C3 m CLEARING HOUSE LOAN CERTIFICATES AND SUBSTITUTES FOR MONEY USED DURING THE PANIC OF 1907 BY JAMES G. CANNON VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/clearinghouseloaOOcannrich Clearing House Loan Certificates and substitutes for money USED DURING THE PANIC OF 1907 WITH SUGGESTIONS FOR AN EMERGENCY CURRENCY BASED UPON SUCH LOAN CERTIFICATES BY JAMES G. CANNON ••• • . ! •• • .•**••••** DELIVERED BEFORE THE FINANCE FORUM New York City March 30. 1910 *$ THE TROW PRESS NEW YORK Clearing House Loan Certificates 1907 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen: I am to speak to you this evening on the subject, " Clearing House Loan Certificates and Substitutes for Money Used during the Panic of 1907." The Panic of 1907 differed, as every panic does, from its predecessors, and one of its most notable characteris- tics was the sharp, quick and decisive clogging of Inland' Exchange. This condition of affairs was more pronounced during the late panic than in any of the previous disturb- ances, because of the growth of our industries and the changing mercantile conditions which compelled large and constant remittances to our central reserve cities. A study of panics shows that they generally result from overtrading and inflation, which are checked by some un- toward circumstance, such as the failure of an important bank or banking institution in one of the large money centres, notably in New York, and the distrust thus cre- ated in the minds of the people breaks the bubble of infla- tion. The panicky condition thus brought about is not immediately felt throughout the country, but its ripples gradually spread like those caused by the dropping of a pebble in water. In 1907, the bankers of the country, having had experi- ence in previous panics, recognized what was coming, and took immediate steps through their respective Clearing House Associations to ward off the detrimental effects of the financial disturbance in this City; hence there sprang into existence, within forty-eight hours, through these sources, a large volume of Clearing House Certificates. Because these Loan Certificates were not interchangeable, and were in only a very few instances received on deposit by banks outside of the immediate city or vicinity where issued, the operations of the banking interests of each lo- 241228 Clearing House Loan Certificates cality were confined almost exclusively to itself, thus clog- ging Inland Exchange and preventing the free circula- tion of the credits of the country through the drafts that are usually drawn by one money centre upon another. Clearing House Loan Certificates, therefore, filled a more important place in the panic of 1907 than in any previous panic in which they had been used in this country, and it seems to me that by studying to some extent the condi- tions under which they were issued, we can gather many useful lessons in finance, and perhaps can point the way to a solution of some of our currency problems. Clearing House Loan Certificates are instruments which represent temporary loans made by the banks banded together as a Clearing House Association, to the individual members of such association, upon collateral acceptable to a Committee of bankers appointed for the purpose of passing on and holding such collateral. The w certificates bear a stated rate of interest, and are available to the banks only for use in settling balances due to the other members of the same association. As Clearing House balances are normally payable in cash, these certifi- cates render available for other purposes an amount of cash equal to the total of certificates issued. Clearing House Loan Certificates were first issued in * this country in 1860. From that time until the panic of 1893, their use had been strictly confined to the settlement of balances between the banks. In a few instances, how- ever, in the South, during the panic of 1893, and to a con- siderably greater and more general extent in the recent disturbance through which we have passed, instruments known variously as Cashiers' Checks, Clearing House Checks, Clearing House Scrip and Certificates of In- debtedness, specimens of all of which I will show you, were issued and circulated freely as money in the com- munities in which they were made available. Some of these instruments were issued in such a way as to circum- vent any existing legislation on the subject, while others could undoubtedly have been justly subjected to a tax, but taking into consideration the exigencies under which they [Page 4] Clearing House Loan Certificates were issued, and the further fact of their immediate re- tirement as soon as the conditions which had called them forth had passed, I believe no right thinking man would condemn either the purpose or the act. The Charter of the Bank of England directs that no currency shall be issued except upon the deposit of a like amount of gold coin with the Issue Department, and yet upon three occasions in its history, conditions have been deemed sufficiently critical by its Governors to cause them to temporarily disregard that provision of the Charter, and issue enough currency, secured by other available collateral, to meet the immediate requirements of business. This currency was in each instance retired as soon as con- ditions again became normal, and it may be added that on all three occasions the consent of Parliament to this ac- tion was subsequently obtained. So it will be seen that under certain circumstances, in England, as well as in this country, the disregard of established customs has been deemed justifiable. Personally, I believe that any form of currency issued in a time of financial stress, under Clearing House supervision, properly safeguarded to in- sure its redemption at its face value when the necessity for it has ceased to exist, should be recognized as a valuable possibility, and should not be subjected to adverse criticism. During the few months immediately subsequent to the panic of 1907, I obtained from every Clearing House in this country, specimens of the various temporary instru- ments issued by them to relieve their local situations, as well as copies of the resolutions under which they were issued and all the facts in connection therewith, including the date of