GUSTAV POLLAK Published by The New York Evening Post Co. ELLA KITIQ ADAIUS Compliments of New York, July 16, 1917 The House of Hohenzollern and The Hapsburg Monarchy Originally published in The New York Evening Post and The New York Nation By GUSTAV POLLAK Published by The New York Evening Post Co. Copyright 1917, New York Evening Post Co. SRLF URL P. 515 hn CONTENTS Pi>ge The House of Hohenzollern . . . . 5 Bismarck's Neglected Policies ... 23 The Vision of a Central Europe . . 33 Austria's Opportunity 59 The Future of Bohemia 67 Hungary and the Fall of Tisza . . .81 The Poles of Austria . 95 The House of Hohenzollern [From The New York Nation, March 22, 1917.] T N all discussions of the fate of Ger- -* many in case of her ultimate defeat, the question of the attachment of the people to the Hohenzollern dynasty plays an important part. That Prussian loyalty will be equal to almost any test admits scarcely of doubt, but the question natur- ally suggests itself, Will other subjects of the Empire, notably South Germans, remain unshaken in their devotion to a dynasty that is responsible, as all Germans must eventually recognize, for the most disastrous war in history? It is difficult to make predictions at the present time, with the fortunes of war still trembling in the balance. One may safely say, however, that from the establishment of the present Empire to the outbreak of the war, every non-Prussian has been, first of all, a Saxon, Bavarian, Wiirttemberger, etc., and only secondarily a German. We have on this point the highly instructive cor- roboration of so excellent an authority as Prince Bismarck. He says, in the thir- teenth chapter of his "Recollections": Never, not even at Frankfort, did I doubt that the key to German politics was to be found in princes and dynasties, not in publicists, whether in parliament and the press or on the barricades. In order that German patriotism be active and effective, it needs dependence on a dynasty. Independent of dynasty, patriotism, as a practical matter, rarely reaches its full height. . . . It is as a Prussian, a Hanoverian, a Wurttem- berger, a Bavarian, or Hessian, rather than as a German, that he is disposed to give unequivocal proof of patriotism. The German love of the Fatherland has need of a prince on whom it can concen- trate its attachment. Suppose that all the German dynasties were suddenly deposed ; there would then be no likelihood that the German national sentiment would suffice to hold all Germans together, from the point of view of international law, amid the friction of European politics, even in the form of federated Hanse towns and imperial rural communes ( "Reichsdorf- er"). The Germans would fall a prey to nations more closely welded together if they once lost the tie which rests in the sense of the common importance of their princes. Bismarck was never under any illusions as to the feeling of non-Prussian Germans towards the Hohenzollern dynasty. After the war of 1866 he labored hard to con- vince King William that it would be a serious mistake to punish Bavaria by forcing her to give up Anspach and Bay- reuth to Prussia, just as it would be to compel Austria to give up part of her possessions. "I gauged," he wrote, "the proposed acquisitions from Austria and Bavaria by asking myself whether the in- habitants, in case of future war, would remain faithful to the King of Prussia after the withdrawal of the Prussian of- ficials and troops and continue to accept commands from him; and I had not the impression that the population of these districts, which had become habituated to Bavarian and Austrian conditions, would be disposed to meet Hohenzollern predi- lections." All this is well known. South-German dislike of Prussian ways is as old as the history of the Electors of Brandenburg and as recent as the present war, with its acknowledged friction between Prussian and non-Prussian commanders of the Central armies. The Hohenzollerns have ever ruled with a heavy hand, in peace as in war, and they do not go out of their way to enlist the sympathies of non-Prus- sians. Nor is it in politics and in warfare only that the antagonism between the Prussians and the people of other parts of Germany has found expression. Ger- man literature gives abundant proof that the Hohenzollern dynasty and the liberal sentiment of Germany have ever been far apart. None of the rulers of the house of Hohenzollern befriended German poets, with the single exception of the ill-starred Frederick III (while still Crown Prince) , unless their verses glorified Prussian deeds. The greatest of Prussian rulers ignored contemptuously the greatest of German poets, and Lessing and Heine had as little cause to look kindly upon Berlin 8 as Goethe. Goethe visited the Prussian capital with Karl August of Weimar in May, 1778, and his impressions of Berlin life and of the surroundings of the King were far from favorable. "I have got quite close to old Fritz," he wrote, "having seen his gold, his silver, his statues, his apes, his parrots, and heard his own curs twaddle about the great man." The King and the poet had nothing in common. Frederick's judgment of Goethe's "Gotz von Berlichingen" was as follows: "Voila un Goetz de Berlichingen qui parait sur la scene, imitation detestable de ces mau- vaises pieces anglaises, et le parterre ap- plaudit et demande avec enthousiasme la repetition de ces "degoutantes platitudes." Frederick the Great cared only for French savants; he made one President of the Academy of Sciences, another Librarian. Goethe was not at all in sympathy with Frederick's plan of putting the federation of German sovereigns on a strong military basis. He feared not so much Prussia as the Prussian King, who had no considera- tion for small states like Saxe- Weimar. In the summer of 1780 he spoke in the Aristophanic little play "Die Vogel," of "the Black Eagle with his ever-ready claws." Under Frederick's successors the state of affairs in Prussia was even less to Goethe's liking. Frederick William II discouraged the development of science and free speech by every means in his power. Kant barely escaped being de- prived of his professorship. The next King, Frederick William III, and his Queen, ostentationsly ignored Goethe on their visits to Weimar. Schiller did not fare so ill in his rela- tions with the Hohenzollerns, but he was not spared by the Berlin bureaucracy. In the last year of his life he wished for a wider sphere of activity than was afforded him in Weimar and Jena. He visited Berlin in May, 1804, and Queen Luise was seemingly anxious to have him settle there. On his return to Weimar he wrote to the royal Cabinet Counsellor Beyme that, while he found himself unable to leave Weimar permanently, he should be 10 willing, under certain conditions, to spend a few months every year in Berlin, but no answer to his letter was vouchsafed him. Lesjsing had at various times gone to Berlin in the hope of finding there some suitable position. At one time, in 1765, he seemed to have some prospect of get- ting the royal librarianship. He was pro- posed to the King by one of his French favorites, Colonel Guichard, but Freder- ick, who had become prejudiced against Lessing through Voltaire's version of a previous quarrel between the two, refused to consider the suggestion. The position was offered to Winckelmann, but he de- clined it on account of the low salary, and Lessing's name was once more brought forward by Guichard. Frederick there- upon declared with vehemence that a Frenchman would get the place, and so a Frenchman did. Lessing felt the disap- pointment keenly. He wrote to his father later on: "I left Berlin after the only thing that I had so long hoped for and that had long been held out to me was denied me." It is safe to say, however, 11 that Frederick would never have found in Lessing a pliant employee, such as he liked to have near him. Lessing had previously, in 1764, declined the offer of a professor- ship of rhetoric in the University of Konigsberg because of the condition that he was to deliver annually a eulogy of the King. It is interesting to contrast with these experiences of Lessing in Prussia the at- titude of the Austrian authorities towards contemporaneous men of letters. Lessing wrote to Nicolai: "Let some one dare to write in Berlin as freely as Sonnen- fels is writing in Vienna." As early as 1711 Emperor Charles VI had made Leibnitz an Aulic Councillor and a baron of the Empire, and when the philosopher came to Vienna in 1713 and submitted to the Emperor a draft of the Peace of Utrecht, he received an annual pension of 2,000 florins, which Charles offered to double if Leibnitz agreed to settle in the Austrian capital. The list of literary men who suffered from Prussian reactionism is a long one. 12 Borne, Herwegh, and Hoffmann von Fallersleben, among others, showed that there was mutual dislike, but no one em- bodied his hatred of Prussia in such flam- ing words as Heine ; witness the preface to his "Franzosische Zustande." After speak- ing of Metternich's cynical but open de- fiance of liberalism and the mulish con- sistency of the Emperor Francis, he pro- ceeded : As regards Prussia we may speak in a different tone. Here at least we are not restrained by respect for the sacredness of the head of the German Empire. The learned minions on the banks of the Spree may dream of a great Emperor of the house of Borussia and proclaim Prussian hegemony, with all its glorious lordliness, but thus far the long fingers of the Hohen- zollern have not yet succeeded in grasping the crown of Charlemagne and dump- ing it into the same bag with so many Polish and Saxon jewels. . . . It is true that recently many friends of the Fatherland have desired the enlarge- ment of Prussia and hoped to see in the kings the masters of a united Germany. 13 They have held out a bait to patriots and talked of Prussian liberalism, and the friends of liberty have begun to look con- fidingly towards the Linden of Berlin, but as for me, I have never shared their confidence. On the contrary, I watched with anxiety the Prussian eagle, and while others spoke with so much warmth of how this bold eagle turned his eye toward the sun, I watched all the more carefully his claws. I did not trust this Prussian, this tall and canting white-gaitered hero, with his wide mouth and his rapacious stomach and his corporal's stick, which he first dipped in holy water before laying it on. I disliked this philosophic military despot- ism, its mixture of small beer, lies, and sand. Repulsive beyond expression was to me this Prussia, this stiff, hypocritical Prussia, this Tartuffe among the nations. Heine allowed himself in his verse to go even further in denouncing Prussia and the house of Hohenzollern, but though as a poet and as a wit he abused his double license, he but over-emphasized the grievances of liberal Germany. There is perhaps in all literature no similar in- 14 stance of a dynasty incurring such fierce hatred on the part of one of the greatest writers of the nation. Whatever concessions any ruler of the house of Hohenzollern, since the days of Frederick the Great, made to liberal ideas were wrung from him by bitter political necessity. The humiliating peace of Til- sit forced Frederick William III to adopt the reform plans of Stein and Harden- berg, but the stifling period of reaction that followed the War of Liberation, in the latter reign of the King and that of his successors, Frederick William IV and the Prince Regent (afterwards William I), was unrelieved, down to the Revolution of 1848, by any breath of freedom. Prus- sia was ready for Bismarck. From the outset there was no thought in his mind of making Prussia great in order to make her free. He sounded the keynote of his future policy in a speech in the Prussian Diet on December 3, 1850, when he said: "According to my conviction, Prussian honor does not consist in Prussia's play- is ing the Don Quixote all over Germany for the benefit of mortified parliamentary celebrities, who consider their local con- stitution in danger. I look for Prussian honor in Prussia's abstinence before all things from every shameful union with democracy." Bismarck's ideal was a great Prussia and only incidentally a great Germany; a liberal Prussia or a liberal Germany was never a part of his programme. In 1863, shortly after his accession to the Prussian Ministry of State, he wrote to Count von der Goltz, his successor as Ambassador to France: "The pursuit of the phantom of popular- ity in Germany, which we have been car- rying on for the last forty years, has cost us our position in Germany and in Europe, and we shall not win it back by allowing ourselves to be carried away by the stream, persuaded that we are direct- ing its course, but only by standing firmly upon our legs, and being first of all a Great Power and a German Federal State afterwards." 