UC-NRLF b? Sfil UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ANDREW SMITH HALLIDIL: 19O1 RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE Board of President and Directors AND REGULATIONS OF THE ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. REVISED BY COMMITTEE ON RULES. ORDERED PRINTED APRIL 14, 1885. ST. LOUIS: NIXON-JONES PRINTING CO. 1885. c ' RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE BOARD OF PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. RULE 1. All general elections for directors of the St. Louis Public Schools shall be held in the respective wards on the fourth Tuesday in October in each year, and at such place or places as the Board may direct. RULE 2. Said elections shall be conducted by two judges and one clerk for each poll at which said elections are to be held, to be appointed by the Board, and sworn to dis- charge faithfully their duty, by some one qualified to administer an oath. The certificates of the judges of the election, signed by them and attested by the clerk, show- ing the full return of all votes polled at such election, and for whom given, shall constitute the credentials of the person having the largest number of votes so returned, and shall entitle him to his seat, as hereinafter provided ; the Board reserving the right to declare null and void the election of any director when it shall deem the same illegal. (3) 4 RULES AND REGULATIONS RULE 3. It shall be the duty of the secretary, in all elections, to furnish to the judges and clerk, at each of the respective polls, a printed form of certificates of return, a box for holding the ballots, and a book with the names of the registered voters; and upon receiving the returns of elections, to preserve the same until the next session of the Board thereafter, and deliver them, sealed, to the presi- dent. Whenever any vacanc}^ shall occur, he shall notify the Board at its first session thereafter, who shall thereupon order a special election to be held, and notice thereof to be published in two or more of the leading newspapers of the city for at least one week prior to the day on which such election is to be held: Provided, always, that no special election shall be held if such vacancy occur within ninety days prior to the regular election for school director in the ward in which such vacancy shall exist. RULE 4. It shall be the duty of the judges and clerk to fill said form of certificates of returns with the names of the candidates, and the number of votes each received ; the votes shall be recorded in the book furnished, and num- bered a corresponding number being set opposite the name of each voter, in the same manner as prescribed by the present law regulating elections in St. Louis City. They shall sign and seal the same, and deliver them to the secretary; for which service each judge and clerk shall receive such compensation as the Board may determine. RULE 5. The returns being delivered to the president, as hereinbefore provided, he shall open and read them to the Board, and shall ask of each person elected the following questions, which must be answered, under oath, in the affirmative : First. Are you a citizen of the United States, and twenty-one years of age? Second. Have you paid a city tax? Third. Have you resided in the ward from which you were elected, for six months next preceding your election? ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. And the following which must be answered in the nega- tive, in like manner : First. Are yon a member of the Board of Municipal Assembly, or do you hold any office under the city of St. Louis, to which you were either elected or appointed? .Second. Are you, directly or indirectly, indebted to the Board of President and Directors of the St. Louis Public Schools? Third. Are you, directly or indirectly, interested in any real property which is leased of the Public Schools, or that is claimed by them? Fourth. Are you directly or indirectly, interested in any claim held adverse to the title of the Public Schools to any of the lands allotted to them or set apart for their use, or to any property which is claimed by them? All of which questions being answered, the president shall submit the following proposition to a vote of the Board, to wit: Has the member elect satisfactorily an- swered the questions propounded? which proposition being decided in the affirmative, the person so answering shall take the following oath, and be deemed and declared duly elected and qualified as director, and shall take his seat as a member of the Board : STATE OF MISSOURI. \_ CITY OF ST. Louis. f I solemnly swear [or affirm] that I will support the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Missouri, and the rules and regulations of the Board of President and Directors of the St. Louis Public Schools, and that I will faithfully demean myself in office as school director, to the best of my knowledge and ability, so help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of , 18.. [SEAL.] CONTESTED ELECTIONS. RULE 6. If any party who has been an opposing candi- date, shall desire to contest the election of any director be- 6 RULES AND REGULATIONS fore the Board, he may do so in the manner herein provided, and not otherwise : The party contesting shall give to the opposite party a notice, in writing, of his intention to contest, at least fifteen days before the regular session of the Board next succeed- ing the session at which such party has been qualified, and file at the same time a copy of such notice with the secre- tary of the Board. The notice so given shall specify in detail the grounds on which the contestant relies, and the names of all voters ob- jected to, with the objections. If the disqualification of the contestee is charged, it shall distinctly state wherein such disqualification consists. If the party qualified shall desire to contest any votes given for the contesting party, he shall give to him a notice in writing, within ten days after he is served with notice, specifying such votes, and shall at the same time file a copy of such notice with the secretary of the .Board. As soon as the notice of contest is laid before the Board, the president shall refer the same, without debate, to a com- mittee of seven, whose duty it shall be, in conjunction with the attorney, to examine into the matter, and to report at the next regular session of the Board. Either party may, on due notice to the other party, take depositions as in civil cases, to be read before the com- mittee, and the committee may summon and examine wit- nesses, under oath, at the instance of either party; but no testimony, whether by depositions or oral, shall be re- ceived by the committee unless it be on a subject specified in the notice of contest, or in the notice given by the party qualified. If the Board should, upon the report of the committee, decide that any member whose seat is contested is not duly qualified as a member of the Board, or that the irregularities at the election were such as to render it invalid, it shnli be the duty of the president to order a new election, which ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 7 shall take place within three weeks from and after such vote of the Board. OFFICERS OF THE BOAKD. RULE 7. The Board shall at the first regular session in No- vember, or as soon thereafter as maybe, in each year, elect a President and Vice-President from their own number, and at the first regular session in May, 1882, or as soon there- after as may be, and every third year thereafter, the Board shall elect a Superintendent, Secretary and Treasurer, each of whom shall hold his office for three years and until his successor shall be duly elected and qualified, and the same person may be elected to the office of Secretary and Treasurer; and at the first regular session in May, 1882, or as soon thereafter as may be, the Board shall elect a Bailiff and Attorney, each of whom shall hold his office until the second Tuesday in May, 1884; and at the first regular ses- sion in May, 1884, or as soon thereafter as may be, and every third year thereafter, the Board shall elect said offi- cers for three years, and until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified ; and at the first regular session in May, 1882, or as soon thereafter as may be, the Board shall elect an Architect, who shall hold his office until the second Tues- day of January, 1883; and at the first regular session in January, 1883, or as soon thereafter as may be, and every third year thereafter, the Board shall elect an Architect and Superintendent of Buildings and Repairs, who shall devote his time exclusively to the duties of his office, and who shall hold his office for three years, and until his successor shall be duly elected and qualified. Provided, that any one of the officers of the Board may be removed for cause, at any session, by a majority of all the members elect of the Board; and provided further , that the election of all of said officers shall be by viva voce, and a majority of the votes cast shnll be necessary to elect, and no election of officers shall be held, except at a regular session, or an adjourned session held for that purpose. RULES AND REGULATIONS PRESIDENT. KULE 8. 1. It shall be the duty of the President to pre- side at all sessions of the Board, preserve order, enforce the rules; sign all bonds, notes, agreements, deeds, or leases, ordered to be executed by the Board; sign all war- rants drawn on the Treasurer, or on the depository of the funds of the Board; appoint all standing cornmitees, and all special committees when not otherwise provided for. The President shall also be custodian of the official bonds of the officers, which shall be recorded in the re- cords of the corporation, and kept at such place as the Board may designate. 2. It shall be the duty of the President once every year to appoint a committee of three, one of whom shall be a member of the Board, and the two others good accountants and citizens of the city, whose duty it shall be to examine the receipts and expenditures, vouch- ers, books and accounts of the Secretary and Treasurer, and report the condition of the same to the Board, giving the receipts and expenditures on account of each fund separately. They shall also examine the books and accounts of the Bailiff and Supply Agent, and report to the Board their condition, and the cash received and paid into the treasury by each ; and the Board shall appropriate annually, to pay for such services performed, a sum not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars. VICE-PRESIDENT. RULE 9. In case of the resignation, absence, or other cause of disability of the President, the Vice- President shall do and perform all the duties of the President. In case of absence or disability of both the president and Vice-President, a president pro tern, shall do and perform all the duties of the President. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. SECRETAKY. RULE 10. It shall be the duty of the Secretary (in addi- tion to the duties defined in Rule 3) to record the pro- ceedings of the Board in a book kept for that purpose, and to index the same. This index shall contain, among its captions, also the following headings :- 1. Resolutions, giving current number, object, date, and page of record. '2. Reports, with separate headings for each standing committee and each officer ; and one heading for special committees jointly; giving current number, object, date, and page of record. 3. Rules, giving current number, object, date, and page of record . 4. Contracts, giving current number, subject, date, and page of record. RULE 11. The Secretary shall attest all public acts of the President, affix thereto, when necessary, the seal of the corporation, and prepare notices to be served on the mem- bers, in due time, of all regular and special sessions of the Board and the committees thereof. RULE 12. He shall present to the chairman of each com- mittee, and each officer, a written statement of the busi- ness, and all applications, resolutions, and propositions referred to the same, with such books, plats and docu- ments in possession of the Board as the respective com- mittees may from time to time direct. RULE 13. He shall take into his possession all deeds, books, letters and other papers belonging to the corporation, and keep the same in good order, subject at all times to the order of the Board, or the examination of any member thereof, and shall lay before the Board, at each meeting, all letters or other documents left with or directed to him for that purpose. He shall keep the books and accounts of the Public Schools in the manner designated by the Board. 10 RULES AND REGULATIONS All valuable papers shall be passed from officer to officer, upon receipts prepared and registered by the Secretary. RULE 14. He shall make out all accounts for moneys due this corporation, and deliver and charge the same to the Bailiff, and furnish to the Board, at each regular session, a statement of receipts and expenditures. He shall deposit daily, in the bank designated by the Board as the repository of its funds, all moneys collected or received by him for the Board. He shall, at the end of each fiscal year, make out a report of the financial condition of the Board, together with a statement of the lands in its possession, whether held in fee simple or under lease ; how disposed of, either by leasing or for school-house sites; the quantity of land un- leased, and where located. The Secretary shall coverall moneys lying unclaimed for more than six months preceding, into the general fund, upon the first days of August and February of each year. EULE 15. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to possess himself of the necessary knowledge in relation to the real estate owned by this Board, as to its location, condition, and value; and he shall possess himself of such other in- formation as shall be useful to the Board, or to any person having business with the corporation. He shall keep the plats of all the real estate of the Public Schools, represent- ing upon these plats the actual condition of the real estate. He shall also keep a complete register of such real estate, in book form, giving the full description and designation of all lots and parcels of land, with the date and amount of the last valuation placed upon the same, stating the names of lessees where property is leased, or of schools and build- ings where so occupied. RULE 16. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to provide a suitable stamp, and to stamp upon all vouchers which shall have been approved by the Board the fact and date of such approval. The rent-roll shall show date and amount paid. RULE 17. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to give ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 11 the necessary information to all parties desirous of pur- chasing or leasing lots; and he shall negotiate with such parties according to the instructions of the Committee on Lands and Leasing, and report to the committee the result of his negotiations. He shall keep a complete lease-record, posted up to date, and shall report every month to the Lands and Leasing Committee what leases, if any, have expired . RULE 18. The Secretary shall be authorized to appoint, subject to the approval of the Board, a clerk to assist him in the discharge of his duties during his period of office, at such compensation as may be fixed by the Board. RULE 19. The Secretary shall devote himself exclusively to the business of his office. RULE 20. He shall give bond, in the sum of fifty thou- sand dollars, for the faithful discharge of his duties, with such security as shall be approved by the Board ; and if the same person shall be elected Secretary and Treasurer, the bond shall be so drawn as to secure the faithful dis- charge of his duties as Treasurer as well as Secretary. TREASURER. RULE 21. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and keep the money and money obligations of this corpor- ation, and to draw out the money deposited in the desig- nated depository of the Board, on checks signed by the President and countersigned by the Treasurer. RULE 22. He shall keep a correct and comprehensive account of all moneys received and disbursed, in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, subject to the inspection of any member of the Board. He shall render a state- ment to the Board monthly, and oftener if required. RULE 23. He shall give bond, in the sum of five hun- dred thousand dollars, for the faithful performance of his duties, with such security as shall be approved by the Board: Provided, that in case the same person shall be 12 RULES AND REGULATIONS elected Treasurer and Secretary, no additional bond shall be required of him as Treasurer. ATTORNEY. RULE 24. It shall be the duty of the Attorney to take charge of the legal business of the Board in all the courts of the State and of the United States (his expenses and extra compensation being allowed by the Board when he is required to go out of the city of St. Louis), and to make a report to the Board semi-annually, on the second Tues- day of March and September, of the state of their business in the courts ; and he shall enumerate in such report all undecided claims of the Board, and also report the disposal of such as had been acted upon during the last half-year. He shall attend the sessions of the Board, and give his written opinion on all legal questions referred to him by the Board, or by standing committees; draw all legal in- struments, leases, and other conveyances of the Board, and pay all moneys collected by him for the Board to the Secretary of the Board. RULE 25. He shall give bond, in the sum of ten thou- sand dollars, for the faithful discharge of his duties, with such security us shall be approved by the Board. SUPERINTENDENT. RULE 26. The Superintendent shall devote himself ex- clusively to the duties of his office, and shall immediately after his election or re-election nominate to the Teacher's Committee a head clerk and two assistant clerks for his office whose nomination the committee shall be required to report to the Board for confirmation or otherwise. The compensation of the clerks shall be fixed by the Board. RULE 27. He shall exercise a general supervision over the Public Schools of the city, and to this end shall visit each school at least once in every six months, examine into ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 13 their condition and progress, and see that all the rules prescribed for their government are faithfully observed. RULE 28. He shall inform himself regarding the progress of instruction and discipline in schools in other places, and from time to time suggest appropriate means for the ad- vancement of the Public Schools in this city. RULE 29. He shall report, in writing at the end of every quarter, or whenever required by the Board, giving a de- tailed statement of the condition and prospects of the Schools, and recommending such measures for their im- provement as he may deem advisable. Such report shall give the list of Schools, and for each School the average number of pupils belonging, the number of pupils per English teacher, the number of suspensions, and the number of cases of corporal punishment. In the month of November the superintendent shall|report an estimate of the probable increase of pupils for whom seats will need to be provided before the month of September of the ensuing year, specifying, as nearly as may be, the localities in which the school accommodations are inadequate to the wants of the community. He shall make his annual report on or before the first meeting in November following the close of the scholastic year. RULE 30. In the event of the building or altering of school houses, he shall communicate to the Board such information on the subject as he may possess, and shall suggest such plans for the same as he may consider most economical, and best for the health and convenience of the pupils arid teachers. RULE 31. He shall make investigations as to the condition and number of children in the city who are not receiving the benefits of education, and shall endeavor to ascertain the reasons, and suggest the remedies. RULE 32. He shall attend all sessions of the Board, and, when requested, those of the standing committees. RULE 33. He, or one of his assistants, shall be present at the office of the Board every day between the hours of 14 RULES AND REGULATIONS four and five o'clock, p. M., to attend to such office business as pertains to his department, provided, however, that he shall be present himself at the above mentioned time on three days of the week. RULE 34. He shall prepare the forms for the necessary school registers, books of record, and blanks for the use of teachers. RULE 35. He shall supervise and certify to the semi- quarterly pay-rolls of the teachers, as returned by the prin- cipals of the several schools. RULE 36. The Assistant Superintendents shall aid the Superintendent in performing the work devolving upon him by the rules and regulations of the Board; and they shall, further, occupy their whole time, during the sessions of the schools, in visiting the various departments of the same, except when required by the Superintendent to assist him in the performance of other duties. They shall, fur- ther, report to the Superintendent weekly, or oftener, giving the details of their observations in the schools, and recommending such measures as they deem conducive to the interests of the same. BAILIFF. RULE 37. It shall be the duty of the Bailiff to take charge of and protect the real estate held by the Board from any trespass, wrong, or injury; to prevent any person from taking possession of said real estate without permission of the Board ; to inform the Board, from time to time, when anv person shall be in the adverse possession of any of said real estate, and order such person away from the same. RULE 38. He shall exercise a general supervision over the tenants of the Board, collect all bills placed in his hands by the Secretary, and report the names of all delin- quents to the Leasing Committee, and shall continue to re- port the same until all delinquents have paid up, or are released by the Board, or otherwise disposed of. All rents ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 15 and other moneys collected or received by said Bailiff shall be paid to the Secretary of the Board daily. The Bailiff shall balance accounts with the Secretary on the first day of each month, and file with him a list of rent- bills paid during the month previous. EULE 39. The Bailiff shall act as the clerk of the Audit- ing Committee; shall attend its sessions, and perform all duties designated by that committee. He shall receive and register, for the inspection and ex- amination of the Auditing Committee, all accounts and bills presented against the Board; and in the register of bills, he shall, for each bill, refer to the proper record, authority, or rule, upon which such bill is based, giving, in every in- stance, date, page, and time of record, or page and number of rules, The Bailiff shall also act as sergeant-at-arms at the ses- sions of the Board. It shall be the duty of the Bailiff to examine, from time to time, the condition of all property owned by or mort- gaged to the Board, and see that all taxes are paid thereon when due, and that the interests of the Board are fully pro- tected therein. He shall also investigate all sources of revenue of the Board, and report thereon from time to time. He shall report to the January meeting of the Board all property on which taxes are delinquent. RULE 40. He shall attend to any other business or order of the Board which is not required to be attended to by any other officer thereof, except as herein otherwise pro- vided. RULE 41. He shall be present at the office of the Board every day, from eleven o'clock A. M. to one o'clock p. M. RULE 42. No act, contract, transaction, or proceeding of said Bailiff, except his receipt for rent, shall bind the Board, or injure or prejudice any right, title, or interest of, in, or to any property held by the Board. RULE 43. Said Bailiff shall give bond, payable to this 16 RULES AND REGULATIONS corporation, with such security as shall be approved by the Board, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned that he will deliver to and pay over to this corporation, and account for all money, books, papers, maps, evidences of debt, and other property and effects of this Board that may come into his possession or control, and that he will in all things faithfully discharge his duties as such bailiff. ARCHITECT. RULE 44. 1. It shall be the duty of the Architect to draft all necessary plans, specifications, contracts, etc., that may be required for the execution of all new buildings, repairs, and improvements that may be decided upon by the Board or the Building Committee. 2. He shall take charge of the execution of all such work connected with the schools and school property, and superintend it, from its inception to its final completion. 3. He shall submit to the committee all estimates of costs for all work that may be ordered, and also prepare all accounts for the approval of the Building Committee. 4. He shall act as Secretary of the Building Committee, and shall keep a faithful and accurate account of all the proceedings of the committee, and a record of all accounts of repairs, expenses, etc., for the information of the Build- ing Committee, and for the purposes of reports, etc. 5. He shall be allowed such assistance for drafting, local superintendence, and clerical duties, as in the judg- ment of the Building Committee is deemed necessary. 6. He shall have general charge and supervision over all school buildings and premises, the yards, outhouses, etc., and also of the furniture, heating apparatus, etc. 7. He shall have supervision of all school property yielding revenue, that may require repairs. 8. He shall report all repairs of schools or school prop erty to the Building Committee, and execute the work as ordered by the Building Committee. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 17 9. He shall have general supervision over janitors, see- ing that their duties are properly attended to. 10. He shall keep such record of their work as may be useful for the information of the Building Committee. 11. He shall keep office hours at the Polytechnic office, from 4: SO o'clock to 6 p. M. 12. He shall report to the Board at each regular meeting all expenditures, on account of repairs, incurred during the month. 13. He shall turn over at the termination of his office the superintendence of all buildings and improvements then in process of erection or construction, to his successor in office, and shall deliver all duplicate plans, specifications and contracts to the chairman of the Building Committee without delay. 14. It shall be the duty of the Architect to prepare vouchers for all bills for repairs and work done, and for all articles and material furnished, authorized by himself or the Building Committee, if he shall find them correct, and if approved by the Building Committee, and the Auditing Committee, and ordered paid by the Board, they shall be pre- sented to the Secretary for payment, and when paid the Sec- tary shall take a receipt on the vouchers from the parties in whose favor the bills may be allowed ; and the vouchers, bills, and receipts shall remain on file in the Secretary's office ; and the Architect shall make, or cause to be made, duplicates of all such bills and vouchers, and file the same in his office, subject to be referred to by the Building Com- mittee, or any member of the Board. 15. He shall be present at all meetings of the Auditing Committee held for the purpose of auditing bills, and shall give such information relating to the same as may be required by said committee. RULE 45. For the faithful performance of his duties, as above specified, he shall give bond in the sum of ten thou- sand dollars, with securities approved by the Board. 18 RULES AND REGULATIONS COMMITTEES AND THEIR DUTIES. RULE 46. The President shall appoint, at the regular session in November, or as soon thereafter as may be, the following standing committees, of each of which be shall be a member ex officio^ viz. : 1. Auditing Committee, consisting of three members. 2. Teachers Committee, consisting of seven members. 3. Committee on Lands and Leasing, consisting of seven members. 4. Committee on Supplies, consisting of seven members. 5. Committee on Course of Study, consisting of seven members. 6. Building Committee, consisting of seven members. 7. Committee on Ways and Means, consisting of seven members. 8. Committee on Salaries, consisting of five members. 9. Library Committee, consisting of seven members. 10. Committee on Eules, consisting of five members. EULE 47. The Teachers Committee, Committee on Lands and Leasing, Committee on Supplies, and Building Com- mittee, shall consist of one member from each district, the districts to be composed as follows: The Eleventh, Twenty- second, Twenty-fourth, and Twenty-fifth Wards shall constitute the First District ; the Ninth, Twenty-first, Twenty- sixth and Twenty-seventh Wards, the Second District; the Fifth, Seventh, Thirteenth, and Nineteenth Wards, the Third District ; the First, Third, Fifteenth, and Seven- teenth Wards, the Fourth District ; the Second, Tenth, Eighteenth, and Twenty-eighth Wards, the Fifth District; the Fourth, Twelfth, Fourteenth, and Twentieth Wards, the Sixth District ; and the Sixth, Eighth, Sixteenth, and Twenty-third Wards, the Seventh District. Four members of any one of said committees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Library Committee shall ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 19 consist of seven members of the Board, besides the Presi- dent and Vice-President, and the same shall be ex officio members of the Board of Managers of the Public Library. RULE 48. Every standing committee of the Board shall keep a record of its proceedings, which shall be kept at the office of the Board, subject to the inspection of all members. All committees shall cause the reports of their actions taken , before the Friday last preceding the regular meeting of the Board, to be printed, and copies of the same to be mailed to all members of the Board on or before the Saturday last preceding such regular meeting; provided, however, that any committee may meet after the Thursday last preceding a regular meeting and report their action to the Board, without having previously sent printed copies of the report of the actions of such meetings to the members. No report purporting to be the regular action of the committee shall be presented to the Board, unless acted upon and signed by a majority of the committee. It shall be the privilege of every member of this Board to be present at any and all committee meetings; and, for this purpose, members of this Board may require the usual notification of the secre- retary ; but at the committee meetings, only the members of the committee shall be entitled to vote ; nor shall any other person speak in the committee to any question, unless in- vited for that specific purpose by a unanimous vote of the committee. Meetings of all committees (except the Teachers Committee) shall be public; provided, that any committee may go into executive session ; and provided, further, that by a unanimous vote of the Teachers Commit- tee, persons other than members of the Board may be ad- mitted to the sessions of that committee. Members who fail to attend three consecutive meetings of any committee, shall lose their membership in such committee, unless they have been prevented from attending by sickness or absence from the city. In such cases the President shall make a new appointment. 20 RULES AND REGULATIONS AUDITING COMMITTEE. RULE 49. It shall be the duty of the Auditing Committee to examine monthly, or oftener if required, every bill or claim presented to the Board for payment ; to examine the Treasurer's and Secretary's books and accounts, and report thereon at the first regular sessions in August, November, February and May, and oftener if required ; and said re- ports shall state in detail the condition of each appropria- tion, to wit : the original appropriation, and the unexpended balance remaining to the credit of the same ; and no claim of any amount for money due from the Board is to be paid or settled until the same has been examined by them and submitted to the Board for its action thereon ; and no offi- cer connected with this Board shall pay any money (or sign any check, warrant or bond in lieu thereof), on any demand, until it has been approved as above stated; but this section shall not extend to contracts expressly made by the Board, nor to salaries, nor to bills amounting to less than one hun- dred dollars, ordered by the Building Committee for re- pairs, nor to bills of ten dollars and under, which are to be paid out of the contingent fund; but all bills paid on ac- count of contracts, salaries, and from the contingent fund, shall be placed monthly before the Auditing Committee, and examined by the same, and reported on at the next reg- ular session of the Board. All certificates of committees on bills originating in contracts shall designate the contract under which they originate, and refer to the. date of record on which the same was approved by the Board. Provided, that no payment on any account (except sums of five dollars or under out of the contingent fund), shall be paid by any officer, until the account or claim has been examined by the bailiff and duly certified by him. RULE 50. 