issue, the length of time they were used, the aggregate amount put out and the maximum amount out- standing at any one time. From these certificates, I have selected such as seem to contain unusual or distinguishing features and have had lantern slides made from them, which I now propose to show you, pointing out these dif- ferent features as we go along: [Page 5] Clearing House Loan Certificates New York City I shall first show you a copy of the Loan Certificate issued by the New York Clearing House Association, as most of the Certificates (as distinguished from checks) very closely resemble this, and in the larger centres, in many instances, they were identical. I might state in this connection that in the aggregate $101,000,000 of these certificates were issued during the panic. The date of the first issue was October 26th, 1907 ; the date of the first cancellation was November 14th, 1907*; the date of the final issue was January 30th, 1908, and the date of the final cancellation was March 28th, 1908. The greatest amount of these certificates issued to any one bank was $17,000,000, and the smallest $250,000. The time elapsed from the first issue to the final cancel- lation was 22 weeks, or 154 days. Augusta, Ga. Issued in denominations of $1, $5, $10 and $20. Secured by collateral 50% in excess of the amount issued. Meeting held Nov. 2nd, 1907, authorized the banks to give their notes to three appointed Trustees, due July 1st, 1908, secured by collateral as above, payable at any time in the interim with Clearing House Certificates or lawful money. Payment of each check guaranteed on back by the banks composing the Clearing House Asso- ciation. $5 certificate shown. Baltimore, Md. To be issued up to 75% of the collateral deposited and to no bank in excess of 30% of its capital. The smallest percentage of certificates to capital that has come to my attention. $10,000 certificate shown. [Page 6] ivo. 50393 Loan Committee of the New York Clearing House Association. 2Vew York, This Certifies, Uvat the- has deposited, -with this CoTn.Tn.Utee, securities in. accordance -with the proceedings of Meeting of the Association, held October 86th, 1907 upon -which this Certificate is issued. This Certificate Trill be received in payment of balances at the Clearing ttou.se for the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, from any Member of the Clearing House Association. On the surrender of this Certificate by the dej above named, the Committee will endorse the ami the obligation of said Bank, held by them , i tionate share of the collateral securities held therefor. $60,000. r „ Nft . 85498 SERIES A. Augusta Clearing House Association Certificate AUGUSTA, GA. AnlS^J^rtlheS that the Banks composing the Augusta Clearing House Association hare degpsitejl with A. S. Hatch, P. S. North and Wm. Sch Association, Securities to the payment of the sum ert. Trustees of said Clearing House TS to secure to the bearer hereof In lawful oyyie)' of the Utfltefl StatasTpa. ia issoed1»4v.ordance with the proceedings of a'mecfinfl o of November, J907, and will be received on deposit House. .* • lation, held on the S or in yeytncpi pf jlebt* doe, any ^V^jn aald Clearing certificate Second day That the 'xecutivc Committee of this r jtroccedings of a meeting of t 'upon which this certificate is issuer/. Vyment of balances at the Clearing House liars from any member of the Clearing House Jfouse, securities, in wing House lveld dip cat e mill be of Ten render of *ate by the depositing bank above named, the eonnniifS^fh^lfjjudorse hint as a payment on the obligations of said bank held Ufl&Mnnkand nidcr a proportionate share of collateral securities held therefor $10,000 CELLED «s a 5 R .1 No. ZQ.Q. Loan Committee of the $COOO. Buffalo Clearing House Association ^^£A ^ &, : /**_ vTbtd Certifies that there have been deposited with this committee securities in accordance with the proceedings of a Meeting of the Association held October 20th, 1907, upon which this Certificate is issued. This Certificate will be received in payment of balances at the Clearing House for the sum of Five Thousand Dollars from any Member of the Clearing House Association. On the surrender of this Certificate by the Depositing Bank the Committee will endorse the amount as a payment on the obliea/tonO>f saia*£ank /ml J byffhqp, and surrender a proportionate &hare* 9f ihemcollateal securities held therefor. * ' * - •*$50 FIVJ&BOLLARS T< Thii check - bills by mercha deposited by the the Canton Clea BE CAREF AS IT IS PA\ •••• • 1 $ 1 .00 Canton - ° hio ' November 1 1 , 1 907. PAY TO THE BEARER ONE DOLLAR^Q jSTE DOLLA B-* 100 PAYABLE ONLY THROUGH THE CANTON CLEARING HOUSE. ••• • ' !*• Z JMS'RlRsSr NATIONAL BANK, • • * • • • • • .*•• • • • — c^r~ • • • • * Clearing House Loan Certificates Buffalo, N. Y. In form practically the same as at New York. This differs from other issues only in the omission of the name of the bank to which they were issued, the identity of the certificate with the collateral being preserved by means of the certificate numbers, a record of which was confiden- tially kept at the Clearing House. By this means no at- tention was drawn to the banks which found it necessary to use them* Canton, Ohio Canton is a centre of manufacturing interests of con- siderable magnitude, and, therefore, required large amounts of cash for pay rolls which was not available. A consultation was held between the banks and their manu- facturing clients with the result that pay checks were agreed upon. One general form was used, as shown on the screen, in three denominations, $5, $10 and $20, and each bank provided its customers with a supply of these. The checks were made payable to " Bearer " through the Canton Clearing House Association only and had to be signed by an authorized person connected with the firm or corporation issuing them. These checks, however, were found unsatisfactory, partly from the fact that when small purchases were made with them the tradespeople were obliged to make change with cash, which soon de- pleted their supply. Subsequently, therefore, clearing house checks or cashiers' checks, as shown, also payable to " Bearer," through the Clearing House only, in amounts to $1, $2, $5 and $10, were issued. These checks had no