16 Bismarck remained true to his policy throughout his rule, yet when all its fruits had been garnered in, and he was surveying the past from his retreats at Friedrichsruh and Varzin, a gnawing doubt as to the permanency of the structure he had erect- ed overcame him. "History shows," he wrote, "that in Germany it is the Prussian stock whose individual character is most strongly marked, and yet no one could decisively answer the question whether, supposing the Hohenzollern dynasty and all its rightful successors to have passed away, the political cohesion of Prussia would survive. Is it quite certain that the eastern and western divisions, that the Pomeranians and Hanoverians, the na- tives of Holstein and Silesia, of Aachen and Konigsberg, would then continue as they now are, armed together in the indis- soluble unity of the Prussian state?" Many a German student of history who ponders at the present time the doubt as to the stability of the Hohenzollern dy- nasty expressed by Bismarck will recall the voice of a far-sighted German, the his- 17 torian Gervinus, who, when the unifica- tion of Germany was an accomplished fact, wrote an open letter to the Prussian King, "An das Preussische Konigshaus" (published posthumously in 1872), in which he impressively argued that the an- nexation of German lands by Prussia after the war of 1866 had disgraced the house of Hohenzollern, and that it car- ried the seeds of future evil with it. All the glories of the war of 1870 did not blind Gervinus to the dangers threatening a Germany founded on militarism and not on justice and fair dealing. He foresaw with dread the creation of a military state such as the world had not seen even when Napoleon was at the height of his power. "We have," he wrote, "as regards power taken the place of France, but we shall draw upon ourselves all the hatred that France incurred." The following words have acquired an added impressiveness through the events of the past two years: "Is it not a fact that, at the time of the Luxemburg complications, when the secret treaties of alliance between Prussia 18 and the South German states were made public, the anger and suspicion of all Gov- ernments were aroused when it was shown that one day before the Peace of Prague a principal article of the Treaty had been violated? Can we ignore the fact that the new doctrine, 'Might before right,' sur- rounded as it is by all the halo of a bril- liant statesmanship, has greatly under- mined the hitherto prevailing principle of non-intervention among English states- men of the old type?" Developments within the German Em- pire since 1871 have justified the appre- hensions of those who, like Gervinus, saw in the overshadowing importance of Prus- sia an ominous menace to the smaller Ger- man states. Their privileges as compon- ent parts of the German Empire have be- come a mere mockery under a Constitu- tion which vests the Imperial succession in the house of Hohenzollern, with its heredi- tary right in the Presidency of the Feder- ation, the casting vote of Prussia in case of a tie in the Federal Council, a perma- nent Prussian majority in the Reichstag, 19 and the prerogative of the King of Prus- sia as German Emperor in calling, ad- journing, and proroguing the Reichstag. Parliamentary government in the real sense of the word has become impossible under a system which leaves the Imperial Ministers independent of the will of the Reichstag and relegates the Chancellors of the Empire to the position of mere tools of a Hohenzollern King. A further ex- pansion of Prussia could only take place with a corresponding loss of prestige on the part of the smaller states. What, these states must have asked themselves more than once since the outbreak of the war, will be our gain if Prussian general- ship triumphs? It is not too early to raise the question as to what will be their portion if Prussian supremacy ends in military disaster. In any case, the day cannot be far dis- tant when the intrinsic rights of Prussia to the part within the Empire she has arrogated to herself will be seriously ques- tioned by descendants of those German stocks which contributed so largely to the 20 power of the old Germanic Empire during the thousand years of its existence. Franconians, Saxons, Luxemburgs, Hohenstaufen, as well as Hapsburgs, fur- nished the great rulers of the Holy Roman Empire long before a Hohenzollern was dreamed of as a possible Emperor. In these days of dynastic upheavals in other countries the experience of Germany as an hereditary monarchy within less than fifty years cannot be thrown into the scales as against the history of an elective Empire of a thousand years. Prussia's supremacy as the German Kulturstaat par excellence has been too long assumed by militarists and Junkers, and too easily acquiesced in by the rest of Germany. Even in a purely military sense, Prussia, according to Bismarck himself, has long ceased to be as produc- tive of great talents as was the case in the time of Frederick the Great. "Our most successful commanders," he wrote in his Memoirs, "Bliicher, Gneisenau, Moltke, Goeben, were not Prussians originally, nor, in the civil administration, were Stein, 21 Hardenberg, Motz, and Grolman." The list of great Germans in other fields who were not Prussians by birth is endless. The names of Leibnitz, Liebig, Bopp, Grimm, Hegel, Gauss, Ehrenberg, Bach, Wag- ner, of Goethe, Schiller, Lessing, and many others of similar eminence, leap to the mind at once. And Durer and Hol- bein, the South Germans, marked the climax of all German art long before the Mark Brandenburg had become the King- dom of Prussia. Bismarck's doctrines and Hohenzol- lern principles are now being tried in the furnace of a world war. Not all that can be said, and must justly be said, of Prus- sian leadership in the intellectual and ma- terial development of Germany can ob- scure the patent failure of the Hohenzol- lern dynasty. Prussian hegemony may have fed the German mind and body, but it has starved the German soul. 22 Bismarck's Neglected Policies [From The New York Evening Post, April 14, 1917.] OINCE the outbreak of the war the ^ question has often been asked, What would Germany's policy in 1914 have been if Bismarck had been alive? Would there have been any war at all? In the first flush of victory the German people in- voked the name of Bismarck as that of a patron saint blessing their arms and re- joicing in the fruits of his wisdom. Later on less was heard of Bismarck's share in preparing Germany for this war, and to- day his achievements are beginning to be viewed in a different light. History is not only being made but rewritten. His- toriographers ask themselves. Can the fame of the man who brought about Ger- man unity after three successful wars sur- vive unscathed the prodigiously unsuccess- ful one that was their result? 23 The thought of a powerful military at- tack on Germany often haunted Bis- marck in his retirement. The forestalling of a coalition against Germany was to be the crowning work of his diplomacy. Any means to that end seemed proper to him. He brought about the Triple Alliance, not because he considered Austria-Hungary and Italy natural or particularly desirable allies of Germany, but because he felt that, with any two strong military countries backing Germany, she could withstand a possible coalition of any other two of the great Powers against her. Much as he had disliked and distrusted Austria all his life, he preferred her, on the whole, to Russia as an ally against France. But be- fore definitely concluding the Triple Al- liance, he carefully weighed in the balance all the possible combinations against Ger- many. Austria's help being assured, he felt reasonably safe against an attack by both France and Russia. "I should not consider," he reasoned, "a simultaneous attack by our two great neighbor Em- pires, even though Italy were not the third 24 in the alliance, as a matter of life and death," but the situation appeared to him much more serious if Italy were to threaten Austria's possessions on the Adriatic. "In that case," he wrote, "the struggle, the possibility of which I anticipate, would be unequal." And imagining France and Austria in a league with Russia, "no words," he said, "are needed to show how greatly aggravated would be the peril of Germany." In other words, he could conceive of an attack on Ger- many by three Powers as being literally a matter of life and death. And reason- ing thus, he made sure, as he thought, of the friendship of both Austria and Italy. Events have proved not so much Bis- marck's wisdom as the folly of his suc- cessors. It would never have entered his mind to create a situation like that which confronts Germany to-day, with fourteen countries, including the United States, ar- rayed against her. He certainly did not foresee the possibility of Germany and Austria jointly declaring war on Russia and France and bringing England into 25 the conflict, while forcing Italy to break with her partners in the Triple Alliance. Bismarck presupposed that Germany and Austria would cultivate peace with Russia, and judged that their alliance "would not lack the support of England." In concluding the alliance with Austria- Hungary, Bismarck was under no illusion as to the difficulties inherent in such a partnership. Official statements nowa- days overflow with assurances of the most complete harmony between the two em- pires. Bismarck did not take such an idyllic view of an alliance promoted by him solely as the result of cold-blooded calculation. In point of material force he wrote in his Memoirs.^1 held a union with Russia to have the advantage. I had also been used to regard it as safer, because I placed more reliance on traditional dynastic friendship, on community of conservative monarchical instincts, on the absence of indigenous political divisions, than on the fits and starts of public opinion among the Hungarian, Slav, and Catholic popula- tion of the monarchy of the Hapsburgs. 