UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES A COLLEGE TEXT-BOOK ON QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NKW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO - DALLAS ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO., LIMITED LONDON BOMBAY CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, LTD. TORONTO A COLLEGE TEXT-BOOK ON QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS BY HERBERT RAYMOND MOODY, S.B. (M.I.T.), A.M., PH.D. (COLUMBIA) ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1919 COPYRIGHT, 1912, BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published September, 1912. Reprinted June, 1914; May, 1916; February, 1917. NortoooS Khfss: Berwick & Smith Co., Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. I'M IATI ACKNOWLEDGEMENT is MADE TO MY WIFE EDNA WADSWORTH MOODY (M. I. T., 1893) WITH WHOSE EFFICIENT COLLABORATION THIS BOOK HAS BEEN WRITTEN. I AM INDEBTED TO PROFESSOR LEO FRANK GUTTMANN, PH.D., F.I.C., F.C.S., OF QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FROM WHOM I RECEIVED HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS WHEN ORIGINALLY LAYING DOWN THIS COURSE, FOR CRITICISMS AND PROOF READING. \N THIS book is issued with no thought of enriching the literature *$\of Quantitative Analysis. The field has been covered so often \ and the number of typical analyses suitable for elementary Q\ classes is so limited that no great departure from regulation courses j. is possible. The aim in view has been to prepare directions which shall be **s explicit, clear, adapted to those to whom quantitative analysis . with its refinements is an unknown field and above all to make obvious the unnecessary pitfalls that consume time. For the last r reason the author has placed the explanatory facts in large type on the same page and directly under the directions for procedure to which they relate. While this book has been in use in manuscript form during the last five years at the College of the City of New York this has been effective in two hoped for results: (1) The pre- vention of mistakes that are so often made before the student has turned to the end to read the explanations and warnings in the notes and (2) a clearer understanding of the reactions and changes at each step of the work. Another object in view has been to make a book that will be useful to the student who is either taking up quantitative work by himself or with an instructor whose classes are too large to admit of much individual attention. This is more often the case than not. It is the writer's experience that for lack of specific directions the student, while the instructor is otherwise engaged, makes the fatal error which necessitates the repetition of perhaps hours of Vi FOREWORD work. There are accepted methods of manipulation, the result of tried experience, that insure correct analyses. The student cannot be expected to know these intuitively. Too much inde- pendence of action at this stage inevitably leads to a loss of time and to the acquiring of disadvantageous habits of manipulation. By the use of these minute directions he at once gets into the habit of correct manipulation, accomplishes more in the same time and, for a beginner, gets unusually good results. There is much possible latitude in the choice of detail of methods in the analyses selected, but standard methods which have been found to serve satisfactorily with our own students are those used. Only such facts and theories as are necessary to the full under- standing of the development of the subject are included. For further details the student is referred to his instructor's lectures and to larger textbooks. The author will gladly confer with instructors in other colleges concerning his system of "unknowns." The substances used for analyses are strictly unknown to the student who is consequently forced to rely upon his own work. A qualitative analysis gives no hint as to which sample has been given to him. HERBERT RAYMOND MOODY. COLLEGE OF THE CITY OP NEW YORK. A COLLEGE TEXT-BOOK ON QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS determines the amount of one or more of the constituents of a substance. The methods used in Quantita- tive Analysis may be considered as refinements of those already used in Qualitative Analysis.* When it is merely a question of determining what elements are present in the substance to be analyzed, these less precise processes of Qualitative Analysis are adequate; when it is a question, however, as in Quantitative Analysis, of determining how much of one or more elements is present, the reactions selected for the process must produce more complete separation. To isolate completely one substance from one or more elements, requires definite, standard conditions ful- filled with the most scrupulous care, neatness and accuracy. To illustrate: If ammonium oxalate be added to a mixture of magnesium and calcium chlorids to determine the per cent, of calcium present, difficulties are met by adding too much oxalate, and on the other hand by adding too little. In Qualitative Analysis, an indefinite amount of the ammonium oxalate added to the mixture of mag- nesium and calcium chlorids will precipitate most of the calcium as calcium oxalate and leave most of the magnesium in the filtrate. The presence of calcium is shown, which is all that is required. In Quantitative Analysis, there are two facts that must be taken into consideration. First, if only enough oxalate is added to throw * References are given in the text to the preliminary experiments in "Chem- istry of the Metals" which apply in this later course. 1 2 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS out the calcium as calcium oxalate, some of the calcium oxalate will dissolve in the magnesium chlorid and make the per cent, of calcium too low. Second, if enough ammonium oxalate is added to convert both the calcium and magnesium to oxalates, then the calcium oxalate will drag down with it some of the magnesium oxalate and make the per cent, of calcium too high. Hence the analyst is between two dangers: (a) he may lose some of the cal- cium because of the solubility _of the oxalate in magnesium chlorid or (b) he may add to the precipitate through contamination. Later, when analyzing for calcium and magnesium, the student will be given precautions which reduce these dangers to a mini- mum. Absolute adherence to directions as to quantities, time and manipulation is necessary if the student is to get accurate results. A Quantitative Analysis may be made by Gravimetric or Volu- metric methods: In Gravimetric Analysis, which includes electrolytic work, meas- urement by weight is the important factor; in Volumetric Analy- sis, measurement by volumes. Electrolytic Analysis involves the isolation of an element by use of the electric current. SECTION I GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Apparatus THE student is already familiar with most of the apparatus used in gravimetric analysis, such as beakers, evaporating dishes, flasks, lamps, stirring rods, filter papers and funnels. The following details should, however, be noted: (1) Stirring rods must be rounded with even more care than in qualitative work to avoid the possibilities of spoiling beakers by scratching. Precipitates adhere to such scratches and are removed from them with difficulty. For the complete removal of precipi- tates, stirring rods should have at one end about one inch of black rubber tubing, fitted closely to the rod and just covering the end. This rubber end should not be kept standing in a solution, espe- cially while the solution is boiling. It should be reserved for the latter part of the filtration when the last of the precipitate is being removed from the beaker. Such a stirring rod is known as a "policeman." (2) Ordinary filter paper, the sort used in Qualitative Analysis, is not suitable for the final filtration of quantitative precipitates. Such paper is used only in preliminary filtrations, to cover the funnel when it is placed in the drying oven and to place on the filter-stand under beakers during the period of filtration. For the 5 6 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS final filtration a special "washed" filter-paper is used. Any of the various grades are suitable. The Schleicher and Schull, No. 589, 11 cm. in diameter, is a convenient size and a satisfactory quality. Each paper has a uniform ash of 0.00017 grams. Allow- ance in the final weighing may therefore be made and this weight of ash deducted from the total weight of the substance in the crucible. Such papers are expensive and should be used only for final filtrations. It is advisable to keep filter papers in envelopes or boxes to prevent them from collecting dust or other ponderable matter. (3) Funnels for this work should be of the so-called Bohemian- glass type, with sides at an exact angle of 60 and with a long stem which is ground to a point. A funnel of this shape filters much more quickly than one of the ordinary kind (see fact 7, page 36). In addition to the above apparatus, use will be made of: (4) weighing tubes; (5) wash bottles; (6) casseroles; (7) filter flasks; (8) steam baths; (9) air baths; (10) crucibles; (11) triangles; (12) desiccators and (13) the analytical balance. (4) Weighing tubes may be of the ground-glass-stopper type with either a flat or round bottom or a 2f-inch by |-inch test tube fitted with a good grade of cork stopper. The latter is equally desirable. (5) Wash bottles used in Quantitative Analysis should have tips small enough to emit a sufficiently fine stream of water to avoid spattering precipitates when the stream strikes them. For the convenient handling of a wash bottle containing hot water, the neck should either be wound with cord, covered with cork sheets or supplied with some other similar device. (6) Casseroles are more often used than evaporating dishes, altho they serve the same purpose. It is, of course, fatal to an GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 7 analysis to lose even a minute amount of the solution. The handle on the casserole makes it much easier to avoid spilling and is more convenient to hold while filtering. (7) Filter flasks, or suction bottles, facilitate the filtering of gelatinous and other precipitates. The funnel stem is inserted in a one-hole rubber stopper fitted to the neck and the side-neck is attached to the vacuum outlet by rubber "pressure" tubing. The tip of the stem of the funnel should come well below the side neck. In order to avoid the possibility of the introduction of liquids or corrosive vapors into the vacuum pipes and apparatus, a gas wash bottle must be interposed between the filter bottle and the vacuum cock on the desk. To avoid breaking the tip of the wet filter paper by the increased pressure on it, the apex of the funnel should contain either a perforated platinum cone or a small cone made by folding a "hardened" filter paper, "S. & S." No. 575, 7 cm. in diameter. (8) Steam Baths are used for evaporations which are rarely made over the free flame because of the possibility of loss through too violent ebullition. If the Bunsen lamp is used, the beaker or casserole should stand either on a sand bath (a shallow iron tray containing a quarter of an inch of sand) or on an iron plate covered with a sheet of asbestos board. (9) Air Baths are used for drying precipitates in funnels and for determining water of crystallization, hygroscopic moisture, etc. They may be simple copper ovens with shelves, heated by a lamp, or they may be larger and heated either with a steam jacket or steam pipes in the base. (10) Crucibles for all ordinary ignition of precipitates may be of Berlin porcelain in spite of the fact that some precipitates are not so easily brought to a constant weight in porcelain as in platinum crucibles. Such porcelain crucibles should be heated with great 8 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS care to avoid breaking. However, unless expense prohibits their use, platinum crucibles are far more desirable except in the case of precipitates which are easily reduced; as, for example, those obtained in lead and phosphorus determinations. In such cases the reduced metal will alloy with the platinum and spoil the cru- cible. For work of this kind porcelain crucibles always should be used. Two important facts should at this point be learned: (1) Platinum alloys with certain metals. A student sometimes forgets this until he has ruined his expensive platinum crucible. (2) Before selecting the sort of crucible for use, the chemical change that is to take place in the precipitate which is being ignited should be considered. Platinum containers should be used for most fusions and always for the treatment of substances with hydrofluoric acid. Whichever crucible is employed, it must first be ignited and cooled in the desiccator before weighing. Otherwise, when it is ignited with the precipitate, the crucible itself might change in weight. Crucible covers are always weighed with the crucible, as ignited precipitates should be weighed covered in order to avoid absorp- tion of hygroscopic moisture. Covers, by keeping out the air currents, also prevent the loss of finely divided precipitates during ignition. Crucibles must be cleaned after each analysis. Porcelain cru- cibles may be cleaned by using any solvent of the adhering sub- stance which does not react with porcelain. If platinum crucibles are used, the student should observe the following rules and precautions issued by J. Bishop & Co., Malvern, Pennsylvania. CARE AND USE OF PLATINUM WARE* To insure long and satisfactory service, platinum ware should be perfectly clean and bright before each operation in which it is employed, and to that end it is advisable to carefully clean, dry and polish it immediately after it is used. * Courtesy of J. Bishop & Co. Platinum Works, Malvern, Pa. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 9 The cleaning may be accomplished by boiling in dilute hydro- chloric acid or by immersing in fused potassium bisulphate for a few minutes and removing the salt by means of boiling water. By rubbing the surfaces with moist talc or fine sea sand (free from sharp or angular grains) the platinum may be freed from adhering substances and polished without injury or appreciable loss of metal. After polishing, the platinum should be thoroughly rinsed in distilled water and finally ignited. PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED In making ignitions or fusions in platinum vessels by means of the Bunsen burner, the upper non-luminous cone only should be employed, and not the inner cone, nor should a smoky flame be used, as the action of a flame containing free carbon will result in the formation of a carbide of platinum, causing the metal to become brittle. Fusions in which hydrates of sodium, potassium, barium or lithium are used should not be performed in platinum vessels, as they attack the platinum at high temperatures. Great care should be observed in igniting phosphates in platinum crucibles, as the presence of reducing substances, such as the charcoal of the burnt filters, may cause the reduction of small quantities of phos- phorus, which, combining with the platinum, render it quite brittle. Compounds of silver, lead, tin, bismuth, arsenic and antimony should not be ignited in platinum vessels as the reduction of metals having low melting points may result in the formation of alloys with the platinum. Evaporations and fusions in which chlorin, iodin or bromin are set free should not be performed in vessels of platinum. (11) Triangles. During the process of heating, crucibles are placed upon triangles of such a diameter as to admit of the crucible resting vertically or on its side at an angle of forty-five degrees. 10 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS For all ordinary purposes "pipe-stem" triangles answer, but those made of heavy platinum wire (gage 18, or heavier) are in some respects better. These latter need not be made entirely of plati- num, but a triangle of platinum wire may be stretched from copper loops at the center of the sides of a larger copper wire triangle (gage 12, or over). The triangle must be kept scrupulously clean. If it has not been well cleaned, after a carelessly regulated fusion, for instance, adhering matter may attach itself to the next cruci- ble heated upon it and increase its weight. (12) Desiccators, as the name indicates, furnish an inclosed space in which the air is perfectly dry and from which, therefore, no moisture can be deposited on crucibles or precipitates to add to their weight as they cool. There are various types of desiccators, a most convenient form of which will be found in the five-inch Scheibler which is fitted with a three-hole porcelain crucible plate and filled in the lower chamber with a few sticks of solid potassium hydroxid.* The ground-glass undersurface of the run of the cover should be lightly covered with vaseline or with a mixture of equal parts of beeswax and paraffin melted together. (13) The Analytical Balance is sufficiently sensitive to weigh to one ten-thousandth part of one gram. The pillar, beam and the pans are its three most essential parts. The pillar is surmounted by the beam, the halves of which are termed the "arms," two equal divisions of a lever. The beam is supported on a fulcrum at the top of the pillar. The arms are capable of adjustment in length by means of a micrometer screw at the ends. Two equal loads on the two pans, therefore, ^produce equilibrium or equal oscillations on either side of the center. The right-hand arm is divided into five or ten equal parts, each in turn subdivided into ten equal parts. A two-legged piece of platinum wire, called a "rider," may be set down upon this arm at any point by means of the rider hook, which is moved by the rider rod projecting outside of the case at the top of the right-hand side. When placed upon a whole division, the rider is equivalent to a corresponding number * Fused anhydrous calcium chlorid can be used if preferred. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 11 of milligrams. The fractions of divisions, consequently, read tenths of milligrams. For accurate results the balance should be level on the table. It may be made so by adjusting the height of the two front legs of the case until the spirit level or plumb bob at the base of the pillar indicates proper adjustment.* Friction in the balance at the point of support must as far as possible be avoided. This is accomplished by using "knife-edges" to give as little supporting surface as possible and by making all support- ing surfaces of hard metal. The "knife-edges" are of hard steel resting upon agate, f THE WEIGHTS It is rarely necessary in gravimetric work to weigh anything heavier than one hundred grams. A box of weights, therefore, usually contains weights of the following denominations: 50 grams 20 grams 10 grams 10 grams 5 2 1 gram 1 gram . 5 gram 0.2 gram 0.1 " 0.1 it 0.05 " 0.02 " 0.01 " 0.01 n a total of 99.99 grams. It is evident that if the weights oxidize or corrode, their value would change. They must therefore be protected from dirt and fumes and must be handled only with forceps. They should never be left out of the box, which should always be kept tightly covered. Pure platinum or gold would be the most permanent materials for weights but for ordinary work their value prohibits their use. The large weights are of brass, tin, etc., and may be platinum or gold plated. Fractional weights are usually of pure platinum. * Such adjustments should be made by. the instructor and not by the beginner, whose inexperience is likely to result in making a bad matter worse. t For details of construction and theory of the balance, the student is referred to Clowes and Coleman's "Quantitative Analysis," pages 1-14; Morse's "Quan- titative Chemistry," pages 1-30; Fresenius's "Quantitative Analysis," pages 1-26; Olsen's "Quantitative Analysis," pages 7-20; and Treadwell's "Analytical Chemistry," Vol. II, pages 6-16. 