LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE ERTRAND ACRES OF BY WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND The Habitant, and Other French-Canadian Poems. The Voyageur, and Other Poems. Johnnie Courteau, and Other Poems. The Great Fight. Poetical Works, G. P PUTNAM'S SONS The Poetical Works of Vv illiam Henry Drummond With an Introduction by Louis Frechette And an Appreciation by Neil Munro G. P. Putnam's Sons New York and London Gbe Imfcfcerbocfter press COPYRIGHT, 1912, BY G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS These poems, in a different arrangement and minus certain intro- ductory material contained in the present volume, were published and copyrighted under the following titles as below specified : The Habitant, 1897, by G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS; Johnnie Courteau, 1902, by WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND; The Voyageur, 1905, by WILLIAM HENRY DRUM- MONO ; The Great Fight, 1908. by MAY HARVEY DRUMMOND. Fourth Impression TTbe fmfcfcerbocfeer press, -Rew Sot* In Memory of William Henry Drummond BY S. WEIR MITCHELL, M.D., LL.D. "DEACE to his poet soul. Full well he knew To sing for those who know not how to praise The woodsman's life, the farmer's patient toil, The peaceful drama of laborious days. He made his own the thoughts of simple men, And with the touch that makes the world akin A welcome guest of lonely cabin homes, Found, too, no heart he could not enter in. The toilworn doctor, women, children, men, The humble heroes of the lumber drives, Love, laugh, or weep along his peopled verse, Blithe 'mid the pathos of their meagre lives. While thus the poet-love interpreted, He left us pictures no one may forget Courteau, Batiste, Camille mon frre and best, The good brave cure", he of Calumette. IN MEMORIAM With nature as with man at home, he loved The silent forest and the birches' flight Down the white peril of the rapids' rush, And the cold glamour of your Northern night. Some mystery of genius haunts his page. Some wonder secret of the poet's spell Died with this master of the peasant thought. Peace to your Northland singer, and farewell! IV William Henry Drummond name of Canada to me, as to many of my race and age, has a romantic charm that does not rise from any great historical as- sociations, but survives from early youth, the true period of natural magic, of unquestioning illusions, when great men and great deeds have less power to stir the imaginative faculty than a hint, in some trumpery fiction, of wild, free spaces of the unspoiled world. Not to pre- natal glory does the memory of youth go back, as Wordsworth thought; not to some Platonic Eden where, in a previous incarnation we were as angels in a sinless garden; but to the early, primitive, and essentially mundane valleys, plains, and hills that knew the toils and wander- ings of our ancestors. It is the unfenced, un- inhabited, and tractless areas our subliminal memory recalls; the lonely morning forest, the shouting cataract with no name, lakes undis- covered, hunts perilously followed, evening fires with their ashes deep below the mould of cen- turies. No savage tribe with rude camp equi- page set forth at dawn from the sheltering edge WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND of pines, pursuing the windings of the river through the mist, without, in some sensitive heart, a pang of wonder and surmise which we in our blood inherit. We have all come from the tribes, trailing no clouds of glory, but still with rags of zest in things adventurous, still capable of a thrill at the thought of phantoms and of dangers now no longer waiting us on our morning march along the clean-swept pavements of a thousand cities. It was natural that Canada should evoke the visionary romance of our youth in Scotland, for yet the more favoured of us saw surviv- ing scraps of that ancient unpossessed, uncul- tivated, and untamed world whereof Scotland and Canada alike were parts. In both lands Nature wore much the same aspect; clothing the bluffs with pine, the plains with northern wild-flowers, spilling her streams down preci- pices, filling the mountain crevices with snow or mist, or the creeks and bays with the same Atlantic Ocean. The very cold of Canada in winter helped to render her familiar were our happiest hours not those when the North wind whistled and our lakes were ice? We knew that, with the frost, to men came grandeurs of endur- ance and reserves of zest incommunicable to the offspring of the South. Then, too, only a tiny period, as time goes in WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND History less than two hundred years sepa- rated us in our Highland life from many of the customs of the Indian. We had still though hung upon the wall the weapons of our fore- fathers, and our fireside tales were yet of native war-trails, forays, feuds, old passions, and alarms. Little wonder that the Red River settlers from Sutherlandshire found the aboriginals less strange and inimical than the whites, or that the great North- West should prove so hospitable to the Gaelic winterers from Hudson's Bay! And one last feature especially, of the New World ren- dered it more alluring ta our youth our folk were there ! They had blazed trails and builded nourishing communities, they occupied the out- most forts and knew the land from sea to sea; they had given their names to the mightiest rivers. I have been through Canada at a time when the early affections for things unseen and enter- prises unexperienced are usually worn rather thin; when the "radiance that was once so bright" is replaced by a sober colouring from an eye That hath kept watch o'er man's mortality, and though the views which I had previously formed of the country and its life had necessarily to undergo some process of readjustment, I am vii WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND happy to say it yet retains an infinite glamour and romance. For the preservation of this fond illusion as the realist may consider it I owe much to the good fortune of knowing one man who, after living nearly all his life in Canada, had not discarded a single jot of his youthful vision of her as a land magnificent and romantic ; a man for whom the Redskin or the half-breed still was a being not to be despised; for whom the woodman, the trapper, and the pioneer were glorified by all the antique circumstances of their lives. The forest for William Henry Drummond, as for me, had not relinquished any of its early power to rouse half -awed expectancy, to challenge, to allure. A Celt in every artery of his being, it was not for him, as it never was for me, by fauns and fairies that the thickets, glades, or verges of the solitary lakes were in- habited, but by the creatures of his boyish wor- ship, by Leather-Stocking rather than the dryads. No alien could doubt the persistance of ro- mance in Canada, who saw the joy of Drummond in it, his. delight in the very things that thrilled in the books of youth ; in guides and voyageurs, in camps, and portages, and canoes. He was him- self a sportsman, and the woods and rivers, therefore, had a fascination for another portion of his nature, but rightly or wrongly, I fancy his love of the wilds and his sense of kinship with WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND the courageous, hardy, and enduring men he found in sporting camps, were more often the attraction of the Laurentian lakes and woods than the fishing and the shooting to be got there. It was not in Montreal where he practised medicine that he found the inspiration of his written work; poems associated with the life of towns and cities are almost wholly absent from his books, for his most impressionable years had been spent elsewhere in Bord-a-Plouffe, on the banks of the Riviere des Prairies, at Marbleton, and Stornoway near Lake Megantic. From Ireland, his direct heredity, he probably took no more than a childish memory which gave a tinge of Celtic pensiveness to his later years. He was born near Mohill, County Leitrim, on April 13, 1854, and taken by his parents to the Dominion while yet a boy. At Bord-a-Plouffe, where he worked for a while in the telegraph service, he was in a great centre of the lumber trade and came for the first time in contact with the habit- ant and the voyageur, a class of men for whom his destiny was to be expositor. Their chansons gave to his first literary essays the mould and spirit which were to distinguish the greater part of his poetical work. Later, he returned to study in the High School, passing thence to McGill College and on to Bishop's Medical College, where he graduated in 1884. If academic prizes WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND went for athletic feats, the Irishman would have achieved the highest distinctions n his college years, but in truth he won no medals save on the college campus. Of such are good doctors made, and often poets also ! His first medical appoint- ment was that of House Surgeon at the Montreal We:tern Hospita 1 , but at an early date he es- tablished a physician's practice at Stornoway, and later at Knowlton, where the mountains, glens, woods, and lakes of Brome ministered to every aspect of his love for nature. What was the character of his duties there may be gathered from his pictures of "The Canadian Country Doctor" and " Ole Docteur Fiset." At the end of four years, he returned to practise in Montreal, and, in 1894, he married Miss May Harvey, a lady with whom he became acquainted while she and her father were on a visit from the West Indies to the Dominion. On his marriage with one who shared his own romantic and poetic nature, and was, further, dowered with the finest literary sensibilities, Drummond's muse, aforetime somewhat shy and fugitive, assumed more confidence and zeal. He was already known in Canada and throughout the United States as the author of "The Wreck of the 'Julie Plante,'" a poem at no time greatly valued by himself, but holding some essential charm for the very class of men it pictured, no WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND indecisive proof that a poet has a definite call. He had written other poems in the dialect of the French-Canadian habitant, hitherto the medium of buffoonery in verse, but dignified by him to graver purposes, and his own recitation of these poems at occasional public gatherings earned for him the name of "Poet of the Habitant" before he had published a single book. In an old house in Mountain Street, Montreal, which had sheltered Jefferson Davis during the first years after the American war, the poems for Drummond's first book were written rather for domestic entertainment than for the' world, and at the solicitation of his wife and brothers, the manuscript of "The Habitant" was sent to the publishers of New York. Its merits were dis- cerned by the Putnams, and the book, beautifully illustrated by Frederick Simpson Coburn, whose drawings marvellously caught the atmosphere and spirit of the poems, immediately proved successful. Drummond's place in the highest rank of North American bards was assured. He was hailed by the Poet Laureate of Canada, Louis Frechette, as a new "pathfinder in the land of song," and the credentials of such a French-Canadian dispelled all fears that the fidelity to the dialect, portraiture, and foibles of the habitant might prove unpleasant to the race and class delineated. WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND In truth, the work had no fonder admiration than with the habitants themselves. They found in it not only a scrupulous representation of their racial life, customs, and character, but the attitude of a sympathetic and admiring friend. A man of the tenderest sentiment, of the finest tact, devoid of any cankering notion of superior- ity, he never wrote a line but in affection, and the humour, wit, and pathos of his verses carried the irresistible conviction of a great and generous soul. Of ridicule he was temperamentally in- capable; on the human weaknesses of his charac- ters he held his judgment in suspense; he gave to Anglo-Saxon Canadians a new respect for their French compatriots. Till then, French-Cana- dian minstrelsy, for the outside world, was represented so far as the habitant and the voya- geur were concerned, by academic English ren- derings of the old chansons; it was Drummond's place to make the living habitant and voyageur articulate in the patois which distinguished them, and yet the naivete and the natural magic of the old regime, of "A La Claire Fontaine" and "En Roulant ma Boule" are reproduced, transfigured strangely, in the language of the modern Canayen of lumberers and peasants of to-day as Drum- mond gave them voice in "Johnnie Courteau" or "The Cure of Calumette." Drummond's increasing reputation as a man WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND of letters in no way affected the conscientious discharge of his professional work; his practice was not permitted to lose his unremitting at- tention, however far his imagination might wander or however briskly his pen might run in his scanty leisure hours as a physician. Rich and poor alike among his patients shared his consideration, and it is related of him that on one occasion, when two calls came simulta- neously, one from a wealthy man, and the other from a poor carter from whom a fee might scarcely be expected, he chose to attend the latter first, saying "The rich can get any num- ber of doctors, but poor Pat has only me." Mrs. Drummond, in the touching biographical sketch she prefixes to his posthumous book The Great Fight, says: " Many of his patients declared that just to see Doctor Drummond did them good, and grumbled at the scarcity of his visits, but he, never dream- ing that he had anything other than a prescrip- tion to bestow, said: 'What 's the use of paying professional visits to people for whom I can do nothing more? I might just as well steal the money out of their pockets.' On the other hand, if the case was a serious one, it absorbed him, and his attention to it was unremitting. At such times he was with difficulty persuaded to take proper rest or food, and would often leave WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND . the dinner-table to search his book-shelves for yet another authority on the disease he was fighting ; then he would return with the book to the table, and if it contained what he sought, his plate would be pushed aside, and, in spite of remonstrances from the rest of us, he was off and away to his 'case' once more." For several years he occupied the chair of Medical Jurisprudence in his Alma Mater, in which position he earned and kept the affection and confidence of students and professors alike. In 1901 appeared his second volume of poems, Johnnie Courteau, and in the following year the University of Toronto conferred on him the degree of LL.D. He was subsequently elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature of England, and, later, one of the Royal Society of Canada. These honours, with the degree of D.C.L., of Bishop's College, Lennoxville, sat so lightly on him that I confess I was unaware of them till his death. In England he was simply ' ' Habitant Drummond. ' ' It was in the year last-mentioned that I met him. He was paying his first visit to the mother- land since he had left it as a child, and Scotland was included in his itinerary. A man, it seemed to me, less physically suggestive of a poet, it was difficult to conceive. There was nothing fragile about the build of William Henry Drummond - WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND a massive yet athletic figure seemingly endowed with the health and sinews of a wrestler, ema- nating airs of active life and the open country; the last man to suspect of literary vigils and of enervating dalliance with the sisters of the sacred well. And yet I would not for the world have had him otherwise. The poetry of Canada, particularly the poetry of the voyageur, should not, in common decency, be made by delicate and myopic men ; to such, indeed, the heart and mystery of the child of nature, reticent and shy, are rarely to be revealed. If I had had doubts the usual journalistic doubts of the poet's like- lihood to express the lowly life of Eastern Cana- dian country places with authority, they would have been immediately dispelled, for here was unmistakably a plain man's man with whom it would be joyous to go fishing. I put him to the test with young folk at that period full of the book romance of Canada, and apt to think the most heroic qualities were requisite in every man with his badge the Maple Leaf, and my visitor came grandly up to the most fastidious standard. For them he clinched the matter Canada was genuine; the moose, and the wapiti, and the bear were not mere beasts of myth like the dragons on our coinage; the trapper was still in Ungava, and the red canoe was yet upon the waters. To a child his unsophistication and trustworthiness WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND were instantly apparent; he was himself an un- spoiled and eternal boy ! I incline to think Drummond was never a bookish man; at all events, like Wordsworth, he was certainly no bookworm ; and his conversation having rapturously dealt with three or four modern poets who were at the time his deities, tangentially escaped as soon as possible into affairs of prose; of nature, dogs, and angling; children, weather, travel, politics, and nation- ality. He was plainly the kind of man to be fascinated by any novel phase of the wild and vagabondish in mankind ; his eye was ever alert for racial idiosyncrasy. I went with him on a flying visit to my native Highlands of Argyll; the woods of Inveraray roused his admiration, I see him still, the good physician Melampus, walk under the hoary oaks of Easachosain, but it was, I think, by gipsy pipers, shaggy, wild rogues and ragged, that he was most permanently impressed. It was, however, especially to revisit Ireland he had come across the sea, and after some days in Scotland he set out for the scenes of childhood. He got as far as Dublin, and here, as I have written elsewhere, something came to him an apprehension possibly of the fact that the actual Ireland was not the Ireland of his warm imagina- tion, that the "first, fine, careless rapture" of his WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND childhood in Leitrim could never be recaptured the saddest of discoveries for middle age. He came back to Glasgow and went home to Canada without accomplishing the purpose that had brought him three thousand miles. In the following year, I brought a long tour in Canada to a termination with a week in the society of Dr. and Mrs. Drummond, in the at- tractive homes of his brothers George and Thomas, on the lake-bespangled property of St. Bruno, and later at the sporting camp of the Laurentian Club on Lac La Peche. With the men and women of that holiday community among primeval woods, it was obvious that the poet was the supreme inspiring friend and favourite, high priest of revels, councillor and high grand con- sultant upon all projects and contemplated exploits. Not even the old "Commodore," Director Parker, had more potent sway with the Laurentians. The French-Canadian guides and boatmen were on the most affectionate and even playful terms with "the Doctor"; it was always he who could most easily induce them to indulge the expectant tenderfoot with song or dance. It was then I found that though full of the lore of the hunter, Drummond had long since lost his love of the gun. He preferred to see the creatures of the wood inviolate, and I shall not readily forget his indignation and contempt xvii WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND for anything savouring of unsportsmanlike slaughter. In 1905, Drummond joined his brothers in the exploitation of new mines at Cobalt, northern Ontario, and, released from his medical work in Montreal, he took up the active personal super- intendence of operations which were by no means uncongenial to him, since they were pursued in a region new to him, of magnificent lakes and forests. The fall of the year saw the publica- tion of his last completed work, The Voyageur, which met with the same great vogue and high eulogium that attended its predecessors. It looked as if in worldly prospects and in literary fame the best of his life was still before him, but in truth life smiled but to deceive, and the end came as narrated in the memoir of his widow : " It had been his intention to spend Easter Day of 1907 with us in Montreal, but hearing that smallpox had broken out in the camp at Cobalt, he hurried away a week earlier. The night of his departure from Montreal he seemed possessed by a strange and overwhelming reluctance to go. ' I don't know why I hate to go away so much this time/ he said, and I, thinking that his health was not as good as usual, would have per- suaded him to stay at home, but no, his duty lay there with the sick of the little camp, and bidding WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND us an unusually solemn good-bye, he left the home he was never more to enter. It was just a week from this time that he was stricken with cerebral hemorrhage, and on the morning of April 6th, after five unconscious days, passed to the beyond." Drummond's grave on the side of Mount Royal has upon its stone a phrase of Moira O'Neill's that has the secret of his wide appeal and his endearment to the readers of the English- speaking world : Youth 's for an hour Beauty 's a flower, But love is the jewel that wins the world. Among the poets of the British Empire, he holds a place unique. The poetry and romance of the North American continent have found, in one form or another, expression in the works of innumerable modern writers, struck, like him, by the natural grandeur of their country, the picturesque side of the struggle by which men subdue it to the purposes of civilisation, and the gallantry and devotion of humble lives. But Fthe laureates of camp-fire, shack, and mine, too generally indulge a strident, even brutal, note which is never found in the poems of Drummond as collected in the present definitive edition. WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND. Melampus dwelt upon men: physician and sage, He served them, loving them, healing them, sick or maimed, Or them that frenzied in some delirious rage Outran the measure, his juice of the woods reclaimed. He played on men, as his master, Phcebus, on strings Melodious: as the God did he strive and check, Through love exceeding a simple love of the things That glide in the grasses and rubble of woody wreck. NEIL MUNRO. Introduction /~\N me demande, pour ce charmant volume, un mot de preface en francais; le voici: Quand, en 1863, je publiai mon premier recueil de poesies e*crites au college, pour la plupart, le grand poete americain Longfellow eut la flatteuse bienveillance de m'appeler The path- finder of a new land of song. Avec mille fois plus de raison puis-je aujourd'- hui passer le compliment a mon sympathique confrere et ami, 1'auteur de ce livre; car, si jamais quelqu'un, chez nous, a me"rite le titre de pathfinder of a new land of song, c'est assurement lui. Non seulement il a de"couvert le champ, la clairiere, la vallee fertile et encore inexploree; il en a fait 1' exploitation a sa maniere, avec des outils et des moyens de son invention; et, fier 'de sa conque'te, il laisse, de son e"paule robuste, tomber a nos pieds le fruit de son travail, la gerbe plantureuse aux ors vierges, a 1'arome sauvage, aux savoureuses promesses, toute fraiche et toute crissante dans sa rusticite* saine. N'est-elle pas, en effet, d'une originalite" peu INTRODUCTION commune, 1'idee de prendre un pauvre illettre", de le presenter comme un type national a part, de lui mettre aux levres une langue qui n'est pas la sienne et qu'il ne connait qu' a demi; d'en faire en meTne temps un personnage bon, doux, aimable, honnete, intelligent et droit, 1'esprit en eveil, le cceur plein d'une poesie native stimulant son patriotisme, jetant un rayon lumin- eux dans son modeste interieur, bergant sesheures reveuses de souvenirs lointains et melancoliques ? Et cela sans que jamais, dans ce portrait d'un nouveau genre, le plus subtil des critiques puisse surprendre nulle part le coup de crayon de la caricature! Dans ses inimitables contes villageois, George Sand a peint les pay sans du Berry sous des de- hors trs interessants. Elle nous les montre me'me d'un sentiment tres affine dans leur sim- plicite naive et leur cordiale bonhomie. En somme, elle en fait des natures, des tempera- ments, quelque chose de typique, en me'me temps qu' harmonieux de teinte et de forme. Mais George Sand faisait parler ses person- nages dans la langue du pays, dans la langue de la chaumiere, dans leur propre dialecte, enfin. Elle n'avait, pour ainsi dire, qu' a faire penetrer le souffle de son talent sous le reseau de la phrase, pour animer celle-ci d'un reflet de ly- risme ou d'une vibration attendrie. INTRODUCTION La tache abordee par M. Drummond presen- tait un caractere beaucoup plus difficile. Ici, le poete avait bien, il est vrai, le milieu a saisir, place, droit en face de son objectif. II e"tait assez familier avec ses acteurs pour les grouper avantageusement, en menageant les effets d'ombres et de lumiere. II est naturelle- ment assez artiste pour ne rien negliger de ce qui ajoute du pittoresque a la pose; surtout, il connaissait a fond le type a reproduire, ses moeurs, ses passions, ses sentiments, ses pen- chants, ses superstitions et ses faiblesses. Mais comment, sans tomber dans la charge ou la bouffonnerie, faire parler syste'matique- ment a ses personnages une langue e*trangere, forcement incorrecte dans la bouche de quel- qu'un qui 1'a apprise par oreille, sans savoir lire meme dans sa propre langue? La tentative etait hardie; mais on sait que le succes a un faible pour les audacieux. Dans son e"tude des Canadiens-francais, M. Drummond a trouve" le moyen d'eviter un e"cueil qui aurait semble" inevitable pour tout autre que pour lui. II est reste" vrai, sans tom- ber dans la vulgarite", et piquant sans verser dans le grotesque. Qu'il mette en scene le gros fermier fier de son bien ou de ses filles a marier, le vieux me"- decin de campagne ne comptant plus ses e"tats INTRODUCTION de service, le jeune amoureux qui rve au clair de la lune, le vieillard qui repasse en sa me'- moire la longue suite des jours reVolus, le conteur de legendes, 1'aventurier des "pays d'en haut," et merne le Canadien exile le Canadien errant, comrne dit la chanson popu- laire qui croit toujours entendre resonner a son oreille le vague tintement des cloches de son village; que le recit soit plaisant ou pathe- tique, jamais la note ne sonne faux, jamais la bizarrerie ne degenere en puerilite burlesque. C'est la un tour de force comme il ne s'en fait pas souvent, et c'est avec enthousiasme que je tends la main a M. Drummond pour le feliciter de 1'avon accompli. II a veritablement fait la oeuvre de poete et d'artiste. J'ajouterai qu'il a fait aussi ceuvre de bon citoyen. Car le jour sous lequel il presente mes compatriotes illettres ne peut manquer de valoir a ceux-ci et partant a tout le reste de la na- tionalite un accroissement desirable dans res- time de nos compatriotes de langue anglaise, ' qui n'ont pas e"te* a meme de les e*tudier d'aussi pres que M. Drummond. La peinture qu'en fait le poete est on ne peut plus sympathique et juste; et de semblables precedes ne peuvent que cimenter 1'union de cceur et n'esprit qui doit exister entre toutes INTRODUCTION les fractions qui composent la grande famille canadienne appelee a vivre et a prospe*rer sous la meme loi et le mme drapeau. En lisant les vers de M. Drummond, le Ca- nadien-franc.ais sent que c'est la 1'expression d'une ame amie ; et, a ce compte, je dois & 1'auteur plus que mes bravos, je lui dois en me' me temps un chaleureux merci. Louis FRECHETTE. MONTREAL, 13 octobre 1897. Preface TN presenting to the public "The Habitant, and other French-Canadian Poems," I feel that my friends who are already, more or less, familiar with the work, understand that I have not written the verses as examples of a dialect, or with any thought of ridicule. Having lived, practically, all my life, side by side with the French-Canadian people, I have grown to admire and love them, and I have felt that while many of the English-speaking public know perhaps as well as myself the French- Canadian of the cities, yet they have had little opportunity of becoming acquainted with the habitant, therefore I have endeavored to paint a few types, and in doing this, it has seemed to me that I could best attain the object in view by having my friends tell their own tales in their own way, as they would relate them to English-speaking auditors not conversant with the French tongue. My good friend, Dr. Louis Frechette, Poet Laureate, has, as a French-Canadian, kindly written an "Introductory" in his own graceful PREFACE language, and I have to thank him above all for his recognition of the spirit which has actu- ated me in writing "dialect" verse. WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND. MONTREAL, September, 1897. Contents PAGB THE HABITANT i THE WRECK OF THE " JULIE PLANTE" A LEGEND OF LAC ST. PIERRE 7 LE VIEUX TEMPS ...... 9 "DE PAPINEAU GUN" AN INCIDENT OF THE CANADIAN REBELLION OF 1837 . . .18 How BATEESE CAME HOME 21 DE NICE LEETLE CANADIENNE ... 30 TOLEON DOR A TALE OF THE SAINT MAURICE . 32 DE NOTAIRE PUBLIQUE 39 A CANADIAN VOYAGEUR'S ACCOUNT OF THE NILE EXPEDITION "MAXIME LABELLE" . . 42 MEMORIES ....... 49 PHIL-O-RUM JUNEAU A STORY OF THE "CHASSE GALLERIE" ....... 52 DE BELL OF SAINT MICHEL 63 PELANG ........ 65 MON CHOUAL "CASTOR" 70 OLE TAM ON BORD-A PLOUFFE .... 75 THE GRAND SEIGNEUR 80 M'SIEU SMIT, THE ADVENTURES OF AN ENGLISH- MAN IN THE CANADIAN WOODS . 82 CONTENTS PAGE WHEN ALBANI SANG . ... . . .91 DE CAMPONDE "CHEVALGRIS" .... 98 DE STOVE PIPE HOLE 104 "DE SNOWBIRD" . . . . . .no THE HABITANT'S JUBILEE ODE . . . .113 OLE DOCTEUR FISET . . . . . .118 JOHNNIE COURTEAU . . . . . .122 THE CORDUROY ROAD . . . . .125 THE CURE OF CALUMETTE . . . . 131 THE OYSTER SCHOONER 137 MY LEETLE CABANE 140 BATEESE THE LUCKY MAN 144 THE HILL OF ST. SEBASTIEN. .. . . .145 MARIE LOUISE . . . . . . . 149 THE OLD HOUSE AND THE NEW . . . .153 THE CANADIAN COUNTRY DOCTOR . . .158 MON FRERE CAMILLE . . . . .162 THE HABITANT'S SUMMER . . . . .168 LITTLE LAC GRENIER (GREN-YAY) . . .174 THE WINDIGO 177 NATIONAL POLICY 187 AUTUMN DAYS . . . . . . .190 MADELEINE VERCHERES . . . . .192 THE "ROSE DELIMA" ...... 199 LITTLE MOUSE 210 STRATHCONA'S HORSE . . . . . .212 JOHNNIE'S FIRST MOOSE . . . . .214 THE OLD PINE TREE 218 XXX CONTENTS PAGE LITTLE BATEESE ...... 220 DONAL' CAMPBELL ...... 222 THE DUBLIN FUSILIER ' 225 DREAMS 229 'THE OLD SEXTON . . . . . .231 CHILD THOUGHTS WRITTEN TO COMMEMORATE THE ANNIVERSARY OF MY BROTHER TOM'S BIRTHDAY 235 BATEESE AND HIS LITTLE DECOYS . . . 237 PHIL-O-RUM'S CANOE 242 THE LOG JAM 246 THE CANADIAN MAGPIE 252 THE RED CANOE 255 Two HUNDRED YEARS AGO .... 256 THE VOYAGEUR 259 BRUNO THE HUNTER ...... 262 PRIDE 265 DlEUDONNE (GOD-GlVEN) 272 -THE DEVIL 273 THE FAMILY LARAMIE 281 YANKEE FAMILIES ...... 282 THE LAST PORTAGE 286 GETTING ON 288 PIONEERS 292 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY 297 CHAMPLAIN 300 PRO PATRIA 305 GETTING STOUT 310 DOCTOR HILAIRE 313 xxxi CONTENTS PAGE BARBOTTE (BULL-POUT) 320 THE ROSSIGNOL . . . . . . .322 MEB-BE ........ 325 SNUBBING (TYING- UP) THE RAFT . . . .325 A RAINY DAY IN CAMP 332 JOSETTE 335 JOE BOUCHER 337 CHARMETTE 340 LAC Souci 342 POIRIER'S ROOSTER 345 DOMINIQUE ....... 349 HOME 352 CANADIAN FOREVER 355 TWINS 357 KEEP OUT OF THE WEEDS ..... 359 THE HOLY ISLAND ...... 362 THE RIVIERE DES PRAIRIES 367 THE WIND THAT LIFTS THE FOG . . . .372 THE Fox HUNT . 374 THE GREAT FIGHT 379 VICTORIA SQUARE AN IDYLL .... 384 MARRIAGE ........ 387 WE 'RE IRISH YET ...... 392 CHIBOUGAMOU ....... 394 THE FIRST ROBIN 401 BLOOM A SONG OF COBALT. .... 406 THE BOY FROM CALABOGIE ..... 407 THE CALCITE VEIN A TALE OF COBALT . . 409 xxxii CONTENTS PAGE PIERRE LEBLANC 413 SILVER LAKE CAMP 418 THE TALE OF A COCKTAIL 419 THE LAND WE LIVE IN AND THE LAND WE LEFT . 422 DEER-HUNTING (BY AN EXPERT) . . . 423 "HE ONLY WORE A SHAMROCK" . . . .425 THE GODBOUT 427 DOONSIDE 430 THE SPANISH BIRD 43 1 BOULE 432 CAUDA MORRHUAE 437 XXX111 Remember when these tales you read Of rude but honest "Canayen," That Joliet, La Verandrye, La Salle, Marquette, and Hennepin Were all true "Canayen" themselves And in their veins the same red stream: The conquering blood of Normandie Flowed strong, and gave America Coureurs de bois and voyageurs 'Whose trail extends from sea to sea! The Habitant * T~^\E place I get born, me, is up on de reever Near foot of de rapide dat 's call Cheval Blanc Beeg mountain behin' it, so high you can't climb it An' whole place she 's mebbe two honder arpent. De fader of me, he was habitant farmer, Ma gran' fader too, an' hees fader also, Dey don't mak' no monee, but dat is n't fonny For it 's not easy get ev'ryt'ing, you mus' know All de sam' dere is somet'ing dey got ev'ry- boddy, Dat 's plaintee good healt', wat de monee can't geev, So I 'm workin' away dere, an' happy for stay dere On farm by de reever, so long I was leev. THE HABITANT O ! dat was de place w'en de spring tarn she 's comin', W'en snow go away, an' de sky is all blue W'en ice lef ' de water, an' sun is get hotter An' back on de medder is sing de gou- glou W'en small sheep is firs' comin' out on de pasture, Deir nice leetle tail stickin' up on deir back, Dey ronne wit' deir moder, an' play wit' each oder An' jomp all de tarn jus' de sam' dey was crack An' ole cow also, she 's glad winter is over, So she kick herse'f up, an' start off on de race Wit' de two-year-ole heifer, dat 's purty soon lef her, W'y ev'ryt'ing 's crazee all over de place! An' down on de reever de wiT duck is quackin' Along by de shore leetle san' piper ronne De bullfrog he 's gr-rompin' an' dore is jompin' Dey all got deir own way for mak' it de fonne. THE HABITANT But spring 's in beeg hurry, an' don't stay long wit' us An' firs' t'ing we know, she go off till nex' year,' Den bee commence hummin', for summer is comin' An' purty soon corn 's gettin' ripe on de ear. Dat 's very nice tarn for wake up on de morning An' lissen de rossignol sing ev'ry place, Feel sout' win' a-blowin', see clover a-growin', An' all de worl' laughin' itself on de face. Mos' ev'ry day raf it is pass on de rapide De voyageurs singin' some ole chanson 'Bout girl down de reever too bad dey mus' leave her, But comin' back soon' wit' beaucoup d'argent. An' den w'en de fall an' de winter come roun us An' bird of de summer is all fly away, W'en mebbe she 's snowin' an' nort' win' is blowin' An' night is mos' t'ree tam so long as de day. 3 THE HABITANT You t'ink it was bodder de habitant farmer? Not at all he is happy an' feel satisfy, An' cole may las' good w'ile, so long as de wood- pile Is ready for burn on de stove by an' bye. Wen I got plaintee hay put away on de stable So de sheep an' de cow, dey got no chance to freeze, An' de hen all togedder I don't min' de wedder De nort' win' may blow jus' so moche as she please. An' some cole winter night how I wish you can see us, Wen I smoke on de pipe, an' de ole woman sew By de stove of T'ree Reever ma wife's fader geev her On day we get marry, dat 's long tarn ago De boy an' de girl, dey was readhi' it's lesson, De cat on de corner she 's bite heem de pup, Ole "Carleau" he's snorin' an' beeg stove is roarin' So loud dat I 'm scare purty soon she bus' up. 4 THE HABITANT Philomene dat 's de oldes' is sit on de winder An' kip jus' so quiet lak wan leetle mouse, She say de more finer moon never was shiner Very fonny, for moon is n't dat side de house. But purty soon den, we hear foot on de outside, An' some wan is place it hees han' on de latch, Dat 's Isidore Goulay, las' fall on de Brule* He 's tak' it firs' prize on de grand ploughin* match. Ha! ha! Philomene! dat was smart trick you play us Come help de young feller tak' snow from hees neck, Dere 's not'ing for hinder you come off de winder Wen moon you was look for is come, I expec' Isidore, he is tole us de news on de parish 'Bout hees Lajeunesse Colt travel two forty, sure, 'Bout Jeremie Choquette, come back from Woonsocket An' t'ree new leetle twin on Madame Vail lancour'. But nine o'clock strike, an' de chil'ren is sleepy, Mese'f an' ole woman can't stay up no more 5 THE HABITANT So alone by de fire 'cos dey say dey ain't tire We lef Philomene an' de young Isidore. I s'pose dey be talkin' beeg lot on de kitchen 'Bout all de nice moon dey was see on de sky, For Philomene 's takin' long tarn get awaken Nex' day, she 's so sleepy on bote of de eye. Dat 's wan of dem ting's, ev'ry tarn on de fashion, An' 'bout nices' t'ing dat was never be seen. Got not'ing for say me I spark it sam' v. ay me Wen I go see de moder ma girl Philomene. We leev very quiet 'way back on de contree Don't put on sam style lak de big village, W'en we don't get de monee you t'ink dat is fonny An' mak' plaintee sport on de Bottes Sau- vages. But I tole you dat 's true I don't go on de city If you geev de fine house an' beaucoup d' argent I rader be stay me, an' spen' de las' day me On farm by de rapide dat 's call Cheval Blanc. 6 THE WRECK OF THE " JULIE PLANTE" The Wreck of the "Julie Plants" A Legend of Lac St. Pierre N wan dark night on Lac St. Pierre, De win' she blow, blow, blow, An' de crew of de wood scow "Julie Plante" Got scar't an' run below For de win' she blow lak hurricane Bimeby she blow some more, An' de scow bus' up on Lac St. Pierre Wan arpent from de shore. De captinne walk on de fronte deck, An' walk de hin' deck too He call de crew from up de hole He call de cook also. De cook she 's name was Rosie, She come from Montreal, Was chambre maid on lumber barge, On de Grande Lachine Canal. De win' she blow from nor'-eas'-wes,' De sout' win' she blow too, W'en Rosie cry "Mon cher captinne, Mon cher, w'at I shall do?" Den de Captinne t'row de big ankerre, But still the scow she dreef, De crew he can't pass on de shore, Becos' he los' hees skeef. 7 THE WRECK OF THE " JULIE PLANTE '' De night was dark lak' wan black cat, De wave run high an' fas', Wen de captinne tak' de Rosie girl An' tie her to de mas'. Den he also tak' de life preserve, An' jomp off on de lak', An' say, "Good-bye, ma Rosie dear, I go drown for your sak'. " Nex' morning very early 'Bout ha'f-pas' two t'ree four De captinne scow an' de poor Rosie Was corpses on de shore, Fqr de win' she blow lak' hurricane Bimeby she blow some more, An' de scow bus' up on Lac St. Pierre, Wan arpent from de shore. MORAL Now all good wood scow sailor man Tak' warning by dat storm An' go an' marry some nice French girl An' leev on wan beeg farm. De win' can blow lak' hurricane An' s'pose she blow some more, You can't get drown on Lac St. Pierre So long you stay on shore. 8 LE VIEUX TEMPS Le Vieux Temps ici, mon cher ami, an' sit down by me so An' I will tole you story of old tarn long ago Wen ev'ryt'ing is happy w'en all de bird is sing An' me! I 'm young an' strong lak moose an' not afraid no t'ing. I close my eye jus' so, an' see de place w'ere, I am born I close my ear an' lissen to musique of de horn,, Dat 's horn ma dear ole moder blow an only t'ing she play Is "viens done vite Napoleon 'peche tot pour votre souper. " An' w'en he 's hear dat nice musique ma ieetle dog "Carleau" Is place hees tail upon hees back an' den he 's let heem go He 's jomp on fence he 's swimmin' crik he 's ronne two forty gait, He say "dat 's somet'ing good for eat Car- leau mus' not be late. " LE VIEUX TEMPS O dem was pleasure day for sure, dem day of long ago Wen I was play wit' all de boy, an' all de girl also; An' many tarn w'en I 'm alone an' t'ink of day gone by An' pull latire an' spark de girl, I cry upon my eye. Ma fader an' ma moder too, got nice, nice familee, Dat 's ten garcon an' t'orteen girl, was mak' it twenty, t'ree But fonny t'ing de Gouvernement don't geev de firs' prize den Lak w'at dey say dey geev it now, for only wan douzaine. De English peep dat only got wan familee small size Mus' be feel glad dat tarn dere is no honder acre prize For fader of twelve chil'ren dey know dat mus' be so, De Canayens would boss Kebeck mebbe Ontario. 10 LE VIEUX TEMPS But dat is not de story dat I was gone tole you About de fun we use to have w'en we leev a chez nous We 're never lonesome on dat house, for many cavalier Come at our place mos' every night especially Sun-day. But tarn I 'member bes' is w'en I 'm twenty wan year me An' so for mak' some pleasurement we geev wan large soiree De whole paroisse she be invite de Cure" he 's come too Wit plaintee peep from 'noder place dat 's more I can tole you. De night she 's cole an' freeze also, chemin she 's fill wit snow An' on de chimley lak phantome, de win' is mak' it blow But boy an' girl come all de sam an' pass on grande parloir For warm itself on beeg box stove, was mak' on Trois Rivieres LE VIEUX TEMPS An' w'en Bonhomme Latour commence for tune up hees fidelle It mak' us all feel very glad 1' enfant! he play so well, Musique suppose to be firs' class, I offen hear, for sure But mos' bes' man, beat all de res', is ole Bateese Latour An' w'en Bateese play Irish jeeg, he 's learn on Mattawa Dat tarn he 's head boss cook Shaintee den. leetle Joe Leblanc Tak' hole de beeg Marie Juneau an' dance upon de floor Till Marie say "Excuse to me, I cannot dance no more." An' den de Cure 's mak' de speech ole Cure Ladouceur! He say de girl was spark de boy too much on some cornerre An' so he 's tole Bateese play up ole fashion reel a quatre An' every body she mus' dance, dey can't get off on dat. 12 \ LE VIEUX TEMPS Away she go hooraw! hooraw! plus fort Bateese, mon vieux Camille Bisson, please watch your girl dat 's bes' t'ing you can do. Pass on de right an' tak' your place Mamzelle Des Trois Maisons You 're s'pose for dance on Paul Laberge, not Telesphore Gagnon. Mon oncle Al-fred, he spik lak' dat 'cos he is boss de floor, An' so we do our possibill an' den commence encore. Dem crowd of boy an' girl I 'm sure keep up until nex' day If ole Bateese don't stop heseff, he come so fatigue*. An' affer dat, we eat some t'ing, tak' leetle drink also An' de Cure", he 's tole story of many year ago Wen Iroquois sauvage she 's keel de Canayens an' steal deir hair, An' say dat 's only for Bon Dievt, we don't be here he don't be dere. 13 LE VIEUX TEMPS But dat was mak' de girl feel scare so all de cavalier Was ax hees girl go home right off, an' place her on de sleigh, An' w'en dey start, de Cure say, "Bonsoir et bon voyage Menagez-vous tak' care for you prenez garde pour les sauvages. " An' den I go meseff also, an' tak' ma belle Elmire She 's nicer girl on whole Comte, an' jus' got eighteen year Black hair black eye, an' chick rosee dat 's lak wan fameuse on de fall But do n't spik much not of dat kin', I can't say she love me at all. Ma girl she 's fader beeg farmeur leev 'noder side St. Flore Got five-six honder acre mebbe a leetle more Nice sugar bush une belle maison de bes' I never see So w'en I go for spark Elmire, I don't be mak' de foolish me 14 LE VIEUX TEMPS Elmire ! she 's pass t 'ree year on school Ste. Anne de la Perade An' w'en she 's tak' de firs' class prize, dat 's mak' de ole man glad; He say "Ba gosh ma girl can wash can keep de kitchen clean Den change her dress mak' politesse before God save de Queen. " Dey 's many way for spark de girl, an' you know dat of course, Some way dey might be better way, an' some dey might be worse But I lak' sit some cole night wit' my girl on ole burleau Wit' lot of hay keep our foot warm an' plaintee buffalo Dat 's geev good chances get acquaint an' if burleau upset An' t'row you out upon de snow dat 's better chances yet An' if you help de girl go home, if horse he ronne away De girl she 's not much use at all don't geev you nice baiser! 15 LE VIEUX TEMPS Dat 's very well for fun ma frien', but w'en you spark for keep She 's not sam t'ing an' mak' you feel so scare lak' leetle sheep Some tarn you get de fever some tarn you 're lak snowball An' all de tarn you ack lak' fou can't spik no t'ing at all. Wall ! dat 's de way I feel meseff, wit Elmire on burleau, Jus' lak' small dog try ketch hees tail roun* roun' ma head she go But bimeby I come more brave an' tak' El- mire she's han' "Laisse-moi tranquille" Elmire she say "You mus' be crazy man." "Yass yass I say" mebbe you t'ink I 'm wan beeg loup garou, Dat 's forty t'ousand 'noder girl, I lef dem all for you, I s'pose you know Polique Gauthier your frien' on St. Cesaire I ax her marry me nex' wick she tak' me I don't care." 16 LE VIEUX TEMPS fia gosh; Elmire she don't lak' dat it mak* her feel so mad She commence cry, say '"Poleon you treat me very bad I don't lak' see you t'row you'seff upon Polique Gauthier, So if you say you love me sure we mak' de mariee. " Oh it was fine tarn affer dat Castor I t'ink he know, We 're not too busy for get home he go so nice an' slow, He 's only upset t 'ree four tarn an' jus' about daylight We pass upon de ole man's place an' every t'ing 's all right. Wall! we leev happy on de farm for nearly fifty year, Till wan day on de summer tarn she die ma belle Elmire I feel so lonesome lef behirf' I tink 't was bes' mebbe Dat w'en le Bon Dieu tak* ma famme he should not forget me. 3 17 " DE PAPINEAU GUN " But dat is hees biz-nesse ma frien' I know dat 's all right dere I '11 wait till he call "Toleon" den I will be prepare An' w'en he fin' me ready, for mak' de longue voyage He guide me t'roo de wood hesef upon ma las' portage. 11 De Papineau Gun' 1 An Incident of the Canadian Rebellion of 1837 "DON jour, M'sieu' you want to know 'Bout dat ole gun w'at good she 's for? W'y ! Jean Bateese Bruneau mon pere, Fight wit' dat gun on Pap'neau War! Long tarn since den you say C'est vrai, An' me too young for 'member well, But how de patriot fight an' die, I off en hear de ole folk tell. De English don't #ck square dat tarn, Don't geev de habitants no show, So 'long come Wolfred Nelson Wit' Louis Joseph Papineau. 18 " DE PAPINEAU GUN " An' swear de peep mus' have deir right. Wolfred he 's write Victoriaw, But she 's no good, so den de war Commence among de habitants. Mon pere he leev to Grande Brule . So smarter man you never see, Was alway on de grande hooraw! Plaintee w'at you call "Esprit!" An' w'en dey form wan compagnie All dress wit' tuque an' ceinture sash Ma fader tak' hees gun wit' heem An' marche away to Saint Eustache,. Were many patriots was camp Wit' brave Chenier, deir Capitaine,. W'en 'long come English Generale, An' more two t'ousan' sojer man. De patriot dey go on church An' feex her up deir possibill; Dey fight deir bes', but soon fin' out "Canon de bois" no good for kill. An' den de church she come on fire, An' burn almos' down to de groun'* So w'at you t'ink our man can do Wit' all dem English armee roun'? 19 " DE PAPINEAU GUN I: Toleon, hees sojer never fight More brave as dem poor habitants, Chenier, he try for broke de rank Chenier come dead immediatement, He fall near w'ere de cross is stan' Upon de ole church cimitiere, Wit' Jean Poulin an' Laframboise An' plaintee more young feller dere. De gun dey rattle lak' tonnere Jus' bang, bang, bang! dat 's way she go, An' wan by wan de brave man 's fall An' red blood 's cover all de snow Ma fader shoot so long he can An' den he 's load hees gun some more, Jomp on de ice behin' de church An' pass heem on de 'noder shore. Wall ! he reach home fore very long An' keep perdu for many day, Till ev'ry t'ing she come tranquille, An' sojer man all gone away. An' affer dat we get our right, De Canayens don't fight no more, Ma fader's never shoot dat gun, But place her up above de door. 20 HOW BATEESE CAME HOME An' Papineau, an' Nelson too Dey 're gone long tarn, but we are free, Le Bon Dieu have 'em 'way up dere. Salut, Wolfred! Salut, Louis! How Bateese Came Home \\T 'EN I was young boy on de farm, dat 's twenty year ago I have wan frien' he 's leev near me, call Jean Bateese Trudeau An offen w'en we are alone, we lak for spik about De tarn w'en we was come beeg man, wit* moustache on our mout'. Bateese is get it on hees head, he 's too moche educate For mak' de habitant farmerre he better' go on State An' so wan summer evening we 're drivin' home de cow He 's tole me all de whole beez-nesse jus' lak you hear me now. 21 HOW BATEESE CAME HOME 4 'Wat 's use mak' foolish on de farm? dere 's no good chances lef ' An' all de tarn you be poor man you know dat 's true you'se'f ; We never get no fun at all don't never go on spree Onless we pass on 'noder place, an' mak' it some monee . 