26 Complete reliance could be placed upon the durability of neither union, whether one estimated the strength of the dynastic bond with Russia, or of the German sym- pathies of the Hungarian populace. If the balance of opinion in Hungary were always determined by sober political cal- culation, this brave and independent peo- ple, isolated in the broad ocean of Slav population, and comparatively insignifi- cant in numbers, would remain constant to the conviction that its position can only be secured by the support of the German ele- ment in Austria and Germany. But the Kossuth episode, and the suppression in Hungary itself of the German elements that remained loyal to the Empire, and other symptoms showed that among Hun- garian hussars and lawyers self-confidence is apt in critical moments to get the better of political calculation and self-control. Even in quiet times many a Magyar will get the gypsies to play to him the song "Der Deutsche ist ein Hundsfott" ("The German is a blackguard"). Germany, as Bismarck was well aware, was not loved either in Russia or in Austria-Hungary. "Could anti-German rancor," he asked, "acquire in Russia a 27 keener edge than it has among the Czechs in Bohemia and Moravia, the Slovenes of the provinces comprised within the earlier German Confederation, and the Poles in Galicia?" Nor did Bismarck consider the stability of the Austro-Hungarian mon- archy as assured beyond doubt. "The factors which must be taken into account," he wrote, "are as manifold as is the mix- ture of her populations, and to their cor- rosive and occasionally disruptive force must be added the incalculable influence that the religious element may from time to time, as the power of Rome wakes or wanes, exert upon the directing personal- ities." He foresaw that not only Pan- Slavism and the Bulgarian, Bosnian, Ser- vian, Rumanian, the Czech, and the Polish questions, but also the Italian question in the Trentino, in Trieste, and on the Dal- matian coast, might become dangerous not merely as affecting Austria, but as pre- cipitating a European crisis. What has been so often asserted and as often official- ly denied, as to the friction between the German- Austrians and the Czech soldiery, 28 is clearly foretold in Bismarck's state- ment: "In Bohemia the antagonism be- tween Germans and Czechs has in some places penetrated so deeply into the army that the officers of the two nationalities in certain regiments hold aloof from one an- other, even to the degree that they will not meet at mess." Bismarck did not shrink from war if it suited his purpose of aggrandizing Ger- many and, above all, Prussia, but he never sought war needlessly. "During the time that I was in office," he wrote, "I advised three wars, the Danish, the Bohemian, and the French; but every time I first made clear to myself whether the war, if suc- cessful, would bring a prize worth the sacrifices which every war requires, and which are now so much greater than in the last century." He considered Germany as perhaps the single great Power in Europe which had nothing to gain by pro- voking war. "We ought to do all we can," he said, "to counteract the ill-feeling which has been called out through our 29 growth to the position of a really great Power, by honorable and peaceful use of our influence, and by convincing the world that a German hegemony in Europe is more useful and less partisan and also less harmful to the freedom of others than that of France, Russia, or England." He stated emphatically that Germany required no increase of contigu- ous territory, and that her only object should be to convince other nations of her peaceful intentions. "I have followed my own prescription," he remarked, "not without some personal reluctance, in my course towards Spain in the question of the Caroline Islands and towards the United States in that of Samoa." How was it possible, it will be asked, that German statesmen of to-day, know- ing all about Bismarck's misgivings as to the sincerity of the friendship between Austria and Germany, and about his dread of embroiling the two countries in a useless war against France and Russia, could enter so light-heartedly upon their stupendous venture? The answer is to 30 be sought not only in their natural ignor- ance of their own limitations, but in the example of unscrupulous selfishness and, if need be, cynical brutality set them by their great protagonist during the entire course of his career. Lacking his intel- lectual force and his unrivalled resource- fulness, they thought themselves safe in adopting his tactics and improving upon them. Was it not Bismarck's principle that all contracts between great states cease to be unconditionally binding as soon as they are tested by the struggle for ex- istence, and that no great nation will ever be induced to sacrifice itself on the altar of fidelity to contract? Starting with this premise, what could be more logical than the invasion of Belgium, with all that fol- lowed? Bismarck had no diplomatic scruples of any kind, but he knew how to guard his diplomatic secrets. His occasional sincer- ity in disclosing the past was his best asset in making future deceit possible. It is quite clear that he never foresaw the pos- sibility of a war between the United States 31 and Germany, but had he foreseen it he never would have resorted to such devices as were employed by his successors, the agile Billow and the ponderous Bethmann- Hollweg. Billow was puerile enough to imagine that a Deutsch-Amerikanischer Nationalbund would forever solidify the sentiment of German- Americans against their adopted country, and Bethmann- Hollweg allowed the ingenious Zimmer- mann to concoct his little Mexican-Jap- anese scheme. Not such, with all its ter- giversations, was Bismarck's foreign policy. Woe to the German people that they have chosen to disregard its strength and to cling to its weakness! 32 The Vision of a Central Europe [From The New York Nation, December 14, 1916.] E W polemical books written during the present war have called for serious criticism. When passion shrieks, reason can only be silent. Friedrich Naumann's "Mitteleuropa" (Central Europe. Trans- lated by Christabel M. Meredith, Lon- don: P. S. King & Son), however, stands in some respects in a class by itself. A fervent economic plea for Germany's future expansion, it is but indirectly con- cerned with the present clash of arms and ignores international hatreds. The book, which has had an extraordinary vogue throughout Germany and Austria-Hun- gary, is now obtainable in an English translation (faithful, though by no means flawless) to which Prof. W. J. Ashley has written an introduction. He speaks of it as "far and away the most important book that has appeared in Germany since the 33 world-conflict began." Such a success challenges thought, even aside from the in- trinsic merits of the work. It will there- fore not be superfluous to examine in de- tail the arguments that have made so powerful an appeal to German and Aus- tro-Hungarian readers. Herr Naumann is a member of the Reichstag and author of a number of books. His career shows strange muta- tions of principle religious, political, and economic. Originally a Lutheran pastor and Socialistic evangelist, he abandoned the pulpit for journalism and politics. He founded Die Hilfe, and through this journal and his book on "Demokratie und Kaisertum" attempted to reconcile the tenets of Social-Democracy with the pre- vailing furore for naval and colonial ex- pansion. The National- Socialist party being unable to obtain representation in the Reichstag, Herr Naumann allied him- self with the Volkspartei, which derived its strength mainly from the middle-class radicals of southern Germany. As an ardent free-trader and advocate of certain 34 definite legislative measures, he succeeded in gaining a seat in the Reichstag, where he attempted to fuse several minor radical groups into a wing of the Liberal party. In a book written at that time, his "Neu- deutsche Wirtschaftspolitik," he predicted the political and social regeneration of Germany through unrestricted intercourse with other countries. Such was Herr Naumann's past political philosophy ; what is his present creed? Briefly speaking, Naumann advocates, one may say he foretells, as in a prophetic vision, a combination it is nowhere di- rectly called an alliance between the Ger- man Empire and the Hapsburg Mon- archy, offensive and defensive, economic and military, into which as many neutral states as possible may and should, as a mat- ter of self-interest, eventually enter. The adhesion of Turkey and the Balkan states is taken for granted. The advantages of such a superstate to the neutral countries which are to join their maritime front to the territory of the Central Powers, spe- cifically to Holland, Greece, Rumania, 35 and the Scandinavian countries, are but vaguely alluded to for prudential rea- sons dictated by the war. The main pur- pose of the formation of this "Central Europe" is, as frankly admitted by the author, the greater good of the two prin- cipal countries, Germany and Austria- Hungary. Without committing himself to any definite plan for the organization of this vast state, Herr Naumann tentatively puts forth a programme which he says statesmen of the future may modify at their pleasure. This includes common re- cruiting laws, mutual military inspection, a joint committee for foreign affairs, joint boards for the control of railways and of river navigation, common coins and meas- ures, common banking and commercial laws, common military expenditures, mu- tual liability for national debts, equality of customs tariffs, joint collection of customs, equal laws for the protection of labor, equal laws of association and trust laws, etc. There may or may not be eventually free trade between Germany and the group of states that are to join her, but 36 the bond of cohesion between them will primarily be a political one. Economic considerations will adjust themselves to their common political interests. In the programme thus outlined the need of permanent preparedness for war is repeatedly emphasized. Hence regulation of the storage of grain becomes a matter of paramount importance. This and similar measures Herr Naumann would entrust to several commissions, which he proposes to locate as follows: Budapest is to be the grain centre, Prague the centre for all treaty matters, Hamburg the centre of the maritime trade, Berlin the exchange cen- tre, and Vienna the legal centre. But it is only after peace has been declared that it will be possible to formulate a definite programme, and the gist of such a pro- gramme can, in Herr Naumann's opinion, be summed up in two words: "better or- ganization." It was Prussian organiza- tion that paved the way for the successes of this war, and if, says he, the opponents of Germany like to label the intrinsic con- nection between the works of peace and 37 those of war as "German militarism," they are welcome to it. The wholesome effect of Prussian military discipline pervades, in his view, the whole of Germany from top to bottom. Enthusiastic to the point of rhapsody as Herr Naumann is over his project, he does not wholly ignore the difficulties of its exe- cution. He realizes that the Government of Austria-Hungary may have to be argued and cajoled into a partnership in which that country is bound to be the weaker member. Germany will have to make it clear that there is no thought of interfering with the internal affairs of the Hapsburg Monarchy, and that the deli- cate questions of race and language which have so long agitated that country would be let alone by the Germany of Central Europe. What is to be the geographical extent of this powerful congeries of states? It is Herr Naumann's ambition to see Cen- tral Europe comprise about 5,000,000 square miles, that is to say, one-tenth of the inhabited surface of the globe. He 38 arrives at his estimate by a series of daring steps. Starting with the 450,000 square miles of Germany and Austria-Hungary, he adds, first, the 900,000 square miles of "a number of neighboring European states," and then "claims" all of European and Asiatic Turkey, thereby swelling the figures to 2,500,000 square miles. Add the colonies of the German Empire and you have 4,000,000 square miles, and "if we venture to count in the overseas pos- sessions of neighboring states which have not yet joined us, we may arrive at ap- proximately 5,000,000 square miles" a figure which he admits is "somewhat arbi- trary." The population of this Central Europe, beginning with the 116,000,000 inhabitants of the German Empire and Austria-Hungary, will, in the manner de- scribed, mount up to about 200,000,000, or, roughly, one-eighth of the population of the globe. Fantastic as this programme seems to be, it is undeniable that Herr Naumann's teachings are spreading, and will have to be reckoned with in the future. 