/I \ CoS) i^ \UA ^ \xySlJL tSjjP G(SW^ \Mt..Q.dr3 ^- riXov<:" EDITOR LEO WELDON WERTHEIMER IOTA '99 Published in the 84th Year of the Fraternity, May, 1917 fey* the •'*• •••' »' r .* - .'^ * : • '' ■ ,* of the PSI UPSILON FRATERNITY I T^^^ TO HERBERT LAW RE.XCE BRIDGMAN GAMMA '66 SINCE 1877 CONTINUOUSLY A MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF THE FRATERNITY AND SINCE 1883 CONTINUOUSLY ITS PRESIDENT » M46367 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Preface xi LiST OF Chapters xii Executive Council xiii Conventions of the Fraternity xiv Catalogues of the Fraternity xv FliSTORY OF Psi Upsilon xvi List of Abbreviations ' xxvii Abbreviations for Names of Degrees Conferred xxviii Chapter Rolls Theta 1 Delta 31 Beta 66 Sigma 209 Gamma 235 Zeta 286 Lambda ......'. .:. 335 Kappa 370 Psi 406 Xi 428 Alpha ...:.. 485 Upsilon 497 Iota 520 Phi 533 Omega (old) 562 Omega (new) 568 Pi : 577 Chi 600 Beta Beta 623 Eta : 651 Tail 665 Mu 679 Rho 692 Epsilon 706 Omicron ■ 714 Delta Delta 720 Theta Theta 122> Geographical Index 726 Alphabetical Index 839 Appendix Smnmary by States and Countries 917 Summary by Cities 917 Unknown Addresses 918 Membership by Chapters 920 Chapter Addresses 921 Table of Occupations 921 Additions and Corrections 922 X PREFACE Since the publication of the Eleventh General Catalogue of Psi Upsilon, in 1902, four Chapters and 4,830 members have been added to the rolls of tlie Fraternity. The present Catalogue records the names, Chapters, classes, symbols, degrees, undergraduate societies and scholastic and athletic honors, positions of honor and trust, authorship, club and association membership, and occupations of the members, with the addresses of the living and the dates of death of the deceased, so far as it has been possible to learn them. Information was derived in the first instance from the members themselves, in part through personal solicitation, but mostly by correspondence. All addresses appearing hereinafter and not enclosed in parentheses have been obtained in this manner and are, consequently, official. An address enclosed in parenthesis is, usually, one to which four letters have been sent, without bringing the desired response and without being returned by the Post Office Department. In a few cases the addresses were not learned until recently, too late for the four letters to have been sent seriatim, but in no case, too late for at least one to have been sent, with the result indicated. Accord- ingly these addresses are good for mailing purposes at least, but do not appear in the Geographical Index. 326 names of living members appear without addresses. It has been impossible, even through correspondence with Chapters, col- leges, class secretaries, relatives and others, and examination of directories, catalogues and other lists, to obtain for these members addresses letters sent to which were not returned undelivered. Former Catalogues of the Fraternity have contained "last known" addresses, even when it was known that they were not good for mailing pur- poses, but to reduce their number, and to save time, stationery and postage when used as a mailing list, they have been omitted from this Catalogue. In the Appendix ap- pears a list of these "lost" members, and any person knowing the address of one or more of them is requested to communicate this knowledge to the Executive Council. The asterisk (*) follows the name of a deceased member. Discarded names or portions thereof are enclosed in brackets [ ]. Initial letters not followed by periods are names and not abbreviations. Initial letters followed by periods are abbreviations of names not ascertainable. Attention is called to the Appendix, which contains several interesting tables. The cover design is the work of John Chadbourn Rorison, Beta Beta '19. The Editor takes this opportunity to thank all the members of the Executive Council, other members of the Fraternity, and the officers of the institutions in which the several Chapters are located who have assisted him so untiringly in the work at hand. In this connection may be mentioned particularly John Vosburgh Irwin, Delta '94, Arthur Hamilton Wilkinson, Jr., Sigma '17, Benjamin Stanton D'Ooge, Gamma '17, Thomas Bradford Boardman, Gamma '18 Beta Beta '18, H. [Waldo] Gray Knapp, Zeta '12, Homer Wesley Johnson, Jr., Zeta '18, Edwin Bruce Shields, Psi '17, Prentiss Bailey Gilbert, Upsilon '06, Edgar Francis Waterman, Beta Beta '98 and Christian Gross, Omicron '17. While possible in theory it is impossible in practice to produce a work of this sort that is perfect. This one is as nearly so as it has been possible to make it, and both the Editor and the Publisher believe that it is the most complete and accurate book of its kind ever published. We shall feel repaid for our efforts if it meet the requirements of the Fraternity. Leo Weldon Wertheimer New York, May, 1917 xi LIST OF CHAPTERS 1833 THETA Union University, Schenectady, New York 1837 DELTA New York University, New York, New York 1839 BETA Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 1840 SIGMA Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 1841 GAMMA Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts 1842 ZETA Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 1842 LAMBDA Columbia University, New York, New York 1843 KAPPA Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine 1843 PSI Hamilton College, Clinton, New York 1843 XI Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut 1850 ALPHA Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1858 UPSILON University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 1860 IOTA Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio 1865 PHI University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1869 OMEGA (old) University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 1875 PI Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 1876 CHI Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 1880 BETA BETA Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut 1884 ETA Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 1891 TAU University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1891 MU University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 1896 RHO University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 1897 OMEGA (new) .. ..University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 1902 EPSILON University of California, Berkeley, California 1910 OMICRON University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 1913 DELTA DELTA. . .Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts 1916 THETA THETA. .University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Xll THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL FORMER MEMBERS William Forbes Morgan, Delta '65 1869-74 Daniel Greenleaf Thompson, Gamma '69 1869-70; 1872-74 Robert Lenox Belknap, Lambda '69 1869-72 Robert Weeks De Forest, Beta '70 1869-71 ; 1872-73 William Conrad Rhodes, Sigma '64 1869-71 Edward Chittenden Ray, Psi '70 1870-71 Isaac Nelson Ford, Sigma '70 1871-72 John Henry Hobart Pinckney, Psi '51 1871-72 Frederic Augustus Brown, Lambda '72 1871-77 William Henry Case, Theta '66 1872-73 George Clark Coffin, Zeta '72 1873-76 Henry Ward Beecher Howard, Beta '72 1873-76 George Zabriskie, Delta '70 1874-76 Isaac Smith Signor, Psi '70 1874-75 ; 1876-79 Frederic George Dow, Kappa '32 1875-77 Charles Wesley Smiley, Xi '74 1876-84 Charles Densmore Wvman, Omega '72 Upsilon '72 1876-77 Thomas Thacher, Beta '71 1877-81 Alfred Eugene Mudge. Phi '66 1877-78 John Morrell Rider, Theta '73 1878-79 W^ard McLean, Theta '43 1879-83 Joseph Lyman, Alpha '73 1879-80 Howard Benjamin Grose. Omega '75 Upsilon '76 1880-82 ; 1883-84 Hugh Bournonville MacCauley, Delta '77 1881-82 David Buchanan Willson, Beta Beta '79 1882-83 James Morgan Gilbert, Pi '75 1882-83 Benjamin Holmes Bayliss, Delta '65 1883-97 Francis Sedgwick Bangs, Lambda '78 1883-00 Henry Clark Johnson, Chi '73 1884-92 William Morgan Kingsley, Delta '83 1884-01 Frank Lorenzo Hall, Beta '72 1892-01 George Welling Giddings, Lambda '92 1901-08 John Vosburgh Irwin, Delta '94 1901-08 Albert Draper Whiting, Tau '88 , 1908-15 Henry Johnson Fisher, Beta '96 1908-12 Edwin Paul Shattuck, Lambda '99 1908-11 Leo Weldon Wertheimer, Iota '99 Lambda '02 : 1908-15 John Godfrey Saxe. Lambda '00 1908-11 John Lawson Senior, Chi '01 1908-09 PRESENT MEMBERS Herbert Lawrence Bridgman, Gamma '66 1877 — George Silas Coleman, Xi '76 1897— George Henry Fox, Upsilon '67 1900— Earl D Babst, Iota '93 Phi '93 1907— Austin Meigs Poole, Delta '87 Lambda '88 1909— Frederick Paul, Keppel, Lambda '98 1911— Edward Livingston Stevens. Chi '99 1911— Theodore Leland Waugh. Pi '98 1912— Herbert Sherman Houston, Omega '88 1915— George Xavier McLanahan, Beta '96 : 1915— The address of the Executive Council, to which all communications should be sent, is P. O. Box 1720, New York, N. Y. xin CONVENTIONS OF THE FRATERNITY In 1858 the Convention was held in New York, New York, under the auspices of the Executive Committee. Other Conventions have been held with the Chapters as follows : Theta 1843, 1852, 1863, 1869, 1883, 1903 Delta 1841, 1854, 1887, 1907 Beta 1840, 1845, 1855, 1861, 1870, 1879, 1902 Sigma 1847, 1856, 1871, 1890, 1914 Gamma 1844, 1857, 1872, 1891, 1913 Zeta 1846, 1860, 1873, 1893, 1916 Lambda 1849, 1859, 1874, 1892, 1912 Kappa 1850,1862,1875,1894,1911 Psi 1851, 1864, 1876, 1895 Xi 1848, 1865, 1877, 1897 Alpha 1853 Upsilon 1866, 1878, 1889, 1908 Iota 1867, 1888, 1910 Phi 1868, 1880, 1896 Omega 1881. 1909 Pi 1882, 1900 Chi 1884, 1899 Beta Beta 1885, 1906 Eta 1886, 1905 Tau 1901 Mu 1898, 1917* Rho 1904 Epsilon 1915 Omicron — Delta Delta — Theta Theta — *To be held in May XIV CATALOGUES OF THE FRATERNITY YEAR CHAPTERS MEMBERS First 1842 5 243 Second 1844 10 497 Third 1847 10 802 Fourth 1849 10 995 Fifth 1852 11 1,323 Sixth 1855 11 1,681 Seventh 1864 13 2,678 Eighth 1870 IS 3,525 Ninth 1879 17 4,940 Tenth 1888 19 6,778 Eleventh 1902 23 9,699 Twelfth 1917 26 14.529 XV HISTORY OF PSI UPSILON The Psi Upsilon Fraternity owes its origin to two principal sources. The first of these is the great public excitement that prevailed throughout this country, beginning in 1820, over the heated discussion for and against the Masonic Fraternity. Although confined in the main to those of more mature age, where it had marked and serious effects on affairs social, political and commercial, this discussion found its way into the undergraduate bodies of our institutions of learning. There the students gave much thought to secret societies in general, but especially to those which had been or might be confined to that walk of life in which they then found themselves. The general question was argued and debated, academically, in the semi-secret literary societies which had sprung up among the students, and where the effect on the plastic minds of the participants was most marked. Although the general opposition to freemasonry was extended to include all secret societies, fortunately, and because they were sb little known, none of it attached to college secret societies. The other source was the Phi Beta Kappa society, which had been organized in 1776 at William and Mary College and had spread to six other institutions of learning. Although started as strictly secret, and having both social and literary objects, Phi Beta Kappa, because many of its members were members of the faculties of the institutions in which its chapters were seated and consequently exercised considerable jurisdiction over its activities, had come to depend upon scholastic attainments rather than social possibilities as qualifica- tions for membership, and on account of the general opposition to secret societies, it had given up most of its secrets. With both its mystery and its social motive gone, Phi Beta Kappa had lost its charm and its attractiveness to the undergraduate mind, and the students saw that any new societies to be organized by them must be founded upon entirely different ideals. The fifth chapter of Phi Beta Kappa had been established at Union College in 1817. Three other Greek-letter Societies, Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi and Delta Phi, had been organized at Union between that year and 1833, and which, sometimes called the "Union Triad," were the founders of the existing college fraternity system. Union College was located in the heart of that section in which the discussion referred to above was most violent. Under the influence of the high character and wide reputation of her then president. Dr. Eliphalet Nott, it was in 1833 the foremost educational institution in America outside of New England, and being less firmly bound down by tradition than her New England rivals preceded them in the adoption of more modern educational methods. In addition to the three named above there had also been organized at Union several secret societies of a purely literary character, one of which was known as the Delphian Institute. The rivalry among these literary societies was most keen, both for members and literary supremacy, and in college politics. As a result of a class political contest seven members of the Delphian Institute banded themselves together in a resolve to counteract the tendencies of the old literary and scholastic societies by the formation of a new one, which should be broader and more liberal in constitution and action and in which the social motive should be the prevailing one. They subscribed to a formal agreement, pledging themselves to unite in an association which should be conducted for the common welfare, and the name "Psi Upsilon" was adopted. This formal document, known as the "Pledge," was long preserved, and its text is still in the archives of the Theta Chapter. It was dated November 24, 1833, the birthday of Psi Upsilon, and the anniversary of which is now celebrated far and wide as "Founders' Day." xvi HISTORY OF PSI UPSILON The Seven Founders were Samuel Goodale, Sterling Goodale Hadley, Edward Alartindale and George Washington Tuttle, of the cla^s of 1836, and Robert Barnard, Charles Washington Harvej- and Merwin Henry Stewart, of the class of 1837. They were well qualified to lead the new movement, and it must not be thought that they were in any respect lacking in those scholastic attainments necessary to admission to the honorary societies, or in those other qualities which made for high standing in the opinion of the faculty. Three of the original members of the class of 1836 received Phi Beta Kappa keys, while all but one of the seven received the A. B. degree at the completion of their courses and the seventh afterwards received honorary D. D. S., M. D. and honorary A. M. degrees at as many other institutions. Goodale, after graduation, studied theology, and both taught school, preached and did missionary work for many years. He was Honorary Canon of the Cathedral in Omaha and Chap- lain of the Senate of Nebraska, retired from active service, and died in 1898. Hadley practiced law in New York, was a member of the State Legislature and of a Con- stitutional Convention, became Judge and Surrogate of Seneca County, State Assessor, President of the Board of Trustees of one of the State Hospitals for the insane, Trustee of Hobart College and United States Commissioner to locate Government buildings in Rochester, Detroit, Minneapolis and Denver, and died in 1901. Martindale practiced law for many years in New York and Iowa, was a Lieutenant-Colonel and later a Colonel in the Union Army, and survived until 1904, being the last surviving Founder. Tuttle long prospered in New York as a merchant and manufacturer, and was not called from his long life until 1903. The Founders from the class of 1837, although not possessed of such physical vigor as their four associates, made good use of their opportunities and became men of high repute in their respective communities. Barnard finished his brief but brilliant career as a lawyer in Xew York only when ill health sent him to California, where he died in 1853. Harvey became well known in the State of New York as a physician and surgeon, received honorary degrees from two institutions of learning, became president of the Buffalo Medical and Surgical Association and died in 1886. Stewart, while preparing for the ministry, taught in Virginia for two years and died in 1836. The formation of the Fraternity was at first kept secret, the members taking time to strengthen it by the addition of new members, and to forestall possible faculty opposition until such time as their organization should be strong enough to resist such opposition. Three members of the class of '36 were initiated in December, and in January and Februarj^, 1834, six new members were admitted, five from '36 and one from '37. Psi Upsilon was the first fraternity at Union to take members from all the undergraduate classes. Before that time it had been the custom to confine membership in the fraternities to upper classmen. It was not until June, 1834, that the Diamond was publicly worn. It had been designed by a noted jeweler of Albany, who was consulted by the Founders, and who made all of our earliest badges. He always spoke of it as one of his masterpieces. The career of Psi Upsilon, during its earliest years, was by no means smooth. Its rivals, the older Greek-letter societies, did what they could to hinder its growth and progress. They made an agreement among themselves to exclude all its members from Phi Beta Kappa, but this step seemed to President Nott so unjust that he interfered to the extent of informing the active members of Phi Beta Kappa that unless the agreement were dissolved the faculty would itself nominate the members of that society. This threat was actually carried into effect, and Psi Upsilon thus secured its fair representa- tion in Phi Beta Kappa. In 1838, when the secret societies appointed a joint committee to confer with President Nott concerning an attempted invasion of their rights in the literary societies, a Psi Upsilon was made chairman. xvii HISTORY OF PSI UPSILON In September, 1834, eight more men were initiated, two from '36, five from 'Zl, and one, William Taylor, our "first freshman," from '38. From '38 were drawn thirteen members and from '39 nine. The Fraternity at once took a high stand. Its political position having already been secured through the intervention of Dr. Nott, and its social standing being good from the outset partly from the fact that the members had gained the favor of the wife of Professor (afterward Bishop) Alonzo Potter, the daugliter of Dr. Nott, and whose son, Clarkson Nott Potter, later became a member of the Fraternity in the class of '42, nothing remained but for it to carry out the high ideals of the Founders. A long period of prosperity followed. The name of the, local Chapter, "Theta," was not assumed until 1838, after a second Chapter had been established. From 1835 to 1860 both inclusive one hundred and seventeen members were initiated into the Theta, an average of nearly five members per year. During the Civil War initiations were for a short time suspended, partly because of the reduced state of the College and partly because of extreme exclusiveness. But Albert Constantine Ingham, Theta '47, came to the aid of the Chapter in its time of need. To his assistance came Morton Elnathan Brasee and David Milton Monroe Zeller, of the classes of '63 and '64 respectively of the Iota Chapter and the former one of its Charter Member?, who, feeling that the Theta, which had strongly supported the lota's petition for a Charter and had initiated its sole Founder, was entitled to any support which the younger Chapter might give, left Kenyon in the midst of their courses with the expressed intention of furnishing that support, entered Union and remained to obtain their degrees. No class passed without a Psi Upsilon delegation, and with the class of '65 a vigorous life returned. In the spring of that year, there being no member of the Fraternity left at Union, five Union undergraduates, acting in accordance with arrangements made by Theta alumni, went to the Psi Chapter where they were initiated and thence returned to form the nucleus of the revived Theta. The archives, which had been surrendered, were returned after the delegates sent by the Convention of that year reported that the reorganization had been complete. All of the Founders, with the exception of Stewart, lived to see realized the hopes of their undergraduate days as resting in Psi Upsilon. Barnard lived until 1855, at which time there were eleven Chapters and sixteen hundred and sixty members. Harvey, who died in 1886, saw the growth into nineteen Chapters and six thousand six hundred and six members, one of whom was his son, Leon Ferdinand Harvey, Theta '83. At the time of the death of the last surviving Founder, Martindale, in 1904, there were twenty-three Chapters and more than eleven thousand members. In 1896 he wrote, "It is the pride of my life that I was one of the Founders of the Psi Upsilon Society." The Fraternity exercised no haste in extending to other institutions. Jeremiah Skidmore Lord, Theta '36, had left Union in 1835 to enter the University of the City of New York, now New York University, and in the same year wrote to the Theta for permission to foimd a Chapter of Psi Upsilon there. An active member of the Theta, sent down to examine into the merits of the application, reported unfavorably, another Greek-letter society having just been organized in the young University. But soon after, Isaac Dayton, a student there, went to Union to complete his course and became a Psi Upsilon. Being anxious to see a Chapter of the organization m his old college he enlisted the services of William Taylor, referred to above and who' was then in New York. These two attended a meeting of the petitioners, and having carried their application to the Theta soon obtained the desired permission to establish the new Chapter. The formal installation of the Delta took place February 11, 1837, the Charter being delivered to six members of the classes of 'Zl, '38, '39 and '40. For eighty years the Delta has enjoyed an uninterrupted existence, during the whole of which time her influence in the Fraternity has been strong and her alumni have stood high in its councils. xviii •HISTORY OF PSI UPSILON In the spring of 1839 William Erigena Robinson, a sophomore at Yale, visited his friend George Monilaws, an active member of the Theta, and to both of them occurred the idea of planting the Fraternity at Yale. Robinson was initiated by the Theta May 3, 1839, and having stopped at New York where the consent of the Delta was obtained, returned to New Haven as the sole Founder of the Beta. "Until August of that year," he writes, "I was the Beta Chapter in myself. I had my badge with 'Beta' on it three months before any of those mentioned as founders were initiated, and I initiated them all in my room. I was then a sophomore, and had it been known that the society admitted any one below a junior, it would have killed the chapter. I therefore kept my connection a secret, and was again initiated with my class as juniors, not one of whom knew that I had been a member." The Beta soon became and still is the largest Chapter of the Fraternit}'. Her alumni have been prominent in all the important walks of life, one of them being one of the two Fsi Upsilon Presidents of the United States. The Founder of the Beta compiled the first Catalogue of the Fraternity and was an Associate Founder of two other Chapters. Our earliest songs were composed and our first song books edited by Beta undergraduates. The Beta was followed by the Sigma, at Brown University. The indefatigable Robinson, the Founder of the Beta, aided by Henry Martyn Dexter, Beta '40, who had passed his freshman and sophomore years at Brown, got together at that institution the proper quantity and quality of material. Having secured the consent of the three existing Chapters they went to Providence and installed the new Chapter March 28, 1840, the Charter being delivered to twenty-three men, selected from the four under- graduate classes. During its early years the Sigma met with considerable opposition on the part of the faculty, who had marked prejudices against all secret societies. But the members having, during these years, so conducted themselves as to reflect credit upon the Chapter and the University, and the Chapter's by-laws having been submitted to the President for his examination, the faculty became reconciled to the existence of the Sigma and since that time has been frequently and wisely recruited from its alumni. Most of the Chapter's initiates have come from the best families of Providence, and with its alumni continuously occupying positions of the first rank in official, commercial and social circles, it has at all times exercised great influence in the (City's) affairs. Many of the Sigma's alumni have become distinguished for their services in the cause of education, of whom may be mentioned Albert Harkness, the Latinist, Adoniram Judson Huntington, for many years Professor of Greek Language and Literature in Columbian College, and James Burrill Angell, President and President Emeritus of the Univer- sity of Michigan from 1871 to the time of his death in 1916. William Whitman Bailey, the poet and botanist, and James DeMille, the novelist, represent the Sigma in letters, while Henry Frederic Lippitt, Sigma '78, has just completed a term as United States Senator from Rhode Island. Not content with having established two Chapters, Robinson next turned his attention to Amherst College. Five students of that institution had resolved to obtain a Psi Upsilon Charter, and having associated with themselves eleven other students, and a formal petition having been presented to the Beta, dispatched one of their number to Yale to cooperate with Robinson in the project. The latter, with his accustomed zeal and energy, took up the matter with the other Chapters and soon secured their formal consent. On November 16, 1841, he and Edward Trask, Delta '40, journe3'ed to Amherst, driving the last twenty-five miles with two spirited horses belonging to the latter's mother, and instituted the Gamma. The new Chapter met with faculty opposi- tion, similar to that encountered by the Sigma, and was at one time threatened with dissolution on the ground that a rule of the college had been broken by the organization without faculty consent. Acting upon the advice of a friendly faculty^member, however, xix HISTORY OF PSI UPSILON. the initiates took off their hades and, disclaiming any intention of willful disobedience of rules, respectfully asked for official consent to the organization. After an exam- ination of its Constitution and by-laws by a committee of the faculty, one of which. William Seymour Tyler, then Professor of Greek and Latin, afterwards became a member of the Chapter, the desired consent was obtained and the cherished badges put on again. From that time the Chapter's progress has been rapid, without once faltering. The Gamma is one of the fairest jewels in the diadem of Psi Upsilon, and in their loyalty to and zeal for the Fraternity her alumni are second to none. On May 10, 1842, the Zeta was instituted at Dartmouth College by Horace James, one of the Charter Members of the Beta and who was then studying for the ministry at Andover Theological Seminary. The Charter was delivered to fourteen men, all members of the senior class of '42, and nearly all of whom rose to distinction. The first Greek-letter society to enter Dartmouth, Psi Upsilon at first experienced the same difficulty — faculty opposition — as at Brown and Amherst. Having nothing substantial upon which to base this opposition, and finding the Chapter enjoying the protection of the wife of Profesor Sanborn and the aunt of one of the Charter Members, and who braving the wrath of her spouse and his fellow members of the faculty offered the originators o'f all the trouble a room in her house for holding their meetings, the opposition soon disappeared and the faculty came to look upon the new organization as something of which the College could be proud. The Zeta's growth has been rapid, until now it is the Second Chapter of the Fraternity in the size of both its alumni and undergraduate bodies. Its sons have stood high in all important walks of life, especially so in education, and to the records of many of them Psi Upsilon points with pride. At the commencement of the Zeta's probationary period eight students, members of the junior and senior classes at Columbia College (now a part of Columbia Univer- sity) were asking for the establishment of a Psi Upsilon Chapter in that institution. They were aided by William Taylor, Theta '38, who had taken such an active part in the establishment of the Delta, and by Cornelius Earle, then a Delta undergraduate. The necessary authority having been obtained, these two installed the Lambda Chapter on June 20, 1842, and delivered the Charter to the eight undergraduates referred to above. Psi Upsilon had been preceded six years at Columbia by another fraternity, and was not opposed by the faculty. The prosperity of the Lambda dates from its birth and for seventy-five years it has maintained a high position at Columbia. The Charter Members were all men of the highest scholarship standing, the three junior members being the honor men of their class, and the Chapter has had more honor men than all other fraternities at Columbia combined. Its alumni occupy many of the highest posi- tions in the religious, educational, professional, financial and social life of the metrop- olis, and have at all times been most active in the affairs of the Fraternity. The petition for the establishment of a Chapter at Bowdoin College was presented at the Convention held in 1842. The movement had begun systematically. An associa- tion of the students sent one of their number to Harvard and Yale, with the view to selecting an intercollegiate fraternity with which to connect themselves. On his return to Brunswick he recommended Psi Upsilon so strongly that from that time association with no other fraternity was thought of. The petition was acted upon favorably and the Charter voted by the Convention, but, in consequence of some false stories put in circulation by other organizations connected with the College, its issuance was delayed. The disappointed petitioners formed themselves into a local society, known as Omega Phi, and set about correcting these false impressions. Through the assistance of Mellen Chamberlain, Zeta '44, the difficulty was removed and the Charter issued. On July 26, 1843, Lincoln Flagg Brigham, Zeta '42, as the official representative of the Fraternity, formally instituted the Kappa Chapter, nine men being named in the Charter. The Institutor saidj "The Bowdoin Chapter, in the beginning and since, as I have cause XX HISTORY OF PSI UPSILON to believe, was made up of the best material the college afforded." Of the nine Founders three became clergymen, three lawyers, ai]d one a manufacturer. All of them attained prominence. The Kappa has been well represented in all Bowdoin classes since its installation, and its alumni are strong in Portland and other Maine cities and towns. William Pierce Frye, Kappa '50, was United States Senator from Maine from 1881 until 1911, and Sumner Increase Kimball, Kappa '55, has been the head of the United States Life Saving Service since 1878. At Hamilton College an attempt to gain admission to Psi Upsilon had been made in 1838. Another attempt was made in the winter of 1842-43, when two undergraduate members of the Theta visited the petitioners and reported favorably. The petitioners belonged to an inner circle of a local organization known as "I. T." Under this mask they were able not only to conduct their operations without arousing suspicion, but also to obtain for themselves such undergraduate offices as might prove useful to Psi Upsilon later on. The petition having been granted, four of the petitioners attended the Convention of 1843 and on July 26 were initiated. At the commencement of the succeeding fall term these four initiated the other seven Charter Members, the date of which initiation, September 25, 1843, being taken as the date of the founding of the Psi Chapter. Although small in numbers, the Psi has had a delegation from every class and has stood high in the annals of the College. It points with pride to such alumni as Joseph Roswell Hawley, '47, United States Senator from Connecticut, Charles Dudley Warner, '51, the journalist and author, and [Daniel] Willard Fiske, '51, the scholar and educator. All three of these have taken active parts, even in their later years, in the aft'airs of the Fraternity, showing the spirit of the Psi to be such that the weightiest affairs of life do not dim in her alumni the love for Psi Upsilon. At the Convention of 1843, at which the Psi Founders were initiated, appeared a delegation of petitioners from Wesleyan University. The movement sprang from a local society known as Kappa Alpha Phi, which became a few months later a branch of Kappa Sigma Theta, a sophomore society at Yale. Stephen Beekman Bangs, a Wesleyan student who went to the University of the City of New York for his senior year, and was there initiated into the Delta, supported the petition which, after some debate, was granted. He instituted the new Chapter, known as the Xi, November 20, 1843, All four undergraduate classes were represented among the seventeen Charter Members, as well as one class already graduated. Five of them became clergymen of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, many of the best known members of whose ministry have come from the ranks of the Xi. The Chapter has sent out many men of distinction in other lines, including educators, physicians, lawyers and authors. Karl Pomeroy Harrington, Xi '82, is the editor of the last two editions of the Songs of the Fraternity. In scholar- ship the Xi has always ranked high at Wesleyan, winning more scholarship prizes than any two competitors combined. Not for several years was an attempt made to found another Chapter. Those who had left the halls of the ten existing Chapters were filled with the spirit of the Fra- ternity and desirous of seeing Chapters placed in other institutions in which they were interested. Several of these in Boston organized thirty-four Harvard University students into an association of petitioners for a Chapter at that institution. Letters were written to all the Chapters and the consent of most of them obtained. The or- ganizers were unwilling to await the tardy action of the remaining ones, however, and proceeded to institute the Chapter, which sent its delegates to the Convention of 1851. The Convention adopted a resolution to the effect that the action of the Boston alumni was reprehensible and illegal, but admitting to full recognition the new Chapter, which was called the Alpha. With many of its members destined to become famous, the Alpha at once became a power in the University. The Harvard fraternities, however, were unable to successfully contend for long against the system of local clubs which, by xxi HISTORY OF PSI UPSILON virtue of their age and traditional influence, maintained their ascendency. The Chapter made no elections from the Class of '59, and soon afterwards became inactive. In 1870 the Alpha w^as revived, through the efforts of the Sigma and of a number of Harvard undergraduates in the Class of 71. It took substantially large delegations from that and all succeeding classes to and including 74, after which, as the result of disagree- ments between it and the Hasty Pudding and Signet Clubs, the Alpha again became inactive and has remained so. This is peculiarly unfortunate in that the Fraternity has no other inactive Chapters — a record not equalled by any rival Fraternity. In 1854 the Innominata Society was formed at the University of Rochester, with the intention of applying for a Psi Upsilon Charter. The idea originated with John C Overhiser, Delta '54, who spent his senior year at the Rochester institution. The task of obtaining such a Charter was already becoming a dii^cult one, and it was not until the Convention of 1857 that the application was granted, this action being there- after ratified by all the Chapters. On February 15, 1858, Theodore Bacon, Beta '53, who was practising law in Rochester, and Augustus Hopkins Strong, Beta '57, then a student at the Rochester Theological Seminary and who has since become its head, instituted the Upsilon, as the new Chapter was named. The fifteen Charter Members were taken from the four undergraduate classes, and the Fraternity may well feel proud of all of them. Albion Winegar Tourgee, the noted jurist, journalist and author, was a member of the Upsilon in the Class of '62, and Robert Stuart MacArthur, for many years Pastor and now Pastor Emeritus of the Calvary Baptist Church in the City of New York, of '67. The Upsilon has drawn most of its men from the City of Rochester, and having at all times been the leading Fraternity in the institution and able to take its pick of all the classes, its alumni stand far higher than those of any other Fraternity in the social and business activities of the City. One of the most successful and enjoyable Conventions of the Fraternity was that held with the Upsilon in 1908. Two years after the founding of the Upsilon the Fraternity for the first time went beyond the confines of New England and New York, the fortunate institution on this occasion being Kenyon College, the leading Episcopal exponent in the west. The sole Founder of the Chapter was Robert McNeilly, who had been for several years corresponding with and making visits to the Chapters, supported in his petition by John Cotton Smith, Kappa '47, who had taken his B. D. degree at Bexley Hall, the theological department of Kenyon, and by William Walter Phelps, Beta '60, afterwards Minister to Austria. The application was granted by the Convention of 1860, and Dr. McNeilly having visited the Theta, where he was initiated, instituted the lota on the anniversary of the Founding of the Fraternity, November 24, 1860. Of the eleven Charter Members three became Episcopal Clergymen, and many Iota alumni have followed in their footsteps. The Chapter had always maintained a high standard of membership, but in spite of the small attendance of students has not omitted a class. Iota men are known throughout the Fraternity for their zealous spirit. Certain members of the local chapter of Beta Theta Pi had, prior to 1854, decided to apply for a Psi Upsilon Charter at the University of Michigan. The first petition was presented to the Convention of 1854, but without success. For ten years, until 1864, the matter was pushed with unfailing zeal by the members of successive classes, the application finally being granted at the Convention held that year with the Psi. The Iota was deputed to install the new Chapter, and on January 26, 1865, the rites were performed and the Phi started on its long voyage of success. The Charter was entrusted to fourteen men, representing four classes and all of whom have shown by their attainments that they were worthy to wear the Diamond. The new Chapter at once took and has ever since maintained the high position which seems inseparable from the prestige of the Fraternity. The Phi lias more prominent citizens of the City of Detroit than has any other chapter of any fraternity. xxii HISTORY OF PSI UPSILON Four years later the fifteenth Chapter was established at the University of Chicago, the application having been granted at the Convention of 1868, held with the Phi. The grant had been urged by the large body of Psi Upsilon alumni resident in Chicago, led by Cornelius Faling Brown, Theta '67. Two members of the Phi initiated the Charter Members on April 17, 1869, and the Omega came into being. Although beginning life with bright prospects, and occupying a high place in undergraduate activities at the University, the Chapter necessarily shared the declining fortimes of its alma mater, and became dormant in 1886 when the latter closed its doors. Its place upon our rolls has been taken by the present Omega, which was founded November 24, 1897, on the sixty-fourth birthday of the Fraternit}^, in the new and well-endowed University of Chicago. The Chapter is now successful and prosperous, and its members are occupying more and more a prominent place in the affairs of the University, of the City and of the Fraternity. A local society known as Upsilon Kappa, at Genesee College, had petitioned almost every Convention from 1864 to 1872 for admission to Psi Upsilon. In the meantime the College, removed and enlarged, had become Syracuse University. The application was supported by George William EUiott, Xi 73, who had entered the new institution with the Class of '7Z. The final attempt owes its success largely to the efforts of Chester Adgate Congdon, Pi '75, whose intelligence, energy and persistent labors, as a part of which he personally visited every Chapter, found their reward when the Con- vention of 1872, held with the Gamma, granted the application. But a technical objec- tion arising, the Charter was not actually delivered until 1875. On June 8 of that year the Pi Chapter was instituted, the Gamma conducting the ceremonies. Uniform prosperity and steadfast devotion to the Fraternity have characterized the Pi, and those of other Chapters who have visited Syracuse in recent years have been especially im- pressed by the manner in which its formal affairs are conducted. One j^ear later a Chapter at Cornell University was added to the roll. The petitioning body was composed of members of the local Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi, supported by Andrew Dickson White, Beta '53, then President of the University, [Daniel] Willard Fiske, Psi '51, a member of its faculty, and other alumni. The Charter was confided to Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen, Albert Nelson Prentiss, Charles Chauncey Shackford and Goldwin Smith, all then members of the Cornell faculty, Henry Shaler Williams who afterwards became such, Edwin Jay Morgan, a graduate of Hobart College and a well known physician, and ten undergraduates. The Chi Chapter was instituted at Ithaca, June 12, 1876, by delegates from the Executive Council, with an attendance of alumni and a degree of ceremony previously unknown. The accompanying public exercises, presided over by the venerable William Taylor, Theta '38, hereinbefore referred to, were attended by many alumni and prominent citizens. With such an auspicious beginning it seemed impossible for the Chi to be anything but eminently successful, and such has been its history. It has been peculiarly favored by having as resident alumni, its own and of other Chapters, a large body of prominent men who have taken an active part in guiding its destinies. At Trinity College was a local society of many years' standing, known as Beta Beta, surpassing all others numerically and remarkable for the superior scholarship of its members. On its rolls are the names of many bishops, college presidents and professors, prominent lawyers and business men. A proposition for the Society to become a Chapter of Psi Upsilon met with favor among the alumni. The petition was presented at the Convention of 1879, held with the Beta, was granted and the action later ratified by the Chapters. The installation, at which thirty-three alumni and twenty- one undergraduates were initiated, was held February 4, 1880, in the presence of a hun- dred and thirty members of numerous Chapters, and including many men prominent in the world at large, and the attendant literary exercises were elaborate. The name of xxiii HISTORY OF PSI UPSILON the local society has been preserved in that of the Chapter, and the Beta Beta has at all times been a credit to the Fraternity. Among her alumni are many bishops and prominent clergymen of the Protestant Episcopal Church. At Lehigh University two Psi Upsilon members of the faculty, Edward Higginson Williams, Jr., Beta '72, who had also taken a post graduate course in the institution, and Henry Clark Johnson, Chi 73, with William David Holmes, Chi '81, fathered a movement for still another Chapter. Alumni throughout Pennsylvania gave their support. The first petition was presented at the Convention of 1881,. but it was not until two years later that a Convention acted favorably. On February 22, 1884, the ' installation of the Eta took place, in the presence of many alumni and delegates from both the Chapters and the Executive Council. The Charter Members consisted of the three above named and thirty-five Lehigh alumni and undergraduates. The Eta at once came into prominence in undergraduate activities, competing successfully with the six fraternities already established in the University, and has continued to turn out creditable and loyal members of Psi Upsilon. On May 5, 1891, our other Pennsylvania Chapter was instituted at the University of Pennsylvania, having arisen out of a local society. The character and standing of the members were high, and although preceded in the University by eleven other Fra- ternities the Tau from the first took a leading part in undergraduate activities. From the best families of Philadelphia and vicinity it takes such men as it desires, and its local alumni, occupying important professional, business and social positions, exercise great influence in the affairs of that Cit\'. The Tau conducts each year several im- portant social functions for the entertainment of its own members and those of other Chapters, and at all times makes a specialty of its open-door policy, which affords to all visiting Psi Upsilons access to its splendid chapter house. Just seventeen days later the Mu Chapter was instituted at the University of Minne- sota, its nucleus being Theta Phi, a local society of some standing. Psi Upsilon was the tenth Fraternity to enter the University in seventeen years, and with the prestige derived from Theta Phi and from its ownership of the best chapter house there, was well equipped to take its proper position in the life of its alma mater. The Mu is now ready to hold, this month, its second Convention of the Fraternity, which promises to be enjoyable and entirely successful in every way. The twenty-second Chapter, the Rho, was installed at the University of Wis- consin on March 27, 1896, just in time for its members to take a prominent place in the Phi Convention held five weeks later. Like its two predecessors the Rho originated from a local society. The oldest of the great western State Universities, Wisconsin already had nine Fraternities at the time of the entrance of Psi Upsilon. In the choice of its Founders the Rho was peculiarly fortunate, and in this way was able to successfully combat the prestige gained by the other nine through their earlier estab- lishment, and immediately came into prominence. Two of its Founders were United States Senators William Freeman Vilas and John Coit Spooner, of the classes of '58 and '64 respectively. In 1902 the first of our Pacific Coast Chapters was founded, at the University of California. A local society had been organized, and in its petition for a Charter was supported by nearly every Psi Upsilon in the Far West. The installation exercises took place on August 18, and were largely attended by alumni of many Chapters. Although seventeen fraternities already had chapters in the institution, the faculty realized the importance of the entrance of Psi Upsilon and gave the newcomer all possible support. The Epsilon has maintained in every way the high standard of the Fraternity, and in spite of its geographical location has never failed to send a delegate to the annual Convention. Its chapter house is the center of Psi Upsilon life in California. At the University of Illinois existed a local society known as the Aztec Club. For xxiv HISTORY OF PSI UPSILON several years prior to 1910 its members had, with the active support of Psi Upsilon members of the faculty and of other Illinois alumni, petitioned for admission to the Fraternity, and its delegates had visited nearly all the Chapters. The necessary steps having been taken the Omicron Chapter was installed May 28, 1910, by delegates from the Executive Council. The Chapter is in every way prosperous, and its members have in a creditable manner arisen to their obligations as Psi Upsilons. On May 7, 1913, the Delta Delta Chapter was 'installed at Williams College, the petition for a Charter having been presented by the members of a local society organized for the express purpose. The movement was actively supported by Edward Higginson Williams, Jr., already referred to as a Founder of the Eta, by Charles Hansen Toll, Psi '04, and other alumni, and had the approval of the President and other members of the Williams faculty. The Chapter was installed by delegates of the Executive Council and others on their way to the Convention held with the Gamma. Williams was the one eastern institution the absence of a Psi Upsilon Chapter in which had always been regretted by the Fraternity. The early presence of a number of chapters of other fraternities of high rank, with the prestige thereby obtained, has somewhat hampered the Delta Delta in its campaign for members. But without lowering in any degree Psi Upsilon standards of membership the Chapter has taken desirable men from every class and is year by year increasing the ease with which its members are obtained. In the affairs of the College Deha Delta men rank high, and the Chapter gives every promise of being a successful one. For its latest Chapter Psi Upsilon, in 1916, again went to the Pacific Coast, this time to the University of Washington, in Seattle. The University is the most prominent in a large territory, and contains excellent Psi Upsilon material. A local society enlisted the active support of all the Seattle alumni, led by Alphonso Paine Sawyer, Beta '80, Charles Philip Spooner, Rho '94, David Whitcomb, Gamma '00 and Albert Melville Robinson, Iota '01. After a vigorous campaign of several years' duration, as the result of which the objections of the Fraternity to again going so far from the East were finally overcome, the cherished Charter was granted. The baby Chapter, which took the name of Theta Theta, was installed June 10, 1916, Herbert Lawrence Bridgman, Gamma '66, the President of the Fraternity and the delegate of the Executive Council* officiating. Sixty-two members were initiated, the exercises being attended by a large gathering of alumni of many Chapters. Ten more have just been initiated from the Class of '20, and all present indications point to a prosperous and uninterrupted existence for the Theta Theta. Twenty-five Chapters have thus been added to the Theta, and the members of the twenty-six number fourteen thousand five hundred and twenty-nine. It must not be supposed that all petitons have received favorable action or even the support of any Chapter or group of Chapters. Psi Upsilon has more carefully than any other fraternity confined itself to the historic and the leading colleges, and its policy at present is against extension. Among the more prominent institutions which it has refused to enter are Colby, Vermont, Tufts, Hobart, Princeton, Allegheny, Lafayette, Dickinson, Virginia, North Carolina, Western Reserve, Indiana, Northwestern, Case, St. Stephens, IToronto and Kansas. The insignia, general organization, hymnology and bibliography of the Fraternity , should perhaps more properly be treated in an epitome, and as the new Psi Upsilon Lpitome is soon to be prepared and published, under the auspices of the Executive ICouncil, such matters will be omitted here for treatment in that work. For the history [and achievements of the members of the Fraternity, you are referred to the body of this [the Twelfth General Catalogue. For much of the material used in the foregoing history the Editor is indebted to xxv HISTORY OF PSI UPSILON "The Psi Upsilon Epitome," written by Albert Poole Jacobs, Phi 73 and published in 1884, and to "The Story of The Psi Upsilon," a sketch written by [Daniel] Willard Fiske, Psi '51 and read at the Convention of 1876, held with that Chapter, and re-read, with some revision, at the semi-centennial anniversary of the Fraternity celebrated under the auspices of the Theta in 1883. The Editor has freely used the two works mentioned, and desires to thank his two benefactors for the opportunity so conferred. Leo Weldon Wertheimer '99 XXVI ABBREVIATIONS Acad Academy Am American Apts Apartments Assn Association Assoc Associate Asst Assistant Atty Attorney Ave Avenue Bldg Building Blvd Boulevard Capt Captain Co Company Coll College C. S. A Confederate States of America Dept Department Dir Director Dist District E East F. A. C. S. . . . Fellow of the American College Surgeons Hon Honorary Hosp Hospital Inf Infantry Ins. "Insurance Inspr Inspector Inst Institute Instr Instructor Lieut Lieutenant M. E Methodist Episcopal Mfg Manufacturing Mgr Manager Med Medical N North N. G National Guard No Number P. E Protestant Episcopal Phys Physician PI Place P. O Post Office Pres President Prof Professor Rd Road res residence R. R Rural Route S .-..South Sec Secretary Sem Seminary Soc Society Sq Square of St Street Supt Superintendent Surg Surgeon Tech Technology Theol Theological Treas Treasurer Twp Township U. S -United States Univ University Vols Volunteers W West Y. M. C. A... Young Men's Christian Association. Y. W. C. A. . . Young Women's Christian Association Numerals (1), (2), (3), (4) after college honors and officers indicate freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years, respectively. A star (*) after a name denotes that the member is deceased. In every case in which the year of the decease is known it is indicated to the right at the bottom. The name of the institution by which it has been conferred follows the date of degree. The emission of such name indicates that the degree was conferred by the institution containing the chap- ter of the Fraternity into which the member was initiated. xxvu List of Abbreviations for Names of Degrees Conferred upon Members of the Fraternity, as hereinafter shown. A. B Bachelor of Arts A. C Analytical Chemist A. M Master of Arts Art. D Doctor of Arts B. Arch Bachelor of Architecture B. C. S Bachelor of Commercial Science B. D Bachelor of Divinity B. E Bachelor of Engineering B. F Bachelor of Forestry B. L. Bachelor of Literature B. Litt Bachelor of Literature B. Mus Bachelor of Music. B. O Bachelor of Oratory B. S. A Bachelor of Science in Agriculture B. S. in Ag Bachelor of Science in Agriculture B. S. in C. E. . Bachelor of Science in Civil Engi- neering B. S. in E. E.. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering B. S. in M. E.. Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering C. E Civil Engineer D. C. L Doctor of Civil Law D. D Doctor of Divinity D. D. S Doctor of Dental Surgery D. M. D Doctor of Dental Medicine D. O Doctor of Osteopathy E. E Electrical Engineering E. M Engineer of Mines. J. U. D Doctor of Canon and Civil Law L. H. D Doctor of the More Humane Letters LL. B Bachelor of Laws LL. D Doctor of Laws LL. M Master of Laws M. B. A Master of Business Administration M. C. E Master of Civil Engineering M. C. L Master of Civil Law M. D Doctor of Medicine M. E Mechanical Engineering M. F Master of Forestry M. M. E Master of Mechanical Engineering M. O Master of Oratory M. P. E Master of Physical Education M. S Master of Science Pd. M Master of Pedagogy pii. B Bachelor of Philosophy Ph. C Pharmaceutical Chemist pij. D Doctor of Philosophy Ph. G Graduate in Pharmacy Ph. M Master of Philosophy Sc. D Doctor of Science S. T. B Bachelor of Scientific Theology S. T. D Doctor of Scientific Theology xxviil I •> 1*1)1 1 > ) ■» ' J J J 1 5 . > •',1 O , « I • THETA CHAPTEI^' , A ; P '» 1 O O « ■-, ■> ",» » 1' ,, tl FOUNDED NOVEMBER 24, 1833 UNION COLLEGE. SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK 1836 William Henry Backus* A^Q A. B. 1836. Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 36-37; Greenfield, Zl- 38; Poultney, Vt., 38-39. Merchant. d. 1562 Samuel Raymond Beardsley* N ^ ^'' A. B. 1836. Mayor, City of Oswego, N. Y., 50-51; Postmaster, 53-58; Lieut.-Colonel 24th Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols., 61-63; Colonel, 63; Capt. and Asst. Adjutant General U. S. Vols., 63. Lawyer. d. 1863 Tames Brown* ARB A. B. 1836; A. M. 1848. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Recorder, Niles, Mich., 42-44; Judge Probate, Berrien County, 45-53; Prosecuting Atty., 45-48, 53-55. Lawyer. d. 1889 ^^ornelius Stage Conkling* (I^B A. B. 1836; A. M. 1839; B. D. 1839 Union Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Pastor, Boonton, N. J., 40-44; West Milford. 44-66; Mount Pleasant, 46-70; Stockton, 76-88; Supt. Public Instruction of Hunterdon County, 70- 76; Member State Board of Education. Clergyman. d. 1888 idward Francis Cushman* S p T A. B. 1836. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Merchant. d. 1870 Charles Floyd-Jones* A v B A. B. 1836. Phi Beta Kappa. Civil Engineer. d. 1874 lamuel Goodale* "'F p A A. B. 1836; A. M. 1839; B. D. 1841 General Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1883 Nebraska Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Prof. Natural Science, Brownell Hall, Omaha, Nebr., 66-68; Honorary Canon of the Cathedral, 68-98; Chaplain, Senate of Nebr., 71-72. A Founder of the Fraternity. Chaplain Psi Upsilon Convention, 86. Clergyman. d. 1898 terling Goodale Hadley* B[xA A. B. 1836; A. M. 1839. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Member N. Y. Legis- lature, 53; N. Y. Constitutional Convention, 67; Judge and Surrogate, Seneca County, N. Y., 56-60; Register in Bankruptcy, 65-83; State Assessor of N. Y., 73-80; Trustee Willard Asylum for the Insane, 65, and Pres. Board of Trustees, 72-95; Trustee Hobart Coll., 83- 93. A Founder of the Fraternity.^ Pres. Pub- lic Exercises Psi Upsilon Conventions, 78 and 84. Lawyer. d. 1901 Jeremiah Skidmore Lord* Ay^ A. B. 1836 New York Univ.; A. M. 1839 and D. D. 1859; B.> D. 1839 Union Theol. Sem. Pastor, Montville, N. J., 40-43; Griggsville, 43- 47; Harlem, N. Y., 47-69. See Delta 36 Clergyman. d. 1869 Edward Martindale* "^xii A. B. 1836 New York Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Lieut.-Colonel 26th Inf. N. J. Vols., 63-64; Colonel, 81st U. S. Inf., 64. A Founder of the Fraternity. Father of John Howard Martindale, Epsilon 85. Lawyer. d. 1904 xA.rchibald Reid* $A¥ A. B. 1836; B. D. 1840 Washington and Jeffer- son Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Pastor United Presbyterian Church, Cambridge, N. Y., 40-47. Clergyman. d. 1847 Absalom Townsend* Educator. Duncan Turner* A. B. 1836. Merchant. 3 ? T d. 1840 ASB d. 1882 George Washington Tuttle* B v A Fraternity. A. B. 1836. A Founder of the Father of Sidney Tuttle, Theta 64. Merchant. d. 1903 1837 Robert Barnard* TsA A. B. 1837; A. M. 1840. A Founder of the Fraternity. Brother of John Allen Barnard, Beta 48. Lawyer. d. 1855 Andrew Barr* MM"" Pastor, Pencader, Del., and Elkton, Md., 37-39. Clergyman. d. 1840 THETA CHAPTER [1837-3S Joseph Wads worth Gott* W^W A. B. 1837. Phi Htti Ktppa. Principal Far- irei'3 Hall ALad., Goshen, N. Y., 37-39; Pres. Convention, 41. Father of Joseph Wadsworth Gott Jr., 3e^a73. La-v/er. ; ' , ^ ' ^ '< , , d. 1869 Charles Washington Harvey* "^F d Q D. D. S. 1847, honoris causa, Baltimore Coll. of Dental Surgery; M. D. 1848 Univ. of Buffalo; A. M. 1865, honoris causa, Lafayette Coll. Pres. Buffalo Med. and Surgical Assn., 52. Member Erie County Med Soc; N. Y. State Dental Soc. and Am. Med. Assn. A Founder of the Fraternity. Father of Leon Ferdinand Harvey, Theta 83. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1886 Louis Hasbrouck* N w E Lawyer. d. 1880 David Humphreys* Z 6 X A. B. 1837. Phi Beta Kappa. Student. d. 1838 Edward Stephen Rowan* ^ A E A. B. 1838 Princeton. Clerk. d. 1902 Levi Rowley* NaT A. B. 1837; A. M. 1840. Phi Beta Kappa. Merchant. d. 1882 Merwin Henry Stewart* BnA A. B. 1837. Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Oration, 37. A Founder of the Fraternity. Educator. d. 1838 Elisha Taylor* AvB A. B. 1837. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Atty., City of Detroit, 43; Master in Chancery, 42-46; Injunction Master and Judge at Chambers, 46-50; Clerk Supreme Court of Mich., 48-49. Member Board of Edu- cation of Detroit, 43-45. Lawyer. d. 1907 Philip Jay Timlow* e^x A. B. 1837; A. M. 1840. Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor at Gap and Leacock, Pa., 39-55; Mari- etta, 55-65; Leacock, 65-74; Gap, 74-88; Princi- pal Bellevue Acad., 39-43. Clergyman. d. 1895 1838 Samuel Henry Austin* P y T A. B. 1838; LL. B. 1839 Yale. Commence- ment Orator. Lawyer. d. 1901 John Henry Ethelbert Beach* M w B A. B. 1838. Lawyer. d. 1850 Clement Miner Davison* rsr A. B. 1838. Commencement Orator; Pres. Detroit Psi Upsilon Alumni Assn, 78. Banker. d. 1897 Isaac Dayton* X y X A. B. 1838. Phi Beta Kappa. Register in Bank- ruptcy, 68-83; Member N. Y. Legislature, 84. Author "The Office of Surrogate, Surrogatei and Surrogates' Courts." Assoc. Founder oi the Delta. Lawyer. d. 190( Lawrence Joseph Goodale* P ^ ^ Phi Beta Kappa. Lawyer. d. 191; James Steven Johnson* BAT A. B. 1838. Probate Judge, Carroll County Miss., 45-46 and 66-69; Member Miss. Legisla ture, 52-53, 56-57, 82-84. Lawyer and Planter. d. 188' John Mathews* Lieut. U. S. Navy, 37-53. Officer, U. S. Navy. John Newman* T — g d. 185i 0M A. B. 1838; A. M. 1841; D. D. 1861 Wesleyan Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. and Principal Troy Conference Sem., Poultney, Vt., 38-S2i Prof, of Latin, Union Coll., 52-63; Pres. Ripley Female Coll, Poultney, Vt., 63-73. Clergyman. d. 189< Theron Pardee* F R $ A. B. 1838. Commencement Orator. Banker. William Taylor* d. 188{ Ba¥ A. B. 1838; A. M. 1841. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Prof. Mathematics and Physics, Washington Inst., N. Y., 41-44; Mem- ber N. Y. Legislature and Chairman Commit tee on Schools and Colleges, 52-54; Assoc. Founder N. Y. Free Acad., now the Coll. of the City of N. Y. Assoc. Editor of "The Second General Catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity." The first Freshman initiated into the Fraternity. Author "Psi Upsilon Ritual"; Assoc. Founder of the Delta and the Lambda. Educator. d. 1886 Maunsell Van Rensselaer* PoX A. B. 1838; A. M. 1841; LL. D. 1874; B. D. 1841 General Theol. Sem.; S. T. D. 1850 Hobart Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Rectot St. Paul's Church, Whitehall, N. Y., 41- 46; Grace Church, Albany, 46-47; St. John's Church, Mt. Morris, 47-53; St. Paul's Church, Oxford, 53-54; St. Paul's Church, Rochester, 54-59; Pres. DeVeaux Coll., 59-69; Acting Rector St. Peter's Church, Geneva, N. Y., 69- 71; Pres. Hobart Coll.. 71-76; Rector Emmanuel Church, Geneva, Switzerland, 77-83; Trustee : Hobart Coll., 55-76; Member N. Y. Historical i Soc. Author "Memoir of Sister Louise," and "The Burning of Schenectady, 1692". Orator at the Institution of the Chi, 76; Chaplain at the Institution of the Eta, 84. Clergyman. d. 1900 Crayton Bowen Wheeler* A«X A. B. 1838; A. M. 1841. Phi Beta Kappa; Com- mencement Orator. Lawyer. d. 1881 1839 Benjamin Franklin Dunning* X «]; A! A. B. 1839; A. M. 1842. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Judge Orange County, N. Y., 49-52; Asst. U. S. Atty. for the Southern Dist. of N. Y., 53-55; Vice-Pres. Psi Upsilon Club of New York, 86-88. Lawyer. d. 1895; 1839-41] THETA CHAPTER George Landgrave Ehle* A. B. 1839. Phi Beta Kappa. Orator. Orator Decennial the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Journalist. George Monilaws* S^E Commencement Convention of d. 1880 A. B. 1839; A. M. 1842; B. D. 1841 Union Theo!. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Acting Pastor. Somers. N. Y.. 41- 46; Apalachicola, Fla., 46-47; Pastor, Somers, N. Y.. 47-48. Clergyman. d. 1848 John Upfold Pettit* PVZ A. B. 1839; LL. D. 1871 Ind. State Univ. Member Ind. Legislature. 44-45; U. S. Con- sul, Maranhao, Brazil, 50-S3; Judge Circuit Court Ind., Eighth Judicial Dist., 53-54; Mem- ber U. S. House of Representatives, 55-61; Speaker Ind. Legislature. 64-65; Prof. Law, Ind. State Univ.. 67-68; Judge Circuit Court of Ind., 72-79. Brother of Ossian Columbus Pettit. Theta SO. Lawyer. d. 1881 Dewitt Clinton Roberts* ACT A. B. 1839. Lawyer and Civil Engineer. d. 1871 Martin Vandervoort Schoonmaker Initiated by the Delta Hooper Cumming Van Vorst* X $ A. B. 1839; A. M. 1842; LL. D. 1874. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. City Atty. Al- bany. N. Y., 47-49; Judge Court of Common Pleas, New York, 68; Superior Court. New York. 73-87; Trustee Union Coll.. 85; Com- missioner Foreign Missions, Presbvterian Church, 73 — ; Pres. Holland Soc. of New York, 85 — ; Toastmaster Psi Upsilon Semi- centennial Anniversary, 83; Pres. Psi Upsi- lon Alumni Assn. of New York, 84-86; Vice- Pres.. 86-88; Pres. Public Exercises Convention, 86. Lawyer. d. 1889 Edmund Burke Vedder* Lawyer. Henry White* A. B. 1839. Phi Beta Kappa. Orator. Brother of Rufus Theta 40. Lawyer. 1840 BaX d. 1890 Commencement Merrick White, d. 1845 John McCarthy Bowman* M <^ T Pres. Council and Acting Mayor, Madison, Wis., 71-73. Member Wisconsin State Histori- cal Soc. Lawyer. d. 1892 Henry Winne De Groot* TwA A. B. 1840. Commencement Orator. Au- thor "Code of Mining Laws for the Government of British Columbia;" "Description of the In- terior of British Columbia, with Map"; "De- scription of the Comstock Silver Mine, with Map"; "Recollections of California Mining Life"; "Labor Rights" and "The Industries and Industrial Resources of California." Lawyer. d. 1893 J[ohn] Stanley Grimes* Be° e Prof. Med. Jurisprudence. Castleton Med. Coll., Castl^on, Vt., 41. Author "A New System of Phrenology"; "Outlines of Grimes' New System of Phrenology"; "Etherology, or the Philosophy of Phrenology and Mesmerism"; "Compendium of the Phreno-Philosophy of Human Nature"; "Phreno-Geology, or the Progressive Creation of Man"; "The Mysteries of Human Nature"; "Outlines of Geonomy"; "Geonomy, a Theory of the Ocean Currents"; "Astrogenea, or a New Theory of the Formation of Planetary Systems." Author. d. 1903 Hesden King* ApY A. B. 1840. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Justice of the Peace, 60-65. Merchant. d. 1866 George Richards* MmE A. B. 1840. Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Salutatory. Dist. Atty.. Warren County, N. Y.. 47-50; Member N. Y. Legislature. 52-53; Senator, State of N. Y., 53-55. Brother of Samuel Thomas Richards. Theta 44. Lawyer. d. 1894 Barnard Freeman Schermerhorn* A. B. 1840. Member Ind. Legislature, 57- 58; Major 46th Inf. Regiment Ind. Vols., 61- 64; Judge 15th Common Pleas Circuit of Ind., 67-69. Lawyer. d. 1883 Daniel Shepherd* rjT A. B. 1840. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Master in Chancery, N. Y.. 43-46. Author "Saratoga, a Story of 1787"; "The Bride of the Old Frontier"; "A Crusade of the Forest." Poet Decennial Convention, 43. Lawyer. d. 1870 James Stebbins* PLH A. B. 1840; A. M. 1843; B. D. 1845 Princeton Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Act- ing Pastor, Dutch Reformed Church, Fort Miller, N. Y., 46-48 and 50-52; Pastor, Presby- terian Church, Plattsburg and Plumsted, N. J., 52-56; Acting Pastor, Witherspoon St. Church, Princeton, 71-75. Clergyman. d. 1892 James Lucas Van Ingen* rxE A. B. 1840. Commencement Orator. Surg. 18th Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols.. 61; 5th Inf. Regiment, 61-62. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1881 Rufus Merrick White* $QZ A. B. 1840; B. D. 1843 Theol. Sem. of Va. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Rector St. John's Church. Dunkirk, N. Y., 43- 44; St. Stephen's Church, Milledgeville, Ga., 44-46; St. John's Church, Savannah, 46-53; St. Luke's Church, Montpelier, 53-54. Brother of Henry White. Theta 39. Clergyman. d. 1854 1841 Alfred Amos Abbott Initiated by the Beta (2) THETA CHAPTER [1841-42 Theodore Babcock* rnp A. B. 1841; A. M. 1850 Trinity Coll.; S. T. D. 1864 Hobart Coll. Phi , Beta Kappa. Com- mencement Orator. Rector St. Paul's Church, Charlton, N. Y., 48-53; St. John's Church, Cohoes, 53-57; Trinity Chvirch, Waterman, 57- 12\ Christ Church. Hudson, 72-75; Head Mas- ter St. John's School, Manlius, 78-81; Acting Rector Christ Church, Oswego, 82; Rector Christ Church, IManlius, 83 — . Brother of John Henry Babcock, Theta 45, Charles Babcock, Theta 47 and father of Charles Edward Payne Babcock, Chi 80. Clergyman. d. 1903 Dan Taylor Bagg* B A A. _ B. 1841. Commencement Orator. Evan- gelist, Troy, Albany, Lansingburgh and vicin- ity, N. Y., 43-45; Pastor Madison Street Con- gregational Church. New York, 45-58. Clergyman. d. 1848 George Curtiss Blackman'' r — n M. D. 1841 Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Prof, of Principles and Practice of Surgery, Med. Coll. of Ohio, 54-71; Surg. U. S. Army, 61-65. Author "Handbook of Military Surgery." Fellow Royal MediQO- Chirurgical Soc. London, England. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1871 John McAhister French* P tt H Commencement Orator. A. B. 1841. Lawyer. Gustavus Fenelon Goss* d. 1861 PHI A. B. 1841. Commencement Orator. Prin- cipal High School, CrawfordsviUe, Ind., 43-46. Adjutant 1st Ind. Inf. Educator. d. 1846 James Sulhvan Hawley * AbE A. B. 1841; A. M. 1844; M. D. 1852 Univ. of Buffalo. Commencement Orator. Principal Public Schools, Skaneateles, N. Y., 41-49. Author "Use of Pepsin in Diseases of In- fants;" "Alimentation in Disease;" "Liebig's Food for Infants;" "The Place of Pancreation in Therapeutics" and "Remarks on Pepsin." Member New York State Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1893 Henry Martyn Lewis* $aE A. B. 1841. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Mem. Tex. Legislature, 50-52. Lawyer. d. 1870 Cornelius Sanford Mead* XpY A. B. 1841; A. M. 1843; B. D. 1844 Aub^urn Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Prin- cipal Union Village Acad., Greenwich, N. Y., 41-42; Pastor Rotterdam, N. Y., 44-49; Her- kimer. Village, 49-59; Principal Acad., Spen- certown. N. Y., 71-72. Clergyman. d. 1879 William Henry Stewart* P^S Capt. 95th Inf. Regiment, 111. Vols., 62-65, and Acting Colonel; Deputy Clerk and Treas. McHenry County. 111., 82-86, and Treas.. 86-88. Lawyer. d. 1907 Isaiah Crocker Thacher* BAP A. B. 1841; B. D. 1844 Yale. Commencement Orator. Pastor, Matapoiset, Mass.. 44-49; Middleborough, 49-52 and 56-60; South Dennis, 52-56; Gloucester, 60-70; Wareham, 77; Lake- ville. 77-80. Clergyman. d. 1880 Daniel Darlin Thompson* ^ H M. p. 1845 Hobart Coll. Physician and Surgeon. John Watts VanDerveer* $ h E A. B. 1841; A. M. 1844. PJii Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Lawyer. d. 1860 John McClelland Wheeler* T t Z A. B. 1841. Phi Beta Kappa. Commence- ment Orator. Pres. Board of Education Ann Arbor. Mich., 62-72: Treas. Univ. of Mich., 72-78; Treas. Hamilton Literary Soc. (the Phi Corporation), 79. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Psi Upsilon, Psi U." Lawyer. d. 1893 1842 Alonzo Clinton Jackson* 0X0 Lieut. U. S. Navy, 40-53. Brother of Samuel Wins'ow Jackson, Theta 42, Allan Hyre and John Keyes Jackson, Theta S3 and uncle of Franklin Potter Jackson, Theta, 98. Officer, U. S. Navy. Samuel Winslow Jackson* 0SP A. B. 1842. Phi Beta Kappa. Justice Su- preme Court State of^ N. Y.. 71; Member Constitutional Commission, State of N. Y., 72; City Atty. Schenectady, N. Y.. 82-88. Brother of Alonzo Clinton Jackson. Theta 42, Allan Hyre and John Keyes Jackson, Theta 53 and father of Franklin Potter Jackson, Theta 98. Lawyer. David Maxwell* . Bsn A. B. 1842. Commencement Orator. Just- ice of the Peace at Ballston. N. Y., 46-76; Police Justice and Justice of Sessions. Lawyer. d. 1891 Clarkson Nott Potter* TtS A. B. 1842; C. E. 1843 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.; LL. D. 1874 Columbia Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Mem- ber U. S. House of Representatives, 69-74 and 77-79; Trustee Union Coll., 63-82; Pres. Am. Bar Assn. Author "The Need of Lirnit- ing Legislation and Patronage"; "Investigation of Electoral Frauds"; "Our Formalism in Gov- ernment." Orator Psi Upsilon Convention, 80. Lawyer. d. 1882 A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845. Phi Beta Kappa. Lawyer. d. 1890 AtH William Bartlett Smith* George Spencer* A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845. Commencement Orator. Instr. Latin and Greek, Acad. (Utica. N. Y.). 42-44, and Principal, 44-50. Author "Latin Lessons;" "English Grammar on Synthetical Principles." Educator. d. 1856 1842-44] THETA CHAPTER Minot ^lorg-an Wells* XUP A. B. 1842; B. D. 1847 General Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Rector Grace Church. Canton, N. Y., 49-51; Chaplain State Prison, Sing Sing, 51-53; Missionary at Croton. 53-54; Rector Church of the Holy Innocents, West Point, 54-72. Clergyman. d. 1873 1843 Sargent Valentine Bagley* Bse A. B. 1843. Phi Beta Kappa. Commence- ment Orator. Lawyer. d. 1885 @Y]I d. 1886 AGn A. B. 1843. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Teacher Village School, Rushville, N. Y.. 43-47. Educator. d. 1847 4)mS A. B. 1843; A. 'M. 1846. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Brother of Walter Geer, Jr., Theta 45. Lawyer. d. 1902 William Van Ness Bruyn* Lawyer. Ozias Pitts Foote* Asahel Clark Geer* Daniel Barnard Hagar* A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846; Ph. D. 1871. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Principal Acad. Canajoharie, N. Y., 44-48; Acad. Nor- wich, 48-49; Eliot High School, Jamaica Plain, Mass., 49-65; Mass. State Normal School, Salem, 65; Supt. Schools, Canajoharie. N. Y., 46-48; Member Board of Education, Salem, Mass., 66-75; Pres. Montgomery County (N. Y.) Teachers' Assn., 46; Norfolk County (Mass.) Teachers' Assn.; Mass. State Teachers' Assn., 56-58; Am. Inst, of Instruction. 60-61; National Teachers' Assn., 71 and National Council of Education, 85-86; U. S. Presidential Elector, 84. Educator. d. 1896 George Justus Harrison* HOO A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846; B. D. 1847 Prince- ton Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator Instr. Washington Inst.. New York, 43-44; -Acting Pastor May's Landing, N. J., 47-48; Pastor Franklin, Conn., 48-51; Litchfield (Milton Parish). 54. Clergyman. d. 1893 Ward AIcLean* J< N N N ; H 1 6 Member Executive Council of Psi Upsilon, 79-83. Sec. and Treas. New York Psi Upsilon Assn., 84-88. Author Psi- Upsilon Song, "Pleasant Memories and V'ain Regrets." Real Estate. d. 1902 William McLean (See Ward McLean). Nicholas Albertson Okeson* X D 11 A. B. 1843; D. D. 1858 William and Mary Coll. Commencement Orator. Engaged in Missionary Work, Ga., 45-47; Rector City Point, Va.. 47-51; St. John's Church. Brooklyn, N. Y., 51-53; Westover Church, Charles City Court House. Va.. 53-56; St. Paul's Church, Norfolk, 56-82. Clergyman. d. 1882 Henry Pomeroy* evo A. B.H843; A. M. 1846; C. E. 1841 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Phi Beta Kappa. Com- mencement Orator. Tutor Union Coll., 45- 46; Prof. Mathematics Lawrence Univ., Appleton. Wis.. 58-61; Capt. 1st Cavalry Reg- iment Wis. Vols.. 61; Lieut. Colonel, 61- 64. and acting Colonel; Prof. Mathematics and Astronomy Washington Univ.. St. Louis, Mo., 70-75; Principal High School. Chattanooga, Tenn., 75-76. Civil Engineer and Teacher. d. 1876 Hervey Fleming Rhoades* $ e S A. B. 1843. Commencement Orator. Lawyer. d. 1846 John Bayliss Sturtevant* Pr.n A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846. Commencement Or- ator. Lawyer. d. 1889 George Ira Taylor* FkH A. B. 1843: B. D. 1847 Union Theol. Sem. Pastor Presbyterian Church, Schroon Lake and West Moriah. N. Y.. 47-49; Kingsbury. 49-51; Charlton, 51-54; Winchester, Miss., 54-56; Law- renceburgh, Ind., 56-65; Middletown, Ohio, 65-68; Malta, N. Y., 68-74; Dutch Reformed Church, Watervliet. 74. Father of James Ira Taylor, Theta 77. Clergyman. d. 1905 1844 Addison Butler Atkins* SQN A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847; B. D. 1852 Theol. Sem. of Va.; D. D. 1874 Columbian Coll. Commence- ment Orator. Principal Baltimore Female Sem.. Baltimore, Md., 44-51; Rector Trinity Church, Rochester, N. Y., 52-54; Christ Church, Germantown, Pa., 54-69; St. John's Church, Georgetown, D. C, 69-76; St. John's Church, Yonkers, N. Y., 76-80; Calvary Church, Con- shohocken. Pa., 88. Clergyman. d. 1894 Oliver Teall Burt* XFO A. B. 1844. Commencement Orator. Instr. Onondaga Acad., Onondaga Valley, N. Y., 44- 46. Banker. d. 1887 Samuel Glen* TTN A. B. 1844; M. D. 1850 Castleton Med. Coll. Principal Acad.. Knoxville. N. Y. Brother of Elias Bedford Glen. Theta 50. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1878 [M] Wendell Lamoroux* KSM A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Prof, of Modern Lan- guages and Asst. Prof, of Belles Lettres, Union Coll., 50-53; Acting Prof, of Modern Languages, 62-64; Asst. Prof, of Rhetoric, Columbia Coll., 68-69; Prof, of Modern Languages and English Essays, Wells Coll.. Aurora. N. Y.. 73-76; Prof, of English Essays, Union Coll., 76-85; Italian and Spanish. 85; Librarian, 86-88. Educator. d. 1907 John Windsor McKim* Pwl A. B. 1844. Commencement Orator. Capt. and Brevet Major Quartermaster's Dept. U. S. Vols., 63-67; Member Common Council, THETA CHAPTER [1844-45 Washington, D. C, 50-51; ProsecutinR Atty., Defiance County. Ohio. 57-59; Member Mass. Legislature. 70-72; Judge, Municipal Court, Boston, 74-77; Judge Probate Court and Court of Insolvency. Suffolk County, Mass., 77-88. Lawyer. d. 1909 Alexander Hamilton Rice* Mdn A.B. 1844; A. M. 1847; LL. D. 1876 Harvard Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator Mayor City of Boston. Mass., 56-58; Mem ber U. S. House of Representatives, 59 67; Governor State of Mass., 76-79; Vice Pres. Webster Historical Soc. ; Trustee Mass Inst, of Tech.; Art Museum, Boston; Vice Pres. New England Conservatory of Music Honorary Chancellor, Union Univ., 81; Assoc. Founder of the Psi and of the Alpha; Pres Public Exercises Psi Upsilon Conventions Tl and 83. _ Member Am. Archaeoloigcal Soc. Am. Historical Assn, Manufacturer. d. 1895 Samuel Thomas Richards* ©zl A. B. 1844. Commencement Orator. Treas. Warren County, N. Y., 58-70; Colonel 118th Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols.. 62-63. Brother of George Richards, Theta 40. Merchant. d. 1871 Edward Brown Walsworth* AAA A. B. 1844; B. D. 1848 Union Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1867 elsewhere. Commencement Orator. Pastor, East Avon, N. Y., 48-52; Marysville, Ca'-.. 52-61; Oakland, 61-64; Albion, N Y. 73-82; Pres. Female Coll. of the Pacific, 64-73; Chancellor Inghanj Univ., 82-92. Educator. d. 1892 1845 John Henry Babcock"^ $ yS A. B. 1845; A. M. 1848; A. M. 1850 Trinity. Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Saluta- tory. Principal of the Acad, and Assoc. Rec- tor Church of the Messiah, Glens Falls, N. Y., 55-57; Principal Episcopal Acad, of Connecti- cut, Cheshire, 57-61 ; Rector St. John's Church, and Teacher, Copake, N. Y., 61-62; St. Paul's Church, Owatonna, Minn., 64-66; Church of the Holy Communion. Geneva, Wis., 66-67; St. Stephen's Church. Schuylerville. N. Y., 69-70; Trinity Church, Gouverneur, 70-71; Church of the Good Samaritan. Corvallis, Oregon, 71-73; St. Paul's Church. Salem, 73-76; St. James' Church. Centreville, 81-83; St. Andrew's Church. Big Rapids, Mich.. 83-85; St. Paul's Church. Red Oak, Iowa, 85; Church of Our Saviour. North Platte. Nebr.. 85-86; Christ Church. Sidney. 86-88. Brother of Theodore Babcock, Theta 41, Charles Babcock, Theta 47 and uncle of Charles Edward Payne Babcock, Chi 80. Clergyman. d. 1908 John Newland Banker* XeK A. B. 1845; A. M, 1848. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Lawyer. d. 1864 Henry Cozzens* Initiated by the Convention of 43. See Psi 45 Student. d. 1845 Walter Geer, Jr.* SyA Brother of Asahel Clark Geer, Theta 43. Merchant. d. 1848 Daniel Hall* A^O A. B. 1845. Commencement Orator. Dist. Atty. Jefferson County. Wis.. 57-58; Mem- ber Wis. Legislature. 70-73; Chairman Judiciary Committee. 71-72; Speaker, 72-73. Lawyer. d. 1894 Abram Newkirk Littlejohn* $ D E A. B. 1845; A. M. 1849 honoris causa. Trinity Coll.; D. D. 1855 Univ. of Pa.; LL. D. 1880 Univ. of Cambridge, England. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Minis- ter St. Ann's Church, Amsterdam, N. Y., 48-49; St. Andrew's Church. Meriden, Conn., 49-50; Rector Christ Church. Springfield. Mass., 50-51; St. Paul's Church. New Haven. Conn., 51-60; Church of the Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, N, Y.. 60-69; P. E. Bishop of the Diocese of Long Island, 69-02; Am. Episcopal Churches in Europe, 74-86; Honorary Chancellor, Union Univ., 82; Trustee Columbia Coll., 79-02. Author "The Metaphysics of Cousin;" "Sir James Stephens' Lectures on the History of France;" "Human Progress Dependent on Tradition rather than Invention;" "The Philosophy of Religion;" "The Poetry of George Herbert;" "The Life and Writings of Coleridge;" "Rogers' Eclipse of Faith;" "The Bible and Common Sense;" "The Outwardness of Popular Religion;" "Thoughts and Inquiries of the Alt-Catholic Movement;" "Discourse at the Consecration of St. Paul's Church within the Walls, Rome, Italy;" "Essays before the Church Congress. New York;" "Conciones ad Clerum." Protestant Episcopal Bishop. d. 1901 I Edward McCamus* Aon A. B. 1845; M. D. 1849 Albany Med. Coll. Commencement Orator. Merchant. d. 1864 James Snyder MacKie* PeK A. B. 1845; A. M. 1848; M. D. 1848 Univ. of Maryland. Commencement Orator. Prof. Baltimore Female Acad., 45-50; Keeper of Archives. Dept. State. 50-53; Chief Spanish- Am. Division Diplomatic Bureau. 53-64; Capt. 8th Inf. Regiment, Dist. of Columbia Vols.. 61-62; Aide on Staff of General Charles P. Stone; U. S. Special Commissioner to Bo- livia, 62-63; U. S. Joint-Commissioner to Peru, 63-64. Member Union Americana of Chile. Capitalist. d. 1901 John Welsh Major* $LA A. B. 1845; A. M. 1848. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Instr. Young Ladies' Sem., Baltimore, Md., 46-50; Asst. Pastor, Berkeley County, Va., 51-52; Pastor, Cale- donia, N. Y., 54-56; Acting Pastor, Bladens- burgh, Md.. and Fall River. Va.. 56-57. Clergyman. d. 1869 Edwin Craft Marvin* Tkl Lieut, and Quartermaster, U. S. Army, 46-47. Lawyer. d. 1853 Joseph Russell Pitcher* A. B. 1845. Lawyer. Walter Stewart* ODM d. 1856 ASA A. B. 1845; M. D. elsewhere. Commencement Orator. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1863 I 1845-48J THETA CHAPTER George Tibbits* TaK A. B. 1S4S; A. M. 1848; C. E. 1841 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Commencement Orator. Member Common Council City of Troy. Brother of John Bleeker Tibbits, Theta 46. Lawyer. d. 1875 1846 Setli Coggswell Baldwin* A. B. 1846. Civil Engineer. Charles James Gibson* A. B. 1846. Commencement Orator. Lawyer. Simon Sartwell Goss* d. 1882 TwM d. 1852 <|)nK A. B. 1846; A. M. 1849; B. D. 1849 Auburn Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor Mer- idian, N. Y., 49-62; Chaplain 75th Inf. Regi- ment N. Y. Vols., 62-64. Father of Charles Frederick Goss, Psi Ti. Clergyman. John Bleeker Tibbits* I d. 1865 AsS A. B. 1846; A. M. 1849. Commencement Ora- tor. Deacon Hoosick Chapel, Hoosick, N. Y., 66-88. Brother of George Tibbits, Theta 45. Clergyman. d. 1898 John Theodore Wentworth* P X N A. B. 1846. Hebrew Oration, 46. Dist. Atty. Walworth County, Wis., 58-63; Court Com- missioner, 63-70; Clerk Circuit Court of Wis., 70-75; Judge 1st Judicial Circuit of Wis., 75-93; Pres. Psi Upsilon Assn. of the North- west, 82-93. Lawyer. d. 1893 1847 Charles Babcock* ASA' A. B. 1847; A. M. 1850. Phi Beta Kappa. Missionary, Greenwood, N. Y., 62-71; Prof, of Architecture, Cornell Univ., 71-96; Rector St. Paul's Church, Ithaca, 74-88. Author "Elemen- tary Architecture"; "Vaults." Brother of Theodore Babcock, Theta 41 and John Henry Babcock, Theta 45 and uncle of Charles Ed- ward Payne Babcock, Chi 80. Clergyman. d. 1913 Moss Kent Booth* vza' A. B. 1847. Commencement Orator. Prin- cipal Public School, Southington, Conn., 47- 48: Member Mass. Legislature, 52. Lawyer. d. 1853 James Emott Davis* TcM A. B. 1847. Farmer. James Wood Hoyte* d. 1896 AUQ' A. B. 1847; A. M. 1850; B. D. 1852 New Al- bany Theol. Sem.; M. D. 1858 Univ. of Nash- ville; D. D. 1884. Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor, Smyrna and Hermitage, Tenn., 54-65; Second Church. Nashville, 72-75; Evangelist Presbytery of Nashville, 76-80; Prof. Ethics and Belles Lettres. Univ. of Nashville, 55-62. Member State Board of Education of Tenn., 76-85. Clergyman. d. 1887 Albert Constantine Ingham* ^ 9 A' A. B. 1847 Union Coll. and LL. D. 1865. Com- mencement Orator. Sec. State Agricultural Soc, 51-56; Founder Ingham Prize for Essays, Union Coll., 65; Aided in reviving the Theta, 65. Father of John Albertson Ingham, Pi 86 and brother of George Van Wie Ingham, Psi 00. Initiated by the Psi. Lawyer. d. 1882 Daniel Webster Noyes * $Da A. B. 1847; A. M. 1850. Commencement Orator. Principal School, Willimantic, Conn., 47-49; Dist. Atty. Livingston County, N. Y., 76-78; County Judge, 78-88. Father of Fred- erick William Noyes, Chi 76. Lawyer. d. 1888 Charles Roberts* Merchant. ZeM d. 1855 Lucius Insley Root* X e A A. B. 1847; A. M. 1850. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Prof, of Mathematics and Natural Science, Carroll Coll., Waukesha, Wis.; Pastor Presbyterian Church, 49-53; Sa- line, Mich., 53-56; Bay City, 56-60; Ionia, 60-61; Medina, N. Y., 61-65; Upper Alton, 111., 67-71; Shelbyville, 71-74; Greencastle, Ind., 74-76: Edwardsvir.e, 111., 76-'79; Prof, of Mental and Moral Philosophy, Park Coll., Mo., 79; Principal Union School, Bay City, Mich., 56-59; Member Board of Education, Upper Alton, 111., 68-71. Clergyman. d. 1879 1848 Chester Alan Arthur* Pp^' A. B. 1848; LL. D. 1882. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Principal Acad., North Pownal, Vt., 49-52; Village School, Cohoes, N. Y., 52; Brigadier General and Engineer-in- Chief, State of N. Y., 61-62; Quartermaster General, 62-63; Collector Port of New York, 71-78; Vice-Pres. of the U. S., 81; Pres., 81- 85; Pres. Psi Upsilon Assn., Washington, D. C, 82-85; Psi Upsilon Assn., New York, 86. Father of Chester Alan Arthur, Jr., Lambda 85. Lawyer. d. 1886 George Woodbridge Bonney* P t N Hosteler. d. 1885 William Pease Chambers* e B' A. B. 1848. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Brother of George Hubbard Cham- bers, Theta 57, and father of Walter Bough- ton Chambers, Beta 87. Lawyer. d. 1911 George Kellogg Dauchy'' XE°S" A. B. 1848. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. 1st Lieut, commanding 12th Inde- pendent Battery N. Y. Light Artillery, 61-64; Capt. 16th N. Y. Artillery, 64-65. Manufacturer. d. 1912 John Eliad Davis* raN A. B. 1848. Teacher, Versailles, Ky., 48-49. Educator d. 1849 THETA CHAPTER [1848-50 Carlton Edwards* rkN A. B. 1848; A. M. 1851.- Commencement Orator. Prof, of Latin and Greek, Acad., Ox- ford, Md., 48-50. Journalist. d. 1862 Hannibal Goodwin Initiated by the Xi Jacob Hayes-Linville''' AixQ' A. B. 1848. Phi Beta Kappa. Commence- ment Appointment. Greek Poem. Instr. Oak Hall Acad., Lancaster County, Pa., 50-54. Member Franklin Inst., Philadelphia, and Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers. Civil Engineer. d. 1907 Timothy Wadsworth Miller* X m N Banker. d. 1S72 John Root* P e q' Commence- A. B. 1848; M. D. elsewhere, ment Orator. Physician and Surgeon. 1849 d. 1876 George Brown Anderson* t 9 F' A. B. 1849. Commencement Orator. U. S. Indian Inspr., 84-85; Mgr. State Lunatic Asy- lum, Utica, N. Y., 75-83; Raised 96th and 146tli Inf. Regiments of N. Y. Vols. Manufacturer. d. 1885 Thomas Bibb Bradley* z^x" A. B. 1849; A. M. 1852. Principal Acad. Canajoharie, N. Y., 49-50. Author "Apheila." Journalist. d. 1855 [Sebra] Winchester Britton* X o ¥' A. B. elsewhere. Dist. Atty. Kings County, N. Y., 71-74 and 74-77. Lawyer. d. 1886 Samuel Robert Carlton Mathews* KSS" Manufacturer. d. 1910 Albert Wells Pettibone* A. B. 1849. Merchant. $1I/*' d. !915 Frederick William Seward* $ t A' A. B. 1849; LL. D. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Asst. Sec. of State, U. S., 61-69 and 77-81; U. S. Special Commis- sioner, San Domingo, 66; Member N. Y. Leg- islature, 75; Trustee, Wells Coll., 71-77; Seward Inst., Florida, N. Y., 72. Author "Life and Letters of William H. Seward." Lawyer. d. 1915 John Beatty Steele, Jr.* ^SO) A. B. 1849. Principal Acad., New Paltz, N. Y., 51-54; Kinderhook, 66-69; Johnstown, 69-70; Coxsackie, 70-71. Lawyer. 'd. 1887 James Wade Wilson* Zbx" A. B. 1849. 2nd Lieut., 6th Independent Bat- tery, N. Y. Light Artillery, 63-64; 1st Lieut., 64-65. Poet Psi Upsilon Convention, 52. Lawyer. d. 1874 1850 Eliab Wilkinson Capron G $ A. B. 1850; M. D. 1855 Albany Med. Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal Acad., Half Moon, N. Y., 50-52; Health Officer, Lansingburg. Member Rensselaer County Med. Soc. Citriculturist. Lotos, Fla. Samuel Thurston Freeman* ^ '^X~ A. B. 1850; A. M. 1853. Commencement Or- ator. Dist. Atty. Schenectady County, N. Y., 52-56; Lecturer, Natural and Constitutional Law, Union Coll., 55. Father of Cuyler Free- man, Delta 80. Lawyer. d. 1889 Elias Bedford Glen* A f A. B. 1850; A. M, 1853. Principal Acad., Canajoharie, N. Y., 50-53; High School, Bra- zeau, Mo., 56-58; Pleasant Hill Acad., Cape Girardeau, 58-60; Acad., New Madrid, 60-62; Acad., Farmington, 62-63; Prof, of Greek and Latin, Andalusia Coll., 63-68 and 72-78; Greek, Latin and English, Acad., Columbia, Pa., 68- 72. Brother of Samuel Glen, Theta 44. Educator. Isaac Lawson* A L, ^~ A. B. 1850. Trustee Theta Chapter. Lawyer. Norman Ottman* d. 1901 $dB' Principal Public School, Sharon Hill, N. Y., 48-49; Argusville, 49-50; Founder of Sem., Richmondville, and Instr. in Mathematics, 54; Private Co. I, 44th Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols., 62-63. Educator. d. 1863 Ossian Columbus Pettit* AV?' Brother A. B. 1850. Commencement Orator. of John Upfold Pettit, Theta 39. Lawyer. d. 1852 ZS°Z' d. 1868 BSZ' A. B. 1850. Private 8th Inf. Regiment Pa. Vols., 61-63; Dist. Atty., Armstrong County, Pa., 68-76. Lawyer. d. 1880 NoF William Lyon Pynchon* A. B. 1850. Phi Beta Kappa. Civil Engineer. Jefferson Reynolds* William George Smull* A. B. 1850; A. M. 1853; M. D. elsewhere. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Baltimore Coll. of Dental Surgery, 58-61. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1869 AFS" Henry Benjamin Whiton* A. B. 1852; M. D. 1854 Albany Med. Coll. Asst. Surg. 2nd Regiment N. Y. Vols., 61-63; Surg. 60th Inf., 63-65; Surg. Troy General Hosp., 65-85; Attending Phys. Marshall In- firmary; Curator Albany Med. Coll.; Pres. Rensselaer County Med. Soc. Member New York State Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1885. 1851-53] THETA CHAPTER 1851 Curtis Coe Bean* A^S" Atty. General 11th Judicial Circuit, Tenn., 65; Member Tenn. Legislature, 66-67; Senator Ariz. Territory, 79; Member U. S. House of Ke])resentatives, 84. Miner. Gilbert W Becker* T s 11' A. B. 1869. 1st Blatchford Medal, 69; Com- mencement Orator. Clerk. d. 1900 Edwin Abijah Kingsley* $ R A*" A. B. 1869; LL. B. 1870 Albany Law School. Phi Beta Kappa. Lawyer. d. 1882 Arthur Malkin Whitehorne* "^ x K' Civil Engineer. 1870 d. 1869 d. 1901 ODA' C. E. 1870. Prof, of Mechanics, Alfred Univ., 71-73; City Engineer of Moberly, Mo., 85-86. Civil Engineer. (Santa Clara, Cal.) James Garden Baldwin* Planter. Charles Edward Moore Robert Benoni Stiles* AsE"" A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873; LL. B. 1871 Albany Law School. Commencement Orator. Atty. for Village of Lansingburg, 81-02. Member of Board of Education, 84-02. Lawyer. d. 1914 j;ev d. 1903 Edwin Lord Weeks* Artist. 1871 David Sands Baker* A. B. 1871. Lawyer. Commencement Orator. Ssi' d. 1875 A. B. 1871; LL. B. 1882 Albany Law School. Oratorical Prize, 70; Commencement Orator; Editor Union College Magazine, 70-72. Mem- ber New York Law Inst. ; Assn. of the Bar of the City of New York. Lawyer. Charles Tappan Haviland* Nelson Gordon Isbell* Hosteler. William Henry Lambert* A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874. Lawyer. d. 1879 William Henry Matthews, Jr.* A co N'' d. 1914 XnA' d. 1882 A. B. 1871. Peace, 72-75. Lawyer. Phi Beta Kappa. Herbert Spafford Wilbur* Justice of the d. 1874 0C[X'' A. B. 1871. Banker. Commencement Orator. Egbert Dayton Williams" Horticulturist. d. 1908 MxA 1872-75] THETA CHAPTER 15 1872 Austin Creswell Boynton* Civil Engineer and Clerk. William James Hillis r (0 a" d. 1914 0$, A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875; LL. B. 1873 Albany Law School. Second Oratorical Prize, 71; Second Blatchford Medal, 72; President's Essay- Prize, 72; Commencement Orator. Principal Public School, Milton Hill. N. Y.. 73-74. Lawyer. Charles Henri Leonard 0SX. A. B. 1872; A. M. 1882; M. D. 1874 Univ. of Wooster. Philomathean. Commencement Or- ator; First Junior Oratorical Prize; Editor Union College Magazine. Prof, of Gynsco-ogy, Detroit Coll. of Medicine, 80-10; Emeritus Prof., 10-17; Member Detroit Public Library Commission, 96-01 and Pres. 01; Pres. Wayne County Med. Soc. 88-90. Author "Reference and Dose Book;" "Pocket Anatomist;" "Man- ual of Bandaging;" "The Hair and Its Diseases;" "Materia Medica and Therapeu- tics;" "Physicians' Account Books." Member Am. Med. Assn. and Michigan State Med. Soc. Physician and Manufacturer. Detroit Coin Wrapper Co., 370 Harper Ave.; res. 3087 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Isaiah Benjamin Price* XSB" Elbert Slingerland Roos Lawyer. (132 E. South St., Kalamazoo. Mich.) William Henry Selleck X 9 6)" Langrave Shults vuw. A. B. 1872. Yonkers, N. Farmer. (Rio, Wis.) 1873 Henry Clay Carpenter 0f B^ Henry Alanson Powell* Xkw" C. E. 1872; A. M. 1875. Phi Beta Kappa. Prof, of Mathematics and Adjunct Prof, of Phy- sics, 77-84. Author "Elements of Trigonometry" and "Recollections of a Blameless Life: A Memoir of Joseph R. Davis." Brother of Joseph Price, Theta 75. Educator. d. 1884 X9U, 1st Oratorical Prize, 69. Private and non- commissioned officer. Company D, 138th Inf. Regiment, Ind. Vols., 61-65; Member Board of Education, Michigan City, Ind. Manufacturer. Commencement Orator. Teacher, Y.. 72-82; Milwaukee, Wis., 82-83. Principal Milton (Del.) Acad., 74-75; George- town Acad., 75-76; Asst. State Supt. Free Schools, 81. Educator. B. D. 1876 Union Theol. Sem.; LL^B. 1882 Univ. of the City of New York. Oratorical Prize, 71. Instr. Acad.. Monticello. N. Y., 72-73; Pastor Old Bushwick Church, Brook- lyn, 76-83; Lee Avenue Congregational Church, 83. Brother of Lefferts Morrell Powell, Theta 83 and Jonathan Rider Powell, Theta 84. Clergyman. d. 1910 John Mbrrell Rider N;Ms"»F A. B. 1873. Adelphic. Commencement Ora- tor. Member Executive Council of Psi Upsilon, 78-79; Commissioner of Records. Kings Coun- ty; Pres. Marine and Field Club. Member Montauk and Excelsior Clubs. Brother of Francis Vandervoort Rider. Theta 78. Lawyer. 44 Cedar St., New York; res. 53 Eighth Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. 1874 Edward Jackson AL$ C. E. 1874: A. M. 1878; Sc. D. 1914; M. D. 1878 Univ. of Pa. Emeritus Prof, of Diseases of the Eye, Philadelphia Polyclinic and Coll. for Graduates in Medicine; Prof, of Ophthalmology, Univ. of Colo.; Pres. Am. Acad, of Medicine; Am. Ophthalmological Soc; Am. Acad, of O-^hthalmology and Oto-Laryngology; Chairman Section on Ophthalmology. Am. Med. Assn. Author "Essentials of Diseases of the Eye;" "Manual of Diseases of the Eye;" "Ophthal- mic Year Book" and "Skiascopy." Physician. 318 Majestic Bldg.; res. 2288 S. Milwaukee St., Denver. Colo. Joseph Edgar Odell Nott Prize Scholarship. Lawyer. Mir Lawrence A [lexander] Serviss* X e ^" A. B. 1874. 1st Oratorical Prize, 70- Com- mencement Orator. Lawyer. d. 1911 Principal 74-75. d. 1885 Fitch James Swinburne* A. B. 1874. Commencement Orator. Public School, Rouse's Point, N. Y.. Lawyer. 1875 Samuel Wilmer Abbey $ z X" A. B. 1875; LL. B. 1878. Philomathean. Editor College Spectator, 73; Union College Magazine, 74: 1st Oratorical Prize. 74. Salesman. E. Ira Richards & Co., 43 Nassau St., New York. N. Y. Silas Watson Ford* A^A" A. M. 1877 honoris causa. Author "The Life of the Silurian Age." Member New York Acad, of Science; Victoria Inst, of London; Vassar Inst, of Poughkeepsie; Troy Scientific Soc. Geologist. d. 1898 Frank Potter Johnson* XhP" A. B. 1875; M. D. 1881 Albany Med. Coll. \'^aledictorian. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1882 John Gulian Lansing* XGT A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878; D. D. 1885: B. D. 1877 Theol. Sem. of the Reformed Church. Phi Beta Kappa. Clark Essay Prize, 75; Ing- ham Essav Prize, 75; Blatchford Oratorical Prize, 75; Commencement Orator. Pastor Dutch Reformed Church, Mohawk, N. Y.. 77-80; West Troy, 80-84; Gardner A. Sage Prof, of Old 16 THETA CHAPTER [1875-77 Testament Languages and Exegesis, Theol. Sem. of the Reformed Church, and Prof, of Arabic, Inst, of Hebrew, 84. Author "An Arabic Manual;" "A Study of the Song." Member Soc. of Christian Philosophy; Soc. Biblical Literature and Exegesis; Victoria Inst, of Philosophy; Soc. of Biblical Archaeolo~v; i^gypt Exploration Fund. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1901 Charles Stuart MacMullan X e 7^ Deputy Auditor, Alameda County, Cal. ; Deputy Assessor, 81-82; Collector of Taxes, Oakland, 82-85; Journal Clerk State Senate. 85-86. Assessment and Tax Expert. 1619 Grove St., Oakland. Cal. John Henry Mason* Q $ Z A. B. 1875. Teacher Public School, 76-78. Lawyer. Joseph Price* $ b V M. D. 1877 Univ. of Pa. Member Philadelphia County Med. and Philadelphia Obstetrical Socs. Brother of Isaiah Benjamin Price, Theta 72. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1911 d. 1901 SsX A. B. 1875. Phi Beta Kappa. Warner Prize, 75; Valedictorian. Instr. in Classics Military Inst., Croton, N. Y., 76-77; Principal Ward School, West Troy, N. Y., 78-81. Brother of Elmer Ellsworth Veeder. Theta 86. Lawyer. P'.azo, Las Vegas. N. Mex. Dewitt Clinton Smith* C. E. 1875. Farmer. John DeWitt Veeder Truman Weed rvr A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878; B. D. 1877 Drew Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa; Philomathean. Commencement Orator. Author "Deborah Moses or Pen Pictures of Colonial Life in New England; Psi Upsilon Songs "Brothers of Loved Psi U." and "Re-Union Jubilee." Clergyman and Author (retired). 58 Pillsbury St.. Concord. N. H. 1876 Samuel Ward Buck* Beta Kappa. Szs A. B. 1876. Phi Beta Kappa. Commence- ment Orator. Principal Acad., LeRaysville, Pa., 76-77; Deputy Treas., Bradford County, 80-88. Lawyer. d. 1892 John Whitefield Doremus xDt" A. B. 1876. Editor Spectator, 75; Athletic Prize, 75; Historical Prize, 75; 2nd Blatchford Medal. 76; Clark Essay Prize, 76; 2nd Centen- nial Prize; Commencement Orator. Chairman of Convention 14th Senatorial Dist., Tex., 82; 20th Judicial Dist. of Tex., 84; Commissioner from Tex. to New Orleans Exposition. 84. Lawyer. 1203 Parker Bldg.. Bryan, Tex. Franklin T Hastings Baseball. 6) X S City Clerk, A. B. 1876. Crew; Cohoes. N. Y.. 80-85. Insurance and Real Estate. Albany Trust Bldg.; res. 318 Hudson Ave., Albany. N. Y. Thomas Freeman Quinby H^Y" M. D. 1878 Columbia. Health Commissioner; Pres. Board of Education and Hennepin Med. Soc; Prof, of Materia Medica and Therapeu- tics, Minn. Hosp. Coll.. 81-85. Member Uni- versity Club. Brother of Henry Brewer Quinby, Kappa 69. Physician and Surgeon. 310 Donaldson Bldg.; res. 2424 Humboldt Aye. S.. Minneapolis. Minn. James Reagles Truax* * ApA" A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879; B. D. 1878 Drew Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Oratorical Prize, 74; President's Prize, 76; Ingham Prize, 76; Commencement Orator; Nott Prize Scholar- ship, 72-76. Pastor M. E. Church. Fultonville, N. Y.. 78-79; Poultney. Vt.. 79-80; Prof, of English Language and Literature, Union Coll., 85; Sec. of the Faculty, 86; Sec. Phi Beta Kappa of Union Coll., 86. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1915 1877 William Joyner de Treville, Jr.* C. E. 1877. Prof. Mathematical Dept. State Agricultural Coll. and Mechanical Inst., 77. Educator. d. 1910 Theron Lewis Hiles XnT" Manufacturer. (4454 N. Lincoln St.. Chicago, 111.) James Henry La Roche KAH" A. B. 1877; A. M. 1887; D. D. 1898. Philo- mathean. Editor Spectator, 75-76. Prof, of Natural Science. Agricultural Coll.. 79-81; School Examiner, Orangeburgh, S. C, 79-81. Author "From the Wayside;" "Semenes." Clergyman (retired). Yonge's Island, S. C. Dewitt Clinton Moore* NsZ" A. B. 1877. Editor Spectator and Union Col- lege Magazine, 76-77; Prize in Oratory, 76. Police Justice, Johnstown, N. Y., 87-88; Atty. for Supervisors, Fulton County, 90-10; Atty. City of Johnstown, 95; Atty. for State Comp- troller, 94-96. Author "Nellis' Street Railroad Accident Law;" "Moore on Carriers;" "Moore on Interstate Commerce;" "Wood on Limita- tions." Member Lotos Club. Lawyer and Arthur. d. 1916 John Cramer Shiland M. D. 1878. Physician and Surgeon. James Ira Taylor* re©" XtT, A. B. 1877; A. M. 1881. Editor College Spec- tator, 76. Sec. Kansas State Board of Phar- macy.. 85-88. 43. ' Merchant. Son of George Ira Taylor, Theta d. 1906 Bartlett Whitlock* A. B. 1877. Merchant. JJL (0 S" d. 1900 1878-81] THETA CHAPTER 17 1878 Charles Mortimer Culver Q z Z A. B. 1878; A. M. 1881; M. D. 1881 Albany Med. Coll. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Philomathean. Fellowship (resident), 78-79; 2d Prize Delineative Art. First Vice- Pres. Am. Acad. Medicine, 01-02; Alumni Trus- tee Union Coll., 88-92; Pres. Albany Presbyter- ian Union, 06-07. Author Psi Upsilon Song "The Heartfelt Bond." Physician. 36 Eagle St., Albany, N. Y. Lyman Sanford Holmes F s S A. B. 1878. Editor The Garnet, 77. Lawyer. Schoharie, N. Y. Francis Vandervoort Rider Xh x' Sec.-Treas. Tournament of Roses Assn.; Tuna and Overland Clubs; Treas. Annandale Coun- try Club; Pres. Southern Pacific Coast Psi Upsilon Club. Member Tuna, Annandale Country and Southern Pacific Coast Psi Up- silon Clubs. Brother of John Morrell Rider, Theta 73. Retired. 225 S. Madison Ave., Pasadena, Cal. 1879 Edwards Bicknell Burnap XkS" Brother of William Leonard Burnap, Omega 86. Manufacturer. Canajoharie, N. Y. Edward Llewellyn Crandall K C K " M. D. 1881. Physician and Surgeon. John McBride MsO" Brother of [Enoch] Wilber McBride, Beta 82. Farmer. (Campbell Hall, N. Y.) Edward McDonnell Farmer. (East Liverpool, Ohio.) Frank Elisha Mors* Merchant. XnH rha d. 1879 James Lamb Perry © ^ 11" A. B. 1879. Declamation Prize, 77; Essay Prize, 79. Lawyer. (9 Broad St., Charleston, S. C.) Frank Louis Sevenoak T ^ &' A. B. 1879 Princeton and A. M. 1882; M. D. 1883 Columbia. Clio Hall (Princeton). Base- ball. Prof, of English and Logic, Stevens Inst, of Tech. Author "Schultze and Sevenoak's P. and S. Geometry." Member Princeton (New York and Hudson County, N. J.) Clubs. Educator 5th and River Sts. ; res. 939 Washington St., Hoboken, N. J. Frank Louis Snook (See Frank Louis Sevenoak.) James Stewart X s H^ Manufacturer. (105 S. William St., Johnstown, N. Y.) 1880 Norman Henry Bull y b P Merchant (retired). 146 E. Russell St., Orangeburg, S. C. James Suydam Lawrence 11 v. K" Sec. Colo. State Senate, 10th General As- sembly; State Representative, 11th General Assembly. Member Cripple Creek Club. See Chi 80 Metallurgist and Mining Engineer. 361 E. Bennett Ave.; res. National Hotel, Cripple Creek, Colo. William James McNulty* C. E. 1880. Civil Engineer. Benjamin Henry Ripton d. 1901 xie" A. B. 1880; A. M. 1886; Ph. D. 1895; LL. D. 1909; LL. D. 1896 Syracuse. Phi Beta Kappa. Prof, of History and Dean of Union Coll.; Pres. of New York Alpha, Phi Beta Kappa, 96-02, 08-09 and 11. Member Am. Historical Assn. Educator. College Hill, Schenectady, N. Y. 1881 Frank Chamberlain Avery* "^F s 11 Editor Concordicnsis, 78-79. Clerk Surro- gate's Court, Seneca County, N. Y., 82-83. Member Sons of the Am. Revolution and Union Soc. of the Civil War. Lawyer. d. 1916 Calvin Edgar Carpenter* xkn" M. D., 1882 Albany Med. Coll. See Chi 82 Physician and Farmer. d. 1912 Henry Rufus Fancher HoK, A. B. 1881; D. D. 1906. Principal Mexico, N. Y., Acad., 82-88; Pastor First Presby- terian Church, Union Springs, 91-95; Batavia, 95-08; Pres. Coll. of Mont., 08-14; Prof. Whit- worth Coll., 15-16. Educator. 817 Shannon Ave., Spokane, Wash. Horatio Gates Glen I PA" A. B. 1881; LL. B. 1883 Albany Law School. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Revised Charter of City of Schenectady, 84; City Clerk of Schenectady, 85. Member Mo- hawk and Mohawk Golf Clubs. Lawyer. 62-63 Parker Bldg.; res. 48 Wendell Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. William Arthur Swaby Latham ©s$" Mgr. Baseball, Cornell, 79-80; Editor Cor- nellian, 80. Supervisor and Justice of the Peace, 86-88. Member Citizens' Club. See Chi 81 Merchant. 102 Avondale PI., Syracuse, N. Y. 18 THETA CHAPTER [1881-83 Job Philip Lyon AoK, A. B. 1881; LL. B. 1885 Albany Law School. Adelphic Debating Soc. City Atty. Seattle, Wash., 90-92; County Atty. Salt Lake County, 09-11. Member Commercial Club. Lawyer. 704 Walker Bank BIdg.; res. 5 Caithness Apts., Salt Lake City, Utah. Samuel Paris McClellan Pen A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884. Member Troy Club. Lawyer. 402 Cannon PI., Troy; res. Nassau, N. Y. 1882 Charles Edward Fay MtN" A. B. 1882; B. D. 1885 Princeton Theol. Sem. Adelphic Literary Soc. Pastor, Mineville, N. Y., 85-88. Clergyman. Morristown, N. Y. William Gifford e Engineer. 88 Parker Bldg.; res. 303 Lafayette St., Schen- ectady, N. Y. William James Pollard* QcO A. B. 1882. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Mechanical Engineer. d. 1910 William Alfred Waddell BWE" A. B. and C. E. 1882; Ph. D. 1894; D. D. 1910. Phi Beta Kappa; Adelphic; Gillespie Club. Greek Salutatorian. Asst. Sec. Sabbath School Work, Presbyterian Church in the U. S., 84-85; Registrar of Union Coll., 85-86; Held the Power of Atty. of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions in Brazil for 25 years. Educator. 79 Rua Maria Antonia; res. 224 Consolacao, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Elmer Britton Waller* H^A" A. B. 1882. Teacher of Mathematics. Union Classical Inst., Schenectady, N. Y., 82-84. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1913 Arthur Silas Wright IIsE" A. B. and C. E. 1882; A. M. 1888. Phi Beta Kappa; Adelphic. Commencement Ora- tor. Junior Prof, of Modern Languages, Union Coll., 87-92; Prof, of Modern Languages, Case School of Applied Science, 93. Member Mod- ern Language Assn. of America; Modern Language Assn. of Ohio; Soc. for Promotion of Engineering Education; Cleveland Cham- ber of Commerce; University Club. Educator. Case School of Applied Science; res. 1669 E. 115th St., Cleveland, Ohio. 1883 William Whaley Bellinger P d S" A. B. 1883; A. M. 1889; D. D. 1901; L. H. D. 1909. Theta Nu Epsilon; Philomathean. Min- ister Grace Church, Albany, N. Y., 86; Rector Trinity Church, Wethersfield, Conn., 86; Instr. in German, Trinity Church School, N. Y., 83- 84; Vicar St. Agnes' Chapel, Trinity Parish, N. Y. Member Union League and University Clubs. Clergyman. 121 W. 91st St.; res. 115 W. 91st St., New York. N. Y. John Ransom Bridge* W^M" A. B. 1884 Harvard. Business Mgr. Concor- dicnsis, and Editor Garnet, 81-82. Mgr. East- ern Teachers' Inst. See Alpha 84 Publisher. d. 1904 Henry Farr DePuy @[iQ C. E. 1883; A. B. 1885. Adjunct Prof, of Mathematics, Union Coll., 85-86. Trustee Theta Chapter, 84-88. Civil Engineer (retired). 440 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. William Morris Gilbert $ K S" A. B. 1883; B. D. 1892 Cambridge Episcopal Theol. School. Pres. Fortnightly Club for the Study of Anthropology; Rector St. Paul's Chvirch. Member Psi Upsilon Club, New York. Father of William Morris Gilbert, Jr., Theta 17. Clergyman. 165 N. Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. Leon Ferdinand Harvey* X — P M. D. 1859 Jefferson Med. Coll.; A. M. 1866 honoris caiisa, Lafayette Coll. Phys. St. Mary's Asylum for Widows, Foundlings and Orphans, 61; Sec. Buffalo Historical Soc, 80; Vice- Pres., Buffalo Med. Library, 85; Pres. Buffalo Soc. of Natural Sciences, 85-88; Pres. Psi Upsilon Assn. of Buffalo, 85-88. Member Erie County Med. Soc. Son of Charles Washington Harvey, Theta 37. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1912 John Warden McCauley McN" A. B. and C. E. 1883; M. D. 1887 Univ. of Pa. Commencement Orator. Member Roches- ter Athletic and Oak Hill Country Clubs; Am. Med. and Rochester Med. Assns. ; New York State Med. Soc. Father of John Warden McCauley, Jr., Theta 18, brother of James ^ Adelbert McCauley. Theta 85 and William Lloyd McCauley, Phi 98. Physician. 223 Alexander St., Rochester, N. Y. Lefferts Morrell Powell 9 x S" M. D. 1885 Ind. Med. Coll.; Ph. M. 1886 Am. Inst. Phrenology. Vice-Pres. Maiden Mutual Assn. of N. Y. State. Member Ind. State Med. Soc. and National Med. Assn. Brother of Henry Alanson Powell, Theta 73 and Jonathan Rider Powell, Jr., Theta 84. Physician. Groton, Mass. Albert Moore Westinghouse* 9 m A" Student. d. 1883 Henry Chancellor Wood* ^ c A" A. B. 1883; LL. B. 1886 Columbia Univ. Edi- tor in Chief of The Diamond, 81-83. Prin- cipal Jefferson Inst., Falls Church, Va., 83-84. Lawyer. d. 1914 1884-86] THETA CHAPTER 19 1884 George Franklin Allison $cM" A. B. and C. E. 1884; Art D. 1909. Philo- mathean. Editor Concordiensis. 82; 2d Clark Prize, 83; Assoc. Editor The Diamond, 81-84 and Editor-in-Chief, 84-86. Pres. University and Vice-Pres. Young Republican Clubs of Brooklyn; Trustee ^Mackenzie Coll., Sao Paulo, Brazil: Chairman Finance Committee. Union Coll. Graduate Council. Member Sons of Revolution ; University and Young Republican (Brooklyn) Clubs. Lawyer. 115 Broadway, New York; res. 263 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Dow Beekman MV" A. B. 1884. Theta Nu Epsilon; Adelphic. Oratorical Prize, 82; 1st Clark Prize, 83; Ingham Prize and 1st Allen Essay Prize. 84; Assoc, Editor The Diamond, 81-83 and Editor- in-Chief, 83-84; Editor "The Proceedings of the Semi-Centennial Convention of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity." Dist. Atty., County Judge and Surrogate of Schoharie County. Lawyer. Main St.; res. River St.. Middleburg, N. Y. Irving Perry Estcourt V x M" Civil Service Commission, 06-09. Transportation. General Electric Co.; res. 25 Front St., Schenectady, N. Y. Charles Adams Kitts* A z N" A. B. 1884. Editor Garnet, 83. Brother of Willard Augustus Kitts. Theta 87. Manufacturer. d. 1901 Jonathan Rider Powell, Jr. X z N" Delta Mu. Principal Schools Numbers 10, 14 and 20, Chatham, N. Y., Author "The Causes and Treatment of Deafness." Brother of Henry Alanson Powell, Theta JZ and Lefferts Morrell Powell, Theta 83. Physician. Kendall Green, Mass. 1885 George Washington Ebaugh F e Q »C. E. 1885. Editor Garnet. 84. Contractor. Pettigrew and Toy Sts., Greenville. S. C. \\'allace Turner Foote, Jr.* X g Q C. E. 1885. Pres. Coll. Canoe, Bicycle and Gun Clubs and Athletic Assn.; 1st Prize in Oratory, 84. Brother of Thomas Heermans Foote, Theta 86, and George Charles Foote, Theta 99. Civil Engineer. d. 1910 James Adelbert McCauley X y A Baseball. Member Board of Education. Mem- ber Canandaigua and Social Citv Clubs. Brother of John Warden McCauley, Theta 83, William Lloyd McCaulev, Phi 98 and uncle of John Warden McCauley, Jr., Theta 18. Manager. Canandaigua Elevator, Pleasant and Ontario Sts.; res. 148 Main St. N., Canandaigua. N. Y. Frank Henderson Moore XmA Mechanical Engineer (Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Farmers' Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.) Edward Terrill xe$ A. B. 1885. 1st Blatchford Medal, 85; Com- mencement Orator. Teacher of Mathematics and Natural Science, Hempstead, N. Y., Inst., 86-88. Educator. Edward Jonathan Wheeler ncB A. B. 1885 Williams. Chief Chemist U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Brother of Alonzo Wil- cox Wheeler, Theta 86. Chemist. (79 Chapel St., Albany, N. Y.) 1886 Francis Henry Edmunds* y f B Brother of Charles Carroll Edmunds. Beta Beta 77. ^ Civil Engineer. Thomas Heermans Foote d. 1902 XcB C. E. 1886. Brother of WallaceTurner Foote, Jr., Theta 85 and George Clarke Foote, Theta 99. Engineer (retired). 1270 S. El Molino Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Addison Judkins Gallien y1^ Brother of Brace Millard Gallien, Xi 82. Manufacturers' Agent. 504 Grand St.. New York. N. Y.; res. 875 Blvd., Bayonne, N. J. Thomas Haslett Farmer. (Seneca. N. Y.) David Barton Kinne 7gX A. B. 1886; LL. B. 1889 Columbia. Theta Nu Epsilon; Philomathean. Lawyer. Attorney General's Ofifice, Albany; res. Hudson Falls. N. Y. Jesse Montgomery Mosher P w ^ A. B. 1886; A. M. and M. D. 1889. Business Mgr. Garnet (3); Apothecary N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum, Utica, N. Y., 86; Trus- tee Albany Orphan Asylum, Albany Acad, and Young Men's Library Assn.; Vestryman St. Paul's Church ; Advisory Board Albany Guild for the Care of the Sick; Attending Phys. for Mental Diseases. Albanv Hosn. ; Clinical Prof. jNIental Diseases, Albany Med. Coll. Author "Electro Diagnosis;" "Syllabus of Men- tal Diseases." Member University Club; Am. Medico Psychological Assn.; Am. Neurological and Am. Hosp. Assns. Brother of Howard Townsend Mosher, Theta 90. 170 Washington Ave.. Albany. N. Y. [John] Leslie Russell Pratt* M z "^F Broker. d. 1899 Elmer Ellsworth Veeder A. B. 1886. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedictorian; Editor Concordiensis, 84-85; Ivy, 86; 1st War- ner Prize, 86; Allen Essay Prize. 86. Prof, of 20 THETA CHAPTER [1886-89 Mathematics, Union Classical Inst., Schenec- tady, N Y., 86-88; Legal Adviser to Governor of N. Mex., 17. Brother of John DeWitt \'eeder. Theta 75. Lawyer. Veeder Bldg., Las Vegas, N. Mex. Alonzo Wilcox Wheeler* T m ^ A B. 1886. Williams Coll. Brother of Edward Jonathan Wheeler. Theta 85. d. 1895 1887 Charles Francis Bridge nbA A. B. 1887; LL. B. 1889; A. M. 1895. Theta Nu Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi. Editor Concor- diensis. 85-86; Editor-in-Chief Garnet. 86. First Asst. Corporation Counsel, City of Albany, 02- 13. Member Fort Orange and Albany Coun- try Clubs. Lawyer. 280 State St.. Albany. N. Y. John Trumbull Backus Gilmour* Pharmacist. d. 1896 Willard Augustus Kitts TdX Brother of Charles Adams Kitts, Theta 84. Merchant. (60 First St.. New York, N. Y.). Rowland Frederick Blennerhasset Mahany T © Z A. B. 1888 Harvard. Lawyer. (Union and Times Press, Buffalo, N. Y.). George Edmund Wentworth y g x A. B. 1887 Williams; LL. B. 1889 Colum- bia. Theta Nu Epsilon; Skull and Dagger. Football. Son of Erastus Wentworth, Xi 37. Superintendent. Union Stock Yards & Transit Co., Union Stock Yards; res. 5542 University Ave., Chicago, 111. Thomas Wallace Wright* SOZ A. B. 1863 Univ. of Toronto; Ph. B. 1872 Yale and C. E. 1882. Phi Beta Kappa. Scholar- ship in (i^lassics, 59; Mathematics and Phy- sics. 60-62; Gold Medallist in Mathematics and Physics, 63. Teacher Mathematics and Physics, Gait Collegiate Inst., 63-71; Instr. in Civil Engineering. Lehigh Univ., 83-84; Prof, of Applied Mathematics, Union Coll., 84-88. Author "A Treatise on the Adjustment of Ob- servations." Educator. d. 1908 1888 George Comstock Baker* XDT LL. B. 1889 Albany Law School; LL. M., 1891 Cornell Univ. Editor Concordiensis, 86-87. d. 1908 Norman Lawrence Bates Xc$ A. B. 1888. Theta Nu Epsilon. Mgr. Base- ball (4). Member Sons of Am. Revolution and New York State Historical Soc. 100 E. 1st St.; res. 135 E. 3d St.. Oswego. N. Y. Hubert Carpenter Mandeville F c A A. B. 1888. Editor Concordiensis; Prize in Oration, 86. Member of Constitutional Con- vention and Republican State Committee. Au- thor "Telephone Law." Member Psi Up- silon Assn. of Elmira; City, Country and Cen- tury, Authors' (London), Railroad and Psi Upsilon (New York), Fort Orange (Albany) and Corning (N. Y.) Clubs. Father of Wil- liam Hubert Mandeville, Theta 15 and Ernest Wyckoff Mandeville. Theta 17. Lawyer. The Robinson Bldg.; res. 509 W. Church St., Elmira. N. Y. Frederick Barnard Richards F b A A. B. 1888. Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor Gar- net, 87. Assoc. Editor 10th General Catalogue; Member Board of Education, Glens Falls; Dir. Glens Falls Hosp. ; Treas. Glens Falls Home; Chairman Graduate Council, Union Coll.; Incorporator New York State Historical Assn.; Trustee and Sec. since 09. Mem- ber Soc. Colonial Wars; Soc. War 1812; Ticon- deroga Historical Soc; Lake George Assn.; Authors' (London) Club. Manufacturer. Glens Falls, N. Y. William Bullock Ten Eyck F b A LL. B. 1886 Albany Law School. Theta Nu Epsilon. JMember Legislature, Nebr. ; City Prosecutor, Omaha. Member City and Com- mercial Clubs. Manufacturer. 409 Los Angeles St.. Los Angeles: res. 2002 Pinehurst Rd., Hollywood, Cal. Harrv Miller Van Dusen* 1889 Mb$ d. 1906 Theodore Thomas Baylor NeT B. S. 1889; LL. B. 1891 New York Univ. Member Bar Assn. See Delta 89 Lawyer. 15 William St.; res. Hotel McAlpin, New York, N. Y. Charles Wesley Culver XzT A. B. 1889. Theta Nu Epsilon. Track; Capt. Football. Lawyer. 52 Broadway; res. 656 St. Nicholas Ave., New York, N. Y. John Myers Furman FsT A. B. 1889; A. M. 1892. Principal Putnam Acad., Cambridge. N. Y. 89-91; Head Master Irving School for Boys, Tarrytown, since 91. Member Schoolmasters', Quill, Fortnightly, Musicians' and Psi Upsilon (New York) (Tlubs. Educator. Tarrytown, N. Y. Richard Henwood Gillespie M x E Philomathean. Chief Engineer Borough of the Bronx. Member Psi Upsilon Club; Am. Soc. Civil Engineers; Am. Soc. Municipal Im- provements; Am. Road Builders' Assn. and Municipal Engineers, City of New York. Father of Harold Henwood Gillespie, Theta 19. Engineer. Borough Hall. 177th St. and 3d Ave.; res. 286 E. 201st St.. New York. N. Y. 1889-93] THETA CHAPTER 21 William Tracy Peirson ewY Banker. Arcadia National Bank; res. 15 W. Miller St., Newark, N. J. Dominicus Stryker Voorhees X v E A. B. 1889. Lawyer. (Harvev T. Andrews, 68 William St., New York. N. Y.) 1890 George Harris Clute ncH A. B. 1890: A. M. 1893. Baseball (4); Foot- ball (1), (2), (3), (4); (Capt., 3). Merchant. 49 Chamber of Commerce; res. 2453 Garfield Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Herbert Crandall DePuy TcZ State's Atty. 10 years. Lawyer. Grafton. N. Dak. Frederick Emmet Hawkes X d T A. B. 1890. Adelphic Literary Soc. 2d .Junior Oratorical Prize; 1st Blatchford Commence- ment Oratorical Prize; 2d Allen Commence- ment Assay Prize; Trustee and Atty. Village of Waverly, N. Y. Member Elmira City and Waver'.y View Country Clubs. Lawyer. 316 Broad St.; res. 452 Pennsylvania Ave., Waverly. N. Y. Howard Townsend Alosher ^ k T A. B. 1890. Theta Nu Epsilon. Adelphic Literary Soc. 1st Military Prize; Baseball. Member University and Athletic Clubs. Lawyer. 50 Trust BldR. ; res. 216 Alexander St., Roches- ter. N. Y. Albert Benson Van Voast SsH A. B. 1890; LL. B. 1892 Albany Law School. Phi Beta Kappa. Warner Prize; Ingham Es- say Prize; Valedictorian; Football. Lawyer. 152 Barrett St.; res. 1370 Union St.. Schenec- • tady. N. Y. 1891 George IMortimore Barney X d S Theta Nu Epsilon. Football (1). Member Portland Athletic and Portland Yacht Clubs. Insurance. 415 Congress St.; res. 93 State St., Portland, Maine. rks d. 1901 XzH of the Peace; Treas. Tracy Hornet Robertson* ■ A. B. 1891. '^ Packer. Louis Edward Roe Town Clerk; Justice School Board. Merchant. R. R. No. 4, Laconia. N. H. George Ambrose Rogers (Wolf's Hotel. Troy. N. Y.) TgU :* 1892 William Denison Culver T c Civil Engineer. (150 Nassau St., New York. N. Y.) Charles Whitman Hills X t 8 C. E. 1892. Ray Beckwith Lewis X 1 P Contractor. 108 Mary St., Herkimer. N. Y. Percy Clark Meserve F ra A. B. 1892. Theta Nu Epsilon. Supt. of Schools. Educator. Waverly, N. Y. Gouvemeur Frank Mosher XqO Theta Nu Epsilon. Military Prize, 89. In charge St. Mark's School of the Am. Church, Wusih. Author "Institutions Connected with the Am. Church Mission." Wusih. China. Charles William Trumbull Km I C. E. 1892; A. B. 1893. Sigma Xi. City Engineer of Schenectady, N. Y.. 4 yrs.; Divi- sion Engineer. N. Y. State Canals. Eastern Division, 3 yrs. Civil Engineer. 1 Waverly PI.. Schenectady, N. Y. 1893 Henry Domingo Cordovez M c O C. E. 1893. Engineer. (Quito, Equador.) Herbert Wright Fox X s I A. B. 1893; B. S. 1895 Univ. of Chicago. Mining Engineer. Colorado Springs. Colo. Henry Glen TkU A. B. 1893; LL. B. 1895. Phi Beta Kappa. Member Mohawk Club; Sons of Am. Revolu- tion; Holland Soc. Librarian. .Schenectady Public Library; res. 29 Glenwood Blvd., Schenectady, N. Y. William Angus Hamilton XcH Author Psi Upsilon Song "All Hail to Thee, Psi Upsilon." See Delta 91 (33 E. 72d St., New York. N. Y.) Henry Seymour Kline A. B. 1893. Theta Nu Epsilon. Glee County Judge, McHenry County, N. Dak. Lawyer and Banker. Havre. Mont. KkX Club. Arthur Maurice LeWald xgn A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1894 Univ. of Mich. Sigma Xi. Adelphic Debating Soc. Mechem Prize Essay; Honorable Mention (Mich.). 94. Lec- turer and 111. Field Sec. World's Purity Federa- tion. See Phi 94 Lawyer. 10 S. La Salle St.; res. 6045 Harper Ave., Chicago, 111. 22 THETA CHAPTER [1893-96 Ralph Hough Thatcher TzI Second Prize Sophomore Oratorical Contest; Baseball; Football. Manufacturer. 1600 E. Pleasant St.; res. 450 E. Cassilly St., Springfield. Ohio. Henry Arthur Van Alstyne F v 11 C. E. 1893. Sigma Xi. N. Y. State Engineer; 03-06. Civil Engineer. 475 Fifth Ave.. New York. N. Y. Horace Silliman Van Voast M q K Mayor of Schenectady, N. Y.. 02-03, 08-09. Member Mohawk Club; Sons of Revolution; Soc. of Colonial Wars; St. Nicholas and Hol- land Socs. (New York); Founders and Patriots of America. Insurance. 511 State St.; res. 1401 Union St.. Schenectady. N. Y. 1894 George Briggs Lynes F q A A. B. 1894; A. M. 1897. Phi Beta Kappa; Adelphic. Valedictorian. Retired. Middleburg. N. Y. Guy Hiram Miller F x S C. E. 1894. Contractor. 214 Paddock St., Watertown, N. Y. Fritz Williams Upde Graff X z A Theta Nu Epsilon. Engineer. Elmira, N. Y. John Van Schaick, Jr. XkZ A. B. 1894; D. D. 1910 St. Lawrence Univ. Adelphic. Veeder Prize for Extemporaneous Oratory; Allen Essay Prize; Special Honors in History and Political Science; Track. Pres. Assn. for Prevention of Tuberculosis; Dir. Associated Charities, Citizens' Relief Assn., Summer Outing Committee; Pres. Board of Education, D. C. ; Vice-Pres. D. C. Red Cross and Monday Evening Club; Repre- sentative for Holland, Rockefeller Foundation War Relief Commission, 15. Member Cosmos Club; Sons of Revolution; Holland Soc. (New York). Clergyman. 1417 Massachusetts Ave. N. W.. Washington, D. C. Nicholas Isaac Veeder* Manufacturer. d. 1909 1895 Gaylord Thompson Ames Fbix LL. B. 1895. Counsel and Clerk for the vil- lage of Rouse's Point, N. Y., 15 years. Lawyer. Ill Broadway, New York; res. 707 St. John's PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Laurance Clark Baker YhM Theta Nu Epsilon. Diploma for Butterfield Lecture Course; Track; Sec. Inter-Collegiate Assn. of Amateur Athletes of America, 93. Capt. and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Vols., 98-01; Postmaster Comstock, N. Y., 95-15; Jus- tice of the Peace, Fort Ann, 08 — . Member Kingsbury (Hudson Falls) and Masonic (Glens Falls) Clubs. Real Estate. Main St.. Comstock; res. 240 Main St., Hud- son Falls. N. Y. William Grant Brown X3v A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1897. Football (Capt.); Pres. Musical Assn. and Republican Club. Member Psi Upsilon and Republican Clubs. Lawyer. 233 Broadway; res. 2350 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Lauristone Job Lane FDB B. S. 1895; M. D. 1899 Univ. of Pa. Med. Dir. Samaritan Hosp. Member Sociedade Scientifica; Sociedade Medicina; Automovel and Country Clubs. See Tau 99. Physician. 45 Rua Sao Bento; res. 204 Rua Consolocao, Sao Paulo, Brsizil. Orson Culver Richards XwN Theta Nu Epsilon. Football. Trustee Theta Chapter of Psi Upsilon, M. E. Church and Free School Dist. No. 1; Village Engineer; County Supt. of Highways. Member Kings- bury, Psi Upsilon (New York) and Univer- sity (Albany) Clubs. Civil Engineer. County Clerk's Bldg.; res. 257 Main St., Hud- son Falls, N. Y. Willoughby Lord Sawyer X t [a Ph. B. 1895. Lawyer. Hudson Falls. N. Y. Edward Shalders F y N B. E. 1895. Theta Nu Epsilon. Engineer. Companhia, Mogyana de Estradas de Ferro e Navegacao; res. Rua Americo Braziliense No. 78, Ribeirao Preta, Sao Paulo, Brazil. William Howard Wright y m M B. S. 1895; Sigma Xi. Member Mohawk and Mohawk Golf Clubs. Manufacturer. Congress St.; res. 701 Union St., Schenectady, N. Y. 1896 Archibald Steuart Derby XzQ Ph. B. 1896; LL. B. 1899 Harvard. Theta Nu Epsilon; Sigma Xi. Commencement Orator. Member Kingsbury, N. Y., Town Board and Hudson Falls School Board. Member Sons of Am. Revolution; Kingsbury and Glens Falls Country Clubs. Lawyer. 232 Main St.. Hudson Falls. N. Y. 1896-99] THETA CHAPTER 23 Marvin Herbert Strong Ns^ A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1899 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. City Judge of Schenectady. Member Mohawk, Mohawk Golf and Schenectady Coun- ty Republican Clubs; Schenectady County Bar Assn. Inc.; Soc. of Colonial Wars. Lawyer. 311 State St.; res. 12 Union St., Schenectady, N. Y. ' Major Allen Twyford X b w B. S. 1896. Theta Nu Epsilon; Philomathean. Butterfield Lecture Prizes; Capt. Track and Cross Country Teams; Fencing Club. Mem- ber Psi Upsilon Club. Merchant. 440 Fourth Ave., New York; res. 3 Maple St., Bronxville, N. Y. Henry Brooks Van Duzer Y p a Manager. (Inman-Poulsen Lumber Co.. Foot of E. Sher- man St.; res. 581 Jackson St., Portland, Ore- gon). 1897 William Deullard Ball Xh^ Football. Manufacturer. Carthage Tissue Paper Mills, Carthage, N. Y. Benjamin Albert Burtiss Xb^ Member Mohawk, Mohawk Golf and Schenec- tady Boat Clubs. Merchant. 136 Barrett St.; res. 3 Stratford Rd., Schenec- tady, N. Y. LaMotte Kibbey Devendorf T d B Member Albany Drama Soc. Member Albany and University Clubs. Salesman. 23 S. Pearl St.; res. 320 Madison Ave., Albany, N. Y. Henry Augustus Frey XcB B p. 1897. Honors in French. Member Gar- den City and Cherry Valley (N. Y.) Clubs. Real Estate. 189 Montague St., Brooklyn; res. 91 5th St., Garden City, N. Y. Herman Herring BCA B. E. 1897. Manager. Borden's Condensed Milk Co., Chemung, 111. Clarence Valentine Kirby rfB Dir. of Art Education. Pittsburgh. Member Pittsburgh Athletic Assn. and Associated Artists. Educator. 725 Fulton Bldg.; res. 919 Heth's Ave., E. E., Pittsburgh, Pa. XeW Gifford Morgan (Brockport, N. Y.) 1898 Milate Ralph Baker* Xbr d. 1895 Harry Westbrook De Graff Fey Deputy State Engineer, N. Y., 09-10. Mem- ber Am. Sbc. Civil Engineers; Elks and Antlers Country Clubs. Engineer and Contractor. 20 Market St.; res. 9 Grant Ave., Amsterdam, N. Y. Franklin Potter Jackson XeT Corporal 2nd N. Y. Inf., 98; 2nd Lieut. 42nd U. S. Vols., Philippine Campaign, 99-00; Com- missioned Officer U. S. A. since 01. Member Army and Navy (New York), Mohawk (Schen- ectady) and Pacific (Honolulu) Clubs. Son of Samuel Winslow Jackson, Theta 42, nephew of Alonzo Clinton Jackson, Theta 42, Allan Hyre and John Keyes Jackson, Theta 53. Officer of the Army. Care Adjutant General of the Army, Washing- ton, D. C. Walter Halsey Benedict Lyon M k A Manager. (Plattsburg, N. Y.) Willis Edgar Merriman Ph. B. 1898; M. D. 1902. Oration, 98; Essay, 02. Member Am. Medico-Psychological Assn., Med. Acad., and University Club. Physician. Hudson River State Hospital, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. XsY Frank Wetmore Smith Tex Surveyor and Landscape Engineer. 75 Main St.; res. Cliff Rd., Saranac Lake, N. Y. Samuel Gilbert Hatheway Turner XhX A. B. 1898. Phi Beta Kappa. Lawyer and Banker. 150 Lake St.; res. 656 Euclid Ave., Elmira, N. Y. Charles Jacob Vrooman XhX A. B. 1898. Public School Supervisor. Mem- ber Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Educator. East Orange, N. J. 1899 William Edward Brown TbA Member Mohawk, Mohawk Golf and Psi Up- silon (New York) Clubs. Sales Manager. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. George Clark Foote yhS B. E. 1899. Member Psi Upsilon (New York), University and Engineers' Clubs. Brother of Wallace Turner Foote, Jr., Theta 85 and Thomas Heermans Foote, Theta 86. Executor. Port Henry, N. Y. George Sherwood Haggart Yv5 Manager. Elite Glove Co., 200 Fifth Ave., New York; res. Hollywood Ave., Douglaston, N. Y. 24 THETA CHAPTER J 1899-1902 Stephen Clark Medbery, Jr. X h $ B. E. 1899. Track. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Brother of Neil Gilmour Medbery, Theta 01. Engineer. New York Telephone Co., 15 Dey St.; res. 94 W. 162d St., New York, N. Y. Morton Moore Price Xq$ B. E. 1899. Capt. Track (3), (4). Member Franklin Inst., and Germantown Cricket Club. Sales Agent. The Babcock & Wilcox Co., 1010 North Ameri- can Bldg.; res. 5022 Schuyler St., Philadelphia, Pa. John Everett Sawyer TsA A. B. 1899. Member Psi Upsilon (New York), Mohawk (Schenectady), Kingsbury (Hudson Falls) and Glens Falls Country Clubs. Lawyer. 171 Main St.; res. 2 Cherry St., Hudson Falls, N. Y. John Lyman Sherwood X p $ B. S. 1899. Member Crescent Athletic, Psi Upsilon (New York), and Madison Country Clubs. Brother of David Winne Sherwood, Theta 20. Real Estate. Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co., 175 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y.; res. Madison, N. J. Edward Winslow Strong- A. B. 1899. Phi Beta Kappa. Honors in Greek and Latin; Valedictorian; 2d Blatchford Prize; Warner Prize; Alumni Representative Inter- collegiate Athletic Assn.; Garnet Board. Mem- ber Mohawk (Schenectady, N. Y.) Club and Technical Publicity Assn. Advertising Manager. Vanadium Bldg.; res. 2224 Shady Ave., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Elbert Ware Sylvester Hbr Tennis and Boxing Clubs; Football; Capt. Track. City Engineer, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 13-17. Member Dutchess, Poughkeepsie, Auto- mobile and University (Albany) Clubs. Civil Engineer. 228 Main St.; res. 75 Montgomery St., Pough- keepsie, N. Y. Frank Thomas Wright TgA' Ph. D. 1899. Adelphic Literary Soc. Manager. U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co.; res. 450 High St., Burlington, N. J. 1900 Harold Stilwell Kirby rtx Member Waverly Boat Club. See Tau 00 Real Estate. 690 Sixth Ave., New York; res. 500 Van Cort- landt Park Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. William Dewey Loticks T s F A. B. 1900. Lawyer. 120 Broadway; res. Hotel Plaza, New York, N. Y. Charles Harvey MacCtilloch ADZ B. E. 1900. Stage Appointment (4); Mgr. Football. Resident Engineer in charge of Barge Canal. ~" Engineer. Lyon Block; res. 186 W. Lawrence St., AlbanJ N. Y. Wagner Van Vlack Xh Ph. B. 1900. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Real Estate. 30 E. 42d St., New York; res. Lawrence Pari Bronxville, N. Y. 1901 Clayton J Heermance rh Member Psi Upsilon, New York Athletic, N^ tional Democratic and Machinery Clubs. Lawyer. 2 Rector St. ; res. 400 Riverside Drive, Ncs York, N. Y. Wilfred Day Hodgson Xs ]\Iember Glens Falls Country Club. Agent. Adirondack Electric Power Corporation, 7^A Ridge St.; res. 37 Maple St., Glens Falls, N. " Neil Gilmour Medbery Xp Brother of Stephen Clark Medbery, Jr., Thet 99. Superintendent of Construction. Ballston Spa, N. Y. Porter Lee Merriman Xs Ph. B. 1901; LL. B. 1903. Editor-in-Chi^ Concordiensis.. 2d Deputy State Commissione of Excise, 11; Asst. Corporation Counsel, Cit of Albany, 14. Author "Annotated Liquor Ta Law of the State of New York." Lawyer. 13 N. Pearl St.; res. 61 S. Allen St., Albanj N. Y. William Francis Sheehan Xg^ Member Psi Upsilon Club and LTnion Col| Alumni Assn. (New York) and Rensselae County (N. Y.) Soc. Real Estate. Stratfield Bldg., Bridgeport, Conn. Le Roy Jefferson Weed ^ Q H j Ph. B. 1901. Football; Capt. Track. MembeJ Psi Upsilon and City (New York), Cherry Vaff ley (N. Y.) Golf, and Garden City Clubd^ Brother of De Forest Williams Weed, Theta 03" Publisher. 70 Fifth Ave.. New York; res. Brompton Rdj Garden City, N. Y. 1902 Herbert Cass Bothwell xbr] B. S. 1902. Governor Psi Upsilon Club of thf City of New York. Member Psi Upsilon (NeV York) and Hamilton (Brooklyn) Clubs an(| Union Coll. Alumni Assn. Real Estate. 175 Remsen St.. Brooklyn; res. 616 W. 116t; St., New York, N. Y. 1902-06] THETA CHAPTER 25 David Montgomery Dunning, Jr. rfE' Football; Track. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) and Owasco Country Clubs. Son of David MontRoniery Dunning, Theta 68. Civil Engineer. 96 Genesee St.; res. 29 Grover St.. Auburn, N. Y. Sherman De Witt Enoch Mkr Member Buffalo Ad, Masonic, Park Golf and Tennis Clubs. Civil Engineer. City Hall; res. 354 Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y. Donald Carlton Hawkes xkr A. B. 1902. Member Elmira Country Club. Lawyer. 411 Robinson Bldg.; res. 414 Euclid Ave., Elmira. N. Y. John Tuttle Jackson TmE' Phi Delta Phi. Member Mohawk Club. Lawyer. 27 Washington Ave., Schenectady. N. Y. Frank Lawrence Stiles THE' Ph. B. 1902; LL. B. 1904. Mgr. Track. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Lawyer. 375 Fulton St., Jamaica; res. 211 S. Parsons .\ve.. Flushing, N. Y. Charles Shoemaker Yawger X s Y' LL. B. 1902 Cornell. Phi Delta Phi (Cornell). Member Psi Upsilon Club. See Chi 02 Lawyer. Ill Broadway, New York. N. Y^; res. 55 Hill- yer St.. Orange. N. J. 1903 Curtis Daniel Bunting rf? C. E. 1905 Princeton. Baseball. Engineer. Grand Rapids and Indiana Railway Co.; res. 11 Rochester PL. Grand Rapids, Mich. Eustace Hulsapple XT-f Engineer. (548 E. John St., Little Falls, N. Y.) George Walker Cameron Mackenzie ykr Press and Tennis Clubs. Member Psi Up- silon Assn. of Elmira; Century. Elmira Press and Quad (Jamestown) Clubs. Journalist. Elmira Advertiser; res. 380 W. Gray St.. El- mira, N. Y. De Forest Williams Weed XmT Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Brother of Le Roy Jefferson Weed, Theta 01. Engineer. General Electric Co., Schenectady; res. Brook- side, Ballston Spa. N. Y. 1904 Charles George Brand XkS' Member Country. Century and City (Corning) Clubs. Manufacturer. Goff, Way & Brand Co., 50 Sly St.; res. 405 Maple Ave., Elmira. N. Y. Walter George Craig r m Y)' Member University Club. County Asst. Engi- neer, Dept. of Highways. State of N. Y. Engineer. 2 Grand St.; res. 79 Robertson Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Samuel Randall Davenport T <1 H' Superintendent. (544 Morris St.. Albany, N. Y.) Charles Edwin Heath xtr Ins. Dept. State of N. Y. Examiner. 165 Broadway; res. 245 Fort Washington Ave., New York. N. Y. Elbert Verity Mullenneaux X c a' B. S. 1904. Adelphic Literary Soc. Leader Glee Club, 04; Capt. Debating Team, 04; Capt. Adelphic Soc. Debating Team, 04. Pres. Al- bany County Bible Assn.; Supt. Trinity M. E. Sunday School; Sec. Wolfert's Roost Country Club. Member University, Aurania. Wolfert's Roost Country and Pafraets Dael (Troy) Clubs. Insurance. 9i State St.; res. 299 Quail St.. Albany. N. Y. George Vaughn Sherrill YpS^ B. E. 1904. Tiger's Eye. Football (2); Base- ball (3); Basketball (1), (2). Member Glens Falls (N. Y.) Club. Civil Engineer. 2019 Penrose Ave., Baltimore, Md. Rowland Stebbins Initiated by the Lambda Charles Gowdy Stiles rbH' Ph. B. 1904; D. D. S. 1908 Univ. of Pa. Adel- phic; Delta Sigma Delta and Darby Dental Soc. (Univ. of Pa.). Pres. Richmond County Dental Soc. 16; Dental Surg. Sailors' Snug Harbor Hosp., 10-15 and Home for Seamen's Children, 14. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) and Livingstone Tennis and Cricket Clubs. Dentist. 1593 Richmond Terrace; res. 443 Bard Ave., West New Brighton, N. Y. 1905 William Theodore Walker T q T (349 Crescent St., Harrisburg, Pa.) 1906 Le Vanway Ransom Barnes F b K* Engineer and Contractor. 315 Powers Bldg., Rochester; res. Clyde, N. Y. 26 THETA CHAPTER [1906-0! Charles Barton Brodrick vyK See Phi 06 Manufacturer. (Strubler Computing Scale Co.. E. Sycamore St.; res. 328 W. High St., Elkhart, Ind.) Arnold Goodwin Chapman X v O' B. E. 1906. Sigma Xi; Adelphic Soc; Terrace Council. Deputy State Engineer and Sur- veyor, State of N. Y. Member Psi Upsilon (New York), University (Albany), Albany Country and Wolfert's Roost Country Clubs; Soc. of Engineers of Eastern N. Y. and Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers. Consulting Engineer. 100 State St.; res. 154 Chestnut St.. Albany, N. Y. Philip Luke Classen TKO' A. B. 1906; LL. B. 1908. Tiger's Eye. 1st Prize Junior Oratoricals. OS. Member Uni- versity, Albany and Helderberg Golf Clubs. Lawyer. 13 N. Pearl St.; res. 315 Hamilton St., Albany, N. Y. George Rodger Cozzens 5((oO' Basket Ball. Treas. Legislative Correspond- ents' Assn. of Albany for 4 years. Journalist. S3 State St.; res. 288 Morton Ave., Albany, N. Y. George Chapman Newbury I r A' B. E. 1906. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Manufacturer. Goshen. N. Y. El Roy Shibley Reeder XsK' Track; Football. Chief Engineer, Glen Ridge Fire Dept. Member Glen Ridge Golf Club. Builder. 24 Washington PL. Glen Ridge. N. J. Le Ray Thompson Reeder T <; O' Trustee Bloomfield Tennis Club. Member Bloomfield Tennis Club. Clerk. Public Service Corporation of N. J., Bloomfield Ave., Montclair; res. 31 Ely PI.. East Orange, N.J. George Girard Schieffelin X h K' LL. B. 1906. Member Mohawk Golf Club. See Chi 06 Lawyer. 269 State St.; res. 858 Union St.. Schenectady. N. Y. 1907 Arthur Farrington Blinn Y m A" B. E. 1907. Experimental Engineer. General Electric Co.; res. 168 Brandywine Ave.. Schenectady, N. Y. Howard Huntingdon Bold X P ^' See Phi 10 (West Troy. N. Y.) Hervey Edwin Butcher TdA B. E. 1907. T. T. K.; Hollander; Republican Press, and Civil Engineers Clubs; Tenni Assn.; Asst. Business Mgr. Garnet, 07. Sec. N Y. State Excise Dept., 08-11. Member Engi neers' Club (Philadelphia). Sales Engineer. Corrugated Bar Co., Mutual Life Bldg., Buffalo N. Y.; res. 232 Dudley Ave., Narberth, Pa. Edmund Francis Heard X B. S. 1908 Mass. Inst, of Tech. Assistant Superintendent. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. res. 84 32d St.. Newport News, Va. Glenn Ellison Richardson T y A" William Stuart Speir 7 c |' Member Psi Upsilon Club. Salesman. Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co., 127 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. 38 Park St., Bloomfield, N.J. 1908 John Lewis Bacon, Jr. TcM^ Track; Asst. Mgr. Football. Member Psi Up- silon and Englewood (N. J.) Tennis Clubs. Salesman. Monroe Calculating Machine Co., 233 Broad- way; res. 478 W. ISSth St.. New York. N. Y. Albert Moseley Bowman y ^^ N' Musical Club. Capt. Football. Member River- side Club. Manufacturer. Joseph Bowman & Son, 553 Federal St.; res. 884 River St.. Troy, N. Y. Byron Alonzo Collins XNi;.' Pi Phi Club. Concordiensis Board. 1st Prize Sophomore Oratorical Contest. Advertising. Cleveland Plain Dealer, Superior Ave. and E. 6th St.; res. 74 Wadena St., Cleveland, Ohio. George Gifford X?N' Member Mohawk Golf Club. Banker. 216 State St.; res. 303 Lafayette St., Schenec- tady, N. Y. Milton Kipp Huppuch T u M' (236 Main St., Hudson Falls. N. Y.) Arthur Lewis La Roche YUtx B. E. 1908. Baseball Mgr. Engineer. Municipal Bldg.; res. 99 Main St., Binghamton, N. Y. Raymond [Osborne] Shelley X p N* B. E. 1908. Member University (Albany, N. Y.) Club. Agent. Standard Oil Co. of New York; res. Tjandi, Samarang, Java, Dutch East Indies. 1908-12] Franklin Rand Stevens THETA CHAPTER 27 B. E. 1908. Sigma Xi, pointment. Civil Engineer. 82 Crescent St., Rutland, Vt. Marvin Richardson Vincent* Wilson Davis Yates XyM' Commencement Ap- rbA' d. 1907 XhM^ Football (1). Advertising. General Electric Co. Schenectady, N. Y. res. 119 Parkwood Blvd.; 1909 Stanley Corbett Bayless T c oi' Manufacturer. Bayless Mfg. Corporation, Austin, Pa. William Waldo Brown X ? A' B. E. in C. E. 1909. Theatricals; Football; Basket Ball (Capt. 09) ; Tennis. Civil Engineer. 43 Triangle Bldg., Rochester; res. Fort Plain, N. Y. Adelbert Garry Clark XvQ' B. S. 1909. Mgr. Basket Ball, 09. Purchasing Agent. Shepard Electric Crane & Hoist Co.; res. Main and Genesee Sts., Montour Falls, N. Y. Frank Melville Gallagher rpB Assistant City Electrician. (City Hall; res. 2122 Oregon Ave., Butte, Mont.) Henry Edward Lewis ^ X'^' B. E. 1909. Member Terrace Council. Merchant. 41 Malta Ave.; res. E. High St., Ballston Spa., N. Y. Harry Alonzo Schaupp B. E. 1909. Member University Club. Engineer and Contractor. Albany; res. Guilderland, N. Y. Frank Middagh Stewart (Albany) X w a Engineer. U. S. Engineers' Office, War Dept., Fort Mc- Arthur, San Pedro; res. 2015 Canyon Drive, Los Angeles, Cal. 1910 Perley Henry Buck Pi Phi. Merchant. 160 Barrett St ectady, N. Y. YcP' res. 27 Glenvvood Blvd., Schen- Albert Edward Carmichael X ^ ^^ B. S. 1910;_LL. B. 1912. Adelphic. Special Honors in History; Spier Memorial Scholar- ship; Tennis, 09-12. Supervisor City of Schen- ectady, 16-1?. Member Mohawk Golf and Re- publican Clubs. Lawyer. 311 State St.; res. 201 Union St., Schenectady, N. Y. William Ferguson XniB' B. S. 1910. Terrace Council; Glee Club; Sec. Athletic Board. Office Manager. Oneida Community, Ltd., 1201 Commonwealth Bldg., Philadelphia; res. 219 Dudley Ave., Nar- berth. Pa. rb^i^" Xy^' Harry MacConiiell Leon Basket Ball; Glee Club. Civil Engineer, Public Service Commission. Engineer 54 Maiden Lane, New York; res. 953 Elmore PI., Brookljm, N. Y. Carson Edwards Smith B. E. 1910. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Civil Engineer. 413 Caroline St., Herkimer, N. Y. 1911 Harold Wallace Baker V s X' B. E. 1911. Sigma Xi; Terrace Council; Triangle. Athletic Board; Football Mgr., 11. Member Am. Soc. Civil Engineers. Civil Engineer. 141 Main St., Oneida, N. Y. Thomas James Berry X h F Football. Member Psi Upsilon Assn. Merchant. 102 W. Water St.; res. 207 Elm St., Elmira, N. Y. Garrett Marcellus Clowe X m y M. D. 1913 Albany Med. Coll. Nu Sigma Nu. Attending Phys. Children's Dispensary and Chil- dren's Home. Physician. 1371 Union St., Schenectady, N. Y. [Asher] Gaylord Riggs y b X' Member Psi Upsilon C. E. 1912 Princeton. Alumni Assn. Law Clerk. 313 Realty Bldg.; res. Elmira, N. Y. 413 W. Water St., rp/ Howard Reed Winkemeier Salesman. 605 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N. 1912 William Wallis Coykendall B n A' B. S. 1912. Glee Club; Football; Tennis. Salesman. The R. T. Jones Lumber Co., North Tonawanda; res. 412 W. Gray St., Elmira, N. Y. Frank Dudley P a ' A. B. 1851; B. D. 1858 Union Theol. Sem. Sec. Eucleian; Commencement Orator. Pastor North Greenwich, Conn., 59-63; Cutchogue, N. Y., 63-70; Deep River, Conn., 70-03. Clergyman. d- l^US Henry Drury Xoyes* ^* a .' A. B. 1859; A. M. 1865; LL. B. 1860 Union Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Ora- tor. 1st Lieut. iSth Engineer Brigade, N. Y. Vols. Lawyer. d. 1872 John Whitley Moore* X D w' A. B. 1859; LL. B. 1860 Union Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Salutatorian. Merchant. d. 1874 Uriah Furman Rogers* T T B' A. B. 1859; LL. B. 1862. Phi Beta Kappa. English Salutatorian. Author "Love Divine" and "Jesus of Nazareth Passeth Bv." d. 1916 Theophilus Paulding Saulnier* 9 D w Connected with Commissariat, U. S. .\rmy, 61- 65. Banker. d, 1909 1860 Edward Abbott* X0 A. B. 1860: D. D. 1890. Editor Eucleian. Member U. S. Sanitary Commission. Army of the Potomac, 62-63; Chaplain Boston City Insti- tutions, Deer Island, 63-64; Founder and Pas- tor Pilgrim Congregational Church, Cambridge; Member School Committee, 68-69; Chaplain I 40 DELTA CHAPTER [1860-62 Mass. Senate, 72-73 • Trustee Soc. for Relief of Widows and Orphans of Deceased Clergymen of P. E. Church; Dir. Associated Charities, Cam- bridge; Vice Dean and Dean Eastern Convoca- tion, Diocese of Mass.; Member Missionary Council; Sec. Standing Committee, Diocese of Mass.; Pres. Indian Industries League; Rector St. James' Church, Cambridge, Mass., 79. Author "The Baby's Things;" "The Conversa- tions of Jesus;" ".\ Paragsaph History of the United States;" ''Paragraph History of the .American Revolution;" "RevoHitionary Times;"' "Long Look Books." Brother of Austin Abbott, Delta .SI. Clergyman. d. 1908 George Danielson Baker* Xb A. B. 1860; B. D. 1863 Princeton Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1874 Olivet Coll. Oratorical Prize, 59; Pres. Eucleian. Chaplain 38th Regiment, Pa. Vols., 63; Pastor Watertovi^n, N. Y., 64-67; Oneida, 67-71; Detroit, Mich., 71-84; First Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 84-03. Father of William Corwin Baker, Delta 91 and brother of Frederic Baker, Delta 52. Clergyman. d. 1903 Albert Zabriskie Gray''' TFB' Rufus King Edwin Peter March'^ Kf (0 William Odell* Henry Beach Opdyke Ogden Seelye Clerk. Y^X' 1861 Henry ^Mortimer Brush* M. D. 1862. House Phys. pcnsary, New York, N. Y.; Med. Dept., 67-70. Physician and Surgeon. A. B. 1860; B. D. 1864 General Theol. Sem.; S. T. D. 1887, Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. English Salutatorian. Chaplain 4th Mass. Cavalry, 64-65; Rector Christ Church, Bloom- field, N. J., 66-68; St. Philip's Church, Phillips- town, N. Y., 73-82; Warden Racine Coll. and Rector St. John's Collegiate Chapel, 82-89. Brother of George Zabriskie Gray, Delta 58 and John Clinton Gray, Delta 65. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1889 TAX' Treas. and Sec. New York Genealogical and Biographical Soc, 77-80; \"ice-Pres., 93; Sec. St. Nicholas Club, 86; Founder of Yonkers His- torical and Library Assn., 91. Member An- tliropological Soc. of Yonkers, N. Y. ; Sons nf the Revolution; Soc. of Colonial Wars; St. Nicholas, New York Genealogical and Biographi- cal and Suffolk County Historical Socs. ; Amack- assin Club. 222 N. Broadwav, Yonkers, N. Y. A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863 LTniv. of Rochester. Editor Ivterpres, 59. See Upsilon 69 Merchant. d. 1882 BXX' d. 1869 X e a A. B. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa; Eucleian. Brother of Charles Wilson Opdyke and \\'i\- liam Stryker Opdyke, Delta 56 and uncle of .\lfred [Charles Post] Opdyke, Delta 90 and Ralph Opdyke, Delta 95. Banker (retired). 416 W. 118th St., New York, N. Y. B n (0 Northeastern Dis- Sec. Alumni Assn. d. 1917 Daniel Drew Chamberlain' ^' m Q' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1870 Wesleyan Univ. Trustee Wesleyan Univ., 65-80. Member New York Historical Soc. Farmer. d. 1907 John Townsend Conolly'* LL. B. 1862 Columbia. Lieut. N. Y. Vols Lawyer. James Kilham Herrick^ Merchant. Xvr];' Is. Charles Hooker Lloyd* Be a' B. D. 1862 Princeton Theol. Sem. Evangelist New York, 62; Missionary to Africa; Aman- zimtote, 62-63; Uitivoti, 63-65. Clergyman. d. 1865 George Ewbank Potts* F a 6' Merchant. d. 1870 Robert Soutter* P F X' .Served in the Confederate .\rmy. Lawyer. d. 1873 Charles William Woolsey* X R 7' Oratorical Prize, 60. Commencement Orator; Pres. Y. M. C. A., New York Univ. 1st Lieut. 164th Inf. Regiment, N. Y. Vols.; .Mde-de-Camn to (lenerals Williams, Grant, Burnside, Hooker and Meade; Chief of the Bureau of "Daily Memoranda ' Army of the Potomac; Acting Asst. Adjutant General; Brevet Capt., Major and Lieut-Colonel, 61- 65; Minister Resident to Sweden and Nor- way; Special Agent Sanitary Commission; Sec. State Board of Charities for Westchester County, N. Y. Trustee. 1862 John Nicholas Alvord" P F $' Clerk. d. 1864 William Henry Beadleston* B z W A. B. 1862. Phi Beta Kappa. Fourth Honor at Commencement. Father of Henry Calwell Beadleston, Beta 93 and William Langon Beadleston, Beta 95. Manufacturer. d. 1895 Edward Read Burkhalter X c T A. B. 1862 Princeton and D. D. 1895; D. D. 1884 Lenox Coll.; LL. D. 1906 Coe Coll. Com- mencement Orator. Instr. in Hebrew Union Theol. Sem., 73-74; Pastor. New Rochelle, N. Y., 70-76; First Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 76- 15; Pastor Emeritus since 15; Pres. Board of Trustees Coe Coll. Member Fortnightly Club. Clerpvman. 808 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Henrv Rankin Freeland B w B' A. B. 1862 Coll. of N. J. and A. M. 1865; LL. B. 1865 Columbia. Lawyer (retired). 604 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. Frederick Hosford* XkB' .A. B. 1862. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres.- Eucleian; Junior Oration; Commencement Orator. d. 1856 1862-65 1 DELTA CHAPTER 41 Benjamin Henry Loder* X C A' Brotlier of Jeremiali Lodcr, Lambda 46. Accountant. d- 1^05 Theodore West Mason Y^X' LL. B. 186.1 Albany Law Schi>ol. P.rother of Lewis Duncan Mason, Delta 6i and Edward DeWitt Mason, Delta 65. Lawyer (retired). Greenwich. Conn. Charles Osborne Phelps"^ LL. B. 1863 Columbia. Lawyer. Edward John Woolsey* Commencement Orator. X^ r Banker. 1863 d. 1883 TAT' d. 1895 A. B. 1863. Oratorical Prize, 62; Commence- ment Orator. Private 17th Inf. Regiment, X. Ci.. N. v., 63; Choir Master, Clinton Ave. Congregational Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 72-98. :Manufacturer. d. 1908 WilHam Chester Jlaird* lames Brown Burnett''' A. B. 1863; A. M. and M. D. 1866. Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Prize, 60. Commencement Orator; Metcalf Prize (Mediful), 66. Instr. in Prof. Simoni's French Inst,, Brooklyn, N. Y., 03; Med. Cadet, II. S. Army Med. Hosp., 63; House Pliys. Bellevue Hosp., 66-68; Visiting Phys. Children's Aid Soc, Newark, N. J., 69- 75: St. Barnabas' Hosp.. Newark, 71-88. Author "Treatise on Life Insurance Examina- tion." Member Essex County (N. T.) Med. Soc; New Jersey Historical Soc; Sons Am. Revolution; New York Pathological Soc Physician and Surgeon. d. 1909 Lewis Duncan ^lason HLZ' A. B. 1863; M. D. 1866 L. I. Coll. Hosp. Surg, and Instr. in Surgery L. I. Coll. Hosp., "5-82; Member .Staff Inebriates' Home, Fort Hamilton, 66-82 and Consulting Phys., 82-94; Foreign Vice-Pres. Colonial and International Congress on Inebriety, London, 87: Honorary Vice-Pres. Med. Soc. for Study of Alcohol and Other Narcotics; Committee on Criminology; Dir. and \'ice-Pres. Brooklyn City Mission and Tract Soc; Pres. Brooklyn City Bible Soc; Dir. Am. Bible and New London Historical Sues.: Fellow New ^■ork Acad, of Medicine. Member Rembrandt Club; British Med. Soc; Societe de Medicine Mental de Belgique; Soc. for the Study and Cure of Inebriety, London ; .■\m. Med. Assn.; Med. Soc. of Kings County. Brother of Theodore W^est Mason. Delta 62 and Ivhvard DcWitt Mason. Delta 65. Physician. 171 Joralemon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Augustus Sherman B X $' Member Union League Club. Brother of John Thomas Sherman. Lambda 74 and Ceorge Sherman, Lambda 75. Banker. 74 Wall St.; res. 33 \V. 52d SVt., New York, N. Y. 1864 Edgar Stirling Auchincloss* A A H' Junior Oration. Dir. New York Deaf and Dumb Inst.; Samaritan Home for Aged; 1st Lieu^. 71st Regiment, N. G., N. Y. Mem- ber New York Historical Soc. Father of Edgar Stirling Auchincloss, Beta 96, Hugh Au- chincloss, Beta 01, Charles Crooke Auchincloss, Beta 03 and James Coats and Gordon Auchin- closs, Beta 08 and brother of Frederic Lawton Auchincloss, Beta 71 and Hugh Dudley Auchin- closs. Beta 79. Merchant. d. 1892 Enos Melancthon Barton"'' Initiated by the Upsilon Cornelius Ryckman Blauvelt ,iDZ' A. B. 1864; A. M. 1871; Ph. D. 1871. Phi Bfta Kappa. Pres. Y. M. C. A., New York Univ., 64; English Salutatorian. Pastor East New York, 68-74; Newark, N. J., 74-77. Clergyman (retired). 100 South Broadway, Nyack, N. Y. William Whiteman Halloway* X D V A. B. 1864; D. D. 1891; B. D. 1867 New Brunswick Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Oratorical Prize, 63; Commencement Orator. Pastor, Belleville, N. J., 67-71; Jersey City, 71- 76; Dover, 76-88; Vice-Moderator Synod of N. J. Member N. J. Historical Soc. Clergyman. d. 1914 William Weyman Mali* AilT Brother of Henrv William Theodore Mali, Delta 65. .Merchant. d. 1878 1865 Benjamin Holmes Bayliss* X 5^ x X X X .s X X X X x s X ; ^ C H' A. !M. 1886. Pres. Eucleian; Junior Oration; Commencement Orator. Member Executive Council of Psi Upsilon, 83-97; Pres. Brooklyn Sunday School Union, 77-82; Trustee and Vice- Pres. Berkeley Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., 86; Reincorporated the Theta Chapter, 65. ' Mem- ber Psi Upsilon Club. Father of Lucien Holmes Bayliss, Xi 91 and Harold Holmes Bay- liss. Delta 98 and grandfather of Ralph Brad- ford Bayli.ss, Xi 18. Lawyer. d. 1897 Rufus Wheelwright Clark, Jr.* [i f Z' A. B. 1865 W^illiams Coll. and A. M. 1868; B. D. 1868 General Theol. Sem. Rector St. John's Church, Portsmouth, N. H., 68-71; Trinity Church, Columbus, Ohio, 71-77; St. Paul's Church, Detroit, Mich., 77-88; Trustee Kenyon Coll., 73-75. Father of Rufus Wheel- wrisiht C'ark, Ir,, I'lii 00 anil William Dennisun Clark, Phi 07." Clergyman. d. 1886 Alexander Denham' A. B. 1865. Merchant. Commencement Orator. QyZ' XeZ' John Clinton Gray* A. B. 1865; A. M. 1868; LL. B. 1866 Harvard. Assoc. Judge, Court of Appeals, New York, 88-13. Member New York Historical Soc; .Xew York State Bar Assn.; Fellow National Acad, of Design; Metropolitan Museum of Art and Museum of Natural History, City of New York. Brother of George Zabriskie Gray, Delta 58 and Albert Zabriskie Gray, Delta 60. Lawyer. d. 1915 I 42 DELTA CHAPTER [1865-69 John Shaw lioey* Samuel Evan Johnson* Clerk. rsr d. 1896 Henry Wilham Theodore Mali* XDS' Capt. 20th Inf. Regiment ?ilass. Vols., 64-65. Brother of William Wevman Mali, Delta 64. Merchant. ' d. 1899 Edward DeWitt Mason* T y] Z' Brother of Theodore West Mason, Delta 62 and Lewis Duncan Mason, Delta 6o. Executor. d. 1900 James Lefferts Millard* y. S S' Private 13th Inf. Regiment, N. Y. Vols., 63-64; Member Board of Education, Riverhead, N. Y., 76; Justice of the Peace, 78; Clerk Board of Supervisors, Suffolk Lounty, 80-88. Clerk. d. 1895 William Forbes Morsfan* NXNKN;KaZ' A. B. 1865; LL. B. 1878 Columbia. Member Executive Council of Psi Upsilon, 69-74; Co- F.ditor ".Seventh (ieneral Catalogue." Mem- ber St. James (London') and Knickerbocker (New York) Clubs. Brother of Edward Isaiah Morgan, Delta 67. Lawyer. d. 1916 Edward Leonard NicolP' Merchant. Thomas Stokes XaE' d. 1908 He?' Ph. B. 1865. Eucleian. Member Seventh Reg- iment as Colonel, Senior Aide and Chief of Staff, 75-77; Chief of Staff and Asst. Inspr., N..Y. State Militia, 77-79; N. Y. State Commis- sioner French Exposition, 78. Builder. (262 W. 72d St.; res. The Ansonia. New York, N. Y.) 1866 Paul Mortimer Sandstrom Brown* TcZ' Ph. D. 1864 Univ. of Upsala. Merchant. Alfred Neilson* A. B. 1866. Pres. Eucleian. Broker. d. 1912 Charles Yates Roosevelt* BAT U. S. Consul, Copen- d. 1883 A. B. 1866; A. M. 1869. hagen, Denmark, 66-67. Nicholas Latrobe Roosevelt Hp. e' Graduate U. S. Naval Acad. 68. Midshipman U. S. Navy, 64-69; Ensign, 69; Asst. Inspr. of Ordnance, New York Navy Yard, 69-70; Master U. S. Navy, 71; Lieut., 73-74. Member U. S. Naval Inst. Agent. 1867 Edward Nichols Bement T c H' Member City Club. Brother of Robert Bunker Coleman Bement, Delta 68. Investments. D'Esopo Bldg.; res. 25 S. Marshall St., Hart- ford, Conn. Frederick Arrowsmith Camerden'' rc:s' Merchant. James Peers Foster B g H' LL. B. 1873 Columbia; D. C. L. 1878 Univ. of Berlin. Author "Public Lands of United .States Compared with Public Lands of Rome." Member Psi Upsilon Club. Father of Howard Peers Foster, Delta 99. Lawyer (retired"). Oradell, N. J. De'ta 65. d. 1914 Edward Isaiah Morgan* Brother of William Forbes Morgan, Clerk. 1868 Robert Bunker Coleman Bement Ace' C. E. 1869 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Engineer Water Works. Charleston, W. \'a., 85-86; Major of Engineers. U. S. \'nls., 98-99. Member Minnesota, Town and Country, and University (New York) Clubs. Brother of] Edward Nichols Bement, Delta 67. ^fanufacturer. Robinson, Cary & .Sands, Corner 4th and Wnconta .Sts.; res. 27 .Summit Court, .St. Paul, Minn. Allen Howard Crosbv"^ Merchant. ^'ce d. 1886 OcF Brother of Thaddeus Halstcd jSIyers, Beta 81. Merchant. John Kirtland Mvers* A^ernon King- Stevenson, Jr.* Broker. 1869 w n r George Baldwin Newell* [xf K' A. M. 1881 honoris causa: B. D. 1872 Union Theol. Sem.; LL. B. 1875 Columbia. Pres. Eucleian. Acting Pastor, .Atlantic City, N. J., 72; Greenwich, Conn., 72-73. IM'embcr New York City Bar Assn.. 75. Lawver. d. 1907 George Palen Real Estate. 15 Wall St.; res. York. N. Y. - b K' 197 Madison Ave., New 1870-76J DELTA CHAPTER 43 1870 George Zabriskie N N ■ Q C M' LL. B. ISTo Columbia; 1). C. L. 1892 Univ. of the South. Eucleian. Freshman Latin Prize; Commencement Orator. Member Executive Council of Psi Upsilon, 74-76. Member Century, University, City and Church Clubs; Down Town Assn. Brother of Cornelius Blauvelt Zabriskie, Delta, 78 and Albert Romeyn Zabriskie, Lambda 83. Lawyer. 49 Wall St.; res. 23 Gramercy Park, New York, N. Y. 1872 William Aikman, Jr.* li u [;.' B. S. 1872. Phi Beta Kappa. Sec. Eucleian; 1st Butler Eucleian Prize, 69-71; 1st Loring Andrews Prize, 71; English Salutatorian. Son of William Aikman, Delta 46 and uncle of Aikman Armstrong. Phi 01 and Henry Irwin Armstrong, Phi 09. Lawyer. d. 1913 George Chesternian Eyland, Jr. v s (o Banker. (Akron, Iowa.) John Conger Freeman* Student. d. 1875 George Jewett Rockwell /. X co " A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875. 3d Fellowship. Prof, of ^letallurgy and Chemistry, Univ. of Tokio, Japan, 75-76; Member Transit of Venus Ex- pedition, 74. Engineer and Metallurgist. 318 \V. 17th St., Los Angeles, Cal. 1873 Henry Brooks Elhvanger* Author "The Rose." Brother of William De- lanccy Ellwanger, Beta 76. Nurseryman. d. 1883 1874 Samuel Leslie Beckley Initiated by the Beta 1875 Isaac Franklin Russell B::A" A. B. 1875; LL. B. 1877; A. M. 1878; J. D. 1904: LL. M. 1879 Vale and D. C. L. 1880: LL. D. 1893 Dickinson. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi. Latin Salutatorian; Pres. Eucleian; Kent Club (Yale); Butler Eucleian Essay Prize; 1st Prizeman (law), New York Univ., 77: Doctor's Oration (Yale), 80. Prof. Politi- cal Science, New York Univ., 81-95, Law since 95; General Recorder Am. Social Science Ae.sn., 07-10; Chief Justice, Special Sessions, 10-16. .Author "Outline Study of Law" and "Cases on Measure of Damages." Member Brooklyn Inst.; Long Island Historical Soc; Am. Social Science: Am. and Brooklyn Bav Assns. : Lawyers', University and Invincible (Brooklyn) Clubs. Father of Franklin Ferriss Rus.seli, Delta 11 and George Phelps Russell, Delta 17^ and brother of William Henry Rus- sell, Ddta 75 and Charles Erickson Russell, Delta 82. Lawyer. 32 Franklin St., New York; res. 422 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Henry Russell IcO)" A. B. 1875; M. D. 1877; A. M. 1878. Eucleian. Junior Oration; Dissertation at Commencement. Pres. Florida State Teachers' Assn.; Princi- pal, High School. Brother of Isaac Franklin Russell, Delta 75 and Charles Erickson Russell, Delta 82 and uncle of Franklin Ferriss Russell, Delta 11 and George Phelps Russell, Delta 17. Educator. 610 Centre St., Fernandina, Fla. Richard Wilson Stevenson 7:eA" A. B. 1875: LL. B. 1877; A. M. 1891. Phi Beta Kappa; Eucleian. English Salutatorian; Junior Oration; 3d Fellowship: Represen- tative, Intercollegiate Literary Assn., 74-75. Lawyer. (Cedarhurst, N. Y.) Richard George Wiener Bez" A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878; M. D. 1878 Columbia. Attending Phys. Harlem Hosp. .Member .\eau. of .Medicine; Pathological, Obstetrical and Am. Med. Assns.; Psi Upsilon and Harmonie Clubs. Physician. 48 E. 6Sth St., New York, N. Y. 1876 Henry Clay Alvord QAS A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879; B. D. 1879 Hartford Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa; Philomathean. Cireek Salutatorian: 2d Fellowship at Gradua- tion; Representative, Intercollegiate Literary Assn. Pastor of Old South Congregational Church, 86-17. Clergyman. 524 Pleasant St., South ^^"eymoutll, Mass. Baldwin Gardner Cooke* OtuZ" B. S. and C. E. 1876; M. D. 1879 Columbia. Capt. Baseball, 75-76; Butler Essay Prize, 75; AVebster Oratorical Prize, 75. Sanitary Board New York, 81; Examiner in Lunacy. Member New York County Med. Assn. and Harlem Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1914 William Miles Ferguson* Manufacturer. r s y d. 1900 Charles Ouackenbush Freeman T S Z" ]'.. S. in C. E. 1876. Philomathean. Member Psi Upsilon. Genesee Valley (Rochester) and Pickwick (New Orleans) Clubs. Engineer (retired). 236 E. 87th St.; res. 69 E. 92d St., New York, N. Y. John Foster Keeler* 6) TC E ' Merchant. Edwin Botts Rice TLT" A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879; B. D. 1879 Theol. Sem. of Va. Eucleian. 2d Prize in Oratory; Com- mencement Oration; Representative in Inter- collegiate Literary Assn., 75-76. S'enior Asst. 44 DELTA CHAPTER Minister Church of Holy Trinity, New York T9- ^f'n^^'^-,??°'"*^®'''^ ^"^ Foreign Missionary Soc. «, o ; '^•„<-'i"'"ch; Rector Grace Churcli, Jamaica, «^-y2; Sec and Treas. Clergymen's Mutual insurance League. Clergyman. 