41 1 go on Les Etats Unis, I go dere right away An' den mebbe on ten-twelve year, I be riche man some day, An' w'en I mak' de large fortune, I come back I s'pose Wit' Yankee famme from off de State, an' monee on my clothes. "I tole you somet'ing else also mon cher Napoleon I get de grande majorite", for go on parlia- ment Den buil' fine house on borde 1'eau near w'ere de church is stand More finer dan de Presbytere, w'en I am come riche man!" 22 HOW BATEESE CAME HOME I say "For w'at you spik lak dat? you must be gone crazee Dere 's plaintee feller on de State, more smarter dan you be, Beside she 's not so healtee place, an' if you mak' 1'argent, You spen' it jus' lak Yankee man, an' not lak habitant. "For me Bateese! I tole you dis: I'm very satisfy De bes' man don't leev too long tarn, some day Ba Gosh! he die An' s'pose you got good trotter horse, an' nice famme Canadienne Wit' plaintee on de house for eat W'at more you want ma frien'?" But Bateese have it all mak' up, I can't stop him at all He 's buy de seconde classe tiquette, for go on Central Fall An' wit' two-t'ree some more de boy, w'at t'ink de sam' he do Pass on de train de very nex' wick, was lef Riviere du Loup. HOW BATEESE CAME HOME Wall ! mebbe fifteen year or more, since Bateese go away I fin' mesef Riviere du Loup, wan cole, cole winter day De quick express she come hooraw! but stop de soon she can An' beeg swell feller jomp off car, dat 's boss by nigger man. He 's dressim on de premiere classe, an' got new suit of clothes Wit' long moustache dat 's stickim out, de 'noder side hees nose Fine gol' watch chain nice portmanteau an' long, long overcoat Wit' beaver hat dat 's Yankee style an' red tie on hees t'roat I say "Hello Bateese! Hello! Comment ga va mon vieux?" He say "Excuse to me, ma Men' I t'ink I don't know you." I say, "She 's very curis t'ing, you are Bateese Trudeau, Was raise on jus' sam' place wit' me, dat 's fifteen year ago?" 24 HOW BATEESE CAME HOME He say, "Oh yass dat 's sure enough I know you now firs' rate, But I forget mos' all ma French since I go on de State. Dere 's 'noder t'ing kip on your head, ma frien' dey mus' be tole Ma name 's Bateese Trudeau no more, but John B. Waterhole!" "Hole on de water's" fonny name for man w'at 's call Trudeau Ma frien's dey all was spik lak dat, an' I am tole heem so He say "Trudeau an' Waterhole she's jus r about de sam' An' if you go for leev on State, you must have Yankee nam'." Den we invite heem come wit' us, "Hotel du: Canada w" Were he was treat mos' e'ry tam, but can't tak' w'isky blanc, He say dat 's leetle strong for man jus' come off Central Fall A.n' "tabac Canayen" bedamme! he won't smoke dat at all ! 25 HOW BATEESE CAME HOME But fancy drink lak "Ceilings John" de way he put it down Was long tarn since I don't see dat I t'ink he 's goin' drown! An' fine cigar cos' five cent each, an' mak' on Trois-Rivieres L 'enfant! he smoke beeg pile of dem for monee he don't care! T s'pose meseff it 's t'ree o'clock w'en we are t'roo dat night Bateese, hees fader come for heem, an' tak' heem home all right De ole man say Bateese spik French, w'en he is place on bed An' say bad word : but w'en he wake forget it on hees head Wall ! all de winter w'en we have soiree dat 's grande affaire Bateese Trudeau, dit Waterhole, he be de boss man dere You bet he have beeg tarn, but w'en de spring is come encore He 's buy de premiere classe tiquette for go on State some more. 26 HOW BATEESE CAME HOME You 'member w'en de hard tarn come on Les Etats Unis An' plaintee Canayens go back for stay deir own contree? Wall! jus' about dat tarn again I go Riviere du Loup For sole me two t'ree load of hay mak* leetle visit too De freight train she is jus' arrive only ten hour delay She 's never carry passengaire dat 's w'at dey always say I see poor man on char caboose he 's got heem small valise Begosh! I nearly tak' de fit, It is it is Bateese! He know me very well dis tarn, an' say "Bon jour, mon vieux I hope you know Bateese Trudeau was educate wit' you I 'm jus' come off de State to see ma familee encore I bus' mesef on Central Fall I don't go dere no more." 27 HOW BATEESE CAME HOME "I got no monee not at all I 'm broke it up for sure Dat 's locky t'ing, Napoleon, de brakeman Joe Latour He 's cousin of wan frien' of me call Camille Valiquette, Conductor too 's good Canayen don't ax me no tiquette. " I tak' Bateese wit' me once more "Hotel du Canadaw" An' he was glad for get de chance drink some good w'isky blanc! Dat 's warm heem up, an den he eat mos' ev'ryt'ing he see, I watch de w'ole beez-nesse mese'f Monjee! he was hongree! Madame Charette wat 's kip de place get very much excite For see de many pork an' bean Bateese put out of sight Du pain dore potate pie an' 'noder t'ing be dere But w'en Bateese is get heem t'roo dey go I don't know w'ere. 28 HOW BATEESE CAME HOME It don't tak' long for tole de news "Bateese come off de State" An' purty soon we have beeg crowd, lak vil- lage she 's en fete Bonhomme Maxime Trudeau hese'f , he 's comin' wit' de pries' An' pass' heem on de "Room for eat" w'ere he is see Bateese. Den ev'rybody feel it glad, for watch de em- brasser An' bimeby de ole man spik "Bateese you here for stay?" Bateese he 's cry lak beeg bebe, "B& j'eux rester ici. An if I never see de State, I 'm sure I don't care me." "Correc'," Maxime is say right off, "I place you on de farm For help your poor ole fader, won't do you too moche harm Please come wit' me on Magasin, I feex you up ba oui An' den you 're ready for go home an' see de familee. " 29 DE NICE LEETLE CANADIENNE Wall! w'en de ole man an' Bateese come off de Magasin Bateese is los' hees Yankee clothes he 's dress lak Canayen Wit' bottes sauvages ceinture fleche* an' coat wit' capuchon An' spik Frangais au naturel, de sam' as habi- tant. I see Bateese de oder day, he 's work hees fader's place I t'ink mese'f he 's satisfy I see dat on hees face He say "I got no use for State, mon cher Na- poleon Kebeck she 's good enough for me Hooraw pour Canadaw. " De Nice Leetle Canadienne can pass on de worl' w'erever you lak, Tak' de steamboat for go Angleterre, Tak' car on de State, an' den you come back, An' go all de place, I don't care Ma frien' dat 's a fack, I know you will say, W'en you come on dis contree again, Dere 's no girl can touch, w'at we see ev'ry day, De nice leetle Canadienne. 30 DE NICE LEETLE CANADIENNE Don't matter how poor dat girl she may be, Her dress is so neat an' so clean, Mos' ev'rywan t'ink it was mak' on Paree An' she wear it, wall! jus' lak de Queen. Den come for fin' out she is mak' it herse'f, For she ain't got moche monee for spen', But all de sam' tarn, she was never get lef, Dat nice leetle Canadienne. Wen "un vrai Canayen" is mak' it marine, You t'ink he go leev on beeg flat An' bodder hese'f all de tarn, night an' day, Wit' housemaid, an' cook, an' all dat? Not moche, ma dear frien', he tak' de maison, Cos' only nine dollar or ten, Were he leev lak blood rooster, an' save de 1'argent, Wit' hees nice leetle Canadienne. I marry ma famme w'en I 'm jus' twenty year, An* now we got fine familee, Dat skip roun' de place lak leetle small deer, No smarter crowd you never see An' I t'ink as I watch dem all chasm' about, Four boy an' six girl, she mak' ten, Dat 's help mebbe kip it, de stock from run out, Of de nice leetle Canadienne. 'POLEON DORE O she 's quick an' she 's smart, an' got plaintee heart, If you know correc' way go about, An' if you don't know, she soon tole you so Den tak' de firs' chance an' get out ; But if she love you, I spik it for true, She will mak' it more beautiful den, An' sun on de sky can't shine lak de eye Of dat nice leetle Canadienne. 'Poleon Dore. A Tale of the Saint Maurice have never hear de story of de young Napoleon Dore? Los' hees life upon de reever w'en de lumber drive go down? Were de rapide roar lak tonder, dat 's de place he 's goin' onder, W'en he 's try save Paul Desjardins, 'Poleon hese'f is drown. All de winter on de Shaintee, tarn she 's good and work she 's plaintee, But we 're not feel very sorry, w'en de sun is warm hees face, 32 TOLEON DORE Wen de mooshrat an' de beaver, tak* some leetle swim on reever, An' de sout' win' scare de snowbird, so she fly some col'er place. Den de spring is set in steady, an' we get de log all ready, Workin' hard all day an' night too, on de water mos' de tarn, An' de skeeter w 'en dey fin' us, come so quickly nearly blin' us, Biz biz biz biz all aroun' us till we feel lak sacredam. All de sam' we 're hooraw feller, from de top of house to cellar, Ev'ry boy he 's feel so happy, w'en he 's goin' right away, See hees fader an' hees moder, see hees sister an' hees broder, An' de girl he spark las' summer, if she 's not get mariee. Wall we start heem out wan morning, an' de pilot geev us warning, "Wen you come on Rapide Cuisse, ma frien', keep raf she 's head on shore. * 33 'POLEON DORE If you struck beeg rock on middle, w'ere le diable is play hees fiddle, Dat 's de tarn you pass on some place, you don't never pass before." But we '11 not t'ink moche of danger, for de rapide she 's no stranger Many tarn we 're runnin' t'roo it, on de fall an' on de spring, On mos' ev'ry kin' of wedder dat le Bon Dieu scrape togedder, An' we '11 never drown noboddy, an' we '11 never bus' somet 'ing. Dere was Telesphore Montbriand, Paul Desjar- dins, Louis Guyon, Bill McKeever, Aleck Gauthier, an' hees cousin Jean Bateese, 'Poleon Dore, Aime Beaulieu, wit' some more man I can't tole you, Dat was mak' it bes' gang never run upon de St. Maurice. Dis is jus' de tarn I wish me, I could spik de good English me For tole you of de pleasurement we get upon de spring, 34 'POLEON DORE Wen de win' she 's all a sleepin', an' de raf she go a sweepin' Down de reever on some morning, w'ile le rossignol is sing. Ev'ryt'ing so nice an' quiet on de shore as we pass by it, All de tree got fine new spring suit, ev'ry wan she 's dress on green Wy it mak' us all more younger, an' we don't feel any hunger, Till de cook say '"Raw for breakfas'," den we smell de pork an' bean. Some folk say she 's bad for leever, but for man work hard on reever, Dat 's de bes' t'ing I can tole you, dat was never yet be seen, Course dere 's oder t'ing ah tak' me, fancy dish also I lak me, But w'en I want somet'ing solid, please pass me de pork an' bean. All dis tarn de raf' she 's goin' lak steamboat was got us to win' All we do is keep de channel, an' dat 's easy workin' dere, 35 'POLEON DORE So we sing some song an' chorus, for de good tarn dat 's before us, Wen de w'ole beez-nesse she 's finish, an* we come on Trois Rivieres. But bad luck is sometam fetch us, for beeg strong win' come an' ketch us, Jus' so soon we struck de rapide jus' so soon we see de smoke, An' before we spik some prayer for ourse'f dat 's fightin' dere, Roun' we come upon de beeg rock, an' it 's den de raf she broke. Dat was tarn poor Paul Desjardins, from de parish of St. Germain, He was long way on de fronte side, so he 's fallin' overboar' Could n't swim at all de man say, but dat 's more ma frien', I can say, Any how he 's look lak drownin', so we '11 t'row him two t'ree oar. Dat 's 'bout all de help our man do, dat 's 'bout ev'ryt'ing we can do, As de crib we 're hangin' onto balance on de rock itse'f, 36 TOLEON DORE Till de young Napoleon Dore", heem I start for tole de story, Holler out, "Mon Dieu, I don't lak see poor Paul go drown hese'f. " So he 's mak' beeg jomp on water, jus' de sam you see some otter An' he 's pass on place w'ere Paul is tryin' hard for keep afloat, Den we see Napoleon ketch heem, try hees possibill for fetch heem But de current she 's more stronger, an' de eddy get dem bote. O Mon Dieu! for see dem two man, mak' me feel it cry lak woman, Roun' an' roun' upon de eddy, quickly dem poor feller go, Can't tole wan man from de oder, an' we '11 know dem bote lak broder, But de fight she soon is finish Paul an* 'Poleon go below. Yass, an' all de tam we stay dere, only t'ing we do is pray dere, For de soul poor drownin' feller, dat 's enough mak' us feel mad, 37 TOLEON DORE Torteen voyageurs, all brave man, glad get any chances save man, But we don't see no good chances, can't do not'ing, dat 's too bad. Wall ! at las' de crib she 's come way off de rock, an' den on some way, By an' by de w'ole gang 's passin' on safe place below de Cuisse, Ev'ryboddy's heart she 's breakin', w'en dey see poor Paul he 's taken Wit' de young Napoleon Dore, bes' boy on de St. Maurice! An' day affer, Bill McKeever fin' de bote man on de reever, Wit' deir arm aroun' each oder, mebbe pass above dat way So we bury dem as we fin* dem, w'ere de pine tree wave behin' dem An de Grande Montagne he 's lookin' down on Marcheterre Bay. You can't hear no church bell ring dere, but le rossignol is sing dere, An' w'ere ole red cross she 's stannin', mebbe some good ange gardien, 38 DE NOTAIRE PUBLIQUE Watch de place w'ere bote man sleepin', keep de reever grass from creepin' On de grave of 'Poleon Dore, an' of poor Paul Desjardins. De Notaire Publique TV/T'SIEU Paul Joulin, de Notaire Publique Is come I s'pose seexty year hees life An' de mos' riche man on Sainte Angelique Wen he feel very sorry he got no wife So he 's paint heem hees buggy, lak new, by Gor! Put flower on hees coat, mak' hese'f more gay Arrange on hees head fine chapeau castor An' drive on de house of de Boulanger. For de Boulanger 's got heem une jolie fille Mos' bes' lookin' girl on paroisse dey say An' all de young feller is lak Julie An' plaintee is ax her for mak' marine, But Julie she 's love only jus' wan man, Hees nam' it is JeYemie Dandurand An' he 's work for her sak' all de hard he can* 'Way off on de wood, up de Mattawa. 39 DE NOTAIRE PUBLIQUE M'Sieu Paul he spik him "Bonjour Mamzelle, You lak promenade on de church wit' me? Jus' wan leetle word an' we go ma belle An' see heem de Cure toute suite, cherie ; I dress you de very bes' style a la mode, If you promise for be Madame Paul Joulin, For I got me fine house on Bord a Plouffe road Wit' mor'gage also on de Grande Moulin." But Julie she say "Non, non, M'Sieu Paul, Dat 's not correc' t'ing for poor Jeremie For I love dat young feller lak not'ing at all, An' I 'm very surprise you was not know me. Jeremie w'en he 's geev me dat nice gol' ring, Las' tarn he 's gone off on de Mattawa Say he 's got 'noder wan w'en he 's come nex' spring Was mak' me for sure Madame Dandurand. "I t'ank you de sam' M'Sieu Paul Joulin I s'pose I mus' be de wife wan poor man Wit' no chance at all for de Grande Moulin, But leev all de tarn on some small cabane." De Notaire Publique den is tak' hees hat, For he t'ink sure enough dat hees dog she 's dead; Dere 's no use mak' love on de girl lak dat, Wit' not'ing but young feller on de head. 40 DE NOTAIRE PUBLIQUE Julie she 's feel lonesome mos' all dat week, Don't know w'at may happen she wait till spring Den t'ink de fine house of Notaire Publique An' plaintee more too but love 's funny t'ing ! So nex' tarn she see de Notaire again, She laugh on her eye an' say "M'Sieu Paul Please pass on de house, or you ketch de rain, Dat 's very long tarn you don't come at all." She 's geev him so soon he 's come on de door Du vin de pays, an' some nice galettes, She 's mak' dem herse'f only day before An' he say "Bigosh! dat is fine girl yet." So he 's try hees chances some more hooraw ! Julie is not mak' so moche troub' dis tarn; She 's forget de poor Jeremie Dandurand An' tole de Notaire she will be hees famme. Wen Jeremie come off de wood nex' spring, An' fin' dat hees girl she was get mariee Everybody 's expec' he will do somet'ing, But he don't do not'ing at all, dey say; For he 's got 'noder girl on Sainte Dorothe"e, Dat he 's love long tarn, an' she don't say "No," So he 's forget too all about Julie An' mak' de marine wit' hese'f also. 41 THE NILE EXPEDITION A Canadian Voyageur's Account of the Nile Expedition " Maxime Labelle" VTICTORIAW: she have beeg war, E-gyp 's de nam' de place An' neeger peep dat 's leev 'im dere, got very black de face, An' so she 's write Joseph Mercier, he 's stop on Trois Rivieres "Please come right off, an' bring wit' you t'ree honder voyageurs. "I got de plaintee sojer, me, beeg feller six foot tall Dat 's Englishman, ah' Scotch also, don't wear no pant at all; Of course, de Irishman 's de bes', raise all de row he can, But noboddy can pull batteau lak good Cana- dian man. "I geev you steady job for sure, an' w'en you get 'im t'roo I bring you back on Canadaw, don't cos' de man un sou, Dat 's firs'-class steamboat all de way Kebeck an' Leeverpool, An' if you don't be satisfy, you mus' be beeg, beeg fool." 42 THE NILE EXPEDITION We meet upon Hotel Dufresne, an' talk heem till daylight, An' Joe he 's treat so many tarn, we very near get tight, Den affer w'ile, we mak' our min' dat 's not bad chance, an' so Joseph Mercier he's telegraph, "Correc', Ma- dame, we go." So Joe arrange de whole beez-nesse wit' Queen Victoriaw ; Two dollar day work all de tarn dat 's purty good 1'argent! An' w'en we start on Trois Rivieres, for pass on boar' de ship, Our frien' dey all say, "Bon voyage," an' den Hooraw ! E-gyp' ! Dat beeg steamboat was plonge so moche, I 'm 'fraid she never stop De Capitaine 's no use at all, can't kip her on de top An' so we all come very sick, jus' lak one leetle pup, An' ev'ry tarn de ship 's go down, de inside she 's go up. 43 THE NILE EXPEDITION I 'm sorry spoke lak dis, ma frien', if you don't t'ink it 's so, Please ax Joseph Mercier hese'f, or Aleck De Courteau, Dat stay on bed mos' all de tarn, so sick dey nearly die, But lak' some great, beeg Yankee man, was never tole de lie. De gang she 's travel, travel, t'roo many strange contree, An' ev'ry place is got new nam', I don't re- member, me, We see some fonny t'ing, for sure, more fonny I can tell, But w'en we reach de Neel Riviere, dat 's feel more naturel So many fine, beeg sojer man, I never see be- fore, All dress heem on grand uniform, is wait upon de shore, Some black, some green, an' red also, cos* honder dollar sure, An' holler out, "She 's all right now, here come de voyageurs!" 44 THE NILE EXPEDITION We see boss Generale also, he 's ride on beeg chameau. Dat 's w'at you call Ca-melle, I t'ink, I laugh de way she go ! Jomp up, jomp down, jomp ev'ry place, but still de Generale Seem satisfy for stay on top, dat fonny an-i- mal. He's holler out on Joe Mercier, "Comment ca va Joseph You lak for come right off wit' me, tak' leetle ride yourseff?" Joseph, he mak' de grand salut, an' tak' it off hees hat, "Merci, Mon Generale," he say, "I got no use for dat." Den affer we was drink somet'ing, an' sing "Le Brigadier," De sojer fellers get prepare, for mak' de em- barquer, An' everybody 's shout heem out, w'en we tak' hole de boat "Hooraw pour Queen Victoriaw!" an' also "pour nous autres. " 45 THE NILE EXPEDITION Bigosh; I do hard work mese'f upon de Ot- tawa, De Gatineau an' St. Maurice, also de Mat- tawa, But I don't never work at all, I 'sure you dat 's a fack Until we strike de Neel Riviere, an' sapre Catarack! "Dis way, dat way, can't keep her straight," "look out, Bateese, look out!" "Now let her go" "arrete un peu, " dat 's way de pilot shout, "Don't wash de neeger girl on shore," an' "prenez garde behin" "Wat 's 'matter wit' dat rudder man? I t'ink he's goin' blin'!" Some tam of course, de boat 's all right, an' carry us along An' den again, we mak portage, w'en current she 's too strong On place lak' dat, we run good chance, for sun- struck on de neck, An' plaintee tam we wish ourseff was back on ole Kebeck. 46 THE NILE EXPEDITION De seconde Catarack we pass, more beeger dan de Soo, She 's nearly t orty mile for sure, it would as- tonish you, Dat 's place t'ree Irishman get drown, wan day we have beeg storm, I s' Queen is feel lak cry, los' dat nice uniform! De night she 's very, very cole, an' hot upon de day, An' all de tarn, you feel jus' lak you 're goin' melt away, But never min' an' don't get scare, you mak' it up all right, An' twenty poun' you los' dat day, she 's comin' back sam' night. We got small bugle boy also, he 's mebbe stan' four foot, An' firs' t'ing ev'ry morning, sure, he mak' it toot! toot! toot! She 's nice enough upon de day, for hear de bugle call, But w'en she play before daylight, I don't lak dat at all. 47 THE NILE EXPEDITION We mus* get up immediatement, dat lee tie feller blow, An' so we start heem off again, for pull de beeg batteau, De sojer man he 's nice, nice boy, an' help us all he can, An' geev heem chance, he 's mos' as good lak some Canadian man. Wall all de tarn, she go lak dat, was busy every day, Don't get moche chance for foolishness, don't get no chance for play, Dere 's plaintee danger all aroun', an' w'en we 're comin' back We got look out for run heem safe, dem sapre Catarack. But w'ere 's de war? I can't mak' out, don't see no fight at all! She 's not 'ing but une Grande Piqnique, dat 's las' in all de fall ! Mebbe de neeger King he 's scare, an' skip anoder place, An' pour la Reine Victoriaw! I never see de face. 48 MEMORIES But dat 's not ma beez-nesse, ma frien', I 'm ready pull batteau So long she pay two dollar day, wit' pork an' bean also ; An' if she geev me steady job, for mak' some more 1'argent, I say, "Hooraw! for all de tarn, on Queen Victoriaw!" Memories J /~\ SPIRIT of the mountain that speaks to ^^^ us to-night, Your voice is sad, yet still recalls past visions of delight, When 'mid the grand old Laurentides, old when the earth was new, With flying feet we followed the moose and caribou. And backward rush sweet memories, like frag- ments of a dream, We hear the dip of paddle blades, the ripple of the stream, The mad, mad rush of frightened wings from brake and covert start, The breathing of the woodland, the throb of nature's heart. 4 49 MEMORIES Once more beneath our eager feet the forest carpet springs, We march through gloomy valleys, where the vesper sparrow sings. The little minstrel heeds us not, nor stays his plaintive song, As with our brave coureurs de bois we swiftly pass along. Again o'er dark Wayagamack, in bark canoe we glide, And watch the shades of evening glance along the mountain side. Anon we hear resounding the wizard loon's wild cry, And mark the distant peak whereon the lin- g'ring echoes die. But Spirit of the Northland! let the winter breezes blow, And cover every giant crag with rifts of driving snow. Freeze every leaping torrent, bind all the crys- tal lakes, Tell us of fiercer pleasures when the Storm King awakes. 50 MEMORIES And now the vision changes, the winds are loud and shrill, The falling flakes are shrouding the mountain and the hill, But safe within our snug cabane with comrades gathered near, We set the rafters ringing with "Roulant" and "Brigadier." Then after Pierre and Telesphore have danced "Le Caribou," Some hardy trapper tells a tale of the dreaded Loup Garou, Or phantom bark in moonlit heavens, with prow turned to the East, Bringing the Western voyageurs to join the Christmas feast. And while each backwoods troubadour is greeted with huzza. Slowly the homely incense of "tabac Cana- yen" Rises and sheds its perfume like flowers of Araby, O'er all the true-born loyal Enfants de la Patrie. PHIL-0-RUM JUNEAU And thus with song and story, with laugh and jest and shout, We heed not dropping mercury nor storms that rage without, But pile the huge logs higher till the chimney roars with glee, And banish spectral visions with La Chanson Normandie. "Brigadier! repondit Pandore Brigadier! vous avez raison, Brigadier! repondit Pandore, Brigadier! vous avez raison!" O spirit of the mountain! that speaks to us to-night, Return again and bring us new dreams of past delight, And while our heart-throbs linger, and till our pulses cease, We '11 worship thee among the hills where flows the Saint- Maurice. Phil-o-rum Juneau A Story of the " Chasse Gallerie" In the days of the "Old Regime" in Canada, the free life of the woods and prairies proved too tempting for the 52 PHIL-0-RUM JUNEAU young men, who frequently deserted civilization for the savage delights of the wilderness, These voyageurs and coureurs de bois seldom returned in the flesh, but on every New Year's Eve, back thro' snowstorm and hurricane in mid-air came their spirits in ghostly canoes, to join, for a brief spell, the old folks at home and kiss the girls, on the annual feast of the "Jour de 1'an," or New Year's Day The legend which still survives in French-speaking Canada is known as "La Chasse Gallerie." tTE sit on de corner mos' every night, ole Phil-o-rum Juneau, Spik wit' hese'f an' shake de head, an* smoke on de pipe also Very hard job it 's for wake him up, no matter de loud we call Wen he 's feex hese'f on de beeg arm-chair, back on de kitchen wall. He don't believe not'ing at all, at all 'bout lates' new fashion t'ing Le char 'lectrique an' de telephome, was talk w'en de bell she ring Dat 's leetle too moche for de ole bonhomme, mak" him shake it de head an' say "Wat's use mak' de foolish lak dat, sapre"! I 'm not born only yesterday. " 53 PHIL-O-RUM JUNEAU But if you want story dat 's true, true, true, I tole you good wan moi-meme An' de t'ing you was spik, dat I don't believe, for sure she was beat all dem. So he 's cough leetle cough, clear 'im up de t'roat, fill hees pipe wit' some more tabac, An' w'en de chil'ren is come tranquille, de ole man begin comme ca. L'enfant! 1'enfant! it's very strange t'ing! mak' me laugh too w 'en I hear De young peep talk of de long, long tarn of seventy, eighty year! Dat 's only be jus' eighty New Year Day, an' quickly was pass it by It 's beeg, beeg dream, an' you don't wake up, till affer you 're comin' die. Dat 's true sure enough, you see curi's t'ing, if you only leev leetle w'ile, So long you got monee go all de place, for mebbe t'ree t'ousan' mile, But monee 's not everyt'ing on dis worl',1 tole you dat, mes amis, An' man can be ole lak' two honder year, an' not see it, La Chasse Gal 'rie. 54 PHIL-O-RUM JUNEAU I never forget de fine New Year night, nearly seexty year ago, Wen I 'm lef ' it our place for attend soiree, on ole Maxime Baribault, Nine mile away, I can see tin roof, on church. of de St. Joseph, An' over de snow, de leaf dat die las' fall, was chasin' itse'f. Dere was some of da neighbor house I call, dat 's be de ole fashion style, An' very nice style too, mes amis, I hope she will las' long w'ile, I shak' it de han', I drink sante", an' kiss it de girl she 's face, So it 's come ten o'clock, w'en I pass on road, for visit Maxime hees place. But I 'm not go more mebbe t'ree arpent, w'en de sky is get black all roun', An' de win' she blow lak I never see, an' de beeg snowstorm come down. I mak' it my min' she 's goin' be soon, de very bad night for true, Dat 's locky I got plaintee whiskey lef, so I tak' it wan leetle "coup." 55 PHIL-O-RUM JUNEAU Purty quick affer dat, I 'm corhin' nice place, was stan'in' some fine beeg tree Were de snow don't dreef, an' it seem jus' lak dat place it is mak' for me, So I pass it on dere, for mak' safe mese'f, w'ile de storm is blow outside, As if all de devil on hell below, was tak' heem some fancy ride. Wan red fox he 's comin' so close, so close, I could ketch him wit' de han', But not on de tarn lak dis ma frien', "Marche toi all de quick you can, " Poor feller he 's tire an' seem los' hees way, an' w 'en he reach home dat night Mebbe he fin' it all was close up, an' de door it was fassen tight. But w'at is dat soun' mak' de hair stan' up, w'at is it mean, dat cry? Comin' over de high tree top, out of de nor'- wes' sky Lak cry of de wiT goose w'en she pass on de spring tarn an' de fall, But wiT goose fly on de winter night! I never see dat at all. 56 PHIL-O-RUM JUNEAU On, on t'roo de night, she is quickly come, more closer all de tarn, But not lak de cry of some wiT bird now, don't seem it at all de sam' ; An' den wit' de rush of de win', I hear some- body sing chanson An' de song dey sing is de ole, ole song, "Le Canayen Errant." But it 's mak' me lonesome an' scare also, jus* sam' I be goin' for die Wen I lissen dat song on night lak dis, so far away on de sky, Don't know w'at to do at all mese'f, so I go w 'ere I have good view, An' up, up above t'roo de storm an' snow, she 's comin' wan beeg canoe. Den somebody call it ma nam' out loud, firs' tarn it was scare me so, "We know right away, dat was you be dere, hello Phil-o-rum, hello!" An' soon I see him dat feller spik, I 'member him too mese'f, We go de sam' school twenty year before, hees nam's Telesphore Le Boeuf. 57 PHIL-O-RUM JUNEAU But I know on de way canoe she go, dat de crowd he mus' be dead man Was come from de Grande Riviere du Nord, come from Saskatchewan, Come too from all de place is lie on de Hodson Bay Contree, An' de t'ing I was see me dat New Year night, is le phantome Chasse Gal'rie. An' many de boy I was see him dere, I know him so long before He 's goin' away on de far contree for never return no more An' now on phantome he is comin' home t 'roo de storm an' de hurricane For kiss him de girl on jour de 1'an, an' see de ole peep again. De beeg voyageur w'at is steer canoe, wit' paddle hoi' on hees han' Got very long hair was hang down hees neck, de sam' as wil' Injin man Invite me on boar' dat phantome canoe, for show it dead man de way Don't lak it de job, but no use refuse, so I '11 mak' it de embarquer. 58 PHIL-0-RUM JUNEAU Den wan of de gang, he mus' be foreman, say it 's tarn for have leetle drink, So he pass heem black bottle for tak' un "coup, " an' it 's look lak ma own I t'ink, But it can't be de sam', I '11 be swear for dat, for w'en I was mak' de go, I fin* dere is not'ing inside but win', an' de whiskey 's phantome also. Dey be laugh affer dat, lak dey tak' some fit, so de boss spik him, "Tiens Phil-o-rum, Never min' on dem feller mus' have leetle sport, dat 's very long way we come, Will you ketch it de paddle for steer us quick on place of Maxime Baribault?" An' he 's ax me so nice, I do as he please', an* den away off she go. Wan minute two minute we pass on dere, Maxime he is all hooraw! An' we know by musique dat was play inside, mus' be de great Joe Violon, Dat feller work fiddle on very bes' way, dat nobody never see Mak' de boy an' de girl, ole peep also, dance lak dey was go crazee. 59 PHIL-O-RUM JUNEAU You s'pose dey was let me come on dat house? Not at all, for de boss he say, ' ' Phil-o-rum, it's long tarn we don't see our frien' can't get heem chance ev'ry day, Please stop on canoe so she won't blow off, w 'ile we pass on de house an' see Dem frien' we was lef an' de girl we spark, before we go strange contree. " An' me I was sit on canoe outside, jus' lak I was sapre fou, Watchin' dem feller dat 's all dead man, dance heem lak Loup Garou. De boss he kiss Marie Louise, ma girl, dat 's way he spen' mos' de tarn, But of course she know not 'ing of dat biz-nesse don't lak it me jus' de sam'. By tarn I 'm commence it for feel de col', dey 're all comin' out encore, An' we start off again t'roo de sky, hooraw! for mak' de visite some more, All de place on de parish we go dat night, w'erever dey get some dance, Till I feel it so tire, I could sleep right off, but dey don't geev it me no chance. 60 PHIL-O-RUM JUNEAU De las' place we 're passin' dat 's Bill Boucher, he 's very good frien' of me, An' I t'ink it 's near tarn I was lef dat crowd, so I '11 snub de canoe on tree, Den affer dead man he was safe inside, an' ev'rywan start danser, I go on de barn wat 's behin' de house, for see I can't hide away. She 's nice place de barn, an' got plaintee warm, an' I 'm feel very glad be dere, So long dead feller don't fin' me out, an' ketch it me on de hair, But s'pose I get col', work him hard all night, 'cos I make it wan leetle cough, Wen de rooster he 's scare, holler t'ree, four tam, an' whole t 'ing she bus' right off. I '11 never see not'ing so quick again Canoe an' dead man go scat! She 's locky de rooster he mak' de noise, bus* ev'ryt'ing up lak dat, Or mebbe dem feller get me encore, an' tak* me on Hodson Bay, But it 's all right now, for de morning 's come, an' he see me ole Bill Boucher. 61 PHIL-O-RUM JUNEAU I 'm feel it so tire, an' sore all de place, wit' all de hard work I do' 'Cos I 'm not very use for mak' paddle, me, on beeg, beeg phantome canoe, But Bill an' hees boy dey was leef me up, an' carry me on maison Were plaintee nice t'ing dey was mak' me eat an' drink it some whiskey blanc. An' now w'en I 'm finish, w'at you t'ink it youse'f, 'bout story dat you was hear? No wonner ma hair she is all turn w'ite before I get eighty year! But 'member dis t'ing, I be tole you firs, don't los' it mes chers amis, De man he can leev him on long, long tam, an' not see it La Chasse Gal'rie! He sit on de corner mos* every night, ole Phil- o-rum Juneau, Spik wit' hesef,' an' shak' de head, an' smoke on de pipe also, But kip very quiet, don't wak' him up, let him stay on de kitchen wall, For if you believe w'at de ole man say, you believe any t'ing at all. 62 DE BELL OF SAINT MICHEL De Bell of Saint Michel // 'way, go 'way, don't ring no more, ole bell of Saint Michel, For if you do, I can't stay here, you know dat very well, No matter how I close ma ear, I can't shut out de soun', It rise so high 'bove all de noise of dis beeg Yankee town. An' w'en it ring, I t'ink I feel de cool, cool summer breeze Dat 's blow across Lac Peezagonk, an' play among de trees, Dey 're makin' hay, I know mese'f, can smell de pleasant smell O! how I wish I could be dere to-day on Saint Michel! It 's fonny t'ing, for me I 'm sure, dat 's travel ev'ryw'ere, How moche I t'ink of long ago w'en I be leevin* dere; I can't 'splain dat at all, at all, mebbe it 's naturel, But I can't help it w'en I hear de bell of Saint Michel. 63 DE BELL OF SAINT MICHEL Dere 's plaintee t'ing I don't forget, but I remember bes' c)e spot I fin' wan day on June de small san'- piper's nes' An* dat hole on de reever w'ere I ketch de beeg, beeg trout Was very nearly pull me in before I pull heem out. An' leetle Elodie Leclaire, I wonner if she still Leev jus' sam' place she use to leev on 'noder side de hill. But s'pose she marry Joe Barbeau, dat 's alway hangin' roun' Since I am lef ole Saint Michel for work on Yankee town. Ah! dere she go, ding dong, ding, dong, its back, encore again An' ole chanson come on ma head of "a la claire fontaine, " I 'm not surprise it soun' so sweet, more sweeter I can tell For wit' de song also I hear de bell of Saint Michel. 64 PELANG It 's very strange about dat bell, go ding dong all de w'ile For when I 'm small gargon at school, can't hear it half a mile ; But seems more farder I get off from Church of Saint Michel, De more I see de ole village an' louder soun' de bell. O ! all de monee dat I male' w'en I be travel roun' Can't kip me long away from home on dis beeg Yankee town, I t'ink I '11 settle down again on Parish Saint Michel, An' leev an' die more satisfy so long I hear dat bell. Pelang "DELANO! Pelang! Mon cher gargon, I t'ink of you t'ink of you night and day Don't mak' no difference, seems to me De long long tarn you 're gone away. PELANG De snow is deep on de Grande Montagne Lak tender de rapide roar below De sam' kin' night, ma boy get los' On beeg, beeg storm forty year ago. An' I never was hear de win' blow hard, An' de snow come sweesh on de window pane But ev'ryt'ing 'pear lak' it 's yesterday An' whole of ma troub' is come back again. Ah me! I was foolish young girl den It 's only ma own plaisir I care, An' w'en some dance or soiree come off Dat 's very sure t'ing you will see me dere. Don't got too moche sense at all dat tarn, Run ev'ry place on de whole contree But I change beeg lot w'en Pelang come 'long, For I love him so well, kin' o' steady me. An' he was de bes' boy on Coteau, An' t'ink I am de bes' girl too for sure He 's tole me dat, geev de ring also Was say on de inside "Je t'aime toujours. " I geev heem some hair dat come off ma head, I mak' de nice stocking for warm hees feet, So ev'ryt'ing 's feex, w'en de spring is come For mak' mariee on de church toute suite. 66 PELANG "Wen de spring is come!" Ah I don't see dat, Dough de year is pass as dey pass before, An' de season come, an' de season go, But our spring never was come no more. It 's on de fte of de jour de 1'an, An' de worl' outside is cple an' w'ite As I sit an' watch for mon cher Pelang For he 's promise come see me dis very night. Bonhomme Peloquin dat is leev near us He 's alway keep look heem upon de moon See fonny t'ing dere only week before, An' say he 's expec' some beeg storm soon. So ma fader is mak' it de laugh on me "Pelang he's believe heem de ole Bon- homme Dat t'ink he see ev'ryt'ing on de moon An' mebbe he 's feel it too scare for come." But I don't spik not'ing I am so sure Of de promise Pelang is mak' wit' me An' de mos' beeg storm dat is never blow Can't kip heem away from hees own Marie. 67 PELANG I open de door, an' pass outside For see mese'f how de night is look An' de star is commence for go couche* De mountain also is put on hees tuque. No sooner, I come on de house again Were ev'ryt'ing feel it so nice an' warm, Dan out of de sky come de Nor' Eas' win' Out of de sky come de beeg snow storm. Blow lak not'ing I never see, Blow lak le diable he was mak' grande tour; De snow come down lak wan avalanche, An' cole! Mon Dieu, it is cole for sure! f I t'ink, I t'ink of mon pauvre gargon, Dat 's out mebbe on de Grande Montagne ; So I place chandelle w'ere it 's geev good light, An' pray Le Bon Dieu he will help Pelang. De ole folk t'ink I am go crazee, An' moder she 's geev me de good night kiss; She say "Go off on your bed, Marie, Dere 's nobody come on de storm lak dis." But ma eye don't close dat long, long, night For it seem jus' lak phantome is near, An' I t'ink of de terrible Loup Garou An' all de bad story I offen hear. 68 PELANG Dere was tarn I am sure something call "Marie" So plainly I open de outside door, But it 's meet me only de awful storm, An de cry pass away don't come no more. An' de morning sun, w'en he 's up at las', Fin' me w'ite as de face of de snow itse'f, For I know very well, on de Grande Montagne, Ma poor Pelang he 's come dead hese'f. It 's noon by de clock w'en de storm blow off, An' ma fader an' broder start out for see Any track on de snow by de mountain side, Or down on de place w'ere chemin should be. No sign at all on de Grande Montagne, No sign all over de w'ite, w'ite snow; Only hear de win' on de beeg pine tree, An' roar of de rapide down below. An' w'ere is he lie, mon cher Pelang! Pelang ma boy I was love so well? Only Le Bon Dieu up above An' mebbe de leetle snow bird can tell. An' I t'ink I hear de leetle bird say, "Wait till de snow is geev up its dead, Wait till I go, an' de robin come, An' den you will fin' hces cole, cole bed." 69 MON CHOUAL " CASTOR " An' it 's all come true, for w'en de sun Is warm de side of de Grande Montagne An' drive away all de winter snow, We fin' heem at las', mon cher Pelang! An' here on de fte of de jour de 1'an, Alone by mese'f I sit again, Wile de beeg, beeg storm is blow outside, An' de snow come sweesh on de window pane. Not all alone, for I t'ink I hear De voice of ma boy gone long ago ; Can hear it above de hurricane, An' roar of de rapide down below. Yes yes Pelang, mon cher garcon! I t'ink of you, t'ink of you night an' day, Don't mak' no difference seems to me How long de tarn you was gone away. Mon Choual " Castor' J T 'M poor man, me, but I buy las' May * Wan horse on de Comp'nie Passengaire, An' auction feller w'at sole heem say She 's out of de full-breed "Messengaire." 70 MON CHOUAL " CASTOR " Good trotter stock, also galluppe, But work long tarn on de city car, Of course she 's purty well break heem up, So come leetle cheap twenty-wan dollarre. Firs' chance I sen' heem on St. Cesaire, Were I t'ink he 's have moche better sight, Mebbe de grass an' de contree air Very soon was feex heem up all right. I lef ' heem dere till de fall come 'long, An' dat trotter he can't eat grass no more, An' w'en I go dere, I fin' heem strong Lak not'ing I never see before. I heetch heem up on de light sulkee, L 'enfant ! dat horse he is cover groun' ! Don't tak' long tarn for de crowd to see Mon choual he was leek all trotter roun'. Come down de race course lak' oiseau Tail over datch boar', nice you please, Can't tell for sure de quick he go, S 'pose somew'ere 'bout two, t'ree forties. I treat ma frien' on de whiskey blanc, An' we drink "Castor" he's bonne sante" From L'Achigan to St. Armand, He 's bes' horse sure on de whole comte". 71 MON CHOUAL " CASTOR " 'Bout week on front of dis, Lalime, Dat man drive horse call "Clevelan' Bay" Was challenge, so I match wit' heem For wan mile heat on straight away. Dat 's twenty dollarre on wan side, De lawyer 's draw de paper out, Birt if dem trotter come in tied, Wall! all dat monee 's go on spout. Nex' t'ing ma backer man, Labrie, Tak' off his catch-book vingt cinq cents, An' toss Lalime bes' two on free For see who 's go on inside fence. Bateese Lalime, he 's purty smart, An' gain dat toss wit' jockey trick. I don't care me, w'en "Castor" start, Very soon I t'ink he 's mak' heem sick. Beeg crowd of course was dere for see Dem trotter on de grand match race Some people come from St. Remi An' some from plaintee 'noder place. W'en all is ready, flag was fall An' way dem trotter pass on fence Lak not 'ing you never see at all, It mak' me t'ink of "St. Lawrence."* * " St. Lawrence," the Canadian " Dexter." 72 MON CHOUAL " CASTOR " "Castor," hees tail was stan' so straight Could place chapeau on de en' of top An' w'en he struck two forty gait Don't seem he 's never go for stop. Wall ! dat 's all right for firs' half mile W'en Clevelan' Bay commence for break, Dat mak' me feel very moche lak smile, I 'm sure "Castor" he 's took de cake. But Lalime pull heem hard on line An' stop "Clevelan"' before go far, It 's all no good, he can't ketch mine I 'm go more quicker lak express car. I 'm feel all right for my monee, For sure mon Choual he 's took firs' place r W 'en 'bout arpent from home, sapre*, Somet'ing she 's happen, I 'm los' de Wan bad boy he 's come out on track, I cannot see dat bad boy's han'; He 's hoi' somet'ing behin' hees back, It was small bell, I understan'. Can spik for dat, ma horse go well, An' never show no sign of sweat, Until dat boy he 's ring hees bell Misere! I t'ink I hear heem yet! 73 MON CHOUAL " CASTOR " Wall! jus' so soon mon Choual "Castor" Was hear dat bell go kling! klang! kling! He 's t 'ink of course of city car, An' s'pose mus' be conductor ring. Firs' t'ing I know ma trotter 's drop Dat tail was stan' so straight before, An' affer dat, mebbe he stop For me, I don't know not'ing more. But w'en I 'm come alive again I fin' dat horse call "Clevelan' Bay" Was got firs' place, an' so he 's gain Dat wan mile heat on straight away. An' now w'erever I am go Bad boy he 's sure for holler an' yell Dis done! Dis done! Paul Archambault! Wat's matter wit' your chestnutte bell? Mak' plaintee troub' dem bad garcons, An' offen ring some bell also, Was mad! Could plonge on de St. Laurent An' w'at to do, "Castor" don't know. Las' tam I pass de railway track For drive avec mon frere Alfred, In-jinne she's ring, "Castor" he's back, Monjee! it 's fonny I 'm not come dead! 74 OLE TAM ON BORD-A PLOUFFE Toujours comme ga ! an' mak' me sick, But horse dat work long on les chars Can't broke dem off on fancy trick So now I 'm busy for sole " Castor. " Ole Tarn on Bord-a Plouffe T LAK on summer ev'ning, w'en nice cool win' is blowin' An' up above ma head, I hear de pigeon on de roof, To bring ma chair an' sit dere, an' watch de current flowin' Of ole Riviere des Prairies as she pass de Bord-a Plouffe. But it seem dead place for sure now, on shore down by de lan'in' No more de voyageurs is sing lak dey was sing alway De tree dey 're commence growin' w'ere shaintee once is stan'in', An' no one scare de swallow w'en she fly across de bay. 75 OLE TAM ON BORD-A PLOUFFE I don't lak see de reever she 's never doin' not 'in' But passin' empty ev'ry day on Bout de 1'ile below Ma ole shaloup dat 's lyin' wit' all its timber rottin' An' tarn so change on Bord-a Plouffe since forty year ago! De ice dat freeze on winter, might jus' as well be stay dere, For w'en de spring she 's comin' de only t'ing I see Is two, t'ree piqnique feller, hees girl was row away dere, Don't got no use for water now, on Riviere des Prairies. 'T was diff rent on dem summer you could n't see de reever, Wit' saw-log an' squar' timber raf, mos' all de season t'roo Two honder man an' more too all busy lak de beaver, An' me! I 'm wan de pilot for ronne 'em down de "Soo. " 76 OLE TAM ON BORD-A PLOUFFE Don't 'member lak I use to, for now I 'm get- tin' ole, me But still I can't forget Bill Wade, an' Guil- laume Lagasse, Joe Monferrand, Bazile Montour wit' plaintee I can't tole, me, An' king of all de Bord-a Plouffe, M'sieu' Venance Lemay. Lak small boy on hees lesson, I learn de way to han'le Mos' beeges' raf is never float upon de Ottawaw, Ma fader show me dat too, for well he know de channel, From Dutchman Rapide up above to Bout de 1 'ile en bas. He 's smart man too, ma fader, only t'ing he got de bow-leg, Ridin' log w'en leetle feller, mebbe dat 's de reason w'y. All de sam', if he's in hurry, den Bagosh! he 's got heem no leg But wing an' fedder lak oiseau, was fly upon de sky! 77 OLE TAM ON BORD-A PLOUFFE O dat was tarn we 're happy, an' man dey 're alway singin', For if it 's hard work on de raf, w'y dere 's your monee sure! An' ev'ry summer evenin', ole Bord-a Plouffe she 's ringin' Wit' "En Roulant ma Boule" an' "J* aimerai toujour. " Dere dey 're comin' on de wagon ! fine young feller ev'ry wan too, Dress im up de ole tarn fashion, dat I lak for see encore, Yellin' hooraw! t'roo de village, all de horse upon de ronne too, Ah poor Bord-a Plouffe! she never have dem tam again no more ! Very off en w'en I 'm sleepin', I was feel as if I 'm goin' Down de ole Riviere des Prairies on de raf* de sam as den An' ma dream is only lef me, w'en de rooster commence crowin' But it can't do me no harm, 'cos it mak' me young again. 78 OLE TAM ON BORD-A PLOUFFE An' upon de morning early, w'en de reever fog is clearin' An' sun is makin' up hees min' for drive away de dew, W'en young bird want hees breakfas', I wak' an' t'ink I 'm hearin' Somebody shout "Hooraw, Bateese, de raf she 's wait for you." Dat 's voice of Guillaume Lagasse* was call me on de morning Jus' outside on de winder w'ere you look across de bay, But he's drown upon de Longue "Soo, " wit' never word of warning An' green grass cover over poor Guillaume Lagasse. I s'pose dat 's meanin' somet'ing mebbe I 'm not long for stay here, Seein' all dem strange t'ing happen dead frien' comin' roun' me so But I 'm sure I die more happy, if I got jus* wan more day here, Lak we have upon de ole tam Bord-a Plouffe of long ago! 79 THE GRAND SEIGNEUR The Grand Seigneur ^T^O the hut of the peasant, or lordly hall, To the heart of the king, or humblest thrall, Sooner or late, love comes to all, And it came to the Grand Seigneur, my dear, It came to the Grand Seigneur. The robins were singing a roundelay, And the air was sweet with the breath of May, As a horseman rode thro' the forest way, And he was a Grand Seigneur, my dear, He was a Grand Seigneur. Lord of the Manor, Count Belief ontaine, Had spurr'd over many a stormy plain With gallants of France at his bridle rein, For he was a brave Cavalier, my dear He was a brave Cavalier. But the huntsman's daughter, La Belle Marie, Held the Knight's proud heart in captivity, And oh ! she was fair as the fleur de lys, Tho' only a peasant maid, my dear, Only a peasant maid. 80 THE GRAND SEIGNEUR Thro* the woodland depths on his charger grey To the huntsman's cottage he rides away, And the maiden lists to a tale to-day TJaat haughtiest dame might hear, my dear, That haughtiest dame might hear. But she cried "Alas! it may never be, For my heart is pledged to the young Louis, And I love him, O Sire, so tenderly, Tho' he 's only a poor Chasseur, my Lord, Only a poor Chasseur. " "Enough," spake the Knight with a courtly bow, "Be true to thy lover and maiden vow, For virtue like thine is but rare, I trow, And farewell to my dream of love, and thee, Farewell to my dream of thee, " And they say the gallant Count Bellefontaine Bestowed on the couple a rich domain, But you never may hear such tale again, For he was a Grand Seigneur, my dear, He was a Grand Seigneur! 6 81 M'SIEU SMIT M'sieu Smit', The Adventures of an Englishman in the Canadian Woods VKT'AN morning de walkim boss say " Damase, I t 'ink you 're good man on canoe d'ecorce, So I '11 ax you go wit' your frien' Phileas An' meet M'sieu Smit' on Chenail W'ite Horse. "He'll have I am sure de grosse baggage Mebbe some valise mebbe six or t'ree But if she 's too moche for de longue portage 'Poleon he will tak' 'em wit' mail buggee." Wen we reach Chenail, plaintee peep be dere, An' wan frien' of me, call Placide Chretien, 'Splain all dat w'en he say man from Angleterre Was spik heem de crowd on de "Parisien. " Fonny way dat Englishman he '11 be dress * Leetle pant my dear frien' jus' come on knee, Wit' coat dat 's no coat at all only ves* An' hat de more stranger I never see! 82 M'SIEU SMIT' Wall! dere he sit on de en' some log An' swear heem in English purty loud Den talk Frangais, w'ile hees chien boule dog Go smellim an' smellim aroun' de crowd. I spik im "Bonjour, M'sieu Smit', Bonjour,. I hope dat yourse'f and famille she 's well?" M'sieu Smit' he is also say "Bonjour," An' call off hees dog dat 's commence for smell. I tell heem my name dat 's Damase Labrie I am come wit' Phileas for mak' de trip, An' he say I 'm de firs' man he never see Spik English encore since he lef de ship. He is also ax it to me " Damase, De peep she don't seem understan' Frangais, Wat's matter wit' dat?" An' I say "Becos" You mak' too much talk on de Parisien." De groun* she is pile wit' baggage Sapre"! An' I see purty quick we got plaintee troub Two tronk, t'ree valise, four-five fusil, An' w'at M'sieu Smit' he is call "bat* tubbe." M 'sieu Smit' he 's tole me w'at for 's dat t'ing, An' it seem Englishman he don't feel -correc' Until he 's go plonge on some bat' morning An' sponge it hees possibill high hees neck. 83 M'SIEU SMIT Of course dat 's not'ing of my beez-nesse, He can plonge on de water mos' ev'ry day, But I t'ink for mese'f it mak' foolishness An' don't do no good w'en your bonne sante. Wen I tell 'Poleon he mus* mak' dat job, Dere 's leetle too moche for canoe d'ecorce, He's mad right away an' say "Sapre diable! You t'ink I go work lak wan niggerhorse? ""I 'm not manufacture dat way, ba non, Dat rich stranger man he have lot monee, I go see my frien' Onesime Gourdon, An' tole heem bring horse wit' some more buggee. " Wall! affer some w'ile dey '11 arrange all dat, 'Poleon an' hees frien' Onesime Gourdon, But w'en 'Poleon is tak' hole of bat', He receive it beeg scare immediatement ! Dat chien boule dog, I was tole you 'bout' I ani not understan' w 'at good she 's for, Eat 'Poleon's leg w'it hees teet' an' mout, 'Poleon he is feel very mad by Gor! 84 M'SIEU SMIT Of course I am poule heem hees tail toute suite But I don't know some reason mak' all dis troub', Wen I hear me dat Englishman, M'sieu Smit* Say 'Poleon, w'at for you took my tubbe? "Leff 'im dere for I don't low nobodee Walk heem off on any such way lak dat; You may tak' all de res', an' I don't care me But de man he '11 be keel who is tak' my bat'." "I will carry heem wit' me, " say M 'sieu Smit' "W'erever dat tubbe she mus' go, I go No matter de many place we visite, An' my sponge I will tak' mese'f also." Phileas say "Damase, we mus' bull* some raf Or mebbe some feller be sure get drown"; Dis geev me plaisir, but I 'm scare mak' laf, So I '11 do it mese'f, inside, way down. At las' we are start on voyage, sure miff, M'sieu Smit' carry tubbe on de top hees head, Good job, I t'ink so, de lac is n't rough, Or probably dis tarn, we 're all come dead. 85 M'SIEU SMIT De dog go wit' Onesime Gourdon, An' Onesime afferwar' say to me, "Dat chien bonle dog is eat 'Poleon Was de more quiet dog I never see. " But fun she 's commence on very nex' day Wen we go camp out on de Castor Noir. Dat Englishman he '11 come along an' say "I hope some wil' Injun she don't be dere. "I have hear many tarn, dat de wood be foule Of Injun w'at tak' off de hair your head. But so surely my name she 's Johnnie Boule If I see use dem feller I shoot it dead. " Phileas den pray harder, more quick he can Mebbe he 's t'ink dat 's hees las' portage De moder hees fader, she 's Injun man Derefore an' also, he is wan Sauvage. I say "Don't mak' it some excitement; Saison she is ' close ' on de spring an' fall, An' dem peep dat work on de Gouvernement Don't lak you shoot Injun dis mont' at all. Nex' day M'sieu Smit' is perform hees plonge We see heem go done it Phileas an' me, An' w'en he 's hang up bat' tubbe an' sponge We go on de wood for mak' Chasse perdrix. 