39 Already Austrian and German trade unions have given their adhesion to the plan, and even councils of German and Austrian Socialists have approved of it. So conservative a German economist as Professor von Schmoller is arguing that the present time urgently calls for close tariff arrangements with Austria-Hun- gary, and that "the leading men of nearly all classes and parties are gradually meet- ing under this flag." Naumann himself foresees certain objections within Ger- many itself. He fears that his scheme will be viewed with suspicion by Prussian nobles, the conservative, powerful, and domineering (herrschaftsstarke) Old Prussian, as well as the "Liberal capital- ist," who, though for opposite reasons, equally distrusts Austria-Hungary. To these two types must be added the "Great- er-Germans," whose ideal is a purely Ger- manic state, and who are already groaning under the burden of the Poles, Danes, and French Alsatians of the Empire. Herr Naumann, furthermore, realizes that the Magyars are not in love with the 40 Germans, but he relies on their keen desire to retain their supremacy over the Slavs, and reasons that they will grasp at any- thing 1 Germany may offer them to attain their ends. From a purely economic point of view, Austria-Hungary and the other members of the Central European com- bination are to be won over by a system of mutual tariff preferences which shall pro- tect the industrially weaker countries. Herr Naumann, it must be admitted, presents his case with considerable skill. He writes picturesquely and, in the main, clearly and forcibly. His occasional senti- mental outbursts, and the studied vague- ness to which German writers are so prone, but enhance the interest of the book in German eyes. He is careful not to burden his readers needlessly with statistics. These and certain dry historical facts are relegat- ed to a separate chapter at the conclusion of the book. While Naumann's thesis is apparently a simple one, he finds it necessary to bolster it up with assertions and prophecies of various kinds. We meet at the outset with 41 the statement that there is no room, at the present time, for France in the new Cen- tral Europe. Having chosen to ally her- self with England, she will, unfortunately for her, "in the near future become a greater and better Portugal." Yet even for her Heir Naumann would leave a door open, perhaps only in a distant future, for, like so many Germans, he professes to harbor no ill-feelings towards France. Italy, too, he does not consider, for all time to come, nec- essarily ineligible to partnership in Central Europe, though he cautiously adds, "the armies on the Isonzo have the first word." Germany's present ally, Turkey, being "antiquated" and separated from Central Europe, both geographically and national- ly, is not hailed with delight as a future partner. But Central Europe will eventu- ally determine the conditions of its own existence. Though Herr Naumann care- fully refrains throughout his book from speaking harshly of any of the belligerent nations, there is an unmistakable Bis- marckian flavor in some of his arguments. 42 All participants in the Great War must feel that neither now nor in the future can small or even moderate-sized countries have any voice in world politics. "Our conceptions of size have entirely changed, only very large states can assert their in- dividuality, all the little ones live by profit- ing from the quarrels of the great, and must first ask their permission if they would make an unusual move." The world thinks, as Cecil Rhodes says, "in contin- ents." A generation, Herr Naumann sur- mises, will be required for the task of es- tablishing Central Europe, even if peace, declared on the basis of victory of the Ger- man-Austrian arms, seals the permanent solidarity of the Hapsburgs and Hohen- zollerns. A shade of doubt as to this soli- darity hardly as to the victory itself enters even Herr Naumann's mind. "The question will arise : Are the Ambassadors from Berlin, Vienna, and Budapest going to leave the hall of the National Peace Congress as open and honest friends or as secret opponents?" If peace is only to pave the way for future misunderstand- 43 ings, Europe will face another Vienna Congress of 1815. "In that case, for what shall we have sacrificed our sons and the mutilated Hungarians their limbs?" A perplexing question, indeed! As danger- ous as the admission that after the conclu- sion of peace "we all shall be more careful than hitherto to suppress frivolous pretexts for war and to strive for a mutual under- standing between nations." For Herr Naumann, as for every Ger- man and Austro-Hungarian, the war be- gan "purely as a defensive one," though in the same breath he tells us that "in the German Empire two ideas had always been present in the minds of the people and the Government: that sooner or later a break with the Czar was bound to come, and that some time there would have to be a fight with England for the control of the seas. The only unexpected thing was that all came together with a rush the war in France, the war in the East, and the naval war." Leaving aside Herr Naumann's specula- tions as to the origin of the war, it is w r orth 44 while to raise some doubts as to the feasi- bility of his plans after its conclusion. Economic considerations are certainly powerful factors in the development of modern nations, but all statesmen must reckon with the facts of human nature. Nations and races will go on with their in- born or cultivated likes and dislikes after the war as before. It becomes necessary to remind those who so glibly assume Aus- tria-Hungary willingness to listen to Germany's siren voice after the war that the mutual jealousies of Austria and Prussia are of very long standing, and have not been wholly interrupted by the present war. It was Frederick II who in- augurated the systematic policy of weaken- ing Austria in order to strengthen Prussia. Conversely, Joseph II sought to recover Austria's prestige by isolating Prussia and regaining new territory, whether in the East or in the West. Thenceforth there was mutual distrust between the two coun- tries, though Joseph II, immediately after Frederick's death, thought for a moment of burying old animosities and founding 45 an Austro-Prussian alliance which would guarantee the peace of Europe. Prussia, however, soon emphasized her antagon- ism to Austria by her machinations with- in the German Empire, at Mainz and Worms, while Joseph II turned to Russia as the natural friend of Austria. Under Metternich's regime the mutual jealousies were accentuated. He rejected contempt- uously Stein's plan of dividing the over- lordship of Austria and Prussia in Ger- many along the lines of the Main. Met- ternich was shortsighted enough to think, even after the disappearance of the Holy Roman Empire, that Austria might guide the destinies of both Germany and Italy, and he called the Congress of Vienna to- gether with this end in view. Prussia never ceased to watch her opportunities, and knew how to bide her time. Bismarck, who is generally credited with the authorship of the plan for a Cen- tral Europe, tells us in his "Gedanken und Erinnerungen" that he never thought, in the days of the German Bund, while advo- cating the union of all Germany on a 46 dualistic basis, of anything but Prussian hegemony. He frankly told Count Karolyi, the Austrian Ambassador, in 1862: "Our relations must either improve or grow worse. You will learn to deal with us (Prussia) as a European Power." Throughout his career Bismarck never lost his contempt for Austria, though after the war of 1866, foreseeing the Franco-Ger- man War of 1870, he shrewdly insisted on treating Austria leniently in order to se- cure at least her passive attitude towards Germany later on. Austrians still remem- ber Silesia and Sadowa, and they have not grown fonder of Prussia during the pres- ent war. Both Austrians and Hungarians complain, as Herr Naumann admits, of the German, and especially the Prussian, want of consideration, of their overbearing manners, etc. "Modern Germans," he says, "are almost everywhere bad German- izers." "Why is it," he naively asks, "that we Germans of the Empire are during this war so little liked by the rest of the world?" The question which he leaves unan- swered was discussed at some length dur- 47 ing the Franco-Prussian War in an edi- torial article in the Nation (Oct. 20, 1870: "Popular Notions of Prussia.") at a time when the Nation, like the rest of the most thoughtful organs of public opinion throughout the United States, was strong- ly on the side of Germany. Its remarks are pertinent at the present time : As to Prussia's habitual want of popu- larity, it is one of the most curious phe- nomena in modern history. Prussia has invariably been disliked, not only by her enemies, but by her very friends and allies. The Poles, of course, hate her (and who would blame them for that?) , but even the Russians dislike her, notwithstanding the intimacy and relationship of the two sov- ereigns. So do the Austrians, so did the Bavarians and Wurttembergers, the Dutch and the Danes, the English and the Italians, and their dislike seems to have nothing to do with political jealousies or grievances. Nor do the French form an exception to the rule, although it is but fair to say that before the war at least there was nothing personal even in their chauvinism. There must, of course, be some real and tangible reason for all this. It is natural enough that, when once a 48 prejudice exists against a country, the stranger who visits or traverses it can rarely be in a proper condition of mind for steering clear of difficulties and scrapes, and these difficulties will enhance rather than correct his prejudices. But we can hardly call prejudice a natural aversion to what must appear forbidding and ungenial to everybody not rendered callous by life- long habit. The bureaucratic hardness of Prussian officials, and the rigid compulsory method with which Prussia enforces the acceptance of her gifts and her protection, as well as of her burdens, are certainly not calculated to beget good will, and we can hardly wonder if Prussia enjoys the strange distinction of being disliked by a good many of her own people, who would willingly allow themselves to be educated, vaccinated, taxed, and drilled, but who either object to the official modus operandi or are anxious to sell their obedience for a fair measure of constitutional rights. Herr Naumann quotes the experience of the North-German Confederation, be- fore 1870, in its dealings with South Ger- many, as an example of how easy it was to overcome the scruples of Bavaria, Wiirttemberg, Baden, etc., concerning a 49 closer union with Prussia; but he has to admit that they had maintained before the Franco- German War an attitude of dis- trust towards Prussia which even now has not wholly disappeared. "The Berliner was in their eyes long an alien, and is so in part even to-day." If Germany is defeated, Prussia will be less an object of veneration in South German eyes than ever before; but even if she is victorious, will the feeling between South Germans and Prussians be all that may be desired? Will there be unmixed mutual respect and due appreciation of what each has accom- plished to bring about victory? Prussia's preponderance in Central Europe will be far greater than her present dominance in Germany. What will Bavaria, Wurttem- berg, and Baden have gained to compen- sate them for sinking into positions of re- latively greater inferiority than they had been chafing under before the war? Herr Naumann sees only a benign thought in the "controlling concept ( Oberbegriff ) of a Central Europe dominating over Ger- mans, French, Danes, and Poles in the 50 German Empire, over the Magyars, Ger- mans, Rumans, Slovaks, Croats, and Serbs in Hungary, over Germans, Czechs, Slo- vaks, Poles and Southern Slavs in Aus- tria." All these will "of their own accord (von selbst)" speak German as though Naumann