collateral security back of them and were accepted purely on the responsibility of the issuing bank. [Page 7] Clearing House Loan Certificates Chicago, III. Chicago, in 1907, issued certificates for the first time in its history. A Committee reported in favor of them in 1893, but before they could be made ready for issue, con- ditions had improved to such an extent that they were un- necessary. Their Clearing House Loan Certificate was in the same form as at New York and so it is needless to show it. Early in November, of 1907, provision was made for the deposit of these certificates by any bank, and the issuance therefor, of Clearing House checks in de- nominations of $1, $2, $5 and $10, in amount equal to the face value of the certificates so deposited, in favor of the depositing bank. So the checks were secured by cer- tificates, and the certificates by collateral. These checks were all made payable through the Clearing House and were drawn on National Banks. They were thus drawn in order to avoid any complications that might arise out of provision of the State Law for a prohibitive tax on circulation issued by the State Banks. Cincinnati, Ohio Only Cashiers' checks were issued at Cincinnati, se- cured by collateral to an amount 20% to 25% in excess of the amount issued. An interesting incident in con- nection with their issue, was the fact that the newspapers of that city published a list of merchants, numbering in excess of three hundred names, who had expressed their willingness to cash these checks, and in several instances a premium of as high as five per cent, was offered for pur- chases made and settled by means of these Cashiers' Checks. Thus the merchants did what they could to stimulate the confidence of the public in these checks and so helped the situation along. [Page 8] mm mm ■H Ciii(iu;», Nmi»otER 11^ 1907 N?B 1 1 70 1 Chicago CleaioiigHouseAssocialion COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK ....CHICAGO, ILLINOIS rBeah K rJ|><55] R\YTO l\VO AND lOO i: of Chicago Ma*a 9 + • • THIS CHECK IS PROTECTID BVSICUHITIES DEPOI :po»itiAv*m THMHlftAaaqLiAMlA HOU •••• •• • * • •• »• 8 A? 3 o * C IE X < — i Ul u -J — CD H if. Cincinnati, Nov. 4TF 1907 flTL&s N/momL Bank P/IY T&BE4HRER — TWENTY DOLLARS $20°° .^... r?WW^ Cleveland,Ohio,Xovember29=1907 N9D Cleveland Clearing House Association 15 Rwro. ohBearer $10 _oo Ten AND lOO IMon National Bank Cleveland. Ohio <^y?4f*x« TMI« OHtCK IS PKOTICTID BYS.CURITIIS 0IP08ITID WITH TH« CUIVILAMO CkCANINO NOUM AMOOIATK = THE COLORADO NATIONAL BANK m Clearing IIousk Association for cancellation. Registered Ao. iWMTkl.ll BY SAID jMU l/)l#!"Ai This check is issi;t:u AOAiss/r a^kposit or ski i tint >UCH Th XSSOCIATION .S F DeNVBR AIDING ntfUS^ tOVKU ISYTIIK FlK-VN^K CUMMITTia: tf IlU|II^SA %K sTk«;sti#. 0,-^t$rms »,fii#k is KA» anii phkskn ftn 7w Dwvtm Cu&Rii*9fi$uS£ A&OCiATIQN, • Clearing House Loan Certificates Cleveland, Ohio Clearing House Loan Certificates and Clearing House checks both were issued at Cleveland, the latter being issued against the deposit of the former, as at Chicago, but the Loan Certificates in Cleveland, unlike those of Chicago, were not used for settling balances at the Clear- ing House, which was their function generally throughout the country, but solely for the purpose of securing the issue of Clearing House Checks. Denver, Col. Cashiers' Checks issued in amounts of $5, $10 and $20 by the individual banks, on the deposit of acceptable col- lateral with the Finance Committee of the Clearing House. A Registrar was appointed to register and sign all checks before issue, and the banks, by agreement, each issued $50,000 of these checks, in order to make the ac- tion unanimous. The checks were handsomely litho- graphed, to lessen the chances of counterfeiting, and on the reverse side contained a picture of the state capitol, as will be seen on the slide. [Page 9] Clearing House Loan Certificates Des Moines, Iowa As will be seen, this check states that in addition to being secured by approved collateral in the hands of the Clearing House Committee, the credit of all the Bank members of the Clearing House was pledged for its pay- ment, which pledge was covered by a resolution to that effect. Few certificates issued stated that fact, though literally all the member banks of every Association which took action in the matter of issuing certificates were so pledged. Detroit, Mich. Clearing House Loan Certificates were issued in De- troit, but no Clearing House checks. Large pay rolls were handled to some extent through the issue by the in- dividual banks of their Cashiers' Checks in amounts of $5 and $10 for that purpose. A considerable measure of relief was afforded, however, through the procurement, by some of the large manufacturing concerns, of Cana- dian currency, from banks across the river, in exchange for their checks payable through the Detroit Clearing House, such currency, by reason of Detroit's frontier lo- cation, readily passing current with the public. Fargo, N. D. A Trustee was appointed by the Fargo Clearing House Association to receive collateral and issue certificates to an amount equal to only 50% of such collateral deposited. This percentage represents as large a margin of collateral as was required by any Association that issued certificates during the Panic of 1907. This is practically the only Clearing House Association which issued certificates in small amounts, viz: $5, $10 and $20, as well as in the larger amounts, most Associations having issued Cashiers' or Clearing House checks for the smaller amounts. [Page 10] MISES TO Ijeft-rj THE BEARER ON OR BEFORE THREE MONTHS FRO*1 TH?^ DATE/THE SUM OF ••J2(T(T9 ## A ONE DOLLAR ..,,iV.^5 ••••• • is certific*<^is secured by the deposit of approved securities with the clearing heifse committee of the 5 Moines C£a*i«e House Association, and it is also issued upon the credit f October, A.D. 1907. . • • DES MOINES CLEARING HOU^E^SOCIATION. T XfaL/CTIJtfllltENDORSED A ^ , _ * . m BY jfjQP 9 **** +.>* «.**** THE PRESIDENT OR CASHIER A DES MOINES CLEARING SE SANK *l DES MOINES CLEARING HOUS U2M: o T^ t - 4 , , , i f 1 1 / tt i ■ < ■ ttfrr,,. $'.1000 ®^/^k/_.._. ■/*is*i*-t'/stssi//tsyc/ii'- X3&r6/t*'<4 /tin<€*&.