281, 4th Ave., New York; res. 212 X. Fulton Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 1877 William Livingston Clark w c Y' A. B 1877; A M. 1879; LL. B. 1879 Colum- bia. Member Psi Upsilon, Lotos and Yountakah Country Clubs. Lawyer. 35 Nassau St., New York, N. Y.; res 135 La- fayette Ave., Passaic, N. J. Douglas Conklin IsZ": B. S. and C. E. 1877; LL. B. 1880 Union Lniv. Clerk lown of Huntington; Commis- .sioner ot Public Schools, 81-88. Member Psi Upsilon, Huntington Country, Huntington Bay Golf and Marine Clubs. Banker. Bank of Huntington, Main St.; res. West Neck Ave., Huntington, N. Y. James Henry Darlington Q z T" iV ^- ^^^/'t,P- °- '^^^: ^^- M. 1878 Princeton Univ and Ph. D. 1884; B. D. 1880 Princeton Iheol. .Stm.; LL. D. 1905 St. John's Coll. Annapolis; LL. D. 1906 Dickinson Coll. Pres Philomathean and Eucleian Socs. Choirmas- ter and Leader of Glee Club; Butler Essay ^^'^^^ (3); Commencement Orator; N Y Univ. Representative, Intercollegiate Contest in Essay Writing and Mental Science, Tl . Pas- tor First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N Y 80-81; Asst. Minister, Christ Episcopal Church! Brooklyn, 82-83; Rector, 83-88; Chaplain 47th Regiment N. (;.. N. V. eight years; .\rchdeacon of Northern Brooklyn; Chaplain Huguenot Soc. of America; P. E. Bishop Diocese of Harris- burg; Vice-Pres. Sons of Revolution and Actors' Church Alliance; Chairman Conservation League. Member Rhode Island Order of Cin- cinnati; Soc. of Colonial Wars; Church, Han- over, Harrisburg County, Newport Golf, New- port Civic and Westminster (London) Clubs l-ather of Elliott Christopher Beams Darlington Lambda 16. j^ . Protestant Episcopal Bishop. The See House; res. 321 N. Front St.. Harris- burg, Pa. Millard Fillmore Funkhouser* Q c E Member City Council (Omaha. Nebr.); Board of Education. Brother of Robert Monroe Funk- houser and Tilden Selmes Funkhouscr, Zeta 71 Keal Estate and Insurance. d. jgjy Alfred Coles Haven TcT" ^ i^oi^^L^^'"'^*^"^^ ^'"'^'- a""^! l"''- ^I- and M D 1880 Treas. Athletic Assn., 75-76; Editor _ The Umverstty Herald, 76-77; Sophomore Declamation, 75; Junior Orator. 76; Pipe Ora- *?■■ \"\ Commencement Orator. Pres. and on*',-o H'"i, ^°"l'*y ^^'"^- S"c.; Health Officer. 90-12; Fellow Am. Acad, of INIedicine. Mem- ber Illinois .State Med., San Francisco County Med. and Lake County Med. Socs.; Am Med Assn.; Onvventsia Country and Phvsicians (Chicago) Clubs. Brother of Otis Erastus Haven, Phi 80 and Theodore Woodruff Haven Pi 81. See Pi 77. ' Physician and Surgeon. Washington Rd., Lake Forest, 111 luhvard Knapp Hayt [1876-78 NSH" A. B. 1877; A. M. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d l-ellowship, 77; Latin Sakitatorian. Member 7th Regiment, N. G.. N. Y., 75-81. Manufacturer. (Patterson, N. Y.) John Manning McCandless Q 7 T" A. B. 1877. Vice-Pres. Philomathean; Junior Oration; Commencement Speaker. City Chem- ist, Atlanta, Ga„ 85-98; State Chemist, 98 Chemist. (66 Old Capitol Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.) Hugh P.ournonville MacCauley '; Q t: T"J A B 1877; D D. 1895; B. D. 1881 Uniott Iheol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Sec. Philol mathean; Pres. Eucleian. Commencement ()rator. Member Executive Council of Psi Vp\ silon. 81-82; Representative. Intercollegiate Literary Assn., 76-77; Regent, 77; Sec, 77-80- in Sec. Inter-Church Federation of N. J. Member " Committee on Life and Work of General As- sembly of Presbyterian Church in U. S. A --\uthor "The \\'cstminster Standards." Clergyman. Second Presbyterian Church of Paterson • res 32S Elli.son St., Paterson, N. J. Isaac Meigs Bragg Thompson T c E" A B 1877; A M. 1880; B. D. 1881 Union Iheol. S'em. Phi Beta Kappa. First Fellow- ■ship, 77. Member Phi Beta Kappa Alumni in New York. Clergyman (retired). 65 Western Ave., Morristown, N. J. George Langford Wiley X e E, A. B. 1877 Princeton and A. M. 1880 Clio Brother of O.sgood Sherman Wiley, Delta 78 insurance. 346 Broadway, New York. N. Y • res "i0 S Walnut St., East Orange, N. J. 1878 Charles Gifford Buckley* A c Z" A B^ 1878; A. M. 1881; LL. B. 1880 Columbia. Fhi Beta Kappa. Junior Oration; Commence- ment Orator. Lawyer. ,,^ jg94 William Journeav Roome B s Z' B. S. 1878. Commencement Orator; 1st Orator- ical Prize. 78; Editor Uiiivcrsitv Quartcrlv. Alember Psi Upsi'on. Univcrsitv. Republicali. New \ork Athletic. The Pilgrims and Oakland Golf Clubs. Banker. 79 W. 23d St.; res. 101 E. 57th St.. New York. N. Y. Henry Hull Spies T c Z" Phi Beta Kappa; Orator. Member B. S. and C. E. 1878. Eucleian. Commencement Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Merchant. 96 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ; res. 119 S Mountain Ave., Montclair, N. J. Edward Augustus VanZandt T y H" Buyer. Cornelius Stack. 64 W. 23d St ; res 419 W 154th St., New York, N. Y. 1878-80] DELTA CHAPTER 45 Osgood Sherman Wiley* (]; 111 Z IJrotlier of George Langfoicl Wiley, Delta 77 . d. 1903 Henry Darlington W'inant QsT Brotlier of Frederick Vane Darlington Winant, Lambda 86. Real Estate. 546 Madison Ave.; res. 571 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Robert Triplett Yeanian roe" Brother of Stephen Minor Yeaman, Delta 78. Lawyer. Samuels BIdg. ; res. 516 Pine St., Trinidad, Colo. Stephen Minor Yeaman* V C P Brother of Robert B. S. 1878; LL. B. 1880. Triplett Yeaman, Delta 78. Lawver. d. 1912 Comelius Rlauvelt Zabriskie T c Z" A. B. 1878. Eucleian. Editor University Quarterly; Lacrosse; Bursar and Registrar Gen- eral Theol. Sem. since OS. Member Hacken- sack Golf Club and Arctic Brotherhood. Brother of George Zabriskie, Delta 70 and Albert Romeyn Zabriskie, Lambda Si. Bursar and Registrar. General Theological Seminary, 175 Ninth Ave.; rts. 436 \V. 20th St., New York. N. Y. 1879 George Lord Bell* HGK' Plii Beta Kappa. Junior Exhibition Orator; Editor U)nversitv Qiiartcrlv, 78. Student. ' ' d. 1878 Ernest Fitzyale Birmingham H F K' A. B. 1879; A. 'ST. 1882. Phi Beta Kappa; Eucleian. Junior Orator; Commencement Orator; Editor-in-Chief University Quarterly ; Permanent Class Sec. Member Psi L'psilon. New York Athletic, Atlantic Yacht, New York Press, Hardware, New Rochelle Yacht, Bos- ton City. Calumet (Chicago) and National Press (Washington) Clubs. Publisher. The Fourth Estate, 232 W. 59th .St.; res. New York Athletic Club, New York, N. Y. Fernando Herboso B. S. and C. E. 1879. Civil Engineer. \\'illis Fletcher Johnson 3BV A m S" A. B. 1879; L. H. M. 1895; A. M. 1891 Dickinson; L. H. D. 1901. Pres. State Civil Service Commission, N. J., 08-12; Member of Council, N. Y. Univ. since 98; Honorary Prof, of History of Am. Foreign Relations, New York LTniv., since 13. Author "A Century of Expansion;" "Four Centuries of the Panama Canal;" "America's Foreign Relations." Journalist, Author and Educator. 154 Nassau St.. New York. N. Y. ; res. Firleigh Hall, New Providence, N. J. Charles David Mandeville 5 m t; yi. D. 1887 Dartmouth. Interne Presbyter- ian Hosp., New York, 81-83; Attending Phys. Colored llosp. anil New York Home for Convalescents; Lecturer on Surgery, New York Post Graduate Med. School. Member Dart- mouth and University Clubs. Brother of Henrv Addison Mandevilie. Delta 79. I'hvsician and .Surgeon. 298 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J. Henry Addison Mandevilie* AeS M. D. 1881 Columbia. Interne Presbvteriaii Hosp., New York, 81-83; Attending " Phys. Colored Hosp. and New Y'ork Home for Con- valescents. Member New York County Med. Soc; New York Acad, of Med.; New York Pathological Soc. and Manhattan Med. and Surgical Soc. Brother of Charles David :Mandeville, Delta 79. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1903 \\'illiam Hull Wells* T c H" Member Psi Upsilon Club. Clerk. 1880 Charles Sumner Benedict X v I" A. B. 1880: ^l. D. 1883; ^L D. 1882 L^niv. of Vt. Eucleian. Editor-in-Chief University Quarterly; Representative Intercollegiate Lit- erary Assn. Phys. and Surg., St. Vincent's Hosp., 82-83; Asst. to Chair of Surgery, Post- graduate Hosp., 83-90; Chief Inspr. Health Dept., New York, 95-98. Member Psi Upsilon and Quill ''New York) and City (New Ro- chelle") Clubs. Physician. 30 E. 42d St.. New York; res. 648 Webster Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y. Leslie Moore Daniel to $ x A. B. 1880. Member Park Club. Lawyer. 68 Broad St., New York, N. Y.; res. 606 W. 8th St., Plainfield, N. J. Joseph Kingsley Dix* T J y,^ Brother of Samuel Morris Dix, Delta 81. Merchant. d. 1886 Samuel Alden Eddv Bpi:' A. B. 1880. Eucleian. Junior Orator; Edi- tor University Quarterly, 79-80. Sec. Conn. Re- publican State Central Committee; Pres. Conn. Commi.-sion to Jamestown Exposition; Member and Sec. Local School Board. Author "Gen- eral Index of Special Laws of Connecticut." Agent L^. S. Internal Revenue. 746 Custom House, New York, N. Y. ; res. Canaan, Conn. Cuvler Freeman* T e P ■ Son of Samuel Thurston Freeman, Theta 50. Stenographer. d. 1900 John Hardy Gilbert* K\o" A. B. 1880. Sec. and Vice-Pres. Eucleian; Editor University Quarterlv, 79-80. Author "The Palma." Member of Psi Upsilon Club. Student. d. 1896 John Cooly Halstead* r-s P" A. B. 1880: M. D. 1883. Member New York County Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1903 46 DELTA CHAPTER [1880-82 Edward Alvah Alason TpLC A. B. 1880; B. D. 1883 Newton Theol. Inst. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Ex- ecutive Sec. Kurn Hattin Home. Clergyman. Trust Company Bldg. ; res. 35 Pine St., Bellows Falls, Vt. Henry Prentice Morrison X R O B. S. and C. E. 1880. Pres. Philomathean Soc; Junior Exhibition Orator; Intercollegiate Ora- tor, 80; 2d Prize; Commencement Prize. Lec- turer New York Univ., Roads and Pavements; Commissioner of Public Works, Borough of Richmond, City of New York. Member Am. S'oc. Civil Engineers; Arts and Sciences Assn.; Staten Island Civic League and Maryland Gun Club. Engineer. Borough Hall, St. George; res. 533 Bway., West New Brighton, N. Y. Louis Pfenning* Phi Beta Kappa. Civil Engineer. George Law Richmond QJO" d. 1882 x$ A. B. 1880; D. D. 1910; B. D. 1883 Princeton Theol. Sem. Eucleian. Pastor 1st Presby- terian Church. Clergyman. 513 Birch St., Boonton, N. J. William Henry Roberts* ARK A. B. 1880; A. M. 1885; A. B. 1881 ad eundcin, Coll. of N. J. Phi Beta Kappa. Sec. Eucleian; Commencement Orator. Student. d. 1894 1881 Benjamin Aycrigg, Jr.* X cr K" A. B. 1881; A. M. 1883; LL. B. 1884 Columbia. Vice-Pres. Eucleian. Lawyer. Benjamin Avery Capwell A. B. 1881; A. M. 1883. Phi Beta Kappa; Eu- cleian (Pres.). Editor University Quarterly; Commencement Orator; Lacrosse. Real Estate. 529 Main St.; res. 1415 Owen Ave., Racine, Wis. Samuel Morris Dix ran' R. S. 1881: M. S. 1888. Commissioner of Education, New York, 02-06; Trustee and Treas. 1st Presbyterian Church, Stapleton, N. Y. (15 years.) Member City, LTnderwriters'. Univer- sity Glee, Psi Upsilon, Staten Island, Clifton Boat and Fox Hills Golf (Staten Island) Clubs; Union League (Chicago); Assn. of Arts and Sciences; Am. Geographical Soc; Am. Economic, School Garden and N. Y. State Forestry Assns. ; National Security, and Staten Island Civic Leagues. Brother of Joseph Kingsley Dix, Delta 80. Accountant. 45 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. ; res. 84 Tnuiiscnd Ave., Stapleton, N. Y. George Martin Duncan Xc3" A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884; LL. D. 1901; B. D. 1884 Yale. Two Eucleian Prizes; Salutatorian ; 2d Fellowship on Graduation; 1st Scholarship Prize, 84; Graduate Fellow at Yale, 84-85; Instr. in Mental and Moral Philosophy, 88-91; Asst. Prof., 91-94; Prof., 94-04; Prof, of Logic and Metaphysics Yale since 04; Chairman Sec- tion Logic, World's Congress Arts and Sciences, St. Louis, 04; Fellow Am. Assn. Advancement of Science. Author "President Porter as a Philosopher." Member Am. Philosophical Soc; Am. Psychological Assn. (Council 03-06) ; Con- necticut Acad. Sciences. Educator. 299 Edwards St, New Haven, Conn. : Edward Lawrence Frost X C S" A. B. 1881; LL. B. 1883 Columbia. Philo- mathean. Lawyer. 215 Montas;ue St., Brooklyn; res. Floral Park, N. Y. ^ Tdn" d. 1895 Egbert Guernsey, Jr.* Clerk. George Hannum Hazen •/ t v. A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884. Philomathean. Edi- tor University Quarterly, 80-81. Member Uni- versity Club. Publisher. The Crowell Publishing Co., 381 Fourth Ave.; res. 99 Claremont Ave., New York, N. V. Julian Numes Henriques T S O^ A. B. 1881. Sec. and Treas. Mount Washing- ton Collegiate Assn. 454 W. 144th St., New York, N. Y. Eugene Frederick Pearce* 1\I a A^ A. B. 1881; M. D. 1883 Long Island Coll. Hosp. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Fellowship, 81 Valedictorian. Interne Long Island Coll. Hosp. 82-84; Ambulance Surg., Brooklyn, 83-84; Ap pointed to Surgical Chair, Long Island Coll Hosp. Dispensary, 86. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1914 Horatio Moses VanSant B$M A. B. 1881. Chairman Committee of One Hun- dred on Vice Conditions in Newark. Insurance. 786 Broad St.; res. 329 N. 7th St., Newark, N. J. Frederick Seymour Wheeler X X K A. B. 1881 Northwestern Univ. INIanufacturer. American Can Co., 120 Bwav.. New York; res. Rye, N. Y. 1882 Henry Francis Bell -^ t y. A. B. 1882. Eucleian. Member Hamilton and Areola Country Clubs; Bankers' Club of America (New York). Banker. 140 Market St.; res. 497 River St., Paterson, N. J. Ira Hutchinson Brainerd W Q t." B. S. 1882. Philomathean. Editor-in-Chief University Quarterly, 81-82. Author "Index to Von Hoist's Constitutional History of U. S.;" "Mcmoria! to Edwin Davis French." Member 1882-83] DELTA CHAPTER 47 Kci>uhlicaii, Union League, Grolier and Drug and Chemical Clubs; Bar Assn. of the City of New York; International Law Assn. Lawyer. yj \Villiam St.; res. 11 W. 88th St., New York, N. Y. Edwin Muhlenburg Bulkley y t] h Trustee Union Theol. Sem. of New York, Northfield Schools and Board Foreign Missions Presbyterian Church. Member Down Town , Assn.; Metropolitan, City Midday, Knicker- bocker, Country. Englewood, Englewood Coun- try and Englewood Field Clubs. Banker. Spencer Trask & Co., 25 Broad St., New York, N. Y.; res. Englewood, N. J. James Horace Fish* Member Psi Upsilon Club. Stenographer. d. 1896 Alclen [Alexander] Freeman A F N^ B. S. 1882; M. S. 1887. Phi Beta Kappa; Eucleian. Editor-in-Chief University Quarterly, 80-81: Organizer Citizens' LTnion of East Orange: Sec, 02-08. Author "A Year in Poli- tics;" Co- Author "Forerunners of Woodrow Wilson." Member Metropolitan, LMiiversity, Players', National Arts, Reform, City, Trans- portation and New York Yacht Clubs; Soc. of the Cincinnati; Mayflower Descendants; Col- onial \\'ars; Huguenot, New England and &t. Nicholas Socs. Retired. 101 S. Munn Ave., East Orange, N. J. Robert Winfield Higbie ^QQ A. B. 1882; A. M. 1888. Phi Beta Kappa; Philomathean. Valedictorian. Pres. Chamber nf Commerce, Borough Queens, 13-15 and Na- tional Lumber Dealers' Assn., 10-11. Member Commission on Heights of Bldgs. and on City Planning. Member Lawyers' and Jamaica Clubs. Manufacturer. 45 Broadway, New York; res. "Hillview," Highland Ave., Jamaica, N. Y. Lliarles Harris [Gelston] Jones F d K A. B. 1882; A. M. 1885; B. D. 1885 Union Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa; Eucleian. Jun- ior Oration; Commencement Orator. Chaplain id Inf. Regiment N. T. \'ols. ; Pastor, Newark, X. J. (Woodside), 85." Clergyman. West Cape May, N. J. Clarence William Perry X 1 O Lawyer. \ incent Pisek ^WQ A. B. 1882; D. D. 1903; B. D. 1883 Union Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Fellowship; Greek Salutatorian. Pastor Bohemian Church, New ^■ork, N. Y., since 83: Trustee and Treas, Slavonic Immigrant Soc; Member Slavonic Na- tional Soc. .Author "Radost." Brother of (God- frey Roger Pisek, Delta 94. Clergyman. 347 E. 74th St., New York, N. Y. Charles Erickson Russell 7 f ■"-. LL. B. 1882. Brother of Isaac Franklin Rus- sell and William Henry Russell, Delta 75 and uncle of Franklin Ferriss Russell, Delta 11 and George Phelps Russell, Delta 17. Lawyer. 350 Fulton St.. Jamaica: res. Sea Cliff, N. Y. John Lee^ Ticknor* Editor University Quarterly, 79-80. Student. 1883 fames Abbott V r 0^ d. 1882 QgA" A. B. 1883. Phi Beta Kappa; Eucleian. Junior and Commencement Orator. Editor University Quarterly, 82-83. Chairman of .\lumni Million Dollar Fund for New York L^niv. : Member of Council and Treas. General Alumni Soc; Pres. Yonkers Choral Soc; Vice- Pres. New York Bible Soc. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Father of Stanley Niver Abbott, Delta 11 and brother of Renwick Wylie Ab- bott, Delta 98. Publisher. The Century Co., 353 Fourth Ave., New York; res. 98 Ravine Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Charles Lawrence Bristol F ^ M" B. S. 1883; M. S. 1887; M. D. 1885 Long Island Coll. Hosp. Philomathean. Editor Uni- versity Quarterly, 82-83. U. S. Marine Hosp. -Service, 84-85; Resident Phys. and Surg. .St. John's Hosp., Brooklyn, 85-86, and Adjunct IMiys.. 86. Member LTniversity Club. Brother of Amory Thompson Skerry, Jr., Delta 84. Physician and Surgeon. 191 McDonough St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Edgar Zabriskie QcX" 1 48 DELTA CHAPTER 1884 Henrv Evertson Cobb Qh [J- D. D. 1901: A. B. 1884 Rutgers and D. D. 1901. Eucleian; Si^ma t'hi; Alpha Delta; \Miig (Princeton); Philoclean (Rutgers). Editor Unk'crsity Quarterly; Lacrosse; Base- ball; Editor Rutgers Argiiiii; Rhetoric Ora- tion at Commencement. Trustee Rutgers and Vassar Colls.; Dir. Park Hosp. ; Pres. Riverside Day Nursery; Vice-Pres. Riverside Assn.; Pres. Trustees Utica (Miss.) Normal and In- dustrial Inst.; Dir. St. Nicholas Soc: Minister Collegiate Church. Author Psi Upsilon S'ong "The Noblest Name;" "The Victories of Youth;" "The Ships of Tarshish." Member Clergy and Knol'wood Country Clubs; Cen- tury Assn.; St. Nicholas Soc. Clergyman. West End Ave. and 77th St.; res. 370 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. Alexander Steele Lyman X V Q A. B. 1884; LL. B. 1886 cum laude, Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedictorian; 1st Scholar- ship; Editor-in-Chief University Quarterlv, 81-82. Member Council New York Univ! Member Assn. of the Bar and Clifton Boat , Club. Lawyer. N. Y. Central R. R. Co., 3514 Grand Central Terminal, New York; res. 129 Townsend Ave Stapleton, N. Y. ' Amory Thompson Skerry, Jr. S x Q B. S. and C. E. 1884; M. S. 1887. Eucleian. Capt. Lacrosse, 83-84; 2d Butler Essav Prize, 84; Commencement Orator. Brother of Harry Ward S'kerry, Delta 83. Manufacturer. 257 Fourth Ave.; res. 782 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. Clarence Thwing a U (]; B. S. 1884; M. S. and M. D. 1887. Eucleian; . Y. M. C. A.; Univ. Quarterly Assn. Editor University Quarterly, 82-83; Examination Prize, 87; Pres. of Coll. Y. M. C. A. Clinical Asst. to the Chair of Surgery, Univ. Medical Col'., 86-87; Medical Missionary. Alaska, 90- 99; Executive Sec. Charity Organization Soc, Seattle, 01-04; Asst. Pastor Bethany Presbyter- ian Church, 07-11; Asst. Minister Trinity Parish Church, 12. Brother of Edward Waite "Thwin;;, Delta 88. Clergyman. 2312 Eastlake Ave., Seattle, Wash. Frank LeGrand Townsend © b Q B. S. and C. E. 1884; .M. S. 188 7. Brother of Gerard Bostwick Townsend and Palmer [Gardi- ner] Townsend, Delta 87 and uncle of Atwood Halsey Townsend, Delta 18. Salesman. Vvestinghouse Electric Export Co., 165 Broad- way, New York; res. 524 Greene Ave.. Brooklyn N. Y. Stanley White Q^- D. D. 1907; A. B. 1884 Coll. of N. J. and A. M. 1887; B. D. 1887 Union Theol. Sem. Am. Whig Soc. (Coll. of N. J.) Sec. Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. Member Princeton Club. Son of Erskine Norman -White, Beta 54 and brother of Nelson Ripley White, Lambda S3. Clergyman. 156, 5th Ave.; res. 1125 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Henry Beach Windsor [1884-86 A 1 N" i B. S. 1884. Eucleian. Editor University Quar- terly, 83-84. Sec. Employers' Liability and Workmen's Compensation Commission. Insurance. Utah Savings & Trust Co. Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. 1885 Francis Edward Pratt KpQ A. B. 1885. Eucleian. Lacrosse; Assoc. Edf- tor "10th General Catalogue." Member Soc. of Naval Architects. Salesman. Rua do Catletc 196, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Louis Lincoln Tribus At« B. S. and C. E. 1885; M. S. 1888. Phi Beta Kappa; Eucleian. Scientific Orator; Business Mgr. University Quarterly, 84-85. Commence- ment Orator. Pres. S'taten Island Chamber of Commerce; Pres. Presbyterian Union of N. Y.; Trustee S. R. Smith Infirmary; Elder 1st Pres-. byterian Church, Staten Island; Assoc. Supt. Sunday School, Richmond County Repqblican and New York State .Sabbath Assns. ^[ember Psi Upsilon Club; Am. Soc. Civil Engineers; Am. Soc. Municipal Insprs. ; Am. Water Works and New England Water Works Assns.; Na- tional Geographic Soc; Staten Island Assn. of Arts and Sciences. Consulting Engineer. 86 Warren St., New York; res. 105 Townsend Ave, Rosebank, N. Y. I Henry John Wright A S ^* B. S. 1885. I'hi Beta Kanpa. English Saluta- torian; Editor-in-Chief University Quarterly, 84-85. Commencement Orator. Member Uni- versity Club, lournalist. New York Globe, 73 Dey St., New York, N. Y. ; res. 7 Eagle Rock Way, Montclair, N. J. 1886 William Post Hawes Bacon Q b B A H. 1886. Phi Beta Kappa; Eucleian: Glee Club. Commencement Orator. Ex-Pres. Vil- lage of Bronxyille. Member Psi Upsilon and Transportation Clubs. Manufacturer. Bacon Piano Co., 601 W. 50th St.. New York: res. Sagamore Rd., Bronxville, N. Y. Qb(|; Member Bohemian, LTniversity, Family, Califor- nia (Los Angeles) and Sutter (Sacramento) Clubs. Broker. 300 Sansome St.; res. Hotel St. Francis. San Francisco, Cal. Frank ]\Iiller Brown Henry Babcock Carpenter''' 2 dii A. _B. 1886; M. D. 1890 Columbia. Treas. Eu- cleian. Member Monroe County Med. S'oc; Genesee Valley and Country Club of Rochester. Brother of Herbert Lawrence Carpenter, Delta 90 and Hallett Manning Carpenter, Delta 94. Physician. d. 1900 John Shields Kennedy QAT A. B. 1886; LL. B. 1887; A. M. 1888; Ph. D. 1889. Commencement Orator. Lawyer. Red Hook, N. Y. 1885-88.1 DELTA CHAPTER 49 Gay lord Starin White QkV> A. B. 1886 Princeton and A. M. 1889; B. D. 1890 Union Theol. Sem. Prof. Union Tlieol. Sem.; Headworkcr Union Settlement. Membi r I enturv Assn.; Clergy and Columbia Faculty Clubs. " Clergyman and Educator. 2i7 K. 104th St.; res. 246 E. 105th St., New York, N. Y. 1887 Walter Booth Adams X k •' A. n. 1887; A. M. and M. 1). 1890. Phi Beta Kappa; Eucleian (Sec. and Treas.) 2d Butler Euckian Essay Prize, 85; 1st, 86-87; Editor l')iii'crs!tv Quarterly , 84-85: Editor-in-Chief, 86-87; Asst. Librarian, Univ. Library, 84-87; 1st English Oration at Graduation. Sec. of E.xecutive Committee of the Lebanon Hosp. for the Insane; Prof, of Materia Medica, Thera- peutics and Dermatology, Am. Univ. at Beirut, Syria, since 90. Author "Materia Medica." Fatlier of Edwin Carter Adams, Delta 18 and brother of Frederick Joseph Adams, Delta 91. Educator. .\mcrican L'niversity, Beirut, Syria. Albert Spaulding Osborne Dewe\ AzX .Son (if Edmund Harding Dewey. Theta 58. Austin Meigs Poole N N* N N iS S N X ; Q t r Member Executive Council of Psi Upsilon since 09; Treas. since 09: Treas. Psi L^psilon Club since 97. Member Psi Upsilon, Columbia Uni- versity and .\ppalachian ^lountain Clubs; .\m. Canoe Assn. See Lambda 88. Manufacturer. \\'ebster Products Corporation, 25 Pine St., New York, N. Y. Forrest Raynor QXA Xational Bank Examiner, New York City, 98-03. Member Bankers' and LTnion League Clubs (New York). Broker. Hathawav, Smith. Folds & Co., 45 Wall St., New York, N. Y. ; res. 181 Christopher St., Montclair. N. T. Charles Nelson Read''' 0) 7 cp B. .S. and C. E. 1887. Commencement ( )rator. Civil Engineer. d. 1891 Gerard Bostwick Townsend o> p 7 B. S. 1887; LL. B. 1889. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi; Sigma Lambda Sigma. Pres. Eucle- ian: .Salutatorian. Business Mgr. I'liiz-ersitv Quarterly. 86-87. Lieut. U. S. Navy, 98. Mem- ber Psi Upsilon (New York) and Montclair Cio]{ Clubs. Brother of Frank Le Grand Town- send, Delta 84 and Palmer [Gardiner] Town- send, Delta S7 and uncle of Atwood Halsey Townsend, Delta 18. Lavvver. .>2 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. ; res. 67 Porter PI., Montclair, N. J. Palmer [Gardiner] Townsend Q g X B. S. 1887: :M. D. 1890 Long Island Coll. Hosp. Eucleian. Editor and Business Mgr. Univer- sitv Quarterly. 85-86. Asst. N'isiting and \'isit- ing Phys. Kings County Hosp., 95-05. Father of Atvvood Halsey, Townsend, Delta 18 and brother of Frank Le Grand Townsend, Delta 84 and Gerard Bostwick Townsend, Delta 87. Physician. 571 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn, N- Y. Arthur Tappan Walker A t:

'ork. Son of James Mar- cus King, Xi 62. Lawyer. 49 WM St.; res. 210 W. 107th St., New York. N. Y. William Arnot Kirkwood a p T A. B. 1890; Ph. D Greek Salutatorian. Tabernacle Churcli. Clergyman. IIV, W. 84th St., New York, N. Y. 1915. Phi Beta Kappa. Asst. Pastor Broadway Robert Irwin MacBride 6)fT A. R. 1890; A. JI. 1900; Ph. D. 1915; B. D. 1893 Union Theol. Sem. Eucleian Literary Soc. First Butler Eucleian Prize Essayist, 90. Author "Luxury as a Social Standard." Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York). Clergyman. Stony Point, N. Y. Alfred [Charles Post] Opdyke A li r A. B. 1890; A. M. 1892; LL. B. 1895. Phi Beta Kappa: F.ucleian: Scientific Soc. Tuiiiov Orator: Pholosophical Oration at Commence- ment. Prof. International Law, New York L'niv., 00-02. Member University Club. Son of William Stryker Opdyke. Delta 56 and nephew of Charles Wilson Opdyke, Delta 56 and Henry Beach Opdyke, Delta 60. Lawyer. 31 Nassau St.. New York, N. Y.; res. Alpine, N. J. 1890-yJ DELTA CHAPTER 51 Herbert Kinil)all Saxe AeS A. B. 1890. Phi Kappa Alpha; Theta Nu Epsilon. Trcas. Glee Club; Pres. Eucleian Literary Soc; Sec. Philomathean Soc. Com- ineiiccment Orator. Member Hardware Club (New York). Publisher. The Civic Press, 87 Nassau St., New York, X. Y.: res. 57 Madison .\ve., Madison, N. 1. ^r B :: Frank DeWitt Talmage''' A. B. 1890; D. D. 1909. Phi Kappa Alpha; Thtta Xu Epsilon; Eucleian. Junior Oration. Clergyman. d. 1912 Leslie jay Tompkins ezP B. S. 1890; LL. B. 1892; M. S. 1894; LL. M. 1896; J. D. 1903; LL. D. 1909 Villanova. Phi Beta Kappa: Philomathean. Business Mgr. I iikcr.iity Oiiartrr v ; .Scientific Oration. Member N. Y." Legislature, 04-06; Asst. Dist. .\tty. New York County; Sec. Bible Teachers' Training Scliool; Governor National Demo- cratic Club; Trustee Am. Defense Soc; Prof, of Law and Sec. New York University Law .School. Author ''Summary Law of Private Corporations;" "Law of Commercial Paper;" ■"Select Cases on Law of Corporations." Mem- ber Psi I'psilon, Manhattan, National Demo- cratic. L'nderwriters' and Phi Delta Phi Clubs. Lawyer and Educator. 27 Cedar St.; res. 1 ^V. 68th St., New York, X. Y. Xonnan Clark Whitteniore QkZ .\. B. 1892 Yale; B. D. 1895 Union Thcol. Sem. Member Executive Committee of the Mission; Member of Board, Pyeng Yang Union Coll.; Severance Hosp. and Med. School (Seoul); Pres. Senate of Educational Federation 7 years. Member Korea Branch, Royal Asiatic Soc; Yale Club (Xew York). See Beta 92 Foreign Missionary. Sen Sen, Korea. 1891 Frederick Joseph Adams QcH M. D. 1895. Theta Nu Epsilon. Lacrosse (1). Mgr. linstball (3). .Major Med. Corps, State of Conn.; \'ice Commissioner of Bridgeport; Chief Surg. State of Conn., since 16. Member Bridgeport, Weatoque Country, Army and Navy and Psi Upsilon Clubs. Uncle of Edwin Carter Adams, Delta 18 and brother of Walter Booth Adams. Delta 87. Physician and Surgeon. 339 West Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. Henry Martyn Baird, Jr. A d :c A. B. 1891; A. M. 1893; LL. B. 1894. Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi. Classical lowship; Pres. Eucleian; Valedictorian. Lawyer. (188 Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y.) Phi Fel- \\ illiam Corwin Baker* A t r Hrastus Walbridq-e Bulkley Son of George Danielson Baker, Delta 60 and nephew of Frederick Baker, Delta 52. Insurance. d. 1905 A V r, B. S. 1891; Ph. G. 1896 New York Coll. of Pharmacy. Phi Beta Kappa; Eitcleian. ^^enl- ber Psi Upsilon, Bankers', Reform and I'ni- versity (Chicago) Clubs. Banker. Spencer Trask & Co., 25 Broad St., New York, N. Y.; res. Plainficld, N. J. Carl George Hans Ettlich Pastor Hopewell Presbyterian Ciiurch. Clergyman. Laurel, Pa. William Angus Hamilton Initiated by the Theta Eliot Henrv Moore y. w <7 (ubH A. B. 1891; A. M. 1893 Princeton. Phi Beta Kappa. Founders' Day Orator, 60th Anni- versary; Commencement Orator. Moderator Red River, St. Paul and Minneapolis Presby- teries; Twice Delegate to the General Assembly nf the Presbyterian Church, LT. S. of America. Clergyman. 808 l''.sscx St. S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Charles Henry Ouinlan BcM A. B. 1891. Theta Nu Epsilon; Eucleian. Lawyer and Real Estate. 167 Market St., Amsterdam, N. Y. Thomas Coombe \ an Derveer* ^ g — Lawyer. d. 1913 1892 Charles Alfred Bill XAK B. S. 1892. Phi Beta Kappa; Eucleian. Eucleian Essay Prize, 91; English Salutatorian; Football; Capt. Track; Mgr. Football; Editor I'iolct. Member Board of Governors, Assn. of Partners of Stock Exchange Firms. Member Psi Upsilon, Ardsley Country and New York Athletic Clubs; Bankers' Club of America. Brother of Howard Bill, Delta 97. Broker. 7 Wall St., New York. N. Y. Alfred Hodgdon Brown ?^c A. B. 1892; A. M. 1894. Theta Nu Epsilon; Eucleian; Glee Club. Rector St. Paul's Church, Tivoli, N Y.; Church of the Messiah, Providence, R. I.; St. John's Church, Delhi, X. Y. ; Head Master St. John's School, Santa Barbara, Cal.; Minister LTnitarian Church, New- ton Centre, Mass. .\uthor Psi L^psilon Song, "Come. Brothers, Round the .Altar:" "Slander;" "The Widow's Weed." "The Honor of the House." Playwright. 662 Macon St., P.rooklvn, N. Y. Paul Campbell Cloyd Initiated by the Xi William Flowers Groves Tge A. B. 1894 Weslevan. Theta Nu Epsilon. See Xi 94 Lawyer. 207 Broad St.; res. 511 Jersey Ave., Elizabeth, X. J. William Curtis Mains* ^I' g P .\. B. 1892; A. M. 1894; Ph. D. 1896 Univ. of Halle, Germany; LL. B. 1899 New York Law .School. Phi Beta Kappa. Butler Eucleian Es- say Prizes, 91-92; Commencement Orator; Oar- den Butler Classical Fellow; Editor University Quarterly ; Editor-in-Chief I'iolet ; Pres. Eu- cleian. Prof. English Literature, Denver Univ., 93; Member N. Y. State Assembly, 00. Lawyer. d. 19(59 52 IDELTA CHAPTER [1892-93 George Cotner Mason ISA B. S. 1892; C. E. 1893; M. S. 1894. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres. Eucleian and Scientific Socs.; Vice-Pres. Dramatic Assn.; Mgr. Glee Club. Chairman Oregon State Board of Dirs., Naval Advisory Board; Pres. Portland Assn. of Members Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers. Mem- ber Waverley Country Club. Engineer. Hurley Mason Co., 418 Worcester Bldg.; res. 7i2 Howard St., Portland, Oregon. Algernon Sidney Norton Al X l.L. B. 1892; LL. M. 1894; A. B. 1886 Cornell. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi; Bench and Board; Mermaid. Woodford Competitor (Cor- nell); Commencement Speaker. Member Hard- ware and Cornell Clubs; Phi Beta Kappa Assn. Lawyer. 256 Bway.; res. Sherman Square Hotel, New York, N. Y. William Holmes Salter P V A .\1. I). 1892. FootbalL Pres. Board of Educa- liun and Associated School Boards of Minn.: Phys. to State Normal S'chool; Member The Smoozers, Duluth Boat, Northland Country and Kitchi Gammi Clubs; Am. Med. and Minn. State Med. Assns.; St. Louis County Med. Soc, and Interurban Acad, of Medicine. Physician. 603 Lyceum Bldg.; res. 44 Kent Rd., Duluth, Minn. Augustus Hewlett Skillin ^I'rP B. S. 1892; LL. B. 1895 N. Y. Law School. Phi Beta Kappa: Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Psi Upsilon, LTniversity, Underwriters' and Essex County Country Clubs; Bar Assn. of the City of New York; Soc. of Colonial Wars. Lawyer. 34 Pine S't., New York, N. Y.; res. 68 Hey- wood Ave., Orange, N. J. 1893 Henry Watterson Bainton ^i D K ;, A. B. 1893 Columbia; B. D. 1896 Union Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Clergyman. P. U. Box 364, Cheyenne, Wyo.; res. I960 Dahlia St., Denver, Colo. Edward Raymond Bossange ]> 9 p Ph. B. 1893 Columbia. Prof, of Architecture, Cornell Univ., 13-15; Dean School of Applied Design, Carnegie Inst, of Tech. Member Uni- versity Club (New York); Pittsburgh Athletic .■\ssn. See Lambda 93 Educator. 25 Forbes Terrace. Pittsburgh. Pa. Jesse Benedict Carter (|;en A. B. 1893 Princeton; A. M. 1898 and L. H. D. 1913; Ph. D. 1898. Halle Stinnecke Scholar- ship; Junior First Honor Prize; Latin Saluta- tory and Classical Fellowship. Instr. in Latin, Princeton, 95-97; Asst. Prof.. 98-02; Prof, of Latin. Am. School C'assical Studies in Rome: Dir.. 07-12; Lecturer on Roman Religion, Univ. of Wis., 09; Director American Acad, in Rome. .\uthor "De Deorum Cognominibns;"' "The Roman Elegiac Poets;" "Epitheta Deo- rum;" "Religion of Numa" and "Relig- ious Life of Ancient Rome." IMember Am. Philological Assn. and New York Yacht Club. Educator. American Academy, Porta San Pancrazio, Rome, Italy Cornelius Thurston Chase 6 s w A B. 1893; A. M. 1895; B. D. 1897 Chicago Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Philosophical Oration (4th Hon.); 1st Butler Eucleian Essay Prize and 2d Hebrew Prize, 93; T. S. Bailey Scholarship and Asst. Librarian, 92-94; Sec. and Treas. Y. M. C. A.; Pres. University Quarterly Assn.; Editor Violet. Pastor Central Congre- gational Church; Member School Connnittec. Clergyman. (26 Nahant PL, Lynn, ]\Iass.) Sanniel Cochran Tell A. B. 1893 Princeton; M. 1). 1896 Columbia. Cap and Gown (Princeton); Omega Club. Board of Editors Princctonian ; 2d Harsen Prize (Columbia); Pres. Coll. Y. M. C. A., Princeton, 92-93; General Sec. Coll. Y. M. C. A.. Colum- bia, 96. House .Surg. Presbyterian and Phys. Sloane Hosps. Missionary Physician. Am. Presbyterian Mission, Hwaiyuan. Anhwei Province, China. TBO B. S. 1893; LL. B. 1895 cum laude, New York Law School. Commencement Orator; Pres. Eu- cleian; Editor-in-Chief University Quarterly. Lawyer. (455 Madison Ave., Elizabeth, N. J.) Frederic James Faulks Rali)h Aldom Frost (];dn Tlieta Nu Epsilon; Eucleian. Assoc. Editor Violet. Member Am. Bar Assn., Hankow and Am. Univ. Clubs. Lawyer. 14 Ewo Rd., Hankow, China. Frank Wickham Alallalieu B. S. 1893; M. D. 1896 Columbia. Physician. 16 Monticcilo Ave., Jersey ("ity, N. Y Charles Warren Millard HK "^ AsTI A. B. 1893; LL. B. 1896 New York Law School. Theta Nu Epsilon; Eucleian. Member Bronx County Bar Assn. Brother of William Jeremiah Millard. Delta 93. Lawyer. 25 Broad St.; res. 644 E. 170th St., New York. N. Y. William Jeremiah Millard y m ■:: A. B. 1894 Columbia; LL. B. 1898 New York Law School. Honors in Astronomy, Columbia Il^niv. Asst. Corporation Counsel, New York; Charter iSIember Bar Assn. of the Bronx. Member New Y'ork County Lawyers' Assn. and Dutchess County .S'oc. Brother of Charles Warren Millard, Delta 93. See Lambda 94 Lawyer. Municipal BIdg. ; res. 1109 Wa.shington Ave, New York, N. Y. AA'illiam Cowper Prime N s M A. B. 1890 Princeton and A. M. 1891. Lawyer. 2 Rector St., New York; ns. 61S N. Broadway, Yonkers,.N. Y. James Francis Rice T-fO A. B. 1893; K. M. 1895; M. D. 1902 Columbia L^niv. Phi Beta Kappa; Eucleian. Pres. Eu- cleian Sor. (4); Y. M. C. .\. (3); Valedictorian: German Prize (3); Editor University Quarterly (4): Butler Philosophical Fellow (4). Sec. Psi Upsilon Alumni Assn. Phvsician. 44 f Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 1893-94 J DELTA CHAPTER 53 ^ William Grigi^s Stalilnecker <]; r I Francis Lorette Strickland Tlieta Nu Epsilon. Special Inspr. of Customs. Uroker. H. T. E. Beardslcv Inc., ol Liberty St., New York, N. v.; res. 199 X. IStli St., East Orange, N. J. XtcK A. B. 1893; S. T. B. 1896 Boston Univ.; Ph. I). 1903 and S. T. 1). 1911. Eucleian. Com- mencement Orator; \\'on Foreign Fellowship, Boston Univ., 97-98; Pres. Simpson Coll., Iowa. 10-16; Head Dcpt. of Philosophy, Univ. of \V. Va. Author "Foundations of Christian Belief." Educator. 615 Grand Ave., Morgantown, \\'. Va. Percy Butler Wightman AgK A. B. 1893; B. D. 1896 Auburn Theol. Sem. and D. D. 1914. Eucleian; Glee Club. Mem- ber Presbyterian Union and Clerical Anglers' Clubs. Son of Frederick Butler Wightman, Delta 51 and brother of Orrin Sage Wightman, Delta 95 and Robert .Stillman Wightman, Del- ta 97. Clergyman. J.'OO Loring PI., New York, N. Y. 1894 Allan Lindsay Briggs O c (|; Member 1st U. S. Cavalry. 98; Capt. U. S. .\rmy, 01. Member Army and Navy Club. Officer U. S. Army. Care Adjutant Genera! of the Armv, Washing- ton, D. C. Hallett Manning Carpenter Ax^ Member Psi Upsilon and Salmagundi Clubs. Head Master, The Carpenter .School. Brother of Henry Babcock Carpenter, Delta 86 and Herbert Lawrence Carpenter, Delta 90. Educator. 310 West End Ave.; res. 312 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. Edward Francis Church, Jr. O j B District ^lanager. Union Central Life Ins. Co., 12th St.; res. 1124 11th St., Miami, Fla. Theodore Arthur Gessler BXK A. n. 1894: .\. M. 1896; B. 1). 1897 Univ. of Chicago. Phi Delta Phi; Theta Nu Epsilon. Pres. Eucleian; Editor University Quarterly. Pres. of Council, Borough of Hopatcong. Mem- ber Railroad Club of New York. Brother of Dudley Daland Gessler, Delta 95. Sales Manager. American Sheet &■ Tin Plate Co., 30 Church St.; res. Bretton Hall flotel. New Y'ork, N.. Y. John X'osburgh Irwin NNNNKNX;B(^M Ph. B. 1894; LL. B. 1899. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Eucleian. Founders' Day Orator, 94; Commencement Orator; Vicc-Pres. Athletic Assn., 92-93; Assoc. Editor The Triangle. Organizer and .Src. New Y'ork Univ. Historical Soc, and of Class Secretaries' A.ssn.; Corresponding S'ec. Beta Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. 14-16; Member Alumni Ad- visory Committee Athletic Assn.. 98-99 and 0002; Member Executive Committee Alumni Assn. New York Univ., 06-09; Sec. Junior Law Alumni A.*n., 01-02; Treas. Advisory Com- mittee, Coll. Y. M. C. A. since 11; Governor New York Skin and Cancer Hosp. since 13; Hon. Vice-Pres. Y'orkville Neighborhood Assn.; Member Executive Council of Psi Upsilon, 01- 08; PMitor Supplement to 11th General Cata- logue, 08. Member Psi Upsilon. and University Clubs; New Y^ork Historical and Am. Geograph- ical Socs. ; Am. iMuseum of Natural History; Soc. of Colonial Wars; Bar Assn. City of New Y'ork and Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. Brother of \\'illiam Fletcher Irwin, Delta 03. Lawyer. 203 Broadway; res. 130 E. 67th St., New Y'ork, N. Y. ' Frederick \\'ilHam Fangford* K n ^ Merchant. d. 1916 Josejih Bardwell Lyman IT g S Ph. B. 1894; B. D. 1900 Y'ale. Phi Beta Kappa. .Salutatorian. Pastor Congregational Church. Clergyman. 2i Bennock St, ( )rono, Maine. John Henry AlacCracken O d B A. B. 1894; A. M. 1897; LL. D. 1915; Ph. D. 1899 Halle, Wittenberg; LL. D. 1903 Westmin- ster and 1915 at Lehigh, Pa. Coll. and Rutgers. Phi Beta Kappa; Eucleian. Fresh- man Entrance Prize; Eucleian and James Gordon Bennett Prizes; A. Ogden Butler Fel- lowship in Philosophy, 94-95; Pres. Y. M. C. A.; Valedictorian. Pres. Coll. Board Presbyterian Church, 05-14; Pres. Lafayette Coll. Mem- ber Pomfret, Psi Upsilon, University, City, Metropolitan, Bankers' and Northampton Country Clubs. Brother of George Gere Mac- Cracken, Delta 98 and Henry Noble Mac- Cracken, Delta 00. Educator. Lafayette College; res. Chestnut St., Easton. Pa. John Joseph Moorhead 0i(]; B. S. 1894; M. D. 1897. Theta Nu Ensilon. Fellow Am. Coll. of Surgeons; First Butler I'.ucleian Prize; Mott Gold Medal. Adjunct Prof, of Surgery and Adjunct Attending Surg.. New York Post Graduate Med. School and Hosp.; Visiting Surg. Harlem and Park Hosps. .\uthor "Traumatic Surgery." Member Psi Upsilon Club. Physician and Surgeon. 115 E. 64th St., New Y'ork, N. Y. Perrv Carter Pentz K a B .\. B. 1894. Pres. Quart en'y Assn.; Presenta- tion Orator; Executive Committee Intercolleg- iate Athletic Assn.: Capt. Track, 94. Gun Capt. 1st Class 1st Naval Battalion. N. Y.; Seaman. U. S. S. "Yankee." 98; Se^ New York Univ. .\lumni .\ssn. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Builder. (2»6 Fifth Ave., New York. N. Y.) Godfrey Roger Pisek Kk<|; B, S. 1894; M. D. 1897; Sc. D. 1914. Theta Nn Epsilon. Prof, of Diseases of Children. New Y'ork Post Graduate Hosp. and Univ. of Y'ermont; Hon. Pres. Lenox Hill Settlement, ^lember Psi Upsilon and Camp F"irc Clubs. Brother of Y^inccnt Pisek, Delta 82. Phvsician. 26 'E. 64th St., New Y'ork, N. Y. 54 DELTA CHAPTER [1894-961 John Edward Ruston KXB B. S. 1894; LL. B. 1895. Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta; Phi Delta Phi; Football; Baseball; Treas. Athletic Assn. Trustee Re- publican County Committee. Author '"Decedent Estates." Member Psi Upsilon, Crescent, Union League, University, Lincoln, IStli Assem- bly District, Young Repub'ican and Brook- lyn Civic Clubs; University Club of Brooklyn; Brooklyn Bar and New York County Lawyers' Assns."; 24th Ward Board of Trade; Sons of Am. Revolution. Lawyer. Washburn, Ruston &: Koehler, 51 Chambers St., 5few York; res. 336 New York Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Henry Walker eBK M. D. 1894; Ph. B. 1890 Cornell. Alpha Mu Pi Omega. Visiting Phys. Post Graduate Hosp. Member Acad, of Med.; Post (Jraduate llos]). Alumni Assn.; Cornell Univ. Club. Physician and Surgeon. 327 W. 86th St., New York, N. Y. Henry Young TgO Football, Capt., 90-91; Baseball, Capt., 91. Brother of George Douglas Young, Delta 87. (Gaylor Starin White, 237 E. 104th St., New York, N. Y.) 1895 Henry Haswell Banks Bcp A A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1899. Football, Baseball ■ and Track. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Lawyer. 200 'Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res 1240 Garden St., Hoboken. N. J. James Oscar Boyd B h K A. B. 1895; A. M. 1897; D. D. 1915; B. D. 1899 Princeton Theol. Sem.; Ph. D. 1905 Princeton Univ. Phi Beta Kappa; Eucleian. Freshman Entrance and Hebrew Prizes; Vale- dictorian; Butler Fellowship. Instr. in Old Testatment, 00-07; Teaching Fellow, 99-00 and Asst. Prof, of Oriental and Old Testament Literature, 07-15; Princeton Theol. Sem.; Pastor Church of the Redeemer (Presbyterian). Au- thor "The Text of the Octateuch," "Ezekiel and the Modern Dating of the Pentateuch" and "Sin and Grace in the Koran." Clergyman. Church of the Redeemer; res. 363, 15th Ave., Patcrson, N. J. Henry Hedges Es.^ick* LL. B. elsewhere. Dudley Daland Gessler B f K -d. 1898 rjK Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Council- man Borough of Hopatcong, Lake Hopatcong, N. J. Member Columbia and Lake Hopatcong (N. J.) Yacht Clubs. Brother of Theodore Arthur Gessler, Delta 94. Importer and Manufacturer. 211 S. Front St.; res. 7020 Chew St.. Mt. .\irv. Philadelphia, Pa. John Junior Graham ©yM Ph. B. 1895; LL. B. 1897. Theta Nu Epsilon. Surrogate Nassau County. Member Meadow- brook, Piping Rock and Turf and Field Clubs. Lawyer. 27 Cedar St.. New ^'ork: res. Sv^'set, N. Y. Arthur Hoag Howland ByK A. B. 1895; B. D. 1902 Drew Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa; Eucleian; Glee Club; Y. M. C. A. Commencement Orator; I'ounders' Day Debate Prize; Editorial Board University Quarterly; Fellow Drew Theol. Sem. Instr. in Rhetoric and Hebrew, De Pauw Univ., 03-04; Instr. and -Vcting Principal of Acad., De Pauw Uniy., 04- 05. Member Clergy and Reli.gious Press Clubs. Clergyman. (Spring Valley, N. Y.) Ralph Opydke M K° I M. D. 1895. Interne, Harlem Hosp.; Adjunct ProL N. Y. Post Graduate Med. School and Hosp. ; Asst. Surg. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp.; Attending Surg. Essex County Isolation Hosp., Belleville, N. J.; Consulting Aurist, Mountainside Hosp., Montclair, N. J.; Attend- ing Aurist, St. Vincent's Hosp. and Children's Ilfime. Member New York Acad. Medicine; Mountainside Clinic Hosp. Soc; See. Associated Physicians, Montclair, N. J.; New York County, New York State and New Jersey State Med. Sacs.; Am. I\Ied. Assn.; Psi Upsilon and Har- vard (N. J.) Clubs. Son of Charles Wilson Opdyke, Delta 56 and nephew of William Stryker Opdyke, Delta 56 and Henry Beach Opdyke, Delta 60. Physician. 40 E. 41st S't., New York, N. \'.; res. 27 S. Fullerton Ave.. Montclair, N. .J. Orrin Sage Wightman BgK A. B. 1895; M. D. 1898. Eucleian. Member Psi Upsilon and Hudson River Country Clubs. Son of Frederick Butler Wightman, Delta 51 and brother of Percy Butler W'ightman. Delta 93 and Robert Stillman W'ightman, Delta 97. Physician. 113 W. 78th St., New York, N. Y. 1896 Joseph Leopold Burthe ^ A ^ M. D. 1897 Tulane Univ. Physician. (1235 Maison Blanche Bldg., New Orleans, La.) Wallace Leonard Durant ByN Ph. B. 1896. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Investment Securities. 61 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ; res. Tenafly, N.J. Frederick Seward Gibson* W T ^' A B 1896; LL. B. 1898. Eucleian. Com- mencement Orator; 1st Butler Eucleian Prize, 96; Elliot F. Shepard Prize, 97. Son of Han- son Cox Gibson, Delta 54 and nephew of Wil- liam Cowper Gibson, Psi 59. Lawyer. d. 1900 Robert Kinsell Howard ^y X [i?T Bruce Gretton IMiillips Ph. B. 1896; M. D. 1899. Pres. Athletic A.ssn.. 96. Interne Bellevue Hosp., 99-01; Asst. Surg. N. Y. Polyclinic Hosp. Member Am. Med. Assn. ; New N'cirk State and County Mtd. Socs. and Psi Upsilon Club. Physician. 206 W. 86th S't.. New York, N. Y. Frederick Clinton Seckerson - /. Merchant. i8y()-^«J DELTA CHAPTER 55 ;, Arthur Diiranl v^nedeii '5. r (J L :X i. George Francis Swan* A. B. 1896; M. D. 1899. Treas. Y. M. C. A. Physician. Track; "Mention Honorable," Paris Salon, OS. Member Psi Upsilon, Union League and Nat- ional Arts Clubs; Soc. of Beaux Arts; Am. Inst, of .Architecture; Municipal Arts Soc; Architects' League of New York; New York Soc. of Architects. Architect. 149 Broadway, New York; res. Spring Valley, N. Y. fi t X Phi Beta Kappa; d. 1900 Chester Field Smith Whitney ^ g'^ A. B. 1896; M. D. 1899. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor Violet; Commence- ment Orator; Football Mgr., 95; Valentine Mott Gold Medal, 97. Interne Bellevue Hosg., UO-01; Lecturer Coll. Arts and Sciences, New York Univ.; Asst. Gynaecologist Bellevue Hosp. Member Psi Upsilon and Hardware Clubs; Soc. of Alumni Bellevue Hosp. Brother of Lawrence Woodward Whitney, Delia 96 and Elliott Web- ster Whitney, Delta 00. Physician. Home Life Ins. Co., 256 Broadway; res. 697 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. Lawrence Woodward Whitney ^ m X A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1899. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi. Honorable Mention in Hebrew, 95; 2(\ ICucleian Essay Prize, 96; Commence- ment Orator. Brother of Chester Field Smith Whitney, Delta 96 and Elliott Webster Whit- ney. Delta 00. Lawyer. 115 ["errv St., Hohoken, X. T.; res. 45 Sterling St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1897 Howard Bill* XsB' B. S. 1897. Phi Beta Kappa; Eucleian. Brother of Charles Alfred Bill, Delta 92. Clerk. d. 1899 . Edwin Louis Garvin (i :: W^ A. B. 1897; LL. B. 1899. Phi Delta Phi; Eucleian. Treas. Athletic Assn ; Football -Mgr., 96; Entrance Scho'arship; Butler Eucleian Prize; 1st Faculty Prize Scholarship. Justice Court of Special Sessions, Citv of New York; Pres. University Club (Brooklyn), 11- 12. Member Psi Upsilon and Lawyers' (New York), University, Hamilton and Civic (Brook- lyn) Clubs. Brother of Oliver Chauncev (,ar- vin. Delta 05. Jurist. Criminal Courts Bldg.. New York; res. 149 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. David Orr lass. Archibald McLintock Track; Baseball; Hockey (Capt.). Brother of Herbert Montgomery McLintock, Lambda 08. Purchasing Agent. 17 Battery PI.; res. 209 W. 97th St.. New York, N. Y George Hugh Smyth ¥ g 'T Glee Club. Pastor Hitchcock Memorial Church. Member Scarsdale Golf and Country, Psi Upsilon, Clergy, Ekwanok Country, West- chester County, Tennis and Adelphi Clubs; dreenacres Assn.; Manchester Historical Soc. Clergyman. 7 Gilmore Court, Greenacres, Hartsdale, X. Y'. Charles Lansing Thorne* 1903 Frederick Edgar Beebe* B c T d. 1910 i\ A. B. 1903. Phi Beta Kappa. Prize Scholar- ship; Editor-in-Chief Triangle; Fred Seward Gibson Prize; Tennis Assn. Engineer. Louis Ogden Condit W e ^H A. B. 1903. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Iota Delta; Red Dragon. Capt. Baseball. Lawyer. .S5 Wall St., New York, N. Y.; res. 127 Essex .\ve., Boonton, N. J. William Fletcher Irwin ,,, jj w 'S Track; Gymnastic; Glee Club. Member Apa- wamis Club. Brother of John Vosburgh Irwin, Delta 94. Merchant. F. U. Stearns & Co., 35 Thomas St., New Y'ork; res. Evergreen Ave., Rye, N. Y. Ford Lewis Shotwell TbY) B. S. 1903. Theta Nu Epsilon; Sphinx; "H." Pres. University Club. Member University (of the Bethlehems) Lehigh Country and New York Athletic Clubs. Engineer. Bethlehem Steel Co.. 3d and Poplar Sts., South lUtlilehcm; res. 826 W. Market St., Bethlehem, Pa. Abner Kelly Walter Ba^H Pennsylvania Club. Treas. Ashland Gun and Country Club. Member Pines, Fountain Spring Country and Ashland Gun and Country Clubs. Merchant. 5th and Centre S'ts.; res. 434 Centre St., Ash- land, Pa. Frank Wells Wilcox ^F f ^2 A. B. 1903. Red Dragon; Delta Iota Delta. Mgr. Crew. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Insurance. 76 William St.; res. 446 Central Park, W.. New York, N. Y. 1904 Charles Robert Adams Ba A. B. 1904. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Iota Dt Red Dragon. Sec. Intercollegiate Assn. Amateur Athletes of America. Member Upsilon Club. Broker. 61 Broadway, New Y'ork; res. Pelliam, N. Y i ItaTi ot Psi Cvrille Carreau Be'© A. B. 1904. Delta Iota Delta; "H." Mgr. Glee Club, 04. Member Psi Upsilon and University Glee Clubs. Real Estate and Insurance. Messimer & Carreau, 101 Park .Xve.; res. 65-! .Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Henrv Murray A'incent Connelly 4 'h Y 'Z Ph. B. 1904; LL. B. 1905; LL. M. 1906, Theta Nu Epsilon; Delta Iota Delta; Red Dragon; "H;" Delta Chi. Football, 00-03; Capt., 02; Baseball. 01-03; Track, 01-04. Mem- ber I5ar Assn. City of New York; Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. Lawyer. Ill Broadway; res. 200 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. Clarence Lewis Davis Bd© Asst. in Biological Laboratorv 2 years. Brother of Will Brownson Davis, Delta 12 and D[avid] Itowland Davis, Delta 13. Advertising. 648 Huron Rd.; res. 2085 E. 100th St.. Clove- land, Ohio. Louis St. Clair Eunson B A 1 B. S. 1904. Physician. 112 W. 72d St.; res. 620 Riverside Drive, New Y'ork, N. Y. Lansing Yates Lippincott Wig A. B. 1904; M. D. 1908. Univ. and Bellevue Med. Coll. Delta Iota Delta; Editor Triangh- (2) (3). (4); Editor-in-Cliicf (4-: FootbaH (2)', (3): Glee Club (2), (3), (4). Physician. Highland Ave.. Metuchen, N. J. Edward Stuart Peck ^ p 6' B. S. 1904. Red Dragon; Assoc. Editor Tri- angle. Member Executive Committee Athletic .'Vssn. JNIeniber Psi Upsilon and Squadron A Clubs. Broker. 61 Broadwav; res. 57 W. 58th St.. New ^ ork. N. Y. il904-0t)J DELTA CHAPTER 59 Andrew Walz B w p~ ' K. M. 1905 Columbia. "II;" Track. Member I'si rpsiloii and C'oluinbia University Clubs. Milling Engineer. 71 Broadway; res. 504 W. lllth St., New York, N. Y. 1905 1 William Entrott Coe Oe'K Chemical Soc. Football; Baseball; Track; Glee and Mandolin Clubs, ("emcnt Tester. Cold Spring, N. Y. .\rthur Stimson Draper ^* s 'II R. S. in M. E. 1905. Delta Iota Delta; Red Dragon. Football : Track; Football, Capt. Member New York Press Club and North Middlesex Golf Club of England. Journalist. 43 Aldwych, \V. C. London; res. 81 Hampstcad \Vay, Golden Queen, England. Oliver Chauncev Garvin Wc\ "H." Football; Baseball. Brother of Edwin Louis Garvin, Delta 97. Valley. Wyo. 1906 Francis Lewis Gould Bf::' H. S. 1905. Delta Iota Delta; "H." Baseball; Track. Member 7th Regiment N. G. N. Y. I'si I'psilon and Bay Head Yacht Clubs. Brother of John Warren Dubois Gould. Delta OJ. llngineer. \22 E. o4th St., New York, N. Y. William Le Baron Iiiitiatcil by the Omega Bgl Geor.c^e ]\Iunro Member Psi L'psilon Club. Salesman. 594 Broadway; res. 417 W. 114tii St., New York. N. Y. ; Edwin Ten Eyck Reynolds* ^I' e 'IT Brother of Wallace Reynolds. Delta 11. d. 1905 \'incent Roberts ¥ V '. R. S. in C. E. 1905. "H." Presentation Orator; Pres. Tennis Assn.; Member Executive Com- iniitee Athletic Assn.: Glee and Mandolin Clubs. Governor Psi Upsilon Club. Member .-\m. Soc. of Civil Engineers; New York Univ. Engineering Alumni Assn.; University Glee and Psi I'psilon Clubs. Ensineer and ]Manufacturer. Portable Band Saw Mill Inc., 239 E. 86th St.; res. 448 Central Park W^, New York, N. Y. Elmer Conant Wavne ^F e r B. S. 1905. Phi Beta Kappa. Assistant Manager. Goulds Mfg. Co.. 636 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh; res. Ill Maple Ave., Edgewood Park. Pa. Br'n A. B. 1905. Red Dragon. First Prize Sand- liam Oration. Member Psi Upsilon. University Glee. Dutch Treat, Optimists' (Philadelphia) and Cliff Dwellers (Chicago) Clubs. Vocalist. 2263 L^niversity Ave., New- York, N. Y. Reginald Werrenrath William Arthur Condit Ba'K Member Country and Commonwea'th Clubs. Division Traffic Superintendent. Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. for Mate of Va., 709 E. Grace St.; res. 408 N. West St., Richmond, V'a. • Jasper Spence Council ^ j O B. S. in C. K. 1906. Delta Iota Delta; Red Dragon. Football; Editor-in-Chief Triangle (4). Resident Representative City of New York at Panama Pacinc International Ex- position, San Francisco, 15. Contracting Engineer. 503 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Charles Calhoun Cragin 'b c o' B. S. 1906. Delta Iota Delta; Red Dragon. Football (Capt.); Tennis (Capt.). Member Press Club. Consulting Hydraulic Engineer. 624 Crocker Bldg.; res. Press Club, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Herbert Cressey Dowler See Epsilon 07 Manager. Nevada Gas Co., Tonopah, Nev. B. S. 1909. Eucleian; Andiron Club. Editor of Athletics; New Yorker and Triangle Boards. Member Psi Upsilon Club (Washington, D. C.) Brother of William Kirk Doggett, Delta 16 and Herbert Osgan Doggett, Delta 17. Inspector. Division of Fish Culture, Bureau of Fisheries, \\'ashington, D. C. ; res. 342 Westminster Rd., Brooklvn, N. Y. Robert Rynex Gifford .];g'a ^lerchant. 1st St.; res. Hickory St., Liverpool. N. Y. 909-11 DELTA CHAPTER 61 iaymoiul Arthur Holme ?> r "Q B. S. 1910. Mcmbcv Psi Upsilon Club. Brother of William Holme, Delta 06 and Horace Holme, Delta 07. Hyatt Roller Bearing Co., Newark; res. 62 Whittle.sey Ave., East Orange, N. J. Villiam Halsey Johnson T w a .Member Psi Upsilon Club. Brother of Kphrair.i Sherman Tohn.son, Jr., Delta 08. (10 Millard Ave., Bronxville, N. Y.) \rthur Jocelyn Herbert Magrath ^ b '(]; LL. B. 1907; A. B. 1909. Phi Beta Kappa. Sec. Intercollegiate Assn. Amateur Athletes of .\mcrica, 08-10. Lawyer. .1 1 Nassau St., New York. X. ^'. \ichard Hamilton Oaklev B h \i Member University and ^lidwick Country Clubs. Manufacturer. 1515 Maud St., Los Angeles, Cal. rlerbert Gregor Cutwater . B h 'A ' Eucleian; Basket Ball Assn.; Glee, Musical and Banjo Clubs. Chairman New York Univ. Civilian Committee for Naval Training Cruise for Civilians, under U. S. Government Super- vision, 16-17. Member Soc. of Am. Wars, Psi Upsilon and Riverdale Country Clubs. Builder. Edwin Cutwater Inc., 18 E. 41st St.; res. Pali- sade Ave., New York, N. Y. .otiis Phipps Sanger B s 'A Member Psi Llpsilon, Calumet and New York Athletic Clubs. Banker. 60 Broadway; res. Plaza Hotel, New York, X. Y. John Alexander Shiras T j 'Q Football; Gymnasium; Glee Club. (1550 Overlook St., Mt. Vernon, N. Y.) Bdward Clark Taylor W e 'Q \ Member L^niversity Club. ! Rancher. I 4th St. and National Ave., Cliula Vista, Cal. George Aron Young ^y'a C. E. 1909. Red Dragon; Basket Ball; Foot- ball; Track; Capt. Football. Member Psi Up- silon Club (New York). Brother of William Augustus Young, Delta 01. Contractor. Leonia; res. Westervelt Ave., Tenafly, N. J. 1910 Henry Anderson, Jr. BhB B. S. 1910. Red Dragon; Mechanical En- gineering Soc; Rowing Assn.; Glee Club. Asst. Coach Crew; Track. Pres. Mechanical En- gineering S'oc.; Dramatics; Pres. Rowing Assn. Member Psi Llpsilon Club. Engineer. Engineering Dept., E. I. du Pont, de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del. Walter Francis Anselni Brown B y ''b Member Psi Upsilon Club. Salesman. Rolls-Royce Automobile Agency, 236 W. S4th St., New York; res. Overcliff House, Park Hill, Yonkers, N. Y. George Lunt BPo) B. S. in Chemical Engineering 1910. Psi Upsilon Club, Hotel Manhattan, New York, N. Y. Theodore Ripley Smith ntT Turtle (Dartmouth). Football; Gymnastics. Member Spanish Casino and Country Club (Ha- bana, Cuba). See Zeta 10 Merchant. 23 Hampden St., Springfield; res. Agawani, Mass. Edward Malcolm Watson .];d'B Baseball; Basket Ball. Member Advertising Club of New York. Salesman. Jersey City Printing Co., 160 Maple St.; res. 99 Bayview Ave., Jersey City, N. J. 1911 Stanley Niver Abbott Frank Enderlin Booth ¥n'X .Son of Tames Abbott, Delta 83 and nepliew of Renwick" Wylie Abbott, Delta 98. Assistant Sales Manager. Hygrade Lamp Co., 60 Boston St.; res. 14 Temple Court, Salem, Mass. Bb'X B. S. 1911. Delta Iota Delta; Eucleian. Foot- ball; Tennis. Capt. Teacher Lawrenceville School, 14-16. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Educator. Roxbury, N. Y. Thomas Loughran Cunningham B c T Member Psi Upsilon and Hamilton Grange Tennis Clubs. Contractor. 219 W. 116th St.; res. 215 W. 116th St., New York, N. Y. Raymond Dearborn Jackson General Manager. Miller-Jackson Co., 333 W. Front St., Plain- field; res. 305 E. Dudley Ave., Westfield, N. J. John Oliver Miller Kj '$ C. E. 1911. Manager. Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 39 W. 32d St., New York; res. 123 Summit Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. George Elliott Patterson Initiated by the Eta Wallace Reynolds iFy'B B. S. in C. E. 1911. Delta Iota Delta; Eucleian. Asst. Mgr. Gymnastics (3); Delegate Intercol- legiate Gymnastic Assn.; Crew (1), (2), (3); Capt. (3); Mgr. Tennis (4). Member Psi Up- ■ii'on Club (New York). Brother of Edwin Ten Eyck Reynolds, Delta OS. Civil Engineer, Alaskan Engineering Commission, Anchorage, Alaska and R. H. Schenck, 45 Broadway, New York. N. Y. 62 DELTA CHAPTER [1911-1. Franklin Ferriss Russell (1^ f 'X John Klisha Hyatt A. B. 1911; T. D. 1915; A. B. 1913 Oxford Univ. and B. C. L. 1914. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi. Entrance Prize, Rhodes Scholar- ship. Member Psi Upsilon, Squadron C, Brook- lyn Chess and Invincible Clubs; Phi Beta Kappa Assn. Son of Isaac Franklin Russell, Delta 75, brother of George Phelps Russell, Delta 17 and nephew of William Henry Russell, Delta 75 and Charles Erickson Russell, Delta 82. Lawyer. 50 Church St., New York; res. 422 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Frederick X^^ilhelm Schulze BO"- B. S. 1911; C. E. 1913; A. M. 1912 Clark Univ. and Ph. D. 1914. Phi Beta Kappa; Dramatic Club. Football: Show. Asst. Prof. School of Chemistry, Univ. Pittsburgh; Fellow Mellon Inst. Jicmber Psi Upsilon and Chemists' Clubs: Am. Chemical Soc. Research Chemical Engineer. 43 Ridge Drive, Yonkers, N. Y. Sutherland Gazzam Taylor, Jr. ? g T B. S. in M. E. 1911. Delta Iota Delta; Glee Club. Tennis. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Engineer. Cyrus Robinson & Co. Ltd., 71 Broadway, New York: res. 126 N. Columbus Ave., yit. Vernon. N. Y. Andrew Ten Eyck By? A. B. 1911; LL. B. and J. D. 1914. Phi Delta Phi. Pres. Eucleian, 10-11; Crew; Debating Team; Sec. Intercollegiate Assn. of Amateur Athlete; of America, 09-10; George Augustus Sandham Prize; Valedictorian. Asst. to Chan- cellor New York Univ., 13-14; Sec. Arts and Sciences Alumni Assn., 14-15. Member Uni- versity, Psi Upsilon, City and Harvard (New York) Clubs. Secretary. State Education Bldg., Albany; res. Selkirk, N. Y. 1912 Ogden Willard Lincoln Coffin W s '$ Bucket and Dipper. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. ^Merchant. lis N. Wall and Rear 31 W. Long Sts.; res. 60 .Sherman Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Will Brownson Davis Sb'A Delta Iota Delta. Football. Member Birch- wood Country Club. Brother of Clarence Lewis Davis, Delta 04 and D[avid] Rowland Davis, Delta 13. Advertising. 122 S. Michigan Blvd.; res. 1620 Fargo Ave., Chicago, 111. Henry Laidlaw Dewey Tz-^cp B. S. 1913 Princeton Univ. Track (1). Mem- ber Princeton Quadrangle Club. Importer and Manufacturer. 401 Concord Ave.; res. Morris Heights, New York, N. Y. Russell Gage Harper '^ g'$ Member Engineers' and Country Clubs. Bond Salesman. Hamhleton & Co., 43 Exchange PI., New York, N. Y. ; res. Engineers' Club, Scranton, Pa. BPi B. S. 1912; M. E. 1914. Member Psi Upsilo (New York) Club. Brother of Caleb Hyati Delta 01 and George Hyatt, Delta 07. Foundry Superintendent. Ill George St., Stevens Point, Wis. Flugo Houghton Lupinski • B X U B. S. in M. E. 1912. Member Psi Upsiloi Club. Salesman. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., 165 Broad way. New York; res. 39 Wedemeyer Terrace Liberty, N. Y. Willis Dale Sutton ^ m "^A Member Psi Upsilon Club. Brother of Jame: Stanley Sutton, Xi 17. Publisher. 8 W. 40th St., New York; res. 20 St. Andrew: PL, Yonkers, N. Y. Clarence Leon von Egloffstein t]; d '^ Delta Iota Delta; Eucleian. Football (1) (2), (3): Show (1): Cheer Leader (3). Mem ber Psi Upsilon Club. Superintendent of Construction. Raymond Concrete Pile Co., 140 Cedar St., New York, N. Y. 1913 Mortimer Louis Bettcher Member Psi Upsilon, Nyack Country and Rock land Golf Clubs. Merchant. P.rick, Lime &■ Cement Co., Inc., 1448 \\ es Farms Rd., New York; res. Nyack, N. Y. I'aul Chapman Hamilton B 9 '-A Student. 502 Gaston Ave., Tyler, Tex. Edwin John Houghton ^* c ''0 Delta Delta Delta Delta: "K." Track. Student. 1749 Montgomery Ave., New York, N. Y. lohn W^illiam Kellev Tfi-'Z Student. (351 S. 3d Ave.. :\rt. Vernon, N. Y.> 918-20J I'iegiiiald L'pshaw Knox "K." Gymnastics. ■ Student. jl Howe PI.. Bronxville, X. Y. lichard McDowell [I Delta Delta Delta Delta; "K." Track. '■ Student. DELTA CHAPTER ^p'o 338 Fulton St., Brooklyn: res. 555 \V. l"3d St., New York. N. Y. 1 organ (Jlcott (!; f 'o , Member University Heights Tennis Club. » Student. [ 2ii2 University Ave.. New York, N. Y. .eonard Charles Lindsay Smith, Jr. I h 'v. Son of Leonard Charles Lindsay Smith. Delta 88. Student. } 59 Woolscy St.. Long Island City, X. Y. Ahvood llalsey Townsend *!' j 'O liramatic Soc; (Jlee Club. Track; -Mgr. Musical Club; \czi< )'orkcr and Medley i'oards. ."^oii nf Palmer [Gardiner] Townsend, Delta 87 and nephew of Frank LeGrand Townsend, Delta 84 and Gerard Bostwick Townsend, Delta «7. Student. '• 571 Tefferson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1919 'Ernest Everett Draper T^. o- 'X Brother of \\'illiam Henry Draper, Jr., Delta 16. Student. 1"6 Woodworth Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. alentine Ardsley Flood {j d 'A Dramatic Soc. .'^tudcnt. J.i Reldcn Ave., Dobbs F"crry, X'. Y. ^r c ''; •elwyn Mitchell Gibbs Member Xew York Athletic Club. Clerk. Am. Radiator Co., 58 Front St.. Worcester, .Mass.; res. 116 W. Main St., Middletown, X. Y. Cldred Absolom Halsey Student. 5S E. i;7th St., Xew York, X. Y. p, ; [j: vobert Montjjomery Macdonald «!; f '). Sigma Chi; Glee Club. Capt. Basket Ball. .Student. 220 Wadsworth .\ve.. Xew York, X. Y. Tenry Williams Parkhurst ^V h ""A Dramatic Soc. (H; Football. Smdcnt. -ni \V. I.?8t1i St.. Xew York. X. Y. ames Harold Potter Student. .1108 l-'arragut Rd.. Brooklyn, X. V. P.b'!; Edwin F. Schumacher Member Glee'and Mandolin Clubs. Student. 29 N. D St., Irvington, N. Y. 65 O q 'X Paul Stevens ^ z 'A Cdee Cub. Brother of Henrv Latan6 Stevens, Delta 14. Student. 2094 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Harold Beekman Storms Student. oSO S. 3d Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. John Harold Thompson Student. 1912 l.orinK PI., Xew York, X. V. Walter Albert Wurth Glee Club. Gymnastics. Student. 861 S. nth St., Newark, N. J. 1920 John Henry Esquirol Cilce Club; Dramatic Soc. Brother Alfred Esquirol, Delta 17. Student. 25 Crooke Ave., Brooklyn, N^. Y. Stewart Maurer Frame Dramatic .Soc; Member dice and Clubs. Student. 2131 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Clarence John Fraser* (;iec Club. Football. Student. Robert Powell Hu^jhes Student. 75 Redficld St., Rye, N. Y. rCverett Raeburn Jenkins Football .Student. 209 X. Fulton Ave., Mt. Vernon, X. William Hamilton Mclntyre Student. 204 Wakcman PI., Brooklyn, X. Y. Walter John Scott Student. 1 17 13tli St.. I'lushinp, \. V. Edward William Ward Student. 56 Shanlcy .\ve., X'ewark, X. J. ^t'Z By'X 7P ^ ^'t'v of Joseph ^ b "M Mandoliti TdV d. 1917 B m [A*^ fi c '\\ Y. Blv' W y X' BETA CHAPTER FOL'XDEl) AUGUST 9, 1839 YALE UNIVERSITY NEW HA\"EN, CONNECTICUT 1840 James Staunton Babcock''^ YGy] A. B. 1840; A. M. 1843. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Yale Literary Magazine, 39-40. Charter Member; Principal, Tviscaloosa, Ala., 40-43; Coventry, Conn., 43; Teacher, Coventry, 45-47. Author "Vi.sions and Voices." Educator. d. 1847 Henry Booth" u D A. B. 1840; LL. B. 1844; LL. D. 1870 Univ. of Chicago. Phi Beta Kappa; Chi Delta Theta. Mathematical Prize, 39; Editor Yale Literary Magazine, 39-40. Charter Member; Principal Acad., \\'ellsborough. Pa., 40-41; Dist. Atty. Bradford County, Pa., 47-50; Dean of the Fac- ulty Law School, Poughkeepsie, N Y., 56-58; Prof. Law of Real Property and Dean of the Law Faculty, Univ. of Chicago, 59-73; Judge Circuit Court, Cook County, 111., 70-79; Member Chicago Athenaeum, 71-98; Pres., 75 81; Pres. Soc. of Ethical Culture, Chicago; Member Soc. for Physical Research; Assoc. Founder and Charter Member of the Chi; Pres. Psi Upsilon Assn. of the West, 78; Toast Master of the Psi Upsilon Convention, 81. Lawyer. d. 1898 William Bartlett Brinsmade'^ T V y] A. B. 1840. Charter Member. Civil. Engineer. d. 1880 Enoch Long Childs* £ J yj A. B. 1840. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres. Brothers in Unity, 39-40; Commencement Orator. Char- ter Member; Teacher High School, Henniker. N. IE. 32-34; Acad., Hopkinton. 34-37; Principal .\cad.. Montgomery, .Ma., 40-46; City and Ciiun- fy Surveyor, ISIontgomery. Ala., 42-46; Chief Deputy Collector, Internal Revenue, 4th and .•32d Dists., New York, 65-70. Civil Engineer. d. 1881 Oeoro'e Hooker Colton* sRcr A. B. 1840. Phi Beta Kappa; Salutatorian. Charter Member; Teacher, Hartford Conn., 40- 43; Poet at the Convention. 44; Orator at the Convention, 44-47. Author "Tecumseh. or the \\'est Thirty Years Since." Brother of Theron Caylord Colton, Beta 44, Henry Martyn Colton, Beta 48, and Willis Strong Colton, Beta 50. Journalist. d. 1847 Henry Martyn Dexter* EA2 A. B. 1840; A. M. 1843; S. T. D. 1880; A. M. 1863 ad eundem Brown Univ.; B. D. 1844 And- ovcr Tlieol. Sem.; D. D. 1865 Univ. of Iowa. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member; Teacl Rochester, Mass., 40-41; Pastor E'ranklin Sti Church, Manchester, N. H., 44-49; BerkeJ?' (formerly Pine) Street Church, Boston, Mass 49-67; ^Member School Committee, Manclieste N. H., 48; Boston, Mass., 51; Committee, Bo ton City Library. Author ''Street Thoughts; "Twelve Discourses;" "Congregationalism; "Verdict of Reason upon the Question of tli Future Punishment of those who die Impeni tent;" "A Glance at the Ecclesiastical Counci of New England;" "The Church Polity of th Pilgrims the Polity of the New Testament; ".Memoranda: Pilgrim History;" "As to Kogt Williams and His 'Banishment' from the Mas: achusetts Colony;" ''The Congregationalism c the Last Three Hundred Years, as seen in il Literature;" "A Handbook of Congregations ism;" "The True Story of John Smith tli Sebaptist; with an Inquiry whether dippin^ were a new mode of Baptism in England in oi about 1641, etc;" "Common Sense as to Woma Suffrage"; and ".\rgument on behalf of th Complainants before the Visitors of Andove Theological Seminary, in the matter of th Complaint against Egbert C. Smyth, Brow Professor of Ecclesiastical History;" "Wha Ought to be Done with the Frccdmen and th Rebels." Member Am. Historical Assn., Am .\ntiquarian, New England Ilistoric-rienealog cal. Old Colony Historical, Long Island Histori cal and ^lassachusetts Historical .Socs. ^'athc of [Horton] Morton Dexter, Beta 67. Clergyman and Journalist. d. 189 ideon Hiram Llollister* u G I A. H. 1840; A. INI. 1843. Editor Y,\h' I.itcra<\ Magazine. 39-40. Charter Member; Clerk Court of Litchfield «^ounty, 43-48 and 49-52; Senato State of Conn., 56; U. S. Minister Resi dent in Hayti, 68-69; Member Legislatnn State of Conn., 80; Poet Psi Upsilon Conveii tioh, 45. Author "Mount Hope;" "History o Connecticut;" "The Law of Eminent Domain;' "Tliomas a Becket." Lawyer. d. 18S Chauncev Henry Hubbard* sL: A. B. 1840. Charter Member. Acting Pastor Stanwich, Conn., 44-46; First Presbyteriai Church, Sandlake. N. Y., 46-51; Second Congre gational Church, Bennington, V^t., 51-73. Clergyman. d. 187( Horace James* rc- A. B. 1840; A. M. 1843; B, D. 1843 Andovei Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Commence ment Orator. Charter Member; Colleague Pa.* tor First Church, Wrentham, Mass., 43-53; Pas tor First Church, Worcester, 53-61: Firsi Church, Lowell, Mass., 67-70; Chaplain 25th Inf Regiment of ^Mass. Vols., 61-64; Asst. Quarter master, with rank of Capt., 64-66; Supt. Freed 66 1840-42] BETA CHAPTER 67 men. State of N. C, 66-67; Dist. Sec. Am. and Foreign Christian Union for New York and vicinity, 70-71; Orator of the Psi Upsilon Con- vention. 55; Assoc. Founder of the Zeta. Clergyman. d. 1875 EDS John Smith Kelley* A. B. 1840. Charter Member; Principal Acad., Haddam, Conn., 40-41. d. 1844 Amos Edward Lawrence* rcH A. B. 1840; A. M. 1849; B. D. 1844 Union Theol. Scm. Asst. Sec. Am. Home Missionary Soc. 44-48: Charter Member; Pastor Cutchogue, Long Island, 48-51; South Britain, Conn., 51-61-1; Lancaster, Mass., 6U-65 ; Acting Pastor, llousa- tonic, Mass., 66-70; South Lee, 70-71; Stock- bridge, 73-75. Clergyman. d. 1897 Daniel Parker Noyes* ERS A. B. 1840; A. M. 1844. Phi Beta Kappa. Prcs. of Brothers in Unity, 39-40; Commence- ment Orator. Charter Member; Pastor Third (Jay St.) Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 49-54; Sec. Am. Home Missionary Soc, 54-54; State Committee (Mass.) on the work of the Churches, 65-88; Pastor Congregational Church, Wilmington, Mass., 77-85; ByJield, 85-88. Author "Our Country." Father of Edward Parish Noyes, Beta 80 and Atherton Noyes, Beta 85. Clergyman. d. 1888 TFy] Harvard Coll. ' James Smith* A. B. 1840; LL. Charter Member. Lawyer B. 1843 d. 1846 1841 Alfred Amos Abbott A. B. 1841; LL. B. 1843 Harvard Coll. Com- mencement Orator. Member Mass. Legislature, 50 and 52; Senator, Mass.. 53; Dist. Atty., Eastern Dist. of Mass., 53-69; Pres. Peabody Inst. See Theta, 41 Lawyer. d. 1884 " William [Taylor] Sullivan Barry* ESS A. B. 1841. Skull and Bones. Commencement Orator. Member Legislature State of Miss., 49, 51 and 55; Speaker, 55; Member U. S. House of Representatives, 53-55; Confederate Provisional Congress, 61; Colonel 35th Regi- ment (Confederate) Miss. Inf., 62-65. Lawyer. d. 1868 Maunsell Bradhurst Field* u\i.s, A. B. 1841; A. M. 1846. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Minor Bully, 40-41; (Com- mencement Orator. Sec. U. S. Legation at Paris and Attache U. S. Legation at Madrid, 54-55; Pres. -Buard of U. S. Commissioners to the I'aris E.xposition, 55; Kniglit Legion of Honor (France), 55; Deputy U. S. Sub-Treas., New York, 61-63; Asst. Sec. Treasury of the U. S., 63-65; Collector Internal Revenue, 6th Dist. of New York, 65-69; Judge . U. S. Court 2d Dist. of New York, 73-75; Chairman (Yale) Woolsey Fund Com- mittee, 71-75; Pres. Yale Alumni Assn. of New Y'ork. 74. Author "Adrian, or the Clouds of the Mind;" "Memories of Many Men and Some Women." Lawyer. d. 1875 (4) Edmur.d Pendleton Gaines* (|^ H A. B. 1841; A. M. 1844. Editor Yale Literary Magaizne, 40-41. Chief Clerk. Int_ernal Rev- enue Division Secretary's Office, 65-76. d. 1898 Edward Mills* EXH A. B. 1841. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Lawyer. d. 1862 Charles Sherman Minor * £ X a A. B. 1841. Phi Beta Kapna; Chi Delta Theta. Principal Acad., Wellsbornugh, Pa., 41-43; State Commissioner Enrollment for Wayne County, Pa., 62; Atty. U. S. Bureau of Cap- tured and Abandoned Property, Washington, D. C, 63-64; Asst. U. S. Assessor and Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, Counties of Wayne and Pike, Pa., 64-74; Trustee State Lunatic Asylums, Harrisburg and Danville, Pa. Author "Nature, the Source of all Relig- ions," and "Man's True Place in the Universe." Lawyer. d. 1900 John Morrison Pinkerton* Ev A. B. 1841; A. M. 1845; LL. B. 1845 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Dir. Am. Education Soc, 54-72; Vice-Pres., 72-74; Vice-Pres. Am. Coll. and Education Soc, 74-81; Am. Missionary Soc, 76-81. Lawyer. d. 1881 John Dale Powell* A F p A. B. 1841; A. M. 1848; LL. B. 1843 Harvard. Lawyer. d. 1850 William Erigena Robinson* a S A. B. 1841; A. M. 1844. Founder Yale Banner. Pres. Brothers in Unity, 40-41. Weigher New Y^ork Custom House, 49-53; Assessor of Internal Revenue, Third Dist. New York, 62-66; Member U. S. House of Repre- sentatives, 67-69 and 81-85; Founder and Char- ter Member of the Beta; Assoc. Founder of the Sigma and Gamma; Editor ''First General Catalogue"; Orator of the Convention, 51. Author "Ireland and the Irish" and "The Celt and the Saxon." Initiated by the Theta Journalist. d. 1892 d. 1871 Guy Bryan Schott* A. B. 1841. Lawyer. Hezekiah Sturges* £ V -T) A. B. 1841. Teacher Latin and Greek Acad., GiJbertsville, N. Y. 41-43; Judge Court ot Common Pleas, Otsego County, 68-71; Canal Appraiser State of N. Y., 77-80. Lawyer. , d. 1884 ITenry Perrine Townsend :): u 9 a Lawyer. 1842 Edward Law Baldwin* A. B. 1842; LL. B. 1844. Editor Yale Literary Mayasine, 41-42. Executive Sec. State of Conn, (for his father) 44-45. Brother of Roger Sherman Baldwin, Jr., Beta 47 and .Simeon Eben Baldwin, Beta 61. Lawyer. d. 1848 68 BETA CHAPTER [1842 George Bushnell * Ha9 A. B. 1842: B. D. 1846; S. T. D. 1870 Beloit Coll. Teacher West Hartford. Conn., 42-43; City Supt. of Public Schools, Worcester, Mass., 57-59; Pastor Salem Street Church, Worcester, Mass., 48-57; 1st Church, Waterburv, 59-65; 1st Church, Beloit, Wis., 65-85. Father of George Ensign Bushnell, Beta 76. Clergyman. d. 1898 Alexander Huntington Clapp* a S p A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845; B. D. 1845 Andover Theol. Sem.; S. T. D. 1868 Iowa Coll. Alpha Delta Phi. Pres. Brothers in Unity, 41-42; English Composition Prizes, 39 and 40; Berk- leian Latin Premium, 39. Acting Prof, of Rhetoric and English Literature, Middlebury Coll., 45-46; Pastor Brattleboro, Vt., 46-53; Beneficent Church, Providence, R. I., 55-65; Sec. Home Missionary Soc, 65-78; Treas. 78- 88; Chaplain 10th Inf. Regiment R. I. \'ols., 62. Author "God's Purpose in the War." Clergyman. d. 1899 William Postell Gready* H^e A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845; B. D. 1845 Prince- ton Theol. Sem. Skull and Bones; .\lpha Delta Phi. Editor Yale Literary Magazine. 41-42. Missionary Work, Retreat and Tuga'o, S. C, 57-65. Clergyman. d. 1882 Charles Henry Hall* y;X0 A. B. 1842; A. M. 1847 Trinity Coll; S. T. D. 1860 Hobart Coll.; S. T. D. 1860 St. John's Coll.; S. T. D. 1861 Columbia. Rector St. John's Church, Huntington, N. Y., 45-47; Church of the Holy Innocents, West Point, N. Y., 47-48; St. John's Church, John's Island, S. C, 48-57; Church of the Epiphany, Wash- ington, D. C, 57-69; Church of the Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, N. Y., 69-88; Chaplain 23d Regiment N. G. N. Y. ; Orator Annual Conveti- tion, 86. Author "Notes, Practical and Exposi- tory, on the Gospels;" "True Protestant Ritual- ism;" "Spina Christi;" "The Church of the Household;" "A Mournful Easter;" "Conscience in its relation to the Duties of the Citizen to the State;" "The Valley of the Shadow" and "Pa- triotism and National Defense." Clergyman. d. 1895 ScpP d. 1840 Elijah Scribner Hawley* Albert Mathews* (rtj;0 A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845. Skull and Bones. Editor Yale Literary Magazine, 41-42. Mem- ber Executive Committee Yale Alumni Assn. of New York, 78-79; Vice-Pres. New York Bar Assn., 86. Author "Walter Ashwood, a Love Story;" "A Bundle of Papers:" "Thoughts on Codification of the Common Law;" "Inci- dental Protection a Solecism" and Psi LTpsilon Song "Golden Days in Psi U." Lawyer. d. 1903 20© d. 1885 Yt^H A. B. 1842. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones; Alpha Delta Phi. Editor Yale Literary Maga- zine, 40. Member Ohio Constitutional Conven- tion, 50-51. Author "Address Against Slavery." Merchant. d. 1859 John Jay Orton* A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845. Lawyer. Jacob Perkins* John Addison Porter* Y1£0 A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845; M. D. 1855. Scroll and Key. Prof, of Rhetoric, 45-47; Asst. in Chem- istry, Harvard. 50; Prof, of Industrial Chem- istry, Brown Univ., 50-52; Acting Prof, of Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry, Yale, 52-53; Prof. 53-56; of Organic Chemistry, 56-64. Author "Principles of Chemistry" and "First Book of Chemistry." Educator. d. 1866 Steuben Rexford* HxP A. B. 1842 Lawyer. David Trumbull* Teacher, Norfolk, Va., 42-44. d. 1850 SwP A. B. 1842; B. D. 1845 Princeton Theol. Sem.; S. T. D. 1866 Ind. Univ. Phi Beta Kappa; Chi Delta Theta. Librarian, Brothers in Unity, 41-42; Commencement Orator. Pastor Union Church, Valparaiso, Chile S. A., 45-88; Teacher Young Ladies' English School, 49-51; Principal, 51-57. Author "Discourse before the Masonic Chapter at Valparaiso;" "On Death of the Intendente of Valparaiso;" "On Christian Freedom;" "On the Death of President Lincoln" and "On the Death of President Garfield;" Mem- ber New Jersey Historical Soc. Father of David Trumbull. Jr.. Beta 76, John Trumbull, Beta 78. Stephen Trumbull, Beta 80 and William Trum- bull, Beta 83, and' brother of James Hedden Trumbull, Beta 48. Clergyman. d. 1889 James Hammond Trumbull* o" a 9 A. B. 1850; A. M. 1850; LL. D. 1871; LL. D. 1887 Harvard; L. H. D. 1887 Columbia. Lec- turer on North Am. Indian Languages; Asst. Sec. State of Conn., 47-52 and 58-61; State Li- brarian and Registrar, 54-55; Sec. of State, 61- 65: Librarian Watkinson I-ibrary, Hartford, 58-88. Author "Defense of Stonington, Conn., against a British Squadron, August 9-12, 1814;" "The True Blue-Laws of Connecticut, etc.;" "The Memorial History of Hartford County, Conn.;" "The Origin of McFingal;" "The Origin of the Expedition against Ticonderoga;" "The Composition of Indian Geographical Names;" "The Best Method of Studying the Indian Languages;" "Notes on l^ortv Algonquin Versions of the Lord's Prayer." Member Am. Antiquarian, Connecticut Historical, Am. Orien- tal, Am. Ethnological and Am. Philological Socs. and National Acad, of Science. Brother of Charles Edward Trumbull, Beta 54. Librarian and Author. d. 1897 Leander Elmer Wakefield* rjjp A. B. 1842. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi. Pres. Brothers in Unitv, 42. Pastor, Hopkinton, R. I., 44-45; Feltonville (Hudson), Mass., 45-48 and 52-54; Osterville (Barnstable), 48-52; Monticello, Minn.. 64-65; Member Mass. Legis- lature, 57-58; School Committee of Hudson, 53-64. Clergyman. d. 1865 Henry Dana Artemas Ward* cr [a A. B. 1842. Phi Beta Kappa. Member City Council, Middletown, 75; Aldecman, 76; Board of Education, 74-79. Lawyer. d. 1896 Robert William Wright* SoP A. B. 1842. Pres. Brothers in Unity, 41; Edi- tor Yale Literary Magazine. 41-42. Judge Pro- bate, Dist. of Waterburv, New Haven County, Conn., 58-59; Executive Sec. State of Conn., 67-71. Author "The Church Knaviad:" "The \'ision of Judgment :" "The Pious Chi-Neh" and "Life, its Tru'' Genesis." Lawyer and Journalist. d. 1885 1843-44] BETA CHAPTER 69 1843 Benjamin Tucker Eames* T o) 11 A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones!. Pres. Brothers in Unity, 42-43. Member Legislature State of R. I., 59, and 68-69: Speaker, 69; Senator, 54-56, 59, 63 and 84-85; Member U. S. House of Representa- tives, 71-79. Father of Waldo Chapin Eames, Beta 81. ^ ,„„, Lawyer d. 1897 Hallam Eldreds,-e* T 9 t: A. B. 1843. Commencement Orator; Li- brarian of Linonia, 42-43. Author "On the Income la-x" and "The Lunar Theory of the Tides." Farmer. d. 1893 Tel d. 1889 A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846. Skull and Bones; Pres. Brothers in Unity, 42-43. Pres. Board of Trustees of Canandaigua, N. Y. Lawyer. d. 1868 Christopher Granimer* A. B. 1843. Skull and Bones. Lawyer. Gideon Granger* Daniel William Havens* ^sn A. B. 1843; B. D. 1846 East Windsor Theol. Sem. Phi ^eta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Editor Ytile Literature Maga::ine. 42-43; Com- mencement Orator; Vice-Pres. of Linonia, 42. Pastor Hast Haven, Conn., 47-77; Member Al- bany Convention, S3; Oberlin Council, 71; Conn. Legislature, 72; Trustee Highland Univ., 84-88; Dir. Norman Univ., 85-88. Author "His- tory of the Town of East Haven, Conn." Clergyman. d. 1889 John Abram Lent* T^n A. B. 1843. Skull and Bones. Judge Ala- meda County Court, Cal., 59-63. Lawyer. d. 1863 Edward -Monroe* T I A. B. 1843. Phi Beta Kappa. d. 1851 Frederick Munson* ^ X t A. B. 1843. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Editor Yale Literary Magazine, 42-43; Com- mencement Orator. Teacher, South Britain, Conn.. 43; East Windsor, 43-44: Pastor, 47-56: East Windsor, 56-65; Brookfield, 65-68; Patch- ogue, L. I., 68-75; Haddam Neck, Conn., 75-84. Clergyman. d. 1902 George Northrop'' Lawyer. John Frederick Nourse* TttH Zan A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846. Scro'l and Key; Alpha Delta Phi. Commencement Orator. Principal Acad., Beverly, Mass., 43-45; Endi- cott and Chapman Schools, Boston, 45-54. Educator. d. 1854 Txl George Taber Pierce* A. B. 1843. Member N. Y. Legislature, 46 and 62-63; Senator, 52-53; Member Kans. Legisla- ture, 69-70; Trustee Vassar Coll., 61-67. -Xu- thor "The Public Defenses." Farmer. d. 1901 0,° ^ Horace Hall Reid* A. B. 1843! A. M. 1846 Trinity Coll.; B. D. 1848 General Theol. Scm. Principal Acad., Bedford, N. Y., 43-45: Rector St. Peter's Church, Paris, Ky., 48-50; Christ Church, Watertown, Conn., 50-57; St. Stephen's Church, Millburn, N. J., 57-59. Brother of Lewis Hub- bard Reid, Beta 47, uncle of Lewis Fuller Reid, Beta 75, Clarence Ledoux Reid, Beta 77 and Edward Winthrop Reid, Beta 86. Clergyman. d. 1860 Edward Wright Robbins t, a t A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846. Scroll and Key. Pres. of Linonia, 42. Editor Yale Literary Magasine, 42-43. Teacher, Meriden, Conn., 43-44; Eastville, Va., 44; Instr. Conn. State Normal School. 58-60. Author "A New Method of Finding the Squares of Numbers;" '"A Few Words about Elihu Burritt" and "Car- field and Glory." Author. d. 1899 Lucius Franklin Robinson* i. o Member Ala. Legislature, 48-52. Planter. d- 1861 Joseph King Meritt* C w K A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847; M. D. 1848 Columbia. Asst. Surg. New York Hosp., 48-49; Resident Surg.. 49-50; Surg. U. S. Army, 62; Central Park Hosp., New York, 63-65. Physician and Surgeon. d 1882 HoUis RusselP' T0O A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847. Scroll and Key. Pres.. Brothers in Unity, 43-44; Townsend Premium, 44; Commencement Orator. Teacher, Clarksville, Tenn., 44-47; Pastor Congrega- tional Church, Schoolcraft, Mich., 48-50. Clergyman. d. 1850 Edward David Selden* ZiK A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847. Phi Beta _ Kappa. One 1st and two 2d Berkleian Latin Prizes; 1st English Composition Prize, 43 ; Commencement Orator. Supt. of Schools, 60; Town Commis- sioner, 64; Member Vt. Legislature, 61-62. Brother of Charles Selden, Beta 48 and father of Robert William Selden, Beta 80. Manufacturer. d. 1907 James Austin Shelton* tyO A. B. 1844. Commencement Orator. Teacher Louisville, Ky., 44-46; Rupert, Vt., 46-47; Capt. Company G, 1st Cavalry Regiment Vt. Vols., 61-62. Merchant. d. 1877 Joseph Burbeen Walker* Lay. A. B. 1844; A. M. 1891; A. M. 1883 Dart- mouth. Skull and Bones. Trustee Phillips ("Exe- ter) Acad.; Member Board of Education, Union School Dist. Concord, 73-02; N. H. I^egislature, 66-67; Alderman, Concord, 72-74. Member New England Historic-Genealogical, Am. Anti- quarian and Prince Socs. Father of Charles Rumford Walker, Beta 74 and Nathaniel Upham Walker, Beta 77. Merchant. d. 1913 Martin Kellogg Whittlesey* ¥ L O A. B. 1844; B. D. 1847; S. T. D. 1877 Illinois Coll. Phi Beta Kappa: Chi Delta Theta. Berke- ley Latin Premium, 42; Commencement Orator, Acting Pastor 1st Church, Ottawa, 111., 48-49; Pastor 49-70; Alton 70-72; Supt. Home Mis- sionary Soc. for Central and Southern Illinois, Jacksonville, 72-78; Church. Ottawa, 81-82; Truste-2 Illinois Coll., 74-88; Registrar, Corres- ponding Sec. and Treas. 111. State Assn. of Congregational Churches, 52-96. Clergyman. d. 1896 Goodwin Gardner Williams* t