1. All bills which are presented for auditing or payment, to committees or officers of the Board, must be ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 21 attached to a printed blank, which shall contain on the in- side, the date of presentation, name of the party to whom payment is due, designation of merchandise or kind of ser- vice rendered, the amount due, in numbers and words, the certificate of correctness of the proper authority, and a blank receipt, to be filled out and signed upon payment. The outside of each blank shall be appropriately headed as " St. Louis Public School Voucher," with the proper blank place marked for the year, the number of the voucher, the name of the receiver, the amount, and the signature of the chairman of the Auditing Committee. 2. All bills presented for auditing shall be countersigned by the proper committee or authority which gave the order for the same. 3. All bills audited shall be countersigned and marked with the current number by the Auditing Committee, com- mencing each year with No. 1. 4. Separate bills shall be rendered for the furniture, re- pairs, and current expenses for each school. TEACHERS COMMITTEE. RULE 51. The Teachers Committee shall have supervision of the examination of all applicants for situations as teachers, and keep a book of "record for the same for the inspection of of the Board. RULE 52. They shall adopt such rules in regard to the examination of teachers as they may deem proper. RULE 53. They shall, in connection with the superintend- ent, make nominations to fill new situations, whenever they occur, subject to the approval of the Board. RULE 54. They shall have the power to transfer teachers, to suspend them, and to make temporary appointments in case of vacancies occurring; but such action shall be reported to the Board for its final decision. RULE 55. They shall constitute the standing committee on the Normal School, and shall visit the same as often as practicable, note the methods of discipline and instruction, 22 KULES AND REGULATIONS and the progress of the students, and report, at the close of the fourth quarter, the members recommended for gradua- tion. They shall cause the withdrawal from the Normal School of all pupils who do not, after a reasonable trial > manifest such qualities as will render them successful teachers. EULE 56. They shall visit the High School as often as practicable, examine into the discipline and mode of in- struction of each teacher, note the progress made by the several classes, and report to the Board, at the close of the second and fourth quarters, the names of the pupils recom- mended for graduation. RULE 57. They shall, in connection with the Superin- tendent, take charge of the O'Fallon Polytechnic Institute and the Evening Schools, and recommend suitable teachers for the same. They shall visit said Institute and schools as often as practicable, and report to the Board, from time to time, the registration of pupils, the character of attend- ance, and such other information as may furnish the Board with a correct view of the condition and usefulness of the same. RULE 58. The Teachers Committee shall nominate to the Board, at the first regular session in June, 1882, or as soon thereafter as may be, and every third year thereafter, two assistant superintendents, one of whom shall be proficient in the German language. They shall also report the Super- intendent's nominations of a head clerk and two assistant clerks for the Superintendent' s office, at the first regular meet- ing of the Board succeeding the election or re-election of the Superintendent. The head clerk of the Superintendent's office shall act as secretary of the Teachers, Rules and Course of Study Committees, and of all joint committees in which either of the above committees is a party. COMMITTEE ON LANDS AND LEASING. RULE 59. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Lands and Leasing to consider and report on all claims to real ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 23 estate in which the Board is interested, and on such other matters pertaining to hinds and leases as may be referred to said committee. RULE 60. The Committee on Lands and Leasing shall have a general supervision over all the lands belonging to the Board ; and all matters relating to the leasing of prop- erty shall be referred: to them, and it shall be their duty to report thereon as soon as practicable. They shall also ap- point an appraiser whenever necessary. RULE 61. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Lands and Leasing, in the month of March in each year, to cause a valuation to be made of the real estate of the Board held for revenue purposes, and to cause the Bailiff to place a notice on each parcel of unleased land, that the same is offered for sale or lease. COMMITTEE ON SUPPLIES. RULE 62. It shall be the duty of the Committe on Sup- plies to exercise a general supervision over the purchase, distribution, and consumption of supplies used in the schools. . RULE 63. In the month of May, of each year, they shall advertise for one week in one daily morning newspaper of the city, printed in the English language, for bids for the various supplies needed during the next scholastic year, stating in detail the amount and kind of articles required, the time of delivery, and the time when such bids will be opened. Such bids may be called under the name of the article, when the same has an established name in trade, or in conformity with samples selected and open for inspec- tion at the office of the Board, or with accompanying samples, as the Committee on Supplies may determine. Bids shall be made separately for each article, nor shall any combination bid be entertained. All bids shall be opened by the committee when in session, and the awards shall be immediately made, article by article, to the lowest bidder; and be subject to the approval of the Board ; and whenever 24 RULES AND REGULATIONS supplies needed at any other time of the year shall exceed in value three hundred dollars, they shall be procured by the Supply Committee in the above specified manner. In case of failure to receive satisfactory bids, the committee shall continue to advertise, from time to time, until such demands are satisfied. All persons proposing to furnish supplies to the Board, of any kind, at a given price, shall accompany their bid 01 bids with a bond, executed by two or more persons, in such amounts as may be required by the Committee on Supplies, as security for the faithful performance of any contract which shall be awarded to them pursuant to said proposals. Said bond shall be filed with the contract so awarded. Any bidder desiring to bid for the furnishing of supplies and not wishing to give bond, shall accompany his bid with a certified check, payable to the order of the Board, to an amount equal to one-fourth the value of the gross amount of the articles bid for, which check shall be returned to him as soon as the bid is awarded, provided his proposal is rejected; but in case of the awarding of any contract to him, then the check, or as much as will equal one-fourth of the contract awarded, shall be retained in the hands of the Board, as long as the committee deem it necessary, as security for the faithful carrying out of said contract ; and should he fail in so doing, then the check shall be forfeited to the Board as damages. RULE 64. The Supply Committee shall nominate to the Board at the first regular session in June, 1882, or as soon thereafter as may be, and every third year thereafter, a Supply Agent and Supply Clerk who shall hold their office for three years, and until their successors shall be duly appointed and qualified. RULE 65. It shall be their duty to supervise the printing of all reports, forms, blanks, etc,, required by the various departments of the schools under the Board, to secure bids for such work, and to make contracts for the same, under the sanction of the Board. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 25 DUTIES OF SUPPLY AGENT. RULE 66. 1. It shall be the duty of the supply agent to take charge of the supplies and text books, furniture and all other personal property of the Board, and attend to the distribution of the same, under the supervision of the appropriate committee, and shall be secretary of the Com- mittee on Supplies. 2. He shall make all purchases required upon proper requisition, which shall be approved by the committee, and accompany the bill, and be filed with the vouchers cer- tifying to the correctness of the same as to receipt and value. 3. He shall keep two separate and distinct accounts, as follows: 1. Supplies (comprising text-books for indigent pupils, apparatus, and special items), for the general use of the schools. 2. Text-books for sale (including all all text-books, slates, and such other articles as the Com- mittee on Supplies may elect), to be sold for cash to the patrons of the schools, at first cost, with the necessary ex- pense of handling added, and shall daily turn over all moneys received to the Treasurer, taking due receipt therefor. 4. He shall keep an account in detail of the supplies is- sued to the several schools upon the regular order of the Principal or teacher in charge thereof, showing quantity and value issued, and report to the Board at its regular meetings in February and August. He shall also keep an aggregate stock book, which shall exhibit the total re- ceipts and disbursements for any given month in the school year. 5. After the close of each school year, the Supply Agent shall cause an inventory to be taken of all furniture and effects, and other supplies in the Schools, and preserve the same in a well bound book for reference. 26 RULES AND REGULATIONS 6. He shall keep an account of text-books for sale, furnished the Principals in a separate book, and shall re- quire of them a semi-quarterly statement of amounts re- ceived, sold, and remaining on hand. He shall also receive all moneys for text-books sold, from Principals and pupils, and keep a correct account of the same in a separate book. 7. For the faithful discharge of his duties he shall give a. bond for five thousand dollars, with two or more securi- ties, to be approved by the Board. 8. The Supply Agent, under the supervision of the Sup- ply Committee, shall be the Purchasing Agent, through whom all articles needed by the Public Schools or the Board, committees or authorized officers, shall be purchased, and it shall be his duty, upon the requisition of the Board Committee or duly authorized officers, to purchase, under such rules as may be prescribed by the Board, such articles as may be specified in such requisition. 9. It shall be the duty of the Supply Agent to pre- pare vouchers for all bills of supplies, and for all articles and material furnished, authorized by the Supply Commit- tee, if he shall find them correct ; and if approved by the Supply Committee, and the Auditing Committee, and or- dered paid by the Board, they shall be presented to the Secretary for payment, and when paid, the Secretary shall take a receipt on the vouchers from the parties in whose favor the bills may be allowed, and the vouchers, bills, and receipts shall remain on file in the Secretary's office ; and the Supply Agent shall make or cause to be made, duplicates of all such bills and vouchers, and file the same in the office of the supply department, for reference thereto by the Supply Committee or any member of the Board. 10. He shall be present at all meetings of the Auditing Committee, held for the purpose of auditing bills, and shall give such information relating to the same, as may be re- quired by said committee. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 27 COMMITTEE ON COURSE O*F STUDY. RULE. 67. The Committee on Course of Study shall have, in connection with the Superintendent, the general direction of the course of study, and the selection of text-books and apparatus to be used in the Public Schools, subject always to the sanction of the Board. Any change proposed in the course of study, or any proposition for the introduction of a new text-book, or publication, or any revised or amended edition of one already in use, shall be referred to this com- mittee for consideration and report. Such reports shall state the reason for or against the introduction of the-same: provided, that whenever a new text-book or copy-book for the use of scholars is recommended by the committee, for introduction in the District Schools, the Superintendent shall furnish every member of the Board with a copy of the book, and the statement of the price of the same. A copy of the book shall also be furnished to the St. Louis Public Library. RULE 68. Changes in text-books shall only be made dur- ing the months of March, April, or May, at a regular or special meeting, in pursuance of a resolution introduced at the preceding regular meeting of the Board, and shall only take effect with the commencement of the ensuing scholastic o year : provided^ that a change of text-books for the Nor- mal and High Schools may be made at any meeting of the Board, when recommended by the Committee on Course of Study, and that such a change may take effect at any time. RULE 69. Changes in text-books shall only be made on consultation with the Superintendent, and, for the District Schools, only on the basis of an even exchange for all books in the hands of the pupils and those on hand in the Supply Department. The publishing house getting the contract to furnish the new book is to exchange all books on hand with- out any expense whatever to the Board, or the patrons of the Public Schools. 28 KULES AND REGULATIONS BUILDING COMMITTEE. RULE 70. It shall be the duty of the Building Committee to take charge of all buildings, furniture, heating appara- tus, and fixtures, and, whenever any new building is wanted, suggest the best plan therefor. All work on new buildings, and all repairs and additions costing more than three hundred dollars, shall be let by contract to the lowest and best bidder. No bid exceeding one thousand dollars shall be entertained unless accom- panied by a deposit of two hundred dollars, which shall be declared forfeited if the accepted party fails to respond to the award. All 1 bids for new buildings, and for additions to old ones, shall be invited through the press of the city, at least seven days before the same are to be opened ; and the committee shall cause to be p'repared two bulletin boards, one of which shall be placed in the Acrhitect's office, and the other in the Mechanic's Exchange, upon which they shall cause to be posted a notice of all work for which bids are demanded under this rule. All bids shall be opened by the committee when in session, and the award or rejection shall immediately be made, and be final as far as the Build- ing Committee is concerned. The committee shall report at the first session of the Board in the month of January, such plans for the erection and enlargement of school- houses* as the Board may have resolved upon, in conse- quence of the November report of the Superintendent, in order to meet the increased demand for school room by the month of September of the next scholastic year. RULE 71. They shall, in the month of May, and oftener if required, examine into the state of the buildings belong- ing to this Board, and report what fixtures, painting, repairs, and alterations may be required, and furnish an estimate of the cost of the same ; and any repairs, the cost of which exceeds one hundred dollars, shall not be allowed without the sanction of the Board; but said committee ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 29 shall be empowered to order repairs whenever the same are necessary for the protection of the property of the Board. EULE 72. It shall be the duty of the Building Committee, in conjunction with the Architect, to make all necessary arrangements for the care of the school buildings and pre- mises, and to appoint all janitors and engineers required by the Board, or to dismiss the same whenever, in their opinion, the interests of the schools require it, subject, however, to the approval of the Board. They shall have power and au- thority to prescribe, regulate, and alter the duties of said employes. RULE 73. It shall be the duty of this committee to inspect, as often as practicable, the several school-houses, and note their condition in respect to cleanliness, ventila- tion, heating, and general sanitary regulations, and to recommend to the Board from time to time, such measures as they deem conducive to the welfare of the schools. COMMITTEE OF WAYS AND MEANS. RULE 74. The Ways and Means Committee shall report to the Board during the month of May of each year, an esti- mate of the revenues available for current expenses for the succeeding fiscal year, and shall at the same time recom- mend to the Board appropriations to be made for the expenditures of such year in accordance with those esti- mates. The amount appropriated for teachers' salaries shall be referred to the Joint Committee of Salaries and Teachers ; the amount appropriated for engineers' and jani- tors' salaries shall be referred to the Joint Committee of Salaries and Building ; the amount appropriated to salaries and officers and their clerks, shall be referred to the Joint Committee of Salaries and Ways and Means ; said commit- tees to report in the month of June. The aggregate appropriations for the succeeding fiscal year shall not exceed the income provided for that year. RULE 75. A general account shall be kept by the Secre- 30 RULES AND REGULATIONS tary, crediting the estimated revenues for each year, and charging the appropriations made by the Board. A special special account shall be kept with each appropriation, and the liabilities created against same, charged therein, so that the unexpended balance, if any, may be ascertained at a glance. No liability shall be created by the Board or any committee, unless an appropriation therefor shall have there- tofore been made. RULE 76. They shall report, in the month of January, the amount of money available for improvements and additional school accommodations during the current year. RULE 77. All resolutions involving an expenditure above five hundred dollars, and which are not covered by previous estimates, shall be referred to this committee. RULE 78. They shall, in connection with the President, under the direction of the Board, make such loans as may be necessary to meet the current expenses or maturing ob- ligations of the Board, and shall from time to time report on its financial condition. All bonds of officers shall be referred to this committee for report. RULE 79. They shall, at the close of each fiscal year, ex- amine the books of the Board, and recommend such change of system in the keeping of the accounts and records as they may deem advisable. COMMITTEE ON SALARIES. RULE 80. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Salaries to consider and report, as hereafter provided, upon all matters relating to salaries of employes of the Board. 1. In the annual adjustment of salaries, the Committee on Salaries shall act in conjunction with the Teachers Commit- tee in regard to the salaries of teachers ; as to the salaries of engineers and janitors, in conjunction with the Building Committee ; as to the salaries of officers and their clerks, in conjunction with the Committee on Ways and Means. The schedules of salaries to be paid during the following fiscal ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 31 year shall be reported to the Board, in the month of June of each year, by the Joint Committee on Salaries and Teachers, the Joint Committee on Salaries and Building, and the Joint Committee on Salaries and Ways and Means. 2. After the adoption of the schedule of salaries, no changes shall be made in the salaries of officers and clerks during the succeeding fiscal year. Upon all changes pro- posed during the fiscal year in the salaries of individual teach- ers, or engineers and janitors, after the adoption of the salary schedule, the Committee on Salary shall act in conjunction with the Teachers and BuildingCommittees respectively ; but no such change shall be made without the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members of the Board. LIBRARY COMMITTEE RULE 81. It shall be the duty of the Library Committee to represent the Board in the Board of Managers of the St. Louis Public Library, and to report their transactions and recommendations. They shall also report such nominations as such Board of Managers may make for offices of emol- ument under them, and the proposed salaries of such offi- cers, for approval and confirmation by this Board ; and, if the Board shall not confirm such nominations, the Library Board shall have the privilege of making new nominations at the next regular meeting of the Board; but, if it should fail so to do, or if such nominations should not be approved by the Board, then the election of such officers and the de- termination of their salaries, shall be made directly by the School Board. The Library Committee shall take into con- sideration all matters pertaining to the library, and devise means for increasing the usefulness of the same in the schools, and in the community at large, and report the same to the Board quarterly. COMMITTEE ON RULES. RULE 82. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Rules to consider and report on all matters pertaining to the 32 RULES AND REGULATIONS change or alteration of the rules for the government of the Board, or of the schools under their charge; and all propo- sitions made with a view to the amendment of the rules, or to the introduction of new regulations, shall be referred to this committee for report. RULE 83. They shall, from time to time, whenever the rules are to be published in the annual report, prepare such revisions and modifications of rules and regulations as they find necessary, for the proper codification of the same, and submit them to the Board for action. MISCELLANEOUS. RULE 84. 1. The Principal of the Normal School, the Principal and Assistant Principals of the High Schools, shall, in conjunction with the Superintendent and Assistant Super- intendents, constitute a Committee of Examiners, and shall select from their number a chairman and secretary. It shall be the duty of this committee to examine applicants for situations as teachers in the Normal, High and District Schools, and to keep a record of all such examinations, and to report the result of the same to the Teachers Committee, in accordance with such regulations as said committee may prescribe. 2. There shall be two grades of examinations of appli- cants for the position of teacher in the schools, viz. : one for the position of principal of a District School, or assist- ant in the Normal and High Schools, and one for the posi- tion of assistant in the District Schools. 3. The examination of applicants for the position of prin- cipal of a District School, or assistant in the Normal and High Schools, shall be held regularly each year, beginning on the second Monday of January and July, and shall continue from day to day until completed. The Committee of Examiners may, for sufficient reasons, hold special examinations of applicants for the position of principal of a District School or assistant in the Normal and High Schools. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 33 4. The Examining Committee for Kindergarten directors and paid assistants, shall consist of the Kindergarten Super- visors and Kindergarten Normal Instructors. 5. The examination of applicants for the position of assistant in the District Schools, and of director and paid assistant in the Kindergartens, shall be held at such time as may be decided upon by the Board. RULE 85. All officers of the Board, at the expiration of their term of service, or on being removed, shall respectively deliver over to their successors in office all books, papers, and money that may be in their hands belonging to this corporation. RULE 86. The non-attendance of any member, for two consecutive regular sessions, of which the usual notice has been served upon him, may be construed by the Board as a resignation of his seat, unless he is prevented from attending by sickness or absence from the city, or for a reason satisfactory to the Board, and a new election shall be ordered, as in cases of resignation. RULE 87. No member of the Board of President and Directors of the St. Louis Public Schools, or any officer or employe of the Board, shall be directly or indirectly inter- ested in contracts for building or repairing school-houses, or in furnishing supplies to the schools, or to the Board ; and whenever, in the judgment of the President, reliable information shall have been received that any director has become so interested, he shall notify the Board of such fact, and convene it, as soon as practicable, to hear and determine, the same ; and if, by a two-thirds vote of the Board, he be found so interested, his seat shall be declared vacant, and the President shall issue a proclamation for an election to fill the vacancy. RULE 88. Any employe of the Board who shall be- come interested in any contracts, etc., as mentioned in Rule 87, shall be immediately dismissed from the service of the Board. RULE 89. Whenever a report of any committee of this 34 RULES AND REGULATIONS Board shall recommend the appointment or dismissal of any teacher, or other employe of the Board, or the pur- chase of any school site, or the erection of any school building, or the sale or lease of any real estate of the Board, or any action involving an appropriation of money, or levy of tax, such recommendation shall not be acted upon at the meeting to which the report is made, but shall be de- ferred to the next succeeding regular or adjourned meeting of the Board : Provided, that this rule may be suspended, and such recommendation acted upon at the same meeting to which the report is made, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, on call of yeas and nays; and, provided, also, that this rule shall not be construed as repealing or changing the existing provisions for auditing bills, now contained in Rule 50. RULE 90. It shall be the duty of the President of this Board, each year, immediately after the selection of the depository of the school moneys for the succeeding year, to notify the treasurer of the State of Missouri, and the collector of the city of St. Louis, to make all payments of money apportioned, belonging, or distributed to this Board, and which it is their duty under the law to pay to this Board, only to such depository; and said officers shall, upon making such deposits, take from said depository duplicate receipts therefor, one of which shall be retained by the officer making the deposit, and the other forwarded by him immediately to the Secretary of this Board. RULE 91. Teachers' salaries shall be paid in the following manner: At the time of each semi-quarterly payment, the, the President and Treasurer shall draw a check upon the selected depository of the Board, in favor of the Secretary, for the total amount due teachers, as shown by the pay-roll, certified by the Superintendent, which check shall have indorsed upon its face the words, " Payable only for teachers' salaries; " and said check shall be held by said depository, and the amount thereof paid out only for teachers' salaries, upon checks given to the several teachers ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 35 therefor and signed by the Secretary of the Board. Said checks shall have upon their face the words, " For salary due on on teachers' semi-quarterly pay-roll." Other em- ployes of the Board shall be paid monthly by the Secretary. RULE 92. It shall be the duty of the President of the Board and the Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, dur- ing the first ten days of June, in each year, to advertise for five days in the official paper of the Board, soliciting bids from banking institutions, for the current deposits of the Board, said bids to specify the rate of interest to be allowed the Board on such deposits, and the nature of the security offered ; the advertisement to specify that approved security to the amount of $500,000 will be required from the suc- cessful bidder. The following shall be the form of the con- tract to l>e entered into by and between the Board and such succesful bidder: This contract made and entered into this day of A. D. 18 , by and between the Board of President and Directors of the St. Louis Public Schools, party of the first part, and , a banking institution doing business in the city of St. Louis, State of Missouri, party of the second part, witnesseth : Said party of the first part agrees to deposit with said party of the second part, for one year, commencing 18 , all its current funds, the same to be drawn out as needed by it, upon its checks, signed by its President and Treasurer, except checks for the teachers' salaries, which shall be drawn as provided in Rule 91 of the rules of said party of the first part; and said party of the second party agrees to receive said deposits, and to pay out the same upon checks signed as aforesaid, and to pay to said party of the first part interest on the daily balances remaining on deposit at the rate of per cent per annum, to be settled monthly, and added to the balance on hand at the end of each month; and said party of the second part further agrees to collect all checks coming into the hands of the said party of the first part, or its Secretary or Treasurer, without cost to the said party of the first part, and to furnish said party of the first part such New York exchange as may be necessary, at par. It is further agreed, that to secure the performance of this contract on its part, and to secure the repayment to said party of the first part, or to its order, of all sums deposited by said party of the first part with said party of the second part, said party of the second part will deposit with [some designated agent], at the risk and expense of said party of the second part, bonds or securities equal in 36 RULES AND REGULATIONS value to the amount from time to time on deposit with said party of the second part. Said bonds, so deposited as security, shall consist of some one or more of the following designated classes of securities, to wit: Bonds of the United States, bonds of the State of Missouri, bonds of the city of St. Louis, bonds of the said The Board of President and Directors of the St. Louis Public Schools. Whenever the balance of the funds of the party of the first part, on deposit with said party of the second part, shall exceed the market value of the bonds deposited with [the designated agent] by the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars, said party of the second part shall deposit with [the designated agent] additional bonds, of one or more of the classes above designated, to such an amount as will make the market value of such bonds equal to such balance. And as long as said addi- tional deposit of securities is not made, such party of the first part may refuse to make any further deposits with .said party of the second part. And whenever the market value of the bonds held as aforesaid by [the - designated agent] shall exceed such balance by the amount of twenty- five thousand dollars, said party of the second part shall be allowed to withdraw from [the designated agent] bonds to a sufficient amount to reduce their total market value to the amount of such balance; and such withdrawal of bonds shall be made upon a written order, signed by the President and Treasurer of the party of the first part, which shall be sent to said [the designated agent] by mail or telegraph, at the option of said party of the second part. The said [the agent designated] shall hold the bonds which may at any time be deposited with it, under the foregoing provisions and stipula- tions, as the agent of, and in trust for, both parties to this contract. In case said party of the second part shall, at any time, make default in payment of any check or checks of the party of the first part, drawn and signed as aforesaid, against a balance actually on deposit with said party of the second part, and not exceeding in the aggregate the amount of said balance, said [the agent designated] shall, upon being thereto requested, in writing, by the President and Treasurer cf said party of the first part, immediately dispose of so many of the bonds of said party of the second part, held by it for the purposes aforesaid, as may be sufficient to realize a sum equal to that named in such check or checks, and shall, out of the proceeds pay to said party of the first part the amount of such check or checks, and shall take and hold said check as a voucher therefor. At the end of one year from the day of 18 , said party of the second part shall pay over to said party of the first part, upon its check, signed as aforesaid, any balance remaining on deposit with it, and belonging to said party of the first part; and, upon said payment being made, the President and Treasurer of said party of the first part shall deliver to said party of the second part a receipt and quittance in full, and an order upon said [the designated