— - _ i /€6fLes &k "/' ^ § ft. m FARGO. N. D. ON OR Ey?FOR*5 THREE MOf.'THS AFTER DATE THE BANKS OF FAROO AND MOORHEA>& COMPOSING THE rHE CITY OF FAROO U.iJpAT'rai'HE BEARER the sum of TEN DOLLARS ( ^»0?CI>V"" NATIONAL BAN* 9 V FAROtf t«*ABG THE CLEARIN8 HOUSE ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY rfw/r/;///fflyf/f?/M//s/.'/fr/fJrf/ fife J///// y/ ? OnbThousahd Dollars, yyy/yyy- y'yyy'yy'py/ yyy//y yyy/yy'y:J//y'y>/yy me y/yy/y' y/ '//y'yJ yyy/y r/////r m&//l__/'/?r / a*At£/&r%imMm S/yyy//%y>, marf&zqffifojtde /yyyj y/y/yyvy/yy/ //'y/^ y^Y , 'JYYYY/. r --/ijYrYYY^Yi€YjYr//YYtijr//!M'nY/Y////Y>/- //yy'/yyy////yy/yZ y/ //yyj yyp/p yyyyy///v//u /yyyy / /yyyy'/y/y/yy / yyy/y//yyy' <?///«/«>//./y' /y'Jsyyy/ SyJjyyyyy/yysyy, y/yyypy'/y^/yyywyyy/yyy, yyyyy' yy'Yy/yy/y/yy/y'Y' yy'/yyy/y yyyyyy//yy'yyyy//y/' /'r yy>yy /y yyy/y y/ jyyyyyy/y'yJ /y> /yyy Jyy/yj/yyy/yy>yy etfku&SiKVflt&ztfw ■ My -ma/for yyy/yyy'J ^yy/y/y/yyjyyy/y j/y>yy/// yyy/~/y j -/yyyyy/ yi/yp/y rfa/tf/7/u/. //trw/- r /ijYYYY?/YY>/Y'pr y/J/ /?M/ , y//Jj/s///rf//?'e/${///uY/r/- yy/yy/yyyyM'y>yy/y/ /p Jy/Zyy/y// pyyy// //yy yy/y'yy .jyyyy yy/ypJ yyy/////yyyy£///ypyyJ ///p/r/urM/i/Y/rt/rJ /0pyy/yy: ^/yy/y^/yyy//yp py /y y'y y'yy/y' Jyy/y; p/vy/ yy/y /y A>s//r/f//'/'f>/>/:J,/frrf///f////Jr////fyrf///p/// y//yy/yyyyyyZy/y//-/'yy{y/y/y/yy>/y. . //p-yyy/Jyyp/y y>y p// //// p/y>/y' JyyyyyyZy<;Jy>yy//y //yyy/y/y/yp/yj ////' y/y^yy/yy/Zyyvyy frtWM/afoqwrr&af/f&wi,, ■ ^ //YY/YYPYrprfjp/'jYYr//.jYY/p Y>rJYY/fJ j/yyy/yy //r?/r.k^/sYf////r'/-,{tf///s//////sw^ /y> Jr///fSws*Y0fotfyw'J/&/7- f'6//w/////:. r ws/Y//r- yyyyy/py y/^yyy:j yp p^y/p.'/Y/^YY/Y/Y//p/yp'Y jr/YY/y/fpj u//W //s p'r/SYPY/Yf/Z/Y/ YYy/ ? YY/Yy/ /p///P// PYYy//Y/Y^/P/y/p/yy>/Y & Mf r/pYr??/YY/ .//p'Yjr' kyw////y//y<'Jy/ '////J yyp/s //YjwY/r//Yj///sY/Y/YY///frtr/Y>Y'j///Y///r yy/yy/vyyy//y'Y%'y' ttu&Gff? m* Grand Rapids, Michigan. wy V«JY?o JB U . .y 2 I z 3 C/5 OS 1 8 — X | HE CQ = < § 3 c ise Loan Ce TO DS CLEARING SOCIATION. Q < O Bank or Ban elivered in the ie received. % S s O 3= S* X any bed r vali b/) h 2 S"2 *C <-> 1 ONE Pav to Bank, and this note m of Business SI. 000. 00 NO. LOAN CERTIFICATE GRAND RAPIDS CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIATION. C RAMnRAPin^M'^w QC17I5 (£crtifiC5 that the Rank of Grand Rapids, Mich., has deposited with this committee securities in accordance with the Rules of this Association, and the special action and order of the Association at a meeting held The within note will be received during the continuance of said order and authority, in payment of balances at the Clearing House for the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS from a debtor member of the Association, and may be used by the Manager of the Clearing House in settlement of balances due to any member GRAND RAPIDS CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIATION. " '-? By ^ [ Clearing House Commitee /',;'. . ? . ry_ %t f W^&^i nwMww\m\$MM -hi mnnmmwm SASaCI >V«EM%ER 1212.. If9,ff* • •* •- 00 00 stf) * • • *JVV ' • ••Sr ^^ . /??3()>sfrer < : — t— , M4 U ^ J, ^»- *,,.=_»^ ^1 ,' . rHISCERT!FICAm,SPMo*c It D •« ft- ,-•, , , ., ^^f'X.'XfsA * WITH THE KANSAS CITY * / / * * CLEARINGHOUSE ASSOCIATION ft (y BY Series _.... » §§#&— Little Rock Clearing House Certificate LITTLE BOCK, ABE _ ..„ 1907. C)Vve.^u«^,X/ Pay to the bearer USE. DOLLARS, when this certificate is countersigned by J. S. Pollock, manager of the Clearing House, or by either one of the members of the committee hereinafter named. This certificate is secured by approved collateral, deposited with the undersigned committee. -a W. B. WORTEEN, i E. C. BATEEB, f OSCAB DAVIS, •^ SAM W. BEYBTJBN, 3 1 No. „ Committee Little Bock Clearing Eouse. Clearing House Loan Certificates Harrisburg, Pa. Besides Clearing House Loan Certificates, the Harris- burg Association issued what it termed " Certificates of Indebtedness " stating, as may be seen from the illustra- tion, that the Association was indebted to the bearer in the sum of $1, the payment of the same being guaranteed by the members of the Harrisburg and Steelton Associations, but only through the Harrisburg Clearing House. The reverse side shows printed in four languages (English, Polish, Hungarian and Italian) the words: " This check may be deposited, but will not be paid in cash." This was undoubtedly intended to meet the requirements of a di- versified population. Kansas City, Mo. The Kansas City Association issued both certificates and checks, and each were secured directly by collateral. In this respect their action differed from that of most other associations which issued both these forms of instruments, since generally the checks were secured by the deposit of certificates, which in turn were secured by collateral. The checks issued by Kansas City were among the finest, in design, turned out by any association in the country, hav- ing been lithographed by the Union Bank Note Company of that City. In form they are not unlike many others that have been shown, and I exhibit both the front and reverse side merely that you may see what fine specimens they are. Little Rock, Ark. The Certificates issued by the Little Rock Association were again different in form from any others, as will be seen. The chief distinction that entitles these certificates to our consideration is the fact that they carried interest at the rate of ten per cent., an unusually high rate of in- terest, although it is not so stated on the certificate. [Page 13] Clearing House Loan Certificates Los Angeles, Cal. Both Clearing House Loan Certificates and Circulating Scrip, the latter corresponding to the Clearing House Checks used by other associations, were issued in Los Angeles. Originally, printed checks were used for circu- lation, as shown, but later, fearing counterfeiting, litho- graphed checks were used, which, like those of Kansas City, were very handsome. As will be seen, especially the reverse side closely resembles the engraving on our Na- tional currency. [Page 14] ceat&MtiMSa^aCM&t^a^aMS* r llOHP Tfci* Dollars |lO°^ . /////,////,/ A /j .>///// /■//// /////.///Ass///'//// Ms' r//s/////s/.'