* UBRARy X' Of ALL SUCCESSIONS, OPENED IN THE PARISH OF ORLEANS, FROM THE YEAR 1805, TO THE YEAR 1846. COMPILED BY P. M. BERTIN. NEW ORLEANS. PRINTED BY YfiOMANS & FITCH, NO. 68, CAMP STREET. 1849. In order to facilitate the search when a succession has been opened, it is necessary to mention, that from the organisation of the late Probate Court, in 1805, up to about 1820, in several instances, it will be found that the same succession has been apparently opened in different years, and the proceedings will be found in the same year that the name of the deceased appears on the Index. INDEX 1806. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Alexander, John 1807. Avery, Richard T 1807 Arvere, Antoine 1 91 Aucoin, Michel Avart, Robert V 1807 1808. Alte, Joseph Arnaud, Pierre 1808 Atilas, Marie ,. . . 1 157 1808 1809. Armstrong, Mathieu 1 809 Andrieu, Bernard 1909 Aubert, Philippe 1 244 1809 1810. Ardax, Lewis 1810 Andrieux, Bernard 1811. Auston, Rosalie Rebecca 1 392 1811 Allemand, Louise Aimee, minor 1 453 1812 Anderson, Isaac Attwood, Benjamin, widow 1 376 1811 Allibert, Victor 1811 Anderson, Thomas 1811 Alexander, Robert 1811 Adams, Williams 1 459 Archevaux, Antoine 1811 1812. Alexander, James 1811 Archevaux, Antoine Anderson, Thomas Anfray, Francois 1 501 1812 Auston, Rosalie Rebecca 1 392 Angeliny, Jean Antoine 1 487 1812 Alpuente, Mathias 1 490 Allemand, Louise Aimee 1 453 1812 Arnoult, Camille, minor 4 INDEX. 1812. WILLS. 1NV. Vol. Page. Year- Argolant, Dominique 1812 Anderson, Isaac . , Alystyn, Mathew 1812 1813. Aigolant. Dominique Angeliny, John Ardax, Louis Alibert, Victor Alexander, James Archevaux, Antoine Anderson, Thomas ... Aumont, Jacques 1814. Arnuad, Pierre Anselme 2 130 1814 Anderson, Andrew Angeliny, John '. 1815. Alrick, West 1815 Acqueduc, Joseph 1815 Arzeno, Nicolas 2 156 1815 Armstrong, Mathew Avart, Celestin Robert , Aubert, Elizabeth 1815 Auricoste, Franchise 2 157 1815 Allen, Waters 1816. Antonin, Venus, f. w. c. * 2 207 Alstyne, Mathew Allard, Jean Pierre 2 216 1816 Amfray, Marie Adelaide 2 223 Anderson, Thomas Angue, Antoine 2 230 1816 Ancona, Augustin de 2 235 1816 Aubert, Elizabeth , Arnaud, Lanaux, minors Allen, William 2 245 Allen, Waters .2 306 1817. Angue, Antoine Andry, widow, Marianne Thomassin 1817 Am Ende, J. Henrick Alsop, John Audier.Paul ..3 34 1817 INDEX. 5 1818. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Allard, Pierre , Andry, Marie Jeanne Lapierre, widow, 1818 Alpuente, Zoe Hortense Challon, wife 1818 Archer, Urbain 3 41 1818 Avard, widow, Julie Allain 3 48 1818 Anderson, minors Andrews, Nathaniel 1818 Alricks, West Avart, Erame Robert 3 90 Allemand, Nicolas Andrews, Nathaniel 1819. Apollon, widow, Madeleine Valiere 3 143 Alsop, John . Amoroso, Jean , 1819 Andrews, Nathaniel Am Ende, Fred'k Wm ' 2 83 1819 Andry, wife of, Marie Taylor 3 87 1819 Avrent, see Havrin Jn. Bte 1819 Aime, Jean 3 109 1820. Alexander, James Andry, Alexis f. m. c 1820 Aigolanf, Dominique Alpuente, minor Andry, Sosthene, Marie Taylor, wife Almonaster, Marie f. w. c 3 182 1821 1821. Aubry, Pierre, wife of, Marie Esther 1821 Adele, f. w. c. (minor) 1822. Alexander, Jean Baptiste 3 240 Augustin, Vancraningbourg 1823 Alexander, Jeduthen Avrent, Jean Baptiste 3 283 1822 Andre, Catherine f. w. c 3 285 1822 Amoros. Joseph 1822 Avery, Josiah Albert, John 3 298 1822 1823. Andrews, Arthur 3 337 Arnould, widow, Marie Delille Duparc 3 381 1823 Armas, de Michel 1824 Alexander, E. S 1823 6 INDEX. 1824. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Allen, James 4 24 Albertson, Aaron 1 824 Armando, Giovanni, and wife 4 32 1824 1825. Allen, Amanda F. M. a minor Acosta, Ann a minor Aubert. Jean Louis f. m. c 1825 Anglade,Jean 4 80 1826 1826. Antonio, Juan Assiar, Theodore 1827. Alzar, Fernando 4 135 1829 Allard, Pierre Gregoire 4 142 ] 827 Addicks, John E 1827 Alstine Mathew Rachel Hurst widow of 4 151 1827 Aldrich, Cromwell 1828. Aubry, Zelie a minor Augier Gabriel, Anne Felicite de Claver wife of 4 171 Armas, de Christoval 4 176 1828 Arnaud, Jean Baptiste 4 182 1828 Andre, Pierre Philipe, widow 4 185 1828 Amothe alias Che>ubin, Julien, f. m. c Audige, Guillaume d 1828 1829. Arnoux, Rene Virginie Lepassier wife of Adersbach. Dr. Gerson 4 249 1829 Albriere, Caroline f. w. c 4 260 1829 1830. Alzina y Moreo. Juan 4 281 1830 Axon, George 1831. Adams, William 1831 Angaud, Jean 4 308 1831 Arnould. G. Catherine Beaumont wife of ...... 1831 Augustin, Antonio Amy, P. Jeanne Clary de Croizy widow of 4 315 1831 Allard, J. B. Edwin, a minor Alpuente, Etienne a minor Arnaud, Etienne 1831 Allemand, Marie Madeline f. w. c 1831 Akermann, Marguerite a minor Acosta, Antonio 4 325 1831 INDEX. 7 1832. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Auditot, Marie Joseph 4 345 1840 Atwill, jr. John D 1832 Abat, Antoine 4 354 1332 Arnould, Cyrille 1832 Andry, Alexis 1832 Armstrong, Eliza a minor Andre, Antoine 1832 Allende, Antonio 1832 Alderson, Wm. Mary Mackreth, wife of Abraham, a free negro man 1832 Armstrong, William Audibert, Mortimer Emile Zeringue, widow of 1832 Armas, Christoval de Manette Amirault Duples- sis widow of 1832 Albrier, Patrice Marie Franchise Vellet, wife of 1833 Andry, Baptiste f. m. c 4 415 1832 1833. Anders, Barbar a minor Armitage, Joshua Astives or Anstives, Marie f. w. c 4 431 1833 Aicard, Joseph 4 429 1834 Augustin, Numa a minor Adams, William 1833 Allmans, Ludwig 1833 Authemant, Jh. Gaspard . * . . . 1833 Andrews, Sanitte f. w. c. 1833 Armas, de Albert 1833 Aillot, jr. Louis 4 472 1833 Arnaud, Jacques an absentee Ash, William C 1833 Alcan, Michael Albert, Miss Armas, Michel widow 1833 Aicard, Joseph widow 1834 1834. Augier, see Ogier, Gabriel 1834 Ariola, de Domingo 1834 Adams Joseph 5 37 1834 Alpuente, Jean Laurent 1837 Austria, Gregoria de Acebo, del Miguel 5 162 1834 Alpuente, Hy polite Hyacinthe 1837 Arteaga, Jean a minor 1835 8 INDEX. 1835. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Andry, Michel 5* 157 1835 Agnant St., Louise see St. Aignant .......... Almanzer, Jean Joseph f. m. c. . . 1835 Andre, Polymmie Pierre Elizabeth Avril, Blaize 1835 Arnoult Gervais, Catherine Celeste Beaumont wife of 1835 Ambroise, Jn. Bte 5 264 1836 1836. Armitage, Sarah Eliza a minor Atle, Marie R6missaire Eleonore a minor Allegre, Charles f. m. c 5 329 1836 Amelung, John A., Mary M. Cardozo wife of . . Adams, Charles and Thomas 1 836 Arnaud, Mariane alias Arsenite f. w. c 5 368 1836 Akin, Oliver 5 370 1836 Arsene, Pierre see Pierre Adam, Fran$ois 5 384 1837 Alpuente, Jn, Laurent, Euphrosine Lacour, widow of 1837 1837. Amman, John Abadie, Jean Angle alias Ingle, Pierre Adams, Andrew H Alexis, f. w. c. Louise 5 507 1837 Avery, Daniel * Arnaud, J. C 5 519 1837 Albarede, Etienne alias Roquigny f. m. c 5 536 1837 Albers, Henry 1838 1838. Adam, Lucien 1838 Aikens, G. Baxter G 26 Avart, Robert Ambrosio, Augustine 1838 Allen, Margaret 1838 Anne, Eulalie f. w. c 1838 Abadie, Peierre widow of 1838 Abat, Maurice f. m. c 1839 1839. Augier, Felicite in the matter of the minor. . * . . Arrott, David 1840 Ailes, John F Armas de Felix, see de Armas 6 168 1840 Armitage, J. A. . . . , INDEX. 9 1839. WILLS. INV. Vol Page. Year. Aubertine, see Robert Andry, Manuel 6 182 1840 Aldrich, Stephen 6 184 1840 1840. Adam, P. R. N Antomarchi, Dr. F 7 108 1840 Anderson, James B 1840 Aldenhoven, Gustavus 6 233 1840 Ashbcy Aicard, Louis f. m. c 6 252 1840 Andry, Celeste see Leblanc f. w. c Alonzo, Domingo Albain, St. see St. Albain Armstrong, Mary Francis a minor Armitage, widow see Emilie Passebon 6 236 1840 1841 Attide, Claire Hortense 6 292 Arnaud, Joseph Francois 6 309 1841 Armington, Ira 6 815 Amelung, Henry Armstrong, Andrew C. Eliza Rosetta Armstrong dec'd wife of 1841 Antonio Angaut, Adolphe 1841 Aramburu, J. M. Isabel Segovia, dec'd wife of. . 6 323 1841 Andrews, John widow of 1841 Auth, John Peter, Amelia Evans, dec'd wife of 1841 Audrain, Narcisse 1841 Ahrens, Henry Auguste, f. m. c., Marie Laveau, divorced of ... 6 396 1841 Andrews, Archibald W 1841 Adams, Lucius E Armas y Arcila, Christoval 1842. Aldrage, in the matter of the minor Alexandrine, Marie see Monnery Abell, George Alphuente, Francis R 7 106 1842 Audier, Jean Pierre 1843. Armstrong, Thomas 7 282 1843 Alonzo, Thomas 7 288 1843 Anthony, John Azaretto, Jn. Bte 7 346 1843 Allard, widow of Louis Nicolas Alzina, Pablo 1843 10 INDEX. 1843. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Aymar, Antoine 1843 Armor, James 7 385 1843 Augustin, Jean Louis f. m. c 1843 Augier, Etienne Avril, Paul 7 427 1843 Ancelot, Louis Desire 7 435 Audisson, Jean Baptiste 1844. Aury, Angelique f. w. c 8 9 1844 Arnault, Leonard Chariot f. m. c 8 18 1844 Armstrong, Ann a minor Artiguenave, widow Victoire Requin 1845. Arroyo, J. B. G. Arthur, a minor Asbridge, George 1845 Angelis, Augustin de Auguste, Joseph alia* Voltaire, f. m. c 1 845 Allard, Gabriel Nicolas 1845 Abeilard, Charles Pierre f. m. c 8 120 1845 Ann, Mary a minor Atkins, Charles Cunningham a minor Arnaud, Jean Pierre 1845 J84G. Arnold, Otis 1846 Allain, Valerien Sr 1846 Applebee, Ambrose 1840 Atkinson, Louis 1840 Altavogt, Frederika a minor Abbott, Elizabeth a minor Armstrong, John 1847 1805. BOURGNEUF, G 1805 Blache, Francois 1806 1S06. Briggs, Joseph 1806 Buchanan, John 1806 Bouyer, Louis Guerin veuve 1 74 1806 1807. Bazinet, Baptiste 1 78 Bourgin, Alexis 1 83 1807 Buck, Richard r ... Burck, Andrew 1807 Bigarre, Peter de la 1 95 Boueilh, Simon 1807 INDEX. 11 1807. WILLS. INT. Vol. Page. Year 1808 1807 ISO 364 1808 163 1808 197 1823 Brown, Henry Bright, Jacob Bauve, Alexander 1 Bourgin, Joseph see Papers in 1813 1 1803. Binns, Ayrton Blanchard, Jerome Brun, Jacques Barras, Claude Vincent 1 Bout et, Louis Hilaire 1 1809. Baptiste, Jean, f. m. c 1 207 Betlenger, Madame . . 1809 Boisdore, Toinette minor 1809 Bane, John Basinet, minors Beaulieu, Dorothe Chauvin 1 231 1809 Buck, Richard Blanquet, J. Casimir ] 809 Beauregard, veuve Marie FelicitS Durel 1809 Buchanan, J< hn 1809 Burk. minors 1809 Brophy, John .' Berquin, Reynaud Marie Michel widow 1 Brunei, Elizabeth 1 1810. Barby alias Barbay, Cleoface 1 Bosque, Bartholome 1 Breton, Helene Michel veuve 1 Beauregard, minors Bravo, F. Antonio .- Boisclair, Louise veuve 1 Barbier, minors Bordeaux, veuve 1 Beguin, Mte, Claude Rollet widow 1 Bernard, John Peter 1 Beatrice, Rose a minor Batailler, veuve f. w. c 1 306 1 81 Burel, Benedicte f. w. c 1810 Boisdore, Petit Jean f. m. c 1810 Biguerrier, Thomas 1 307 1810 Bernard, Catherine veuve 1 337 1810 18IJ. Balanquie, Salvadore 1 357 1811 Beauregard, Emanuel 249 1809 254 1809 279 1810 259 265 12 INDEX. 1811. WILL3. INT. Vol. Page. Year. Baptandiere, Mary Barnes. Isaac D, 1 330 Beauregard, Eliza and Victoire Bentura, Alberto 1811 Berquier, Hildevert 1 403 1811 Brown, John 1 397 Buzard, Laurent 1 358 Brounere Christine , 1812 Bercamboy, Lewis 1811 Bermondy, Pierre a minor 1811 Bentura, Alberto 1811 Bogert, Peter B 1811 Beugeard, Joseph 1 385 Buchanan. John Brancas, Grand-homme Gizeu Burel, Benedicte Bernard, Mathieu 1811 Bonneville, Joseph 1811 Brown, William 1811 Bergnier, Leonard an absentee 1811 Belloc, Marie Joseph 1 420 Borde, Valentin 1 395 1811 Blanquet, Casimir 1812. Beltrcmieu, Louis 1 502 1813 Brown, Robert 1 504 Bercamboy, Louis Bagneris, Jn. Bte 1 Bigby, John 1 Boisblanc, Hardy de 1 Boudoir, Nicolas Brown, Nancy 1 452 Bergnier, Leonard Bell,JohnB 1 497 Bradley, John 1812 Boivin, Pierre Belloquet, Jean .1 523 1812 Barela, Rodrigo 1 524 Bouthemy, Pierre 2 3 1812 Baudreau, Jean Charles 2 6 1812 Bart, Jean Antoine 1 509 1813. Bordeau, Louis Bouthemy, Pierre Boisblanc, Charles Hardyde 1 466 INDEX. 13 1813. WILLS. 1NV. Vol. Page. Year. Belloquet, Jean 1 523 Bourguignon, veuve Brugier, minors Bady or Baditte, Joseph Bagneris, Seraphine minor Browen, John 1813 Bletcher, George 2 62 Bonnabel, minors Brown, William Baraxas, Leandro 1813 Bogert, Peter B Bizot, minors Billaud, veuve Marie Jeanne Lafrance 2 66 1813 Botrel, Jean 2 69 1813 Buhourd Dargy, Claude Fransois 1813 Brouner, Marie Camille Carbonara Depinola ve. 2 70 181S Boisclaire, Raymond N. L 2 75 Bronne, Emilie 2 81 1813 Bourgins, Joseph 1 364 Brown, Robert 1 474 1814. Blanquet, Casimir Brule, Chariot f. m. c 1814 Bige, Joseph Christophe Bertrand, minors Bogert, Peter B Bordeaux, Louis Brou, Pierre minor ....-. Botrel, Jean Beaulieu, Dorothee Chauvin Boisclaire Jean Baptiste 2 114 1814 Boutte, minor Balais, Francois 2 131 1814 Boye, Louis Bore, Margte. Marie Destrehan wife of 2 145 Bants, Jacob Boulevatre, Louise a minor Bauzon, Guillaume 2 146 1814 1815. Bustaret, Stephen 2 165 Brown, Gilbert Badins. Louis 1815 Blackburn, Wm. and John Colbert Burk, Walter 2 204 1815 Bacque, Aillon 1815 14 INDEX. 1815. WILLS. INT. Vol. Page. Year. Bunts, Jacob Boudar, Joseph 2 158 1815 Burk, Louisa a minor Blanque, Jean Burr:l, Benedicte . Boiscluire, Jean Buptiste f. m. c 1816. Beaudequin, Placide 1816 Horee, Marie f. w. c 2 2C8 Bertonniere, Pierre 1816 Blois, Mirianne Billaud wife of... _ 1816 Brule, Chariot minors 1816 Bauzon, Guillaume Bige, Joseph Christophe Brou, Honore a minor Bernoudy, Francois 2 220 1816 Bolton, William 1816 Brou, Pierre a minor Boulvatre, Louise a minor Boisclaire, Jean Baptiste Bouchon, Mathieu Bonamy, Alexis Cesar 2 246 1816 1817. Bernard, C. Laty widow Belhomme, Martin Bacas, Manuel 2 251 1817 Baptandiere, Mary ....3 1 1817 Beal, Caswelt 2 232 Bienvenu, Bellet Hellen Angelique widow .... 3 2 Boisblanc, Hardy de, mino;s Bosque, Bartholomew Boyer, Philippe 1817 Bonnabel, Marrelin Bofill, Jean Joseph Brunei, Adelaide f. w. c 1818 Barran, Bordeaux, Ann, Antoinette and Rose 1817 Boulard, Jean 3 18 1817 Bryant, Robert Blanrhard, Peter : 3 27 1817 Bona my, A. C Bailey, Noami 3 31 Blakeny, Hamilton -. 1818 INDEX. 15 1817. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Boerstler, C. G. - Buscailles, Jules 3 38 Belcour, de Alexandra Duhamc.l 3 30 Bordeaux, Antoine dec'd wife of, 1817 1818. Bacchus, Catherine 1818 Brown, vShepherd 3 40 1818 Birot, Thomas 1818 Beal, Cusivell Brion alias Dubreil, Marianne 1818 Bonnabel, Marcelin Broutin Francois Andry Narcissus, .....3 45 1818 Brouard, Michel Bibard, Peter 3 49 Bosque, Bartholomew Brown, Gilbert Bartlett, W Beaudequin, Placide Bedaride, Clotilde Bermndez, Marie Emilie Dufossat, wife of .... 1818 Baptiste, Jean Barbay, Cleoface Bartlett, William Brigs, Joseph, and others '. Barthelemy Bostwick, Salmon Bailly, Madeleine Anne Burke, Louisa 2 204 Borel, Francois 3 60 1818 Bacas, Manuel Butman, Thomas Babcock, Joshua 1818 Boerstler, C. G Bailey, Thomas 1818 Bourgeat, Therese Beauvais Babcock, Joshua Bruneau, Saturnin Bienvenu, Marie Louise 1818 1619. Beidy, Michel 1819 Beaulieu, Joseph 3 70 1819 Biot. Etienne 3 71 1819 Bertrand, Anthony 3 71 Brusle, Raimond Biela, Nicolas 1819- 16 INDEX. 1819. WILLS. INV. Vol. Year. Page. Boursier, Casimir .'. . . Bazanac, Jn. Bte 3 79 1819 Boadaille, Marie f. vv. c 3 81 1819 Baptandiere, widow 3 41 Broutin, Narcissus junior 3 85 1819 Bashford, James 1819 Blois, minors Bevrot, Pierre 3 88 Booth, Dr. Wm Barber, J ohn Boutmey, Pierre Blake, John 3 116 Burke, Edward D 3 116 Bonnet, Ladoix Madame 3 95 1819 Bonffand, Francois Baker, Eliza Batman, Thomas Basilico, Jean Benitez, Manuel 3 98 Blanchard, Ls. Bailly 3 125 1820 Bryant, Thomas Bedol, Etienne 3 105 1820. Bore, Etienne Jean 3 130 1820 Binet, Marie Barthelemy Batailler, Jany f. w. c 1820 Bartelot, Andre Bacchus, Manette f. g. c Barrington, Amos C Basrneris, Melanie Bratt, John Bo wlend, Benjamin 3 156 Butler, James 3 159 Burnet, Andrew Barrys, Andrew Brown, William 3 232 1820 Blondeau, Sebastien 3 164 Burel, A. minor Basset, Thomas 3 171 1820 Benneth, David Burget, Boston Butler, Richard 3 181 1821. Bidleman, J. B 3 186 Belair, Caliche Marton 3 196 INDEX. 17 1821., WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Booth, Richard A Bellvue alias Bellnoce, Charlotte 3 204 Barthelemy Jean widow of F. Ferraud 3 208 1821 Bennett, James 3 211 Brunety see Batilico, Francois Buccoi, Mad'me T. L 1822 Balling, John 1821 Boyd, William Bournos, Louis Tausia 3 225 1821 Brown, William 3 232 1822 Burton, Peter 3 234 1822 Brown, John Bruneau, Joseph 1822 Batilico, Jean 1822. Broutin, Norbert, Philippe Trevino wife of 3 245 1822 Benjamin, Pierre f. m. c 3 262 Baro. Mariano 3 267 1822 Beleurgey, Claude 1822 Blouin, Hyacinth Bartlett, Samuel B , 1822 Brierre, J. M. B. 1822 Benham, Vinson T 3 307 1822 Benjamin, Jeanne and Ann Sherman Barreau, Maurice 1822 Byrns, Daniel and John 1822 Bogle, Thomas . . . , 1822 Barthelemy widow 3 308 1822 Beams, John 3 311 1822 Blackwell. R Bouillerot Betts.John 3 311 1822 Belliard, Pierre 1822 Bayer, Daniel 3 313 1822 Babou, f. m. c Boutin, Joseph 1822 Bertier, Angelique Boutin, Francois 3 332 1823 Ball, E Ballack, James Bevrost, John 1823 1823. Burat, Marie Agnes Guirot, wife of 1823 Bedford, James 3 342 1823 Babin, Alexandre 3 351 1823 3 18 INDEX. 1823. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Brand, minors 1 823 Boutte, Jn. Bte 1823 Brown, John 1 823 Barateau, Marie Ant'tte and Marg'te Grabriel f. w. c Barrel, Lewis 1823 Beaumont, F. Liveaudais , 3 376 1823 Baena, Catherine Caballero wife of 3 378 1823 Bouchon, Nicolas 1823 Barry, Thomas Barr, Thomas Boize alias Bozia, Charles 3 384 1823 Barron, John 1S24 Beale,jun., Thomas 1823 Bond, Edward F. 3 454 1824 1524. Bigelow, Amory Boyrie, Marguerite Lacarriere widow 4 9 Bailey, Benjamin 1824 Berry, Edward , Bray, Thomas Bourilhon, Fran9ois and wife 4 18 1824 Bertrand, Jean Francois Bradford, Cornelius 1824 Boyd, Samuel Blanc, Louis interdicted Baldwin, Daniel H 1824 Bouchereau, Eva Camb widow 4 30 1824 Bello, Peter 4 28 1824 Blanchard, Marie Louise f. w. c 1825 Bofiill, Joseph 4 38 1825 Briggs, Robert 1824 Brard, Francois 4 48 1825 Berhabe, Sauveur, Marie Marthe Nadaud widow Burel, Achille minors 1824 Bracquie, Marie Joseph f. w. c 1824 1825. Baulos, FranQois ..4 79 1825 Bard, Jean, Ann Dubourg widow of 4 53 Bedford, T. P Bereux. Angelle f. w. c 1825 Boissiere, Marie Duvari wife of 4 52 1825 Brown, William 4 55 1825 Bertrand, Pierre a minor INDEX. 19 1825. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year Bohur, Frederick Bienville, f. p. c. minors 1826 Boussigue, Pierre 1825 Bosque, Felicite Fangui widow of 1825 Belaume, Dominique 1825 Bertrand, Maurice 1825 Bonseigneur, /Thomas 4 73 1825 Bielfield and Wolf. 1825 Blessy, Manuel Bara, Marie Therese f. w. c .4 76 1825 Brownrig, Henry alias James Michel 1825 1826. Bechillon, Marie Reine Villeux widow 4 85 1826 Bertrand, Catalina Mendez widow 1826 Bruguiere, L. F * 4 92 1826 Bizot, Magdeleine f. w. c 4 96 1826 Bore, Jeanne f. w. c 4 100 1826 Bofill Julie Herbemont widow 4 103 1826 Banks, Israel 4 110 1826 Baumgard, Fred 1826 Bolland, Thomas Baumgard, Hannah David widow 4 114 1826 Bacchus Colas widow, Marie L, Lacombe .... 1826 1827. Beauvais, Raphael St. Geme 1827 Barca or Barque widow, Melanie Margota. . .. 1827 Bertrand, Thomas, widow, Bernadine Vincent, 4 133 Benedicte, Sophie f. n. w 4 141 1827 Baggot, Terrence 4 146 1827 Benson, Hiram 1827 Brunei, Felix '. 1828 Barn well, junior William 1 827 Baker, Levi 1827 Beaulieu. Francois George 1827 Biggs, William C 1827 1828. Bonnabel, Anthony Bigot, T. F., Sophie R. de Laferriere wife of . . 4 160 1828 Barnwell, senior William 1828 Buzard, Laurent, Ann Fawniss widow 4 163 1828 Sennet, Francois 1 828 Balise, Francisco Bacchus, Telesphore Bertheaud, Charles 20 INDEX. * 1823. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Barton, Thomas 1828 Boisdore, Marie Joseph Sophie Olivier wife of 4 174 Bourdon, Josephine f. w. c 4 183 Ben. Augustin f. m. c 4 186 1828 Bouet,Jean 4 187 1828 Borde. Jean .' Beltremieux, L., Ann Femon widow 4 195 1828 Boudehen, Leonard Bauregard, Manuel F 1828 Bosticha alias Dode, Felipe 4 207 1F28 Barbet, Pierre Victor Ballot, Jean Constant 4 196 1828 Bidault, Thomas, f. m. c 1829 1829. Belot, Pierre 1829 Bourgoin, Louise minor Beaumarais, Lalande de 4 220 1829 Bray, Andre 4 227 1829 Baron, senior Jean Aime Auguste 4 228 1829 Bisochea, Emmanuel Banister, John 1829 Bordier, J. R., Olympe Dodart wife of Baughman, John Boucier, Eleonor Bienovi wife of Bates, Joseph C 1829 Bouny, Pierre Godefry 1829 Barker, Edmond Wml 4 241 1829 Bosticha, Jeanne widow Blouin, Charles f. m. c 1 829 Brown, William H 1829 Barbot, Louis 4 248 1829 Blois, Dorothee Baillet wife of 1829 Bermudez, Marie Louise A. Berard wife of ... Batifol, Marie Jeanne Delpeche widow 1829 1830. Billcr, Louis 4 269 Buchanan, E. W 1830 Belloc, Emma minor Bell, Proctor minor Burton, Maria M. P. minor Boiline, Marie T. f, w. c 1830 Ball, Russel 4 295 1831 Bernoudy, Marie Fraucoise f. w. c 4 292 Brunet, P. dec'd Angelique Dupaty wife of .... INDEX. 21 1831. wiLjyi. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Badon, Thomas minor Bonseigneur, Fanelly minor Babcock, Benj. F 1831 Barella, widow < . 4 3 ^5 1831 Boudousquie, Norbert 1831 Brown, Nancy 1831 Brojoks, E. E. A 183 1 Bruqe, William Barrio, Franscisco Garcia Boiidinier, Gracieuse , 1831 Black, John Barnard, John Baquet, Zelima 1831 Blunt, William J832 Bertrand, Manuel 4 327 1831 Burk, Mark 1831 Bigatty, Therese de 1831 Boyack, Jise Merillon widow.... 6 19 Conain, Ursule Marie Martin widow 1838 Cecil* 1 , a mulatto woman, in the matter of Cheval Francois Sabatier widowof ] j . . . . Carter, Sarah M. a minor Courval Hypolite de, 6 43 1838 Chalupt, Doctor Charles Isidore 6 44 1838 Calderon, Benigne f. m. c 1838 Cartey, Charles 6 46 1838 Condit, J. H. B , 1838 Cheetham, George 1838 Carrol, Daniel Ryan a minor Christian, Martin 6 50 1 838 Canon, Peter Craig, James f. m. c., Genevieve Gooding wife of 6 5V 1839 Carlisle, William 183S Clark, Mary 6 63 Conain, Marie Ursule Martin widow of Copping, Th6mas wife of 1839 Cowell, Edward 1838 Cabirac, Bernard 1838 Conrad, Elizabeth Grabert widow of. 1838 1839. Claudel, Claude and Marianne Cassou, in the matter of the minor Catteret,J. Pierre Jeanne Fanny Dupre wife ot. 6 108 1839 Cure, Nicholas Theodule 1839 Canonge, Benjamin Zephir 1839 Cougot, Marc Fouche J 839 Castarede, Jean Marie 1639 Cheval, Louise alias Louison f. w. c 1839 Cazelar, Adelaide f. w. c 1839 Cuvillier, alias Cuvilly f. w. c, Louise Catherine 6 129 1839 Chew, Beverly deceased wife of 1843 / 48 INDEX. 1839. WILLS. INT. Vol. Page. Year. Cook, Frederick and Edgard 1 840 Clark, Thomas C Clark, George Washington 1839 Christy, George Compaguon, Adelaide f. p. c 1840 Cheval. Paul Louise f. p. c 6 153 1839 Crowley. Daniel 1839 Couat, Ernile 1839 Camossi, Joseph 1839 Coycault, Auguste 1840 Christal. Michel 6 159 1839 Caswell, Daniel J 1839 Champagne, Marie Albert widow of. .. 1839 Cochran. George Washington Carroll, William H Caubette, Caliste, f. m. c 6 1 70 1839 Crevassol, Cleophile Crane, Andrew E. Elizabeth wife of, widow by her first marriage of L. Phillips 6 178 Christoval alias Leandre Cheval f. m. c 1840 Cecco de, Genarro see Cecco 6 126 1839 3840. Colmenero, Ramon 1 840 Chemilin, Catherine Marel, wife of Joseph.... 6 189 1840 Colsson, P. H.. his deceased wife 1840 Carey, Michael Coquet, Bernard 1840 Craig, James, f. m. c 6 194 1840 Canes, Pierre Lange Cucci alias Cussi, James Serra 6 203 1840 Chretien, Gerard Clark, Sarah a minor Clark, Delilah f. w. c 6 215 1840 Campbell, Neil 6 222 1840 Garland, Patrick .... 1840 Couadeau, Antoine Carrico, Andrew 6 226 1840 Creed, Jeremiah 6 227 1842 Champagne, Celestin, f. m. c Clark, George 1848 Chalinette, f. w. c . . . . Coutts, James Chatelanat, Henry F 6 238 1840 Chausson, Louis 1840 Cazabon, Pierre Marie Froise Marchand widow, 6 245 1841 INDEX. 49 1840. WILLS. IN\\ Fot Page. Year. Currell, James 1843 Carries, Iphigenie f. w. c 6 257 1840 Clyde, John 1840 Courbet, Jacques Chapelle, Marie Eugenic, for marriage Contesse, Victor Casimir, Jean f. m.c. Felicite D'Abat de'cd widow 6 266 1840 1841. Chappell, Wooden S 1841 Collins, Hannah a minor. Caro, Antoine and his wife Francoise Lambert, 1841 Charles Seraphin f. p. c 1841 Conrad Chas. M. Mary \ngela Lewis de'cd wife of 1841 Clark, Mason Smith 1841 Cochrane, Richard minor children of Caullery, Joseph 1841 Claver, Jeane Pierre, Celeste Hugon widow of. . Carriere, Charles Antoine alias Charles M 1841 Chaubert, Barthelemy Cowen, Michael 1842 Clarke, Henrietta widow Collry , Stephen Chanut, Jean 384 1841 Clark. James Henrietta Edgarton widow of .... 6 387 1841 Conner, Edward 1841 Canon, Drausin for interdiction 1842 Cononge, Lala see Holland. .'. Cronan. John Chase, Joseph .-/.... 1841 Chevremont, Frederick 6 412 ]842 Corbet, Louis Canon, Drausin Clarisse Beaulieu wife of Castin, Henry f. p. c. Marie Joseph Vinta dec'd wife of 6 430 1842 1842. Caldwell, Wm. Ann McBride widow of 6 437 Chastant, Andre Dan'l Mag'ne Clotilde widow of 6 438 and 448 1342 Campbell, James Callado, Santiago 6 445 1S42 Cheval, Marie Thereze f. w. c '6 450 1S42 Cunningham, James Carrington, Julius A 1 842 Chandler, John S. P 1 842 Cobbs, William H 7 50 INDEX. 1842. WILLS. INT. Vol. Page. Year. Couet, Reine f. w. c 7 68 1 843 Crouch, William E 1842 Canoue, Christine 7 118 1842 Cure, Louis Clark, Major Isaac v 1 343 Cormier, Louis 1842 Clark, John Canal, Anthony....: 7 145 Correjeol les, Gabrielle 1 842 Challon, Octave, for emancipation Collins, Maria Philips f. w. c It 43. Caro, Joachim ] 843 Catoir, Catherine 1\. wife of Cahill, Martin 7 294 1843 Carter, Eliza Cadie, Jn. Bte. f. m. c. wife of 1843 Caldwell, W. J Castillon, Aimee , 1 843 Carbouret. Madame Clement Marie 1844 Ceresol, Edward 7 305 1843 Canonge, Jean F. J. Amelie Mercier wife of,. . . 1844 Charbonnet, Juste B 1 843 Chemia, Francois 7 399 1843 Clark, Eliza Mary a minor Clark, Josephine Clark, John H 1 843 Contee, A. L 1843 Courcelle, Leon 1843 Collins, Denis Conseil, Armand M. Ls Cooper, Washington 1 843 Correjolles, Gabriel widow of 1 343 Crane, George 7 443 1843 Crosby, John Cuvillier, M. J. A. A 7 383 1843 1844. Con way, James ] 844 Crosby, N. Horatio ....7 478 1844 Cannellas, Francois 1 844 Counelly, Thomas Charmock, Eliza E Cucullu, Manuel Simon 1844 Conte Jean Jacques 1844 Convtf tie, Louis Gabriel 1844 INDEX. 