12 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS is the process of determining the relative amount of a constituent of a substance by: (I) Weighing a definite quantity of the substance to be analyzed, (II) Isolating the element or radical sought either as the ele- ment itself or as a definite, insoluble, pure compound, (HI) Freeing this element or compound from admixed liquids or solids by filtering and washing, (IV) Igniting to a stable compound of known composition, (V) Weighing the element or stable compound, and (VI) Calculating the per cent, from data obtained. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 13 PROCESSES EMPLOYED IN GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS I. Weighing The weight of a substance taken for analysis varies. An or- dinary charge runs from 0.2 gram to 1 gram, but, under some con- ditions, 5 or even 10 grams might be required. Within certain limits the larger the amount taken for analysis the more accurate the result, but no amount should be large enough to give an over bulky precipitate. An analyst in his selection is guided by the quantity of the unknown compound at hand and also by the re- lative amount of the element sought in the substance. If it con- tains a large amount of the element sought, a smaller weight of the substance is taken than if it contains, for example, only a fraction of a per cent. A. Precautions (1) Always use the same balance. (2) Sit directly in front of the balance to avoid parallax. (3) Borrow neither weights nor riders from another balance. (4) Allow the knife-edges to rest upon the agate bearings only when the pans are swinging. At all other times the cradle should' be raised by the knob or wheel in front. Form the habit of immediately raising the cradle the moment equilibrium has been established. (5) Never remove weights from the pan nor put them upon it unless the beam has been arrested by raising the cradle. (6) Never weigh a substance upon the balance pan, but have it in a crucible, weighing tube or on a tared watch glass. (7) Never put a hot nor a wet dish on the balance pan for it may both hurt the surface of the pan and change the weight. A hot dish produces ascending air currents and therefore weighs too little. A dish below the temperature of the balance produces descending currents and therefore weighs too much. 14 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS (8) Keep the front door of the balance closed except during the time of putting on or taking off the weights or dishes. If the balance is provided with side doors, the front door need scarcely ever be opened. The final operation of the weigh- ing with the "rider" should be done with the case entirely closed. If any door is open, air currents may cause an error. (9) Weigh all precipitates which are markedly hygroscopic, vol- atile or absorbers of carbon dioxid with the crucible cover on. The crucible and cover should therefore be weighed together at the beginning of the analysis. (10) Never handle the weights except with the forceps provided in the box. (11) The center of the pointer scale should be the zero point. Unless the balance is in perfect adjustment, this will not be the case. Occasionally determine the zero point as follows: Imagine the divisions on the pointer scale numbered from to 20 from left to right. Make three readings on the left and two on the right, as, for example: 2 U 50 l*' g OO 16-63 + 3.08 = 98 3.00 16.25 3 75 2)33 25 ^ na ^ * s ' ^ ne zero P m t> Q\Q O g Tv/r 9.8, is 0.2 of a space 3)9,25 Mean, 16.63 at the left of the mid- Mean, 3.08 die division. The position of the zero point changes because of varying temper- ature, defective condition of the knife-edges or from jarring. B. Method of Weighing . Unless special directions are given for weighing in a tared watch glass or crucible, the method of "direct weighing" of the charge is not to be used. The method of "indirect weighing," weighing by difference, is as follows: The weighing tube is partially filled with the prepared substance stoppered, carefully wiped, weighed and the weight recorded. The approximate amount of salt is emptied from the tube into a beaker, the stopper replaced and a second weighing made. The GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 15 difference between the two weights is the weight of the charge. This process is given in detail under the "Determination of Aluminium." The weight of the charge specified in the directions is only ap- proximate. For example, if the directions call for 0.5 gram, a charge weighing 0.4895 gram or one weighing 0.5103 gram fulfills the conditions. C. Directions for Weighing (1) With tongs, take the article to be weighed and put it through the side door on the center of the left-hand pan. (2) If the article has never been weighed before,* trials should be made, according to (3), to determine which one or com- bination of two or more of the larger weights comes the nearest to causing equilibrium. During such trials, the cradle should be lowered but part way and the pointer carefully watched in order to avoid the violent descent of either pan, which may put the balance out of adjustment. (3) With the forceps, put the large weight selected on the center of the right-hand pan. If the right-hand pan descends, the weight is too large and the next smaller denomination should be used. If this proves too light, add smaller weights till the total weight just falls short of balancing the article on the left pan and finish with the rider. For example: A twenty gram weight proves too heavy. Raise the cradle. Remove the twenty-gram weight. Put on a ten-gram weight. Partly lower the cradle carefully. This is too small. Raise the cradle. Try a combination of ten and five. Lower the cradle. This is not enough. Raise the cradle. Make a combination of ten, five and two. Lower the cradle. This is not enough. Raise the cradle. Add one gram. Lower the cradle. This causes the right-hand pan to descend. Raise the cradle and put the one-gram weight back into its place in the box. Proceed with the smaller fractional weights until the last one added just falls short of causing equilibrium. Close the door and determine the exact position of the rider necessary to produce equilibrium. * Forjthe student's guidance, it may be stated that an average porcelain cru- cible and cover weighs about 16 grams, an average 15 c.c. platinum crucible and cover about 12 grams and a 2J inch-platinum evaporating dish about 30 grams. 16 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Experience teaches by observing the swing of the pointer, about how much too heavy or how much too light a given mass is and will help to determine the next combination. After equilibrium has been established: (4) Raise the cradle. (5) Add up the weights on the pan and record in the notebook. This should be done in ink and at once. This rule is insisted upon.* (6) Check this result by noting the empty spaces in the box. (7) Remove the weights with the forceps and put each in its proper place in the box. (8) Remove the crucible or other container. (9) Close the doors. (10) Lift the rider. (11) Call the Instructor's attention at once to anything that may have been spilled within the balance or to any part of the balance that may have become disarranged. * For the first two analyses, all recorded weights should be stamped "checked " by the Instructor before the weights are removed from the pan. This not only insures good work on the student's part but corrects errors due to inexperience. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 17 n. Isolating the Element or Radical Sought SOLUTION OF THE SUBSTANCE Getting the original substance into solution is the first necessary step in the process leading up to precipitation. A water solution is usually preferable. If it cannot be dissolved in water it should be dissolved in acid. Here a knowledge of solubilities is essential. For instance, an alloy or compound containing lead should be dissolved in an acid like nitric acid. An unthinking analyst might try sulfuric acid, not recalling the fact that lead sulfate is insoluble and that therefore no solution could result. Many compounds and ores are wholly or in part insoluble in acids, cold or hot, or even in aqua regia. Such substances should first be made to undergo a preliminary fusion to change them to soluble compounds (see under "Determination of Silica," page 78). The principle underlying this method is as follows: All carbonates and all sodium salts are decomposed by strong acids. When a compound is heated with sodium carbonate, at the temperature of fusion, the constituents are transposed in such a manner as to render them soluble, carbonates of the metals of the compound are formed and the acid radicals combine with the sodium. Since all carbonates and all sodium salts are decomposed by strong acids, the originally insoluble compounds have been changed into soluble forms. The reactions on page 78 show what happens upon the decomposition of a silicate which may be taken as a type of such a refractory substance. REAGENTS After getting the original substance into solution, the charac- teristics of reagents selected to cause precipitation should be considered. A reagent is used which gives a definite and completely insoluble compound with the element to be determined. For instance, 18 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS sulfuric acid could not be employed to determine calcium altho it gives a precipitate of calcium sulfate in a fairly strong solu- tion. Calcium sulfate is somewhat soluble and consequently an oxalate which gives a completely insoluble compound is always used. Reagents most often employed are acids, their sodium or am- monium salts, or alkalies. As they are readily soluble this makes easy the preparation of their solutions for reagents. As a soluble salt or acid results from the metathetical reaction with the com- pound containing the element to be precipitated, most of it passes into the filtrate and what is left may easily be washed from the precipitate. To illustrate: Soluble Precipitate 4 FeCl 3 + 3 NH40H = 3 NH 4 C1 + Fe(OH) 3 and Soluble Precipitate BaCl 2 + H 2 S0 4 = 2 HC1 + BaSO. Other compounds than the soluble salts and acids used for pre- cipitations must be intelligently selected with the foregoing facts in mind. PRECIPITATION It is evident that to completely separate one element from one or more others in the same solution, a sufficient amount of a reagent must be added to precipitate in an insoluble form all of the given element, which may then be filtered off from the simul- taneously occurring substances in the solution. It is not always possible to form a precipitate entirely free from other compounds. In such cases, subsequent purification is resorted to (see " Deter- minations of Calcium and of Silica " for two types of such proced- ure). When working with substances of known composition, as with alum in the first determination, it is easy to calculate the amount of reagent required. This is not often possible, since the composi- tion of the substance and amount of each element present is un- known. Generally, therefore, the reagent, which should always be hot when conditions permit, is added slowly with constant stirring of the solution until no further precipitate forms. This point may be determined by letting the precipitate settle and noting whether a few more drops of the reagent produce any GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 19 precipitate in the clear, supernatant liquid. Filtrates always should be re-tested for complete precipitation. To be properly done, in Quantitative Analysis, precipitation re- quires a good, clear knowledge of solubilities, both the solubility of the substance in the liquid used and the solvent action of sub- stances simultaneously formed should be considered (for example, see the precautions necessary for the precipitation of calcium in the presence of magnesium, pages 73 and 74). A study of precipitation, then, the process of making insoluble compounds, involves knowledge of the facts underlying the phenomena of solution. IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT SOLUTIONS* 1. Conditions being the same, a great variation is noticed in the solubility of different solids in the same liquid. 2. No solid is absolutely insoluble. Even barium sulfate dis- solves to the extent of 1 part in 400,000 parts of water. 3. Heat generally aids solution. A few exceptions to this rule are noted. Calcium citrate is more soluble hi cold water than in hot water. Sodium chlorid, however, is about as soluble in cold as in hot water. Heat is an aid to the solution of metals and minerals in acids. 4. Water is the most universal solvent and has some solvent action on almost everything. As previously stated, a solvent must be selected to suit the individual case. No general rule can be given. It should be remembered that the use of a concentrated acid often appears to fail to give solution because the compounds formed are not soluble in strong acid. Later dilution will often cause complete solution. Even with a somewhat soluble com- pound, a saturated solution may result and more water be needed to destroy the saturated condition. 5. Dissolved substances tend to distribute themselves evenly throughout the solvent but the process is slow and should be aided by stirring or shaking. This is particularly to be observed in making standard solutions. * See "McPherson and Henderson" and other larger works for elaboration of some of these facts. 20 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 6. All substances whose solutions conduct the electric current dissociate when they dissolve in water. That is, the molecule splits into two or more parts called ions which are as free to move about in the solution as are independent molecules. These ions carry electrical charges and hence differ in their properties from the atoms or molecules. (See under " lonization," page 85.) 7. The equilibrium between substances in solution may be dis- turbed and a reversible reaction may go to completion in three ways: (a) A gas may form and escape from the solution. (b) An insoluble solid may form. (c) Two different ions may form undissociated molecules. 8. Section (b) in the foregoing paragraph governs the phenom- ena of precipitation as follows: If HC1 and AgNO 3 are brought together in solution the following ions will be present H + , Cl~, Ag+, NO^". The ions Ag + and Cl~ will then set up the equilibrium Silver chlorid is almost completely insoluble in water and the formation of very little of it causes a supersaturated solution and the excess of the salt precipitates. More ions of silver and chlorin then unite until all have been removed from solution. The following reaction is then complete: AgN0 3 + HC1 = AgCl + HN0 3 . The table on page 21 will give the student a knowledge of solubilities of common compounds. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 21 OOT Z !' w a2O2O2 *>* ' O2 '^02 O2 60 O2 tnmpog >_r^ oj >-<<<> MM 02 '-or TfWN -X-B-... ! " 02 02 02 02 02 O2 "^ '" O2 O2 W^'^COCQ (-ova 1 -'' uoij (pBA"p) uojj '"HHh-1 05 " O2 O2 '* '" ' uaSojpA'jj O2O2 O2O2 O2O2 0202020202020202020202 '(P B W) PIO 02 02 aaddoo >- "CQ' uimuiojqQ 1 - 02 * 02 02 - mninonirav 1 0202020202020202020202020202020202 O2O2O2 '" "**CO O2O2 <* oo'^'^'^cQ ill! 144 :1|: ^S.^^ 1 SB 1 !3 minus the logarithm of the weight of the original charge plus the logarithm of the constant factor of the amount of Al in A1 2 O 3 equals the logarithm of the per cent, of Al. Log. of (weight of A1 2 O 3 ) 0.1134 = 9.05461-10 Log. of (original charge) 1.0561 = 0.02366 9.03095-10 Log. of (constant factor) 0.53033 = 9.72454-10 18.75549-20 or 2.75549 Anti-log, of 2.75549 = 0.0569 or 5.69 % Al. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 45 THE DETERMINATION OF COPPER IN PURIFIED COPPER SULFATE, CuSO 4 .5H 2 O * Copper is: (a) precipitated by sodium hydroxid, NaOH, as cupric hy- droxid Cu(OH) 2 ; (6) converted by boiling and ignition to cupric oxid, CuO, a type of precipitate that must be largely removed from the filter paper before ignition; (c) weighed as cupric oxid; (d) calculated as per cent, of copper. REACTIONS I. CuSO 4 + 2 NaOH = Cu(OH) 2 + NaSO4. II. Cu(OH) 2 + A = CuO + H 2 0. III. CuO + C = Cu + CO. IV. 3 Cu + 8 HNO 3 = 3 Cu(NO 3 ) 2 + 4 H 2 O + 2 NO. V. 2 Cu(N0 3 ) 2 + A = 2 CuO + 4 N0 2 + O 2 . * If this course is to be limited to ninety hours, the determination of copper may be omitted. Otherwise, the value of the preparation of a pure from a commercial salt and the practice of the separation of a precipitate from the filter paper before ignition justify the time expended. 46 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS PREPARATION OF THE PURE CuSO 4 .5H 3 O FROM " BLUE VITRIOL (COMMERCIAL) Weigh 50 grams of commercial copper sulfate on a rough balance. Dissolve by heating in 150 c.c. of distilled water. Add 1 c.c. of dilute nitric acid 17 and keep the solution boiling gently for fifteen minutes. Filter and put the beaker containing the filtrate in cold water. Stir vigorously to get finely divided crystals. Filter, wash the crystals with a small amount of cold water, let drain and dry by pressing gently 18 between a folded sheet of filter paper. Put the crystals on a clean five-inch watch glass and let dry in the open air. Turn the crystals over frequently with a clean stirring rod until they no longer adhere to the Transfer the crystals at once to a piece of glazed paper creased through the middle and empty into a test tube that has been fitted with a cork. EXPLANATORY FACTS 17. Commercial "blue vitriol" usually contains ferrous sulfate. Ferrous sulfate and copper sulfate tend to crystallize together and cannot, therefore, be separated by "fractional crystallization." The ferrous sulfate is consequently oxidized to ferric sulfate by the nitric acid. The ferric sulfate does not tend to separate with the copper sulfate which is easily obtained in crystals after concentrating the liquid. 18. If pressed roughly, fragments of the paper may mix with the crystals. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 47 PROCEDUBE * Fill a weighing tube two-thirds full of the purified copper sulfate l9 and fit in a cork. Weigh into a 250 c.c. casserole, labeled "Cu," , ' Weighing the charge one gram of the salt and record the weight. Dissolve in 100 c.c. of hot, distilled water. Dissolving the The solution should be perfectly clear. substance Cover the beaker and heat the solution to boiling f (see reac- tion II). While stirring with a glass rod having rounded Precipitation of the ends, add, drop by drop, a dilute solution of hvdroxid sodium hydroxid 20 (see reaction I) hi slight excess. 21 Stir constantly and continue to heat for ten minutes. Keep the beaker covered when possible. Test for excess of sodium hydroxid by putting a drop of the solution on a strip of red litmus paper with the stirring rod. Wash off the litmus paper into the beaker with a little distilled water from the wash bottle. EXPLANATORY FACTS 19. As this is a salt of known composition, each student must check his work by calculating the per cent, of copper in CuSO4.5H 2 O. This calculation should be put on the left-hand page of the note-book. 20. When cupric hydroxid is first formed it is a greenish blue; it turns brown at once at a boiling temperature and then nearly black. This indicates the change to cupric oxid. 21. Cupric hydroxid is insoluble in excess of fixed alkalies in dilute solution. * This determination is not done in duplicate. t See "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 102. 