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IN the revision that modern language teaching has under-
gone during the last quarter of a century two facts have been
firmly established : first, that the pronunciation of a modern
foreign language should be taught with great care from the
outset ; and, secondly, that pronunciation can neither be
taught nor learned to the best advantage without the aid
of phonetics. 1 There is, moreover, to use the words of
Dr. Breul, 'a growing conviction that the teaching of
modern languages in our secondary schools should hence-
forth as a rule not be entrusted to foreigners but to duly
qualified English men and women/ 2 But whether the
language he teaches be his native speech or not, the
teacher can no longer afford to dispense with a phonetic
training. 3 For however successful he may be without the
aid of phonetics, he can always improve his results with
such aid. Especially is this true when it is his lot to
teach French to English-speakers. He can then hardly
allow the pupil to carry over a single sound from his
1 See The Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages and the Training
of Teachers, by Karl Breul, Cambridge, 1906 ; How to teach a Foreign
Language, by O. Jespersen, London, 1904 ; and The Sounds of English,
by Henry Sweet, Oxford, 1908.
2 Op. cit. p. 37.
3 * Phonetics makes us independent of native teachers. It is certain
that a phonetically-trained Englishman who has a clear knowledge of
the relations between French and English sounds can teach French
sounds to English people better than an unphonetic Frenchman . . .
who is unable to communicate his pronunciation to his pupils, and,
perhaps, speaks a vulgar or dialectal form of French himself (Sweet's
Sounds of English, p. 92).
own language without modification. And yet the sounds
of French often resemble English sounds so far that the
learner will fail to detect any difference even when he is
assured that the sounds are not the same. It is obvious,
then, that every means of fixing the identity of a sound
will be helpful. Now phonetics enables the teacher to
fortify the appeal to the ear with an appeal to the reason,
and often to the senses of touch and sight. In correcting a
faulty pronunciation he no longer rests content with a
repetition of the right sound. He tells the pupil exactly
why his pronunciation is wrong, and what he must do in
order to rectify it. The pupil has then the immense
advantage of knowing when he is wrong, even though his
ear may still not appreciate the difference between the right
and the wrong sound, and even when the teacher is not
there to help him. Like sounds thus acquire distinguishing
marks, cases of mistaken identity become less common, and
the training of the ear is greatly accelerated. Where, on the
other hand, the foreign sound has no analogue in English,
and can be produced only by bringing the organs of speech
into positions which are quite unfamiliar to the learner and
which at first probably demand a considerable effort on his
part, the teacher can spare him the tedious task of discovery.
To the self-taught student, a fortiori, phonetics is in-
valuable. Even if he be most favourably situated for the
acquisition of the foreign tongue, by residence in the
country where it is spoken, a reasoned knowledge of
the sounds will render his progress much more rapid and
much more sure. He will know what sounds to expect,
he will know when the pronunciations he hears are
abnormal and not to be imitated, he will be quicker to
detect his own faults, he will know from what cause they
proceed, and how to amend them. 1
1 See Sweet's Sounds of English , p. 92.
In the first part of this book I have endeavoured to fix
the identity of each sound in standard French by (i) giving
a list of its traditional spellings, (ii) defining the position of
the organs of speech necessary for its production, and (iii)
explaining its relations to other sounds, usually its nearest
English analogues. Where the pronunciation of the latter
fluctuates, reference is made to the most important varia-
tions, including those current in America and Australia.
Occasion is everywhere taken to warn the student against
the errors into which he will be most likely to fall.
The second part deals with the factors which control the
combination of sounds in connected speech. One needs
only an elementary acquaintance with the language to be
aware that a knowledge of these factors is of vital import-
ance. Here, again, wherever they seemed likely to be helpful,
comparisons have been drawn between the two languages.
It was at first my intention to add a running com-
mentary explaining the growth and origin of the sounds of
modern French. The pages of history are here peculiarly
alluring and enlightening. But the book being designed
for a practical mission, it seemed, on reflection, prudent
to resist this temptation. The scholar would no doubt
be interested to observe how the very numerous diphthongs
of Old and Middle French gradually passed over into other
sounds, leaving not a single survivor ; how the diverse
spellings of a sound originated ; how elision became more
and more common as linking grew more and more rare ;
but a solution of these and like problems did not appear
to be so helpful as to warrant my diverting attention from
the main purpose. To master the pronunciation of a foreign
language is no light task, and the student's forces need to
be economized.
I frankly own that this little treatise would never have
seen the light had not the works of Professor Paul Passy,
of M. Fabbe Rousselot, of Professor Victor and Dr. Sweet
been already in existence. I also express my general
indebtedness to most other works of repute on French
Phonetics, of which I must be content to mention but one :
Dr. Quiehl's Franzosische Aussprache und Sprachfertigkeit
(4th ed. Marburg, 1906), an admirable contribution on the
teaching of French in German schools. Yet, in spite of my
debts, I trust it will be found that the book is not a
'compilation from foreign works.' I have unhesitatingly
resorted to all good sources for help and succour, but I
have ventured to differ from authority in print whenever it
seemed at variance with authority in speech : in all such
cases my opinion has been corroborated by careful
observation and experiment in the great laboratory of
French, Paris itself. On some chapters, particularly Elision
and Linking, the authorities in print were distressingly
silent, and I was compelled to embark on long courses of
investigation. The materials thus gathered I have en-
deavoured to present in the way which seemed most suited
to English needs.
The attempt has been greatly facilitated by generous
help and encouragement both in Sydney and Paris, and,
in particular, by the constant and wise counsels of my wife,
without whose aid the work would not have been under-
taken. For this counsel, encouragement and help I tender
my best thanks. G G N
PARIS, Easter , 1908.
The author owes a special debt of gratitude to Dr. E. J.
Trechmann, M.A., his predecessor at the University of
Sydney, now of London, for revision of the proofs and
valuable suggestions. G G N
SYDNEY, 1909.
i The different kinds of Vowels 9
2. The French and English Vowel-systems com-
pared 12
3. The Normal Oral Vowels ... 13
4. The Abnormal Oral Vowels 27
5. The Nasalized Vowels General - 32
6. The Nasalized Normal Vowels 34
7. The Nasalized Abnormal Vowel 37
II. THE DIPHTHONGS (so-called) - 39
1. The different kinds of Consonants - - 42
2. The French and English Consonant-systems
compared - - 43
3. The Stops or Explosives 44
4. The Nasal Consonants 54
5. The Continuants or Fricatives 57
I. UNITS OF SPEECH (Sentence, Sound-group, Stress-
group, Syllable) 69
V. TRANSITION (Glides) - 155
VII. QUANTITY - - - - - 174
VIII. PITCH - ----- 183
INDEX - - - . ,. . - . - 188
FRENCH orthography, like English, is radically defective.
The language contains at least thirty-seven distinct sounds,
not reckoning differences in length, stress and pitch, or
other occasional modifications. To represent these sounds
accurately and unambiguously, there should be a similar
number of symbols. Not only, however, is the equipment
of symbols very inadequate, but those that exist are
employed with bewildering inconsistency. Thus the sign e
may stand for an 'open e,' as in avec\ for a ' close e,' as in
parler ; or for the so-called 'mute e,' as in petit. It may
even be an idle sign, without any corresponding sound,
as in beau and comme. Combined with another vowel-sign
it is used to indicate other simple sounds, when further
inconsistencies result. Thus eu represents three different
sounds in leur, yeux, and il eut\ while the first of these
three sounds is also represented by (K, as in #//; by ue, as in
cueillir; by ecu, as in cceur. The incoherence is emphasized
by the phenomenon of nasalization. We find, for example,
the signs un, um standing for the nasalized form of the
vowel in leur and not for a nasal u ; the signs aim, ain, ein,
im, in and en, as in faim, pain, sein, simple, fin, Men,
standing for a nasalized vowel which does not exist in
French in its pure or oral form ; and the signs am, an, em,
en, aon for a nasalized a, as in champ, tant, temps, vent,
F.P. A <
The accents, too, which might have served to extend the
capacity of the French alphabet, only increase the confusion.
While an isolated would naturally stand for 'open ,' a is
never used for the ' open a,' nor o for the * open o.' Like-
wise would regularly stand for a long 'open e,' but it
represents a short 'open e' in vous etes, and is often
pronounced as a half-long ' close ej in vetu. The symbol a
indicates, in many cases, a long ' open ,' as in ame ; but it
represents a short ' close a ' in the first and second persons
plural of the past definite tense of verbs of the first
conjugation, e.g. aimdmes, aimdtes. On the other hand o,
as a rule, stands for a ' close ,' sometimes long, as in hote,
sometimes half-long, as in hotesse ; but in hotel, roti, is pro-
nounced as a short 'open o? Placed over the vowels i and
u, which are always close in French, the circumflex accent
becomes merely a sign of length ; yet / and u often denote
short sounds, as in qu'il fit, qu^il fut, and the long i and u
more often than not, as in tige, ruse, bear no accent.
This confusion extends to the consonants. Take s as
an example. This sound is represented by s in sang, by ss
in tasse, by / in le$on, by c in place, by sc in scene, by / in
nation, by x in soixante, and, along with k, by x in exprh
and by xc in excellent-, while the sign s is used not only
for the sound s but also for z, as in cause, or idly, without
any sound-value, as in U est.
Further, not only is there confusion between the vowels,
on the one hand, and the consonants, on the other, inter
se : we constantly find vowel-signs representing consonantal
sounds. Thus the u in huit, the / in bien, the ou in oui
are consonants. Still more complex is the confusion in
words like roi, foi, loi, where the vowel-signs oi do duty
for a consonant and a vowel '#' that is not readily
suggested by either of the signs.
From the foregoing we may conclude, first, that the
traditional spelling is no safe guide to pronunciation ; and,
secondly, that even if the traditional alphabet were applied
more consistently it would be, at best, a very clumsy means
of indicating the precise sounds of the language. The
latter result may be illustrated a little more directly.
How, for example, using the traditional signs, should we
distinguish between the open and the close sounds of the
vowel eul The least objectionable method would be to
employ an accent for one of the two sounds, say the
circumflex, placed over the sign u (i.e. eu\ to denote
the close vowel. This symbol has the disadvantage of
containing three signs to represent one sound, and of
suggesting to the mind, by the accent placed over one
of them and it must be placed over one of the signs
unless new type is cast that there are two distinct sounds.
Moreover, practical experience has shown that the use
of the accent to indicate the quality of a vowel clogs the
mental process by which the sign is converted into a sound,
and frequently results in the production of the wrong sound.
What is required or desirable is a simple sign that will at
once and directly suggest the right idea, and thus enable
the learner to devote all his attention to the realization of
that idea; namely, the production of the sound.
Objections to phonetic methods of the kind indicated
might be multiplied. " But enough has been said to show
the need for some more adequate equipment of symbols.
This need has been met by the International Phonetic
Association, whose phonetic alphabet will be adopted in
the present work. This alphabet has the threefold merit
of utilizing familiar material, of having been adopted by
nearly all the later writers on phonetics, and of representing
each sound by but one sign. Whatever defects it has,
and it is not put forward as the perfect realization of an
ideal, it is adopted with confidence as the best that has
Sign. French.
a patte [pat], part [pair]
a pas [pa], pate [pa;t]
a tant [ta], /a;z& [ta:t]
yet been devised. It has stood the practical test of nearly
a quarter of a century, and the testimony of those who
have employed it is generally to the effect that a knowledge
of it is very easily acquired by the average schoolboy.
As applied to French and English this alphabet may
be set forth as follows : l
high [hai] ; sometimes in
ask [a:sk]
far [fai], part [pait]
not [not], all [oil]
cat [kset], ash [ae$]
day [dse] [dsi], Scotch [del]
fell [M], fare [fsi] [feig]
.ftT/fa [soofo], labour [Isiba]
fo/ [bAt], rttf [kAt]
m/ [b'Bid], fur [fei]
^ [ SI i]j ^z [siiz]
57/ [sit], ///v [prti]
show [$3o], shows [$ooz]
7Z0& [noot], door [doi] [doog]
<&' [de], plaisir [pleziir]
f ait \tt\, fete [fest]
/ [fs],/^^ [fsit]
/ [b], //<9^ [bso]
j/ [si], assise [asiiz]
chaud [Jo], chose [Joiz]
[not], ^^?r^ [noir]
1 The letters of the phonetic alphabet should be named only by
their sounds ; but those which are not readily pronounced apart may
be articulated with an [a]. Thus [t] will be called [ta] and not [tii],
as in English, nor [te], as in French ; [s] will be named by the hissing
sound it represents and not by the customary [ss] ; [u] will be denoted
by the sound traditionally written ou in French and not by the alpha-
betical name current in English [juu] or French [y]. To avoid mis-
understanding, phonetic signs will, throughout the book, be enclosed
in square brackets. For the sign [I] see page 7.
Sign. French.
5 non [no], monde [moid]
oe seul [soel], sceur [sceir]
03 un [os], humble [osibl]
peu [p0], heureuse [oer0iz]
u tout [tu], tour [tuir].
y / [ty], mur [myir]
b ^a^ [b]> r b e [rob]
d dfcw3; [du], rude [ryd]
duu],^^ [fjuu]
[put], true [tiuu]
bow [boo], rob [job}
[duu], r^(? [auud]
then [Ssn],
fare [fsio],
^J [gei], dog [dog]
[ha ip]
[juu], view [vjuu]
car [kai], lack [laek]
[lor)], <^a// [boil]
f //>*[feir|, sauf[soi(]
g B/ [ge], [dog]
h harpe [harp] [arp]
j yeux [j0], veille [vsij]
k car [kair], lac [lak]
1 lent [la], &?/ [bal]
m mode [mod], dime [dim] mode [mood], dim [dim]
n nappe [nap], canne [kan] nap [naep], can [kaen]
p signe [sip], signer [sipe]
p pire [piir], tape [tap]
r rare [rair], tort [toir]
R rare [RQIR], tort [toiR]
[so], masse [mas]
[Ju], r^r^ [ryj]
3 y^?^ [su], ^
t /a^ [to], 5/^ [sit]
sing [SID], ,w
/^r [piio], tap [taep]
[JSIQ], merry [men]
so [soo], #z^r [piji], ^/V h^]
z / [zsl], ttjs? [gaiz] zeal [ziil], #20 [gsiz]
The use of the same sign for both languages must not
be taken to imply identity between the sounds. In nearly
all such cases, on the contrary, there are differences which
cannot be neglected and which will be discussed in due
course. But to employ double symbols for sounds which
are essentially the same would mean a great complication
of the alphabet for a very slight advantage.
To the alphabet we may append a list of the signs which
are used to indicate either certain occasional modifications
of the regular sounds or certain additional sounds of rare
occurrence in French and English :
? the glottal-stop heard in German before accented
initial vowels, as in Abart [?ap?airt].
h the sound of breathing.
n the sound produced by the vibration of the vocal
chords, briefly 'voice.'
placed over or under a letter indicates that it is
devocalized : e.g. quatre [katr], pied [pje].
v placed over or under a letter indicates that it is
vocalized : e.g. masse de gens [mas d9 30].
1 placed under a letter indicates that it has syllabic
value : e.g. able [sib)].
placed over a vowel indicates that it is pronounced
with relaxed organs and is, therefore, more open :
e.g. mechant [meja].
placed over a vowel indicates that it is closer and is
pronounced with tenser organs.
I placed after a vowel or consonant indicates that it
is long : e.g. art [air], salle [sal:].
1 placed after a vowel indicates that it is half-long : e.g.
enfant [a'fa].
placed before a syllable indicates that it is accented :
when necessary a strong accent may be indicated
by doubling or even trebling the sign : " or '".
It has been said that the French language is built
up out of some thirty-seven sounds. Strictly speaking,
however, there is no limit to the number, for each sound
is subject to infinite variations. The least change in the
method of production theoretically entails a modification
of the sound. Yet we are justified in speaking of a norm
or standard pronunciation, to which the individual sounds
have reference, and which they are supposed to reproduce.
In all languages this normal pronunciation varies with
the locality. These variations often extend to the educated
classes among English-speaking people, and render the
selection of a norm for our language no easy task. But
no such difficulty arises in connection with French. The
standard is found, by common consent, in the pronuncia-
tion of the educated classes in Paris, subject to one possible
modification in favour of more general usage where the
Parisian practice is at variance with that of the educated
classes in other parts of the country. Reference will be
made to this modification in defining the individual sounds.
1. The different kinds of vowels.
All vowels are essentially variations of one simple kind
of sound, that produced by vibration of the vocal chords. 1
Their differentiation is wholly due to the shape of the
cavity in which the resonance takes place. This cavity
may consist either of the mouth alone or of the mouth
and nose combined. In the former case the velum, or
pendent end of the soft palate, acting like a valve, rises .
and closes the passage to the nose either entirely, or at
least so effectually that all the voice is deflected into the
mouth. Vowels produced in this way may be called Oral
Vowels or Pure Vowels. If the velum is lowered (but
not so far as to touch the tongue and thus close the
J The two vocal chords stretch horizontally from back to front
across the larynx or upper part of the windpipe. Each of them,
throughout its whole length, is connected, on the outer side, with
the walls of the larynx by an elastic membrane. The breath can,
therefore, pass only between the chords. This space or passage,
which is called the glottis , can be narrowed or closed by bringing
the chords together. If the chords are brought together and the
breath forced between them, they vibrate and produce the sound
which is known as voice.
passage to the mouth) the voice will pass into both nose
and mouth, which being now in direct communication
with each other may be regarded as forming one complex
cavity. Vowels produced with such a resonance-chamber
are known as Nasal Vowels or, more exactly, Nasalized
As the nose-cavity has a fixed form, all further distinctions
must be due to modifications in the shape of the mouth.
These modifications are effected chiefly by movements of
the tongue and lips, and on the relative positions of these
organs is based the classification of vowels as normal
and abnormal. If the positions of the tongue and lips
are such that they each tend towards the production of
the same characteristics they are said to be normal, and
the vowel that they produce is called a Normal Vowel.
If, on the other hand, they counteract each other, and
thus give rise to a mixed vowel-sound, they are considered
abnormal, and the resulting sound is described as an
Abnormal Vowel. In pronouncing the series [i-e-a-o-u]
in the given order, it will be observed (i) that the tongue,
which in articulating [i] is well forward in the mouth and
presses against the sides of the front palate, falls a little
and recedes a little for [e], lies flat on the floor of the
mouth for [a], is drawn back and rises towards the back
palate for [o] and reaches its extreme backward position for
[u] ; (2) that as the tongue moves backward the lips move
forward and are rounded ; (3) that the pitch of the voice
falls at each step, [i] being the vowel of highest and [u]
the vowel of lowest pitch in the series. Both tongue and
lips contribute towards this lowering of the pitch. The
vowels in question are, therefore, Normal. Suppose,
however, that while the tongue is in its forward position
for [i], the lips, instead of being held against the teeth
(thus helping to raise the pitch), are thrust forward as
for [u] (thus counteracting the effort of the tongue to
produce a high-pitched vowel) : the relative positions are
then said to be Abnormal, and an Abnormal vowel-sound
[y] is heard, whose pitch is neither as low as that of [u]
nor as high as that of [i]. Taking then as our starting-
point the positions for [a] when the tongue lies as flat
as possible on the floor of the mouth, we may say that
the movement of the lips is normal if they draw back
to the teeth in proportion as the tongue advances (for
by this means they will assist in raising the pitch), and
move forward and contract in proportion as the tongue
recedes (because they thus help to lower the pitch). If,
on the contrary, the lips are thrust forward and rounded
when the tongue is in a forward position, or held back
to the teeth when the tongue is in a backward position,
they may be said to defeat the effort of the tongue, in
which case the positions of the organs and the sound
uttered may be regarded as abnormal.
Finally, every vowel may be close or narrow and open or
wide. These terms refer to the distance between the palate
and the articulating part of the tongue. The organs are
tense in producing a narrow vowel, and relaxed in producing
a wide one. Thus i is open or wide in Eng. sit [sit], close or
narrow in Fr. site [sit] ; e is open or wide in Eng. dare [dsia],
close or narrow in Fr. de [de] ; u is open or wide in Eng.
full [ful], close or narrow in Yr.foule {ful]. It is sometimes
necessary to distinguish a third species, intermediate between
the close and open sounds : such a vowel may be called
half-open or half-wide. This middle sound is indicated
phonetically by the sign [ v ] placed over the close vowel. An
approximation to the middle and close sounds is often heard
in the diphthongs in seat [siit], day [dee], fool [fuul].
2. The French and English vowel-systems compared.
Nearly all the vowels of English, and the bulk of the
French vowels, are normal oral vowels. Comparing the
normal lip and tongue movements in the two languages
we find that, while in French they are carried out with
almost mathematical precision to their fullest extent,
English practice shows with regard to each organ, but
especially with regard to the lips, a relaxation of effort.
Hence the individual normal vowel-sounds of English and
French are rarely ever quite the same : the one or two
sounds that can be practically identified are those which
make the smallest demands upon the tongue and lips,
particularly the latter ; and the more effort a specific sound
requires, the less the correspondence between the two
languages. The long close vowels [ii] [ei] [01] [ui], the
four sounds which necessitate the greatest efforts of tongue
and lips, are generally replaced in modern English by
diphthongs in which, as a rule, neither element has. exactly
the close vowel-sound. In their short form these vowels
have ceased to exist in English, their places having been
taken by the corresponding open sounds. French, on the
other hand, which possesses both long and short close
vowels, has no open i or open u and no diphthongs. The
vowels of English secondary and weak syllables have either
been reduced to the colourless [9] or are at least normally
open. In the pretonic syllables of French, open and
close vowels retain their values. Compare Eng. revolution
[asv9luujn] [asvaljuujn] and Fr. revolution [revolysjo], Eng.
arithmetic [o.n0m9tik] and Fr. arithmetique [aritmetik], Eng.
opposition [ppgzijn] and Fr. opposition [opozisjo]. It is true
that the organs of speech are not quite so tense, even in
French, in producing vowels which bear a secondary or
weak accent, and therefore that close vowels in these
positions tend to become half-open, but the close vowel
is not transformed into an open one, and neither close
nor open vowels are reduced to [a].
In additional to its normal vowels, French possesses
several abnormal and nasalized vowels. The nasalization
of vowels occurs in English only as a dialectal peculiarity.
All the French abnormal vowels are formed by the pro-
jection of the lips when the tongue is in a forward position.
The one English vowel which is sometimes described as
abnormal, the [A] in cup [kAp], if rightly so described, has
that character because the lips are idle when the tongue
occupies a backward position.
This comparison of the two vowel-systems may serve to
warn the student that in learning French he will have to
contend with a characteristic slackness of the organs of
speech. It should, in particular, put him on his guard
against carrying English vowels over into French, against
the diphthongizing and lengthening of short close vowels,
against the opening of close vowels in unaccented syllables,
and the blurring of unaccented vowels in general.
3. The Normal Oral Vowels.
The general relations between the members of this series
of vowels may be indicated by means of the following
diagram :
The falling and rising line is that described by the
articulating part of the tongue as it moves from its extreme
forward to its extreme backward position in the mouth ;
and the place of each vowel marks its locality of articulation
and consequent order in the series. Thus [i] is produced
with the tongue in its extreme forward position, when it
bunches up close to the front part of the hard palate. For
the next vowel [e] the bunch recedes a little and falls a
little. The movement continues for [e] and [a]. When
[a] is reached the tongue lies flat on the floor of the mouth.
The backward movement being continued, the back part of
the tongue begins to bunch up towards the back palate, and
[o] [o] and [u] are produced in turn.
The curved brackets indicate that articulation of the last
three vowels cannot be effected without rounding of the lips.
For the same reason these vowels are sometimes described
as ' rounded vowels.'
The series may be divided into two groups [i-e-s-a] being
classed as Front Vowels and [a-o-o-u] as Back Vowels. The
individual vowels are then described as follows : [i] High-
Front-Narrow Vowel; [e] Mid-Front-Narrow Vowel; [e]
Mid- Front- Wide Vowel ; [a] Low-Front-Narrow Vowel ;
[a] Low-Back-Wide Vowel; [o] Mid-Back-Wide Vowel;-
[o] Mid-Back-Narrow Vowel ; [u] High-Back-Narrow Vowel.
High-Front-Narrow Vowel or Close i.
Phonetic sign : [i].
Traditional spellings :
1. /, as in signe [siji]-;
2. 2, as in dime [dim] ;
3. /*, as mfolie [foli] ;
4. y, as in cygne [siji] ;
5. ee, as in spleen [splin].
Articulation. The jaws being normally so close together
that the upper front-teeth just overlap, without touching, the
lower ones, the tip of the tongue touches the inside of the
lower front-teeth and its sides press upwards against the upper
gums, and outwards against the molars, bringing its face as
close to the middle of the hard palate as possible without
creating consonantal friction. The corners of the mouth
being drawn back, the lips are held against the teeth.
