LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING. GHAS. GRIFFIN & CO., LTD., PUBLISHERS. SECOND EDITION, Revised, with numerous Plates reduced from Working Drawings, and 280 Illustrations in the text. $6.00. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERING. A Practical Text- Book for the Use of Engine Builders, Designers, and Draughtsmen, Railway Engineers and Students. By WM. FRANK PETTIGREW, M.Inst.C.E. With a section on American and Continental Engines, by ALBERT F. RAVENSHEAR, B.Sc. " The standard work upon this important subject." Railway Magazine. In Large 8vo. Handsome Cloth. With Plates and Illustrations. $4.50. LIGHT RAILWAYS AT HOME AND ABROAD. By WM. HENRY COLE, M.Inst.C.E. "A standard work on everything relating to Light Railways." Engineer. In Handsome Cloth. With 57 Illustrations. THE THERMO-DYNAMIC PRINCIPLES OF ENGINE DESIGN. By L. M. HOBBS, Engineer-Lieutenant, R.N., Instructor in Applied Mechanics and Marine Engine Design at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich. FOURTH EDITION. Thoroughly Revised and Greatly Enlarged. $3.00. VALVES AND VALVE-GEARING. A Practical Text- Book for the Use of Engineers, Draughtsmen, and Students. By CHARLES HURST, Practical Draughtsman. "As a practical treatise on the subject, the book stands without a rival." Mechanical World. In Quarto, Cloth. With Numerous Plates. $7.00. THE HEAT EFFICIENCY OF STEAM BOILERS (LAND, MARINE, AND LOCOMOTIVE). By BRYAN DONKIN, M.Inst.C.E. " A practical book by a thoroughly practical man." Iron and Coal Trades Review. In Large 8vo, Cloth. Fully Illustrated. $1.75. OIL FUEL: ITS SUPPLY, COMPOSITION, AND APPLICATION. By SIDNEY H. NORTH, late Editor Petroleum Review. " Everyone interested in this important question will welcome Mr North's excellent text-book." Nature. SECOND EDITION, Revised. In Large 8vo. Fully Illustrated. LUBRICATION AND LUBRICANTS. A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Lubrication, and on the Nature, Properties, and Testing of Lubricants. By LEONARD ARCHBUTT, F.I.C., F.C.S., and R. M. DEELEY, M.I.Mech.E., F.C.S. " Contains practically all that is known on the subject." Railway Official Gazette. To BE HAD OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. OF THF UNIVERSITY o g. >! fe 00 5 :>> a 1 ^- 4^ S 2 cc fa- It i* 'J2 O It 0,0 LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING. H practical FOR THE USE OF RAILWAY AND LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS, STUDENTS, AND DRAUGHTSMEN. BY J. F. GAIRNS. W TOtb ^frontispiece an& H8 otber ^lustrations. LONDON: CHARLES GRIFFIN & COMPANY, LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA : J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY. 1907. [All Rights Reserved.] PREFACE. IT is now just upon thirty years since the first practical compound locomotives were built, but even yet the compound locomotive does not occupy the universally accepted position which theory would suggest that it should do. But whereas in the early years of its existence as a definite feature of locomotive engineering practice it was looked upon in most quarters with disfavour and distrust, and the engineers first concerned with the design of such engines had to contend against prejudice and opposition, and had no easy task to obtain even a trial of their systems, now the position is far more favourable, and compound locomotives according to many different systems are to-day in use to the number of many thousands in various parts of the world. In fact, it is not claiming too much to say that the compound locomotive occupies to-day an assured position, and it is probable that before many years have passed it will become a standard feature of locomotive engineering in all countries. As regards compounding for locomotives, Great Britain has main- tained its reputation for conservatism, for its record in this respect is not a very satisfactory one as compared with the experimental and original work to be attributed to foreign locomotive engineers ; but this is largely the result of different circumstances and policy. In this country the Locomotive Superintendent or Chief Mechanical Engineer of a railway is responsible for the design and efficiency of large numbers of locomotives doing very hard and greatly varied work ; but he is not encouraged to experiment or to depart radically from standard methods : and in most cases he has to design engines which are developments of previously existing designs, each class being somewhat more powerful, more reliable, and yet more simply and cheaply constructed proportionately than its predecessors. The engines are also generally required to be capable of doing much work for which they are not specially designed. Consequently, actual novelties are few in British locomotive history, and notable experi- ments and changes in methods of design occur only once or twice during, it may be, a long term of service of a particular engineer as locomotive chief. Individual originality of persons not occupying principal positions has very little opportunity in this country, rightly vii I viii PREFACE. so in view of the important interests at stake when a change of engineering policy may entail the expenditure of many thousands of pounds, probably with no satisfactory benefit, but unfortunately also with the loss of much valuable experimental work, which, even if a failure, may add greatly to engineering knowledge. In the case of British locomotive building firms little scope is pro- vided for original work on their part, though, as they deal with many railways both at home and abroad, their experience and opportunities are, in some ways, more extensive than in the case of the railway officials ; but as a rule they are employed to build engines to designs provided by the railway officials, and such an occurrence as the building of an engine by the Vulcan Foundry Co., Ltd., to their own designs, for the Great Northern Railway, in 1905, is very rare indeed. Abroad, however, the Chief Mechanical Engineers or Motive Power Superintendents are in many cases responsible principally for the maintenance and repair of locomotives, and the design of new engines is largely the duty of superior engineers retained by the railway, or of consulting engineers whose position is more independent than our own Locomotive Superintendents, while the various locomotive building firms are encouraged to introduce novelties and to experiment in new directions, sometimes in competition with one another ; their orders being, in many instances, to provide engines which are capable of doing certain work with the greatest efficiency, the builders having, in a large measure, a free hand. As an example of this may be mentioned the official competition instituted in Germany at the beginning of 1905, when a number of locomotives designed wholly by individual firms, and in several cases embodying radical departures from ordinary methods, were officially tested, a number of similar engines being afterwards ordered for regular service in two or three instances, though not all the competing engines were successful. On the other hand it must be remembered that Great Britain is only a small country, without an extensive assortment of varying circumstances and conditions of work, while Europe comprises many countries of large area which provide almost every conceivable set of conditions to be provided for by locomotive engineers. There is therefore much greater justification for special and unusual loco- motive design abroad than in Great Britain, where, generally speaking, all requirements can be met by locomotives of selected standard classes. The foregoing remarks will, it is thought, go far to explain the fact that, as regards the compound use of steam for locomotives, three or four names only can be mentioned as of special note among British engineers in this respect, whereas thirty or forty engineers and firms require corresponding mention in connection with Conti- nental and American practice, while, as regards the use of superheated steam, the credit must almost entirely be divided between German, Canadian, American, and Belgian engineers. PREFACE. ix Having thus provided some explanation of the fact that in this work about 80 per cent, of the matter included relates to the work of foreign engineers, a few notes regarding the scheme followed by the writer in its preparation will be in place. The subject of compounding for locomotives has received frequent attention in the technical press of this and other countries, articles in some cases being fairly comprehensive within their scope, and containing much valuable information as regards technical and theoretical matters ; but, so far as the present writer is aware, only three really technical publications may be considered as being properly indicative of the world's practice. These are: (1) The late Professor Wood's book on Compound Locomotives, published in the United States in 1892-3. (2) Mons. Edouard Sauvage's articles, which appeared in 1897 in La Revue des Mecaniques. (3) Herr E. Briickmann's paper, which appeared in 1896 in Der Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure. As will be seen, none of these are sufficiently up to date to cover recent practice, and although Mons. Sauvage has to some extent noted later development by many contributions to the French Engineering Press, and by papers presented to our own Institution of Mechanical Engineers, it is correct to state that no approximately thorough review of locomotive compounding has ever been published in this country, nor has any work of this kind been published for many years in any country. To provide a substantially complete and systematic work on this subject has been the object of the writer, who, in addition to his own very considerable knowledge of the world's locomotive practice, has been favoured with private information from locomotive engineers and locomotive building firms. Articles which have appeared in technical magazines and journals, as well as papers read before engineering societies, have also been carefully considered, and general acknowledgment is hereby made of such assistance. Specific reference is gratefully made to the following gentlemen, firms, and journals in particular : (a) Messrs A. Mallet, A. G. de Glehn, C. Baudry, G. du Bousqiiet, Walter M. Smith, S. M. Vauclain, F. J. Cole, the late A. von Borries, K. von Golsdorf, A. Lindner, A. Brunner, etc. (b) The firms of Alsatian Works, Hanover Engine Works, Saxon Engine Works, Baldwin Locomotive Works, American Locomotive Co., Rogers Locomotive Works, A. Borsig, J. A. Maffei, C. Breda, etc. (c) The chief engineers of the French State, Eastern and Southern Railways, and of the Hungarian