. A. B. 1845. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones-, Chi Delta Theta. Editor Yale Literary Mag- azine, 44-45; Pres. of Linonia, 44-45; Com- mencement Orator. Assoc. Principal Boys' High School, Norwich, Conn., 45-46; Principal Acad., Lowndesborough, Ala., 46-47. Journalist. d. 1898 John Talmadge Marsh Initiated by the Delta James Morton* H a S A. B. 1845; B. D. 1849 Union Theol. Sem. Teacher Rome, N. Y., 45-46; Principal Acad., Whitesboro, N. Y., 46-47; Pastor, Turin, N. Y., 51-54; Delaware City, Del., 54-59; New York City, 60-61; Tremont, N. Y., 61-63; Galesburg, 111., 63-65; Stanhope, N. J., 68-70. Clergyman and Manufacturer. d. 1894 Sereno Dwight Nickerson* a

' A. B. 1850; A. M. 1853. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Two 1st Prizes English Com- position. 47; Two Lst Prizes. 48; 1st Berkleian Latin Prizes, 47 and 48: 3d Prize for Latin Tran.-ilation, 47; Clark Prize for Poem, 50; Townsend Premium. 50; Salutatorian; Editor Yale Literary Magasine, 49-50. Principal Old Saybrook (Conn.) Acad., 50-51; Pastor, Wethers- field. Conn., 56-66; Washington, 66-77; Warren 77-88. Author "The Lost Triad:" "Voyage of Life;" "The Unseen City." Brother of George Hooker Colton, Beta 40, Theron Gavlord Col- ton. Beta 44, and Henry Martvn Colton, Beta 48. .- . , Clergyman. d. 1907 Chauncey Meigs Hand* ayA^ A. B. 1850; A. M. 18S3. Phi Beta Kappa. Com- mencement Orator. Teacher Military Acad., Oxford, Md., 50-52; Acting Pastor New York, 62-64; Private, 2d New York Cavalry, 64-65. Clergyman. d. 1865 Nathan Appleton Lee* A. B. 1850; LL. B. 1852; A. Prize for Latin Translation, 47. Lawyer. William Ludden* Y) z 9 M. 1853. 2d d 1863 A. B. 1850. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Publisher and Manufacturer. d. 1912 Newton Spaulding Manross* H (|; A' A. B. 1850: Ph. D. 1852 Univ. of Goettingen. Skull and Bones. 1st Prize for Latin Transla- tion, 47; Treas. Brothers in LTnitv, 49-50. Acting Prof. Chemistry, Amherst Coll., 61-62; Capt. Co. K. 16th Inf. Regiment Conn. Vols., 62. Mining Engineer. d. 1862 Edward Duchman Muhlenberg* a pi. A" A. B. 1850. 3d Mathematical Prize, 48. 1st Lieut. Co. F, 4th Regiment U. S. Artillery, 61-66; commanding Co. F, 63-64 and 65-66; Adjutant of the Regiment and Quartermaster, 64-65; commanding Brigade, 63; Chief of Ar- tillery of the Right Wing of the Army of the Potomac, Battle of Gettysburg, 63; Brevet Capt. and Brevet Major. Civil Engineer. d. 1883 Charles Henry Pratt* Henry Phelps Sanford* d. 1848 A. B. 1850; A. M. 1853. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Manufacturer. d. 1903 William Wheeler Skinner Civil Engineer. Cordial Storrs* V $" A. B. 1850. Skull and Bones. 2d Prize Eng- lish Composition, 48. Teacher, Fairchild's Col- legiate Inst.. Flushing. N. Y.. 50-51; Super- visor and School Supt. of Johnson County, Kans., 58-59. Lawyer. d. 1891 Albert Todd Real Estate. Y] Ltician Sumner Willcox* A. B. 1850; A. M. 1853; M. D. 1855. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Teacher, Easton, Conn., 50-53; Prof, of Theory and Prac- tice of Medicine. Yale Med. School, 77-81. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1881 Oswald Langdon W^oodford* H o S" A. B. 1850; A. M. 1853; B. D. 1855 .\ndover Tlieol. Sem. 2d Prize Latin Translation, 47; 2d Berkleian Latin Premium, 47 and 48; Editor Yale Literary Magazine. 49-50; Poem at Com- mencement. Teacher, Cherokee Male Sem., Tahlequah, Indian Territory, 50-52; Principal, 55-57; Missionary, Grasshopper Falls, Kans., 57- 59; Chairman Board of Education, 59-70; Mem- ber Conn. Legislature, 65. Clergyman. d. 1870 1851 Horatio Walsh Brinsmade* a y e A. B. 1851; Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 3d Prize in English Composition, 50; Pres. Brothers in LTnity, 51; Commencement Orator. d. 1852 Edward Salmon Cone Initiated by the Xi Rufus Cowles Crampton* H^u A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; LL. D. 1882 Illinois Coll. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Woolsey Scholar, 48-51; 2d Mathematical Prize, 48; 1st Prize, SO; Berkleian Latin Pre- mium, 49 and 50; Pres. of Linonia, SO; Philo- sophical Oration at Commencement. Teacher Farmington, Conn.. 51-52; Principal Susque- hanna Acad., Montrose, Pa., 53-54; Prof, of Mathematics and Astronomy, Illinois Coll., Jack- sonville. 111., 54-88: Acting Pres., 76-82; Lieut. Colonel 14Sth Inf. Regiment 111. Vols., 64. Educator. d. 1888 1851] BETA CHAPTER n William Kirtland Douglas* Y) £ U A. B. 1851; A. M. 18S4 Trinity Coll; B. D. 1833 Berkeley Divinity School; S. T. 1875 Columbia. 1st Mathematical Prize and 1st Berklcian Latin Premium, 48; 3d Prize Eng- lish Composition, 49. Rector St. John's Church, Warehouse Point, Conn., 53-55; Epiphany Church, New Iberia, 57-61; St. John's Church, Early Grove, 67-71; Church of the Holy Comforter, Dry Grove, 71-80; Calvary Church, New Orleans, La., 80-86; Grace Church, St. Francisville, 86-88; State Supt. of Schools, 66; Deputy to the General Conven- tions of the P. E. Church, 68, 71, 74, 11 and 81; Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Miss., 70-81; La., 81-88; Sec. of the Diocese of Miss., 72-78; La., 81-83; Warden Bishop Green Training School, 71-80; Pres. Jefferson Coll., Miss., 61-65; Supt. Schools, Natchez, 65-67. Clergyman. d. 1898 Tames Edward Estabrook * SxE' A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854. Berkleian Latin Premium. 48. Aide on the Staffs of Generals Charles Devins and Benjamin F. Butler, 62-63. Lawyer. d. 191S Walter Frear «r A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; B. D. 1854 Union Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1913 Pacific Theol. Sem. Alpha Delta Phi. Librarian Linonia, 50-51; Commencement Orator. Trustee Oahu Coll. (10 years); Pacific Theol. Sem. (20 years); Mgr. Cal. State Home for Feeble-Minded Children (5 years); Sec. and Trcas. Congregational Min- isters' Relief Soc. of Cal. (20 years) ; State Sec. Congregation Church Bldg. Soc. (3 years) ; Acting Pastor Presbyterian Church, Iowa City, Cal., 55-56; Pastor Placerville, 56-62; Congre- gational Church, Grass Valley, 62-64; Santa Cruz, 64-70; Fort Street Church, Honolulu, H. I., 70-81; 2d Church, Oakland, Cal., 81-86. Father of Walter Francis Frear, Beta 85. Clergyman (retired). 1925 Tenth Ave., Oakland, Cal. Asa French* S^E' A. B. 1851; LL. B. 1853 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Berkleian Latin Premium and Prize for Latin Translation, 48. Sec. and Treas. Yale Alumni Assn., Boston, 66-68: Member Mass. Legislature, 66; U. S. Atty. Southwest- ern Dist. of Mass.. 70-82; Judge Court of Com- missioners of Alabama Claims, 82; Member Board of Visitors, West Point Military Acad., 83; Pres. Board of Trustees, Thayer Acad, and Thayer Public Library. Braintree. Father of Asa Palmer French, Beta 82. Lawyer. d. 1903 Jonathan Leavitt Jenkins* a t u A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; B. D. 1855; D. D. 1889 Williams. Teacher. Leicester, Mass., 51-52; Pastor, Lowell, Mass., 55-62; Pearl Street Church, Hartford. Conn.. 64-66; 1st Church, Amherst, Mass., 66-77; Pittsfield, 77-88. Clergyman. d. 1913 Henry Harris Jessup* Hvs A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854: B. D. 1855 Union Theol. Sem.; S. T. D. 1865 Univ. of the City of New York and Coll. of New Jersey. Phi Beta Kappa. Two Prizes for Latin Trans- lation and for English Composition, 49; Pres. Brothers in Unity, 50; Commencement Ora- tor. Teacher, Montrose, Pa., 51-52; Mission- ary, Tripoli, 56-60; Beirut, 60-62; Prof, of Church History. Homilettcs and Pastoral The- ology, Beirut Theol. Sem.; Member Board of Managers, Syrian Protestant Coll., Beirut; Prof, of Biblical Literature Union Theol. Sem., 57; Sec. Presbyterian Board Foreign Missions, 70; Sec. Am. Tract Soc, Chicago, 82. Author "Women of the Arabs;" "Syrian Home Life;" and "Mohammedan Missionary Problem." Brother of William Huntting Jessup, Beta 49. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1910 [Asher] Robbins Little* Yl^e A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; LL. B. 1870 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Clark Prize, 50; Townsend Premium, 51; Salutator- ian; Clark Scholar, 51-53. Rector Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn., 53-54; Asst. Prof, and Instr. International Law U. S. Naval Acad., Annapolis, Md., 65-69; Ex- aminer of Claims, U. S. War Dept, 74-78; Supt. Astor Library, New York, 78-88; Trus- tee, 81-88. Librarian. d. 1912 William DeForest Manice* A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 1st Prize for Latin Trans- lation, 48; Commencement Orator. Lawyer. d. 1903 Theodore Thornton Munger* S u E" A. B. 1851; B. D. 1855; D. D. 1908; S. T. D. 1883 Illinois Coll. Pastor, Dorchester, Mass., 56-64; Centre Church, Haverhill, 64-71; Eliot Church, Lawrence, 71-77; North Adams, 11- 85; United Congregational Church, New Haven, Conn., 85-02. Author "On the Threshold," "The Freedom of Faith" and "Lamps and Paths." Clergyman. d. 1910 John MiUon Slade* H Y) 6 A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 3d Prize for Latin Transla- tion, 48. Brother of Francis Henry Slade, Beta 54. Merchant. d. 1890 David Paige Smith* a DC A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; M. D. 1854 Jefferson Med. Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Surg. 18th Regi- ment Mass. Vol. Inf., 61; Med. Dir. Division of General George H. Thomas. 61-62; Prof, of Theory and Practice of Medicine, Yale. 73-71 ; of Principles and Practice of Surgery, 77-80. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1880 Horace Montague Smith Initiated by the Gamma Richard Cresson Stiles* Ht];e A. B. 185 1; M. D. 1854 Univ. of Pa. Phi Beta Kappa. Two 3d Prizes in Latin Translation, 48. Asst. Phys. Kings County Hosp., Flat- bush, N. Y., 54-55; Prof, of Phvsiologv and Pathology, Med. Dept. Univ. of Vt., 57-65; Berkshire Med. Coll., Pittsfield, Mass., 58-62; Surg.-in-Charge U. S. General Hosp., Pitts- burgh, Pa., 62-63; Surg.-in-Chief General Cald- well's Division Army of ♦he Potomac, 63-64; Resident Phys. Kings County Hosp., 64-70; Registrar Vital Statistics, Kings County, 66-70; Asst. Sanitary Supt. Board of Health, 68-70. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1873 Enos Nelson Taft* (7 [/, £ A. B. 1851; LL. B. 1854. Phi Beta Kappa. Clark Prize, 50. Librarian Yale Law School, 51-54. Lawyer. d. 1903 78 BETA CHAPTER [1851-52 Edwin Burr Trumbull* or A. B. 1851. Berkleian Latin Premium and 2d Prize for Latin Translation, 48. Sec. Conn. Assembly and of the State Senate. Lawyer. d. 1875 George Starr Tuckerman* "0 £ E' A. B. 1851. Capt. 1st (Berdan's) Regiment of Sharpshooters, N. Y. Vols., 62. Lawyer. d. 1900 James Gardiner Vose* S 9 t3 A. B. 1851; A. M. 1858; B. D. 1854 Andovcr Theol. Sem.; S. T. D. 1874 Brown Univ. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 3d Mathe- matical Prize and 3d Prize in English Compo- sition, 48; Pres. Brothers in Unity, 50; Philo- sophical Oration and Commencement Orator. Acting Pastor, Greenfield, Mass., 54-55; 2d Church, Dorchester, Mass., 65-66; Pastor Bene- ficent Church, Providence, R. I., 66-02; Prof, of Rhetoric, Oratory and English Literature, Am- herst Coll., 56-65; Trustee Norton Female Sem., Phillips' Acad, and Andover Theol. Sem. Member Rhode Island Historical Soc. Clergyman. d. 1908 Henry Dorrance Wells* HSe" A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854. Skull and Bones. Merchant. d. 1870 Henry Dyer White* a a t A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854. Skull and Bones. Berkleian Latin Premium, 48. Brother of Charles Atwood White, Beta 54, Roger Sher- man WTiite, Beta 59, Thomas Howell White, Beta 60, Oliver Sherman White, Beta 64 and George Edward White, Beta, 66. Lawyer. d. 1905 1852 Edward Jesvip Alvord* a (, A. B. 1852; A. Principal Acad. Southport, 54-56. 62. Lawyer. Albert Bigelow* M. 1855. Scroll and Key. Fairfield, Conn., 52-54; Member Conn. Legislature, d. 1868 A. B. 1852. Skull and Bones. 2d Prize Eng- lish Composition, 50; Pres. Brothers in Unity, 51; Beethoven Soc, 51-52; Editor Yale Liter- ary Magazine, 51-52. Pastor Ainslie Street Church, Williamsburg, 56-58; Congregational Church, Homer, 58-63; Jackson, Mich., 63-65; Presbyterian Church, Silver Creek, N. Y., 65- 70; Dist. Sec. Seamen's Aid Soc, Western New York, 70-72; Corresponding Sec, Librar- ian and Treas. Buffalo Historical Soc. Author "Reunion Ode for the 25th Anniversary of the Class of 1852." Clergyman. d. 1892 Henry Clay Blakeslee* HcpC A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855. Skull and Bones. Wooden Spoon Man (the first), 51. Civil Engineer. d. 1857 William Boies* Y) 7U Z' A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855. Scroll and Key. 3d Mathematical Prize, 49; 1st and 2d Prizes Eng- lish Composition, SO; 1st Pres. Brothers in Unity, 51. Lawyer. d. 1872 Edward Buck A. B. 1852; B. D. Phi Beta Kappa. Merchant. (Bucksport, Me.) a XT' 1855 Bangor Theol. Sem. John Elderkin * Y^Qe" A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855; B. D. 1855; M. D. 1863 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Harsen Prize for clinical reports. New York Hosp., 61. Acting Asst. Surg. U. S. Army, 62; Asst. Surg. 10th Regiment U. S. Colored Troops, 63-64; Act- ing Surg., 64; in charge of the Colored Ward Field Hosp., 18th Army Corps, Point of Rocks, Va., 64-65; Teacher East Orange, N. J., 65-68; Bloomfield, N. J., 56-59; New Marlborough, Mass.. 68-69: Pastor 3d Church. Middletown, 71- 76; Acting Pastor, West Sheffield, 76-79. Clergyman. d. 1905 David Bright Green* H9C A. B. 1852. Adjutant 129th Regiment Pa. VoL Inf., 62-63; Lieut. Colonel, 27th. 63-65; Pres. Judge Criminal Court, Schuylkill, Lebanon and Dauphin Counties, 67-73; Presiding Law Judge Courts of Schuylkill County, 73-78; Additional Law Judge, 81-91. Lawyer. d. 1893 John Baker Hehdrickson* S y] T' A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855. Chemist. d. 1899 George Edwards Jackson* "0 T 2' A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855; LL. D. 1905 Wash. Univ. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Commencement Orator. Prof. Mathematics, LaGrange (Tcnn.) Female Coll., 58-59; First Asst. New Haven (Conn.) High School, 59-60; Principal Webster School, 60- 63; Instr. Univ. of the City of St. Louis, 64- 67; Prof, of Latin and Greek, Washington Univ., 67. Member Conn. Assn. of Arts and Sciences and Philological Soc. Educator. d. 1910 d. 1913 James Houston Johnston* Pres. City Hosp., 81-84. Broker. Henry [DeLaker] Kimball* '^1'^' B. D. 1859 Union Theol. Sem. Pastor Sand- wicli, Mass., 62-63; Sec. Christian Union Assn. of New York, 64-67; Missionary in New York, 79-02. Clergyman. d. 1852 Sanford Lawtoii [Jr.] * a L Y)' A. B. 1852; M. D. 1857. Commencement Orator. Teacher, Pepperell, Mass., 52-53; Poestenkill, N. Y., 53-54; Resident Phys. Conn. State Hosp., New Haven, 54-56; Pres. Hampton Dist. Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1882 Alonzo Norton Lewis* M T° A" A. B. 1866; A. M. 1866; A. M. 1872 Trinity Coll. Principal Acad., Litchfield, Conn., 51- 54; High School, New Hartford, 54-55; High School, Naugatuck, 55-56; Blind Dept. of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Raleigh, N. C, 58-60; High School, Waterbury, Conn., 60-66; Rector Christ Church, Bethlehem, 70- 72; St. James Church, Westville, (New Haven), 72-75; Memorial Church of the Holy Trinity, Westport, 75; Librarian Yale Law School, 56- 1852-53] BETA CHAPTER 79 57; Justice of the Peace; Commissioner Su- • pcrior Court of Conn.; Chaplain (rank of Capt.) Jd Regiment N. G. Conn., 74-78. Author "Col- lection of Hymns for Schools." Clergyman. d. 1907 David Ogden Morehouse* HaC A. B. 1852. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, West- ville, Conn., 52-53; York 54. Educator. d. 1854 George Starr Mygatt * Ht A. B. 1852. 1st Prize Latin Translation, 49. Aide and Acting Asst. Quartermaster-General State of Ohio, 61; Alajor 41st Regiment Ohio Vol. Inf., 61-62; Lieut. Colonel, 62. Lawyer. d. 1866 Angelo Wood North* A. B. 1852. Commencement Orator. W'iHiam Hammond Odell* d. 1853 A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855. Phi Beta Kappa. Mayor, 69-72. Father of William Morgan Odell, Phi 86. Banker. d. 1907 Dudley Peet* ^AG' A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855; M. D. 1856 Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons. Instr. New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, 59-62. Brother of Isaac Lewis Peet, Beta 45. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1862 Edward [Diller O'] Reilly* a v Z' A. B. 1852. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. 2d Matliematical Prize, SO. Private Pa. Militia (Emergency Men), 63-64. Lawyer. d. 1889 Samuel Curtis Robinson* y^ t Z' Editor Yale Toma- d. 1891 A. B. 1852; M. D. 1855. /laic'fe, 50. Physician and Surgeon. Ogden Nicholas Rood* vDa' LL. D. 1901; A. B. 1852 Coll. of N. J. and A. M. 1855. Commencement Orator. Prof, of Cliemistry Troy Univ., 58-62; of Mechanics and Physics Columbia Coll., 63-65; of Physics, 65-02. Autlior "iModern Chromatics." Member Am. ."Xssn. for the Advancement of Science; Am. Otological Soc; Am. Philosophical Soc. ; Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences and National Acad, of sciences. Educator. d. 1902 William Baldwin Ross* iq Eugene Smith 2 9 o A. B. 1859; LL. B. 1861 Albany Law School. Phi Beta Kappa: Skull and Bones; Linonia; Delta Kappa. 2d Mathematical Prize, 56; 2d Prize English Composition, 57; Berkleian Latin Premium, 59; Valedictorian. Pres. of Prison Assn. of New York. Author "Criminal Law in the United States." Member New York City Bar Assn.; University, Century and Litch- field County University Clubs. Lawyer. 30 Pine St.; res. 39 W. 68th St., New York, N. Y. Joseph Hopkins Twichell ADA' A. B. 1859; A. M. 1886; D. D. 1913; B. D 1865 Andover: LL. D. 1912 Trinity. Scrol and Key. Member \\'oodcn Spoon v^ommittee 58; Crew, 59; 2d and 3d Prizes English Com position and 2d Declamation Prize, 57; Town send Premium, 59. Chaplain 71st New York Vols., 61-64; Pastor Asylum Hill Church, Hart ford, 65-15; Fellow Yale, 74; Vice-Pres. Yale Alumni Assn. of Hartford. Author "Life o John \\'inthrop" and "Some Old Puritan Love Letters." Clcrgvman (retired). (125 Woodland St., Hartford, Conn.) HxA' d. 1867 ^/Da' A. B. 1859; LL. B. 1860 Albany Law School. Scroll and Key. Commencement Orator. Or- ganized Co. A, 143d Inf. Regiment of New York Vols., 62; Capt., 62; Major, 62-63; Lieut.- George FrankHn Vose* A. B. 1859. Manufacturer. Hezekiah Watkins* Colonel, 63-64; Brevet-Colonel, 64-65; U. S. Government Inspr. of Railroads, 83-84. Lawyer.* d. 1884 Roger Shemian White (J U 6) A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862; LL. B. 1862. Skull and Bones. Brother of Henry Dyer White, Beta 51, Charles Atwood White, Beta 54, Thomas Howell White, Beta 60, Oliver Sher- man White, Beta 64 and George Edward White, Beta 66. Lawyer. (69 Church St.; res. 87 Trumbull St., Hart- ford, Conn.) d. 1915 Edwin Henry Yundt* A. B. 1859. Lawyer. 1860 Linus Blakesley Initiated by the Gamma Charles Alfred Boies* S(tB' A. B. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 2d English Composition Prize, 58. Teacher, Roxbury, Mass., 62. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Brothers, The Day is Ended." Brother of Ethan Ely Boies, Gamma 51. d. 1863 Edward Boltwood* Y]9f A. B. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 3d Declamation Prize, 58; Commencement Orator. Judge of Probate for Ottawa Country, Mich. Lawyer. d. 1878 Thaddeus Howe Brown* alW A. B. 1860; B. D. 1864 Andover Theol. Sem. Pastor North Woodstock, Conn., 66-68. Mem- ber Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Clergyman. d. 1868 Joseph Clay* A. B. I860. Planter. Robert Stewart Davis* c 9 ^' d. 1914 A. B. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 1st Prize in Brothers Debate, 57 and 58; 2d Mathematical Prize, 57; 1st Prizes in English Composition and Declamation, 58; Vice-Pres. Brothers in Unity, 59; Pres., 60; Editor Yale Literary Magazine, 59-60; Commencement Ora- tor. Author "As it May Happen." Journalist. d. 1911 Francis Delafield* 7] ttj;' A. B.. 1860; LL. D. 1890: M. D. 1863 Columbia; LL. D. 1904. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Adjunct Prof, of Pathology and the Practice of Medicine, Coll. of Psysicians and Surgeons, 77-83: Prof., 83-88. Author "Studies in Pathological Anatomy" and "Hand-book of Pathological Anatomy." Physician and Surgeon. d. 1915 Charles Cleveland Dodge* (7 V P' A. M. 1872 honoris causa. Colonel of 1st New York Mounted Rifles, 62; Brigadier General of Cavalry, 63. Brother of David Stuart Dodge, Beta 57. Merchant. d. 1910 92 BETA CHAPTER [1860 D[aniel] Cady Eaton* C7 0B' A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863. Phi Beta Kappa; 'Scroll and Key. 2d Prize in Linonia Debate, 59; Commencement Orator. Private Co. H, 7th Regiment N. G. N. Y., 61-64; Gazetted Colonel, 64; Prof, of History of Art in Yale Coll., 69- 76. Member Conn. Acad, of Arts and Sciences; Archaeological Inst, of North Amer- ica; Am. Geographical Soc; New York Bar Assn.; Union and University Clubs, New York. Author of ''Hand Book of Greek and Roman Sculpture." Lawyer. d. 1912 Henry Clay Eno* H^f A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863; M. D. 1864 Columbia. Resident Phys. Bellevue Hosp., 64-66. Brother of John Chester Eno, Beta 69 Physician and Surgeon. d. 1914 William Fowler* Uy.^' A. B. 1860; LL. B. 1861 Albany Law School. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 2d Prize English Composition, 58; Editor Yale Liter- ary Magazine, 59-60; Commencement Orator. 1st Lieut. 173d Inf. Regiment of New York Vols., 62-63; Capt. 146th Regiment of the same, 63; Brevet Major and Asst. Adjutant General on the Staff of General Charles Griffin, 64-65; Capt. U. S. Army, 65; Aide on Staff of Gen- eral Howard and in charge Land and Claim Division of the Freedmen's Bureau, 65-68. 65-68. Lawyer. d. 1874 Henry Eugene Hawley* •0 t(};' A. B. 1860. Scroll and Key. 2d Declama- tion Prize, 58. Merchant. d. 1899 Daniel Hebard'' ?Y B' A. B. 1860. Skull and Bones. Librarian Brothers in Unity, 59-60. Instr. Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, Columbus, Ohio, 62; Private Columbus Home Guard, 61; Capt. and Asst. Adjutant General on Staff of General Gor- man, 61-62. Educator. d. 1862 Thomas Gordon Hunt* crt|;¥' A. B. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Merchant. d. 1891 SX^' William Henry Hurlbut* A. B. I860: A. M. 1863. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Merchant. d. 1905 Samuel Jessup* A. M. 1863; D. D. 1891 Princeton. Clergyman and Missionary. d. 1913 Henry Larned Johnson* y] S <];' A. B. I860. Scroll and Key. 1st Mathematical Prize, 57; 1st English Composition Prize, 58; Pres. Yale Navy, 59-60. 1st Lieut, and Com- missary in the 5th Inf. Regiment of Conn. Vols., 61-62; Aide on Staff of General Ferry, 62-63; Capt. and Asst. Adjutant General, 63 ; Staff Officer to Generals Birney and Terry, 63-65. Banker. ■ d. 1907 Luther Maynard Jones 0A' A. B. 1860; A. M. 1868; LL. B. 1865 Columbia. 1st Prize Freshman Debate Brothers in Unity; 1st Berkleian Latin Premium, 57; Yale Literary Magazine, Essay Medal, 57; 1st Prize English Composition, 58; Editor University Quarterly, 59-60; De Forest Medal. 60. Sec. Am. Geo- graphical and Statistical Soc, New York, 60-61; Sec. Yale Alumni Assn. of New York, 68-71. Othniel Charles Marsh Y) X ^' A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863; Ph. D. 1886 Heidelberg Univ.; LL. D. 1886 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Berkleian Latin Premium, 59; Berkeley Scholar in Yale, 60-61. Prof, of Paleontology and Curator Peabody Geological Museum of Yale, 66-88; Dir. Rocky Mountain Exploring Expedi- tion, 70; Pres. National Acad, of Sciences and Am. Assn. for Advancement of Science; U. S. Paleontologist. Member Am. Philosophi- cal Soc, Royal Irish Acad., French Acad, of Science, K. Bayer Acad. Wis. and Acad. Royal Denmark and Belgium. Author "The Gold of Nova Scotia;" "Saurian Vertebrae from Nova Scotia;" "Remains of an Enaliosau- rian;" "Mineral Localities Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and New Foundland;" "Science of the International Exhibition;" "A New Fossil Annelid;" "An Ancient Sepulchral Mound;" "Mastodon Remains at Cohoes;" "New Genus of Fossil Sponges;" "The Mineralogy of Nova Scotia;"' "The Palceotrochis from North Caro- lina;" "Metamorphosis of Siredon into Ambly- stoma;" "Diminutive Species of Fossil Horse;" "New Reptiles from the Cretaceous of Brazil;" "New Mosasauroid Reptiles from New Jersey;" "New Species of Protichnites;" "Fossil Serpent from New Jersey;" "Fossil Birds from the Cre- taceous and Tertiary of the United States;" "New Species of Gavial from the Eocene of New Jersey;" "Discovery of the Mauvaises Terres Formation in Colorado;" "Origin of the So-Called Lignilites, or Epsomites;" "Preserva- tion of Color in Fossils" and "New Tertiary and Cretaceous Fishes." Educator. d.l899. Edward Gay Mason* Sx^' A. B. 1860: A. M. 1863; LL. D. 1895 Knox Coll. Phi Beta Kappa: Scroll and Key. 1st Prize English Composition, 58; 1st Prize Senior Linonia Debates; Editor University Quarterly, 59-60; Townsend Premium, 60; Commencement Orator. Author "Illinois in the Eighteenth Cen- tury." Member Chicago Natural History, Prince and Am. Historical Socs. and National Bar Assn. Father of Henry Eager Mason, Beta 89 and brother of Henry Burrall Mason, Beta 70 and Alfred Bishop Mason, Beta 71. Lawyer. d. 1898. Alfred Conrad Palfrey* ?£r A. B. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Kev. Private Charleston Light Dragoons (afterwards Co. K, 4th S. C. (Confederate) Cavalry), 61- 63; Sec. Sugar Shed Assn., 76-79. Merchant. d. 1879. ADB William Walter Phelps* A. B. 1860; LL. B. 1863 Columbia and LL. D. 1890: LL. D. 1889 Rutgers. Skull" and Bones. Berkleian Latin Premium, 57; 1st Prize Brothers in Unity Debate, 57; 2d Prize. 60: 1st English Composition Prize. 59; Townsend Premium, 60; Pres. Brothers in Unity, 59-60; Philosophical Oration (2d in the class): Vale- dictorian at Law Commencement; Fellow of Vale Coll.. 72-92. Member U. S. House of Representatives. 73-75 and 83-88: U. S. Minis- ter Plenipotentiary Austria and Germany; Delegate at Large for N. J. Republican Na- 1860-61] BETA CHAPTER 93 tional Convention, 80 and 84; Regent Smith- sonian Inst., 83-88; Member Executive Com- mittee Yale Alumni Assn. of New York, 68-73; Vice-Pres., 73-74 and 77-78; Trustee of Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Father of John Jay Phelps, Beta 83. Lawyer. d. 1894 Isaac Joseph Post* HiJ^l^' A. B. 1860; A. M. 1866. Private Co. A, iSlst Inf. Regiment of Pa. Vols., 62; Post Adjutant at Harrisburg. Pa., 62; Promoted to Quartermas- ter 171st Regiment of the same, 62; Mustered out with the Regiment, 63; Quartermaster Key- stone Brigade, 63; Under Solicitor U. S. Treas- ury, Washington, D. C, 63-66. Lawyer. d. 1885 Charles Herbert Richards Initiated by the Gamma John Frank Seeley* Zl^' A. B. 1860; LL. B. 1862 Cincinnati Law School. Skull and Bones. Pres. Linonia. Brother of William Wallace Seeley, Beta 62. Lawyer. d. 1865 WilHam Thayer Smith* riq^' A. B 1860; A. M. 1874; M. D. 1878 Dartmouth, and LL. D. 1897. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 1st Declamation Prize, 58. Dean and Assoc. Prof, of Anatomy and Physiology Dart- mouth Coll. Author "Elementary Physiology and Hygiene" and "Primer of Physiology." Member Northern Acad, of Arts and Sciences; New Hampshire State Med. Assn. and Am. Acad, of Medicine. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1909 Thomas Howell White SvtJ^' A. B. 1860: M. D. 1862. Commencement Orator. Resident .Surg. New York Hosp., 63-66. Brother of Henry Dyer White, Beta 51, Charles Atwood White, Beta 54, Roger Sherman White, Beta 59, Oliver Sherman White, Beta 64 and George Edward W'hite, Beta 66. Physician (retired). (253 Park Ave., Yonkers. N. Y.) Mason Young* A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863. Phi Beta Kappa: Scroll and Key. Berkleian Latin Premium, 59; Com- mencement Orator. Fellow of Yale, 73-84; Member Executive Committee Yale Alumni Assn. of New York, 77-78; Pres. Yale Field Corporation, 83-88. Lawyer. d. 1906 1861 Ebenezer Andrews* a tc F' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864. Lawyer. d. 1896 Charles Winterfield Baldwin 0) C X' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864; D. D. 1898 St. John's Coll. Linonia (Pres.). Pastor Severn Circuit (Md.), 66-68; Washington (D. C), 68-70; Westminster (Md.), 70-72; Baltimore, 72-76; Patapsco, 76-79; Baltimore, 79-82; Cumber- land. 82-85; Washington (D. C), 85-91; Corporation Women's (loll., 85-88; Dir. Moun- tain Lake Assn., 83-88; Pres. Board of Trustees Anne Arundel Acad, since 00; Trustee Goucher Coll., since 84; Am. Univ., since 96; Sec. Board of Trustees, since 91; Vice-Pres. Board of Trustees Morgan Coll.; Delegate Methodist Ecumenical Conference (London, England), 01; Presiding Elder West Baltimore Dist., 97-03; Corresponding Sec. Baltimore City Missionaii-y and Church Extension Soc, 03-16; Supply, Homestead Church, since 16. Clergyman (retired). 226 Lafayette Ave. W., Baltimore, Md. Simeon Eben Baldwin Htl^Y' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864; LL. D. 1916; LL. D. 1891 Harvard; LL. D. 1911 Columbia; LL. D. 1912 Wesleyan. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Berkleian Latin Premium and two 1st Prizes in English Composition, 59; 1st Prize in Brothers in Unity Debate, 59; Editor Univer- sity Quarterly Magazine, 59-61; Townsend Premium, 61; Salutatorian. Member Com- mon Council, New Haven, 67; Alderman, 74; Park Commissioner, 80-88; Prof. Constitu- tional Law and Law of Contracts and Wills, Yale, since 72; State Commissioner for Revising the Statutes as to Education, 73; on Revision of the General Statutes of 75; on the Code of Civil Procedure, 79-80 and State Taxation, 86; Assoc. Justice, 93-07 and Dir. Bureau of Com- parative Law of Am. Bar Assn., since 07; Chief Justice Conn., 07-10; Governor of Conn., 11-13 and 13-lS; Chairman Special Tax Commission, 15-17; Pres. Am. Bar Assn., 90; Am. Social Science Assn., 97; International Law Assn., 99-01; Am. Historical Assn., OS; Am. Political Science Assn., 10; Assn. of Am. Law Schools, Conn. Acad. Arts and Sciences and Conn. Soc. of Am. Inst, of Archaeology, 05-15. Author "American Railroad Law; "The American Ju- diciary;" "Modern Political Institutions. Mem- ber Psi Upsilon Club (New York); Am. Philo- sophical, Am. Antiquarian and Mass. Historical Socs.; Fellow Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences and Am. Assn. for Advancement of Science. Brother of Edward Lee Baldwin, Beta 42 and Roger Sherman Baldwin, Jr., Beta 47. Lawyer and Educator. 69 Church St.; res. 44 Wall St., New Haven, Conn. Samuel Arthur Bent* fi-^X' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864; LL. B. 1865 Harvard. Scroll and Key. Memljer School Committee, 68-70; Supt. of Schools, at Nashua, N. H., 78- 83; Clinton, Mass., 83-86; Boston, 86-88; Sec. Yale Alumni Assn. of Boston, 70. Author "Hints on Language." Brother of Joseph Ap- pleton Bent, Beta 65. Educator. d. 1912 James Harry Brent SBx' ?^r' A. B. 1861. Lawyer. (Paris, Ky.) Milton Bulkley* A. B. 1861. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Merchant. d. 1872 Robert Linton Chamberlain* r^v-^' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864; LL. B. 1862 Ohio State and Union Law Coll. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones; 2d and 3d Prizes in English Composition, 59; Editor University Quarterly Maciacine, 59-61. Lawyer. d. 1888 Albert Henry Childs A. B. 1861. Scroll and Key; Delta Kappa; Al- pha Sigma Phi. Member Duqucsne (Pitts- burgh), Golf and University (New York) Clubs. Mcrcliant (retired). 1321 Park Bldg.; res. 447 Amberson Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. apX' 94 BETA CHAPTER [1861 Peter Collier^! HyiX' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864; Ph. D. 1866; M. D. 1870 Univ. of Vt. 2d English Composition Prize, 58; Pres. Univ. Ball Club; Commence- ment Orator. Asst. in Sheffield Scientific School, New Haven, 61-67; Prof, of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Metallurgy, Univ. of Vt., 67- 11; Dean Med. Faculty of the same, 71-77; Chemist U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 77-83; Analytical and Agricultural Chemist, Wash- ington, D. C. 83-96; U. S. Scientific Com- missioner to the International Exposition at Vienna, 11. Author "Sorghum." Chemist. d. 1896 1 Franklin Bowditch Dexter ? 7 y' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864; Litt. D. 1902. Scroll and Key. 1st English Composition Prize; 3d Declamation Prize; Commencement Orator. Instr. in Greek, Collegiate and Commercial Inst., New Haven, Conn., 61-63; Asst. Libra- rian Yale. 63-64, 67-12; Emeritus since 12; Tutor, 64-67; Earned Prof, of Am. History, 77-88; Registrar, 69-92; Sec. of Yale Corpora- tion, 69-99. Author "Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Yale College with Annals of The College History" and "Sketch of the History of Yale Univ." Educator and Librarian. 178 Prospect St., New Haven, Conn. William Couch Egleston A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864. 1st Lieut. 43d Inf. Regiment of N. Y. Vols., 61. Banker. d. 1907 William Henry Fuller A. B. 1861; LL. B. 1863 Columbia. Skull and Bones. 3d Prize English Composition, 59. Editor Yale Literary Magasine, 60-61. Manufacturer. ■ d. 1902 Walter Hanford H^X' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Commencement Orator. Insurance. James Lanman Harmar* cpBy' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864. Scroll and Key. 2d Mathematical Prize, 58; Hurlbut Scholar in Yale, 58-59; 1st and 2d Prizes in English Com- position, 59; 2d Prize in Brothers' Sophomore Debate; 1st Prize Senior Debate; Townsend Pf-emium, 61; Commencement Orator Lawyer. d. 1880 Anthony Higgins* 2 | X' A. B. 1861. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 3d English Composition Prize and 1st Declama- tion Prize, 59; Pres. Linonia, 60-61; Commence- ment Orator. U. S. Atty. for the Dist. of Del., 69-76. Lawyer. d. 1912 A. B. 1861. Scroll and Key. Brother of Tames King Hill, Beta 54. Lawyer. d. 1873 Charles Borland Hill* [Henry] Brayton Ives* S^f A. B. 1861. Treas. Yale Navy, 58-59. Ad- jutant 5th Inf. Regiment of Conn. Vols., 61; Asst. -Adjutant General Staff of Brigadier General O. S. Ferry, 62-63; Lieut. Colonel 5th Inf. Regiment Conn Vols., 63; Major 1st Cav- alry Regiment Conn. Vols., 64; Lieut. Colonel, 64; Colonel, 65; Brevet Brigadier General, com- missioned March, 65; Member Executive Com- mittee Yale Alumni Assn of New York, 75-77. Member Grolier Club (Vice-Pres. 85-86). Banker. d. 1914 William Martin Johnson* A. B. 1861. Scroll and Key. Brother of Henry Meyer Johnson, Beta 11 . Sugar Refiner. d. 1879 Samuel Hinckley Lyman* S F X' A. B. 1861. Lawyer. d. 1910 John Ellis Marshall* S a X' A. B. 1861. Scroll and Key. 2d Lieut. 11th Inf. Regiment of N. Y. Vols., and Aide to Brigadier General W. F. Barry, 61-62; 1st Lieut., 2d Artillery Regiment of the same, 62- 63; Adjutant General of Artillery under General VV. T. Sherman, 64-65; Brevet Major and Lieut. -Colonel. Manufacturer. d. 1900 John Hanson Mitchell* cr G F A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864. Phi Beta Kappa. Trustee Charlotte Hall School, 70-88; Public School Commissioner for Charles County, Md., 72-73. Lawyer. d. 1901 William Edwards Park* BA(|;' A. B. 1861; B. D. 1867 Andover Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1888 Marietta Coll. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 1st Berkleian Latin Prem- ium, 57; 1st Prize Linonia Debates, 57; 1st English Composition Prize, 60; De Forest Medal, 61; Commencement Orator. Teacher Colored School, St. Helena Island, S. C, 62;' Pastor Central Church, Lawrence, Mass., 67-75; Gloversyille, N. Y., 75-02. Member Christian Comrnission in Tenn., 64. Clergyman. d. 1910 George Clap Perkins* H^f A. B. 1861; A. M. 1865. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Brother of Edward Henry Perkins, Beta 59. Manufacturer. d. 1875 Alexander Porter Root* <^TX A. B. 1861. Skull and Bones. Lieut. Tex. (Confederate) Artillery, 63-64; Asst. Adjutant General on Staff of General Dayton, 64-65. Banker. d. 1908 Sextus Shearer, Jr.* ff £ r' A. B. 1861. Skull and Bones. Two 3d Prizes in English Composition. 59; Editor Yale Liter- ary Magazine, 60-61; 1st Prize Linonia Senior Debate. d. 1869 George Royal Sibley* Private Co. A, 12th Ga. Battalion of Inf., 62-64; Member Richmond County Board of Education, 72-79 and 82-88; Pres. 74-79; Mem- ber Ga. Legislature, 78-80. Merchant. d. 1886 John Reuben Webster* revet-]\Iajor, 64; Inspr. Freedmen's Bureau for the State of Va.. 65; Deputy Collector Inter- nal Revenue, 65; I5ank Commissioner N. II., 72-74 and 81-86; Chairman of the Board; Solici- tor for Carroll County, 75-79. Member State Central Republican Committee and New Hamp- shire Historical Soc. Lawyer. d. 1886 Arnold Welles Catlin ?^?' A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865; M. D. 1865 Univ. of Pa. Sigma Delta. Consulting Phys. St. John's Hosp.; Attending Phys. Home for Aged and Home for Blind Church Charity Founda- tion. Brother of Julius Catlin, Jr., Beta 53. Charles Taylor Catlin, Beta 56 and Hasket Derby Catlin, Beta 59. Physician. 207 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Daniel iienry Chamberlain* cr s $' A. B. 1862; LL. B. 1864 Harvard; LL. D. 1873 Univ. of S. C. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Isl Bishop Prize in Linouia Debate, 59- 60; Berkleian Latin Premium, 59; Editor Uni- versity {Juaitcrly Mazagine, 59-01; 2d and 3d Prizes English Composition, 60; Yale Literary Essay Medal, 61; 1st Prize Linonia Senior De- bate; De Fortst Medal, 62; Conimrnctment Orator. 1st Lieut, and Adjutant 5th Cavalry Regiment (colored) Mass. Vols., 64-65; Mem- ber Constitutional Convention of S. C, under the Reconstruction Acts, 6/-68; Attv. -General State of S. C, 68-72; Governor S. C., 74-77; Orator Psi Upsilon Convention, 78; Prof, of Law School Cornell Univ., 87; Founder of Hugh Chamberlain Greek Prize, Yale Univ., 87. Lawyer. d. 1907 Robert Fergusson Chapman* S y, ' A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865; M. D. 1865 Univ. of Md. Asst. on Staff Bellevue Hosp., 63-69. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1912 Edward Benton Coe* •A. B. 1862; D. D. 1885; S. T. D. 1881 Rutgers and D. D. 1893. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Berkleian Latin Premium, 59; 2d Prize Brothers Freshman Debate; 3d Prize Senior Debate; Editor University Quarterly Magazine, 60-61; 2d Declamation Prize, 60; Commence- ment Orator. Street Prof, of Modern Lan- guages, Yale, 64-79; Pastor Collegiate Church, New York, N. Y., 79-88. Clergyman. d. 1914 Ho A' Y) t 3' Melville Cox Day* A. B. 1867. Skull and Bones. 1st Prize Linonia Senior Debate; Commencement Orator. Sec. and Treas Yale .\lumni Assn. of St. Louis, 66-73. Lawyer. d. 1913 James Alfred Dunbar* Y]g8' A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865. Brother of [Josiah] Newell Dunbar. Beta 67. Lawyer. d. 1876 Cornelius Ladd Kitchel 0Ru A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865; S. T, B. 1867. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Berkleian Latin Premium, 59; Two 2d Prizes in English Com- position, 60; Commencement Orator. Pastor, Guilford, 70-73; Salisbury, Conn., 77-83; Instr. in Greek, Yale, 86-88; Private Pa. State Militia. 63. Brother of Courtnev Smith Kitchel, Beta 65 and Luther Hart Kitchel, Beta 67. Educator (retired 1. 253 Lawrence St., New Haven, Conn. William Lampson* a a 9' A. B. 1862; LL. B. 1867 Columbia. Skull and Bones. 3d Prize in English Composition, 60; Editor Yale Literary Magazine, 61-62. Banker. d. 1897 Elisha Stiles Lyman* H u ^6' LL. B. 1870 Union Law School, Chicago. 2d Prize Brothers in Unity Sophomore Debate: 2d English Composition Prize, 64. Brother of Ray- mond Albert Patterson, Beta 78. Lawyer. (Riverside. 111.) Benjamin Poole* A. B. 1866. Lawyer. tienry Roberts Initiated by the Gamma Charles Havens Royce'' A. B. 1866; A. M. 1869. Merchant. <7^V d. 1882 OC::' d. 1908 B'rederick Stephen Salisbury* S y 0' A. B. 1866; A. M. 1874. Manufacturer. James Ulysses Taintor* d. 1908 a a P' A B. 1866; A. M. 1874. Asst. Clerk Conn. Legislature. 66-67; Clerk, 67-68; Clerk Conn. Senate, 68-69. Brother of Charles Newhall Taintor, Beta 65. Insurance. d. 1907 Robert Wild Todd H e 6' A. B. 1866; A. M. 1869. Lawyer. (258 Broadway, New York, N. Y.) Thomas Sedgwick VanVolkenburgh A. B. 1866; A. M. 1874; LL. B. 1868 Columbia. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Sigma Phi. Lawyer (retired). 17 Battery PI.; res. 46 W. 50th St., New York, N. Y. 1866-67] BETA CHAPTER 103 Levi Clifford Wade* a

c' Skull and Bones. A. B. 1868; A. M. 1871. Wooden Spoon Man 67. Lawyer. d. 1911 William Chittenden Bragg* H a IC A. B. 1868. Scroll and Kev. Lawyer. d. 1895 Chauncey Bruce Brewster a 3 K' A. B. 1868; A. M. 1871; D. D. 1898; B. D. 1872 Berkeley Divinity School; D. D. 1897 Trinity; D. D. 1901 Wesleyan. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 1st Declamation Prize, 66; 1st Prizes in English Composition, 66 and 68; 1st Prizes in Linonia Debate. 65. 66 and 68; (Com- mencement Orator. Asst. Minister St. Andrew's Church, Meriden, 72-73; Rector Christ Church, Rye, N. Y., 73-81; Christ Church, Detroit, 81-85: Grace Church, Baltimore, 85-88; Grace Church, Brooklyn, 88-97; Consecrated Coadjutor fiishop Conn., 97-99: P. E. Bishop of Conn, since 99. Author "The Key of Life;" "Aspects of Revelation;" "The Catholic Ideal;" "The Kingdom of God and American Life." Member Graduates' Club (New Haven). Brother of William Joseph Brewster, Beta 81 and Ben- jamin Brewster, Beta 82. Protestant Episcopal Bishop. 98 Woodland St., Hartford, Conn.- John Marvin Chapin* yjyO' Scroll and Kev. Preached under the auspices of A. B. 1868; B. D. 1872 Hartford Theol. Sem. the Y. M. C. A., North Blandford, Mass., 69; Pastor First Church, West Springfield, Mass., 72. Clergyman. d. 1872 1868] BETA CHAPTER 105 LeBaron Bradford Colt Y) O o' A. B. 1868; LL. D. 1905; LL. B. 1870 and LL. D. 1904 Columbia; A. M. 1882 and LL. D. 1914 Brown. Skull and Bones. Member R. I. Legis- lature, 79-81; U. S. Uist. Judge, 81-84; U. S. Circuit Judge 1st Judicial Circuit, 84-13; U. S. Senator from R. I. since 1.^. Member Hope, Turk's Head, Rhode Island Country and Chevy Chase (Md.) Clubs. United States Senator, 233 Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D. C; res, 105 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Cornelius DiiBois, Jr. Initiated by the Gamma William Abbott Hamilton* H t K' A. B. 1868; M. D. 1876 Columbia. Scroll and Key. .Sec. Beethoven Soc. On Staff Bellevue Hosp., New York. N. Y., 76-78. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1881 John Robb Holmes Merchant. (285 Congress PL, Pasadena, Cal.) William Allison McKinney Y] t y. (tX o' A. B. 1868; LL. B. 1871 Columbia. Skull and Bones. 1st and 3d Prizes English Composition, 66; 2d Prize, 68; 2d Prize Linonia Debate, 68; Editor Yale Literary Magasine, 67-68. Sec. N. Y. State Council of Political Reform, Albany, 71-72. Lawyer. (84 Henry St., Binghamton, N. Y.) George Manierre 'OJA' A. B. 1868; A. M. 1893; LL. B. 1869 Columbia. Life Trustee Field Museum of Natural History and Newberry Library. Member Chicago His- torical Soc; Art Inst.; Chicago, Mid-day and Saddle and Cycle Clubs. Real Estate. 112 W. Adams St.; res. 100 Bellevue PL, Chicago, 111. Frank Moore* Sak"' A. B. 1868. 3d Declamation Prize, 66. Merchant. d. 1915 Oliver Cromwell Morse Tl tp x A. B. 1868; D. D. 1904 Rollins Coll. Kappa Sigma Epsilon; Phi Theta Psi. 3d Prize in Declamation; 3d Prize in Brothers in Unity Prize Debate; Varuna Gig Crew. Agent For- eign Sunday School Assn.; General Sec. Y. M. C. A.; Asst. State Sec. Y. M. C. A.; Corres- ponding Sec. and Instr. International Y. M. C. A. Training School, Springfield, Mass.; Vice-Pres. Rollins Coll. and The Bible Teacher Training School; Executive Sec. Bible League of North America and Corresponding Sec. National Bible Inst.; Corresponding Sec. Building Committee Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hosp. Brother of Richard Cary Morse, Beta 62. Corresponding Secretary. Building Committee, Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hosp., 94 Livingston St., Brooklyn; res. Green- lawn, N. Y. Charles Edwin Searls HxK' A. B. 1868. Wolf's Head. First Dispute. Town Clerk (Thompson), 67-70; t^onn. House of Representatives, 71 and 86; Senate, 09; State's Atty., Windham County, 03-17; Delegate Re- publican National Convention, 96; Pres. Wind- ham County Bar Assn. Member Windham County Bar, Am. Bar and State Bar Assns. Lawyer. 18 Elm St., Putnam; res. Thompson, Conn. James Kingsley Thacher* a O' A. B. 1868; M. D. 1879. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 2d English Composition Prize, 68. Prof, of Physiolog". 79-88. Brother of Thomas Thacher, Beta 71, Edward Stanley Thacher, Beta 72. Alfred Beaumont Thacher, Beta 74, John Seymour Thacher, Beta 77, Sherman Day Thacher, Beta 83 and William Earned Thatcher, Beta 87. Physician and Educator. d. 1891 Nathaniel Phillips Smith Thomas* H X o' A. B. 1868; LL. B. 1870 Columbia. Scroll and Key. 2d Declamation Prize, 66; 3d Prize Brothers in Unity Debate, 67. Member R. I. Legislature, 74-76; Board of Education for Wickford, 75. Brother of Elisha S'mith Thomas, Beta 58 and Aaron Smith Thomas, Beta 69. Lawyer. d. 1890 SO/ Anson Phelps Tinker* A. B. 1868; B. D. 1872 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Editor Yale Literary Magasine, 67-68; 1st Declamation Prize, 66; two 1st prizes in English Composi- tion, 66; 2d Prize, 68; 2d Prizes, Brothers in Unity Debate, 65, 66 and 68; Townsend Pre- mium, 68; Philosophical Oration at Commence- ment. Pastor High Street Church, Aubiirn, Maine, 73-82; Fort Street Presbyterian Church, Detroit, Mich.,' 82-84; Capitol Ave. Church, Denver, Colo., 85-86. Clergyman. d. 1886 James Trimble* V.YJ A. B. 1868. U. S. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 81; Special U. S. Commissioner Court of Claims, Middle Dist. of Tenn., 74-80; and Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty., 70-72; Member Tenn. Legislature, 81-82; Senator State of Tenn., 86-87. Lawyer. d. 1911 Edward Jefferson Tytus* •»] 9 o A. B. 1868. Skull and Bones. Member Wooden Spoon Committee. Brother of John Butler Tytus, Beta 70. Merchant. d. 1881 Samuel Watson* Ht];0' A. B. 1868; LL. B. 1870 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Senator State of Tenn., 81. Brother of William Parsons Watson, Beta 69. Lawyer. d. 1903 Frederick Wesson* Y) 9 o A. M. 1888. Brother of Charles Howland Wes- son. Beta 63. Merchant. d. 1904 Samuel H Wheeler S ^ K' A. B. 1868. Scroll and Key. Capitalist. (1188 Main St.. Bridgeport, Conn.) William Curtis Wood* H ^ o* A. B. 1868; A. M. 1871. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Woolsey Scholar in Yale, 65- 106 BETA CHAPTER [1868-69 68; 3d Prize, Brothers in Unity Debate, 66; 2d Mathematical Prize, 68; 1st English Composi- tion Prize, 66; 2d Prize, 68. Teacher Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn., 68-69. Educator. d. 187S Enoch Day Woodbridge* A. B. 1868; M. D. 1872 Columbia. Bellevue Hosp., 72-75. Physician and Surgeon. Tt (0 O' House Surg. d. 1887 1869 Frank Atwood* Second Prize Linonia Debate, 66; 1st Prize, 67; two 2d Prize English Composition, 67. d. 1867 Lyman Hotchkiss Bagg* S0S' A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872. 3d English Composi- tion Prize, 67; Editor Yale Literary Magazine, 68-69; Managing Editor Yale College Conrant. 70-71; Mgr. Harvard-Yale boat race New Lon- don, Conn.. 78-83, and Editor Boat Race Bulletin. Member Executive Committee Yale Alumni Assn. of New York, 78-79. Author "Four Years at Yale, by a Graduate of 69;" "History of Yale Boating and the Bully Club;" "Ten thousand Miles on a Bicycle, by Karl Kron;" "Letters of Mark: a College Tragedy in 3 Acts" and "Con- stitution of the Yale Navy." Journalist, Author and Publisher. d. 1911 Henry Clay Bannard a 5 V A. B. 1869. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones; Gamma Nu; Brothers in Unity. Purser Yale Navy, 68-69; 3d Prize Brothers in Unity Freshman Debate; 2d Prize Junior Debate; 2d Declamation Prize, 67; 1st and 3d Prizes in English Composition, 67; 1st Prize, 69; Town- send Premium, 69; Commencement Orator. Member Chicago, Yale, Mid-Day and Univer- sity (Chicago) and LTniversitv (New York) Clubs. Brother of Otto Trcmont Bannard, Beta 76. Manufacturer. 38 S. Dearborn St.; res. 36 Bellevue PI., Chicago, 111. Everette Meredith Bass* Hv,V Prosecuting Atty., Ashland, Mo., 84-88. Lawyer. d. 1900 Silliman Blagden* r; s S' A. B. 1869; LL. B. 1871 Columbia. Author "Address to all Ambassadors of Christ in the World." Evangelist. d. 1907 Winfield Scott Braddock [X D [jl' Special Agent and Chief of the Bounty Land Division in the U. S. Pension Office, Wash- ington, D. C, 74-76. Journalist. Alexander Lardner Brown* S y) ?* A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872. Skull and Bones. Member Wooden Spoon and Junior Exhibi- tion Committees, 68; Pres. Beethoven Soc, 68-69. Brother of Henry Armitt Brown, Beta 65. Merchant. d. 1880 Sylvester Foristall Bucklin* « [x A' A. B. 1869. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Teacher Reform School, Jamesburg, N. J., 70- 72; Member School Committee Norfolk, Mass., 75-88. Farmer. d. 1893 Franklin Sheder Buell Y] T v' A. B. 1869. Real Estate. 877 Ellicott Sq. Bldg.; res. 293 Pennsylvania St., Buffalo, N. Y. William Chalmers Clarke* A. B. 1869. Merchant. HvX' d. 1915 Edward Ritzema DeGrove* S G M' A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872; LL. B. 1871 Columbia. Lawyer. d. 1911 Frank Benjamin Denton y^ a E' A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872. Scroll and Key; Phi Theta Xi; Wooden Spoon Committee. Mem- ber Middletown and Yale (New York) Clubs. Financier (retired). 41 North St.; res. 17 Orchard St., Middletown, N. Y. John Chester Eno* Hir A. B. 1869. Skull and Bones. Member Junior Exhibition Committee, 68; Wooden Spoon Man, 68. Brother of Henry Clay Eno, Beta 60. Banker. d. 1914 Alexander Hamilton Ewing* A. B. 1869. Two 3d Prizes English Composi- tion, 67; Vice-Pres. Beethoven Soc, 68-69. Member Yale Geological Expedition to the West, 69-70; Trustee General Theol. Sem., P. E. Church, 72-76; St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago, 72-75. Clerk. d. 1890 John Pierrepont Codrington Foster* rrit A. B. 1869; M. D. 1875; A. M. (Hon.) 1909. Skull and Bones. Instr. in Anatomy Yale Coll. 77-88. Post Surg. New Haven. Brother of Eleazar Kingsbury Foster, Beta 6i. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1910 Frank Harwood Hamlin Y]p V A. B. 1869; LL. B. 1870 Albany Law School. Chairman Yale College Conrant Board, 68-69. Lawyer. 70 Main St.; res. 152 Gibson St., Canandaigua, N. Y. James Joy* ^ C A' A. B. 1869. Phi Beta Kappa. Merchant. Gardiner Lathrop* d. 1910 tj;WX' A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872; A. B. 1867 Univ. of Mo., -'\. M. 1870 and LL. D. 1907; LI. B. 1873 Harvard; LL. D. 1907 Washington (Mo.). Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorium. U. S. Commis- sioner, U. S. (Circuit Court for the Dist. of Mo., 71-73; Member Board of Education, 82-88. Lawyer. 1869-70] BETA CHAPTER 107 Henry Lear Ho [Frank] x\ustin Scott S3C A. B. 1S69; A. .M. 187J. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones; Phi Theta Psi; Gamma Nu. 2d Prizes in English Composition, 67 and (.'ommencement Orator. Insurance. (."ommercial Trust Bldg. ; res. School Lane Pulaski Ave., (Germautown) Philadelphia, 69; and Pa. Adrian \'anSinderen Lindsley, Jr.* A. B. 1869. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Real Estate. d. 1900 Charles Edward Mason* Merchant. H V ^' d. 1884 jOA' Phi Beta Kappa. d. 1909 John Ulendorf, Jr.''' A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872. Lawyer. Theodore Philander Prudden* ? «j^ A' A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872; S. T. B. 1873. Prin- cipal High School, Branford, Conn., 69-70; Pastor Plymouth Church, Lansing, Mich., 74-85; Lovell Street Church, Chicago, III., 85. Author "Twenty Years of the History of the Plymouth Church, Lansing, Mich." and "Christianity and the Natural Sciences." Clergyman. d. 1915 Henry Warren Raymond A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872; LL. B. 1871 Columbia. Skull and Bones; Theta Psi; Kappa Sigma Epsilon: Linonia. 2d Prize Linonia Debate (1), (2), (3); two 2d Prizes in English Composition (2) and 2d Prize C4); 3d Declamation Prize <2); 1st Broadsword Prize (3); Junior Exhibi- tion Committee (3); Editor Literary Magazine (3), (4). Author "Story of Saranac." Mem- ber Union League (Philadelphia), Yale (New York), Science and Art (Germantown, Pa.) and Chicago Literary Clubs; National Geographic Soc. ; Order of Cincinnati; Mayflower Descendants; Soc. of Founders and Patriots of U. S.; Soc. of Colonial Wars; Sons of Revolution; Military Order Foreign Wars; Union Soc. of Our Civil War. Warehouseman. Guarantee Storage Co., 1317 Brown St., Phil- adelphia; res. 6335 Burbridge St., German- town, Pa. Rufus Byam Richardson* 7)6 A. B. 1869; Ph. D. 1878: S. T. B. 1883. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 1st Berkleian Latin Premium and 1st Prize, Brothers in Unity Debate, 66; 2d and 3d Prizes English Composi- tion, 67; 2d Prize, 69: Yale Literary Essay Medal, 68; Berkeley Scliolar in Yale, 69-72. Principal High School, Chicopee, Mass., 78-80; Prof, of Greek. Ind. State Univ.. 80-82; Dart- mouth Coll. 82-88. Member Am. Philological Assn. Educator. d. 1914 XCK' d. 1914 Howell Williams Robert* A. B. 1869. Scroll and Key. [Abel] Herbert Bellows Robeson 9 RE'' A. B. 1869. Scroll and Key. Farmer. (Marcus, Iowa). A. B. 1869; A. M. 1870 Univ. of Mich.; Ph. D. 1873 yniv. of Leipzig; LL. D. 1891 Princeton and 1914 Rutgers. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Prize Brothers in Unity Debate, 66; 1st Declamation Prize, 67; Editor, Yale College Courant, 68-69. Instr. in German Univ. of Mich., 73-75; Assoc, in Johns Hopkins Univ., 75-82; Prof, of History " Rutgers Coll., 82-88. Educator. (Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J.) Aaron Smith Thomas* HXE'' A. B. 1869. Phi Beta Kapna. Brother of Elisha Smith Thomas, Beta 58 and Nathaniel Phillips Smith Thomas, Beta 68. Manufacturer. d- 1915 William Parsons Watson* MU' 1911 A. B. 1869. 2d Prize Brothers in Unity De- bate, 66; 1st Declamation Prize 67. Brother of Samuel Watson, Beta 68. Civil Engineer. d. 1910 Theodore Frelinghuysen Welch* a co X' A. B. 1869. Phi Beta Kapna. High Oration at Commencement. Principal Public School, Cat- taraugus. N. Y.. 69-70: Acad. Addison, 70-7.!; Deputy Clerk Cattaraugus County, Little Val- ley, 73. Lawyer. Eli Whitney H x X' A. B. 1869. Scroll and Key; Delta Kappa; Phi Theta Psi. Member Wooden Spoon Com- mittee. Alderman and Park Commissioner, 84-86; Member New Haven Board of Public Works, 85-90; Board of Education, 91-94; Pres., 97-09; Member Conn. Senate, 05-06; Pres. New Haven Hosp. since 01; Vice-Pres. Chamber of Commerce, 09-11; Vice-Pres. New Haven Colony Historical Soc. Member Soc. of Colonial Wars; Soc. War of 1812; Sons of Am Reovlution; General Hosp. Soc. of Connec- ticut (Pres.); Century, University, Engineers, and Yale (New York) Clubs. Banker. 800 Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn. 1870 John Wallingford Andrews, Jr.* HaN' A. B. 1870; LL. B. 1874 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 1st Prizes Linonia Debate. 67, 68 and 70; 2d Prize, 69; Honor- able Mention for English Composition, 69; Townsend Premium, 70; Commencement Ora- tor. U. S. Atty. for Mont., 79-80. Lawyer. d. 1880 Edward Dement a a v' A. M 1891; LL. B. 1874 Columbia. Delta Kappa; Phi Theta Psi; Linonia. Mem- ber Union, University, Century, Yale, Grolier (New York) and Graduates' (New Haven) Clubs. Financier (retired). 7 Place de la Madeleine, Pans, France. James Bronson Camp* ^CN' Member Thanksgiving Jubilee Committee. 69. d. 1870 108 BETA CHAPTER [1870 John Scudder Chandler Y)^M' A. B. 1870; B. D. 1873; A. M. 1873. Phi Beta Kappa; Gamma Nu; Brothers in Unity. Philosophical Oration; Runk Scholarship; 2d Sophomore Mathematical Prize; Sec. and Treas. Am. INIadura Mission; Member Government Boards, Municipal Counsel, etc. Author "The Jesuit Mission in Madura;" "75 Years in the Madura Mission;" "A Madura Missionary." Brother of Edward Herrick Chandler, Beta 85. Literary Missionary and Lexicographer. Senate House, Univ. of Madras; res. Sunny- side, Rayapettah, Madras, S. India. Jothani Henry Cumming's* a S \t' A. B. 1870. Two 1st Prizes English Composi- tion, 68; Vice-Pres. Linonia, 69; Editor Yale Literary Magazine, 69-70. Instr. Betts' Acad., Stamford, Conn., 70-71; Principal High School, Fort Wayne, Ind., 71-72; Hartford, Conn., 72- 76; Thompsonvillc, 76-77; Supt. of Schools, Sparta, Wis., 77-83; Anoka, Minn., 83-88. Educator. d. 1911 John Elhott Curran* AR A. B. 1870; LL. B. 1873 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. 2d Prize English Com- position, 68. Brother of George Langford Curran, Beta 63. Lawyer. d. 1890 Edward SaHsbury Dana St^N' A. B. 1870; A. M. 1874; Ph. D. 1876. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Hurlbut Scholar in Yale. 67-68; Philosophical Orations at Junior Exhibition. 69 and at Commencement. Adjunct Prof. 79-88; Curator Peabody Mineralogical Cabinet, 74-88; Geologist on a Government Re- connaissance under Colonel Ludlow in Mont., 75 and Author of the report; Trustee of the Peabody Museum, 85. Member K. K. Geologische Reichsanstalt (Vienna") \uthor "Text-book of Mineralogy;" "Appendix to Dana's Sy.stem of Mineralogy;' "Elementary Mechanics;' "On the Specific Heat of Zircon- ium, etc.;" "Thermoelectric Properties of Min- erals;" "Crystallographic Studies of Datolite, Chrondrodite, Monazte, Spodumene, Stibnite, Ftp." Brother of Arnold Guyot Dana, Beta 83. Educator. (24 Hillhouse Ave., New Haven, Conn.) Robert Weeks de Forest x N X ; y) X M' A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873; LL. D. 1904; LL. B. 1872 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Junior Exhibition Committee, 69; Com- mencement Orator. Major and Judge Advo- cate, 1st Brigade, N. G. N. Y., 75-76; Mem- ber Executive Committee, New York B-Tr Assn., 87; Sec. Yale Alumni Assn. of New York, 74- 80 and Vice-Pres., 86; Editor 8th General Catalogue; Pres. Mcropolitan Museum of Arts, New York City Art Commission, New York Charity (Organization Soc. and National Confer- ence Charities, 03; Vice-Pres. Russell Sage Foun- dation and Am. Red Cross; Member Executive Council of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity, 69-71 ; 72- 73. Author "The Tenement House Problem." Member Down Town Assn.; Century, Univer- sity, Grolier. Ausable, Jekvl Island and Metro- politan (Wa.shington D. C.) Clubs. Brother of Lockwood de Forest, Lambda 72 and Henry Wheeler de Forest, Beta 76. Lawyer. 30 Broad St.; res. 7 Washington Sq. N., New York, N. Y. Henry Jackson Faulkner* a £ v* A. B. 1870. Scroll and Key. Member Wooden Spoon Committee, 69. County Clerk of Volusia County, Fla., 84-88. Brother of Samuel Dorr Faulkner, Beta 59. Banker. d. 188S George Bird Grinnell HxN' A. B. 1870; Ph. D. 1880. Scroll and K Kappa Sigma Epsilon; Phi Theta Psi. U. S. Commissioner to negotiate with Blackfeet and Fort Belknap Indians for purchase of lands. Author "Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk Tales;" "Blackfoot Lodge Tales;" "The Story of the Indian;" "The Indians of To-day;" "Punish- ment of the Stingy;" "Blackfeet Indian Stor- ies;" "Jack the Young Ranchman;" "Jack Among the Indians;" "Jack in the Rockies;" "Jack the Young Canoeman;" "Jack the Young Trapper;" "Jack the Young Explorer;" "Jack the Young Cowboy;" "American Duck Shoot- ing;" "American (5ame Bird Shooting;" "Brief History of the Boone and Crockett Club;" "Trails of the Pathfinders;" "Beyond the Old Frontier;" "The Wolf Hunter;" "The Fight- ing Cheyennes." Member Union, University, Century. Boone and Crockett and Narrows Is- land Clubs. Brother of Frank Lansing and Morton Grinnell. Beta 75 and W^illiam Milne Grinnell, Beta 81. Author. (238 E. 15th St., New York, N. Y.) William Curtis Gulliver* S9[x' A. B. 1870; A. M. 1874; LL. B. 1874 Columbia. Skull and Bones. 1st Prize Brothers in Unity Debate, 67; two 1st English Composition Prizes, 68; 1st Prizes, 69 and 70; Chairman Yale Liter- ary Magazine Board, 69-70; Towsend Prem- ium, 70. Prof, of Languages, Knox Coll., Tenii., 71-72; Member Executive Committee Yale Alumni Assn., 78-80: of the Committee New York Bar Assn. on Judicial Nominations, 87. Lawyer. d. 1909 John Plenry Hewes Y]^M' A. B. 1870. Manufacturer. (29 Warren St., New York, N. Y.) Ross Johnston" A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873. Skull and Bones. Member Wooden Spoon Committee, 69. Brother of Alexander Johnston, Beta 67. Merchant. d. 1885 Robert Kelly* H

^ Principal Sem. at Canandaigua, A. B. 1871. N. Y.. 71-74. Horticulturist. Phihp Case Smith <;Xo)'" A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874. Scroll and Key. ber Wooden Spoon Committee. Manufacturer. (S Noble Ave., Westfield. Mass.) Mem- Y] I A" d. 1881 So CI, d. 1911 H ff a, A. B. 1871. Editor Yale Literary Magazine, 70- 71; 1st English Composition Prize, 71; Town- send Prize, 71: Commencement Orator. Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York). Lawyer (retired). 1030 Central Ave., Plainfield, N. T. Thomas Campbell Sproat'' A. B. 1871. Lawyer. George Randolph Stelle* A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874. Merchant. George Arthur Strong Thomas Thacher ^-n^c A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874; LL. D. 1903; LL. B. 1875 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones; Delta Kappa; Phi Theta Psi. 1st Decla- mation Prize, 69; Member Junior Exhibition Committee, 70; Commencement Orator. Pres. University Club (New York); Vice-Pres. Assn. of the Bar of the City of New York; Member Executive Council of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity, 77-81; Pres. Psi Upsilon Convention, 79; Lecturer on Corporate Trusts, Yale Univ., 87-14. Member University, Century, Yale and Bankers' Clubs. Brother of James Kingsley Thacher, Beta 68, Edward Stanlev Thacher, Beta 72, Alfred Beaumont Thacher, Beta 74, John Seymour Thacher, Beta 77, Sherman Day Thacher, Beta 83 and William Earned Thacher, Beta 87. 62 Cedar St., New York, N. Y.; res. Tenafly, N. J. William Kneeland Townsend* "O (]^ Q, A. B. 1871; LL. B. 1874; LL. M. 1878: D. C. L. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Member Junior Exhibition Committee, 70; Civil Law and Jewell Prizes, 74. Prof, of Contracts and Admiraltv Jurisprudence in Yale, 81-88 Judge U. S. Dist. Court (Conn.) and of U. S. Circuit Court. Author "New Connecticut Civil Officer." Brother of James Mulford Town- send, Beta 74. Lawyer. d. 1907 Kathan Hart Whittlesey'' S^"" A. B. 1871; B. D. 1875; D. D. 1890 III. Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Runk Scholar in Yale, 68-69: Philosophical Oration and Commencement Orator. Instr. Betts Military .Acad., Stamford, Conn., 71-72; Pastor, Creston, Iowa, 75-88 Au- thor Sermon "The Denial of the Divine Christ the Denial of the Heavenly Father." Brother of Mills Whittlesey. Upsilon 80. Clergyman. d. 1901 George Potter Wilshire* H p Q, A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874. Merchant. Scroll and Kev. d. 1905 1872 Thomas Rutherford Bacon* H ^ B" A. B. 1872; B. D. 1877. 1st Prize English Com- position, 72; John A. Porter Univ. Prize, 76; Editor Yale Banner and the Banner Supplement, 71; Chairman Coiirant Board of Editors, 71-72. Pastor First Church, Terre Haute, Ind., 78-80; Dwight Place Church, New Haven, Conn., 80-84; Assoc. Prof, of European History and Modern European History Univ. of Cal. Brother of Theodore Bacon, Beta 53 and Alfred Terry Bacon, Beta 73. Journalist and Clergyman. d. 1913 Frederick Harrison Baldwin a q W" A. B. 1872; LL. B. 1875 Columbia. Member University, Union and Yale Clubs. Lawyer (retired). 15 E. 48th St.. New York, N. Y. David Nelson Beach M A A" A. B. 1872; B. D. 1881; D. D. 1896 Western Reserve Univ. Managing Editor Yale Courant, 73-74. Pastor, Westerly, R. I., 76-79; Wakefield, Mass., 79-84; Cambridge, Mass., 84-96; Minne- apolis, Minn., 96-98; Denver, Colo., 99-02; Pres. Bangor Theol. Sem., since 03. Author C^Iass Poem, "The Outlook of Life;" "College Rhymes;" "Old Portfolio Rhymes;" "Plain Words on Our Lord's Work;" "Newer Religious Thinlcing;" "How We Rose, a Resurrection Parable;" "Tlie Intent of Jesus;" "Statement of Belief;" "The Annie Laurie Mine;" "A Handbook of Homiletics." Clergyman and Educator. Theological Seminary; res. 319 Union St., Bangor, Maine. Herbert Elmore Benton* H?4»t LL. B. 1875. Statement of Facts Orator; Brothers in Unity, 70; Pres. Univ. Baseball Club. 72-73; Editor Yale Courant, 72-73. Mem- ber New Haven Board of Councilmen, 79-81; Alderman, 81-86; Member Board of Police Com- missioners, 86-89. Lawyer. d. 1898 Clarence Campbell* ^ P^, A. B. 1872: LL. B. 1874 Columbia. Ouater- master General State of N. Y., 77-78. Lawyer. d. 1883 Edward Benedict Cobb a 6 ^, A. B. 1872; LL. B. 1874 Columbia. Lawyer (retired). (3 W. S4th St., New York, N. Y.) Edward Luman Cowles* y) e A" A. B. 1872. Manufacturer. d. 1891 Charles Clerc Deming H p W A. B. 1872; LL. B. 1875 Columbia. Skull and Bones. 1st Prize English Composition, 69-70 and 72: 2d Prize Junior Exhibition. 71; 1st Prize Brothers in Unity Debate, 70; Editor Yale Literary Magazine; Yale Courant, 71- 72. Member University, Union, Bankers', Ardsley, Garden City, Metropolitan (Washing- ton) and Maryland (Baltimore) Clubs. Brother of Henry Champion Deming, Beta 72 and Lau- rent Clerc Deming, Beta 83. Lawyer. 120 Broadway; res. 346 W. 72d St. New York, N. Y. 112 BETA CHAPTER [1872 Henry Champion Deming A. B. 1872. Skull and Bones; Kappa Sigma Epsilon; Phi Theta Psi. Baseball. Member Union, University, New York Yacht, Yale (New York), Post Graduate (New Haven) and Junior Athenaeum (London) Clubs. Brother of Charles Clerc Deming, Beta Tl and Laurent Clerc Deming, Beta 83. F"inancier (retired). 56 E. S4th St.. New York, N. Y. '-^ Alpheus Tompkins Bnlkley A. B. 1875. Lawyer. 25 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. Charles Washburn Clark* F\e^ A. B. 1883; A. M. 1884. Diploma de I'Ecole Libre, des Sciences Politique 1885; J. U. D. 1886, Gottingen; Ph. D. 1889 Columbia; Bach.- en-droit Paris, 1889; Lic-en-droit, Paris, 1890. Lawyer. d. 1906 PBu' A. B. 1875. 1st Declamation Prize; Financial Editor Yale Record. Member Am. Universi- ties (London and Newcastle), United Golf Clubs and Old Settlers' Union of Princeville, (III.) and Vicinity. Fountain Cottage, Low Fell, near Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Charles Forrest Cutter Wilbur Allen Fuller* XD^ 2d and 3d English Composition d. 1877 A. B. 1875. Prizes, 73. John Anson Carver e^T" A. B. 1875: LL. B. 1877 Columbia. Theta Psi: Scroll and Key. 2d English Composition Prize, 75; Townsend Premium, 75; Commence- ment Orator. Member Yale, University, Bank- ers' and Piping Rock Clubs; Assn. of the Bar City of New York. Lawyer. 55 Wall St.: res. 515 Madison Ave., New York and Oyster Bay, N. Y. Frank Lansing Grinnell* P?E" A. B. 1875. Scroll and Key. Brother of George Bird Grinnell, Beta 70, Morton Grin- nell, Beta 75 and William Milne Grinnell. Beta 81. d. 1875 0xe' A. B. 1875; M. D, 1881 Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Scroll and Key. Asst. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 84-88. Brother of George Bird Grinnell, Beta 70, Frank Lansing Grinnell, Beta 75 and William Milne Grinnell, Beta 81. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1905 Harry Higbee p X u" A. B. 1875; LL. B. 1878 Union Coll. of Law, Chicago. Judge Appellate Court, 4th Dist. 111.; Pres. III. Bar Assn., 13. Member University and Iroquois Clubs; Am. Bar and Illinois Bar Assns. Jurist. Pittsfield, 111. lames Hillhouse 3u" A. B. 1875; LL. B. 1878 Columbia. 2d English Composition Prize, 73; Philosophical Oration at Junior Exhibition, 74. Commencement Ora- tor. Member Graduates', New Haven Coun- try, New Haven Lawn and University and Church (New York) Clubs. Lawyer (retired). Sachem's Wood, New Haven, Conn. George Henry Holden* p ;;. e. Author "Canaries and Cage Birds," and "Book on Birds." Importer. d. 1914 William Henry Hotchkiss S ^ E" A. B. 1875, Skull and Bones; Delta Beta Psi; Gamma Nu. Hurlbut Scholar, 72-73; 1st Math- ematical Prize, 2d English Composition Prize, 75; Principal Preparatory Dept., Olivet Coll., 75-77. Member Buffalo, Saturn, Coun- try, Ellicott and L^niv^ersity and Lotos (New York) Clubs. Merchant (retired). 173 Summer St., Buffalo, N. Y. Guy Howard* Pyu" A. B. 1875. In the U. S. Army, 76-99; 1st Lieut. 12th Inf., 76. Officer, U. S. Army. d. 1899 d. 1879 Frank Elijah Hubbard* A. B. 1875. Merchant. Samuel Johnston Huntington* 9 x u" A. B., 1875. Clerk. 1st Mathematical Prize, 73. Samuel Isham* d. 1891 O 6) £ A. B. 1875. Lawyer. Editor Yale Record, 74-75. Dwight Arven Jones* d. 1914 ptE" A. B. 1875; LL. B. 1877 Columbia. 2d Muni- cipal Law Prize, 77. Brother of James Dana Jones, Beta 71. Lawyer. Newell Martin d. 1913 7c e" A. B. 1875; LL. B. 1877 Columbia. Wolfs Head. Member Century Assn.; University (New York) and Yale CInbs; Hispanic Soc. of America; Am. Geographical Soc. of New York. Lawyer (retired). Beaver Brook Farm, Milford, Conn. 18751 BETA CHAPTER 119 Herman Rogers 3ilead* Sxri Editor of the New York Oratorio See. Brother of Frederick Mead, Beta /I. Merchant. d. 1904 Augustus Torrey Metcalf* A. B. 1875. Lawyer. p V £ d. 1896 Franklin Benjamin Mitchell* 6 ^ s " A. B. 1875; LL. B. 1877 Columbia. Pres. Yale Univ. Ball Club, 74-75. Contractor. d. 1909 Charles Lothrop Noyes F^T I A. B. 1875; B. D. 1880 Andover Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1909 Harvard. 2d Junior Exhibition Prize (3); Editor Record (3), (4); 1st Prize English Composition (4); Commencement Ora- tor. Teacher Classics, High School, Mont- clair, N. J., 75-77; Pastor 3d Church, Jersey City, N. J.. 81-82: Winter Hill, since 82; Pres. Associated Charities: Trustee Public Library and Andover Theol Sem. Member Boston Browning Soc. ; Ministers' (Boston) and Twen- tieth Century Clubs. Clergyman. 12 Pembroke St., Winter Hill, Somerville, Mass Henry Augustus Oaks* A. B. 1875; M. D. 1878 Columbia. On Med. Stait New Haven Hosp., 78-89; Acting Asst. Surg., 79-84. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1885 John Augustus Post © [L u" A. B. 1875; LL. B. 1879 Columbia. Lawyer. (Fidelity and Casualty Co., Chicago, 111.). Lewis Fuller Reid* 6yY" A. B. 1875; A. M. 1886; Ph. D. 1887 Syracuse. 2d English Composition Prize. 73; 1st, 75; 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 74; Commencement Orator. Teacher Classics, Cornwall Heights (N. Y.) Acad, and Bishop Classical .School, Poughkeepsie, 75-80; Assoc. Principal and Pro- prietor of L. H. and L. F. Reid's Classical School, Lakeville, Conn., 80-98. Son of Lewis Hubbard Reid, Beta 47 and brother of Clarence Ledoux Reid, Beta 77 and Edward Winthrop Reid, Beta 86. Educator. d. 1898 DeWitt Roosa 6i;e" 2_d English Comoosition Prize, 73. Member Kingston and Yale (New York) Clubs; Yale (Eastern New York) and Andover Alumni Assns.; Holland Soc. (New York); Soc. of Colonial Wars; Sons of the Am. Revolution. Lawyer. 212 Fair St.. Kingston, N. Y. Charles Trumbull Russ* P X ''" A. B. 1875; LL. B. 1878 Columbia. Scroll and Key. Philosophical Oration and 2d Oratorical Premium at Junior Exhibition, 74; 2d English Composition Prize, 75; Salutatorian. Lawyer. d. 1881 William Wotkyns Seymour* ® t, E" A. B. 1875; M. D. 1878 Harvard. Med. Externe, Boston City Hosp., 78; House Surg., 78-79. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1904 Charles Carroll Suffren XDC LL. B. 1878. Kappa Sigma Epsilon; Book and Crown. 'Member Bar U. S. Supreme Court; .\m. Bar, Brooklyn Bar, Yale Alumni of Long Island and Andover Alumni Assns.; Kings County Historical and St. Nicholas of Nassau Island Socs. ; Brooklyn, University, Brooklyn Civic and Young Republican Clubs. Lawyer. 215 Montague St.; res. 68 Buckingham rd., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Paull Torrence yDs" A. B. 1875; B. D. 1878 Berkeley Divinity School. Delta Kappa; Phi Theta Psi. Arch- deacon Diocese of Michigan City, Ind., 99-04;' Deputy to General Convention, 95-07 and 16; Member Standing Committee Diocese Michi- gan City and Indianopolis, Ind. Clergyman. 16 N. 7th St., Hamilton, Ohio. George Underwood p^r A. B. 1875. Delta Kappa; Phi Theta Psi. Mem- ber Board of Education, 81-82; Pres., 82-84; Vice-Pres. and Trustee, Wells Coll.; Dir. Auburn Theol. Sem. Member Owasco County and Auburn City and University (New York, N. Y.), Clubs. Lawyer. Auburn Savings Bank Bldg. , res. 72 South St., Auburn, N. Y. Joseph Sheffield \^an Buren* 6 y; tc' Clerk. d. 1910 Henry Moses Walradt y] D t" A. B. 1875; LL. B. 1879. Kappa Sigma Epsilon. 3d English Composition Prize, 73; 1st, 75. Com- mencement Orator; Clark, and Berkeley Scholar- ships, 75. Principal Barnum School, Bridge- port, Conn., 75-76; South Norwalk Union School, 79-84; Chester Vallev Acad., Downing- ton. Pa., 84-86; Mt. Holly (N. J.) Acad., 86; Supt. of Schools, Town of Coventry, R. I. Brother of Arthur Eugene Walradt, Beta 80. Educator. Anthony, R. I.; res. 662 Washington St., Whit- man, Mass. Edwin Henry Weatherbee* p t s" A. B. 1875; LL. B. 1879 Columbia. Asst. U. S. Atty.. 79-81. Merchant. d. 1912 Harmanus Madison Welch* P v. u" A. B. 1875. Asst. Phvs. Nursery Hosp., Ran- dall's Island, 77. d. 1877 Eugene Wolcott Whitney P M Z" A. B. 1875; M. D. 1878 Rush Med. Coll. Delta Kappa; Phi Theta Psi. House Surg. Cook County Hosp.. 77-79; Surg., 84; Lecturer, Rush Med. Coll., 82-89: Pre.'^byterian Hosp.. 85-89; ^^ember Staff, Holv Cross Hosp. Salt Lake City, 88 — : Pres. Utah State and Salt Lake County Med. Socs. Member University, Country and Bonneville (Salt Lake City, Utah) Clubs. Physician and Surgeon. San Diego, Cal. John Yard ?0 A. B. 1875; LL. B. Lawyer (retired). (Sandwich, Mass.) 1878 Columbia. \ 120 BETA CHAPTER 1876 John Wolcott Andrews* OyZ^ A. B. 1876. Skull and Bones. Member Execu- tive Committee Vale Alumni Assn., Chicago, Merchant. d. 1887 William Arnold P^T" A. B. 1879; LL. B. 1878 Columbia. Scroll and Key. 2d Mathematical Prize, 73; Capt. Football, 75-76. Lawyer. (VVesthampton Beach, N. Y.) Otto Tremont Bannard pv^. A B 1876; A. M. 1908; LL. B. 1878 Columbia. Skull and Bones; Gamma Nu; Beta Xi. 1st Composition Prize, 74; 2d Junior Oratorical Premium, 75; Editor Yale Record. 75-76. Mem. ber Board of Education, 90-92; Fellow Yale Corporation; Chief Clerk U. S. Dist. Court, Clerk's Office, 78-81. Member Century University, Union, Yale (Pres.), Republican,' Midday (Pres.), and South Side Clubs. Brother of Henry Clay Bannard, Beta 69 Banker. 26 Broad St.; res. 30 E. 58th St., New York, N. Y. Bradbury Bedell* a T" A. B. 1876; LL. B. 1877 Union Univ. Com- mencement Orator. Lawyer. d. 1902 Frank Sherman Benson* evz. A. B. 1876; LL. B. 1879 Columbia. Scroll and Key. Lawyer. d. I9O7 Horace Riverside Buck* P^^. A. B. 1876. Townsend Premium, 76. Teacher, Minn., 79-80; City Atty., Fort Benton, 83-88. Lawyer. j. 1897 George Ensign Bushnell Y]Ap" A. B. 1876; Ph. D. 1878; M. D. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa. 3d English Composition Prize, 74; 1st, 76; 2d Junior Oratorical Premium, 75; 1st Win- throp Prize and Scott German Prize, 75; Soldiers' Memorial Fellow in Yale Coll., 76-78. On House Staff German Hosp., 80-81; 1st Lieut and Asst. Surg. U. S. Army, 81; Capt., 86; Post Surg., Fort Ellis, Mont., 81-84; Fort Snelling, Minn., 84-88; Fort Preble, Maine, 85-88; In Command U. S. Army General Hosp. Fort Bayard, N. Mex. Member Armv and Navy Club (Washington, D. C). Son of George Bush- nell, Beta 42. Surgeon. Medical Corps, U. S. Army, Fort Bayard, N. Mex. Henry Maynard Butler* PtT" A. B. 1876. Lawyer. Frank Chamberlin* d. 1913 A. B. 1876. Teacher, Milton, Pa., 76-77. Brother of James Irvin Chamberlin, Beta 73 Lawyer. d.l910 Edward Smith Clarke* r) t" A. B. 1876; LL. B. 1881 Columbia. Manufacturer. d. 1911 George Eaton Coney [1876 GrjZ. A. B. 1876; LL. B. 1880 Columbia. Scroll and Key. 3d English Composition Prize 74; Editor Yale Record, 75-76. Lawyer. 31 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. ; res. 154 High- land Ave., Orange, N. J. A. B. 1876; LL. B. 1878 Columbia. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Beta Psi, Wrestling. Supervisor Town of Plymouth; Supervisor, Norwich; Trustee State Insane Asylum (Binghamton) ; Member Board of Education. Member Nor- wich Club. Lawyer. 16 Cortland St., Norwich. N. Y. Daniel Burr Cushman Henry Wheeler DeForest P^^c A. B. 1876; LL. B. 1878 Columbia. Scroll and Key. Brother of Robert Weeks De Forest, Beta 70 and Lockwood De Forest, Lambda 72. Lawyer. (30 Broad St.. New York, N. Y.) William Shearman Doolittle P x T" A. B. 1876; LL. B. 1879 Hamilton. Brother of Charles Andrews Doolittle, Gamma 70 and Julius Tyler Andrews Doolittle, Beta 84. Lawyer. (U. S. District Court, Post O'fice Bldg.; res. 300 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y.) Augustus Wyncoop Dunning* 6 S t" A. B. 1876. Brother of Jacob Abramse Robert- son Dunning, Beta 74. Merchant. d. 1896 Henry Clay Easton* A. B. 1876. Charles Newell Fowler 6PT" d. 1876 William Delancey Ellwanger* P ic t" A. B. 1876; LL. B. 1880 Albany Law School. Brother of Henry Brooks Ellwanger, Delta 73. Lawyer. d. 1913 pSir" LL. B. 1878 Chicago Law School. Skull and Bones. Lawyer. (Salem Rd., Elizabeth, N. J.) Stephen Decatur Harrison ® 0^ A. B. 1876: M. D. 1879 Columbia. Sigma Epsilon. 1st Declamation Prize, 74; Capt. Crew 75-76. On Staff Charity Hosp., 79-80; U. S. Pension Examining Surg., 85. Member New York and Wayne County Med. Assns. Oculist. 408 N. Main St.; res. 410 Lake St., Elmira, N. Y. Charles DeForest Hawley* P T "^^ A. B. 1876. Editor Yale Record, 75-76. Mining Engineer. d. 1893 Elmer Parker Howe p8Z" A. B. 1876; B. S. 1871 Worcester County Free Inst, of Industrial Sciences. Skull and Bones. Two 1st English Composition Prizes, 74; 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 75; Pres Yale Navy, 75-76; Chairman Board of Editors Yale Literary Magazine, 75-76; Pres. Yale Glee Club, 75-76; Commencement Orator. Member Algon- quin, Union, Eastern Yacht, University and Yale (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. P. O. Box 1825, Boston; res. Cloutman's Point, Marblehead. Mass. 18761 BETA CHAPTER 121 Joseph Sexton Hunn ©

