai. /^4 and 15s. 
 of his drengrs ; Wi b^m, the son of kanulph, 40s. ; the Prior of St Oswald, 62s. ; Bernard de HailocI, 
 ^6 15s. (Jf the v-as-sals of Blida, 2 marks in silver ; Robert de Bruis, 4 marks in silver ; Gaufrey, 
 the son of Pagin. 6s. 8d. 
 Total. £s4 15s. 8d. ; and £1$ and 2od. is owing. 
 Plant. Harrison's History of Vot/cshire, vol. i.. pp. 12 and 13. 
 t I find he had two other .sons. In Add. C/mrter^ No. 16.590 it is stated that Gilbert, son of 
 Roger de Pudegesaia, quits to John de Bradforth a grange [barn] and land in Pudegesaia, and land 
 ,ii feet in the 1 ;ngth and width of the grange, towards the north, for 19s. of silver given me in hand, 
 'rhe witnesse-- being W ill hcot, Hen. Scot. .Sim de Fersele. Robt.. son of Geoffrey, Roger de Farnley» 
 John, son of GeoUrey, Hugh de VVolhal, William ihe clerk, and others. [Time of Hen. III.] 
 Lambert de Pudsey, the brother of Roger, had a son, 
 .Simon de Pudsey, to whom his grandfather and grandmother, 
 the aforesaid Roger and Agnes, gave lands in Pudsey, 3 Hen. IIL, 
 the same time his cousin Walter received his lands also. 
 Turning back to 
 Henry de Pudsey, Lord of Pudsey, who had four sons — 
 I William, 2 Roger, 3 Elias, 4 John. 
 William de Pudsey, son of Henry, was Lord of Pudsey. 
 In 52 Hen. HI. [1268], he took a writ of consanguinity 
 against Jordan de Wodehall touching two bovats of land with 
 the appurtenances in Pudsey, but did not appear to prosecute 
 the same, having died in that year. This Jordan de Wodehall I 
 find mentioned in several charters of this period. Hen. HI. 
 Roger de Pudsey, the second son of Henry, had a son, 
 William de Pudsey, who was a defendant in a plea of trespass, 
 21 Edw. I. [1293.] 
 The names of these two persons I find in Add. Charters, 
 16,67$, in a writing in which 
 William, son of Robert de Hecleshille, gives to Alice, daughter of William son 
 of Roger de Pudgsay, a half bovate of land in Pugsay, to be paid an annual rent of 2 
 pence. Witnesses — ^Joh. de Scotico de Calverlay, Hug. de Wodehalle and others. 
 [Temp. Edw. I.] 
 This same William, son of Roger de Podesey, was one of the 
 witnesses to a charter in which 
 Eleana, daughter of Gilbert de Podesay, gives to John at the Well of Podesay 
 part of a toft in Podesay lo ]ie held from the house of the Hospitallers of St. John of 
 Jerusalem in England. [Temp. Edw. I.] — Add. Charters, 16,677. 
 Elias de Pudsey, the third son HENRY, had two sons, 
 John and Peter. John, son of Elias de Pudsey, was a juryman 
 at York, 21 Edw. I.* In a charter. No. 16,674, I find that 
 John de Pudesay, miller, with the consent of Agnes his wife, conceded to John 
 Marecullo and Margerie his wife, part of a messuage and toft and some land in Pudesay, 
 at an annual rental of 4d. Witnesses, John Scott de Calverleye, Thos. de Horsforthe, 
 and others. [Temp. Edw. I.] 
 This John had a son, John de Pudsey, and in a charter. No. 
 16,680, I find the three mentioned thus : — 
 John, son of John, the son of Elias de Poddesay, gave to John Scot de Calverley, 
 his chief lord (capiliili domino), an annual rent or payment of 6d. in Podesay. The 
 witnesses being Sir John de Thornhille, Sir Will, de Beston, knights, John 1 illey and 
 others. [7««/). Edw. I.] With a Seal. 
 This second John had a son called Hugh de Pudsey, who 
 claimed against Robert, son of Jordan, son of Peter de Pudsey, 
 * See Add. Charters, 16,727 and 16,749. 
 24 acres of land in Pudsey, 13 Edw. III. Robert was half cousin 
 of Hugh, their fathers being cousins. 
 Peter de Pudsey, the other son of Elias, had a son, Jordan 
 de Pudsey, and he had two sons, Robert son of Jordan de Pudsey, 
 as stated above, 13 Edw. III., and John son of Jordan de Pudsey, 
 17 Edw. III. 
 John de Pudsey, fourth son of Henry aforesaid, had 
 William, son of John de Pudsey, 17 Edw. I., and he had John, 
 son of William de Pudsey, 11 Edw. II. "William son of John 
 de Pudesaye" was witness to a charter, No. 16,719. {^Temp. 
 Edw. I.] 
 Having thus noticed the four sons of Henry de Pudsey, and 
 the descendants of three of them, I now return to the eldest son 
 and heir, William de Pudsey, who had five sons : — 
 1st. Thomas de Pudsey, who was Lord of Pudsey. In 52 
 Hen. III. [1268] he was plaintiff in a fine touching lands in 
 Pudsey, co. York ; claimed lands in Gluseburne in right of 
 his wife ; was a man-at-arms in the Scottish wars [temp. 
 Edw. I.] He married Emme, daughter and co-heir of Adam 
 de Wraton, brother and heir of William, son of Thomas de 
 Wraton, Lord of Wraton, co. York, and had issue, John and 
 2nd. John de Pudsey, who was murdered on the moor at Yew- 
 cross, by some persons unknown ; and Wm. de Bradley, of 
 Carleton-in-Craven, was attached, being present at the said 
 murder, 7 Edw. I. [1279.] 
 3rd. Robert de Pudsey, Messer of Magna-Merley, shot William, 
 son of Gibert de Penilton, in the town of Magna-Merley, 
 with an arrow in the belly, and killed him, 20 Edw. I. [1302.] 
 4th. Dionysius de Pudsey, of Stynclingflet, had a son William, 
 against whom, 8 Edw. II. [13 15], Nicholas de Fiskergate, of 
 Styneclyngflet, claimed damages for unjustly dis-seising him 
 of two messuages, one bovate of arable land, and two acres 
 and a half of meadow, in Styneclyngflet, co. York. 
 5th. Simon de Pudsey, seised of lands in Pudsey, i Edw. I. 
 [1272.] He was one of the witnesses to a deed of lands in 
 Pudsey, given to Kirkstall Abbey by Walter Sampson, and 
 in the tenure of Richard Pudsey, carpenter, date about 
 1280. He had "Robert son of Simon de Pudsey," who 
 died 6 Edw. II., sub parentis (i.e. before his father). His 
 widow Emma was living two years afterwards, viz. 8 Edw. 
 II. I find the name of this Robert in one of the Add. 
 Charters, B.M. No. 16,653, i" vvhich "John Touneslowcrd. 
 de Podesay gave to John Scot de Calverley a rent of 4s. in 
 Podesay, the witnesses being John de Podesey, clcrico, John 
 de Oulecotes, Robt. son of Simon de Podesey, and others." 
 [Temp. Edw. I.] 
 John de Pudsey, Lord of Pudsey, was plaintiff in a plea 
 -of advowson, 20 Edw. I. [1292] ; defendant in a plea of land at 
 the suit of Wm. de Clervaux, touching one messuage in York, 
 21 Pldw. I. ; was surety for Wm. son of William de Wodesome, 
 in a plea touching lands in Pudsey, 7 Edw. II. [13 14] ; claimed 
 lands in Glusburne, 2 Edw. III. [1329] ; died before 15 Edw. III. 
 In many of the charters in the British Museum, to which I have 
 before referred, there occurs the name of John de Pudsey, either 
 as granting or quit-claiming lands, or as witness to some deed 
 or other, but to which John it is not always easy to make out, 
 because there were six of them who were living during the reigns 
 of the three Edwards, viz., John, son of Henry ; John, son of 
 Elias ; John, son of John ; John, son of William ; John, son of Jor- 
 dan ; and John, son of William, who was murdered at Yewcross. 
 The brother of JOHN, Lord of Pudsey, was SiMON DE 
 Pudsey, Lord of Bolton-by-Bolland, near Skipton, in right of 
 his wife, Kathcrine, daughter of Sir John de Bolton, knight, Lord 
 of Bolton-by-Bollanc. Simon de Pudsey paid the subsidy at 
 Bolton, 6 Edw. III. [1333.] He was plaintiff in a plea of land, 
 conjointly with Katherine, his wife, and Christiana de Reming- 
 ton, against William Barlagh and others, touching lands in 
 Burton-in-Lonsdale, 7 Edw. III. ; was executor to the will of 
 John de Pudsey, his brother before-mentioned, 15 Edw. III.; 
 died 16 Edw. III. He was a great soldier and a knight in the 
 Scottish and French wars of his time. From him the pedigree 
 of the Pudsey family of Bolton commences, as printed in 
 Thoresby's Diicatus Leodiensis, and also in Whitaker's 
 History of Craven, but both of them are silent as to where he 
 came from. I leave him and his descendants, as having no 
 further connection with Pudsey, and return to the descendants 
 of his elder brother JOHN, who had two children, Robert and 
 Robert de Pudsey was Lord of Pudsey, 20 Edw. III. 
 [1347.] Isabella, his sister, was married to Richard, son of Philip 
 de Clayton, who entailed his lands by fine at his marriage, 12 
 Edw. III., the marriage settlement being dated in that year. 
 Robert had two sons, William and Robert. 
 William, son of Robert de Pudsey, against whom, 42 Edw. 
 III. [1369], John Judson, of Pudsey, claimed ;^20 damages, for 
 cutting down . his trees at Pudsey on Monday next after the 
 feast of St. Crucis, 40 Edw. III. His brother, Robert de Pudsey, 
 lived at York, and was plaintiff in a plea of debt, 33 Edw. III. ; 
 and on Palm-Sunday that same year (1360), in returning alone 
 from Walmgate, at York, to his own house in Fishergate, he 
 tumbled into the ditch outside the bar of Fishergate, called 
 Barredyke, and was drowned. He left two sons — John Pudsey, 
 of York, colyer ; Will dated January 20th, 1442, leaving Agnes, 
 a daughter and heir. He had a bastard son named Hugh 
 Beverley. The other son of Robert was called Thomas Pudsey, 
 of York, fishmonger. His wife was called Johanna, and she was 
 executrix to her husband's Will, 15 Hen. VI. [1437.] 
 Robert de Pudsey (who succeeded William aforesaid 
 as Lord of Pudsey) married Agnes, daughter and heir of some- 
 one of Thorpe Arch, co. York ; and he claimed, conjointly with 
 Agnes, his wife, against Henry, son of John Mabelson, of Tok- 
 with, one messuage and twenty-four acres of land in Thorpe 
 Arches, aS the right of the said Agnes, 9 Rich. II. [1386]; 
 claimed damages against Thomas Berill and Agnes, his wife, for 
 waste and destruction in lands in Pudsey, which they held for 
 the life-time of the said Agnes, 11 Rich. II., by the assignation 
 of William Attewell, of Pudsey, who demised the same to the 
 said Agnes. In 8 Hen. IV., the King gave him an annuity of 
 ten marks out of the manor of Morton, co. Lincoln, which 
 belonged to Thomas le Despenser. In II Hen. IV. he was one 
 of the plaintiffs in a fine touching lands in Kinewalmerske, 
 Ekyngton, and Barlborough, co. Derby , and released William 
 de Lodyngton and his heirs the manor of Morton, co. Lincoln. 
 He was one of the executors to the Will of Thomas Neville, 
 Lord Furnivall. 
 The Thomas Berill, here mentioned in 1388, I find also is 
 mentioned in a charter in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, No. 
 280, as follows : — 
 Thomas, son of John de Byrell, of Pudesay, remits and quit claims to John Scot 
 of Newton, John de Roudon, and Sir Nicholas Adamson of Yeadon, chaplain, all 
 rights in lands, tenements, etc., which were John de Byrell's, his father, in the village 
 of Pudesay. Dated 30 January, 21 Rich. II. [1398.] With a Seal. 
 The William Attewell referred to, I met with in many of 
 the charters in the British Museum. I here give an extract 
 from one as a specimen : — 
 John, son of Wathey de Bagley, gives to William Attewell, of Podesey, and 
 Beatrice, his wife, 2s. annual rent in Podesey. Witnesses : — Sir John de Calverley, 
 Rob. le Rede of Podesey, and others. Given on the watch night of St. Martin, in the 
 year 18 Edw. III. — Add. Char., 16,736. 
 There are also two William Attewells, sen. and jun., in the 
 subsidy roll of 2 Rich. II. [1379.] 
 Robert DE PudsEY had three brothers and one sister : — 
 1st. John Pudsey of Ungthorpe, against whom Johanna, who 
 was the wife of Bernard dc Brocas, claimed 4s. rents in 
 Elslake, 14 Henry IV. ; claimed lands in Misterton con- 
 jointly with Alicia his wife, 8 Henry V. 
 2nd. Katherine, who was plaintiff in a plea of trespass, 9 
 Henry IV. 
 3rd. Richard de Pudsey, who paid the poll tax, 9 Rich. II. 
 4th. Thomas Pudsey, who paid the poll tax, both 2 Rich. II., 
 and 9th Rich. II., as well as his wife Matilda, who was 
 Jeft a widow, as her husband was killed, 12 Rich. II. [1389.] 
 Robert de Pudsey had two sons, namely, Robert de 
 Pudsey, Lord of Pudsey, who with Richard, his brother, were 
 plaintiffs in a plea of debt against Roger de Pudsey of Bereford, 
 5 Hen. V. [141 8.] He had two sons, viz. : — 
 Sir John de Pudsey, Knt., Lord of Pudsey, defendant 
 in a plea of debt, 20 Edw. IV. [1481.] He had a daughter, 
 who was his heir, and was married to Walter Calverley, Esq., 
 and thus the manors became united, and held solely by the 
 Calverley family. So says General HARRISON. His brother was 
 Robert Pudsey, of Pudsey, who was seised of the third part of 
 the manors of Hertlington, Kirkby Malghdale [Malham], Han- 
 lyth, Hankeswyk, and Oulston, in right of his wife, Agnes, 
 second daughter and co-heir of William de Hertlington, Lord 
 of Hertlington, etc., 13 Edw. IV. She was a widow, 12 Hen. 
 VII. [1497-] 
 After leaving Pudsey, the members of this influential 
 Yorkshire family took up their abode at Bolton, in Craven, 
 where their fine old residence is still in existence. Whitaker, 
 in his History of Craven, says : — 
 Bolton Hall, the ancient residence of this ancient family (Piulsay), had beauties 
 to attract the eyes even of Dodsworth, who seldom looked beyond a charter or a painted 
 window. " It standeth," says that indefatigable antiquary, " very pleasantly, among 
 sweet woods and fruitful hills. Here, within the compass of a moderate estate, the 
 Pudsays enjoyed every distinction, feudal or ecclesiastic, which their age and country 
 could bestow. * * * Here they sheltered their persecuted sovereigns ; and here, 
 after the loyalty or dissipation of their forefathers had abridged their resources, the 
 last amiable possessors enjoyed to extreme old age the blessings of retirement and 
 About half a mile north from the manor house are the village 
 church and parsonage house of Bolton. About the church are 
 many references to the Pudsey family. The coat-of-arms is to 
 be seen over the entrance to the porch and on the font, and is 
 also carved on the bosses in the roof. The arms are also to be 
 found quartered, first with those of the Dawsons, and then with 
 those of the Littledales ; the first-named havin<j the motto of 
 the Puds2y izxvWy Penser pen de toi (" Think little of thyself ") 
 beneath. The combined arms of the Pudsey-Dawson-Little- 
 dales are also to be seen in Bolton Church. They are of a 

 somewhat elaborate character, but the Pudsey shield, with 
 chevron and three mullets, figures twice— a proof of preponder- 
 ance. The date is 1835 ; at the base is a skull, and beneath is 
 the motto—" O Lord in Thee have I trusted." The tombstones 
 and brasses and monuments to the Pudsey family are numerous. 
 On that of Henricus de Pudsey, who died in 1 509, was engraved 
 Miserere met deus. Jhu merdi. There is also a stone engraved 
 "Mr. Marmaduke Pudsey, d.28 
 day of March, 1650." "Bridget 
 Pudsey, spinster, d. 29 Jany., 1770, 
 aged 84." This, the last direct 
 descendant of the Pudsey family, 
 the name afterwards being com- 
 bined with that of Dawson (a Mr. 
 Dawson marrying a niece and 
 heiress to Bridget Pudsey, and 
 acquiring the family estate). Chris- 
 topher Dawson (nephew above- 
 named) d. 1786; and Anthony 
 Littledale married Mary, daughter 
 of Pudsey Dawson. But the most 
 p .^ , p „ remarkable tombstone is that to 
 rudsey of Bolton. t> i i r> , t . .. 
 Ralph Pudsey. It is of grey 
 marble, close to the altar, and is of very large dimensions. It 
 bears the following inscription : — " Pettser peu de tot. Ys tomb of 
 he Ralph Pudsey, ye faithful adherent of King Henry VI., 
 whom he sheltered at Bolton Hall, 1463, was restored by his 
 descendant and heir, Pudsey Dawson, of Hornby Castle, esq., 
 a.d. 1857." This Ralph Pudsey had three wives, by whom he had 
 twenty-five children — eight sons and seventeen daughters, eight 
 each by two of his wives, and nine by the other. On the above- 
 named tomb is carved in bas-relief the figures of the said 
 Ralph Pudsey, his three wives, and the whole of his twenty-five 
 children, forming one of the most remarkable tombstones in 
 existence. There are several other beautiful monumental shrines 
 in and about Bolton Church to the memory of the Pudsey-Daw- 
 sons and Littledales ; but none of the family live there now. Mrs. 
 Littledale(still living)the lastof the representatives, sold the family 
 estates about thirty years ago to a Mr. Wright, who resides at Bol- 
 ton Hall, a fine old castellated building. But Mrs. Littledale re- 
 tained the right of presentation to the living at Bolton Church. 
 I now proceed to notice other landholders and residents in 
 Pudsey during the 1 2th and 13th centuries. I am, fortunately, 
 enabled to do this from the calendar of a large number of 
 valuable and interesting ancient charters, — part of the Calverley 
 MSS., which were presented to the British Museum by Sir 
 Walter Calverley Trevelyan, Bart, in July, 1866, and cata- 
 logued ; Add. Chars., 16,580 to 17,292 ; and also from the 
 Hemingway MSS., which seem to be "estrays" from the 
 Calverley collection. 
 In a charter of the I2th century we learn that Roger Scot, of Kalverlay, gave to 
 Geoffrey, son of Peter de Ardington, and Mary, the sister of the said Roger, and 
 heirs, one half carucate of land in Kalverlay, out of his demesne, in free marriage ; 
 rendering thence two spurs of gilt annually. The witnesses were Will, de Lelay, 
 Hugh and Robert, his sons, Will. Wart [qy. Ward ?], Ralph, son of Baldwin de 
 Bramhop, Hugh de Swinlington, Serlo [Cyril] de Povilla, William, his son, 
 Thomas de Tornetun, John his brother, Hugh Stapletun, Walter de Jeaddun [Yea- 
 don], Jordan of the Royds. IVit/i a Seal. — Add. Char., 16,580. 
 In another charter [temp. Hen. III.?] the same land men- 
 tioned in the above deed is transferred to a Pudsey man by a 
 descendant of the first-named recipient. 
 Robert, son of Ralph de Arthington, gives to William Thuneslouerd, of Pude- 
 kesaye, half a carucate of land in Kalverlaye, which by deed Roger Scot heretofore 
 gave to Geoffrey, son of Peter de Arthington and Mary, sister of the said Roger, to 
 hold of John Scot, lord of the fee, rendering to the said John one pair of gilt spurs 
 annually. The witnesses were Jordan de Wodehall, Will, son of John, Will, son of 
 Roger, Thomas [Simpson ? ] Will, de Wirkelay , Peter de Wirkelay, John Normandy, 
 Hugh, son of Thomas Sampson, Gilbert de Ledes, clerk, and others. With a brokett 
 Seal.— Add. Char., 16,583. 
 This Roger Scot I find mentioned in Jennings' translations 
 from Dodsworth (Harl. MS., ygj), as well as some other resi- 
 dents in Pudsey at that time, as follows : — 
 Know ye that I, Simon, son of Alex, de Pudkesay, have given to God and the 
 poor of the Hospital of St. Peter, of York, 3 oxgangs of land in Pudekesay. 
 Know that I, Roger the Scot, of Kalverley. have granted, etc., to liod and the 
 poore of the Hospital of St. Peter of York, etc., all that gift which Simon, the son of 
 Alex, de Pudekeshey, my man, formerly made unto them, of the land of my Fee, to 
 witt, one toft in Pudekeshey, where Davit le Estumer resided, and one essart, etc. 
 Witnesses, etc. Savs dale. 
 In the coucher-book of St. Leonard's Hospital, and St. Peter's of York, is also 
 the following : — Henry Scott, of Pudekesay, gave to the Hospital of St. Peter of 
 York, by charter, one essart in Pudkesey, with the wood and meadow of the said 
 essart, which is called " Holmesgate-rod," by the bounds and witnesses. Sans date. 
 This same [?] Simon, who was so generous to the poor, etc., 
 I find mentioned in other charters : — 
 William Scott, of Calu'l', gives to Simon, Serjeant of Pudegesay, lands in 
 Pudege.say, which he held of Roger, father of the said William, at an annual rent of 
 4d. The witnesses were : — John de Thornhill, Sir John de Wridelsforth, Ralph de 
 Beeston, Thomas Hede, Henry Scot, Robert de Wirkel, Robert de Boli'g [Boiling?], 
 Roger de Thornetun, Ralph de Tilly, Nicholas de Erdislaue, William, the clerk, and 
 others. — Ada. Char., i6,6oo. [This charter states that in Pudegesay 12 carucates of 
 land make a knight's fee.] 
 Richard, son of Robert 'de Tyersale,* gives to Robert, son of Simon the Ser- 
 jeant, of Pudegesay, for los., all his land, with all the wood of that land, and with 
 the meadow which lies in the South Ko-) ds, to wit, between the Bridge of Tyrsal and 
 the land of Annabil in length, and between the arable land and the water-course of 
 Tyrsal in width. Witnesses : — Sir William Scott, Henry Scott, Roger Alan, Stephen 
 de PIcclesil, Jordan, son of William, Peter Alan, Roger de Farnelay, John, son of 
 Geoffrey, Robert, son of Yodlan, William de Sai^a, John de Bradeforth, William 
 d'Ulcotis, and many others. — Add. Char., 16,601. 
 Robert, son of Simon de Birle gives to Robert, son of Simon the Serjeant, of 
 Pugsay, two parts of one bovate in Pugsay, except all his royds and forelands, be- 
 longing to the aforesaid two bovates. The half an acre in Jiorseitollrod and two 
 acres in [.?«(/»«//^i>nV ? ] in the town of Pugsay. Rent I4d. Witnesses: — ^Jordan de 
 Wodhal, John de Bradforde, William, son of John, Robert Paitevin, Elias de Ul- 
 nistor, and others. — Hemin^wav MSS. 
 Alexander de Barkeston gives to Ysabll, his daughter, that land in the territory 
 of Pudekeysey, which lies between the Farenly Road and the land of John Walter- 
 son, stretching towards the west, up to the land of Simon the Serjeant ; and five rods 
 iir my essart of Pudekeysey, which lie between the land of John Barkeston width- 
 wise, and which stretch between the land of Robert Jodlan-son and of Simon the 
 Serjeant lengthwise ; and three roods that lie in Ricardesclif. Witnesses : — William 
 Scot, of Calverley ; Henry Scot, of Pudekesey ; John of Berecroft ; Simon Walterson ; 
 Jordan of Wodehalle ; Alexander of Berecroft ; Robert of Ferseley, and others. — 
 Hetntngway MSS. 
 This last deed is given in full, with a translation, and some 
 interesting notes, by John Lister, Esq., in the Bradford 
 Antiquary, vol. i., p. 216 ; as is also the next, which is from the 
 same collection, and refers to part of the same land. 
 Henry Scott, of Pudegesay, gives to God and the House of John the Baptist, and 
 to the Brethren of the Hospital of Jerusalem, all the land that lies between the 
 Farnelay road and the land of John Walter-son, extending towards the west, as far as 
 the land of Simon the Serjeant. Witnesses : — William Scott ; Roger of Farnelay ; 
 Richard of Tyrsale ; Peter Alan ; John Geoffrey-son ; John of Bradeforth ; Ellis 
 Richardson ; Roger the Greave ; Robert Yodlan -son, and many others. 
 Henry Scot, here mentioned, was witness to a deed relating 
 to Horsforth and Kirkstall Abbey, signed " Henry Scot de 
 Pudhesaiae," belonging to the period 1 222-1249. The Alans 
 were also of Pudsey, and we shall again come across them as we 
 proceed to notice these early charters. 
 In Harl. MS., 797, I find that : — 
 Robert Scot granted to the Hospital of St. Peter, of York, one toft of 3 perches 
 of land, in Pudekesey, etc. Sans date. 
 William Scot, of Kalverl', confirms to the Hospital of St. Peter, etc., all the 
 tenements which they have of the gift of Simon de Estbum, in the territory of 
 Pudekesey. Sans date. 
 Ralph de Ferseley gives to the Hospital, etc , all the moiety of a rode of land in 
 From other evidence we are enabled to fix the time when 
 this Ralph de Ferseley lived, as, in a grant of the Manor of 
 Allerton, near Leeds, by Simon de Allerton, to Kirkstall Abbey, 
 • His daughter is mentioned in the Pudsey pedigree. 
 about 1 1 90, are the names of Ralph de Ferselay and Alex, de 
 Kalverlay, as witnesses* 
 A few years later, we find again, Ralph dc Ferselay, Nigel 
 de Horseforth, and others, are among the witnesses to another 
 gift of land to the same monastery, by one of the same family.f 
 Again and again we have evidence of how generous these 
 ancient fathers were to the cause of religion : — 
 Simon de Ferseley, on the occasion of his marriage, gave to God and St. Mary, 
 of Wodekirke, and the Canons of .St. Oswald, in that place, one acre of land in 
 Tyrsale, with the buildings, which Hugh, son of Robert, held, and the essart, called 
 Date-rode ; and Alice, daughter of Robert Scot, of Calverley, confirms this gift by 
 charter. Witnesses : — Ric. de Tong, John de Tylly, John de Papelay, Richard his 
 brother, Hen. de Thingelan, Simon son of Jordan, and Adam, the writer of this deed. 
 \_Teinp. Hen. HI.?]— ^^/^. Char., 16,584. 
 William, son of Thomas .Scott de Newton [Pottemewton] gives to Will, son of 
 Roger Scott, of Caluirel', his right in a carucate of land in Berecroft, in Pudegesay, 
 being an annual rent lOs., which Sir Robert de Stapilton paid me annually. 
 Witnesses :— Sir John Lungevilers, Sir Ric. de Tong, Sir John de Wridelesforth, Sir 
 John de Thornehil, Geoffrey de Arthi'gtu', Ralph his son. Hen. Scott, Roger Alan, 
 Stephen de Ecclesil. lTemt>. Hen. \\W\—Add. Char., 16,585. 
 Simon, son of Lambert de Tyrsale, gives to William Hare, a toft, etc., in the 
 town and territory of Tyrsale, to pay from thence to the Hospital of St. John, 4d. 
 annually. And William Hare has given to me for this donation, 17s. of silver. 
 Witnesses;— Ric. de Tonge, Will. Scot, Sir Ralph Tilly, Hugh de Tyrsale, Robert 
 de Wirkelay, John of the (ireen, of Tyrsale, John, son of Agnes de Pudekesay, and 
 others-t With a Seal. [Teinf. Hen. llU]—Add. Char., 16,586. 
 Hugh, the clerk, of Wodeall, gives to Roger, the son of Thomas the chaplain, 
 land situate between the exit which goes towards Ze Merking and the croft of Robert, 
 son of Gamel. rendering thence annually, for all service, 4d. Witnesses: — William 
 Scot, Henry Scot, William the clerk, Robert the parson, Stephen Ecclsil', Roger 
 Alan, Robert de Ecclsil', William, son of Ralph, Michael d' Ecclsil, and others. 
 \Temp. Hen. UU]—Add. Char., 16,587. 
 William, son of Bernard de Pudekesay, quit-claims to Alexander de Barkestun, 
 for I4d. in silver, one perticate (rood) of land in the territory of Pudekesay, to wit, in 
 Ricarded f. [Have we not here the origin of " Rickardshaw Lane ?"J Witnesses: 
 Sir Will. Scot. Hen. Scot, Sim. de Fersley, Roger de Favell, Robert Jodlan-son, 
 Roger, son of Gregory, and many others. {Temp. Hen. IH. ?] — Add. Char., 16,591. 
 Adam, son of Astini [qy. Austin ?] lets to Alex, de Barkestun an essart lying 
 lietween the essart of the monks and the essart of John de Barkestun, rendering thence 
 annually id. Witnesses:— Will. Scot, Hen. Scott, Hugh, son of the same, Roger de 
 Farnel', John, son of Geoffrey, Ale.x., his brother, John de Bradeforth, Will, de 
 Vlecotis [Owlcotes], Roger, the Greave and Ellis de Vlinsthorp [Ulvisthorp]. 
 \_Temp. Hen. \\\.'>\—Ad<t. Char., 16,593. 
 Adam Scot quit-claims to Ellis, son of Ric. de Vlinsthorp, his right in Schires- 
 rodc, for four marks, except the service of his chief lord, and 2d. per year. 
 Witnesses:— Will. Scott, Will, de Ferselay, Robert the clerk, Robert, son of Jodlan, 
 Roger de Farnel, Roger son of * * * Peter Alan, Ric. de Tirsale, and others — 
 Add. Char., 16,595. 
 Ellis, son of Walter de Frithebec, sells to Will. Alan, of Pudkesay, an annual 
 rent from Hulvisthorpe, paying 2s. 6d. Witnesses :— Will. Scot de Calverley, Adam 
 Scott, of Pudkesay, Philip de Fersley, John de Bradford Berecroft, 
 * Whitaker, X«V. et Elm., p. 1*5. 
 t Ibid, p. 126. 
 X Capital letters used in this deed in the middle of words. 
 William the clerk, and others. With a broken Seal. [Temp. Hen. III.?]— ^(/rf. 
 Char., 16,596. 
 Walter de Frithebec and Sigreda his wife, grant to Peter, son of William Alan, in 
 marriage with Alice, daughter of the grantor, the moiety of all his land which was that 
 of Gilbert Ulekotis, and the moiety of the rent of all that land. Witnesses : — Hugh 
 de Sittlington, Thomas de Thornetun, Roger Scot, Adam the clerk, Robert the clerk, 
 Henry Scot, Simon de Fersifeld, William, son of Hugh, Adam Samson, and others. 
 — Utmingwty MSS. 
 John Alan grants to William de Tirsale one essart in the fields of Podesay, 
 ci\\e.& Hall K ode. Witnesses: — Roljert le Rede, John Attewelle, John de 
 Will. Alayn, Simon Alan, Will Attewelle, and others Hemingway MSS. 
 On the Monday after Easter, 2 Edw. [1309], Cecelia, formerly wife of Robert 
 de la Wodehall, quit-claims to Walter, son of John de la Wodehall, all right, &c., in 
 that essart called HaHerode, in Podeshay. Witnesses: — John Cliote [Eliote?], 
 Hugh de la Wodehall, John his brother, Peter de Seleby, John Alayn, and others;. 
 Given at Podeshay. — Hemingway MSS. 
 In '333' Robert del Birkes and Isabel his wife grant " Hallrode " in the 
 territory of Podeshay, to John ays. Witnesses : — John Scot, of Calverlay ; John 
 Attewell, of Podeshay j Robert, son of John le Rede, of the same ; Jordan, son of 
 Peter de Selby, of the same ; John de * * * and others. Given at Podeshay. 
 . — Hemingway MSS. 
 Gilbert, son of Walter de Tirsale, gives to Nicholas, son of Robert de Byrkench, 
 after the death of his mother, for 3s., land in Tjnrsale, which lies between the land of 
 Hugh, son of Hie. de Tyrsal, and the land of Ric. Walterson of the same. Witnesses : 
 Ric de Tong, Will. Scot, of Kalverley, Adam Scot, Hugh de Tirsal, John de Brad- 
 ford, John de Grave, of Pudekesey, Alexander, Adam the Grave, of Bradford, and 
 others. [Temp. Hen. lU.^—Add. Char., 16,598. 
 Robert, son of Jossam [qy. Jodlan], of Pudkesay, sells and confirms to William, 
 son of Adam, of Pudkesay, the whole of the rent which Simon, son of Clariz and John 
 Pie, used annually to pay him for certain lands in Pudkesay [circ. 1220-1230.] IVith 
 a Seal. — Bodl. Lili. Char., No. 279. 
 Adam Gamlon grants to the monks of Kirkstall the whole of his land which he 
 had at the head of the land of the said monks in Pudekessay [circ. 1230-1240.] — Bodl. 
 Lib. Char., 21. 
 Peter Alan grants to Ric. his son, half a bovate of land in Ulinsthorpe, with the 
 buildings planted thereon, and that to wit, which lies near [saH ?], and one toft 
 between the toft of Ellis and the toft of William, son of Bernard ; and the moiety of 
 that essart which is called the essart of Gilbert both of wood and meadow and arable 
 land, paying gd. annually. Witnesses ; — Will. Scot, .Stephen de Fxclesil, Roger Alan, 
 John de Bradforth, John de Berecroft, Jordan de Wodehalle, Will, de Ulecotes, and 
 others. — Add. Char., 16,604. 
 In another chapter [Temp. Hen. III.?] Robert, the son of Peter Alan, of 
 Pudkesay, confirms to Richard, his brother, the possession of the above land at 
 Ulvisthorpe, before the same witnesses. 
 * * * * de Wodhall [Christian name omitted in original] grants to John 
 Attwell, de Podd [sey] one toft in the town of Podd [sey] to be held of the Knights 
 of .St. John. Witnesses: — ^John de Wodhall, Robert, son of Simon, Robert de 
 Oulcotis, Simon his son, John Towneslouerde, and others. Sans date. — Hemingway 
 John, son of Walter de la Bercroft, grants to William de Tyresale and his heirs, 
 three perticates of land lying in the field of Podesay. Witnesses : — Thomas de 
 Tyrsale, Robert le Rede, John de Gilbert Alayn, John Attwell, and 
 others. — Hemingway MSS. 
 Henry Scot, of Pudekesay, gives to Matilda his daughter, the service of Simon 
 de la Green, in Calverley, for the salary of 20d., etc., out of which is to be returned a 
 pair of white gloves. (Add. Chart., 16,632.) In another charter, Matilda, daughter 
 of Henry Scot, of Pudekesay, quit-claims to William Scot, of Calverley, the rent to be 
 due or collected from Simon de la Green, of Calverley. [Time of Hen. III.?] 
 In the following statement we have a peep into the domestic 
 slavery ot that period, and see what an immense power the 
 feudal lord had over his living chattels. We shall meet with 
 other similar instances as we proceed. 
 Henry Scot, of Puchegchesay, quit-claims to the Knights of the Temple of 
 Solomon of Jerusalem, Elias, son of William, the son of Swayne, of Puchegchesay, 
 with his following. T he witnesses being : — Will. Scot, of Calverley, and Richard de 
 Tong. — Add. Char., 16,633. 
 Having thus noticed, though somewhat briefly, the various 
 charters relating to the time of Henry HI., we must now turn to 
 the troublous times of the three Edwards, when the kingdom 
 was continually disturbed by wars and rumours of wars. In the 
 following translation from Kirkby's Inquest, written by John 
 de Kirkby, in the reign of Edward I., 1284-5, ^nd published as 
 written in Latin, by the Surtees Society, in 1867, and in the 
 List of" Knight's Fees in Yorkshire," 31st Edward I. [1303], we 
 meet with many of the same names as we have already seen 
 in the charters noticed. 
 Wapentake of Morley. 
 In this Wapentake are 25J vills, or towns, which Henry de Lacy, Earl of 
 Lincoln, held of the king in chief, viz. : — Fypelay [Shipley], Idell, Calverlay, 
 Ferselay, Puduscey, Bramlay, Wirklay [Wortley], Hunslett, Bestone, Midylton, 
 Morlay, Drithlington, .Suthouerton [Southowram], Farnelay, Tong, Hundesworth, 
 Nort Vile [North Bierley], Batlay, Hecmundwyk, Gomersalle, Leversege, Myrfeld, 
 ■Claketon [Cleckhcaton], Boiling, Elland, and part of Ardeslawe. 
 The said Earl held of the king in chief 24J knight's fees in the honour of Ponte- 
 fract ; to render service in the place in which the fees are, names not given in the 
 aforesaid inquisition. 
 1 he same to return per annum to the aforesaid wapentake 105s. 4d., full 
 particulars of which are given. — Kirkby's Inquest, p. 30. 
 PoDESEV. — Hugh of Woodhall held in Podesey of John Scott of Calverley, two 
 carucates of land where 24 make a fee ; of which John, son of Simon, held one ox- 
 gang, Robert his brother, one oxgang, John tie Camera, one oxgang, John de Tounes- 
 leuerd, one oxgang, John of the Well, one oxgang, son of Jordan, Simon, son of 
 Robert, one bovate, William the Wayt and Magot de Bramley, one oxgang, Richard 
 de Bercroft and Margaret his wife (or mother), one oxgang, Peter de Selleby, Simon, 
 son of Thomas de Oulcotes, and William, son of Roger, one oxgang, John, son of 
 Alan, one oxgang, William, son of Roger, one oxgang, John, son of Ellis, one ox- 
 gang, Robert the Cowper, one oxgang, John de Berill [Bierley?] one oxgang, William, 
 son of Melkeous [or Mallemouse], one oxgang, the wife of John de Bradford, one ox- 
 gang, and John de Oulecotes, one oxgang. — Knights' Fees in Yorkshire, p. 226.* 
 * I. A Knight*s Fee was so much inheritance as was sufficient yearly to maintain a knight with 
 convenient revenue, which in Henry Ill's days was C^^. — Camd. Brit., p. iii. In the 
 time of Edward III., j£20. All persons holding knight's fees were bound to be in readiness 
 to attend their sovereign for forty days' service every year. 8 to 16 carucates were contained 
 in a knight's fee. See p. 1 5. 
 2 h. Carucate was as much land as a plough could till in a year, and was variously estimated at from 
 60 to as high as 180 acres. If we say pbout 120 acres, this may be about an average. 
 A hide of land, and a plough land, were each of the same extent as a carueate. 
 3. An Oxgnng or bovate of land consisted of from 13 to x6 acres, eras much land as one ox could 
 plough in a year. 
 To the aid of the King in his numerous wars, levies were 
 occasionally made upon the knights and landowners for their 
 contributions, and from a Subsidy Roll preserved among the 
 records in the Queen's Remembrances in the Exchequer, and 
 published by the Surtees Society in 1867, we learn that — 
 PuDESAY. — From Hugh de Wodhall for two carucates of land in Pudesay, 4od. 
 ToNG. — From Richard de Tong for three carucates of land in Tong, 6s. 8d. 
 The aid was granted to Edward I., in 1290 (the i8th year 
 of his reign), but was not collected until the 31st Edward I. 
 As well as their contributions in money, the whole of the 
 knights, and there were several hundreds in Yorkshire, were 
 liable to be called upon for military service, and they were 
 followed to the field of battle by several thousands of yeomen, 
 burghers, and peasants, armed with bill, bow and arrows, the 
 ordinary weapons of the English soldiers at that time. Every 
 man in England was required to be trained to the use of arms 
 in the time of Edward I., and the whole population was trained 
 to the use of the bow and arrow, from boyhood to manhood, and 
 all were required to have arms in their possession.* In the year 
 1300, according to Rymer'.s Fcedera, King Edward I. called 
 on the county of York to furnish five thousand nine hundred 
 men for the invasion of Scotland. The mass of the population 
 was thus organized for war by the Barons and Knights of each 
 county. In the Testa de Nevill, an ancient record of the time of 
 Henry III., the father of Edward the I., Calverley is stated as 
 being half a Knight's fee, John de [Cauverlay?] being the Knight 
 mentioned before. 
 The town and valley of Bradford was only half a Knight's 
 fee ; the Abbot of Kirkstall held two Knights' fees ; Richard de 
 Tong one-fourth part of a Knight's fee ; Robert de Horton one- 
 third of a Knight's fee ; Gilbert Juvenis de Horton tenth of a 
 Knight's fee. 
 Amongst the MSS. in the possession of Mr. Edw. Hail- 
 stone, F.S.A., of Walton Hall, are grants relating to Pudsey, as 
 follows : — 
 Grant by Robert de Birley, of Podekesay, to the Brothers of the Hospital of 
 Jerusalem, for ever, of an annual rent of twelvepence. Not dated, but appearing to 
 have been made about the year 1300. 
 Grant by Adam, the son of Attun, of Pudesreshey, of an annual rent of one 
 penny to God and the Blessed Mary and the Brothers of the Hospital of Jerusalem 
 serving God there. Not dated, but made about the year 1300. 
 * For a full description of the arms required to be kept, see Baines's Yorkshire, Past and Prtseut. 
 Div. ii., p. 508. 
 In the Wakefield Manor Rolls it is recorded that in 1297, 
 ■" Richard, son of Hugh de Schepdene, took 8d. from the widow 
 of Wm. de Pudesheye, and was charged with other robberies." 
 Whether they caught the thief or not the Rolls do not say. 
 Returning again to the Calverley Charters we find a MS., written 
 by his own hand, in which 
 John Scot, of Calverley, grants land to John Touneslouerd, of Podesey, on 
 condition that after two years from the feast of St. Martin, 1305, he should pay 20s. 
 rent from that time to the said John Scot , out of which a payment of 4s. should be 
 returned to the said John Touneslouerd, in Podesey. [a.d. 1305.] — Add. Char., 
 16,642. Hugh de Wodehal quit-claims to John Scot, of Calverley, the service per- 
 taining to two bovates of land in Pudessay. The witnesses being :— John de Wode- 
 hall, John de Puddessay, and others. [Time, Hen. HI., or Edw. 1. 1^—Add. Char., 
 No. 16,652 is a document in his own handwriting, in which 
 William Touneslouerd, of Podesey, devises to John Scot, of Calverley, a rent of 
 eleven shillings per annum, in Podesey, to be held from the feast of Penticost A.D., 
 1304, to the end of eleven years. The witnesses being : — Mr. Hugh de Wodehalle, 
 John de Oulcotes, and others, [a.d. 1304.] 
 John Touneslouerd, of Podesey, gave to John Scot, of Calverley, four shillings 
 rent for land in Podesey. The witnesses being : — John de Podesey, clerico, John de 
 Oulcotes, and Robert, son of Simon de Podesey. [Time of Edward I.] 
 All these five persons named in this Charter appear in the 
 knights' fees list. 
 John Cuper, of Puddessay, gave to John Scot, of Calverley, rent of I2d., for two 
 bovates of land in Puddessay. The witnesses being ; — Master Hugh de Wodehalle, 
 and Will, de Boiling. [Temp. Edward l.}]—A<td. Char., 16,664. Robert, son of 
 John the Coupere, of Pudesay, sold to John Scot, of Calverley, his chief lord, two 
 acres of land in Pudeshey. Witnesses : — Master Hugh de la Wodehalle, Will, de 
 Boiling, and John Clerico de Pudeshey. —/}</«'. Chart., 16,665. 
 In the next charter, No. 16,666, we have the land mentioned, 
 and the place where one of the witnesses lived, namely, Oule- 
 cotes, still bears the same name. 
 Robert, son of John the Coupere, of Pudesay, sold to John Scot, of Calverley, 
 land in essarto called Olderode in Podesheye. Witnesses : — Hug de la Wodehalle, 
 John de Oulecotes, and John de Podeshey, clerico. [Time of Edward I. ?] ll-^ith a Seal. 
 In another charter. No. 16,667, the same Robert sells to the 
 same purchaser another clearing or essart, called " Horszvcllerode 
 in Podesey,"* but I know of no place or land having this name 
 at present. In charter No. 16,668, the same Robert agrees to 
 pay to the aforesaid John Scott, an annual rent of i8d., from two 
 bovates or oxgangs of land in Podesheye. Dated at the Feast 
 of Annunciation of the Blessed Mary, 1308. [With a fragment 
 of a Seal.) In the charters, Nos. \6,66% and 16,670, the afore- 
 said Robert sells to John Scott, land only in first, and in the 
 second, " a messuage and land with the reversion of land in 
 Podesey." Each have a Seal attached. 
 ~ » See p. 16. 
 William Fayre de Neuton and Christiana his wife, sold to John, named Scot, of 
 Calverley, an acre of land in Podusey. The witnesses being : — Ric. de Tong. Jiic. 
 de Morlay, Joh. de Kothelay. [Time of Edward I. ? No. 16,672.] William, son of 
 Bernard de Pudesay, gives to John Hylkley, a messuage and toft in Pudesay. The 
 witnesses being : — Joh. Scotte de Calverlay, Hug. de Wodehalle, and others. [Time 
 of Edward I.?]— WJa'. Char., 16,673. 
 The following extract has an especial interest : — 
 Elena, daughter of Gilbert de Podesay, lets to John, at the Well of Podesay, 
 part of a toft in I'odesay, to Ix; held from the house of the Hospitallers of St. John of 
 Jerusalem in England. Witnesses ;— John Scot de Calverley and Will, son of Roger 
 de Podesey.* [Tmip. Ed. I. ?] 
 The queston presents itself to me, where was the Well near 
 to which this John lived ? as we often shall come acrcss his 
 name. Was it Bankhouse Well, or Acres Well, or Smale Well, 
 or Jumbles Well, or Green Well ? as these are all old wells. 
 Continuing we have the following : — 
 Richard, son of John de la Green, of Tyrsale, lets to William, son of Richard 
 Alayn, of Pudesay, through free marriage with Matilda, his sister, a messuage and 
 lands in Tyrsale. Witnesses :— Joh. .Scot de Calverley and Hug. de Wodehalle. 
 John, son of Isabella de Po<lusay, gives to John, named .Scot, of Calverley, and 
 to Jane, or Joan, his wife, a toft and a croft in 7'irsale hamlet of Podusay. Witnesses : 
 Joh. de BoUinge and Ada de Oxinhope. — Aad. Char., 16,681. 
 The previous nineteen charters noticed are of the time of 
 Edw. I., A.D. 1272 to 1307. 
 Mstr. Hugh de Wodehalle, son of Jordan, quit claimed to John, son of John 
 Scot, of Calverley, lands and rents at Berecroft and Pudessay. The witnesses being : 
 Rob. de I'lumpton, Sir Simon Warde, Sir Joh. de Heton, Sir Hug. de Swillington, 
 Knights. [Time, Kdw. II., A.D. 1307 to 1327.] 
 John the Cooper [le Coupar], of Pudesay, gave to John Scot, Lord of Calverley, 
 one essart of land in Pudesay. Witnesses : — Hug. de Wodehalle and Hen. de Tiresale. 
 Richard, son of Henry de Gotham, gave to John, Lord of Calverley, six acres of 
 land in the essart called .Schiresroyde, in Podusay. Witnesses : — Richard de Tong, 
 and Richard <le Morley. 
 John, son of Ellis de Pudesay, let to John, Lord of Calverley, the services of 
 John le Rede, of Pudesay, for the payment of 6d. held in fee, and a full-blown rose 
 annually. Witnesses :- -Richard de Tong and John de Rothelay. With a Seal. 
 Hugh del W'odhalle gave to John, Lord of Calverley, an annual payment of 7d. 
 in Priestthorp, to hold as long as the said John holds the tenements by feoffment of 
 the said Hugh, in Calverlay and Wodhalle. W'itnesses ; — Richard de Thonge, John 
 Clerico de Poddesay, and others. 
 Hugh, son of Master Hugh de Wodehalle, grants to his father and Isabella his 
 mother, messuages, lands, tenements, etc., which his father formerly held in fee- 
 service in Pudesay. Witnesses ; — John, Lord of Calverlay, Walter his son, and John 
 de Rothelay. 
 Roljert [le Rede] of Pudesay, granted or let to Robert, son of William Fraunke- 
 tenant [free tenant or freeholder] of Bramley, three acres and a half of land in Pude- 
 .say. Witnesses : — John, Lord of Calverley, and John de Otthelay. 
 Here is another specimen of the domestic slavery which 
 existed at the period : — 
 John Alan, of Podusay, granted to John, Lord of Calverley, and Johanni his 
 wife, the service of William, son of Hugh Bayard, at the wage of gd. in Podusay. 
 The witnesses were : — Thomas de Storneton and John BoUinge. 
 * Named in the Pedigree. 
 William Touneslouerde, of Potlesay, granted to John de Calverley, a messuage 
 in Calverley, at a rental of 4s. Witnesses : — -John de Thornhille and Richard de 
 'I'onge. With a Seal.— Add. Char., 16,740. 
 Hiiijh, son of Master Hugh de Wodehalle, grants to John de Calverley, 
 his chief Lord, the services of Richard de Morleyes, in respect of messuages and lands 
 in Oulecotes. at Pudesey. Witnesses : — Sir John de Thornhille and Will, de 
 Hiestone, Knights, and others. — Aud. Char., 16,743. 
 Hugh, son of Master Hugh de Wodehalle, grants to the above said John de 
 Calverley, the service or homage of Richard son of Reyner de Tyrsale, and I2d. 
 annual rent in Tyrsale et alia. Witnesses : — Sir John de Thornhille, Will, de 
 Biestone, Knights, and others. --v4rfrf. Char., 16,744. 
 John le Rede, of Podesey, gives to John de Calverley, a toft in Tyrsale. 
 Witnesses :— Sir John de Thornhille and Will de. Biestone, Knights, and others. 
 Thomas, son and heir of Robert Rede, of Pudsay, grants to John Stauntton, and 
 Matilda, his wife, and their heirs, seven selions lying on Quaywelhode and two 
 selions lying on Gylkakrode side ; and three roods of land, whereof one rood lies 
 between the land of Walter de Calverley and the land of Robert Lumliy. and two 
 roods lie near the land of John Wilson, in the town of Pudsey. Witnesses : — Thomas 
 de Tyrsale, John, son of Jordan de Pudsey, Will, son of Robert, of the same, Robert 
 Lumby, of the same. Given at Pudsey, Feast of St. John the Baptist, 41 Edw. HI. 
 — Hemingtvay JI/SS. 
 Hugh, son of Magistri Hugh de Wodehalle, quit claimed to John de Calverley, 
 the service of Richard de Morleyes in Oulcotes at Pudesay. — Add. Char., 16,746. 
 John, son of .Simon de Oulcotes, paid to John de Calverley l8d. for a bovate or 
 oxgang of land in Pudesey. Witnesses :— .Sir John de Thornhille and Will, de 
 Biestone, Knights, and others. — Add. Char., 16,748. 
 John, son of Ellis de Pudesay, quit-claimed to John de Calverlay the rent of 6d. 
 for an essart called Schirebrooke, which John le Rede, of Pudesay, held in Pudesay. 
 Witnesses : — Sir John de Thornhille, Knight, Hugh de Wodehalle, and others. With 
 a Seal.— Add. Char., 16,749. 
 John, son of W'althew de Bagley, gives to William at the well in Podesay, an 
 essart, called Ansmith Rode, aad an acre of land in Vinrodes, &\. a rental of 4s. per 
 annum, to John de Calverley. W^itnesses : — John de Calverley, Knight, John de 
 Morley, and others. — Add. Char., 16,751. 
 The essart here mentioned would probably be the clearing 
 which Ann Smith had made. Rode, or Royd, signified a clear- 
 ing ; that is, a place cleared of wood — trees, brushwood, etc., and 
 so put into cultivation. 
 John, at the W^ell, of Pudesay, <iuit-claimed to John de Calverlay and Johanne 
 his wife, an acre of land in Pudesay. Witnesses : — Richard de 1 onge, John de 
 Bollynge, and others. — Add. Char., 16,754 
 William Touneslouerd, of Podesey, quit-claimed to John de Calverley, lands and 
 tenements in Calverley, Wodehalle, and Priesthorpe. Witnesses :— John de Thorne- 
 hille, Ric. de Tonge, and others. Given on the Feast of St. Gregory, 1310. With a 
 Seal.— Add. Ch.ir., 16,763. 
 Tohn de Calverley, in a letter, assigns a place to William, the son of Simon de 
 Calverley, for the purpose of receiving the rents in regard to a messuage and land in 
 Pudesay, occupied by William, son of Hugh, son of Juliana. Dated on the 5th day 
 of the KeastofSt. Bartholomew the Apostle, 1319. — Add. Char.. 16,766. 
 Hugh, the son and heir of Master Hugh de ^^■odehalle, in Calverley, 
 appoints, in a letter, Richard de Morleyes for the purpose of rendering homage to 
 John de Calverley, the chief lord, for lands held in Oulcotes at Pudesay. Given in 
 "December, in the last days of the Blcsse<l Virgin Mary, 13 Edward H. [\y>i).]—A.id. 
 Char., 16,810. 
 In 1316, Richard de Goteham leases to William Alayn, of Podesay, and 
 Matilda, his wife, all the land which he took with Alice his wife, in the town of Pode- 
 say, except one acre, with buildings thereon, which Alice de Morlay then held. 
 Term, 12 years. Rent I Is. Witnesses : — Hugh de Wodehall, John, son of Will, de 
 Podesay, John de Royethlay, Jordan, son of Peter, and Thomas de Tyrsale. — 
 Hemingway JI/SS. 
 We have thus, in these charters and letters, little pictures 
 of how they were buying and selling property in houses and 
 lands, and even in human chattels, at the ver>' time when the 
 land was distracted by war, for, in the reign of Edward II., the 
 time to which these records refer, the Scots over-ran Yorkshire, 
 and committed serious devastations in many districts, in revenge 
 for the wars which Edward I. had carried on in Scotland. It is 
 extremely probable that the humble homes of some of our fore- 
 fathers would suffer from some of these Scottish raids, and that 
 some of the men would be called out to help in doing battle with 
 the invading Scots. We are warranted in this very probable 
 supposition, when we know that the district around Leeds was 
 occupied and despoiled by them, and that for some time a part 
 of the Scottish army was encamped at Morley, within a few 
 miles of Fudsey ; and also when we know that one of our neigh- 
 bouring gentry, residing at Tong, within two miles of our village, 
 played an important part at this crisis. " On the loth of August, 
 1 3 14, Edward II. issued writs from York to Richard de Tong* 
 and Thomas de Heaton for the wapentakes of Morley and Sky- 
 rack, and to other gentlemen for their wapentakes, to raise all 
 men between fifteen and sixty who were capable of bearing arms 
 to repel the invading Scots, who were in the meantime burning 
 and harrying the fairest portions of Yorkshire, and destroying 
 the harvest as on former occasions." 
 Two years after this event a record, called the Nomina 
 Villarum for Yorkshire! was taken, and which is now amongst 
 the Harleiaii MSS., No. 6,281. In contains a list of the towns 
 and villages in Yorkshire, with the names of the Lords of the 
 Manors at that time, viz., 9th Edward II. [1316.] Of this 
 district it records : — 
 '• Calverlay et Puddesay. Johannes de Calverlay. 
 Ferslai Ricardus Wade. 
 Tonge Ricardus de Tong." 
 Three years after this account was written, the Scots again 
 made another terrible descent into this district, viz., in 13 19, and 
 on the 8th June of that year, writs were issued for a general levy 
 of men in these northern counties. The very men whose names 
 ** He died in the year 1348. 
 t Pub. by the Surtees Society in 1867, vol. xlix. 
 occur as witnesses to some of these charters which I have 
 noticed, viz. : — John de Thornill, WilHam de Beeston, Warren de 
 Scargill, Nicholas de Stapleton, and others, were ordered to raise 
 the men of the West Riding. 
 About this time Walter de Calverley devised, by an indenture to William, son of 
 Robert de Wodehalle, residing in Ledes, one borate of land in Piiddesay, to be held 
 to the end of a period of five years from the Feast of St. Martin, A.D., 1318, at an 
 annual rent of iijs. Witnesses : — ^John de Calverley, John the clerk de Puddesay, and 
 others. [Temp. circ. 1320.] — Add. Char., i6,8l2. 
 Walter de Calverlay, by an indenture, conceded to William de Grcnefelde, on 
 the understanding that if Hugh de Wodehalle after five years shall pay ten pounds to 
 the said William, then Walter shall deliver to the said William his lands and tene- 
 ments in Pudesay. Given on the Monday next after the Feast of St. James, 12 
 Edw. n. [1318.] With a broken Seal.—A.id. Char., 16,813. 
 On the same date, this WilHam de Grenefelde, had by a 
 charter with a seal, conceded to Walter de Calverlay, messuages, 
 lands, etc., formerly belonging to Hugh, son of Hugh de Wode- 
 halle, in Pudesey. The witnesses being : — Sir John de Thorn- 
 hille and Will, de Bestone, knights, and others. {Add. Char., 
 16,814.) It thus seems very plain that this William de Gren- 
 felde was obliged to give his land and tenements to Walter de 
 Calverlay, as a security until Hugh de Wodehalle, the former 
 owner, had paid ten pounds to Walter, which was doubtless a 
 very improbable event, as ten pounds was a large sum at that 
 time, and if this amount was not paid in five years, poor William 
 would lose his property. 
 Again, on this same day both these persons appoint their 
 respective representatives or agents to look after this land, 
 etc., on their behalf Wm. de Grenefelde appointed John de 
 Pudesay, clerk {Add. Char., 16,815), who was very probably the 
 clerk at the chapel at the time, as his attorney in respect of 
 this dispute about his lands, etc., and Walter de Calverley 
 appointed Adam Bendescheue his agent in the same matter. 
 This latter appointment has attached to it a {Add. Char., 16,816) 
 broken seal. In a letter about this time John Aleyn,ofPodesey, 
 agrees to pay to Walter de Calverley an annu.il rent of vi pence 
 for two bovates or oxgangs of land in Podesey. Witnesses : — 
 Richard de Tonge and others. {Add. Char., 16,817.) John le 
 Rede, of Podesey, gave to Walter de Calverley the moiety of a 
 toft in Podesey. Witnesses : — Ric. de Tonge, John de Bollynge, 
 and others. \Temp., Ed. H.] {Add. Char., 16,811.) 
 Having thus briefly noticed these various local charters 
 of the time of Edw. H., we proceed with others, relating to 
 transactions which occurred in the reign of Edward HI. [1327 
 to 1377.] 
 John, son of Wathey de Bagley, gave by charter to William, at the Well of 
 Podesey, and Beatrice, his wife, an annual rent of ijs. in Podesey. The witnesses 
 l)eing : — Sir John de Calverley, Robert le Rede, of Podesey, and others. Given on 
 the watch night of St. Martin, in the year 18 Edw. III. [1344.] — Add Char., 16,736. 
 This Rob. le Rede would perhaps be the son of the John le 
 Rede mentioned above. 
 William, at the Well of Pudesay, grants to John his son, lands, tenements, and 
 goods in Pudsay. Witnesses : — John de Morley, Rob. le Rede, of Pudsay,and others. 
 Given at the feast of St. Timothy, 21 Edw. III. [1347.]— ./ia'a'. Char., 16,791. 
 On the Sunday next after the Feast of St. Hillary, 1374, Thomas del' Isle, 
 perpetual vicar of Calverley, and Thomas de Bergehby, chaplain, give, grant, and 
 confirm to William, son of John Attewell, of Podesey, and Margaret, his wife, all the 
 lands and tenements they had of the gift of the said William* in the town of Podesay. 
 To have and to hold to the aforesaid John and Margaret his wife and their heirs. 
 Remainder to the aforesaid William, son of John. Witnesses : — Walter de Calverley, 
 Thomas de Tirsall, Robert Attewell, of Pudsey, John de Tirsall, of Pudsey, William 
 Gilleson of the same, and others —Hdminnway MSS. 
 46 Edw. III., Sept. I. John, son of John de Bercroft, of Pudsay, quit-claims 
 to John, son of William Attewell, rector of the church of Quixlay, and Robert and 
 William, brothers of the same John, son of William, their heirs and assigns, all the 
 right in all land, etc., which the said William Attewell had of the gift of the aforesaid 
 John Bercroft. Witnesses: — Sir Robert de Neuill, Knt., Robert Passelewe, Roger 
 de Lede, Walter de C'alverlay, Thomas Dautre, John Passelewe, Thomas Osmond, 
 and others.— tiemtitgwav A/SS. 
 In a Charter, with two seals, John de Bercrofte, son of iValtheii de Bagley, 
 and Agnes, his wife, give to William Attewelle, of Podesey, and Beatrice, his wife, 
 lands in Podesey. Witnesses : — Sir John de Calverley, Rob. le Rede, of Podesey, 
 and others, (jiven on the nativity of the blessed Virgin Mary, 20 Edw. III. [134b.] 
 — AaJ. Char., 16,796. 
 No, 16,797 is a letter of agreement, with two seals, between John de Bercroft and 
 Agnes, his wife, in regard to lands in Podesey. Dated 31 January, 22 Edw. III. 
 [1348.]— ^(/i/. Cliar , 16,797. 
 John de Calverley, knight, in a letter written by his own hand, grants to John, 
 son of Thomas Forrester, of Tonge, the keeping of his land and the marriage [por- 
 tion ?] of Thomas, the son and heir of Robert le Rede in I'udsay, until he comes of 
 age. Witnesses : — Will. Attewell, Thomas de Tiresale, and others. Given on the 
 day Ix'fore the feast of St. Michael, 1352. — Add. Char., 16,802. 
 Ihe name of one of these witnesses is met with in the 
 Bradford Manor Court Rolls (date, between 1340 and 1355), and 
 gives another illustration of the domestic servitude existing in this 
 district at that period. It is there recorded that 
 Thomas de Tiresall made fine with the lord, of VId. Chiefage for license of 
 having John, son of Roger Childyounge, a bondman in his service, up to the feast of 
 St. Michael next ensuing, so that he shall give back the aforesaid John to the bailiff 
 at the time.t 
 Thos. de Tiresale was also a pledge or bond for the 
 payment of half a mark, by Thomas, son of Gabriel, for 
 buying Matilda, his wife, a bond woman of the lord, for his 
 ® For this gift see Margerison's Registers of the Fnrisk of C'llveriey, W., 197. 
 t From a Paper on the Br-adford Manor Court Rolls, by T.T. Emi'sall, printed in No. III. 
 of the Bradjord Antiquary. 
 John de Calverley, knight, in a letter, grants to William Attewell, of Pudesay, 
 and to Isabella, his wife, a toft in Pudesay to be held in fee-tail so long as a male 
 <lescendant remains, at the annual rent of a rose. Witnesses : — Will, de Idele, and 
 others. Dated 26 Edw. III. [1352-3.] — Aad. Char., 16,803. 
 [Letter imperfect and with a broken seal.] 
 In an indenture, with two broken seals, 
 John de Calverlai, knight, grants to Walter de Calverlai, his son, and Margerie, 
 the daughter of John de Dynelai, lands and tenements in Podesai, Wodehalle, and 
 Calverlai, to be held in fee tail for the rent of a single rose. Witnesses: — Rob. de 
 Bollynge, Will, de Wynthorpe, and others. Given on the day before the feast of the 
 Apostles Simon and Jude. 31 Edw. III. [1357.] — Add. Char., 16,804. 
 There is also a letter written in the same year as the fore- 
 going, in which 
 John de Morlai and many others, tenants ol lands which John de Calverlai, 
 knight, formerly devised to John de Dynelai on a lease of five years in Podesai and 
 Wodehalle, and lately granted to his son Walter, and to Margeri, daughter of John de 
 Dynelai in fee tail, the said persons making power of attorney in the presence of the 
 said Walter and Margery, and of John de Calverlai, knight, and of Thomas, the vicar 
 of Calverlai, and others. Given on the Thursday before the feast of St. Luke the 
 Evangelist, 31 Edw. III. With three Seals ana a fragment: — Add. Char., 16,805. 
 By an indenture Walter de Calverlay, lord of Calverley, let to Peter, son of 
 Matilda de Pudsey, a messuage and croft named " Bayard Yerd," and an acre of 
 land, named Bayatd acker, to lie held to the end of his life, at an annua! rent of 
 three shillings. Granted on the feast of the Apostles Philip and James, a.d. 1361. — 
 Add. Char., 16,818. 
 In the next year (1362) the same 
 Walter de Calverley granted, by an indenture, to Isabella, formerly the wife of 
 William Atte-well of Pudesey land in Pudesey, to be held for the whole of her life in 
 return for a rose, to be paid annually. The witnesses being : — William Allayn, Wil- 
 liam, son of Robert, and others. Granteil on the festival of St. Michael, 36th of 
 Edw. IIL With a Seal.— Add. Char., 16,821. 
 This seems to have been a generous action to a widow. 
 In A.D. 1363, this same lord, who is named in the indenture, 
 Walter Scot, of Calverly, lets to Robert le Walker, land and a mill in Calverley 
 for the term of his life, at a rental of 20s. Given on Wednesday after the feast of St. 
 Martin, 37 Edw. \\\.—Add. Char., 16,822. 
 By an indenture, in 1365, this Walter of Calverley let to John, son of William 
 of Tiresalle, lands in Pudesey, to be occupied for the period of eighteen years, at an 
 annual rent of 6s. Granted on the day of the moon before the feast of St. Timothy, 
 39 Edw. III. With a Seal.— Add. Char., 16,823. 
 In a charter Walter de Calverley granted to Robert Attewell of Pudesay, his 
 ward, the liberty to marry Isabella, daughter of John Attewell. Granted on the first 
 of .September, 40 Edw. III. [1366.] — Aad. Char., 16,824. 
 By a writing, Thomas, the son and heir of Robert le Rede of Pudsay, demised 
 to John de Stanntone, and Matilda, his wife, a messuage and land for the period of 
 their life. Given in the feast of Lent, 41 Edw. III. [1367.] With a Seal. — Add. 
 Char., 16,825. 
 By an indenture William Passelewe grants to William, son of John Attewelle, 
 of Puddesay, lands and tenements which he had of the gift of the said William in 
 Pudesay, to be held in fee tail with the remainder to Agnes, his friend {arnica ejus). 
 Witnesses: — Walter de Calverley, and others. Dat. 10 Jan., 42 Edw. III. [1369.] — 
 Add. Char., 16,827. 
 By a charter, Isal)ella, daughter of John ad fontem (or, in other words. At the 
 well) of Pudesay, gives to Robert, son of William ad fonlem of the same place, the 
 reversion of lands in Pudesay and Bercroft. Witnesses : — Rob. Passelewe, Rog. de 
 Leedes, Walt, de Calverley, and others. Granted on the day of Sabbath before 
 the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Mary, 46 Edw. III. [1372.]* — Add. Char., 
 in a letter, under the same date, the aforesaid Isabella of Pudesay, quitclaims 
 to the said Robert, lands which his father held at the gift of John de Bercroft, and 
 others. Witnesses : — Sir Rob. Nevylle, knight, Rob. Passelew, Rog. de Leedes, and 
 others.— ^aW. Char., 16,830. 
 By a charter, William, the son of John Attewelle, of Pudesay, gave to .Sir 
 Thos. del Isle, vicar of Calverlay, and William de Berghley, chaplain, lands in 
 Pudesay. Witnesses: — Walt, de Calverlay, Adam de Hoptone, 'ihomas Dautry, 
 Thomas de Tirsall, Robert Attewell, John de Bytton, of Pudesey, and others. Dat. 
 at Pudsey, Monday next before the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 48 Edw. III. 
 \MT,-\—^<i'i. Char., 16,832. 
 With a sea! of green wax, protuberant on the back. The inscription, the arms 
 of Walter de Calverley in a shield placed within a seize foile, as appears by part of an 
 inscription around it.+ ( - - ERUE - - ) 
 By an indenture, Walter de Calverley conceded to William, son of (Ellis?) of 
 Bramley, certain rights and liberties in grazing at Milnewood, and subgrazing at 
 Ftith, and in Calverlay and Podesay, and in the lordship of Tonge. Granted on the 
 4th of Nov., I Richard II. [1377.] IVilh two Seals.— Add. Char., 16,834. 
 John, son of Ellis de Podesay, leases to William, son of Richard Alayn, one acre 
 of land down in a certain place, "Gospatrode," from the feast of St. Martin, 1304, 
 for five years. Rent 2s. annually. — Hemm^tuny MSS. 
 William le Wayt, and William, son of Thomas Carpentar, lease to John de 
 Podeshay, one toft with buildings, and all the land, to wit, four and a half acres, with 
 the meadow adjacent, which we had of Richard, son of Eli, the smith. To hold from 
 the feast of .St. Martin, 1312, for II years, with rights of common, etc., in the village 
 of Houstorp. [Qu. Does this refer to the same place as " Ulvisthorjie," and where 
 was it ? Pudsey has several divisions.] Rent, 4s. 6d. [ler yev.x.—Hnninqway AfSS. 
 Matilda, daughter of Ciilbert de Pugsay, grants to William, son of John de 
 Pugsay, and his heirs, one hoxoandale in Pugesay, lying between the lands of the 
 said William on the north, and the lands of Richard Carpentar on the south, and one 
 extremity stretches over towards the house of Avis, daughter of Robert Yodlan, and 
 the other towards the [c'mbil'?] Witnesses : —Jordan Wudhalle, Robert Paitewin, 
 Ellis the tanner, and Robert Serjeant. — Hemingway MSS. 
 Matilda, daughter of Gilbert de Pugsay, quit-claims to John de Bradforde, her 
 lord, and his heirs, for 5 shillings and one bushel of oats, one hox^anitdale of land in 
 Pugsay, lying between the land of William, son of John, on the north, and the land 
 of Richard Carpentar on the south, and one extremity extends towards the house of 
 Avis, daughter of Robert Yodlan, and the other towards the [qimbilV] Witnesses :— 
 Jordan de Wudehalle, Robert Paitewin, Ellis the tanner, and others. — Hemingway 
 During the long reign of Edw. III. there were several ex- 
 pensive and exhausting wars ; consequently manufactures lan- 
 guished, trade was oppressed, and the arts of peace suffered 
 much. The debts which the king contracted, and which the 
 nation owed in all directions, were fearfully heavy and crushing. 
 * From the Wakefield Manor Court Rolls, we learn that in 1372, Margaret, daughter of John 
 de Pudsey. had a dispute with John Gibson, of Eccleshill. about some cattle, and paid 2d. In the 
 same vear, Thomas, vicar of the Church of Calverley, had a dispute with Alice, widow and executrix 
 of Robert de Phellowe. and he petitions for 8s. fur an ox sold to the said Robert, at Pudsay.— J/.i. 
 Notes hy J. Hoksfall Turner. 
 t Mr. S. Mabgerison gives an engraving of it in vol. ii. of his published Calverley Registen^ 
 ii, 197. 
 To meet these debts taxes were laid and subsidies were collected. 
 Those for 1327 and 1333, give the list of the contributors. No 
 ■doubt, if we had these lists, we should have the names of many 
 of those whom I have just mentioned. However, fortunately, 
 we have the Subsidy Roll for 1378, collected in the second 
 year of his successor. 
 Extract from the Rolls of the Collectors of the Lay Subsidy, 
 or Poll Tax, 2 Richard II., in the West Riding of the County of 
 York, A.D. 1379.* 
 Thomas de Tyrisall' & vxor. - - - iiijd. 
 Willelmus Kyng & vxor. - - - - iiijd. 
 Nicholaus de Pudesay & vxor. - - iiijd. 
 Willelmus Brode & vxor. - - - - iiijd. 
 Waltcrus Coke & vxor. - - - . iiijd. 
 Petriis de Pudesay & vxor. - - - iiijd. 
 Robertus Pycard' & vxor. - - - - iiijd. 
 Willelmus Attewell' & vxor. - - - iiijd. 
 Willelmus Attewell' junior & vxor. - iiijd. 
 Johannes Wayt & vxor. - - . . iiijd. 
 Johannes Malynson & vxor. - - - iiijd. 
 Rogerus fflayer & vxor. - - - - iiijd. 
 Johannes Sclake & vxor. - . - . iiijd. 
 Johannes de Sutill & vxor . - - - iiijd. 
 Johannes de Heton & vxor. - - - iiijd. 
 Willelmus Gilleson & vxor. - - - iiijd. 
 Thomas de Pudesay & vxor. - - - iiijd. 
 Johannes de Holcreft & vxor. - - iiijd. 
 Johannes filius Willelmi & vxor. - iiijd. 
 Johannes de Brenn & vxor. - - - iiijd. 
 Willelmus Alan & vxor. - - - - iiijd. 
 Willelmus Skinner & vxor. - -. - iiijd. 
 Thomas de Slakef & vxor. - - - iiijd. 
 Robertus de Lumby & vxor. - - iiijd. 
 Johannes de .Staunton &. vxor. - - iiijd. 
 Robertus de Rothelay . . - - iiijd. 
 Alicia de Rothelay iiijd. 
 Cecilia Brode iiijd. 
 Elizalx-th Coke iiijd. 
 Alicia atte Well' iiijd. 
 Alicia relicta Willelmi - - - - iiijd. 
 Alicia de Heton iiijd. 
 Willelmus de Tiresall' - - - - iiijd. 
 Summa xj.s. 
 We have here a most interesting list of the householders 
 in the township at this early period, and a record of their status. 
 They are all entered here as working people ; there is no village 
 squire, or merchant, or landowner ; no innkeeper or tradesmen 
 amongst them. Esquires generally paid 20s., though occasionally 
 only 6s. 8d. ; merchants usually paid I2d., but now and then 2s. 
 or 3s., and if in a large way of business, even up to 6s. 8d. ; 
 ostelers or innkeepers paid 2s. ; tradesmen or artificers, as 
 carpenters, butchers, tailors, smiths, &c., paid 6d., and now and 
 then 1 2d. ; but the common people, single or married couples, 
 paid 4d. This may seem a small sum to us now-a-days, but 
 when we notice the difference in the earnings of the working 
 classes at this early period and those of to-day, then the weight 
 of this heavy war-tax becomes more apparent. In the year 
 1352, but a few years before this tax was collected, the amount 
 of wages paid to haymakers was i d. per day ; to a mower of 
 meadows, 5d. per acre, or 5d. per day ; to reapers of corn, without 
 * Yorkshire Archi€ological and Topograpkhal Jour/tal, vol. vi., p. 299. 
 t Among the Hemmgzvay MSS. is an apprentice deed, dated 10 July, i Hen. VI. [1423 1. by 
 which Richard Slak, son of Thomas Slak, of Podesay. is Iwund to William Ricroft, of Calverley, 
 -shoeing-smilh, for three years and a half, from the feast of the Nativity of our Lord last past. ^ 
 meat and drink, and finding their own tools, 2d. to 3d. per 
 day. In 1361 a chief master carpenter or mason had 4d. per 
 day, and others 2d. or 3d., as they were worth. Now, if our 
 working people had an income tax to pay, amounting to 
 between two and four days' earnings, would there not be a 
 loud outcry against the impost, and a still louder demand for 
 " peace, retrenchment and reform " ? The tax was granted to 
 Richard II., on his accession to the throne, and was in the form 
 of a graduated poll tax, or a tax per head ; knights being 
 charged lOOs., esquires 20s., and so on, and the common people 
 a groat, or 4d., all above sixteen years of age being liable to pay. 
 Married couples were charged as one, but it would seem that there 
 must have been some omitted who were sixteen years old from the 
 above list, as surely, there must have been more than eight persons 
 of that age in the twenty- 
 five families named in the 
 list. If we estimate the 
 ^twenty - five families at 
 Ifive in each family, then 
 'we have a population of 
 125 persons in the village 
 at this early period, and 
 Groat of Richard II. that they paid the sum of 
 I IS. under this Poll Tax. A glance at our neighbouring villages 
 at the time, will give us some idea of their size and standing, in 
 comparison with our own village. Farsley paid 3s. 8d. ; Calver- 
 ley, 30s. 4d., but of this sum Walter de Calverley paid 20s. ; 
 Idyll, 14s., all in sums of 4d. ; Bramley, 19s. 4d. ; Farnley, 8s. ; 
 Tong, 6s. ; Gomersall, 17s. ; North Bierley, 8s. ; Wyke, 5s. ; 
 Heckmondwike, 4s. 8d. ; Bowling, 13s., of which sum John de 
 Bollyng, Esquier, paid 6s. 8d. ; Eccleshill, 7s. 8d. ; Bradforth, 
 23s. ; Wortley, 9s. 4d., but of this amount Adam de Hopton paid 
 6s. 8d. ;* Drighlington, 9s. ; Morley, us. 4d. ; Horseforth, 
 15s. 8d. ; Yeadon, us. 4d. ; Rawden, us.; Leeds, 60s. 4d., of 
 which sum Roger de Leedes, Esquier, paid 20s. ; and so on, every 
 town and village contributing its share. There is no doubt but 
 that the various persons named in the lists would "get off" with 
 paying as little to the tax as was possible, as most of the payers 
 of income tax at the present day are said to do. However, as 
 regards those in our own list, at a first view, one would take 
 them for all common working people ; and no doubt they -would 
 be all workers, but that they were a superior order of working 
 people, we, fortunately, have evidence from other sources to 
 prove. The extracts I have given, and shall give, show that they 
 had their " bits of property," even in the days when building and 
 investment societies were unknown. And they were continually 
 buying and selling, letting and granting their interests in this 
 property, but nearly always, be it noticed, under the eye of the 
 lord of the manor. 
 By an indenture Walter <le Calverley let to John, son of Wm. de Tiresalle antl 
 Alice his wife, and 'I'homas their son, a croft and assart in I'udesay, to be held for 
 life at the annual rent of 6s. Witnesses :— Thos. de Tiresalle, Joh de Holcrofte, and 
 others. Given on the day before the feast of .St. Lawrence, 4th Rich. II. [1380.] 
 IVM a Seal.— {Add Char., 16,835.) Wni., the father, and Thos. the witness, are 
 both in the Poll Ta.\ Roll, 1 1 Ric, II. By a charter, William Attewelle, of Puddessay, 
 .ind Margaret his wife, gave to Walter de Calverley, Esquire, land in Puddessay, 
 Witnesses : — Rad. de Beeston, Joh de BoUynge, and others. Dat. on the Sunday 
 previous to the feast of St. B.-irtholomew the Apostle, nth Ric. \\.\\-i%f\.—Add. 
 Char., 16,862. With txvo Seals. 
 John de Stauntone and Matilda his wife, conceded, by a charter, to Walter de 
 Calverley, Esquire, lands in Pudessey. Witnesses : — Mr. Rob. de Nevylle de 
 Horneby, Mr. Rob. de Pluniptone, knights, and others. Given liefore the feast of 
 Corpus Christi, l6th Ric. II. [1393.] With two Seals.— (Add. Char., 16,869.) 
 Stauntone and his wife are in Poll Tax List. No. 16,870, is a writing in which 
 John de Stauntone and his wife Matilda, extend for Walter de Calverley their lands 
 m Pudesay. Witnesses :- Rad. de Beestone, Joh. de Rome, and others. Given on 
 the last day of Saints Peter and Paul the Apostles. [1393.] 
 John Verty, clerk, quit-claims to Mr. Walter de Calverley, Knight (chevalier), 
 lands which he held at the gift of John de St.tuntone and Matilda his wife, in Pudesey. 
 Witnesses : — ^John de BoUynge, Thos. de Thorner, and others. Given on the 30th 
 June, 1393. With a Seal. — Add. Char., 16,873. 
 By an indenture Thomas de Oulcotes, John de Idel, of Pudesay, and Simon 
 Forster, of Idel, let to John Attewelle, of Pudsay, a toft and land in Pudsay, for the 
 whole of his life, with remainder to Richard Juncroft and Isabella his wife, daughter 
 of the said John Attewelle, in fee tail. Witnesses : — Walter de Calverlay, Kt., Jh. 
 de Thornore, and others Done 26 Sep., 1394. With three Seals. — Add. Char., 
 By an indenture, Henry Goion, chaplain of Suttone, and Walter llowet, 
 devised to Walter de Calverlay the Manor of Calverlay with the mills and lands in 
 Calverlay, Wodhalle, Pudesay, Farselay, Raudone, Thornetone, Tiresalle, and Gis- 
 lay ; to be held for the period of 20 years, at an annual rent of iiiid. Given on 
 Monday next after the feast of the apostles I'hilip and James, in the 19th year of 
 Rich. II. [13^6.]— Add. Char., 16,877. With a Seal. 
 Robert Newalle and Thomas Whithende, clerks, grant to John Passelewe, of 
 Newtone, and Jane, daughter of Walter de Calverlay, knight, lands in Pudesay, to 
 Ix; held in fee tail, so long as the said Walter lives. Witnesses :- Rob. de Phmiptone, 
 knight, and others. Given on the 6th of June, 20th Ric II. [\297.]— Add. char., 
 16,878. With two Seals. 
 William Broode, of Puddesay, gave, by a charter, to Ralph de Beestone, a 
 messuage and land in Puddesay. Witnesses :— Walt, de Calverlay, Esquire, and others. 
 Given on Wednesday the day before the feast of St. James' the Ajxjstlc, 20lh Ric. II. 
 [1396.] — Add. Char., 10,879. With a Seal. 
 Walter de Calverley, knight, by letter quit-claimed to John Passelewe and Joan, 
 his wife, and to his daughter, lands in Puddesay. Witnesses :— Rob. de Plumptone, 
 kt., and others. Dat. 12 June, 20 Ric. II. [ 1 397. ]— ^rtV. Char., 16,880. With a 
 * In the list of inhabitanu at Wortley are several of the name of Lepton. some of whose 
 descendants were afterwards of Piidsey. 
 t See Aild. Char., 16,878. 
 Ralph de Beestone, by a writing, quit claimed to John Batty, of Calverley, 
 lands in Pudesey. Witnesses : — Robt. de Nevylle, Walter de Calverlay, knights, and 
 others. Written on the 15th August, 22 Ric. II. [13<)S.]—AM. Char., i6,8m. 
 in a letter Ralph de Beestone quit-claims to Wm. Broode, of Pudsay, lands in 
 Pudsay. Witnesses : —Rob. Neville and Walter Calverlay, knights, and others. Done 
 on the night before the feast of St. Laurence, 22 Ric. II. [1398.] — Aad. Char 
 16,883. i^it'i " S^al- 
 Amongst the charters in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, is 
 one relating to Pudsey, and to this period. 
 William de Wyrkelay constitutes Richard de Thornhill, his servant, his 
 attorney to deliver for him, and in his name, to Geoffrey de Lowenthorpe [Leven- 
 thorpe ? ], John de Allerton, Thomas de Clayton, and Walter, son of Rolxjrt de 
 Rothelay, seisin of all his lantls, etc., in the village of Pudsey. Dated 10 November 
 [1399.] mth a Seal.— Add. Char., 281. 
 This Robert de Rothlay was of Pudsey, as his name appears 
 in the Poll Tax, A.D. 1379. 
 Walter de Calverley, knight, grants by charter to John Bigot, knight, lord of 
 Setryntone, to Marmaduke Darelle, lord of Sesay, to John de Oustone, of Pykburne, 
 and to Rol«;rt Maulevery, and to Ralph Bygot, the manors of Calverley, Burley, in 
 Warldalle [Wharfedale], Altoftys, Helewelle, and Pudsay. Witnesses : — Rob. Neville, 
 knt., Rog. de Swelyngtone, knt., John Warde, knt., and others. Granted on the 
 day of March l)efore the feast of St. Michael, 3 Hen. IV. [1401]. — Add. Char., 
 16,887, ^ith a Seal of Arms. 
 In this same year, John Lee, son of Richard Lee, of Pudesey, by charter, gave 
 to John Essehalte, described as of Battelay, Thomas Rothelay, and many others, lands 
 formerly the property of Robert David, vicar of Bristalle [Birstall], and of Hugh, 
 clerk of the chapel, in Pudesey. Witnesses : — Walt, de Calverley, knight, and others. 
 Granted on the festival of St. Martin, 3 Hen. W.—Add. Char., 16,891. 
 By an indenture \_Add. Char.. 16,892] the same five grantors named in No. 
 16,887, gave to Walter de Calverlay knight and to Joan his wife the manors 
 of Calverlay, Burlay in Querldale [Wharfedale], Altoftis, ilaliwelle, and Pudesay, to 
 be held for the whole of their life. Witnesses : — Rog. de Sywelyngtone, Rol). 
 Nevelle, Joh. Warde, knts., and others. Dat. on Wednesday before the feast of 
 St. Martin, 3 Hen. IV. With five Seals. 
 Galfrid de Leventhorpe, John de AUertone, Thomas de Claytone, and William, 
 son of Robert de Rothelay, of Pudesay, by a charter, conceded to John atte Leyeghe 
 of Pudesay, an assart in Pudesay. Witnesses : — Walt, de Calverlay, knight, Thomas 
 de Thorner and others. Dat. 4 August. 4 Hen. IV. — Add. Char., 16,^97. IVilh two 
 Seals, [x.v. 1402.] 
 In I4IS> an agreement is made by an indenture, between Thomas de Merkyn- 
 felde, lord of Merkynfelde, and his wife Joan, formerly the wife of Walter de 
 Calverley, when Walter, son of the aforesaid Walter, took to wife Elizabeth, daughter 
 of the aforesaid Thomas, and the aforesaid Joan granted under feudal service to her 
 son and to the said Elizabeth, lands, etc., in the villages of Hallywelle, near 
 Pontefract, and Pudsey, to be held in fee-tail, and the said Thomas shall pay 
 £^^ 6s. 8cl. Witnesses : — Rog. Ward and others. March 1st, 2 Hen. V. — Aad. 
 Char., 16,900. 
 On the l6th April, I415, the aforesaid Joan grants by an indenture to the afore- 
 said Walter and Elizabeth, lands etc., in Halywelle and Pudsay to be held in fee-tail. 
 The witnesses being :— Thos. de Merkynfelde, Hen. Sotehille and others. With two 
 Seals. — Add. Char., 16,901. 
 In 1420 John Idelle lately residing in Pudesay quit-claims to Joan formerly 
 the wife of Walter de Calverlay, knight, lands in Pudesay. Witnesses : — 
 Thomas Maleverer and others. Dat. 22 Jan. 7 Hen. V. — Adi. Char., 16,902. 
 With a Seal. 
 In the charters in the Bodleian Library is one recording that— 
 Geoffrey de Lewenthorp, John de A]Ierton, Thomas de Clayton, and William 
 son of Robert de Rothelay, grant to William Kothelay the half of all lands and tene- 
 ments which he had of the gift of William de Wirkelay in Pudsey in the parish of 
 Calverley. Dated at Pudsey, i Jan., i Hen. VI. [1422.]— C/iar/cr 382. IVit/i a Seal. 
 Tsabell, formerly the wife of Richard Jimcroft, by a charter, grants to Walter 
 tie Calverley estjuirc, a toft and land called Dikland of Barcroft in Pudsay. 
 Witnesses :— Rob. '1 hornour. Will. Brode and others. Dat. 24 May, 1 Hen. VI. 
 [1423.] /!(/(/. 6/!(i;r. 16,903. With a teal. A William Brode and wife paid subsidy 
 tax 4d. in 1379. 
 In the next MS. (Add. Char., 19,904) we learn who this 
 Isabella is. She is the daughter of John Atewelle, and concedes 
 the reversion of the aforesaid toft and land called Dikland in 
 Pudsay, to the aforesaid Walter. Also in another MS. {Add. 
 Char., 16,905) she quit-claims the same property to the said 
 Walter. All three MSS. with Seals, are of the same date, viz. : 
 24 May, I Hen. VI. Three days further, and John, son of 
 Richard Juncroft, grants a remission of the aforesaid lands, May 
 27th, I Hen. VI. [1423.] {Add. Char., 16,906.) Also in a charter, 
 the aforesaid John, and Isabella, his mother, concede to Walter 
 Calverley, the reversion of the toft and land in Pudsay. Wit- 
 nesses : — Will. Scargille, Joh. Gargrave, and others. Dat. 27 
 May, I Hen. VI. With a Seal. {Add. Char., 16,907.) In the 
 same year 
 John Bygod, chevaler, lord of Setteringtone, Marmaduke Darelle, lord of 
 Sesay, John de Oustone, of Pyklxirne, Robert Mauleverer, and Ralph Bygod, quit- 
 claim to W'alter de Calverley, son of Walter de Calverley, Burley in Wardale 
 [Wharfedale], Altoftys, Helewelle and Pudsay Witnesses: — John I'assekjwe, 'i'hos, 
 Haukesworth, and others. Dated 2 Jime I Hen. VI. — Add. Char., 16,908. 
 No. 16,909, is a writing in which John Bygot, kt., lord of Setryngtone, Robt. 
 Mauleverer, and Ralph Bygot (juit-claim the aforesaid manors to the said Walter. 
 Witnesses: — Rog. Warde, kt., John Mauleverer and others. Dat. 15 M.ar. 2 Hen. 
 VI. [1424.] With two Seals. 
 By a charter William Tyrsalle of Bradeforlh granted to Walter Calvyrlay, Will. 
 Gellys of Bradforth, Draper, and Dionisio Gellys, clerk, a burgess-ship [or a vote] in 
 Bradforth. Witnesses: — Will. Northrope and others. Dated 20 April 6 Hen. Vj. 
 [1428] — Add. Char., 16,915. With a Sea>. 
 No. 1691713 a letter in which Walter Calverley and John Rothelay of I'udsuy, 
 are bound to John Lake for £20. Dated I June 9th Hen. Vj. [1431.]* 
 * In the Archeoio^ital Journai, vol. xviii., 1161, p. 65, there occurs an interesting 
 Note of a Deed relating to this locality, which I reproduce from CalterUy Retcis^ers. ii, 199 : — 
 J3eed dated at Wadlands, loth August, nth Hen. VI. [ad. 1433] whereby Margaret Bollying 
 granted to Humphrey, Duke_ of Gloucester, John Leventhorpe, sen., John Leventhorpe. jun , John 
 King, vicar of Halifax, Christopher Spencer, esq., Robert Inskipe, vicir of Calverley, Richard 
 Willesthorpe, and John Rissheworth, all her estate in lands and tenements, rents and services in 
 Calverley, Farsley, Pudsey, Wadlands. and Eccleshille which she lately had of the feoflhient of 
 Thomas Thornour her father ; to hold to them and their heirs for ever of the chief lords of the fee by 
 the services therefore due and of right accustomed; upon cond tion that the Duke, arc or one of 
 them, .should re-infcoflF her and her heirs, or perform tJie will of her or her heirs in any other manner 
 when they had notice thereof ; with a power ol re-entry to her and her heirs in case the said Duke, 
 Ac, shou d refuse so to do. Witnessed by " Walter Calvei ley armigcro, Johana . .... 
 Henrieo (erased) Roberl IJoIlvng. Willelmo Rothley, etalliis (Willelmode 
 Leventhorpe _ . . . . johnanna de Hill de Wulstone, interlined.") Appended to the 
 original deed is a small circular Seal of red wax, with a device M rudely executed. Wadlands is a 
 farm about two miles from Pudsey, and in the parish of Calverley. 
 By an indenture, John Merkynfelde, William Scargylle, Thomas Tonge, clerk, 
 William Gellys and Henry Rastryke devise to Walter Calverley the manors of 
 Calverley, Burley in Querledaylle, Altoftes, Haliwelle, and Pudesey to be held 
 throughout the whole of his life, at a rent of a red rose annually. Dat. 20 June, 5 
 Hen. Vj. [1427.] — AdJ. Char., No. 16,913. IVtlh a fragment of a Seal. 
 By a charter Walter Calverley grants to Thomas, lord of Clifforde, and of 
 Westmerland, John Tempest, knight, William Scargill, Gilbert del Leghe, Will. 
 Bradford, and Will. Brerehalghe, the manors of Calverley, Pudsey, Burley and Holy- 
 welle. Witnesses : — Robert Watertone, esquire, and others. Dated 20 Aug. 22 Hen. 
 Vj. [1444.]— .^rtV/. C/4«r., 16,935. IVUhaiieal. 
 In 1452, Thomas Rothley, of Pudsey, gave to Walter Calverley a rental in 
 Pudsey, on the 20 March, 30 Hen. VI. [No. 16,945.] Wit/i a Seal. 
 By an indenture William and John .Symson at the request of Thomas Rotheley 
 quit claimed to John Raistricke certain lands in Pudsey. The witnesses being : — James 
 Danby, Will. Calverley, and others. Dat. 14 April, 15 Edw. IV. [1475.] — Adit 
 C/5<jr., 16,960. With tiuo Seah. 
 One of the .same family as those first named in the above 
 indenture, appears in the Presentation Book, at York, as 
 follows : — 
 George Symson de Pudsey accoliti — 1479. 
 And representatives of the Sym.son family continued in 
 Pudsey until a few years ago, when the last one, a bachelor, 
 named John Sympson died. The Raistricks are still represented 
 in the town by numerous descendants. 
 In the " Calendar of Charter and Rolls in the Bodleian 
 Library, Oxford," I find 
 John .Symson of Pudsey, son and heir of William Symson grants and quit- 
 claims to Robert .Symson his brother all his messuages, lands, and tenements 
 within the parish of Calverley. Dated at Pudsey 22 Oct. 4 Hen. VIII. [1513.] 
 With a Seal. — Charier 134. 
 Among the Hemingimy MSS. is a grant dated 17 Ed. IV. [1477.] from 
 Lsabella, w. of Robert Botiller, to William Brigge, of York, of three acres in the 
 township of Podesay. Witnesses :— William Warde, clerk, Hen. Albyne, and John 
 Tanfeld. Given at Podes.iy, 2 August. 
 By a charter William Calverley gave to Thomas Tempest, a knight, John 
 Sotehille, Gilbert Leghe and others, the manor of Calverley with its appurtenances in 
 Calverley, Pudsey, Holywelle, Wodehalle, Altofts, Burley, Stede etc., certain places 
 being excepted. Witnesses : — James Danby, knight, Thos. Meryng, and others. 
 Dated II March, 2 Ric. III. [1485.] No. 16,966. 
 By an indenture Richard Calverley, Richard Keghley, and Ralph Smithe 
 devise to Robert \jiy and Agnes Meryng, daughter of Thomas Meryng, messuages 
 and lands in Pudsey, to be held in fee tail. Witnesses : — Percy Thorntone, Thomxs 
 Wilsone, and others. Dated 20 Nov. 5 Hen. Vij. [14,89. ]t No. 16,970. With two 
 Richard Calverley, Thomas Merynge, Ralph .Smythe and John Alchate, at the 
 request of John Rastrike confirm by a writing, the right of William Calverley to 
 certain lands in Pudsey. Dated 10 Jan. 6 Hen. Vij. [1491.] — Add. Char., 16,971. 
 t .\mong the Hemin^vay MSS. is a feoffment dated 20 Nov.. 5 Hen. VII. [1489] by wliich 
 Richard Calverley. Richard Keghley, Ralph Smyth, and [blank], grant to Robert Ley and Agnes 
 Meryng, daughter of Ihomas Meryng, and their heirs, two messuages, in Podesay. Remainder to 
 John Ley. Witness: — Percival ThorfM/cw], Thomas Wilson, John Symson, and others. Richard 
 Kighley (of Newall) " living about 1445,' married a daughter of \Valter Scot, uiias Calverley ; 
 Richard Calverley, his nephew, was son of William Scot, alias Calverley, of Calverley, and was 
 admitted to the Guild of Corpus Christi, York, in 1520, Thomas Wearing, of Wheldale, had married 
 Isabel, daughter of the above William Calverley. 
 By a charter John Rastrike granted to WilL Calverley the lands in Pudsey before 
 named. Witnesses :— John Saville, knight, Ralph Beestone, and others. Dated 10 
 Jan. 6 Henr. Vij. [1491.] — Add. C/iar., 16,972. IVith a Seal. 
 By an indenture, William Calverley leased the lands mentioned in the afore- 
 mentioned charter to the aforesaid John Rastrike for 40 years at a rent of 20d. Dated 
 Mlh Jan. 6 Hen. Vii. — Add. Char., 16,973. IV'i'i a Sea'. 
 By a charter William Calverley conceded to Robert Calverley, the elder, his uncle, 
 and Nicholas Calverley, the vicar of the Church of Batteley, and to Christopher 
 Lyster, lands in Hoghton, called Holljiuelle, and in Pudsey. Dated I Aug. 12 Hen. 
 Vij. [1497.] With Signature. — Add. Char., 16,974. 
 Attached to last mentioned document is a deed of the same 
 Wm. Calverley, directing that the same lands be re-conveyed to 
 him, and his wife, Alice. — Add. Char., 16,975. With a Seal. 
 William Paget and Agnes his wife, daughter and co-heir of John Ley, grant by 
 a charter to William Calverley, knight, all the messuages and reversions, etc., in 
 Pudsey or elsewhere, in the County of York, which were lately the property of the 
 said John and they appoint him executor. Dated 24 May, 13 Hen. Vij. [1498.] — Add. 
 Char., 16,976. With two Seals. 
 John Rotheley, by a charier, grants to William Calverley, esquire, an enclosure 
 in Pudsey, and appoints executors. Witnesses : — Richard Stephenson, vicar of the 
 Church of Calverley, and others. Dated 9 Oct. 15 Hen. Vij. [l4gg.]—Add. Char., 
 16,981. With a Seal. 
 Three days after the aforesaid date, this John Rotheley, of Rotheley is bound 
 for £zo in the feoffment aforesaid. With a Seal. [Add. Chars.. 16,9^2 and 16,983.] 
 In 1501, John Rotheley, of Rotheley, gives by a charter [16,990] to William 
 Calverley, esquire, a messuage, etc., in Pudsey, then in the occupation of Margaret 
 Gaunt, widow, and appoints executors. Dated 2 June, 16 Hen. VII. With a Seal. 
 Add. Char., 16,991, is a reversion of the said messuage dated 4 July, l6 Hen. 
 VH. With a Seal. 
 In 1502, this John Rotheley is bound to Wm. Calverley, esquire, in lOO marks 
 in respect of landsin Pudsey. Dated 20 Oct. 18 Hen. VU.—Add. Char., 16,993. 
 The aforesaid John Rothelay grants to Wm. Calverley, es<)uire, a messuage and 
 lands in Pudsey. Witnesses: — Thomas Elys, Thomas Meryng, Cristof Calverley 
 and others. Dated 8 Oct. 18 Hen. VII. With a Seal.— Add. Char., 16,994. 
 A final concord is made in which John Rodley devises messuages and lands 
 which are the right of William Calverley, esquire. Dated the 15th day of St. Timothy, 
 49 Hen. VII. [i$04.]— Add. Char., 16,995. 
 On March 10, 1 Ric. HI. [1483-4] Joan Rotheley, relict of Thomas Rotheley, 
 late of Podesay, and Thomas Rotheley, her son, grant to John Lee, and his heirs and 
 assigns, one toft in Podesey, called " Eryomgarth." Witnesses :— John Stotheley, 
 Ralph Smith, Will. Symson, Thomas Wilson, Simon Lumby, John Walcar, and 
 others. — Hemingway MSS. 
 In the year 1507, one Edmund Archer, of Pudsey, claimed 255. for the re- 
 conciliation of the " ccemiteii " or burial ground at Ilkley.* 
 From a Subsidy Roll of the isth Henry VIII. [a.d. 1525], 
 giving the particulars of a tax levied and collected (something 
 analogous to the Income Tax of the present day) we learn the 
 names of the principal persons in Pudsey and district, and the 
 relative values of the property held by each, and liable to assess- 
 ment, with the sums collected in each place. The original is pre- 
 served in the Public Record Office, London ; the portion relating 
 to Yorkshire is printed in the Yorks.Arch.&Top.Jour.voX. ii., p. 47. 
 * See Surtees Society's vol. liii., 1869. Yorkshire Wills, voL iv., p. 327. 
 Puddesay — John Milner, for £j 6s. 8d., lands, 3s. 4d. ; Robert Lumby, for 
 20s. , lands, I2d. ; John Dawson, for 40s. guds. I2d. ; Robert Wayde, for 10 march 
 [marks], guds. 3s. 4d. ; Roljert Casson, for 40s. guds. I2d. ; Robert Walker, for 40s. 
 guds, 1 2d. Sum lOs. 8d. 
 At the present day, we have persons representatives of all 
 the names given as contributors to the Subsidy or Income Tax 
 paid in Pudsey, 360 years ago. 
 Among the //emin^way A/SS. is a trust deed, dated 13 Feby. 37 Hen. Vlll. 
 [1545-6], by which William Calverley, of Calverley, gives to Richard Jenkinson of 
 Pudsey, a tenement in Pudsey, for a quarter of a year, and then the same to Michael, 
 son of the said William, for life. 
 In 1559, William Calverley granted to his son Henry Calverley tenements in 
 Pudsaye, Calverley and Rawdon. Dated and signed 10 Sept. 1 Elizabeth. — AM. 
 Char., 17,027. 
 Adti. Char., 17,112,15 an indenture between Sir William Calverley, of Calver 
 ley, knight, of the first part, Walter Calverley, of Staneley, son and heir of the said .Sir 
 William of the 2nd j^art, and Sir Christopher Danby, kt.. Sir 1 homas Danby, kt., 
 Thomas Danby, Thomas Wentworth, William Vavysour, Robert Hyde, and Henry 
 Hardware, of the 3rd part, entailing the manors of Calverley, Burley, and Pudsey. 
 Dated 18 Jan. 10 Eliz. [1568.] The same extending over eight sheets and a table of 
 the conditions of the indenture. 
 This Sir William Calverley, kt., was Sheriff of Yorkshire in 
 1550. The family seems to have now attained its zenith, and 
 from this time to gradually decline. William Calverley, who 
 lived at the end of the 16th century, was a staunch adherent of the 
 Papal Church and so had to .suffer for his " Recusancy." Instead 
 of buying lands they have now to sell. In the catalogue of 
 Deeds relating to the family, I find many particulars of sale of 
 land, etc., as 
 Counterpart of sale of capital messuage and lands in Pudsey to Wm. Jenkinson 
 and others. 42 Eliz. [1600.] Ditto to Wm. Ferrow, 42 Eliz. 
 Counterpart of sale of lands in Pudsey to James Sale, to Geo. Gaunt, to Wm 
 Moss. [A.D. 1600.] 
 A Bond from Wm. Farrow, of Pudsey, to save harmless from a Bond 
 entered p. Walter Calverley to Agnes Gargrave, 42 Eliz. [1600.] 