////s,j/ y //////////// /////, //,/.' £/g//s / (/. l///////g jfyft£6 ■' /s.Af ///////'// , ///s.j t / ,/s////s/s ///////; ///s//%P • ^g • • • • • • • • • -^ * . • • • JL_ o liars Pa jvihle through St. Lrviis Clearai^ House oniy Cashier's Check:. ^e^^^sss^ 7* T«TiiK National Bank <>r Commerce m St. Louis. M au n '<•/*/' t /// ftiv^s / "5&E 394761 //r Moffat ABLE OHty THBOUOM TH! ST. LOUIS CL-BABtNO HOUSt. ^^ I CASHIERS CHECK MECHANICS AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK SURPLUS ^2.500,000. CAPITAL $2,000,000. PAYTOTHE ORDER OF st.louis. NOVEMBER I ?T 1907. no. 43201 BEARER $ 12? ONE Payable through St. L^ujeJiLeARiNG House only COU NTERSIGNEI DOLLARS. h OM a !i ■d c i 3 Nn 198 ICnatt (Eammtttw nf tlj? $5,000. &t paul Glaring l^mae AaBnriatum ©hie ©crtiftee, That ^WgT^p 1907 has deposited with this Committee securities in accordance with the proceedings of a Meeting of the Association, held October 29th, 1907, upon which this Certificate is issued. This Certificate will be received in payment of balances at the Clearing House for the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, from any member of the Clearing House Association. % * % Valid only when rcijl.vlereil by Northwestern trust £ompa%y, St/}'au% Min£. dcr a proportionate s Registered. NORTHWESTERN TRUST CO $!©© No. 1000 IxprutiDi? ttiratmtttw of % £alt This certifies that the with this Committee securities in accord which this certificate is issued. This certificate will be received in payment of balances fo/ihc turn of ONE and draws intercfl at the rate of eight per cent per annum hot/date, among meraben of thi. Clearing House. On the sun and surrender a proportir (Ettg GHeartnn, ^ouhp. has deposited of the Association heretofore held, upon as a payment on the obligation of said bank held by 'Wm&A Descret National Bank, 2 X, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. — r J Clearing House Loan Certificates St. Paul,, Minn. Valid only when registered by the Northwestern Trust Company. Salt Lake City, Utah Neither the Clearing House Certificates nor the Clear- ing House Checks possess any unusual features, and are simply shown in passing. [Page 19] Clearing House Loan Certificates San Francisco, Cal. The Clearing House Loan Certificates issued in San Francisco possessed no unusual features. The specimen of the Clearing House currency herewith shown was printed originally on safety paper, but it was soon dis- covered that this grade of paper would not stand the wear and tear of general usage, so lithographed certificates on bond paper were substituted, the first issue being re- called. This currency was issued against the deposit of Clearing House certificates, and was used by the San Jose Clearing House Asssociation as well as by San Francisco. [Page 20] •Vo $20,000 Loan Committee of the San Fkancisco Clearing House Association SAN FRANCI8CO 1907 GJljtB fflprttftPB that the has deposited with this Committee securities, in accordance with the proceedings of a Meeting of the Association held October 28, 1907, upon which this Certificate is issued. This Certificate will be received in payment of balances at the Clearing House for the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars from any member of the Clearing House^ssociation. On the surrender of this Certificate by ^P the depositing bank above named, the JBk J^. Committee will endorse the amount as a ^^ flfc ^f payment on the obligation of said bank ^^ ^^ ^^ / s held by them, and surrender a proportionate Vf ^jJF ^| share of the collateral securities held there- ^^r m % 320,000 ^ w / ////- S/Y///SY.J/Y ' Y/fYS/Y////' YrYYYjY' ' U/YY/YYY//Y' YC /.907 OO 8 20 8P TVtEXxr I> o luk s j|20 f//Yf • ' ' /jJK'/.m//Y/ '• 7j/Y///&// '''./'///- Y/'////r/.)W. YY/s. , Y/'YY/ / Wf--s//f '///'/■/< «rr//A//>f/>/y ///> .Jrsss/. W/7/?Yrjy < sr/*YYs santrancisco clearinghouse ; BlWiF^ CFRTIFirVTE )f*N MUXCIS CO, CALIVOHNU , M KOVBMBRR 1 «?• IS MBit ^pes^^M BilffM^gl^^,.. ATo n 401 qi i —— — N? 5501 SAVANNAH CLEARING ASSOCIATION SERIES 1 A. SAVANNAH, GA r T%-it f C* *<*>++& a* T* 131 tbe Banks co JfcM3£^ e SAVANNAH CLEARHft ASSOCIAT1C ± nib \^JtrC7/7e$ deposited with F ^M^pwfcWv Mills B. Lane, M JU/O'Byrne, W. W. Osborne and W F McCauley, Trustees of said Clearing A4§j$ppij|^l^g!^ies to the value /t>f ONE DOLLAR and FIFTY CENTS, to secure to the bearer hereof the pa] in lawful money of the United States, payable issued in accordance with the proceedings of "ovember, 1907, and will be received on Deposit CLEARH le, M tyl value **Q t( ds^of .March, 1908. This Certificate is '■^ssocjation held on the Fourth day of ue any Bank in said Clearing Association. _____ -FOR TRUSTEES. — — — i o o • o o o o H m No.. 97 810,000.00 Loan Coiv«vuttee Seattle CLEAiliijifG "house Association • • Sfcttfe,« • •• • •" 1907 TIFIES that th% »* V « «♦* has deposited with this Committee securities in accordance with the proceedings of a meeting of the Association held November 4, 1907, upon which this certificate is issued. This Certificate -will he received in payment of balances at the Clearing House for the sum of— TEN THOUSAND- -Dollars from any member of the ClfcGing H#use Assdfti*mn. On the surrender of this certificateJ>y the — depositing bank above named, tbe committee will endorse the amount as a payment on the obligation of said bank held by them, and surrender a proportionate share of the collat- eral securities held therefor. £ $10,000.00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Clearing House Loan Certificates Savannah, Ga. Clearing House checks issued in Savannah were stated on their face to be payable on or before March 1st, 1908, about four months from the date of issue. Seattle, Wash. As indicative of the character of the business of Seattle, it was especially mentioned in the set of resolutions passed by the Association authorizing the issue of certificates and checks, that on drafts fully secured by lumber, wheat and canned fish, the Committee would issue checks to the ex- tent of 75% of the face value of the collateral. The banks in that city had large balances in Chicago and New York, upon which, on account of the clogging of Inland Exchange of which I have already spoken, they were unable to secure cash. They, therefore, gave their checks against these balances to the Committee, and when they had been collected and placed to the credit of the Commit- tee, said Committee issued checks against such collections to the full amount of the same. [Page 