had never heard of bloody riots in Bohemia over the question of using the dual languages in schools, in law courts, etc., and as though Prussia had not, ac- cording to Prince Biilow, failed utterly in her attempts to impose the German lan- guage with an iron hand on the recalci- trant school children of Posen. Nothing, however, appears difficult to the senti- mentalist in politics. In Herr Naumann's eyes it is the easiest thing in the world for Vienna and Berlin to supplement each other, with great advantage to both. "We," he says, addressing himself to Aus- trians, "have more horsepower, and you more music. We think more in terms of quantity, the best of you rather in terms of quality. If we can fuse our respective abilities, then and for the first time what is harsh in modern German civilization will 51 acquire through your assistance the touch of charm which will make it tolerable to the outside world." How simple a process this fusion ( "zusammengiessen" ) appears to be in the delightful vagueness of Herr Naumann's pages ! And even if Austrians and Germans al- low themselves to be carried away by such glittering phrases, the sober-minded Hun- garians may in due time be trusted to look at the situation after the war with a keen eye to their own interests. The Magyars have never fully relished the union with Austria, and, no matter what their present attitude may be, they will never allow the Dual Monarchy to enter into any scheme that may threaten to interfere with their future freedom of action. Herr Naumann assumes that under German influence the plains of Hungary will become much more productive. They may, indeed, but how will that influence be exerted without wounding the susceptibilities of the proud Magyars? Already we hear of fierce pro- tests in the Hungarian Diet against the in- 52 sclent interference of German purchasers of Hungarian farms. Will the Hun- garian peasantry be less resentful after the war? Count Szechenyi, "the greatest Magyar," as he is sometimes called by his countrymen, said in the Diet of 1843: "How does a nation come to possess the force and virtue necessary for its political action? If the majority of the individuals composing it are to fulfil humanely and honorably their appointed task, they must acquire, above all, the art of pleasing, the faculty of attracting and absorbing the neighboring elements. Is it likely that a people will possess this faculty who will not respect in others that which it insists on having respected in itself? It is a great art to know how to win men's hearts." Unless the Prussians of Central Europe shall draw the Magyars to their hearts more easily than they have drawn to them- selves their South-German brothers, the future of Central Europe must remain du- bious. A mere hint at the numberless problems which would confront the Slavs of Hun- 53 gary and Cisleithania under the scheme of a Central Europe must suffice. A strengthening of German influence, in whatever shape, and however disguised, must inevitably entail a weakening of Slavic power, and such a scheme will there- fore arouse suspicion and resentment among the Slavs within Central Europe. The mutual relations of other nationalities that will be asked to join Germany, Heir Naumann conveniently ignores. Rumania, for instance, may or may not disappear from the map of Europe as a consequence of the war; in either case, will the Rumans of Hungary be better satisfied to remain under Magyar rule, with German over- lordship, than they have been hitherto? Will the Magyars themselves be more kindly disposed towards them? Will the Ruthenes of Galicia dislike the Poles less, and love the Teutons more, in a new superstate? But everything seems to fit into Herr Naumann's scheme. Yet, though Bulgarians and Serbs may be only Slavs to him, and therefore destined to be thrown into a common melting-pot, their 54 national characteristics and differences will outlast the war. The Bulgarians are a practical and energetic people, not given to boasting of their ancestry, like the Serbs. They may, or may not, have made a mistake in casting in their lot with the Teutons, but their future still lies largely in their own hands. They may desert Germany, as they have deserted Russia. What will be the feeling of the Serbs of Hungary towards Germany? Each Bal- kan race will survive the war at least to the extent of being able to plague its neighbors. And who can foretell whither, in the readjustment of Europe after the peace, the force of a former Pan-Slavism will tend? Will Poles, Serbs, and Bui- gars fraternize under the common eegis of a Central Europe? A stroke of the pen has resuscitated the ancient Kingdom of Poland with the status of Galicia and Posen still undefined but the fortunes of war may wipe it off the scrap of paper on which the two Emperors signed their edict. 55 So far the war has settled nothing, though what the rule of blood and iron can accomplish, Germany under Prussian rule has accomplished. Prussian generals have won new glory for Prussian military efficiency. But in proportion as they have succeeded, they have sown the seeds of envy and dislike in the rest of Germany and in Austria-Hungary. Political prog- nostications of writers and statesmen and even Imperial rescripts have turned out poor prophecies before this. Naumann sees in the Germany of to-day a "half- fmished product," but Central Europe is to develop somehow the fairest flower of modern civilization "a type of man in- termediate between Frenchmen, Italians, Turks, Russians, Scandinavians, and Englishmen" and all this is to "grow around Teutonism." Such is the fabric of his dream. At bottom, stripped of all its fine phrases, Herr Naumann's gospel of the great transformation is the old familiar one of coercion friendly coercion, by open flattery and half -veiled insinuation, but still 56 coercion. He admits that for Austria- Hungary to enter the Central European combination will involve "a certain sacri- fice not to be regarded lightly of econo- mic independence and of her rights as a free state" (her "staatsrechtliche Unge- bundenheit" ) , but, he finally says in cold blood, "the transaction is necessary, ac- cording to all teaching of history, to the further continuance of the Austro-Hun- garian Dual Monarchy." And the continuance of the Hapsburg Monarchy is in doubt because in the chain of his reasoning the continuance of wars is impliedly assumed as axiomatic. Free as he is from the chauvinism of a Bern- hardi or a Reventlow, there is no proof, in his plea for a Central Europe, that he be- lieves in the march of political progress, in the humanizing and liberalizing in- fluences that are already at work in other countries to make further wars impossible, or at least more difficult than hitherto. He no more reads the thought of the best ele- ments of Germany than he understands the inmost feelings of Austria-Hungary not 57 to speak of England, France, and America. But though the mind of Prussia may remain unchanged after the war, must we assume that the soul of German- Austrians, Magyars, and Slavs is bound to undergo a complete transformation? 58 Austria's Opportunity [From The New York Evening Post, March 31, 1917.] XT EVER before in the troubled history *-^ of the Monarchy have the perplexi- ties of the Hapsburg rulers been so great as now. Internally and externally, Aus- tria-Hungary is beset by apparently in- soluble problems. In all parts of the Em- pire there is distress, dissatisfaction, divided council. To cap the climax, the question of a break with the United States now looms up portentously. In Cisleith- ania the subject is being approached with the caution imposed by the censor ; in Hun- gary, however, there is greater freedom of speech. Magyar papers have repeated- ly pointed out the folly of antagonizing a country which plays so large a part in Hungary's economic life. In thousands of Hungarian homes the only means of sus- tenance comes from the United States. It is safe to say that more than fifty mil- lion dollars is sent annually by Austro- Hungarian subjects and naturalized 59 Americans of Austro-Hungarian birth to relatives in the Empire, twenty-five mil- lions alone coming from Slovak miners in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. How can Austria under present conditions face the cessation of such a revenue? And this question opens up the larger one of the origin and the issue of the war. More and more frequently, in Austria as in Hungary, people are asking, what have we to gain by continuing the war? The promises held out by the Hohenzol- lern to the Hapsburg before the fatal ulti- matum to Servia, have long since lost their potency. The new Emperor and his ad- visers are disillusioned, the people weary and half -starved. The political outlook in all the Austrian crown lands, with the possible exception of Galicia, is dreary in the extreme. Every semblance of constitutional government has disap- peared in the Austrian half of the Empire. The Vienna Reichsrat has not been convoked in three years. The Czechs, whom the Emperor had hoped to conciliate by the appointment of Count 60 Clam-Martinitz as Austrian Premier, branded the Minister as a renegade; in Hungary the opposition to the pro-Ger- man policy of Tisza is becoming more and more pronounced. The Hungarian Pre- mier is held responsible, jointly with the German Chancellor, for the disastrous failure of the German peace proposal. Count Andrassy, the leader of the Consti- tutionalists ; Counts Apponyi and Karolyi, the leaders of the two Independence par- ties ; ex-Premier, Dr. Alexander Wekerle, and other influential men some in the ranks of the Democratic party are un- dermining the position of the formerly all- powerful Tisza, and with his fall Hohen- zollern influence in the councils of the Hapsburg monarchy will have received a deadly blow. Throughout the war Germany's efforts to Teutonize Hungary have been keenly resented by the proud Magyars. In the Diet the insolence of German purchasers of Hungarian estates has provoked bitter discussion and the propagandist visits of two leading German politicians, Herr 61 Bassermann and Count Westarp, to the Hungarian capital, have been sarcastical- ly commented upon by the Budapest press. Thus the Nepszava said: "German Kul- tur is sufficiently well represented in Hun- gary to make it unnecessary to found any fresh associations for its dissemina- tion." Conversely, German newspapers have complained of the intolerant attitude of the Hungarians. The Munich Neueste Nachrichten deplores the inability of the Magyars to appreciate the purely cultural efforts of Germany, and revives the old charge of Magyar oppression of other nationalities. The fact is, the Hungarians are, as they have always been, an intensely practical people, and they will not compromise their future for the sake of pleasing either Hohenzollern or Hapsburg. The bait of becoming the guardians of the grain em- porium in the post-bellum Central Eu- rope has been spurned by clear-sighted Magyar statesmen, and though Hungary has gone far enough in following German 62 leadership, there are indications that she will not go the full length of Hohenzollern desires. Least of all will the Germans of Cis- leithania be entrapped into approval of the last mad scheme of Hohenzollern states- manship open defiance of the United States. During the fifty years that have elapsed since the Compromise with Hun- gary the balance of power within Cis- leithania has inclined, now to the German elements liberal or conservative now to the Czechs or Poles; but through it all Vienna has remained the centre of the Em- pire. German- Austria still rules the rul- ers, if not the Monarchy. The new Em- peror reflects, like Francis Joseph, the feeling of Vienna, and this is, and ever has been, antagonistic to Berlin. Vienna, even before the war, retained much of its old dislike of Prussian ways, and Berlin reciprocated this feeling. What an acute