Explanation. This is the vowel-sound that is heard in
the Scotch pronunciation of dear [diir]. The English
sound which is commonly supposed to correspond to [ii]
is in reality a diphthong of which the first and stressed
element is a more open sound [i] or [i], and the second,
unstressed element sometimes a closer sound approaching
the consonant [j] myes [jis] : seat [sijt] [siit], breeze [biijz]
[buiz]. This [i] is articulated with the tongue just touching
the upper gums, and a shade less forward in the mouth than
for [i]. In uttering the English diphthong the tongue,
therefore, moves forward and begins to press against the
gums after the sound is attacked. The movement of the
tongue is accompanied by an upward movement of the lower
jaw which can be easily observed with the aid of a mirror.
For the vowel [ii] the tongue must be well forward and press
against the gums from the outset, and the jaws must not
move : brise [briiz].
The shorter English sound is the vowel [i] : sit [sit].
This sound, the High-Front-Wide Vowel or open z, does
not exist in French, the [i] requiring the same pressure
of the tongue as [ii] : Fr. site [sit].
Hence Fr. qui [ki] is not to be pronounced as Eng. key
[kii], nor Fr. six [sis] as Eng. cease [siis], nor Fr. il or lie
[il] as Eng. ill [il] or eel [lil], nor Fr. pire [piir] as Eng. peer
[piig] and [pus], nor Fr. lire [liir] as Eng. leer [Ida] [lua], nor
Fr. oui [wi] as Eng. we [wii]. 1
1 The French and English consonants in the examples, even though
represented by the same sign, are not absolutely identical. See under
The lips should be kept back against the teeth, though
not necessarily further back than for the next vowel [e]. If
they are allowed to protrude, as generally they do in English,
they will cloud the sound. French [i] is clear and bright.
In unaccented syllables the [i] is often a shade less close
than it is under the accent. The English-speaking student
will, however, do well to neglect this fact for two reasons :
first, because the close sound is not incorrect in this position ;
secondly, because his natural tendency will be to relax the
organs overmuch and to produce [i], a sound which must be
rigorously avoided in French. Compare Fr. fini [fini] and
Eng. finish [fmij], Fr. miracle [miraikl] and Eng. miracle
[mngkl], Fr. dissemination [disemina'sjo] and Eng. dis-
semination [dissmmi$n]. Still less may unaccented [i] be
reduced to [9] : compare Fr. direct [dirskt] with Eng. direct
[dnskt] [d9askt] [danskt].
Mid-Front-Narrow Vowel or Close e.
Phonetic sign : [e].
Traditional spellings :
1 . e', as in penetre [penetre] ;
2. e, as in aimer [s'me], et [e] ;
3. $, as in revetu [rgve'ty] [r9vs'ty] ;
4. at, as in aurai [ore], gat [ge] ;
5. ay, as m pays [pei] ;
6. ais, as mje vais [59 ve] [39 ve].
Articulation. The tongue being spread out presses firmly
upwards against the molars, and sometimes comes into the
gentlest possible contact with the gums. The jaws are
normally a little less close together than for [i] : there is
an interval between the upper and lower front-teeth wide
enough to admit a finger-nail. The tip of the tongue
touches the inside edge of the lower front-teeth. The
corners of the mouth are drawn back, the lips being thus
held against the teeth.
Explanation. This vowel is of the same quality as the
[ei] in the Scotch pronunciation of day [de:]. Its supposed
analogue in English is really a diphthong, the exact nature
of which varies with the locality and even with the speaker.
In the North of England it generally takes the form [ei],
but the first, and often also the second, element shows a
tendency to open more and more the further South we go.
The diphthong thus becomes [ei] [si] or even [se]. The
pronunciations [ei] [se] are regularly heard in America and
Australia. 1 The first element is, therefore, ordinarily a
more or less open sound : gay [gei] [gsi] [gee]. Now [&] is
articulated with the tongue just touching the molars, and for
the half-open sound [e] this contact becomes gentle pressure.
The English diphthong, then, generally begins with the
tongue touching or very gently pressing against the molars,
and at the end of the sound the tongue either presses more
firmly against the teeth [se], or falls between the teeth and
touches [si] or presses against the gums [ei]. The move-
ment of the tongue is accompanied by a movement of the
lower jaw which can be observed with the aid of a mirror.
For the vowel [e] the tongue must from the outset press
firmly against the upper molars : gai [ge]. This vowel, in
French, is except occasionally in emphatic speech 2
always short or half-long. The English-speaking student
1 The uneducated classes in Australia carry the tendency still further,
and pronounce [sei] [ai] : cake [kceik] [kaik]. This pronunciation,
which is also one of the characteristics of Cockney, is still felt to be
decidedly vulgar. It nevertheless threatens to spread both in London
and in Australia, and has already become one of the vices of speech with
which the teacher has to contend.
2 See pp. 169 ff. and 180.
F.P. B
must carefully avoid lengthening or diphthongizing it.
Compare Fr. ete [ete] and Eng. eighty [siti].
The short English sound is [e] : petty [psti]. The English-
speaker's tendency will be to substitute this [s] for [e] in
unaccented syllables with the spelling , to pronounce, for
example, Itait [ets] as-[sts]. Such pronunciations are not
unknown in vulgar French, but must be avoided by the
student. It is true that the [e] of an unaccented syllable is
often articulated with slightly-relaxed organs, but it remains
clearly distinguishable from [s].
It is helpful to note that this [e] is much more akin to the
English [i] than to [s]. The vowels in d'ete [dete] sound
somewhat like those in ditty [diti]. This is so because [i]
is formed with the tongue touching the upper gums lightly,
and when the tongue is pressed against the teeth for [e] it
bulges up till it comes very nearly into the same position.
The lips should not be allowed to deaden the sound by
Hence Fr. mes [me] * differs widely from Eng. may [msi],
Fr. les [le] x from Eng. lay [lei], Fr. ses, sais [se] x from Eng.
say [ssi], Fr. de [de] from Eng. day [dsi], Fr. nez [ne] from
Eng. nay [nsi]. Compare further the first vowel-sound in
Fr. maison [me'zo] [me'zo] and Eng. mason [msisn], Fr.
plaisir [ple'ziir] and Eng. pleasure [pisso].
The traditional names of the letters b, c, d, g, p, t and v
in French should be pronounced [be] [se] [de] [se] [pe]
[te] [ve] and not [bsi] [ssi] [dsi], etc. The latter false
pronunciation is inevitably suggested by the spellings ' bay,'
'say,' 'day,' etc., usually found in French grammars for
English-speaking students.
1 The plural article and the plural possessive pronouns are regularly
heard with [e] in conversational French : [me] [te] [se] [le]. In the
reading of poetry and elevated prose the open sound is preferred :
[me] [te] [se] [le].
Mid Front Wide Vowel or Open e.
Phonetic sign : [e].
Traditional spellings :
1. e, as in college [koleis] ;
2. , as in tel [tel], valet [vale], il est [il s] ;
3. , as in tete [teit] ;
4. 4 as in chante-je [Sa'tsi5] ;
5. 2, as in peine [psn] ;
6. a/, as in ^tolre [S lz ] J
7. <22, as in craie [krs] ;
8. ais, as in #2ar [me], aimais [s'ms] ;
9. #//, as in trait [trs], aimait [s'ms].
Articulation. The tongue being spread out touches
gently the upper molars. The jaws are considerably wider
apart than for [e], the interval between the lower and
upper front-teeth being at least large enough to admit an
ordinary lead-pencil. The tip of the tongue remains in
contact with the lower front-teeth. The lips are not
allowed to protrude.
Explanation. This vowel, requiring less tension of the
organs, exists in English both as a long and as a short
sound : fare [fei] [fso], pair, pear [psi] [psa], sell [ssl],
net [net], met [met]. Compare the French faire [fsir],
paire [psir], selle [ssl], net [nst], mettes [met].
The English sound is, however, not always given its
real value. A mincing speaker will sometimes pronounce
[e] or even [e] in place of the short [e] : the mouth not
being sufficiently opened, the tongue presses against the
teeth; bed [bed] then becomes [bed] or [bed]. This
pronunciation is more common in the South than in the
North of England. For [e] the mouth must be well opened
and the tongue must not press against the teeth.
In its longer form this vowel occurs in English only
before the letter r. This letter, when not followed by a
vowel, no longer represents a consonantal sound ; it has
been reduced to the vowel [9] or has dropped away al-
together. We say air [si] [si9], but airing [suin] or
[si9Jirj]. The vowel [9] must be rigorously avoided in
similar positions in French : compare the French air [sir]
and airain [s'rs].
Special care must be taken with a final [s]. This sound
never being final in English, the tendency is to produce
a diphthong in that position. Observe then that fait is
not to be pronounced [fso] or [fsi] but [fs] like the Eng.
fell without the final consonant. Even here, there is need
to repeat the warning : keep the organs of speech rigidly
in the one position during the enunciation of a vowel.
In unaccented syllables [s] must not be reduced to [9] :
compare Fr. perspective [psrspsktiiv] and Eng. perspective
[p9Spsktiv] [pisspsktiv].
Low-Front-Narrow Vowel or Close a.
Phonetic sign : [a].
Traditional spellings :
1. a, as in salle [sal], gage [gais] ;
2. dj as in pa? 'lames [parlam] ;
3. e, as mfemme [fam] ;
4. /, as in toi [twa].
Articulation. The tongue being spread out touches
gently the upper middle or back molars. The jaws are
normally a little wider apart than for [s]. The tip of the
tongue remains in contact with the lower front-teeth. The
corners of the mouth are slightly retracted, the lips being
thus prevented from protruding.
Explanation. A certain confusion which exists among
the ^-sounds in English renders the explanation of this
sound by analogy somewhat difficult. We may, however,
begin by distinguishing it both from the [a] in father
[fa :<5a] and from the [ae] which is heard (in all but Northern
pronunciation) in man [maen], ash [ae$]. The English [a]
approaches closely to the [a] in pas, the French vowel
next to be defined : it is a more open sound than [a]. The
vowel [ae] differs little from a very open [s], and is generally
heard as such by French ears that have not been trained
phonetically. In some of the most popular ' English
courses ' for French students the learner is even directed
to pronounce man as i menne,' and our word gentleman
generally becomes in a French mouth [dssntglmsn]. This
is, of course, seriously incorrect ; but it is no less incorrect
to substitute the English [ae] for the French [a]. The
latter sound lies between [ae] and [a]. Now an inter-
mediate sound is often heard in English : e.g. in after ,
ask, class, demand', and as the first part of the diphthong in
high, I. Unfortunately the pronunciation of these and
other words in which the sound occurs is not stable, the
intermediate a being supplanted often, and especially in
the South of England and in Australia, by [a] and some-
times, especially in the midland counties, by [se]. The
existence of this middle English a is, therefore, not
recognized by Professor Victor. On the other hand,
Professor Hempl regards it as the standard in the words
given, and in many others. 1 The sound is identified
by Professor Hempl with the French [a], but it is generally
somewhat more open [a], being strictly equivalent to the
French vowel only when the latter occurs in unaccented
syllables. The English-speaker to whom this English
middle a is familiar can arrive at the French [a] by
increasing the tenseness of the organs of speech. In spite
Professor Hempl is responsible for the English pronunciations in
the International French-English and English- French Dictionary
published by T. C. and E. C. Jack, London.
of the close analogy between this English [a] and the
French [a] experience has shown that the English-speaking
student is more inclined to carry over [ae] and [a]. As
[ae] is always short in English and [a] usually long, the
tendency is to substitute [a] for [ai] and [ae] for [a],
substitutions which are equally objectionable. Compared
with [a] the vowel [a] has a bright ring and sounds forward
in the mouth : it differs from [ae] in being a decided
#, as in f aim [fe].
Articulation. The organs are in position for [se] save
that the velum is lowered.
Explanation. Although this vowel is known as the
* nasal e ' and is phonetically represented by [e], it is strictly
the nasalized form of the common English vowel in cat
[kaet], man [maen].
Care must be taken not to pronounce fin, faim [fe] as
Eng. fang [faerj] ; nor sein [se] as Eng. sang [sserj] ; nor
bain [be] as Eng. bang [bserj] ; nor Rhin [re] as Eng. rang
[laerj]. Both tongue and lip positions for the vowel in all
these words, French and English, are identical : but while
the vowel itself is nasalized in French it is followed by
a nasal consonant in English.
The English-speaking student should pay particular heed
to the pronunciation of words like indu [e'dy], pimpant
[ps'pa], simple [ss:pl], sainte [ss:t], imberbe [s'bsrb], dinde
[ds:d], ingrat [s'gra], inquiet\^Y}^\. The nasal vowel being
here followed by a consonant, which is formed in the
same or much the same way as one of the English nasal
consonants [m] [n] [rj], the learner is specially liable to
produce one of these consonants after the vowel. The
spelling with m when the next letter is p or ^, and with n
when it is /, tffor^, forcibly suggests the wrong pronunciation.
The learner should, therefore, observe that the pronuncia-
tion of the words would not be affected if we substituted
m for n and vice versa, writing imdu^ inberbe, imgrat,
sinple, etc.
Low-Back-Wide-Nasal Vowel or Nasal a.
Phonetic sign : [a].
Traditional spellings :
1 . an, as in tant [ta] ;
2. am, as in champ [$a] ;
3. en, as in tente [tait] ;
4. #z, as in temps [to] ;
5. aon, as in ta;/ [td].
Articulation. The tongue is a little further back and the
mouth not quite so open as for [a], and the velum is lowered.
Explanation. This vowel is usually described as the
nasalized form of the [a] in father, or, what is the same
thing, of the [a] in pas with less open mouth. This de-
scription is incorrect : the tongue really occupies a position
intermediate between the [a] and [D] positions. The series
[a] [a] [D] may be illustrated by the words Eng. tar [tai],
Fr. temps, tant [ta], Eng. taw [toi].
The English-speaking student must be specially warned
not to draw the tongue too far back. Common mispro-
nunciations of temps are [ton] [to] [to]. The latter mistake,
[5] for [a], is often made by the provincial Frenchman, and
occasionally by the Parisian. It is at best an affectation
which should be carefully avoided by the foreigner.
The velum must not be allowed to touch the tongue :
contrast Fr. temps [td] and Eng. tongs [torjz], Fr. rang
[rd] and Eng. wrong [.ion], Fr. sang [so] and Eng. song
[son], Fr. lent [la] and Eng. long [Ion], Fr. gant [go] and
Eng. gong [gorj].
Particular care must be taken not to pronounce a nasal
consonant after the vowel in such words as camper [kd'pe],
campagne [ka'paji], cambrure [kd'brylr], pampre [pdipr],
ambre [dibr], lanterne [Id'tsrn], lampe [laip], fantaisie [fa'tszi],
antre [ditr].
Mid-Back-Wide-Nasal Vowel or Nasal o.
Phonetic sign : [5],
Traditional spellings :
1. on, as in ton [to] ;
2. om, as in tomber [to'be].
Articulation. The organs are in position for [o] save
that the mouth is a little less open and that the velum is
Explanation. The projection of the lips will require an
effort on the part of the English-speaking student.
He will be very apt to produce the nasal consonant [rj]
after this vowel : contrast, both in this respect and in respect
of the tongue and lip positions for the vowel-sound, Fr. son
[so] and Eng. song [son], Fr. long [15] and Eng. long [Ion],
Fr. gond [go] and Eng. gong [gog].
No nasal consonant must be heard after the vowel in
words like bombe [boib], ombre [o;br], rompre [roipr], nombre-
[noibr], tomber [to'be], tondre [toidr], fondre [foidr], com-
bination [ko'bina'sjo], compote [ko'pot], confer [ko'te].
7. The Nasalized Abnormal Vowel.
Only one abnormal vowel appears in a nasalized form,
the Mid-Front-Wide-Round vowel [ce]. The positions of
the tongue and lips undergo no modification.
Mid-Front-Wide-Round-Nasal Vowel or Nasal u.
Phonetic sign : [de].
Traditional spellings :
1. eun, as injeun [503];
2. un, as in un [de] ;
3. um, as in humble [deibl].
Articulation. The lips and tongue are in position for
[oe] and the velum is lowered.
Explanation. This vowel is not a nasalized u, although
it is popularly known by that name. It is the nasalized
form of the vowel in heure [ceir]. Hence the tongue is in
the position for [&] while the lips are projected and rounded
as for [o].
The provincial Frenchman often, and the Parisian some-
times substitute [s] for [oe], confusing, for example, brun
[brde] and brin [brs]. To avoid imitating the mistake the
student must be careful to project the lips.
A nasal consonant must not be pronounced after the
nasal vowel and in the same syllable.
A DIPHTHONG consists of two vowel-sounds pronounced in
the same syllable, one of the vowels being usually sub-
ordinated to the other in point of both stress and duration.
If the accent falls on the first vowel, the combination is
called a falling diphthong ; if the second element is stressed,
the combination is called a rising diphthong. The English
diphthongs are all of the former kind. Thus in time [tciim]
[taim] [taeim], boy [boi], eight [sit] the second element [i]
is both short and weak.
If we were to be guided by traditional spelling we should
conclude that French contained a large number of diph-
thongs and even triphthongs : for example, in peur, pen*
coup, cause, pain ; mieux, pied, fier, bien, miauler ; puts,
lueur, nuage ; oui, ouate, oiseau, loin. But such combinations
of vowel-signs in a single syllable stand either for a single
vowel-sound or for a consonant and a vowel. Thus in
peur [pceir], peu [p0], coup [ku], cause [koiz], pain [ps] two
or three signs are used for one sound ; in mieux [mj0],
pied [pje], fier [fjsir], bien [bjs], miauler [mjole], puis
[pqi], lueur [Iqceir], nuage [nqaig], oui [wi], ouate [wat],
oiseau [wazo], loin [Iws] the two or three vowel-signs
represent a consonant, [j] [q] or [w], and a single vowel.
The combinations of the so-called semi-vowels [j] [q] [w]
with a vowel approach very closely to falling diphthongs,
and are often described as such. In standard French,
however, the semi-vowels are really fricative consonants.
Hence, in none of the above examples do we find two
vowels in succession.
On the other hand two successive vowels are heard in
pays [pei], poete [posit], chaos [kao], noel \v>z\\,fleau [fleo],
reel [reel], prier [prie], brioche [brioj], triage [trials], cruaute
[kryote], bluet [blys], eblouir [ebluiir], trouer [true]. Here,
however, each vowel forms a separate syllable.
It will be found that whenever two or more vowel-signs
follow each other the combination belongs to one of the
three classes above described, and stands either for a single
vowel-sound, or for a consonant and a vowel, or for two
vowels forming distinct syllables. There are no diphthongs
in modern French.
The letters ou, i and u followed by a vowel and preceded
by a group of two or more consonants represent, with few
exceptions (e.g. pluie [plqi]), vowel-sounds having syllabic
value. But if, being followed by a vowel, they are not
preceded by a group of consonants, they regularly stand
for the consonants [w] [j] and [q]. Some hesitation, how-
ever, prevails in the treatment of verbs like jouer, louer,
secouer, fier, nier, tuer, in the indicative present of which
the letters in question necessarily represent a vowel : je joue,
jefie,je tue, etc. In the phonetic texts published under the
auspices of the International Phonetic Association, such
words are transcribed with the consonantal sound : jouer
[5we], nier [nje], etc. Yet in deliberate and careful speech
the vowel sound is certainly more usual. The words then
gain a syllable : [sue] [lue] [s9kue] [fie] [nie] [tye]. The
influence extends to cognate words : jouissance [suisais],
louange [luais]. The student is strongly recommended to
adopt the latter pronunciations, giving such verbs and their
derivatives two full vowel-sounds on all occasions.
On the other hand, the endings -tion, -sion should, at
least in conversation and in the reading of prose, be
pronounced as single syllables [sj5] [zjo] : emotion [emosjo],
illusion [ilyzj5] [illyzjo], in spite of the fact that they
count as two syllables in verse.
1. The different kinds of Consonants.
Consonants are speech-sounds produced either by closing
the breath-passage or. by narrowing it to such an extent that
the breath cannot escape without creating audible friction.
In the former case they are known as Stops or Explosives ;
in the latter, as Continuants or Fricatives. When the breath
is stopped at some point in the mouth, but allowed to pass
through the nose, a particular kind of Stop-Consonant is
produced which is described as a Nasal.
Consonant-sounds of either class (stops or continuants)
may be accompanied by vibration of the vocal chords, and
we thus arrive at the extremely important distinction
between Breath (voiceless, surd) and Voice (voiced, sonant)
consonants. In this respect the consonants tend to form
pairs : [b] = voiced [p], d = voiced [t], [g] = voiced [k], [v] =
voiced [f], [z] = voiced [s], [3] = voiced [$]. Even those
voiced consonants which have no recognized voiceless
counterpart in French and English, viz. [m] [n] [ji] [w] [q] [j]
[r] [1], may, as we shall see in Part II. Chapter IV., in
certain circumstances, become voiceless or devocalized. It
is very essential that the student should have a clear know-
ledge of the difference between a Breath and a Voice Conso-
nant. The difference may be demonstrated in various ways.
A simple method is to place the palms of the hands over the
ears and to utter first a long-sustained [s] or [f], and then a
long-sustained [z] or [v], taking care in each case to avoid
pronouncing a vowel-sound along with the consonant.
With the voice consonants, just as with any vowel, a more
or less forcible humming or buzzing is set up in the ears.
If the process be repeated with the palm of the hand
resting lightly on the scalp, or with the fingers placed gently
on the outer larynx or i Adam's apple,' a distinct quivering
will be felt. This humming, buzzing or quivering is caused
by the vibration of the vocal chords, and not by the force of
articulation. On the contrary, Breath Consonants are
normally produced with greater force than Voice Con-
sonants, and are distinguished from the latter as hard from
soft sounds.
2. The French and English Consonant-systems compared.
Of the twenty-one or twenty-two consonants that are
found in French, all save three, [ij] [ji] [R], belong nominally
also to the English system. Yet scarcely a single consonant
can be carried over from English to French without some
modification. This lack of complete identity between
consonant-sounds common to both languages is due chiefly
to the comparative slackness of the organs of speech in
English articulation. We produce our consonants, generally
speaking, like our vowels, with the minimum of effort. If
the sound requires the lips to be projected, as in the case of
[w], we do not project them as energetically as the French ;
if it requires a backward position of the tongue, as in
the case of [w], the tongue is not drawn so far back, if
a forward position, as in the case of [t] or [1], the tongue is
not thrust so far forward as in French ; if it necessitates
closure of the breath-passage, as in the case of [p] [t]
and [k], we do not close it as energetically ; if it consists in
friction of the breath, as in the case of [s] and [J], the
friction in English is relatively faint ; if it is a trilled sound,
[r], the trill approaches the vanishing point in English ; if it
is a voiced consonant, such as [b] [v] [n] [5], the vibration
of the vocal chords is weaker and briefer than in French.
The student must, therefore, be prepared for a greater
expenditure of effort than is demanded by his native speech.
Yet it would be a mistake to conclude that mere force will
transform an English consonant into a French one. The
effort must be rightly directed, and this involves a detailed
discussion of each sound.
3. The Stops or Explosives.
(a) The general relations between the consonants of
this class may be shown by means of the following
diagram, the Voice-Stops being printed in fat type :
In the case of [p] and [b] the stoppage is produced by
bringing the lips together : they are, therefore, known as
Lip-Stops. For [t] and [d] the point of the tongue is
applied to the teeth : they are, therefore, called Point-
Teeth-Stops. The sounds [k] and [g] are Back-Stops,
being articulated by bringing the back part of the tongue
into contact with the back part of the palate. The sound
[?], which is very rare in French, is formed by closing the
glottis, and is known as the Glottal-Stop.
() A most important general distinction between the
French and English Breath-Stops lies in the fact that
these sounds are aspirates in English. In articulating the
English [p] [t] and [k], especially when they are followed
by an accented vowel, the breath is allowed to escape
with a slight gasp when the explosion takes place : pie
sounds [p h ai], tie [t h ai], kite [k h ait]. This may be explained
as follows : The glottis (space between the vocal chords)
is wide open in articulating these consonants, and when
the explosion occurs the breath is forced out by the
lung-bellows just as in the process of breathing, but more
energetically. The explosion is, therefore, immediately
followed by a contraction of the chest which can be dis-
tinctly felt. At the same time the chords are being
brought together for the articulation of the vowel, and
the friction of the breath against them becomes audible
before the chords vibrate. Where the Stop is not followed
by a vowel the ' breathing ' is less noticeable, because
the vocal chords remain apart.
This aspiration must be carefully avoided in French
by closing the glottis when the stop is made by the lips
(for [p]) or tongue (for [t] and [k]). 1 The mouth-cavity
then becomes air-tight, and the breath expelled is only
that contained in the mouth. The explosion is produced
by the muscles of the mouth and not, as in English, by
the lung-bellows. The glottis being closed, no gasp can
intervene between the explosion and the vibration of the
vocal chords. More breath escapes in producing the English
Breath-Stops, but the French Breath-Stops are much clearer
explosives than the English. The explosion is comparable
in English to a puff, in French to a sharp and ' dry '
detonation. The muscles of the mouth are much tenser
than in English.