51 1844. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Cox, George Ann Morgan deceased wife of.... Chase George W. an absentee Castillos, Francois 1844 Crammer, Mary a minor Chappell. Wooden S. widow of Chalain, Pierre Charpiaux Chauve-Iot, Marie Rose Alexandrine a minor. . . . rurell, Randall ; 8 38 1845 Cure, Martin Antoine 1845 Clement, Joseph f. m. c 8 44 1846 Canoue, Pierre Julien Langliche 7 5?2 1844 Colsson, Henriette a minor. For the proceedings see the papers of Mrs. P. H. Colsson in 1840, and for inventory see in 1845 - 1845 Canoue, see Langliche < 1844 1845. Croizet, Marie alias Devine f. p. c 1845 Carraby, Arnaud Marie Magdeleine Adelaide Labat dec'd wife of 8 43 Caughlin, John Cantelli, Bernard 1845 Curtis, Joshua B 1 845 Czarnowski, Julius 1845 Carroll, Sarah a minor Colvis, Julien f. p. c. M. Bermoudy de'cd wife of, 1845 Clement, J. B. Caroline Jourdan dec'd wife of. . Clements, Abner Lee 8 iOl 1845 Cenas, Peter 8 133 1845 Conroy. Peter 1845 Coumes, Paulin 8 124 1845 Ci-uau, Marie Guillaume , 1845 Collins, J. W : 1845 Collayane, P. Sarah Thomas wife of 8 140 1845 Criswell, Robert J Carriau, Etienne a minor 1S45 Carson, W illiam Coan, Abraham 1845 Carr, Thomas Curet, John S ' 1846 (hervet, Charles 1845 Cuvellier, G. Charles 1845 Commagere, Madam Paul 1845 Contat, Louis 1845 ~>2 INI>EX. 1846. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Canou, Jean 1646 Criswell, Elijah, Mary Cowden de'cd wife of. . . 1846 Collins, John Waters . 1846 Carbouret, Clement 1846 Camouille, August in , Chesse, Laurent 8 251 1846 Carriere, Francois Clark, Mandy a minor Colvis, Julien Marie Elina Allain de'cd wife of, Cavelier, Antoine Sophie Grandpre wife of. ... Carter, William 1 846 Cannolly, Felix 1846 Canelas, Minors Cannolly, Mary Chinn, Richard H. Eliza Moore [dec'd wife of. . . 1846 Crooks, Margaret a minor Coquelin, Frederick Lucien Church, John 1846 Coimette, Marie M. Isabelle a minor Cornette, Marie Barbara 1 847 Coumes, Remain 8 295 1847 Castillo, del y Ramos Augustin Antoine 1846 Christie,!. S :.. 1847 1805. DBRVILLE, Pierre Felix Clement 1 1 1805 Daniel, Marie Thereze 1 18 1806 1806. Delavillote, Jn. Bte. N. Martineau 180T Dreux. Guy 1 31 Duprateau, Barthelemy 1 35 1806 Doster, Josephine 1 38 Dugat, Theodore 1 49 Desillet, Pierre 1 57 1806 Desillet, Charlotte (wife Liveaudais) 1807. Daumas, Barthelemy 1807 Ducoudreau, Marianne 1807 Daigle, minors Dem*hy. Joseph H Dumas, Joseph 1 807 Dubois, Marie Louise (widow Cariere Monhrun) Duverge. Elizabeth (wifeLavergnr) 1807 1808. Delande, Marie. .- 1 133 Drouet, Susanne Louise (wife Goodwin) ....... INDEX. 53 1808. Vol. Dubord, Laurent minors Darrant, Marguerite veuve Farque 1 Dauphin, Pelagie Drouet, Jean Louis Da \\ son, Daniel 1809. Dreux, Guy minor Despres, Louison f . w. c 1 Despaux, Guillaume Desobry, Achille Depas, Alexandre . . Duen. minor Deranse, Joseph Marie ; . . . Demahy, Demontiis Davis, William D espaux, Daniel minors Dorsiere, Eugene Joris 1 Duguesnay, Nicolas Durel, J. Bte. minors 1810 Dupuy, John Isidore I Dauphin, Joseph 1 Dubord. Troiville minors Demarchy Flamand Dominguez, Tadeo 1 Dumortier, widow Dugas, Claude Dangluze, Elizabeth (wife Prevot) Durel. Jean Baptiste Delacroix, Dusuau minors Dangluze, Marie Mercier widow Devillas, John Benjamin Demazilliere, Hyacinthe Davaux, Mathieu 1 Demordier, widow Desbordes, John 1 Dean, I). C , Dermeville. Emorite Durand, Francis f. m c Dreux, Francoise f. w. c 1 Dnrtneli, Edward Dubreuil, Fransoise f. w. c 1 1811. Drouet, Nicolas 1 Duquesnay, Nicolas WILLS. 1NY. Page. Year. 145 1808 1808 222 1809 1809 1809 285 1810 1809 262 275 1 1 301 310 309 343 322 401 1810 1810 1810 1810 1810 1810 1810 1811 54 INDEX. 1811. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Dawson. Daniel Deveau, Mathieu . 1 310 1810 Dangluze, Marie Mercier widow 1 301 Dreux. minors Dubois, Simon >. 1 413 1811 Duberteau, Gabriel 1 16 Duncan, Stephen 2 11 Duncan, John 1811 Duclos. Pre. Hypolite Bougon 1 416 1811 Devaux. Mathi-u 1 310 Druilhet, John 1811 Delballe, Jerome 1 482 1811 Debonne, Paton Randolph 1811 Drouet, Joseph 1 417 1811 Dugas, minors 1810 1812. Dury, Leonard 1 439 1812 Duncan, John Delballe, Jerome 1 482 Dean, D. C 1812 Delery, Fracois ,.1 495 1812 Dastejohn Bte 1812 Dubreuil, Jean 1 497 1812 Dumas, Joseph Duplessis, Casimir Drouet, Rose Senet widow 1812 Delino, minors Diaz, Vincent 2 8 1813. Decoudreau, minors Degruy, Pierre Duminy 2 12 Duffourg, Louis 2 15 1813 Dubreuil, Jean Daligrand, minors Desillets, Marguerite Chauvin (wife Siben). .. 2 25 1813 Duvigno, Marie Laurent, widow, and others... Dusuau, Balthazard minor Duncan, John Dufossat, Jeanne 2 54 Drouet, Joseph 1813 Dey von, Peyton Randolph Delballe, Jerome Donaldson, William 2 82 1814. D u verger, Elizabeth Jean Piron widow .2 92 1814 INDEX. 55 1814. WILLS. 1JVY. Vol. Page. Ytar. Dumouy, Joseph Duval 2 90 1814 Devon, P. Randolph Desillets, Delery Francois Chauvin 2 93 1814 Durnont, Louis 1814 Dreux, Louis Leufroy 2 95 1814 Daunoy. minor Duvigno, Marie Laurent, widow, and others.. 1814 Delarue, minors. Du plan tier, Augustine minor Daupain, Pelagic alias Ferine Demaziliere. ... 2 104 1814 Dauterive, Louis 2 109 1814 Desobry, Achille Dubord, Troiville minors Drioche, Julien D utrieu, Francois Dreux, Guy minor Dorgenois, Francois J. Lebreton Deeolan, Yictoire Rene\widow 1814 ./ Dorgenois, Ls. Gratien Lebreton minors / 1815 Daunoy, Nicolas. ...->.... >. . . .". ."" Dury, Made Manette Cassou widow 2 154 1815 1615. Delino, Ignace 1815 Dubreuil, Marianne , Duncan, Stephen 2 II Daguzan, Jean 1815 Dubreuil, Jean 1815 Dawson, Joseph 1815 Demarcay. (absentee) 1815 Destang, Clara minor Duncan, John Dufossat, Jeanne 2 54 D uver nay, Louise Laprade widow , 2 1 81 Dumouy, J. Duval 2 90 Delarue, minor? Dorgenoy, L. G. Lebreton 1815 Dumortier. widow Ducolan, Victoire H. Brunei widow Dorfeuille. Godefroy Delballe, Jerome Daupaine, Pelagic alias Perine Demazilliere .. 2 104 1816 Dargy, Buhours minors Dreux, Jules 2 195 Dapena, Miguel 2 197 Dreux, Didier 56 INDEX. 1816. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Dapena, Miguel 1816 Dituterive, minors Dreux, Jules 1815 Dannois, minors Dorgenois, L. Gratien Lebreton minors Dupin, Henriette Caraby wife 1816 Dorsiere, Eugene Joris 1816 Dohono, Harvey 1816 Degruys, Stephen and Jeanne Dupont, Francois 2 213 Duvignaud, widow '1816 Delery, Celeste ' j Dolhonde, Antoine a minor, Dorfeuille, Godefroy 71816 Dubord, Troiville minors Desportes, Mahe minors 1816 Defages, Fraucois Antoine Mathieu 2 215 1816 Dupin, Jacques. 2 217 Drouillard, John Vincent 2 219 1816 Delino, Ignace Dolliole, Jean Francois 2 236 1816 Darby, Francois f. m. c 2 237 Daupaine, alias Demaziliere Pelagie Dawson, J Drago, Stephen Drioche, Louise, Grasset widow 2 247 1816 Drouet, Marguerite Aurore Dane, J. D 1817. Dawson, Joseph Duverger. Eliz. Jean Piron widow of Dorfeuille, Paul and Celeste 1817 Dorfeuille, Godefroy Dupuy, Pierre (sale) 1826 Dumenil, Racine Dapena, Miguel Driscoll, Cornelius Dufour, Louis V. and Auguste 1817 Dubreuil, Cecile .'. 1817 Drago, Stephen Deyrem, John B 1817 Duhamel, Belcour Alexre. de 3 30 Dorsiere, Eugene Joris Didier, Pierre 3 28 1817 Dubreuil, Jean [NDEX, 57 1817. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year- Duval, Carmelite f. w. c Darrieroy, Cyprien 1817 Dane, J. D , 1817 Dumontcs, Marie Martin 1817 Duffy, Christian and others Degelos, J. Bte 1817 Darcantel, Henry 3 65 1818 Dorsey, Samuel 3 36 1818. DolhoJide, Antoine a minor Depejrter, Wm. A 3 39 1818 DreuA Didier and Laure Dubreil, alias Brion, Marianne 1818 Dupas, John Baptiste 3 42 1818 Duplessis, P. L. B Daunoy, minors Daunoy, Louis f. m, c 1818 Donoho, Harvey ."* . . Desillets Francoise Chauvin Delery Derneville, Olivier Dauteri ve, Louis Decaut, see Caresse Marthe 3 53^1818 Drouet, Joseph and Marie A urore Dolive, Elizabeth Druilhet, Henriette Perronneau widow of 3 55 1818 Dumartrait, Louise Gravenberg 1818 Dubreuil, see Brion Dalhaste y Claveria 3 56 1818 Dixon, John and William Cavena Duncan, John Dennett, Nathaniel 3 61 Dreux, Edmond DelaCroix, Durivau minors Defage, Antoine Mathieu Dupuy, Anthony Daubert, minors Delorme, Louis Francois Xavier Hazeur 3 126 Devine or Divin, John 3 75 Delatte, Antoine ^Claire Rabassa) wife 1818 Darrieroy, C iprien '. . . Dorgenoy, Francois Joseph Lebreton 1819 Dumartrait, minors Desban, Michel 1819. Dapena, Miguel 8 58 INDEX. J819. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Desdunes, minors Dorgenoy, minors Doriocourt, Francois 1819 Deplat, Marie 1819 Desbois, John Bte 3 111 1819 Dupart, Celestin Dolliole Deyrem, John Baptiste 3 16 Descahant, 1 ^ossignol, A. M.deCochrelle,wido w of 3 114 Diacon Druilhet, Antoine Francis Mathieu Defage, Dujarreau, G Dupuy, Anthony Devinse, Felicite 1819 Desflandres, alias Margte. Creps, Marguerite Pierre, f. w. c 3 93 1819 Drinnen, Thomas, Dubois, Charles Auguste 3 117 Davis, Josiah 1818 Dundas, Richard , 1823 1820. Devins, Honore f. m. c Dubois, Francois 3 136 1820 Donnet, Myrthe Cousin wife of 3 14tf Dorfeuille, minors Dumoutier, Marie Gabriel Dauphin, Leon Dubois, Jean Claude 3 202 Dufour, Jacques 3 150 1820 Demoruelle, Suzanne Lavergne, widow 3 205 1820 Delachaux, Daniel Jean 3 149 1820 Delile, Margte. St. Germainwidow 3 154 Dabon, Pierre 3 162 1820 Delarue, Victoire Niel wife & Duverger, Barthelemy 3 172 1821 Davis. K Delofeu, Pedro 3 179 Durel, Justin minor Dauterive, Marigny minors Dolliole, Hortense Dusuan wife of 1820 1821. Dargy, Buhours Rose Casbergue widow of .... 1821 Duru, Celestin Ducloslange, Philippe 3 192 1821 and 1842 INDEX. 59 1821. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Ytar. Dagbert, Hypolite 3 188 Dragon, Michel 3 195 Detry, Lambert F , 3 200 1821 Dutillet, Melanie Hatrel widow..; 3 199 Day, William Senior 1821 Demoruelle, Hombert, Louise Noguet, widow of 3 205 1821 Dombrowsky, Remholt 1821 Daquin, Margte. Charlotte Bizoton widow of. . 3 214 1821 Devvitt, William B Dabnour, Adirie Desornbrage widow 1821 Dupin, Louis Caillaux 1821 Dusuan, Adelaide f. w. c 3 231 1821 Deherque, Augustin 1822 Darcantel, Paul 3 238 1822 Delabigarre, Dragon Michel 3 195 1822. Dufossat, Felicite Soniat minor. '. 1834 Dolliole, Louis 3 242 1822 Decuire, Joseph 3 277 1822 Dupard, Francois Delille 3 248 1822 Dauphin, Francois, Marie Sophie Isnard, wife of 1822 Duffy, James Dubreuil, Marie Louise f. w. c . . 1822 Dominique, Jean 1822 Deville, Charles Despeyreaux, Catharine. Downs, Benjamin 3 316 1822 Dufossat, Fran^oise 3 317 1822 Deery, John Dubord, Guy Troiville 1822 DeBlanc, Dorsino 1823 Dias, Marie Andrez Plizence wife of 1822 Des Ravines, Ballon widow Dix, Benjamin A 3 321 1822 Dwyer, Dora Haynes widow of 3 324 Dunkley, John Duncan, Patrick 3 333 Dorsino, DeBlanc 1823 1823. Domon, Marie Anne Vizen widow Duclos, Charles N. L 3 344 Damillon, Antoine 1823 Delafuente, Jose 1823 60 INDEX. 1823. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Dubois, Marie Beuron wife of 3 367 1823 Dimond, William 3 366 1823 Deverges, L. M. Prudence 3 382 1823 Debois, Charles and Samuel Gordon Dassson villez Clement 1823 Destrehan, Guy Noel 1823 Dufilho,Louis 3 397 1824 Destrehan, Jean Noel 4 36 1823 Dulau, Pierre 3 409 1823 Daviau, G. Delorme wife of 3 412 1823 Delisle, Labarbe 1823 Daviau, Pierre 3 415 1823 Demouy, Genevieve 3 420 1823 Destoup, Antoine 3 426 1824 Duncan, A. L 3 436 1824 1824. Duverney, Edmond, minor Davis Joshua 1824 Debon, Catherine Fenetto wife of 1824 Dorville, Joseph Lamolere 3 443 1824 Dufourc, Jn. Pierre Doctor 4 1 1824 Dominique, James Dick, John 1824 Dorsey, Daniel H 4 10 1824 Delacroix, Balthazard Dusuau minors 1824 Dougherty, John Davis, George N 1824 Dou, Angelica Montsanto wife of 4 15 1824 Dwyer, Doctor Joseph 4 28 Destrehan, Celeste Robin widow 1824 Dessertine, Jean David Penet Dufour Auguste and J^ouis Victor 1826 1825. Day, William F Devilliers, Charles Chevalier Coulon Destrehan, Victorine Fortier wife of 4 Delafuente, Joseph 4 Daviel, Arsene Dutau, Louise Toussine Quesnel wife of 4 63 Damion, Madame Dumoulin. John 1825 Davidson, John (H. B. M. Consul) 1825 Davio, Jean Charles 4 '67 1825 Duhamel, Alexandre Francoise Furcy Adelaide Larsonneur widow of 4 74 1825 INDEX. 6J 1825. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Duplessis, Elie Amirault 1825 Demarchy, Marie Noel 4 78 1825 Delaronde, see Laronde 1825 1826. Dubalen, Jeanne Sarrabazolles wife of 1826 Debay, Francois Droit, Suzanne f. w. c 1826 Duffin, Charlotte minor Demelle. Paul f. w. c Deveze, Volmar minor f. p. c Doyle, Edward 4 98 Dapremont, P. Lalande f. m. c 4 102 1826 Destrehan, Celeste Marigny wife of Ducoudreau, C. Marguerite Castanedo f. p. c.. 1826 Dorsiere, Eugene J. Marie Anne Nicole wife of 4 114 1826 Davis, Charlotte f. w. c v . . . 4 115 1826 Daquin Aglae and Adolphe minors Deveze, Raymond 4 94 1826 Durnford, Thomas 1826 Danforth, George M 1826 Debay, Louis Fran9ois 1826 1827. Decuir, Jean Pierre 1827 Dapremont, Lalande Marie Boree widow 4 134 Dutch, Celia Devigne, Theodule minor Dreux, Jacques 1827 Dauterive, Antoine Marigny 4 143 1827 Dauriat, Marguerite Day, James 1827 Dereuze, Marie Sevoigne widow of Dreux, Didier a minor - Dauphin, minors Dawson, Eliza minor Dalton, William 4 158 1827 Dupart, Charles f. m. c 1828 Deaton, Edward 1828. Durieux, Maurice 1828 Dalon, minors Ducayet, Joseph 1828 Dundee, Henry 4 172 1828 Dumontat, Marie Louise Piau widow 1834 Dumontat, Louis Victor Couny (interdicted)..... Doubrere, Jn. Bte. Felix 4 173 Dagelos, Joseph . , 62 INDEX. 1829. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Duon, Auguste 4 194 1828 Doriocourt, Antoine 4 197 1828 Decrettes, Louise Olive Bucaille Dessalles, Louis 1828 Delatte, Joseph a minor Duborgue, Circe a minor Dubreuil, Louis 1829. Dreux, Marie Constance Hazeur widow of.... 4 212^. 1829 Doriocourt, Felicite Bernoudy widow 1829 Dubourg, Arnould 1829 Duchemin, Michel 4 229 1829 Dubergier, Louise Elizabeth f. w. c 4 237 " 1829 Doistua, Pedro Gregorio Delaunay, Pacifique 1829 Dougherty, Williapi S Degeyter, Angelus FrancisElizaGlavarry wife of 4 250 Durand, Jean Maurice 4 255 Derbigny, Peter 1829 Dumi, alias Duminy minors f p. c Delclogue, Victor Edmond Theophile alias Louis Sellier 1829 Delasfaises, J. F. Delhon Anne Veronique Char- pentier widow of 4 266 1830 Denis, M. L. Aimee Derbigny wife of 1830 Dubourg, P. F 4 268 1830 Deshayes, Fran9ois 1830 Degruy, Antoine Dufoucha Davis, Robert 1830 Doriocourt, Ursin 1830 Duralde, Suzannah Clay wife of 1830 Duranteau, Etienne 4 277 1830 Daublin, Valentin 1830 Dacosta, Isaac 1830 Desmouches, Jean (absentee) 1830 Desboullets, Jean Bellanger 4 288 1830 Degruy, Dufouchard widow Dara, Constance Tixerand 4 288 1830 Denant, Antoine 1830 Duverney, Fransois 1830 Dupiton, Nicolle Lefeuvre widow 1830 Dupaty, Texier 1830 Doucet, Auguste 4 297 1830 Dougherty, Patrick 1831 INDEX. 63 1830. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Dixon, Charlotte see Colbert f. w. c 1831. Daquin, Sylvain 1831 Dumontete, Simon Da vezac de Castera, Jules 4 302 1831 Denny, John F 1831 Daquin, Leocadie widow Dutillet, Charles (for a family meeting) Duffy, Moses (for a family meeting) Daquin, S. widow of * 4 311 1831 Dixon, Peter 4 310 1831 Dorsey, Emily A. and Francis H. minors Dedrickricker, John 1831 Dalcour, P. Dorestan 1831 Degears, Jacob Daumas, Nicolas Duffin, Margaret % . . . 4 327 1831 Docqueminy, Felicita a minor Dias, Joaquin 4 Dupuy, Franchise Delaronde, Denis widow of Durcy, Frangois 4 Desdunes, J. B. Julie Elizabeth Moreau Lislet wife of 1831 Devilliers, see Villiers Charles Jumonville 1832. Deynaut, Marie Thereze widow Destrehan, Ester f. w. c 1832 Diez, Franchise Honorine Giovelina 4 349 1832 Duvivier, Louis f. w. c 4 350 1832 Dreux, Jacques Duplissis, Frangois 4 362 1832 DeEnde, Henry 4 363 1832 Depew, A.nne widow 1832 Dauphin, Marie f. w. c 4 368 1832 Dias, Marie Joseph f. w. c Dusuau, Balthazard 1832 Dubertrand, Eugene Laure minor Dorahey, James and Suzan his wife 1832 Dufour, Victor 1832 Dumaine, Michel 1832 Dumaine, Jean widow of 1832 Deederick, Reicker widow 1832 Donney, Thomas 1832 Dufour, Victor Louise Desiree Petit widow of. . 1832 64 INDEX. 1832. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year, Doran, Daniel 1832 Demoruelle, Jacques Donahoe, Patrick 1832 Daunoy, Francoise Brigitte 4 398 Delallarde, Frederick 1832 Dawson, T. C 1833 Dupre, Rose L. Clemence a minor Desboulets, Marie f. w. c Dodard, J. F. Labouchardiere , , 4 413 Drake, Francis 1832 Deblois, Edward 1832 Dufau, Thereze 1. w. c 4 4J6 1832 Duruisseau, Jean Drury, John 1832 D'Hebecourt, F . Duchamp, Bernard .. 1833 Diddip, John f Dupin, P. A. Marie Louise Dauphin wife of. .. 1832 De la Houssaye, Esther f. w. c 4 419 Dessources, Laurent Quessaire , 1833. De Verbois, Dominique . . 1833 Dallon, Antoine Darby, Pierre f. m. c 1833 Duplessis, Peter L. B Depre, Marie Emilie alias Manette 4 44 1 Doyle, James Edward Duguy, Joseph Sophia Corbin wife of Duval, Bonhomme Francois f. m. c Ducloslange, Agathe f. w. c Dejarnatt, Peter A 1833 De Bellevue. H. M. Guinault widow Dalton, Thomas Wm Doriocourt, Antoine Chevalier Dupart, Felicite f. w. c Delalande, James Philippe Duffy James 183S Denois, H Dantilly, B. Thereze Aymon widow 4 461 Daysson, Jean Detelome, alias Coco Delay Marie Catherine. .. D' Aquin, Francoise Prudence f. w. c i883 Delallande, Jean Philippe Durocher, alias Castillon widow ..4 464 Dauvin. Claude . . INDEX. 65 1833. WILLS. INV. Vol. Desnos, Anne *..... Doublet, Jean Baptiste 4 Devine, Patrick ; Durel aine, widow Dumas, Thomas Descourt, Alexandre Leonard 4 De Hanne, Victor Duguy Joseph Debuys, Rosalie f. w. c * Dever in, Pierre Daniel Dennison, John Dupre, Daniels, John and Honorea Hughes his wife. .. D wire, Philip Devine, James Drouillard, Marie Victor f. w. c 5 Daunoy, Louis Theodore Favre ......* Dufbur, Jeanne ; D'Aquin, Louis Celinie A. Deynaut wife of .... 1834. Daublin, Valentin Charlotte Broyard widow. . . 5 Diggs, Christopher Wilkinson Dufour, minors f. p. c Duvernay, minors f. p. c Dance, Thomas 5 Dubourg, Paul Lacour 5 Dede, Louis alias Fransois Montreuil f. m. c. . . 5 Dcrbes, Alexandre a minor Daquin. Louis and wife Dubreuil, Nanette f. w. c 5 Davis, Meadee f. w. c Dastugue, Jean Baptiste 5 Darby, Adelaide f. w. c Dubourg, Prosper V Duvernay, Joseph * Donnellan, John Dalche, Marie Louis alias Javotte Dumas, Pierre 5 Dalton, Jarnes Doss, Caroline a minor ,* Delaunay, J. B. A. f. m. c. widow of Downs, Orlando C Duconge, Marie Madeleine Daigle, Gertrude Duclaud, Charles f. m. c. widow of .*......... 5 9 Page. Year. 1633 470 1833 1834 1833 474 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1834 3 1834 1833 18 1834 1834 32 1834 36 1834 38 1834 1834 96 1834 69 1834 1834 1834 1834 94 1834 66 INDEX. 1834. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Delille, Felix M. L. A. Darneville wife of f. p. c. 1834 Darneville, Emei ite f. w. c Drew, Elizabeth B. a minor Demiers, Pierre De Ende, Francis 1835 Duvernay, alias Paris Francoise Eugenie Jolly wife of. 1835. Deslonde, George widow of 1835 Denis, Francois Xavier Jeanne Martin wife of. 5 157, 1835 159 & 160 Downing, Michael 5 161 1835 Duncan, Lucius C. Jane Mackenzie wife of.... 5 168 Dessalles, Barthelemy Christophe f. m , c Delphine, f. w. c 1835 D.ela Chaise, Charles Marie Monlion widow of. .5 172 1835 Dupont, Francois Joseph f. m. c 5 175 1835 Ducros, Antonio 5 177 Delpit, P. A. Julien 5 179 Domingues, Francisco i 5 188 1835 Dufour, aine L. V 5 192 Deschamp, Pierre N 1835 Dunn, Catherine a minor Dunoyer, Pierre Louis 5 207 1835 and 285 Dufour, Josephine f. p. c Dunn, Thomas Gormain Duboz, Antonio Douce, Auguste 1835 Day, Benjamin L 1835 Dorviile, Joseph Lamollere 1835 Debraux, >imon D'Autun, Auguste Donohoe, see O'Donohoe Patrick O Delatte or Delattre, Marie Elizabeth 1835 Dupuy. Jacques 1 836 Dow, Timothy 5 238 1835 Daley, Andrew Durand, Jean Marie de Villavaso wife of 5 241 Duguy, Aime minors Despe>aux, Jean f. m. c ] 836 Donnet, Louis 1835 Davis, Theodore S Dubois, Marianne f. w. c 5 263 1836 Davis, George INDEX. 67 1836. WILLS. INV. Vol Page. Year. Dubois, Jeanneton 1836 Dimmock, Thomas 1836 Deschamps, Sylvie Nogue wife of 1836 Destrehan, Rene Noel 5 293 1836 Desoiige, Jean Baptiste 5 290 1836 Davega, Isaac 1836 Ditch, Jonathan.. . .. 1836 Dols, Jayme (dulce) 1836 Dorvilie, Celestine minor f, w. c Darramon, Jean 5 320 1836 Despereau, Jean f. m. c Dosdunes,Jn.Bte. (in the tnatter of his minor children) Durel, J. B. N. (in- the matter of his minor children) David John S. Jeanne Constance Robin de Logny wife of 1837 Delpeuch, Antoine alias Cadet Lavergne 5 322 1836 Damon, Jean Droz, Virginie a minor Dolliole, Charlotte f. w. c 5 343 1836 Dominique, Virginie minor f. g. c Dudley, Uriah H. Sarah Ann Nesbit wife of. ... Daviel, A Dreux, Fois. Emilie Olivier de Vezins widow of Doriocourt, Marianne see Bacchus f. w. c Delery, Marie Victoire B. C. Deiery wife of. ... 1836 Dauce, Simon 5 394 1837 Dederer, Jane M. a minor 1837. Doyle, John Doriocourt. B. Louise Delery dec'd wife of 1837 Davis, Augustus 1837 Doyle, Thomas 1837 Davis, Samuel B. Marianne Rose Barren wife of Dorvilie, Mathilde 5 433 1837 Denis, Francois Xavier 5 451 1837 Durel, J. B. f. m. c 1837 De Clement, G. L. D 1837 Dolhon, Pierre f. m. c 1837 Depierris, Guillaume 5 466 1837 Derick, Richard Caswell 1837 Doyle, J. E. SuzanncElizabethLoutrel widow of 5 472 1837 Duplantier, Louise f. w. c 5 509 1837 D'Hebecourt, Gustave 1838 Delaroche, Pierre 5 516 1837 Damarin, A. L. M 5 520 1838 Drouet, Onesiphore and Marie Celeste minors . 68 INDEX. 1837. WILLS. [NV. Vol. Page. Year. Deflechier, Eugene Marie Louise Alcee Chameau widow of 1 837 Dupart, Martial Marie Josephine Olivella wife of f. m. c 1837 Duckor, John 1838 Daniel and his wife Marguerite Semel, and Pierre Francois Semel and his wife, Marguerite Irlande and others 1837 Denning, Charles Deader, Godefroy and Others 1 837 Duperron, Harenne f . w. c 1837 Daquin, Charles De la Houssaye, see Honore (Heloise) 5 506 1837 1838. Dupuy, AntoineF 1838 Dauphin, J. B. f. m. c 6 14 1839 Demontis, Jh. Rene de Mahy see Demahy De Mahy, Joseph see Demontis 1838 Daspremont, Emmanuel 1838 Duffy, James 1838 Dalshiemer, Adele a minor Ducros, Pierre Adolphe Adelaide Delaronde dec'd wife of , 1838 Delachaise, P. A . , , Dufour, Pierre Collette Berquin wife of f. m. c. . Davenport. Joseph , . . . Doornick. Doctor J. E 1838 Davis, George Duverge, Barthelemy widow 6 63 1839 Dorahey, M. A , 1841 Denise, Marie Angelique alias Bertrand see Bertrand Dolliole, Louis Laurent f. m. c 1838 Dalcour, Eulalie Uranie Moore wife of, 1838 Ponoho, Mary a minor Dane, Patrick t . . 1838 Doggett, Thomas widow of by 2d marriage, and by 1st of Wjlson Carman, Clair Rochon, G 71 1838 Deacon, Richard 1838 Pelap, (in the matter of the minor Charlotte). .. Dawson, Wm. A ,..,....' 1839 D'Aquin- Thomas a minor , DeCourval, Hypolite ,...,... 6 43 1838 Dolliole, Genevie ve f. w. c 1 838 Dupin, Celeste f. w. c G 47 1838 Dorahey, Mary Anne ..,...,.....,.,....,... INDEX. 69 1839. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Deverges, Pierre Senr 6 110 1839 D;tws, John Julia Augusta Fitzgerald for mar- riage widow of Doke, Oscar Delabarre, Jh. Manuel Marguerite Celina Na- varre see Labarre dec'e wife of Duval, Chalinette 1839 Dick, Nathaniel 6 118 & 120 Drepx, Adelain Lucile Beauregard dec'e wife of 1541 Dale, Ephraim see W. S. Brown in 1839 Darneville, Pelagic f. p. c 6 De Cecco Genaro see Cecco 6 Doane, Josiah 6 Darpbrogio, Joseph Duminil, P. Marie Louise Dncloslange wife of f. -p. c 6 136 1839 Duffield, Charles E 1839 Di6kenson, Henry 6 139 1839 Delaunay, Fransoise f. w. c 6 141 1839 De Rieux, Plumard see Plumard Delhondes, Valrnont Elizabeth Wiltz dec'e wife of f. m. c Dereau. Fran9ois and his wife Marie Dereau.. 1839 Davis, John 6 137 De Roussel, Felix Denero, Antonio 1839 Dupart, Joseph f. m. c , 1839 Deyton, Edward F D wyer. Joseph 6 170 De Armas. Felix 6 169 1840 De Wen, Peter 1840 Dupeire, J. B. A. Bouny dec'd wife af . 1840 Dubail, Joseph Diggs, Elizabeth 6 17T 1840 Daboval, Bruno 1841 Dreux, Didier dec'd wife of 1840 Davis, John 6 137 Donlin, Francis Dickenson, Henry 6 139 1839 Day, George Washington 1839 Davidson, Doctor Richardson 1840 1840. Dumas, Francois 6 199 1840 Dean, Wm. C 184<3 Delaunay, Noel f. m. c 1840 70 INDEX. 1840. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Deleargy, Hose Deville, Alexandrine a minor (see papers of Da- premontin 1838) Desdunes, Jean Baptiste Jr 1840 Dufour J. J. f. m. c 1840 Delavillebeuvre, John U. Elizabeth C Jourdain deceased wife of see Lavillebeuvre Desilet, Marianne f. p, c Drigny, Rose alias Arsene f. w. c 1840 Dohn, Henry 1840 Delery, Jacques Monplaisir 1840 D wyer, John 1840 Dicks, John 1 840 Dauphin, Jules f. m. c 1840 Dupart, Felicite Maniga widow of Driscoll, Daniei 6 341 Dupre, Josephine f. w. c 1841- Dupuy, Jean Baptiste 1841 Duncan, John Nicholson 6 321 1842 Dietritch, Michel 1841 Deyraud, Auguste 6 333 1841 Davis, Felicite a minor f. p. c Ducatel, Camille G 1841 Dias,Joaquin Mie.CatherineMeledouze widow of 1841 Davis, Robert 1841 Dubosq, Adolphe and his widow 1841 Dessour, alias Dessauer, Solomon 1841 Decous, Jh. Theodore 1841 Decuir, Jean Pierre 1841 Debennes, Bernard Daligaut, Jean Baptiste Dwyer, Philip Duboc, Isaac Mathelin 1841 Desjadeaux, Leon 1841 Davis, John Y Dequatremare, Louis Dockerill, William Drouet, Jn. Bte. Marie Celeste Sindos widow of 1842. Davis, Joseph W De la Rosa, Juan Lucas see Rosa Datson, Absolem 1P42 Delano, Joel B 1842 Delarue, Jean Noel 7 48 1842 INDEX. 71 1842. WILLS. 1NV. Vol. Page. Year. Durel, Jn. Bte. Marie Claire Andry widow of. . 1842 Donaldson, Mark 1842 Dorville, Francois Lamol6re Dunn, Elizabeth a minor Dejean, Louis Dupre, Pierre f. m. c 1845 Deprat, alias Depre Andre Bernabe 1842 Devine, James 1842 Durand, Pierre Duvermont veuve, Maria Louise Antoinette .... 