and Swedish State Railways, etc. (d) The Proceedings of the Institutions of Mechanical and Civil Engineers, the American Master Mechanics' Association, the French Institution of Civil Engineers, The Engineer, Engineering, La Revue Generate des Chemins de Fer, Railroad Gazette, Locomotive Magazine^ X PREFACE. and Cassier's Magazine. In the latter case, some extracts are included from the writer's own articles in that magazine. In a few instances where the illustrations are reproduced directly from the publications named, acknowledgment is specially made. As a rule, however, the illustrations are merely adapted where private drawings were not available. The photographs reproduced are all from official sources. Acknowledgment must also be made of the loan of several blocks by the Baldwin Works and the American Locomotive Company. The author has not devoted much space to the theoretical and highly technical aspects of locomotive compounding and superheating, partly because the late Professor Wood has provided a work of this character which can never be quite out of date^ in this respect, but principally because it seemed preferable to present a review of practice and methods of applying compounding and superheating to locomotives, together with a general consideration of the peculiar problems which complicate these subjects as applied to locomotive engineering as compared with compounding and superheating for other steam engines. Consequently the early portion of this book contains only a glossary of terms, an introductory chapter, a chapter dealing with the special conditions governing the application of compounding and superheating to locomotives, a chapter on the classification of compounding systems, and a brief historical chapter, the remaining chapters being devoted to special divisions of our subjects and dealing with past and present practice, though some argumentative and technical matter is included. As regards the use of superheated steam for locomotives, the subject is of such recent importance that a collection of matter relating to the various apparatus in use has not hitherto been presented in any technical book on the locomotive engine, and this work provides a convenient and suitable opportunity for presenting a general review of this branch of locomotive engineering. J. F. GAIRNS. LONDON, Jan. 1907. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. The Compound Use of Steam The Objects of Compounding Two-stage Expansion versus One-stage Expansion Division of Work between two Cylinders Cylinder Condensation and Re-evaporation Cylinder Heating and Cooling Uniformity of Thrust and Pull transmitted through Piston Rod The Use of Superheated Steam in Engines The Objects of Superheating ......... 1 CHAPTER II. THE COMPOUND USE OF STEAM FOR LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES. General Remarks Comparison of Locomotive and other Steam Engines as regards Compounding Reasons for and against Compounding for Locomotives Adaptation of Locomotive Engines for greatly varying Conditions of Work Direct and Indirect Economy due to Com- pounding - Mechanical Advantages obtained by Compounding Additional First Cost and Complication The Influence of Com- pounding on the Fireman's Work ....... CHAPTER III. A CLASSIFICATION OF COMPOUND SYSTEMS. Principal Features of Classification Cylinder Arrangements for (1) Two- cylinder Systems ; (2) Three-cylinder Systems ; (3) Four-cylinder Four-crank Systems ; (4) Four-cylinder Two-crank Systems ; (5) Tandem Systems; (6) Articulated Engines Cylinder Ratios- Receivers and Receiver Capacities Arrangement of Cranks, Division of Power, Balancing Valves, Valve Gears, Independent Adjusta- bility of Valve Gears for High- and Low-Pressure Cylinders, Character of Steam Distribution Starting and Intercepting Valves 15 Xll CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. THE HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMPOUND LOCOMOTIVE. PAGE The earliest Suggestions The Nicholson-Samuel "Continuous-Expan- sion " System The Sutcliffe and Salmon Proposals E. Kemp's Tandem Single-acting System Joy's Four-cylinder Suggestion Morandiere's suggested Three-cylinder Engine Weir's Three- cylinder System Fairlie Double-bogie Type Dawes' suggested Four-cylinder Arrangements Hudson's proposed Arrangement- Mallet's first Engines Andrade's Three-cylinder Design Holt's Designs for Compound Tramway Engines The Struwe Three- cylinder Design Mallet's suggested Schemes Von Berries' first Engines Worsdell's first Engines Webb's first Three-cylinder Engines Sandiford's Experiments in India The Du Bousquet Tandem System in France The Dunbar Tandem System The Nisbet and Great Western Tandem Experiments Mallet's Articu- lated System Brief Review to Date 28 CHAPTER V. TWO-CYLINDER NON-AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS. The Mallet System Worsdell-von Borries-Lapage Non-automatic System Batchellor System Colvin System Worsdell-von Borries-Lapage latest System Landsee Asynometric System Mallet Two-cylinder Tandem System Brunner System Starting Arrangements on Eastern Railway of France Rogers Non-automatic System Two- cylinder Compound Locomotives (Non-automatic) on the Hungarian State Railway Schenectady Non-automatic System Vauclain Two- cylinder System The Cooke System Nadal System The Dultz System Two-cylinder Compound Engines in Italy .... 42 CHAPTER VI. TWO-CYLINDER AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS. The Worsdell-von Borries-Lapage Systems Mr Worsdell's Practice Herr von Berries' Practice Joint Practice Automatic Starting and Reducing Valves for Hungarian State Railway Systems The Schenectady (Pitkin) System The Vauclain Automatic System The Dean System The Player System The Rogers Automatic System ............ 67 CHAPTER VII. SEMI-AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS (LINDNER TYPE). The Lindner System Modifications of the Lindner System The Maft'ei System Two-cylinder Swiss System The Cooke Starting Mechanism Golsdorf System 83 CONTENTS. xiii CHAPTER VIII. THREE-CYLINDER COMPOUND SYSTEMS. PAQK General Remarks Methods of Compounding with Three Cylinders Webb Three- cylinder System for Passenger and Tank Engines The Webb System as applied to Goods Engines The Riekie Three- cylinder System The Sauvage System The Swiss System^The Smith System 91 CHAPTER IX. FOUR-CYLINDER TWO-CRANK SYSTEMS (TANDEM CLASS). General Remarks The Du Bousquet "Woolf" System The Brooks System The Vauclain Tandem System The American Locomotive Company's System The Sondermann System Mallet Tandem System in Russia Tandem Compounds for Hungarian State Rail- waysThe new Du Bousquet Tandem System . . . . . 101 CHAPTER X. FOUR-CYLINDER TWO-CRANK SYSTEMS (OTHER THAN TANDEM). The Vauclain Superposed Cylinder System The Johnstone Annular Cylinder System 114 CHAPTER XI. FOUR-CYLINDER BALANCED SYSTEMS. Introductory Remarks The Webb Four-cylinder System The Golsdorf Four-cylinder System Four-cylinder Italian System Smith Four- cylinder System Von Borries Four-cylinder System Maffei Compound Engines Compound Locomotives on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Balanced Compound Locomotives on the Hungarian State Railways 122 CHAPTER XII. FOUR-CYLINDER DIVIDED AND BALANCED SYSTEMS. General Remarks The de Glehn System Vulcan Foundry Engine (de Glehn System) for Great Northern Railway De Glehn Compound Engines for Portuguese Railways, built by A. Borsig The Henri- Baudry System The Vauclain Balanced System The Cole System Ivatt's Compound Engine for Great Northern Railway Compound Engines in Belgium . . ... . ... 131 Xiv CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIII. ARTICULATED COMPOUND ENGINES. PAGE Articulated Engines The Mallet System Mallet Compound Engines for St Gothard Railway Mallet Compound Engines for Russia Mallet Compound Engines in the United States The Meyer-Lindner System Compound Fairlie Engines The Johnstone Articulated Engine The Du Bousquet Articulated System .... 148 CHAPTER XIV. TRIPLE EXPANSION LOCOMOTIVES COMPOUND RACK RAILWAY LOCOMOTIVES CONCLUDING REMARKS CONCERNING COM- POUND LOCOMOTIVES. Mallet's Triple-expansion Engine Riekie's Triple-expansion Scheme Compound Rack Locomotives with Four and Six Cylinders Con- cluding Remarks concerning Compound Locomotives The Future of Compounding for Locomotives 159 CHAPTER XV. THE USE OF SUPERHEATED STEAM FOR LOCOMOTIVES. General Remarks The Advantages and Economy of Superheating for Locomotives A short History of the Schmidt Superheater as applied to Locomotives The Schmidt Superheater, Smokebox Type The Schmidt Superheater, Smoketube Type Schmidt Superheaters in Belgium The Pielock Superheater The Cole Superheater Super- heating Apparatus on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway The Cockerill Superheater The New Century Engine Company's System Superheating Apparatus in New Zealand . . . . . 1 63 INDEX 187 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. 1. Two-cylinder System Inside Cylinders, 2. ,, ,, Outside ,, 3. Three-cylinder System (1 H.P. and 2 UP.), 4. 5. Webb Three-cylinder System, . 6. Three-cylinder System (2 H.P. and 1 L.P.), 7. Four-cylinder Balanced System, 9 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. to 12. Four-cylinder Divided and Balanced System, . . . Tandem Cylinders, ,j ,, .......... Tandem Cylinders with Three Piston Rods, . . . . ' . Superposed Cylinders Vauclain System, . . ... Johnstone Annular System, . . ... Articulated Compound System, . . . . . . . Nicholson- Samuel System (1850), Single-acting Four-cylinder Scheme (1860), . . . Morandiere Three-cylinder System (1866), . . . Four-cylinder Tandem System (1872) ,, Four-crank System (1872), . . ,, System Oscillating Cylinders, . . . . . Mallet Compound Locomotive View of, . . ... ,, ,, ,, Cross-section, ..... . . Proposed Three-cylinder System (1879), . . . First von Berries Two-cylinder Compound Engine (1880), . Worsdell Two-cylinder Compound Engine (1884), . ' . . First Webb Three-cylinder Compound Engine, . Mallet Articulated Compound Engine, ...... One Form of Mallet Intercepting Valve, Worsdell- von Borries-Lapage Non-automatic Starting and Intercepting Valve, Rhode Island (Batchellor) System General Arrangement, . }J ,, ,, Intercepting Valve, Mellin Starting and Intercepting Valve, Colvin ,, ,, PAGE 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20, 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 39 40 43 44 46 46 48 48 XVI LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. Worsdell - von Borries - Lapage Improved Non- automatic Starting Valve, 49 Mallet- Brunner Tandem System, . . 