1 Professor Passy is of opinion that the breath is controlled without
actually closing the glottis.
(c) The general difference between the French and
English Voice-Stops, [b], [d], [g], is of another kind.
These sounds are not aspirates in either language. They
are voiced consonants, and there is no interruption in
the vibration of the vocal chords in passing to a following
vowel. The voicing of these consonants in the two
languages, however, differs in point of (i) volume, and
(ii) duration.
The volume of the voice is much greater in French
than in English, or, conversely, the buzzing which dis-
tinguishes the Voice-Stop from the Breath-Stop is much
fainter in English than in French. The distinction between
the two sets of sounds thus tends to be less marked in
English, and, to prevent confusion, the English-speaker is
apt to utter the Voice-Stop more forcibly than the Breath-
Stop, thus reversing their normal relations. In French the
voiced consonants [b] [d] [g] are pronounced with less
force than their voiceless counterparts [p] [t] [k], and
are very clearly distinguished from the latter by their
richly sonorous character.
The voicing is not only less sonorous in English : it is
also of shorter duration. Where the Voice-Stops begin a
syllable, vocalization is often not set up until just as the
explosion takes place ; and where they end one, vocalization
frequently ceases just after the organs are brought together.
In an exaggerated way this may be illustrated phonetically
by the transcription of bowl as [ p boul] and of sad as
[saed 1 ]. In French, vocalization must start with the closure
when these consonants begin a syllable, and, where they
end one, it must be well-sustained. The length of time
during which vocalization takes place is actually very short,
but it is perceptibly longer with [d] than with [g], and
with [b] than with [d]. It thus varies in proportion with
the size of the resonance-chamber.
The very sonorous character of the Voice-Stops in French
has given rise to the opinion that they are really equivalent
to [mb] [nd] and [rjg] respectively. This view is inaccurate:
the nasal passage is closed during the articulation of the
Voice-Stops, and the buzz is not nasal.
Phonetic sign : [p].
Traditional spellings :
1. /, as \npas [pa], cap [kap] ;
2. //, as in echapper [ejape] ;
3. b, as in absolu [apsoly].
Articulation. The lips and the glottis are closed simul-
taneously, the lips press firmly against each other and are
then opened suddenly with a forcible but well-controlled
emission of the breath.
This sound is not voiced. The tongue plays no part
in its production, and may meanwhile prepare to articulate
a following vowel or consonant.
Explanation. In French, as in English, the articulation
of [p] may, in certain positions, consist either in only closing
or in only opening the organs : thus in the English word
simple [simpl] the lips, which are already closed for [m],
do not open and close again for [p], and in the French
word echappement [ejapma] the lips do not open between
[p] and [m]. Special cases of this kind will be explained in
Part II. Chapter V., dealing with the transition from one
sound to another.
The difference between the French [p] and the English
lies (i) in the tenseness of the mouth-muscles, and (ii) in the
control of the breath.
In producing the English [p] the lips are, as a rule,
brought lightly together ; they retain their neutral position
in other respects, hang loosely away from the teeth, and
meet on their moist inner edges. The normal position of
the lips in articulating the French [p] is somewhat more
perpendicular ; they are held a little closer to the teeth,
and the contact, which is firm, takes place more towards
the dry ridge. If [p] is immediately preceded or followed
by a vowel in the same syllable, the exact position of
the lips depends upon the vowel. Thus they are held close
to the teeth and meet perpendicularly if the vowel is [i],
but are projected and meet on their moist edges at a
more or less sharp angle if the vowel is [o] or [u]. Gener-
ally speaking, they retain or assume as far as possible
the position required for the vowel. But in all positions
the lips must be tense and the contact firm.
The slight aspiration or gasp which often follows the
English [p] must be carefully avoided in French by closing
the glottis. (See 3 (b), p. 44.)
Phonetic sign : [b].
Traditional spellings :
1. ^, as in bon [bo], conrbe [kurb] ;
2. bb, as in abbe [abe].
Articulation. The lips are closed with very gentle
pressure, and the vocal chords are simultaneously made
to vibrate, producing a resonance in the mouth-cavity.
After a fraction of time the lips are suddenly opened with
a slight emission of the breath.
The tongue is not actively concerned in producing this
sound, and may prepare to articulate a following vowel or
Explanation. As in the case of [p] the articulation may
consist in only closing or only opening the lips.
The position of the lips is again governed by the vowel of
the syllable. The lips remain longer in contact, but are less
tense than for [p].
The English-speaking student should (i) pay particular
heed to the vocalization, which must be sonorous and
well-sustained ; and (ii) avoid producing [b] more forcibly
than [p]. (See 3 (c), p. 46.)
Phonetic sign : [t].
Traditional spellings :
1. /, as in tdter [tcrte] ;
2. //, as in chatte [$at], attaquer [atake] ;
3. th, as in rythme [ritm] ;
4. d, as \x\grandhomme [grot om], vend-elle [vat si].
Articulation. The point of the tongue is pressed firmly
against the upper front teeth and gums a and the glottis
closed; the tongue is then drawn away suddenly with a
forcible though well-controlled emission of the breath.
This sound is not voiced, and the lips, not being
concerned in its production, may meanwhile prepare to
articulate a following vowel or consonant.
Explanation. In French as in English [t] may, in
certain positions, be formed by simply closing (e.g. Eng.
matlock, Fr. matelof) or simply opening (e.g. Eng. canteen,
Fr. hanneton) the organs. 2
The difference between French [t] and English [t] con-
sists (i) in the position of the tongue, (ii) in the tenseness
1 There is contact between tongue and teeth all round, the sides of
the back part of the tongue pressing against the lower face of the
molars. But as this lateral contact takes place also in English,
attention need only be directed to the position of the tongue-point.
2 See Part II. Chap. V. pp. 155 ff.
F.P. D
of the muscles of the mouth, and (iii) in the control of
the breath.
For the English [t] the tongue is less forward in the
mouth : its tip is curled upwards, and forms a contact with
the gums at some distance from the teeth. This gives the
consonant a relatively dull, flat sound. In French the point
of the tongue must press against the teeth and the gums.
Special attention should be given to the group [tr], the [r]
not being allowed to influence the articulation of the [t].
The muscles of the tongue are much tenser in French,
the contact firmer, the explosion sharper.
The glottis being left open in producing the English [t],
a slight [h] is heard after the explosion, as in the case
of [p]. This must be carefully avoided in French. (See
3 (b), p. 44-)
Phonetic sign : [d].
Traditional spellings :
1. d, as in doux [du],fade [fad] ;
2. dd, as in addition [adisjo].
Articulation. The point of the tongue is brought into
very gentle contact with the upper front teeth and gums,
and the vocal chords are at the same instant made to
vibrate, producing a resonance in the mouth-cavity. After
a fraction of time the tongue is drawn suddenly away with
a slight emission of the breath.
The lips, playing no part in the production of this sound,
may meanwhile prepare to articulate a following vowel or
Explanation. As in the case of [t] this sound may be
formed by merely closing or merely opening the organs. 1
Part II. Chap. V. pp. 155 ff.
French [d] differs from English [d] as follows :
(i) English [d], like English [t], is not a Point-Teeth-
Stop : the tip of the tongue is curled upwards and meets
the gums at some distance from the teeth. It must be
further forward for the French [d], and must be applied
to both teeth and gums.
(ii) In English, [d] is often produced with more force
than [t]. It is, on the other hand, a softer sound than [t]
in French.
(iii) The volume of the voice is greater, and its duration
longer in French than in English. (See 3 (c), p. 46.)
Phonetic sign : [k]
Traditional spellings :
1. k, as in kepi [kepi] ;
2. c, as in canot [kano], bac [bak] ;
3. cc, as in baccalaureat [bakabrea] ;
4. ch, as in ar change [arka:5] ; 1
5. cell, as in bacchante [bakait] ;
6. q, as in aquarelle [akwarsl] ;
7. qU) as in aquilon [akilo], laque [lak] ;
8. cqu, as in acquit [aki] ;
9. x, as in Xeres [kersis], exces [skss] ;
10. g, as in long exil [lok egzil].
Articulation. The back part of the tongue is raised and
pressed firmly against the palate, and at the same time
the glottis is closed. The tongue is then suddenly drawn
away from the palate with a forcible but well-controlled
emission of the breath.
1 But architecte [arjitekt], patriarche [patriarj], archer [arje], etc.
This sound is voiceless. The lips, not being actively
concerned, may meanwhile prepare to articulate a following
consonant or vowel.
Explanation. French [k] differs from English [k] in
much the same way as French [p] and [t] differ from
English [p] and [t]. The following points should be
noted :
(i) In both French and English, the exact point of
contact between tongue and palate depends upon the vowel
of the syllable. Thus it is considerably further forward
with [i] than with [u]. In French, however, it is always
further forward than in English.
(ii) The contact is much less vigorous in English.
English [kj is a dull, flat, soft sound ; whereas French [k]
is a very clear, hard and * dry ' explosive, articulated with
(iii) English [k], like English [p] and [t], is articulated
with open glottis, and is followed by a slight aspiration
which must be carefully avoided in French. (See 3 (b),
p. 44.)
Back- Voice-Stop.
Phonetic sign : [g].
Traditional spellings :
1. g, as in gond [go], suggerer [sygssre] ;
2. gg, as in couagga [kwaga] ;
3. gu, as in guerre, guere [geir], bague [bag] ;
4. x, as in exercice [egzsrsis] ;
5. c, as in second [s9g5].
Articulation. The back part of the tongue is raised and
pressed gently against the palate, and at the same moment
the vocal chords vibrate, producing a resonance in the
small cavity behind the point of contact. After a fraction
of time the tongue is suddenly drawn away from the
palate with a slight emission of the breath.
The lips, not being concerned in the production of this
sound, may meanwhile prepare to articulate a following
vowel or consonant.
Explanation. French [g] differs from French [k] in the
same way as [b] and [d] differ from [p] and [t]. The
English-speaking student should be careful (i) to see that
the voice is well-sustained and sonorous, and (ii) to avoid
pronouncing [g] more forcibly than [k]. (See 3 (c),
p. 46.) At the same time the [g] of standard French,
being articulated further forward in the mouth and with
greater tenseness of the organs, is a harder sound than the
English [g].
Phonetic sign : [?].
Traditional spelling'. None.
Articulation. The vocal chords are brought together and
suddenly reopened with a slight explosion.
Explanation. This sound, which forms an integral part
of the German consonantal system, occurs in French only
in rare cases which will be mentioned in Part II. Chap. V.
pp. 162 and 164.
It is found quite exceptionally in English in an exaggerated
form : e.g. in Whatever is that ? pronounced with special
stress on the syllable ev [wot?sv9J iz <5aet] ; and in Shoulder
arms ! with stress on the second word [Joukta ?amz]. In
some Northern dialects it often replaces a Point-Stop : thus
the people of Glasgow pronounce water [wo?9r].
In German, English and French, it occurs only before a
vowel. The vowel then, instead of being begun smoothly,
is attacked with a slight ' catch. 7
4. The Nasal Consonants.
The general relations between these consonants and the
Stops already described may be indicated by the diagram :
Being all three voiced the nasals are printed in fat type,
[m] is a Lip-Stop and [n] a Point-Teeth-Stop. For [ji] the
contact takes place between the middle part of the tongue
and the hard palate : it may, therefore, be called a Mid-
Phonetic sign : [m].
Traditional spellings :
1. m, as in mal [mal], lame [lam] ;
2. mm^ as in comment [kDma]jfemme [fam].
Articulation. The nasal passage being left open by
keeping the velum lowered, the lips are closed with very
gentle pressure, and the moment they meet the vocal chords
vibrate, producing a resonance in the mouth and nose.
After a fraction of time the lips are opened, but with little
emission of breath through the mouth.
The tongue is not actively concerned, and may meanwhile
prepare to articulate a following vowel or consonant.
Explanation. As with the other lip-stops the position
of the lips will be modified by a vowel in juxtaposition
with [m] and in the same syllable.
This consonant is very sonorous. Vocalization must
begin with the closing of the lips, and it must be well-
sustained when the [m] is final. In English the voice is
sometimes faint.
In other respects there is no appreciable difference
between the French and the English sounds.
Phonetic sign : [n].
Traditional spellings :
1. n, as in non [no], cane [kan] ;
2. nn, as in canne [kan], donner [done] ;
3. mn, as in automne [oton], condamner [ko'da'ne].
Articulation. The nasal passage being left open by
keeping the velum lowered, the point of the tongue is
brought into gentle contact with the upper front-teeth and
gums, and at the same moment the vocal chords vibrate,
producing a resonance in both mouth and nose. After a
fraction of time the tongue is suddenly drawn away from
the teeth and gums, but there is little or no emission of
breath through the mouth.
The lips, not being actively concerned, may meanwhile
prepare to articulate a following vowel or consonant.
Explanation. The position of the tongue is precisely
the same as for [t] and [d]. The sound should, therefore,
not be articulated like the English [n] with the tip of the
tongue applied to the gums alone.
Attention should be paid to the vocalization, which
must begin with the formation of the stop, and, when the
consonant is final, be well-sustained. The English [n] is
not always quite as sonorous as the French.
Phonetic sign : [ji],
Traditional spellings :
1. gn^ as in regne [rsji], agneau [ajio] ;
2. ign, as in oignon [op5], encoignure [a'kojrylr].
Articulation. The nasal passage being left free by
keeping the velum lowered, the mouth being slightly open
and the tip of the tongue resting against the inside of the
lower front-teeth, the face of the tongue, about midway
between tip and root, is pressed gently against the hard
palate, and at the same moment the vocal chords are made
to vibrate, producing in the mouth and nose a resonance
which must be sustained until the tongue is withdrawn from
the palate.
The lips, not being concerned in the formation of this
sound, may meanwhile prepare to articulate a following
vowel or consonant.
Explanation. There is no corresponding nasal in
English: we pronounce canon [kaenJ9n] or [kaenjpn]; cf.
French maniere [manjsir], panier [panje]. English-speakers
are, therefore, very apt to substitute [nj] for [ji]. This
substitution is sometimes made by the French themselves,
even by Parisians. It should be avoided, by keeping the
tongue in contact with the lower front-teeth. A large
part of the face of the tongue must come into contact
with the palate, but the point must be held away from
the gums.
5. The Continuants or Fricatives.
The diagram being extended to include the Fricatives,
all of which, except [f] [s] f J] and [h], are normally voiced,
will appear as follows :
The Lip-Fricatives [w] and [q] are formed with the
cooperation of the tongue ; the position of the latter is
suggested by the dotted signs : [w] requires the tongue
in its back-position for [u], [q] requires it in its front-
position for [i]. Hence [w] is called the Lip-Back and
[q] the Lip-Front Fricative, [f] and [v], being formed by
the contact of the lower lip with the upper teeth, are Lip-
Teeth Fricatives. For [1] the tip of the tongue touches
the teeth, and the friction is produced at the sides : it is
the Point-Teeth-Lateral Fricative. [s] [z] [J] and [3],
being formed by sending the breath along a groove in the
blade of the tongue, and against the teeth, are Teeth-Blade
consonants. [r] is a Point-Trill ; [R] a Uvula-Trill. [j]
has the front part of the tongue brought close to the front
part of the palate, and is called a Front-Fricative, [h], being
produced by the friction of the breath passing through the
glottis, is the Glottal-Fricative.
Phonetic sign : [w].
Traditional spellings :
1 . w, as in wallon [walo], tramway [tramwe] ;
2. wh, as in whist [wist], whig [wig] ;
3. u, as in tquateur [ekwatoeir], lingual [Is'gwal] ;
4. ou, as in oui [wi], ouest [west] ;
5. o, as in toi [twa], point [pwe], moyen [mwaje],
poele [pwail] [pwdil].
Articulation. The lips being projected still further than
for the vowel [u] and contracted, with tenseness of the
muscles, to form a very small round aperture, and the
tongue being drawn back as for [u], the vocal chords are
instantly made to vibrate, and the organs at once proceed
to form the following vowel.
Explanation. This consonant is very closely allied to
the vowel [u], and is for that reason sometimes called a
semi-vowel. Care should be taken not to pronounce it as
a vowel : it is uttered with the vowel by which it is followed
in one emission of breath, the two sounds together bearing
one even stress-beat and forming one syllable. 1
It differs considerably from the English [w] in win [win],
west [wsst]. The organs are much tenser in French, the
lips being much further forward and much more contracted,
and the tongue higher and further back in the mouth. It
is still more unlike the voiceless lip-fricative in whence
[wens] [hwsns]. The friction of French [w] is faint, and
is often drowned by the voice.
1 See Diphthongs, p. 39.
Phonetic sign : [q].
Traditional spelling :
u, as in huit [qit], nuance [nqais].
Articulation. The tongue having assumed the position
for [y], and the lips a still more forward and contracted
position, the vocal chords are instantly made to vibrate, and
the organs at once proceed to form the following vowel.
Explanation. This consonant is related to the vowel [y]
just as [w] is to [u], and, like [w], is sometimes called a
semi-vowel. Like [w], too, it belongs to the same syllable
as the vowel by which it is followed, both sounds being
produced with one and the same emission of breath.
The voice often prevents any friction being heard.
There is no sound in English that corresponds even
remotely to [q], and, although its acquisition presents no
insuperable difficulty, it is nearly always pronounced very
badly by English-speakers. The vowel [y] must be first
mastered, and should be readily produced before the con-
sonant is attempted.
The English-speaking student needs to be specially
cautioned against substituting [w] or [u] for [q]. The
initial of huit [qit] must be carefully distinguished from
that of oui [wi], and lui [Iqi] must not be confounded with
Louis [lui] [Iwi]. Such mispronunciations shock a French
ear, and are much more easily avoided than is generally
believed. Attention must be paid to the position of the
tongue : for both sounds in the group [qi] the tongue
occupies the same position, viz. that for [i], whereas
in the group [wi] it occupies first its extreme backward
and then its extreme forward vowel-position. Hence in
[qi] the tongue remains stationary, the change from con-
sonant to vowel being produced by the backward movement
of the lips alone : in [wi] we have the same backward
movement of the lips, but the tongue moves forward.
When [q] is followed by some other vowel than [i] the
tongue moves backward ' ; when |~w] is followed by some
other vowel than [i] the tongue still always moves forward.
The learner should never forget that to produce [q] he
must thrust both tongue and lips right forward.
Lip-Teeth-Breath- Fricative.
Phonetic sign : [f].
Traditional spellings :
1. f, as in>z/ [fu], z/"[if];
2. ff, as in affaire [afsir], gaffe [gaf] ;
3. pk, as in phase [faiz], epitaphe [epitaf].
Articulation. The lower lip being applied firmly against
the upper teeth, a stream of breath is forced out between
lip and teeth. The upper lip is slightly raised to avoid
contact with the lower.
The tongue, not being actively concerned, may meanwhile
prepare to articulate a following sound.
Explanation. In English, [f] often degenerates into
something very like a stop, little or no friction being heard.
French [f], which is a decided fricative, may, however, be
regarded as equivalent to a carefully uttered English [f].
Lip-Teeth- Voice-Fricative.
Phonetic sign : [v].
Traditional spellings :
1. v, as in vie [vi], cave [ka:v] ;
2. w 9 as in wagon [vago].
Articulation. The vocal chords being made to vibrate,
the lower lip is brought at once into contact with the upper
teeth, the breath being then forced out between lip and
teeth. The upper lip is slightly raised.
The tongue may meanwhile prepare to articulate a follow-
ing sound.
Explanation. This sound does not differ appreciably
from a careful English [v]. Care, however, must be taken
in vocalizing a final [v]. In English the voice often ceases
the moment the lip meets the teeth : cave then almost
sounds [ksiv f ]. In French the resonance must be sus-
tained. The lips should not be pressed firmly against the
teeth as for [f].
Phonetic sign : [1].
Traditional spellings :
1. /, as in lait [Is], mal [mal] ;
2. //, as in allure [alyir], malle [mal].
Articulation. The tongue assumes exactly the same
position as for [t] [d] and [n], save that a narrow opening
is left on each side between the tongue and the molars.
At the same moment the vocal chords are set vibrating, and
the breath is expelled through the lateral openings.
The lips, not being actively concerned, may meanwhile
prepare to articulate a following sound.
Explanation. The English [1] is produced, like English
[t] [d] [n], with the tip of the tongue against the gums at
some distance from the teeth ; the sound, being thus carried
further back in the mouth, has a dull, deep tone as compared
with the French [1]. The difference is particularly noticeable
when the [1] is final, but it is in all positions greater than
that between French and English point-stops. The English-
speaker must, therefore, be very careful to see that the point
of the tongue is in contact with the upper front-teeth.
It is no less important for him to note the lateral position
of the tongue. For the French [1] the tongue is spread out
and presses upwards against the molars. In English it is
contracted into the shape of a spoon and falls inside the
teeth. Hence the teeth cannot be brought together in
French, as they can in English, while the tongue retains
the position for [1].
Teeth-(Narrow) Blade-Breath-Fricative.
Phonetic sign : [s].
Traditional spellings :
1. s, as in source [stars], ^/f [fis] ;
2. ss, as in bossu [bosy], masse [mas] ;
3. t, as in del [sjsl], place [plas] ;
4. f, as mfafade [fasad] ;
5. 5vr, as m-sae \_s\\, fasce [fas] ;
6. x, as in soixante [swasait], dix [dis], expres
[sksprs] ;
7. ^, as in nation [ncrsjo], peripetie [peripesi].
Articulation. The jaws being very close together, the tip
of the tongue touches lightly the lower front-teeth, its face
is raised towards the upper front-gums, its sides press
firmly against the upper molars : a narrow groove is formed
along the centre of the tongue, and the breath being forced
along this groove strikes against the front-teeth and pro-
duces a sharp hissing sound.
This consonant is voiceless. The lips are generally held
fairly close to the teeth, but if the [s] is followed by a
rounded vowel they may be protruded before the com-
pletion of the consonant.
Explanation. For the English [s] the tongue is further
back in the mouth, and points up towards the gums behind
the upper front-teeth ; the muscles being relaxed, the groove
is wider and the resulting sound less clear. The English-
speaking student must, therefore, be careful to keep the
muscles tense, the groove narrow and the point of the tongue
touching the lower front-teeth.
English [s] is produced with less pressure than English
[z] ; in French the normal relations are preserved, the
voiceless [s] being a hard, the voiced [z] a soft consonant.
Teeth-(Narrow) Blade-Voice-Fricative.
Phonetic sign : [z].
Traditional spellings :
1. s, as in zele [zsl], gaz [gaiz] ;
2. , as in lazzi [lazi] ;
3. s, as in generosite [senerozite], base [baiz] ;
4. x, as in dix hommes [diz om], Xanthe [gzait].
Articulation. The vocal chords being made to vibrate,
the tongue assumes the same position as for [s], save that
the pressure is reduced and the groove wider.
Explanation. French [z] differs from English [z] in the
position of the tongue, and in the volume and duration of
the voice. French [z] is a very sonorous consonant. The
voice should be heard while the tongue is assuming its
position, and must be well-sustained when the [z] is final.
In English a final [z] often approaches [z s ] : phase [fsiz 5 ].
Teeth-(Broad) Blade-Breath-Fricative.
Phonetic sign : [].
Traditional spellings :
1. ch, as in cher [$r], vache [vaj] ;
2. sh, as in shako [$ako] ;
3. sch, as in schisme [Jism].
Articulation. The mouth being almost closed and the
lips slightly projected in the form of a trumpet-bell, the
tongue is drawn back a little from the position for [s], its
point and face are raised close to the gums and front palate,
its sides press against the upper molars and gums, producing
a broad groove along the front part of the blade : the breath
is then forced vigorously along the groove, and strikes
against the front teeth.
The sound is voiceless.
Explanation. English [$] in shine differs considerably
from the French sound, the difference being due to the
slackness of the muscles of the tongue, the more backward
position of the tongue, the feebleness of the breath-emission
and the neutral position of the lips.
French [$] is a hard consonant produced with greater
pressure than its voiced counterpart [5]. The friction is more
emphatic than in English. The degree in which the lips
are projected is not constant ; but they are never quite idle.
Teeth-(Broad) Blade- Voice-Fricative.
Phonetic sign : [3],
Traditional spellings :
1. /, as in jour [51111];
2. ge, as in gedle [301!], gageure [gasyir],>ge [syis] ;
3. g, as in gigot [sigo], largeur [la^ceir].
Articulation. The vocal chords being set in vibration,
the organs assume the positions for [J] with slight modi-
fication due to diminished tenseness of the muscles.
Explanation. The English [3] in measure [111839], leisure
[1539] is far from equivalent to the French [3]. The latter
requires a more forward position of the tongue, more
emphatic friction and much more generous vocalization.
The vocal chords vibrate as the tongue is assuming its
position, and the buzz must be well-sustained when the
consonant is final : Fr. cage [kai3] must not be pronounced
[ka:3 r j. The tongue must not be pressed firmly against the
palate as with [$].