7 135 1842 Dolfino, Jean 1842 Dorgenoy, Louis Le Breton 7 157 1842 Decaux, Victor 7 172 1842 Dumaine, Dominique M. Cantrelle dec'd wife of 1843 Dubertrand, Pierre 1842 Delegorgue, Virgile 1 843 Drouillard, John B 7 256 Delachohiniere, Anthenador Leroy 1843 Durel, Jn. Bte. Neuville 1843. Daily, James Damedieu, Pierre Joseph Gardet 1843 Davidson, Hugh Dallymore, Edward see 1844 Dalassize, Valery Jean 7 343 1843 Delveaux, Thereze f. w. c 7 362 1843 Devereux, M. H. dec'd wife of 1842 Deflechier, Etienne M. Dussuan widow of .... 1844 Devine, Eliza a minor Derby, Mary a minor De Bellevue, Fran9ois Barbin Dixon, Bridgit a minor Doublet, Maurice f. m. c 7 324 1843 Domingon, J. G. Celestine Duflechier wife of . . 1844 Dommange, Auguste 1843 Duru, Celestin C. Duquesne widow of 7 296 1843 Duclosel, Olivier Dufresne, Uranie a minor Durand. Guillaume 7 381 1843 Duffy, Mathew K 1843 Durrive, Edouard wife of Duncan, James 1 844 Dunn, Bridget Coffy dec'd wife of 1844 1844. Dallymore, Edward 1844 INDEX, 1844. WILLS. Vol. Page. INV. Year. 1844 1844 1844 Davis. John Dietrick. Michel Anna Maria Wagner widow.. 7 485 Dehart, Johr . . . . Dutillet, Francois Dussuau, Victoire for marriage Deslond, George Decuir, Francoise f. w. c 7 509 Delavigne, John C. dec'd wife of. Dinet, Jean Baptiste k . 7 524 DeBellevue. Fran9ois Barbier see 1843 Desdunes, Jn. Bte, Rossignol 7 526 1844 Duffau, Joseph 7 537 ] 845 Dinet, Pierre Frangoise O. Rieux dec'd wife of 8 2 1844 Davis, John Durel, Ursin, M. Francoise Dejean 1844 Desobry, Julien alias Pickel & Louis Desobry f. p. c.. Dupin, Jean Marie C .... 1844 Dumont, Charles Claudot 1844 Delpech, Bernard Drasco, Babet, f. w. c 1844 Ducas, Adolphe 1845 Doriocourt, Antoine a minor Decuir, Francoise Fanchounette f. w. c 1844 1845, Duhulquod, Pierre Joseph Marthe Vercassone widow of ... 8 69 1845 Duguy, Jeanne Durand, Etienne 8 87 1845 Darcy, Daniel Dopas, Phineas ..8 125 1845 Davis, George L. C. Sarah A. Wright dec'd wife of ) 846 Delahay. Andre 1845 Doyle, Catharine a minor Durel, Jean Ursin. ' 1845 De Courbeville... 1845 Delkin. John 1 845 Duncan, Antoine Wm. alias Antoine Guillermo Dixon Elizabeth a minor Dargadens, L. D'Arche - , 8 159 1845 Delpeuche. Antoine. * * 1846 Dauphin, Pelagie f. w. c 8 171 1846 Demontzey. Joseph 8 175 J845 Durocher, Charles Louis J84& Deslondes, Desiree Diliart, Felix INDKX. 73 1646. WILLS. INY. Vul. Page. Year. Delille, Rosalie alias Soree f. w. c 1840 Destrehan, Honore f. m. c 1846 Deville, Alexetidrine f. p. c., a minor Demott, Luke 1846 Doyle, Michael ., 1846 Dufau, Charles Boromee Diez, Leon 8 239 Dorsey, Eliza H 1846 Doyle, Thomas M 8 265 1846 Dupre, A.ugustin 8 259 1846 Douglas, Robert Dupin, Catiche f. p. c 1 846 Dubalen, Jacques Amede Dunn, Catharine a minor Dussumier, E. Andre Clara Desforges dec'd wife of 1846 Delahoussaye, Auguste Octave a minor )ugas, Eulalie Amanda a minor 1846 Doherty, James 1846 Duplessis, Francois A. Marie Anne Rousseau widow of Delery, Charles N Dusselhorst, Ernestine Wilhelmine a minor.... Duralde, Martin Junior 1807. EVANS, Charles 1808 1808. Ern ancles, Jose 1 183 1810. Erhel, Louis 2 117 1810 1811. Echeveste y Befaupia, Jean Baptiste 1 .372 1811 Elliot, C. R 1811 1812. Elie, (absentee) Elliot, C. R 1813. Elliot, James 1814. Emile, F. C. B. minors f. p. c Erhel, Loys 2 117 Engerran, Pierre Andre 2 124 1814 1815. Elmes, Thomas 1817 10 74 INDEX. 1818. wi i.i.s. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Elmos, Thomas Evans, John 1818 Erving. William S 1818 Ellingaus, Charles... 1818 1819. Eline,Jean 3 83 1819 Ellis, John Ero, Michel 3 93 Ellingaus, Charles 1620. Ellery, A. R 1821 1822. Enard, Etienne 1822 1823. Eslava, Jerome a minor 1824. Barley. William S 1824 Elliot, Walter 1824 Everhart, Jacob Evershed, Thomas 1824 1826. Elliot, Catharine Delarue wife of Easterbrook, David 1827 T827. Edwards, William 1827 Efchberger, John 4 138 1827 Elberty, Barthelemy 1827 Eadon, Samuel 4 150 1827 Escovi'do, Juan 4 154 1827 1828. Emerson, William 18-29 Espagnette, Antoine and Jn. B.tptiste minors.. Ellis, Samuel 1829 1830, Esteves, alias Joida Marie f. w. c 1830 Evatt, John 1830 Edwards, Catharine a minor Enard, Pierre Charles Elie, Henry 4 291 Egan, Patrick USJt. Eisenhart, D. Ca! harinc Wolf wife oi 1831 Ebsvvorth.J. D 3831 IiM)EX. 7-3 1831. \VfLLS. IISV. Vol. Page* Year. Edwin, James minor children ot* 1832. Elliot, Jean . . ., 4 352 1832 Edmunds, William Elliott, S W. minor children of Eg new, Jesse Wallace . 3 399 Edmonds, Jones a minor Endcrs, Frederick 1833 1833. Edgerton, Deratha 1833 Ellis, GervHis ' E.stevanell, Jose 4 445 1833 Evan, Clement 4 450 1833 Earl, Lawrence. . 1833 Evans, Mary a minor Escot, Antoine Josephine B. f. m. c 1835 Eaton, Maria 1834 1834. Elliott, J. G 1834 Escoutery. alias Pe Ussier 1834 Emerson. Nathaniel 5 64 1835 Kikins, Mary a minor Erhel, Louise Sylvestre 5 104 Elkins. Harvey 5 122 1835 Ende, De Francis 1835 1835. Emerie, Jean Elkins, Samuel 5 100 1835 Errera, Antonio a minor. Evans, Robert 5 224 1830 and 257 Erbs, Henry Eyl ward, Richard 1-30. Erwin, James Ann B. Cl:iy wife of 5 279 1W36 Elliot, George 1830 Eanes, Martin B. Caroline Epps \vite-off. p. c.. Egan, John C 1830 1837. Estes, Marie M. a minor Eloi, Jn. Bte. Marie Fonteneuu dec'd wife of.. 1837 Ennis, J. W Elms, Daniel Eames, Lowell 76 INDEX. 1837. WILLS. FNV. Vol. Page. Year. Even, JeanneFoise.Duchesne JosephB. widow of 5 527 Ernewein, Bruno . . 1838. Emerson, Emilie f. w. c. * 1838 Edwards, John f- in. c 1838 Ellery, Mrs. S. C. W Etter, Susan a minor 1839. Exmcios, Louis Marie Giquel dec'd wife of. . . Erard, Joseph 6 123 1839 ngel, Christophe L Even, L. J. L. A. Evrard dec'd wife 1839 1840. Eude: shy, John 6 201 1840 Espagnette, Charlotte f. p. c 6 217 1840 Etfert, M.Vincent 1840 Ellis, John 1841. Eggleston, Win. H Ennen, John Diederich 1841 Elliot, R. W... '.. 1841 Esquerre, Ph. Latapie Edwards, Kichard Enrique, Juan 1841 Ell, F. Anthon. 1841 Ewart, Samuel 1843. Eitel, Daniel 1843 Escoffier, Jean '. 1843 Etienue, Mary Ann a minor Evers, John Hy. Joseph 7 448 1843 1844. Ennis, James 1844 Espinosaa, Francois Vicioire Delalte dec'd wife of 1844 Etfan, James D 1844 Everett, Stephen H 1844 Eloi, Marie Evelina a minor 1845. E\ aris, Nicolas Elides, IouiiiiMarte Ernest Mathilde Josephine t'arriere w fe of . . , 8 304 INDEX. 77 1805. WILLS. 1NV. Vol. Pagf- Year. FLETCHER, James 1 10 Fravega, Joseph 1 19 J807 Fernandas, John Jones Faurie, Joseph 1807 1808. Foucher, B.mne Foucher, Josephine Forstall, Joseph f. m. c 1808 1809. Foucher, alias Julie Brion Rene Foix, Castaing 1 285 Fremont, Louis 1 292 1810. Flotte, Honore Fernandez, Lorenzo 1 Fournier, Louis Franguel, Rene 1 Fourcaud, Andre 1 Fremont, Louis Fourcaud, Marianne Gourjon widow 1 318 1811. Forneret, Constance 1 342 1811 Fransoisc, Marie 1 367 1811 Favier, Mark 1 475 1811 Foucher, Rene Bienvenu Fabrega, Jeanne 1 383 Fabrega. Manuel 1811 Felman, Henry 1811 1812. Frick, Joseph Ferriere, Lallande 1812 Fritzel, Jean Baptiste Faucompre, Pierre F. Stanlislas 1812 Fromentin, Louise Duvernay widow 1 526 1812 1813. Faisandieu, Antoine 2 17 Fleming, Ezekiel a minor Frtunat. Paul and Zeline (absentees) 1813 Favre, Simon 2 52 Folicon, Jerome 1&13 Fabrega, Manuel Felman, Henry Fleury, minors f. p. c 78 INDEX. 1813. WILLS. IX V. Vol. Page. Year. Ferret, Philippe 2 ,76 1813 Foot, John A 1814 1614 Ferrary, Jn. Bte 1814 Fossier, Jean Louis 2 104 1814 Favre, Simon Fransois and Tkereze Fleitas, Domingo 2 106 1814 Flanguy, Vincent Fleury, Francois 1814 Farge, minors Fontaine, Jn. Bte. Lessur 2 120 1814 Fromentin, Antoine 2 J39 18 1 4 Fry, Joseph 1814 Forges, Jean 2 142 1814 IS 15. Fitzgerald, James Rice 2 16U 1815 Fulton, Robert Forestrie, de la St. Charles Bouchaud 2 179 18 Ferrie, Joseph LS15 Fleury, Frar^ois Folicon, Jerome f^azende, Cirille minors 1816 1816. Fry, Joseph Frizel, John B Fleming, Catharine Ezekiel a minor Fromentin, minors . . Faucompre, de Stanislas Ferrier, minors Foelkel, Louis Valentin 2 228 Freret, minors Fabrega, Joseph 1816 Fram, George 2 233 and 3 & 40 F-rstall, Cecile Villere wife of 1817 Francisque, a minor 1817. Fabreque, Joseph Folicon, Jerome Farge, Auror e and Furgely minors Fleury, minors Fulton, Robert.... Foote, John A Forestrie, de la Sebastien Charles Bouchard. . . INDEX. 79 1817. WILLS. INT. Vol. Page. Year, Favier, Marie Louise Anaise a minor Forge, Abascine and Anne Roche Fulcher. George 1817 Fortier, Adelaide a minor f. p. c Finley, Michael L Fortier, Oscar (a minor under puberty) 1818. Ford, Francis , 3 39 Fromentin , Marie a minor Fabre, Etienne 1818 Falaise, Henry 1817 Fuzende, Sebastien Francois Moriere 1818 Fulton, Robert ' Fulcher, George Fergusan, Thomas 3 62 Fourcand, Pierre Forestrie, de la Sebastian Charles Ferriere, Lallande. . '. 1819 Forstall, Cecile Villere 1819. Ferrer, Sebastien 3 79 1819 Feriet, de Uamille a minor Fromentin, minors Fortier. Oscar Fortier, Eugene 1818 Fabry, Jean Baptiste 1819 Freret, minors Fickes, Jacob 1819 Fournier, Jean 1819 Foi tin, Nicolas 3 128 1834 1820. Fuentevilla, de Pedro 3 145 1820 Fortin, Jean 1820 Fisher, Francis Fossier, Joseph 3 255 Frederic, Claude Fortin . Jules 1 820 Fortier, Jacques 1 820 Fletcher, Ja ..es 1821 Flood, James 1821. French. Captn. Philip Forstall, Pauline and Josephine f. p. c Fromentin, Dorothe Boyard widow 1821 Forstall, Celeste de le Villebeufvre wife of.... 18*1 80 INDEX. 1821. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Yfir. Fontaine, Jacques 3 226 1821 Fortier, Melville and Mathilde 1822. Fourage, Elizabeth widow 3 244 Fossier, Alphonse Adelaide Rixner wife of .... 3 258 Foucher, Marie f. w. c 1822 Fonvergne, Virgile f. m. c 3 297 Frederick, Claude widow Fromentin, Elegius 1822 Feehan. Michael Fellows, Wm 1822 Foucher, Louis Valcour f. m. c 1 822 Fernandez, Antonio . 1 822 1823. Flood, William Doctor 3 362 1823 Fortier, Melville Mathilde and Rosella minors. Fox, P. F 1823 Fleckner, William 3 444 1 8-24 and 374 Francis, William 1823 Fortier, Omer 1823 Fagan, Barney * Fessart, Hypolite A 3 393 1824. Forstal, Cecile f. w. c 3 440 Fanchine, f. w. c Fossier, Edmond and Amelie Farr, Jonathan 1 824 Forneret, Charles f. m. c 4 5 ] 824 Foster, widow Feron, Louis Joseph ] 824 Flous, Adolphe 1824 Fourgue, Pierre 1824 Ferraud, Francois 1825. Foy, Marguerite Pelicite and Pauline f. p. c... Farrel, JohnD 1825 Foucher, Perine f. w. c 4 75 1825 Feathorstone, Eliza Badon, wife of John 4 75 Farrar, Benjamin 1826. Fontenay, Theodore 1 826 Frique, Felonise a minor Fisqur, Eben minors ' INDEX. 81 1826. WILLS, INV. Vol. Page. Year; Forstall, E. J. Clara Durel wife of * , Finch, Silas * 1829 Ferguson, Neil Fremont, Marguerite Benoit widow Francois, minor f. p. c . * Flaherty, Maurice 4 117 1820 Flechier, de minors **.....,< Fenan, Pierre , * Farrar, Benjamin 1826 1827. Ferran, Louis ..........<..................< Fox. Robert * .... Fitz, !Sr. William interdiction of 4 . . * . * Felmoth, Jacob 4 Ferriere, Louis Lalande Marie Hiacinthe Ar- nould widow of 4 153 1827 1828. Fremont, Eustache widow 1828 Fort, John A 4 165 Ferre, Jacques 4 167 1828 Fouche, Pierre Edmond 1828 Fortin, Doctor Louis 4 201 Fleury, Marie Louise Lossano wife of 1829. Fonbrange, de Dumas 4 246 1820 Fernex, de J. L * ... * .... 1830 Forsyth, John < 1830 Fromentin, Girardi Victor 1820 Fraser. Robert 1829 Fontaine, Susanne f. w. c * . . . . 1829 Fish. Joseph f. m. c. . 4 257 1829 Folwell, Joseph N 1833 Fernandez, Elizabeth L. Helliot wife of ....... 1830 1830. Flint, Benjamin ........,, < 1830 Foucher, Marcelite Saulet wife of 1830 Forneret, Nanette minor Fletcher, D. A Fourcisy, Eugene (absentee)., 183& Franklin, Thomas 1830 Fortier, Nopbert Aimee de Boisclanc wife of. . . Fisk, Eben 4 394 Ferguson, John K Falia, Ramon........... , 1831 11 82 INDEX. 1831. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Fridek, Frederick Feriet, de Marcelite Maxent wife of 1831 Frederic, Valerien 4 311 Felsec, John 1831 Foloppi, Jean Marie Louis Ford, John Forstall, Hugue Amelie anil Emma minors.... Ferrara, Louis 1832 1832. Fletcher, John B 1832 Flewry, J. B. Marie Louise L. wife of Fontaines, Jacques Forstall, F. M. Marie C.Lajonchiere dec'd wife of 1832 Fames, Antonio Fowler, John Fulmer, George 1832 Falga, Pedro Fabiani, Jean Ignace 1832 Finnegan, Peter Fennan, Bartholomew Foster, Joel and wife 1833 Fosse, Jean Fromentin, Martin 4 393 1832 Foster, Charles 1832 Farrar, Thomas W 1832 Forno, Hariette 1832 Fellen, George Franchimant, Auguste Forsythe, Allen a minor 4 383 1832 Foster, Joel Isabella dec'd wife of 4 495 183J Fuzillier, Victor alias Louis .4 405 1832 Fanehine, see Cottel f. w. c 4 406 1833. Fierdesbras, Martin 4 442 1833 Fish, David Fourcisy, Michel 1833 Findlay, Hugh 183J Forestier, Pierre Urbain Fellows, Bethiath widow Flotte, Honore Marie Ade. Michot wife of Freyd, Francois Xavier 4 470 Frederick, Delphine Mrs 1836 Fullam, Thomas Fisk, Nathaniel J Fadeuilhe, Wm.. , 1833 INDEX. 83 1833-f WILLS. INV. ' ,,' Vol. Page. Year. Frederick, Collette f. w. c . . . ..... /.: ..... .... 1834 Finnerty, John .......... ....... . . . . f. ..... Ferry, Louis Peyre ...... r ..... ......*;. ..... Fichet, Frederick ...... . . ..... * V- 'J* ...... 1833 Fegan, Simon ........... . . . . t> *. . A. - ' Fei-rera, Jose .......... . . ..... '.....;.../. ^ 4 489 1833 Fontaine, Pierre ........ . ..... ....... .../.,. Fuller, Josiah B ....... . . < ..../.. ./(. ...... 1833 Flanagan, Eugene ............ T ............ ,, Fromentin, Victor ............... ..< ..... / Fellows, Priscilla Griffith. . ....... f. /...'. . . . vV ^ 1833 1834. Finney, John ..................... . ...... /-. 5 22 . 1834 French, Robert .................. * ;"'''. . . . . . .V 5 25 Fouvenir, Charles. ....... . ........ ,....:. Jf'S Freret, James .......... . ....... . . .... .'. ., . 1834 Fournier, alias Belfont, Charles ........ '. ..... Fleitas, Domingo Marie Joseph Guesnard widow 5 77 1834 Fowler, Mary Gabriella a minor ............. Fortier, Valsin ......................... ..... 18,34 Fenzey, Jacques .................... . ...... Flotte, Honore .................. ....'...*... 1834 Fromentin, Alexander .............. .......'. Foucher, Louis .............. ....'. ....... .. . 5 107 1834 and L05 Foucher, Felicite Badon wife of. . .......... f. v 1835 1835. Forstall, Joseph Dorestan f. m. c ..... . ....... 1835 Fletcher, Henry f. m. o. Heloise La-ville wife of Frazer, Simeon ........ . ........ /. .......... 1835 Fest, Daniel ...................... ... ..... . v . 1840 Fletcher, James ............ ...... ........... Fleckner, Henry .......................... f / 1835 Ferret, Hypolite ............ ........ : ><'' "190 Flower, Joseph Hannah wife of .......... '. . . . Fitzgerald, Mary Anne a minor .............. / 1835 Fazende, alias Fassane Augustin f. m. c ...... . 1835 Fourcand, Pierre ............. . . . .. ......... 5 219 1835 Felicite, a minor ..................... , ..... Falconer, Gaspard widow of .......... ....... 1836. Fields, George ............................. 5 289 1836 Fouche, Xavier ............................ 5 29*5 Fremond, M. f. m. c ....................... . . '" 183i 64 INDEX. 1836. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Fleming, Jean Baptiste 5 301 1836 Fortier, Jean Michel Forneret, Joseph f. m. c * 5 323 Fuddarar, Rosanna a minor Forstall, Edmond Adelaide Melanie de Morant wife of 1836 Fuente, de la f. p. c. (in the matter of the minor Felicite.) Fatio, Angelo Fontaine, Pierre Francois 5 345 Foulon, Charles Victor Marthe Eugenie Grand- champs minor wife of Fouche, Jean f. p.c. Marie Joseph Fondal wife of 1836 Fleming, Margaret a minor Fusillier, Francoise f. w. c ; 1837. Ferry,Irad 5 412 1837 Farrie, Hugh 5 428 1837 Fox, James -/... 1837 Fanchon, Helene f. w. c .' 5 "468 1837 Fisk, Stebbins 5 489 1837 Fiquer, Francisco , . , fries, Charles A uguste 1837 Fay, John ' 1837 Frey, William and Horffstellen Gotleb Frazee, Aaron Filley, Esther 1837 Figueres, F. P , , Ferrary, Baptiste 6 9 Flower, William dec'd wife of Fortier, Adelard . 1838. Fortier, B Forcelle, alias Soubie Balthazard Fauque, Jean . , . f 1838 Fauchet, Gabriel Benjamin 1838 Farnandez, Julie f. w. c..,. ....6 42 1838 Flannegan, Patrick 1838 Faure,Senr.Honore and his wifeElizabethLemaire Forme, Josephine a minor f. w. c Feldman, Melchior 1838 Fitzgerald, Jas. Rice widow , , . 1839 1839. , /z.v Sanite f. w. c 6 107 1839 INDEX. 1839. WILLS. Vol. Page. 35 INV. Year. Fitzgerald, in the matter of the minor Julia widow of John Daws for marriage Francois, Antoine M 6 117 1839 Fehrman, Ernest W 1839 Fuesz, Jacob 1839 Flavin, Walter O Fenton, Mary 6 173 Fielding, Thomas 1839 J840. Fusillier, Fergus 1840 Ferguson, in the matter of the minor Ann Frere, Marie* Louise alias Rosette 1840 Fox, Bernard 6 243 1840 Field, Joseph 6 247 1840 1841, Rlhe,Camille ClaireJse.Charronnier dec'd wife of 1841 Vouche, Marie Suzanne Adele f. w. c 1841 Forneret, Louis Fuselier, Gabri*lle a minor Faure, Pierre . .* 1841 Fremaux, Francois Etienne 1841 Flinn, William Finn, James Elizabeth Murray widow by 1st marriage of John Allen 1841 Fuselier, Edouard 1841 Furman, Henry H 1841 Flood, Alice . . . , ' FieldJ.H. JeanneCharlotteVictoireDubourg wife of 1842 Farmer, Samuel 6 499 1842 Field, William H 1842 Fraser, William French,John 1841 1842. Farily, Edward Rachel Nugent widow of Francisco, Hiram Fremaux,Etienne AimeeAdelaideLeBrun widow of Fehrman,John 7 35 1842 Frederick, Charles Freitag, Jacob Feraud, Jean Baptiste f. m. c 1842 Fidele, Jean , Ferrand, Louis Jacquarine Rouzan dec'd wife of 7 178 1842 Freitag, Jacob Funel, Marie B. M. born Chavenet 7 254 1842 86 INDEX. 1842. WILLS, wv. Vol. Page. Year. Fogliardi, Louise Franchise Birot widow by 1st marriage of Caisergues and deceased the wife of Fogliardi 7 261 1843 1843. Fazende, Elizabeth f. w. c 1 843 Farland. Bernard 7 3G5 1843 Farlan, Margaret widow of 1844 Facio, Bernard Fadeilhue, Josephine a minor Feretto, Simon 1843 Fernandez, Run" no Thomas 7 409 1 843 and 411 Field, James H 7 302 1843 Fitzgerald, Fatime f. w. c 1843 Fortier, Norbert Fortier, Jacques widow of Aim6e Durel 7 440 1844 Fortier, Adelaid Norbert Flandrin Francois Freyd, Marie Josephine f. w. c 7 454 1844 1844. Francois, f. m. c Fanchonnette, Decuir see Decuir Frontere, Jean Marie his wife Cadette Casenave Fortin, Augustin Charles 1 845 Flood, James 8 3 1844 Farrell, David Fernandez, f. w. c. see Saulay, f. w. c 1845. Fremont,Edouard MarieElizabethConsolat dec'd wife 1845 Favre, Ellen a minor Falvay, John Honorea Ferris dec'd wife of . ... 8 84 Fitzimmons, Eliza a minor Farnum, Jared 1845 Fourcisy, Jean Baptiste Louis Michel Faisans, Victor Elodie Fortin a minor wife of. . Fowler, Thomas Fyffe, John 1845 Fisk.Abijah 8 200 1846 Fleytas, Josephine Franklin , 1845 1846. Fourcade, J. B Folk, Elizabeth J. a minor Fondin Valmont f.p.c. CatharineRolette dec'd wife of 1846 Tondin, Jean f. m. c 1846 INDEX. 87 1846. WILLS. 1NV. Vol. Page. Year. Fahrmer, Joseph 8 221 1846 Ford, Arigele a minor Fisk, Caroline and Mary Newton E. minors. . . . Fastiaux, Marie Claire 184G Faller, Francis 8 275 1846 Fitzwilliam, Anna Flint, J. R..... 1846 1805. GILOSO, Francis 1805 1806. Giraudon, John 1 24 1805 Gauthier, Pierre 1 27 1P05 1807. Guillempaux, Raimond 1 84 1807 Galmez, Lamajor ^... 1 114 1807 1808. Grenoble, Charlotte 1 139 Gardner, James 1808 Gurley, J. W 1 180 1808 Galot, Noel f. m. c 1808 Grandmaison, Jn. Baptiste 1808 Guichard, Elme Etienne 1 186 1809. Guinard, alias Coco Jean 1809 Guillon, Jacques Gourege, Jn. Bte 1809 Guilbot, Bernard 1809 Guerin, Catherine 1 247 Gaigne, Francois 1 248 1809 Garcia, Joseph 1809 1810. Goux, Bernard Guichard and Landier, minors 1810 Gayot, 1 321 Guichard, Elmes minor, .. 1810 Garcia, Laurent 1810 1811. Gaujean, Jean Bertrand 1811 Geneste, Margte. Dangluze wife of 1 476 1811 Gonzales.J.V 1 378 1811 Giraudreauz, Michel Gobert, Louis * Gardner. James Gourege, Jn. Bte 88 INDEX. 1811. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Griffon, C. Antoine 1811 Gray, Lucy Whifehead widow 1 456 1811 Gobert, Etienne Foussaint 1 280 1811 Goit, John 1811 Gaillard, Marie Adelaide Came f. w. c 1 485 Garcia, Joseph 1 313 1812. Guichard and Landier, minors 1810 Groulier, Nicolas Gipoulou, Nicolas Labiche 1812 Gurley, J. W. . . . 1 180 Gaultier, Rene 2 1 1812 1813 Goucher. John Gurley, John W Galegos, Juan 2 30 Guillaud, Claude 2 55 1813 Gournier, Joseph Ruynat 2 58 &52 1813 Gaborit, Henry 1813 Gignac, Joseph 2 61 1813 Goet, John Gayarre, Charles Anastase Etienne 2 Goguet, Frangdis 1814. Girod, Claude Frangois 1814 Griffon, minors , Gipoulou, Labiche Grondel, Thereze 2 110 Grima, Albert 2 112 Gramond, Jean 2 144 1814 Guy, Theodore 2 149 Gonzales, Francisca Martha wife of 1815. Greffin, Etienne Casanovichi 2 202 1815 Gaudy, Francois 1815 Gormly, William 1815 Gayarre, Charles Anastase Etienne 2 79 Gaeno, Frederick 1815 Gallifet, Louis Frangois Alexandre Gaillard, Henry Glapion, minors Griffon, minors * Guesnon, Jacques 1815 1816. Gonzales, Vincent INDEX. 89 1816. WILLS. INT. Vol. Page. Year. Giovellina, Louise 1816 Guesnon, Rose Beauregard wife of 1816 Gallagher, minors * Guy, Theodore 1816 Godefroy, minors f. p. c Grenier, Etienne 1816 1817. Galifet, de L. Alexandre Goubien, Pierre . 3 1 Gibert, Jean Antoine 3 4 1817 Grilhe, Jean Louis Guillaume 3 6 1817 Girod, Claude Francois Grammond, Jean Guyem, Nicolas 3 18 1817 Gourdel, Pierre Ad.VictoireFainturier widow of 3 17 1818 Guigue, or Guigoux Fois 1817 Guilminot, Nicolas 3 30 Guillard, Jean 1817 1818. Guillaud, Claudius Gaiennie, Marceline Labattut wife of Grammont, Zaire Marie Foise 3 47 Gobert, Etienne Toussaint Grovelina, Honorina Gaboret, Henry Guignon, Francois Grilhe, Jean Louis Guillaume Godetroy, minors 1818 Giraud, Jean Pierre Gueno, Frederick 1819. Greffin, Etienne Casanovichi Gorham, Aaron 1 827 Gurley, S. W Gri, widow Gonzales, Jose Garci, Clemence Jn. Bte. Avrens and others. . . Guerin, Andre Guirot, Joseph 3 110 1820 1820. Grondona, alias Langourand Dominique 3 128 1820 Graval, Adrien 3 133 1820 Gautrault, Julienne Vetode widow Guesnon, minors 12 90 INDEX. 1820. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Gobin, widow Gilbert, Asa 1820 Guigue, Catherine Godin, Guillaum&, 3 146 1821. Groyer, alias L'Esperance Denis 3 184 1821 Gourjon, John 1821 Goyffon, Antoine Marie 3 190 Guerriere Louis 1821 Gabourdet, Philippe Auguste 3 217 1821 Grammont, Fierre Paul Rossignol Chads. Jose- phine Descahaut wife of Gaillard, Pierre (Marie Pauchet widow by 1st- marriage of B.Beauvais and by 2d marriage of) 3 221 1S21 Gaskill, Abraham 1821 Genois, Junior Bernard 1821 Gueno, Pierre 3 233 1822 1822. Guerrier, alias Catahoulou Laurent Godin, Simon Gros, Guillaume 1P22 Guerin, Francois M , 1822 Guigue, Catharin Gossin, E. M Gilfeather, Martin 1822 Guilbert, Armand 1822 Gauffrey, William Giltson, G. W Gaudin, Julien 1822 Gousset, Pierre 3 327 1822 Green, Eliza .... Gayarre, Marie Elizabeth Bore widow of 1823 Gordon, Adam 1823. Garlick, J Grant, Robert and others Gilman, John Galatas, Jean , Grounx, Jean 3 Goodwin, Suzanne Drouet wife of 3 Grevemberg, Perrine Galiment, Jean 3 Giovanni, Jean Germain, Jean Jacques 3 399 1823 1824. Garrau, Etienne Charles 1824 INDEX. 91 1824, WILLS. INVi Vol. Page. Year. Galez, Frar^ois Marthe 4 7 1824 Green, John Gwathney, John. 4 25 1824 Garnot, Alphonse 1824 Girard, Joseph 4 27 1824 Gale, Anthony R 1824 Gerrets, Nathan 824 Gore, M. B Guinet, Zacharie Gollaire, Charles Goa, Louis Gairnger, Conrad widow of 1824 Gaiennie, Urbain * 4 45 1825 1825. Gueret, Alexandre 9 . . . Ganucheau, P. F 4 71 1825 Guerlin, Louis H 1825 1826. Grevemberg, Louis Garcie, Josephine Guillory, Marguerite Don Andre widow 1826 Glapion, Celestin f. m. c 4 101 1826 Galleau, Rosette f. w. c 4 104 1826 Guiltier, Jacques 1826 Gallatin, Albert 1826 Guerin, Pouponne. 1826 1827. Godet, Marguerite Liteaud widow 4 131 1827 Glapion, Lizette f. w. c 1827 Gilbert, St. Rose F 4 149 Godefroy, Genevieve Zephirine a minor 1828. Green, Hazard Garcia, Manuel . 182S Gallion, Washington M Garcia, Clemeute Manuel 4 182 1828 Gallaud, Louis Marie Louise Lafleur wife of. . 1828 Groussoles, Jean 1828 George, Jean Balthazard 4 190 1828 Goudlive, Christina a minor Gosselin, Pierre see veuve Gosselin 1829 1829. Gosselin, Marguerite Baron widow 4 217 1829 92 INDEX. 1829. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Grivele, de Marie Augustine Honorine Lelievre 4 217 Gilbert, St. Rose F 1829 Garick, Francois 1 829 Gallau, Euphrosine and Rosette f. w. c 1 829 Gosselin, Bazile 4 232 1829 Gueno, Joseph 1 829 Gilchrist, Stephen K 1829 Guillaurne, Helene 4 245 Gurard, de Louis A. Dupuy 4 259 Glass, John Gordon, Hugh K 4 265 1830 Guiot, Louis 1830. Girardin. Jean Marie a minor Gauthier, Joseph 4 283 1830 Gaynard, Edward Guirot, Marguerite 1830 Genesy, Joseph Z 4 287 1830 Gillespie, Wilson 1831 Gilly, John B Graves, Merit Guichard, Charles Gallo, Felicite a minor 1831. Giroud, Marius 1831 Godefroi,FerdinandCatherineV.Jarsuel widow of 4 301 1831 Gourd, Marcel 1831 Gardner, James Gravelle, Marie see Neda wife of 1831 Garaud, Jean 1831 Germain, Charles H Guignan, Edelmore 1831 Grounx, Jn. Francois Charlotte and Al. minors. 1832 Gould, John Girod, Fran9oise f. w. c 4 318 1831 Gordon, Hugh K. M. Coats widow of 4 319 1831 Gordon, Philini a minor Giret, Marin 1831 Gardiner, Samuel Guillemin, T. A. Hortense Arnault wife of 1831 1832. Girardin, Daniel 1833 Grace, Margaret a minor Guilbert, Armand widow 4 367 1832 Goux, Bernard INDEX. 93 1832. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Grounx, Adelaide f. w. c , Godeau, Marie Thereze f. w. c 1833 Galeau, Louis Bartolome minor f. p. c Gallo, Jean Giacon, Pierre Nicolas 1833 Gamier, Marcelin 1832 Garrett, Simon P Gaspard, Alexandre Greau, Julien Guenard, Nicolas 1832 Gibney, Patrick 1833 Garrigani. Cayetano Gibney, Joseph 1832 Gregoire, Hyacinthe Hypolite Louis 1833 Girodeau, Julien Galle, Jean Pierre Anne 4 419 1833 1833. Gulliver, J, B . . , , . 