^^ A. B. 1877. Editor Yale Record, 76-77. Lawyer. d. 1897 Henry Meyer Johnson'' ?Ori A. B. 1877; LL. B. 1879 Columbia. Scroll and Kev. Brother of William Martin Johnson, Beta 61. Lawyer. d. 1907 John Herbert Johnston SVY) A. B. 1877. Scroll and Key; Sigma Epsilon; Phi Theta Psi. Member Down Town Assn.; University and Yale Clubs. Son of John Tay- lor Johnston, Delta 39. Retired. .lO Broad St.; res. 18 Washington Sq. N., New York, N. Y. John Frisbee Keator* 2!;y] A. B. 1877; LL. B. 1879 Univ. of Pa. Editor Yale Courant, 74-77. Brother of Bruce Smith Keator, Beta 79. Lawyer. d. 1910 \A'illiam Penn Macomber* c, - H^ A. B. 1877. Scroll and Key. Financial Editor Yale Record, 76-77; Editor Yale Pot-Pourri, 76 and Index, 76. Farmer. d. 1885 p VC d. 1904 T, G) S" Charles Baynard Martin* Charles Sumner Mervine A. B. 1877; B. D. 1881 Drew Theol. Sem. Teacher, Milton, Pa., 77-78; Pastor, New Hol- land, Pa., 81-82; Franklinville, 82-84; Raubs- ville since 84. Clergyman. 301 Church St., Roycrsford, Pa. Timothy Dwight Merwin r, V l" A. B. 1877. Commencement Orator. Mem- ber Yale and Bankers' Clubs. Lawyer. 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y.; res. 71 Crest- mont Rd., Montclair, N. J. Charles Sumner Miller a Q x A. B. 187*7; LL. B. 1879 Columbia. Delta Kappa. Berkeley Premium for Translation of English into Latin; Colloquy Appointment at Commencement. Member Yale New York) and Crescent Athletic (Brooklyn) Clubs. Lawyer. 2 Rector St., New York; res. 71 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. Edwin Oscar Perrin, Jr.* iQ J p A. B. 1877; LL. B. 1880 Albany Law School. Lawyer and Fruit Grower. d. 1888 Frank Hinchman Piatt Hx?" A. B. 1877; LL. B. 1879 Columbia. Wolf's Head; Delta Kappa; Phi Theta Psi. 2d Eng- lish Composition Prize, 77; Pres. Yale Club. Member University, Union League, Yale, Lo- tos, Graduates' (New Haven) and Sleepy Hol- low Clubs. Lawyer. 120 Broadway; res. 242 W. 74th St., New York, N. Y. OrviUe Reed P D y; A. B. 1877; B. D. 1884 Auburn Theol. Sem; Ph. D. 1905 New York Univ. 2d Declamation Prize, 75; Glee Club (Pres. 4); Tutor Robert Coll. (Constantinople), 80-83; Assoc. Pastor Hope Church, Springfield, Mass., 84-88; Sec. Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. Clergyman. Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, 156 Fifth Ave.; res. 514 W. 122d St., New York, N. Y. Clarence Ledoux Reid* S^^ A. B. 1877. Chairman Class Day Commit- tee, 77. Teacher, Stamford, Conn., 77-80; Deputy Judge Borough Court, Stamford, 83-02. Son of Lewis Hubbard Reid. Beta 47, brother of Lewis Fuller Reid. Beta 75, Edward Winth- rop Reid, Beta 86 and nephew of Horace Hall Reid, Beta 43. Lawyer. d. 1907 Henrv Roberts riS?" A. B. 1877; LL. B. 1879. Theta Psi; Sigma Epsilon. Editor Yale Record, 75-76: Alder- man Hartford, 97-99; Member Conn. House of Representatives, 99-01; Member and Pres. .State Senate, 01-03: Lieut. Governor Conn., 03-05; Governor, 05-07. Member Hartford, Republican, Country and University and Yale (New York) Clubs. Manufacturer (retired). 36 Pearl St.; res. 1110 Prospect Ave., Hart- ford, Conn. Frank Holmes Shaffer ? y y)^ A. B. 1877; LL. B. 1879 Univ. of Mich. Scroll and Key; Phi Theta Psi; Delta Kappa. Trus- tee Cincinnati Sinking Fund. Member Queen City, Business Men's and Literarv Clubs. Brother of Lewis William Shaffer. Beta 76, and Stanley and Frederick David Shaffer. Beta 83. Lawyer. 30 Atlas Bank Bldg.; res. 2260 Park Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Thomas Edward \''ermilye Smith S[XY3^ A. B. 1877: LL. B. 1879 Columbia. Wolf's Head; Delta Kappa: Delta Beta Xi. Author "New York City in 1789;" "Political Parties in 124 BETA CHAPTER [1877-7^ New York." Member Sons of the Revolu- tion; Soc. of Colonial Wars. Lawyer (retired). 24 Bayard Lane, Princeton, N. J. Frederick Julian Stimson ^C?"' A. B. 1877: LL. B. 1879 Columbia. Member University and Yale Clubs. Brother of Lewi<; Atterbury Stimson, Beta 63, Henry Albert Stim- son, Beta 65 and John Ward Stimson, Beta 72. Lawyer. 2 Rector St.: res. 109 E. 71st St., New York, N. Y. John Seymour Thacher H T ? A. B. 1877; M. D. 1880 Columbia. Skull and Bones; Delta Kappa. Woolsey Scholar, 74-77; 1st Berkeley Latin Premium and 1st Mathe- matical Prize, 74; 2d Declamation Prize 75- Philosophical Oration at Junior Exhibition 76- 1st English Composition Prize, 11; De Forest Scholar, 77-78; Salutatorian. Member Uni- versity Century and Yale Clubs, Automobile Cub of America. Brother of James Kingsley Thacher, Beta 68, Thomas Thacher, Beta 71, Edward Stanley Thacher, Beta 72, Alfred Beaumont Thacher, Beta 74, Sherman Day 1 hacher. Beta 83 and William Earned Thacher Beta 87. Physician. 20 W. 50th St.; res. 815 Fifth Ave., New York N. Y. George Huntington Thomas* y] x i' A. B. 1877; LL. B. 1879. 1st Berkeley Latin Premium. 74; 3d English Composition Prize, 75- 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 76 Lawyer. ,, jgg; Andrew Britton VanHorne* p 7 t^ •A,. B. 1877; M. D. 1880 Columbia. Scroll and Key. Interne New York Charity Hosp., 80-81 Rancher. d. 1888 Nathaniel Upham Walker r^ u 2" A B. 1877. Football; Baseball. Sec. Yale Alumni Assn. of Boston, 86. Son of Joseph Burbeen Walker, Beta 44 and brother of Charles Rumford Walker, Beta 74. Lawyer. 53 State St., Boston; res. 115 Buckminster Rd. Brookline, Mass. William Erving Whitney* t) J p" A. B. 1877. Merchant. Arthur Williams d. 1902 A. B. 1877. Kappa Sigma Epsilon; Theta Psi. Assoc. Principal New York School of Languages, 86. Educator (retired). Chaplin, Conn. William Pierrepont Williams* H ^ 2" A. B. 1877; LL. B. 1879 Columbia. Lawyer. ^ J9J2 1878 Henry Alexander Barling, Jr.* a w p" A. B. 1878. Commission Merchant. Fred Jason Beckwith* d. 1902 TG© A. B. 1878; M. D. 1882 Harvard Citv Phvs.. 83-84 and 85-02; Acting Asst. Surg. U. Sl Marine Hosp., 85-02. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1907 Douglas Putnam Birnie •^4' P. A. B. 1878; B. D. 1885 Union Theol Sem Wolf's Head; He Boule; Delta Kappa; Phi Theta Psi. Principal High School, Rockville. Conn., 78-80; Pastor, Cazenovia, N. Y. 85' Member Cosmos, Chevy Chase and Yale (New York) Clubs. Clergyman. 1711, 19th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Isadore Nathan Bloom V J e" A. B. 1878; M. D. 1881 Harvard. Kappa Sigma Epsilon: Sigma Chi. Prof. Med. Dept. Univ. of Louisville; Phys. Masonic Home, City Hosp., Jewish Hosp. and Norton Infirmary; Member and Pres. Board of Education. Louisville; Pres. Western Associated Yale Clubs, 16; Advisory' Board Yale Alumni Assn., 13; Pres. Y. M. H. A. Member Yale Alumni Assn. of Louisville Literary, Pendennis, Yale (New York) and Harvard Clubs; State Med. and Am. Med. Assns.l Physician. Atherton Bldg.; res. 1629 S. Third .\ve . Louis ville. Ky. Herbert Wolcott Bowen XL6" A. B. 1878; A. M. 1903; LL. B. 1881 cum laude Columbia. Delta Kappa. Track; Rowing; Founder Yale News. C)onsul to Spain, 90-94; Consul-General Barcelona, Spain, 94-99; Min- ister and Consul-General, Teheran, Persia. 99- 01; Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary Venezuela, 01-05; Counsel for U. S. and Venezuela. Author "In Divers Tones;" "Losing Ground;" "De Genere Humano," and "International Law." Member Ends of the Earth (New York) Club. Brother of John Eliot Bowen, Beta 81. Retired. Woodstock, Conn. George William Burton H5(P A. B. 1878. Editor Yale Courant. 77-78. Chair- man Am. Red Cross; Treas. La Crosse Public Library. Member La Crosse and T.a Crosse Country and University (Chicago) Clubs. ; Banker. | 114 N. 4th St.; res. 1428 Main St., La Crosse, I Wis. Henry Eugene Coe* S?P. A. B. 1878; LL. B. 1880 Columbia. Scroll and Key. 2d Berkeley Latin Premium, 75; Townsend Premium, 78. Lawyer. Arthur Nott Cooley Boe Farmer. 249 Holmes Rd., Pittsfield, Mass. Andrew Fay Currier osP" A. B. 1878; M. D. 1880; M. D. 1881 Columbia. Kappa Sigma Epsilon; Linonia; Brothers in Unity. Financial Editor Yale Record and Business Mgr. Glee Club, 77-78. On House Staff Woman's Hosp., 80-82; As.st. Surg. Skin and Cancer Hosp.; Asst. fExterne) for Diseases of Women. New York Hosp. and New York Post-Graduate School and Hosp.; Asst. Sanitary Inspr., New York Board of Health (Summer Corps). 83-88. Physician and Journalist. The Globe, 73 Dey St., New York; res. 173 E. Lincoln Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Ernest Davis* Son of Alson Chapin Davis, Theta 56. ■0 u P. ; , d. 1880 i' 1878] BETA CHAPTER 125 Archibald Alexander Dershimer* xse" A. B. 1878. Teacher, Seward, Nebr., 79-80; Prof. Natural Sciences, Seward Preparatory School of Medicine and Surgery, 80-81. Educator. d. 1881 Salter Erskine Dimmick* y] t p A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1880 Columbia. Brother of Joseph Benjamin Dimmick, Beta 81. Lawyer. d. 1882 Edward Willis Flagg aaO" A. B. 1878; A. M. 1890. Gamma Nu. Two 2d Prizes English Composition; Editor Yale Record. Teacher. Glencoe, III., 78-83; State Normal School, 83 — ; Warden Trinity Church; Trustee, Public Library. Educator. Potsdam. N. Y. Roger [Sherman Baldwin] Foster XAP A. B. 1878; A. M. 1883; LL. B. 1880 cum laude Columbia. Skull and Bones; Phi Theta Psi; Delta Kappa. 2d Municipal Law Prize Columbia, 80. Hurlbut Scholar in Yale, 75-76; Berkeley Latin Premium, 75; 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 77; Townsend Premium, 78. Member Manhattan, Reform, New York Athletic, National Democratic and Deer Island Clubs. Lawyer. 55 Liberty St.; res. 69 W. 55th St., New York, N. Y. Charles Minor Gilbert* xp A. B. 1878. Teacher Packard's Business Coll., New York, 78-79. Brother of George Edwards Gilbert, Beta 78. d. 1881 reorge Edwards Gilbert* Hxe. A. B. 1878. Teacher Englewood, N. J., 78-79. Brother of Charles Minor Gilbert, Beta 78. Educator. d. 1879 V^illiam Thurston Gilbert* <^ P Pt A. B. 1878; LL. B. 1880 Columbia. Lawyer. d. 1908 'illiam Brown Glover* ? t: p A. B. 1878; LL. B. 1880 Columbia. Member Conn. Legislature, 83-85; Judge Probate Court, Dist. of Fairfield, 85-88. Lawyer. d. 1896 [oward Clark Hollister a o p A. B. 1878: LL. B. 1880 Cincinnati Law School. Scroll and Key; He Boule; Delta Kappa; Phi Theta Psi. Asst. Prosecuting Atty., Hamilton County, Ohio, 81-82; Judge Court of Common Pleas, 1st Judicial Dist. of Ohio, 93- 98; U. S. Dist. Judge since 10. Member Queen City, Country and Literary Clubs; Historical and Philosophical Socs. (Ohio). Jurist. Government Bldg.; res. 1887 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. William Knowles James S U i: A. B. 1878. Skull and Bones. 2d Junior Ex- hibition Premium, 77-78. Agriculturist. (R. R. No. 3, St. Joseph, Mo.) Carlton Rogers Jewett "O I ^^ A. B. 1878; M. D. 1881 Columbia. Scroll and Key.. Med. Stai=f New York Hosp., 81-82. Member Buffalo and University Clubs. Physician. 248 Linwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. John Qtiincy Adams Johnson a v p A. B. 1878; LL. B. 1880 Columbia. Pres. Univ. Football Assn. Lawyer. (87 High St., Yonkers, N. Y.) Edwin Morgan Joslyii'' Clarence Hill Kelsey A. B. 1878; A. M. 1880. Gamma Nu; Skull and Bones. Philosophical Oration at Junior Exhibition, 77; Scott Prize in German, 77; Editor Yale Literary Magazine, 77-7%; Valedic- torian; Soldiers' Memorial Fellow, 78-79; Woolsey Scholar, 75-78; Berkeley Latin Pre- mium and 3d Mathematical Prize, 75; Two 2d English Composition Prizes, 76. Member Yale, University and Bankers' Clubs. Brother of Clifford Stephen Kelsey, Beta 83. T?poi Eststc Title Guarantee and Trust Co., 176 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. 115 Prospect St., East Orange, N. J. Harry Bruce McCarroll* S ^ O" A. B. 1878; M. D. 1881 Columbia. House Staff, Presbyterian Hosp., 81-83; Instr. New York Post-Graduate Med. School and Hosp., 85- 88. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1904. HiP A. B. 1878. Delta Kappa. Pres. Base Ball Assn. 78. Manufacturer. Blair Motor Truck Co., Newark; res. 395 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. xve. John Prouty McCiine Charles Henry Morgan Manufacturer. (71 AUandale Ave. East, Cleveland, Ohio). George Seth Morgan •nec M. D. 1879 New York Homeopathic Coll. Physician and Surgeon. (93 Huntington St., New London, Conn.) Raymond Albert Patterson* x ^ p. Editor Yale Record, 76-77. Brother of John Closey Patterson, Beta 66. Journalist. d. 1909 John Northrup Peet* Y]Sp" A. B. 1878. Brother of Robert Edward Peet, Lambda 88. Merchant. d. 1912 George Edward Pollock a y p Skull and Bones. Member Union, Knicker- bocker and Automobile Clubs. Brother of William Pollock, Beta 82 and Edward Learned Pollock, Beta 84. 37 W. 47th St., New York, N. Y. Frederick Potter HpP, A. B. 1878; LL. B. 1880 Columbia. Scroll and Key. Financier. (71 Broadwav, New York, N. Y.) 126 BETA CHAPTER [1878 William Ruggles Sanborn ri 9 S" A. B. 1878; LL. B. 1880. Theta Psi; Delta Kappa. Lawyer (retired). Strafford, Vt. Lawrence Henry Schwab* X F 0" A. B. 1878; B. D. 1881 Philadelphia Divinity School. Berkeley Latin Prize, 75; Asst. Min- ister St. Michael's Church, New York, 81-82; Rector St. Stephen's Church, Grand Island, Nebr., 82-83; Church of the Nativity, New York, 84-02; Asst., Worcester, Mass., 83-84. Clergyman. d. 1911 Charles Herbert Shaw* AW P. A. B. 1878; LL. B. 1885 Columbia. W. W. DeForest Scholar, 78-79. Lawyer. d. 1915 Edward Wier Smith ?Zp" A. B. 1878; M. D. 1882 McGill. Baseball; Football; Fellow Am. Coll. of Surgeons. Mem- ber State Med. Soc. and Home, Colonial and Hyland Country Clubs. Physician and Surgeon. 34 W. Main St.; res. Bradley Ave., Meriden, Conn. Charles Langford Spencer S A. B. 1878. Skull and Bones. Editor Yale Record, 75-77; Yale Literary Magasine, 77-7&, Brother of Edward Curran Spencer, Beta 80. Clerk. (U. S. District Court; res. 490 Summit Ave., St. Paul, Minn.) Charles Martin Stone Ha0" A. B. 1878. Skull and Bones. Real Estate. 303 Savings Bank Bldg., Binghamton, N. Y. Theodore Chester Strong* sje A. B. 1878. •Beta 84. Brother of William Lord Strong, d. 1878 William Howard Taft ■OWp, A. B. 1878; LL. D. 1893; LL. B. 1880 Cincin- nati Law School; LL. D. 1902 Univ. of Pa.; 1905 Harvard; 1905 Miami; 1907 Univ. of Iowa; 1909 Wesleyan; 1912 Princeton. Skull and Bones. Runk Scholar, 75-76; 1st Mathe- matical Prize, 75; Two 1st English Composi- tion Prizes, 76; Philosophical Oration at Junior Exhibition and 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 77; Salutatorian. Asst Prosecuting Atty. Hamilton County, 81-83; Asst. County Solicitor, 85-87; Judge Superior Court, Cincin- nati, 87-90; Solicitor-General of U. S.. 90-92; U. S. Circuit Judge, 6th Circuit, 92-00; Prof, and Dean Law Dept. Univ. of Cincinnati, 96- 00; Pres. U. S. Philippine Commission, 00-01; First Civil Governor of Philippine Islands, 01- 04; Appointed by Pres. Roosevelt, 02 to Confer with Pope Leo XIII at Rome; Sec. of War, U. S., 04-08; Provisional Governor of Cuba for Short Period, 06; Visited Foreign Nations by direction of Pres. Roosevelt, 07; Pres. of U. S., 09-13; Pres. National Red Cross Soc, since 06; Kent Prof, at Law, Yale Univ. since 13; Pres. Am. Bar Assn., 13. Author "Popular Government." Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York). Brother of Henry Waters Taft, Beta 80 and Horace Dutton Taft, Beta 83. Educator. 367 Prospect St.. New Haven, Conn. Inajiro [Taneka] Tajiri A. B. 1878; LL. D. 1898 Tokyo Imperial Univ. Viscount; Member House of Lords; Prof. Political Economy, Univ. of Toyko; Premier President de la Cour de Comptes. Author "Outline of Political Economy" and "Finance and Money Market." Government. Ohtemachi Kuwaikeikensain ; res. Koishikawa Kantomicho 49, Tokyo, Japan. Arthur Bailey Taylor* (7(J;p A. B. 1878. Manufacturer. George Trowbridge* John Trumbull d. 1886 ? X ^" A. B. 1878; A. M. 1882; M. D. 1881 Columbia. Scroll and Key. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1898 A. B. 1878; M. D. 1883 Harvard; M. D. 1884 Univ. of Chile; Berzelius Soc. Commencement Orator. House Surg. Boston City Hosp., 82- 83. Member Massachusetts Medical Soc. Son of David Trumbull, Beta 42, brother of David Trumbull, Jr., Beta 76, Stephen Trumbull, Beta 80 and William Trumbull, Beta 83 and nephew of James Heddcn Trumbull, Beta 48. Physician. Casilla 851; res. 31 Lubida Concepcion, Val- paraiso Chile. Cyrus Calhoun Turner 9^^,. A. B. 1878. Merchant. (5 Beekman St., New York, N. Y.) William Allen VanBuren* a (O P" A. B. 1878: LL. B. 1880 Ind. Univ. Scroll and Key. Teacher Classics De Garmo Inst., Rhinebeck, N. Y., 78-79. Brother of James Heartt VanBuren, Beta 73. Lawyer. d. 1906 Benjamin Rush Wendell 8 C 0^ A. B. 1878; A. M. 1883; LL. B. 1882 Columbia. Member Cincinnati and St. Nicholas Socs.; Colonial Order of New York; Cazenovia (Caze- novia, N. Y.), L^nion and Yale (New York) and Metropolitan (Washington) Clubs. Brother of Ten Eyck Wendell, Beta 80. Lawyer (retired). Cazenovia, N. Y. Frank Baldwin Wesson* H u P Scroll and Key. Insurance. d. 1903 George Patten Whittlesey "0 IJ"- P A. B. 1878; LL. B. 1881 Columbian Univ. Wolf's Head; Delta Kappa. Member National Geo- graphic Soc; Am. Forestry Assn.; Military Order Loyal Legion; Yale Club of Southern Cal. and Cosmos Club (Washington, D. C). Brother of Tames Thomas Whittlesey, Beta 89. Patent Lawyer. 724 S. Spring St., Los Angeles; res. 476 W. California St., Pasadena, Cal. Marrion Wilcox 9 GO. A. B. 1878; LL. B. 1880. Scroll and Key. Literary Essay Medal. Instr. Williston Sem., 83-84: Sheffield Scientific School, 84-86. Author "A Short History of the War with .Spain;" "Sketches in Snain, England and Italy;" "Harper's History of the War in the Philippines." Member Yale Club. Author and Journalist. Encyclopedia Americana Corporation, 27 Wil- liam St., New York, N. Y. 1878-79 J BETA CHAPTER 127 Thomas Cook W'orcim* 2 p p, A. B. 1878. Broker. d. 1905 Rudolf Wurts ci j A. B. 1878. Scott Prize in French, 77. Manager. Tramway Office. Acland St.; res. 50 Chaucer St., St. Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. William Lawrence Ross Wurts ? tc p A. B. 1878. Delta Kappa; Linonian; Berkeley Assn.; Class Orchestra and Glee Club. Scott Prize in French, 77; 2d Berkeley Latin Premium, 75; Editor Yale Courant, 76-78; Latin Composition Prize. Author "Florian Oborocki — A Memoir." Journalist. Branford, PI. and Nutria St., Newark; res. 381 Ellison St., Paterson, N. T. 1879 Hugh Dudley Auchincloss* P y I" A. B. 1879. Scroll and Key. Brother of Edgar Sterling Auchincloss, Beta 64 and Frederic Lawton .\uchincloss. Beta 71 and uncle of Edgar Stirling Auchincloss, Beta 96, Hugh .\uchincloss. Beta 01, Charles Crooke Auchin- closs, Beta 03 and James Coats and Gordon .•\uchincloss, Beta 08. Merchant. d. 1913 Ralph Barker Pal" A. B. 1879. Delta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Member Yale (New York) and University (Bridgeport) Clubs. Manufacturer. 22 William St., New York, N. Y.; res. 143 Cole- man St., Bridgeport, Conn. Poultney Bigelow a TC t ^ A. B. 1879; A. M. 1900. He Boule; Kappa Sigma Epsilon. Chairman Editorial Board, i'ale Courant (3) (4) ; 2d Berkeley Latin Premium, (1); Chairman Ivy Committee; Capt., Sec. and Treas. Rowing Club. Trustee School Board. Author "The Emperor and His Eastern Neigh- bors;" "Paddles and Politics Down the Danube;" "The Borderland of Czar and Kaiser;" "History of the German Struggle for Liberty:" "White Man's Africa;" "Children of the Nations." Member Royal United Serv- ice Institution (London) ; Woolwich Ethologi- cal Soc. (London) ; Royal Geogragphic, New York Historic and Army Relief Socs.; Am. Political Science Assn.; Ends of the Earth (Chairman), Authors', Royal Corinthian Yacht, Cobden (London) and Imperial Yacht (Kiel) Clubs. Author (retired). Maiden on Hudson, N. Y. Edward Tyler Blair PIT A. B. 1879. Member Union, Chicago Literary and Apollo Clubs. Financier (retired). 1516 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. Edward Augustus Bowers Sfl" A. B. 1879; LL. B. 1881. Wolf's Head. Judge City Court of Groton, S. Dak.. 83-85; U. S. Inspr. Public Land Service, 86-89; Asst. Commissioner General Land Office. 93-95; Asst. Comptroller U. S. Treasury, 95-98; Lec- turer on Forest Law Yale Forest School since 01. Member Graduates' and Country, Uni- versity (New York), Metropolitan, Cosmos, Chevy Chase and Alibi (Washington, D. C.) Clubs. Lawyer (retired). Exchange Bldg.; res. 258 St. Ronan St., New Haven, Conn. WUeaton Bowers* s H, Lloyd A. B. 1879; LL. B. 1882 Columbia. Skull and Bones. Philosophical Oration at Junior Exhi- bition, 78; Valedictorian; Soldiers' Memorial Fellow, 79-80. Lawyer. d. 1910 P TC 7C" A. B. 1879. Delta Kappa. School Board; Trustee Congregational Soc. and Knox Hosp. Brother of Edgar Stickney Buffum, Beta 77 and David Hanson Buffum, Jr., Beta 85. Manufacturer. Rockland & Rockport Lime Co., Rockland, Maine. Harry Austin Buffum Lucien Francis Burpee 0xr A. B. 1879; LL. B. 1881 Hamilton. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones; Two 1st Composition Prizes, 77; 1st, 79; 2d, Junior Exhibition Pre- mium, 78; Townsend Premium, 79; Editor Yale Literary Magazine and Yale Record. Prosecuting Atty, 83-90; Corporation Counsel, 90-96; Judge W^aterbury City Court, 97-09; Judge Superior Court of Conn, since 09; Col. 2d Regiment N. G. Conn., 95-99; Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols., 98; Commander Veterans Spanish War Order of Conn. Brother of Charles Winslow Burpee, Beta 83. Jurist. 49 Forest St., Hartford, Conn. Ernest Carter evT A. B. 1879. Scroll and Key. Woolsey Scholar, 76-79; 1st Berkeley Latin Premium, 76; Philo- sophical Oration at Junior Exhibition, 78. Brother of Leslie Carter, Beta 73. Financier. (29 Wall St., New York, N. Y.) Chun Lung* p p z A. B. 1879. 3d Mathematical Prize, 77; 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 78. Planter. d. 1889 Oliver Turnbull Crane ADn. A. B. 1879; A. M. 1889 Rutgers. Lawyer. (Federal Bldg.; res. Elizabeth nr. Hauser, Ken- wood, Helena, Mont.) Henry Herbert Donaldson HI. A. B. 1879; D. Sc. 1906; Ph. D. 1885 Johns Hopkins Univ. Scroll and Key; He Boule; Delta Kappa. 3d English Composition Prize, 77. Prof, of Neurology The Wistar Inst. Author "Growth af the Brain;" "The Rat." Member University (Philadelphia, Pa.) and Century (New York) Clubs. Educator. The W^i.star Institute; res. 3310 Race St., Phila- delphia, Pa. ©TUF John Villiers Farwell, Jr. A. B. 1879. Scroll and Key. 2d Berkeley Latin Premium, 76. Member Chicago Literary and Union Clubs; Chicago Historical Soc. Brother of Francis Cooley Farwell, Beta 82. Merchant. (102 S. Market St., Chicago, 111.) Samuel Peters Fosdick pI" A. B. 1879; LL. B. 1881 Columbia. 1st Berke- ley Latin Premium, 76. Builder. Vuono Construction Co.. 305 Main .St.; res. 34 Atlantic St., Stamford, Conn. 128 BETA CHAPTER [1879 Edward Stacy Fowler* A. B. 1879. Journalist. Pan. 3d English Composition Prize, IT . d. 1908 John Milton Fox © G K" A. B. 1879; LL. B. 1881 Columbian Univ.; A. M. 1894 Univ. of Kans. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Honors and 1st Prize, Columbian Univ., 81; Philosophical Oration at Junior Exhibi- tion, 78 and Commencement Orator; Senior Astronomical Prize, 78. Lawyer. First National Bank Bldg.; res. SOI Wabash Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Henry Sherwood Green A. B. 1879; LL. B. 1881 Columbian Univ.; LL. D. 1901 Bethany Coll. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones; He Boule; Gamma Nu. Crew; 3d Declamation Prize, 11; 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 78; Editor Yale Literary Magazine, 78-79. State Historian and Archivist, W. Va. Historian and Archivist. State House Annex, Charleston, W. Va. Robert Ryers Griswold p S I, Agriculturist. (Greendale, N. Y.) George Lodowick McAlpin s i A. B. 1879. Wolf's Head. Member Yale, University, L'nion League and New York Yacht Clubs. Executor. 68 William St., New York; res. East Hampton, N. Y. Frank Maxon* ecr Brother of Ethan Allen Maxon, Theta 61. Merchant. Robert Hallam Munson PyiF A. B. 1879. Member University and New York Clubs. Timber. 25 Broad St., New York, N. Y. ; res. York Harbor, Maine. William Newton Parker 8XF A. B. 1879. Scroll and Key; He Boule; Delta Kappa. 1st Declamation Prize, 77; Pres. Glee Club, 78-79. Member Graduates' (New Haven) and University (New York) Clubs. Brother of Frederick Sheldon Parker, Beta 73. Banker (retired). 475 Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn. Lewis Alfred Platt p X r A. B. 1879. Skull and Bones; Sigma Epsilon. Editor Vale Record. Member Graduates', Water- bury, Waterbury Country Home, Quinnipiack and Nonantum Fish and Game (New Haven) and Yale and LTniversity (New York) Clubs. Manufacturer. 41 Brown St.; res. 36 Buckingham St., Water- bury, Conn. Adrian Suydani Polhemiis* B \i T A. B. 1879; M. D. 1882 Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Scroll and Key. On Med. Staff New York Charity Hosp., 82-83; Asst. Surg, and 1st Lieut. U. S. Army, 83-02; Asst. Surg., 02-10. Surgeon. d. 1910 1879-80J BETA CHAPTER 129 •Robert Simpson Rodman Pvl A. B. 1879. Agriculturist. (Lakeport, Cal.) William Henry Smith A. B. 1879. Scott Prize in German, 79. Manufacturer (retired). (509 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo.) Thomas Wells Stiles hi" QSr" A. B. 1879. Engineer. 3 W. 54th St., New York, N. Y. Frederic Abbot Stokes A. B. 1879. Wolf's Head. Treas. Univ. Base- ball Assn.; Pres. Am. Publishers' Assn. and The MacDowell Club; Sec. Yale Club, 0203; .Aldine Club, 95-97; Pres. Mendelssohn Glee Club, 97-00. Author "College Tramps." Member Century, University, Yale, MacDowell, Mendelssohn and Hammonassett Clubs. Publisher. 449 Fourth Ave.; res. 515 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. Willis Edson Story* o I" A. B. 1879. d. 1904 Louis Judson Swinburne* 6 tc I A. B. 1879. Skull and Bones. Yale Literary Essay Medal, 75; two 1st Composition Prizes, 77; Chairman Yale Literary Magazine, 78-79; DeForest Medal, 79; Aide Volontaire French .A.rmv. 70-71. Author "Paris Sketches." Author. d. 1887 Henry James TenEyck* OpI" A. B. 1879. Scroll and Key. 2d Berkeley Lati_n Premium, 76; 1st Mathematical Prize, 77; Philosophical Oration at Junior Exhibition and 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 78. Editor Yale Record, 78-79. Philosophical Oration (3d in class) and Commencement Orator. Journalist. d. 1887 Ambrose Tisrhe Perl" A. B. 1879; A. M. 1891. Skull and Bones; He Boule; Delta Kappa. 2d Berkeley Latin Pre- mium, 76; Two 1st English Composition Prizes, 77; 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 78; Editor Yale Literary Magazine, 78-79; Douglas Fellow, 80-82. Author "The Development of the Ro- man Constitution," "Notes on Latin Grammar and History." Lawyer. Pioneer Bidg.; res. 314 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 9^1" Otis Harvey Waldo A. B. 1879. Editor Yale Courant, 78-79; 1st Asst. Classical Dept. High School, Milwaukee, Wis., 80-82. Lawyer. (4437 Sidney Ave., Chicago, 111.) Benjamin W'ebster wYtc" A. B. 1879; Delta Kappa. Secretary. 80 Maiden Lane, New York; res. Syosset, N. Y. -ederick Wells Williams a W t .\. B. 1879. Wolf's Head; He Boule; Delta Kappa; Linonia; Elihu, Cosmopolitan and Eliza- bethan Clubs. Chairman. Trustees Coll. of Yale in China; Pres. Elizabethan Club (charter mem- ber); Senior Warden, St. John's Parish; Prof. of History, Yale. Author "A Life of S. W. Williams," "A History of China,*' "A History of the Class of 79, Yale;" "Anson Burlingame." Member Yile Alumni Assn.; Chamber of Com- merce; Graduates' Country, Bibliophile (Bos- ton), Century and Grolier (New York) Clubs. Educator. 155 Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn. John Eastman Wilson 0DK" A. B. 1879; M. D. 1883 New York Homeopathic Med. Coll.; Gamma Nu; He Boule. Baseball. Prof, of Diseases Nervous System, New York Homeopathic Med. Coll. and Flower Hosp.; Neurologist Flower, Laura Franklin, Middle- town State, St. Mary's (Passaic, N. J.), Yonk- ers Homeopathic and Maternity Hosps. Author "Text-book of Diseases of Nervous System." Member University, Yale and New York Athletic Clubs. Physician. 616 Madison Ave.; res. 260 W. 76th St., New York, N. Y. Stephen Carroll Wood Initiated by the Zeta Timothy Lester W^oodruff* 9 ^ I A. B. 1879; A. M. 1889. Lieut. Governor State of N. Y., 96-02. Father of John Eastman Wood- ruff, Beta 04. Merchant. d. 1913 1880 Henry Wilbur Aiken PyO" A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1883. Lawyer. Court House, Worcester; res. Millbury, Mass. William Palmer Allen* P ^ T' A. B. 1880. Skull and Bones. Lawyer. d. 1904 Wilmore Anway A R O A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1883 Columbia. Member Yale Club. Lawyer. 141 Broadway, New York, N. Y. William Cooper Asay % ^ O A. B. 1880. Asst. Atty: for Sanitary Dist. Lawyer. 910 S. Michigan Ave.; res. 5553 Wayne Ave., Chicago, 111. William Ransom Barbour PyK A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1882 cum laude. Town- send and Jewell Prizes, 82; Betts Prize, 81. Brother of Frederick McLeod Barbour, Beta 85. Lawyer. 22 William St.; res. 12 W. 10th St., New York, N. Y. Edward Manross Bentlev SLP' A. B. 1880. Skull and Bones; Gamma Nu; O. L. 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 79; Editor Yale Courant, 77-79; Townsend Pre- mium, 80; Commencement Orator. Mem- ber Century, Yale, Rockaway Hunt and Law- yers' Clubs. Lawyer. 120 Broadwav. New York; res. Lawrence, N. Y. ■ 130 BETA CHAPTER 1880 William Darius Bishop, Jr.* S O" A B 1880. Scroll and Key. Brother of Henry Alfred Bishop, Beta 84. Lawyer. d- 1912 Charles Franklin Bliss p £ \ A B 1880. Elihu and Glee Clubs. Member School Board. Member Yale and University Clubs. Manufacturer. Ansonia, Conn. George Artemas Brown P i; K^ A B. 1880; M. D. 1883 Columbia. Delta Kappa. Pres. Board of Education; Pres Library Assn. Physician. Barre, Mass. George Whitfield Butts, Jr.* P 'O "a^ Banker. d. 1901 Donald Yorke Campbell 6 [i, I" A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1883 Univ. of Cal. Town- send Premium, 80; Commencement Orator; Orator at Law Commencement. Lawyer. 260 California St.; res. 1030 Green .St., ban Francisco, Cal. William Emery Decrow* F S A^ .•\ B. 1880. Wolf's Head. Financial Editor Yale Record, 79-80. Author "Yale and the City of Elms." Journalist. d. 1905 Frank Goodrich nDA A. B. 1880; Ph. D. 1893 Halle; L. H. D. 1910 Marietta Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. 3d Mathematical Prize, 77; Scott Prize in German, 80. Teacher Latin and Greek, Auburn, N. Y. High School, 80-81; Principal North Adams, Mass. High School, 84-87; Instr. in German, Yale, 87-91; Prof, of European History, Williams Coll. Member Modern Language Assn. of America and Am. Historical Soc. Brother of George Eastman Goodrich, Gamma 70. Educator. College PI., Williamstown, Mass. William Hudson Harper '. y." A. B. 1880. Editor Yale News, 79-80. Mem- ber University Club. Journalist. 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago; res. 1002 Lake St., Evanston, 111. Gerard Charles Hegeman 6 ■ — S Real Estate. Greenville, N. Y. Franklin Whetstone Hopkins p y. v., A. B. 1880; A. M. 1891. Phi Beta Kappa; Wolf's Head. 2d Berkeley Latin Premium. 77; 1st Mathematical Prize, 77; 2d, 78; Two 2d English Composition Prizes, 78; Philosophical Oration at Junior Exhibition and 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 79; Philosophical Oration, 81^- Commencement Orator. Mayor of Alpine, 02-12; Vice Pres. Palisades Interstate Park Com- mission, 00 — ; Member Advisory Boards Brook- lyn (N. Y.) Home for Consumptives; Soc. for .■\id of Friendless Women and Children. Mem.- ber Yale and Bankers' Luncheon (New York), Hamilton (Brooklyn), Englewood Country (N. J.) and Knickerbocker Country (Tenafly, N. J.) Clubs. Broker. 25 Broad .St., New York, N. Y.; res. Alpine. N. J. William Swift Keyser S\o A. B. 1880. Wolf's Head; He Boule; Belts Kapna. Member Pensacola Country, (Pensacola] and University and Yale (New York) Clubs. Merchant. Am. National Bank Bldg. ; res. "The Moorings,'' Pensacola, Fla. Preston King* P \). >t" A. B. 1880. Scroll and Key. Editor Yale, Index, 79. Miller. Edward Weston Knevals* A B. 1880; LL. B. 1883 Columbia. Key. Lawyer. Samuel Waldron Lambert d. 1914 pvo. Scroll and d. 1890 GiKi A. B. 1880; Ph. B. 1882; A. M. 1905- M. D. 1885 Columbia. Dean Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia. Member Yale, University, Century, Union, Riding, Racquet and Tennis, Grolier, Automobile and .St. Andrews' Golf Clubs. Phvsician. 130 E. 35th St., New York N. Y. Robert Delos Martin 2 v., A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1882 Columbia. Lawyer. (7 S. Dearborn St.. Chicago, III.) Remsen Varick Messier* © p %^ A. B. 1880. Chairman Class Day Committee, 80. Lawyer. d. 1905 Simon Charles IMetzger* A, B. 1880. Merchant. William D Murray c -o d. 1898 ! P a O" A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1882 Columbia. 1st Declamation Prize, 78. .Author "Life and Works of Jesus;" "Bible .Stories to Tell Chil- \ dren;" "Message of the Twelve Prophets;" ; "Our Primary Department;" "Principles and i Organization of Young Men's Christian Associa- j tion" and "W'hat Manner of Man is This?" ' Lawver. 76 William .St., New York, N. Y.; res. 205 W. 9th St., Plainfield, N. J. |ohn James Nairn 0r A. B. 1880. Member Yale (New York), Graduates' (New Haven), Cosmos (Washington) and Twilight (Hartford) Clubs and Yale Alumni (Washington), Yale Alumni (N. Mex.) and Virginia United Hunts Assns. Casa del Gavilan, Cimarron, N. Mex. Charles Lewis Nelson Clerk. Alfred Bull Nichols* PtO. p u A. B. 1880; B. D. 1884 Cambridge Divinity School. Skull and Bones. Two 1st English Com- position Prizes, 78; Yale Literary Essay Medal, 79; Philosophical Oration at Junior Exhibition, 79; Editor Yale Literary Magazine. 79-8€; Townsend Premium, 80; High Oration at Com- mencement. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1913 Edward Parish Noyes* HCA, A. B. 1880. 1st Berkeley Latin Premium, 77; two 2d English Composition Prizes, 7S; 2d 1880] BETA CHAPTER 131 Junior Exhibition Premium, 79. Son of Daniel Parker Noyes, Beta 4U and brother of Atherton Noyes, Beta 85. Mechanical Engineer. d. 1913 6 7C /, Henry Choate Ordway A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1882 Columbia. Editor Yale Record. 77-80. Member Yale, Economic and Middlesex Clubs (Boston). Trustee. Winchester, Mass. Wilbur Parker OxO" A. B. 1880. Merchant. (Hayden-Clinton Bldg., Columbus, Ohio). Sidney Catlin Partridge rjK, A. B. 1880; B. D. 1884 and D. D. 1900 Berkeley Divinity School. Skull and Bones; Gamma Nu; Linonia. Two English Composition Prizes, 78; Junior Exhibition Premium; Editor Yale Record, Yale Banner and Yale News; French Graduation Scholarship; Commencement Orator. Sec. of Convention, 79; Teacher and Gen- eral Supt. St. John's Missionary Coll. and Chaplain St. Mary's Hall, Shanghai, 84-87; Principal Boone School, Wuchang, 87-99; Prcs. Sts. Peter and Paul's Divinity School; Bishop of Kyoto, Japan, 00-11; Bishop Diocese of West IMo. since 11; Mo. State Chaplain Sons of Revolution; Chaplain R. I. Cincinnati Soc. Author "Life and Times of the Prophet Ezekiel" and "Authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews." Member University, Countrv and Yale (New York) Clubs. Brother of William Ordway Partridge, Lambda 85. Protestant Episcopal Bishop of West Missouri. 14 W. Armour Blvd., Kansas" City, Mo. LeRov Bliss Peckham QRO. A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1884 Univ. of Pa. 2d Junior Exhibition Prize, 79; Principal Senior Dept. West Philadelphia Acad., 81-85; West Rugby Acad., 85-86; Head Master and Dir. Hamilton School, 86-02. Author "Sin — Origi- nal and Actual." Educator. 821 Marshall St., Portland, Oregon. Horatio McLeod Reynolds 11 G A" A. B. 1880; A. M. 1896. Winthrop Prize, 79; Commencement Orator; Soldiers' Memorial; Fellow Yale, 80-81. Classical Teacher Park Inst., Rye, N. Y., 82-83; Tutor Yale, 83-88; Asst. Prof, of Greek, 88-93; Talcott Prof, of Greek since 93. Educator. 85 Trumbull St., New Haven, Conn. Alfonzo Paine Sawyer OAo A. B. 1880. Pres. Psi Upsilon Alumni Assn. of Piiget Sound, 13; Regent, Univ. of Wash., 04-09; Auditor of Porto Rico, 09-11; Member Executive Council, Porto Rico, 09-11. Mem- ber L'niversity (Seattle) and Yale (New York) Clubs. Publisher. The Post-Intelligencer; res. University Club, Seattle, Wash. Doremus Scudder f^ K" A. B. 1880; M. D. 1884 Northwestern Univ.; D. D. 1898 Whitman Coll. Skull and Bones; He Boule; Delta Kappa. 3d Declamation Prize and two 1st English Composition Prizes, 78; 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 79; Editor Yale Literary Magazine ; Pres. Linonia, 79-80. Corporate Member Am. Board of Foreign Mis- sions; Hawaiian Board of Missions; Trustee Mid-Pacific Inst, and Palama Settlement. Author "Our Children in Christ;" "The Passion for R(?ality." Member University, Trail and Mountain, Outrigger Canoe and Neighborhood Tennis Clubs (Honolulu). Son of Henry Martyn Scudder, Delta 40. Clergyman and Journalist. Union Church, Tokyo, Japan. Robert William S el den* © (0 o A. B. 1880. Son of Edward David Selden, Beta 44 and nephew of Charles Selden, Beta 48. d. 1881 Gay,, John Foster Shepley A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1882 Washington Univ. Pres. Baseball Assn.. 79-80. Member Univer- sity, St. Louis, Noonday, Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Country, Bellerive Country, Floris- sant Valley, Round Table and Commercial Clubs. Unjincier. 401 Locust St.; res. 53 Portland PI., St. Louis, Mo. William Hazard Sherman* X R O A. B. 1880; M. D. 1884 Columbia. 1st Berke- ley Latin Premium, 77; 3d Mathematical Prize, 78; Medical Staff St. Luke's Hosp. (New York). 83-85; Presbyterian Hosp., 85-88. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1908 Frederick Piatt Skinner A J K A. B. 1880. Delta Kappa. Engineer (retired). 79 Main St., Owego, N. Y. Edward Curran Spencer* P ^ O" A. B. 1880: M. D. 1882 Minn. Hosp. Coll.; M. D. 1884 New York Hosp. Skull and Bones. 2d Berkeley Latin Premium, 77; Med. Staff N_\v Vorl.- rinsp.. S.V84; Woman's Hosp.. 84-86. Brother of Charles Langford Spencer, Beta 78. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1891 Frank Otho Spencer PTOt A. B. 1880. Scroll and Key. Manufacturer (retired). (41 Northfield Ave., East Cleveland, Ohio.) P3K" Henry Waters Taft ^. B. 1880; A. M. 1905. Skull and Bones. 2d Berkeley Latin Prize, 77; 3d English Prize, 78: 2d Junior Exhibition Prize, 78; Commence- ment Orator. Member Board of Education New York, 96-00; Charter Revision Commis- sion Greater New York, 01; Trustee Coll. City of New York, 03-05; New York Public Library since 08. Member Down Town, Am. Bar, New York State Bar and New York County Lawyers' Assns. ; Assn. of the Bar, City of New York; Ohio Soc; Psi Upsi- lon, University, Century, Yale, Garden City Golf, Shinnecock Hills Golf, National Golf, Republican, Midday and Piping Rock Clubs. Brother of William Howard Taft, Beta 78 and Horace Dutton Taft, Beta 83. Lawyer. 40 Wall St.; res. 36 W. 48th St., New York, N. Y. A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1882 Columbia. Member Assn. of the Bar City of New York; New York .State Bar Assn.; Intcrnafinn^l Law .Assn. of London; Am. Soc. for Judicial Settlement of International Disputes: New York Peace Soc; Sons of the Revolution; Navy and National Security Leagues; Yale, City, Nassau Country, John Butler Coles Tappan (6) 132 BETA CHAPTER [1880-81 Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht and Reform Clubs. Lawyer. 49 Wall St., New York; res. Glen Cove, N. Y. Frederick Charles Train* TCJK Editor Yale News, 78-80; Yale Courant, 79-80. Principal Acad., Pomeroy, Ohio, 75-76; Master St. Paul's School, Garden City, N. Y., 78-79; Senior Master, 80-85. Lawyer. d. 1902 Henry Trowbridge* 6 e O A. B. 1880. Brother of Joseph Parker Trow- bridge, Beta 83. Merchant. d. 1894 Stephen Trumbull* %X,0" A. B. 1880; M. D. 1884 Harvard. 3d English Composition Prize, 78. Medical Staff Rhode Island Hosp., Providence, 84-86. Son of David Trumbull, Beta 42, brother of David Trumbull, Beta 76, John Trumbull, Beta 78, William Trumbull, Beta 83 and nephew of James Hed- den Trumbull, Beta 48. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1886 Eugene Winston Walker P f]"^, A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1882. Pres. Football Assn., 79-80; Managing Eflitor Yale News, 79-80. Lawyer. (Richmond, Ky.) Arthur Eugene Waldradt P 6 K A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1883. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Epsilon. Runk Scholar, 77-78; 3d Mathematical Prize and 2d Berkeley Latin Pre- mium, 77. Managing Editor Yale News, 79- 80. Instr. in Mathematics Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn, 80-82. Member University, Yale, Graduates' and Wykagl Country Clubs; Assn. of the Bar, City of New York; New York County Lawyers' and Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Assns. Brother of Henry Moses Walradt, Beta 75. Lawyer. 141 Broadway, New York; res. 47 Park Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y. Paul Walton* TCO A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1882 Columbia. Scroll and Key. Lawyer. d. 1914 James Herbert Watson P V.V. A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1882 Columbia. He Boule; Delta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Sec. Kings County Democratic Club. Member Kings County Democratic, Yale (New York) and Brooklyn Chess Clubs; Brooklyn Bar and Prospect Heights Citizens' Assns.; South Brooklyn Board of Trade. Lawyer. 44 Court St.; res. 9 Montague Terrace, Brook- lyn, N. Y. TenEyck Wendell X O" A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1882 Columbia. Member Union (New York), Metropolitan and Chevy Chase (Washington, D. C.) Clubs. Brother of Benjamin Rush Wendell, Beta 78. Lawyer (retired). 1639 Connecticut Ave., Washington, D. C; res. Cazenovia, N. Y. George Dana White* [JL y. A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1883 Columbia. 1st Berke- ley Latin Premium, 77; Cobden Club Medal, 80. Journalist. d. 1901 Lawrence Wilkinson* P ^ Oi A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1882 Columbia. 1st Berke- ley Latin Premium, 77. Lawyer. d. 1895 1881 Edwin Morgan Adee"" 6 a /.^ A. B. 1881. Brother of Ernest Rufus Adee, Beta, 85. d. 1914 Philip Golden Bartlett PU A. B. 1881. Sigma Epsilon; Alpha Kappa; Skull and Bones. Woolsey Scholar, 78-81; 1st Berkeley Latin Premium, 78; 1st and 2d Eng- lish Composition Prizes, 79; Philosophical Oration. 2d Junior Exhibition Premium and De Forest Speaker, 80; Editor Yale Literary Maga- zine; Clark Scholar; Douglas Fellow; Com- mencement Orator. Member Mayflower Soc; Century, LTniversity, Yale, Bankers' and Mid- day Clubs. Lawyer. 62 Cedar St.; res. 660 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Albert Butler Beadle Op A" Kappa Sigma Epsilon. Capt. Freshman Crew. Member LTniversity ("Philadelphia) and Yale (New York) Clubs. Brother of Heber Hamil- ton Beadle, Beta 62. Consulting Engineer. New Hartford, Conn. Russell Anson Bigelow* A. B. 1881; LL. B. 1884 Columbia. Hurlbut Scholar, 78-79; 1st Berkeley Latin Premium, 78; Two 3d English Composition Prizes, 79; Philosophical Oration at junior Exhibition, 80, and at Graduation, 81; Pres. Yale Navy, 80-82; DeForest Medal, 81. Lawyer. d. 1890 John Eliot Bowen* 9SS^ A. B. 1881; Ph. B. 1883 Columbia and Ph. D. 1886. Pres. Board of Dirs. Yale University Club, 80-81. Author "Conflict of East and West in Egypt." Brother of Herbert Wolcott Bowen, Beta 78. Journalist. d. 1890 William Joseph Brewster Be A. B. 1881. Delta Kappa. Financial Editor Yale Record. 80-81; Rector St. .Andrew's Church, Northford. Conn.. 97-99; St. John's Church, Warehouse Point, Conn., 99-16; Arch- deacon of Hartford, 14-16; Rector St. Michael's Church. Litchfield. 16. Brother of Chauncey Bunce Brewster, Beta 68 and Benjamin Brewster. Beta 82. Clergyman. Litchfield, Conn. Harry Quinton Cleneay PU" A. B. 1881. He Boule; Delta Kappa. Member Cincinnati Golf, Business Men's and Yale (New York) Clubs. Real Estate and Finance. 152 E. 4th St.; res. 34 Verona Apts., Park Ave., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1881, BETA CHAPTER 133 J[oseph] Benjamin Dimmick p 9 S" A. B. 1881: A. M. 1890. Scroll and Key. Dir. Yale Univ. Club, 80-81. Mayor City of Scranton. 06-09; Trustee Oral School for the Deaf, Scranton Public Library and Scranton Soc. for the Prevention and Cure of Consump- tion. Member University, Yale, Scranton Country and City Clubs. Brother of Walter Erskine Dimmick, Beta 78. Financier. 1/3U Washington Ave., Scranton, Pa. Ephraim Williams Dixon eiA. A. B. 1881. Wolf's Head; He Boule; Delta Kappa. Dir. Yale Univ. Club, 80-81. Mem- ber Omaha, Omaha Country, University, Graduates' (New Haven), University and Union (New York) and New York Yacht Clubs. Merchant. 416 S 16th St.; res. 426 N. 38th St., Omaha, Nebr. Henry Strong Durand ADS" A. B. 1881; M. D. 1888 Harvard. 2d Declama- tion Prize, 79. Brother of John Stewart Du- rand, Beta 81. Physician. (87 S. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, N. Y.) John Stewart Durand NLM, A. B. 1881; LL. B. 1883 Columbia. Member Psi Upsilon, University, Union League, Republican and Yale Clubs and Automobile Club of America. Mrotlier of Henry Strong Durand, Beta 81. Lawyer. 81 Fulton St.; res. 124 W. 79th St., New York, N. Y. Waldo Chapin Eames* p X E Son of Benjamin Tucker Fames, d. 1894 A. B. 1881. Beta 43. Broker. Levi Abraham Eliel* oRN" A. B. 1881. 1st and 3d English Composition Prizes, 79; Townsend Premium, 81; Philosophi- cal Oration at Commencement. Lawyer. d. 1908 Sherman Evarts PvX A. B. 1881. Skull and Bones. Fence Orator, 78: 2d Berkeley Latin Premium, 78; Two 1st English Composition Prizes, 79; 2d Junior Ex- hibition Premium, 80; Editor Yale Literary Magazine, 80-81. Brotlier of Maxwell Evarts, Beta 84 and son of Roger Sherman Evarts, Beta 17. Lawyer. Windsor. Vt. Grant Fitch PoX. I I A. B. 1881. He Boule; Kappa Sigma Epsilon. Member Milwaukee, Town, Milwaukee Country, Fox Point, Yale (New York) and Arts (Chicago) Clubs. Banker. National Exchange Bank; res. 55 Prospect Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles Joseph French A. B. 1881. Clergyman. 1427 Cbapin St., Washington, D. ff 7U li William Milne Grinnell 6 0. A. B. 1881. Brother of George Bird Grinnell, Beta 70, Frank Lansing Grinnell, Beta 75 and Morton Grinnell, Beta 75. Architect. 850 Seventh Ave.. New York. N. Y. Freeman Clark Griswold* 6 I S" A. B. 1881; LL. B. 1884 Harvard. 2d English Composition Prize, 79. Lawyer. d. 1910 Ernest Eldred Hart* p S" A. B. 1881. Broker. d. 1913 Louis Condit Hay p u A A. B. 1881. Scroll and Kev; He Boule; Sigma Epsilon. Editor Yale Index 81,; University Glee Club; Junior Promenade Committee. Com- missioner of Billings County (Dakota), 83-84; Dir. and Honorary Vice Pres. Navy League of L^. S.; Member Executive Committee Pilgrims' Soc: Vice Pres. Yale Club (New York). Member LTniversity, Metropolitan, Century, Yale and Piping Rock Clubs; Soc. of the Cin- cinnati; Sons of the Revolution. Financier. 7 Wall St.; res. 205 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. Charles Arthur Heald* 0tA A. B. 1881 {fast obit). Scroll and Key. 1st Declamation Prize, 79. Brother of John Oxen- bridge Heald, Beta 73. Student. d. 1880 William Burr Hill OLM. A. B. 1881: LL. B. 1883. Phi Beta Kappa; Wolf's Head; Gamma Nu. High Oration, Jun- ior Appointment; Junior Exhibition; Pres. Foot- ball Assn.; Editor Yale Cotirant. Trustee Hoagland Laboratory. Member Hamilton, Twentieth Century, Richmond County Coun- try and Yale (New York) Clubs; Sons of the Revolution; Phi Beta Kappa Alumni; National Geographic and Long Island Historical Socs. ; Acad, of Political Science and Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences. Lawyer. 160 Broadway. New York; res. 161 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Wittenberg Holzheimer* PuS A. B. 1881. 2d Mathematical Prize, 79; Philo- sophical Oration at Junior Exhibition, 81): Scott Prize in German, 81; Valedictorian. Member and Sec. Executive Board Michael Reese Hosp.; Dir. Associated Hebrew Charities of the U. S. Lawyer. d. 1888 George Edward Ide A. B. 1883. Sigma Epsilon. Dunham Boat Club; Junior and Senior Disputes. Member Republican Club; Navy League of U. S.; Green- wich Village Assn.; '83 Circle, Yale. Journalist. 120 Broadway. Room 932; res. 540 W. 160th St., New York. N. Y. Walter Eben Nettleton e^a A. B. 1883; B. F. A. 1902. Delta Kappa. 2d Berkeley Latin Premium, 80; Pres. Stockbridge Golf Club. Member Advisory Committee on Art, Panama-Pacific Exposition, 15; Soc. of Am. Artists; National Acad, of Design; Am. Federa- tion of Arts; Conn. Acad, of Fine Arts; Lenox (Lenox, Mass.) and The Players (New York) Clubs. Artist. Stockbridge, Mass. Harry Herbert Palmer HoiA A. B. 1883. Skull and Bones. 2d English Composition Prize, 81; Record Prize for Prose and Poetry, 81-82; Editor Yale Literarv Maga- zine, 82-83. Member City Club. Advertising. 890 Main St.; res. 700 New Britain Ave., Hart- ford, Conn. 140 BETA CHAPTER [1883 Dudley Phelps ewQ A. B. 1883; LL. B. 188S Columbia. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Member University, Union League and Yale Clubs. Son of Benjamin Kins- man Phelps, Beta S3. Lawyer. 2 Rector St.; res. 30 E. 75th St., New York, N. Y. John Jay Phelps P?A A. B. 1883; LL. B. 1885 Columbia. Scroll and Key; Sigma Epsilon. Acting Lieut., U. S. Navy, 98; Member Am. Museum Natural History; N. J. State Chamber of Commerce; Am. Geo- graphical and New England Socs.; Founders and Patriots of America; Sons of the Revolu- tion; Military Order Foreign Wars (N. Y.) ; Navy League U. S.; U. S. Spanish War Veterans; Union League; University and Yale (New York), Union League and Hackensack Golf (Hackensack), Hamilton (Paterson), Graduates' (New Haven), New York Yacht, New Haven Yacht, Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht, Sachem's Head Yacht, Oritani Field, New Haven Auto., New Jersey Auto and Motor and Teaneck Clubs; Automobile Club of Amer- ica; Double Beach Assn. (Conn.). Son of Wil- liam Walter Phelps, Beta 60. Financier. 100 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. "Red Towers," Hackensack, N. J. Austin Roe Preston* pv(ji A. B. 1883; LL. B. 1885 Columbia. Lawyer. d. 1905 David Farnam Read* to A A. B. 1883. Merchant. d. 1913 Robert Cameron Rogers* P t]; Q A. B. 1883. d. 1912 Edward Bartow Sargent p (]^ a A. B. 1883. Delta Kappa. Member University, Country and Automobile Clubs. Trustee and Executor. 2004 Union Central Bldg.; res. 2373 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Frederick David Shaffer 6iaA A. B. 1883. Scroll and Key; He Boule; Delta Kappa. Member Country Club. Brother of Lewis William Shaffer, Beta 76. Frank Holmes Shaffer, Beta 77 and Stanley Shaffer, Beta 83. Manager. Chickasha Gas and Electric Co., 421 Chickasha Ave., Chickasha; res. 1700 S. 9th St., Lawton, Okla. 0«Q Stanley Shaffer A. B. 1883. Wolf's Head: He Boule: Delta Kappa. Pres. Football Assn., 82-83. Member Ohio Constittttional Convention, 11; School Board and Park Commissioner, Hamilton, Ohio. Member Univprsity Club. Brother of Lewis M'illiam Shaffer, Beta 76, Frank Holmes Shaffer. Beta 77 and Frederick David Shaffer, Beta 83. Lawyer. 30 Atlas Bank Bldg.; res. 953 Burton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. William Kerper Stevens SBA A. B. 1883. Judge Court of Common Pleas 23d Judicial Dist. of Pa.. 08-10; Pres. Board of Trustees, St. Joseph's Hosp. Member Wyomiss- ing. University (Philadelphia) and Berkshire Country (Berks County) Clubs. Lawyer. 536 Washington St.; res. 1220 Perkiomen Ave., Reading, Pa. Horatio Odell Stone* ©Sg) A. B. 1883. Scroll and Key. Financial Editor Yale Ncivs, 82. Member Board of Trade of Chicago, 111. Broker. d. 1912 Horace Dutton Taft P X A A. B. 1883; A. M. 1893. Skull and Bones. 3d Mathematical Prize, 80; 2d Berkelev Latin Premium, 80; Runk Scholar, 80-81; Townsend Premium, 83; Commencement Orator. Attache U S. Legation, V^ienna, Austria, 80-84; Tutor of Latin. Yale Univ., 87-90. Brother of William Howard Taft, Beta 78 and Henry Waters Taft, Beta SO. Educator. Watertown, Conn. Sherman Day Thacher p ? ^ A. B. 1883; LL. B. 1886 cum laude. Skull and Bones; Delta Kappa. 2d English Composition Prize, 81; Editor Yale Record, 82-83; Com- mencement Orator; John A. Porter Prize and Townsend Prize. 86. Pres. Board Trustees Nordhoff Union High School: Pres. Boyd Club; Chairman Executive Committee Men's League of Ojai Valley; Headmaster Thacher School. Member Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science; National Committee on Mental Hy- giene; Assn. for Advancement of Science; Am. Acad, of Science; Boyd, Faculty and Llniver- sity (L'an Francisco) Clubs. Brother of James Kingsley Thacher, Beta 68, Tliomas Thacher, Beta 71: Edward Stanley Thacher, Beta 72, Alfred Beaumont Thacher. Beta 74, John Sevmour Tliacher. Beta 77 and William Earned Thacher, Beta 87. Educator. Thacher School, Nordhoff, Cal. Joseph Parker Trowbridge €) S a A. B. 1883. He Boule; Delta Kappa. Member Quinnipiack Club. Brother of Henry Trow- bridge, Beta 80. Transportation. N. Y.. N. H. and H. R. R., New Haven, Conn.; res. 559 W. 164th St., New York, N. Y. William Trumbull p >. a A. B. 1883; LL. B. 1889. Scroll and Key; Eta Plii: Kappa Sigma Epsilon. Junior Exhibition Speaker; Townsend Prize; Editor Yale Literary Mn(ia.~ine. Vestryman St. INTichael's Parish (Litchfield) ; Treas. Rector Emeritus, Shakes- peare, Rector Auxiliary and Church Heating Funds. Author "Scientic Treatment of Crim- inals;" "Legend of the White Canoe;" "Evolu- tion and Religion" and "Fti^itive Poems." Member Sanctum Club. Son of David Trum- bull. Beta 42, brother of David Trumbull. Beta 76, John Trumbull, Beta 78 and Stephen Trum- biill. Beta SO and nephew of James Hedden Trumbull, Beta 48. Finrinrier (retired). Wolcott Lane, Litchfield, Conn. Clarence Wetherill Wilson* P o A A. B. 1883. Morrison Waite Young d. 1895 ©XA -A.. B. 1883. Wolf's Head; Delta Kappa. Banker. Second National Bank; res. 631 W. WoodruflE Ave., Toledo, Ohio. 1884J BETA CHAPTER 141 1884 Wallace Steele Allis ejr A. B. 1884. 2d English Composition Prize, 82; Townsend Premium, 84; Commencement Ora- tor. Lawyer. 91 Main St.; res. 305 Broadway, Norwich, Conn. Allison X'incent Armour StJLB A. B. 1884. Scroll and Key; Delta Kappa; Sigma Epsilon. lU W. 43d St., New York, N. Y. Nelson Pendleton Bigelow A. B. 1884. Scroll and Key; Sigma Epsilon; Eta Phi. Editor Yale Courant; Sec. Eirst State Pawners Soc. and Commercial Club (Chicago). Member University, Chicago and Onwcntsia (Chicago) Clubs. Luinberman. Bigelow, Ark. Henry Alfred Bishop B Delta Kappa Epsilon; He Boule. Alderman, Bridgeport, Conn., 85-86; Member Conn. Legis- lature, 86; Delegate Democratic National Con- vention, 88; Paymaster General State of Conn., 93-94; On Staff of Governor Morris; Pres. and Dir. Bridgeport Boys Club and Bridgeport Pub- lic Library; Trustee Charitable Soc, Bridge- port Orphan Asylum and Fresh Air Home; Dir. Bridgeport and St. Vincent's Hosps. and Conn. Humane Soc. Member Algonquin, Brooklawn Country, Black Rock Yacht, Comedy, Contem- porary, University, Metabetchouan Fishing and Game, Hollenbeck (Huntville, Conn.), New '^'ork Yacht (Membership Committee), Yale, Union and Larchmont (New York) Clubs. Brother of William Darius Bishop. Banker. 546 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. 179 Washington Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. Samuel Albert Booth* S^B A. B. 1884. Skull and Bones. Pres. Yale Athletic Assn., 83-84; Teacher Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn., 84-86. Brother of Wilbur Franklin Booth, Beta 84. Lawyer. d. 1898 Wilbur Franklin Booth HXT A. B. 1884; LL. B. 1888. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 2d Berkeley Latin Premium; Philosophical Oration at Junior Exhibition; Salutatorian : Douglas Fellow. 84-86; Betts Prize, 87. U. S. Dist. Judge; Teacher Shattuck School, 84-86: Member .-\himni Advisory Board (Yale). IVfemher Minneapolis, Minneapolis Athletic, Miiiikahda, Town and Country (St. Paul) and Graduates' (New Haven) Clubs. Brother of Samuel Albert Booth, Beta 84. Jurist. Federal Bldg. ; res. 2101 Blaisdell Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. Robert Munro Boyd, Jr. pvr A. B. 1884; A. M. 1886 Columbia and LL. B. 1886. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Berkeley Latin Premium 81; Editor Yale News, 80-81; Cobden Club Medal. 84. Pres. Hare and Hounds Club: Pns. Montclair Free Public Library Board and Athletic and Dramatic Clubs; Governor N. J Soc. Mayflower Descendants. Member New York Bar Assn.; Psi Upsilon, Union League, Cape Vincent Yacht, Montclair and Montclair Athletic Clubs. Lawyer. • 2i5 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. 96 Pros- pect Ave., Montclair, N. J. William Benjamin Bristow Hv^ A. B. 1884; LL. B. 1886 Columbia. Wolf's Head. Lawyer. 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. Henry Buist AGX A. B. 1884. Member Charleston, Charles- ton Country, Carolina Yacht and University (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 30 Broad St.; res. 37 King St., Charleston, S. C. Willson Carpenter H tt 4* A. B. 1884. Banker. Shekomeko, N. Y. Edward Alortimer Chapman 11 A $ A. B. 1884; B. D. 1890. Phi Beta Kappa. 3d English Composition Prize (2) ; Junior Exhibi- tion Speaker; DeForest Speaker (4); Town- send Premium (4) ; John A. Porter Univ. Prize, 87. Pastor F"irst Congregational Church, Rochester. N. H., 90-92; Assoc. Pastor Central Church. Worcester, Mass., 92-99; Pastor North Congregational Church, St. Johnsbury, Vt., 00- 05; Acting Pastor First Church, Detroit. Mich., 05; Pastor First Church, Old Lyme, Conn., 06- 15. Author "Dynamic of Christianity;" "Eng- lish Literature in Account with Religion." Member University and Winthrop (Boston) and Graduates' (New Haven) Clubs and Soc. of Colonial Wars (Conn.). Clergyman and Writer. Ocean Ave., New London, Conn. Harris Dunscomb Colt SoT A. B. 1884; LL. B. 1886 Columbia. Member Century and Down Town Assns. ; LTniversity, Metropolitan, Yale and Grolier Clubs (New York); Graduates' Club (New Haven). Brother of Richard Collins Colt, Beta 85. Lawyer. 30 Broad St.; res. 515 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Edmund Petrie Cottle StcB A B 1885. Delta Kappa. Pres. Yale Lacrosse club, 83-84; Lieut. Colonel. 74th Inf., N. G. N. Y. and 201st Inf., New York Vols., 98; Sec. Psi Upsilon Assn. of Buffalo. 86- 88. Member 74th Inf. Veterans; New York State Bar and Erie County Bar Assns.; Univer- sity. Lawyers' and Buffalo Canoe Clubs. Lawyer. 9?0 Ellicott Sq.; res. 187 North St., Buffalo, N. Y. Frederick Kin^^sbury Curtis S v <]; A. B. 1884: LL. B. 1886 Columbia. 2d Berke- Icv Latin Premium, 81; Editor Courant, 80-84; Chairman, 83-84. Lawyer. 30 Broad St.; res. 162 E. 62d St., New York, N. Y. Leonard IMayhew Daggett H | c{» A. B. 1884; LL. B. 1S87 magna cum laiide. 3d English Composition Prize (2); Betts Prize, 86; 142 BETA CHAPTER [1884 Jewell Prize; Financial Editor Record (3), (4). Teacher Hopkins Grammar School, 84-85; Cor- poration Counsel, 01-08; Instr. Testamentary Law, Yale Law School, 94-10; Board of Trus- tees of Conn. County, 15. Member Graduates', Quinnipiack, Country Lawn (Hartford) and University and Yale (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 42 Church St.; res. 60 Wall St., New Haven, Conn. Henry Laurens Dawes Y) (0 ^ A. B. 1884. He Boule; Delta Kappa. Sec. U. S. Indian Commission, 84-85. 107 South St., Pittsfield, Mass. Fred Herbert Dods:e ¥ A. B. 1884. Eta Psi. Member Coll. Gym- nasium Directors. Prof, of Physical Train- ing at Rutgers Coll.; Director Ballantine Gymnasium. Member New Brunswick Scien- tific, Rutgers Faculty and Alumni Clubs. Educator. 116 Hamilton St., New Brunswick, N. J. Julius Tyler Andrews Doolittle y] 9 B A. B. 1884. Scroll and Key; Eta Phi. Chair- man Psi Upsilon Campaign Committee; Pres. Yale Tennis Club; 1st Vice-Pres. and one of the founders of Intercollegiate Lawn Tennis Assn.; Assoc. Editor Yale News (2 years). Member University (New York) and Fort Schuyler (Utica) Clubs. Brother of Charles Andrews Doolittle, Gamma 72 and William Sherman Doolittle, Beta 76. Lawyer. Genesee St.; res. 257 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. Maxwell Evarts* a co ^ A. B. 1884. Skull and Bones. Brother of Sher- man Evarts, Beta 81. d. 1913 Arthur Lincoln Farwell ff X t|j A. B. 1884. CcroU and Key. Football. Brother of John Villiers Farwell, Beta 79 and Francis Cooley Farwell, Beta 82. Merchant. (102 S. Market St., Chicago, 111.) Edward Chenery Gale ri^^ A. B. 1884; A. M. 1887 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Two 1st English Composition Prizes, 82; Philosophical Oration and 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 83; De- Forest Medal, 84; Editor Yale Literary Mag- asine, 83-84 and Yale Pot Pourri, 84. Mem- ber Public Library Board. Member Minne- apolis, University and Minikahda (Minne- apolis), Lafayette (Lake Minnetonka) and Yale (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 800 Security BIdg.; res. 2115 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Gustav [Frederick] Gruener ''F R "?'* A. B. 1884; Ph. D. 1896. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. 1st Berkeley Latin Prem- ium, 81; Philosophical Oration at Junior Exhi- bition, 83; 1st Winthrop Prize, 83; Valedic- torian: Woolsey Scholarship Freshman year; Foote Scholar and Clark Scholar in Yale, 84- 86. Prof, of German Yale Coll. Member Graduates' Club. Educator. 146 Lawrence Hall, New Haven, Conn. Robert Walbridge Hamill H cp B A. B. 1884. Pres. Yale Football Assn., 82-84. Timber. 234 S. La Salle St., Chicago; res. Clarendon Hills, 111. James Smith Havens CF A. B. 1884. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Member 61st Congress. Member Genesee Valley. University and Country Clubs (Rochester) and Tourilli Fish and Game Club of Quebec (Canada). Uncle of Samuel Mack Havens, Upsilon 99 and Raymond Dexter Havens, Upsilon 01. Lawyer. 1015 Insurance Bldg.; res. 1370 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Howard Haines Higbee Stj;B A. B. 1884. Ph. D. 1895 Johns Hopkins Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Research Asst. Organic Chemistry, Tufts Coll., 95-96; Prof, of Gen- eral and Physical Chemistry. Hamilton Coll., 96-00; Prof, of Physics and Chemistry, Antioch Coll., 02-06. Educator. 2121 E. 96th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Roderick Whittelsey Hine S ^ ¥ A. B. 1884. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal of Schools, Bristol, Conn., 84-85; High School, Waterbury, 85-88; Supt. of Schools, Dedham, Mass. Educator. Dedham, Mass. Joseph Glasby Holliday Si^^ A. B. 1884; LL. B. 1886 Washington Univ. Wolf's Head. Oration; Scott Prize in French, 83. Lawyer. 906 La Salle Bldg.; res. 5137 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Charles Elmer Holmes Hvt}^ A. B. 1884. Class Statistician, 84; Berkeley Scholarship (Yale) Greek and Latin; Baseball. Author "Birds of the West;" "Happy Days;" "From Court to Court" (verse). Insurance. Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York, 301 Outlook Bldg.; res. 51 N. Champion Ave., Columbus, Ohio William Hugh Hyndman H v B A. B. 1894. Crew, 81-83. (56 2d St., Newburgh, N. Y.) Paul Emott Jenks S ^ B A. B. 1884. Skull and Bones; He Boule; Sigma Epsilon. Tennis (2) ; Mgr. Dramatic Produc- tions. Am. Vice-Consul Yokohama, Japan. Author "My Westering Wheel;" "Bicycle Tour Among the Riviera." Member Hamilton (Brook- lyn) and University (New York) Clubs. Diplomat. U. S. Consulate; res. 3566 Negishi-Machi, Yoko- hama, Japan. Frederick Scheetz Jones HiA'i A. B. 1884: A. M. 1896; LL. D. 1915 Univ. of Ky. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Runk Scholarship; Freshman and Sophomore Mathematical Prizes; Philosophical Oration. Dean of Yale Coll. Member Graduates' New Haven Country and New Haven Yacht Clubs. Educator. Connecticut Hall, Yale College; res. 671 Prospect St., New Haven. Conn. 1884] BETA CHAPTER 143 George AMlliam Judson PUx A. B. 1884; B. D. 1887. 2d Junior Exhibition Premium (3); Commencement Orator. Member School Board; Pres. Choral Union. Clergyman. 101 N. Main St., Winsted. Conn. HOtj; Newell Clark Knight A. B. 1884. Advertising. 19 S. La Salle St., Chicago; res. 1847 Asbury Ave., Evanston, III. Thomas Garner Lawrance* 2 0^ A. B. 1884. d. 1883. Edward x\shton Lawrence* H (j; B A. B. 1884. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Pres. Yale Glee Club. 82-83. d. 1884 Beirne Lay @Lr A. B. 1884. Pres. Berkeley Assn., 83-84; Record Prize for Verses; Commencement Orator. Brother of George William Lay, Beta 82. Educator. (St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H.) Ernest St. George Lough ICX A. B. 1884. Colloquy at Commencement; Senior Tennis Prize. Financier. 25 Washington St., Cumberland. Md. Edwin McClellan Sx^ A. B. 1884. Scroll and Key. Financial Editor Yale Courant. 83-84. Member University, Yale, Mohawk (Schenectady) and Adirondack League Clubs. Manufacturer. Cambridge, N. Y. Henry Clay McDowell, Jr. Hxt}; A. B. 1884; LL. B. 1887 Univ. of Va. Financial Editor Yale News, 83-84; Capt. Lacrosse Team, 83-84; U. S. Dist. Judge Western Division Va. since 01. Lawyer. (1314 Clay Ave., Lynchburg, Va.) George Hudson Makuen* A. B. 1884; M. D. 1889 Jefferson Med. Coll. Scroll and Key; Alpha Mu Pi Omega. 1st Declamation and 2d English Composition Prizes, 82; 1st Junior Exhibition Premium, 83; Com- mencement (Orator. Instr. Jefferson Med. Coll., 89-92; Laryngologist and Otologist to St. Mary's, Douglas Memorial and Roosevelt Hosps., Philadelphia; Prof. Defects of Speech, Philadelphia Polyclinic Hosp. and Coll. for Graduates in Medicine; Laryngologist and Otol- ogist, Chester (Pa.) Hosp.; Instr. Centenary Collegiate Inst., 79-80; National School of Elocu- tion and Oratory, 84-86; Consultant New Jer- sey Training School for Feeble Minded Chil- dren; Fellow of Philadelphia Coll. of Physicians; Am. Laryngological Assn. (Pres., 16); Am. Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Soc. (Pres. 12); Am. Otological Soc; Am. Acad, of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology ; Am. Acad. of Medicine (Pres. 00) : Am. Coll. of Surgs. (Governor). Member Philadelphia and Dela- ware Countv Med. Socs.; Am. Med. Assn. fPres. of Section Laryngology and Otology 02); University, Art, Musical Art and Medical Clubs. Physician. d. 1917 William Theophilus Nichols y; 9 B A. B. 1&84. Phi Beta Kappa. Yale Literary Essay Medal, 82. Author "War for the Island;" "Making Good;' "Safety First Club." Member Derryfield and Intervale Country Clubs. Author. Manchester L^nion, 48 Hanover St.; res. 141 Russell St., Manchester, N. H. Henry McMahon Painter SX^ A. B. 1884; Ph. B. 1885; M. D. 1888 Columbia. Two 1st English Composition Prizes, 82; 2d Junior E.xhibition Premium, 83; Editor Yale Literary Magazine, 83-84. Member Century and Grolier Clubs. Physician. 62 W. 5Sth St., New York, N. Y. Charles Laban Pardee BAT A. B. 1884; D. D. 1913. Member Joint Dio- cesan Sunday School Lesson Committee; Sec. of the Am. Church Building Fund Commission. Author "The Way to the Altar;" "The Three Hour Service for Good Friday." Corresponding Secretary. 281 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. 581 Central Ave., East Orange, N. J. (7C?^ George Washington Patterson A. B. 1884; A. M. 1891; B. S. 1887 Mass. Inst, of Tech.; Ph. D. 1899 Munich Univ. 2d Mathe- matical Prize, 82; 1st Mathematical Prize, 81 and 84; Pres. and Capt. Yale Bicycle Club. Prof, of Engineering Mechanics, Univ. of Mich.; Pres. Patterson Library, Westfield, N. Y.; Junior Warden St. Andrews Church, Ann Arbor. Author "Revolving Vectors;" "Electri- cal Measurements" and "Industrial Photo- metry." Fellow Am. Inst, of Electrical Engi- neers and Am. Physical Soc; Member Detroit Univ., Ann Arbor Univ., Ann Arbor Golf and Woohtenau Clubs. Son of George Washington Patterson, Zeta 48. father of George Washing- ton Patterson, Jr.. Beta 14 and uncle of George Patterson Crandall, Beta 15. Educator. University of Michigan; res. 2101 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Jacob Perkins* atj^^-'* Private Secretary. d. 1902 Edward Learned Pollock H cp B Brother of George Edward Pollock, Beta 78 and William Pollock, Beta 82. People's Gas Bldg., (Chicago, 111. Edwin Lewis Porter* A. B. 1884. Lawyer. James Bronson Reynolds S -. 92-95; Lecturer, Yale Graduate School, 97-99; Pres. Univ. of Oregon, 99-02; Pres. Kans. State Teachers' Assn., 10; Pres. National .\ssn. State Universities, 16; Chancellor, Univ. of Kans. Author "Life of Benjamin Franklin;" "A Forgotten Danger to the New England Colonies;" "Cromwell's West Indian Expedi- tion," and "Government of ihc .American People." Member National Assn. State Univer- sities; National Education Assn. and National Council of Education. Brother of Oiis Strong, Beta 85. Educator. University of Kans.; res. 1345 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kans. William Lord Strong SB A. B. 1884. Brother of Theodore Chester Strong, Beta 78. Manufacturer. Old Bridge; res. 93 College Ave., New Bruns- wick, N. J. William Ambrose Taylor a^B A. B. 1884. Scroll and Key; Delta Kappa: Eta Phi. Member Garden City, Sleepy Hollow, Piping Rock, Yale, University, Metropolitan. Racquet and Tennis, Riding, Hamilton and Merchants' Clubs. Merchant. 109 Worth St.; res. 18 E. 66th St., New York. N. Y. Ray Tompkins Y]SB A. B. 1884. Skull and Bones. Football (Capt.), 82-84. Member Psi Upsilon Assn. of Elmira; Yale and University (New York) Clubs. Banker. Chemung Canal Trust Co.; res. 409 N. Main St., Elmira, N. Y. Henry Bancroft Twombly Stc^ A. B. 1884. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones; Delta Kappa. 1st Berkeley Latin Premium, 81 ; 2d English Composition Prize, 82; Philosophical Oration and 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 83; Philosophical Oration (4th in Class) at Com- rnencement. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Cal- cium Light Song." Son of Alexander Steven- son Twombly, Beta 54 and brother of Edward Lambert Twombly, Beta 81. Lawyer. 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y.; res. Hobart Ave., Summit, N. J. Charles Morehead Walker HXB A. B. 1884. Wolf's Head. Member City Coun- cil, Chicago, 96-00; Corporation Council, 99- 03; Judge Circuit Court, Cook County (111.) since 03; Chief Justice, 11-13. Jurist. 1128 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. HtY Dean Augustus Walker* A. B. 1884; B. D. 1889; A. M. 1890; Ph. D. 1895 Univ. of Chicago. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Berkeley Latin Premium, 81; 3d Mathematical Prize, 81 and 82; Teacher Hopkins Grammar J'chool, New Haven, 84-85; Prof, of Languages Colorado Coll., Colorado Springs, 85 86. d. 1914 Charles Ansel Watrous* S v B A. B. 1884. Editor Yale Record, 83 84. Journalist. d. 1899 Amos Parker Wilder S 6 ^ A. B. 1884; Ph. D. 1892. Skull and Bones. Fence Orator, 81 and 82; Editor Yale Record, 80-81; Yale Courant, 82-84. Teacher Black Hall School (Lyme. Conn.), 84-85; Shattuck .School (Fairbault. Minn.), 85-86; Consul- General at Hon? Kong, China, 06-09; Shanghai, 09-14; Sec. and Treas. "Yale in China" Move- ment. Author "The Municipal Problem." Secretary and Treasurer. 5 White Hall, New Haven, Conn. Harry Augustus Worcester 2 X B A. B. 1884. Wolf's Head; He Boule; Delta Kappa. Pres. Cincinnati Yale Club. Member Queen City and Country. Cincinnati Golf (Cincinnati). LTniversitv and Yale (New York), ^'ondotcga (Detroit) and Tavern (Cleveland) Clubs. Brother of Edwin Dean Worcester, Jr., Beta 76. Franklin Eldred Worcester, Beta 82 and Wilfred James Worcester, Beta 85. General Manager. Cleveland, Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louis Ry. Co., Keys Crescent, East Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1885 Ernest Rufus Adee* e t Y Clifford Butler Allen A. B. 1885. Member Board of Governors Yale Univ. Club, 84-85. Brother .of Edwin Morgan Adee, Beta 81. d. 1903 esX A. B. 1885; LL. B. 1887 Washington Univ. .Scroll and Key; He Boule. Pres. St. Louis Bar Assn. Member University, Mercantile, City and Liederkranz Clubs; Missouri Athletic Assn. Son of Edmund Thompson Allen, Beta 57 and brother of Edmund Allen, Beta 88. Lawyer. 105 N. 7th St.; res. 2010 Longfellow Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Henry Burrall Anderson P(];X A. B. 1885. Scroll and Key: Eta Phi. Editor Yale News. Pres. Automobile Club of Amer- ica, 13-14. Author "Sloop vs. Cutter." Mem- ber University, Metropolitan, New York Yacht, Indian Harbor Yacht and Westchester Polo Clubs and Am. Canoe Assn. Father of Henry Hill .Anderson. Beta 16, brother of Wil- liam Burrall Anderson, Beta 86 and Chandler Parsons Anderson, Beta 87. Lawyer. 35 Wall St.; res. 323 W. 80th St., New York, N. Y. 18851 BETA CHAPTER 145 John Hulett Arnot* Skull and Bones. A. B. 1885. Banker. Lucius Olmsted Baird OCX d. 1899 Per A. B. 1885; B. D. 1890 Yale Divinity School; D. D. 1910 Drury Coll. 3d Mathematical Prize, 82; Financial Editor Yale Record, 84-85. Pastor, Pullman. Wash, (as Member "Yale Band"), 90-94; Ottawa, 111., 95-05; St. Mary's Ave. Church, Omaha, Nebr., 05-10; Pres. Con- gregational Summer Assembly, 12-15; Western Sec. of the American Missionary Assn. Secretary. 19 S. La Salle St., Chicago; res. 57 Crescent PI., Wilmette, 111. Frederic AIcLeod Barbour Hix^ A. B. 1885. Trustee Unitarian Church; Chair- man Fairfield Dist. Board of School Trustees. Brother of William Ransom Barbour, Beta 80. Accountant. Am. Locomotive Co., Richmond; res. P. O. Box 1U46, Highland Springs, Va. Jonathan Barnes'' WRV A. B. 1885. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Berkeley Latin Preniium, 82; Pliilosophical Oration at Junior Exhibition. 84; Scott German Prize, 85; Philosophical Oration (5th in class) at Com- mencement; Member of Class Day Committee, 85. Son of Jonathan Ebenezer Barnes, Xi 48. d. 1916 Henry W'orthington Beckwith* Brother of John William Beckwith John Henry Booth PsY Beta 89. d. 1891 BVX A. B. 1885; LL. B. 1887 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. High Oration; Pres. Berkeley Assn., 84-85. Lawyer. 30 Clinton St. burg, N. Y. ; res. 7 Cumberland Ave., Platts- John Cloyse Bridgman OeP John Laidlaw Buel exy A. B. 1885 Wolf's Head. York). Physician. Litchfield, Conn. M. D. Member 1888 Columbia Coll. University Club (New CoHn Sherman Buell 0SA A. B. 1885. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones; Gamma Nu; Eta Phi. 1st Berkeley Latin Premium. 82; Two 1st English Composition Prizes, 83; Editor Yalr Nczi's, 83-84; Yale Lit- erary Magazine, 84-86; Townsend .Speaker; Commencement Orator. Teacher Harry Hillman Acad., 85-88; Chairman Wilkes-Barre City Planning Commission; Pres. Chamber of Com- merce. Member Wyomin.g Valley Country. \\'estmoreIand and University (New York) Clubs. Son of Isaac Bridgman, Zeta 56. IManufacturer. Ross and State Sts.; res. 118 W. River St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. A. B. 1885; A. M. 1889. Commencement Orator. Principal Williams Memorial Inst.; Trustee Conn. Coll. for Women; Chairman Committee on Education; Lecturer on Faculty. Author "Essentials of Psychology." Educator. 110 Broad St.; res. 52 Vauxhall St., New London, Conn. David Hanson Buffum, Jr.* Brothijr of Edgar Stickney Buffum, and Harry Austin Buffum, Beta 79. Manufacturer. Samuel Davis Capen A. B. 1885. Wolf's Head. Noonday, Racquet Beta 77 d. 1892 Pex Member St. Louis, and Commercial Clubs. Insurance. 1406 Pierce Bldg. ; res. Louis, Mo. 501 Clara Ave., St. Charles Lyman Carhart oj A. B. 1885. Phi Beta Kappa. High Oration at Commencement. Teacher at Peekskill Mili- tary Acad., 85-86. Member Clergy Club of New York. Brother of William Merle d' Aubigne Carhart, Beta 85. Clergyman. 20 Forest Park Ave., Larchmont, N. Y. William Merle d' Aubigne Carhart xDx A. B. 1885; M. D. 1889 Columbia. Commence- ment Orator; 1st Dispute Honor Grade (3), (4) ; Lacrosse. Oculist New York Dept. of Health; Attending Ophthalmic Surg. Volun- teer Hosp.; Consulting Oculist and Aurist Peekskill Hosp. Member Westchester County Yale -Alumni Assn. Brother of Charles Lyman Carhart, Beta 85. Physician and Surgeon. 616 Madison Ave., New York; res. 1112 Main St., Peekskill, N. Y. William Scoville Case A. B. 1885. Scroll and Key. Editor Yale In- dex, 84; Yale Courant, 83-85 and Chairman of P.oard; Chairman and Founder (J "it, 84. Mem- ber Legislature, 87-89; Judge Court Common Pleas, 97-01; Judge Superior Court of Conn., 01-02. Author "Forward House" and "History of Granby." Jurist. (County Bldg., Hartford, Conn.) Edward Herrick Chandler HD$ A. B. 1885. 2d Berkeley Latin Premium (1); Editor )ale News (3). (4); 85 Class Book (4). Sec. Twentieth Century Club. Member Twent- ieth Century Club. Brother of John Scudder Chandler, Beta 70. Journalist. 3 Joy St.; res. 259 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Harry Goodnow Chase 0eY A. B. 1885. Scroll and Key. Editor Yale In- dex. 84; Courant, 84-85. Member University Club. RcJil Eststp 108 S. La Salle St.; res. 514 Belmont Ave., Chicago, 111. Richard Collins Colt H D 3 A. B. 1885. Brother of Harris Dunscomb Colt, Beta 84. Merchant. (212 Water St., New York, N. Y.) Wilbur Lucius Cross 11 D S A. B. 1885; Ph. D. 1889. Phi Beta Kappa. Sophomore Prize in English Composition; Jun- ior Exhibition Speaker; De Forest Medal; Foote Scholar, 85; Editor Yale Review. Dean of the Gradiialo School of Yale Univ. .ind Prof. of P'nelish in the Sheffield Scientific School. .Author "The Development of the English Novel;" "The Life and Times of Laurence 146 BETA CHAPTER [1885 Sterne." Member Graduates', Elihu and Au- ] thors' (New York) Clubs; National Inst, of Art and Letters. Educator. 24 Edgehill Rd., New Haven, Conn. Herbert Lionel Doggett* 0[xX A. B. 1885. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Editor Yale Courant, 82-84; 1st and 2d English Composition Prizes, 83; 2d Winthrop Prize and Philosophical Oration at Junior Exhibition, 84; 1st High Oration (8th in Class) at Commence- ment. Journalist. d. 1894 Richard Ellis n D A A. B. 1885; A. M. 1905; M. D. 1888 Univ. City New York; Financial Editor Yale Courant, 84- 85. Teacher in Peekskill (N. Y.) Military Acad., 85-86. Physician. The Bryson, Los Angeles, Cal. Walter Farwell ^ T X A. B. 1885. Merchant. 102 S. Market St., Chicago, 111. Henry Richmond Flanders 11 R A A. B. 1885. Skull and Bones. Crew (Capt.); Football. Insurance. Vineyard Haven, Mass. Walter Francis Frear BWX A. B. 1885; LL. B. 1890; LL. D. 1910. Phi Beta Kappa; Elihu Club. 3d Mathematical Prize. Tutor Oahu Coll., 85-88; Circuit Judge (Ha- waii), 93; Assoc. Justice Supreme Court, 93-00; Chief Justice, 00-07; Governor, 07-13; Member Commission to recommend to Congress form of Government for Territory of Hawaii, 98-99; Chairman Hawaiian Code Commission, 03-05; Pres. Hawaiian Bar Assn.; Chairman of Com- mittee to draft City Charter for Honolulu; Pres. Men's League; Pres. Yale Alumni Assn. of Hawaii; Vicc-Pres. Hawaiian Historical Soc. Author "Revised Laws of Hawaii." Member University, Pacific, Commercial and Country Clubs, Hawaiian Bar and Honolulu Social Science Assns.; Men's League; Yale Alumni Assn. of Hawaii; Hawaiian Historical Soc; Royal (Geographical Soc. of Australasia. Son of Walter Frear, Beta 51. Lawyer. 303 Stangenwald Bldg.; res. 1434 Punahan St., Honolulu, T. H. Henry Fresenius ^Yl A. B. 1885. Treas. New Haven, Conn., 99. Manufacturer. (291 Howard Ave., New Haven, Conn.) Harlow [Stearns] Gale Oy]X [Sands] Kenyon Gorham A. B. 1885. Manufacturer. 130 S. Greenwood St., Marion, Ohio. Edward Neblett Hidden P PX G0X A. B. 1885. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones Delta Kappa. Pres. Yale Political Club, 84-85 Philosophical Oration at Junior Exhibition, 85 A. B. 1885. Son of Harlow Augustus Gale, Theta 56. Engineer. (319 14th Ave. S. E., Minneapolis, Minn.) High Oration ((11th in class) at Commence- ment; Member Executive Committee, Phi Beta Kappa, 84-85; Assoc. Editor 10th General Cata- logue; Pres. Business Men's League, 15; Chair- man Committee on U. S. Relations with Haiti. Member St. Louis and Noonday (St. Louis), Yale (New York) and Graduates' (New Haven) Clubs. Financier. Alnedge Investment Co., 410 Olive St.; res. 3663 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Philip Parley Hubbard vQS A. B. 1885. Member Litchfield County Univer- sity Club. Financier. (Litchfield, Conn.) Henry Fairchild James* Wolf's Head. Merchant. William Jarvis eoP d. 1896 Hay A. B. 1885. Scroll and Key. 2d English Com- position Prize, 83; Commencement Orator, 85; Teacher Louisville Male High School and Uni- versity School at Louisville, Ky. Member Pen- dennis Club. Lawyer. 216 3th St.; res. 1431 St. James' Court, Louis- ville, Ky. SeX James Richard Joy A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888; Litt. D. 1905 Syracuse; LL. D. 1916 Dickinson. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Editor Yale Pot Potirri, 84; 1st Junior Exhibition Premium, 84; Record Prize for Poetry and Courant Prize for Essay, 85; High Oration and Commencement Orator. Pres. Board of Education, North Plain- field, N. J.; Member M. E. General Con- ference, 08, 12 and 16; Trustee Drew Theol. Sem.; Methodist Episcopal Hosp., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Author "Outline History of Eng- land;" "Ten Englishmen of the Nineteenth Century;" "Thomas Joy and His Descendants." Member Yale and Aldine (New York), and Park (Plainfield) Clubs. Editor. 150 5th Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. 80 Myrtle Ave., Plainfield, N. J. s?p Robert Bage Kerr A. B. 1885. Member University, Racquet and Tennis and Yale Clubs. Broker. 74 Broadway; res. 565 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. William Fillmore Leland Clerk Guy Ward Mallon P0A PriY A. B. 1885; LL. B. 1886 Cincinnati Law SchooL Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones; He Boule; Gamma Nu. Woolsey Scholar, 82-85; First Latin Prize, 82; First and Third English Com- position Prize, 83; Lacrosse (Capt.), 83-85; Philosophical Oration, 84; Commencement Oration; Townsend Premium, 85. Member Gen- eral Assembly of Ohio; Member City Council of Cincinnati; Trustee Ohio State Univ.; Ex- Pres. Yale Club of Cincinnati; Trustee of Berea Coll. Member Yale and Business Men's Clubs. Lawyer. 2004 Union Central Bldg.; res. 234 McGregor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 1885J BETA CHAPTER 147 William Maxwell ASX A. B. 1885. New Haven Athletic Team. Mem- ber Yale, University (Hartford), Hartford Golf and Farmington Country Clubs. Brother of Robert Maxwell, Beta 87. Manufacturer. Main St.; res. Union St., Rockville, Conn. ©^r James Alfred Merrill A. B. 1885. Wolf's Head. Brother of John Francis Merrill, Beta 81. Lawyer. Gryphon Rock, Rutland, Vt. William Procter Morrison 9^7. A. B. 188S. Phi Beta Kappa; Wolf's Head. 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 85 ; Commence- ment Orator. Lawyer. Ashland, Mass. Charles Dwight Napier OVA A. B. 1885; M. D. 1890 Columbia. Clinical Prof. Orthopedic Surgery, Long Island Coll. Hosp.; Consulting Orthopedic Surg. Methodist Episcopal Hosp., and Orthopedic Surg., Kings County Hosp. INIember University (Brooklyn) and Yale (New York) Clubs. Physician. 100 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Atherton Noyes 6RS A. B. 1885; A. M. 1916 Harvard. Prof, of English Colo. Coll.; Exchange Prof. Harvard, 15-16. Author "Matthew Arnold: An Apprecia- tion." Son of Daniel Parker Noyes, Beta 40 and brother of Edward Parish Noyes, Beta 80. Educator. Colorado College; res. 1205 Wood Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Manly Dayton Ormes cE)DX A. B. 1885; B. D. 1889. Debating Soc. Librarian. Coburn Library; res. 1623 N. Tejon St., Col- orado Springs, Colo. Robert James Pitkin PpY A. B. 1885; LL. B. 1888 magna cum laude. Scroll and Key. Sophomore Composition Prize; Commencement Orator; Editor Yale Pot Pourri, 84. Member University Club. Lawyer. 441 Equitable Bldg.; res. 957 Ogden St., Den- ver, Colo. John Winthrop Platner OW8 A. B. 1885; A. M. 1901; D. D. 1901 Western Reserve. 2d Berkeley Latin Premium, 85. Prof. Andover Theol. Sem. Member Colonial and Cambridge Boat Clubs. Educator. 1 Shady Hill Sq., Cambridge, Mass. David Plessner KC? A. B. 1885. Lawyer. (416 Ernest & Cranmer Bldg., Denver. Colo.) IRA Oramel Whittlesey Pratt A. B. 1885. Lawyer. (First National Bank Bldg., Kansas City. Mo.) Eugene Lamb Richards OsY A. B. 188^. Skull and Bones. Hurlbut Scholar; 2ci Berkeley Latin Premium; English Composi- tion Prizes; Fence Orator; Courant Prize; Philosophical Oration; Townsend Premium; Football, 81-85; Capt., 84; Pres. Intercollegiate Football Assn., 84-85; Editor Yale Literary Magasine. Deputy Atty. General State of N. Y., 96-98; Counsel to Conservation Commission; Pres. Richmond County Bar Assn. Member New York County Lawyers' and Richmond County Bar Assns. ; Bankers', Richmond Coun- ty and Comedy Clubs. State Superintendent of Banks. 61 Broadway, New York; res. 247 Prospect Ave., West New Brighton, N. Y. Edwin Wales Robertson PwX A. B. 1885; LL. B. 1887 Univ. of S. C. Member Committee on Foreign Relations; Chamber of Commerce of U. S.; Advisory Board Yale Alumni Assn. Member South Carolina Bar Assn.; Columbia, Metropolitan, University, Yale and Bankers' (New York) Clubs. Banker. National Loan and Exchange Bank of Columbia; res. 1001 Laurel St.. Columbia, S. C. Lucius Franklin Robinson 6?T A. B. 1885. Skull and Bones; Eta Phi. Foot- ball; 1st Declamation and 3d English Composi- tion Prizes, 83; Townsend Premium, 85; Dir. Hartford Public Library; Watkinson Library; Hartford Park Commission; State Park Commis- sion. Member Hartford, Hartford Golf, Gradu- ates' (New Haven) and New York University Clubs. Son of Henry Cornelius Robinson, Beta 53, brother of Henry Seymour Robinson, Beta 89 and nephew of Lucius Franklin Robinson, Beta 43. Lawyer. 11 Central Row; res. 45 Forest St., Hartford, Conn. George Augustus Sanderson t C y A. B. 1885. Commencement Orator; Chairman Class Day (Committee, 85. Dist. Atty. Middlesex County; Justice of the Superior Court. Jurist. E. Main St., Ayer, Mass. Kmile [Adolphe] Schultze ©PlX A. B. 1885; LL. B. 1887 Columbia. Scroll and Key; Eta Phi. Junior Promenade Committee. Member Yale Club; Bar Assn. of the City of New York and New England Soc. Lawyer. 141 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. 203 Park Ave., Orange, N. J. Frank Robinson Shipman OaY A. B. 1885; B. D. 1889. Chi Delta Theta. 1st Berkeley Latin Premium, 82; Ist Declamation and 1st and 2d English Composition Prizes, 83; 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 84; Editor Yale Literary Magasine, 84-85; Pres. Yale Y. M. C. A. Member General Education Board of Congregational Churches; Prof. Atlanta Theol. Sem. Brother of Arthur Leffingwell Shipman, Beta 86. Educator. Atlanta Theological Seminary, Atlanta, Ga. Otis Strong SQA A. B. 1885. Commissioner of Police and Chari- ties; Chairman Ivy Committee, 85; Asst. Prin- cipal High School, 86; Deputy Collector U. S. Revenue, Dist. of New York, 76-78. Member City Club. Brother of Frank Strong, Beta 84, Educator. 13 Morris St., Auburn, N. Y. 148 . BETA CHAPTER [1885-86 Wyllys Terry PaX A. B. 1885. Skull and Bones; He Boule. Foot- ball, 82-85; Baseball, 83-85; Capt., 84-85. Mem- ber Sons of Revolution; Down Town Assn.; Yale, University, Racquet, Union, Rockaway Hunting and Rumson Country Clubs. Insurance. 60 Wal N. Y. e. St.: res. 120 E. 73d St., New York, Arthur Cecil Thompson PtX Scroll and Key. Press Yale Athletic Assn., 85. (23 Sumner Rd., Brookline, Mass.) William Taylor Glidden Weymouth 5Y A. B. 1885. Wolf's Head; He Boule. Editor Yale Banner, 84. Merchant. Typo Mercantile Agency, 160 Broadway; res. 45 W. 48th St., New York, N. Y. Levi Olmsted W^iggins* P0Y A. B. 1885; M. D. 1888 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Mathematical Piize, 83; Philosophi- cal Oration at Junior Exhibition, 84; Valedicto- rian, 85. d. 1891 Georsfe Catlin Woodruff PkT A. B. 188S Amherst and A. M. 1888. Formerly Chief Litchfield Fire Dept. ; Asst. Judge Advo- cate with rank of Lieut.. 2d Co. Governor's Foot Guard; Pres. Conn. Editorial Assn.; Vice-Pres. National Editorial Assn. Member Litchfield Country, Naugatuck Valley, Union League (New Haven) and L^niversity Clubs: Vale Alumni; Amherst Alumni (New York) and Amherst Alumni (Conn.) Assns. Son of George ^[orris Woodruff. Beta 57 and brother of James Parsons \\'oodruff. Gamma 91. See Gamma 85. Journalist. West St.; res. South St., Litchfield, Conn. Wilfred James Worcester 00Y A. B. 1885. Phi Beta Kappa; He Boule; SkuH and Bones. 2d Junior Exhibition Premium, 84; Member Board of Governors, Yale Univ. Club, 84-85. Member Down Town Assn.; Uni- versity and Ardsley CUibs. Brother of Edwin Dean Worcester, Jr., Beta 76; Franklin Eldred Worcester, Beta 82 and Harry Augustus Worcester, Beta 84. Banker. United States Trust Co.. 45 Wall St.; res. 137 E. 37th St., New York, N. Y. 1886 Henry Semple Ames* €1 Y) $ A. B. 1886; A. M. 1887 Columbia and LL. B. 1888. Scroll and Key. Sec. of the Yale Navy. Alember Board of Governors Yale Univ. Club. d. 1916 Paul Kimball Ames 6 (0