student of Kulturgeschichte, Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl, wrote half a century ago concerning the relations of Vienna and Berlin is still largely true: 63 "As regards mutual depreciation and lack of understanding, North and South Germans stand on the same level. There are enough educated people in the North, travellers in many lands, who almost glory in the fact that they have never seen Vi- enna; just as there are such in the South who are proud of having always avoided going to the capital on the Spree." In German literature, down to compara- tively recent days, depreciation of Aus- trian writers was the rule rather than the exception. "Grillparzer," wrote a North German critic, "is an Austrian poet who happens not to have written in the Magyar or Czech tongue, but in German. His works cannot be considered as manifesta- tions of the German spirit." In a sense this was true enough, for Grillparzer was an Austrian in every fibre, and disliked Prussian arrogance and pedantry intense- ly. Nor was the dramatist the only Ger- man-Austrian writer thoroughly repre- sentative of the Austrian spirit as dis- tinguished from the Prussian. Lenau, Raimund, Rosegger, and Anzenzruber 64 are notable instances of this in literature, as were Mozart, Schubert, Haydn, and Johann Strauss in music, and Schwind in art. Vienna and Berlin, though ostensibly united, are in reality far apart. Austria has not forgotten the series of humiliations suffered for a century and more at the hands of the Hohenzollerns. Bismarck's policy, from the beginning to the end of his career, was one long, carefully wrought-out plan for destroying Austrian influence, first in the German Federation, and then in all Europe. A hundred frank- ly cynical pages in his Memoirs bear this out. And only two years ago one of Bis- marck's successors labored hard to barter away some of Austria's fairest provinces for Italy's promise to keep out of the war. As was Austria, so were Bavaria, Saxony, and other German states but pawns in Prussia's game. Bismarck had them all in mind when he wrote, in 1859, to Minister von Schleinitz of that "infirm- ity of Prussia's" which could only be healed ferro et igni. Fire and sword are 65 once more the motto of Prussian states- manship, but Prussia, now the arbiter of the fate of all Germany, has still to reckon with her "faithful ally." Austria stands at the parting of the ways. Her alliance with the Hohenzollern, forced upon her by fancied political necessity, is not based on inner kinship in thought and feeling, not on ancient historical tradition, nor on community of future interests. It is a hol- low pretence, rife with the seeds of future dissension. When the break between Hohenzollern and Hapsburg will come, it would be rash to predict, but that the pres- ent union will not outlast the war is cer- tain. The tone of the last Austrian note to our Government portends unmistakably a change in the relations between the Teu- tonic Powers. Whatever Germany may decide upon in her delusion, Austria can- not risk the severance of her relations with the United States. 66 The Future of Bohemia [From The New York Evening Post, May 16, 1917.] Bohemia is declared to be in a state of siege. What does the news portend for the future of the kingdom and the entire Hapsburg monarchy? Are the prospects of peace brought nearer by this emphatic evidence of civic strife in the most import- ant crownland of Cisleithania? A possible answer to such questions concerning the future may be sought in a retrospect of the past. "Whoever is master of Bohemia is mas- ter of Europe," said Bismarck. He had in mind, not the nominal rulership, but the mastery of problems which from the time of the fall of the great Moravian em- pire, about the year 900, have never ceased to trouble Europe. Throughout her per- turbations Bohemia has within the past century grown economically to a com- manding position in Austria and Europe. Agriculturally and industrially highly productive, with enormously rich coal de- 67 posits and the most famous mineral springs in the world, Bohemia, "the pearl in the crown of St. Wenceslas," enjoys in- deed a proud preeminence. For centuries, too, Bohemia has been prominent in the arts of peace. The Czech nation gave Comenius (Komensky) to the world, and in more recent times Bohemia has been one of the artistic centres of Europe. Gluck conducted his first operas in Prague and Mozart's Don Juan first saw there the light. Down to the close of the eighteenth century Europe was but little concerned in the destinies of Bohemia. Since then the awakened national aspirations of the Czechs, amid the general revival of Slav- dom, have drawn the attention of foreign observers to a long-neglected subject. And now the note of the Entente Powers, with its implied promise of the restoration of the realm of Bohemia, which came to an end in 1620, fixes the gaze of all the world upon the Austrian province seemingly destined to play an important part in the final settlement of the war. "A great em- 68 pire, like a great cake," says Franklin, "is most easily diminished at the edges." Naturally enough, certain Czech pa- triots and agitators have sought by every means at their command to use the pres- ent opportunity to undermine the hold of the Hapsburgs on their North Slavic do- minions. The realm of St. Wenceslas is to be restored, but how is the dream to be realized? The advocates of the plan picture to themselves a country consisting of Bohemia proper, Moravia, and Silesia, plus the Slovak districts of northern Hun- gary, the whole to comprise about 50,000 square miles, and to contain about 12,- 000,000 inhabitants. The English trans- lation of the Entente note spoke of the lib- eration of the "Czecho- Slovaks," instead of the "Czechs and Slovaks" (as the French original had it), but the resusci- tation of Bohemia as an independent na- tion, with "Slovakia" as an integral part, has not in any quarter been clearly form- ulated. In a matter of such importance the details are everything. "Slovakia" has had no political existence since the 69 tenth century, and its present limits, hav- ing reference only to the regions of Hun- gary where Slovaks predominate, are not easily defined. It is admitted by those who favor the incorporation of Slovakia that not all her children in Hungary can return to the fold. The fate of the Slo- vaks in other parts of Hungary than those which are to be merged in the new Bo- hemia is left in doubt; nor do we get the slightest hint as to the status of the Mag- yars who will find themselves incorporated in the new state, together with the Slovaks. The forced consent of the Hungarian nation to the cession of their northern ter- ritory is, of course, assumed, just as is the consent of the Government of Cisleithania to the liberation of all Bohemia. What is to be the form of government to be adopted for the new state? On the whole, a monarchy seems to be preferred, though some advocates of total separation from Austria incline to a republican form of government. Prof. T. G. Masaryk, formerly of the University of Prague, and now an exile 70 in London, passes lightly over the ques- tion of the constitution of the new Bo- hemia. Writing in the New Europe, shortly before the establishment of the present Government of Russia, he says : The dynastic question is left to the de- cision of the Allies, who might perhaps give one of their own princes. There might be a personal union between Servia and Bohemia, if the Serbs and Bohemians were to be neighboring countries. A per- sonal union with Russia or with Poland, if the latter were to be quite independent, has also been suggested. (German and Austrian princes must co ipso be ex- cluded.) The Bohemian people are thor- oughly Slavophile. A Russian dynasty, in whatever form, would be most popular, and, in any case, Bohemian politicians de- sire the establishment of the kingdom of Bohemia in complete accord with Russia. This is equalled in vagueness only by the suggestion that "so far as the Ger- man minority is concerned, I should not be opposed to a rectification of the politi- cal frontier; parts of Bohemia and Mo- ravia, where there are only a few Czechs, might be ceded to German Austria." We 71 must remember that in present Bohemia the proportion of Germans to Czechs is as thirty-seven to sixty-three, and that the German minority, so nonchalantly to be disposed of, contains most of the me- chanical and technological skill, enterprise, and wealth, that Bohemia boasts. More- over, there is nothing in the history of the kingdom, remote or recent, to warrant the assumption of future harmony between the common people and the aristocracy a very important consideration in the case of a country where noble families have per- haps greater power and influence than has any other aristocracy in Europe. The feudal nobility of Bohemia has never identified itself with the people German or Czech as has the Magyar aristocracy with the masses of Hungary. The Princes Schwarzenberg own one-thirteenth of the land; the Lobkowitzes, Clam-Martinitzes, and many other noblemen ranged on the side of the feudalists are scarcely less in- fluential than the Schwarzenbergs. Gen- erally opposed to the feudalists in political matters involving the equality of the 72 Czech and German languages, but equally aloof from the masses, are the Princes Auersperg and other German-speaking landed proprietors, whom the new Bo- hemia will find it anything but easy to dispossess or expatriate. And not only Bohemian noblemen of both nationalities have hitherto been attached to the house of Hapsburg, but the bulk of the Czech people have been distinctly loyal on vari- ous critical occasions. That a cataclysm like the present war has led to something like revolt, both in the army and in civil life, is explainable enough on purely economic grounds. Up to the outbreak of the war the most fervent of Czech nationalists have acquiesced in the over- lordship of the Hapsburgs, and clamored only for an autonomy of Bohemia like that which Hungary enjoys, within the monarchy. That the Hapsburg regime, with rare exceptions, has on the whole consistently opposed the political and literary aspirations of Czech leaders has not disturbed the vision of those among them clear-sighted enough to recognize 73 that an independent state of Bohemia would mean a Bohemia exposed to the ambitions of neighboring states and the entanglements of European politics. The principal spokesman for Czech aspirations in the last century, the his- torian, Francis Palacky, a patriot of great renown, is credited with the authorship of the dictum that "if Austria did not exist it would have to be invented." Palacky wrote as late as 1865: "To pre- tend that the resources of so vast an Em- pire are to be devoted entirely to the service of one or two favorite peoples, while the others who contribute equally to the might of the whole estate are to be content with what may be allowed them, is equal to saying: 'We are the masters and you are the servants.' ' It is true, Palacky's argument was directed against the Germans of Bohemia, but he was too good a logician not to know that his reasoning could be turned both ways. "The Slavs," he declared, "desire the prosperity of the monarchy, on condition that they are given guarantees for their 74 normal development." He feared not hoped that the Dualism established in 1867 portended the eventual dismember- ment of the monarchy. Another fallacy in the reasoning of those who would identify Pan- Slavic aims with present Czech aspirations is the assump- tion that Bohemians have always been wishing to throw in their lot with the kindred races of Austria and other countries. The truth is that the Czechs of Bohemia have had but a tempered sympathy with the aspirations of other Slavic peoples. The idea of a Pan-Slavic union occurred to Kollar, generally con- sidered the father of the movement, mainly for