1333 Grammont, Francois 1833 Gamond, Zaire f. w. c 4 422 1833 Grenot, Anne Rose , Gonzales, Victor Doctor 1833 Guicheney, Pierre Getty, Robert Gottschalk, Edward minor children of Gireaudeau, Adele f. w. c 1833 Girard, Joseph Giron, Elie 4 442 1833 Greeves, James Workman a minor Gaunt, Ruben . , 4 449 ] 833 Grandmont, Jean f. m. c 4 456 1833 Gourjon, Jean 4 460 1833 Green, Richard 1833 Gordon, Alexander Grant, Jonathan Gomez, Mathias 1833 Gomez, Facoun Rosa Guesnon wife of Gibney, P. Sarah Reilly wife of 4 478 1833 Gallaud, Marie Josephine Cecile Galland, Marie Josephine Cecile Galban, Manuel 1833 Gouvernel, Nicolas Gray, Catherine widow 1 833 Goldscmidt, Joseph 1 836 Garsides, James , , . . 1834 94 . INDEX. 1833. WILLS. INT. Vol. Page. Year. Gayarr6, Ferdinand 5 14 Gussnard, Laurent Louise Buquoi widow of. . . 1833 1834. Gaue, John a minor see Ohler Gaiennie, Eugene Francois absentee Godfrey, Adeline a minor Gouy, Victoire Glavarry, Francis R 5 97 1834 Guillemin, Jn. Fs. A. (French Consul) 1835 Garlepied, Martin 1835 Gaillard, Pierre 5 92 1834 Glaudin, Marie f. w. c Gravier, Jean 1 834 Galbert, Francois and wife Magdeline Greza. . 1834 Gaspard, Marie Fran9oise f. w. c 1834 Garcia, Diego 1834 Garcia, Thomas Caroline Salvant wife of, widow of Jean Liben 1835 Gentil, Antoine... 1834 1835. Guesno, Felicite Loubie widow .5 143 1835 Gardiner, Charles Abby Peabody wife of. . . . . Glapion, de Sophie Lallande Ferric re widow of 5 161 1835 Grundy, Ann Eliza a minor Gereghty, Michael a minor Gabriel, Charles f. m. c Grandmaison, J, M. D. a minor 1835 Geisse, William 5 177 1835 Gaily, Joseph f. m. c 1835 Gaiennie", Urbain Jeanne Sarde widow of 5 194 Guerin, Gustave Marie Coralie wife of 5 200 188 5 Galaud, widow f. w c Grems, Fransois a minor for emancipation Gomez, Rosa a minor Garcia, Francisco 1835 Goldsbury, William, Ann Effamy, his wife,... Gravelot,Antoinette, children of see Montesquieu 1836 Guignan, Auguste Guillaume, Joseph, f. m. c 5 260 1839 Gendron, Adelaide, 1836. General, Antoine, f. m. c 5 266 1836 Gueno, Mathieu Godin, Paul Felicite Lepene widow of. . 5 2 r *0 183$ and 268 INDEX. 95 1836. WILLS. INT. Vol. Page, Year. Gourgue, Pouponne, f. w. c 5 276 1836 Goodhue, Trueman, , Greenfield, William, 1830 Goin, Susan S. a minor, Goicochea, Bazilio, 1836 Griffon, Jean M .- 1837 Guichard, Martin Magloire Guilhou, Jules, see suit 1036, Gallaher, James, 1836 Ganning, James, Grillier, Pierre, 1836 Gros, Marie Anne Bourgeois, widow of Guil- laume 5 358 1836 Garcia, Pierre, f. m. c 1836 Gians, Elizabeth, a minor, Guesnard, Nicolas, Guilhou, Jules and suit, 1036, 1837 Godard, Pierre Didier, 1837 Gerard, Thomas, Marie Gerdet, wife of. 5 401 Gillis, Michael, Giberson Gilbert,. Gimball, Amenaide, alias Suzanne, 1837 Graham, John, 5 331 1837. Gormley, William. Gore, Thomas 1837 Goldsbury, William 5 438 1837 Gabriel, Marguerite f. w. c 5 452 1837 Gregoire, Andre 1837 Guillaume, Toussaint f. m. c 5 5G3 1837 Grubes, John 550 1838 Gachinard, Louis Bernard 1838 Gamelin, Francois Xavier 5 502 1837 Gamier, Charles 1838 Graves, W. L. B 5 523 1838 Griffith, Robert 5 525 1837 Gilles, Hypolite Givens, John 1837 Gold, William Guernigou, J. M. Guillaume Guillaume, Pierre Giraudau, Brunau, Marie Louise Gentil divor- ced wife of 6 3 1837 Gaillat, Senior Pierre 1837 Gaillat, Junior Pierre 1837 Gottschalk, Joseph V. 1838 96 INDEX. 1838. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Gordon, in the matter of the minor Mary .... * . Gray, Caroline Gaud er, Rose 6 15 1838 Greiner, S 1638 Grebbins, Jane a minor Gamier, Alexandrine a minor Gonceau, Marie E Granden, Marianne Catherine a minor Godique, Angelique Grailhe. Alexandre deceased wife of 1838 Guichard, minors f. p. c Guillot, Joseph and wife Catherine Paillet 1838 Gordon, Junior Martin in the matter of Louise Bringier his minor wife Gravier, Joseph f. m. c 6 47 1838 Giovanetti, Nicholas alias Hte. Joannis 6 53 1838 Grice, Eliza a minor Guesnon, Jacques 1838 Guerra, Luis 1838 Guichard, Jean . A 1833 Gamier, Charles Loui 1838 Gastaldi, Charles Nicolas 1838 Gardner, Sally Ann a minor Gill, Brigitte 1838 Gooding, f. w. c. see Craig 6 52 1839. Gendron, Jn. Bte. Marie Thereze Victoire E. Rousset wife of , 6 114 Groff. Laurence Granjeac, Alexandre Servant 1839 Godard, J. S Gordon, Thomas Amelie Milan widow of 6 124 1839 Gravel, Baptiste 1839 Gordon, Judith H 1839 Gundy or Gunby, James 1839 Gordon, Junior Martin in the matter of Louisa Bringier his minor wife Gabaroche, Marie Rose and Jean minors. ..... Gladding. Joseph H 1839 Gray, Joshua .' . 1839 Graham, John Gillet. see Paris Gostella, Adolphe Gouy, Pierre Felix 1839 Genois, Jean 1839 Gallagher, Catharine a minor INDEX. 07 1839. . WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Guerin, Pierre 1840 Garic, Marie f. w. c 6 192 1840 Guerin, A uguste 6 181 1840 Gladding, Emeline a minor Guil lot, Victor interdicted, for papers see suit 1271 1839 1840. Greiser, Francois X. Joseph 6 195 1840 Guerringer, F. in the matter of his minor wife. Goeffon, Luce Charlotte Merillon widow of... 6 202 1840 - Gillis, M. Catharine Largay widow 6 206 1844 GuiJlaume, Adelaide Helene f. w. c 6 210 1840 Guiffant, Jean 1840 Gignac, Jean f. m. c Gonzales, Clementine Godet, Pierre Louis Fran9ois Rosalie Amelee Bonnabel dec'd wife of Girod, Nicolas .....6 293 1840 Gelpi, Geronimo 1840 Grant, Pherreby f. w. c 6 266 1841 Guiader, Francois Girard, Joseph 1841 Girod, Pierre Nicolas 6 300 Giraudeau, Jacques Garcia, Felix his minor daughter Gueno, Adeline alias Isabella minor Gillmore, Jonathan Gabaroche, Pierre minor children of Goulden, Henry Glatigny, de Jacques Ernest Souty 6 343 1841 Genrick, see John Weiss Gunther, Christian Frederick Good, James C . . . . Goddard, Stephen 1841 Gouy, Ambroise Eusebe. 1841 Gallaud, Victoire dec'd wife of Tomi Urquhart see Urquhart, 6 401 1841 Gros, Pierre Goodrich, Andrus M 6 400 Grube, Charlotte for marriage Giraghty, Bartholomew . .'. Gillame, Desiree Serephine Gunther Auguste Gardien. Jacques Auguste Griffin, John 1841 13 98 INDEX. 1842. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Gray, Patrick... 6 443 1844 Grigg, John . . . .' 6 446 Grant, Francis 1842 Gladding, Stephen Griffith, Evan M 6 465 1842 Gillooney, J Godin, Jean Francois Guerin, Clementine 1842 Glaudin, Victor 1842 Gaines, William James 7 95 Grandpre, de Henry Bouche 1842 Geme, widow Grace, Magdeleine for marriage Grandchamps, Francois and his deceased wife ( 1842 see suit 1549.. , ( 1843 1843. Gallagher, Catherine a minor 1843 Gatewood, Alice 7 31 1 1843 Gauche, X. Magdalena Arnold dec'd wife of. . . 1843 Gallaud, Louis f. m. c 7 376 1843 Gary, Louis 1843 Garcia, alias Garcillien, Joseph f. m. c Garvey, Johannah a minor Gaillard, Jacques Gerl, Joseph 1843 Gentillon, Pierre Gitty, Ann Gicquel, J. B. F. Elizabeth de St. Romes wife of 1844 Giordano, Joseph 1 843 Gallagher, Catherine a minor I 1843 Gormon, Thomas H 1843 Gonzales y Andrade, Mariano 7 299 1843 Gourjon, Jacinthe 7 388 1843 and 418 Glover, Rebecca f. w. c 1843 Gras, Jean Louis 1843 Gray, Robert 1843 Guilhou, Frangois Alexis M. M. Martin wife of Gasman, John Mary Viellon wife of Guillon, Jean an absentee 1844 Guillon, Jean Eloise Villavaso widow of 1844 Guesnon, Ursin f. m. c 7 344 1843 1844. Gauche, Catherine a minor Gurlie, Claude Marie Louise Paillet wife of. . . INDEX. 99 1844,, v WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Guillemin, Hortense * 1844 Question, Etienne 1844 Green. Harriett Jane a minor ., Gaillard, Pierre 7 500 1844 Gangoff, William Garrity, Eliza .,....> v , Gormley, Sarah a minor Garvey, Bridget a minor. Guillon, Jean Marie Ann Griffin, Bridget a minor Guinault, Jacques Phillip 1845 Gibbs, George Morgan ...8 204 1846 Gradenigho, Valmont deceased wife of. . . . . . . Gattschalk, Moreau a mirtor 1844 Giraudeau, Pierre alias Jean 1844 ' Gallatas, Amedee 1845 1845. Gaiennie, Francois '*. f j Gallier, James Elizabeth Tyler dec'd wife of. . . 1845 Grandmaison, Jacques Duval '1845 Crillmore, Robert McKay 1845 Goldsmith, Daniel 184-5 Guesnon, Xavier Madame 1845 Giordano, Alfred : . . . 1845 Greeves, John G 8 180 1845 Gunst, L. A. Jeannette W. Nathan dec'd wife of 1846 Gardette,James C. Marie AzelieGardette wife of 1846 V. Girard, Julia a minor. Girathy, Ann a minor 1846. Guex, U. F. E ,1846 Gow, Alexander Gachinard, Frangois Maria Clothilde Montas deceased widow of 1846 Greeves, A. Louise Castille wife of Gaiennnie, L. R. wife of 1846 Garbelotti, Phillippe . ... 1846 ' /. Gouldwire, David 1846 Gillingham, L, H ., 1846 Grein vald, Jacob , 1805. HENRY, Jean Marie 1 4 Hays, Isaac 1806. Harty, Daniel 1807 100 INDEX. i 1806. WILLS. INV. Vo/i Page. Year. Hebert, Pierre 1 48 Hardy, Simon 1 116 Hasset, Thomas 1 70 1804 Hadlep, John 1807 Hep, Suzan 1808. Henry, Louis Alexandre 1808 Hepps, John Hensley, Jacob 1808 1809. Harty, William 1809 Houghton, John 1809 Hastier, Narcisse 1 240 Hudson, Robert 1809 1810. Hashy, minor Herman, St. James a minor Horannifyard, widow 1810 Hobbs, widow 1810 Houghton, John Hill, John 1810 1811. Hutchingson, A. E Hugon, Desdemaine Sophie Piau wife of 1 355 1811 Hopkins, Henry 1811 Hellies, Joseph 1 422 1811 1812. Heapp, Aimee a minor Hugon,. Desdemaine J. F 1 512 Hugh, Mathew 1813 Humphray, minor Henriette, Louise a minor Hogue, de la Heloise 2 21 1813 Honey, Thomas Hardy, Magdelaine f. w. c 2 73 Hayze, John Harty, Simon 2 81 1813 Hognon, Marie Pradeau "... 2 84 Hatfield, John 1814 1814. Huber, Louis 2 87 Holmes, Adolphe Houssart, Jean Baptiste INDEX. 101 1814. WILLS. INT. Vol. Page. Year. Harkins, Miles Hamilton, R. H Hacqueman, Henry 1815. Hactshom, Stephen Hanson, Abraham Harkins, Miles Havre, John 1816. Hanson, and others Henry, minors Hill, Joseph 1816 Hardy, Marie Fransoise Collette f. w. c 2 223 1816 Harty, Simon 1816 1817. Henry, Adelaide Bruneau wife 1817 Hinard, Jerome ; Harkins, Miles Hill, Joseph 3 46 Haley, Helen 1817 Heines, Frederick 1818. Hartshorn, Stephen Hanson, J. P. and others Hanson, Ab Hamilton, R. H Houghton, John Heno, minors Hall, James Hoskins, John 1818 Hyde, William M Hazeur, Louis Xavier Hemuip, Jacob 1818 Henry, Maximilien minors Houdon, Louis * 1818 1819. Hoskins, John Henry, Henry 1819 Hauxhurst, George and Gould, Turney 1819 Hartman, Henry 3 94 Huber, Jacob 3 99 1819 Henry, Nicolas Leonard Holmes, Benjamin 1819 Hollier, Joseph Noel Havrent, see Avrent, Jn. Bte 1820 102 INDEX. 1820. WILLS. INT. Vol. Page. Year. Hays, A. E 3 137 Howe, John 1820 Hall, Doctor Huet, Francois Hall, Dominick A 1821 1821. Hearsay, Edward 3 186 1821 Houst:r, John 3 189 Holliday, Daniel C 3 246 1828 Heno, minors Huteau, Abraham 3 217 1821 Hacker, Marie L. J. Mahe Desportes wife of.. 1821 Hoffman, Anthony Hoa, de Manuel 3 228 1821 Hebert, Marie Celeste Rose Hahen, Caroline Houssaye, de la Venus f. w. c 3 232 1 821 1822. Harty, Laurence and Arthemise * 1822 Harris, Adam Kurd, Calvin 1822 Henry, William 1822 Harper, Filmon F Haciserman, Catherine Humphrey, Joseph Harwood, Catherine 1 822 Hinne, Jean 1822 Haviland, John Hill, William Hodge and Syrus Hugonnet, Theodore 1822 Hirty, alias Hirte, Tobias 3 312 1822 Herpin, Mathurin 3 455 1822 Hinckley, John 1823. Hosea, Daniel Hunter, Doctor George 3 347 1823 Hulbud, Jesse Heires, Thomas Huet, Lewis Augustus a minor Holmes, Benjamin 1823 Harman, Thomas L 3 385 1823 Henry, Isabella a minor Hawkins, Joseph H 1823 1824. Hughes, Michael INDEX. 103 1824. WILLS. 1NV. Vol. Page. Year. Houssier, Charles 1824 Hulin, Francois Auguste Amant 4 24 1824 Holloway, George 1824 Huet, Pierre 1824 Hartman, Ferdinand 4 37 1825. Howell, John Haley, Thomas Harns, Williams 1825 Hezard , Pierre Humphrey, Enoch 1825 Hardy, Mat. C. Chauvin Delery wife of. ...... 1825 Hatch, Seth 1825 Hoffman, Anthony and others 1826. Hyde, John E. minors Hawkins, Samuel Overtoil 1826 Hazard, John and Charles Lloyd 1826 Hewes, Thomas 4 L.JBH 0.826 Hebe, Marie f. w. c Heckle, David 1826 Haupt. Philip 4 110 1826 Hill, William 4 118 1827 Henry, Margaret Ann minor. Hirlart, Jeanne Ducret widow 1 827 Henry, Maximilien 4 124 1827 Hennen, Ann 1826 1827. Hacket, Edward 1827 Holmes, Benjamin Huant, Aimee M Heilbron, Joseph 1828. Hayes, Asa Hardy, Marie Louise Dominique wife of 1830 Hagan, Arthur P 1828 Harang, Celeste Fortier wife of Button. Henry 1828 Hamblet, Elizabeth Doue 1 828 Harris, A. H 1828 Holdrige, A. P 1828 Hays, William H 1828 Herviant, Julien Adolphe 1829. Habine, Louise Fortier wife of 1829* 106 INDEX. 1834. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Hood, James ...5 20 1834 Hughes, Luke Hughes, Margaret a minor Hegny,a minor see papers of AugustusThompson in 1832 Hernandez, Miguel Josefa Pena wife of 1834 Hoey. Hannah a minor Hervey, Julienne a minor Hajughton, Patrick 5 90 Hanson, Sarah Whitney 1834 Hurst, Mary Ann a minor Harby, Mary Olivia 1834 Harper, Thomas Phoebus 5 121 1834 Hill, alias Hilson Thomas 5 139 1834 Heartee, Doctor Ozar 1835 1835. Hebrard, Richard 1835 Harood, minors Hazeur, Felicite f. w. c 5 154 1835 Hubbard, Hopson M 1835 Howard, William Hequin, Nicolas 5 189 1835 Hacker, Pierre 1835 Howe, Luther 5 197 1835 Hall, Pascal P 5 199 1835 Hozey, Eliza Carson dec'd wife of Charles F.. 1835 Hay. James 6 234 1835 Hubert, Jean Baptis te and Jean Hewes, George 1835 Hunt, Harvey 1835 Humphreys, John Brown Hook, Harriet for all the papers see suit No. 725 and the sale in Inventory of 1835 1835 Heartte, Doctor 1835 1836. Henry, J. B. F 1836 Harland, Thomas H 1836 Hill, RobertS 5 278 1836 Hays, Lydia a minor for marriage Hegin, Poupon B a minor Hugon, Elmire Henry, William f. m. c 1837 Hoffman, Adolphe 1836 Hebrard.Antoine Marie Melanie Nicolas wife of 1836 Hopkins, Francis INDEX. 107 1836. WILLS. INV. Vol Page. Year. Houssart, Felicie f. w. c 5 330 1836 Houseworth, Michel 1836 Hogan, Edmond 5 395 Harford, Wm. H 1 836 1837. Hunt, Thomas Hons, Nicolas 5 422 Hunt, Ann E Earned, Doctor W. H Huant, Philippe 1837 Huet, Auguste 1837 Hawkins, Charles Handly, John Herring, Johanna a minor Hazeur, Pierre Favre f.m.c. Josephine Gossuron dec'd wife of 1837 Honore, Heloise alias de la Houssaye 5 506 1837 Higgins, H Hyams, Isaac 1837 Hawley, Wolloston Holzer, Andreas Hubbell, Julius Holland, Peter Heynhats, Paul Herman, Hanton Mrs Harrison, Maurice J. B. a minor 1837 Hoy, Michael Hagan, Hewey Hartman, John Hemphill, Hiram 1837 Hulin,FrancoisAuguste MelanieVitaut widow of 6 7 1837 Haydel, C. E. and wife Zeringue, A 1838 Hunter, B. S ; 1837 Henry, E. Norbert 6 10 1838 1838. Hatrel, Pierre Eiiz. E. Sel deceased wife of. ... JS39 Hassam, Thomas 1 838 Henderson, Stephen 6 27 1838 Hey wood, Martha a minor Hinke, Sarah Ann a minor Heraut, Philemon 1838 Hutchings, Virginia a minor Hastings, Peter 1 838 Henry, Marie Adelaide Hand, James and Rosanna Reily his widow. . . 1840 108 INDEX. 1838. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Hatch, R Huard, JulesS. for other proceedings see papers of dec'd wife of Jules S. Huard in 1833 Haydel, Emilie Troxler widow 1838 Herzog. John Elizabeth Webre wife of G 90 Hicks, Marcelite f. w. c 1839 Hatrel, Pierre 1839. Harris, in the matter of the minor Elizabeth. Hallsey, Ann Sophia a minor Hickesbourger, Catherine? Marie a minor. Hudson, Mary f. w. c 6 145 Hurt, Daniel see Papers in 1833, Inventory in 1837, Will in 1839 6 146 Harr. Andrew .- . Heath,Sherman 157 1839 Huchez, Jean Francois Hendricks,Wm.f.p.c.SarahBryan dec'd widow of 1839 Hediard, Doctor Achille 6 163 Hegney,John 6 168 1839 Honore, 1840. Hazure, Jean Baptiste f. m. c 1840 Headen, Margaret for marriage ( 19G ) Hofer, Isaac Margaret Pay deceased wife of. . . 6 < 197 > 1841 ( 218 ) Iiaines. Eugene Hope, Samuel Hibard. F. Emilie Foutaine widow of 6 205 1840 Hickman, Levi S Hagan, Marie for marriage Henderson, John 6 473 1840 Henry. Catherine F. for marriage Hart, Michael 1840 Harang, Eloise f, w. c Hernandez, Pauline Th. for marriage Hooper, Henry Hyams, Judith 6 285 1841 Hatch, Reuben 1841 Harris, Charles 1841 1841. Hews, David R 1841 Harrison, Jesse Burton 1841 HemphilUohn 6 313 1841 INDEX. 109 1841. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Hallet, Mathilda A. a minor Hickman, William a minor Hervey, William Jr 1841 Halstock, or Hailstock, Joseph f. m. c. 1841 Henne, Ludwig Frederick 6 366 Hollander, Edward 1841 Hofman, W Harrison, Jesse 1841 Huster, Samuel Hail, Thomas L 7 52 1842 Hobert, Julia Ann a minor Hanly, Thomas Hinde, Peter R. V 7 29 1842 1842. Hanley, John 1842 Holzner, Therezo Herrera, Juan Julian Gonzales. 6 464 1842 Haile, Thomas in 1841 1542 Hurtubise, Louis MariePalmyreAlpuente wife of 1842 Hugon, Elmire 1842 Huard, Louis 7 74 1842 Hall, William 1842 Hines, Thomas Hinard, Mariane f, w. c 8 284 Holliday, Maria Helwig, Heinrick Hirsh, Joseph 1842 Hobart, George 7 169 1842 Harris, Daniel : Hertford, Francis Charles Seymour Conway Marquisof 7 194 1842 1843. Hanse, James 1843 Hart, Bernard 1843 Harlan, Richard 1843 Harris. Edwin Hamilton E. a minor Heckel, Francois 7 349 1843 Hincks, J. W. Louise H. Lambert dec'd wife of 1844 Hoey, Nicolas 7 292 1843 Holderich, or Holderith, Paul 1843 Hoskin, William Holm, Peter N 110 INDEX. 1843. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Horning, Margaret 1 843 Hubbard, Ralph 1 644 Hynes, Daniel Margaret Solomon widow of. ... 1841 1844. Hatrel, Pierre Charles Hurtubise, Marie f. w. c 1 844 Haley, Michael 7 482 1844 Hoa, Albert 7 484 1844 Howard, Horatio Huard, Jean Severin 1844 Heaton, Catharine Wood wife of Hedat, Jean 1844 Hooper, John Lee Hand, James 1845 Hart, Samuel and John minors see papers of Ce- cilia Bonilla 1841 f. w. c 1844 Hudson, Pickle 1845. Hannum, Charles Hugh Elizabeth Dowdle dec'd wife of 1845 Hunter, Doctor George PhoBbe Bryant wife of. Harmann, Francis Shepard 1845 Hugon, Edouard f. m. c ] 845 Hirsch, Brunette a minor . . Hubbard, Lewis 1 346 Hogan, Jeremiah S. a minor Huie, James 1846. Huie, Warren G. Jane Settoon dec'd wife of. . . Hazeur, Theophile f. p. c 1846 Hazeur,Prosper f.p.c.FeliciteRobert dec'dVife of 8 228 Haac, Henry Howard, Henry H Hyde, E. G. Hannah Huntington dec'd wife of. 1846 Hullin, James B 8 245 1846 Hill, Thomas 1846 Harman, Eliza a minor Hughs, Jeremiah a minor Hebert, Marie a minor Henriquez, Madam Fernando 1846 Hill, Robert Hymel,- Emma a minor Henry, James Margaret widow of 8 285 1846 Huet, Charles 1846 Hodge, Agnes a minor INDEX. Ill 1812. WILLS. 1NV, Vol. Page. Year. IRISH, Nathaniel 1813. Imbert, Jean Pierre 2 22 1815. Insua, Joseph 2 182 1815 Isnard, Jean Louis > 1815 Imbert, Marie Ann Brato widow of 2 200 181 5 1817. Isnard, Jacques minor emancipated 1818. Insua, Joseph 2 182 1818 1820. Isquierdo. Catherine Mollero wife 3 141 1820 Inskeep, John 3 159 1822. Isnard, Jean 1822 Imgall, Thomas 1822 1824. Ingraham, D 1832. Ireland, W. H 4 392 1833 1837. Ingle, alias Angle, Pierre Israng, Joseph and Charles Pitry 1840. Irwin, John 1840* 1841. Ibos, Joseph 6 380 1841 Ives,JohnD 1841 1843. Icard, Alexandre Etienne, Ibos, Francis 1843 Ives, Thomas E 1844 1845. Isidore, Louise f. w. c 1845. Icard, Alexandre Etienne 1846. Ingram, Thomas 312 INDEX. 1800. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. JARVIS, William 1 37 1806 1807. Joy,Ballah 1 143 Jourdain, Baptiste 1 133 1808. Jerome, Adelaide f. w. c 1 144 1808 Jones, Mala'chi 1 156 %< Jones, Marie (wife of Marigny) 1 160 1808 *' Johnson, William 1808 Jay, Peter 1809 1810. 4 Jones, Phi. L . 'V 1811. * j* Jay, Pierre 1809 ' Jones, James Jacob, f. m. c 1 398 1811 Jones, Margaret 1812 1812. Jones, Margaret. Joyce, John Jeanbart, Antoine 1 509 Jeunes, James F 1 519 1813. Joubert, Frangois 2 34 Jones, Evan 2 36 1813 Jeune, James F 1 519 Jones, James Jonau, Louis j 1813 1814. Jarrie, Pierre Thomas 2 142 1814 Jarrie, Adele minor Jacob, Annette 1814 1815. Jarrie, P. F ....2 142 Julien, Jean Jorden, Moses 2 86 1816. Jones, Jacques 2 227 1816 Johnson, John Joublanc,Jn.Bte 2 242 1816 1817. Jonau, Jean Louis a minor INDEX. 113 1817. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Joublanc, Jn. Bte 1817 Johnson, Edward 1817 Jobet, Pierre 1817 Jaqueuz, Henry 1817 Johnston, James , 3 22 Johnston, James 3 60 Jeanne, Marie Jack, Andrew - 1818 1818. Jack, Andrew 1818 Jean, Baptiste a minor f. p. c 1819 Jones, Evan 1818 Johnston, James 1818 Joires, John 3 76 1822 Joublanc, Jn. Bte 1819. Jaqueux, Henry Johnston, James 1819 Joly, Marie Louise 3 119 Johnson, John , Jones, John Jesse, minors Jean, f. p. c. Marie Louise Lassalle widow.... 1819 1820. Jarreau, Lucile Tounoir Juncadella, Francisco 3 157 1820 Janson, George 1820 1821. Jones, Margaret f. w. c 1821 Jories, Evan Marie Ferret widow of 3 210 1821 Johnston, James 1821 Jourdin, Jn. Bte 3 218 1821 Jackson, Hugh 1821 Jourdan, Pierre and Manuel de Hoa 3 225 1821 Jahnson, John .3 230 1821 Jones, Collin F 1822. Jacob, Angel f. w. c 1822 Jean, Bart Francoise Orio widow of 3 279 Jones, Jeremiah 1823. Joneau, Jean Louis Jackson, Allen 3 369 1823 1824. Junca, Raymond. . c 1824 15 114 INDEX. 1824. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Jackson, Pierre Johnson, Michael 1825 1825. Justine, f. w. c 1 $25 Jun, Mathurin f. m. c 4 50 18-J7 Jahan, Frangois Rene 4 57 1825 Jourdain, Aspasie Peytavin wile of J 8^5 Jourdan, John 1825 Jeanflos, Marinette f. w. c 4 71 1825 Johnson, I. Michael 1826. Johnson, Mary Jane 4 9G Jourdain, Celestin f. m. c 4 98 1835 Jackson, Alexander 4 102 1823 Joachim, Pierre f. p. c Jackson, William 1827. Jones, John Johnson, R. Post 4 148 1828 Juniere, Bernard Felix 1 827 1828. Jardela, Joseph 4 1 66 1 828 Jewell, Benjamin.... 1828 1829. Jarreau, Lucile Tounoir wife of 1829 Jobson, Thomas Jolly, Wm. Dallam 4 255 1829 Jones.David 4 258 1829 1830. Johnson, Doctor L. M Johnson, Joseph 1830 1831. Jourdan, Francois 1831 Josephine, a minor Jalliaux, Bazile 1831 Jufforgues, Francois , Jordan, Caleb D 4 326 1831 1832. Jourdan. Jean Joseph 1 832 Jones, John 1832 Jourdan, Mariasee L'Esperance Guillaume.... 4 382 Jacobson, Andrew Jenkins, Edward INDEX. 115 1832. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Johnson, John Jackson, .Tohn 4 414 1833 Jason. Gabriel 1'. p. c. Eugenie Baptiste wife of 1833 Jacquet Frai^ois. 1833 Jones, Mary Ann ..., Jackson, James f. in. c 1833 1833. Johnson, Henry 1833 Jolibois, Pierre alias PierreDom or Jean Baptiste 1833 Jordan, William 1833 1834. Jamba, Magloire E. J. Dolhonde wife of 1834 Jamet, Joseph f. m. c. Melanie Iris wife of 1835 Jahauteau, Pierre Louis 5 41 1834 Joly, Elizabeth f. w. c 5 98 1834 Jourdan, Charles 1834 Jardet, f. p. c. Laperle Nadalie widow of (inter- diction of) Javotte, alias Dalche, see Dalche Jackson, Thomas Jones. Jonas. 1834 Joly, Joseph Amenaide Piquery wife of 1834 Jerbme, Gabriel 1835 1835. Jourdain, J'n.Bte. Elizabeth Godineau widow of 5 142 Je" rorne. Gabriel f. m. c 1835 Jones. John Power 1835 James. Adnah Jerome. Annette Gabriel 1835 Jones, D-tvid 1835 Jolibois, August in f. m. c 1835 1836. Jason, Gabriel (also' in 1838) 1830 Jeter, James S 1 836 Jenkins, Louis Nathaniel 5 306 Jason,Jacques I'.m.c.CharlotteLaiande widow of 5 241 1836 Jacob, James 1836 Janin, Louis Juliet Ccvingtoa minor wife of. . . Jaubert, Rosette Joseph f. w. c Jackson, Henry 1836 Johns, E. Emma Daunoy minor wife of Juforgues, J. B. f. m. c 1 837 1837. Jeannin, Joseph ' Jones, Michael Sarah Jones dec'd wife of 116 INDEX. 183: WILLS. Vol. Page. 458 INV. Year. 1837 1837 1838 1838 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1840 Jagnaux, Jules Marianne Gallo dec'd wife of. . 5 Joly, Pierre Edward Eliza Cobbs dec'd wife of. . Jolibois, Jean f. m. c . ...................... 5 467 Jeannot, Jean Louis f. m. c ................. Jenkins, George G ......................... Jenkins,' F. M ........ .... ................. Johnston, ................... .............. 1838. Joannis, Hypolite alias Nicholas Giovanetti .... 6 53 Jason. Gabriel f. m. c. see in 1836 ............ James, Adnah ................ ... ......... - Joseph, Marie f. p. c. see Robert .............. 6 1 75 Johnes, alias Jones ..... , .......... ......... 1839 Jackson, Alexander ........................ 6 145 Johnston, E.G.. ............... . ........... Jacobs, Manis ............ . ................ Joubert, A'nnette f. w. c ..................... 6 172 Jacques, Marie Jeanne Jea'n f. w. .c .......... Joseph, Marie f . w. c ........................ Jean, Bte. Blaise see Blaise f. m. c ............ Johnston, C. Pearson ........................ 6 185 1840 Jean, Jacques Marie Jeanne f. w c .......... 1840. Jove,George f.m.c.CatharineHoward dec'd wife of 1840 Jonau. A. J. f. p. c. M. Pijeau dec'd wife of. ... 1841 Johnson, William B. ....................... Jacques, Honore ConstanceDescapucins widow of 6 241 , Joseph, Marie f. w. c.. ..................... 6 251 Jackson, Richard ........................ ... 6 260 1841. Jerome,Gabriel f.p.c.MarieFoise.Morin widow of Julien, GabrielCatharineE.Bou.rdin dec'd wife of Jean, Jean L'Abbe Auguste ................. Jones, William Francis ........... . .......... 6 336 Juhel, J. J. to be dispensed of age of majority see Renoy ..... ............................. Johnson, James W ......................... Jackson, Edouard ................ . ......... . Johns, Solomon ............................ 1842. Jenkins, S. f. m. c .......................... Janlet, Joseph ............................. Jordy. Frederick Marguerite Geuevieve Eglan- tine dec'd wife of ......................... 1841 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 3842 184Si 1842 INDEX. 117 1842. WILLS. INV, Vol. Page. Year. Joseph, Marie a minor for marriage Judisse, Marie Joseph Pena widow of 1843. Jason, Charlotte f. w. c 1843 Johnston, A. L. a minor Johnson, Isaac A 1844 Joosoz, Jean Michel dec'd wife of 1843 1844. Jones, William 1845. Johnston, George 1845 Jourdan, Noel , 1845 Jacobs, Ralph 1845 James, Maria f. w. c Josephine, a minor John, alias Washington, a slave liber. .... .... Jouanille, alias Ouany, Adele f. w. c 8 164 Jourdan, Paul alias Hypolite . . * Jones, Francis James 8 173 1846 Jourdain, Magdeleine f. w. c 1845 Jacquet, Marie Zoe a minor 1846. Johnson, Vance Jacobs, Elizabeth . Johnston, Jeannette M. a minor Johnson, Peter 1847 1806. KERNION, R6ne Huchet 1806 1808. Kernion, Jacques 1808 1809. Kennedy, Margaret 1811. Kernion, Jacques Huchet 1812. Keep, Imba 1814. Kenny, Daniel 1814 1815. Kernion, Charles Labedoyere . . Kernion, widow 1815 Kreps, Bazile 2 183 1815 K alheim, John minor 113 INDEX. 