agent] for the release of the securities aforesaid; and upon the delivery of said order, said [the desig- ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. nated agent] shall deliver over to the said party of the second part, and all bonds then remaining in its possession and belonging to said party of the second part, and the proceeds of any bonds sold by it under the foregoing provisions, and not used for the payment of the check of said party of the first part. In witness whereof, said parties have caused these presents to be signed in duplicate by their respective Presidents, and duly counter- signed by the requisite officers, and have caused their respective corpor- ate seals to be affixed, the day and year first aforesaid. Said [the designated agent] agrees to receive and hold the bonds re- ferred to in the foregoing contract, for the purposes, and under the pro- visions and stipulations therein mentioned and contained, and to render to each of said parties a statement, in writing, of the bonds so held by it, when, and as often as any change of the same is made, under the pro- visions of said contract. RULE 93. Every proposition for new school accommoda- tions, either by the purchase of a school site, or the erec- tion of school buildings, shall be referred to the Committee of Teachers and Ways and Means who shall jointly consider and report upon the necessity for such new accommoda- tions, and in their report shall make appropriations for any purchase or building recommended ; and every such report recommending such purchase or buildings shall contain the indorsement ot the superintendent that the same is re- quired for school accommodations, and such report shall also state the present and prospective condition of the funds provided by the Board, and available for building purposes. If such report, adopted by the Board, recommend the pur- chase of a school site for any locality, the matter shall thereupon be referred to the Lands and Leasing Committee to select a suitable site. If such report recommend the erection of a new building on any site owned by the Board, the Building Committee shall thereupon proceed to prepare plans and specifications, which shall be submitted to the joint Committee of Building and Teachers, and upon ap- proval, the Building Committee shall advertise for esti- mates therefor ; provided, that in all cases where the Build- ing Committee reports for approval the awarding of any such contract, such report shall contain a clear and concise 38 RULES AND REGULATIONS statement of the general features of the plan of such building. SESSIONS OF THE BOARD AND RULES OF ORDER. RULE 100. The stated sessions of the Board shall be held at the office of the corporation, on the second Tuesday in each and every month, at the hour of 7:30 p. M., in November, December, January, February, and March ; and at the hour of 8 P. M., in all other months. RULE 101. The President, or any three of members of the Board, may call special sessions by giving three days' notice in writing, to the other members ot the Board, and stating the object of said call ; but no business other than the special business for which it has been called, shall be transacted at such session. RULE 102. At all sessions of the Board, a majority of the whole number elected shall constitute a quorum to do business, but any smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and compel the attendance of absent mem- bers. RULE 103. The President, upon taking the chair, shall call the members to order, on the appearance of a quorum. The order of business of every session, except when other- wise directed, shall be a follows: 1. Reading of record of last session. 2. Reading of letters and communications. 3. Reading of motions or resolutions, for reference with- out debate. 4. Reports from Secretary, Treasurer, Attorney, Super- indent, Architect and Bailiff. 5. Reports from Standing Committees. 6. Reports -from Special Committee. 7. Unfinished business of committees, laid over under the rules of the Board, shall be acted on immediately pre- ceding the reading of the respective reports, at the meeting to which such unfinished business was deferred. 8. New business. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 39 RULE 104. All special committees shall be called upon for report by the President when their report is due, and any special Committee failing to report at such time, or in the next two sessions following thereafter, shall be considered discharged, unless extension of time is granted . RULE 105. No person, other than a member or officer of the Board, shall, unless by permission, be allowed to make any communication to the Board, except in writing, and such permission must be unanimous. RULE 106. No motion shall be subject to debate until it has been seconded, and stated by the chair. It shall be re- duced to writing, at the request of any member of the Board. When a motion has been made and seconded, the same may be withdrawn by the mover at any time before a vote has been taken on the same. RULE 107. When a question is before the Board, no mo- tion shall be received : except to adjourn, to lay on the table, to close the debate, to refer, to postpone indefinitely, to postpone to a certain time, or to amend; and the motions shall take precedence in the order above named ; the first, second, and third shall be decided without debate, and the third by a two-thirds vote. Whenever the motion to close the debate prevails, the mover of the proposition, or, in case of a report, the chairman of the committee from which the report comes, shall have the privilege to address the Board; and, after his remarks, no more debate shall be in order. Any member may call for a division of the ques- tion when the same admits of it. The laying of a motion on the table shall be construed as only affecting such mo- tion, and not any other to which it may be subsidiary. RULE 108. When the Board has decided to close the de- bate, the vote shall be taken first on the amendments that maybe pending, and next also on the main question. RULE 109. The President shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Board by any member. 40 RULES AND REGULATIONS .Incase of appeal, the question shall be : Shall the decis- ion of the chair be sustained? and, until it is decided, all debate upon the pending question shall be suspended. But decisions of the chair may be debated when they refer to the interpretation of rules or parliamentary law. RULE 110. The reconsideration of a vote may be moved at the same session at which the vote was taken, by any member who voted with the majority; but such motion shall be decided at that or the next regular session, and a matter thus finally decided shall not be revived within a period of three months, unless by a consent of a two-thirds majority of the Board. RULE 111. Every member present shall vote on all ques- tions, unless excused by the Board. RULE 112. The yeas and nays shall be called, and entered on the record, on all questions requiring for decision a vote greater than a majority of the members present, and on all other questions, whenever demanded by two members of the Board ; and every member shall have the privilege of having his vote and reasons therefor recorded on any and every question, if he so desires. RULE 113. No member shall be allowed to give his vote on any question after the result has been announced by the Chair, unless by unanimous consent ; but any member may, after the announcement of the result of a vote by the chair, and before the statement of a new question, call for a division. RULE 114. When a member is about to speak on any question, he shall arise and address himself to the President, confine himself strictly to the point in debate, and avoid personalities. RULK 115. No member shall speak more than five min- utes at any one time on any motion under discussion, nor more than once until all other members choosing to speak shall have spoken, nor more than twice to the same ques- tion, without consent of the Board, nor more than three minutes in explaining his vote. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 41 RULE 116. No member shall be interrupted whilst speaking, unless by a call to order. If a member be called to order, he shall immediately take his seat until the point is decided by the chair. RULE 117. No member shall leave the Board before the close of the session, without permission of the President. RULE 118. All resolutions and orders of the Board con- trary to, or inconsistent with, any of the foregoing rules are hereby repealed. RULE 119. None of the foregoing rules shall be repealed or altered unless two-thirds of all the directors vote for the repeal or alteration, nor unless upon motion made in writing, for that purpose, at the previous meeting of the Board ; but a rule of order may be suspended for the time being, by a three-fourths vote of all the members present. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. RULE 130 COURSE OF STUDY. SECTION I. In the schools under the control of the Board, all lessons shall be taught with a careful reference to the capacity of the child, and in the order of their immediate usefulness. Each lesson shall be taught in such a manner as to develop in a child the capacity of reasoning, to wit: in the several steps of attention, perception, comprehen- sion, definition, deduction, and application. The teacher shall encourage questions, and take all pains to avoid words and sentences not understood by the child ; all objects of instruction shall be illustrated, as far as possible, by natural things; next, by models, pictures, or diagrams; and, in case of topics not relating directly to nature, the theme should be made clear by application to practical examples, real events, and the institutions of society ; and all teachers shall require from their pupils frequent reproductions of past lessons, such reproductions to be oral or in writing, and, whenever practicable, by draught and tabular views indicating the analysis of the subject. SEC. II. There shall be four courses of study : 1. The Normal School course. 2. The High School course. 3. The District School course. 4. The O'Fallon Polytechnic Institute course. (42) ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 43 SEC. III. The course of study in the Normal School shall consist of a General Course limited to two and one-half years, and a Special Course for graduates of the Central High School limited to a year and a half. The General Course shall embrace the following studies : Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, Reading and Elocu- tion, Composition, Course of Reading, English Literature, Latin or German, Hygiene, Natural Science, especially in connection with the Course of Study in the District Schools, Vocal Music, Drawing and Penmanship, Mental Philosophy, Theory and Art of Teaching, and History of Education. The Special Course shall include the following studies: Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, Reading Composi- tion, Hygiene, Natural Science, especially in connection with the Course of Study in the District Schools, Vocal Music, Drawing, Penmanship, Mental Philosophy, Theory and Art of Teaching, and History of Education. SEC. IV. The High School course of study shall cover a period of four years, and shall constitute a general and a classical course, as at present arranged, subject to such modifications as the Board shall direct. It shall embrace the following studies: Arithmetic, Alge- bra, Latin, Drawing, Geometry, Greek, Physiology, Uni- versal History, English Literature, English and American History, Constitution of the United States, Vocal Music, Rhetoricals, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Book-keeping, Short-hand, Trigonometry, Surveying, Geology, Zoology, Shakespeare, History of Art, French, German, and Mental and Moral Philosophy, arranged so as to form a general and a classical course, as hereinafter provided. [See Rule 141, Sec. 2.] SEC. V. The District School course of study shall be divided into eight grades, each grade included an average year's work, as nearly as may be, and the whole to consti- tute a thorough course in the following branches: Reading, Spelling, Writing, Drawing, Vocal Music, Descriptive and Physical Geography, Mental and Written Arithmetic, English 44 RULES AND REGULATIONS Grammar, History and Constitution of the United States, Language Lessons, Composition, and outlines of Physics and Natural History. German shall be elective in such Dis- trict Schools as are designated by the Board from time to time. But no pupil shall be allowed to commence the study of German above the lowest grade, unless he is able to pass a satisfactory examination in the work of previous grades, and no pupil shall be allowed to discontinue the study of German after having selected the same, except with the consent of the Superintendent. SEC. VI. The O'Fallon Polytechnic Institute shall in- clude : first, an elementary course in the ordinary branches Reading, Writing, Orthography, Arithmetic and Business Forms conducted in such schools as the Board shall es- tablish from year to year, for the benefit of such of the in- dustrial population of the city as have no facilities for availing themselves of the day-schools ; secondly, a higher course, including the following studies: Drawing, Higher Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy, En- glish Language, and Book-keeping, and such other branches of technological instruction as may be required by a suffi- cient number of pupils to form a class. RULE 131 CLASSES OF SCHOOLS. SEC. I. The Normal School course shall be conducted in connection with a " School of Practice," established for the training of teachers for the St. Louis Public Schools. SEC. II. The High School course shall include the last four grades of the Public School course, and shall be con- ducted in the Central High School, and in its branch estab- lished at the Polytechnic Building, for the instruction of the pupils in the first year of the High School course. This Branch High School shall be under the control and manage- ment of the principal of the Central High School, and the person having immediate charge of the branch shall be known as assistant-principal of the High School. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 45 SEC. III. The District Schools shall be divided into seven classes as follows : 1. First-class schools to include all schools entitled to eighteen or more regular assistants, by the quotas of pupils defined in Rule 132. 2. Second-class schools to include all schools entitled to thirteen, and not more than seventeen asistants. 3. Third-class schools to include all schools entitled to ten, and not more than twelve assistants. 4. Fourth-class schools to include all schools entitled to eight or nine assistants. 5. Fifth-class schools to include all schools entitled to five, six, or seven assistants. 6. Sixth-class schools to include all schools entitled to four or five teachers. 7. Seventh-class schools to include all schools entitled to less than four teachers. Whenever supervisory control over other schools of lower grade is assigned to the principal of a second-class or a third-class school, the class of such school shall then be de- termined by the number of assistants to which it is entitled, including the assistants, other than principals not in charge of rooms in the schools supervised. In all cases in the classification or schools, one assistant shall be counted for each room used for kindergarten o instruction. SEC. IV. Schools in sparsely settled districts, where it is necessary to assign pupils of more than two grades to one room, shall be classed as follows : 1. Third-class schools to include all schools entitled to four or more assistants. 2. Fourth-class schools to include all schools entitled to three or four teachers. 3. Fifth-class schools to include all schools entitled to two teachers. 4. Sixth-class schools to included all schools having but one teacher. 