literary purposes. He first advanced the plan in 1831, and, of course, from that the step to a furtherance of political aims was a natural one. During the revo- lution of 1848 the Bohemians, while tak- ing the leadership in the Slavic movement which then seemed to promise success, were far apart from several of their Slavic brethren. The general Slavic congress convoked by Palacky at Prague resulted 75 in a split into two camps. The Czechs de- clared in favor of the Austrian Govern- ment, as did the South-Slavic Croats and Serbs. The Poles, who had learned to see in the Russians their natural oppres- sors, espoused the cause of Hungary. Pan- Slavism is to day as little of a practi- cal fact as it was during the revolution of 1848. It never entered Palacky's mind that the revival of the Czech language meant the creation of a Czecho- Slovak state. Up to about 1850 he and a few scholars like Schafarik represented all that there was in Czech literature, in the creation of which he was chiefly interested. It is told of him that when he and a small number of his friends gathered at his house on one occasion he remarked jestingly: "If the roof should now fall, the whole of Czech literature would be buried in its ruins." Nevertheless, the stimulus given to Czech aims by the present war is not surprising, and, properly expressed and led into prac- tical channels, it may lead to important results. Austria is on the verge of ex- 76 haustion, and after laying her heavy hand on Czech "rebels" like Dr. Kramarsch, the Government may even before the conclu- sion of peace be forced to gentler measures in dealing with her recalcitrant subjects in Bohemia. Possibly the leaders of the present movement among the Czechs, as well as the European statesmen eventually charged with peace negotiations, may come to the conclusion that an autonomous Bohemia within the Empire may be a stronger guarantee of future peace to all concerned than a nominally free Bohemia without. One thing, at all events, is cer- tain. The Czechs of Bohemia will never lend a willing ear to Pan-German bland- ishments. They may make peace, in their own interest, with the Hapsburgs but they will never cease to distrust the Hohenzol- lerns. They still feel towards German chauvinism as they did in the day when Ladislas Rieger, Palacky's son-in-law and the most eloquent spokesman of his peo- ple, said in a famous discourse: "You al- ways talk of German science and civiliza- tion. How often have these idols been held 77 up to us for our admiration! One never hears any one talk of French science and civilization, but 'Deutsche Wissenschaft' is such a mouth-filling morsel!" It is to be hoped that at the conclusion of peace the Czechs, like the Poles, may be masters of their destinies, but it is pre- mature to forecast their decision. Austria in her strength and her weakness her di- versified German and non-German ma- terial and intellectual interests, as well as her hopeless internal dissensions is to-day the greatest stumbling block in the path of Germany's single-minded ruthlessness. Pan-Germanism, always confined in Lower Austria to a handful of noisy dema- gogues, has made no converts since the war. Vienna is not yet ready to sink to the level of a lesser Berlin. And all Aus- tria will long remember that Prussia lured her into the present war and, when hos- tilities were scarcely begun, brought every pressure to bear upon her to make her relinquish some of her fairest provinces for the sake of keeping Italy from joining the Allies. - Such an alliance in arms has 78 taught Austria what to expect in a future partnership in "Central Europe." It will be the task of wise statesmanship among the Allies to reconcile the claims of the Czechs with the position of Austria as an important factor in eventual combinations that shall bring about peace and save the world from future aggression on the part of Germany. 79 Hungary and the Fall of Tisza [From The New York Nation, May 31, 1917.] HP HE resignation of the Tisza Ministry is an event the significance of which will be felt on all the battlefields of En- rope. Exactly fifty years after the re- gained autonomy of Hungary was sealed by the coronation of Francis Joseph at Budapest, his successor to the crown of St. Stephen parts with the services of the Premier who has been the most powerful advocate of the alliance between the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs. Count Tisza had staked his fate on the unshaken continuance of that alliance, and he has fallen. Ostensibly he resigned because the Emperor Charles refused to approve of his attitude concerning the reform of the franchise in the Hungarian kingdom, and it may well be that the voice of the various nationalities who are clamoring for a juster share in the Government than the Magyars 81 have hitherto accorded them can no longer be suppressed; but more serious problems are confronting both halves of the mon- archy to-day than even the question of uni- versal manhood suffrage in Hungary. Public opinion in Hungary is divided on the question of continuing the war. We have heard of Count Karolyi, the leader of a branch of the Independence party, strongly urging the need of peace and repudiating all ideas of conquest ; and of such influential papers as the Pesti Hirlap and the Pesti Naplo (once famous as the organ of Francis Deak) ranging themselves on the side of the opposition to Tisza. Finally, there came the cable news of a bitter attack of the Pesti Naplo on Count Reventlow and of the Socialist organ, Nepszava., on Tirpitz, while three members of the Chamber of Deputies were quoted as condemning the present subma- rine warfare. Little has been heard during the war of the once powerful Kossuth party. Its very name has been merged in that of other groups, but that its principles will revive 82 after the war is as certain as that the spell of that famous leader has not forever lost its potency. How will his teachings com- port with the new order of things in Hun- gary if the Pan-Germanists and advocates of a new Central Europe have their way? Can Magyars ever forget his fierce detes- tation of the Hapsburgs, his glowing ad- miration for Anglo-Saxons? "It is the Anglo-Saxon race alone," he said, in an address in this country on March 6, 1852, "that stands high and erect in its inde- pendence. . . . And inviolability of person and the inviolability of property are English principles. England is the last stronghold of these principles in Eu- rope." And contrast with this his remark about Prussia, on a similar occasion: "What would the petty princes of Ger- many have been in 1848 without Prussia? And what was Prussia, when her capital was in the hands of the people, without the certainty of the Czar's support?" Tisza, who returned to power as Premier in 1913, after having been in the Cabinet from 1903 to 1906, has been the subject 83 of bitter opposition both before and since the outbreak of the war. He resumed office after Prime Minister Lukacs had introduced, in 1912, a franchise bill the provisions of which would have doubled the electorate, but which still left the fa- vored classes with so many privileges that the Radical party and the Socialists raised a fierce outcry against the Government's proposal. Tisza, who was then President of the Chamber, was the principal target of abuse, and after he became Premier he had to face a new Opposition party, or- ganized by Count Andrassy, who was, and has since been, committed to the reform of the franchise. Tisza declared universal suffrage to be a national danger. He not unnaturally feared that the political equal- ity of the various nationalities of Hungary would threaten Magyar hegemony. But the exigencies of war lead to strange avowals and disavowals. Tisza recently seemed to experience a sudden change of heart and professed in Parliament his af- fection for the non-Magyar races. "No- where in the world," he said, "is the prin- 84 ciple of nationality applied so liberally as in the two states of the Dual Monarchy." These idyllic conditions have not always prevailed either in Cisleithania or in Hun- gary. Few modern Magyar statesmen have consistently adhered to the principles of Deak and Eotvos, who labored honestly for a conciliatory policy towards non- Magyar nationalities and respected their languages and customs. Their enlight- ened views gave way in the seventies to the ruthlessly chauvinistic policy of the elder Tisza, and the Magyarization of the state has since gone on apace. The in- tolerance of the Government towards Par- liamentary representatives of other races may be illustrated by an incident which occurred last February. A well-known Slovak Deputy, Father Juriga, who had suffered imprisonment for his nationalist principles, discussed a bill before the Chamber designed to perpetuate the mem- ory of the heroes who had fallen in battle. In the course of his remarks he requested the House to permit him to read a letter written in the Slovak language by a sol- 85 dier who had thanked the Minister of Edu- cation for having allowed, during the war, the study of the Slovak language in secondary schools. But after violent in- terruption on the part of the Opposition leaders, the Chamber ruled that not a single Slovak word could be spoken by any Deputy, and Juriga desisted from his purpose with the quiet remark: "I do not wish to create a scandal, and therefor^ content myself with pointing out that in this House quotations may be read in English and French, the languages of the enemy, but not in some of the languages of our own country." The Germans within the limits of Hun- gary have on the whole bowed more meek- ly to the rule of the Magyar than the other nationalities. Indeed, their outward trans- formation into Magyars the Saxons of Transylvania alone excepted has in the large towns been rapid, and as they had no separatist aspirations, there has been little political friction between them and the dominant race. German names of places have disappeared from school geographies, and in many instances German patrony- mics have been gladly exchanged by their bearers for more sonorous Magyar ones. Yet the war has not drawn Magyars and Teutons closer to each other. Officially they may fraternize, organically they do not fuse. Hungarian and Austrian gene- rals bore a distinguished part in the early battles, when German armies came to the rescue of their hard-pressed allies in the Carpathians and elsewhere, but the names of Kovess and Boehm-Ermolli are never mentioned when Germans sing the praises of Hindenburg and Mackensen. Nor have the South Slavs of the monarchy learned during the war to look with friend- lier eyes on Berlin and Vienna than before. With the fate of Servia as a warning ex- ample before them, the loyalty of Serbo- Croats to the Hapsburgs and their wil- lingness to place themselves under the aegis of the Hohenzollerns have been sorely tried. The Croats and Magyars have al- ways been at daggers drawn. It may be taken as axiomatic that what the Magyar desires the Croat opposes. Croatia has 87 never concealed its bitter discontent with Dualism, and Hungarian politicians have fully reciprocated the feeling of the Croats. Recent utterances of the newspapers of Agram and Fiume that occasionally find their way to this country reflect the dis- satisfaction of the people with prevailing economic conditions a feeling which ex- tends to the political situation as well. Tisza had originally not been particu- larly friendly to the German designs on Austria-Hungary, which have found ex- pression in the plan of a "Mitteleuropa." He opposed the economic federation be- tween the Central Powers and those Eu- ropean states which Germany was espe- cially anxious to place under her wings. In truth, he distrusted more than one partner in the future Central Europe, and like all Magyar statesmen of the present day, who seek in every political combina- tion solely the interest of their own race, he