1816. WILLS. INT. Vol. Page. Year. Kennedy, Margaret minor Kenny, Daniel Kuouff, Ferdinand 1816 1818. Kaoufl", Ferdinand 1819. Ker r, Christopher 3 77 1820. Kelly, John 1820 Klein, Nicholas 1821 Kincaide", Guy 1821 King, George W Kounc, Jean Pierre 3 219 1827 Kernion, Prudence de Verges wife of 1821 Kingston, James P 1622 1823. Kriejr, George Michael Kelly. Barney 1823 Kimball, Eleazar Kayser, Henry 1823 1824. Kenner, William . , 4 7 1825 1825. Kennedy, Mary, William, Thomas, Eliza and Charles, minors 1826. Kumbel.Peter , 1827 Kilgore, David 1 827 1827. Keeler, Timothy B 4 151 1827 1828. Keer, Samuel and Robert minors Kornman, Charles A 1829. Kinkle, John C 1820 Keeler. Helen a minor. ... Kellaher, alias Kelly, Michael 4 253 1 829 1830. Kinden. Charles 1830 Keeler, Franchise Formosante wife of Kirkpatrick, James INDEX. 119 1831. WILLS. INT. Vol. Page. Year. Kenny, Michael Keeler, Madam Charles B. (JosephineF.Perilliat) Kinkle, John C Kimball, John 1831 Kennedy, Thomas S 4 323 ( 1831 j 1833 1832. Kennedy, Fields 1 833 Kirkpatrick, George 1832 Kiernan, Terence and his wile Ann Galagher.. 1632 Keys, Chester 1832 1833. Kleinmann, Albert 4 444 1833 Kincaid, John 1^37 Kernion, Pierre G. Huchet 1833 Keller, Henry 1833 King, George 1833 1835. Knowles, Elizabeth a minor 1836. Kelly, Thomas Keyser, Christine Klingender, Frederick 1837 Kidel, Hubert Myrtile Celcstine Cannon wife of 1830 1837. Keller, Nicolas Kremur, Lazarus Kidd, William 1837 Kring, George C 1837 Kindelon, Revd. Adam ... 5 529 1 837 1838. Kennicott, James H 6 87 1 838 Kelly, Thomas see Thomas Brown 1839 1839. Knight. Simeon 6 112 Kosselius, Charles 6 122 1839 KrotF, Diderick Ker, William H. Eugenie Granet dec'd wife of. 1839 Ker, Elizabeth Ellen a minor Kean, Thomas Keene, Richard Raynal 6 168 1840. Kuhn, Rosa a minor Kelly, Elizabeth 1840 120 INDEX. 1840. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Keefe, Daniel Ker, David C 1841 Kibourz, Samuel 1841 1841. Keelan, Henry P 1841 Kennedy, William E. Jane Carr wife of 1841 Kiedaisch, Adam K"olligs, Gustave 6 386 1841 Kline, P 1842. Kirch and wife Kendrick, Samuel E Kilshaw, John 7 79 Kernion, Pierre Huchet Junior 1844 Kirkpatrick, William Kip, Martha Brown dec'd wife of 7 143 Knoll, Sarah a minor Kelly, Celestine A. Tabony wife of J. R Kiernan. Patrick 1843. Kendall, Robert T Kernion, Frangois f. m. c. alias Bonhomme 1843 Kernion, Junior P. Huchet 1844 Knox, William P 7 452 Kohn, Joachim Marie Thalie Martin wife of . . 1845 1844. Kinmon, Nancy a minor Kees, Mary a minor Kalonquin, Celestine a minor Koernner, Joseph '. 1845 1845. Kelly, Doctor Patrick 1845 Knettles, Joseph Ketchum.ElijahB.MaryAnnStilwell dec'd wife of Koleman, David 1845 Kent, R. A Katzetstein, Jacob and Margareta Demigny. . . 1845 Ker, Samuel * J846. Kane, Thomas M 1846 Kunzel, Gustave 1846 Kohn, Frederick I . 1846 Knox,J A 1846 Kulher, Michael Kernion, Charles Labedoyere Huchet INDEX. 121 1806. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. LABOYTEAU, Paul * Le vanier, Francis < * Loisel, Catherine Toupas widow of . < 1 47 JS06 Leblanc, Joseph Marie . . * 1 51 Lolivrel, Louis Alexandre 1807. Lauve, Nicolas ....*...! 149 1807 Lerable, Marie J eanne (wife Macarty) 1807 Leveille, Joseph 1 89 Leduc, Jacques 1 118 Leblanc, Marie Belazire Lorrain, Charlotte 1807 Labatut, Pierre 1 123 1807 Lacoste, Joseph ........ 1 807 1808. Laroche, Catherine i . 1808 Lionet, Guillaume j 808 Lassere, Jean Baptiste 18u8 Lopes, de Francoise de Borge minor Leboeuf, Catherine Louise f. w. c 1 146 1808 Landreaux, Fran9ois 1 167 Livaudais, Francoise f. \v. c .....< 1 1 75 1 808 Laurence, John Marie 1808 Lapton, James 1808 Leblanc, Valerien minors . * "1809. Lepaulmier d'Anemours, Charles Fran9ois A.. . 1 211 1809 Lavergne, Hughes a minor * Lacombe, Jean 1 237 Leprtre, Jean Baptiste La union t, minors ] 809 Landier, minors. . .. . 1810 1810. Leftwich, Isaac Labau, Charles . . . . 1 258 Lachaise, Isabel 1810 Lalanne, Louis minors Lepretre, Jn. Bte. minors Lecanu, D. S. M 1 294 Lachaise-, Elizabeth minors of 1810 Leglize, minors 181! Lanastis, Jean Baptiste 1810 Lecompte, Pierre 1 326 Lenox, James.. 1810 16 122 INDEX. 1811. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year, Leftwich, Isaac Laporte, Jeanne . . . . 181 1 Lorero, Sophina minor Laclotte, Pierre . . 1 391 Lafargue, Adelaide a minor < 1811 Lacombe, Catherine Menard widow 1 387 Lottelier, Pierre 1811 Labatut, Pierre 1 123 1812 Larua, Francois 1811 1812. Leon, Clement Letourneur, Marie Francoise deMagnan widow 1 441 1812 Landier and Guichard, minors Labiche de Rellac, minor Leal, Don Ramonna Santillana & Don Fernando Longchamp, Nicolas 1 450 Luquin, Mathieu 1812 Lanscs, de Marianne 1 461 Lanusse, Jean 1812 Lalanne, Marie Thereze , .... 1812 Lerable, Jeanne Leclair, Maniche 1812 Lebreton, Francois 1812 Lardy. Pierre 1 517 1812 Loss, Christian Gottfried 1 520 1813. Lavergne, Pierro 2 16 1813 Lestinet, Joseph 2 19 1813 Leglize, minors Lacaze, Jean 2 28 1813 Lapierre, Bernard 2 63 Lafargue, Jean Lavergne, Hughes minors Legardeur, Gustave Labiche, Fransois Stanislas minor Lalande, Marie Thereze 1814. Lattimer, William... 1814 Leveque, Louise 2 96 Laferrere, Louis and Elizabeth Mahaud Lardy, Pierre Latoison, Ursule Olive '. 2 118 Lascabes. Jean 2 1 33 Latour, Marat minors 1814 Lanaux. Angelique INDEX. 123 1814. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Labatut, Marceline . Labarre, de Pascalis. 1814 Lacroix. de Josephine Dusuau, Lewis, Beershba 1814 Lalaure^ Virginia minor 1815. Lawson, Columbus Lioteau, Lewis 2 166 1815 Langdon, Edmund 1815 Loss, Christian Gottfried Labarre, de Pascalis Lewis, Isham * Lafon, Bernard 1815 Leblanc de Villeneu ve, Paul Louis 2 173 Landier, Antoine minor emancipated Latapie, Antoine 2 176 18 15 Lassize, Amaranthe 2 178 1815 Latimer, William Lalande, Magdeieine 2 188 1815 Lavergne, Pierre . . '. 2 16 Lake, Samuel 1815 Laboyteau, Paul Leduc, Zaire f. w. c 1815 Lioteau, Marie Louise 2 190 Langlois, Jean 1815 Libellas, John 2 193 1815 1816. Lioteau, Louis 2 1 fi*> Lanaux, Philippe 2 206 1816 Langlois, Joan. .. Lavigne, Joseph 2 208 1816 Lorero, Josephine minor Labatut, Marcelite minors. Landier, Antoine and Emilie Lalanne, Louise Bonne 2 218 1816 Lalaure, Virginie 1816 Laferrere, and Elizabeth Mahaud Leonard, Adelaide minor 1816 Lebreton, Francois Lay, Pierre Louis 2 221 1816 Lalande, Magdeieine f. w. c Lyle, Charles 2 227 Lachataignerais, Auguste 2 231 Lazzery. de minors Lopez y Angoula, Borja McCaudelarea D 124 INDEX. 1816. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Leray, Pierre Leymese, Jean 2 246 Lewis, Rachel Caroline Stewart wife of 1816 Livaudais, Jacques Enoul ,....,...2 248 1817 1817. Lejeune de Malhersbes, Charles Marie Leduc, Linclor 1817 Lawson, Columbus Lalaure, Virginie Lacour, Louise f. w. c 3 13 Lay, P. L Layton, John and others Lagautrais, Pierre Henry minor Lorrain, Jean a minor Lanoire, and her husband Petronille 1817 Lesconflair, Julien Brisson widow 1817 xLatrobe, Henry Bonneval 1817 Lamy, Magdeleine Louise wife of 1817 Lafargue, Adelaide Larue, Jabez 3 31 Longuet, Joseph Laraillet, Charles Lemoine, Antoine , 3 21 1818. Levrier, minors Lanaux, Philippe Lavaud, Eugene 1818 Layton, John and 10 other soldiers Lassassier, widow 1818 Leray, Pierre Louis Michel 1818 Laudon, Edmond Laroque, de Nicolas Joseph Banquet 3 187 Livaudais, Jacques Eroul Larchevan, Anthony Laronde, Marianne 3 54 Lalaure, Virginie Legardeur, Simon 1819 Lavaud, Eugene Lamothe, Jean 3 64 1818 Lanoire, Jean Ricard and Petronille Labostrie. de Francois Godard ....". 3 68 1818 Lanaux, minors Lett, C. M Lorreins, Jacques 3 75 Lacombe, Charlotte 3 91 INDEX. 125 WILLS. INV, Vol. Page. Year. Lawrence, Marie .......................... 1818 Labrougnat, alias Labrouche, George ......... 3 213 1818 Langliche, alias Conway, Pierre .............. 3 89 Lorero, Josephine .......................... Lombai t, J^an Baptiste ..................... 3 69 Lett; Robert Sanders ............... . ....... 1818 Livaudais, Rose & Marie Louise Mariselle f.p.c 1819. Lamothe, Jean .... ......................... Lawrence, Marie ........... . ............... Lenoir, Joseph ............................. 1819 Lamothe, Jean ............................. Labostrie, Godard Francois .................. 3 68 Lagrave, Pierre ............................ 1819 Love, John .............................. . . 1819 Landreaux, Marie C. Picou wife of ............ Lassale, Jean Marie widow f. w. c ........... Levine, Benjamin .......................... 3 83 1819 1820. Langourand, Dominique .................... 3 128 1820 Labiche, Francois Rillac .... ............... 1820 Lynd, John ................................ 1820 Lanaux, Arnaud Adeline Fossier wife of ....... Levacher, Julie Francoise Robert widow ...... 3 137 1820 Leclair, alias Gentilly, Charlotte .............. 1820 Labranche, Drauzin Charlotte Dussuau wife of 1820 Lorenzo, Francisco ......................... 3 175 1820 Lamy, minors f. p. c ...... .................. Lagarde, Virginie .......................... 3 209 1820 Larned, Sylvestre. ......................... 3 150 Lathem, Robert and James Garrison ......... Latrobe, H. B ............................. Lewis, James . ...................... ....... Leriche, Thereze Claudine Desjardins wife of.. Lebreton, Jean Barthelemy Edmond .......... Lebrun. Jacques ............................ Lavigne, Honore ............. . ............. 3 180 1821 Lafon, Barthelemy ......................... 3 166 1820 1821. Lesperance, alias Groyer, Denis .............. 3 184 1821 Lioteau, Augustine ......................... Lebeau, Marie Joseph f. w. c ................ 3 216 1821 Laralde, Jean ............................. 3 183 Lavergne, T. Louise Roquigny widow ........ 1821 Lemee, Jean Louis ......................... 3 232 126 INDEX. 1821. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. f Lalande, Adelaide Labadie, Pierre 3 204 Leloup, Felix Longuerue, alias Rodney, St. Felix 3 211 1821 Lepelleux, Jean Baptiste 1823 Low, Jacob 1821 Lamothe, T. Ann Sequin wife of L'Heaumond, Elizabeth Espinasse widow 3 222 Langlois, Philippe.. 3 223 1821 Lachaise, Augustin f. m. c 3 224 Lavergne, Bertram! 1821 Lorin, Louis J/ Bte 3 237 1822 1822. Lartigue Jean Baptiste and Marie Lorine minors Lelong, Domingo Lorenzo. 1822 Laralde, minors Leriche, Palmire Villanueva wife of 1822 Lombard, Junior Joseph Lemeilleur, Rene 1822 Lum, Samuel 3 309 Lamothe, J. E ; 1822 Lancelin, Jean Louis 1822 Lasere, P 1822 Lawrence, Jamos 1822 Lumpkin, C 1822 Learning, Aaron Lauve, Simphorien 3 320 1822 Lecuyer, Doctor 3 323 1822 Lafon, Jean Pierre. 3 325 Levein, Heiman Lavillebeuvre, Celestin f. m. c 3 329 Livaudais, Francois Fayou 3 330 Lemelle, seejracquet 1822 Lalande, se Jditto 1822 1823. Lagautrais, Pierre 1823 Lucie, minor Laporte, Louis 1823 Laroque. Justin 3 368 1823 Larelle,MarieClaire widow of Laroque/Turqueau 1823 Levasseur, L. L. Aubin 3 395 1823 Laurent, Pierre 3 414 1824 Lathrop, James 1824 Laborde, Jean Baptiste . , . , , 3 430 1824 IflDEX. 127 1824. TfrlLLS. 1NV. Vol. Page. Year. Lebreton, Celeste E. Robin widow 1824 Lartigue, Francois 1824* Longuet, Rosine f. w. c * 3 442 Lafonta, Jean Baptiste 4 6 Lock, Charles Lajalousiere, Arsene f. w. c . 4 11 1824 Laveau, f.p.c. Marie Fran9pise Dupart wife of . 1824 Lambert, Michel 4 19 1824 Leonard, William Laroche, Joseph 1824 Lincoln, A. F Le Roy, Madam 1825. Laronde, de Pierre Denis 1825 Lafitte, Stephen 4 58 Lavaud, Marcelin 4 59 1825 Lemaitre, Charles Mathurin Marie Andrea Bis- cochea wife of 1825 Lively, John Lebihau, Ivonne Lebrun, Jacques Lane, Marshall 1825 Lenville. Solomon Lo vio, Constance f. w. c 1825 Lanusse, Paul 4 77 1826 1826. Lea, Squire , 4 85 1826 L'Hoste, Julien George * Lauve, Nicolas , 4 89 Loquet, Fabien Spire 4 92 Lord, Jonathan Lefebre, Elizabeth Frangoise Joseph 4 101 1826 Labarre. Andre Valsin 4 106 1826 Leblanc, Yves 4 108 1826 Lanaux, Charles 4 106 1826 Ladling, Henry John 4 111 1826 Lloy'd, Charles D. see Inventory of Hazard.... 1826 1827. Lambert, Pierre 4 128 1827 Lavergne, Alexandre 1827 Leclerck, Joseph 4 139 1827 Luccock, John Lioteau, Joseph 4 147 1827 Laraga, Francisco Laporte, Jacques 1827 ' 128 INDEX. 1827. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Lamaigniere, J. L 1 827 Lemaitre, Monique f. w. c 1828. L'Homaca, de Jacques de Sante 182S Languilie, Francois Balthazard 4 162 Lomasney, Ellen a minor * ... Long, Henry , 1828 Lapeyre, Simonette Peyre wife of . . . .- 1828 Llopis, Francisco 1828 Luster, Abigail Buck wife of L'Homer, Helene f. w. c 1828 Lytle, John , .. . Laprune, Jean 1828 Leroy, Marie Louise f. w. c. . * 4 193 1828 Legere, Alexis Labarre, L. Gretais ' 4 203 ]828 Lucas, Mary O Lefebre, Modeste Victoire Maroteau wife of . . . 4 206 1828 1829. Liddle, William 4 209 1829 Lopez, Manuel ; 1829 Laroche, Dominique 4 213 1829 Livaudais, Jacques Philippe E. Dugue 4 224 1829 Lassize, Dorothee 1829 Lemonier, Maria Genevieve St. Martin wife of. 1829 Leclerc Frannsarrat, David Moran, Agathe minor Mangeant, Frnncois T 1 505 1812 Maurin, Joan Biptiste 1 269 Milbank, Charles 1 370 1812 Mitchell, Henry Meeker, William P 1 508 Meilleur, Michel 1 519 Martial, Pierre 1813 140 INDEX. 1812. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Marlines, James 2 4 1812 Mahaud, Elizabeth and Louise Lafarriere .... Montamat, Francis 2 10 1813 1813. Montreuil, minors Milbank, Charles 1 370 McDonald, Celeste 1813 Murray, William 2 35 1813 Montferrand, Alexandre 2 42 1813 Mabire, Catherine Ursulc Richer widow of. ... Marty, Chsrles 1813 Morgan, Arthur Munroe, Henry 1813 McCleary, Robert 1813 Murphy, Don Diego 2 65 1813 Mowry, John 2 82 1814. Martin, George 2 89 Millau, Etienne 2 98 1814 Milbank, Charles Morhead, Eugenie Denesse widow 2 103 1814 Maxent, Adolphe Maxirnilien minor 1814 Montgomery, Andrew 1814 Mowry, John 2 82 Morgan, Thomas Ashton minor Merville, Louis Marie Auguste de, 1814 Morant, Charles de 2 125 Monroe, Henry Montegut, Joseph 2 127 1814 Morin, Marthe Noircau wife of. 2 128 1814 Montreuil, Francois 2 129 1814 Mitchell, Robert 1814 McGlade, David 1814 Morphy, minors Mahoney, Patrick 1814 Maurice, Marie Antoinette a minor 1815. Macarty, Edmond 2 159 1815 Malherbe, Charles de 1815 Monon, Francois 2 162 1815 Matignon, Pierre 2 163 1815 Mayorquin, Jean Baptiste f. m. c 2 167 1815 Mires, John D ' 1815 INDEX. 1815. 141 WILLS. INV r Vol. Page. Year. McCall, Henry Celeste Jones wife of 2 174 Monpassant, R. Angeliqe Masson widow 2 177 1816 Mazan, alias Pomet, Marie Franchise 2 184 Muzotte, Bertrand 1815 Manaud, Jacques 2 185 1815 McCleary, Robert Martial Pierre Moreau, George f. m. c McClelland, Michael Manchosse. Arsene Palmyre 1815 Myrick, Joseph 1815 Madelenau, Jean 2 194 Mentzinger, Henry 1815 Montilla, Antonio 2 199 1815 1816. Monneron, Joseph 2 212 1816 Martines, Jacques 1816 Morphey, Helene minor emancipated Monon, Francois Macarty, Marie Eleonor Destrehan widow.... 2 214 1816 Montagnac, Nicolas de 2 215 Montegut, Joseph (son of) McCall, John 2 219 1816 Marsha 11, William Malherbes.C harles Marie Lejeune de Magnol, Michel 1816 Maxent, Maximilien A Mitchell, Robert Musotte, Bertrand Martin, Pierre 2 243 1816 Martin, Etienne Maillard, Modeste Aime 2 247 1816 Marizille, f. w. c 1816 1817. McGlade, David Malherbe, Charles Marie Lejeune de Maurice, Peter f. m. c Mornais, Pierre Adrien Jesse Monsanto, Maymi William 3 .5 1817 Me~teyer, Alexandre 1817 Myrick, Joseph Moury, John McCarty, Marie Eleonor Destrehan widow .... McCarty, Edmond Moreau, George f. m. c 142 INDEX. 1817. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Morphy, Diego McGoubrick, John 3 18 1817 Marchesse, Olivier Donatien 181$ Monvoisin, Pierre 3 20 1817 Mayorquin, Jenny Baptiste Maurel, Pierre J817 Mossy, Laurent 3 22 Martinez, Christophe 1818 Mallorquin, Jean Baptiste f. m. c Mariotini, Cayetano. 1818 Morel, Marianne Fillette "..3 64 1818 1818. Marmet, James 1818 Maupassant, Rose Angelique Masson de Betigna widow Major, John 3 41 1818 Malherbe, Charles Marie Lejeune de Marieult, Euphrosine a minor Meyrick, Joseph Mercier, Jean 3 59 Mires, John D.... Mayorquin, Jean Baptiste Martinez, Christoval Moriniere, Marie 3 58 1818 Merieult, John Francis . . . , 3 gj Maxent, Antoine 1818 Montgomery, Andrew Manaud, Jacques McGibbon, Samuel B 1818 Maurice, Pierre McGibbon, Samuel B Maurel, Pierre Mariotini, Cayetano Magnol, Michel 181 9 Meiner, Frangois 1818 1819. Maurel, Pierre Massic, Fleming ...3 77 Maxent, St. minors Marshall, George 3 120 Maupassant, minors Maxent, Monique 3 86 1819 Morris, Elisha 3 121 1819 McLea, Archibald 3 88 Musson, Marie Celeste Rillieux wife of . . 1819 INDEX. 143 1819. WILLS. 1NV. Vol. Page. Year. Moinette, Etienne Eustache 3 122 1819 Martinet, minors Malady, Redmond McDougall, Peter 1819 Montmartin, f. w. c. Marie Antoinette Eugenie wife of Maureau, Jean 3 95 Mascos, see Chapron, Adelaide Millington, David 1819 Moquin, Jacquis 3 JOO 1819 McCullough. James 1820 Montegut, Marguerite alias Celeste Montreuil. . McGill, John Mercier, Franchise f. w. c 1819 1820. McCawley, Mary Ann Montferand, Jalien f. m. c 1820 Moro, Manuel Gonzales Morse, Gilbert 1820 Martin, Charles H Mathew, James 3 164 Menard, Simon 3 148 Montoro, minors f. p. c ]821, McMeal, Daniel 3 186 1822 Mathieu, Mathieu f. w. c 1822 McCready, Kean, Boyle, Clark and Bryan Massicot, Charles Morand, Louis Dauqueminy 3 206 1 822 Marigny, Prosper and Gustave Matliilde, Marie Montault, F. Augustin McCre van, James and others Mudge, David B 1821 Mathieu, Henry 3 227 Magnon, Arnaud 3 235 1822 Murphy, Nicholas Minchin<*ton, Edward Henry 3 231 Michel, Jacques 1822. Manuel, Molly, Paul E. Marie Yvone Le Bihan wife of. . Mark, Peter Mathieu, Marguerite arid Mathilda f. w. c 1826 McGonagle, Catherine minor 144 INDEX. 1822. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Martin, Andre 1822 Martin, John 1822 Macarty, Jeanne 3 295 1822 Marsh, Jesse 3 297 1822 Maspero, Peter 1822 Mul as. Guillaume Moore, J ohn 3 305 1822 Mullony, Mathieu 1822 Mourin, E. A 1822 Mosser, John Miller, John McManus, Michael 3 310 Mudge, D. B Martin, John and Adolphe 1822 Meyers, John 1822 Meyer, Abraham 3 318 1822 McDonal, Patrick Merry, Daniel 3 321 1822 McGovern, Miles 3 326 Mercier, Placide Maurine, Marie 1822 Moore, James 1823. Montinard, Peter 1823 Mercier, Marie Gracieuse Fontenelle widow. . . Monsarrat, Leonard minor Macarty, Joseph Pierre f. m. c McLaughlin, George minor Mercier, Henry 3 356 1823 McAdam, Hugh 3 350 Mouret, Jean 1823 Millo, Vincent , . 1823 McFarland, Terence 1823 McNalty, James Morin, Jean V. A Morris, Joshua see Hozea, Daniel iMilbrouck, Benoit 1823 Machenette, Achille Martin, Jacques Monlon, Jacques Marguerite Drouet wife of . . . 3 400 1824 and 407 Mount, Richard 1823 Marquant, Joseph Mousnier, Jacques Laurent 3 423 1823 Man, Peter and Joseph Petrie INDEX. 145 1824. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Meunier, Jean Baptiste Mirrick, M Marette, Louis 3 441 1824 Murray, Alexandre Monlon, Jacques and wife 3 400 1824 and 407 Magnan, Victor Louis de 4 2 McClaughlin, Madam Mornet, Jean Marie Magdeline Thomas wife of 4 13 1824 Mayhew, Thadeus 1824 Marot, minors 1824 Magnus, Francois Henry 1824 Martinez, Antonio 4 19 1824 Moro, Gonzales McBride, Walter. 1824 McCoy, Horace 1824 McKenzie, Alexander 1824 Menefee, John 4 47 1825 Mcllvaine, John 4 17 1828 Marillet, Pierre Jean Joseph ...- 4 3 Magnan, Louis f. m. c 4 12 1824 1825. Morrisson, Colonel James 1825 Macarty, Louis Chevalier 4 54 Moore, William 4 57 1825 McManus, Luke McGrady, John Mazange. Eulalie f. w. c.. '..... 1825 Malenfant. Francois Marie 1S?5 Maglony, Louis 4 64 1825 Mitchel, see Brownrig, James 1825 Morton, William Montreuil, Charles f. m. c 4 68 1825 Masson. H. N 1825 Maxwell, T. A McDermott, Thomas 1825 Morant, Louis Dauquemenil de 4 77 1826 McCreven, John and others . . . . ( 1826. Marmajou, Antonio see 1827 4 126 Moncerat, Joseph Miller, William 4 82 Michon, Jean Francois 1 826 Marcos, Marianne i. w. c 4 87 1826 Morel, Pierre Louis 1826 19 146 INDEX. 1826. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Meance, Edmond 1826 Morgan, Benjamin 4 118 Maroteau, Marie Thereze Prevost widow 4 121 1827 Madeleine, Marie f. w. c 4 125 1827 1827. Marmajou, Antonio 4 126 Morlot, Nicolas... 4 127 1827 McRatt, Michael Mazerat, Hypolite a minor Mason, David Meilleur, Jean Baptiste '. 4 1 32 McNeal, Joseph and Eleanor 4 138 1827 McAlpine, Peter 1827 Mazange, Antoinette Lanzos wife of 1827 Martin, James 1827 Mandeville, Colas f. w. c 4 143 Meunier, Marie Alexandrine f. w. c 4 145 1827 Martin, Marie Jeanne f. w. c Morgan, William 1 827 Mercier, Jean Benjamin 1 827 McCall, Samuel , Maire, Laurent 1827 McCoulough, 'Samuel 1827 Maisonneuve, widow 1828 1828. Morel, Pierre 1828 Morin, Pierre Simon 4 161 1 828 Moreau, Clement 1828 Morante, Jose Salceda y 4 168 1828 Mazange, Eulalie f. w. c Montgomery, John 1828 Martin. Antoine 4 188 McKinder, Richard , 4 191 1828 Morris, William Macons, Jean Mendosa, Bernardo Morphy, Louise Peire 1828 Mazin, Jean Baptiste 1828 Mayers, Marie 1828 Mitchel, E. M McKinstry, James 4 194 1829 Mayol,Miguel 4 198 1828 McCleary. John Martin, Paul 4 209 1829 INDEX. 147 1829. WILLS.. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Martin, Jean Antoine 1829 Montford, Eliza a minor Morisey, Ann a minor Martineau, Victoire v . Morgan, Samuel P 4 ,226 1829 Minor, Stephen 1829 Marchant, Catherine Bernard widow McWhorter, M. S Malpica, Louis 1829 Miguel, Auguste Miller, John H Michel, Marie f. w. c 1829 Maureau, Jean , 4 247 1830 Munos, Manuel Murril, John 1829 Mahoney, W. E , 1829 Montford, Marie Herminie Daquin wife of .... 1829 Mittinberger, Louis Christian 4 258 1829 Maur, Christian 1829 Marchand, Eugene 1829 Merieult, Euphrosine see Ogden, a minor Mendez, Antonio 4 265 1829 Murphy, Richard and Patrick O'Rourke 1830. Milly, Louise 4 266 Miller, James Mamezla, Apolinario de 1830 McManus, Thomas Michael, 1 . Morel, Adele f. w. c 4 274 1830 Maxent j Ann f. w. c. alias Manette 4 277 McConnell, Nicholas 1830 Marshall, George f. m. c , 4 276 McCall, Duncan McCarty, James Mayronne, Jean Louis 1830 Mayronne, Frangois 1830 Milhaud, Charles Marigny, Gustave , 4 295 McGuire, Denis 4 296 Meance, Jean, Francois 4 296 1830 McCauley, John Morin, Celeste a minor Malchaux, Pierre Genevieve Demoruelle widow 4 298 1831 1831. Morand, Charlotte f. w. c 1831 148 INDEX. 1831. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Meade, Thomas 4 299 1831 Musgrove, J. W 1831 Malochee, Pierre 4 304 1840 Maxent, Angelique f. w. c Magnant, Courtillien 1831 Marcou, Frangois 4 310 1831 Magnon, Antoine Eugenie Barroi wife of 3831 McCormick, E. a minor Moussiei , J. B 1831 McDonald, Hector 1831 Mead, Edward 4 319 Mathews,' Joseph 1831 Maier, Jacob. 1831 Moniette, Louise Cheverie widow of. 4 325 1831 Michon,JeanFrancois ConstanceBruneau widow 4 330 1831 Marchand, P. A McCoy, Alexander 4 335 1833 Maybin, John 4 336 1832. Moreau, Lislet Louis 4 417 1833 Morgan, Edward 4 344 McKaiaher, James. '. 1832 Mongene, Jean 1832 Morgenstem, Charles 1832 Meunier, Charles 1832 Montreuil, Theodule 1832 Maxent, St. Adolphe a minor Macarty, Barthelemi 4 358 1832 JMercier, Jean 1832 McKeever, A. Cecilia McClasky wife of 1832 Mnher, Mathew F .N 4 421 1833 Mederic, alias Bellisle, Fetiton 1832 Martial, Bertrand T 4 371 1832 Musberg, Catherine Elizabeth : Mendoza, Dominga minor Macias, Jh. Raimond Miles, Paddy and John Dixon Mioton, Nicolas minor Mendoza, Caliste Gonzales de 1832 Monroe, William 1833 McDonald, John Mortimer, D. Einilie Zeringue widow of Moore, Edward 1832 Monrose, Joseph f, m, c 3832 INDEX. 149 1832. WILLS. INV, Vol. Page. Year. Marsh, Benito 4 391 1831 Miller, John. 1832 McDonogh, William W V 4 S9 1833 Mon, Ramon y Fon .'..4 390 1832 McKullin, or McCullin, William 1832 McCaleb, Thomas F 4 410 1833 Marie, Rosalie Jean f. w. c 1833 Moore, George 1832 Macarty, Marie Joseph f. w. c 4 394 1832 Michel, Charles Alexandre 4 397 1 832 McDowell, Robert. . . . 1832 Mitchel, Sarah -.4 402 1832 McNeil!, John 1832 Murdock, John 4 410 Marchand, Francois Moise Mendele, Magnon, Antoine A. Fossier wife of Mansfield, Patrick Michon, Jacques Saturnin 1833 Mendez, Antoine 1832 Mintoney, Elie Mortimer, Louis Daniel McKeever, Alexander see McClaskey his wife. . 1832 1833. Macarthy, Andre Magnon, Arnaud Henriette Roche wife of 4 423 1833 McGonnell, Doctor Alexander E 1833 Millet, Silvere Constance Use dec'd wife of. ... 1833 Mortimer, Gatien C. St. Amant wife of 4 438 1833 Montaudon, Eugene interdicted 1833 McPhelin, Patrick 4 438 1833 Mossy, Paul Celestine Urquhart wife of 1833 McMain, William Martin, Suzette f. w. c Morse, John P 1833 Merlet, Jean Elizabeth Gruel widow of 4 447 1833 Monier, Nicolas Josephine Turcoti widow 4 448 1833 Madelaine, f. w. c Monier, Nicolas Maurice, Francis 4 452 1833 Montangerant, Francois Moore, Alfred ; 1833 Mayronne, Francois Felicite Bunel widow 1833 McKenna, James 1833 McPherson,Sabina 150 INDEX. 1833. WILLS. 1NV. Vol. Page. Year. McHugh, Jesse Mencke, William 1833 Hunger, Nathaniel L 1833 McShrefFrey, Anna a minor Myers, Hiram M 1833 Michel, Jacques 1833 Moore, Edward 1833 Mayronne, Estelle 1833 Mallet, Charlotte f. w. c Montreuil, Agathe f. w. c Maxent, Antoine Eliz. Perez widow of 4 46G 1833 McGauley, James Mutter. Richard B 1 833 Mallard, Louis Charles * Musgrove, James 1833 Mirepoix, Esquin B. de 1833 Mitchel, George Menard, Charlotte S. f. w. c McGreal, Francis * 1833 McKethen, Doctor J. H 1834 Mason, Samuel 1833 Mayers, Adrien 1833 McDougall, Charles Augustus * . 4 485 Martin, Joseph Moulin. Jean Murphy, Allen * 1833 Medzinger, alias Medicinger 4 491 1833 Mason, Samuel Mulherran, Bryan Marot, Toussaint 1833 Mourime, Edouard Marie Perdomo wife of. . . . 