36 M'SIEU SMIT An' mebbe you will not believe to me, But w'en we come back on de camp encore De sponge of dat Englishman don 't be see, An' we fin' beeg bear she 's go dead on shore. Very fonny t'ing how he 's loss hees life, But Phileas he '11 know hese'f purty quick, He cut M'sieu Bear wit' hees hunter knife, An' sponge she 's fall out on de bear stummick. Day affer we get two fox houn' from Boss Dat 's good for ketch deer on de fall an' spring. Den place Englishman w'ere he can 't get los' An' tole heem shoot quicker he see somet'ing. Wat 's dat leetle deer got no horn at all? She '11 be moder small wan en suite bimeby. Don't remember mese'f w'at name she 's call. But dat 's de kin' start w'en de dog is cry. We see heem come down on de runaway De dog she is not very far behin' An' w'en dey pass place M'sieu Smit' is stay We expec' he will shoot or make noise some kin' I But he 's not shoot at all, mon cher ami, So we go an' we ax "Is he see some deer?'* He say " Dat 's long tarn I am stay on tree But I don't see not'ing she 's pass on here.'* 8? M'SIEU SMIF We spik heem once more, "He dor't see fox houn'?" Wat you t'ink he is say, dat Englishman? "Yes, I see dem pass quickly, upon de groun', Wan beeg yellow dog, an' two small brown wan." He 's feel de more bad I don't see before Wen he know dat beeg dog, she 's wan small deer, An' for mak' ev'ryt'ing correc' encore We drink I am sure six bouteilles de biere. Nex' day dat 's Dimanche he is spik to me, "Damase, you mus' feel leetle fatigue, You may sle'p wit' Phileas w 'ile I go an' see I can't get some nice quiet tarn to-day. " So for keep 'way skeeter, an' fly also Bouteille from de shelf M'sieu Smit' he tak', Den he start wit' his chien boule dog an' go For nice quiet walk on shore of lac. We don't sle'p half hour we'n dere 's beeg, beeg yell, Lak somet'ing I 'm sure don't hear long tarn, An' we see wan feller we cannot tell, Till he spik it, "Damase! Phileas!! dam dam!!! 88 M'SIEU SMIT' Den we know it at once mon, cher ami, But she 's swell up hees face hees neck an*' han'! It seem all de skeeter on w'ole contree Is jump on de head of dat Englishman. Some water on poor M'sieu Smit' we '11 t'row,. An' w'en he 's tranquille fin' out ev'ry- t'ing; Bouteille he 's rub on, got some nice sirop I was mak' mese'f on de wood las' spring. Dere was jus' 'noder t'ing he seem for care An' den he is feel it more satisfy, Dat t'ing, my dear frien', was for keel some bear, If he '11 do dat wan tam, he 's prepare for die.. Phile'as say he know w'ere some blue berree Mak' very good place for de bear have fonne, So we start nex' day on morning earlee, An' M'sieu Smit' go wit' hees elephan' gun. Wan woman sauvage she is come be dere, Mebbe want some blue berree mak' some pie, Dat' Englishman shoot, he is t'ink she 's bear, An' de woman she's holler, "Mon Dieu, I'm die!" 89 M'SIEU SMIT' M 'sieu Smit' he don't do no harm, becos He is shake hese'f w'en he shoot dat squaw, But scare he pay hunder' dollar cos' For keel some sauvage on de "close" saison. T'ree day affer dat, we start out on lac For ketch on de water wan Cariboo, But win' she blow strong, an' we can't get back Till we t'row ourse'f out on dat canoe. We t'ink M 'sieu Smit' he is sure be drown, Leetle w'ile we can't see heem again no more, .An' den he 's come up from de place go down An' jomp on hees bat' tubbe an' try go shore. Wen he 's pass on de bat', he say "Hooraw!" An' commence right away for mak' some sing; I 'm sure you can hear heem ten-twelve arpent 'Bout "Brittanie, she alway' mus' boss some- t'ing." Dat 's all I will tole you jus' now, my frien' ; I s'pose you don't know de more fonny case, But if Englishman go on wood again I '11 have more storee w'en you pass my place. 90 WHEN ALBANI SANG When Albani Sang v "\X7AS workin' away on de farm dere, wan morning not long ago, Feexin' de fence for winter 'cos dat 's w'ere we got de snow! Wen Jeremie Plouffe, ma neighbor, come over an' spik wit' me, "Antoine, you will come on de city, for hear Ma-dam All-ba-nee?" "Wat you mean?" I was sayin' right off, me, "Some woman was mak' de speech, Or girl on de Hooraw Circus, doin' high kick an' screech?" "Non non, " he is spikin' "Excuse me, dat 's be Ma-dam All-ba-nee Was leevin' down here on de contree, two mile 'noder side Chambly. "She's jus' comin' over from Englan', on steamboat arrive Kebeck, Singin' on Lunnon, an' Paree, an' havin' beeg tam, I expec', But no matter de moche she enjoy it, for travel all roun' de worl', Somet'ing on de heart bring her back here, for she was de Chambly girl. WHEN ALBANI SANG "She never do not'ing but singin* an' makin, de beeg grande tour An' travel on summer an' winter, so mus' be de firs' class for sure! Ev'ryboddy I 'm t'inkin' was know her, an' I also hear 'noder t'ing, She 's frien' on La Reine Victoria an' show her de way to sing!" "Wall," I say, "you're sure she is Chambly, w'at you call Ma-dam All-ba-nee? Don't know me dat nam' on de Canton I hope you 're not fool wit' me?" An' he say, "Lajeunesse, dey was call her, be- fore she is come mariee, But she 's takin' de nam' of her husban' I s'pose dat 's de only way." "C'est bon, mon ami," I was say me, "if I get t'roo de fence nex' day An' she don't want too moche on de monee, den mebbe I see her play." So I finish dat job on to-morrow, Jeremie he was helpin' me too, An' I say, "Len' me t'ree dollar quickly for mak' de voyage wit' you. " 92 WHEN ALBANI SANG Correc' so we 're startin' nex' morning, an* arrive Montreal all right, Buy dollar tiquette on de bureau, an' pass on de hall dat night. Beeg crowd, wall! I bet you was dere too, all dress on some fancy dress, De lady, I don 't say not'ing, but man 's all w'ite shirt an' no ves'. Don't matter, w'en ban' dey be ready, de fore- man strek out wit' hees steek, An' fiddle an' ev'ryt'ing else too, begin for play up de musique. It 's fonny t'ing too dey was playin' don't lak it mese'f at all, I rader be lissen some jeeg, me, or w'at you call" Afferde ball." An' I 'm not feelin' very surprise den, w'en de crowd holler out, "Encore," For mak' all dem feller commencin' an try leetle piece some more, 'Twas better wan' too, I be t'inkin', but slow lak you 're goin' to die, All de sam', noboddy say not'ing, dat mean dey was satisfy. 93 WHEN ALBANI SANG After dat come de Grande piano, lak we got on Chambly Hotel, She 's nice lookin' girl was play dat, so of course she 's go off purty well, Den feller he 's ronne out an' sing some, it 's all about very fine moon, Dat shine on Canal, ev'ry night too, I 'm sorry I don't know de tune. Nex' t'ing I commence get excite, me, for I don't see no great Ma-dam yet, Too bad I was los' all dat monee, an' too late for de raffle tiquette! Wen jus' as I feel very sorry, for come all de way from Chambly, Jeremie he was w'isper, "Tiens, Tiens, prenez garde, she's comin' Ma-dam All-ba-nee!" Ev'ryboddy seem glad w'en dey see her, come walkin' right down de platform, An' way dey mak' noise on de han' den, w'y! it 's jus' lak de beeg tonder storm! I '11 never see not'ing lak dat, me, no matter I travel de worl', An' Ma-dam, you t 'ink it was scare her? Non, she laugh lak de Chambly girl ! 94 WHEN ALBANI SANG Dere was young feller comin' behin' her, walk nice, comme un Cavalier, An' before All-ba-nee she is ready an' piano get startin' for play, De feller commence wit' hees singin' more stronger dan all de res', 1 1 'ink he 's got very bad manner, know not 'ing at all politesse. Ma-dam, I s'pose she get mad den, an' before anyboddy can spik, She settle right down for mak' sing too, an' purty soon ketch heem up quick, Den she 's kip it on gainin' an' gainin', till de song it is tout finis, An' w'en she is beatin' dat feller, Bagosh ! I am proud Chambly! I 'm not very sorry at all, me, w'en de feller was ronnin' away, An' man he 's come out wit' de piccolo, an' start heem right off for play, For it 's kin' de musique I be fancy, Jeremie he is lak it also, An' wan de bes' t'ing on dat ev'ning is man wit' de piccolo! WHEN ALBANI SANG Den mebbe ten minute is passin', Ma-dam she is comin' encore, Dis tarn all alone on de platform, dat feller don 't show up no more, An' w'en she start off on de singin' Jeremie say, "Antoine, dat 's Frangais," Dis give us more pleasure, I tole you, 'cos w'y? We 're de pure Canayen! Dat song I will never forget me,' twas song of de leetle bird, W 'en he 's fly from it 's nes' on de tree top, 'fore res' of de worl' get stirred, Ma-dam she was tole us about it, den start off so quiet an' low, An' sing lak de bird on de morning, de poor leetle small oiseau. I 'member wan tarn I be sleepin' jus' onder some beeg pine tree An song of de robin wak' me, but robin he don't see me, Dere 's not 'ing for scarin' dat bird dere, he 's feel all alone on de worl', Wall! Ma-dam she mus' lissen lak dat too, w'en she was de Chambly girl! 96 WHEN ALBANI SANG 'Cos how could she sing dat nice chanson, de sam' as de bird I was hear, Till I see it de maple an' pine tree an' Riche- lieu ronnin' near, Again I 'm de leetle feller, lak young colt upon de spring Dat 's jus' on de way I was feel, me, w'en Ma- dam All-ba-nee is sing! An' affer de song it is finish, an' crowd is mak' noise wit' its han', I s'pose dey be t'inkin' I 'm crazy, dat mebbe I don't onderstan', Cos I 'm set on de chair very quiet, mese'f an' poor Jeremie, An' I see dat hees eye it was cry too, jus' sam' way it go wit' me. Dere 's rosebush outside on our garden, ev'ry spring it has got new nes,' But only wan bluebird is buil' dere, I know her from all de res', An' no matter de far she be flyin' away on de winter tarn, Back to her own leetle rosebush she 's comin' dere jus' de sam'. 7 97 DE CAMP ON DE " CHEVAL GRIS " We 're not de beeg place on our Canton, mebbe cole on de winter, too, But de heart's "Canayen" on our body, an' dat 's-warm enough for true! An' w'en All-ba-nee was got lonesome for travel all roun' de worl' I hope she '11 come home, lak de bluebird an' again be de Chambly girl! De Camp on de " Cheval Gris" 'member de ole log-camp, Johnnie, up on de Cheval Gris, Were we work so hard all winter, long ago you an' me? Dere was fourteen man on de gang, den, all from our own paroisse, An' only wan lef dem feller is ourse'f an' Pierre Laframboise. But Pierre can't see on de eye, Johnnie, I t'ink it 's no good at all ! An' it was n't for not'ing you 're gettin' rheu- mateez on de leg las' fall ! I t'ink it 's no use waitin', for neider can come wit' me, So alone I mak' leetle visit dat camp on de Cheval Gris. 98 DE CAMP ON DE " CHEVAL GRIS " An' if only you see it, Johnnie, an' change dere was all aroun', Ev'ryt'ing gone but de timber an' dat is all fallin' down; No sign of portage by de reever w'ere man dey was place canoe, Wy', Johnnie, I 'm cry lak de bebe", an' I 'm glad you don 't come, mon vieux ! But strange t 'ing's happen me dere, Johnnie, mebbe I go asleep, As I lissen de song of de rapide, as pas' de Longue Soo she sweep, Ma head she go biz-z-z lak de sawmeel, I don't know w'at 's wrong wit' me, But firs' t'ing I don't know not'ing, an' den w'at you t'ink I see? Yourse'f an' res' of de boy, Johnnie, by light of de coal oil lamp, An you 're singin' an' tolin' story, sittin aroun' de camp, We hear de win' on de chimley, an' we know it was beeg, beeg storm, But ole box stove she is roarin', an' camp's feelin' nice an' warm. 99 DE CAMP ON DE " CHEVAL GRIS " I t'ink you're on boar' of de raf, Johnnie, near head of Riviere du Loup, Wen LeRoy an' young Patsy Kelly get drown comin' down de Soo, Wall! I see me dem very same feller, jus' lak you see me to-day, Playin' dat game dey call checker, de game dey was play alway! An 1 Louis Charette asleep, Johnnie, wit' hees back up agen de wall, Makin' soche noise wit' hees nose, dat you .t'ink it was moose on de fall, I s'pose he 's de mos' fattes' man dere 'cept mebbe Bateese La Rue, But if I mak fonne on poor Louis, I know he was good boy too! Wat you do over dere on your bunk, Johnnie, lightin' dem allumettes, Are you shame 'cos de girl she write you, is dat de las' wan you get ? It 's fonny you can't do widout it ev'ry tarn you was goin' bed, Wy readin' dat letter so offen, you mus' have it all on de head ! 100 DE CAMP ON DE " CHEVAL GRIS " Dat 's de very sam' letter, Johnnie, was comin* t 'ree mont' ago, I t'ink I know somet'ing about it, 'cos I fin' it wan day on de snow, An' I see on de foot dat letter, Philomene she is do lak dis: * * * I 'm not very moche on de school, me, but I t'ink dat was mean de kiss. Wall! nobody's kickin* de row, Johnnie, an* if allumettes' fini, Put Philomene off on your pocket, an' sing leetle song wit' me ; For don't matter de hard you be workin' tou- jours you 're un bon garc.on, An' nobody sing lak our Johnnie, Kebeck to de Mattawa ! An' it 's den you be let her go, Johnnie, till roof she was mos' cave in, An' if dere 's firs' prize on de singin', Bagosh! you 're de man can win ! Affer dat come fidelle of Joe Pilon, an' he 's feller can make it play, So we 're clearin' de floor right off den, for have leetle small danser. 101 DE CAMP ON DE " CHEVAL GRIS " An' w'en dance she was tout finis, Johnnie, I go de sam' bunk wit' you Were we sleep lak two broder, an' dream of de girl on Riviere du Loup, Very nice ontil somebody call me, it soun' lak de boss Pelang, "Leve toi, Jeremie ma young feller, or else you '11 be late on de gang." An' den I am wak' up, Johnnie, an' w'ere do you t'ink I be? Dere was de wood an' mountain, dere was de Cheval Gris, But w'ere is de boy an' musique I hear only w'ile ago? Gone lak de flower las' summer, gone lak de winter snow ! An' de young man was bring me up, Johnnie, dat 's son of ma boy Maxime, Say, "Gran 'fader, w'at is de matter, you havin' de bad, bad dream? Come look on your face on de well dere, it 's w'ite lak I never see, Mebbe 't was better you 're stayin', an' not go along wit' me." DE CAMP ON DE " CHEVAL GRIS" An' w'en I look down de well, Johnnie, an* see de ole feller dere, I say on mese'f "you be makin' fou Jeremie Chateau vert, For t'ink you 're gargon agen. Ha ! ha ! jus' 'cos you are close de eye, An' only commence for leevin' w'en you 're ready almos' for die!" Ah! dat 's how de young day pass, Johnnie, purty moche lak de t'ing I see, Sometam dey be las' leetle longer, sam' as wit* you an' me, But no matter de ole we 're leevin', de tarn she must come some day, Wen boss on de place above, Johnnie, he 's callin' us all away. I 'm glad I was go on de camp, Johnnie, I t'ink it will do me good, Mebbe it 's las' tarn too, for sure, I '11 never pass on de wood, For I don't expec' moche longer ole Jeremie will be lef, But about w'at I see dat day, Johnnie, tole nobody but yourse'f. 103 DE STOVE PIPE HOLE - De Stove Pipe Hole r\AT 's very cole an' stormy night on Vil- lage St. Mathieu, Wen ev'ry wan he 's go couche", an' dog was quiet, too Young Dominique is start heem out see Em- meline Gourdon, Was leevin' on her fader's place, Maxime de Forgeron. Poor Dominique he 's lak dat girl, an' love her mos' de tarn, An' she was mak' de promise sure some day she be his famme, But she have worse ole fader dat 's never on de worl', Was swear onless he 's riche lak diable, no feller 's get hees girl. He 's mak' it plaintee fuss about hees daughter Emmeline, Dat 's mebbe nice girl, too, but den, Mon Dieu, she 's not de queen ! An' w'en de young man's come aroun' for spark it on de door, An' hear de ole man swear "Bapteme!" he's never come no more. 104 DE STOVE PIPE HOLE Young Dominique he 's sam' de res', was scare for ole Maxime, He don't lak risk hese'f too moche for chances seein' heem, Dat 's only stormy night he come, so dark you cannot see, An dat 's de reason w'y also, he 's climb de gallerie. De girl she 's waitin' dere for heem don't care about de rain, So glad for see young Dominique he 's comin' back again, Dey bote forget de ole Maxime, an' mak de embrasser An affer dey was finish dat, poor Dominique is say "Good-bye, dear Emmeline, good-bye; I'm goin' very soon, For you I got no better chance, dan feller on de moon It 's all de fault your fader, too, dat I be go away, He 's got no use for me at all I see dat ev'ry day. 105 DE STOVE PIPE HOLE "He 's never meet me on de road but he is say 'SapreT An' if he ketch me on de house I 'm scare he 's killin' me, So I mus' lef ole St. Mathieu, for work on 'noder place, An' till I mak de beeg for-tune, you never see ma face." Den Emmeline say "Dominique, ma love you '11 alway be An' if you kiss me two, t'ree tam I '11 not tole noboddy But prenez garde ma fader, please, I know he 's get tin' ole All sam' he offen walk de house upon de stock- in' sole. "Good-bye, good-bye, cher Dominique! I know you will be true, I don't want no riche feller me, ma heart she go wit' you," Dat 's very quick he 's kiss her den, before de fader come, But don't get too moche pleasurement so 'fraid de ole Bonhomme. 1 06 DE STOVE PIPE HOLE Wall! jus' about dey 're half way t'roo wit all dat love beez-nesse Emmeline say, "Dominique, w'at for you're scare lak all de res'? Don't see mese'f moche danger now de ole man comearoun'," Wen minute affer dat, dere 's noise, lak' house she 's fallin' down. Den Emmeline she holler "Fire! will no wan come for me?" An Dominique is jomp so high, near bus' de gallerie, "Help! help! right off," somebody shout, "I 'm killin' on ma place, It 's all de fault ma daughter, too, dat girl she's ma disgrace." He 's kip it up long tarn lak dat, but not hard tellin' now, W'at 's all de noise upon de house who 's kick heem up de row? It seem Bonhomme was sneak aroun' upon de stockin' sole, An' firs' t'ing den de ole man walk right t'roo de stove pipe hole. 107 DE STOVE PIPE HOLE Wen Dominique is see heem dere, wit' wan leg hang below, An' 'noder leg straight out above, he 's glad for ketch heem so De ole man can't do not'ing, den, but swear and ax for w'y Noboddy tak' heem out dat hole before he 's comin' die. Den Dominique he spik lak dis, "Mon cher M'sieur Gourdon I 'm not riche city feller, me, I 'm only habi- tant, But I was love more I can tole your daughter Emmeline, An' if I marry on dat girl, Bagosh ! she 's lak de Queen. "I want you mak de promise now, before it 's come too late, An' I mus' tole you dis also, dere 's not moche tam for wait. Your foot she 's hangin' down so low, I 'm 'fraid she ketch de cole, Wall! if you give me Emmeline, I pull you out de hole." 1 08 DE STOVE PIPE HOLE Dat mak' de ole man swear more hard he never swear before, An' wit' de foot he 's got above, he 's kick it on de floor, "Non, non, " he say "Sapre* tonnerre! she never marry you, An' if you don't look out you get de jail on St. Mathieu. " "Correc'," young Dominique is say, "mebbe de jail 's tight place, But you got wan small corner, too, I see it on de face, So if you don't lak geev de girl on wan poor habitant, Dat 's be mese'f, I say, Bonsoir, mon cher M'sieur Gourdon. " "Come back, come back," Maxime is shout "I promise you de girl, I never see no wan lak you no never on de worl'! It 's not de nice trick you was play on man dat 's gettin' ole, But do jus' w'at you lak, so long you pull me out de hole." 109 " DE SNOWBIRD " "Hooraw! Hooraw!" Den Dominique is pull heem out tout suite An' Emmeline she 's helpin' too for place heem on de feet, An' affer dat de ole man 's tak' de young peep down de stair, Were he is go couch right off, an' dey go on parloir. Nex' Sunday morning dey was call by M'sieur le Cure. Get marry soon, an' ole Maxime geev Emme- line away ; Den affer dat dey settle down lak habitant is do, An' have de mos' fine familee on Village St. Mathieu. "De Snowbird" LEETLE bird dat 's come to us w'en stormy win' she 's blowin', An' ev'ry fiel' an' mountain top is cover wit* de snow, How far from home you 're flyin', noboddy 's never knowin' For spen' wit' us de winter tam, mon cher petit oiseau ! no "DE SNOWBIRD" We alway know you 're comin', w'en we hear de firs' beeg storm, A sweepin' from de sky above, an' screamin' as she go Can tell you 're safe inside it, w 'ere you 're keepin' nice an' warm, But no wan 's never see you dere, mon cher petit oiseau! Was it 'way behin' de mountain, dat de nort' win' ketch you sleepin' Mebbe on your leetle nes' too, an' before de wing she grow, Lif you up an' bring you dat way, till some morning fin' you peepin' Out of new nes' on de snow dreef , mon pauv' petit oiseau ! All de wood is full on summer, wit* de many bird is sing dere, Dey mus' offen know each oder, mebbe mak' de frien' also, But w 'en^ you was come on winter, never seein' wan strange wing dere Was it mak' you feelin' lonesome, mon pauv' petit oiseau? in " DE SNOWBIRD " Plaintee bird is alway hidin' on some place no wan can fin' dem, But ma leetle bird of winter, dat was not de way you go For de chil'ren on de roadside, you don't seem to care for min' dem Wen dey pass on way to schoolhouse, mon cher petit oiseau ! No wan say you sing lak robin, but you got no tarn for singin' So busy it was keepin' you get breakfas' on de snow, But de small note you was geev us, w'en it join de sleigh bell ringin' Mak' de true Canadian music, mon cher petit oiseau ! O de long an' lonesome winter, if you 're never comin' near us' If we miss you on de roadside, an' on all de place below! But le bon Dieu he will sen' you troo de storm again for cheer us, W'en we mos' was need you here too, mon cher petit oiseau! 112 THE HABITANT'S JUBILEE ODE The Habitant's Jubilee Ode T READ on de paper mos' ev'ry day, all about Jubilee An' grande procession movin' along, an' passin' across de sea, Dat 's chil'ren of Queen Victoriaw comin' from far away For tole Madame w'at dey t'ink of her, an* wishin' her bonne sante. An' if any wan want to know pourquoi les Canayens should be dere Wit' res' of de worl' for shout "Hooraw" an' t'row hees cap on de air, Purty quick I will tole heem de reason, w'y we feel lak de oder do, For if I 'm only poor habitant, I 'm not on de sapre" fou. Of course w'en we t'ink it de firs' go off, I know very strange it seem For fader of us dey was offen die for flag of L'Ancien Regime. From day w'en de voyageurs come out all de way from ole St. Malo, Flyin' dat flag from de mas' above, an' long affer dat also. s 113 THE HABITANT'S JUBILEE ODE De English fight wit' de Frenchman den over de whole contree, Down by de reever, off on de wood, an' out on de beeg, beeg sea, Killin' an' shootin', an' raisin' row, half tam dey don't know w'at for, Wen it 's jus' as easy get settle down, not makin' de crazy war. Sometam' dey be quiet for leetle w'ile, you t'ink dey don't fight no more, An' den w'en dey 're feelin' all right agen, Bang! jus' lak' she was before. Very offen we 're beatin' dem on de fight, sometam' dey can beat us, too, But no feller 's scare on de 'noder man, an' bote got enough to do. An' all de long year she be go lak' dat, we never was know de peace, Not'ing but war from de wes' contree down to de St. Maurice; Till de las' fight 's comin' on Canadaw, an' brave Generale Montcalm Die lak' a sojer of France is die, on Battle of Abraham. 114 THE HABITANT'S JUBILEE ODE Dat 's finish it all, an' de English King is axin' us stayin' dere Were we have sam' right as de 'noder peep comin' from Angleterre. Long tarn' for our moder so far away de poor Canayens is cry, But de new step-moder she 's good an' kin', an' it 's all right bimeby. If de moder come dead w 'en you 're small garcon leavin' you dere alone, Wit' nobody watchin' for fear you fall, an hurt youse'f on de stone, An' 'noder good woman she tak' your han* de sam' your own moder do, Is it right you don't call her moder, is it right you don't love her too? B4 non, an' dat was de way we feel, w'en de ole Regime 's no more, An' de new wan come, but don't change moche, w'y it 's jus' lak' it be before. Spikin' Frangais lak' we alway do, an' de Eng- lish dey mak no fuss, An' our law de sam', wall, I don't know me, 't was better mebbe for us. THE HABITANT'S JUBILEE ODE So de sam' as two broder we settle down, leevin' dere han' in han', Knowin' each oder, we lak' each oder, de French an' de Englishman, For it 's curi's t'ing on dis worl', I 'm sure you see it agen an' agen, Dat ofEen de mos' worse ennemi, he 's comin' de bes', bes' Men'. So we 're kipin' so quiet long affer dat, w'en las' of de fightin's done, Dat plaintee is say, de new Canayens forget how to shoot de gun; But Yankee man 's smart, all de worl' know dat, so he 's firs' fin' mistak' wan day Wen he 's try cross de line, fusil on hee's han', near place dey call Chateaugay. Of course it 's bad t'ing for poor Yankee man, De Salaberry be dere Wit' habitant farmer from down below, an' two honder Voltigeurs, Dem feller come off de State, I s'pose, was fightin' so hard dey can But de blue coat sojer he don't get kill, is de locky Yankee man! 116 THE HABITANT'S JUBILEE ODE Since den w'en dey're comin' on Canadaw, we alway be treat dem well, For dey 're spennin' de monee lak' gentil- hommes, an' stay on de bes' hotel, Den "Bienvenu, " we will spik dem, an' "Come back agen nex' week, So long you was kip on de quiet an' don't talk de politique!" Yass, dat is de way Victoriaw fin* us dis jubilee, Sometam' we mak' fuss about not'ing, but it 's all on de familee, An' w'enever dere 's danger roun' her, no matter on sea or Ian', She '11 find that les Canayens can fight de sam' as bes' Englishman. An' onder de flag of Angleterre, so long as dat flag was fly Wit' deir English broder, les Canayens is satisfy leev an' die. Dat 's de message our fader geev us w'en dey 're fallin' on Chateaugay, An' de flag was kipin' dem safe den, dat 's de wan we will kip alway! 117 OLE DOCTEUR FISET Ole Docteur Fiset E Docteur Fiset of Saint Anicet, Sapre tonnerre ! he was leev long tarn ! I 'm .sure he 's got ninety year or so, Beat all on de Parish 'cept Pierre Courteau, An' day after day he work all de sam'. Dat house on de hill, you can see it still, She 's sam' place he buil' de firs' tarn' he come Behin' it dere 's one leetle small jardin Got plaintee de bes' tabac Canayen Wit' fameuse apple an' beeg blue plum. An' dey 're all right dere, for de small boy's scare No matter de apple look nice an' red, For de small boy know if he 's stealin' some Den Docteur Fiset on dark night he come, An' cut leetle feller right off hees head! JBut w'en dey was rap, an' tak' off de cap, M'sieu' le Docteur he will say "Entrez, " Den all de boy pass on jardin behin' Were dey eat mos' ev'ryt'ing good dey fin', Till dey can't go on school nearly two, free day. 118 OLE DOCTEUR FISET But Docteur Fiset, not moche fonne he get, Drivin' all over de whole contree, If de road she 's bad, if de road she 's good, Wen ev'ryt'ing 's drown on de Spring-tarn, flood, An' workin' for not'ing half tarn' mebbe! Let her rain or snow, all he want to know Is jus' if anywan 's feelin' sick, For Docteur Fiset 's de ole fashion kin' Doin' good was de only t'ing on hees min* So he got no use for de politique. An' he 's careful too, 'cos firs' t'ing he do, For fear dere was danger some fever case, Is tak' w'en he 's come leetle w'isky chaud, Den 'noder wan too jus' before he go, He 's so scare carry fever aroun' de place I On nice summer day w'en we 're makin' hay Dere 's not 'ing more pleasant for us I 'm sure Dan see de ole man come joggin' along, Alway singin' some leetle song, An' hear heem say "Tiens, mes amis, Bon jour!" 119 OLE DOCTEUR FISET An' w'en de cole rain was commence again An' we 're sittin' at home on some warm cornerre, If we hear de buggy an' see de light Tearin' along t'roo de black, black night, We know right off dat 's de ole Docteur ! An' he's smart horse sure, w'at he call "Fau- bourg," Ev'ry place on de Parish he know dem all, An' you ought to see de nice way he go Por fear he 's upsettin' upon de snow, W'en ole man 's asleep on de cariole! I 'member w'en poor Hormisdas Couture Get sick on hees place twenty mile away An' hees boy Ovide he was come "Raquette" W'at you call "Snowshoe, " for Docteur Fiset, An' Docteur he start wit' hees horse an' sleigh. All de night before, de beeg storm she roar, An' mos' of de day it 's de sam* also, De drif ' was pilin' up ten feet high You can't see not'ing dis side de sky, Not'ing but wan avalanche of snow. 120 OLE DOCTEUR FISET I 'm hearin' de bell w'en I go on de well For water de cattle on barn close by, But I only ketch sight of hees cheval blanc An' hees coonskin coat wit' de capuchon An' de storm tak' heem off, jus' de sam' he fly. Mus' be le Bon Dieu dat is help him t'roo, Ole Docteur Fiset an' hees horse "Fau- bourg," 'T was somet'ing for splain-me, wall I don't care, But somehow or 'noder he 's gettin' dere, An' save de life Hormisdas Couture. But it 's sam' alway, lak' dat ev'ry day, He never was spare hese'f pour nous autres, He don't mak' moche monee, Docteur Fiset, An' off en de only t'ing he was get Is de prayer of poor man, an' wan bag of oat. Wall ! Docteur Fiset of Saint Anicet He is not dead yet ! an' I 'm purty sure If you 're passin' dat place about ten year more You will see heem go roun' lak he go before Wit' de ole cariole an' hees horse "Fau- bourg!" 121 JOHNNIE COURTEAU Johnnie Courteau JOHNNIE COURTEAU of de mountain Johnnie Courteau of de hill Dat was v de boy can shoot de gun Dat was de boy can jomp an' run An' it 's not very offen you ketch heem still Johnnie Courteau! Ax dem along de reever Ax dem along de shore Who was de mos' bes' fightin' man From Managance to Shaw-in-i-gan? De place w'ere de great beeg rapide roar, Johnnie Courteau! Sam' t'ing on ev'ry shaintee Up on de Mekinac Who was de man can walk de log, W'en w'ole of de reever she 's black wit' fog An' carry de beeges' load on hees back? Johnnie Courteau! On de rapide you want to see heem If de raf she 's swingin' roun' An' he 's yellin' "Hooraw Bateese! good man!" W'y de oar come double on hees han' W'en he 's makin' dat raf go flyin' down Johnnie Courteau! 122 JOHNNIE COURTEAU An' Tete de Boule chief can tole you De feller w'at save hees life Wen beeg moose ketch heem up a tree Who 's shootin' dat moose on de head, sapree! An' den run off wit' hees Injun wife? Johnnie Courteau I An' he only have pike pole wit' heem On Lac a la Tortue Wen he meet de bear comin' down de hill But de bear very soon is get hees fill ! An' he sole dat skin for ten dollar too, Johnnie Courteau! Oh he never was scare for not 'ing Lak de ole coureurs de bois, But w'en he 's gettin' hees winter pay De bes' t'ing sure is kip out de way For he 's goin' right off on de Hip Hooraw! Johnnie Courteau! Den pullin' hees sash aroun' heem He dance on hees botte sauvage An' shout "All aboar' if you want to fight!" Wall ! you never can see de finer sight Wen he go lak dat on de w'ole village! Johnnie Courteau! 123 JOHNNIE COURTEAU But Johnnie Courteau get marry On Philomene Beaurepaire She 's nice leetle girl was run de school On w'at you call Parish of Sainte Ursule An' he see her off on de pique-nique dere Johnnie Courteau! Den somet'ing come over Johnnie Wen he marry on Philomene For he stay on de farm de w'ole year roun' He chop de wood an' he plough de groun' An' he 's quieter feller was never seen, Johnnie Courteau! An' ev'ry wan feel astonish From La Tuque to Shaw-in-i-gan Wen dey hear de news was goin' aroun' Along on de reever up an' down How wan leetle woman boss dat beeg man Johnnie Courteau t He never come out on de evening No matter de hard we try 'Cos he stay on de kitchen an' sing hees song "A la claire fontaine, M'en allant promener, J'ai trouve* 1'eau si belle 124 THE CORDUROY ROAD Que je m'y suis baigner ! Lui y'a longtemps que je t'aime Jamais je ne t'oublierai." Rockin' de cradle de w'ole night long Till baby 's asleep on de sweet bimeby Johnnie Courteau! An' de house, wall! I wish you see it De place she 's so nice an* clean Mus' wipe your foot on de outside door, You 're dead man sure if you spit on de floor, An' he never say not'ing on Philomene, Johnnie Courteau! An' Philomene watch de monee An' put it all safe away On very good place; I dunno w'ere But anyhow nobody see it dere So she 's buyin' new farm de noder day MADAME Courteau ! The Corduroy Road r\E corduroy road go bompety bomp, De corduroy road go jompety jomp, An' he 's takin' beeg chances upset hees load De horse dat '11 trot on de corduroy road. 125 THE CORDUROY ROAD Of course it 's purty rough, but it 's handy t'ing enough An' dey mak' it wit' de log all jine togeder Wen dey strek de swampy groun' w'ere de water hang aroun' Or passin' by some tough ole beaver medder. But it 's not macadamize, so if you 're only wise You will tak' your tarn an' never min' de worry For de corduroy is bad, an' will mak' you plaintee mad By de way de buggy jomp, in case you hurry. An' I 'm sure you don't expec' leetle Victorine Leveque She was knowin' moche at all about dem places, 'Cos -she 's never dere before, till young Zeph- irin Madore He was takin' her away for see de races. O, I wish you see her den, dat 's before she marry, w'en She 's de fines' on de Ian' but no use talkin' I can bet you w'at you lak, if you meet her you look back Jus' to watch de fancy way dat girl is walkin'. 126 THE CORDUROY ROAD Yass de leetle Victorine was de nices' girl between De town of Yamachiche an' Maskinonge", But she 's stuck up an' she 's proud, an' you '11 never count de crowd Of de boy she geev' it w'at dey call de conge". Ah! de moder spoil her sure, for even Joe D' Amour Wen he 's ready nearly ev'ry t'ing to geev her If she mak' de marine, only say, "please go away" An' he 's riches habitant along de reever. Zephirin he try it too, an' he 's workin' some- t'ing new For he 's makin' de ole woman many presen* Prize package on de train, umbrella for de rain But she 's grompy all de tarn, an' never pleasan'. Wall, w'en he ax Ma-dame tak' de girl a,vay dat tarn See dem races on Sorel wit' all de trotter De moder say "All right if you bring her home to-night Before de cow's milk, I let her go, rria daughter." 127 THE CORDUROY ROAD So Victorine she go wit' Zephirin her beau On de yankee buggy mak' it on St. Bruno An' w'en dey pass hotel on de middle of Sorel Dey 're puttin' on de beeges' style dat you know. Wall! dey got some good horse dere, but Zeph- irin don't care He 's back it up hees own paroisse, ba golly, An' he mak' it t'ree doll-arre w'en Maskinonge" Star On de two mile heat was beatin' Sorel Molly. Victorine don't min' at all, till de "free for all" dey call Dat 's de las' race dey was run before de snow fly Den she say "I t'ink de cow mus' be gettin' home soon now An' you know it 's only clock ole woman go by. "An* if we 're comin' late w'en de cow pass on de gate You '11 be sorry if you hear de way she talk dere, So w'en I see de race on Sorel or any place Affer dis, you may be sure I got to walk dere." 128 THE CORDUROY ROAD Den he laugh dat Zephirin, an' he say "Your poor mama I know de pile she t'ink about her daughter So we '11 tak' de short road back on de corduroy race track Don't matter if we got to sweem de water." No wonder he is smile till you hear heem half a mile For dat morning he was tole hees leetle broder Let de cattle out de gate, so he know it 's purty late By de tarn dem cow was findin' out each oder. So along de corduroy de young girl an' de boy Dey was kipin' up a joggin' nice an' steady It is n't heavy load, an' Guillaume he know de road For many tam he 's been dat way already. But de girl she fin' it slow, so she ax de boy to go Somet'ing better dan a mile on fifteen minute An' he 's touch heem up Guillaume; so dat horse he lay for home An' de nex' t'ing Victorine she know she 's in it. O I2Q THE CORDUROY ROAD "O, pull him in," she yell, "for even on Sorel I am sure I never see de quicker racer," But it 's leetle bit too late, for de horse is get hees gait An' de worse of all ba gosh ! Guillaume 's a pacer. See hees tail upon de air, no wonder she was scare But she hang on lak de winter on T'ree Reever. Cryin' out "please hoi' me tight, or I 'm comin dead to-night An' ma poor ole moder dear, I got to leave her." Wit' her arm aroun' hees wais' ; she was doin' it in case She bus' her head, or keel herse'f, it 's not so easy sayin' Dey was comin' on de jomp t'roo dat dam ole beaver swamp An' meet de crowd is lookin' for dem cow was go a-strayin'. Den she 's cryin', Victorine, for she 's knowin* w'at it mean De parish dey was talkin' firse chances dey be get tin', But no sooner dat young man stop de horse, he tak' her han' An' w'isper "never min', ma chere, won't do no good a-frettin'." 130 THE CURE OF CALUMETTE Non! she is n't cryin' long, for he tole her it was wrong She 's sure he save her life too, or she was moche mistaken, An' de ole Ma-dame Leveque also kiss heem on de neck An' quickly after dat Hooraw! de man an' wife dey 're makin'. The Cure of Calumette [The Cure 1 of a French Canadian parish, when summoned to the bedside of a dying member of his flock, always carries in his buggy or sleigh a bell. This bell serves two purposes : first, it has the effect of clearing a way for the passage of the good priest's vehicle, and, secondly, it calls to prayer those of the faithful who are within hearing of its solemn tones.] r\ERE 's no voyageur on de reever never run hees canoe d'ecorce T'roo de roar an' de rush of de rapide, w'ere it jump lak a beeg w'ite horse, Dere 's no hunter man on de prairie, never wear w'at you call racquette Can beat leetle Fader O'Hara, de Curd of Calumette. THE CURE OF CALUMETTE Hees fader is full-blooded Irish, an' hees moder is pure Canayenne, Not off en dat stock go togedder, but she 's fine combination ma frien' For de Irish he 's full of de devil, an' de French dey got savoir faire, Dat 's mak' it de very good balance an' tak' you mos' ev'ry w'ere. But dere 's wan t'ing de Cure* wont stan' it ; mak' fun on de Irlandais An' of course on de French we say not'ing, 'cos de parish she 's all Canayen, Den you see on account of de moder, he can't spik hese'f very moche, So de ole joke she 's all out of fashion, an' wan of dem t'ing we don't touch. Wall! wan of dat kin' is de Cure", but w'en he be comin' our place De peop' on de parish all w'isper, "How young he was look on hees face ; Too bad if de wedder she keel heem de firse tarn he got leetle wet, An' de Bishop might sen' beeger Cure", for it 's purty tough place, Calumette!" 132 THE CURE OF CALUMETTE Ha ! ha ! how I wish I was dere, me, w'en he go on de mission call 9n de shaintee camp way up de reever, drivin' hees own cariole, An' he meet blaggar' feller been drinkin', jus* enough mak' heem ack lak fou, Joe Vadeboncoeur, dey was call heem, an' he 's purty beeg feller too! Mebbe Joe he don't know it 's de Cure', so he 's hollerin', "Get out de way, If you don't geev me whole of de roadside, sapree! you go off on de sleigh." But de Cure* he never say not'ing, jus' poule on de line leetle bit, An' w'en Joe try for kip heem hees promise, hees nose it get badly hit. Maudit! he was strong leetle Curd, an' he go for Jo-zeph en masse An' w'en he is mak' it de finish, poor Joe is n't feel it firse class, So nex' tam de Curd he 's goin' for visit de shain- tee encore Of course he was mak' beeges' mission never see on dat place before. THE CURE OF CALUMETTE An' he know more, I 'm sure dan de lawyer, an 1 dere 's many poor habitant Is glad for see Fader O'Hara, an' ax w'at he t'ink of de law Wen dey get leetle troub' wit' each oder, an' don't know de bes' t'ing to do, Dat 's makin' dem save plaintee monee, an' kip de good neighbor too. But w'en we fin' out how he paddle till canoe she was nearly fly An' travel racquette on de winter, w'en snow- dreef is pilin' up high For visit some poor man or woman dat 's waitin' de message of peace, An' get dem prepare for de journey, we 're proud on de leetle pries' ! ! many dark night w'en de chil'ren is put away safe on de bed An' mese'f an' ma femme mebbe sittin' an watchin' de small curly head We hear somet'ing else dan de roar of de tender, de win' an' de rain; So we 're bote passin' out on de doorway, an' lissen an' lissen again. THE CURE OF CALUMETTE An' it 's lonesome for see de beeg cloud sweepin' across de sky An' lonesome for hear de win' cryin' lak some- body 's goin' to die, But de soun' away down de valley, creepin' aroun' de hill All de tarn gettin' closer, closer, dat 's de soun' mak' de heart stan' still ! It 's de bell of de leetle Cure", de music of deat' we hear, Along on de black road ringin', an' soon it was comin' near Wan minute de face of de Cure" we see by de lan- tern light, An' he 's gone from us, jus' lak a shadder, into de stormy night. An' de buggy rush down de hill side an' over de bridge below, Were creek run so high on de spring-tarn, w'en mountain t'row off de snow, An' so long as we hear heem goin', we kneel on de floor an' pray Dat God will look affer de Cure", an' de poor soul dat 's passin' away. THE CURE OF CALUMETTE I dunno if he need our prayer, but we geev' it heem jus' de sam', For w'en a man 's doin' hees duty lak de Cure do all de tam Never min' all de t'ing may happen, no matter he 's riche or poor Le bon Dieu was up on de heaven, will look out for dat man, I 'm sure. I 'm only poor habitant farmer, an' mebbe know not'ing at all, But dere 's wan t'ing I 'm alway wishin', an' dat 's w'en I get de call For travel de far-away journey, ev'ry wan on de worl' mus' go He '11 be wit' me de leetle Cure" 'fore I 'm leffin dis place below. For I know I '11 be feel more easy, if he 's sittin' dere by de bed An' he '11 geev' me de good-bye message, an' place hees han' on ma head, Den I '11 hoi' if he '11 only let me, dat han' till de las' las' breat' An' bless leetle Fader O'Hara, de Cure" of Calumette. 136 THE OYSTER SCHOONER The Oyster Schooner \\7"'AT 's all dem bell a ringin' for, can hear dem ev'ry w'ere? Wat 's bring de peop' togeder on de w'arf at Trois Rivieres, Dat happy crowd is look so glad, w'y are dey comin' dere? O ! de reason dey 're so happy w'ile dey 're waitin' dere to-day Is becos de oyster schooner she 's sailin' up de bay An' de caraquette an' malpecque will quickly melt away Affer she was t'row de anchor on T'ree Reever- For w'y dey mak' de fuss lak dat, an' nearly broke deir neck, Ain't dey got de noder oyster more better dan malpecque Or caraquette, dat leetle wan from down below Kebeck? Wall! ax de crowd dat question w'ile dey 're waitin' dere to-day, So glad to see "La Belle Marie" sailin' up de bay, An' dey '11 drown you on de water, so you '11 know about de way She was t'rowin' out de anchor on T'ree Reever. THE OYSTER SCHOONER Dere 's ole Joe Lachapelle, he 's blin', can hardly see at all, He 's bring de man got wooden leg call Jimmie Sauriol, An' bote dem feller jomp aroun' lak mooshrat on de fall, For dey know de schooner 's comin', she 's sailin' up de bay, An' de reason she don't hurry w'ile dey 're waitin' dere to-day, Is becos she 's full of oyster, will quickly pass away Wen dat schooner t'row de anchor on T'rce Reever. We 've trottin' race las' winter, an' circus on de spring, Wit' elephan' an 1 monkey too, all playin' en de ring, But beeger crowd she 's comin' now, for w'y? it 's differen' t'ing, For dey 're waitin' on dat schooner, she 's sailin' up de bay Dey smell de malpecque oyster an' caraqiiette to-day An' O ! ba gosh, dey '11 eat dem ! it 's alway be de way W'en dat schooner t'row de anchor on T'ree Reever. 138 THE OYSTER SCHOONER "She 's comin' in she 's comin' in," jus' lissen to de cry ! "Get out de line an' hoi' her fas', for fear she 's passin' by, For if dere 's somet'ing happen now, de peop' will surely die." Affer waitin' on dat schooner, she 's sailin' up de bay Lak de sparrow on de wood-pile watchin' all de day, But dey got her safe enough now, she '11 never sail away Till dem oyster she was finish on T'ree Reever. "All aboar' comment ca va, Captinne Beli- veau? We 're glad to see you back again from Cara- quette below, But we 're sorry you don't hurry, w'en you got such nice car-go." So dey ketch dat oyster schooner, she 's sailin' up de bay, Dey ketch her an' dey hoi' her till de oyster 's gone away An' she 's two foot out de water "La Belle Marie" nex' day Affer she was t'row de anchor on T'ree Reever. 139 MY LEETLE CABANE My Leetle Cabane f 'M sittin' to-night on ma leetle cabane, more happier dan de king, An' ev'ry corner 's ringin' out wit' musique de ole stove sing I hear de cry of de winter win', for de storm- gate 's open wide But I don't care not'ing for win' or storni, so long I was safe inside. Viens 'ci, mon chien, put your head on dere,. let your nose res' on ma knee You 'member de tarn we chase de moose back on de Lac Souris An' de snow come down an' we los' ourse'f till mornin' is bring de light, You t'ink we got place to sleep, mon chien, lak de place we got here to-night Onder de roof of de leetle cabane, w'ere fire she 's blazin' high An' bed I mak' of de spruce tree branch, is lie on de floor close by, O! I lak de smell of dat nice fresh bed, an' I dream of de summer tarn An' de spot w'ere de beeg trout jomp so moche down by de lumber dam. 140 MY LEETLE CABANE But lissen dat win', how she scream outside, mak me t'ink of de loup garou, W'y to-night, mon chien, I be feelin' glad if even de carcajou Don't ketch hese'f on de trap I set to-day on de Lac Souris Let heem wait till to-morrow, an' den if he lak, I geev heem good chance, sapree! I see beeg cloud w'en I 'm out to-day, off on de nor'-eas' sky, An' she block de road, so de cloud behin', don't get a chance passin' by, An' I t'ink of boom on de grande riviere, w'en log 's fillin' up de bay, Wall! sam' as de boom on de spring-tarn flood, dat cloud she was sweep away. Dem log 's very nice an* quiet, so long as de boom 's all right, But soon as de boom geev way, 1'enfant! it 's den is begin de fight. Dey run de rapide, an' jomp de rock, dey leap on de air an' dive, Can hear dem roar from de reever shore, jus' lak dey was all alive. 141 MY LEETLE CABANE An' dat was de way wit' de cloud to-day, de res' of dem push aside, For dey 're comin' fas' from de cole nor'-eas' an' away t'roo de sky dey ride Shakin' de snow as along dey go, lak grain from de farmer's han' Till to-morrow you can't see not'ing at all, but smoke of de leetle cabane. I 'm glad we don't got no chimley, only hole on de roof up dere, An' spark fly off on w'ole of de worl', so dere 's no use gettin' scare, Mus' get more log! an' it 's lucky too, de wood pile is stannin' near So blow away storm, for harder you go, de warmer she 's comin' here I wonder how dey get on, mon chieri, off on de great beeg town, Were house is so high, near touch de sky, mus' be danger of fallin' down. An' worser too on de night lak dis, ketchin' dat terrible win', O! leetle small place lak de ole cabane was de right place for stay in' in. 142 MY LEETLE CABANE I s'pose dey got plaintee bodder too, dem feller dat 's be riche man, For dey 're never knowin' w'en t'ief may come an' steal all de t'ing he can An' de monee was kip dem busy too, watchin' it night an' day, Dunno but we 're better off here, mon chien, wit' beeg city far away. For I look on de corner over dere, an' see it ma birch canoe, I look on de wall w'ere ma rifle hang along wit' de good snowshoe, An' ev'ry t'ing else on de worl' I got, safe on dis place near me. An' here you are too, ma brave old dog, wit' your nose up agen ma knee. An' here we be stay t'roo de summer day, w'en ev'ry t'ing 's warm an' bright On winter too w'en de stormy win' blow lak she blow to-night Let dem stay on de city, on great beeg house, dem feller dat 's be riche man For we 're happy an' satisfy here, mon chien, on our own leetle small cabane. 