21] Clearing House Loan Certificates Sioux City, Iowa Issued only Clearing House certificates which were due ninety days from their date, October 28th, 1907, and all were retired before maturity. South Bend, Ind. A specimen is shown herewith of the South Bend Asso- ciation check, which differs from other checks of the same character only in that it is payable to " Any Associated Bank, or Bearer." [Page 22] tt,846 \^Sioux City Clearing House Association Certificate $».ooaoo ^^-^^T^y SIOUX CITY, IOWA I CbiS Certifies, That the-i^anlcFSoflaposing- the Sioux City Cleai ing House Association have deposited with the Loan Committee of said Clearing: House Association secoritits to the value of Twelve Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($1,250.00), to secure to the bearer hereof the payment of the sunt- of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) in lawful money of the United States, payable on or before ninety"Says from date."" ■ This certificate is issued in accordance with the proceedings of a meeting; of said Association held on the 28th day of October, {907, and will be received on deposit, or Dated October 28, 1907. sit, or inpayment of debts due any bank in saidj Clearing- House Association. • • •_* • • •* • • • • .V- •#• • • THIS tHECHIS PAYABlt I)«IV THHOLOH SOUTH BIND CIEARIN6 HOI SI AND MCST BE COLLECTED THROUGH A BANK. NO A South Bend, Indiana, \;j(. >y .0 1001 vis fob r ONE l|^t«_ ANY ASSOCIATEC ,,i„, w $ tfiy# 4mjx?M& - - JHIS CHECK ISP ITIES DEPOSITED WITH IE SOUTH BEND CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIATION. Spokane Clearing* HGofise Association Check The Spokane* Clearing Hou«4 \Moctatiou will pay to the bearer hereof on demand • •••• • •• •• • • • • •• • • • • FIVE: DOLIiAttg /'. 1 5u *"^ ***!* '■ &-*■ *"* ,-.■*, TaOOMA-. ( LHAKIXJ* IIOlISEtCEKTIFHuVI K 4$> &£\:\ t^T'Lr*. /s^,,,,,://",/,',,'//,,,,. l,,'? / */3'#7. ' TWO DOLLARS TOR THE COMMITTEE DOLLARS Clearing House Loan Certificates Spokane., Wash. By resolution, $2,200,000 of these checks were issued, at Spokane, and they were distributed among the various Clearing House banks in proportion to their deposits. Tacoma, Wash. The Clearing House check here shown, one issued in Tacoma, contains no special features, but on its reverse side is the regular endorsement of the First National Bank, of Pasco, Wash., indicating that it had wandered away from Tacoma. There is no doubt that much of the temporary currency issued by the larger Clearing Houses of the West served as money for the time being in the smaller surrounding cities. [Page 23] Clearing House Loan Certificates Topeka, Kan. The Banks of Topeka agreed to put up $25,000 each in approved commercial paper, against which scrip to the extent of 75% of the collateral deposited should be issued. Only a total of $42,000 was put out, however, and this was all retired by January 1st, 1908, having been in circulation only about two months. It will be seen that this check, according to the statement on its face, was payable in ex- change, which meant that it would be paid with a check on some other city. Wichita, Kan. Neither the Loan Certificates nor the Clearing House checks issued at Wichita contained any unusual features, and I show them merely in passing. Wheeling, W. Va. The certificates used at Wheeling, West Virginia (al- though no specimen is shown), bore no interest, but in lieu thereof were returned through the Clearing House on the day after receipt, with an exchange charge of ten cents each, added. [Page 24] 1000 MEMBERS: FOURTH NATIONAL BANK V* KANSAS NATIONAL BANK C£ NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE < NATIONAL BANK OF WICHITA AMERICAN STATE BANK o No - Q Q Z < in O o X H $5,000.00 CLEARING HOUSE COMMITTEE WrCHlTA CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIATION Wichita, Kansas, 1 907 SIfta (fortifies. That the - _ - has deposited with this committee securities in accordance with the proceedings of a meeting of the Association held October 28th, 1907, upon which this certificate is issued. This certificate will be received in payment of balances at the Clearing House for the sum of $5,000.00 from any member of the Clearing House Association, or from any bank clearing through such member of this named, the comm the obligal $5,000.00 Clearing House Loan Certificates As stated, during the two or three days remaining in October, 1907, after the New York Clearing House As- sociation had taken action, the Clearing Houses of the country, with practical unanimity, met and made provi- sion at least for the issue of some form of instrument that would aid in relieving the existing conditions. A few clearing houses, prominent among which was the Associa- tion at Washington, D. C, found no occasion for action at all but quite generally provision was made so that in case of necessity there would be no delay in getting the machinery started and in a very large majority of cases, the situation was sufficiently trying to cause the immediate use of such Certificates. These instruments bore rates of^ interest varying from five per cent, to ten per cent., and in one instance, twelve per cent., and were issued for from fifty to eighty per cent, of the collateral deposited to secure them. It is practically impossible to estimate the amount of these Certificates outstanding at any one time. Suffice it to say that in excess of two hundred and fifty millions of ^ them, in the aggregate, were issued during the panic by the various clearing houses of the country. In addition thereto some of the railroads and a few of the larger in- dustrial corporations issued checks of various denomina- tions, which were used in making payment of wages to their employees during the period of extreme stringency, which checks passed current for the time being. Taken as a whole, these instruments served well the purpose for which they were issued, and once again the utility of them as an emergency measure was demonstrated in a practical way, and on a scale the magnitude of which had never before been approached. Clearing House Loan Certificates create an elasticity in the assets of banks. In times of financial stress what the banks require are assets that are readily convertible into cash, and which will pay depositors as well