48 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Rinse off the underside of the watch glass into the beaker by means of a jet of hot water from the wash bottle. While the precipitate is settling, fit a filter paper (S. & S. "Ash- less," 11 cm.) hi to a funnel as described on page 36. To collect the filtrate, use a 500 c.c. beaker (No. 4). After the precipitate has settled, pour off the Filtration of the liquid through the filter. oxid Carefully direct a stream of hot water from the Washing the oxid wash bottle into the precipitate and stir. Boil again. 22 Wash by decantation several times, page 37. During filtration, start the heating, cooling and Preparation of the weighing of the porcelain crucible, page 39. crucible Transfer the precipitate quantitatively to the filter paper as described in detail under "The Determination of Alu- minium," page 38. Wash the precipitate in the funnel with hot water until a few drops of the filtrate acidified with hydrochloric add give with barium chlorid solution no test for sul- Testing ^ si^te fate.* Direct the stream downwards onto for complete the upper part of the filter. As previously washmg stated, never completely fill the filter paper and wait till it has entirely drained before adding more liquid. Cover the funnel with an ordinary 11 cm. filter paper wet with distilled water. Place the funnel hi an oven to dry the precipi- Drying of the tate. precipitate This precipitate cannot be ignited with the paper as the carbon from the filter paper will reduce copper oxid to metallic copper (see reaction III). EXPLANATORY FACT 22. Cupric hydroxid must be completely changed by boiling to cupric oxid. * See "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 232. C GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 49 Place a perfectly clean three-inch watch glass upon a circular piece of glazed paper about six inches in diameter. Separate the copper oxid from the filter paper in the following manner: Remove the filter paper from the funnel. Gently loosen the precipitate adhering to the sides of the paper by pressing the funnel-shaped paper with Separatioa of ^ thumb and fingers. With great care empty copper ond from the the bulk of the contents of the filter paper mter **" upon the watch glass. Invert the filter paper over the watch glass and gently rub the sides together. Avoid rubbing hard enough to detach threads of the paper. Cover the precipitate with an inverted six-inch watch glass. Wipe off any of the precipitate that has adhered to the glass funnel and drop the bit of paper into the filter-paper cone. Fold the filter paper, which should be flattened into the shape of a quarter circle, in halves lengthwise, fold once more in the same way. Roll the top edge and secure it by fastening around it loosely a platinum wire which will then come into contact with clean paper Preparing and burning Only. the filter paper after Hold the folded filter paper by the wire over the weighed crucible, which should stand on a piece of glazed paper. Burn and let the ash fall into the crucible (see reaction III). Moisten the residue with one or two drops of nitric add to dis- solve it and form cupric nitrate * (see Treatment of any reaction IV). reduced oxid To avoid loss by spattering, heat with great care on a hot plate to drive off the excess of nitric acid till the mass is dry (see under "Evaporation of Liquids," page 24). Place the crucible on its side on a clean, clay triangle on a ring stand and heat first gently and then to redness till the cupric nitrate has changed into black cupric oxidf (see reaction V). * See "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 91. t See "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 96. 50 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Remove the lamp and when the crucible is nearly cool, place it on a piece of glazed paper and transfer the main part of the precipitate which is on the watch glass into the crucible. Brush off the particles remaining on the Treatment of ^^ glass with a small brush or trimmed entire combined feather. Finally brush into the crucible precipltate any particles that may be on the glazed paper. Heat strongly for a few more minutes. ignition Cool in the desiccator. cooling, and Weigh and record the weight. weighing Repeat the heating, cooling and weighing till the weights agree within three-tenths of a milligram, thus bringing the substance to a "constant weight." GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 51 SAMPLE CALCULATION The per cent, of Cu in CuS0 4 .5 H 2 O. Weighing tube + copper sulfate = 14.8345 grams Weighing tube charge = 13.6405 grams Weight of charge = 1.1940 grams Weight of crucible with cover + ash -f CuO = 25.4987 grams Weight of crucible with cover = 25.1190 grams Weight of ash and CuO = 0.3797 grams Weight of ash = 0.0002 grams Weight of CuO = 0.3795 grams Atomic weight of Cu = 63.60 " " O =16.00 Molecular " " CuO = 79.60 The ratio of Cu to CuO =' = 0.79897 + or 0.7990. 0.7990 is the "constant factor" that represents the amount of Cu in CuO. (Weight of CuO), 0.3795 grams, multiplied by 0.7990 (the con- stant factor) = 0.30322 gram of Cu in 1.1940 grams of the salt. 0.30322^ 100 52 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS CALCULATION BY LOGARITHMS The logarithm of the weight of CuO minus the logarithm of the weight of the original charge plus the logarithm of the constant factor of the amount of Cu in CuO equals the logarithm of the per cent, of Cu. Log. of (weight of CuO) 0.3795 = 9.57921-10 Log. of (original charge) 1.1940 = 0.07700 9.50221-10 Log. of (constant factor) 0.79900 = 9.90255-10 19.40476-20 or 1.40476 Anti-log of 1.40476 = 0.2539 or 25.39%. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 53 DETERMINATION OF IRON IN AN UNKNOWN, SOLUBLE, FERROUS SALT SIMILAR TO FERROUS SULFATE Iron is: (a) oxidized in the presence of hydrochloric acid to the ferric state by nitric acid, HNO 3 ; (6) precipitated by ammonium hydroxid, NH 4 OH, as ferric hydroxid, Fe(OH) 3 ; (c) converted by ignition to, and weighed as, ferric oxid, Fe 2 O 3 . (Type of precipitate which by ignition loses component water) ; (d) calculated as per cent, of iron. REACTIONS I. 6FeS0 4 + 8HNO 3 = 2Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + 2Fe(NO 3 ) 3 + 2 NO + 4H 2 O. II. 2 FeS0 4 + NO = (FeS0 4 ) 2 NO. III. Fe 2 (S0 4 ) 3 + 6 NH 4 OH = 2 Fe(OH) 3 + 3 (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 . IV. Fe(N0 3 ) 3 + 3NH 4 OH = Fe(OH) 3 + SKH^Os. V. 2 Fe(OH) 3 + A = F^O 3 + 3 H 2 O. ADDITIONAL REACTIONS POSSIBLE IN THE PROCESS VI. 2 FeSO 4 + O = Fe2O(SO 4 ) 2 . VII. 3 Fe 2 0(S0 4 ) 2 + 6 HC1 = 2 Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + 2 FeCla + 3 H 2 0. VIII. 3 FezOs + C = CO + 2 Fe 3 O 4 . IX. 2Fe 3 4 + O = 3Fe 2 3 . X. Fe(OH) 3 + 3 NH 4 C1 + A = FeCl 3 (partly volatile) + 3NH 3 + 3H 2 O. 54 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS DETERMINATION OF IRON PROCEDURE Weigh into two 350 c.c. beakers (No. 3), two weighing the portions of the salt of 1.5 grams each. charge Dissolve in 100 c.c. of distilled water to which Dissolving the 4 c.c. of concentrated hydrochloric* add 23 substance have been added. Cover the beakers with watch glasses, bring the oxidizing the iron solution to a boil and add to each 2 c.c. of to *" ferric state nitric f aa'd. 24 * 25 Again cover the beakers and keep them at the boiling point for about fifteen minutes. The solutions will now show the presence of ferric salts by the clear yellow or red color EXPLANATORY FACTS 23. Unless there is free acid present, ferrous iron will not wholly oxidize and basic ferric salts will precipitate (see reactions VI and VII). 24. The iron must be oxidized (see reaction I) before precipi- tation as the ammonia does not completely precipitate ferrous salts and, even if it did, such a precipitate, t owing to its tendency to oxidize, would be of indefinite composition. 25. The brown coloration that appears when nitric acid is added is due to the combination of NO with the ferrous sulfate in the solution (see reactions I and II). Upon heating, this com- pound is destroyed and the nitric oxid escapes. * "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 157. t "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 155. t "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiments Nos. 158 and 160. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 55 Test for complete oxidation by adding a drop or two more of nitric add which, if no ferrous iron remains, will produce no further brown coloration (see reaction II). Allow the solution to cool. While stirring, add a slight excess of am- Precipitation of monia 26 * 27 (test by the odor). ferric tydroxid Heat to incipient boiling with constant stirring. 28 Allow the precipitate* to settle. With hot water, wash several times by decantation through the filter into a 500 c.c. beaker. Transfer all of the precipitate to the filter paper Filtration of the and wash with hot water 29 * 30 until a few hydrorid drops of the filtrate no longer give a test washing the for HC1 with AgN0 3 solution.! hydroxid EXPLANATORY FACTS 26. Unless all the iron is precipitated as quickly as possible throughout the solution, SO4 is lost, as basic ferrous sulfate, by being "dragged down" in neutral zones. 27. The first action upon the addition of ammonia is the neu- tralization of the free acid in the solution, which results in the formation of ammonium nitrate and ammonium chlorid. 28. In distinction from chromium and aluminium hydroxid, ferric hydroxid is practically insoluble in an excess of ammonia. 29. Ferric hydroxid may be changed to ferric chlorid if heated with any ammonium chlorid that has been left by insufficient washing. As ferric chlorid is somewhat volatile this would re- sult in a loss of iron (see reaction X). 30. In order to avoid the solvent action of ammonia upon the glass, filtration must be begun at once after the precipitate has settled. Once begun, the filtration and washing must be com- pleted without delay. * "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 167. f "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 49. 56 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Dry the precipitate in the oven and ignite to a constant weight. 31 * 32 There should not be a greater 7 \. ., ., ,. .. Drying, igniting and variation than three-tenths of a milligram, weighing the pre- Make the final ignition in a covered crucible ci P itate over a blast lamp. Report the per cent, of iron. EXPLANATORY FACTS 31. Proper ignition of the precipitate (see reaction V) changes it to Fe2Os. Under reducing conditions, however, reaction VIII may take place and form FesCX or even metallic iron. If sufficient air is admitted to the crucible during ignition, both of these prod- ucts will change to Fe2Os (see reaction IX). Reaction V is not completed without the use of the blast lamp. 32. Fe^Os is hygroscopic: to avoid the absorption of water, it should be weighed as quickly as possible. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 57 DETERMINATION OF THE ACID RADICAL SO 4 IN AN UNKNOWN, SOLUBLE, FERROUS SALT SIMILAR TO FERROUS SULFATE SO 4 is: (a) precipitated in the presence of hydrochloric acid by barium chlorid, BaCk, as barium sulfate, BaSO 4 ; (6) weighed as barium sulfate, BaSO 4 ; (c) calculated as per cent, of S0 4 . , REACTION I. (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 + BaCl 2 = BaS0 4 + 2 NH 4 C1. ADDITIONAL REACTIONS POSSIBLE IN THE PROCESS II. BaSO 4 + 2 C = BaS + 2 C0 2 . III. BaS + 2O 2 = BaS0 4 . IV. BaS + H 2 S0 4 = BaS0 4 + H 2 S. 58 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS DETERMINATION OF THE ACID RADICAL SO 4 PROCEDURE Add hydrochloric acid in slight excess to the filtrate from ferric hydroxid. 33 On a water bath, evaporate 34 this solution to dryness in a six- inch evaporating 36 dish (see "Evaporation of Liquids," page 24). Cover with a watch glass which should rest, not upon the rim of the dish, but upon a glass triangle made of bent stirring rod. This allows steam to escape, Evaporation of catches the spatters and prevents dust from the filtrate falling in. EXPLANATORY FACTS 33. It was necessary to precipitate the iron before the de- termination of sulfur, as (1) the iron tends to contaminate the sulfate and (2) barium sulfate is slightly soluble in ferric chlorid. 34. During evaporation, both the nitric and the hydrochloric acids are decomposed and volatilized. Should any nitric acid re- main the barium salt of this acid would form and contaminate the precipitate and the final per cent, would be too high. Nitrates of the alkalies and iron are also particularly liable to be dragged down with barium sulfate. 35. Evaporation is hastened by increasing the top surface of the heated liquid. Broad, shallow dishes, then, are more suited to evaporations than those that are high and narrow. Rapid evaporation may be obtained by blowing a gentle cur- rent of warm, dry air onto the surface of the liquid. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 59 Dissolve the residue in 100 c.c. of water and, if necessary, filter the solution. This evaporation is to remove the nitric acid which is here in the form of ammonium nitrate 36 and which, in the previous process, was used to oxidize the iron (see reaction I under " The Determination of Iron"). Transfer quantitatively to a beaker and add 5 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric 37 acid. Heat the covered solution to boiling 38 and, precipitation of the while stirring, add slowly, 39 drop by drop, barium suifate EXPLANATORY FACTS 36. Barium suifate possesses the quality of dragging down with it compounds, even those that are ordinarily soluble. These are not easily removed by washing and, therefore, lead to inaccurate results. 37. (a) As hydrochloric acid, even when it is dilute, dissolves some barium suifate, only the smallest excess is added. The presence of an excess of BaCk lessens this solubility; a large excess, however, should be avoided as there is danger, especially if the reagent is added quickly, of some of it being precipitated with the barium suifate. (6) When sulfuric acid is precipitated by barium chlorid, some of the chlorid is often "dragged down" by the barium suifate. As barium suifate is somewhat soluble, these two sources of error under favorable conditions almost counteract each other. 38. Barium suifate formed in hot acid solution is in the best condition to be retained by the filter paper. If the solution and the barium chlorid were cold, there would be formed a finely divided precipitate which would have to stand hours before it could be filtered. 39. If the reagent is added quickly, barium chlorid as well as barium suifate will be precipitated. 60 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS not exceeding 5 c.c. per minute, a moderate excess of boiling barium chlorid* solution. 40 After the precipitate has settled, add a few more drops of barium chlorid. Keep the liquid nearly at the boiling point and stir occasionally during one-half hour or more. Test for complete precipitation by again adding a few drops of the barium chlorid. Pour the supernatant liquid through a special Filtration of the filter, 41 disturbing the precipitate as little sulfate as possible. Wash the precipitate twice by decantation with hot water acidi- fied with hydrochloric acid. Then wash washing the with hot water alone and transfer the pre- sulfate cipitate to the filter. Wash till the filtrate gives with silver nitrate Testing the gitrate no reaction for chlorids. 42 The filtrate for complete must be clear. washing EXPLANATORY FACTS 40. A soluble barium salt, like barium chlorid, or a soluble sulfate, makes the barium sulfate less soluble. For this reason, it is desirable to have an excess of barium chlorid, but as barium chlorid is carried down with barium sulfate, a large excess should be avoided. 41. Some of the barium sulfate may run through an ordinary filter. 42. The absence of chlorids proves that the washing is com- plete. * "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 232. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 61 Dry in the oven, 43 ignite 44 and weigh. Before the second igni- tion add one drop of concentrated sulfuric Drying, ignition acid. Be sure that a constant weight is ad weighing reached. Make the final ignition, with the cover on, over the blast lamp. EXPLANATORY FACTS 43. With proper precautions this precipitate can be ignited without putting it into the drying oven (see under "Ignition to a Stable Compound, " page 25, also pages 39 and 40). 44. Ignite slowly to properly burn the filter paper. Barium sulfate at a high temperature may be reduced by the carbon of the filter paper to barium sulfid. Although sufficient air will usually change the sulfid back to sulfate, the change is sure to take place if sulfuric acid is added. 62 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS DETERMINATION OF CHLORIN* IN AN UNKNOWN, SOLUBLE CHLORID (Corresponding to the general formula MCI or MC1 2 ) Chlorin is: (a) precipitated by silver nitrate, AgNOs, as silver chlorid, AgCl,f a type of precipitate which must be removed from the filter paper before ignition; (6) weighed as silver chlorid; (c) calculated as per cent, chlorin. REACTIONS I. MCI + AgN0 3 = AgCl + MN0 3 or II. : MC1 2 + 2 AgN0 3 = 2 AgCl + M(N0 3 ) 2 . * Reversed, except in certain special cases, this process may be used for the determination of silver in alloys, etc. t Unless it fuses, AgCl is unchanged by ignition, but if it is in contact with the filter-paper when it is ignited, it is reduced by the carbon of the filter paper to netallic silver. Therefore the bulk of the AgCl is removed from the paper, which is burned separately. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 63 DETERMINATION OF CHLORIN All silver precipitates and filtrates containing silver salts are to be put into a side-shelf bottle marked " Silver Residues." PROCEDURE 45 Weigh into two 350 c.c. beakers two portions of the chlorid, 0.3 of a gram each. charge Dissolve in 100 c.c. of cold distilled water. 46 Dissolving the Add 3 c.c. of dilute nitric 47 add (sp. gr. 1.2). substance EXPLANATORY FACTS 45. In this determination avoid exposure to bright light.. It changes the silver chlorid from white to violet, which shows a de- composition to a lower chlorid with a loss of chlorin. Although later, when the hydrochloric and nitric acids are added, any chlorin that has been lost is replaced (see explanatory fact 52), it is as well to avoid the necessity of correcting previous error. 46. Silver chlorid is almost insoluble in cold water, but more soluble in hot water. 47. Nitric acid (1) decreases the solubility of silver chlorid, (2) keeps in solution any other compounds that might be carried down with the silver chlorid and (3) overcomes the tendency which silver chlorid has in cold water of changing to a colloidal state, a condition in which the precipitate will pass through the filter. The amount of nitric acid is limited to this amount as silver chlorid is somewhat soluble in concentrated nitric acid. 64 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Add silver nitrate solution, drop by drop, with constant stirring, until there is no further precipitation.* Precipitation of There should be a slight excess of the silver ** chlorid nitrate. 48 Heat nearly to the boiling point 49 and stir constantly until the precipitate has coagulated and the liquid is clear. Place the solution in a dark place to settle. Use filter papers 9 cm. in diameter. Pour the liquid through the filter without Filtration of the greatly disturbing the precipitate. silver chlorid Catch the filtrate in a 500 c.c. beaker. Wash the precipitate in the beaker three times with cold water slightly acidified with nitric acid 50 , decant- washing the ing the liquid through the filter. chlorid EXPLANATORY FACTS 48. An excess of silver nitrate, as in the case of nitric acid, de- creases the solubility of silver chlorid and aids in the coagulation of the precipitate. If the precipitate is not flocculent there is probably not a suffi- cient excess of silver nitrate. 