143 BATEESE THE LUCKY MAN Bateese the Lucky Man 11TE 's alway ketchin' dore, an' he 's alway ketchin' trout On de place w'ere no wan else can ketch at all He 's alway ketchin' barbotte, dat 's w'at you call bull-pout, An' he never miss de wiT duck on de fall. O! de pa'tridge do some skippin' w'en she see heem on de swamp For she know Bateese don't go for not'ing dere, An' de rabbit if he 's comin', wall! you ought to see heem jomp. W'y he want to climb de tree he feel so scare. Affer two hour by de reever I hear hees leetle song Den I meet heem all hees pocket full of snipe, An' me, I go de sam' place, an' I tramp de w'ole day long An' I 'm only shootin' two or t'ree, Ba Cripe! I start about de sun-rise, an' I put out ma decoy, An' I see Bateese he sneak along de shore, An' before it 's comin' breakfas', he 's holler on hees boy For carry home two dozen duck or more. 144 THE HILL OF ST. SEBASTIEN An' I 'm freezin' on de blin' me from four o'clock to nine An' ev'ry duck she 's passin' up so high. Dere 's blue-bill an' butter-ball, an' red-head, de fines' kin An' I might as well go shootin' on de sky. Don't see de noder feller lak Bateese was lucky man, He can ketch de smartes' feesh is never sweem, An' de bird he seldom miss dem, let dem try de hard dey can W'y de eagle on de mountain can't fly away from heem. But all de bird, an' feesh too, is geev' up feelin' scare, An' de rabbit he can stay at home in bed, Por he feesh an' shoot no longer, ole Jean Bateese Belair, 'Cos he 's dead. The Hill of St. Sebastien T OUGHT to feel more satisfy an' happy dan A I be, For better husban' dan ma own, it 's very hard to fin' 10 145 THE HILL OF ST. SEBASTIEN An' plaintee woman if dey got such boy an' girl as me Would never have no troub' at all, an' not'ing on deir min' But w'ile dey 're alway wit' me, 'an' dough I love dem all I can't help t'inkin' w'en I watch de chil'ren out at play Of tarn I 'm just' lak dat mese'f, an' den de tear will fall For de hill of St. Sebastien is very far away ! It seem so pleasan' w'en I come off here ten year ago ' An' hardes' work I 'm gettin' den, was never heavy load, De roughes' place is smoot' enough, de quickes* gait is slow For glad I am to foller w'ere Louis lead de road But somet'ing 's comin' over me, I feel it more an' more It 's alway pullin' on de heart, an' stronger ev'ry day, An' O! I long to see again de reever an' de shore W'ere de hill of St. Sebastien is lookin' on. de bay ! 146 THE HILL OF ST. SEBASTIEN I use to t'ink it f s fine t'ing once, to stan' upon de door An' see de great beeg medder dere, stretchin* far an' wide, An' smell de pleasan' flower dat grow lak star on de prairie floor, An' watch de spotted antelope was feedin' ev'ry side, How did we gain it, man an' wife, dis Ian' was. no man's Ian'? By rifle, an' harrow an' plow, shovel an' spade an' hoe De blessin* of good God up above, an' work of our own strong han' Till it stan' on de middle, our leetle nes', w'ere de wheat an' cornfiel' grow. An' soon de chil'ren fill de house, wit' musique all day long, De sam' ma moder use to sing on de cradle over me, I 'm almos' sorry it 's be ma fault dey learn dem ole tarn song Wat good is it tak' me off lak dat back on ma own con tree? Till de reever once more I see again, an' lissen its current flow An' dere 's Hercule de ferry man comin' across, de bay! THE HILL OF ST. SEBASTIEN Wat 's use of foolin' me lak dat? for surely I mus' know De hill of St. Sebastien is very far away! Wen Louis ketch me dat summer night watchin' de sky above, Seein' de mountain an' de lake, wit' small boat sailin' roun' He kiss me an' say "Toinette, I 'm glad dis prairie Ian' you love For travel de far you can, ma belle, it 's fines' on top de groun'!" Jus' w'en I 'm lookin' dat beeg cloud too, stand- in' dere lak a wall! Sam' as de hill I know so well, home on ma own contree, Good job I was cryin' quiet den, an' Louis can't hear at all But I kiss de poor feller an' laugh, an' never say not'ing me. Wat can you do wit' man lak dat, an' w'y am I bodder so? De firse t'ing he might fin' it out, den hees heart will feel it sore An' if he say "Come home Toinette," I 'm sure I mus' answer "No," For if I 'm seem' dat place again, I never return no more ! 148 MARIE LOUISE So let de heart break I don't care, I won't say not'ing me I '11 mak' dat promise on mese'f, an' kip it night an' day But O! Mon Dieu! how glad, how glad, an* happy I could be If de hill of St. Sebastien was not so far away ! Marie Louise r\IS was de story of boy an' girl Dat 's love each oder above de worl' But it 's not easy job for mak' 1'amour Wen de girl she 's riche an' de boy he 's poor All de sam' he don't worry an' she don't cry, But wait for good chances come bimeby. Young Marie Louise Hurtubuise Was leev wit' her moder la veuve Denise On fines' house on de w'ole chemin From Caribou reever to St. Germain For ole woman 's boss on de grande moulin. Were dere 's nice beeg dam, water all de tarn An' season t'roo runnin' jus' de sam' Wit' good leetle creek comin' off de hill Was helpin' de reever for work de mill So de grande moulin she is never still. 149 MARIE LOUISE No wonder Denise she was hard to please Wen de boy come sparkin' Marie Louise For affer de foreman Bazile is pay De mill she 's bringin' t'ree dollar a day An' for makin' de monee, dat 's easy way. An' de girl Marie, O ! she 's tres jolie, Jompin' aroun lak de summer bee She 's never short plaintee t'ing to do An' mebbe she ketch leetle honey too, 'Cos she 's jus' as sweet as de morning dew. An' w'en she was dress on her Sunday bes' An' walk wit' her moder on seconde messe Dere 's not'ing is bring de young man so fas' An' dey stan' on door of church en masse So res' of de peop' dey can hardly pass. An' she know musique, 'cos on Chris'mas week Wen organ man on de church is sick (S'pose he got de grippe) dat girl she play Lak college professor, de pries' is say Till de place it was crowd nearly ev'ry day. Ole Cure Belair of St. Pollinaire, Dat 's parish ten mile noder side riviere, If he 's not gettin' mad, it was funny t'ing W'en hees young man fly lak bird on de wing Wit' nobody lef behin' to sing. 150 MARIE LOUISE An' nex' t'ing dey know it 's comin' so Dat mos' of de girl she got no beau, An' of course dat 's makin' de jealousie For w'en de young feller he see Marie He see not'ing else on hees eye, sapree! Mus' be somet'ing done sure as de gun, It 's all very well for de boy have fun But dere 's noder t'ing too, must n't be forget, Dere 's two fine parish dat 's all upset An' mebbe de troub' is n't over yet. So ev'ry wan say de only way Is gettin' young Marie Louise marine, Den dey have beeg meetin' on magasin, Were he sit on de chair Aleck Sanschagrin, An' dey 'point heem for go on de grande moulin. But w'en Aleck come dere for arrange affaire, Ole Madame Dcnise she was mak' heem scare For jus' on de minute she see hees face She know right away all about de case An' she tole Bazile t'row heem off de place. Now de young Bazile he was t'ink good deal Of Marie Louise an' he 's ready for keel Any feller come foolin' aroun' de door So he kick dat man till he 's, feelin' sore, An' Aleck he never go back no more. MARIE LOUISE If it 's true w'at dey say, Joe Boulanger Was crazy to fight Irish man wan day Wen he steal all de pork on hees dinner can, Den it is n't so very hard onderstan' Bazile Latour mus' be darn smart man. For nobody know de poor feller Joe Wen he 's come from de grande moulin below 'Cept hees moder, dat 's tole heem mak' promise sure Kip off on de mill, an' Bazile Latour, (But it 's long before doctor can mak' heem cure). Den de ole Denise she was very please, An' nex' day spik wit' Marie Louise, "Ma girl, I got de right man for you If you can only jus' love heem true, Bazile dat young feller, I t'ink he '11 do." "Wall! Moder he 's poor, Bazile Latour, But if you t'ink you will lak heem sure I '11 try an' feex it mese'f some day For you 've been de good moder wit' me alway " An' dat 's w'at Marie Louise she say. So it 's comin' right affer all de fight, An' de parish don't see de more finer sight Dan w'en dey get marry on St. Germain Wy de buggy she 's pilin' de w'ole chemin All de way from de church to de grande moulin. 152 THE OLD HOUSE AND THE NEW The Old House and the New TS it only twelve mont' I play de fool, You "re sure it 's correc', ma dear? I 'm glad for hearin' you spik dat way For I t'ink it was twenty year, Since leffin' de leetle ole house below, I mak' wit' ma own two han' For go on dat fine beeg place, up dere Mon Dieu ! I 'm de crazy man ! You 'member we 're not very riche, cherie, Dat tam we 're beginnin' life! Mese'f I 'm twenty, an' you eighteen Wen I 'm bringin' you home ma wife, Many de worry an' troub' we got An' some of dem was n't small, But not very long dey bodder us For we work an' forget dem all. An' you was de savin' woman too, Dere 's nobody beat you dere ! An' I laugh w'en I t'ink of de tam you go Over on Trois Rivieres For payin' de bank you know how moche We 're owin' for dat new place Wat was he sayin' de nice young man Smilin' upon hees face. THE OLD HOUSE AND THE NEW Wen he got dat monee was all pure gole Come down on your familee Por bonder year an' mebbe more? "Ma-dame you 're excusin' me, But w'ere was you gettin' dis nice gole coin Of Louis Quatorze, hees tarn Wit' hees face on back of dem ev'ry wan? For dey 're purty scase, now Ma-dame?" An' you say "Dat 's not 'ing at all M'sieu' Ma familee get dem t'ing, I suppose it 's very long tarn ago, Wen Louis Quatorze is King, An' I 'm sorry poor feller he 's comin' dead An' not leevin' here to-day '"Cos man should be good on hees frien', M'sieu 1 Wen de monee he mak' dat way." Yass, ev'ry wan know we 're workin' hard An' savin' too all dem year, But nobody see us starve ourse'f Dere 's plaintee to eat, don't fear Bimeby our chil'ren dey 're growin' up So we 're doin' de bes' we can Settle dem off on de firse good chance An' geevin' dem leetle Ian'. i54 THE OLD HOUSE AND THE NEW An' den de troub' is begin to show Wen our daughter poor Caroline She marry dat lawyer on Trois Rivieres De beeges' fool never seen! Alway come home ev'ry summer sure Bringin' her familee, All right for de chil'ren, I don't min' dem; But de husban'! sapree maudit! I wish I was close ma ear right off Wen he talk of our leetle house Dough I know w'en familee's comin' home Dere is n't moche room for a mouse, He say "Riche man lak youse'f can't leev' On shaintee lak dis below, Wen t'ousan' dollar will buil' fin' place Up on de hill en haut." An' he talk about gallerie all aroun' Were we sit on de summer night Watchin' de star on de sky above Wile de moon she was shinin' bright, Could plant some apple-tree dere, also, An' flower, an' I dunno w'at, An* w'en de sun he 's begin to rise Look at de view we got! THE OLD HOUSE AND THE NEW Den he bring 'noder feller from Trois Rivieres An' show w'at he call de plan For makin' dem house on de w'ole contree Mon Dieu ! how I hate dat man ! 'Cos he 's talkin' away nearly all de tarn Lak trotter upon de race Wall! affer a w'ile we mak' our min* For havin' dat nice new place. So dey go ahead, an' we let dem go, But stuff dey was t'row away ; I 'm watchin' for dat, an' I save mese'f Mebbe twenty-five cent a day, For you 're surely cheat if you don't tak' care Very offen we fin' dat 's true, An' affer de house she was finish up, We're geevin' it nam' Bellevue. ! yass, I know we enjoy ourse'f W'en our frien' dey was comin' roun' An' say "Dat 's very fine place you got; Dere 's not'ing upon de town, Or anyw'ere else for honder mile Dis house Bellevue can touch," Ah' den let de horse eat de garden fence Non! we don't enjoy dat so moche. 156 An' of course we can't say not'ing at all For it 's not correc' t'ing you know But "Never min' dat, an' please come again, I 'm sorry you got to go." Bapterne! w'en I 'm seein' beeg feller bus' Our two dollar easy chair Can't help it at all, I got to go Down on de cellar an' swear! An' w'ere did we leev' on dat belle maison? Wan room an' de kitchen, dat 's all An' plaintee too for de man an* wife! An' you 'member de tarn I fall Off on de gallerie wan dark night, I los' mese'f tryin' fin' De winder dere on de grande parloir, For closin' it up de blin'? An' all de tarn de poor leetle house Is down on de road below, I t'ink she was jealous dat fine new place Up on de hill en haut, For O ! she look lonesome by herse'f De winder all broke an' gone No smoke on de chimley comin' out No frien' stannin' dere not wan. THE CANADIAN COUNTRY DOCTOR You 'member too, w'en de fever come An' ketch us wan winter day? Wat he call de shaintee, our son-in-law, Dat 's w'ere dey pass away Xavier, Zoe, an' Euchariste Our chil'ren wan, two, t'ree I off en t'ink of de room dey die, An' I can't help cryin' me. So we '11 go on de ole house once again, Long enough we been fool lak dis Never min' w'at dey say bimeby, ma chere But geev me de leetle kiss, Let dem stay on dat fine new place up dere Our daughter an' son-in-law For to-morrow soon as de sun will rise We 're goin' back home Hooraw ! The Canadian Country Doctor F S'POSE mos' ev'ry body t'ink hees job 's about de hardes' From deboss man on de Gouvernement to poor man on de town From de cure to de lawyer, an' de farmer to de school boy An' all the de noder feller was mak' de worl' go roun'. 158 THE CANADIAN COUNTRY DOCTOR But dere 's wan man got hees ban' full t'roo ev'ry kin' of wedder An' he 's never sure of not'ing but work an' work away Dat 's de man dey call de doctor, w'en you ketch heem on de con tree An' he 's only man I know-me, don't got no holiday. If you 're comin' off de city spen' de summer- tarn among us An' you walk out on de mornin w'en de leetle bird is sing Mebbe den you see de doctor w'en he 's passin wit' hees buggy An' you t'ink "Wall! contree doctor mus' be very pleasan' t'ing. " Drivin' dat way all de summer up an' down along de reever Were de nice cool win' is blowin' among de maple tree Den w'en he 's mak' hees visit, comin' home before de night tarn For pass de quiet evening wit' hees wife an' familee." THE CANADIAN COUNTRY DOCTOR An* w'en off across de mountain, some wan 's sick an' want de doctor "Mus' be fine trip crossin' over for watch de sun go down Makin' all dem purty color lak w'at you call de rainbow," Dat 's way de peop' is talkin' was leevin' on de town. But it is n't alway summer on de contree, an' de doctor He could tole you many story of de storm dat he 's been in How hees coonskin coat come handy, w'en de win' blow off de reever For if she 's sam' ole reever, she 's not alway sam' old win'. An' de mountain dat 's so quiet w'en de w'ite cloud go a-sailin' All about her on de summer w'ere de sheep is feedin' high You should see her on December w'en de snow is pilin' roun' her An' all de win' of winter come tearin' t'roo de sky. 1 60 THE CANADIAN COUNTRY DOCTOR ! le bon Dieu help de doctor w'en de message come to call heem From hees warm bed on de night-tarn for visit some poor man Lyin' sick across de hill side on noder side de reever An' he hear de mountain roarin' lak de beeg Shawinigan. Ah ! well he know de warning but he can't stay till de morning So he 's hitchin' up hees leetle horse an' put heem on burleau Den w'en he 's feex de buffalo, an' wissle to hees pony Away t'roo storm an' hurricane de contree doctor go. O ! de small Canadian pony ! dat 's de horse can walk de snowdreef . Dat 's de horse can fin' de road too he 's never been before Kip your heart up leetle feller, for dere 's many mile before you An' it 's purty hard job tellin' w'en you see your stable door. n 161 THE CANADIAN COUNTRY DOCTOR Yass ! dc doctor he can tole you, if he have de tarn for talkin' All about de bird was singin' before de summer lef For he 's got dem on hees bureau an' he 's doin' it hese'f too An' de las' tarn I was dere, me, I see dem all mese'f. But about de way he travel t'roo de stormy night of winter Wen de rain come on de spring flood, an' de bridge is wash away All de hard work, all de danger dat was offen hang aroun' heem Dat 's de tarn our contree doctor don't have very moche to say. For it 's purty ole, ole story, an' he alway have it wit' heem Ever since he come among us on parish Saint Mathieu An' no doubt he 's feelin' mebbe jus' de sam' as noder feller So he rader do hees talkin' about somet'ing dat was new. 162 MON FRERE CAMILLE Mon Frere Camille TV/TON frere Camille he was firse class blood ^* A Wen he come off de State las' fall, Wearin' hees boot a la mode box toe An' diamon' pin on hees shirt also Sam' as dem feller on Chi-caw-go ; But now he 's no blood at all, Camille, mon frere. Wat 's makin' dat change on mon frere Camille? Wall ! lissen for minute or two, An' I '11 try feex it up on de leetle song Dat 's geevin' some chance kin' o' help it along So wedder I 'm right or wedder I 'm wrong You '11 know all about heem w'en I get t'roo, Mon frere Camille. He never sen' letter for t'orteen year So of course he mus' be all right Till telegraph 's comin' from Kan-Ka-Kee " I 'm leffin' dis place on de half pas' t'ree Wat you want to bring is de bes' buggee An' double team sure for me t'orsday night Ton frere Camille.' 163 MON FRERE CAMILLE I wish you be dere w'en Camille arrive I bet you will say "Wat 's dat?" For he 's got lee tie cap very lak tuque bleu Ole habitant 's wearin' in bed, dat 's true, An' w'at do you t'ink he carry too? Geev it up? Wall! small valise wit' de fine plug hat. Mon frere Camille. "Very strange." I know you will say right off, For dere 's not'ing wrong wit' hees clothes, An' he put on style all de bes' he can Wit' diamon' shinin' across hees han' An' de way he 's talkin' lak Yankee man Mus' be purty hard on hees nose, Mon frere Camille. But he 'splain all dat about funny cap, An' tole us de reason w'y, It seem no feller can travel far, An' specially too on de Pullman car, 'Less dey wear leetle cap only cos' dollarre, Dat 's true if he never die, Mon frere Camille. Don't look very strong dem fancy boot But he 's 'splain all dat also He say paten' ledder she 's nice an' gay 164 You don't need to polish dem ev'ry day, Besides he 's too busy for dat alway, Wen he 's leevin' on Chi-caw-go, Mon frere Camille. But de State she was n't de only place He visit all up an' down, For he 's goin' Cu-baw an' de Mex-i-co, Were he 's killin' two bonder dem wiT taureau, Wat you call de bull : on de circus show, O ! if you believe heem he travel roun' . Mon frere Camille. So of course w'en ma broder was gettin' home All the peop' on de parish come Every night on de parlor for hear heem tell How he foller de brave Generale Roosvel' Wen rough rider feller dey fight lak hell An' he walk on de front wit' great beeg drum, Mon frere Camille. An' how is he gainin' dat diamon' ring? Way off on de Mex-i-co Were he 's pilin' de bull wan summer day Till it 's not easy haulin' dem all away, An' de lady dey 're t'rowin' heem large bouquet For dey lak de style he was keel taureau, Mon frere Camille. 165 MON FRERE CAMILLE Wall! he talk dat way all de winter t'roo, An' hees frien' dey was tryin' fin' Some bull on de county dat 's wil' enough For mon frere Camille, but it 's purty tough 'Cos de farmer 's not raisin' such fightin' stuff An' he don't want not'ing but mos' worse kin' Mon frere Camille. Dat 's not pleasan' t'ing mebbe los' hees trade, If we don't hurry up, for sure, I s'pose you t'ink I was goin' it strong? Never min', somet'ing happen 'fore very long It '11 all come out on dis leetle song Wen he pass on de house of Ma-dame Latour Camille, mon frere. "We 're makin' pique-nique on Denise Latour For helpin' put in de hay Too bad she 's de moder large famile'e An' los' de bes' husban' she never see Wen he drown on de reever, poor Jeremie, So he come wit' de res' of de gang dat day, Camille, mon frere. 166 MON FRERE CAMILLE An' affer de hay it was put away Don't tak' very long at all, De boy an' de girl she was lookin' 'roun ' For havin' more fun 'fore dey lef de groun' An' dey see leetle bull, mebbe t'ree honder poun* An' nex' t'ing I hear dem call Mon frere Camille.. So nice leetle feller I never see Dat bull of Ma-dame Latour Wit' curly hair on de front hees head An' quiet? jus' sam' he was almos' dead An' fat? wall! de chil'ren dey see heem fed So he 's not goin' keel heem I 'm very sure, Mon frere Camille. But de girl kip teasin' an' ole Ma-dame She say, "You can go ahead He cos' me four dollarre six mont' ago So if anyt'ing happen ma small taureau, Who 's pay me dat monee I lak to know?" An' he answer, "Dat 's me w'en I keel heem dead" Mon frere Camille. Den he feex beeg knife on de twelve foot pole, So de chil'ren commence to cry An' he jomp on de fence, an' yell, "Hooraw" 167 MON FRERE CAMILLE An' shout on de leetle French bull, "Dis done! Ain't you scare w'en you see feller from Cubaw? ' ' An' he show heem hees red necktie, Mon frere Camille. L'petit taureau w'en he see dat tie He holler for half a mile Den he jomp on de leg an' he raise de row Ba Golly! I 'm sure I can see heem now. An' dey run w'en dey hear heem, de noder cow Den he say, " Dat bull must be surely wil' " Mon frere Camille. But de bull don't care w'at he say at all, For he 's watchin' dat red necktie An' w'en ma broder he push de pole I 'm sure it 's makin' some purty large hole, If de bull be dere, but ma blood run col' For de nex' t'ing I hear heem cry, Camille, mon frere. No wonder he cry, for dat sapree bull He 's yell leetle bit some more, Den he ketch ma broder dat small taureau Only cos' four dollarre six mont' ago An' he 's t'rowin' heem up from de groun' below Wan tarn, two tarn, till he 's feelin' sore, Camille, mon frere. 1 68 THE HABITANT'S SUMMER An' w'en ma broder 's come down agen I s'pose he mus' change hees min' An' mebbe t'ink if it 's all de sam' He '11 keel dat bull w'en he get more tarn For dere he was runnin' wit' ole Ma-dame De chil'ren, de bull, an' de cow behin' Camille, mon frere. So dat 's de reason he 's firse class blood W'en he come off de State las' fall Wearin' hees boot a la mode box toe An' diamon' pin on hees shirt also Sam' as dem feller on Chi-caw-go But now he 's no blood at all, Camille, mon frere. The Habitant's Summer f~\ WHO can blame de winter, never min' de hard he 's blowin' 'Cos w'en de tam is comin' for passin' on hees roun' De firse t'ing he was doin' is start de sky a snowin' An' mak' de nice w'ite blanket, for cover up de groun'. 169 THE HABITANT'S SUMMER An' de groun' she go a'sleepin* t'roo all de stormy season, Restin' from her work las' summer, till she 's waken by de rain Dat le bon Dieu sen' some morning, an 1 of course dat 's be de reason Ev'ry year de groun' she 's lookin' jus' as fresh an' young again. Den you geev her leetle sunshine, w'en de snow go off an' leave her Let de sout' win' blow upon her, an' you see beeg changes now Wit' de steam arisin' from her jus' de sam' she got de fever, An' not many day is passin' w'en she 's ready for de plow. We don't bodder wit' no spring-tarn w'ere de rain she 's alway fallin', Two, t'ree mont', or mebbe longer, on de place beyon' de sea, W'ere some bird he 's nam' de cuckoo, spen' de mos' hees tarn a-callin' But for fear he wet hees fedder, hide away upon de tree. 170 THE HABITANT'S SUMMER On de swamp beside de reever, mebbe jus' about de fly-tarn Were it 's very hard to see heem, we hear de wo-wa-raw, Dat 's w'at you call de bull-frog, singin' "more rum," all de night-tarn. He 's only kin' of cuckoo we got on Canadaw. No, we have n't got dat feller, but we got some bird can beat heem, An' we hear dem, an' we see dem, jus' so soon de winter go, So never min' de cuckoo for we 're not afraid to meet heem, W'enever he was ready, wit' our own petits oiseaux. An* dey almos' come togeder, lak de spring an' summer wedder, Blue-bird wan day, pie-blanche nex' day, geevin' out deir leetle note, Affer dat we see de robin, an* de gouglou on de medder, Den le roi, de red bird 's comin', dressim on hees sojer coat. THE HABITANT'S SUMMER Wen de grosbec on de pine tree, wak' you early wit' hees singin', Wen you lissen to de pa'tridge a-beatin' on hees drum, Wen de w'ole place roun' about you wit' musi- que is a-ringin', Den you know de winter 's over, an' de sum- mer day is come. See de apple blossom showin', see de clover how it 's growin' Watch de trout, an' way dey 're playin' on de reever down below, Ah! de cunning leetle feller, easy see how well dey 're knowin' We 're too busy now for ketch dem an' dat 's w'y dey 're jompin' so. For de mos' fine summer season don't las' too long, an' we know it, So we 're workin' ev'rybody, w'ile de sun is warm an' clear, Dat 's de tam for plant de barley, an' de injun corn we sow it, Wen de leaf upon de maple 's jus' de size of squirrel's ear. 172 THE HABITANT'S SUMMER 'Noder job is feexin' fences, if we don't be lak de las' year, Wen de Durham bull he 's pullin' nearly all de fence away, An' dat sapree champion taureau let de cattle out de pasture So dey 're playin' on de devil wit' de oat an' wit' de hay. Yass, de farmer 's offen worry, an' it sometam mak' heem snappy, For no sooner wan job 's finish, dan he got two t'ousan' more, But he 's glad for see de summer, w'en all de worl' she 's happy, An' ev'ryt'ing aroun' heem was leevin' out o' door. Now de ole sheep 's takin' young wan up de hill- side, an' dey feed dem Were de nice short grass is growin' sweeter dan it grow below, Ev'ry morning off dey 're goin' an' it 's pleasan' t'ing to see dem Lookin' jus' lak leetle snow-ball all along de green coteau. i73 THE HABITANT'S SUMMER Dere 's de hen too, wit' her chicken, O how moche dey mak' her bodder Watchin' dem mos' ev'ry minute, fearin' dey was go astray But w'en mountain hawk he 's comin' den how quick dey fin' de moder An' get onderneat' her fedder till de danger 's pass away. An' jus' see de turkey gobbler, an' lissen to heem talkin' No wonder he 's half crazee, an' spikin' out so loud, W'en you meet heem on de roadside wit' hees wife an' chil'ren walkin', It 's kipin' heem so busy lookin' affer such a crowd. Dat 's about de way we 're leevin', dat 's a few t'ing we 're seein', "Wen de nice warm summer sun is shinin' down on Canadaw, An' no matter w'at I 'm hearin', still I never feel lak bein' No oder stranger feller, me, but only habitant. LITTLE LAC GRENIER For dere 's no place lak our own place, don't care de far you 're goin' Dat 's w'at de whole worl's sayin', w'enever dey come here, 'Cos we got de fines' contree, an' de beeges' reever flowin' An' le bon Dieu sen' de sunshine nearly twelve mont' ev'ry year. Little Lac Grenier (Gren- Yay) T EETLE Lac Grenier, she 's all alone, Right on de mountain top, But cloud sweepin' by, will fin' tarn to stop No matter how quickly he want to go, So he 11 kiss leetle Grenier down below. Leetle Lac Grenier, she 's all alone, Up on de mountain high But she never feel lonesome, 'cos for w'y? So soon as de winter was gone away De bird come an' sing to her ev'ry day. Leetle Lac Grenier, she 's all alone, Back on de mountain dere, But de pine tree an' spruce stan* ev'rywhere Along by de shore, an' mak' her warm For dey kip off de win' an' de winter storm. LITTLE LAC GRENIER Leetle Lac Grenier, she 's all alone, No broder, no sister near, But de swallow will fly, an' de beeg moose deer An' caribou too, will go long way To drink de sweet water of Lac Grenier. Leetle Lac Grenier, I see you now, Onder de roof of spring Ma canoe 's afloat, an' de robin sing, De lily 's beginnin' her summer dress, An' trout 's wakin' up from hees long long res'. Leetle Lac Grenier, I 'm happy now, Out on de ole canoe, For I 'm all alone, ma chere, wit' you, An' if only a nice light rod I had I 'd try dat fish near de lily pad ! Leetle Lac Grenier, O ! let me go, Don't spik no more, For your voice is strong lak de rapid's roar, An' you know youse'f I 'm too far away, For visit you now lee tie Lac Grenier! 176 THE WINDIGO The Windigo O easy wit' de paddle, an' steady wit' de Geev rudder to de bes' man you got among de crew, Let ev'ry wan be quiet, don't let dem sing no more Wen you see de islan' risin' out of Grande Lac Manitou. Above us on de sky dere, de summer cloud may float Aroun' us on de water de ripple never show, But somet'ing down below us can rock de stronges' boat, Wen we 're comin' near de islan' of de spirit Windigo ! De carcajou may breed dere, an' otter sweem de pool De moosh-rat mak' de mud house, an' beaver buil' hees dam An' beeges' Injun hunter on all de T6te de Boule Will never set hees trap dere from spring to summer tarn. THE WINDIGO But he '11 bring de fines' presen' from upper St. Maurice De loup marin an' black-fox from off de Hod- son Bay An' hide dem on de islan' an' smoke de pipe of peace So Windigo will help heem w'en he travel far away. We shaintee on dat islan' on de winter seexty- nine If you look you see de clearin' aroun' de Coo Coo Cache, An' pleasan' place enough too among de spruce an' pine If foreman on de shaintee is n't Cyprien Palache. Beeg feller, alway watchin' on hees leetle weasel eye, De gang dey can't do not'ing but he see dem purty quick Wit' hees "Hi dere, w'at you doin'?" ev'ry tarn he f s passin' by An' de bad word he was usin', wall! it offen mak' me sick. 178 THE WINDIGO An' he carry silver w'issle wit' de chain aroun' hees neck For fear he mebbe los' it, an' ev'rybody say He mus' buy it from de devil w'en he 's passin' on Kebeck But if it 's true dat story, I dunno how moche he pay. Dere 's plaintee on de shaintee can sing lak ros- signol Pat Clancy play de fiddle, an' Jimmie Char- bonneau Was bring hees concertina from below St. Fereol So we get some leetle pleasure till de long, long winter go. But if we start up singin' affer supper on de camp "Par derriere chez ma tante," or "Mattawa wishtay," De boss he '11 come along den, an' put heem out de lamp, An' only stop hees swearin' w'en we all go marche coucher. 179 THE WINDIGO We 've leetle boy dat winter from Po-po-lo-be- lang Hees fader an' hees moder dey 're bote A-ben-a-kee An' he 's comin', Injun Johnnie, wit' some man de lumber gang Was fin' heem nearly starvin' above on Lac Souris. De ole man an' de woman is tryin' pass de Soo W'en water 's high on spring tarn, an' of course dey 're gettin' drown', For even smartes' Injun should n't fool wit' birch canoe, Were de reever lak toboggan on de hill is runnin' down. So dey lef de leetle feller all alone away up dere Till lumber gang is ketchin' him an' bring him on de Cache, But better if he 's stayin' wit* de wolf an' wit' de bear Dan come an' tak' hees chances wit' Cyprien Palache. 1 80 THE WINDIGO I wonder how he stan' it, w'y he never run away For Cyprien lak neeger he is treat heem all de sam' An' if he 's wantin' Johnnie on de night or on de day God help heem if dat w'issle she was below de secon* tarn! De boy he don't say not'ing, no wan never see heem cry He 's got de Injun in heem, you can see it on de face, An' only for us feller an' de cook, he '11 surely die Long before de winter 's over, long before we lef ' de place, But I see heem hidin' somet'ing wan morning by de shore So firse tarn I was passin' I scrape away de snow An' it 's rabbit skin he 's ketchin' on de swamp de day before, Leetle Injun Johnnie 's workin' on de spirit Windigo. 181 THE WINDIGO December 's come in stormy, an' de snow-dreef fill de road Can only see de chimley an' roof of our cabane, An' stronges' team in stable fin' it plaintee heavy load Haulin' sleigh an' two free pine log t'roo de wood an' beeg savane. An' I travel off wan day me, wit' Cyprien Palache, Explorin' for new timber, w'en de win' begin to blow, So we hurry on de snow-shoe for de camp on Coo Coo Cache If de nor' eas' storm is comin', was de bes' place we dunno An' we 're gettin' safe enough dere wit' de storm close on our heel, But w'en our belt we loosen for takin' off de coat De foreman commence screamin' an' mon Dieu it mak' us feel Lak he got t'ree t'ousan' devil all fightin' on hees t'roat. 182 THE WINDIGO Cyprien is los' hees w'issle, Cyprien is los' hees chain Injun Johnnie he mus' fin' it, even if de win' is high He can never show hese'f on de Coo Coo Cache again Till he bring dat silver w'issle an' de chain it '& hangin' by. So he sen' heem on hees journey never knowin* he come back T'roo de rough an' stormy wedder, t'roo de pile of dreefin' snow "Wat 's de use of bein' Injun if you can't smell out de track?" Dat 's de way de boss is talkin', an' poor Johnnie have to go. If you want to hear de musiqtie of de nort' win* as it blow An' lissen to de hurricane an' learn de way it sing An' feel how small de man is w'en he 's leevin' here below, You should try it on de shaintee w'en she 's doin' all dem t'ing ! 183 THE WINDIGO Wat 's dat soun' lak somet'ing cryin' all aroun' us ev'ryw'ere? We never hear no tender upon de winter storm! Dey 're shoutin' to each oder dem voices on de air, An' it 's red hot too de stove pipe, but no wan 's feelin' warm! Get out an' go de woodpile before I freeze to Cyprien de boss is yellin' an' he 's lookin' cole an' w'ite Lak dead man on de coffin, but no wan go, you bet, For if it 's near de woodpile, 't is n't close enough to-night! Kon! we ain't afraid of not'ing, but we don't lak takin' chance, An' w'en we hear de spirit of de wiT A-ben-a- kee Singin' war song on de chimley, makin' all dem Injun dance Raisin' row dere, you don't ketch us on no woodpile no siree! 184 THE WINDIGO O ! de lonesome night we 're passin' w'ile we 're stayin' on dat place! An' ev'rybody sheever w'en Jimmie Char- bonneau Say he 's watchin' on de winder an' he see de Injun face An' it 's lookin' so he tole us, jus' de sam' as Windigo. Den again mese'f I 'm hearin' somet'ing callin', an' it soun' Lak de voice of leetle Johnnie so I 'm passin' on de door But de pine stump on de clearin' wit' de w'ite sheet all aroun' Mak' me t'ink of churchyar' tombstone, an' I can't go dere no more Wat 's de reason we 're so quiet w'ile our heart she 's goin' fas' Wy is no wan ax de question? dat we 're all afraid to spik? Was it wing of flyin' wiT bird strek de winder as it pass, Or de sweesh of leetle snow-ball w'en de v, in* is playin' trick? 185 THE WINDIGO Wen we bull' de Coo Coo shaintee, she 's as steady as a rock, Did you feel de shaintee shakin' de sam, she 's goin' to fall? Dere 's somet'ing on de doorway! an' now we hear de knock An' up above de hurricane we hear de w'issle call. Callin', callin' lak a bugle, an 1 he 's jompin' up de boss From hees warm bed on de corner an' open wide de door Dere 's no use foller affer for Cyprien is los' An' de Coo Coo Cache an' shaintee he '11 never see no more. At las' de morning 's comin', an' storm is blow away An' outside on de shaintee young Jimmie Charbonneau He 's seein track of snowshoe, 'bout de size of double sleigh Dere 's no mistak' it 's makin' by de spirit Windigo. 1 86 NATIONAL POLICY An' de leetle Injun Johnnie, he 's all ri^ht j onderstan' For you '11 fin' heem up de reever above de Coo Coo Cache Ketchin' mink and ketchin' beaver, an 'he 's growin' great beeg man But dat 's de las' we 're hearin' of Cyprien Palache. National Policy /"\UR fader lef ole France behin', dat 's many year ago, An' how we get along since den, wall! ev'ry body know, Few t'ousan' firse class familee was only come dat tarn, An' now we got pure Canayens; t'ree million peop' bedamme! Dat 's purty smart beez-nesse, I t'ink we done on Canadaw, An' we don't mak' no grande hooraw, but do it tranquillement So if we 're braggin' now an' den, we mus' be excuzay, For no wan 's never see before de record bus' dat way. 187 NATIONAL POLICY An' w'y should we be feel ashame, 'cos we have boy an' girl? No matter who was come along, we '11 match agen de worl' ; Wit' plaintee boy lak w'at we got no. danger be afraid, An' all de girl she look too nice for never come ole maid. If we have only small cor-nerre de sam' we have before Wen ole Champlain an' Jacques Cartier firse jomp upon de shore Dere 's no use hurry den at all, but now you understan' We got to whoop it up, ba gosh! for occupy de Ian'! W'at 's use de million acre, w'at 's use de belle riviere, An* t'ing lak dat if we don't have somebody leevin' dere? W'at 's mak' de worl' look out for us, an' kip de nation free Unless we 're raisin' all de tarn some fine large familee? 1 88 NATIONAL POLICY Don't seem so long we buil' dat road, Chemin de Pacifique, Tak' bonder dollar pass on dere, an' nearly two t'ree week, Den look dat place it freeze so hard, on w'at you call Klon-dak, Wall ! if we have to fill dem up, we got some large contrac' ! Of course we 're not doin' bad jus' now ; so ev'ry- body say, But we dunno de half we got on Canadaw to- day, An' still she 's comin' beeger, an* never mak' no fuss, So if we don't look out, firse t'ing, she '11 get ahead of us. De more I t'ink, de more I 'm scare, de way she grow so fas', An' worse of all it 's hard to say how long de boom '11 las' But if she don't go slower an' ease up leetle bit, Bimeby de Canayens will be some dead bird on de pit. 189 AUTUMN DAYS Den ev'ry body hip hooraw! an' sen' de familee Along de reever, t'roo de wood, an' on de grande prairie, Dat 's only way I 'm t'inkin' arrange de w'ole affaire An' mebbe affer w'ile dere won't be too moche Ian' for spare. Autumn Days TN dreams of the night I hear the call Of wild duck scudding across the lake, In dreams I see the old convent wall, Where Ottawa's waters surge and break. But Hercule awakes me ere the sun Has painted the eastern skies with gold. Hercule! true knight of the rod and gun As ever lived in the days of old. "Arise! tho' the moon hangs high above, The sun will soon usher in the day, And the southerly wind that sportsmen love Is blowing across St. Louis Bay." The wind is moaning among the trees, Along the shore where the shadows lie, And faintly borne on the fresh'ning breeze From yonder point comes the loon's wild cry 190 . AUTUMN DAYS Like diamonds flashing athwart the tide The dancing moonbeams quiver and glow, As out on the deep we swiftly glide To our distant Mecca, lie Perrot. He Perrot far to the southward lies, Pointe Claire on the lee we leave behind, And eager we gaze with longing eyes, For faintest sign of the deadly "blind." Past the point where Ottawa's current flows A league from St. Lawrence golden sands Out in the bay where the wild grass grows We mark the spot where our ambush stands. We enter it just as the crimson flush Of morn illumines the hills with light, And patiently wait the first mad rush Of pinions soaring in airy flight. A rustle of wings from over there, Where all night long on watery bed The flocks have slept and the morning air Rings with the messenger of lead. Many a pilgrim from far away Many a stranger from distant seas, Is dying to-day on St. Louis Bay, To requiem sung by the southern breeze. 191 MADELEINE VERCHERES And thus till the sound of the vesper bell Comes stealing o'er Ottawa's dusky stream, And the ancient light-house we know so well Lights up the tide with its friendly gleam. Then up with the anchor and ply the oar, For homeward again our course must bear, Farewell to the "blind" by He Perrot 's shore, And welcome the harbor of old Pointe Claire ! Madeleine Vercheres ' 'VE told you many a tale, my child, of the old heroic days Of Indian wars and massacre, of villages ablaze With savage torch, from Ville Marie to the Mission of Trois Rivieres But never have I told you yet, of Madeleine Vercheres. Summer had come with its blossoms, and gaily the robin sang And deep in the forest arches the axe of the woodman rang Again in the waving meadows, the sun-browned farmers met And out on the green St. Lawrence, the fisher- man spread his net. 192 MADELEINE VERCHERES And so through the pleasant season, till the days of October came When children wrought with their parents, and even the old and lame With tottering frames and footsteps, their feeble labors lent At the gathering of the harvest le bon Dieu himself had sent. For news there was none of battle, from the forts on the Richelieu To the gates of the ancient city, where the flag of King Louis flew All peaceful the skies hung over the seigneurie of Verckeres, Like the calm that so often cometh, ere the hurricane rends the air. And never a thought of danger had the Seigneur sailing away, To join the soldiers of Carignan, where down at Quebec they lay, But smiled on his little daughter, the maiden Madeleine, And a necklet of jewels promised her, when home he should come again. 13 193 MADELEINE VERCHERES And ever the days passed swiftly, and careless the workmen grew For the months they seemed a hundred, since the last war-bugle blew. Ah! little they dreamt on their pillows, the farmers of Vercheres, That the wolves of the southern forest had scented the harvest fair. Like ravens they quickly gather, like tigers they watch their prey Poor people! with hearts so happy, they sang as they toiled away. Till the murderous eyeballs glistened, and the tomahawk leaped out And the banks of the green St. Lawrence echoed the savage shout. "Oh mother of Christ have pity," shrieked the women in despair "This is no time for praying," cried the young Madeleine Vercheres, "Aux armes! aux armes! les Iroquois! quick to your arms and guns Fight for your God and country and the lives of the innocent ones." 194 MADELEINE VERCHERES And she sped like a deer of the mountain, when beagles press close behind And the feet that would follow after, must be swift as the prairie wind. Alas! for the men and women, and little ones that day For the road it was long and weary, and the fort it was far away. But the fawn had outstripped the hunters, and the palisades drew near, And soon from the inner gateway the war-bugle rang out clear; Gallant and clear it sounded, with never a note of despair, 'T was a soldier of France's challenge, from the young Madeleine Vercheres. "And this is my little garrison, my brothers Louis and Paul? With soldiers two and a cripple? may the Virgin pray for us all. But we Ve powder and guns in plenty, and we '11 fight to the latest breath And if need be for God and country, die a brave soldier's death. MADELEINE VERCHERES "Load all the carabines quickly, and whenever you sight the foe Fire from the upper turret, and the loopholes down below. Keep up the fire, brave soldiers, though the fight may be fierce and long And they '11 think our little garrison is more than a hundred strong." So spake the maiden Madeleine, and she roused the Norman blood That seemed for a moment sleeping, and sent it like a flood Through every heart around her, and they fought the red Iroquois As fought in the old time battles, the soldiers of Carignan. And they say the black clouds gathered, and a tempest swept the sky And the roar of the thunder mingled with the forest tiger's cry But still the garrison fought on, while the lightning's jagged spear Tore a hole in the night's dark curtain, and showed them a foeman near. 196 MADELEINE VERCHERES And the sun rose up in the morning, and the color of blood was he Gazing down from the heavens on the little company. "Behold! my friends!" cried the maiden, "'tis a warning lest we forget Though the night saw us do our duty, our work is not finished yet." And six days followed each other, and feeble her limbs became Yet the maid never sought her pillow, and the flash of the carabines' flame Illumined the powder-smoked faces, aye, even when hope seemed gone And she only smiled on her comrades, and told them to fight, fight on. And she blew a blast on the bugle, and lo! from the forest black Merrily, merrily ringing, an answer came peal- ing back Oh! pleasant and sweet it sounded, borne on the morning air, For it heralded fifty soldiers, with gallant De la Monniere. 197 MADELEINE VERCHERES And when he beheld the maiden, the soldier of Carignan, And looked on the little garrison that fought the red Iroquois And held their own in the battle, for six long weary days, He stood for a moment speechless, and mar- velled at woman's ways- Then he beckoned the men behind him and steadily they advance And with carabines uplifted, the veterans of France Saluted the brave young Captain so timidly standing there And they, fired a volley in honor of Madeleine Vercheres. And this, my dear, is the story of the maiden Madeleine God grant that we in Canada may never see again Such cruel wars and massacres, in waking or in dream As our fathers and mothers saw, my child, in the days of the old regime. 198 THE "ROSE DELIMA" The "RoseDelima" 'VT'OU can sew heem up in a canvas sack, An' t'row heem over boar' You can wait till de ship she 's comin' back Den bury heem on de shore For dead man w'en he 's dead for sure, Ain't good for not'ing at all An* he '11 stay on de place you put heem Till he 'hear dat bugle call Dey say will soun' on de las', las' day W'en ev'ry t'ing 's goin' for pass away, But down on de Gulf of St. Laurent Were de sea an' de reever meet An' off on St. Pierre de Miquelon, De chil'ren on de street Can tole you story of Pierre Guillaume, De sailor of St. Yvonne Dat 's bringin' de "Rose Delima" home Affer he 's dead an' gone. He was stretch heem on de bed an* he could n't raise hees head So dey place heem near de winder w'ere he can look below, An' watch de schooner lie wit' her topmas' on de sky, An' oh! how mad it mak' heem, ole Captinne Baribeau. 199 THE "ROSE DELIMA" For she 's de fines' boat dat never was afloat From de harbor of St. Simon to de shore of New-fun-lan' She can almos' dance a reel, an' de sea shell on her keel Wall! you count dem very easy on de finger of your han'. But de season 's flyin' fas', an' de fall is nearly pas' An' de leetle "Rose Delima" she's doin' not 'ing dere Only pullin' on her chain, an' wishin' once again She was w'ere de black fish tumble, an jomp upon de air. But who can tak' her out, for she 's got de tender mout' Lak a trotter on de race-course dat 's mebbe run away If he 's not jus' handle so an' ole Captinne Baribeau Was de only man can sail her, dat 's w'at dey offen say. 200 THE "ROSE DELIMA" An' now he 's lyin' dere, w'ere de breeze is blow hees hair An' he 's hearin' ev'ry morning de " Rose Delima " call, Sayin', "Come along wit' me, an' we '11 off across de sea, For I 'm lonesome waitin' for you, Captinne Paul. "On Anticosti shore we hear de breaker roar An' reef of Dead Man's Islan' too we know, But we never miss de way, no matter night or day, De 'Rose Delima' schooner an' Captinne Baribeau." De Captinne cry out den, so de house is shake again, "Come here! come here, an' quickly, ma daughter Virginie, An' let me hoi' your han', for so long as I can stan' I '11 tak' de ' Rose Delima, ' an' sail her off to sea." 2OI THE "ROSE DELIMA" "No, no, ma fader dear, you 're better stayin' here Till de cherry show her blossom on de spring, For de loon he 's flyin' sout' an' de fall is nearly out, Wen de wil' bird of de nort' is on de wing. "'But fader dear, I know de man can go below Wit' leetle 'Rose Delima' on St. Pierre de Miquelon Hees nam' is Pierre Guillaume, an' he '11 bring de schooner home Till she 's t'rowin' out her anchor on de port of St. Simon." "Ha! Ha! ma Virginie, it isn't hard to see You lak dat smart young sailor man youse'f, I s'pose he love you too, but I tole you w'at I do Wen I have some leetle talk wit' heem mese'f . "So call heem up de stair:" an' w'en he 's stan- nin' dere, De Captinne say, "Young feller, you see how sick I be? De poor ole Baribeau has n't very much below Beside de 'Rose Delima,' an' hees daughter Virginie. 202 THE "ROSE DELIMA" "An' I know your fader well, he 's fine man too, Noel, An' hees nam' was comin' offen on ma prayer An' if your sailor blood she 's only half as good You can sail de 'Rose Delima' from here to any w'ere. "You love ma Virginie? wall! if you promise me You bring de leetle schooner safely home From St. Pierre de Miquelon to de port of St. Simon You can marry on ma daughter, Pierre Guil- laume." An' Pierre he answer den, "Ma fader was your frien' An' it 's true your daughter Virginie I love, Dat schooner she '11 come home, or ma nam' 's not Pierre Guillaume I swear by all de angel up above." So de wiT bird goin' sout', see her shake de canvas out, An* soon de "Rose Delima" she 'sflyin' down de bay An' poor young Virginie so long as she can see Kip watchin' on dat schooner till at las' she 's gone away. 203 THE "ROSE DELIMA" Ho! ho! for Gaspe" cliff w'en de win' is blowin* stiff, Ho ! ho ! for Anticosti w'ere bone of dead man lie! De sailor cimetiere! God help de beeg ship dere If dey come too near de islan' w'en de wave she 's runnin' high. It 's locky t'ing he know de way he ought to go It 's locky too de star above, he know dem ev'ry wan For God he mak' de star, was shinin' up so far, So he trus' no oder compass, young Pierre of St. Yvonne. An' de schooner sail away pas' Wolf Islan' an' Cape Ray W'ere de beeg wave fight each oder roun' de head of ole Pointe Blanc Only gettin' pleasan' win', till she tak' de canvas in An' drop de anchor over on St. Pierre de Miquelon. 204 THE "ROSE DELIMA" We 're glad to see some more, de girl upon de shore, An' Jean Barbette was kipin' Hotel de Sans- souci He 's also glad we come, 'cos we mak' de rafter hum; An' w'en we 're stayin' dere, ma foi! we spen' de monee free. But Captinne Pierre Guillaume, might jus' as well be home, For he don't forget his sweetheart an' ole man Baribeau, An 1 so he stay on boar', an' fifty girl or mere Less dey haul heem on de bowline, dey could n't mak' heem go. Wall! we 're workin' hard an' fas', an' de cargo 's on at las' Two honder cask of w'isky, de fines' on de worl' ! So good-bye to Miquelon, an' hooraw for St. Simon An' au revoir to Jean Barbette, an' don't for- get de girl. 205 THE "ROSE DELIMA" You can hear de schooner sing, w'en she open out her wing So glad to feel de slappin' of de sea wave on her breas' She did n't los' no tarn, but travel jus' de sam', As de small bird w'en he 's flyin' on de evening to hees nes'. But her sail 's not blowin' out wit' de warm breeze of de sout' An' it 's not too easy tellin' w'ere de snow- flake meet de foam Stretchin' out on ev'ry side, all across de Gulf so wide W'en de nor'-eas' win' is chasin' de "Rose Delima" home. An' we 're flyin' once again pas' de Isle of Madeleine An' away for Anticosti we let de schooner go Lak a race-horse on de track, we could never hoi' her back She mebbe hear heem callin' her, ole Captinne Baribeau! 