as afford a basis for the creation of new loans. At such times banks need expansion in the right direction and not contraction. In an address which I delivered at Columbia University, [Page 25] Clearing House Loan Certificates in December, 1907, in the midst of the panic, I stated I believed that in the adaptation of the Clearing House Loan Certificate we had a solution of the currency prob- lem in this country, and the more study I have given to the subject the more I am convinced of the soundness of my contention. We do not need more fixed currency in this country, but we need flexibility in what we have to meet emergencies such as arose in 1907. Any currency issued in such an emergency should be promptly retired as soon as its usefulness has ceased. In times of panic or extremely tight money the banks need something that will enable them to convert their fixed assets into liquid assets, without calling upon borrowers for payment of their loans, and with these new liquid assets furnish further credit to their customers. In such times the demands of occasional as well as all other borrowers upon the banks are very large. It is really the purpose of Clearing House Loan Certificates to allow the banks to take to the Clearing House their fixed assets and convert them into a medium of exchange between themselves, thus allowing the extension of further credit, which credit is utilized by their depositors through the Clearing House. Add to this function one more and we shall have all that is needed to meet any emergency that may arise, viz: A currency to take the place of that which is hoarded. The hoarding of money always accompanies panics. This feature was especially noticeable during the late panic, because the use of such a large volume of Clearing House Loan Certificates between the banks in settlement of bal- ances served to drive currency out of circulation among the banks. Panic always produces fright, not only among the pub- lic at large but also among the banks themselves, and if at such a time we could have a safe currency which would fill in the gap temporarily and thus allay that fear, we should have solved the problem, as far as the banks are concerned. The reserve balances of the country banks are, as a rule, kept in the large money centres, and upon these centres [Page 26] I J Clearing House Loan Certificates the out-of-town institutions depend for their excess re- quirements of currency. Besides the withdrawals from the money centres by the country banks, there is the hoard- ing of currency by the public, to which I have already alluded, which currency would ordinarily flow back and forth in the banks. This is especially the case as soon as the slight premium on currency which generally accom- panies panicky conditions makes its appearance. This situation necessitates heavier withdrawals from the banks for pay rolls, and the conditions thus created are a serious menace to all the banking institutions of the country. If we could evolve a plan that would come quickly to the aid of such a situation, a great service would be rendered. I have made a careful study of the currency payments of one large institution in this City, from October 26th, 1907, to January 4th, 1908, which was the acute period of the panic. During these seventy days, this institution paid out $15,863,000 of currency. By currency I mean gold coin, silver and gold certificates, etc., etc. Of this amount, $5,113,000 was shipped out of town to its correspondents, and $10,750,000 was paid out over the counter. Of this latter amount $6,360,000 was for pay rolls, and the bal- ance, $4,390,000 represented payments to Trust Com- panies, Savings Banks and the miscellaneous customers of the institution. I cite this as an illustration of the mag- nitude of the calls that are made upon the banks during times of panics, and the absolute necessity for some method of converting the fixed assets of our institutions into liquid assets. In order to provide for this emergency currency which is so greatly needed at times, I would have the Clearing House in each of the Sub-Treasury cities, viz: Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis and San Francisco, incorporated, recognized by law and prepared to do business with the United States Government. I would have a United States Emergency Currency printed in large quantities and held under adequate safeguards at each of these Sub- Treasuries. I would permit the Treasurer of the United [Page 27] Clearing House Loan Certificates States, upon proper application, to receive Clearing House Loan Certificates of the Associated Banks in any of these cities, as collateral security, and advance 50% of the amount of such certificates deposited, in Emer- gency Circulation, to such Association. Such circulation should bear 6%, so that it would be retired at once when no longer required. This circulation would thus cost the banks 12%, as they would be obliged to pay 6% on the full face value of the Loan Certifi- cates deposited with the Sub-Treasuries as collateral for the issuance of this kind of currency. The Clear- ing Houses in these Sub-Treasury cities could make rules and regulations for apportioning this currency among their members. I would have this United States Emergency Currency retired by the deposit of lawful money with the Treasurer of the United States, just as National Bank circulation is now retired. Experience has shown that this can be readily done, because after every panic through which this country has passed, there has been a great reaction and money has become extremely easy. There would, therefore, be no difficulty in the banks securing the funds necessary to redeem this currency. It may be said that by confining the issue of Emergency Currency to Sub-Treasury cities, we would be legislating in favor of certain sections of the country, but I am sure that the banks in these sections would be better able to care for the needs of the country at large, than if we had one central bank in one city which would issue currency to its depositing banks throughout the country. In this list of Sub-Treasury cities are included the three Central Reserve cities of the United States, viz: New York, Chicago and St. Louis. Of the two hundred and fifty million dollars of various