 Then followed the greatest trial of all, the heavy fine in- 
 flicted upon Henry Calverley for his sympathy and support 
 given to the Royalists, during the civil wars, for which he was 
 fined ;^i,455. To raise this sum he had to sell several parts of 
 the family estates, after having tried every possible way to raise 
 the money and failed. " Seacroft had to go, and Pudsey too," 
 though not without a struggle. Richard Waugh, the vicar of 
 Calverley, writing to Mr. Henry Calverley said : — 
 " Here are great braggs concerning a new lord of Pudsey,* but made in cupps ; 
 I hope you will not pull that flower out of your garland, having means and wayes to 
 raise £,\2<X) by woods and , or fines in letting your land, or if you resolved to 
 part with it, yet not for £,\2QO, you may have a6oo more for it. 1 heard Lumby 
 say he durst undertake it."+ 
 * This was Mr. Tempest Milner (son of Mr. Samuel Milner, of Pudsey), who was a Citizen 
 Merchant Taylor, and Alderman of London, 
 t MakgerisOn's Calverley Parish Registers, vol. ii., p. 3. 
 However, the manorial estate of Pudsey was sold to Mr. Mil- 
 ner, but for some reason or other it was bought back again shortly 
 afterwards. Poor Henry Calverley died* having struggled 
 through and paid his fine or composition, but he left to his heir such 
 a large debt that he had to sell part of his lands, together with 
 the manorial estate of Pudsey, as we find from their papers, thus : — 
 Sale of certain of lands in Pudsey to Mr. Milner, 1635. Also other lands in 
 Pudsey were sold to William Lepton, Samuel Lumby, and John Smith. 
 Counterpart of deed of sale of Mannor of Puclsey to Mr. Milner, conditionally, 
 in 1656, and counterpart of lease or bargain and sale thereto belonging. 
 Defeazance from Mr. Milner to Walter Calverley, Esq., concerning the tofts 
 at Pudsey, 1657. 
 Counterpart of sale of Manor of Pudsey to Mr. Milner, 15 Carl. 2. 
 Covenant from Mr. Milner not to take in Pudsey Common without consent of 
 W. Calverley, 15 Carl. 2. 
 Thoresby says, in the Ducatiis Leodiensis, that 
 Robert Milner, of Pudsey, who was the brother of Tempest Milner before 
 mentioned, purchased the Manor of Pudsey and estates there from Walter Calverley, 
 in 1663, and so one of the manors of Pudsey passed out of the family in which it had 
 been held for several centuries. 
 The arms of the family of the Milners, Lords of the Manor of Pudsey, are sable, 
 three bridle-bits or, as entered in the Visitation^ Anno 1634. This family seems to 
 have been originally of this place, though afterwards (at least a branch of it) of 
 Halifax (by the evidence of the Wakefield Court Rolls this would seem to be the 
 reverse of the facts, as they appear to be originally of Halifax and afterwards of 
 Pudseyt), as appears by an ancient deed, before the dates were inserted, from Ricardus 
 filius Thomae Molendinarii de Pugesey (Test. Joh. Scoto, Jord. de Wudehall, Joh. 
 de Bradeford, Sim. Paitevin, Rob. de Birle), yet remaining amongst the old writings 
 of the family, from whence I have drawn the ensuing pedigree. 
 Milner of Pudsey. 
 Thomas Mylner of Pugesey == 
 Richard Mylner. 
 Obiit ante 4 H. 5. John Mylner = m. Cicily, superstes 4 H. 5. 
 of Halifax. | 
 Robert Mylner, 4 H. S =F 
 37 H. 6. 22 E. 4. Richard Mylner, of Halifax = 
 21 H. 7. Robert Mylner== m. Margaret sup. 5 H. 8. 
 35 H. 8. John Mylner, of Pudsey = m. Annie Wharton, of Harwood, 1541, whose son 
 (aged about 63 in 1584) 
 36 H. 8. John Mylner, of Pudsey, gent. = mar. Anne, d. of Mr. Robert W aterhouse. 
 » He was buried at Calverley Church, Jan. 2, 1651-2. For a long account of him, with portraits, 
 etc., see a paper by Mr. S. Margbrison, in Bradford AHiiquary, part ii. 
 t The early part of this pedigree of Milner k very unsatisfactory. 
 They hail a son they called Robert Milner, of Pudsey, gent., mar. cov. 29 Nov., 
 1573 = mar. Mary d. and c. of Mr. Thos. Draper, of Hallifax Vicaridge. 
 They had issue, Samuel Milner, obt. 18 Car., I Ing., post-mortem = m. Grace, 
 d. of E. Oldfield, of Wadlands, in Calverley. They had two sons and several 
 daughters, Robert and Tempest. Tempest Milner was a citizen and merchant tailor, 
 and alderman of London. lie purchased the Manor of Pudsey and estates there 
 from Henry Calverley and Joyce his wife, in 1649, and reconveyed them to Henry 
 Calverley in 1650. He had a son John, who was consul at Lisbon. 
 Robert Milner purchased the Manor of Pudsey and estates there from 
 Walter Calverley in 1663. He mar. Ann d. of Mr. Robert Ferrand, of Harden. 
 Their son, John Milner, of Pudsey, olit. 19 Feb., 1710-11. By his will dated 
 1708, he devised his Pudsey estates to his eldest son John. He married Frances, 
 d. of Matth. Hall. Their eldest son John Milner, M.D., died Feb. 1724, intest. , 
 leaving his brother Charles his heir-at-law, s.p. Charles Milner, of Preston Hall, 
 near Maidstone, Kent, who upon the death of his brother John succeeded to the 
 estates, and devised them to his great nephew Charles Cottom, in tail, obt. s.p. 
 His said great nephew, on succeeding to the same, assumed the name of Milner, 
 and is now (181 5) living at Preston H.1II. John and Charles Milner had five 
 sisters; one named Ann, married Mr. Michael Cottom.* 
 The old Manor House, which is chiefly of 17th century 
 work, is situated at the top of Lowtown. The Old Hall, as it is 
 popularly designated, is an extensive building, and was at one 
 time the residence of the Milner family, and bears on a prominent 
 part the initial M. The present owner is Mr. George Hinings. 
 There is " an assessment for y= surveyor, 1584, West Riding 
 CO. Ebor," from which I extract the following : — 
 Pudsey ---------- iiijs.' Haworth -------- xvjd. 
 Calverley ijs. iiijd. 
 Farseley xxd 
 Mannyngham ------- xxd. 
 BoUinge- xvjd. 
 Tonge xvjd. 
 Drighlington ijs. vjd. 
 Hallyefaxe xxvjs. viijd. 
 Morley vs. 
 Bramley - - - iiijs. 
 Bradforth xs. 
 Horton - xxd. 
 Idyll ijs. iiijd. 
 From this table we are able to form a fairly good idea of 
 the relative proportion of the rateable value and population of 
 each to one another, 300 years ago. 
 At Leeds Sessions the (3th day of April, in the 44th of 
 Queen Elizabeth [a.d. 1602], before Sir John Saville, Thomas 
 Fairfax, and other justices, it was agreed 
 That the justices should meet at Wakefield upon Wednesday in Whitsuntide 
 week, then next, touching soldiers' pensions, assessments, and other matters ; and 
 then agree upon a particular estreat and jwrfect assessment of the towns within 
 the Wapentakes, to lie and remain a precedent to direct other justices to make 
 equal assessments for these parts wlien occasion should require. 
 It may, therefore, be supposed that the greatest care would 
 be taken in making the assessment ; that being the case, it will 
 give the most correct view, in the absence of actual computation, 
 which can now be obtained of the relative size, population, and 
 wealth of the towns and villages comprised in such assessment. 
 • Thorksbv's Dttratus Leoiticns's, p. 176. Compare with a note to Ca*jon Raine's paper 
 on Marske, in Yorks, Arth, Jour, vi., 198 ; Fostkk's Patrgrtts 0/ County /•'amities, IK. A*. Yorks. ; 
 and Margekiso.n's Registers of tlu Pansh of Catvtrtey. 
 Here is a copy of such part of the assessment as relates to 
 places in this neighbourhood : — 
 Bingley - - gel. Haworth i2d. 
 Bradford 2od 
 Bolton 5d 
 Boiling 5d. 
 Calverley and Farsley- .... nd. 
 Dewsbury I2jd. 
 Eccleshill 7Jd. 
 Heaton-cum-Clayton Iijd. 
 Halifax I9jd. 
 Horton 7d. 
 Idle nd. 
 Leeds - . 39d.* 
 Manningham gd. 
 Pudsey gjd. 
 Shipley 5d. 
 In the Public Record Office, London, there is a large 
 number of Subsidy Rolls, relating to Yorkshire. They are the 
 accounts of the taxes collected in the different reigns for various 
 purposes. Some of them give the name of each contributor, 
 with the amount paid, or, sometimes, which should have been 
 paid ; while others only give the name of each place, and the 
 total amount paid. These rolls are interesting and instructive ; 
 showing as they do the number and status of the principal 
 inhabitants, nay, sometimes even all the householders in the 
 village or town, as does the one, 2 Ric. II. [a.d., I379.]t They 
 also show us how some families continue to be represented, in 
 certain localities, from generation to generation ; while others, 
 sometimes wealthy, become extinct. These rolls are also 
 valuable as sometimes showing the origin and meaning of 
 personal names. In 1607, the following persons paid the sub- 
 sidy collected in the 5th of James I. : — 
 Ricus. Thornten, ;« /«/■ 3I. vijis. 
 Samuel Milner, ?'« /^r xls. vs. iiijd. 
 Wilms. Jenkinson, «K ;■«:»■ xxs. ijs. viijd. 
 Thomes Smyth, ;« /i?r xxs. ijs. viijd. 
 Ricus Hunter, j« /iT xxs ijs. viijd. 
 Thomes Allanbrig, !»; /;^ xxs. ijs. viijd. 
 Willms Gaunt, in/er xxs. ijs. viijd. 
 Petrus Wilson, ?« Ct-r xxs. ijs. viijd. 
 Sm. vill. xxixs. iiijd. 
 These are the names of the principal families, or rather the 
 better class or owners of property, amongst the inhabitants. 
 See James's History of Brndfo^d, pp. 111-112 ; Yorkshire Arch, and Top. yountnl^ vol. i,p. 162. 
 t Printed on p. 28. 
 ail Saints' Cl^apEl.— The origin of the old Chapel-of-Ease 
 of All Saints', which is now demolished, is lost in obscurity. 
 After diligent search, I have not yet been able to make out 
 when, or by whom it was founded. Singularly enough, we have 
 records of landowners and residents, who attended for worship and 
 spiritual instruction in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, at the 
 noble Abbey of Kirkstall, who contributed liberally towards its 
 support and magnificence, and one of whom was honoured by 
 burial within its sacred walls ; and also, of several benefactors 
 about the same period who contributed liberally to " God and to 
 the poore of y' Hospital of St. Peter of York."* Yet as to when, 
 or by whom, the Pudsey Chapel of Ease was founded, we know 
 nothing, and even of the building lately razed to the ground 
 we can learn but very little. Tradition says that it was partly, 
 if not entirely, re-built during the latter part of the last century, 
 and that the clock-tower and belfry were then erected. The for- 
 mation of the front windows and the freshness of the stone 
 clearly demonstrated that such must have been the case. The 
 stonework of the window sills and jambs, at both east and west 
 ends, as well as the back part of the building, were, without a 
 doubt, part of the older structure. It is said that the previous 
 structure had a low roof on one side, and that it had no gallery. 
 1 have also been informed that the chapel was re-erected or 
 altered when Jeremy Crowther was the chapelwarden ; if so, then 
 it was in the year 1793. 
 • Hart, MSS. No. 797, Brit. Miis. 
 Lawton, in his " Collections relative to the Churches and 
 Chapels in the dioceses of York and Ripon," gives the vague state- 
 ment that the Pudsey Chapel was founded before the Reforma- 
 tion ; and so it appears to have been, because in the twenty- 
 sixth year of the reign of Henry VIII., or 1535, an Act was 
 passed conferring on the Crown the first fruits of all benefices, 
 and also one yearly rent or pension amounting to the value of 
 the tenth part of the profits of every benefice. Under this Act 
 commissioners were appointed, who collected what are now very 
 valuable returns relating to the ecclesiastical affan's of the period. 
 In these returns, called Valor Ecclesiastiais, or Liber Regis, now 
 kept in the Exchequer, London, the value of the living of Pud- 
 All Saints' Chapel. 
 sey Chapel is put at .^10 153. Here, then, we have the first date 
 yet met with, 1535 ; but of those who were the founders, or who 
 conducted worship here, we have no information, neither have 
 we any particulars as to whether it was ever consecrated or not. 
 Reference has already been made to a "John de Pudesheyc, 
 clerico," as one of the witnesses in several original charters of the 
 time of Edward I. which are now in the British Museum. Here 
 is an epitome of one translated from the Latin : — 
 Charier by which Roljert, son of John the Coupcre de I'lidesheye, sold to John 
 Scott de Calverley the land in the essart called Olderoyde in I'udesheye. Wit- 
 nesses:— Hugh de Wodehall, John de Culecotes, John de I'lKlesheye, clerico. \Temp. 
 Edw. I.? 
 Whether this John was a clerk or priest, or merely possessed 
 the right of clergy, I cannot say, but there is no mention of any 
 chapel in any of them. 
 The next date referring to the chapel is 1577. In that year 
 a large quarto volume, in black letter, was published, HOLLINGS- 
 HEAD's Chronicles, to which is prefixed HARRISON'S Description 
 of Britaine ,and at page seventy of that volume, in an account of 
 the river Aire and its tributaries, mention is made of the beck 
 which joins the Aire at Leeds. It says : — "The beck hath two 
 arms, of which one cometh from Pudsey Chapcll, the other from 
 The registers at the Parish Church at Calverley com- 
 mence in the year 1574, and through the kindness of the vicar, 
 the Rev. J. W. Hatton, M.A., I have been allowed to examine 
 these records, and to make as many extracts for historical pur- 
 poses as I thought proper.* But from these registers I have not 
 been able to find any record of the origin of the chapel, or of 
 who was the first minister. In the year 1606 I find the names 
 of John Crosley and Thomas Whitley as the chapelwardens of 
 Pudsey. In 1607 no names are recorded ; in 1608, William 
 Gaunte and James Saile ; in 1609, William ffarrowe and either 
 Edw. Holdsworth or William Dawson, it is not clear which ; in 
 16 10, William Lepton, but the name of his associate does not 
 appear. I carefully searched the registers in the hope that I 
 should find some information respecting the early curates, but 
 unfortunately these parish records are silent on the subject. 
 However, soon after the above-mentioned dates, we met with 
 first name recorded of a minister at this chapel, the possessor of 
 which played no unimportant part in the local history of the 
 middle of the seventeenth century. This was Elkanah Wales, 
 M.A., who was a native of the parish, and a resident and faith- 
 ful pastor at Pudsey for about half a century. The record of his 
 baptism is in the Calverley register, as follows : — 
 1588, Dec. Elanane Wales, the son of John Wales, of Idle, ye fifteenth tlaye. 
 Having obtained such instruction as the schools of the 
 vicinity could supply, he entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in 
 1605, and diligently pursuing his studies he obtained his degree 
 of B.A. in 1608, and his M.A. in 1609. Having terminated his 
 studies at the University, he was for a short time a curate at 
 Calverley Church, and then accepted the poor curacy of Pud.sey 
 Chapel, sometime in the early part of the seventeenth century. 
 Here he laboured mightily, not only in preaching, but in living 
 * These Registers for the period 1574 to 1720 have since been printed. 
ALL saints' chapel. 
 the gospel also. He was an excellent preacher, of a profound 
 judgment, and large numbers flocked to hear him from the 
 country round about, so that his fame spread far and wide. 
 Joseph Lister, of Bradford, gives in his " Autobiography " an 
 interesting sketch of a fast service which he attended at Pudsey 
 Chapel in 1641, when the people were all afraid of being 
 slaughtered by the Irish rebels, as thousands had been in Ire- 
 land. In 1638-9 he was earnestly solicited to take a charge in 
 New England, America. In 1643, he was invited by the cele- 
 brated Isaac Ambrose, in the name of Colonel Rigby, to Rufford, 
 in Lancashire, and was promised a good stipend. In 1644 he 
 The Old Parsonage in which Elkanah Wales lived. 
 received a call to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and again in the fol- 
 lowing year, 1645, " The Mayor, Aldermen, SherifTe, and Com- 
 mon Council " of that town sent a pressing invitation to him to 
 .settle amongst them. In 1646 be was earnestly solicited to be 
 " a helper in the ministry " at St. John's Church, Leeds, and in 
 a few months afterwards, in the same year, he was strongly in- 
 vited to Carlisle by the Mayor, Aldermen, etc., to become the 
 minister at St. Mary's Church, in that city. Lord Thomas 
 Fairfax had a great esteem for him, and offered him several 
 places of considerable profit. Thus we see that he had many 
 tempting offers to entice him away from his people at Pudsey, 
 and though the living was a very poor one he was not to be 
 enticed away from his charge. He continued his faithful labours 
 at Pudsey until the " Black Bartholomew Act " separated him 
 from his beloved little chapel and people ; but though Mr. Wales 
 was thus prevented by the Act of Uniformity of 1662, from 
 preaching in the chapel in which he had so faithfully laboured 
 for near half a century, he yet resided amongst his beloved 
 people, as was a general custom amongst the ejected ministers. 
 They preached privately, and visited from house to house, and 
 were thus enabled to live amongst their friends. The Govern- 
 ment being thus foiled in its attempt to crush out Puritanism and 
 All Saints' Chapel. 
 Nonconformity passed other and more severe Acts, as the Con- 
 venticle Act and the Five Mile Act. After Mr. Wales had been 
 a true pastor for about half a century, between three and four 
 years after his ejectment from the chapel, an ill neighbour took 
 advantage of that diabolical though refined piece of cruelty, the 
 Five Mile Act, and forced him to leave his home. ThoRE.SBY, 
 the celebrated antiquary and historian of Leeds, who wrote a 
 memoir of Mr. Wales, which is now amongst the Birch MSS. 
 in the British Museum, says : — 
 This reverend and holy man of God, whom all good men reverenced, had yet 
 one bad neightour, so inhumanly barbarous y' taking y* advantage of the 5 mile 
 Act he would not suffer him to stay at his own house, y' the poor old man was 
 constrained to travail for a season, but being aged and unfit for y' course of life he 
 resolved to take up his constant abode at Leeds, W he had many true friends who 
 were glad of his most acceptable company . . . And amongst others I glory 
 in the cordial love that united him and my predecessors ; he preached my grand- 
 father's funeral sermon, and in my dearest father's diary I find frequent mention of 
 him, particularly 18 March, 1666-7; he says, " I was where I might have got some 
 good, but ere the opportunity was done was suddenly desired to ride to take care of 
 Mr. Wales's goods at Pudsey, w'^'' his neighbour had uncivilly thrown into the street 
 after he had unchristianly taken possession of his house." 
 The affection of Mr. Wales for the little chapel on the hill 
 and its people was most intense, and when silenced by the hand 
 of authority and driven from his horhe, he is said to have 
 repeated with unutterable pathos the lament of Christ over 
 Jerusalem, omitting the latter clause. 
 Oliver Heywood, the noted West Riding Nonconformist 
 minister, makes mention of Mr. Wales frequently in his diary. 
 In August, 1666, he writes : — 
 Facsimile of Hand-writing, by Elk. Wales. 
 Aug. 23. — Travelled to Bramley where I preacht to a large auditory ; the next 
 day I travelled a little way with good Mr. Wales, who is also banished from home and 
 is now gone into the north with his wife. 
 Aug. II, '68. — The Saturday after my wife and I went to Pudsey (my family 
 being gone into Lane. ) according to my promise, but we were informed that one 
 Fallens, a bayliffe of Morley had been with Cornet Smith and they had consulted, it 
 was suspected they would come to disturbe us and apprehend me, and I made full 
 accont of it, but God held off so that we enjoyed a very sweet quiet Sabbath, being 
 Aug 9, 1668, old Mr. Wales was providentially there (tho' sent for that day to his wife 
 a-dying) and a multitude of people out of all parts, the gentleman of the place Mr. 
 Milner, invited me to preach entertained me, and I returned safely home upon Mun- 
 day, blessed l)e my God. 
 After Mr. Wales's death in 1669, HeywoOD has the follow- 
 ing reference thereto : — 
 Having an invitation to preach at Pudsey on lord's Day Jun 13 69 I designed a 
 word of exhortation to the people upon occasion of their dreadful stroke. I com- 
 municated my thoughts to two friends who divulge it abroad that I was to preach Mr. 
 Wales's funeral sermon, wch was not wel resented by some of his relations, wch when 
 I came thither and saw it diverted my thoughts to another subject, tho to my hind- 
 rance and disappointment. 
 The lady referred to in the first extract given above, was 
 the second wife of Mr. Wales, and was of a distinguished family, 
 the Claverings of Calliley. In a work by her son-in-law, 
 Ambrose Barnes, of Newcastle, published by the SURTEES 
 Society in i868, there are several interesting references to Mr. 
 Wales and his wife. They were married at St. John's Church, 
 Newcastle, Sep. 3rd, 1661, and she died at Newcastle in 1668. 
 The first wife of Mr. Wales died at Pudsey, and her tombstone 
 bears the following simple inscription : " A.W., 1660, May 16." 
 In the Will of Mr. Wales, he says, 
 I commit my bodie to the Earth, wheiice it was taken, to be buryed decently in 
 the Chappell of Pudsey, neare unto the bodie of Anne, my former wife, if it can con- 
 veniently be. 
 After Mr. Wales was ejected from Pudsey Chapel, he 
 settled at Leeds, and for preaching at Bramley he was taken 
 before the justices in Leeds. He died at Leeds, May nth, 1669, 
 aged 80, and in his Will, made only fourteen days before his 
 death, he says, 
 I give unto the poore of Pudsey ^^3, to be distributed by Mr. Sale and John 
 Downes, or Joshua Lumby, to the poore of Idle ;^3, to be distributed by Jeremie 
 Welfit and Samuel Stable, and to the poore of Calverley fourtie shillings, to be 
 distributed by Mr. Sandall and Joseph Hitchin.* 
 In disposing of the books in his library amongst his friends, 
 he refers to the books that he " lost in the time of the warres." 
 In concluding my remarks on Mr. Wales, I must not omit 
 mention of his literary labours. He published 
 A Short Catechism ; or. Ye Sum of the Cliristian Religion in 34 Questions and 
 Answers, etc., by Elk. Wales, London, 1662. 
 A Writ oj Error ; or, a friendly examination of a question deeply concerning 
 marryed persons, or such as intend to marry, by E. W., York, 1654. 
 Mount Ebal levelled ; or, Kedeviption jrom the Curse, by Elk. Wales, M.A., 
 London, 1659. Dedicated to the Right Hon. Thomas Lord Fairfax. 
 A second edition of this last-named work was published 
 in 1823, to which was added a short life of the author, by Matthew 
 Hutchinson, of London, a native of Pudsey. 
 Mr. Hutchinson says in his short memoir of Mr. Wales, 
 He bequeathed to the Chapel at Pudsey two excellent fields of near ten acres, 
 viz., those through which the footpath runs between the old chapel and Littlemoor, 
 and he adds, rumour says that he left the house formerly occupied by Mr. Jenkins, the 
 curate, in the Old Chapel Fold, which Mr. Jenkins said was a fact. 
 One of the rooms in the old parsonage just named, formerly 
 bore the date '■1647" on the ceiling, but in repairing the building in 
 1873 the old ceiling was destroyed. 
 * John Downes, of Pudsey, was buried on the nth January, 1670 {Calverley Church Regisiet), 
 and a Joshua Lumby was chapel-warden in 1663 and 1675. 
 In lately looking over a manuscript in the Lansdowne 
 collection of MSS., British Museum, No. 459, which is a register 
 of church livings in the County of York, etc., with an account of 
 their actual income, and the patrons, and tho characters of many 
 of the incumbents, supposed to have been made about 1654, for 
 the use of the Cromwellian commissioners for ejecting " scan- 
 dalous and ineffectual ministers," I found the following entry : — 
 Pudsey chap : to Calverley. 2 miles distant. Chapellry. Living — Benevolence 
 of the people only ;^ 1 0:00 :00 after Mr. Waugh's decease. Incumbent. Mr. Elkana 
 Walles, a grave and frequent preacher. 
 In the Parliamentary Survey, made during the Common- 
 wealth, vol. xviii., p. 313, Pudsey Chapelry is recommended to be 
 made a parish, but this recommendation was not carried 
 out until the year 1878. 
 In the seventeenth century another eminent name was 
 connected with Pudsey Chapel ; it was the Rev. James Sale, who 
 was a native of Pudsey, and one of the noble 2,000 ejected 
 ministers who bravely sacrificed their livings for conscience' 
 sake. The record of his baptism in the Calverley register is as 
 follows : — 
 1619, Oct. James ye son of James Sale yc xxiiii day. 
 He was a companion and great comfort to old Mr. Wales, 
 with whom he served as a son in the gospel. He was educated 
 at Cambridge University, and when he had finished his university 
 career he spent some time at Lincoln with the Rev. Edward 
 Reyner, M.A., who was an eminent divine, and a native of 
 Morley, and who, during his youth, had frequently attended the 
 ministry of Mr. Wales, at Pudsey, as he mentions in his diary. 
 Mr. Sale was for some time minister at Thornton Chapel, and 
 afterwards was assistant to the Rev. R. Todd, at St. John's 
 Church, Leeds, where he was ejected by the Act of Uniformity, 
 1662. He then resided in his own house at Pudsey, and preached 
 there constantly, as well as in the neighbourhood, until he died 
 in 1679. He was buried at Calverley Church, April 21st, 1679, 
 and part of his tombstone may still be seen in one of the aisles 
 of the church. '• He was a learned and good man, of fine parts, 
 and an excellent preacher." Several of his children, himself, and 
 his widow, are all buried at Calverley Church. Mrs. Sale was 
 one of the family of the Richardsons, of North Bierley. As 
 to who were the successors of Mr. Wales at the Chapel after his 
 ejectment in 1662 I cannot give any information. The registers . 
 at Calverley give no clue. In 1685 there is the entry appended 
 to several of the baptismal entries, " Baptised by the minister of 
 Pudsey," but no minister's name is given. From 1640 to 1663 
 there are no entries of either churchwardens or chapelvvardens, 
 but commencing with " Mr. John Smith and Joshua Lumby," 
 chapel wardens for Pudsey in 1663, the list is given almost 
 regularly until 1695. 
 In a note book or diary of Sir Walter Calverley, 1663 to 
 1722, * now amongst the Add. MSS. in the Brit. Mus., I find this 
 note : — 
 27 Oct. 1698 I met Mrs. Milner and the ffreeholders of Pudsey al)Out setting out 
 some Common for the better maintenance of a Minister at Pudsey, and it was agreed 
 to inclose abt. 20 acres on the southside of Owlcotes-hill, al5t. 8 acres above the 
 Delves, and 5 acres on the Windmill-hill. 
 In a catalogue of deeds belonging to the Calverley family, I 
 found the following items relating to the Pudsey Chapel : — 
 Memorandum about the Trustees' Deeds for Pudsey Chapel — Deed my son and 
 I signed relating to ye Tythes of y= Chapell Lands at Pudsey, dated 7 & 8 Sep. 1738. 
 In an account of Queen Anne's Bounty, published in 1719, 
 the value of the living of Pudsey Curacy is given at ^^20 5s., 
 which was augmented by a grant of £2(X) to meet benefactions 
 from Mr. Kent, Mr. R. Hey, and others, of ^200, with which 
 ;^400 lands were purchased in Bramley and Pudsey in 1736 for 
 augmentation of the living. 
 In 1728, the Rev. Wm. Brown, B.A., was nominated 
 minister for Pudsey Chapel by the feoffees, with the approbation 
 of the Vicar of Calverley, but the subsequent nominations 
 were made by the vicar alone, viz., in 1737, 1762, 1767, 18 14, 
 and 1854. 
 In the Register of Presentations at York is the following 
 entry : — 
 1728, 15 July, A License to preach m Pudsey and Tong Chapels conceded to 
 Wm. Brown, A.B., Clerk. 
 Mr. Brown died in 1737, and was buried at Pudsey, as 
 appears from the entry in the Parish Register :— 
 '737 May 4, The Reverd. Willm. Brown, Minister of Pudsey, [buried] There. 
 His successor was the Rev. Benjamin Bailey, A.B., who was 
 nominated by the Rev. Christ. Holt, Vicar of Calverley, June 
 13th, 1737. He died at Pudsey, and his tombstone bears the 
 following inscription : — 
 Here was interred the Body of the Revd. Benjamin Bailey, Clerk, who died 
 August ye 5th in the 53rd year of his age, Anno. Dom. 1762, and in the 26th year of 
 his Ministry at this Chapel. 
 * Lately printed by the Surtees Society. 
 In 1762, a Caveat was entered at the office of the Diocesan 
 Registrar at York, by Samuel Farrer, John Lobley, William 
 Moss, inhabitants and Trustees of Pudsey Chapel, to nominate 
 on the death of Benjamin Bailey. This was afterwards with- 
 drawn, and the Rev. Seth Pollard, clerk, M.A., was nominated 
 curate of Pudsey, and was licensed Nov. 15th, 1762. During the 
 ministry of Mr. Bailey, permission was granted by the vicar, 
 Nov. 24th, 1754, that " the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper 
 be administered in the Chapel of Pudsey," on the conditions that 
 it " be not administered there on same day when it is 
 administered at the mother church ; and that the curate, church- 
 wardens, etc., do repair to the said church upon all sacramental 
 days as usual." 
 The Rev. Seth Pollard remained only five years, and was 
 succeeded, in 1767, by the Rev. William Howarth, who had been 
 curate at Calverley from 1763 to 1767. An organ was built and 
 erected in 1792 or 1793 in the Pudsey Chapel, by Donaldson, of 
 York, which, on the discontinuance of services in the Old 
 Chapel, was removed to Tong Church. 
 The Rev. Wm. Howarth was the curate for forty-seven 
 years. He died in June, 1814, aged seventy-nine, and was 
 buried in the interior of the chapel in which he had laboured 
 for nearly half a century. Since the chapel was demolished, his 
 tombstone has been found in one of the aisles. 
 His successor was the Rev. David Jenkins, who was curate 
 or incumbent from i8i4to 1854. During his ministry the large 
 and imposing edifice of St. Lawrence's Church was erected in the 
 years 1821 to 1824, when the congregation removed to the new 
 edifice, and the old chapel was suffered to fall into decay, so 
 that its removal became generally desirable, hence its demolition 
 by the Local Board. 
 I now propose to give a few notes on the people who were 
 the worshippers connected therewith, principally drawn from the 
 baptismal and burial registers, and the records of the tombstones 
 in the burial ground. The records of the baptisms, marriages, 
 and burials relating to this chapel are at the Parish Church at 
 Calverley, and " the register booke of Christeninges " commences 
 on " the XXth of Maye, in the yeare of our Lord God 1574."* 
 The first entry from Pudsey is as follows : — 
 William Hunter of Pudsey had a child baptised the XXXth daye of Julie 1574 
 named Sussanna. 
 Then follow entries of " christeninges " of children from 
 Pudsey belonging to Richard Farrowe, John Crosley, Robert 
 * It has been lately printed. 
 Grave, Mr. William Thornton, of Tyresall ; Robert Waterworth, 
 and Peter Wilson. The following entry tells its own tale : — 
 Robert Cawdrey had a basse l^egotteii child wtl' Anne Armitage was baptized 
 ye 4th daye of April 1574 [1575] named John. 
 In the years following up to 1585, there are entries of 
 baptisms from Pudsey in the names of Dawson, Allanbridge, 
 West, Smith, Lepton, Gibson, Waterhouse, Wainman, Gaunt, 
 Milner, Lee, Siddall, Lake, Gilhouse, Gill, Rawden, Goodall, 
 Thompson, Watson, Sutcliffe, Saile, Whitley, Sharpe, Walker, 
 Graistwicke, Mitchell, Dunkin, Ogden, Dobson. In the seven- 
 teenth century there are the names of many families whose 
 descendants are living in Pudsey at the present time, as Lumby, 
 Hutton, Proctor, Riley, Hutchinson, Moss, etc., besides others 
 which have died out, or removed to other localities, as 
 the Heys, Jenkinsons, Milners, Purdys, Kents, Stouts, Leighs, 
 Thorntons, etc. In the register there is nothing to indicate 
 which were baptized at Pudsey (except in 1685) until 1702, when 
 the word " there " is added to the entries, .showing that there 
 were twenty-one baptized at the Pudsey Chapel in that year. 
 In 1685, there is the remark, " baptized at Pudsey, y= ministram 
 ibiit"; and in 1686 there is also "babt. by the minister of 
 F"rom the year 1717 until 1753, lists of " births " (persons 
 who were not baptized at the Established Church) are inserted 
 in the register along with the baptisms. These lists give the 
 names of Nonconformist families generally. In the first list 
 (1717) are six names from Pudsey, in 1721 there are thirteen, 
 in 1722 seven, and in 1723 eleven. In the baptisms I find in 
 the year 
 1702 March 9 [O.S.] Richard son of John Hey of Pudsey. 
 Amongst the baptisms in 1744 is the following entry : — 
 June 5th, Elizabeth, daughter of Wni. Holland, born at Falneck. 
 And amongst the births in Pudsey are the following : — 
 1746, May 24. Elizabeth, daughter of Gottlob Hauptman, born at Falneck. 
 Jan. 31. Anna Johanna, daughter of Jno. Ockerhausen, Born at Falneck. 
 In 1744, the Moravian Settlement of Fulneck was not 
 built, neither was it named Fulneck until some years afterwards, 
 and yet the place was named Falneck,^ as it is pronounced by 
 many of the inhabitants of the township even unto this day. 
 When the land was purchased, in 1744, for a settlement for the 
 Moravians, it was a wild, uncultivated common, and it is 
 conjectured that it derived its name of Fallneck, from Fall'n ac 
 or ake, signifying oak. 
ALL saints' chapel. 55 
 In the Register, the year 1746 ends as usual in March, and 
 for the first time the year terminated in December in 1747. In 
 that year, in 1747, in the list of births, there appears the fol- 
 lowing entry : — 
 Nov. 30, John, son of Samuel Riley, Old Cotes, clothier. 
 This was John Riley, afterwards a well-known mathematician 
 in his day. He was head-master of the Charity School in Leeds, 
 and was one of the originators and the first editor of a literary, 
 mathematical, and philosophical miscellany called '' The Leeds 
 Correspondent," until his death, which took place April 24th, 
 181 5. He also compiled a " History of Leeds and the Neigh- 
 bouring villages," published in 1808. 
 Previous to the year 1755, the Pudsey baptisms and burials 
 were inserted in the Calverley Parish Register, along with those 
 from the other parts of the parish, without any distinction, but 
 commencing in that year the lists are entered separately.so thatwe 
 learn both the number and the names of the persons baptized 
 or buried at Pudsey Chapel. In that year there were 32 bap- 
 tisms, and in 60 years, less six months, to June, 1814, there were 
 4,477 persons baptized in the chapel at Pudsey. The years in 
 which the largest number of baptisms took place were 1784, 
 when there were 104 ; 1786, 102 ; 1791, 100 ; 1792, 112 ; and in 
 1793, 103. 
 The Register of Burials at the Parish Church commences 
 October ist, 1596, and contains numerous entries of the burials 
 of persons of the same families as those given above from the 
 baptisms ; but the majority of the entries do not record the place 
 from which the deceased came. The first name with " Pudsey " 
 attached to it is as follows : — 
 1598, August, Robert Wilsonn, of Pudsey, buryed the first day. 
 From 1607 to November, 1624, there are no entries ; evi- 
 dently the volume has been lost ; the entries thus far seem to 
 have been copied from some other register. 
 In 1624-5 the burials were more numerous than usual : — 
 1624, March [1625] Mr. Thornton of Tiresall had his servant buried ye 
 Eleventh day ; 
 In the next month, 
 April, 1625, ffrancis Hillhouse of Pudsey had two children buried ye one upon 
 ye Seven and Twenty daye anil ye other upon the eight and Twenty daye, " ffrancis 
 hilhouse had his wife and his doughter buried ye last daye. 
 Again, on the first day of Maye, he buried one child, and 
 ffrancis Hilhouse himself was buried ye fourth daye. 
 Thus husband and wife and four children were buried 
 within eight days. Reading further in the register, I find, 
 March, l6j5, Elcanan Wales buried the loth daye ; August, 1639, Samuel 
 Wales of I'udsey was buried the 1 3th daye. 
 The question at once arose in my mind, who were these ? 
 Were they aged or young ? However, in looking over No. 4,276, 
 Birch MSS-, Brit . Mus.," Letters of Divines, formerly in the pos- 
 session of Mr. Thoresby, of Leeds," I found a note in the hand- 
 writing of the Rev. Elk. Wales, minister at Pudsey, which sup- 
 plied the answer. It was a short note, written in Greek, Latin, 
 and English, relating to his brother, the Rev. Samuel Wales, of 
 Morley, and his family. On the death of this brother, the children 
 were taken charge of by Mr. Elk. Wales, and the note referred 
 to gives the names, etc., of the children, and of the two above- 
 mentioned it records thus : — 
 I. Samuel Wales S. F. Natus 14 Oct. 1619, died August I2lh, 1639. 
 5. Elkanah born Oct. 7, 1627, died Mar. 9, 1635. 
 There were several children. Some of them died young. 
 1641. Januarye Mr. Samuel Milnerof Pudsey, Gent., buried the 7th daye. 
 There are numerous entries relating to the Milners ; they 
 were the most important family living in the village at that 
 time, and were the only family using a coat-of-arms, which 
 is thus described : — " Sable, three snaffles (or bridle bits) Or." 
 A terrible plague raged in Leeds and district, in 1644 and 
 1645* ; but it seems to have been in this parish earlier according 
 to this register. In 1642, the burials numbered 40, but in 1643 
 they were 130, an unprecedented number. In 1654, there was 
 October 24, Alice, daughter of Wm. Croysdall, Quaker, of Owl Coates. 
 There is nothing in the register to distinguish those who 
 were interred at Pudsey from those who were interred at 
 Calverley. The oldest tombstone at Pudsey bears the follow- 
 ing inscription : — 
 A.W., 1660, May i5, 
 and was formerly in the aisle of the chapel, but since 1847 has 
 been in the burial ground, it having been then removed in order 
 that it could be read, as the chapel was then closed and in ruins, 
 but in the register it is recorded, 
 1660, May 18 [blank], wife of Mr. Elkanah Wales. 
 Her name was Anne. 
 * See Annals oj Yorkshire, p. 81. 
ALL saints' registers. 5/ 
 The register records :— 
 July 14, 1660, Henry Bland and William Hustler, slain with a thunder Bolt. 
 In 1661, March 4, Sam : son of Mr. James Sale, of Pudsey. 
 Mr. Sale was at that time curate at St. John's Church, 
 Leeds, from which church he was ejected by the Act of Uni- 
 formity, in 1662, as previously stated. He died at Pudsey in 
 1679, and was interred at Calverley, Oliver Heywood being 
 present at the funeral, as he records in his diary. His widow 
 was also buried there in 1700, and in the interesting diary of 
 Walter Calverley, Esq. (afterwards Sir Walter), now in the 
 British Museum {Add. MSS. 27,418), he says, 
 6 Jany. 1700, I was at ffunerall of Mrs. Sale, of Pudsey, and Lent Mrs. Hutton 
 a pair of mares and coach-wheels to bring the corpse to Church. 
 Mrs. Hutton was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sale, and 
 was the wife of Mr. Richard Hutton, of Pudsey, who was the 
 great grandson of Archbishop Hutton, of York ; grandson of 
 Sir Thomas Hutton, of Poppleton ; and the son of Richard 
 Hutton, Esq., and his wife, Dorothy, daughter of Fred. Viscount 
 Fairfax, Baron of Cameron, in Scotland, of Denton, in Yorkshire. 
 In 1701 there is recorded the first list of "buryalls" in 
 Pudsey; the first half-year there were seven. In 1702 list of 
 "buryells in Pudsey-come-Tyersall," 9; in 1716, on July 13, was 
 buried at Pudsey," Mr. Gregory Milner, of Pudsey, there." The 
 list being discontinued, the word " there " follows many of the 
 entries, showing that the burial had taken place at Pudsey 
 Chapel, but after a time this was given up, and there is again no 
 distinguishing word until 1755, when separate lists were then 
 again commenced. In 1734, was buried, 
 May 1st, Samuel Lumby, of Pudsey, Sargon of Dragoons, There. 
 I737> M'ly 4> The Heverd. Willm. Brown, Minister of Pudsey, There. 
 1738, Aug. 16, Mr. Jacob Simpson, an apothecary at Leeds, was buried at 
 Pudsey, and his tombstone was lately close to the east end of the chapel. 
 1738, March 21, Mr. Edward Kent, of Pudsey, There. 
 1739, May 4, John, son of Mr. John Hey, late of Pudsey, There. 
 From 1755 the lists of the interments at Pudsey Chapel are 
 given regularly ; in that year they numbered 38. The years in 
 which the smallest number of interments took place were — 1765, 
 when they were only 17; 1799,26; 1805,25; 1812,24. The 
 united ages of six of these in 1812 amounted to 442, being an 
 average of 73 years and 8 months each. In 1790 the burials 
 were 43, and the united ages of 17 of them amounted to 1,269 
 years, being an average of 74 years 7 months and 22 days each. 
 The largest number of burials in one year was in 1787, when 
 there were 100 persons interred, 50 of them being children, 
 swept out of existence by that terrible scourge, small-pox ; 
 the remainder being entered as follows : — consumption, 3 ; 
 jaundice, i ; convulsions, 4 ; worm fever, 3 ; decline 3 ; white 
 swelling, i ; dropsy, 3 ; inflammation, i ; fever, i ; aged, 3 ; evil, 
 2 ; run over by a waggon, i ; still-born, 6 ; not stated, 18 ; total, 
 100. In 1781 there were 61 interments, 3 1 deaths being from 
 small-pox. The total number of burials at Pudsey Chapel from 
 1755 to the end of June, 1814, 60 years except six months, was 
 (including still-born children) 3,980 ; and estimating the six 
 months at 20, we have a total of 4,000 interments in that small 
 burial ground around the old chapel. The first 20 years are 
 taken from the register at Calverley, and the remainder from a 
 private register made by the Rev. William Howarth, and ending 
 with his death in June, 18 14. 
 There were seven tombstones inside the old chapel, previous 
 to its demolition, and seventy-three in the graveyard ; and many 
 of the inscriptions will, no doubt, be interesting to numerous 
 individuals and families amongst us. The oldest tombstone in 
 the ground bears the following inscription : — 
 A. W. 1660. MAY 16.* 
 The next five stones adjoining the above, in the aisle of the 
 chapel, bore the following inscriptions : — 
 In Memory of Hope, the wife of the Kevd. \Vm. Howorth, Curate of this Chapel, 
 who departed this Life the 28th Day of February, 1803, in the 68th year of age. 
 Also he Revd. William Howorth, 47 years curate of this Chapel, who 
 <leparted this Life May 1814, in the 80th year of his age. 
 In Memory of tlizabeth Howorth, oldest daughter of the Revd. William 
 Howorth, 47 years Curate of this Chapel, who died April 17th, 1833, in the 60th 
 Year of her Age. 
 Also of Anne Howorth youngest daughter and only surviving child of the Revd. 
 William Howorth, who died May 14th, 1833, in the 58th Year of her Age. 
 Anne Willet, Ai 80, 1788. 
 Samuel and Martha Lumby, 
 Died 20th Day of March, Eight Year of her age 1706. 
 Here lyeth the Body of Samuel Lumby, of Pudsey, who departed this Life the 
 6th day of July, 1707, Aged 
 In Memory of Rebecca Holmes youngest Daughter of the Revd. William 
 Holmes, of Pontefract, deceased, who died the 15th day of June, 1790, in the 19th 
 year of her Age. 
 Also Rebecca Holmes, Relict of the Revd. William Holmes, late of Pomfret. 
 She departed this Life, Jan. 20th, 1811, in the 80th year of her Age. 
 Also William Holmes, of Pudsey, son of the above Rebecca Holmes, who 
 ■departed this Life May l6th, in the 47th year of his age. 
 The Mrs. Holmes mentioned above was a sister of the 
 celebrated Dr. Hey, of Leeds. 
 * Sec p. 56 
 There was one memorial stone against the wall of the 
 chapel, but this was removed to the church (St. Lawrence's), 
 some time ago. The inscription upon it is as follows : — 
 Near this place are deposited the remains of John Cooper, Pudsey, who departed 
 this life, Feby. 28th, 1816, aged 57 years. His truly afflicted widow caused this 
 monument to lie erected as a small tribute of affection to the memory of a beloved 
 Husband. He lived in a faithful performance of every Christian duty, and died the 
 death of the righteous. 
 Beginning at the western end of the burial ground the first 
 stone previous to the late relaying was — 
 In Memory of the Daughter of George and Nancy Sugden, who departed this 
 Life, Oct. 2lst, 181 1, in the second year of her age. 
 Likewise two, who died in their Infancy. 
 Here lieth interr'd the body of Isaac lUingworth, of Pudsey, who departed this 
 Life December the 24th, 1780, in the 50th Year of His Age. 
 Here lieth Interr'd the Body of William Pollard, of Pudsey, who departed this 
 life the 19th day of December, in the 43rd year of his Age, Anno Domini, 1724, And 
 also Robert, son of William Pollard, who departed this life, August the 20th, in ye 3rd 
 year of his age, A.D. 1725. 
 Here was interr'd the Body of Faith, the wife of John Darnbrough, of Pudsey, 
 who departed this life the 27th day of April, in the 27th year of her age. Anno 
 Domini, 1725. 
 Here lieth the Body of Dorothea, the wife of Thos. Lawson, surgeon, of Pudsey, 
 who departed this life, the 28th day of January, 1760, in ye ^4th year of her Age. 
 Also the Body of Mary, the wife of Thos. Lawson, who died August the 8th, 
 I774> Aged 38 years. 
 Also Thos. Lawson, Surgeon and Apothecary, of Pudsey ; he died Feb. 28th, 
 1798, Aged 68 Years. 
 Also Mary, Wife of the above Thos. Lawson, who departed this life Deer. 6th, 
 1823, aged 67 Years. 
 In Memory of George, the son of George and Elizabeth Hainsworth, of Pudsey 
 Fartown ; he departed this life, June 21st, 1810, in the 23rd Year of his Age. 
 Also two Children, who died in their Infancy. 
 Also Joseph, son of the above : he departed this Life, March Z7th, l8i2, in the 
 22nd Year of his Age. 
 In Memory of JVTartha, Wife of James Harrison, of Pudsey, who departed this 
 Life June 9th, 1795, Aged 5 7 years. 
 Also of James, the above said, who departed this Life, Nov. 28th, 1808, Aged 
 72 Years. 
 Here lieth interr'd the Body of John Morehouse, of Bankhouse. He departed 
 this Life .September the 27th, 1780, in the 43rd Year of His Age. 
 Here lyeth the body of Mary, the VVife of Jonathan Muff, who Departed this 
 Life ye 8th of July, 1763, Aged 58 Years. 
 Hannah, the widow of William Haste, departed this Life April l8th, 1807. 
 Aged 84 Years. 
 In Memory of Joseph, son of James & Hannah Newell, of Pudsey, who 
 departed this Life March 4th, 181 1, Aged 4 Years. 
 Also Hannah, Daughter of the above, who departed this Life, June 17th, 1817, 
 in 9th Year of her Age. 
 Also Josc])h, Son of the above, who died in his Infancy. 
 Also Mannah, Daughter of the .-ibove, who died April 1st, 1822, Aged 3 Years. 
 In Memcjry of Mary, Daughter of Thomas & Agnes Rider, of Pudsey, she 
 departed this Life Jany. 1 7th, 1 795, in the 2nd Year of her Age. 
 Also William, son of the above Thomas & Agnes, he departed this Life October 
 27th, 1801, aged 4 Years. 
 Also Agnes, the wife of the above said Thomas Rider, of Pudsey, wlio died 
 Angst. 5th, 1822, Aged 55 years. 
 Also, the above said Thomas Rider, who departed this Life on the iSth day of 
 January, 1841, in the 70th Year of his Age. 
 In Memory of Ann Halliday, Daughter of John and Ann Halliday, of Pudsey, 
 who departed this Life January the 16th, 1810 in the 7th Year of her Age. 
 Also George, son of the above-said, who departed this Life January the 19th, 
 1 8 10, in the 5th Year of his Age. 
 Here lieth Interred the body of Jonas Jowett, of Pudsey, who departed this 
 life the 19th Day of April, in the 47th year of his Age, Anno Domini, 1733. 
 Also Joseph, his Son, interred March the 13th, 1736, Aged 4 years. 
 Also Susannah, wife of the above-said Jonas, died March the 13th, 1779, Aged 
 81 Years. 
 Also Mary, the wife of Joseph Turner, and Daughter of the above said Jonas 
 And Susannah, died September the 3rd, 1779. Aged Years. 
 In Memory of Joseph Dodgson, of Pudsey, who departed this Life August 
 31st, 1807. In the 70th Year of his Age. 
 Also Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Driver, and late Widow of the alxjve Joseph 
 Dodgson, she departed this Life April 19th, 1814, in the 62nd Year of her Age. 
 In Memory of William Banks, of Pudsey Back Lane, who departed this Life 
 April 8th, 1803, in the 71st Year of his Age. 
 In Memory of Samuel Moss, of Pudsey, who departed this life, Novmbr. 23rd., 
 1805 in the 66th Year of his Age. 
 Also of Martha, the wife of the aforesaid Samuel Moss, who departed this Life 
 May 6th, 1818, in the 73rd Year of her Age. 
 Here lieth the Bodies of six Children of Joseph Banks, of Pudsey, who all Died 
 in the first Year of their Age. 
 Also Elizabeth, daughter of the abovesaid Joseph, who Died September the 
 13th, 1773, in the first Year of her Age. 
 Also Edward, son of the above, Joseph, died May the 21st, 1777 in y= third 
 Year of his Age. 
 Also Thomas, son of the alxjve. Joseph died May the 6th, 1778, in the i6th 
 Year of his Age. 
 Also Joshua, son of the abovesaid Joseph, died Oct. 2Ist, 1779, Aged 2 Years. 
 Also John, son of the abovesaid Joseph, died November the 4th, 17 24th 
 Y'ear of his Age. 
 Also Joseph, Father Children, Died Aged 
 In Memory of five Children of Joseph and Sarah Banks, of Pudsey Backlane, 
 who died in their infancy. 
 Also of Sarah, mother of the said Children and Wife of the above Joseph Banks 
 •& Daughter of Matthew Dufton, she died May 4th, 1797, in the 33rd Year of her Age. 
 Also Sarah, Daughter of the abovesaid Joseph Banks, who died the 17th day of 
 March, 1804, in the loth Year of her Age. 
 Also Betty, Daughter of the abovesaid Joseph Banks, who died the 9th day of 
 November, 1804, in the 18th Year of her Age. 
 Also John Banks, who died January 26th, 1849, Aged 59 Years. 
 On the adjoining stone tiie above inscription, relating to the 
 Banks's family, is reproduced verbatim et literatim except the last 
 item of John Banks's, and has in place the following relating to 
 Joseph Banks : — 
 Also of Joseph Banks, Father of the above Children, who departed this Life 
 26th May, 1822, in the 63rd Year of his Age. 
 Here lies interred the body of Hannah the wife of John Hutchinson, of Pudsey, 
 who died October the 23rd, 1760, Aged 23 Years. 
 Also the Body of Betty, his Daughter, who died September y= 9th, 1 766 m ye 
 7th Year of her Age. 
 Also Hannah, his Daughter, who died July ye 31st, 1767, in the 3rd week of 
 her Age. 
 Here also lies the body of Ann, the wife of the abovesaid John Hutchinson, 
 who died December the 15th, 1768, Aged 32 Years. 
 Also Hannah, wife of ye above John, died March the 6th, 1789, in the 34th 
 Year of her Age. 
 Here lies the body of James Fletcher, of Pudsey, who dyed the 13th day of June, 
 •759) I" 'he 20th Year of his Age. 
 Also the body of John Fletcher, who died January the 8th, 1773, Aged 52 Years. 
 Also Sarah, the wife of the abovesaid John Fletcher, who departed this life 
 September the 6th, 1786, in the 60th Year of her Age. 
 Here lieth the Body of Anne, Daughter of the Revd. Mr. Maurice, of Pudsey, 
 who died July the 12th, 1772, aged 16 Years. 
 Here also lies interr'd the Body of the said Revd. Mr. Maurice, late Minister at 
 the Dissenting Chapel in Pudsey, who departed this Life July 1st, 1773, in the 49th 
 Year of his Age. 
 Here also lies the Body of Elizabeth, the Daughter of the said Revd. Mr. Maurice, 
 who departed this life the 22nd Day of Novr., 1773, in the 3rd Year of her Age. 
 Mr. Maurice was the grandfather of the late distinguished 
 Professor Maurice, who died a few years ago. 
 Here was interr'd the Body of Benjn. HinchlifTe, of Pudsey. He died September 
 the 27th, 1780, Aged 63 Years. 
 Also Mary, wife of the above Benjn. She died March 21st, 1789, Aged 74 years. 
 Also near this place lieth the remains of John, of ye above Benjn., he died 
 January 14th, 1768. 
 Also near this place lieth the remains of Rachel, Daughter of the above Benjn., 
 she died 
 Here lieth the Body of Jane, wife of John Brooksbank, of Pudsey, who died 
 August the l8th, 1752, Aged 48 Years. 
 Also here lieth the body of John, son of the abovesaid Jane Brooksbank, who 
 died the 22nd of day of November, 1793, in the 67th Year of his Age. 
 Also Here Lieth the body of Joseph, son of the abovesaid Jane Brooksbank, who 
 died the nth day of April, 1793, in the 51st Year of his Age. 
 Also Here Lieth the Body of Mary Brooksbank, the wife of the above Joseph 
 Brooksbank. She departed this Life on the loth day of December, 1825, in the 79th 
 Year of her Age. 
 Here was interr'd ye Body of Joseph, son of Samuel Hincslef, of Pudsey, who 
 dy'd the 14th day of September, 1762, in the 22nd Year of his Age. 
 In Memory of Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin Hinchleff, of Bradford Moor Clothier, 
 .she died December 24th, 1798, in the 64th Y'ear of her Age. 
 Also the above Benjamin Minchliffe, who departed this life on the l6th Nov., 
 1825, aged 81 Years. 
 Here lyeth the Body of Hannah, the wife of Abraham Hutchinson, of Pudsey, 
 who departed this life the 2nd day of January, 1751, in the 33rd Year of her Age. 
 Also the Body of Elizabeth, Daughter, who died July the 25th, 1758, Aged 17 
 Also the Body of the abovesaid Abraham Hutchinson, who departed this Life 
 the l8th day of April, 1793, in the 8lst Year of his Age. 
 Also the Body of James, son of Abraham Hutchinson, junior, who departed this 
 Life the 24th day of September, 1797, who died in his Infancy. 
 Here Lyeth the Body of Mary, the wife of Abraham Hutchinson, of Pudsey, who 
 departed this life the 1 8th day May. in the 72nd Year of her Age, Anno Domini, 1 728. 
 Also the said Abraham Hutchinson, died January I7S8, in the 
 84th Year of his Age. 
 John Farrer, of town, who died loth, 
 1788, in the Year of his Age. 
 ... (Stone decayed. ) 
 In Memory of Joseph Wilson, of Fartovvn, Pudsey, who departed this Life 
 March gth, 1813, in the 63rd Year of his Age. 
 In Memory of Nancy, the wife of John BouUon, of Leeds, who departed this 
 Life July 28th, 181 1, in the 41st Year of her Age. 
 Interred Here \Villiam, son of William Karrer, he died the 23rd of April, 1752, 
 in the 1 5th Year of his Age. 
 Also William Farrer, the elder, who departed this Life the 24th Day of March, 
 1 769, in the 69th year of his Age. % 
 Also Anne, the Daughter of the said William Farrer, and ye widow of John 
 Darnbrough, who died April the 30th, 1785, Aged 54 Years. 
 Also Richard, son of the said William Farrer, who departed this Life the 9th 
 day of June, 1829, in the 87th Year of his Age. 
 Here Lieth Interr'd the Body of Hannah, wife of Thomas Langley, of Pudsey, 
 who departed this life the 23rd day of February in the 20tb year of her Age. Anno 
 Domini, 1731. 
 In Memory of Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Driver, of Pudsey, she departed this 
 Life Decbr. 26th, 1806, in the SOth Year of Age. 
 Also four Children, who died in their Infancy. 
 Also of Joseph Driver, brother to the abovesaid Samuel Driver of Pudsey, who 
 departed this Life janry. 31st, 1819, in the 80th Year of his Age. 
 Also the above said Samuel Driver, who departed this Life on the 27th day of 
 Octr., 1839, Aged 87 Years. 
 Here Lyeth the Body of William Lepton, of Pudsey, who departed this life the 9 
 day of August, 1690. 
 Also the Body of Grace, the wife of Mr. Joseph Dobson, of Pudsey, she died 
 Novr. the 8th, 1758, Aged 29 Years. 
 Also the Body of the Revd. Mr. Samuel Dobson, A.M., son of the said Mr. 
 Joseph Dobson, who died on the 2nd March, — 77, Aged 27 Years. 
 Here lieth Interred the Body of Joshua I,umby, of Pudsey, who departed this 
 life the 24th day of October, 1737, about the 86th year of his Age. 
 Here lies interred Four Sons of Joseph Dobson, of Pudsey, Gent: two called 
 Joseph and the third William, all died very young, and John, the fourth son, died on 
 the 28th July, 1 76 1, Aged four Years. 
 Also Joseph Lumby, of Pudsey, died January the 6th, 1777, Aged 70 Years. 
 Here lyeth the Body of Hope, the wife of Miles Metcalf, of Pudsey, who 
 departed this life the first day of July, in the 56th Year of her Age, 1735. 
 Also the Body of Miles Metcalf, Interred the nth of February, 1754, Aged 72. 
 Also Anne, the daughter of the said Miles and Hope Metcalfe, and the widow 
 of William Farrer lieth here Interred. She died August the 8th, 1783, Aged 76 
 Also Elizabeth Farrer, Daughter of the abovesaid Anne, she died Janry. 1 8th, 
 1822, Aged 82 Years. 
 Here was inter'd the Body of George Beaumont, of Pudsey, who departed this 
 Life the 5th Day of November in ye year of our Lord 1768, and in the 41st Year of 
 his Age. 
 Also James, son of George Beaumont, junior, he died April 17th, 1796. in his 
 8th year 
 Also Sarah, the Wife of George Beaumont, Tenant to John Wilmer Field, Esq., 
 she died Feby. 22nd, 1823, in the 6ist Year of her Age. 
 Also of the abovesaid George Beaumont, who departed this life on the I2th day 
 of January, 1S36, aged 73 Years. 
 In Memorj' of Hannah, Daughter of John and Nancy Crampton, of Pudsey, 
 who departed this Life on the 9th day of September, 1 78 1, in the 2nd Year of her 
 Also Hannah, Daughter of the abovesaid Parents, who departed this Life the 
 6th day of September, 1 792, in the 3rd Year of her Age. 
 Also Hannah Maria, Daughter of the abovesaid Parents, who departed this Life 
 the Sth day of March, 1802, in the 2nd Year of her Age. 
ALL saints' burial GROUND. 63 
 Also Nancy, wife of John Cramplon, she departed this Life, May 27th, 1808, in 
 the 46th Year of her Age. 
 Here lies the Body of John Binns, of Pudsey, who died Feb. 5, 1786, A.E 63. 
 Also the Body of Sarah, the Daughter of his Nephew, John Binns, she Died 2nd 
 .Sepr., 1787, A. E. i. 
 To the Memory of Alice, the wife of Joshua Town, of Pudsey, who died the 27th 
 d.iy of October, 1777, in the 79th Year of her Age. 
 In Memory of Samuel BoySj^Pudsey, who died April the 7th, 1 797, Aged 59 Years. 
 Also Hannah, wife of the above Samuel Boys, she died July 27th, 1801, in the 
 51st Year of her Age. 
 Also Samuel Boys, Grandson of the abovesaid Samuel and Hannah Boys. He 
 died loth December, 1814, in the 7th Year of his Age. 
 Also of John Boys, son of the alxjve, who departed this Life on the 14th day of 
 Jany. 1839, in the 62nd Year of his Age. 
 Also of Sarah, wife of the above John Boys, who died Febry. 2Ist, 1857, in her 
 80th Year. 
 In Memory of William, son of Joseph and Hannah Hutchinson, of Pudsey 
 Littlemoor, who departed this Life Sepr. 13th, 1807, Aged 8 Years. 
 Also John, Aged I year. 
 Also Hannah, the wife of the abovesaid Joseph Hutchinson, who departed this 
 Life Sep. 13th, 1819, in the 63rd Year of her Age. 
 Also Joseph Hutchinson, Husband of the abovesaid Hannah Hutchinson, and 
 Father of the aforesaid Children, he departed this Life on the 13th day of December, 
 1827, Aged 71 years. 
 Here lieth interr'd the Body of Richard Sugden, of Tiresal, he died February 
 the 2nd, 1780, Aged 21 years. 
 Here was Interr'd the Body of William Whitley, of Pudsey, who died September 
 the l8th, 1775, in ye 64th Year of his Age. 
 Also Sarah, his Daughter, died April 9th, 1 761, in ye Year of her Age. 
 In Memory of Hannah, Daughter of William and Ann Norton, of Pudsey, she 
 departed this Life January 17th, 1792, in the 3rd Year of her Age. 
 Also of Mary, Daughter of the above William and Ann Norton. .She departed 
 this Life May 20th, 1798, in the 1st Year of her Age. 
 Likewise of Henry, Son of the alx)ve William and Ann Norton ; he departed 
 this Life 
 And of Ruth, Daughter of the above William and Ann Norton, she died August 
 23rd, 1803, in the 19th year of her Age. 
 Also of John, son of the abovesaid William and Ann Norton, who departed 
 this Life June 21st, l8l2, in the 36th Year of his Age. 
 And also of the alxivesaid William Norton, who departed this Life May 2Ist, 
 1814, in the 65th Year of his Age. 
 Also Ann, wife of the aljove, she departed this Life Augxist 6th, 1815, in the 
 68th Year of her Age. 
 In Memory of four Children of James and Martha Harrison, of Pudsey, who 
 died in their Infancy. 
 Also Martha, Mother of the above Children, who died the 26th Day of March, 
 in the Year 1807, Aged 36 Years. 
 In Memory of Elizabeth, the Wife of William Crampton, of Pudsey, who died 
 Jan. 25th, 1792, in the 35th Year of her Age. 
 Here was Interred the Body of Ann, wife of Joseph Boys, of Pudsey, who De- 
 parted this Life May 21st, 1792, Aged 72 Years. 
 Also Nancy, Daughter of Joseph Boys, who Departed this Life February the 
 nth, 1 795, in tbe 34th Year of her Age. 
 Also Joseph Boys, Died March 19th, 1797. Aged 67 Years. 
 In Memory of John, Son of Thomas and Mary Hustler, who Departed this 
 Life on the 2nd day of June, 1815, Aged 12 years. 
 Here was Interr'd the body of George Brogden, of Pudsey, who Departed this 
 Life the 27th day of Deceml«;r, 1783, in the S3rd Year of his Age. 
 Here lieth Interr'd the body of Mary, the Daughter of William Moss, of Pudsey, 
 she died November the 4th, 1777, Aged 7 Years. 
 Also here lieth the Body of William Moss, he departed this Life May 2Sth, 1807, 
 in the 66th Year of his Age. 
 Also Hannah, wife of the above said William Moss, she departed this Life 
 August 22nd, 1809, in the 66th Year of her Age. 
 Here lies Interr'd the Body of Betty, the wife of Matthew Dufton, who De- 
 parted this Life the 28th day of April, 1788, in the 48th Year of her Age. 
 In Memory of Sarah, the wife of William Cauthery, of Pudsey, she departed 
 this Life March 15th, 1808, in the 53rd Year of her Age. 
 Also the abovesaid William Cauthery, who departed this life on the 13th day of 
 Tune, 1825, in the 73rd Year of his Age. 
 In Memory of James Hutchinson, of Rocker-lane, who departed this Life the 
 25th day of December, 1787, in the 46th Year of his Age. 
 Also of Mary, Daughter of the abovesaid James Hutchinson, who departed this 
 Life the 17th day of May, 1788, in the 6th Year of her Age. 
 Also of Mary, the wife of James Hutchinson, Son of the abovementioned James 
 Hutchinson, who departed this Life Aug. the 7th, 1811, in the 43rd Year of her Age. 
 Also Thomas, Son of the Last-mentioned James Hutchinson, who departed this 
 Life Novr. the 4th, 1801, in the 4th Year of his Age. 
 Also of three others, Thomas, Matthew, and John, who died in their Infancy. 
 Elieu, quam tenui pendent mart ilia filo. 
 Here was interred the Body of Joseph Hutchinson, of Pudsey, who departed 
 this life the 14th day of August, 1773, in the 57th Year of his Age. 
 Also Palley, Daughter of Joseph Hutchinson, Junior, died August the llth, 
 1777, in the 2nd. Year of her age. 
 Also Hannah, the Wife of the abovesaid Joseph Hutchinson, Junior, she died 
 May 15th, 1786, in the 67th Year of her Age. 
 Also George, Son of the above Joseph Hutchinson, Junior, he died September 
 28th, 17S7, Aged 4 Years. 
 Here Lieth Interr'd the Body of Hannah, Wife of Thomas Langley, of Pudsey, 
 who departed this Life the 23rd day of February, in the 20th Year of her Age. Anno 
 Domini, 173 1. 
 In Memory of Elizabeth, Wife of William Farrer, of Pudsey, Back lane, who 
 died Deer, the 7th, 1779, Age 55 years. 
 Also, the above-named William Farrer, who died June the 13th, 1797, Aged 75 
 Also of William Farrer, Son of the abovesaid, who departed this life on the 27th 
 day of May, 181 6, in the 66th Year of his age. 
 Also Nancy, Wife of the abovesaid William Farrer, she departed this life on the 
 7th day of December, 1821, aged 55 years. 
 Also Mary, the Wife of William Farrer, who departed this life Sepr. 6th, 1853, 
 aged 66 years. 
 Also, the last-named William Farrer, who died Sepr. 19th, 1858, aged 71 Years. 
 Here lieth Interr'd the Body of Mr. Jacob Simpson, Surgeon, of Leeds, who 
 departed this Life the 14th day of August, 1738, Aged 73 Years. 
 Also Robert Carlyle, great, great Grand Son of the above Jacob Simpson, who 
 departed this Life the 20th February, 1812, in the Seventh Year of his AGE. 
 Near to the tombstone of Jacob Simpson, is a tombstone 
 to a " Son of John Hey," the remaining part of the inscription 
 is illegible. 
 In Memory of Mary, the Wife of John Farrer, of Littlemoor, Pudsey, who 
 departed this Life the 2nd day of May, 1795, aged 70 Years. 
 Also Richard Farrer, Son of the alxjvesaid John and Mary Farrer, who de- 
 parted this life the 27th Day of April, 1799, in the 52nd Year of his Age. 
 Also John Farrer, of Pudsey, Littlemoor, Husband of the abovesaid Mary 
 Farrer, who departed this Life June i8th, 1804, Aged *o Years. 
 Here was Interr'd yc Body of the Revd. Benjamin Bayley, Clerk, who died 
 August ye 5th, in the 53rd Year of his Age. Anno. Dom. 1 762. And in ye 26th 
 Year of his Ministry at this Chapell. 
 Also the body of Benjn. his son, who died June ye 27th, 1761, in y« Sth Year 
 of his Age. 
 Also Penelope, his Wife, and Daughter of Thomas Fearnlfy, late of Birstal, 
 who departed this Life the 1st Day of November. Anno Dom. 1772, in the 52 Year 
 of her Age. 
 Here lies interr'd the body of the Revd. John Wainman, Minister at the Dis- 
 senting Chapel, in Pudsey, who died June the loth, 1770. AE 64. Resurgam. 
 Mr. Wainman was a native of Bingley, and was minister of 
 Pudsey about 42 years, having commenced his ministry in 1727 
 or 28. His wife, who was a native of Bramley, and two children 
 were buried at Bramley Chapel, the former in 1755, the latter in 
 1751 and 1756. 
 In Memory of Rebekah, the Wife of Abraham Pearson, of Pudsey, she de- 
 parted this life October the 14th, 1779, Aged 47 Years. 
 Also Joseph Pearson, Son of the abovementioned Abrm. and Rebekah Pearson, 
 who died Octr. 29th, 1779, aged 16 Years. 
 And likewise the above mentioned Abm. Pearson, he died May the 24th, 1809, 
 in the 76 Year of his Age. 
 In Memory of Matthew, Son of John Tunnicliffe, Junr., and Esther, his Wife, 
 of Pudsey, who departed this life Feby. 3rd, 1 84 1, in the Sth Year of Age 
 Here was interr'd the Body of Anne, the Wife of Matthew Moss, of Pudsey, who 
 departed this life April the 28th, 1765, in the 34th Year of her Age. 
 Also Matthew Moss. Husband of the abovesaid Anne, who departed this Life 
 July the 1st, 1784, in the 53rd Year of his Age. 
 Also here was interr'd the Body of Tristram, Son of the abovesaid Matthew and 
 Anne Moss, who departed this Life the loth day of January. 1804, in the 40th Year of 
 his Age. 
 In Memory of Samuel, Son of Benjamin Farrer, of Pudsey, he died April 15th, 
 1789, Aged 50 Years. 
 Also of Ann, wife of the above, who departed this Life Octr. 23rd, 1814, in the 
 71st Year of her Age. 
 In Memory of Hannah Farrer. wife of Benjamin Farrer, Pudsey, who departed 
 this Life August loth, 184S, in the 83rd Year of her Age. 
 Also tfie abovesaid Benjamin Farrer, who died August 29th, 1855, in the 92nd 
 Year of his Age. 
 In Memory of Ann, Wife of Samuel Farrer, of Huff-side, in the township of 
 Pudsey, who departed this life on the 22nd day of ."-eptember, 1819, Aged 76 Years. 
 Also of Joshua, Son of the abovesaid Samuel and Ann Farrer, who departed 
 this life on the I5lh day of April, 1828, in the 49th Year of his Age. 
 Also of the abovesaid Samuel Farrer, who departed this life on the 15th day of 
 June, 1829, in the 80th Year of his Age. 
 Also of John, Son of the abovesaid Samuel and Ann Farrer, who departed this 
 life on the 1 8th day of August, 1 832, Aged 62 Years. 
 In Memory of Thomas, Son of William Greaves, of Pudsey, he died November 
 27th, 1737, Aged 4 Years. 
 Here lies interr'd the Body of Mary, Daughter of Joseph Couper, of Pudsey, 
 who died the 12th day of October, 1787, in the 3rd Year of her Age. 
 Also the Body of Rachel, the daughter of the above Joseph Couper, who died 
 November the 12th, 1788, in the 2nd Year of her Age. 
 Also Matthew, died June 4th, 1796, in the 8th Year of his Age. 
 Also Rachel, died June 25th, 1 796, in her 2nd Year of her Age. 
 Also Rachel, Wife of Joseph Cooper, who departed this life February iSth, 
 1826, in the 70th Year of her Age. 
 Also of the above Joseph Cooper, who departed this life on the 27th day of 
 April, 1837, Aged 84 Years. 
 John, Son of Joseph Rayner, of Pudsey, Interred April nth, 1714, Aged 2 
 Also Joseph, his 2nd son. Interred Octoljer y= 29th, 1718, Aged 5 Years. 
 Adjacent lies Joshua Rayner, of Tong, Interred February ye 6th, Aged about 
 75 \ears, 1721. 
 Here lies allso Interred the Body of Joseph Driver, who died Februaiy the 9th, 
 1777, Aged 71 Years. 
 Also the Body of William Rayner, who died November 29th, 1778, Aged 63 
 Also the Body of Hannah Dean, Daughter of the above Joseph Driver, with 
 her Child, who died March ye 4th, 1784, Aged 38 Years. 
 Also Mary, Wife of Joseph Driver, who died November the 12th, 1784, Aged 
 74 Years. 
 Rachel, the wife of Joseph Pearson, of Pudsey Back laine, Died of a dropsy, 
 Jan. 3rd, after they had been marri'd 20 Years, and was interred here 4th, 1743, Aged 
 49 Years. But had no Child. 
 The burial ground is at the present time surrounded with a 
 good wall, surmounted by iron-spiked palisades, but with no 
 gateway, or any way of ingress for those who may want to visit 
 the old burial ground, where so many of their friends and 
 relatives are interred. 
 St. EafarcttCE Cljurcf) — This edifice was erected in the year 
 1821, at a cost of;^ 1 3,360, obtained from the sum granted by 
 Parliament under the " Million Act." Mr. Taylor, of Leeds, was 
 the builder, and it is of the Carpenter's Gothic style of 
 architecture. There are massive flying buttresses and heavy 
 battlements, pointed windows with plain mullions, and no decora- 
 tion. The finials to the drip-stones, over the vestry door, are 
 sculptured figures, representing grotesque heads. The stone 
 work is very heavy, and the footing and plinths are of enormous 
 blocks of gritstone. The flying buttresses from each side of the 
 church extend above the parapet of the lower roof, and form 
 pinnacles. The same principle is observed in respect to the 
 second roof, covering the middle of the church. The buttresses 
 of the tower, which are of a tremendous thickness at the base, 
 run up nearly to the summit of the structure, the walls of which 
 are about four feet in thickness. The tower is surmounted by 
 decorated pinnacles and massive battlements. The upper storey 
 of the tower has a double row of three-light windows. The peal 
 of eight bells, said to be one of the finest in the county, was 
 cast by Mears, of London ; the tenor weighs about i6 cwt. 
 They were opened with the church in 1824, and subscribed for 
 by the inhabitants of the locality. The visitor cannot help being 
 struck with the massiveness of the church. It has been con- 
 structed so strongly that, with no other assailant than the 
 weather, one might expect it to stand for more than a thousand 
 years. Tlie same impression is created when we enter the 
 building, which is roomy and lofty, plain, but very substantial. 
 At the east end of the church there is a double five-light pointed 
 window, with plain mullions. It is filled with stained glass, and 
 the subjects are very artistically and beautifully carried out. 
 Each light contains a memorial of the departed. In the upper 
 St. Lawrence Church. 
 row the first refers to St. Matthew, and it bears the following 
 inscription : 
 In memory of Thomas Banks, born Oct. 7, 1779, died Sept. 2, 1851. 
 The second refers to St. Mark, and it has the following 
 inscription : 
 In memory of Mary Maria Jefferson, bom Feby. 22, 1797 ; died April 18, 1865. 
 The third, or centre light, has a representation of the Ascen- 
 sion, and it bears the following inscription : 
 In memory of Thomas Farrar, Esq., of Grove House, Pudsey, who died January 
 17, 1867, aged 74 years. 
 The fourth light refers to i St. Luke, and has the following 
 inscription : 
 In memory of William Beaumont, who died June 26, 1865, aged 72. 
 The fifth light refers to St. John, and has the following 
 inscription : 
 In affectionate remembrance of Robert Beaumont, solicitor, who died April 20, 
 1856, aged 30. 
 The first light on the bottom row refers to St. Peter, and 
 bears the following inscription : 
 In memory of John Halliday, who died January 15, 1871, aged 61 years ; and 
 Martha, his wife, who died Dec. 25, 1869, aged 59 years. 
 The second refers to St. Paul, and bears the following 
 .inscription : 
 In memory of Harriet, wife of Henry Beaumont, she died shortly after the birth 
 of her first child, Oct. 20, 1869, aged 25. 
 The third, or centre light, has a represention of the Cruci- 
 fixion, with the following inscription : 
 To the Glory of God and in memory of the Rev. David Jenkins, 42 years in- 
 cumbent of Pudsey, died August 14, 1854, aged 65 years. 
 The fourth light refers to St. James, and has the following 
 inscription : 
 In memory of James Beaumont who died March 13th, 1869, aged 53 ; and of 
 Martha, his wife, who died September 7, 1846, aged 33. 
 The fifth light refers to St. Jude, and bears the following 
 inscription : 
 In memory of Joshua Armitage, who died January 8, 1866, aged 81 years ; and 
 of Hannah, his wife, who died F'ebruary 10, 1869, aged 84 years. 
 Underneath there is a handsome reredos of Caen stone, 
 consisting of nine niches, pointed with decorated trefoil heads. 
 To the left two of the panels contain the Lord's Prayer and the 
 Apostle's Creed, and to the right two panels contain the Ten 
 Commandments. In the centre there is a cross and the Lamb. 
 On each side there are beautifully designed vases, containing 
 corn, the vine, and the passion flower, these being tastefully 
 coloured. Another of the panels contains a representation of 
 the eagle feeding its young with the blood from its breast. 
 Covering the communion table is a neatly-wrought cloth of 
 plain texture, but possessing a handsome border, a creditable 
 specimen of home work at the vicarage. The chancel is very 
 narrov/, though lofty, and if extended further east, it would 
 certainly effect a very important improvement to the interior 
 of the edifice. The chancel arch, which is a great height, is 
 supported by a cluster of columns at each side, having rounded 
 capitals, but not decorated. Two large niches in the west front 
 of the chancel wall, intended for figures, have not yet been 
 There are five spans of arches, on the north and on the 
 south sides of. the church. The arches are pointed, and on 
 octagonal pillars, with plain heads, and in front of each pillar, 
 looking from the nave, there is a small rounded pilaster running 
 from the base to the roof Over each arch there is a two-light 
 window, each of which lights an arch supporting a depressed 
 roof, which is divided into ten panels. There are five three- 
 light windows on the north and south sides of the church. They 
 are pointed, and have plain mullions. Two side galleries are 
 over the north and south aisles, and at the back of the west 
 gallery there is an ornamental screen, surmounted by the royal 
 arms, the former being part of the original reredos at the east 
 end of the building. There is some heavy woodwork over the 
 arches supporting the roofs of the side aisles. At the west or 
 principal entrance to the church, between the nave and the 
 recess underneath the flooring of the tower, there is a solid oak 
 screen, tastefully panelled ; and in the recess, north and south, 
 there are panels of pitch pine varnished, and the natural graining 
 of the wood is splendid. 
 The font is situated at the west end of the church. It has 
 an ornamental covering, and is of modern workmanship. The 
 church is lighted with gas, and it is warmed by the hot-air 
 process. About two years ago the church was re-pewed by Mr. 
 Illingworth, of Bradford. The pews are open, and made in the 
 modern style. Previous to this alteration the body of the church 
 did not extend beyond the fourth arch to the west, the space 
 occupied by the fifth arch being used as a chapel. When the 
 church was re-opened, the dividing screen was removed, and the 
 nave was enlarged to that extent. There are now sittings for 
 two thousand persons. At the east end of the centre aisle there 
 is a very handsome lectern, made of light oak, which is most 
 artistically carved. It was presented to the church by Mr. 
 Varley, of Stanningley. On the north side of the church, near 
 to the chancel, a splendid organ is erected. It is the work of 
 Messrs. Brindley and Foster, organ builders, of Sheffield, and 
 cost between j^ 1, 300 and ^^ 1,400. It was opened in the year 
 1873, and it gave great satisfaction to those who promoted the 
 purchase of it. The design is neat, and yet bold, and the tone 
 is sweet and powerful. The bellows are worked by hydraulic 
 power. Mr. Walter Kenyon is the organist. Formerly there 
 was an organ loft over the west gallery, but it has been removed. 
 The following is a description of the organ : — 
 Compass C C to G. 
 I. Double Open Diapason 
 Compass C C C to F. 
 1. Major Bass 
 2. Sub Bass . . . 
 3. Principal Bass 
 4. Flute Bass 
 5. Quint Bass 
 6. Trombone 
 7. Trumpet Bass 
 metal ... 
 Open Diapason ... metal ... 
 Gamba metal ... 
 RohrGedact.wood or metal ... 
 Harmonic Flute, wood and 
 metal ... 
 Principal metal ... 
 Twelfth metal ... 
 Fifteentli metal ... 
 Mixture, 4 ranks... metal 
 Posaune metal ... 
 Compass C 
 C to G. 
 Lieblich Bourdon 
 metal and 
 wood .. 
 . 16 
 Open Diapason . 
 . metal .. 
 Rohr Gedact 
 metal .. 
 Vox Angelica 
 . metal .. 
 . 8 
 Wald Flute 
 . wood . . 
 Principal ... 
 . metal 
 metal .. 
 Mixture, 3 ranks.. 
 . metal 
 Contra Fagotti . 
 . metal .. 
 . metal . . 
 Oboe .. 
 . metal .. 
 . metal 
 Compass C C to G. 
 I. Lieblich Gedact 
 wood and 
 metal . 
 metal . , 
 metal . . 
 2. Dulciana ... 
 3. Salcional ... 
 4. Gedact wood and metal 
 5. Flauto Tra verso ... metal 
 6. Lieblich Flute ... metal 
 7. Piccolo ... .. metal 
 8. Clarionet and Bassoon metal 
 1. Swell to Great 
 2. Swell to Choir 
 3. Swell to Pedal 
 Great to Pedal 
 Choir to Pedal 
 Pedal Action 
 10 Composition Pedals. 
 Great Organ. 
 Swell Organ . 
 Choir Organ . 
 Pedal Organ . 
 728 pipes 
 772 ., 
 At the south side of the church, near to the chancel, there is 
 a spacious surplice vestry, which is separated from the body of 
 the church by a grained screen. In the surplice vestry we find 
 the only mural monument which the building contains. It bears 
 the following inscription : — 
 To the memory of Joseph Banks of Pudsey who entered into his rest on the 20th 
 day of October 1858 at the age of 46. This monument is erected by his friends in 
 affectionate rememberance of his humble patient and truly christian demeanour in 
 every relation of life, and especially as a memorial of his zeal, devotion and untiring 
 labours as the superintendent of the Redcliffe Lane Sunday School during a period of 
 twenty-eight years. 
 Then there is the quotation of the text from Revelation 14 ch. 
 and 13th verse. 
 On the west wall there is a list of benefactions, painted on 
 wood, and it reads as follows : — 
 James Lupton, gentleman, 6th Nov. 1715 devised a close called Dick Royd to 
 Trustees upon trust to pay;^3 annually to a Dissenting Minister settled in Pudsey, the 
 residue of the rent thereto to such poor persons as being legally settled and subsist 
 without the town's allowance. Mr. Gibson gave £40 to the poor of Pudsey which 
 same is in the town's hand. The interest of it is dealt by the Overseers at the school 
 every New Year's Day. Mr. Whiteley gave a rent charge of los. out of the Old Fold 
 and lands adjoining now the estate of Mr. W. Farrer and Elizabeth and Mary Pearson. 
 Gervase Nevile Esq of Holbeck, 13th May 1726 bequeathed £5 to the use of the poor 
 of Pudsey the interest thereof to be distributed in bread half-yearly in Pudsey Chapel. 
 Mr. Jacob Simpson surgeon of Leeds in the year 1737 gave ;^icio the interest to be 
 applied to use of poor housekeepers and the Education of poor children at the dis- 
 cretion of Mr. Richard Hey. Mr. Gregory Milner gave twenty shillings yearly to the 
 curate of Pudsey Chapel. Mr. Peter Turner left by will £2 yearly to the said curate. 
 In 1 7 10 the intakes were enclosed by the consent of Jno. Milnes, Esq., Walter 
 Calverley, Esq. , and the freeholders of Pudsey. Mr. Kent gave ;£^loo, by subscription 
 ;f 100, Queen Anne's Bounty ;^2oo with which ;£^400 purchase was made of lands in 
 Bramley and Pudsey in 1736 for augmentation of this living. 
 Henry Senior, „, , , 
 Robert Parkinson, Churchwardens. 
 In the north side of the churchyard there is a very hand- 
 somely decorated monument, which is enclosed with iron railings. 
 The monument is of a costly character, and is beautifully executed 
 in design. It bears the following inscription : — 
 Sacred to the memory of Alice, the wife of Jonas Rayner, drysalter, of Pudsey, 
 who died April 3, 1853, aged 29 years. Christ is all. 
 Near to the last-named there is a large stone monument sur- 
 mounted by a representation of a chalice and pall. There are 
 four panels, three of which bear inscriptions relating to the 
 interments of the Stowe family. On the south panel there is the 
 following inscription : — 
 Sacred to the memory of Fredk. Stowe of West Field House Bramley, who 
 departed this life 22nd of August 1856, aged 58. 
 A massive polished granite headstone bears the following : — 
 In memory of John Wade, cloth manufacturer, Littlemoor, Pudsey, born March 
 18, 1822 ; died August 8th, 1866. 
 In connection with a tombstone, to be found near 
 to the footway on the south side of he church, there is 
 a very remarkable and interesting story. Opposite to the 
 church there is a spacious house, at one time occupied by 
 Mr. Clarkson, the curator. It was formerly the dwelling 
 of Mr. Carlyle, who had " one fair daughter, whom he 
 loved passing well." A " young palmer in love's eye " named 
 Joseph Blackburn, had won her affections. They had, how- 
 ever, some difficulty in conversing together, because her father 
 was determinedly opposed to the match. His passion was 
 aroused whenever he heard the subject mentioned. Nevertheless, 
 woman's ingenuity prevailed, and when the father thought that 
 his household were a-bed, his daughter was exchanging her vows 
 of eternal affection for the man she had chosen to be her future 
 partner. There was a wide head-stone to the kitchen window. 
 Young Blackburn was accustomed to climb up to that place. 
 He stood on the head-stone and supported himself by taking 
 hold, with his hands, of the sill of the window belonging to his 
 fair Juliet's bedroom. There they pledged their affections. On 
 one unlucky night, when the moon was shining brightly, old Mr. 
 Carlyle thought he heard suspicious sounds outside the house. 
 They were caused by young Blackburn climbing to the head- 
 stone. He listened and at last came to the conclusion that 
 burglars were at work. Seizing an old sword, he rushed to the 
 kitchen, and through the window he saw the form of a man 
 climbing up the wall. He thrust the sword through the top pane 
 of glass, and sent the blade through the bowels of the unfortunate 
 young Blackburn, just as he had clutched the sill of the bedroom 
 window at which his lady-love was waiting to receive him. 
 Blackburn died of his wounds soon afterwards in the presence 
 of his sweetheart. Her father was not punished, the law con- 
 sidering that there was no malicious intent to injure Blackburn, 
 but, thinking he was attacking a burglar, Carlyle's offence became 
 one of justifiable homicide. On the tomb alluded to there is the 
 following inscription : — 
 In memory of Joseph Blackburn, who died on the 25th day of 
 May, 1826, aged 31 years. 
 Sharp was the stroke that did appea 
 Which took my life away, 
 O, reader, then for Heaven prepare 
 On earth you cannot stay, 
 The moon gave light, he took sight 
 Through the top pane I lost my life. 
 It is said that afterwards the house was haunted ; noises like 
 the slamming of doors were heard in the night, and the inmates 
 had often been disturbed from their rest. For eight months a 
 poHceman lodged in the house. One morning he inquired if 
 anybody had left their bedroom in the night. Being answered 
 in the negative, he expressed his suprise, for he declared that one 
 of the doors had been slammed so forcibly against the casement 
 that he thought somebody was knocking it down. A heated 
 imagination had more to do with the noises than the ghost of 
 the unfortunate young Blackburn. His brother still resides on 
 property belonging to the family in Pudsey. 
 On an old-fashioned tomb the following reference is made 
 to the death of one of the " clerks in holy orders" at this church : — 
 In memory of the Rev. David Jenkins, incumbent of Pudsey, who departed this 
 life August 21, 1854, in the 68th year of his age and the 43rd year of his ministry at 
 Pudsey ; also of Harriett wife of Uavid Jenkins, clerk, the incumbent of Pudsey, who 
 died 17th April 1824, aged 36. Christ is all and in all. 
 The following ludicrous epitaph is on the tomb of Joseph 
 AUott, smith, of Pudsey, who died January 19, 1850, aged 57 : — 
 My stithy and hammer I declined. 
 My bellows too have lost their wind, 
 My tire's extinguished, and my forge decayed, 
 And in the dust my vice is laid ; 
 My coals is spent, my iron is gone, 
 My last nail's driven, my work is done. 
 The above is almost a copy from an old tombstone in Staly- 
 bridge (old St. George's) churchyard. When the roof of the 
 church at Pudsey was being slated, a serious and fatal accident 
 happened. Its nature is explained in the following inscription 
 cut upon a slate headstone, at the west side of the churchyard : — 
 In memory of John Johnson, blue slater, a native of Bowness in Westmoreland, 
 who unfortunately lost his life by a fall at this church on the 6th day of August. 1823, 
 aged 23 years. This stone is erected as a tribute of respect to his memory by his 
 employers, namely, Messrs. Heavyside and Rennison of Leeds, blue slaters. 
 On a tombstone over Mrs. Boys is the following epitaph : — 
 Respected by many, hated by few 
 Lived .Seventy-one years and then bid adieu 
 Another tomb records the decease of the daughter of John and 
 Ann Halliday, of Pudsey Lowtown, which event happened on the 
 17th of July, 1831, at the age of 14 years. There is the following 
 epitaph : — 
 Early my race on earth was run 
 My parents' darling, I 
 Escaped the pains beneath the sun 
 To reign with Christ on high. 
 The church, as we have already indicated, is dedicated to 
 St. Lavvrence — the patron saint of the curriers, because his skin 
 was broiled on a gridiron. In the pontificate of Sextus I., he 
 was charged with the care of the poor, the orphans, and the 
 widows. In the prosecution of Valerian, being summoned to 
 deliver up the treasures of the Church, he produced the poor, etc., 
 under his charge, and said to the praetor, " These are the Church's 
 treasures." In Christian art he is generally represented holding 
 a gridiron in his hand. He is the subject of one of the principal 
 hymns of Prudentius. 
 The living is a vicarage worth ^300 a year, with vicarage 
 house added. There have been only three ministers, the Rev. 
 David Jenkins, who was incum- 
 bent at the old chapel and new 
 church from 18 14 to 1854, a 
 period of forty years ; the Rev. 
 Henry John Graham, M.A., and 
 the Rev. R. B. Thompson.* Mr. 
 Graham commenced his ministry 
 in 1854, and remained until 1882, 
 when he resigned, on account of 
 failing health. On leaving Pudscy 
 the rev. gentleman was presented 
 with a .service of silver plate and 
 a timepiece, as a token of the 
 admiration and esteem in which 
 he was held by his parishioners. 
 During Mr. Graham's term of Rev. d. Jenkins. 
 office,+ the incumbency was raised to a vicarage. It is in the gift 
 of the Vicar of Calverley, who, in 1882, offered the living to the 
 Rev. R. B. Thompson, the present esteemed minister. He 
 had previously held curacies at Longwood and Kirkburton, and 
 for six years was vicar of Thurstonland, all in Yorkshire. Mr. 
 Thompson holds evangelical views, is a thoroughly earnest 
 minister, a good visitor and preacher, and a useful member of 
 the School Board. 
 Mr. Thompson came to Pudsey from the Parish of St. Giles- 
 in-the-Fields, London, where he was engaged in mission work 
 under Canon Nesbit, the rector. 
 1843-51 Rev. William Lee Howarth, B.A. 
 ,, Geo. Robinson, St. Bees' Coll. 
 1869, Feby. 21 „ John Cartman, Trin. Coll., Dublin. 
 * During Mr. Jenkins' incumbency, James Gambles did penance in the church for having 
 insulted the incumbent by calling him up during the night under the pretence that he was wanted to 
 i;o to pray with his wife, which was done for a '" lark,'' and in order to stay law proceedings James 
 consented to do penance 
 t On the death of the Rev. Alfred Brown, M.A., Vicar of Calverley. 
 1873, Sep. 21 Rev. Thomas Patterson MuUins, B.A., Trin., Coll. Dublin. 
 1878, Dec. 21 „ Henry Lister, London Div. College. 
 1882, Dec. 27 „ Matthew Shaw. 
 1884, Dec. 13 ,, Donald Tate Milligan, B.A., Trin. Coll., Dublin. 
 1885, July 6 „ Daniel Thomas. 
 ,, ,, 28 ,, Augustus Inman Gibson. 
 In January, 1884, the old town's school at Littlemoor, was 
 opened as a mission room in connection with St. Lawrence 
 Church. The .school had undergone a thorough renovation, and 
 been made suitable for the purposes of the mission. 
 In 1885, a second mission church was opened in Waterloo, 
 where cottage meetings had been held for some time. On 
 Saturday afternoon, July 25th, two corner stones for the erection 
 of an iron church, to be called St. James's Mission Church, were 
 laid in the presence of a large concourse of spectators. The 
 proceedings were under the management of the Rev. R. B. 
 Thompson, the Vicar, and, after singing and prayer, silver trowels 
 and polished mallets were presented to Mrs. J. H. Dawson and 
 Miss Harriet T. Beaumont, with which they laid the corner stones. 
 The building is in the shape of a cross. Along the arms of this 
 cross the width of the building will be about forty-eight feet. 
 The pews and roof are of ordinary pitch-pine. The church cost 
 .^400, and will seat 250 people. There is a small but powerful 
 organ in one corner of the chancel. The erection is surmounted 
 by a spire and belfry, with bell. A beautiful communion service 
 was presented to the church by Mr. John Keenan, of Bramley, 
 and a brass alms dish, presented by Mrs. Thompson. There is 
 also a table and an altar desk, presented by the Rev. D. T. 
 Milligan, who has charge of the mission ; a font by Mr. Thorpe, 
 of Chapeltown ; reredos by Miss H. T. Beaumont, and other 
 gifts, from Mrs. Armitage, Mrs. Moss, Mr. John Halliday, and 
 Mr. George Armitage. 
 ^t. Paul's, ^ufisci),* is an ecclesiastical parish, formed 9 June, 
 1846,+ from the parish of Calverley. The church was built in 
 1853, and consecrated by the Bi.shop of Ripon, on 18 June, 1856.5; 
 The register dates from 1856. The living is a vicarage, gross 
 yearly value £iSO, and is in the gift ot the crown and the Bishop 
 of Ripon alternately. The population of the parish is about 
 2,500. The church is close to Stanningley Station, and is a neat 
 ' The /fjj/rt/ address is St. Paul's, Stanningley. 
 t Lundon Oazette^ 19 June, 1846, pp. 2133-4-5-6. 
 iS For an account of the speeches, see The Leeds Intelligencer^ 21 June, 1856. 
 stone building in the early English style of architecture. It con- 
 sists of a nave, 65ft. 6in. long, and 24ft. 6in. wide ; north and 
 south transepts, each 22ft. 4in. by i8ft. 3in., opening into the 
 nave by lofty arches ; chancel, 21ft. by 22ft. 3in. ; south porch ; 
 tower at the N.W. angle of the nave and north transept ; vestry 
 at the S.E. angle of the chancel and south transept. There are 
 four pendant lights in the nave, one in each transept, and four 
 standards on the choir stalls. There is a small gallery for 
 St. Paurs Church. 
 children at the west end of the nave, and an organ chamber on 
 the north side of the chancel, which opens into the nave by an 
 arch. The tower is surmounted by a broad spire, and the height 
 of the tower and spire is 90ft. The windows in the north and 
 south sides of the nave, transepts, and chancel, are narrow single 
 lancets. The chancel window is a triplet with foiled heads, 
 under one hood-mould. The west window has four lancets and 
 super-imposed quatre-foil and hood-mould. The north and 
 south entrance doors have lancet heads. There is also a vesica 
 light in the cast gable. All the roofs are opened and gabled ; 
 they are made with arched ribs, which spring from stone corbels ; 
 where the transepts intersect the nave, the roof has diagonal 
 ribs. All the seats are free. The pulpit stands on a stem, and 
 is placed on the north side of the chancel arch. The chancel 
 floor is raised two steps, and the sacrarium one step. The 
 whole of the roof-timbers, seats, communion-rails, pulpit, desk, 
 and all the wood fittings in the interior, except the new choir 
 stalls, are of deal, stained. The stone-work is of hammer- 
 dressed wallstones, with stone dressings to the windows, doors, 
 buttresses, porch, tower lights, etc. The whole structure is plain, 
 but substantial. The church will seat 550 persons, and yet it 
 originally cost less than ^^1,300. The architects were Messrs. 
 Perkin and Backhouse, of Leeds. The north side of the church 
 is enclosed by neat iron railing, upon a stone plinth ; and upon 
 the south side is a small grave-yard. 
 During 1885 and 1886 considerable improvements were 
 made in the church. New oak choir stalls, a new choir vestry, 
 a new communion table, and new warming apparatus were pro- 
 vided. Tiles were laid in the chancel and the interior was 
 decorated. A new organ, costing about £2.00, built by Mr. J. 
 Murgatroyd, of Bradford, was placed in the church. New 
 chalice, paten, and ornaments for the communion table (costing 
 ;^3o) were given. 
 A new school, to accommodate about 400 adults at a meet- 
 ing, and a corresponding number of children for Sunday school, 
 was erected in 1885 upon a portion of the glebe adjoining the 
 vicarage, at a cost of about ;^6oo. The architect was Mr. G. C. 
 Gamble, of Bradford. 
 The sum of ;^ 1,200 was asked for by the new vicar and 
 churchwardens for the purpose of these alterations, and the fact 
 that this sum has been all raised speaks much for the congrega- 
 tion's lively interest in church work. 
 Instituted 1846 Rev. George Marshall, B.A., Trin. Coll., Dublin, 
 M.A., 1844 ; Deacon, 1844; Pr.. 1845 ; d. 25 Nov. 1884, cet. 6r. 
 Instituted 1884, April 10, Rev. Montagu Cyril Bickersteth, of New Coll., Ox- 
 ford, B.A., iSsi ; M.A., 1883; Deacon, 1882; Pr., 1883; from All Saints', 
 Instituted 1S86. Aug. 5, Rev. Francis W. Toms, of Exeter Coll., Oxford, B.A., 
 1879 ; M.A., 1881 ; Deacon, 1880; Priest, 1S82. 
 From 1866. — Messrs. J. E. Strickland, James Bennett, Enoch Burrows, Thos. 
 Henry Peel, Thos. Child, Geo. Gordon, Richard Shepherd. John Holdsworth, 
 Jonathan Whitaker, F.dward Barraclough, John Metcalfe, Thomas Harrison, J. 
 Greaves, L. Varley, Nathan Halliday, John Atkinson, Fred. Waterford, C. E. 
 Vickers, VVm. Rodger, T. Sunderland, Wm. Harrison Boyes, James Rider, John 
 Holdsworth, Chas. Newby, William King, Jos. Sunderland, C. B. Vickers, J. B. 
 Knowles, J. J. Barraclough. 
 Messrs. F. Strickland, J. Stake, Benj. Verity, Jas. Waterhouse, W. Hains- 
 worth, J. K. B. Armitage, J. J. Barraclough, W. H. Vickers, T. Barnes, A. Harman, 
 G. R. Smith, C. E. Vickers. 
 Congregational Cl^uccI). — The history of the Independent or 
 Congregational Church at Pudsey shows that it can take its 
 rank amongst the oldest of the Protestant Nonconformist 
 Churches of the West Riding of Yorkshire. Its origin is clearly 
 traceable to the memorable year of 1662, when we are told 2,000 
 ministers were compelled to leave the Established Church, and 
 to abandon all their hopes and prospects in life for the sake of 
 principle and conscience. At that time, and for nearly fifty 
 years before, the village of Pudsey was blest by the labours of 
 a zealous, faithful, and honoured minister of Christ, in the person 
 of the Rev. Elkanah Wales, M.A., who was born at Idle, in 1588. 
 Having been educated at Cambridge, he accepted the poor 
 curacy of the Chapel at Pudsey, in 1614, and laboured faithfully 
 until he was ejected in 1662.* 
 Though Mr. Wales was forced away, there still remained 
 another one, able and willing to carry on the work in which he 
 had been engaged, viz.: — The Rev. James Sale, who was born 
 at Pudsey, in 1619. He became assistant minister at St. John's 
 Church, Leeds, and was ejected in 1662. His wife was one of 
 the Richardsons of North Bierley. Faith, the daughter of Mr. 
 Sale, married the Rev. Thomas Sharp, who was minister at Adel 
 Church until 1662, when he was ejected. Another of the 
 daughters of Mr. Sale, Beatrix, was married to the Rev. Richard 
 Hutton, of Pudsey. 
 After his ejectment from Leeds he preached constantly in 
 his own house .it Pudsey, and after the Declaration of Indulgence 
 in 1672, his house was registered as a preaching place for the 
 Nonconformists. Oliver Heywood was a frequent visitor at his 
 house, as he records in his interesting diary. Whilst he resided 
 at Pudsey, he was one of the four ministers who preached at Mill 
 Hill Presbyterian Chapel, Leeds. " He was a learned and good 
 man, of fine parts, and an excellent preacher," says Calamy's 
 • For further particulars respecting Mr. Wales, see pp. 47-50. 
 Nonconformist Memorial. He died at his own house* at Pudsey, 
 after a lingering disease on the 17th of April, 1679, and was 
 buried in the south aisleofCalverley Church, wherehis tombstone 
 may still be seen. His widow, Beatrix Sale, and several of their 
 children are also buried there.-f 
 At this early period, the religious meetings of Nonconfor- 
 mists were generally held in private houses, though sometimes, but 
 not often, their preachers were allowed to preach in the churches 
 or chapels of the Establishment. Mr. Heywood writes, — 
 On the Saturday night (Nov. 9, 1667), I preacht at a gentleman's house at Pudsey. 
 Jan. 30, '68-9, my wife and 1 went to Pudsey, there I preacht on the Lord's day 
 without disturbance in the chapel, had a numerous congregation, and much assistance. 
 Oh blessed day. 
 In March, he again preached in the chapel to " a mighty 
 confluence of people." After being disturbed by the constable 
 and church-warden at Bramley, Dec, 27, 1670, he "visited Mr. 
 Milner at Pudsey, preacht that night at Rich : Farrars, lodged at 
 Grace Balmes, and the day after, being Thursday, I called of 
 Mr. Saile and came home." 
 At mo.st of their meetings, these congregations had the fear 
 of being disturbed by constables. 
 Referring to the persecutions and annoyances to which the 
 Nonconformists were subject, and after some remarks on the great 
 success of his ministry, Mr. Heywood wrote on June 23, 1673, 
 Indeed I am willing to believe that God drew me forward to preach abroad at 
 Hunslet, Bramley, Farsley, Pudsey, Morley, and Idle, in public, when multitudes of 
 people flocked together to hear, and were affected at a time when none did or durst 
 venture on the imiwrtant work of preaching the Gospel, also in private houses in 
 various places. 