206 THE _" ROSE DELIMA" But we 're ketchin' it wan night w'en de star go out of sight For de storm dat 's waitin' for us, come before we know it 's dere An' it blow us near de coas' w'ere dey leev' de sailor's ghos' On de shore of Dead Man's Islan' till dey almos' fill de air. So de Captinne tak' de wheel, an' it mak' de schooner feel Jus' de sam' as ole man Baribeau is workin' dere hese'f "Well she know it 's life or deat', so she 's fightin' hard for breat' For wit' all dem wave a chokin' her, it 's leetle she got lef. Den de beeges' sea of all, stannin' up dere lak a wall Come along an' sweep de leetle " Rose Delima" fore an' af An' above de storm a cry, "Help, mon Dieu! before I die." An' dere 's no wan on de wheel house, an' we hear dem spirit laugh. 207 THE "ROSE DELIMA" Dey 're lookin' for dead man, an' dey 're shoutin* all dey can Don't matter all de pile dey got dey want anoder wan An' now dey 're laughin' loud, for out of all de crowd Dey got no finer sailor boy dan Pierre of St. Yvonne! But look dere on de wheel ! w'at 's dat was seem to steal From now'ere, out of not'ing, till it reach de pilot's place An' steer de rudder too, lak de Captinne used to do So lak de Captinne's body, so lak de Cap- tinne's face. But well enough we know de poor boy 's gone below, Were hees bone will join de oder on de place w'ere dead man be An' we only see phantome of young Captinne Pierre Guillaume Dat sail de "Rose Delima" all night along de sea. 208 THE "ROSE DELIMA" So we help heem all we can, kip de schooner off de Ian' Were bad spirit work de current dat was pullin' us inside JBut we fool dem all at las', an' we know de danger 's pas' Wen de sun come out an' fin' us floatin' on de morning tide. So de Captinne's work is done, an' nex' day de schooner run Wit' de sail all hangin' roun' her, to de port of St. Simon. Dat 's de way young Pierre Guillaume bring de "Rose Delima" home T'roo de wiT an' stormy wedder from St. Pierre de Miquelon. An' de leetle Virginie never look upon de sea Since de tarn de "Rose Delima" 's comin' home, For she 's lef ' de worl' an' all ! but behin' de convent wall She don't forget her fader an' poor young Pierre Guillaume. 14 209 LITTLE MOUSE Little Mouse ET along leetle mouse, kick de snow up behin' you For it 's fine winter road we 're travel to-night Wit' de moon an' de star shinin' up on de sky dere W'y it 's almos' de sam' as de broad day light. De bell roun' your body it 's quick tune dey 're playin' But your foot 's kipin' tarn jus' as steady can be, Ah! you dance youse'f crazy if only I let you, Ma own leetle pony petite souris. You 'member w'en firse we be tryin' for broke you An' Joe Sauvageau bet hees two dollar bill He can drive you alone by de bridge on de reever An' down near de place w'ere dey got de beeg mill. An' it 's new cariole too, is come from St. Felix Jo-seph 's only buyin' it week before, An' w'en he is passin' de road wit' hees trotter Ev'ry body was stan' on de outside door. 210 LITTLE MOUSE An' dere he sit, sam' he don't care about not'ing Hees foot on de dashboar', hees han' on de line Ev'ry dog on de place is come out for barkin' An' all de young boy he was ronnin' behin'. Wall! sir, Joe 's put on style leetle soon for hees pleasure For w'en de mill w'issle, you jomp lak de cat An' nex' t'ing poor Joe is commencin' get busy, Non ! I never see fine run-away lak dat. 'Way go de pony den 'way go de cariole, Poor Joe say, "good-bye" on de foot of de hill An' all he can see of de sleigh de nex' morning Is jus' about pay for hees two dollar bill. Ah! your right nam' jus' den should be leetle devil An' not leetle mouse, de sam' you have now. Wall! dat 's long ago, an' you 're gettin' more quiet Since tarn you was never done kickin' de row. But I 'm not very sorry de firse day I see you Settle down on de trot lak your fader he get W'en he beat Sorel Boy on de ice at T'ree Reever Bes' two on t'ree heat, an' win all de bet. 211 STRATHCONA'S HORSE Your moder she 's come off de Lachapelle stock too Ole Canayen blood from Berthier en haut De bes' kin' of horse never look on de halter So it is n't moche wonder you know how to go. Dat 's church bell we 're off dere on de hillside Get along leetle mouse, for we must n't be late, Fin' your way t'roo de res' of dem crowdin' de roadside You '11 never get better chance showin' your gait. Wall! church is all over, an' Josephine 's comin' For drive wit' us home on her gran'moder's house So tak' your own tarn an' don't be on de hurry Your slowes' gait 's quick enough now, leetle mouse. Strathcona's Horse (Dedicated to Lord Strathcona) /~\ I was thine,and thou wert mine, and ours the boundless plain, Where the winds of the North, my gallant steed, ruffled thy tawny mane, STRATHCONA'S HORSE But the summons hath come with roll of drum, and bugles ringing shrill, Startling the prairie antelope, the grizzly of the hill. 'T is the voice of Empire calling, and the chil- dren gather fast From every land where the cross bar floats out from the quivering mast; So into the saddle I leap, my own, with bridle swinging free, And thy hoof-beats shall answer the trumpets blowing across the sea. Then proudly toss thy head aloft, nor think of the foe to-morrow, For he who dares to stay our course drinks deep of the Cup of Sorrow. Thy form hath pressed the meadow's breast, where the sullen grey wolf hides, The great red river of the North hath cooled thy burning sides ; Together we 've slept while the tempest swept the Rockies' glittering chain; And many a day the bronze centaur hath gal- loped behind in vain. But the sweet wild grass of mountain pass, and the shimmering summer streams Must vanish forevermore, perchance, into the land of dreams ; 213 JOHNNIE'S FIRST MOOSE For the strong young North hath sent us forth to battlefields far away, And the trail that ends where Empire trends, is the trail we ride to-day. But proudly toss thy head aloft, nor think of the foe to-morrow, For he who bars Strathcona's Horse, drinks deep of the Cup of Sorrow. Johnnie's First Moose cloud is hide de moon, but dere 's plain- tee light above, Steady, Johnnie, steady kip your head down low, Move de paddle leetle quicker, an' de ole canoe we '11 shove T'roo de water nice an' quiet For de place we 're goin' try it Is beyon' de silver birch dere You can see it lak a church dere Wen we 're passin' on de corner w'ere de lily flower grow. Was n't dat correc' w'at I 'm tolin' you jus' now? Steady, Johnnie, steady kip your head down low, Never min', I '11 watch behin' me an' you can watch de bow 214 JOHNNIE'S FIRST MOOSE An' you '11 see a leetle clearer Wen canoe is comin' nearer Dere she is now easy, easy, For de win' is gettin' breezy, An' we don't want not'ing smell us, till de horn begin to blow I remember long ago w'en ma fader tak' me out, Steady, Johnnie, steady kip your head down low, Jus' de way I 'm takin' you, sir, hello! was dat a shout? Seems to me I t'ink I 'm hearin' Somet'ing stirrin' on de clearin' Were it stan' de lumber shaintee, If it 's true, den you '11 have plaintee Work to do in half a minute, if de moose don't start to go. An' now we 're on de shore, let us hide de ole canoe, Steady, Johnnie, steady kip your head down low, An' lie among de rushes, dat 's bes' t'ing we can do, For de ole boy may be closer Dan anybody know, sir, 215 JOHNNIE'S FIRST MOOSE An' look out you don't be shakin' Or de bad shot you '11 be makin' But I 'm feelin' sam' way too, me, w'en I was young, also You ready for de call? here goes for number wan, Steady, Johnnie, steady kip your head down low, Did you hear how nice I do it, an' how it travel on Till it reach across de reever. Dat '11 geev' some moose de fever! Wait now, Johnnie, don't you worry, No use bein' on de hurry, But lissen for de answer, it '11 come before you know. Por w'y you jomp lak dat? w'at 's matter wit' your ear? Steady, Johnnie, steady kip your head down low Tak' your finger off de trigger, dat was only bird you hear, Can't you tell de pine tree crickin' Or de boule frog w'en he 's spikin' ? Don't you know de grey owl singin' From de beeg moose w'en he 's ringin' Out hees challenge on de message your ole gran'fader blow? 216 JOHNNIE'S FIRST MOOSE You 're lucky boy to-night, wit' hunter man lak me ! Steady, Johnnie, steady kip your head down low Can tole you all about it! H-s-ssh! dat 's somet'ing now I see, Dere he 's comin' t'roo de bushes, So get down among de rushes, Hear heem walk! I t'ink, by tender, He mus' go near fourteen honder ! Dat 's de feller I been watchin' all de evening, I dunno. I '11 geev' anoder call, jus' a leetle wan or two, Steady, Johnnie, steady kip your head down low Wen he see dere 's no wan waitin' I wonder w'at he '11 do? But look out for here he 's comin' Sa-pris-ti ! ma heart is drummin' ! You can never get heem nearer An' de moon is shinin' clearer, W'at a fine shot you '11 be havin'! now Johnnie let her go! Bang! bang! you got heem sure! an' he'll never run away Nor feed among de lily on de shore of Wes- sonneau, 217 THE OLD PINE TREE So dat 's your firse moose, Johnnie! wall! re- member all I say Does n't matter w'at you 're chasm', Does n't matter w'at you 're facin', Only watch de t'ing you 're doin' If you don't, ba gosh! you 're ruin! An' steady, Johnnie, steady kip your head down low. The Old Pine Tree (Dedicated to the St. George Snowshoe Club) "T ISTEN, my child," said the old pine tree to the little one nestling near, "For the storm clouds troop together to-night, and the wind of the north I hear And perchance there may come some echo of the music of long ago, The music that rang when the White Host sang, marching across the snow." '"Up and away Saint George! up thro' the mountain gorge, Over the plain where the tempest blows, and the great white flakes are flying Down the long narrow glen! faster my merry men, Follow the trail, tho' the shy moon hides, and deeply the drifts are lying. " 218 THE OLD PINE TREE "Ah! mother," the little pine tree replied, "you are dreaming again to-night Of ghostly visions and phantom forms that forever mock your sight 'T is true the moan of the winter wind comes to my list'ning ear But the White Host marching, I cannot see, and their music I cannot hear." "When the northern skies were all aflame where the trembling banners swung, When up in the vaulted heavens the moon of the Snow-Shoe hung, When the hurricane swept the hillside, and the crested drifts ran high Those were the nights, " said the old pine tree, "the great White Host marched by." And the storm grew fiercer, fiercer, and the snow went hissing past, But the little pine tree still listened, till she heard above the blast The music her mother loved to hear in the nights of the long ago And saw in the forest the white-clad Host marching across the snow. 219 LITTLE BATEESE And loud they sang as they tramped along of the glorious bygone days When valley and hill re-echoed the snow- shoer's hymn of praise Till the shy moon gazed down smiling, and the north wind paused to hear And the old pine tree felt young again as the little one nestling near. "Up and away Saint George! up thro' the mountain gorge. Over the plain where the tempest blows, and the great white flakes are flying. Down the long narrow glen! faster my merry men. Follow the trail, tho' the shy moon hides, and deeply the drifts are lying. " Little Bateese "V7"OU bad leetle boy, not moche you care How busy you 're kipin' your poor gran'- pere Tryin' to stop you ev'ry day Chasin' de hen aroun' de hay W'y don't you geev' dem a chance to lay? Leetle Bateese! 220 LITTLE BATEESE Off on de fiel' you f oiler de plough Den w'en you 're tire you scare de cow Sickin' de dog till dey jomp de wall So de milk ain't good for not'ing at all An' you 're only five an' a half dis fall, Leetle Bateese! Too sleepy for sayin' de prayer to-night? Never min' I s'pose it '11 be all right Say dem to-morrow ah ! dere he go ! Fas' asleep in a minute or so An' he 11 stay lak dat till de rooster crow, Leetle Bateese! Den wake us up right away toute suite Lookin' for somet'ing more to eat, Makin' me t'ink of dem long leg crane Soon as dey swaller, dey start again, I wonder your stomach don't get no pain, Leetle Bateese! But see heem now lyin' dere in bed, Look at de arm onderneat' hees head; If he grow lak dat till he 's twenty year I bet he '11 be stronger dan Louis Cyr An' beat all de voyageurs leevin' here, Leetle Bateese! DONAL' CAMPBELL Jus' feel de muscle along hees back, Won't geev' heem moche bodder for carry pack On de long portage, any size canoe, Dere 's not many t'ing dat boy won't do For he 's got double-joint on hees body too, LeetleBateese! But leetle Bateese! please don't forget We rader you 're stayin' de small boy yet, So chase de chicken an' mak' dem scare An' do w'at you lak wit' your ole gran'pere For w'en you 're beeg feller he won't be dere Leetle Bateese! Donal 1 Campbell "T\ONAL' CAMPBELL Donal' Bane- sailed away across the ocean With the tartans of Clan Gordon, to the Indies' distant shore, But on Dargai's lonely hillside, Donal' Camp- bell met the foeman, And the glen of Athol Moray will never see him more! O! the wailing of the women, O! the storm of bitter sorrow Sweeping like the wintry torrent thro' Athol Moray's glen 222 DONAL' CAMPBELL When the black word reached the clansmen, that young Donal' Bane had fallen In the red glare of the battle, with the gallant ^ Gordon men ! Far from home and native sheiling, with the sun of India o'er him Blazing down its cruel hatred on the white- faced men below Stood young Donal' with his comrades, like the hound of ghostly Fingal Eager, waiting for the summons to leap up against the foe Hark! at last! the pipes are pealing out the welcome Caber Feidh And wild the red blood rushes thro' every Highland vein They breathe the breath of battle, the children of the Gael, And fiercely up the hillside, they charge and charge again And the grey eye of the Highlands, now is dark as blackest midnight, The history of their fathers is written on each face, Of border creach and foray, of never yielding conflict Of all the memories shrouding a stern uncon- quered race! 223 DONAL' CAMPBELL And up the hillside, up the mountain, while the war-pipes shrilly clamour Bayonet thrusting, broadsword cleaving, the Northern soldiers fought Till the sun of India saw them victors o'er the dusky foemen, For who can stay the Celtic hand when Celtic blood is hot? But the corse of many a clansman from the far- off Scottish Highlands 'Mid the rocks of savage Dargai is lying cold and still With the death-dew on its forehead, and young Donal' Campbell's tartan Bears a deeper stain of purple than the heather of the hill! Mourn him! Mourn him thro' the mountains, wail him women of Clan Campbell ! Let the Coronach be sounded till it reach the Indian shore For your beautiful has fallen in the foremost of the battle And the glen of Athol Moray will never see him more. 224 THE DUBLIN FUSILIER The Dublin Fusilier 11JERE 's to you, Uncle Kruger! slainte"! an' slainte galore. You 're a dacint ould man, begorra; never mind if you are a Boer. So with heart an' a half ma bouchal, we '11 drink to your health to-night For yourself an' your farmer sojers gave us a damn good fight. I was dramin' of Kitty Farrell, away in the Gap o' Dunloe, When the song of the bugle woke me, ringin' across Glencoe; An' once in a while a bullet came pattherin' from above, That tould us the big brown fellows were send- in' us down their love. 'T was a kind of an invitation, an' written in such a han' That a Chinaman could n't refuse it not to spake of an Irishman. So the pickets sent back an answer. "We 're comin' with right good will," Along what they call the kopje, tho' to me it looked more like a hill. is 225 "Fall in on the left," sez the captain, "my men of the Fusiliers; You '11 see a great fight this morning like you have n't beheld for years. " "Faith, captain dear," sez the sergeant, "you can bet your Majuba sword If the Dutch is as willin' as we are, you never spoke truer word." So we scrambled among the bushes, the bowl- ders an' rocks an' all, Like the gauger's men still-huntin' on the mountains of Donegal; We doubled an' turned an' twisted the same as a hunted hare, While the big guns peppered each other over us in the air. Like steam from the divil's kettle the kopje was bilin' hot, For the breeze of the Dutchman's bullets was the only breeze we got ; An' many a fine boy stumbled, many a brave lad died, When the Dutchman's message caught him there on the mountainside. 226 THE DUBLIN FUSILIER Little Nelly O'Brien, God help her! over there at ould Ballybay, Will wait for a Transvaal letter till her face an' her hair is grey, For I seen young Crohoore on a stretcher, an' I knew the poor boy was gone When. I spoke to the ambulance doctor, an' he nodded an' then passed -on. "Steady there!" cried the captain, "we must halt for a moment here." An' he spoke like a man in trainin', full winded an' strong an' clear. So we threw ourselves down on the kopje, weary an' tired as death, Waitin' the captain's orders, waitin' to get- a breath. It 's strange all the humors an' fancies that comes to a man like me; But the smoke of the battle risin' took me across the sea It 's the mist of Benbo I 'm seein' ; an' the rock that we '11 capture soon Is the rock where I shot the eagle, when I was a small gossoon. 227 THE DUBLIN FUSILIER I close my eyes for a minute, an' hear my poor mother say, "Patrick, avick, my darlin', you're surely not goin' away To join the red-coated sojers?" but the blood in me was strong If your sire was a Connaught Ranger, sure where would his son belong? Hark! whisht! do you hear the music comin' . up from the camp below? An odd note or two when the Maxims take breath for a second or so, Liftin' itself on somehow, stealin' its way up here, Knowin' there 's waitin' to hear it, many an Irish ear. Augh ! Garryowen ! you 're the jewel ! an' we charged on the Dutchman's guns, An' covered the bloody kopje, like a Gal way greyhound runs, At the top of the hill they met us, with faces all set and grim; But they could n't take the bayonet that 's the trouble with most of thim. 228 DREAMS So of course, they '11 be praisin' the Royals an' men of the Fusiliers, An' the newspapers help to dry up the widows an' orphans' tears, An' they '11 write a new name on the colors that is, if there 's room for more An' we '11 follow them thro' the battle, the same as we 've done before. But here 's to you, Uncle Kruger ! slainte* ! an* slainte* galore. After all, your 're a dacint Christian, never mind if you are a Boer. So with heart an' a half, ma bouchal, we '11 drink to your health to-night, For yourself an' your brown-faced Dutchmen gave us a damn good fight. Dreams "D ORD a Plouffe, Bord a Plouffe, Wat do I see w'en I dream of you? A shore w'ere de water is racin' by, A small boy lookin', an' wonderin' w'y He can't get fedder for goin' fly Lak de hawk makin' ring on de summer sky, Dat 's w'at I see. 229 DREAMS Bord Plouffe, Bord a Plouffe, Wat do I hear w'en I dream of you? Too many t'ing for sleepin' well! De song of de ole tarn cariole bell, De voice of dat girl from Sainte Angele (I geev' her a ring was mark "fidele") Dat 's w'at I hear. Bord a Plouffe, Bord a Plouffe, Wat do I smoke w'en I dream of you? Havana cigar from across de sea, An' get dem for not'ing too? No siree! Dere 's only wan kin' of tabac for me. An' it grow on de Riviere des Prairies Dat 's w'at I smoke. Bord a Plouffe, Bord a Plouffe, How do I feel w'en I t'ink of you? Sick, sick, for de ole place way back dere An' to sleep on ma own leetle room upstair Were de ghos' on de chimley mak' me scare I 'd geev' more monee dan I can spare Dat 's how I feel. Bord a Plouffe, Bord a Plouffe, Wat will I do w'en I 'm back wit* you? I 'II buy de farm of Bonhomme Martel, Long tarn he 's been waitin' a chance to sell, 230 THE OLD SEXTON Den pass de nex' morning on Sainte Angele, An' if she 's not marry dat girl very well, Dat 's w'at I '11 do. The Old Sexton T KNOW very well 't wa.s purty hard case If dere 's not on de worl' some beeger place Dan village of Cote St. Paul, But we got mebbe sixty-five house or more Wit' de blacksmit' shop an' two fine store Not to speak of de church an' de city hall. An' of course on village lak dat you fin' Some very nice girl if you have a min' To look aroun', an' we got dem too But de fines' of all never wear a ring, Since firse I 'm t'inkin' of all dem t'ing, Was daughter of ole Narcisse Beaulieu. Narcisse he 's bedeau on de beeg church dere, He also look affer de presbytere, An' leev on de house close by, On Sunday he 's watchin' de leetle boys, Stoppin' dem kickin' up too much noise, An' he bury de peop' w'en dey 're comin' die. 231 THE OLD SEXTON So dat 's w'at he do, Narcisse Beaulieu, An' it 's not very easy I 'm toliii 1 you, But a purty large heavy load, For on summer de cow she was run aroun' An' eat all de flower on de Cure's groun' An' before he can ketch her, p-s-s-t ! she 's down de road. Dat 's not'ing at all, for w'en winter come Narcisse got plaintee more work ba gum ! Shovellin' snow till hees back was sore, Makin' some track for de horse an' sleigh, Kipin' look out dey don't run away, An' freezin' outside on de double door. But w'enever de vault on de church is fill Wit' de peop' was waitin' down dere ontil Dey can go on de cimetiere, For fear dem student will come aroun' An' tak' de poor dead folk off to town Narcisse offen watch for dem all night dere. An' de girl Josephine she 's her fader's pet, He never see nobody lak her yet, So w'en he 's goin' on St. Jerome For travel about on some leetle tour An' lef her alone on de house, I 'm sure De house she 's all right w'en he 's comin' home. 232 THE OLD SEXTON Wall ! nearly t'ree year is come an' go, De quietes' year de village know, For dem student don't show hees face, An' de peop' is beginnin' to ax w'at for Dey 're alway goin' on He Bizard An' never pass on our place. But it 's bully tarn for de ole Narcisse, An' w'en he 's lettin' heem go de pries' For stay away two t'ree day He t'ink of course it was purty good chance, So he buy heem new coat an' pair of pants, An' go see hees frien' noder side de bay. An' dat very sam' night, ba gosh! it seem De girl 's not dreamin' some pleasan' dream For she visit de worse place never seen Down on T'ree Reever, an' near Kebeck Were robber-man's chokin' her on de neck De poor leetle Josephine ! So she 's risin' up den and she tak' de gun An' off on de winder she quickly run For fear she might need a shot An' dem student he 's comin' across de square Right on de front of de cimetiere An' carryin' somet'ing you know w'at! 233 THE OLD SEXTON So she 's takin' good aim on de beeges' man An 1 pull de trigger de hard she can, An' he 's yellin' an' down he go, Hees frien' dey say not'ing, but clear out quick, Dat 's way Josephine she was playin' trick On feller was treatin' poor dead folk so! Den she kick up a row an' begin to feel Very sorry right off for de boy she keel An' de nex' t'ing she 's startin' cry An' call on her fader an' moder too, Poor leetle Josephine Beaulieu, An' wishin' she 'd lak to die. But she did n't die den, an' he 's leevin' yet- Dat feller was comin' so near hees deat' For she 's nursin' heem back to life, Dey 're feexin' it someway, I dunno how, But dey 're marry an' leev' in de city now An' she 's makin' heem firse class wife. An' Narcisse hese'f he was alway say, " It 's fonny t'ing how it come dat way But I 'm not very sorry at all, Course I know ma son he 's not doin' right, But man he was haulin' aroun' dat night Is worse ole miser on Cote St. Paul." 234 CHILD THOUGHTS Child Thoughts Written to Commemorate the Anniversary of my Brother Tom's Birthday f~\ MEMORY, take my hand to-day And lead me thro' the darkened bridge Washed by the wild Atlantic spray And spanning many a wind-swept ridge Of sorrow, grief, of love and joy, Of youthful hopes and manly fears! O ! let me cross the bridge of years And see myself again a boy ! The shadows pass I see the light, O morning light, how clear and strong! My native skies are smiling bright, No more I grope my way along, It comes, the murmur of the tide Upon my ear I hear the cry Of wandering sea birds as they fly In trooping squadrons far and near. The breeze that blows o'er Mullaghmore I feel against my boyish cheek The white-walled huts that strew the shore From Castlegal to old Belleek, 235 CHILD THOUGHTS The fisher folk of Donegal, Kindly of heart and strong of arm, Who plough the ocean's treacherous farm, How plainly I behold them all! The thrush's song, the blackbird's note, The wren within the hawthorn hedge, The robin's swelling vibrant throat, The leveret crouching in the sedge ! In those dear days, ah! what was school? When Nature made our pulses thrill! The lessons we remember still Were learnt at Nature's own footstool! "The hounds are out! the beagles chase Along the slopes of Tawley's plain!" I rise and follow in the race Till fox, or hare, or both are slain, With heart ablaze, I loose the reins Of all my childish fierce desire, My faith ! 't is Ireland plants the fire And iron in her children's veins ! The mountain linnet whistles sweet Among the gorse of summer-time, As up the hill with eager feet The sun of morning sees me climb 236 BATEESE AND HIS LITTLE DECOYS Until at last I sink to rest Where heatherbells swing to the tune That Benbo breezes softly croon A tired child on the mother's breast! And now in wisdom's riper years, Ah, wisdom! what a price we pay Of sorrow, grief, of smiles and tears, Before we reach that wiser day! We meet to greet in joy and mirth The white-haired parent of us all Our childhood's memories to recall And bless the land that gave us birth. Bateese and his Little Decoys I 'm very very tire Marie, I wonder if I 'm able hoi' a gun An' me dat 's alway risin' wit de sun An' travel on de water, an' paddle ma canoe An' trap de mink an' beaver de fall an' winter t'roo, But now I t'ink dat fun is gone forever. Wall! I 'm mebbe stayin' long enough, For eighty-four I see it on de spring; Dough ma fader he was feelin' purty tough An' at ninety year can do mos' ev'ry t'ing, 237 BATEESE AND HIS LITTLE DECOYS But I never know de feller, don't care how ole he come, Dat is n't sure to t'ink he 's got anoder year, ba gum! Before he lif de anchor for de las' tam! It 's not so easy lyin' on de bed, An' lissen to de wil' bird on de bay, Dey know dat poor Bateese is nearly dead, Or dey would n't have such good fun ev'ry day! Put ma gun upon de piller near de winder, jus' for luck, Den bring w'ere I can see dem, ma own nice leetle duck So I have some talk wit' dem mese'f dis morning. Ah! dere you 're comin' now! mes beaux canards! Dat 's very pleasan' day, an' how you feel? Of course you dunno w'at I want you for, Wall ! lately I 've been t'inkin' a good deal Of all de fuss I 'm havin' show you w'at you ought to do Wen de cole win' of October de blin' is blow- ing t'roo An' de bluebill 's flyin' up an' down de reever. 238 BATEESE AND HIS LITTLE DECOYS O ! de bodder I 'm havin' wit' you all ! It's makin' me feel ole before ma tarn! Stan' over dere upon de right again de wall, Ma-dame Lapointe I 'm geevin' you Ma- dame .'Cos you walk aroun' de sam' way as ma cousin Aurelie An' lak youse'f she 's havin' de large large familee, Now let us see you don't forget your lesson! Qu-a-a-ck! you 're leetle hoarse to-day, don't you t'ink? Quack! quack! quack! dat 's right Mam- zelle Louise ! You go lak dat, an' quicker dan a wink, It '11 ring across de lake along de breeze, Till de wiT bird dey will lissen up de reever far an' near, An' tole de noder wan too, de musique dey was hear An' dey '11 fly aroun' our head before we know it. Come here, Frangois, an' min' you watch youse'f ! You can't forget de las' day we was out, Your breat' dere 's very leetle of it -lef ' An' I tole you it was better shut your mout* 239 BATEESE AND HIS LITTLE DECOYS Wen you start dat fancy yellin,' for it soun' de sam' to me Lak de devil he was goin' on de beeges' kin' of spree, Francois! dat 's not de way for mak' de shootin' ! Wan two t'ree, now let us hear you please, It is n't very hard job if you try, Purten' you 're feelin' lonesome lak Louise An' want to see de sweetheart bimeby, Quack! quack! quack! O! stop dat screechin', don't never spik no more For if anyt'ing, sapree, tonnerre ! you 're worser dan before, I wonder w'at you do wit' all your schoolin'! Come out from onderneat' de bed, Lisette, I believe you was de fattes' of de lot; It 's handy too of course, for you never feel de wet, An' w'en you lak to try it, O! w'at a voice you got! So let us play it 's blowin' hard, an' duck is up de win' An' you want to reach dem sure now we 're ready for begin, Hooraw! an' never min' de noise dat you're makin'. 240 BATEESE AND HIS LITTLE DECOYS Quack! quack! quack! quack! O! let me tak' 'de gun For I would n't be astonish w'en Lisette is get de start, Roun' de house dey '11 come a-flyin', an' den we '11 have de fun! Yass, yass, kip up de flappin', O! ain't she got de heart! Not many duck can beat her, an' I wish I had some more, Can mak' de song lak dat upon de water! Dat 's very funny how it ketch de crowd ! An' now dey 're goin' all de younger wan ! But if you don't stop singin' out so loud, I 'm sorry I mus' tole you all begone, 'Cos I want to go to sleep, for I 'm very, very tire, An' de shiver 's comin' on me ! so Marie poke up de fire An' mebbe I '11 feel better on de morning. De leetle duck may call on de spring tarn an' detail W'en dey see de wiT bird flyin' on de air Dey may cry aroun' hees door, but he '11 never come no more For .showin' dem de lesson! ole Jean Bateese Belair. 16 241 PHIL-O-RUM'S CANOE Phil-o-Rum's Canoe MA ole canoe! w'at 's matter wit' you, an' w'y was you be so slow? Don't I work hard enough on de paddle, an* still you don't seem to go No win' at all on de fronte side, an' current she don't be strong, Den w'y are you lak lazy feller, too sleepy for move along? "I 'member de tarn w'en you jomp de sam' as deer wit' de wolf behin' An' brochet on de top de water, you scare heem mos' off hees min'; But fish don't care for you now at all, only jus' mebbe wink de eye, For he know it 's easy git out de way w'en you was a passin' by." I 'm spikin' dis way jus' de oder day w'en I 'm out wit' de ole canoe, Crossin' de point w'ere I see las' fall wan very beeg caribou, W'en somebody say, "Phil-o-rum, mon vieux, wat 's matter wit' you youse'f?" An' who do you s'pose was talkin'? w'y de poor ole canoe shese'f. 242 PHIL-0-RUM'S CANOE O yass, I 'm scare w'en I 'm sittin' dere, an' she 's callin' ma nam' dat way: "Phil-o-rum Juneau, w'y you spik so moche, you 're off on de head to-day Can't be you forget ole feller, you an' me we 're not too young, An' if I 'm lookin' so ole lak you, I t'ink I will close ma tongue. " You should feel ashame; for you 're alway blame, w'en it is n't ma fault at all For I 'm tryin' to do bes' I can for you on summer-tarn, spring, an' fall. How offen you drown on de reever if I 'm not lookin' out for you W'en you 're takin' too moche on de w'isky some night comin' down de Soo. "De firse tarn we go on de Wessoneau no fel- ler can beat us den, For you 're purty strong man wit' de paddle, but dat 's long ago ma frien', An' win' she can blow off de mountain, an' tender an' rain may come," But camp see us bote on de evening you know dat was true Phil-o-rum. 243 PHIL-O-RUM'S CANOE "An' who 's your horse too, but your ole canoe, an' w'en you feel cole an' wet Who was your house w'en I 'm upside down an' onder de roof you get, Wit' rain ronnin' down ma back, Bapteme! till I 'm gettin' de rheumateez, An' I never say not 'ing at all, moi-mme, but let you do jus' you please. "You t'ink it was right, kip me out all night on reever side down below, An' even 'Bon Soir' you was never say, but off on de camp you go Leffin' your poor ole canoe behin' lyin' dere on de groun' Watchin' de moon on de water, an' de bat flyin' all aroun'. "O! dat 's lonesome t'ing hear de grey owl sing up on de beeg pine tree An' many long night she kip me awake till sun on de eas' I see, An' den you come down on de morning for start on some more voyage. An' only t'ing decen' you do all day is carry me on portage. 244 PHIL-O-RUM'S CANOE "Dat's way Phil-o-rum, rheumateez she come, wit' pain ronnin' troo ma side Wan leetle hole here, noder beeg wan dere, dat not'ing can never hide; Don't do any good fix me up agen, no matter how moche you try, For w'en we come ole an' our work she 's done, bote man an' canoe mus' die." Wall! she talk dat way mebbe mos' de day, till we 're passin' some beaver dam An' wan de young beaver he 's mak' hees tail come down on de water flam! I never see de canoe so scare, she jomp nearly two, t'ree feet I t'ink she was goin' for ronne away, an' she shut up de mout' toute suite. It mak' me feel queer, de strange t'ing I hear, an' I 'm glad she don't spik no more, But soon as we fin' ourse'f arrive over dere on de noder shore I tak' dat canoe lak de lady, an' carry her off wit' me, For I 'm sorry de way I treat her, an' she know more dan me, sapree! 245 THE LOG JAM Yass! dat 's smart canoe, an' I know it 's true, w'at she 's spikin' wit' me dat day, I 'm not de young feller I use to be w'en work she was only play; An' I know I was comin' closer on place w'ere I mus' tak' care Were de mos' worse current 's de las' wan too, de current of Dead Riviere. You can only steer, an' if rock be near, wit' wave dashin' all aroun', Better mak' leetle prayer, for on Dead Riviere some very smart man get drown ; But if you be locky an' watch youse'f, mebbe reever won't seem so wide, An' firse t'ing you know you '11 ronne ashore, safe on de noder side. The Log Jam P\ERE 's a beeg jam up de reever, w'ere rapide is runnin' fas', An' de log we cut las' winter is takin' it all de room; So boss of de gang is swearin', for not'ing at all can pass An' float away down de current till some- body break de boom.- 246 THE LOG JAM "Here's for de man will tak' de job, holiday for a week Extra monee w'en pay day come, an' ten dollar, suit of clothes. 'T isn't so hard work run de log, if only you do it quick Were 's de man of de gang den is ready to say, ' Here goes? ' ' Dere was de job for a feller, handy an' young an' smart, Willin' to tak' hees chances, willin' to risk hees life. 'Cos many a t'ing is safer, dan tryin' de boom to start, For if de log wance ketch you, dey 're cut- tin' you lak a knife. Aleck Lachance he lissen, an' answer heem right away "Marie Louise dat 's leevin' off on de shore close by She 's sayin' de word was mak' me mos' hap- pies' man to-day An' if you ax de reason I 'm ready to go, dat'sw'y." 247 THE LOG JAM Pierre Delorme he 's spikin' den, an' ! but he 's lookin' glad. "Dis morning de sam' girl tole me, she mus' say to me, ' Good-bye Pierre. ' So no wan can stop me goin', for I feel I was comin' mad An' wedder I see to-morrow, dat 's not'ing, for I don't care. " Aleck Lachance was steady, he 's bully boy all aroun', Alway sendin' de monee to hees moder away below, Now an' den savin' a leetle for buyin' de house an' groun', An' never done t'inkin', t'inkin' of Marie Louise Lebeau. Pierre was a half-breed feller, we call heem de grand Nor' Wes' Dat is de place he 's leevin' w'en he work for de Compagnie, Dey say he 's marry de squaw dere, never min' about all de res' An' affer he get hees monee, he 's de boy for de jamboree! 248 THE LOG JAM Ev'ry wan start off cheerin' w'en dey pass on de log out dere Jompin' about lak monkey, Aleck an' Pierre Delorme. Workin' de sam' as twenty, an' runnin' off ev'ryw'ere, An' busy on all de places, lak beaver before de storm. Den we hear some wan shoutin', an' dere was dat crazy girl, Marie Louise, on de hillside, cryin' an' raisin' row. Couldn't do not'ing worser! mos' foolish t'ing on de worl' For Pierre Delorme an' Aleck was n't workin' upon de scow. Bote of dem turn aroun' dere w'en girl is com- mencin' cry, Lak woman I wance remember, got los' on de bush t'ree day, "Look how de log is movin'! I'm seein' it wit' ma eye, Come back out of all dem danger!" an' den she was faint away. 249 THE LOG JAM Ten year I been reever driver, an' mebbe know something too, An' dere was n't a man don't watch for de minute dem log she go; But never a word from de boss dere, stannin' wit' all hees crew, So how she can see dem movin' don't ax me, for I dunno. Hitch dem all up togeder, t'ousan' horse crazy mad Only a couple of feller for han'le dem ev'ry wan, Scare dem wit' t'onder, an' lightning, an' den 't is n't half so bad As log runnin' down de rapide, affer de boom she 's gone. See dem nex' day on de basin, you t'ink dey was t'roo de fight Cut wit' de sword an' bullet, lyin' along de shore You 'd pity de log, I 'm sure, an' say 't was terrible sight But man goin' t'roo de sam' t'ing, you 'd pity dat man some more. 250 THE LOG JAM An' Pierre w'en he see dem goin' an' log jom- pin' up an' down De sign of de cross he 's makin' an' drive on de water dere, He know it 's all up hees chances, an' he rader be goin' drown Dan ketch by de rollin' timber, an' dat 's how he go, poor Pierre. Aleck's red shirt is blazin' off w'ere we hear de log Crackin' away an' bangin', sam' as a honder gun, Lak' sun on de morning tryin' to peep t'roo de reever fog But Aleck's red shirt is redder dan ever I see de sun. An' w'en dey 're tryin' wake her: Marie Louise Lebeau, On her neck dey fin' a locket, she 's kipin' so nice an' warm, An' dey 're tolin' de funny story, de funnies' I dunno For de face, BaptSme! dey see dere, was de half-breed Pierre Delorme ! 251 THE CANADIAN MAGPIE The Canadian Magpie "JV/TOS* ev'rywan lak de robin An' it 's pleasan' for hear heem sing, Affer de winter 's over An' it 's comin' anoder spring. De snow 's hardly off de mountain An' it 's cole too among de pine But you know w'en he sing, de sout' win* Is crowdin' heem close behin'. An' mebbe you hear de grosbec Sittin' above de nes' An' you see by de way he 's goin' De ole man 's doin' hees bes' Makin' de wife an' baby Happy as dey can be An' proud he was come de fader Such fine leetle familee. De gouglou of course he 's nicer Dan many de bird dat fly, Dunno wa't we do widout heem, But off en I wonder w'y He can't stay quiet a minute Lak res' of de small oiseaux An' finish de song he 's startin' Till whish ! an' away he go ! 252 THE CANADIAN MAGPIE Got not'ing to say agen dem, De gouglou an' all de res' 'Cept only dey lak de comfort, An' come w'en it suit dem bes' For soon as de summer 's passin' An' leaf is begin to fall You '11 walk t'roo de wood an' medder An' never hear wan bird call. But come wit' me on de winter On place w'ere de beeg tree grow De smoke of de log house chimley Will tole you de way to go An' if you 're not too unlucky De w'isky iack dere you '11 see Flyin' aroun' de shaintee An' dat was de bird for me. You '11 mebbe not lak hees singin' Dough it 's better dan not'ing too, For affer he do hees bes', den Wat more can poor Johnnie do? It 's easy job sing on summer De sam' as de rossignol But out of door on de winter Jus' try it youse'f dat 's all. 253 THE CANADIAN MAGPIE See heem dere, now he 's comin' Hoppin' an' hoppin' aroun' Wen we start on de morning early For work till de sun go down T'row heem hees piece of breakfas' An' hear heem say "merci bien," For he 's fond of de pork, ba golly! Sam' as de Canayen. De noise of de axe don't scare heem He stay wit' us all de day, An' w'en he was feelin' lak' it Ride home wit' de horse an' sleigh Den affer we reach de shaintee He 's waitin' to see us back Jompin' upon de log dere Good leetle w'isky jack! So here 's to de bird of winter Wearin' de coonskin coat, Wenever it 's bird election You bet he can get ma vote Dat 's way I be feel about it, Voyageurs let her go today! W'isky jack, get ready, we drink you Tou jours a vot' bonne sante! Bapt&ne ! 254 THE RED CANOE The Red Canoe r\E win' is sleepin' in de pine, but O! de night is black! An' all day long de loon bird cry on Lac Waya- gamack No light is shinin' by de shore for helpin' steer heem t'roo Wen out upon de night, Ubalde he tak' de red canoe. I hear de paddle dip, dip, dip! wance more I hear de loon I feel de breeze was show de way for storm dat 's comin' soon, An' den de sky fly open wit' de lightning splittin' t'roo An' 'way beyon' de point I see de leetle red canoe. It 's dark again, but lissen how across Waya- gamack De tender 's roarin' loud, an' now de mount- ains answer back I wonder wit' de noise lak dat, he hear me, le bon Dieu Wen on ma knee I ax Heem save de leetle red canoe ! 255 TWO HUNDRED YEARS AGO Is dat a voice, so far away, it die upon ma eat? Or only win' was foolin' me, an' w'isperin' "Belzemire"? Yaas, yaas, Ubalde, your Belzemire she 's prayin' hard for you An' den again de lightning come, but w'ere 's de red canoe? Dey say I 'm mad, dem foolish folk, cos w'en de night is black An' w'en de wave lak snow-dreef come on Lac Wayagamack I tak' de place w'ere long ago we use to sit, us two, An' wait until de lightning bring de leetle red canoe. Two Hundred Years Ago 'TPWO honder year ago, de worl' is purty slow Even folk upon dis contree 's not so smart, Den who is travel roun' an' look out de pleasan' groun' For geev' de Yankee peop' a leetle start? 256 TWO HUNDRED YEARS AGO I '11 tole you who dey were ! de beeg rough voyageurs, Wit deir cousin w'at you call coureurs de bois, Dat 's fightin' all de tarn, an' never care a dam, An' ev'ry wan dem feller he 's come from Canadaw Bapte'me ! He 's comin' all de way from Canadaw. But He watch dem, le bon Dieu, for He 's got some work to do, An He won't trus' ev'ry body, no siree ! Only full blood Canadien, lak Marquette an' Hennepin, An' w'at you t'ink of Louis Verandrye? On church of Bonsecours! makin' ready for de tour, See dem down upon de knee, all prayin' dere Wit' de paddle on de han' ev'ry good Canad- ien man, An' affer dey be finish, hooraw for anyw'ere. Yass, sir! Dey 're ready now for goin' anyw'ere. De nort' win' know dem well, an' de prairie grass can tell How offen it is trample by de ole tarn botte sauvage 17 257 TWO HUNDRED YEARS AGO An' grey wolf on hees den kip very quiet, w'en He hear dem boy a' singin' upon de long portage. An' de night would fin' dem lie wit' deir faces on de sky, An' de breeze would come an' w'isper on deir ear 'Bout de wife an' sweetheart dere on Sorel an' Trois Rivieres Dey may never leev' to see anoder year, Dat 's true, Dey may never leev' to kiss anoder year. An' you '11 know de place dey go, from de canyon down below, Or de mountain wit' hees nose above de cloud, De lake among de hill, w'ere de grizzly drink hees fill Or de rapid on de reever roarin' loud ; Ax de wil' deer if de flash of de ole Tree Reever sash He don't see it on de woods of Illinois An' de musk ox as he go, w'ere de camp fire melt de snow, De smell he still remember of tabac Canadien Ha! Ha! It's hard forgettin' smell of tabac Canadien! 258 THE VOYAGEUR So, ma frien', de Yankee man, he mus' try an 1 understan' Wen he holler for dat flag de Star an' Stripe, If he 's leetle win' still lef, an' no danger hurt hese'f, Den he better geev' anoder cheer, ba cripe! For de flag of la belle France, dat show de way across From Louisbourg to Florida an' back; So raise it ev'ryw'ere, lak' de ole tam voy- ageurs, Wen you hear of de la Salle an' Cadillac Hooraw ! For de flag of de la Salle an' Cadillac. The Voyageur r\ERE 's somet'ing stirrin' ma blood to- night, On de night of de young new year, Wile de camp is warm an' de fire is bright, An' de bottle is close at han' Out on de reever de nort' win' blow, Down on de valley is pile de snow, But w'at do we care so long we know We 're safe on de log cabane? 259 THE VOYAGEUR Drink to de healt' of your wife an' girl, Anoder wan for your frien', Den geev' me a chance, for on all de worl* I 've not many frien' to spare I 'm born, w'ere de mountain scrape de sky, An' bone of ma fader an' moder lie, So I fill de glass an' I raise it high An' drink to de Voyageur. For dis is de night of de jour de 1 'an, * Wen de man of de Grand Nor' Wes' T'ink of hees home on de St. Laurent, An' frien' he may never see Gone he is now, an' de beeg canoe No more you '11 see wit' de red-shirt crew, But long as he leev' he was alway true, So we '11 drink to hees memory. Ax' heem de nort' win' w'at he see Of de Voyageur long ago, An' he '11 say to you w 'at he say to me, So lissen hees story well "I see de track of hees botte sau-vagef On many a hill an' long portage Far, far away from hees own vill-age An' soun' of de parish bell * New Year's Day. t Indian boot. 260 THE VOYAGEUR "I never can play on de Hudson Bay Or mountain dat lie between But I meet heem singin' hees lonely way De nappies' man I know I cool hees face as he 's sleepin' dere Under de star of de Red Riviere, An' off on de home of de great w'ite bear, I 'm seein' hees dog traineau.* " De woman an' chil'ren 's runnin' out On de wigwam of de Cree De leetle papoose dey laugh an' shout W 'en de soun' of hees voice dey hear De oldes' warrior of de Sioux Kill hese'f dancin' de w'ole night t'roo, An de Blackfoot girl remember too De ole tarn Voyageur. "De blaze of hees camp on de snow I see, An' I lissen hees 'En Roulant' On de Ian' w'ere de reindeer travel free, Ringin' out strong an' clear Offen de grey wolf sit before De light is come from hees open door, An' caribou foller along de shore De song of de Voyageur. * Dog-sleigh. 261 " If he only kip goin', de red ceinture,* I 'd see it upon de Pole Some mornin' I 'm startin' upon de tour For blowin 1 de worl' aroun' But w'erever he sail an' w'erever he ride, De trail is long an' de trail is wide, An' city an' town on ev 'ry side Can tell of hees campin' groun'." So dat 's de reason I drink to-night To de man of de Grand Nor' Wes', For hees heart was young, an' hees heart was light So long as he 's leevin' dere I 'm proud of de sam' blood in my vein I 'm a son of de Nort' Win ' wance again So we '11 fill her up till de bottle 's drain An' drink to de Voyageur. Bruno the Hunter "\7~OU never hear tell, Marie, ma femme, Of Bruno de hunter man, Wit' hees wild dogs chasin' de moose an' deer, Every day on de long, long year, Off on de hillside far an' near, An' down on de beeg savane? * Canadian sash. 262 BRUNO THE HUNTER Not'ing can leev' on de woods, Marie, W 'en Bruno is on de track, An' young caribou, an' leetle red doe Wit' baby to come on de spring, dey know De pity dey get w'en hees bugle blow An' de black' dogs answer back. No bird on de branch can finish hees song, De squirrel no longer play De leaf on de maple don't need to wait Till fros' of October is at de gate 'Fore de blood drops come: an' de fox sleeps late W'en Bruno is pass dat way. So de devil ketch heem of course at las' Dat 's w 'at de ole folk say, An' spik to heem, "Bruno, w'at for you kill De moose an' caribou of de hill An' fill de woods wit' deir blood until You could run a mill night an' day? " Mebbe you lak to be moose youse'f, An' see how de hunter go, So I '11 change your dogs into loup garou,* An' wance on de year dey '11 be chasin' you An' res' of de tarn w'en de sport is t'roo, You '11 pass wit' me down below. " * Vv'cre wolf. 263 BRUNO THE HUNTER An' dis is de night of de year, Marie, Bruno de hunter wake: Soon as de great beeg tender cloud Up on de mountain 's roarin' loud He '11 come from hees grave w'ere de pine tree crowd De shore of de leetle lake. You see de lightning zig, zig, Marie, Spittin' lak' loup cervier,* Ketch on de trap? Oh! it won't be long Till mebbe you lissen anoder song, For de sky is dark an' de win' is strong, An' de chase is n't far away. Wy shiver so moche, Marie, ma femme, For de log is burnin' bright? Ah! dere she 's goin', "Hulloo! Hulloo!" An' oh! how de tender is roarin' too! But it can't drown de cry of de loup garou On Bruno de hunter's night. Over de mountain an' t'roo de swamp, Don't matter how far or near, Every place hees moccasin know Bruno de hunter he 's got to go 'Fore de grave on de leetle lake below Close up for anoder year. * Lynx. 264 PRIDE But dey say de ole feller watch all night, So you need n't be scare, Marie, For he '11 never stir from de rocky cave Were door only open beneat' de wave, Till Bruno come back to hees lonely grave- An' de devil he turn de key. Dat 's way for punish de hunter man W 'en murder is on hees min' So he better stop w 'ile de work is new, Or mebbe de devil will ketch heem too, An' chase heem aroun' wit' de loup garou Gallopin' close behin'. Pride TV/TA fader he spik to me long ago, "Alphonse, it is better go leetle slow Don't put on de style if you can't afford, But satisfy be wit' your bed an' board. De bear wit' hees head too high alway, Know not' ing at all till de trap go smash. An' mooshrat dat 's swimmin' so proud to-day Very off en to-morrow is on de hash."* * Old proverb of Ste. Flore. 265 PRIDE Edouard de Seven of Angleterre, An' few oder place beside, He 's got de horse an' de carriage dere W'enever he want to ride. Wit' sojer in front to clear de way, Sojer behin' all dress so gay, Ev 'rywan makin' de grand salaam, An' plaintee o' ban' playin' all de tarn. Edouard de Seven of Angleterre, All he has got to do, Wen he 's crossin' de sea, don't matter w'ere, Is call for de ship an' crew. Den hois' de anchor from down below, Vive le Roi! an' away she go, An' flag overhead, w'en dey see dat sight Were is de nation don't be polite? An' dere 's de boss of United State, An' w'at dey call Philippine De Yankee t'ink he was somet'ing great, An' beeg as de king or queen So dey geev' heem a house near touch de sky, An' paint it so w'ite it was blin' de eye An' long as he 's dere beginnin' to en', Don't cos' heem not'ing for treat hees frien'. 