51 Starting Mechanism for Brunner System, 52 Rogers Non-automatic Starting Mechanism, 54 Hungarian State Railways Non-automatic Starting and Intercepting Valve, 55 New Schenectady Starting and Intercepting Valves, . . . . 57 M Non-automatic System General Arrangement, . 58 Vauclain Two-cylinder System Position of Valves when working Single Expansion, . .59 Vauclain Two-cylinder System Position of Valves when working Compound, 59 Vauclain Two-cylinder System Cylinder and Smoke-box Arrangement, Cooke Starting and Intercepting Valve Compound Position, . - . ,, ,, Non-compound Position, Nadal System High-pressure Cylinder and Connections, . ,, ,, Low-pressure ,, ,, ... ,, ,, General Arrangement, Dultz Starting and Intercepting Valve, 66 Worsdell System General Arrangement first employed, ... ,, Starting and Intercepting Valve (early Form), Von Borries System Starting and Intercepting Valve (early Form), . j> > t> > ,, ,, Further Construction of Valve, Worsdell-von Borries -Lapage System recent Design of Starting and Intercepting Valve, Hungarian State Railways General Arrangement of Starting Mechanism, 60 61 62 63 64 65 Intercepting Valve, . Starting Valve, , , Mechanism, Driver's Starting Valve, Intercepting Valve, . Schenectady System Early Form of Starting and Intercepting Valves, Vauclain (Baldwin Works) Automatic System, Dean Starting and Intercepting Valves, ...... Player System (Brooks Locomotive Works) Starting and Intercepting Valves, Rogers Locomotive Works (Automatic) System, ,, Detail View, Lindner System Regulator and Starting Valve (original Design), ,, ,, Slide Valve and Steam Ports, ..... ,, ,, Starting Mechanism (Improved Form), . ,, - ,, (modified), Diagrammatic Arrangement, . Maft'ei System Starting Mechanism ,, ,, Detail of Mechanism, Golsdorf System Slide Valve and Auxiliary Steam Ports, . J> ) >l 5 ... ,, General Arrangement, 68 68 69 70 71 71 72 73 74 74 76 77 77 77 78 78 79 80 81 82 84 85 86 87 88 89 89 90 90 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XV11 FIG. PAGE 84. Smith Three-cylinder System Starting Valve, .... 98 85. ,, ,, ,, Pressure- regulating Valve, . . 99 86. ,, ,, ,, General Arrangement, . . . 100 87. Du Bousquet (Woolf) Tandem System, 102 88. ,, Starting Mechanism, . . 103 89. Player Tandem System (Brooks Locomotive Works) Section of Cylinders and Slide Valves, 104 90. Player Tandem System (Brooks Locomotive Works) Starting Mechanism, 105 91. Vauclain Tandem Compound System Section of Cylinders, . . 106 92. American Locomotive Company's System Section of Tandem Cylinders, . . . . 107 93. American Locomotive Company's System Starting Valve, . . 108 94. Sondermann System Section of Cylinders, . . . . . 110 95. Mallet Tandem System Section of Cylinders, . ... . 110 96. Hungarian State Railways Section of Tandem Cylinders, . . Ill 97. Du Bousquet (New) Tandem System Starting Mechanism, . . 112 98. Vauclain Compound Compressed-air Mine Locomotive, . . . 115 99. ,, ,, Locomotive Front View, .... 116 100. 101. Vauclain Compound System Cylinder Castings, . . . 117 102. ,, ,, ,, Cylinders and Fittings, . . 117 103. Vauclain Four-cylinder Compound System Steam Distribution, . 118 104. ,, Compound System- Starting Valve, . . . . 119 105. 106. Starting Cock for Vauclain Compound System, . . . 120 107. Modified Starting Valve for Vauclain Compound System, . . 120 108. Johnstone Annular System Section of Cylinders, . . .. . 121 109. Webb Four-cylinder System Slide Valves, ...... 123 110. Golsdorf Four-cylinder System Cross- section, .... 125 111. Italian Four-cylinder Compound System Cylinders and Valve Chests, 126 112. Von Borries Four-cylinder System Valve Chests and Starting Valves, 128 113. Maffei Four-cylinder Compound Locomotive Cross -section, . . 129 114. De Glehn Four-cylinder Compound Express Locomotive Cross- section; . 132 115. De Glehn Four-cylinder Compound Express Locomotive Sectional Plan, . . , . 133 116. De Glehn Compound System Diagram of, . . . . 135 117. ,, Intercepting Valve Detail View, . . . .136 118. ,, System Eastern Railway of France, ... 137 119. .... 138 120. ,, Intercepting Valve and Operating Mechanism (Borsig), . 121. Vauclain Balanced System Cylinder and Valve Castings, . . 140 122. Steam Distribution in Balanced Compound Cylinders, ... 141 123. Vauclain Divided and Balanced System Cylinders and Motion, . 142 124. Cole System Divided and Balanced Compound System, ... 144 125. Belgian State Railways Diagrammatic Plan of Balanced Compound Locomotive, ,...... 1^6 126. Belgian State Railways Diagrammatic Plan of Divided and Balanced Engine, . . . . . . 147 127. Mallet Articulated Compound Engines Comparison, . . . 150 xviii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. M . PAGE 128. Mallet Articulated Locomotive Moscow- Kazan Railway, . . 153 129. ,, ,, Cross-section through H. P. Cylinders, 154 130. ,, L.P. ,, 155 131. Johnstone Annular System Mechanism for Annular Compound Double Locomotive, 156 132. Articulated Tank Engine Northern Railway of France, . . . 157 133. Mallet's Suggested Design for Triple Expansion Locomotive, . . 160 134. Riekie's Proposed ,, ,, ,, 160 135. Compound Hack Locomotives, 161 136. Schmidt Superheater Smoke-box Type, 167 137. ,, Smoke-tube Type 171 138. Pielock Superheater, . . ... . . . , . 174 139. ,, detached, 175 140. ,, ,, detached from Boiler, and showing Boiler Tubes, 176 141. Cole Superheater Smoke-box Arrangement, 178 142. .179 143. ,, System Closed Ends of Superheater, 180 144. ,, ,, Modified Arrangement of Superheater, . . . 180 145. Experimental Superheating Apparatus ; fitted by John Cockerill Company Belgian State Railways, . . . . . . 182 146-148. New Century Engine Company's Steam and Compressed Air System, 184, 185 GLOSSARY OF TERMS. MOST of the technical terms which will be used in this book are common to all branches of steam engineering, and are fully explained in any text-book dealing with steam and the steam engine ; but for the benefit of general readers and for completeness, this glossary of terms is presented in introduction, the explanations being couched in some cases in language particularly appropriate to the subjects under consideration. As a rule, the glossary is based upon that provided in Professor Wood's book referred to in the Preface, though amplified. Only the most important terms are, however, included, terms which explain themselves being generally omitted. Back Pressure. In a compound engine, as the steam from the exhaust side of the high-pressure piston passes to the steam side of the low-pressure piston it exerts pressure for a time in two directions, for while it tends to force the low- pressure piston forwards, it also tends to force the high-pressure piston backwards against the pressure of steam on the steam side. This backward pressure is generally referred to as "back pressure"; and while the two cylinders are in communication, the actual work being done in the high-pressure cylinder is only the difference between that done on one side of the piston by the boiler steam and that on the other side by the low-pressure steam. The term is also used generally to indicate any pressure which acts oppositely to the steam pressure, due to the ' ' choking " of the exhaust steam in consequence of the ports or passages through which it escapes being restricted, or from other causes. By- Pass Valve. A valve which, when opened, allows communication through a pipe or passage between the two ends of a cylinder. Compound Engine. An engine wherein the steam is used in one cylinder for one stage of expansion, and is then passed to a second cylinder for a second stage of expansion. Strictly, there are only two stages of expansion in a compound engine, though the term is sometimes used loosely to describe any engine wherein ex- pansion is carried out in stages. Properly speaking, however, three-stage ex- pansion engines should be described as "triple-expansion engines," four stage engines as "quadruple-expansion engines," and so on. Compounding. This term is employed to describe the general principle of expansion by stages, whether in two, three, four, or more stages. Continuous Expansion. In many cases steam cannot be passed directly from one cylinder to the other in a compound engine, owing to the fact that the pistons of the respective cylinders do not reach the ends of their strokes at the same time ; but in other cases they do so, and the steam can therefore pass from one cylinder to the other unchecked. The term "continuous expansion" is some- times used to describe the latter method of working, but it is not very generally employed. An example of its use in another connection is given in Chapter IV. Cut-off. The point where the admission of steam to a cylinder is cut off. It is XX GLOSSARY OF TERMS. generally expressed at so much per cent., or as a fraction of the stroke, though occasionally, where the length of stroke is known, it is stated as so many inches. For example, if the stroke is 24 inches and steam is admitted for a quarter of the stroke, the ratio of cut-off may be expressed as "25 per cent.," or "at quarter-stroke (|)," or "at 6 inches," the first of these is, however, most general, unless the cut-off can be expressed by a simple fraction, as "quarter- stroke," "one-third stroke," etc. Cylinder Condensation. The condensation or deposition of moisture that is suspended in the steam owing to the fall in pressure and temperature of the steam, or in consequence of contact of the steam with the cylinder walls when they are colder than the steam. Cylinder Re-evaporation. The re- evaporation of condensed water resulting from cylinder condensation in a cylinder on the entrance of a fresh steam supply from which the necessary heat is extracted for the purpose. Exhaust Pressure. The pressure at which the steam, after use, leaves a cylinder, either to pass away to the atmosphere or a condenser, or to another cylinder for compound working. Expansion. The increase in volume of steam enclosed in a cylinder after cut- off. As the steam expands, it forces the piston along, increasing in volume and losing pressure as it does so. Final Pressure. The pressure of the steam when exhausted from the low- pressure or last cylinder in compound working. High-Pressure Cylinder. The cylinder in which the first stage of expansion is carried out in compounding. In this work the abbreviation " H.P. cylinder" will often be employed. Initial Pressure. The pressure of steam at the beginning of a stroke. In connection with compounding, the term is often used to indicate the pressure at which steam is admitted to the high-pressure cylinder, in contrast to " terminal" or final pressure, which indicates the pressure at which steam is finally exhausted from the last or low-pressure cylinder of a series of cylinders. Indicator Diagram. The diagram obtained by means of an