 Soon after this, the persecution of the Nonconformists was 
 carried to the utmost extent. The king, Charles H., issued his 
 commands to the justices, "to use their utmost endeavours to 
 suppress all conventicles and meetings upon pretence of religious 
 Bishop Burnet says in his History of his own Times, — 
 The persecution of the Dissenters was carried very high in 1684. They were 
 not only proceeded against for going to conventicles, but for not going to church, and 
 for not receiving the Sacrament. 
 * There is an old house situated at Greentop, Pudsey, which I believe was Mr. Sale's resi- 
 dence. Inside one of the rooms are some heraldic designs, in stucco, which I have copied, and the 
 initials ** I. B.S., 1651," which are undoubtedly the initials of James and Beatrix Sale. I have also 
 examined the Parish Regi.sters and cannot find any other names at this period whose initials will 
 correspond to those given. ] have had a photograph taken of the house, from which the accompanying 
 illustration has been taken. Mr. Sale paid Hearth Tax for seven Healths in 1666, being the largest 
 number paid for by any one person in Pudsey ; and Mr. Elk ; "Wales paid for four Hearths in the 
 same year. 
 t See The Brad/ord Antiquary and The Yerks/u'retfiariy also numerous entries in Hev\vood's 
 Diaries, and Holroyd's Coilentxuea bradjordianay pp. 107 and li.f, and Callerley RegtstetSy 
 ii. p. 192. 
 In 1685, Mr. Heywood was incarcerated in York Castle, 
 where he remained for nearly twelve months. At this time the 
 prisons were crowded with them, and many died in confinement. 
 The king, Charles II., died, and was succeeded by his brother, 
 James II., who in 1688 was succeeded by William and Mary. 
 Soon after their establishment on the throne, the renowned 
 Toleration Act was passed, and freedom of religious worship was 
 secured to the Dissenters by law. Meeting-houses were opened 
 and chapels were built in various parts of the country, as the 
 following extracts will show : — 
 At Leeds, July, 1690, att the Quarter Sessions, the barn late Wm. Lepton's, 
 Pudsey, was registered for preaching on application signed by Richard Hutton, Abra- 
 ham Hainsworth, John Rudde, Richard Kfarrer. 
 At Pontefract, April, 1694, the House of Abm. Hainsworth in Pudsey, and barn 
 recorded for religious worship. 
 At the Quarter Sessions at Wakefield, Oct., 1694, the House of Beatrix Sayll, 
 widdow, Pudsey, was registered on the application of Richard Hutton, who was her 
 At Wakefield, Oct. 1695, the barn late Wm. Lepton's was again recorded for 
 Here then we have the first dates, 1690 and 1694, of distinct 
 registered meeting places, after the house of Mr. Sale, 1672, con- 
 nected with Nonconformity in Pudsey. In Oct., 1695, Mr. 
 Heywood writes that he preached at the new chapel at Pudsey. 
 This was one of the barns before mentioned, and was fitted up 
 as a place for worship, and it stood where the Free Methodist 
 Chapel now stands. It has been handed down by tradition, that 
 on the occasion when Mr. Heywood preached, referring to the 
 barn doors, he said : — " Friends, you have a pair of brave church 
 doors." The barn was used as a barn again after the friends pur- 
 chased an ox-barn in Chapeltown, in 1708, and erected a chapel 
 A fund was established in London for the aid of Noncon- 
 formist meeting houses and poor ministers, and the Rev. Richard 
 Stretton, of London, formerly of Leeds, had to do with its 
 distribution in this part of the country. The money was for- 
 warded by him to Mr. Ralph Thoresby, of Leeds, with the names 
 of the places to which it was to be sent. In Thoresby's Corres- 
 pondence is a letter from Mr. Stretton, dated July 31st, 1707, in 
 which the sum of ^^3 is sent for Pudsey for half-a-year ; and 
 again, in another letter, March 9th, 1709-10, £6 is sent for one 
 year for the Nonconformist meeting house at Pudsey. 
 The next minister of whom we have any account after the 
 death of Mr. James Sale, is the Rev. John Ray, and to Hey- 
 WOOD's Northowram Register we are indebted for the information. 
 He resided at Gomersal, " died of a feaver Sept. 17, buryed at 
 Burstall Sept. 20, 1699, aged 40, preacher at Pudsey and Closes." 
 At Birstal Church I found his burial registered as follows : — 
 John Ray, of Little Gomersall, the 20th day of September, 1699. 
 In the list of students who were under the tuition of the 
 Rev. Richard Franklin, at Rathmell, and other places, from 1669 
 to 1698, I find that John Ray was admitted March 30, 1676. In 
 Heywood's Northowram Register his marriage, 1688-9, is thus 
 recorded : — 
 Mr. John Ray of CJomersall and Susannah dau. of Mr. Dickson clark of Whit- 
 church, ffebr. 
 In The Rise of the Old Dissent, by JOSEPH Hunter, 
 F.S.A., Mr. Ray is mentioned with other ministers as being en- 
 gaged in fasts and thanksgivings with Mr. Heywood, in 1684; 
 and on Wednesday, Sep. 4, 1689, his ordination, along with 
 several others, took place at a meeting of ministers at Alverthorpe, 
 being the first ordination held after the passing of the Toleration 
 Act, at which Mr. O. Heywood was engaged. The other minis- 
 ters who also took part in the ordination were : — Mr. Wm. 
 Hawden, of Wakefield ; Mr. Thos. Johnson, of Painthorpe ; Mr. 
 Nailor, of Alverthorpe, and Mr. Joseph Dawson, of Morley. 
 The name of John Ray appears in the Sessions Rolls, 
 amongst others who recorded the opening of a house for religious 
 worship at Alverthorpe ; also of another house belonging to 
 Joseph Walker, of Burstall, called the Closes (which was situated 
 between Birstal and Cleckheaton). In Miall's History of Con- 
 gregationalism in Yorkshire, p. 248, it is stated that the 
 Rev. John Holdsworth, of Cleckheaton, seems to have regularly exchanged 
 services with the Rev. John Ray, Pudsey. 
 Mr. Miall says, at p. 336: — " In 1708, mention is made of 
 the death of the Rev. Richard Hutton, of Pudsey." He was the 
 son-in-law of the Rev. James Sale, but Mr. Miall does not state 
 where the mention is made. It is just probable that Mr. Hutton 
 might be a lay preacher, as was sometimes the case with country 
 gentlemen, to which class he belonged. We have seen that he 
 took an active part in obtaining licences for preaching places in 
 1690 and 1694.* 
 His son, Richard Hutton,Esq.,of Pudsey, married, in January, 
 1 7 10, Mary, the daughter of the Rev. Richard Thorpe, one of the 
 ejected ministers, a man of property, and then a Nonconformist 
 minister at Hopton. The Northowram Register says : — 
 Madam Hutton, buryed at Calverley, December 24th, a very useful woman. 1 723. 
 * For further particulars of him and his son, Richard Hutton, Esq., of Pudsey, sec the 
 Bradford Antiquary, p. 35. 
 Of her mother it says : — 
 Madam Thorpe, of Hopton, died at her son-in-law's, Mr. Hutton's, at Pudsey, 
 May 8th, bur. at Mirfield, May I2th, 1725. 
 Also : — Mr. Richard Hutton, of Pudsey, died at Mr. Markham's in Hunslet 
 Lane, near Leeds, July 20th, 1729. 
 The date of the first Trust Deed belonging to the place 
 bears date 1708. The four trustees therein named, viz. : — 
 John Pearson, the elder, clothier ; .Samuel HinchlifTe, the elder, clothier ; 
 Richard Farrer, clothier ; and Joseph Lepton, gentleman, all of Pudsey, 
 purchase a " Barne, commonly called the Ox-Barne," and the 
 ground on which it stood, situated in Pudsey. The Barne to be 
 pulled down and a new erection to be builded, or the Barne to 
 be repaired and converted into " a meeting-place for one or more 
 minister or ministers, called Dissenting Protestants, to preach 
 Mr. Joseph Lepton (late of Pudsey) died at Great Gomersall, Dec. 10, left an 
 Estate of abt. 200 p. ann. 
 Another subsequent Deed states that at the cost of the 
 trustees named above, and other persons, Protestant Dissenters, 
 " the Ox-Barne was pulled down," and a building erected which 
 had been used " as a meeting-house or place of religious worship 
 by Protestant Dissenters from the Church of England, dis- 
 tinguished by the name of Presbyterians," and that the said 
 meeting-house, etc., should " be at all times hereafter made use 
 of as a place of religious worship by Protestant Dissenters from 
 the Established Church of England, whether they be of the 
 Presbyterian or the Congregational persuasion, provided always 
 that the place did not cease to be a meeting-house through the 
 restraint or prohibition of the Civil Government or otherwise." 
 By a Deed dated i8 June, 1722, John Milner, Dr. in Physick, 
 Lord of the Manor of Pudsey, conveyed on a lease of " nine 
 hundred and ninety-nine years " a plot of ground on the north 
 side of the meeting-house " with liberty to erect and build a 
 Laith or Barne thereon — for the Congregation which should 
 assemble in the meeting-house aforesaid. The building was 
 erected " adjoining to the Meeting-house," and " contained a 
 stable and chamber over the same." It was for the use of those 
 who came from the neighbouring villages on horseback, in which 
 to put their horses during Divine service. 
 The dates of the various Deeds appointing new trustees, 
 etc., are respectively 1728, 1764, 1782, 1792, 1810, 1831, 1846, 
 i860, and 1879. Space forbids the notice of these various in- 
 teresting documents and the list of names contained therein. 
 However, we have seen that a house was licensed for worship in 
 1672, a barn in 1690, houses in 1694, and another barn purchased 
 in 1708 and a chapel built. In 1722 ground was purchased for 
 vestry, etc. In 1782, the minister's house, etc., was purchased 
 for £i7S- In 1792 the ground was purchased for a graveyard 
 and for a site for a new chapel at a cost of ;^i3i 7s. 6d., and 
 again additional land was purchased for enlarging burial ground 
 in 1846, at a cost of ;£"i7o i6s. 3d. 
 The Rev. Elkanah Berry is the next minister of whom we 
 have any account. His ministry evidently commenced in 17 10, 
 as I have fortunately obtained the Registe'^ of Baptisms* by him, 
 in his own hand-writing, while he was minister at Pudsey, from 
 1710 to 1717. The Reg : contains 91 names of baptisms, and 
 as shewing the extent of his congregation and personal friends, 
 I give their places of residence, viz. : — Pudsey, Parsley, Stanning- 
 ley, Bramley, Rodley, Woodhall, Owl-coats, Shipden-head, Soyt- 
 hill, Cottingley, Bowling, Will-greave, Shayes, Quarrie-Gap, 
 Eccleshill Park, Horseforth, and Rawden. The following is 
 A Register of the Communicants at our Chapp'l in Pudsey, names and places of 
 residence, etc., Discoursd, Proposed, Admitted. 
 E. Berry, Minister and ye unwortliy Pastor. 
 Comm . 
 E. Berry, Minister 
 Isaac Smith, Farsley 
 May 19 
 Aug. 24 
 Oct. 4 
 James Senyer, Parsley 
 do. 19 
 John Strickland, Farsley 
 do. 20 
 Aug. 28 
 do. 4 
 Samuel Hinchliffe, Jun., Pudsey 
 do. 20 
 do. 28 
 do. 4 
 Richard Constantine, Farsley 
 do. . 20 
 do. 28 
 do. 4 
 John Smith. Tong 
 do. 20 
 do. 28 
 do. 4 
 John Hinchliffe, Pudsey 
 do. 27 
 do. 28 
 do. 4 
 Christopher Hall, Bankhouse 
 do. 28 
 do. 28 
 do. 4 
 Wm. Fenton, Snr., Pudsey 
 June 16 
 do. 28 
 do. 4 
 John Pearson, Senr , Pudsey 
 July 24 
 do. 28 
 do. 4 
 Sarah Scott, Drighlington 
 Aug 9 
 do. 28 
 do. 4 
 do. 4 
 Wm. Rogers, Sen., Pudsey 
 do. 10-15 
 do. 28 
 Hannah Hinchcliffe, Bankhouse 
 Oct. 19 
 Jan. 8 
 do. 28 
 Jan. 10 
 Joshua Gant, Little Moor 
 do. 23 
 Jan. 8 
 do. 28 
 do. 10 
 Mary Banks, Bramley 
 Dec. 25 
 do. 8 
 do. 28 
 do. 10 
 Christopher Wise, Pudsey 
 Aug. 28 
 Oct. 4 
 Hannah Smith, Farsley 
 Transient Mem 
 1. Aug. 28 
 Mar. 26 
 Jan. 10 
 1 Mar. 28 
 ( Mar. 28 
 Eliz. Pearson, Pudsey 
 Mar. 16 
 Mar. 26 
 May 2 1 
 May 23 
 Martha Lumby, Stanningley 
 do. 14 
 do. 26 
 July 23 
 July 25 
 Willm. Rogers, Jun., Pudsey 
 May 5-20 
 May 21 
 do. 23 
 do. 25 
 Benjamin Cromack, Pudsey 
 Nov. 17 
 Nov. 19 
 [an. 20 
 Jan. 23 
 Mar. 20 
 Mary Dobson, Widd 
 Tan. 17-15 
 Jan. 20 
 Mar. 18 
 Teremiah Smith. Farsley July 5 .Sep. 13 
 Sep. 23 
 Dec. 2 
 Dec. 4 
 Martha Hinchcliff 
 Sep. 21 
 Sep. 23 
 Dec. 4 
 •Pnnted in Margerison's Calverlty Parish Registers, Vol. III. 
 • fpfF-jijrs rsnLCi: ' «piCf^ 
 ^tAiamin.', J}rn. ir/QoAA. in//Ltu, 
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 lafvti-t . '^ajveffi 
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 TiiUUm.,-i/Ci /on. a/3aAjL x^tA. KiUvn. . ^udju/ ■^/'''■^i' 
 l/ajv: <za. 
 97LaM a. 
 ^n^ Iff. 
 iuJLL II. 
 ffcbf q. 
 1 33- AA» 
 ■/^- 3 
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 fi^rv: Q.i 
 ^tj^.At- ^/aaoct^ifA^ct MJJJ- SW^ 
 Facsimile of Rev. E. Berry s Klj; ster. 
E. berry's register. 87 
 On one page of the Register Mr. Berry writes : — 
 Reed Apr. 20th 1715, of ye Worn and Revd the Trustees and Manager of 
 ye Lady Hewley's Charity by the hands of ye Revd Dr. Colton ye sum of three 
 pounds, ten shillings being given me by ye said Trustees and Manager out of the 
 Charity. — E : B : 
 In addition to the Register of Communicants, there is, in 
 this MS. volume, which is foolscap size, the following interesting 
 On the first page the volume has the following entry : — 
 Ex Libris El: Berry. Pret. O. G. Ao. 1706. 
 It contains 173 pp. of small MS., dated 1661, on the revision of 
 the Book of Common Prayer and the emendations as proposed 
 by the Presbyterians of that day ; several pages giving Acts of 
 Parliament affecting the Noncomformists, etc. ; a register of 
 baptisms by the pastor at Pudsey, 1 710 to 17 17; the last entry 
 being, " John, son of Luke and Elizabeth Matthcwman, Barnsley, 
 bapt. Dec. 1 5t.h, 1717." Mr. J. Horsfall Turner, of Idle, to whom 
 I am indebted for this MS., found the name of" Mr. Elcana Berry, 
 dissenting minister, Pudsey," and others, who were " lyable to 
 take the oath to His Majesty and Government according to the 
 Act of 1715." 
 The volume contains 51 pages of a daily record of the 
 " mercury," the state of the weather, wind, etc., from 1740 to 
 1749, besides other notes occasionally interspersed. A few of 
 those I give, which may be of use in helping to find out who 
 was the writer of this diary, and where he resided. He seems to 
 have been residing in Lancashire at that time. Many of the 
 items are in shorthand, so cannot now be made out : — 
 1740. May 31, mentions " Mr. Horrocks." .... I Day. 
 I presume this would most probably be Mr. Horrocks, the 
 astronomer, in Lancashire. 
 1743. Nov. 9, mentions Mr. Hesketh, of Bolton 
 ,, Nov. 20 Mr. Holden here 
 1744. Jan 5, Frosty, cold. Comet vis. 
 Comet mentioned several times in January and February. 
 1774. Aug. 13, at Halifax 
 „ Sep. II. Tuesday, the 11. Little Bolton wier and that next took down. 
 Ellis Crompton wier took away, the Battlement of Ateley or Staley 
 Bridge. Several others damaged exceedingly. Thursday 1 3. 
 1745. Jan. 29, Snow, Hazy, Rainy at night. Mr. .Scot 
 „ Feb. 27 „... At Mr. Pilkington. 
 1746. April 26 Went into Yorkshire. 
 „ May 1 5, Came home, exceedingly hot. 
 1747. July 5, Fair day, Mr. Kenion Died a'ter 12. 
 ,, Aug. 2, Went into Yorkshire, returned Sepr. 4. 
 Most of the blanks after the extracts are in shorthand, while 
 those before are items generally on the weather. 
 The following paragraphs are taken from the miscellaneous 
 notes in the volume : — 
 To Genll. Stanhope. 
 Whene'er you fought the Haughty Foes were broke ; 
 The Priest, more Haughty, Trembled when you spoke. 
 Thus Jove th' aspiring Gyants drove to Hell, 
 By Light'ning some, some stun'd by Thunder fell. 
 Blest Spain! whilst such a sword Defends thy Cause ; 
 Blest we! whilst such a Tongue Protects our Laws. 
 Had you been Consul, when devoted Rome 
 Was Destin'd to an almost Fatall Doom, 
 Not Statues onely had preserv'd your Fame, 
 But Alters would have bore your Sacred Name. 
 Let Lesser Merit thus in Marble live ; 
 Your Glory shall the solid Brass Survive: 
 And the extremest Ages shall be taught 
 How well for Liberty You Spoke and Fought. 
 You did Command & I've obey'd 
 And on a wheel these verses made. [M. B.] 
 A wheel's an instrument that's of Great worth 
 And I'll Indeavour briefly ti. set forth 
 The Good it does produce, if possibly 
 I can its use describe how orderly 
 By its effects England enjoys a Trade 
 Both foreign and Domestick, Good and Bad 
 By it the poorer sort do earn their Bread 
 By it (tho' wood) they are both fed & clad 
 By it the Clothiers do imploy tlieir hands 
 By it the Merchants do enlarge their Lands, 
 By it Cloath-dressers get great gain, 
 And it all other Callings doth sustain 
 By it our Beaus do Dress both (jay and fine 
 By it we do Import good Lisbon Wine 
 By it our Gallant Ladies you will see 
 Drest in Rich Silk, Muslin and taffaty. 
 By it the Queen is Cloath'd & all the Court 
 By it the London Merchants do Import 
 Good store of Wealth from Diverse Parts 
 If they their barges keep from Pirates Arts 
 More things there are If I their names could Bring 
 That does dejiend upon this whirling thing: 
 For when this Engine runs most merrily 
 Yorkshire is then in its prosperity. 
 But tho' this mimick thing's so much admired 
 And I myself from it am waim altir'd. 
 And wast not for't might go, as Eve then did 
 When she was in fair Eden's garden hid 
 Yet all these Considerations cannot move 
 Me, to this useful wheel to take a Love, ' 
 F'or by it I almost such tortures feel 
 As did poor Ixion on his wracking wheel 
 In short tho' 'tis the gain of others, 'tis the bane of me, 
 And I'll never swet but for necessity. 
 In Dr. John Evans's MS. List of Presbyterian and Inde- 
 pendent Chapels and Ministers, 1717 to 1729, published in 
 J.\MES'S History of the Litigation and Legislatiott on Presbyterian 
 Chapels, 1867, Mr. Berry's name appears as the pastor at Barns- 
 ley, but it appears he did not stay there long, as I find in the 
 Northowrani Reg. that 
 Mr. Elkanah Berry, Minr. at Hopton, died at his Father's, July 15, 1721. 
 In Mr. Miall's Hist, of Cong : in Yorks., p. 279, I learn 
 that he had been at Hopton about one year. At this time, ac- 
 cording to Dr. Evans's List, the congregation at " Pudsey near 
 Bradforth " numbered 250 hearers, 21 of whom were freeholders 
 and county voters, which shows that the congregation had a fair 
 Rev. Samuel Rollings was the next minister, and all that I 
 can learn of him is contained in the two extracts from the 
 Northowram Reg., as follows : — 
 Mr. Sam Hollingsof Allerton and Mrs. Sarah Wood of Bramley, tnarried May 
 Mr. Saml. HoUings, of Allerton, minister at Pudsey buried in Bradford Church, 
 Febr. 19, 1725. 
 His name is in Dr. Evans's List as the Pudsey minister, " died 
 1725." He was succeeded by the 
 Rev. John Wainman, who became minister in 1727 or 1728. 
 He was a native of Bingley, and the son of the Rev. Thomas 
 Wainman of that place. When his father died at Bingley in 
 1746, it is said that he preached alternately at Pudsey and Bing- 
 ley until the settlement of the Rev. Thos. Lillie in 1754, and was 
 much respected there. In Mr. DICKENSON'S North. Reg. it is 
 recorded that 
 Mr. John Wainman, minister at Pudsey, married Mrs. Sarah HoUings of Bram- 
 ley, June 26, 1728. 
 In the Chapel Trust Deed, 1728, Mr. Wainman's name 
 appears as a witness to the signatures, and in the Deed, 1764, 
 he was appointed one of the trustees along with others. 
 One of his co-trustees, John Balme, named in this Deed, 
 has left a curious and interesting MS. memoranda relating to 
 the chapel. It gives an account of all the collections made from 
 1762 to 1774 ; and also a very large number of the texts, with 
 the names of the preachers who preached from them in the 
 chapel from 1750 to 1794, when a new chapel was opened. In 
 this MS. it is recorded that in March, 1762, a national fast day 
 was kept, and that Mr. Wainman preached a special sermon on 
 that occasion from James iv. 9-10. DICKENSON'S Reg. records that 
 Widow Hannah Wood died with her dr. Mrs. Wainman in Pudsey, bur. at 
 Bramley. June 22, 1736. 
 This proved pretty clearly that Mrs. VVainman was the 
 widow of the previous minister, Mr. Saml. Hollings, whose wife 
 was Sarah Wood. In the K rami ey Church Register, I find that 
 Mr. Wainman buried some of his children and his wife there, 
 according to the following entries : — 
 1751, April 17. Elizabeth dr. of the Rev. Mr. John Wainman, of Pudsey. 
 1755, March 23. Mrs. Sarah \Vainman wife of the Rev. Mr. John Wainman, 
 1756, June 16. Joshua, son of the Rev. Mr. Wainman. 
 In the year 1741, I find that Mr. Wainman voted as a 
 free-holder in the election for a Member of Parliament for the 
 County of V^ork, his freehold being at Biamley, and he voted 
 for Cholmley Turner, who was elected. 
 Mr. Wainman preached his last sermon on May 27, 1770, 
 from Isaiah xi. i, and of this event BalME's MS. says : — 
 Being the last sermon he ever preached in this world, but died not till June 
 ye loth, 1 770, after preaching above 40 years at Pudsey. 
 He was interred in the burial ground at the old Episcopalian 
 Chapel, and his tombstone may now be seen in the lower part of 
 the ground bearing the following inscription : — 
 Here lies interr'd the Body of the Revd. John Wainman, Minister at the Dis- 
 senting Chapel in Pudsey, who died June the lOth, 1770, JE 64 Resurgam. 
 In the year 1749, the great preacher, Whitfield, preached in 
 Pudsey. He says, in a letter — 
 Since I left, I have preached to many thousands at Rosindale, Aywood, and 
 Halifax, at Birstal, Pudsey, and Armley, and have had three precious seasons here. 
 The congregations were exceedingly large, and referring to 
 the opposition he met with, he adds — 
 But truth and right will prevail, though preached in the fields and streets. 
 The pulpit was supplied for about five months by neighbour- 
 ing ministers, viz.: — Revd. Messrs. Dawson, of Idle ; Morgan, of 
 Morley ; Dean, of Bradford ; Maurice, of Eastwood ; Halliday, of 
 Bull-house ; Phillips, of Sowerby ; Hesketh, of Northowram, and 
 The Rev. Michael Maurice received an invitation to 
 become the pastor, and accepting it, he entered on the pastorate 
 on Oct. 28, 1770. He had been minister at Eastwood, near 
 Halifax, from 1754 to 1770, when he came to Pudsey. In 1773, 
 Mr. Maurice and twenty-three other dissenting ministers in the 
 West Riding signed a petition to Parliament for relief from sub- 
 scription. His pastorate was of short duration, as he died on 
 July I, 1773, and was buried in the same burial ground as Mr. 
 Wainman. His tombstone bears this inscription — 
 • Li'/e and Times oj the Cowitess of Huntin^don^ vol. i, p. 265. 
 Here lies interred the Body of the Revd- Mr. Maurice, late Minister at the dis- 
 senting Chapel in Pudsey, who departed this life July 1st, 1773, in the 49th year of his 
 His funeral sermon was preached on the nth of the same 
 month by the Rev. Mr. Morgan, of Morley, from Rev. xiv. 13. 
 Mr. Maurice was the grandfather of the late distinguished 
 Professor Maurice, King's College, London, and the father of the 
 Rev. M. Maurice, Junr., an eminent dissenting minister. 
 The Rev. ARTHUR Lloyd was the next minister. He 
 commenced his ministry in the early part of 1774, and remained 
 until 1790. Though he was a learned man and a good preacher, 
 the Protestant Dissenters' Magazine, 1832, says that "his 
 character was not what it should have been, and that those who 
 were acquainted with him did not consider him as reflecting 
 honour on his official services." He died at Leeds, and was 
 interred at the Mill Hill Chapel burial ground, where his tomb- 
 stone may be seen, bearing the following simple inscription — 
 Arthur Lloyd, late minister of the congregation of Protestant dissenters at 
 Pudsey, died July 13th, 1795. Aged 44. 
 At a meeting of the associated dissenting ministers of the 
 West Riding of Yorkshire, held at Pudsey, on the 25th Septem- 
 ber, 1782, the Rev. Wm. Turner, Junr., of Wakefield, wajs 
 ordained to the ministry, and became minister of Hanover 
 Square Chapel, Newcastle, where he remained nearly sixty years. 
 The Rev. Phillip Holland, of Bolton-le- Moors ; the Rev. Joseph 
 Dawson, of Idle ; the Rev. W. Wood, of Leeds ; and the Rev. 
 Wm. Turner, Senr., of Wakefield, took part in the ordination. 
 The whole service was published in a pamphlet, by Johnson, of 
 St. Paul's Church Yard, London, 1782. 
 The Rev. Thomas Laird, was the successor to Mr. Lloyd, 
 and was a man of a vastly different stamp. If the preaching had 
 been at all heterodox, it was now restored to the orthodox 
 standard, and it is said that he not only preached the gospel, but 
 that he lived it also during his long pastorate of nearly forty 
 years. From 1787 to 1792 he was minister at Keighley, when 
 he removed to Pudsey, and commenced his ministry there in 
 April, 1792. 
 In September, 1792, the land was purchased upon which to 
 erect a new chapel, and the Deed bears the signature of Thomas 
 Laird as one of the witnesses. The chapel was erected, and 
 opened May 14th, 1794. Sermons were preached by the Rev. 
 W. Moorhouse, of Huddersfield ; the Rev. J. Toothill, of Hopton ; 
 the Rev. J. Cockin, of Halifax ; the Rev. Geo. Wilson, of Leeds ; 
 and the Rev. Thos. Laird, the minister, also preached during the 
 opening services* The good old man died February 27, 183 1, 
 aged 70, and he was buried near to the chapel in which he had 
 preached so long. During his ministry, a young man, named 
 Thomas Burton, who was a member under Mr. Laird, entered 
 the ministry and was Independent Minister a short time at 
 Holmfirth ; but, amidst most pleasing appearances of much use- 
 Rev. William Colefax. 
 fulness to the church of Christ, he was snatched away by death, 
 Jan. 25, 1 8 10, in the 25th year of his age. He was brought to 
 Pudsey, and interred in the chapel yard. 
 The Rev. William Colefax was the next minister. After 
 a ministry of about twelve years at Hexham, in Northumberland, 
 he commenced his ministry at Pudsey, April 8th, 1832, and 
 remained nearly fifteen years, preaching his last sermon as 
 minister in March, 1847. He continued to reside in Pudsey, and 
 * For particulars of Mr. Laird, see memoir of him in the Evangelical Magazine^ January, 
 1832 ; and Congrfgational Register (West Riding of Yorkshire), 1865, pp. 134-5. 
 occasionally preached for his successors. He died March 6th, 
 1872, in the 80th year of his age, and was buried in the Chapel 
 yard, in which he had interred a large number of persons, but no 
 stone marks the spot where his remains lie. During his pastorate 
 the Chapel was cleared of a debt of nearly ^^400, in April, 1845.* 
 The Rev. THOMAS JOWETT, a native of Thornton, near 
 Bradford, who studied at Airedale College, was the next pastor. 
 He was ordained October nth, 1848, but had entered on his 
 ministry on the 30th of July previous. He remained until 1854, 
 when he preached his last sermon on April 2nd in that year. He 
 went from Pudsey to Guisboro', in Yorkshire, and after being 
 some time there he removed to Wigston Magna, Leicestershire, 
 and is now living retired at Leeds. He was succeeded by 
 The Rev. JOHN Marsden, B.A., who was trained for a 
 schoolmaster at the Borough Road Institution, London, 
 afterwards studied for the ministry at Airedale College, and 
 graduated at the London University, where he took the degree 
 of B.A. He commenced his ministry at Pudsey, on July 29, 1855, 
 but was not ordained until the 28th of May, 1856. His laborious 
 and faithful ministry was eminently successful, especially among 
 the young, over whom his influence was very great and very 
 salutary. Feeling that a change was desirable, he accepted a 
 "call" to Kidderminster, resigning his pastorate in i860, and 
 removed thither, where he resided many years. He then removed 
 to Taunton, in Somersetshire, where he now resides. During his 
 pastorate, the place was again cleared of a debt of about ^500. 
 The pastorate having been vacant nearly two years, the Rev. 
 Tho.MA-S Wickham Tozer, of Penistone, was invited, and he 
 entered on his ministry at Pudsey, April 13th, 1862. His pas- 
 torate was of short duration, as he preached his farewell sermon 
 on December 13th, 1863, and removed to Dudley, in Worcester- 
 shire. Mr. Tozer studied for the ministry at Clifton, in private, 
 and his first pastoral charge was at Curbar, in Derbyshire, where 
 he was ordained May 31st, 1857. From Dudley, Mr. Tozer 
 removed to Kennington Lane, London, from whence, after a 
 residence of some years, he removed to Ipswich, where he now 
 labours most energetically. 
 After a vacancy of about six months, the pastorate was mo.st 
 worthily filled by the Rev. JOHN ATKINSON, of Clitheroe, Lanca- 
 shire, who entered upon his labours at Pudsey, July lOth, 1864. 
 Mr. Atkinson's first pastoral charge was at Ayton, in the North 
 * For further particulars of him, see memoir by Rev. J. Atlcinson, in Congregational 
 Register (West Riding of Yorkshire), 1872, pp. 106-9. 
 Riding, Yorkshire, in 1851; from whence he removed in 1854 to 
 Felling, Gateshead, where he remained until 1859, when he 
 removed to Clitheroe. 
 In May, 1884, Mr. Atkinson received an invitation to become 
 the minister at the English Protestant Reformed Church, 
 in the city of Hamburg, and accepting the call, resigned his pas- 
 torate at Pudsey, when he was presented, at a public meeting, with 
 an address and a purse containing 100 guineas, in recognition 
 of his long and faithful ministrations. 
 Rev. John Atkinson. 
 In November, 1884, Mr. D. A. HENDERSON, of Rotherham 
 College, was invited to take the pastorate of the church, and 
 commenced his ministry on the first Sunday in January, 1885. 
 The ordination of Mr. Henderson took place on the 6th of Ma)-, 
 1885, when the Rev. A. Holborn, M.A.,of Bradford, presided over 
 the proceedings. The following ministers took part in the ser- 
 vice: — Revs. Dr. Falding, and W. H. Bennett, M.A., of Rotherham 
 College; E. S. Foster, of Hartlepool ; R. Bruce, D.D., of 
 Huddersfield ; H. A. Lawson, of Bury ; C. Rhodes, of Royston ; 
 and Thomas Jowett, of Leeds. There was a large congregation. 
 The Sunday school was established about 1809 or 18 10, 
 and for a long time its numbers were small; and the scholars 
 were taught in the vestry and the bottom of the chapel, until 
 about 1 834, when school-rooms were erected adjoining the chapel. 
 These rooms becoming too small in the course of time, steps 
 were taken to have a larger school, the erection of which was 
 commenced May 8th, 1849, and the present spacious edifice was 
 opened August 28th, 1850. Class rooms were added in 1866 and 
 1876. A day school was established, and commenced on the 
 nth of April, 1853. The head masters have been: — Wm. 
 Cooper, Charles Stagg, Henry Hooper, T. Sawyer, Charles 
 Gilling, John Boden, W. B. Smith, W. F. Erskine, Thomas 
 Mitcheson, J. Anderson, J. Fielding, and John Smith Boyd. In 
 1876 the Day School was transferred to the Pudsey School 
 Board, and the last teacher still remains master of the school. 
 Soon after the settlement of Mr. Atkinson, in 1864, the sub- 
 ject of either improving the old chapel of 1 794, or erecting a new 
 one on the same site was considered, and at a meeting of the 
 congregation held November 8th, 1 864, it was resolved to erect a 
 new edifice, Messrs. Pritchett & Son, of Darlington, being com- 
 missioned to prepare plans. The last religious service (previous 
 to its being pulled down) was held in the old edifice on Sunday 
 evening, April i6th, when a very appropriate sermon was 
 preached by the pastor, the Rev. J. Atkinson, from i Samuel, vii., 
 part of 1 2th ver., " Ebenezer: Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." 
 The first stone of the new Congregational Church was laid on 
 April 1 8th, 1865, in the presence of an immense concourse of 
 spectators. A bazaar was held in aid of the building fund in 
 July, 1865, which raised ;^37o. 
 The leading feature of the building is a symmetrical and 
 beautiful spire, which, rising to a height of 105 feet, and being 
 on a very commanding site, is seen on fine days for above a 
 dozen miles. The church consists of a nave, side aisles, and 
 transepts. Three entrances at the front give admission to the 
 area and galleries, the central doorway being surmounted with a 
 hand.some St. Catherine's window, twelve feet diameter, with 
 trefoiled lancet windows on the right and left, having quatrefoils 
 in the beads. All the doors and windows have dripstones, the 
 entrances having in addition shafts of redstone, with foliated 
 capitals. All the windows are glazed with coloured glass. The 
 interior of the church is 75 feet in length and 41 feet in width, 
 and accommodation is provided for about 700 worshippers. The 
 pews are spacious and comfortable, those in the area being 
 upholstered uniformly with crimson cloth. Vestries, etc., are also 
 provided, and the whole of the arrangements are most complete. 
 The new church was opened July 4th, 1866, when two 
 sermons were preached by the Rev. Henry Allon, of London. 
 Opening services were also held on the three following Sundays. 
 The collections amounted to ;^235 13s. gd., making a total raised, 
 with the subscriptions, etc., ;^2,oi8 13s. The total cost of the 
 erection was .£^3,059 13s. 5d., and including land necessary for 
 frontage, ^3,260. In the year 1873, an organ was placed in the 
 church, built by Messrs. Brindley and Foster, of Sheffield, at a 
 cost of -£^325, which was all paid by the ladies of the congrega- 
 tion. It was opened by Dr. Roberts, then of Halifax, on 
 October 29th, 1873. 
 The following is a description of the organ: — 
 GREAT ORGAN, Compass CC to G3. 
 I. Open Diapason Metal, 8 ft., 56 pipes 
 3. GeTa'ct Treble | ^°°'^ =^"'1 ^I<='^'' ^ ft- 5^ pipes 
 4. Dulciana Metal, 8 ft., 44 pipes 
 5. Principal Metal, 4 ft., 56 pipes 
 6. Harmonic Flute Wood and Metal, 4 ft., 56 pipes 
 7. Grave Mixture II ranks, 100 pipes 
 SWELL ORGAN, Compass CC to G3. 
 8. Violin Diapason Metal, 8ft , 56 pipes 
 9. Vox Angelica Metal grooved into St. Bass, 8 ft. , 44 pipes 
 10. Principal Metal, 4 ft., 56 pipes 
 11. Flageolet Metal, 2 ft., 56 pipes 
 12. Oboe Metal, 8 ft., 56 pipes 
 13. Trumpet Metal, 8 ft. , 56 pipes 
 PEDAL, Compass CCC to E. Couplers. 
 14. Sub Bass Wood, 16 ft., 29 pipes l6. Swell to Great 
 1 5. Principal Bass, Metal, 8 ft. , 29 pipes 1 7. Swell to Pedal 
 18. Great to Pedal 
 2 Composition Pedals. 
 The collections at the organ opening services amounted to 
 £62, 6s. 8^d., which were devoted to the cost of cleaning and 
 painting the church. In 1877, a successful bazaar was held with 
 a view to clear off the debt on the church and parsonage, when 
 the total receipts amounted to ;!^773 8s. 8d., which, besides clear- 
 ing off the debt of £730 and paying all expenses, left a balance 
 of £4 I OS. At a thanksgiving service held shortly afterwards, 
 it was stated that during the twelve years from the erection of 
 the church they had raised the sum of ^3,810, besides the regular 
 annual income of the place. 
 The Registers of Baptisms now in connection with the place 
 are those of Mr. Maurice, 1770 to 1773, 136 baptised; Mr. Lloyd 
 and others, 1785 to 1791, 112 baptised; Mr. Laird, 1792 to 1831, 
 2,305 baptised. 
 The first interment in the burial ground took place in 
 February, 1793, and up to the close of 1880 there had been 
 interred 2,306 persons; 160 of these were between the ages of 
 70 and 80; 6^ between 80 and 90; and 6 between 90 and 100. 
 OTtsIepana — The introduction of Methodism into Pudsey, so 
 far as there is any record, must be attributed to that devoted 
 apostle of Methodism in Yorkshire, John Nelson, who has the 
 following entry in his journal, about the years 1 743-4. 
 I went to Pudsey, but when 1 got there the people of the house durst not let me 
 preach ; they told me the constable had orders to press me, and desired me not to 
 light, but to go back directly. I rode down to a public house where the constable 
 and some others met together, and talked with them, and the people said he had 
 orders to press me, but he said, " I will not, for you do not appear to be a vagrant, 
 and my warrant runs for none but vagrants." Many of the people followed me into 
 the lanes and I sat on horseback exhorting them to keep close to God by prayer. 
 One of the first individuals in the village to receive and 
 encourage the Methodist preachers was named Boyes, who 
 resided in Fartown. 
 In Wesley's journal we find a record of the first visit paid 
 by that celebrated preacher to Pudsey: — 
 April 28th. Tuesday, one of Pudsey would take no denial, so I promised to 
 preach there at eight o'clock. Coming before the hour, we walked to the new house 
 of the Germans (Fulneck). I preached at eight at the place appointed, and thence 
 rode to Dewsbury, where I was to preach at noon. 
 At this time the Pudsey Society was connected with the Birstal 
 circuit — " the Mother Church." 
 In 1763, the Bradford branch of the Birstal circuit was 
 formed, and contained fifteen classes, of which Pudsey was one. 
 The class at Pudsey contributed los. i id. " quarter money " 
 towards the society's income, £j 17s. 8d., for the September 
 quarter. Only three other classes contributed more than the one 
 at Pudsey, viz., two at Bradford and one at Dudley Hill. In 
 1769, Bradford was made a circuit, having fifteen villages under 
 its care, of which Pudsey was one. In 1773, a new Methodist 
 " Preaching House" was erected, and opened in September. The 
 accommodation was for 400 persons, and the first trustees were 
 George Beecroft, Edward Tindall, Joseph Brown, Samuel Fenton, 
 and John Scholefield. 
 In the year 1774, Wesley paid his second visit to Pudsey, 
 on April 21st. "About two I preached at the newly-built house 
 at Pudsey," and again in 1780, he says in his Journal : — 
 April 17th. Monday, I left Leeds in one of the roughest mornings I have ever 
 seen, we had rain, hail, snow, and wind in abundance. About nine I preached at 
 Bramley, between one and two at Pudsey. Afterwards I walked to Fulneck, the 
 German settlement, etc. 
 In 1781, Pudsey Chapel had 149 members, and five leaders, 
 viz., Joseph Fenton, Ed. Tindall, Jos. .Brown, Jas. Ackroyd, and 
 John Turner (Parsley). There were only two places in the 
 Bradford circuit having more members than the Pudsey Society, 
 viz., Bradford and Great Horton. At this time there were eight 
 persons who officiated as local preachers in the Bradford circuit ; 
 Joseph Fenton, of Pudsey, and John Turner, of Farsley, were of 
 Rev. Joseph Sutclifle, M.A. 
 this number. Joseph Fenton was one of the most useful 
 preachers of his day, and is said to have been a favourite with 
 Mr. Wesley, and was greatly esteemed by the congregations 
 amongst whom he laboured. He was sent to Hull, soon after 
 the commencement of his career as a preacher, to fill up some 
 vacancy in the itineracy there, and was recognised as a youth 
 of great ministerial promise ; but, for marrying without leave, 
 he had to return to his secular employ. However, he still 
 maintained the character of an upright, pious man, and a highly- 
 useful local preacher. 
 In 1784, Joseph Sutcliffe commenced his career as a class 
 leader and local preacher in Pudsey, and was sent, two years later, 
 by Mr. Wesley, to labour in the Redruth circuit, and was after- 
 wards a useful and honoured Wesleyan minister for the period of 
 70 years. He died May 14th, 1856, aged 94. He had gained 
 the title of M.A., and was the author of several valuable works, 
 amongst which may especially be mentioned his " Commentary 
 of the Holy Scriptures." 
 In 1807, the Lower Wesleyan Sunday School was commenced 
 in a house in Lowtown, and eight years after, in 181 5, anew 
 Wesleyan Chapel was erected, and opened May ist, 18 16. The 
 opening services were conducted by the Revs. — Stephens, B. 
 Wood, and James Everett. Previous to this event, in 181 1, 
 Bramley had been made the head of a circuit, to which the 
 Pudsey Society was transferred. 
 In 1823, a Wesleyan Sunday School and Preaching-room 
 was commenced at Littlemoor Bottom, and, in 1826, the Wesleyan 
 Upper Sunday School, Lowtown, was established. In 1840, a 
 Wesleyan Chapel was erected at Gibraltar, Pudsey. This chapel 
 was offered for sale by public auction in 1870, but was not sold. 
 In 1852, a disturbance arose between the Conference and 
 some members of the Wesleyan body, who were desirous of 
 reform in the constitution of the conference, when the members 
 in Pudsey who sympathised with that movement were expelled 
 by the Wesleyan minister. The reform party, however, kept 
 possession of the chapel in consequence of the peculiar character 
 of the trust deed. The Conference not being able to hold the 
 chapel, withdrew, and opened a preaching-room. In 1859, the 
 Wesleyan Conference again took possession of the chapel, on 
 November 6th. During part of the following year five services 
 were held each Sunday in the Chapel, three by the Conference 
 and two by the reform party. The congregation resolved to 
 support the reform movement, and ultimately the Conference 
 withdrew from the Chapel on receiving one hundred and fifty 
 After this withdrawal, the old Wesleyan body took steps to 
 have a building of their own in which to worship, and the first 
 .stone of a new chapel was laid on the 2nd day of April, 1861. 
 The building is situate in Church Lane, and is a very handsome 
 structure, both as regards the interior and exterior. The 
 Architect was Mr. John Kirk, Huddersfield, and the Chapel is in 
 the Italian style of architecture, and will accommodate 600 persons. 
 The cost was about ;^2,cxDO. The foundation stone was laid by 
 Mrs. S. Pawson, of Lawns House, Farnley, and the following is a 
 copy of the parchment which was placed in a bottle under the 
 foundation stone : — 
 The Foundation Stone of this Edifice was deposited by Mrs. Sarah Pawson, of 
 Lawns House, Farnley, on Easter Tuesday, 2nd April, 1861, in the 24th year of the 
 Reign of Queen Victoria. 
 The Reverend W. W. Stamp, President of Wesleyan Conference. The Rev. 
 John Farrar, Secretary of the Conference, and Chairman of the Leeds District. The 
 Revds. John Hornby, William Faulkner, George T. Taylor, and Geo. Penman, 
 Mmisters of the Bramley Circuit. The Rev. James Allen, Supernumerary Minister. 
 Messrs. John Wild and John Blackburn, Circuit Stewards. Messrs. Joseph Davy and 
 Edward Hinings, Stewards of the Pudsey Society. 
 The Trustees of the Chapel being Benjamin Wade, Samuel Sharp^ John 
 Frankland, John Glover, John Briggs, John Webster, Thomas Ward, Rev. James 
 Allen, John Blackburn, John Wild, Christopher Moody, John Wilson, William Firth, 
 Israel Roberts, Henry Webster Blackburn. 
 To God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, be everlasting 
 praise ; Amen. 
 The chapel was opened on Friday, June 6th, 1 862, when two 
 sermons were preached by the Rev. John Rattenbury, president 
 of the Conference, and subsequently the following ministers 
 officiated at the opening services, viz.: Dr. Hannah, Revs. R. 
 Roberts, Chas. Prest, T. Allen, J. S. Workman, George Mather, 
 and John Hornby. In May, 1863, the Rev. William Morley 
 Punshon preached in the chapel to a crowded congregation. 
 In 1882, a new organ was built by Messrs. Harrison and 
 Harrison, of Durham, at a cost of ^£'41 5, and consists of two 
 full manuals C C to G, 56 notes and a pedal organ, C C C to F, 
 30 notes. 
 Open Diapason ... 
 Dulciana ... 
 Hohlflote .. 
 Principal ... 
 Harmonic Flute ... 
 Alixture (3 ranks) .. 
 Total Pipes .. 604 
 Open Diapason ... i6ft. 30 pipes. Bourdon i6ft. 30 pipes. 
 Swell to Great. Swell to Pedals. Great to Pedals. 
 56 pipes. 
 ... 1 6ft. 56 pipes. 
 8ft. 56 „ 
 Lieblich Gedact 
 ... 8ft. 56 „ 
 ... 8ft. 56 „ 
 Voix Celeste ... 
 ... 8ft. 4+ „ 
 ... 4ft. 56 „ 
 Mixture (3 ranks) 
 198 ,. 
 .. 8ft. 56 „ 
 ... 8ft. 66 „ 
 The case is made of pitch pine, stained to imitate American 
 walnut, and the design is in strict harmony with the architectural 
 decorations of the chapel. 
 On Wednesday, May 9th, 1867, the first stone of a new 
 Wesleyan Sunday School, in connection with the above chapel, 
 was laid by Mrs. J. T. Beer, of Threapland House, Pudsey, who 
 was presented on the occasion, with a silver trowel and mahogany 
 mallet, with which to perform the interesting ceremony. The 
 school was opened on February 25th, 1868, the cost of the erection, 
 with the ground, being ;^5oo. 
 On Saturday, May 2nd, 1868, the foundation stone of a new 
 Wesleyan Chapel was laid at Littlemoor, Pudsey. For forty 
 years the only accommodation possessed by the Wesleyans in 
 this locality had been a weaving chamber over a cottage. The 
 first stone of the new chapel was laid by H. Mitchell, Esq., of 
 Esholt Hall, and the building safely progressed until Christmas ; 
 was roofed and ready for pewing, when a gale of wind arose and 
 demolished the structure, nothing but the gable walls being left 
 standing. The chapel was re-erected in a most substantial 
 manner, from plans prepared by Mr. C. E. Taylor, architect, of 
 Bradford. The original cost of the land and building was ;^ 1,200 
 and to this had to be added 800, for re-erection, making the total 
 expenditure ;£ 2,000. The chapel is a neat structure externally, 
 about twenty-two yards long by seventeen yards wide, with class 
 rooms, minister's vestry, and a commodious school-room under- 
 neath. Internally it is lofty and well lighted, and in a rece.ss at 
 one end is a small gallery for the school children ; and, facing 
 this, in the centre of the chapel is the pulpit. The pews are of 
 stained wood, with reclining backs. In 1882, an organ was 
 erected in the chapel, on each side of which a small gallery was 
 put up, capable of seating about eighty persons, making the total 
 accommodation afforded by the chapel for over 600 persons. 
 gltetl^otiiat i9eh) Conneiion,— This body of Christians obtained 
 a footing in Pudsey in the year 181 8, when open-air services 
 were held in Fartown, conducted by friends from Ebenezer 
 Chapel, Leeds. In the following year services were conducted 
 in a room called Lobley's Chamber, and subsequently in John 
 Young's Chamber, near the Fleece Inn. 
 In 1825, Zion Chapel was erected and opened, the cost of 
 which was about .£^450, the society at that time being connected 
 with the Leeds circuit. Ten years later, the Pudsey society, 
 along with Adwalton, was taken away from the Leeds circuit, 
 and became part of the Dewsbury circuit. In 1839, great and 
 successful revival services were held, and, as a consequence, the 
 number of members returned to Conference in the following year 
 was 193. In 1840, ground was purchased for a burial ground, 
 and site of a new chapel, at a cost of three hundred guineas, but 
 in consequence of the great and unfortynate Barkerite agitation 
 in i84i,the society was drawn entirely away from the Connexion 
 and scattered. About two years later, forty of the older members, 
 headed by the late Mr. William Boyes and Mr. John Shaw, 
 returned along with the chapel to the Connexion, and the build- 
 ing was re-opened for worship on July 30th, 1843. 
 In 1844, the Pudsey society united with the Bradford circuit, 
 and in the same year suffered the severe loss of one of its most 
 useful members, Mr. William Boyes. He was its first class 
 leader, and had been chapel steward from the commencement. 
 In 185 1, Mr. William Denison, of Fartown, generously paid 
 ■off the debt on the burial ground, nearly ;^3oo, when a new trust 
 deed was made for the chapel and burial ground. In 1853, the 
 first stone of a new Sunday school was laid, and the opening 
 ceremony took place on the 28th of May, in the same year. 
 In 1869, a meeting was held to consider the propriety of 
 erecting a new chapel, and the foundation stone was laid on the 
 2nd of April, 1872, Messrs. Nelson, of Leeds, being the architects. 
 The style is Italian, and the chapel has a gallery at one end, and 
 an organ and choir recess at the other, and two vestries, with 
 other offices. The stone was laid by James Moore, Esq., of 
 Bradford, and the chapel was opened on the 9th day of April, 
 1873, when two sermons were preached by the Rev. W. Cooke, 
 D.D., of London, and at the subsequent services sermons were 
 preached by the Revs. H. D. Crofts, D.D., of Manchester, and 
 A. R. Pearson, of Bradford. The total expenditure on the chapel 
 was £i,goo. In 1882, a new organ, built by Mr. J. Calvert, of 
 Armley, was put in the chapel, at a cost of ;£^200, and was opened 
 with an organ recital by Mr. S. W. Pilling, of Bolton. 
 In connection with this body of Christians, we cannot forego 
 allusion to the lives of two of the most prominent members at 
 Pudsey. WILLIAM BOVES was born at Pudsey on July 29th, 
 1793. His forefathers, for many generations back, had been 
 distinguished for their intelligence, uprightness, and piety ; and 
 exhibited in an eminent degree those features, both mental and 
 physical, which distinguished the Anglo-Saxon race from which 
 they descended. For ages they belonged to that class once so 
 numerous in England, who, possessing a little property, and being 
 either respectable farmers or small freeholders, also carried on. 
 in their own dwellings, domestic manufactures ; thus being at 
 once both masters and workmen. We believe one member of 
 the family was a celebrated Dissenting minister, named Joseph 
 Boyes, who was born in 1646, and died in 1728. He was pastor 
 of a Congregational church in Dublin, and his works were pub- 
 lished in two folio volumes. Another ancestor was a clergyman 
 in the North Riding of Yorkshire. Another was an active and 
 devoted member of the Moravians, soon after their first settlement 
 in this Country. The grandfather of William Boyes was the 
 first individual in Pudsey to receive and encourage the Methodists. 
 The devoted and useful John Nelson first visited and preached 
 in his house. William's father, soon after his marriage, became 
 a member of the Methodist society, and for a lengthened period 
 sustained the office of class leader till the introduction of the 
 Methodist New Connexion into Pudsey, which took place about 
 the year 18 19. He was the first class leader in the new society, 
 and continued to fill this office till his death, which took place in 
 the year 1830. The subject of this memoir was at that time a 
 farmer, and also carried on the trade of a cloth manufacturer, 
 and was in what may be termed ea.sy circumstances. But 
 fluctuations in business, and the panic caused at that time by 
 war, occasioned him to lose a great portion of his capital. 
 At the age of thirty years Mr. Boyes entered into the con- 
 jugal state with Mary, daughter of Mr. John Robinson, of 
 Rastrick, class leader and local preacher in the Halifax circuit. 
 This union was a source of mutual help and blessing. For a 
 number of years after the death of his parents, which took place 
 in the year 1830, nothing occurred materially to disturb the even 
 tenor of his way. Being diligent in business, and temperate in 
 his habits, he considerably increased his substance. But the 
 panic of 1837 was a severe trial to him. The depreciated value 
 of goods, the general prostration of trade, and the losses common 
 under such circumstances, greatly distressed his mind. He 
 would never speculate beyond his bona fide capital. His great 
 study was how he might live honestly in the sight of God and 
 man, and make suitable provision for a rising family. 
 Mr. Boyes was stricken with a severe and painful illness in 
 1844, and on the 22nd day of September in that year departed 
 this life, in the fifty-first year of his age. 
 John Shaw was the son of James and Martha Shaw, of 
 Pudsey, and was born on March 25th, 1814. His parents, who 
 moved in the humbler walks of life, were well known and much 
 esteemed for their integrity and industry. His father followed 
 the trade of a hand-loom weaver at his own home, and lived to 
 the ripe old age of eighty-four years. 
 John's maternal grandfather, and his uncle, John Shaw, were 
 members of the Methodist New Connexion, which had been 
 newly established in Pudsey, and they were devoted workers in 
 the Sabbath school. To this school John was sent at an early 
 age, and, as a child, manifested a deep interest in religious 
 Mr. John Shaw. 
 exercises, particularly that of private prayer. His name first 
 appeared on the plan as a local preacher about the year 1839. 
 In his early history as a preacher he had to labour under 
 great disadvantages. His lack of education, his strong local 
 dialect, his peculiar and striking appearance, tended to awaken 
 curiosity, and with some, not a little prejudice, on his first 
 attempts to preach. Then he was subject to fits, which came 
 upon him suddenly and rendered him unconscious. This 
 affliction was a sore trial — " a thorn in the flesh " to him. The 
 attacks were, however, suffered with less frequency after he 
 became a local preacher, and ceased altogether when about thirty 
 years of age. Still the possibility of being so overtaken made 
 his friends anxious for his safety when from home, or when 
 travelling to his appointments in the circuit. 
 If John's acquaintance with general literature was necessarily 
 very circumscribed, he was a constant and successful student of 
 the " Book of books." He became " mighty in the Scriptures." 
 They illuminated his whole nature and controlled his life. As 
 an expositor of divine truth he was always suggestive and 
 eloquent, and as a preacher he was fluent and terse. He would 
 often use a succession of words to express a thought, while each 
 added phrase gave a new phase to the idea that would both 
 enchant and impress the hearer. In this particular his power 
 was unique. He regarded his appointments as sacred engage- 
 ments, so that he never disappointed an expectant congregation 
 when it was possible for him to preach. 
 Of a life of such abounding activity and untiring devotion 
 to the work of God, we can only here give a very brief sketch. 
 For many years he was president of the Sunday school in 
 Pudsey. His many engagements as a preacher prevented his 
 taking the office and work of a teacher, but when the oppor- 
 tunity occurred he was always ready, by his addresses and other 
 forms of service, to show his deep interest in the progress of 
 the great work. 
 His services in the Christian Church were multiform. For 
 the most part his labours were devoted to the Church and 
 community of which he was a member. He had a deep and 
 increasing interest in her history. The ordinances, polity, usages, 
 and institutions of the Connexion had no warmer friend and 
 advocate than he was. He was called a preacher's friend. He 
 knew the history, style, ability, and place in the Connexion of 
 most of them. He "esteemed them highly for their work's 
 sake," and was always delighted when he could secure their 
 company and fellowship. But his sympathies and labours 
 had a wider sphere than the limits of his own denomina- 
 tion. He was the Lord's servant, and as he had opportunity, 
 rendered willing .service to all Christian sects : to the Con- 
 gregationalists, the Weslcyans, the Moravians, the Baptists, 
 the Primitive Methodists, the Methodist Free Church — to ALL. 
 It was well if he could do good to his fellow-men, and bring 
 glory to God. 
 His last Sunday on earth was spent at Otley, and on the 
 following day he attended a public tea-mccting at the Congre- 
 gational Church, Soothill, near Batle}-. Here he poured out his 
 soul in a speech of great power and eloquence, to the delight of 
 all present. He was the guest of Mr. Sunderland, and a 
 few minutes after he had retired to rest he complained of 
 great suffering. The family were aroused, he got out of bed, 
 walked about the room, and then falling upon his knees 
 he prayed for his wife and only child. He then got into 
 bed again, when he said, "Tell them to meet me in heaven; "and 
 " fell asleep in Jesus." 
 The day he was carried to the grave presented a scene in 
 Pudscy that cannot be forgotten. After but a few hours' notice, 
 hundreds of people, of all classes, and of all denominations, from 
 all parts of the district, and for many miles round, gathered to give 
 expression to their estimate of his worth, and bear their testimony 
 to his goodness. It was not to learning, for he had it not; it was 
 not to wealth, to social or political status, for he had not these; 
 it was to his sterling piety and great usefulness. 
 His death occurred on November lo, 1879, in his sixty-fifth 
 year. The occasion was improved in the several parts of the 
 Bradford Circuit, and at Dewsbury and Batley by the Rev. W. 
 Wilshaw, and by other ministers in other places, to large and 
 sympathising congregations.* 
 iWlethoUtst iFree Cljutcfj. — This Society commenced in the year 
 1849, as the Wesleyan Association, and the congregation and 
 Sunday school assembled in a preaching-room in Low- 
 town. In 1872, the foundation of a new chapel for this congre- 
 gation was laid by Miss M. A. Procter, and the building was 
 opened on the 25th of October, 1873, when a sermon was 
 preached by the Rev. J. S. Withington. The chapel is a neat 
 structure, sixty feet by twenty-four feet, erected from designs 
 by Mr. Samuel Webster, architect, of Pudsey, and the cost was 
 In 1869, the foundation stone of a new chapel and Sunday 
 school was laid at Waterloo, by Mrs. Pitts, of Stanningley, when 
 the assembly was addressed by the Rev. Marmaduke Miller, of 
 Huddersfield. The building, which is a neat little edifice, will 
 accommodate about three hundred hearers, and has a small 
 school-room and vestry behind. It was erected from designs by 
 Mr. John Heaton, architect, of Pudsey, at a cost, including land, 
 of about £700. The opening services, which took place in 
 * From Methodist Netv Connexion Magazine, February, 1881. 
 February, 1870, were conducted by the Revs. John Myers, John 
 Guttridge, John Atkinson, S. Bevan, and R. Holmes. 
 InliEpentient ^JtetfjoUtstg.— This section of the Christian church 
 was connected with the old Wesleyan body when the chapel in 
 Lowtown was built in 181 5, but having embraced Free Church 
 views, they seceded from the old Connexion in 1852, retaining 
 possession of the chapel, and became an Independent Methodist 
 Church. In 1875, it was thought by the congregation desirable 
 to join the United Methodist Free Churches in the Leeds district, 
 and an amalgamation took place. 
 ^rimitibe fHetfjatiiats.— This body of Christians commenced an 
 interest in Lowtown in the year 1839, when they built a chapel 
 and Sunday school. In 1864, their operations were extended by 
 the erection of a new chapel in Rickardshaw Lane. The 
 foundation stone was laid on Good Friday, by Mr. Benjamin 
 Waite, of Farsley, when an address was given by the Rev. C. 
 Smith, of Barnsley. The chapel was erected from designs by 
 Mr. Joseph Roberts, architect, in lieu of a smaller one built in 
 1835. The cost of the new chapel was £700. The opening 
 .services were held in September, 1864, when sermons were 
 preached by the Revs. S. Antliff, of Derby, T. Greenbury, of 
 Hull, E. Parker, of Farsley, and Wm. H. Kershaw, of Laisterdyke. 
 On the 27th of June, 1874, the ceremony of laying the corner 
 stones of a new chapel and Sunday school, in Roker Lane, was 
 performed by Messrs. J. W. Harrison, of Birkenshaw, G. Garnett, 
 of Apperley Bridge, R. Ingham, of Wortley, and S. Shackleton, 
 of Pudsey. The edifice is neat and unpretentious, and was erected 
 from designs by Messrs. Milnes and France, architects, of Brad- 
 ford. It has a frontage of one hundred feet to Roker Lane, is 
 one storey in height, consisting of a room forty feet by thirty-six 
 feet, and four class rooms. The roof is open timbered. The 
 cost, inclusive of land, was ^^1,500. 
 Baptist?. — The Baptists, as an organised community in Eng- 
 land, date their origin from 1607, when the first Baptist Church 
 was formed in London by a Mr. Smith, and, notwithstanding the 
 severe persecution which was brought to bear upon this section of 
 the Nonconformist body, they .still continued to increase. The first 
 account we have of any Baptists in this neighbourhood is relating 
 to the interest at Rawden, where the Rev. William Mitchell was 
 the first Baptist minister. He died about the year 1706. 
 A few of the members connected with Rawden and Haworth 
 commenced the interest at Bradford; after a time they took a 
 room, but being poor they could not afford to buy benches, so 
 the old women who attended the meeting, wended their way 
 thither with their stools under their arms. The first minister, 
 Mr. Crabtree, followed his trade of shalloon weaver in order to 
 earn a living. He was ordained pastor, and died on the 14th day 
 of February, 181 1, aged ninety. The, Baptists commenced at 
 Bramley about the year 1774, and during the following year 
 opened a room for divine worship. The Baptist Church at 
 Farsley originated in the labours of Mr. Crabtree, of Bradford, 
 who ofttimes preached on week-evenings at Farsley and Calverley, 
 and many who heard him at these villages attended his regular 
 ministry. In 1777, a chapel was built at Farsley, and was supplied 
 by different ministers for more than two years. On the 27th day 
 of March, 1 780, a church was formed of thirty members, who had 
 been dismissed from the Bradford church for that purpose. Mr. 
 William Roe was the first minister. 
 The Baptist interest at Stanningley was commenced in the 
 year 1826, under the auspices of the Baptist Itinerant Society. 
 Mr. Matthias Gaunt, of Pudsey, and some other friends, residents 
 in Stanningley, but members of the church at Bramley, lament- 
 ing the spiritual destitution of the inhabitants, felt a strong desire 
 to meet the deficiency. They consulted the late Dr. Steadman, 
 of Bradford, who encouraged them to proceed. They engaged a 
 room, and Mr. Edwards, a student at Horton College, preached 
 the first sermons. The congregations continued to improve 
 under the ministry of the .students from Horton College, and the 
 prospects being encouraging, the people exerted themselves to 
 provide better accommodation. In this, they were assisted 
 by the students, neighbouring ministers, and friends. The 
 chapel was built and opened in June, 1828, and in September 
 a church was formed, consisting of six members, who were 
 ministered to by the neighbouring pastors and students from 
 Horton College. About the year 1834, a Sunday school 
 and vestries were built, and in November of that year 
 Mr. John Jordan settled amongst them as minister. The mem- 
 bers at that time numbered 15, and the floor of the chapel was 
 pewed to afford accommodation for the increased attendance. 
 In 1837-8, the chapel was enlarged to double the original size, 
 making provision for the Sunday .scholars, when the .school 
 building was converted into a dwelling-house for the minister. 
 In 1838, the number of members had increased to 47, and in 
 1840, to 73. In 1842, Mr. Jordan resigned his office, having been 
 pastor for nearly eight years. During his term of office, the 
 church membership had increased from 15 to 75. The church 
 having been without a minister for about a twelve-month, the 
 Rev. William Colcroft, who had been minister at Bramley from 
 1826 to 1837, and at Golcar, from 1837 to 1843, accepted the 
 invitation to Stanningely in the last-named year, when the mem- 
 bers numbered 94. A debt of ;^SC)0 which remainded on the 
 chapel and premises was cleared off in 1845. In 1846, a .second 
 Sunday .school was established in connection with the church ; 
 the number of teachers and scholars in both schools being as 
 follows: — teachers, 6^ ; scholars, 260. 
 In June, 1848, Mr. Colcroft resigned, and the pulpit was 
 supplied by students and others, until 1850, when the Rev. 
 James Hillyard, of Shifnall, Shropshire, accepted a call from the 
 church, and commenced his stated labours on Sunday, August 
 1 8th. At this time the members numbered jt,, teachers, 50, 
 scholars 210. Mr. Hillyard continued his ministry until 1852, 
 when he resigned, and in the following year settled at Pudsey. 
 For the next six years the pulpit was generally supplied by 
 students from Horton College. In 1858, the Rev. J. W. Stuart 
 accepted the united invitation of the churches of Stanningley and 
 Pudsey, and commenced his ministry on April 4th of that year. 
 The congregation at Littlemoor, Pudsey, .seems to have 
 arisen principally out of the labours of Mr. Colcroft, who held 
 cottage services in several parts of the town. Ultimately a room 
 was taken at Fartown, and opened for worship on the 1 1 th of 
 January, 1846. Success attended the attempt, and on the first 
 of January, 1847, a church was formed, having at the time 
 twelve members. A Sunday .school was commenced in 1846, or 
 the earlier part of 1847. In June, 1849, land was purchased at 
 Littlemoor for the erection of a chapel, and the first stone was 
 laid on the 13th of June, 1850, by Peter Hainsworth, E.sq., of 
 Farsley. The chapel was opened on Wednesday, January 8th, 
 185 1, when sermons were preached by the Rev.s. J. Stock, and 
 A. M. Stalker. The chapel is 42 feet by 27 feet, within the 
 walls, and has a neat school-room under part of it. The total 
 cost amounted to ;^S50. The church at this time had 15 
 members, and the Sunday school 32 teachers and 54 scholars. 
 The Rev. J. Hillyard was the first pastor, from 1853 to 1855, 
 when he resigned, and removed to Thome, Yorkshire. From 
 1858 to 1862, the Rev. J. W. Stuart, ministered here and at 
 Stanningley. In 1870, the Rev. Henry Dunn, settled as minister 
 at Littlemoor, and was publicly recogni.scd on the 9th of March 
 in that year. 
 SSiiitarian — Services in connection with this body, were first 
 held about 1853, Mr. John Mills, Home Mission agent, of Leeds, 
 being the preacher. The Rev. M. A. Moon was the first stated 
 minister, occupying the position until 1855, when he removed to 
 Stannington. In the same year, the Rev. J. Knapton, succeeded 
 Mr. Moon, but his ministry was only of short duration, for we 
 find that in 1857, the Rev. J. L. Haigh was appointed to the 
 office. During his tenure of the office, the first stone of a new 
 Unitarian Church was laid, on March 4th, i86i,and the opening 
 service took place on November 6th of the same year. The cost 
 of the church, which is a neat edifice, of the Gothic style, was 
 ;^ 1,160. An organ was added in the following year. On the 
 23rd of February, 1862, Mr. Haigh resigned the pastorate, and 
 removed to Burnley, Lancashire, where he died. In 1862, the 
 Rev. H. Eadins, of Belfast, commenced his ministry at Pudsey, 
 and remained until February, 1865, when he removed to Coseley, 
 Birmingham. On the 7th of May in the same year, the Rev. 
 W. A. Clark, of Derby, accepted the pastorate, and remained at 
 Pudsey until 1868, when he resigned the office. In the following 
 year, the Rev. John Bevan, received a call to the church, and the 
 first Communion of the Lord's Supper was held on Easter 
 Sunday, 1869. In 1878, Mr. Bevan resigned the charge, and 
 preached his farewell sermon on Sunday, August nth. He was 
 subsequently settled in Bolton, Lancashire. The Rev. W. E. 
 Hopkinson, the next minister, commenced his labours at Pudsey 
 in January, 1879, and remained for three years, when he resigned, 
 and the Rev. James Ruddle, of Hastings, succeeded him, and 
 retained the ministry until November, 1884, when he resigned. 
 The Rev. H. Bodell-Smith, of Manchester, was the next pastor, 
 commencing his pastorate on Sunday, April 4th, 1886. 
 Isomaii CatI)o'ic«. — This body was said to number three 
 hundred members in 1883, when the foundation-stone of a new 
 chapel was laid in The Lanes, Pudsey. Pending the erection of 
 this building, temporary services was held in a room in Hammer- 
 ton Field. The stone was laid by Canon Motler, of Bradford, 
 and the chapel was dedicated to St. Joseph. The cost of the 
 chapel and its necessary appurtenances was ;^ 1,200. 
 On Sunday morning, the 19th day of April, 1884, the solemn 
 opening of the new Catholic school-chapel, situate in The Lanes, 
 Lowtown, was performed by the Bishop of Leeds (Dr. Corn- 
 thwaite). The Rev. J. Simpson officiated as priest. Rev. Mr. 
 Quinlan as deacon, and the Rev. Mr. Dillon as sub-deacon. 
 As efficient choir was in attendance from the church of St. Mary, 
 Bradford, who were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Galli, and 
 accompanied on the harmonium. The view of the building from 
 the outside, which is the Gothic style of architecture, and in 
 the shape of a parallelogram, is pleasing, but this impression is 
 considerably modified to the near spectator by the high walls 
 with which the building is surrounded. The interior, however, 
 is particularly attractive, very comfortable, and agreeably warmed. 
 It consists of a principal room, or chapel, about 24 yards in 
 length, and about nine in width, the west end being apportioned 
 for the use of infants, and separated from the rest of the chapel 
 by means of glass folding doors, which admirably adapt it to 
 the purposes of a day school, a complete view of the whole 
 being under the eye of the teacher. These portions of the 
 building are furnished with strong movable pitch-pine benches. 
 At the east end is the sanctuary, or sacrarium, separated from 
 the body of the chapel by revolving shutters. In this portion 
 the high altar is placed. The basement of the sanctuary si 
 covered with carpet, and on the left side of the high altar is 
 a figure of the " Sacred Heart," and on the right side an 
 image of the Blessed Virgin. The altar is surmounted by 
 figures of angels and a large crucifix. The altar itself was on 
 Sunday considerably beautified by floral displays, in addition to 
 the usual embellishments. The walls of the sanctuary, and the 
 whole of the chapel, are boarded to the height of about six feet with 
 polished pitch pine. The place will seat about 400 worshippers. 
 The high mass performed was one of Schmidt's. The special 
 blessing of the Bishop, according to which the church was 
 dedicated to St. Joseph, was read by the Rev. Mr. Quinlan. The 
 ordinary lessons of the day being read, and prayer offered, by 
 the Rev. J. Simpson, a sermon was preached by his lordship 
 the Bishop, from the Gospel of St. Luke, chap. 24th, the 36th 
 and a few of the succeeding verses : — " Now, while they were 
 speaking these things, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them 
 and said, Peace be unto you," etc. 
 HE first known contested election in which Pudsey 
 took a part was in 1741, when Cholmeley Turner and 
 George Fox were proposed, to supply a vacancy in 
 the representation of the county of York, caused by 
 the death of Lord Morpeth. The poll began at the 
 Castle of York, on the 15th of January, 1741, and was 
 open eight days. There went from Pudsey to York 54 
 freeholders, who voted as follows : — 
 Bailey, Benjamin ... 
 Hutchinson, Joseph 
 ... F. 
 Banks, Thomas 
 Ingham, Thomas ... 
 .. F. 
 Barraclough, John ... 
 .. F. 
 Knewstub, John 
 Beaumont, lohn 
 Langley, Thomas ... 
 Binks, Benjamin 
 Langley, William ... 
 Bowcock, Joseph ... 
 Lobley, John 
 Brooks, Thomas 
 ... F. 
 Lumby, .Samuel 
 .. F. 
 Crummuck, Joseph ... 
 Lumby, William ... 
 Darnbrough, John ... 
 . F. 
 Lumby, \\ illiam, sen. 
 .. T. 
 Darnlxirough, John... 
 Milner, Matthew ... 
 Dodgson, Samuel ... 
 ... P. 
 Moss, John ... 
 Dodgson, William ... 
 Moss, Samuel 
 ... F. 
 Eyles, Thomas 
 Moss, William 
 Farrar, Abraham ... 
 Moss, William 
 Farrer, Robert 
 .. T. 
 Procter, Jacob 
 Farrar, William 
 Procter, John 
 Fenton, Samuel 
 Rhodes, Joseph 
 .. F. 
 Ferrand, Benjamin ... 
 Ryley, William 
 .. T. 
 Hey, Richard 
 Smith, Robert 
 Hillas, -Samuel, jun. 
 Snow, Francis 
 Hillhouse, Samuel ... 
 Taylor, David 
 Himsworth, John ... 
 Wainman, John 
 Hinchliffe, John 
 Walker, Samuel 
 .. F. 
 Hinchliffe, .^amucl ... 
 Willassey, lohn 
 Hinchiifife, Samuel ... 
 Wilson, William ... 
 Ilollingworth, Thomas 
 Walson, William .. 
 Hutchinson, John 
 Wilson, Jeremiah ... 
 For Cholmeley 
 Turner ... 13. 
 For CJeorge Fox 
 The initial at the end of the name shows for whom the vote 
 was given. The total state of the poll was C. Turner, 8,005 ! 
 George Fox, 7,049. Which, was Tory and which was Whig, the 
 record does not state. 
 The next great contest was in 1807, when the most exciting 
 and ejipensive contest which has ever occured in the history of 
 electioneering took place in this county, when the two great 
 aristocratic families, Fitzwilliam (Whig) and Harcwood (Tory), 
 were contesting for the representation of the County in Parlia- 
 ment. The candidates were Wm. Wilberforce, Esq., Lord Milton, 
 and the Hon. Henry Lascelles. The real struggle was between 
 Milton and Lascelles, as both parties concurred in the election of 
 Mr. Wilberforce. During the fifteen days' poll, the county was 
 in a state of the most violent agitation, party spirit being wound 
 up to the highest pitch by the friends of the two noble families, 
 and everything being done that money or personal exertion could 
 accomplish ; the roads in every direction were covered with con- 
 veyances of all descriptions, conveying voters from the most 
 remote corners of this great county to York to record their votes. 
 The poll commenced on May 20th and ended June 5th, when the 
 numbers polled were— Wilberforce 11,806; Milton 11,177 
 Lascelles 10,989. 117 persons went from Pudsey, and they voted 
 as follows : — Milton 98, 94 of them being plumpers ; Lascelles 
 18 ; Wilberforce 18. The following is a list of the Pudsey voters 
 Ainsworth, Isaac, clothier 
 Ainsworth, Jas, clothier, Tong 
 Ainsworth, Titus, blacksmith 
 Awmack, James, clothier 
 Asquith, John, cooper 
 Balm, John, combmakcr 
 Banks, Thos., clothier 
 Banks, James, do. Eccleshill 
 Banks, Joseph, do 
 Binns, Samuel, do. Alverthorpe 
 Boocock, John do 
 Booth, John do 
 Boyes, bamuel do 
 Boyes, Samuel do 
 Boyes, John do 
 Brown, James, woolstapler ... 
 Carbutt, Thos., clothier 
 Carlisle, Thos. Fairfax, drysalter 
 Carter, Richard, mason 
 Cauthray, Wm., clothier 
 Clayton, J., drysalter, Bramley 
 Clifford, Jeremiah, merchant... 
 Cooper, John, butcher 
 Cooper, John do 
 \V. L. M. 
 Cooper, Wm., clothier .. 
 Cooper, Joseph do 
 Crampton, Wm do. Bramley 
 Crampton, John do. do. ... 
 Crowther, J eremiah do 
 Crowther. John do 
 Dean, John, clothier 
 Dean, Benjamin do 
 Dodgson, Joseph do 
 Driver, Joseph, carpenter 
 Dufton, Thomas, clothier 
 Elsworth, Joseph do. 
 Elwind, VVm. do. Armley 
 Elwind, Wm. do 
 Farrar, Richard do 
 Farrar, Richard, woolstapler... 
 Farrar, Samuel, gent., Bramley 
 Farrar, Samuel, clothier 
 Farrar, John, yeoman, Bramley 
 Farrar, John, clothier 
 Farrar, Wm. do. Farsley... 
 Farrar, Wm. do. 
 Farrar, Henry do. 
 Fearnley, John do 
 W. L. M, 
 Gaunt, Daniel do 
 Gaunt, John, jun., 
 Greaves, \Vm. 
 Greaves, Wm. 
 Haiste, Wm. 
 Hall, Joseph 
 Hall, David 
 Hare, John 
 Hargreaves, J., Great Horton 
 Harrison, James, clothier 
 Harrison, James do. 
 Harrison, James do. Bramley 
 Harrison, John do. do. 
 Harrison, Wm. do 
 Howgate, Samuel, yeoman ... 
 Helmsley, John, clothier 
 H inchliffe, Joseph, farmer ... : 
 Hinchliffe, John, clothier 
 HinchlifiTe, Samuel do. 
 Hinchliffe, Samuel do. 
 Hining, John do. 
 Hining, Robert do. 
 Hining, Wm. do. 
 Hodgson, Wm., fellmonger ... 
 Howarth, Wm., clerk I I 
 Hutchinson, Abrm.jWoolstapler i 
 Hutchinson, Matt., woolstapler i i 
 Jackson, James, gent. , Bramley I 
 Ingham, Samuel, farmer 
 Jones, Zachariah, smith 
 Laird, Tho. , dissenting minister 
 Lister, John, clothier 
 Lobley, John do 
 Lumby, Wm. do 
 Lumby, Wm. , miller i i8 i8 98 
 Lumby, Joshua, clothier 
 On the termination of the voting, and the result being made 
 known, such was the enthusiasm of our townsmen that nothing 
 would serve but they must "chair" his lordship, who accordingly 
 was carried by a party of them through the streets of York. 
 After a few squabbles in the streets, such as generally took place 
 formerly at elections, between them and the opposite side, the 
 proceedings terminated ; and though some of the inhabitants of 
 York were desirous of keeping the chair in York, it was brought 
 in triumph to Pudsey, where it was carried round the village in 
 an enthusiastic demonstration of Liberal victory. It was occupied 
 during their perambulations by one of their number, who fre- 
 quently bowed to the cheering crowds a la Lord Milton. The 
 chair was ultimately deposited in the Board room of the Leeds 
 Coloured Cloth Hall. I have in my possession a relic of this 
 election, being one of the orange cards worn by one of those who 
 Lumby, Christopher, clothier . . . 
 Mitchell, Jonathan, carpenter 
 Mitchell, John do. 
 Mitchell, John, clothier 
 Moor, Daniel, butcher 
 Moss, Charles, clothier 
 Moss, Wm., butcher 
 Moss, Samuel, clothier 
 Musgrave, John do 
 Myers, Wm., carrier 
 Nailor, John, mason 
 Dates, Wm., clothier 
 Pool, George, gent., Bramley 
 Ratcliffe, yeoman, Bramley ... 
 Richardson, James, woolstapler 
 Rither, Thomas, merchant 
 Roberts, Benjamin, joiner 
 Scarth, Wm., clothier 
 Senior, Joseph, tailor 
 Scholefield, John, clothier 
 .Shoesmith, Jno. , worsted manf. 
 Tindall, Edmund, clothier ... 
 Upton, John do. 
 Verity, Benjamin do. Bramley 
 Walker, Wm., drysalter 
 Walker, John, carpenter 
 Watkinson, John, cordwainer 
 Webster, John, clothier 
 Wilkinson, Jos., shopkeeper . 
 Wilkinson, Henry, woolstapler 
 Whitfield, John, clothier 
 Whitfield, John do. 
 Wood, Thomas do. 
 took part in the contest. Its motto is "Milton a Plumper." During 
 the time of the poll the inhabitants of Pudsey took the liveliest 
 interest in the matter, and assembled in large numbers daily to 
 hear the result of the poll from the special messenger who, when 
 returning by way of Beulah, announced his approach by blowing 
 his horn. There were no daily newspapers or telegraphs at that 
 day to give the result. 
 In 1826, nineteen years after the above great contest, this 
 county was again the scene of keen political excitement. Four 
 members were wanted for the first time. Five were nominated, 
 viz.. Lord Milton, the Hon. W. Buncombe, Mr. John Marshall, 
 Mr. Richard F. Wilson, and Mr. Richard Bethell, and a poll was 
 expected and prepared for ; but previous to the day of election, 
 Mr. Bethell withdrew his name, and the other four were then 
 declared duly elected. As was customary on such occasions, a 
 number of special constables were sworn in to preserve the peace. 
 Lord Milton, who had not forgotten his enthusiastic and warm- 
 hearted friends of 1807, recommended that his constables should 
 be Pudsey men ; accordingly, fifty-two of them were sworn in as 
 " specials," and when the election and subsequent "chairing"of the 
 members terminated, fifty-one men brought home with them to 
 Pudsey the large staves with which they had been furnished, by 
 virtue of their office as constables ; the remaining one belonged 
 to a man who resided at Holbeck,but who was a native of Pudsey. 
 At the " chairing" his lordship was entirely surrounded by these 
 52 men with their long red staves. I have one of these staves in 
 my possession. No. 30, which is rather over six feet in length, and 
 was borne by my father on that occasion. 
 After the rejection of the Reform Bill, on May 7th, 1832, by 
 the House of Lords, large and enthusiastic meetings were held 
 by the Reformers throughout the country, and on the i6th of 
 May a large meeting of about 4,000 persons was held at Pudsey, 
 in the Crawshaw Fields, convened by the Chief Constable, Mr. 
 John Crampton, in compliance with a numerously-signed requisi- 
 tion. Mr. Crampton was called to preside, and a number of 
 enthusiastic resolutions were passed appropriate to the occasion. 
 In 1832 the Reform Bill was passed after a great struggle, 
 and the county was divided; the West Riding to return two 
 members; the population in 1831 being 976,415, and the electors, 
 in 1832, 16,918. 
 In the Leeds Mercury of the 25th of August, 1832, there 
 appeared the following paragraph : — 
 No place in Yorkshire has shown a more becoming zeal to secure the elective 
 privilege than the populous village of Pudsey. In this place there are about 250 
 freeholders, etc., entitled to vote for county members, and out of that number, upwards 
 of 230 have registered their votes- The terrors of a "blue " candidate had much 
 influence in quickening their zeal, for they are almost all great admirers of the Sun's 
 own colour — the bright orange. 
 The two gentlemen nominated for members were both 
 Liberals, and there being no other nominations, Lord Morpeth 
 and Sir G. Strickland were declared elected without a contest. 
 In Parsons History of Leeds and Neighbourhood, published in 
 1834, mention is made that at the first registration of voters in 
 1832, great excitement was caused by Tory objections to about 
 90 persons in Pudsey, who were share-holders in the company 
 woollen mills. Sixty-six of the claims were allowed by the 
 revising barrister at Bradford, and the consequence was that the 
 victory was celebrated with unbounded rejoicings, the church 
 bells were rung, and the church steeple was also illuminated 
 during the general congratulations and festivities. 
 In January, 1835, the same two Liberal members were 
 re-elected without opposition ; but on Lord Morpeth being 
 appointed Secretary for Ireland, his re-election was opposed by 
 the Tories, and a contest took place in May, 1835, which resulted 
 as follows : — 
 Pudsey \otes Total voles 
 Lord Mori^eth (L) (136) 9,066 
 Hon. J. S. Wortley (C) (6l) 6,259 
 Majority 2,807 
 There were 218 voters in Pudsey at this time. 
 In August, 1837, another election took place for two mem- 
 bers, resulting as follows :- 
 Pudsey votes 
 Total votes 
 Lord Morpeth (L) 
 Sir G. Strickland (L) 
 Hon. J. S. Wortley (C) 
 Total number of voters in Pudsey, 31 
 In July, 1841, the next election for two members took place, 
 as follows : — 
 Pudsey votes Total votes 
 Hon. J. S. Wortley (C) (143) I3.l6s 
 E. B. Denison (C) (139) 12.780 
 Lord Morpeth (L) (239) 12,031 
 Lord Milton (L) (242) 12,080 
 Total number of voters in Pudsey, 435. 
 On Mr. Wortley succeeding to the peerage, Lord Morpeth 
 was elected in February, 1846, without a contest, and on his 
 appointment to the office of First Lord Commissioner of Woods 
 and Forests, was re-elected in July of the same year. 
 In August, 1847, a general election took place, when Lord 
 Morpeth and Richard Cobden, two Liberals, were elected without 
 a contest. 
 On Lord Morpeth succeeding to the peerage in 1848, a con- 
 test for the vacant seat took place, with the following result : — 
 Pudsey votes Total votes 
 Edmuml Denison (C) ('33) '4i743 
 Sir Culling Eardley (L) (141) ">795 
 Total number of votes in Pudsey, 321. 
 At a general election in July, 1852, Richard Cobden (L)and 
 Edmund Denison (C) were returned without a contest. 
 In March, 1857, another election took place, when E. Deni- 
 son (C) and Lord Goderich (L) were elected without opposition, 
 and on Lord Goderich succeeding to the peerage in 1859, Sir 
 John W. Ramsden (L), was elected without opposition ; but on 
 the defeat of the Derby Ministry in April, 1859, a general 
 election took place in May, and a contest ensued resulting as 
 follows : — 
 Sir John W. Ramsden (L) 15,98 
 Francis Crossley (L) ... 15,401 
 Rt. Hon. J. S. Wortley (C) 13,636 
 The two Liberal candidates visited Pudsey previous to the 
 election, and addressed a meeting of between 2,000 and 3,000 
 persons in the open-air on Waver Green ; and Mr. Wortley, the 
 Conservative candidate, also addressed an open-air meeting in 
 Chapeltown, on May 3rd. 
 In January, 1859, a Parliamentary Reform Association was 
 formed in Pudsey, for the purpose of advocating the cause of 
 Parliamentary Reform, and the claims of Pudsey and neighbour- 
 hood being made into an electoral district to send a member to 
 Parliament, with Pudsey as the name aiid centre. Certain 
 persons and journals treated the proposal with derision. But 
 that which was then ridiculed has now become an accomplished 
 In 1861, the West Riding was ordered to be divided into 
 Northern and Southern divisions at the ne.xt election, each to 
 return two members. 
 A general election took place in July, 1865, when Sir Francis 
 Crossley and Lord Frederick Cavendish, two Liberals, were 
 returned for the Northern Division unopposed ; and in the 
 Southern Division a contest occurred with the following result: — 
 Lord .Milton (L) 7,258 
 H. V. lieaumont (L) 6,975 
 C. 15. Denison (C) .. 6,884 
 W. S. .Stanhope (C) 6,819 
 The first election, after the West Riding was divided into 
 three divisions, took place in Nov., 1868, when a contest was 
 fought with the following result : — 
 Pudsey votes Total votes 
 C. B. Denison (C) {227) 7,437 
 J. Fielden(C) (223) 7,135 
 H. S. Thompson (L) (258) 7,047 
 Isaac Holden (L) (258) 6,867 
 The Conservative candidates addressed their supporters at 
 the New Inn, Pudsey, on Sept. 30th, and the Liberal candidates 
 addressed a large open-air meeting at Pudsey on Oct. 14th. 
 This was the last election by open voting, the two elections 
 following being by ballot. The first of these was in Feb., 1874, 
 and resulted as follows : — 
 C. B. Denison (C) 8,240 
 J. Fielden (C) 8,077 
 Sir J. W. Ramsden (L) 7,285 
 Isaac Holden (L) 7,2i8 
 Sir J. W. Ramsden and Mr. Holden visited Pudsey on the 5th of 
 February, and addressed a meeting in the Public Hall. 
 The next general election was in April, 1880, and the result 
 was as follows : — 
 Sir Andrew Fairbairn (L) ... ... ... ... ... 9,Si8 
 Sir T. W. Ramsden (L) ... 9,406 
 C. B. Denison (C) 8,341 
 Lord Lascelles (C) 8,157 
 All the candidates visited Pudsey and delivered addresses to 
 their supporters, before the election. 
 These notes would not be anything like complete, without 
 some mention being made of the influence which a small body of 
 voters in Pudsey has sometimes exerted in the exciting election 
 contests in Leeds. In 1834 a very close contest took place 
 between the late Mr. Edward Baines and Sir John Beckett, for 
 the representation of the borough. On the second day of the 
 poll, when the result was trembling in the balance, the voters 
 from Pudsey Allan Brigg Mill, about 40 in number, marched in 
 a body, and voted for Mr. Baines, who thus won the election by 
 30 votes. The Tories were so sore with these honest voters, that 
 they gave them the title of " The Forty Thieves." At the next 
 revision of voters, they were all struck off the voters' list, as joint 
 owners of Allan Brigg Mill, on account of a flaw in the list, as 
 they were entered as of the firm of "Webster, Horn & Co.," in the 
 rate book, instead of "Webster, Horn, Harrison & Co." Whether 
 this was accidental or otherwise, there were different opinions on 
 the matter. However, this error was afterwards rectified, and at 
 almost every election which has taken place since then, this little 
 corner of the borough of Leeds has been visited by the Liberal 
 candidates during their canvass to address the electors. 
 An important political event in the history of Pudsey was 
 the acquisition of the name of the " Pudsey Division " given to 
 one of the six sub-divisions into which the Eastern Division of 
 the West Riding was apportioned by the Redistribution Bill of 
 1 885. The name was given in the first instance, by the Boundary 
 Commissioners in their scheme, and was subsequently favoured 
 by the Commissioner sent down to Leeds to take evidence. 
 In April, 1885, when the House of Commons met in Committee 
 on the Seats Bill, a claim was made that the name should be 
 changed to Calverley, or Kirkstall, but this was defeated. At the 
 Quarter Sessions, held at Bradford, on June 29th, the Justices 
 directed that Pudsey should be the centre for all purposes relating 
 to the election of members to Parliament for the " Pudsey 
 Division," and this decision gave unqualified satisfaction to the 
 The townships v/hich comprise the Pudsey division (1885) 
 are as follows : — 
 Population. Acreage. Rateable Value. Re^S"" 
 Calverley 2,246 2,074 13.872 477 
 Churwell 1,973 489 7>7fco 353 
 Drighlington 4,214 1,136 10,050 690 
 Earsley 4,434 860 13,472 878 
 Gildersome 3,470 993 9,833 575 
 Horsforth 6,346 2,801 20,770 1,148 
 Hunsworth 1,516 1,380 11,742 267 
 Pudsey 12,314 2,409 37,634 ',625 
 Rawdon 3,407 1,559 i7,io7 558 
 Tong 5,591 2,657 17,881 995 
 Leeds (Freeholders of Pudsey Division) 4,423 
 At the first election of a Member of Parliament for the 
 Pudsey Division, the candidates were Briggs Priestley, Esq., 
 J. P., of Fcrncliffe, Apperley, and Surr William Duncan, Esq., 
 of Horsforth Hall. The event came off on December ist, 1885, 
 and great interest was manifested in the proceedings. The 
 arrangements for the election were in the hands of Sir George 
 W. Morrison, Knight, the deputy returning officer, who received, 
 after the result was declared, the hearty thanks of both the 
 candidates for the fairness and impartiality with which he had 
 discharged his onerous duties. The casting up the votes took 
 place in the Mechanics' Institute, and the result was made known 
 to the crowd assembled outside the building at 1 1 p.m. on the 
 day of polling. The numbers were : — 
 Briggs Priestley (Liberal) 6,363 
 Surr W. Duncan (Conservative) 4>o39 
 Liberal majority .. 2,324 
 At the general election in July, 1886, the candidates were 
 Briggs Priestley, Esq., and Arthur W. Riicker, Esq. The polling 
 took place on July 7th, when the result was as follows : — 
 Briggs Priestley (Liberal) ... .. S)207 
 A. VV. Riicker (Liberal Unionist) 4,036 
 Liberal m.ijority l,!?! 
 Mr. Briggs Priestley was born at Thornton, in the year 1831. 
 The business career of Mr. B. Priestley has been bound up with 
 the Bradford trade, and by untiring energy and business sagacity 
 he has won for himself a prominent position in the ranks of our 
 captains of industry. In early life he was employed as a mill- 
 hand at the works of Messrs. Craven and Harrop, manufacturers, 
 Thornton, but his diligence and general aptitude for business 
 were not allowed to pass unrecognised. Mr. Priestley was ac- 
 cordingly promoted to the responsible position of "market man," 
 and eventually, upon the retirement of his employers in 1858, 
 he entered into partnership with Mr. Francis Craven. Two 
 years later Mr. Priestley established himself in Bradford as a 
 manufacturer, in co-partnership with his brother, the late Mr. 
 Henry Priestley, who at that time was running a portion of 
 Shearbridge Mills. After a time this connection was dissolved, 
 and Mr. Priestley took possession of the Atlas Mills, Laisterdyke, 
 where, in conjunction with his sons, he has built up a business of 
 considerable magnitude. In addition, the firm have worsted 
 mills at Thornton, and altogether find employment for upwards 
 of 1,000 operatives. Mr. Briggs Priestley, as the head of the 
 firm, is now practically retired from business life, and has 
 devoted the last few years to tours of observation in various 
 parts of the globe. We believe that Mr. Priestley's greatest 
 pride and satisfaction connected with his commercial career, is 
 that for thirty years he has been able to maintain unbroken a 
 good and friendly feeling betwixt himself and his employes. 
 During many years of active life Mr. Priestley has not for- 
 gotten his duty in regard to the public service. For thirteen 
 years he rendered valuable assistance to the work of local 
 government. He was elected a member of the Town Council 
 for Little Horton Ward, Bradford, in 1867, and was identified 
 in succeeding years with the various committees of that muni- 
 cipal body. As chairman of the Recreation Grounds Committee, 
 his untiring zeal and generosity resulted in the provision of a 
 park for Horton. He likewise inaugurated the proposal for the 
 establishment of a permanent art gallery and museum in Brad- 
 ford. While still a councillor for Little Horton Ward, Mr. 
 Briggs Priestley was selected as chief magistrate of the borough 
 in 1877. In November, 1879, he was elevated to the aldermanic 
 bench, but retired from municipal office in the following year. 
 For a long period of years Mr. Priestley was also a member of 
 the Council of the Bradford Chamber of Commerce, the Brad- 
 ford Board of Guardians, and the Infirmary Board. He occupies 
 a seat on the borough bench of magistrates. 
 Mr. Priestley has in many ways practically demonstrated 
 the interest he takes in the elevation and moral and social well- 
 being of those by whom he is surrounded. In 1868 he established 
 in New Leeds district a school, at which orphan children received 
 free education and food and clothing. Two years later Mr. 
 Priestley founded a school for fatherless children in the Bolton 
 Road district, but the altered relationship of the State in regard 
 to elementary education compelled the closing of these schools. 
 In politics Mr. Priestley is an advanced Liberal, and has in 
 many ways proved his usefulness in the sphere of practical 
 politics. On the formation of the Liberal Association for the 
 Eastern Division of Bradford, he was chosen president. For 
 some years Mr. Priestley has resided at Femcliffe, Apperley 
 Bridge. In religion he is a Baptist, and when resident in Brad- 
 ford was connected with Trinity Chapel. In 1852 he married 
 Miss Crabtree, a lady of Lincolnshire extraction, but who at the 
 time was living in Bradford with her brother, a minister attached 
 to the Primitive Methodist denomination. Mr. Priestley's family 
 consists of four sons and two daughters. 
 In concluding our sketch of the political history of Pudsey, 
 we may remark, that in a Parliamentry return issued in February, 
 1887, referring to the illiterates who voted at the general election 
 in July, 1886, the fitness of the voters in the Pudsey Division to 
 exercise the franchise was clearly demonstrated. According to 
 official and authoritative documents, this division stands at the 
 head of the County Parliamentary Divisions in Yorkshire, as 
 having tke fewest illiterate voters. The illiterates in the Pudsey 
 Division, in which there were 9,243 voters, were one in 134. In 

 Bradford the proportion was one in 103, in Leeds one in 58. In 
 England and Wales the average was one in 62, Scotland one in 
 74, and in Ireland, one voter in every five, was illiterate. 
 Whenever any great political question has arisen, an 
 expression of feeling has generally been given by the politicians 
 of Pudsey. In proof of this, I need only refer to the newspaper 
 accounts of the public meetings and lectures, held at various 
 times, for the discussion of political questions. 
 During the Corn Law agitation, Pudsey was most 
 enthusiastic in its demonstrations in favour of a repeal of the 
 obnoxious impost, and during several years meetings were held 
 and lectures given, until the question was finally settled. 
 The year 1846 will always be memorable in British history 
 as the time when the Corn Laws were repealed. All over the 
 country, but most particularly in the manufacturing districts, 
 there were demonstrations of rejoicing, but none of these 
 enthusiastic manifestations of the public feeling were more 
 characteristic or racy of the soil than that which took place at 
 Pudsey. At Leeds the news of the passing of the measure in 
 the House of Lords repealing the Corn Laws, after considerable 
 agitation, was received with many signs of public rejoicing. But 
 at Pudsey an original and typical mode of celebrating the 
 important event was adopted. A number of Free Traders had 
 formed themselves into what was called " The Little Committee," 
 which met at the house of Mr. John Baker, the rate-collector, to 
 devise means to celebrate the great event. Amongst those 
 forming the committee and the promoters of the demonstration 
 were Messrs. W. Huggan, W. Hinings, senr., J. A. Minings, John 
 Emsley (now of America), W. Musgrave, S. Musgrave, W. D. 
 Scales, G. Hinings, R. Gaunt, J. E. Hinings, W. R. Hinings, 
 John Boocock, Jas. Halliday, John Baker, Hy. Wilcock, Cleo. 
 Myers, Jno. Haigh, Jas. Hargreaves, Geo. Walton, Edmund 
 Dufton, and W. Wood. 
 The outcome of the deliberations of " The Little Com- 
 mittee " was the determination to provide a monster plum 
 pudding — such a pudding as the world had never seen before. 
 We have heard it said it was the suggestion of Mr. J. A. Hinings, 
 but whoever conceived the idea it proved a big success, and 
 helped to make more widely known a place that had already 
 achieved great distinction amongst its neighbours. The pud- 
 ding was composed of twenty stones of flour, with suet, fruit, 
 etc., in proportion. The ingredients were divided amongst 
 twenty housewives, who each mixed her share into the requisite 
 consistency, ready for the final blending. Leave was obtained of 
 the Crawshaw Mill Co. to boil the monster pudding in one of 
 the dye-pans of the " Leadhus." The pan having been duly 
 .scoured, it was filled with water from the spring. The dames 
 then brought their twenty " bowls " containing the mixed flour, 
 fruit and suet, and these were tipped into a large and strong 
 new canvas " poke " — specially made for the purpose — and by 
 means of a windlass that had been fixed over the pan the 
 " weighty matter " was hoisted into the vessel. For three days 
 and nights the pudding was kept boiling, along with half a dozen 
 smaller ones to keep it company. On the 3 1 st July, 1 846, the 
 puddings were craned out of the huge copper, and placed upon 
 a wherry, lent by Mr. W. Wood, stone merchant. Here the 
 steaming monster sat in triumph, the smaller puddings being 
 around it, the whole forming a solid and substantial evidence of 
 the material idea meant to be conveyed by the recent Act of the 
 Legislature, and the benefits it was believed the people would 
 reap thereby. A procession was formed, headed by Mr. J. A. 
 Minings and Mr. Saml. Musgrave, on horseback, and four grey 
 horses were yoked to the wherry containing the puddings, the 
 driver of which, James Wilson, watchman at the Priestley Mill 
 at the time, but who had previously been a sailor, exhibited no 
 small degree of pride in the part he played in the memorable 
 event of that day. Hundreds of persons joined the procession, 
 and thousands of others lined the streets, the liveliest interest 
 being shown in the demonstration — even beyond the borders of 
 the town, for visitors from far and wide having heard of the 
 " stir " came to see the " Pudsey big pudding."* Afterwards the 
 procession returned to Crawshaw Mill, where, in the adjoining 
 field, tables were arranged in the form of a large military square, 
 the wherry with its toothsome freight being placed in the centre. 
 Tickets were sold at a shilling each to those who were desirous 
 of dining off the extraordinary pudding, but each guest had to 
 provide his own plate, and knife and fork or spoon. Hundreds 
 of hungry onlookers sat on the walls surrounding the field, and 
 once at least these made an ugly rush to get to the tables, but 
 they were driven back and kept at bay by the vigilance of 
 Messrs. J. A. Hinings and Saml. Musgrave, who, on horseback, 
 kept up an incessant patrol of the ground. The pudding was 
 literally dug out by Mr. W. Hinings, senr., who was armed with 
 a small spade for the purpose. That the dish was of an excellent 
 *Our illustration ot the procession of the Bi^ Pudding, is copied from a stained glass window 
 in the panel of the door of the billiard room at Grove House. Pudsey. The full size of the picture is 
 ^ feet by 2 feet. It was painted for Mr. VV. D. Scales, by Mr. Booer, of Leeds, in the year 1878. 
 nature is proved by the fact that some of the guests " sent up 
 their plates " three or four times ! But there are limits to every- 
 thing — even the congenial occupation of eating plum pudding 
 with rum sauce accompaniment must come to an end, and after 
 the last of the guests who had paid their shillings had been served, 
 there was still some of the pudding left, and the aforesaid hungry 
 onlookers and others then had a turn, the result being that the 
 last of the " Big Pudding " was soon safely tucked away, and so 
 ended a remarkable incident in the history of Pudsey. 
 Addresses were given, — Messrs. G. Hinings, John Emsley 
 (now of Philadelphia, U.S.A.), and one or two others, haranguing 
 the crowd upon the great and glorious event that had been 
 achieved for the masses of the people in the repeal of the Corn 
 Laws, in a manner that would have delighted Ebenezer Elliott 
 himself Nor were the women who had assisted in making the 
 pudding, etc., forgotten, for, on the following day, they sat down 
 to a rum and tea party, of such a substantial character that it is 
 still remembered hy such as survive, in the most lively manner.* 
 On public occasions when the loyalty of the inhabitants has 
 been appealed to, political differences have been forgotten, and 
 all classes have worked harmoniously together. In 1856, on the 
 termination of the war with Russia, the return of peace was 
 celebrated by a general rejoicing. The mills and shops were 
 closed either the whole or part of the day, and very little work 
 was done. Extensive preparations had been made for the 
 procession, — tea parties, dinners, and other rejoicings and 
 demonstrations. At half-past one o'clock the inhabitants began 
 to assemble in Chapeltown to join the procession. The pro- 
 gramme of the day commenced by the reading of the proclamation 
 of peace, by John Farrer, Esq., J. P., Grove House. The Rev. 