266 PRIDE So dere 's two feller, Edouard de King An' Teddy Roos-vel' also, No wonder dey 're proud, for dey got few t'ing Was helpin' dem mak' de show But oh! ma Gosh! w'en you talk of pride An' w 'at dey call style, an' puttin' on side, W 'ere is de man can go before De pig-sticker champion of Ste. Flore? Use to be nice man too, dey say, Jeremie Bonami, Talk wit' hees frien' in a frien'ly way Sam' as you' se 'f an' me Of course it 's purty beeg job he got, An' no wan expec' heem talk a lot, But still would n't hurt very moche, I 'm sure, If wance in a w'ile he 'd say, "Bonjour. " Yi ! Yi ! to see heem come down de hill Some mornin' upon de fall, W'en de pig is fat an' ready to kill, He don't know hees frien' at all Look at hees face an' it seem to say, "Important duty I got to-day, Killin' de pig on de contree side, Is n't dat some reason for leetle pride?" 267 PRIDE Lissen de small boy how dey shout Wen Jeremie 's marchin' t'roo De market place wit' hees cane feex out Wit' ribbon red, w'ite, an' blue An' den he jomp on de butcher 's block, An' after de crowd is stop deir talk, An' leetle boy holler no more "Hooray, Dis is de word Jeremie he say "I 'm de only man on de w'ole Ste. Flore Can kill heem de pig jus' right, Please t'ink of dat, an' furdermore Don't matter it 's day or night, Can do it less tarn, five dollar I bet, Dan any pig-sticker you can get From de w'ole of de worl' to w'ere I leev r - Will somebody help to roll up ma sleeve? ' : Some feller challenge jus' here an' dere, An' more on deir own contree, But me I challenge dem ev'ry w'ere All over de worl' sapree ! To geev' dem a chance, for dere might be some Beeg feller, for all I know, But if dey 're ready, wall! let dem come, An' me I 'm geevin' dem plaintee show. " 268 PRIDE Challenge lak dat twenty year or more He 's makin' it ev'ry fall, But never a pig-sticker come Ste. Flore 'Cos Jeremie scare dem all No wonder it 's makin' heem feel so proud, Even Emperor Germanic Can't put on de style or talk more loud Dan Jeremie Bonami. But Jeremie's day can't las' alway, An' so he commence to go W 'en he jomp on de block again an' say To de crowd stannin' dere below, "Lissen, ma frien', to de word I spik, For I 'm tire of de challenge until I 'm sick, Can't say, but mebbe I '11 talk no more For glory an' honor of ole Ste. Flore. " I got some trouble aroun' ma place Wit' ma nice leetle girl Rosine, An' I see w'en I 'm lookin' on all de face, You 're knowin' jus' w 'at I mean Very easy to talk, but w 'en dey come For seein' her twenty young man ba Gum! I tole you ma' frien', it was purty tough, 'Sides wan chance in twenty is not enough 269 PRIDE ' Now lissen to me, all you young man Is wantin' ma girl Rosine I offer a chance an' you '11 understan' It 's bes' you was never seen; T 'ree minute start I '11 geev' no more An' if any young feller upon Ste. Flore Can beat me stickin' de pig nex' fall, Let heem marry ma girl Rosine dat 's all. ' All right an' very nex' week he start, De smartes' boy of de lot An' he 's lovin' Rosine wit' all hees heart, De young Adelard Marcotte Don't say very moche about w'ere he go, But I t'ink mese'f it was Buffalo An' plaintee more place on de State dat 's beeg W 'ere he don't do not'ing but stick de pig. So of course he 's pickin' de fancy trick An' ev'ryt'ing else dey got Work over tarn but he got homesick De young Adelard Marcotte Jus' about tarn' w'en de fall come along So den he wissle hees leetle song An' buy tiquette for de ole Ste. Flore, An' back on de village he come some more. 270 PRIDE Ho! Ho! ma Jeremie Bonami, Get ready you' se 'f to-day, For you got beeg job you was never see Will tak' all your breat' away ."Come on! come on!" dey be shoutin' loud, De Bishop hese'f could n't draw de crowd Of folk on de parish for mile aroun', Till dey could n't fin' place upon de groun". Hi! Hi! Jeremie, you may sweat an' swear, Your tam is arrive at las' Dere 's no use pullin' out all your hair Or drinkin' de w'isky glass Spit on your han' or hitch de pants You '11 never have anyt'ing lak a chance, Hooraw! Hooraw! let her go wance more, An' Adelard 's champion of all Ste. Flore! " Away on de pump ! " de crowd is yell, "No use for heem goin' die." Dey nearly drown Jeremie on de well But he 's comin' roun' bimeby Rosine dat 's laughin' away all day Is startin' to cry, an' den she say "O fader dear, won't you geev' me kiss For I never s'pose it would come to dis? 271 DIEUDONNE (GOD-GIVEN) "Don't blame de boy over dere, 't was me Dat sen' away Adelard He 's sorry for beat you, I 'm sure, ba oui, An' dat 's w'at I 'm crying for 'Cos it 's all ma fault you was lick to-day, Don't care w'at any wan else can say But remember too, an' you '11 not forget De championship 's still on de familee yet. ' An' de ole man smile. Dieudonne (God-Given) TF I sole ma ole blind trotter for fifty dollar cash Or win de beeges' prize on lotterie, If some good frien' die an' lef me fines' house on St. Eustache, You t'ink I feel more happy dan I be? No, sir ! An' I can tole you, if you never know before, Wy de kettle on de stove mak' such a fuss, W 'y de robin stop hees singin' an' come peekin* t'roo de door For learn about de nice t'ing 's come to us 272 THE DEVIL An' w'en he see de baby lyin' dere upon de bed Lak leetle Son of Mary on de ole tarn long ago Wit' de sunshine an' de shadder makin' ring aroun' hees head, No wonder M 'sieu Robin wissle low. An* we can't help feelin' glad too, so we call heem Dieudonne; An' he never cry, dat baby, w'en he 's chrissen by de pries' All de sam' I bet you dollar he '11 waken up some day, An' be as bad as leetle boy Bateese. The Devil A LONG de road from Bord a Plouffe To Kaz-a-baz-u-a Were poplar trees lak sojers stan', An' all de Ian' is pleasan' Ian', In off de road dere leev's a man Call Louis Des jar dins. An' Louis, w'en he firse begin To work hees leetle place, He work so hard de neighbors say, "Unless he tak's de easy way Dat feller 's sure to die some day, We see it on hees face. " is 273 THE DEVIL 'T was lak a swamp, de farm he got, De water ev'ryw'ere Might drain her off as tight as a drum. An' back dat water is boun' to come In less 'n a day or two ba Gum ! 'T would mak' de angel swear. So Louis t'ink of de bimeby, If he leev' so long as dat, Wen he 's ole an' blin' an' mebbe deaf r All alone on de house hese'f, No frien', no money, no not 'ing lef, An' poor can't kip a cat. So wan of de night on winter tarn, Wen Louis is on hees bed, He say out loud lak a crazy man, "I 'm sick of tryin' to clear dis Ian', Work any harder I can't stan', Or it will kill me dead. "Now if de devil would show hese'f An' say to me, 'Tiens! Louis! Hard tarn an' work she 's at an' en', You '11 leev' lak a Grand Seigneur ma frien' ,, If only you '11 be ready w 'en I want you to come wit 'me. ' 274 THE DEVIL "I 'd say, 'Yass, yass-^- 'maudit! w'at 's dat?'* An' he see de devil dere Brimstone, ev'ryt'ing bad dat smell, You know right away he 's come from well, De place I never was care to tell An' wearin' hees long black hair, Lak election man, de kin' I mean You see aroun' church door, Spreadin' hese'f on great beeg speech 'Bout poor man 's goin' some day be reech, But dat 's w'ere it alway come de heetch, For poor man 's alway poor. De only diff 'rence me I see 'T ween devil an' long-hair man It 's hard to say, but I know it 's true, Wen devil promise a t'ing to do Dere 's no mistak', he kip it too I hope you understan'. So de devil spik, "You 're not content, An' want to be reech, Louis All right, you '11 have plaintee, never fear No wan can beat you far an' near, An' I '11 leave you alone for t'orty year, An' den you will come wit' me. 275 THE DEVIL "Be careful now it 's beeg contrac', So mebbe it 's bes' go slow; For me de promise I mak' to you Is good as de bank Riviere du Loup For you w'enever de tarn is due, Ba tonder ! you got to go. " Louis try hard to tak' hees tam But w'en he see de fall Comin' along in a week or so, All aroun' heem de rain an' snow An' pork on de bar'l runnin' low, He don't feel good at all. An' w'en he t'ink of de swampy farm An' gettin' up winter night, Watchin' de stove if de win' get higher For fear de chimley go on fire, It 's makin' poor Louis feel so tire He tell de devil, "All right. " "Correct," dat feller say right away, " I '11 only say, Au revoir, " An' out of de winder he 's goin' pouf ! Beeg nose, long hair, short tail, an' hoof Off on de road to Bord a Plouffe Crossin' de reever dere. 276 THE DEVIL W 'en Louis get up nex' day, ma frien', Dere 's lot of devil sign Bar'l o' pork an' keg o' rye, Bag o' potato ten foot high, Pile o' wood nearly touch de sky, Was some o' de t'ing he fin'. Suit o' clothes would have cos' a lot An' ev'ryt'ing I dunno, Trotter horse w'en he want to ride Eatin' away on de barn outside, Stan' all day if he 's never tied, An' watch an' chain also. An' swamp dat 's bodder heem many tam, Were is dat swamp to-day? Don't care if you 're huntin' up an* down You won't fin' not'ing but medder groun', An' affer de summer come aroun' Were can you see such hay? Wall ! de year go by, an' Louis leev* Widout no work to do, Rise w 'en he lak on winter day, Fin' all de snow is clear away, No fuss, no not 'ing, dere 's de sleigh An' trotter waitin' too. 277 THE DEVIL W 'en t'orty year is nearly t 'roo An' devil 's not come back 'Course Louis say, "Wall! he forget Or t'ink de tarn 's not finish yet; I '11 tak' ma chance an' never fret, " But dat 's w'ere he mak' mistak'. For on a dark an' stormy night W 'en Louis is sittin' dere, Affer he fassen up de door De devil come as he come before, Lookin' de sam' only leetle more, For takin' heem you know w'ere. "Asseyez vous, sit down, ma frien', Bad night be on de road ; You come long way an' should be tire Jus' wait an' mebbe I feex de fire Tak' off your clothes for mak' dem drier, Dey mus' be heavy load. " Dat 's how poor Louis Desjardins Talk to de devil, sir Den say, "Try leetle w'isky blanc, Dey 're makin' it back on St. Laurent It 's good for night dat 's cole an' raw, " But devil never stir, 278 THE DEVIL Until he smell de smell dat come Wen Louis mak' it hot Wit' sugar, spice, an' ev'ryt'ing, Enough to mak' a man's head sing For winter, summer, fall an' spring It 's very bes' t'ing we got. An' so de devil can't refuse To try de w'isky blanc, An' say, "I 'm tryin, many drink, An' dis is de fines' I don't t'ink, De firse, ba tonder ! mak' me wink Hooraw, pour Canadaw!" "Merci non, non I tak' no more, " De devil say at las', "For tarn is up wit' you, Louis, So come along, ma frien', wit' me, So many star I 'm sure I see, De storm she mus' be pas'. " "No hurry wait a minute, please," Say Louis Desjardins, "We '11 have a smoke before we're t'roo, 'T will never hurt mese'f or you To try a pipe, or mebbe two, Of tabac Canayen. "* * Canadian tobacco. 279 THE DEVIL "Wan pipe is all I want for me We '11 finish our smoke downstair," De devil say, an' it was enough, For w'en he tak' de very firse puff He holler out, "Maudit! w'at stuff! Fresh air! fresh air!! fresh air!!!" An' oh! he was never sick before Till he smoke tabac Bruneau Can't walk or fly, but he want fresh air, So Louis put heem on rockin' chair An' t 'row heem off on de road out dere An' tole heem go below. An' he shut de door an' fill de place Wit' tabac Canayen, An' never come out, an' dat 's a fac' But smoke away till hees face is black So dat 's w'y de devil don't come back For Louis Desjardins. An' dere he 's yet, an' dere he '11 stay So weech of de two 11 win 'Can't say for dat it 's kin' of a doubt, For Louis, de pipe never leave hees mout', An' night or day can't ketch heem out, An' devil's too scare go in. 280 THE FAMILY LARAMIE The Family Laramie 1LISSH! look at ba-bee on de leetle blue chair, Wat you t'ink he 's tryin' to do? Wit' pole on de han' lak de lumberman, A-shovin' along canoe. Dere 's purty strong current behin' de stove, W 'ere it 's passin' de chimley-stone, But he 11 come roun' yet, if he don't upset,. So long he was lef ' alone. Dat 's way ev'ry boy on de house begin No sooner he 's twelve mont' ole; He '11 play canoe up an' down de Soo An' paddle an' push de pole, Den haul de log all about de place, Till dey 're fillin' up mos' de room, An' say it 's all right, for de storm las' night Was carry away de boom. Mebbe you see heem, de young loon bird, Wit' half of de shell hangin' on, Tak' hees firse slide to de water side, An' off on de lake he 's gone. Out of de cradle dey 're goin' sam' way On reever an' lake an' sea ; For born to de trade, dat 's how dey 're made, De familee Laramie. 281 YANKEE FAMILIES An' de reever she 's lyin' so handy dere On foot of de hill below, Dancin' along an' singin' de song As away to de sea she go, No wonder I never can lak dat song, For soon it is comin' w 'en Dey 11 lissen de call, leetle Pierre an' Paul, An' w'ere will de moder be den? She 11 sit by de shore w'en de evenin's come, An' spik to de reever too : ""O reever, you know how dey love you so, Since ever dey 're seein' you, .For sake of dat love bring de leetle boy home Once more to de moder 's knee. " An' mebbe de prayer I be makin' dere Will help bring dem back to me. Yankee Families "V7~OU s'pose God love de Yankee An' de Yankee woman too, Lak he love de folk at home on Canadaw? I dunno 'cos if he do, Wat 's de reason he don't geev' dem familee Is dere anybody hangin' roun' can answer me Wile I wait an' smoke dis pipe of good tabac? 282 YANKEE FAMILIES An' now I '11 tole you somet'ing Mebbe help you bimeby, An' dere 's no mistak' it 's w 'at dey call sure sign W 'en you miss de baby's cry As you 're goin' mak' some visit on de State Dat 's enough you needn't ax if de train's on tarn or late, You can bet you 're on de Yankee side de line. Unless dere 's oder folk dere, Mebbe wan or two or t'ree, Canayen is comin' workin' on de State Den you see petite Marie Leetle Joe an' Angelique, Hormisdas an' Dieudonne", But you can't tole half de nam' it don't mat- ter any way 'Sides de fader he don't t'ink it 's not'ing great. De moder, you can see her An' she got de basket dere Wit' de fine t'ing for de chil 'ren nice an' slick For dey can't get fat on air Cucumber, milk, an' onion, some leetle cake also De ole gran'moder 's makin' on de farm few - days ago Wat 's use buy dollar dinner mak' dem sick? 283 YANKEE FAMILIES But look de Yankee woman Wit' de book upon her han', Readin', readin', an' her husban', he can't get Any chance at all, poor man, For sit down, de way de seat 's all pile up wit' magazine De t'ing lak dat on Canadaw is never, never seen. Wouldn't she be better wit' some chil'ren? Wall! you bet! No wonder dey was bringin' For helpin' dem along So many kin' of feller I dunno Chinee washee from Hong Kong An' w'at dey call Da-go, was work for dollar a day, But w'en dey mak' some money, off dey 're goin', right away Dat 's de reason dey was get de nam' Da-go. Of course so long dey 're comin' From ev 'ry place dey can, Not knowin' moche, dere 's not'ing fuss about Only boss de stranger man But now dem gang of feller dat 's come across de sea He 's gettin' leetle smarter, an' he got de familee So Uncle Sam mus' purty soon look out. 284 YANKEE FAMILIES I wonder he don't know it It 's funny he don't see Dere 's somet'ing else dan money day an' night Non he '11 work hese'f era-zee, Den travel roun' de worl', an' use de money too De King hese'f can't spen' lak de Yankee man is do But w'ere 's de leetle chil'ren? dat 's not right! W 'at 's use of all de money If dere ain 't some boy an' girl Mak' it pleasan' for de Yankee an' hees wife Wen dey travel on de worl' ? For me an' Eugenie dere 's not'ing we lak bes' Dan gader up de chil'ren an' get dem nicely dress W'y it's more dan half de pleasure of our life. I love de Yankee woman An' de Yankee man also, An' mebbe dey '11 be wiser bimeby But I lak dem all to know If dey want to kip deir own, let dem raise de familee An' den dey '11 boss de contree from de moun- tain to de sea, For dey 're smart enough to do it if dey try. 285 THE LAST PORTAGE The Last Portage T 'M sleepin' las' night w'en I dream a dream An' a wonderful wan it seem For I 'm off on de road I was never see, Too long an' hard for a man lak me, So ole he can only wait de call Is sooner or later come to all. De night is dark an de portage dere Got plaintee o' log lyin' ev'ryw'ere, Black bush aroun' on de right an' lef, A step from de road an' you los' you* se'f De moon an' de star above is gone, Yet somet'ing tell me I mus' go on. An' off in front of me as I go, Light as a dreef of de fallin' snow Who is dat leetle boy dancin' dere Can see hees w'ite dress an' curly hair, An' almos' touch heem, so near to me In an' out dere among de tree? An' den I 'm hearin' a voice is say, "Come along, fader, don't min' de way, De boss on de camp he sen' for you, So your leetle boy 's going to guide you t'roo It 's easy for me, for de road I know, Cos I travel it many long year ago." 286 THE LAST PORTAGE An' oh! mon Dieu! w'en he turn hees head I 'm seein' de face of ma boy is dead Dead wit' de young blood in hees vein An' dere he 's comin' wance more again Wit' de curly hair, an' dark-blue eye, So lak de blue of de summer sky An' now no more for de road I care, An' slippery log lyin' ev'ryw'ere De swamp on de valley, de mountain too, But climb it jus' as I use to do Don't stop on de road, for I need no res' So long as I see de leetle w'ite dress. An' I f oiler it on, an' wance in a w'ile He turn again wit' de baby smile, An' say, "Dear fader, I 'm here you see We 're bote togeder, jus' you an' me Very dark to you, but to me it 's light, De road we travel so far to-night. "De boss on de camp w'ere I alway stay Since ever de tarn I was go away, He welcome de poores' man dat call, But love de leetle wan bes* of all, So dat 's de reason I spik for you An' come to-night for to bring you t'roo. " 287 GETTING ON Lak de young Jesu w 'en he 's here below De face of ma leetle son look jus' so Den off beyon', on de bush I see De w 'ite dress f adin' among de tree Was it a dream I dream las' night Is goin' away on de morning light? Getting On T KNOW I 'm not too young, an' ma back is not as straight As it use to be some feefty year ago; Don't care to go aroun' if de rain is fallin' down 'Less de rheumateez is ketch me on de toe But dat is ma beez-nesse, an' no matter how I feel- Oder folk dey might look out deir own affair 'Stead o' w'isperin', "Wall! ba Gosh! lissen poor Maxime Meloche, How dat leetle drop o' rain is mak' heem swear! De ole man's gettin' on!" Smart folk lak dat, of course, mebbe never hear de news Of de tam he 's comin' sick Guillaume La- roche, 288 GETTING ON Who 's tak' heem home to die w 'en de rap- ide 's runnin' high, An' carry heem on hees shoulder t'roo de bush? Oh! no, it was n't me, only wan of dem young man Hardly got de baby moustache on de mout', Dat 's de reason w 'y I say to mese'f mos' ev'ry day, "Purty hard dere 's not'ing else dan talk about ' De ole man 's gettin' on. ' " W 'at 's mak' me feelin' mad is becos dey don 't spik out, Non ! dey '11 sneak aroun' for watch me as I go, An' if I mebbe spill leetle water on de hill, Wen I 'm comin' from de well down dere below, No use for tellin' me I know too moche mese'f, Dat 's de tarn I 'm very sure dey alway say, "See heem now, how slow he go don't I off en tole you so? We 're sorry, but Maxime is have hees day, De ole man 's gettin' on." to 289 GETTING ON It 's foolish t'ing to do, for dere 's alway hang aroun' Some crazy feller almos' ev'ry day So I might a' stay at home 'stead o' tryin' feex de boom, Dough I 'm sure de win' is blow de oder way ; For I never hear dem shout w'en dey let de water out, An' de log dey come a-bangin' down de chute, But leetle Joe Leblanc ketch me on de pant, hooraw ! Den spile de job by w'isperin', "I 'm afraid I spik de trut', De ole man's gettin' on." Only yesterday de pig get loose an' run away, An' de nex' t'ing he was goin' on de corn So I run an' fetch de stick, an' affer heem so quick Jus' to mak' heem feelin' sorry he was born; An' dat pig he laugh at me, an' he fill hees belly full 'Fore he 's makin' up his min' for come along I 'm sure I see heem wink should n't wonder if he t'ink, "Very easy see dere 's somet'ing goin' wrong De ole man 's gettin' on. " 290 GETTING ON If only I can get some doctor feex me up, Mak' me feel a leetle looser on de knee On de shoulder, ev'ryw'ere ba tonder! I don't care, I '11 spen' a couple o' dollar, mebbe t'ree Jus' to larn dem feller dere how to skip an' how to jomp, On de way I beat deir fader long ago Yass siree! an' purty soon dey '11 sing anoder tune, An' wonder w'at de devil 's dere to show De ole man 's gettin' on. Oh! dat maudit rheumateez! now she 's ketchin* me again On de back becos I 'm leetle bit excite, An' put ma finger down, widout stoopin' on de groun' But I '11 do dat trick to-morrow, not to- night All de sam' I off en t'ink ev'ry dog is got hees day, Dat 's de lesson I was learnin' on de school; So I can't help feelin' blue w-'en I wonder if it 's true W'at dey 're sayin dough o' course dey 're only fool De ole man 's gettin' on. 291 PIONEERS Pioneers TF dey 're walkin' on de road side, an' dey 're bote in love togeder, An' de star of spring is shinin' wit' de young moon in between, It was purty easy guessin' dey 're not talkin' of de wedder, Wen de boy is comin' twenty, an' de girl is jus' eighteen. It 's a sign de winter 's over, an' it 's pleasan' hear de talkin' Of de bull-frog on de swamp dere wit' all hees familee But it 's lonesome doin' not 'ing, an' dere 's not moche fun in walkin', So we fin' some fence dat 's handy for mese'f an' Rosalie. An' I dunno how it happen, w'en her head come on ma shoulder, An' her black eye on de moonlight, lak de star shine dat 's de way. (Mebbe it 's becos de springtam) so I ketch her han' an' tole her Of how moche I 'd lak to tak' her on some contree far away. 292 PIONEERS Den she say, I '11 mak' an offer, if you 're sure you want to tak' me On de place I dunno w'ere me you mus' pay beeg price, Jo-seph. You can carry me off to-morrow, so I 'm never comin' back me But you '11 lose upon de bargain, for de price I want 's you' se'f. " I was purty good for tradin', mebbe tak' it from ma fader, For de ole man 's alway tryin' show me somet'ing dat was new But de trade I mak' dat evenin' wit' poor Rosalie, I rader Not say not 'ing moche about it, dough it 's bes' I never do. So we settle on de reever wit' de bush for miles, behin' us Here we buil' de firse log shaintee, only me an' Rosalie Dat 's de woman help her husban' ! an' w 'en winter come an' fin' us We was ready waitin' for heem jus' as happy as could be. 293 PIONEERS Bar'l o' pork an' good potato, wan or two oder t'ing too Leetle w'isky, plaintee flour, an' wood-pile stannin' near Don't min' de hardes' winter, an' fat enough in spring too De folk dat 's comin' handy w'en you want de contree clear! Rosalie, you see her outside on de porch dere wit' her knittin' Yass, of course I know she 's changin' since de day she marry me An' she 11 never sit no more dere on de fence lak leetle kitten She 'd be safer on a stone wall, but she 's still ma Rosalie. All alone: de neares' shaintee, over ten mile down de reever An' might be only yesterday, I 'member it so well W'en I 'm comin' home wan morning affer trappin' on de beaver, An' ma wife is sayin', "Hurry, go an' fetch Ma-dame Labelle. " 294 PIONEERS If you 're stan'in' on de bank dere, you mus* t 'ink I 'm crazy feller By de way I work de paddle, an' de way ' canoe she go But Ma-dame know all about it, an' I never need to tell her, An' we jus' get back in tarn* dere for wel- come leetle Joe. Dat 's de way dem woman 's doin' for help along each oder, For Pierre Labelle he 's comin' now an' den for Rosalie Of course dere 's many tarn too, dey got to be godmoder An' w'en dey want godfader, w'y dere 's only Pierre an' me. Twenty year so hard we 're workin', twenty year reapin', sowin', Choppin' tree an' makin' portage, an' de chil'ren help us too But it's never feelin' lonesome w'ile de f ami- lee is growin', An' de cradle seldom empty, an' we got so moche to do. 295 PIONEERS Den w'en all de work is finish, w'at dey 're callin' de surveyor He 's comin' here an' fin' us, an' of course so well he might For it 's easy job to foller, w'en de road is lyin' dere, So blin' man he can walk it wit' hees eyes closed, darkes' night. An' de nex' t'ing dere 's a township, an' de township bring de taxes, An' it 's leetle hard on us too, dat 's way it seem to me An' de Gover 'ment, I s 'pose dey '11 never t 'ink at all to ax us For de small account dey 're owin' mese'f an' Rosalie. So we '11 see de beeg procession very soon come up de reever Some will settle on de roadside, some will stay upon de shore But de ole place we be clearin', I don't t'ink we '11 never leave her, Dough we 're all surroun' by stranger an' we 're in de worl' wance more. 296 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Natural Philosophy VTERY off en I be t'inkin' of de queer folk goin' roun', And way dey kip a-talkin' of de hard tarn get along May have plaintee money too, an' de healt' be good an' soun' But you '11 fin' dere 's alway somet'ing goin' wrong 'Course dere may be many reason w'y some feller ought to fret But me, I 'm alway singin' de only song I know 'T is n't long enough for music, an' so short you can't forget, But it drive away de lonesome, an' dis is how she go, "Jus' tak' your chance, an' try your luck." Funny feller's w'at dey call me "so diff'ren' from de res', " But ev'rybody got hees fault, as far as I can see An' all de t'ing I 'm doin', I do it for de bes', Dough w 'en I 'm bettin' on a race, dat 's offen loss for me 297 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY "Oho!" I say, "Alphonse ma frien', to-day is not your day, For more you got your money up, de less your trotter go But never min' an' don't lie down, " dat 's w'at I alway say, An' sing de sam' ole song some more, mebbe a leetle slow "Jus' tak' your chance, an' try your luck." S'pose ma uncle die an' lef me honder dollar, mebbe two An' I don't tak' hees advice me for put heem on de bank 'Stead o' dat, some lot'rie ticket, to see w'at I can do, An' purty soon I 'm findin' out dey 're w'at you call de blank Wall! de bank she might bus' up dere somet'ing might go wrong Dem feller, w'en dey get it, mebbe skip before de night Can't tell den w'ere 's your money? So I sing ma leetle song An I don't boder wit' de w'isky, an' again I feel all right, "Jus' tak' your chance, an' try your luck." 298 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY If you 're goin' to mak' de marry, kip a look out on de eye, But no matter how you 're careful, it was risky anyhow An' if you 're too unlucky, jus' remember how you try For gettin' dat poor woman, dough she may have got you now All de sam', it sometam happen dat your wife will pass away No use cryin', you can't help it dere 's your duty to you' se'f You don't need to ax de neighbor, dey will tell you ev'ry day Start again lak hones' feller, for dere 's plain- tee woman lef "Jus' tak' your chance, an' try your luck. " Poor man lak me, I 'm not 'ing: only w'en election 's dere, An' ev'rybody 's waitin' to ketch you by de t 'roat De money I be makin' den, wall! dat was mon affaire An* affer all w 'at diff 'rence how de poor man mak' de vote? So I do ma very bes' me wit* de wife an' familee 299 CHAMPLAIN On de church door Sunday morning, you can see us all parade Len' a frien' a half a dollar, an' never go on spree So w'en I 'm comin' die me no use to be afraid "Jus' tak' your chance, an' try your luck." Champlain ' 'ERE '11 we go?" says Pierre de Monts,* To hese'f as he walk de forwar' deck, "For I got ma share of Trois Rivieres An' I never can lak Kebeck Too moche Nort' Pole maudit ! it 's cole Oh ! la ! la ! de win' blow too. An' I'm sure w'at I say, M'sieu Pontgrave He know very well it 's true. " But here 's de boat, an' we 're all afloat A honder an' fifty ton An' look at de lot of man we got, No better berieat' de sun Provision, too, for all de crew An' pries' for to say de prayer, So mes chers amis, dey can easy see De vessel mus' pass somew'ere. * De-mo. 300 CHAM PLAIN " If I only know de way to go For findin' some new an' pleasan' Ian', " But jus' as he spik, he turn roun' quick, An' dere on de front, sir, stan' de Man. "You was callin' me, I believe," says he, As brave as a lion "Tiens! Wen we reach de sea, an' de ship is free, You can talk wit' Samuel de Champlain. "* Wan look on hees eye an' he know for w r y Young Samuel spik no more, So he shake hees han', an' say, "Young man, Too bad you don't come before; But now you are here, we '11 geev' t 'ree cheer, An' away w 'erever you want to go For I lak your look an' swear on de Book You '11 fin' de good frien' on Pierre de Monts.' So de sail 's set tight, an' de win' is right, For it 's blowin' dem to de wes' An' dey say deir prayer, for God knows w 'ere De anchor will come to res' Adieu to de shore dey may see no more Good-bye to de song an' dance De girl dey love, an' de star above Kipin' watch on de Ian' of France. * Shaum-pla. 301 CHAMPLAIN Den it's "Come below, M'sieu Pierre de Monts," Champlain he say to de capitaine "An' I 11 tell to you, w'at I t'ink is true Dough purty hard, too, for understan' I dream a dream an' it alway seem Dat God hese'f he was say to me 4 Rise up, young man, de quick you can An' sail your ship on de western sea. ' 'De way may be long, an' de win' be strong, An' wave sweep over de leetle boat But never you min', an' you 're sure to fin', If you trus' in me, you will kip afloat. ' An' I tak' dat ship, an' I mak' de trip All on de dream I was tellin' you An' oh ! if you see w 'at appear to me, I wonder w'at you was a-t'inkin' too? "I come on de Ian' w'ere dere 's no w'ite man- I come on de shore w'ere de grass is green- An' de air is clear as de new-born year, An' of all I was see, dis Ian 's de Queen So I 'm satisfy if we only try An' fin' if dere 's anyt'ing on ma dream, An' I '11 show de way, " Champlain is say Den Pierre de Monts he is answer heem, 302 CHAMPLAIN "All right, young man, do de bes' you can So long you don 't bring me near Kebeck Or Trois Rivieres, not moche I care, An' I hope your dream 's comin' out correc'." So de brave Champlain he was say, "Ire's bien," An' soon he was boss of de ship an' crew An' pile on de sail, wedder calm or gale Oh ! dat is de feller know w 'at to do. Don't I see heem dere wit' hees long black hair On de win' blowin 1 out behin' Watchin' de ship as she rise an' dip, An' always follerin' out de Sign? An' day affer day I can hear heem say To de sailor man lonesome for home an* frien', "Cheer up, mes amis, for soon you will see De Ian' risin' up on de oder en'. " Wall ! de tarn go by, an' still dey cry "Oh! bring us back for de familee's sake." Even Pierre de Monts fin' it leetle slow An' t 'ink mebbe somebody mak' mistake But he don't geev' in for he 's boun' to win' De young Champlain an' hees heart grow strong Wen de voice he hear say, "Never fear; You won't have to suffer for very long. " 303 CHAMPLAIN Alone on de bow I can see heem now Wan mornin' in May w'en de sun was rise Smellin' de air lak a bloodhoun', dere An' de light of de Heaven shine on hees eyes. A minute or more he is wait before He talc' off de hat an' raise hees han' Den down on de knee, sayin', "Dieu merci!" He cross hese'f dere, an' I understan' "Ho! Ho! De Monts ! are you down below, Sleepin' so soun' on de bed somew'ere? If you 're feelin well, come up an' tell Wat kin' of a cloud you be seein' dere. " Den every wan shout w'en de voice ring out Of de young Champlain on dat summer day, "Lan'! it is Ian'!" cry de sailor man You can hear dem holler ten mile away. Port Rossignol is de place dey call (I 'm sorry dat nam' it was disappear) ; An' mos' ev'ry tree dem Frenchman see Got nice leetle bird singin', "Welcome here." An' happy dey were, dem voyageurs An' de laugh come out on de sailors' face No wonder, too, w'en de shore dey view, For w'ere can you see it de better place? 304 PRO PATRIA If you want to fin' w'at is lef behin' Of de story I try very hard tell you, Don't bodder me now or raise de row, But study de book de sam' I do. Pro P atria S leevin' across on de State Vermont Were mountain so high you see Got plaintee to do, so all I want Is jus' to be quiet me No bodder, no fuss, only work aroun* On job I don't lak refuse But affer de familee settle down It 's come w'at dey call war-news. De Spanish da-go he was gettin' mad, An' he 's dangerous 1'Espagnol ! An' ev'ry wan say it was lookin' bad, Not safe on de State at all So Yankee he 's tryin' for sell hees farm, An' town 's very moche excite, Feexin' de gun an' de fire-alarm, An' ban'" playin' ev'ry night. An' soon dere 's comin', all dress to kill, Beeg feller from far away, Shoutin' lak devil on top de hill, An' dis is de t'ing he say PRO PATRIA "Strike for your home an' your own contree! Strike for your native Ian' ! Kip workin' away wit' de spade an' hoe, Den jump w'en you hear de bugle blow, For danger 's aroun', above, below, But de bugle will tell if it 's tam to go. " An' he tak' de flag wit' de star an' stripe, An' holler out "Look at me! If any wan touch dat flag, ba cripe ! He 's dead about wan two t'ree. " Den he pull it aroun' heem few more tam, An' sit on de rockin' chair, Till somebody cheer for hees Uncle Sam, Dough I don't see de ole man dere. I got a long story for tell dat night On poor leetle Rose Elmire, An' she say she 's sorry about de fight We 're doin' so well down here But it 's not our fault an' we can't help dat, De law she is made for all, So our duty is wait for de rat-tat-tat Of drum an' de bugle call. An' it 's busy week for Elmire an' me, I 'm sure you 'd pity us too Workin' so hard lak you never see, For dere 's plaintee o' job to do 306 PRO PATRIA Den half o* de night packin' up de stuff We got on de small cabane An' buyin' a horse, dough he cos' enough, For Yankee 's a hard trade man. An' how can I sleep if ma wife yell out "Ge'de'on, dere she goes!" An' bang an' tear all de house about, Wen Johnnie is blow hees nose? Poor leetle chil'ren dey suffer too, Lyin' upon de floor, Wit' de bed made up, for dey never go On de worl' lak dat before. We got to be ready, of course, an' wait De chil'ren, de wife, an' me, For show de Yankee upon de State, Ba Golly! how smart we be. You know de game dey call checker-boar'? Wall ! me an' ma wife Elmire, We 're playin' dat game on de outside door Wit' leetle wan gader near; Jus' as de sun on de sky go down An' mountain dey seem so fine, Ev'ryt'ing quiet, don't hear a soun', So I 'm lookin' across de line. 307 PRO PATRIA An' I t'ink of de tarn I be leevin' dere On county of Yamachiche, De swamp on de bush w'ere I ketch de hare De reever I use to feesh. An' ma wife Elmire w'en she see de tear, She cry leetle bit herse'f Put her han' on ma neck, an' say, "Ma dear, I 'm sorry we never lef ' ; But money 's good t'ing, an' dere 's nice folk too, Leevin' upon Vermont Oot plaintee o' work for me an' you Is dere anyt'ing more we want? 4 'Dere 's w'at dey 're callin' de war beez-nesse It 's troublesome t'ing, of course, But no gettin' off mus' strike wit' de res', No matter it might be worse We 're savin' along never lose a day, An' ready w'en bugle blow " But dat was de very las' word she say, For dere it commence to go, Blowin' away on de mountain dere, W'ere snow very seldom melts, Down by de reever an' ev'ryw'ere, We could n't hear not'ing else 308 PRO PATRIA Nobody stop to fin' out de place, Too busy for dat to-day But we never forget de law in de case Wen feller he spik dis way "Strike for your home an' your own contree! Strike for your native Ian' ! Kip workin' away wit' de spade an' hoe, Den jump w'en you hear de bugle blow, For danger 's aroun', above, below, But de bugle will tell if it 's tam to go. " An' de chil'ren yell, an' de checker-boar* Don't do her no good at all An' nobody never jump before Lak de crowd w'en dey hear de call, Dat was de familee, bet your life I 'm prouder, ba Gosh ! to-day Mese'f, de leetle wan, an' de wife, Dan anyt'ing I can say 'Cos nobody strike on de way we do For home an' deir own contree Wit' fedder bed, stove, de cradle too, An' ev'ryt'ing else we see Pilin' de wagon up ten foot high Goin' along de road An' de Yankee say as we 're passin' by Dey never see such a load 309 GETTING STOUT So dat 's how we 're comin' to Yamachiche An' dat 's w'y we 're stayin' here Jus' to be quiet an' hunt an' feesh, Not'ing at all to fear .An' if ever you lissen de Yankee folk Brag an' kick up de fuss An' say we 're lak cattle upon de yoke, An' away dey can trot from us Jus' tell dem de news of Gede*on Plouffe How he jump wit' de familee An' strike w'en de bugle is raise de roof For home an' hees own contree. Getting Stout EIGHTEEN, an' face lak de w'at 's de good? Dere 's no use tryin' explain De way she 's lookin', dat girl Marie But affer it pass, de rain, An' sun come out of de cloud behin', An' laugh on de sky wance more Wall ! dat is de way her eye it shine W'en she see me upon de door. 310 GETTING STOUT An' dere she 's workin' de ole-tam sash, De fines' wan, too, for sure. "Who is it for, ma belle Marie You 're makin' de nice ceinture? Come out an' sit on de shore below, For watchin' dem draw de net, Ketchin' de feesh, " an' she answer, "No,. De job is n't finish yet; "Stan* up, Narcisse, an' we '11 see de fit. Dat sash it was mak' for you, For de ole wan 's gettin' on, you know, An' o' course it '11 never do If de boy I marry can't go an spen' Wat dey 're callin' de weddin' tour Wit' me, for visitin' all hees frien', An' not have a nice ceinture." An' den she measure dat sash on me, An' I fin' it so long an' wide I pass it aroun' her, an' dere we stan', De two of us bote inside "Could n't be better, ma chere Marie, Dat sash it is fit so well It jus' suit you, an' it jus' suit me, An' bote togeder, ma belle." 3" GETTING STOUT So I wear it off on de weddin' tour An' long affer dat also, An' never a minute I 'm carin' how De win' of de winter blow Don't matter de cole an' frosty night Don't matter de stormy day, So long as I 'm feex up close an' tight Wit' de ole ceinture fleche. An' w'ere 's de woman can beat her now, Ma own leetle girl Marie? For we 're marry to-day jus' feefty year An' never a change I see But wan t'ing strange, dough I try ma bes' For measure dat girl wance more, She say "Go off wit' de foolishness, Or pass on de outside door. "You know well enough dat sash get tight Out on de snow an' wet Drivin' along on ev'ry place, Den how can it fit me yet? Shows w'at a fool you be, Narcisse, W'enever you go to town; Better look out, or I call de pries' For makin' you stan' aroun'." 312 DOCTOR HILAIRE But me, I 'm sure it was never change, Dat sash on de feefty year An' I can't understan' to-day at all, Wat 's makin' it seem so queer De sash is de sam', an' woman too, Can't fool me, I know too well But woman, of course dey off en do Some funny t'ing you can't tell ! Doctor Hilaire A STRANGER might say if he see heem drink till he almos' fall, "Doctor lak dat for sick folk, he's never no use at all, " But wait till you hear de story dey 're tellin* about heem yet, An' see if you don't hear somet'ing, mebbe you won't forget. Twenty odd year she 's marry. Belzemire La- freniere, An' oh! but she 's feelin' lonesome 'cos never a sign is dere Purty long tarn for waitin', but poor leetle Belzemire She 's bad enough now for pay up all of dem twenty year. DOCTOR HILAIRE Call heem de oldes' doctor, call heem de younges' wan, Bring dem along, no matter if ev'ry dollar 's gone Tree of dem can't do not'ing, workin' for two days dere, She was a very sick woman, Belzemire La- freniere. Pierre he was cryin', cryin' out on de barn behin', Neighbors tryin' to kip heem goin' right off hees min', Wen somebody say, "Las' winter, ma wife she is nearly go, An' who do you t'ink is save her? ev'ry wan surely know. "Drink? does he drink de w'isky? don't care I 'm hees only frien', Dere 's only wan answer comin', Wall! leetle bit now an' den Doctor Hilaire he tak' it, but if it was me or you Leevin' on Beausejour dere, w'at are you goin' to do? 3H DOCTOR HILAIRE "An' so you may t'ank de w'isky, 'cos w'ere '11 he be to-day If he never is drinkin' not'ing? Many a mile away Off on de great beeg city, makin' de money quick, W'ere ev'ry wan want de doctor w'enever he 's leetle sick. "Remember de way to get heem is tell heem it's bad, bad case, Or Doctor Hilaire you '11 never see heem upon dis place! Tell heem dere 's two life waitin', an' sure to be comin' die Unless he is hurry quicker dan ever de bird can fly. "T'orty mile crick is runnin' over de road, I 'm sure, But if you can fin' de crossin' you '11 ketch heem at Beausejour. Sober or drunk, no matter, bring heem along you mus', For Doctor Hilaire 's de only man of de lot for us." 315 DOCTOR HILAIRE Out wit' de quickes' horse den, Ste. Genevieve has got, An' if ever you show your paces, now is de tarn to trot Johnnie Dufresne is drivin', w'at! never hear tell of heem, Off on de Yankee circus, an' han'le a ten-horse team? Dat was de lonesome journey over de moun- tain high, Down w'ere de w'ite fog risin' show w'ere de swamp is lie, An' drive as he can de faster, an' furder away he get Johnnie can hear dat woman closer an' closer yet. Offen he tell about it, not'ing he never do Geev' heem de funny feelin' Johnnie is goin* t'roo, But he is sure of wan t'ing, if Belzemire 's comin' die, Poor woman, she 'd never foller affer heem wit' her cry. 316 DOCTOR HILAIRE Dat is de t'ing is cheer heem, knowin' she is n't gone, So he answer de voice a-callin', tellin' her to hoi' on, Till he bring her de help she 's needin' if only she wait a w'ile Dat is de way he 's doin' all of dem t'orty mile Lucky he was to-night, too, for place on de crick he got, Search on de light of day-tarn, he could n't fin' better spot, But jus' as it happen', mebbe acre or two below, Is place w'ere de ole mail-driver 's drownin' a year ago. Were is de road? he got it, an' very soon B cause jour Off on de hillside lyin', dere she is, small an' poor, Lookin' so lak starvation might a' been t'roo de war, An' dere, on de bar-room sleepin', de man he is lookin' for. DOCTOR HILAIRE Drunk? he is worse dan ever poor leetle man ! too bad! Lissen to not'ing neider, but Johnnie is feel so glad Ketchin' heem dere so easy, 'fore he can answer, "No" He 's tyin' heem on de buggy, an' off on de road he go Half o' de journey 's over, half o' de night is pass, Wen Doctor Hilaire stop swearin', an start to get quiet at las' Don't do any good ax Johnnie lettin' heem loose again, For if any man tak' de chances, would n't be Johnnie Dufresne. Hooraw for de black horse trotter! hooraw for de feller drive! An' wan leetle cheer for Belzemire dat 's kipin' herse'f alive Till Johnnie is bring de doctor, an' carry heem on de door An' loosen heem out as sober as never he was before. 318 DOCTOR HILAIRE Quiet inside de house now, quiet de outside too, Look at each oder smokin', dat 's about all we do; An' jus' as we feel, ba tender! no use, we mus' talk or die, Dere on de house we 're hearin' poor leetle baby's cry. Dat 's all, but enough for makin' tear comin' down de face, An' Pierre, if you only see heem jumpin' aroun' de place You 'd t'ink of a colt in spring-tarn den off on de barn we go Were somebody got de bottle for drinkin' de healt', you know. Takin' it too moche w'isky, is purty hard job to cure, But only for poor ole w'isky, village of Beau- sejour Can never have such a doctor, an' dat 's w'y it ain't no tarn Talk very moche agin it, but fill her up jus' de sam'. 319 BARBOTTE (BULL-POUT) An' drink to de baby's moder, here 's to de baby too, An' Doctor Hilaire, anoder, beeger dan all, for you. For sober or drunk, no matter, so long as he understan' It 's very bad case is waitin', Doctor Hilaire 's de man. Barbotte (Bull-pout} r\ERE 's some lak dory, an' some lak bass, An' plaintee dey mus' have trout An* w'ite feesh too, dere 's quite a few Not satisfy do widout Very fon' of sucker some folk is, too, But for me, you can go an' cut De w'ole of dem t'roo w'at you call menu, So long as I get barbotte Ho ! Ho ! for me it 's de nice barbotte. No fuss to ketch heem no row at all, De sam' as you have wit' bass Never can tell if you hook heem well, An' mebbe he 's gone at las' ! An' trout, wall! any wan 's ketchin' trout Dey got to be purty smart But leetle bull-pout, don't have to look out, For dem feller got no heart Good t'ing, dey ain't got no heart. 320 BARBOTTE (BULL-POUT) Dat 's wan of de reason I lak heem too For all you have got to do Is takin' your pole on de feeshin' hole An' anchor de ole canoe Den spit on de worm for luck, an' pass De leetle hook up de gut, An' drop it down slow, jus' a minute or so, An' pull up de nice barbotte, Ha ! Ha ! de fine leetle fat barbotte. Pleasan' to lissen upon de spring De leetle bird sing hees song, Wile you watch de line an' look out for sign Of mooshrat swimmin' along ; Den tak' it easy an' smoke de pipe, An' w'ere is de man has got More fun dan you on de ole canoe Wen dey 're bitin', de nice barbotte De nice leetle fat barbotte, No runnin' aroun' on de crick for heem, No jompin' upon de air, Makin' you sweat till your shirt is wet An' sorry you 're comin' dere Foolin' away wit' de rod an' line Mebbe de affernoon For sure as he bite he 's dere all right, An' you 're ketchin' heem very soon Yass sir! you 're gettin' heem purty soon. 21 321 THE ROSSIGNOL Den tak' heem off home wit' a dozen more An' skin heem so quick you can. Fry heem wit' lard, an' you '11 fin' it hard To say if dere 's on de pan Such feesh as dat on de worl' before Since Adam, you know, is shut Out of de gate w'en he 's comin' home late, As de nice leetle fat barbotte Dat 's true, de nice leetle sweet barbotta The Rossignol Air " Sur la Montagne " JUS' as de sun is tryin' Climb on de summer sky Two leetle bird come flyin' Over de mountain high Over de mountain, over de mountain, Hear dem call, Hear dem call poor leetle rossignol! Out of de nes' togeder, Broder an' sister too, Out on de summer wedder W'en de w'ole worl' is new Over de mountain, over de mountain, Hear dem call, Hear dem call poor leetle rossignol ! 322 No leetle heart was lighter, No leetle bird so gay, Never de sun look brighter Dan he is look to-day Over de mountain, over de mountain, Hear dem call, Hear dem call poor leetle rossignol ! Wy are dey leave de nes' dere Were dey was still belong? Better to stay an' res' dere Until de wing is strong. Over de mountain, over de mountain, Hear dem call, Hear dem call poor leetle rossignol. Wat is dat watchin' dere now Up on de maple tall, Better look out, tak' care now, Poor leetle rossignol, Over de mountain, over de mountain, Hear dem call, Hear dem call poor leetle rossignol ! Here dey are comin' near heem Singin' deir way along How can dey know to fear heem Poor leetle bird so young 323 THE ROSSIGNOL Over de mountain, over de mountain, Hear dem call, Hear dem call poor leetle rossignol ! Moder won't hear you cryin', Wat is de use to call, Wen he is comin' flyin' Quick as de star is fall? Over de mountain, over de mountain, Hear dem call, Hear dem call poor leetle rossignol ! Up w'ere de nes' is lyin', High on de cedar bough, Were de young hawk was cryin' Soon will be quiet now. Over de mountain, over de mountain, Hear heem call, Hear heem call poor leetle rossignol! If he had only kissed her, Poor leetle rossignol ! But he was los' hees sister, An' it 's alone he call Over de mountain, over de mountain, Hear heem call, Hear heem call poor leetle rossignol ! 3 2 4 MEB-BE Only a day of gladness, Only a day of song, Only a night of sadness Lastin' de w'ole life long. Over de mountain, over de mountain, Hear heem call, Hear heem call poor leetle rossignol ! Meb-be A QUIET boy was Joe Bedotte, An' no sign anw'ere Of anyt'ing at all he got Is up to ordinaire An' w'en de teacher tell heem go An' tak' a holiday, For wake heem up, becos' he 's slow, Poor Joe would only say, "Wall!meb-be." Don't bodder no wan on de school Unless dey bodder heem, But all de scholar t'ink he 's fool Or walkin' on a dream So w'en dey re closin' on de spring Of course dey 're moche surprise Dat Joe is takin' ev'ryt'ing Of w'at you call de prize. 325 MEB-BE An' den de teacher say, "Joseph, I know you 're workin' hard Becos' w'en I am pass mese'f I see you on de yard A-splittin' wood no doubt you stay An' study half de night?" An' Joe he spik de sam' ole way So quiet an' polite, "Wall!meb-be. ! Hees fader an' hees moder die An' lef heem dere alone Wit' chil'ren small enough to cry, An' farm all rock an' stone But Joe is fader, moder too, An' work bote day an' night An' clear de place dat 's w'at he do, An' bring dem up all right. De Cure* say, " Jo-seph, you know Le bon Dieu 's very good He feed de small bird on de snow, De caribou on de wood But you deserve some credit too I spik of dis before. " So Joe he dunno w'at to do An' only say wance more, "Wall!meb-be." 326 SNUBBING THE RAFT An' Joe he leev' for many year An' helpin' ev'ry wan Upon de parish far an' near Till all hees money 's gone An' den de Cure come again Wit' tear-drop on hees eye He know for sure poor Joe, hees frien', Is well prepare to die. "Wall! Joe, de work you done will tell W'en you get up above De good God he will treat you well An' geev' you all hees love. De poor an' sick down here below, I 'm sure dey '11 not forget, " An' w'at you t'ink he say, poor Joe, Drawin' hees only breat'? "Wall!meb-be.' Snubbing (Tying-up) the Raft AS' night dey 're passin', de golden plover, Dis mornin' I 'm seein' de bluebird's wing, So if not'ing go wrong, de winter 's over, An' not very long till we got de spring. 