instruments designed to temporarily take the place of cash, which I previously stated were issued during the panic of 1907, these three cities issued $157,265,000, or more than 60% of the entire amount, while the amount issued by the nine Sub-Treas- ury cities was $206,254,000, or more than 80% of the total of these instruments put out, which shows conclusively [Page 28] Clearing House Loan Certificates that if these cities were given the privilege referred to, the whole country would share in the benefits of the issues. You can have no better collateral for a currency such as I have suggested than Clearing House Loan Certificates, issued under proper safeguards and carrying, as they do, the joint guarantee against loss of all the members of the Clearing House issuing the same. Of course, I am aware that this would mean a change in our laws, and the injecting into our currency of another kind of money, but it would be secure beyond peradventure, its retirement would be provided for promptly, and when outstanding in the hands of the public would be covered by ample col- lateral or by lawful money of the United States deposited against its retirement. I venture the prediction that the people of this country will never permit its circulating medium to be monopolized by one institution, no matter how good it may be, but they will always demand a circu- lating medium issued by the Government, or under care- ful governmental supervision and approval. This being the case, why not adapt ourselves to our present condi- tions, rather than endeavor to force upon the country a new set of laws, injecting into our banking system some- thing entirely foreign to us. This United States Emergency Currency which I have mentioned must be issued by the United States Govern- ment to be of service to the whole country. In consider- ing this feature, we must remember that up to date the National Banks have had a monopoly of the note issuing power, and some provision should be made in times of stress and panic to take care of all the banking institu- tions of the country. As membership in our Clearing House Associations is not confined exclusively to National Banks, but includes State Banks and Trust Companies, in an Emergency Currency, as outlined by me, these in- stitutions would all be benefited. I would include in the act of incorporation of the Clear- ing Houses in the Sub-Treasury cities a provision that Clearing House Loan Certificates should be issued at such times as in the wisdom of the members of the association [Page 29] Clearing House Loan Certificates they were needed, and thus provide a flexible currency for crop moving periods or other times of monetary tightness. We must always bear in mind that an Emergency Cur- rency of any kind, in order to be effective, must be quickly retired and cancelled, and must not be permitted to remain outstanding to cause the further inflation of our already too much inflated currency. By providing for its retire- ment by the deposit of lawful money another great safe- guard would be thrown around it. You will remember that during the last panic, the mer- cantile interests of this country stood like a rock, and there were very few failures. Of the collateral held against Clearing House Loan Certificates issued in this City dur- ing that period, including substitutions, the total of which was $453,000,000, $330,000,000, or 72.92% consisted of Commercial Paper, and $123,000,000 or 27.08% was made up of stocks, bonds and short time railroad and other simi- lar notes. This being the case, an Emergency Currency of the character I have mentioned would certainly seem to meet the requirements of the mercantile community. In practical operation the scheme would work some- thing like this: A merchant would borrow from his bank, say, $200,000 on his single name paper. The bank would give him credit on its books for that amount, less the dis- count, upon which he would be at liberty to draw through the Clearing House. His bank could take this paper to the Clearing House and receive therefor Clearing House Loan Certificates to the amount of $150,000, the New York Clearing House, for instance, requiring a margin of 33^% on its certificates. Upon notification by the mer- chant that he would need money for his pay rolls, his bank could provide for his wants in this respect by requesting the Clearing House Association to deposit the $150,000 of certificates with the Sub-Treasury and receive therefor $75,000 in Emergency Currency, which in turn could be handed to the merchant for his use. This same method could be pursued with all borrowers who needed assistance whether merchants or bankers. In times of very active money, and in panicky periods, [Page 30] Clearing House Loan Certifibates both bankers and merchants are willing to pay a higher rate of interest to take care of their obligations, but as soon as the stress and storm are over, and money returns to its customary channels, lawful money could be de- posited with the Sub-Treasury and the Emergency Cur- rency retired. In the meantime the merchant's collections would be made, his paper taken up at maturity, and the currency would thus have served the purpose for which it was created. This would seem to me to provide a safe Emergency Circulation, having behind it, first: the credit of the indi- vidual institution and its collateral, as passed upon by a committee of bank officers, second: the fact that a large margin of collateral is required before the certificates are issued, third: the circumstance that the bank members of associations by which certificates are issued agree among themselves to assume their pro rata share of any losses that may occur through their issuance, which practically means that all the assets of all the bank members of the Clearing House Association are pledged to the payment of the certificates it issues, fourth: the fact that the Gov- ernment is asked to advance only 50% of the face value of these certificates, and fifth: the certainty of the prompt retirement of the Emergency Currency with lawful money of the United States. [Page 31] NTA THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. MAR 24 1933 APR 11 1933 APR 22 1 938 ocr 9 1B40 M GAYLORD BROS. MAKERS SYRACUSE, - N.Y, PAT. JAN. 21, I8O8 t