49. Do not heat to boiling before the silver nitrate is added in excess, as some of the unprecipitated chlorin might be liberated from the original salt (KC1, NaCl, etc.) by the action of the hot nitric acid. The heat is necessary to make all the precipitate floc- culent. 50. Nitric acid prevents the coagulated precipitate from return- ing to a colloidal state. * "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 49. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 65 Transfer the precipitate to the filter and continue the washing with cold water acidified with nitric acid Testing ^^ ffltrate until a drop of hydrochloric acid in 3 c.c. of for complete wash- the wash water shows no turbidity. 51 Be "* sure to wash the filter paper clean above the pre- cipitate. Wash twice with cold water or a mixture of alcohol and water, half and half, to remove the nitric acid. Test for the absence of nitric acid with litmus paper. Save the filtrate for silver recovery. Dry the precipitate in the oven at 100 C. This precipitate cannot be ignited with the filter paper, as Drying the pre- the carbon from the paper will reduce silver P itate chlorid to metallic silver. Place a perfectly clean three-inch watch glass upon a circular piece of glazed paper about six inches in diameter. Separate the silver chlorid from the filter paper in the following manner: Remove the filter from the funnel. Gently loosen the precipitate adhering to the sides Special precautions of the paper by pressing the funnel-shaped paper with the thumb and fingers. With great care, empty the contents of the filter paper upon the watch glass. Invert the filter paper over the watch glass and carefully rub the sides together. Avoid rubbing hard enough to detach threads of the paper. Cover the pre- cipitate with an inverted six-inch watch glass. EXPLANATORY FACT 51. Mixed with the AgCI are nitrates of the alkali metals that were in combination in the original salt and nitrate of silver. The absence of the latter in the HC1 test indicates that the other soluble nitrates are also washed away. 66 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS After removing the precipitate, press the filter paper into the shape of a quarter circle, fold in halves lengthwise, fold once again in the same way. Roll the top edge and secure it by fastening around it loosely a platinum wire. If there is any silver chlorid on the edge of the paper the heat will reduce it to metallic silver, which will alloy with the platinum. This will break the wire and spoil the determination as well. Hold the folded filter paper by the wire over a weighed porcelain crucible, which should be on a piece of glazed paper. Burn and let the ash fall into the crucible. Place the crucible on its side on a clay triangle. As silver chlorid volatilizes at rather a low temperature, apply the Bunsen flame only on that part of the cru- ignition of the cible upon which there rest particles of chlorid carbonaceous matter. When these have whitened, remove the lamp and cool the crucible. Add to the ash two drops of concentrated nitric acid to dissolve the metallic silver* and then two drops Treatment of any of concentrated hydrochloric acid to convert reduced silver it to the chlorid. Evaporate to dry ness on the water bath. Transfer the main part of the precipitate which is on the watch glass into the crucible. Hold the watch glass over the glazed paper and brush off into the crucible the remaining particles with a small brush or trimmed feather. Finally brush into the crucible any particles that may be on the glazed paper. Add to the precipitate two drops of concentrated nitric acid and two drops of concentrated hydrochloric 52 acid. EXPLANATORY FACT 52. It is at this point that the silver chlorid which has been reduced to metallic silver by sunlight is dissolved and changed back to the chlorid * "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 46. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 67 Evaporate to dryness on the water bath. Heat with great care until the silver chlorid barely begins to fuse at its edges. 53 If it is heated too strongly the deter- mination will be ruined. weighing the Cool and weigh. cMorid Heat, cool and weigh until a constant weight is obtained. EXPLANATORY FACT 53. Silver chlorid slightly decomposes and volatilizes at its temperature of fusion, 460 C. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS DETERMINATION OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM IN MIXED CARBONATES 54 1. The soluble constituents are dissolved from the mineral, the solution is evaporated to dryness and the residue dehydrated. This leaves insoluble siliceous matter. 2. Iron and aluminium are precipitated by ammonium hydroxid, NH 4 OH, as ferric hydroxid, Fe(OH) 3 , and aluminium hydroxid, A1(OH) 3 . 3. Manganese, if present, is precipitated by ammonium hy- droxid, after oxidation with bromin, as an oxid of varying com- position. 1, 2 and 3 are not weighed. They are simply to be removed and rejected before the calcium and magnesium are precipitated. 4. Calcium is: (a) precipitated by freshly prepared ammonium oxalate solu- tion (NHOzCaO^ as calcium oxalate, CaC 2 O 4 ; (6) changed by ignition to calcium oxid and weighed as such; (c) calculated as per cent, calcium oxid. 5. Magnesium is: (a) precipitated by microcosmic salt, NaNEUHPO^ as crys- talline magnesium ammonium phosphate, MgNH4P04; (6) changed by ignition to magnesium pyrophosphate, MgzPzOy, and weighed as such; (c) calculated as per cent, of magnesium oxid. EXPLANATORY FACT 54. Such a mixture is found in dolomite (magnesium lime- stone). This is one of the common minerals whose composition is CaCOs . MgCOs in varying proportions. It may also contain manganese, aluminium, iron, silica, etc. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS REACTIONS Calcium and Magnesium I. CaCO 3 + 2 HC1 = CaCl 2 + H 2 O + CO 2 . II. MgCO 3 + 2 HC1 = MgCl 2 + H 2 O + CO 2 . III. H 4 Si0 4 + A = 2 H 2 + Si0 2 . IV. CaCl 2 + (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 4 = CaC2O 4 + 2 NI^Cl. V. CaC 2 4 + 2 HC1 = CaCl 2 + H 2 C 2 O 4 . VI. CaCl 2 + H 2 C 2 4 + 2 NH 4 OH = CaC 2 O 4 + 2 NH 4 C1 + 2H 2 0. VII. CaC 2 4 + A = CaO + CO 2 + CO. VIII. MgCl 2 + NaNH 4 HP0 4 = MgHP0 4 + NaCl + NH 4 CL IX. MgHP0 4 + NH 3 = MgNH4P0 4 . X. 2 MgNH 4 P0 4 + A = Mg2P 2 7 + 2 NH 3 + H 2 0. 70 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS DOLOMITE PROCEDURE Weigh into 350 c.c. beakers two portions of the weighing the finely ground mineral of 1.5 grams each. char e REMOVAL OF THE SILICEOUS MATTER 55 Treat in covered beakers with hydrochloric acid* Dissolving the (1.12 sp. gr.) until action ceases (see re- substance actions I and II). . Transfer quantitatively into evaporating dishes and evaporate to dryness on a water bath. Dehydration of the Heat for two hours at 130 C. (see reaction III). sUicic acid Cool and add to the residue a few drops of concentrated hydro- chloric acid. EXPLANATORY FACT 55. The siliceous residue, composed of quartz, clay, etc., is largely insoluble in the dilute acid. Some soluble silicic acid may, however, pass into solution. It must be heated at 130 C. to change it to insoluble silica, SiC>2, which can be filtered off. The mineral could be dissolved directly in an evaporating dish but it is somewhat easier to judge of cessation of solution if the action takes place in glass. * " Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 240. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 71 Warm cautiously and then add 20 c.c. of hydrochloric acid (1.12 sp. gr.) and 20 c.c. of water. While warm, filter into a beaker. Wash the residue on the filter paper with hot Removal of the water till it is free from hydrochloric acid, s^ceous residue when it may be rejected. REMOVAL OF ALUMINIUM M AND IRON w (AND MANGANESE) If a qualitative test has shown the presence of manganese, 58 it is precipitated at this point by adding bromin water to the filtrate from the silica till a permanent yel- Remo7al of ^^ low color remains. Then proceed with the aluminium and addition of NH 4 C1 and NH 4 OH as in the man * anese following paragraph. If manganese is absent add a few drops of nitric acid to the fil- trate from the silica and boil to be sure that the iron is all oxidized. Add the least possible excess of ammonium hydroxid. Gently boil the solution till it is but faintly ammoniacal. Quickly 59 filter the precipitated iron and aluminium hydroxid (and perhaps manganese) and wash three or four times with hot water. Mark the filtrate and washings "A." EXPLANATORY FACTS 56 and 57. See notes under aluminium and iron determina- tions. 58. It is necessary to add bromin to oxidize the manganese, which, with ammonia, forms a hydrated dioxid. This hydrated dioxid of manganese is thus removed with the iron and alu- mina. 59. Filter quickly to avoid action of ammonia upon the glass and also to avoid the absorption of carbon dioxid. 72 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Dissolve * the precipitate of iron, aluminium solution of the iron, (and manganese) on the filter paper with hot, dilute hydrochloric add, receiving this tates solution in a separate beaker. Thoroughly wash the acid solution out of the paper. Test washings with litmus paper. If manganese is not present, add a slight excess Re eci itatLon of of ammonia water to reprecipitate the the iron, aluminium iron and aluminium from this acid solu- andman sanese tion. If manganese is present, again add a few drops of bromin water before adding the ammonia. Boil till only faintly ammoniacal. Filter and wash free from chlorids. Reject the precipitate. Mark the filtrate and washings "B." EXPLANATORY FACT 60. This re-solution and reprecipitation is necessary to com- pletely separate the small quantity of calcium which may have precipitated as carbonate, due to absorption of atmospheric C02 by the alkaline solution. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 73 DETERMINATION OF THE CALCIUM This element is now contained in the filtrate and washings "A" from the original iron and aluminium precipitate and in the filtrate and washings "B" from the second precipitation of iron and aluminium (and possibly of manganese). Combine the filtrates "A" and "B" and heat to boiling. Evaporate to 250 c.c. if it exceeds this volume. Make alkaline with ammonium hydroxid. To the boiling ammoniacal liquid, add slowly, with stirring, a moderate excess of warm, freshly pre- precipitation of the pared 61 ammonium oxalate 62 solution * (see "fc" <*aiate reaction IV). Heat to boiling for a few minutes and let the precipitate settle for half an hour or more. Decant the liquid, but do not remove the precipitate to the filter, as it is to be redissolved. Wash the precipitate by decantation three or four times with hot water till free from ammonium chlorid, washing by de- testing the wash water with silver nitrate acidified with nitric acid. EXPLANATORY FACTS 61. Ammonium oxalate decomposes slowly and ammonium car- bonate is one product of this decomposition. 62. Calcium oxalate is somewhat dissolved by magnesium chlorid solution; therefore, enough ammonium oxalate should be added to convert to oxalate the magnesium as well as the calcium. * "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 242. 74 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Test the filtrate for complete precipitation with a few drops of ammonium oxalate and let it stand. This filtrate, when combined with the filtrate obtained from Treatment of the the reprecipitated calcium oxalate (see ^h^precf^tation below), if perfectly clear, is ready for the of the magnesium magnesium determination. Without delay, slightly acidify the filtrate, to prevent the solvent action of the alkali upon the glass. If the filtrate is more than 150 c.c. in volume, evaporate it on the water bath. The precipitate, if the original sample contained much magnesium, will contain some magnesium oxalate with the calcium oxalate. Purify 63 the calcium oxalate as follows: redissolve the pre- cipitate on the filter and in the beaker by pm^^^ of ^ pouring warm, dilute hydrochloric acid first calcium ox- (see reaction V) four or five times through alate precipltate the filter into the beaker containing the precipitate. After the calcium oxalate is all dissolved, wash the filter with ammonium hydroxid. Dilute the solution to about 250 c.c. Heat and make it slightly alkaline with ammonium hydroxid (see reaction VI). Add 5 c.c. of the ammonium oxalate solution 64 and let it stand for at least half an hour. EXPLANATORY FACTS 63. Although magnesium oxalate is relatively soluble, espe- cially in the presence of ammonia salts, yet as calcium oxalate may drag down some magnesium oxalate, a re-solution and reprecipi- tation is necessary. On second precipitation, there is relatively so little magnesium present that none of it is contained in the calcium oxalate precipitate. 64. This ammonium oxalate is added to insure the presence of an excess of the reagent, the best condition for the precipitation of the calcium. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 75 Filter through the same filter paper as used Filtration ^ wash . before. ing of the reprecipi- Wash the precipitate with hot water. teted calcium oxalate Test the filtrate for chlorids and, when the precipitate is free, slightly acidify the filtrate and add it to the first filtrate containing the bulk of the magnesium oxalate. The com- bined filtrates should not exceed 200 to 300 c.c. Dry the precipitated calcium oxalate in the oven. Ignite in a platinum 65 crucible. Heat strongly Drying, ignition for about ten minutes. and weighing Finish with a blast lamp for ten minutes 66 (see reaction VII). Repeat until a constant weight is obtained. EXPLANATORY FACTS 65. A higher temperature than that which is needed by many precipitates is required for the complete conversion of the calcium oxalate to calcium oxid. Although a porcelain crucible may be used, in this case one of platinum is better. 66. Weigh quickly, as calcium oxid absorbs moisture from the air. 76 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS DETERMINATION OF MAGNESIUM METHOD OF WOLCOTT GIBBS Concentrate 67 the filtrates containing the magnesium (and ammonium) salts to about 200 c.c. and bring to a boil. Add to the almost boiling solution several drops of methyl orange and, to make neutral, add ammonia, drop by drop, till the solution just becomes yellow. Keep hot. Add a normal solution of microcosmic salt, ^60^^^,, of ti, e NaNH 4 PO4,* till no further precipitation magnesium ammo- takes place 68 (see reaction VIII). ** phosphate While stirring, add a volume of ten per cent, ammonia equal to one-third that of the hot solution 69 (see reaction EX). EXPLANATORY FACTS 67. If during concentration any magnesium oxalate settles out, decant the liquid into another beaker, dissolve the salt in dilute hydrochloric acid and combine. 68. Almost ninety per cent, of the magnesium present is at once thrown down as amorphous magnesium hydrogen phosphate, MgHPO 4 . 69. The addition of ammonia and the stirring transform the magnesium hydrogen phosphate into crystalline magnesium ammo- nium phosphate, MgNHiPCU. Simultaneously the remaining magnesium is almost completely thrown down. The complete precipitation is effected upon standing two or three hours. * "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 260. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 77 Let stand two or three hours to insure complete precipita- tion. Decant the liquid through the filter. Wash the precipitate three times by decantation Fatenng and wash- with a wash water made by mixing one a^n^riu^hos^ 1 part of ammonia (sp. gr. 0.96) and five parts phate of water. Transfer to the filter and wash till the filtrate gives with silver nitrate no reaction for chlorids. Dry in the hot closet. Transfer the bulk of the dried precipitate to a weighed porcelain crucible. Burn the filter paper in a platinum wire spiral and add the ash to the precipitate in the crucible. Heat the covered crucible very gently until the ammonia is driven off and the precipitate is white. Igni tion, cooling Then heat 70 more strongly (see reaction X) . and Cool in a desiccator. Ignite to a constant weight. Use the blast lamp if necessary. EXPLANATORY FACT 70. During this ignition, great care should be used to avoid the reduction of the pyrophosphate. 78 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS DETERMINATION OF SILICA, SiO 2 , IN GLASS OR OTHER INSOLUBLE SILICATES The silicate is: (a) converted by fusion with an alkali carbonate into a form decomposable by hydrochloric acid. The metals are converted to carbonates while the silicic acid forms sili- cates of potassium and sodium. (6) dissolved in hydrochloric acid with formation of chlorids and free silicic acid. (c) silicic acid is dehydrated to silica, SiO 2 . (d) filtered, ignited, weighed and calculated as silicon dioxid, Si0 2 . REACTIONS I. 2M 2 "Si0 4 + 4NaKC0 3 = 4M or II. 2 M"Si0 3 + 2 NaKC0 3 = 2 M"C0 3 + Na^SiOa + K 2 Si0 3 . III. M"CO 3 + 2 HC1 = MC1 2 + H 2 + C0 2 . IV. Na4Si0 4 + 4 HC1 = 4 NaCl or V. Na2Si0 3 + 2HCl = 2NaCl VI. EUSiO* + A = 2 H 2 O + SiO 2 or VII. H 2 SiO 3 + A = H 2 O + SiO 2 . VIII. SiO 2 + 4 HF = SiF 4 + 2 H 2 O. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 79 DETERMINATION OF SILICA PROCEDURE Grind the mineral in an agate mortar to an impalpable powder. The correctness of the determination de- Grinding and pends upon this being perfectly done. weighing the charge Weigh into platinum crucibles two portions of the substance, 0.2 of a gram each. Add 2 grams of sodium potassium carbonate, NaKCOs 1 to each and mix. To avoid loss by frothing, 72 the Fusion with an crucible should never be filled more than alkali ""^nate one-half full. The carbonate can be added in small portions during the fusion. Heat gently until the frothing ceases. When melted, heat for fifteen minutes or longer over a blast lamp until tranquil fusion results. EXPLANATORY FACTS 71. By this fusion all the insoluble substances are transformed into such compounds as carbonates, silicates of the alkalies, etc., which are all decomposed by hydrochloric acid. The final solu- tion, then, is composed of chlorids of those metals present and silicic acid. According to the amount present, the silicic acid is wholly or in part in solution. 72. The frothing is caused by the evolution of the carbon dioxid gas. 80 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS After the lamp has been removed and when the crucible is just below redness, cool suddenly 73 by placing it on an inverted porcelain mortar, or stone desk- top. When thoroughly cooled, invert the crucible on a piece of glazed paper and remove the fused cake. Place the crucible with its adhering pieces of the fused mass and its cover hi a beaker. Add 100 c.c. of water, cover, warm and from time to time add a little dilute hydrochloric acid till Preparation of the all of the adhering substance is dis- solution solved. Remove the crucible and its cover with a stirring rod and care- fully wash them both off into the beaker. Put the fused cake from the glazed paper into the beaker and dissolve it with about 50 c.c. of hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.12). Keep the beaker closely covered to avoid loss from effervescence. 74 Transfer the acid solution to an evaporating dish or casserole and evaporate to dryness on a steam bath. Heat in a hot Closet at 130 C. for tWO hours Dehydration of the (see reactions VI & VII). silicic acid Cool and add a few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Warm cautiously. To the warm solution add 20 c.c. of hydro- chloric acid (sp. gr. 1.12) and then 20 C.C. Filtration and wash- of water. Again warm gently. *"* of the sUica While warm, filter into a beaker. EXPLANATORY FACTS 73. This loosens the mass from the side of the crucible. 