327 SNUBBING THE RAFT An' nex' t'ing de reever she '11 start a-hummin', An' den you '11 hear it, de song an' laugh, Is teilin' de news, de boys are comin' Home again on de saw-log raf. All very well for see dem swingin' Roun* de beeg islan' dere on de bay, Nice t'ing too, for to hear dem singin', 'Cos it mak' me t'ink of de good ole day. An' me I could lissen dem song forever, But it is n't so pleasan' w'en evenin' fall, An' dey 're lookin' for place to stay, an' never Snub de raf on ma place at all Dat 's de fine cove if dey only know it Hard to fin' better on St. Maurice, Up de reever or down below it, An' house on de hill only leetle piece. Wat is de reason den, w'en dey fin' dem Raf comin' near me, dey all get scare, An' pull lak de devil was close behin' dem, An' way down de reever to Joe Belair? Two mile more, wit' de rock an' stone dere, An' water so shallow can't float canoe, But ev'ry boy of de gang, he 's goin' dere, Even de cook, an' de captain too 328 SNUBBING THE RAFT Wat is de reason, I lak to know me Ma own leetle cove 's lyin empty dere, An' nobody stop till dey go below me, Snubbin' de raf on Joe Belair? Not'ing lak dat twenty year ago, sir, Wen voyageurs' comin' from up above, Dere 's only wan place us feller know, sir, Wen dey 're goin' ashore, an' dat 's de cove. An' dere on door of de house she 's stannin' To welcome us back, Madame Baribeau, An' Pierre hese'f, he was on de lannin', Ready for ketchin' de rope we t'row. An' oh! de girl use to mak' us crazy For many a fine girl Pierre has got Right on de jomp too never lazy, But Sophie 's de fines' wan of de lot. Me I was only a common feller, An' love wall ! jus' lak de leetle calf, An it 's true, I 'm sure, w'at dey often tell her, I 'm de uglies' man on boar' de raf. But Sophie 's so nice an' good shese'f too, De uglies' man upon all de worl' Forget hees face an' forget hese'f too, T'ree minute affer he see dat girl 329 SNUBBING THE RAFT An' dat 's de reason de chance is better, For you must n't be t'ink of you' se'f at all, But t'ink of de girl if you want to get her An' so we 're marry upon de fall. An' purty soon den dey all get started, For marryin' fever come so strong Wen de firse wan go, dat dey 're broken- hearted An' tak' mos' anyt'ing come along. So Joe Belair, w'en hees house is buil' dere, He go down de reever wit' Eugenie, An' place I settle on top de hill dere, De ole man geev' it to Sophie an' me. An' along dey come, wan foller de oder, Dozen o' girl not a boy at all Never a girl tak' affer de moder, But all lak de fader, beeg an' small A dozen o' girl, of course, no wonder A few of dem look lak me sapree ! But w'en dey 're comin' dat way, ba tonder! She 's jus' a leetle too moche for me. An' Joe Belair, he was down below me, Funny t'ing too, he is ketch also, Ev'ryt'ing girl how it come dunno me But dey 're all lak de familee Baribeau 330 .SNUBBING THE RAFT Growin' up purty de sam' de moder An' soon as dey know it along de shore De boys stop comin' an' never bodder For snub de raf on ma place no more So w'at is de chance ma girl she 's gettin', Don't care w'ere I look, none at all I see, No use, I s'pose, kipin' on a-frettin', Dough it 's very hard case poor, man lak me. W'at '11 I do for bring dem here, me? Can't be blowin' dem to de moon Or buil' a dam on de reever near me For fear we 're sure to be drownin' soon. To-night I can hear hees darn ole fiddle, Playin' away on Joe Belair Can hear heem holler, ' ' Pass down de middle An' dance on your partner over dere. " Pleasan' t'ing too, for to smell de w'isky Off on de leetle back room ba oui Helpin' de ole folk mak' dem frisky, Very pleasan' for dem, but not for me Oh ! it mak' me mad, an' I 'm tire tryin' To show how I feel, an' it 's hard to tell So I '11 geev' it up, for dere 's no good cryin' ; 'Sides w'at is de use of a two-mile smell? 33i A RAINY DAY IN CAMP Non! I don't go dere if dey all invite me, Or de worl' itse'f she come to an' en'. De Bishop hese'f , ba Gosh ! can write me, But Jo-seph Belair, he 's no more ma frien'. Can't fin' me dere if de sky come down, sir, I rader ma girl she would never dance But far away,, off on de Yankee town, sir, I '11 tak' dem w'ere mebbe dey have a chance. An' reever an' cove, dough I '11 not forget dem, An' voyageurs too, an' Joe Belair, Can do w'at dey lak, an' me I '11 let dem Go w'ere dey want to, for I don't care. A Rainy Day in Camp A RAINY day in camp ! how you draw the blankets closer, As the big drops patter, patter on the shingles overhead, How you shudder when recalling your wife's "You ought to know, sir, That it 's dangerous and improper to smoke a pipe in bed." 332 A RAINY DAY IN CAMP A rainy day in camp! is it possible to find better? Tho' the lake is like a caldron, and aloft the thunder rolls ; Yet the old canoe is safely on the shore where you can let her Stay as long as Jupiter Pluvius in the clouds is punching holes. A rainy day in camp! and the latest publica- tion That the mice have left unnibbled, tells you all about "Eclipse," How the Derby fell before him, how he beat equine creation, But the story yields to slumber with the pipe between your lips. Wake again and turn the pages, where they speak of Lester Wallack And the heroes of the buskin over thirty years ago- Then in case the damp surroundings cause an inconvenient colic, What 's the matter with the treatment neu- tralizing II 2 O? 333 A RAINY DAY IN CAMP A rainy day in camp! what an interesting col- lection, In this magazine so ancient, of items small and great The History of the Negro, illustrating every section, So different from the present White House Colored Fashion Plate ! A rainy day in camp ! and you wonder how the C. P. And the G. T. competition will affect the Golden West But these problematic matters only tend to make you sleepy, And again beneath the blankets, like a babe you sink to rest. Cometh now the giant moose heads, that no eye of man can number Every rain-drop on the roof-tree is a plung- ing three-pound trout-r- Till u musk ox in a snow-drift turns and butts you out of slumber, And you wake to hear Bateese say, "Dat 's too bad, de fire 's gone out. " 334 JOSETTE A rainy night in camp! with the blazing logs before us, Let the wolf howl in the forest and the loon scream on the lake, Turn them loose, the wild performers of Na- ture's Opera Chorus And ask if Civilization 'can sweeter music make. Josette T SEE Josette on de car to-day, Leetle Josette Couture, An' it 's easy tellin' she 's been away On market of Bonsecour 'Cos dere 's de blueberry on de pail Wit' more t'ing lyin' about An' dere 's de basket wit' de tail Of de chicken stickin' out. Ev'ry conductor along de road Help her de bes' he can, An' I see dem sweat wit' de heavy load, Many a beeg, strong man But it 's differen' t'ing w'en she tak' hoi', Leavin' dem watchin' dere For wedder de win' blow hot or cole Josette never turn a hair. 335 JOSETTE Wonderful woman for seexty-five Smart leetle woman sure! An' if he 's wan tin' to kip alive On church of de Bonsecour De pries' he mus' rise 'fore de rooster crow, Or mebbe he '11 be too late For seein' dere on de street below, Josette comin' in de gate. An' half of de mornin' she don't spen' dere Hangin' aroun' de pew Bodderin' God wid de long, long prayer For bote of dem got to do Plaintee work 'fore de day 's gone by r An' well she know Josette No matter how busy an' hard she try, De work 's never finish yet. An' well he know it, de habitant, Who is it ketch heem, w'en He 's drivin' along from St. Laurent For it 's easier bargain den 'Cos if de habitant only sole De whole of hees load dat way Of course he 's savin' de market toll An' not'ing at all to pay. 336 JOE BOUCHER Dey call her ole maid, but I can't tell me De cmTren she has got : No fader, no moder, dat 's way dey be You never see such a lot An' if you ax how she fin' de clothes An' food for de young wan dere She say: "Wit' de help of God, I s'pose An' de leetle shop down stair." Comin' an' goin' mos' all de tarn, Helpin' dem all along, Jus' lak de ole sheep watch de lamb Till dey are beeg an' strong Not'ing lak dat I be seein' yet, An' it 's hard to beat for sure So dat 's de reason dey call Josette Leetle Sister of de poor. Joe Boucher Air " Car si man moine." JOE BOUCHER was a frien' of mine, Joe Boucher was a happy man, Till he tell a young girl he 'd lak to fin' Some nice leetle wife for hees new cabane. Now he 's los' hees life too, All on account of de wife too, An' I know you '11 be sorry 'bout dat poor feller. I know you '11 be sorry for Joe Boucher. " 337 JOE BOUCHER De nam' dat girl she 's Azeel-daw, An' party good worker, too, dey say She don't lose chance for a brave gargon, An' so she marry Joe Boucher. Now he 's los' hees life too, All on account of de wife too, An' I know you '11 be sorry 'bout dat poor feller* I know you '11 be sorry for Joe Boucher. Den off on de wood poor Joe he lef ', An' w'en he 's home wit' de bird in spring,. An' fin' leetle feller jus' lak hese'f . Mebbe Joe don't dance an' Joe don't sing! Now he 's los' hees life too, All on account of hees wife too, An' I know you '11 be sorry 'bout dat poor feller,. I know you '11 be sorry for Joe Boucher. Dat 's all very well till de fall come along, An' Joe got to go on de bush encore, But w'en he come back he sing no song, For dere was two leetle baby more. Now he 's los' hees life too, All on account of de wife too, An I know you '11 be sorry 'bout dat poor feller, I know you '11 be sorry for Joe Boucher. 338 JOE BOUCHER He don't say not'ing, but he t'ink beeg lot, An' won't tak' a drink for two, t'ree day, But not moche money poor Joe he got, So off on de reever he 's goin' away. Now he 's IDS' hees life too, All on account of de wife too, An' I know you '11 be sorry 'bout dat poor feller, I know you '11 be sorry for Joe Boucher. Wen May come along dat beau garc,on He 's only gettin' anoder scare For he know by de smile on Azeel-daw She got t'ree fine new baby dere. Now he 's los' hees life too, All on account of de wife too, An' I know you '11 be sorry 'bout dat poor feller, I know you '11 be sorry for Joe Boucher. So he kill hese'f dead, dat beau garcon He work so hard for de familee, An' he say, "Too bad, but Azeel-daw, I 'm sorry she marry poor man lak me. " Now he 's los' hees life too, All on account of hees wife too, An' I know you '11 be sorry 'bout dat poor feller, I know you '11 be sorry for Joe Boucher. 339 CHARMETTE "Now I know very well dat all poor man He tak' some chance w'en he get marie", So he better look out all de bes' he can, Or he '11 be ketch lak Joe Boucher Now he 's los' hees life too, All on account of de wife too, An' I know you '11 be sorry 'bout dat poor feller, I know you '11 be sorry for Joe Boucher. Charmette A WAY off back on de mountain-side, Not easy t'ing fin' de spot, Were de lake below is long an' wide, A nice leetle place I got, Mebbe ten foot deep by twenty-two, An' if you see it, I bet You '11 not be surprise w'en I tole to you I chrissen dat place Charmette. Dat 's purty beeg word, Charmette, for go On poor leetle house so small, Wit' only wan chimley, a winder or so, An' no galerie at all But I want beeg word, so de worl' will know W'at dat place it was mean to me, ,An' dere on de book of Jean Jacques Rousseau, Charmette is de nam' I see. 340 CHARMETTE O ma dear Charmette! an' de stove is dere, (Good stove) an' de wood-pile too. An' stretch out your finger mos' anyw'ere, Dere 's plaintee for comfort you You 're hongry? wall! you got pork an' bean Mak' you feel lak Edouard de King You 're torsty? Jus' look dere behin' de screen, An' mebbe you fin' somet'ing Ha! Ha! you got it. Ma dear Charmette. Dere 's many fine place, dat 's true, If you travel aroun' de worl', but yet Were is de place lak you? Open de door, don't kip it close Wat 's air of de mornin' for? Would you fassen de door on de win' dat blows Over God's own boulevard? *Y You see dat lake? Wall! I alway hate To brag but she 's full of trout, So full dey can't jump togeder, but wait An* tak' deir chance, turn about An' if you be campin' up dere above, De mountain would be so high, Very off en de camp you 'd have to move, Or how can de moon pass by? LAC SOUCI It 's wonderful place for sure, Charmette, An' ev'ry wan say to me I got all de pleasure de man can get 'Cept de wife an' de familee But somebody else can marry ma wife, Have de familee too also, Wat more do I want, so long ma life Was spare to me here below? For we can't be happier dan we been Over twenty year, no siree! An' if ever de stranger come between De leetle Charmette an' me, Den all I can say is, kip out de way, For dynamite sure I '11 get, An' affer dat you can hunt all day For me an' ma dear Charmette. Lac Souci ' I *ALK about lakes ! dere 's none dat lies in Laurentide mountain or near de sea, Wen de star 's gone off an' de sun is risin', Can touch w'at dey call it Lac Souci, Restin' dere wit' de woods behin' her, Sleepin' dere t'roo de summer night But watch her affer de mornin' 's fin' her, An* over de hill-top shine de light. 342 LAC SOUCI See w'ere de shadder sweep de water, Pine tree an' cloud, how dey come an' go; Careful now, an' you '11 see de otter Slidin' into de pool below Look at de loon w'en de breeze is ketch heem Shakin' hese'f as he cock de eye! Takes a nice leetle win' to fetch heem, So he 's gettin' a chance to fly. Every bird dey mus' kip behin' heem W'en he 's only jus* flap de wing, Ah! dere he 's goin' but never min' heem, For lissen de robin begin to sing Trout 's comin' up too ! dat 's beeg rise dere,. Four of dem ! Golly ! it 's purty hard case, No rod here, an' dey 're all good size dere ! Don't ax me not'ing about de place. No use nobody goin' murder T'ree an' four pounder lak dat, siree! Wall! if you promise it won't go furder I '11 tole you nex' summer bimeby mebbe W'at is dat movin' among de spruce dere? Sure as I 'm livin' dere 's 'noder wan too Offen enough I 'm gettin' a moose dere, Non ! It 's only a couple of caribou. 343 LAC SOUCI Black duck so early? See how dey all come, Wan leetle family roun' de ben' Let dem enjoy it, wait till de fall come, Dey won't be feelin' so happy den! Smoke on de mountain? Yass, I can smell her- Who is it now, Jean Bateese Boucher? Geev' me some tam, an' I '11 feex dat feller Shootin' de moose on de summer day. Wat do you t'ink of a sapree beaver Kittin' hees tail on de lake dat way? Ought to be home wit' hees wife not leave her Workin' away on de house all day Punny t'ing, too, how he alway fin' me Sailin' along on de ole canoe, Lookin' for sign den bang! behin' me An' down on de water dat 's w'at he do. Otter feeshin' an' bob cat cryin' Up on de sky de beeg black hawk Down on de swamp w'cre a dead log 's lyin', Pa'tridge doin' hees own cake-walk! If you never was seen dem, hear dem Tak' leetle tour on de Lac Souci, An' w'enever you 're comin' near dem, You 're goin' crazy de sam' as me. 344 POIRIER'S ROOSTER Talk about lakes of every nation, Talk about water of any kin', Don't matter you go over all creation De Lac Souci she can beat dem blin'. Happy to leev an' happy to die dere But Heaven itself won't satisfy me, Till I fin' leetle hole off on de sky dere Were I can be lookin' on Lac Souci ! Poirier's Rooster 4 \\7 'AT 's dat? de ole man gone, you say Wall! Wall! he mus' be sick, For w'en he pass de oder day, He walk along widout de stick, Lak twenty year or so Fine healt'y man, ole Telesphore, I never see heem sick before, Some rheumateez, but not'ing more Please tell me how he go. " You 're right, no common t'ing for sure Is kill heem lak de res' ; No sir! de man was voyageur Upon de Grande Nor' Wes' Until he settle here Is not de feller 's goin' die Before he 's ready by an' bye, So if you want de reason w'y I '11 tell you, never fear. 345 POIRIER'S ROOSTER You know how moche he lak to spik An' tole us ev'ryt'ing about De way de French can alway lick An' pull de w'ole worl' inside out, Poor Telesphore Cadotte ! He 's knowin' all de victory, An' braves' t'ing was never be. To hear heem talk it 's easy see He 's firse-class patriot. Hees leetle shoe store ev'ry night Can hardly hoi' de crowd of folk Dat come to lissen on de fight, An' w'en you see de pile of smoke An' hear ole Telesphore Hammer de boot upon hees knee, You t'ink of course of Chateauguay, An' feel dat 's two, t'ree enemy Don't bodder us no more. But oh! dat evening w'en he sen' De call aroun' for come en masse, An' den he say, "Ma dear ole frien', Dere 's someting funny come to pass, I lak you all to hear You know dat Waterloo affair? H-s-s-h ! don't get excite, you was n't dere All quiet? Wall! I '11 mak' it square, So lissen on your ear. 346 POIRIER'S ROOSTER " I 'm readin' on de book to-day Some book, dey say, was guarantee), An' half a dollar too I pay, But cheap, because it 's tellin' me De t'ing I 'm glad to know Of course de w'ole worl' understan' Napoleon fight de bes* he can, But he 's not French at all, dat man, But leetle small Da-go. "Anoder t'ing was mak' it show Dere 's not'ing new below de sun, Is w'en I 'm findin' as I go Dat feller dey call Welling-ton, He 's English? No siree! But only maudit Irlandais! (Dat 's right! dey 're alway in de way, Dem Irish folk), an' so I say I 'm satisfy for me. "It 's not our fault, dat 's all explain Dere 's no use talk of Waterloo, Not our affair " an' off again He hammer, hammer on de shoe, An' don't say not'ing more, But w'issle "Madame Isabeau," Good news lak dat is cheer heem so Den tak' a drink before we go, De poor ole Telesphore! 347 POIRIER'S ROOSTER An' now he 's gone! Wall! I dunno, Can't say he 's better off meb-be, Don't work so hard on w'ere he go Dat 's wan t'ing sure I 'm t'inkin' me Unless he los' hees track. But w'en dat boy come rtmnin' in De leetle shop, an' start begin On Poirier's rooster, how he win I lak to break hees back. Poor Telesphore was tellin' how Joe Monferrand can't go to sleep, Until he 's kickin' up de row, Den pile dem nearly ten foot deep, Dem English sojer man Can't blame de crowd dey all hooraw, For bes' man on de Ottawaw, An' geev' free cheer for Canadaw, De very bes' dey can. An' Telesphore again he start For tell de story leetle more, Anoder wan before we part, W'en bang! a small boy t'roo de door On w'at you call "full pelt," Is yellin' till it reach de skies, "Poirier's rooster got de prize, Poirier's rooster got de prize, An' win de Champion belt!" 348 DOMINIQUE An' sure enough, he beat dem all, Joe Poirier's leetle red game bird, On beeges' show dey have dis fall,- De Yankee rooster only t'ird An' Irish number two We hear a jump, an' Telesphore I never see de lak before He flap hees wing upon de floor An' cock a doodle doo! Dat 's finish heem, he 's gone at las', An' never come aroun' again We '11 miss heem w'en we 're goin' pas', An' see no light upon de pane But pleasure we have got, We '11 kip it on de memory yet, An' dough of course we '11 offen fret, Dere 's wan t'ing sure, we '11 not forget Poor Telesphore Cadotte! Dominique *V7"OU dunno ma leetle boy Dominique? Never see heem runnin' roun' about de place? 'Cos I want to get advice how to lap heem lookin' nice, So he won't be alway dirty on de face 349 DOMINIQUE Now dat leetle boy of mine, Dominique, If you wash heem an' you sen' heem off to school, But instead of goin' dere, he was playin' fox an' hare Can you tell me how to stop de leetle fool? " I 'd tak' dat leetle feller Dominique, An' I 'd put heem on de cellar ev'ry day, An' for workin' out a cure, bread an' water 's very sure, You can bet he mak' de promise not to play!" Dat 's very well to say, but ma leetle Domi- nique Wen de jacket we put on heem 's only new, An' he 's goin' travel roun' on de medder up an' down, Wit' de strawberry on hees pocket runnin' t'roo, An' w'en he climb de fence, see de hole upon hees pant, No wonder hees poor moder 's feelin' mad! So if you ketch heem den, w'at you want to do, ma frien' ? Tell me quickly an' before he get too bad. 350 DOMINIQUE "I 'd lick your leetle boy Dominique, I 'd lick heem till he 's cryin' purty hard, An' for fear he 's gettin' spile, I 'd geev' heem castor ile, An' I would n't let heem play outside de yard." If you see ma leetle boy Dominique Hangin' on to poor ole "Billy" by de tail, Wen dat horse is feelin' gay, lak I see heem yesterday, I s'pose you t'ink he 's safer on de jail? Wen I 'm lightin' up de pipe on de evenin' affer work, An' de powder dat young rascal 's puttin' in, It was makin' such a pouf, nearly blow me t'roo de roof Wat 's de way you got of showin' 't was a sin ? "Wall! I put heem on de jail right away, You may bet de wan is got de beeges' wall! A honder foot or so, w'ere dey never let heem go, Non! I wouldn't kip a boy lak dat at all." Dat 's good advice for sure, very good, On de cellar, bread an' water it '11 do, De nice sweet castor ile geev' heem ev'ry leetle w'ile, An' de jail to finish up wit' w'en he 's t'roo ! HOME Ah! ma frien', you never see Dominique, Wen he 's lyin' dere asleep upon de bed, If you do, you say to me, "Wat an angel he mus' be, An' dere can't be not'ing bad upon hees head." Many t'ank for your advice, an' it may be good for some, But de reason you was geev' it is n't very hard to seek Yass! it 's easy seein' now w'en de talk is over, how You dunno ma leetle boy Dominique. Home ' f~\ H ! Mother the bells are ringing as never they rang before, And banners aloft are flying, and open is every door, While down in the streets are thousands of men I have never seen But friendly are all the faces oh! Mother, what can it mean?" "My little one," said the mother, "for many long, weary years Thro' days that the sunshine mocked at, and nights that were wet with tears, 352 HOME I have waited and watched in silence, too proud to speak, and now The pulse of my heart is leaping, for the children have kept the vow. "And there they are coming, coming, the brothers you never knew, But, sightless, my ears would know them, so steady and firm and true Is the tramp of men whose fathers trod where the wind blows free, Over the heights of Queenston, and willows of Chateaugay. "For whether it be a thousand, or whether a single man In the calm of peace, or battle, since ever the race began, No human eye has seen it 't is an undis- covered clime, Where the feet of my children's fathers have not stepped and beaten time. "The enemy at my threshold had boasted and jeered and cried 'The pledge of your offsprings' birthright your children have swept aside 23 353 HOME They cumber the land of strangers, they dwell in the alien's tent Till "home" is a word forgotten, and "love" but a bow unbent. "Planners and builders of cities (were ever such men as these?), Counsellors, guides, and moulders of the strangers' destinies Conquerors, yet are they conquered, and this is the word and sign, You boast of their wise seed-sowing, but the harvest they reap is mine.' ''Ah! little the stranger knew me this mock- ing but friendly foe, The youngest mother of nations! how could the stranger know The faith of the old grey mother, her sorrows and hopes and fears? Let her speak . when her sons are tested, like mine, for a thousand years! "Afar in the dim savanna when the dawn of the spring is near, What is it wakes the wild goose, calling him loud and clear? 354 HOME What is it brings him homeward, battered and tempest-torn? Are they weaker than birds of passage, the children whom I have borne? "Nay! the streets of the city tremble with the tread that shakes the world, When the sons of the blood foregather, and the mother flag flies unfurled Brothers are welcoming brothers, and the voices that pierce the blue Answer the enemy's taunting and the chil- dren of York are true ! "Wanderers maybe, traitors never! By the scroll of their fathers' lives ! The faith of the land that bore them, and the honor of their wives ! We may lose them, our own strong children l blossom and root and stem But the cradle will be remembered, and homo is aye home to them!" Canadian Forever our fathers crossed the ocean In the glorious days gone by, They breathed their deep emotion In many a tear and sigh 355 CANADIAN FOREVER Tho' a brighter lay before them Than the old, old land that bore them And all the wide world knows now That land was Canada. So line up and try us, Whoever would deny us The freedom of our birthright And they '11 find us like a wall For we are Canadian Canadian forever Canadian forever-^Canadian over all. Our fathers came to win us This land beyond recall And the same blood flows within us Of Briton, Celt, and Gaul Keep alive each glowing ember Of our sireland, but remember Our country is Canadian Whatever may befall. So line up and try us, Whoever would deny us The freedom of our birthright And they '11 find us like a wall For we are Canadian, Canadian forever, Canadian forever Canadian over all. 356 TWINS Who can blame them, who can blame us If we tell ourselves with pride How a thousand years to tame us The foe has often tried And should e'er the Empire need us, She '11 require no chains to lead us, For we are Empire's children But Canadian over all. Then line up and try us, Whoever would deny us The freedom of our birthright And they '11 find us like a wall For we are Canadian, Canadian forever, Canadian forever Canadian over all ! Twins T CONGRATULATE ye, Francis, And more power to yer wife An' from Montreal to Kansas, I could safely bet my life Ye wor proud enough, I hould ye Runnin' with the safety pins Whin ould Mrs. Dolan tould ye, "Milia murther! she has twins!" 357 TWINS Ye might kill me without warnin' Lay me out there on the shelf For a sight of ye that mornin', Throwin' bookays at yerself ! Faix! ye thought ye had a cinch there, An' begob ! so well ye might, For not even with the Frinch there, Twins like thim come every night ! Francis, aisy now an' listen To yer mother's brother James Whin the twins ye go to christen, Don't ye give thim fancy names Irene Edith Gladys Mavis Cecil Rhodes an' Percival If it 's names like that, Lord save us ! Don't live close to the canal! Michael Whalen of St. Lambert Had a boy some years ago Called him Clarence Montizambert > Where he got it I dunno Monty used to have a brother (He was Marmaduke Fitzjames) Killed himself some way or other Thryin' to pronounce his names! 358 KEEP OUT OF THE WEEDS Bet was three times in a minute, An' he thrained hard for the same, But the lad was never in it Tho' they tell me he died game ! Well, sir! Monty grew the height of Fin McCool or Brian Boru Truth I 'm tellin', but in spite of Ev'rything poor Mike could do Divil a dacint situation Monty got, but dhrive a hack, At the Bona venture station 'T was the name that kept him back Till his friend, John Reilly, tould him, "Change the haythen name for Pat " Pathrick Joseph now behould him Walkin' dillygate! think o' that! So be careful, Master Francis, An' ye '11 bless yer uncle James Don't be takin' any chances With thim God-forsaken names ! Keep Out of the Weeds smarter man you can never know Wen I was a boy, dan Pierre Nadeau, An' quiet he 's too, very seldom talk, But got an eye lak de mountain hawk, See all aroun' heem mos' ev'ryw'ere, An' not many folk is foolin' Pierre. 359 KEEP OUT OF THE WEEDS Often I use to be t'inkin' me How on de worl' it was come to be He know so moche, w'en he never go On college or school, ole Pierre Nadeau, Feesh on de reever de summer t'roo, An' trap on de winter dat 's all he do. ''Hi! boy Hi! put your book away, An' come wit' your uncle Pierre to-day, Ketch hoi' of de line an' hang on tight, An' see if your moder won't cook to-night Some nice fresh feesh for de familee, " Many a tarn he was say to me An' den I 'm quiet, too scare to spik, Wile Pierre he paddle me down de crick, Easy an' nice he mak' her go Close to de shore w'ere de bulrush grow, Were de pike an' de beeg feesh lak to feed, Deir nose stickin' out w'ere you see de weed- "Lissen, ma boy," say Pierre Nadeau, "To some of de t'ing you ought to know: Kip a lookout on de hook an* line, In case dey 're gettin' too far behin' ; For it 's purty hard job know w'at to do, If de reever weed 's ketchin' hoi' of you. 360 KEEP OUT OF THE WEEDS "But if you want feesh, you mus' kip leeth close, For dat 's w'ere de beeg feller come de mos', Not on de middle w'ere water 's bare, But near to de rushes over dere. 'Cos dat was de spot dey alway feed All de sam^-you got to look out for weed. ' ' Ho ! Ho ! a strike ! let heem have it now Gosh ! ain't he a-kickin' heem up de row, Pullin' so hard, never min', ma son, Wen he go lak dat he was nearly done, But he 's all right now, so don't be afraid, Jus' hit heem again wit' de paddle blade. " Yass! over an' over, it 's good advice, An' me, I know, for I pay de price On w'at you call compoun' interes' too, For larnin' de lesson I geev' to you, Close as you lak, but, ma boy, tak' heed You don't run into de beeg long weed. "An' by an' by w'en you 're growin' up, An' mebbe drink of de black, black cup Of trouble an' bodder an' dunno w'at, You '11 say to you' se'f, 'Wall! I forgot De lesson ole Pierre he know I need,' W'en he say to me, 'Boy, look out for weed' 361 "For de worl 's de sam' as de reever dere, Plaintee of weed lyin' ev'ryw'ere, But work aroun' or your life is gone, An' tak' some chance or you won't get on, For if you don't feesh w'ere de weed is grow, You '11 only ketch small leetle wan or so " Dere 's no use sayin', ' I '11 wait an' see If some of dem feesh don't come to me, I '11 stay outside, for it 's pleasan' here, Were de water 's lookin' so nice an' clear, ' Dat 's way you '11 never get w'at you need Keep feeshin' away, but look out for weed. " Dat was de lesson ole Pierre Nadeau Tell to me off en, so long ago Poor ole Pierre! an' I 'm tryin' too, Tak' hees advice, for I know it 's true, But far as it goes we 're all de same breed, An' it 's not so easy kip out de weed. T)EY call it de Holy Islan' W'ere de lighthouse stan' alone, Lookin' across w'ere de breaker toss, Over de beeg grey stone; 362 THE HOLY ISLAND Dey call it de Holy Islan,' For wance, on de day gone by, A holy man from a far-off Ian' Is leevin' dere, till he die. Down from de ole, ole people, Scatter upon de shore, De story come of Fader Jerome, De pries' of Salvador Makin' hees leetle house dere, Wit' only hees own two han', Workin' along, an' singin' de song Nobody understan'. "All for de ship an' sailor Out on de stormy sea, I mak' ma home, " say Fader Jerome, "Were de rock an' de beeg wave be. De good God up on de Heaven Is answer me on de prayer, An' bring me here, so I '11 never fear, But foller heem ev'ryw'ere!" Lonely it was, dat islan', Seven league from de coas', An' only de cry, so loud an' high, Of de poor drown sailors' ghos' 363 THE HOLY ISLAND You hear, wit' de screamin' sea gull; But de man of God he go An' anchor dere, an' say hees prayer For ev'rywan here below. Night on de ocean 's fallin', Deep is de fog, an' black, As on dey come, to deir islan' home, De sea-bird hurryin' back; Wat is it mak' dem double An' stop for a minute dere, As if in fear of a soun' dey hear, Meetin' dem on de air? Sweeter dey never lissen, Magic it seem to be, Hangin' aroun' dat wonderful soun', Callin' across de sea; Music of bell 's widin it, An' foller it on dey go High on de air, till de islan' dere Of Salvador lie below. Dat 's w'ere de bell 's a-ringin' Over de ocean track, Troo fog an' rain an' hurricane, An' w'enever de night is black; 364 THE HOLY ISLAND Kipin' de vow he 's makin', Dat 's w'at he 's workin' for, Ringin' de bell, an' he do it well, De Fader of Salvador! An' de years go by, an' quickly, An' many a sailor's wife She 's prayin' long, an' she 's prayin' strong Dat God he will spare de life Of de good, de holy Fader, Off w'ere de breakers roar, Only de sea for hees companie, Alone on Salvador. Summer upon de islan', Quiet de sea an' air, But no bell ring, an' de small bird sing, For summer is ev'ryw'ere ; A ship comin' in, an' on it De wickedes' capitaine Was never sail on de storm, or gale, From here to de worl's en' ! "Geev* me dat bell a-ringin For not'ing at all, mon pere ; Can't sleep at night, w'en de moon is bright, For noise she was makin' dere. 365 THE HOLY ISLAND I 'm sure she was never chrissen, An' we want no heretic bell; Were is de book? For you mus' look An' see if I chrissen it well!" Leevin' heem broken-hearted, For Fader Jerome is done, He sail away wit' de bell dat day, Capitaine Malcouronne; An' down w'ere dead man 's lyin', Down on de ocean deep, He sink it dere, w'ile he curse an' swear, An' tole it to go to sleep. An' t'ree more year is passin', An' now it 's a winter night: Poor Salvador, so bles' before, Is sittin' among de fight Of breaker, an' sea-bird yellin', An' noise of a tousan' gun, Wen troo de fog, lak a dreefin' log, Come Capitaine Malcouronne! Gropin' along de sea dere, Wonderin' w'ere he be, Prayin' out loud, before all de crowd Of sailor man on hees knee; 366 THE HOLY ISLAND Callin' upon de devil, "Help! or I 'm gone!" he shout; "Dat bell it go to you down below, So now you can ring me out. "To de open sea, an' affer I promise you w'at I do. Yass, ev'ry day I '11 alway pray To you, an' to only you Kip me in here no longer, Or de shore I won't see again!" T'ink of de prayer he 's makin' dere, Dat wicked ole capitaine! An' bell it commence a-ringin', Quiet at firse, an' den Lak tonder crash, de ship go smash, An' w'ere is de capitaine? An' de bell kip ringin,' ringin', Drownin' de breakers' roar, An' dere she lie, w'ile de sea-birds cry, On de rock of Salvador. The Riviere des Prairies T SEE de many reever on de State an' ev'ry- w'ere, From Maine to California, New York to Michigan, 367 THE RIVIERE DES PRAIRIES An' wan way an' de oder, I tell you I don't care; I travel far upon dem as moche as any man But all de t'ousan' reever I was never pass along, For w'at dey call de beauty, from de moun- tain to de sea, Dere 's wan dat I be t'inkin', de wan w'ere I belong, Can beat dem all, an' easy, too, de Riviere des Prairies! Jus' tak' de Hudson Reever, an' de Mississippi too, Missouri, an' de res' of dem, an' oders I can't t'irik, Dey 're all beeg, dirty places, wit' de steam- boat gruntin' troo, An' de water runnin' in dem is black as any ink, An' de noises of dem reever never stoppin' night or day, An' de row along de shore, too, enough to mak' you scare; Not a feesh is wort' de eatin', 'less you're starvin' by de way, An' you 're feeling purty t'orsty if you drink de water dere ! 368 THE RIVIERE DES PRAIRIES So ketch de han' I geev' you w'ile I 'm on de humor now, An' I bet you won't be sorry w'en you go along wit' me, For I show you all aroun' dere, until you 're knowin' how I come so moche to brag me on de Riveire des Prairies. It 's a cole October mornin', an' de maple leaf is change Ev'ry color you can t'ink of, from de purple to de green; On de shore de crowd of blackbird, an' de crow begin' arrange For de journey dey be takin' w'en de nort' win's blowin' keen. Quick! down among de bushes! don't you hear de wiT goose cry An' de honk de great beeg gander he was makin* up above? On de lake dey call Two Mountain is de place dey 're goin' fly, But only spen' de night-tam, for dey 're alway on de move; Jus' see de shadder dancin' up an' down, up an' down, You t'ink dcm geese was passin' in an' out between de tree 369 THE RIVIERE DES PRAIRIES Wen de branch is bendin' over on de water all aroun' Now you see de place I 'm talkin', dat 's de Riviere des Prairies ! Missouri! Mississippi! better wait till you go back No tarn for talk about dem w'en dis reever you can see, But watch de cloud a-sailin' lak a racer on de track, An' lissen to de music of de Riviere des Prairies An' up along de shore dere, don't you envy Bord a Plouffe? Oh! dat's de place is lucky, have de reever come so near I 'm knowin' all de people, ev'ry chimley, ev'ry roof, For Bord a Plouffe she never change on over feefty year! St. Martin's bell is ringin', can't you hear it easy now? Dey 're marryin' or buryin' some good ole frien' of me, 370 - THE RIVIERE DES PRAIRIES I wonder who it can be, don't matter anyhow, So long as we 're a-lookin' on de Riviere des Prairies. Only notice how de sun shine w'en he 's comin' out to peep, I 'm sure he 's leetle brighter dan anyw'ere you see, An' w'en de fall is over, an' de reever 's gone to sleep, De w'ites' snow is fallin' on de Riviere des Prairies ! I love you, dear ole reever, more dan ev'ry Yankee wan; An' if I get de money, you will see me on de train, Wit' couple o' t'ousan' dollar, den hooraw ! it 's good-bye, John! You can kill me if you ketch me leavin' Bord a Plouffe again. But sometam it '11 happen dat a feller 's gettin' stop Because he 's comin' busy wit' de wife an* familee No matter, if de good God he won't forget to drop, Ev'ry day an' night, hees blessin' on de Riviere des Prairies! THE WIND THAT LIFTS THE FOG The Wind that Lifts the Fog /~\VER de sea de schooner boat Star of de Sou? is all afloat, Many a fine brave feesherman Sailin' away for Newfunlan' ; Ev'ry feller from St. Malo, Dem is de boy can mak' her go! Tearin' along t'roo storm or gale, Never sparin' an inch of sail Down below w'en de night is come, Out wit' de bottle an : t'ink of home, Push it aroun' till bottle 's drain, An' drink no more till we 're home again, "Here 's to de win' dat lif de fog, No matter how she 's blowin', Nort' or sout', eas' or wes', Dat is de win' we love de bes', Ev'ry sailor an' young sea dog, Here 's to de win' dat lif' de fog An' set de ship a-goin'." Flyin' over de wave she go, Star of de Sout' from St. Malo, Never a tack, before she ran Out on de bank of Newfunlan* 372 THE WIND THAT LIFTS THE FOG Drop de anchor, an' let her down, Plaintee of comrade all aroun', Feeshin' away till night is fall, Singin' away wit' ev'ry haul, "Here 's to de win' dat lif de fog, No matter how she 's blowin' Nort' or sout', eas' or wes', Dat is de win' we love de bes', Ev'ry sailor an' young sea dog, Here 's to de win' dat lif de fog An' set de ship a-goin'. " Star of de Sout' did you see de light Steamin' along dat foggy night? Poor leetle bird ! anoder star Shinin' above so high an' far Dazzle you den, an' blin' de eye, Wile down below on de sea you lie Anchor dere wit' your broken wing How could you fly w'en de sailor sing "Here 's to de win' dat lif' de fog No matter how she 's blowin', Nort' or sout', eas' or wes', Dat is de win' we love de bes', Ev'ry sailor an' young sea dog, Here 's to de win' dat lif de fog An' set de ship a-goin'"? 373 THE FOX HUNT ' : M all bus' up, for a mont' or two, On account of de wife I got, Wit' de fuss an' troublesome t'ing she do, She 's makin' me sick a lot ; An' I 'm sorry dat woman was go to school For larnin' de way to read, Her fader an' moder is great beeg fool For geevin' her more she need! 'Cos now it 's a paper ev'ry week, Dollar a year, no less Plaintee o' talkin' about musique^. An' tell you de way to dress; Of course dat 's makin' her try to sing An' dress, till it 's easy see She 's goin' crazy about de t'ing Dey 're callin' Societee. Las' week, no sooner I come along From market of Bonsecour, Dan I 'm seein' right off, dere 's somet'ing wrong, For she 's stannin' outside de door Smilin' so sweetly upon de face, Lookin' so nice an' gay Anywan t'ink it 's purty sure case She marry me yesterday. 374 THE FOX HUNT Can't wait a minute till supper 's t'roo Before she commence to go "Oh! Johnnie, dere 's somet'ing I mus* tole you Somet'ing you lak to know To-morrow we 're goin' for drive aroun' An' it won't be de heavy load, Jus' me an' you, for to see dem houn' T'row off on de Bord a Plouffe road. " "Denise, if dat was de grande affaire On w'at you call a la mode Lookin' dem fox dog stannin' dere T'row off on de Bord a Plouffe road, You can count me out!" An' she start to cry- " You know very well, " she say, "I don't mean dat may I never die But you 're a beeg fool to-day ! "Johnnie, to-morrow you '11 come wit' me Watchin' dem run de race, Ketchin' de fox if you don't, you see We 're bote on de beeg disgrace. Dey 're all comin' out from de reever side, An' over from Beaurepaire, Seem' de folk from de city ride, An' ev'rywan 's sure be dere. " 375 THE FOX HUNT All right an' to-morrow dere 's two new shoe, So de leetle horse mak' de show, Out wit' de buggy : de new wan too, Only get her ten year ago An' dere on de road, you should see de gang Of folk from aroun' de place, Billy Dufresne, an' ole Champagne, Comin' to see de race, Wit' plaintee of stranger I never see, An' some of dem from Pointe Claire, All of dem bringin' de familee, Wenever dere 's room to spare. Wonderful sight I- 'm sure you say To see how Societee (W'atever dat mean?) she got de way Of foolin' de w'ole contree. Den I 'm heetchin' de horse on de fence, for fear Somebody run away. So man wit' de bugle he 's comin' near, An' dis is de t'ing he say 44 You see any fox to-day, ma frien', Runnin' aroun' at alh You know any place he got hees den? For we lak it to mak' de call. " 376 THE FOX HUNT An' me I tell heem, "You mus' be wrong, An' surely don't want to kill De leetle red fox, about two foot long, Dat 's leevin' below de hill; Jompin' de horse till he break hees knee, Wile spotty dog mak' de row, For a five-dollar fox? You can't fool me I know w'at you 're wantin' now! "You hear de story of ole Belair, He 's seein' de silver fox W'enever he 's feeshin de reever dere, Sneakin' along de rocks. " But ma wife get madder I never see, An' say, "Wall! you mus' be green Shut up right away," she 's tellin' me, "It 's de leetle red fox he mean!" So me I say not'ing, but watch de fun An' spotty dog smell aroun' Till dey start to yell, an' quick as a gun Ev'rywan 's yellin', "FounM" An' de way dey 're goin' across de fiel', De lady in front, before, Dunno, but I 'm willin' to bet good deal Somebody mus' be sore ! 377 THE FOX HUNT Over de fence dey 're jompin' now, Too busy for see de gate Stannin' wide open, an' den dey plough Along at a terrible rate; All for de small red fox, dey say, Only de leetle fox, You 're buyin' for five dollar any day, An' put heem on two-foot box. I 'm foolish enough, but not lak dat Never lak dat at all, Sam' .as you see a crazy cat Tryin' to climb de wall ; So I say to ma wife, I 'm satisfy On ev'ryt'ing I was see, But happy an' glad, until I die, I 'm not on Societee! Lison' a day on de fall 's no joke, Dat 's w'at I 'm tellin' you, Jus' for de pleasure of see dem folk Dress up on de howdy do; So I 'm sorry you go to school, Larnin' de readin' dere Could do it mese'f an' play de fool, If money I got to spare. 378 THE GREAT FIGHT But potatoes a dollar a bag, An' easy to sell de load, Watchin' de houn' to see heem wag Hees tail, on de Bord a PloufiEe road Foolin' away w'en de market 's good For seein' Societee Chasin' de leetle fox t'roo de wood Wit' crazy folk! no siree! The Great Fight AD luck to fight on New Year's night An' wit' your neighbor man, But w'en you know de reason w'y 1 hit heem hard on bote hees eye, An' kick heem till he nearly die, I t'ink you '11 understan'. If you could see ma wife an' me At home on Pigeon Bay, You 'd say, ' ' How nice dey bote agree ! Dey mus' be firse-class familee An' go de sam' as wan, two, tree, " I know dat 's w'at you say. An' New Year's Day on Pigeon Bay, You ought to see us den, Wit parlor feex it up so fine, Spruce beer an' w'isky, cake an' wine, Cigar an' only very bes' kin' For treatin' all our frien'. 379 THE GREAT FIGHT But on de las' New Year is pas' De win' begin to rise,. An' snow she dreef in such a way, Wen mornin' come, ma wife she say, " Dere won't be many folk to-day, Or I '11 be moche surprise. ' We never see, ma wife an' me, So quiet New Year Day, But very h^appy all de sam', ' An' talk a lot about de tarn' Before she come to me, ma femme, Wile kettle sing away. An' as we talk, de good ole clock Go tick, tick on de wall, De cat 's asleep upon de stair, De house is quiet ev'ryw'ere, An' Jean Bateese, hees image dere, Is smilin' over all. I buy dat leetle Jean Bateese On Market Bonsecour, Two dollar an' your money down, He 's fines' wan for miles aroun', Can hardly beat heem on de town, An' so I love heem sure. .180 THE GREAT FIGHT Wat 's dat I hear, but never fear, Dere 's no wan on de door? Yass, sure enough, Joe Beliveau, An' nearly smoder wit' de snow. Entrez! We 're glad to see you, Joe Wy don't you come before? "Bonjour, Ma-dame Camille, your femme, She 's younger .ev'ry day; I hope de New Year will be bright, I hope de baby feel all right, Don't wake you up too moche at night?" An' dat 's w'at Joe he say. He 's so polite it 's only right He wish heem ev'ry t'ing Dat 's good upon de worl' at all, An' geev heem two tree w'at you call Dat fancy Yankee stuff, "high ball," An' den he start to sing. You dunno Joe? Wall, you mus' know He 's purty full of life, An' w'en he 's goin" dat way Joe, Mus' tak' heem leetle easy, so I don't say not'ing w'en he go For start an' kiss ma wife. THE GREAT FIGHT An' up an' down dey dance aroun' An' laugh an' mak' de fun. For spree lak' dat, on New Year's Day, Is not'ing moche on Pigeon Bay, Beside he 's frien' of me alway, An' so dere 's no harm done. I lak' to know jus' how it go, Dat w'en we feel secure Not'ing at all is goin' wrong, An' life is lak' a pleasan' song, De devil 's boun' to come along, An' mak' some trouble sure. For bimeby, Joe cock hees eye, An' see poor Jean Bateese, An' say right off, "If I can't show A better wan at home, I '11 go An' drown me on de crick below, " So dat 's de en' of peace. Dis very day along de Bay, Dey tell about de fight. Never was seen such bloody war, On Pigeon Bay before, ba gor' ! An' easy understan' it, for De battle las' all night. 382 THE GREAT FIGHT So hard we go, dat me an' Joe Get tire soon, an' den We bote sit down an' tak' de res' For half a secon', mebbe less, An' w'en de win' come on our ches', We start her up again. De house is shake lak' beeg eart'quake, De way we jump aroun', An' people living far away, Dey lissen hard an' den dey say, "It 's all up, sure, wit' Pigeon Bay She 's tumble to de groun'." 'T was bad enough, de way we puff, But w'en de stovepipe fall, An' all de smoke begin to tear Right t'roo de house, an' choke de air, An' me an' Joe can't see no w'ere, Dat 's very wors' t'ing of all. It 's not a joke, de maudit smoke Dat 's w'at I 'm tellin' you But sure enough it stop de fight; It 's easy killin' Joe all right, But w'at about de wife all right An' mebbe baby too? 383 VICTORIA SQUARE AN IDYLL A man dat 's brave, should always save De woman she 's hees wife ; Dat 's firse t'ing he mus' do an' w'en I open de door, Joe 's runnin' den, As hard as he can lick, ma frien', So all han's save hees life. An' since de fight, dey 're all polite, Dey smile an' touch de hat, An' say, "I hope you 're feelin' purty gay, An' no more fight on Pigeon Bay, Or else you '11 kill a man some day. " So w'at you t'ink of dat? Victoria Square An Idyll ! we are a band of bummers, and for many joyous summers On the Square that 's called "Victoria" we have sported on the green. ;< Evan's Corner" erstwhile knew us, but the blooming coppers flew us, So we sought the kind protection of Her Majesty the Queen. Her Majesty the Queen! Lord bless the big bronze Statue of Her Majesty the Queen. 384 VICTORIA SQUARE AN IDYLL Ah, it 's there we love to linger till what time the rosy ringer Of Aurora paints the heavens with golden rays serene, And altho' our lives are "checkered," yet we Ve always held the record For strong unchanging fealty to the Statue of the Queen. To the .Statue of the Queen ! Oh! we 're the Guard of Honor to the Statue of the Queen. Sitting round the sun-kissed fountain, sit- uate between the mountain And the river gently flowing, oh! 