instrument known as an "indicator," whereby the variation of steam pressure in the cylinder throughout a stroke is indicated in the form of a curve, from which the amount of work being done can be computed. Intercepting Valve. A valve whereby communication may be closed between the respective cylinders of a compound or multiple -expansion engine when re- quired, so that the cylinders can be operated independently with boiler steam, as at starting in the case of a compound locomotive engine, or for the temporary exertion of very great power. In many cases the intercepting valve also governs a passage whereby the exhaust steam from the high-pressure cylinder or cylinders of a compound locomotive can pass to the chimney when boiler steam is being used in the low-pressure cylinder or cylinders. Intercepting valves are constructed in many different forms, but they can all be classed as "automatic" or "non-automatic." In the former case they are operated or moved from one position to the other according to which side the steam exerts the greatest pressure ; in the latter case they require to be mechani- cally operated. Intermediate Cylinder. In triple-, quadruple-, or other multiple-expansion engines, the first and last cylinders are referred to as high- and low-pressure cylinders, the cylinder or cylinders between being known as the intermediate cylinder or cylinders, or as the first, second, etc. intermediate cylinders when there are two or more of them. Low- Pressure Cylinder. The cylinder in which the last stage of expansion is carried out in compounding. In this work the abbreviation " L.P. cylinder " will often be employed. Multiple Expansion. Expansion in more than two stages, as in a triple- or quadruple-expansion engine. Mean Pressure. The average pressure of steam which is exerted in an engine cylinder during a stroke. Non-compound Engines. Engines wherein steam is expanded in one stage only, compounding not being employed. GLOSSARY OF TERMS. XXI Non-Receiver Engines. Engines for which no receiver or steam-storage chamber is employed between high- and low-pressure cylinders, the steam passing directly from one cylinder to the other. The term is to some extent synonymous with " continuous expansion." Ratio of Cylinders. The relative proportions of the volumes of the respective cylinders of a compound or multiple-expansion engine. Ratio of Expansion. The ratio which the admission pressure of steam bears to the exhaust pressure in one cylinder, or which initial pressure bears to final pressure in a compound or multiple-expansion engine. Receiver. The chamber or space wherein steam is contained before passing from one cylinder to the next in a compound or multiple-expansion effgine. The term is generally used to describe a chamber or length of piping specially provided in order to receive steam from one cylinder when it is not able to pass at once to the next cylinder. Receiver Engine. A compound or multiple-expansion engine having one (or more) receivers. Re-evaporation. See "Cylinder Re- evaporation." Saturated Steam. Steam as generated in contact with water, as in a boiler, so that it holds water in suspension, wet steam. Under ordinary conditions all steam is saturated steam. Sequence of Cranks. The order in which the cranks of the respective cylinders of an engine follow one another in rotation. Simple Expansion. The same as non-compound. Single Expansion. The same as non-compound. Superheating. The heating of steam after generation for the purpose of evaporating moisture contained there and for increasing its temperature and volume. Tandem Compound Engine. An engine wherein cylinders are placed one behind the other, the respective pistons being mounted on the same piston rod, or in an equivalent manner. Terminal Pressure. The same as "final pressure." Total Expansion. The ratio between initial steam pressure and the terminal or final pressure in a compound or multiple-expansion engine. Wet Steam. See "Saturated Steam." Wiredrawing. The throttling of steam through a small aperture ; a reduction of pressure by restricting the flow of steam. LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. CONTENTS : The Compound Use of Steam The Objects of Compounding Two- stage Expansion versus One-stage Expansion Division of Work between two Cylinders Cylinder Condensation and Re-evaporation Cylinder Heat- ing and Cooling Uniformity of Thrust and Pull transmitted through. Piston Rod The Use of Superheated Steam in Engines The Objects of Superheating. The Compound Use of Steam. The compound use of steam in steam engines has been known for more than a hundred years, and it has been a standard feature of steam engineering, except for locomotive engines, for at least forty or fifty years, while it is now almost universal for large marine and stationary engines. The Objects of Compounding. The objects of compounding are (1) To enable the power represented by the steam generated under pressure to be applied in such a manner that full advantage can be obtained from expansion without incurring the disadvantages which become serious if too great an expansion is attempted in one cylinder. (2) To allow of a greater range of expansion being utilised than is practically possible by non-compound methods, and so to more efficiently and economically use the steam before it is discharged. (3) To maintain a more uniform pull or thrust upon the piston rod throughout the stroke than is possible when steam is cut off early in the stroke in a non-compound engine. (4) To obtain mechanical advantages by the use of a multiplicity of cylinders without imposing additional strain upon the boiler. (5) To allow of high-pressure steam being used with full advantage. Unless extended expansion can be carried out, the higher the initial pressure, the higher will be the exhaust pressure, so that part of the gain due to the use of high-pressure steam cannot be fully realised unless compounding is resorted to. Two-stage Expansion versus One-stage Expansion. Division of Work between two Cylinders. These objects are attained by using 1 2 LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING. the steam in stages, first in one cylinder, where it does a certain amount of work, and then in another cylinder, or two or more cylinders successively, where it does further work before it is finally passed away to the atmosphere through the chimney, or to a condenser. In a steam engine cylinder the steam is admitted for part of the stroke only, and the steam supply is then cut off, the steam working during the remainder of the stroke by expansion, though as it expands it loses pressure, owing to the fact that it occupies a gradually increasing space. Thus, for example, steam at 180 pounds per square inch may be admitted for one-third of the stroke, after which it is allowed to expand, doing further work, but of gradually lessening amount, until it is permitted to "exhaust" at a pressure of, say, 80 pounds per square inch. It is bad practice to allow steam to pass away at a pressure which indicates that there is still much working power remaining, and to exhaust at 80 pounds per square inch is clearly wasteful ; it is therefore desirable that as much of the expansive power of the steam shall be utilised as possible. Theoretically, this can be done in one stage by cutting off very early in the stroke, say at 5 per cent., so that the steam pressure may fall from admission at 180 pounds per square inch to exhaust at 10 pounds or less ; but in practice this becomes well-nigh impossible because of other considerations, and for that reason the work is best divided over two (or more) cylinders, thus constituting a compound engine. Cylinder Condensation and Re-evaporation. Cylinder Heating and Cooling. Of these considerations, the principal is "cylinder condensation." This occurs owing to the fact that as the pressure falls the temperature falls also ; and as boiler steam always contains a considerable amount of suspended moisture, while its capacity for holding such moisture decreases with the temperature, it follows that not only do the cylinder walls become cooler to a greater or less extent by the time a stroke has been completed, but some of the suspended moisture becomes deposited as water. When a second supply of steam is admitted to the cylinder for the next working stroke, it meets the cylinder walls, whose temperature is less than that of the entering steam, and an interchange of heat units takes place to equalise matters. This causes the steam to lose some of its heat, and therefore to lose some of its pressure, before it can do any useful work, and a certain amount of its moisture is deposited. But this moisture, together with that remaining from the previous stroke, requires to be evaporated before work can be commenced, and there is a further loss of heat and pressure, so that some of the gain due to expansive working is negatived, owing to the cylinder walls being alternately heated and comparatively cooled, and the condensation and re-evaporation of the deposited moisture. The cooling and reheating of cylinder walls, and cylinder con- densation and re-evaporation, must always occur, though, by using superheated steam, or by providing the cylinder with a jacket in INTRODUCTORY. 3 which steam or furnace gases circulate, these results are lessened ; if, however, an extensive range of expansion is attempted, these effects become serious, and there is therefore a practical limit to the cut-off ratio that can be satisfactorily employed. It will be seen, then, that by ordinary methods it is not possible to utilise all the work contained in the steam. Another result attending early cut-off is a want of uniformity in the thrust or pull transmitted through the piston rod owing to the fact that there is great difference between the steam pressure at the commencement of the stroke and that at the end of the stroke. There are also other difficulties, such as the necessity for a special valve gear, whereby satisfactory steam distribution can be obtained at all times whether the cut-off is late or early. Uniformity of Thrust and Pull. By compounding, however, the work is distributed, the steam being use >2^*rV==!