?an School, Clinton, Conn. 1886] BETA CHAPTER 149 Chauncev William Goodrich 6(1^6 A. B. 1886; D. D. 1915 Bowdoin. Phi Beta Kappa. 3d English Composition Prize, 84; 2d lunior Kxliibition Premium, 85; Editor Yule Record, 85-86; Yale Pot Pourri, 86; Pres. Yale Y. M. C. A., 85-86; 1st High Oration and Com- mencement CJrator. Clergyman. 75 Federal St., Brunswick, Maine. William Burton Goodwin (pSO) A. B. 1886. Lawyer. 2 Wall St.; res. 310 W. 79th St., New York, N. Y. Weaker Greenwood Graves 0 Mountain Side Hosp.; Morris- town (N. J.) Memorial Hosp.; Mt. Vernon (N. Y.) Hosp. Member Yale, University, Gro- lier, Interurban. Clinical, St. Luke's Alumni, Hospital Graduates', Internal Medicine, River- side Practitioners and Externe Clubs. Phvsician and Educator. (400 West End Ave., New York, N. Y.) Knowlton Mixer KF0 A. B. 1890. Formerly Dean Saturn Club; Pres. Ellicott Club; Member of Council National Municipal League. Merchant. 1040 Prudential Bldg.; res. 14 Tillinghast PL, Buffalo, N. Y. Ashbel Barney Newell pSP A. B. 1890. Scroll and Key; Eta Phi. Foot- ball ; Crew. Transportation. Toledo, Terminal Station; res. Scottwood Apts., Toledo, Ohio. W^illard Parker, Jr. A. B. 1890. Financier. (New Canaan, Conn.) George Frederick Peter PyP pap A. B. 1890. Scroll and Key; Eta Phi. Fresh- man Baseball. Member Commissioners' Court nnd P>oard of Revenue TShelbv County 1. Mem- ber Birmingham Athletic and Country Clubs. Merchant. Southern Coal and Coke Co., Maylene, Ala. Nathan Todd Porter, Jr. G T p A. B. 1890. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres. Mont- clair Free Puhlic Library. Member University and Merchants' (New York) and Essex County Country (Montclair) Clubs. Merchant. 108 Worth St., New York, N. Y.; res. 165 Gates Ave., Montclair, N. J. Charles Sheldon P X A. B. 1890. Scroll and Key; Eta Phi. Cobden Club ATedal: Pres. Rnpt Club, \nthnr "Wilder- ness of the Upper Yukon" and "Wilderness of the North Pacific Coast Islands." Member (Tos- rnos. Grpduates' (New Hiven), T^niversity. Century, Yale, Explorers', GroHer, Boone and Crockett (New York) Clubs. "The Argyle," 16th and Webster Sts., Wash- ington, D. C. John Howard Sherwood* epp A. B. 1890. Journalist. d. 1915 William Henry Smith 6 m P A. B. 1890; LL. B. 1892. Wolf's Head; Eta Phi State Assembly, 01. Member University Club. Lawyer. 63 Wall St.; res. 800 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. 158 BETA CHAPTER [1891 1891 Grosvenor Atterbury 6,xn A. B. 1891. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key; Chi Delta Theta; Elizabethan Club. Philoso- phical Oration; Editor, Record and Literary Magazine. Fellow Am. Inst, of Architects; Executive Committee National Inst, of Social Sciences; Pres. Architectural League of New York. Author "Architectural Monographs;" "Model Towns in America;" "City Building;" "Hospitals and Esthetics;" "The Housing Problem;" "Art of Construction." Member University Club and Century Assn. Architect. 20 W. 43d St.; res. 131 E. 70th St., New York, N. Y. Oal John Sanford Barnes A. B. 1891. Scroll and Key. Mgr. Soc. for Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents. Member University, Metropolitan, Yale, New York Yacht, Ardsley and South Side Sportsmen's Clubs and Down Town Assn. Merchant. 52 Vanderbilt Ave.; res. 27 E. 62d St., New York, N. Y. James Foote Barnett ^Rtc A. B. 1891; A. M. 1902; A. M. 1901 Columbia; LL. B. 1893 New York Law School. Member State Constitutional Convention, 07-08. Member Am. Bar, Am. Political Science and Inter- national Law Assns. ; Am. Historical Soc. and .\m. Soc. of International Law; Kent Country, Peninsular and Yale (New York) Clubs. Lawyer and Financier. 831 Michigan Trust Bldg.; res. R. R. No. 12, Grand Rapids, Mich. John Alden Bovey p^r A. B. 1891. He Boule. Member Minneapolis, Minikahda and Woodhill Coiuitry Clubs. Merchant. 1210 McKnight Bldg.; res. 2322 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Charles Edwin Brainard* P ? t Student. d. 1889 George Stephenson Brewster 6 S t A. B. 1891. Financier. 51 Wall St.; res. 71 E. 71st St., New York, N. Y. John Halsey Buck 6 [JLX A. B. 1891. Member Hartford, Hartford Golf and Twentieth Century Clubs. Lawyer. 50 State St.; res. 17 Atwood St., Hartford, Conn. John Lee Bunce* 6 to tc A. B. 1891. Insurance. d. 1907 Alfred Mainwaring Coats 6 [X t A. B. 1891. Manufacturer Cretired). Calumet Commercial Co., 30 Church St.; res. 1 E. 81st St.. New York, N. Y. Samuel Colgate* 9 7 tc A. B. 1891; A. M. 1894 Colgate Univ. Clerk. d. 1902 John Joughin Cox* p e ic A. B. 1891. Student. d. 1892 Frank Crawford a$K A. B. 1891; LL. B. 1893 Univ. of Mich. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi. Football; Capt. Baseball. Prof. Creighton Univ. Law School. Member Omaha Field and Senefelder (London, Eng.) Clubs. Lawyer. 1020 Woodmen of World Bldg.; res. 3817 Dewey Ave., Omaha, Neb. William Sage Dalzell OpI A. B. 1891. Lawyer. 450 F'ourth Ave.; res. 6101 Kentucky Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Henry Bunnell $yZ A. B. 1891. Member Hope, Turk's Head, Yale Assn. of R. I. and Warwick Heights Country Clubs. Broker. 12 Westminster St., Providence; res. East Greenwich, R. I. Louis Cazenove du Pont* A. B. 1891. De Forest Grant d. 1892 A. B. 1891. Member Union Club. Manufacturer. Ill Broadway; res. 70 E. 54th St., New York, N. Y. PttT William Phillips Graves A. B. 1891; M. D. 1899 summa cum laude liar- vard. He Boule. Boylston Soc. at Harvard; Football, 87, 88 and 89; Baseba'l, 88. Fellow Am. Coll. of Surgeons, 13; Surg.-in-Chief Free Hosp. for Women, Brookline; Consulting Phys. Boston Lying-in Hosp.; Pres. Boston Yale Alumni Assn.; Prof, and Head Dept. of Gyne- cology, Harvard Med. School. Author "Text Book on Gynecology." Member Harvard, Tennis and Racqi:et and St. Botolph CBoston) and Country ^Brookline) Clubs; Boston Athletic and Am. Med. Assns.; Boston Surgical, New Eng- land Surgical, Boston Obstetrical and Am. Gyne- cological Socs.; £\m. Soc. for Cancer Research. Surgeon and Educator. 244 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. Gerard Beekman Hoppin 9 Y Tu A. B. 1901. Scroll and Key; He Boule. Mem- ber Racquet and Tennis, Yale and Knicker- bocker Clubs. Broker. 45 Wall St., res. 47 W. 53d St., New York, N. Y. Hampton Pierson Howell 9 {J(. TC A. B. 1891; M. D. 1894 Columbia. Quiz Club. Chief Nose. Throat and Ear Dept. Roosevelt Hosp.; Asst. Surg. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp. Member .'\m. Laryngological. Rhino'ogi- cal and Otological Socs.; Am. Med. Assn.; W'est End Med. and Riverside Practitioners' .Socs.: Yale. West Side Tennis and West Hamp- ton Country Clubs. Physician. 616 Madison Ave.; res. 39 E. 27th St., New York, N. Y. [James Coleman] Ford Huntington 9XJ; A. B. 1891. Scroll and Key. Member Knicker- bocker, Racouet and Tennis and Brook Clubs. Vice-Pres. of Corporation. New York Telephone Co.. 15 Day St.; res. 42 E. 80th St., New York, N. Y. 1891J BETA CHAPTER 159 Albert Lee p p tc A. B. 1891. Editor Courant and Yate Literary Magacine: Pres. Exeter Club; Fence Orator. Author "Tommv Toddles;" "Four for a For- tune;" "He. She and Thev:" "The Pie and the Pirate;" "Miss Phcenix." Member Yale Club. Journalist. Vanity Fair, 449 Fourth Ave.; res. 1245 Madi- son Ave., New York, N. Y. Norman McClintock e^i A. B. 1891. Skull and Bones; He Boule. Base- ball, 90-91. Manufacturer. 504 Amberson Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Walter McClintock Ge t A. B. 1891: A. M. 1911 Yale. Author "The Old North Trail;" "Das Schvvanenlied des Roten Kriegers." Ethnologist. S20 Amberson Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Robert Gardner McClung T $ % A. B. 1891; LL. B. 1894 Harvard. Member University Club and Boston Bar Assn. Lawyer. 6 Beacon St.: res. 24 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass, Samuel Wylie Black Moorhead* o a )( A. B. 1891. Journalist. d. 1906 Winthrop [Sargent] Gilman Noyes 0Yt .•\. B. 1891; A. M. 1893 Harvard. Key; Eta Phi. Member Minnesota and Town and Country Clubs. Merchant. 400 Sibley St.; res. 366 Summit Ave., St Minn. Scroll and University Paul, Frank Richard Oastler AJ6 A. B. 1891; M. D. 1904 Columbia. Elihu, Omeea, Yale Glee and Banjo Clubs. Prof, of Clinical Gynecology, Columbia Univ.; Attend- ing Gynecologist and Obstetrician, Lincoln, Gouverneur and German Hosps.; Assoc. Woman's Hosp.; Consultant St. Luke's Hosp. Author "International Text Book Surgery." Member New York State and County Med. Socs.; Acad. Medicine; Obstetrical Soc; Roose- velt and Sloane Hosps. Alumni Assns. Phvsician. 126 W. 59th St., New York, N. Y. Amasa Junius Parker, Jr. % A. B. 1891; LL. B. 1893 Union Univ. Author "Parker's Insurance Law;" "Parker's Banking Law." Member Fort Orange, Albany Country and University (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 79 Chapel St.; res. 324 State St., Albany, N. Y. 6 TCTC Robert Watson Pomeroy .\, B. 1891; LL. B. 1895 Harvard. Lawyer. 1012 Fidelity Bldg., Buffalo; res. Eggertsville, N. Y. William Frederick Poole e^x I A. B. 1891; LL. B. 1893 Northwestern Univ. Skull and Bones; Phi Delta Phi (North- western). Baseball; Capt. Freshman Baseball; Yale Glee Club. Member Graduates' Club (New Haven), New York Yale Club, Oakley Country and Algonquin Clubs (Boston). 45 Milk "St., Boston; res. 188 Mason St., Brook- line, Mass. Francis Louis Slade PtJLi A. B. 1891. Phi Beta Kappa. Trustee Madison Square Presbyterian Church and Madison Square Church House; Vice-Pres. West Side Y. .M. C. A. Member Down Town, Yale, City, University, Automobile, St. Regis Yacht, St. Regis River Golf and Knickerbocker Clubs. Manufacturer. 115 Broadway; res. 18 W. 52d St., New York, N. Y. Ray Burdick Smith Initiated by the Pi Egerton Swartwout P $ x A. B. 1891. Architect. (244 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.) Samuel Clifton Thomson G ^ % A. B. 1891; E. M. 1893 Columbia. Skull and Bones; He Boule. Member Yale and Rocky Mountain Clubs. See Lambda 93 Consulting Mining Engineer. 120 Broadway; res. 129 E. 69th St., New York, N. Y. John Ouillin Tilson A. B. 1891; LL. B. 1893; LL. M. 1894. Phi De'ta Phi. 1st Dispute. Member General As- sembly and Speaker House; Member Congress, O'J-13 and 15 — . Member Graduates'. Young Men's Republican and Chevy Chase (Washing- ton) Clubs. Lawyer. 129 Church St.; res. 3 Loomis PL, New Haven, Conn. Henry Hallam Tweedy p 0TC A. B. 1891; A. M. 1909. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones; He Boule. Composer of Music for Psi Upsilon Song "Psi U Jollity;" Prof, of Practical Theology Yale School of Religion. Author "The King's Highway Series of Ethical and Religious Readers." Educator. Yale School of Religion; res. 112 Huntington St., New Haven, Conn. Horace Garfield Waite $ C tc A. B. 1891. Lawyer. Frederic Collin Walcott u p i A. B. 1891. Skull and Bones; He Boule. Member Century, University, Graduates' (New Haven) and Cloud Valley Rod and Gun Clubs. Banker. 14 Wall St., New York, N. Y.; res. Englewood, N. J. George Huntington Webster, Jr. p S TC Eta Phi. Member Chicago, Denver and Univer- sity (Kansas City) Clubs. Cimarron, N. Mex. Glen Wright p $ I A. B. 1891. Broker. 2 Wall St.. New York. N. Y. 160 BETA CHAPTER [1892 1892 William Bradford Bosley HGE A. B. 1892: LL. B. 1894. Dir. Hastings Coll. of Law; Trustee Samuel Merritt Hosp. Mem- ber University and Yale (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 445 Sutter St.; res. 1978 Vallejo St., San Fran- cisco, Cal. James Trowbridge Carr A. B. 1892. Wolf's Head; He Boule. Pres. (:lee Club. Pres. Commercial and Dubuque Clubs; Chairman County Republican Committee. Member Commercial, Country, Dubuque and Santa Barbara (Cal.) Clubs. Manufacturer. 9th and Jackson Sts.; res. 1555 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa. Howell Cheney 0^^ A. B. 1892; A. M. 1909. Skull and Bones. Chairman School Committe, South Manchester, 02-1^; Member State Board of Education since 09; Life Trustee and Fellow Yale Univ. since 13; Trustee Mt. Holyoke Coll. since 12; Trustee Hartford Asylum for the Deaf, 13; Hartford Retreat for the Insane; Dir. National Assn. of Manufacturers; Dir. National Chamber of Commerce, 14; Trustee National Child Labor Commission, 14. Member University (New York), University (Hartford) and Graduates' (New Haven) Clubs; Am. Acad of Political and Social Science. Manufacturer. South Manchester, Conn. Knight Dexter Cheney, Jr.* y y, A. B. 1892. Merchant. d. 1910 Edward Henry Floyd-Jones S /, A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1894 New York Law School. Scroll and Key; He Boule. Pres. University Boat and Yale Univ. Clubs. Trustee Jones Fund. Member Yale. University, Graduates' (New Haven), Piping Rock and South Side Sportsmen's Clubs. Lawyer. 49 Wall St., New York; res. Massapequa, N. Y. Merrill Williams Gallaway tp R x A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1894 New York Law School. Member Union, Union League and Yale Clubs; Bar Assn. Lawyer. 43 Cedar St.; res. 68 E. 55th St.. New York, N. Y. Henry Solon Graves £ /, A. B. 1892; A. M. 1900; A. M. 1913 Harvard. Skull and Bones. Chief Forester U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Author "Forest Mensuration;" "Principles of Handling Woodlands;" "The Woods Man's Hand Book." Member Cosmos, Century fNew York) and Graduates' (New Haven) Clubs. Forester. U. S. Forest Service; res. 3454 Newark St., Washington, D. C. Francis Hayt Griffin S^v. A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1894 New York Law School. Charles Sherman Haight Y) y, A. B. 1892; A. M 1895; LL. B. 1895 Harv- ard; Ph. D. 1901 Heidelberg (Ohio). Scroll and Key. Chairman Committee on Bills of Lading, U. S. Chamber of Commerce. Author "Haight's;" "(Questions and Answers for Bar Examination Review." Member University, Yale, Riding, India House, Midday and Law- yers' Clubs and Bar Assn. of City of New York. Lawyer. 27 William St.; res. 22 E. 69th St., New York, N. Y. t y. A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1894 New York Law School. Eta Phi; Scroll and Key. Member Cincinnati Golf and Country Clubs. Lawyer. 1325 LTnion Trust Bldg.; res. 224 Southern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burton Page Hollister George Buell Hollister SXy. A. B. 1892. Manufacturer. Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y. Arthur Carter Hume A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1894 New York Law School. Wolf's Head. Member Psi Upsilon and Yale Clubs and Bar Assn. of Am. Lawyer. 40 Pine St.; res. 350 W. 55th St., New York, N. Y. Daniel Trumbull Huntington p a o A. B. 1892; B. D. 1895 Berkeley Divinity School and D. D. 1912. Missionary to China, 95-11; P. E. Bishop of Wuhu, 11. Author "Chinese Primer." Protestant Episcopal Bishop. Bishop's Office, Anking, China. James W. D. Ingersoll Initiated by the Upsilon William Crane Ivison 0VX A. B. 1892. Wolf's Head; He Boule. Treas. Lfniv. Football Assn. Member Metropolitan, LTniversity, Yale, Rockawav Hunting and Graduates' (New Haven) Clubs. Father of Maynard Cady Ivison, Beta 18. Broker. Chisholm & Chapman, 71 Broadway, New York; res. Kenridge Rd.. Cedarhurst. N. Y. Pierre Jay 0% A. B. 1892. Banker. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Equitable Bldg.; res. 49 E. 64th St., New York, N. Y. William Lloyd Kitchel Tcy. A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1895. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Track. Member Yale, Uni- versity, City and Midday Clubs. Lawyer. 40 Wall St., New York; res. Bronxville, N. Y. Sidney Locock Lasell p % A. B. 1892; M. D. 1 896 'Columbia. ScroP and Key. Track; Glee Club. Composer of Music fnr Psi Unsilon Song "The Diamond Lens." Medical Missionary. Nanking, China; res. 221 Park Ave., Orange, N. J. Daniel Lord, 3d* A. B. 1892. T ?% d. 1893 1892-93] BETA CHAPTER 161 Henry Stoddard Lyman l^ r o t A. B. 1892; M. D. 1899 Columbia and A. M. 1899. Wolf's Head; He Boule; Equal; Omega; Physicians and Surgeons. Physician (retired). 3620 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebr. Edward Hopkins Mason ;&o A. B. 1892. Scroll and Key; He Boule. Edi- tor Yale Nezi's and Yale Record. Am. Con- sular Agent, Call. Colombia; British Consular Agent, Buena Ventura, Colombia. Member University Club (New York). Manufacturer. Call Electric Light and Power Co., 693 Green- wood Ave., Glencoe, 111. Thornwell Mullally ^TO A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1894 New York Law School. Lawyer. (2525 Webster St., San Francisco, Gal.) ^ A S A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1894 Northwestern Univ. Member University and Skokie Country and Yale (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 112 W. Adams St.; res. 11 E. Division St., Chicago, 111. Marshall Paul Noyes Allen Cromwell Orrick ?So A. B. 1892. Member University, St. Louis Country, Noonday and Yale (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 918 Security Bldg.; res. 320 N. Union Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 'Robert Allan Paddock ^zo A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1894 New York Law School. Scroll and Key: Kpsilon Phi. Membei Yale and LTniversity Clubs. Lawyer. 49 Wall St.; res. 65 W. 54th St., New York. N. Y. Lewis Rathbone Parker ^^o A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1895 Albany Law School. Wolf's Head. Trustee and Lecturer Albany Law School. Author "Parker's Criminal Code;" "Guaranty and Suretyship;" "Syllabi on Bai'ments, Etc." Member Fort Orange, Albanv Country, .Mbany Racquet and Helder- berg Golf Clubs. Lawyer. 25 N. Pearl St.: res. 172 Chestnut St., Albany, N. Y. Frank Julian Price ^YjO « A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1895 New York Law School. Chi Delta Theta. Editor Yale Record and Yale Literary Magazine. Member of Assembly N. Y. Legislature. 99-00; Asst. Cornoration Counsel, New York. Member Psi Upsilon, Yale, ]\Iontauk and Crescent Athletic (Brook- lyn) and Graduates' (New Haven) Clubs. Lawyer. 43 Cedar St., New York, and 153 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn; res. 18 Montgomery PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Otto Adolph Schreiber ^00 A. B. 1892. Scroll and Key: Eta Phi. Crew; Glee Club. Member Baltusrol Golf, University and Yale Clubs, Merchant. 225 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. Short Hills, N. J. Charles Brown Sears ?;xo A. B. 185»2; LL. B. 1896 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key; Phi Delta Phi at Harvard: Pow Wow. Editor Yale News and Harvard Law Review. Member N. Y. State Constitutional Convention, 15; Pres. Yale Alumni Assn. of Buffalo, 13-14; Erie County- Bar Assn., 15-16; Buffalo Fine Arts Acad., 16. Member Park. l'>uffaln, Saturn and Uni- versity and Republican (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 814 Fidelity Bldg.; res. 849 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Forrest Shepherd X>v.o William Gay Skiddy* A. B. 1892. Wolf's Head; Senior Soc; Pres. Yale Univ. Tennis Assn. Pres. Board of Councilmen, City of Hartford. Lawyer. New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co., New Haven; res. 648 Asylum Ave., Hart- ford, Conn. d. 1901 Eben Foster Stevens 4' P ^ A. B. 1895. Member Knickerbocker, Racquet and Tennis and Rockaway Hunting Clubs. Broker. 49 Wall St.,' New York; res. Lawrence, N. Y. George Davis Terry A. B. 1892. Contractor. 12 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Knox Tibbits <})AS A. B. 1892. Chaplain (Hon. Capt.) 221st Bat- talion Canadian Expeditionary Forces. Clergyman. 274 Pleasant St., Concord, N. H. Archibald Turnbull Initiated by the Beta Beta Stuart Webster !^ V o A. B. 1892: M. D. 1895 Columbia. Manufacturer. ( Raqine Rubber Co.; res. 1043 Lake Ave., Racine, Wis.) Norman Clark Whittemore Initiated by the Delta William Burnet Wright, Jr. X^tzo A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1892 Univ. of Buffalo. Pres. Univ. Football Assn., 91; Member Yale Ne7vs Bureau, 91-92; Executive Committee In- tercollegiate .\thletic .\ssn. and Track Capt., 92. City Councilman, 08-12: Pres. Buffalo Yale Assn. 15-17. Member Chamber of Commerce; Buffalo Historical .Soc; Erie County Bar Assn.; University, Park, Buffalo, Ellicott, Executives' and Lawyers' and Yale (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 36-38 Church St.; res. 69 Ashland Ave., Buf- fa'o, N. Y. 1893 Henry Selden Bacon A. B. 1893. First Deputy Atty.-General of New York, 11. Member Yale Club. Lawyer. 43 Exchange PI. ; res. Yale Club, New York, N. Y. 07CX Henry Burr Barnes A. B. 1893; LL. B. 1897 Columbia. Scroll and Key; Phi Delta Phi. Member Board of Deacons 162 BETA CHAPTER [1893 Fifth Ave. Presbyterian Church. Member Uni- versity and Yale Clubs. Lawyer. 52 William St.; res. 67 E. 91st St., New York, N. Y. Henry Calwell Beadleston epx A. B. 1893; LL. B. 1895 N. Y. Law School. Wolf's Head; He Boule. Member University and Racquet and Tennis Clubs. Son of William Henry Beadleston, Delta 62 and brother of William Sanger Beadleston, Beta 95. Lawyer. 14 Wall St.; res. 115 E. 65th St., New York, N. Y. Alvah Stone Chisholm BBX A. B. 1893. Scroll and Key; Eta Phi. Member Union, German, Hunt, Country, Mayfield, Road- side and Yale (New York) Clubs. Western Reserve Bide;.; res. 12717 Lake Shore Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio. Beecher Maynard Grouse p^s A. B. 1893. Scroll and Key; He Boule. Mem- ber Yale, Utica Golf and Country, Tennis, Fort Scliuyler, Yahnundasis Golf, Sadaquada Golf and University (New York) Clubs. Manufacturer. Broad St.; res. 369 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. Robert Keer Dickerman* p ^ A A. B. 1893. Lawyer. d. 1907 Jonathan Boynton Dill* €) 7 S A. B. 1893. d. 1900 Winthrop Edwards Dwight 6 w y A. B. 1893; Ph D. 1895; LL. B. 1896. Lawyer. (62 Cedar St., New York, N. Y.) John Howe Field Montgomery Hare 0A ©fix A. B. 1893. Scro'l and Key. Editor Yale Lit- erary Magazine ; Junior Exhibition Speaker. Sales Managtr. American Agricultural Chemical Co., 129 Lewis St.; res. 66 Hodge Ave.. Buffalo, N. Y. George Mark Foos § /, M A. B. 1893. Planter. (Audubon Plantation, Hope Villa, La.) Edson Fessenden Gallaudet X H A. B. 1893; Ph. D. 1896 Johns Hopkins. Instr. in Phvsics, Yale Univ., 97-00. Member Engi- neers' Club and Aero Club of America. Manufacturer. Gallaudet Aircraft Corporation, East Greenwich, R. L Thomas Augustus Gardiner* C X A. B. 1893. Banker. Rufus Macqueen Gibbs* A. B. 1893. Merchant. [Arthur] Lawrence Greer A. B. 1S93; LL. B. 1895 cum laude New York Law School: Scroll and Key. Member Union, Knickerb' ckor. Univcrsitv, Metropolitan, Ya'e, Rockaway Hunting and Turf and Field Clubs. Z7 Wali St.; res. 126 E. S6th St., New York, N. Y. d. 1913 @ pX d. 1916 uX A. B. 1893; LL. B. 1897 Columbia. Asst. Cor- poration Counsel City of New York, 01-06; Member Executive Committee and Committee of Admissions; Assn of the Bar of the City of New York. Member Union, Knickerbocker, Midday, Racquet and Tennis and Tuxedo Clubs. Lawyer. ■-: 22 William St.; res. 109 E. 64th St., New York, N. Y. Charles Ralph Hickox XP'^ A. B. 1893: LL. B. 1896 Harvard. Member U. S. Vols. Troop A, 98; 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Inf., 98. Member (ientury, University and Yale Clubs; Down Town Assn.; Adirondack League. Lawyer. 27 William St.; res. 557 Madison Ave.. New York, N. Y. p P L^ d. 1907 PyX Sherwood Bissell Ives* A. B. 1893: Physician. M. D. 1896 Columbia. Irwin Boyle Laughlin A. B. 1893. (State Dept., Washington, D. C.) Walter Rumsey Marvin H to fi. A. B. 1893. Manager. National Biscuit Co., 409 W. 15th St., New York; res. 362 Main St., New Rochelle, N. Y. Charles William Mills 0 A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1897 Univ. of Cincinnati. Lawyer. d. 1914 Max Howard Kershow* ^ I a A. B. 1895. d. 1901 Charles Adams Kimball B H A A. B. 1895. Phi Beta Kappa. House of Representatives (Mass.), 14; State Senate, 15-17. Member Middlesex (Boston) and Massachusetts Republican Clubs. Farmer. King St., Littleton, Mass. Franklin Lawrence Lee* 8yA A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1898 New York Law School. Lawyer. d. 1911 Lloyd Lowndes, Jr. A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1897. (Bloomingfields, Rawlings, Md.) KElS 1895-96] BETA CHAPTER 167 Richard Tasker Lowndes* A. B. 1895. David Brainard Lyman ^' y. CO d. 1905 O £ a A. B. 1895. Wolf's Head. Track, 92-94; Football, 93-94. Member Clnircli, Union League and La Grange Country Clubs. Lawyer. 69 W. Washington St., Chicago; res. 133 S. Spring Ave., La Grange, 111. Guy Richards McLane eoM A. B. 1895. Wolf's Head. Sec. and Governor, University Club; Chairman Ivy Committee. Member University, Republican, Yale, Bankers' Stock Exchange Luncheon, Westchester Coun- try, Nassau. Princeton (N. J.), Graduates' and Country (New Haven) Clubs. Broker. 26 Broadway; res. 53S Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Roswell Bertram Mason Ptto A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1897 Northwestern Univ. Scroll and Key; He Boule. Chairman Yale iXezi's; Jvmior Promenade Committee. .Master in Chancery Circuit Court of Cook County, 111.; Joint Compiler Revised Code, City of Ciii- cago, 05. Member Chicago Bar Assn.; Univer. sity and Iroquois Clubs. Lawyer. 1010 Marquette Bldg., Chicago; res. 326 Ridge Ave., Winnetka, 111. Henry Giles Miller PpA A. B. 1895. Scroll and Key; Eta Phi. Chair- man Board of Editors Yale Record. Member University Club of Chicago, Saddle and Cycle, Skokic Country, Evanston Country and Iro- quois Clubs. Lawyer. 306, 35 N. Dearborn St., Chicago; res. 1334 Asbury Ave., Evanston, 111. Robert Cecil Nesbit Poa A. B. 1895. Scroll and Key; Eta Phi. Member University and Graduates' (New Haven, Conn.) Clubs. Rcsl Est3.tc 340 Madison Ave.; res. 58 W. 39th St., New York, N. Y. Julian St. John Nolan P t M A. B. 1895. Member Yale and Chicago Yacht and Yale (New York) Clubs. Insurance. 339 Insurance Exchange Bldg., Chicago; res. Winnetka, 111. Alfred Townsend Osgood '*F t Q A. B. 1895; M. D. 1899 Columbia. Elihu Club. Assoc. Attending Surg., Bellevue and Consulting Surg. Presbyterian Hosps. Member Acad, of Medicine; National, State and County Med. Socs.; Am. Assn. Genito-Urinary Surgeons; University and Yale and Graduates' (New Haven) (Hubs. Surgeon. 40 E. 41st St.; res. 161 E. 71st St., New York, N. Y. Ervin Edward Osgood* A. B. 189S. Q Ao d. 1903 Henry Jvison Parsons P 7 "^ A. B. 1895. Wolf's Head. Member University and Yale Clubs. Banker. Spencer Trask & Co., 25 Broad St., New York, N. Y. George Alexander Phelps* P u oi A. B. 1895. Wolf's Head; Eta Phi. Member Vale and University Clubs. Merchant. Lewis Sterrett Sadler Banker. Farmers' Trust Co., Carlisle, Pa. Alfred Egmont Schernlerhorn d. 1916 OGp. BLA .•\. B. 1895. Governor, Southampton Hosp.; Village Trustee. Member St. Nicholas Soc; Union, University, Yale, Meadow and South- ampton Clubs. Real Estate and Insurance. 7 E. 42d St., New York; res. Main St., South- ampton, N. Y. Charles Storey Thurston A L oi A B. 1895; LL. B. 1898 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Member Yale and City (New York) and Genesee Valley (Rochester) Clubs Lawyer. 12 Coulter Bldg.; res. 14 Academy St., Saranac Lake, N. Y. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 3d pt]; M A. B. 1895; Ph. B. 1898; M. E. 1899. Scroll and Key; He Boule. Trustee Peabody Mu- seum; Commodore New York Yacht Club; Colonel 22d Engineers, N. G. N. Y. Member Union League, Century, Knickerbocker, Metro- politan, Brook, City Midday, Down Town, Uni- versity, Yale, New York Yacht, Larchmont Yacht and Turf and Field Clubs. Financier. 30 Pine St.; res. 677 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Allen Wardwell p w (o A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1898 Harvard. Scroll and Key; He Boule. Member University, Yale, Century. Rockaway Hunt and Squadron .\ Clubs; Down Town Assn. Lawyer. 15 Broad St.; res. 127 E. 80th St., New York, N. Y. 1896 Eugene Davenport x\lexander ^ S ^ A. B. 1896. Phi Beta Kappa; Wolf's Head. Member Psi Upsilon, University and Under- writers' Clubs; Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Lawyer. 2 Wall St., New York; res. 459 Pailsade Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Edgar Stirling Auchincloss* W p B A. B. 1896. Son of Edgar Stirling Auchincloss, Delta 64, brother of Hugh Auchincloss, Beta 01, Charles Crooke Aucliincloss, Beta 03, James Coats Auchincloss and Gordon Auchincloss, Beta 08 and nephew of Frederic Lawton Auchincloss, Beta 71 and Hugh Dudley Auchincloss, Beta 79. Transportation. d. 1910 Alfred Horatio Belo* A. B. 1896. Journalist. p a B d. 1906 168 BETA CHAPTER [1896 Henry Hobart Benedict 6tT A. B. 1896. Scroll and Key; Eta Phi. Member New Haven Lawn, New Haven Country. Grad- uates' and Quinnipiack and Racquet and Tennis (New York) Clubs. Merchant. 129 Church St.; res. 216 Bishop St., New Haven, Conn. John Kirkman Berry 00^ A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1898 New York Law School. Lawyer. (27 William St., New York, N. Y.) Henry Richardson Bond, Jr. P s tj; A. B. 1896. Member Thames (New London) and Yale, University and Racquet and Tennis (New York) Clubs. Manufacturer. Eastern Point Rd., Groton; res. 471 Pequot Ave., New London, Conn. John Sherrard Brittain, Jr. W v.^ A. B. 1896. Member Sons of the Revolution; St. Joseph Country, Benton, Lotos and High- lands Golf and Country Clubs. Merchant. 4th and Jule Sts.; res. 9th and Faraon Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. KOB A. B. 1896. Phi Beta Kappa; Elihu Club. Consulting Architect, Vassar Coll. Member Boston See. of Architects, Am, Inst, of Archi- tects, Architectural, Brookline Country, Yale (New York) and Exchange and Footlight (Boston) Clubs. Architect. 40 Central St., Boston; res. Dudley Rd., New- ton Center, Mass. Charles Collins Wendell Phillips Colton X^T A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1898 New York Law School. Advertising. 165 Broadway, New York; res. 31 Monroe PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Harry Parsons Cross ps'^ A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1900 Harvard. Elihu Club. Football; Track. Member Executive Committee Metropolitan Park Assn.; Delegate from R. I. to Republican National Convention; Pres. Lincoln School; 2d Asst. Attv. General of R. I., 07-12; Asst. Atty. General, 12. Member Agawam, Turk's Head, Hope, .'Vrt and Knicker- bocker and Yale (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 32 Westminster .St.; res. 66 Cooke St., Provi- dence, R. I. William Redmond Cross Po(]; A. B. 1896. Skull and Bones. Crew; Foot- ball. Financier. 33 Pine St.; res. Ill E. 38th St., New York, N. Y. Alfred Loomis Curtis 0a^ A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1899 Columbia. Wolf's Head; Kappa Psi. Member University Club. Manufacturer. 147 W. 99th St., New York, N. Y. Clarence [Shepard] Day, Jr. P L tp A. B. 1896. Member Century Club. Writer. 258 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. Sherman Day Pu(]^ A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1899 New York Law School. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key; Eta Phi. Pres. Athletic Assn. Member Racquet and Tennis, Brook, Knickerbocker, Union and Uni- versity Clubs. Lawyer. 55 Wall St.; res. 6 E. 44th St., New York, N. Y. Johnston de Forest AM^ A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1899 Columbia. Lawyer. 30 Broad St.; res. 11 E. 9th St., New York, N. Y. Jules [Gabriel] Henri de Sibour 6 [jl B A. B. 1896. Skull and Bones; He Boule. Track: Pres. Yale Univ. Navy. Member Rac- quet and Tennis (New York), Metropolitan, (ihevy Chase and Alibi Clubs. Architect. Hibbs Bldg.; res. 1603 K St., Washington, D. C. p TC ^ Clarence DeWitt A. B. 1896. Financier. 71 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Henry Johnson Fisher K X N N ; p x «J< A. B. 1896. Scroll and Key; He Boule. Editor Yale Record and Yale Pot Pourri. Sec. Man- hattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hosp.; Executive Committee United Hosp. Fund of New York. Member Executive Council of Psi Upsilon, 08- 12. Member Yale, University, Riding and Cen- tury Clubs. Publisher. 22 William St., New York, N. Y.; res. Green- wich, Conn. Walter Buhl Ford Yitl^ A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1898. 720 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. John Marshall Gaines A. B. 1896; Ph. D. 1900. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Asst. Prof, of Political Economy, Yale Univ., 97-00: Instr. in Insurance, 03-04. ^Member Yale and Camp Fire Clubs. Merchant. Bronxville, N. Y. Theodore Meech Gowans O R <^ A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1900 Univ. of Buffalo. Phi Delta Phi. Member University Club. Insurance. 619 White Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. George Zabriskie Gray* 6i;b d. 1895 0vp Charles Vernon Hopkins A. B. 1896. CatskiU, N. Y. Gerard Merrick Ives* P tx P A. B. 1896. d. 1898 Henry Spies Kip p rainard Warner Parker A. B. 1898; LL. B. 1901 George Washington Univ. Lawyer. Woodward Bldg.; res. 3734 Oliver St., Wash- ington, D. C. Grenville Parker % - A. B. 1901. Eta Phi. Member University and Saddle and Cycle Clubs. Insurance Broker. l.U S. La Salle St.; res. 140 E. Superior St., Chicago, 111. Harvey Thomas Weeks, Jr.* X TS A. B. 1901. d. 1914 Heywood Hotchkiss Whaples p o v A. B. 1901. Former Councilman and Alder- man, Hartford. Member Hartford Golf, Coun- try (Farmingrton), Graduates' (New Haven), Yale and University (New York), and Daunt- 178 BETA CHAPTER [1901-02 less (Essex, Conn.) Clubs; Sons of Am. Revo- lution. Banker. 77 Pearl St., Hartford; res. Waterville Rd., Farmington, Conn. Arthur Jewett Young e-riN A. B. 1901; LL. B. 1904 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Psi. Trustee Worcester City Hosp., 12-13. Member Yale, Harvard and Worcester Clubs. Lawyer. 30 State St., Boston; res. 14 Norfolk Rd., Brookline, Mass. 1902 Franklin Abbott ^ a V A. B. 1902. Member Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Golf, University and Allegheny Country Clubs. See Lambda 04 Architect. Century Bldg.; res. 5365 Darlington Rd., Pitts- burgh, Pa. George Wheeler Babcock ^ a v' A. B. 1902. Member River Valley and Tavern Clubs. Manufacturer. Puritan Cordage Mills, 1564 Story Ave.; res. Rockledge, Louisville, Ky. Courtlandt Dixon Barnes Broker. 74 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Charles Houghton Baxter Yv c^p A. B. 1902. Insurance broker. 80 Maiden Lane; res. 100 \\'. 80th St., New York, N. Y. Dixon Boardman (J Y V A. B. 1902. Track. Member Yale, Westches- ter Country and Pelham Country Clubs. Manufacturer. E. I. S. Motion Picture Corp., 203 W. 40th St.. New York; res. James St., Pelham Manor, N. Y. Newton Case Brainard OSv A. B. 1902. Wolf's Head; Kappa Psi. Manufacturer. Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 141 Pearl St. res. 95 Washington St., Hartford, Conn. Graham Brush a S V A. B. 1902. Oration Appointment. Member St. Nicholas Soc; Vale, University and The Recess (New York) and Talbot Country (Easton, Md.) Clubs. Financier. 24 Broad St.; res. 222 W. S9th St., New York, N. Y. Julian Winsor Burdick* 0i;v Wolf's Head. Member Yale (New York). Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh Athletic Clubs. Manufacturer. West Pennsylvania Steel Co., Brackenridge; res. No. 3 Von Tent PI.. Pittsburgh, Pa. Alfred Miller Cressler ^ ff V A. B. 1902; A. M. 1908. Skull and Bones; Chi Delta Theta. Editor Yale Literary Maga- zine; Second Colloquy Appointment. Member Chicago Club (Chicago, 111.). Banker. W. H. Fillmore & Co., St. Paul Bldg., Cincin- nati; res. 232 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. James Rogers Deering aJ^v A. B. 1902. Scroll and Key. Executive Com- mittee West End Assn. Member Yale, Man- hattan and Racquet and Tennis Clubs. Lawyer. 135 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Henry Sturges Ely QoM A. B. 1902. Phi Beta Kappa; Statistician; Editor Senior Class Book. Yale Daily News and Yale Record; Business Mgr. Yale Courant. Chairman Publicity Committee Commercial Club; Pres. University Club. Member Uni- versity, Commercial, Country and Cedar Rapids Ad Clubs. Real Estate. 403 Security Bldg.; res. 509 Knollwood Drive, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Alton Farrel 6v A. B. 1902. Alternate to Republican Conven- tion, Chicago, 08 and 12; Presidential Elector. 08; State Senator. Member Union League and Yale (New York), Graduates', Country and Lawn (New Haven) Clubs. Manufacturer. 30 Main St.; res. 37 State St., Ansonia, Conn. Alfred Ludlow Ferguson aGv A. B. 1902. Merchant. 15 William St., New York, N. Y. ; res. Green- wich, Conn. Robert Hale Ives Goddard 6).v A. B. 1902. Manufacturing. 50 S. Main St.; res. 66 Power St., Providence, R. I. William Potter Haines tHp' A. B. 1902. .Member University Club. Insurance Broker. 418 White Bldg.; res. 71 Cleveland Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Henrv William Hamlin Xv A. B. 1902; LL. B. 1904 New York Law School. Phi Delta Phi. Honors in History; Honorable Mention: John A. Porter Prize in Am. His- tory; Editor Yale Daily News; Tennis. Lawyer. 70 S. Main St.; res. 61 Howell St.. Canan- daigua, N. Y. James Crane Higgins ! Y] e A. B. 1902; LL. B. 1906 Columbia. Member Yale Club; New York City Bar Assn.; Loyal Legion. Lawyer. 31 Nassau St.: res. 27 Washington Sq. N., New York, N. Y. Henry Stewart Hooker e[iv A. B. 1902. Scroll and Key. Crew (3): Uni- versity Four (2) ; Freshman Crew (Capt) ; Freshman Football. Mayor's Committee on Na- tional Defense. IVfember Union, Yale, Tuxedo and Racquet and Tennis Clubs; Bar Assn. Lawyer. 52 Wall St.; res. 50 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. 1902-0:iJ BETA CHAPTER 179 George Huntington Hull, Jr. ^av' A. B. 1902. Wolf's Head. Member Tuxedo, Baltusrol Golf and Yale Clubs. Investment Securities. 27 Pine St., New York, N. Y.; res. Short Hills, X. J. Frederic Rose Keator ^ a 'v A. B. 1902. Dissertation Appointment Sopho- more and Senior Years. Member Vale Club; Sons of the Revolution in the State of New N'ork; Soc. of Colonial Wars; Holland and St. Nicholas Socs. Lawyer. 22 Exchange PL; res. 583 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. Herman Warren Knox a [J. V Eta Phi. Member Yale and Rumson Country Clubs. Publisher. 115 Broadway; res. 1270 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. ' George Lear, 2d 6 7C V A. B. 1902. Manufacturer. United Gas Improvement Co.. Broad and .Vrcli Sts. ; res. School Lane and Pulaski Ave. (Ger- mantown), Philadelphia. Pa. George Walter Lindenberg epv A. B. 1902. Scroll and Key; Eta Phi. Mem- ber Columbus Athletic and Arlington Country Clubs. Manufacturer. Columbia Brass Co., 538 Dublin Ave.; res. 42 .\uburn Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Benjamin Robbins Curtis Low azv A. B. 1902; LL. B. 1905 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Elihu Club. Pres. Phi Beta Kappa. .\uthor "The Sailor Who Has Sailed;" ".X Wand and Strings;" "Tlie House That W.ns." Member Yale, Harvard, University and Mid- day Clubs; Assn. of the Bar of the City of New York. Lawyer. 30 Broad St., New York; res. 58 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. -Arthur Crosby Ludington* a p v A. B. 1902. d. 1914 W'illard Blackinton Luther y S '% A. B. 1902: A. M. 1905: LL. B. 19(lS Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi; Elihu. Ser- geant Battery D, 1st Field Artillery, N. G. Mass. Member Milton, Oakley Country, Har- vard and Yale (Boston) and Graduates' (New Haven) Clubs; Harvard Musical. Boston Bar and Mass. Bar Assns. Lawyer. 16 State St., Boston; res. 64 Canton St., Milton, Mass. Norman Howell Mason a v A. B. 1902. Merchant. (Athens Apts., Ardmore, Pa.) 'ayson AlcLane Merrill a j v A. 1'.. 1902. X.I Phi. Phelps As'^n.: Yolc Xcu's. Member Yale, Racquet and Tennis, Rockaway Hunt and Graduates' (New Haven) Clubs. Real Estate and Insurance. 9 E. 44th St., New York; res. Cedarhust, N. Y. Henry Pendleton Rogers OTv A. B. 1902. Member Knickerbocker, Racquet and Tennis, Tuxedo and Garden City Golf Clubs. Broker. 20 Broad St., New York; res. Tuxedo Park, N. Y. Frank Huestin Sincerbeaux Tv A. B. 1902; LL. B. 1905 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Salutatorian; Water- man Scholar; Won Thatcher Prize in Debating. Lawyer. 46 Cedar St., New York; res. 110 Newbold PI., Kew Gardens, N. Y. Aubrey Adam Smith A. B. 1902. State Representative, 07; State Senator, 11. Member Omaha and Omaha Country Clubs. Banker. St. Edward, Nebr. Edwin Allen Stebbins (7 ^ V A. B. 1902. Skull and Bones. Member Uni- versity and Rochester Tennis Clubs. Fruit Grower. 87 Franklin St.; res. Clover St. (Brighton), Rochester, N. Y. Henry Budington Stoddard ff ^ v A: B. 1902. Baseball; Hockey (Capt.). Lawyer. 499 Washington Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. Samuel Harold Stone Oev A. B. 1902; LL. B. 1904 Syracuse. Skull and Bones; Eta Phi. Lawyer. Onondaga Bank Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. Joseph Rockwell Swan a £ v A. B. 1902. Skull and Bones; He Boule. Mem- ber Racquet and Tennis, Yale and Metropolitan Clubs. Banker. 5 Nassau St., New York; res. Roslyn, N. Y. Reginald Claypoole Vanderbilt 6 ^ v A. B. 1902. Wolf's Head; He Boule. Pres. Am. Hackney Horse Soc; Dir. National Horse -Show Assn. of America. Member Brook, Knickerbocker, Metropolitan, Coaching, Turf and Field, Riding and Driving, Racquet and Tennis, .Xutomobile of .\nierica, Westchester Polo, Meadowbrook (N. Y'), Four-in-Hand (Philadelphia), Massachusetts Automobile (Bos- ton), Hope (Providence) and Travellers' (Paris) Clubs; Citizens' Business (Newport, R. I.) Assn.; Newport Reading Room; Newport Casino. Investor. Grand Central Terminal; res. 12 E. 77th St., New York, N. Y. 1903 Charles Roberts Aldrich Off'p A. B. 1903. Phi Delta Phi. Snecia' Senior Honors in English Literature. Member Uni- versity (Washington, D. C.) Club. Son of Charles Henry Aldrich, Phi 75. Lawver. 5 Nassau St.; res. 119 Washington PI., New York, N. Y. 180 BETA CHAPTER [1903 Charles Crooke Auchincloss Oa'p A. B. 1903. Scroll and Key; He Boule. Crew Treas. Prison Assn. of N. Y. Member Univer sity, Racquet and Tennis, Union and Knicker booker Clubs. Son of Edgar Stirling Auchin closs, Delta 64, brother of Hugh Auchincloss, Beta 01. James Coats Auchincloss and Gordon Auchincloss, Beta 08 and nephew of Frederic Auchincloss, Beta 71 and Hugh Dudley Auchin- closs, Beta 79. Lawyer. 61 Broadway; res. 12 E. 71st St., New York, N. Y. Charles Russell Auchincloss ^g'p A. B. 1903. Scroll and Key; He Boule. Mem- ber Garden City (N. Y.), Golf and Union Clubs. Broker. 20 Broad St.; res. 27 W. 53d St., New York, N. Y. Ralph Bristol 0aV A. B. 1903. Wolf's Head. Member Yala Club. Broker. IS Broad St., New York, N. Y.; res. 9 Glen Rd., iMontclair, N. J. George Brewster Chadwick 6 a 'p A. B. 1903. Manufacturer. The Paterson Mfg. Co., Limited, 172 King St. E., Toronto, Canada. Arthur Morris Collens 6a'p A. B. 1903. Member Hartford Golf, Plain- field (N. J.) Country and Yale (New York) Clubs. Insurance. Phoenix Insurance Co., 49 Pearl St.,; res. 205 Beacon St., Hartford, Conn. Erastus Corning Gff'p A. B. 1903; M. D. 1907 Union Univ. Trustee New York State Coll. for Teachers; New York State Hosp. for Tuberculosis. Member Albany Country and Yale (New York) Clubs; Univer- sity Club of Albany. Physician. 72 S. Swan St.; res. 219 Lark St. Albany, N. Y. James Pigott Cronan ea'p A. B. 1903. See Eta 08 Banker. Union and New Haven Trust Co., New Haven, Conn. Charles Orrin Day, Jr. a p' A. B. 1903; M. D. 1907 Harvard. Physician. Main St., Hingham, Mass. Rodney Dean Day B S 6 A. B. 1903; M. E. 1906 Cornell. See Chi 06. Manufacturer. Pollnk Steel Co.; res. 3738 Clifton Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Clive Livingston Du Val 9a'p A. B. 1903. Scroll and Key; Kappa Psi. Mgr. Track; Mgr. Athletic Assn. Member Yale and Hamilton (Brooklyn) Clubs. Broker. 74 Broadway; res. 875 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Robert Hall Ewell A. B. 1903; LL. B. 1906 Harvard. Lawyer. eap' 61 Broadway; res. 315 W. 97th St., New York, N. Y. Mansfield Ferry pop' A. B. 1903; LL. B. 1909 Harvard. Editor Harvard Law Review. Member Ardsley (N. Y.) Saddle and Cycle (Chicago), Universitv, City, Midday, Harvard and Automobile Clubs. Lawyer. Onteora Club, Tannersville, N. Y. Morton Cross Fitch Qgq A. B. 1903; LL. B. 1905 New York Law School. Elihu Club. Member Yale and University Clubs. Lawyer. 32 Nassau St., New York; res. 14 Sidney PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Alan Fox 6 a p A. B. 1903; LL. B. 1906 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Elihu Club. Mgr. Football; M^r. Debat- ing Team. Member Yale, Harvard, City Mid day. Republican, Squadron A and Ardsley rNew York) Clubs. Lawyer. 50 Pine St.; res. 9 E. 10th St., New York, N. Y. Gap George Augustus Goss William Poyntell Johnston A. B. 1903. Manufacturer. (Scovill Mfg. Co., 99 Mill St.; res. 117 Pine St., Waterbury, Conn.) pep A. B. 1903. Kappa Psi; Elihu Club. Freshman Crew; Football. Member Wilmington, Wilming- ton Country and Yale (New York) Clubs. Banker. 700 Equitable Bldg.; res. 1514 W. 14th St., Wilmington, Del. Albert Richard Lamb ? ^'p A. B. 1903; M. D. 1907 Columbia. Skull and Bones; Eta Phi. Asst. Attending Phys. Presby- terian Hosp. Member Yale and Racquet and Tennis Clubs. Physician. 101 E. 74th St.; res. 171 E. 71st St., New York. N. Y. Randolph Lyons pap A. B. 1903; M. D. 1907 Tulane Univ. Wolf's Head: Kappa Psi; University and New Haven Lawn Clubs; Yale Dramatic Assn. Asst. Prof, of Clinical Medicine, Tulane Univ.; Visiting Phys. New Orleans Charity Hosp.; Junior Phys. Town Infirmary. Member Boston (New Orleans) and New Orleans Lawn Tennis Clubs and Yale Club of Louisiana. Physician. 1206 Maison Blanche Bldg.; res. 1428 1st St., ^few Orleans, La. Paul Ford Mann p a 'p A. B. 1903. Wolf's Head. Sergeant Troop I, First N. Y. Cavalry. Member Saturn and Park Clubs. Architect. Dun Bldg.; res. 37 Allen St., Buffalo, N. Y. Charles Arthur Moore, Jr. A. B. 'l903. (Greenwich, Conn.) Daniel Harris Morgan pa p pa p A. B. 1903. Member Mass. Legislature, 06-07. Capt. Governor's (Conn.) Staff, 07. Banker. 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y.; res. Southport, Conn. 1903-04] BETA CHAPTER 181 Augustus Kountze Oliver pa p A. B. 1903. Wolf's Head; Kappa Psi. Editor Yale Record; Hockey. Trustee Carnegie Inst.; Homoeopathic Hosp. (Pittsburgli). Member Diuiuesne. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Golf, Pitts- burgh Field, Allegheny Country and Yale (New York) Clubs. Publisher. Gazette Sq.; res. 3 Colonial PI., Pittsburgh, Pa. George French Porter pop A. B. 1903. I'innncier. 38 S. Dearborn St.; res. 12 E. Scott St., Chicago, 111. Reeve Schley P^ p A, B. 1903; LL. B. 1906 Columbia. Wolf's Head; Knnpa Psi. Crew (Capt.); Tennis; Merr. Hockey; Editor Yale Banner; Ten Eyck Premium. Mem- ber Metropolitan, Rumson (N. J.) Countrv and Yale Clubs. Lawyer. 62 Cedar St., New York, N. Y. Brockholst Mathewson Smith p • O' A. B. 1906. Elihu Club. Crew. Educator. „ , i /- i Linden and Grand Aves., San Rafael, Cal. Wedworth William Clarke K B V A. B. 1906. Rancher. Parkdale, Oregon. Edwin Corning Bo)K' A B. 1906. Brother of Parker Corning, Beta, 95. Manufacturer. Ludlum Steel Co., Watervlict; res. C.lcnmont, N. Y. 186 BETA CHAPTER [1906 Urban Cronan B p n' I Robinson Leech t}3K^ A. B. 1906; A. M. 1908. Educator. (American Express Co., 11 Rue Scribe, Paris, France.) Friend St. Clair Dickinson B ^ A' A. B. 1906. Member College Club of Seattle. Merchant. 2026 L. C. Smith Bldg.; res. 816 E. Prospect St., Seattle, Wash. Augustus Wilson Eddy K X' A. B. 1906. 2d. Dispute. Member Evanston Country and Glen View Clubs. Broker. 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago; res. 521 Green- wood Blvd., Evanston, 111. HH'a A. B. 1906. Phi Beta Kappa. Member Rac- quet Club. Sales Manager. The Congoleum Co., 604 Morris Bldg.; res. 4116 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Francis Bolton Elwell Allen Evarts Foster B AIA^ A. B. 1906; LL. B. 1909 Harvard. Member Yale, Harvard and Squadron A Clubs. Lawyer. 49 Wall St.; res. Yale Club, New York, N. Y. Charles Waterhouse Goodyear B W 6 B. S. 1906. Wolf's Head. Manufacturer. 36 Letchworth St.; res. 123 Oakland PI., Buffa lo, N. Y. Lemuel 'Whittington Gorham O t X' A. B. 1906; M. D. 1910 Johns Hopkins. Sigma Xi; Elihu Club. Editor Yale Banner. Asst. Attending Phys. Albany and St. Peter's Hosps.; Instr. in Medicine, Union Univ. Member Al- bany Country, Fort Orange and University Clubs. Physician. 214 State St., Albany, N. Y. Lester Eames Grant K «}; X' A. B. 1906; M. E. 1909 Columbia. Scroll and Key. Member Yale Club (New York.) Mining Engineer. 770 Pennsylvania St., Denver, Colo. Albert Byron Gregory <]'TO A. B. 1906. Wolf's Head; Stoics; St. Paul's Club and Berkeley Assn. Pres. St. Paul's and St. Louis Clubs. Engineer. Security Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. William Daniels Harris Initiated by the Mu Donald Parker Haynie o X 0. A. B. 1906. Pres. St. Paul Tennis Club. Mem- ber University, Tennis and Curling Clubs. Insurance. .=;02 New York Life Bldg.; res. 707 Fairmount Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dwight Ruggles Perry Heaton B S A' A. B. 1906; M. D. 1909 Columbia. Member Yale Club. Physician. 17 Trinity PI., New Rochelle, N. Y. A. B. 1906; LL. B. 1908 New York Law School. Dwight Club. Member Yale and Squadron A Clubs. Lawyer. ♦ 27 Cedar St., New York; res. 84 Joralemon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Cabot Ward Low Boo A. B. 1906. Wolf's Head. ^ifcmber Uni- versity, Yale and Rockaway Iluiuiiig Clubs. Manufacturer. 3i W. 42d St., New York; res. Cedarhurst, N. Y. Donald McBride Bixo' A. B. 1906; LL. B. 1910. Member Mayfield, Union, University and Country Clubs. Manufacturer. Cleveland-Akron Bag Co., E. 40th St. and Per- kins Ave., N. E.; res. Derbyshire Rd., Cleve- land, Ohio. James George King AlcClure, Jr. YD* ^ \^ Clergyman and Agriculturist. Hickory Nut Gap, Fairview, N. C. Donald Ashbrook McGee ¥ \i K A. B. 1906. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Sales Manager. 199 Fulton St.. New York, N. Y.; res. 103 Sycamore Ave., Plainfield, N. J. William Elder Marcus, Jr. . T i K' A. B. 1906. Member Psi Upsilon, Yale and University Clubs. Jeweler. Marcus & Co., 544 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y.; res. 284 Upper Mountain Ave., Montclair, N. J Edward Shorney Mills ByK' A. B. 1906. Member Yale, Rockaway Hunting, Graduates' (New Haven) and National Golf Clubs. Publisher. 443 Fourth Ave., New York; res. Cedarhurst, N. Y. Piatt Rogers, Jr. «|; K X' A. B. 1906. Engineer. 719 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Robert Langdon Rogers* K y X' A. B. 1906. d. 1915 Edward Clarkson Seward, Jr. (]; 11 co A. B. 1906; LL. B. 1907 and LL. M. 1908 New York Law School. Phi Beta Kappa. Patent Lawyer. 261 Broadway, New York; res. Hotel St. George, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mahlon Daniel Thatcher t|;n6 A. B. 1906. Elihu Club. Banker. First National Bank; res. 520 W. 15th St., Pueblo, Colo. BXK' Spencer Turner A. B. 1906. Skull and Bones. Member Rac- quet and Tennis. Merchants' Yale and Rum- son (Seabright, N. J.) Clubs. Merchant. 62 Leonard St.; res. 65 E. 91st St., New York, N. Y. 1906-07] BETA CHAPTER 187 Chester Burrows Van Tassel ^' P o A. B. 1906. Wolfs Head. Member Yale, Ardsley and University Glee Clubs. Publisher. Harpers Bazar, 119 W. 40lh St., New York; les. 487 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Augustus Walton 11 F T' A. B. 1906. Member Yale, Hamilton and Heights Casino (Brooklyn) and Richmond County Country (Dongan Hills) Clubs. Merchant. 164 Chambers St., New York; res. 28 Orange St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Middagh Willard* Frank Eugene Wilson B0O o \i.\' A. B. 1906. Member University (Chicago), Yale (New York) and Wapsipinicon Clubs. Manufacturer. Clinton Bridge Works; res. 306 Sixth Ave., Clinton, Iowa. 1 high Robert Wilson BSK A. B. 1906. Second Sec. of Am. Embassy, Berlin, Germany. Diplomatist. Department of State, Washington, D. C; res. 23 Lutzow Ufer, Berlin, Germany. 1907 Gordon Wilson Abbott B8A' A. B. 1907. Scroll and Key. Member Rac- quet and Tennis, Yale, Bankers' and Squash Clubs. Banker and Broker. 120 Broadway; res. 12 E. 76th St., New York, N. Y. Ernest Schwefel Ballard II vQ- A. B. 1907; LL. B. 1910 Univ. of Pa. Lawyer. (1139 Oakley Ave., Hubbard Woods, 111.) William McCormick Blair BSA' A. B. 1907. Banker. 400 Rookery Bldg.; res. 1416 Astor St. Chi- cago, 111. Howard Boulton HvQ' A. B. 1907. Wolf's Head. Crew. Member Yale and Rumson Country Clubs. Broker. 100 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. Red Bank, N. J. Richmond Lennox Brown 3Eo> A. B^ 1907; LL. B. 1910 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Treas. Brooklyn City Dispensary; Dir. Hamilton Club; Sec. and Glovernor Heights Casino. Member Hamilton, Heights Casino and Richmond County Country Clubs. Lawyer. 20 Exchange PL, New York; res. 183 Colum- bia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ludlow Seguine Bull How A. B. 1907; LL. B. 1910 Harvard. Scroll and Key; Cercle Francais; Pundits: Deutcher Verein; Glee Club (Yale); Lincoln's Inn and Choate Club (Harvard). Member Union, Uni- versity, Ardsley and Yale (New York), Grad- uates' (New Haven) and Sanctum (Litchfield, Conn.) ^Clubs; Huguenot Soc. and Soc. of Colonial Wars. Scholar. 45 W. S3d St., New York, N. Y. Norman Parsons Clement t A^ A. B. 1907. Elihu Club. Football. Member Ellicott University, Saturn, Buffalo Tennis and Squash Clubs and University and Yale (New York) and Elihu (New Haven) Clubs. Cashier. Marine National Bank of Buffalo, 237 Main St.; res. 33 Oakland PI., Buffalo, N. Y. Ralph Dennis Cutler LC'P Member Hartford Golf and University Clubs. Manufacturer. Hartford Electric Light Co., Pearl St.; res. 81 Gillett St., Hartford, Conn. Richard Ely Danielson ^ S S' A. B. 1907; A. M. 1910. Farmer. Groton, Mass. Theodore Polhemus Dixon S X A. B. 1907. !Member Racquet and Tennis and Yale Clubs. Banker. Low, Dixon & Co., 37 Wall St.; res. 129 E. 69th St., New York, N. Y. Frederic Russell Dolbeare Cf M a' A. B. 1907. Second Sec. of Am. Embassy, Vienna, Austria. Member University (Hart- ford, Conn.) and Yale (New York) Clubs. Diplomatist. 14 Steele Rd., Hartford, Conn. Harold Pegram Fabian HyA' A. B. 07; LL. B. 1910 Harvard. Elihu, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs. Member Alta, Univer- sity, Country, Tennis and Weber Clubs. Lawyer. 902-6 Kearns Bldg.; res. 1153 Second Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. Bainbridge Doty Folwell «{;ZA' A. B. 1907. Pundits. First Dispute Junior Appointment. Member Saturn and Ellicott Clubs (Buffalo, N. Y.). Shipper. Folwell & Gilmour, San Francisco; res. 636 Prospect Blvd., Pasadena, Cal. Frederick Clifford Ford ^A^^ A. B. 1907. Broker. 416 Ford Bldg.; res. 192 Van Dyke Ave., De- troit, Mich. FVenliss Bailey Gilbert Initiated by the Upsilon Hugh C[Iaudius] Gillis BtA^ A. B. 1907. Freshman Football. Real Estate. S. J. Murton & Co., 542 McKnight Bldg.; res. 2216 Bryant Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Bradlev Goodvear nxw' A. B. 1907; LL. B. 1910 Harvard. Member Saturn, Buffalo Tennis and Squash and Yale (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 604 Iroquois Bldg.; res. 894 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 188 BETA CHAPTER [1907 Arthur Robbins Griswold HE '(5 A. B. 1907. Member Psi Upsilon, Advertising and Yale Clubs. Advertising. 381 Fourth Ave.; res. 49 E. 10th St., New York, N. Y. Bayard Gushing- Hoppin ^K'^ A. B. 1907. Scroll and Key. Univ. Four-Oar Crew (2) (4). Member Union and Squadron A Clubs. Broker. 5 Nassau St., New York; res. East Islip, N. Y. Jeremiah Howard Jones ^I' X ^ A. B. 1907. Lawyer. 31 Elm St.; res. 30 Avon PI., Springfield, Mass. Harold Kountze ^IJ-^' A. B. 1907. Wolf's Head. Member Denver. University, Country (Denver) and Yale (New York) Clubs. Banker. Colorado National Bank; res. 935 Washington St., Denver, Colo. Stenhen Lesher Landon ^[^^' A. B 1907. Yale (New York) Club. See Lambda 10. Engineer. Commercial Mining Co.; res. P. O. Box 256 Prescott, Ariz. John Harold Lawrence c};SQ' A. B. 1907; LL. B. 1911 Harvard. Member Union, Casino, Yale, (Chicago) and Racine Country Clubs; St. Cecilia Soc. (Charleston, Lawyer. 10 S. La Salle St.; res. 100 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, 111. Mitchell Stuart Little W o r A. B. 1907. Member Hartford, Hartford Golf, University and Twentieth Century Clubs. Manufacturer. 94 Allyn St.; res. 339 Laurel St., Hartford, Conn. Francis Edgerton Manierre 11 D '^ A. B. 1907. Gun Team; Capt. Yale Rifle Team. Sec. Chicago Real Estate Board; Member Executive Committee of Legislative Voters' League and Boy Scout Organization. Member University Saddle and Cycle, City, Cliicago Golf and Sanganois Clubs. Real Estate. 112 W. Adams St.; res. 751 Lincoln Parkway, Chicago, III. ^' Karlton Goodsell Percy Hixa' A. B._ 1907; M. D. 1911 cum laude Harvard. Innovitiate and Aesculapian Clubs; Boylston Med. Soc Crew. Asst. Phys. Children's Hosp., Boston; Instr in Pediatrics Harvard Med. School and Graduate School of Medicine: Visiting Phys. Brookline Public Schools; Chief Infant Welfare Clinic. Member Harvard Club- Mass. Med. Soc.; Am. Med. Assn. and New England Pediatrics Soc. Physician. 362 Commonwealth Ave., Boston; res 194 Aspinwall Ave., Brookline, Mass. Livingston Piatt ^nr A. B. 1907; LL. B. 1909 New York Law School. Wolf's Head. Member University, Yale and Apawamis Clubs. Lawyer. 120 Broadway; res. 244 W. 74th St., New York, N. Y. Graham Robinson F 9 'B A. B. 1907. Merchant. Armour Grain Co. of Chicago; res. 600 E. 36th St., Kansas City, Mo. Donald Mitchell Ryerson H K A' A. B. 1907. Wolf's Head. Oration Stand (1), (2), (3), (4). Member Chicago, Onwentsia, Shorcacres, University and Saddle and Cycle Clubs. Merchant. 2558 W. 16th St., Chicago; res. Lake Forest, Ansley Wilcox Sawder ^'nv A. B. 1907; LL. B. 1910 Univ. of Buffalo. Phi Delta Phi. Lawyer. 810 Fidelity Bldg.; res. 89 Ashland Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. George Schaefer Scott BR w A. B. 1907. Agriculturist. (Crippsdale, via Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada). Albert William Shields t]^ y X A. B. 1907; LL. B. 1910 Univ. of Pa. Elihu Club; Sharswood Law Club (Univ. of Pa.). Member Merion Cricket Club. See Tau 10 Lawyer. 200 Lincoln Bldg.; res. 3921 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Gilbert Little Stark* UWa' d. 1908 McNeil Seymour Stringer X T '^ A. B. 1907. Member University Club. Son of Edward Charles Stringer, Psi 76. Real Estate. 201 Germania Life Bldg.; res. 30 Kenwood Parkway, St. Paul, Minn. Cyril Sumner SXA' A. B. 1907. Scroll and Key. Mgr. Track. Physician. 233 Alexander St., Rochester, N. Y. Walbridge Smith Taft ^^r A. B. 1907; LL. B. 1910 Harvard. Elihu Club. Crew, 07. Member Yale, Knickerbocker, Rac- quet and Tennis, University, City Midday and Piping Rock Clubs. Lawyer. 60 Wall St.; res. 36 W. 48th St., New York, N. Y. Douglas Jay Torrey ^ oi 'X A. B. 1907; LL. B. 1910 Harvard. Scroll and Key. Track, (1), (2), (3), (4). Member Scranton, Scranton Country and Waverly Country Clubs. Lawyer. 401 Connell Bldg.; res. 2430 Washington Ave., Scranton, Pa. 1907-08 J BETA CHAPTER 189 Calvin Truesdalc BP^ A. B. 1907. Skull and Bones. Golf Team, 03-04. Member University, Yale, Hamilton (Brooklyn), Greenwich Country and Field' (Greenwich) Clubs; Bankers' Club of Am. Financier, 45 Wall St., New York, N. Y. ; res. Greenwich, Conn. George Coolidge Tuttle ^^V A. B. 1907; LL. B. 1910 Columbia. Member Minneapolis and Yale (New York) Clubs. Manufacturer. North Star Woolen Mill Co.; res. 2021 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. James Watson Webb cl^nA' I A. B. 1907. Member Knickerbocker, Metro- politan, Racquet and Tennis, Yale, Meadow Brook and Piping Rock Clubs. Insurance. 19 Cedar St., New York; res. Syosset, N. Y. Harold Sherman \\'ells Cj S A' A. B. 1907. Engineer. (University Club, Portland, Oregon.) 1908 Robert Abbott A. B. 190S. Scroll and Key. Member Psi Up- silon, Yale and University (New York) and Brooklawn Golf Clubs. Manufacturer. Bryant Electric Co., 1421 State St.; res. 263 Golden Hill St., Bridgeport, Conn. Gordon Auchincloss (];@ oj (]^^a> A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1911 Harvard. Scroll and Key. Crew; Football (1). Asst. U. S. Atty. Southern Dist. of N. Y., 13-14. Member Bar Assn.; Knickerbocker, Racquet and Tennis, Piping Rock, Midday and Yale Clubs. Son of Edgar Stirling Auchincloss, Delta 64, brother of Hugh Auchincloss, Beta 01, Charles Crooke Auchincloss, Beta 03, James Coats Auchincloss, Beta 08 and nephew of Frederic Lawton Auchin- closs, Beta 71 and Hugh Dudley Auchincloss, Beta 79. Lawyer. 61 Broadway; res. 68 E. 86th St., New York, N. Y. James Coats Auchincloss PpS A. B. 1908. Scroll and Key. Member Metro- politan, University, Yale and Rumson (N. J.) Clubs. Son of Edgar Stirling Auchincloss, Delta 64, brother of Hugh Auchincloss, Beta 01, Charles Crooke Auchincloss, Beta 03, Gor- don Auchincloss, Beta 08 and nephew of Fred- eric Lawton Auchincloss, Beta 71 and Hugh Dudley Auchincloss. Beta 79. Broker. 61 Broadway; res. 103 E. 86th St., New York, N. Y. Joseph Rowland Auchincloss ^ S a A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1911 Harvard, Scroll and Key. Member Yale and Rockaway Hunting Clubs; Bar Assn. of the City of New York. Lawyer. 15 Broad St.; res. 30 W. 49th St., New York, N. Y. Harry Sartwell Beardsley A. B. 1908. Elihu Club. Real Estate. 1 Exchange St.; res. 593 Park Ave., Rochester, N. Y. ^va Lucius Horatio Biglow, Jr. ^ 11 'A A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1911 Columbia. Football; Crew; Track. Member Yale and Squadron A Clubs. Lawyer. Robinson, Bacon, Gutterson & Biglow, 111 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. 206 Mont- rose Ave., South Orange, N. J. Joseph Clarence Black Iv C Y A. B. 1908. Member College Club. Manufacturer. 165 Jackson St.; res. 222 West Highland Drive, Seattle, Wash. Ralph Shepherd Bromer O D X' A. B. 1908; M. D. 1912 Univ. of Pa, Physician, (Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky.) Hamilton Mabie Brush H X ^' A. B. 1908. Fencing and Debating Teams; Kit Kat Club. Deacon Second Congregational Church; Dir. Y. M. C. A.; Sec. Public Health Assn. of Greenwich, Conn. Assistant Sales Manager. Am. Smelting & Refining Co.. 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ; res. Maher Ave., Green- wich, Conn. Edward Chester Congdon tp o 'Q A. B. 1908. Scroll and Key. Football; Crew. Member Kitchi Gammi Club. Banker. 807 Lonsdale Bldg.; res. 3300 London Rd., Du- luth, Minn. William Strong Gushing t o B A. B. 1908; A. B. 1911 O.xford. Educator. Simsbury, Conn. Edward Stiles Davey X $ X' A. B. 1908. Manufacturer. 164 Laidlaw Ave, Jersey City; res. 26 Park Ave., Maplewood, N. J. Walter Goodwin Davis, Jr. ^ $ '^ A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1911 Harvard. Lawyer. 82 West St., Portland, ^Slaine. Eugene Delano, Jr.* H [x B A. B. 1908. d. 1913 Courtland Palmer Dixon ^ to 'A A. B. 1908. Scroll and Key. Pres. Yale Univ. Club. Member L^nion, Racquet and Tennis, Yale and Rockaway Hunting Clubs. Broker. De Coppet & Co., 43 Exchange PI.; res. 29 W. 49th St., New York, N. Y. Walter Remy Dray ^[/.'a A. B. 1908; B. S. 1910 Mass. Inst, of Tech. Engineer. 3249 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Joseph Taylor Foster t|< x o) A. B. 1908. Financier. 133 S. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Charles Howard Gilbert A. B. 1908. Elihu Club. Manufacturer. P. R. Mallory & Co.. Inc., 51 E. 42d St., New York; res. Forest Ave., Rye, N. Y. Thomas Mercer Marshall ^Xo) A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1911 Pittsburgh Law School. Delta Psi; Elihu Club. Lawyer. 426 Frick Bldg.; res. 513 S. Highland Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Douglas Miller tFv^ A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1912 Harvard. Four Oar. Farmer. 56 Ridgewood Ave., Glen Ridge, N. J. Lawrence Vernon Miller tj; (0 '(|; A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1911. Member Green Spring Valley Hunt and Baltimore Clubs. Lawyer. 700 Maryland Trust Bldg.; res. 11 E. Chase St., Baltimore, Md. Mark Lincoln Mitchell (3 W 0) A. B. 1908. Scroll and Key. Football; Glee Club (Pres. 08). 1st Lieut. C Troop, Ohio Cavalry, 16. Member Yale, University and Troop C Cavalry Clubs. Manufacturer. Robert Mitchell Furniture Co., 2d and John Sts. ; res. 1333 Duncan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gilbert Nairn 11 p 'B A. B. 1908. Member University Club. Lawyer. 710 Fay Bldg.; res. University Club, Los Angeles, Cal. Henry Dutton Noble, Jr. 4-D'^ A. B. 1908. Member City; Owasco Country and Yale and University (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 122 Genesee St.; res. 129 South St., Auburn, N. Y. Robert Hale Noyes ^|;a'Q A. B. 1908. Wolf's Head. Logging. 1111 Yeon Bldg.; res. 634 Lovejoy St., Port- land, Oregon. Walter Richardson BE> A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1911 Univ. of Minn. Chi Delta Theta. Member University (St. Paul) Club. Lawyer. 1615 Pioneer Bldg.; res. 565 Portland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. oGX' Joseph Lionel Seligman A. B. 1908. Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs. Crew. 08. Member Yale, City, St. Andrews, City Midday, Recess, Psi Upsilon and Automo- bile Clubs. Banker. 1 William St.; res. 16 E. 81st St., New York. N. Y. Roger Bulkley Shepard ({;$'a A. B. 1908. Skull and Bones. Hockey; Base- ball. Member Minnesota, Town and Coun- try and Chicago Clubs. Merchant. Finch, Van Slyck & McConville Co., Park Sq.; res. 271 Summit Ave., St. Paul., Minn. Harold Stanley t{^ 7C 'a A. B. 1908. Skull and Bones. Banker. Guaranty Trust Co., 140 Broadway, New York, N. Y. James Hale Steinman (]; o (1) A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1911 Univ. of Pa. Manag- ing Editor Yale Daily News. Member Hamil- ton, Lancaster Country, Racquet (Philadelphia) and Yale (New York) Clubs. See Tau 11 Lawyer and Publisher. 8 W. King St.; res. 301 E. Orange St., Lan- caster, Pa. Leonard Sullivan tS'^ A. B. 1908. Wolf's Head. Member Yale, Rockaway Hunt and Squadron A Clubs. Brother of Arthur Bull aullivan. Iota 96. Merchant. Fred Butterfield & Co., Inc., 725 Broadway, New York; res. Woodmere, N. Y. James Mulford Tov/nsend, Jr. ^ v 'A A. B. 1908. Skull and Bones. Crew. Mem- ber Yale Club. Merchant. Watkins Coal Co., 17 Battery PL, New York; res. Mill Neck, N. Y. Joshua Boone Waterworth (];0'a A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1911 Western Reserve Coll. Lawyer. (Williamson Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio). 1909 Alfred Alexander Biddle A. B. 1909. Merchant. Gwynedd, Pa. oSy 1909] BETA CHAPTER 191 Harold Wilson Brooks o t) y A. B. 1909. Wolf's Head. Two Colloquies. Member Yale, Racquet, Rockaway Hunt and Turf and Field Clubs. Banker. 23 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Carroll Teller Brown i K^X' A. B. 1909. Financier. (909 Grant St., Denver, Colo.) Robert Boyd Burch .\. B. 1909; LL. B. 1911. Football (Capt. 08). Member University Club. Lawyer. 416 Gwynne Bldg.; res. Menlo and Fisher Aves., Hyde Park, Cincinnati, Ohio. Francis Peabody Butler ^x'^ A. B. 1909. Phi Beta Kappa; Elihu Club; Pundits. Member Yale, University, Saddle and Cycle, Indian Hill and City Clubs. Salesman. 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago; res. 715 Prospect Ave., Winnetka, III. Gerald Morton Butler K @ X' A. B. 1909. Lumber. 1555 Ridge Ave., Evanston, 111. Eliot Avery Carter ^ S '<|i A. B. 1909. Member Nashua Country and Vale (New York) Clubs. Department Manager. Nashua Gummed and Coated Paper Co., 110 E. Hollis St.; res. 12^^ Summer St., Nashua, N. H. BBS A. B. 1909; M. F. 1911. Author "The Moun- tain Meadows of the Sierra." Member Am. Forestry Assn.; National Geographic Soc. Landscape Engineer and Architect. 227 Foxcroft Bldg., San Francisco; res. 574 Wala Vista Ave., Oakland, Cal. Xeal Townlev Childs Ponson Carles Chu ICA' A. B. 1909; A. M. 1910 Conferred by the Chinese Government. Member Am. Univer- sity, Saturday, St. John's and Yale Clubs; Automobile Club of China. Lawyer. Museum Rd. ; res. Nanling Lee, Haining Rd., Shanghai, China. Avery Artison Clark W 8 'B A. B. 1909. Science. (60S Lincoln Ave., Loveland, Colo.) Gilbert Maurice Congdon B Y] '¥ A. B. 1909. Scroll and Key. Mgr. Basket Ball; Pres. Minor Athletic Assn.; Coach Fresh- man Baseball (4). Trustee Providence Lying-in Hosp. Member Agawam Hunt CTreas.), Hope and Yale (New York) Clubs; Yale Assn. of R. I. Merchant. The Congdon & Carpenter Co., 155 Canal St.; res. 49 Angell St., Providence, R. I. Chester Jules Copmann ^0'^ A. B. 1909. Scroll and Key. Member Tulsa Country and Rifle Clubs; Y. M. C. A. Manufacturer. Roxana Petroleum Co.; res. 11 Manhattan Court, Tulsa, Okla. Julian French Devereux A. B. 190^. Merchant. (Nutwood Farms, Wickliffe, Ohio). Gayer Gardner Dominick ^x'^* A. B. 1909. Rear Commodore Stamford Yacht Club; Dir. New York block ExclianJt Lunch- eon and Wee Burn Golf Clubs. Member Stamford Yaclit, Union, liankcis". New 'i ork Stock Exchange Luncheon, Wee Burn Golf and Vak- Alumni Clubs. Banker and Broker. 115 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. Stam- ford, Conn. Douglas Fitch Guilford Eliot 4^ R 'T A. B. 1909. Member Yale, Squadron A, En- glewood Field and Englewood Country Clubs. Clerk. Western Electric Co., Inc., 463 West St. New York, N. Y.; res. 22 King St., Englewood, N. J. Robert Fairbanks t|; C 'T (102 S. Market St., Chicago, 111.) Albert Day Farwell (|; ^ '(i A. B. 1909. Merchant. (102 S. Market St., Chicago, 111.) Bryant Burwell Glenny, Jr. D'X A. B. 1909. Elihu Club. Crew. Manufacturer. Barcalo Mfg. Co., Louisiana St.; res. 37 Lan- caster Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. William Brown Glover cQ'cD A. B. 1909. ,\?riculti!rist. Fairfield, Conn. James Benton Grant A. B. 1909; LL. B. 1912 Harvard. Scroll and Key. Chairman Yale Daily News; Senior Council. Member Denver, Yale (New York), and Graduates' (New Haven, Conn.) Clubs. Lawyer. 