't is a pleasant scene. For alternately the breezes from both sources come to please us, As we linger round the Statue of Her Majesty the Queen. The Statue of the Queen! As we worship round the Statue of Her Majesty the Queen. Like veterans in the trenches, we occupy the benches, Where we watch the busy sparrows as they nutter round their nests ; as 385 VICTORIA SQUARE AN IDYLL And the new wild-eyed bacteria we have introduced, would weary a Wyatt Johnston, for he 'd find them unre- sponsive to his tests. Unresponsive to his tests! Oh! we think we see them smiling 'neath his pathologic tests. We are born of many nations, we have rules and regulations Which if any member fracture, we arise in all our wrath Then you ought to hear him holler, as we seize him by the collar, For well he knows his punishment necessi- tates a bath. Necessitates a bath! Oh! the agony inflicted by the order of the bath! Oh! the scientific lacin' we applied to Billy Mason, And submerged him m the basin while the coppers were away, And before the coppers found him, we had very nearly drowned him 386 MARRIAGE 'Cause he wore a laundered night-shirt on Victoria's Natal Day! On Victoria's Natal Day ! Tho' he said he only donned it just in honor of the day. For there 's one thing we take pride in 't is the shadow we abide in Of the glorious law of freedom, unchange- abilitee ; Then let us range unfettered, tho' we may be unlettered, For we furnish picturesqueness and true simplicitee. And true simplicitee, As we camp around the Statue of Her Glor- ious Majestee! Marriage 'IPHERE 's a girl at Calabogie an' another at the Soo, An' with sparkin' and colloguin', I Ve been foolish with the two; But I 'm foolish now for ever, an' worst of all it come From a girl I thought was dacint when I used to live at home. 387 MARRIAGE She could dance to bate the fairies that my gran'mother 'ud tell Over there in Ireland ha'nted what they call the "holy well." She was purty as a wood-duck whin you see him on a tree, But so proud and independint that she'd never look at me. So it made me feel onaisy, an' I drifted far away, An' I wint to Calabogie a workin' by the day. Of any kind of money the place is mighty bare, i^'ut a girl that took my fancy happened to be livin' there. Still the other down the river how I 'd dream of her at night! Spite of all the times I 'd wish her gone completely out o' sight, For she used to spile the comfort with the new wan that I had, An* a little consolation sure I needed purty bad. 388 MARRIAGE Thin the times begin to slacken, an' I 'm get- tin' hard up too, So good-bye to Calabogie, an' I started for the Soo; An' the girl I left behind me? Lord knows, it 's hard to tell, But another came between, an' she liked me just as well. Whin you speak of bad luck comin', mine is worse nor any man's Think of all the good intintions an' with two o' thim on my han's ! One of thim at Calabogie, an' the other at the Soo, An' engaged to both, it 's hard to say exactly what to do. The Cobalt-silver fever was the worst that 's ever known, An' it came in purty handy in cases like my own; Besides of all the chances, 't was the one I fancied best, So I had to go prospectin' jus' the same as all the rest. 389 MARRIAGE An' the girls, of course they suffered, for I had n't time to write, Divil a thing but pick an' shovel, an' workin' day an' night, Till a dacint wild-cat claim I sold for fifteen thousand too Now I sez, "It's all a toss-up Calabogie or theSoo?" Calabogie won it aisy, but, the next thing that I heard, She got tired o' waitin' for me whin she never got a word ; So she married John Mahaffy "little John" that runs the farm, An' the only thing she wished me was, "I'd never come to harm." An' the Soo girl done the same thing took a brakesman on a freight; An' in Winnipeg they 're livin', so I come a trifle late; But I 'm not afeared to visit Calabogie or the Soo, For I Ve tried to to do my duty, an' sure ayther wan 'ud do! 390 MARRIAGE Well, I stood it for a little an' thin home agin I wint, For with fifteen thousand dollars, any man should be contint, An' the girl that used to give me many a beautiful heartache, Sure I was n't back a fortnight, till I seen her at a wake. Quiet now! No palpitation! Watch yerself, my laddy buck, Take your time don't get excited maybe you '11 have better luck. Then she said her darlin' mother missed me for a year or more, 'T would have saved some trouble if her mother spoke like that before. "Wan thing leadeth to another" sez the poet dunno who, But we purty soon got married, so the prophecy come true; An' whinever all my fortune's settled on the daughter sure, Some wan seen the mother dance a sailor's hornpipe on the floor. WE 'RE IRISH YET It 's no wonder I 'm distracted whin the two o' thim '11 say, "Oh! Patrick, mind the baby, sure you got out yesterday" Lord forgive me, I 'd be happy if the ould wan only died, But she 's healthy as a tom-cat an' she could n't if she tried. I suppose I 'm doin' pinance for the sins of airly youth, Tho' I blame it on the women they betrayed me rthat 's the truth. But for all I know about thim, 't would have been the same thing too, With the girl from Calabogie, or the other at the Soo. We 're Irish Yet means this gathering to-night? What spirit moves along The crowded hall, and, touching light Each heart among the throng, Awakes, as tho' a trumpet blast Had sounded in their ears, The recollections of the past, The memories of the years? 392 WE 'RE IRISH YET Oh ! 't is the spirit of the West, The spirit of the Celt, The breed that spurned the alien breast, And every wrong has felt And still, tho' far from fatherland, We never can forget To tell ourselves, with heart and hand, We 're Irish yet ! We 're Irish yet ! And they outside the clan of Conn Would understand, but fail, The mystic music played upon The heart-strings of the Gael His ear, and his alone, can tell The soul that lies within, The music which he knows so well, \ The voice of Kith and Kin. He hears the tales of old, old days Of battle fierce by ford and hill, Of ancient Senachie's martial lays, And race unconquered still. It challenges with mother's pride And dares him to forget That, tho' he cross the ocean wide, He 's Irish yet! He 's Irish yet! 393 CHIBOUGAMOU His eye may never see the blue Of Ireland's April sky, His ear may never listen to The song of lark on high, But deep within his Irish heart Are cloisters, dark and dim, No human hand can wrench apart, And the lark still sings for him. We Ve bowed beneath the chastening rod, We Ve had our griefs and pains, But with them all, we still thank God, The Blood is in our veins, The ancient blood that knows no fear, The Stamp is on us set, And so, however foes may jeer, We 're Irish yet! We 're Irish yet. Chibougamou P\ID you ever see an air-hole on the ice Wit' de smoke a risin' roun' about it dere? De reever should be happy w'ere it 's feelin* warm an' nice, But she t'ink she ought to get a leetle air. An' she want to be a lookin' on de sky, So of course de cole win' hit her on de nose 394 CHIBOUGAMOU *'I '11 come up again," she say, "on de spring tarn, bimeby, But I 'm better now below, " and off she goes. Dat 's de way I feel mese'f on de farm a year ago, Were ev'ryt'ing should be a pleasan' dream; Lak de foolish reever dere, I 'm not satisfy below, So I got to let me off a leetle steam. Den a man he come along an' he say to me, ' ' Look here Don't you know that place dey call Chibougamou Were de diamon' lie aroun' like de mush- room on de groun', An' dey 're findin' all de gole an' silver too? "Wat's de use of stayin' here den? Didn't Johnnie Drutusac Lif de mor'gage off hees place an' buy a cow? Only gone a leetle w'ile hardly miss heem till he 's back; He 's easy workin' man too, an' look at Johnnie now? 395 CHIBOUGAMOU "Well enough, ma frien', you know I can never tell de lie Wen I say^ de gole is eomin' t'ousan* ounces on de ton, An' de solid silver mak' you feel funny on de eye, Lak de snow-blin' on de winter w'en. "it shine de morning -sun. "I s'pose you won't believe, but you know dat gravel walk . Ma fader got it facin' on hees house at St. Bidou ' But w'at 's de use of spikin', w'at 's de use of talk? Dat 's de way you see de diamon' on dat place Chibougamou. "Course you got to go an' fin' dem quickly, or de stranger man Come along wit' plaintee barrel an* you 're never knowin' w'en Couple o' Yankee off the State, he was buyin* all de Ian' ; Affer dat an' w'ere 's your gole an' silver goin' den? 396 CHIBOUGAMOU "So, Bateese, get up an' hurry, sell de farm, mon chef ami, Leave de girl an' bring provision, pork an' bean, potato too, Leetle - w'isky, an' I '11 put heem on de safe place under me' Wile I sit an' steer you off to dat place Chibougamou. " Oh! de day an' night we 're passin', me dat never was before On de bush, except w'en heifer go away an' den got los'; Oh! de pullin' an' de haulin', till I 'm feelin' purty sore, But of all de troub an' worry, de skeeter, he 's de boss. Beeg? lak de leetle two-mont* robin. Sing? lak a sawmill on de spring. Put de blanket roun' your body an' den he bite you troo. Me, I never tak' hees measure, but I t'ink across de wing He 's t'ree inch sure dem skeeter, on dat place Chibougamou. 397 CHIBOUGAMOU De man he 's goin' wit' me, never paddle, never haul, Jus' smoke an' watch an' lissen for dat ole Chibougamou ; I s'pose he can't be bodder doin' any work at all, For de feller tak' you dere jus' have not'ing else to do. T'ousan' mile we mak' de travel t'ousan* mile an' mebbe more, An' I ,do de foolish prayin' lak' I never pray at home, 'Cos I want a chance to get it, only let me see de shore Of Chibougamou a little w'ile before de winter come. No use prayin', no use climbin' on de beeg tree ev'ry day, Lookin' hard to see de diamon', an' de silver, an' de gole I can't see dem, an' de summer she begin to go away, An' de day is gettin' shorter, an' de night is gettin' cole. 398 CHIBOUGAMOU So I kick an' raise de row den, an' I tole ma frien' lookout Purty quick de winter's comin' an' we '11 hurry up an' go; Never min' de gole an' silver diarnon' too we '11 go widout, Or de only wan we 're seem', is de diamon' on de snow. Mebbe good place w'en you get dere, w'at you call Chibougamou, But if we never fin' it, w'at 's de use dat place to me? Tak' de paddle, for we 're goin', an' mese'f I '11 steer canoe, For I 'm always firse-class pilot on de road to St. Elie. Oh! to see me on de mornin', an' de way I mak' heem sweat, You can see de water droppin' all aroun' hees neck an' face; "Now, Chibougamou," I tell heem, "hurry up, an' mebbe yet You '11 have chance again to try it w'en you leave me on ma place." 399 CHIBOUGAMOU So we have a beeg procession, w'en we pass on St. Elie, All de parish comin' lookin' for de gole an* silver too, But Louise, she cry so moche dere, jus' becos she 's seein' me, She forget about de diamon' on dat ole Chibougamou. After all is gone an' finistf, an' you mak' a fool you' se'f, An' de worl' is go agen you, w'at 's de medicine is cure Lak de love of hones' woman w'en she geev it all herse'f? So Louise an' me is happy, no matter if we 're poor. So de diamon' may be plaintee, lak de gravel walk you see W'en you 're comin' near de house of ole Telesphore Beaulieu, But me, I got a diamon' on ma home on St. Elie Can beat de pil is lyin' on dat place Chibougamou. 400 THE FIRST ROBIN The First Robin ! it's bad to be unlucky in ev'ryt'ing you do, An' worse if you can't help it, 'cos I 'm de torteen chile, An* w'en you play for number wan, an* den you 're number two, I wonder w'ere 's de feller he don't feel a lee tie rile? Few mont' ago it happen dat I 'm goin' walk aroun', Gettin' ready for de ploughin' is comin' on de spring, An' soon I wait an' listen, for I t'ink I hear de song Of de firse, de early robin, as he jus' begin to sing. It was very, very lucky w'en de firse wan come along An' you see upon your farm dere is de place de robin stop, Settle down to feex hees fedder, an' com- mence to mak' hees song For o' course it 's always makin' beeg dif- ference wit' de crop. 26 401 THE FIRST ROBIN So I sneak aroun' so quiet, t'roo de orchard on de hill, T'roo de fence, along de crik too, w'ere de snow is lyin' yet Ev'ry kin' o' luck again me as I travel dere until Ba de tarn de job is finish, golly, I was feelin' wet! Wat 's de matter wit' dat robin, dat he is n't comin' here, 'Stead o' goin' half an acre jus' to tak* de luck away? No Siree! I don't forgive heem, if he leev" a honder year, For dere 's hees singin', singin' on de farm of Joe Lahaie. Jce hese'f is sittin' dere too, lookin' happy on hees face, For de way dat bird is yellin', is enough to scare de dead; An' he ax me, "Wat you doin' sneakin* all aroun' ma place? Don't you know I own dat robin he was singin' overhead? 402 THE FIRST ROBIN "Mebbe he was work for not'ing, my leetle boy Louis, Wen .he 's startin' out dis mornin' for milkin' on de cow, An' he fin' dat robin flyin' purty near your apple-tree, An' he shoo heem up, an' bring heem on de place you see heem now. "Didn't get heem off too early, for anoder minute more An' I bet dat robin 's singin' among your apple-tree ; But de boy 's too smart to let heem, an' he scare heem here before He begin to mak' de music so dat bird belong to me. "Talk about your lucky season! Wait an' see de wan I got; Should n't wonder if I 'm needin' anoder wagon sure. How I wish de fall would hurry, for de crop your uncle get, It will mak' dem all go crazy on de market Bonsecours. 403 THE FIRST ROBIN "Me I lissen many robin, an* de fines' of de crowd Is de wan dat 's sittin' up dere, workin' w'at you call de charm; Dat 's de robin for ma money, he can holler out so loud, But o' course de res' was alway on some oder feller's farm. "Only sorry ma ole woman isn't comin' here to see, For she can't help feelin' happy w'en de firse bird of de spring Mak' hees choice upon our tree dere, jus' so natural an' free, Non! She wouldn't tak' a dollar ev'ry tarn dat feller sing." An' he sit an' smoke away dere, Joe Lahaie, an' talk hees fill, He 's all right, an' he don't bodder how de res' de parish go; Never hear a man so foolish, mak' me feelin' mad until I could kill dat maudit robin, an' Jo-seph Lahaie also. 404 THE FIRST ROBIN An' den bimeby de summer come along, but w'at 's de use Call it summer, for de fine day is w'at we seldom get. So I tak' it purty easy, for de man mus' be a goose If he don't kip nice an' quiet, w'en de wedder she 's so wet. But Joe Lahaie, dat feller, he was t'ink so moche, ba gum, About hees poor ole robin, he forget about de rain ; Ev'ry day you see heem workin', an' w'en de fall is come He got de fines' crop upon St. Polycarpe de plaine. An' me Wall! I could bet you, w'en de springtam' melt de snow, I '11 never go to bed unless I 'm sleepin' on ma pants; Den w'en I hear de robin, hoopla! off she go, An' he '11 never lef ma garden, so I '11 have anoder chance! 405 BLOOM A SONG OF COBALT Bloom A Song of Cobalt ! the blooming cheek of beauty, tho' it 's full of many a peril, Where 's the miner does n't love it? for he thinks he knows the girl, While the bloomer! Oh! the bloomer! of emancipated She, May it bloom and promptly wither every seventh century. Oh! the early bloom of blossom on the apple tree in June, Is there mortal having seen it, can forget the picture soon? And the wine of red October where Falernian juices flow, I have sipped the blooming beaker (in the ages long ago!). Oh! the bloom along the hill-side, shining bright among the trees, When the banners of the autumn are flung out to every breeze, How it blazes how it sparkles, and then shivers at a breath: What is it when all is spoken but the awful bloom of death! 406 THE BOY FROM CALABOGIE Oh! I 've watched the rose's petals, and be- held the summer sun Dipping down behind Olympus, when the great day's work was done; But to-day I 'm weary, weary , and the bloom I long to see, Is the bloom upon the cobalt that 's the only bloom for me. The Boy from Calabogie 11JE was twenty-one in April forty inches round the chest, A soupler or a better boy we '11 never see again And the way we cheered the lad when he started for the West! The town was like a holiday, the time he took the train At Calabogie. "Are ye ever comin' back with the fortune,. little Dan, From the place they say the money 's like the leaves upon the tree?" "If the minin' boss '11 let me, as sure as I 'm a man, The mother's Christmas turkey won't have to wait for me At Calabogie." 407 THE BOY FROM CALABOGIE And the letters he was writin' to his mother from the West, Sure ev'rybody read them, and who could see the harm? Tellin' how he 'd keep the promise to come home and have a rest; And the money that was in them was enough to buy a farm At Calabogie. What is it that makes the fever leave the weak and kill the strong, And who 'd 'a' thought our Dannie would ever come to this? When the Sister had to raise him, and say, "It won't be long Till it 's home, my lad, you 're goin' to receive a mother's kiss At Calabogie. " So we met our little Dannie, Christmas morn- ing at the train, And we lifted up the long-box without a word to say; Och ! such a boy as Dannie we '11 never see again God forgive us ! 't was n't much of a Merry Christmas Day At Calabogie! 408 THE CALCITE VEIN A TALE OF COBALT The Calcite Vein A Tale of Cobalt T USED to be leevin' on Bonami, Fines' place on de lake, you bet ! An' dough I go off only wance sapree! I t'ink I will leev' dere yet ; Wit' tree growin' down to de water side, Were leetle bird dance an' sing Only come an' see you don't shout wit' me Hooraw for Temiskaming ! But silver "boom" an de cobalt bloom, Play de devil wit' Bonami, So off on de wood, we all mus' go, Leavin' de familee Shovel an' pick, hammer an' drill, We carry dem ev'ryw'ere, For workin' away all night an' day Till it 's tarn to be millionaire. So it ain't very long w'en I mak' de strike, W'at dey 're callin' de vein cal-cite, Quarter an inch, jus' a leetle "pinch," But she is come all right An' widen out beeg: mebbe wan sixteen, An' now we have got her sure; So we jump on our hat w'en she go like dat, Me an' Bateese Couture ! 409 THE CALCITE VEIN A TALE OF COBALT Early in de spring we see dat vein, Wen de pat-ridge begin to drum, De leaf on de bush start in wit' a rush, An' de skeeter commence to come Very nice time on de wood for sure, If you want to be goin' die, iSkeeter at night till it 's come daylight, An' aff er dat, small black fly ! 'Couple o' gang like dat, ma frien', 'Specially near de swamp, .An' hongry too, dey can bite an' chew, An' keep you upon de jomp ; ^But never you min', only work away So long as de vein is dere, .For a t'ing so small don't count at all, If you want to be millionaire ! "An' dis is de price," Bateese he say, "T'ree million or not'ing at all." .An' I say, "You 're crazy, it 's five you mean, An' more if you wait till fall. An 1 s'pose de silver was come along, An' cobalt she bloom an' bloom, "We look very sick if we sole too quick, An' ev'ry t'ing 's on de boom." 410 THE CALCITE VEIN A TALE OF COBALT De cash we refuse w'en dey hear de news Wen I t'ink of dat cash to-day, I feel like a mouse on a great beeg house, W'en de familee move away: One million, two million, no use to us, Me an' Bateese Couture, So we work away ev'ry night an' day, De sam' we was alway poor. An' den one morning a stranger man, A man wit' hees hair all w'ite, Look very wise, an' he 's moche surprise W'en he 's seein' dat vein cal-cite. An' he say, "Ma frien', for de good advice I hope you '11 mak' some room From sweetheart girl to de wide, wide worl', Ketch ev'ryt'ing on de bloom. "Keep your eye on de vein, for dere 's many a slip Till you drink of de silver cup, An' if you 're not goin' to go 'way down, You 're goin' to go 'way, 'way up." "Now w'at does he mean?" Bateese he say, Affer de ole man lef, " Mebbe want to buy, but he t'ink it 's high, So we '11 finish de job ourse'f. 411 THE CALCITE VEIN A TALE OF COBALT Purty quick too." An' den hooraw! We form it de compagnie, An' to give dem a sight on de vein cal-cite, We work it on Bonami. Can't count de money dat 's comin' in, Same as de lotterie ; Ev'ry wan try, till bimeby Dere 's not many dollar on Bonami; An' de gang we put onto de job right off, Nearly twenty beside de cook, Hammer an' drill till dey 're nearly kill, An' feller to watch de book. Too many man, an' I see it now, An' I 'm sorry, 'cos I 'm de boss; For walkin' aroun' all over de groun', Dat 's reason de vein get los', Easy enough wit' de lantern too, Seein' dat vein las' night, But to-day I 'm out lookin' all about, An' w'ere is dat vein cal-cite? Very curious t'ing, but you can't blame me, For I try very hard, I 'm sure, Helpin' dem all till de vein is gone, Me an' Bateese Couture; 412 PIERRE LEBLANC So of course I wonder de way she go, An' twenty cent too a share, An' I can't understan' dat stranger man Wat he mean w'en he 's sayin' dere: "Keep your eye on de vein, for there 's many a slip Till you drink of de silver cup, An' if you 're not goin' to go way down You 're goin' to go 'way, 'way up." Pierre Leblanc (Dedicated to the Hon. Peter White) T^V'RY State upon de Union, w'en dey write her up to-day, Have so many kin' of story not many under- stan' ; But if you lissen me you can very quickly see How it 's easy t'ing remember de State of Michigan. An' me I know it 's true, 'cos ma fader tole me so, How dat voyageur dey 're callin' Pre Mar- quette Come a-sailin' hees canoe, wit' de Injun from de Soo, On de year so long ago dat I forget. 413 PIERRE LEBLANC But wan t'ing I can say, w'en Marquette is reach de shore Were w'at you call hees statue is stickin' up to-day, Dere 's a leetle French boy dere say, "Com- ment ca va, mon pere, You been so long a-comin' I hope you 're goin' to stay?" An' he show heem safes' place w'ere he put hees birch canoe, An' de way he talk an' boss de Injun man Wall, it 's very easy see dat between you' se'f an' me, Dat leetle feller's born to comman'. An' Marquette he 's moche surprise at de smart boy he has got, W'ere he come from, w'at 's hees name, an' ev'ryt'ing; But de boy he go ahead feexin' up de camp an' bed, For he alway treat hees frien' jus' lak de King. Marquette he den fin' out w'at de leetle feller know, An' w'at he never see, an' all de Grosse Point law; How it 's mixit up so moche ev'rybody 's scare to touch, An' de nam' he call hese'f is Pierre Leblanc. 414 PIERRE LEBLANC Wall, Marquette he 's not a fool, so he 's sayin* "Au revoir, " For leetle Pierre Leblanc 's too wide awake- No chance discoveree, so far as he can see, Less he fin' some newer place upon de lak'. So dere he stay upon de shore, de leetle Pierre, An' buil' de fines' log house he can get; Purty soon he have a town on de place he settle down, An' call it for hees frien' M'sieu Marquette. But de folk he 's bringin' dere fin' it hard w'en winter come An' ev'ry place is pilin' wit' de snow; Den who is volunteer bring de letter 'way up here, From de contree lyin' off dere down below? Was it feller six foot high is on de job, Carry letter all de way from Canadaw, Wit' hees fourteen-dog-traineau, bangin' t'roo de ice an' snow? No siree ! It 's only leetle Pierre Leblanc. But de way he treat hees dog dey say is very bad, Many folk is talkin' all about it yet. 415 PIERRE LEBLANC So of course dey 're comin' back lak de racer on de track, For hees dog, dey don't get not'ing till dey 're passin' on Marquette. Wall, I s'pose he 's very poor, Pierre Leblanc, An' de pay he 's gettin' for it 's purty small, An' he got to eat hese'f, or mebbe he was lef, So we never get our letter affer all. An* den he start to grow, an' de way he work, dey say, For de folk on ole Marquette an' all aroun', Mak' heem very populaire on de contree ev'ryw'ere, Till he t'ink he was de beeges' man in town. Den hees head begin to swell, 'cos ma fader tole me so, An' firse t'ing he was puttin* on de beeges' style he can; But he ought to be ashame for de way he change hees name To Peter White, an' try to pass for only Yankee man. Mebbe leetle Injun too, can't say for dat mese'f, For he alway spik sauvage de sam' as Ojibway 416 PIERRE LEBLANC An' w'en he want to swear it 's enough to raise de hair To hear heem sayin' "Wabigoon ah goozah goozah gay. " An' lak' de Injun, too, very hard to tell hees age, For he mus' be over honder, dough he 's lookin' forty year; An' he 's alway on de rush, you can't lose heem on de bush, An' hees eye is lak de eagle, strong an' clear. An 1 he 's leevin' wit' us now, Pierre Leblanc dit Peter White, But we won't say not'ing more about hees name; Let heem try it if he can, makin' out he 's Yankee man, But never min', for Pierre Leblanc he's good man. jus' de sam'. So if you want to know de State of Mich- igan, Very easy to remember in case you might forget Only two man mak' her go, 'cos ma fader tole me so, An' wan is M'sieu Pierre Leblanc, de oder Pere Marquette. 27 417 SILVER LAKE CAMP Silver Lake Camp bleak wind sighs thro' the leafless trees Like a spirit's wail, and the white snow- flake Drifts silently down with the fitful breeze On the lonely camp at Silver Lake. Yet the ruddy glow of our camp-fire bright, Not long ago, when the fall was young, Illumined the gathering shades of night, And the forest rang with the songs we sung. But the song is hushed, and the merry jest Is heard no more, when the shadows fall; For gone is each well-remembered guest, And the snow like a mantle covereth all. Full oft, while the bright September moon Beamed down, did the startled camp awake From its slumbers deep, as the wizard loon Pealed its wild cry from the neighbor- ing lake. 418 THE TALE OF A COCKTAIL But the loon has taken his airy flight, And far away neath the southern cloud He rests his wings, while the Frost King's might, Has wrapped the lake in an icy shroud. No longer our light bark ploughs the wave, No longer we tempt the treacherous flood, No sentinels watch o'er the old camp, save The guardian genii of the wood. The Tale of a Cocktail DEAR MR. EDITOR, It has always been my camping experience that the oldest among us, especially if he be a grey-haired pa- triarch, is invariably the greatest "alcoholic tempter" of the party. He it is who generally paralyzes the energies of his more youthful brethren with the ma- tutinal cocktail; hence my "Tale of a Cocktail": 'T'HE Patriarch rose at the break of day, Ere the mists from the mountain had fled away, And loudly his merry roundelay, Rang over hill and vale: "Spirit of morn, we greet thee! Gladly we rise to meet thee, Difficult 't is to beat thee, Matutinal Cocktail!" 419 THE TALE OF A COCKTAIL A shudder ran thro* the listening throng, For many a time we had heard that song, And feared, alas ! he was making it strong, This sour cocktail. But the sage went on with his morning lay, And no man dared to utter nay Ah ! little recked he what we might say, This Patriarch hale. Thus he spake with deep emotion: "Trust me, 't is a soothing potion, For your stomach's sake; To reject what heaven has sent us Is to be non compos mentis How much aqua bullientis Will you take?" We fell on our knees with despairing cry, And prayed that for once he would pass us by, For we felt that should we that cocktail try, 'T would be our ruin. King Canute, 't is written on history's page, Endeavored the billows wild to cage 'T were easier task than restrain the Sage, Who still kept brewin'. 420 THE TALE OF A COCKTAIL While his happy gladsome singing, Set the hills and valleys ringing, We were kept "ingredients" bringing, Much against our will: Lagavulin, Angostura, Which he told us would ensure a Sound digestion, also cure a Sudden cold, or stop a chill. The hills re-echoed our solemn chant, "Te morituri salutant; Grant us some mercy, however scant, This awful hour!" But sterner and colder his visage grew, No pity, alas! the Patriarch knew; Hope shrieking fled as we watched him brew His cocktail sour. ''Let none escape," was his dire command, "For I swear to-day, by my good right hand, That all who refuse their cocktail stand On death's cold brink." The Patriarch's awful accents fell On our frightened ears like a funeral knell, So bidding, each other a last farewell, We took our drink. 421 THE LAND WE LIVE IN The lusty salmon in vain may "rise," The merry troutlets may gaily play, But the green, green sward where our white tent lies Is good enough for us to-day. For we 're tired so tired and weary too, As we sink into dreamy reverie, And we feel that our dreams are not all true. The world is n't just what it seems to be. The tides may ebb, and the tides may flow, And the river gleam in the valley below, But never again shall we fishing go, Till the Sage's hour Has come, and he goes to the golden shore, Where we trust he '11 be happy for ever more, But we fear he may meet us at the door With a cocktail sour! The Land we Live in and the Land we Left Written for the menu of the Irish Protestant Benevolent Society's annual dinner. March 18, 1895. 'IP HE children of the Western Gael Are gathered here this Patrick's night, To pledge the dear old Innisfail, To drink her health in bumpers bright. 422 DEER-HUNTING 'T is true we may not see her more, Still we 're not likely to forget, And though we Ve sought another shore, We 're Irish yet! We 're Irish yet! Deer-Hunting (By an Expert) "V7~OU see I was there on the run-way, Just near where it enters the lake, Could n't get better place if I tried it, For the deer would be certain to take To the water the moment he saw it, And then I could pump in the lead At ten or a dozen yards distance, Till I could n't help killing him dead. (Oh! 't was great sport!) (And the excitement !) There I sat watching and waiting, For maybe an hour or two, I could hear my poor heart go a-throbbing, And once, when a chipmunk drew Near to my trembling ambush, I had almost pulled trigger, when He ran up a silver birch tree, And I saw 't was a chipmunk then. (But 't was great !) 423 DEER-HUNTING I could see the bright leaves of the autumn, Sprinkling the forest floor, Each leaf all bespattered with crimson, As if dipt in the blood of more Than a thousand innocent victims. But, pshaw! 't was the frost and rain, So I said to myself, "Old fellow, Brace up! Be a man again!" (And I braced.) Then suddenly, over the hill-side, Where the hounds killed a fawn last year, An echo kept ringing, ringing, 'T was the baying of "Chanticleer. " "He 's got him at last," I murmur, "And the old dog will make him jump," So my hold on the rifle tightened, While my heart went thumpity- thump. (Holy murder!) Here he comes down the pathway, Good Lord ! how he must have run ! But with "Chanty" let out on the home- stretch, Don't suppose he enjoyed the fun, Hardly able to bring his legs with him. Well! don't get excited yet! Just wait till he reaches the water, Then fill him before he gets wet. 4 2 4 "HE ONLY WORE A SHAMROCK" Keep still ! Why ! I can hear him breathing, And now he has passed so close, The point of the rifle could touch him, And easily give him a dose. Just see how he jumped when he smelt me, And look how he struggles and pants, But I '11 wait till he gets to the water, And give the poor devil a chance, (That 's right, is n't it?) And now he has entered the water, And when he has gone ten yards or so, I bang away, bang ! with the Marlin Till I find I 've killed a doe. But a nice little doe I can tell you, Is better than nothing at all, So if Providence only spares me, I '11 try it again next fall. (D. V.) *' He only Wore a Shamrock" * TL-TE only wore a shamrock On his faithful Irish breast, Maybe a gift from his colleen oge, The maiden whom he loved best ; * Heading Montreal Gazette, March 18, 1894. "Private O'Grady, 87th Regt., for wearing a sham- rock in his buttonhole Patrick's Day, was court-mar- tialed." 425 " HE ONLY WORE A SHAMROCK " But the emblem of dear old Ireland, Tho' worn on a jacket of red, Was the emblem of rank disloyalty, And treason most foul, they said. Had he but borne the heather, That grows on the Scottish hills, A rose from an English garden, Or a leek from the Cambrian rills, Then he might summon his comrades, With trumpet, and fife, and drum, And march through the breadth of England, Till trumpet and fife were dumb. But he only wore a shamrock, And tho' Britain's most gracious Queen Had pinned her cross on his bosom, Yet the little trefoil of green Might not nestle down beside it, For the color, alas! was banned, And the Celtic soldier was made to feel That he trod an alien land. Oh ! poor little modest symbol, Of the glorious Trinity, Rather bloom on your native hill-side, Than cross the dark Irish sea; 426 THE GODBOUT Rather rest on the loving bosom, Of the Mother that gave you birth, For even your virtues can't chasten The ungrateful English earth. The Godbout ! pilgrim from the Godbout' s shore Where broad Atlantic billows roll, Speak! hast thou seen the Commodore, Whose brave unconquerable soul, Athirst for wilder, fiercer game Than haunt the calm Laurentian streams, Burned to achieve a greater fame, And realize his fondest dreams? Speak! hast thou seen his grizzled locks, By ocean's vagrant breezes fanned, Where Weymahegan's giant rocks Keep watch and ward o'er sea and land? Hast seen him where the currents lave Fair Mistassini's silver shore, On river sea by land or wave, Speak! hast thou seen the Commodore? The pilgrim spoke while down his cheek The salt, salt tears coursed grievously: 4 'Good Sir, I feeble am and weak, Yet I my tale may tell to thee 427 THE GODBOUT I saw the veteran's wasted form, That form we used to mark with pride r Lie prostrate mid the wrack and storm Of Weymahegan's awful tide. Small strength, alack ! of wind or limb Had he upon that fearful day ; But, tho' his eagle eye was dim, He still gazed o'er the hills where lay The Laurentides, where he had spent So many happy, happy hours, Safe from the storms of life, content Amid the Peche's tranquil bowers. 'T was thus he spoke : ' Oh ! why was I By youthful traveller's tale beguiled To quit the pleasant Pe"che and die In this inhospitable wild? What lured me on to cast aside The simple pleasures of my youth, Until I longed for Godbout's tide And cared no more for trout, forsooth I Oh ! rash was I to lend an ear, To all the legends of the sea, To bring my faithful legion here Does this reward their constancy? I cannot say, but this I know, That should I view the Peche again, Could I but see its waters flow, I 'd be the humblest of the train That worships there ; no more I 'd roam 428 THE GODBOUT In search of other piscine fields; Contented with my humble home, With all that old Laurentian yields, I 'd gladly live and cheerful die. ' But here his accents 'gan to sink; He thought his hour had come, till I Administered a generous drink. The Veteran gasped, but when the flask He saw tho' feeble as a child Bravely essayed the pleasant task Of trying to empty it, and smiled. Yes, tho' he 'd almost passed away In one brief moment from our ken Yet wondrous 't was to see that day His rapturous look, as he smiled again. New strength came back to the wasted limbs, The roses bloomed in his cheek once more, And the sound of our glad thanksgiving hymns Rang out o'er Weymahegan's shore; He prayed us to pardon his misdeeds, He wept when the legion embraced his neck, And swore by the sacred Laurentides, He 'd never more venture below Quebec. So gently we bore the repentant Chief, Tenderly placed him that awful day On board of the gallant ship " Relief" And swiftly to westward sailed away. " 429 DOONSIDE The Pilgrim ceased his mournful task Was ended at last, and all was well Then raised to his lips the magic flask, And silently bade me a last farewell. P^EAN Joy! Joy at the Pe'che let the cariboo dance, Let the fatted oxen at last be slain, Let the men get full, and the bull moose prance, For the Commodore has come home again ! Doonside HPO me, whose paddle-blade has cleft The wave where great St. Lawrence flows To me, whose ears have heard the scream Of eagle, high above the snows, Where Fraser darts among the hills What is this tiny stream to me? And what the little melody My soul with rapture fills, Like some old half -forgotten croon? A cradle song of long ago A mother's song so sweet and low Hush! It is the Boon! 430 THE SPANISH BIRD The Spanish Bird* HP ELL me, O bird from the land of the Cid . Why do thy tail feathers droop so low; Why art thou mute that was wont to bid Fiercest defiance to every foe? No longer thy clarion voice rings out, Pealing like thunder from earth to sky, Waking the Pche with thy joyous shout, Till rival roosters were forced to fly. The Rooster Loquacious; "Once I was youthful and passing fair, Captured first prizes at many a show, Could lick all the birds ever flew in air, And beat record time on the heel and toe. *' Proud was I then of my martial past, Vain was I too of my gay topknot, Successful in war and skilled in court, Gallinaceous beauties my favors sought. "But family cares when I settled down Made the gallant topknot droop day by day, The white wings faded my ruddy crown Disappeared, till those charms had all fled away. * From Songs of Old Spain, by the author of Hispaniola, or The Lay of the Last Rooster. 431 BOULE " Pardon these tears, by emotion stirred, But keenest sorrow of all to know Is that once I was known as the ' sacred bird, And now they call me 'sacre oiseau!'" Boule V\/'AY back on de woods I know a man, Was very good hunter too; No bodder at all to understan' De moose an' de cariboo. An' wedder you 're meetin' heem on de bush, Or trampin' de hills aroun', You always t'ink he was sayin', "Hush!" For he never mak' de soun'. De fox w'en he 's seein' dat hunter's track Jus' shiver hese'f an' go, An' say, "De noise dat hunter mak' Is de noise of de fallin' snow Don't geev me a chance, an' dat 's de way I pity de poor ole bear, Never hear not'ing on stormy day, W'en danger is ev'ry w'ere." Is dere an otter along de creek, Or mink on de beeg savanne, Don't jomp on de water purty quick W'en he 's hearin' dat hunter man? 432 BOULE Now! an' w'at 's de reason he get so cute, Till hees luck is de devil's own? Wall ! it 's only becos' w'en he mak' de shoot, He travel aroun' alone. But ev'ry t'ing change, an' so I 'm tole, Affer a long, long tarn, De hunter man change, for he 's comin' ole, Dough he tell us he 's jus' de sam' ; An' bimeby w'en he 's sittin' dere Wan day on a tamarac log, He say to hese'f, "I wonder w'ere I can get me a leetle dog? "'Nice leetle dog wit' stan'up tail, Follow me t'roo de wood, Stick to me close along de trail, An' me, I will treat heem good: Train heem up right, an' dere won't be need Havin' heem play de fool." So he 's buyin' a dog I dunno de breed An' de nex' t'ing he call heem "Boule. " So he train dat dog till he 's nearly dead, Or wishin' hese'f in jail W'en to lie down, never show hees head, W'en he can wag hees tail; 28 433 BOULE Show heem de very bes' way to smell On de bush, if he 's passin' t'roo, An' out on de lake he can do so well, He never upset canoe. Wonderful dog! an* now an' den, Affer he finish up, He 's takin' heem off to show hees frien* How he was train de pup. "Come along, Boule, kip close to me, Steady, an' watch de groun', Wait till I tell you go an' see If anyt'ing 's lyin' aroun'." An' to see heem walk, dat hunter man. An' to hear heem talk also : "Easy, ma frien', de bes' you can, Easy, an nice an' slow. Dis is de heart of de game countree, Partridge on ev'ry log, Tranquillement ! for de leaf, sapree, Was never so dry but w'ere 's de dog? "Boule! Boule! Boule! Boule!" (Den he would raise de row!) "Boule! Boule! you ole fool W'y do you leave me now?" 434 BOULE "Way on de right, w'ere de bush is t'ick, Dere 's a rush, an' we see a tail, Long enough too to mak' us sick, An' a cariboo go full sail, Flyin' along wit' de pup behin', Yellin' hees head off sure Maudit ! if dat dog he was only mine, I very soon work de cure! Yass ! if to-morrow will ketch nex' wick, Or ma gran'moder ketch de moon, He 's gettin some chance if he travel quick For ketchin' heem jus' as soon. An' affer he 's scarin' dat cariboo, Back he was come encore, Lookin' so proud of de job he do, An' de hunter man start some more. " Careful now don't mak' a noise, Creep on your han' an' knee; Some of you men are jus' lak boys Comin' from school sapre"e. Don't you see de dog? for he's gone again, Off to I dunno w'ere" An' den lak a rushin' railway train We 're hearin' a beeg moose dere. 435 BOULE Tearin' along across de hill, Up w'ere de pine tree grow, Poor leetle Boule a' follerin' still, An' hollerin' as he go! Mebbe de hunter 's not gettin' mad Wen he commence to say, " Sorry I be, but dere 's somet'ing bad Wrong wit' de dog to-day. "Boule! Boule! Boule! Boule!" (Oh, how he raise de row!) "Boule! Boule! you ole fool W'y do you leave me now?" "Very fine way to hunt de wood!" Dat 's w'at we tell heem den; "Nice leetle dog" it 's all no good, An' he say: "I dunno, ma frien', Mebbe you 're right w'en a man he 's ole, Can't learn heem a trick is new, An' jus' as soon as de dog is sole, I '11 hunt as I used to do. " So he 's sellin' hees dog on Joe Laflamme, Kip de toll on de bridge below, Never have dog he lak de sam', Dat 's w'at he 's sayin', Joe. 436 CAUDA MORRHUAE Now he 's beginning for feelin' well, Now he can sleep on de chair all day, For Boule 's commencin' to mak' a yell Wen customer 's less dan a mile away. Dat 's all right an' de hunter man Travel agen as he used to do, All alone, an' I understan' Gettin' de ole tarn luck also. Cauda Morrhuae ODOR little Tommy Cod Took his best fishing-rod, Cunningly fashioned of split bamboo; Likewise his tackle, Of red and brown hackle, To venture down stream in his bark canoe. Tommy had registered, Solemnly, I have heard, Promised and vowed, that ere evening fell Dore and speckled trout, Black bass and bull-pout, Would cheerfully yield to his magic spell. Since time immemorial, In things piscatorial, Tho' Magog be famed among knights of the rod ; 437 CAUDA MORRHUAE Yet, making due limit For what may be in it, Little Tommy might know it was no plaice for Cod. Now, in the buoyant sea, There 's so much buoyancy A Cod if he wishes can easily float ; But in the swift Magog, Why, even a bullfrog. Would much rudder perch on the side of a boat. I told him the dangers That all who are strangers Might meet with, in case they should venture below ; Por the mill-dam 's so turbot No mortal can curb it, As those who have tried it must certainly know. O Tommy, take care of Your life and beware of The treacherous mill-dam you shortly shall view! But Tommy was vain and He quitted the mainland, And put out to sea in his frail canoe. 438 CAUDA MORRHUAE The craft like an arrow Sped down the long, narrow, And turbulent channel, where wild billows rave; Then past Point MacFarlane, Like shot from a marlin, Poor Tommy swept on to his watery grave. When Tom struck the mill-dam, The mill-dam, the mill-dam, When Tom struck the mill-dam, he dam'd the dam'd mill; Why should he strike it, When there 's nothing like it To test all the best of a mariner's skill? I saw the craft flounder, As fiercely around her The hungry waves leapt on the ill-fated prey;; And each time they struck her Poor Cod cried for sucker, But sucker was scarce on that terrible day. To throw in the river Some oil of cod liver, And thereby the grim foaming waters becalm. Was Tom's next endeavor, But he found that his lever Was all out of order, and not worth a dam (mill-dam). 439 CAUDA MORRHUAE At last he went under, And, faith! 't was no wonder, For a Cod should n't go where he does n't belong; "Requiescat in pace" I murmur, in case he Should rise and object to this mournful song. We found him next morning A sorrowful warning; The short line we chartered, and shipped him by rail To distant Atlantic, By way of Megantic, And so I 've arrived at the end of my tail. 440 Index to Titles PAGB Autumn Days 190 Barbotte (Bull-pout) 320 Bateese and his Little Decoys 237 Bateese, the Lucky Man 144 Bell of St. Michel, De 63 Bloom (A Song of Cobalt) 406 Boule 432 Boy from Calabogie, The 407 Bruno the Hunter 262 Calcite Vein (A Tale of Cobalt) 409 Camp on de " Cheval Gris," De 98 Canadian Country Doctor, The 158 Canadian Forever 355 Canadian Magpie, The 252 Cauda Morrhuae 437 Champlain 300 Charmette 340 Chibougamou 394 Child Thoughts 235 Corduroy Road, The 125 Cur6 of Calumette 131 Deer-Hunting (By an Expert) 423 Devil, The 273 Dieudonne" (God-Given) 272 Doctor Hilaire 313 Dominique 349 441 INDEX TO TITLES PAGE DonaT Campbell 222 Doonside 430 Dreams 229 Dublin Fusilier, The 225 Family Laramie, The 281 First Robin, The 401 Fox Hunt, The 374 Getting On 288 Getting Stout 310 Godbout, The 427 Grand Seigneur, The 80 Great Fight, The 379 " Gun, De Papineau" 1 8 Habitant, De i Habitant's Jubilee Ode, The 113 Habitant's Summer, The 168 " He Only Wore a Shamrock " 425 Hill of St. Sebastien, The 145 .Holy Island, The 362 Home 352 How Bateese Came Home 21 Joe Boucher 337 Air "Car si mon moine" Johnnie Courteau 122 Johnnie's First Moose 214 Josette 335 Keep Out of the Weeds 359 Lac Souci 342 Land We Live in and the Land We Left, The 422 (Written for the menu of the Irish Protestant Benevolent Society's annual dinner, March 18, 1895-) Last Portage, The 286 iittle Bateese 220 442 INDEX TO TITLES PACK Little Lac Grenier (Gren-Yay) 174 Little Mouse 210 Log Jam, The 246 Madeleine Vercheres 192 Marie Louise 149 Marriage 387 " Maxime Labelle " 42 A Canadian Voyageur's Account of the Nile Expedition Meb-be 325 Memories 49 Mon Frere Camille 162 Mon Choual " Castor " 70 M'sieu Smit 82 The Adventures of an Englishman in the Canadian Woods. My Leetle Cabane 140 National Policy 187 Natural Philosophy 297 Nice Leetle Canadienne, De 30 Nile Expedition, The 42 ("Maxime Labelle") Notaire Publique, De 39 Old House and the New, The 153 Old Pine Tree, The 218 (Dedicated to the St. George Snowshoe Club.) Old Sexton, The 231 Ole Docteur Fiset 118 Ole Tarn on Bord a Plouffe 75 Oyster Schooner, The 137 " Papineau Gun, De" 18 Pelang 65 Phil-o-rum Juneau 52 Phil-o- Rum's Canoe 242 443 INDEX TO TITLES PAGE Pierre Leblanc 413 (Dedicated to the Hon. Peter White.) Poirier's Rooster 345 Pioneers 292 Pride 265 'Poleon Dor6 32 Pro Patria 305 Rainy Day in Camp, A 332 Red Canoe, The 255 Riviere des Prairies 367 " Rose Delima," The 199 Rossignol, The- 322 (Old French-Canadian Air, " Sur La Montagne") Silver Lake Camp 418 " Snowbird, De" 1 10 Snubbing (Tying-up) the Raft 327 Spanish Bird, The 431 Stove Pipe Hole, De 104 Strathcona's Horse 212 (Dedicated to Lord Strathcona.) Tale of a Cocktail, The 419 Twins 357 Two Hundred Years Ago 256 Victoria Square (An Idyll) 384 Vieux Temps, Le 9 Voyageur, The 259 We're Irish Yet 392 When Albani Sang 91 Wind that Lifts the Fog, The 372 Windigo, The 177 Wreck of the "Julie Plante," The 7 Yankee Families 282 444 Index to First Lines PAGE A long de road from Bord a Plouffe 273 A quiet Boy was Joe Bedotte 325 A rainy day in camp! how you draw the blankets closer 332 A stranger might say if he see heem drink till he almos* fall 313 A way off back on de mountain-side 340 Bad luck to fight on New Year's night 379 Bonjour, M'sieu' you want to know 18 Bord a Plouffe, Bord a Plouffe 229 Dat 's very cole an' stormy night on Village St. Mathieu 104 De cloud is hide de moon, but dere 's plaintee light above 214 De corduroy road go bompety bomp 125 De place I get born me, is up de reever i Dere 's a beeg jam up de reever. 246 Dere 's no voyageur on de reever never run hees canoe d'ecorce 131 Dere 's some lak dory, an' some lak bass 320 Dere 's somet'ing stirrin* ma blood to-night 259 De win' is sleepin* in de pine 255 Dey call it de Holy Islan' 362 Did you ever see an air-hole on the ice 394 Dis was de story of boy an' girl 149 Donal' Campbell Donal' Bane 222 445 INDEX TO FIRST LINES Eighteen, an' face lak de w'at 's de good? 310 Ev'ry State upon de Union, w'en dey write her up to-day 413 Get along leetle mouse, kick de snow up behin' you. . . 210 Go easy wit' the paddle, an' steady wit' de oar 177 Go 'way, go 'way, don't ring no more, ole bell of Saint Michel 63 He 's alway ketchin* dore 1 , an' he 's alway ketchin' trout 144 He only wore a shamrock 425 Here 's to you, Uncle Kruger! slainte'! an slainte 1 galore 225 He sit on de corner mos' every night, ole Phil-o-rum Juneau 53 He was twenty-one in April forty inches round the chest 407 Hssh ! look at ba-bee on de leetle blue chair 281 I congratulate ye, Francis 357 If dey 're walkin' on de roadside, an' dey 're bote in love togeder 292 If I sole ma ole blind trotter for fifty dollar cash 272 I know I 'm not too young an ma back is not as straight 288 I know very well t' was purty hard case 231 I lak on summer ev'ning, w'en nice cool win' is bio win' 75 I 'm bus' up, for a mont' or two 374 I 'm poor man, me, but I buy las' May 70 I 'm sittin' to-night on ma leetle cabane, more hap- pier dan de king 140 I 'm sleepin' las' night w'en I dream a dream 286 In dreams of the night I hear the call 190 I ought to feel more satisfy an' happy dan I be. ...... 145 I read on de paper mos' ev'ry day, all about Jubilee . . 113 I see Josette on de car to-day 335 446 INDEX TO FIRST LINES PAGE I see de many reever on de State an' ev'ry w'ere 367 Is it only twelve mont' I play de fool 153 I s'pose mos' ev'ry body t'ink hees job 's about de hardes* 158 I used to be leevin* on Bonami 409 I 've told you many a tale, my child, of the old heroic days 192 Joe Boucher was a frien' of mine 337 Johnnie Courteau of de mountain 122 Jus' as de sun is tryin' Climb on de summer sky.. . . 322 Las' night dey 're passin', de golden plover 327 Leetle Lac Grenier, she 's all alone 174 " Listen my child," said the old pine tree, to the little one nestling near 218 Ma fader he spik to me long ago 265 Mon frere Camille he was first class blood 162 Mos' ev'rywan lak de robin 252 M'sieu Paul Joulin, de Notaire Publique 39 No smarter man you can never know 359 Oh! it 's bad to be unlucky in ev'ry t'ing you do. ... 401 "Oh! Mother the bells are ringing as never they rang before" 352 Oh ! pilgrim from the Godbout's shore 427 Oh! the blooming cheek of beauty, tho' it 's full of many a peril 406 Oh! we are a band of bummers, and for many joyous summers 384 O I 'm very very tire Marie 237 O I was thine, and thou wert mine, and ours the boundless plain 212 O leetle bird dat 's come to us w'en stormy win' she 's blowin' no Ole Docteur Fiset of Saint Anicet 118 "O ma ole canoe! w'at 's matter wit' you" 242 447 INDEX TO FIRST LINES PAGE O memory, take my hand to-day 235 On wan dark night on Lac St. Pierre 7 O Spirit of the mountains that speaks to us to-night . . 49 Our fader lef ole France behin', dat 's many year. ... 187 Over de sea de schooner boat 372 O who can blame de winter, never min' de hard he 's blowin' 168 Pelang! Pelang! Mon cher garcon 65 Poor little Tommy Cod 437 Talk about lakes ! dere 's none dat lies on de mountain side 342 Tell me, O bird from the land of the Cid 431 The bleak wind sighs thro' the leafless trees 418 The Children of the Western Gael 422 The Patriarch rose at the break of day 419 There 's a girl at Calabogie an' another at the Soo. . . . 387 To me, whose paddle-blade has cleft 430 To the hut of the peasant, or lordly hall 80 Two honder year ago, de worl* is purty slow 256 Venez-ici, mon cher ami, an' sit down by me so. . . 9 Very offen I be t'inkin' of de queer folk goin'roun'. . . . 297 Victoriaw: she have beeg war, E-gyp 's de nam' de place 42 Wan morning de walkin boss say " Damase " 82 Was leevin' across on de State Vermont 305 Wat 's all dem bell a ringin' for, can hear dem ev'ry w'ere? 137 " W'at 's dat? de ole man gone you say?" 345 Was workin' away on de farm dere, wan morning not long ago 91 Way back on de woods I know a man 432 What means this gathering to-night? 392 W'en I was young boy on de farm, dat 's twenty year ago 21 448 INDEX TO FIRST LINES PAGE When our fathers crossed the ocean 355 "Were '11 we go? " say Pierre de Monts 300 You bad leetle boy, not moche you care 220 You can pass on de worl' w'erever you lak 30 You can sew heem up in a canvas sack 199 You dunno ma leetle boy Dominique 349 You have never hear de story of de young Napoleon Dore? 32 You 'member de ole log-camp, Johnnie, up on de Cheval Gris 98 You never hear tell, Marie, ma femme 262 You see I was there on the run-way 423 You s'pose God love de Yankee 282 449 DATE DUE D gjj BKDDEC ( 1966 p**^ OC1 2 TB7 RFCD AUG 7 196 7 i rcn ' 1 19K8 i rtc s nHflh FFR 2 B 1968 GAYLORD PRINTED IN U.S.A. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 686 063 9