The [3] is not modified by a preceding [d]. Compare
the English words adjective, adjacent, with the French
adjectif, adjacent. The syllabication of the English words
is [seds-ak-tiv] [9-dssi-S9nt], that of the French [ad-ssk-tif]
[ad-sa-sa]. In English [d] and [3] are mutually modified
by their combination in the same syllable : in French the
sounds are separated and retain their individual values.
Phonetic sign : [r].
Traditional spellings :
1. r, as in rare [rd;r], ver, vers, vert [veir] ;
2. rr, as in carreau [karo], verre [veir] ;
3. rh, as in rhume [rym], rhum [rom] ;
4. rrh, as in arrhes [a:r], catarrhe [katair].
Articulation. The point of the tongue is turned upwards
and brought loosely against the angle formed by the front
gums and the hard palate : the vocal chords are then made
to vibrate, and the breath being forced out between the
tongue and the gums sets the tongue vibrating. As it
vibrates it strikes rapidly against the gums.
The lips, not being actively concerned, may meanwhile
prepare to articulate a following vowel or consonant.
Explanation. In English this [r] must be regarded as
dialectal : it is heard regularly only in Ireland and Scotland,
though its use as an initial in the North of England is not
uncommon. Elsewhere (in the South of England, in
America and in Australia) [a] alone is heard. This [a] is
regularly formed with the same tongue-position as [r] but
without the trill : it is subject to slight variations, but is
normally a mere fricative, like [v]. If bevy [bsvi] be
compared with berry [ben] it will be found that the tongue
strikes against the angle of the gums for [i] in much the
same way as the lip strikes the teeth for [v]. The English
[j], save occasionally in the North of England, is pro-
nounced only before a vowel : rat [iset], tray [tiei], far
away [fan owsi]. In other positions it has been lost
F.P, E
altogether in the South of England and in Australia, though
its place is sometimes taken by the vowel [s] : far [fa\],farm
[faim], bird [b"eid], pair [psi] or [psis], fire [fai9]. In the
North of England when r follows a vowel the tongue is
curled upwards towards the gums, but often fails to form a
contact with them ; the vowel-sound is then modified, but
no consonant is heard : these pronunciations may be indi-
cated by placing [a] over the vowel : part [puit], third [fold].
The final [j] is treated in a similar way in America, but the
tongue being here curled further back towards the hard
palate, the modification of the vowel is more emphatic.
There are several species of r in French. The tongue-
point [r] is the only one admitted by the l Conservatoire de
Musique et de Declamation,' which fixes the standard for
artistic singing and elocution in Paris ; and is regularly
heard on the stage of the Comedie Frangaise. It is very
common among the educated classes in other parts of
France. But it is not the characteristic Parisian r. The
latter is known as the ' uvular rj or 'r grasseyee,' and is
represented phonetically by the sign [R]. It is articulated as
follows : The point of the tongue is curved downwards and
pressed against the inside of the lower front-teeth, the
back part of the tongue is slightly raised, and the velum
(pendant end of the soft palate) lowered until the uvula
lies forward on the tongue : the vocal chords are then set
vibrating, and the breath being expelled sets, in some cases,
the uvula, in others, the back of the tongue and the con-
tracted edges of the throat in vibration. [R] which, like [r],
is thus normally a trilled consonant, sometimes degenerates
into an ordinary fricative indistinguishable from the g in the
German word Wagen, when the latter is pronounced as a
fricative and not as a back-stop. This modification, which
is indicated by the sign [x], is considered faulty.
It is a mistake to imagine that the 'uvular r' is an indis-
pensable mark of good French pronunciation, or even that it
is the only r heard in the streets of Paris. It is not recom-
mended by any of the authorities. Moreover, the native-born
Parisian, who uses the [R] himself, will not detect anything
peculiar in the tongue-point [r], correctly produced. The
French [r] must be trilled, but not forcibly. An emphatic [r]
or [R] is either vulgar, or, like the Irish [r] in English, dialectal.
In French, the r is sounded as a rule in all positions : com-
pare Fr. marche [marj] and Eng. march [maitj], Fr. car [kair]
and Eng. car [kai], Fr. pour [puir] [pur] and Eng. floor [puis]
[puua], Fr. pire [piir] and Eng. peer [pno] [piis], Fr. partie,
parti [parti] and Eng. party [pa:ti], Fr. personne [psrson] and
Eng. person [p^sn]. A final r is, however, not pronounced (i) in
infinitives of the ist conjugation, e.g. trouver [truve], far [fie] ;
(ii) in all but monosyllabic nouns and adjectives in -er&nd -ier,
except amer[a,m&ir], e.g.archer [arje], danger\^f^\^ger [Ie5e],
menager [menase], rentier [ra'tje], chapelier [Japolje], premier
[pr9mje], altier [altje], but/er [feir], cher [\B\i\far [fjeir] ; (iii)
in monsieur [ni9sj0], messieurs [me'sj0], volontiers [volo'tje],
and many proper names, e.g. Tanger [ta'se], Poitiers [pwatje].
Front- Voice-Fricative.
Phonetic sign : [j],
Traditional spellings :
1. /', as in bien [bjs], dieu [dj0] ;
2. y, as myeux [j0], foyer [fwaje] ;
3. /'/, as in email [emaij], bail [baij] ;
4. ille, as in paille [poij], fille [fiij].
Articulation. The tongue occupies the position for [i],
save that the blade is brought right up to the palate. The
vocal chords vibrate, and the breath is expelled between
palate and tongue.
The lips may meanwhile prepare to articulate a following
Explanation. The sound being closely related to [i]
is sometimes called a semi-vowel. It differs little from
the English [j] in yes [jss] [jis], though the muscles of the
tongue are usually somewhat tenser in producing the French
sound. The latter should not be sustained, and the friction
should be faint.
[j] has supplanted the 'liquid /' [A] save in the South of
France and Switzerland. Pronunciations with [A], constantly
recommended by Littre, must now be regarded as dialectal.
Phonetic sign : [h].
Traditional spelling \ h, as in aha ! [aha].
Articulation. The vocal chords are brought close
together, and the breath is expelled between them with
audible friction and gradually increasing force, until the
following vowel is heard.
Explanation. In standard French [h] is produced only
under the influence of emotion : it is thus heard regularly in
interjections such as oho ! he ! and occasionally in expres-
sions like je hais [39 he], une honte [yn ho it], la haine
[la hsm], aheurter [ahcerte]. It may even be introduced
vulgarly where there is no corresponding letter, as in
Attention! [hata'sjo]. 1
Its use in provincial French (e.g. in Normandy and
Brittany) is more common.
The student will do well, as a rule, to regard the
h aspirle as a mere sign showing that neither elision nor
linking is permissible.
This French [h] is strictly equivalent neither to the
German nor to the English aspirate. The former is begun
with the maximum force ; ; the latter is attacked like the
French [h], with gradually increasing force, but there is a
diminution of effort before the vowel is reached,
also Part II. Chap. V. p. 163.
' THE combination of speech-sounds in connected discourse
brings them under the influence of new factors which may
modify their nature or even control their existence. If we
pronounce the words The fear of an attack, first separately,
as they are taught to the child : [Sri] [fris] [ov] [aen] [aetaek],
and then continuously, as they would be spoken by an
adult : ['53 fii9j 9v 9n otaek], it will be seen that in the
combination several of the sounds are altered, a new sound
[j] is heard before of, and the accented syllables of fear
and attack are uttered with a greater stress and at a higher
pitch than any of the other syllables in the expression.
Changes of a similar kind take place in French.
From the grammatical and orthographical points of view a
sentence is made up of so many separate words, and,
because we recognize these units as they are spoken, and see
them as we read, we are apt to conclude that they have also
phonetic individuality, the spaces between the written words
being represented in speech by a series of short pauses.
This conclusion has no foundation in fact. The simple
sentence takes the form of an uninterrupted stream of
sound. Phrases like The night is far spent, II y est
arrive are as continuous as the single words insuperable,
inevitablement. In more or less complex sentences,
however, one may pause to take breath or to make the
meaning clear, or for both of these purposes at the same
time. Take, for example, the following sentence : En
revo quant Pedit de Nantes Louis XIV porta un coup
desastreux au commerce de son pays, car les protestants
s' expatrierent en foule et porterent a Petranger les secrets des
arts et des industries de France. To utter such a sentence
without a break would be a mere tour de force : one
is practically compelled to make a pause, were it only for
the purpose of drawing breath. At the same time it is only
by pausing that the meaning can be adequately expressed.
We must at least make a break at the word pays, and
we shall probably find it advisable to make others. The
sentence might be conveniently divided into the following
groups: En revoquant Pedit de Nantes Louis XIV porta
un coup desastreux au commerce de son pays, car les
protestants s* expatrierent en foule et porterent a Petranger
les secrets des arts et des industries de France. In deliberate
utterance the length of the groups might be reduced still
further by pausing at the words desastreux and etranger.
The unbroken succession of speech-sounds between any two
such pauses is called a sound-group, and it is generally
within the limits of such a sound-group that the new factors
affecting sounds in combination operate. The sentence
may consist of one or several sound-groups, but the sound-
group should not contain more than one sentence.
No mechanical rules can be laid down for the division of
the complex sentence into sound-groups. It depends upon
circumstances, such as the character of the phrase whether
it be ceremonious or conversational, the occasion on which
it is uttered, the speaker's age, intellectual power and habits
of speech. The schoolboy will, in speaking, generally form
shorter groups than the educated adult, and in a formal
address there will be greater deliberation and more frequent
pauses than in familiar conversation. It should, however,
be observed that pauses are, as a rule, justifiable only when
they coincide with what may be called a junction in the
meaning of the phrase. Punctuation is neither a sufficient
nor an infallible guide. On the one hand, as reference to
the example analysed will show, a pause may often be made
where there is no punctuation-mark. On the other, although
the full stop, the colon and the semi-colon necessitate a
pause, the comma should sometimes be ignored. Thus, in
the expression : Dans cette fameuse .Preface de Cromwell, qui
fut, en France, le programme de la rlvohttion litteraire . . .
(Koschwitz's Parlers parisiens, p. 81, line i), the linking of
fut with en, [ki fyt a frais], is obligatory in spite of the
intervening comma. Linking, again, is often advisable in
expressions like Puis, il ajouta, etc., Mais, il avait, etc. In
Mais, au fur et a mesure qu^on s'eloigne de la capitale . . .
(Parlers parisiens, p. 47, 1. i) and in Puis, elle se sentait
soulevle . . . (Parlers parisiens, p. 13, 1. 12) the majority of
Koschwitz's readers * link the ' Mais ' and the ' Puis ' to the
following word. MM. Rousselot, Jean Passy and Adolphe
Rambeau, who, as we shall see in the next chapter, link
very sparingly, all read [pgtiz afame], in spite of the ellipse,
in the following line from Alfred de Musset's Nuit de Mai :
Ses petits, affames, courent sur le rivage (Precis de Prononcia-
tion fran$aise, p. 199, 1. 24; Chrestomathie fran^aise,
p. 191, 1. 12). In English, too, the comma is often
disregarded even by careful readers, for instance, before
and after such words as however, therefore, nevertheless.
1 For an account of these readings see the following chapter.
The traditional rule enjoining a pause at every comma is
consequently not valid for either language.
Although all the sounds forming a sound-group are
uttered without a break, it will be observed that they are
not all pronounced with the same force or at the same
pitch. Their treatment in these respects, which is by no
means the same in French as in English, will be discussed
at a later stage. For the present it is only necessary to
note that by means of these variations the ear is enabled
to detect certain subdivisions of the sound-group. Thus
in the first half of the sentence which has been taken as
an example, the following sub-groups may be easily dis-
criminated : En revoquant Vedit de Nantes Louis XIV-
porta un coup desastreux au commerce de son pays. These
divisions are suggestive of the bars in a piece of music.
They are distinguishable, in spite of the continuity of the
stream of sound, by the recurrence of relatively strong beats
or accents, and are for that reason called stress-groups. The
ictus in French falls on the last full 1 syllable of each
group. The analogy between stress-groups and musical
bars is, however, not thoroughgoing, for the former are of
variable length. They impart rhythm to the phrase but
derive their origin from the thought expressed rather than
from the mere form of the words. They consist, in general,
of two or three words so intimately connected with each
other as to be more or less unintelligible when separated.
In very slow delivery, for instance in dictating, stress-groups
may become sound-groups separated from each other by
actual pauses.
If we attempt to analyse the stress-group we find that the
next phonetic element is the syllable. Syllables in speech
correspond very closely to notes in music. They vary in
timbre, length, pitch and stress. But differences in timbre,
1 The term ' full syllable ' is meant to exclude the * e mute. '
duration and pitch are not essential. We may have two
successive syllables, as well as two successive notes, of
identical value in these three respects. The distinction
between the syllables or notes in that case can lie only in
an abrupt change in intensity. It is possible to have two
successive notes or syllables bearing an equal stress, but
there is a fraction of time between them when the stress
is suddenly diminished. For the present purpose this may
be illustrated by the group awe or fear [DI D fus]. It
will be found impossible to divide the continuous sound [D]
into two syllables without varying more or less abruptly
the intensity of utterance.
The analogy between syllable and note ultimately fails
because the syllable may consist of one or more consonants
and a vowel, that is, of two or more successive sounds.
These sounds, however, though they may have different
degrees of sonority, must be of such a nature that they
can all be uttered with one and the same expulsion of
We need not enter into further detail to show that it is
of vital importance for the learner of a language to know
how the successive elements of a sound-group are them-
selves grouped into syllables. Now the French and English
languages differ nowhere more than in their syllabic struc-
ture. The French system, which, unlike the English,
strongly favours open syllables, that is, syllables ending
with a vowel-sound, may be summarized as follows :
(i) A single consonant standing between two vowels
always forms a syllable with the second vowel : indivi-
sibilite [s-di-vi-zi-bi-li-te], tiviliser [si-vi-li-ze], inusite
[i-ny-zi-te], mathematiques [ma-te-ma-tik], piller [pi-je],
profiter [pro-fi-te].
(ii) In groups of two or more consonants of which the
last is a ' liquid ' : [1] [r] or a ' semi-vowel ' : [w] [q] [j], the
two, or, in groups of more than two, the last two, form a
syllable with the vowel which follows : tableau [ta-blo],
montrer [mo-tre], devoir [do-vwair], religion [r9-li-3J5], pitif
[pi-tje], menuisier [m9-nqi-zje], parfois [par-fwa], affreux
[a-fr0], rallier [ra-lje]. The groups [rl] [Ir] form excep-
tions : parler [par-le]. Similarly, where the last consonant
is neither a liquid nor a semi-vowel, the group will be
divided between the two syllables : tristesse [tris-tss],
gouverner [gu-vsr-ne], brusquement [brys-k9-mn], carton
[kar-t5], percer [psr-se], victime [vik-tim].
(iii) Even three consonants are carried over to the vowel
following if the second is a liquid and the third a semi-
vowel : recroiser [r9-krwa-ze], refroidir [ra-frwa-diir],
instruit [s's-trqi].
(iv) A consonant never forms a syllable by itself. In
English words like people [piipl], given [givn], spasm [spaezm],
the [1] [n] and [m] have a syllabic value. In French the
words peuple, tourne, spasme are pronounced either in single
syllables [pcepl] [turn] [spasm], or in two syllables, by
sounding the [9] after the consonants in question : [pce-pb]
[tur-ng] [spaz-mg].
(v) Every syllable contains one, and only one, vowel.
In this respect traditional orthography is often much at
variance with modern pronunciation, two or three vowel-
signs being used to denote a single vowel-sound or a
consonant and a vowel : beau [bo], craie [krs], fouet [fws],
out [wi], poid [pwa], poele [pwail], loin [Iws], lui [Iqi], rien
[rjs], dieu [dj0], mieux [mj0].
On the other hand, two or three successive vowel-signs
occasionally represent two independent syllables : chaos
[ka-o], crier [kri-e],/$?r [pli-e], cree [kre-e],/0<&z> [po-e-zi],
cruelle [kry-sl], brouette [bru-st].
The above rules for syllabication have been illustrated
by isolated words ; so complete, however, is the unity of
the sound-group that they usually apply even between words
within its limits :
Peut-etre est-il encore en vie [p0-t8-trs-ti-la ko-ra-vi],
rendre un service [ra-drde-ssr-vis],
corps a corps [ko-ra-koir],
vers une heure [vs-ry-noeir],
une honnete aisance [y-no-ns-ts-zais],
une etude approfondie [y-ne-ty-da-pro-fo-di],
table a jouer [ta-bla~5u-e],
reste a savoir [rss-ta-sa-vwair],
porte ouverte [por-tu-vsrt],
chers amis [Jsr-za-mi],
ordre inattendu [or-dri-na-ta-dy].
The regularity of the syllabic structure of the sound-group
must nevertheless not be exaggerated. In deliberate speech,
a rigid application of the rules between words would some-
times be pedantic and unnatural. Thus a final consonant
would hardly be grouped with a following initial [1] or [r] :
cette reine will be pronounced [sst-rsm] rather than [se-trsin],
toute la terre [tut-la-ts:r] rather than [tu-tla-tsir], ce n'est que
la verite [s9-nsk-la-ve-ri-te] rather than [sa-ns-kla-ve-ri-te].
Even in the body of words in which the elision of an ' e
mute creates a group of consonants ending in a liquid, the
group is not always sounded with the following vowel : matelot
[ma-tlo] or [mat-lo], bibelot [bi-blo] or [bib-lo], lapereau
[la-pro] or [lap-ro]. Again, although a final consonant is
generally carried over to an initial vowel in the same sound-
group, it is often sounded with the preceding syllable when
the latter bears an accent, that is, ends a stress-group or
is emphatic : Quel homme ! ["ksl-om].
The phonetic syllabication of French, which, as we have
seen, proceeds with almost mathematical regularity, contrasts
strikingly with that of our own language. In English a single
consonant between two vowels belongs, as often as not, to the
first : compare common [kom-on], essence [8s-9ns], abbot
[aeb-st], alley [ael-i]'with attack [o-taek], irate [cu-isit], at any
rate [o-tsn-i-asit], an ass [s-nses], less usually [gn-aes].
Such a consonant often seems to be a kind of link between
the two syllables, belonging to neither of them in particular :
without [wi-S-aut], setting [ss-t-irj], student [stjuu-d-nt].
The learner must be careful not to carry over these habits of
speech into the foreign language. If comment be pronounced
[kom-a] instead of [ko-ma], commun [kom-de] instead of
[ko-mde], abbe [ab-e] instead of [a-be], aller [al-e] instead
of [a-le], French ears will often hear a double consonant. 1
The phonetic syllabication of French is also at variance
with its own system of graphic syllabication. While, for
instance, custom forbids the separation of rhomme by
writing /' at the end of one line and homme at the beginning
of the next, it sanctions the separation of notre and homme^
and prohibits the carrying over of the / in un animal enorme
to the following line, although the connection in the latter
cases [no-torn] [de-na-ni-ma-le-nDrm] is quite as close as
that between P and homme. The eye, in short, demands a
departure from the strict phonetic syllabication wherever it
would impair the identity of the word.
On the other hand, the word is not a phonetic unit. It
may, of course, become a sound-group in itself, as, for
example, the imperative : Donne /, or Personne in a negative
answer without a verb. But when, as is usually the case, it
forms part of a composite group, its individuality, in point
of sound, is merged in the latter. Thus a prendre has the
same sound-value as apprendre, il apprit the same as // a
pris, trop heureux the same as trop peureux, de voir the
same as devoir, qui Fa vu the same as qu'il a vu. The
mind alone, by its power of interpretation, is capable of
x On double sounds see Chap. V. p. 156.
distinguishing the words in a sound-group. And it can do
so unerringly only after much training in reading and
writing. Ability to speak a language arid knowledge of the
meaning conveyed are, in themselves, insufficient. An
illustration of the fact is found in one of Therese's letters
to Jean- Jacques Rousseau which has survived, and which
contains examples like the following : Mesiceuras ancor mieu
re mies for Mais il sera encore mieux remis.
Words lose their identity in the sound-group, not only
by the absence of ' blanks ' between them, but often because
they no longer sound precisely as they did when isolated.
In French, indeed, they undergo manifold modifications.
They may lose a syllable, as, for example, tenir [toniir] in
the group a tenir [a tniir]. They may gain one, as
table [tabl] in table ronde [tabls roid]. They may lose a
consonant, as quatre [katr] in quatre morceaux [kat morso],
or neuf [ncef] in neuf places [nee plas], and to this change
may be added the modification of a survivirig consonant,
as in maitre d'kdtel [ms't dot el], where the voiceless [t] of
maitre is at least partially assimilated to the following
voiced consonant. They may gain a consonant, like petit .
[p9ti] in petit enfant [patit a 'fa], or the final consonant may
be assimilated, as in tasse de the [ta's d9 te]. Or a vowel
may be transformed into a consonant, involving sometimes
the loss of a syllable which formed a monosyllabic word :
II y a, Ca y est, Ou est-ill becoming in hasty speech [il ja]
[sa je] [wet il]. And over and above all these modifications
are changes in the length of vowels and consonants, differ-
ences of pitch and stress, and the displacement of the
normal accent under the influence of emotion. Clearly,
then, a knowledge of the individual sounds and of dictionary
pronunciations needs to be supplemented by an acquaintance
with the factors that control sounds in combination and
bring about these changes.
LINKING or liaison, in its wider sense, is the carrying over
of a consonant or group of consonants at the end of a word
to form a syllable with the initial vowel or semi-vowel of
the next word in the sound-group. The term is, however,
generally limited in French grammars to the carrying over
of otherwise mute consonants, as \x\petit enfant [pstit a'fn],
and, as the linking of a consonant which would be sounded
even if not carried over is merely an aspect of the syllabic
structure of the phrase which has already been discussed,
it will be convenient to use the term in its narrower sense.
Linking is possible only between words belonging to one
and the same sound-group, the final consonant and initial
vowel being pronounced together as one syllable precisely
as if they were both in the body of the same word. Hence
no pause can be made either before or after the consonant :
nos amis must be pronounced [nozami], not [no, zami], nor
[noz, ami] ; vingt et un ans must be pronounced [vstedena],
just as if it were a single word, and, as we shall see at a
later stage, the tonic accent will fall, not on the word ans,
but on the syllable [na]. ' There is nothing more laugh-
able,' says Professor Passy, 1 ' than an ill-made liaison. C'est
une idle pronounced [set, ynide] suggests the hiccups, A
1 Les Sons du Fran$ais, 6th ed., p. 41.
teacher used to pronounce phrases like la premiere est
excessivement facile, making a pause after est\ [la pramjsirs,
tsiksssiivma fasil]. There would be a general outburst of
laughter every time.'
In certain cases, however, the resuscitated consonant is
not carried over to the following initial vowel but closes the
preceding syllable. This happens only where the resuscita-
tion is obligatory, and the second of the two words in
question contains more than one syllable with displaced
accent upon the first. 1 Thus in the phrase U&uvre de
Shakespeare est amorale, the initial [a] of amorale being
accented, is attacked with a glottal-stop, and thus clearly
separated from the preceding consonant : [Iceivra da Jekspiir
st Pamoral]. 2
Liaisons of this kind are very rare exceptions, and the
learner, in his endeavour to follow the rule, is apt to lay
undue stress upon the syllable that forms the link between
two words. He must be on his guard against this tendency.
To be good, linking must be effected without the least
trace of effort. A laborious liaison is a discord in the place
of a grace-note.
Not every word that begins with a vowel-sound admits of
linking. Those words which are spelled with an initial
'h aspirate' form some of the exceptions. This h need
not, and generally should not, be pronounced, but whether
it be pronounced or not, no linking can take place. We
must say [le ero] = les heros, [ce gra ero] = un grand heros,
[le sin] [le hsin] = les haines. Another class of exceptions
consists of words beginning with a semi-vowel : [w] [ij] or
[j]. Some of these words may be linked : e.g. les oies
[lez wa], les hmtres [lez uitr], les yeux [lez j0]. Linking
is admissible with nearly all words in [wa] and [ws], e.g.
1 See pp. 1 70 ff.
2 The above example was heard at a public lecture in Paris.
oiseau, oisif, oing, oindre ; but it must be regarded as
exceptional in all other cases. In doubt, reference should
be made to a dictionary. Whenever a word beginning with
a semi-vowel does not admit of linking, and whenever the
linking of such a word is optional or variable, the fact is
carefully noted in the valuable dictionary with phonetic
script published by T. C. and E. C. Jack.