74. Silicic acid, which is slightly soluble in water and in acids, is a white gelatinous mass. It appears yellow as it is suspended in a yellow solution. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS 81 Wash the residue on the filter paper till free from hydrochloric acid. Ignition and weigh- Dry, ignite in a platinum crucible and weigh. 75 " EXPLANATORY FACT 75. After a constant weight has been obtained, a test of the purity of the silica consists in volatilizing the silica with hydro- fluoric acid, HF (see reaction VIII). The silicon tetrafluorid formed volatilizes, while compounds of any admixed metals, if present, remain in the crucible. Deduction of the weight of this nonvolatile residue from the constant weight of silica ob- tained, gives the weight of the pure silica. SECTION II ELECTROLYTIC ANALYSIS 83 ELECTROLYTIC ANALYSIS. lonization WHEN most compounds are dissolved, their molecules are dis- sociated, breaking down into ions, and the process is called ioniza- tion or dissociation. Ions are electrically charged and in this respect differ from atoms or molecules. A molecule of common salt, NaCl, is composed of atoms of sodium and chlorin, each of which has its definite characteristics. When these atoms of sodium and chlorin become electrically charged and have become ions, their characteristics have changed. Metallic sodium decomposes water and forms sodium hydroxid, but if this same sodium becomes ionized, it exists in water with- out chemical change. When this ion loses its electric charge, it immediately decomposes the water, forms sodium hydroxid and liberates hydrogen. That these ions are electrically charged can be demonstrated. Two conducting plates acting as electrodes, the poles of an open electric circuit, one positive and the other negative, are immersed in a dilute solution of common salt. Immediately the sodium is attracted to the negative pole. The negative pole loses some of its negative charge and, it is supposed, neutralizes the positive charge of the sodium ion, which assumes the atomic state and shows the characteristics of metallic sodium by decomposing water to form sodium hydroxid. The chlorin is attracted to the positive 85 86 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS pole which loses some of its charge of positive electricity, presum- ably neutralizing the negative charge of the chlorin ion. The chlorin escapes at the positive pole and has all the characteristics of chlorin in its ordinary state. A solution of a dissociated substance is called an electrolyte. The greater the dilution the more complete the dissociation. Electrolysis The process of decomposition of a chemical compound in solu- tion by the electric current is called electrolysis. The compound is decomposed into two parts, each of which may be simple, like copper, Cu, or complex, like SCX Hydrogen or metallic ions formed in solution by dissociation and charged with plus electricity are attracted to the negative pole or cathode and are therefore called cations. Nonmetallic ions formed in solution by dissociation and charged with negative electricity are attracted to the positive pole or anode and are therefore called anions. The current passes through the liquid between the two metallic surfaces, electrodes. These may be plates, spirals, cones, etc., according to the method to be employed. They may be fixed or arranged to rotate. The current enters by the positive pole, the anode, and leaves by the negative pole of the circuit, the cathode. The anions separate at the anode and the cations at the cathode. In the following determination the metals silver and copper are cations and are therefore separated at and deposited on the cathode. The acid radical of the nitrates separates at the anode. Current density is the proportion of the strength of the current to the electrode surface and is usually expressed by amperage per 100 sq. cm. In the potassium cyanid solution used here (see p. 88) the approximate current density used for silver is 2.5 volts and 0.06-0.1 ampere per 100 sq. cm. and that of copper is 5 volts and 1 ampere. Silver is thus first deposited and then the copper is determined in the remaining solution by using a higher current density. The ELECTROLYTIC ANALYSIS 87 metals are deposited on weighed electrodes and the per cent, deter- mined by the observed increase in weight. Such processes save time, are cleaner and lend themselves to easier manipulation than is the case with ordinary gravimetric methods. The use of electrolysis for analysis is rapidly increas- ing. The following is but one of the many now established for the separation and determination of metals alone or hi the presence of others. 88 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS THE ELECTROLYTIC SEPARATION* OF COPPER AND SILVER f A Type of Electro-Analysis (a) The alloy is dissolved in nitric acid, forming nitrates of silver and copper. (6) The excess of nitric acid is removed by evaporation. (c) An excess of potassium cyanid is added. (d) With proper strength of current, the silver is deposited on a weighed platinum electrode. (e) With the proper strength of current, the copper is deposited on a similar electrode. REACTIONS I. Ag + 2 HNO 3 = AgNO 3 + H 2 O + NO 2 . II. 3 Cu + 8 HN0 3 = 3 Cu(N0 3 ) 2 + 4 H 2 + 2 NO. III. AgN0 3 + 2 KCN = KAg(CN) 2 + KNO 3 . IV. 2 Cu(NO 3 ) 2 + 4 KCN = 2 Cu(CN) 2 + 4 KN0 3 . V. 2 Cu(CN) 2 = (CN) 2 + 2 CuCN. VI. 2 CuCN + 6 KCN = 2 (CuCN.3 KCN). * This particular method has been selected because of its simplicity. The directions, which are for an alloy high in copper, may by slight modifications be used for the common alloy, coinage silver (see Fact 76) . t Smith and Frankel, J. A. C. S., 1890, p. 104; Smith and Spencer, J. A. C. S., 1894, p. 420; Smith and Fulweiler, J. A. C. S., 1901, p. 682; Electro-Analysis, Edgar F. Smith, 1907. ELECTROLYTIC ANALYSIS DETERMINATION OF SILVER AND COPPER PROCEDURE * Weigh one portion of about 0.5 of a gram of sil- ver-copper alloy 76 into a 250 c.c. casserole. Read Fact 77 and then dissolve the alloy in the Dissolving the alloy least possible amount of nitric add (1.4 sp. gr.). Evaporate to dryness on the water bath. While this is on the water bath, clean with sapolio and then chromic acid the platinum electrode that preparation of a is to be used as the cathode. cathode Wash it with distilled water until it is thoroughly rinsed. Hold it in the pincers and pass it through a flame till it is red hot. Put it into a desiccator to cool. EXPLANATORY FACTS 76. If coinage silver ninety parts of silver to ten of copper is used for this determination, use less KCN than in the above directions, allow more time for depositing the silver and less for depositing the copper. A quarter of a ten-cent piece weighs about 0.7 of a gram. 77. All excess of nitric acid must be removed in the next step by evaporation to dryness. KCN must not be added to an acid solution. It would evolve volatile HCN, which is a poison. * This process is given through the courtesy of Edgar F. Smith, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania. His experiments were made with an alloy of approximately ten parts of silver to ninety parts of copper. 90 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS When cool, weigh and note the weight. When the above solution is evaporated to dryness, dissolve the residue in hot water. Transfer the solution quantitatively to a 100 c.c. volumetric measuring flask.* Wash down the inside of the neck and add distilled water till the meniscus (see page 99) is exactly at the 100 c.c. line on the neck. Dry the inside walls of the neck above the line with a piece of filter paper rolled around a stirring rod. Pour the solution back and forth into a perfectly dry beaker till it is thoroughly mixed. When not in use keep this meas- uring flask closely stoppered to prevent evaporation. Measure with a 25 c.c. volumetric measuring flask or pipet 78 exactly 25 c.c. of the solution. This is an Measuring an . aliquot part, one-quarter of the solution. "<* pa rt Pour this aliquot part into a small dry beaker holding about 200 c.c. With distilled water wash out several times the 25 c.c. flask to be sure that the solution is quantitatively transferred. Dilute to about 125 c.c. Read Fact 79 and then, following precautions, add about 2 grams 80 of the potassium cyanid, KCN.f EXPLANATORY FACTS 78. Aliquot parts, or definite fractions of the whole volume of a uniform solution, should be measured only in dry measuring dishes or in those which have been washed out with several small portions of the solutions to be measured. 79. Potassium cyanid is a violent poison! The student must handle it with the greatest care! He must wash his hands care- fully after using it and at no time during this experiment should he drink from laboratory dishes. 80. The amount of KCN added varies according to the relative per cent, of the copper and silver. Use approximately 2 grams of KCN for each 0.1 of a gram of copper. * Read the paragraph on "Measuring Flasks," page 99. t "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiments Nos. 49 and 104. ELECTROLYTIC ANALYSIS 91 DETERMINATION OF SILVER With the aid of the instructor, attach the weighed cathode to the negative pole of the circuit and the anode to the positive pole. Arrange the two electrodes about one centimeter apart in the solution. Do not let them touch the Electrolytic bottom of the beaker. deposition Use a current density of approximately 2.5 volts and 0.06 to 0.1 of an ampere for 100 sq. cm. of cathode surface. 81 Heat the solution to a temperature 82 of about 65 C. Test with a thermometer but, to avoid loss when it is taken out, wash it off into the solution. Switch on the electric current for the deposition of the silver and allow from two to three hours. At the end of two hours one drop of the solution Test for complete may be tested for silver. deposition of silver When there is no silver left in the solution and the deposition is therefore shown to be completed, have at hand bottles of alcohol and ether, a wash bottle and a piece of filter paper laid on a five-inch watch glass. The following work should be done expeditiously. EXPLANATORY FACTS 81. Unless connections have been used in previous work and the terminals marked, it will be necessary to determine before- hand by experiment which is the negative pole. This can be done by the use of an ammeter upon which the poles are marked or by passing a current through a dilute copper sulfate solution in which there are two unweighed platinum electrodes. The copper is de- posited on the negative electrode. 82. At a temperature of 65 C., 0.2 to 0.3 of a gram of silver may be precipitated in four hours. If the solution is cold, it will probably take ten hours for 0.2 of a gram to precipitate. 92 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Lift the cathode from the solution. Wash it thoroughly with a stream of water Preparation of the from the wash bottle, catching the wash- ings in the beaker. 83 Pour alcohol M completely over each side of the electrode. Do the same with ether. Place the cathode on the filter paper on the watch glass. Put the watch glass in an air bath that is not hotter than 100 C., for a few moments only, until dry. Lest the cathode be for- gotten, do nothing else until it is dry. Place in a desiccator, cool and weigh. Note the weight. After the final weight has been made, in a beaker dissolve the silver from the cathode with hot, dilute nitric add. Put this solution in the "silver residue" bottle. Wash the cathode, polish it with sapolio, clean it thoroughly, dry, ignite and weigh. Leave it in the desiccator ready for the next deposition. DETERMINATION OF COPPER The silver has been removed but the solution still contains the copper which did not deposit at so low a current density. The potassium cyanid which was added at the start is still present. The best working volume under these conditions has been found to be 150 c.c. This solution is probably, because of previous washings, about 150 c.c. If not, evaporate it to this volume. EXPLANATORY FACTS 83. The solution that clings to the cathode contains some of the copper which is to be quantitatively determined. 84. Do not pour alcohol and ether near a flame. Allow "washings" to fall into a clean, dry beaker to be saved in "residue bottles." ELECTROLYTIC ANALYSIS 93 PROCEDURE Add 10 c.c. of ammonium hydroxid^ NH 4 OH (0.96 sp. gr.). Arrange the electrodes as before. Use a current density of approximately 5 volts and 1 ampere for 100 sq. cm. Keep the temperature of the solution at 65 C. At 65 C., about 0.2 of a gram of copper will Deposition of the be deposited in an hour. c pp er Two hours therefore should be allowed. At the end of this time, add a little distilled water to the solution to raise its level. If no new copper appears on the fresh surface of the platinum, the deposition may be considered complete. Lift the cathode from the solution and wash quickly and thor- oughly with distilled water. Wash with alcohol and with ether as before, Preparation of the save washings in the "residue bottles." Place the cathode on a filter paper on a watch glass and put in an air bath not hotter than 100 C. till dry, but no longer. Cool in a desiccator and weigh. After the weight has been made, dissolve the copper from the cathode with dilute nitric acid. Wash the cathode and as previously described prepare it for the check analysis. EXPLANATORY FACT 85. In alkaline cyanid solution, there is a tendency for the platinum of the anode to be deposited with the copper on the cathode. If, however, the cyanid is not largely in excess, and if the current is interrupted as quickly as possible after the copper is deposited, this error is reduced to a minimum. It has been determined that in the presence of a definite amount of ammonium hydroxid there is absolutely no loss sustained by the anode in cyanid electrolyte and that the precipitation is much acceler- ated ("Electro- Analysis," Smith, page 71). 94 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Duplicate Analysis Use another aliquot part of 25 c.c. of the original solution and make a check analysis of both the silver and copper. SECTION III VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 95 VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS Comparison of Volumetric and Gravimetric Methods IN Gravimetric Analysis the element or radical to be determined is either isolated or combined in an insoluble compound and weighed. This process of isolation or combination often requires a series of careful and prolonged operations. In Volumetric Analysis (1) the element or radical to be determined is not necessarily isolated but is often treated in the presence of the other constituents. To make this possible, the exact qualitative content should be known and all reactions that are likely to occur in the course of the analysis should be understood. (2) In the oftentimes greater simplicity of the processes involved, in the fewer weighings, and in the usual absence of much filtering and washing, the chance of error is less than in Gravimetric Analysis and (3) the saving of time, especially in a case of routine work which requires the analysis of many samples a day, is very great. Volumetric Analysis is the quantitative determination of an element or radical in a substance, a determination, as its name indicates, made by adding a volume of a selected solution sufficient to cause definite, complete reaction. 97 98 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Measuring Instruments For the accurate measurement of liquids there are certain graduated glass vessels, the pipet, measuring cylinder, measuring flask and buret. For the best results, it is most important that the measuring instruments be graduated accurately and that they agree among themselves. In a longer course of Volumetric Analysis it is customary to have the students calibrate* to verify the capacity of these instruments. In this short course, if possible, it would be well for the department to have the instruments calibrated and to issue calibration cards showing the variation of the instru- ments. If this is not possible the errors, which are often slight, may be ignored and a wider latitude allowed in the results obtained. Pipets are used to measure exactly small amounts of solutions. They are either graduated to deliver a specified quantity, such as 10 c.c., 50 c.c., etc., or are graduated in fifths or tenths of a cubic centimeter to deliver any desired fractional part of the whole quantity. The pointed end of the pipet is dipped into the solution, the mouth is applied to the other end and the liquid sucked into the pipet up to the mark. The forefinger is placed over the top end to keep the solution from running out. The pressure of the finger regulates the flow from the pipet. In case of a " one-quantity " pipet, to insure complete delivery, the pipet should be inclined against the side of the dish and the last drop fi ^ blown out. Pipets are graduated to deliver their contents; the mark is therefore high enough to include the liquid that adheres to * For methods of calibrating pipets, flasks, cylinders and burets, see Button's "Volumetric Analysis," pages 18-20. ' VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 99 the inside walls; in other words, it delivers into another receptacle the exact amount marked, but holds a trifle more. The point of a pipet should be sufficiently fine so that the liquid will not be delivered too quickly. Measuring flasks, stoppered glass vessels with narrow necks, are graduated either to deliver or to contain or both, in which latter case the upper mark is that of delivery. Each measuring flask and pipet should have etched upon it its capacity, the temperature at which the graduation was made and the line that marks the limit of definite content. A specially constructed flask has along the length of the inside wall of its neck a broad blue line on a background of white enamel. This facilitates the reading by the reflection of the blue on the "meniscus" the curved line of the surface of the liquid which makes the blue line narrow into a point. Measuring cylinders, glass cylinders of varying sizes, are gradu- ated to deliver and are used for mixing and for making compara- tively rough measurements. Burets, graduated glass tubes of large bore, with cocks at the lower end for controlled delivery, are graduated in fifths, tenths or twentieths of a cubic centimeter and hold twenty-five, fifty or one hundred cubic centimeters. The two common forms of buret are the Geissler, or Fresenius, type with glass stopcock and the Mohr type with a rubber tip closed with a metal pinchcock or a glass ball acting as a valve. Burets are supported upon stands. One convenient model is the Chaddock, in which the burets are held by easily manipulated wire clips which prevent slipping and hold the buret firmly vertical. The white porcelain base serves as an excellent background against which end points are well determined. 100 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Reading the Instruments The surface of liquids in narrow vessels is, because of capillary attraction, concave and, in the case of mercury, convex. This makes it necessary to select some point on the curved line to coincide with the graduation mark in the instrument. In the case of all light-colored liquids, it has been found advisable to select the lowest point of the concave line, the bottom point of the "meniscus"; with dark or opaque liquids, the highest point on the extreme upper level. Before reading any graduated instrument, its exact vertical posi- tion must be assured. In reading a buret, the eye should be on a level with the selected point of the meniscus and its position in relation to the graduated lines on the buret noted. If the student is not provided with a buret made with a longi- tudinal blue line on a white, enameled background, he may, with advantage, hold a piece of dark glazed paper at the back of the buret about one-eighth of an inch below the surface of the liquid. This will make the lower part of the meniscus appear as a well- defined black line against the white. A buret reading should not be taken until all liquid which may cling to the walls of the buret has had time to flow into the main bulk of the liquid. Three minutes is the usual time allowed for the liquid to collect. A uniform rate of delivering the liquid should be adopted. After a rapid run it takes more time for the liquid to collect than after a slow run. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 101 General Directions The perfect cleanliness of the volumetric measuring apparatus is essential. Grease, which makes the liquid gather in drops on the walls, may be removed with a dilute solution of sodium hydroxid, NaOH; or acidified potassium dichromate, K 2 Cr 2 O7, or chromic acid, CrO 3 . Any volumetric instrument even if new and dry should be rinsed out with three successive small portions of the solution with which it is to be filled. It is absolutely necessary that all standard solu- tions should be kept at their known established strength, that they should not be diluted with any drops of water which may be adhering to the walls of the measuring vessels and that they should not be contaminated with any foreign matter. In Volumetric Analysis to insure accurate results the conditions should be kept as uniform as possible, conditions of intensity of light, temperature, time of waiting before taking readings, reading of tenths and end points. To practise the reading of tenths, the buret may be filled with water and, as it is allowed to escape drop by drop, the surface of the water, as the level is lowered, may be watched and its exact position noted in reference to the graduation lines. In this way, accurate reading of the tenths is easily mastered. 102 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Standard Solutions A solution whose exact content per cubic centimeter has been determined is a standard solution and is said to have been stand- ardized. The process of adding a definite quantity of a standardized liquid to a solution to estimate its value or to a solution of a sub- stance to be analyzed is called titration. An acid solution, for instance, is standardized and alkali titrated with it to estimate the value of the alkali in terms of the acid and vice versa. A solution of a salt is standardized to be used for the oxidation, reduction or precipitation of the solution to be analyzed. 'A solution of known composition and standard strength is used to cause a complete, definite reaction with a solution of the sub- stance to be analyzed. For example, a solution of ammonium sulfo-cyanid whose exact strength is known is added to a solution of silver nitrate to be analyzed. These react as follows: AgN0 3 + NH4SCN = AgSCN + NH^Oa. When the silver in the silver nitrate is entirely changed to sulfo- cyanid, another drop of the ammonium sulfo-cyanid will form no further precipitate (see under " End Point" 2, b). The strength of the ammonium sulfo-cyanid is known and also the exact amount in cubic centimeters that it took to precipitate the silver. From this data and the relation of the molecular weights the amount of silver present in the silver nitrate can be calculated. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 103 End Point The exact point at which such reactions are complete is called the end point. The end point is shown: 1. By the persistence of the color of the standard solution used. This shows the completion of chemical action. Thus: A solution of ferrous sulfate is titrated with a standardized solution of potas- sium permanganate in the presence of sulfuric acid, 2 KMn0 4 + 10 FeSO 4 + 8 H 2 S0 4 = 2 MnSO 4 + 5 Fe 2 (S0 4 ) 3 + K 2 SO 4 + 8 H 2 0. The color of the standard solution, KMnO 4 , is pink. Just as long as any of the ferrous sulfate is left, the potassium perman- ganate continues to decompose and to lose its pink color. When the reaction is completed, the permanganate is no longer decom- posed and its pink color persists. 2. By the formation of, or change in, the color of a substance, called an indicator, originally added for this purpose to the solution to be analyzed. Thus: a. With an organic indicator, such as methyl orange, in the presence of alkalies its red color changes to yellow or, again, colorless phenolphthalein in the presence of alkalies turns bright red. 6. With an inorganic indicator, such as ferric chlorid in the following illustration, after the main reaction is completed, the soluble, red Fe(SCN) 3 , is formed. NH 4 N0 3 3NH 4 C1 3. By the formation of a precipitate. Thus: A standardized solution of silver nitrate is added to a solution of potassium AgN0 3 + Substance to be analyzed NH 4 SCN = Standard solution AgSCN White precipitate FeCl 3 + Soluble, color not noticed when dilute 3NH4SCN = First drop in excess Fe(SCN) 3 Soluble, red 104 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS chlorid to be analyzed, in which there is an indicator, potassium chromate. KC1 + AgN0 3 = AgCl + KN0 3 . When all of the potassium chlorid has been used to form white silver chlorid, the next drop of the reagent, silver nitrate, reacts with the potassium dichromate to form silver chromate which is red. K 2 CrO 4 + 2 AgNO 3 = Ag2CrO 4 + 2 KNO 3 . Indicator Red 4. By the failure to produce color when a drop of the solution being analyzed is added to an indicator in a separate container. Thus: A standardized solution of potassium dichromate is added to a solution of ferrous chlorid to be analyzed in the presence of hydrochloric acid, K 2 O 2 O 7 + 6 FeCl 2 + 14 HC1 = 6 FeCl 3 + 2 KC1 + 2 CrCl 3 + 7 H 2 O. The indicator, potassium ferricyanid, is in a separate dish. If, before the reaction is completed, a stirring rod is dipped into the above solution and then into the indicator, there is formed a blue precipitate, according to the equation, 3 FeCl 2 + 2 K3Fe(CN) 6 = Fe 3 (Fe(CN) 6 ) 2 + 6 KC1. Indicator Blue When the ferrous chlorid is all oxidized to ferric chlorid and a drop of the solution is added to the indicator, there will be no color, according to the equation, FeCl 3 + K3Fe(CN) 6 = FeFe(CN) 6 + 3 KCL Indicator Colorless VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 105 Indicators Indicators as illustrated above are used to show, by color changes or by a precipitation, a condition of acidity, alkalinity, neutrality or, in general, the completion of reaction. They may be (1) dye- stuffs; (2) the coloring matters of plants, which are generally weak acids; salts of weak acids or, less often, weak bases; or (3) in- organic compounds which form a coloration or a colored precipi- tate at the end of a reaction. An indicator must take no part in the reaction going on but as the reagent is added must itself remain inert till the main reaction is completed. After the completion of the reaction, the next drop of the liquid acts on the indicator in the solution and gives ocular evidence that the end point has been reached. There is no one indicator that can be universally used. That which answers for one analysis may be useless for another. Its value depends upon the sensitivity of its action and upon the sharpness and intensity of the color it affords. Indicators have been divided by R. T. Thomson* into three classes : (1) Those capable of forming stable salts, as methyl orange. These are most sensitive to alkalies. (2) Those forming unstable salts which hydrolyze hi water, as phenolphthalein. These are most sensitive to acids. (3) Those midway between the two, as litmus. These are fairly sensitive to both alkalies and acids. The theories of the action of indicators are by no means final. According to Ostwald, an indicator, for at least acids and bases, must possess a color when undissociated different from that which it has when ionized. f That is, the color changes are ascribed to the dissociation and caused by the addition of a substance to the indicator. It is, therefore, the color reaction caused by the hydrogen or hydroxyl ions of dissociated acids or bases which makes some dyes of service as indicators. * J. S. C. I., volume 6, 1887, page 195. t Ostwald's "Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen Chemie." 106 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Strong acids and strong bases, since they ionize readily, are not useful as indicators. Weak acids and weak bases are more or less undissociated in solution and are ionized only after conversion to a neutral salt. This will be made clear by the following examples : (a) Phenolphthalein, belonging to class 2, a weakly acid indicator, is undissociated and colorless in acid solution. Its alkali salt is, however, at once dissociated and the red color of the ion at once shows the completion of the neutralization of the solution. (6) Methyl Orange, belonging to class 1, a moderately strong acid indicator, is undissociated and of a pinkish red color in acid solution. When an acid solution containing the indicator methyl orange is titrated with a solution of an alkali, the first drop of alkali after the end point has been reached forms a salt with the methyl orange. The salts of methyl orange are readily dissociated, whereupon the red of the nonionized indicator changes to yellow, the color of the ion.* The following are but a few of the indicators in general use: litmus, methyl orange, phenolphthalein and lacmoid. Litmus With acids red. With alkalies blue. This is a violet-blue, organic pigment sensitive to both acids and alkalies. It cannot be used with bicarbonates and carbon- ates, as the liberated carbonic anhydrid dissolves and causes the red color to persist even if the liquid is alkaline. It can, however, be used if the solution is boiling, as this gas is then constantly evolved. Methyl Orange With acids pinkish red. With alkalies yellow. ' This is the sodium or ammonium salt of a specific organic acid, synthetically prepared. It is an ochre yellow powder which when * For further study of this subject, the student is referred to such textbooks as: Jones's "Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation" and Cohn's "Indicators and Test Papers," from which some of the above statements are taken. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 107 dissolved in water forms a yellow solution. Methyl Orange is particularly sensitive to alkalies. An excess of this indicator should be avoided, as the color changes are then not so sharp. The yellow color is not affected by alkalies or by carbonates of the alkalies, but is changed to a pinkish red by acids, becoming yellowish red on approaching neutralization. Carbonic, boric, silicic, arsenious and some organic acids, in- cluding some of the fatty acids, do not cause methyl orange to change to red. Phenolphthalein With acids colorless. With alkalies red. This is an organic compound synthetically prepared. It is a cream-white, crystalline powder. Phenolphthalein has the prop- perties of a very weak acid and is extremely sensitive. Even carbonic acid causes a change. Titrations, therefore, in the presence of carbonates, can be done only in boiling solution. One part of alkali in 100,000 parts of water will give a distinct color. It cannot be used in the presence of ammonium salts. Lacmoid With acids red. With alkalies violet blue. This is another organic compound synthetically prepared. It is in the form of blue-black scales. Lacmoid is sensitive to both acids and alkalies. It can be used in the presence of carbonates only in hot solution. 108 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Normal Solutions /N\ A normal solution ( yj is one that contains in one liter as many grams of the active substance as its molecular weight divided either by its replaceable hydrogen atoms or the equivalent of such hydrogen atoms. (A) Reagents with replaceable hydrogen atoms, such as HC1, H 2 S0 4 . 1. The molecular weight of HC1 = 36.45. This expressed in grams is 36.45 grams. HC1 has one replaceable hydrogen atom; therefore, 36.45 -* 1 = 36.45, the weight required. A normal solution of HC1 contains in one liter 36.45 grams of HC1. 2. The molecular weight of H 2 SO 4 = 98.07. This ex- pressed in grams is 98.07 grams. H 2 S04 has two replaceable hydrogen atoms; therefore, 98.07 -4- 2 = 49.03, the weight required. A normal solution of H 2 S04 contains in one liter 49.03 grams of H 2 SO 4 . (B) Reagents containing no replaceable hydrogen atoms, such as NaOH, K 2 Cr 2 O 7 and SnCl 2 . 3. The molecular weight of NaOH is 40.058. This ex- pressed in grams is 40.058 grams. Na is monovalent and therefore equivalent to one atom of replaceable hydrogen. A normal solution of NaOH, therefore, contains in one liter 40.058 grams of NaOH. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 109 The equivalent of the replaceable hydrogen atoms differs accord- ing to the reaction that is to take place. Potassium dichromate, for example, can be used either as a precipitating or as an oxidiz- ing agent. 4. As a precipitating agent, potassium dichromate reacts as follows: 2 Ba(C 2 H 3 O 2 )2 + K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + H 2 O = 2 BaCr0 4 + 2 KC 2 H 3 2 + 2 HC 2 H 3 2 . In this reaction, for every molecule of the reagent K 2 Cr 2 07, two molecules of BaCrO 4 are precipitated, which require two atoms of Ba in the two molecules of Ba(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 . Each atom of Ba is equivalent to two of H, therefore the two atoms of Ba used in this precipitation are equivalent to four atoms of hydrogen. In a normal solution of potassium dichromate used as a pre- cipitant, then, its equivalent in replaceable hydrogen atoms is four. The molecular weight of K 2 Cr 2 O 7 = 294.5. This expressed in grams is 294.5 grams. 294.5 + 4 = 73.62. A normal solution of potassium dichromate used as a precipitant contains in one liter 73.62 grams. 5. As an oxidizing agent, potassium dichromate reacts as follows:,, ^ * 6 FeCl 2 + K 2 Cr ? 7 + 14 HC1 = 6 FeCl 3 + 2 CrCl 3 + 2 KC1 + 7 H 2 0. In this process of oxidation, K 2 Cr 2 O 7 acts as if it split up into K 2 0, Cr 2 3 and O 3 . Each molecule of K 2 Cr 2 07 frees three atoms of O for oxidizing purposes. In the above reaction, for three atoms of O liberated in a molecule of the reagent K 2 Cr 2 O 7 , there are six atoms of chlorin liberated to combine with the ferrous chlorid to form ferric chlorid. Six atoms of Cl are equivalent to six atoms of H. * "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 200. 110 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS In a normal solution of potassium dichromate used as an oxidiz- ing agent, its equivalent in replaceable hydrogen atoms is six. The molecular weight of K 2 Cr 2 7 = 294.5. This expressed in grams = 294.5 grams. 294.5 grams -J- 6 = 49.08 grams. A normal solution of potassium dichromate used as an oxidizing agent contains in one liter 49.08 grams, one-sixth of its molecular weight in grams. 6. As a reducing agent stannous chlorid reacts as follows : SnCl 2 + 2 FeClg = 2 FeCl 2 + Sn then, there are 77.7 c.c. of aqueous hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.2). N In a half-normal solution, -^, there are in every liter one-half of 77.7 c.c. or 38.85 c.c. of aqueous HC1 (sp. gr. 1.2) measured at 15 C. PROCEDURE In a graduated cylinder measure a volume approximately equal to 38.8 c.c. of aqueous hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.2) and about one-tenth as much in addition. 86 Add enough distilled water to dilute to one liter and shake 87 for a minute or more. If the cylinder is too full to allow the liquid to be shaken thoroughly, Preparation of the u i j.- J standard acid solu- transfer to a beaker, stir vigorously and tion return the solution to the bottle. N Label the bottle " Approximately --HCl". EXPLANATORY FACTS 86. The extra volume is added to make sure that it is stronger than half-normal. It is easier later to dilute than to add an exact amount of acid. 87. It is of the utmost importance to get the solution into a homogeneous state. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 115 ?) Preparation of an Approximately Half-Normal Solution of Sodium Hydroxid PROCEDURE Calculate in the notebook the amount of caustic soda, NaOH, necessary to make one liter of a half-normal solution. Weigh 89 out on a rough balance in a counterbalanced porcelain dish an amount equal to the calculated weight plus one- tenth as much in addition. 90 Measure 1000 c.c. of distilled water in a measuring cylinder. Dissolve the sodium hydroxid in a part of this Preparation of the distilled water contained in a beaker or standard aikaii porcelain dish. Stir until the hydroxid is all dissolved and then cover with a watch glass till it is somewhat cooled. Transfer the solution to a bottle, add the rest of the distilled water and shake vigorously. Label the bottle, which must have a rubber stopper or a glass stopper light ly covered with vaseline, "Approximately NaOH ". EXPLANATORY FACTS 88. Standard acid solutions may be kept for some time with- out deterioration. This is not the case with standard alkali solutions which absorb carbon dioxid from the air and, as has been said, act upon the glass of the bottles in which they are con- tained. It is therefore important to titrate the alkali frequently with a standard acid in order to reestablish its strength. 89. Weigh quickly and do not leave exposed to the air, as caustic soda is hygroscopic. Cork the stock bottle at once. 90. Sodium hydroxid, caustic soda, is an excellent alkali for general use; it is a strong base, forms soluble salts with all acids and, being readily soluble (133.3 parts in 100 parts of water), may be made up to a strong solution. 116 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS (3) The Titration of the Acid against the Alkali and The Calculation of the Relative Values of the Approximately Half-Normal Solutions of Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Hydroxid PROCEDURE Wash two burets thoroughly with distilled water. When they are emptied, no drops should adhere to the inner walls. If they do, the surface is not clean and should be treated with "chromic acid mixture." Put a label on the top front of each buret, one Labeling the marked "HC1" and the other "NaOH". b * ets Fit a cork to each and label each cork, one marked "HC1" the other "NaOH". Keep a small, properly labeled watch glass upon which to lay each cork. Close the outlet of the "HC1" buret and . x . . Filling the burets pour in 5 c.c. of the again well-shaken IHCI. Hold the stoppered buret in a nearly horizontal position and allow the acid to flow over the entire interior and shake. Then remove the cork and let the acid run out through the outlet. This should be repeated. Treat the "NaOH" buret in the same way. (If it is certain that the burets are absolutely dry, the foregoing may be omitted.) Put a small glass funnel into the top of each buret with the stem against the inner wall and fill each buret with its well- shaken solution. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 117 Let enough of each liquid run through the tips to insure the removal of any air bubbles. If there are any drops of the liquid left on the inner walls of the burets above the zero mark, absorb with a filter paper rolled around a glass rod. Be sure that the burets are perfectly vertical. Run out the liquid in each buret till the bottom of the meniscus stands at the zero mark. If a "blue line" buret is used, bring the constriction seen on the blue line to the zero mark. If the liquid is below the zero mark, make a careful reading at such a point. Record the reading in the notebook. It is well to keep the HC1 and NaOH readings in the same relative positions on the page as the positions of the burets (see next page). Run about 40 c.c. of the add into a casserole, an Erlenmeyer or an ordinary flask, containing about 40 c.c. of distilled water, and add two or three drops of methyl . .. _, m -xi Titration process orange indicator. To mix well, stir with a rod or shake the flask with a rotary motion. Include any drop hanging from the tip of the buret by touching it with the rod or with the inside of the neck of the flask and washing it down with water from a wash bottle. Run into the container about 5 c.c. less of the sodium hydroxid than that used of the hydrochloric acid and then slowly con- tinue to add the sodium hydroxid solution, drop by drop, till the pinkish red solution turns yellow. Again do not neglect any hanging drops of the solution. Wash down the sides of the dish with distilled water. Place the container under the HC1 buret and continue to change from one buret to the other till one drop of the HC1 or one drop of the NaOH changes the color. As the pink is the sharper of the two color reactions, finish by adding a drop of HC1. After a few minutes' wait for it to drain, note the reading of the HC1 buret. 118 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Continuing this, make six successive readings of these repeated changes and record as follows: Readings. HC1 level at start, 1.34 Actual number of c.c. used. 41.83 1.34 40.49 Relative Values. Actual number of c.c. used. 39.1 0.5 38.6 Readings. NaOH levelatstart,0.5 c.c. 41.83 41.98 42.15 42.29 42.49 42.69 c.c. 40.49 40.64 40.81 40.95 41.15 41.35 .048 .048 .048 .047 .047 .047 c.c. 38.6 38.75 38.93 39.08 39.27 39.45 C.C. 39.1 39.25 39.43 39.58 39.77 39.95 Average 1.0475 Therefore 1 c.c. of NaOH solution is equivalent to 1.0475 c.c. of HC1 solution. Shake the bottles containing the half-normal solutions, refill the burets and repeat the titration. These results should check within 0.2 per cent, of the whole ratio. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 119 (4) The Use Through Factors of Approximately Half-Normal Solutions as Standard Solutions. Those limited in time need not prepare the exactly half-normal solutions, since the value of, or the degree of normality of, the approximately half-normal solutions may be determined by calculation. It is, however, oftentimes desirable to have exact solutions. Thus, as shown in the accompanying sample calculation (see page 126), 38.24 c.c. of exactly ^HCl dissolves 0.9567 gram of Zi CaC0 3 whereas this same weight of CaC0 3 dissolved ha 34.49 c.c. of this particular solution of HC1. N 38 24 The approximately -^ solution of HC1 is therefore ^-p ^ = 1,108 tunes stronger than semi-normal, the factor of normality for the N approximately 77- HCl solution. N A given number of cubic centimeters of an exact -~ NaOH solution is exactly equivalent to the same number of cubic centi- N meters of an exact -5- HCl solution. But in establishing the abso- lute value of the HCl solution (see sample calculation p. 125) it N was found that 40.0 c.c. approximately -^-NaOH solution neutra- N lized 43.65 c.c. of approximately -_ HCl solution. By using the factor of normality of this HCl solution, found above 120 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS N to be 1.108, it is shown that 43.65 c.c. of this approximately -^ HC1 is equivalent to 48.36 c.c. of exact HC1 solution. AQ C)f* ' = 1.209, the factor of normality for the approximately ~ NaOH solution. The amount of approximately half-normal solution used can always be expressed in terms of the exactly half-normal solution by multiplying the number of cubic centimeters used by the factor of its normality. If a solution is not exactly normal, the factor of its normality should be written on the label. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 121 (5) The Determination with Iceland Spar* of the Absolute Value of the Approximately Half -Normal Solution of Hydrochloric Acid and The Preparation of an Exactly Half-Normal Solution of Hydrochloric Add (a) The solution of the Iceland spar, CaCOs, in an excess of the approximately half-normal solution of hydrochloric acid. (6) The titrating back of the excess of acid with the approxi- mately half-normal solution of sodium hydroxid. (c) The addition of the calculated amount of distilled water to the approximately half-normal solution of hydro- chloric acid. REACTIONS (I) CaC0 3 + 2 HC1 = CaCl 2 + H 2 O+ CO 2 . (II) HC1 4- NaOH = NaCl + H 2 O. * If their purity and value is guaranteed, sodium carbonate or precipitated calcium carbonate may be used instead of Iceland spar. 122 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS THE DETERMINATION OF THE ABSOLUTE VALUE Pure calcium carbonate (Iceland spar) requires, of course, an exact amount of hydrochloric acid to dissolve it. The acid can therefore be standardized against it. PROCEDURE Weigh into Erlenmeyer or ordinary flasks 9l weighing and dis- two portions of about 0.5 of a gram each solvin s the i*iand spar in a definite of Iceland spar that has been ground to volume of hydro- an impalpable powder. 92 chloric acid N Add about 30 c.c. of the -= HC1 from the buret, make a note of the exact amount added. Let this stand till the Iceland spar is wholly dissolved. Hold to the light to see if there are any particles undissolved. (While the Iceland spar is dissolving, begin to grind the iron ore according to the directions under "The Volumetric Determination of Iron in an Ore," page 150.) EXPLANATORY FACTS 91. If dissolved in a flask, loss by effervescence is avoided. If, however, it is necessary to use a beaker, keep it covered. As the CaCO 3 is somewhat slow to dissolve, fall-strength acid solu- tion acts as a better solvent. 92. Gritty particles dissolve slowly and with difficulty. Failure to dissolve completely the Iceland spar will result in error and will ruin subsequent analyses. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 123 Add two or three drops of the methyl orange indicator and wash down the inside of the flask with water from a wash bottle. Make the initial reading on the NaOH buret and run in the NaOH till the indicator shows that the so- Titrating back the lution has just become alkaline. excess of acid Again note the NaOH reading. In case there is any doubt as to whether the exact end point was reached, titrate back with the hydrochloric acid and proceed to get an exact end point with the sodium hydroxid. 93 Make careful readings. Calculate the excess of acid which was used and then the amount of acid which combined with the calcium carbonate. This N gives the amount of approximately -~ HC1 necessary for this reaction. Calculate the theoretical amount of exactly N -= HC1 necessary for this reaction. A comparison of these Zi N figures shows how much the approximately -~ HC1 needs N diluting to make it exactly -5- . N If the student's time admits of the standardization of the -^ solution of NaOH against oxalic acid, this standardization must N be done before the approximately -^ solution of HC1 is diluted to N exactly -~ and while the relative values of the acid and alkali EXPLANATORY FACT 93. ' A certain number of the cubic centimeters of the acid have been used in reacting with the calcium carbonate. The excess of acid above this amount has now been determined by titrating back with -~- NaOH solution. 124 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS solutions are still known. In which case, the acid may be diluted to N N exactly 77 after the standardization of the approximately -^ NaOH & & against oxalic acid. Otherwise, proceed with the dilution at this point (Calculation, page 127). THE PREPARATION OF THE EXACTLY HALF-NORMAL SOLUTION Measure accurately the amount of water to be added to the number of cubic centimeters of standard Dilution of fh9 ap _ solution measured. proximate* 5 HCI Add this exact amount from a graduated flask, solutiontom i e an pipet or buret. exactly ? solution Shake the solution till thoroughly homogeneous. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 125 SAMPLE CALCULATIONS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE ABSOLUTE VALUE AND OF N THE QUANTITIES TO MAKE AN EXACTLY -= SOLUTION OF HC1 N If it takes 40 c.c. of an approximately -^ NaOH solution to N neutralize 43.65 c.c. of an approximately -^ HC1 solution, then 1 c.c. A of ^ NaOH = ^por 1.091 c.c. of ^ HC1 ("Relative Value" of the two solutions). Amount of -^ HC1 added to the Iceland Spar = 45.40 c.c. N Amount of -^ NaOH used to titrate excess of acid = 10.00 c.c. N 10.00 c.c. of this approximate -~ NaOH = 10.91 c.c. in terms of N this approximate -~ HC1. 10.91 c.c. of HC1 was neutralized by NaOH. 45.40 c.c. 10.91 c.c. Therefore 34.49 c.c. were used to dissolve the Iceland Spar. 126 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS ABSOLUTE VALUE 0.9567 g. CaCO 3 required for solution 34.49 c.c. ^ HC1. & CaC0 3 + 2 HC1 = CaCl 2 + H 2 O + CO 2 . 100.07 (CaC0 3 ) : 72.9 (2 HC1) = 0.9567 : x x = 0.6969 gram of HC1. That is, 34.49 c.c. contain 0.6969 gram of HC1 and therefore 1 c.c. contains 0.0202 gram. QUANTITIES TO MAKE AN EXACTLY SOLUTION N 34.49 c.c. of the approximately ^-HCl solution are needed to dissolve 0.9567 gram of CaC0 3 . How many cubic centimeters of an exact -~ solution would it take? The equation in the foregoing section shows that it takes two molecules of HC1 to dissolve one molecule of CaCO 3 . Molecular weight of CaCO 3 = 100.07. One-half the molecular weight in grams = 50.035. With a normal solution of HC1, a liter (1000 c.c.) is equivalent to 50.035 grams of calcium carbonate, therefore a liter of half-normal HC1 is equivalent to 25.017 grams. 25.017 : 1000 :: 0.9567 : x 25.017 x = 956.70 x = 38.24 N It takes, then 38.24 c.c. of an exactly -=- HC1 solution to dissolve 0.9567 gram of calcium carbonate. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 127 Since it took less of the approximately -^ HC1 solution than it would have taken were the solution exactly half normal, it is too strong. 38.24 34.49 3.75 Every 34.49 c.c. of the approximately ^- HC1 should be diluted with 3.75 c.c. of distilled water to make it exactly semi-normal. If there are 500 c.c. of the approximately ^ HC1, ^^ X 3.75 = 54.3 c.c. which is the number of cubic centimeters of water to be added to make the HC1 solution exactly half-normal. Fractional volumes should be measured with a buret. Measure- ments may be made by using a measuring flask nearest in size to the volume required and the rest of the volume added from a buret. By filling them as many times as necessary, burets only may be used. 128 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS (6) The Preparation of Exactly Half-Normal Solution of NaOH from Previously Established Values If time is limited, the amount of water required Diluti(m of o^ ap _ to be added to the approximately half-normal ^,0,^^ ? NaOH solution of NaOH to make it exactly half-normal solutioll to ,^ ke , can be calculated from the data already obtained exactly N 8olution as follows: 1 c.c. ^ NaOH was found to equal 1.091 c.c.^HCl. If 34.49 c.c. of approximately -^ HC1 are diluted with 3.75 c.c. of distilled water to make an exactly -~ solution of HC1. then f^f = 31.61 and ^=3.43,0. Therefore, in this case, every 31.61 c.c. of approximately -^ NaOH should be diluted with 3.43 c.c. of distilled water to make an exactly 2~ solution of NaOH, or, to each cubic centimeter of the remaining solution, add 0.108 of a cubic centimeter of water. PROCEDURE Dilute the alkali as described under the directions for dilution of the acid. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 129 (7) The Determination of the Absolute Value of the Approx- imately Half-Normal Solution af Sodium Hydroxid with Oxalic Acid and The Preparation of an exactly Half-Normal Solution of Sodium Hydroxid (a) The titration of a solution of oxalic acid with the ap- proximately half-normal solution of sodium hydroxid. (6) Titration back, with the approximately half-normal solu- tion of hydrochloric acid, of the excess of alkali added. (c) Calculation and addition of the necessary amount of dis- tilled water to the approximately half-normal solution of sodium hydroxid. REACTIONS (I) 2 NaOH + H 2 C 2 4 = Na 2 C 2 O 4 + 2 H 2 O. (II) NaOH + HC1 = NaCl + H 2 O. 130 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS THE DETERMINATION OF THE ABSOLUTE VALUE PROCEDURE Weigh into two casseroles two portions of pure, crystallized oxalic acid 9 * (H 2 C 2 O 4 .2 H 2 O) of about 0.8 gram each. Dissolve in about 50 c.c. of water. Heat to boiling and add a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator. N Titrate hot with NaOH solution till it pro- Titration of the duces a pink color which lasts for a few minutes. N Add from a half to one cubic centimeter of the -~ HC1 solution noting the readings. Bring to a boil. EXPLANATORY FACT 94. If oxalic acid of this exact composition is not available, it may be prepared by Winkler's method (" Uebungen in der Mass- analyse," p. 69) . 500 grams of oxalic acid are dissolved in 500 grams of boiling HC1 (1.07 sp. gr.). It is then allowed to crystallize by stirring the solution in a dish placed in ice water. The crystals are filtered through glass wool and washed with HC1. The yield is then redissolved in boiling hydrochloric acid, crystallized and filtered as before. This time, however, the crystals are washed with a little water and redissolved in just enough boiling water. The crystals obtained by cooling this solution are filtered and washed with water and recrystallized at least twice. The final crystals are then dried over a desiccating agent which must be frequently changed. It is now free from chlorin and mineral matter. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 131 N Titrate back with the -^ NaOH solution. Calculate the excess of alkali added and then the amount of alkali which combined with the oxalic acid. This gives the amount of the a for this reaction. N amount of the approximately - NaOH solution necessary THE PREPARATION OF AN EXACTLY HALF-NORMAL SOLUTION OF SODIUM HYDROXID PROCEDURE N Calculate the amount of exactly -~ NaOH solution necessary for this reaction. A comparison of these figures shows how N much the approximately -77 NaOH needs diluting to make i it exactly -_ 132 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS SAMPLE CALCULATION FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE ABSOLUTE VALUE AND THE DETERMINATION OF THE QUANTITIES TO BE ADDED TO MAKE N AN EXACTLY SOLUTION OF NaOH When standardized with oxalic acid, H 2 C 2 O 4 .2 H 2 O + 2NaOH = Na2C 2 O 4 + 4 H 2 126.05 80.02 Weight of oxalic acid used = 0.7500 gram. N Volume required of approximately -^ NaOH used in this titra- tion, 20 c.c. 126.05 : 80.02 = 0.7500 : x x = 0.4761 gram NaOH. Therefore 0.7500 gram H 2 C 2 O 4 .2 H 2 O requires 0.4761 gram NaOH. Therefore 20 c.c. of this solution contain 0.4761 gram NaOH, and 1 c.c. of this solution contains 0.0238 gram NaOH or this solution contains 23.8 grams NaOH per liter. If the solution were exactly half-normal, it would contain 20.004 grams NaOH per liter or .020 gram in 1 c.c. It is therefore too strong and should have added to it 76.9 c.c. of water according to the following: Should there remain 405 c.c. of the solution, let x equal the N volume required to make the solution exactly -^ Then 405 X 0.238 = x X 0.020. x = 481.9 c.c. 481. 9 c.c. 405 c.c. = 76.9 c.c., the volume to be added. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 133 (8) The Reestablishment of the Relative Values of the two Solutions If time permits, the correctness of the preceding work may be verified by the reestablishment of the relative values of the two adjusted solutions, equal volumes of which should now neutralize each other. PROCEDURE Take an accurately measured volume of from 10 to 20 c.c. of either solution. Use methyl orange as an indicator. Determine the volume of the other solution necessary to effect neutralization. 134 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS THE VOLUMETRIC DETERMINATION OF THE TOTAL ALKALI IN SODA ASH 95 A Typical Saturation Process This method is applicable to the titration of caustic soda, caustic potash, or alkali carbonates. Soda ash, NasCOs, etc., is: (a) dried to determine the moisture; (6) neutralized with standard hydrochloric acid; (c) calculated as " total available alkali." TYPE REACTIONS (I) NasCOs + 2 HC1 = 2 NaCl + H 2 + C0 2 . (II) NaOH + HC1 = NaCl + H 2 O. EXPLANATORY FACT 95. Soda ash is calcined crude sodium carbonate resulting from either the "Le Blanc" or the "Ammonia" process for making soda. It contains a little sodium hydroxid, often traces of sulfids, thiosulfates, sulfites, sulfates, silicates and chlorids. There also may be present alumina and ferric oxid. "Le Blanc" soda has, as its chief impurity, sodium sulfate, while "Ammonia" soda is generally free from caustic soda, (NaOH), sulfid and sulfate, and contains the most chlorid. " Ammonia " soda (sp. g. 0.8) is lighter than " Le Blanc " soda (sp. g. 1.2). VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 135 PROCEDURE 96 Weigh an ignited platinum crucible. Weigh about 5 grams 97 of the sample into the crucible. Heat to dull redness for about twenty minutes. 98 Expelling the mois- Cool in a desiccator. ture from the soda Weigh and repeat the heating for a few minutes ash until a constant weight is reached. Calculate the loss in weight as moisture. Transfer the contents of the crucible to a 500 c.c. (No. 4) beaker. Wash the crucible thoroughly and catch the preparation O f th e washings in the beaker. solution of the soda Add about 100 c.c. of water and stir. Warm, if necessary, till all is dissolved that will dissolve. Transfer this solution quantitatively through a filter directly into a 250 c.c. volumetric flask. patration of the Wash the filter paper and insoluble residue solution with a stream of hot water from a water bottle till a drop of the filtrate gives no further reaction with litmus "paper. EXPLANATORY FACTS 96. In the analysis of soda ash, German alkali manufacturers (1) always ignite the soda ash before determining the per cent, of alkali and calculate the results on the ignited material and (2) they include in the total per cent, of alkalinity, that which is due to the insoluble portion, calcium and magnesium carbonates, ferric oxid, etc., as well as the soluble portion. Since the total insoluble matter (including nonalkaline substances like sand) is very small, there is but slight difference in the percent, of alkalinity in the soda ash whether analyzed by the German or other methods. 97. In the above determination, an unignited sample is weighed and the soluble alkali only is determined. 98. If this temperature is exceeded, the mass will fuse. 136 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Cool to the "graduation temperature" 99 of the flask and add water up to the graduation line. Some of this water that is added should be directed down all parts of the inside of the neck of the flask to make sure that all of the solution is collected in its bulb. Dry the inner neck down to the liquid level, using a filter paper rolled around a glass rod. Mix the liquid thoroughly by pouring it back and forth from the flask into a dry beaker. 100 Preparation of After this keep the flask stoppered. I VI. 10 FeSO 4 + 2 KMnO 4 + 8 H 2 SO 4 = 5 FU N (SO 4 ) 3 + I&0 4 + 2 MnSO 4 + 8 H 2 O. VII. 10 FeO + 50 VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 145 PREPARATION OP AN JQ SOLUTION OP POTASSIUM PERMAN- GANATE, KMn0 4 (158.03) As an oxidizing agent in acid solution, potassium permanganate splits up as follows: 2 KMnO 4 = K 2 O.2 MnO.O 5 (see reactions VI and VII). Each two molecules of KMnC>4 furnish five available oxygen atoms, which are equivalent to ten hydrogen atoms. One molecule of KMnC>4 therefore is equivalent to five atoms of hydrogen. The molecular weight of KMnO 4 = 158.03. This expressed in grams = 158.03 grams. A normal solution of potassium permanganate used as an oxi- dizing agent contains in one liter 31.60 grams, one-fifth of its 01 n molecular weight in grams. A decinormal solution contains ' or 3.16 grams in one liter. PROCEDURE N Making the Prepare half a liter of an y^ solution of potas- standard solution sium permanganate. Warm slightly to aid solution. Filter through asbestos on a Witt plate. 