 H. J. Graham, M. A., incumbent of Pudsey, then delivered a .short 
 address, at the conclusion of which the procession moved off in 
 the following order : — 
 The Chief Constable, on horseback ; 
 Three Crimean Heroes, wearing their medals, in full dress, and on 
 horseback ; 
 Yorkshire Hussars, in Uniform ; 
 Four Peninsula and Waterloo Veterans, wearing their medals; 
 The Pudsey West End Brass Band; 
 Great Peace Banner; 
 Carriages ; 
 Gentlemen on horseback, three abreast ; 
 Waggons, Wherries, and Carts; 
 1 he Pudsey Reed Band ; 
 * *i his account of the Pudsey demonstration has been contributed by Mr. John Middlebrook, 
 of Pudsey. 
 Gentlemen on foot, four abreast ; 
 Workpeople from the various Manufactories; 
 Members of the Literary Union; 
 Members of the various Friendly Societies; 
 The Pudsey Union Band; 
 Sunday School Teachers and Children. 
 The procession moved down Church Lane, Lowtown, Lane-end, 
 returning by the King's Arms, up Lowtown, on Manor-house 
 Street, down Robin Lane, Littlemoor, up Fartown, Bankhouse 
 Lane, through Fulneck, up Fartown, along Greenside to Chapel- 
 town, where it terminated after singing the National Anthem. AH 
 the aged persons in the town who wished to do so partook of a 
 good tea, prepared for them at the following places : — The Public 
 Rooms, Lowtown; National School, Radcliffe Lane; Independent 
 School, Greenside ; and Mr. E. Sewell's School-room, Fulneck. 
 The utmost unanimity and order pervaded all classes during the 
 procession, and throughout the day ; and the committee received 
 great praise for their indefatigable labours in the management 
 and getting up of these rejoicings. In the evening a grand 
 display of fireworks took place in Chapeltown. Amongst the 
 rest appeared in fire "Peace," "The Town and Trade of Pudsey," 
 and, as a finale, " God save the Queen." The whole display was 
 made by Mr. Scott, of Pudsey. In the evening several private 
 illuminations took place in gas devices, transparencies, etc. The 
 mill-owners treated their workpeople with roast beef, plum 
 pudding, and other edibles : — Albion, Cliff, Crawshaw, Claughton 
 Garth, and Union. These mills employ above 500 persons. 
 Messrs. Scales and Salter, boot and shoe makers, gave the persons 
 in their employ (nearly ninety), a substantial treat of roast beef, 
 plum pudding, etc. Mr. W. Huggan, cloth manufacturer, also 
 treated his men in the same way ; and several sheep were roasted 
 in various parts of the town for the enjoyment of the inhabitants 
 The marriage of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales 
 with the Princess Alexandra in 1863, was celebrated in Pudsey 
 in a truly loyal style. The bells of the church sent forth their 
 merry peals at intervals during the day, and British, Danish, and 
 other flags were hung out in every street, and the day was 
 observed as a general holiday. Notwithstanding the very 
 unfavourable state of the weather, the procession started at the 
 time appointed, and was a very creditable display. It assembled 
 in Chapeltown at one o'clock, and shortly afterwards started off 
 in the following order : — Gentlemen on horseback, gentlemen's 
 carriages, etc.; four of Captain Pepper's railway wherries; waggons 
 and other conveyances ; Pudsey Union Band, with large banner; 
 Pudsey Choral Society; Pudsey fire engine and brigade ; gentle- 
 men on foot ; police ; Sunday Schools ; Church Schools ; 
 Independent School ; Wesleyan Upper School ; Primitive 
 Methodist School ; Zioh School ; Wesleyan Lower School. The 
 procession moved down Church Lane, Lowtown, and returning 
 up Lowtown, passed on Manor-house Street, down Robin Lane, 
 Littlemoor, up Fartown, Greenside to Chapeltown, where it 
 separated, after singing the National Anthem, and giving three 
 cheers for the Prince of Wales and the Princess Alexandra, three 
 for the Queen, and three for the township of Pudsey. The 
 whole of the proceedings were ably carried out under the super- 
 intendence of Mr. E. Sewell, the honorary secretary, and other 
 members of the committee. A good substantial tea was provided 
 gratuitously for all the old people above sixty years of age, in five 
 of the different schools in the town. After the procession the 
 school children were treated with a tea, etc., at their respective 
 schools. Wedding favours of Coventry riband and medals were 
 very generally worn. In the evening a partial illumination took 
 place. A sheep was roasted whole at Littlemoor, and partaken 
 of by a large number at the Railway Hotel. 
 HE origin and derivation of the name "Pudsey"are 
 far from being satisfactorily settled. The derivation 
 may be from " Pode " (Latin), signifying foot or 
 bottom, or from " Pod," derived from Boede, or Bode 
 (Dutch), signifying a habitation, and " Schaia," brow 
 of a hill. Those who are acquainted with Pudsey will 
 know that the town extends from the foot, or bottom, 
 to the brow of a hill, and that it is a town or habitation 
 on the hill, and, no doubt, it bore a similar name to Podechesaie 
 before the Norman Conquest, when Dunstan and Stainulf, two 
 Saxon thanes, were its possessors, and its value was given at 
 forty shillings — a considerable sum in those days, though after- 
 wards it was reduced to waste by the Norman invader. 
 The late Rev. N. Greenwell has given the following as 
 the derivation of the name: — 
 Pudsey. — Pudda's water, Pud, pudda, O.E., a man's name, Ey, ea, O.E., water. 
 To this supposition, there is no probability whatever of its 
 being correct, and no one who knew the natural features of the 
 township could have put forth such a supposition, as there is no 
 water near the place which could have given any countenance to 
 the origin of such a name. 
 Another writer, A. S. E., has written on the same subject a 
 much more probable derivation than that of Mr. Greenwell's, viz. : 
 In taking the oldest spelling of the name, Fodechesaie, as found in Domesday 
 Book, we must recollect that the scribes of that remarkable record were Normans, and 
 sometimes wrote "vill" for " well,"— instead of " Thurstanland," wrote "'losten- 
 land," as they spelt the well-known Christian name without the"r." The "s" in 
 P udsey is almost certainly the possessive, belonging to the first syllable, which leaves 
 the second the well-kno^Ti suffix, denoting an enclosure, which we have in " Round- 
 hay." Whether " Podech" is a man's name or represents some form of the Celtic 
 word meaning the same thing as " hay," i.e., park or paddock, I will not pretend to 
 say, but it is very common to find the second part of a name to be an unconscious 
 translation of the first. 
 Before proceeding to mention other suppositions respecting 
 the derivation of the name, I will give a list of the different ways 
 of spelling it, which I have copied from various old charters and 
 deeds, which are in the British Museum, Public Record Office, 
 London, and in private hands. 
 In Domesday Book 
 Grant of Land to Kirkstall Abbey ... 
 Charters conveying land 
 Charters relating to Bishop Pudsey . . . 
 Calverley I'eeds 
 Hailstone's MSS. and Calverley Deeds 
 do. do. 
 do. do. 
 do. Calverley Charters... 
 do. do. 
 do. do. 
 Bodleian Library, MSS 
 Kirkby's Inquest 
 Wakefield Manor Rolls 
 Ancient MS 
 Grant of Land 
 Hailstone's MSS. Grant of Land ... 
 Kirkby's Inquest 
 Calverley MSS 
 do. do. 
 Knight's Fees and do 
 do. do. 
 do. do. 
 Deed. Sale of House and Land 
 Calverley MSS 
 do. do. 
 do. do. 
 do. do. 
 Hailstone's MSS. ... 
 do. do. 
 Calverley MSS 
 do. do. 
 do. do. 
 do. do. 
 do. do. 
 do. do. 
 Valor Ecclesiasticus 
 Calverley Deeds 
 do. do. 
 1081 to 1088 
 1 154 to 1189 
 1216 to 1272 
 1222 to 1249 
 1272 to 1307 
 1 30s 
 ♦ » 
 1307 to 1327 
 1272 to 1307 
 With regard to the opinion held by some writers that 
 Richard de Pudsey, the founder of the ancient Pudsey family, 
 gave his name to the place, the following excerpt from the MSS. 
 of John HopkinSON, gent., a Yorkshire antiquary, as copied 
 and corrected by Mr. Thomas Wilson, F.S.A., of Leeds, and 
 now in the Leeds Old Library, will be the best answer which can 
 probably be given : — 
 Immediately preceding the Conquest, A.D. 1066, the manor of Pudsey was 
 ■divided betwixt two Saxon Thanes, Dunstan and Stainulf, who, opposing the 
 Conqueror, were disinherited, and the manor laid waste. Whereupon the Conqueror 
 gave it, with many other manors, unto Ilbert de Lacy, one of his generals, who 
 settled it in fee upon one of his favourite Normans. Bolton and Barford underwent 
 the same fate. The former, before the Conquest, was in the possession of Berulf, and 
 given to Lord Wm. -Percy, the latter to Alan, I'arl of Richmond, the Conqueror's 
 nephews. Soon after the Conquest a general survey of the kingdom was taken, and 
 the confiscated lands settled upon the Normans, to be holden of the king in capite, 
 which estate, being too extensive to be holden by the Lord in demesne, they dis- 
 persed several manors to other of their friends, to be holden in fee simple. So, the 
 land being thus settled upon Normals, who, as is the custom in their country, took 
 upon themselves surnames from the names of the places of their several settlements, 
 and the better to distinguish, etc., several families, as Richard of Pudsey, John of 
 Bolton, etc. 
 Another derivation is given by Mr. J. TURNER, of Farsley, 
 who says : — 
 My own impression is that the word Pudsey is altogether topographical anil 
 formed on the same model as other local names in the district, as Parsley, Calverley, 
 Stanningley, Bramley, Shipley, etc. It will be observed that these names consist of 
 two elements standing to each other as adjective and noun. Herein lies the key to 
 their derivation, and if they were spelled etymologically they would appear as follows : 
 — Furze-ley, Calf-ley, Stony-ley, Beck-ley, Broom-ley, Sheep-ley, etc. Now if the 
 word Pudsey has been formed in this manner, and I believe it has, its original would 
 most probably be Paddocks Hough, or Toads' Hollow. In support of this derivation 
 I give the following reasons : — 1. It accords with the most ancient forms of the word, 
 viz., Podechesaie, and Pudekescia. 2. It is topographically descriptive, as Pudsey 
 abounds in houghs y or shams. 3. The term Hough is still preserved in the district ; 
 as Hough End, Swinnow or Swine Hough. 4. The local pronunciation of the name 
 is not Pudsey, but Pudso. The abbreviated form of Paddock, when it signifies a 
 toad, is Pad ; hence it is easy to understand how Paddocks Hough became Pads 
 Hough, and eventually Pudsey. 
 Turning our attention to the present local designations of 
 farms, fields, and places in Pudsey, I find that some of these are 
 of very early origin, but the meanings of them can be clearly 
 a.scertained, though in a few instances the appellations have met 
 with contractions and corruptions in their transmission to us. 
 Chapeltown is so named from the chapel, and is probably the 
 oldest named district in the town, for, in an old book, published 
 in 1 577, I find " Pudsey Chapell " mentioned. Church Lane, a 
 modern name, derived from the church standing at one end of 
 the same. Lidget-hill, Lidgete or Leodgate is an old term for 
 road-gate (Saxon). £(?w/ow«, signifying the lower part of the 
 town. Robin Lane and some others probably derive their name 
 from some person, resident, as in the case of Radcliffe Lane, 
 derived from Mr. Radcliffe, a gentleman who resided there. Cliff, 
 signifying rock, as where the Cliff Mill stands. Littlemoor, so 
 named to distinguish it from the Uppermoor, both of which were 
 waste lands seventy years ago. Fulneck, formerly called 
 Fall'neck or Fall'nack, or oak. Banks stands for hill (Saxon). 
 Greeittop, Greenbottom, and Greenside all denote their meaning, 
 as surrounding a large open space called " The Green." West 
 Royd Hill, " royd " signifies an essart or ground cleared of wood 
 (Saxon). Windmill Hill, so named from the windmill. Waterloo, 
 probably named from the battle of that name. Gibraltar, pro- 
 bably so called from the fortress of that name, in the Mediter- 
 ranean, on account of the rocky nature of the place. Marsh, 
 marshy land probably when named. Allcotes means cottages 
 or sheds, " cotes " (Saxon). Carr, a hollow as Black Carr, near 
 Pudsey (Saxon). 
 At the present time there exist in Pudsey sundry clusters 
 of houses called " folds," and these were originally erected for 
 purposes of mutual protection and defence. These are known as 
 Back Fold, Carlisle Fold, Driver's Fold, Parsonage Fold, Turner's 
 Fold, Wilson's Fold, and others. It may be well to explain that, 
 notwithstanding the term " fold " had for some centuries been 
 used as applying to a single enclosure, it originally meant a wide, 
 open plain. Of footpaths, we have many, the designations of 
 which may afford the student of etymology exercise for his talents, 
 viz. : Back Lane, Great Rails, Hammerton Field, Jersey, Primrose 
 Hill, Red LaitJie, Tofts, and Workhouse Lane. 
 The following derivations are givenby Mr.W.WHEATER, an 
 authority on place names : — 
 Troydale, suggestive in name and yet most picturesque in aspect — even now the 
 sylvan pride of the district. Its name is to be derived from the Celtic word, "Trowch" 
 — a turn, as it does turn sharply, from the Norse RA Kjarr (Roker, to-day) at the 
 bottom of the Fulneck valley. How significant these two names, both referred to the 
 same spot ! In the woody vale to which his word clings the Celt had lingered to the 
 last. In the gill which ends at the Rd-Kjarr — the low-lying pasture at the corner— 
 the Norseman had obtained the supremacy, and there fixed his " local habitation and a 
 name." Onward to the north, through this umbrageous Troydale, the picture was closed 
 by the rugged Hough, which terminates Bramley, and again speaks of the Norseman. 
 Liai>ett Hill has som-s touch of the Celt remaining upon it ; it is the Lydgate or 
 Ludgate Hill of the more famous places, and speaks of the people and their way to a 
 more famous object, as does its metropolitan prototype. Hlud-geat is the Old 
 English expression, meaning a back-door. 
 The monks of Kirkstall have rendered us good service by illustrating, in their 
 freed of land, the circumstances of that " ager," which gave name to Aker's Hall. 
 'eter de Ferslay, son of Roger de Leysing, gave to them a messuage, etc. , called 
 Swayn-rode, near Belle-hus-gate, with the land lying between Swayn-rode, next to 
 Belle-hus-dyke. In Belle-hus we have another bol-hus, a farmstead and house, and in 
 Belle-hus-dyke we have the dyke thereabouts. This repetition shows us how the lands 
 were cleared, and the hunting grounds of the Celt turned into the cornfields of modern 
 The name of the Swayn-rode fixes its own identity — it was in what we now call 
 Swinnow — Svinr-haugr, the boys' hill. This was no mere peasants' hill ; but whatever 
 it was because it was the boys' -hill it marked occupation by a generation later than the 
 men who held the Crimbles.and the Bol-hus, perhaps Gospatric and friends, and those 
 who cleared Troydale. Adam Sampson, of Pudsey, was a great donor of lands to the 
 Abbey ; it may be that when Sir Walter de Calverley, Knight, gave to the Chaplain of 
 Yeadon, Nicholas Adamson, licence to give to the monks in Pudsey a messuage, and 
 33 acres of land, it was to Nicholas, the son of this very Adam, the gift perhaps being 
 afterwards known as the Priestley, the location of which would still be determined by 
 PrUstley Mill. 
 Allan Bn'sg is the modern form of the Old English Alewan-brycg, which means 
 the " bridge at the aloe tree." Nasty, dirty, confined, and confused is the spot now-a- 
 days, but when that aloe tree flourished on the banks of a mountain stream, a sweeter 
 spot would rarely be found. At its feet lay the opening Troydale, above which was 
 the frontage of Farnley, where the bracken glossed the meadow and the oak shaded 
 the bareness of the hill. The birds sang there in the groves, in the thickets the stag 
 raised his antlers in the perfection of forest pride. The wide stretch of Swinnow Moor 
 bore the heather-bell and the purple bilberry. The ox-team and the "labouring swain" 
 fringed that free expanse at the Intake, but the Outgang was the home of the bee and 
 the pasture of the doe and the fawn. Army cloths were not then made in Pudsey, 
 and filth was not poured into its pellucid streams, where the trout leapt, and the crane 
 and the heron sought their evening meals. 
 Greenside, a name which plainly indicates the place where Gothic Pudsey held its 
 sports and its gambols— where the maypole would be raised and the lads and lasses 
 would steal to that sweet commingling, which ends the dream of childhood and awakens 
 the dreams amidst the stern realities of life. The Greenside slopes down to the 
 Rad-cliffe and Littlemoor bottom, in other words, as I take it, to the foot of the people's 
 land. Beyond Littlemoor bottom, that is, lower down the slope of the hill, were the 
 Troydale domains, where the Celtic hunter and the wrestling [leasant were working 
 out their destiny. The Green of gothic Pudsey has its site yet marked by the street 
 names. The Norse word SiJa means a margin, and therefore in Greenside we have 
 our margin. Greentop, at the foot of the Heights, and the commencement of Fartown, 
 would be what its name indicated, the southern extremity. But where ended the 
 Green towards the West ? Not three hundred yards away from the Greenside, I 
 presume ; there where West Royd now starts for its ascent to Pine Belly Hill — a bluff 
 corner, where the storms of winter rage with unbroken fierceness, and where Jumbles 
 Well still remains, though a degraded worthlessness. 
 In these names— W?rf Royd axiA fumbles — there are other word-pictures. The 
 former speaks of a clearing in the forest or brash, which then crowned the Heights 
 curling round to Nesbit Hall and Bankhouse, and falling down the Banks to Black 
 Carr. The words are entirely Norse, and include the presence of the Celt. Down to 
 the Tudor days at least, Pudsey presented woodland features at every turn. James 
 Saile and Mary Saile were rearing a family in Pudsey when the Spanish Armada was 
 coming to threaten our liberties. Their surname came to an ancestor from one of the 
 "Sayles " or little ''woods" of the township. Royd, derived from the Icelandic Kjothr, 
 denotes a "clearing" and a rjothr-hflggrinn was a portion "cut, cleared." As a 
 surname, the word became generic. (Alice Royds of Pudsey, died in 1642.) The 
 surnames, Higing, Huggan, and Hogg, clearly enough akin to this Norse Hoggrinn, are 
 amongst the earliest in the parish of Calverley. Ann, the daughter of John Higings, 
 was baptised at Calverley in 161 1. In the word Jumbles we may perhaps have a 
 corruption of the Norse word Jomali, which was originally the name of the idol of the 
 Finns, and may, among these men of Norse ancestry, have come in time to signify an 
 idol more generally, hence allowing the inference that on this edge of the green at 
 Pudsey — over Pudsey, says the sixteenth century register, as opposed to Nether Pudsey, 
 that is, Lowtown — the then pellucid well had some form of tutelary god or idol. 
 Again, let us here try to restore a panorama of the past. Beyond this Greenside, 
 to the east, and on the southern slope of the Celtic Hwpp, or modern Hobbs, lay 
 nestling Chapeltown, the nucleus of Over Pudsey ; west of this line of Chapeltown, 
 and still on the eminence was Windmill Hill, where the wrecked windmill now stands, 
 and where Robert Milner " le molendinarius de Pudsey " was raising a family of 
 children in the days of good Queen Bess— they were afterwards to become somewhat 
 celebrated. That Windmill Road, winding round to Jumbles,and thence to West Koyd 
 — where the wood undoubtedly was — almost marks the very commencement of the 
 steep abyss of 8malewell, and the south wood which grew there, as I conceive, for the 
 north wood just across Tyersal beck was only royded a few years ago. '1 his flat was 
 the playground of Pudsey ; it was once pierced by a footpath which came straight in 
 from Chapeltown to Jumbles Well ; that footpath exists to-day as far as Windmill 
 Lane, but a span away from the well. The well was an object of special adoration to 
 our ancestors, both Norse and Angle. On the re-introduction of Christianity into 
 Northumbria, after the deluge of Danish Paganism, the priests were particularly 
 exhorted to wean their flocks away from the old objects of their praise, and one of 
 the methods adopted was to dedicate the wells to some saint, to whose honour a cross 
 or some other image was raised, a piece of pious fraud evidently adopted to steal the 
 prayers that could not be suppressed. 
 Another ancient footpath has crossed the green, and very probably has found its 
 way to the Hobbs, and the Puddock's water, before it was strangled at the present 
 Smalewell Road by that unsightly congeries of hovels, known as the Square. It comes 
 up straight from Bank House over the Heights, and is obviously a continuation of the 
 old pathway which descends Scobro, and marks, to my fancy, a primeval footpath, first 
 beaten by the foot of the Celt, but of a type known to the Roman and not liked by 
 him, when forest incursions were necessary and boisterous Brigantes on the war path, 
 and afterwards to the Norseman, who called such roads Ein-sligi, a single path, so 
 narrow that only one can pass; and then in turn to the Norman, who with William the 
 Conqueror, when tearing northward in the frenzy of rage, threaded over such a one, 
 from Castleford to York, the locus of that path being yet known as the Ainsty. The 
 ascent of Bank House Hill in the face of a crowd of hostile Celts would be no child's 
 play ; military mettle of the firmest kind could alone accomplish it. 
 In contra-distinction to Jumbles Well is Smnle- Well, hard by. The word 
 Smale of the compound seems like a relic of the Icelandic-word Small, meaning pro- 
 perly small cattle, especially sheep, but also goats, and, in a later sense, cattle generally. 
 The distinction in the nomenclature of these wells is most interesting. At the Smale- 
 well, where the cattle, or, perchance, the herdsman drank, there was no idol ; the pure 
 pellucid water was alone of worth ; no pilgrimages of love or devotion were performed 
 to that well ; it was on no flat, grassy green, where the loiterer could carelessly while 
 away time, and expiate his sins by an Ave Maria ; it was no path where the fervid 
 maiden could easily stroll, awaiting the coming of the loving swain. It was in a stark 
 precipice, toilsome of ascent, and more fitting for the nimble foot, than for the 
 expectant lover. Of Smalewell it was only to be noted that cattle drank there ; it was 
 too difficult of approach to need an idol, for pilgrimages thereto could not be made to 
 pay. I take these deductions to be highly corroborative of each other, and they restore 
 to me the fringe of trees at the Banks, and the Royd End at Pine Belly ; the whirling 
 windmill on the hill, and all the surrounding groves from the Hobbs to the Royd, 
 resound with the song of the lark and the tender billing of the plaintive cushat. In 
 this wild district there is, however, one noteworthy feature which bears considerable 
 significance. AH the fence divisions of the fields are stone walls, while at the Carrs at 
 Roker and throughout Troydale the divisions are hedges. In the former place, the 
 royding had been effectual and so diflicult to replace, as to compel the use of stones ; 
 in the latter, it had been, if equally effectual, at least, capable of easier restoration. 
 In leaving the subject of etymologies, it is to be understood 
 that the derivations are not given as indisputable facts. The 
 author himself is only too ready to admit that the most careful 
 analysis of place-names may be based upon a fallacy. 
 UDSEY township comprehends within its limits, or 
 boundaries, the hamlet of Tyersal, part of Stanningley, 
 and the Moravian settlement of Fulneck, and its 
 superficial area is 2,545 acres. The township is 
 situated in the midst of an interesting field of geological 
 research, surrounded by strata of the most valuable and 
 varied kind. On the north and east range, is the carboni- 
 ferous or mountain limestone, extending through the 
 northern counties, and supporting the coal measures, containing 
 also abundance of metalliferous ore and organic remains of 
 shells and corals. 
 The south and west arc bounded by the great Yorkshire 
 coal field and the extensive millstone grit formation — the latter 
 of which extends from Derbyshire to Northumberland. This 
 complex deposit is the principal geological feature of the strata 
 underlying the township of Pudsey. This formation is a kind of 
 coarse-grained gritty sandstone, containing numerous beds of 
 shale, limestone, and, in some places, coal. The beds in some 
 instances contain innumerable impressions of coal plants. The 
 thin layers of coal found in the immediate neighbourhood are 
 not of much value, but the layers of shale have an important 
 effect upon the character of the soil. The excellent quality and 
 durability of building stone quarried in the township and neigh- 
 bourhood are justly celebrated throughout England. Iron pyrites 
 have occasionally been found in well-sinking, and small speci- 
 mens of mica and quartz in the various stone quarries. 
 Layers of plastic clay are found 
 on the south side of the township, and 
 in some parts excellent beds of yellow 
 clay ; but most of these beds are so 
 thin and inconsiderable, that they 
 would almost lead to the conjecture 
 that they are only the croppings of 
 the extensive foundations by which 
 they are surrounded, having become 
 dislocated by some of the mighty 
 geological disturbances that have 
 affected the whole island. 
 Being at a considerable elevation, 
 Pudsey commands most extensive 
 views of the surrounding country, and 
 from the heights above Grccntop it is 
 said that Pontefract Castle can be seen 
 with the aid of a glass. 
 On the south of the township is the deep gill 
 which bounds long and Tyersall — a beautiful roman 
 tic gill peered o'er by Fulneck ; still wood clad and 
 sylvan, but beginning to suffer at the hands of the 
 manufacturers. As I wandered through the glen 
 by the side of that murmuring stream, how often 
 was my mind thrown back to the days when the 
 careless hunter roved with his hawk and hound, and 
 the scream of the fluttered wood-bird arose, instead 
 of the clash of the shuttle ; when Tong was baronial, 
 and rustic Pudsey mostly in the hands of the monks 
 of Kirkstall. Let us now restore one of the 
 panoramas of the past. When the Angle chieftain, 
 Stanning, looked from his hall towards the noon- 
 day sun his vision was bounded by the slope which 
 the Celt called the " hwpp," where the footpath now 
 runs. He called it the " hrice," as we call it a rig, 
 or as people of culture and superior education tone 
 it down, the ridge. It was then wood-grown, shady, 
 verdant, and sacred to the foot of the hunter. The 
 leafy garment that shaded it, the Angle called a 
 "Scua," which custom and superior education has 
 so softened that we know the word as a shaw. And 
 so " the wood on the ridge " — the rig-wood — 
 became in Angle speech the "hrice scua," and as 
 the feet of after generations trod a path to that 
 wood the path became the " hrice-scua " lane, which 
 the changes of time twisted so slightly that for twenty 
 generations the path was known as Kikershaw Lane. 
 But alas ! by the advancement of learning, the truth- 
 telling designation had to be clothed in new gar- 
 ments, and from the awkward hands of its blundering 
 tailor it came forth as that monstrous abortion 
 Kichardshaw Lane ! 
 The descent from the rig along the northern slope is down Lidget II ill to Waver 
 Green. Abutting upon the Waver llreen is the Manor House of Pudsey, a quaint, 
 gabled mansion, now reckoning some two hundred and fifty or seventy years of age, 
 but the child of a predecessor which doubtless can led its own existence back into the 
 Norman days. Of a suggestive meaning is that word "Waver," which remains to 
 mark its conjunct green. It bears within it all the wild traditions of the superstitious 
 Norse days. The Icelandic verhva/ra means to hover about ; and the expression va/r 
 logi, meant a " waver-lowe;" every enchanted princess or enchanted land was 
 surrounded by a " waver-lowe." We need not go far to find the enchanted princess 
 who was surrounded by this " waver-lowe " when the Celt was hovering about and 
 there were race difficulties and doubts of mine and thine — she dwelt in the Manor 
 House hard by, as the poor Celts of the " hupp " and the " trowch-dale " would find 
 out if any cattle had been lifted from the ager, or midnight depredations elsesvhere 
 indulged in. Thor's hammer was kept in the recesses of that Manor house, and the 
 " waver-lowe " was the electric light which found it when required. Thor's hammer, 
 in the shape of the less romantic baton of the policeman is yet kept in the neighbour- 
 hood of this Waver Green, and it is said that in Lowtown, hard by, its exercise is more 
 frequently required than in all the other parts of the town. C)f a truth these Celtic 
 people are apt, both by word and by deed, to make themselves a very vital factor in 
 the world's history. Had they been as stolid and law-abiding as the Goths of Chapel- 
 town and Greenside, l.owtown might not have enjoyed the many distinctions which 
 have favoured it since the mythical days of the vafr loi^i. 
 Separating Waver Green from Chapeltown there remains a distinctive feature of 
 the past in Toft Hou.se. Toft, a corrupted form of the Danish loinpt (empty), would 
 signify an open, unclaimed piece of land, or an unoccupied and wrecked dwelling; 
 and in this light the Toft we have here would be an excellent fence between the 
 steady respectability of Gothic Pudsey and the nondescript gathering which had to be 
 illuminated by the " Waver-lowe," and found its termination in the Crimbles, where 
 solid rule and no poetical nonsense had to prevail. 1 he word Crimliles, we may per- 
 haps resolve into the Nor.se expression kraum bol — the farm house in the nook, say at 
 the fringe of the "ager," where the essarts were in progress, the woods not yet 
 chopped down, and a shady nook presented itself as it does yet in the case of scores 
 of farmsteads which are to-day nestling beneath a background of trees.* 
 No record is preserved of the number of the population 
 previous to the year 1800, but the following tabulated statement 
 of the several censuses taken by Government shows the modern 
 progressive increase of population : — 
 1 801 
 2,01 1 
 2 429 
 In James's History of Bradford, there appears the following 
 notice : — 
 Mr. Wheater, in PiuUey Neivs, March 5th, 1887. 
 At Leeds Sessions the 13th day of April, in the 44th of Queen Elizabeth, before 
 Sir John Savile (of Howley), Thomas Fairfax, and other justices, it was agreed that 
 the justices should meet at Wakefield upon Wednesday in Wliitsuntide week the next, 
 touching soldiers' pensions, assessments, and other matters ; and then agree upon a 
 particular estreat and perfect assessment of the towns within the wapentakes, to be and 
 /-ir«a/n a /•■ifffi/^w^ to direct other justices to make equal assessments for these parts 
 when occasion should require. 
 It may, therefore, be supposed that the greatest care would 
 be taken in making the assessments, and it will give the most 
 correct view, in the absence of actual computation, which 
 can now be obtained of the relative size, population, and wealth 
 of the towns comprised in such assessment. I give a copy of 
 such part of it as relates to all the towns about here (Bradford). 
 Bradford 20 
 Bolton 5 
 Boiling S 
 Bingley 9 
 Calvcrley and Farsley 11 
 Dewsbury 12J 
 Eccleshill 7* 
 Heaton-cum- Clayton Ilj 
 Haworth 12 
 Huddersfield 17 
 Halifax igi 
 Horton 7 
 Idle II 
 Leeds 39 
 Manningham 9 
 Shipley 5 
 Wakefield 39 
 From this table a pretty near approximation may be drawn 
 of the population of the township at the time (A.D. 1602). 
m1^^ ^ 
 pljP ^Jy^^^^^^ 
 ® a^ 
 ^O OT^ 
 _HE parochial affairs of the township were, for many 
 generations, vested in a TOWN'S COMMITTEE, which 
 I iind to have been in existence more than a century 
 ago. The jurisdiction of this body was somewhat 
 extensive, judging from the number and variety of the 
 resolutions which appear in their " minute book." I learn 
 that at a Committee meeting held July ist, 1771, it was 
 ordered that " the Chapel Wardens and Overseers of the Poor 
 pay to the informer or informers of housebreakers, garden or 
 orchard robbers, gates, and stile breakers, etc., on conviction the 
 sum of two guineas. 
 The dog fanciers of that day had not much sympathy from 
 the local authority, for at a meeting of the Committee held July 
 9th, 1792, it was resolved, that " any person having relief from 
 the township of Pudsey, and shall after the date hereof keep a 
 dog, all such person or persons so doing shall be excluded from 
 any relief till such time as the said dog or dogs are put away." 
 At a meeting of the Committee held March i8th, 1793, it 
 was ordered that " two shillings be collected of each old subscriber 
 to the Militia, and four shillings of each fresh subscriber towards 
 having such persons as are awanting in the Militia." At a 
 meeting held on the 2nd of Dec, 1807, it was resolved that "Wm. 
 Hutchinson (who is ballotted for the Militia), be assisted with 
 the requisite sum to hire a substitute, by the Town, provided 
 that the Township have the advantage of receiving the sum of 
 money which is to be returned according to the Provisions of 
 the Militia Act. N.B. — The above Indulgence and Assistance 
 is granted in consequence of his kindness to his father." 
 The following is a " List of the Militia hired for the Town- 
 ship of Pudsey, 1 803," and the substitutes named therein were 
 sworn in for five years, or during His Majesty's pleasure. The 
 amount of bounty given to each is named : — 
 Ballotted Men. 
 John Hinchliffe 
 Stephen Moorhouse 
 John Sutcliffe, baker 
 James Hutchinson, R. Lane 
 Joseph Nichol, School, Fulneck 
 James Liley do. 
 Saml. Moss, Junr., Greenside 
 Charles Moss, Willm. Son 
 Martin Crowther 
 Joshua Farrer, Hall 
 John Webster, Lowtown 
 Joshua Robinson, do. 
 Wm. Hemsley, do. 
 Isaac Gledhill, Stanningley 
 Substitutes. Bounty. 
 James Whaley, Horton 
 Willm. Rushforth, Closehead 
 John Wilson, Denham Cliff 
 Jos. Newall, Bradford 
 Jonas Fox do. 
 Joshua Ferrand, Manningham 
 Michael Baistow, Illingworth 
 Willm. Turner, Wadsworth.nr. Hx. 
 Jann. Simpson, Sticker lane 
 Kobt. Stead, Bradford 
 Joseph Pyrah, do. 
 Willm. Gowan, Bierley Chapel 
 Isaac Stephenson, Bradford 
 Francis Simpson, Idle 
 In 1809, a further ballot was necessary, and the following 
 persons formed the " Pudsey Supplementary Militia " for that 
 year : — 
 Ballotted Men. 
 Mark Wheater 
 John Whitfield 
 Sam Wilson 
 George Grave 
 William Boys 
 Joseph Walton 
 George Harrison 
 Charles Robinson 
 Joshua Gibson 
 John Pape 
 Joshua Lumby 
 Jonathan Ackeioyd 
 James Procter 
 Willm. Clark 
 James Barns 
 Jo. Brayshaw 
 Joshua Strickland 
 John Crampton 
 Willm. Strickland 
 Willm. Threapleton 
 James Smith 
 Jno. Carr 
 Willm. Dyson 
 Jno. Dufton 
 Jno. Pearson 
 Willm. Thornton 
 Wm. Robinson 
 Benj. Dean 
 Jo. Booth 
 John Hammerton 
 Robert Procter 
 Jonathan Harrison 
 Substitutes. Bounty. 
 Jo. Ward 660 
 Israel Wood 660 
 VVm. Varley 660 
 Joseph Coclvcroft, Allerton 660 
 Jeremiah Moor, Thornton 660 
 Jehu Brear do. 660 
 John Benton do. 660 
 John Robinson do. 660 
 John Broadbelt, Rawden 660 
 John Leach 660 
 James Cockcroft, Thornton 5 S '^ 
 Adam Taylor do. 660 
 Thomas Booth, Pudsey 5 5° 
 Jno. Dufton do. 660 
 Willm. Johnson do. 5 5° 
 Geo. Walton do. S 5 o 
 Willm. Sharp, Thornton 660 
 Caleb Jennings do. 660 
 Jno. Drake do. 660 
 Elkanah Holroyd, Halifax 5 10 o 
 Saml Bannister, Farsley 3 3 o 
 Joshua Hoyle, Halifax 660 
 Geo. F'arrer, Sowerby Bridge 660 
 James Farrer 5 S o 
 Willm. Raistrick, Pudsey 5 5° 
 Moses Fieldhouse, Horton 660 
 David Hillam, Wibsey 660 
 Christopher Binks 5 5° 
 1 homas Hustler 3 3 £> 
 1)^^ (^a^c/^^fc_^ 
 Wi V^/z^ doit\^ 
 c;5^.^^^^ /^K 
 Jo^ C7h OL^. 
 Facsimile Autographs of Pudsey Town's Officials, etc. 
 The first CHURCHWARDENS for Pudsey township, of whom 
 there is any account, were John Crossley and Thomas Whitley, 
 who, in 1606, held that office. The lists, dating from that time, 
 are far from being complete, as will be seen from the copies in 
 the Appendix. These lists frequently have appended to them 
 the amount of the church rate for the year, the rates varying from 
 2d. to gd. and is. in the pound. At a meeting of the Town's Com- 
 mittee held June i8th, 1824, it was resolved that " the Church- 
 wardens be instructed to engage a proper person to instruct a 
 number of persons to ring, and that they do pay the sum of 
 los. 6d. per week to him for his services, and that the Church- 
 wardens have the discretion of continuing him as long as they 
 think proper, and make a .selection of proper persons." In the 
 following year it was resolved, that " the ringers have the sum of 
 seventeen pounds given to them, and two shillings per man for 
 hiring money per annum, and the ringers shall have the old ropes 
 and no other perquisites to be allowed by the Township." On 
 the 6th of January, 1826, a rate was laid " for the paying of Mr. 
 Mears his balance for the bells." 
 In 1826, at a vestry meeting held on the 13th October, it 
 was resolved that " a rate of one shilling and threepence in the 
 pound be granted to the Churchwardens for the current expenses 
 of the year, and out of it they be authorised to lay out /^^o in 
 heating the church. Secondly, that in case any dispute should 
 be raised, as to the validity of this rate, the Churchwardens be 
 authorised and required by this meeting to take the necessary 
 legal measures to compel the payment thereof without calling 
 any other meeting." D. Jenkins, chairman, H. Simons, Robt. 
 Parkin.son, churchwardens, and five others. 
 In 1836, the Rev. David Jenkins was incumbent, and Messrs. 
 John Farrer and William Beaumont, churchwardens when the 
 celebrated " smiting and brawling " case occurred, which 
 resulted in William Clarkson and Jonas Proctor being cited 
 before the Ecclesiastical Court at York, and sentenced — Mr. 
 Clarkson to seven days' and Mr. Proctor to one month's imprison- 
 ment. They endured the penalty rather than acknowledge the 
 justice of the charge brought against them. This event 
 aggravated the feud existing between the Churchpeople and the 
 Dissenters, and yearly contests took place in the election of 
 churchwardens ; the township was several times polled and the 
 rate resisted. 
 In 1845, ^t a meeting held on the 27th of March, for the 
 election of churchwardens, the incumbent, the Rev. D. Jenkins, 
 having nominated Mr. John Farrer of Grove House, for his 
 warden, Mr. John Baker was then proposed for the people's 
 warden, but as an amendment, Mr. John Parkinson was proposed 
 for the office. The show of hands being declared to be in favour 
 of Mr. Parkinson, a poll was demanded, which was held and 
 continued open nine days. When the votes were counted, the 
 numbers were declared to be, for Mr. John Baker, 553 ; and for 
 I'he Village Stocks. 
 Mr. Parkinson, 488 ; there being a majority for Mr. Baker of 45, 
 he was declared duly elected. 
 From a "list of persons who have served as Constables iox the 
 township of Pudsey," we learn that the maintenance of the peace 
 from 1 77 1, when the list commences, until 1845, was vested in 
 this officer, a most important public functionary, who was elected 
 annually, his appointment being subsequently confirmed by the 
 Justices of the Peace. A "Town's Committee" managed the 
 general business of the township, and gave their orders to the 
 constable and other officials. From the old " Town's Book," 
 which was kept by the Committee as a record of their proceed- 
 ings, we learn that, at a meeting held October 17th, 1791, it was 
 Resolved that all persons from and after the day above written who shall com- 
 mitt any misdemeanures such as robbery of gardens; hedges, gates, stiles or other fences 
 breaking ; potatoes and turnips stealing, etc., which shall be a prejudice to any of the 
 inhabitants of the township of Pudsey; he, she, or they so offending shall be prosecuted 
 by the constable of Pudsey at the expense of the town, provided the jierson or persons 
 so injured and the evidence to the facts are willing to proceed against the offender or 
 offenders according to law. 
 Amongst the duties pertaining to the constable was the 
 custody of the village stocks — the old-time remedy for reforming 
 swearers, gamblers, drunkards, and desecrators of the Sabbath. 
 This wooden machine stood in Church Lane, aiid it was no 
 unusual thing, fifty years ago, to see it occupied during the time 
 of service on Sundays, by some refractory member of the com- 
 munity. It is said that the punishment was somewhat severe to 
 the back and ankles, for when prisoners were released they had 
 to rub these parts of their body vigorously before they could 
 hobble away. 
 The following is as complete a list of the Constables as can 
 be obtained : — 
 Wm. Carr 
 Christopher Halliday 
 John Dean 
 John Ross 
 John Ross 
 Wm. Hinings 
 John Beaumont 
 Wm. Stowe 
 Wm. .Stowe 
 Joseph Rayner 
 Joseph Rayner 
 Joseph Rayner 
 John Crowther 
 John Crowther 
 John Crowther 
 John Crampton 
 John Crampton 
 John Farrer 
 Edward Binks 
 John Clarkson 
 John Clarkson 
 William Calvert 
 William Calvert 
 Joseph Cawtheray 
 Christopher Verity and list 
 Wm. Calvert do. 
 Joseph Wilson do. 
 Joseph Wilson do. 
 Benjamin Troughton do. 
 .Samuel Fenton 
 Edward Hinchliffe 
 John Lockwood 
 John Atkinson 
 John Atkinson 
 Samuel Farrer 
 Matthew Banks 
 Wm. Lumby 
 Joseph Farrer 
 Joseph Farrer 
 John Scholefield 
 Wm. Mirfield 
 * * * * 
 Edmund Tinsdale 
 * * * * 
 Samuel Cromack 
 * * * * 
 Samuel Moss 
 Samuel Moss 
 * « * * 
 Thomas Walker 
 Wm. Pearson 
 * * * * 
 Benjamin Dean 
 John Farrer 
 Robert Hining 
 181 1 
 John Crompton 
 * # * * 
 Joseph Coope 
 Joseph Coope 
 A serious disturbance of the peace of the township occurred 
 i" 1753. in connection with the "Toll Bar Riots," which took 
 place in several districts in opposition to the introduction of 
 Toll-bars ; at Leeds two or three were killed by the soldiers, and 
 the following refers to events which occurred at Pudsey and 
 Fulneck at that time : — 
 On June 25th, I7S3> between seven and eight o'clock a.m., a woman, who 
 was dignified with the office of Pudsey town-crier, made her appearance in the quiet 
 village of Fulneck, rang her bell vigorously, and then proclaimed that the inhabitant> 
 were expected to join the people who had risen for " King and country," adding that 
 if this request were not attended to, a visit would be paid to enforce the behests of 
 King Mob. Accordingly, at nine o'clock a multitude of about a hundred men, women, 
 and children poured in, and insisted that the single brethren should at once join them. 
 Armed with clubs and staves, they rushed hither and thither, shouting and blowing 
 lustily on a horn. Brother Benjamin La 'I'robe went among them, conversed in a 
 friendly way, but quietly informed them they need not expect to find there what they 
 wanted ; for, to join them in their present doings would be contrary to the principles 
 of the Brethren. They lingered about the houses for a while, and then one party went up 
 to Tong, and presented themselves before Squire Tempest, who gave them money and 
 refreshments. Ere this party returned, five or six of the leaders came again to the 
 Brethren's house, and repeated their demand. Brother LaTrobe intimated that if the 
 Brethren could be helpful to them in any legal way it would gladly be done, but that 
 they could not approve of any such irregular proceedings, nor in any wise abet those 
 who took part therein. On his presenting them with half-a-guinea they went away, 
 pledging themselves that no damage should be done to the settlement or its inhabitants. 
 Soon after their withdrawal, the other party returned from Tong, and when a meeting 
 took place on the Green, near the Low House, they concluded to make another 
 attempt at the Brethren's house, and deliberated also on the steps to be taken in case 
 of a refusal. Brother La Trobe, however, met them at the gate, at the end of the 
 lane, and, after a hard talking match, prevailed upon them to withdraw. They rushed 
 off to Lane End, and conducted themselves there in a somewhat rough fashion. At 
 last, finding they could not effect their purpose, they left the neighbourhood, but first 
 compelled those who had accepted any money at Fulneck to return and deliver it up, 
 declaring they had not come for "brass," but only for "t'lads." Still they held out 
 the threat that after joining another body of sympathisers who had been waiting for 
 them beyond Pudsey, they would show their faces again and let the " Fall neckers " 
 see what they would do to them. Thus they withdrew, not the slightest damage 
 having been inflicted, whilst in the settlement every heart and every mouth was filled 
 with praise to the Saviour for His protecting care. When in the evening the poor 
 misguided people reached their homes in Pudsey, some were in a wretched condition, 
 having been wounded in hands, arms, and shoulders, when attacking a gentleman's 
 house, which they intended pulling down. Several of the mob had been made 
 prisoners, and were taken off to gaol ; of course this cast a gloom over the township, 
 but it proved a wholesome discouragement to the rioters.* 
 In i860, Pudsey was included within the County Con- 
 stabulary jurisdiction, and subsequently the protective vigilance 
 of the new police force was introduced. Sergeant Land, and six 
 officers were stationed in the township. 
 An important portion of the parochial affairs of the township 
 was formerly vested in the Overseers of the Poor, also annually 
 * prom " The Messeneer^ a Magazine of the Church of the United Brethren," May, 1870, pp. 
 156-8. Editor, Rev. C. V.. SutcliHc, a native of Pudsey. 
 elected at a town's meeting, and the appointment confirmed by 
 the magistrates. The first item in the " Town's Book " relating 
 to the overseers is to the following effect : — 
 In the year 1736, Agnes Gibson left £40 for the benefit of the poor of Pudsey, 
 the interest to be given annually by the overseers. ^ 
 At the Town's Committee Meeting, February ist, 1766, Mr. 
 Richard Hey, "honest Mr. Hey," as he was called, who was one 
 of the overseers of the poor, was present. Mr. Hey died on the 
 24th of the same month, aged 63. He was the father of William 
 Hey, Esq., F.R.S., of Leeds ; Rev. John Hey, D.D., Norrisian 
 Professor of Divinity at Cambridge, etc.; Rev. Samuel Hey, M.A., 
 Fellow and Tutor of Magdalen College, Cambridge ; and Richard 
 Hey, Esq., LL.D., barrister, Fellow and Tutor of Sidney Sussex 
 College, Cambridge. 
 Mr. John Radcliffe, Mr. Hey's son-in-law, attended the ne.xt 
 Town's Committee meeting as Mr. Hey's deputy. 
 About this time — 1766 — the entries in the book frequently 
 end with — " Notice to be given at both the Chapels." That would 
 be the old Chapel — All Saints' — and the Dissenters' Chapel or 
 Meeting-house, both in Chapeltown. 
 Previous to the year 1700, poor laws were unknown in Pud- 
 sey, and after the Government had passed these measures, Pudsey 
 for more than a century continued to deal with its own poor, 
 and the amount required for their relief was collected in small 
 sums or leys, from the ratepayers in the township. At a meeting 
 of the "Town's Committee," held Feby. ist, 1802, it was resolved 
 to "discontinue the poorhouse, the occupants to be disposed of as 
 .soon as possible," and at the next meeting, held Feby. 15 th, 1802, 
 an agreement was made with John Cooper, the elder, of Little- 
 moor, " to board the paupers residing in the poorhouse for one 
 year, to commence on the first day of March, 1802, and likewise 
 to find fire for them at the rate of three shillings per week per 
 head, to have their earnings for his own benefit — the poor to have 
 two meat dinners per week, and likewise to be under the inspec- 
 tion of the Committee to sec they be well kept." 
 The rateable value of the township of Pudsey as rated for 
 the relief of the poor according to a new valuation made in May, 
 1806, was ;^4,i75 I OS. od. 
 In consequence of the great distress which existed amongst 
 the labouring poor in the year 18 16, it was resolved at a Town's 
 Committee meeting held on Nov. 20th, " that the respective 
 ministers in the place be requested to preach charity sermons for 
 the relief of the poor, in order to enable them to apply to the 
 ^^i>:n^ ^, 
 ^ -If- • „ 
 Facsimile Autographs of Pudsey Town's Officials, etc. 
 Society in London for their assistance." Many of the inhabitants 
 were employed in repairing the roads in the township, which 
 were then in a bad state, and a subscription was made also to 
 assist in the relief of the destitute poor. £62 is. 3d. was 
 collected, the subscription being headed by the Rev. D. Jenkins 
 with £^ ; the Rev. C. F. Ramftler, £2 ; Mr. Lawton of Fulneck, 
 £2 ; children in Fulneck School, ;^3 ; Jer. Haley and Co., £2 ; 
 Rich. Farrer, J[,2 ; Mr. John Skelton, ;£2 ; Richard Farrer, 
 stapler, £2 ; Mr. Thackeray, £,2 ; Wm. Ellwand, £\, etc. 
 At a public meeting of the ratepayers, held June i8th, 1819, 
 it was resolved " that a Select Vestry be appointed for superin- 
 tending the management of the poor and the Township of Pudsey." 
 Amongst the sixteen persons appointed for the first said vestry 
 were the Rev. D. Jenkins and Thomas Laird, Messrs. John Rad- 
 cliffe, Lepton Dobson, John Balme, Christian Hanneman, William 
 Ellwand, etc. 
 As complete a list as possible of the Overseers from 1743 to 
 1887 is given in the Appendix, and we trust that our readers will 
 not consider this list as a mere dry catalogue of names, devoid 
 of any interest. It is an enumeration of the oldest families in the 
 township for a period of close upon a century and a half, and as 
 such, is of historic value. By it, many descendants of the persons- 
 named, may trace their ancestry back to the middle of the last 
 century, and in the list will be found many of the old names 
 which exist amongst us at present. 
 In connection with the office of overseer it will be interesting 
 to note that all the respectable inhabitants of Pudsey were, at 
 one time, bound to take apprentices (with whom they received a 
 small premium), or pay a fine of ;£^iO. 
 At a meeting of the Town's Committee, Feb. i8th, 1799, it 
 was " Ordered from and after this day no less than fifteen pounds 
 shall be paid by any person within the township of Pudsey irt, 
 lieu of taking a parish apprentice." 
 Amongst the persons who took apprentices we find : — 
 James Atkinson, Feb. 21st, 1765. 
 Mr. Dobson, July 4th, 1768. 
 Mr. Waiblinger*, June 7th, 1788. 
 David Johnson, Manchester, Feb. 22, 1792. 
 Christian Hanneman, August 12, 1793. 
 Christopher Plischke, Feb. 8, 1794. 
 • Mr. Waiblinger died in 1817, and the following notice of him appears in the obituary of the 
 Gerttieirtafi's Magazine for 1817, p. 187: — * Feb. 3, Mr. Ignatius Waiblinger, of Pudsey, an eminent 
 surgeon, and a man highly and universally respected." A paragraph in the Leeds Mercury of Feb. 
 8th, 1817, says : — '* On Monday last. Feb. 3. Mr. Ignatius Waiblinger, surgeon, of Pudsey, late of 
 Fulneck. As a surgeon he ranked very high as those upon whom he has performed operations can 
 bear ample testimony. He was an affectionate husband and a tender parent. His loss is deeply felt 
 by his family and relations, and a numerous circle of friends. 
 Richd. Birdsall, Yeadon, who took three, Nov. 5, 1794. 
 Mr. John Hird, Masham, who took six, May 2, 1796. 
 Mr. Dawson Humble, Doncaster, who took eleven in 1798. 
 From 1765 to 1802, two hundred and twelve children were 
 put out as town's apprentices, and eighteen persons paid a fine 
 of ;^io each in lieu of taking apprentices during the same period. 
 Amongst the persons who paid in lieu of having an appren- 
 tice, I find — 
 Ignatius Waiblinger, who paid ;^io in lieu, July 28th, 1790. 
 The Rev. Thomas Urinfield, paid ;^io, October 26lh, 1795. 
 Mr. Thomas Angell, paid ten pounds, Nov. 10, l8oo. 
 Mr. Wideman do. do. do. 
 The list of Highway Surveyors for Pudsey begins in 1770, 
 when Matthew and John Hutchinson were the officials. Two 
 surveyors continued to serve the township until the year 1815, 
 when a Board was appointed, but it only lasted one year. In 
 1 836, another Board, consisting of ten persons was elected, with 
 George Hepworth as assistant, at ^50 per annum, and in the 
 succeeding year the number of members was increased to thirteen, 
 with John Farrer as assistant, at ^50 per annum. This Board con- 
 tinued until 1872, the number of members varying from twelve 
 to seventeen, William Walton holding the post of assistant 
 surveyor from the year 1843. A list of the surveyors, from 1770 
 to 1836, with a few exceptions, will be found in the Appendix. 
 In 1710, the " Intakes" were enclosed by consent of John 
 Milner, Esq., Walter Calverley, Esq., and the freeholders of 
 Pudsey, the proceeds going towards the augmentation of the 
 living attached to the old Chapel-of-Ease. Tyersal Common 
 was taken in about the year 1758. An act for enclosing the 
 ■common lands in Pudsey was passed in 18 11. The Common 
 lands included about four hundred acres. Charles Milner, Esq., 
 was lord of the manor, and as such was entitled to all the 
 minerals under the waste lands ; Thomas Thornhill, Thomas 
 Plumbe, John Radcliffe, and Francis Maude, Esqrs., being owners 
 of estates and entitled to rights of common. The award of the 
 ■Commissioners is kept at Calverley Church. 
 In 181 3, the Common lands were enclosed, under the Act of 
 Parliament, entitled "An Act for inclosing lands in the manor of 
 Pudsey, in the West Riding of the County of York." The 
 following is a copy of the notice relating to the enclosure — 
 I, Jonathan Teal, the sole Commissioner appointed in and by the said Act of 
 Parliament, do hereby give notice, that in addition to the Public Carriage Roads and 
 other Roads already by me set out and appointed, I have set out and appointed the 
 following Public Roads, Bridleways, Private Carriage Roads, and Footways, through 
 and over the said Lands, directed by the said Act to be divided, allotted and inclosed, 
 that is to say — 
 Wood- Wells Road—One Private Carriage Road of the widtli of twelve feet, 
 beginning at Bramley Road on Crimbles Green, and proceed northward over part of 
 Crimbles Green to the Wood-Wells, set out for a public Watering Place. 
 Dyehoiise Road — l8ft. Town End to the Wood-Wells, Private. 
 Langlev Road — Crimbles, Private. 
 Balme Rrad—CnxiAAe?, Green, Private. 
 Midley Road — Balme koad and Crimbles Green, Private. 
 Mtlner Road — 20ft. Stanningley Road on Rickardshaw Common [probably 
 Primrose Hill Road]. 
 Mdl Roaii — 20ft. Stanningley Road westward, Rickardshaw Common [probably 
 Varley's Road]. 
 Penrson RoaJ — Crimbles Green Road to westward and southward. 
 Dyson Road — 15ft. Mill Road to northward, bottom Rickardshaw. 
 Sodom Road — 24ft. Workhouse Road to Littlemoor Road. 
 Mill Stead Road—zoii. Sodom. 
 Rayner Road— J ^{t. Beginning in an allotment on Little Moor aforesaid, 
 intended to be awarded to Henry Rayner and proceeding westward over an allotment 
 intended to be awarded to John Bower, Esq. , to an ancient inclosure adjoining to the 
 last mentioned allotment belonging to the said Henry Rayner." 
 A'/oor Side Road— i^ft. Littlemoor Road. 
 Driver Road — i8ft. Littlemoor Road. 
 harrer Road — 12ft. Northend Littlemoor Road, eastward over allotment of 
 Charles Milner, E.sq. to dyehouse belonging to Sam. Farrer. 
 Gawlhorpe Road. —\^{\.. beginning at Chapeltown Road, and proceeding west- 
 ward over part of Littlemoor. 
 Beaumont Road. — 15ft. .Sodom Road, south-eastward to land belonging to 
 Thomas Richard Beaumont, Esq. 
 Intack Road. — 24ft. north end, Alcoats Road, northward. 
 Delpliend Road. — 24ft. Gibraltar Mill Road to Bradford Road. 
 Upper Moor Road. — 24ft. to land to be awarded to Fulneck estate. 
 Ward Road. — 15ft. Pelfend Road, east, west, and south. 
 Smilewell Road. — i6ft. Tiersal Road. 
 Quarry Road. — 24ft. Tiersal Road, northward to Stone Quarry. 
 Dobson Road. — 20ft. Tiersal Road, near Black Heygate [named from Lepton 
 Dobson, Esq.] 
 Belley Well Syke Road.— 24(1. Banks Road. 
 Pinebelly Hill Road. — 24ft. 
 Windmill Road. — 20ft. 
 Preston Road. — i8ft. beginning Bradford Road, near Chapeltown. 
 Clayton Road. — 15ft. Bankhouse Road. 
 Upper Greenside Road. — 20ft. Fartown, westward. 
 Middle Road. — i8ft. up Greenside Road to Tiersal Road. 
 Uinclili^e Road. — l6ft. Tiersal Road, northward Greenside. 
 Sizinghouse Road. — 14ft. Tiersal Road, Greenside, northward and eastward to 
 Greenside Road. 
 fumbleswell Road. — 20ft. Tiersal Road to Jumbleswell. 
 Twelve public foot-paths are also mentioned. 
 And I do hereby give further Notice, 
 That all the said Roads and Public Footways are set out, and that I have prepared a 
 map, signed by me, in which such Roads and Public Footways are accurately laid 
 down and described and deposited the same with Messrs. Hailstone and Bentley, at 
 Bradford ; for the inspection of all Persons concerned. 
 And I do hereby appoint a meeting, to be held at the House of Mrs. Walesby, 
 the Fulneck Inn, on Monday the 5th day of April next, at which meeting any Person 
 who may be injured or aggrieved by the setting out of such Roads and Public Foot- 
 ways, may attend and make his or her objections thereto. Dated this 23rd day of 
 Feb., 1813. 
 In 1872, the supervision of the highways, along with other 
 responsible duties connected with the general management of 
 the town's affairs, were vested in a Board formed under the Local 
 Government Act. Previous to that, in July, 1868, a Lighting 
 Board was formed, and soon after, the streets, the darkness of 
 which had been a reproach to the town, were lighted with gas. 
 At a meeting of the ratepayers, held on the 24th day of April, 
 1872, it was resolved that the Local Board should consist of 
 fifteen members, and the voting papers containing the names of 
 105 ratepayers, who had been proposed as fit and proper persons 
 for members of the Board, were distributed on the 27th day of 
 May, and collected on the 31st. They were then cast up, and 
 the following persons were afterwards declared duly elected as 
 members of the first Board : — Mr. William Huggan, Robert 
 Dalby, Thomas Goodall, John Blackburn, John Whitfield, 
 Phineas Craven, Fred. Cooper, Robert Salter, John Whitehead, 
 William Dibb Scales, John Procter, Benjamin Elsworth, Thomas 
 Wright, Benjamin Crowther, and George A. Jones. Mr. W. D. 
 Scales was elected chairman, Mr. W. Craven, treasurer, and Mr. 
 John Baker, clerk, highway surveyor, lamp and nuisance in- 
 jipector, and rate collector, at a salary of £go per annum. 
 The proceedings of the Board from its formation to the 
 present time, have been watched with much interest by the 
 ratepayers, and their public acts have undergone much criticism : 
 but, after being in operation fifteen years, it may safely be said 
 that the step taken in 1872, was wise and proper. 
 In February, 1882, the Local Board passed a resolution 
 authorising the surveyor to proceed with the building of offices 
 suitable for the work of the Board. In the following October 
 po.ssession was taken of the new offices, which are situate in Craw- 
 shaw-field. They are two storeys in height, and are entered by a 
 capacious doorway, over which is a semi-circular headstone, on 
 which is carved ''Local Board Offices, 1882." At the entrance 
 is a hall, from which the stairs ascend into the upper storey. On 
 the ground floor, next to the entrance hall, is the office for the 
 use of the clerk and collector, etc. This is a very roomy and 
 well lighted place, and is well adapted for its purpose. Along 
 one side is a counter, with mahogany top, at the furthest end of 
 which is a desk for the use of the collector. In the centre of the 
 room is a table for the clerk's use, and along one entire side of 
 the room are cupboards and drawers, in the centre of which is 
 fixed a large safe. A fire-place, with dark marble mantel, and 
 gas brackets, together with the usual office furniture and 
 requisites, complete this office. It measures 15 by 20 feet. The 
 next room on the ground floor is the committee room, which is 
 also 1 5 by 20 feet, and is furnished with large centre tables and 
 chairs, etc., and is a well lighted apartment. This room has a 
 doorway and light into the large store yard adjoining. Along 
 the northern side of the yard are premises for the safe keeping 
 of the tools belonging to the Board, and in the yard is also 
 erected a substantial engine house, in which to stable the steam 
 roller, with working shed in the rear, the whole covering an area 
 of 50 by 30 yards, and having a fence wall on the south side. 
 The upper storey of the offices is reached by a good winding 
 stone staircase, having three short flights of steps, at the top of 
 which is a landing, from which entrance is obtained into a large 
 room, which is used for the meetings of the full Board. This is 
 a well proportioned and capitally lighted place, having an area 
 of 52 by 22 feet. In addition to a centre table for the clerk's 
 use, there are three long tables of pitch-pine arranged around the 
 room, on the outer sides of which sit the members, all facing the 
 inner table and the chairman, who occupies a slightly elevated 
 position. This room is also furnished with arm chairs, and is 
 lighted by three windows, four-light centre chandelier and eight 
 side gas brackets. There is also a substantial dark marble 
 mantelpiece and open fire-grate in this room, in addition to 
 other suitable fittings. Every room is warmed by a heating 
 apparatus. Altogether the building is a roomy and substantial 
 one, well adapted for its purposes, which it will serve for many 
 years to come. 
 The present members of the Local Board (1887-8) are, 
 Messrs. R. Womersley (chairman), John Brayshaw, Matthew 
 Walker, John Ilalliday, J. E. Minings, John Milner, George 
 Clough, Isaac Waterhouse, Joseph Webster, Christopher Wilson, 
 Simeon (Zarr, J. E. Goodall, Wm. Nichols, Robert Smith, and 
 Benjamin Verity. Mr. Benjamin Dufton is Clerk to the Board ; 
 Dr. John Wilson, medical officer ; Mr. Joseph Town, inspector 
 of nuisances ; Mr. John Baker, collector and lighting inspector ; 
 and Mr. Isaac Wood, highway surveyor, building inspector, and 
 .superintendent of fire brigade. 
 On the 13th day of March, 1870, a BURIAL BOARD was 
 formed at a meeting of the ratepayers held in the Public Hall, 
 and a resolution was also passed to the effect " that a new burial 
 ground shall be provided for the township of Pudsey under the 
 various Burial Acts passed for that purpose up to the present 
 time." The following ratepayers w.ere elected to form the first 
 Board : — Messrs. R. VVomersley, William D. Scales, Joseph 
 Town, J. S. Jones, J. Asquith Minings, Robert Salter, W. H. 
 Greaves, James Banks, and George Armitage. The resolutions 
 of the meeting having received the approval of the Secretary 
 of State, at the first meeting of the Board, Mr. Richard 
 Womersley was elected chairman, and Mr. Joseph Town, 
 secretary, pro. tern. 
 The question of a site for the proposed cemetery formed 
 a bone of contention for some years, and much bitter feeling was 
 aroused on this serious question of a quiet resting-place for the 
 dead. The Burial Board, after casting about for a site, thought 
 the present one in Back Lane very suitable, and called a meeting 
 on the 7th May, 1870, at which the site was submitted to the 
 ratepayers. It was, however, rejected on sanitary grounds, and 
 a poll was demanded by the Burial Board, which resulted in 998 
 ratepayers voting for the adoption of the site, and 1,197 against 
 it. Two cemeteries were then suggested by the Burial Board, one 
 at Back Lane and the other at Quarry Gap. A site at Plantation, 
 Gibraltar, was, however, started in opposition, as being more 
 central both for Pudsey and Tyersal, and another poll took place 
 on the 2 1st June in the same year, resulting as follows: — For the 
 Back Lane and Tyersal sites, 978 ; for Plantation, 1,083. The 
 latter site was, however, disapproved at a town's meeting held on 
 the 1 2th October, 1871 ; and in December the Back Lane site 
 was again put forward by the Burial Board, to be in turn 
 rejected. Upon this the Board demanded another poll, which 
 was taken in March, 1872 ; the numbers being — For Back Lane, 
 980 ; against it, 954. The site was thus carried by 26 votes, a 
 decision which remained unchallenged. The site was finally 
 approved by the Home Secretary in June, 1872. It was pur-^ 
 chased from Messrs. Farrer, of Pudsey, and contains nearly 
 twelve acres. 
 The Cemetery occupies a commanding position, and from it 
 a very extensive prospect is obtained. The Local Board have 
 doubled the width of Back Lane up to the Cemetery; the surface 
 of the ground is more or less regular, having a fall of forty-five 
 feet to Back Lane, and the Cemetery is laid out in an attractive 
 and suitable manner, befitting a place of sepulture. The area of 
 the consecrated side is 21,633 square yards, and of the unconsc- 
 crated portion 24,054 yards, while 8,277 yards of the front to 
 Back Lane is unappropriated. The design is simple, but 
 effective. A roadway, 21 feet wide, leads from the entrance in 
 Back Lane to an oval flat in the centre of the grounds, and winds 
 round each side of the oval with a width of 30 feet, to the chapels, 
 the road being continued forward to the southern extremity of 
 the cemetery, but is here only 18 feet in width. The walks 
 branching off from the road are respectively 9 feet and 12 feet 
 wide. A deep drain is carried underneath the central road, 
 communicating with three cross drains, which effectually drain 
 the place. The cemetery is surrounded with a stone wall. On 
 the inner side are plantations, at the angles of the walks are 
 shrubberies and flower beds, and the central road is planted with 
 forest trees to form an avenue. Back Lane has been widened, 
 and the cemetery wall fronting it will be finished with a hedge 
 inside the grounds. The entrance gates are depressed, and are 
 flanked with dwarf walls and palisadings, the piers of the gates 
 being substantial. The Registrar's house and Board room are on 
 the west side ; the design is in the Gothic style. The same style 
 is adopted in the chapels, which are coupled together by a massive 
 tower and spire, surmounted by a vane ; the total height of this 
 conspicuous object is 1 10 feet, the extreme length of the chapels 
 and tower is 116 feet, and they form an imposing block of 
 buildings set upon a terrace 8 feet in height, and on the highest 
 part of the grounds. The two chapels are of the same size. A 
 neat doorway gives access to the interior ; on each side of the 
 entrance is a one-light window, with a circular window in the 
 gable, the latter topped with a .stone cross. The tower base is 
 pierced with a lofty archway, 26 feet in height by 13 feet wide. 
 Over this is a belfry and the spire. The hearse can be driven 
 under the archway, and the body in taken into a mortuary, 
 separated from the chapels by a glass screen. Both chapels and 
 mortuaries are well lighted with windows in the sides, and the 
 chapels have large three-light windows in the south gables, each 
 chapel having chancels and vestries. The work throughout is 
 of a substantial character. Mr. John Senior, of Harlow Heath, 
 near Harrogate, laid out the grounds under Mr. Gay's (the 
 architect) superintendence, and the latter gentleman has also 
 superintended the planting, the work throughout being creditable 
 to all concerned. The ground is well adapted for burial purposes, 
 and Pudsey may be congratulated upon having got rid of a 
 difficulty and secured one of the most compact cemeteries in the 
 district. The cost was about ;£'io,ooo. The east side of the 
 cemetery is set apart for burial purposes in connection with the 
 Chuich of England, and this portion was consecrated on the 8th 
 day of June, 1875, by the Right Rev. Dr. Ryan, representing the 
 Lord Bishop of Ripon. 
 The first interment took place on June 9th, 1875, when a 
 child aged about two years, the daughter of Mr. G. V. Bannister, 
 of Lowtown, was interred in the unconsecrated portion. 
 Gas Company. — The Act for lighting Fudsey with gas was 
 obtained in 1844, on the representation that it would be of great 
 advantage to the inhabitants of the township, if a constant and 
 ample supply of gas was obtainable for lighting mills, manufac- 
 tories, shops, houses, and other buildings, and it would also be of 
 advantage to them and to the public resorting to Pudsey if a 
 sufficient supply of gas were provided for lighting the streets, 
 roads, highways, and public passages within the township. 
 Nearly a quarter of a century elapsed before any steps were taken 
 to carry out the lighting of the streets. In June, 1868, a meeting 
 was held in the Public Room, when it was resolved to apply the 
 powers of the Act, so far as it applied to lighting up the streets 
 with gas of that portion of the township, which was separate and 
 apart from the hamlet of Tycrsall. A Lighting Board was 
 appointed, consisting of nine persons, Mr. Joseph Newell being 
 appointed secretary to the Board, and Samuel Varley, Esq., the 
 treasurer. The streets were lighted in October of the same 
 year. The original subscribed capital of the Gas Company was 
 ^16,000, increased in 1 856 to ;^58,000, including borrowing powers 
 to the extent of £, 10,000. 
 Waterworks Company.— In 1865, the Calverley District 
 Waterworks Company was formed for the purpose of supplying 
 Pudsey and four other townships with water, to be obtained from 
 the Bradford Corporation. Samuel Varley, Esq., was appointed 
 chairman of the company, and George Hinings, Esq., deputy- 
 chairman. The first pipe of the high level scheme was laid by 
 Mr. E. Sewell, of Fulneck, on Monday, June 12th, 1865. The 
 share capital of the company was ^20,000, in 4,000 shares of ;^5 
 each. The company has had a prosperous career. 
 |p NE of our great English poets has said " The proper 
 study of mankind is man." If this be true, then in 
 this chapter we are engaged in a proper study, while 
 looking into the names and characters of some of our 
 townsmen who have risen, by either worth or wealth, 
 positions of eminence. The study of biography is 
 always, more or less, interesting and instructive. " God 
 hath been pleased," says Dr. Geo. HiCKES, in a sermon in 
 1682, "to make our county (Yorkshire) the birth-place and 
 nursery of many great men." What may be said of the whole 
 may be said of many of our towns and villages who have their 
 worthies or eminent men. It has been the aim of the writer 
 to collect the names of the local worthies or eminent men who 
 have been connected with his native town either by birth, long 
 residence, or other close connection with the place. 
 The first names that we find in history in connection with 
 the township of Pudsey, are those of two Saxon Thanes, DuN- 
 STAN and Stainulf, who held the lands in Pudsey between 
 them, before the time of William the Conqueror.* 
 Richard de Pudsey was the founder of the ancient 
 Pudsey family, whose descendants are living unto this day. 
 Gregory de Pudsey, the son of Richard, gave 18 acres 
 of land in Pudsey to Kirkstall Abbey, viz., 10 near Ferneley- 
 brooke, and eight in one assart, with a toft and garden. 
 * See pages 4 and s. 
 Roger DE Pqdsey, son of Gregory, gave to the same 
 Monastery two and a half acres of land in Pudsey. Roger had 
 a son called Thomas, who gave to the same Abbey an assart 
 in the wood near Farnley River or Brooke. His son was 
 Geoffrey de Pudsey, who also gave to Kirkstall Abbey 
 an ancient messuage, garden, and three acres of land with 
 common-right in Pudsey, which messuage was probably the 
 Mansion House of the family, because his son and heir, Simon 
 de Pudsey was married to Katherine, daughter and heiress of 
 John, Lord of Bolton, near Gisburn in Craven, to which place he 
 removed, temp., Ed. II., 1307 to 1327, and from him there is a 
 full pedigree of the family in Thoresby's Ducatus, and also in 
 Foster's Pedigrees of Yorkshire Families. 
 Adam Sampson de Pudsey gave five acres of land in Pud- 
 sey, in 1280, to Kirkstall Abbey, and his son, Walter Sampson, 
 gave with his corpse an annuity of 2s. issuing out of lands here. 
 He also gave one meadow with all his lands in Grimflat. This 
 Walter was one of the few persons who were honoured with 
 burial in the Abbey. 
 Tempest Milner, son of Samuel Milner, of Pudsey, was 
 a Citizen and Merchant Taylor and Alderman of London. He 
 purchased the Manor of Pudsey and estates there from Henry 
 Calverley, and Joyce, his wife, in 1649, and reconveycd them to 
 Henry Calverley, in 1650. He had a son, JOHN MiLNER, who 
 was English Consul at Lisbon, in Portugal. 
 Robert Milner, brother of Tempest, purchased the Manor 
 •of Pudsey and estates there from Walter Calverley, in 1663. 
 John Milner, son of Robert, was the next Lord of the 
 Manor, and he was one of the witnesses who signed the will of 
 Elk. Wales, at Leeds, in 1669. This John Milner, who died in 
 1710-1 1, had a son John who was an M.U. He died in 1724. 
 Elkanah Wales, M. a., who was born at Idle, in 1588, 
 and after a course of studies at Trinity College, Cambridge, 
 terminating in 1609, he accepted the poor curacy of Pudsey 
 Chapel, about the year 1614.* 
 Rev. James Sale was the son of Mr. James Sale, of Pud- 
 sey, where he was born in 1619. He was a companion and 
 ^reat comfort to old Mr. Wales, with whom he served as a son in 
 the Gospel. He was educated at the University of Cambridge.f 
 Rev. Richard Hutton, of Pudsey, who was the great 
 grand.son of Dr. Matthew Hutton, Archbishop of York ; grand- 
 son of Sir Thomas Hutton, of Poppleton ; and the son ot Richard 
 See pages J17-50. t See pages 51, 8o-8i. 
 Hutton, Esq., and his wife Dorothy, daughter of Ferdinand 
 Viscount Fairfax, Baron of Cameron in Scotland and Denton in 
 Yorkshire. " Mr. Richard Hutton and Beatrix Sale " were 
 married at Calverley Church, October 27th, 1682. Mr. Hutton 
 was buried there July 28th, 1708, and his widow was buried July 
 23rd, 1709. They were buried in the south aisle, and their 
 broken tombstone is near to the tombstone of Mr. Sale. 
 Richard Hutton, Esq., of Fudsey, son of the above-named 
 Richard Hutton, married, at Hopton, Mary, the daughter of the 
 Rev. Richard Thorpe, one of the ejected ministers, a man of 
 property, and then a nonconformist minister at Hopton. This 
 Mrs. Mary Hutton, of Pudsey, died in 1723, and was buried at 
 Calverley Church, December 24th. 
 Richard Thornton, Esq., of Tiersal, Pudsey, was Re- 
 corder of Leeds, and a celebrated antiquary. Thoresby, in his 
 History of Leeds, styles him " the learned, ingenious, and pious 
 Richard Thornton, Esq., the excellent Recorder of Leeds, Heir 
 male of the ancient Family of the Thorntons, of Thornton and 
 Tyersall, whose noble collection of manuscripts has been of 
 singular advantage unto me in this undertaking, and yet the 
 benefit received from his personal instruction and assistance has 
 been infinitely more." Then follows a full pedigree of the family. 
 He died in October, 1710, aged 51, and was buried at St. John's 
 Church, Leeds. He had a son, John Thornton, Esq., of Tyersall,. 
 who was also a merchant at Hamburgh. 
 Richard Hey, drysalter of Pudsey, was the son of John 
 Hey, of Pudsey,, and was born in the year 1702. He married 
 Mary,the daughter and co-heiress of Mr. Jacob Simpson, a surgeon 
 in Leeds, whose father was a physician in Wakefield. She was 
 descended from the Sykes family, and the pedigree of the family 
 may be seen in Thoreshy'.S History of Leeds, and also may that 
 of Mr. Hey's family, at page 3. It is recorded that Mr. and 
 Mrs. Hey paid such attention to the instilling of good principles, 
 that very serious offences among their children were rare, and 
 whilst he impressed upon his children, with peculiar energy, his own 
 nice sense of right and wrong, he intermixed with it a degree of 
 prudential consideration. His strict integrity was so well known 
 that he was frequently spoken of as " Honest Mr. Hey." He 
 was a zealous Churchman, and paid much respect to the clergy, 
 and he contributed liberally towards increasing the endowment 
 of the Old Chapel of Pudsey, in 1733. Mr. Hey died on the 
 24th of February, 1766, aged 63. His illness must have been of 
 short duration, as I find that he attended a town's committee 
 meeting as overseer of the poor, on the ist of the same month. 
 Mrs. Hey died on the 19th of May, 1768. They had a family of 
 eight children, and all their sons who lived to manhood received 
 honourable titles, and became eminent men in their several 
 spheres of labour. Their children were: — ist, Rebecca, bap. 
 March 10, 1730-1, who married the Rev. Wm. Holmes, vicar of 
 Thorner, curate of Knottingley and Ferry Fryston, and Master 
 of the Free School at Pontefract. 2nd, Richard, bap. Sep., 1732, 
 who died young. 3rd, John Hey, D.D., bap. Aug. i, 1734. 4th, 
 William Hey, F.R.S., bap. Aug. 16, 1736. 5th, Samuel Hey, 
 M.A., bap. March 28, 1739. 6th, Dorothy, bap. April 9, 1741, 
 who married Mr. John Radcliffe, of Pudsey, drysalter. 7th, 
 Sarah, bap. April 15, 1743, who married Mr. John Sharp, of 
 Gildersome, drysalter. 8th, Richard Hey, LL.D., bap. in Sep- 
 tember, 1745. 
 John Hey, D.D., the second, but eldest surviving son of 
 Mr. Richard Hey, of Pudsey, was born in July, 1734, and when 
 between nine and ten years of age was sent, along with his 
 younger brother William, to an academy at Heath, near Wake- 
 field, which was superintended by a gentleman of highly re- 
 spectable character, and an eminent mathematician, Mr. Joseph 
 Randall, who conducted it upon a large and liberal, though 
 somewhat expensive plan. The Rev. Dr. Dodgson, afterwards 
 Bishop of Elphin, and the Rev. Mr. Sedgewick, afterwards head- 
 master of the Free Grammar School at Leeds, were classical 
 tutors. When seventeen years of age, in I75i,hewent to the 
 University at Cambridge, where he was admitted of Katherine 
 Hall, and he continued a member of that college till 1758, when 
 he removed to a Fellowship in Sidney Sussex College, of which 
 college he continued a member till he quitted the University in 
 1795. We may form .some estimate of the assiduity with which 
 he pursued his studies when we are informed that before he was 
 twenty-one years of age he had taken his degree of B.A. of 
 Katherine Hall ; and when twenty-four his degree of M.A. of 
 Sidney College, viz., in 1758. He took the degree of B.D. in 
 1765, and D.D. in 1780. But in 1775 he performed his exercise 
 for his doctor's degree, in which he gave (says his brother 
 Richard) an instance of that mode of disputation which is not 
 usual, and is called a Public Act. He was a tutor of Sidney 
 College from 1760 to 1779, and he was one of the preachers of 
 His Majesty's Chapel at Whitehall. Lord Maynard offered him 
 the rectory of Pas.senham, in Northamptonshire, near Stony 
 Stratford, which he accepted, and immediately vacated his 
JOHN HEY, D.D. l6l 
 Fellowship in Sidney College. Not long afterwards he ob- 
 tained the adjoining rectory of Calverton, Bucks, by exchange for 
 one offered to him by the Earl of Clarendon, Chancellor of the 
 Duchy of Lancaster. In 1780, he was elected the first Norrisian 
 Professor of Divinity in the University. In 1785, and again in 
 1790, the professorship became vacant by the will of the founder, 
 Mr. Norris, and he was each time re-elected. In 1795, he ceased 
 to be professor, being too old, by the will, to be re-elected, and 
 having declined to vacate the professorship, in 1794, in order to 
 be re-elected within the prescribed age. Wh%n tutor in Sidney 
 College, he gave lectures on Morality, which were attended by 
 several persons voluntarily (amongst whom were the great states- 
 man, Mr. Pitt, and other persons of rank), besides to those pupils 
 whose attendance was required. These lectures on Morality 
 have not been printed, but his lectures on Divinity are before the 
 public, having been printed at the University Press, 1796 to 1798, 
 and, published in four volumes, octavo. These lectures have 
 passed through three editions ; the last edition was published in 
 1841, and was edited by Bishop Turton, of Ely. In 181 1 he 
 printed — without publishing — "General Observations on the 
 Writings of St. Paul." On an application for a copy of the 
 latter work, made to him through a nephew (Mr. Sharp), the 
 author, wrote the following peculiar answer, a copy of which I 
 have in the hand-writing of the applicant : — 
 Mr. Dodd does me Honor : but I think you must tell him that I do not publish , 
 or take money for my Observations on St. Paul, being unwilling to unsettle any one's 
 notions: that I have printed only a small number, and at a very considerable Expence, 
 and so am obliged to be very stingy of my copies, and to lay down Rules to myself about 
 the Disposal of them. One is not to give a ( opy to any one who can easily borrow 
 one. Now, as Mr. Dodd lives in London, he might, by using my name, borrow a 
 Copy of Mr. Richard Twining, Junior, No. 34, Norfolk Street, Strand. I give to no 
 Bishop, to no Curate, to no Female (Mrs. West excepted, for particular Reasons, and 
 as an Authoress), to no Voung Person in a Course of Kducation, to no Calvinist, 
 semi or quarter Calvinist, to no one without his consenting to hazard his principles — 
 and so on. 
 In 1 812, he published a pamphlet entitled — 
 " Remarks on a Bill in Parliament respecting Parish Registers," and at page 22 he 
 refers to the "village of Pudsey, where is a capital Establishment of Moravians ; be- 
 sides several thousands of inhabitants of all denominations." 
 In the year 18 14, he divested himself of the whole of his 
 ecclesiastical preferments, which were merely the two livings 
 mentioned before. He removed to London in October, having 
 resigned the living at Calverton at Lady Day, and Passenham 
 on the loth of October. P>om that time he continued in 
 London, until his death ; growing feeble in body, till, without 
 painful disease, he sunk under that feebleness, retaining to the 
 last a soundness of mind, and giving to every business that came 
 before him a remarkable degree of that careful attention, which 
 had evidently been with him a matter of strict duty throughout 
 a long course of years. He died on the 17th of March, 1815, 
 aged eighty years, and was buried in the burial-ground of St. 
 John's Chapel, St. John's Wood, Marylebone, in which parish he 
 William Hey, Esq., F.R.S., an eminent surgeon, of Leeds, 
 was the second su'rviving son of Mr. Richard Hey, of Fudsey, 
 and was born in August, 1736. At seven years of age, he was 
 sent to school near Wakefield, along with his elder brother John, 
 and during the seven years that he remained at school, he 
 applied himself to his studies with great diligence and industry, 
 and thus acquired a vast amount of useful knowledge. He dis- 
 played a great love of learning and science, which increased with 
 his years, and was conspicuous through every subsequent period 
 of his life. At fourteen years of age, he was apprenticed to a 
 surgeon and apothecary at Leeds, where he acquitted himself 
 with great credit. In 1759, he commenced the exercise of his 
 profession in Leeds, and slowly and gradually rose to the very 
 highest position, as a skilful surgeon, a Christian philanthropist, 
 and a worthy citizen. In scientific matters, he was intimately 
 associated with Dr. Priestley, on whose recommendation he was 
 elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1775. He took a very 
 active part in the formation of the Leeds Infirmary, and was 
 appointed one of the surgeons, an office which he held for forty- 
 five years, thirty-nine of which he was the senior surgeon. On 
 the formation of a Leeds Philosophical Society in 1783, Mr. Hey 
 was elected president, and read many valuable papers to the 
 members. In 1786, he was elected an alderman of the borough 
 of Leeds, and in the following year was appointed Mayor. He 
 was again elected Mayor in 1802. This eminent man died on 
 the 23rd of March, 18 19, full of honours, and at the advanced 
 age of 83. He was buried at St. Paul's Church, Leeds, and his 
 funeral was attended by a great number of friends and fellow- 
 townsmen. The death of Mr. Hey was an event deeply felt and 
 sincerely lamented throughout the borough of Leeds. A full- 
 length marble statue of Mr. Hey (by Chantrey) was afterwards 
 erected by the subscriptions of his fellow-townsmen, and is 
 placed in the Leeds General Infirmary. 
 Samuel Hky, M.A., was the brother of the preceding 
 Heys. He was born on the i6th of March, 1739, and was 
 educated at Cambridge, where he attained his B.A., and after- 
 wards his M.A., degrees. He was elected Fellow and Tutor of 
 Magdalene College, Cambridge. He was afterwards vicar of 
 Steeple Ashton, in Wiltshire ; and Dr. Whitaker says of him, 
 that he was " an excellent parish priest." He left a benefaction 
 of ;^50 to the Leeds Infirmary, with this condition attached to 
 it, that the Church minister at Pudsey should for ever have a 
 right to recommend patients, equal to a subscriber of two guineas 
 Richard Hey, Esq., LL.D., was the youngest son of Mr. 
 Richard Hey, of Pudsey. He was born on the 22nd of August, 
 1745. He, too, like his other brothers, was educated at Cam- 
 bridge, and when twenty-two years of age, took his degree of 
 B.A., as third wrangler of Magdalene College, obtaining also the 
 Chancellor's first gold medal and the Smith Prize. Three years 
 afterwards he took his M.A., of Sidney College, and in the same 
 year, viz., 1771, in November, he was called to the Bar, in the 
 Middle Temple; and with a view to the practice at Doctors' 
 Commons, he took the degree of LL.D., in December, 1778, of 
 Sidney Sussex College ; and he obtained in the same year the 
 fiat of the Archbishop of Canterbury for his admission into 
 Doctors' Commons. However, as a barrister he did not succeed, 
 so he retired from the Bar. He was a Fellow and Tutor of 
 Sidney Sussex College till 1778 ; and afterwards of Magdalene 
 College from 1782 to 1796. He was also elected one of the 
 Esquire Bedells. He married the daughter of Thomas Brown, 
 Esq., of Hatfield, Herts, Garter-Principal King-at-Arms, who 
 died without issue. He died on December 7th, 1835, at 
 Hertingfordbury, near Hertford, in the 91st year of his age, 
 being the last surviving son of Mr. Richard Hey, of Pudsey. 
 John Ryley was an eminent mathematician, and was 
 teacher of mathematics, etc., at Leeds, for a long period of years. 
 He was born at All-Cotes, Pudsey, on the 30th of November, 
 1747. He received at an early age such a common education as 
 the school of his native village afforded, and was afterwards 
 employed at home, in the joint occupation of husbandman and 
 cloth manufacturer ; spending his leisure hours diligently in the 
 study of the various branches of mathematical science. So 
 assiduous and successful was his application, that he was suffi- 
 ciently qualified for engaging as mathematical teacher at the 
 Drighlington Grammar School, a situation which he held with 
 great credit for upwards of a year ; then, yielding to the solicita- 
 tions of his friends, he opened a school at Pudsey, where he 
 received a good share of that encouragement which his abilities 
 entitled him to expect. He afterwards obtained an excellent 
 situation as schoolmaster at Beeston, where he remained for 
 thirteen years, and won the respect of all who were brought in 
 contact with him. In 1789, the situation of head-master of the 
 Charity School in Leeds became vacant, and Mr. Ryley, being 
 highly recommended for the position, received the appointment, 
 and held it with distinguished ability until his death, which took 
 place on the 24th of April, 181 5, in the 69th year of his age. 
 He was one of the originators and the first editor of a " Literary, 
 Mathematical, and Philosophical Miscellany," called "The Leeds 
 Correspondent," until his death. He also compiled a " History 
 ■of Leeds and the Neighbouring Villages," published in 1808. 
 John Edwards was born at Fulneck, Pudsey, on 
 December 5th, 1772. He was the son of a shoemaker, and when 
 young learned the trade of a shalloon weaver. He removed to 
 Derby, where he was engaged in the spirit trade. He was an 
 estimable man and a pleasing poet. His first publication was — 
 " All Saints' Church, Derby," a blank verse composition, 1805 ; 
 his next — " The Tour of the Dove ; or, a Visit to Dovedale," 
 published in 1821. Smaller pieces appeared from his pen after- 
 wards, as " Recollections of Filey," etc. 
 Rev. Joseph Sutcliffe, M.A., an eminent Wesleyan 
 minister, was a working man at Pudsey, when at twenty-two 
 years of age, he was in 1784 appointed a class-leader and local 
 preacher, and in 1786 he was sent from Pudsey by Mr. Wesley 
 to labour in the Redruth circuit. He was a useful and honoured 
 Wesleyan minister for the long period of seventy years, and died 
 May 14th, 1856, aged 94 years. He had creditable literary 
 attainments, was an excellent grammarian, an admirable 
 sermoniser, a pious and intelligent commentator, and a 
 respectable geologist. He was the author of several useful 
 Rev. Michael Maurice, Junr. — In the Old Chapel grave- 
 yard (All Saints', Pudsey), there is a tomb-stone to mark the 
 resting-place of a "Mr. Maurice, an orthodox dissenting minister." 
 This was the father of Michael Maurice, who was a man of real 
 worth. Michael Maurice was born at Pudsey in the year 1767. 
 His father, it is said, was a man of serious mind, and his son's 
 preparation for the ministry was made under a deep sense of 
 Mr. Maurice's first .settlement as a minister was at Great 
 Yarmouth ; but it does not appear that his stay here was long, 
 for soon after the Birmingham riots, when Dr. Priestley had to 
 fly for his Hfe to London, Mr. Maurice was invited to take the 
 afternoon duty at the Gravel Fit Chapel, Hackney, and he soon 
 became intimately associated with the great Dr. Priestley. It is 
 mentioned as an interesting fact in his history, that he assisted 
 the Dr. in packing his books and philosophical apparatus when 
 the latter took farewell of his ungrateful country. Mr. Maurice 
 did not remain with the Hackney congregation long after Dr. 
 Priestley's departure for America. He removed to Kirby, where 
 he opened a school, which proved most successful. But in this 
 secluded place there was no temple in which he could consistently 
 worship. — At this little village was born, in the year 1805, his son 
 Frederick D. Maurice, who became the great Professor Maurice, 
 of King's College, London. Professor Maurice is the author of 
 many valuable works on theology and metaphysics, his great 
 work — " The Religions of the World," still keeps its place in the 
 literature of England. From Kirby, for what reason does not 
 appear, Mr. Maurice went to Lowestoft, in Suffolk, a town of 
 little promise, yet connected with the gloomy early history of 
 Crabbe, the poet, and of which the upright though eccentric 
 Whiston was once vicar. Mr. Maurice's predecessor in the Lowes- 
 toft pulpit was the learned and amiable Thomas Scott, the poetical 
 translator of the book of Job. Here Mr. Maurice spent several 
 years of usefulness, but in 181 5 he was chosen minister to the 
 small but respectable congregation at Frenchey, a pretty hamlet 
 near Bristol. The chapel at Frenchey stood on a pleasant com- 
 mon, though there were many genteel houses in the vicinity of 
 the chapel. In this beautiful retirement, with plenty of work to 
 do, Mr. Maurice stayed till the year 1824. His son, F. D. Maurice, 
 who was a man of great learning, married twice, and both times 
 remarkably gifted women. The first was sister to John Sterling, 
 the poet ; the second was a sister to Sterling's friend Hare, and 
 was also a lady very distinguished in the literary world. Mr. 
 Michael Maurice's other children went with him to Sidmouth, 
 Southampton, Reading, and finally to London. It is said that 
 Mr. Maurice was a fine speaker, and had a remarkable command 
 of language. It is also said he was always heard with pleasure 
 as a preacher. Mr. Maurice was a thorough advocate of civil 
 and religious equality. He was associated with Clarkson and 
 Macaulay (the father of Lord Macaulay, the historian), in their 
 work of slavery abolition. Among his friends in the world of 
 literature were Mrs. Barbauld, Coleridge, Samuel Rogers, Dr. 
 Price, and others. He lived a good life and was a man of high 
 culture, with an open mind for all good, and retained his mental 
 faculties to the last. He died near London in 1855, at the 
 advanced age of eighty-eight* 
 Lepton Dobson, Esq., of Grove House, Pudsey, occupied 
 with distinguished honour the position of Mayor of Leeds in 
 1 82 1. It was during his mayoralty that it was resolved to pull 
 down the Middle Row in Briggate. It was Mr. Dobson who 
 succeeded, after others had failed, in laying the foundation of an 
 agreement with the Vicar of Leeds, which led to the institution 
 of the Free Market in Vicar's Croft, which Parson's History of 
 Leeds says, was " one of the most signal and beneficial improve- 
 ments ever accomplished in the town of Lced.s." The first stone 
 of the Central Market in Duncan Street, Leeds, was laid by 
 Lepton Dobson, on the 26th November, 1824, as also was that 
 of the Commercial Buildings, on May 1 8th, 1826. One of the 
 ancestors of Lepton Dobson was 
 Joseph Lepton, who also deserves a place in our list of 
 eminent townsmen. He was one of the first trustees of the 
 Nonconformist Chapel, erected in 1708, at the top of Chapel- 
 town, Pudsey, and he left by Will, dated 1715, a field, called 
 Dick Royd, in Pudsey, the rent of which, after deducting iJ'3 a 
 year for a dissenting minister settled in Pudsey, was to be given 
 to the poor who do not receive parish relief He was brother- 
 in-law to Richard Hey, drysalter, having married Dorothy, the 
 daughter of Mr. John Hey, of Pudsey. He died in 1 716, at 
 Little Gomersal, having appointed John Hey, of Pudsey, his 
 father-in-law, and Jonas Thornton, of Horton, his executors. 
 Lieut. John Carr, a native of Pudsey, born June 2nd, 
 1798. When seventeen years of age, he joined the army, and 
 rose from the ranks to be Lieutenant and Adjutant of the 2nd 
 Regiment of Life Guards ; was personally complimented for his 
 abilities in manceuvring troops by His Majesty the King. 
 Served in the Life Guards for the space of twenty-four years in 
 the most zealous and exemplary manner. Died from the result 
 of an accident, much respected, June 6th, 1839, aged 41 years, 
 and was interred in the Holy Trinity Church, Brompton, 
 Samuel Ryley, mathematician, was the son of Mr. Joseph 
 Ryley, of All-Cotes, Pudsey. He was born in 1783, and from 
 his boyhood took the greatest interest in arithmetical and mathe- 
 matical studies. He was instructed by his uncle, Mr. John 
 Ryley, and showed himself a worthy pupil. He contributed to 
 * This notice is contributed by Mr. Thompson, of Pudsey. 
 some of the mathematical periodicals of his time. He died on 
 the 1 6th of May, 1847, aged 64 years, and was buried in the 
 burial ground of Pudsey Church. 
 William Huggan, was born in 1802, and after learning 
 the art of cloth-making, carried on a successful business during a 
 long life. In township matters he was a faithful public servant, 
 for at various times, through a long period of years, he filled 
 local offices with credit to himself and satisfaction to his fellow- 
 townsmen. Every movement which had for its object the im- 
 provement of society, the extension of freedom, whether civil or 
 religious, had his countenance and hearty support. Institutions 
 for the diffusion of knowledge and the spread of instruction 
 amongst the young were benefited by his liberal and generous 
 donations. He will be long remembered, not only for the many 
 sterling qualities he consistently exhibited, his unswerving 
 adherence to principle, and the unblemished character he main- 
 tained, but also for his high sense of public duties and the 
 obligations of the citizen, all of which he discharged in an 
 honourable and worthy manner. He held the office of overseer 
 of the poor for many years, and previously had held the office 
 of guardian for several years, and for the three years prior to his 
 death he was one of the councillors of the Bramley Ward in the 
 Leeds Town Council. Mr. Huggan died on the 6th day of 
 December, 1869, and was interred at the Independent Methodist 
 Chapel, Lowtown, Pudsey. 
 The Right Rev. Charles Parsons Reichel, was born 
 at Fulneck, in 18 16. He was the son of a Moravian minister, 
 but his ancestors have been, with the above exception, Lutheran 
 clergymen, so far back as the Thirty Years' War. In 1835 he 
 became a member of the University of Berlin, where he studied 
 Hebrew, Syriac, and Arabic, together with Ecclesiastical History 
 and New Testament Exegesis. In 1838 he returned to England, 
 and graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he gained a 
 classical scholarship, and took a gold medal in Greek, first 
 Hebrew premium at seven examinations, and was first in the 
 first class at the final Divinity examination in 1846. He was 
 then ordained deacon in 1847 ; appointed to a curacy at St. 
 Mary's, Dublin, which he resigned three years afterwards on 
 being appointed Profes.sor of Latin, at Queen's College, Belfast. 
 In 1854 he was chosen Donnellan Lecturer at Dublin University. 
 These lectures are now out of print, and he has been Select 
 Preacher at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin ; 
 in the latter University holding the office twice. In 1856 he 
 was created D.D. by the University of Dublin, and in 1864 ac- 
 cepted the vicarage of Mullingar at the hands of the Crown, 
 where he remained until he was transferred to Trim and the 
 Archdeaconry of Meath in 1875. Dr. Reichel was appointed 
 Dean of Clonmacnois, and he acted as Commissioner for his 
 Grace the Lord Primate, in which capacity he carried on the 
 affairs of the diocese of Meath, in the interregnum that elapsed 
 after the death of Dr. Butcher ; and at the election of Dr. 
 Plunket, now Lord Archbishop of Dublin, the present Bishop him- 
 self received a large number of votes, especially from the laity. On 
 Lord Plunket's election in 1885, Dr. Reichel was elected to the 
 See. He was one of the three Select Preachers at the late Church 
 Congress at Wakefield.* 
 John T. Beer, F.S.A.S., F.R.S.L., Threapland House, Pud- 
 sey. He was born at Whitstable, in Kent, in the year 1825, and 
 received his early training in the British School of that place. 
 At twelve years of age he was removed to Maidstone, and began 
 working life as an errand boy, subsequently learning the trade of 
 a tailor with his father. He worked at his trade in London, and 
 as a foreman at Retford and Sheffield, and while in Retford was 
 married to a daughter of Mr. William Pennington, a worthy 
 burgess of that ancient borough. In 1857, he commenced busi- 
 ness on his own account in Leeds, at the instigation of the late 
 Dr. Punshon. During his business career, he devoted much 
 attention to studies of an intellectual character, and was fre- 
 quently engaged giving lectures on physiological, scientific, and 
 other equally solid subjects. Poetry also, found in him a devoted 
 admirer, and he wooed the Muse himself on many occasions.t 
 Mr. Beer was connected with the Cambridge University Exten- 
 sion scheme on its introduction into Leeds, and was the President 
 of the Students' Union during the three years of its existence. 
 Before this Union he gave lectures on the Transit of Venus, 
 Comets and Shooting Stars, and the Moon. He is also President 
 of the Bradford Scientific Association ; before which he has 
 lectured on " Changes in the Coast-line of Kent," the " Motions 
 of the Moon," " Past and present History of the Moon," "Solar 
 Physics," etc. He has also been engaged for many years in 
 pursuits of an antiquarian character, having thereby acquired an 
 important and valuable collection of Roman and other pottery, 
 coins, old china, rare books, etc. Mr. Beer has been untiring in 
 * Thif^ sketch has been contributed by the Rev. R. V. Taylor, B.A. See also sketches of Dr. 
 Reichel, in Church Bells, No. 321, and Men 0/ the Time, 1837. 
 t For list of Mr. Beer's writings, see Chapter on the Bibliography of Pudsey, 
 his efforts on behalf of the Mechanics' Institute and other asso- 
 ciations, religious and philanthropic, of Pudsey. For upwards 
 of twenty years Mr. Beer has been closely connected with the 
 Wesleyan Church in Pudsey, formerly as a local preacher, and 
 since, as the teacher of the Adult Class, which at the present 
 time numbers over forty members. In 187 1, he was elected a 
 F"elIow of the Royal Society of Literature, and also of the 
 Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. 
 John Naylor, Mus. Doc, Oxford. This talented musi- 
 cian was born at Stanningley, at which time his father was clerk 
 of St. Paul's Church, Leeds (a very important position forty 
 years ago). It is said of the elder Naylor that " he possessed a 
 fine, rich-toned bass voice, with which he used to astonish the 
 congregation occasionally, when holding out the low note in one 
 of the responses or the Amens." He was a good-natured, genial 
 man, and his company was much sought after by music-loving 
 friends. Young Naylor received his earliest musical training as 
 a choir-boy at the Parish Church, Leeds, the first year and a half 
 of which time Dr. S. S. Wesley was the organist. He was after- 
 wards deputy-organist thereuntil 1856, when, at seventeen and 
 a half years of age, he was appointed by Dr. Whiteside to the 
 organistship and choirmastership of the parish church of Scar- 
 borough. This position he held until 1873, when he was 
 appointed organist of All Saints', Scarborough ; and in 1883 he 
 was promoted to the valuable and much-coveted post of 
 organist and choirmaster of York Minster. 
 Nelson Varley was bom in 1846, the son of Richard 
 Varley, of Stanningley. He was apprenticed in his youth to 
 Mr. Nicholson, organ-builder, of Bradford, but long before his 
 indentures were out, he had shown himself to be possessed of 
 a tenor voice of fine quality and power. Encouraged by some 
 friends at Bradford, Mr. Varley, on the expiration of his 
 apprenticeship, was taken in hand by Chevalier Lemmens, 
 to whom he engaged himself for five years, and under 
 whose direction he was first introduced to the public at 
 the Crystal Palace, with a success which was in the 
 highest degree gratifying. He accompanied Madame 
 Sherrington and a "concert party" through the provincial towns 
 four or five years in succession, and both in the country and in 
 London made good his early promise. Mr. Varley also accom- 
 panied Madame Rudersdorf to America, where his success was 
 even greater than in England. After being in America rather 
 more than a year, he returned to this country, and, with his wife 
 (Mdlle. Theresa Liebe), fulfilled many successful engagements. 
 Mr. Varley died at Cardiff, on the 2nd of December, 1883, at the 
 age of 37. 