With the exception of [f], which sometimes changes to
[v] in the word neuf [ncef ], and [s] in six [sis] and dix [dis],
which always becomes [z], all consonants that would be
sounded in the isolated word preserve their original sound
when carried over : qu'il rende un service [kil ra'd de ssrvis],
fils ame [fis ene], tons ensemble [tus a'saibl], les Us edatants
[le lis eklata], attentif a tout [ata'tif a tu]. A final [s] may,
in the reading of elevated prose and verse, be pronounced
[z] or, in the plural of a word of which it is heard in the
singular, [sz] : tous ensemble [tuz a'saibl], les lis edatants [Is
lisz eklata], les mceurs antiques [Is mcerz a'tik] [Is mcersz
a'tik]. The [v] liaison of neuf\&& been definitely preserved
only in expressions of constant recurrence, such as neuf ans
[ncev a], neuf heures [ncev ce;r], neuf enfants [ncev a' fa] ;
elsewhere modern usage is not settled, though it favours the
[f] liaison : neuf ecoliers [ncef ekolje], neuf amis [ncef ami]
rather than [ncev eoklje], [ncev ami]. A latent consonant,
on the other hand, is sometimes resuscitated in a modified
form. These exceptions a.re , which is pronounced as [t] ;
g, which is pronounced as [k] ; s and x, which sound as [z].
Examples : il rend un service [il rat de ssrvis], grand homme
[grat om], un long exil [de 15k egzil], un long hiver [de 15k
ivsir], les os [lez o] [lez ois] [lez os], beaux habits [boz abi].
When, in linking, a nasal vowel evolves a nasal consonant,
the vowel more often than not loses its nasal character.
[5] is regularly denasalized, as in bon ami [bon ami], not
[bon ami] ; it remains nasal, exceptionally, in the pronoun
on, and sometimes in ton, son, mon : on arrive [on ariiv],
mon ami [mon ami] or [mon ami], son argent [son arsa] or
[son ar5a]. [s] generally loses its nasality save when it is
spelled in : en plein air [a plsn sir] rather than [a plsn sir] ;
certain homme [ssrtsn om] rather than [ssrtsn om], ancien
officier [a'sjsn ofisje] rather than [a'sjsn ofisje] ; but le divin
Epicure [b divsn epikyir], le malm esprit [b rnalsn sspri].
Exceptions are bien and rien in which the nasal vowel is
usually preserved : bien aimable [bjsn s'mabl], je ne com-
prends rien a tout cela [59 n ko'pra rjsn a tu sla]. Littre's
recommendation to denasalize the vowel in these two words
is contrary to current usage.
The denasalization of [de] is optional : un homme may be
pronounced [oen om] or [cen om]. The pronunciation [yn
om], which is heard occasionally, should not be imitated.
Hence the only vowel that never sacrifices its nasality is
[a] : // en est must be pronounced [il an s], en attendant
[an ata'da].
The question remains : When does linking take place ?
When is a latent final consonant resuscitated ? The answer
depends in the main upon three considerations, namely,
the standard of speech, the relation between the two words,
and the requirements of euphony and sense. As linking
generally implies a knowledge of orthography, it is to be
associated with the idea of learned and careful utterance.
It is, therefore, much more frequent in reading than in
speaking, more frequent in the reading of lofty prose than
in that of colloquial passages, while it becomes the rule in
the recitation of serious verse. Conversely, it may be said
that linking becomes more and more unusual according as
the tone, style, matter and occasion become less formal, less
ceremonious. In the ordinary intercourse of everyday life,
it easily becomes a sign of bad taste, denoting pedantry,
affectation, the desire to appear ' cultured,' to speak
F.P. F
' correctly.' Hence, in conversation, as Professor Passy
points out, it is only the class of people intermediate
between the educated and the illiterate who link profusely.
And naturally enough, in their ignorance, they link not
only in the wrong place, but with the wrong consonant,
using [z] for [t] or vice versa. To this perhaps is due, in
some measure, the growing tendency among the educated
towards a more sparing use of liaison in familiar and col-
loquial speech. Hence, too, it will be easily understood
that, in the matter of linking, sins of omission are regarded
with more indulgence than sins of commission, and that, in
difficult cases, the student will be wise to apply the maxim
enjoining inaction in case of doubt.
There are, however, certain liaisons which must be
regarded as obligatory on all occasions. These are as
follows :
(i) Between an article, demonstrative adjective, possessive
adjective or numeral and an adjective or noun following :
les hommes [lez om], des amis [dez ami], un an [den a], cet
enfant [set a' fa], mon ami [mon ami], ses ailes [sez si], leurs
armes [Icerz arm], les autres [lez oitr], deux ours [d0'z uir],
trois cents hommes [trwa saz om], plusieurs horloges [plyzjcerz
orlo!5], quelques aunes [kslkoz oln].
Similarly, in the pronominal expressions, les um [lez de],
les unes [lez yn] ; but not in the elliptical, vers les une heure
[ver le yn ceir], nor in les un, les huit, les onze [le de] [le qit]
[le oiz].
(ii) Between an adjective and a noun following : les petits
enfants [le ptiz a 'fa], un grand ours [de grat urs], un gros
homme [de groz om], de mauvaises herbes [da move'zz
(iii) Between a verb and a pronoun (subject or object) or
a pronoun and a verb : Us attendent [ilz atald], nous arrivons
[nuz arivo], vous aimez [vuz s'me], // en a [il an a], en a-t-on
[an ato], pour vous aider [pur vuz s'de], nous y sommes [nuz
i somj, vas-y [vaz i], joignons-y [swajioz i], perd-il [pert il],
plait-il [plst il], sont-elles [sot si], prends-en [praz a], voit-on
[vwat 5], allez-vous-en [ale vuz a], /<9z// e^/ &> [tut s bjs], /
/<*$ /' [59 lez e]. In etits, affam^s^ courent sur le
rivage. Part II. Chap. I. p. 71.
2 The question of liaison is the same whether the first verb is followed
immediately by the second, which of course is always an infinitive, or
by ^, en or y belonging to the latter.
Linking is here often neglected in familiar conversation
in such expressions as je veux aller^ tu peux aller, tu dois
ecrire, il Jaut expliquer, il fallait en convenir. Hence in the
colloquial phrase, // faut etre fou pour prendre un bain par
ce temps-la! (Chrest. p. 27, 11 34, 35), MM. Jean Passy and
Rambeau do not sound the latent [t] in faut. In more
careful speech the final [t] would be heard in such con-
nections, and, as the linking of [t] is here neither cere-
monious nor affected, the learner may perhaps be advised
to make this liaison pretty freely, provided always that a
harsh group of consonants does not result.
It follows a fortiori that the liaison should generally be
made in the reading of all but colloquial passages. When
it is avoided by the authors of the Chrestomathie, its sup-
pression may usually be explained on grounds of euphony :
e.g. in concour(i) a detruire (p. 63, 1. 9), concouren(t] a
donner (p. 81, 1. 6), se fassen(t} entendre (p. 89, 1. n). It
is made by them unconditionally in Un pur mecanisme, qui
peut^etre ingenieux (p. 61, 1. 7); Ses pairs font ^entendre une
voix toujours ecoutee (p. 79, 1. 36); II faut^aimer notre vie
nationale (p. 87, 1. 18); Elle allait^apercevoir le Caire(p. 107,
1. 9); Quand Us voulaient^enlever une position (p. 107, 1. 39);
Le plus etrange tohu-bohu qu'on put^imaginer (p. 115, 1. 30) ;
and considered optional in Elle (Peau) devaitjetre Men
chaude (p. 9, 1. 18); // le fait^entrer (p. 15, 1. 4); // en
vientji demander, etc. (p. 19, 1. 9); Eautre voulait^aller se
promener (p. 27, 1. 19) ; // se met^.a faire sa correspondance
(p. 27, 1. 1 8); II peutjy avoir concorde entre* les gouvernants
et les gouvernes (p. 97, 1. 26) ; Le 9 s brins de renseignements
quails pouvaient^attraper (p. 123, 11. 24, 25); // rtetait per-
sonne . . . qui ne se fut fait^inscrire (p. 113, 1. 35). The
indication that the liaison is optional in these and similar
cases must be understood in the sense that the pronuncia-
tion would not cease to be French if the liaison were
neglected. It cannot be taken to mean that both readings
are equally good. On the contrary, only a careless reader
would fail to link in such cases. For proof of this we
need only refer to the Parlers parisiens, where the readers,
with almost complete unanimity, sound the final [t] of
the first of two successive verbs. It is sounded by all
thirteen in Celui qui est en tete se met^a crier Men fort,
etc. (p. 5, 1. 7), though in his transcription of the same
passage Professor Paul Passy does not link (Le Fran^ais
parle, p. 13, 1. 20); by all five save M. Rousselot in
Le mari et la femme firent^arreter P omnibus (p. 31, 1. T),
and in // se preparait^a prendre ses grades (p. 35, 1. 7); by
all without exception in Ce qu'il faut^entendre par ce mot
(p. 45, 1. 9), On arriverait^a couvrir toute la France (Tune
etoile, etc. (p. 51, 1. 9), On offrit^a boire aux patients un vin
fortement aromatise (p. 59, 1. 2).
Even the [z] liaison is usual in reading in such com-
binations as Je veil x ^examiner (Chrest. p. 59, 1. 29), Ce
que nous aurons^d faire (ib. p. 59, 1. 25), Quand nous
revenons^ecouter ce langage na'if (ib. p. 89, 1. i), Je vaisjy
renoncer (ib. p. 53, 1. 13). It is, however, well avoided by
Passy- Rambeau in Jamais je riai mieux appri(s) d connaitre
. . . le caractere de la bourgeoisie parisienne (p. 113, 1. 36),
and in Un petit nombre d'esprits accoutume(s] a ne pas
limiter leurs reflexions (p. 59^ 1. 7). The [z] of a past
participle is rarely sounded, and in the former case it would
certainly be cacophonous after the liaison of mieux with
appris. But four out of five readers sound the [z], although
it involves a repetition of the sound, in J'ai bien lu dans les
Ecritures que vous aimez^d prendre la faiblesse et le neant
pour vos instruments dans ce monde (Par 1. par. p. 75, 1. 2).
Here, as elsewhere, the latent [r] of the infinitive in -er is
not readily carried over to the following syllable : e.g. in
// ne peut se refuse(r) a admettre, etc. (Chrest. p. 67, 1. 27).
The [r] liaison is avoided by Passy-Rambeau here and in
every other case, even in verse. Nor does any of the five
readers sound the [r] in Elk semblait s'attache^r) a voir,
etc. (ParL par. p. 27, 1. 9). But three out of five link in
II ne put se decider ^.a voir, etc. (p. 85, 1. 20).
(iv) Between a verb other than etre and an adverb, or
vice versa.
This case is closely akin to the one last discussed.
Though neglected often enough in a free and easy type
of conversation, the [t] liaison is by no means unusual in
other circumstances. Hence the [t] will sometimes be heard
and sometimes remain mute in such expressions as Cela se
fait ainsij II y en avait assez, II en fallait encore.
Its use becomes much more general in reading, though
subject always to considerations of sense and euphony.
Koschwitz's readers agree in avoiding the [t] liaison between
verb and adverb only in two cases : Les bonnes habitudes . . .
auxquelles il avait ete brusquemen(t} arrache (p. 25, 1. 17), Et,
profondemen(f) uni a son pere, il commen$a, etc. (p. 63, 1. 12).
In the former the [t] is left silent after the two [t]'s in avait
ete. With the second we may compare the following example
from the Chrestomathie : Cette force . . . qui maintient
obstinement unis les groupes que tout concourt a detruire
(p. 63, 1. 9). While the final [t] of maintient is left mute,
the linking of obstinement and unis is here given as optional.
Other instances where the liaison of verb and adverb is
indicated as optional by Passy-Rambeau, and may be
regarded by the student as advisable, are // y avait ^une fois
un petit oiseau (p. 5, 1. i), II fallait ^encore (p. 9, 1. 26), Tous
deux ne parlaient ^.encore fran^ais qu'a coup de dictionnaire
(p. 27, 1. 22), // se met^en colere (p. 29, 1. 6), Cette ancienne
poesie francaise que nous avons si completement^.oubliee (p. 59,
11. 4, 5), Une telle societe peut etre gravement^atteinte (p. 61,
1. 14), // faut^aussi qu'elle soit aimee (p. 65, 1. 6), Cette
nationalite allemande elle-meme, qui parait^actuellement si
puissante (p. 67, 1. 32), Elle decouvrit^enfin . . . les hauts
minarets (p. 107, 1. n), Cette police se compliquait^alors d'une
foule de details (p. 121, 1. 4). 1
The liaison is made unconditional by the same authors
occasionally in the prose passages, very frequently in verse :
e.g. in Si I'on peut^ainsi dire (p. 57, 1. 13), Plusieurs . . .
attendaient ^.encore (p. 75, 1. 33), II y avait^encore (p. 85, 1. 33),
Un Frederic II. ... un Napoleon . . . y suffiraient^a peine
(p. 93, 1. 5), Bonaparte fit^aussitdt ses dispositions (p. 107,
11. 24, 25), Qui venait^apres (p. in, 1. 9), La bataille nous
avaitji peine coilte une centaine de morts (p. 113, 1. 8).
Where, however, the verb or adverb already ends in a
sounded consonant, the authors of the Chrestomathie, in
the reading of prose, usually carry this consonant over,
leaving the latent final mute : e.g. in Us appellen(t} encore
(p. 89, 1. 31), Us le peuven(f) encore (p. 99, 1. 35), Les Alle-
mands envisagen(f) autrement les choses (p. 83, 1. 16), Nos
braves soldats . . . les attendiren(t} avec calme (p. 109, 11. 41,
42), La forme . . . dont enveloppen(f) id toutes les douleurs
(p. 119, 1. 31), Celles-ci les re$uren(f) avec fermete (p. in,
i- 31).
The [z] liaison is made more sparingly, especially in
conversation. But the evidence of the Chrestomathie is
here at variance with that of the Parlers parisiens. MM.
Jean Passy and Rambeau seem generally to avoid linking
the [z] in prose : e.g. in Une societe dont les membres ne sont
maintenu(s] ensemble que par la force (p. 61, 1. i), On m'avait
mi(s) en sentinelle (p. 117, 1, 16), Nos braves soldats ', devenu(s)
aussi froids qu'ils avaient ete fougueux jadis (p. 109, 1. 41),
Bon et Menou . . . arrive(s] a une certaine distance^ firent
halte (p. in, 1. 22). They give the liaison as optional,
however, in Ce qu'elle a parfois^ete (p. 73, 1. 10). In verse
1 See also op. cit. p. 93, 1. 33 and p. 113, 1. 36.
they frequently sound the [z] : e.g. in Attends^un peu, nous
finirons ^ensemble (p. 167, 1. 27), Nous fuyons^en silence
(p. 173, 1. 33). But in verse and prose alike they never
sound the final mute consonant of toujours : Une voix
toujours Icoutee (p. 79, 1. 37), II y avait toujours ete (p. 127,
1. 8), // riest pas toujours aise de dormir sur de la faille
(p. 117, 11. 39, 40), Toujours intact aux yeux du monde
(p. 225, 1. 23).
On the other hand, Koschwitz's readers agree in avoiding
,the [z] liaison between verb and adverb only in the sentence
Les deux voleurs etaient crucifie(s] a ses cotes (p. 59, 1. 17 ; cf.
p. 6 1, 1. 22), and this instance is of doubtful validity, because
the word crucifies might end a sound-group. Elsewhere, even
in prose, there is nearly always a majority in favour of the
liaison : e.g. in Que d'etroites allies obscures entrevues^jau vol
(p. 23, 1. 2), Ehomme assis^enface d'elle (p. 29, 1. 22), Les f aits
relates ^.au jour le jour (p. 37, 1. 12), As sis ^.au pied de la croix
(p. 59, 1. ig\*Mais nos cceurs, brises^en mainte aventure (p.
135, 1. 1 8). The majority is uncertain in the phrase Vous
discernerez^a peine le sens de quelques mots (p. 47, 1. 10).
The effect of the [z] liaison between verb and adverb in
conversation is well illustrated by a story told by Ernest
Legouve, in his Art de la Lecture, in the following words :
' Un jour, dan: une piece de Mme de Girardin, La joie
fait peur, la jeune actrice chargee du role de Tingenue dit,
en parlant de fleurs qu'elle avait plantees avec son frere :
" Nous les avions plantees-ensemble," en faisant sentir Vs.
Mme de Girardin bondit sur sa chaise. " Pas d'sl pas d's ! "
s'ecria-t-elle. " Plante ensemble. Vous n'avez pas le droit
de faire de pareilles liaisons a votre age ! Je me moque
de la grammaire ! II n'y a qu'une regie pour les ingenues,
c'est d'etre ingenues ! Cette affreuse s vous vieillirait de
dix ans ! Elle ferait de vous une Armande au lieu d'une
Henriette ! Oh ! 1'affreuse s ! " '
The [r] of the infinitive in -er is never linked to a fol-
lowing adverb in conversation, and may often remain silent
in the reading of prose. In the Parlers parisiens four
readers sound it in // ne voyait pas un tableau . . . sans
noter^aussitot son impression (p. 37, 1. 18); M. Rousselot
alone, here as generally elsewhere, does not link the infini-
tive. MM. Jean Passy and Rambeau seem regularly to
avoid this liaison, even in verse : e.g. in tombe(r) a genoux
(p. 43, 1. 14), reste(r) en arriere (p. 107, 1. 41), Je venais
d'entre(r) en menage (p. 175, 1. 18), J'entends frappe(r) a la
porte(^. 177, 1. 8).
(v) Between a verb other than etre and an adjective or
adjectival expression.
With the linking of a verb and an adverb we may com-
pare that of a verb and an adjective closely connected
with each other. In conversation the liaison is frequently
disregarded, especially if the consonant is [z]. MM. Jean
Passy and Rambeau consequently transcribe Vous me semblez
arriere" (p. 127, 1. 14), [vu m sa'ble arjs're], without the [z].
The consonant is more often carried over in reading : e.g.
in Le desordre devint ^.extreme (Chrest. p. in, 1. 33), Ce sol
que I'on croyait^inebranlable (p. 87, 1. 4), Les racines vivaces
par lesquelles elle s?y tient^encore attachee (p. 87, 1. 33). The
same authors, however, do not link verb and adjective in
// se voi(t} assailli par trots hommes de mauvaise mine
(p. 39, 1. 2). But they do not link verb and adverb in On
voi(f) a l^est P horizon qui blanchit doucement (p. 119, 1. i ).
(vi) Between a verb and its object, direct or indirect.
This liaison is probably less common than that of verb
and adverb. In easy conversation it is generally neglected,
and even careful speakers as a rule link verb and object
only where they form a short and indissoluble sound-group :
e.g. II avaitjune canne, II lui fautjune plume, II se faitjun
devoir, etc.
The Chrestomathie and the Parlers parisiens are again at
variance. MM. Jean Passy and Rambeau reduce the number
of liaisons to a minimum, making no more than would be
made in a tolerably careful style of conversation. In their
prose transcriptions this liaison is made unconditionally in
but few cases: e.g. in On fit ^invasion (p. 123, 1. n), Ne
prenant^aucune part a la vie . . . (p. 69, 1. 13), // avaitjune
lettre de recommandation (p. 25, 1. 34), // donna dans le
russe . . . et se fit^une dme d'oiseau de mer (p. 129, 1. 13), //
avaitjune maniere de dire le steppe . . . (p. 129, 1. 23). It is
occasionally considered optional, as in Qui faisaient^un
petit voyage (p. 27, 1. 15), Quels liens etroits rattachent^a
nous . . . cette ancienne poesie (p. 59, 1. 2) ; but more often
neglected altogether : e.g. in A qui il montrai(f) un fruit
(p. 19, 1. 10), Ce riest pas lui qui manquerai(t) a ce devoir
(p. 129, 1. 31), On les conduisai(t) au poste le plus voisin
(p. 121, 1. 1 6), Une populace qui se livrai(t} a tous les exces
(p. 113, 1. 1 6), Quelques-uns jouaien(t} au bouchon (p. 117,
1. 5), // ser(t) a quelque chose (p. 129, 1. 35).
Koschwitz's readers, it is true, are not often unanimously
in favour of the liaison, but it is made almost always by a
very large majority. Thus the liaison is made by a majority
of thirteen to one in Et toute la bande fait^un crochet * (p. 5,
1. 9), by a majority of four to one in Elle riavait^aucune
science (p. 13, 1. 6), En levant jun regard (p. 29, 1. 4), Elle
s'offrit^aux regards (p. 29, 1. 19), // y ajoutait^une page
nouvelle (p. 37, 1. 8), Un soldat . . . la mit^au bout d'un
roseau (p. 59, 1. 16), Les mots . . . qu'elles apprennentji leurs
enfants^ (p. 49, 1. i). In the last four cases the dissentient
is M. Rousselot. The majority is somewhat smaller (ten
to three and three to two) in favour of the liaison in Et
1 In his transcription of the same passage in Le Fran$ais parlt,
Prof. Paul Passy does not link : p. 13, 1. 22.
2 Prof. Passy does not link : Le Fran$ais parle", p. 75, 1. 19.
F.P. G
commencent^un dejeuner interminable 1 (p. 7, 1. 12), and in
// en a fait^amende honorable (p. 81, 1. 6). But the link
is made by all without exception in // eut^une agonie de
desespoir (p. 63, 1. 4), La position . . . du corps , laquelle
entrainait^un trouble affreux dans la circulation (p. 63, 1. 19),
Selon qu'il plait ^.a la fortune (p. 99, 1. n).
The foregoing examples illustrate only the liaison of [t].
A [z] is linked somewhat less readily in prose. None of
Koschwitz's readers sound the final [z] of the verb in the
following two cases : Elle a permi(s) a mon savant confrere,
etc. (p. 51, 1. 12), Ces mots n'ont de sens qrf applique(s] a la
production litteraire (p. 53, 1. 15). The expression Je di(s)
' aux environs' (p. 47, 1. 4), in which none of the readers
link, is not an example in point, because neither linking nor
elision takes place before a quotation. On the other hand
a majority make the liaison in Allez^.aux environs (p. 47, 1. 3),
Representons-nous les parlers populaires livres^a eux-memes
(p. 49, 1. 5), Ses cris supremes de douleur tournes^.en odieux
jeux de mots (p. 61, 1. 13), Sur son chapeau le mari avait
mis^un mouchoir (p. 23, 1. 18). Here again, in prose, the
liaison is usually avoided by the authors of the Chresto-
mathie : e.g. in La France romane . . . a pri(s) a son compte
r ideal qdil avait con$u (p. 71, 1. 39), Quelques negociants
fran$ais . . . furent envoy e(s) d Bonaparte (p. 113, 1. 22),
Donne(z) a ces hommes une consigne (p. 101, 1. 24). It is
recorded as optional in Pretons^une oreille attentive (p. 89,
1. 4). In verse it is made much more frequently. Here
even MM. Passy and Rambeau do not hesitate to sound
the [z] : e.g. in Formez^une sainte alliance (p. 163, 1. 8), Sur
le passe jetez^un voile epais (p. 165, 1. 7), Je dis^d cette nuit :
Sois plus lente (p. 185, 1. 19).
The [r] liaison between verb and object is not heard in
conversation, and is made more reluctantly than that of [z]
1 Prof. Passy does not link : Le Franfais 4)arti> p. 15, 1. 17.
in reading. It is regularly avoided by the authors of the
Chrestomathie : e.g. in Mieux vaut vise(r) un ideal mains
lleve (p. 19, 1. 27), Quand Us voulaient enleve(r) une position
(p. 107, 1. 39). Of six readers one alone sounds the [r] in
formuler une loi (Parl. par. p. 51, 1. 13 ; Le Fr. parle, p. 79,
1. 5). But four out of five, the dissident being in each
case M. Rousselot, make the liaison in exprimer^une chose
(p. 41, 1. 3), porter Ji I'autel (p. 73, 1. 21), manquer^a son
instinct (p. 91, 1. 3), retrouver^un ami (p. 113, 1. 2), the last
example alone being from verse.
(vii) Between an adverb and the object of the verb.
The adverb very often forms a sound-group, either by
itself or with the verb, so that a pause intervenes between
adverb and object. Linking is then precluded. But even
when adverb and object may be combined in the same
group the adverb does not cease to be more closely related
to the verb than to the object, and it is, therefore, rarely
linked with the latter. In the Parlers parisiens none of the
readers make the liaison in La France a depuis longtemp(s)
une seule langue officielle (p. 45, 1. 2), and seven out of
thirteen avoid it in Le Rapide a passe depuis longtemp(s] a
Petat de superstition locale (p. 7, 1. 2). Professor Paul Passy
transcribes the same sentences without liaison (Le Fran-
fais parle, p. 73, 1. 5 and p. 15, 1. 6). Yet MM. Passy and
Rousselot both link in the expression C'est bien^autre chose,
si on essay e . . . de t?'acer une ligne de demarcation 1 (Parl. far.
p. 55, 1. 4; Fr. parle, p. 81, 1. 15), where the majority of
the readers pronounce [bjs oitrs $oiz], without sounding the
[n]. Similarly the phrase II ' y avait bien une source dans le
bois is read by the authors of the Chrestomathie (p. 5, 1. 8)
without the liaison. Add to this that the readers of the
Parlers parisiens never all agree in linking adverb and
1 It should be observed that bien is not here an adverb qualifying the
adjective autre ; but is equivalent to ' no doubt,' ' it is true.'
object, that, indeed, the majority are generally against the
liaison, and it will be clear that the student's wisest course is
to avoid it.