46 RULES AND REGULATIONS SEC. V. The classification of schools shall be fixed from to time by the Board, in accordance with the above pro- visions, upon recommendation of the Joint Committee on Salaries and Teachers. SEC. VI. In District Schools (except in sparsely settled districts) twenty pupils shall constitute the minimum for the first or highest class in school, and likewise for the second class and the third, respectively, below the first class: and in case there should be in any school an interval greater than twenty weeks between the first or highest class, and the second class, or between the second and the third class, it shall be the duty of the superindendent to examine and transfer all properly qualified pupils above said interval to the most conveniently located schools having the proper quotas of pupils of the same grade, so as to leave said school with classes of proper quota, and with intervals of of not more than twenty weeks between them. RULE 132. CORPS OF TEACHERS TO EACH SCHOOL. SEC. I. In the assignment of teachers, there shall be an average of at least one assistant for each twenty pupils in the Normal School, one assistant to each thirty pupils in the High School, one assistant to each fifty pupils in the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth years, and one to each sixty pupils in the first, second, third and fourth years in the District School course. In the schools classified in accordance with the provisions of Section IV., Rule 131, an assistant shall be allowed for each forty pupils additional, after the number has reached forty. In each case enumerated there may be allowed an addi- tional assistant in case of an additional number of pupils greater than one-halt' the quota defined in this rule. SEC. II. In a kindergarten, sixty pupils shall entitle the director to one paid assistant, and an additional paid assist- ant for each thirty pupils over sixty. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 47 SEC. III. In the graded District Schools (not including the schools located in sparsely settled districts, which are from that fact unable to secure proper classification), no class shall be formed tor an optional study unless said class shall have at least fifteen pupils. SEC. IV. In colored schools, having eight rooms or more, fifty pupils shall constitute the proper quota for a teacher. All other colored schools shall be governed by the rules applying to schools situated in sparsely settled districts, according to Sec. I. of this Rule. SEC. V. The organization of each first-class school shall be as follows: One Principal, One Head Assistant, ^ One First Assistant, V Grammar Department One Second Assistant, j One Second Assistant, ) [ Primary Department. Two First Assistants, j And Third Assistants for the remainder of the corps. When a first-class school occupies two twelve-room build- ings, or two or more buildings not located on the same block, an additional Head Assistant and First Assistant may be assigned to the school. SEC. VI. The organization of each second-class school shall be as follows: One Principal, One First Assistant, . , > Grammar Department. One Second Assistant, J One Second Assistant, ) ,, . > Primary Department. One First Assistant. j And Third Assistants for the remainder of the corps. An additional Second Assistant (Primary) may be allowed whenever the school contains over fourteen rooms. SEC. VII. The organization of each third-class school shall be : One Principal, One First Assistant, Grammar Department. 48 RULES AND REGULATIONS One Second Assistant, ) ^ . V Primary Department. One First Assistant, ) And Third Assistants for the remainder of the corps. An additional Second Assistant (Grammar Department) may be allowed whenever the school contains twelve rooms. SEC. VIII. Fourth-class schools shall have: One Principal, One First Assistant, One Second Assistant (Primary), And Third Assistants for the remainder of the corps. SEC. IX. Fifth-class schools shall have: One Principal, One Second Assistant (Primary), And Third Assistants for the remainder of the corps. SEC. X. Sixth-class schools shall have : One Principal, One Second Assistant (Primary), And Third Assistants for the remainder of the corps. SEC. XI. Seventh-class schools shall have: One Principal, And Third Assistants for the remainder of the corps. SEC. XII. The organization of schools classified in ac- cordance with the provisions of Section IV., Rule 131, shall be as follows : 1. Third-class schools shall have: One Principal, One Second Assistant, One First Assistant (Primary), And Third Assistants for the remainder of the corps. An additional First Assistant (Grammar Department) may be assigned when the school contains six or more rooms. 2. Fourth-class schools shall have: One Principal, One Second Assistant (Primary), And Third Assistants for the remainder of the corps. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 49 3. Fifth-class schools shall have: One Principal! One Third Assistant. 4. Sixth-class schools shall have: One Principal. SEC. XIII. Whenever the class of a second-class school or a third-class school is raised by assigning supervisory control over other schools to the Principal of the same, the organization of such school shall not be affected by the change in class except in the following cases : 1. Whenever the school is raised to a first-class school, a Head Assistant may be assigned. 2. When a school classified as third-class, under the pro- visions of Section 4, Eule 131, and containing six or more rooms, is raised to a second-class school, a Head Assistant shall be assigned in place of the First Assistant, Grammar Department. SEC. XIV. When there are four special German teachers in the corps of one school, there shall be one Head Assist- ant, one Second Assistant, and two Third Assistants. When there are three special German Teachers, there shall be one Head Assistant and two third Assistants. When there are two special German Teachers, there shall be one First Assistant and one Third Assistant ; and when there is but one special German Teacher, the same shall be a First Assistant ; provided, that in schools where there are German-English Teachers, two such teachers shall be reckoned equivalent to one German Teacher in determining the organization of the corps. RULE 133. TEACHERS SEC. I. The teachers reappointed at the close of a scho- lastic year, sh^ll hold their positions for one year, it being, however, provided that any teacher may at any time dur- ing the year for which said reappointment has been made, be removed by a vote of the majority of the Board ; and it 50 RULES AND REGULATIONS being further provided, that the Board distinctly reserve to to themselves the right of discontinuing the services of any and all of the teachers at any time, should they deem such an action expedient. Any teacher appointed to a position shall hold position for that scholastic year, subject, how- ever, to the above mentioned provisions governing teachers reappointed at the close of a scholastic year. SEC. II. They are required to be at their respective rooms fifteen minutes before the time for opening each session, and any teacher failing to comply with this rule shall be reported by the principal as tardy. SEC. III. They shall open school punctually at the ap- pointed time, devote themselves during school hours ex- clusively to the instruction of their pupils, maintain good order, and strictly adhere to the course of study and use of the text-books prescribed by the Board. SEC. IV. It shall be their duty to practice such discipline in their schools as would be exercised by a kind and judi- cious parent in his family, always firm and vigilant, but prudent. They shall endeavor, on all proper occasions, to impress upon the minds of their pupils the principles of morality and virtue, a sacred regard for truth, love to God, love to man, sobriety, industry and frugality. But no teacher shall exercise any sectarian influence in the schools. SEC. V. They shall see that the pupils under their charge distinctly understand and faithfully observe all the rules relating to pupils. SEC. VI. They shall not allow any agent or other person to exhibit in the schools any books or articles of apparatus ; nor shall they allow the distribution of any advertising matter whatever in the building or about the premises. They shall not allow any contribution for any purpose whatever to be taken up in any school ; nor shall they re- ceive any presents whatever from the pupils under their charge. SEC. VII. They shall attend carefully to the ventilation and temperature of their school-rooms. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 51 SEC. VIII. Any teacher obliged to be absent from school on account of sickness, or other necessity, shall cause im- mediate notice of such absence to be given to the principal. SEC. IX. The teachers may, for the purpose of observ- ing the modes of discipline and instruction, visit the schools with the corsent, and under the direction of the principal. SEC. X. No teacher shall resign without giving two weeks' written notice to the Superintendent, in default of which all compensation for that length of time may be for- feited. SEC. XI. All the teachers in the employ of the Board shall meet in general association on such Saturdavs as the Superintendent may direct, for the purpose receiv- ing communications from the Superintendent, and in order to promote the interest of the schools by the discussion of matters pertaining to the profession of teaching generally. The arrangement of the plan for conducting the exer- cises shall be provided for by Superintendent. Besides this general association of teachers, special meetings of the whole corps, or of any portion thereof, may be called to- gether by the Superintendent, whenever deemed of impor- tance to the interests of the schools. SEC. XII. The salary of teachers shall be deducted pro rata for absence, except in case of sickness of teachers, when half-pay shall be allowed ; provided, however, that no deduction shall be made for two days' absence during the half-quarter, caused by death in the family, and that said half-pay shall not extend for a longer period than five weeks. For the purposes contemplated in this rule, teacher shall be considered by the principal as absent, whose attendance at school shall not continue for at least one-half the regular session. O SEC. XIII. In case of the absence of a principal of a first, second, or third-class school, the teacher next in rank shall assume charge, unless otherwise provided, and the same shall receive as additional compensation for such extra responsibility, a sum equal to one-half of the regular 52 RULES AND REGULATIONS salary of such teacher; it being, however, provided that no extra compensation shall be allowed whenever the ab- sence of the principal continues for less than five consecu- tive weeks. SEC. XIV. Any principal or teacher appointed after the beginning of the second quarter of the scholastic year, shall not receive any increase of salary the next succeeding year, by reason of the annual increase of salaries provided for in the schedule of salaries; but the time of service in a position of substitute shall be reckoned the same as that of a regular appointment in determining salaries. Any principal or teacher who shall be absent more than one quarter in the aggregate, during the year, shall not receive any increase of salary the next succeeding year, by reason of the annual increase of salaries provided for in the schedule of salaries ; but, in estimating the time absent, under this rule, an absence in the aggregate, during the year, of not more than five weeks on account of sickness, shall not be reck- oned. SEC. XY. Teachers who have a leave of absence must notify the Superintendent of their intention to return, at least two weeks before the expiration of the time specified in their leave of absence, otherwise a position will not be held for them. RULE 134 DISCIPLINE. SEC. I. All teachers are required to maintain strict order and discipline in their schools and class-rooms at all times. Any neglect ot" this requirement will be considered good cause for dismissal. In maintaining order, teachers are hereby authorized to employ any proper means which may be necessary to secure compliance with all reasonable com- mands to the pupils, and in the use of which they will re- ceive the full countenance and support of the Board. SEC. II. All teachers will be held to a strict account- ability as to the manner in which they shall use the au- thority herein delegated; and, upon complaint of severity ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 53 of punishment, each case shall be adjudged upon its own merits, the teacher being subject to instant dismission if the Board decide it to be demanded by the circumstances. SEC. III. Each teacher in the employ of the Board shall file with the Superintendent, at the close of each quarter of the scholastic year, a list of all cases of corporal punish- ment inflicted by said teacher during the quarter, giving da.te, name of pupil, and cause of punishment. SEC. IV. The teachers who are most successful in con- trolling their pupils without the use of corporal punishment, other qualifications being sufficient, shall be awarded by the Board a higher degree*of appreciation, and receive the preference over all others in promotions and appoint- ments. SEC. V. The greatest possible care shall be exercised in the management of pupils, and therefore every case requiring corporal punishment shall first be referred to the principal for consideration and approval. RULE 135 VOCAL MUSIC. There shall be given two lessons in music per week in the Normal School, two to the High School, and one to each first- class District School. The music teachers and the Superin- tendent, on consultation with the principals, shall arrange the time at which the music lessons shall be given at the different schools. During the time the school is under the instruction of the music teacher, the discipline of the school shall continue under the charge of the regular teachers, who shall be present while the instruction is given, and shall arrange the scholars, for that purpose, in such man- ner ns the teacher of music may desire. RULE 136 SCHOOL MEMBERSHIP. SECTION I. In all cases of absence of pupils from school, whether with intention of returning or not, and whether the 54 RULES AND REGULATIONS absence be occasioned by sickness or other causes, includ- ing even the suspension of the pupil, and excepting only the case of transfer to some other school in the city, the pupil's name shall be kept on the roll as " belonging," for three days, and dropped on the beginning of the fourth day, in case the pupil does not return. SEC. II. For the purpose contemplated in the foregoing rule, any pupil shall be considered as absent whole attend- ance at school shall not continue for at least one-half of the regular school session of the half day. m RULE 137 PRINCIPAL TEACHERS. SECTION I. The principal teachers shall keep a register, in which they shall record the name, age, birthplace, resi- dence, and date of admission of each pupil for the first time entered in the public schools, ;md also the name and occu- pation of the parent or guardian. SEC. II. They shall also make a daily record of the pupils admitted, present, 'absent, or tardy, and at the close of each quarter furnish the Superintendent with the required re- ports, according to prescribed forms. They shall, further, make out and certify to the semi-quarterly pay-rolls of the teachers of their respective schools, and obtain from the Secretary of the Board the checks for the salaries of their respective corps of assistants, and deliver the same, taking receipts therefor on the regular pay-roll. SEC. III. The principal shall have a general supervision of the grounds, buildings, and appurtenances of the school, shall be held responsible for any want of neatness and clean- liness on the premises, and shall report to the Building and Teachers Committees, in writing, any neglect on the part of the janitor to take proper care of the building and prem- ises; whenever any repairs are needed, he shall give notice thereof in writing to the Architect. SEC. IV. The principals shall be at their respective schools thirty minutes before the time of opening each ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 55 morning session. They shall assemble at the office of the Superintendent for the purpose of consultation at such times as the Superintendent may direct. SEC. V. The principal shall, within one week after the commencement of each quarter, furnish the Superintendent with a programme of the daily exercises in the several rooms of his school. SEC. VI. Each principal shall examine the classes of his assistants as often as practicable, without neglecting other duties. SEC. VII. The principals are directed to arrange the details for the internal government of their schools, according to their best judgment : Provided, such arrange- ments are not inconsistent with these rules, the resolutions of the Board, or with'the instructions of the Superintendent. SEC. VIII. For the reception of pupils arriving at unseasonable hours, the principal shall cause at least one room to be opened as early as eight o'clock, A. M. which shall be under proper supervision as may be approved by the Superintendent. In no case shall the children be excluded from the building during the intermission at noon. RULE 138 LOCAL SUPERVISION. SECTION I. The principal of the High School shall have under his immediate charge the pupils of the High School, and all promotions from class to class in the High School course shall be under his direction. Examinations for pi emotion from class to class, and for graduation, shall be conducted in writing, and the questions therefor shall be prepared by the principal of the High School. The per- centages shall be made out by the corps of teachers of the class to which the promotion is to be made. The percent- ages of applicants for admission to the junior class of the High School course shall be made out by the corps of teachers of that class, and the results transmitted to the Teachers Committee. 