1003 First National Bank Bldg.; res. 770 Penn- sylvania St., Denver, Colo. Birch Helms pxS A. B. 1909; LL. B. 1913 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi. Mgr. Yale Record. Sec. and Treas. Home Market Club of Mass.; Sec. Citizens' Finance Committee of New York, N. Y. Member Yale and Harvard (New York), Metropolitan (Washington, D. C.) and Harv- ard (Boston) Clubs; Sons of Revolution. Lawyer. 55 Liberty St.; res. 50 Vanderbilt .Ave., New York. N. Y. Stanley Westcott Holmes OTT A. B. 1909. Agriculturist. (Escondido, Cal.) James Merriam Howard ^p'B A. B. 1909; B. D. 1914 Union Theol. Sem. .Skull and Hones. Pres. Glee ("lub; Winner De- Forest Medal. Pastor Bedford Park Presby- terian Church. Clergyman. 200th St., and Bainbridge .\ve.; res. 2860 Valen- tine Ave., New York, N. Y. 192 BETA CHAPTER [1909-10 Henry Almy Howe tj^S'^ A. B. 1909; M. E. 1911 Stevens Inst, of Tech. Skull and Bones. Hickory, (2), (3), (4); Crew. (2), (3), (4); Capt. (4); Member Senior Coun- cil. Member Yale Club. Exporter. John Dunn Son & Co., 80 Wall St.; res. 194 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. Leonard Kennedy 'H'^ A. B. 1909; A. M. 1913. Scroll and Key. Mem- ber Down Town Assn., Yale, Fort Orange (Albany) and Graduates' (New Haven, Conn.) Clubs. Broker. William A. Read & Co., 28 Nassau St., New York; res. Rye. N. Y. Earl Langstroth o^t' Member Essex Fells Country Club. Salesman. McLain-Hadden-Simpers Co.. 220 Broadway; res. 155 E. 34th St., New York, N. Y. Milton Charles Lightner ^D'X A. B. 1909; LL. B. 1912 Harvard. Track (3), (4). Member Town and Country, Minnesota Boat and St. Paul Curling Clubs. Lawyer. 212 Endicott Bldg.; res. 595 Grand .\ve., St. Paul, Minn. Henry Lippitt ^ X 'B A. B. 1909. Member Yale (New York), R. I. Country, Hope, and Agawam Hunt Clubs. Manufacturer. P. O. Box 1465; res. 389 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Henry Hopkins Livingston /, S X' A. B. 1909. Engineer. (141 W. 44th St., New York, N. Y.) Robert Mallory, Jr. ,i^^'^ A. B. 1909. Scroll and Key. Ya!c Ncu's; Mgr. Dramatic Assn. Member Yale Club. Broker. Spencer Trask & Co., 25 Broad St., New York; res. Rye, N. Y. Frederic Ogden Mason ^(0> A. B. 1909; LL. B. 1912 Harvard. Elihu. Editor News; Record; Ten Eyck Speaker; 2d Prize De- Forest Speaker. Justice of the Peace. Member Battery E 1st 111. Field Artillery and City Ckib. Lawyer. 1021 New York Life Bldg, Chicago; res. 228 Linden St., Winnetka, 111. Allan Douglas Parker A. B. 1909. Manufacturer. (270 Wilder St., Lowell, Mass.) Maxwell. [Oswald] Parry t];S'^ A B 1909; A. M. 1912. Author Plays "Boys o' Gettysburg;" "The Lie Beautiful" and "Dad." Real Estate. "Golden Hill," Indianapolis, Ind. Theodore Pomeroy <];S'^ A B. 1909. Member University, Onwentsia, Saddle and Cycle (Chicago) and Yale (New York) Clubs. Banker. Allerton, Greene & King, 208 S. LaSalle St., Chicago; res. Lake Forest, 111. Robert Selden Rose ^H'p A. B. 1909; Ph. D. 1915. Scroll and Key. Baseball. Educator. Univ, of Cal.; res. 2327 Warring St., Berkeley, Cal. Stephen Willis Ryder <}((];$ A. B. 1909; A. M. 1912. Evangelistic Mis- sionary of the Reformed Church in America. Clergyman. Eisei Kwan, Oita, Japan. Mortimer Ashmead Seabury '^'^''^ A. B. 1909. Skull and Bones. Mgr. Track. Banker. White, Weld & Co., Ill Devonshire St., Bos- ton; res. Radnor Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Charles Eugene Selover, Jr. 11 R 'S A. B. 1909; LL. B. 1912 St. Lawrence Univ. Phi Delta Phi. Glee Club; Baseball; Football; Handball. Sec. West Side and West Side Re- publican Clubs. Salesman. 7 Wall St., New York; res. 4-18 E. 26th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Harold Phelps Stokes o $ y' A. B. 1909. Phi Beta Kappa. Journalist. 100 William St.; res. 230 Madison Ave., New York. N. Y. nv$ Jacob Farrand Williams A. B. 1909. Merchant. 15 Larned -St. E.; res. 495 Burns Ave.. Detroit, Mich. 1910 Charles Dudley Armstrong (i X V A. B. 1910. Phi Beta Kappa; Elihu Club. Mem- ber Duquesne and Oakmont Country (Pittsburg) Clubs. Manufacturer. Armstrong Cork Co.; res. 121 E. Lemon St., Lancaster, Pa. Edward Shippen Barnes ^N' A. B. 1910. 1st Prize Organ Playing Com- petition. Organist Rutgers Presbyterian Church. Member Yale Club. Composer. G. Schirmer. Inc., 3 E. 43d St.; res. 222 E. 17th St.. New York, N. Y. Thomas Wilson Bowers X'A A. B. 1910; LL. B. 1913 Harvard. LswYcr 5 N. LaSalle St.; res. 999 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. David Everett Chantler I^'S A. B. 1910; LL. B. 1914 Univ. of Pittsburgh. L&w vcr. 1113 Park Bldg.; res. 425 Morewood Ave., Pitts- burgh, Pa. TSX' Stephen Merrell Clement A. B. 1910; A. M. 1913 Harvard. Scroll and Key; Elizabethan Club. Member Buffalo Country, Graduates' and Country (New Haven) and Yale (New York) Clubs. Educator. 786 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 1910J BETA CHAPTER 193 Arthur Pierce Coates ' B!;r A. B. 1910. Lawyer. (264 Upper Mountain Ave., Upper Mountain, N. J.) Donald Ryder Dickey Initiated by the Epsilon Charles Pascal Franchot ¥ i; X' A. B. 1910; LL. B. 1914 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. French Consular Agent; 2d Lieut. Troop I, 1st Cavalry, New York. Member Saturn, EUicott and Yale (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 903 Telephone Bldg.; res. 401 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Robert Dudley French PS9' A. B. 1910; A. M. 1914. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones; Chi Delta Theta; Elizabethan Club. Chairman Yale Literary Magazine. Instr. English, Yale Univ. Educator. Yale Post Office; res. 67 Bishop St., New Haven, Conn. George Gregg Fuller KAy' A. B. 1910. Member Chamber of Commerce; Troop H; Alexander Hamilton and University and Yale (New York) Clubs. Manufacturer. Standard Automatic Machine Co., 371 St. Paul St.; res. 1510 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Tappan Gregory ns's A. B. 1910; LL. B. 1912 Northwestern. Mem- ber Skokie Countrv, University and Yale (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 69 W. Washington St.; res. 52 Cedar St., Chicago, 111. j George Leslie Harrison n^^(P A. B. 1910; LL. B. 1913 Harvard. Skull and Bones. Member Yale Club (New York). Lawyer. Federal Reserve Board; res. The Farnsboro, Washington, D. C. L'Engle liartridge Pt.r' A. B. 1910. Financier. (S46 Riverside Ave., Jacksonville, Fla.) I'homas Hewes X ^ r'' A. B. 1910; LL. B. 1912. Scroll and Key. Member Conn. Legislature, 15; Judge Borough Court of Farmington; Delegate to Democratic National {'onvcntion, 16. Lawyer. <11 Central Row, Hartford; res. Farmington, Conn. I Richard Dwight Hillis tpxA' A. B. 1910. Phi Beta Kappa; The Pundits. Yale Literary Magazine. Member Yale Club. 38 W. 32d St., New York; res. 23 Monroe PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. TIarr>' Gilbert Holt ^©Y A. B. 1910. Financier. Elton Hoyt, 2d ^xy: A. B. 19t0. Scroll and Key. Member Union, University, Athletic, Tavern, Country, Chagrin Valley Hunt and Yale and University (New York) Clubs. Merchant. Pickands, Mather & Co., Western Reserve Bldg.; res. 1925 E. 87th St., Cleveland, Ohio. James Ford Johnson, Jr. ijr s \jr' A. B. 1910. Scroll and Key. Baseball; Football; Hockey. Member Psi Upsilon, Racquet and Tennis, Yale, Bankers' Squadron A and Ards- ley Clubs. Banker and Broker. 120 Broadway, New York; res. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Thomas Slater Johnston, Jr. ^ "^y^ A. B. 1910. Scroll and Key. Member Uni- versity and Country Clubs. Rancher. Antelope Orchard Co., Medford, Oregon. Lyndon Marrs King 1 1 '8 A. B. 1910. Phi Beta Kappa; Track. Merchant. Northrup, King & Co., 1st St. and Hennepim Ave.; res. 1920 Emerson Ave. S., Minneapo- lis, Minn. Robert Burr King o^'s A. B. 1910. Member University Club and Yale Alumni Assn. Insurance. Phoenix Ins. Co.; res. 167 Sisson Ave., Hart- ford, Conn. Augustus Knight X 9 A. B. 1910. Broker. 608 New York Life Bldg., Chicago; res. 1316 Church St., Evanston, HI. Frank Coe Lewis Phi Beta Kappa. w 5( 'A Gymnastics A. B. 1910. (Capt.). Real Estate. 304 Dickson Bldg.; res. 350 V\'. Freemason St., Norfolk, Va. Arthur Theodore Nabstedt 4* V 'A A. B. 1910; Ph. B. 1910; C E. 1913. Sigma Xi. Glee Club. Member Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers; Yale Engineering Assn. and Yale Club. Civil and Sanitary Engineer. 80 Maiden Lane, New York; res. 97 Kenmore PI., Brooklyn. N. Y. Lawrence Harper Norton IT H 'A A. B. 1910. Banker. Citizens' Savings and Trust Co.; res. 7301 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. William Henry Parsons, Jr. B P' Mercliant. Parsons & Whittemore Inc., 174 Fulton St ; res. Yale Club, New York, N. Y. Julius Christian Peter A. B. 1910. Oration Appointment. Member Grosse Pointe Farms Country Club. Broker. Detroit Trust So., Fort and Shelby Sts.; res. 280 St. Paul Ave., Detroit, Mich. ^A'j 194 BETA CHAPTER [1910-11 Stephen Holladay Philbin ^' rj X' A. B. 1910. Lawyer. 60 Wall St.; res. 63 VV. 52d St., New York, N. y. J[oseph] Curtis Piatt ^Sx A. B. 1910. Scroll and Key. Member Yale (.New York) Club. Clerk. Scranton Coal Co., Board of Trade Bldg. ; res. 600 Webster Ave., bcranton, fa. Marsh Klock Powers ^4t'A A. B. 1911. Skull and Bones. Secretary. Y. W. C. A. Delhi. India, and Catskill, N. Y. Edward Jordan Dimock (j^ y. v' A. B. 1911; LL. B. 1914 Harvard. Member Yale Club. Lawyer. 20 Exchange PI., New York; res. 241 Lincoln St., Flushing, N. Y. 1911 BETA CHAPTER 195 I William McKee Dunn ^79 A. B. 1911. Merchant. (Monroe Terrace, Richmond, Va.) Charles Clement Elwell, Jr. ^ H e A. B. 1911. Elihu Club. u Broker. William A. Read & Co., P. O. Box 765; res. 324 Willow St., New Haven, Conn. John W Field ^A$' A. B. 1911. Manufacturer. (Warner Brothers Co., 325 Lafayette St. Bridgeport; res. Fairfield, Conn.) Seth Barton French t{;S(p' A. B. 1911. Scroll and Key. Member Union, Metropolitan and Yale Clubs. Banker. 5 Nassau St.; res. 43 W. Slst St., New York, N. Y. Elliott Putnam Frost Q 7,'v A. B. 1911. Elihu Club. Crew (Capt. 11). Member Worcester Country and Quinsigamond Boat Clubs. Broker. Jackson & Curtis, 515 State Mutual Bldg. ; res. 11 Roseland Rd., Worcester, Mass. Arthur Amory Gammell pe'A A. B. 1911. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Member Knickerbocker and Hope (Providence, R. I.) Clubs. Lawyer. 24 Broad St.; res. SO Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Frederick Lawrence Gay ^ 8 e' A. B. 1911. Merchant. (1403 Constance St., Los Angeles, Cal.) Stephen Strong Gregory, Jr. FAT' A. B. 1911; M. E. 1913 Univ. of Wis. Mem- ber City, University and Skokie Country Clubs. See Rho 13 Engineer. Commonwealth Edison Co., 72 W. Adams St.; res. 52 E. Cedar St., Chicago, 111. James Augustus Haight, Jr. F Q Z' A. B. 1911; LL. B. 1914 Univ. of Washington. Phi Delta Phi (Univ. of Wash.) Member Col- lege Club; Business Men's Northwest Prepared- ness and Municipal Leagues. Lawyer. 702 Haight Bldg.; res. 828 Broadway, Seattle, Wash. O X'e A. B. 1911; LL. B. 1915 Harvard. Wolf's Head. Member Cincinnati Golf and Univer- sity Clubs. Lawyer. 44 Wiggins Block; res. 1887 Madison Rd., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. John Baker Hollister Joseph Home ^•n?' A. B. 1911. Merchant. Joseph Home Co., 501 Penn Ave.; res. 7408 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Clarke Fox Hunn rsr A. B. 1911. Asst. in English, Yale, 11-12. Member Yale (New York) Club. Journalist. 613 Colorado Bldg.; res. 1619 R St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Frederick Walton Hyde ^/A A. B. 1911. Skull and Bones. Manufacturer. Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co., 4 Opera House Block, Marquette, Mich. John Reed Kilpatrick «p s 9' A. B. 1911. Phi Beta Kappa; Elihu Club. Track (Capt.); Football. Member Yale, Squad- ron A and New York Athletic Clubs. Builder. 51 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Harold Morton Landon v.o'\ A. B. 1911. Elizabethan and Yale Musical Clubs; Choir. Member Yale Club. Real Estate. 29 Broadway; res. Yale Club, New York, N. Y. Raymond Williams Lewis T QZ' A. B. 1911; M. D. 1915 Columbia. Alpha Omega Alpha and Omega Club (Columbia). Oration Appointment. Interne Presbyterian Hosp. Physician. 41 E. 70lh St.. New York. N. Y. Edmund Pendleton Livingston ^ /. 'A A. B. 1911. Financier. (1037 Rush St., Chicago, 111.) William Archibald McAfee o c 'u A. B. 1911; LL. B. 1915 Harvard. Lawyer. East Ohio Gas Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. William DeForest Manice C^) i 9' A. B. 1911; LL. B. 1914 Columbia. Elihu Club. Member Union, Racquet and Tennis, Lawyers' and Yale Clubs. Lawyer. 2 Rector St.; res. 960 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Keith Merrill KEA' A. B. 1911. Member Yale University, Mini- kahda, Belmont (Mass.) and Country Clubs. Lawyer. 1010 Security Bldg.; res. 2116 Second Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Paul Coe Nicholson t]^ V u' A. B. 1911. Member Hope, University, Aga- wam Hunt, Turk's Head, Noonday, Rhode Island YacUt, East Greenwich Yacht and Yale (New York) Clubs. Manufacturer. Nicholson File Co.; res. 71 George St., Provi- dence, R. I. Paul Patterson t];A£' A. B. 1911; LL. B. 1914 Harvard. Member Troop A 1st Squadron, Ohio Cavalry. Lawyer. Baker, Hostetler & Sidlo, 910 House Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. (8) 196 BETA CHAPTER [1911-12 Frederic Arnold Pease x^X' A. B. 1911. Manufacturer. Berkshire Manufacturing Co., 28 Clapp Ave.; res. 38 Elizabetli St., Pittsfield, Mass. Ewing Reginald Philbin ^ S '9 A. B. 1911; LL. B. 1914 Harvard. Scroll and Key; Harvard Legal Aid Bureau; Choate and Pundit Clubs. Hugh Chamberlain Greek Prize. Member Yale, Squadron A and Ardsley Country Clubs; Yale Civic Service League. Lawver. 52 William St.; res. 63 W. S2d St., New York, N. Y. Erving Hascall Rand A. B. 1911. Agriculturist. (West Creek Farm, Crewe, Va.) Charles Lawson Reed ^ V.'(f A. B. 1911. Scroll and Key. Mgr. Hockey. Sec. Yale Club (Cincinnati), 13-15. Member University and Yale (Cincinnati) Clubs. Manufacturer. The Stearns & Foster Co., Lockland; res. 3581 Interwood Ave., Clifton, ()hio. Stanley [Miller] Richardson Initiated by the Epsilon Francis Bayard Rives t]; S '9 A. B. 1911; LL. B. 1915 Columbia. Scroll and Key. Member Knickerbocker, Racquet and Tennis, Lawyers', Squadron A and Yale Clubs. Lawyer. 69 E. 79th St., New York, N. Y. Howard Francis Shattuck o "^ x' A. B. 1911; M. D. 1913 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Psi; Elihu Club. Watterman .Scliolarship. Member Yale and Omega Clubs. Physician. 771 Madison Ave.; res. 131 E. 67th St., New York. N. Y. [Oliver] Harrison Smith ^Ss' A. B. 1911; A. M. 1914. Journalist. (20 Gramercy Park, New York, N. Y.) Henry Brinsmade Van Sinderen ^ y, 'A A. B. 1911. Crew. Merchant. 25 Broad St., New York; res. 42 Remsen St., Brooklyn. N. Y. Robert Coleman Walker ^AA' A. B. 1911; LL. B. 1914 Harvard. Scroll and Key. Editor Yale News. Member Merion Cricket Club. Lawyer. Morris Bldg., Philadelphia; res. Montgomery Ave. and Valley Rd., Ardmore, Pa. Alexander Royal Wheeler A. B. 1911. Phi Beta Kappa; Chi Delta Theta; Elihu and Univ. Glee Clubs. Wrestling. Mem- ber Yale (New York) and Royal Automobile (London) Clubs. Student. 3 Westmoreland PI., Pasadena, Cal. and "Bonniebrae," Endeavor, Pa. Lawrence Raymond Wheeler ^v.' A. B. 1914. Skull and Bones; Dunham Boat Club. Crew (2), (3). Member Yale Club. Banker. HaUg^rten & Co., 5 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Kenneth Lathrop Moore ^y'6 A. B. 1914. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Member University, Country and Racquet and Curling Clubs. Advertising. Journal Bldg.; res. 169 Van Dyke Ave., De- troit, Mich. Amos Morrill x S '0 A. B. 1914. Financier. (6 E. 67th St., New York, N. Y.) Morgan Phelps Noyes ^ T '^ A. B. 1914. Clergyman. 306 Market St., Warren, Pa. Herbert Ellison Ocumpaugh y x ^ A. B. 1914. Mgr. Yale Literary Magazine; Member Dramatic Assn.; Capt. Polo. Member Tennis, Country, Rochester Athletic and Ironde- quoit Canoe and Yale (New York) Clubs; Archeological Soc. of America. Am. Rare Metals Co., 310 Mercantile Bldg.; res. 990 Park Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Rav Dashiell Palmer* 7, C't A. B. 1914. Glee Club. Yale Daily News; Treas. Dwight Hall. d. 1915 Scott Hurtt Paradise PT'e A. B. 1914. Wolf's Head; Chi Delta Theta; Elizabethan Club. Editor Yale Literary Maga- sine; Football; Rhodes Scholar, 14. Student. Balliol College, Oxford, England; res. Grove St., West Medford. Mass. George Washington Patterson, Jr. A. B. 1914. Skull and Bones. Business Mgr. Yale Daily News. Son of George Washington Patterson, Beta 84 and grandson of George Washington Patterson, Zeta 48. Manager. Lake Street Loop Garage Co., Inc., 30-32 E. Lake St., Chicago, 111.; res. Ann Arbor, Mich. Carroll Gardner Pearse, Jr. x(p'6 A. B. 1914. Crew; Apollo Glee Club. Salesman. J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Frederick Ambrose Pearson Xa'0 A. B. 1914. Engineer. Pearson Engineering Corporation, 115 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Norman Schaff KC't A. B. 1914. Member Yale (New York) Club. Student. 737 Ridge Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 202 BETA CHAPTER [1914-15 Henry Dickerson Scott Xa'O Phi Beta Kappa. Accountant. Wheeling Steel and Iron Co., Wheeling; res. National Rd., Elm Grove, W. Va. George Herbert Semler TC 9 '0 A. B. 1914. Phi Beta Kappa; Wolf's Head; Mandolin and Banjo Club. High Oration; Re- corder Yale Univ. Member Yale (New York) rnd Lincoln Inn (Cambridge, Mass.) Clubs. Merchant. (ieorge Borgfeldt & Co., 109 E. 16th St., New York, N. Y. Charles Louis Strobel, Jr. KC t A. B. 1914. Member University and Indian Hill Clubs. Real Estate. 7 S. Dearborn St.; res. 846 Lincoln Parkway, Chicago, 111. Douglas Castle Townson x t]; '0 A. B. 1914. Member Country and University Clubs. Manufacturer. J. Hungerford Smith Co., 410-420 N. Goodman St.; res. 149 Westminster Rd., Rochester, N. Y. Henry Emerson Tuttle (3t'0 A. B. 1914. Scroll and Key; Chi Delta Theta; Elizabethan Club. Editor Vale Record and Yale Literary Magazine. Teacher of English Litera- ture Westminster School, Simsbury, Conn. Member Yale (New York) Club. Educator. Lake Forest, 111. Keith Faulkner Warren A. B. 1914. Member Yale Club. Publisher. 253 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. 105 Park St., New Canaan, Conn. William Candee Warren, Jr. ^ y '® A. B. 1914. Skull and Bones. First Dispute; Football. Member Yale (New York) Club. Student 173 North St., Buffalo, N. Y. 1915 Francis Hyde Bangs (1; w 'I A. B. 1915; A. M. 1916 Columbia. Elizabethan Club; The Pundits. Hockey. Teacher St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. Member Yale (New York) Club. Educator. St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H.; res. Ogun- quit, Maine. Livingston Bentley Initiated by the Upsilon Henry Homes Boynton [i. S 't. Member University Club. Merchant. H. R. Boynton Co., 1002 S. Santa Fe Ave.; res 207 N. Vendome St., Los Angeles, Cal. John Crosby Brown, 2d A. B. 1915. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key; Elizabethan Club. Editor YaltS Literary Maga- zine. Student. 114 E. 30th St., New York, N. Y. Morris Cassard, Jr. /, s t A. B. 1915. Member Yale Club. Merchant. 100 Faubourg St. Antoine; res. 51 Ave. Bugeaud, Paris, France. Colles Johnston Coe VC^'f A. B. 1915. Scroll and Key. Crew, 15. Mem- ber Yale Club. Fi»ancier. 14 Wall St.; res. 5 E. 10th St., New York, N. Y. George Patterson Crandall ^F

^ 'p A. B. 1915. Manufacturer. Rome Wire Co., Rome; res. Front St., Owego, N. Y. Edward Pierce Rogers* Student. James Harvey Sharp, Jr. B C 'x 421 9th St. S., Moorhead, Minn. Edwin Lyon Slocum ^ e ■*© A. B. 1915. Skull and Bones. Banker. Hallgarten & Co., 5 Nassau St., New York, N. Y.; res. 45 Plymouth St., Montclair, N. J. Edward Fairchild Smith A. B. 1915. Financier. (St. Albans, Vt.) Walker Ely Swift v.^\ A. B. 1915. Skull and Bones. Member Yale Club. Student. Yale Club, New York, N. Y. Boylston Adams Tompkins ^cp'p A. B. 1915. Scroll and Key. Member Yale Club. Broker. 5 Nassau St.; res. 140 W. 69th St., New York, N. Y. Arthur Farwell Tuttle t|;7c'^ A. B. 1915. Scroll and Key; Glee Club. Foot- ball; Baseball. Member Battery C 1st Field Artillery N. G. 111. Member University and Onwentsia Clubs. Merchant. John V. Farwell Co., 102 S. Market St., Chicago; res. Lake Forest, 111. Frank Wright Tuttle Y.Q't A. B. 1915. Wolf's Head; Alramat. Editor Yale Record and Yale Literary Magazine. Co.- author play "Quentin Durward." Member Yale Club. Advertising. Metropolitan Musical Bureau, 29 W. 42d St., New York, N. Y.; res. 115 Mason St., Green- wich, Conn. Malcolm Lee Wallace %X't A. B. 1915. Phi Beta Kappa; Wednesday Night and Apollo Glee Clubs. Choir; High Oration. Member Yale (New York) Club. Manufacturer. 411-413 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. 191 Edwards St., New Haven, Conn. Louis Stix Weiss FA'K A. B. 1915. Phi Beta Kappa; Elizabethan Club. Member Yale Club. Student. 44 W. 86th St., New York, N. Y. 204 BETA CHAPTER [1915-16 Henry James Wiser t}; X 'p Wolf's Head; Berkley Assn. Football; Hockey; Sec. Dramatic Assn. Commission in the Cana- dian Expeditionary Force, 207th Ottawa-Carle- ton Battalion. Member Thousand Islands Yacht and Thousand Islands Polo Clubs. Army Officer. Prescott, Ontario, Canada. Henry Gilbert Woodruff «p x'p Crew; Business Mgr. Junior Promenade Com- mittee; Mgr. Freshman Football. Farmer. "Royal Farms," Rumson Road, Little Silver, N. J. 1916 Charles Morgan Aldrich t]; cp 'tu (Formerly Charles Morgan Spiegle) A. B. 1916. Hockey. Broker. Thomson, Fenn & Co., Hartford, Conn. Henry Hill' Anderson ^ W ''o A. B. 1916. Wolf's Head. Second Lieut. U. S. Army. Member Yale Club. Son of Henry Burrall Anderson, Beta 85 and nephew of William Burrall Anderson, Beta 86 and Chandler Parsons Anderson, Beta 87. Officer. U. S. Army. 323 W. 80th St., New York, N. Y. Philip Danforth Armour B y tt' Elmore McNeill Bostwick i^q^'i Wolf's Head; Whiffenpoofs; Mohicans. Yale Dramatic Assn.; Pres. Musical Clubs; Leader of Glee Club. Member Ambulance Corps, France, 16. Member University Club (St. Louis). Insurance. Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., Nat- ional Bank of Commerce Bldg. ; res. 68 Vande- venter PI., St. Louis, Mo. Lewis Leonard Bredin XR'? A. B. 1916. Wolf's Head. 1st Colloquies; Minor Athletic Mgr. Sergeant Section 2, Bat- tery A lOth Field Artillery, N. G. Conn., 16. Member Detroit Country Club. Clerk. The Ford Motor Co.; res. 81 Eliot St., Detroit, Mich. William Adams Brown T ^ '^ (114 E. 30th St., New York, N. Y.) John Meigs Butler B C 'O A. B. 1916. Manufacturer. (1555 Ridge Ave., Evanston, III.) Victor Bush Caldwell, Jr. (]; tc 'x A. B. 1916. Elihu Club. Track; Football. Member Omaha, Omaha Country and Com- mercial Clubs. Banker. United States National Bank, Omaha, Nebr. George Williams Carrington (3 'x A. B. 1916. Scroll and Key. Football Mgr., 1915. Banker. Brown Brothers & Co., 59 Wall St., New York, N. Y.; res. 2 Meeting St., Charleston, S. C. Daniel Waters Cassard ^ix'x A. B. 1916. Sigma Delta Psi. Member Kent Country Club. College Ave. and Fulton St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Alfred Hebard Chappel, Jr. ^ti't A. B. 1916. Wolf's Head. Whiffenpoofs, University and Mory's Clubs. Exporter. Am. Trading Co., 25 -Broad St.; res. 161 E. 79th St., New York, N. Y. Elisha Edmands Converse A. B. 1916. Financier. (101 Milk St., Boston, Mass.) Knight Cheney Cowles 6^0 6 (f'v. Elihu Club. Football; Track; Glee Club. Student. 1130 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. John Bambridge Fitzpatrick B J^ ""A Morris Hadley ^r^ A. B. 1916. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Sigma Rho; Chi Delta Theta. "Y;" Valedictorian. 1st Lieut., 10th Field Artillery National Guard, Conn. 93 Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn. David Osborne Hamilton PtK A. B. 1916. Artist. (Beverly PI., Grosse Pointe, Detroit, Mich.) Foster Martin Hampton ¥x'n A. B. 1916. Scroll and Key; Southern Club; Junior Promenade Committee; Track. Mem- ber Yale Club. Banker. Guaranty Trust Co., 140 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ; res. Fordyce, Ark. Alexander Wolcott Harbison "^F F 6 A. B. 1916. Student. 194 Washington St., Hartford, Conn. George Griswold Haven, Jr. 6 a 'O A. B. 1916. French Ambulance Corps, France, 16. Member Yale Club. Manufacturer. 6 E. 53d St., New York, N. Y. Hampden Walton Herring X ^ '^ A. B. 1916. Merchant. Am. Trading Co., 25 Broad St., New York, N. Y.; res. 156 Valley Rd., Montclair, N. J. Edward Waite Hubbard A. B. 1916. (98 North St., Auburn, N. Y.) James May Jessup A. B. 1916. Manufacturer. 815 Madison Ave., Scranton, Pa. Casper Marvin Kielland Initiated by the Eta P?'t X Y o 1916-17] BETA CHAPTER 205 Farwell Knapp Skull and A. B. 1916. Phi Beta Kappa; Bones; Elizabethan Club. Student. 9 S. Marshall St., Hartford, Conn. Philip Henry Lindenburg ^ g 'o A. B. 1916. Manufacturer. (1306 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio.) Seth Low, 2d tp <1^ 'I A. B. 1916. Crew (Capt.) (4); Oration Scholarship. ]\Iember Yale Club. Banker and Aviator. 30 E. 55th St., New York, N. Y. Hunting^ton Lyman ttG'o I A. B. 1916. Wolf's Head. Member Yale Club. Son of Hart Lyman, Beta 73. Broker. DeCoppet & Doremus, 42 Broadway; res. 65 W. 54th St., New York, N. Y. Edward Tylor Miller K S 'X A. B. 1916. Phi Beta Kappa. Philosophical Oration; Junior and Senior Appointments; ., Football; Lacrosse; Water Polo. Member Tal- K- hot Country Club. F Student. "The Pines," Easton, Md. Alexander McKee Munson ^ 'x A. B. 1916. Wolf's Head. Crew. Member Yale Club. Banker. Havden, Stone & Co., 25 Broad St.; res. 46 W. 52d St., New York, N. Y. Curtis Burton Munson ^^*t: A. B. 1916. Scroll and Key; Elizabethan Club. Banker. Havden, Stone & Co., 25 Broad St.; res. 46 W.'52d St., New York, N. Y. Rowland Farwell Potter ^ o 'ic A. B. 1916. Manufacturer. 1636 Widener Bldg. ; res. Philadelphia, Pa. 1626 Spruce St., William Ross Proctor, Jr. prx k A. B. 1916. Scroll and Key; Elizabethan Club. Chairman Student Council and Yale Daily News. Member Yale and Racquet and Tennis Clubs. Journalist. .. 32 E. 39th St., New York, N. Y. Archibald McMartin Richards '^Q^t: A. B. 1916. Wolf's Head. Mgr. Tennis Team. 399 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. i Charles Morgan Spiegle (See Charles Morgan Aldrich) Kinley John Tener A. B. 1916. Skull and Bones. Student. Sewickley, Pa. le'K Harold Hilgard Tittmann, Jr. 4; /, "tc A. B. 1916. Manufacturer. 5024 Westminster PL. St. Louis, Mo. Color Sergeant 10th 214 Harry Arthur Torson A. B. 1916. Elihu Club. Conn. Field Artillery. Manufacturer. Wagner Electric Co., St. Louis, Mo 6th St., Moorhead, Minn. John Henry Vincent B Q "K A. B. 1916. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key; Elizabethan Club. Student. 1005 5th St. S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Charles Rumford Walker, Jr. H ''K A. B. 1916. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones; Chi Delta Theta; Pundits; Elizabethan Club. Track (1), (2), (3), (4); Chairman Yale Literary Magazine, Student. 18 Park St., Concord, N. H. Everett Rowland Wilson KS-^K A. B. 1916. Editor Yale Daily Neivs; Vice-Pres. Dramatic Assn. Journalist. Jubilee Farm, Oak Hill. HI. 1917 Tracy Acosta Student. (P. O. Box 71, Jacksonville, Fla.) William Adams, Jr. Student. Lawrence, N. Y. Richard Bentley Scroll and Key. Mgr. Track; Banjo dolin Club; Freshman Football. Student. 1505 Astor St., Chicago. 111. Donald McKelvey Blodget 379 Park PL, Bridgeport, Conn. Francis Reynolds Blossom Scroll and Key. Golf. Student. Winnetka, 111. Howard Burpee Breeding Student. Perryville, Ky. Ray Claflin Bridgman Student. Lake Forest, 111. Stanley William Burke ¥S'K ¥t'K and Man- B^O K^'X HDV AR^ By)'0 Scroll and Key. Pres. Yale Dramatic Assn. Student. 5 Ravine Rd., Plainficld, N. J. Prescott Sheldon Bush Baseball BX^O Skull and Bones. Student. . Central and Cardington Aves., Columbus, Ohio. 206 BETA CHAPTER [1917 George William Calhoun Oa-^A Care Patrick Calhoun, 30 Broad St., New York, N. Y. Henry Carter Phi Beta Kappa; Wolf's Head; Elizabethan Club. Woolsey and Bristed Scholar; Squash Team. Park St., Williamstown, Mass. Stuart Holmes Clement O y '^ Scroll and Key. Track. Student. 786 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Henry Eugene Coe, Jr. tj; a K Student. 5 E. 10th St.. New York, N. Y. David Smith Cowles X ^ '^ Student. Rye, N. Y. Thomas Hooker Cowles B R X Elihu Club. Student. 1130 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111. Edgar Gibson Grossman ^ y) ""O Wolf's Head. 1st Colloquy; Yale Daily News; Pres. Yale Andover Club. Corporal Battery C, 10th Conn. Field Artillery. Student. Lisbon. N. H. Oliver Baty Cunningham ^[x'o Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones. Editor Vole Daily News; Mgr. Yale Dramatic Assn ; College Student Council. Student. 1318 Forest Ave., Evanston, 111. Austin Dunham By'O Wolf's Head. Member Hartford Golf Club. Student. 1030 Asylum Ave., Hartford, Conn. Samuel Sloan Duryee (I^T.'^o Skull and Bones; Elizabethan Club. Yale Literary Magazine; Football. Student. 139 E. 36th St.. New York, N. Y. Roger Sherman Evarts ^ R X Student. (Windsor. Vt.) Edward Roland Noel Harriman Crew. Student. Harriman, N. Y. Henry Hutton Landon, Jr. W ^ 'K Wolf's Head. Mgr. Hockey Team. Member Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club. Student. 19 E. S3d St., New York, N. Y. James Daniel Lucey ^L'v Student. 561 Myrtle Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. John McHenry, Jr. Ky'X Wolf's Head. Member Green Spring Vallev Hunt Club. Owings Mills, Md. Henry Neil Mallon •i^y^ Student. 234 McGregor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawrence Newbold Murray ^ M 'O Scroll and Key. Hockey. Student. 32 W. 39th St., New York, N. Y. George Edward Nichols X L ""v Student. Newman, 111. Julius Mosher Nolte A y ""[jl Student. 1711 Wallace Ave., Duluth, Minn. Albert William Olsen W ^'v. Student. (Glenbrook, Conn.) Spencer Armstrong Pumpelly B x 'O Student. (Oswego, N. Y.) Jonathan Stone Raymond O S ""A Student. "The Ramparts," Gloucester, Mass. John Francisco Richards K ^ ""G 4526 Warwick Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. James Reed Sanderson W C ""X Business Mgr. Yale Literary Magazine; 1st Dis- pute; Junior Appointment. Sergeant Battery A 10th Field Artillery, N. G. Conn., 16. Mem- ber Piping Rock and Yale Clubs. Student. 907 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Henry Holloway Scudder 6 S 'X Student. 201 W. 8Sth St., New York, N. Y. John Shepard Stanton, Jr. IT D 'v Student. 54 S. Portland Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Morton Stewart, 3d K ix 'A Wolf's Head; Chi Delta Theta; University Club. Yale Literary Magazine; Track. Mem- ber Green Spring Valley Hunt Club. Student. Eccleston, Md. Edward Haynes Thurston (i X 'K Elihu Club. Member Battery A, 10th Field Ar- tillery N. G. Conn. Student. Westhampton Beach, N. Y. Francis Threepwood Tweddell A S '[x Student. Summit, N. J. 1917-18] Lester Woodruff Ward Elihu Club; The Whiffenpoofs. 319 Garfield PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Knight WooUey BETA CHAPTER O^'X To'K Skull and Bones. Yale News; Junior Promen- ade Committee. Battery A, lOtli Field Artillery N. G. Conn. Student. 1 Sidney PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. Reginald Stanley Young ^ ^ 'c Elihu Club. Student. 94 S. Hamilton St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. P 1918 Allan Wallace Ames ^ o'X Student. Care of James C. Sawyer, Andover, Mass. Lester Armour ^ p X Student. (8 E. 19th St., New York, N. Y.) Howard Malcolm Baldridge ^ S ^ Student. (124 S. 39th St., Omaha, Nebr.) Robert James Brown, Jr. Student. Hopkinton, Mass. Deane \Miittier Colton ^ o '^ , Student. ^ 136 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Reginald Gorton Coombe ^ § ^? University and Sword and Gun Clubs. 116 E. 63d St., New York. N. Y. Arthur Chittenden Crunden W p''X Student. 4426 Westminster PI., St. Louis, Mo. I^'V [Frederick] Trubie Davison ^ S ^ Student. 12 W. 51st St., New York, N. Y. Thomas Danforth Dixon Initiated by the Tau John Villiers Karwell, 3d Wo 'X Student. (Lake Forest, 111.) Artemus Lamb Gates W p ^ Oakhurst, Clinton, Iowa. James Gould ^ \k'o Varsity Football; Swimming Team. Student. The "Clinton," 10th and Clinton Sts., Philadel- phia, Pa. Charles Hathaway, Jr. p 8 'X Student. (530 West End Ave., New York, N. Y.) Robert F4etcher Holden Student. Proctor, Vt. Maynard Cady Ivison Son of William Crane Ivison, Beta 92. Student. 12 W. 48th St., New York, N. Y. 207 ^u'^ Frederick Horr Lovejoy 143 S. Mountain Ave., Montclair, N. J. Robert Abercrombie Lovett W / X Elizabethan Club. Dramatic Assn. (Mgr. 4) ; Junior Promenade Committee. Student. Locust Valley, N. Y. Howard Marquis Newton i: B ""[jl Student. James McCorkle Peirce tc ^ 'N Banker. Harris Trust and Savings Bank, 111 W. Monroe St.; res. Virginia Hotel, Chicago, 111. Ackley Shove Student. 194 Belmont St., Fall River, Mass. Curtis Ripley Smith Football;* Baseblall. Student. St. Albans, Vt. Raymond Franklin Snell Baseball. Student. 101 Newbury St., Brockton, Mass. Student. 441 E. Town St., Columbus, Ohio. John Martin Vorys Student. 441 E. Town St., C i\lexander Wiley Student. 45 Broad St., Stamford, Conn. John Eliot Woolley Student. 1 Sidney PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1919' Andrew Pickens Calhoun Student. Euclid Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. Edward Hardy Clark, Jr. Student. 470 Park Ave.," New York, N. Y. xAle.xander Porteous Dann Student. 204 Ellicott Sq., Buffalo, N. Y. Allan Wilkins Douglass .Student. 558 W. Ferry St., Buffalo, N. Y. t O'M Hp'u Ban. (J^X^v 208 Samuel Ewing Durand Student. 42 Westminster Rd., Rod Darrow Bruce Fulton Student. 410 Riverside Drive, New Robert Wadsworth Griggs Student. 2 Fox Terrace, Poughkeepsie, N Ashton William Hawkins Student. 1215 E. Rio Grande St., E Oswald Roberts Jones Student. 9 Cliff St., Waterbury, Coi Milton Shaw Kimball Student. 42 Westminster Rd., Rochester, N. Y. Student. 410 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. Student. 1215 E. Rio Grande St., El Paso, Tex Be V By'^v B^^ ({; 7C 'V Student. Bath, Maine. Samuel Waldron Lambert, Jr. B X 'v Student. 130 E. 3Sth St., New York, N. Y. George Francklyn Lawrence, Jr. Bx'X Crew. Student. • • 19 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. Short Hills, N. J. John McKelvy Lazear Initiated by the Chi Alexander Agnew McCormick, Jr. Student. 5749 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111. James Sanford Otis Student. 1709 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. B!;v \PTER ' [1919 Darley Randall Bx^ Student. 48 W. 59th St., New York, N. Y. James Wesley Ricker uv Student. Poland Springs, Maine. Thomas Clifford Rodman tjix'v Student. 2631 Orchard Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Edward Traver Smith -l^rv Student. Patchogue, N. Y. Clarence Stanley Bi-'v Student. Great Barrington, Mass. Gilbert Stanley B?V Student. Great Barrington, Mass. Hugh Allen Ward 4-X'v Student. 319 Garfield PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederic Latimer Way •I'tV Student. 796 Prospect Ave., Hartford, Conn. Franklin Warren Wolf B^v Brother of Walter Reid Wolf, Delta 19. Student. 349 W. 85th St., New York, N. Y. Walter Reid Wolf lo'^u Brother of Franklin Warren Wolf, Delta 19. Student. 349 W. 85th St., New York, N. Y. Kenneth Axford Wood Student. Hotel Iroquois, Buffalo, N. Y. (p (j'v SIGMA CHAPTER FOUNDED MARCH 28, 1840 BROWN UNIVERSITY PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND 1841 Samuel Greene Arnold* PA© A. B. 1841; A. M. 1844; LL. D. 1878; LL. B. 1845 Harvard Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Trustee of Brown Univ., 48-80; Lieut. -Governor ■ R. I., 52-53 and 61-63; Acting Governor, 61-62; P Delegate to the Peace Convention, 61; Colonel of Artillery and Aide, 61; U. S. Senator, 62- 63; Trustee Providence Reform School; But- ler Hosp. for the Insane (11 years). Author "Spirit of Rhode Island History;" "History of the State of Rhode Island." Member Frank- 1 lin Soc. Lawyer. d. 1880 George Washington Brown* K B P A. B. 1841; A. M. 1844. Lawyer. Charter Member. d. 1861 Thomas Clement Campbell* K D 6 A. B. 1841. Commencement Orator. Charter Member; Dist. Atty., Dutchess County, 50-56. Lawyer. d. 1904 Wilson Conner Cooper* o.Cp A. B. 1841. Charter Member. ' Planter. d, 1866 Benjamin Alexander Edwards* O N P A. B. 1841; A. M. 1844; B. D. 1844 Newton Theol. Inst. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member. Pastor Grafton, Mass., 45-50; Watertown, 50- i 54; Newtonville, 54-56; Plymouth, 56-60; Hol- liston, 60-65; Sharon, 65-72; . Bolton, 72-79. Clergyman. d. 1879 Merrick Lyon* OS® A. B. 1841; A. M. 1844; LL. D. 1873 Univ. ot Chicago. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member; Principal Waterman Street English and Classi- cal School, Providence, R. I., 41-45; Brown Univ. Grammar School, 45-88; Pres. R. I. Inst, of Instruction, 72-74, and Am. Inst, of Instruc- tion, 74-76; Member Providence School Com- mittee, 55-73, and 76-88; Trustee Brown Univ., 74-77 and Fellow, 77-88. Educator. d. 1388 Elbridge Smith* oFe A. B. 1841; A. M. 1844; So. D. 1893. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member; Principal Brown Univ. Grammar School, Providence, R. I., 43- 45; High School, Worcester, Mass., 45-48; High School, Cambridge, 48-57; Free Acad., Norwich, Conn., 57-67; Master High School, Dorchester, Mass., 67-02. Educator. d. 1912 Alanson Harris Tinkham* K A €) A. B. 1841. Charter Member. Merchant. d. 1847 1842 George Murillo Bartol* %s A. B. 1842; D. D. 1892; B. D. 1845 Harvard Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member; Acting Pastor, Chicago, III., 45-47; Pastor, Lancaster, Mass., 47-02; Pres. Mass. Evangeli- cal Missionary Soc; Soc. for Relief of Aged and Destitute Clergymen. Clergyman. d. 1906 Stephen Elton Brownell* Gvp A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845. Principal Acad., Rhinebeck, N. Y., 43-54; Acad., Bonham, Tex., 54-62. Farmer. Henry Harrison Button* oSO A. B. 1842; M. D. 1845 Univ. of the City of New York. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member. Teacher. Va.. 42-43. Merchant. d. 1890 Asa Howard Gould* KiuP A. B. 1842; B. D. 1846 Newton Theol. Inst. Charter Member; Asst. Librarian Brown Univ., 42-43; Pastor. Baring, Alaine, 47-56; East Au- burn, 56-60; Lebanon, 60-61; Alna, 61-65; West Gardiner, 65-70. Clergyman. d. 1884 Zuinglius Grover* Y) (j) p A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Charter Member; Principal Prospect Grammar School, Provi- dence, R. I., 42-57; Dearborn Sem., Chicago, 111., 57-88. Father of Thomas William Grover, Beta 74. Educator. Albert Harkness* d. 1891 Otj^e A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845; LL. D. 1869; A. M. 1854 Univ. of Bonn, Germany, and Ph. D. 1854. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedictorian. Charter Member; Master High School, Providence, R. I., 43-5.^; Prof, of Grerk LanG:\inge and Literature, Brown Univ., 55-92; Emeritus, 92- 07; Pres. Rhode Island Alpha of Phi Beta Kappi, 71-73. Author 'Latin Grammar;" "A First Greek Book;" "Introductory Latin Book;' "Elementary Latin Grammar;" "Practi- cal Introduction to Latin Prose Composition;" "Progressive Exercises in Reading and Writing Latin;" "First Year in Latin;" "Latin Reader." Member Archaeological and Am. Philological Assns. Educator. d. 1907 KvO Milton Hebard* Charter Member. d. 1841 210 SIGMA CHAPTER [1842-45 Adoniram Judson Huntington* © rj P A. B. 1843 Columbian Coll. and A. M. 1846; S. T. D. 1808 Brown Univ. Charter Member; Prof., 46-49 and 52-59; Prof, of (ireek Lan- guage and Literature Columbian Coll.. 66-02; Pastor, Lexington, Va., 49-51; Chelsea, Mass., 51-52; Virginia. 59-60; Augusta, Ga., 60-66. Educator. d. 1903 Orrin Bishop Judd* XQK A. B. 1844 Columbian Coll.; B. D. 1845 Hamil ton Theol. Sem.; A. M., 1846 Madison Univ and LL. D. 1854. Pres. Adelphian Sec, 42 Pastor Second Baptist Church, New Haven Conn., 45-49; Union Baptist Church, New York 49-52; Union Baptist Church, New York, 49 52; VVooster Place Baptist Church, New Haven Conn., 64-66; Teacher New York Public School No. 82, 85-88. Author "Maclay Memorial." Educator. d. 1892 Noah Ford Packard* o cr p A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845; B. D. 1845 Union Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Mem- ber; Acting Pastor, Cranston, R. I., 45-46; Stanwich, Conn., 46; New Orleans, La., 46-47. Clergyman. d. 1847 James Monroe Phipps* 096 A. B. 1842; M. D. 1845 Harvard Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member; Member Massa- chusetts Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1865 John Barstow Willard* y.^p A. B. 1842. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Mem- ber; Pastor Windsor, Vt., Still River, West- tojd, Lowell, Barnstable, Lunenburg and War- wick, Mass. Clergyman. d. 1900 1843 Sumner Winn Bacon* B R IT d. 1842 Percival Whitmore Bartlett* o n A. B. 1843. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Mem- ber; Teacher, Boston, Mass., 43-68; Asst. Mas- ter, Hancock Grammar School; Master Chan- man Grammar School; Principal Adams School. Educator. d. 1868 Tracy Patch Cheever* srx A. B. 1843. Capt. 3Sth Inf. Regiment, Mass. Vols., 62-63; Member Mass. Legislature, 62 and 65; Senator State of Mass., 68; Chairman Chel- sea Board of Education, 69-75. Lawyer. d. 1881 Robinson Potter Dunn* YjXp A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846; S. T. D. 1864. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedictorian. Instr. in French and Acting Librarian. Brown Univ.. 44-46; Pas- tor Presbyterian Church. Camden. N. T., 49-51; Prof, of Rhetoric and English Literature, Brown Univ., 51-67. Educator. d. 1867 Benjamin Gardner* XHO A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846. Phi Beta Kappa. Clergyman. ■ d. 1901 Lowell Holbrook* o e e M. D. 1849 Univ. of the City of New York. Charter Member; Surg. 18th Inf. Regiment, Conn. Vols, and Acting Brigade Surg., 63-65; Pres. Conn. Med. Soc, 75. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1905 Ezekiel Lamb Miller* /. e p A. B. 1843. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member. Lawyer. Daniel Follensbee Morrill* FyiP A. B. 1843. Planter. Harrison Carleton Page* Edwin Theodore Winkler* d. 1900 xdO A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846; B. D. 1848 Newton Theol. Institution. Charter Member. d. 1847 ARx A. B. 1843; B. D. 1846 Newton Theol. Institu- tion; S. T. D. 1860 Furman Univ. Pastor, Albany. Ga., 47-49; Gillisonville, S. C, 49-52; First Baptist Chvtrch, Charleston, S. C, 54-64; Citadel Square Baptist Church, Charleston, 64- 72; Marion, Ala., 72-83; Chaplain Hosps., Charleston, S. C, 62-65; Pres. Southern Baptist Publication Soc; S. C. Baptist State Con- vention; Home Mission Board and Vice-Pres. of the Baptist Historical Soc. ; Trustee Furman Univ.; Howard Coll.. Judson Female Inst.; Southern Baptist Theol. Sem. Clergyman. d. 1883 1844 Cyrus Bentley* W[Ll A. B. 1844. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Father of Cyrus Bentley, Jr., Beta 82. Lawyer. d. 1888 Caleb Blood* y, d p A. B. 1844. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Mem- ber. Pastor, Chicago, 111.; Churches in Wis., Ind.. Kans. and Mo. Clergyman. d. 1880 Elijah Warren Fiske* Alfred Ellenwood Giles* d. 1843 V.\ A. B. 1844; LL. B. 1846 Harvard Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Charter Member. Author "Sabbath Question Considered by a Layman;" "Civil and Medical Liberty in the Healing Art;" "A Letter to the Massachusetts Congressmen on Plural Marriage and the Mor- mon Problem;" "Methods and Tendencies of Societies for Suppression Vice Discounten- anced;" "Iniquity of Compulsory Vaccination." Lawyer. d. 1904 Alonzo Leland* X^Q Instr., Elk Ridge, Md.. 43-45; Pawtucket, R. L, 45-46; Newport, 46-47; Lowell, Mass., 47-48; Chicopee Falls, 48-50; Postmaster, City of Port- land, 50-51 and City Judge, 51-52; Member First Legislature of Idaho and chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary and the Com- mittee on Engrossed and Enrolled Bills; Framer of the Constitution for Washington Territory. Journalist. d. 1891 1845 James Ewell Bell* c^el M. D. 1849 Med. Coll. of Va. Magistrate, 52- 61; School Commissioner, 54-61; Pres. County Court, 69; Sheriff Princess Anne County, Va., 69-73. Physician and Surgeon. I 1845-471 SIGMA CHAPTER 211 Solon Wanton Bush~''= yXO » A. B. 1845; B. D. 1848 Harvard Coll. Prize English Literature, 45; Commencement Orator. Pastor, Burlington, Vt., 49-53; Brattleborough, 53-57; Medfield, Mass., 57-63; Needham, Mass., 71-88. Clergyman. d. 1898 Isaac Foote Cady* I Y W TC A. B. 1845; A. M. 1848. Prize in English Com- position, 43; Physical Science, 44. Trustee, Librarian and Sec. Free Public Library, Har- rington, R. I.; Vice-Pres. and Pres. Am. Educa- tion Inst.; Instr. at Wetherfield, Conn., 45-48; High School, Providence, R. I., 48-54; Chatham Acad., Savannah, Ga., 54-55; Principal High School, Warren, R. I., 55-69; Prince's Hill Family and Day School, Barrington Centre, 69- 19\ Pres. Rhode Island Inst, of Instruction, 75. Educator. d. 1884 William Hadley Eaton* Utu I A. B. 1845; A. M. 1848; S. T. D. 1867; B. D. 1848 Newton Theol. Institution. Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor Salem, Mass., 49-54; Nashua, N. H., 56-70; Keene, 72-96; Trustee Colby Acad., 56-91; Newton Theol. Institution, 65-88; Brown Univ., 75-96. Author "Our Father's God Our God;" "It's Conflict and It's Victory." ' Clergyman. d. 1896 Charles Gifford* P e o Merchant. d. 1861 Foster Henry* ^ a i A. B. 1845; A. M. 1848; B. D. 1848 Newton Theol. Institution. Pastor Tyringham, Mass., 52-57; Pawtucket, R. I., 57-61; Danversport, Mass., 61-66; Newport, N. H., 66-72; North Bennington, Vt., 72-80; Cavendish, 80-85; Hins- dale, N. H., 85-86. Clergyman. d. 1886 Tel d. 1857 William Gridley Mickell* Georg-e Parks* A. B. 1845. Phi Beta Kappa. Publisher. Eli Thaver* I d. 1855 0) p A. B. 1845: A. M. 1848. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Instr. Acad., Worcester, Mass., 45-48; Member Common Council, Worcester, 53; Mass. Legislature 53-54 and U. S. House of Representatives, 57-61. Scientist. d. 1899 1846 Frank William Anthony* P F v A. B. 1846; B. D. 1849 General Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Treas. St. Paul's Church, Jackson, and Jackson County Agricultural Soc; Dir. of Public Schools: Treas., City of Jackson, 61-63; Post- master, 66-68; Vice-Pres. Land League, State of Mich. Farmer. d. 1910 Franklin Jackson Dickman* n Q a' A. B. 1846; LL. D. 1892. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. U. S. Dist. Atty. Northern Dist. of Ohio; Member Ohio Legislature, 62-64; Member Board of Visitors U. S. Military Acad., West Point, 58; Justice Supreme Court Ohio, 86-02. Father of Robert Neil Dickman, Phi 86. Lawyer. d. 1908 Thomas Durfee* ed^ A. B. 1846; LL. D. 1875. Prize in Essays, 44. Member Providence Court of Magistrates, 54-60; Presiding Justice, 55-60; R. I. Legisla- ture and Speaker of the House, 63-64; Senator, 65; Justice Supreme Court, 65-75; Chief Justice, 75-91; Trustee Brown Univ., 76-88; Chancellor, 79-88. Father of Samuel Slater Durfee, Sigma SO and brother of Simeon Borden Durfee, Sigma 51. Lawyer. " d. 1901 William Seabrook Lawton Planter. Raymond Lopez* A. B. 1846. Phi Beta Kappa. Architect. ©Da' d. 1866 Nathaniel Whiting- Metcalf* ^ " o A. B. 1846; A. M. 1849. Teacher, Pittsburgh, Pa.; New Marlboro, Mass.; Medway, Mass. Manufacturer d. 1871 Stephen Waterman* $Sv A. B. 1846. Member Common Council, City of Providence, 55-60 and 69-71; Pres., 56-60; Alder- man, 61-62; Member R. I. Legislature, 70-71. Father of Harold Pearce Waterman, Sigma 74, Paul Waterman, Sigma 80, William Bullock \Vaterman, Sigma 82 and Stephen Waterman, Sigma 86. Broker. d. 1871 1847 George Capron * 9 cX A. B. 1847; A. M. 1850. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Prize in Greek, 44 and 45. Instr. Acad., Wor- cester, Mass., 47-48; High School, Providence, R. I., 48-52; Principal High School, Worcester, Mass.. 52-55. Insurance Agent. d. 1893 Phineas Howe* Ai^ A. B. 1847; A. M. 1850. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Prize in Mechanics, 46; Salutatorian. Pastor, Somerville, Mass., 52. Clergyman. d. 1852 Emery Harkness Page Initiated by the Psi Isaac Pond* 8

-n\ Sec. Mass. Baptist Convention, 55-56; Chaplain 20th Inf. Regiment R. I. Vols., 62-63; Member R. I. State Board of Education, 70. Clergyman. d. 1877 \ 212 SIGMA CHAPTER [1847-50 Ambrose Pascal Sevilon Stuart* A g X A. B. 1847; A. M. 1850. Phi Beta Kappa. Prof, of Rhetoric and Moral Philosophy, Acadia Coll., 47-49; Mathematics and Chemistry, 53-58; Principal Grammar School, Providence, R. I., 49-51; High School, Danvers, Mass., 51-53; Acad., Worcester, Mass., 63-64;Asst. Instr. in Chemistry, Lawrence Scientific School of Har- vard Coll., 64-68; Prof, of Chemistry, Agricul- tural Coll., Pa., 68; Illinois Industrial Univ., 68-74; Fellow Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science. Member German Chemical Soc. of Berlin. Educator. d. 1899 Francis Wayland Weston* A X v A. B. 1847. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Prize in Greek, 44; 1st Prize in Latin, 45 and 46; Vale- dictorian, d. 1848 1848 LaFayette Burr^ Xnv A. B. 1848; A. M. 1851. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Entrance Prize in Latin, 44; 2d Latin Prize, 45 Commencement Orator. Instr. Friends' School Providence, R. I., 48-49; Principal High School Bristol, R. I., 49-51; Public School, near Ray mond, Miss., 52-53; Acad., Danielsonville Conn., 60-62. Warehouseman. d. 1904 Y d y. Jeremiah Olney Carr* A. B. 1848. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedictorian. Physician. d. 1856 Fayette Clapp* T S X" A. B. 1848; M. D. 1851 Castleton Med. Coll. Surg. U. S. Army, Staff of General Fremont, 61-62; Supt. U. S. Hosp., St. Louis, Mo. and Surg. Miss. Fleet, 61-64. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1864 James Edward Leach* 5( w A. B. 1848. Phi Beta Kappa. University Prize in Mathematics, 46; 2d Prize in Mechanics, 47; 1st Prize in Astronomy, 48; Salutatorian. Instr. High School, Providence, R. I., 48-49. Educator. d. 1849 Pendleton Murrah* $L^' A. B. 1848. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Prize in Es- says, 47; 1st Prize in Political Economy, 48. Governor, State of Tex.. 62-64. Lawyer. d. 1865 1849 James Burrill Angell* A c w A. B. 1849; A. M. 1852; LL. D. 1868; LL. D. 1887 Columbia; LL. D. 1896 Rutgers; LL. D. 1896 Princeton; LL. D. 1901 Yale; LL. D. 1902 Johns Hopkins; LL. D. 1904 Univ. of Wis.; LL. D. 1904 Univ. of Vt.; LL. D. 1905 Harvard; LL. D. 1909 Dartmouth; LL. D. 1911 Miami Univ.; LL. D. 1912 Univ. of Mich.; LL. D. 1913 Peking Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st En- trance Prize in Greek, 45; 1st Latin Prize, 46, 47 and 48; 2d Greek Prize 46; 2d Essay Prize, 47; 2d Prize in Physics, 48; 1st Essay Prize, 48; 1st Prize in Moral Philosophy, 49; Valedic- torian. Asst. Librarian Brown Univ., 49-50; Prof, of Modern Languages, Brown Univ., 53- 60; Pres. Univ. of Vt., 66-71; Pres. Univ. of Mich., 71-09; Pres. Emeritus since 09; U. S. Minister to China, 90-91; Member Anglo-Am. International Commission on Canadian Fisher- ies, 87; Chairman Canadian _ Am. Commission on Deep Waterways, 96; Minister to Turkey, 97-98; Regent, Smithsonian Inst. Author "Pro- gress in International Law," "The Higher Education." Educator. d. 1916 Reuben Thomas Durrett* Ppf A. B. 1849; A. M. 1852; LL. D. 1894; LL. B. 1850 Univ. of Louisville and LL. D. 1896; LL. D. 1895 Georgetown Coll. Valedictorian at Law School. Member Common Council City of Louisville, 53-54; Founder Public Library of Ky., 71; Pres. 71-80; Pres. Children's Free Hosp. and P. E. Orphan Asylum. Author "Life and Writings of John Filson, the First Historian of Kentucky;" "Revolutions of 1798 and 1799." Member Am. Historical and Va. Historical Socs.; State Historical Soc. of Wis. and Poly- technic Soc. of Louisville. Lawyer. _ d. 1913 ^da' Horatio Gray* A. B. 1849; A. M. 1852; B. D. 1852 Theol. Sem. of Va. 1st Entrance Prize in Greek, 45. Asst. Minister, St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 53-54; St. John's Church, Providence, R. I., 58; Rector Grace Church Waverly, N. Y., S6-S8; Grace Church Mamaroneck, N. Y., 67- 72. Clergyman. d. 1903 Rowland [Gibson] Hazard* A R d ^" A. B. 1850 Yale; A. M. 1853. Berkleian Latin Prizes, 48 and 49. Teacher, Stamford, Conn., 50-51; Principal Bacon Acad., Colchester. ' See Beta 50. Educator. d. 1911 Elijah Timothy Fletcher* [/.As" A. B. 1850. Asst. Pastor, Fall River, Mass., Clergyman. d 1877 John Walker Kennady* OtA" A. B. 1850. Journalist. Phi Beta Kappa. Henry Fayette Lane* I d. 1865

Ph. B. 1896. Manager. (Paso del Ingenio, Tula Ver, Mex.) 226 SIGMA CHAPTER [1896-98 Stanley Henshaw XBA Member Elysian and Greenville Country, Aga- wam Hunt and Rhode Island Country Clubs. Cotton Buyer. Washington Ave.; res. Shelby St., Greenville, Miss. John Bosworth Lewis T s a Member Hope, Agawam Hunt, Turk's Head, Rhode Island Country and Brown Clubs; Squan- tum Assn. Merchant. 8 Exchange PI.; res. 2 Benevolent St., Provi- dence, R. I. Robert Fox MacArthur Xa^ Henry Hall Rockwell General Manager. Barnsdall Oil Co., Drawer G, Bartlesville; res. 520 N. Cheyenne Ave., Tulsa, Okla. Charles Baldwin Mackinney Xboi Member Squantum Assn.; Hope, Agawam Hunt and Turk's Head Clubs. Insurance Engineer. 17 Custom House St.; res. 93 Brown St., Provi- dence, R. I. Tcoi Ph. B. 1896. Editor Brown Daily Herald and Liber Brunensis. Manufacturer. 101 Tremont St., Boston; res. 78 Gibbs St., Brookline, Mass. 1897 Marion McAlister Clark X s to" A. B. 1897. Clerk. (18 John St., Newport, R. I.) Arthur Maxson Cottrell X c 'A Ph. B. 1897. Pres. School Committee; Trustee Wiicox Memorial and Library Assn. Secretary. C B. Cottrell & Son Co., 21 Elm St., Westerly, R. I. Charles Dunsmore Millard X m A' William Fitz Donovan Ts'Q Football; Baseball. Member Country Club of Birmingham. Merchant. , 2131 Morris Ave., Birmingham; res. Roebuck Springs, Ala. A B 1897; A. M. 1898; M. D. 1903 Univ. of Pa. Physician. 1121 Emerson St., St. Palo Alto, Cal. Herlwyn Ruggles Green Russell Grinnell XC 'Q Ph. B. 1897. Merchant. 275 W. Exchange St.; res. 104 Benevolent St., Providence, R. I. Isaac Butts Merriman T m a' Ph B 1897. Dir. Rhode Island Hosp. Trust Co.' Member Psi Upsilon, New York Yacht, Hope, Agawam Hunt, Rhode Island Country a-d Turk's Head Clubs. Director and General Manager. P O. Box 1465; res. 56 Cooke St., Providence, R. I. Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York). Lawyer. (23 Dixon St., Tarrytown, N. Y.) Howard Anson Richmond T(Q' Member Hope, Agawam Hunt and Rhode Island Country Clubs. Cotton Buyer. 33 Market Sq., Providence, R. I. George Golson Gaylord Russell F [x a" Franklin Page Sackett y z a A. B. 1897. Asst. Paymaster General R. I., with rank of Capt., 98; Asst Paymaster U. S. Navy with rank of Ensign, 99-02; Past Asst. Master with rank of Lieut, (junior grade), 02-03; Paymaster with rank of Lieut., 03-10; with rank of Lieut. Commander since 10. Mem- ber Army and Navy, University (New York) and Chevy Chase (Md.) Clubs. Paymaster U. S. Navy. Care of Navy Dept., Washington, D. C,; res. 177 George St., Providence, R. I. Byron Sprague Watson 5(b w' A B. 1897. Ya Ja Ja; Cammarian Club. Foot- ball; Asst. Mgr. (3); Mgr. (4); Baseball; Capt. Ice Polo (3), (4); Vice-Pres. Republican Club; Junior Prom. Committee. Member Hope, Aga- wam Hunt, Art and Rhode Island Country Clubs. Merchant. Greene, Anthony & Co., 36 Pine St.; res. 20 Benevolent St., Providence, R. I. 1898 Audubon Arms* A. B. 1898. William Henry Buffum d. 1902 A. B. 1898; M. D. 1902 Harvard. Member Hope, University and Agawam Hunt Clubs. Physician. 37 George St., Providence. R. I. Erik Hastings Green T c 'A A. B. 1898; A. M. 1899; Ph. D. 1903 Heidelberg. Ya fa Ta; Milkmen's Chemical Club; Sigma Chi. Member University Club; Am. Chemical Soc. Consulting Chemist. Agawam Chemical Works, 10 Weybosset St., Providence. R. I.: res. Old Post Rd., North Attleboro, Mass. William Taylor Grinnell, Jr.* t s ^' Ph. B. 1898. d. 1906 Frederic Latimer Jenckes F h \F Manufacturer. (Jenckes Spinning Co., 335 Barton St., Paw- tucket, R. I.) Walter Dun Kilvert Clerk. R. R. No. 5, Syracuse. Ind. John Fiske Paine XdW XoW Manufacturer. 366 Fifth Ave.; res. 620 W. 122d St., New York, N. Y. , 1898-1901] [ Albert Louis Rodman Manufacturer. (Lafayette, R. I.) I Edward Thayer SIGMA CHAPTER 227 X d T' FY Manufacturer. Lebanon Mill Co.; res. 25 Denver St.. Paw- tucket, R. I. 1899 Dwight Wood liaker A. B. 1899. Rancher. Rock Ridge Ranch, Wetmore. Colo. X X $' I Stephen Wentworth Bourn x V- i Ph. B. 1899. Major, Lieut. Colonel and Col- onel, Bristol Train of Artillery, N. G. R. I. Member University. Brown Cniv. and Army and Navy (New York) Clubs. Manufacturer. Bourn Rubber Co.. 58 Warren St., Providence; res. Bristol, R. I. r m y; d. 1916 Ph. B. 1899. Member Hope, Agawam Hunt, Brown and Rhode Island Country Clubs. Real Estate. 49 Westminster St.; res. 160 Brown St., Providence, R. I. Le Baron Carleton Colt* A. B. 1899. Mgr. Football. Manufacturer. William Pratt Comstock Gordon Dyer Hale X b 'f Ph. B. 1899; M. D. 1904 Columbia. Cammar- ian Club "Brown." Passed Asst. Surg., U. S. Navy. Member Army and Navy (New York and Washington) and University (Philadelphia) Clubs. Surgeon. Naval Hospital, Newport, R. I. Henry Morton Levering* Lff d. 1898 luigene Waterman Ma.son, Jr. L k y Ph. B. 1899. -tl-chitect. 52 Vanderbilt Ave.; res. ill E. 69th St.. New York, N. Y. Frank Eddy Richmond. 2d F b y' A. B. 1899. Member Hope. Agawam Hunt and Brown L'niversity (New York) Clubs. Manufacturer. 49 Westminster St.; res. 138 George St., Prov- idence, R. I. John Irving Stubbert XdF' A. B. 1899. .Assistant Chief Electrician. .Manchester St. Power House. The I'lhode Island Co.. North Scituate, R. I. Ravmer Balch Weeden X 1 t' Ph. B. 1899. Member East Side Skating, East Side Tennis, Agawam Hunt, The Players' and Cnitv I Wakefield, R. I.) Clubs. Brother of John Edward Weeden, 2d, and William Wager Weeden. Sigma 91. Insurance Broker. 76 Westminster St.; res. 45 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Alerwin White Tpx" Member Hope, Providence Art, Agawam Hunt, Brown »and Bristol Reading Room Clubs. Merchant. 27 Weybosset St.; res. 17 Benevolent St., Providence, R. I. 1900 William Truman Aldrich AnT B. S. 1900 Mass. Inst, of Tech. Architecte Diplome par le Gouvernement Ecole des Beaux Arts (Paris); Trustee Rhode Island School of Design. Member Union, Eastern Yacht, Hope, University, Art (Providence. R. I.), Racquet and Tennis and University (New York) Clubs; Am. Inst, of Architects; Soc. Beaux Arts Arch- itects. Architect. 8 Beacon St.; res. 31 Hereford St., Boston, Alass. James W'arren F a S A. B. 1900. Phi Beta Kappa; Cammarian Club. Superintendent. ITniversal Rolling Mill Co., Bridgeville; res. 15 N. Wade Ave., Washington, Pa. 1901 Benjamin Gladding Comstock* T b Y Xhe" d. 1905 yk'n Frank Henry Croker* Richard Samuel Croker Real Estate. 331 Madison Ave. York, N. Y. Philip DeWolf res. 117 E. 40th St., New XcC Brown Chemical Soc. Author "Ameriacn Sul- phuric Acid Practice." Member Du Pont Club of Va. Chemical Engineer. 2 Dynamite Ave., City Point, Va. Xxi Harris Dickinson Eaton Ph. B. 1901. Farmer. Southboro, Mass. John Boynton Eaton Initiated by the Gamma Frank Paul Holman Initiated by the Gamma \\'illiam Larchar F e E Sophomore Soc. Manager Track. Member Economic, Noonday, Athenaeum, Town Criers and Wannamoisett Country Clubs. See Beta Beta 03 Advertising. 96 Westminster St.; res. 282 Benefit St., Provi- dence, R. I. FDH" Frank Carroll Thompson A. B. 1901. .\uditor. Am Telenhone & Telegraph Co., 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. Belvedere Rd., Haver- hill. Mass. (9) 228 SIGMA CHAPTER [1901-04 Alan Rattray Wheeler A. B. 1901. Educator. Second Beach Rd., Newport, R. I. AcE^ 1902 Edward Jarvis Gushing Bullock T v s' Genealogist. 142 Main St., Warren, R. I. Richard William Comstock, Jr. X^ ^' Member Hope, Agawam Hunt and Rhode Is- land Country Clubs; Engineers' Club of New York. Broker. Industrial Trust Co. Bldg., 49 Westminster St.; res. 203 Governor St., Providence, R. I. Anthony Hamilton Dexter Xjs V d. 1902 T we' r C £ A. B. 1902. Dir. San Fernando Fruit Grow- ers' Assn. Member Psi Upsilon Assn. of Southern Cal. Citriculturist. San Fernando, Cal. Samuel Noyes Douglas* Horace Samuel Johnson (232 Summer St.. Boston. Mass.) Stephen Dexter Knowles Collector. Narragansett Electric Lighting Co., 84 West- minster St.; res. 193 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Harold Austin MacKinney X K c' Ph. B. 1902. Pi Kappa; Cammarian Club. Base- ball. Member Agawam Hunt, Hope, Wanna- moisett. Point Judith Country, Turk's Head and Economic Clubs. Insurance. Turk's Head Bldg.; res. 215 Arlington Ave. Providence, R. I. Paul Emerson Mead T u e' LL. B. 190S Yale. Phi Delta Phi; Corbev Court. Member of Yale Club. Lawyer. 43 Cedar St.; res. 452 W. 149th St., New York, N. Y. Charles Townsend Palmer Xje' (Palmer Bros. Co., 18 Broad St., New London, Conn.) James Aloysius Ranger X F@ Member Mount Tom Golf and Holyoke Country Clubs. Manufacturer. Casper Ranger Construction Co., 22 Bond St.; res. 217 Elm St., Holyoke, Mass. Harrison Early Wright A c E' 1903 Charles Francis Cuddy Football. Athletic Director. High School, Swampscott; res. 195 Summer St., Somerville, Mass. Curtis Chase Curry Xgs' Member Minneapolis Athletic Club. Manager. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., 936 Metro- politan Life Ins, Bldg., Minneapolis; res. 162S Laurel Ave.. St. Paul, Minn. Courtland Cook Earle X K s' Horticulturist. Bates St., Quidnick, R. I. Gay Nichols Freeman F b s' B. S. 1903. Pi Kappa. Member Am. Inst. Min- ing Engineers; Am. Electro-Chemical Soc. ; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science; The Chemists' Club (New York). Rancher and Financier. Thermopolis. Wyo. William Albion Hart T ^ t;" A. B. 1903. Theta Nu Eosilon. Editor-in-Chief Briinonian. Sec. Fall River Rescue Mission ; Dir. Fall River Associated Charities and Dist. Nursing Assn.; Sec. Fall River, Mass., Chamber of Commerce. Secretary and Journalist. Chamber of Commerce; res. 589 President Ave., Fall River, Mass. Ernest Alexander Saunders 7 y o' Joseph Nelson White, Jr. Fan (Winchendon Springs, Mass.) 1904 Capwell Allen B r^ 0' Frank Frederick de Lisle X e P' LL. B. 1905 Univ. of Pa. Lawyer. -Syndicate Bldg., res. 160 Santa Clara Ave., Oakland, Cal. Charles Francis Gross Horace Earle Kimball Fe'e XnG' Manufacturer. Mills, Mass.; res. 147 .\ngell St., Providence, R. I. Michael Joseph Lynch X to' Ph. B. 1904; LL. B. 1907 Harvard; J B.*.190S Magna cum laude. Boston Univ. Phi Delta Phi; Cammarian. Capt. Brown University Team, 04. Colonel on Governor Beeckman's Staff. Member University, Brown; Noon Day, Turk's Head, Pen and Pencil and Elks Clubs. Lawyer. 1002 Grosvenor Bldg.; res. 49 University Ave , Providence, R. I. Stephen Waterman Mason X b' p Ph. B. 1904. 39 Leonard St., New York, N. Y. Alfred Fellows Masury F 3 %' M. E. 1904. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Chief Engineer. International Motor Co., 64th .St., and West End .\ve.; res. 345 W. 70th St, New York, N. Y. Henry Albert Morgan S 2° Q A. B. 1904 Williams. Master in Science, Nicholas School. Educator. Nichols School. Amherst and Colvin Sts. ; res 42 Sagamore Terrace, Buffalo, N V. 1904-07] SIGMA CHAPTER 229 Charles Duren Rawstome xGs' C. E. 1904. Concrete Engineer. 1027 Marquette Bldg.; res. 1452 E. Marquette Rd., Chicago. 111. rz0' Wilder Lee Sturtevant 1905 Samuel Newhall Baker Bf P^ Ph. B. 1905; A M. 1914 Columbia. Instr. Phillips Acad. Exiucator. Day Hall, Andover, Mass. I'aul Churchill DeWolf ^'cP' Ph. B. 1905. Cammarian Club. Basket Ball (4 years); Capt. (2 years). Member University, Wannamoisett Country and Turk's "Head Clubs; ^ni. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers. Manufacturer. Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., Promenade St.; res. 14 Cole Ave., Providence, R. I. Howard Raymond Heydon T d 6' Ph. B. 1905. Theta Nu Epsilon; Sock and Buskin. Caston Medal. Sec. N. J. State Cham- ber of Commerce since 13. Secretary. 15 Exchange PI., Jersey City, N. J.; res. 736 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. George Frederic Keene, Jr.* B h %~ Football (1). Member Home Club. Superintendent. Factory R, International Silver Co., 19 .S. George St.; res. 55 Wilcox Ave., Meriden, Conn. Frank Xesler Mandeville T w 0' Ph. B. 1905; M. D. 1909 Columbia. Physician. (25'6 Clinton Ave., Newark, N. J.) Frederick Schwinn Ph. B. 1905. Pi Kappa; Cammarian Club. Football (Capt. 4). Member West Side Cluli. Manufacturer. The Robbins Co., School and Hazel Sts.; res. 226 S. Main St., Attleboro, Mass. Frederick Butler Thurber ^ m p" Member Rhode Island Yacht (Hon.), Economic, Town Criers, Noon Day, East Greenwich Yacht, Edgewood Yacht, Barrington Yacht and Tokalon Clubs. .Secretary. Tilden Thurber, 229 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Ellerv Lewis Wilson John Howard Collier ^nA' BgO^ ^qP" Member Wannamoisett Country, Turk's Head, Pomham. Psi Upsilon (Providence) and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Superintendent. Rinnford Chemical Works. Runiford; res. IS.i Brown St.. Providence, R. I. 1906 Edgar Wallace Akin, Jr. r b'K Member Davenport Commercial, Rock Island and Rock Island Arsenal Golf Clubs. Merchant. 118 W. 2d St.; res. 14 Oak Lane, Davenport, Iowa. Pi Kappa. Member Brown Club. Clerk. . Nicholson File Co., 23 Acorn St.; res. 18 Med- way St., Providence, R. I. Gardiner Tufts Hart Xf o' J ournalist. Fall River Daily Herald; res. 66 Summerfield St., Fall River," Mass. Robert Lippitt Knight Yf^K Philip Haas Shaffner xeo" Manufacturer. ? Washington Row; res. Hope Rd., Lippitt Hill, Providence, R. I. Edwin Thaddeus Morris X w O' Civil Engineer. Florence John Harrington Price* ToK Ph. B. 1906. Sergeant 42d Battalion Canadian Highlanders; British Army, 16. d. 1916 XgK Brewer. Manhattan Brewing Co., 3901 Emerald Ave.; res. 5426 Harper Ave., Chicago, 111. Mervyn St. Clair Shaw Chester Wilson Smith B. S. in E. E. 1906. Engineer and Contractor. 56 Fletcher St., Winchester, Mass. 1907 Myron Hopkins Strong Affleck F e 'A B. S. in C. E. 1907. Tau Delta Sigma. Mem- ber Wannamoisett Country (Rumford, R. I.), University and Psi Upsilon (Providence) Clubs. Mechanical Engineer. Rumford Chemical Works, 231 S. Main St., Providence; res. "Half Acre," Wilson Ave., Rumford, R. I. Frederick Huntington Babcock X s 'S Ph. B. 1907; LL. B. 1913 New York Univ. Member Piping Rock, Harvard and Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Clubs. Lawyer. 334 Fourth Ave., New York; res. Oyster Bay, N. Y. Herbert Earned Dorrance Xh^S Ph. B. 1907. Pi Kappa. Member Agawam Hunt Club. Son of Charles Talbot Dorrance, Sigma 67 and brother of William Tally Dor- rance, Sigma 94. Financier. 532 Grosvenor Bldg.; res. 19 Diman PI., Provi- dence, R. I. Samuel Armstrong Halsey F b A' See Tau 09 Salesman. 333 Mt. Prospect Ave., Newark, N. J. Frederick Nightingale Howard XmS' Manager. Broadway Sales Co., 101 Broadway; res. 434 Brook St., Providence, R. I. 230 SIGMA CHAPTER [1907-10 Richard Hasran Miller TrA' Ph. B. 1907; A. M. 1909; M. D. 1913 Jefferson Med. Coll.; Asst. Bacteriologist. R. I. State Board of Health, 07-09; Resident Bacteriologist, Jefferson Hosp., 09-10; Interne, Rhode Island Hosp., 13-15; Providence City Hosp, 15; Asst. Surgeon U. S. Navy. Surgeon. U. S. Navy Dcpt., Washington, D. C. Victor Arthur Schwartz Xd^S Ph. B. 1907. Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Kappa. Cam- marian Club. Football (Capt. 06); Basketball; Chief Junior Marshal. Sec. and Trcas. Newark Brown Aliitnni Assn. Member Brown Alumni Assn., Brown Univer,sity (New York) and !\faplewood (Maplewood, N. J.) Clubs. Manufacturer. 71 Austin St., Newark; res. 2 Mountain Ave., Maplewood, N. J. William [Almor] Spinney F u 'A A. B. 1907. Cammarian Club. Pres. Athletic Assn., 06-07; Business Mgr. Brown Daily Herald. 05-06. Member City and Brown Uni- versity Clubs. Publisher. Henry Holt & Co., 34 W. 33d St.; res. 31 Mor- ton St., New York, N. Y. 1908 George Wyman Carroll. Ji". F h ~M' Ph. B. 1908. Theta Nu Epsilon ; The Owls. Asst. Mp-r. Bro7vn Daily Herald: Mgr. Base- ball. Member Racquet, Arcanum, Norwich Golf and Manufacturers' (Philadelphia) Clubs. Merchant. 1108 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia; res. York Rd. and Spring Ave., Elkins Park, Pa. Archibald Wallace Dunn M. D. 1912 Univ. of Pa. Physician and Surgeon. Tsing Hua College, Pekin, China. Mcl^' Henrv Ginnel X e ^N Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Psi Upsilon, Crescent Athletic, Automobile and Brown Clubs. Manufacturer. 316 Herkimer St.; res. 1719 Newkirk Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Ralph Honiss r w \L B. S. 1908; M. D. 1912 New York Homeopathic Med. Coll. Phi Kappa; Cammarian Club. Capt. Track: Pres. Brown I^nion, and Cammarian Clubs; Football. Staff of Rochester Home- pathic IIosp. Member Rochester Med. Assn.; Rochester Athletic Club. Physician and Surgeon. 595 University Ave., Rochester. N. Y. George Baron Hubbard John Donald Pryor Xdy XrY^ Ph. B. 1908; A. M. 1911. Asst. in English, Brown Univ., 11-12. (322 Benefit St., Providence, R. I.) Howard Albert Skinner y b [j. (197 Shonnard Terrace, Yonkers, N. Y.) Percy Lawrence Young Initiated by the Zeta 1909 Harold Pemberton Babcock X s 'Q A. B. 1909. Pi Kappa; Cammarian Club; Glee Club; Sock and Buskin. Mgr. Baseball and Wrestling. Member Hope, Agawam Hunt and Noon Day Clubs. Manufacturer. 335 Barton St., Pawtucket; res. 126 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Charles Walter Briggs rt'A Ph. B. 1910; A. M. 1911. Broker. 45 Purchase St.; res. 575 Maple St., Fall River, Mass. William Pendleton Dodge X c ""Q Ph. B. 1909. Pi Kappa. Member Agawam Hunt Clftb. Clerk. 112 Union St.; res. 77 Keene St., Providence, R. I. Lewis Arnold Eadie d'a A. B. 1912 Amherst. Sphinx; Archangel. Pres. Dramatic Assn. Member Shive City Club. See Gamma 10 Designer. Tilton Woolen Mills; res. Tilton, N. H. Plenry Llartness Keough X e 'A (2057 Anthony Ave., New York, N. Y.) John Wesley Mayhew F h "^Q B. S. in C. E. 1909. Pi Kappa; Tau Delta Sigma; Tau Omega Phi; Cammarian Club. Track (Capt. 09); Football (Capt. 08); Relay; Baseball. Deputy Provincial Governor, Lanao, Dept. of Mindanao and Sulu, P. I. Member ("olumliia, Irish- American Athletic, Boston .\th- letic and Edgartown Tennis Clubs. Officer Philipjiine Constabulary. Philippine Constabulary, Manila, P. I. William Davis A/Iiller A. B. 1909. (Kingston, R. I.) Lawrence Richmond Xk'a Y m a A. B. 1909. Theta Nu Epsilon; Pi Kappa; The Owls. Tennis; Pres. New England Intercollegi- ate Tennis Assn. Member West Side Tennis, .St. Nicholas and .Agawam Hunt and Hojie (Providence, R. I.) (^lubs. Merchant. 31 E. 31st St.. New York, N. Y. Henry Aaron Weil Xn-^Q Pi Kappa; Owl Club. Member Missouri .\thletic Assn.; City, Sunset Hill Country and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Buyer. Stix, Baer & Fuller Dry Goods Co., 601 Wash- ington Ave.; res. 5305 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 1910 Donald Sturges Babcock Fn'B A. B. 1910. Pi Kappa; Cammarian Club. Mem- ber Hope, .-\gawam Hiuit, Brown and Noun Day Clubs. Private Secretary. 36 Exchange PI.; res. 126 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. 1910-121 SIGMA CHAPTER 231 George Washington Greene Carpenter X p 'W A. B. 1911 Lelaiid Stanford. Jr., Univ. Sphinx. Salesman. JO Franklin St.: res. 43 St. Botolph St., Boston, Mass. INIorris Ferguson Conant Y r 'B Theta Nu Epsilon; Pi Kappa. Atliletic Board (Senior Year); Asst. Mgr. Brown Daily Herald (_'); Quartette (3). Treas. Pawtucket Boys' Club; Trustee Sayles Memorial Library; Treas. Trustees of Nichols Acad. (Dudley, Mass.). Member Business Men's Assn., Tokalon, East Side Tennis and Wannamoisett Country (Provi- dence) Clubs; Republican Club of Rhode Is- land. Manufacturer and Real Estate. Am. Textile Co.; res. 614 East Ave., Paw- tucket. R. I. John Colhns Hennessy Xc'^ H S. 1910. Member Psi Upsilon rXew York) Club. (590 St. Mark's Ave., Brooklvn, X. Y.) Tohn Danielson Howard rf 'B .See Gamma 10 Broker. 1200 First National Bank Bldg., San Francisco; res. 2926 Benvenue Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Malcohii Roys Jeffris X h ■'^' A. B. 1910. Pi Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Sock and Buskin. Mgr. Football. Chairman of Town. Real Estate. Jeffris, Wis. \'ictor Bayard Seidler b'B M. D. 1912 Columbia. Junior Surg, and Path- ologist, Mountainside Hosp. Member ,St. Luke's and Sloane Alumni (New York), Assns. and New York Pathological Soc. Physician and Surgeon. 43 "S. Fullerton Ave., Montclair, N. J. 1911 Joseph Edward Fletcher, Jr. X c 'y 151 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Lawrence Gardner rd'x Ph. B. 1911. Pi Kappa; Camniarian Club. Contracting Engineer. (Jeneral Fire Extinguisher Co., 75 Barrington St.; res. 40 Summer St., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Robert XHchols Gardner Ph. B. 1911. Darius Goff Xh'X Pi Kappa. Asst. Mgr. Football (2). Incorporator and Dir. Pawtucket Boys' Club; Trustee Me- morial Hosp.; Vice-Pres. Y. M. C. A.; Mem- l)er Pawtucket Park Commission. Member Tok- alon, Wannamoisett Country, Southern New England Textile, Rhode Island Country (Nyatt) and City (Boston) Clubs. Manuacturer. 188 Main St.; res. 11 Walnut St., Pawtucket, R. I. Paul Denckla Howe Xr'T Pi Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Capt. Tennis Team, JNIember Hope and Agawam Hunt Clubs. Broker. 907 Turk's Head Bldg.; res. 591 Blackstone Blvd., Providence, R. I. Maurice Stanley Ricker T s ^K Broker. Curtis & Sawyer, 2i Congress St., Boston; res. 26 Columbia St., Brookline, Mass. William Valentine Winslow y e 'X Ph. B. 1911. Cammarian Club; Mgr. Foot- ball; Track; Basket Ball. Manufacturer. Keystone Concrete Block Co., 85 Palm St., Rochester, N. Y. Foster Vergne Young Xt'T B. S. 1911. Sigma Xi. Football (3), (4); Track (1), (2), (3), (4). Salesman. B. F. Marsh Co., 22 Garden St.; res. 275 Lin- coln St., Worcester, Mass. 1912 Howard Baker Andrews v 1 'A Student. (181 Carpenter St., Providence, R. I.) Rogers Case F f '^ Student. (49 Westminster St., Providence, R. I.) Willard Fremont Gordon, Jr. '/ r ""^ Ph. B. 1912. Pi Kappa; Cammarian Club. Mgr. Baseball. Rancher. Overlook Manor, Hermanville, Miss. I ioey Aloysius Hennessy y c '$ Student. (590 St. Mark's Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.) Royal Willis Leith Fh'S Ph. B. and A. M. 1912. Pi Kappa. Track; Football; Glee Club. Broker. N. W. Halsey & Co., 55 Congress St., Boston, Mass.; res. Providence, R. I. Frederic Charles Schmidt ^ g '? Pi Kappa; Delta Tau Sigma. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Salesman. 636 W. 34th St., New York; res. 353 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Harry George Seidel Ph. B. 1912. Pi Kappa; Sock and Buskin. Petrolist. Romano-Americana, Strada Stavropoleos 6, Bucharest, Roumania. Henry Augustus Wood "/ ^ 'f Manufacturer. 40 Broad St.; res. 34 Ohio St., Bangor. Maine. Xq'^A 232 SIGMA CHAPTER [1913-15 1913 Frederic Robert Gaiser ?a Ckrk. W. R. Grace Co., Canal Bank Bldg., New Or- leans, La. Clifford Aylward Hahn i'Z B. S. in C. E. 1913. Theta Nu Epsilon ; Engi- neering Soc. Art Editor Libre, 13. Member Municipal Engineers. Examining Engineer. 1340 Municipal Bldg., New York.; res. 1812 Ave. L, Brooklyn, N. Y. Arthur Whitney Howe, Jr. A t X A. B. 1913. Pi Kappa; Tau Nu Epsilon. Merchant. Grocers' Supply Co., Lafayette Bldg.; res. 2032 De Lancey St., Philadelphia, Pa. Richard Dodson Robinson A d 'Z A. B. 1913. Pi Kappa; Cammarian Club. Mgr. Track Team ; Editor-in-Chief Brown Daiiy Herald. Banker. 56 William St., New York; res. 142 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sb-^;; A. B. 1913. Phi Beta Kappa. Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York). Banker. 56 William St., New York, N. Y.; res. 2326 Ashland Ave. W. H., Cincinnati, Ohio. >.e"T B. .S. 1913. Pi Kappa; Engineering Soc; Sock and Buskin Cammarian Club. Leader Glee Club (4); Quartette (1), (2), (.3), (4); Pres. Sock and Buskin (4); Athletic Board; Chairman Junior Promenade Committee; Senior Ball Com- mittee. Member Evanston Country and Psi Up- silon (Chicago) Clubs; Brown Alumni Assn. Son of John Tempest Walker, Lambda 84 and nephew of James Wheatley Walker, Lambda 91. Salesman. Benjamin Moore & Co., 415 N. Green St., Chicago; res. 1553 Oak Ave., Evanston, 111. 1914 James Gelston Affleck, Jr. VhX Ph. B. and A. M. 1914. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Student. 674 N. Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. Arthur Elliot Bartlett John Kent Starkweather John Tempest Walker, Jr. Y c 'Z Student. (Harwichport, Mass.) Henry Lyman Parsons Beckwith X d -^T Member Agawam Hunt Club. Broker. 18 S. Water St.: res. 56 Waterman St., Provi- dence, R. I. Edward Wood Berriman Ph. B. 14. Member Chicago Athletic Club. Manufacturer. 1044 First National Bank Bldg.; res. 435 Diver- sey Parkway, Chicago, 111. xf'T Joseph Hollister Farnham F g X B. S. 1914. Pi Kappa. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Salesman. 4 Manning St., Providence, R. I. Victor Carl Gelb X k 'T Ph. B. 1914. Kappa Beta Phi; Theta Nu Epsi- lon. Football. Broker. 12 Westminster St., Providence, R. I.; res. Seekonk, Mass. Robert Stowe Holding Y m ""Z Ph. B. 1914. Pi Kappa; Sock and Buskin; Cammarian and Sphinx Clubs. Musical Club. Track. Manufacturer. Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., Promenade St.; res. 279 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. William James Lowrie, Jr. X n \ Manufacturer. Lowrie Chocolate Co., 54 Hudson St.. Jersey City, N. J.; res. 661 E. 18th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Maurice Augustus Wolf X ^ ^ Ph. B. 1914. Member Executive Committee Brown Club. Salesman. Bodell & Co., 10 Weybosset St.; res 123 Wate' man St., Providence, R. I. 1915 Cvrus Gates Allen F b 'H Pi Kappa; Cammarian Club. Baseball. ^Merchant. 1272 Broadway; res. 1110 Vine .St., Denver, Colo. Harrison Bliss v c 'iq Ph. B. 1915. Member Agawam Hunt Club. Manufacturer. Graton & Knight Co., 21 William St., Wor- cester. Mass.; res. 46 Cooke .St., Providence, R. I. Peirce Hill Brereton X f '2 Ph. B. 1915 Yale. Colony Club; Berzelius Soc. Student. 145 University Rd., Brookline, Mass. Hezekiah Nelson Conant y h '8 A. B. 1916 Amherst. Cotillion Club. See Gamma 16 104 Clay St.. Pawtucket, R. I. Philip Sturtevant Kellen F 1 "^H Rancher. San Acacio, Colo. Emlyn Vinald Mitchell 7 n ^-t] Theta Nu Ensilon. Member Troop B. 1st Mass. Cavalry. Member Young Republican and Cavalry Clubs. Manufacturer. 20 Ames St., Cambridge; res. 1223 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass. Whiting Hayden Preston X r ''S Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Wannamoisett Country and Tampa Yacht and Country Clubs. Citriculturist. Manatee Fruit Co.. Palmetto, Fla.: res. 249 Hope St., Providence. R. 1. 1915-19] SIGMA CHAPTER 233 Samuel Greene Arnold Rogers x "i ^^ A. B. 1915. Student. 1501 Ridge Ave., Evanston, III. Milton Hammond Stansbury F s 'H A. B. 1915. Instr. in English, Univ. of Chicago. Etkicator. North Divinity Hall, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111.; res. West Chester, Pa. George Clark A'alentine Tt 'V, Ph. B. 1915. Theta Xu Epsilon; Pi Kappa; Cammarian Club. Mgr. Football: Athletic Board. Citriculturist. Manatee Fruit Co., Palmetto, Fla. 1916 William Russell Affleck T b '0 Track (1), (2), (3), (4). Member Amackassin and Psi Upsilon Clubs. 674 X. Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. Frederick Allan Ballou, Jr. y c '0 Cammarian Club; Sphin.x; Pi Kappa. Student. 89 Halsey St., Providence, R. I. Wallace Rhodes Chandler, Jr. X^' A. B. 1916. Member East Side Tennis Club. Student. 341 Brook St., Providence, R. I. Frank Alexander Farnham, 'id X d 'P -Assistant Foreman. 526 Ostram Ave., Syracuse, X. Y. Hugo Alden Kenyon X ' p Ambulancier, French Army, 15. Farmer. Peace Dale, R. I. William Rhodes Leroy McBee y r ''% Ph. B. 1916. Pi Kappa; Cammarian Club. Foot- ball (2), (3). Student. 