=. ^-^~'C^3 i i^vvv^T- r 5 r v^C^rj FIG. 95. Section of Cylinders Mallet Tandem System. countries where tandem compound engines have been seriously em- ployed for express service. In both cases each of the cylinders is complete in itself, having its own steam chest and slide valve, the two valves being operated from the same valve rod at each side of the engine. Fig. 96 is a sectional view showing the arrangement and con- struction of cylinders and valves employed for the Hungarian State FOUR-CYLINDER TWO-CRANK SYSTEMS (TANDEM CLASS). Ill Railways in 1891, the engines being of the four-coupled bogie type. In these engines both of the high-pressure cylinders exhaust into the same receiver from which both of the low-pressure cylinders are supplied. At starting, live steam is admitted to the receiver for use in the low-pressure cylinders by means of a starting valve which is opened by the reversing gear when in full gear forward or backward. This starting valve is the same as that described in Chapter V. in reference to Hungarian two-cylinder compound locomotives. The two-cylinders of each pair are cast together, though each is largely independent as regards access to stuffing boxes, etc. The new Du Bousquet Tandem System. In 1901 Monsieur du Bousquet introduced upon the Northern Railway of France a series of fifteen tandem compound tank engines for working Northern traffic over the " Ceinture " Railway, a joint railway connecting the FIG. 96. Section of Tandem Cylinders Hungarian State Railways. various termini in Paris, and used largely for the interchange of traffic. The design differs radically from that of the engines described earlier in this chapter, the low-pressure cylinders being placed in front, and being entirely separated from the high-pressure cylinders, and the piston and valve rods for each cylinder being separate, and connected by coupling sleeves. Fig. 97 is a schematic view showing the starting valves and mechanism. For actuating the mechanism for changing from non-compound to compound working compressed air is employed, controlled by the small valve a operated in conjunction with the regulator ; this valve allows air to pass by one or other of the pipes b c to the top or the bottom end respectively of the cylinder d so as to raise or lower its piston, and thereby to rotate through the mechanism shown the rotary valve e, which in one position (non-compound) opens communi- cation between the pipe /, connected with the steam supply pipe g, for the high-pressure cylinder, and the low-pressure steam chest, 112 LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING, another part of this valve at the same time closing communication between the H.P. and L.P. cylinders through the pipe h. As repre- sented, the parts are in the compound position. This valve also FOUR-CYLINDER TWO-CRANK SYSTEMS (TANDEM CLASS). 113 controls communication between the pipe h and a pipe connecting with the blast pipe through i, so that when cut off from the L.P. steam chest the H.P. exhaust can pass away. At the upper part of the figure is shown the rotary valve e e for the cylinders at the other side of the engine. Both these valves are operated by the movement of the piston of the one air cylinder d. A relief valve is fitted at Jc to regulate the pressure in the pipe i. Besides the foregoing, a number of patents have been taken out in connection with tandem compounding ; but as none of them have been actually used, and the constructions are, as a rule, complicated, detailed reference is hardly required. CHAPTER X. FOUR-CYLINDER TWO-CRANK SYSTEMS (OTHER THAN TANDEM). CONTENTS : The Vauclain Superposed Cylinder System The Johnstone Annular Cylinder System. SYSTEMS of this class may be classed in two main divisions. In the one case the two cylinders at each side are more or less independent, yet drive on to the same crank pin ; in the other case they are in conjunction, but arranged in such a manner that they cannot be classed as tandem compound engines, though corresponding thereto in large measure. As regards the first class, several schemes were mentioned in Chapter IV., and a number of other like schemes have been patented or published in the technical press from time to time, but none of them have been employed in practice. The Vauclain System. As regards four-cylinder two-crank systems wherein the two cylinders at each side are in close connection, so that the two pistons work together and one crosshead serves for the two, by far the most important is the Vauclain, introduced by the well-known Baldwin Works of Philadelphia, and this system, though now superseded to some extent by a four-cylinder balanced system (see Chapter XII.), has been used for some thousands of engines. The Vauclain system consists in superposing a high- and a low- pressure cylinder at each side of the engine, the two piston rods in each case being attached to one large crosshead with a single con- necting rod, so that only one set of motion and a single valve (of the piston type) are required. Anticipatory schemes have at one time and another been unearthed from the patent records and from technical journals, and it may be said that the Mallet-Lapage double low-pressure cylinder system contains the germ of the idea ; but in practice, the Vauclain system stands alone, for no other builders than the Baldwin Works turn out engines thus compounded, and yet the system has probably as many representatives, widely scattered, as any other system. The first engine on this system was an otherwise ordinary four- coupled bogie (American type) locomotive for the Baltimore and Ohio 114 FOUR-CYLINDER TWO-CRANK SYSTEMS (OTHER THAN TANDEM). 115 Railroad, a railway historically famous as the scene of many locomotive triumphs and daring experimental innovations in the early railway days of America, the engine being put in service in 1889. The cylinder ratio generally employed by Mr Vauclain is about 3:1. Since its introduction the Vauclain system has been applied to thousands of locomotives of all types, and these engines have been supplied, outside the United States and other American States, to Russia, China, Japan, France, India, Italy, Egypt, Australia, and New Zealand. Some of the Vauclain engines have wonderful records, and there are few engines better known in Great Britain than these, although this country does not possess a single representative of its own. This system has been applied to locomotives of practically every type now in use, and also to compressed-air locomotives for mine FIG. 98. Vauclain Compound Compressed-air Mine Locomotive. and elevated railway service, and to rack, and combined rack and adhesion, locomotives. Fig. 98 illustrates the application of this system to a compressed- air mine locomotive for the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company. It is believed that the Vauclain is the only compound system which has ever been employed for such engines, or for very small engines such as four-wheeled shunting engines, while examples of compound tramway engines of other systems are very rare. Fig. 99 is an interesting front view of a large Vauclain compound engine, and well indicates the arrangement of cylinders and valve chests. Figs. 100, 101 comprise two views showing cylinder and valve chest castings formed in one with a half saddle for supporting the engine smokebox. With the low-pressure cylinder below, the engine is for passenger service ; when the high-pressure cylinder is below, the engines are adapted for freight traffic, or have small coupled wheels. Fig. 102 shows a pair of cylinders fitted up for use. 116 LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING. The principal objects which Mr Vauclain had in view when introducing this system are best set forth in the following statement furnished by the Baldwin Works, of which Mr Vauclain is Chief Engineer : 1. To produce a compound locomotive of the greatest efficiency, with the utmost simplicity of parts and the least possible deviation from FIG. 99. Front View of Vauclain Compound Locomotive. existing practice. To realise the maximum economy of fuel and water. 2. To develop the same amount of power on each side of the locomotive, and avoid the racking of machinery resulting from unequal distribution of power. 3. To ensure at least as great efficiency in every respect as in a single-expansion locomotive of similar weight and type. 4 To ensure the least possible difference in cost of repairs. FOUR-CYLINDER TWO-CRANK SYSTEMS (OTHER THAN TANDEM). 11? 5. To ensure the least possible departure from the method of handling single-expansion locomotives ; to apply equally to passenger or freight locomotives for all gauges of track, and to withstand the rough usage incidental to ordinary railroad service. FIGS. 100 and 101. Cylinder ^Castings for Vauclain Compound System. Fig. 103 is a diagrammatic drawing showing the arrangement of cylinders, slide valve, and steam ports, a specimen route for the steam being traced by arrows. The valve employed for controlling the steam distribution of each pair of cylinders is of the piston type, working in a cylindrical FIG. 102. Cylinders and Fittings for Vauclain Compound System. steam chest formed in the saddle of the cylinder casting between the cylinders and the smokebox, and arranged as close to the cylinders as possible. The valve, which is of the piston type, is double and hollow, and 118 LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING. is so formed that it controls the steam distribution of both cylinders ; and as the supply of steam for the high-pressure cylinder enters the steam chest at both ends, the valve is perfectly balanced, except for the slight variation caused by the area of the valve stem at the back end. It is claimed that this variation is an advantage in case the valve or its connection to the valve rod should be broken, as it holds SHUT FIG. 103. Diagram of Steam Distribution in Vauclain Four-cylinder Compound. them together ; and cases are reported where compound locomotives of this type have hauled passenger trains long distances with broken valve stems and broken valves, the parts being kept in their proper relation while running by the compression due to the variation mentioned. To avoid the possibility of breaking, it is the present practice, however, to pass the valve stem through the valve and secure it by a nut on the front end. FOUR-CYLINDER TWO-CRANK SYSTEMS (OTHER THAN TANDEM). 