Even in verse this liaison is rarely made unless the
adverbial expression happens to follow the object, in
which case it is usually optional. All Koschwitz's readers
save Rousselot link in Et depuis qu*on a mis ses piliersjk
Pepreuve, II apparait plus stable (p. 145, 1. 20); while the
authors of the Chrestomathie transcribe with an optional
liaison of the [z] in trdnes, Ce boulet invincible Qui fracas sa
vingt trdnes a la fois (p. 171, 11. 31, 32), and with an optional
liaison of the [t] in tout, Que ce soit elle . . . Qui, bijoux,
diamants, rubans . . . Des bras de vos enfants et du sein de
vos femmes Arrache tout a pleines mains! (p. 203, 11. 25-30).
It is, however, introduced unconditionally between moments
and encore in the line Mais je demande en vain quelques
moments encore (p. 185, 1. 17).
(viii) Between two adverbs or adverbial expressions.
Liaison between adverbs other than those enumerated in
rule (vi) for obligatory liaisons is usually restricted to more
or less elevated style. The readers of the Parlers parisiens
are never all in favour of this liaison. It is true that a
majority link in the following : Us etaient tous deux scrupu-
leusement^en noir (p. 25, 1. 19), De nouvelles croyances . . . qm
bientdt^aussi ne seraient plus que des cadavres (p. 39, 1. 13),
Comme on se r imagine souvent ^.encore (p. 53, 1. 5), // en est
parfois^autrement (p. 53, 1. 6). But on the other hand the
majority read without linking Us s'allongent tranquillemen(f]
a r ombre d'un puits (p. 7, 1. 9), Parle aujourd'hui a pen
pre(s) exclusivement (p. 45, 1. 6), Quelques-uns, vaguemen(t} au
courant de ses idees (p. 61, 1. 20) ; while all avoid the liaison
in Parle au moins concurremmen(t] avec le patois (p. 45, 1. 7).
The authors of the Chrestomathie avoid it in Disons-le
franchemen(t] aussi (p. 73, 1. 10), A peu pre(s) en mme temps
(p. 127, 1. 27) and make it optional in La conscience natio-
nale . . . s'est incarnee plus na'ivement ^encore dans Jeanne
d^Arc (p. 83, 1. 41), and in the line Tous riy sont point assis
egalementji Poise (p. 203, 1. 10). An interesting example is
found, at page 85, line 6, of the Chrestomathie, in the phrase
Cependant quelques esprits . . . se demandaient . . . si cette
securite etait bien entierement justifiee. Here, although bien
modifies the verb and not the following adverb, the liaison is
given as optional. (Cf. Rule (vii).)
(ix) Between an adverb and an adjective ; or between an
adjective or adverb and its complement.
The relation between adverb and adjective being, as a
rule, closer than that between two adverbs, this liaison is
naturally more usual. It is employed by most of the
readers in Des langues absolument^.etrangeres (Parl. par.
p. 47, 1. 13), by all in Un vin f or tement ^.aromatize (p. 59,
1. 3). The authors of the Chrestomathie link optionally in
Une grande vie nationale est essentiellement^organique (p. 61,
1. 10), unconditionally in Ces procedes ndivement^atroces
(p. 75, 11. 5, 6), La vie vraiment ^active et intellectuelle (p. 81,
1. 40), // etait admirablement^.affirmatif de la necessite de ne
rien affirmer (p. 127, 1. 2). In conversation this liaison is
usually neglected. Hence in the familiar expression Ces
beaux raisins muscats . . . sont diablement appetissants aussi
(Parl. par. p. 5, 1. 2 ; Fr. parle p. 13, 1. 14), seven out of
fourteen avoid sounding the [t] of diablement even in
The adverb toujours is never linked by the authors of the
Chrestomathie ; they always carry the [r] over : e.g. in Une
voix toujours ecoutee (p. 79, 1. 37), // riest pas toujours
aise de dormir sur de la faille (p. 117, 1. 39). The [z] is,
however, very frequently sounded by other readers.
The nasal is never sounded in enfin : see Parl. par.
p. 59, 1. i and the Chrestomathie p. 107, 1, n.
The question of liaison between an adjective or adverb
and its complement is not one that often arises. In ban a
rien and pret a partir linking is usual even in conversation.
All Koschwitz's readers save Rousselot link in Impuissant a
agir (p. 35, 1. 15). Similarly, in Conformement a vos desirs,
the [t] would usually be sounded.
The [z] liaison is, however, avoided in the Chrestomathie
in the line Tous Us sont pret(s] a nous feter encore (p. 167,
The adverb non is not usually linked : Ces deux forces
opposees cherchaient a se limiter, a se balancer, non a se
detruire (Chrest. p. 71, 1. 8). The transcription [no a s
detrqiir], without the [n] liaison, certainly represents the
better practice.
(x) Between an adverb or adverbial expression preceding
the subject and the subject.
An adverb in this position often must and nearly always
may be treated as a distinct sound-group. It is, therefore,
not surprising to find that the liaison is invariably avoided
by the authors of the Chrestomathie in the transcription of
the prose passages : e.g. in Trois foi(s] il se pdme de doulem
(p. 79, 1. 31), Si depuis longtemp(s) Us avaient cette place
(p. 91 1. 6), Commen(f] il s'appellel^ (p. 131, 1. 40), Quelque-
foi(s] on quitte la tente (p. 117, 1. 41). Similarly in verse
they read without linking Longtemp(s) aucun ne I'a cru
(p. 177, 1. 33), Alor(s] il se souleve (p. 191, 1. 33), C'est pour
renaitre ailleurs qu'ici-ba(s) on succombe (p. 213, 1. 23). The
liaison is, however, indicated as optional in Paffoisjtl som-
meillait (p. 149, 1. 23), Jamais^aucune main n'avait passe
sur elle (p. 215, 1. 5).
Examples from the Parlers parisiens in which all the
readers concur in avoiding the liaison are De temps en temp(s)
elle relevait la tete (p. 27, 1. 5) and Cette foi(s] elle abaissa ses
J Cf. Comment allez-vous'l in which the [t] is regularly sounded.
mains (p. 29, 1. 18). Professor Ritter alone sounds the [t] in
Dans une heure ou malheureusemen(t} elle divise et passionne
(p. 81, 1. 22).
With the short adverbs puis, plus, mains, liaison may be
heard even in conversation, though it cannot be considered
usual. The liaisons are optional in Mais plusjil se demenait,
plus^il faisait de bruit, plusjil criait, et plus le gar$on se
gardait cTouvrir (Chrest. p. 29, 11. 7, 8). Puis may even be
linked in spite of a comma : thus Zola, Ritter and Jacob
sound the [z] in Puis, elle se sentait soulevee (Parl. par.
p. 13, 1. 12). But if there is an inversion, linking does
not take place quite so readily : it is avoided by the
authors of the Chrestomathie in the following line from
Victor Hugo's Feuilles d'automne : Et pui(s) a votre fete il
compare en son ame Son foyer ... (p. 203, 11. i, 2).
(xi) Between a direct and an indirect object.
The available authorities seem to be unanimous in
avoiding a liaison of this kind. The two objects usually
belong to different sound-groups. In the sentence On offrit
a boire aux patient(s) un vin fortement aromatise (Parl. par.
P- 59? 1- 3)> none of readers sound the [z]. Similarly, the
authors of the Chrestomathie do not link the two objects in
the following examples, both of which are taken from verse :
Ceux qui ne savaient pas la ruse . . . S 'etonnaient de voir qu*
Martin Chassdt les lion(s) au moulin (p. 153, 1. 6), and Dieu
mit ces degre(s] aux fortunes humaines (p. 203, 1. 7).
(xii) Between any part of speech and the conjunction et
or ou.
Where, as is often the case, the conjunction begins a
fresh sound-group, there can, of course, be no question
of liaison. But it no less frequently connects two words
%v \
or expressions which may form a single group, and then
linking becomes po&ible.
We may clear the ground at the outset, by observing that
the linking of a noun or adjective in the singular with either
of these conjunctions never takes place in conversation
(save in those consecrated expressions coming under rule
(x) for obligatory liaisons), is very seldom permissible in
the reading of prose, and not common in poetry. Thus
there must be no liaison in un rat ou une souris [de ra u yn
suri], un chat et un chien [de Ja e de Jjs], le repos et la paix
[b r9po e la ps], le corps et le sang [b ko;r e b so], un
terrain plat et uni [de ts'rs pla e yni], un couloir etroit et
sombre [de kulwalr etrwa e soibr], mon eminent et precieux ami
[mon emind e presj0z ami]. Hence none of Koschwitz's
readers sounds the [t] of brillant in C'est le plus brillant et
le plus vaste genie de son siecle (p. 83, 1. 6), or the [n] of bon
in 77 ne lisait pas un livre, bon ou mauvais (p. 37, 1. 15), or
the [t] of bouillant in the line D 'avoir le sang bouillant et
Pame un peu mutine (p. 100, 1. 13). So too in the
Chrestomathie there is no liaison of adjective and conjunc-
tion in Le corbeau, honteu(x) et confus (p. 145, 1. 20), Un pur
mecanisme qui peut etre ingenieu(x) et puissant (p. 61, 1. 7),
and in Ce sont des faits d'un tout autre ordre, Men plus
dllica(f) et plus eleve (p. 59, 1. 40). Only in two instances are
singular adjectives linked with a conjunction in the Parlers
parisiens. The first of these occurs in the prose passage
from the Origine du deisme : one of the readers sounds the
[z] of doux in Le jeune homme doux et simple, aux mains
meurtries et gonflees 1 (p. 85, 1. 13). The other example
is found in the extract from the Fille de Roland ': M. Ritter
sounds the [k] of long in the line Ou plutdt de ce long et dur
pelerinage (p. in, 1. 3), while all the other readers avoid the
liaison. In his transcription of the fable La Cigale et la
Fourmi, M. Rousselot sounds the [t] in Nuit^et jour
(Precis de Pron. fr. p. 199); and the [z] is often heard in
1 The other readers are credited with the pronunciation [dus] ; but
this is surely a misprint.
the line Le corbeau, konteuxjet confus, already quoted, from
another of La Fontaine's fables.
A second class of cases which must be treated as excep-
tions comprises combinations of numerals with et and ou.
In vingt et un the [t] of vingt is always sounded. In
combinations such as deux ou trois, trois ou quatre, trois et
quart the liaison is optional even in conversation. It is
made by all the thirteen readers in A deux^ou trois Heues de
la ville (Par I. par. p. 7, 1. 7), by twelve in Deux^ou trois
enrages (p. 5, 1. 17), by all five in On pouvait vivre trois ^.ou
quatre jours (p. 63, 1. 16). Prof. Paul Passy, however,
who has transcribed the first two of these examples in Le
Fran^ais parle (p. 15, 11. 12 and 3), does not sound the [z].
The liaison is avoided by the authors of the Chrestomathie
in deux ou trois fois (p. 139, 1. 42), and is given as optional
in deux ou trois details (p. 95, 1. 22).
The linking of plural nouns, of plural adjectives, of pro-
nouns, verbs and adverbs with et and ou is comparable in
effect and frequency to the linking of a plural noun with a
following adjective. In daily intercourse it would generally
be heavy and pedantic. Hence in familiar expressions
such as des tas et des tas it is never heard even in reading.
Compare des gens et des gens (Par 1. par. p. 21, 1. 7) where
it is avoided by all the readers. Some speakers, however,
use it in expressions of time, such as trois heures et demie
[trwaz ceirz e dmi], instead of the more usual [trwaz ceir e
dmi]. But its proper sphere is poetry and the loftier kinds
of prose. A large number of expressions of the kind in
question occur in the prose passages transcribed in the
Chrestomathie and, save in the case of numerals, the liaison
is always avoided : e.g. in Par d'obscure(s] et sanglantes revo-
lutions (p. 57, 1. 1 6), Ces relations etroite(s] et sacrees (p. 59,
1. 41), Exception(s) et faveurs (p. 91, 1. 34), Quelques travaux,
con$u(s) et executes avec r ignorance turque (p. 105, 1. 26), Tout
cela emeu(t} et charme (p. 117, 1. 29), Une honnete famille
cousan(t] ou lisant sous la lampe fidele (p. 121, 1. 40), Nous
rfen savons pas plus, vou(s] et moi (p. 129, 1. 21). The
linking of Imeut et charme would create a confusion between
the verbs and the nouns emeute et charme and must, there-
fore, be avoided. On the other hand, liaisons of this kind
are not rare in the Parlers parisiens. A majority of the
readers, for instance, link in the following cases : Comprenant
que ces vieilles pierres aimaient^et pensaient comme elle (p. 1 3,
1. 5), Charges de clochetons, d'aiguilles^et de pinades (p. 13,
1. 1 8), L'abside entiere s^eveillait^et grondait (p. 15, 1. 19),
Les sons, les mots^et les formes (p. 49, 1. i), Les cadavres
prepares^et piques par la main du meme collectionneur (p. 39,
1. 13), Aux mains meurtries^et gonflees (p. 85, 1. 13). In two
of these six examples, M. Rousselot is the only dissident, in
three others he is one of two. The two liaisons in the
expression Les pernicieux^et insenses systemes des sophistes^et
des athees (p. 83, 1. 7) are made by all the readers. 1 But
only one out of five links in Deux vaillants^et conscientieux
explorateurs (p. 55, 1. 5), Ses affaires trempees^etfrippees (p. 25,
1. 15); and none makes the liaison in Les arcs-boutant(s] et les
contreforts (p. 15, 1. 12), Dont les effets fuyaien(f) et revenaient
de page en page (p. 39, 1. 21), Ses attaque(s) et ses sarcasmes
(p. 83, 1. 15), Ces allies si verte(s] et si riantes (p. 85, 1. 8).
In the second and last of these six examples linking would
give the idea too ponderous an expression, while in the first
and the fifth the liaison is to be avoided for mere reasons
of euphony.
Passing to verse the scale turns quite definitely in favour
of the liaison. In most instances the link is made by all
or almost all the readers of the Parlers parisiens. In the
following instances all agree : Je les reconnus trop, ces pics
tristes^et sombres (p. in, 1. 10), Et les champs ^.et les mers v
1 Koschwitz is not sure that Rousselot sounded the [z] of pernicieux.
viennent tour a tour Se teindre d'une aurore eternelle et
mouvante (p. 145, 11. i, 2), Avec le sol natal Us emergent ^.ou
plongent (p. 145, 1. 4). All but M. Rousselot link adjective,
noun or verb with the following conjunction in DCS voiles . . .
changeants^et fideles (p. 129, 1. 5), De voix^.et de parfums le
bois est enchante (p. 125, 1. 19), Les autres dans la nuit
s'enfoncent^et s'allongent (p. 145, 1. 6). In their verse
extracts MM. Jean Passy and Rambeau usually mark this
liaison as optional : e.g. in Lhiver . . . Desole nos toits^et nos
champs (p. 157, 1. 12), Vassaux^et vilains (p. 159, 1. 22),
Et suivent de leurs yeux languissants^et superbes Le reve
interieur (p. 219, 11. 27, 28), Mitsculeux^et gonfles, L Enfant
sacre les tient (p. 223, 11. 13, 14), Lisant bien^.ou mal ses
immondes papiers (p. 227, 1. 25). But even in verse, if the
word already ends in a sounded consonant, the authors of
the Chrestomathie usually carry this consonant over without
resuscitating the latent final : e.g. in Leurs amour(s) et leurs
chants (p. 157, 1. 14), Vous, page(s) et varlets (p. 161, 1. 29),
Nous maudissons ses fer(s) et ses bourreaux (p. 171, 1. 26).
(xiii) Between a conjunction and the word by which it is
The question of liaison can present itself only with
regard to the conjunctions quand and mais. In et the
/ is never linked ; and all the other conjunctions end in a
vowel or a sounded consonant. The linking of quand, as
we have seen, may be considered obligatory. Hence mais
alone remains to be discussed. In easy conversation the
[z] in mais more often than not remains silent even when
the conjunction forms a stress-group with a word or words
that follow : e.g. Mais enfin [ms afs]. 1
In the reading of elevated prose and in the recitation of
verse its treatment generally depends upon the nature of
the contrast that it introduces. If the contrast is striking,
1 In Mais oui liaison is prohibited.
or if the reader wishes to give it peculiar force, mats forms
a sound-group in itself. The pitch of the voice is then
usually raised in uttering the conjunction, which is at the
same time more or less stressed. Mais is treated in this
manner by the authors of the Chrestomathie in the following
connection : On y grelottait, sous la vaste capote du soldat,
pris de froid jusqu'a la moelle des os. Mais a cette epoque,
c'etait un plaisir (p. 117, 11. 12-14). The Parlers parisiens
furnish an instructive example in a passage from Alphonse
Daudet's Tartarin de Tarascon : Elles sont cependant bien
tentantes ces jolies colinettes tarasconnaises, . . . et ces beaux
raisins muscats gonfles de sucre qui s 1 echelonnent au bord du
Rhdne, sont diablement appetissants aussi ! Oui, mais il y a
Tarascon derriere, et dans le petit monde du poil et de la
plume, Tarascon est tres mal note (p. 3, 11. 15, 16 ; p. 5,
11. 1-4). Daudet himself and five other readers heighten
the contrast by pausing after mais, and avoiding the liaison.
Seven others carry the [z] over. Professor Paul Passy
makes a sound-group out of the words mais il y a Tarascon
derriere, which he transcribes with the very familiar pro-
nunciation [me j a tarasko dsrjsir] (Fr. parl. p. 13, 11. 14, 15).
While fusing mais into a longer group he still does not
sound the [z]. The treatment of the conjunction in such
cases, therefore, depends upon the reader's conception and
interpretation of the passage.
Where the contrast is not sufficiently abrupt and surpris-
ing to justify this reinforcement of the conjunction, it forms
a group with whatever words may follow. The liaison then
becomes a matter of style. It will often be neglected in
passages of a colloquial character, more rarely, however, in
verse and elevated prose. Optional liaisons in the Chresto-
mathie are found in Cette epoque . . . se rattache . . . a la
personne et au 7'egne de Charlemagne, mais^elle transforme ces
souvenirs (p. 71, 1. 31), On cons fata bien la continuite de la
vie nationale . . . mais^on ne chercha pas a discerner, etc.
(p. 83, 1. 8), Son office n'est pas une sinecure comme leur
rang ; mais^il comporte des inconvenients aussi graves (p. 91,
1. 14). The [z] is sounded in La Renaissance riy fut pas
une revolution subite, maisjun mouvement continu (p. 83, 1. 4),
Le cor beau . . .Jura . . . maisjun peu tard, etc. (p. 145, 1. 21),
but not in ^opposition des nations les unes aux autres est
necessaire pour qu'elles apprennent, non settlement a apprecier
les autres, mai(s) a se comprendre elles-memes (p. 65, 1. 29),
nor in Roland s'y refuse, par fierte personnelk d^abord et par
orgueil de famille, mai(s) aussi par honneur national (p. 77,
1. 33). Koschwitz's readers never all agree in neglecting or
avoiding this liaison ; nor do they often all concur in
making it. They all link, however, in Maisjil s' engage a
riabandonner pas le dessein, etc. (p. 70, 1. 3), Us riosent
pas se dire Anglais, maisj,l se font Bourguignons (p. 73,
1. 2), Elk ne regardait alors aucune des personnes presentes,
mais ^entierement retournee vers la vitre, elk semblait, etc.
(p. 27, 1. 8), // affirme, a sa maniere, il est vrai, mais^enfin
il affirme (p. 81, 1. 17). But M. Rousselot dissents in Non
seulement dans les f aits relates au jour le jour, mais^avec tous
les sentiments fur tifs, etc. (p. 37, 1. 12), and in Mais^il est des
nations que Dieu aime (p. 69, 1. 14). An interesting example
is found at page 47, line i : Mais, au fur et a mesure qu'on
s*eloigne de la capitate, etc. Here all the readers save M.
Rousselot link, in spite of the comma. Professor Passy
transcribes the same sentence with a pause after mats and,
therefore, like M. Rousselot, does not sound the [z] (Fr.
parle, p. 73, 1. 22).
(xiv) Between a relative pronoun other than dont (which
must always be linked) and the following word.
The question of liaison arises only in connection with
the plurals auxquels, auxquelles, lesquels, lesquelles. The
linking of these pronouns is confined to lofty style, and
rarely takes place even there. It * never made by the
authors of the Chrestomathie. All five of Koschwitz's
readers avoid it in Des langues . . . dans lesquelle(s) aucun
mot semblable . . . ne f rapper a votre oreille (p. 47, 1. 13),
and in Les executeurs, auxquel(s] on abandonnait . . . les
menues depouilles des supplicies (p. 59, 1. 18) : nor does
Professor Passy sound the [z] in his version of the former
phrase (Fr. parle, p. 75, 1. 10). Three out of five readers
link relative and personal pronoun in // regrettait alors les
bonnes habitudes . . . auxquelles^il avait ete brusquement
arrache (p. 25, 1. 17), but even here MM. Rousselot and
Jacob dissent.
(xv) Between the parts of compound locutions.
In plural compound nouns of a fixed form like des guets-
apens, des arcs-en-ciel, des crocs-en-jambe, des chars-a-banc,
des pots-a-eau, the [z] is not sounded : [de get apd] [dez
ark d sjsl] [de krok d sdib] [de Jair a bd] [de pot a o]. But
in new forms created on the same model the determining
words have an adjectival force, and liaison may take place
as between a noun and an adjective (Rule (i)). Thus in
the Parlers parisiens all the readers link in fenetresji
plein cintre (p. 13, 1. 10), des hommes^en blouse (p. 21,
1. n), 1 and all but MM. Rousselot and Jacob sound the
[z] of noirs in Ces pins noirs^aux gigantesques ombres (p. 1 1 1,
1. n). But in reading the long compound Ses mains aux
veines saillantes et triolettes, aux angles casses (p. 25, 1. 13),
all five pause after mains and avoid the liaison.
The combinations les uns aux autres, les unes aux autres
are best read [lez de oz oitr] [lez yn oz oitr] : for examples,
see the Chrestomathie, p. 101, 1. 9, and p. 65, 1. 16. MM. J.
Passy and Rambeau further avoid the liaison in les tournees
aux tournees (p. 115, 1. 36) where the [z] might well be
1 M. Rousselot appears to have neglected the liaison in a second and
more rapid reading.
sounded as it is by three out of five readers in de sommets
en sommets (Parl. par. p. 115, 1. 19). Similarly, d'un bout
a Pautre is transcribed in the Chrestomathie (p. 117, 1. 3)
without liaison, while the [t] is sounded in the same expres-
sion by all five of Koschwitz's readers at page 55, line 16
of the Parlers parisiens^ and by Professor Paul Passy at
page 83, line i of Le Fran^ais parle.
This long array of rules and suggestions leaves a wide
field to choice. Linking is, after all, a kind of art. Judg-
ment and taste must be exercised. And that they may be
exercised to good purpose these faculties need training. It
is inevitable that the learner should make many faults and
be often in doubt before he acquires, as a kind of special
instinct, the feeling that will enable him to satisfy all
requirements. This means careful study; but it is by no
means an unattainable ideal. And the student may be
encouraged by a knowledge of the fact that in a considerable
percentage of the cases that will come under his notice,
when he begins to read more or less widely, the opinions of
qualified Frenchmen as to the propriety of liaison would be
divided. In such cases he can hardly make a really bad
choice. But it is only in virtue of a real feeling for the
language, which also involves a certain degree of education
generally, that he will be able to detect these cases with
some assurance when he meets them. While being aware
of their existence he must, therefore, hesitate to exaggerate
their prevalence.
In training his taste and judgment beyond the range of
rule, any one or more of three courses may be adopted.
He may, in the first place, appeal to a well-qualified teacher.
The latter will have no easy task. Whether he be a
Frenchman, or of the student's own nationality, he will need
not only to have the gift of taste, but to have devoted
special study to the subject before he can give soundly
undogmatic advice. If the ordinary educated Frenchman is
consulted in a case of difficulty, he is almost sure to insist
on the link being made, not necessarily because he would
make it himself, but because he has been constantly warned
in his early school-days not to be careless in this matter, and
has not closely observed his own practice, or that of his
fellow-countrymen. In a similar way ask an educated
Englishman whether it is right to sound a final r, e.g. in
fire, fare, more, and he will very probably answer in the
affirmative, though, as a matter of fact, no [r] is heard in
the standard English pronunciation of such words. In
seeking advice it is, therefore, necessary to remember that
the school, and particularly the primary school, has been
the home of liaison in France. It is pleasing to note that
on this point teaching tends to become less conservative.