 Robert Salter. Born in 181 7, in very humble circum- 
 .stances, the subject of our sketch became one of the brightest 
 examples of the class of citizens who raise themselves from ob- 
 scurity to positions of wealth and respect. He was a man of a 
 most retiring disposition ; shunned all ostentation, but he had 
 great business tact and ability, and those qualities of honesty 
 and integrity, which build up a solid and permanent commercial 
 concern. His prosperity and great success in business did not, 
 as is too often the case, harden his heart, or tighten his purse 
 strings, for, throughout his life, he had a large tender heart and a 
 generous disposition, which prompted him to do many a benevo- 
 lent action unknown to those around him. In 1854 Mr. Salter 
 commenced business with Mr. W. D. Scales, in Pudsey, the pur- 
 chase money of the business being ;£^3CX3, a large proportion of 
 which was borrowed. This was during the time of the Crimean 
 War, and for three years trade was very bad, and after this lapse 
 of time the firm found they had not a penny left. Thanks to 
 their honourable business transactions, this time of trial and 
 difficulty was overcome, and a change for the better took place. 
 The firm grew and prospered, and ultimately became one of the 
 largest firms in the county in the wholesale boot and shoe trade. 
 Much of this success was due to Mr. Salter, whose integrity, 
 knowledge, skill, and energy in the mechanical department had 
 no small share in building up the very extensive and successful 
 business of this important firm. Mr. Salter was a Liberal in 
 politics, and a Congregationalist in religion. He was elected a 
 member of the first Local Board of Health in Pudsey, but re- 
 signed his seat on his removal to Underwood Villa, Rawden, in 
 1875. He was thrice married, and left a widow and a son, Mr. 
 Joseph Salter, The Oaks, Newlay ; and daughter, Mrs. Driver, 
 Croft House, Rickardshaw Lane ; and two grandsons, children 
 of a son who had been dead several years. 
 John Holmes Walker, C.E., was the only son of Mr. 
 Joseph Walker, chemist, of Pudsey, and was born in 1855. From 
 a child he was devoted to study and learning. He evinced great 
 aptitudefor scientific knowledge — sanitary engineering, electricity, 
 and cognate subjects being favourite objects of study with him. 
 After a successful school life, he was articled to a civil engineer, 
 and pursued his scientific studies in the evening. He eventually 
 qualified himself as a civil engineer, and became an Associate of 
 the Society of Engineers. He became one of the most active 
 members of the Bradford Scientific Association, frequently 
 reading papers before that body, one of the ablest being on 
 "Various forces of energy." When 2i years old, he was the 
 second out of io8 candidates, in an examination (twenty sub- 
 jects) for the position of Assistant Civil Engineer to the 
 Admiralty, and was informed that had he been five years 
 older, he would have received the appointment. He subse- 
 quently was appointed electrical engineer to Messrs. Bower and 
 Son, St. Neots. In a short time afterwards he fell a victim to 
 excessive study and overwork, and at 24 years of age 
 the bright promise of a very clever and useful life was for ever 
 eclipsed. He lingered for five years in deep mental affliction, 
 and died on Sunday, the nth of April, 1866, deeply regretted 
 by every one who knew him and esteemed him, for his kind and 
 good nature, as well as for his brilliant mental qualities. 
 John Hvland Clough. This gentleman was born at 
 Fulneck in 18 14, and commenced business as a grocer at Hors- 
 forth in 1840. Here he occupied a seat on the Board of 
 Guardians, and was much respected. He went to Stockton in 
 1855, where he commenced business as a provision merchant, 
 and was prosperous. He took a warm interest in the progress 
 and welfare of his adopted town, and for seventeen years repre- 
 sented the South-West Ward in the Town Council. In 
 November, 1876, he was elected Mayor of the borough. Mr. 
 Clough departed this life on the 23rd day of April, 1878. 
 Richard Womersley. As a public servant, this gentle- 
 man held a deservedly high position, and at his death, which 
 took place on the 13th of December, 1878, Pudsey lost one of its 
 most useful inhabitants. He filled at various times several 
 offices in the management of the business of the town, both with 
 credit to himself and advantage to the township. He was the 
 first chairman of the Burial Board, and took a most active part in 
 securing the new cemetery. For a long time he served on the 
 directorate of the Gas, Water, and other local Companies, where 
 his sound judgment and .strict integrity always commanded 
 respect. He was one of the two trustees of the Christmas dole, 
 known as Lepton's Charity, which is given to the poor annually. 
 He was well-known as a moderate Liberal in politics, and took 
 an active part in both local and general political organisations. 
 In religion he was a Congregationalist, and took an active 
 interest in the formation of the Congregational Day School, 
 Greenside, in 1853, and was one of its principal supporters until 
p. A. STRICKLAND. 1 73 
 it was transferred to the School Board. He was also a trustee, 
 and for a long period the treasurer, of the Congregational 
 Church. Mr. Womersley was born at Hill Foot, in Calverley, 
 in 1813. 
 P. A. Strickland, A.C.O., though not a native of Fudsey, 
 was so much connected with the town and its music, that no 
 apology need be offered for this brief memoir. He was born at 
 Farsley on July 13th, 1858, and was the eldest son of Mr. Abra- 
 ham Strickland of that village. His father being a musician, 
 young Peter early became acquainted with the rudiments of the 
 art, and evinced a great desire to learn more. When he was 
 eleven years of age, he was admitted as a chorister at St. Thomas' 
 Church, Stanningley, under the late Mr. Joseph Varley Roberts, 
 brother of Dr. Roberts, now organist of Christ Church, Oxford. 
 Two years later, Mr. Abraham Strickland was appointed Choir- 
 master at St. Paul's Church, Pudsey, and Peter went to join his 
 father. In a very short time he became the principal treble 
 singer, and could without difficulty sing solos from most of the 
 oratorios. In 1874, when he was only 15 years of age, he began 
 to compose music, his hymn tunes — one in particular— being 
 often sung in the church. He knew nothing of the theory of 
 harmony at this time, yet the harmony of the favourite tune was 
 so good, that it was not found possible to improve upon it in later 
 years. He had been for some time learning the organ, under 
 the able tutorship of F. W. Hird.Esq. (then organist of St. Peter's, 
 Bramley), and made such progress that he received the appoint- 
 ment of organist at Rodlcy Mission Church. He also studied the 
 pianoforte, and became so proficient that his services were very 
 much in request for local concerts, etc. In 1878, when seventeen 
 years of age, he left the Mission Church to devote the whole of his 
 time to music, and succeeding in obtaining the position of organist 
 at the Wesleyan Chapel, Stanningley, which post he held four 
 years, when he was promoted to Rawden Church. At the Society 
 of Arts Examination in July, 1882, he was awarded first-class 
 Certificates for organ and pianoforte playing, and took a Second- 
 class Honors Certificate. In 1883, he entered the examination 
 of the College of Organists, London, and on July 20th of that 
 year, received his diploma as an Associate. In the same year 
 he was appointed, after competition, to succeed Mr. A. Benton, 
 as organist and choirmaster at Pudsey Parish Church, and he 
 held the position up to his death. In 1883, also, he was made 
 conductor of the Pudsey Choral Union. He was the composer 
 of a large number of hymn tunes and choruses, which have been 
 published and well received. Besides these, he has left, in manu- 
 script, at least forty part-songs, duets, songs, etc. Three of the 
 principal published songs are " Love for Evermore," "Years may 
 come and years may go," and " Something More," the w^ords of 
 each of these being supplied by the well-knov/n writer, Edward 
 Oxenford. Two dramatic cantatas " The Crusaders," and " The 
 Knight's Guerdon," both works of some promise, were unfor- 
 tunately left unfinished. 
 In 1883, a tumour grew on his left arm,which, though brought 
 before several medical men, grew worse. He was recommended to 
 go to St. George's Hospital, London, where on April 18th, 1884, 
 the limb was amputated. The shock proved too much for him, 
 and he died a few hours after the operation, at the early age of 25. 
 His remains were brought to Pudsey and interred in the cemetery. 
 About 400 persons, including 40 of his pupils, took part in the 
 funeral ; full choral services, with the assistance of the Pudsey 
 Choral Society, were held in the Parish Church and at the grave. 
 His happiest moments were when he was composing, and he 
 thought little of losing his arm, being confident of making his 
 living as a composer. His death was much regretted. A fine 
 monument has been erected — by subscription — to his memory.* 
 R. Machill Garth. — This promising musician was born 
 at Pudsey on the 15th day of October, i860, his parents being 
 descended from two old and well-known Pudsey families, viz., 
 the Garths of Lowtown and the Machills of Ratcliff House. 
 Young Garth received his early training at the Free Grammar 
 School, Batley, and was a chorister boy at the old church there 
 for two years, when between seven and nine years of age. When 
 only nine years old, he officiated as organist at Batley Church, 
 on the resignation of Mr. Wilkinson, but some time afterwards 
 he became organist at Carlinghow mission church, St. James's. 
 He was subsequently appointed as pianist at the Literary 
 and Philosophical Exhibition, Middlesbrough (1875), during 
 which period he was also organist and choirmaster of St. Martin's, 
 and sub-organist of St. Paul's, Middlesbrough. When eighteen 
 years of age, Master Garth was appointed sub-organist of St. 
 Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, which post he held for six years, 
 and during two of these years, he also held the posts of private 
 organist to the Right Hon. Sir Molyneux H. Nepean, and the 
 Hon. Sir Edward Colebrooke, Bt, M.P. In January, 1885, Mr. 
 Garth was appointed to his present position, as private organist 
 to the Right Hon. Sir Michael Shaw Stewart of Ardgowan. For 
 * This sketch has been contributed by Mr. S. Kirlcwood of Slanningley. 
 thi.s post there were many applicants, and these were submitted 
 to a contest at the Edinburgh University, with Professor Sir 
 Herbert Oakley, Composer Royal, Scotland, as adjudicator. In 
 September, 1885, Mr. Garth was elected a Fellow of the Educa- 
 tional Institute of Scotland, a society incorporated by Royal 
 Charter in 1841. Mr. Garth was one of the selected organists 
 who gave recitals on the grand organ at the Edinburgh Exhibition 
 in 1886. He also wrote the Grand March for the Royal Review 
 in 1881. 
 Mr. Garth has contributed many popular and pleasing com- 
 positions to the musical literature of the country. His first 
 composition, at the age of ten, was a set of waltzes, and at 
 eighteen, he published a song, "The Heaving of the Lead," which 
 is very popular in his native county. The work, however, to 
 which we would desire more particularly to refer, is his oratorio, 
 Ezekiel, in forty-three numbers, which has been lately completed, 
 and which has occupied a year and a half to write. The Scottish 
 Guardian, speaking of the first performance of this work, says: — 
 The libretto of the oratorio was compiled by the Rev. C. R. Linton. Both 
 subject and scheme are admirably adapted for effective musical illustration, and the 
 united labours of Compiler and Composer have resulted in a work decidedly original 
 in character, containing not a few striking passages, and abounding almost to excess 
 in charming melodies. 
 During the many years in which England was engaged in 
 the great war, which ended at the ever memorable Field of 
 Waterloo, it is somewhat interesting to learn that Pudsey 
 contributed a fair contingent to those who bravely fought and 
 bled in upholding the honour of their country on many a bloody 
 George Loryman served in the 7th Royal Fusiliers, and 
 was in ipengagements, viz., Copenhagen (Denmark), Martinique 
 (West Indies), Busaco and Burlado (Portugal), Albuhera, 
 Aldcade Port, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Fonta du Luy, Sala- 
 manca, Mountela, Vittoria, Roncevalles, Pampeluna, PLscurial> 
 and Lauze (Spain), Orthes and Toulouse (France) and New 
 Orleans (America). Had a medal with seven clasps, and had, 
 the last few years of his life, a pension of 7d. a day. Died at 
 Pudsey, May 15th, i860, aged 75. 
 James Gibson was in the 7th Royal Fusiliers, and was 
 some time a Sergeant ; went through the Peninsular Campaign, 
 and was at most of the engagements mentioned above. Had 
 two medals with three clasps for Albuhera, Busaco, and Talavera. 
 Had a pension of is. a day. Died at Pudsey, July 30th, 1864, 
 aged 84. 
 Henry WilCOCK was in the militia from 1807 to 18 12, 
 when he joined the Grenadier Guards. Went through Spain 
 and Portugal with Wellington, was at the battles of Nive and 
 Nivelle, and was slightly wounded at Waterloo. He was also 
 one of those who were chosen from the guards as the best and 
 steadiest men to form the Uukc of Wellington's guard in Paris, 
 in 1815. Was discharged in 1819, without a pension. In 1854 
 had a pension of 6d. a day granted, which was increased to gd. 
 a few months before his death. Died at Pudsey, February 26th, 
 1862, aged 73. 
 William Varley, born at Pudsey in 1793, was in the 2nd 
 W.Y. Militia, from 1809 to 18 12, when he joined and was made 
 a Corporal in the renowned 33rd Regt. of Foot, the " Havercake 
 Lads," as they were called in Yorkshire. Was in the following 
 engagements : At Marksom, in Holland, the seige of Antwerp, 
 the storming of Bergen op Zoom, and the three days at Waterloo, 
 where he was slightly wounded on the third day ; was discharged 
 in 1 8 19, without a pension. Varley died September the nth, 
 William Glover, of Lowtown, bom at Morley, was in the 
 Militia from 1810 to i8ii,when he entered the 36th Regt. of 
 Foot ; was engaged in the Rolohas Valleys, at Rodrigo, Badajos, 
 Salamanca, where he was wounded ; at Burgos, Vittoria, Pampe- 
 luna, the Pyrenees, Orthes, Nive, Neville, Toulouse, and Laville. 
 Had a medal with six clasps, and a pension of 9d. a day. 
 John Boocock was in the 33rd Regt, and was killed at 
 Bergen op Zoom, March loth, 18 14. 
 Joshua Wheater was in the 33rd Regt, was wounded at 
 Bergen op Zoom, and died from the effects, March 31st, 1814. 
 HE following attempt at a bibliography of Pudsey 
 literature, includes a list of books, pamphlets, ser- 
 mons, essays, tracts, and articles written by natives 
 or residents of the place ; also books written by 
 strangers having reference to Pudsey, or its people. The 
 list also includes books issued from the Pudsey press. 
 Armstrong, James Leslie. Was for some time a schoolmaster in Pudsey, 
 and edited a local paper called 
 The Townsman, or Pudsey Literary Entertainer. David Scott, Pudsey. 
 Fortnightly ijd. Only eight Nos. appeared. No. I, November 12th, 1842 ; 
 No. 8, February 18, 1843. In No. 7 was commenced " The Maid of Kulneck ; 
 or, the Affray of Adwalton." A Tale of Yore. By the Editor. The tale was 
 afterwards published in one volume, under the title of "The Heir of St. 
 Emerald." Printed at Bradford : Woodhead. The story forms the subject of 
 a long poem by Robert Carrick Wildon, ofTong, " I he Forbidden Union." 
 which, along with other poems, was published by subscription in 1850, and 
 dedicated to Col. Tempest, of Tong. 
 .Scenes in Craven, in 1835. 136 pp. 
 Beningborough Hall : a Yorkshire Tale. 
 Beer, John T., F.S.A.S , F.R.S.L., of Threapland House, Pudsey. 
 Miscellaneous Poems. Leeds, H. W. Walker, 1859, pp. 98. 
 The Prodigal. A Dramatic Poem. London: Peter Dow, 1861. pp. iv., 134. 
 Creation. A Poem. Leeds : B. W. Sharp, 1870. With Portrait of the Author. 
 pp. viii., 240 
 The Prophet of Nineveh. A Dr,amatic Poem. Leeds, 1877, pp. xiii., 228. 
 Published by subscription. List of subscribers, 12 pp. Price 4s. 6d. 
 The Beauty and Significance of Diversity. Four papers in the Yorkshire 
 Magazme, volume I, 1872. 
 The Theory of Solar Absorption. Five papers in the Yorkshire Magazine, 
 volume ii. , 1873. 
 •Comets ; also several Poems in Yorkshire Magazine, volumes i. and iii., 1871-4. 
 BOYES, John. Born at Pudsey, 1829. 
 Sunday Schools : the Rise and Progress of, in Pudsey and its vicinity, pp. 19. 
 No date, about 1870. T. Stillings. 
 Historical Sketch of Methodist New Connexion Chapel, Pudsey. 
 Article in Mtthodist New Connexion Magazine, pp. 366-69, 1872. 
 Edwards, John. Born at Fulneck, in 1772. Afterwards resided at Derl^y. 
 All Saints' Church, Derby. A Poem in blank verse, 410. 1805. 
 The Tour of the Dove : or, a Visit to Dovedale. A Poem by John Edwards, 
 Derby, 1821. A second edition was published some years afterwards, without 
 date, containing reviews of the first edition, " Recollections of Filey," etc. 
 England, Rev. John, Minister and Tutor at Fulneck. 
 The Human Element in God's Work. A Sermon. Crown 8vo., 3d. 
 The Salt of THE Earth. Two Sermons. Crown 8vo., 3d. 
 Hev, Rev. J ohn, D. D. Born at Pudsey in 1 734 ; was a Tutor of Sidney Sussex College, 
 Cambridge, from 1760 to 1779; Norrisian Professor of Divinity in that University 
 from 1780 to 1795. 
 Redemption. A Poem. Seaton's prize at the University, 1763, 4to. is. 
 Thoughts on the Athanasian Creed. Sermon preached at Stoney Stratford, 
 at the visitation of the Archdeacon of Bucks., April 12, 1790. 8vo. 
 Lectures in Divinity. Delivered in the University of Cambridge, i 796-8. 4 
 vols., 8vo., 2IS. A third edition of these Lectures was published in 1841, 
 edited by Bishop Thomas Turton, of Ely, 2 vols., 8vo.* 
 Seven Sermons, preached on several occasions, 8vo. 
 Discourses on the Malevolent Sentiments: Hatred, Misanthropy, Emy, 
 Malice, and Resentment, 1801. 8vo., pp. xx., 213. 
 General Observations on the Writings of St. Paul. 181 i, 8vo., pp. ii. , 143. 
 Lktters on Patronage. In the Churchman's Magazine. 
 A Fast Sermon, on Jeremiah, 47 Chap., Cambridge, 1775, 8vo. 
 A Sermon on Ephesians, iv. Chap., 28 verse. Cambridge, 1777, 4to. 
 The Nature of Ubsolete Ordinances. A sermon preached at the Assizes 
 before the Honble. Sir Richard Aston, Knt., one of the Justices of the Court 
 of Queen's Bench, on Wednesday, March loth, 1773. pp. 15, London, 8vo. 
 A Sermon Preached before the University of Cambridge, on Nov. 5th, 
 1774, to which are added two others on the Nature of Malevolent .Sentiments, 
 preached before the same audience in the same year. Cambridge, 1774. 
 IS., pp. 58. 
 Substance of a Bill Respecting Parish Registers, as amended by the Com- 
 mittee. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 21st June, 1811 , 
 with remarks by J no. Hey, D.D., rector of Passenham, in the County of 
 Northampton, and of Calverton, Bucks.t Buckingham: 1812, pp. 50. 
 Hey, William, F.R.S., an eminent surgeon, born at Pudsey in 1736; was twice 
 Mayor of Leeds. Died, 23rd of March, 1819.$ 
 * These lectures are much esteemed for the various and extended learning, the profound thought, 
 the copious and correct document, and the calm discussion for which they are distinguished. — 
 Darling's Cycloptedia. 
 t A short memoir of Dr. lohn Hey appeared in \\ift Literary Memoirs of Living Authors, 
 published in 1798 ; in the Gent/ej/iatt's Magazine, iSi^ ; Victionarv of Living Authors, published 
 in 1S16 ; in Rose's Bio^rapltical Dictionarv ; in Taylor's Leeds IVorthtes ; also notices in 
 Cyclopaedia Bibliographia, Lowndfs' Bidltografiher's Manuai, etc., etc. Miniature portrait of Dr. 
 Hey in possession of 'OVilliani Hey, Esq., of Gledhow. 
 X The Life ot William Hey, Esq.. F.R.S.. by John Pearson, was published in one large 8vo 
 volume, 1822, and a second edition in two vols, small 8vo, in 1823. Koth editions contain an excellent 
 portrait of Mr. Hev, from a painting by Allen, and engraved by Scriven. B'ur short memoirs of Mr. 
 Hey, see Parson's History of Leeds; the Christian Obserz'er for August, 1822; Darling's 
 Cyclofcedia Bibliograihia ; the appendix to Goktun s Biographical Dictionary; Eminent 
 Medical Men, published by the Religious Tract Society ; ^^\H\i.Cs Annais of Leeds; Taylor's 
 Leeds t^orthies, etc. For his pedigree, etc., see Thoresby's Diicatus Leodiensis, and Whitaker's 
 Loidis tt Elntete for portrait engraved by Holl, 4to. 
 Observations on the Blood. 1779. 8vo, is. 6d. 
 Practical (Jbservations on Surgery. 8vo, 1803, los. A second edition was 
 issued in 1810, 13s.; and a third edition in 1814. 
 A Short Defence of the Divinity of Christ, and A Short Defence 
 OF the Doctrine of the Atonement. Two pamphlets, published at 
 Leeds in 1772, and republished, with other Essays from the Chnslian Observer, 
 in one volume, 8vo, 1822, with the title, " Tracts and Essays, Moral and 
 Theological, with Obituaries, etc., by the late William Hey, Esq., F. R.S."* 
 Extra I'terine FcETUS. Me uml Observer and I}iquirer,vn\. n\., -p. 341. 1767. 
 Account of a Rupture in the Bladder of a Pregnant Woman. Ibid, 
 vol. iv., p. 58. 
 Account of the Effects of Electricity in Amaurosis. Ibid, v., p. i. 
 On the Cure of Diseases of the Stomach, by Milk taken in small 
 quantities at once. Ibid, vii., p. 319. 
 An Account of Luminous Arches. Phil. Trans. 1790. vol. xvi., p. 627.t 
 Hey Richard, LL.D. Born at Pudsey on the 22nd of August, 1745. Died Dec. 
 7th, 1835. ^^ ^ Fellow and Tutor of Sidney Sussex College, and afterwards of 
 Magdalene College, Cambridge, from 1782 to 1796.+ 
 Dissertation on the Pernicious Effects of Gaming. Fifty Guineas 
 Prize Essay. 1783. 
 Dissertation on Duelling. Fifty Guineas Prize Essay. 1784. 
 Dissertation on Suicide. Fifty Guineas Prize Essay. 1785. 
 These three remarkable " Dissertations " were published in one volume, in 
 i8j2, pp. xxi., 271. 6s. 
 Observations on Civil Liberty, and the Principles of Government. 1776. 
 8vo, pp. 70. IS. 
 Happiness and Rights ; an Answer to Paine's " Rights of Man." 1792. 
 8vo. 3s. 
 The Captive Monarch. A Tragedy. 1794. 8vo. is. 6d. 
 Edington. a Novel. In two volumes, duodecimo. 1796. 6s. , 
 Some Principles of Civilisation, with Detached Thoughts on the Promotion 
 of Christianity in British India. 1814. 8vo. 3s. 
 Holmes, Rev. John B. Minister at Fulneck from 1824 to 1837. Died there 
 September 3rd, l843.§ 
 History of the Protestant Church of United Brethren. 2 vols. 2s. 6d. 
 Historical Sketches of the Mission of the United Brethren. 1818. 
 I vol. 2s. 6d. 
 Jordan, Rev. John. Baptist Minister at Stanningley from 1834 to 1842. 
 The Refutation ; or, Mr. John Farrer's Remarks in his Pamphlet entitled, 
 " Correspondence between Mr. John Farrer and Mr. Jordan, of Pudsey, 
 Proved to be False, by John Jordan." Wilson, Leeds. Pp. 16. No date. 
 La Trobe, Christian Ignatius, of Fulneck. 
 The History of the Missions ok the United Brethren among the 
 Indians in North America, in three parts, translated from the German. 8vo. 
 1794- ' 
 • Full list of the Tracts and Essays in Darling's Cyclopadia ; also in Watts' Bibliotfuca 
 Britannica^ vol. i., p. 493. 
 t From Watts' Bibliotheca Britannica, vol. i., p. 493, 1824. 
 J For notices of Dr. Richard Hey, see Litetarv Memoirs of Living Authars^ 1798 ; 
 Biographical Dictionary of Living Authors^ 1816; the Leeds newspapers for December, 1835 ; 
 Darling's Cyctopcedia Bibtiogrctpkica ; Lowndes's Bibliographical Manual; and Taylor's 
 Leeds Worthies, 
 5 A memorial of the Rev. J. B. Holmes was publi-shed in 1844 The introduction was written 
 by James Montgomery. Memoir, pp. 1-71 ; Hymns, pp. 82-143; Funeral Ser.nioii for George IV.,, 
 preached at Fulneck, July isih, 1830, and other Sermons and Discourses, pp. 144-304. 
 Letters from the Rev. H. Hansel, giving an account of the Nicobar Islands, 
 8vo, 1812. 
 Journal of a Visit to South Africa, in 1815 and i8i6, with some account of 
 the Missionary Settlements of the United Brethren near the Cape of Good 
 Hiipe. 4to. £2 2s. 
 Lawson, Joseph, Horsforth. 
 Progress in Pudsey during the last Sixty Years. Birdsall, Stanningley, 
 18S7. Reprinted from the Pudsey District Advertiser. Royal 8vo, pp. xiv, 136. 
 Lincoln, Rev. W., Curate of Pudsey Church. 
 Will Christ come Personally before the Millenium ? Two Sermons 
 preached in Pudsey Church. 1852. 
 Joseph and Jesus ; being an attempt to shed New Testament Light upon Old 
 Testament History. By the Rev. W. Lincoln, A.K.C., Curate of Pudsey. 
 Heaton, Leeds, 1853. 8vo, pp. xiv. 293. 
 MiDDLEROOK, JOHN. Born at Pudsey in 1844. 
 All's Fair in Love. A Tale. In Yorkshire Magazine,vo\.i., pp. 124-128. 1872. 
 The Weyver's Awn Comic Olmenac, for 1875-8, under the nom-de-plii/iie ot 
 Sammy Bruskett. 2d. 
 The Pudsey and .stanningley News. Editor. Publisher, James Stillings. 
 First No. published, 1873. 
 The Voice of Spring. A Poem, in Country Words of the West Riding, vol. ii., 
 p 42. 1871. Also printed in the Garland of Poetry, by Yorkshire Authors, 
 published by Abm. Holroyd, 1870, p. 70. 
 Pudsey, Sir George. 
 Three Speeches. 1684-5-7. Each folio. 
 Ramftler, Rev. C. F. Minister at Fulneck, 1813. Died October 2Sth, 1832. 
 The ISational Calamity Improved. A Sermon preached in reference to the 
 interment of the Princess Charlotte of Wales, November 19th, 1817, at Ful- 
 neck. E. Baines, Leeds. Is. 
 Rayner, Simeon. Born at Pudsey, 1832. Died August 25th, 1886. 
 History of Nonconformity in Pudsey. In the Congregational Register, 
 W.R. Yorks. 1865. 
 Folk-lore and Pudsey Worthies. Papers in Country Words of the West 
 Riding, \o\ i. ,1870. 
 Yorkshire Village Life. Paper in Yorkshire Magazine, vol. ii., 1873. 
 Yorkshire Skits and Local Sayings. Paper in Yorks. Mag., vol. iii., 1874. 
 Rides and Rambles during my Holidays. In Pudsey News, Oct., 1872. 
 Pudsey Almanac. Edited six years, 1868-1874. T. Stillings. id. 
 The History and Antiquities of Pudsey. Longmans, 1887. 8vo and 410. 
 Edited by William Smith, F.S.A.S., of Morley. 
 Reichel, The Right Rev. Charles Parsons, Bishop of Meath, Ireland. Born 
 at Fulneck, in 181 6. 
 Sermons on the Lord's Prayer, and other subjects. 
 The Nature and Offices of the Church. 
 Lectures on the Prayer Book. 
 Sermons in Defence of the Faith. Norwich Cathedral Sermons. 
 Praise and Prayer. 
 The Trinity and the Athanasian Creed. 
 Ryley, John. Born at Pudsey, in 1747. 
 The Leeds Guide, giving a concise History of that rich and populous town, the 
 circumjacent villages, and Kirkstall Abbey. Leeds: E. Baines, 1808. This 
 work is now very scarce. 
 The Leeds Correspondent, a Literary, Mathematical, and Philosophical Mis- 
 cellany. Leeds: J. NichoUs, 1815.* 
 * For Memoir of Mr. Ryley, see page 163 ; also the Leeds Correspondent, vol. ii., pp. 97 and 
 T41 ; Pudsey Atmannt for 1873 ; Tavlor*s Leeds Worthies; and Leeds hirells^encer for 1815. 
 Sewell, Edward, M.A. Born at Fulneck, 1820. 
 Jubilee Cantata. In Commemoration of the Moravian Centenary Jubilee, 1855. 
 This is Jehovah's Temple. A Dedicatory Anthem, composed and published in 
 commemoration of the New Congregational Church, Pudsey, 1866. 
 Notes on Pre-historic Britain. 
 Geological Wanderings. 
 SuTCLiFFE, Rev. Joseph, M.A. Born 1786. Died May 14th, 1856, aged 94 years. 
 The Mutual Communion of Saints Exemplified. Second Edition. Trow- 
 bridge, 1794, i2mo, pp. 74. 
 Christian Liberty ; or. Considerations on the Propriety of Methodists having 
 the Lord's Supper in their own Chapels. Bristol, 1795, l2mo., pp. 24. 
 A Treatise on the Universal Spread of the Gospel, the Glorious Millenium, and 
 the Second Coming of Christ. Doncaster, 1798, l2mo, pp. 24. 
 A Check to Infidelity. Doncaster, 1798, i2mo, pp. 24. 
 An Introduction to Christanitv, for the use of Young People. New York, 
 1801, I2mo, pp. 264. Leeds, 1808, l2mo, pp. 322. 
 Sermons, from the French of .Saurin. 8vo, 1805, 6s. 
 The Exercise of the Christian Ministry, by the late J. F. Ostervald. 
 Translated from the French, and illustrated with notes. York, 1804, I2mo, 
 pp. 144. 
 A Review of Methodism. A Discourse delivered on laying the Foundation 
 Stone of New Street Chapel, York. 1805, i2mo, pp. 46. 
 The Doctrines of Justification by Faith, etc. Four Sermons. Halifax, 
 1806, 8vo, pp. 50. 
 Albion Catechism, illustrating the Doctrines and Duties of the Christian Religion. 
 1806, i2mo. 
 The Experience of the late Mrs. F. Pawson, with a Preface by J. Entwistle. 
 London, 1813, I2mo, pp. 114. 
 The Divine Mission of the people called Methodists to revive and spread Religion. 
 A Sermon preached before the Macclesfield District Meeting. London, 1 814, 
 8vo, pp. 56. 
 A Grammar of the English Language. 1815, i2mo, pp. 257. Second 
 Edition, 1 82 1, pp. 262. 
 A Short Introduction to the Study of Geology. London, 1817, 8vo. 
 pp. 70. 
 A Guide to the Lord's Supper. London, 1819, i2mo, pp. 23. 
 A Refutation of prominent errors in the Wernerian System of Geology, and in 
 the theories of other Writers. London, 1819, 8vo, pp. 34. 
 Sermons on Regeneration, comprising a general view of the Ruin and Recovery 
 of Man. London, 1820, 8vo, pp. 280. 
 The (Geology of the Avon, being an Enquiry into the Order of the Strata, 
 and Mineral Productions washed by its .Streams. Bristol, 1822, 8vo, pp. 104. 
 The English Cratvlus ; or. Essays on Language, Grammar, and Composition. 
 London, 1825, l2mo, pp. 263. 
 A Defence of the Immortality of the Soul. London, 1829, 8vo, pp. 39. 
 A Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, in which the Sacred Text 
 is illustrated with copious notes, theological, historical, and critical ; with Im- 
 provements and Reflections at the end of each Chapter. Two volumes. Lon- 
 don, Imp. 8vo with portrait, 1834-5 ; 2nd Edition, 1838-9 ; 5th Edition, 1850 ; 
 6th Edition, 1854.* 
 Psalms and Hymns. Second Edition, improved. London, 1837, 32mo, pp. 186. 
 A Course of Original Sermons, adapted to the present times. 1840, 8vo, 
 pp. 262. 
 * The text of our ,-iuthorised translation is not given in this Commentary, which is equally 
 adapted for the family and the study, and embodies the results of the Author's labours for about iorty 
 years . . . Many valuable elucidations of difhcult passages will be found in this work, which are 
 ]}assed over in larger commentaries. The reflections at the end of each chapter are characterised by 
 simplicity of diction combined with earnest piety.- Hornb's Bibt. Bib.y p. 265. 
 Jehovah, the Christ : a Discourse on the Ancient Prophets looking out for 
 Christ as the Consolation of Israel. London, 1851, 8vo, pp. 16. 
 Paternal Catechism of Religion, 8vo, 1847. 
 SUTCLIFFE, Rev. Charles. Born at Pudsey. 
 The Messenger, a Monthly Magazine. Edited liy C. S. 2d. 
 National Prayer and Praise, a Sermon. Crown 8vo. 2d. 
 Wales, Rev. Elkanah, M.A., Minister at Pudsey. Died at Leeds, May nth, 1669. 
 The Fall of Man, and his Recovery. Two vols., 410, pp. 200, 234. 
 Sermons at Public Fasts, 1625. 
 Thanksgiving after ve Plague. 
 Sermons at the Exercise at Leedes, 1632. 
 Sermons preached upon the Holy-day Lecture, at Leedes, 1636. 
 Sermons upon Publick Occasions in ye late Times. 
 Offkium Postidat Beneficium : the Office and Maintenance of Ministers ; being the 
 sum of Four Sermons on I Cor. ix. — xi. 
 Mount Ebal Levelled, or Redemption from the Curse, by Elkanah Wales, 
 M.A., preacher of the Gospel at Pudsey, in Yorkshire. London, printed by 
 R. Trott, for Thomas Johnson, at the Golden Key, in St. Paul's Church Yard, 
 1659. A second edition was published in 1823, to which was added a " Life 
 of the Author," with a glance at the times in which he lived, etc., in an address 
 to the people of Pudsey, by Matthew Hutchinson, of London, who was a 
 native of Pudsey. 8vo, pp. Ixxx. iv. 263. 
 A Writ of Error, or a Friendly examination of a Question and the Resolution 
 of it, deeply concerning marryed persons, or such as intend to marry. By E. W. 
 York, 1654, 8vo. 
 A Short Catechism, in Thirty-four Questions and Answers, designed for the 
 Youngest sort of Catechumens. By 'Elkanah Wales, M.A., of London, 
 1652, 8vo. 
 MSS. There are several MSS. in the handwriting of Mr. Wales in the British 
 Museum (Birch MS., No. 4,460) which have evidently been prepared for the 
 press, but which have not been printed, viz. : — 
 A Treatise on Proverbs xxviii., 1-14. 410, pp. 64. 
 The Whole Epistle to the Ephesians Opened. 3 vols., 4to. 
 The Epistle to the Philippians Opened. 4to. 
 Sermons on Psalms cxix. 4to.* 
 Walker, Joseph, Pudsey. 
 The Pudsey Herald, and Record of Events, id. monthly. No. I, August, 1855, 
 12 Nos. appeared. Was recommenced as a Weekly Paper, March 3rd, i860, 
 44 Nos. appeared. 
 The Pudsey Almanac. Editor — 1855, 8, 9, 60 and 1867. 
 Night and Morning. Two poems, which appeared in the Garland of Poetry 
 by Yorkshire Authors, 1873, pp. 179-180. 
 Memoirs, Sermons, Essays, Reports, etc., by Various Authors. 
 Memoir of W. Boyes, in Methodist Ne^u Connexion Magazine, March, 185 1, pp. 
 Memoir of Rev. James Sale of Pudsey. Calamy's Nonconformists' Alemonal, 
 vol. iii., pp. 440-1, 2nd edition. Also Parson's History of I^eds, vol. ii , 
 p. 7, and Turner's Nonconformity in Idle, p. 16, 1876. 
 Memoir of Rev. Thomas Laird, Independent Minister of Pudsey. In Evangelical 
 Magazine, Jan. 1832, pp. 1-5. 
 * For Memoir of Elkanah Wales, see pages 47-51 ; also Calamy's Nomonformist Memorial, 
 vol. iii., p. 444. znd Edition ; Parson's Hiatory of Leeds, vol. ii., pp. 8-0 ; Taylor's Leeds 
 iVorthies, p. 102 ; It^esUyan Metk. Mag., Nov., 1865, pp. 977-984. Copy of Elkanah Wales's Will, 
 in Turner's Noncomorniity in Idle, pp. 13-16; Acrostic and Epitaph on Elk. Wales, in Yorks. 
 Mag., vol. ii., pp. 47-48. Fudsty Almanac, 1873 ; N, and Q, 4 5 X I., page 195, 1873. 
 Memoir of Rev. William Colefax, Minister at Pudsey. In IVesi Riding Con- 
 gregational Register, 1872, pp. 106-109. Also, in Congregational )t ear Book, 
 Memoir of John Shaw, of Pudsey. Methodist New Connexion Magazine, February, 
 1881, pp. 65-71. 
 The Power of the Gospel. An Essay, by Mr. W. Colefax, read at the Annual 
 Meeting of the Idle Academy, June 24th, 1818. In Evangelical Magazini, 
 May i8i8, p. 443. 
 The Ordination Service, of the Rev. Wm. Turner, at a meeting of Dissenting 
 Ministers at Pudsey, on the 25th Sept., 1782. The whole service was printed 
 and published by Johnson, of St. Paul's Churchyard, London, 1782. 
 Report of the Pudsey Bible Association. Fifth, 1827. Rules, List of 
 Officers, etc. Bradford, T. Inskersley, Courier Office, 1827, pp. 16. 
 Rules and Catalogue. Pudsey Mechanics' Institution and Literary Society, 
 Established 1847. Pudsey — T. Stillings, 20 pp. 
 Floral and Horticultural Society. Annual Show and Prize List. 3rd 
 Exhibition, 1859, pp. 8. 
 Mr. Gladstone Annotated. Conservative Association for the Pudsey Division, 
 Pudsey News office, pp. 8. 
 The Expeditious and Legible Reporter ; or. An Easy and Practical .System 
 of Short Hand. By James Glover, Accountant, Pudsey. Leeds — T.Harrison. 
 Centenary Jubilee. Celebration of the Jubilee of the Congregations of the 
 United Brethren in Wyke, Mirfield, Gomersal, and Fulneck, April, 1855. 
 Published by the Fulneck Jubilee Committee. London — W. Mallalieu and Co., 
 8vo, pp. 105. 
 Summer Rambles at Fulneck and Pudsey. Two Sketches, by John Lee, of 
 Bradford. In the Leeds Mercury, May 19th and 26th, 1870. 
 HiSTORiAL Sketches of Pudsey, by William Cudworth. In the Bradford 
 Observer, March 23rd and 30th, 1876. 
 Historical Notice ok Pudsey, by Edward Parsons. In the History of Leeds 
 and Adjacent Towns, 1834, pp. 210-11 and 439. 
 Historical Notice of Pudsey Church, by George Lawton. In Collections 
 relating to Churches and Chapels in the Dioceses of Voik and Ripon, 1842, 
 p. 118. 
 Historical Notice of Congregationalists in Pudsey, by F. G. Miall, 
 In Congregationalism in Yorkshire, i860, p. 1 18. 
 Historical Sketch of the Independents at Pudsey. In Dissenters' 
 Magazine for Yorkshire and Lancashite, 1832, royal 8vo. 
 Ordnance Map. Calverley, Pudsey, Tong, Farnley, etc. , being Sheet 217 of 
 the Ordnance Map of England and Wales. Scale — 6 inches to statute mile. 
 Surveyed in 1847 by Captain Tucker, R-E.; Continued in 1852 by Captain 
 Barlow, RE.; Engraved in 1852, under the direction of Capt. VV. ZoUand and 
 W. D. Gossett, R.E. at the Ordnance Map office, Southampton, and published 
 by Lieut.-Col. Hall, R.E., Supt., Dec. 31st, 1852. los. 6d. 
 Block Plan of the Township of Pudsey, shewing the Roads, Bye-Roads, 
 Streets, and Water-courses, 1875. Samuel Smith, Surveyor, Bradford, Eng. 
 by S. O. Bailey. Size : 3 feet, 7 inches by 2 feet, 10 inches. Scale : 71 chains 
 to I foot. los. 
 An Act for Enclosing Lands in Pudsey. 51 George III., Cap. 28th. 25th 
 May, 1811. London: Eyre and Strahan, 1811. 
 Pudsey Parish Church Magazine. No. I, September, 1885. 
 St. Paul's Pudsey, Parish Ajiigazine. No. I, January, 1885. 
1 84 
 The Townsman, oi Pudsey Literary Entertainer. No. i, November I2th, 1842. 
 Last No., February 18th, 1843. D. Scott, Greenside. 
 Pudsev Coiininl and General Aavetfisei: No. I, January, 1855, "^- No. 15, 
 March, 1856. J. and N. Halliday. 
 Pudsev, Parsley, atid Stanninglev Reporter. No. I, February, 1869. W.A.Clarke. 
 Only two numbers published. 
 Pudsey Advertiser. No. I, December, 1869. No. 14, July 21st, i860. Emsley, 
 Pudsey and Bramley Chronicle. No. I, March 14th, 1868, Jd. No. 34, Oct. 3i.st. 
 Printed at Leeds. 
 Pudsey and Stanntngley News. No. I, 1S72. T. Stillings, Jd. Friday. 
 Pudsey and Distrut Advertiser. No I, 1885. J. W. Birdsall, Jd. Friday. 
 HE interesting study of folk-lore has, during the past 
 few years, amongst the antiquarian students of the 
 north, received a good share of attention ; its revival 
 has arisen from the fact, apparent to many, that the 
 superstitions and practices and old sayings, so much 
 mixed up with the every-day life of our venerable 
 ancestors, were fast fading away from remembrance : 
 were fast giving way to the reasonable age ; and that now 
 the time was really come when it was necessary to make haste 
 to collect them before it was too late. 
 We live in an age of improvements, in an age when inter- 
 course is made so easy by the aid of telegraphs and newspapers, 
 steam and educational institutes, that we are fast stripping off 
 superstition for reason ; and when immigrations are constantly 
 leading whole families from one district to another, and constantly 
 breaking up the relics that have been preserved in such cases 
 where those immigrations have been made from, it shows 
 another reason for making good use of the time present. 
 We have all a love for, if not the belief in, these " old wives' 
 tales ;" we were nursed, suckled, taught, and married on these 
 beliefs, and in due course transmit the same to our descendants 
 too much not to have a reverence for them. 
 So many of them can be separated from the really super- 
 stitious that are worthy of mention too, that a collection is in 
 many points instructive, and fancy can picture to us a reason 
 why some old careful Matty of the past should, to prevent a 
 waste of nature's productions, impress on her descendants that it 
 was really wrong or unlucky to burn anything green or of use. 
 Some the teachings of experience, expressed in a quaint manner 
 not easily forgotten, on unnatural and therefore not seasonable 
 things — for instance, "a green yule makes a fat kirk yard;" 
 against " bearded or whistling women," and so forth. We can 
 and do believe that an unnatural season is productive of disease ; 
 and have all an antipathy to bearded, masculine, or whistling 
 By another flight of fancy we can call before us the advice 
 of age to imprudent youth, suggesting, " That before you stir 
 folks fires — that is, meddle with their business — know them seven 
 years !" or the advice of age to careless youth, " Keep a thing 
 seven years and it will be useful." 
 There are so many of this instructive stamp that it is worth 
 while the collecting of them. " It is really lucky to have money 
 in your pocket when the cuckoo sings," and so it is at any time. 
 This list of really useful proverbial expressions is great, and we 
 do not wonder that in the works published, which are all far from 
 complete, the authors should suggest to persons who can find 
 interest in the subject that it is a duty of theirs to seek up, before 
 it is too late, unrecorded morsels in their districts. 
 It certainly has a tendency to excite our surprise to hear of 
 some of the superstitions which existed in this district less than 
 a-half century ago. It seems strange, and looks almost incredible 
 to us, to hear how extensive was the belief in witches, wizards, 
 and witchcraft, and the power of charms and certain strange and 
 absurd ceremonies which were practised, by the fair sex in 
 particular, in order to learn the secrets of the future, particularly 
 those secrets which related to sweethearts and husbands. Did a 
 young woman desire to know who should be her good lord in 
 " the good time coming " (and no doubt this secret would like to 
 be read even now-a-days), well, she must obtain the first egg laid 
 by a pullet and boil it, but not a word must be spoken during 
 the boiling or eating of it, else the spell would be broken ! 
 During the boiling of it she must sit and look into the fire all 
 the time, sitting on something which had never been sat on 
 before, as, for instance : a candle-stick, a flat-iron, or astride a fire 
 poker or cowlrake, or anything which the fertile imagination of 
 a young lady could easily suggest. When boiled and eaten, she 
 must then march off" to bed without sound or speaking a word, 
 t;hen fall asleep, and sure enough she would dream of the man 
 who was to be her sweetheart — so they said. However, should 
 this ceremony fail of satisfying the spirits which have the secrets 
 of the future in their keeping, she must obtain a peas-cod or 
 " pea-swad," with nine peas in it, hang it up on the house door, 
 and whoever came first in at the door, she must rest assured that 
 her sweetheart would be of the same name. If this was not 
 satisfactory, she must visit the nine wells at the " Hall-royd " 
 (" royd," Saxon, an essart or ground cleared of wood), in the 
 neighbourhood ; and there the fair lady must take her handker- 
 chief and wash it in the nine wells, she would then see the gentle- 
 man who would afterwards be her husband — so it was said. 
 More might be added, such as " watching the porridge on St. 
 Mark's eve," and " throwing over the pancake on Shrove Tues- 
 day," customs which yet remain amongst us, and are practised 
 now for fun. 
 The belief in witches was very common amongst a large 
 class of persons, and the fear of their power for evil showed itself 
 in a variety of ways. For instance : if anything went wrong in 
 their houses, their farms, or their work, they at once concluded 
 that they were bewitched, nothing so certain, and something 
 must be done, or else there was no telling where it would end, 
 nor what the consequences would be. And the " wise-man," or 
 " wise-woman " must be consulted, who, of course, must be paid 
 just the same as we pay our medical adviser now-a-days ; and 
 strange indeed are the stories one has often heard of the 
 gullibility of their dupes. 
 I once knew a cloth weaver who, when he was a young man, 
 had been prevailed upon — on one occasion when he had a poor 
 web, or chain, as they are called in some districts — to get a 
 quantity of " wiggin " and put it over the loom in order to 
 destroy the effect or power of the witches. " Wiggin " or 
 " Sipsap," as it is now frequently called in some parts of York- 
 shire, is the Mountain Ash, and was believed to be a certain 
 preventative for witchcraft. Sometimes it was put over beds 
 in which persons slept, to keep off the evil power of witches ; 
 sometimes in stables over the horses and cattle, to prevent them 
 from being witched, and frequently horse-shoes were nailed up 
 behind doors in order to prevent them from being under witches' 
 influence. I lately heard the following rhyme, which is rather 
 appropriate : — 
 There was an old woman at Baildon, 
 Whose door had a horse-shoe nail'd on. 
 Because on one night 
 She had such a fright 
 With a bo^art that was horned and a tail'd un. 
 I have seen a bed, which had been, I was informed, once 
 marked all over the bed-head board with strange cabalistic signs, 
 because those who slept in it could not rest at nights. They 
 were troubled with night-mare, consequently they were believed 
 to be bewitched, and these strange marks were to drive away the 
 evil influence of the witches. A farmer in the neighbourhood 
 had a calf which died ; it was at once settled out that it was 
 bewitched, and that it must be burnt ; accordingly the carcase 
 was burnt. Charms were also bought from the so-called " wise- 
 man" and worn to protect the wearer from the power or influence 
 of the witches. 
 It is somewhat surprising to find in this, the nineteenth 
 century, to what a large extent silly superstition prevails in the 
 every-day life of a great mass of the people ; how it is mixed up 
 in the common daily conversation. For instance, one has often 
 heard " I wouldn't go on Friday, because it isn't lucky." If 
 going on a journey, " Don't turn back, because there's no luck 
 after it." Is there a leafy smut shaking on your fire-grate, then 
 " it's a stranger about to visit you." Does a cinder fly out of the 
 fire with a hollow side, then " it's a coffin for you." If a corpse 
 retains a soft fleshy feeling until the funeral, then " there will be 
 another death among the near relatives of the deceased before a 
 long time elapses." Do you break a looking-glass, then " there 
 is trouble in store for you." Have you heard the ticking of a 
 spider, of course " it's the death watch ;" or the howling of a dog 
 during the night, then " some one near you is going to die." I 
 lately heard a person say, " They say he couldn't die easy 
 because he was laid on a feather bed." Sometimes it is a feather 
 pillow that is blamed. Sometimes old people will say, "You will 
 never be able to raise that child, because it has a blue vein on its 
 nose." Many persons will not give you a light during Christmas 
 time, because it is unlucky to do so. If you have money in your 
 pocket when you hear the cuckoo for the first time in a season, 
 then " you will be lucky during the year." To spill salt is a sign 
 of sorrow in store for you. To have crickets in your house is a 
 lucky sign. I have heard of one family who gathered up all they 
 could find (and they had a large lot of them) and took them with 
 them when they removed from one house to another. If you 
 bathe in the sea, be sure and bathe an odd number of times, and 
 also duck yourself an odd number of times at each, if you don't 
 it is unlucky. Has your child got a sore mouth, then try the 
 following remedy, recommended by an old woman to a neigh- 
 bour of mine. Obtain a live frog, and put it in the child's 
 mouth, and pull it out by the legs, and the child will be cured ; 
 and not only that, but ever afterwards, any person who might be 
 suffering from sore mouth will also be cured, if the child who had 
 the frog put into its mouth should blow its breath into the 
 mouth of the persons afflicted. If you have warts that you want 
 to be rid of, try some of the following remedies, which I have 
 lately heard are certain cures. " Sell them to a friend, and then 
 wrap up the money received (be it only a penny or more) and 
 hide it, not looking at it again, and you will soon lose your 
 warts." So my informant, a woman, told me, and she had 
 known it done, she said, and quite successfully too. Another 
 remedy is — " Rub them with a piece of raw beef, and then bury 
 the beef somewhere, and as the flesh decays, so will the warts 
 die." If this is not tried, then "Tie a piece of silk round the 
 warts, cutting off the ends of the silk after tying, wrap up the 
 ends so cut off, and lose them, and you will so lose your warts 
 and not know how or when." So my informant did (again a 
 lady) and she lost her warts and never knew how. One more 
 remedy — " Rub them with a cinder and then throw it over 
 your head, and whoever finds the cinder will get your warts." 
 This reminds me of a practice we used to perform when I was a 
 boy : when we found one of those hairy or downy caterpillars, 
 found generally in hedge bottoms, and which we called " Tommy 
 Tailyers," we used to throw them over our heads for luck. 
 Among the schoolboys in the playground and at their games, 
 there is a great belief in the effects of certain words and acts ; 
 and here we find a great quantity of them are used constantly 
 and regularly, as well as in the schoolroom. It is not to be 
 wondered at that the imagination of a youth is so full of them, 
 when tradition is ever keeping them green in his memory, and 
 each lad faithfully transmits, unknowingly, his part to the fresh 
 boys. In the schoolroom we find them going to receive a caning 
 without fear, simply because, from the most remote ages of 
 schoolboy life, there has been handed down this — " That if you 
 wet your hand and put a hair across it," you will not only be 
 without pain, but also have the consolation and joy of knowing 
 that the cane will split ; it will split, if u.sed enough, we daresay. 
 Again, if possible, the master's cane is conveyed and dipped in 
 urine, and returned to the master's desk to split all to pieces at 
 the first stroke. But it is in the playground we must look for 
 the greater part. Here we may hear the charm repeated — " A 
 cross to loss, a ring to win ;" and looking round find two boys at 
 play, with a third boy acting as helpmate to one of them ; his 
 help consists of giving the above as the play is going on, using 
 the first part, " a cross to loss," as a cry to take away the success 
 of his friend's opponent, and the other to encourage his friend. 
 Signs on the ground, illustrative of the expression, are made. 
 This third boy, in some cases, does it for friendship's sake, but 
 in most cases it is a paid work : either, in the words of the 
 advertisement, by salary or commission. This boy will some- 
 times keep the ground clear with his cap, and sometimes is con- 
 sidered very lucky. In games of marbles the players have 
 generally a lucky " ally " as " taw," and to take this away will be 
 like taking the great Samson's locks — it will be nothing less than 
 taking his strength. 
 Should you run a race, to prevent a stitch in the side, you 
 have only to take a small bunch of grass in your left hand while 
 running ; and in bathing, to tie an eel skin round your leg, or 
 the more common bit of band or garter, you will be free from 
 cramp while bathing. A rainbow is made to disappear by 
 crossing it out, or putting two straws across each other, and 
 weighting the four ends with bits of coal ; this is a sure method, 
 truly believed in by a schoolboy, and should it stay for a time 
 after, when it does disappear it is from his charm. In rainy 
 weather, the most effective means to bring fine weather is the 
 repetition of the couplet — 
 Rain, rain, go away ; 
 Come agean at t'washing-day. 
 When it snows they are killing geese in Scotland, and sending 
 feathers here. To make a cockchafer spin and work for his 
 liberty, pierce him with a pin ; and the juice of the dock-leaf, 
 with a suitable accompaniment of words, eases the pain from the 
 -Sting of the nettle. 
 To tell if you like butter, a buttercup is held under your 
 chin, and if there is shown the yellow reflection, you do like 
 butter ; all are found to be fond of butter, and, like the fortune 
 we have told by the straggling gipsy, the verdict is made always 
 on the right side, that allows of no doubters. To prevent 
 another lad from growing put your hand on his head while he is 
 in a stooping posture or on the floor, and pass one of your legs 
 over it ; and to catch a sparrow, there is the old story of putting 
 salt on his tail. 
 Then, on Easter Tuesday, was the " barring out," now 
 almost extinct ; yet, in our recent recollection, it has been done 
 in the immediate neighbourhood. Boys were masters on this 
 day, the master was not barred out, but turned out, and the 
 school-door locked in his face, and then ensued a destruction of 
 benches and desks, and other appliances. If you take a robin's 
 nest it is unlucky ; your sleep will be disturbed, you will be 
 awakened by a tapping at the window, and of course it is the 
 robin coming to pick out your eyes. To bind an exchange one 
 asks, " Is grass green ?" And on receiving an affirmative reply, 
 will say, "No swaps (exchanges) back, wol thi muther's a queen." 
 To remove doubt, another formula is necessary, and by showing 
 a wet finger, and drying it over his head and re-showing it dry, 
 while saying it, is a proof of the honesty of the doer, and is 
 a clear remover of all doubts. 
 Happily these things are now of the past, but, in some out 
 of the way place, one sometimes hears of the remnants of these 
 absurd delusions still lingering amongst the most ignorant of 
 the population. 
 IjfANY of the simple and innocent customs which 
 If were incidental to the life of Pudsey a century or 
 more ago, are now lost to us for ever, and in their 
 stead we have a foretaste of the " fast life" of the 
 larger towns. 
 With regard to the festivals of the year and their 
 observances, we shall only make brief references. Many 
 of the customs attaching to saints' and other holidays in 
 Pudsey were common to most of the villages in the manufac- 
 turing districts of the West Riding, and have been described by 
 other local historians.* 
 Christmas and New Year's Day. — This season of the 
 year was, above all others, given up to festivity. The Yule-log 
 was burnt on Christmas Eve, the Christmas carol sung, and the 
 "mummers" went from inn to inn, playing their fantastic "Peace 
 Egg." On Christmas Day the brass band paraded the streets, 
 and called at the residences of the local gentry, who regaled the 
 members with genuine Christmas fare. The custom of sitting 
 up on New Year's Eve till after midnight, to see the New Year 
 make its advent, was observed by large numbers who did not 
 attend the Watch-night services. " Letting in the New Year " 
 was a custom of importance. A superstitious feeling was enter- 
 tained as to the proper person to bring good luck to the house, 
 and it was considered very unlucky if the visitor happened to 
 have red hair. A household so visited might expect much 
 * For descriptions of many of these ancient customs, see Smith's MorUy: Ancient and 
 Modern^ pp. T19-150. 
 trouble during the coming year. On New Year's Day morning 
 the custom of asking for New Year's gifts was observed by the 
 children of the place, and the evening was given up to games 
 with pins, which had been received as gifts. 
 Valentine Day. — This festival was duly honoured, but 
 in a widely different manner to what it is at the present time. 
 The post-office and printing-press did not lend their aid to any 
 great extent in the transmission of the love-epistles of a century 
 ago ; the " soft nothings " were not conveyed to the " fair sex " 
 of Pudsey on scented cards, elaborately and artistically designed ; 
 but, on the contrary, the message was transcribed in a fair round- 
 hand, and was a work of time to the unskilful penman, and when 
 completed was carried by the lover to the residence of his 
 inamorata, and slipped under the door in a somewhat hasty 
 manner. Now-a-days, the factory and servant-girls of the place 
 are the principal recipients of these missives, which are ofttimes 
 of a very burlesque or insulting character. 
 Shrovetide. — This season was a peculiarly happy one to 
 the schoolboy and the apprentice ; for, after eleven o'clock in 
 the forenoon, work for the day ceased, and merriment of various 
 kinds was indulged in. "Collop Monday" was strictly observed, 
 but at the present time "collops and eggs" are scarcely recognised 
 as specialities of the day. The eating of pancakes on Shrove 
 Tuesday is now about all that remains to us of this festival. 
 April Fool'.S Day was made the occasion of much harm- 
 less, and at times boisterous, pleasantry, for every one appeared 
 to enjoy the delight of making as many fools as he could. 
 May Day. — The observances connected with this day, as 
 also of the 29th of May (Royal Oak Day), have all fallen into 
 desuetude, and the decorations of the horses' heads upon the 
 anniversary of the Restoration (1660) has become almost a thing 
 of the past. 
 VVhit-Mondav. — This festival has been kept with much 
 enthusiasm during the last fifty years, and is a day looked for- 
 ward to by the children connected with the Sunday schools with 
 great delight. The new dresses, the singing, with instrumental 
 accompaniments, the parading of the streets, and the subsequent 
 tea, with a cake each to take home, made this day exceedingly 
 popular. Now and again it would be a day of grievous dis- 
 appointment, however, for the rain would persist in coming down 
 just at the time when, in all the glory of new clothing, and with 
 banners flying, the processions of happy school-children should 
 have started on their way. The schools which took part in the 
 Whitsuntide festivities of 1886 were — Parish Church (three 
 schools), teachers and scholars, 778, conductor, Mr. John Parlcer ; 
 Fulneck (two schools), 334, conductor, Mr. Geo. Baggaley; Con- 
 gregationalists, 420, conductor, Mr. B. Dufton ; Upper Sunday 
 School (U.M.F.C.), 332, conductor, Mr. S. Gaunt ; Primitive 
 Methodist, Lowtown, 367, conductor, Mr. C. M. Sheard ; Mount 
 Zion, 256, conductor, Mr. Albert E. Webster ; Mount Tabor 
 (U.M.F.C.), 187, conductor, Mr. Wm. Eddison ; Roker Lane 
 (P.M.), 100, conductor, Mr. Ramsden ; Baptists, Littlemoor, iio, 
 conductor, Mr. J. A. Hinchliffe ; Wesleyans, Church Lane, 400, 
 conductor, Mr. Wright Wilson ; Wesleyans, Littlemoor, 250, 
 conductor, Mr. Stables ; Lower S.S. (Free Church), 274, con- 
 ductor, Mr. S. Rogers ; Unitarians, 150, conductor, Mr. J. W. 
 Varley ; Bethel, 134, conductor, Mr. S. W. Wilson ; Rickardshaw 
 Lane (P.M.), 346, conductor, Mr. W. Cawson; St. Paul's Church, 
 230, conductor, Mr. Strickland; the number taking part in the 
 festival making a total of over 4,cx)0 scholars and teachers. 
 PUDSEY Feast does not maintain the character for real 
 or genuine hospitality which attached to this, annual holiday in 
 former days. The inhabitants now-a-days for the most part go 
 to the seaside, and leave the " fun of the fair" to those who arc 
 sticklers for keeping up the good old customs. The feast, when 
 held at Chapeltown, was a sight well worth seeing. Pitching the 
 bar, wrestling, hunting the pig, sack, smock, and wheelbarrow 
 races, were amongst the so-called amusements of our forefathers. 
 Something of the din and confusion of these old-time feasts is 
 with us yet, and the children and young people are still enter- 
 tained with swings and roundabouts, shows and panoramas, fat 
 women, and gambling-tables of many descriptions Eating and 
 drinking were formerly the principal indoor attractions of the 
 feast-time, and beef, pickled cabbage, and home-brewed beer 
 were the staple provisions of each household. Amongst the 
 caterers for the patronage of the pleasure-seekers at the annual 
 feast in former days was Tom Wild, a travelling actor, well- 
 known in his profession throughout the North of England. Tom 
 closed his career in the Market Place, Pudsey, in May, 1883, at 
 the age of 70 years. " Wild's Show," or theatre, was a "house- 
 hold word" in almost every town and village in Yorkshire in 
 connection with village feasts thirty to forty years ago. 
 Music, both vocal and instrumental, has been a conspicuous 
 feature in the recreations of the Pudseyites for many generations. 
 More than sixty years ago, the " Pudsey Old Reed Band " was 
 a power in the village, and amusing stories might be told of both 
 performers and their performances, but we refer our readers, for 
 fuller information, to a work recently published.* In 1876, 
 the Old Band having ceased to exist, a Brass Band was estab- 
 lished in Fartown. 
 Fifty years ago Pudsey had its Choral Society, and gave 
 oratorio performances and choral concerts, at which many 
 eminent performers, vocal and instrumental, took part. Mr.s. 
 Sunderland, the " Yorkshire Queen of Song," made her first 
 appearance as a vocalist in 1836, when sixteen years of age, at 
 one of the Society's concerts. On April 27th, 1862, Mrs. Sunder- 
 land made her last appearance at Pudsey in the " Messiah," when 
 a splendid folio copy of Handel's immortal work, handsomely 
 bound in morocco, was presented to this unequalled exponent 
 of -sacred song. 
 When the Society ceased its operations, a new one was 
 formed in 1877, under the name of the " Pudsey Choral Union," 
 which has continued up to the present time. This excellent 
 body of musicians has contributed greatly to the cultivation of 
 good music amongst the inhabitants of Pudsey, and brought 
 before the public in a most creditable and praiseworthy manner, 
 music of the very highest class. 
 Amongst the British manly sports and recreations, which 
 were at one time supposed to do much towards the formation of 
 the national character, giving strength, pluck, and endurance, or 
 furnishing recreation and amusement, we find that Pudsey ap- 
 propriated a considerable share. 
 In the Leeds Mercury of 1730, we find the following ad- 
 vertisement, showing that Pud.sey 160 years ago, had its race 
 ground and conditions of racing : — 
 On Wednesday the 7th (1730), will be run for at Pudsey Upper Moor, a three 
 pounds plate, by horses not exceeding fourteen hands high, the best of three heats, 
 carrying nine stone, all under to be allowed weight for inches. As usual, to pay four 
 shillings entrance, and to confortn to articles. None to run for the said plate that 
 ever won the value of eight pounds. The horses, etc. , for these races to be showed 
 and entered at William Hutchinson's, at the Shoulder of Mutton aforesaid, upon 
 Monday, between the hours of twelve and eight of the afternoon. N.B. — No less 
 than three horses to start (and excepting any horse, mare, or gelding that is or ever 
 was Mr. Parson's of Micklefield. If any such horse running shall have no benefit of 
 Many of the amusements of our forefathers were rude and 
 barbarous ; as BuLL-DAITING, which was very common during 
 the past century. There were persons living not long ago who 
 could remember the last bull-baiting, which took place in the 
 croft, where the Fartown National School now stands. The 
 * See Lawson's Progress in Puasey, pp. 103-5, 
 bull belonged to a man called " Jack Sheldon." He and several 
 others who had taken an active part in the disgraceful sport were 
 summoned before the magistrates and fined. This revolting 
 sport, as formerly practised here, is thus described : — On the 
 opening of this sublime amusement (?) the bull is fastened to a 
 stake by a chain which extends about fifteen yards in length, and 
 terminates in a very strong leather coUarpassing round his neck, his 
 horns being previously muffled at the points with a composition 
 of tow, tallow, and melted pitch. The attack then commenced 
 with dreadful noises of different kinds — bellowings, hootings, 
 huzzaings, and all the discordant noises which human savagery 
 could invent. Whatever could be brought to bear upon the 
 poor animal to work it into a state of fury was used ; mi.ssiles 
 were aimed at him in front, and he was punctured with sharp- 
 pointed sticks, and irritated with repeated twists of the tail 
 behind. The irritation being judged sufficient, a single bull-dog 
 is just let loose upon the prey, and if he be found incapable of 
 pinning him by the nose to the ground, he is soon assisted by a 
 second, and even by a third ; and when these are tired or gored, 
 other bull-dogs, howling and impatient of control, and let loose 
 in their turn, till the poor exhausted captive faints beneath the 
 protracted attack, and falls a victim to a sport as barbarous as 
 ever disgraced the race of man.""' 
 Cock-fighting was another amusement which met with 
 much favour amongst a certain class of society, but which need 
 not here be described. 
 The game of FOOTBALL was a favourite diversion in the 
 days long gone by, but it was far different to the healthy game 
 of football as played 
 now, with their well- 
 drawn rules for the 
 guidanceof the play- 
 ers. The game as 
 played now-a-days, 
 would have been 
 voted tame and in- 
 sipid, and as only fit 
 for children — notthe 
 manly game in which 
 many were maimed 
 for life. Many are 
 the stories which I 
 Football in Pudsey, a.d. 1887. havc heard old men 
 * Holmes's Histcry 0/ Kei^/i/ey, p. 150. 
 relate about this game — tales which forcibly showed the folly 
 and recklessness of the young men of that day — the hairbreadth 
 escapes, or the dangerous wounds which some received from 
 their antagonists, the foolhardiness with which they entered into 
 the contests which took place, when township was arrayed 
 against township, and village against village, or the Lowtown 
 against Fartown, Chapeltown, and Greenside. Great was the 
 excitement created by the great set matches. The ball was 
 generally " thrown down " in the field called " Greatrails," be- 
 tween Chapeltown and Fartown. The Lowtown party had to 
 Cricket in Pudsey, a.d, 1887. 
 take the ball down Littlemoor to the beck, if they won the 
 match, and the Fartown party had to take it to the beck below 
 Smalewell. The game of football has been revived in Pudsey 
 within the last few years, and a flourishing football club is in 
 existence. The club was formed in 1 88 1, with Dr. Farquhar as 
 president, and a membership of sixty persons. 
 The game of Cricket has been long practised in Pudsey, 
 but was at one time played in a very primitive fashion, generall)' 
 on the highway, or the village green. Bats, wickets, and leather 
 balls were then unknown ; a tub leg served as a bat, made 
 smaller at one end for a handle, a wall cape, or some large stone 
 set on end for a wicket, called a " hob," and a pot taw or some 
 hard substance covered with band. They were all one-ball 
 overs if double wicket was played ; no umpires, and often those 
 who cheated the hardest won.* All this has been changed, and 
 the game elevated into a science, and Pudsey has its cricket clubs, 
 the St. Lawrence and the Britannia, both of which arc regarded 
 as formidable competitors by the clubs of neighbouring towns. 
 In 1863 Pudsey received a visit from the All England Eleven, 
 who played with 22 selected from the players of the township 
 and the surrounding district. The match resulted in a victory 
 for the All England party, though by only seven runs. In the 
 following year the Eleven were defeated by 105 runs. 
 Lawn Tennis has, at the present time, taken a promnent 
 position as an out-door amusement more particularly for ladies. 
 In 1884 the " Pudsey Lawn Tennis Club " was formed, with Mr. 
 George Hinings as president, and a goodly number of members. 
 The " HORNBLOWERS," once an institution m Pudsey, are 
 now extinct. Formerly there was in Pudsey, almost within the 
 memory of the "oldest inhabitant," an interesting custom in 
 vogue, by which apprentices and the inhabitants generally were 
 aroused from their slumbers by the shrill blasts of the " horn- 
 blower," or trumpeter, whose duty it was to go through the 
 village every morning during the week, at five o'clock, when the 
 apprentices were obliged to arise and commence their work. 
 The horn was also blown again at eight in the evening, 
 when the apprentices ceased working for the day. The last horn- 
 blower in this township was Richard Anderson, usually called 
 ■" Old Dick Anderson." This quaint relic of bygone usages (when 
 there were no mill-bells to arouse the people to their work) is 
 still practised at Otley, where a trumpet is blown a la militaire, 
 every morning, to arouse the mill-hands to their work. One 
 night in May, i860, I was staying at Otley, when early in the 
 morning I was awakened by the shrill rattleof the trumpet, and as 
 I wondered what it meant, I could hear the trumpeter passing 
 along the streets making the little town ring again. On making 
 inquiry, I was informed what it meant. 
 " Riding Weddings." — It was formerly a custom in this 
 neighbourhood, for those parties who could afford it, to have 
 what was termed " riding weddings," namely, for those who went 
 to the marriage to ride on horse-back (sometimes two on a horse) 
 * Lawson's Progress tn Pudsey, p. 63. 
 to and from the Parish Church at Calverley, and on the return to 
 gallop home helter-skelter, as hard as the horses could go, in 
 order to be in first ; sometimes a silver cup was the prize for the 
 first in. And it was also a custom, now happily gone out of date, 
 to seek up a number of old shoes to pelt or throw at the parties as 
 they rode along. When shoes could not be obtained, sods were 
 used for the purpose, and what is somewhat singular these things 
 were done in jest and good humour, not in anger or ill-will. It 
 is probable that this custom may have originated in the belief 
 which existed in former times " that to throw an old shoe after 
 a person was considered lucky." This custom was sometimes 
 called " trashing." I have heard of a person in Pudsey (named 
 Greaves) who offered to give his children ;if20 each, on their 
 wedding day, if they would forego their " riding wedding," but 
 they would not — no, not for the ;^20. !* 
 The Ducking .Stool, 
 " Ducking Stool." — There is, or was a few years ago, a 
 large pond, at the top of Tyersall-lane, known by the name of 
 " ducking stool." There was, about 60 years ago, at this pond, 
 a chair fastened to the end of a long pole, which worked on a 
 pivot in order that the chair could be made to descend into the 
 water by working the pole. This was the relic of an ancient 
 custom for the punishment of scolds and brawling women, who 
 were placed in the chair and ducked, to the edification of the 
 bystanders. Sometimes this mode of punishment has been con- 
 founded with the " cucking stool," which was in use as early as 
 the time of Domesday Book, and also with the "tumbrell," which 
 was used sometime after. In the " cucking stool " the culprit 
 was placed before her own door, or in some other public place, 
 for a certain time, and subjected to the jeers of the passers-by 
 • See Scatcherd's History of Morley, p. 195. 
 and of the viciously inclined. On the " tumbrell," she, or he, was 
 drawn round the town, seated on the chair, and this was sometimes 
 so constructed as to be used for "ducking " as well, but the 
 " ducking stool " par excellence, was the one fixed, or moveable, 
 but made specially for the purposes of immersion* 
 " Riding the Stang," by the roughs, after a fight between 
 husband and wife, was a custom formerly common in this locality, 
 and has been carried out, within the last few years. A nominey 
 was generally said by the person who rode the stang or rail. If 
 the wife had beat the husband, it commenced thus : — 
 Riding the Stang. 
 Raiity tan, tan, tan, 
 You may hear by the sound of my frying pan 
 That Mrs. has beat her good man.+ 
 The customs practised at FUNERALS were most objectionable, 
 being the remnants of practices handed down from the dark ages. 
 Ina description of a funeral in 1541, it is said, "The corpse was 
 then buried, during which was sung the Te Deum, and the whole 
 was concluded with good eating and drinkmg" It was customary, 
 *See the Reliquarv^ j86i. James's History of Brnd/an/, p. 293. Scatchkkd's History of 
 Morley.-^. 192, and Smith's M'orUy: Aticient ana Modern,-^. ^^. 
 t Scatchehd's Mot ley ^\i. 193 
 during the last century, to have what was termed an " arvil." 
 The persons attending the funeral were supplied with warm ale 
 and cakes, or a sumptuous feast was prepared either at the house 
 of the deceased or at a public-house near, as if the visitors were 
 rejoicing at the demise of the deceased- — a proceeding altogether 
 unseemly on such a solemn occasion. In some country districts 
 this feasting custom yet lingers. 
 When we look around now, upon our town, what a change 
 has come over the scene. Long chimneys and gigantic manu- 
 factories have risen on every hand, giving employment at good 
 wages to hundreds and in some instances, thou-sands of hands. 
 The barbarities and degrading cu.stoms have, in a great measure, 
 fled before the activity of business and the educational institutions 
 which have sprung up in all our manufacturing villages through- 
 out the country. The amusements are generally of a higher 
 order, if we except the dog-racing and rabbit-coursing community, 
 which, alas, is sadly too numerous. Sunday and day schools, 
 mechanics' institutions, soirees, lectures, and musical entertain- 
 ments, railway excursions, and holiday tours, cricket clubs, and 
 other interesting and healthy out-door games, now all come in for 
 a large share of patronage. There are now but very few who sigh 
 for the " good old times " to which in this chapter I have alluded 
 more particularly. 
 ^ T is not possible for us to faithfully portray the con- 
 ''' ditions of actual living in Pudsey in the earlier 
 ^-:^-.'7^-^ periods of its history, when there existed a vastly 
 '^^<^^* different state of things to that which we find at 
 Jtr'^ the present time. The want of roads, the primitive 
 ^y conditions of the dwellings, and the domestic economy, 
 ^ the struggles with nature to obtain a living from the 
 * ground, and the restricted privileges of schools, churches, 
 and literature, with the unpolished manners of the people — all 
 these drawbacks, as we reckon them — made the conditions of 
 life very hard to our ancestors in the bygone centuries, and we 
 might be led to infer that " life was not worth living " under such 
 hardships, did we not remember how readily human nature can 
 adapt itself to circumstances. 
 That the conditions of life were hard, may be gathered 
 from the following illustration of the domestic slavery existing in 
 this district in the fourteenth century : — 
 Thomas de Tiresall made fine with the lord of 6d. chiefage, for license of 
 having lohn, son of Roger Childeyounge, a bondman in his service up to the feast of 
 St. Michael next ensuinge, so that he shall give back the aforesaide John to the 
 bailiff at the time.* 
 In the reign of Edw. III., 1352, the wages paid to hay- 
 makers was id. per day ; a mower of meadows 5d. per acre, or 
 5d. per day ; reapers of corn, without meat and drink, finding 
 their own tools, 2d. to 3d. per day ; for thrashing a quarter 
 wheat rye, 2^d. In 1361, of same reign, a chief master 
 • From Bradford Maxnr Court Rails. Ttmf. Edw. III. 
 carpenter or mason received 4d. per day, and others 2d. or 3d., 
 as they acquitted themselves. In the reign of Richard II., 1389, 
 the wages of a bailiff of husbandry was 13s. 4d. per year, and 
 clothing once a year ; the master hind was paid los. a year ; the 
 carter, los. ; and the shepherd, ids. From this time up to the 
 year 1445, in Henry VI. reign, the price of labour was fixed by 
 the justices by proclamation, viz. : freemasons and carpenters, 
 4d. per day — without meat or drink, 5^d. per day ; reapers and 
 carters, 5d. per day, without meat or drink. In 1758 labourers 
 received lod. per day. 
 The homes of the poor were scarcely more than mere 
 hovels, and it was not until the eighteenth century that any 
 great improvement took place. For many generations there 
 could be seen, around these dwellings of our ancestors, the 
 moorland, unreclaimed by the plough or the spade, and fine 
 woods where the towering trees grew thick as a forest. We can 
 well understand that the labourers of those days were poor and 
 ignorant, but it is certain that out of this apparently crude and 
 unproductive period, and from these unlettered ancestors of 
 ours, the present prosperous condition of Pudsey had its rise. 
 Our forefathers laid the foundation of the manufacture, which 
 is now the staple trade of the place, and from which the 
 wealth, which has its evidences on every side, has been 
 In 1736, the wages of a weaver were only 8d. a day, 
 and for this sum he had to work fifteen hours. The price of 
 provisions was much less than at the present time, but through 
 nearly the whole of the eighteenth century, beef and mutton 
 were from 3d. to 3^d. per lb. ; cheese and butter from 3d. 
 to 4d., and sugar, 6d. ; while tea and coffee were luxuries un- 
 known to Pudsey folks of the poorer class. Clothing of all 
 .sorts was very dear, and boots and shoes were equally 
 expensive. The fashions in dress, and the quality of the food 
 of our forefathers, were of the plainest description. In the 
 beginning of the present century their food consisted of very 
 poor fare — such as porridge, bacon, salt beef, and havercake 
 {haver, Scandinavian for oats), now called oatcake ; in fact, so 
 largely was this wholesome article of food used, that a regiment 
 of soldiers (the 33rd), raised principally in Yorkshire, was called 
 the " Havercake Lads." Wheat bread was but seldom seen in 
 many households ; it was considered a rare treat to be favoured 
 with it once a week, viz., on Sundays. When a pig was killed it 
 was usual for a goodly portion of it to be distributed amongst 
 the friends or kinsfolk. The villagers, having but few sweets or 
 luxuries, such as is common in this age of refinement, grew up 
 hale, hearty, and strong ; they thought little of walking forty or 
 fifty miles a day. 
 The dress of the men of Pudsey, at the time of which we 
 are writing, very often consisted of coarse grey hose, leather 
 breeches, drab vest and coat, gay-coloured neckerchief, beaver 
 hat, and often a striped woolsey apron, and once " rigged out " it 
 would do almost for a generation. The dress of the fairer sex 
 rarely rose above a gay-coloured print, the plainest of a cottage 
 or coal-scuttle bonnet, and a plain or fancy shawl. 
 We cannot forego the temptation to say one word to the 
 workman of Pudsey with reference to his present condition. If 
 he has regular work at present, he should be far better off than 
 the working man of a century ago, with his 8s. or los. a week, 
 and bread occasionally at famine prices, as in 1800, and again in 
 1820, when the best corn was from 20s. to 22s. per bushel. 
 There was, occasionally, an increase of wages in bad times, but 
 not in proportion to the cost of bread. At such seasons, the 
 most sober and industrious workman had much " planning " to 
 be able to pay for necessary food and house rent, but even in the 
 hardest of times, we have heard of instances where men have 
 struggled on through all difficulties, in order to be able to pride 
 themselves upon never having received a penny from the parish. 
 The poor who had to receive parish relief were but indifferently 
 treated, as we are told by one writer, who says : — " At the 
 poor-house in Pudsey, not more than fifty years ago, I have 
 seen large black bowls filled with oatmeal porridge and milk, 
 and a big podgy person who figured as master, filling black 
 earthen mugs with a ladle, and the poor, miserably-clad old 
 people, hobbling away with their meal to their room, which 
 was not very tidy or over clean. But I suppose it was thought 
 good enough for the aged and infirm poor." 
 Coming down to recent times, we find that Pudsey, in the 
 early years of the present century, had a somewhat unenviable 
 reputation ; its inhabitants were considered rude, intractable, 
 and scarcely amenable to the common laws regulating order 
 and courtesy. The very name of the place furnished amuse- 
 ment for many a long year, and anything belonging to it 
 was thought fair game for sport. That both the place and 
 its people had their peculiarities it would be idle to deny. 
 The place was not picturesque enough for those who were 
 partial to order and regularity in the architecture and 
 environments of the homes of the people. A writer, in 1829, 
 thus expresses himself: — 
 Pudsey, one of the most populous villages in the West Riding, is finely situated 
 on an eminence, but the irregularity of its buildings detracts greatly from its natural 
 iKauty. The inhabitants do not appear to pride themselves in the beauty of their 
 village, or to rival each other in the exterior decorations of their several dwellings ; 
 but, on the contrary, they try to excel each other in industry and frugality, and seem 
 more anxious to acquire riches than ostentatiously to display them. The manufacture 
 of woollen cloths is carried on here to a greater extent than any other village in 
 England. * 
 This neglect of the beautiful, in the homes of the people, 
 might be attributed to many causes. There were no schools 
 in existence at that time where the taste for the beautiful was 
 cultivated, and the people had hard work to encounter in 
 order to provide things honest, and keep the wolf from the 
 door. True, the number of small freeholders in the place was 
 at that time a noticeable feature, and these favourites of 
 fortune manifested a strong feeling of independence, which 
 may have had something to do with the indifference to 
 external surroundings which they manifested. 
 When the cloth manufacture began to develop itself, houses 
 of a roomy, if not of a very substantial character, were built, 
 generally of stone. In these houses the small manufacturers, 
 who were also in many cases farmers, lived, and carried on the 
 domestic manufacture of cloth. The farm buildings (outhouses) 
 were inconvenient erections, sometimes covered with thatch, but 
 oftcncr with grey slates. 
 Of the better class of houses built in the sixteenth, seven- 
 teenth, and eighteenth centuries, and occupied at that time by 
 the yeomanry of the village, we have several good examples left 
 to us. One of these is 
 Nesbit Hall. — On the sunny side of the township, 
 nestling under the hill, and protected from the north and east 
 winds by fair-sized sycamores and beeches, stands a quaint old 
 mansion, Nesbit Hall (or Nisbet Hall). Standing near the old 
 iron entrance-gates, the first sight of the place gives one a feeling 
 that there is something unusual about it. From papers still in 
 possession of Mrs. James Clayton, it appears that in 171 2, a John 
 Holdsworth, of Pudsey, yeoman, and Dorothy, his wife, lived 
 here, in the " Bank-house," and then .sold it, and sixteen closes, 
 to John Darnbrough, of Tong, who died 1 741, leaving his son 
 John in possession. Darnbrough, junior, parted with the 
 property, in 1755, to Richard Farrer, of Pudsey, who then 
 * PlGOTT AND Co.'s Ditectory o/ the West Riding, pub. 1899, p. 1045. 
 resided here; and he in 1760 sold it to Claud Nisbet, merchant, of 
 the city of London, who built the present hall on the site of the old 
 " Bank-house," and had the graceful monogram of " C. & J. N., 
 1761," cast in the conductors, with his crest on each socket 
 below. His will is dated this year, and Claud Nisbet, the elder 
 of two sons, enters into possession ; but " soon afterwards 
 departed this life," where or how was never known, though some 
 old neighbours will have it, that if the lower cellars are inspected, 
 he will be found there. In 181 1, it was sold to John Clayton, 
 by auction, on the condition that, if ever C. N. turned up, he 
 should be reinstated. The Claytons were of some standing in 
 the district, were lords of the manor of Yeadon, and earlier on, 
 were stewards of the Calverley estate of the Thornhills, living in 
 the house next the church there. Two generations lived here, 
 finally leaving in 1866, since which date the place has had several 
 short occupiers, until 1885, when it was bought by Mr. John 
 Cliff, late of Wortley, and Lambeth, London, who now lives 
 there, takes a great interest in keeping up the old place, and in 
 learning anything of its history and architecture.* The house 
 gradually ceased to be styled " Bank House " after Nisbet's pur- 
 chasing, and now, Nisbet is changed to Nesbit. It was designed 
 by the same architect as Fulneck (some ten years later) and the 
 house on Scotthill ; and the similarity in the windows, mould- 
 ings, etc., fully bears out the tradition. The old malt-kiln shown 
 in the ordnance map was built for Christopher Scott (his son-in- 
 law), of Wortley, maltster, by John Darnbrough, senior, and was 
 finally sold by the late Mr. James Clayton as old material. In 
 the grounds is an old doorway, of very much older date than the 
 present house, and it is believed to be the front doorway of the 
 old "Bank" house. The views over the Tong estate from this 
 '' bank " are very beautiful. 
 Mr. W. WllEATER, in writing of the old houses in Pudsey, 
 tells us that 
 In the Heights stands one of those fine old yeoman-mansions that tell us that 
 when King James the Sapient conquered England and ascended its throne, the yeomen 
 of Pudsey were a solid and thriving race. In the low broad windows of those houses, 
 with their heavy stone muUions and light surmounting labels, their peaked roofs and 
 deep splayed doorways, their cosy rooms, ond wide expanding fire-places, we have 
 the best types of English past-baronial grandeur. In Pudsey there are some six or seven 
 such houses— the foremost perhaps being that on Greentop, which Mr. Rayner told 
 me was dedicated to liberty of conscience in the troublous days of " the man Charles 
 Stuart," when these Pudsey men ranged themselves bodily on the side of manhood, 
 and afterwards told their children how 
 " We trampled on the throng of the haughty and the strong 
 Who sat in the high places and slew the saints of God." 
 * Mr. Cliff gives the accompanying photograph of the Hall to this book. 
 Notwithstanding the awful fact that 
 "'i'he man of blood was there, with his long emerced hair, 
 And Astley, and Sir Marmaduke, and Kupert of the Khine." 
 They are sacred, these old houses, to the political liberties and moral grandeur of 
 England. 1 hey are the abiding testimony of what manner of men they were who 
 smote with the sword of the Lord and of Gideon. Burghers and freemen they, as the 
 domestic character of their houses still indicates— no time-servers, no menial 
 sycophants, no aspirants for baronial distinction, no dwellers in castles, or sham 
 things having the similitude thereof ; but plain men, substantial, capable of endurance, 
 self-willed and self-respecting, much endowed mentally, and resolute in the good. To 
 them the apostle's exhortation, '■ Fight the good fight," was not a meaningless waste 
 of words ; it was a soul-wracking command. Under the roof of his friend Sales, in 
 this very mansion at Greentop, that fiery Puritan, Elkanah Wales, was wont to preach 
 to his brother parishioners ; and he preached in no courtly tones ; he advocated no 
 maudlin theology ; he had taken up his cross and started to follow the (Jod-man, 
 whom our Saxon forefathers called the Healer, He whcs justified His own life upon 
 Calvary. Such men are born to win ; ye may destroy them in the flesh, but in the 
 spirit they are immortal. They it was who prepared the men who rode through 
 Charles's ranks at Marston Moor, and shattered his duplicity at Worcester ; it was 
 their children in the wilds of the New World who taught England that prayerfulness 
 was stnmger than kingcraft, and that freedom was more powerful than bayonets. Let 
 Pudsey point with undying pride to these burgher-mansions, and may the spirit of 
 the wild Vikings, whose children founded them, never depart therefrom. 
 West House, the property and residence of Mr. James 
 Banks, is a fair specimen of the class of residences which spring 
 up as a result of commercial prosperity. It is of modern date, 
 and has all the appearances of substantiality, comfort, and 
 adaptability to the domestic requirements of the successful 
 manufacturer. Mr. Banks has occupied a prominent position in 
 Pudsey for many years, having served in the offices of church- 
 warden and guardian of the poor with great ability, and to the 
 entire satisfaction of his fellow-townsmen. He has also held other 
 public offices, and in many ways has rendered praiseworthy 
 services to his native town. Mr. Banks is a Conservative in 
 politics, and a member of the Established Church. 
 At Troydale there is an old farmhouse, upon which is a double cross or stone, 
 denoting that the site on which it stands formerly belonged to the Knights of 
 Jerusalem, afterwards called Knights of Malta. I'his Order had considerable pos- 
 sessions granted to them by pious admirers in the thirteenth century, and the lessees 
 of their lands had many curious privileges granted to them. Proof of wills was one 
 of the prerogatives enjoyed by the Order, and this right was exercised within their 
 manors of Crosley, Bingley, and Pudsey, so late as 1795 The wills are kept by Mr. 
 Ferrand, at St. Ives, Bingley, whose family were impropriate rectors.* 
 Grove House, in Chapeltown, with its tastefully laid out 
 grounds, and many excellent conveniences, is a good specimen 
 of the domestic architecture of last century. This was at one 
 time the residence of John Farrer, Esq., a justice of the peace, 
 who was of some importance in his day, as appears by the part 
 he took in town's affairs, and what is of still greater importance, the 
 • CuDWOET«'s Round aiout Bradford, p. 499. 
 lively and unceasing interest he took in the training of young men. 
 Mr. Farrer is the first magistrate we hear of as connected with 
 Pudsey, but at that time justice was not dispensed in the village 
 itself, for there was no court house ; the police station had not 
 shown itself, and the blue-coated police officer had not then began 
 his patrol of the streets and highways. There was a poor house, 
 at the back of which was the prison where the refractories were 
 John Farrer, J. P. 
 locked up until the constables could escort them to the New Inn 
 at Bradford, or the then noted " Catherine Slack," where justices 
 used to sit and hear cases belonging to the township. 
 On the death of Mr. P'arrer, the Rev. W. L. Howarth suc- 
 ceeded to the possession of Grove House, at which place he 
 resided alternately with his Leeds residence. In 1868, Mr. 
 Howarth qualified as a West Riding magistrate, and sat in 
 Petty Sessions at Bradford. He was a distant relative of the 
 Rev. W. Howarth, who was for fifty years incumbent of All 
 Saints' Chapel. He was educated at Fulneck, Doncaster, and 
 Leeds Grammar Schools, and graduated at Magdalene College, 
 Cambridge. He was ordained to the curacy of St. Lawrence's 
 Church, Pudsey, which office he held for seven years. In 1865 he 
 married Mary, daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Banks, and sister 
 to Mr. James Banks, of Pudsey. As a reader and elocutionist, 
 Mr. Howarth, it is said, " was not surpassed by anyone in the 
 district, and his sermons were generally sound and eloquent." 
 Mr. Howarth died at his Leeds residence, Elmwood House, on 
 the 14th day of December, 1877, aged 58 years. 
 In 1878 Grove House came into the possession of Mr. 
 William Dibb Scales, a gentleman whose life, though it contains 
 no adventures or events of an exciting nature, serves to show 
 how high and worthy a position may be attained by steady per- 
 severance, plodding industry, and honourable dealings. During 
 the last forty years, Mr. Scales has been one of the most promi- 
 nent public men in Pudsey, and has taken a large share in 
 furthering its growth and development. He has during that 
 long period taken a deep interest in all public matters tending 
 to the welfare and well-being of his fellow-townsmen. He was 
 elected first chairman of the Local Board, having previously 
 served in many public offices connected with the township. He 
 has been identified with every benevolent and Christian move- 
 ment, and a large-hearted well-wisher and contributor to every 
 good cause. His life has been marked by great thoroughness, 
 transparency, and firmness of character, and having now retired 
 from business, he has ample opportunity for usefulness, and also 
 the willingness to avail him.self of it. In religion Mr. Scales is 
 connected with the Wesleyan body, and in politics is an advanced 
 As to the people who lived in Pudsey in bygone days, they 
 were a strong-minded race, and not to be " put on." Adopting 
 their own expression, they would "fight like tigers" for an 
 opinion, and it is said of them, that " politics, friendship, and 
 kinship go for nothing in a question of doubtful policy." Re- 
 finement of manners was not then a characteristic of the people, 
 but other sterling qualities made amends for the roughness 
 and uncouthness of their speech and actions. An amusing de- 
 scription of an encounter with a Pudsey youth is given by the 
 late Dr. Winter Hamilton, of Leeds.* He says : — 
 * From Nuga Literarice^ pub. 1841, p, 292. 
 A week had scarcely elapsed since my arrival ( in Leeds), before 1 determined 
 on an excursion to the Moravian settlement at Fulneck. Ignorant of the way, I 
 accosted a lad who was breaking stones by the side of the road, in a very common 
 but unmeaning manner — " Where does this road go to ?" With a proud contempt on 
 his face, at what he perceived to be a southern tone and an equally foolish <|uestion, 
 he, half with the air of the churl, and half that of the rogue, exclaimed : " Go ! 
 no where ; I have knawn it for more than ten years, and it never slurred yet." A 
 little out of countenance, if none out of temper, I still urged my desire for information. 
 " Whither shall I get if I drive along this road?" "To Pudsey, sure: follow thy 
 nose, and aw's plain as a pikestaff." Thinks I to myself, — if such be the cul), what 
 must they be who have whelped him ? If such be the eaglet, little more than callow 
 and new ejected from the eyrie, what is the region of his sires? A preci|3itatc retreat 
 seemed alike jjrudent and inevitable from scenes with which I had so small an affinity ; 
 and those sharp spirits whicli peopled it, for which I was so poor a match. 
 If, however, the people were unpoHshed, a considerable 
 number of them were frugal and industrious, and although they 
 might never forget their mother tongue when addressing a 
 -Stranger, yet they were hospitable and generous to those who 
 had any claim upon their kindness. They were earnest and con- 
 scientious, independent and strictly honest, and though they 
 might appear, on a first acquaintance, rough and hard to a 
 stranger, under this apparent coarseness there was no lack of 
 kindly feeling. A recent writer, in a notice of Ossett, says : — 
 It has long taken rank in popular estimation v.ith Pudsey, and similar [ilaces, 
 where artificial refinement of manners has not been deemed a characteristic, but where, 
 at the same time, sterling good qualities have been combined with a hard and plodding 
 Judging from what we can learn of our ancestors and their 
 ways, we are led to the conclusion that what they lacked was 
 education and more refined conversation, for they had mother 
 wit enough to be able to hold their own with strangers. 
 That the simple diet, frugal living, and naturally healthy 
 surroundings were conducive to long life, is abundantly testified 
 by the many instances of longevity, of which we give the follow- 
 ing list, extracted from registers : — 
 1672 Old Dame Lobley, aged 99 years, buried September 19th. 
 1696 James Thornton, aged 102 years. 
 1778 Richard Anderson, sen., aged 93, buried in the Old Chapel, Dec. 9th. 
 1779 Mrs Margaret Marshall, widow, of Black Hey, aged 96, buried March 1st. 
 1779 Elizabeth, widow of Dan Farrer, Owlcoats, bur. at Calverley, March l8tli, 
 aged 105. 
 1780 John Hinciiliffe, l)uried March 12th, aged 92. 
 1780 Frances, widow of .Samuel HinchliHe, sen., buried Nov. 19th, aged 95. 
 1782 Mary Routh, of Pudsey, bur. at Calverley, aged 93. 
 178^ Sarah, widow of James Fenton. Iniried Oct. 2nd, aged 99 years. 
 1785 Elizabeth, widow of John Grave, buried March 19th, aged 90. 
 1790 Sarah, widow of Rich. Anderson, buried January loth, aged <)i. 
 1790 Mary, widow of Wm. Kershaw, buried Dec. 28th, aged 96. 
 • Banks's Walks in Yorkikire^ published 1871, p. .185. 
 1 793 Elizabeth, widow of Joseph Binns, buried Jany . 7th, aged go. 
 '794- Joseph Wilson, buried January 6th, aged 90. 
 1794 Jlartha Fenton, alias Pearson, buried Dec. 26th, aged 99. 
 1799 Joseph Turner, late of Jumble's Well, buried Jany. 8th, aged 99. 
 1802 George Hainsworth, a Chelsea pensioner, buried Jany. 27th, aged 89. 
 1805 Joseph HoUiday, buried Sept. 27th, aged 91. 
 1810 Mary, widow of Boocock, of Lowtown, buried Sept. 7th, aged 98. 
 1810 Jane, widow of Richard Farrer, buried Dec. 22nd, aged 99. 
 1810 Aaron Ackroyd, buried Nov. i8th, aged 92. 
 1812 Mr. Joseph Drake, late Chapel Clark (Old Chapel), and Schoolmaster, buried 
 Sept 29th, aged 87. 
 1814 Edward Hinchlifife, aged 91. 
 1816 Mrs. Susannah Holdsworth, aged 95. She was mother, grandmother, and 
 great-grandmother to upwards of 100 persons. 
 1801 Joshua Gaunt, of Pudsey, bur. at Calverley, January 21st, aged 92. 
 1807 M.iry Hodgson, of Owlcoals, bur. at Calverley, May 31st, aged 91. 
 1810 Betty Armistead, bur. at Independent Chapel, .Sep. 15th, aged 91. 
 1829 George Poole, Esq., of the Height, Pudsey, aged 99. 
 1831 Ellen, widow cf Joseph Northrop, of Lowtown, bur. June iSth, aged 93. 
 1839 Mrs. .Susannah Holmes, aged 92 years, died July 9th. 
 1840 Kobert Bywater, of Chapeltown, Pudsey, died Nov. 8th, aged 91. 
 1841 Mrs. Farrer, mother of the late John Farrer, Esq., J.P., died March 17th, 
 aged go. 
 1841 Mrs. Elizabeth Haste, died August 17th, aged 90. 
 1842 Jeremiah Watson, sexton. Independent Chapel, aged 92. 
 1844 Mary, widow of Mr. Thomas Walker, aged 89. 
 1845 .Samuel Ingham, in his 90th year, died Eeby. 19th. 
 1847 Nancy, widow of Samuel Farrer, died Oct. 13th, aged 89. 
 1855 Benjamin Farrer, in his 92nd year, died August 29th. 
 X857 Hannah, relict of Jeremiah Watson, died Jan. 15th, aged 93. 
 1857 Hannah, wife of John Barraclough, died March 12th, aged 93. 
 1859 Tobias Farrer, of Lowtown, died Dec. 31st, aged 92. 
 1861 Mrs. Ann Schofield, died July 20th. aged 92, leaving behind her 5 children, 
 35 grand-children, 61 great grand-children, and seven great great grand- 
 children—total, 108. 
 1863 Matthew Ingham, firmer, died May 9th, aged 91. 
 1874 Mrs. Sarah Banks, Chapeltown, died Oct. 26th, aged 93. 
 1874 Joseph Roberts, died 8th of December, aged 90 years. 
 1876 Mary, relict of old Jim Berry, died Oct. i8th, aged 94. 
 1876 Joseph Webster, in his 95th year, born at Morley, died June 22nd. 
 1879 Mrs. McCollah, died June 5th, aged qo years. 
 1880 Hannah, widow of James Waterhouse, died Dec. 28th, aged 93. 
 1882 Sarah, widow of late Joseph Varley, Lowtown, died May, 18, aged 92. 
 1884 Eleanor, widow of Joseph Koberts, died Dec. 27, aged 93. 
 1885 Joseph Appleby Bateson, died March l8th, aged 94. 
 1885 I'^lizabeth, widow of Wm. Lupton, died May 27th, aged 93. 
 1885 Martha Smith, buried May 29th, aged 92. 
 1885 Thomas Johnson, died October 8th, aged 89. 
 1880 Hannah, widow of John Walton, died January l6th, aged 90. 
 Pudsey like many of it.s neighbours, had a somewhat 
 unenviable reputation in bygone days, in the matter of drunken- 
 ness. Fighting too, was not uncommon, a century ago, more 
 especially at holiday and feast times. The former vice led to the 
 latter, and it was not at all a rare sight, to see men stripped to 
 the waist, fighting for a great length of time, until one of the 
 combatants was completely beaten. Dog battles were a favourite 
 form of amusement, as also, cock-fighting, game cocks being 
 trained to fight with steel heels put on. That much allowance 
 needs to be made for the indulgence in these coarse amusements, 
 •we do not deny. The drinking habits of the people were the 
 ■outcome of the customs of centuries, and especially of the old- 
 time modes of " treating," and giving drink as part of wages. 
 From the middle of the last century until a comparatively recent 
 period, the drinking customs of society have kept their sway over 
 each successive generation of our people ; but efforts have been 
 made, from time to time, to check the evil, and in 1833 the first 
 " Temperance Society " in Pudsey was formed, and for a time 
 did much for the moral and intellectual advancement of the 
 village, but, having relaxed its efforts, the society was re-modelled 
 in 1853, when the crusade against intemperance was carried on 
 with much vigour and persistency, and with a considerable amount 
 ■of success. 
 In 1880, the "Pudsey and District Band of Hope Union" 
 was formed, with Mr. Matthew Walker as president, and in 
 1883, the membership numbered 1,000, whilst in 1886, there 
 were sixteen Bands of Hope connected with the Union, having 
 a membership of 2,801, 716 of whom were over twenty-one 
 years of age. 
 Other agencies for the improvement of the condition of the 
 inhabitants, and for the more rational enjoyment of their leisure, 
 were started from time to time. In 1857, the "Early Closing 
 Association" was formed, with the Rev. H. J. Graham as president. 
 The scheme came into operation on Sep. 14th, and the hours of 
 closing were, for the first four days of the week, at 8 o'clock ; 
 Friday, 9 o'clock ; and Saturday at 1 1 o'clock. The number of 
 members was 60. A half-holiday on Wednesday afternoon in 
 each week, has now been in operation for some years. 
 In 1857, the" Pudsey Floral and Horticultural Society"was 
 instituted, and held its first exhibition on the 28th day of 
 September, when a large and respectable collection of plants, etc., 
 was shown, and the undertaking was a pecuniary success. Mr. 
 H. C. Smith was the first president. For many years the society 
 enjoyed a career of great usefulness, having induced amongst the 
 resident cottagers a spirit of emulation and pride, and their little 
 garden plots began to occupy the leisure time, which was pre- 
 viously used unprofitably, if not perniciously. Much of the 
 success of the society was due to the exertions of Mr. Smith, Mr. 
 George Hinings, and Mr. E. Sewell, the secretary. 
 The number of Friendly Societies in Pudsey is very large, 
 there being between thirty and forty lodges or clubs, having an 
 aggregate membership of nearly 3,000 persons. In addition to 
 these, the amounts paid into the building societies of Leeds and 
 Bradford represent a large sum. The various orders of Odd- 
 fellows, Foresters, Rechabites, and similar societies, cannot in 
 Pudsey date their origin earlier than the year 1823, but since 
 that year they have increased rapidly, and have become so 
 popular that there are few working men who do not belong to 
 some one or other of them. Judging from the number of 
 members, one would be led to conclude that a very large 
 portion of the working classes in Pudsey are men of provi- 
 dent habits, who make provision in case of sickness or casualties, 
 so as to place themselves independent of the workhouse or 
 parish relief 
 During the last twenty-five years, Pudse}' has borne a 
 conspicuous part in furthering the co-operative movement. The 
 Leeds Industrial Co-operative Society first commenced business 
 here in i860, the first year's turnover amounting to ;^2,923, and 
 the profit to £S3. In 1871, the foundation stone of a large new 
 store was laid at Pudsey, an eligible site having been secured at 
 the junction of Manor Street with the main road at the top of 
 Lowtown. The building comprises spacious shops, in which are 
 carried on the grocery and drapery trades. There are also two 
 dwelling houses, and, over the whole, a large room for the use of 
 the committee and shareholders at their meetings. The erection 
 is in the Italian style of architecture, from designs by Messrs. 
 Wilson and Bailey, architects, of Leeds. The foundation stone 
 was laid by Mr. William Bell, president of the Leeds Society. 
 The number of members connected with the branch of the Leeds 
 Society is about 300, and the amount of their purchases in con- 
 nection with the store at Lowtown for year ending December, 
 1886, was ;^iO,l 1 1 i6s. 5d., and the profit realised thereon, £9^0. 