119 Cast-iron packing rings are fitted to the valve and constitute the edges of the valve. They are prevented from entering the steam ports when the valve is in motion by the narrow bridge pieces across the steam ports of the bushing. When the low-pressure cylinder is on top it is usually necessary to fit direct valve motion, but when the high-pressure cylinder occupies that position a rocking lever and indirect valve motion are employed, as usual in American practice. It is obvious that to enable a Vauclain compound engine to start a heavy train it is necessary to admit boiler steam to the low- FIG. 104. Starting Valve for Vauclain Compound System. pressure cylinder as well as to the high-pressure cylinder, and this is provided for by the valve shown in figs. 104, 105, and 106. It is merely a by-pass valve, which is opened to allow steam to pass from one end of the high-pressure cylinder to the other end, and thence through the exhaust to the low-pressure cylinder. This is more clearly shown in figs. 105 and 106. The same cock acts as a cylinder cock for the high-pressure cylinder, and is operated by the same lever that operates the ordinary cylinder cocks, thus making a simple and efficient device, and one that need not become disarranged. The air valves C and C' are placed in the steam passages of the low-pressure cylinders to supply air for preventing the formation of a vacuum when running with steam shut off. The hollow valve stem shown in fig. 107, which represents a 120 LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING. modified arrangement, accomplishes the same result, but with a more direct action, and is preferable for fast service. The check valve at the end of the hollow stem outside the steam chest is closed by the pressure of the steam, but stands open when the pressure FIGS. 105 and 106. Starting Cock for Vauclain Compound System. is relieved and air is allowed to pass into the valve through the perforation in the hollow stem. This arrangement also prevents the accidental starting of an engine because of a leaky regulator valve. In such a case slowly escaping steam will pass through the hollow stem to the open air without creating pressure in the cylinders. FIG. 107. Modified Starting Valve for Vauclain Compound System. Water relief valves are fitted at each end of the low-pressure cylinder. The Johnstone Annular Cylinder System. In this section must also be included the annular cylinder system of Mr F. W. Johnstone FOUR-CYLINDER TWO-CRANK SYSTEMS (OTHER THAN TANDEM). 121 on the Mexican Central Railway. According to this arrangement, each high-pressure cylinder is placed within a large low-pressure cylinder, so that the latter is annular, as shown in fig. 108. On the Mexican Central Railway there are very heavy grades, and powerful engines are needed. The first annular cylinder engine was a Rogers locomotive of the Consolidation type, converted about 1890. The low-pressure piston had two piston rods which were connected, with the high-pressure piston rod, to one crosshead. The tests were very satisfactory, and it was claimed for the engine No. 66 that an all-round increase in economy of 20 per cent, was effected. In 1891 ten engines of the ten-wheel type, six-coupled with leading bogie, and compounded according to this system, were ordered from the Rhode Island Locomotive Works. Three more of these compound engines, but of a special and unique design (see Chapter XIV.), were afterwards built, making fourteen in all, and FIG. 108. Section of Cylinders Johnstone Annular System. these represent the total number of annular compound locomotives on that or any other line. The steam ports are so arranged that a single slide valve having an internal passage controls the steam distribution of each pair of cylinders. The slide valve is really of duplex construction, though both portions are mounted on the same rod, but the inner portion has independent play of about an inch along the rod, for the purpose of giving a later cut-off in the low-pressure cylinder and relieving compression in the high-pressure cylinder. The inner valve is cushioned to prevent knocking by two springs, one on either side. To assist starting, a three-way cock is fitted in the driver's cab, whereby boiler steam can be admitted by a small pipe to the steam chest, so as to reach the low-pressure cylinder. Steam for use in the low-pressure cylinder reaches the interior of the outer portion of the slide valve by a pipe attached to the centre of the steam chest cover, a corresponding opening being formed in the valve to allow steam to pass. CHAPTER XI. FOUR-CYLINDER BALANCED SYSTEMS. CONTENTS : Introductory Remarks The Webb Four-cylinder SystemThe Gols- dorf Four-cylinder System Four-cylinder Italian System Smith Four- cylinder System Von Borries Four-cylinder System Maffei Compound Engines Compound Locomotives on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Balanced Compound Locomotives on the Hungarian State Railways. Introductory Remarks. As already mentioned, four-cylinder four- crank systems (other than articulated engines) may be divided into two main divisions : (1) wherein all four cylinders actuate the same axle, and (2) wherein two cylinders drive one axle and two another, the two sets of coupled wheels being in most cases coupled. Strictly speaking, systems of the one class can be adapted, with practically no change other than constructional, from one division to the other, and in a few instances this has been done, but for convenience the present chapter deals with systems which have been applied only according to the first class. Where a system has been employed in both ways, description is reserved until the following chapter, as in nearly every instance the " divided " engines are the most important. The four-cylinder " balanced " systems derive their name because of the fact that as the four cylinders drive separate cranks, the cranks can be distributed round the circle of revolution, at or about angles of 90 apart, and are so arranged that one crank is opposite another ; consequently, the moving parts are very largely balanced, and as there are eight impulses per revolution, fairly evenly dis- tributed, the turning moment can be made very regular, and the engines made very efficient. That this is so appears to be becoming extensively realised, for four-cylinder balanced compound engines are becoming well-nigh universal, either with the cranks all on one axle, or with two driving axles according to the "divided and balanced" system. In fact, almost all recently designed compound engines belong to one or other of these classifications. It is true that four cylinders operating separate cranks necessitate the use of four sets of motion, and in many cases four sets of valve gear, but it is realised nowadays that 122 FOUR-CYLINDER BALANCED SYSTEMS. 123 the additional first cost and apparent complication is more than justified by the advantages attending the use of such engines, and some engineers are even designing four-cylinder non-compound engines on similar lines for the sake of improved balancing and the division! of work over two axles. The Webb Four-cylinder System. In 1898 Mr F. W. Webb introduced the first of a class of four-cylinder compound engines for express service on the London and North- Western Railway. In these engines, not only had they four cylinders, but- instead of dividing the work done over two axles, as in the case of the three- cylinder locomotives (see Chapter VIII. ), all four cylinders were arranged to drive one axle by cranks 90 apart, this axle being coupled with another axle, the wheel type being that known as the 4-4-0, or four-coupled bogie type. Strictly, the bogie is a double radial truck, as there is no centre pivot pin. At first two engines were built to the same design, except that one was a compound with two high-pressure cylinders outside the FIG. 109. Slide Valves Webb Four-cylinder System. frames and two low-pressure cylinders inside the frames, and the other had four cylinders all receiving boiler steam. After extended trial, the non-compound engine was altered to compound, and thirty-eight further compound engines were built. In 1900-2 another series of forty engines were built, having slightly larger high-pressure cylinders and augmented boiler power, the steam pressure being also raised in some cases. In 1901-2 the system was applied for eight-coupled mineral engines, otherwise similar to the three-cylinder engines already described, and in 1903-4 a class of small-wheeled six-coupled bogie engines were introduced for mixed traffic purposes. A feature of Mr Webb's four-cylinder system is the fact that only two sets of valve gear are employed for four cylinders, and fig. 109 shows the mechanism used for transferring the movement of the directly operated low-pressure valve spindle to the corresponding high-pressure valve spindle in opposite degree as required, as the pistons of adjacent low- and high-pressure cylinders are always moving oppositely, and the slide valves therefore require to be correspondingly operated. It has been maintained by many engineers that these engines 124 LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING. were not designed in a way to give really effective results, principally in respect of the apparently inaccurately proportioned cylinders, the non-provision of means for admitting boiler steam to the low-pressure cylinders at starting, and the impossibility of independently adjusting the valve operation of the high- and low-pressure cylinders respectively. As no means for non-compound starting are provided, the high- pressure cylinders are necessarily somewhat larger than they should be in proper proportion to the low-pressure cylinders. According to generally accepted ideas, the cylinder diameters should be about 13 and 22 in. diameter, but in order that the H.P. cylinders should be able to start a train alone, Mr Webb employed the diameters of 15 or 16 in. and 22 in. In practice, however, notwithstanding the many adverse criticisms which were advanced, and the general inclination which has been shown since Mr Webb's retirement to describe them as failures and unsatisfactory engines, it cannot be denied that they have done much splendid work ; and their everyday performances, if not altogether such as are required for dealing with average requirements on the London and North- Western Railway, compare very favourably with work done on other lines with apparently more powerful engines, where the duties are not so systematically onerous. Since the accession of Mr Whale to the position of Chief Mechanical Engineer of the London and North-Western Railway, most of the larger series of four-cylinder compound express locomotives have been fitted with additional valve gear for the high-pressure cylinders, means being provided whereby the high- and low-pressure valve gears can be adjusted independently if desired; and it is stated that the result has been a remarkable improvement in the working of these engines. Grb'lsdorf Four-cylinder System. Since about 1900 Herr K. von Gblsdorf has been adapting his well-known two-cylinder system to four-cylinder engines, and fig. 110 is a cross section through the cylinders of one of his large Atlantic type express engines for the Austrian State Railways. Since these were built the system has also been applied to some large six-coupled express engines, with leading and trailing pairs of carrying wheels (2-6-2 type). The starting arrangements are similar to those employed for two- cylinder engines as described in Chapter VII. Four-cylinder Italian System. The year 1900 saw the construc- tion of the first engine of a four-cylinder compound class of express engine for the Adriatic system of Italian railways, which comprises several notable features. These engines are six-coupled bogie engines, but are adapted to run in a reversed direction, the engine being of the trailing bogie tank engine type, but arranged to travel with the footplate end in front and the chimney behind, a cylindrical tank tender being employed for water, and the coal being carried in the engine bunkers. This arrangement has a special advantage that the driver has an FOUR-CYLINDER BALANCED SYSTEMS. 