146 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS STANDARDIZATION OF THE - KMnO 4 SOLUTION 105 N Rather than make an exact JQ KMnO 4 solution, it is usual to standardize it in terms of iron or, if it is more convenient, in terms of any other appropriate substance. Use either iron wire or Mohr's salt, FeSO 4 . (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 .6 H 2 O. If iron wire is used, it must be free from rust and Method of stand- be of a known percentage purity. If Mohr's salt is used, it must be in clear crystals (those that have solution lost no water of crystallization) or those from a sample, the iron content of which has been gravimetrically determined. PROCEDURE Weigh into two Erlenmeyer flasks two samples of iron wire of about 0.25 gram each. Pour into each flask 100 c.c. of dilute sulfuric add (1.5). Loosely cover each flask with a one-inch watch glass and warm gently till all the iron is dissolved, but do not boil. A few flakes of carbon, which can easily be dis- standardization of tinguished as such, will remain. EXPLANATORY FACT 105. Solutions of KMnO 4 undergo decomposition in the light. If they are to be preserved they must be kept either in colored glass bottles or in bottles covered with black paper. Even then, frequent standardization is desirable. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 147 After the foregoing, to be certain that all the iron is in the ferrous state, proceed as follows: Get ready two glass tubes, bent at an angle of about 45, with the longer limb about twelve inches and the shorter about three inches long. In- sert the short limb into a one-hole rubber Reduction of ^ stopper of proper size for the neck of the oxidized iron to the flask. Support the two flasks with clamps ferrous state on ring stands, inclining them at an angle of 45. When the short limb is inserted into the neck of the flask, the long limb of the glass tube should be vertical. Put into each flask a very small amount of solid sodium car- bonate, 106 Na 2 CO 3 . Immediately add to each flask a very small amount of "40- mesh," chemically pure granular zinc, 107 and stopper the flask at once.* Dip the long end of the tubes into solutions cooling the solution of sodium carbonate contained in small in a nommdizing beakers." atmosphere Gently warm, but do not boil, the solution in the inclined flask till the zinc is dissolved. 109 EXPLANATORY FACTS 106. The carbon dioxide thus evolved will expel air from the flasks. 107. The introduction of the zinc will cause the reduction to the ferrous state of any iron which might possibly have been oxidized during solution (see reactions IV and V). The presence of zinc sulfate hi the solution (see reaction III) does not affect the titration with potassium permanganate. 108. Although the hydrogen can escape, yet, since the end of the long tube is sealed by the sodium carbonate solution, any ingress of air is impossible. 109. As the zinc dissolves, the inclined position of the flask prevents loss by spattering. * "Chemistry of the Metals," Experiment No. 156. 148 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Allow the flask to become cold. 110 As soon as the solution is quite cold, it should be at once titrated to a faint pink color with the potassium per- Titration of the manganate solution. 111 * 112 ferrous suifate EXPLANATORY FACTS 110. As the solution in the flask cools, the sodium carbonate solution in the beaker rises in the tube, but the first drop coming into the flask causes effervescence and the liquid is driven back down the tube. This gradual equalization of pressure continues until equilibrium is established. 111. All solutions titrated with permanganate of potassium must be acid preferably with sulfuric acid in order to keep the manganous oxid in solution. 112. It is often convenient to have on hand a solution of Mohr's salt a sample of which has been titrated with the KMnO 4 solution so that the value of one cubic centimeter of the Mohr's salt solution in terms of the permanganate solution may have been previously established. If the end point should ever be exceeded, the solution may then be "titrated back" with the Mohr's salt solution and allowance made for the KMnO 4 which by mistake was added in excess. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 149 SAMPLE CALCULATION Weight of iron = 0.2500 gram (99.85 per cent. pure). N y^KMnO 4 solution used = 31.18 c.c. - 2500 31 * 8 - 9985 0.0080. Thatis ' 1 c.c. of the KMnC>4 solution is equivalent to 0.0080 gram of iron. 150 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS DETERMINATION OF THE IRON Preparation of the Ore for Analysis It is impossible to dissolve and therefore to analyze an ore of this nature that has not been ground to an impalpable powder too smooth to grit between the teeth. This is often a long and tedious operation and should have been begun before the student has reached this determination (see page 122) . Mortars cut from agate (a form of quartz) must be used. Do not put much Preparation of the more of the ore in the mortar at one time than can ore by B lindia e be held on the tip of a small spatula. When ground to an impal- pable powder, transfer to a weighing tube and grind other portions until at least a gram of the ore is ready. PROCEDURE Weigh out into porcelain crucibles two portions of the ground ore of about 0.5 gram each. Heat these crucibles in the Bunsen flame for about ten min- utes. 113 Roasting the ore EXPLANATORY FACT 113. Iron ores often contain organic matter, which, as it might be later acted upon by the permanganate and vitiate the results, must be destroyed by "roasting." Moreover, it also colors the insoluble residue and makes it difficult to tell when the solution of the ore is complete. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 151 Cool the crucibles and transfer their contents to two 250 c.c. casseroles. If all the ore cannot be removed, the crucibles themselves must be put into the casseroles as well. 114 Add to each sample 25 c.c. of hydrochloric add (1.2 sp. gr.). Cover the casseroles and let the ore digest at a temperature just below boiling 115 for from thirty minutes to an hour. This will generally effect complete decomposi- Preparation of the tion as shown by a white residue. If after solution this time the solvent action appears to have ceased and the residue is still dark, proceed as follows: Dilute the solution, filter off and wash the residue till the wash- ings give no test for acid. Ignite the filter paper and residue in a platinum crucible and fuse 116 the ash with a small quantity of Fusion of any sodium carbonate, Na^COa. insoluble residue After cooling, partly fill the crucible with water and cautiously boil. EXPLANATORY FACTS 114. Platinum crucibles must not be put into iron solutions. 115. The iron oxid in most iron ores, if ground to an impalpable powder, is wholly soluble in strong hydrochloric acid. Hard or prolonged boiling or too great concentration of the solution of FeCls must be avoided to prevent loss of iron. In the laboratories of some steel works, it is customary to leave the ore in the hydro- chloric acid on steam baths over night. The next day the solu- tion is usually complete. Some analysts advocate adding a few drops of nitric acid to hasten the solution. 116. By fusion, the insoluble substances are transformed into such compounds as silicates of the alkalies, carbonates of the heavy metals, etc. This fused mass is entirely decomposed by treatment with dilute hydrochloric acid. Therefore, any iron which may have remained undissolved by the original treatment with acid is now obtained hi the solution as FeCl 3 . 152 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Add this solution and any residue to the original hydrochloric acid solution. Carefully wash out the platinum crucible and solution of the add the washings to the solution. fusion Warm until effervescence ceases. Whether or not this secondary process was needed, a white residue need not be filtered off. Add about 5 c.c. of concentrated sulfuric acid to conversion to the the cooled hydrochloric acid solution. suUate Evaporate under the hood until fumes of 80s are evolved. 117 Cool the solution and dilute to about 100 c.c. Warm the liquid until nothing but flocculent silica remains undissolved. Transfer quantitatively to a 250 c.c. flask. Add 5 grams of "40-mesh" C. P. granular zinc and put rubber stoppers carrying the bent glass tubes, as Reduction of the described on page 147, into the flasks. The iron tubes should, as before, dip into the sodium carbonate solu- tion. Avoid hydrogen explosions! EXPLANATORY FACT 117. Potassium permanganate in the presence of hydrochloric acid causes the oxidation of ferrous salts, as will be seen by the following: 2 KMnO 4 + 10 FeCl 2 + 16 HC1 = 2 MnCl 2 + 2 KC1 + 10 FeCl 3 + 8H 2 O; but it is also true that 2 KMn0 4 + 16 HC1 = 2 KC1 + 2 MnCl 2 + 5 C1 2 + 8 H 2 O. The titration with permanganate, then, in the presence of hydro- chloric acid, is attended with a possibility of loss unless special precaution, such as adding MnSO 4 , etc., is taken. It is therefore customary to remove all the hydrochloric acid by means of this evaporation with sulfuric acid (see reaction II). VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 153 Allow the zinc to dissolve entirely. Aid the process at the last by a gentle heat. Do not boil. With the tubes still sealed by the sodium carbonate solution, allow the solutions to cool. The action cooiingthe will be the same as described on page 148. solution When cool, 118 the solution should be at once xitration of the titrated with the standardized perman- 5nm ganate solution. EXPLANATORY FACT 118. The complete reduction may be tested for as follows: With- draw a minute drop of the solution on the end of a "drawn out" glass rod and touch it to a drop of KSCN solution on the white tile of the buret stand. If no red color forms, the reduction is complete. If a red color does appear, more zinc must be added and the process repeated. 154 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS SAMPLE CALCULATION Weight of ore used = 0.5603 gram. KMnO 4 solution used = 32.68 c.c. Standardization of KMnO 4 solution is 0.0080 of gram of iron (see page 149). 32.68 X 0.0080 = 0.2614 gram of iron "in 0.5306 gram of ore. 0.2614 0.5306 = 49.26 per cent, of iron. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 155 FACTORS NEEDED FOR THE DETERMINATIONS IN GRAVIMETRIC WORK INCLUDED IN THIS BOOK* Determina- tion of Weighed as, Required. Factor. Log. Al A1 2 3 Al 0.53033 1.72455 Cu CuO Cu 0.79891 1.90250 Fe FeaOs Fe 0.69944 1.84475 S0 4 BaS0 4 SO 4 0.41155 1.61442 Cl AgCl Cl 0.24738 1.39337 MgO Mg2P 2 7 MgO 0. 36219 1.55894 * Other factors, if needed, may be found in Olsen's Chemical Annual, in the 1 Chemiker Kalender," or Treadwell'a " Quantitative Analysis." 156 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC WEIGHTS Aluminum Al 0=16 27.1 120.2 39.9 75.0 137.37 208.0 11.0 79.92 112.40 132.81 40.07 12.00 140.25 35.46 52.1 58.97 93.5 63.57 162.5 167.7 152.0 19.0 157.3 69.9 72.5 9.1 197.2 4.0 1.008 114.8 126.92 193.1 55.84 82.9 139.0 207.1 7.0 174.0 24.32 54.93 200.6 Molybdenum Neodymium Neon ...Mo ...Nd ...Ne = 16 96.0 144.3 20.0 58.68 14.01 190.9 16.00 106.' 31.0 195.0 39.1 140.6 226.4 102.9 85.45 101.7 150.4 44.1 79.2 28.3 107.88 23.00 87.62 32.07 181.5 127.5 159.2 204.0 232.42 168.5 119.0 48.1 184.0 238.5 51.06 128.0 172.0 89.0 65.37 90.6 Sb A .As .Ba Ri Nickel ...Ni B " Nitrogen ...N Bismuth Osmium Oxygen Palladium ...Os ...O ...Pd Boron B Rr Cd Phosphorus ...P Cs Platinum . ...Pt Calcium .Ca .C Ce Potassium Praseodymium . . . Radium ...K ...Pr .. .Ra Carbon Chlorin .Cl .Cr .Co .Cb Cn Rhodium Rubidium Ruthenium Samarium ...Rh ...Rb . ..Ru ...Sa Chromium Cobalt .... Columbium Scandium ...Sc Se Dysprosium Erbium Dy F,r Selenium . . Silicon Silver Sodium ...Si ...Ag Na Europium Fluorin .Eu .F Gd Strontium ...Sr .Ga .Ge .Gl An Sulphur Tantalum ...S ...Ta Tellurium Te Gold Terbium Thallium Thorium Thulium ...Tb ...Tl ...Th ...Tm Helium .He .H .In .1 Tr Hydrogen lodin Indium Tin ...Sn ...Ti ...W ...U Titanium Tungsten Uranium Fe Kr Lanthanum Lead .La .Pb T,i Vanadium v Xenon ...Xe ter- ...Yb Ytterbium (Neoyl bium) .Lu Mg .Mn Hg Magnesium Manganese Mercury Yttrium ...Y ...Zn ...Zr Zinc Zirconium LOGARITHMS 157 LOGARITHMS -1 Proportional Parts. 11 1 - 133 456 8 9 10 0000 3043 0086 0128 170 212 0253 3294 0334 0374 4 8 12 7 21 25 9 33 37 11 0414 453 0492 0531 569 607 0645 3682 0719 0755 4 8 11 5 19 23 6 30 34 12 0792 828 0864 0899 0934 969 1004 1038 1072 1106 3 7 10 4 17 21 4 28 31 13 139 173 1206 1239 271 303 1335 1367 1399 1430 3 6 10 3 16 19 3 26 29 14 1461 492 1523 1553 584 614 1644 1673 1703 1732 369 2 15 18 & 24 27 15 1761 790 818 1847 875 9031931 1959 1987 2014 368 1 14 17 20 22 25 16 2041 01 is 2095 2122 2148 1752201 2227 2253 2279 358 1 13 16 8 21 24 17 2304 :;:;n 2355 2380 2405 430:2455 2480 2504 2529 2 7 12 15 7 20 22 18 2553 577 2601 2625 2648 672:2695 2718 2742 2765 2 7 9 12 14 6 19 21 19 2788 2810 2833 2856 2878 900 2923 2945 2967 2989 2 7 9 11 13 6 18 20 20 3010 3032 3054 3075 3096 118 3139 3160 3181 3201 2 6 8 11 13 5 17 19 21 3222 3243 3263 3284 3304 32413345 3365 3385 3404 2 6 8 10 12 4 16 18 22 3424 3444 3464 3483 3502 522 3541 3560 3579 ;:,<;>s 2 6 8 10 12 4 15 17 23 3617 3636 3655 3674 3692 711 3729 3747 3766 3784 2 6 7 9 11 3 15 17 24 3802 3820 3838 3856 3874 892 3909 3927 3945 3962 2 5 7 9 11 12 14 16 25 3979 3997 4014 4031 4048 4065 4082 4099 4116 4133 235 7 9 10 12 14 15 26 4150 4166 4183 4200 4216 4232 '4249 4265 4281 4298 235 7 8 10 11 13 15 27 4314 4330 4346 4362 4378 4393 [4409 4425 4440 4456 235 689 11 13 14 28 4472 4487 4502 4518 4533 4548 4564 4579 4594 4609 2 3 5 689 11 12 14 29 4624 4639 4654 4669 4683 4698 4713 4728 4742 4757 1 3 4 679 10 12 13 30 4771 4786 4800 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689 6 8 10 7 8 10 7 8 10 7 9 10 7 9 11 7 9 11 10 12 13 11 12 14 11 12 14 11 13 14 11 13 15 12 13 15 12 13 15 12 14 16 12 14 16 13 14 16 7962 8147 8337 8531 8730 8933 9141 9354 9572 9795 8035 8222 8414 8610 8810 9016 9226 9441 9661 fese 8054 8241 8433 8630 8831 9036 9247 9462 9683 9908 8072 8260 8453 8650 8851 9057 9268 9484 9705 9931 8091 8279 8472 8670 8872 9078 9290 9506 9727 9944 8110 8299 8492 8690 8892 9099 9311 9528 9750 9977 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 7 2 7 257 7 9 11 8 9 11 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 11 13 9 11 13 9 11 13 9 11 14 13 15 17 13 15 17 14 15 17 14 16 18 14 16 18 15 17 19 15 17 19 15 17 20 16 18 20 16 18 20 INDEX Absolute value of a standard hydrochloric acid solution, determination of. 121 Acidimetry 112 Aliquot part 90, 136 Alkalimetry 112 Alkalinity, total, of soda ash, determination of 134 Alloy for electrolytic determination 89 Aluminium, determination of, in alum 33 removal of, from dolomite 71 Analysis, gravimetric and volumetric, compared 2, 97 Anode 86 Apparatus 5 for measuring volume of liquids 98 Balances 10 adjustment of 11 Barium sulfate, precipitating and filtering of 59 Baths, air and steam 7 Burets f .. 99 reading of 100 Calcium, determination of, in a mineral 73 Calcium oxalate, purification of 74 Calculation 27 Calibration of apparatus for measuring volume 98 Cathode and cation 86 Checking of weights by instructor 16, 30 Chlorin, gravimetric determination of, in a soluble salt 62 volumetric determination of, in a soluble salt 139 161 162 INDEX Cleaning volumetric glassware 101 Constant weight 26 Coolers for reduced iron solutions 117 Copper in an alloy, electrolytic determination of 92 determination of, in copper sulfate 45 sulfate, preparation of pure crystals of *. . . 46 oxid, method of igniting 49 Crucibles 7 cleaning of 8 Gooch 25 Current density 86 Decantation 23 Desiccators 10 use of 41 Dissociation 20, 85 Dolomite (or similar minerals), analysis of 68 Electrodes 86 drying of 92 Electrolysis 86 Electrolyte 86 Electrolytic Analysis 85-94 Electrolytic determinations 87 End point, determination of 103 Evaporations 7, 24 Factors, calculation and use of 27, 155 for approximately normal solutions 119 Filter flasks 7 Filtering 22 Filter paper 5, 22 for barium sulfate 60 tared 25 Filtration, arrangement of apparatus for 36 Funnels 6 Fusion of insoluble substances 17, 79 Gibbs, Wolcott, method of, for magnesium 76 Glassware, cleaning of surface of, in volumetric analysis 101 Gooch crucibles 25 Gravimetric Analysis 33-81 definition of . . 12 INDEX 163 Hydrochloric acid, preparation of half-normal solution of 113 determination of absolute value of solution of. 121 dilution of solution of, to an exact value 124, 127 Iceland spar, use of, as a standard 122 Ignition of precipitates 25 Indicators 105 Ions 20, 85 Iron, gravimetric determination of, in a soluble salt 53 volumetric determination of, in a soluble salt 144 and SO 4 , separation of 55, 58 removal of, from dolomite 71 Isolation of elements or radicals ... 17 Lacmoid 107 Liquid level, reading of 99, 100 Litmus 106 Magnesium, determination of, in dolomite 76 Magnesium oxalate, properties of 74 Magnesium ammonium phosphate, ignition of, to magnesium pyrophos- phate 77 Manganese, removal of, from dolomite 71 Measuring flasks 99 Meniscus 99, 100 Methyl orange 106 Microcosmic salt, use of, for the determination of magnesium 76 Normal solutions 108 adjustment of, by dilution to an exact volume 124, 127, / 128, 132 * Notebooks. . . 30 Permanency of standard solutions Ill Phenolphthalein 107 Pipets 98 Platinum, rules for use of 8 "Policeman," use of, for removing precipitates 5, 38 Potassium cyanid, use of 89, 90 Potassium permanganate, preparation and standardization of a tenth- normal solution of ... 145 164 INDEX PAGE Precipitates, drying of 7, 39, 40 ignition of 25, 40 purification of 18 washing of 17, 20 Precipitation 17, 20 Qualitative and quantitative analysis, comparison of 1 Quills, use of, for removing precipitates 38 Radical SO 4 , gravimetric determination of, in a soluble salt 57 Reagents 17 amounts of, to add. 18 Records, types of 31, 43 Relative values of acid and alkali solutions, determination of 116 Separation of elements or radicals 17 Silica, determination of, in minerals and rocks 78 purification of, by hydrofluoric acid 81 removal of, from dolomite 70 from iron ore 151 Silicates, fusion of, to accomplish solution 17, 79 Silicic acid, dehydration of 70, 80 Silver, electrolytic determination of 91 Silver chlorid, action of light upon 63, 66 method of igniting 65 Silver nitrate, standardization of a solution of 141, 143 Soda ash, determination of total alkalinity of 134 Sodium hydroxid, dilution of a solution of, to exact value .... 128, 131, 132 preparation of a half-normal solution of 115 standardization of, against oxalic acid 129 Solubilities, table of 21 Solution, process of 17 Solutions, facts regarding 19 homogeneity of 19 Solvents 19 Standard solutions 102 permanency of Ill, 115 dilution of, to exact value 121, 125 Study outside the laboratory 32 Suction for filtrations 7, 22 Sulfuric acid, determination of, in a soluble salt 57 Tared filter papers 25 Titration . . 102 INDEX 165 PAGE Volumetric Analysis 97-154 definition of 97 Washing of precipitates 22, 37, 38 test for the completion of 22 Washing by decantation 23, 37 Weighing, directions for 15 precautions for 13 Weighing tubes 6 Weights, analytical 11 average approximate 15 constant 26 Work, planning of 29 Zero point, determination of 14 Zinc, "40-mesh," use of, to reduce iron in volumetric determination. . . 147 Printed in the United States of America. . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. IVPR 1 8 1949 JIW6 1949 ! | JUL191949 APR 1 3 1950 APR 1 19521 WUV 1 4 1956 flCC 7 1966 *fp 2 ^ RE ^ JUL13W Form L9-10m-3,'48(A79^| :'D LD-URl V f* 4 *> - !