1833 Miller, John Molinari, Antoine 1 834 Martainville, Isidore Michel Ravend 5 12 Mackey, John 1834 McCommisky, Peter McGuire, Thomas ...5 15 Martin, Bernard Miller, John O'Brien a minor See papers of James O'Brien in 1833 Monnerie, Alphonse f. m. c. Francoise Narcisse dec'd wife of 1834. McCoy, Dorcas Alexander 5 15 3 834 McPherson, Hughes 1834 INDEX. 151 1834. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Morse, Nathan 5 20 1 834 Modi ca, Jacques Antoinette Rondon wife of. . . 1834 Mioton, Nicolas 5 29 1834 Morand, Charles de widow of 1834 Messant, Pierre Louis L. Caroline Durel wife of 1834 Mulrony , Thomas j 834 Martin, Bonaventure 1834 Mairot, J. C. Pamela Melanie Galla wife of. . . . 1834 Montreuil, Francois alias Louis Dede f. m. c.. . 5 38 1834 McKibben, Sarah Lenhart. 1834 Miller, Branch W 1834 Montreuil, Barthelemy 5 70 1834 Morena, Francisca j 834 McCaleb, Charles Eugenius a minor McMullen, Peter Moore, Samuel G 5 78 Morand, C. de widow Michel, John Claudius 5 93 1834 Marlow, John Mason, Henry f. m. c 1834 Moran, Mark Meeker, Moses Smith 5 101 1834 Marchand, Adelaide 5 115 Mascey, John A 1835 Moore, William 1834 Morris, John Meus, Eugene Joseph 5 123 1835 Marcos, Magdeleine a minor 1835. Mossy, Paul 1835 Martin, Marie Elizabeth a minor Mercier, Laure f. w. c 1 835 Montbrun, Deshon 1835 Morgan, Captn. J. W 1835 Moody, Susannah a minor Martinez, Charles f. m. c. wife of 1835 Monterio, Mnnuel 1835 McClaskey, Mary M. a minor Marques, Manuel 5 193 1835 Maignan, Jean 1835 Mathe, Simeon and Josephine Tassy his wife in the matter of their minor children McAwley, Maggey a minor Marquet. Antoine 1835 Mercer, James 1 835 152 INDEX. 1835. WILLS. INV, Vol. Page. Year. Mitchel, John Mary Leonard wife of 1835 Merland, Pierre- Joseph Marie 5 214 Manumishon, Jacob f. m. c 5 216 1835 Miller, Vilhem Rosina de Velter widow of 5 217 1835 Morant, Charlotte f. w. c 1835 Miramond, Jean 5 221 1835 Macarty, Jean f. m. c. alias Jason Bonard 5 231 1835 Mathe, Simeon 1835 Merads, Claude Montesquieu, see Gravelot Minder, Alois Mesnard, Joseph Irma Celeste Candolle wife of 1835 Maillefer, Narcisse J 835 Marcos, Jean 1835 Mahony, Sarah Nelson 1835 Marigny, Prosper 5 247 1835 Morel, Auguste 1835 McCarthy, Patrick 5 262 McDowell, Henry 1836 McDonough, Paul Montagnac, Gustave Mouchon, Jean 1836. Maxent, John 5 267 1836 McGee, Hugh 1836 Marsenaro, Anne Barrabino widow of, Angelle Mordella dec'd wife of McDonald, Rosanna a minor Mayer, alias Mahier, Alexandre 5 295 1836 Montegut, Joseph f. m. c Caroline dec'd wife of 1836 McDonald, Margaret Murphy, William 5 303 1836 Mitchel, Peter 1836 Moreau, Louis his minor children 1836 Moore, Lucy B. a minor Macarty, Dorimo Bartholome Prieto alias Dorsin McConnell, Thomas Maher, Michael Elbanie Griffon minor wife of. McCarty, Eliza Jane minor McNeil, Joseph Smith 5 348 1836 Molina, Antoine 5 348 1836 McKibbon, David 1836 Motin, Pierre 5 360 1836 Magnon. Arnaud 5 362 1837 Michinard, Jean 1836 INDEX. 153 1836. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. McGovern, Thomas a minor Moctezuma, A. M. de 5 372 1837 Moret, Auguste an absentee Mercier, Jean, Heloise Leduc widow of McClure, James 1837 Mathe ws, George (Judge of Supreme Court) ... 5 390 1 839 McCarthy, Catharine a minor McDougall, Myford 5 396 Maurime, Jean E 1S37 Maillero, Sylvanie f. w. c. see Atle McCarthy, Julia a minor for marriage Montigut, Richard D Moureu, Thomas 1837. Miller, Peter alias H. J. Reents 1837 Michel, Jean Montigut, Delile Dupert widow 1837 Mann, Arthur 5 430 1837 Montreuil, Marie Marthe de Macarty widow. . . 1837 Marks, William Mitry, Theophile 1 837 McMahon, Doctor J. P. C 5 455 1837 Moreau, Louis Catharine Peuch wife of Michales, Henry 1838 Montezino, Francisco Masicot, Augustin Manning, John F Montaigne, Marie f. w. c. alias Marie Ledellier 5 480 183T Meersinger, George 1837 Monoir, Pierre Claire Jeanneton wife of 5 494 1837 Maillot, J. B Martin, Claude Nanine Blineau dec'd wife .... I 838 Monde, Francois Marie Ann Gareau widow of. 5 508 1837 Monbouchet. J. B Murphy, Daniel 1 837 Mills, William Alexander f. m. c I 838 Moody, Joseph Martiniere, Jean A Monette, Pierre f. p. c. Louise Duplautier dec'd wifeof 5 509 1837 Mahart, Jean D Mooney. John alias Rooney, William 1837 Myers, Wolf Milner, Milton Cooper Mouchon, Paul Adelaide Ferlot dec'd wife of. . . 1837 McDonald, Owen , 20 INDEX. 1837. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Morgan, James f ...... McGennis, Alexander 1837 Meighan, Patrick 1837 Melly, Joseph Morrill, Denis C 1837 McAllister, Alexander 1837 Miller, Jean Magnon,Antoine MarieAnneBarois dec'd wife of Mayer, David Mauristo, Francois Marks, Joseph B. Eliza Hyams dec'd wife of. . , Munster, John and others 1837 Miltenberger, Louis Gustave a minor Mannon, Michael Myrick, Lyttleton 1838 Magnin, Alexandre , 1837 1838. McQuillen, Hugh Murray, Jane a minor Milon, Elizabeth Montonnier dec'd wife of 1838 Moussier, Marianne Celina a minor Meunier, or Munier, Anne Eugenie 6 33 1838 McCoy, Isaac L 6 34 1839 Miramond, Jean Martin, Sarah a minor Murray, Bernard Mulony, Ann a minor McNarree, Cornelia a minor Miller, Jane a mfnor Murray, James A Marsenat, Fransoise f. w. c 6 58 1838 Mouillac, Jacques Monney, Thomas Milain, Julien a minor Mylne, Alexander 6 72 1839 Mouillac, Jacques Clara Haydel widow of 6 75 1838 Mossy, Toussaint Junior 1839 Medart, Christine a minor 1839. Michel, Albin 1839 Martin, Thomas H Marly, Pierre f. p. c. Eleonore Joseph Villars dec'd wife of 1 839 Mariner, Julia Wilson a minor Minor, Eurice a minor INDEX. 155 1839. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Marchand, Adolphe Marie Arsene Belaume divorced wife of Morantes, Isabel 1839 McDaniel, Young Murray, George W. a minor 1839 Martin, Joseph A 1839 Montreuil, Hubert f. p. c. Francoise alias Babe dec'd wife of McLaughlin, E McLean, Margaret Ann a minor Michot, Victor Amedee 6 130 1839 Metzinger, alias Medecinger, Aimee f. w. c.... 6 133 1839 and 135 Mexia, General Jose Antonio-. t . . McNair, Antoine H. Mary M. McClaskey wife of Marchesseau, Fransois 1839 McMasters, Edward Mercier, Jean Jacques 1840 Marcou, Antoine Marillet, Hyacinthe f. m. c 1839 Marly, Pierre f. m. c. see papers in succession of his dec'd wife Eleonor Jh.Villars f.w.c. in 1839 Manceau, Pierre Andre 6 160 1839 Montreuil, Charles f. m. c. Constance Meunier dec'd widow of 1839 Maxwell, James , 1844 Molard, Madam McNemara, Mary Long wife of McMillen, James C. and Joseph G Martel, Marie Charlotte f. p. c 6 164 McMahon, Eleonor Corlis wife of Marioux, P. C. f. m. c 6 176 Moser, Charles Motodi, Jean Momus, Pierre 6 ( 179 ) 1840 jmj Martin, Adelaide Morime wife of 1840. Mutter, Elizabeth see papers of R.B.Mutter 1833 Morton, a minor for marriage McCabe, Patrick Meillon, Nanette f . w c 6 198 1840* Messinger, John Mead, Joel K 6 217 1840 Moses, Elizabeth for marriage 156 INDEX. 1840. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Mouthon, Euchere < . Mathews, Charles .> 1840 Michel, Jean Baptiste 1840 McCullough, Peter 1840 Manneville, Jeanne Josephine f. w. c 1840 Martin, William H. or W. N 1841 McDonnald, William Medart, E. a minor Moses, Elizabeth for marriage McCutcheon, Samuel Maline, Emilie Salomon see Salomon Melder, John A Maddux, Leigh 6 262 1841 Mary, Joseph Claude 6 266 1841 McDougall, Sarah Murphy a minor (306) Marmiche, Guillaume 6 \ 307 } 1841 (278) Mabou, Joseph McMillen, Charles 1841 Martin, Bonaventure Louise Duvernay widow of 1841 1841. Mery, Etienne 1841 Meller, Joseph Salomon 1841 McConnell, James 6 368 1841 Mooney, James 1841 McMahan, John W 1841 Moran. Darban or Derby 1841 McPherson, Andrew 1841 Milligan, G. B Meridier, Louis 1841 McMannus. Charles 6 337 Meilleur, Leon Marie Celeste Milon widow of. 1841 Micline, Marie Genevieve f. w. c 1841 Munos, Manuel 6 346 1841 Montignac. Jn. Bte. Jeanne Gabrielle Bidonne ( 356 ) widow of 6 j 361 j 1841 Malony, Mary a minor for marriage Marechal , widow Moritz, Jaham Meyer, Frederick Meilleur, Louis Theophile f. p. c 1841 Meyer, John Monde, Marie 1841 Mayberry, J INDEX, 157 1841. WILLS. INV, Vol. Page. Year. Manson, Charles L 1842 Morant, Joseph Nicolas Martin, William N 1841 McDaniel, Bridget Meyer, John 1841 Mann, Albert G. and Catharine B. Morse dec'd widow of said Mann 6 405 1841 Matzon. Ezra 1841 Morant, G. Virginie Vessier dec'd wife of 6 407 1841 Mary, Jean Adelaide Rey dec'd widow of 1842 Morgan, Charles 6 409 1842 McMahon, for marriage Mallini, for interdiction 1842 1842. Momus, Elizabeth f. w. c 6 434 Montaigne, Louise a minor Mortimer. Gatien Muller, Marie Eulalie Olasnier widow of 1842 McManus, Patrick 7 46 1842 Micoud, Adrien Scipion 1842 Montegut, J. R 7 71 Murray, James Monnery,afozsMontbry,MarieLouiseAlexandrine f. w. c 1842 Maire, Jos. Adolphe papers deposited Moni, Revd. Abbe Louis '. 1843 Maureau, Louis Theodore C. D. Bailly wife of. 1847 McMillen, Charles widow of 7 87 Mouldoun, Michael *. Montreuil, Felicite. .7 98 1842 Moore, Mary a minor Morgan, George J 1843 Moni, Revd. Abbe Louis 7 125 1843 Monroy, Laureano f. m. c 1842 McCaleb, Francis . . . Manning, Patrick 1842 .McDonald, Augustus Murphy, Michael 1842 Martin, Auguste Felix 7 155 1842 McDermott, John ^ 7 190 1843 Mairot, J. C 7 252 1842 Mathews, Maxwell 1842 Mehl, Catharine a minor Mohan, Felix 1843 Meffre, Michel A. R. M. Rouzan dec'd wife of. 1842 158 INDEX. 1843. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Miller, Margaret a minor Marcotte, Philippe 1842 1843. Maureau, Joseph Mathew dec'd wife of." 1843 Marq, M Maisonave, Jacques 1843 Maxent, Rosalie f. w. c 7 374 1843 Malter, Jacques 7 373 1843 Marriner, Louisa a minor Maillot. Julie a minor Marty, Jean Baptiste Macready, John Amire Lemonnfer' widow of . . 1844 McGawley, Edward 7 290 1843 McFarlane, James McConnell, Alice McCarty, Hannah & minor McCarty, C. a minor ... * Mege, Magdeleine 1843 Miller, Samuel Milne, Alexander nephew. 7 363 1843 Michel, Justin Laurent Napoleon 7 421 1843 Moore, Robert A 7 286 Morano, Christoval 1 843 Montgomery ,R.R. ElizaAnnMcCutcheon wife of Moro, Carlos Morgan, G. W.T. Mongrue, Pre. Lartigue see Lartigue Moreau, Louis 1843 Mulligan, Bridget 1844. Montreuil, Charles McKeal, Delia a *ninor Moran, James 7 480 1844 Mollot, Desire Nicolas A. Puccy dec'd wife of. 1844 McGraw, J ohn . Mitchell, James 7 490 1844 Magnan, Juliette a minor Milon, Henriette f. w. c 7 494 1S44 May, Joseph Michel, Jean Mitame, Jean Baptiste. , Macarty/'Augustin 8 Maers, Maria a minor. . . .X ./.... Mendell, Henrick Mortimer v P. E. for emancipation McCullagh, William . . , Moorj^/Mary a min.or McNe'il, "Eleonor Louisa. ' '. . . Murphy, Edmund. . t f Messsfyt, Louis and^wife see papers of widow U. Durel 1844 1844 1845. ' Mar/in, Jacques Pierre. Meteye, Magdeleine^. : 8 46 1845 Massicot, Jean Baptiste Marie Celestine Bou- f dousquie wife of. .v 1845 Moltet, Catherine Gruerin . Ma|er, Jean. ...../ 8 74 1845 Mosby, Mary a/minor Martel, Aristide Desire Marioquino, Marie "Rose .J. 1845 Mof el, Octave > Moqsey, a minor. ... 1 ./. % Morrisson, James x *' 1845 McCarthy, Jeremiah F... ..; . . v . 8 131 1845 Mcl)onald, i.Jlf. . .^ .* . Mulhollan/r J^n. . .. . ., ^ McMasters,. Madam Frances B. . , 1845 Mullen, Mary a^ninor. ..;.... Montreuilj Adwe f.w.c. prayj|p^ for certain pur- poses. .....'....>. : 0$L ... McBeaum, Cons||fntine ^ McLaughlin, Rose a minor. , McCarthy, Mary Ann a>minor. . : . . : . . . . .\ . . Martin, Gilles T. ..._. 8 152 1845 MoffetyH.-G. bouisTaiiQ minor 160 INDEX. 1845. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Mello, P. Heloise Bertrand alias Louise Berna- dine dec'd wife of 1845 McMullon, John 1845 Milford, Edward Martin, Joseph Desiree Guibert widow of 1845 Moussier, Marie E. a minor Macarty, Stephen f. m. c 8 161 1845 McGovven Robert a minor Montamat, Jacques Philibert Elizabeth Lebreton dec'd wife of 1845 Macarty, Eugene 8 166 1845 McKean, William 8 177 1845 Martinez, Christoval Martin, Prudence f. w. c. . 8 190 1845 Massias, Jose . . 1846 1846. Molliere, Antoinette f. w. c Michel, Joseph Maillat, Estelle f. w. c 1840 Masson, Francois Elizabeth Doulon widow of. 8 209 1846 Morris, Ferdinand Leonard 1 846 Macarty, Marie Jeanne f, w. c.. 1846 Montesquieu, Daniel Maurice 1846 Mornay, Jean Francois and Charles f. p. c . . . . Mazange, Henriette f, w. c 8 215 1846 Michel, A. B. Constance Despan de Savarie dec'd wife of 1847 Marcot, Marie Anne and Rose minors Montagnac, Nicolas de Madeleine Germaine Girard widow of 8 253 1846 Maneyro, Francisco 8 256 1846 Minturn, John 8 261 1847 McCabe, Patrick 8 276 1846 Montas, Madeleine Desmarie widow 8 277 1846 Magnon, D. M. a minor , McGowen, E. O 1347 Morton, Catharine Jane ^ . . Marigny, Marie Louise McMasters, Mrs. H. R 1846 Miles, Thomas 1846 Mardis, Samuel W. Merrieult, Julie f. w. c 8 296 1846 Martin, Francois Xavier 8 306 1847 Meller, Jos. Solomon JosephineCourajou widow of 1847 McQuaid, Henry , 1847 INDEX. 161 1807. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. NOBTON, Zachariah ...1 115 1807 1808. Neil, Samuel 1808 1800. Nicolas, minors', "... 1810. Nicolet, Jean Bapliste 1 276 1810 Navarre, widow 1811. Navarrine, Andre 1811 1812. Nicholls, Edward Church 1813. Navarine, Andre Nicolet, Jean Baptiste. I 276 1814. Neuville, Andre 1814 1816. Nathan, Benedicte 1816 1817. Neill, James Noble, John Nicolas, Louise Marcel ite Clavier 1817 1818. Nathan, Benedicte Narwood, Charles 3 51 1818 1819. Niningre, George Antoine Marguerite Colon widow of 3 84 Norris, Patrick 3 124 1819 1820. Nicolas, Louis 3 129 1820 Navarre, widow 1820 1S21. Neveu. Vincent Neely.H. W 1822. Nicolas, Jean Marie 3 243 1822 Nelson, A 1823. Narwood, Nathaniel 3 343 ] 823 Nadau, Andre , 163 INDEX. 1824. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Nelson, .& 1824 Neigle, or Naglc, Suzan minor 1825. Nelson, John C 1825 Newrisse, Marie Moatogut \vife of 1825 J826 Nicholson, Hannah Jane a minor Norton, David S. 1827 1827. Nicolas, Valery Marguerite Boisdore wife of. . . 1828 1828. Nancarrow, John 1829 Nicolas, Valery Marguerite Boisdore wife of. . . 1828 1829. Norton, Jacob-. ,,. Nicholson, Samuel Necco. alias Necho, Cypriani T 4 240 1829 Nicolas, Eliza Newman, Franchise and Octavie minors Noguez, Jean Baptiste Lapuyade- Nicolas, Valery , J829 Nelder, A. Piernas wife of 1830. Norton, Horace Naiiaud, Julienne Pailhes Nf-well, Kichard W Norris, Archibald . J831. Nerac, E. A. , 4 303 1831 Neda, Francisco Marie Gravelle wife of 1831 Noyes, widow see Connelly or Conilly 4 304 1831 Nicolas, Claude Alexis 1831 Nellegan, Mary a minor. 1832. Nicholson, John Mary Ann Galbraith wife of. . . 1832 Nelson, Peter 1832 Norman, John , 1832 Noriega, Doctor Remigio Gonzales 1832 1833. Nicholson, Malcolm 4 457 1833 Neckere, Ri^ht Reverend Bishop Leo de t 4 477 1833 Narcisse, Marie f. w. c Neil, William INDEX. 1833. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Nettleton, Marvin Nivet, Antoino.... 1834 1834. Nagle, Garrett 1834 Nash, John Nagel, Chrislopher 1834 Nicolas, Emelina a minor Nautre, Joseph... < 5 75 1834 Nancivet, Louise f. w, c 5 -109 1S34 Nicquet, Joseph 1835. Nichols, Nancy 1835 Newton, Phineas L... 5 226 1835 1836. Nicolls. Samuel Miller 1836 Neda, Francis Marie Gravelle wife of see papers 1831 *...<., 1836 Nivct, Antoine Z 1836 1837. Nicholson. Malinda a minor Norris, William 4 . . . t 1837 Nutter, Joseph 5 450 Nicole*, Theodore 5 450 1837 Nieman. Frederick Nott, William 5 526 1837 Noirot, Claude 5 528 1837 1838. Nugent, Margaret a minor ....* Nobbes, P. a minor Nichols, Stephen 1839 1839. Nau. Guillaume Jean...* 1830 Nardig'ite, William C Noel, Elizabeth i. vv. c 18 10 1640. Newton, alias Nathan, L. H. . t 6 000 1640 Nicaud, Michel 6 203 KjO k4J, Noel. Josep!) Guillaiwif 1 E'.ise;; f. n. c.. Nicholas, A. W. and wife ...>.... Norman, Benjamin M. Emily B.iiley wile of. . . 1842. Niebert, Joseph 164 fNDEX. 1842. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Noirez, Nicolas Nott, William Felicite Adele Favre Daunoy widow of 1842 1843. Nowlan, Patrick 1 843 Nessel, Louis 1844. Numa Numa and Aristide, minors 1644 Nathan, Elizabeth * Nagel, Henry 1845. Nichols, James F No. Louis Nicolson William 1845 Nelson, Christian 1845 Noel, Jean Baptiste 8 156 1845 Narcisse, Jeanne Ostine 1845 1846. Naughton, Patrick Nora, Jean Baptiste Marie Ramirez widow of. 8 226 1846 Nicolas, Jacques 1846 Nichols, Isaac 1 846 Nickerson, William G 1847 1807. OUVABES, Marie 1 85 1807 ODuhigg, Francis 1809. Opisso, Joseph Clair 1 281 1809 Olergue, Franchise 1809 1812. Opice, Joseph Claire 1 281 1813. Opice, Joseph Claire , 1 281 Oneal, John ... 1813 Ocoin, Ctfleslin minor 1815, Opicrs Joseph Clara Oneai, John ., 1816. Orievre, Marie Louise Laville f. w. c 2 244 1817. Olivier, Marie The>eze Desir6 1821 INDEX. 165 1817. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Opisso. Joseph C'ara Oslin, John Olleris, Bernard 3 19 1817 Organ, Ht-ctor M 3 22 Olivelle, Josephine and Emelile Oliver, James and others 1818. Orr, Benjamin 1817 Olivier, Adele and Ii ene Oflagherty, Cornelius 1819 1820. Otto, Henry 1820 Ogden, Peter V 3 158 j 1820 j 1833 O'Donel. Daniel 3 J63 Odling, William Oliver, H. W 1820 1821. Old. James O-Duhigg, Eloy 1822. Ogden, George M 3 283 1893 Ocheltree, John 1822 1823. Olcock, William 1824. Olleris, Jean 1825. Osser, Ferine f. w. c 1825 Oviatt, H. N 1828. Othon, Marie f. w. c 4 200 1828 Ott, Peter and Margaret minors 1829. Ogden, Francisco Georgina Blanche minor .... 1830 O cot, John O^den, George M^rieult widow of O Rourke, Patrick and Richard Murphy 1830. Orieux, Nicolas Julien 4 287 1832. O-Hara, William 1 832 Oudin, Joseph , . 1832 166 INDEX. 1832. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Ohlsen, Hans Peter... 4 3"/7 Of.ero. Ramon 4 386 1 832 Ohler, Martin 4 3i)o 1832 1S33. Osorno. widow 1 833 Ortez, Tadeo Ib33 O'Brien, James 1834. Oger, see Augier, Gabriel O'Brian, Morgan Olivier, Marie Louise alias Emerite, Derneville f. w. c 1835. Olivier, Marie Jeanne * 1835 Offensandt, C. A 1836 Olivier, Delphine f. w. c 1835 1836. O'Neill, Felix 1836 Olivier, Charles G 1837. Ormo, Robert V 1837 Ogier, Peter 1837 Orr, Thomas Olden, George 1 83? Oetzman, John Frederick 5 530 1837 1838. Olivella, Jean 6 34 1833 O Neil, Margaret a minor O'Donnell, Anthony 1838 ODonnell, William 1838 Oliver. Jackson * G 152 18S9 Overhall, Elias 1839 1839. Osborn, William 1839 Olivar, Elizabeth a minor = O-Connell. Abby O'Brien, Julia a minor. O'Connor, John 1839 Ottey, Edward Oilourk, James 1 840 1840. Oy tinge, a minor for marriage OmedesjJose 6 223 184-0 Oliver, George INDEX. 167 1841. WILLS. 1NV. Vol. Page. Year. Ohlsan, Johanna Oxlade, Eugene Henrietta for marriage ^ O'Brien, John Oger, Peter Ogden. Edward Loetitia Hannah dec'd wife of. Oster, Peter O'Brien, William 1842. Oudard, Berthile 1842 1643. Ogden, George B 1844 Olivier, Godefroy Marianne Bienvenu widow of Oppenheimer, S Orso. Joseph 1843 Owens, Samuel K ' 1843 Oudisson, Jean Baptise 1844. O'Brien. Michael Olivier, Antoine David 7 516 1844 C'Donnell, Victoire B. a minor 1845. O'Dowd, Bernard Ogden, Edward Letitia Hannah dec'd wife of. . Otis, Nathaniel W. 1845 O'Meara. John 1845 Ouany, alias Joanille, Adele 1. w. c 8 164 1846. O'Reilly, Michael D ' 8 242 1846 Ollie, Jean Elizabeth Bertrand widow of 8 267 1846 O'Neil, John O'Hara, Patrick O'Brien, Aim a minor 1805. PARENT, Jeanne Rochou widow Paret, Alexandre 1805 Porter, Andrew 1806 Poole, Charles 1 22 1806. Pragers, John 1 805 1807. Pomete, Annette 1 90 1807 Paterson, David , , 1807 Puech, Jacques, , ff 1807 168 INDEX. 1808. WILLS. IISV. Vol. Page. Year^ Pomete, Marie 1 808 Pierson, Lancelot 1803 Picard, Jean Patisson, Robert 1808 Pailiet, Jean 1 184 1809. Perilliat, minors Piaft, Jean 1 226 1809 Peyton, John 1809 Paillette. Zacharie Hazard Pascal 1 240 Perrey, Marie Thereze Cocuiere du widow of . . 1 238 Petit, Jacques 1 ( 245 \ 1809 j 302 Puech. Jacques Petit, Jean Louis 1809 Pelissier, Peter 1 257 1810. Peyton, John Petit, Simon 1 264 Pierret, Marie Adelaide Petit, Jacques 1 j 246 ) 1809 j 302 j Parent, minors Pelissier, Peter 1810 1811. Piau,' Jean Baptiste 1 353 1811 Peyton. John 1809 Piau. Eleanor minor 1 355 1811 Pedesclaux. minor Pene, Je?n Baptiste 1811 Poirier, John Patouillet, Jean Baptiste 1 480 1811 Prevost, Genevieve "f. w. c 1 399 1811 Pomet, Joachim minor Poree, Thomas 1 (427 ) 1812 j 430 j Poidebark, Jean Marie 1811 1812. Pougy, Andre 1 444 1812 Patouillet, Jean Baptiste 1 480 Peyton, John . 1809 Petit, Jacques 1 246 Pene, Jean Baptiste 1813. Perrault, Magdeleine Lecamu widow of 2 14 INDEX. 169 1813. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year, Pernot, Francois 2 24 1813 Prevost, Genevie vt- Pillard, alias Zabeth Lascabes, Elizabeth 2 47 1813 Pomet, Vincent 2 50 1813 Pizeros, Jean Francois 1813 Pijeaux, Marie Joseph minor Pepe, minors < 1814. Provencal, Jourdan . 1814 Ponte, Jean Baptiste 2 94 Prevot, Nicolas.f. m. c 2 99 Pavi, Joseph 2 101 1814 Powell, George 1814 Piquery, minors f. p. c Perez, Manuel Antoine 2 149 Peche, Irene Cesar... 2 151 1814 Pijeaux, minors * . . 1815, Pigman, Ignatius ...2 164 1815 Pavi, Joseph ; 2 101 Parmlee, Oliver 2 172 Psyche, Marie Augustine minor Puche, Bias 2 175 1815 Puies, Jean Baptiste 1815 Piquery, Annette minors. 1815 Perry, William D 1815 Prevost, alias Ser, Genevieve 1816. Pigeau, Marie Thereze 1816 Perrault, Marie Noel 2 250 1817 Piulats, Jean 1816 Prather, James Prudome, Marie Jeanne 2 225 Poulain, L. Marie 1816 Pratz, Jayme 2 229 1816 Perez, Manuel Antoine 1816 Pig-man, Ignatius Patton, Charles 2 230 Pedesclaux, Pierre .. . 1816 Piquery, minors Palome, Nicolas 1816 Peckerd, Isaiah 2 239 Pertuis, Marie Durocher widow 2 239 1817 1817. Palmer, George 1817 170 INDEX. 1817. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Proffitt, James. 1818 Poulain, Louis Marie Pens, Jean Agnes Augustine Piemont widow of 3 12 Priou, Toussaint 1817 Perry, W . D Palomme, alias Palomo, Nicolas Papet, Charlotte Virginie Livaudais wife of. ... Pevergne, Peter 1817 Pleasants, Thomas F 1817 Potier, Antoinette Julie Le Puiscar wife of. ... 3 18 Pilot, minors Prosser, James Parker, George Jas. Olivier and Christian Duffy Penny, Baker Derrick 3 30 1817 Ploux, Jn. Louis 3 33 1817 Prosser. James 1817 Prime, Richard A 3 36 Pertuis, Marie Anne Duroche widow of 1817 Preval, Simon Charles Gallien 3 80 1819 Pico, Juan Jose 3 29 1818. Pueche, Bias Perrault, Marie f. w. c Perret, Alphonse 3 43 1818 Poree. Petrone Lugas wife of f. w. c 1818 Powell, George Prather, James 1818 Prieto de la Ronde, Thereze Denis wife of 1818 Prina, Francisco 1818 Podesta, Julien alias Jacques Roques Powers, Trudau wife 1818 Plauche, E Pepe, minors Pulham, Levi and others Plauche, Marguerite Selam widow 3 57 1818 Pigman, Ignatius Perrault, Marie Porter, Thomas 1818 Perez, Antonio Pevergne, Peter 1819. Papet, Virginie Livaudais wife of Prieto, Marie Thereze Denis de la Ronde Planche, Antoine Celestin Philibert, Adelaide 3 143 INDEX. 171 1819. WILLS. 1NV. Vol. Page. Year. Papst, Rene Pierre 1819 Plauche, Etienne 3 54 Perez, Jeanne D ubois widow Poultney, John 1833 1820. Polidore, Zaire Piquery, minors Pinta, Jean Baptiste 3 153 1820 Prampin, Jean Baptiste. 3 189 1820 Person, Nicolas Pravecchy, Jacomo 3 223 1820 Padirac, Marie Jeanne Robinet widow 3 158 Power, Hugh.... 3 150 Pollock, George 3 161 Pratt, Thomas Pierrot, Juliette H 3 Pierce, Marie Mills 1821. Perry, Abraham 3 183 1821 Pinard, Jean 1821 Pellerin, Jean Baptiste Plauche, Andrew Perrin, Dominick Philibert, Adelaide 3 143 Pickthall, James 3 216 Poilliau, Jean 1822. Poultney, John 1833 Peckham, Henry 1822 Prevost, Magdeleine Monier 1 822 Pacquet, f. p. c. alias Lemelle, Pierre Lalande (Magdeleine) 1822 Parker, Milton Patterson, David J Perrot, alias Peraut, Pierre Pignau, Nicolas 3 314 Payen, fils Porter, Peter 3 323 1822 Picharaca, alias Ceriol, Joseph 1823. Petrie, Joseph and Peter Man Pomet, Leonard f. p. c 3 340 Piet, Jacques 1283 Porter, B. P , 3 352 1823 172 INDEX. 1823. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page.'^Year. Provost, Marie Francoise Colla f. w. c 1825 Populus, Elizabeth f. w. c 1823 Plempton, James 1824. Philips, Pamela minor f. w. c Po^yfarre, Jean Baptiste 4 4 Poumairat, John . Poisson, Jean Onesime ., 1824 Parker, Winney Peters, Charles - Petit, Louis Francois 1824 Pierre, Jean Manuel f. m. c 4 26 Pierre, Jean P -ies. Michael 4 31 Phillpot, Zacharie Poydras. Julien 4 41 1 824 Phelps, William B 1824 Powers, minors 1825. Palmer, Timothy 4 53 \S21 Petit, Aimee Wiltz wife of j 825 Puich, Marie Monique Blanco 1825 Perche, Louis 4 64 1855 Poree, f. m. c. Petronille Lougard wife of. .... Peyrac, Charles Joseph Robert 4 65 1895 Power, Thomas , ] 825 Poillon, Marie Joseph Groveinger wife of. ... , 1825 J826 Pigotte, Bartholomew Pauline, a minor Plantey, Guillaume 4 87 1826 Peyre, Joseph 1826 Pernelle, J. R. D. C. A. Laneuville wife of . . . 4 93 1826 Plauche, Mary Brown wife of Pe, Etienne 1826 Peterkin, John 1826 1827. Plicque. F. N. J. Celine Charbonnet wife of. . . Pin. Louis F. Marguerite Raingeard widow of 4 130 Putnam, Oliver 4 128 Pierce, Levi Caroline Ker wife of 1827 Provosty, Michel August e 1827 Pedesclaux, Philip 1827 Perdreauville.R.D. M.A.V.Lernasurier wife of INDEX. 173 1817. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Picmal, John a minor. Peynaud, Jean Denis 182? Parsons, Evans 1827 Parker, John A Philippon, Jean 4 155 1821< Prin, Nina a minor 1828. Percy, Jean Baptiste Clovis minors 1828 Peyroux, Josephine Eulalie Peyroux wife of. ... Pepper, John 3828 Panquinet, Louise Castel widow Pierre, Jean alias Barbe, Joanin Poulard, Julien Py, Domingo 1828 Patterson, Thomas Pollock, Thomas 4 205 1829. Poulaille, Julien 1829 Pendleton S Preval, Elizabeth Reynal widow 1830 Preau, Jean 1829 Palmer, Louis L 1829 Poullault, Leopold 1829 Peet, William A 1829 Pidoux, Jean Vincent 4 233 1829 Puche. Rita . Perilliat, Francois Marie 4 235 1829 Passement, John B. absentee 1829 Panthonnier, R. A Poucelle, Toussaint 1829 Petit, W, S 1829 Poland '. Pv,tf,ier, Ernest Marie 1829 Poree, Thomas Antoine 1830 Perez, Ramola Felicite Payson, John P 1829 Parr, David Berni 4 259 1829 Plata, Antonio 1829 Petit, Desrivieres 1830 Puyos, L , , 1 829 1830. Pettier, Louis 1 830 Polovany, Antonio 1830 Peytavin, Bernarde Marmin widow 1830 Philips, Carmelite 4 272 174 INDEX. 