 The total amount of business done at the store from its com- 
 mencement in i860, to December, 1886, is ;^i84,8s7, and the 
 total profit, j^i 2,725. 
 In addition to this store, the Society has a branch at Green- 
 side, Pudsey, which was commenced in 1874, and another at 
 Littlemoor, commenced in 1879. 
 The whole Society, the operations of which cover a large 
 area, numbered at the end of 1886, 23,985 members, with an 
 annual turnover amounting to ;£^48 1,220, with a net profit of 
 ;^54,737, having a share capital of ;£25 1,235. 
 In 1871, the first Co-operative Mill in Pudsey was started, 
 under the title of the " Pudsey Worsted Mill Company, Limited." 
 The first stone of the mill was laid by one of the directors, Mr. 
 James Newell, on the 14th day of July, in the presence of a large 
 assembly, when an address on the advantages of co-operation 
 was delivered by Mr. Bell, of Leeds. The cost of the erection 
 was upwards of £6,000, and it was built from designs by Mr. 
 John Haton, of Pudsey. Nearly 2,ooo shares at £2 each were 
 taken up, principally by working men. The site of the mill is 
 near to the Greenside Station of the branch railway from 
 The means of communication, in Pudsey itself, as well as 
 with other towns was, until a comparatively recent period, of a 
 very unsatisfactory kind. The roads were of the most primitive 
 character, chiefly footpaths, leading from one part of the village 
 to another, and to the markets at Leeds and Bradford. No 
 macadamising, no paving, no draining, no side walks worthy of 
 the name, and the roads generally both dangerous and difficult 
 to travel. On dark nights, lanterns, pattens, and sticks, were 
 indispensable to avoid accidents, and ensure a measure of safety 
 in plodding along the knife-edged footpaths, and almost im- 
 passable streets. Since the formation of the Local Board, a 
 great improvement has been effected in the management of the 
 highways, and Pudsey, in this respect, will compare favourably 
 with neighbouring towns. 
 For a quarter of a century Pudsey was dependent upon 
 Stanningley for its railway accommodation, and it was not until 
 1870, that steps were taken to remedy this great inconvenience, 
 arising from Stanningley Station being too distant to meet the 
 growing requirements of a populous manufacturing town like 
 Pudsey. A local committee was formed to wait upon the 
 directors of the London and North-Western Railway Company, 
 with the view of inducing them to continue their line from Lower 
 Wortlcy and Farnley to Bradford, vid Pudsey. The deputation 
 went to Euston Station, met the directors, and stated their case. 
 After due consideration, the Companj- came to the conclusion 
 that on account of the difficulties of cro.ssing the Tong Valley, 
 and obtaining a station in Bradford, they could not accede to 
 the application. The Committee subsequently went, on the 
 same errand, to the head-quarters of the Lancashire and York- 
 shire Railway Company, at Manchester. Their application was 
 favourably received, and instructions were given that the district 
 should be surveyed. This was being done, when, in 1 871, the 
 Great Northern Railway Company obtained powers in Parlia- 
 ment to construct a railway to Pudsey, branching from their 
 Leeds and Bradford line. Negotiations were commenced with 
 some thirty-two owners of property, and the line was marked 
 The ceremony of cutting the first sod took place on March 
 24, 1875, in a field near to Priestley Mills. Mr. John Butler 
 turned the first sod ; Joseph Elsworth and Joseph Emsley, two 
 old inhabitants of Pudsey, also taking part. 
 The railway is two and a quarter miles long. Commencing 
 behind the station at Stanningley, a line of rails is laid alongside 
 the main line for a distance of some 600 yards in the direction of 
 Bramley. The line then breaks off to the right, and is joined by 
 a fork from Bramley, near Dyeholes Well, in a field opposite the 
 Priestley Mills, which stand a little to the left of the line. This 
 fork is 850 yards long. It leaves the main line about 150 yards 
 on the down side of Bramley Station, and joins the Stanningley 
 fork at a point 1,000 yards from Stanningley Station. The line 
 from the Bramley end to some distance above the junction, runs 
 on a heavy embankment. The Stanningley fork leaves the main 
 line in a cutting 100 yards long, and then the level is raised 
 until the junction is reached. The railway from this junction 
 follows the direction of the Bramley fork, sweeping gradually to 
 the left until it reaches Pudsey main street, a little above the 
 Allanbrig Mill. In order to bring the line underneath the road, 
 a cutting had to be made 730 yards long, and 32ft. in its deepest 
 part, extending from a short distance above the fork to about 
 100 yards on the other side of the road, where Lowtown Station 
 is erected. The site of the station is on the lower side of the 
 line. The land purchased by the Company at this place for 
 station purposes — some four or five acres in extent — comprises 
 a portion of the field in which for many years the Pudsey feasts 
 were held, and where, in times gone by, the lovers of bull-baiting 
 used to witness their favourite sport. The cutting is through 
 shale and a hard " bastard " rock, and the work was mainly 
 carried on by means of blasting. After leaving the station, the 
 line curves considerably to the right, and passing to the left of 
 Crawshaw Mill is carried underneath Robin Lane, opposite 
 Crawshaw House. Radcliffe Lane is crossed in a similar 
 manner, near its junction with Robin Lane. The line then 
 passes through a number of fields between Chapeltown and the 
 top of Fartown, until its terminus is reached in a piece of vacant 
 ground near Cliffe Mill, Greenside. 
 There are several substantial bridges on the railway, among 
 which may be mentioned that carrying the line over Swinnow 
 Lane, another (a three-arch bridge) over Boggard Lane, near the 
 Allanbrig Mill reservoir ; a third supporting the main street ; an 
 arched way under the line at Hammerton Fields ; and two iron- 
 girder bridges which carry Robin and Radcliffe Lanes. The 
 Main Street bridge is 68ft. long and 43ft. wide, and consists of 
 an iron-girder span, 26ft. across, supported by two massive stone 
 abutments. The height is 15ft. from the level of the rails. 
 There is only one line of rails, but the bridges have been 
 constructed so as to carry a double line, and the Company have 
 also purchased the land necessary for that purpose. 
 The total rise from the Bramley Junction to Greenside is 
 nearly 149ft., so that somewhat heavy gradients predominate. 
 The steepest ascents are 1 in 50, and the easiest i in 108. 
 Messrs. N. B. Fogg and Co., railway contractors, Liverpool, 
 constructed the line. Mr. John Fraser, C.E., Leeds, was the 
 chief engineer ; and Mr. Charles Robinson, C.E., Leeds, the 
 resident engineer. Mr. John Butler, of the Stanningley Iron- 
 works, supplied the ironwork for the bridges, and the stone was 
 procured from the Park Spring Quarries, near Bramley. The 
 cost of the line was iJ^ioj.ooo. It was opened for passenger 
 traffic on the ist of April, 1878, amidst much enthusiasm on the 
 part of the townspeople. From early morn to late at night the 
 famous Pudsey bells rang out merry peals, while the Pudsey 
 band paraded the streets during a great portion of the day. 
 There was no recognised holiday, except so far as Saint Mon- 
 day is recognised, but the aggregate result of the day's working 
 would probably show that machineiy might as well have been 
 allowed a rest. As might be expected, the inclination to take a 
 ride on the first day of opening w^as irresistible, if only that so 
 extraordinary an event might be handed down to posterity ; 
 but apart from that, the delights of a railway ride might, to 
 not a few natives, have been a real pleasure, for it is affirmed 
 that scores spent most of their time in riding backwards and 
 forwards throughout the day. However that may be, it was 
 found at the close of the day that 450 single tickets, and over 
 400 returns, had been issued between Pudsey and Stanningley 
 Stations, and nearly 500 tickets giving transmission from 
 Stanningley to Pudsey. 
 HOUGH we may be a long way from being-' in educa- 
 tional matters what we ought to be, yet we can stand 
 the test when compared with nriost other places. We_ 
 ^^^'^^ can speak with confidence of the provision made in 
 ^&^ Pudsey for educating the young during the last 
 ^ century, as being equal, if not superior, to that of many 
 ^ other villages in the district. An educational census has 
 not been taken by the Government since i85i,but at 
 that time the general returns proved that there was one day 
 scholar for every 8^ of the population in England, while in 
 Pudsey there were at that time 28 schools, with 1,454 scholars, 
 or one in every eight of the population ; and there were only 1 16 
 scholars absent on the day when the census was taken. Adding 
 the scholars in attendance at the Mecharzjcs' Institute and other 
 kindred societies, there was one in every seven receiving instruc- 
 tion in Pudsey. From returns collecte .( privately in 1858, similar 
 results were obtained. 
 The old Town's School at Littlcnioor .vas probably rebuilt 
 about the beginning of the century. Over the door there is an 
 inscription .stating that 
 This school was repaired by the town in the year of Our Lord 1814. W. Stone, 
 W. Greaves, Overseers ; G. Beaumont, J. Drake, chapel-wardens. 
 Some of the schools in existence fifty years ago, or more, were of 
 a superior class to village schools generally, as, for instance, the 
 Fulneck Boarding Schools.established in i753,where the branches 
 of learning taught included Latin and Greek, modern languages, 
 o-eometry, and other branches of mathematics, drawing, painting, 
 etc. ; the Commercial School, Fulneck, established about 1770, 
 where the higher branches of education were taught. A school 
 at Fartown was established in 1845, and education was given 
 here to the factory workers, and the branches of learning taught 
 included " Holy Scripture and Catechism, reading, writing, 
 arithmetic, geography, grammar, dictation, and the science of 
 common things." The " Pudsey Schools " were established in 
 1843, and the education given was of a high character, whilst at 
 the Training School, Greenside, started in 1853, the education 
 included mensuration, geometry, algebra, mapping, and drawing. 
 In 1855, Pudsey, in addition to the public schools already men- 
 tioned, had fifteen private schools, with 500 scholars. 
 When Mr. Forster's Education measure became law, there 
 was no attempt in Pudsey for several years to take advantage of 
 the proffered boon, until, in 1874, the Education Department 
 sent a notice to the town's authorities, requesting them to supply 
 the school deficiency which had been found to exist. Nothing 
 was done, however, until a second and final notice was received 
 from the Department, calling attention to the deficiency of 
 school accommodation existing in the township, and requiring 
 that steps be taken during the next six months to supply the 
 deficiency. If, at the end of that time, steps had not been taken 
 to supply the necessary accommodation, then the compulsory 
 powers of the Education Act would be used to supply the 
 deficiency. Accompanying the notice were schedules, the first 
 showing the accommodation then existing, as follows : — Fulneck 
 Infant School, 155; P^artown National, 190; Lowtown 
 National, 228 ; Congregational, Greenside, 270 ; Primitive 
 Methodist, Rickardshaw, 192 ; total, 1,035. In this schedule no 
 account was taken of the private adventure schools, of which 
 there were several. Schedule 2 gave the amount and description 
 of accommodation required : — Littlemoor, 200 ; Lowtown, 500 ; 
 Marsh, 200; Tyersal, 300 ; Stanningley 250, including 120 
 children from the township of Calverley-with-Farsley. 
 In December, 1874, preparations for the election of a School 
 Board were commenced, to consist of seven members. Eight 
 gentlemen were proposed, but one of them withdrew, and thus a 
 contest was avoided. The first Board consisted of the following 
 persons : — Messrs. James Banks, William Maude, Samuel Wade, 
 George Hinings, J. G. Mills, Robert Dalby, and James Brook, 
 At the first meeting of the Board, held on January 28th, 1875, 
 Mr. George Hinings was elected chairman, and Mr. Robert 
 Dalby, vice-chairman, with Mr. James Brook as clerk /w tern. 
 The first work of the Board was to make provision for 
 sufficient school accommodation. After taking a census of the 
 children in the district, and making other full and exhaustive 
 inquiries respecting educational requirements, it was decided to 
 build new schools at Rickardshaw Lane and Laisterdyke — the 
 former to accommodate 600 children, at a cost for site, building, 
 and fittings, of £6,yoo ; the latter to accommodate 450 children, 
 at a cost of ;£^4,700. The latter has since been incorporated in 
 the borough of Bradford. While these schools were being built, 
 the Greenside and Crimbles Schools were taken under the 
 Board's management. These vvere followed by the Lowtown 
 National and the Primrose Hill Schools. 
 Three new schools have been built by the ]5oard since its 
 formation, at a cost of ;^I4,200. At none of the five elections of 
 the Board has there been a contest, and Mr. George Hinings 
 ably filled the office of (Chairman of the Board during the 
 existence of the first four Boards, declining at the last election 
 to act in that capacity, on account of advancing age and 
 infirmity. The following gentlemen have filled the post of vice- 
 chairman : — Messrs. R. Dalby, James Banks, Simeon Rayner, 
 and D. Moseley. The present members of the Board are : — 
 Messrs. James Stillings (chairman), D. Moseley (vice-chairman), 
 George Hinings, J. E.Jones, and Revs. R. B. Thompson, M. C. 
 Bickersteth, and D. A. Henderson. Mr. G. Haynes is clerk to 
 the Board, also .superintendent and inspector of schools ; and 
 Mr. S. Lobley is the school attendance officer. The staff con- 
 sists of 13 teachers, 10 assistants, and 37 pupil teachers and 
 candidates ; total, 60. 
 The following is a list of the .schools, with the accommoda- 
 tion provided and numbers on the registers : — 
 No. on Registers. 
 Rickardshaw Lane 
 Three Departments 
 Mixed and Infants 
 Junior Mixed 
 Girls and Infants... 
 Primrose Hill ... 
 The following table will indicate the progress of the schools 
 since the formation of the Board : — 
 School Fees Received. 
 Government Grants. 
 ;^ 79 3 2 
 246 II 3 
 £^80 7 
 526 10 5 
 402 8 
 599 u 10 
 775 IS " 
 794 5 «i 
 853 4 3 
 969 7 5 
 823 10 2 
 1,045 17 7 
 765 10 I 
 976 IS 8 
 846 II 6 
 1,015 12 5 
 86? 18 9 
 9-4 II 
 881 9 II 
 1,277 13 6 
 In 1885, the date of examination of some of the schools 
 was altered, throwing some of the grants into the following year. 
 In 1882, the Laisterdyke School, with 400 children, was 
 transferred to the Bradford School Board. 
 It will thus be seen that, except by the loss of the school at 
 Laisterdyke, progress has been continuous. Notwithstanding 
 this, there are now 2,028 children on the registers of the schools. 
 The whole work of the Board has been accomplished at a cost 
 to the ratepayers on the average of less than sixpence in the 
 pound. The educational results in the schools improve from 
 year to year, and according to the testimony of the late Head 
 Inspector, the advance at Pudsey is more marked than in any 
 other part of the Northern district. Regularity in attendance, 
 though still defective, is also improving. 
 The rise ' and progress of the Sunday School movement in 
 Pudsey is an interesting feature in the history of the place, and 
 for the brief account of it we give here, we are indebted to an 
 excellent pamphlet, published about sixteen years ago.* The 
 first attempt made to commence a Sunday School on the 
 voluntary system, took place in the year 1 807, a year memorable 
 for the abolition of the slave trade. The originator of the move- 
 ment in Pudsey was a working man, who was too poor to build 
 a .school or defray the rent of a separate building, but he was 
 determined to do something, and he therefore commenced a 
 Sunday School in his own house, in Driver's Fold, Fartown. To 
 William Boyes belongs the distinguished honour of introducing 
 * History of the Rise and Progress of Sunday Schools in Pudsey and its vicinity, by 
 John Boves. 
 into his native town the inestimable boon of Sunday Schools. 
 After a while this school became too large for the accommodation 
 that could be offered by a dwelling-house, and it was conse- 
 quently removed by general consent to the Town's School, 
 Littlemoor, where it was for some years conducted. In the 
 course of time, as other schools began to be opened in connection 
 with the various places of worship, this school became 
 appropriated by the church-people as their school. During the 
 time this school was held at Littlemoor, the late Abraham 
 Hainsworth took an active part in its management, and Mrs. 
 Ratcliffe (sister to the first Dr. Hey), also entered warmly into 
 the work of teaching. After being held for a number of years 
 in the Littlemoor School, it was removed when the Ratcliffe Lane 
 School was built. 
 About the same time that a Sunday School was begun in 
 Fartown, another Sunday School was commenced in the house 
 of John Sugden, who then lived in a cottage adjoining the site on 
 which AUanbrig Mill was subsequently erected. This John 
 Sugden is supposed to have been a cotton weaver at the time, 
 and very likely had several looms in the house. At all events, 
 one loom was pulled down every Saturday night, to make room 
 for the scholars on the succeeding day ; and as there were more 
 children than the benches could accommodate, the younger part 
 had to sit on the floor. This school rapidly increased in 
 numbers, so that shortly after, as we are informed, John Sugden 
 sold one of his looms, in order that he might make provision for 
 the Sunday School. 
 The next Sunday School commenced in Pudsey was the 
 Moravian School, Fulneck, which was established in 1813, and 
 has been continued without interruption to the present time. 
 One of the most active persons in connection with this school in 
 its early years was the late Joshua Sutcliffe, sen. 
 Zion School (Methodist New Connexion) was begun about 
 the year 18 19, in a chamber at the lower part of Fartown. When 
 the chapel was erected in 1825, the .school was removed also, and 
 continued to be held in the chapel until the year 1840, when it 
 was removed to a large chamber behind the chapel. It was held 
 in that room until the erection of the present school-room, in the 
 year 1853. 
 The next Sunday School formed in Pudsey was the Upper 
 School, Lowtown, in the year 1826, and was carried on in this 
 upper room for twenty-six years, until the present new school 
 was built in the year 1853. This large and commodious edifice 
mechanics' institution. 223 
 was erected for the two-fold purpose of a Sunday School and to 
 accommodate public meetings on subjects of general importance. 
 The Littlemoor Wesleyan was formed more than 40 years 
 ago, and after a successful career in that locality has been re- 
 moved into a new school underneath their handsome new chapel. 
 The Gibraltar Wesleyan School was also formed nearly 40 
 years ago, and was first held in an old chamber belonging to the 
 Gibraltar Mill, and was afterwards removed to the chapel, 
 erected in the year 1840, at Waterloo. 
 The Primitive Methodist School, Lowtown, Pudsey, was 
 commenced in the year 1839, the year when their chapel was 
 opened, and is now held in the commodious school adjoining the 
 The Wesleyan Association commenced a school in Low- 
 town in the year 1850, which has been continued up to the 
 present time, and is now a part of the Sunday School Union, 
 under the name of the United Methodist Free Church. 
 Sixty years ago there were five Sunday Schools in Pudsey, 
 and at the present time the number has increased to 22. A 
 Sunday School Union was established in 1868, and is still in 
 existence as the " Pudsey and District Sunday School Union." 
 It comprises 17 schools, with 360 male and 280 female teachers 
 — total 640. Scholars : males, 1,555 ! females, i ,779 ; total, 
 3,364. Teachers who have been scholars, 633 ; number of classes 
 in the schools, 244 ; scholars in select classes, 827 ; in infant 
 classes, 610. Number of volumes in the libraries, 4,000. 
 In addition to the Day and Sunday Schools, other agencies 
 for the spread of education have been in existence in the town- 
 ship, and some of these have exerted a very marked influence 
 for good on the inhabitants generally. 
 The Pudsey Mechanics' Institution was founded in 
 the year 1847, by a few young men who were desirous of 
 improving their leisure time. One or two rooms were first taken 
 at Greenside, the members then numbering less than twenty. In 
 a very short period the Institute was removed to a room opposite 
 the New Inn, Church Lane, occupied for some time, we believe, 
 in the day time by the late Mr. Colefax, as a day-school. While 
 located here rules and regulations were formed, and the number 
 of members increased to thirty, but yet the place met with little 
 public recognition and support, until in December, 1847, a 
 determined effort was made by the members to bring their 
 Institution more prominently before the notice of the public. 
 Accordingly an exhibition was got up, which remained open for 
I'udsey Mccnanics' institution. 
mechanics' institution. 225 
 a month, at a low charge for admission, and this had the effect 
 of attracting a fair degree of notice and patronage. As the 
 result of the " exhibition " a small surplus of money was left, 
 and the number of members increased to 120, so that the 
 " exhibition " may be said to have been a really happy thought 
 on the part of its promoters. But on the occasion of the first 
 public soiree, in June, 1848, held in the Primitive Methodist 
 Chapel, the number of members had gone down to 70. Yet 
 the Institute prospered, and the membership again slowly 
 increased, until in November, 1849, it was found necessary to 
 move to larger premises, a little lower down Church Lane, 
 now known as the " Butchers' Arms." For fourteen or fifteen 
 years the work of the Institute was carried on here with 
 varying success, the number of members increasing to 200. 
 Much good was done here in the classes for imparting 
 elementary and secondary knowledge, many youths receiving 
 in these classes the larger part of their education. For some 
 reason or other, however, the interest in the Institution 
 appeared eventually to flag, when it was known that the 
 property had changed hands, and the committee had received 
 " notice to quit." A meeting of the committee was held under 
 these unpromising circumstances, and the dissolution of the 
 Institution was freely discussed, and all but decided upon. At 
 this critical moment a gentleman connected with the place — Mr. 
 George Hinings — came into the meeting, and, learning what was 
 about to be done, raised his voice against the proposition, 
 and eventually sought out other premises in Hammerton Field, 
 and took the responsibility of the tenancy upon himself Thus 
 the threatened dissolution was narrowly averted. But the affairs 
 of the Institution did not thrive in Hammerton Field ; it was 
 too much " out of sight and out of mind," and the membership 
 again dwindled down rapidly. 
 After a short stay here, that had nearly proved fatal to its 
 existence, despite the efforts and support of several of its original 
 and warmest friends, the committee took a house in Manor House 
 street, and made another effort to rouse the dormant interest in 
 the welfare of the Mechanics' Institute, and with such success* 
 that in about a year and a half another change had to be made, 
 in order to find accommodation for the rapidly increasing number 
 of members. The committee rented a house near the present 
 Institute, and ultimately purchased the building, together with 
 some adjoining property, and, notwithstanding the increased 
 accommodation, it was fouhd necessary in 1877 to take steps to 
 obtain a new building, and in 1878, the most successful bazaar 
 ever held in Pudsey, contributed over ;^ 1,200 towards a new 
 Institute. The site was purchased for ;£ 1,600, and the memorial 
 stone was laid on October 6th, 1879, by Mr. W. D. Scales, of 
 Grove House. The following is a description of the building, 
 which occupies a most central position at the top of Lowtown, 
 having a south westerly front to Waver Green, and a north front 
 to Lowtown road and forms with the adjoining Co-operative 
 stores, a handsome and imposing block of buildings. The Gothic 
 style of architecture has been adopted, and one of the principal 
 features of the building is a square tower at the angle of the two 
 streets above mentioned, having a slated spire, which rises to a 
 height of no feet, and is surmounted by an ornamental iron 
 finial and vane. In the base of this tower, at the side next 
 Lowtown road, is the principal entrance to the building, the door- 
 way being deeply recessed, and having an arched and moulded 
 head. From the level of the principal entrance short flights of 
 steps lead upwards on to the ground floor (which is raised about 
 6 feet above the street line), and downwards to the basement, 
 and the steps are so arranged that the rooms on the basement 
 may be let off", or used without interfering in any way with the 
 upper floors. The accommodation on the basement floor is as 
 follows : — a large room, intended to be used for tea-parties or 
 similar gatherings, with kitchen, scullery and store-room adjoining; 
 and also four class-rooms, and a lavatory, etc. These rooms are 
 all of ample size and well-lighted. On the ground floor are a 
 news-room, 34 feet by 24 feet, a library, 24 feet by 16 feet, a 
 conversation room 29 feet by 16 feet, a committee room, two 
 class-rooms, a lavatory and a secretary's room. A handsome 
 stone staircase, the steps of which are 5 feet wide, leads upwards 
 to the first floor, upon which is situated the public hall, 56 feet 
 by 40 feet. It is 32 feet high from floor to ceiling, and has 
 galleries round three sides, which are entered from the second 
 floor level. It will accommodate an audience of 600 persons. 
 Adjoining the public hall are two ante-rooms, with lavatories, etc. 
 for the use of those engaging the hall. There is also upon this 
 floor a science lecture theatre, seated in raised stages, and capable 
 of accommodating 120 students. Upon the second floor, over 
 the science lecture theatre, are spacious rooms, lighted from both 
 roof and sides, to be used by the art classes connected with the 
 Institute. The building is heated throughout by means of hot- 
 water pipes, and special attention has been paid to the lighting 
 and ventilating arrangements. The two principal fronts have 
 been faced with " pitch-faced " wall stones of excellent quality, 
 obtained from quarries in the immediate neighbourhood, and all 
 the windows have ashlar dressings. Most of the windows are of 
 tinted cathedral glass, except those to the upper storey. The 
 works were carried out under the superintendence of the archi- 
 tects, Messrs. Hope and Jardine of Bradford, whose plans were 
 selected in open competition. The total cost of the structure, 
 with fittings, was ^^6,305, of which 3,000 remains to be paid. The 
 opening ceremony took place on November loth, 1880, and was 
 performed by Herbert J. Gladstone, Esq., M.P. In 1885, the 
 number of members was 596 ; volumes in the library, 1,300. 
 A Literary Union was established in 1854, at Fulneck, 
 the number of members being limited to 24, and monthly meetings 
 are held, at which papers are read by the members on historical, 
 scientific, or literary subjects. Other societies exist in connection 
 with the various religious and political organizations, at which 
 questions of public importance are discussed, essays are read, 
 and lectures are occasionally delivered. We may mention, the 
 Church Institute, the Congregational Young Men's Improvement 
 Society, the Wesleyan Young Men's Improvement Society, and 
 the Unitarian Young Men's Improvement Society. The classes, 
 libraries, lectures, etc., have an important influence in forming 
 the habits and characters of the young persons who are members. 
 Amongst other educational agencies, Pudsey has its local 
 newspapers ; the Piidsey Neivs and the Pudsey and District 
 Advertiser. The News was established in 1872 by Mr. T. Stillings, 
 and is published by him, with Mr. John Middlebrook as its able 
 editor. The paper is issued weekly, on the Friday, and contains 
 accurate and well digested reports of all local matters, notes and 
 correspondence on affairs of interest to the public of the neigh- 
 bourhood ; also, a large amount of varied news, and a serial story 
 of general interest. The price is one half-penny. The Pudsey 
 and District Advertiser was established in 1875, by Mr. J. W. 
 Birdsall, Staningley. It is published on the Friday, at one half- 
 penny. It gives reports of all matters of interest connected with 
 the town and district, together with serial tales of domestic interest, 
 and original articles and notes on imperial and local subjects, 
 railway time tables, etc. 
 HE inhabitants of Pudsey and neighbourhood have 
 long been engaged in the manufacture of woollen 
 cloth. During the last century the art of manufacture 
 was in a rude state; the various processes of scribbling, 
 carding, etc., were all done by hand in a very tedious 
 manner, and the warp and weft were spun, one thread at 
 a time, on what we now term a bobbin-wheel, and the 
 weaving of the cloth required two persons to each loom. 
 Mr. J. L. Gaunt informs me that he had heard his grand- 
 father, Jos. Gaunt, say that the practice of weaving two on one 
 loom was just going out of date when he commenced working, 
 which would be about i Tj'i, as he was then 1 3 years of age. He 
 said he remembered having seen them weaving two on a loom in 
 the old house at the top of Chapeltown, pulled down in 1885, 
 occupied by George Moss, behind the Commercial Hotel. He 
 said he used to go with cloth to be milled to Shipley, and would 
 generally start off on Friday afternoon and would be returning 
 home with the cloth on Sunday morning, when people were going 
 to worship at the old Bell Chapel, or the Nonconformist Meeting 
 house, top of Chapeltown. He used to card wool by hand, and 
 ,the first scribblers that he remembered were at Esholt* 
 The cloth when made was conveyed to Leeds by pack-horses, 
 though, I believe, sometimes by the men themselves. There it 
 was exposed for sale, formerly upon Leeds Bridge, where the 
 manufacturers held their market until 1684, when it was removed 
 * For an exhaustive account of the primitive methods of cloth manufacture, see Lawson's 
 Progress in Fudsey, pp. 20-38, and 83-93. 
 into Briggate, where it continued to be held until 171 1. The 
 Coloured Cloth Hall was erected in 1758. In process of time 
 " spinning jennies " were introduced, which were of a somewhat 
 rude construction. An anecdote is told of one old man named 
 Will Sugden, who went to see a neighbour, who had just got a new 
 "jenny" with fifty spindles. On seeing the machine, the old 
 fellow exclaimed " eh, lad ! hah-ivver dus' ta see 'em all? I've 
 nobbut twenty-four threeds an' I let five on 'em lake." 
 The introduction of scribblers, carders, and billies gradually 
 took place during the latter half of the last century, and the in- 
 troduction of these new machines was looked upon with anything 
 but a favourr.ble spirit ; indeed, on some occasions sheetings of 
 cardings and slubbings were met on the road and torn to pieces. 
 These machines were worked by horse power in Pudsey. The 
 horse turned a " gin " similar to those used at our stone quarries 
 for raising stone. There were seven of those little mills turned 
 by horse power in Pudsey, at the close of the last century, viz.: — 
 Ingham's, at Hill Foot ; Bickerdike's, at Grccnside ; Craven's, 
 at Bankhouse ; Lumby's, at Littlemoor ; Edward Farrar's, in 
 Church Lane ; Matthew Dufton's, top of Lowtown ; and Matthew 
 Whitfield's, at Delph Hill. The cloth to be fulled or milled was 
 taken to Cockersdale, Shipley, Esholt, Harewood, or Arthington. 
 At each of these places were " fulling-stocks " turned by water 
 power. Very amusing stories are told in illustration of the in- 
 experience and mismanagement of the workmen engaged in 
 this department.* On one occasion a clothier's man was sent 
 with a piece of cloth to " mill " and after putting the cloth into 
 the machine, both miller and man adjourned for refreshment. 
 Returning after a time to look at the cloth, they found it so 
 strangely felted together in one mass that it could not be opened 
 out, and it was eventually buried in the dung heap. 
 The processes of dyeing and drying were also carried on in 
 a similarly rude way, and the " lead-broth" as it was called, that 
 is, the dye -water was suffered to run along the highways, as there 
 were no sewers at that period, consequently the roads were in a 
 very filthy state in this and the other manufacturing villages. 
 In 1824 a severe panic existed in the woollen trade, and 
 there was scarcely a cloth-loom to be heard in the village. To 
 keep them from starving many of the people were employed in 
 weaving cotton by hand-loom, obtaining their work from a Mr. 
 Nutter, or Nuttall, of Bradford, whither they took their pieces 
 on Thursdays. Mr. Joseph TordofF, of Low Moor, also put out 
 ' See Smith's MorUy : Ancient and Modem, ^.-zf^T, VilLSO^'s NisUry e/ Brawieytpv- 43-4^- 
 •cotton weaving at Pudscy. The first woollen mill in Pudscy 
 turned by steam-power was commenced towards the close of the 
 last century at the bottom of Roker Lane, by Mr. Ellwand. 
 The mill is known as Union Bridge Mill. It was the property 
 of the late Mr. J. Crowther, but is now the property of Mr. 
 Galloway. The next and most important was Gibraltar Mill, 
 erected in i8oi-2, by Messrs. Joseph Thackrah and Fairfax 
 Carlisle. This mill was burnt down on June 14, 181 2, and there 
 being no other mill in the neighbourhood, the loss was con- 
 siderable, both to owners and workpeople, as well as to the 
 clothmakers. The mill was rebuilt by Mr. Thackrah on the best 
 principles, and completed with all the newest improvements. 
 Gas was introduced into this mill very early, being the first lit in 
 the neighbourhood. Mr. Thackrah having built a large factory on 
 the higher ground adjoining became a great contractor for army 
 goods, and for many years employed a large number of work- 
 people; the goods made by him being completed in all the 
 various branches upon the premises, and exported to all parts 
 of the world. Mr. Thackrah died in 1828. The premises were 
 then let to Messrs. Hall and Walton, and in 1836 were pur- 
 chased by Messrs. William Walton and Co. They are now 
 occupied by Mr. D. Womersley and others. The mill has been 
 twice enlarged. 
 Varley's old mill, at Stanningley, was erected in 18 16, and 
 the new one in 1837, the firm being composed until recently of 
 Messrs. William and Samuel Varley. This firm have frequently 
 1,000 workpeople in their employ. The Smalewell Mill was 
 commenced about 1821, and rebuilt in 1844-5. It became the 
 property of Messrs. William and Jonathan Clarkson in 1854, 
 and has recently been purchased by Mr. Reuben Gaunt, the 
 present owner. Albion mill was erected in 1822, and has 
 since been enlarged. The name of the firm is The Pudsey 
 Albion Mill Co., Ltd., Waterloo Mill ; erected in 1825, received 
 an addition in 1852; and since then anew mill has been added, the 
 first stone of which was laid in July, 1857, by Mr. Jonas Bate- 
 man and Mr. William Carr, two of the senior partners of the 
 firm. The company trade under the name of James Blackburn 
 and Co. The following names of mills, with the dates of their 
 ■erection, complete the list :-^Union Mill (Mr. Matthew Walker), 
 erected in 1825, and enlarged in 1855. Allanbrig Mill (Messrs. 
 Salter and Salter), erected 1830; enlarged since. Crawshaw 
 Mill, erected 1831 ; enlarged 1857 ; now wholly worsted. Priest- 
 ley Mill (William Elsworth and Co.), erected 1834, and since 
 enlarged (now the property of The Priestley Mill Co.) Fartown 
 Mill (Claughton Garth Mill Co.), erected 1837 ; enlarged 
 i860, burnt down in 1879, and afterwards purchased and rebuilt 
 by Mr. James Banks, the present owner and occupier. Cliff Mill 
 (Farrer, Sharp, and Co.), erected 1837 ; since enlarged. Bank- 
 house Mill (worsted) ; unoccupied. With the exception of 
 Bankhouse Mill and Messrs. Varley's Mill, at Stanningley, all 
 the above are woollen mills, built by companies on the joint- 
 stock principle. Messrs. B. Crosland and Son, of Valley Bottom, 
 and Messrs. W. and T. Huggan, of Swinnow Grange, are Pudsey 
 firms, but their works are not within the township. 
 It is only within the last 20 years that the worsted business 
 has become fairly established at Pudsey. In 1867, Messrs. 
 Cooper Brothers erected Valley Mill, and since that time their 
 . works have been doubled in extent. Brick Mill (woollen), Mr. 
 Robert Spencer's, was erected in 1868; Brunswick Shed (worsted), 
 Messrs. James Smith and Co.'s, erected in 1869 ; Prospect Mill 
 (woollen), occupied by Mr. W. C. Forrest, erected in 1870, and 
 since enlarged ; Grange-field Mill, Mr. Isaac Gaunt's (worsted), 
 erected in 1871 ; and a new portion has just been added for the 
 woollen trade. New Shed, Pudsey Worsted Mill Co., Limited, 
 erected in 1872, has now been doubled in size to hold 840 looms. 
 It is at present occupied by Messrs. Midgley and Mills, Messrs. 
 James Smith and Co., Messrs. Turton and Mitchell, and Mr. 
 Thomas Jowett. Messrs. S. A. Jones and Co., woolcombers, 
 worsted spinners and manufacturers, commenced extensive 
 works named South Park Mills in 1874, enlargements of which 
 arc still in progress. To the above list must also be added New 
 Lane Mills, Tyersal, erected in 1873, by Messrs. W. and J. 
 Whitehead, worsted spinners and manufacturers ; Wellington 
 Works, erected by Messrs. Pickard and Son, and occupied by 
 Mr. Joseph Jowett, manufacturer ; and Mr. P. Harrop's wool- 
 combing shed. 
 We are not able to state the exact number of persons now 
 employed in the woollen trade in Pudsey ; but, including the 
 whole township, the number employed in that of worsted is 
 close upon 4,000. Since the introduction of the worsted trade, 
 the woollen business has been left behind in the race by its more 
 vigorous rival, all the manufactories, with one or two exceptions, 
 erected during the last twenty years having been built for the 
 worsted trade. 
 The old clothiers, who were generally small farmers as well, 
 have become well-nigh extinct, but they are held in grateful 
 remembrance by those who remember their many good qualities. 
 Industrious and frugal in their habits, they were generally counted 
 men of integrity and honour, and in their dual capacity of trades- 
 men and farmers possessed advantages which might well be 
 envied by the present generation. 
 There are still many small clothiers in and around Pudsey, 
 and a few " wool extractors " dealers in " fudd," flocks, and 
 mungo — substances which are immediately connected with the 
 trade. There are also several engineers' and machinists' works. 
 A goodly number of persons find employment in the leather 
 trade ; the principal firms engaged in this business being Messrs. 
 Wm. Haste, Hough End ; Thomas Goodall, Alma Tannery, 
 Bramley ; and Edward Tetley, Fartown. The boot and shoe 
 trades have also assumed dimensions of no small importance, 
 and the works of Messrs. Scales and Sons, and Messrs. Salter 
 and Salter employ many hundreds of persons. 
 Pudsey is also largely engaged in the stone trade. The 
 Upper Moor quarries have been worked, it is said, for hundreds 
 of years. The buildings of the Moravian Establishment, at 
 Fulncck, were erected with stone from these quarries. Formerly 
 they were worked by one Stockdale, and afterwards by Thomas 
 Farrer and his trustees, who exported the hard " nell " stone to 
 foreign countries. About a quarter of a century ago, Messrs. 
 W. Pickard and Son entered upon and still work them. The 
 other stone quarrying firms of Pudsey are Messrs, Wm. Merritt 
 and Son, John Procter and Son, George Lumby, J. Illingworth, 
 and Lord and W. H. Vickers. In Back Lane, many disused 
 quarries have been filled up and houses erected upon them. 
 T is said of the monks and friars of the centuries gone, 
 that they were particularly careful in selecting the 
 . sites for their monasteries and other religious houses ; 
 ^ but certainly they were not peculiar in this respect, 
 as witness the case of the pleasant and unique village 
 whose name is at the head of this chapter. Fulneck is 
 most beautifully situated on the northern slopes of the 
 Tong valley, forming the southern boundary of the 
 Pudsey Township* It has a perfectly open prospect to the 
 south, embracing a wide range of country, including Dudley 
 Hill ; Tong, with its tree embowered hall, the seat of Sir R. 
 Tempest-Tempest, Bart. ; Drighlington ; Gildcrsome ; Adwalton, 
 with its historic moor ; Morley, Middleton, Farnley, etc. ; and 
 it would have been difficult for the founders of the place to have 
 chosen a spot in this district more desirable for the purposes 
 contemplated by them. Not inaptly may a part at least of 
 David's eulogy of Mount Zion be applied to this place : — 
 " Beautiful for situation." More especially was this the case 
 when the site was first selected, ere the pellucid and fish-inhabited 
 stream, which winds through the vale, had become black with 
 nauseous drainage, or the opposite slopes were disfigured by heaps 
 of shale and other rubbish thrown out from the pits which have 
 been opened of late years by the Low Moor Iron and Coal 
 Company, and the chimneys whose sulphurous smoke pollutes 
 the air, and destroys the trees of the adjoining woods. 
 * This account of Fulneck has been edited, and partly written, by Mr. J. T. Beer, of Threap- 
 land House. — Ed. 
 The establishment presents a fine imposing front when 
 viewed from the other side of the valley, and consists of a 
 broken, yet not inharmonious, line of buildings ; having the 
 chapel in the centre, which, however, is not distinguishable as 
 such on this side ; the schools for girls and boj^s ; the residences 
 for the principals of these schools ; the Single Sisters' and 
 Brethren's Houses, the Lecture Hall, etc., the whole of which 
 are faced by a broad and level gravelled terrace, from whence 
 gardens, orchards, fields, and forest trees, occupy the space down 
 to the stream. Although the beauty of Fulneck is seen in the 
 front, it is at the back where its specially unique features are 
 most apparent. Here the line of the 
 buildings is considerably more broken 
 than in the front, and the chapel is 
 conspicuous by its advancing entrance, 
 and clock. 
 A paved ter- 
 race having a rise 
 nearly the whole 
 The Terrace. 
 of some yards above the front one, runs 
 length of this side, being shortened by an 
 enclosed yard, etc., belonging to residences of the Single Sisters 
 at the east end. From this terrace green slopes rise to the road 
 or street above, which at the centre is greatly above its level, and 
 is reached by flights of steps of varying heights. The west end 
 of this rising ground was, until a few years ago, occupied by a 
 block of unsightly cottages and other erections, partly used for a 
 bakery, stabling, etc., the removal of which has added much to 
 the cleanliness and appearance of this part of the village. 
 Beyond the establishment proper, are the boarding-house, 
 the shop, the single Brethren's prayer hall, and cottages, which 
 have been utilised as a reading room or institute. On a lower 
 level, and in front of these latter, there are a few houses so 
 pleasantly situated as to have acquired the name of " Paradise." 
 They are, however, only approachable through a narrow entry 
 on the low side of the inn, which covered passage is therefore 
 appropriately named " Purgatory." Yet let it not be inferred 
 from this that there was any justification for the popular belief 
 of their Romanist or Jesuitical character. At this end is a 
 barrier where a toll of 2d. is demanded for horses and vehicles 
 passing through the place. The whole of the private residences 
 are on the opposite side of the street, extending for the most 
 part from the entrance gate on the east to the bar above 
 indicated. Although considerably above the level of the 
 establishment, the village is still much below the crest of the hill 
 in its rear, so that the whole place is well protected from the 
 north and north-east winds. From the style and arrangement 
 of the buildings the tout ensemble of the place is of a semi- 
 continental character, and cannot fail to impress the visitor by 
 its neat, quiet, and almost solemn appearance. 
 Some of the most modern additions to the requirements of 
 the village are, a capital Sunday School for boys nearer the top 
 of the hill, and one for girls at the back of, and adjoining the 
 Sisters' House. The Lecture Hall, also, was erected only a few 
 years since on the site of what was once the boys' day school, 
 which for many years was successfully conducted by Mr. E. 
 Sewell, who is now quietly passing the remainder of his days 
 amid the calm seclusion of his former activities. 
 The estate, as a whole, is of very considerable extent and 
 value, reaching from Hare Lane on the east to near Scholebrook 
 Lane on the west, and from the top of the hill on the north to 
 the bottom of the valley, which is its southern limit, embracing 
 an area of 160 acres. This important freehold, originally con- 
 sisting of about 130 acres, was added to by subsequent purchases 
 or gifts, and when first acquired was mostly waste or moorland, 
 with one small farm and a malt-kiln. When the common lands 
 of Pudsey were enclosed in 181 2, a great deal of this side of the 
 Tong valley was quite a wilderness of moorland, thickly covered 
 with brambles and briars. In this public spoliation the 
 proprietary of the Fulneck freehold came in for a considerable 
 share. By the persevering industry of the first settlers this was 
 gradually changed into a well cultivated and fruitful inheritance. 
 such as but few religious communities of the present day can 
 claim to possess. This fine property is owned by the Church of 
 " Moravian Brethren," or, as they sometimes style themselves, 
 " Unitas Fratrum" whose history in connection with this place 
 we must now follow. 
 The Girls' Play Ground. 
 Previous to the year 1742, this church, influenced by a holy 
 zeal, had sent out Missionaries to different parts of the world, 
 and had established an English Conference, or Board of Direc- 
 tion, in London. It was in this year decided by the Board that 
 a .staff of labourers — actually hand-working ministers — should 
 go and " take up their residence in some convenient spot in 
 Yorkshire, whence as a centre they could go forth to minister to 
 the -societies." " The zeal of the Brethren was .such, that by the 
 end of the following year they had organised forty-seven places 
 where the Scriptures were regularly read and prayer offered up 
 once in every three weeks." These places were divided into six 
 districts, in each of which was a preaching place, to which the 
 societies might resort on Sundays. Pudsey was one of these 
 In March, 1743, Count Zinzendorf, who had devoted him- 
 self to the interests of the Church, visited the brethren at 
 Pudsey ; and in order fully to carry out their social as well as 
 religious polity, fixed upon the hillside then called Fallncck, 
 which was then, or shortly afterwards, offered for sale. This 
 noble convert was a zealous and enthusiastic member of the 
 cause he had espoused, and did much, both by his labours and 
 his means, to advance the spiritual and material prosperity of the 
 community with which he had associated himself ; one of its 
 best known and perhaps finest stations in Germany — Herrnhutt 
 in Lusatia — being the fruit of his generosity. By many this 
 nobleman is thought to have been the founder of the Moravian 
 Fulneck, from Tong Hill. 
 Church ; but this is a great mistake, he only having been a 
 co-worker with others in the extraordinary revivals of the last 
 century. In fact, the Moravians claim to have been Protestants 
 before the Reformation, and to have kinship with those early 
 martyrs, John Huss, of Bohemia, and Jerome of Prague; with John 
 Wicliffe, and others, who heralded Luther in his noble work. 
 It is stated that 240 years previous to Zinzendorfs invita- 
 tion to the Brethren to form a settlement upon his patrimony, a 
 number of Waldensian refugees from Romanist persecution in 
 Austria, fled for safety and protection to the Church at Fulneck 
 in Moravia ; and although, from persecution and other causes, 
 the organisation was brought very low during the following two 
 centuries, yet it was from this same Moravian Fulneck that the 
 first colony was transferred to Herrnhut. 
 As yet no reference has been made in this history to the 
 name, " Fulneck." As afterwards stated, the place was called 
 Grace Hall from the completion of the chapel in 1748 until 1763, 
 when the name of Fulneck was adopted, in loving remembrance 
 of the original home of the Brethren in Moravia, which bore that 
 name. Also, it is said, because the situation, or general appear- 
 ance of the two places, had some resemblance to each other. 
 By a curious coincidence, however — and this may have given 
 some weight to the new baptism — the spot had, for genera- 
 tions previous to the Brethren becoming owners of it, been 
 known as " Fallneck." Some previous writer has endeavoured 
 to find the source of this in Fall'n-Ake, or Oak, from the Saxon 
 ac, from the supposition that some notable tree of that tribe had 
 become prostrate thereabouts. Notwithstanding the improba- 
 bility of this derivation, it has been very generally accepted by 
 local antiquaries, perhaps without considering the value of the 
 I venture, however, to offer what I think to be a much more 
 plausible indication of the source from whence it comes. Those 
 acquainted with the locality will know that between Nesbit 
 Hall on this side, and Tong Hall on the other, the valley opens 
 out westward, dividing itself into a fork or Y shape, one branch 
 going up to Holme and Dudley Hill, the other passing round 
 the Tyersall Hill to Laisterdyke. The junction of these two 
 branches, then, is the Jiead of the valley, and that portion 
 immediately adjoining, eastward, is the neck. This is the part 
 wholly included in the estate, i.e., from Scholebrook or Jackass 
 Lane to South Royd or Hare Lane. Did not the name, then, 
 indicate the wide neck of the valley, or Fullneck, as it was often 
 spelt in the old writings ? The corruption from full to fall by 
 the original inhabitants needs no explanation. 
 Yet another, and perhaps more likely origin, is communi- 
 cated by Mr. J. Cliff, of Nesbit Hall, from a note recently 
 acquired by him. It is extracted from the notes of a Mr. Samuel 
 Hemmingway, who, along with a Squire Sugden, who lived on 
 the hill, inspected property which John Holdsworth, then 
 residing in the old " Bank-House," wished to sell. After 
 viewing West Royd, they walked on to " Fallneck and Fall, 
 Stubbs, and South Royd " — all significant names — " and came 
 up one side of the Calf Close " (sic. Hare Lane). Here, then, 
 we have the popular and strictly correct nomenclature — the 
 steep slope ox fall 2X the NECK of the valley, this part being by 
 far, steeper than the land at either end ; therefore, appropriately 
 known as the " Fall." 
 At the time the Moravians were pushing on their \vorl< of 
 preaching and establishing societies, the Wesleys, with Whitfield 
 and others, were going up and down through the country, 
 engaged to a much greater extent in the same work. Among 
 these, and for long a coadjutor with them, was the Rev. 
 Benjamin Ingham. He was a native of Ossett, in this county, 
 was educated at Oxford, and ordained to be a Minister of the 
 Established Church ; but not waiting to be inducted into a 
 living, and probably having some private means, he commenced 
 preaching, both in the churches and in the open air, to large 
 congregations which flocked to hear him, principally in York- 
 shire and the borders of Lancashire. He was an earnest and 
 successful preacher, and in a short time about fifty congregations 
 or societies were formed as the result of his labours. Probably 
 he was a better preacher than organiser, or, preferring the 
 system and polity of the Moravians, he persuaded his followers 
 to unite themselves with the Brethren, and with one consent 
 they seem to have done so, to the extent of about a thousand 
 members. He thus became a man of considerable influence in 
 the combmed societies. 
 Thus it was, that when the Board of Direction in 1 743, acting 
 upon the advice of the Count, decided to obtain this site as a 
 grand centre for their work in Yorkshire, Mr. Ingham was com- 
 missioned to purchase it for the Brethren, i.e., to pay down the 
 purchase money, with the understanding that the Board would 
 take it over before the end of the year. This arrangement, 
 however, was not carried out, and subsequently there seems to 
 have been some difficulty in bringing the matter to a settlement; 
 as a note under date 1744 says, " No final agreement or bargain 
 was made, but this was at length, 1754, obtained upon a lease of 
 500 years (another note says 999 years), after a good deal of 
 trouble and many changes of Mr. Ingham's mind." Count 
 Zinzendorf, who was on a visit at the time, exclaimed when the 
 matter was settled, " I can now with freedom lift up my eyes and 
 pronounce this settlement a settlement of the Lord." Subse- 
 quently the rights of Mr. Ingham's heirs in the estate were 
 purchased by the lessees, and the property thus became their 
 freehold. This gentleman appears also to have been subject to 
 no small measure of religious impulsiveness ; for it is stated, 
 under date Oct. 9th, 1745, or nearly two years after he had bought 
 the estate for the church, — 
 After a blessed Lovefeast with the single Brethren, Mr. Ingham fetched a jiiece 
 of ground from the field in which their house was intended to be built, and gave it to 
 them as a token of their henceforth having possession of it. But this was afterwards 
 returned, when the said field was determined upon as the future place of the single 
 sisters' house ; when Mr. Ingham gave them, in the same solemn manner, possession 
 of the ground of their present house and garden. He promised, moreover, ;if too, either 
 in money or bricks, towards their house. 
 The Brethren at this time lived in one or two small houses 
 in connection with a Meeting Room on the top of the hill, also 
 apparently in a house or houses at Bankhouse, — possibly at 
 Nesbit Hall. The hill was then called " Lamb's Hill," and at 
 these two places they resided for four or five years, while the 
 chapel and houses were being built for them. The first stone of 
 the former was laid on May2ist, 1746, by the brethren Foeltschig, 
 Okershausen and Hauptman, with much solemn religious cere- 
 mony, singing and prayer being continued in the open air the 
 whole of the night following. This place for worship was 
 designated by them " Grace Hall," and afterwards for some years 
 was the name by which the whole place was known. 
 One cannot but admire the ardent faith and burning zeal of 
 this handful of men, most of whom were strangers in the land, in 
 starting to build an establishment, calculated by themselves to 
 cost^3,ooo, but which others thought would reach ;^io,ooo; and 
 which is stated finally to have been as much as ;i^ 15,000; and this 
 upon land the tenure of which was not fully secured to them, or 
 had been forfeited by their non-fulfilment of the terms of agree- 
 ment. This Chapel or Hall was completed in 1748, and solemnly 
 consecrated on June 2nd, by John de Watteville and Peter Bohler, 
 two of the most learned and prominent labourers in the fraternity 
 at that time. The minister's house had been completed and 
 occupied during the March preceding. 
 The chapel organ was one of no mean repute, being built by 
 Snetzler, an eminent maker of his day ; and as music has ever 
 been a leading feature in connection with the economy of their 
 worship, it will account for the fact that, although engaged in a 
 great enterprise and with straightened means, yet they succeeded 
 in putting in this fine instrument in the same year that the chapel 
 was opened.* It was originally placed in the east gallery, but was 
 in 1802 removed to its present position opposite the pulpit. 
 This last named, and generally considered most important 
 piece of ecclesiastical architecture, seems to have been with them 
 a matter of minor concern, as it was not erected until 1750, when 
 it was first occupied by the gifted and learned preacher Benjamin 
 La Trobe, who at that time was stationed with the church as 
 Brethren's labourer. His was a name of Huguenot celebrity, 
 which has been continued down to the present day through a 
 succession of talented, influential, and honoured generations. 
 * The present Instrument was erected in 1851. 
 Among the earliest of those who were connected with the 
 Brethren, was one Claudius Nesbit, who resided at Bankhouse, 
 and built what is now called " Nesbit Hall," at present owned 
 and occupied by John Cliff, Esq., F.R.Hist.S., who was himself 
 educated at the Fulneck Boarding School. A view of this finely 
 situated, and lately much improved mansion, will be found in this 
 history. Doubtless it was with this same Claudius Nesbit that 
 Zinzendorf temporarily abode during his visits to the district. A 
 great mystery has always surrounded his last days. It is related 
 that going to London on business, he was never more heard of 
 In the year 1749 Zinzendorf, and his son Renatus, again 
 visited the settlement, and laid the foundation stones of the houses 
 for the Single Sisters and Brethren. The first is detached from 
 the main block, is built of bricks, and is an imposing termination 
 of the facade to the east. Through the space thus left open there 
 is a delightful and almost telescopic view of the front prospect ; 
 here also access is had from the rear to the main terrace. 
 This noble promenade 
 deserves more than a mere 
 passing reference. It is a well 
 kept gravel walk, having an 
 extension of about 240 yards 
 and a breadth of 8 yards. " It 
 was in existence in a rude 
 state in 1753, and about the 
 same time the gardens on the 
 slope below were laid out." 
 About 60 years subsequent to 
 the above date it seems to 
 have been brought somewhere 
 near to its present condition of 
 perfection, and is said now to 
 be "equal if not superior to 
 that at Windsor Castle; " and 
 also to bear more than a 
 favourable comparison with 
 the famed parade in front of 
 Hampton Court. The houses 
 above-mentioned were finished 
 and occupied three years later. 
 It was also in the above-named 
 year that the Burial ground 
 was laid out for its sacred pur- 
 pose. It is a long strip of land sloping gently down from the 
 road to a considerable distance below, and has within the last few 
 years been enlarged by addition of land from the adjoining fields. 
 This holy resting-place for the dead is to the east of the estate,, 
 and is overshadowed by many very fine forest trees, which add 
 much to its quiet and hallowing appearance. Here some of the 
 most sacred of their religious services were wont to be held ; and 
 oft has the stillness of the early morning been broken by the 
 slowly measured and solemn music of their brass horns. More 
 particularly was this the case at Eastertide, when the burial and 
 glorious resurrection of our Blessed Saviour was celebrated with 
 much that was, to the natives, both strange and novel ; and so 
 much attention and curiosity did it excite as to cause thousands 
 to assemble to witness the uncommon spectacle. This ultimately 
 became, by the unruly character of the assemblies, so great an 
 annoyance as to compel the transfer of the service to the chapeL 
 Grace Clarke was the first interred in the burial ground. 
 It may not be out of place to state that the brethren and 
 their general economy were held in much esteem by that great 
 apostle of the last century, the Rev. John Wesley, and his 
 equally good and talented brother Charles. Indeed, the former 
 acknowledged that it was by communion with Peter Bohler he 
 was enabled to understand the plan of salvation as propounded 
 in the New Testament, and to realise that " peace of God," by 
 faith in Jesus Christ, which he afterwards preached with so much 
 fervour, persistency, and success , and which became a leading 
 characteristic of his long and self-denying ministry. Further, it 
 is, apparently, to his intercourse with the brethren that the 
 Methodist Church is indebted, not only for the knowledge of this 
 joyous fact of christian privilege and vital godliness, but also for 
 much of its peculiar polity. Lovefeasts, fellowship meetings,, 
 watch-night services, class meetings, circuits, and districts, seem 
 mostly to have been grafted from this source. He visited 
 Grace Hall in 1747, when he first preached in Pudsey at 8.0 a.m., 
 and upon other occasions during his busy life when at Pudsey, 
 and although the whole manner of their social arrangements did 
 not commend itself to his judgment, yet he was always glad of 
 that spiritual intercourse he found active amongst them. In 
 reference to their social affairs he says in his journal, April 17th, 
 I left Leeds in one of the roughest mornings I have ever seen. We had rain, 
 hail, snow, and wind in abundance. About nine I preached at Bramley ; between 
 one and two at Pudsey. Afterwards I walked to Fulneck, the German settlement. 
 Mr. Moore shewed us the house, chapel hall, lodging rooms, the apartments for the 
 widows, the single men and single women. He shewed us likewise the workshops of 
 various kinds, with the shops for grocery, drapery, mercery, hardware, &c., with 
 which, as well as with bread from their bakehouse, they furnish the adjacent country. 
 I see not what, but the mighty power of God, can keep them from acquiring 
 millions, as they { 1st) Buy all materials with ready money at the first hand, (and) 
 Have above a hundred young men, above fifty young women, many widows, and 
 above a hundred married persons, all of whom are employed from morning to night, 
 without any interruption, in various kinds of manufactures ; not for journeymen's 
 wages, but for no wages at all, save a little very plain food and raiment. As they 
 have (3rd) a quick sale for all their goods, and sell them all for ready money. But 
 can they lay up treasure on earth and at the same time lay up treasure in heaven ? 
 The above interesting note will doubtless explain to a very- 
 large extent how the community managed to possess itself of 
 this fine property. It was by the persistent self-abnegation of 
 hundreds of people, industriously pursuing this one end, with a 
 religious fervour but rarely equalled. Joyfully toiling, and under 
 the most favourable conditions for success, not for themselves, 
 but the cause to which they were wholly devoted. As an 
 illustration also of the widespread interest felt in one another by 
 the members of the Church generally, a ship's cargo of timber 
 was sent as a present from Norway towards the erection of these 
 It will already have been observed from the note above 
 quoted that the object of the establishment was not merely a 
 spiritual one. Employment was to be found for the members, 
 not only to provide for their own necessities, but also that by 
 their labours there might be a capital account for the common 
 good. They thus occupied themselves in various trades and 
 manufactures, and became the pioneers of that principle of co- 
 operation which has spread so widely in later years. 
 The clothmaking business was commenced in 1748, and 
 afterwards that of worsted and gloves, tailoring, shoemaking, 
 farming, etc., by the brethren ; and needlework, hosiery, and lace 
 making by the sisters, were all successfully followed for many 
 years, but finally abandoned as unprofitable, or impracticable 
 when brought into competition with the ordinary outside traders. 
 Doubtless the novelty of the movement would attract many 
 young people at first, who were also the subjects of strong 
 religious influences, but the austerity of the life imposed on them 
 being unnaturally severe, would soon become irksome and 
 intolerable ; so that what was in the beginning effective by the 
 influence of an abnormal zeal, speedily failed when worked under 
 the conditions of ordinary and reasonable life. The building 
 at the extreme west end of the terrace was erected for cloth- 
 making in 1758, and the business continued to be carried on by 
 the Brethren, principally under the direction of Br. Charlesworth, 
 until 1780, when, for reasons just given, it lapsed into other 
 hands. It was, however, resumed by them about 1823, and con- 
 tinued till 1837, when it was finally abandoned. 
 The temporary prosperity of the movement, however, 
 aroused the jealousy and anger of many in the district. This 
 feeling was further increased by the spreading of false and 
 scandalous reports as to their political and religious connections ; 
 while the fact of the great bulk of their leading men being 
 foreigners, was quite sufficient of itself to quicken the suspicions 
 with which they were generally regarded. 
 In the middle of the last century the partizans of the 
 Pretender were numerous and active, while Romanism, with 
 which his cause was supposed to be closely connected, was 
 everywhere by the mass of the people bitterly hated. It was, 
 therefore, an easy task with the enemies of the Brethren to 
 accuse them as Romanists and Jacobites, while their peculiar 
 religious rites, and close mode of life, together with the aid they 
 got from abroad, served to convince the ignorant and vulgar, 
 who are always superficial in their observations and hasty in 
 their conclusions, that these pious and harmless strangers were 
 in league against the throne and church. They thus became 
 subject to much annoyance and persecution ; their meetings 
 were interrupted, their houses .searched, and large mobs from 
 Leeds and elsewhere caused them much apprehension, and 
 threatening serious riots. These, however, seem to have been 
 averted by some of their ministers appearing before Sir Walter 
 de Calverley and taking oath as to the loyal and peaceable 
 character of their work and people ; furthermore, they are said 
 to have persuaded one or two magistrates to visit the settlement, 
 and have fully explained to them the nature of its economy. 
 From thence their way would seem to have been unmolested, 
 save by .such small matters as occasionally arose from internal 
 causes, or other and more perplexing questions connected with 
 the estate. An instance of the latter sort arose with the owner 
 of the opposite side of the valley, in relation to the Brethren 
 establishing a dyehouse for their cloth manufactory on the 
 stream dividing the two properties. 
 A note under date 1750 says — 
 The congregation enjoyed rest from without and within, excepting some dis- 
 agreeable disputes betwixt us and Mr. Tempest, of Tong, concerning the Dyehouse and 
 the use of the brook near it, which came to a tedious law suit. 
 Again, in the next year, we find — 
 The disagreement with Mr. Tempest, in Tong, was finally settled at York in 
 July. Some matters in dispute were given in the right of Mr. Tempest, and the right 
 of the brook given in favour of Fulneck Settlement. Br. Metcalf was very much 
 engaged in helping to terminate this disagreeable dispute. 
 Still another in the year following — 
 Those in the Economy at Holme had much to sufifer by Mr. Tempest, who 
 threatened to turn them out of their house, and they were at last obliged to move 
 from thence to Pudsey town (1756?) 
 Disputes and petty jealousies also between the foreign and 
 English residents were not unknown, and sometimes went so far 
 as to create no small amount of vexation and anxiety. 
 A congregation of the Moravians existed at Pudsej' contem- 
 poraneously with the one at Fulneck, but whereas the " Fulneck 
 congregation was confined to its own place ; Pudsey congrega- 
 tion (175s) included Holbeck (Leeds), Dudley Hill, Horton, and 
 Baildon." This separate society, with its constitution and privi- 
 leges, existed down to the year 1811, when, from constantly 
 decreasing numbers, and to prevent an utter collapse, it became 
 amalgamated with the stronger section at Fulneck. 
 In connection with the Pudsey Society a boys' school was 
 opened, and as an indication of the value set upon their own 
 services by the brethren, it is recorded, Feb. 27th, 1784 — ^just 
 when they were about to begin the erection of the large boarding 
 school at Fulneck — 
 Brn. Watson and Collis had conference with the committee brethren touching 
 the boys' school to be begun, i.e., to settle the school wages. It was thought readers 
 only should pay zjd. ; readers and writers, 4d. ; and readers, writers, and cypherers, 
 6d. per week ; and the schoolmaster to have for the present 6s. per week ; and as 
 soon as the Schollers bring in 7s. per week, then he to have 7s. per week ! ! 
 There had been an attempt to establish a school two years 
 previously, which failed for the reason that it was " very hard to 
 get any house as room in Pudsey, as they are all occupied, and 
 the rents also are very high." This was in March, 1782 ; and in 
 July of the same year it states, " we are much concerned that we 
 cannot get a room to keep a school in for our boys." 
 The minister at Pudsey at this time, a married man, only 
 received 8s. per week, and at the time of the union with Fulneck, 
 as above, his salary was but 12s. per week. 
 It was old widow Stephenson who received the Brethren when they first came 
 to Yorkshire (sic Pudsey), and in whose house they preached. 
 This junction of the societies " was settltd with 1 50 persons 
 present, but there were as many as 345 souls in the society. Pud- 
 sey, 125 ; Dudley Hill, 60 ; Great Horton, 70 ; Baildon, 30 ; Leeds 
 and Holbeck, 60. The average during the first ten years of these 
 societies had been 660." The labourers on the Pudsey plan resided 
 together in a cottage yet indicated in the street at Fulneck. 
 During the separate " existence of the Pudsey Congrega- 
 tion, the number in Fulneck averaged 359 the first ten years, 
 then rose to 425 as their highest average, and was probably not 
 much under 400 at the time of union." 
 This was undoubtedly the period of greatest energy in the 
 church, not only in this district but throughout all its ramifica- 
 tions. But we have to do with Fulneck only, and what is said of 
 the Yorkshire societies generally is most fully applicable here, that 
 from " 1755-90 was the time of greatest congregational activity ; 
 1785 — 1825 the almost exclusive educational period; 1825 — 1855 
 years of comparative inactivity!' (Cent. Jub., p. 35.) 
 The first section was one of utter and general consecration, 
 body and soul, to the service of God and the church, wherein no 
 labour was too great, no sacrifice too much, if only the one would 
 appear to benefit thereby, or the other required it at their hands. 
 Indeed, the brethren seem at this time to have come as near as 
 possible up to the standard of the primitive church, when " all 
 that believed were together, and had all things common." — Acts 
 ii., 44. " And the multitude of them that believed were of 
 one heart and soul, and not one of them said that aught of the 
 things which he possessed was his own ; but they had all things 
 common." — Acts iv., 32. Imbued with this noble charity, 
 and fired by such zeal to promote the spiritual and eternal 
 welfare of each other, and of the masses lying around them in 
 the arms of the Wicked One, it were a marvel, indeed, if, while 
 sustained by this spirit, the blessing of heaven had not crowned 
 their labours with success. But " a fierce fire needs much fuel," 
 and humanity is none the less human however sanctified and 
 sustained by Divine grace. The three ^r&zX forty days of Moses 
 in the mount, Elijah in the desert, and the Saviour in the wilder- 
 ness, all had an end ; for no abnormal condition of life, whatever 
 good it may secure for the nonce, or promise in the future, can 
 possibly be upheld any longer than the fire which animated it is 
 kept fully alive. And to suppose such a state of living can be 
 continuous is to ignore the whole tradition of our being, and the 
 noble attempt of the early Christians which so soon collapsed. 
 From this universal experience the Brethren were not exempt. Here it appears 
 that within the short space of ten or fifteen years after the settlement of our Congre- 
 gations, the numbers reached their culminating point. The fire proved in many places 
 to be merely that of stubble, quickly flaming, and soon burnt down. Thus, though the 
 number of additions was at first great,— at that time tens were counted where we are 
 contented with units, — the number of those that fell off was proportionately large, 
 amounting (in some years) to between 40 and 60. From the simple accounts handed 
 down to us, it is hardly possible lo say who laboured most successfully ; all appear 
 to have devoted themselves, soul and body, to the work. The attractive eloquence 
 of Br. La Trobe, and the loving words of the venerable Bishop Traneker seem to 
 have made particular impression. — (Cent. Jub. , p. 41). 
 We should not lose sight of the fact that the later half of 
 the last century was a time of general revival of religion through- 
 out this and some other lands. Experimental and practical 
 Godliness was almost extinct ; services were held in the churches, 
 and sermons were preached ; but the first were coldly formal, 
 and the latter not only insipid but in many cases wholly hid 
 under the bushels of morality and tradition. 
 The clergy proclaimed the "form of Godliness " without the power ; often spoke 
 of virtue, but rarely exhibited the only saving foundation of every Christian grace. 
 The Independents had not developed the evangelical spirit they have since displayed, 
 and there were comparatively few Methodists here to search out the poor and dispised, 
 and to preach with rude but earnest eloquence the terrors of "the wrath to come." 
 Thus the field wai open ; there were no rivals, and even the places of worship, such 
 as they were, were far apart and thinly scattered among an ignorant population. 
 Thus were the fields in this corner of Vorkshire ready for 
 the harvest, when Ingham and Delamotte, La Trobe and Trane- 
 ker, Cennick and Hartley, with others, put in the sickle and 
 reaped a harvest of men ; while some of the brethren, as Boehler 
 and Gambold were " compelling the attention of Oxford to the 
 truth by their Latin discourses, prayers, and extemporised verses." 
 The foundation thus laid in true piety, zeal, and learning, 
 cannot but be abiding ; and although, for awhile, the super- 
 structure may fall partially into decay, yet with such a basement 
 to work upon, and the same Divine Power at the command of 
 their faith, may we not at any time look for a return to the old 
 evangelistic activities, and as a consequence, the former fruits. 
 " Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant 
 unto the Lord, as in the days of old, and as in the ancient years." 
 Mai. iii., iv. 
 We must now glance at another branch of the work allotted 
 to the place, one which has far exceeded in importance, as it has 
 outlived in time, that of the industrial. I refer to the work of 
 education. This has almost from the beginning been a notable 
 feature of Fulneck, and long ere the value of a liberal education 
 was generally recognised in this country, the Moravians were 
 careful to give it to their own children, as well as to admit 
 others to the benefits of their schools. It must also not be for- 
 gotten that theirs was a Missionary Church many years prior to 
 the other Protestant Churches awaking to a sense of this branch 
 of Christian duty. This being so, the children of the Brethren 
 engaged upon foreign stations, where education was next to 
 impossible, had to be cared for at home, so that then, as now. 
 many were sent to this country for that purpose. At the period 
 with which we are now dealing (about 1750) — 
 Day schools were set on foot in various parts for the use of the societies ; and 
 the children of those brethren and sisters who were set apart for the service of the 
 church, were, together with some few whose parents desired it, collected into one 
 family, forming the nucleus of the present boarding-schools at Fulneck. The children's 
 oeconomy was at Broadoaks, in Essex, in 1743, but the boys were afterwards removed 
 to Buttermere, in Wiltshire ; and in 1 748 were transplanted to Smith's House (Wyke), in 
 Yorkshire, and finally took possession of the rooms under the chapel (1753), which were 
 occupied by them until, 30 or 40 years afterwards, the present Boys' School was built."' 
 It was two years after the arrival of the boys, that the girls were 
 also transferred from Church Lane, Chelsea, to the same rooms 
 beneath the chapel. In reference to a sad epidemic of small- 
 po.x, there is an entry in the diaries, very characteristic of the 
 simplicity of the times. We read : " By occasion of the small- 
 pox, Our Saviour held a rich harvest among the children, many of 
 whom departed in a very blessed manner." 
 The first attempt by the Moravian brethren to establish a 
 large public school in Yorkshire was made at Fulneck about 1785, 
 when " a few children of parents who, without entirely con- 
 necting themselves with our Church, yet kept up an intimate 
 acquaintance with it, had been already admitted to our schools. 
 The increase of applications of this nature, together with the 
 great insufficiency of the accommodation for both schools 
 below the chapel, rendered an additional building requisite. 
 In August of the above year, the older portion of the present 
 Boys' Boarding School was solemnly opened for this purpose by 
 Brother Traneker." This movement was so successful that, 
 from a beginning of from 50 to 60, the number had reached 
 200 in 1 8 17. This result was partly due to the fact of the 
 Church's connection with the Continent, by which an uncommon 
 staff of good classical, mathematical, and language teachers was 
 readily and continuously secured. Among the most conspicuous 
 of these was " H. Steinhauer, who, inheriting his father's zeal, 
 and endowed with extraordinary acquirements in most depart- 
 ments of science, imparted signal impulse to many studies, 
 which, with classics, mathematics, and the pursuit of the Fine 
 Arts, enabled this institution to afford a more liberal education 
 than most others." 
 A Theological College was commenced here in 1 809, for 
 the training of students for the ministry, but was discontinued 
 in 1827, being fettered in its usefulness by " numerous restrictions 
 and inadequate resources." It subsisted during these few 
 years " under various names and arrangements, and has not 
 since been renewed," except for a brief period. 
 The union of this secular education with the church work, 
 and spiritual life of the congregation, v/as not in all respects con- 
 sidered satisfactory. " The service of the schools swallowed up 
 a great number of brethren, without creating an equivalent 
 supply of new members ;" the spirit of zeal and self-denial was 
 •declining ; success had enervated the establishment, " and the 
 period of real prosperity had ceased long before the numbers 
 had reached their maximum." But the schools were popular, 
 the pupils were many, and the profits good ; and the glamour of 
 this success not unnaturally dimmed the eyes of the Brethren, 
 so that they could not see to what an extent they were con- 
 suming the hard-won stock of spiritual capital accumulated 
 during the previous fifty years. " It seemed as if the prosperity 
 of the schools was, by its brilliant glare, to hide every other 
 defect, and we believe we are giving a correct impression of the 
 state of feeling, when we say that the first question of a visiting 
 brother was not, ' What spirit animates the congregation ? ' but 
 ' How full are the schools ?' " 
 They were also among the first of the Churches to enter 
 upon that then novel, but now most popular, work of Sabbath 
 School teaching. In 1800 the exertions of C. I. La Trobe were 
 successful in establishing such schools at Fulneck. These, with 
 a short break at the commencement of the period, have ever 
 since been in operation, and proved an incalculable blessing 
 to the whole neighbourhood. Following a principle which 
 seems to be incorporated into most of their religious and social 
 activities, the boys and girls are kept as much as possible apart 
 from each other, and separate schools have been erected of late 
 years for their use ; that for the girls being in the street at the 
 rear of the Sisters' House, while the one for the boys occupies a 
 •commanding position nearer the crest of the hill. This practice 
 operates throughout their whole polity, the sexes not comming- 
 ling in any of their religious gatherings ; in fact, so far is this 
 enforced at Fulneck, that the writer of this article, having 
 taken a seat upon one occasion, at a public service in the chapel, 
 on the very margin of the female side of the entrance, was 
 peremptorily told, three times over, " You must not sit there !" 
 This division is also strictly carried even to death, as in the 
 burial ground one half is set apart for males, and the other for 
 females, so that husbands and wives, parents and children, 
 brothers and sisters, whatever may be their lot in Heaven, at 
 least in Hades are kept apart. One is led to wonder that, with 
 such Benedictine practices, matrimony should be sanctioned. 
 Returning to the Sabbath Schools, it is claimed for them 
 in an account of the " Celebration of the Centenary Jubilee," 
 that the Brethren were not second in this popular and profitable 
 field of labour. It says, " We cannot refrain also from men- 
 tioning Bro. Steinhauer, whose exertions show us how far even 
 some of the so-called ' simple ' brethren of olden times were in 
 advance of their age. Both as boys' labourer in Fulneck, and 
 as minister in Wyke (1773), he made use of his own press, in 
 order to circulate printed copies of hymns or addresses among 
 the children, thus anticipating by twenty years the work of 
 Sunday Schools." It would also further appear that this same 
 " simple " brother is responsible for the introduction of choir- 
 singing into the services of the church at Fulneck. To him also 
 is given the honourable notice of having, ten years previous to 
 the above date, raised the standard of instruction in the day 
 schools from a "course of tuition at first very limited, comprising 
 little beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic," by the introduc- 
 tion of higher branches of study, as Latin, German, French, 
 music, etc.; which, of course, considerably encroached upon the 
 time set apart for manual labour ; for even the time of the 
 children was strictly apportioned between school and work. 
 Here we appear to see the first germ of that modern system of 
 education in connection with our Board Schools — the half- 
 timers — in operation at this out-of-the-way corner of the world, 
 a hundred years before the establishment of these institutions 
 was practically contemplated. Is there anything new under 
 the sun ? 
 The buildings for the boys' boarding schools were erected 
 1784-5, but considerably enlarged in 18 18. They occupy the 
 space between the Brethren's and the Directors' residences, 
 and were " solemnly opened by Br. Traneker, who at that time 
 combined the functions of congregation-helper and minister with 
 those of the school director." The ceremony of the stone laying 
 is referred to in the Diary under date April 19th, 1784: — 
 Being the anniversary of the settling of the congregation in Fulneck up (on) the 
 footing of a place congregation 29 years since. At 8 was morning blessings ; at 1 1 
 the congn. assembled in the Hall, when, after singing some verses, i^., " Un- 
 fathomed wisdom of our King," &c., reading the inscription to be put in the Leden 
 Box, the foundation stone of the House for the Boys' oeconomy was laid by Br. 
 Traneker, who, standing upon the foundation stone, offer'd up a prayer, and though I 
 (was) at a great distance to (from) him, yet the feeling I had was sufficient to convince 
 me our Savr. was pleased with the whole transaction. 
 From hence have gone forth missionaries to the remotest parts 
 of the earth, not only to teach and preach, but often to work and 
 maintain themselves in desolate regions. Here too has been the 
 chief seminary in England for training of ministers for the home 
 work, and a succession of teachers for succeeding generations. 
 The Centenary Anniversary of the schools was celebrated on 
 May 3rd, 1853. 
 It would be an incomplete notice of these old and important 
 scholastic institutions, were we to omit mention of a few of the 
 names which stand forth conspicuously in connection with them, 
 as Directors, Tutors, or Pupils. 
 Among the first of these is one whose name is constantly 
 recurring in the Diaries of the last century, the Rev. G. 
 Traneker. As stated above, his duties were duplex and onerous ; 
 yet discharged, evidently, with conscientious faithfulness, and a 
 general satisfaction to those among whom he laboured. He was 
 the first "Helper" under the new settlement, April 14th, 1755, 
 being appointed " Ordinary [Bishop] of Fulneck, and of the 
 whole," i.e., the other congregations in connection with it, " and 
 his wife also was to be a general labouress or elder." He is 
 specially mentioned with the brethren Johannes de Watteville, 
 La Trobe, and Charlesworth, — who is referred to as the "Gaius," 
 or "Congregation Innkeeper," — as taking a general and principal 
 part in all the solemnities of the great Conference where these 
 and many other things of importance were settled, including the 
 appointment of Br. Planta as congregation physician. The 
 Bishop's first appointment was not of long duration, as he was 
 succeeded in both oiifices in 1757 by the Rev. B. La Trobe, but 
 he returned to his old duties twenty years later, 1776, and 
 appears to have continued as School Director till 1791, and was 
 congregation-helper until the appointment of the Rev. S. 
 Benade, in 1801. This venerable and devoted servant of Christ 
 and the brethren died at Fulneck in the following year, and was 
 interred in the burial ground there. The jubilee of the brethren's 
 and sisters' houses was celebrated this year. 
 The Rev. Benjamin Latrobe, who has already been referred 
 to, appears to have been a man of first importance in the church 
 of the Brethrcns' Unity, and a member of the Central Board of 
 Direction in London. From him descended a long line of 
 worthy and notable men and women who have continuously 
 laboured in some way or other at Fulneck, and other places, in 
 the interest of the church. — Of his sons. Christian Ignatius, Peter, 
 and James ; the first named was very actively employed both 
 at home and abroad, and was often at Fulneck during his bu.sy 
 life: in the latter part of the year 181 5 he visited the missions 
 in South Africa, being at that time Secretary to the Brethren's 
 Missionary Society. Peter was an eminent musician and com- 
 poser ; James, in 1788 was minister at Mirfield, and in 1806 at 
 Pudsey— at that time a bishop — with 8s. per week. His son, 
 James, was minister of Mirfield from 1836 to 1841. Another 
 member of the family, Joseph, who was educated at Fulneck, 
 " rose to be Lieut. -governor of Victoria, in Australia." — 
 Kev. Benjamin La Trobe. 
 The " settling " of Fulneck as a place-congregation was 
 done under his guidance, in conjunction with John de Watteville, 
 or "Johannes," as he is usually called, during a visit which they 
 paid apparently for that purpose. He followed Mr. Traneker in 
 the offices of congregation-helper, and school-director at the 
 end of his first term, 1757, and is said to have been a gifted man 
 and an eloquent preacher ; as before stated, he was the first to 
 occupy the pulpit of the chapel in 1750. His power as a preacher 
 is often spoken of, especially at the Easter Services, when the 
 assemblies were not only very large but tumultuous. He appears 
 from the tabular statement, in the Cent. Jub. account, to have 
 held the above offices until 1768, or about ten years. A note 
 under date July 31st of that year, says, " Bro. Latrobe held his 
 last public preaching for this time of his long sojourning in 
 Yorkshire. A farewell lovefeast was held Aug. 24th, before his 
 setting out to London." He is,however often mentioned as visiting 
 Fulneck during the following years. He died at Chelsea, 1786 ; 
 and so great was the respect in which he was held, that no less 
 than 58 coaches followed his remains to the grave. 
 A curious note occurs a year previous to his leaving this 
 place : — " May 15th, I kept the meeting at the girls' school, and 
 acquainted them that they must again move for some weeks to 
 Jefferson's house, in Pudsey, as Sister Latrobe would want that 
 house in which they were during the time of her lying in." 
 Passing over a host of names, worthy of note, we must come 
 to one whose long connection with the Schools endeared him to 
 many, and whose cheerful, active. Christian life, is yet fragrant in 
 the memory of all in this neighbourhood. The Rev. Joseph 
 Hutton Willey, who for a long period was director of both the 
 Fulneck boarding schools, was born in Ballinderry in co. 
 Antrim, in 1820. His father was born in Fulneck in 1781, and 
 removed with his parents to Plymouth in July, 1783, who had 
 completed their appointment on the Pudsey plan. He was a 
 minister in the Moravian Church, as had been also his grand- 
 father, a Yorkshireman who joined the Brethren at their first 
 coming into these parts about the middle of last century, and 
 was appointed minister at Pudsey, 1773. His mother was a 
 Hutton, of a good Dublin family ; she was aunt of Sir W. R. 
 Hamilton, the celebrated mathematician, and Astronomer Royal 
 of Ireland, who spent some time in Fulneck on the occasion of 
 a British Association Meeting in Leeds. The late director had 
 himself been a scholar at Fulneck, which he left in 1835 to 
 pursue his studies, at first in Dublin, afterwards at the Moravian 
 Church Schools in Nisky and Guadenfeld. After completion of 
 his studies, he assisted fcr three years in tuition at a school in 
 Holland, spending thus eight years in early life with what 
 advantage is to be gained from foreign training, and becoming 
 conversant with German and French. In [848, Mr. Willey was 
 ordained in Fairfield by Bishop Essex, and after assisting in the 
 ministry in Bristol, he was appointed to the charge of the 
 congregation at Gomersal. At the same time, in 185 1, he 
 married Miss Jane Millar, a Belfast lady, who was educated at 
 Gracehill. "Their stay in Gomersal was but short, for the next 
 summer, 1852, saw their entrance upon the superintendence of 
 the schools at Fulneck, a work in which nearly 27 years were to 
 be spent. During this period there were, of course, many 
 fluctuations, but the general course of the Institution was very 
 successful ; the premises were improved, the playground 
 extended, a swimming bath built, and the financial state of the 
 school much improved. At the first beginning of the University 
 school examination, Fulneck joined the movement heartily, and 
 won early honours, pupils receiving prizes from the hand of Lord 
 Palmerston in Leeds. Mr. Fitch, on behalf of Government, 
 made a close inspection of both schools, and sent in a most 
 favourable report. At the present time, 1887, two of the former 
 pupils are valued members of Parliament. 
 During the period of Mr. Willey's directorship, above 1,000 
 young people boarded and were taught in the schools ; at least 
 120 teachers had been engaged in the good work ; above 200 
 domestic servants had followed, as usual, in too rapid succession. 
 The elevated and airy situation of the school buildings was 
 conducive to health, and for a long time there seemed to be 
 immunity from any serious ailment, but a rather severe visitation 
 of fever in 1878 checked prosperity for a time, and disheartened 
 those who had the serious responsibility of caring for the 
 children of absent parents, so that Mr. and Mrs. Willey were for 
 some reasons not sorry to take an otherwise regretful leave of 
 friends in Fulneck and neighbourhood, following a call to take 
 charge of the congregation in Gracehill, co. Antrim. This part- 
 ing took place in March, 1879. 
 He was succeeded in the office of Director of the Schools by 
 the Rev. John J. Shawe, who had himself been educated at 
 Fulneck, and in Germany ; afterwards was engaged as a teacher 
 here, and Brethren's labourer about 1856. He then removed to 
 Ireland for a few years, and subsequently returned to Fulneck in 
 connection with the Theological Institute, which had been 
 revived for a short time, but which was afterwards removed to 
 Fairfield, near Manchester. His term of labour in striving, under 
 great difficulties, to restore the Schools to some degree of the 
 prestige they had lost by a repetition of unfortunate epidemic 
 visitations, was cut short by almost sudden death, under circum- 
 stances most distressing. Staying with his family at Morecambe 
 in 1882, one of his sons when bathing, got out of his depth and 
 called to him for assistance. Both were nearly drowned, but 
 were rescued in a state of unconsciousness by a boatman, and 
 afterwards restored. In the case of Mr. Shawe, however, fever 
 supervened, and the shock to his system was so great, that 
 although he partially reco.vered, yet a relapse came on, and he 
 died in about a fortnight after the sad occurrence, to the great 
 grief of all who knew him, and amid much sympathy for his 
 wife and family. He was a gentleman of great energy and 
 devotion to his work, of very considerable attainments, and as a 
 preacher, eloquent, impressive, and popular. 
 The Rev. Wm. Titterington, another old boy and teacher, 
 succeeded next in 1882, and is at present in charge of the Boys' 
 School, which now numbers about 70 pupils, and under his able 
 conduct, assisted by his matronly partner, and a staff of efficient 
 teachers, is regaining no small amount of the favour it so 
 unfortunately lost for a while. Miss Shawe, sister of the above 
 J. J. Shawe, has the management of the Girls' Department. 
 These biographical notes might be extended to a great length ; 
 indeed, a volume of biographies of Fulneck worthies would in 
 itself be a work of large extent and very considerable interest. 
 For beside those who have had the direction of the Schools, 
 many have been otherwise associated with them who, in their 
 day, were men of influence, and have left impressions of their 
 work, which are yet, and must continue, " Footprints on the 
 sands of Time." 
 One of these was Mr. Wm. Nelson, who as a musician and 
 an artist, was well known and highly esteemed both in the 
 schools and the neighbourhood. He had charge of the chapel 
 organ and the musical services for more than 30 years, these 
 services during that period being unusually famous. As an ex- 
 tempore player he had few equals, and his method of accom- 
 panying the services was marked by great judgment and taste. 
 Nor was he less known as an artist. His drawings were of the 
 highest order, and much sought after by those who had the op- 
 portunity of knowing him. 
 A few of these passed under the hands of the lithographer ; 
 perhaps the best known to the public being a view of Fulneck, 
 and a set of six views of Kirkstall Abbey. 
 In many ways he did good work for the church of the 
 Brethren, holding sundry offices from time to time ; and many 
 who have passed through the schools would testify to the care 
 and attention devoted to them in connection with these two 
 branches of study under his guidance. He died and was buried 
 at Fulncck in 1868, aged 58 years. His son, Mr. C. Sebastian 
 Nelson, architect, of Leeds, but who resides at Fulneck, in the 
 pleasant house formerly occupied by his parents, has now charge 
 of the organ and musical services of the congregation. 
 One other, whose long connection with the place and neigh- 
 bourhood forbids his exclusion from these pages, was born at 
 Fulneck, Nov. 8th, 1820, and educated at the school there. His 
 father dying when he was but an infant, EDWARD Sewell be- 
 came the special charge of a mother who devoted herself to his 
 welfare. He was intended for the ministry, and his early educa- 
 tion was conducted with that aim ; but circumstances occurred 
 ere his arrival at manhood which diverted him from this end, 
 and finally moulded his professional after-life very different from 
 what he ever expected. He began to teach in the Sabbath 
 school when only 14 years old, and for nearly 20 years pursued 
 these labours " with abundant success." 
 In 1842 he was entrusted with the head-mastership of the day school in Ful- 
 neck, a post he held for 27 years with unvarying prosperity to all concerned, and 
 with distinguished honour to himself. His name will ever be remembered by hun- 
 dreds of his pupils with sincere gratitude and pleasure. 
 During the first 49 years of his residence in Fulneck he 
 Filled many posts of honour and trust in the church ; twice he was called to its 
 service ; for years he was conductor of the choral society, and chief bandmaster. His 
 townsmen also elected him to several public offices, which he discharged faithfully 
 and well. He was connected with the chief improvements of his native place in every • 
 direction for the good of his fellow-men. For 16 years he was the Hon. Secretary 
 of the Literary Union, held in Fulneck, and the papers he read before it deserve to 
 lie more widely known than they have been as yet. 
 In connection with the ("ent. Jubilee celebration, at Fulneck, 
 Mr. Sewell composed a " Cantata," which was performed here 
 on April 21st, 1855, and was well received. 
 In the year 1869 he removed to Ilkley to establish a college 
 for boarders, which for awhile appeared to answer his expecta- 
 tions. Here he served for some years upon the Local Board 
 and the Board of Guardians. During his residence in Ilkley he 
 paid a visit to Italy and had the honour of an introduction, as 
 Grand Master of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows, to the 
 Pope Pius IX., who dismissed him with the remark: 
 I have Ijeen pleased to meet you, — your works of charity and love have preceded 
 you here, — go on in the great work in which you are engaged ; for charity knows no 
 religion, no country, and heaven will assuredly bless you. Farewell. 
 Mr. Sewell not only won the distinction just indicated 
 in connection with his Lodge, but also that of M.A., and 
 many other inferior, though not less honourable, trophies by hi.s. 
 wonderful energy, talent, and perseverance. Though now much 
 enfeebled by affliction and misfortune, as before said, his mar- 
 vellously active life is declining in quiet, not many yards from 
 where he first drew his breath. 
 The festivals of Fulneck have always been a leading and 
 characteristic feature of the place, and when the work from this 
 centre was more energetic, and its influence more widely spread 
 than it has been during the last half century, these were times of 
 stirring importance which excited a large amount of influence, 
 not only upon the members of the church generally, but also upon 
 those dwelling in the district who were merely observers of their 
 doings. Upon these occasions it was customary for very many 
 to come from Holbeck, Baildon, Wyke, Dudley Hill, Gomersal, 
 Mirfield, Heckmondwike, etc., to join in the sacred services which 
 followed one another at short intervals during the day. 
 Such constant gatherings partook very much of the character 
 of the feasts under the old Jewish economy ; when every Jew, 
 unless incapacitated, was expected to go up to Jerusalem to the 
 Temple Service. Fulneck, from the time of its constitution as a 
 place-congregation, became such a temple to the scattered so- 
 cieties of the Brethren in these quarters, who, like the ancient 
 Israelites, might often be seen wending their way in small 
 parties along most of the roads converging upon their Hill of 
 Zion. These holy pilgrimages — long before stage coaches or 
 railways were thought of — must have tended very much to 
 maintain and strengthen the fraternal feeling among the locally 
 divided members of the church, and to encourage that sympathy 
 and fellowship which was so strong a bond to their political 
 unity. It becomes, indeed, a question whether the excess of 
 this feeling has not degenerated into an evil, and that partial 
 isolation and exclusiveness for which the colony is somewhat 
 These festivals may be divided into two classes ; those 
 which are general, or related to the whole community, and those 
 immediately connected with the individual congregation, although 
 even these latter are as universal in their observance as the for- 
 mer. The general festivals — all of which are still sacredly 
 observed, though not in the same degree — are, 
 1st. Beginning of the Building at Herrnhut, by the first emigrants of Moravia. 
 For June 17th. 
 2nd. The laying of the Foundation Stone of the first Meeting Hall and Academy 
 at Herrnhut. May 12th 
 3rd. The Renewal of the Brethren's Church, 1727. Aug. 13. 
 4th. The Great Awakening among the Children at Herrnhut, Aug. 27th. 
 Sth. Beginning of the Hourly Intercession. Aug. 27th. 
 6th. First Mission to the Heathen; the Negroes at St. Thomas, W. F. 
 Aug. 22nd. 
 7th. First Mission to the Heathen in Greenland. Jan. rgth. 
 8th. Powerful experience in the Unity of the Brethren, that Jesus is the Chief 
 Shepherd and Head of His Church. Sept. l6th and Nov. 13th. 
 The two first of the above relate to their temporal polity, 
 the third to their doctrinal unity, the fourth and eighth to special 
 religious experiences, and the two others to their work in the 
 mission field. 
 The local or congregational festivities arc much more per- 
 sonal and limited in their scope, yet, as above stated, as wide 
 spread in their observance, i.e., wherever there is a congregation 
 to which the individual members can obtain access. For these 
 annual ceremonials the church is divided into what are called 
 "choirs" or bands, all of which, with one exception, are in re- 
 lation to the state of marriage. Thus, there is 
 1st. The Married Choir — Brethren and Sisters. 
 2nd. The Single Brethren's Choir. 
 3rd. The Single Sisters' Choir. 
 4th. The Widowers' Choir. 
 5th. The Widows' Choir. 
 6th. The Children's Choir. 
 In addition even to this large number of special services, there 
 are the local school and chapel anniversaries, and others still 
 more sacred in connection with the birth and death of the Divine 
 Saviour, at Christmas and Easter. And as in reference to the 
 latter, there has been occasion to remark upon the disorderly 
 conduct of the crowds of people who annually assembled to 
 witness the novel ceremonials of the brethren ; it is only fair to 
 add, that the upright and sincere conversation of the one, and 
 the good common sense of the other, at last prevailed to bring 
 about a better state of things. Thus the Diary of 1822 says: 
 " Being Easter Sunday we had, as usual, great crowds flocking 
 to our chapel, who conducted themselves with decorum, and, 
 generally speaking, with devotion." Again, in reference to the 
 Christmas Eve of the same year, we find — Dec. 24th, " The 
 public service this evening was attended by great crowds of 
 attentive hearers ; many who came could not be admitted for 
 want of room. It is pleasing to observe that an improvement, at 
 least in the manners of our neighbours, appears to take place 
 from year to year. On such occasions they now disperse with 
 great quietness and decorum." Surely this is a red mark for 
 Pudsey, 65 years ago, and at a time when it is usually credited 
 with lying in uncivilised darkness ! 
 All these festivals partake very much of one character, 
 excepting, perhaps, those of the Sunday Schools and that at 
 Easter, which is preceded by a whole week of special services. 
 As may be readily surmised, the diaries of the place abound 
 with references to their observance, nearly all of which are 
 expressions of gratitude and praise for spiritual blessings, some- 
 times the texts discoursed upon, with brief comments on the 
 sermons, and often with references to the weather as affecting 
 the attendance from the outlying Societies. Very often heavy 
 and continuous snowstorms are noted as preventing the move- 
 ments of the people ; and at other times the wind made it 
 dangerous even for the local members to join in the services. 
 Let one extract suffice : — 
 Feby. 2nd, 1822. The wind resembled a hurricane, and rendered it dan- 
 gerous for our brethren and sisters to pass and repass to and from the Chapel, 
 besides tiles and bricks being thrown from roofs and chimnies, especially at the 
 .Single Brethren's House, a high chimney on the house of Brother and Sister Jowett 
 fell about n o'clock at night, broke through the roof under which they slept, and 
 spread a great number of bricks on the public road, which must have occasioned the 
 loss of life if it had happened at a time when persons passed that way. 'I'he 
 torrents of rain at the same time were such, that when Brother Reichel, on the 
 following day, was on his way to Baildon, there to preach, he could proceed no farther 
 than Shipley, the whole valley of the River Aire being inundated. 
 The observance of the Festival days mostly commences 
 with a short early service, which is followed by an ordinary one 
 and address. Then there is often a lovefeast, succeeded by an 
 evening service, and mostly the Holy Communion. There are 
 also particular matters connected with each choir, which are 
 introduced in their order, and which serve to vary the general 
 routine. There is, moreover, one thing which, perhaps, charac- 
 terises these solemnities more than anything else, viz., the 
 passing round of a loving cup, or, as it is termed, " The Cup of 
 Praise," when the whole choir, or congregation of members, 
 stands, and, joining hands, passes the cup from one to another, 
 each, as he or she receives it, at the same time making a solemn 
 promise to be wholly the Lord's. Two or three notes from the 
 records will convey a sufficiently good impression of the whole 
 of these high days, and also introduce a few names of those 
 belonging to the Society at that period, 1818 : — 
 April 19th. Friday being the Anniversary of the Fulneck Congregation, and 
 the weather being fine, there was a good attendance of our brethren and sisters. 
 Eleven persons at their earnest request were joined to our Society. The two married, 
 pairs, James and Ann Wood, Joseph and Elizabeth Waterhouse ; the two men, 
 Robert Hall and James Walker ; the widow woman Klizaljeth Clark, and the three 
 girls, Mary Proctor, Mary Webster, and .Sarah Wilson. The married man William 
 Stowe, junr., was also readmitted to the Society. 
 May 2ist. The Single Sisters' Choir had a lively and blessed celebration of 
 their festival. The day being fine, there was a good attendance from alt the 
 country congregations. The great girls, Han. Walker, Elizabeth Stanhope, Sar. 
 Nichols, Mary Wood, Eliz, Proctor, and Maria 1 lischke, were received into the 
 May 31st. The married man John Naylor ; the girls Han. Man, and Sarah 
 Turner, were added to the Society. The married woman .Sarah Cromack and the 
 married man James Bullock, were at the same time solemnly received into the con- 
 )uly 29th. The two youths Chas. Sharman and Jos. .Stocks* were received into 
 the Choir. 
 A more particular account of the observance of the great 
 Centenary Festival which commemorated the first establishment 
 of the little church at Herrnhut, when Christian David, the 
 great apostle of its new dispensation, struck his axe into the 
 first tree cut down for building a dwelling, with the exclamation 
 from Psalm 84, v. 3, " The sparrow hath found her an house, 
 and the swallow a nest for herself," etc. These words were the 
 theme of a sermon on the i6th of June, 1822, 
 Which treated on the excellency of our religious ordinances, enjoyed for 
 100 years, with full security under every government in whose dominions we have 
 been planted. In the evening the congregation met for a solemn conclusion of the 
 last century of the revived Brethren's Unity ; a powerful emotion pervaded the whole 
 assembly, and we received manifest proofs that the Lord still owns us as His flock and 
 On the following morning, the 17th, the true memorial 
 day — 
 As early as five o'clock we were, by musical instruments, roused from sleep, 
 and then already our distant brethren and sisters began to arrive from various quar- 
 ters. At eight we assembled for the morning blessing ; and at ten an extensive and 
 very affecting narrative was read of the events we commemorated. The meeting was 
 opened and concluded with the singing of some verses composed for the occasion by 
 our brother James Montgomery, in which the congregation joined with uncommon 
 life and spirit. The chapel could scarcely contain the congregation, especially at the 
 Lovefeast, when an ode was sung which was in substance a translation of that which 
 had been composed for the congregation at Herrnhut. Want of room prevented us 
 from admitting, with very few exceptions, any but meml^ers of the congregation. The 
 discourse was held on (jamaliel's words, Acts 5, v. 38-39. That the cause committed 
 to the Brethren's Unity is of God we were most powerfully convinced, by tracing His 
 way with us hitherto. To belong to such a people becomes increasingly dear to us, 
 and at the " Cup of Praise " we covenanted with one accord to be faithful to Him 
 Who hath called us. We can hope, from our experience of this day, that Our .Saviour 
 will grant to our Church a season of revival and renovation. His Spirit was poured 
 upon us from on high, and the celebration of this jubilee will not soon be forgotten. 
 For the purpose of obtaining room in our chapel for these solemnities, the majority of 
 the boarders had been previously dismissed for the midsummer holidays. 
 A very brief account of the origin of some of the first-class 
 Festivals may not be deemed out of place in this short history, 
 especially as but few outside the inner circle of the Moravian 
 community will have any knowledge thereof 
 * Still residing at Fulneck Knd in fairly good health and strength. 
 (No. I.) The one referred to above is at the head of the 
 list, and as more than indicated, commemorates the exodus from 
 Fulncck in Moravia of the three or four famihes which, under 
 the direction of Christian David, first settled upon the estate of 
 Count Zinzendorf in Lusatia, where they found a refuge from 
 the persecutions of their enemies, and began the work hereafter 
 described. These persecutions had been maintained during a 
 whole century by the Romish Church, until that of the Brethren 
 and other Protestant professors was almost exterminated, and, 
 by the " craft of their adversaries," had been 
 deprived " of their religious liberty, their 
 chapels, their ministers, and their books." 
 Yet there were many of them left, especially 
 in the little town of Fulneck and the adjacent 
 villages, which had formerly been the parish 
 of the last Bishop of the Moravian Brethren, 
 Amos Comenius. It was on Whit-Sunday, 
 1722, that C. David made known to a few 
 members of this tormented flock, that he 
 had formed the acquaintance of 
 the young Count, whom he des- 
 cribed as "a genuine follower of 
 the Lord Jesus," and that he had 
 invited them to his estate at 
 Bcrthelsdorf, with a promise of 
 protection. Two brothers, Augus- 
 tus and Jacob Neisser, both cutlers 
 by trade, at once set out with 
 David, who was a carpenter, for 
 the new home accompanied by 
 their wives and children, including 
 twins only three months old, and 
 two orthree young persons besides. 
 They were obliged to take their departure under cover of the 
 night, and without communicating their purpose to any but 
 their most faithful friends. These godly pilgrims arrived at 
 their destination without any mishap, and were welcomed by the 
 steward of the Count, he being away at the time. They were 
 at first lodged in " a lonely and deserted dwelling, which had 
 been erected 70 years before, but never been inhabited." A 
 cow was also given them, " that they might be able to furnish 
 their little ones with milk." A spot being assigned them for 
 their colony, and the trees marked for their use, arrangements 
 In the Woods. 
 were at once made to commence clearing and building. " The 
 place which had been chosen was an extremely wild and marshy 
 spot, overgrown with bushes and briers, at the declivity of the 
 hill, called the Hutberg." Is there not here a striking likeness 
 to the site selected by Zinzendorf in Yorkshire for the head- 
 quarters of the Brethren ? 
 Here it was, then, that the three earnest men set to work, 
 and on the 17th of June, 1722, felled the first tree for the first 
 house at Herrnhut, thus commencing a labour full of zeal, trust, 
 and hope, which has been the home of their church, and the 
 glory of its members for more than a century and a half. " This 
 tree was afterwards formed into a pillar, and required as much 
 work and labour as five others, which circumstance led them to 
 many reflectio7is.^' It was the pious steward, Mr. Heitz, who gave 
 the name to the place by which it has ever since been known. 
 This occurred in a letter from him to the Count, on July 8th of 
 the above year. On August 1 2th he wrote : " Yesterday the 
 new building erected on the Lord's Watch (Herrnhut) has been 
 so prosperously finished, that no person engaged in its erection 
 has received the slightest injury." In an article written by him 
 relative to Herrnhut, he says, " We gave to this new place, 
 situated near the Hutberg, the name of Herrnhut {Lords 
 Watch) partly because this name will remind us that the Lord 
 keepeth watch over us as our protector, and partly, also, because 
 it will bring to our daily remembrance our duty to watch and 
 pray continuously." 