125 uninterrupted view ahead, and that a very steady-running engine is produced. Fig. Ill is an interesting photograph showing the cylinders and valve chests (for piston valves). The cylinder arrangement employed for these engines is very peculiar, there being two high-pressure cylinders on one side of the longitudinal centre line, and two low-pressure cylinders on FIG. 110. Golsdorf Four-cylinder System Cross Section. the other side. The cylinder arrangement is therefore H.P., H.P., L.P., L.P. The steam distribution is controlled by a special piston valve located over each outside cylinder, and controlling the steam passages of each pair of cylinders, one valve serving for both high- pressure cylinders, and the other for both low-pressure cylinders, the ports being crossed in some cases to allow of this. Two valves only are employed, so that two sets of valve gear are sufficient. The inside cylinders (one H.P. and one L.P.) are higher than the outside cylinders, their piston rods being inclined to clear the 126 LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING. coupled axle under the smokebox, so that all cylinders operate the middle coupled axle. It is difficult to understand why an arrangement involving such complicated cylinder castings should be employed, but it is stated that these engines, which are now fairly numerous, are doing very good work. Practically, the arrangement is that of a two-cylinder I I compound engine with each cylinder duplicated, one piston of each pair always working oppositely to the other, and driving cranks 180 apart. For starting, a small slide valve is connected to the H.P. valve rod and works over ports admitting boiler steam to the receiver, but the steam pipe for this admission is connected to the regulator valve, so that it is only when the regulator is opened to a certain degree FOUR-CYLINDER BALANCED SYSTEMS. 127 (about one-sixth open) that steam can pass to the receiver by this means, the engine working compound when the regulator is opened further. This design was prepared by Signor Planchar of the Southern Railway of Italy. Smith Four-cylinder System. The Smith three-cylinder system has already been described in Chapter VIII. During 1906, however, the system has also been adapted to four-cylinder engines, designed by Mr Worsdell for the North-Eastern Railway, and one of these engines is illustrated in the frontispiece. Von Berries Four-cylinder System. In 1903 a notable engine was built by the Hanover Engine Works, primarily for exhibition at St Louis in 1904, but also for participation in official trials of steam locomotives held in Germany at the beginning of the same year, the engine being a four-cylinder compound engine designed by Herr von Borries. Since that date a number (about fifty) of similar engines, which are also fitted with the Pielock superheater (see Chapter XV.), have been supplied for service on German Railways The two high-pressure cylinders are placed between the frames, the low-pressure cylinders being outside. Each pair of high- and low-pressure cylinders is cast in one piece, with their corresponding steam chests. The two groups of cylinders are bolted together and carry the smokebox. The valves of the H.P. cylinders are piston valves with inside admission, those of the L.P. cylinders balanced Trick valves. The cranks of the H.P. and L.P. cylinders upon the same side of the engine are set at an angle of 180 with each other, the cranks of the two sides being at right angles to each other. The valve gear is of the Heusinger-Walchaert type, and both valves on one side of the engine are driven by a single gearing. The two valves are controlled by a single link, which receives its motion from one eccentric, but the stem of each valve is coupled to an advance lever, which receives its motion from the crosshead of the corresponding piston. For the outside valve the link movement is transmitted by a lever with arms of different length, so proportioned that the ratio of steam admission is 55 : 30 for L.P. and H.P. cylinders in forward and backward gear. The starting is effected smoothly and without any difficulty by a direct admission of live steam into the steam chests of the low- pressure cylinders. Fig. 112 is a horizontal section showing the valve chests and starting valves for a high- and a low-pressure cylinder. The hollow intercepting valve is shown in position for non-compound working. The high-pressure exhaust passes by the passage a through the interior of the valve b to the opening c, and thence to the passage d leading to the exhaust. At the same time boiler steam is admitted by the passage e and by the recess / of the valve b to the passage #, by which it enters the low-pressure steam chest. For compound working the valve b is rotated so that a 128 LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING. passage-way is opened for the H.P. exhaust steam to pass from the interior of the valve b through the opening h to the low-pressure steam chest, and the boiler steam supply is cut off. There are two valves b, one at each side of the engine, but they are operated together by mechanism under the driver's control. Maffei Compound Engines, Bavaria and Baden State Railways. These engines, of the Atlantic (4-4-2) type, were first introduced in 1903, and were also designed to some extent in connection with the official steam locomotive trials conducted in Germany. They are now employed in considerable numbers on the Bavarian and Baden State Railways, together with some engines differing only in the fact that a third pair of coupled wheels are substituted for the trailing carrying wheels. The system has also been applied to some ! >^T.^ __j c f- <. a 1 FIG. 112. Von Borries Four-cylinder System Valve Chests and Starting Valves. large engines of the 4-4-4 type, having a bogie under the firebox as well as at the leading end, and four coupled wheels. Fig. 113 is a cross section of one of these engines for the Bavarian State Railways. All four cylinders are in line underneath the smoke- box. The H.P. cylinders are fitted with piston valves. The outside low-pressure cylinders are provided with balanced slide valves having double admission and exhaust ports. The low-pressure cylinders are each connected with the high- pressure cylinders by short double pipes. The valve motion is outside and actuates the low-pressure valves directly, the high- pressure valves being operated from the same motion by means of a rocking lever. To ensure economical working of steam, the proportion between the high- and low-pressure piston areas has been made 1 : 2'9. For starting the engine there is a valve worked from the reversing UNIVERSITY OF FOUR-CYLINDER BALANCED SYSTEMS. 129 gear and admitting live steam up to a pressure of 9 atmospheres into the receiver, which is fitted with a safety valve corresponding to that pressure. The arrangement is very similar to that described in Chap. VII. In order to prevent a vacuum in the cylinders when running with the regulator closed, automatic vacuum valves are provided, FIG. 113. Cross Section Maffei Four-cylinder Compound Locomotive. and these actuate smaller valves, which admit steam at low-pressure to the cylinders for lubrication. In the front and back covers of the high-pressure cylinders there are safety valves, which prevent damage to the cylinders through condensed water. Compound Locomotives on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. On this railway an engine was adapted a few years ago as a four-cylinder compound engine, the arrangement being similar to that employed by Mr Webb on the L.N.W.R., but the cylinder 9 130 LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING. diameters being 14 and 22 inches. Quite recently an eight-coupled engine has been adapted as a four-cylinder compound engine by Mr G. Hughes, Locomotive Superintendent. All cylinders operate one pair of wheels. For starting, a small slide valve is employed controlling ports whereby boiler steam can be admitted to the L.P. steam chests. Four-Cylinder Compound Locomotives for the Hungarian State Eailways. Towards the close of 1906 a series of powerful express locomotives was placed in service on the Hungarian State Railways. They are of the Atlantic type, with the four cylinders all actuating the leading pair of coupled wheels. The low-pressure cylinders are outside, and all cylinders are provided with piston valves. Two sets of valve gear only are employed. The starting mechanism, permitting of non-compound working, is an adaptation of that described in Chapter V. in reference to two-cylinder compound engines, and illustrated by fig. 43. CHAPTER XII FOUK-CYLINDER DIVIDED AND BALANCED SYSTEMS. CONTENTS : General Remarks The de Glehn System Vulcan Foundry Engine (de Glehn System) for Great Northern Railway De Glehn Compound Engines for Portuguese Railways, built by A. Borsig The Henri-Baudry System The Vauclain Balanced System The Cole System Ivatt's Compound Engine for Great Northern Railway Compound Engines in Belgium. General Remarks. Four-cylinder systems of this class appear to be now in greatest favour in most countries, for a large proportion of the four-cylinder compound engines introduced since the com- mencement of the twentieth century belong to this class. In France, nearly all compound engines now built are four- cylinder divided and balanced engines according to the de Glehn or the Henri-Baudry systems, and, with variations introduced by the firms of A. Borsig, J. A. Maffei, and the Swiss Locomotive Works, the systems employed are very similar, these engines being found in Germany, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal, as well as in some of the smaller European States. In Belgium compound engines are very few, but most of them can be placed in this section. In the United States the new Yauclain system, though first introduced as a balanced system, all cylinders driving one axle, is frequently adapted as a "divided and balanced" system, for which