1830. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Peyroux, Henry ^ 1830 Poree, Francoise Catherine Macarty wiflfitf'of. 1830 Porter, Calvin jj. 4 282 1830 Palacios, Petra Peterson, John Peillon, Stephen 1830 Press, Henry Pucheau, Louise Josephine Marchand wife of. . Poree, Jean Baptiste 1831. Petit, Dojninique 4 300 1831 Pedesclaux, Clarisse 1831 Pean, Simeon Peynaud, Elie 1831 Phelps, B. Hpriett Mathilda minor wife of. . . Philippi, Joseph 1831 Peay,P.W...^ 1831 Pef, Joseph . . . T Perez, Bernard S Peralta, J. Marie Angelle wife of 1831 Pilot, James ( 1831 j 1832 Pelleteau,Chas. MarieLouiseEncalada widow of ( 1831 j 1832 v!832. Pollock, James and George minors Pucheu,Jules ."? 4 348 1832 Phelan, William , 1832 Phillips, Lewis ..^. ..^ 4 351 1832 Patterson, David 1832 Percy, Felix Marcelite Piulats wife of 1832 Precie, Marie FranQoise f. w. c . . %v 4 353 1832 Preusch, Bernard .' 1832 Philippe, G. B. Caroline M. wife of 4 357 Pile, John 1832 Penniman, Atherton C.... 1832 Pellerin, Jean Baptiste 1832 Peirce, Louisa R. a minor Profit, Pierre f. m. c 4 365 1832 Picket, Eliza and Catharine minors 1832 Peyroux, Josephine Eulalie 1 832 Placer, Jh. Marguerite Laforet widow of 4 370 1832 Plage, Jacob 1832 Parker, E. T. P. and others, minors Philippe, Etienne 4 372 1832 INDEX. 175 1832. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Paxton, Ann a minor Philippe, E. Marie Franchise Rollet widow of . 4 37g 1832 Penny, P. B 4 382 1833 Perrilliat, Francois Pouget, Pierre 1 832 Poy, Ventura 1 832 Pedron, Vincent 4 408 1832 Paradol, Martin Jeanne Berdoulet wife of. . . . 1832 Porter, David * ^/1832 Penrice, John */ 1M32 Paquetet, Fran9ois 4 4gjfc-> 1 832 Pigneguy, Jean 1832 Pironin, Alexandre ^ ~ ^ 1833 1833. Pouillot, Juste *^ 1833 Perrault, Firmin y*^. 1833 Passement, J. B '^T"" Panter, Elizabeth C. a minor Perrault, Frangoise f. w. c 1833 Peirce, Emily a minor Patton, Charles Elizabeth Proffit widow of .. 4 437 1833 Plicque, Philippe and Adolphe minors Phelps, Fran*. . . Rouanez, Franchise Giraudeau widow of 2 116 Robin, Achille Ramos, mi nors Rollar, Francois 1814 Rolland, Jean Baptiste 2 132 1814 Robin, Andre 2 138 1814 Roquigny, MarieElizabethDesruisseaux wife of 2 147 1814 1815. Robin, Louis M. A. Schomberg widow pf 2 165 1815 Robin, Antoine 2 169 18J5 Redon, Jean Baptiste 1815 Roux, Marguerite wife of Raboteau, P. S 1815 Reano, Marie Dessales widow of 2 186 1815 Rollar, Francis Rouanez, widow 1816. Reano, Francois Robin, Rosette f. w. c 2 209 Russel, George 1816 Roux, Antoine Rochejean, Sophie Palmire Robin, Andre Reineckee, minors .... 1816 Rouet, Marie Louise f. w. c 2 233 1816 INDEX. 185 1816. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Romero, Antoine 2 238 1816 Rabassa, Jean Laurent 2 240 1816 Rouzan, Jacques Meffre 2 241 181(5 Rolbitid. Jean Baptiste Robertson, Charles Roger, Jean Baptiste 1817. Reboul, Marguerite Ross, Iwoert Regnier, minors Roland, Anne Cambre widow 1817 Rousseau, minors f. p. c 1817 Russel, George Ricard, Jean and Fetronille Lanoire his wife Roche, Anne and Abaxime Forge Rolland, Jean Baptiste 1817 Rogers, Girden 1817 Roux, Peter and Emanuel 1817 Ricolli, Antoine 1818. Remoussin, Marie Eugenie minor Robin, Achille Rabaud, widow 1818 Rocques, Jacques alia* Julien Podesta Ruiz, Antonio 3 59 1818 Rousseau, minors Kouzier, Louis Hector Robert, Julie 3 52 Rotineau, Francois Benjamin Ross, Robert Rousset, Marie Tliereze Fournier widow 1818 Rogers, Girden Ramirez, Antoine 3 62 1818 Riano, widow Reynolds, Abraham 1818 Roche, Nicolas 3 63 1819 Raake, Hieronimus 1818 Rabassa, Jeanne Laurent'widow Ronquille, Manuel 3 108 Ross, Robert Ricard, Jean and Petronille Lenoire his wife .. 1819. Remoussin, Marie Eugenie minor Rossignol, Luc Marie Louise * 24 186 INDEX. 1819. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Rillieux, Louis 1 3 113 Reynolds. Abraham Roland, Victoire Labatut wife of 1810 Rolland, minor Rouquette. Dominique Reynolds, Michael , Robinson, James 1819 Reynaud, Martin S.mgy Richard, Charles 3 78 1819 Rabassa, minors Raymond, Joseph 3 121 Roche, Charles Marie 3 115 Reed, Tilghman Raake, Hieronimus Rabassa, Jeanne Laurent widow Ronquille, Manuel 3 108 Ross, Robert Raoul, Francois Gaston^de Champmanoir Reynolds. John Robert. Jean 3 97 Roof. B Romero, Henriette Ronquillo, Manuel 3 108 1820. Raguet, Jean Baptiste 3 144 Rotas, Jean Baptiste Rivoli, Zubelle Rolland, Francois 3 138 1820 Robert, Marie Francoise 3 140 1820 Rousseau, minors Roche, Ann minor Rousseve, Alexandrine Barbe t. w. c Reed. Jacob Radigue, Charles F. Girard.widow of 3 177 Repsher, John 1820 Reauz, Catherine 1820 Reynolds, Michael 1821. Ronquille, Laurent minor Rousselot, A Robertson, G. W Rousselle, Alexander 1822. Rabo, Jacques 3 239 INDEX. 187 1822. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year, Robins, Horace M 1822 Roche. Paul 3 259 Raver. Christian Robinson, E. W Reilly, Andrew Ristaud. Peter 3 301 1822 Rice, Patrick 3 302 1822 Robert, Fereol 3 305 1822 Rogers, Da niel Rogers, William T R'tuch, John V 1823. Rogers. David Johnson 3 336 Robert, Marie Jeanne i. w. c 3 346 Rinker. James 1823 Robert. Jacques 1823 Raby, Clarice f. \v. c 1827 Rezfnthaler, Benjamin 3 437 1823 1824. Ramos. Charles 1824 Raymond. Jean Jacques 1 824 Rieux, Victoire f. w. c Remidis, Mary 1 824 Rochelle, R. L 4 ( 34 J 1824 i 35 Ricardi, Nicolas minor Roice, Louis 1 824 Robertson, Duncan Eneas 4 40 Rillieux, Marie Fronquet widow 1824 1825. Rouquette. Louise Cousin widow Reeder, Benjamin Franklin Richard, Aiiguste 4 72 1825 Raui'^r, Joseph 1825 RivaHe, Jean Baptiste 1825 Randolph, Eliza J826. Rabassa, Joseph ] 826 Romano, Francisco Renoy, Josephine Delery wife of 1826 Rowell, alias Raoul, Mary 1826 Refenveuille, Jeanne Clotilde Robertson, John 188 INDEX. 1826. WILLS. INT. Vol. Page. Year. Robles, Marie Acosta wife of 4 112 1826 Bouanais, Marie Magdeleine f. w. c 4 116 Robinson, James 4 120 iloulin. Jacques 1827 Head, Margaret a minor 1827. Robeson, William L. Celina Winchester wife of 1832 Boss, Alexander Reynaud, Marthe Florence 4 129 1827 Rives, Joseph Ross, Rachel f. w. c 1827 Ricord, Jean Charles 1827 Roux, Feliciane a minor Rouzier, Frederick Alexander Ridore, Elizabeth f. w. c 1828 Robert, Norbert f. m. c Rousse, Victor f. m. c 1828 1828. Raguet, Adelaide f. w. c 1828 Roland, Victoire minor 1828 Rouquette, Louis Cousin widow 1828 Rousseau, Jeanne Marie Mallet 1828 Ross, John 1828 Raynaud, Pierre minor Roques. Felix 4 204 Reed, Alexander 1828 1829. Rolland, Voltaire 4 221 1829 Rice. John G 4 222 Rillieux, Marguerite Meilleur widow 4 225 1829 Rousseau, Emilie Marguerite minor ' Ragner, Willis Raymond, Honore 4 234 Racine, Marie Elizabeth 1829 Robbttrts, John Rigder, William H 1829 Romero, Louis 4 251 1829 Ramirez, Francisco 4 256 1829 Rawlins, Tliomas 1829 Richard. Thereze Brou widow 4 260 1829 Roch.Jose 4 261 1829 1830. Rosas, Jose de la INDEX. 189 1830. WILLS. 1NV, Vol. Page. Year. Roux, Jean Louis Alexandre Rondon, Antonia a minor Rousseau, George Pierre Roquigny, minors Rivas, Maria Manuela de Jesus a minor Rodil, Vicente Randolph, Josephine Russell, Gilbert E 4 294 Ramos, Joseph Omer * Roman, Jacques Louise Patin widow of.... 1830 Rodriguez, Antonio 1831 1831. Robertson, Archibald T 1 S3 1 Robec, Antoinette A. f. p. c. a minor Ramel, H. J. L 1832 Robion, Joseph Antoine Rouzan, F. M. Constance Meilleur dec'd wife of Rabouin, widow 1831 Roche, Charles see papers 1819 Rutter, John Raymond, f. p. c. a minor 1832. Roux, Louise Baptiste f. w. c 4 347 1 832 Ross, William 4 348 1832 Robeson, William L. S. Winchester wife of. . 1832 Rillieux, Eclmond f. m. c 1832 Reggio, Augustin 1832 Robbins, Catherine Hearsey Reicker, see Deiderick, widow 1 832 Rouse ve, Rosette f. w. c 1833 Ra^pillier, Charreton 1832 Roach, John f. m. c 1832 Rourke, Patrick Rixner, Constance 1832 Roe, Thomas 1833 Rapp. Louis Frederick 4 396 Roche, Isidore 1833 Roselius. Diederich 1832 Roche, Nicolas widow of 1832 Ryan, James 1833 Ramos, Vincent Feliciie Tala wife of 1832 Roux, Pierre minors of 1833. Rub, Jean Louis 1833 190 INDEX. 1833. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Robin, St. Luc 4 444 1833 Robin, Clement Rollins, Captain George ] 833 Roux, Pierre 1834 liandolph. Drake Fitz 1&3:{ Romain, Pieire f. m. c 4 462 1833 Renoir, Alexandre 1833 Robert. Jeannette f. w. c 4 465 1833 Richardson. John . . . /. Ramos, Frangois Thomas 1835 oche. Anne 4 471 1833 Richards, E Rattray, (Routery) William 1833 Rossi, Louis Robertson. Thomas 1 833 Keber, Thomas 5 2 Roger. Josephine a minor Reinecke, Jean Frederick wife of 1833 1834. Reynolds. Justus 1834 Ri ley. Eliza a minor Ruffier, Joseph Antoinette Jalieux wife of. . .. Rillieux, Vincent Rogers, Samuel 1 834 Revoile, Charles E. S> Prevost wife of Reynaud. Adeline minors of Ruys, Jose Gonzales 1 834 Randall, Mary a minor Reilly, Peter and Mary Gibney his widow 1834 Rice. John 5 40 1834 Rodriguez, Juan (avocat) 5 46 1834 Rick. Peter 5 59 1834 Roy. Zulma f. w. c 5 72 1834 Reano, Jose Antonio de Anne Dabord wife o! . 5 84 1834 Rillieux, alias Rieux, Louis Simon 1834 Ricar.d. Augustin f. m. c 1834 Rubio, Judith . . 5 88 1834 Ray, John B Rogers, Doctor William 5 94 1834 Reggio, Louis Emanuel 5 ( 112 ) 1835 \ 114 Kusha, Joseph F. a minor Rigaud. Louis Pierre Rey, Gabriel INUCX. 191 1835. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Rubio, Rosette Rioux y Boulvaltre. Magdalena Reinecke, F. L. E. Fortin wife of Ramirez, Jose 5 178 1835 Robinson. Jane 5 187 1 835 Roiix, Emanuel Eleonor Coulter wife of 1835 Risk, Samuel 1835 Robouam, Francois 5 205 1835 Robeson, William Lord 1836 Roy/a/tos Le Roy, Jean Baptiste seeLeroy.... Raffo, Thomassini f. p. c. tor marriage Rey naud, L. M Richardet, Aime 1835 Rouchard, Antoine Marie Purques wife of. . . . Ro we, James S 5 250 1 835 Rousset, Etienne 1835 Rousseau, Pierre Francoise J. wife of 1835 Reinecke, John Frederick 5 240 1835 Ryon, 'lichael 1836 Raby, Paul Robbins, Luke J 5 251 1837 Riviere, Jean 1837 1836. Roden, Bridget a minor Richards, Samuel 1836 Rousseau, Marie A a minor Roup, Pierre 1836 Ramos, Agenos alias George Pantaleon, his dec'd wife Julienne Montreuil alias Jacquet 1836 Rind, Louisa Martin Ballestier 1836 Roger, Nicolas Rowe, William H Remondet. Magdeleine Clara Ray, alias Rey, James 1 836 Rondeau, Mari Louise see Bertus Ruse, Peter 1836 Rion, Henry a minor Ricker. S. Eliza wife of 1837 Reine, Marie f.w.c. alias Gilbert, see Bore Paul 1837. Rodinay, Thereze Sanschagrin widow f. w. c.. 5 419 Reents, H. J. alias Peter Miller wiflqw 1837 Riley, Michael 192 INDEX. 1837. WILLS. INV Vol. Page. Year. Risingson, Henry C. B 1837 Ramage. James 1837 Ranse, Marianne Catherine de widow of 5 434 Rouzan, Fran9ois Meffre 5 436 1837 Rowe, William H 1837 Rieffel, Auguste Cecile Bossier dec'd wife of'.. 1837 Rogers, George 5 437 Renard, J Randolph. Joel F 5 470 1837 Richard, Etienne 5 486 1837 Riley, James J839 Rousseau, Marie Adele a minor Rolland, 1837 Rozemberg, F Rivas, Louis 1837 Runey, Mary 1837 Reilly, James Reich, Isaac 1837 Rocourt, Frederick Theodore Rooney, William alias Mooney, John 1837 Rainey, David 1 838 . 1838. Reboul, H. Marie 6 11 1838 Rex ilia, Jose 6 11 1838 Rabassa, Joseph C. Rouquigtiy dec'd wife of.. 6 16 1838 Roch, Philip Rauzeau, Julien Frederick 1838 Rathburn, William 1 838 Russell, Richard 6 45 1838 Robert, Louis 1838 Robelot, Helena Daverger wife of Raynor, W. J 1839 Reynaud, L. M 1839 Ramsay, R. W 6 91 Renard, Louis Jacques 1838 Roux, Emmanuel ...6 101 1839 Robert, Marie Joseph f. w. c 6 175 1830 1839. Rouzan, Michel Meffre 1839 Robin. Helene f. w. c 6 116 1839 Rabaza, Angel a minor Ripley, Colonel E. W, .A 1839 Rivas, Susan f. w. c Ramsay, James 6 138 1839 INDEX. 193 1839. WILLS. 1NV. Vol. Page. Year, Roger, Pierre , 1^39 Rubin, A 1839 Ruiz, Juan a minor Ryan. Danie! 1839 Ricardi. Pierre Augustin 1839 R j ine, Erienne s 1840 Rogers, Doctor William Eliza Quays widow of 6 174 1840 Robert. Gcnevieve alias Aubertine Roussel, Florian Raoul, Emily R 1839 Robert, Jean Francois 1840 1840. Rose, Marie f. w. c Rocques, Jacques Emmanuel de Raymond. P. Ad el Capony f. p. c. dec'd wife of 1840 Rezeau, Eliza Jane for marriage Raphael Fran9oiseAliasBaroabe f.p.c. see Barnabe Rumich, Louis Renich. Jacob Ride, E. A. minor children of Renoy, Julien Jules 1841 Ralston, George 6 281 1840 1841. Rodriguez, Ursule Roy, Francois Riddell, John L. Mary Knock dec'd wife of. . . Rinne, alias Reine. Henry 6 303 Rousseau, Stephen 1841 Robertson, Douglass Carmelite Arambura dec'd wife of G 323 1841 Rivolet, E. a minor see papers in the estate of N. Girod Ripley, E. W. see in 1839 Roger, Paul Rechan, John 1841 Roach, Anna a minor Riorden. Patrick 1S41 Ryon, Jean Dominique 1841* Reponty, Jean Jacques Auguste and Angelique Aurore Landrou his dec'd wife 1841 Roubi, Pierre Regan, John Ramsey, Charles Robins, Kenal S 1811 25 INDEX. 1819. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Richer, Adeleide Blein widow , . . . , 6 389 Reister, Philip 1841 Risley. Richard S 6 403 1841 Rosembane. Mayer Rolland. Rosalie Baptiste Ruff, St. W 1841 Keily. Peter Mary Gibney widow o see papers of Peter Reily or Riley m 1834 Requa, William C ....6 432 1842 Renoy, F. J. Juhel for emancipation 1842. Ruosz, Michael > Rusn. Juan Lucas de la 1842 Rensselaer, see Van Rensselaer Rouzeau, Julien Frederick widow of 1842 Roberts, Eleonore Rolland, Sophie Amanda a minor Rouzan, Michel Meffre dec'd wife of sre Meffre Robert, alias Ropert, Jean Ross, Daniel alias David 1842 Robinson, Josiah Richer. Auguste 7 259 Rerny, Hubert 1843 1643. Rabouin, Pierre Louise Adelaide Reinoussin wife of 1843 Ray, Samuel 1843 Ragot. "William * Reynaud, Songy Malvina Vives dec'd wife of. 1843 Rea.PutnamP 7 442 1844 Richard, Desire Rivas y Porras, Maria Manuela de Jesus 1843 Richeux, Louis f. m. c Royere, Pierre 1843 Rappalo, Stephen... 7 326 1843 Robin, Julie a minor Roschz. Franz 1844 Rowan, John A 7 465 1843 Rodgers, Telemachus 1843 Rousseau, Maria f. w. c. alias Elsy 1844. Romero, Fernando 1844 Reynaud, Leocadie f. w. c 7 508 Richardson, Joseph M INDEX. 195 1844. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year- Rey, Andre Robitaille, Monroe 7 531 1844 Rouchard, Antoine 1844 Ryan, Patrick 1844 Ruby, A Robitaille, Monroe Mary Ann Botts widow of 8 7 1844 Rosch, Francz 1844 Rawle, Edward Appolina Saul wife of Retif, Paul Laurent 8 36 1845 Renaud, Auguste 1845. Roy, Francois Julie Catin widow of 1845 * Rocquet, Leopold Jacques Francoise Virginie Cahanin dec'd wife of ; . ; 1845 Robinson, Carey Rabassa, Joseph Antoine a minor Rind , Louisa Martin a minor Rillieux, Barthelemy HRollaud, Faustin *. Ross, John ^Rapp, Augustin a minor Rainet, Marie a minor Ramella, Nicolas 1845 Rapp, Peter, Rousseau, J. J Reeves, William Ann Leidster dec'd wife of.. Remy, Thomas f. m. c.... 8 146 1845 Rillieux, Madeleine f. w. c 8 154 1845 Roy, Robert Miguel a minor Regan, James ,_ Riviere, Francois Josephine Dapreville f. w. c. widow of. .* 8 163 1845 Rowland, John G 8 188 1*^45 ^Jlichardson, George F 1845 * Rochebrtm, Jean Baptiste . . . ; 1845 Rees, Joseph 8 104 Reynaud, Pierre Elizabeth Veline P ver dec'd wife of 1845 >Rdnce,Henry de HortenseLacoste decj'd wile of 1846 Robert.Guillaume Josephine]$rot d c'd wife of 8 213 1846 Runkel. Ida a minor Roth, Raphael Rice, George C 196 INDEX. 1846. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Rousseau, Hyacinthe f. w. c 8 262 1846 Roubet, Antoine Rouvant. Suzanne 8 298 1847 Ronquillo, Manuel Rich, Francois Louis 1846 Regis, alias Lacour, f. in. c. see Lacour 8 287 1846 1805. SHVION, William Spry 1805 S\s iney, George Marc 1806. Stelly, Francis 1 j 361 i 140 Sarpy, John B Shackler, John 1806 - Snedigor, alias Snaydiger, Cr Simon, Genevieve 1806 Shield, Robert St. Amand, Francois Daspit 1 61 1807. - Swares, Joseph 1 72 Sarpy, Delor ** Swarez, Michel 1 97 1808. Swarez, Manuel Sprowel. Robert 1 181 Saucier, Manuel C 1 194 1809. St. Maxent, Isabelle de la Roche 1 216 1806 Stagg. Thomas John 1809" Swineys, George Me Spence. Keeth 1809 Smith, Thomas 1810. Stewart, John 1810 Saussier, Felicite a minor "^ Summersett, James Smith, F. C. Thomas 1 253 1810 1811. Sigovi, Catherine Lambert widow 1 407 1811 Smith, Roger Smith, Thomas 1 253 1810 1812. Summersett, James Saury, Joseph INDEX. 197 1812. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year Sarramond, Jean 1 511 1812 Sejourne, Louis Sweeny, John 1 528 Saussier, Therville 1811 St. Amant. A. Marguerite Zeringue wife...... 1812 1813. Simpson, William 2 13 1S13 Siben, Marguerite C. Desillets 2 25 St. Amant, Michel 2 33 1813 Summersett, James Smith, Roger Smith, John A 2 08 Simon, Vitat 2 74 1813 Ser, Genevieve a minor Stackhouse, W. E 1814. Spence, Keith Segond, Pierre 1814 Similien, Paul 2 119 1814 1815. Scott, William 2 160 Sicard, Pierre 1815 Sawyer, Jacob Simon, Vital 1816 Second, Francisca Laporte widow 2 170 1815 St. Amant, Michel 2 33 Second, Pierre St. Germain, Pierre Rene Joachim de 2 187 1815 Similien, Paul Smith, Roger Steward, Marie Anne Ross widow 1815 1816. Saupin, Jean 1816 Simon, Vital Sterns, Solomon 1816 Sicard, Pierre Sanderson, Dorothy O'Brien wife of 1816 Sullivans, Timothy SH, Julie wile of Bossignol Desdum-s Leclair.. 1816 Si j guin. Pierre Marie Josephine MLhaut wife of 2 249 Songy, Joseph Vincent 1816- 1817. Segond, Marie Francoise Laporte widow Solet, Adele and Irene 198 INDEX. 1817. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year, Slater, James.* 1617 Saupin, Jean Sarramonne, Jean Sinnott, Martha a minor Serramonne, Genevieve f. p, c Seguin, Pierre 3 14 1817 Saulet, Thomas 3 15 Songy, Jos. Vincent Skinner, Richard 3 38 1817 Stannani, Henry Maximilien Stevenson, James 1817 Seguret, Louis * * 1817 Smith, James 3 65 Sullenger. O Savorine, Catharine 3 25 Seguret. Louis Sailes, Felix 3 32 1817 Skidmore. Paul 3 38 Stearns, Solomon Silvain, Anne Carriere wife 1817 1818. Stannard, H. M < Sarramon, Jean. Shipman, Eliakim 3 48 Similien, Paul Sarpy, Ann Arthemise minor 1818 Seguret, Louis. . . Snoddy, Andrew.. 3 59 Skinner, Richard Stevenson, James. Seguin, Peter . Si . . 1818 Saucier, Celeste Antoinette Sherburne, Henry Seguin, minors 1819. Slater, James Schons, Bernard 1819 Seghers, A. M. Dotrange wife of 3 132 1819 Ser, Genevieve Pr6vost * INDEX. 199 1819. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Sweetzer, Charles B 1819 Strarris, Solomon Silvain, minors Saillard. J. B Summer, Frederick H 3 127 1819 18-20. Smart, Samuel Sargeant, James 1 820 Sornpuru, Jean Baptiste 3 252 J820 Sigur, Laurent 1820 St. Amand, minors Smith. Martin St. Paul, Henry Seward, Captain Azeriah P 1820 Syme, Andrew , Scott, Joseph 1821. Sindos, Pierre 3 185 Sagot, Jean Baptiste 3 190 1821 St. Victorb, Joseph Victor Bourdier 3 197 Stiwell, Samuel Salas, Andre a minor Smith, Joseph 1821 Shanton, Thomas St. Amand, Pierre 3 219 1821 Seuzeneau, Pierre 1821 Smith, John 1822 Salvant, Pierre Placide Solomon, E Samba, H. and Desire 1822 1822. Smith, John 1822 Silvie, Simon Narcisse f. p. c. and Catherine ' praying for certain purposes Simon, Andrew Srtuvanelle, Jean Baptiste Smith, Frederick 1822 St. Mark, John 3 285 1822 Sauve, Pierre 3 290 Smith, Ebenezer Stevens, Samuel C Smith, Patrick Smith, Thomas Smith, Michael 1823 200 INDEX. 1822. WILLS. INV. Vol. Pa?c. Year. Sagory, Eugenie Tricou wife of 1623. St. Amand, Alexandre 3 .'?38 1 823 Savage. Nicolas Sucko, Ei ienne Werner de , 3 301 St. Pe, Pierre 1823 Shannon. Lindsay 1824 Sans-Kegret, Jos< pb 1823 Sabourin. Hubert 1823 Skinner. Francis 1823 St. Blancard, Louis 3 411 1823 Smith, John 3 422 1823 Schaeffer, Peter 1824 1824. Sullivan, John Sperrier. Louis , 1824 Smith, William F 1824 Snacklei'ord. Rowland 1824 Stout, Madam St. Germain, Marie Blanche Bergeron widow.. 4 8 1824 Spencer. Oliver H 4 12 Syler, Valentine 4 15 1824 Say, Sarah minor Santos, Manuel 4 17 Sevaux, Robert 1824 Still, George N 4 31 Soubercaze, Henry 1824 Smith, widow , Skene, John 4 45 1824 1825. Simon, Charlotte 4 52 Sterretl, James 4 ( 63 ) 1826 i 62 j Stubbs St. Mark, Jean Jacques Desiree Sexton, John , . 1825 Small, Henry 1825 Saboureau, Eicon ore Doucet wife of 1825 Salle, Pauline a minor Smith, David 1825 Smith. James 1825 Sanderson, William P 1826 Saraza, Louis 4 84 INDEX. 201 1826. WILLS. iNV. . Vol. Page. Year. Saul; Appolina and Amelia minors St. Colombe, Louis Tournade Salles, Jean Baptiste minor Soulie, Joseph Shade, Peter 1826 Scanlan. Christopher St. Pe, Hortense Verloin Degruy widow 1827 Shoultz, Irma minor Salvador, Felix 4 122 1826 Salvant, Pierre see 1821 1827. Shields, Andrew Simon, Adelaide Sacriste, Jean 4 147 1827 Scroggy, Thomas 1827 Sobiesky , Thadeus Stringer, Mary M 1827 Sablon, Jean % 1828 1828. Sollet, Louis Justin Skiles, Maria a minor St. Colombe, Lois Tournade Sugrue, Denis a minor Sainet, Jean Baptiste 4 189 Stern, Emanuel Smith, L. Elie Smith, Luther St. Amand, Onesime 1828 St. Paul, Adolphe de St. Amand, Ursin. 1828 Scott, William C 4 199 1828 St. Amand, Fran9oise Zeringue widow 1828 Simpson, Avis Sherwood, Orisson Smith, Doctor David S 1828 1829. Shade, Philip Swoprize, f. m. c Shulinbourg, William a minor Simeon, Ellenor M. a minor Siddel, Jane H. a minor Stayton, Leonin 1829 Seguin, Andrew 1829 Smith, Thomas A 1829 26 202 INDEX. 1829. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Saul, William McFarland 1829 San Roman, Luis de 1 829 Smith, John W 4 261 1829 See, Nicolas 1 830 Story, Boswell Smith, Burridge Sainet, Marguerite 4 263 1829 Sompeyrac, Alexandre 1 829 Sedella, Father Antonio de 4 214 1829 1830. See, Richama a minor Sanderson, Robert T. a minor Sanudo. Antonio 1830 Spier, Catherine a minor Sarpy, Elizabeth 4 282 1830 Shucker, Josephine Appoline a minor Scott, Walter 4 290 1830 Snowden, William 1830 Scully, Stephen 1830 Seranon, Jean Baptiste Funel de Smith, John C 4 298 1831 1831. Skaates, Bartholomew a minor Stone, Hannibal Sacerdotte, minors Ser, Genevieve 1831 ShufT, Jacob Sylva, Antonio 4 319 1831 Smith, Margaret \ Sylva, Antonio Ignace 4 334 1831 Smith, Charles Sanchez, Joseph Graviela Rodriguez widow of 4 551 1832 Smith, Nathaniel 1831 1832. Sundav, Francis 1833 Sterling Philip 4 ( 479 ) 1832 I 345 J Smith, Jonathan S 1832 Shrewsbury, Francis Smelzer, M. S. Jane Bell wife of 1832 Stickney, Moses P Siebold, Caroline a min or Samperio, Jose Martinez 4 368 1833 S wanson, Banie INDEX. 208 1832. WILLS. INV Vol. Page. Year. Stone, D. IP ! 832 Snow, John W 1832 Soulas. Jean Pierre 1832 Sarralles, alias Serreyes, Antonio 1832 Smith, Sidney Seignouret, Hypolite 1832 Sutler, Samuel Schrager, Jacob and his wife Eliz. Banks 4 413 1832 1833. Shields, Thomas Saulet, Antoine Lindor 1833 Stewart, Doctor W. W Safford, Nathan St. Victorbe, Victoire A dele f. \v. c 1833 Saboureau, Eleonore Salter, Richard Deborah wife of 1833 Safford, Nathaniel Sabatier, Joseph Simon, Marie Louise 1833 Shaesgreen, Benjamin Sharp, John Louise Genois wife of 1833 Stackhouse, Thomas 4 452 1833 Sanderson, Marguerite 1833 Sunto, Thaddeus 1833 Sagary, Thereze f. w. c Sel, Francois Marguerite R. Desdunes wife of 1833 Spotts, Samuel Samba, Francois f.m.c. for proces verbal of sale s-e Inventory of 1838 Sauve, Jean f. m. c Saulet, Thomas Marie Thereze Perry widow of 1833 Sevey, William 1833 Sawyer, Robert 1833 Stroat, Moses Smith, Peter f. m. c 1833 Sellier, Pierre Scribner, Philip 4 484 1833 Stebbins, William Serra, Angelo 4 490 Shanks Robert 1834 Shermon, Robert Saulet, Zenon f, m. c 5 G 1834 St. Amand, Voltaire Joseph f. m. c. alias Joseph Soupir, Francois 204 INDEX. 1833. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Smith, Thomas H 1834 Sarpy, Jean Baptiste Marie Carmelite Mendez wife of 1834 St.Vilme,Dailleboust de MagdeleineDesnoyelles widow of 1833 1834. Smith, Normand Junior 5 23 St. Amand, Adele Joly wile of 1834 Serre, f. w. c 1834 Steitet, Louisa a minor Salkeld, George 1834 Smith, Palmer 1834 Struve, Wilken 1834 Simon, Constance f. w. c 1835 Sacerdotte, Salomon 1834 Smith, Ann D. a minor Soubiran, Victor Slocumb, Samuel B 5 103 1834 Schlesinger, Henry Soubercaze, Pierre 1834 Sawey, John 1834 Summer, Charles B 5 140 1835 1835. Stroud, Thomas , 1835 Sagalas, Pablo 5 153 1835 Schaffner, Mary a minor Saint Agnant, Louise , 5 171 1835 Sweet, Albert alias Charles 1835 Sabatier, Pierre f. m. c 1835 Smith, Alexander H 1836 Sybold, Rodolphe 1835 Sterrett, James Charlotte widow of 5 224 Soleliac, Toussaint Soubie, Euphrasie f. w. c 1835 Sto6l, John Christopher 1835 Sabouro, Jean Baptiste Simon, Louise a minor f. p. c 1835 Schaumbourg, Bartholomew 5 253 1 836 Striker, Richard A 5 254 1836 St. Cyr, Arsene St. Laurent, Jean Marie Agnes Latoison widow of see Laurent 1836, Sardiner, Manuel 1836 INDEX. 205 1836. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Sacer, William Shaw, Mary Catherine a minor St. Cyr, George Eulalie Gregoire wife of 1836 Silly, Jean and his wife Jane Harchler Strachan, Marie Josefa Dumuy widow of Schomberg, Simeon 1836 Savage, Thomas 1836 Shreiner, Frederick Steever, G.G. Maria RebeccaWest minor wife of Suarez, Anthony A 5 ( 365 ) 1837 j 366 j Schmidt, Gustavus Melanie Seghers wife of. . . 1836 Sel, Francois 1836 Scott, Ann a minor Sloane, Alexander 5 403 1837 1837. Sylva, Jean Baptiste 1837 Shirman, Mary Ann a minor Stewart, Charles Scurlock, T. M Scanlan, James 1 337 Sluyter, Mary 5 495 1837 Shannon, Samuel 5 473 1837 Sel, Emilie 5 489 Staonder, George Shepherd, James H 5 497 1837 Soye, Eugenie a minor Silverstine, Conrad Siebern, D. W 1837 Stark, F Smith, John F 1^37 Stinson, Eady 1837 Swasey, Henry L 1837 Simbuand, John alias Steward Scranton, Bexiah Smith, John Stafford, W.G Sermin, Henry 1837 Schmeltzer, Benjamin 1 337 Stone, Joseph AVatson Stack, Michael 1837 Smith, Daniel 5 531 1838 Shields, Elihu 5 532 1837 Semel, and others see Daniel, and others 1837 206 INDEX. 