 (No. 2.) Meantime the persecution of the Protestants in 
 Bohemia and Moravia, etc., was carried on with increasing 
 bitterness ; for in the year 1724 
 There arose a great and most violent persecution. All those who even at- 
 tended the meetings were thrown into prison, and the jails being soon filled with 
 prisoners, the rest were confined in stables, or thrown into offensive holes, where some 
 of them nearly perished from suffocation. Others were cast into cellars filled with 
 water, in which they had to remain in a standing posture till they were almost frozen 
 to death. .Some were confined in the very depth of winter in the tower of the castle, 
 to extort from them, through the sufferings they had to endure in consequence of the 
 intense cold, a confession of what books they had, who attended the meetings, etc. 
 .Some were sentenced to hard labour in irons for a series of years ; some, who had 
 made a bold confession of Jesus, remained imprisoned for life, others were transported 
 to distant towns, or had heavy fines imposed upon them. This was particularly the 
 case with the families of Nitschmann and Schneider. The house of one of the 
 former was levelled to the ground because he had lodged a Protestant in the same. 
 Upon one occasion more than 1 50 persons were assembled 
 at the house of David Nitschmann, on Easter Monday of the 
 above year, in the village of Kunewolde, when the Justice of the 
 Peace, with his officers, came furiously into their midst. The 
 Brethren, however, so far from being alarmed or taking to 
 flight, commenced at once, with a loud voice, to sing that verse 
 of Luther's, 
 And if the world with devils swarmed, 
 And threatened us to swallow, 
 We're not afraid, for we are armed. 
 And victory must follow. 
 When the Justice commanded them to be silent, they re- 
 peated the verse once and again, which threw him into such a state 
 of perplexity that he flung down the books he had seized, in haste, 
 and departed without executing his purpose. And this was only 
 during the first half of the last century, in the centre of Europe, in 
 the dominions of enlightened and powerful Austria. Is not the 
 beast with the seven heads the same ravenous and cruel creature 
 in all places, and at all times, except when awed by superior 
 forces, or restrained by a tiger-like lurking policy? Oh, that 
 men would dispassionately read, mark, and learn what history so 
 plainly teaches, and not be deluded by false charity, or a political 
 war cry, to place those religious and other privileges won for us 
 by the blood of our martj'red ancestors, in jeopardy ! Rome is 
 Rome all the world over ; the same yesterday, to-day, and for as 
 long as God shall permit her to bear her iron sceptre, and wear 
 her triple crown ; whether in her own naked hideousness, or the 
 snowy plumes of a celestial form. 
 From this bloodthirsty tyranny others at this time were 
 driven to forsake their kindred, country, and possessions — for 
 some of them were "sons of opulent parents," — and go forth 
 not knowing whither. A party started on this sad pilgrimage at 
 ten o'clock at night, on May 2nd, 1724, and, that they might 
 "not be overtaken by those who might possibly be sent to pursue 
 them, travelled across a pathless mountain toward Silecia." On 
 the 1 2th they arrived at Herrnhut, where they were received by 
 their old friends 
 With uncommon demonstrations of joy ; but the room for dwelling and lodging 
 was extremely small, there being as yet but one of the houses finished, and of that only 
 the lower story. This was the day appointed for laying the foundation stone of that 
 large building, which was intended by the Count, and his friends united with him, to 
 be an academy for the young nobility, and to be employed moreover for other general 
 and useful purposes ; and in which a large saloon was appropriated hereafter for the 
 meetings of the congregation at Herrnhut. 
 Baron Frederic de Watteville, who was one of Zinzendorfs 
 most devoted friends and coadjutors, and whose succes.sor, Jo- 
 hannes, is mentioned often in connection with our Fulneck, 
 resided at this time in the humble dwelling of the Brethren. On 
 this important occasion he had, " from the earliest dawn of the 
 day been in an extraordinary frame of devotion, and to show- 
 how utterly he had renounced the world, " placed under the 
 foundation-stone all the jewels and costly things which were yet 
 in his possession." The Count's discourse and de Wattcville's 
 prayer and devotion produced upon the minds of the new 
 The full conviction that this was the place where their foot might rest. They had 
 quitted their country with their staff in hand, with a view to seek a place of rest for 
 themselves, and for those of their acquaintance, who, like them, could resolve to 
 forsake all their possessions in order to enjoy liberty of conscience. Now they had 
 found what far exceeded their expectations, and here they therefore erected their tents. 
 It may be proper here to mention that the grandfather of 
 the then Count, — Erasmus, Count de Zinzendorf, — had himself 
 " emigrated from Austria for the sake of the Gospel, and left all 
 his estates behind him." 
 Others, arriving shortly after at the place, were employed as 
 masons, stone-cutters, carpenters, joiners, glaziers, potters, or 
 assistant labourers ; so that the Academy and Hall was opened 
 during the following year. On the second anniversary of the 
 stone-laying. May 12th, 1726, "the pupils were solemnly as- 
 sembled in remembrance of Lady de Gersdorf, grandmother to 
 Zinzendorf, who had departed this life the 6th of March, on 
 which occasion they delivered orations in the Latin, German, 
 French, and Polish languages." 
 The celebration of this festival is thus referred to in the 
 Fulneck Diary for 1 8 1 8 : — 
 May I2th. We took notice of the various events which render this day so im- 
 portant in the Brethren's Unity ; and more especially of that which makes it annually 
 a day of particular blessing to the congregation at Herrnhut, the first of the renewed 
 Brethren's Church, and the germ whence all the rest have proceeded. 
 It. would be extending this little history very much beyond 
 its scope were we to enter into all the particulars of the causes 
 which have given rise to these memorial celebrations, more 
 especially as they are in fact a history of the Church, and bear 
 no direct relation to Fulneck, only as an important branch of 
 that tree at whose roots they lie. 
 (No. 3.) This can be but very summarily dealt with, and 
 must also suffice as regards this feature of the Brethren's 
 ecclesiastical history. Like most other churches where any 
 latitude has been given to individual opinion, this had soon to 
 lament over a strong disposition on the part of many to 
 introduce other forms and doctrines than those to which they 
 had already subscribed. Some of these, men of mark, piety, and 
 influence, became infected with the peculiar doctrine of Calvin, 
 and wrought with so much success that almost the whole 
 community was drawn away from the truth as held by their 
 fathers. Matters indeed arrived at such a pitch that it seemed 
 more than probable the little colony would again become 
 scattered, or at best divided into sects. Many means were tried 
 to avert this evil, but apparently without avail ; counsel, 
 entreaty, and prayer, were alike without effect ; the leaders 
 declared their purpose rather to go again, with staff in hand, to 
 seek another home than to allow their new convictions to be 
 brought under any restraint. 
 All this was matter of intense grief to the young and pious 
 Count, who had done so much to promote the happiness and 
 comfort of these strangers upon his estate, not, as he says, that 
 a new town might be founded, but that it should be a congrega- 
 tion for the Lord. By great patience, however, combined with 
 consummate tact, and no small amount of humility, he succeeded 
 so far in winning back the malcontents that the breach was 
 healed ; a constitution of liberal statutes drawn up and con- 
 firmed ; twelve elders elected by lot ; the Count appointed 
 warden or general overseer, with the Baron de Watteville as his 
 assistant ; all the other offices " were filled anew, and Brethren 
 and Sisters were respectively chosen in the same manner as the 
 choice of the twelve Elders had been effected." This custom 
 was also carried still further, for when the Elders in their 
 Conferences failed to agree on any matter, it was referred to the 
 Count " to give the decision by the use of the lot." Thus, as a 
 contemporary records, the spirit of our fathers " came again upon 
 us, and great signs and wonders were wrought among the 
 Brethren in those days, and great grace prevailed among us, and 
 in the whole country. This is the re-union of the United 
 These must be accepted as indicating the character and 
 source of the whole, and are given that it may be seen from 
 whence they have come, and with what purpose they are so 
 religiously observed, not alone at Fulneck, but wherever the 
 Church extends. 
 The decision by lot, just referred to, is one of the 
 peculiarities of the Fulneck community, and as such has often 
 been a subject of curiosity to those without the pale. It is stated 
 in the above instance to have been called into use for the election 
 of officers, and the settlement of differences. There were also 
 other occasions when this peculiar method of procedure was 
 adopted, such as the selection of persons for the mission work, 
 and other extraordinary purposes, and not infrequently for 
 partnership in marriage. VVhatcver may be said for or against 
 the practice, it cannot be denied that the Brethren had scripture 
 warrant for its use ; while the whole significance of it in their 
 hands, was a testimony of their absolute consecration to God, 
 reserving no will of their own, but leaving the whole disposing 
 thereof with the Lord. It may then be taken for granted, that 
 it was always resorted to with the greatest reverence and awe, 
 and after much prayer for the divine interposition, the result 
 being ever taken with humility and an assurance of the Lord's 
 will. It may be added that this solemn practice is less seldom 
 called into requisition now than formerly. 
 Another distinctive feature of the Brethren is the 
 Pedelavium, or feet washing, which although confined almost 
 exclusively to themselves, as a section of the Christian Church, 
 has a much more positive authority than the former. For did 
 not the God-man wash his disciples' feet ? and did he not say, 
 " Ye ought also to wash one another's feet ?" This injunction is 
 accepted literally by the Moravians. The Fulneck records say, 
 Wednesday, April nth, 1770. At the Pedelavium of the place, we, who were 
 to wash the feet of our Brethren of the Pudsey congregation to-morrow, had our feet 
 washed with the place, and those who washed them were also to be washed with us 
 And on the following day it is noted — 
 At seven in the morning and at five in the evening was read this day's portion 
 of the Acts of the Son of Man, and presently after a suitable discourse and prayer, 
 kneeling, was the Pedelavium for the comniunicants of this congregation, and for 
 those of the place who had washed their fellow members yesterday. 
 Just another quotation to show the importance attached to 
 this ceremony, as a matter of conscience and holy obedience. 
 Feby. 28th, 177S. Br. Saml. Fowler, a widdower, had the " foot-washing " 
 previous to his going to the holy communion to-morrow, as he had exempit himself 
 from it for many years through unprofitable reasoning. 
 A few incidents selected from many which are recorded, 
 will give some little insight into the home life of the period, and 
 help to show that notwithstanding all the great changes of this 
 century, the daily life of our fathers was not materially different 
 to what it is at present. Thus, 
 Oct. 5th, 1775. A few days ago one of our communicant Brothers 
 experienced a particular preservation ; he works in the coal mines, and came out of 
 the pit, and, contrary to his usual custom, ran directly under a hedge to put on his 
 clothes, and no sooner had he left the pit but it tumbled together. 
 Oct. 23rd. Br. Willey went to see Grace Hartley in our Society, whose 
 husband, a cloth maker, went to Leeds market on the 17th instant, and has not been 
 heard of since, which is a great trouble to his wife, who thinks he's fallen into the 
 river and drowned. Nov. 29th. Br. John Tordoff gat very much hurt yesterday in a 
 coal-pit, and it was a great wonder to every one that knew it that (he) was not 
 kill'd on the spot, because a stone of more than a pack weight fell from the top of the 
 pit more than 20 yeards deep, where he was in the bottom, and it fell upon him . 
 Oct. loth, 1780. I went a good round to visit the sick ; this visit was more 
 agreable to the sick than to my poor old legs. (13r. Gussenbaur.) 
 We fear that the following note would not apply to many 
 horse-dealers of the present day. 
 July 3rd, 1782. The corpse of the widower, Br. John Hinchcliffe, was interred 
 at Fulneck, and as he was a man much known (for he has followed many years the 
 trade of going to fares and markets to buy and sell horses), and also a man much 
 belov'd, there were a large number of people attended his corpse to their resting 
 place. There were people from Leeds, Bradford, Halifax, and all round about. We 
 have lost in him an excellent Committee Br., and a Br. who helped much in our out- 
 ward matters. 
 The part taken by the Fulneck congregation in the mission 
 enterprise, demands a larger notice than can possibly be given 
 to it in this brief sketch. It will have been observed that two of 
 the general festivals relate to this important section of Moravian 
 activity, and Fulneck has not been behind any of its fellows in 
 doing what it could to maintain and extend this noble campaign. 
 Besides which, its situation so near to the centre of England, 
 made it a convenient " house of call " for those who were passing 
 to or from the Continent in connection with the various fields of 
 labour, so that at one time or another it has lodged nearly every 
 person of distinction who has been set apart for this wide sphere 
 of Christian charity and self-denial. 
 It is a pleasing reflection, when one enters the precincts of 
 the village, to feel we are treading where so many holy ones have 
 trodden in the generations before us. Men who have gone forth 
 as " ministering angels " to the ends of the earth, " bearing 
 precious seed," or who have returned therefrom " bringing their 
 sheaves with them." Unknown and unheeded they passed by 
 the doors of the many, but once at Fulneck they were welcomed 
 with heart and voice, or dismissed with the Cup of Praise ; thus — 
 Feby. 26th, 1773. Late at night was the Cup of Covenant (Praise) with dear 
 Br. Meder, who sets out in the morning for London and Antigua. 
 And again, 
 Jany. 15th., 1777. The day was concluded in the Hall with the Cup of Praise 
 with our dear Brn. and Sts. bound for St. Kitts, who are to set out to-morrow, . . . 
 .he people felt a good deal at parting with them from this place, especially Br. and Sr. 
 The principal stations occupied by the Brethren have been, 
 and still are, amongst the lowest and most needy tribes of the 
 human family. This has been the policy of their Church from the 
 As early as the year 17 15 Count Zinzendorf, while yet at the Academy at Halle, 
 had entered into a covenant with the friend of his youth, Fred de Watteville, to 
 establish Missions, especially among those heathen tribes which were totally neglected 
 by others. 
 As the outcome of thi.s resolve they first started to labour 
 among the degraded negroes employed upon our sugar planta- 
 tions in St. Thomas's, and afterwards in the other islands of the 
 West Indies. Their next step was to Greenland, where they 
 have done much good among the Esquimaux and other tribes 
 in that most inhospitable region. They have also taken ground 
 at the very antipodes of this northern climate, and for genera- 
 tions past have scattered the gospel seed, and taught the blessings 
 of civilized life to the Hottentots and Bosjesmans of Southern 
 Africa. Thus, at a meeting at Fulneck, April i8th, 1768, the 
 Rev. B. La Trobe stated, that since the " settling " of the place 
 13 years previously — 
 It had yielded 20 servants'and handmaids who had gone from it to be employed 
 actually in our service, and that Saml. Isles, one of them, had been the Apostle of 
 the Blacks in Antego ; and William Balmforth, another of them, was now, with 
 much diligence and success, employed to carry forward the work of the Lord in 
 Island (Iceland?). 
 Sep. 24th, 1769. In the afternoon was the General Meeting where Jws^/ ac- 
 counts were communicated from the congregations among the Heathen. 
 1812. Br. and Sr. Kleinschmidt and family on their way from Greenland are 
 compelled, on account of the war, to winter in Fulneck. 
 1846. Br. J. G. Herman, a member of the Unity's Elders' Conference, visits 
 Fulneck, previous to setting out with Br. W. Mallalieu on a visitation of our Missions 
 in the West Indies ; and calls on his return (1847) with Br. P. H. Goepp, member of 
 the Provincial Helpers' Conference of Pennsylvania. 
 Nor were the labours of the Brethren unobserved or un- 
 appreciated by other sections of the Christian church in this 
 district. A very unusual illustration of this is found in the note 
 following, which occurs more than fifty years later. 
 Br. Ramftler was invited by some Christian friends, at Leeds, to explain at a 
 meeting, convened for the purpose, the nature, progress, and management of our 
 Missions, which was done this day, and led to the formation of a committee con- 
 sisting of 12 gentlemen, who undertook to use their best efforts for raising subscriptions 
 and donations among their fellow-townsmen for the support of our Missions. This, 
 and other similar instances of Christian benevolence and liberality, are to be more 
 gratefully acknowledged by us, because the several denominations of Christians have 
 now Missions of their own, which are generously supported by them. 
 It is gratifying to know that this same spirit is still active in 
 Leeds, being fostered principally by Miss Baines (a daughter of 
 Sir Edward Baines), and that only two or three years ago a 
 similar meeting was held in the Mayor's rooms, at the Town 
 Hall, under the presidency of the then Mayor, Mr. Alderman 
 Edwin Woodhouse, promoted chiefly by Canon Jackson, who 
 has manifested much interest in the Church of the Brethren. 
 That the people of Fulneck did not fail in this part of their 
 own duty is evidenced by the fact that an entry in the Diary, 
 four years previously, says, " Two Sermons were preached on 
 behalf of our Missions. The collections amounted to nearly ;^40." 
 This godly charity has been well maintained by the com- 
 munity to the present day, and the Missions in operation by the 
 Church are not the least of the works by which it is honoured, 
 and which still preserve to it no small degree of the glory of 
 " the former days." 
 In April, 1822, a Ladies' Bible Association was formed for 
 the township of Pudsey, with the co-operation of Fulneck. 
 It has been before remarked that the polity of the Moravian 
 and Methodist churches is very closely allied. Another instance 
 of this may be noted in reference to the Synods of the one and 
 the Conferences of the other. These periodical gatherings in the 
 Brethren's Church are, so far as this country is concerned, quite 
 supreme as a legislative assembly, but have not power over any 
 doctrinal, or radical form of church government. Several of 
 these important meetings, which are termed Provincial Synods, 
 have been held at Fulneck, the first of which was in 1750, 
 attended by de Watteville, Boehler, Nitchman (from Herrnhut), 
 Abraham Taylor, etc. Descending to more modern times, one 
 was held here in 1868, presided over by the venerable and Rev. 
 Benjamin Seifferth, who had occupied the same position in the 
 six previous Synods, and who, although present at the one fol- 
 lowing, had to decline the honour on account of the infirmities 
 of old age. At this meeting Robert Willey and Frederick La 
 Trobe were ordained Presbyters, and others to the Order of 
 Deacons, by the Rev. J as. La Trobe. 
 The next was in June and July, 1871, presided over by Jas. 
 La Trobe, and attended by 56 representatives. The time occupied 
 by the business and services is usually about a fortnight. 
 At the following one, 1874, the Rev. W. Taylor was Presi- 
 dent. At this Conference the Rev. W. Hassc was consecrated a 
 Bishop by Bishop Jas. La Trobe, assisted by two others of the 
 same dignity. Of the meeting it is recorded : " It has been 
 distinguished by harmony and good feeling throughout ; more- 
 over, many excellent measures for the good of the church and 
 our congregation have been devised." Fulneck was further 
 honoured with this solemn gathering in the years 1883-6. Synods 
 were also held here in 1795, 1835, 1853, and 1856. 
 Nothing has yet been said in relation to the oeconomy of the 
 Single Sisters, except as regards the building of their house. The 
 €arly records of the place say. 
 That the first company of Single Sisters associated together at Low-house, but 
 finding it too difficult to get their living here, they removed to Chapeltown in Pudsey. 
 The chief aim of these CEconomies was to be as much as possible out of the way of 
 temptation, to enjoy hearts' fellowship, and to have better opportunity for attending 
 the meetings. 
 There was also a dwelling for the Sisters at Holme, a little 
 higher up the valley. They had been removed there on account 
 of the crowded state of the house at Fulneck, but, as previously 
 indicated, their residence was made intolerable by the action of 
 the owner of the Tong estates, so that they were compelled to 
 emigrate to Pudsey, into a large house at Littlemoor, now the 
 residence of Mr. Geo. Minings. This house was consecrated for 
 their use, Nov. 28th, 1767, by "Our dear Br. Petrus (Boehler) 
 with a lovefeast, and we all wished them much blessing." In- 
 teresting is the following as a combination of the social and the 
 spiritual : — 
 Feby. 24th, 1777. Br. and Sr. Coldwell (the newly appointed labourers at 
 Pudsey) and .Sr. Sally Bryant, spent the afternoon with the Single Srs. at Little- 
 moor, to mutual satisfaction ; and drank tea altogether by way of a lovefeast, to- 
 make them welcome to this their Plan in Pudsey. 
 The next refers to the anniversary of their entering the 
 house, when Br. Coldwell again visited and dined with them, " as 
 it was their going day about 1 1 years ago." At the following 
 annual celebration we have " The S. Sisters in Littlemoor 
 CEconomy had a lovefeast, as this was the day, 12 years ago, 
 when they came to live there." They were subsequently all 
 aggregated at Fulneck. 
 Although but little has been said in reference to the female 
 portion of the settlement, it is only because it has taken a second- 
 ary part in the spiritual and social activities of the place. They — 
 the females — have not been idle nuns, wasting their time in mere 
 sentimental contemplation or devotion, but hard-working, pious, 
 devoted women, consecrating themselves as fully, and, in their 
 sphere, as usefully, as their male brethren. 
 In the work of education there have been some of high 
 intellect, and members of the noblest families in their Church ; 
 while in their choirs they have laboured persistently and with 
 great success, by the needle and otherwise, for the welfare of the 
 community at home and abroad. 
 It would not be possible to say how many have renounced 
 friends, country, and almost all the comforts of life, for the 
 inhospitable, and often fatal regions in which the missionaries 
 were selected to labour. And whatever praise may be given to 
 their more robust co-labourers, they, as the weaker vessels, are 
 deserving of more especial honour, who, so far as they were per- 
 mitted, have emphasised the zeal and devotedness of their 
 sterner companions. 
 At present both the Single Sisters' and the Widows' houses 
 are fully occupied, but the Diaconies being long since given up, 
 the industrial activity of the choirs is less apparent, and probably 
 confined within more personal and semi-domestic limits. One 
 might well imagine that those whom these buildings are intended 
 to accommodate, could not possibly desire a more quiet, har- 
 monious, and perfect refuge from worldly storms than is to be 
 found in the quaint interiors and beautiful surroundings of their 
 peaceful abodes. 
 Of the ministers and congregation-helpers (these last were 
 general superintendents of all the Societies in the district, and 
 ex-officio presidents of all choir and other meetings) but little has 
 been related, nor will it be possible to do more than mention the 
 names of a few, this being but a sketch and not a history of the 
 The Count Donha occupied this post in 1768, and in the 
 following year attended the Synod at Marienborm. 1788, the 
 Rev. John Miller was the minister, succeeded in 1791 by Stein- 
 haur, already mentioned. I797, Rev. John Hartley honourably 
 fulfilled the duties, followed, 1801, by Rev. Saml. Benade, a man 
 of some eminence. 1813, C, F. Ramftler held the appointment 
 for some years. 
 Holmes, Wilson, Smith, Essex, and Edwards, succeeded 
 during the following years to 1852, when the Rev. J. P. Libby 
 received this high and sacred call. This gentleman held the 
 office for 13 years, during which time he earned the respect and 
 reverence which were due to his personal merits as well as his 
 holy calling. He died at a ripe old age in 1865, and was buried 
 in the ground at Fulneck. 
 The Rev. Godfrey Clemens was the next in order, being 
 ordained to this place in the same year, where he remained until 
 his removal to London in i88i,thus discharging the multifarious 
 duties of the ministry here for 16 years. Perhaps it would not 
 be saying too much, to state that no predecessor of his at Ful- 
 neck ever succeeded to a greater extent in gaining the goodwill 
 and respect of the neighbouring churches than he. His kindly, 
 gentle, unassuming manners, favourably impressed all with 
 whom he came in contact ; and not infrequently was he 
 requested to take part in the religious services of other denomi- 
 nations in the township. His tall, slender figure, and general 
 Christian deportment, are remembered by many ; neither will 
 the meek yet earnest accents of his slightly toned foreign tongue 
 be forgotten by the present generation. He carried the savour 
 of his Master's spirit into all the outer acts of his life. 
 Yet if all be true we have heard, there was a vein of quiet 
 humour within him, like the thin white layer of the onyx. Thus 
 it is said that at a religious meeting over which he was presiding, 
 Rev. Godfrey Clemens. 
 a good Methodist, formerly well-known and much esteemed in 
 this neighbourhood for his piety and zeal — was present, who 
 could not restrain his usual exclamations of Amen ! Glory, etc. 
 The good minister bore this strange interruption patiently for a 
 while, but at last was constrained to interpose by saying, in his 
 own quiet way, " If our good brother is poorly he had better go 
 He was born in South Africa, May ist, 1818, his father 
 having gone to that mission field with the Rev. C. I. La Trobe, 
 in 181 5. He was the third of the name, his grandfather and 
 great grandfather, both called Gothfried, or Godfrey, being dis- 
 tinguished members of the Brethren's Church during the previous 
 80 years. After an early training at home, where he was " a 
 good child," he was sent in 1825 with his older brother to Europe 
 for education. Their destination was in Saxony, and here he 
 stayed for five years, being then removed to a more important 
 academy at Nisky, where he pursued his studies till 1836. His 
 first visit to Fulneck was at Christmas, 1839. It was eight years 
 later when he received a call to Fulneck as Brethren's labourer, 
 and in the following year he was chosen to represent the 
 Congregation at the General Synod of the Brethren's Church. 
 His labour for this time terminated at the end of three years. It 
 was here, however, that he was ordained a Presbyter by Bishop 
 Rogers, July 3rd, 1853. 
 After appointments at Baildon, Wyke, and Dublin, he came 
 to Fulneck, as stated, in 1865, being greatly encouraged in doing 
 so by " the manifestations of brotherly love and Christian regard 
 for Br. and Sr. Libby, who served Fulneck in the gospel, for the 
 past 13 years." 
 Having been elected a member of the Provincial Elders' 
 Conference in 1 881, he removed to London. "A special 
 valedictory tea party and public meeting were held in Fulneck 
 on Monday, Oct. loth, and a handsome presentation was made 
 to him and Sr. Clemens." His health, however, had been 
 gradually declining, and not long after his arrival in London 
 utterly broke down. When told that his end was near, he 
 calmly replied " I am ready," and departed " to be with Christ," 
 March 15th, 1882. A full and interesting account of his life is 
 published in a tract by Messrs. Hazell and Co., London. 
 The Rev. J. Baxter is the present esteemed minister of the 
 Congregation, he having succeeded Mr. Clemens in 1881. It 
 would be impertinent further to remark, than that the high 
 character of the Fulneck ministry is fully upheld in his hands, 
 and that his own personality is not likely to take anything from 
 the halo of pure light which encircles the memory of his pre- 
 The last of these brief notices shall be that of a man in quite 
 another walk of life, who although holding a professional appoint- 
 ment in the congregation was neither minister,director,nor teacher. 
 We refer to the late Dr. Falcon, a man who for many years went 
 about, day and night, doing good. His plain unpretentious person 
 was as well known at this end of the township as that of anyone 
 in the place ; and his services were as promptly rendered at the 
 call of the humble, as in the homes of the well-to-do. Unosten- 
 tatious to a fault, he was kindly and generous to the patients who 
 needed his sympathy, while perchance somewhat abrupt with 
 others. He did not marry until quite late in life, July 13th, 1871, 
 and a few years after removed from here to Boden, the home of 
 his childhood, where he died, leaving two children ; his wife 
 having only a brief time before preceded him to the grave. 
 James Montgomery. 
 Quite a host of eminent and distinguished men have in one 
 way^or other been in contact with Fulneck ; many have already 
 been named : — James Montgomery, the son of a missionary, was 
 educated there. His patriotic spirit, his poetic talents, and his 
 powers as a journalist, won him a name which was known and 
 admired to the ends of the earth. The author of this little history 
 has often seen his rather diminutive figure, enveloped in a long 
 Spanish cloak, in the streets of Sheffield, more than 30 years ago. 
 His poem on prayer is a iiousehold word, and can never die 
 while the soul of man recognises its dependence upon God. 
 Although of a true catholic spirit, his heart was bound to this 
 hallowed spot, nor did he fail on many occasions to visit and take 
 part in the occasional services of the congregation of which he 
 continued a member, even when residing so far away. 
 Edwin Atherstone and John Edwards were also educated 
 here, both of them poets of no mean repute. Among the visitors 
 have been the celebrated Dr. Chalmers ; the renowned and 
 eminent philanthropist, Wilberforce ; the great champion of the 
 factory children, Richard Oastler, who was a pupil in the school, 
 and was present as a speaker at the Cent. Jubilee in 1855. This 
 honourable list might be much extended, but it is sufficient to 
 indicate the scope and results of the school training, and also the 
 wide-spread interest that is felt far beyond the limits of the 
 settlement in its old and influential economy. 
 It is mentioned in the early part of this sketch that the 
 Brethren were accused of disloyalty, let us justify them by one 
 or two extracts from their Diaries — 
 June 4th, 1818. We remembered also in our prayers our aged and venerable 
 King (George III.), who to day has completed his 80th year. Again, Dec. 8th, 
 1 818. This being the day appointed f^r the interment of our late Queen, whose decease 
 took place the 7th ult., we met at 7 in the chapel to express our sympathy with the 
 Royal Family ; and to apply the mournful subject to serious meditations on our 
 One of the periodic seasons of distress in Ireland arising 
 from the potato disease is referred to in the following, and helps 
 to illustrate how far the natives of that country have been 
 oppressed by their Saxon neighbours. 
 July 14th, 1822. After the public service, the present distresses of the Irish 
 peasantry, which have chiefly arisen from the failure of two potatoe crops, and have 
 reduced many thousands to a state of starvation, were commended to the charitable 
 consideration of the congregation ; and on the following day a collection was made, 
 in this view, by application from house to house. The voluntary contributions in all 
 parts of England for this purpose already amount to between two and three hundred 
 thousand pounds. 
 While these sheets are passing through the press a service 
 of much interest has just taken place in that hallowed sanctuary 
 which has witnessed so many during the 140 years of its existence. 
 On Sunday evening, May ist, 1887, the chapel was filled with a 
 reverent and mixed audience, — many members of the congre- 
 gations in the town being present, to witness the ceremony of 
 ordination, administered by the venerable Bishop England, who 
 conducted the whole service, and delivered the charge. The text 
 was appropriate, " And daily in the temple, and in every 
 house they ceased not to teach and to preach the Lord Jesus." 
 The address was delivered with much unction and force, and 
 evidently with a deep sense of the responsibility attached to the 
 work of the ministry. At the conclusion of the charge, which was 
 given from a chair below the pulpit, the Bishop, who wore a long 
 white surplice, advanced, and laying his hands successively upon 
 the heads of the candidates, pronounced over each the form of 
 ordination. The subjects were three in number : — the first, the 
 Rev. Frederick Clemens, son of the late G. Clemens ; he al.so 
 wore a white surplice, and was now ordained a presbyter in the 
 Church, the Bishop saying over him, "I ordain thee Frederick 
 Clemens to be a presbyter in the Church of the United Brethren, 
 in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost," 
 etc. Mr. Clemens has laboured for several years in the West 
 Indies, and is shortly to return thither ; having been recently 
 appointed a member of the Board of Directors for those islands. 
 There were two others who, in ordinary dress, were, in exactly 
 the same manner, bowing themselves under the hands of the 
 Bishop, inducted into the office of Deacons : the only variation 
 being that the word deacon was used instead of presbyter. The 
 names of these two were, Paul A. Assmussen, and Henry England 
 a son of the Bishop's. A short anthem, with the congregation 
 kneeling, and a verse or two sung standing, with the ordinary 
 benediction, concluded this most interesting and profitable 

 Lay Subsidies. Yorkshire, W.R. No. 210 and 394. 
 Com. Ebord. 
 Hearth Tax. 
 West rideing. 
 Mr. Copley's booke witth 
 3 more 
 to bee returned .... 
 The names of the persons, with the number of their Harths 
 for Lady Day, 1666, within the Weapontake of Agbrigg and 
 PuDSEY Bill of Harths. 
 Folio 61. 
 Robart Milner 
 5 Mich, ffenton I 
 James Saile 
 .. 7 John Ward 
 Joseph Holdsworth 
 2 Thom. Mitchell 
 .. I 
 I John Gaunt 
 Thorn. Huthinson 
 2 John Gaunt, junior 
 Abra. Hutchinson 
 2 Dan. Gaunt 
 Hump. Hutchinson ... 
 I Thom. Baines ... 
 James Pooley 
 I Henry Belhouse 
 .. 2 
 Willm. Wilson 
 4 Willm. Hey ... 
 WiUm. Child 
 I Jerem. Crabtree 
 Rich. Lee 
 2 John Galloway... 
 Uxor Whittaker 
 I Thom. Musgrave 
 Gabriell Dodgson 
 I Sam. Lumby ... 
 John Dighton 
 I Willm. Wise ... 
 Ffranc Walker 
 I Sam. Calverley... 
 Robt. Lumby 
 ... I Willm. Smith ... 
 Willm. Jenkinson 
 ... 2 Rich. Gaunt 
 .. 2 
 Willm. Stables 
 ... I Rich. Lobley ... 
 ■■ 4 
 Willm. Atkinson 
 4 Sam. Gaunt 
 John Wilson 
 2 Chri. Whitley ... 
 Timoth. Calverley 
 I Willm. Lumby... 
 Steph. Wain Wright 
 I James Gaunt ... 
 Thom. Buterfield 
 2 John Townes ... 
 Thom. Bean 
 .. I James Lepton ... 
 John Lee 
 : Rich, ffether ... 
 Uxor Chapman 
 2 Willm. Hall ... 
 .. 2 
 Rich. Crossley 
 I Thom. Turner ... 
 .. I 
 Mich. Ryley 
 I Willm. Moore 
 Chr. Carter 
 I Abra. Hainsworth 
 .. 2 
 Edw. Hinchliffe 
 . 2 John Netleton 
 Jerom. Dighton 
 . 1 Henry Netleton 
 .. 2 
 Rich. Jenkinson 
 . 4 Dorathy Gaunt 
 Uxor Gargrave 
 I Abra. Handworth 
 . I 
 John Lee 
 . I Willm. Moss 
 - 3 
 John Smith 
 . 3 Robt. Burnell 
 Elkanah Wales 
 . 4 Uxor. Hurst 
 Willm. Gallaway 
 . 2 Thom. Siser 
 Edw. Smith 
 . 2 Robt. Sugden 
 .. I 
 Sam. Goodall 
 . 2 Tim. Elsworth 
 Josh. Lumby ... 
 . 2 Willm. Wainewright 
 Thirston Wilden 
 . 2 Joseph Bower ... 
 .. 2 
 Henry Akeroyde 
 . 2 Willm. Gelder 
 John Proctor 
 . 2 Thorn. Archer 
 John Hey 
 . 2 Joseph Thackray 
 John Goodall 
 . I Willm. Sugden 
 John Fenton 
 . I John Sharpe 
 Peter Pigersgill... 
 . I Willm. Lee 
 "Willm. Rudd 
 I Willm. Lee, jun. 
 Willm. Lepton... 
 3 Uxor Ditch 
 Abra. ffarrer 
 . I Edwa. Dawson 
 Rich, ffarrer 
 . I Rich. Gaunt 
 James Pearson 
 . I Rich. Sugden 
 Robt. Squire 
 . I Edw. Payson 
 Anth. Alderson 
 Sam. Stables ... 
 . I 
 PUDSEY Land Tax for the year 1704, at 4/- in y^ pound. 
 Mr. John Milner 
 William and John Moss, for Sharp and Shoolabroads 
 James Fenton ... 
 Wm. Hutchinson 
 Abm. do. 
 Michael Riley, for Mr. Walker lands 
 Richard Farrer, for Swaine land 
 John Wilson ... 
 Widow Wilson 6/l, and for Jordan Royds 13/6 
 Widow Heigham 
 Matthew Moss, for the Hall Royds ... 
 Robert Lumby 
 William Lumby, for Mr. Whittaker land 
 Widow Mosse... 
 John Cromack 
 Matthew Mosse, for Hollingworth land 
 Joseph Pearson, for Mr. M liner's land 
 William Fenton, for Swaine land ... 
 Do. do. and Richard Ingham, for Wilding land 
 William Stables or occupiers o 13 8 
 John Chapman ; 
 Sarah Mitchel 
 William Farrer, Junr. 
 William Jenkinson and Mr. Eminson, for occupiers 
 Joseph Gant, for Mr. Milner land 
 and for Swaine land 
 Henry Belhouse 
 Widow Smith and William Banks, for Mr. Gibson's land 
 Edward Harrison, for Mr. Gibson land 
 William Lumby, for Gibson land ... 
 Thomas Dean 
 Thomas Buckton 
 Edward Kent, for Mr. Watkinson land 
 and for his owne land 
 John Mitchell 
 Thomas Hollingworth, for Mr. Milbland 
 James Pearson, for the Croft 
 John Lobley 
 John Rudd, for Mr. Milner land 
 and for his owne land ... ... 
 William Farrer, for Mr. Butler land 
 John Gant 
 John Pearson ... 
 James Pearson... 
 Joseph Atkinson 
 Cawtheray Farme 
 James Taylor ... 
 Peter Turner ... .. 
 James Coates ... 
 Samuel and Jerrie Waterworth, for Lepton land 
 Widow Marshall 
 John Hutchinson 
 Joshua 'WTiitley 
 Abraham Hainsworth .. 
 Widow Nettleton 
 Francis Warburton ... 
 William Belhouse 
 Wm. Mosse, for Atkinson house 
 and for his own land ... 
 John Hey and for Mr. Milner land 
 William Whitley 
 John Thornton 
 Jeremiah Raistrick 
 Thomas Hollinworth, for Purdue land 
 Josias Booth ... 
 Occupiers of Musgrave land 
 Robert Burnill 
 Christopher Whitley and Josias Booth 
 John Hey, for his own land 
 Samuel Lumby, for Watson land 
 and for his own land 
 Edward Harrison, for Lepton land 
 Japheth Atkinson for do. 
 George Longley, for Mr. Milner land 
 and for his own 
 William Hollingworth land ... 
 Samuel Hinscliff 
 Japheth Atkinson and William Lumby 
 Robert Hilhouse, for Shay Royds 
 John Lumby, for Mr. Heyland 
 John Jonson, or Occupiers 
 William HoUingworth, for Strickland house 
 Samuel Lumby and Joshua Nailer, for ye Quarrels 
 Occupiers of y= Tithe 
 Samuel Hilhouse 
 Wiiliam Banks... 
 Widow Smith ... 
 John Lumby, for his own land 
 William Lumby, senr. 
 Joshua Lumby 
 Richard Farrer, for his own land 
 and for Christopher Dufton land 
 Richard Farrer, for Bastow Ing 
 and for Kellite land 
 and for Wm. Fenton house 
 William Watson, for Scaubert land 
 Matthew Mosse, for his own land 
 William Lee 
 William Shaw .. 
 Thomas HoUingworth, for Dick Royds 
 Occupiers of Tyrsall 
 Richard Farrer, junr 
 William Lumby, for his own land 
 John Wilson, for Moss land 
 Henry Belhouse and Thomas Buckton, for Mr. Whitaker land 
 William Williamson 
 Mr. Nutter, for his own farm .. 
 Mr. Hutton and Mr. Sharpe, for Eastfield and low ground 
 and for Shay Royds 
 John Gant and William Swaine, for Toby Farrer land 
 William Farrer, for Swain land 
 Do. for ye Over and Nether Ing 
 William Farrer, junr 
 and for Thomas Royds 
 and for Long Close 
 and for Galway land 
 William HoUingworth, for Lepton land 
 John Crombock, for do. 
 Matthew Moss, for Toft 
 James Constantine, or occupier 
 Thomas Banks 
 Timothy Wilson 
 James Hinscliffe, or occupiers 
 James Hain worth 
 Josiah Gant, for Lepton house 
 Mr. Milner, for ye Tithe 
 Matthew Moss, for Snowden Tenement 
 Richard Farrer, \ 
 John Lobley, ) 
 William Farrer, 
 John Lumby, of Stanningley, 
 £lOT, 15 2 
 Owners of Land in Pudsey. 
 In the "Domesday Book," published by Government in 
 1876, or "A Return of Owners of Land of England and 
 Wales, 1873," appear the names of the following freehold land- 
 owners in Pudsey who own one acre and upwards. The total 
 number of owners of land in the West Riding is 17,417 ; extent 
 of lands, 1,519,119 acres, 3 roods, 13 perches; owners having 
 less than one acre, 59,496; extent of lands, 13,226 acres, i rood, 
 5 perches; total owners, 76,913. Population in 1871, 1,874,611. 
 Inhabited houses, 391,949 ; number of parishes, 689. Population 
 in Pudsey in 1871, 13,976; area of township in acres, 2,545 acres, 
 2 roods, 30 perches. 
 i. s. d. 
 2 18 O 
 8 12 O 
 27 2 O 
 7 10 O 
 IS IS o 
 II 9 o 
 7 II o 
 5 16 o 
 6 13 o 
 28 12 o 
 8 17 o 
 31 13 o 
 121 5 o 
 25 14 o 
 50 2 O 
 54 o o 
 31 14 o 
 17 16 o 
 29 6 o 
 IS 13 o 
 23 2 o 
 13 10 o 
 19 II o 
 94 2 o 
 Name of Owner. 
 Annitage, George 
 Armitage, John 
 Bank [s], Joseph 
 Banks, Thomas 
 Barraclough, John 
 Beaumont, George 
 Beaumont, Henry 
 Beaumont, Joseph 
 Beaumont, Nancy 
 Beer, J. T. 
 Bennet, William . 
 Blackburn, Joseph... 
 Boocock, Emanuel.. 
 Boocock, Isaac 
 Boocock, William . . 
 Boys, Edward 
 Burial Board of Pudsey 
 Butler, Mrs. 
 Butterfield, George 
 Camello, Henry M. 
 Carr, Henry 
 Carter, William 
 Cawthery, Joseph ... 
 Clarkson, William... 
 Clayton, James H. 
 Cooper, Hannah 
 Cooper, Mary Ann 
 Crowther, Ann 
 Crowther, Benjamin 
 Crowther, Hannah 
 Crowther, John 
 Crowther, John B. ... 
 Crowther, Thomas... 
 of Lands 
 R. p. 
 I 20 
 2 37 
 2 23 
 3 7 
 2 3 
 I 31 
 I 7 
 2 2 
 3 9 
 2 3 
 3 6 
 3 6 
 2 23 
 I 24 
 I 10 
 I 25 
 3 23 
 3 I 
 I 14 
 I 28 
 I 12 
 2 21 
 2 3 
 3 37 
 3 4 
 3 24 
 Name of Owner. 
 Dawson, John ... .. 
 Duckett, Richard ... 
 Dufton, Matthew ... 
 Falcon, John [Thomas], Fulneck 
 Farrar, William 
 Farrar, Charles 
 Farrar, Edwin 
 Farrar, Frederick ... 
 Farrar, John C. 
 Farrar, Joshua 
 Gas Company 
 Gaunt, Charles 
 Gaunt, Joshua 
 Glover, William 
 Goodhall, Thomas... 
 Gott, Henry 
 Graham, Henry John [Rev.] 
 Grayshon, Joseph .. 
 Greenwood, Alfred 
 Harris, John 
 Harris, William ... 
 Hep worth, B. 
 Hepworth, Joshua... 
 Hinchliffe, Nancy ... 
 Hinchliffe, Samuel... 
 Hinings, George ... 
 Hinings, John Asquith 
 Hinings, Joseph Edward 
 Hodgson, J., Exors. 
 Hudson, Richard 
 Huggan, Esther 
 Huggan, William 
 Hutchinson, David 
 Hutchinson, William 
 Jefferson, William 
 Jones, George Andrew 
 Latimer, Thomas 
 Lobley, John, Exors. 
 Lobley, Martha 
 Lumby, George 
 Lumby, William ... 
 Maude, William ... 
 Merritt, Samuel A. 
 Merritt, William ... 
 Mill, AUenbrig 
 „ Claughton Garth 
 „ Gibraltar 
 „ Cliffe 
 ,, Crawshaw 
 „ Priestley 
 „ New Worsted Co. 
 „ Union 
 • „ Waterloo 
 Mortimer, Emanuel 
 Moss, Charles 
 tJTJrXI/X'S UL.^. 
 Extent of Lands. 
 R. P. 
 £ s. d. 
 2 2 
 26 5 
 ... no 
 151 13 
 3 25 
 4 10 
 I 23 
 26 18 
 33 15 
 3 13 
 I 30 
 14 19 
 2 12 
 60 4 
 2 2Q 
 12 15 
 « 31 
 14 19 
 14 8 
 2 7 
 3 8 
 12 18 
 2 27 
 5 12 
 3 21 
 171 II 
 3 20 
 12 14 
 23 13 
 23 16 
 23 16 
 2 9 
 18 15 
 I 21 
 20 13 
 I 20 
 7 IS 
 3 8 
 13 8 
 2 10 
 2 27 
 13 13 
 I 2 
 2 24 
 I 31 
 3 20 
 I 3" 
 24 17 
 ... 17 
 52 II 
 80 9 
 36 18 
 2 8 
 10 19 
 3 22 
 33 3 
 13 19 
 I 10 
 22 14 
 « 3 
 7 12 
 2 20 
 10 17 
 7 12 
 I 3 
 II 13 
 2 13 
 41 3 
 I 18 
 40 I 
 2 25 
 22 IS 
 2 10 
 17 15 
 2 30 
 45 7 
 2 29 
 13 4 
 3 23 
 18 II 
 I 38 
 12 6 
 3 2' 
 25 10 
 2 36 
 4 19 
Name of Owner. 
 Moss, George 
 Musgrave, Hannah 
 Musgrave, John 
 Musgrave, William 
 Naylor, David 
 Nelson, W. E. (Fulneck Estate) 
 Newell, James 
 Northrop, Joseph . . 
 Norton, William ... 
 Overseers of the Poor 
 Parkinson, John ... 
 Pearson, Charles ... 
 Peel, Joseph 
 Trustees — Poor 
 Trustees- J. Procter 
 Procter, Mary 
 Procter, Samuel 
 Procter, Thomas ... 
 Eayner, Mary 
 Rayner, Catherine 
 Rayner, Misses 
 Rider, John 
 Ryley, Joseph 
 Salter, Robert 
 Scales, W. D. 
 Schofield, John 
 Scott, George 
 Sharp, Annie 
 Sharp, Emanuel B. 
 Spencer, Ann 
 Spencer, George ... 
 Spencer, Robert ... 
 Spencer, Thomas ... 
 Stead, Thomas 
 Stocks, Joseph 
 Strickland, Adam .. 
 Threapleton, George 
 Threapleton, Mary 
 Tunnicliffe, Esther M. 
 Tunnicliffe, Matthew 
 Varley, Apolmah (Stanningley) 
 Varley, Harold P. „ 
 Varley, Samuel ,, 
 Wade, Mary 
 Wade, Matthew ... 
 Wade, Samuel 
 Wade, William 
 Walker and Huggans 
 Walker, Benjamin ... 
 Walker, John 
 Walker, Joseph 
 Watkinson, James ... 
 Wheater, Ezra 
 Whitfield, John ... 
 Wilcock, Samuel ... 
 Extent of Lands. 
 R. P. 
 s. d. 
 I 2 
 2 23 
 3 13 
 O 2 
 3 36 
 3 30 
 . 285 
 I 14 
 I II 
 2 4 
 I I 
 3 30 
 3 2 
 2 3 
 3 16 
 2 27 
 3 14 
 3 13 
 3 12 
 I 20 
 3 28 
 I 36 
 3 S 
 2 28 
 I 19 
 2 18 
 I 9 
 2 5 
 3 7 
 I 36 
 2 32 
 I 9 
 2 18 
 3 "S 
 2 26 
 I 10 
 Name of Owner. 
 Extent of Land. 
 A. R. P. 
 £ s. d. 
 Wilson, Joseph 
 9 2 25 
 24 9 
 Wilson, Rev. R. ... 
 I I 25 
 Womersley, Daniel 
 I I 
 Womersley, George 
 4 I 30 
 9 iS 
 Womersley, Henry 
 27 7 
 91 5 
 Womersley, Richard 
 18 2 15 
 42 18 
 Womersley, Richd., Junr. 
 8 25 
 17 7 
 Womersley, William 
 18 3 16 
 42 8 
 Church and Chapel Wardens for Pudsey Township. 
 1606 John Crosley, Thomas Whitley 
 « • * * * 
 1608 William Gaunte, James Saill 
 1609 Wm, ffarrowe, Edwd. Holds- 
 worth, or Wm. Dawson ? 
 1610 William Lepton 
 1628 Richard Smith, Wm. Stables, 
 or John Elsworth ? 
 1633 James Lepton, Edwd. Sizer, or 
 Wm. Denby 
 1640 Rowland Milner, John Wilson 
 1663 "Mr. John Smith," "Josua 
 Lumby " 
 1664 John Nettleton, Thos. Archer 
 1665 Wm. Jenkinson, Wm. Mosse 
 1666 John Hey, Thos. Butterfield 
 1667 Wm. Wilson, Richd. Gaunt 
 1668 Thos. Hutchinson, Stephen 
 1669 Samuel Lumby, Thos. Leigh 
 1670 John Wilson, William Lepton 
 1671 Richard ffarrer, Thos. Syzer 
 1672 Thos. Milner, Cuthbert Leigh 
 1673 Gabriel Dodgson, Daniel Gaunt 
 1674 Samuel Stables, Thos. Watter- 
 167s Mr. Jno. Purdy, Joshua Lumby 
 1676 Richd. Lobley, Wm. Atkinson 
 1677 Wm. Rudd, Robert Lumby 
 1678 Jeremiah Crabtree, Jno. Wilson 
 1679 William Lumby, John Kent 
 1680 James Pierson, Jonas Bower 
 1 68 1 Wm. Hall, Abm. Hutchinson 
 1682 Jose Holdsworth, Stephen 
 Abm. Hainsworth, Jonathan 
 Edward Kent, Wm. ffarrer 
 Samuel Lumby, William Lee 
 John Smith, Jere. Wilson 
 William Mosse, William Child 
 Thomas Lee, William ffarrow 
 Joshua Lumby, John Bower 
 William Lumby, Ed. Harrison 
 Joshua Lumby, John Cromack 
 John Hey, jun., William ffarrer 
 1701 Jno. Hutchinson, Richd. Sugden 
 1709 William Banks, Samuel Hillas 
 1 7 10 John Holdsworth, Ric. Farrer 
 1711 Henry Hillas, Abm. Hutchinson 
 1712 Henry Sugden, Richard Lee 
 1 713 Samuel ffarrer, Wm. Swaine 
 1714 Josh. Rayner, Jno. Hutchinson 
 1715 Wm. Atkinson, Wm. ffarrer 
 1716 Wm. Atkinson, Joshua Sugden 
 1 717 Henry Bellas, Jeremy .Scott 
 1718 Samuel Hillas, James Taylor 
 1 719 Samuel Hillas, James Taylor 
 1 721 William Banks, Samuel Mosse 
 1722 Benj. ffarrer, Thomas Dean, or 
 John Gill 
 1 745 Samuel Moss, Joshua Farrer 
 1 754 John Farrer, John Hartley 
 1767 Saml. Hinchliffe, J. Pearson 
 1 76S Wm. Boys, John Brooksbank 
 1771 Wm. Moss, T. Johnson 
 1772 John Carr, John Newsom 
 1773 Saml. Cromack, Geo. Langley 
 1774 John Newsom, John Carr 
 1775 Benj. Asquith, Richard Moun- 
 tain, Wm. Dodgson 
 1776 Wm. Munton, Geo. Langley 
 * # # # * 
 1779 Wm. Dodgson, John Lumby 
 1780 James Heckler, Saml. Johnson, 
 Jos. Crowther 
 1 78 1 Jos. Crowther, Saml. Johnson 
 1 782 John Turner, James Heckler 
 1783 John Turner, James Heckler 
 1784 James Heckler, Jonathan Gaunt 
 1785 James Heckler, Jonathan Gaunt 
 1787 S. Farrer i'th' Lane, Wm. Dean 
 1788 Samuel Farrer, Wm. Dean 
 1789 John Gaunt 
 * # # « » 
 1 79 1 Samuel Farrer, Samuel Banks 
 1792 Samuel Farrer, Samuel Banks 
 1793 Jeremiah Crowther, John 
 1802 John Carr, Joshua Whitfield 
 1806 Richard Farrer, John Lister 
 1807 Richard Farrer, John Lister 
 1808 John Balme, Richard Farrer 
 1809 Thomas Fairfax Carlisle, John 
 1810 Wm. Hodgson, Thomas Banks 
 181 1 Thos. Banks, John Halliday 
 * # # * * 
 1814 George Beaumont, J. Drake 
 1815 John Halliday, George Scott 
 1816 George Scott, John Webster 
 181 7 John Webster, John Dean, or 
 George Scott 
 1818 Benj. Dean, John Webster 
 1819 Richard Farrer, James Sharp 
 1820 Richard Farrer, John Balme 
 1821 Richard Farrer, Josh. Armitage 
 1822 Joshua Armitage, J. Hutchinson 
 1823 Jas. Hutchinson, Wm. Denison 
 1824 Wm. Denison, Wm. Boys 
 182; Wm. Denison, Wm. Boys 
 1826 Henry Simons, Robt. Parkinson 
 1827 Henry Simons, Robt. Parkinson 
 1828 Henry Simons, Robt. Parkinson 
 1829 Henry Simons, Robt. Parkinson 
 1830 Samuel Sharp, John Hutchinson 
 1 83 1 Samuel .Sharp, Samuel .Scarth 
 1832 Samuel Sharp, Samuel Scarth 
 1833 Samuel Sharp, Samuel Scarth 
 1834 Joseph Rayner,Joseph Musgrave 
 2835 Joseph Rayner, John Farrer 
 1836 John Farrer, Wm. Beaumont 
 1837 John Farrer, Wm. Beaumont 
 1838 Ric. Fred. Farrer, Edward Binks 
 1839 Richd. Fred. Farrer, Edward 
 1840 Benj. Troughton, Wm. Hains- 
 1841 Benj. Troughton, Wm. Hains- 
 1842 John Farrer (Lowtown), Joshua 
 1843 Samuel Field, Joseph Walker 
 1844 John Baker, Samuel Field, and 
 Wm. Hutchinson 
 1845 John Farrer (Grove House), 
 John Baker 
 1846 John Parkinson, James Walker 
 1847 Abm. Armitage, jun., John 
 1848 Abm. Armitage, jun., John 
 1849 Joseph Banks (Chapeltown),. 
 Thos. Waterhouse 
 1850 Joseph Banks (Chapeltown), 
 Thos. Waterhouse 
 1851 John Parkinson, Wm. Huggan 
 1852 John Rayner, John Crowther 
 1853 John Rayner, lohn Crowther 
 1854 Jas. Beaumont, Joseph Rayner 
 1855 Samuel G. Gamble, Joshua 
 1856 T. M. Tunnicliffe, Jonathan 
 1857 T. M. Tunnicliffe, Henry Moore 
 1858 J. H. Mitchell, G. Hainsworth 
 1859 J. H. Mitchell, G. Hainsworth 
 i860 John Halliday, William Farrer 
 1861 Wm. Elsworth, John Halliday 
 1862 Wm. Merritt, Benj. Troughton 
 1863 Wm. Merritt, Benj. Troughton 
 1864 Wm. Merritt, Emanl. Boocock 
 1865 Wm. Elsworth, Emanl. Boocock 
 1866 James Banks, Joshua Gaunt 
 1867 James Banks, Joshua Gaunt 
 1868 W. H. Greaves, John Keenan 
 1869 John Keenan, W. H. Greaves 
 1870 Wm. Elsworth, H. Beaumont 
 1871 Henry Beaumont, Wm. Farrer 
 1872 Henry Beaumont, Wm. Farrer 
 1873 Geo. Armitage, Joseph Driver 
 1874 Geo. Armitage, Joseph Driver 
 1871; Geo. Armitage, Wm. Maude 
 1876 Geo. Armitage, Wm. Maude 
 1877 Geo. Armitage, Wm. Maude 
 1878 Geo. A. Jones, William Maude 
 1S79 Geo. A. Jones, D. Armitage 
 1880 Geo. A.Jones, D. Armitage 
 1881 Geo. A. Jones, D. Armitage 
 1882 Henry Beaumont, J. Booth 
 1883 Henry Beaumont, J. Booth 
 1884 Henry Beaumont, J. Newell 
 18S5 Henry Beaumont, J. H. Dawson 
 1886 Henry Beaumont, J. H. Dawson 
 1887 S. Hyland, W. B. Potts 
 Overseers of the Poor for Pudsey Township. 
 Rate per £ 
 1743 B. Gaunt, Thos. Tohnson, Eli. Pearson, To. Elsworth. 
 * » » » * » 
 1765 Mr. Richard Hey, Mr. Samuel Ingham is. 3d. 
 1766 Wm. Moss, Wm. Dambrook. 
 1767 Wm. Whitley, |er. Clififord. 
 1768 Trist. Moss, J.Lobley. 
 * * * * ' * « 
 1770 John HoUingworth. 
 1771 Jno. Radcliffe, Jno. Balme Is. 6d. Is. 3d. 
 1772 Joseph Lumby, John Atkinson is. lod. 3s. od. 
 •773 James Atkinson, Wm. Dean. 
 '774 John Farrar, Joshua Farrar. 
 1775 Wm. Walker, Jno. Farrar. 
 1776 Wm. Farrer, Matthew Farrer. 
 1777 Richd. Farrer, John Radcliffe. 
 1778 Saml. Boys, John Beaumont. 
 1779 Joshua Hargreave, Matthw. Hutchinson. 
 1780 John Lobley, Wm. Banks. 
 1781 Thos. PuUan, Benj. Roberts. ■ , 
 1782 Wm. Dodgson, Jerh. Crowther. 
 1783 Saml. Farrer " o'th Hall," John Lumby. 
 1784 Wm. Lumby, Matthew Dufton. 
 1785 Matthew Dufton. 
 1786 John Newsom, John Booth. 
 1787 Joseph Greave, John Cowper. 
 1788 Richd. Womersley, Jos. Crowther, Jas. Harper. 
 1 789 Samuel Johnson. 
 1 79 1 James Harrison, Wm. Grave. 
 1792 Wm. Cautherey, Joseph Dodgson. 
 1793 Samuel Hinchliffe, James Harper, Denis Rider. 
 1794 Wm. Mirfield. 
 1 795 James Barns. 
 1796 No entry this year. 
 1797 James Hutchinson, Wm. Dean, James Harper. 
 1798 Richard Farrer. 
 1 799 No entry this year. 
 iSoo Joseph Cooper, John Lobley 
 1 80 1 Richard Farrer. 
 1802 Benj. Dean, John Crampton. 
 1803 Wm. Ellwand, Wm. Dufton. 
 1804 Jere. Crowther, Wm. Cauthery. 
 1805 Thos. Rider, Andrew Wade. 
 1806 Andrew Wade. 
 1807 Andrew Wade, Joseph Wilkinson. 
 1808 Wm. Clark, Benj. Seifferth, Jos. Wilkinson. 
 1809 J. Drake, Henry Carr, Andrew Wade. 
 1810 Henry Carr, Matthew Hainsworth. 
 181 1 John Radcliffe, Wm. Stowe (paid). 
 1814 Wm. Greaves, Willm. Stowe (paid ;^loo). 
 18 1 5 Jonas Holmes, John Cooper, junr. ; Wm. Stow, collector. 
 1816 John Boys, Samuel Hinchliffe. 
 1817 James Hutchinson, Robt. Parkinson. 
 1818 Wm. Boyes, James Stead. 
 1819 Benj. Gaunt, John Varley. 
 1820 Benj. Brook, Thomas Brayshaw; Jno. Hutchinson, ast. 
 1821 Henry Simons, James Blackburn ; J. Hutchinson, ast. 
 1822 Wm. Musgrave, James Blackburn ; John Hutchinson, ast. 
 1823 Jonn. Tordoff, Wm. Farrer ; J. Hutchinson, ast. 
 1824 Henry Carr, Peter Winsor ; J. Hutchinson, ast. 
 1825 Wm. Sharpe, John Banks; J. Hutchinson, ast. 6 yrs. 
 1826 John Farrer, George .Scott. 
 1827 William Ellwand, Jos. Wilkinson, John Farrar; ast. and coir. pd. ;^5o. 
 1828 John Halliday, Geo. Brooksbank, John Farrar ; 
 1829 Peter Hyland, Benj. Braithwaite, John Farrer ; 
 1830 Saml. Crowther, John Farrar (Lowtown), John Farrer; 
 1 831 Joshua Armitage, Samuel Lobley, John Farrer. 
 1832 William Beaumont. Edward Greenwood, John Farrer. 
 1833 Joseph Cautheray, Abrm. Hutchinson. 
 1834 William Walton, Benj. Troughton. 
 1835 John Crowther, William Lister. 
 1836 John Crampton, John Hinchliffe, sen. 
 1837 Samuel Sharp, Geo. Glover, senr. 
 1838 William Denison, John Farrer. 
 1839 George Beaumont, John Dawson ; Abrm. Hutchinson. 
 1840 John Farrer, Richard Ellwand ; Abrm. Hutchinson. 
 1 841 John Farrer (Lowtown), Wm. Boys, Tyersall; Abrm. Hutchinson. 
 1842 Samuel Field, Isaac Boocock ; Abrm. Hutchinson. 
 1843 Samuel Sharp, William Hutchinson ; Abrm. Hutchinson. 
 1844 Wm. Huggan, Samuel Lobley; Ricd. Sutcliffe & John Newell, asts. 
 1845 Joshua Harrison, Wm. Huggan; Ricd. Sutcliffe & John Newell, asts. 
 1846 Richd.Womersley (Marsh), Joshua Harrison; Ricd. Sutcliffe & John Newell,asts. 
 1847 Richd. Womersley, Joshua Harrison. 
 1848 Richd. Womersley, William Procter. 
 1849 Richd. Womersley, William Jefferson ; Jos. Newell, collector. 
 1850 Benj. Wade, James Beaumont ; do. do. 
 i8i;i John Farrar (Grove House), Saml. Varley. 
 1852 John Farrer, Saml. Varley. 
 1853 Thompson Farrer, Saml. Gaunt C! amble 
 1854 Thompson Farrer, Saml. G. Gamble. 
 i8s5 Samuel Sykes, Benj. Troughton. 
 1856 Samuel Sykes, Benj. Troughton. 
 1857 Samuel Sykes, Benj. Troughton. 
 1858 Benj. Troughton, Joseph Banks. 
 l8i;9 James Banks, Wm. Shepherd. 
 i860 James Beaumont, William Haste. 
 1861 William Huggan, Geo. Hainsworth. 
 1862 William Huggan, Geo. Hainsworth. 
 1863 William Huggan, Geo. Hainsworth. 
 1804 Wm. Huggan, Geo. Hainsworth, James Beaumont. 
 1865 Wm. Huggan, G. Hainsworth, James Beaumont. 
 1866 Wm. Huggan, Geo. Hainsworth, Jas. Beaumont. 
 1867 Wm. Huggan, G. Hainsworth, Jas. Beaumont. 
 1868 Wm. Huggan, G. Hainsworth, Jas. Beaumont. 
 1869 Wm. Huggan, Richd. Womersley, Enmnl. Boocock. 
 1870 Rich. Womersley, Emanl. Boocock, Wm. Dibb Scales. 
 1871 Emanl. Boocock, Thos. Goodhall, Jos. Blackburn. 
 1872 Emanl. Boocock, Thos. Goodhall, Jos. Blackburn. 
 1873 Emanl. Boocock, Jos. Blackburn, Saml. A. Merritt. 
 1874 Emanl. Boocock, Jos. Blackburn, Saml. A. Merritt. 
 187s Emanl. Boocock, Jos. Blackburn, Saml. A. Merritt. 
 1876 Emanl. Boocock, Jos. Blackburn, Saml. A. Merritt. 
 « » » « • * 
 1879 Emanl. Boocock, Joseph Blackburn, William Huggan. 
 1880 Emanl. Boocock, Joseph Blackburn, William Huggan. 
 1881 Emanl. Boocock, William Huggan, John Hyland. 
 1882 Emanl. Boocock, William Huggan, John Hyland. 
 1883 Emanl. Boocock, William Huggan, Samuel Armitage. 
 1884 Emanl. Boocock, William Huggan, Samuel Armitage. 
 1885 Emanl. Boocock, William Huggan, Samuel Armitage. 
 1886 William Huggan, Samuel Armitage, John A. Hinings. 
 1887 William Huggan, Samuel Armitage, John A. Hinings. 
 Surveyors of the Highways for Pudsey Township. 
 1770 Matthw. Hutchinson, John Hutchinson. 
 1771 Joshua Town, Joshua Hargreave. 
 1772 Joshua Town, Joshua Hargreave. 
 1773 Richd. Farrer, Matthew Farrer. 
 1774 Richd. Fenton, .Samuel Crowther. 
 1775 Thos. PuUan, Wm. Banks. 
 1776 Wm. Moss, Joseph Banks. 
 1778 Robt. Craven, John Whitfield. 
 1779 John Whitfield, Matthew Dufton. 
 17X0 James Hainsworth, Thos. Johnson. 
 1781 Joshua Hall, John Brooksbank 
 1782 tonathan Akeroyd, 'ihos. Walker. 
 '* »* * * « 
 1 784 Wm. Lister, Wm. Whitley. 
 1 791 Jeremiah Carter, Jas. Hutchinson. 
 1792 John Balme, John Lobley. 
 179^ lames Atkinson, James Child. 
 1801 Samuel Driver, John Pearson. 
 1805 James Barnes, John Dean. 
 1806 fames Heckler, John Tunnicliffe. 
 •^» »« » * » 
 l8og George Scott. 
 181 1 Wm. Cooper, Christr. Halliday. 
 1814 Samuel Farrer, John Balme. 
 1815 A Board of seven nominated. 
 1816 Robert Denison, Joseph Hall. 
 1817 Wm. Hinings, John Beaumont. 
 1818 Sam!. Moss, Wm. Lobley. 
 1819 John Hutchinson, pd., Geo. Scott, John Beaumont. 
 1820 John Hutchinson, Matthew Hainworth. 
 1 82 1 Wm. Fearnley, Wm. Robinson, prob. 
 1822 Jos Wilkinson, Wm. KUwand, John Hutchinson, pd. 
 1823 John Boys, John Halliday, John Hutchinson, pd. 
 1824 Thos. Brayshaw, Wm. Beaumont, John Hutchinson, pd. 
 1825 John Hinchliffe, Saml Sharpe, John Hutchinson, pd. 
 1826 Richd. Farrar, John Farrer, John Hutchinson, pd. 
 1827 James Stead, Fredericli Stowe, John Hutchinson, paid £30. 
 1828 James Cautheray, Matthw. Hainsworth, Jno. Hutchinson, paid ^30. 
 1829 William Denison, William Beaumont. 
 1830 James Harrison, John Farrer (Houghside). 
 1831 John Webster, Jos. Spencer. 
 1832 Samuel Farrar, John Raistrick. 
 1833 Wm. Hutchinson, Robt. Parkinson (John Raistrick pd. £iO.) 
 1834 Samuel Myers, James Cautheray. 
 1835 Samuel Wilson, James Waterhouse. 
 1836 Samuel Wilson, James Waterhouse. 
 „ June 20. George Hepworth appointed surveyor at a salary of £^0 per an. 
 Also, a Board of Surv'eyors consisting of ten persons elected. 
 Thomas Wilden's Goods, i68i. 
 An Inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattells, Debts and Credilts of 
 Thomas Wilden, Late of Pudsey, in the County of York, deceased, prised by Gabriell 
 Dodgson, Edward Wood, Richard Cockeram, Joseph Holdsworth, the Twentie-fift 
 day of October, in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Six hundred Eightie and 
 In the House. £ s. d. 
 Imprimis, his purse, and apparell ... i 10 o 
 Item. One Range and paire of Tongs and fire shovell two Jacks one 
 fire pote and paire of Racks and one Spit and Iron pot and a paire 
 ofpot o 13 4 
 It. One brasse pan three Ladles one Scimer one beefe forke and two 
 prigs .. ... .. ... .. ■■ •■• ■■• ••• 05° 
 It. One Long table and two formes 100 
 Item. Two Litle white Tables 020 
 It. Five Chaires and one dozen of Quishings ... 080 
 Item. One Salt pye and one Little Coffer 006 
 It. One brasse morter & an iron pestell two stooles one houre glasse 
 & one Lanthorne .. •■• ■•• 020 
 In the Parlor. 
 Item. One bed with one foot chist with hingers & bedclothes ... 200 
 Item. One Cubert & thre quishings & one Litle box 100 
 It. One bright table, one form, two Litle Chists one Chaire & one 
 buffet and one Seing glasse one Range & one paire of Tonges I 10 o 
 Item. One boyder & one Litle hoppet one Litle buffett and one pewter 
 Chamberpot 020 
 In the Eteing Parlor. £ s. d. 
 Item. One great Chist two Litle Chists and one deske ... ... i lo o 
 Item. One Kiver one .Spining whele & one Lyne whele ... ... o 13 4 
 It. One Kneading kit one Chime & two Coale baskits ... ... 026 
 It. Two manudes two scutles and One Tresse .. ... .. .. 026 
 It. One Anvill or Stithie thre tew Irons & one Vice two great Hammers 
 thre hand hamers two nayleing Hamers & twelve Saits & punches 
 one buttericd fire Shovell & fire pote belonging to the Smithie & 
 thre shooing Hamers in the shooing Hopit about two dozen of Horse 
 shooes & certain nayle wands with other Iron in a Litle Chist 
 foure files two nayle tooles four paire of Tongs and foure ends of 
 Iron and one paire of bellhouse .. 500 
 In the Butterie. 
 It. One glasse case with eight pewter dishes one dozen an half of 
 Trenchers two pewter cans one candlesticke & Porringer & two 
 salts with a Litle tin can ... ... ... .. ... ... o 16 O 
 It. A brasse morter & a pestell ten milke bowles one butter bowle five 
 stone pots and flowre pots 040 
 In the Kitchin. 
 Item. Two brasse pots one posnet two paire of brigs one backstone two 
 kits one milkeing kit & a pigin thre stands one barrell three 
 Ingrakes and One brandrie I 10 o 
 In the Chamber. 
 tiem. One great Chist with thre Other Chists one Litle table one 
 forme with thre beds one stroke & one pecke One tub two Knead- 
 ing troughs One bakebord one spitle with One Ringe two paire of 
 Scales with weigh balkes one sacke two paire of Hames a 
 Cart Sadie one Iron backband and Swingle-tree and One 
 Hagney Sadie ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 500 
 In the Barne. 
 Item. One day worke of Oates ... ... ... ... ... \ 
 It. One mough of Hay & one Harrow .. I 
 It. One beareing barrow one Sledge one paire of hooke seames and I 
 One paire of Hotts & One packe Sadie ] 
 In the Smithie. 
 Item. Two spades one hacke one Ladder one shovell one paire of 
 paniers two grindle stones with handles thre Iron forkes one Ax 
 & one bill one sleeking trough One Litle Chist with certaine 
 peeces of Od Iron ... .. ... ... ... ... ... too 
 Catle about the House. 
 Item. Two Kine One Mare one Swine one Carl body with wheeles 
 thereunto belonging ... ... ... ... ... ... 900 
 Item. One heap of manure & one heap of Coales iioo 
 Item. One farme 200 
 Debts which he had Owing at the tyme of his Death. 
 Item. Of Sevall & Sons the Sume of 800 
 The total Sum is 54 i 2 
 (Compiled by tfie Editor.) 
 A. April Pools' Day, 193 
 Abbey Kirkstall, 8. 19, 44, 131, 157, 158 Apprenticeship System, The, 149, 150 
 Aborigines British 3 Arch. Journal, 36 ; Yorkshire, 4, 32, 38, 41 
 Academy, idle, 183' Archer, Edmund, 38 
 Ackroyd, Aaron. 210 ; James, lon ; Jonathan. 141 Arohceological Society, The British, 3 
 Act, Black Bartholomew. 48; Burial, 153; Con-f ™' -"^"""TJ^- 1^ 
 ventiole, 48 ; Enclosure, 150 ; Five Mile. 48 ; Ardesiawe, 22 
 Local GoTemment. 162 ; Militia, 140 ; MilUon, frarngton, Peter H., 18 „ ^ „ 
 66 ; Public, 160; Toleration, 82 ; UnUormity,-^'"''''8«> George, 76, 164 ; Joshua, 68 ; J. E. B., 
 48,61,67 " 
 Adamson, Sir Nicholas, 13 
 Advertise ; District, ItO, 184, 227 ; Pudsey, 1S4 
 Adwalton, 46, 108, 177, 233 
 Africa, Southern, 269, 274 
 Ainsworth, Isaac, 116 ; James, 115 ; Titus, 115 
 Aire, The 46 
 Alan. John. 21 ; Peter, 1", 20, 21 ; Robert, 21 ; 
 Boger, 19; Richard, 21, 31; Simon, 21; Will, 
 21 ; Willelmus, 32 
 Armistead, Betty, 210 
 Armley, 3, 90, 104 
 Armstrong, J. Leslie, 177 
 Assmussen, Paul. 277 
 Asquith, John, 115 
 Association Bible, 183; Parliamentary Reform, 
 119 ; Wesleyan, 108 
 Aston, Sir Richard, 1 8 
 Athelneth, 4 
 Alayn, Richard, 24 ; MatUda, 27 ; William, !7, 30 ^*'''°^°!;i '^q?'^;"?A„"' '• ■'^'^' '*' ' ^°''- ■'"^^ 
 Albyne, Henry, 37 
 Alchate, John, 37 
 Aldred, 4 
 Alexander of Berecroft, 19 
 Alexandra, Princess, 128, 129 
 Aleyn, John, 2s 
 AUanbrigg, Thomas, 43 
 Allcotes, 13» 
 Allen, Rev. James, 102 
 Allerton, 141 ; John de, 35. 36 ; Manor of, 19 
 All-England Eleven, The, 198 
 All Saints' Chapel, 44—57. 147, 164 
 AlmancKk, The Pudsey, 182 
 Altofts. 36, 36 ,i7 
 Altun, 23 
 Alverthorpe, 83 
 Alnbrose. Isaac, 4? 
 America, 47, 125, 165, 169, 175 
 Amusements, 192 
 Anderson, J , 97 ; Old Dick, 198 
 Sarah. 210 
 Angell, Ihomas, 160 
 Aline. Queen, 52 
 Anniversaries, Sunday School, 194 
 Annunciation, The Feast of, 24 
 Antliff, Bev. Samuel. i09 
 Anthem, The National, 129 
 Antigua, 268 
 Antiquary. The Bradford, 19, 29, 40, 81, 83 
 Apperley, 121, 123 
 PS. 94. 95. 97, 109 
 Attewell, Isabella, 30 ; John, 21, 29, 30, 34, 36 ; 
 Margaret, 29, 34 ; Robert, 31 
 Augustine, 3 
 Ayton, 93 
 Back Lane, 154, 165 
 Baggaley. George, 194 
 Bagley, Wulthew de, 13, 26, 29 
 Baildon, 187, 246, 258 
 Bailey, B"niamin,52, 61, 114 ; S. , 185 
 Baines, Sir Edward, 120, 269 ; Miss, 269 
 Baiston, Michael, 141 
 Balloel, Bemande, 9 
 Baker, John, 126, 141, 152, 153 
 Balmos. Grace, 81 ; John. 89, 115, 149 
 Band, The Brass, 194 ; Fartown, 194 ; The Old, 
 194 ' 
 Bankhouse. 134. 135, 206 
 Richard, 210 ; Bannister, G. V.. 186 
 Banks, Betty, 60 ; Kdw,ard 60 ; Elizabeth, 60 
 .Tames, 116, 164, 207, 209. 220; John, 60: 
 Joseph, 60, 71. 116: Joshua, 60; Mary, 85. 
 Matthew, 145 ; Sarah, 60, 211 ; Thomas, Cll! 
 67, 114. 11.5. 200 
 Baptists. I'he, 107. 109, 110, 111, 194 
 Barbauld, Mrs.. 165 
 Barkeston. Alexander, 20 ; John, 19 
 Barkston, 4 
 Barlagh, William, 12 
 Barlborongh, 13 Bottilor, Robert, 37 
 Barlow, 11. K., 183 Boulton, John, 62 ; Nancy, 62 
 Barnes, Ambrose, 50 ; T., 79 Bounty, Queen Anne's, 52 
 Bamsley, lOtf Bowcock, Joseph, 114 
 Barracliiugh, Edward, 79 ; Ilannab, 211 ; J. J., Bowling, 33, 8^ 
 79 ; John, 114, 211 Bowness, 73 
 Barredykc, 13 Boyd, J. Smith, 97 
 Barwick-in-Elmet«, 2 Boyes, John, 115, 178 ; Joseph, 105, Mary, 105 ; 
 Bateson, Joseph Appleby, 211 Samuel, 115 ; William, 104, 1^2, 220 ; W. H., 
 Batley, 4. 8 22, 108, 174 79 
 Batteley, 38 Boys, Hannah, 63 ; John, 63 ; Joseph, 63 ; Nancy, 
 Batty, John, 35 6 < ; Samuel, 63 ; Sarah, 63 ; William. 144 
 Bawdwen, 5 Bradford, 1, 2, 7, 23, i3, 42, 43, 47, 77,89, 90, 93, 
 Baxter, Rev. J., 274 96, 99, 100, 103, 104, 108, 109, llu, 11^,121, 123, 
 Bayard, Hugli, 26 ; William, 26 126, 139, 156, 169, 171, 177, 183, 2u2, 207, 209, 
 Bayley. Rev. Benjamin, 6.i ; Teuelope, 65 213 ; History of, 43, 138 
 Beaumont, George, 62, 218 ; Harriet, J. 75 : Henry, Branfordiana Colltctanea, 81 
 68 ; H. H'., 119; James, 62, 68; John, 114, Bradforth, John de, 9, 19, 20, 21,22 
 146; Rcbert, 68; Sarah, 62; WUiian:, 68, Bradley, William de, 11 
 143 Bramhop, Baldwinde, 18 
 Beecroft, George, 99 Bramley. 3, 22, 31, 33, 42, 49, 60, 5 ', 65, 71, 76, 81, 
 Beckett, Sir John, 120 8S, 102, 110, 111, 132, 167, 173,216,217,229, 
 Bede, Venerable, 3 243 
 Beer. Mrs.. 103 ; John T,, 168, 169, 177, 233 Brarueleia, 7 
 Beciton, Ralph H., 18, 34, 35, 38 ; Su- William de, Brear. Jehu. 141 
 10, 26, 28 Brerehalge, Will, 37 
 Belfast. 112, 167 Bridge, Apperley, 109 
 BeU, William, 213 Briguate, 1. 6 
 Bell.'', Church, 168 Brigge, William, 37 
 Bendeschene, Adam, 28 Briggs, John, 102 
 Bennett, James, 79 ; W, H., 95 Brindley and Foster, 69, 98 
 Benton, A.. 173 liritaine Description of, 46 
 Bercroft, John de, 29, 31 ; Richard de, 22 Britannia, Camden's, 22 
 B. recroft, John de, 19, 21, 26 Brittany, Earl of, 9 
 Bere^ord, 15 ; Manor of. 7 Brocas, Bernand de, 16 
 Bergheby, Thomas de, 29 Brode, Wilelmus, 32 ; Cecilia, 32 
 Berill, John de, 13, 22 ; Thomas, 13 Broode, William, 34, 36 
 Berlin, 167 Brogden, George, 63 
 Berry, Rev. Elkana, 85, 86, 87; Tim., 21; Mary, Brompton, 166 
 2 1 1 Brook, James, 220 
 Bess, Queen, 135 Brooks, Thomas, 114 
 Bethel, Richard, 117 Brown, Rev. A., 74 ; James, 115 : Joseph, 99, 100; 
 Beulah, 117 Thoma-s 163; William 62, 67 
 Bevan, John, 112 ; Rev. S., 109 Brayshaw, John, 153 
 Beverley, Hugh, 13 Bruce, Kev, li.,95 
 Bickersteth. Rev. M. C, M.A., 77, 220 Bruis, Robert de, 9 
 Blerley, 6, 33, 51, 79 Bull-baiting, 195 
 Bigot, John, 36, 36 Bulihouse, 90 
 Bill, the Redistribution, 121 ; Seats, 121 Bulmer, Bertram, 9 
 Bingley, 43, 66, 89, 139, 207 Burley, 35, o6, 37, 39 
 Biuks. Benjamin, 114 ; Christopher, 141 ; Edward, Burrows, Enoch, 79 
 145 Burton, I homas, 92 
 Binns, Elizabeth, 211; John, 63; Joseph, 211 ; Bur*on in-Lonsdale, 12 
 Samuel, 115 ; Sarah, 68 Butcher, Dr., 168 
 Birdsall J. W., 227 ; Richard, 160 Butler, John, 216, 217 
 Birley, Robert de, 13 Buttermere, 249 
 Birmingham 112. 165 p 
 Birstal, 35, 66, !lO, 99 ^■ 
 Blackburn. John . 102, 162 ; Joseph, 72, 73 ; H. Cfesar, Julius, 2 
 W., 102 Calamy, 79 
 Board, Burial, 163, 164, 171 ; Lightmg, 154, 166 ; Calder, The River, 2 
 Local, 63, 152, 153, 164, 209 ; School, 219 Calverlei, 6 
 Boden, John 97 Calverley, 1, 2, 3,20, 21. 22, 23, 24.25,20, 27, 30.31, 
 Bohemia, 238, 263 32, 33. 34, 3.5, 36, 39, 41, 43, iO, .56 76,83, 110, 
 Bohler, Peter, 241 121, 132, 134, 139, 158, 173, 183, 199, 210, 211, 
 Bolland, Bolton-by- 12 S19 
 Boiling, 22, 42, 43,139; Robert de, 30 ; 'Will Calverlcy, Family of, 8; Lordof,25 ; llanorof, 34, 
 de, 24 35, 37, 39 
 Bollinge, John. 25, 34, Calverley, Christof, 38 ; Sir John de, 13, 26, 2T, 29, 
 Bollying, \ argaret. 36 30 ; Henry, 39, 40, 41 ; John Scut de. 26, 4.) ; 
 Bolton, 12.43,104.112,132,139, 168 Nicholas, 38; Walter, 1.5, 26,28, 29, 3", 31, 33, 
 Boocock. John, 115, li6, 176 ; Mary, 211 31, 36, 36, 40,41, 52, 71,131, l-MI, 15- ; Wi.l 
 Book. Old Town's, H5, 147 Scot de, 20 ; WilUam, 37, 38, 39 ; Viiar of, 62, 
 Booth. John, 115 ; Joseph, 141 74; Registers of, 31, 39, 41, -16, 00, 66, S.i, 6l 
 Bosjesmans, The, 269 Calverton, 161, 178 
 Callilev.SO Coke, Elizabeth. 32 ; Waltenis, 32 
 CambriJge, 46, 79, 158, 161, 163, 167 Colcroft, Eev. William, 110 
 Camera, John de, 22 Colebroolie, Sir Kilwani, 174 
 Cameron, Baron of, 67, 169 Colefax, Kev. William 92, 183, 223 
 Camp, King Alfred's, 2 Coleridge, 166 
 CanlerLury, Archbishop of, 163 College, Airedale, 93; Horton, 110, 111 ; Kings, 
 Canute, 6 91,165; Magdalene. 163, 209; Rotlierham,. 
 Carbutt, Thomas, 118 96 ; Sidney Sussex, 147, 160, 161, 163 ; Trinity, 
 Cardiff, 170 46, 168, 167 
 Carlingliow, 174 Collyer, Rev. Dr , xl., xU. 
 Carr, Blacli, 133; John, 141; Lieut. John, 166 ; Comenius, Amos, 262 
 Simeon, 163 ; William, 145 Committee, The Town's. 140, 144, 146, 147, 148 
 rarleton-in-Craven, 11 Common, The Pudsey,40 
 Carlisle. Fairfax, 230 ; Thomas, 115 Commons, Doctors', 153 ; House of, 121 
 Carlyle, Mr., 72 Communicants, Register of, 87 
 Cartman, Rev. John, 74 Commonwealth, The, 61 
 Casson, Robert, 39 Company, The Gas, 166 
 Castle, Hornby, 8. 17 ; Pontefract, 136 ; Windsor, Condition, SociiJ, 202 
 242 ; Yorlc. 82, 114 Conference, The Wesleyan, 101, 102, 104 
 Castieford, 136 Confessor, Edward the, 3 
 Cathedral, St. Mary's, 174 Congregationalists, The, 107, 194 
 Catholics, Roman, 112, 113 Conqueror, William the, 4, 6 6, 132, 135 
 Cauthery, Joseph, 146 ; Sarah, 64 ; William, 64, Conquest, The Norman, 4, 6, 130, 132 
 116 Constable, The, 144, 146 
 Cawdrey, Robert, 63 Cooke, Rev. William, 104 
 Cawson, W., 1^4 Coope, Joseph, 145 
 Cavendish, Lord Frederick, 119 Cooper, Fred, 162 ; John, 68, 116, 147 ; Joseph, 
 Cemetery, The, l.ll, 166 66, 115 ; Rachel, 66 ; William, 97, 115 
 Centenary Festival, 261 Copenhagen, 1'6 
 Cereticus, 3 Corn Laws, Repeal of, 126, 127 
 Chalmers, Dr.. 276 Correspondence, Thoresby's, 82 
 Chapel, All Saints', 44, 67, IfO, 209 ; Bier!ey,141 ; Correspondent, The Leeds, 65, 164, 180. 
 Dissenters', 147 ; Gravel Kt, 1b5 ; Independent, Coseley, 112 
 Methodist, 167 ; Old, 210, 211 : Old Indepcn- Cottmgley, 86 
 dent, 81-i*2 ; Mill Hill, 79 ; Thornton, 61 ; Cotton, Charles, 41 ; Michael, 41 
 Wesleyan, 101 ; Zion, 103 Couper, Matthew, 65; Mary, 66; Joseph, 65; 
 Chapeltown, 75, 119, 127, 128,129, 132, 134, 138, Rachel, 65 
 117, 166, 104, 197, 211, 216, 220, 228 Coupere, John the, 24 
 Charles II., 81, 82 Couran', Pudsey, 184 
 Charters, Add., 10-40 Coventry, 129 
 Chetelle, 9 Cowper, Robert the. 22 
 Child, Thomas, 79 Crabbe, 165 
 Choral Society, 129, 174, 198 ; Union, 174, 196 Crabtree, Mr., 110 ; Miss, 123 
 Christmas, 192 Crampton, Elizabeth, 63 ; Hannah. 63 ; John, 63; 
 Chronicle', P'ldsey, 184 115,141, 145 ; Nancy, 63 ; William, 63, 116 
 Chronicles, HolHngshead, 46 Craven, 1, 15, 168 
 Church, Adel, 79 ; ill Saints', 164 ; Congrega- Craven, Francis, 122 ; Phineas, 152 ; W., 153 
 tional, 79, 173 ; Established, 64. 79, 84, 207, Craven and Harrop, 122 
 240 : St. John's. 47. 79, 169 ; Parish. 169, 194 ; Craven, Scenes in. 177 
 St Lawrence, 63, 69, 66-74, 209 ; St. Paul's, Craven, History of, 7, 12, 15 
 75, 76, 7', 162, 17S, 194 Crofts, Rev. H. D., 104 
 Churchwardens, 143 Cromack, Benjamin. 86 ; Samuel, 148 
 Churchyard, St. Paul's, 91 Crompton, John, 146 
 Churwell. 121 Crossley, Francis, 119 ; John, 46, 63, 143 
 Clarendon, Earl of, 161 Crowther, Benjamin, 152 ; John, 115, 146, 230 ; 
 Clark Kev. W.E., 112; William, 141 Jeremy, 44, 116 ; Martin, 141 
 Olarkson, John, 145, 280 ; Mr., 72 ; William, 143, Cricket, 197, 198 
 230 Crimbles, 138, 151, 220 
 C'averings, The, 60 Crucis, St., 13 
 Clayton, J., 115 ; Mrs. James, 205 ; Philip de, 12 ; Crummack, Joseph. 114 
 Thomas de, 36, 36 Cudworth. William, 183, 207 
 CTeckheaton. 4, 22, 83 Cuper, John, 24 
 Clemens, Rev. G,, 272, 278, 274 ; F., 277 Curbar, 93 
 Clervaux, Wm. de, 12 Customs, Local, 192 
 Cliff, Denham, 141 ; John, 206, 23, 242 p 
 Clifford, Jeremiah, 116 ; Lord of, 37 
 Clifton, 93 Dalby, Robert, 162, 220 
 Clitheroe, 93 Danby, James, 37 ; Sir Christopher, 39 ; Sir 
 Cionmacnois. 168 Thomas, 39 ; Thoaas, 39 
 Clough, George. 153 ; John H., 171 Danes, The, 3 
 Cobden, Richard, 119 Darelle, Marmadnke. 36, 36 
 Cock-fighting, 196 Damborough, John, 62. 114, 208, 306 
 Cockcroft. James, 141 : Joseph, 141 Dautre, Thomas, 29, 31 
 Cockin, Rev. J., 91 * David, Robert, 35 ; Christian. 261 
 Coins, Roman, 2 Dary, Joseph, 102 
 Dawson, Christopher, 17 ; John, 39 ; Joseph, 83 Elwind, William, 116 
 80, 91 ; Pudsey, 8, 17 ; William. 47 Ely, 161 
 Day, May, 193 ; Royal Oak, 193 , Valentine, 193 Elys, Thomas, 38 
 Dean. Benjamin, llo, 141, 146; John, 116, 145; Bmpsall, T. T., 29 
 Bev. — , 98 Bmsley, John, 126, 127 , Joseph, 216 
 Deeds, Calverley, 131 Enclosnre, The Commons, 160, 151 
 Deira, 3 England, Church of, 86, 166 ; New, 47 ; Rev. 
 Denison, B. R, 118, 119 ; C. B ., 119, 120 ; William, John, 178 ; Bishop, 277 ; Henry, 277 
 104 ErdislawB, Nicholas de, 18 
 Denton, 67, 159 Erskine, W. F., 97 
 Derby, Co., 13, 109, 164 Essehalte, .John, 35 
 Derbyshire, 93. 136 Essex, 249 
 Despencer, Thomas le, 13 Establisliment, Moravian, 233,277 
 Dewsbury. 43, 99, 1(J3, 108, 139 Estburn, Simon de, 19 
 Diary, Fulnecky 269-277 Estumer, Darit le, 18 
 Diaries, Eeywood's, 81 Evans, Dr. John, 89 
 Dickenson, 89 Everett, Rev. James, 101 
 DiUon, Rev. Mr., 112 Exchequer, The, 23, 46 
 Dissenters, The, 82, 84, 143 Eyles, Thomas, 114 
 Division, Ea.steni Parliamentary, 120, 121 ; « 
 Northern, 119, 122; Pudsey, 121, 122, 123; 
 Southern, 1 19 F<xd^a, Hyraer's, 23. 
 Dobson, Grace, P3 ; John, 63; Joseph, 63 ; Lepton, Fairfax, Thomas, 41, 139; Lord Thomaa, 47; 
 149, 161 i Mary, 86 ; Samuel, 63 ; William, Viscount, 57 
 63 Falcon, Dr., 274 
 Dodgson, Dr., 160 ; Joseph, 60, 116 ; Samuel, 114 ; Faldlng, Bev. Dr., 95 
 William, 114 Famley, 33, 102, 102, 134, 158, 233 
 Dodsworth, 15, 18 Famllay, 22 ; Boger of, 19 
 Domesday Book, The, 5, 6, 7, 130, 131, 199 ; Farrar, Abraham, 114 ; Daniel, 210 ; Elizabeth, 
 Surrey, 4, 8 210; Henry, 116; John, 116; Robert, 114 ; 
 Doncaster, 209 .Samuel, 63, 115 ; Thomas, 67 ; William, 114, 
 Downes, John, 60 116 
 Dovedale, 164 Farrer, Ann, 65 ; Benjamin, 65, 211 ; Hannah, 66 ; 
 Drake, John, 141 ; Joseph, 211,218 John, 61, 64, 65, 102, 127, 143, 144, 179, 207, 
 Draper, Thomas, 41 208, 211 ; James, 141 ; Joseph, 146 ; Joshua, 
 Drighlington, 4, 22, 33, 42, 121, 163, 233 66, 141 ; Mary, 64, 65 ; Nancy. 64 ; Richard, 
 Driver, Hannah Dean, 66 ; Joseph, 66, 116 ; Mary, 62, 64, 81, 84, 116, 149, 205. 211 ; Samuel, 66, 
 66 ; Mrs , 170 ; Samuel, 60 115, 161 ; William, 62, 64, 71 
 Dublin, 77, 105, 167, 168 : Archbishop of, 168 Farrowe, BIchard, 63 
 Ducatus Leorliensis. 7, 1 , 40, 41, 178. Farsley, 3, 34, 36, 43, 81, 86, 100, 109, 110, 111, 
 Ducking Stool, The, 199 121, 132, 139, 141, 173 
 Dudley, 93 ; Hill, 268 Partowu, 99, 103, 104, 111, 128, 129, 134, 197, 219, 
 Dnfton, Betty. 64 ; Benjamin, 194 ; John, 141 ; 222 
 Matthew, 60, 64 ; Thomas, 115 Farquhar, Dr., 197 
 Duncan, Surr William. 121, 122 Faulkner, William, 102 
 Duncombe, Hon. W., 117 Fearnley, John, 115 ; Penelope, 65 ; Thomas. 65 
 Dunn, Rev. Henry, 111 I'east. Pudsey, 194 
 Dnnstan, 3, 4, 5, 6, 130, 132, 157 Fee, Knights', 22 
 Durham, Bishop of, 9 ; County of, 9 ; Durham, 102 Teuton, James, 210 ; .Toseph, 100 ; Martha, 211 ; 
 Dynslai. John de. 30 Samuel, 99, 114, 146 ; Sarah, 210 
 Dyjon, William, 141 Fernclifle, 121, 123 
 „ Ferraud, Benjamin, 114; Joshua, 141 ; Mr., 207 ; 
 "• Bobert, 41 
 Eadens, Rev. H., 112 Perrowe, William, 39 
 Eardley, Sir Culling, 119 Ferselay, 22 ; Ralph de, 19, 20 
 Eastwood. 90 Fersellai, 6 
 EccleshlU, 31, 33, 36, 43, 139 lestival. Centenary, 261 
 Ecclesll, Stephen de, 19,21 Field, Crawshaw, 117, 153 ; Hammerton, 112, 113, 
 Ecclesiustir.ns, Valor, 131. 217 
 Eddison, William, 194 Flelden, Joshua, 120 
 Edinburgh. 174, 175 Fieldhouse, Moses, 141 
 Edward, King, 4, 6, 7 ; I.. 10, 11, 22, 28, 24, 26, 27, Fielding, J., 97 
 46 ; II , 25, 26, 27, 28 ; III., 11, 12, 22, 26, 28, Filey, 164. 
 29, 30, 31. 202 Firth, William, 10 ! 
 Edwards, John, 164,178 Fiskergate. Micholas de, 11 
 Edwin, 3; Earl, 4 Pitzwilliam. Earl, 115 
 Ekryngton, 13 Fletcher, James, 61 ; John, 61 
 Elizabeth. Queen, 41, 139 Fold, Back, 133 ; Carlisle, 133 ; Driver's, 133, 221 ; 
 EUand, 22 Parsonage, 133 ; Old Chapel, 50 ; Turaer'a, 
 Elliott, Ebenezer, 127 Wilson's, 133 
 Ellwand, WlUiam, 149, 230 Folk Lore, 186, 191 
 Elmete, 2, 3 Football, 19(i 
 Blpl'.n, Bishop of, 160 Forrester, Thimas, 29 
 Elslake, 15 Forster, 7 ; himon, 34 ; W. E., 219 
 Elsworth, Benjamin, 162 ; Joseph, 116, 216 Foster, 41 ; Rev. E. S., 96 
 Fowler, Samuel, 287 Hailstone, Edward, 23 
 Fox, George, 114, 116 J Jonas, 141 Hainsworth, Abraham, 8, 21; Ellzabctli, 69; 
 Fraser, John, 217 James, 59 ; Joseph, 59 ; Martha, 59 ; Peter, 
 Praunketenant, 'William, 26 111 ; William, 79 
 Frenchey, 166 Haley & Co., 149 
 Prystone, Ferry, 160 Halifax, 2,10,41,43,87, 90,91,98, 106,139, 141 
 Fulneck, 54. 99, 128, 133, 136, 137, 146, 149, 166, Hall, Bolton, 15, 17; Beningborouuh, 177; 
 167.177,178,178,181,183,209,219,232 Catherine, 160; Cloth. 116; Esholt, 103; 
 Fmierals, 200, 201 trrace, 239. 243 ; Horsforth, OW, 121; Nesbit, 
 Fumival, Lord, 13 134, 206, 239; Old, 41 ; Preston, 41 ; Tong, 239 ; 
 (, Walton, 23 
 Hall, Abraham, 61, 116 ; Betty, 61 ; Christopher, 
 Galli, Rev. M. G., 118 85 ; David, 116 ; Joseph, 65, 116 ; Matthew, 
 Gambles, J. G, C, 77 ; James, 71 41 ; Robert, 260 
 Gap, Quarry, 164 Halle, 269 
 Garprove. Agnes, 39 ; Joseph, 36 Halliday, Ann, 61, 73 ; George. 61 ; James, 126 ; 
 Garnett, George, 109 John, 60, 68 76, 163 ; Nathan, 79 
 Garth, R. Mochell, 174, 176 Hallywelle, 35, 37 
 Gas Company, The, 156 Hamburgh, 95, 169 
 Gateshead, 94 Hamilton, Dr. Winter, 209 
 Gaunt, Daniel, 116 ; George, 39 ; Isaac, 123 ; J. L., Handel, 195 
 228 ; John, 116 ; Joseph, 228 ; Joshua. 86, Hankeswyck, 15 
 211 ; Matthias, 110 ; Margaret, 38 ; Reuben, Hanlytb, 16 
 230 ; Samuel, 194 ; William, 43, 47 Hanneman, Christian, 149 
 Gazette, London, 76 Hansel, Rev. W., 180 
 Gellys, Dionisis, 36 ; Will, 36, 37 Harden, 41 
 Geoffreyson, John, 19 Hardware, Heniy. 39 
 Gibson, Agnes, 147; James, 175; John, 31 ; Harewood, Earl of, 115 
 Joshua, 141 ; Rev. A. J., 76 Hargreaves, J., 116, 125 
 Gibraltar, 101, 183, 154 • Hai-e, John, 116 
 Gildersome, 121. 233 ' Harinan, A., 79 
 Gilleson, WiUiam, 29, 32 - Harrison, 46 ; General P., 8, 9, 16 : George, 141 ; 
 Gilling, Charles, 97 Hainsworth, 102 ; James, llii; John, 116- 
 Gislay, 34 Jonathan, 141 ; J, W.. 109 ; Thomas, 79 ; 
 Gladstone, Herbert John, 226 ; William Ewart, 183 William, 116 
 GledhiU, Isaac, 141 Hartley. Grace, 267 
 Gloucester, Duke of, 36 Hasse, Rev. W.. 270 
 Glover, James, 183 ; William, 176 Haste. Elizabeth, 241 ; William, 59, 116, 232 
 Goderich, Lord. 118 Hastings, 112 
 Goepp, P. H., 269 Hatfleld, 163 
 Goion, Henry, 34 Haton, John, 213 
 Golcar, 4, 111 Hatton, Rev J. W., 46 
 Gomeisal. 4. 33, 83, 8t, 166, 183 Haukesworth, 36. 