reason it is described in this chapter ; and the Cole system, which is the other of the two American four-cylinder systems now employed, is also " divided and balanced." Strictly speaking, there is very little difference between four- cylinder " balanced " and four-cylinder " divided and balanced," for it is only necessary to adapt the cylinders (they need not always be separated) to drive separate coupled axles to transfer a design from one class to another, though in most cases the divided system is less adaptable for the use of two sets of valve gear only. The de G-lehn System. The first locomotive compounded accord- ing to Monsieur de Glehn's system was an engine designed in 1885 for the Northern Railway of France. It had two high-pressure cylinders inside driving the front driving axle ; and two outside low- pressure cylinders, set back on the frames, driving the rear pair of 131 132 LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING. driving wheels. The axles were not coupled, in which respect de Glehn followed Mr Webb's practice ; and it is worthy of note that, although in all subsequent engines coupling rods have been employed, this engine is still at work with uncoupled wheels. FIG. 114. Cross Section de Glehn Four-cylinder Compound Express Locomotive. The engine was shown at the Paris Exhibition of 1889. A few years ago a bogie was substituted for the single leading axle ; otherwise the engine is still in its original condition, though, of course, it has long since been taken off first-class work. It was not, however, until 1891 that Monsieur de Glehn, in collaboration with Monsieur du Bousquet, Chief Engineer of the FOUR-CYLINDER DIVIDED AND BALANCED SYSTEMS. 133 Northern Railway of France, really in- troduced the system, now universally known; but from that date onwards it has been employed very extensively, first on the Northern Railway of France, and then, with but slight modification, on all the other French railways except the Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Rail- way, while the system has also been used for large numbers of engines for Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Alsace, some of the Balkan States, Asia Minor, etc., and a few en- gines in England, United States, Egypt, China, etc. In fact, the de Glehn system is prob- ably the most extensively used of any, and in many cases the engines have been built quite independently of Monsieur de Glehn. The total number of these engines is now considerably over 2000, of various designs. As a rule, the cylinders are arranged in two sets, one pair outside (usually the high-pressure cylinders), set back somewhat on the frames, and actuating the second coupled axle, and the other pair inside, under the smokebox, and driving the leading coupled axle. In some cases, however, the cylinders are placed in line, though separate axles are driven, the outside piston and connect- ing rods being much longer than those inside, to permit of this. For some of the goods engines, the inside cylinders drive the second coupled axle, and the outside cylinders the third axle. Fig. 114 is a cross section through the low-pressure cylinders of one of the large express engines of the Northern Railway of France, and fig. 115 is a half-sectional plan showing the cylinders, and motion thereof. From these views it will be seen that there are four sets of valve gear of the Walschaert type, those outside employ- ing a return crank and those inside a single eccentric. A feature of the de Glehn system is the fact that the i S1r~ 134 LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING. respective valve gears can be independently adjusted to vary the relative cut-off ratios of the H.P. and L.P. cylinders. In some of the early engines the cranks of the H.P. and L.P. cylinders at each side are placed 165 apart, but the general practice now is to place them at 180 apart, as usual, according to other systems. To enable the engine to start with boiler steam in the low-pressure cylinders, or for working as a four-cylinder non-compound engine temporarily when very great power is required, a valve is provided by which boiler steam can be admitted, past a reducing valve, to the low-pressure cylinders, and an intercepting valve is fitted whereby the high-pressure cylinders exhaust to the blast pipe instead of to the receiver pipe when working non-compound. The intercepting valve is operated by a small steam motor (" servo "-motor) controlled by a three-way cock in the driver's cab. Fig. 116 represents a series of diagrammatic drawings published by the Locomotive Magazine, and reproduced here by permission, which well indicates the principal features of this system. The locomotive shown in outline is the first of three French-built locomotives in use on the English Great Western Railway. In the driver's cab is the three-way cock already referred to, and a steam valve by which steam is admitted to the reducing valve, and thence to the low-pressure steam chests. The intercepting valve is in the form of a long hollow cylinder located alongside each of the low-pressure steam chests. Diagram lS T o. 1 shows the valves with the engine working non- compound. The valve A is operated to allow steam to pass to the reducing valve E, and the valve B allows steam to pass to a small cylinder D, where it acts on a piston which rotates the cylindrical valve C to allow H.P. exhaust steam to pass to the blast pipe. When altered for compound working the three-way cock B (diagram 2) is moved so that steam passes to the other end of the cylinder D, and causes the piston therein to rotate the valve C to a position wherein the H.P. exhaust steam is allowed to pass through the interior of the valve C to the low-pressure steam chests. The references are marked with one or two dashes for the two positions. By means of the intercepting valve C, the driver can operate the engine with the low-pressure cylinders alone in case of accident. In most respects the arrangement corresponds very closely to that employed for the du Bousquet tandem compound tank engines, described in Chapter IX. ; indeed, the latter is directly derived from the methods introduced by Monsieur de Glehn. Fig. 117 is a separate enlarged view showing the construction of the cylindrical intercepting valve. According to an earlier construction of the de Glehn intercepting valve, the valve is a short cylinder acting as an ordinary three-way cock controlling the passage of the H.P. exhaust steam either to the low-pressure steam chest or to the blast pipe. Figs. 118 and 119 are views reproduced from a recent number of FOUR-CYLINDER DIVIDED AND BALANCED SYSTEMS. 135 136 LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING. Engineering, which very clearly set forth the main features of the de Glehn system as employed in recent engines of the Eastern Railway of France. The system is not altered from that already described, but the constructive arrangements are somewhat different, though re- sulting mainly from the employ- ment of piston valves, and from the use of compressed air for operating the intercepting valve instead of steam. Vulcan Foundry Engine (de Glehn System) for Gt. Northern Railway. During 1905 an en- gine was built in Great Britain by the Vulcan Foundry Company, Limited, of Newtoii-le-Willows, under unusual circumstances. The Directors of the Great Northern Railway invited tenders for a powerful express locomotive for purposes of comparison with their own engines, the builders having practically a free hand as regards design, and the order was obtained by the firm mentioned. The engine is a four-cylinder compound engine of the Atlantic type, compounded according to the de Glehn system. As regards essentials, the starting mechanism corresponds to that already de- scribed, the difference being al- most entirely constructional, but the driver's lever for controlling non-compound working is so ar- ranged that it changes automati- cally to compound as soon as the driver lets go of the lever. De Glehn Compound for Portu- guese Railways, built by A. Bor- sig. It has already been stated that the de Glehn system has been employed by several Continental locomotive building firms, and fig. 120 is a view showing the con- struction of intercepting valve and operating mechanism therefor, as fitted by the well-known firm of A. Borsig of Berlin to some notable six-coupled bogie engines for the Portuguese State Railways. FOUR-CYLINDER DIVIDED AND BALANCED SYSTEMS. 137 In this construction, the intercepting valves are of the three-way type mentioned, and the view also shows the small operating cylinder by which they are operated, and the connections. The Henri-Baudry System. Early in 1889 M. Henri, Locomotive Engineer of the Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway, entered the field with a compound system which developed for some years in advance of the de Glehn system, and which probably entitles M. Henri to far greater credit than is usually assigned to him. FIG. 118. De Glehn System Eastern Railway of France. Reproduced from Engineering. Six engines were built according to this system, of three distinct types. In these engines coupling rods were employed, in which respect M. Henri was certainly ahead of M. de Glehn, and, what is most important, a high steam pressure was used 213 Ibs. instead of 156 Ibs. as used in de Glehn's system ; but the cylinder arrangements were very unusual. Later engines for the Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway were built according to one of these arrangements, but such dispositions of the cylinders have never since been repeated elsewhere, and even the one arrangement referred to has been discontinued for some years. The type designed for passenger use had the four cylinders 138 LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING AND SUPERHEATING. abreast, but driving on to separate axles, the inside high-pressure cylinders driving the front coupled wheels, and the outside low- pressure cylinders driving, with long piston and connecting rods, the rear coupled wheels. Two of these engines were built, and one of them was exhibited at the Paris Exhibition of 1889, forming an interesting companion to Monsieur de Glenn's engine above described. The second type was an eight-coupled goods engine, with the outside low-pressure cylinders in the usual positions, driving the second axle, and with the inside high-pressure cylinders set back between the frames an absolutely unique arrangement and driving the third axle. In the other two locomotives, also eight-coupled engines, all cylinders were under the smokebox ; but the inside high-pressure cylinders were raised and inclined and drove the second axle, while