A second course, of great value, is the reading of texts in
phonetic script. Such texts are, unfortunately, not very
numerous. The most valuable for the study of liaison are
the Parlers parisiens of E. Koschwitz, and the Chresto-
mathie franfaise of Jean Passy and A. Rambeau, from
which most of the examples in the present chapter have
been taken. To these may be added Le Fran$ais parle of
Professor Paul Passy. The latter author, having adopted
the pronunciation of familiar speech, is, like the authors
of the Chrestomathie, very sparing with his liaisons. In
neither of the latter two works does the omission of a
liaison necessarily imply that its use in reading would be
improper. 1
1 The reading of phonetic texts is to be strongly recommended, not
only in connection with the subject of this chapter, but for French
pronunciation generally. Koschwitz's work, in addition to the
possibility of errors in the record, has the disadvantage of being written
in a rather complicated system of phonetic notation of the author's own
devising, and of recording provincial pronunciations as well as Parisian.
The Chrestomathie and the Fran$ais partt are both transcripts of the
If the student is able to adopt the third course, and pass
some time in France, he will need, to choose or make his
occasions for hearing with discrimination, he will need to
gain admittance into the right kind of society and, there-
withal, to have considerable powers of observation, and a
keen and quick ear. The materials are not rapidly collected
without much effort, and the right deductions cannot be
made without some insight. It will be of incalculable
advantage to him to have first made a close study of French
authors' own pronunciation, and employ the system of the International
Phonetic Association.
Other texts in international phonetic script are P. Passy's Premier
livre de lecture , 4 e ed. Paris, 1899 > Deuxieme livre de lecture ', 2 e ed.
Paris, 1899; Histoires pour enfants, Paris, 1896-9; Versions populaires
du Nouveau Testament, Paris, 1893-6 ; Choix de lectures, Kothen, 1904;
Ch. Halter's Histoire de France ; V. Partington's French Songs and
Poems, London, 1903 ; Felix Franke's Phrases de tous les jours (8th ed.
Leipzig, Reisland, 1900). The Association publishes a journal * Le
Maitre PhonttiqueJ edited by Professor Paul Passy (Bourg-la-Reine,
Seine). The articles, in various languages, of which French, English
and German predominate, are printed in phonetic type.
F.P- H
IN certain positions in a sound-group certain sounds which
are normally heard when the syllable in which they occur is
pronounced in isolation drop away or suffer elision. The
phenomenon is recognized to some extent by the traditional
rules of grammar. We write rhomme for le homme, fai
for je ai) quelqu'un for quelque un, presqu'ile for presque-ile^
entr'acte for entre-acte, Pame for la dme, s'il est for si il est>
f aurait ete for $a aurait ete or ce aurait ete. 1
A. Elision of [9] in single syllables.
The only vowel-sound, however, that regularly undergoes
elision in this way is the so-called e mute : [9], A right
treatment of the syllables in which this letter occurs is one
of the chief marks of a good French pronunciation. It is
essentially based on euphony tempered by the need to avoid
obscurity, and can generally be set forth in the form of
rules, but as, outside a certain range, the demands of
euphony are variously interpreted, the elision or non-elision
of [9] may become a matter of feeling and taste.
In discussing this subject it is necessary to distinguish
1 Strangely enough the elided letters in s*il est, aurait ttt are
usually sounded in speaking, though not in reading : [si il e] [sa
oret ete] instead of [sil e] [s oret ele].
three positions in the sound-group : (i) the initial syllable,
(ii) the final syllable, and (iii) interior syllables.
(i) An [9] in the initial syllable of a sound-group.
In the first syllable of a sound-group the [9] is not elided.
Hence, when words of which the first syllable contains an [9]
are named individually, and thus form sound-groups in
themselves, or when they introduce a larger sound-group, the
[9] must be given its full value : venir [v9ni;r], tenir [t9niir],
lever [lave],, demander [dama'de], ced [sasi], cerise [sariiz],
cheval [$9val], serein [s9rs], semelle [samsl], semaine [samen],
/entire [faneitr], dessus [dasy], relief [raljef], remise [ramiiz],
renard [ranair], repas [rapa].
The only real exceptions vxz pelote [plot] and its kindred,
peluche [plyj] and its derivatives, pelure [plyir] and pelouse
[pluiz]. And of these pelure may be pronounced with [9] :
The rule applies to- the monosyllables containing [9] :
ce lac [s9 lak], le sel [la ssl], se plaire [59 pi sir], te ranger
[t9 ra^e], je dis [39 di], me souvenir [m9 suvniir], ne pas
croire [n9 pa krwair], de rire [d9 rilr], que voulez-vous [kg
vule vu].
In free and easy conversation certain liberties are
frequently taken : ce riest pas may become [snspa], ce qui
nous manque [ski nu maik], ce que tu dis [ska ty di], je Pai
dit [sle di], je te dis [stadi], je crois [skrwal, je peux dire
[3p0 dilr], je vous assure [svuz asyir], le maitre [Imeitr],
de temps en temps [dtaz a ta] [taz a ta], venez [vne], deviner
[dvine], releve [rlsiv], secoue [sku]. These and analogous
elisions are common, and may be imitated by the fluent
speaker. They should not, however, be generally practised
by the student.
Thus, if we except pelouse, peluche, pelote and their
derivatives, we arrive at this simple result : In the first
syllable of a sound-group, that is, at the beginning of every
sentence and after every pause, the [9] may always and
generally must be retained.
(ii) An [9] in the last syllable of a sound-group.
In this position the [9] is regularly elided. Hence the
last ' e ' is not sounded in the following expressions : il faut
le prendre [il fo 1 praldr], il est sur la table [il & syr la tabl],
la mer est calme [la msir s kalm], devant la fenetre [dsva la
fnsitr], Us parlent [il parl], Us parlaient [il parls], les voiles se
gonflent [le vwal S9 goifl], c'est un dogme [set de dogm], voila
un prisme [vwala oe prism], une forte somme [yn fort9 som],
une robe elegante [yn rob elegalt], dans la rue [da la ry].
Expressions like croyez-le, le mot je are only apparent excep-
tions ; under the stress of the tonic accent the vowel [9]
becomes either [ce] or [0] : [krwaje 10] [19 mo 30]. When
que is immediately followed by a parenthesis it may end a
sound-group : it is then treated similarly and becomes [k0]
or [kce].
The rule for the elision of the last [9] in a sound-group is
subject to certain optional or occasional exceptions. Thus,
in deliberate speech, the [9] in question may be pronounced
lightly when it follows a group of two or more consonants.
It is, therefore, not incorrect to sound the final [9] in il faut
le prendre, il est sur la table, c'est un prisme. Again, any
mute [9] may be resuscitated when words are set to music :
vie may become [vig], faime [351019]. Finally, if it were
necessary to distinguish pairs of masculine and feminine
words such as donnt and donnee, ami and amie, the pro-
nunciation of which is normally identical, the final [9] of the
feminine might be sounded.
(iii) An [9] in an interior syllable of a sound-group.
It is usually said that [9] in an interior syllable is elided
unless its loss would give rise to a group of three consonants
which cannot be readily pronounced together. This state-
ment undoubtedly embodies the main principle, but it is a
quite inadequate guide for the English-speaking student.
The latter, producing the French sounds perhaps imper-
fectly, and being thoroughly accustomed to heavy groups of
consonants in his own language, is apt to form wrong ideas
as to the consonants that cannot be 'readily pronounced
together ' in French. To meet this difficulty the easy group
has been denned as one in which the last of the three
consonants is a liquid or a semi-vowel, that is, one of the
sounds [r] [1] [w] [i|] [j]. Unfortunately the rule loses
in accuracy what it thus gains in definiteness : in its
amended form it covers many cases where elision is not
permissible, and fails to include many others in which
elision regularly takes place. Though the subject pre-
sents no great difficulties, it is not simple enough to be
treated in a general formula.
The defects of the rule above-mentioned might be made
good by framing rules to meet the exceptions. For practical
purposes, however, it will be expedient to approach the
subject in a simpler manner. The student need scarcely
ever adopt the unnatural and tedious practice of looking
on to see what consonants follow the vowel. When an
[3] stands between consonants its loss or survival, if it
be not merely a matter of rhythm, depends upon the
preceding sounds. The elision of [9] in the body of a
sound-group may, therefore, be considered under the
following heads :
(a) When the [9] follows or precedes a vowel.
(b) When it follows a single consonant.
(c) When it follows two or more consonants.
(a) When the [9] follows or precedes a vowel.
In these positions the [9] is dropped, even in verse :
flageolet [flaspls], geai [30], louerai [lure], jouerai [sure],
prierai [prire], fierai [fire], lierai [lire], oublierai [ublire],
entre eux [a'tr 0], quelque animal [kslk animal], pauvre
homme [po'vr om].
An [3] preceding a vowel survives exceptionally :
1 . Where an ' h aspirate ' intervenes in spelling : e.g. le
heros [19 ero], le hublot [19 yblo], je hais [39 sj.
2. In certain cases where the vowel is a semi-vowel :
e.g. le out et le non [19 wi e 1 no]. 1
3. In le and de before a quotation or the name of a
letter or figure : e.g. le 'a' [19 a], le ' e' [la e], le un [la de],
le onze [la 5iz]. Elision, however, may take place before
the name of a letter : /' 'a ' [la], l"e* [le].
4. In the pronoun-object after an imperative, the [a]
usually changing to [ce] or [0] : e.g. donnez-le aux pauvres
[done 10 o poivr].
(b) When the [a] follows a single consonant-sound.
An [a] following a single consonant-sound in the body of
a sound-group is regularly elided. In applying this rule care
must be taken not to confound ( consonant-sound ' with
1 consonant-sign.' Thus the [a] in commandement follows
the single consonant-sound [d], the n merely serving to
show that the preceding vowel is nasalized : [kama'dma] ;
the ch in acheter indicates the single sound [], hence we
elide the [a] : [ajte] ; the pp in rappeler stands for a simple
[p], and we say [raple]. Double consonant-signs nearly
always represent a single sound. 2
This rule is subject to certain compulsory and certain
optional exceptions which will be mentioned in connection
with each class of examples.
i. Examples where the [a] occurs in a monosyllable :
N'est-ce pas ? [nss pa] ; ai-je dit [s'3 di] ; qui se dit
[ki s di] ; loin de la maison [Iws d la me'zo] ; tout le monde
[tu 1 mold] ; peu de chose [p0 d $oiz] ; il faut le dire [il fo 1
1 Compare Linking, p. 79. 2 See Chap. V. (i), p. 156.
dilr] ; on doit le croire [o dwa 1 krwair] ; et ainsi de suite
[e s'si d suit] ; le grec et le latin [b grek e 1 latsj.
An obligatory exception is found in the pronoun le after
an imperative : notez-le bien [note b bjs] or [note 10 bjs].
In deliberate speech, particularly in reading, the [oj of a
monosyllable may be sounded. The Parlers parisiens of
Koschwitz furnish us with some interesting and instructive
illustrations. This work, unfortunately, cannot be consulted
at large on the question of elision ; first, because in such a
delicate matter the risk ot error in the record is too great, 1
and, secondly, because the pronunciation of some of the
readers is emphatically provincial. But in one instance
neither of these objections holds good. The pronunciation
of Gaston Paris, 2 who, though born at Avenay, lived at
Paris from his earliest infancy, would be universally accepted
as a model. And as the transcript of the passage he read
was examined and approved by him 3 it is sure to represent
his pronunciation faithfully. This passage, moreover, being
a good average specimen of literary prose, neither familiar
nor very elevated in style, is peculiarly adapted for the study
of elision. We may, therefore, cite the readings of Gaston
Paris with confidence. At the same time we may compare
them with those of Professor Paul Passy, who had previously
published in Le Fran^ais parle, a phonetic transcript of the
same passage. 4
This comparison as regards the elision of the ' e mute ' in
monosyllables gives the following results :
Gaston Paris sounds and M. Passy elides the italicised
c e mute ' in the expressions : Le dialecte de Paris et de File
de France ; allez aux environs de Valenciennes ; on a
generalement adopte \e frangais d'ecole ; un langage fort
1 See Linking, p. 85. 2 Pronounce [pcrris].
3 See Parlers parisiens , Intro, xxviii, and pp. 43-55.
4 Le Fran$ais parl^ pp. 72-86.
different de celui que nous parlons et fort different de celui
qu'on parle dans chacun des autres ; du cote d' Avignon, . . .
ou de Pau ; vous \e savez ; faisant abstraction pour un
moment de 1'extension artificielle du parler de Paris ; nous
aurons \e tableau d'une immense bigarrure ; nous verrons
des sons . . . couvrir une certaine region et ne pas penetrer
dans une autre ; mais \e fait qui ressort . . . c'est que toutes
ces variantes de phonetique, . . . et de vocabulaire n'em-
pechent pas une unite fondamentale, et que d'un bout de la
France a 1'autre, etc.; celui de la commune voisine; son voisin
de droite et son voisin de gauche ; une etoile dont on pourrait
de meme relier les rayons ; cette loi, c'est que dans une
masse linguistique de meme origine comme la notre, il n'y a
reellement pas de dialectes ; il n'y a que des traits linguis-
tiques ; avec le parler de chacun des quatre endroits ; une
certaine etendue de terrain ; ou de plusieurs autres traits ; il
suit de la que tout le travail qu'on a depense, etc. ; ces mots
n'ont de sens qu'appliques a la production; embarrasse de
ranger ; et qu^ d'un bout a 1'autre, etc.
Both Gaston Paris and M. Passy elide the [9] in the
following instances : Entre la langue nationale et le parler
populaire ; laissant de cote ; dans le territoire restant ;
1'extension artificielle du parler de Paris ; dans tout le midi ;
dans tout le nord ; dans tout le centre ; d'un bout de la
France a 1'autre ; un villageois qui ne saurait que le patois
de sa commune ; avec un peu plus de difficulte ; et ainsi de
suite ; comme on s^ 1'imagine ; tout le travail qu'on a
depense ; dans 1'ensemble des parlers de la France ; des
dialectes et ce qu'on a appele des ' sous-dialectes ' ; des
le moy en-age ; entre le frangais et le provenc.al ; avaient
plus de faveur que les autres ; entre le proven^al et le
francais ; cette etrange frontiere qui de 1'ouest a Test
couperait la France.
In only one case does M. Passy sound the [9] of a
monosyllable which Gaston Paris elides : ces trois coins de
metal etranger qui encadrent notre carte linguistique. Here
M. Passy apparently reads the words l de metal etranger ' as
a distinct sound-group.
The readings of Gaston Paris and M. Paul Passy thus
present a striking contrast as regards the elision of the [9]
after a single consonant-sound in monosyllables : the one
dispenses with the [9] in almost every case, the other more
often than not retains it. This difference proceeds from a
difference in the style of diction. M. Passy, like the authors
of the Chrestomathie, adopts in his version the pronuncia-
tions of familiar conversation, while the diction of Gaston
Paris is leisurely and ' correct.' The contrast is referred to
by Koschwitz, in his prefatory note to the specimen, in
these words : ' M. G. Paris et M. Joret, qui assistait a
1'audition, trouvaient egalement que M. Passy avait donne
a son texte figure un caractere par trop familier. ... M.
Paris qui, meme dans la conversation, prononce avec une
rare correction, ne s'est permis, dans la lecture, presque
aucune des negligences du parler parisien : les e sourds
ne disparaissaient chez lui que bien a propos, etc.'
The propriety of the elisions made by Gaston Paris is
more easily felt than explained. They are such as do not
rob the phrase of its leisurely and dignified march. It
is instructive to observe that while another careful reader
might well elide the [9] more frequently than Paris, few
would retain it where it was dropped by him. Elision
should take place even in deliberate diction when the
monosyllable forms part of a familiar expression such as
ainsi de suite, tout de suite, tout le monde, peu de chose, jeu
de mots, dans le monde, tout le travail, cela se dit, qui ne
sait pas, rfest-ce pas ? ai-je dit. It may also be noted
that of all the monosyllables ne is the one in which the
[9] is most regularly elided, and que the one in which
it is most often retained. This is not the result of hazard,
but has its reason in the respective functions of the two
words. Ne is generally accompanied by pas, and that the
idea of negation resides rather in the latter particle is shown
by the fact that the ne is often entirely suppressed in con-
versation, and that even when it is retained the accent nearly
always falls upon the pas. Que, on the other hand, as
conjunction or as relative pronoun, indicates the relation
between two sentences, and the elision of the [9], involving
as a rule their combination in a single sound-group, renders
the transition from one to the other peculiarly abrupt.
Gaston Paris does not elide the [9] of que in a single
instance. M. Passy himself retains it in the expression :
Un endroit oil il rientendrait plus que tres peniblement
ridiome local. In ne . . . que the que is very often preserved
intact even in conversation.
2. Examples where the [9] occurs in the initial syllable of
a word :
Mon cheval [mo Jval], la gelee [la 3le], les lemons [le Iso], la,
religion [la rh'sjo], la Renaissance [la rnssais], un secret
[de skrs], dans lequel [da Iksl], sans retour [sa rtuir], a
genoux [a snu], en revanche [a rvaij], la semaine [la smsn],
// s*y refuse [il si rfyiz], il est re$u [il s rsy], nous regardons
[nu rgardo], s'en retourner [sa rturne], nous avons reconnu
[nuz avo rkony], vous avez repris [vuz ave rpri], vous venez
[vu vne], nous tenons [nu tno], vous menez [vu mne], nous
devons [nu dvo], dix degres [di dgre], nous serons [nu sro],
vous ferez [vu fre].
This [9] survives exceptionally :
(a) Before the endings ' consonant 4- ions f jo] ' and ' con-
sonant -t-iez [je] ' : nous venions [nu V9njo], vous veniez [vu
V9nje] ; nous tenions [nu t9njo], vous teniez [vu t9nje] ; nous
menions [nu m9njo], vous meniez [vu m9nje] ; nous devions
[nu davjo], vous deviez [vu d9vje] ; nous serions [nu S9rjo],
vous seriez [vu sorje] ; nous faisions [nu fdzj5], vous faisiez
[vu fgzje] ; nous fer ions [nu farjo], vous feriez [vu fgrje] ; //^
pelions [nu p9ljo], zw/5- /& [vs], vingt [vs],
4^Y/ z/z/2/ [kil vs] ; .ra^g- [sa], ^^/ [sa] ; bon [bo], ^r^^/ [sol], w<^//^ [mol], Rome [rom] ; ^/? [bul],
groupe [grup], route [rut], souffre [sufr] ; w^ [myl], commune
[komyn], sud [syd] ; meuble [mcebl], seul [seel].
This section of the rule is, however, subject to the follow-
ing reservations :
(a) There is no unanimity of practice with regard to the
quantity of the six vowels last-mentioned when the consonant
1 Close e [e] does not occur in this position.
closing the syllable is a voiced explosive: [b] [d] [g].
Words like fade, bague, vague, vide, figue are often heard
with a long vowel.
(/?) In the Greek and Latin endings -os, -us, usage wavers
between the long and the short vowel : Minos [minos] or
[minois], obus [obys] or [obyis], crocus [krokys] or [krokyis].
(7) T0us 9 veule have long vowels : [tuis] [vceil], and are
thus distinguished from tousse [tus], veulent [vcel]. The
lengthening of [u] before [1] is generally considered dialectal,
but the pronunciations il coule [il kuil], il roule [il ruil] are
(8) A circumflex accent on a vowel in a closed syllable
generally indicates a long sound, as in abime [abilm], boite
[bwait], poele [pwail] [pwail]. But the vowel is often
pronounced short in lie [il], gite [sit], dime [dim], dine [din],
fltite [flyt], voute [vut], and in the endings -dmes, -ates of the
past definite tense, e.g. parldmes [parlam], arrivates [arivat],
Aumdne is sometimes pronounced [o'mon] instead of
The vowels [i] [u] [y] in this position demand special
attention. The close sounds [i] and [u] are never found in
short syllables in English, their place being taken by the
open sounds [i] and [u] which are unknown in French.
The learner may, therefore, be inclined to assimilate the
vowels in mille [mil] and poule [pul] to those in our words
mill [mil] and pull [pul], and by analogy to pronounce
the [y] in hutte [yt] like the open vowel in the German
word Hiltte [hvta]. Care must be taken not to relax the
organs in shortening these sounds. Conversely, the [i] and
[u] being found only in long syllables in English, the learner
is apt to conclude, on hearing the short sounds correctly
pronounced, that they are long : e.g. that the vowels in
libre [libr] and livre [liivr] are of the same quantity. Only
by constant observation and practice will the ear become
F.P. M
quick to detect the difference in length. A still more
serious mistake is to substitute the English diphthongs [li]
and [uu] for the short French vowels : e.g. to assimilate
milk zx\& poule to our words meal [miil] and/00/ [puul].
[&] is perhaps usually short, as in sec [ssk], sel [ssl], faites
[fet], mettre [metr], lettre [letr], belle [bel]. But it is long :
(a) when written e, ai : tete [tsit], rene [rein],fe t te [felt],
faite [felt], chaine [Jem], naitre [neitr], maitre
[meitr] ; etes [et] and arrete [arst] form exceptions ;
(/3) in the endings -erne, -aime, -ene, -eine, -es, -aisse :
theme [ts;m], il aime [il sim], il mene [il msin],
scene [ss'n], reine [rein], veine [vsin], pataques
[patakeis], caisse [ksis] ; the numerals in -erne
form exceptions : deuxieme [d0'zjsm] ;
(y) in the words aide [eid], aigre [eigr], r^/r [ssidr],
gaine [gem], haine [e:n], ^g?r [neigr], /^/ [paeit],
traite, in the sense of trade [trsit], // traite [il trsit].
In a considerable number of words the quantity is not
well denned. Thus usage varies between the long and the
short vowel in aigle^ aile^ cesse^ cede, collegue, Grece, graisse,
laide, laine, metre, presse, peine, same, seme, vaine, zele.
Summary. Exceptions apart (numerous only in the case
of [e]) we may sum up the rules for the quantity of accented
vowels as follows :
(1) In an open syllable the vowel is always short.
(2) In a closed syllable the nasal vowels and [o] [0] [a]
are long; but all other vowels are short unless they are
followed by a voiced fricative other than [1] or bear a
circumflex accent.
II. In Unaccented Syllables.
(i) In a stress-group composed of several words, the final
vowels of all words but the last are short if they would have
been short under the accent, and usually half-long if they
would have been long under the accent : grand homme
[grot om], grande ceuvre [grd'd ceivr], dans la salle [da la
sal], point d'appui [pws dapqi], brave homme [bra'v om], une
chose a faire [yn o'z a fsir]. The otherwise long vowel,
however, may become short in unimportant words : e.g. pour
vous [pur vu]. But a short vowel is not liable to be
lengthened. Compare une heureuse enfance [yn cer0'z a 'fa is],
qu'il rende un service [kil ra'd de ssrvis] with un heureux
enfant [den cer0z a 'fa], il rend un service [il rat de servis].
The vowels [0] and [a] remain short in the last two
examples although the normally mute consonant following
is sounded. Thus liaison does not affect the quantity of
(ii) In initial or medial syllables the nasal vowels and the
oral vowels [a], [o] and [0] are regularly half-long : bontt
[bo'te], chanter [Ja'te], maintenir [ms'tniir], humblement
[de'bbma], beaute [bo'te], fausser [fo'se], creuser [kr0'ze],
bdtir [ba'tiir], tailleur [ta'jceir].
(iii) Other vowels than those of rule (ii) are regularly
short in an initial or medial syllable : regarder [ragarde],
amertume [amsrtym], murmure [myrmylr], souvenir [suvniir],
feuilleter [fcejte], amateur [amatceir], naissance [nssais],
devouement [devuma], parallele [paralel], courageux [kuras0].
The vowels of this rule sometimes become half-long in
penultimate syllables, but not elsewhere. Thus in adverbs,
nouns, and adjectives formed from adjectives or nouns by
the addition of a suffix (other than eux\ the root generally
preserves its identity sufficiently to be treated as a separate
word under rule (i). Hence words like the following have
a half-long vowel in the penultimate syllable : incurable
[s'ky'rabl], purement [py'rma], purete [py'rte], durement
[dy'rma], vivement [vi'vma], definitivement [definiti'vma].
anterieurement [a'terjce'rma], rougatre [ru'3aitr], gravement
F.P. M 2
[gra'vma]. Again, where, under the rules for accented
syllables, a vowel is long in the singular present indicative
of verbs, that vowel is nearly always half-long in all other
parts of the verb in which it occurs in an open syllable as
an unaccented vowel : compare brise [briiz] and briser
[bri'ze], trouve [truiv] and trouver [tru've], aime [sim] and
aimer [s'me], laisse [leis] and laisser [Is'se], dure [dyir]
and durer [dy're], dore [doir] and dorer [do're], tire [tilr] and
tirer [ti're], effleure [eflcelr] and effleurer [sflce're], desire
[deziir] and desirer [dezi're]. But if the vowel be followed
by [j], it is usually pronounced short : brille [briij] but
briller often = [brije], pille [piij] but piller often = [pije],
accueille [akceij] but accueiller [akcejiir], someille [somsij] but
sommeiller [somsje].