 Goodall, J. E., 163 ; Thomas, 232 Hauptman, Elizabeth, 64 ; Gottlieb, 54 
 Gospatric, 4, 7 Hawden. William, 83 
 Gossett, W. D. , 183 Haworth, 41, 43, 109, 139 ; Rev. W. S., 74 
 Gotham, Henry de, 25 Haynes, George, 220 
 Gowan, William, 141 Heath, Harlow. 156 
 Government, Civil, 84 Heaton, 4, 43, 139 ; John, 108 ; Thomas de 27 
 Graham, Rev. H. J., 74. 127, 211 Heckmondwike, 33, 258 
 Grave, Adam de, 21 ; Elizabeth, 210 ; George, 141 ; Heile, Thomas, 18 
 John, 23, 210; Robert, 54 Heights, The, 2. 134 
 Greave, Roger the, 19 Heliusley, John, 116 
 Greaves, J., 79 ; Thomas, 66 ; W.H., 164; William, Hepworth, George, 150 
 65,115,218 Hemsley, William, 141 
 Green, Simon de la, 21 Henderson, Rev. D. A., 94, 95, 220 
 Greeubury, Kev. Thos., 109 Henric, 2 
 Greenside, 128, 131, 138, 171, 213, 216, 217, 219, 220, Henry I.. 8; II., 9; HI., 9. 10, 11,22- IV 13 
 223 15, 24. 36 ; V., 16 ; VI., 17, 32. 36. 37. 203 •' 
 Green Top, 133, 134. 136, 207 ; Waver, 119, 137. VII., 37, 88 ; VIll.. 37, 38, <6 ' 
 Greenwell, Rev. N., 130 Herald, 'J'he Pudsey, 132 
 Greenfelde, William de, 28 Herman, J. G.,269 
 Grinfield, Rev. Thomas, 150 HeiTnhut,238, 258, 203 
 Grove House, 67, 144, 166, 207, 208, 209 Hertford. 163 
 Guardian, Scottish'llb Hertingfordbury, 163 
 Guardians, Board of, 257 Hertlingtou, 15 ; Lord of, 15 ; William de 16 
 Guards, The Grenadier, 176 Herts., 163 
 Gndlagesare, 4 Heton, Alicia de, 32 ; Johannes de, 32; Sir John de 
 Guisboro', 93 26 
 Guthlac's Scar, 4 Hexham, 92 
 Gutterldge.Eev. John, 109 Hey, Dorothy, 160 ; John. 54,67,68, 147 16!> 160 
 178; Rebecca. 160; Richard, 52, 114,147, 159 
 160. 162, 163, 179, 222 ; Samuel, 147, ICO, 16i ; 
 Hackney, 165 Sarah, 160, William, ISO, 162. 178 
 Haigh, John, 126 ; Rev. J. S., 112 Heywood, Oliver, 49, 79, 81, 82, 83 
 Hickes, Dr George, 15? Hntton, Arcbbishop, 57, 158 ; Dorothy, 57, 169 ; 
 Highways. Parreyois of, 150 Mrs., 57 ; Mary, IW ; Richard, 67, 79, 82, 84, 
 Hinchlilfe, Benjamin, 61 ; Edward, H5 ; Hannah, 158, 159 ; Sir Thomas,67, 158 
 85 ; John, 61. 85. 114, 115 , 141, l»t ; Joseph, Hylkley, John, 25 
 116 ; Mary, 61; Eachel, 61 ; Eamnel, 84, 85, j_ 
 HiJI,"Bankhonse, 135; Dudley. 99, 239, 246 ; J°|}j •'^''° ^ ** 
 Giant's, 3; Lidget, 133, 138; Ludgate, 133:.^, ', oi gr on 91 139 
 OwlcoatP, S, 5S ; Pinebelly, 135; Mmroee, J"''"- *|;'';> '"•«'■"• "» 
 132, 133, 220; West Boyd, 133; Windmill, j^^'gj" 
 Tr-.,**^'J£Lj .^^ Dlingworth, Isaac, S9 
 mUam. David, 144 Inflrmaiy, The Leeds, 162 
 HiUas.Samnel.lU Ingham. ReT. B., 240 ; B., 109, Samuel, 116, 211 ; 
 Hillhoase. Fiances, 65; Samuel, 114 Thomas 114 
 HiUyard, Rev. James, lU Inkeisley, T, !83 
 Himaworth. John, 114 |__ viJLv, ino 
 Hinings. Edward, 102; George, 41,125, 12?, !««. j^Silrmr^, 22 131 
 li.8, 212, 220 225 ; J. A, 125, 126, 164 ; J. E., {^^- ^^[%"- 
 '^n- '*' i,/^^' r^'^rV, ""**"- "'' ^*^'' SStaUo^^ Mechanics', 223 
 -VWlam, 116 126, 127, 144 InttWgencer.ne Let<i*.1i 
 Hinslet, Joseph, 61 ; ^amueL 61 TrrfanHi 1'8 
 HM. F. W 173 : John, 150 ^hoUa del, 31 ' 
 Hodgson, Mary, 211 ^^ 
 Boghton, 38 J 
 S'^S^Slf'iti ^ oc Jactoon, Jamea, 116 ; Canon, JS» 
 ^^^•JSl « jSSTjohn, ri38 ; King. 43 
 Hidarft, Jotaanns, 32 , British, 2 
 Holden, fcaac, UO ,„. Jeaddun, Walter de, 18 
 Holds«orth, Edward, 4,; John, ,9, 83, 2« ; jeffasoiC Mary Maria, 67 
 u , ^^™i^ o Jenkins, Ber. D., 63, 68, 73, 74, 143, 14» ; Haniet, 73 
 Holy 1^4 Th^ 9 ^„,-,„ .. JenkinEon, Richard, 39; WiUiam, 39, 43 
 HoUand, Rev. PhUjp, 91 ; WOham, 54 Jennings, 18 ; Caleb, 141 ^^ 
 HoUiday, Joseph, 211 Jerusalem, Hospital of. 19 
 HiJhngs^T S., 89, 90 ; Sarah, 89 Jodlan-soiJ. Bob«t, 19 
 B^^Sf^j; ^-.™« 1 1.1 Johnson. David, 149 ; Thomas, 83. 211 
 5*?^?^?^ Thomas, 114 j^^^ g^^^ ^ ,„ . j g^ ^ . zechaiiah, 11« 
 lSSlfioS.,2; Bebecca, 58; Rev. John B.. ^"^ i? :,{f j"; »»■ l'" 
 ?■" '' ^^^ ^'^ '■ ^"'^*' "'= ^- ^"" J^'. "l^V Thomas, 98, 94, 96 
 Ti„i ^ IK • K ™ « Jnmbles, 134, 135 
 iolTSV C^r^' Juncroft, John, 3« ; Richard. 34, 36 
 Eopton, 89, 91, 159 -wr 
 Hopkinson, Rev. W. K, IIS ; J., 132 ^ 
 Hoptone, Adam de, 31, 33 Kalreitoy, Alex de, 20 
 Hombv, Rer. John, 102 Keenan, John, 75 
 Hombiowers, The. 198 Keghlev, Richard, 37 
 Horsforth, 3. 19, 33, 85, 121 Keighley, 2, 91, 196 
 Horsforthe, Thomas de, 10 ; Xigel de, 20 Kent, 41, 165 ; Edward, 57 
 BorseweUrode, 25 Kenyon, Walter, 70 
 Borton, 41, 100, 123, 139, 141, 160, 246 Kershaw, Mary, 210 ; Rev. W. H., 109 ; William, 
 Borton, Juvenis de,23 210 
 HoepitaL Jerusalem, 19, 23 ; St. George's. 174 ; Kidderminster, 93 
 St. Leonards, 18; St. Peter's, 18, If, 44 ; Kinewalmerske, 13 
 Sherburne, 9 Kinsins, 4 
 Hotel, Railwar, 129 Kirk, John, 101 
 Bough End. 2 ; Crawshaw, 216 Kirkbnrton. 74 
 Houre, Bank, 86, 241 ; Croft. 170 ; Elmwood, 209 ; Kirkby, John de, 22 
 Grtive, 6, 7, 127, 144, 166, 2l8, 22S ; Lawns, Kirkstall, 23, 44. 121, 137 
 102 ; Low, 146 ; Manor, 138 ; Badcliffe, 174 ; Kirkwood, S., 174 
 Threapland, 103 ; West, 207 ; Westfleld, 71 Kltts. St., 268 
 Bowet. Walter, 34 Knapton, Rer. J., 1 12 
 Bowne. 4 Knewstnb, John, 114 
 Bowarth, Anne, 58. 169 ; EUzaheth, 68 ; Rev. W. Knottinglev. 160 
 L., 20'i. 209 : WilBam, 63, 68, 116 Kyng, Willelmus, 32 
 Bowgate, Samuel, 116 L. 
 Boyte, Joehna, 14 1 
 Hnddersfidd. 4, 91, 101, 108, 13» Laci, Dbert de, 4, 6, 7, : 32 
 Bngsan, William , 1 25. 128, 167 Lacy, Robert de, 8 
 Bon; 109 Laird, Hev. Thomaa, »1, 92, 94, 98, 116, 149, 182 
 Humble, Dawson, 160 Laisterdyke. 109, 1»2, 221 
 Bnnswortb, 121 Laithe, Red. 133 
 Huntei; Jceep'i. 83 ; Richard, 43 ; William, 63 Lake, John, 36 
 Hof a, John, 238 Umcashire, 47, 93, 112 
 UoBtler, Kary, 63 ; Thomas, C3, 141 ; William, 67 Lancaster, Duchy o^ 161 
 Land, Serjeant, 146 Maidstone, 41, 168 
 Lands, The Common, 150 JIallalien, W., 183, 269 
 Lane, Back, 133. 154, 164 ; Bankhonse, 128 ; Bog- Malta, Knights of, 207 
 gard, 216 ; Chancery, 6 ; Church, 101, 128, 129, Ualynson, Johannes, 32 
 132, 14i, 223. 225 ; Hare, 23S ; Robin 128, 129. Manchester, 104. 112, 213 
 132. 216, 217 ; Roker, 109 ; Rickardshaw, 109, Mannyngham, 41, 43, 139 
 137, 170, 220 ; Radoliffe, 71, 128, 132, 216, 217 ; Manor House, The Old, 41 
 Workhouse, 133 Manufactures, 228. 232 
 Lanes, The, 112 Margerison, Saml., 29, 31, 39,40, 41 
 Langley, Hannah, 62 ; Thomas, 62, 114 ; William, Map, Ordnance, 183 
 114 Marienbom. 272 
 La Trobe, Ignatius, 179, 250 ; Benjamin, 146, 253, Markhams, Mr., 84 
 254, 269 Marsden. Rev. John, 93, 94 
 Lascelles, Henry, 115 ; Lord, 120 Maish. 133, 219 
 Lawn Tennis, 198 Marshal], Rev. Geo., 77 ; John, 117 ; Margatet, 210 
 Lawson, Dorothea, 59 : Mary, 69 ; Joeph, 180, 195, Marske. 41 
 198 ; Rev. H. A., 9.5 ; Thomas, 59 Mary, St., 20 ; Queen, 82 
 Lawton, George, 183 ; Mr., 149 Marylebone, 162 
 Leach, Jobn, 141 Masbam, 150 
 Ledes, Gilbert de, 18 ; Roger de, 31, S3 Mather, Rev. George, 102 
 Lee, Ricbaid, 35 Mattbewman, Elizabeth. 87 ; Luke, 87 
 Leeds, 2, 3, 7. 27, 28, S3. 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 61, 55, Maude, Francis, 151 ; William. 220 
 66, 67, 77, 79, 91, 93, 99, 1 3, 104, 109, 112, 120, Mauleverer, John, 36 ; Robert, 36 
 121, 1-25, 139, 146, 158, 169, 160, 162, 163, 166, Maulevery, Robert, 135 
 167, 169, V07, 213, 269 ; Mayor of, 166, 178 Maurice, Professor, 91, 165 ; Rev. M., 98, 93, 164 
 Leghe, Gilbert del, 37 Mayhall , John, 3 
 Leicestershire, 93 Maynard, Lord, 160 
 Lelay.Willde, 18 Meariug. Thomas, 37 
 Lemmens, Chevalier, 169 Mechanics' Institution, The, 183. 223, 221, 225 
 Leninc's, 4 Mercury, The Leeds, 117, 149, 195 
 Lepton, 34 : Joseph, 84 ; William, 40, 46, 62, 82 Memorial, Nonconformist, 80 
 Leversege, 22 Merkynfelde, Lord of, 35 ; Thomas de, 35 
 Lewenthop, Geoffi-eyde, 36 ; John, 36 Merying, Agnes, 37 ; Thomas, 37, 3S 
 Ley, Robert, 37 Messenger, The, 146, 132 
 Library, Bodleian, 13, 35, 36, 37, 131 ; Leeds Old, Metcalfe, Hope, 62 ; Miles, 62 
 8, 132 Methodism, 99 
 Liebe, Tberesa,170 Methodists,FreeChuTCh,107,108,194 ; Independent, 
 Lilcy, James, 141 109 ; Primitive, 107, 109, 194 ; Wesleyan, 
 Lillie. Rev. Thomas, 89 99-102 
 Linoobi, 61 ; Co., 13 ; Eev. W., 110 Miall, Rev. J. G., 83, 89, 183 
 Linton, Kev. C. R., 176 Middlebrook, John, 127, 180 
 Lisbon, 41, 168 Middlesbrough, 174 
 Lister. John. 19. 116 ; Joseph, 47 ; Kev. Henry, 74 Mill, Allen Brig, 120, 216, 2S0 : Albion, 128 
 LitUedale, Mrs., 17 Atlas, 122, 222 ; Bankhouse, 231 ; Brick, 231 
 Littlemoor. 50, 71, 75, 101, 103, 111, 129, 133, 134, Claughton Garth, 128 ; aiffe, 216, 231 ; Craw 
 1 147,197,213,218,220,271 shaw, 126, 128, 216, 280 ; Farto»-u, 231 ; 
 Liverpool, 217 Gibraltar, 230 ; New Lane, 231 ; Priestley. 
 Lloyd, Rev. Arthur, 91, 98 126, 216, 230 ; Prospect, 231 ; Smalewell. 230 ; 
 LobI^,Dame, 210; John, 114, 116; S., 220 South Park, 231; Union, 128. 230; Union 
 Lockwood, John, 145 Bridge, 230 ; Varley's, 230 ; Waterloo, 230 
 Lodyngton, William de, 13 Miller, Rev. Marmaduke, 108 
 London, 6, 45, 60, 74, 75, 91, 93, 98, 149, 158, 161, Milligan, Rev. D. T., 76 
 166, 168, 169, 174, 183 Milner, Arms of, 66 ; Chao.. 41. 160 ; John. 39, 41, 
 Longwood, "4 84. 150, 153, 168 ; Matthew, 114 : Robert, 40, 
 Lords, House of, 117, 125 135, 163 ; Samuel, 39, 41, 43, 168 ; Tempest, 
 Loryman, George. 175 39, 40. 41, 168 
 Lowtown, 11, ;3, 101, 108, 109, 132, 134. 138, 156, Milnes, John. 71 
 166, 174. 176, 194, 197, 210, 213, 216, 2iO,229 Milnes, and France, 109 
 Lumbv, Christopher, 116 ; Joshua, 52, 62, 62, 116, Milnewood,31 
 14"l ; Martha, 68, 85 ; Robert, 39 ; Robertus Mills, John, 112 
 de, ;i2 ; fcamuel, 40, 67, 68, 114 ; Simon, 38 ; MUton, Lord, 116, 116, 117 
 William, 114, 116, 146 Mission Church, St. James's, 76 
 Lupton, Elizabeth, 210 ; William, 211 Mitchell, Henr)-, 103 ; John, 116 ; Jonathan, 116 ; 
 Lnstatla. 262 Rev. Wm., 109 
 Luther, 264 Mitcheson, Thomas, 97 
 vr Montgomery, James, 261, 276, 276 
 Moody, Christopher, 102 
 Ifabelson, John, 13 Moon, Rev. M.A.. 112 
 Macaulay, Lord, 166 Moor. Jeremiah, 141 ; Swinuow, 134 
 Hackiutosh, 6 Moore, James, 104 
 Magaiint, Evangelical, 92 ; Gentleman's, 149 ; New Moorhoose, Stephen, 141 ; Rev. F. W., 91 
 Connexion, 178; Parish Church, 183; /Vo- Morant, 9 
 Ustant Dissi-nUra, 91 ; St. Paul's, 183 ; York Moravians, The, 64, 107, ICl, 236 
 shire, 177 Morebou.se, John, 6;) 
 Magna Wistow, 93 Morgan, Thomas, 90, 91 
 Morlay, Rio. de, 55 Ossett, 210, 240 
 Morley, 3, 5, 33, 49, 61, 58, 81, 83, 90, 91. 176, 192, Oswald, St., Canons of, 20 
 199, 20O, 229, 233 ; John de, 29 : Wapentake Oswmthorpe, 2 
 Otley, 198 
 Oalcotes, .John de, 24, 26 ; Thomas de, 31 
 Oulston, li) 
 Oustoue, John de, 36 
 Ontgang, 134 
 Overseers, The, 71, 146-149 
 Owlcoats, 85 
 George, 228 ; Oxcnford, Edward, 174 
 Samuel, 56, Oxford, 13, 35, 37, 77, 167, 169 
 of. 22 
 Morleyes, Richard, 36 
 Morpeth, Lord, 114, 118, 119 
 Morrison. Sir George, 121 
 Metier, Canon, 113 
 Morton, Manor of, 13 
 Moseley, D., 220 
 Moss, Anne, 66 ; Charles, 116, 141 
 Gregory, 66, 71 ; Matthew, 66 
 114, 116, 141. 145 ; ■WiUiam, 39, lI4, 116 
 MSS. Balme:-<, 69 ; Birch, 48, 66 ; Sritish P. 
 Museum, 51, 62, 57 ; Calverrley, 18, 131 ; Bail- Pagam=ni, Saxon, 3 
 stones, 131 ; HarUian, 18. 27 ; Heminoway, Pagans, 3 
 18, 26, 27, 32. 87, 89 ; Hopkinscm's, 8 ; Lans- Paget, Agnes, 38 ; William, 38 
 downe, 61 ; Wilson's, 8 Paitevin, Robert, 19 
 Muff, Jonathan, 69 Pape, John, 141 
 Murgatroyd. J., 77 Papelay , John de, 20 
 Museum, British, 13, 45, 48, 131 Parlier, John, 194 ; Rev. B., ID! 
 Musgrave, John, 116 ; S., 125, 126 ; W.. 126 Parkinson, Robert, 71, 143, lii 
 Myers, Cleophas, 125 ; Rev. John, 107 ; William, Paris, 176 
 116 Parliament, Acts of, 37 
 Mylner, Cicely, 40 j^ John, 40 ; Margaret, 40 ; Parsonage, The Old, 47 
 Robert, 40, 41 ; Richard, 40 ; Thomas, 40. 
 Myrfleld, 22 
 Nailor, John. 116 ; Mr, 
 Kaylor, Dr. John, 169 
 Neissen, Jacob, 262 
 Nelson, John, 99, 105 ; Messrs., 104 
 Neots, St..l71 
 Nepean, Sir M. H., 174 
 Nesbit, Canon, 74 ; Hall, 134, 205, 206, 239, 241 
 Nevile, Gervase, 71 
 Neville, Testa de, 23 
 Neville, Thomas. 13 
 Newall, Joseph, 141 
 Newalle, Robert, 34 
 New Connexion Methodists, 103, 106, 106 
 Newcastle, 50, 91 
 Newell, Hannah, 69 ; James, 69 213 ; Joseph, 69, Pilling, S. W., 104 
 166 Pitts, Mrs., 108 
 Passenham, 160, 161 
 Passelewe, Joan, 34 ; John, 34, 36 ; Robert, 29, 
 31 ; William, 30 
 Pawson, Mrs. Sarah, 102 
 Pearson, Abraham, 65 ; A. R., 104 ; Elizabeth, 71, 
 85 ; John, 84. 141 ; Joseph, 66, 66 ; Mary, 71 ; 
 Rachel, 66 ; Rebekan, 65. 
 Pedelavium, The, 267 
 Penman, George, 102 
 Pennington, WiUiam, 168 
 Penilton, Gilbert de, 11 
 Penistone. 93 
 Pennsylvania, 269 
 Perci, William de, 4 
 Perkin and Backhouse, 77 
 Percy, Lord William, 132 
 PhUadelphia, 127 
 Pickard, W., and Son, 232 
 Newlay, 170 
 If ems. The Pudsey, 138, 184, 227 
 Nevylle, Sir Robert, 31, 36 
 Newsome. 4 ; Temple, 4 
 Newton, John Scott de, 20 
 Newtone, 34 
 New Year's Day. 192, 193 
 Nicholson, Mr., 169 
 NichoUs, William, 153 ; Sarah, 261 
 Nisbet, Claud, 206, 241 
 Nitschmann, David, 263 
 Nonconformists, The, 79, 81, 109 
 Normandy. John, 18 
 Normans. The. 132 
 Northamptonshire, 160 
 Northorp, WiUiam, 36 
 Northowram, ftO 
 Northrop, Ellen, 211 ; Joseph, 211 
 Northumberland, 92, 136 
 Norway, 243 
 Oakley, Sir Herbert, 175 
 Gates, WUliam, 116 
 Ockerhau^en, Anna Johanna, 54 ; John, 54 
 Offices. Local Board, 162, 153 
 Oldfleld, E.. 41 ; Grace, 41 
 Organ. Congregational Church. 98 : St. Law- 
 rence's Church, 69 ; Unitarian Church, 112 
 Osmond, Thomas, 29 
 Playground, Fulneck, 237 
 Plischke, Christopher, 149 ; Maria, 261 
 Plumbe, Thomas, 160 
 Plumpton, Robert de, 25, 34 
 Plunket, Dr., 168 
 Podesay, WeU of, 11 
 PoUard, Seth. 63 
 Pontefract. 160 ; Baron of, 6 
 Pool. George, 116 
 Poor, Overseer of the, 140, 146, 147, 149, 160 
 Pope. The, 9 ; 257 
 Poppleton, 67, 168 
 Presbyterians, The, 87 
 Prest, Rev. Charles, 102 
 Price. Dr., 166 
 Pritchett and Son, 97 
 Priestley, Briggs, 121, 122, 123; Dr., 162, 165; 
 Henry, 122 
 Priestthorpe, 26 
 Pi-octor, Jacob, 114 ; John, 114 ; Jonas, 143 ; Mrs. 
 M. A., 108 ; Robert, 141 
 Prudentius, 74 
 Pude3ay, Nlcholaus de, 32 ; Petrus de, 32 ; Thomas 
 de, 32 
 Pudsey, Agnes, 9 ; Bishop, 131 ; Bridget, 1 
 Dionysius de, 11 ; Elias de, 10 ; (ieollrey de, 
 9, 158 ; Gregory de, 167 ; Henricus de, 17 
 Henrj' He, 9, 10, 11 ; Hugh de, 9, 10 
 .Johanna, 13 : John, 13, 15 ; John de, 10, 11 
 12, 15 ; Jordan de, 11 ; Katheriue, 16 
 Pudscy, Lambert do, 10: Marmaduke,17; Pagan de, 
 8 ; Peter de, 10, 11 ; Balpli, 17 ; Richard, 
 11, 16, 131 ; Richard de, 15, 167 ; Robert, 
 15 ; Robert de, 11, 12, 16 ; Roger de, 9, 10, 
 16, 168 ; Sampson de, 168 ; Simon, 7, 8,, 
 10, 11, 12, 25, 168 ; Sir George, 180 ; Sir Henry 
 de, 7 ; Thomas, 13, 16, 158 ; Thomas de, 11 ; 
 Walter de, » ; William de, 10, 11 
 Pudsey, Arms of, 17 
 „ Amusements, 192 
 „ Band, The, 194 
 ,, Bibliography, 177 
 „ Burial Board, The, 153 
 „ Cemetery, The, 154 * 
 „ Choral Union, 195 
 „ Cloth Manufacture in, 228-232 
 „ Cocli-flghting in, 196 
 „ Constable, 144 
 „ Cricket in, 197 
 „ DiTision, Parliamentary, 131 
 „ Early Civil History, 1-43 
 „ Family off 12, 131 
 „ Feast, 194 
 „ Folklore, 184 
 „ Football in, 196 
 „ Friendly Societies, 213 
 „ Funerals, 200 
 „ Homblowers, The, 198 
 ,, In Domesday Book, 6, 7 
 „ In Norman Times, 6 
 ,, In Roman Times, 2 
 „ In Saxon Times, 3 
 „ Local Board, 162 
 ,, Longevity in, 210 
 Lordof,9, 10, 11,15 
 „ Manor of, 8, 40, 41, 84, 132, 158 
 „ Manor House, 41 
 „ Mechanics* Institution, 523 
 ,, Militia, 141 
 „ Mills, 230 
 ,, Newspapers, 184, 187 
 ,, Old Modes of Punishment in, 199 
 „ Overseers, 147 
 „ Parliamentary Elections, 114 
 ,, Parish Apprentices, 149 
 „ Peace Rejoicings, 127 
 „ Political History, 114 
 Poll Tax, 33 
 „ P"pulation in, 138 
 „ Public Rejoicings, 128, 129 
 „ Pudding, The Big, 124 
 „ Railway Accommoda' ion, 215 
 „ Hiding Weddings, 198, 199 
 Roads, 151 
 „ School Board, 220 
 „ Social condition of, 202 
 „ Superstitions, 1 91 
 „ Town's Committee, 140 
 Punshon, Rev. Dr., 102, 168 
 Pycard, Robertus, 32 
 Pykbume, 36 
 Quarry Gap, 154 ; Park Spring, 217 : Upper 
 Moor, 252 
 Queen, The, 129, 276 
 Quinlan, Rev. — , 112, 113 
 Badcllfle, J Ini, 147, 149, 160 
 Raine, Canon, 41 
 Raistrick, 105 ; William, 141 
 Ramftler, Rev. C. F., 149, 180, 272 
 Ramsden, Sir John, 119, 120 
 Randall, Joseph, 160 
 Bastryke, John, 37, 38 : Henry, 37 
 Ratclifte, 116 
 Rathmell, 83 
 Rattenbury, Rev. John, 102 
 Rawden, 3, 33, 39, 85, 109, 121, 170, 173 
 Bay, Rev. John, 82, 83 
 Bayner, Alice, 71 ; Henry, 151 ; Jonas, 71 ; 
 Joseph, 66, 145 ; Simeon, v., 180, 206, 220 ; 
 William, 66 
 Bead ng, 165 
 Record OfBce, The Public, 6, 38, 43, 131 
 Rede, John le, 21 
 Bedistribution Bill, The, 121 
 Eedruth, 101, 165 
 Reform Bill, The, 117 
 Reformation, The, 45, 238 
 JRegister, The Anniml, 2 
 Ecffisters, Berru^s, 86, 87 ; Braniify Church, 90 ; 
 Calverlet/, 31, 39, 41, 46, 50, 65, 68, 81 ; Cou- 
 grpgational, 93 ; Northau>ram, 82, 83, 89 ; 
 Parish Church, 65 
 Registrar, Diocesan, 53 
 Eeichel, Rev. C. Parsons, 167, 168, 180 
 Bepf.rter, Pudsey, 184 
 Restoration, The, 193 
 Beyner, Rev. K., 51 
 Ehode*, Joseph, 114 ; Eev. 0., 95 
 Eichard I.. 9 ; II., 13, 16, 32, 33, 34, 36, 43, 203 ; 
 III., 38 
 Richardson, Ellis, 19 ; James, 116 
 Bichmond, Earl of, 132 
 Elder. Agnes, 69, 60 ; Mary, 69 ; Thomas, 69, 60 ; 
 William, 69 
 Biding, The West, 6, 28. 32, 41, 49, 79, 91, 92, 117, 
 lis, 121, 160, 192, 208 ; North, 93, lOS 
 Riding Weddings, 198, 199 
 Rigby, Colonel, 47 
 Eiley, John, 66 ; Samuel, 55 
 Biots. Toll Bar, 146 
 Bipon, 1, 45 ; Bishop of, 75, 166 
 Eissheworth, John, 36 
 Either, Thomas, 116 
 Eoad, Balme, 151 ; Beaumont, 151 ; Belley Well, 
 151 ; Clayton, 151 ; Delphend, 151 ; Dobson, 
 151 ; Driver, 161 ; Dyehouse, 161 ; Dyson, 1.51 ; 
 Farrar, 151 ; Gawthorpe, 151 ; Greensi.ie, 
 161 ; HinchlifEe, 151 ; Intack, 151 ; Jumbles- 
 well, 151 : Langley, 151; Middle, 161; 
 Midglpy, 161 ; Mitaer, 151 ; Mill, 151 ; Mill 
 Stead, 161 ; Moor Side, 161 ; Pearson, 151 ; 
 PinebeUy, 151 ; Quarry, 161 ; Rayner, 151 ; 
 Sizinghouse, 161 ; Smalewell, 151 ; Windmill, 
 161 ; Ward, 151 ; Woodwells, 161 
 Eoads, Roman, 2 
 Roberts, Dr., 98 ; Joseph, 109, 211 ; Eev. E., 102 
 Eobinson, Charles, Ul, 217 ; .Tohn, 106, 141 ; 
 Joshua, 141 ; Eev. George, 74 ; William, 141 
 Bodley, 173 ; John, 38 
 Bogers, Samuel, 166, 194 ; William, 85 
 Boll, Subsidy, 23, 32, 38, 43 
 Bolls, Bradford Manor, 29 ; Manor Court, 203 ; 
 Pipe.9 ; Pleas, 8 ; Poll Tax, 34 ; Sessimis, 83 ; 
 Wakefield Court, 210 ; Wakefield Manor, 24, 
 Rome, 3 
 Boom, Public, 166 
 Boss, John, 145 
 Eothelay, Alicia de. 32 ; .Toh: de, 25, 38 ; Eobortus 
 de, 32, 35 ; Thomaj, 37 ; WiUiam, 37 
 Botheley, 38 
 Bothwell, 6 
 Roudou, John de, 13 
 Eonndhay, 2 
 Eoyal Family, The, 276 
 Eoyd, Dick, 71, 166 ; West, 134 
 Eucker, Arthur W., 122 Shrovetide, 193 
 Ruddle. Rev. James, 113 Sidmouth, 165 
 Rudersdorf, Madame, 169 Simons, H., 143 
 RufEord, 47 Simpson, Francis, 141 ; Jacob, 67, 71, 159 ; 
 Rnshforth, William, 141 Jonathan, 141 ; Rev. J., 112, 113 
 Ryan, Rev. Dr., 165 Skelton, John, 149 
 Eyley, John, 164, 180 ; Samuel, 166 ; William, Skinner, Wilelmus, 32 
 114 Skyraok, 4, 27 
 j5 Slack, Catherine, 208 
 "• Smith, Ann, 26 ; G. R., 79 ; Hannah. 86 ; H. C, 
 Sale, Beatrix, 81, 82, 169 ; Jamea, 39, 47, 60, 61, 212 ; Isaac, 86 ; James, 141 ; Jeremiah, 86 
 79,82,83,134,158,182 John, 62, 86; Ralph, 38 ; Robert, 114, 163 
 Salter,Robert, 162, 170; Joseph, 170, 230 Rev. C, 109; Rev. H. Bodell, 112; Samuel, 
 Sampson, Adam, 134; Thomas, 18; Walter, 11, 183; W. B , 97 ; William, 192, 200, 209 
 168 Smithe, Ralph, 37 
 Sandall, Wm., 60 Smythe, Ralph, 37 ; Thomas, 43 
 Saville, John, 38 ; Sir John, 41, 139 Snow, Francis, 114 
 Sawyer, T., 97 Society, The Royal, 162 ; Surtees, 38, 60 
 Saxon, Anglo-, 104 Societies, Friendly, 213 ; Industrial Co-operative, 
 Saxons, The, 2, 3, 275 213, 214 
 Scales, William Dibb, 125, 126, 128, 153, 170, 209, Somersetshire, 93 
 226 Sotehille, Hen., 36 ; John, 37 
 Scarborough, 169 Southampton, 166 
 Scar, G-uthlac's, 4 Southowram, 22 
 Scarglll, Warren de, 28 ; Will, 36, 37 !«owerby, 90 
 Scarth, William, 116 Spencer, Christopher, 36 
 Scatcherd, Norris-son, 199, 200 St. Lawrence Cbiurch, 66, 74 ; St. Paul'.s, 76, 78 
 Schepdene, Hugh de, 24 Stable, Samuel, 60 
 Schirebrooke, 26 Stang, Riding the, 200 
 Scholefleld, Arm, 211 ; John, 99, 116, 145 Staiuulf, 3. 6, 6, 7, 130, 132, 157 
 Scholfleld, Benjamin, 2 Stake, F.. 79 
 Schon, Emma de la, 9 Stalker. Rev. A. M., Ill 
 School Board, The, 74, 97, 219, 220 ; Bradford. 221 Stalybridge, 73, 87 
 School, Church Lane, 103 ; Congregational, 219 ; Staneley, 39 
 Fartown, 111; Free, 160; Fnlneck, 242 ; Stamp, Rev. W. W., 102 
 Gibraltar, 222 ; Infant, 919 ; Lower Weslevan, Stanhope. Gen., 88; Elizabeth, 261 
 101; Moravian, 222; National, 219; Had- Stanningley, 69, 85, 110, 111, 136, 173, 171, 213, 
 cliffe Lane, 222 ; Rickardshaw, 219 ; Roker 219, V20 
 Lane, 109; Town's, 218; Training, 219 ; Stanntone, John de, 30, 34; Matilda, 34 
 Upper, 101, 222 ; Zlon. 222 Slaploton, Hugh de, 18 ; Nicholas de, 28 
 Schools, Leeds Grammar, 209 ; Pudsey, 319 Stauntone, Johannes, 32 
 Sclake, Johannes, 32 Steadman, Dr.. 110 
 Scot, Adam, 21 ; Henry, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21 ; Hugh, Stephen, 7 ; Earl, 9 
 20 ; John, 13, 22, l24, 26 ; Robert, 19, 20 ; Steeple, Ashton, 163 
 Roger, 18, 21 ; Walter, 37 ; Sir WUliam, 19, Stewart, Sir M. S., 174 
 20 ; Will, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, 37 Stillings, James, 230 
 Scotland, 27. 67, 125, 159, 176 StocR, Rev. J., HI 
 Scott, David, 177 ; IL, 128 ; Sarah, 66 ; Thomas, Stockton, 171 
 166 Stone, William, 218 
 Scottish Invasion, The, 27 Stool, The Ducking, 199 
 Seacroft, 6, 39 Storneton, Thomas de, 25 
 Secretary, The Home, 164 Stotheley, John, 38 
 Sedbeige, 9 Stowe, Family of, 71 ; Frederick, 71; William, 
 Sedgewlck, Rev. Mr., 160 145, 260 
 Seiffurth, Benjamin, 270 Strafford, Stoney, 160 
 Selby, Peter de, 21 Stretton, Rev. Richard, 82 
 Senior, Henry, 71 ; John, 166 ; Joseph, 116 Strickland, Abraham, 173 ; P., 79 : J. E., 79; John, 
 Senyer, James, 86 86 ; Joshua, 141 ; P. A., 173, 174 ; Sir G., 118; 
 Serjeant, Robert, 31 ; Simon the, 19 William, 141 
 Scsay. Lord of, 35, 36 Stuart, Rev. J. W., Ill 
 Sessions, Lends, 138; Petty, 209 ; Quarter, 82, 121 Styneclyngflet,!! 
 SetteringtDn, Lord of, 36 Suffolk, 186 
 Settle, 7 Sugden. George, 69 ; John, 222 ; Nancy, 59 
 Sewill, Edward, 138, 129, 156, 181, 212, 236, 257 Sunderland, Joseph, 79 ; M., 103 ; Mrs., 195 
 Sextus, L, 74 Superstitions, 186, 191 
 Sharp, B. W., 177 ; Rev. Thomas. 79 ; William, 141 Surtees Society, 27 
 Sheffield, 98, 168 Survey, Parliamentary, 61 
 Shaw, John, 104, 106, 106, 107, 183 ; James, 103 ; Surveyors. Highway, 160 
 Martha, 136 Sutclifle, John, 141 ; Rev. Joseph, 101, 164, 181 ; 
 Sheldon, Jack, 196 Rev. C. E., 146, 182 
 Sherburn, 2 Suttone, Chaplain of, 35 
 Sherrington, Madame, 169 Swelyngtone, Roger de, 35 
 Shifnall, 111 Swillington, 4 ; Sir Hugh de, 28 
 Shipley, 22, 43, 132, 139, 228 Swinlington, Hugh de, 18 
 Shropshire, HI ; Shoesmith, John, 116 Symson, John, 37 ; Robert, 37 ; William, 37, 38 
 Tadcaster. 4 
 Tanfield, John, 37 
 Tange, Richard de, 9 
 Taunton, 93 
 Tax, Hear'h, 81 ; Income, 38, 39 ; Poll, 32, 33 
 Taylor, Adam, 141 ; C. E., 103 ; David, 114 ; Geo. 
 T.. 102 ; Rev. R. V., 168 ; Rev. W., 270 
 Teal, Jonathan, 150 
 Tempest, John, 37 ; Sir H., 233, 245 : Squire, 146, 
 Thomas, 37 
 Temple, The Middle, 163 
 Tennis Lawn, 198 
 Telley, Edward, 232 
 Thackeray. Joseph, 230 ; Mr.. 149 
 Thieves, The Forty, 120 
 Thorne, 111 
 Thomas, Rev, Daniel, 75 
 Thompson, Rev. R. B., 74, 75; Mrs., 75 ; Mr., 106; 
 H. a, 120 
 Thoresby, Ralph, 7, 40, 41, 48, 66. 82, 159 
 Thornetum, Roger de, 18 ; Thomas de, 21 
 ThomhiUe, Sir John de, 10, 20,20, 28; Richard de, 
 Thomore. John de, 34 
 Thornton, 93, 122, 169 ; John, 159 ; Jonas, 166 ; 
 Richard, 43, 169 ; William, 54 
 Thorn tone, 34 
 Thorpe, Madam. 64 ; Rev. Richard, 83, 159 
 Threapleton, William, 141 
 Thurstonland, 74 
 Tilley, John. 10,20 
 Tilly, Ralph de, 18, 20 
 TindaU, Edward, 99, 100. 116 
 Tireshall, 9: Lord of,9 ; Robertde, 9 
 Tirsale, William de, 21, 30 
 Tirsai), John de, 29 ; Thomas de, 29, 34, 202 ; 
 Willeimusde, 32 
 Todd. Rev. R., 61 
 Toms; Rev. W., 77 
 Tong, 2, 3, 6, 7, 31. 41, 85, 121, 137, 235, 245 ; 
 Richard de, 20, 23, 26, 27, 28 ; Thomas, 37 
 Tordoff, Joseph, 229 
 Tometum, John de, 19 ; Thomas de, 18 
 Tostig, Earl, 4 
 Towneslowerd, John, 11, 21, 22, 24, William, 24, 26 
 Town, Alice, 63 ; Joseph, 163 ; Joshua, 63 
 Touninman, TAe. 177,184 
 Tozer, Rev. T. W., 93, 94 
 Tronghton, Benj., 145 ; Thomas, 160 
 Troyitale, 133, 134. 135, 207 
 Tucker, Captain, 183 
 Timnicliffe, Esther, 65 ; John, 65 ; Matthew, 65 
 Turner, Cholmely,90, 114,115 ; J. Horsfall, 31, 87; 
 John, 130. 132 ; Joseph 211 ; Peter, 71 ; Eev. 
 William, 91, 141, l'-2 
 Tyne, Newcastle upon, 47 
 Tyrisall. Thomas de,32 
 Tyrpale, 20. 25, 26 j Hugh de, 20, 21 ; Lambert de, 
 20; Richard of, 18, 20; Thomas de, 21,29, 
 31 ; William de, 34 
 Union, Band of Hope, 212 ; Choral, 173 ; Literary, 
 227 ; Sunday aohool, 222 
 Tnitarians, The, 112 
 University, Cambridge. 51 ; Dublin, 161 ; Edin- 
 burgh, 175 ; London, 93 
 Upton, John, 116 
 Valentine Day, 193 
 Valerian, 74 
 Valcnr £cclesiasticus,ii, 131 
 Varley, J. W., 194; Nelson, 169; Richard, 169 ; 
 Samuel, 166,230; WUliam, 176,230 
 Vavysour, 39 
 Verity, Benjamin, 79, 116, 153 ; Christopher, 146 
 Vickers, C. E., 79 ; W. H., 79 
 Victoria. Queen, 102 
 ViUaruTn Nomina, 27 
 Vinrodes, 26 
 Wade, Penj., 102 ; John, 71 ; Samuel, 220 
 Wadlands, 16, 41 
 Wages in Yorkshire, 203 
 Waiblinger, Ignatius, 149, 150 
 Wainman. Eliz., 90 ; John, 65, 89, 114 ; Mrs,, 90 ; 
 Sarah, 91 
 Waite, Benjamin, 109 
 Wakefield, 24, 41, 82, 83, 91, 139, 159, 160, 162, 168 
 Walcar, John, 38 
 Wales, Eev. Elkanah, 4, 46, 48, 49, 60. 61, 56, 79, 
 81, 168, 182, 207 ; Prince of, 128, 129 ; Samuel, 
 Walker, John, 116; John H,, 170; Joseph, 83, 
 170, 182; Matthew. 153,212; Robert. 39 ; 
 Robert le, 30; Samuel, 114; Thomas, 211; 
 William, 116 
 Walterson, Simon, 19 
 Waltan, George, 126, 141 ; Hannah, 211 ; John, 
 211 ; Joseph, 141; William, 166 
 Ward, Roger, 36. 86 ; Thomas. 102 
 Warde, John, 35 ; Sir Simon, 25 ; William, 37 
 Waterhouse. Elizabeth, 260 ; Hannah, 211; James, 
 211 ; Joseph, 260 ; Robert, 40 
 Waterloo, 108, 133, 176, 220 
 Watertoue, Robert, 37 
 Waterworks, The, 156 
 Waterworth. Robert, 53 
 Watkinson, John, 116 
 Watson, Hannah, 211 ; Jeremiah, 211 ; WiUiam, 
 WattevUle, Fredk. de, 264 ; John de, 241, 254 
 Waugh, Richaril, 39 
 Wayde, Robert, 39 
 Wayt, Johannes, 32 
 Webster, H enry, 102 ; John, 102, 116 ; Joseph, 
 163 ; Mary, 260 ; Samuel, 108 
 Weddings, Riding, 198 
 Well, Acres, 25 ; Bankhouse, 26 ; Dyeholes, 216 ; 
 Green, 25 ; Jumbles, 26, 134, 135, 211 ; Smale, 
 25, 135, 197 
 Wellington, Duke of, 176 
 Wentworth, Thomas. 39 
 Wesley, Dr., S. S,, 169 ; John, 99, 100, 101, 104, 240, 
 Wesleyans, The, 105, 107 
 Westmerland, Lord of, 37 
 Westmoreland, 73 
 West Riding, Eastern Division, 1 ; Northern, 93, 
 Wheater, Joshua, 176 ; William, 138, 20« 
 Wharte, The, 2 
 Wharfedale, 36 
 Wharton, Annie, 40 
 Wheldale, 37 
 Whitaker, Dr.. 7, 15 
 Whitehead, John, 152 
 Whitfield, 90, 240 ; John, 116, 114 ; Matthew, 229 
 Whitehall, 160 
 Whiteside, Dr., 169 
 Whithende, Thomas, 34 
 Whitley, Thomas, 37, 143 ; William, 63 
 Whit-Monday, 193 
 Whitstable. 168 
 Wideman, Mr.. 150 
 WUbertorce, 276 
 Wild, John, 102 ; Tom. 1.54 
 Wildon, Hobert Carrick, 177 
 ■Wilkinson. Henry, 116; Joseph, 116 
 ■Willasey. John, 114 
 "Willelini, Johannes filiils, 33 
 ■Willesthorpe, John, 36 
 Willey, Robert, 270 
 WUliam, King, 8, 82 
 WiUshaw, Bev. W.. 108 
 Wilson, Christopher, 163 : James, 126 : John, 27, 
 141, 163; Jeremiah. 114; Joseph, 145, 211: 
 Peter, 64 ; Petnis, 43 ; R. P.. 117 ; Robert, 66 ; 
 Rev. (Jeorge, 91 ; Sarah, 260 ; Thomas, 132 ; 
 William, 114 
 Wilsone, Thomas, 37, 38 
 Wirkel, Robert de, IS 
 Wirkelay, Peter de, 18 ; Will de, 18 
 Wise, Christopher, 85 
 Wiihington, Rev. J. 8., 108 
 ■Wodehalle, 26, 30, 31 
 Wodekirke, 20 
 WodehaU, Hugh de, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 26, 27, 28, 
 46 ; Jordan de, 10, 18, 18 
 Womersley, D., 230; Richard, 171, 172 
 Wood, Ann, 260 ; B.. 101 ; Hannah, 88 ; Isaac, 153 ; 
 Israel. 141 ; James, 160; Rev. W., 91; Tbomaa, 
 116; W., 125 
 Woodhall, 85 
 Woodhouse, Aid. Edwin, 269 
 Worcester, Florence of, 4 
 Worcestershire, 93 
 Workman, Rev. J. S., 102 
 Worthies, Leeds, 180 
 Wortley, 33. 34, 109, 213 ; Stuart, 118, 119 
 Wraton, Adam de. 11 
 Wridlcsforth, Sir John de, 18, 20 
 Wright, Mr., 17 
 Wulatan, Archbishop, 4 
 Wyke, 2.'iB, 274 
 Wvnthorpe, Will de, 30 
 WJTkelay, William, de. 35, 36 . 
 Yarmouth, Great, 164 
 Yeiidon, 13, 33, 160, 206 
 York. 4,13. 23, 27, 44, 46,50, 63, 59, 114, 116, 13-5, 
 143 ; Archbishop o£, 4 ; County of, 32, 38, 61, 
 114 ; Minster, 169 
 Yorkshire, 27, S8, 43, 79, 87, 91, 93, 95. 99, 106, HI, 
 117, 123. 136, 167, 194, 247 ; Annals of, 3 ; Con- 
 qTegationalism in, 83, 89 
 Young, John, 103 
 Zinzendorf, Count, 238, 240, 26?, 263, 204, 265 
 Zi n Chapel, 103 
 Zoom, Bergen-op- 176 
 Antiqcarian and Historical Society, Bradford (J. A. Clapham, Secretary). 
 Atkinson, Samuel. Gentleman, Moor-AIlerton Lodge, Leeds. 
 Brook, Thomas, F.S.A., Merchant, Armytage Bridge, Huddersfield. 
 Beer, John T., F.S.A.S., F.R.S.L., Threapland House, Fulneok, near Leeds. 
 Brown, Thomas, Manufacturer, Mount Cross, Bramley. 
 Beaumont, James, Crawshaw Field, Pudsey. 
 Brear, Thomas, and Co., Limited, Kirkgate, Bradford. 
 Banks, James, Manufacturer, West House, Pudsey. 
 Bywater, William, Clough House, Birstal, near Leeds. 
 Bywater, James, Birstall Foundry, near Leeds. 
 Bennett, William, Lion House, Pudsey. 
 CoLLYER, Rev. Robert, D.D., 137, East Thirty-ninth Street, New York, U.S.A. 
 CUff, John, F.R.Hist.&oc., Nesbit Hall, Pudsey. 
 Carr, Mrs. H. J., Church Lane, Pudsey. 
 Craven, Frank, New Industry Milk, Bradford. 
 Coates, Frederick, Croft Terrace, Farnley, near Leeds. 
 Camidge, William, Secretary, Savings Bank, York. 
 Dyson, William Colbeck, F.S.A.S., Rook House, Batley. 
 Dodgson, Joseph, Bookseller, 35, Park Row, Leeds. 
 Driver, Mrs., Croft House, Stanningley. (2 copies) 
 DawsoQ, Mrs. Joseph, Elm Grange, Bramley, near Leeds. 
 Dickons, J. Norton, Solicitor, 13, Cheapside, Bradford. 
 Empsall, Thomas T., President A. and H. Society, Ashgrove, Bradford. 
 Essington, Miss, Sisters' House, Fulneck. 
 Fbderer, Carl A., L.C.P., 8, Hallfield Road, Bradford. 
 Forrest, W. C, Manufacturer, Woodlands, Pudsey. 
 Gaskell, Milnks-, Charles George, M.P. , J. P., D. L. , Thomes House, Wakefield. 
 Gaunt, Leonard, Manufacturer, Prospect House, Farsley, near Leeds. 
 Grainge, AVilliam, Author of "History of Hairogate," Harrogate. 
 Goodall, J. E., Alma House, Pudsey. 
 Guy, William, Melbourne Place, Bradford. 
 Gaunt, J. W., Summerfield, Calverley Lane, Bramley. 
 Gaunt, Reuben, jun.. Ivy Cottage, Farsley. 
 Gray, James, Greenside Cottage, Pudsey. 
 Hainsworth, Lkwis, 118, Bowling Old Lane, Bradford. 
 Hutton, Daniel, Fulneck, near Leeds. 
 Hinings, J. Edward, Pudsey. 
 Hainsworth, Thomas E., West View Terrace, Skipton. 
 Hutton, Enoch, Columbarian House, Pudsey. 
 Hinings, George, Littlemoor Hall, Pudsey. 
 Haigh, William, Gear and Slay Manufacturer, Batley. 
 Haley, William, Valley Road, Pudsey. 
 Huggan, William, Manufacturer, Lowtown, Pudsey. (2 copies) 
 Huggan, Thomas, Manufacturer, Lowtown, Pudsey. (2 copies) 
 Hudson, Alfred, Radcliffe Lane, Pudsey. 
 Hepworth, Charles, Grocer, Armley, near Leeds. 
 Heyworth, Charles, Grocer, Tong Road, Armley. 
 Hyland, S., Radcliffe House, Pudsey. 
 Jewers, Arthur J., F.S.A., 6, Seaton Terrace, Mutley, Plymouth. 
 Kershaw, Dr., Radcliffe House, Pudsey. 
 Lister, Rev. E. C. , M. A. , Stanuingley, near Leeds . 
 Lawson, Joseph S., Solicitor, Leeds and Horsforth. 
 Lund, Thomas, Cemetery Road, Pudsey. 
 Library, and Literary Society, Bradford (J. Rhodes, Librarian). 
 Milne, Samuel Milne, Calverley House, near Leeds. 
 Moseley, David, Church Lane, Pudsey. 
 Mills, J. G., Cuttlehurst, Huddersfield. 
 Marsden, Sam, Chapeltown, Pudsey. 
 Margerison, Samuel, Calverley Lodge, Calverley, near Leeds. 
 Priestley, Briggs, M.P., J.P., FemCliffe, Apperley, near Leeds. 
 Pudsey, Lieut.-Col., 2nd E.R. of Y.A.V.C, 6, Crown Terrace, Hull. 
 Peck, William, Bookkeeper, Armley, near Leeds. 
 Ross, Joseph, Manufacturer, Hazelbrae, Farsley, near Leeds. 
 Rayner, Ephraim, 4, Low Town, Pudsey. 
 Rayner, .Joshua, East View Lane End, Pudsey. 
 Rayner, Miss Lilian, Drighlington, near Leeds. 
 Riley, Abraham, Bramley. 
 Robinson, G. H., Bookseller, 16, Market Street, Leeds. 
 Smith, William, F.S.A.S., Osborne House, Morley, near Leeds. 
 Scales, William Dibb, Gentleman, Grove House, Pudsey. (4 copies) 
 Scott, Joseph, Solicitor, Albion Street, Leeds. 
 Salter, Joseph, The Oaks, Horsforth, near Leeds. (2 copies) 
 Stillings, James, Merchant, Radcliffe ViUa, Pudsey. (3 copies) 
 Stockwell, Alderman Edward, Croft House, Morley. 
 Shaw,, Mrs. , Westroyd Villa, Pudsey. 
 Sewell, H. Bartholdy, Long Preston, Craven. 
 Scarth, Ben, Gentleman, Thorp Hall, Wakefield. 
 Suddick, G. , Merton Villa, Headingley. 
 Spencer, Squire, Manufacturer, Littlemoor, Pudsey. 
 Smith, James, Chapeltown, Pudsey. 
 Strickland, William, Sunfield, Stanningley. 
 Stott, Daniel, Littlemoor, Pudsey. 
 Tacey, William G., L.R.C.P., F.R.M.S., 6, Manningham Lane, Bradford. 
 Turner, J. Horstall, Author of " History of Ilkley," Idle, near Bradford. 
 Thackray, William, 16, Hall Ings, Bradford. 
 Thompson, Rev. R. B., The Vicarage, Church Lane, Pudsey. 
 Threapleton, Simeon, Crimbles, Pudsey. 
 Webster, Councillor George, Manufacturer, Tlie Woodlands, Gildersome. 
 Waterhouse, David, 21, Coleridge Place, Hillside Villas, Bradford. 
 Wurtzburg, John Henry, 2, De Grey Eoad, Leeds. 
 Womersley, George, Hill Foot, Pudsey. 
 Walton, Edward, Littlemoor, Pudsey. 
 Wilson, Benjamin, Stoney Lane, Ecclesliill, near Leeds. 
 Walker, Matthew, Manufacturer, Swinnow House, Pudsey, 
 Wade, Vickers, Bankhouse Lane, Pudsey. 
 Webster, W. S., Crawshaw Villa, Pudsey. 
 Webster, John, 36, Chapeltown, Pudsey. 
 Alpam, William, M.A., J.P., Frickley Hall, near Doncaster. 
 Andrews, William, F.R.H.S., Rose Cottage, Hessle, near Hull. 
 Ackroyd, George, J. P., Bradford Banking Co., Bradford. (2 copies) 
 Armytage, George J., F.S.A., Clifton Woodhead, Brighouse. 
 Armytage, Captain Godfrey, The Court, Aokworth, Pontefract. 
 Anderton, William, J. P., Elm Bank, Cleckheaton. 
 Andrew, John, 36, Sunny Bank Terrace, Leeds. 
 Armitage, Henry, Painter and Decorator, Queen Street, Morley. 
 Atkinson, Rev. John, Wohler Allee, 42, Altona, Hamburg. 
 Armitage, Gerald, Greenside, Pudsey. 
 Armitage, Samuel, Greenside House, Pudsey. 
 Anderton, Rev. William Edward, M.A., Woodford, Essex. 
 Bruce, Samuel, J. P., LL.D., St. John's House, Wakefield. 
 Batty, John, F.R.H.S., Author, East .Ardsley, near Wakefield. 
 Bickersteth, Rev. M. C, M.A., Vicar, St. Paul's Vicarage, Stanningley. 
 Briggs, Arthur, J. P., Cragg Royd, Rawden, near Leeds. 
 Binns, Joseph E., 69, Raglan Road, Woodhouse, Leeds. 
 Brammall, J. Holland, Sale Hill House, Sheffield. 
 Binks, John, Com Merchant, Burton Street, Wakefield. 
 Banks, Mrs. G. Linnaius, 34, Fassett Square, Dalston, London. 
 Booth, James, Low Town, Pudsey. 
 Banks, James, Manufacturer, West House, Pudsey. copies) 
 Birks, James W., Hatter and Outfitter, Cliapeltown, Pudsey. 
 Brookes, W. Murray, School House, Bolton Lane, Bradford. 
 Brear, Thomas, and Co., Limited, 17 and 19, Kirkgate, Bradford. 
 Bannister, Lepton D., 36, Hampton Road, Southport, Lancashire. 
 Banks, Mrs., 31, ClifiFRoad, Leeds. 
 Briggs, Samuel T., 18, Southfield Square, Bradford. 
 Brown, James, M.A., 29, Springfield Place, Bradford. 
 Boothman, David, Gentleman, Headingley, near Leeds. 
 Baggaley, George, 16, Ashwood Terrace, New Street, Pudsey. 
 Baker, John, 30, Church Lane, Pudsey. 
 Butler, B., .516, Sticker Lane, Bradfoi-d. (2 copies) 
 Brayshaw, J., 43, Bruce Street, New Wortley, Leeds. 
 Bywater, William, Clough House, Birstal, near Leeds. 
 Banks, Joseph, 6, New Street, Pudsey. 
 Boyes, John, Albion Mills, Pudsey. 
 Briggs, Mr., Cooperative Stores, Greenside, Pudsey. 
 Beaumont, Miss Elizabeth, Greenside, Pudsey. 
 Beaumont, William, Farmer, Greenside, Pudsey. 
 Braithwaite, Sylvester, Fartown, Pudsey. 
 Broadhead, L., 1, Church Street, St. Helens, Lancashire. 
 Brown, Benjamin, Currier, Hough End, Bramley. 
 Blackburn, Thomos, Low Lane. Birstall, near Leeds. 
 Bailey, S. A., Beamstey Road, Friziughall, Bradford. 
 Brigg, William, 3, Staple Inn, Holborn, London, W.C. 
 Birks, George, Radclitfe Lane, Pudsey. 
 Blackburn, Miss H., 78, Otley Road, Bradford. 
 Beer, Miss, Bishop Auckland. 
 Beer, Victor E., New York, U.S.A. 
 Booth, Samuel, Greenside, Pudsey. 
 Claeidge, William, M.A., 7, Fareliffe Terrace, Bradford. 
 Cliff, John, F.G.S., F.R.Hist.S., Nesbit Hall, Fulneck. (6 copies) 
 Carr, Albert Edward, Solicitor, Littlemoor, Pudsey. 
 Cud worth, William, Observer Office, Bradford. 
 Cordingley, John R., 10, Melbourne Place, Horton Lane, Bradford. 
 Clarkson, William Henry, Globe Hotel, Rockingliam Street, Leeds. 
 Cooper, William, Gladstone Cottage, Famworth, near Bolton. 
 Chadwick, S. J., Solicitor, Church Street, Dewsbury. 
 Clemens, Rev. E., Fulneck. 
 Clough, John, Hammerton Close, Pudsey. 
 Cole, William, Manchester Road, Bradford. 
 Clough, William Dibb, Scales' Buildings, Chapeltown, Pudsey. 
 Cauthery, J., 129, Napier Street, Laisterdyke, Bradford. 
 Cooper, John, Crawshaw House, Robin Lane, Pudsey. (.3 copies) 
 Cooper, Thomas, Robin Lane, Pudsey. 
 Coates, Frederick, Croft Terrace, Farnley, near Leeds. 
 Crowther, Dr., M.S.A., 1, Bond Street, St. John's, Wakefield. 
 Carleton, Will, Author, 420, Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. 
 Clapham, John W., Oakdale House, Meauwood Road, Leeds. 
 Clapham, John, Medical Botanist, Oak House, Meanwood Road, Leeds. 
 Cliff, David Yewdall, 7, Wellington Street, Leeds. 
 Cliff, Byron, 2, Lodge View, Tong Lane, Wortley, Leeds. 
 Cliff, Cromwell, Halton Road, Runcorn, Cheshire. 
 Coates, Miss, Marsh, Pudsey. 
 Carr, Edwin, Fartown, Pudsey. 
 Cobley, Fred., c/o Messrs. William Walker and Sons, Otley. 
 Carr, Simeon, Springwood House, Littlemoor, Pudsey. 
 Crowther, Miss, Littlemoor Hall, Pudsey. 
 Clayton, J. S., Scott Hill, Pudsey. 
 Davis, James W., F.S.A., F.L.S., F.G.S., Chevinedge, Halifax. 
 Dyson, George, Draper, Bethel Street, Brighouse. 
 Dodgson, Joseph. Bookseller, 35, Park Row, Leeds. 
 Drake, John, 40, Valley Road, Pudsey. 
 Dixon, David, South Brook Street, Leeds. 
 Dufton, George, Estate Agent, Pudsey. 
 Dufton, Benjamin, 3, Radclifie Lane, Pudsey. 
 Deacon, Mrs. William, St. George's Terrace, Kidderminster. 
 Dodgshun, John Edward, 8, Fountayne Road, Stoke Newington, London. 
 Driver, Mrs. , Croft House, Stanningley. 
 Dale, John, and Co., Booksellers, 17, Bridge Street, Bradford. 
 Dobson, John, Top of Lowtown, Pudsey. (2 copies) 
 Emslky, John, Adam and Emerald Streets, Kensington, Philadelphia. (4 copies) 
 Embleton, Thomas W., Mining Engineer, 'i he Cedars, Methley, near Leeds. 
 EUisdon, W. C, 77, Reginald Terrace. Chapeltown Road, Leeds. 
 Elliott, Rev. R., The College, Fairfield, near Manchester. 
 Eddison, Thomas, Whitehall Road, New Wortley, near Leeds. 
 Elsworth, John W., Stanningley. (2 coDies) 
 Ellis, H. T., Fulneck. '^ 
 Eshelby, H.D., 24, Park Road South, Birkenhead, Cheshire. 
 Emsley, John, Stationer, Chapeltown, Fudsey. (4 copies) 
 Enprland, J. G., Hill Top House, Wortley, near Leeds. 
 Emsley, jWatthew, Bookseller, Lowtown, Pudsey. (2 copies) 
 Elsworth, William, Lowtown, Pudsey. 
 Elsworth, Bateman, Wigan, Lancashire. 
 Fallow, T. M., M.A., Coatham House, Coatham, Redcar. 
 Farquhar, James, M.l)., Harrogate. 
 Fearnside, Edwin, Manufacturer, Cliff Mount, Leeds. 
 Fielding, James W., Wortley Lane, New Wortley, Leeds. 
 Friend, Rev. Hilderio, F.L.S., Woiksop, Notts. 
 Fox, William, Longside Lane, Bradford. 
 Farrar, Thomas H.. 45, Savile Park, Halifax. 
 Faubert, Isaac, Faruley, near Lewds. 
 Graham, Rev. H. J., M.A., Buloote House, Scarboroueh. (2 cooies) 
 Goss, W. H., F.G.S., Stoke-on-Trent. v F ; 
 Garth, R. Machill, F.E.I.S., Old Free Manse, Inverkip, Greenock, N.B. (2 copies) 
 Glossop, William, Accountant, :I3, Kirkgate, Bradford. 
 Gaunt, Reuben, Manufacturer, Springwood, Farsley, near Leeds. 
 Gaunt, Charles, Manufacturer, Springwood, Farsley, near Leeds. 
 Gaunt, Leonard, Manufacturer, Prospect House, Farsley. 
 Guest, W. H., 78, Cross Street, Manchester. 
 Groves, Henry, School House, Arkengarth Dale, Richmond, Yorks. 
 Gott, Henry, Poscmaster, Post Office, Pudsey. 
 Gilling, Miss E., Queanbeyan, New South Wales. 
 Glover, J. S., Fulneck, near Leeds. 
 Galloway, Fred., 120, Bowling Old Lane, Bradford. 
 Gambles, Mr. Alfred, Greenside, Pudsey. 
 Gledhill, Benjamin, 129, Hushton Road, Thornbury, Bradford. 
 Gambles, William, Bradford. 
 HuNTEK, William Lovell, M.D., Pudsey. (2 copies) 
 Holroyd, Abraham, Author and Antiquary, Alexandra Road, Shipley. 
 Henderson, Rev. D. A., Congregational Minister, The Manse, Pudsey. (2 copies) 
 Hall, Joseph, Manufacturer, 18, Woodbine Place, Leeds. 
 Huggan, John, Grocer, Pudsey. 
 Haley, Charles Henry, Rickardshaw Lane, Stanningley. 
 Hewitt, John, 92, Harris Street, Leeds Road, Bradford. 
 Holmes, Richard, Printer and Newspaper Proprietor, Pontefract. 
 Hemsley, John, Cotton Warp Merchant, Victoria Road, Morley. 
 Hustler, Benjamin, Cloth Fmisher. Cobden Street, Morley. 
 Harrison, Dennis Rider, Lane End, Pudsey. 
 Hall, Joseph, Chapeltown, Pudsey. 
 Hare, Sam, 9, RadcliflFe Terrace, Pudsey. 
 Hardcastle, C. D., Calverley Chambers, Victoria Square, Leeds. 
 Hainsworth, Henry, Wbodville, Farsley. 
 Hinings, J. Asquith, Rock Villas, Pudsey. 
 Hyland, S., Radcliffe House, Pudsey. (2 copies) 
 Hainsworth, Lewis, 118, Bowling Old Lane, Pudsey. 
 Hutton, Daniel, Fulneck. 
 Hutton, Edmund, Fulneck. 
 Heap, Miss S. E., North Terrace, Fulneck. 
 Hanson, Mrs. George, Tudor Villa, Franklin Mount, Harrogate. 
 Harrison, John, Solicitor, Leeds, and Harrogate. 
 Heap, Elijah, RatcUffe Lane, Pudsey. 
 Hininga, George, Gentleman, Littlemoor Hall, Pudsey. (2 copies) 
 Hinings, Miss, Littlemoor Hall, Pudsey. 
 Hall, Joseph, Brown Square, Skinner Lane, Leeds. 
 Holmes, Professor Oliver Wendell, 296, Beacon Street, Boston, U.S.A. 
 Hinings, F. , 4, Richmond Road, Bradford. 
 Hasse, Rev. Alexander C. , Ockbrook, Derby. 
 Howitt, John, 12, Whiston Grove, Rotherham. 
 Hinings, John W., Bromyard, Worcester. 
 Hay ward, Rev. E., Blenheim House, Pudsey. 
 Halliday, John, Lowtown, Pudsey. 
 Ingham, John, jun., Famley, near Leeds. 
 Ingham, John, The Beehive, Lowtown, Pudsey. 
 James, Philip, Station Master, Brough, East Yorkshire. 
 Jackson, Richard, Bookseller, 18, Commercial Street, Leeds. 
 Johnson, Squire, 10, Scales' Buildings, Ohapeltown, Pudsey. 
 Jecks, Miss, RadcliiFe Lane, Pudsey. 
 Johnson, Ben, 65, Kirkgate, Bradford. 
 Jones, J. E., Grove Villa, Pudssy. 
 Johnson, Samuel, Currier, Moor Top Tannery, Armley. 
 Jowett, Rev. Thomas, Vesper Mount, Kirkstall, near Leeds. 
 Jones, John E., Smalewell, Pudsey. 
 Johnson, Benjamin, Lincoln Street, Balne Lane, Wakefield. 
 KIRKWOOD, Stephen, Stanningley, near Leeds. 
 Kirkby, Joseph, Treasurer, Co-operative Society, Commercial Street, Morley. 
 Kenyon, Walter, Organist, Crawshaw Villa, Pudsey. 
 Lister, John, MA., Gentleman, Shibden Hall, near Halifax. 
 Law, Alfred, Card Maker, The Grange, Cleckheaton. 
 Lawson, J. A., Crimbles, Pudsey. 
 Laycock, Thomas, SkeU Cottage, Ripon. 
 Library, Mechanics' Institute (William B. Burnell), Pudsey. 
 Lawson, Joseph, Hopewell Terrace, Horsforth. 
 Lister, Samuel, Windsor Road, Shipley, near Bradford. 
 Lee, Robert, 50, Victoria Terrace, Ackroyd Street, Morley. 
 Littledale, Mrs., 82, RedclifFe Gardens, South Kensington, London, S.W. 
 Layton, C. Miller, Shortlands, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone. 
 Lee, William, 29, Hanover Square, Bradford. 
 Library, Free Public {B. Wood, Librarian, Darley Street), Bradford. 
 Laycock, Samuel, Author, Foxhall Road, Blackpool, Lancashire. 
 Lister, Isaac, 37, Adelaide Street, Southport, Lancashire. 
 Lawson, John, Greenside, Pudsey. 
 Lock wood. Mrs., 3, Bishopsgate Street, Leeds. 
 Lumby, William, Littlemoor Lane, Pudsey. 
 Latimer, Thomas, jun. , Toft House, Pudsey. 
 McCarthy, D. W., 4, Ashchurch Park ViUas, Shepherd's Bush, London. 
 Moseley, David, Church Lane, Pudsey. 
 Myers, S. P., 36, Booth Street, Bradford. 
 Mills, J. G., Cuttlehurst, Huddersfield. 
 Maude, William, Blenheim Mount, Manningham, Bradford. 
 Myers, Simeon, Littlemoor, Pudsey. 
 Middlebrook, John, Pudney and Stanningley News Office, Pudsey. 
 Mortimer, Charles, 791, Franklin Street, Milwaukee, Wis., America. 
 Morrall, M. T. A'Beckett, Balmoral House, Matlock. 
 Margerison, Joe, Calverley Lodge, near Leeds. 
 Mason, Anthony, Arkingarthdale, Reeth, Richmond, Yorkshire. 
 Mathers, Thomas, Smalewell Mill, Pudsey. 
 Midgley, Mrs., Ilkley, near Leeds. 
 Merritt, Mrs., The Marsh, Pudsey, 
 Moss, James, Greenside, Pudsey. 
 Mann, George E., School Terrace, Chapeltown, Pudsey. 
 Marshall, Joseph, Roker Lane Top, Pudsey. 
 Mallalieu, W. , Swallow Rest, Ockbrook, Derby. 
 Mackellar, Thomas, 606-614, Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 
 Miliier, Oliver, Hammerton Field, Pudsey. 
 Maude, Thomas, The Heights, Pudsey. 
 Milner, John, jun., Cemetery Road, Pudsey. 
 NoRCLiFFE, Rev. Charles Bkst, M.A., F.S.A., Langton Hall, Malton. 
 New England Historical and Genealogical Society, U.S.A. (J. Ward Dean). 
 Nelson, C. S., Architect, Fulneck, and Albert Chambers, Leeds. 
 Newell, Joseph, Registrar, Elmtree House, Pudsey. (2 copies) 
 Newell, John, Manchester. 
 NeweU, A., Tlie Middle Class Schools, Sheffield. 
 Naylor, John Smith. East View Cottages, Lane End, Pudsey. 
 Norton, John, 16, Harley Street, Intake, Pudsey. 
 OxLEY, Henkv, J.P., Bank, Commercial Street, Leeds. 
 Oxley, Thomas, Grocer and Tea Dealer, 102, Commercial Street, Batley. 
 Oxley, Alfred, Fulneck. 
 Owen, John, Chapeltown, Pudsey. 
 Peacock, Fkedbbick Gillett, 5, Whetley Grove, Manniogham, Bradford. 
 Parker, John, Municipal Buildings, Victoria Square, Leeds. 
 Proctor, Joseph, Oil Dealer, Church Lane, Pudsey. 
 Pitts, Matthew, West View, Staniiingley. 
 Pollard, Mrs. Grace, 31, Sefton Street, Southport, Lancashire. 
 Pitts, J. W., Gas Works, Gomersal, near Leeds. 
 Pearson, M. , Westroyd, Greenside, Pudsey. 
 Pogson, J. W. , 7, Kendall Terrace, Leeds. 
 Procter, Jeremiah, Pudsey. 
 RuSBY, James, F.R.Hist.Soc, 18, Oppidan's Road, Regent Park, London, N.W. 
 Robinson James, Chairman of School Board, Morley, near Leeds. 
 Ross, Fre'derick, F.R.H,S., London. 
 Robinson, John, 12, Fitzarthur Street, Tong Road, Armley, Leeds. 
 Rhodes, W. Venables, Oldfield House, Heckmondwike, via Normanton. 
 Randall, Joseph, Bank Chambers, George Street, Sheffield. 
 Rayner, John, 26a, York Street, Manchester. 
 Rankin, John, 26, Market Place, Dewsbury. 
 Roberts, George, Author of " History of Lofthouse," Lofthouse, near Wakefield. 
 Rushworth, WiUiam, Parkfield Terrace, Church Lane, Pudsey. 
 Rankin, John, 69, Yorkshire Street, Rochdale. 
 Rankin, George, New Street, Chapeltown, Pudsey. 
 Ramsden, Samuel, Black Bull Hotel, Woodhouse, Leeds. (2 copies) 
 Rayner, C. A., 31, Bishop Street, Manningham, Bradford. 
 Rankin, David, 83, Bridge Street, Warrington, Lancashire. 
 Raistrick, Edward, New Street, Pudsey. 
 llawcliffe, George, 33, Wapping, Liverpool. (2 copies) 
 Ryley, F. W., Marsh, Pudsey. 
 Rayner, A. H., 50, Kingston Road, Leeds. 
 Rhodes, George, Horucastle Farm, Nostell, near Wakefield. 
 Ramsden, James B., Greenside, Pudsey. 
 Ross, Mrs. Grace, Littlemoor, Pudsey. 
 Robinson, G. H., Bookseller, 16, Market Street, Leeds. 
 Saywell, Rev. F. L., F.R.H.S., Bentinck Villas, High Ackworth, Pontefract. 
 Sykes, John, M.D., Hall Gate, Doncaster. 
 Sehofield, John, 5, George Street, Leeds Road, Bradford. 
 Sowden, John, A.M., 1, Blenheim Road, Bradfom. 
 Salter, Joseph, The Oaks, Horsforth, near Leeds. 
 Sowry, T. A., 22, Bridge Road, Holl)eck, Leeds. 
 Sheard, Michael, Land Agent and Surveyor, Batley. 
 Seholes, Edward Fletcher, Manufacturer, Kirkfield, Morley. 
 Smith, Robert, Waver House, Pudsey. 
 Swithinbank, J. S., Victoria Villa, Roundhay Road, Leeds. 
 Stead, John James, Albert Cottage, Heckmondwike, via Normanton. 
 Salter, Mrs., Intake Road, Pudsey. 
 Salter, John F., Intake Road, Pudsey. 
 Salter, Charles S., Intake Road, Pudsey. 
 Scott, Mrs., 20, St. George's Square, Sunderland. 
 Sehofield, E. , Kingsley House, Manningham, Bradford. 
 Saunders, J., 71, Kathmines Road, Dublin. 
 Stanhope, N., Galloway Place, Calverley, Leeds. 
 Spencer, William, Marsh Lane, Pudsey. 
 Stowe, John, District Advertiser Office, Stanningley. 
 Scruton, William, 35, Clough Street, West Bowling, Bradford. 
 Sugden, Joseph, 9, New Street, Pudsey. 
 Stillings, Thomas, Newx Office, Pudsey. (3 copies) 
 Stockwell, Oliver T., 170, Waterloo Road, Pudsey. 
 Shawe, Miss J. M., Ladies' School, Fulneck, near Leeds. 
 Shuttleworth, Hodgshun, Marsh, Pudsey. 
 Searth, John William, Shipley, near Bradford. 
 Stockdale, Albert, Woodhouse Hill, Hiiddersfield. 
 Sunderland, B., Tailor and Outfitter, Church Lane, Pudsey. 
 Smith, J. W., c/o John Dewhurst and Sons, Skipton. 
 Shepherd, Rev. Ambrose, The Old Parsonage, Morley. 
 Spencer, Squire, Manufacturer, Littlemoor, Pudsey. 
 Speight, James, 'I liornbury, near Bradford. 
 Stott, Daniel, Littlemoor, Pudsey. 
 Taylor, Rev. R. V., B.A., Melbeck's Vicarage, Richmond, Yorkshire. 
 Tomlinson, George W., F.S.A., The Elms, Huddersheld. 
 Town, Joseph, Chapeltown, Pudsey. 
 Town, William, Chapeltown, Pudsey. 
 Tinkler, Rev. John, M. A., Arkengarthdale Vicarage, Richmond, Yorkshire. 
 Titterington, Principal W. T., Fulneck School, near Leeds. (2 copies) 
 Thackray, Fred, Deputy Town Clerk, Town Hall, Queen Street, Morley. 
 Turner, Henry D. , Bramley, near Leeds. 
 Turton, John, Heights, Pudsey. 
 Thackray Charles W. , 1, Mannheim Road, Toller Lane, Bradford. 
 Turner, J. Horsfall, Author, Idle, near Bradford. 
 Tomlinson, Jonathan, Lowtown, Pudsey. (2 copies) 
 Thompson, James, Shawdon, Alnwick, Northumberland. 
 Verity, James, Earlsheaton, near Dewsbury. 
 Verity, J. E. , Draper, Shipley near Brad ford. 
 Verity, G. E., 17. Westgate, Shipley, near Bradford. 
 Verity, E., Draper, Shipley. 
 Wilkinson, John H., F. R.G.S., Newlay Grove, Horsforth, Leeds. 
 Wright, Sam, Solicitor, 10, Piccadilly, Bradford. 
 Womersley, Richard, Manufacturer, Hill Foot, Pudsey. (2 copies) 
 Waterhouse, David, 21, Coleridge Place, Hillside Villas, Bradford. 
 Ward, George, c/o Peacock and Co., Guildford Street. Leeds. 
 Walker and Lay cook. Booksellers, 37, Briggate, Leeds. (3 cop ies) 
 Walker, Henry, Joiner and Builder, Chapeltown, Pudsey. 
 Webster, Charles, Littlemoor, Pudsey. 
 Womersley, Daniel, Upper Moor, Pudsey. 
 Whitaker, William, 11, Francis Street, New Leeds, Leeds. 
 Wade, Mrs., Brynbella, Crossbeck Road, Ilkley. 
 Worsnop, J., M. D., 18, Harris Street Bradford. 
 Ward, George, Buckingham Terrace, Headingley. 
 Walker, Matthew, Manufacturer, Swinnow House, Pudsey. (2 copies) 
 Whitley, William O., 13, Merton Road, Bradford. 
 Wilson, John, L.R.C.P. and A.E., Greenbank, Ilkley. 
 Ward, Arthur, Fartown, Pudsey. 
 Watkinson, James E. , Sun Field, Stanningley, Leeds. 
 Wilson, Miss R., The Marsh, Pudsey. (2 copies) 
 Waterhouse, James, Greenside, Pudsey. 
 Whitaker, John D., Tong Road Mill, Armley, near Leeds. 
 Wilson, 'I'homas, Lowtown, Pudsey. (2 copies) 
 Walker, Edwin, 38, Chnrch Lane, Pudsey. (3 copies) 
 Webster, James, Manufacturer, Silver Royd Hill, Wortley, Leeds. 
 Watson, M., Pudsey. 
 Wood, Mr., Belle Vne Street, Hesliugton Road, York. 
 Wade, Aaron, 43, Ash Grove, Bradford. 
 Wilson, Christopher, Fartown, Pudsey. (2 copies) 
 Wilson, Alfred, Manchester. 
 Webster, Miss E., Green Top, Pudsey. 
 Webster, W. S., Crawshaw Villa, Pudsey. 
 Walker, Charles, 26, Thornhill Place, Thornbury, Bradford. 
 Windsor, Isaac, Bottom of Hammerton Field, Pudsey. 
 Webster, Hubert, Manor House Close, Pudsey. 
 Willey, Jos. H., GracehiU, Balleymena, Ireland (2 copies) 
 Ykwdall, Mrs. John Cliff, South View, Rochdale, Lancashire. 
 Yewdall, Zechariah, Brookfield, Calverley, Leeds. 
 Yewdall, A. H., 17, Blenheim Terrace, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds. 
 Yewdall, 0. A., Oaklands, Calverley, near Leeds. 
Lately published, in one handsome volume, with 130 illustrations, printed 
 on thick paper, gilt top and gilt lettered. 
 Price, Demy 870, 7s. 6d.; Demy 4to, i2s. 6ii.; Post Free. 
 M.ORLEY: Alncient and /VIoderh, 
 Author of **The History and Antiquities;" Editor of "Old Yorkshire." 
 Mr. Smith will send the ivork on receipt of Fostal Notes Jor the amotint, carriage free. 
 Address— '^Ix. W. Smith, Osborne House, Morley. 
 Scarborough Gazette, July 8th, 1886. 
 The author of this interesting volume is already favourably known in the literary world as the 
 writer of several topographical works aud books of travel. « « » Especially interesting iu ihe present 
 volume, are chapters 5, 6 and 7, extending over nearly one hundred pages, treatirg of viliage-Uie as it 
 was in Morley from fifty to a hundred years ago. Mr. Smith, with his taste and skill as an antiquary 
 and historian, is at his best in these chapters and similar portions of the book. Old manners and 
 customs, family life, dress recreations, music tn church and chapel, aud many other matters are 
 treated in a con amore spirit, the narrative presenting sometimes even a romantic interest. 
 Leeds Mercury, July 2Hlh, 1886. 
 The past history of the place is pleasantly blended into the account of its modern development 
 in the present work. Its contents, in their arrangement and the care with which everything relating 
 to Morley has been gleaned and classified, make the work an acceptable contribution tu the history 
 of an important section of this great county. 
 Pudsey District Advertiser, July IGthf 1886. 
 Mr. Smith by his splendid and valuable work as Editor of " Old Yorkshire," made himself a name 
 indelibly associated with all that pertains to the past history of "the best shire of England." All 
 who are interested in Yorkshire village life in the olden time ; in the manner in which tlieir fore- 
 fathers lived, ialK>ured and prospered, we cordially recommend Mr. Smith's latest volume. 
 Durham Chronicle, June 18tA, 1886. 
 This volume is a valuable contribution to the history of the woollen manufacture, aud whilst 
 professing to deal with that fraction of England known as Morley, is at the samij time a valuable 
 contribution to the social history of the kingdom at large. We hope Mr. Smith's volume will find a 
 place on the bookshelves of our readers as supplying a want. 
 Westerti Antiquary, June, 1886. 
 Mr. Smith has here given ns another of his choice volumes. "We heartily congratulate hiiu upon 
 the completion of this laboiu- of love. The records of Morley show many scenes of "stiange eventful 
 history." The story is well told by Mr. Smith. 
 Pudsey News, July 2nd, 1886. 
 This work is a fine repertoire of matters of history find interest to the pe -pie of Morley and 
 district. Au elegantly got-up book, with more ilian one hundred engravings which help tlie meaning 
 of the text greatly, and altogether the book forms a lavishly illustrated and valuable local souvenir. 
 Book Lore, July, 1886. 
 Mr. Smith has in this work dealt with a Inrge variety of subjects, antiquarian as well as topo- 
 graphical, and always in a very intelligent aud perspicuous manner. The book Is supplied with a 
 good index— a sine qua nou in treatises of this nature. 
 Yorkshire Notes and Queries, July, 1886. 
 We have in the pages and numerous illustrations of Morley : Ancient and Modern, an insight into 
 village life of the last two centuries sucli as, probably, no other local book affords. The history of 
 Morley for three centuries has now been well written by Mr. cjcatcherd and Mr. timith. 
 Bradford Observer, July 9(ft, 1886. 
 The material of this volume mostly refers to the manners and customs, modes of living, dress, 
 house furnishings, and forms of recreation of the people of Morley half -a -century ago, and it is an 
 interesting and somewhat exhaustive record. The work is profusely illustrated and excellently got 
 up, to correspond with " Old Yorkshire," by the same author. 
 Literary Worlds June 25(ft. 1886. 
 Mr. Smith has given us an historical work of great interest. As an accurate picture of life in a 
 village in the olden time ; of the way in which our forefathers ruled them^eIves ; of how they lived 
 and laboured, Mr. Smith's work deserves the highest praise. It is the result of much research— of 
 careful labour, and few are there who will not find in it something novel and worth remembering. 
 Morley Division Chronicle, June hih, 1886. 
 Tills is one of the most ably-written and handsomely-produced volumes of local record and 
 research that it has been our pleasure to peruse or handle. It would indeed be difficult to conceive a 
 more chastely and artistically printed volume. It is a thoroughly honest and conscientious record of 
 all that laborious research has been able to discover concerning ilorley in its relation to the 
 history of strange succeeding centuries. * « * No essential feature of history, contemporaneous or 
 ancient, appears to have been omitted. 
 Wakefield Express, June VZih, 1886. 
 The chapters on "Morley, Fifty years ago'* are the most interesting. The picture of village life 
 is well dra^vn. The chapter on amusements is fuU of interest. Mr. Smith has succeeded In presenting 
 to the inhabitanta of Morley a most readable account of their town history and olden village life. 
 For ourselves we offer our hearty thanks for the description of village life in the West Hiding In the 
 early years of the present century. 
 Notes and Queries, August '2\st, 1886. 
 We are pleased with Mr. Smith's book. » • • lie has accumulated many interesting facts in his 
 note-books. The kindly tone in which he speaks of most of the persona he has occasion to notice is 
 alike creditable to his heart and understanding. 
 Textile Manufacturer, October I5tk, 1886. 
 This work consists of archasological matter, and notes of ancient customs, manners, recreations, 
 amusements, and sundries gleaned from the recollections of the older generation, which Is rapidly 
 passing away. The sketches of the village— we beg pardon — town's notables are very interesting. 
 The whole book forms pleasant reading. 
 Scotsman, November 8(A, 1886. 
 A handsome and substantial volume. » » » Mr. Smith is an industrious and painstaking 
 chroniclei* ; the volume before us contains an Inmiense amount of historical, archaeological, and 
 topographical information. 
 Bamsley Independent^ November 6(A, 1886. 
 This very handsome volume would of itself have established the fame of the author of "Old 
 Yorkshire " as an antiquarian and topographical writer of the first rank, * * Well printed, elegantly 
 bound, and profusely illustrated. * • * It is a highly interesting work for the student of local history 
 and social manners and customs. 
 Picayune (New Orleans), November 8th, 1886. 
 This history of Morley — a little town that antiquarians know, if the tourists do not — is a book of 
 infinite charm, and one that every reader, whether he may have heard of Morley or not, will peruse 
 with interest. 
 Morley Observer, June I9th, 1886. 
 The present volume gives an account of the early history of the place during the Saxon, Nor- 
 man, and Plantagenet periods, more particularly as to the social condition of the people ; also a list 
 of the inhabitants of the village in 1379, with a dissertation on the significance of the names by 
 which our ancestors were known. Coming down to the Commonwealth period, interesting and 
 amusing extracts are given from Oliver Heywood's Diaries, having reference to Morley, and these 
 furnish some curious and charming phases of village life in those early times. The chapters on 
 ^forley fifty years ago are written from a familiar knowledge of what is unique and curiously engaging 
 in West Riding usages and traditions, and in a siLgularly charming style. The book is a marvel 
 of cheapness. It is truly a wonder to us that a work so teeming with information, so expensively 
 and exquisitely illustrated, can be sold for the price. It is uniform with " Old Yorkshire," and may 
 be taken from the shelves or placed upon them as the last, but by no means ,least, of the author's 
 contributions to the history of Yorkshire. 
 Manchester Examiner and Times, Octoler 14th, IBSG. 
 This is a capital specimen of a very useful class of books Those who are acquainted with 
 the instructive and entertaining work " Old Yorkshire," of which Mr. Smith was the editor, will not 
 need to be assured of his qualifications for his latest task, and in " Morley, Ancient and Modem" he has 
 found a subject admirably adapted for the full display of his painstaking research and literary skill 
 Mr. Smith has the happy knack of selecting just the facts which are at once the most interesting and 
 most illuminating. We have always had a liking for well-executed books of this class, and *' Morley "■ 
 is certainly one of the best of them. 
 Boston (America) Literary World, Sep. ith, 1886. 
 It is not often that an English local history finds its way to American readers, and if the work 
 before us is a fair example of its class we shall wisli the event might happen of tener. In completeness 
 of plan, in thoroughness of treatment, in attention to all those little details that make up the per- 
 fection of a book viewed from the bibliographical stand-point, in illustrations both as regards number, 
 variety, and quality, in typography and binding, this volume on " Morley " has individuality, value, 
 interest, and beauty ; it is singularly attractive at the first glance, and its contents repay carefiU 
 reading, even to one who has no personal concern with its subject, and who looks on local history 
 only with the most general and abstract sympathy. 
 Yorkshire Post, Aug. ith, 1886. 
 This history of " Morley " will always be valuable in antiquarian eyes, not so much from the 
 light it will throw upon the career of any old fam.ilies, or upon the lesser known parts of English 
 history, but because it will always serve fairly to illustrate the conditions of English village life at 
 certain epochs. Over and above this, the local interest of Mr. Smith's volume will sei-ve to place it 
 among the books which historians of Yorkshire, and students of West Biding life and character, 
 must always consult In his account of old village life in '' Morley," Mr. Smith is always 
 Antiquary, August,\%iQ. 
 This brilliantly-bound book is practically the note-book of a local antiquary, who has known 
 how to collect and put together information that is of the greatest interest to antiquaries. Such 
 books are not often to be met with, and we, at any rate, welcome them. 
 Academy, Sep. IK*, 1886. 
 Mr. Smith, in this entertaining volume, loves to dwell in the past, and from charters, registers, 
 deeds, and the gossip of old inhabitants, to revive the memory of Morley in its earliest days He has 
 a facile and somewhat discursive pen, aud treats of pretty well every subject which can "be brought 
 within his scope, from the Romans in Morley, A.D., 43, to the operations of the Parliamentary 
 Boundary Commissioners, A.D., 1885. The book is illustrated with some spirited engravings. 
 Ossett Observer, July \Qth, 1886. 
 This work forms a handsome volume, and is profusely illustrated. It teems with interesting 
 information The work reflects credit on Its author, aud on the locality whose annals he has so 
 fully and faithfully placed before his readers. 
 Professor Oliver Wendell Holmes. LL.D., D.C.S , Boston, America, 
 yluttor o/"Elaie Venner," " Autocrat oi the Breakfast Table," "Life of Emmerson,"" Guardian 
 Angel," etc. 
 I have found your book exceedingly Interesting, and notwithstanding the local character 
 which gives It Its distinctive flavour, I And much wliich has Its parallel In my own recollections. 
 I feel sure that the volume will be heartily welcomed by your own community, and I find many 
 Interested readers on this side of the water. 
 Rev. Charles Haddon Spubgeon, Baptist Minister, London. 
 Author of " The Treasury of David," " Morning by Morning," " Evening by Evening," etc. 
 Mr. W. Smith has a genius for topographical writing; he has in "Morley, Ancient and 
 Modern," omitted nothing, and aade the most of everything. He has done for Morley In one 
 direction what Gilbert White did for Selhorne In another. Wo remember preacliing long ago 
 In that growing town, but we did not know the classic ground on which we stood. • * » 
 Thanks, Mr. Smith, for your patient collection of facts. * * Tour noble volume. * * 
 Topographical works have a singular value, and are never without purchasers : this Is one of 
 the best of them. 
 Rev. Phillips Brooks, D.D., Trinity Church, Boston, America, 
 jduiftor 0/ " Sermons," " Lectures on Preaching," " The Influence of Jesus," '" Baptism," etc 
 Your book has Interested me exceedingly. A local history written with si irit and en- 
 thusiasm has always very vivid interest, and Morley seems to me more than a name, now that 
 I have seen it and Its people In your pages. I should be glad to think that some time I should 
 look on It with my own eyes. 
 Lewis Morris, M.A., J.P., Penbryn House, Carmarthen. 
 ^iifAor 0/ " The Epic of Hades," " Songs of Two Worlds," "Gwen,'' " Songs Unsung," etc. 
 Tour book Is exceedingly interesting, and the Illustrations are admirable. County histories 
 and district histories are most valuable, especially when literary ability Is found combined with 
 loving and accurate local knowledge, as In your books. 
 Will Cableton, M.A., Brooklyn, America. 
 Authorof "Farm Ballads," "Farm Legends," "Farm Festivals,'' "City Ballads," etc. 
 Tour neighbours certainly owo you a debt of gratitude for thus opening to them the picture 
 gallery of pen and graver to show them about "the auld toun." The descriptions, always in 
 your terse but picturesque style, are all that could be desired, and the whole work fccema to mo 
 a grand success. 
 Mark Twain (S. 8. Clemens), Hartford, Conn., America. 
 Author of "The Innocents Abroad," " The New Pilgrim's Progress," " Huckleberry Finn," etc. 
 1 am reading your book with absorbing Interest as opportunity occurs. 
 John Ellkrthorpb (Porelgn Bdltor, Daili/ Telegraph), London. 
 Your book is very Interesting. These old local memorials are calculated to be of great ad- 
 vantage. The time of which we know least is generally that Immediately preceding our own 
 which has not yet become history. 
 Charles Dudley Warner, Hartford, Conn., America, 
 jdartoro/ "My Summer in a Garden," "Back-log Studies." " Life of Washington Irving," etc. 
 Your most Interesting antiquarian volume ; such a mass of old time details, and so pro- 
 fusely illustrated. Allow me to congratulate you on the success of your work. 
 Walt Whitman, Camden, New Jersey, America. 
 Author of " Leaves of Grass," "Centennial Songs," '-Drum Taps," etc. 
 A handsome and most interesting book. 
 William Alltngham, Surrey, England. 
 Author of "Day and Night Songs," " Ulackberries Picked oil many Bushes," "Lawrence 
 Bloomfleld," etc. 
 Your matterful " History of Morley.'' • » * Books of this sort have a charm of their 
 own, and you have performed your task with loving diligence and success. 
 Hon. Qkorgb H. Boker, Philadelphia, America. 
 AvOior of " The Book of the Dead, ' " War Lyrics," " The Lesson of Life," and other Poems, etc. 
 I have read your History of Morley with great pleasure, and I congratulate yoa on having 
 Issued 80 admirable a work. I have always taken great interest ia local histories, and I have 
 taken so great an interest In that of Morley, that on my next visit to England, I shall certainly 
 make the acqualetance of your town. 
 Bev. W. H. FURNESS, D.D., Philadelphia, America. 
 Author of " The Story of the Eesurrectlon," " Verses and Hymns," etc 
 A handsome volume, and full of interest. The account of old-time manners and customs 
 interests me very much. 
 L0DI8A CHANDLER MocLTON, Bo-tou, America. 
 Author of "Random Rambles," "Bed-Time Stories," " More Bed-Time Stories," " Poems," etc 
 I have read your delightful book. I consider it one of my treasures. I should like to see 
 the Morley which in its ancient and modern aspects you have so delightfully portrayed. 
 William Winter (Dramatic Critic), Staten Island, N.Y , America. 
 Author of" English Kambles," "The Trip to England," "Shakespeare's England," 
 " Poems,* ' etc. 
 Your valuable and deeply interesting work. Your patient research is remarkable, and your 
 evident love of suggestive antiquities and the associations, historic and romantic, of your 
 beautiful country, imparts to your pages a picturesque charm and the vitality of truth. I am 
 glad to possess your book. 
 Adeline D. T. Whitney, Wilton, N.H., America. 
 Author of "The Gayworthys," "The Real Folks," "Tne Other Gh-ls," " Bonnyborough," 
 " Pansles,'' etc. 
 I am charmed with what your book offers me— a real abiding In the quaint old place and 
 its memories. It certainly offers a complete possession to the reader. 
 James Parto.v. Newburyport, Mass., America. 
 Author of "Lives of Franklin, Jefferson, Burr, Jackson, and Greeley," "Captains of 
 Industry,'' etc. 
 I have read the whole of your beautiful volume with great pleasure. A work of this kind 
 could not be better executed. 
 Gail Hamilto.v, Hamilton, Mass., America. 
 Author of "Summer Rest," "Gala Days," "Wool Gathering," "Battle of the Books," "Red 
 Letter Days," etc. 
 An Interesting book. The pictures are charming. It is a mine of delight. It is like hearing 
 stories about one's old home. 
 Rev. James Freeman Clarke, D.D., Boston, America. 
 Author o/" Common Sense in Religion," "Ten Great Religions," "Memorial and Biographical 
 Sketches," etc. 
 A beautiful book, which I have read with the greatest Interest. 
 Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Newport, R. J., America. 
 .4M<Aoro/"Atlantic]Bssays," "Out-Door Papers," i'diforo/" Harvard Memorial Biographies," etc. 
 I have read your book with much Interest, and much of the anliquarian Information Is of 
 peculiar Interest to Americans. 
 John Fiske, Cambridge, Mass., America. 
 Author of " Myths and Mythmakers," " The Destiny of Man," " Outlines of Cosmic Philo- 
 sophy," etc. 
 Your "Morley " is a very interesting volume, and pleases me very much. 
 John G. Saxe, Albany, America. 
 Author of "'Pmmi," "The Proud Miss MacBiide," •' Leisure Day Rhymes," "Progress, a 
 Satire," etc. 
 Your beautiful book, with Its charming descriptions of English village life of the olden time. 
 S. Austin Alubonb. LL.D., New York, America. 
 Author of" A Critical Dictionary of English Llteramre, and British and American Authors," etc. 
 I am pleased with your work. I value highly good topographical books, for they are collec- 
 tions of facts in which each generation is successively interested. 
 FRiiDEKiCK Saunders, Lenox Library, New York, America. 
 Author of " Pastime Papers," " Salad for the Solitary and the Social," etc. 
 Although its Interest is centered In (to me) a strange locality, yet it is none the less accept- 
 able reading, and the copious Illustrations carry me In spirit to your picturesque old town of 
 Henry M. Brooks, Salem, Mass., America. 
 Author of "TSe^n England Sunday," " Literary Curiosities," "Strange and Curious Punishments." 
 Your valuable and charming work. I have been delighted with it, and so have my family 
 and friends. 
 J. W. Palmer, LL.D., New Haven, Conn., America. 
 Author of "Folk Songs," "The Golden Dagon," " Poetry of Compliment and Courtship," etc. 
 I am delighted with yonr book. Whatever relates to local antiquities in England, folk lore, 
 and tlie old rural life and " ways," has peculiar charms for me. 
 F. H. Underwood, M.A., U.S. Consul, Glasgow. 
 Author of " A Hand Book of English Literature." 
 Your history of Morley la exceedingly curious, quaint, and interesting. 
 Charles Egbert Craddock, St. Louis, Mis., America. 
 Auth(yr of '* In the Clouds." " In the Tennessee Mountains," " Down the Ravine," etc. 
 The perusal of "Morley" has given mo much pleasure. The details of the antiquated 
 customs, and the glimpses of character that they afford, awaken a genuine sympathy with the 
 old Yorkshire " ways," and give a very complete understanding of the life and gradual develop- 
 ment of an ancient English town. The traditions and relics and records impress me as peculiarly 
 Interesting and quaint. 
 Horace Howard Furness, Boston, Mass., America. 
 Author of " A New Variorum Edition of Shakespero," etc. 
 Apart from historical value (which is unquestionably great), local histories are exceedingly 
 interesting when they are written with the exhaustive thoroughness which you have here 
 displayed. Old times are lived over, old scenes recalled, old oustums are revived or embalmed, 
 and a dramatic interest is imparted to them all, by the sharp contrast with the stirring life of 
 to-day, whicli you emphasize throughout. 
 Benson J. Lossing, LL.D., A.M., Dover Plains, America. 
 Author o/ " Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution," " Life of Washington," "A History of 
 England," etc. 
 Your work la a book after my own heart. I am surprised and delighted to find how similar 
 has been your experience to thnt of my own,'and how nearly the characteristics of Morley fifty 
 years ago agree with those of the hamlet where I passed the days of my Infancy and early child- 
 hood at the same period. The notice in the Boston Literary Worlds of your volume, conveys 
 a just estimate of the character and value of your work. 
 Henry Charles Lea, Philadelphia, America. 
 Author of " Studies in Church History," " Supematurallsm," " Superstition and Force," etc. 
 A handsome and interesting volume. I have read It sufflclently to recognize how much of 
 curious research it has required, and how much there Is In it illustrative of forgotten customs. 
 Donald G. Mitchell (J. K. Marvel), Erlgewood, N. Y . America. 
 Author of " Bound Together," " Reveries of a Bachelor," " Wet Days at Edgewood," etc. 
 Your very welcome book on *' Morley " is full to overflowing. If only other or all towns were 
 written uo and pictured as your zeal and Iniustry have pictured this— what a new Old England 
 would beam upon us ! 
 Frank R. Stockton, New York, America. 
 Author o/" Rudder Grange," •" The Hundredth Man," "The I'loating Prince," "Our Story." 
 I am very much pleased with your Interesting and valuable book on " Morley." 
 Rev. E. Everett Hale, D.D., Roxbury. Mass., America. 
 Author of "How to do it," "In His Name," "The Good Time Coming," "A Summer 
 Vacation," etc. 
 I have been very much interested by your curious and valuable study of Morley. It is from 
 such bociks that history is to be made, if history Is to be worth anything ; and I never read one 
 of them without wishing there were more of them. 
 Calrcrlcj) Pavisl) Cl)urcl), Pols, t, anb it. 
 (Vol. III. IN THE Press, and will be ready shortly), 
 1574—1650, 1650-1680, 
 "With a Sketch of the History of the Church. 
 Illustrated and Indexed. 
 The Registers of Calverley commence in 1574, and the present volume gives 
 their contents to 1649. They appear to have been carefully transcribed and printed, 
 and are rendered easy of reference by a good index. More than this it is unnecessary 
 to say of them, but our obligation to their editor does not end here, he has not only 
 given us a copy of the Registers, but has supplemented them by a mass of useful and 
 well-digested information relating to the parish. His notes on Calverley Church, its 
 ancient Memorial Cross Slabs, the Living, and Testamentary Burials from Torre's 
 MSS., form an instructive chapter for those whose tastes are general instead of 
 genealogical The "Register of Seats," and additional notes, especially those 
 from the Bradford Registers, are a most useful conclusion to the volume. We cor- 
 dially recommend Mr. Margerison's book to our readers, and hope that it will meet 
 with sufficient encouragement to enable him to complete his valuable undertaking. — 
 7/ie Genealogist, [anuary, 1881. 
 Mr. Samuel Margerison has set a praiseworthy example in showing what a 
 good piece of work may be done by a little private enterprise. He has printed entire 
 the first volume of the Calverley Registers, extending from 1574 to 1649, in a neat and 
 compact volume, which also includes an interesting history of the church and its in- 
 cumbents, and is illustrated by several engravings ; and he has been able to place it 
 in the hands of his subscribers at an absurdly small price. That it is no trifling 
 matter may be gathered from the fact that the register entries alone are over 4,500 in 
 number The book is nicely printed and bound, and has an excellent index. We 
 have, nothing but words of praise for Mr, Margerison. — Noles and Queries, November 
 lyh, 1880. 
 Mr. S. Margerison has done good service, to the historian of Yorkshire at the 
 least, by taking up and executing as a private individual, the task which the Harleian 
 Society has undertaken in London, by publishing the registers of the extensive parish 
 of Calverley, near Leeds. He has thus brought to light and put on record many 
 curious facts relating to Yorkshire families. — The Antiquary, Dec, 1880. 
 The publication of the Registers of Calverley Parish Church ia a matter of 
 great local interest (The first volume) has been printed in its entirety. It is as 
 complete as it has been possible to make it all that remains having been faith- 
 fully reproduced. — Leeds Mercury, 26th /an., 1881. 
 This is a little volume which contains, besides the names and dates taken from 
 the Parish Registers, a sketch of the history of the church, and a clearly engraved 
 view of the church and adjoining grounds — Yorkshire Post, \qth Jan., 1881. 
 Address:— Saml. Margerison, Calverley, nr. Leeds. 
Eocal Boofes, i)ij J. I^orsfall Curncr. 
 Haworth, Past and Present : A History of Haworth, Stanbury, 
 and Oxenhope. 20 Illustrations. 3s. 
 "Mr. J. Horsfall Turner has here given us a Helightful little history of a place 
 which will always have an interest for the student of English literature. We 
 have not space to deal with it as lengthily as it deserves, but we can say that all 
 should read it who care to know anything of the little village made memorable 
 by the Brontes' fame. It may be obtained of the author, Idel, Bradford, and is 
 ridiculously cheap." — Graphic, Jan. 31, 1880. 
 Nonconformist Register of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1744- 
 1750, by the Revs. O. Heywood and T. Dickenson, from the MSS. in the Congre- 
 gational Memorial Hall, London, comprehending numerous notices of Puritans and 
 Anti-Puritans in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cheshire, London, &c., with Lists of 
 Popish Recusants, Quakers, &c. Five Illustrations, 380 pages, 6s. 
 The Rev. O. Heywood, B.A., 1 630-1 702: His Autobiography, Diaries, 
 Anecdote and Event Books, Illustrating the General and Family History of 
 Yorkshire and Lancashire. Four volumes, 380 pages each, illustrated, bound in 
 cloth, 6s. each. 
 Independency at Brighouse : Pastors and People, 4 Illustrations, 3s. 
 Nonconformity in Idel, and History of Airedale College, 10 
 Illustrations (autotype portraits of Rev. J. Dawson, Founder of Low Moor Iron- 
 works ; Rev. W. Vint, S.T.P.), &c. 3s. 
 BioGRAPHiA Halifaxiensis : A Biographical and Genealogical History 
 for Halifax Parish. Two volumes, 380 pages, wi'.h Portraits, 6s. each. 
 Vol. I. is a reprint of half of Mr. Watson's "Halifax," that is, such chapters 
 as the Halifax Worthies, Vicars, Benefactors, &c. This volume thus serves a 
 double purpose, as it is a literatim reprint. 
 Vol. II. will be an original compilation, noting the Families and Worthies for 
 six hundred years. 
 Life of Captain John Hodgson. 1640-83. Illustrated, is. 6d. 
 This is a reprint of the 1806 publication, said to have been edited by Sir 
 Walter Scott. The Captain narrates his exploits in the Wars at Bradford, 
 Leeds, Lancashire, Isle-of-Man. Scotland, &c., and the troubles that followed 
 on his settlement at Coley Hall, near Halifax ; his imprisonment in York 
 Castle, &c. 
 The Antiquities of Halifax: By the Rev. Thomas Wright. 
 A Literatim Reprint, is. 6d. 
 Triplex Memoriale (York, 1650). Three quaint Sermons by William 
 Ainsworth, preached at Halifax, on Waterhouse's Charities. From the only 
 known copy. 2s. 
 Halifax Gibbet Book, with Appendix, 2s. 
 Ready for the Press : — 
 The Elland Feud, 2s. Krabtree's Almanack, 1685, 2s. 
 The Bridges of W. R. Yorkshire : Their Histories and Mysteries. 
 By the late Fairless Barber, Esq., F. S. A., and J. Horsfall Turner. 
 Ilkley: Ancient and Modern. By the Rev. Robert Collyer, D.D., 
 New York, U.S.A., and J. Horsfall Turner. In one handsome volume, 80 
 Illustrations, demy 8vo, extra cloth gilt. Price — Library edition, 14s. ; large 
 paper, of which very few remain, 24s. 
 *„* P.O. Orders payable at Idel, near Bradford. 
 /!' ^A,'_^,-vA 

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