1837. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Sommerville, Maxwell 6 1 1837 Sewell, Agnes a minor 1838. Seghers, Adolphe 1838 Steere, Alpheus 1838 Santos, Christoval Antonio de los 6 23 1838 Scott, Jane a minor Smith, alias Smyth, Owen 1838 Smith, Hezekiah 1838 Seischnayder, Laurent 1 838 Sharp, Nicholas 6 79 1838 Sabatier. Fransoise widow Cheval alias Godigue see Cheval 1838 Soubie. alias Toralle Balthazard f. p. c 1838 Sheldon, Thomas 1838 Stanislas, Marie Francoise Laurel f. w. c 6 67 1838 St. Aubin, A Snaer, Marie Rochefort dec'd wife of 1841 Senac, Doctor Dazet 6 88 1842 Simberana, see Thomas Brown 1 839 Salvant, Pierre 1839. Salvant, Pierre Placide 6 105 1839 Schoninger, Eleonore Barbe Bocour dec'd wife of 1 839 Sanitte, f.w.c. alias Charlotte Fieffe see Fieffe. . 6 107 1839 Schomberg, Philogene Simon 1841 Symington, James 1839 Sheridan, John 1839 Spofford, Moody 1839 Smiadas, John 1839 S dffington, John and Owen minors Siebrecht, Philip 6 154 1840 Sully. Helene Florida a minor Seveignes, Jacques 1 839 Sibord, Jean see Blousson, Augustin Springbelt, Enoch H 6 166 Shrieber, Louis and wife Fran9oise Stablier, Louis and his dec'd wife Boulanger.. Servant, see Grangeac 1840. St. Amant, Bridget Carmouche widow of 1840 Snelin, Julia Ann a minor St. Clair, Amos 1840 Schelfer. Marie Franchise Odile for marriage . . INDEX. 207 1840. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Spearing, Henry 6 247 1840 Segaux. Auguste 1840 Shane, Benjamin Jones Saindos, Victoire f. w. c 6 252 1840 Stinson, William 1840 Salomon, Emilie Maline St. Albain, Henry 1 340 1841. Siebrook, Mary Seary, Thomas Sore,F Sloane, Anthony Jane dec'd wife oi 6 318 1843 Smith, Emma a minor Smith, Isaac Herron 6 298 Soude, Pierre f. m. c 1841 Saucier, Louis 1841 Strong, Jessee 6 311 1841 Sampson, Etienne 1841 Seraphine, alias Seraphine, Charles see Charles f. p. c Soulies, Gaspard 1841 Seixas, Charles L 1841 Stone. Eli St. Clair, James Schoendoerffer, W. C Sharrock, James 6 425 Slaughter, Robert Sherburne Henry Augustus 1842 St. Amand, Louis 1841 1842. Schoendoerffer, W. C Segond. Theodore 1842 Smith, Boyd 1842 Scott. James f. m, c. Elsy Guillaume widow of 7 46 1842 Sainet, Emile alias Jean Francois 7 53 1842 Samuelsoq,, Maria Staes, Charles M 7 72 1842 Sloane, Peter L 7 81 1842 Simon, Guillaume 7 85 1842 Sanchez, a minor see Wiltz Scott, Josephine a minor f. p. c Stefanopoli, John 1842 Sterrett, James Ralph 7 127 1842 Stare, George ;..... 208 INDEX. 1842. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year Saunier, Eugene Schwab, Frederick 1842 Schedlitz, Catharine a minor Sere, Louis Jean Marie Joseph Emmanuel .... 7 162 1842 1843. Sauvinet, Joseph 7 ( 401 ) 1843 J405 ! Sablica, Andre Sarrazin, Leonard Saunier, Eugene Sejour, R. L. f.p.c. Williamine Fransoise White wife of 1843 Shall, George 1843 Shelin, Charles Smith, James a minor 1843 Simon, Nahom 1844 Spiner, Mary Ann Stewart, Kenneth Story, Benjamin Anne E, Clement wife of 7 450 1844 St. Homes, J. C. de 1843 St. Laurent, see Boyer St. Martin, Marie Jeanne f. w. c 7 433 1843 Surloppe, 1844. Sloane, Anthony 7 463 Suffert, Hiram 7 472 1844 Shepard, Richard M 1844 Shepard, \V illiam Smith, Henry T 7 506 1844 Soniat, Gustave Arthemise Avart dec'd wife of. Saulay, Hermance f.w.c. alias Helene Hermance Fernandez 1844 Schockler, Rosina a minor Saudinos Sigur, Justine f. w. c Shields, Margaret a minor Simon, Jacques Swainson, John 7 538 1844 Scott, Eliza D. a minor Slater, Douglass 1844 Simpson, Angus Sentmanat, General Francisco 7 542 Sanchez, Emma a minor 1844 Salomon, A. Rebecca Myers dec'd wife of. ... INDEX. 209 1844. WILLS. 1NV. Vol. Pagt. Year. Safford, William Sibourd, Louis S (11) 1845 I 89 Spencer, Thomas Staff, and wife Scoville, S. L. Sally Caldwell wife of 1844 Shepard, William Sambola, Francisco D. Aramburu dec'd wife of Savalsa, Francisco Schulenberg, J. F 1845. Saucier, Descoteaux Severin Eulalie Galabert dec'd wife of 1845 Smith. James Silva, Franchise 1S45 Stewart, Ann a minor Smith, Maria a minor Schubart, William 1845 Smith, John and Mary 1845 Scmidt. Charles Henry 8 1 47 Surhr, Christopher Stillson, Mary a minor Scoville, Southmayd 8 103 1845 Stilling, Claus Sittel, Henry 1845 1846. Soree, Rose alias Rosalie Delille f. w. c 1846 Smith, John 8 207 1846 Stewart, Isaac 1846 Stone, William Elizabeth Wall dec'd wife of . 1846 Savoy .Hypolite f.p.c. Franc,oiseBarnab6 widow of Sentell, R. P 1846 Schwartz, Alexander Sourd, A. T. P 8 271 1847 Shemwell, Mary Ann a miuor Siegriest, Johannes 8 289 1846 Schol, Nicolas 8 301 1846 1805. TIPPINGS, Ebenezer 1805 Tourangin, Magdeleine 1 22 1806 1807. Troxcler, Charlotte , 1 152 1807 Toledano, Manuel 1 79 1807 Thiery.JohnB 1 171 1807 27 .210 INDEX. 1808. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page- Year. Thomas, Victoire (veuve Calandreau) 1 154 1808 Thomas, Richard 1808 Trudeau, Jean Louis 1808 Tisserand, Jacques 1 176 1808 1809. Tironneau, Rose 1 230 Thomson, David 1809 Trevilla, Francisco 1 809 Thomas, Richard 1808 1810. Thiphaine, Nicolas 1 298 Thibaut. John Louis and Magloire 1810 Trepagnier, minors 1811. Tagiasco, Sebastien 1 328 1811 Thomas, Antoine 1811 Trigg, John W 1811 Toutant, Louise 1 412 1811 Tabuteaa, Marie Elizabeth Teste, Antoine 1 415 1811 Trudeau, Jean Louis Trigg, John W 1812. Tassaert, Marie Claire Armet widow 1 446 1812 Thruston, C. M 1 4",0 1812 Treats, J. B 1812 Tagiasco, Sebastien 1 328 Toutant, Louise 1 412 Turn bull, John Torel,Sebastien 1812 Tomique, Michel 1812 Thorworth, John 1812 Taquin, Antoine 1812 Thorn, William S 1812 1313. Taquin, Antoine Torres, Joseph de 2 57 1813 Turcotti. Joseph 2 59 Tesser, Marie Thereze Durieu widow 2 77 Trouard, Alexandre 2 82 1814. Trepagnier. minors Troisville. Eulalie minor Toka, minors Thomas, Nannette 2 07 1814 INDEX. 211 1814. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Tagiasco, Sebastien Tagiasco, Jean minor Tabarie, Guillaume 1815 1815. Thierry, Jean Baptiste 2 202 1815 Tainturier, Adelaide Victor Tauzin wife of. ... 1815 Thor worth, John Thierry, Jean Baptiste f. m. c Toledano, minors Turcotti, minor 1816. Tarrent, Caster Turner, minors Tabarie, Guillaume Turner, William B Toutant, minors 1817. Tabarie, Guillaume Thierry, Uranie V. minor Tagiasco, Sebastien .... Toutant, Louise f. w. c 1817 Tarrent, Caster Tessier, Auguste 3 25 1817 Tagand, Gabriel 3 32 1817 Themeze, Honore 1817 1818. Turner, W. B x Talman, William Turcotty, minors Turner, minors Toutan, minors Trudeau, Jeanne Felicite Villars widow 1818 Terzi, Francis Antonio 3 68 1818 1819. Trudoau, Jeanne Felicite Villars widow Turner, William B Talman, William Touranna. Jean Eugene Dorode de Tamisier, Henry 3 98 1819 Turner, Gould and George Hawkshurst 1819 1820. Touchet, Thomas, 4 135 1820 Tinker, Sally. Terry, Champness 1 820 212 INDEX. 1820. WILLS. INT. Vol. Page. Year. Tomkins, Joseph Turcas, Jacques Philippe 1 820 Tourteleau, Rose f. w. c 1821. Traul, Charles Virginie Dorfeuille wife of. ... Tholozan. Victor 3 203 1821 Thomas, Rev. Father Claude 3 203 1 821 Taraar, Francoise 3 215 1821 1822. Turkington, James Tooley, Suzan Thibaud, Jean Baptiste 3 299 1822 Thibaud, Marie Louise minor Thomson, Rachel 1822 1823. Tourteleau, Rose f. w. c Tastel, Jeanne 3 359 1823 Townsend, Daniel 3 363 1823 Talhand, Jean Clair 3 380 Toregano, Pedro 3 418 1823 Terrien, Rene 3 422 Tio. Marcos 3 423 Teetzman, G. H Theodore, P. Auguste Thibault, Jean Baptiste Marie Antoinette Cha- restede Lauzon widow of 3 354 1824 1824. Toutan. Louise f. w. c 1833 Thomas, "W. Richard Taylor, Nathaniel 1824 Toncray, Doctor James 1824 Titus, Catherine Voisin wife of 1824 Thiers, Louis Dieudonne de 1824 Tanesse, Jacques 4 46 1825 Trudeau, Charles Laveau Charlotte Perrault wife of 4 49 1825. Turner, minors Tresorine, f. m. c Tarbe, Antoine Taft,W. P 4 69 1825 Tallman, William F Thomas, James 1825 1826 Touyard, Theotis Vieillard widow 4 83 INDEX. 2l3 1826. WILLS. Vol. Thomas, Rosalie f. w. c 4 Townsley, Gertrude Eslava wife of. . Tracy, William L 4 Tonnelier, Nicolas 4 Tainturier, Adelaide Victoire Tauzin wife of. .. Tixerant, Anne Guinault widow 4 Terrasson, Pierre To wnes, Daniel C 1827. Theresfort, J. C. Lacroix a minor Thomas, James 95 99 109 INV. Year. 1826 1826 1826 1827 1826 1828. Treme, Claude 4 17?. 1828 Trevino, Joseph 4 204 1828 Trabuc, Joseph Vincent Boniface 1829 Thomas, Timothy W 4 201 1828 Tarrascon, Adelaide f. w. c 4 208 1829 1829. Taylor, William 1829 Thomson, Mary a minor Toc*a, Louise a minor Trabuc, Michel 4 ' 238 1829 Taylor, Ann a minor 1 829 Thompson, Seneca Townsley. Thomas F 4 252 1829 Tucker, Benjamin 1829 Toby, Salathiel Tervalon, see Couvreur Trachuelo, Jose Maria 1829 1830. Teetzman. G. H 1830 Trudeau, Alexis Tarrant, Larkin M 4 280 Texier, Dupaty 1830 1831. Tixerant, Fransois Dablon Anne Guinault widow of Tastet, Eugene Pierre Teran, Antonio de Thuet, Marie Elizabeth f. w. c 4 323 1831 Tarut, Charles 1831 Torre, Manuel de la 1 832 1832. Thomas, Joseph 4 358 1832 214 INDEX. 1832. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Thezan, Adelaide f. w. c 1 832 Thezan, Etienne Philippe Thomassin, Louis f. m. c 4 366 1832 Thompson, Andrew Turk, A Trudeau. S Thezan, Philippe 4 397 1833 Temper, Christian 1832 Townsend, Thomas 1833 Townsend, Robert 4 403 1833 Townsend, Clement 5 182 1834 Thomson, Augustus Taylor, Evans Shelby 1 833 Tagiasco, Felicite f. w. c 1833 Thomas, Fanchine f. w. c. see Cottel 4 406 1832 1833. Tregre, Jean Baptiste 1833 Taylor, Archibald R 4 428 1833 Thomas, Candjo Pierre f. m. c Theodore, Manette, f. w. c Touy ard, Antonio 4 83 Torres, Lottis A 1833 Tainturier, Louis A 1833 Trudeau, Jean Louis 1833 Tocay, Juliah 1833 Tourny, Etienne 1833 Tournade, Jean Jacques Thomassin, Baptiste Thiac, Jean aine 1834 Toledano, Jerome H. Drouet wife of 1833 Touzet, J Truyet, Joseph 1833 Train, Oliver 1833 Tinkle, George Tolon, Joseph A Tesseran, Louis Madeleine Warker dec'd wife of Tala, Felix 1834 Taylor, Ezra M 1833 Toutant, Frangoise 1833 Tricou, J oseph Adolphe Thomassin, Baptiste the grandfather 1833 1834. Tillinghast, John Charles 1834 Tagiasco, Jean f. m. c Tricou, Joseph , 1 834 INDEX. 215 1834. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Thomas, Pierre alias C. Thomas 1834 Trappin, Joseph John 5 43 1834 Tambourin, alias Biscotiti, Thomas 5 44 1834 Toole, Catherine a minor Taylor, Guillaume (a City Guard) Tourso, Jean Torrecillas, Andres Tardy, Henry 1834 Taylor, John 1835 1835. Taxonar, Joachim 1835 Thomassin, Jean Baptiste Charlotte Raphael f. w. c. widow of 5 186 1835 Tourtarel, Jean Baptiste Tourtarel. Guillaume Helen Meilleur widow of 1835 Tronson, Nicholas Huart 1835 Toilier. Antoine Tastet, Eugene Pierre Thomassin, Jean Baptiste the father , Thomassin, the son / Thomassin, Senior Jean Baptiste Charlotte l Dede wife of ' 1 835 Thorn, Joseph W 1835 Theard, Rene Nicholas, 1836 Tucker, Jacob 2 245 1836, Terrien, Rene Marguerite Pauline Labady wife of 5 299 1836 Thiot, Zelie f. w. c 1836 Thezan, Rose Virginia f. w. c 5 300 1836 Taylor, Mary 1836 Traille, Julien Caubette f. m. c 5 351 1836 Thomson, John P Taubin, John B. A 1836 Tricot, Joseph 5 386 183(5 Thomas, Grace Trisius, H. E. F 1837 Taylor, Maria F 1 837 1837. Tournade, Jaques C, M Marie Amelia Aurial dec' wife of 1837 Tio, Victoire Marcos f. w. c 5 478 1837 Toulouse, Francois 5 483 1837 Trotreau, Julien 1 843 Thibaud, Pierre 5 514 1837 216 INDEX. 1837. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Thomas, David 1837 Tirriere, Renny Tritz, Nicholas Turner, Sumpter Rachel Dalton dec' wife of. . 1837 Tulane, Victor 1838 1838. Thiberge, Narcisse 1838 Thibaut, Adele Dubourg dec' wife of 1838 Thomas, Adelaide Duncan dec' wife of 1838 Ternant, Constance Lacour dec' widow of. ... 1838 Tobin, Nicholas C 1838 Tole, in the matter of the minor Francis Tacon, Don Francisco 6 54 1838 Tala, Jean Charlotte Lessassier widow of .... 1839 Tchirren, Samuel 1838 Torres, Christoval 1838 1839. Treat, Stepeen Tilghman, Hardin L 1839 Trolliers Rosa Halphen his wife Taylor, Edward H 1839 Tachere, Thomas alias Brown, see Brown Thos. Tyler, Rufus 6 158 1840. Tyler, George f. m. c 1840 Tonny, Garrett 1840 Tripcovich, G Terrien, Marguerite Hortense f. p. c Techene, Jean Thiessen, Henry 1840 Tibbitts, William Thiot, Jean Baptiste 6 261 1840 1841. Tabony, Joseph 6 291 1841 Temperance, John 1841 Tinsley, Agnes 1841 Trigant, de Beaumont see Beaumont Turgeau, Louis Laroque 1841 Tienken, Otter 1841 Throckmorton, William E 6 347 Trustin, Patrick Tedley, John Tenney, B. G Thorp, Otto alias Corp 1841 Taylor, Philip 1841 INDEX. 217 1841. WILLS. 1NV. v Vol. Page. Year. Tolbert, George 1842 1842. Taylor, Meadows 6 485 1842 Thomas9' Vialet, Emmanuel 1 829 1830. Vu'Mry, Charles Jean Baptiste 4 266 Vesser, T. D 1830 Verret, Cesaire Dreux wife of Villere, Etienne f. m. c. Reine Borne widow of 1830 1831. Viand, Pierre Valdrz, Jose de Peon y 4 302 1831 Villiers, Charles Chevalier Coulon de Villiers, Charles Jumonville de 4 306 1831 Villouet, Pierre 4 314 1831 Vienne, Julien widow 1832 1832. Vance, J. Mary B. Williams wife of 1832 Vaugeois, Jean 4 344 1832 Verneuil. P. B 1832 Valctle, Sr, George de la 4 407 1832 Vaugeois, Alphonse 18J2 Vrigneaud, Melite Fossier 1833. Vinot, Jean Mane 1833 Valle, Auguste Verbois, Dominique de 1833 Verret, Joseph Vallet, Amand Constant Clarisse Henriette Benard wife of 1833 Vandegriff, William 1833 Victor, F. f.m.c. Marie Louise Tagiasco wife of 4 450 1833 222 INDEX. 1833. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Virginie, minor f. p. c . . . . 1 833 Vion, Michel M. E. D. de St. Homes widow of 4 457 Vivien, Louis Agnes Gressinger wife of 1833 Vignaud, Edward Van Praigg, J. S 1833 Vail, Elizabeth 5 1 Voisin, Pierre Celeste Lessassier widow of .... 1833 Vienne, Jacques 5 10 1834. Venet, Sylvestre 5 19 1834 Vrignaud, Joseph Vanel, Joseph Francois Villere, Delphin 1835. Vignaud, Luke wife of ^ Valiere, L. Dorothee Populus widow of Pierre, wife of, f. p. c 1835 Vidall, Francis a minor Victor, Zenon f. m. c 5 261 1836 1836. Vincent, Pierre f. m, c 5 287 1836 Vallesta, Francisco see Ballesta Vreeland, Julia Ann a minor 1836 1837. Vienne, Jacques Marguerite Alpuente widow of Vaughn, John 1837 Vairin, Julius 5 498 1837 1838. Veillon, Edouard dec'd wife of 1842 Vance, Gilbert 6 20 1838 Vasques, Nicolas 1838 Vrigneau, Joseph Magdeleine Bruno widow of Volet, Toussaint Magdeleine Cornet deceased wife of 1838 Volet, Toussaint 1838 Vigneau, Luke 6 69 1838 1839. Vincent, Casimir 1 839 Voisin, f. m. c. see Jannot, f. m. c. in 1837 .... 6 125 Valentin, Louis Arthur f. m. c 1 839 Viala, Francisco Victoire Danos wife of . . . , . 1839 Veillon, Auguste Vinette, Jean INDEX. 223 1840, WILLS. INV Vol. Page. Year. Veider, D. H * Vairin, Justus Sarah Wright dec'd wife of. ... 1840 Vaudricourt, A. R. D, Marie Eugenie Jean Jean dec'd wife of 1841. Vignaud, Manon 6 288 Veillon, Edouard Melasie Bertrand deceased wife of 1842 Voisin, Guillaume 1841 1842. Van Rensellaer, Archibald & ... 7 37 Vassal, Marie Ignace f. w. c Valanson, Joseph.. 1842 1843. Vaudry, Norbert 1 843 Veque, Charlemagne 1843 Veil, Louis Verret, Rosalie ' 7 446 1S44 Ville, Jos. A. Bazille 1843 Vidichi, alias Vidici, Jean 7 420 1843 Vignaud, Valsin 7 426 1843 1844. Voisin, J. B. T. f. m. c 1844 Vermeersch, Louis 1844 Vigneaud, Alexandre 1844 1845. Vassant, Jean 8 50 1845 Vernier, Philippe A. F. Duperron widow of. . . 8 58 1845 Voorhies, Marcus 1846 Vielfaure, Pierre Vezian 8 135 1845 Vogt, Marie Clemence a minor Villalobos, Antonio Argote 1 845 1846. Van Olstein, Ann Augusta a minor Vidal, Pierre Jean Baptiste 1846 Vasnier, Jean Baptiste Vesques, Joseph 1846 1806. WALSH, Patrick 1806 1807. Wilkinson, Samuel 1807 1808. Williams, William 1 193 224 INDEX. 1809. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Wood. John F Wood, Louisa minor ] 809 Wells, Francis 1809 Workes, or Voorhies, Julius 1 809 1810. Wood, Louisa minor 1811. Walker, John 1811 Wipple, Stephen 1 371 1811 Wiltz. Joseph 1811 Wood, John 1 484 Walraven, William 1 443 1812 1812. Whife, Francis 1 438 W<>od. Louisa a minor Wild. Robert Walking. John 1 510 1812 White, Ann a minor. 1 510 Waits, George B 1812 1813. Walsh, Francoise Marguerite Cecilia a minor.. Walker, Francoise 2 31 1813 Walraven, William Wiltz, minors 1813 Winter, Samuel 2 78 1814. Wallace, John D. and others Walker, Francoise 1815. Williams, Jeremiah Winn, Ham 2 177 1815 Webster, Nathaniel 2 205 1815 Wiltz, Laurent Waquet, minors Wiley, James 1816 1816. Waits, J. B Winn, Ham Wiley, James 1817. Wiltz, Jean Baptiste 3 5 1817 White, William 3 20 1817 Wyatt, John Wolstoncraft, Charles 3 23 1818 INDEX. 225 1817. WILLS. 1NV. Vol. Page. Year, Wain wright. John Walker, Fran^oise Wellem, Jean Baptiste 181? 1818. Winn, Mentor F 1818 Wainwright, John Willz, Ursin and Eraile minors Webster, Nathaniel Wiltz, Eugenie Welman, Catharine Jane Wilcock, Titus 1818 Wurthembacker, George '. . . 1818 1819. Wiltz, Ursin a minor Whiting, Thomas 3 112 1819 Wolston craft, Charles Webster, Nathaniel Wiltz, Eugenie White, William Waters, Joseph 1819 Wright, John 3 72 1820. Wyer, Nathaniel 3 133 Wray, James 3 254 1820 Wilson, John R 1820 Wool, Josephine A Hard wife of Williams, Alfred Winston, W. O 1821 Wood, Pierce Whitehead, H. a minor 1821. Williamson, Sarah a minor 1821 Wilson, Fisher l2j 1822. Wiltz, Franchise f. w. c 3 263 Wynne, Edward White, John 3 287 1822 Wainwright, John 1 822 Warner. William W Wood, Samuel H 1822 Winter, Joseph S 3 331 J823 1823. White, Maunsel Celeste Delaronde wife of. .. 1823 Waters, William 3 353 29 326 INDEX. 1823. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. "Williams, Thomas King Wal>h, Kdwnrd 1823 Witherby, Simon P 1823 24. White, Philip 4 23 1824 Wilkinson, 1 Jortor W. B 1824 Wolstoncrof't, M ijor Winny, 1824 J825. Walsh, Anthony P 4 58 Wiltz, Jean Baptiste 1825 Wilson, Madam 1826. Warshaw. C. T. E 4 97 Wilson, William Wale, Patrick 4 103 1826 Wilkinson. General James 1827 Williams, Joseph Steelman 4 121 1827. Winters, Josiah and S. P 1827 1828. Wescombe, John and James West, Charles minor ci.ildren of White, Louison f. w. c Wedlee, Ann minor Wallace, Andrew Witherby, Simon Williams, Daniel Wilson, Thompson 4 196 1828 Williams, D. H 1829. Wagner, Elizabeth a minor Wiltz, Ursin a minor Wood, Regina a minor Wilcox.son, George Withers, William C 4 25.3 1829 Ware, Milton 1830 1830. Woolfolk, Joseph B 183 Williams, Walter 4 273 J630 Ward, \Yilliarn Wynne, Henry Wallace. Joseph INDEX. 227 J83J. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year . Walker, John 1831 Wells. W. Mary C tughey wife, of 1831 Winckle, James Woolff, Catherine 1S31 1832. Washington, Emily f. \v. c 1 832 Watts, EJ ward 4 359 1834 Wallace, fcnizan Whiltimore, E. Letifia R. Spiller wife of . . .. 1841 Winkle, Peter Martin Wilkinson. James , 1832 Wright, David 1832 Whiring, Daniel 4 1832 Workman, James 4 384 1833 Wjllaford. Mary Ann a minor Wyes, Chester Witherow, James 1832 Willman. J. B 1832 Witte, Christian Frederick 4 409 1833 Waitte, Christian Frederick 4 409 1833 Wallace, Josiah Warren. John C 1833. Walhbeck. Clause Winter. Felicie Wist, Eleonor a minor Wallace, John C 1833 Whitworth. James 1833 West, Ann Graham Whi-eler, Thomas L 1833 Willard, Thomas P 1833 Wilson. E:l ward ; 1833 Wood, Ellen Wiltz, Hon >re f. rn. c Wheaton, David Warker. Magdeleine Marie .................. 1384. Whit ehead, Charlotte 1834 White, Thornly L Welch. Dernmiiig M 1834 Wartelle. Felix 5 87 1834 Woodhury, Edward 5 99 Wescott. feilas 1834 Wiltz, Jean Baptiste Marie Etnilie Nicolas widowof 5 118 1835 228 INDEX. 1834. WILLS. INV. Vol. Pagp. Year. Walton, John S. Cythia Anne wife of Walsh, Richard 1835 Wiltz, Victoire see Magdeleine Marcos Wood, James 5 20 1834 Watts, Henriette R 1834 1835. Wolf, Israel 1835 Wilbor, George 5 243 1835 Woods, George f. m. c 1 835 1836. Werner, Edmond 1836 Wright, James Marguerite Kenney wife of. ... Williams. Mary a minor Whitted, Mary Francisca a minor 1836 Winns, Caroline a minor Wiltz, Magdeleine f. w. c. wife of Blaise, Jean t Baptiste f. m. c Wiltz, Marie Zaire f. w. c Wiltz, Marie Phrosine f. w. c. alias Marie Poly- dore Livaudais Warbeck, Isaac 1836 West, Mary Rebecca a minor Webb, William Walsh, alias Welsh, John 1836 Williams, George White, Charles f. m. c Wright, William Walter and his wife Elizal j 383 \ McKee 5 (402 j ^1837 Wright, Ann a minor Williams, John a minor Woolfolk, Samuel Martin 5 392 1837 1837. Wogan, John 1837 Wurtembaecker, Adam Wolf, Mary D. a minor Wiltz, Valery Wickes, Jacob C 1837 Woolfolk, Louisa 5 481 West, Ann E 1837 Wiel, Michael 1837 Wickstorn. Martin Wood, John 1837 Watkins, William E 1 837 Wibelelz, Augnste INDEX. 229 1837. WILLS. INV Vol. Page. Year. Watson, Charles 1837 Wilson, James C 6 8 1838 1838. Whitney, W. W 1838 Wilson, Robert 1838 Widen, Daniel 1838 Wilmong, Klos and 4 others . . . 1838 Wiltz, Victor Jeanne Suzette Hugot wife of.. 1838 Warner, Henry 1838 Wilier, J. J..T 1838 Wright, Elizabeth or Lewis f. p. c 1838 Wilson, Richard Wallace, Rebecca Maria .' 1 838 1839. Ward, Bernard Marguerite Duncan deceased wife of 1839 Weisart, George 1839 Wall, Christina a minor Woodward, Ellen * 1839 Wanger, alias Wagner Weston, Isaac M 6 142 Wheelan, Patrick Werner, Charles Antoine Louis 6 Weinheimer, Peter Wandclin, Isidore Woolsey, Henry H 6 160 1839 1840. White, Joseph M 6 186 1843 Winwright, W. P 6 188 Willis, Jesse H. Anne Winchester deceased wife of 6 210 Wikoff, William and Suzan W. Wikoff 1840 Welman, Catherine Jane Weatherby, A. H 1840 Wale, Ulick ...6 229 1840 Wirth, Eliza for marriage Walter, John f. m. c 1841 1841. William, Jacob Williams, John O 184J Wortman, William B 1841 Wright, Robert A White, George W Weingartner, Jacob A. M. Dietrich wife of. . . White, Louisa a minor 230 INDEX. 1841. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Wright, Samuel ] 841 Wolff, Toby 1841 Weiss, Adam Weiss, John Philip L. B. Mirner o i< Gem-ick. .. Weaver, Jane Wilkin, Daniel Wood, James Wood, Thomas Witt, John Witt, T Williams, John 1843 1842. White, in the matter of the minor Mary Wedderhurn Alexander 1542 Williams, Thomas Jeanriet Stevenson dec'd wife of 6 452 1842 Webb, in the matter of the minor Wiltz. Jean Baptiste 1P42 Worthington, William JVf 7 91 1842 Walter, Philip.... Wiltz. minors Wood, Larkin F . . .. 1842 Wiggam, 1843. Waggaman. George A Wallace, John . 1843 Webster, Benjamin ] 843 Wellington. Eldridge Gerry. 1843 Winston, M. L. a minor Wolf. John Louisa Steitel dec'd wife of 1843 1844. White, James Wade, Williams > Wiggin, Jeremiah T 7 511 1845 Werre, Frederick 1844 1845. Williams. Ann 8 56 1845 Wiltz, Edmond Franchise St. Amand deceased wife of. Wheelihan, Thomas Helen Kilmurray deceased wife of 1845 West, Benjamin F 1848 Welch, Estelle a minor Whelan, Patrick , INDEX. 231 1845. WILLS. 1NV. Vol. Page. Year. Whi'e, John 1845 Willes, Jesse H Washington, John \Valsh.PaTrick 1845 Wingard. Charlotte a minor Williamson. James , 8 196 1846 Webster, Mary Ann a minor Wilkinson, M. F. a minor 1846. Winning, William Wallman, Abraham Wadsworth. Thomas M 1847 Wager. Wi 'liam i , Wagner, Gottlob L 1846 Wains, John deceased wile of 1840 Walker, Charles 1846 Willaume, Pierre Wilkinson, Jam^s P 1840 Weatendorff, Joba H 1846 Weiman, C. F Wriedr, George Augustus Winn, William Williams, Jeannette a minor Williams, George a miner West, George Eliza Stickfort dec'd wife of. . . 1846 1806. XIMENES, Carlos 1805 1829." Ximenes, Jose 1829 1831. Xeberas, Giuseppe 1831 1839. Xavier, Francois f. m. c 6 155 1839 1843. Ximenes, Juan B 1843 1808. YARDEL, Michel 1 169 1808 1812. York, Rosalie Vincent 1 448 1817. Yearly, Isaac 3 23 1818. Young, Henry 3 43 1818 232 INDEX. 1820. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Young, John a minor 1820 1821. Ybannz, Maria Cabrera 3 236 1823. Ybanez, Ferdinand 3 363 1823 Yenten, Louis 1823 1824. Yves, J. Charles Nicolas 4 50 1829. Yermo, Gabriel Patricio 1829 1830. Young, W. N 1831. Youx, Dominique 1832. Yves, Nicolas widow 1832 York, Rosalie Vincent Young, James 1832 Young, Henry 1832 1833. Young, Samuel C 1833 York, alias "Willis, Ulisse f. m. c 4 421 1833 Young, Hugh 4 425 1833 Young, Ann ^1834. Yorke, Cassandra A. a minor 1836. York, Catherine a minor 1837. Young, Alden 1837 Yeoman, John 1837 1840. Yver, Cecile a minor . ... Yardel, Julie Legrand widow of 6 249 1840 1807. ZACHARIE, Stephen 1 154 1807 1810. Zelia, Laurence f. w. c 1 266 1810 Zerban, Frederick 1 339 1815 1811. Zahn, G.eorge 1811 INDEX. 233 1812. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Zahn, George Zeringue, St. Amand Marguerite wife of 1812 ,1815. Zerban, Frederick. 1841 1816. Zanico, Jean Pierre, 2 222 1816 Zebal, Lewis a miner 1817. Zanico, Jean Pierrt ...".. 1818. . Zeringue, Ursin 1818 Zanico, Jean Pieris Zaire, alias Gramnont, Marie Franoise 3 47 1819. Zamora, Joseph 3 234 1821. Zeringue, Joseph 3 198 1821 Zeringue, Claricea minor ^ 1822. Zacharie, Ann \vdow . 3 303 1824. Zeringue, Jean -ouis * 3 433 Zanico, Jean Pirre *p ? , 1828. ./ .* Zino, minors ....'... .^ .....<.-. V . f 1S29; Zeringue, Joseh . ./. * *;' 1330 t, , 1831. Zabala, Hilari'Maria 1831 Zino, Jean Bati Zino, Jean Batiste . . . ^. . Zeringue, Cfo;sse a minor *' * f \ V "/a-ni-nrrno P!ll1P.rin^ - . * . 1834. Zeringue, Caterine'. .*. . '. */, 31 1834 Zardai, Marti f. m.^e'. 1834 Zeringue, Jea Baptiste f. m. c \S 1834 1835. Zacharie, JaiesJMadison 1835 Zanico, Adeiide widow 1836. Zamora, Maieleine f. w. c . .' Zacharie, Mry Theresa minor , UCSB LIBRARY 234 INDEX. 1841. WILLS. INV. Vol. Page. Year. Zoits, Paul ', ,...,., G 301 1841 1842. Zantzinger, Revd. A % 1 1842 Zerban, Samuel Frederick \. ..... 1843. - Zeddius, Albert \ Zastrow, Wilhemn i. . . . . 1843 1844. Zamora, Joseplrlgirace f. p. c. Eugenie )oree dec'd wife of. .'....., *. ' 1845. Zumaglini, Jean . . . "iv 1846. Zorn, Louis, 8 73 1845 A 000583306 ' :*' $ss