thought of the future, while the states- men of Vienna thought chiefly of the pres- ent. Whether his dismissal from office now is due to his own recognition of the 88 fact that the alliance between Hapsburgs and Hohenzollerns is tottering, or whether the Emperor Charles wishes to have a free hand in movements which might find in the fiery Hungarian a dangerous opponent, Tisza's fall presages in any case an un- mistakable change in the relations between Germany and Austria-Hungary. The fact is that, though the two countries have been politically united since the outbreak of the war, they have in their military activity since their early common successes been gradually drifting apart. Germany is fighting her battles in France alone, as Austria is fighting hers in the Trentino and the Coast Districts. The fate of the Mon- archy is nearer to the heart of its ruler than the future of his German ally. As for his subjects, they are skeptical, and they were long forced to remain silent. Previous experiences in their history have taught all the peoples of the Empire not to build their hopes too firmly on military victories. In 1866 Austria humbled Italy in the sea-fight at Lissa, and was com- pelled to give up Venetia to her. She was 89 crushed at Sadowa by Prussia, and Hun- gary gained her autonomy and Cisleithania a liberal Constitution. And to-day, with the fortunes of war still in the balance, Slavs, Humans, and others look expectant- ly to a future that shall bring them, some- how, through some turn of affairs at home or abroad, their coveted self-government. Whoever may be Tisza's successor, an element of unrest is now working in the Empire which is certain to influence the course of affairs. Vienna has served notice on Budapest that it intends to become once more the centre of political gravity, but whether the Government, with or with- out the sanction of the representatives of the people it is reported that for the first time in more than three years the Reichs- rat has been convened will be able to strike out into new paths, internally as well as externally, remains to be seen. Too lit- tle is known of the new Emperor to war- rant the assumption that he intends to rule with the help of the liberal Germans of Austria, but he certainly cannot perma- nently ignore them. Though ever since 90 the fall of the Auersperg Ministry, in 1879, they have been out of power, they are a factor to be reckoned with. Their voice is bound to be heard again, and its echoes will reach Berlin. The Austrian Germans will not forever follow whither Prussia shall lead. Once more, as so often in the past, the inherent antagonism be- tween Austrians and Prussians manifests itself. The Germans of Lower and Upper Austria, of Salzburg, Styria, Carinthia, the Tyrol, and other Crown lands, who are mostly of purer Teutonic stock than the Prussians, are beginning to ask unpleas- ant questions. They are getting tired of being called Germanic brethren when it suits Prussian advantage to claim them, and to be repudiated when the wind blows from another quarter. As in politics so in literature. For many long years there seemed to be, in Grillparzer's words, a con- spiracy against Austrian writers in Ger- many. She looked askance at the great dramatist himself, though she gradually learned to adopt him and other Austrians, 91 just as she has adopted Swiss writers like Gottfried Keller and Konrad Ferdinand Meyer. It must be said, in all fairness, that since the elder Andrassy's death, no Aus- trian statesman except Tisza has made it his task to promote a genuine alliance be- tween Hapsburgs and Hohenzollerns. Count Aehrenthal, the only Minister of Foreign Affairs in recent years who has left his impress on Austrian politics, was concerned purely with the aggrandizement of his own country though in ways that proved disastrous in the end and did not ask for Germany's consent to the annex- ation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. But he fashioned his course closely after her ruth- less Realpolitik. Austria has since chosen to identify herself still more completely with Prussia's foreign policy, heedless of the warning given to the Hapsburgs, years ago, by so stanch a defender of Prussian principles as Professor Delbruck. He wrote (Preusmche Jahrbiicher, Vol. 130) : "The conception of nationality has at- tained in the nineteenth century through- 92 out the world a power which it is abso- lutely useless to contend against. We have seen in the case of Prussia how little even a state of its gigantic strength can accomplish against a few million scattered Poles. The sooner German-Austrians make up their minds to recognize the equality of all nationalities, even the small- est, and the more willing they show them- selves to make all the practical sacrifices inherent in such a recognition, the better it will be for them and for the German cause everywhere. The hope for such a consummation lies in Austria's relations to Hungary and in her foreign policy." The task of Tisza's successor in the in- ternal affairs of Hungary is clear enough there can be no retreat from the principle of the equality of her nationalities; as to the future foreign policy of Austria, that, as well as the foreign policy of Germany, will be shaped by the issue of the present war. The Poles of Austria [From The New York Nation, July 5, 1917.] Appointment of a stop-gap Ministry gives Emperor Charles a breathing spell before grappling definitely with a serious crisis. Czech Deputies are rebellious, as Czech regiments have long been, and the Poles are clamoring for more emphatic recognition in the government of Austria. All parties in Galicia have been watching events in Russia closely, and the course of the Poles in national affairs will be shaped by international developments. On the whole, ever since the ruthless suppression of the peasant rising in Galicia, in 1846, the Austrian Government has shown distinct partiality and a cer- tain skill in its dealings with the Poles, favoring the nobility without actively an- tagonizing the rural population, and granting concessions to the national spirit which were at times galling enough to Germans and Ruthenes. In 1868 Polish became the vehicle of instruction in the 95 University of Cracow, as it became some- what later in the University of Lemberg, and Polish officials replaced German ones thoroughout Galicia. Von Grocholski en- tered in 1871 the first Austrian Cabinet as Minister for Galicia, and Polish influ- ence has since made itself felt both in the Ministries and in the Reichsrat. Polish patriots have risen to leadership in the Austrian Parliament. Francis Smolka, who had been condemned to death for treason before 1848, became in 1881 Presi- dent of the Lower House of the Vienna Reichsrat, and in more recent times an- other Galician Deputy, the Armenian Abrahamowicz, occupied the same place. Such distinctions, however, were not won without resort to skilful parliamentary tactics, and sometimes to obstinate opposi- tion to the methods of Germanizing poli- ticians. The Compromise of 1867 was at first a sore trial to the Poles. Dualism, with Magyar preponderance, was as little to their liking as Federalism, with Bohe- mian autonomy, would have been. The fifty-seven Polish Deputies, whose votes 96 ' could decide important parliamentary issues, withdrew from the Reichsrat. As in the case of the Czechs, the policy of abstention proved successful in the long run, and the Poles have to the present day been better able to maintain their ground in the councils of the Empire than any other of the Slavic races of Austria. The relations between the Polish aris- tocracy and the Austrian Government were badly strained in 1908, in conse- quence of the Russian propaganda, carried on among the Ruthene peasantry of Ga- licia. To this Count Szeptycki, the United-Greek Archbishop of Lemberg, who was subsequently taken into Russian captivity, but has since been released by the Provisional Government, lent his will- ing aid. The Poles, as ever opposed to Ukrainophile pretensions, were hostile alike to the efforts of Austria and Russia to strengthen their hold on the Ruthenes the former through agents of the Catholic Church, the latter through those of the Orthodox- Greek. The tension, which led to the assassination of the Governor, 97 Count Potocki, by a Ruthene student, re- sulted in the appointment, for the first time in the annals of Galicia, of a non- aristocratic Pole, the historian, Dr. Bo- brzynski, to the Governorship. He en- deavored to mediate, not with conspicuous success, between Poles and Ruthenes. The breach between them, in fact, widened when, in March, 1913, the Governor at- tempted to carry through the Galician Diet a bill for electoral reform intended to effect a compromise. He was forced to resign, and through his successor, Von Korytowski, a Polish nobleman, the ruling classes of Galicia were once more brought closer to the Vienna Government. Since then, however, developments in the Aus- tro-German alliance have wrought a change in the attitude of Polish and Ru- thene leaders toward each other and to- ward the Government. The Poles, through their spokesman, Count Stanilas Tarnowski, president of the Cracow Academy of Sciences, had charged the Ukrainists as early as March, 1914, in the Galician Diet, with close affiliation with 98 the Pan-German Ostmarken-Verein, an association notoriously bent on destroying the Polish nationality. The Ruthenes then plainly showed themselves susceptible to German influence. It was generally believed by them that the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, under instructions from Berlin, favored the establishment of a Ukraine state, to whose rule the children of his morganatic marriage might suc- ceed. The war has ended this dream, though it has not allayed the restlessness and mutual jealousies of Poles and Ru- thenes. The question of the resuscitation of the ancient kingdom of Poland, which has now come to the front, has overshadowed the narrower Polish question in Austria. Since the issuing of the proclamation to all the Poles by Grand Duke Nicholas, in August, 1914, there has been constant interchange of thought between the Polish leaders of Austria, Prussia, and Russia. Sienkiewicz, among others, called on his compatriots everywhere to identify them- selves with the cause of the Russian peo- 99 pie, and Count Wielopolski, the president of the Polish Club of the Duma that assembled at the outbreak of the war, has stood for a compromise between Russians and Poles which was first advocated by his namesake, the Marquis Wielopolski, after the revolution of 1830. The occupation of Galicia by the Rus- sians introduced a new element of uncer- tainty into the situation. Attached as many of the prominent Poles were to the house of Hapsburg, and much as they resented the arrogance and brutality of the Russian Governor, Count Bobrinsky, who kept Lemberg under the heel of Russian autocracy, they yet felt their Polish senti- ment enlisted by the liberal stirrings of Warsaw. The fortunes of war have ren- dered the hope of all Poles for a restora- tion of their ancient kingdom not entirely illusory. Apparently, Germany encour- ages the plans of Austria. It has been as- serted that the Archduke Charles Stephen, whose sons-in-law, Prince Radziwill and Prince Czartoryski, bear names famous in the history of Poland, has been selected 100 for the throne of the restored kingdom; but whatever faith Galician Poles may put in Austrian promises, they will look long before they leap into a Hohenzollern trap. Their position in the Hapsburg dominions during the last fifty years has been by no means intolerable, and it is now more than ever within their power to strengthen their influence. The plan of a restored Poland under Hapsburg rule has been mooted before, and even Metternich was not wholly insin- cere in proposing it at a time when an alliance with France and England agaii