56 RULES AND REGULATIONS SEC. II. Principals who are assigned supervisory control over other schools of lower grade, shall have the same authority over matters pertaining to instruction and the promotion of pupils in the school supervised, as they have in the schools under their immediate charge ; they shall visit the schools assigned to their supervision at least once per week, confer with the principals thereof, examine all classes for promotion from grade to grade, or from one book to another; they shall report to the Superintendent at the close of each quarter, in accordance with prescribed forms : (a.) Their general condition. (b. The efficiency of the principal in general manage- ment, instruction, and discipline. (c.) The efficiency of each teacher in instruction and discipline. (d.) What classes they examined, and their condition; also the dates of the examinations. (e.) What classes they approved for promotion from grade to grade, or from one book to another. (/. ) Any irregularity in the observance of the rules of the Board which they found. (g.) Date and the amonnt of time actually consumed in the school at each visit. (h.) The efficiency of the janitor in attending to the school building and the premises. (i.) They shall also report regarding the schools under their immediate charge, the efficiency of each teacher in instruction and discipline, and such suggestions as they deem of interest. SEC. III. All principals of such District Schools as are not under the supervision of other principals, shall make quarterly reports to the Superintendent in accordance with above prescribed forms, embodying in the same full informa- tion regarding the progress of classes in their schools, and the measures taken by them to render more efficient the work of the assistants under their charge. They shall also report ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 57 in regard to the efficiency of their janitors in attending to the school building and the premises. SEC. IV. It shall be their duty to meet the Superintend- ent weekly, if required, to consult measures for the im- provement of the schools. SEC. V. They shall conduct not less than two, nor more than four, of the daily recitations of the classes under their immediate charge. SEC. VI. They shall report to the Teachers Committee, whenever required, the standing and general efficiency of each teacher under their supervision, as regards instruction and discipline. RULE 139 ADMISSION, ATTENDANCE, STUDIES OF PUPILS. SEC I. No child shall be for the first time received into the Public Schools unless accompanied by the parent or guardian, who shall give satisfactory evidence that said child is of the age required for admission, as provided in Section III., and has been vaccinated. SEC. II. Pupils who have lived outside the city, whether they be residents of Missouri or Illinois, shall be admitted to such schools as are not crowded, upon payment of tuition, which tuition shall be at the rate of twenty dollars in the District School, and fifty dollars in the High School course, per year, payable quarterly in advance. SEC. III. Children shall be received into the Kindergar- ten a half day only at the age of six years. In those schools to which Kindergartens are attached, no pupil shall be ad- mitted to primary instruction until they have reached the age of seven years. In those schools not having Kinder- gartens, pupils may be admitted to primary instruction a half day only at the age of six years, if vacancies exist after the children who are seven years old have been accom- modated. Pupils who have reached the age of seven years shull be admitted to primary instruction all day; but no child shall be permitted to attend the Kindergarten during 58 RULES AND REGULATIONS one half of the day, and the primary school during the other half of the day. These regulations shall not prevent those pupils seven years of age or older, whose parents so desire, from receiving instruction for a half day only, either in the Primary or Kindergarten department. SEC IV. Every pupil shall be required to attend the school established in the district in which the pupil resides ; provided, that whenever such school is full, the pupil may be admitted elsewhere, or, for good cause shown, the Superintendent be empowered to make a transfer of pupils. SEC. V. No one, having been a pupil in one school, shall be admitted into another during the scholastic year with- out presenting to the principal a certificate of honorable discharge from the former school, or a permit from the Superintendent. SEC. VI. No pupil shall be allowed to depart from school before the usual time, unless for sickness, or on account of some other pressing emergency, of which the principal shall be the judge. SEC. VII. Children applying for admission into the public schools are required to furnish all the necessary text-books and etationery used in their classes, in default of which they shall not be received, unless satisfactory evidence is furnished to the principal or Superintendent, of inability to procure said books, in which case the books shall be sup- plied by the Board. SEC. VIII. Sickness of the pupil, or of some member of the family, or some urgent necessity, shall be regarded as the only legitimate excuse for absence. SEC. IX. No pupil shall be allowed to take up the study of German in any grade above the lowest, unless he shall have completed the course of study laid down for German in the previous grades. SEC. X. No pupil shall be allowed to be absent from school duriug the regular sessions to take music, drawing, dancing or other lessons. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 59 RULE 140 DEPORTMENT AND SUSPENSION OF PUPILS. SECTION I. The pupils must, on all occasions, be obe- dient to their teachers, and polite in their intercourse with each other. They must be diligent in study, prompt in recitation, and observe propriety of deportment durhig the recesses, and in coming to and in going from school. SEC. II. Cleanliness in person and clothing is required of every pupil, and repeated neglect or refusal to comply with this rule will be sufficient cause for suspension from school. SEC. III. Any pupil who shall destroy or injure any property of the Public Schools shall be required to pay the amount lost thereby, and, on failure to do so, such pupil may be suspended from school. SEC. IV. Any pupil who shall be absent four half days in one month, or who is repeatedly tardy, without giving an excuse satisfactory to the teacher, may be suspended from school by the principal, written notice of which shall be immediately given to the parent or guardian, and to the Superintendent. SEC. V. No pupil shall be allowed to be absent more than one day to attend any picnic party, and only when previous request for the same has been made to the teacher by the parent or guardian of the pupil. Any violation of this regulation shall be deemed sufficient cause for suspen- sion. SEC. VI. Any pupil guilty of disobedience to a teacher, or of gross misconduct, may be suspended by the princi- pal, written notice of which, stating the cause, shall be immediately sent to the parent or guardian, and to the Superintendent. SEC. VII. Any pupil suspended from school by virtue of any one of the above rules, can be restored only on such conditions as the Superintendent or Board of Directors shall determine. RULES AND REGULATIONS KULE HI HIGH SCHOOL. SEC. I. The regular examination of applicants for ad- mission to the High School shall be commenced on the Wednesday next preceding the close of the second and fourth quarters, and continue from day to day till com- pleted. In this examination the applicants shall be re- quired to write answers to printed questions prepared for the purpose and approved by the Teachers' Committee. After the scholars have assembled, and before the exam- ination is commenced, each applicant shall receive a card, containing a number, by ivhich alone he shall be known throughout the examination. He shall write upon a slip of paper this number, his whole name, his age, and the name of the school from which he came ; which papers shall be pre- served for the purpose of identifying the scholars after the examination has been concluded, and the successful candi- dates admitted to the High School. During the examina- O D tion, each individual shall sign his number, and not his name, to his exercise. When the writing is finished, the examining committee, which shall consist of the teachers of the High School, shall carefully examine all the answers, determine the per cent of correctness of each study, com- pute the average of the several studies, and record the whole in a tabular form. From this tabular statement the the Teachers Committee shall designate, as entitled to ad- mission to the High School, those applicants who have made an average of sixty per cent in all the studies, and a minimum of forty per cent in each study. SEC. II. The studies of the High School shall constitute a general and & classical course. Each course shall occupy four years. (a.) The studies of the junior year of the High School shall be as follows: (1) Latin; (2) Rhetoricals ; (3) Arithmetic (commercial) and Book-keeping; (4) Draw- ing; (5) Conversational German, or Literary German, or Physiology. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 61 (b.) The studies of second year in the High School course shall be as follows: (1) Rhetoricals; (2) Alge- bra ; (3) Latin and Physics ; (4) Drawing, or Short-hand, or Book-keeping; (5) Greek, or Art, or Literary German ; (6) Conversational German. ( c. ) The studies of the third year in the High School shall be as follows: (1) Rhetoricals; (2) Algebra and Geometry; (3) General History; (4) German, or Latin, or French; (5) Molecular Physics and Chemistry, or Greek. In addition to these branches, Drawing may be pursued as an extra sUuty. (d.) The studies of the senior class shall be as follows: (1) Rhetoricals and Shakespeare ; (2) English Literature ; (3) German, or Latin, or French; (4) Geometry. Trigo- nometry, and Surveying, or Mental Philosophy, or Natural Science, or Laboratory Chemistry, or Greek ; (5) English and American History. In addition to these branches, Drawing may be pursued as an extra study. SEC. III. No pupil shall be admitted to the High School who is not twelve years of age, and who has not passed a satisfactory examination in reading, spelling, penmanship, physical geography, grammar, history of the United States, and arithmetic. SEC. IV. Every candidate for the High School, coming from any of the Grammar Schools, must present to the ex- amining committee the following certificate, properly tilled out and signed : CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION FOR ADMISSION TO THE HIGH SCHOOL. School, 18.... The bearer, , is years of age, has been a member of this school years and is, in my opinion, well qualified, as re- quired by rule, both in deportment and scholarship, for admission to the High School. Principal. 62 RULES AND REGULATIONS SEC. V. All pupils admitted shall be on probation the first quarter, and if at the end of that time they do not hold a fair position in their classes they shall be withdrawn from school. SEC. VI. No pupil shall be advanced from a lower to a higher class who has not undergone a satisfactory examina- tion in all the branches of the lower class, as provided in Sec. I., Rule 138. SKC. VII. A pupil, having been absent twice within one month, without presenting sufficient excuse, may, on the morning of the third absence, be discharged, and shall be readmitted only by a permit from the Superintendent. RULE 142 NORMAL SCHOOL. SECTION I. This school is intended for the training of persons who desire to become teachers in the St. Louis Public Schools. SEC. II. 1. The number of pupils attending the Normal School shall be limited to 150. 2. In order to fill this quota, classes shall be admitted at the beginning of the first and the twenty-first week of the school year. 3. Graduates of the St. Louis High School, and persons who can pass an equivalent examination, shall be admitted to the Normal School. 4. (a.) In case the number of applicants from these two sources is insufficient, applicants who have finished at least two years of the High School course shall be admitted in the order of their class and standing in the High School. (b.) And, lastly, persons who have had training in higher branches and can pass a satisfactory examination, may be admitted with the last named class. 5. Diplomas of graduation shall be given upon comple- tion of the Normal School course, to such persons only as have previously graduated from the High School. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 63 6. All other persons, upon completion of the Normal School course, shall receive certificates of qualifications which shall entitle them to positions in the St. Louis Pub- lic Schools, whenever their services are needed. 7. All persons entering the Normal School shall subscribe the following declaration : I, the subscriber, hereby declare that it is my intention to devote my- self to the business of teaching in the Public Schools of St. Louis, for at least two years; that my object in resorting to this Normal School is the better to prepare myself for this important work. And I furthermore declare that I intend to continue in the Normal School during the time required for my graduation, unless honorably discharged by the com- mittee. SEC. III. During the last half of the course, the pupils will be required to gain practical experience in teaching by substituting in the District Schools. SEC. IV. The principal of the Normal School shall exer- cise the same supervision over the " School of Practice " connected with the Normal School, as is exercised by the principal of a first-class District School over the school placed under his immediate charge. RULE 143 TERMS AND SCHOOL SESSIONS. SECTION I. The scholastic year shall commence the first Monday in September, and continue forty consecutive weeks, exclusive of the Christmas holidays, and be divided into four terms, of ten weeks each. SEC. II. There shall be two daily sessions in all the schools, except the High and Normal. The first session shall commence at 9 o'clock A. M., and close at 12 M. ; and the second shall commence at 1 :30 o'clock, p. M., and close at a quarter before 4 o'clock p. M , throughout the year. In the ungraded schools, including the colored schools, and all other schools situated in the sparsely settled districts, the second session shall commence at 1 o'clock, and close at 3 :15 o'clock P. M. 64 RULES AND REGULATIONS. SEC. III. During each morning session there shall be a recess of fifteen minutes, to be arranged as the principal may think most judicious. In the afternoon there shall be no recess, except one of ten minutes for the primary chil- dren, who shall be carefully supervised by the teachers during said recess, and prevented from causing disturbance to the higher departments. SEC. IV. In the High and Normal Schools there shall be but one daily session, commencing at 9 o'clock A. M., and closing at 2:30 o'clock p. M., throughout the year. SEC. V. The schools shall have a vacation from the close of the scholastic year till the first Monday in September; they shall also be closed from the 25th day of December to the 1st of January, inclusive ; on all thanksgiving or fast days authorized by the State or by the general government, on Washington's birthday, and on all Saturdays throughout the year; but on no other day, unless by special permission of the Board. RULE 144. All regulations of the Board heretofore adopted, inconsis- tent with these rules, are hereby rescinded. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY. SECTION I. The Board of Managers of the Public Library shall consist of sixteen members, nine of whom shall be appointed annually by the School Board, and seven elected annually by such life members of the Library as are over eighteen years of age. The Board of Managers at any reasonable time before each election shall select a commit- tee of five life members of the Library, not members of the Board of Managers, who shall be requested to nomi- nate a ticket of fourteen persons from among the life mem- bers of the Library, who are eligible for such election. No ballot shall contain more than seven names, and such ballot must be presented by the member voting it. SEC. II. The nine members of the Board of Managers to be appointed by the School Board shall consist of the Library Committee of the School Board ex officio. SEC. III. 1. The election by the life members of the Library shall take place annually on the first Tuesday in May. A notice of the time and place of such election, signed by the President of the Board of Managers, shall be (65) 66 RULES AND REGULATIONS printed in at least one English daily and in one German daily newspaper published in the City of St. Louis, on the day of said election, and on the six days next preceding. A similar notice shall be kept posted in a prominent place in the Library room during one week next preceding said elec- tion. Should an election for any cause, not take place on the day appointed, as soon thereafter as may be, an election may be held in lieu thereof. No such election, whether it be annual, deferred, or special, shall be valid, unless such notices shall have been given. All members of the Board of Managers shall hold their offices until their successors are duly elected and qualified. 2. Elections shall be in charge of two judges of election appointed by the President of the School Board, such ap- pointment to be communicated to them in writing. The polling place shall be open from 10 A. M. until 8 P. M. on the day appointed for the election. The judges shall be furnished with a list of all life members of the Library, and a ballot box shall be provided for the reception of ballots. It shall be the duty of the judges to keep a list of all persons voting. Opposite each name on said list shall be placed a number designating the order in which the bal- lots are presented. A corresponding number shall be placed on the ballot presented by the voter. Should any persons whom the judges decide to be not qualified to vote, present ballots, their names shall be placed on a separate list with a number corresponding to the number placed on their bal- lots, which ballots with the list shall be placed in an envel- ope. In another envelope shall be placed all ballots found in the box which the judges decide to be illegal, together with a list of those voting them . Upon the close of the elec- tion the judges shall count the votes cast for each candidate rejectingall illegal ballots. After the ballots are counted, all of them which the judges decide are illegal shall be strung upon a string and placed in the ballot box with the list of those voting them, together with the envelopes above pro- vided for, with their contents. Thereupon the ballot box ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY. 67 shall be sealed and put in possession of the Librarian as cus- todian of the Board of Managers. The judges shall then communicate to the President of the School Board in writ- ing over their signatures, the result of their count. This communication shall contain the number of legal votes cast for each candidate ; the number of ballots not accepted, with the reasons for not accepting them ; and the number of ballots decided illegal, with the reasons for deciding them illegal. The judges shall be paid by the Board of Mana- gers a reasonable sum for their services. 3. A copy of the certificate of the judges shall be certi- fied by the President of the Board of Public Schools to the Board of Managers at its regular meeting, held next after the election. Upon the receipt of said certificate the Board of Managers shall declare those seven persons elected who shall have received the greatest number of legal votes. Provided, that if five life members shall request it in writ- ing, the Board of Managers shall caused to be opened in its presence the ballot box and the ballots then and there counted. In such a case the Board shall decide the election upon the count then made, ignoring the count of the judges. Thereupon the members elect shall take their seats, and the terms of their predecessors shall expire. 4. Any vacancy created by resignation, death or other cause, shall be filled as speedily as possible by special election, in the same manner as in the case of regular elections. SEC. IV. Said Board of Managers shall annually, as soon after the annual election as practicable, elect a President and a Vice-President from its own members. In case at any time the offices of President and Vice-President shall both become vacant, the Board of Managers shall appoint a President pro tempore, who shall perform the duties of President until his successor is elected. The Board of Managers shall have the general care and control of said Library, together with the rooms set apart for the use of the same, its fixtures and furniture, and the expenditure of 68 RULES AND REGULATIONS all moneys appropriated, collected, or donated for its use. They may make such By-Laws and Rules for their own government, and in relation to the officers appointed by them, and for the management of the Library, as they may deem expedient and which shall not be inconsistent with these regulations. SEC. V. 1. The present Librarian shall hold his office until the second Tuesday in January, 1886, and until his successor is duly appointed and qualified. At the regular meeting in January, 1886, or as soon thereafter as may be, and every third year thereafter, the Board of Managers shall appoint a Librarian, who shall hold his office for three years, and until his successor is duly appointed and quali- fied. The Librarian shall at all times be subject to re- moval for cause, by a vote of the majority of the whole Board of Managers. 2. Said Board of Managers shall, also, appoint from time to time, such assistants as they may deem necessary for the proper administration of the affairs of the Library under their charge, all said appointments to be subject to the approval of the Board of President and Directors of the St. Louis Public Schools, as provided in Rule 81 of the rules for the government of said List-mentioned Board. SEC. VI. The terms upon which persons may be admitted to the use of the Library, and the privilege of drawing books for home use, shall be as follows : 1. The Library and Reading-room shall be free for pur- poses of reading und reference to all persons who shall con- form to the rules and regulations of the same. 2. Any person, resident of the city of St. Louis, may enjoy all the privileges of the Library, except the right to vote at elections for members of the Board of Managers, for a period of six months, upon the payment of one dollar in advance. 3. Any person, resident of the city of St. Louis, may enjoy all the privileges of the Library, except the right to vote at elections for members of the Board of Managers, for ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY. 69 a period of one year, upon the payment of two dollars in advance. The persons specified in the last two preceding para- graphs shall, upon compliance with their provisions, be termed temporary members. 4. Any person, resident of the city of St. Louis, may en- joy all the privileges of the Library, including the right to vote at elections for members of the Board of Managers, during the time of his natural life, while he remains a resi- dent of said city, upon the payment of twelve dollars, in advance. 5. Non-residents of the city of St. Louis shall have the privilege accorded to temporary members of the Library, upon the deposit of three dollars with the Librarian, and the payment in advance of three dollars annually. Upon ter- minating their memberships, the deposit of three dollars shall be returned to them. 6. Any incorporated Library Association, or other incor- porated association, may at the discretion of the Board of Managers become entitled to all the privileges of the Library, accorded to temporary members, subject to the rules and regulations of the Board of Managers, by tak- ing out not less than fifty (50) annual memberships, pay- ing for the same the sum of two dollars ($2) per annum, in advance, for each membership : Provided, such association assume all the expenses of administration and become responsible for the safe return and proper keeping of the books ; and also, Provided, that the location of such association is ap- proved by the Board of Managers, as suitable for a Branch Library. 7. Perpetual memberships, and all other memberships, heretofore granted by the Library, and now existing, shall continue during the term for which they were granted. 8. All persons who are now, or who may hereafter be- come members or officers of the Board of President and 70 RULES AND REGULATIONS Directors of the St. Louis Public Schools, shall be entitled for life to all the privileges of the Library. SEC. VII. 1. All certificates of membership or sub- scriptions heretofore issued under the authority of the Trustees of the Public School Library Society of St. Louis, shall entitle the holders thereof to all the privileges in the use of the Library and Reading-room for the time or times severally specified in such certificates ; and all certificates heretofore issued under the authority of said Trustees of said Library Society as being good for one dollar, in pay- ment of life-membership fee, shall be received by the Board of Managers in lieu of money under the provisions of Sec- lion VI. 2. The said Board of Managers may, at their discretion and in consideration for valuable services rendered, or val- uable donations made to the Library, or for other consid- erations, confer the privilege of membership for a time or for life upon such persons as in their judgment are deserving thereof. Memberships in the Library thus conferred, shall be termed Beneficiary Memberships, and persons holding them shall not be entitled to vote at elections for members of the Board of Managers. 3. All memberships shall be non-transferable. Life memberships shall be suspended during the non-residence in the city of St. Louis of the persons to whom they are issued. 4. Certificates of membership signed by the President and countersigned by the Librarian, shall be issued to all persons entitled thereto. SEC. VIII. All persons shall, in their use of the Library and Reading-room, be subject to the rules and regulations governing the same. SEC. IX. The books, pamphlets and other property of the Henry Ames Library of the O' Fallen Polytechnic Insti- tute are hereby placed under the control and management of the said Board of Managers. Such books and pam- ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY. 71 phlets shall be distinguished from the books and pamphlets of the Public Library, by their catalogue numbers and by a label containing the words, " Henry Ames Library of the O'Fallon Polytechnic Institute," but otherwise shall be subject to classification and use, the same as the books and pamphlets of the Public Library. SEC. X. 1. The Librarian appointed by said Board of Man- agers shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, give bond to the Board of President and Directors of the St. Louis Public Schools in the sum of one thousand dollars, with good and sufficient security to be approved by said Board of President and Directors, for the faithful perform- ance of his duties as Librarian of said Board of Managers. 2. The depository of the funds of the Public Library shall be the Board of President and Directors of the St. Public Schools, with whose Treasurer shall be deposited all moneys received by the Board of Managers for the use of the Library. All warrants upon the funds of the Library shall be signed by the President of the Board of Managers and the Librarian. The warrants shall be the Treasurer's vouchers for payments so made. 3. The Treasurer shall report to the Board of Managers quarterly or oftener, if required, the amounts received and paid out by him as above prescribed. And no warrant upon the Treasurer shall be signed by the President as above stated, except in pursuance of the action of the Board of Managers. SEC. XL 1 . It shall be the duty of said Managers to present to this Board, through the chairman of the Library Commit- tee, at the regular meetings of the same in August, November, February, and May of each year, written reports setting forth in detail the receipts and expenditures for the Library, its financial condition, the number of volumes added, to- gether with such information or suggestions as they may deem important. The Library year shall coincide with the fiscal year of the School Board and their report in the month of August shall be their annual fiscal report. 72 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 2. Said Managers shall prepare for printing in the annual report of the Board of Public Schools such resume of the year's work as they may see fit, and shall present also such other reports or information as may from time to time be required of them by the Board of Public Schools. SEC. XII. Any or all of these regulations may be repealed or altered in the manner provided for the repeal or altera- tion of the rules for the government of this Board. SEC. XIII. All rules and regulations for the government of the Board of Managers of the St. Louis Public Library heretofore adopted by this Board are hereby repealed. 6FTHE UNIVERSI" INDEX. 73 TABLE OF CONTENTS OP THE RULES OF THE BOARD. SUBJECT MATTER. Rule. Section. Page. Amendment of Rules 119 41 Architect 44 16 Asssistant Superintendents ... 36 14 Attorney 24 12 Auditing Committee Bailiff . ... 49 37 20 14 Bills, Registration of 38 14 Building Committee . . 70 28 Call to Order . 116 41 Classification of Schools 131 44 Collection of Rents . 38 14 Committees, Appointment of Committees Constitution of , 46 47 18 18 Committees, Duties of ... . 48 19 Committee of Examiners Communications to Board Contested Elections .... 84 105 6 I. 32 39 5 Corps of Teachers to each School Course of Study Committee ... .... 132 67 V.-XIV. 47 27 Course of Study District Schools 130 v 43 Course of Study, Evening Schools ... 130 VI 44 Course of Study, High School Course of Study, Instruction Course of Study, Normal School Custody of Bonds Papers etc 130 141 130 8 IV. II. III. 43 60 43 8 Debate, Closing of 108 39 Deportment of Pupils 140 59 Deposit of School Moneys Discipline 90-92 134 34-35 52 Election of Directors 1-5 3-5 Election of Officers 7 7 Estimates 75 76 30 Examination of Teachers Expenditures 84 77 2-5 32 30 German Teachers . .- 132 XIV. 49 High School, Examination for Admission to ... High School, Age of Admission & Requirements for Increase in Salaries . Index of Board Proceedings Interest in Contracts < Lands and Leasing, Committee of .... 141 141 133 10 87 59 III. XIV. 60 61 52 9 33 32 Leases . ... 17 10 Library Committee 81 31 Limitation of Speaking 115 40 Local Supervision . . . 138 55 Motions . 106 39 74 INDEX. TABLE OF CONTENTS OF RULES. Continued. SUBJECT MATTER. Rule. Section. Pag New School Accommodations 93 Non- Attendance of Members . .... 86 Normal School, Qualification for Admission . . . Normal School Course of Study .... 142 130 III. Normal School Pupils, Number of . . .... Opening of School Buildings, Hour for Order of Business . 142 137 103 II. VIII. President 8 Principals, Reports of Principals, Reports of Principal Teachers, their Duties Privileges in Debate . Publication and Printing . . . 137 138 137 113 65 II., III., V. 11., III. VI. 54 56 Pupils Admission, Attendance, Studies .... Qualification of Members 139 5 Quorum of the Board Quota of Pupils to Teacher . 102 132 I., II. III. 110 Repeal Reference of Business Resignation of Teachers Rules, Committee on Salaries, Committee on 119 13 133 82 80 136 X. 143 II. Secretary . . . 10-20 9 Secretary's Clerks 18 Sessions of the Board 100 104 Special Sessions 101 26-35 12 Superintendent's Clerks 26 33 29 Superintendent, Yearly Report of 29 66 Supply Committee Suspension of Pupils . Suspension of Rules Suspension of Teachers Teachers 62 140 119 140 133 133 Teachers' Association Teachers' Committee 133 51 89 XL Teachers. Duties of . Teachers' Salaries, Deductions Teachers' Salaries, How Paid Teachers' Transfer Temperature of School-rooms Terms 133 133 91 54 133 143 I.-VII. XII. VII. I. 21-23 Vice-President 9 Visiting Days of Teachers Vocal Music . : 133 135 IX. Vouchers for Repairs * Vouchers for Supplies .... . .... 44 66 14 9 Ways and Means Committee Yeas and Nays . 74 112 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. JUL30 50m-7,'16 10513:?