A third class of exceptions consists of words, particularly
disyllables, with open penultimate syllable. The vowel of
this syllable is often lengthened if followed by a voiced
fricative other than [j] or [1], viz. [v] [z] [5] [r] : perir
[pe'rilr], parisien [pari'zjs], carre [ka're 1 , cure [ky're], mari
[ma'ri], Paris [pa'ri], maison [me'zo], raison [re'zo], raisin
[re'ze], dejd [de'3a], plaisir [ple'ziir], paisible [ps'zibl], lisant
[li'za]. But the vowel is perhaps no less frequently short in
this position : saurais [sorsj, aurais [ore], pouvait [puve],
savoir fsavwair], oiseau [wazoj, civil [sivil], hiver [ivsir],
heureux [cer0]. The length in many cases is by no means
well denned.
III. In Abnormally Accented Syllables.
When the accent is disturbed by emphasis, and a non-
final syllable becomes stressed, the vowel is lengthened if it
was already half-long, but, as a rule, not otherwise. Hence
the accented vowel, though not final, is long in the emphatic
forms of beaucoup ["boiku], durement [" dyir ma], vivement
["vilvma], plaisir ["plelziir] ; short in those of impossible
[e'"posibl], aga$ant [a"gasa], jamais ['^ame]. The vowel [s]
in such a case is generally changed to [0] or [ce] : ilgrelottait
[il grsbte], with disturbed accent becomes [il "grcebte] and
when second [sago] is contrasted with premier it is generally
pronounced ["scego].
On the other hand, if the accent shifts to another final
syllable, the vowel of that syllable is very frequently
lengthened, even though it would have been short under
a normal accent : un gros village with stress on the adjective
becomes [ce "groi vilais] ; an emphatic tant mieux is ["toi
'mj0i], deux fois ['d0i fwa], trois hommes ['trwaiz om], trh
bon ['trsi bo], dix ans ['dilz a],
B. Consonants.
The lengthening of consonants in French, as in English,
takes place only in accented syllables, and is governed in
general by the laws which control the same phenomenon in
our own language :
(i) A final consonant is lengthened after an accented
short vowel. Hence, when the words in question are
accented, the [1] of belle [bell] is longer than that of bele
[bsil], the [n] of renne [rsni] longer than that of reine [rein],
just as the [1] and [n] of the English words bell [bell], wren
[jen:] are longer than those of bale [bed], rain [asm]. 1
(ii) If an accented syllable is closed with two consonants,
the first is lengthened when the second is voiced. Compare
courbe [kurlb] and course [kurs] or courte [kurt], marge
[marls] and marche [mar], targue [tarlg] and marque
[mark], Elbe [elib] and Alpe [alp]. Similarly, in English we
say felled [felid] and felt [felt], mend [men id] and meant
1 Professor Passy's opinion that the difference in length is not so
marked in French as in English (Sons du Fran^ais, p. 67) is perhaps
open to question.
(iii) An initial consonant of a syllable bearing an
abnormal stress is often lengthened, especially when the
following vowel is short : jamais ["slams], bourreau ["bluro],
an emphatic non I [nio]. Mon cher ami, with unusual stress
on the adjective, may become [mo Jisr ami]. In English we
more usually preserve the short consonant ; yet in emphatic
but deliberate speech, the consonant is occasionally
sustained : e.g. very is sometimes pronounced [visji], no
(iv) In elliptical expressions, such as sais pas for/ ne sais
pas, the initial consonant may be lengthened : [sie pa]. 1
1 On the subject of Quantity the student is recommended to study the
very careful transcripts in the Chrestomathie fran^aise^ par Jean Passy
et Adolphe Rambeau (New York : Henry Holt & Co. ).
DIFFERENCES in stress are generally accompanied by
differences in pitch ; in other words, the voice usually rises
or drops in passing from a syllable of one degree to that of
another. As long as the language is entirely emotionless
and the accentuation what has been described as normal,
these variations in pitch are more or less regular. They are
controlled partly by the accentuation and partly by the
meaning of the phrase, and may be reduced to the following
rule : While the sense of the phrase is incomplete, an
increase in stress implies a rise in pitch ; but the voice drops
slightly in uttering an accented syllable that completes an
idea. Thus, in the sentence Andre Chenier perit sur
richafaud the voice is lowered for the final syllable. But if
the idea as a whole were Andre Chenier perit sur Pechafaud a
Page de trente-deux ans, it would be natural to raise the voice
for the last syllable of echafaud, and if, on the contrary, the
voice were lowered, the rest of the sentence would have the
force of an afterthought.
The pitch of the English phrase might be described in
the same terms. But the difference in the distribution of
the accents carries with it a difference in musical effect and
makes comparison misleading. Thus, even if the voice
were raised at such a word as gallows, which is accented on
the first syllable, there would still be a relative drop in
passing to the second syllable. Most English words of
more than one syllable having a weak final, this drop in pitch
is characteristic of our language. But it is a direct contra-
diction of the French system, the last syllable being there
uttered at a higher pitch than any other. His failure to
observe this contrast is largely responsible for the English-
speaking student's faulty intonation of French.
Again, although the voice drops at the end of a sentence
in French, it does not, as a rule, drop so low as in English. 1
The difference is especially noticeable when the English
sentence ends with a word of the kind just referred to,
in which the final syllable is weak, because the voice drops
still lower for this syllable than for the accented one. Some
teachers of French have even found it advisable to inform
their pupils that the pitch remains level or rises at the end
of an affirmative sentence.
The marks of punctuation have much the same values in
French as in English, 2 and parenthetical expressions are
pitched in a lower key than the rest of the sentence. But
the voice will sometimes drop at a colon or semi-colon when
the sense has a certain completeness, while the pitch may be
sustained or even raised at a full-stop when the speaker's
idea is imperfectly expressed by the single phrase. The
mark of interrogation being a sign of incompleteness regu-
larly implies a raising of the voice, and as in modern
French the direct construction is becoming more and more
customary in interrogative clauses, there is often nothing
1 In America the voice is raised at the end of an affirmative sentence.
The same tendency is often observable in the pronunciation of the
native-born Australian, but it is as yet less characteristic of the
' Australian accent ' than the drawl. Nothing could differ more widely
than the latter from the delivery of the Parisian.
2 But see p. 7 1 .
but this rise in pitch to distinguish a question from a
While the sense is incomplete the voice is raised higher
for an accented syllable than for a secondary one, higher
for a secondary than for a weak syllable. And as there is a
closer approach to equilibrium in point of stress between the
various syllables of a French sound-group, the weak syllables
of French being rarely as weak as those of English, 1 it
follows, first, that there is more monotony, more evenness of
tone, in unemotional French than in unemotional English ;
and secondly, that the general pitch of the French phrase is
higher than that of the English. This result is, of course,
relative and unaffected by differences in the pitch of
individual voices : the same voice speaking French and
English will seem to have a higher pitch in French because
there are fewer low notes in the French sentence. It is
interesting for the learner, if opportunity offers, to observe
a French student speaking English : in his mouth our lan-
guage has a higher pitch and produces a more monotonous
effect. Various causes contribute to bring about this result,
but the overstressing of weak syllables is not the least
When we pass from the simple statement to speech that
implies feeling and speech generally implies feeling the
problem of pitch loses all its simplicity. Except in more
or less extreme cases, where notable stress is laid upon
a word, emphasis is a subtle affair, and the learner of a
foreign language devoting his attention to difficulties
presented by the form of expression or the nature of the
sounds is inclined to overlook the finer points of stress and
pitch which give life to the phrase. But even if the English-
speaking student succeeds in reading and speaking French
with such emphasis and variations of pitch as would
1 See Accent, p. 168.
characterize, mutatis mutandis, an intelligent use of his
own language, the problem is still far from being solved.
The intonation, the melody of emphatic French is often
far from being what would seem natural to the English-
man. Not that the difference is so often one in kind :
on the contrary, the various feelings and emotions
surprise, delight, contempt, incredulity and the rest are
rendered, generally speaking, much in the same way in
French as in English. The Frenchman's voice, that is,
does not often rise where the Englishman's would drop,
and conversely seldom drops where the Englishman's would
rise ; but it very often rises or drops much more abruptly,
much more emphatically than the Englishman's. A modifi-
cation of the tone, a raising or lowering of the pitch, often
adds infinite force to a word or idea, gives it a significance
which it would not otherwise possess ; and the Frenchman
takes advantage of this fact much more than the Englishman.
The idea may, after all, be a trifling one, and may seem to
the Englishman not to call for such a show of feeling : but
the Frenchman does not leave his hearer to guess part of
the meaning. With him, moreover, each phrase is treated
as an artistic creation : to neglect the intonation would be
comparable to the disregard of light and shade in a painting.
It is, indeed, just another aspect of his craving after elegance
and clearness that leads the Frenchman to put so much
music into his phrase ; and if the Englishman is to speak
French quite as the Frenchman does, he must be prepared to
* come out of his shell ' and to make the expression of his
feeling strikingly clear by the same effective means.
Theory can here do very little. To indicate the varied
changes that can be rung in upon the gamut of speech-
sounds would be a herculean task. Moreover, it would be
hazardous to lay down general rules beyond those which
are instinctive to Englishman and Frenchman alike. The
personality stands for much in this matter, and the
differences are without end. One might as well attempt
an account of gesture, which, like pitch, often plays an
important part in reinforcing the French vocabulary.
Observation of the living idiom is in the last resort
indispensable. We must be prepared to admit that there
is a point at which precept fails, and that a language cannot
be mastered through the medium of paper and ink.
NOTE. [D] and [is] follow a, [(5] follows d^ [9] follows /, [9] follows ,
[p] and [rj] follow ^, [j] and [H] follow r, [J] follows J-, [3] fol-
lows , [A] follows #, [q] follows jy.
[a], 2, 4, 10, n, 14, 21, 22-23,
176, 179.
[a], i, 4, 36, 81, 175, 179-
[a], 4, 14, 20-22.
0, 20, 22.
a, 2.
, 2O, 22.
abnormal oral vowels, 27.
,, stress see emphasis.
,, vowels, 10-11, 13,
abnormally accented syllables,
pitch of, 185-186.
abnormally accented syllables,
quantity of vowels in, 180.
accent, principal or tonic, 7,
accent, secondary, 12, 167-168.
,, weak, 12, 167-168.
accented syllables, 165-173.
,, pitch of, 183-
accented syllables, quantity of
vowels in, 175-178.
accents, 2, 3, 177.
accentuation, 165-173.
Adam's apple, 43.
[se], 4, 21, 22, 34, 35.
at, 1 6, 19, 30.
of, 178.
aie, 19.
aim, i, 35.
ain, I, 35.
ais, 1 6, 19.
ait, 19.
alphabet, phonetic, 3-6.
am, i, 22, 36.
American pronunciation, 17, 25,
33, 65, 184.
-dmes, 2, 177.
an, i, 36.
aon, i, 36, 141.
aoiit, aodter, 141.
arrete, 178.
aspiration see breathing.
assimilation, 146-154.
-dies, 2, 177.
au, 23, 25.
aumdne, 177.
Australian pronunciation, 17, 21,
25, 33, 65, 184.
ay, 16.
[D], 4, 36
[], 4< 29. 31, 32.
[b], 5, 44, 46, 48-49> 57-
/;, bb, 47, 48.
back -breath- stop see [k].
back-stops, 44.
back-voice-stop see [g].
back vowels, 14.
balance between weak and
secondary syllables, 168.
Bleton, 85, 89.
breath consonants, 42 ff.
breath-stops, 45.
breathing, 6, 45*
c, 2, 51, 52, 62.
f, 2, 62.
Caen, 141.
careless pronunciations, 86, 142.
cc, 51.
49, 50.
defectiveness of French ortho-
graphy, I ff.
denasalization, 80-8 1.
delayed elision, 135, 136, 139.
devocalization, 6, 147-152, 153.
diagrams, 13, 27, 32, 44, 54, 57.
dictionary with phonetic script,
21, 80.
diphthongization, Eng. habit of,
12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 25, 26,
163, 173, 175, 178.
diphthongs (so-called), 39-41.
displacement of accent, 170-173.
double consonants, 156-159.
double signs, 118, 156.
double vowels, 162-163.
&], 5-
[e], i, 4, 10, u, 12, 14, 16-18,
29, 176.
[e], 1,2,4,14,18,19-20,31,38,178.
K], 4, 34-35, Si, 175-
[e], 28, 30.
e, i, 16, 19, 20, 30.
/, 16, 19.
, 2, 19.
2, 2, 16, 19, 178.
eau, 25.
ee, 14.
, 19.
ein, T, 34.
elision of [a] following a single
consonant, 118.
1 90
elision of [e] following a vowel,
elision of ,[9] following two or
more consonants, 125-132.
elision of [9] in final syllables,
116, 125, 127, 128, 129.
elision of [9] in initial syllables,
115, 122-124, 126.
elision of [9] in inner syllables,
124-125, 126.
elision of [9] in monosyllables,
115, 118-122, 126.
elision of [9] in ne, 121-122, 145.
,, mque, I2I-I22, 145.
, , in series of syllables,
elision of [9] in single syllables,
elision in verse, 143-145.
elision of consonants, 128, 141-
elision of [k], 141, 142.
[1], 141, 142.
,, other vowels than [9],
em, i, 36.
emphasis, 17, 165, 169-173, 185.
e mute see [9] below.
en, I, 34, 36.
et in linking, 103, 107.
ties, 2, 178.
eu, i, 3, 28, 29, 31.
eu, 3, 28.
eue, 29.
eun, 37.
eux, 29.
explosives see stops,
extraordinaire, 140.
[9], i, 4, 12, 13, 20, 30-31, 163, 164.
[9] elided see elision.
[9] not elided, 115, 118, 119,
122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127,
128, 163, 164.
], 5, 57, 60, 80.
, 60.
falling diphthong, 39.
faon, 141.
Fran$ais parti, 89, 105, 112,
119, 127, 129, 133, 136, 139.
French and English vowel-
systems, 12.
fricatives, 42, 57-68.
front-voice-fricative, 67.
front vowels, 14.
[g], 5, 44, 46, 52-53, 57.
,51, 52, 64.
&> 52.
glottal-breath-fricative, 68.
,, fricative, 57.
,, stop, 6, 44, 53, 57, 162,
glottis, 9, 44, 45, 50, 52, 53.
glides (see also transition], 155-
gn, 56.
gu, 52.
[h], 5, 57, 68, 163, 164.
h, 68, 79,
half- long vowels, 7, 174, 179-
half-open vowels, n.
half- wide vowels, n.
hard consonants, 43.
hiatus, 162, 163.
high-back-narrow vowel see[u].
high -back -wide vowel see [u].
high-front-narrow-round vowel
^ see [y].
high-front-narrow vowel see [i].
high-front-wide vowel see [i].
Hyacinthe, le Pere, 89, 104.
[i], 4, 10, u, 12, 14-16, 28.
[i], 4, 15, 18.
>, 2, 14, 20, 22, 4 0, 67.
*, 14-
*, IS-
*V, 14.
*'/, 141-142.
-?7, -///, 67.
, *, i, 35.
inconsistency of French ortho-
graphy, i ff.
ing, 35-
International Phonetic Associa-
tion, 3, 113.
Irish r, 65.
[j], 5, 15. 39, 40, 57, 67-68.
/, 64.
Jacob, M., 85, 89, no.
[k], 5, 43, 44, 45, 5^52, 57-
kinds of consonants, 42-43.
kinds of vowels, 9-10.
Koschwitz, E. (see also Parlers
parisiens}) 71, 85 ff., 112, 119,
123, 126, 136, 139, 145, 158,
PI 5, 43, 57, 61.
/, 61.
Legouve, Ernest, 87, 95.
liaison see linking.
linking, 78-113, 171.
,, in compound expres-
sions, 84, no.
linking obligatory, 82-84.
,, of adj. and noun, 82.
,, of adj. or adv. and com-
plement, 101.
linking of adv. and adj., 83, 101.
,, of adv. and object, 99.
,, of adv. and subject, 102.
,, of adv. and verb, 93.
,, of article and noun or
adj., 82.
linking of auxiliary and past
part., 83.
linking of a word with et and 0u,
linking of demonstr. adj. and
noun, 82.
linking of direct and indirect
object, 103.
linking of dont, 84.
,, of fare and complement,
8 3 .
linking of mats and foil, word,
linking of noun and adj., ,87-89.
,, of noun-subject and pre-
dicate, 90.
linking of numeral, 82.
,, of poss. adj. and noun,
linking of preposition and com-
plement, 83.
linking of pronoun and verb, 82.
,, of quand, 84.
,, of rel. pron. and foil.
word, 109.
linking of two adverbs, 100.
,, of two verbs, 90.
,, of verb and adv., 93.
,, of verb and object, 96.
,, of verb and pron., 82.
,, optional, 85-113.
,, words not admitting of,
lip-back-voice-fricative see [w].
lip-breath-stop see [p].
lip-fricatives, 57.
lip-front-voice-fricative, 59-60.
lip stop-nasal see [m].
lip-stops, 44, 54.
lip-teeth-breath-fricative see[f].
lip-teeth-voice-fricative see [v].
lip-voice-stop see [b].
liquid /, 68.
//, 61.
/ mouiltte, 68.
long consonants, 181.
long vowels, 1746.
lovv-back-wide-nasal see [a].
low-back-wide vowel see [a].
low-front-narrow vowel see [a].
[m], 5. 33 35, 54-55. 57-
m, 54.
Mattre phonttique, 113.
mid-back-narrow vowel- see [o].
mid-back-wide-nasal see [5].
mid-back-wide vowel see [o].
mid - front - half - narrow - round
vowel see [a],
mid-front-narrow-round vowel
see [0].
mid-front-narrow vowel see [e].
mid-front-wide-nasal see [e].
mid-front-wide-round-nasal see
mid-front-wide vowel see [e]
mid-palate-stop-nasal, 56.
ww, 54.
mn, 55.
mute e see [a],
M, 5, 33 35 44, 55-56, 57.
, 55-
narrow vowels, II.
nasal a see [a],
e see [].
,, see [5].
,, u see [03].
nasal consonants, 54-56.
,, ,, in linking, 80.
nasal consonant not pronounced,
33-34, 35, 36, 37, 38.
nasalization, I, 32 ff., 147, 153,
nasalized abnormal vowel, 37-38.
nasalized normal vowels, 34-37.
nasalized vowels, 10, 13, 32-38,
175, 179.
neuf, 80.
non-elision of [a], 115, 118, 119,
122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127,
128, 163, 164.
normal accentuation, 165-169.
normally accented syllables,
quantity of vowels in, 175.
normal oral vowels, 13.
normal vowels, 10-11, 12-13.
Northern English, 17, 19, 25,
65, 66.
[Ji], 5, 35^ 43, 56, 57-
[&]. 5, 33, 34, 153-
[o], 4, 10, 12, 14, 25-26, 29,
175, 179-
[o], 30.
[o], 2, 4, 14, 23-25, 31, 37.
[5], 5, 36-37, So, 175.
[01 5, 29-30, 175' 179.
o, 23, 25, 58.
&, 23, 25.
<>, 2.
obligatory liaisons, 82-84.
[]> 5, 31-32.
[oe], 5, 37-38, 81, 175-
as, I, 31.
teu t I, 29, 31.
Ot t 2, 20, 22, 58.
om, on, 37.
open a see [a].
open e see [e].
open eu see [ce].
open o see [o].
open syllables, 73 ; quantity of
vowels in, 175-181.
open vowels, 6, tl.
oral vowels, 9.
orthography, defective, I ff.
ou, 2, 26, 40, 58.
oil, 26.
oit, 26.
M, 5. 43, 44, 45> 47-48, 57-
A 47-
paon, 141.
parce que, 141-142.
Paris, Gaston, 119, 120, 121,
122, 123, 126, 128, 130, 131,
133, 136, 139.
Parlers parisiens (see also Kosch-
witz], 71, 82, 85 ff., 112, 119,
127, 128, 129, 133, 136, 139,
145, 158, 160.
Passy, Jean (see also Chrest.fr. ),
71, 85, 92, 95.
Passy, Paul, 78, 88, 91, 104, 108,
112, 119, 122, 123, 126, 130,
131, 133, 136, 139, 149, 163,
171, 181.
peut-tire, 140.
ph> 60.
phonetic alphabet, 3-6.
phonetic texts, 112.
pitch, 183-187.
point-teeth-breath-stop see [t].
-see [1].
point-teeth-stop-nasal see [n].
point-teeth-stops, 44, 54.
point-teeth-voice-stop see [d].
point-trill see [rj.
M 47-
Precis de pron. Jr. (see also
Rousselof), 71, 88, 142.
principal accent, 166-169.
progressive devocalization, 150-
puisj 140.
punctuation, 7 1 * 184.
pure vowels see oral vowels.
q, qu, 51.
quantity of consonants, 181-182.
quantity of vowels, 168, 172,
173, 174-181.
quelque, 141, 142.
W. 5, 44, 57, 65-67.
[R], 5, 43, 57, 66-67.
r, 65, 67, 1 12.
Rambeau, Adolphe (see also
Chrest. fr.), 71, 856., 112.
regressive devocalization, 148-
regressive vocalization, 125, 152-3.
relaxed organs see slackness,
r grasseyte, 66.
rhythm, 127-129, 167-168, 171.
rising diphthong, 39.
Ritter, M., 85, 89, 104.
rounded front-vowels, 27.
rounded vowels, 14, 27.
Rousselot, M., 71, 85, 88, 89,
9i, 95,99, 104, 109, 1 10, 142.
rr, 65, 67.
W, 5, 6 5 .
M, 66.
[s], 5, 44, 57, 62.
s, 2, 62, 63.
Sadne, 141.
SC 9 2, 62.
sch, 63.
Scotch pronunciation, 15, 17,25,
26, 65, 125.
secondary accents, 12, 167-168.
secondary syllables, 12, 167-
semi-vowels, 40, 79, 151, 163.
sentence, 69.
sA, 63.
shifting of accent, 170-173.
signs, phonetic, 2, 4ff.
slackness of organs in English,
12, 13, 16, 43, 45, 47, 50, 58,
60, 61, 62, 64.
soft consonants, 43.
Sons du Franfais, 78, 171, 181.
sound-group, 70-71, 166-167.
sounds and symbols, I ff.
Southern English, 17, 19, 21, 23,
24, 25, 30, 31, 65.
SS, 2, 62.
standard French, 7.
stops, 42, 44-56.
stress see accentuation, prin-
cipal accent, secondary accent,
weak syllables, etc.
stress group, 72, 166-167.
subsister, 149, 150.
supporting- vowel, 125.
syllable, 6, 72-73.
syllabication, 64, 73-76, 156, 157,
173^ 175-
symbols, phonetic, 2, 4ft.
[J], 5, 44, 57, 63-64.
[t], 5, 43, 44, 45, 49-5, 57-
t, 2, 49, 62.
taon, 141.
teeth-blade consonants, 57.
teeth-(broad) blade-breath-frica-
tive, 63-64.
teeth - (broad) blade - voice - frica-
tive, 64-65.
teeth -(narrow) blade - breath - fri-
cative, 62.
teeth-(narrow) blade -voice -frica-
tive, 63.
teeth-stops, 44.
texts in phonetic script, 112.
th, 49.
tonic accent, 166 ft.
transition, 155-164.
,, between dissimilar
stops, 161.
transition between identical con-
sonants, 156-159.
transition between stops pro-
duced at same place, 159-161.
transition between vowels, 162-
transition from consonant to
vowel in another syllable, 163-
#, 49-
[0], 6.
[u], 5, 10, 11, 12, 14, 26-27, 28,
[u], 5^ 27.
u, 2, 23, 28, 37, 40, 58, 59.
rf, 28.
ue, I; 31.
urn, i, 23, 37.
un, i, 37.
unaccented syllables, 1 6, 1 8, 20,
22, 24, 26, 27, 31, 167, 178-
180, 183-186.
units of speech, 69-77.
unstressed syllables see unae-
cented syllables.
uvula, 32 ff.
uvula-trill, 57.
uvular r, 66.
[v], 6, 44, 57, 60-61.
v, 60.
velum, 9, 32ft.
Victor, Prof., 21.
vocal chords, 9.
vocalization, 6, 125, 147, 148,
152, 153-
voice, 6, 9, 46.
voice-consonants, 42 ff.
voice-stops, 44, 46.
,, quantity of vowels
before, 177.
voila, 140.
vowel-signs representing con-
sonants, 2, 39, 40.
vowel -systems compared, 12-13.
vowels, 9-38.
,, in unaccented syllables,
. 12-13, J 6 18, 20, 22, 26, 27.
vowels, kinds of, 9.
,, quantity of, 174-181.
voyelle d'appui, 125.
[A], 4, 13-
[w], 6, 39, 40, 43, 57, 58, 59.
w, 58, 60.
weak syllables, 12, 167-169.
,, ,, quantity of vowels
in, I78ff.
wh, 58.
wide vowels, n.
word not phonetic unit, 76-77.
x, 2, 51, 52, 62, 63.
XC, 2, 62.
[y], 5, 28-29, 59.
[Y], 2 9 .
y, 14, 67.
M> 5 39, 40, 43. 57, 59-6o.
W, 6, 57, 63.
* 63-
Zola, 85, 89.
*z, 63.
[5], 5, 44, 57, 64-65.
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