195 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Harold Duell Scott Xs-^e A. B. 1916. Pi Kappa; Cammarian Club. Mgr. Varsity Baseball (o), i.4) ; Athletic Board. Student. Granville, X"^. Y. Frank Russell Smith X t "^P Ph. B. 1916. Pi Kappa; Cammarian Club; Sock and Buskin. Capt. Swimming Team; Chairman of Athletic Board. Student. 108 Washington St., Xorwich, Conn. 1917 Frederic Holdredge Bontecou X s ''tc Member Xoon Day and East Side Tennis Clubs. General Fire Extinguisher Co., 273 Exchange St.; res. 66 Charles Field St., Providence, R. I. John Francis Brown F b 'I Student. 59 Angell St., Providence, R. I. Calvert Holt Tt'I Sock and Buskin; Glee Club. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Manttfacturer. Holt-Welles Co., 1790 Broadway; res. 14 W. SSth St., New York, N. Y. xf^n Bruce Mouat Jeffris Pi Kappa. Mgr. Football. Student. 210 S. Jackson St., Jamesville, Wis. Elliott Ladd Thurston F p 'H Investments. 12 Westminster St.; res. 210 W^aterman St., Providence, R. I. Raymond Joseph Walsh F s T Pi Kappa. Student. 28 Bainbridge Ave., Providence, R. I. Stanley Ayrault Ward X ^ 'o Pi Kappa. Football, 16. Member Mianetank Tennis Club. Student. 14 Lincoln St., Newport, R. I. Arthur Hamilton Wilkinson, Jr. X ^ "^ Baseball; Junior Promenade Committee; Mem- ber Psi Upsilon Club. Administrator. 31 Maiden Lane, New York, X^. Y. 1918 Leslie Russel Clark Xn'O Football. Member Washtenaw Country Club. Real Estate. 325 Farwell Bldg., res. 187 Lathrop Ave., Detroit, Mich. Harry Ralph Gordon Xh-^O Football. Student. 47 Grasmere St., Cleveland, Ohio. Kenneth Safford Parker 7 b ""K Student. 805 Court St., Janesville, Wis. Charles Read Richardson X c 'K .Student. 20 Quincy St., North Adams Mass. George Wheaton Carr Vaughan T d'v. Track; Swimming; Asst. Mgr. Track. Student. 23 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. 1919 Pelham Winslow Bogert B [jl 'M Student. 52 Powers St., Providence, R. I. Thomas Michael Conroy F S'' M Student. 948 Dana Ave, .^vondalc, Cincinnati. Ohio. 234 SIGMA CHAPTER Edward Everett Gardner, Jr. A b '[k Member Gramatan Country Club. 529 Gramatan Ave., Mt Vernon, N. Y. Frederick P)arber Heath, Jr. X $ A" Student 3309 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Bradford Van Rensselaer Moore S t 'v Student. 4 Manning St., Providence, R. I.; res. 412 N. State St., Monticello, 111. Russell Mitchell Peters X c ''M Member Wannamoisett Country and Metacomet Golf Clubs. Student. 195 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. P^rederick Wallace Thomas q h ""N Student. 102 Peace St., Providence, R. I. Charles Lincoln Vaughan, Jr. S f 'u. 23 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. 1920 William Lewis Dewart, Jr. S b w Student. Sunbury, Pa. John Winthrop Dewolf. Jr. Student. 51 Union St., Bristol, R. I. GeorQ;e Rudolph Dinkel Student. 63 Montclair Ave., Montclair, N. J. William Grosvenor Ely, Jr. Student. 114 Leno.K Rd., Scliencctady, N. Y. Walter Richmond Gardner Student. 54 Stimson Ave., Providence, R. 1. Reuben Tyler Palmer Student. 54 West St.. \\'orcester, Mass. Wallace Everett Randall Student. 65 Weymouth St., Providence, R. I. William Burton Shaw Student. 131 Irving .\ve., Providence, R. I. [1919-20 A c Q A c A X d Q" eta -g<^c '^hoc A f Q' i GAMMA CHAPtER Founded November le, i84i AMHERST COLLEGE AMHERST, MASSACHUSETTS 1830 William Seymour Tyler* A A° H, A. B. 1830; A. M. 1833; LL. D. 1871; S. T. D. 1857 Harvard and LL. D. 1886. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Instr Acad. Amherst, Mass., 30-31; Tutor of Greek in Amherst, 32-34 and 36; Prof, of Greek and Latin, 36- 47; Greek Language and Literature, 47- 88; Trustee Mt. Holyoke Sem., Williston Sem., Maplewood Inst, and Smith Coll. Author "Theology of the Greek Poets;" "Prize Essay: Prayer for Colleges;" "Memoir of Lobdell, Missionary to Assyria;" "History of Amherst College;" "Address at the Semi-Centennial of Amherst College;" "The Teaching of Christ Respecting Eternal Punishment ;""The Teach- ing of Paul on the Duration of Future Punish- ment." Member Am. Oriental Soc, Am. Phil- ological Soc. and the Greek Philological Soc. of Constantinople, Turkey. Father of Mason Whiting Tyler, Gamma 62, \^^illiam Wellington Tyler, Gamma 64, Henry Mather Tyler, Gam- ma 65 and John Mason Tyler, Gamma 73. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1897 1833 Isaac Clark Prav* eA°Z' William Zephaniah Stuart* A. B. 1833; A. M. 1836. Editor The Shrine, 31-33. Author "Julietta Gordini;" "Prose and Verse;" "Poems;" "The Old Clock;" "Paetus Csecina;" "Book of the Drama;" "Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett and His Times;" "The Hermit of Malta;" "Virginus;" "Deborah;" "The Mad Queen;" Lives of "Gus- tavus Brooke;" "Catherine Hayes;" "Theresa Parodi;" "Adelaide Ristori;" "Rome" and "Life of Washington." Author. d. 1869 A. B. 1833; LL. D. 1868. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Principal Acad. Mayville, N. Y., 33-35; Prosecuting Atty. of Cass County, Ind., 43-45; Member Ind. Legislature, 51-53; Judge Supreme Court of Ind., 52-57. Author "In- diana Code." Father of Francis Hart Stuart, Zcta 71, Charles Benedict Stuart, Gamma 73, Thomas Arthur Stuart, Gamma 74, Will Vaughn Stuart, Gamma 80 and William Zach- arv Stuart, Gamma 83. Lawyer. d. 1876 1834 Henry Neill* t $° o A. B. 1834; D. D. 1868; B. D. 1839 Lane Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1868 Centre Coll.; D. D. 1869 ad cundem, Univ. of the City of New York. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Dis- putation. Teacher, Fayetteville, N. C, 34-36; Pastor Congregational Church, Hatfield, Mass., 40-46- Lenox, 46-54; Fort Street Presbyterian Church, Detroit, Mich., 54-57; Westminster Presbyterian Church, Detroit, 57-62: Geneseo, N Y., 62-66; Pittsfield, Mass., 66-67; West Stockbridge, 67-69; Second Church New Bruns- wick, N. J., 69-71; Hopewell, S. C, 71-72; Bryn Mawr, Philadelphia, Pa., 72-79. Author "Memorials of the Dead;" "The Sanctuary; "Abolitionism: Its Spirit and Fruits; Ihe Westminster Assembly;" "Memoir of Mrs. Sophia Humphrey." Brother of Edward Uut- ficld Neill, Gamma 42. Clergvman. ^. IS/y 1838 George Bailey Loring* TA° A' A B. 1838 Harvard and M. D. 1842. S'urg. 7th Mass. Vol. Militia, 42-44; of Marine Hosp., Chelsea, 43-50; Commissioner to revise the U. S Marine Hosp. System, 49; Postmaster ot Salem, 53; Pres. New England Agricultural Soc, 64-88; Member Mass. Legislature, 66- 68- Delegate to National Republican Conven- tions, 68, 72 and 76; Chairman Republican State Central Committee, 69-76; U. S. Centen- nial Commissioner, 72-76: Pres. Mass. State Senate, 73-77; Member U. S. House of Rep- resentatives, 77-81; U. S. Commissioner ot Agriculture, 81-85. Member Salem Lyceum, Essex Inst., and Mass. Historical Soc. Farmer. d. 1891 1839 Albert Ripley Palmer* zr°K A. B. 1839; A. M. 1842. Commencement Orator. , ,„., Lawyer. ^- ^^^f Ephraim Munroe Wright* y] A° B' A B. 1839 Williams Coll. and A. M. 1842. Piii Beta Kappa. Instr. in Williston Sem., Easthampton, 43-47; Senator, Mass., 47-49; Sec. State Mass., 53-56; Pastor, Bethlehem, Conn., 61-65"- Terryville, 65-70; Teacher, Easthamp- ton, 70-72. Acted as Initiatory Master at the Institution of the Alpha 50. Clergvman. °- ^^'^ 1841 Rowland Avres* YiA° A" A. B. 1841; A. M. 1845; D. D. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Princi- pal Acad., Southampton, Mass., 41-44; Tutor in Amherst, 44-46; Pastor First Church, Had- ley, Mass., 48-85; Pastor Emeritus, 85-88; Member Board of Education of Hadley, 48-88; Overseer of the Charity Fund; Amherst Coll., 85-88; Member of the Mass. Legislature, 62. Father of Edward Ayres, Gamma 78. Clergyman. d- 1891 235 236 GAMMA CHAPTER [1841-43 Jabez Baldwin Lyman* I A° K A. B. 1841; A. M. 1848; M. D. 1857 Jefferson Med. Coll. Commencement Disquisition. Tutor in French and German, Amherst, 48-49; Prof, of Mathematics, Oglethorpe Univ., Ga., 49-51; Teacher, Abbeville, S. C, 51-52; Prof, of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Young Ladies' Coll., Greensborough, Ga., 52-54; Ex- amining Surg, for Pensions, Rockford, 63-81. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1893 1842 Rowell Lombard Chapin* BSI A. B. 1842. Commencement Orator. Teacher, Savannah, Ga., 42-43; Springfield, Mass., 43-44; Charter Member. Farmer. d. 1846 S $ 7. A. B. 1842; LL. D. 1870 William and Mary Coll. Commencement Disputation. Aide with rank of Colonel C. S. A.; Commandant 8th Battalion of Va. Cavalry with rank of Major; Asst. Adjutant-General C. S. A., assigned to dutv with Conscription Bureau, 61-65; .Senator of the State of Va., 74-78. Lawyer. d. 1887 Charles Bishop Duffield* Waldo Hutchins* ^T-K A. B. 1842. Commencement Dissertation. Charter Member; Member N. Y. Legislature, 53; New York Constitutional Convention, 67; Commissioner of Central Park, New York, 57- 69 and 87-88; Member U. S. House of Repre- sentatives, 79-85. Member Psi Upsilon Club, New York. Father of Augustus Schell Hut- chins, Gamma 79. Lawyer. • d. 1891 Issachar Lefavoiir* SAI A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845. Commencement Ora- tor. Charter Member; Principal Grammar School, Beverly, Mass., 42-46; Acad., Beverly, 47-56; High School, Ipswich. 56-74; Justice of the Peace, 74-88; Member Board of Education, Beverly, 62-64 and 75-78; Assessor, 75. Insurance Agent and Conveyancer. d. 1910 Edward Duffield Martin* P.Y Charter Member; Instr, Denton Md., 41-43 Lawyer. d. jgse Edward Duffield Neill* wri A. B. 1842. Commencement Disputation. Charter Member; Home Missionary at Elizabeth, 111., 47-49; Pastor First Presbyterian Church, St. Paul, Minn., 49-55; Hou.se of Hope Presby- terian Church, St. Paul, 55-60; Chancellor Minn. State Univ. and State Supt. of Public In- struction, 58-61; Chaplain I.st Inf. Regiment of Minn. Vols., 61-62; Hosp. Chaplain. U. S. Army, 62-64; Sec. of the Executive Mansion, 64-69; U. S. Consul at Dublin, Ireland. 69- 71; Provost of Jesus' College, St. Anthony Falls, Minn., 71-72; Pres. of Macalester Coll., 71-85; Prof, of Literature and Political Econ- omy, 85-88; Rector in" charge. Calvary Re- formed Episcopal Church, St. Paul, 85-88; Honorary Vice-Pres. New England Historic- Genealogical Soc. Author "Terra Mari<-c or Threads of Maryland Colonial History;" "Fairfaxes of England and America;" "Vir- ginia Company of London;" "English Coloniza- tion of America;" "History of Minnesota;" "Founders of Maryland;" "Virginia Vetusta;" "Virginia Carolina." Member Mass. Histori- cal Soc. Brother of Henrv Neill, Gamma 34. Clergyman. d. 1893 Rufus Porter Wells* KSy, A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845; B. D. 1845 Union Theol. Sem. Commencement Disputation. Pas- tor Presbyterian Church, Jonesboro, Tenn. and Teacher in the Acad., 45-62; Prairie du Sac, Wis., 62-64; Thornton and Bethel, Ind., 64-65; 2d Church, Knoxville, Tenn., 65-67; Congrega- tional Church, Gilbertville, Mass., 66-68; Southampton, 68-74; Mason, N. H., 74-77. Clergyman. d. 1877 Samuel Worcester Whitnev N A. B. 1842; A. M. 1852. Teacher, Acad., Chambersburg, Pa., 42; Acad., Bethel, Conn., 45-46; Montgomery County, Md., 46-49; In Charge Presbyterian Church, Drummondtovvn, Va., 49-51; Pastor Baptist Church, West- port, N. Y., 51-52; Westhanipton, 52; Teacher in the Inst., Flushing, 52-54; Covington, Ky., 54-55; Bound Brook, N. J., 55-57; Pastor North Christian Church, New Bedford, Mass., 57-58; North Attleboro and Fall River, 58-59; Pastor and Principal of Acad, at Andover, N. H., 59; New Bedford, Mass., 59-60; Flusliing Inst., N. Y., 60-68; S'ec. Am. School Inst., New York. N. Y., 68-69. Author ''Open Communion;" "Elements of English Grammar;" "Manual of Punctuation." Clergyman. Elijah Hawley Wright* A. B. 1842; A. M. 1880; M. D. Commencement Dissertation, ment of Ga. (Confederate) Charter Member. Physician and Surgeon. 1843 B At: 1846 Dartmouth. Surg. 4th Regi- Cavalry, 62-63; d. 1889 Ithamar Francis Conkey* E p° ~' A. M. 1852 honoris causa. Member Mass. Legislature, 54; Dist. Atty. of Hampshire and Franklin Counties, 56-58; Register in Bank- ruptcy, 65-75; Overseer of the Charitable Fund of Amherst Coll., 46-62. Lawyer. d. 1875 Henry Webster Parker* ^■R- A. B. 1843; A. M. 1847; B. D. 1846 Auburn Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1880 Iowa Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Charter Mem- ber; Pastor Presbyterian Church, Aurora, N. Y., 48-50; Dansville, 50-52; Bedford Congre- g^ional Church, Brooklyn. 52-56; Founder and Pastor Central Congregational Church, New Bedford, Mass., 56-63: Prof, of Chem- istry and Natural History, Iowa Coll., 64-70; Prof, of Mental, Moral and Social Science, Mass. Agricultural Coll., 70-79; Natural His- tory in Iowa Coll., 79-88. Poet at the In- stitution of the Chi, 76. Author "Poems;" "Verse;" "The Despised Race;" "The Rainbow as a Symbol of Christ;" Hours at Home;" "Woman and Home." Clergyman and Educator. Frederick Alonzo Reed* d. 1903 TCI A. B. 1843: A. M. 1847; B. D. 1846 Bangor Theol. Sem. Commencement Disputation. Charter Member; Pastor, Amherst and Aurora, Maine, 46-47; Cohasset, Mass., 47-66; East Taunton, 66-76. Author "Twin Heroes;" "Boy Lollards." Clergyman. d. 1883 (5Ct: A. B. 1842 Mercersburg Coll.; B. D. 1844 Lane Theol. Sem. Charter Member; Principal Acad. at Granville, Ohio, 44-46; Home Missionary, Josiah Milton Stearns* 1843-46] GAMMA CHAPTER 237 Rochester, Itid., 46-48; Pastor, Lunrnburg, Vt., 48-52; Brentwood, N. H., 52-53. Clergyman. • d. 1853 Charles Edward Strong'^ ti. D o A. B. 1843; A. M. 1853. Commencement Ora- tor. Commissioner of Land Transfer State of N. Y., 84-85; Trustee, New York Soc. Library; Governor Soc. of New York Hosp. Member Managing Committee of Bloomingdale Insane Asylum. Lawyer. d. 1897 r James Henry Welles* u S° T A. B. 1843. Commencement Disquisition. Trustee of Wells Coll., Aurora, N. Y. Lawyer. d. 1873 William Wallace Williams* ^ M c A. B. 1843; B. D. 1846 Auburn Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1872 Hamilton Coll. Commencement Colloquy. Charter IMember; Pastor Presby- terian Church, Waterville, N. Y., 46-47: Ca- millus, N. Y., 47-53: 1st Congregational Church, Toledo. Ohio, 53-88. Clergyman. d. 1898 1844 John Stacy T)elknap''' B (0- A. B. 1844. Commencement Disquisition. Char- ter Member. Clergyman. d. 1852 George Augustus Chase* ^* X 1 A. M. 1858 Ind. State Univ.; LL. D. 1870 Flor- ence Wesleyan Univ. Charter Member; Prin- cipal, Franklin County Sem., Brookville, Ind., 46-53; Acad., Rushville, 53-55; Asbury Female Sem., Greencastle, 55-57: Pres. Brookville Coll., 57-60; Ind. Asbury Female Coll., New Albany, 60-62; Principal, Female High School, Louis- ville, Ky., 62-84. Educator. d. 1884 Henry Kingman Edson* (icpT: Erastus Wolcott Ellsworth' ^at John Edwards Emerson* ^tI Lewis Green* M^K Galusha Aaron Grow^ Ban A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847; B. D. 1852 East Wind- sor Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Char- ter Member; Principal, Hopkins Acad., Had- ley, Mass., 44-49; Pastor, Nortliampton, Mass., 52: Principal, Denmark Acad., 52-79; Prof, of Theory and Practice of Teaching, Iowa Coll., 79-88. Author "S'chool Discipline; "The Rela- tion of Academies to Colleges;" "Classical Study: Means of Securing it in the West." Clergyman and Educator. d. 1906 A. B. 1844. Commencement Dissertation. Char- ter Member. Lawver. d. 1902 -\. B. 1844; A. M. 1847; B. D. 1849 Princeton Theol. Sem. Commencement Dissertation. Cliarter Member; Teacher. Conway. Mass., 44- 46; Pastor Whitefield Church, Newburvport, Mass.. 49-51. Clergyman. d. 1851 .\. B. 1844; A. M. 1847; A. M. 1850 honoris causa. Trinity Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedic- torian. Charter Member; Tutor, Amherst Coll., 46-48; Rector Trinity Church, Van Deusen- ville, Mass., 48-61; Christ Church, Harwinton, Conn., 61-62; St. John's Church, North Adams, Mass., 62-64; St. John's Church, Ashfield, 64-83. Clergyman. d. 1887 A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847; LL. D. 1884. Phi Beta Kbppa. Charter Member; Member U. S. llouse of Representatives, 51-63; Speaker, 61- 63; Cliairman, Republican State Committee of Pa., 68; Delegate to the Baltimore Convention, 64; Orator Psi Upsilon Conventions, 44 and 68. Lawyer. d. 1907 1845 Edward Joseph Cornish* z C N A. B. 1845. Commencement Poem. Teacher in the South, 45-50; Principal, High School, Nat- chez, Miss., 50-56; Pres. of Jefferson Coll., Washington, Miss., 56-59. Educator. d. 1859 cp Wi Marshall Henshaw* A. B. 1845; A. M. 1848; D. D. 1872; LL. D. 1863 Univ. of the City of New York. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Instr. in Willis- ton Sem., Easthampton, Mass., 45-46; Tutor. Amherst Coll., 47-49; Principal Hopkins Acad., Hadley. Mass., 49-50; Acad., Derry, N. H. 50-52; Dummer Acad.. Byfield, Mass., 52-59; Prof, of Mathematics, Natural History and As- tronomy in Rutgers Coll., 59-63; Principal, Wil- liston Sem., 63-77; Lecturer on Natural Philoso- phy, Amherst Coll., 81-88. Author "Analysis of the Greek Verb." Clergyman and Educator. d. 1900 Josiah Holloway Long* A'YX A. B. 1845. Commencement Orator. Teacher in Ala., 45-47; Inst., Natchez, Miss., 47-48. Educator. d. 1848 IDv A. B. 1845; A. M. 1848. Commencement Dis- sertation. Supt. of Schools, Jackson, ]M'iss., 45-48; Principal of the Inst., Natchez, Miss., 48-49; Preparatory Dept., Oakland Coll., Cal., 51-53; Dist. Atty.. San Joaquin County, Cal.. 62-64; County Judge, 64-68. Lawyer. 1846 Joseph Perry Dowse* N r o A. B. 1846. Commencement Orator. Henry Beers Underhill Merrick Knight* d. 1846 £ I Jl, A. B. 1846; B. D. 1849 East Windsor Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Pastor, Chaplin, Conn., 50-52; Stafford, 52-54; Hebron, 54-61; North Coventry, 61-63; Broad Brook, 63-67: Rocky Hill, 67-72; Torrington, 72-75; New Hartford, 75-80; East Hartland, 80-88. Clergyman. d. 1896 Charles Vinal Spear* ' A. B. 1849; B. D. 1853 Andover Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Pastor, Sterling, Mass., 5.1-54; East Attleborough, 54-56; North Bridge- water. 56-57; Raynham, 57-58; Berkeley, 58-60; .Somerset, 60-61. Clergyman. d. 1909 Henrv N'orth Peck* yRX' A. B. 1849; B. D. 1852 Auburn Theol. Sem. Commencement Disquisition. Pastor, Kalama- zoo, Mich., 52-53; Fort Street Church, Detroit. 53-54. Father of Henry Porter Peck, Gamma ■8. Clergyman. d. 1854 Bk A' A. B. 1849; B. D. 1852 Andover Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Clergyman. d. 1853 Joseph Dexter Poland* William James Rolfe* ^eQ' Jnlius Hawley Seelye'' HcB^ A. B. 1871; A. M. 1865; A. M. 1859 honoris causa, Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher Kirkwood Acad., Cecil County, Md., 49-50; Principal Day's Acad., Wrentham, Mass., 50- 53; Head Master High School, Dorchester, 52- 57; Lawrence, 57-61; Salem, 61-62; Cambridge, 62-68; Pres. Martha's Vineyard Summer Inst., 82. Journalist and Author. d. 1910 A. B. 1849; B. D. 1852 Auburn Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1862 Union Coll,; LL. D. 1876 Columbia and J. U. D. 1887. Phi Beta Kappa. Com- mencement Orator. Pastor First Reformed Dutch Church. Schenectady. N. Y., 53-58; Prof, of Mental and Moral Philosophy, Amherst Coll.. 58-88 and Pres. and Trustee Amherst Coll.. 76-88; Lecturer on Foreign Missions, An- dover Theol. Sem., 73-74; Member Commis- sion to Revise the Tax Laws of Mass., 74; U. S. House of Representatives, 75-77. Author "The Way, the Truth and the Life;" "Christian ATissions." Father of William James Seelye, Gamma 79. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1895 1850 ^linott Sherman Crosby* S v 7' A. B. 1850. Principal Hartford Female Sem.. 62-71; 71-88. Educator. Supt. of Schools, Waterbury, Conn., d. 1897 .Augustine Milton Gay* $ w ^' Phi Beta Kappa. A. B. 1850: A. M. 1853. Valedictorian. Sub-Master, High School, Charlestown, Mass. 50-51; Master, 51-60; Prin- cipal of a School for Young Ladies, Boston, Mass., 60-63; Usher Public Latin School, Bosr ton, 65-67; Sub-Master, 67-68; Master, 68-76; Head Master. 76. Educator. d. 1876 Jacob Merrill Manning* SzF A. B. 1850; D. D. 1857; B. D. 1853 Andover Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Pas- tor, Milford, Mass., 54-57; Old South Church, Boston, 57-82; Pastor Emeritus 82; Chaplain Mass. Senate, 59; 43d Regiment of Mass. Vols., 62-63; Organized the first Freedmen's Aid SoC, 62; Overseer of Harvard, 60-66; Member Bos- ton School Board, 62-63 and 65-67; Trustee Mass. State Library, 65-82; Lecturer on the Relations of Christianity to Popular Infidelity, Andover Theol. Sem., 66-72 and in Bates Theol. Sem. 70; Corporate Member Am. Board of Com- missioners for Foreign Missions, 77-82; Orator Psi Upsilon Convention, 62. .Author "Half Truths and the Truth;" "Helps to a Life of Prayer." Clergyman. d. 1882 David Temple Packard* K d Y A. B. 1850; A. M. 1853; B. D. 1854 Bangor Theol. Sem. Commencement Dissertation. Prin- cipal High School, Weymouth, Mass., 50-51; Pastor Campello, Mass., 54-56; Rock Island, III., 56-57; Davenport, Iowa, 57-58; Somerville, Mass., 58-66; Brighton, 66-73; Los Angeles, Cal.. 73-78; Wilmington, 78-79; Stockton, 79-80. Author "Dawn of the Morning." Clergyman. . d. 1880 Henry Shipley* SpT' A. B. 1850. Journalist. Commencement Dissertation. d. 1859 Thomas Morrill Stimpson* H ^ A' A. B. 1850. Commencement Orator. Lawyer. d. 1898 Edwin Percy Whipple* T — r A. M. 1848 honoris causa. Harvard; .\. M. 1851 ad eundein, Univ. of Vt. Phi Beta Kappa. Orator Psi Upsilon Conventions, 53, 58 and 61. .\uthor "Washington and the Principles of the American Revolution;" "A Life of Macaulay prefixed to an edition of his Essays;" Character and Characteristic Men;" "The Literature of the Age of Elizabeth;" "Success and its Con- ditions." Journalist and Author. d. 1886 Lyman Richards Williston* A w X' A. B. 1850; A. M. 1853. Oratorical Prize. SO; Commencement Orator. Instr. in Williston Sem., Easthampton, Mass., 50-53; Head Master High School, Cambridge, Mass., 57-62 and 70-81; Principal Young Ladies' Sem., Cambridge, 62-70; Supervisor, Boston Public Schools, 81-88. Educator. d. 1897 1851 Ethan Ely Boies* t) a " A. B. 1851. Commencement Dissertation. Brother of Charles Alfred Boies, Beta 60. Lawyer and Insurance Agent. d. 1869 240 GAMMA CHAPTER [1851-52 Jesse Reed Davenport^ X f r A. B. 1851. Commencement Dissertation. Teacher Acad, at Woodstock, Conn., 51-52; High School, Amherst, Mass.. 52-54; Hopkins Acad., Hadley, 54-67; Oxford, 67-69; Wood- stock. Conn., 69-72. Merchant. d. 1898 Henry Bull Hammond* (J) ex' Brother of William Gardiner Hammond, Gamma 49. Civil Engineer. d. 1868 Josiah Gilbert Holland''' ^r — H' A. M. 1851 honoris causa; il. D. 184S Berk- shire Med. School. Supt. Public Schools, Vicks- burg. Miss., 48-49; Board of Education, New York, N. Y., 72. Author "History of Western Massachusetts;" "The Bay Path;" "Timothy Titcomb's Letters to the Young;" "Bitter Sweet;" "Gold Foil;" "Miss Gilbert's Career;" "Lessons in Life;" "Letters to the Joneses;" "Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects;" "Life of Abraham Lincoln;" "Kathrina;" "The Marble Prophecy and other Poems;" "Garnered Sheaves," — Complete Poetical Works; "Arthur Bonnicastle;" "The Mistress of the Manse;" "The Story of Seven Oaks;" "Every Day Topics;" "Nicholas Minturn." Journalist and Author. d. 1881 William Stevens Karr* r^«i) A. B. 1851; D. D. 1876; B. D. 1854 Union Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Pastor Third Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 54-67; Congregational Church, Chicopee, Mass., 67-68; Keene, N. H., 68-73: Prospect "St. Church, Cambridge, Mass., 73-76; Prof, of Theology, Hartford Theol. Sera.. 76-88; Trustee Amherst Coll., 77-88. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1888 Henry Clark Nash* ?^°?" A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854. Principal Alt. Pleasant Inst., Amherst, Mass., 51-77. Brother of Wil- liam Adams Nash, Gamma 59. d. 1900 Horace Montague Smith* X h X A. B. 1851 Yale. Principal Bergen (Jersev City) Heights Inst.. N. J., 52-57. Brother of Justus Smith, Alpha 51. See Beta 51 Manufacturer. d. 1901 Justus Smith* Tmf A. B. 1851 Harvard. 2d Boylston Prize, 51. Charter .Member of the Alpha. Brother of Horace Montague Smith, Beta 51. See Alpha 51 Lawyer. d. 1893 Thomas Miller Thompson* ^ b X' Capt. Co. A, 14th Inf. Regiment of 111. Vols., 61-63; Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, First Dist. of 111., 65; Supervisor of Cook County, 111., 68-70. Lawyer. d. 1902 George Hall Warner* y x X' d. 1850 William Parsons W^ashburn* S o $' A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854. Commencement Disser- tation. In Commissary Dept., Confederate Army, 62-63: Acting Cant, and .-\sst. .Adjutant, Camp Cooper, Macon, Ga., 63-65. Lawyer. d. 1904 1852 Herman Norton Barnum* ^ Y' A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855; D. D. 1873; B. D. 1855 Andover Theol. Sem.: D. D. 1873 Middlebury Coll. Commencement Orator. Missionary-at- Large for Vt., 55-56; Missionary Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 58-88. Clergyman. d. 1910 Theodore Hiram F>enjamin* o a A" A. B. 1852. Valedictorian. Instr. in Maple- wood Inst., Pittsfield, Mass., 52-53. d. 1855. AoA" d. 1854 a)b$' A. B. 1852 Harvard and A. M. and LL. B. 1855. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 50; 2d Bowdoin Prize, 51; Greek Dialogue at Junior Exhibition, 51; English Oration at Senior Exhibition, 52; Oration at Commencement. Charter JMember of the Alpha; U. S. Dist. Judge, Southern Uist. of New York, 81 — . Member New York His- torical Soc; Museum of Natural Historv and the Torrev Botanical Club. See Alpha 52 Lawyer. d. 1913 Austin Carev Blair* Addison Brown* John Fuss Buffington* A. B. 1852; M. D. 1855 Jefferson Med. Coll. Prof. Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene, New Wind.sor Coll., Md. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1896 Sn$' Jerome Francis Downing* Principal Acad., Salem, N. J., 52-53; Male High School, Carlisle, Pa., 53-55; Dist. Atty. of Erie County, Pa., 63-66; Member Select Council, Erie, Pa., 80-83. Lawyer. d. 1913 AaT' George Evans Dudley* A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855. Commencement Orator. Principal Union School, Jonesville, Mich., 52-55; Prof, of Mathematics, State Normal School, Vnsilanti, Mich.. 58-60. Educator. d. 1860 William Grassie* 9 w A' A. B. 1852; B. D. 1855 Andover Theol, Sem. Commencement Orator. Pastor, Wattsburg, Pa., 55-63; Edinborough, Pa., 63-75; Cambridge- borough and Grand Run. 75-88; Trustee 12th Dist. State Normal School, Edinborough, 65-75. Brother of Thomas Gordon Grassie, Gamma 57. Clergyman. d. 1906 James Austin Littlefield* A g v" A. B. 1852. Commencement Dissertation. Pri- vate 12th Inf. Regiment, Mass. Vols., 61-62; Orderly Sergeant 56th Veteran Regiment, 9th Corps, 62-64; 2d Lieut., 64: 1st Lieut, and Capt., 64-65. d. 1903 George Gedney Parker* Sh9' A. B. 1852 Union: LL. B. 1854 Albany Law School. Declamation Prize, 49; Commence- ment Orator. Member Board of Education, Piqua, Ohio, 55-56: Milford, 80; Member Mass, Legislattire, 76. Brother of Henry Langdon Parker. Zeta 56. See Theta 52 Lawyer. d. 1892 William Coates Ritchie* E T° (,i' A. B. 1852 Univ. of Vt. Manufacturer. d. 1894 1852-55] GAMMA CHAPTER 241 Jerome Sclineider''' 11 0° AT Ph. D. 1852 Univ. of Basic. Teacher Gymna- sium of Basic, Switzcrlanil, .i2-5S; Instr. in (iernian, Amlu'ist Coll., .'i5-56; Modern Lan- yuagcs. Tufts Coll., 56-70; Prof, of Greek Lan- i;aui;e and Literature, 70-88. Educator. d. 1909 Theodore Crosby Sears Senator of the State of Kans., 70-73. Lawyer. Benjamin Easton Thurston" A. B. 185. Commencement Orator. 90 M a £ d. 1870 ad A' George Nelson Webber* A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855; D. D. 1870. Com- mencement Orator. Tutor, Amherst Coll., 54- 55; Pastor, St. Johnsbury, Vt., 55-59; North Church, Hartford, Conn., 59-62; First Church, Lowell, Mass., 62-67; Prof, of Intellectual and -Moral Science, Middlebury Coll., 67-74; Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Troy, N. Y., 74-83; Prof, of ]Mental and Moral Philosophy, Smith Coll., Northampton, Mass., 83-88; Chaplain 1st Regiment of Conn. Vols., 61. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1907 W'ilhaiii Henrv 1853 Bass* Reuben ^Nloore Benjamin $ U £ d. 1877 ZeC D. 1880 Illinois Commencement Acad., Hadley, .\. B. 1853; A. M. 1856; LL Wesleyan. Phi Beta Kappa. ( )rator. Principal Hopkins Mass., 53-54; Member Constitutional Conven tion of 111., 69-70; Judge of McLean County, 111., 73-86; Dean Bloomington Law School, 74- 91; Prof, of Real Property and Constitutional Law since 91. Author "Principles of Con- tract;" "Principles of Sales;" "Benjamin and Messing's Cases on Contracts." Lawyer and Educator. Bloomington, 111. Harvey Sessions Carpenter* Ame A. B. 1853; A. M. 1856; M. D. 1855 Berkshire Med. School. Principal High School, Willing- ton, Conn., 59-62; Tolland, 62-63; Commis- sioned Asst. Surg. 2d Regiment Conn. Vols., 63. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1875 Henry Ellsworth Daniels* Slu A.B. 1853 Williams Coll.; A. M. 1856. Prin- cipal High School, Westfield, Mass., 56-61; Capt. and Asst. Adjutant-General of Conn., 61-66; I'rivate Sec. to Admiral Dah'gren, 66. Lawyer. d. 1866 ^^'illiam Crawford Farnsworth* © k E~ Teacher, .Saugus Mass. and Dubuque. Iowa. 50-54; Trial Justice of Cliarlestown, 60-63. Lawyer. d. 1872 Theophilus Lyman Griswold* y r T" A. B 1853; A. M. 1856; M. D. 1864; Physio- l\red. Coll.; A. M. 1853 East Tenn. Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Tu- tor East Tenn. LTniv.. 53-54; Prof, of IVIathe- matics. 54-58; Principal High School, Green- field. .Mass.. 58-59; Union Seni. Danville, III., 59-63; Supt. of Schools and Principal Acad., Forrcstville, N. Y.. 66-71; Oswego, 71-73; Principal State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa.. 73-77. Educator. d. 1884 Cicorge Edwin Hodge'' A. 13. 1853. -Manufacturer. John William Alallett* xNri d. 1904 y, A. B. 1853 Univ. of Dublin; Ph. D. 1854 Univ. of tiottingen; M. D. 1868 LIniv. of La.; LL. D. 1873 William and Mary Coll. and 1874 Univ. of Miss. Phi Beta Kappa, l-'irst Senior Moderator and (iuld -Medalist in Physical Tripos, Univ. of Dublin, 53 and Instr. in French and German, .-\mherst Coll., 54; Prof, of ."Xnaly- tical Chemistry, 54-55; Prof, of Chemistry, Univ. of Ala., 55-60; Med. Coll., Mobile, 60-61; 1st Lieut, and .\ide-de-Camp on the Staff of General R. E. Rhodes, Confederate Army of Northern Va., 61-62; Capt., Major and Lieut. - Colonel of Artillery. 62-65; Prof, of Chem- istry, Med. Dept. Univ. of La., 65-68; Univ. of Va., 68-83; Prof, of Chemistry and Pres. Univ. of Te.\., 83-84; Prof, of Chemistry, Jefferson Med. Coll., 84-85; Univ. of Va., 85-12; Chemist, Geological Survey of Ala., 56-60; Lec- turer on Chemistry, Johns Hopkins IJniv., 77-78; Fellow Chemical Soc. of London; Pres. -vm. Chemical Soc. Author "The Chemistry of Cotton Manufacture." Member Royal Soc. of London; Chemical Soc. of Paris; German Chemical Soc. of Berlin; Am. Philosophical Soc; Acad, of Natural Science (New York). Educator. d. 1912 1854 Lucius Halen Bugbee* H S y," A. B. 1854; -\. M. 1858; D. 1). 1869 Ohio Wes- leyan Univ. Prof, of Belles Lettres in Coopers- town Sem., N. Y., 54-55; Pres. of Upper Iowa Univ., Fayette, Iowa, 57-60; Pastor M. E. Church, Wheaton, 111., 60-61; Indiana St. Church, Chicago, 61-63; Aurora, 111., 63-65; Pres. Northwestern I'^emale Coll., Evanston, 111., 65-68; Cincinnati Wesleyan Coll., 68-75; -Alleg- heny Coll., Aleadville, Pa., 75-82. Educator. d. 1883 John White Clapp* l\\T -A. M. 1865 lionoris ciiiisa. Teacher St. Law- rence Acad., Potsdam, N. Y., 57-60; Prof, of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, St. Law- rence Univ., Canton, 60-65. 728 N. Pine Ave., Chicago, 111. George Partridge* X m T' A. R. 1854; A. M. 1857. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Editor Amherst Col- lege Magazine. 54. Principal Sumter County .\cad., Ala., 55-56; Prof.. Tuskegce Female Coll., Ala., 56-57; Prin. Acad., Houston, Tex., 58-59; Atty. and Chief Clerk, Provo.st Marshal General's Office. Dept. of Mo., 61-63. Miner. d. 190« 1855 John Dempster Bell* nco' A. B. 1855; A. M. 1858. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Amherst College Magazine, 55; Essay Prize and Commencement Orator. Teacher Home School for Boys, Owego, N. Y., 55-56; Pastor, Shelburne Falls, Mass., 60-62; Ham- mondsport, N. Y., 62-63; Wellsborough, Pa., 63-65; Dansville, N. V., 65-66; Ulster, Pa., 67-68; Yankton, D. T., 68-69; Monticello, Iowa, 69-70; Emporia, Kans., 70-72; Missionary in Southern 111., 72-73; Canon City, Colo., 73- 75; Gal. 75-77; Pastor, Pueblo, Colo., 77-79; Denver, 79-80; Pueblo, 80-82. Author Psi Up- silon Song "Our Mystic Home;" "A Man." Clergyman. d. 1886 242 GAMMA CHAPTER [1855 Edwin Cone Bissell* r 9 A. B. 18S5; A. M. 1858; B. I). 1859 Union Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1874. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Poet. Instr. VV'illiston Sem., Easthampton, Mass., 55-56; Pastor, Westhamp- ton, Mass., 59-64; San Francisco, Cal., 64-69; Ilonolulu, Oahu, 69-70; Winchester, Mass., 70-73; Missionary of the Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Gratz, Austria, 73-78; Prof, of Hebrew, Hartford Theol. Sem., 79-88; Capt. Co. K, 52d Regiment Mass. Vols., 62-63. Author "The Historic Origin of the Bible;" "The Apocrypha of the Old Testament;" "The Origin of the Penta- teuch." Member Soc. of Biblical Literature and Exegesis. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1894 James Thornton Cobb* A. B. 1855 Dartmouth. See Zeta 55 Journalist. d. 1910 William Henry Darling* e p' d. 1853 George Edward Dunlap* F 5 -^ A. B. 1855. Commencement Orator. Teacher Spring Prairie, Wis., 55-56; Worcester, Mass., 57-58; Lunenburgh, 58-60; Principal Acad., Rochester, 60-62; Orderly Sergeant, 51st Inf. Regiment, Mass. Vo'.s.. 62-63; Principal New York Juvenile Asvlum. 71-75; Supt. New York City Orphan Asylum. 75-83. Clerk. d. 1910 Elbert Eli Farman* I R O' A. B. 1855; A. M. 1860; LL. D. 1882. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Poet. Dist. Atty. of Wyoming County. N. Y., 68-75; U. S. Consul General in Egypt, 76-81; Judge in the Interna- tional Courts of Egypt, 81-85; U. S. Commis- sioner in tiie International Commission to revise Judicial Codes for use in the International Courts of Egypt, 80-81; U. S. Commissioner on the International War Indemnity Commis- sion to investigate claims for damages incurred during the war in EJE^vpt, 83-84. Lawyer. d. 1911 Edward Augustus Gibbens* $ x y] A. B. 1855 Harvard and A. M. 1858. Essay at Commencement. Teacher in High School, Ja- maica Plain, Mass.; Public Latin School, Bos- ton; High School, Waltham and Private School for Boys, New York, N. Y. See Alpha 55 Educator. d. 1890 Edwin Smith Gilbert* HGO' A. B. 1855. Commencement Orator. Prof, of Mathematics in Hedding Literary Inst.; Greene County, N. Y., 55-56; Principal Model School, Lima, 56-57; Teacher, Brighton, 57-58; Prof, of Mathematics, Collegiate Inst., Rochester 58-61; 2d Lieut. 13th Inf. Regiment, N. Y. Vols.. 61; 1st Lieut.. 61; Capt. 2Sth Regi- ment, 61; Major. 62; Lieut-Colonel. 62-63. Educator. d. 1863 Charles Hardon Ssp" .\. B. 1855. Phi Beta Kappa: Delta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Teacher of Latin, Delaware Literary Inst., F"ranklin, N. Y., 55- 56; Teacher, Prcparatorv Dept., Urbann Univ., 62-64; Pastor, Urbana, 64-66; St. Louis. Mo., 66- 67; Mansfield. Mass., 67-68; Contoocock, N. H., 71-75 and 76-79; Peoria, 111., 75-76: Providence, R. I., 79-81; Salem, Mass.. 81-82; Supt. of Schools, Hopkinton. N. H.. 72-75 and 82-85. Clergvman (retired). (925 N. Park Ave., Pomona, Cal.) Elijah Paddock Harris DyC A. B. 1855; Ph. D. 1859 Univ. of Gottingen; A. M. 1863 X'ictoria Univ. and LL. 1). 1890. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal Sodus (N. Y.) Acad., 55-56; Warsaw Acad., 56-57; Prof, of Natural S'cience, Victoria Coll. (Coburg, Can/ adal, 59-66; Prof, of Chemistry, Amherst Coll., 68-88. Author "Meteorites:" "Manual of Quali- tative Analysis;" "Non Metallic Chemistry." Fatlier of Edward Park Harris, Gamma 85. Educator. (.Warsaw, N. V.) Franklin Ebenezer Hawley* Tea' d. 1853 Joseph Henry Houghton* A v P Lieut, and Adjutant 51st Regiment of U. S. ico'ored) Inf., 64-66; Brevet Cajit., 66; .\idf nn the Staff of (icneral Hawkins, 64-66; Clerk -Supreme Court of Washington Territory, 71-77; Member Territorial Legislature, 83. d. 1899 William Edward Hughitt* nsx" .\. B. 1855. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Judge, Cayuga County. N. Y., 64- 78. Brother of Emmons Johnson Hughitt, ( lamma 63. Lawyer. d. 1897 John ( )rne, jr.* xao' .\. B. 1855. Phi Beta Kappa. Conmiencemenc Orator. Principal Barnard High School, South- ampton, 56; Sub-Master Brown High School, Newburyport. 56-58; Master Grammar School, Lawrence, 58-62; Sub-Master High School, Salem, 62-63; Principal Private School, Salem, 63-67; Sub-Master and Teacher Physics. High School, Cambridge. 67-88. Member Harvard Biblical Club and Harvard Scientific Sem. Educator. d. 1911 Tames Challis Parsons* H 7. 0' A. B. 1855: B. D. 1859 Harvard. Plii Beta Kappa. Editor Amherst College Magazine. 54- 55; Essay Prize, 54: Commencement Orator. Principal High School, Marblehead, Mass., 55- 57; Pastor, Waltham, !\Iass., 59-64; Principal High School, Waltham, 64-77; Pastor, Second Unitarian Church. Athol. 77-81; Principal Pros- pect Hill School. Greenfield, 81-88. Author "Living Word." Clergyman and Educator. d. 1897 H L o' .\. B. 1855; A. M. 1858. Pastor, Kingston, N. v., 55-57; St. Paul's Cluirch, New York, N. \ ., 57-58; Newburgh. 58-59; Chester. 59-61; Mat- teawan, 61-63; Tuckahoe. 63-66; Poughkeepsie, 66-69; Peek-skill, 69-71; Warwick, 71-73. Clergyman. <1. 1873 Kie" Erastus Ladd Prentice* Joseph Brown Reynolds'* .\. n. 1855; M. D. 1862 HarvarH. Cnnimencc- ment Orator. Teacher, Concord. 111.. 55-56; Concord. Mo.. 56-57; Phvs. Boston Institutions at Deer Island, 62-63: .\sst. Surg. 49th Resri ment Mass. \^ols.. 63; Acting Asst. Surg. U. S. .\rmv, 63-65. Member .Massachusetts State >Ted. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1S7I Charles Edward Spinney* (j»pe" B. S. 1855. Teaclier High School, Lynn, Mass . 55-56; Commercial Co'l., Milwaukee, Wis., 56- 61; Supt. Public Schools, Oconomowoc, 61-62: Teacher Public Schools, Milwaukee. 62-86 and Principal 14th Dist. School. 77-86. Educator. d. 1886 1S55-37 GAMMA CHAPTER 243 iidwarcl Alexander Strong* S f 11' A. B. 1855; A. M. 1858. Phi Beta Kappa. Prize in Oratory, 52; Commencement (Jrator. Trustee, Amherst Coll.. 85-88. Father of (teorge Alexander Strong, (iamnia 80. Merchant. d. 1913 Chauncey Boardman Thomas* -C r 0' .•\. B. 1855; B. D. 1860 .\ndover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Oratoi. Teacher, Tlall's Private School, Kllingtoii, Conn., 55-56; Principal of a Select School at Westfield, Mass., 56-57; Citv Missionary, Pough- keepsie, X. V.. 60-62; Chaplain L". S. Army Hosp., A'exandria, \'a., 62-6,?; New Orleans, La., 63-66; Pastor Salem Congregational Church, Chicago, III., 66-68; Peru, 68-72; Clover, \'t., 76-81. Clergyman. d. 1881 ( )zi William Whitaker* H y P' A. B. 1856 MiddlPbury Coll.; B. D. 1863 (ien- eral Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1869 Kenyon Coll. Salu- tatorian. Teacher Acad. New Salem. Mass., 53-54: Principal High School. North Brookfield Mass.. 56-60; Rector St. John's Church, Go'd Hill. Xev., 63-65; St. Paul's Church, Engle- wood, X. I., 65-67; St. Paul's Church, Virginia Citv. Ncv.". 67-86; P. E. Bishop of Xev.. 69-86; Asst. Bishop of Pa., 86-87; Bi.shop. 87- 11; Pres. of the Diocesan School for Girls, Reno, Nev., 76-86. Protestant Episcopal Bishop. d. 1911 1856 Dliver Miller Adams rg:P- Instr. Preparatory Dept. Univ. of Cal.; Prin- cipal High School, Sacramento, 73-88. P-ducator. Reuel P.axter Clarke* W t 6' A. B. 1856. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement. Orator. Principal Hollis. Inst., South Brain- tree. Mass., 56-58; \\'estminster and Saxton's River Acad., Vt., 58-59; Acad. Rochester and Hi?h School, Reading, 59-60; High School, Mil- ford. Mass., 60-65; Fitchhurg, 65-75; Supt. of Schools and Principal of the High School. Bing- hamton, N. Y., 75-76; Principal High School, Lexington, Mass., 76-77; Waltham, 77-78; North Brookfield, 78-81; Bridgeport, Conn., 81-83; Hitchcock High School, Brimfield, Mass., 83-84. Educator. d. 1899 Henrv Clinton Graves AhP' \. B. 1856; A. M. 1859; D. D. 1888 Central L'niv., Iowa. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Pastor Bunker Hill Church, Charles- town, 58-63: Brown St. Church, Providence. R. I., 63-74; Fall River, 74-81; Haverhill, 81-86; New Bedford, 86-96; Assoc. Pastor Tremont Temple, Boston, 99-00: Pros. Evange- lical Inst., Revere, 00-04: Tnstr. C,ordon Train- ing School. Boston, 04-08. Author "Life of T>avid Benedict, O. n.:" "Wayside Idyls:" ".v Book of Poems:" "Handbook of Christian Doc- trine;" "Lectures on Homiletics." Clergyman and Educator (retired). 187 Elm St., West Somervil'e, Mass. William Henry Haile* $ i S' A. B. 1856 Dartmouth. Member Mass. Legis- Inture 65, 66 ami 71 : I.ient. ('■n\ernor Mass., 90-93. Sec Zeta 56 Manufacturer. d. 1901 .\ngnstns Harrino^ton* T X y, .\. B. 1871: .\. M. 1884. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Essav Prize. 55 and 56; Commencement Orator. Principal Acad., Millville, N. Y., 56-57; Capt. Co. D, 136th Inf. Regiment, N. Y. Vols., 61-63. Lawvtr. d. 1895 Williahi Bird Kimball"-^ A en' .\. B. 1856. Sergeant 13th Inf. Regiment of Mass. Vols.. 61-62; 2d Lieut. 62; 1st Lieut.. 62; Capt. 62-65; Member Mass. Legislature 7/; Supt. of Schools, Enfield. Farmer. d. 1908 fames Parsons* Are' A. -M. 1877 honoris aiKsa. Vale. Register in Bankruptcy, 67-77; Prof, of Personal Re'ations and Personal Propertv, Univ. of Pa., 74-88; Prof, of Law, L')ept. of Philosophy, 83-88. .\nthor "Legal Topics." Lawyer. d. 1^00 John Woodbridge Smith* T n 0" A. B. 1856; A. M. 1859. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Merchant. d. 1905 Charles Harrison Spring* ^yl' A. B. 1856 Dartmouth; A. M. 1859; M. D. 1857 -Mbany Med. Coll. Instr. Longmeadow, Mass.. 55-57. S'ee Zeta 56 Physician and Surgeon. d. 1887 1857 Georere Edward Aiken* Ae TZ A. B. 1857. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Teacher of Music in Boston, 57-58; St. Louis, Mo., 58-60; Conductor "English Glee Club," 71-83; Staten Island Vocal Union, 79-88 and Stock Exchange Glee Club, 80-88. Educator. d. 1916 George Augustus Beckwith* .\. B. 1857; B. D. 1860 Andover Theol. Sein. .\ctin5 Pastor. Barnstead, N. H., 60; Fitzwil- liam, 60-61; Pastor Congregational Church. Manhattan. Kans., 61-67; Olathe, 67-70: Neo- drsha, 70-76; Franconia, N. H., 76-78; Warner, 78-79; Harrisville, 79-81; East Alstead, 81-88. Clergyman. d. 1914 Orange Columbus Chaddock* X p O' d. I8S6 Elisha Greene Cobb"^ By;'/.' A. B. 1857; B. D. 1860 Union Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Assoc. Founder and Editor of the Olio. 55; Commencement Orator. Pas- tor Presbyterian Church, Peekskill, N. Y.. 60- 66; Congregational Church, Florence, Mass., 66-88; Member Board of Education, North- ampton. Mass., 67-73 and 80-88: Northampton Public Library Committee, 86-88. Clergyman. d. 1915 John Webster Dodge* r 9 y.' A. B. 1857: B. D. 1860 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Essay Prize, 56; Com- mrnremcnt Orator. Pastor Gardiner. Maine. 60-63: Hampton. N. H., 65-68; Yarmouth. Mass.. 68-88. Author "History of the Congregational Church of Yarmouth. Mass." Brother of ,\ustin Dodge, Gamma 61. Clcrgvman. d. 1904 John Euclid Elliott* Sd A. B. 1857; B. D. 1860 Hartford Theol. Sem. Founder and Editor of the Olio, 55. Acting Pastor, Barkhamstead, Conn., 60-63; Pastor, 244 GAMMA CHAPTER [1857-58 Ridgefield, Conn., 63-65; Higganum, 65-67; Hadlynie, 67-68; Muscatine, Iowa, 68-70; Co- lumbus, Nebr., 70-74; Glastonbury, Conn., 74-79; Newington, 79-84; Bridgewater, 84-88; Chaplain in Christian Commission, 64; Trustee Doane Coll., Nebr., 72-88. Author '•Genealogical Record of Clark Elliott, of New London." Clergyman. d. 1888 John William Faust* K x A' A. B. 1857. Commencement Orator. Lawyer. d. 1879 Richard Folsom* F r H' A. B. 1857. Merchant. d. 1912 William Josiah Forsaith* b R' A. B. 1857 Dartmouth. Special Justice Muni- cipal Court, Boston, 72-82; Assoc. Justice, 82- 11. See Zeta 57 Lawyer. Charles Elisha Glidden* r 11 LL. B. 1856 Ohio State and Union Law Coll. Prof, of Practice and Evidence in the Ohio State and Union Law Coll., 56-58; Judge Court of Common Pleas, 62-67; Judge Court of Common Pleas, 9th Judicial Dist., 72-82. Lawyer. d. 1882 Thomas Gordon Grassie* F r 11' Marshall Maxwell Johnson A. B. 1857. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Principal High School, Barre, Mass., 57-60; Chaplain 108th Inf. Regiment, N. Y. Vols., 63-65; Pastor Richmond, Maine. 65- 67; Alethuen, Mass., 67-73; Appleton, Wis., 73-75; Oshkosh, 75-77; Sycamore, III., 77-80; Keokuk, Iowa. 80-83; Sec. Wis. Home Mis- sionary Soc, 83-88. Brother of \\'illiam Gras- sie. Gamma 52. Clergyman. d. 1898 Aet Principal Union School, ]?oonville, N. Y., 55- 56; Union School. Kinderhook, 111., 56-57; Pre- paratory Dept. of Quincy Coll., 57-58; Prof., 58-61; Representative, Winnebago County, 111., before State Adjutant General and \J. S. Dept. of War, in matter of (luotas and credits. 61-65; Principal Howard Sem.. Durand, 111., 61-65; Morgantown Female Coll., W. Va., 65- 67; Prof, of Latin and Natural Science, Pitts- burgh Female Coll., Pa., 67-75; Institutor of Art, Literature and Science Assn. of Pitts- burgh, 73; Beaver Coll., 75-77; Examiner of Claims, U. S. Pension Office, Washington. D. C, since 82; Honorary ^lembcr Art Soc. of Pittsburgh. Clerk. Bureau of Pension Claims, Dept. of Interior, Washington, D. C; res. 236 N. Carey St., Bal- timore, Md. Richard Flenrv Mather'' <|)dO' A. B. 1857; A. M. 1860: D. D. 1879 Bowdoin. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedictorian. Instr. Greek and Latin, WilHston Sem., Easthampton, Mass.. 57-58; Amherst, 59-62; Asst. Prof., 62- 64; Assoc. Prof, and Instr. in German, 64-68; Prof, of Greek and German, 68-79; of Greek, and Lecturer on Sculpture, 79-88; Trustee WilHston Sem., 80-88. Father of William Tyler Mather, Gamma 86. Educator. d. 1890 ¥uO' d. 1864 Winslow Lewis Perkins* M. D. 1862 Yale. Physician and Surgeon. Edward Kent Phillips* cp e F Father of Benjamin Phillips, Zeta 83. Lawyer. d. 1912 Albert Haven Slocomb* $BS' -K. B. 1857. Commencement Orator. Teacher Woodstock, Conn., and Sutton, Mass., 57-58; Instr. Richmond Coll., Va., 58-60; At Gottingen Univ.. 60-63; In U. S. Civil Service Dept., 63-64. Merchant. d. 1915 A.rCr A. B. 1871. Father of Howard Peck Sweetsev, Beta 82. :Merchant. d. 1904 lohn Howard Sweetser* Manniii"' Case Wells* A ? K" A. B. 1857 Yale and A. M. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. 2d English Composi- tion Prize, 55 (Yale). Brother of Charles Franklin Wells. Gamma 68. See Beta 57 Lawyer. d. 1897 1858 Charles Bartlett Andrews* W y ^' .\. B. 1858; LL. D. 1879 Wesleyan Univ. Plii Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Sen- ator State of Conn., 68-70; Member Conn. Legislature, 77-78; Governor State of Conn., 79-81; Judge Superior Court, 82-88. Presiding Officer Psi LTpsilon Convention, 79. Lawyer. d. 1902 Edwin Benjamin Barrett* K s Z' A. M. 1859 honoris causa; M. D. 1859 Columbia. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1865 Lyman Dwight Chapin* Fc I ■/, A. B. 1858; B. D. 1861 Union Theol. Sem. Missionary of the Congregational Church at Tientsin, China, 63-67; Tung Chow. 67-83; Instr. Tung Chow Theo!. Sem., 72-83. .'Xuthor "Chinese Geography." Clergyman. d. 1894 Georse Clinton Clarke* ZA° M' A. B. 1858; A. M. 1863. Commencement Ora- tor. Instr. in Latin, Chicago High School, 58- b4: Prof, of Latin, Univ. of Chicago, 64-65; Member Chicago Board of Education, 66-69; Pres., 68-69; Member 111. State Board of Edu cation, 68-76. Member Chicago Historical Soc. Insurance Agent. d. 1887 Alfred Augustus Ellsworth* uA' A. B. 1858: B. D. 1861 Andover Theol. Sem. 1st Sweetser Prize, 55. Principal High School, (^olcrain. Mass., 58-59; Pastor. Dracut, Mass.. 61-62; Milford, 62-63; Member Christian Com- mission, Armv of the Potomac, 63-65; Pastor, New Berne, N. C, 65-68; W'eymouth. Mass., 68-71; Waterloo, Iowa, 71-76; Galesburg, 111.. 76-85; Braintree, Mass., 85-88; Supt. of Schools under the Am. Missionary Assn.; Delegate Brooklyn Council, 76; Congregational Council, 83. Clergyman. d. 1910 [Charles] Carol Gaytes* A. B. 1858. Lawyer. Elijah Starr Hewitt* O s E' d. 1883 TaO' Teacher, El.gin, 111., Collector of the Port 57-58. of New Cashier for Orleans, La., the 62- 1858-59] GAMMA CHAPTER 245 ()6; yupt. of Public Scliools, New (Jileans, La., ;i-72. Insurance Agent. d. 1886 Francis Lobdell* X h -/.' f A. B. 1858; S. T. D. 1881 Hobart Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Commenctment Orator. Pastor Congregational Church at Warren, Conn., 59- 63; Bridgeport, Conn., 63-65; Rector of the Church of the Advent, Cincinnati, Ohio, 65- 69; St. Paul's Church, New Haven, Conn., 69- 79; St. Andrew's Church, New York. N. Y.. 79-87; Trinity Church, Buffalo, 87; Sec. Dio- cese of New York, 83-87; Member Standing Committee Diocese of New York, 85-87. Brother of Henry Lobdell, Gamma 49 and father of Frederick Danfortli Lobdell. Beta Beta 85. Clergyman. d. 1899 Tohn Doolinq; Lockwood* Wu A. B. 1858; A. M. 1861. Instr. High School, Quincy, 111.. 58-59; Organizer 4th Inf. Regi- ment of Iowa Vols. Banker. d. 1865 Benjamin Franklin Smith* II w )/ Postmaster, Greeley, Kans., 56-62; Adjutant 7th Regiment of 111. Vols., 62; Capt. and Asst. Adjutant General, 62-65: Treas. of Woodbury County, Iowa, 66-72; Deputy Recorder, 72-74; City Clerk and Librarian, 74-79. Librarian. d. 1879 Samuel Parker Tuck''" r S AF A. B. 1858. Commencement Orator. Civil Engineer. d. 1916 John \\'alker* ^ X r y,' A. B. 1858; B. D. 1863 Union Theol. Sem. Agent for the U. S. Sanitary Commission. Clergyman. William Augustus Putnam Willard BxO" A. M. 1863 honoris co^lsa. Principal Grammar School, Sterling, Mass., 53-54; Private School Cambridge, Mass., 61-64; Paymaster's Clerk U. S. Navy, 64-65; Principal Bennett Grammar .School, Brighton, Mass., 65-70; Pastor Uni- tarian Church, ^^'arwick, 71-73; Sudbury, 73- 75: Hubbardston, 75-77: Member School Com- mittee, Sterling. 55-59; Supt. of Schools, War- wick, 71-73; Trustee of Public Library, Sud- bury. 73-76; Supt. of Schools at Stow, 77 '^ Justice of the Peace, 79. Clergyman and Agent. 1859 Felix Ansart c|)oZ^ A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862 Yale. Delta Sigma Phi: Linonia; Scroll and Key CYale). Chief Engineer Montrose Railway Co., Tunkhannock, Pa.; Burgess Borough of Tunkhannock, Pa.; School Dir., Tunkhannock Borough School Dist.; also Pres. of the Board; Dist. Atty. Wyoming Co.. Pa. Member Pa. Bar Assn.; Wvoming Valley Law and Library Assn. at Wilkes Barre. Pa. See Beta 59 Lawyer (retired). 1503 Irving St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Benjamin Hicks Cheney Initiated by the Xi Henry Lyman Clapp* A. M. 1871 honoris causa. Merchant. ?dS' d. 1907 William Coe Collar* cp s^' A. B. 1859; A. M. 1864; Litt. D. 1901; A. M. 1870 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Sub-master Latih School, Roxbury, Mass., 57-67; Head Master since 67; Boston School Committee, 74- 75; Pres. Classical and High School Teachers' Assn of Mass. Member Classical and High School Teachers' Assn. of Mass. Educator. . d. 1916 Flenry Francis Hyde* T d \)/ A. B. 1859; B. D. 1863 East Windsor Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher High School, Webster, Mass., 59-60; Pastor, West Wood- stock, Conn., 63-67; Pomfret, 67-72; Rockville, 72-80: Trustee Hartford Theol. Sem., 72-80. Clergyman. d. 1880 George Brown Knapp A k A' A. B. 1859; A. M. 1871. Retired. 73 Tremont St., Boston; res. 321 Central St., Auburndale, Mass. \A'illiam Adams Xash* AeX' Teacher, Savannah, Ga., 57-61; Principal Clin- ton Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., 61-64. Brother of Henry Clark Nash, Gamma 51. Educator. d. 1864 W h A' James Hale Newton A. B. 1859 Dartmouth. Phi Beta Kappa. Prin- cipal Thomas St. Grammar School, Worcester, Mass., 59-64; Chairman School Board, Holyoke, 68-70: Member Mass. Legislature, 77. See Zeta S9 "^ Manufacturer. 1399 Northampton St., Holyoke, Mass.) Alpheus Richardson Nichols 11 s M' A. B. 1859: A. M. 1862. Commencement (Jrator. Principal High School, Leicester, Mass., 59-62; Head Master Highland Military School, Worcester, 63-65; Principal County Schools, Osceola, 68-72; Acad., Greenfield, Mo., 73-75; High School, West Springfield. Mass., 76-80; Member Methodist New England Conference since 81. Clergyman (retired). 5 Lincoln St., Brookfield, Mass. Cyrus Pearl Osborne* A m /." A. B. 1859 Harvard; B. D. 1862 .\ndover Theol. Sem. Detur. 56. Harvard: Greek Version at Junior Exhibition. 57; Disquisition at Senior Exhibition. 59; Commencement Orator. With the \J . S. Christian Commission. La., 62-63; Act- ing Pastor Congregational Church, North .Andover, Mass., 63-64: Hopkinton. 64; Shel- hurne Falls. 64-65: Pacific Church. New Bed- ford. 65: Pastor Bristol. R. I.. 65-70: Balti- more. Md., 73-74; Southington, 76-80; Branford. Conn.. 80-84 and Presbyterian Church, Fay- ctteville, N. Y., 84-88. Clergyman. d. 1913 Albert Augustus Porter* O (i Ql' A. B. 1859. U. S. Consul at Clifton, Canada. 63-65. Lawyer. d. 1888 Benjamin Franklin Rowe* tj; k 2 li. D. 1861 Episcopal Theol. Sem. Clergyman. d. 1861 Henry Clay Skinner* B x S' A. B. 1859. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Teacher Latin, Williston Sem.. 59-60. Educator. d. 1860 246 GAMMA CHAPTER [1859-60 George Lewis Smead"'^' B m X A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862. Commencement Orator. Teacher Ohio Inst, for the Blind, Columbus, 59-68, and Supt. 68-85; Pastor, Presbyterian Church, Savannah, 85-88. Author "Reports of the Ohio Institute for the Blind." Clergyman. d. 1915 Judson Smith"^' -A° :r' A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862; D. D. 1877; B. D. 1863 Oberlin Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Composition Prize, 57; Declamation Prize, 58; Essay Prize, 59; Commencement Orator, Tutor, Oberlin Coll., 62-64; Instr. Mathematics and Mental Philosophy, Williston Sem., East- hampton, Mass., 64-66; Prof, of Latin Lan- guage and Literature, Oljerlin Coll., 66-70; Prof, of Church History, Theol. Dept. and Lecturer on General History in Oberlin Coll., 70-84; For- eign Sec. Am. Board of Commissioners for For- eign Missions, 84-88; Acting Pastor Congrega- tion Church, Cleveland, Ohio, 67-68; Elyria, 71- 72; Ashtabula, 72-73; Oberlin, 74-75 and 82-84; Lecturer on History, Lake Erie Sem., 79-84; Member Board of Education, Oberlin, 70-84; Trustee Liberia Coll. and Williston Sem., 85- 88. Author "Lectures on Church History;" "Lectures on Modern History;" "The Claims of Foreign Missions." Brother of ?"dvvard Payson .Smith, Gamma 63. Clergyman. d. 1906 Luther Rominor Smith' X<^N' A. B. 1859; A. M. 1872. Phi Beta Kappa. Com- mencement Orator. Principal High School, Walpole, N. H., 59-60; Lieut. 1st Mich. Light Artillery, 62-64; Capt., 64-65; Judge 7th Judi cial Circuit of Ala., 68-80; Law Clerk for the Sec. of the Interior, 82-88; Member Ala. Cons- titutional Convention under the Reconstruction Act., 68. Lawyer. d. 1913 1860 Luther .Armstrong' t: S y' A. B. 1860. Sigma Delta; Alexandria. Prin- cipal Private School, 60-61; Private 33d Mo. Vol. Inf.; 1st Lieut. Aug., 65. Member Grand Army of the Republic; Mo. Commandery Loyal Legion of the \J. S.; Amherst Alumni Council and St. Louis Amherst Alumni Assn. Floriculturist. Collins Rd., Kirkwood, Mo. Linus Blakeslev Y m N' A. B. 1860 Yale; B. D. 1863 Lane Theol. Sem.: D. D. 1892 Washburn Coll. Instr. in Hebrew Lane Theol. Sem., 63-65; Pastor, Piqua, Ohio, 65-70; First Congregational Church, Topeka, Kans., 70-99; Pres. Board of Education, To- peka, 78-80; Trustee and Sec. Washburn Coll., 72-99. See Beta 60 Clergyman (retired). 2413 Gold St., El Paso, Texas. ^Foses Bradford Boardman* y ^ N~ ■ A. B. I860; B. D. 1863; Andover Theol. Sem. Declamation Prize; Commencement Orator. Pastor, Lvnnfield Centre, Mass., 63-70; Brim- field, 70-75; Assoc. Pastor, New Britain, 84-88. Clergyman. d. 1907 He 6) A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863; B. D. 1863 Andover Theol. S'em.; D. D. 1883 Westminster Coll. Commencement Orator. Pastor Congregational Church, Wayland, Mass., 63-68; Westminster Presbyterian Church, St. Joseph, Mo., 68-88; Henry Bullard* Trustee Highland Univ., Kans., 70-78; Park Coll., Mo. 76-88; Westminster Coll. 84-88. Clergyman. George Farnsworth Chapin d. 1901 N w A A. B. 1860; B. D. 1863 Union Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Resident Licentiate, 63-64; Teacher, New York, N. Y., 63-64; Pastor, Lawrence, Kans., 65-69; Irving, 69-72; Brim- field, Mass.. 72-73; Alstead, N. H., 73-83; Saxton's River since 73; Dean of Congregational Church of Vt. Clergyman. Westminster St., Saxton's River, Vt. Hallett Dole* WilHana Cole Estv* A. B. I860; A. M. 1863. Phi Commencement Orator. Teacher Salem, Mass.. 61-62; Tutor of Amherst, 62-65; Prof, of Astronomy, 65-88. Author ' X o M~ d. 1857 Beta Kappa. High School, Mathematics, Mathematics and Professor Snell as a Teacher and a Scientific Man." Father of William Esty, Gamma 89, Thomas Gushing Esty, Gamma 93, Edward Tuckerman Esty and Robert Pegram Esty, Gamma 97 Educator. d. 191b Edward Selah Frishee Y e v" \. B. 1860; A. M. 1866; D. D. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa. Cominencement Orator. Instr. Wil- liston Sem., 60-62; Principal Amherst High School, 63-67; Northampton High Schools, 67- 72; High School, Binghamton (N. Y.), 72-75; Pres. Wells Coll., 75-94; Inspr. Univ. of the State of N. Y.. 96-04. Member L'nivcrsity Club. • Retired. 2 Sprague PI., Albany, N. Y. Thomas Remington Green* Lawyer. Leverett Stearns Griggs* Y z M' Tsv" A. B. 1860; B. D. 1864 Lane Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Declamation Prize, 58; Com- mencement Orator. Pastor, Spring Valley, Minn., 63-66; Owatonna, 66-69; Lowell, Mich., 70-72; Collinsville, Conn., 72-74; Terryville, 74-88. Father of John Cornelius Griggs. Beta 89. Clergyman. d. 1903 ( )liver Brown Merrilh' XdN' A. B. 1860. Teacher High School, Newbury- port, Mass., 60-88. Educator. d. 1912 Xathaniel Mighill' TrN A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863. Phi Beta Kappa. Declamation Prize, 59; Essay Prize, 60; Editor Ichnolitc, 59-60; Cla.ss Orator, 60; Commence- ment Orator. Instr. .\cad., Cortland, N. Y., 60-61; Tutor, Amherst Coll., 63-64; Pastor, Ea.st Cambridge, M'ass.. 64-67; Brattleboro, Vt., 67- 75; First Church, Worcester, Mass., 75-77. Clergyman. d. 187S Hlihu Franklin I'omeroy* X'n X' Deputy Collector and Insp. of Internal Revenue, 5th Dist. of 111., 61-64. Manufacturer. d. 1883 Hiram Brainerd Tutnam* 2da' A. B. 1860; B. D. 1866 Hartford Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Instr. High School, .\uburndale, Mass., 60-61; Acad.. Cortland, 1860-61] GAMMA CHAPTER 247 N. Y., 61-62; Willistou Sem., Easthampton, Mass., 64-65; Pastor, West Concord, N. H., 68- 74; Tabernacle Church, Salem, Mass., 74-79; Charlotte, Vt., 79-82; College St. Church, Burlington. 82-85; First Church, Derry, 85-88. Clergyman. d. 1901 Charles Herbert Richardson T k M' A. B. 186U; B. D. 1865 Andover Thcol. Sem.; D. D. 1882 Beloit. Phi Beta Kappa; Scroll and Key. Commencement Orator. Pastor, Ko- komo, ind., 66-67; 1st Church, Madison, Wis., 67-9U; Central Congregational Church, Phila- delphia, 9U-UJ; Sec. Congregational Church Building Soc, since 03; Supt. of Schools, Plain- held, N. H., 63; Member Christian Commission of the Army of the Potomac, 63-64; Pres. Wis. Home Missionary Soc, 85-90; Conductor Monona Lake Assembly, Madison, W'is., 81-84; Trustee Downer Coll., Wis., 87-90; Yale Lec- turer on Hymnology and Church Music, 95; National Council Committee for Ministerial Relief, 98-Ul; Pres. Evangelical Alliance of I'a., 00-03; Trustee National Council Congrega- tional Churches, 01-lU; Pres. ilontclair (-s. J.^ Congregational Club, 04-09; Dir. Congregational Board of Ministerial Relief; Trustee Howard Univ., Washington, D. C. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Jubilee Song;" "Religious Rights of a Christian State;" "The Improvement of Worship;" "Evolution of a Redeemed Human- ity;" "Spiritual Nuture of Children;" "The Pearl of Prayers;" "Will Phillips;" "Sunday Morning with a Pastor." See Beta 60. Clergyman. 28/, 4th Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. 35 Hill- side Ave., Montclair, N. J. Alfred Stebbins' X p ia' A. B. I860. Essay Prize, 59. Teacher, Cry- stal Springs, Miss., 60-61; Scout U. S. Army, 61-62; Principal City School, Dubuque, Iowa, 62-64; Inspr. of Customs and Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, San Francisco, Cal., 64- 66; Librarian Mercantile Library, San Fran- cisco, 66-73. Author "Reports of the Mercan- tile Library." Merchant. d. 1901 Melville Merrick Tracy'' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864; LL. B. 1864 Harvard. Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Principal High School, Barre, Mass., 61-63; Framingham, 63-64; Grammar School, Springfield, 64-71; South Berkshire Inst., New Marlborough, 71-75; Pastor, Three Rivers, Mass., 77-78; Home Missionary, Detroit City, Minn., 78-79; Duluth, 79-81: Sedgwick, Kans., 81-82; Anthonv. 83-85; Pastor, First Church, Silverton. 85-88. Clergvman. d. 1889 1861 Frederick Browning'^ XdA' A. B. 1861; Editor Olio, 60. Commencement Orator. Instr. High School, Rowe, Mass., 61- 63: Principal Acad.. Belvidere. N. J.. 63-64; Cohasset, Mass., 64-65: With U. S. Sanitary Commission, Washington and New York, 65-66; Instr., Eaglewood ^Military Acad., Perth Amboy, N. J., 66-67. Educator. d. 1868 Marshall Blair Cushman* V S Q' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864; LL. B. 1864 Harvard. Commencement Orator. Clerk Census Bureau, Wasliington, D. C, 70-71; Internal' Revenue Dcpt., Washington, 73-77; 1st Asst. Examiner, U. S. Patent Office, 77-88. Lawyer. d. 1915 Austin Dodge* m a A. B. 1861; B. D. 1865 Andover Theol. Sem. Coraftiencement Orator. Pastor, Winchendon, Mass., 66-67; Globe Village, 67-70; East Bridge- water, 70-74; Barton, Vt., 74-78; Putney, 78-81; South Dennis, Mass., 81-88. Brother of John \\'ebster Dodge, Gamma 57, Clergyman. d. 1909 Ebenezer Porter Dyer, Jr.''' ^ ^ A' A. B. 1861. English Essay Prize, 61. Teacher, 61-62; Government Supt. of Abandoned Planta- tions and Contrabands, Beaufort, S. C, 62-63; Postmaster, Port Royal, S. C, 63-65. Brother of Edward Oscar Dyer, Gamma 78 and Ebene- zer Alden Dyer, Gamma 82. Journalist. d. 1896 Principal Boys' and Girls' School, Liberty Hill, S. C, 63-65; Private School, Orangeburgh, 65- 72, Educator. d. 1884 Bradford Morton Fullerton* 7 g a' A. B. 1861. Editor University Quarterly, 60- 61; Commencement Orator. Teacher High School, East Abington, Mass., 62-63; Arlington, 63: Acting Principal Dr. Dio Lewis' Sem., Lex- ington, Mass., 66-67; Pastor 2d Church. Palmer, Mass., 68-81; Waltham, 81-88. Clergyman. d. 1914 Xf (o' Elipha White Fenn* Henry Dwight Hyde* A. B. 1861. Hardy Prize, 61; Commencement Orator. Member Common Council, Boston, 66-67; Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty., 67-68; Member National Republican Convention, Cincinnati, Ohio, 76; Mass. Legislature, 78; Trustee of the New England :Med. Coll., 77-97; Amherst Coll., 77-97. Lawyer. d. 1897 Joseph Allen Leach* T [x ^' A. B. 1861. Chaplain, 19th Regiment of U. S. (Colored) Inf. and Aide de Camp on the Staffs of Generals Russell and Perkins, 64-65; Pastor 1st Church, Keene, N. H., 65-67; 2d Church, Keene, 67-82; Principal Boys' School, Keene, 80- 88. Member Board of Education, 83-88. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1906 Edwin Rufus Lewis* F D y' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864; M. D. 1867 Harvard; B. D. 1871 Union Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Lieut, and Aide de Camp to General Lewis Wallace, 61-63; Lieut, and Adjutant, 21st Inf. Regiment Mass. Vols., 63-64; Capt. 64-65; Prof, of Chemistry and Geology in the Syrian Protestant College, Beirut, Syria, 71-82; Prof. of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Wabash Coll., 82-88; Fellow Geological Soc. of London. Au; thor "Textbooks in Arabic"; "Chemistry;" "Chemical Analysis;" ''Chemistry of the Air and Water;" "Geology:" "Hvmn and Tune Book." Clergyman and Educator. d. 1908 Alfred ^laddock* Fb A. B. 1861. Phi Beta Kappa. Declamation Prize, 60; Mather Greek Prize, 60; Commence- ment Orator. Clerk. d. 1862 George Whiteheld Phillips* F h to' A. B. 1861; B. D. 1864 Andover Theol. Sem. Declamation Prize, 59; Editor Olio, 60; Com- mencement Orator. Pastor, Haydenville, Mass., 248 GAMMA CHAPTER L 1861-62 64-68; Columbus, Ohio, 68-71; Plymouth Church, Worcester, Mass., 71-88. Clergyman. d. 1912 William Morton Pomeroy* F h a' A. B. 1861. Editor Ichnolite, 60-61. Journalist. d. 1901 Granville Bradstreet Putnam* X n a' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864. Master High School, Quincy, Mass., 61-64; Franklin School, Boston, 64-88. Educator. d. 1900 Henry Clay Roome Y w A' 2d Lieut. 89th Inf. Regiment, N. Y. Vols., 61-62; Capt. 62-64; Major, 64-65; Lieut. Colonel, 65. Member Psi Upsilon Club; Am. Inst, of Electrical Engineers. Electrician. Lowell Smith Russell* X d A' d. 1858 Lysander Tower Spaulding* ^ m B' A. B. 1861; B. D. 1864 Hartford Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Instr. Acad., Monson, Mass., 61-62; Pastor, West Stafford, Conn., 64- 67; Essex, 67-69; Broad Brook, 69-77; Chester, 77-78. Clergyman. d. 1878 Nathan Thompson FbQ' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864; B. D. 1865 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Kappa. Prize, Extempore Speaking. Member Board of Trustees, Univ. of Colo.; Treas. and Pres. School Board of Boulder, Colo. Author "His- tory of Roxboro" (S. E. Drake's History of Middlesex Co., Mass.) Member Classical Club of Baltimore. Clergyman and Educator (retired). Washington Ave., Laurel, Md. 1862 Rowland Hussey Allen* FmB' A. B. 1862; B. D. 1865 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Olio, 61. Commence- ment Orator. Pastor, Canton, Mass., 65-67; Clelsea, 67-70; Neponset Church, Boston. 70- 72; Agent Am. Tract Soc. for New England, 72. Author "Tragedies in Prose." Brother of Laban Wheaton Allen, Gamma 66. Clergyman. d. 1872 Joseph Willard Brown* B p ^" A. M. 1871 honoris causa.. Private Co. K, 7tli Inf. Regiment of Mass. Vols., 61-64; 2d Lieut. U. S. Signal Corps, 64-65; Teacher, Abing- ton, 68-70; Principal, Derby Acad., Hingham, 70-71; Teacher, Milton, 71; Master Grammar School, Hyde Park, 71-74; Sub-Master Emer- son School, Boston, 74-88. Author "History of the Signal Corps, U. S. A., during the War of the Rebellion." Educator. d. 1910 Albert Bryant'' TS° n' A. B. 1862; B. D. 1865 Andover Theol. Sem. Commencement Poet. Missionary Congrega- tional Church at Sivas, Turkey, 65-68; Pastor, Everett, Mass., 68-75; Somerville, 75-81; Lead City, D. T., 81-82; Supt. Worcester City Mis- .'■■ionary Soc, 72-88. Clergyman. d. 1904 Marquis Fayette Dickinson, Jr.* X h W' A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Athens Prize, 59; 1st Essay Prize, 61; Mather Greek Prize, 61; Commencement Orator; Editor University Quarterly, 61-62. Instr. Williston Sem., Easthampton, Alass., 62-65; Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty., 69-70; Member Board of Educa- tion, Boston, 69 and 71; Common Council of Boston, 71-73; Pres., 72-73; Trustee Boston Public Library, 71; Williston Sem., 72; Over- seer Charitable Fund of Amherst Coll., 77-78; Lecturer Law as Applied to Rural Affairs, Mass. Agricultural Coll., 71-77. Author ""Legi.s- lation of the Hours of Labor;" "Amherst Cen- tennial Address." Member Psi Upsilon Club, New York, N. Y. Lawyer. d. 1915 Henry Hill Goodell* XgB' A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865. Commencement Ora- tor. 2d Lieut. Co. F, 25th Inf. Regiment, Conn. \'ols., 62-63; 1st Lieut., 63-64; Instr. in Gymnas- tics and Modern Languages, Williston Sem., Easthampton, ]\Iass., 64-67; Prof, of Modern Languages, Mass. Agricultural Coll., 67-86 and Pres. 86-88; Member M'ass. Legislature, 85. Author "Historic Fiction." Educator. d. 1905 Thomas Henderson* X h f M. D. 1862 Berkshire Med. Coll. Acting Asst. Surg. U. S. Army, 63 and 64-65; Lecturer on Physiology and Hygiene, Lake Forest Univ., 74-75. ^ Physician and Surgeon. d. 1896 James Clay Houghton, Jr.* Z V° V A. B. 1862. Asst. Clerk, Vt. Legislature. 62-64; Treas. of Montpelier, 74-88. Brother of Joseph Goodhue Houghton, Gamma 65. Banker. d. 1902 Rufus Pratt Lincoln* XSE' A. B. 1862; M. D. 1868 Harvard. Editor Olio, 61. 2d Lieut. 37th Inf. Regiment Mass. Vols., 62; Capt., 62-64; Major, 64-65; Lieut. -Colonel and Colonel. 65; Colonel, 20th Regiment Mass. Vols., 65; Delegate to the International Med. Congress, 81; Fellow Am. Med. Assn. and Am. Acad, of Medicine. Member New York Acad, of Medicine, New York Pathological. New York Neurological and New York Laryngological Socs. ; Psi Upsilon Club. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1900 Edward Morris Fb^t^' Private in Co. A, 46th Inf. Regiment Mass. Vols., 61-63. Lawyer. (157 W. lOSth St., New York, N. Y.) Jonas Oramel Peck* BKS' A. B. 1862; A. M. 1870 Wcsleyan Univ.; D. D. 1874 Lawrence L^niv. Phi Beta Kappa. Prize in Oratory. 60; in Essays, 62; Commencement Orator. Pastor Methodist Church, Chelsea, Mass., 62-64; Lowell, 64-67; Grace Church, Worcester, 67-70; Trinity Church, Springfield, 70-73; Centenary Church, Chicago, 111., 73-75; Mount Vernon Church, Baltimore, Md., 75-78; St. John's Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 78-81; Hanson PI. Church, Brooklyn, 81-84; Trinity Church, New Haven, Conn., 84-87; Simpson Church. Brooklyn, 87-88. Member School of Christian Philosophy. Clergyman. d. 1894 1862-63J GAMMA CHAPTER 249 Calvin Stebbins X d w A. p.. 1862. Pastor, Chicopcc, Mass., 65-69; Marlborough. 69-72; Detroit, Mich., 72-80; Leb- anon. X. H.. 80. Author "Life of Henry H. Cioodell;" Co-author ''Life of Col. Mason ^\■. Tyler." ^Member Am. Antiquarian Soc. Clergyman. Vernon St., Franiingham Center, Mass. Charles Humphrey Sweetser* X d B' A. B. 1862. 2d Athen.c Prize, 59; Declamation Prize, 60; Essay Prize, 61 and 62. Editor Am- herst College Magaciiie, 61-62. Poet, Psi Up- silon Conventions, 65, 68. Author "History of .\nihcrst College;" "Tourist's and Invalid's Cuide to the Northwest;" "Books of Summer Resorts;" "Guide to ^Hnnesota." Journalist. d. 1871 -Mason Whiting Tyler* r p 1" A. B. 1862: A. M. 1865. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Alexandria Prize. 59. Commencement Ora- tor. 2d Lieut. 37th Inf. Regiment, Mass. Vols.. 62; 1st Lieut., 62-63; Capt., 63-65; Major, Lieut. -Colonel and Colonel, 65; Member Com- mon Council, Plainfield, N. J., 75-80. Son of William Seymour Tyler. Gamma 30, brother of William Wellington Tyler, Gamma, 64, Henry Mather Tyler, Gamma 65 and John Mason Tyler, Gamma 73. Lawver. d. 1907 Samuel Colville Vance* X >> T A. B. 1852. Gymnasium Capt., 61-62. Capt. 27th Inf. Regiment Mass. Vols., 61-62; Major 70th Inf. Regiment Ind. Vols.. 62-63: Colonel 132d Regiment, 63-64: Colonel of Regiment of Home Guards, 64-65. Farmer. d. 1913 Xathan Elliott Willis* 7 u 'i A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865. Phi Beta Kappa. Class Historian, 58-59. Commencement Orator. Instr. Bridgewater (Conn.) State Normal .'school. 62-64; Principal Acad., North Middle- borough, Mass.. 64: High School, Southborough, 64-65; Weymouth. 65-67; Master Hillside Gram- mar School for Girls, Jamaica Plain, 67-68; .Sub-Master English High School, Boston, Mass., 68-72; Supt. of Mission Schools and Pastor Congregational Church, under the Am. Mis- sionary Assn.. Marion, Ala., 72-74. Educator. d. 1874 1863 Charles Dickinson Adams* X k F" A. B. 1863. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Athen,-e Prize. 60; Declamation Prize, 61; Essay Prize. 62; Mather Greek Prize, 62; Latin Prize, 62; Essay Prize, 63; Hardy Prize, 63: Phi Beta Kappa Prize, 63; Editor University Quarterly, 61-62: Amherst College Magacine, 62-63. Vale- dictorian. Brother of Herbert Baxter Adams, Gamma 72. Lawyer. d. 18a9 Frederick Bayliss Allen 9 J £ A. B. 1863; A. M. 1866; B. D. 1866 Andover Theol. Sem.; A. B. 1909 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa, l.st Essay Prize, 63. Pastor 1st Con- gregational Church, Newport, R. I., 66-68; Canannndaigua, N. Y.. 68-73: Sec. New England Dept. of the Palestine Exploration S'oc, 73-75; Pastor Chambers St. Congregational Church, 75- 79: Supt. Episcopal City Mission for 26 years: Archdeacon of Boston: Pres. New f-ngland Watch and Ward Soc. ; Governor Soc. of May- flower Descendants; Sec. General Thcol. Li- brary; Sec. Mass. Bible Soc; Pres. Robert Gould 'Shaw House; Dir. Infants' Hosp. and of Children's Friend Soc. Member Round Table, Har\-«rd and Oakley Country Clubs. Brother of Francis Richmond Allen, Gamma 65. Clergyman. 1 Joy St.; res. 132 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. Jubal Converse Cdeason* r y -/• A. B. 1863; M. D. 1867 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Principal High School, HoUiston, Mass., 63-64; High School, Barre, 64-65; Pres. Old Colony Med. Assn., 74; Member Mass. Legislature, 70 and 86; Med. Examiner 2d Plymouth Dist.. 74-88; Prof, of Clinical Medicine and Acting Dean Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Boston, :Mass., 84-88. Member Massachusetts Med. and .Massachusetts Medico-Legal Socs. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1890 Emmons Johnson Hughitf* X p i A. B. 1863. Phi Beta Kappa. Essay Prize, 62; Salutatorian. Brother of William Edward Hughitt, Gamma 55. Student. d. 1864 XoF Robert Innis Jones* A. B. 1863; A. M. 1866. Editor Olio, 62. 1st Hardy Prize, 63. Commencement Orator. Lawver. d. 1898 James Griswold Merrill y c X' A. B. 1863; D. D. 1903; B. D. 1866 Andover Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1887 Shurtleff. Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor, ^lound City, Kans., 66-68; Topeka, 68-69; Supt. Missions in Kans. 69- 7Z; Pastor, Davenport, Iowa, 72-82; First Church, St. Louis, 82-89; Payson Memorial C"hurch, Portland, Maine, 89-94; Somerset, Mass., 09; Acting Pres. Fisk Univ., Nashville, 99-01; Pres., 01-09; First Asst. Moderator National Congregational Council, Cleveland, 07. Author "Children's Sermons" and "From Servitude to Service." Father of Oliver Bout- well Merrill, Gamma 91 and brother of William Fessenden Merrill, Gamma 63 and George Cooke ^lerrill. Gamma 65. Clergyman. Lake Helen, Fla. William Fessenden Merrill XbT A. B. 1865. Private 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery, 62-64; 2d Lieut. 3rd Mass. Heavy Artillery, 64-65. Member University Club (New York). Brother of James Griswold Merrill, Gamma 63 and George Cooke Merrill, Gamma 65 and uncle of Oliver Boutwell Merrill, Gamma 91. Engineer (retired). 830 Carlton Ave.. Plainfield, N. J. lames Alexander Rhea' ^I" V A" 2d Alexandria Prize, 60. Major and Lieut.- Colonel 60th Cavalry Regiment (Tenn.) Con- federate Vols., 61-65: Code Commissioner of Ala., 67. Brother of Joseph Brainard Rhea, Gamma 63. Lawver. d. 1871 Josei)h Brainard Rhea"'^ Z \ide-de-Camp to General Vaughan and Brigade Commissary, 60th Cavalry Regiment (Tenn.) Confederate \'ols., 61-65; Town Councilman and Treas. Brother of James Alexander Rhea, Gamma 63. Merchant. d. 1902 250 GAMMA CHAPTER [1863-64 Frazar Augustus Stearns* . Z k Q' A. B. 1863 post obit. Declamation Prize, 61. 1st Lieut Co I and Acting Adjutant 21st Inf. Regiment, Mass. Vols., 61-62. d. 1862 Warren Barzillai Stickney* F r X' A. M. 1868 ho7wris catisa. Private 8th Inf. Regiment, Vt. Vols., 61-62; Lieut. 99tli Regi- ment U. S. (Colored) Vols., 62-65; Supt. Freedmen's Bureau for Northern La.. 65-66; Principal Black River Acad. Ludlow, Vt., 66-67; High School, Greenfield, Mass., 67-68; Chicopee, 68-69; Supt. Public Schools, New Orleans: Member La. State Board of Educa- tion, 69-74. Publisher. Baman Nelson Stone d. 1898 Tt m A' A. B. 1864. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Son of William Seymour Tyler, Gamma 30, brother of Mason Whiting Tyler, Gamma 62, Henry Mather Tyler, Gatnma 65 and John Mason Tyler, Gamma TZ. Manufacturer. d. 1903 u A' George Henry Whitcomb* A. B. 1864; A. M. 1867. Phi Beta Kappa. Gym- nasium Capt., 62-63; Commencement Orator. Trustee Amherst Coll., 84-88; Mt. Holyoke Sem.; Worcester Tech. Inst.; Worcester Me- chanics' Assn.; Oberlin Coll. Member Board of Educatioin: Executive Committee Mass. Home Missionary Soc. Manufacturer. d. 1916 1865-661 GAMMA CHAPTER 251 1865 Francis Richmond Allen V w e A. B. 1865; LL. D. (Hon.) 1912; A. M. 1903 Williams. N'ice-Pres. International t'ongress of Architects and Member of the Permanent Com- mittee. Member Mayflower Descendants; Colo- nial Wars; Am. Inst, of Architects; Boston Curling and Coinitry (Brookline, Mass.) Clubs. Brother of Frederick Bayliss Allen, Gamma 63. Architect. Allen & Collins, 40 Central St.; res. 20 Fairfield St., Boston, Mass. lioina.>< Earle Babb TeT' A. B. 1865; A. M. 1868; S. T. D. 1868 Andovc,- Theol. Sam. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Kappa: Atheuit. Commencement Orator. Pastor Congre- gational Church, Eastport, Maine, 68-71; Ox- ford, Mass., 71-77; Presbyterian Church, Vic- tor, X. Y., 77-83; Cojigregational Church, West Rrookfield, Mass., 83-88. Clergyman. Highland St., Ilolden, Mass. -Mbert Galliford Rale* H g Z' A. B. 1865; B. D. 1868 Andover Theol. Sem. Declamation Prize. 61; 1st Athene Prize, 62; G_eology and Mineralogy Prize, 65; Essay Prize, 65; 1st Hardy Prize, 65; Commencement Orator. Pastor at Melrose, Mass., 68-88. Clergyman. d, 1906 Horace Franklin Barnes* A z 9' A. B. 1865; B. D. 1868 Newton Theol. Inst. F.ssay Prize. 65; Commencement Orator Private t^^ss- Vols., 62-63; Pastor, Buffalo, N. \., 68-71; Lebanon, N. H. 71-74; \\ inchester, Mass., 74-81 ; Sec. of the City Mission Soc. New York, N. Y., 81-86; Pastor Brooklyn. 86-88. Author "New Testament leaching Concerning Baptism." Clergyman. d. 1902 James Howard Eaton* XaE' A B. 1865: Ph. D. 1867 Univ. of Gottingen. Mathematical Prize, 63; Commencement Orator. Instr. in Chemistry and Geologv, Amherst Coll ', 67-68; Prof, of Chemistry and "Natural Science' Beloit coll., 68-73: Chemistry and Mineralogy,' ''^'i'\ -'^ut'io'' '"Tlie Metric S'ystem of Weights and Measures" and "Elements of Qualitative Analy.sis." Brother of William Wells Eaton, Gamma 68 and George Thomas Eaton, Gamma ^ ^. Educator. Sereno Dwight Gammell* d. 1877 A. B. 1865; B. D. 1868 Andover Theol. Sem. Sergeant 47th Inf. Regiment, Mass. Vols., 63- 64; 1st Lieut. 4th Regiment, Mass. Heavy -Artillery, 64-65; Pastor First Church, Boxford Ma.ss., 68-80; Chestnut St. Church. Lynn, 80- 84; First Church, Wellington, Ohio, 84-88. Clergyman. d. 1915 Joseph Goodhue Houghton* Y H' A. B. 1865. Asst. Clerk. Vt. House of Repre- Kentatives, 65-66. Brother James Clay Hough- ton, Gamma 62. Merchant. rl. 1916 Samuel Valentine McDuffee* T m e' A. B. 1886: B. D. 1868 Union Theol. Sem. Private 3d Regiment, N. H. Vols.. 63-64; Lieut. U. S. Signal Corps, 64-65; Pastor, Wavne, Iowa, 68-69; Acworth, N. H.; 69-70; Barton, Vt.. 70- 73; Fisherville, N. H., 73-75; Ludlow, Mass., 75-82; Brimfield, 82-84; Orange City, Fla., 84-88.. Clergyman. d. 1904 Robert McEwen* HaZ' 2d Athene Prize, 62; Gymnasium Capt., 62-63. Insurance Agent. d. 1883 X V r- George Cooke Merrill* A. B. 1865; A. M. 1868. Commencement Ora- tor. Principal High School, Princeton, Mass., 65; Teacher Scientific Dept. of Phillips Acad., Andover, 65-69; Prof, of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Washburn Coll., Topeka, Kans., 69-75; Peabody Instr. in Natural Science and Principal English Dept., Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass., 75-81. Brother of William Fessenden Merrill and James Griswold Merrill, Gamma 63 and unc'e of Oliver Boutwcll Merrill, Gamma 91. Educator. d. 1882 X ni r' A. B. 1865 Brown Univ.; L. B. 1866 Albany Law School. Sec Sigma 65 Lawyer. d. 1874 John Thomas Pope'' lulward Payson Smith* KgZ' A. B. 1865; A. M. 1868, Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Olio, 64; 1st Prize in Mathematics, 62; Latin, 64; Essay, 64; Phi Beta Kappa Prize, 65: divided 1st Greek Prize and the Woods Prize with Henry Mather Tyler, 65; Commence- ment Orator. Principal High School, Hinsdale, Mass., 65-66; Instr. Williston Sem., East- hampton, 68-70; Prof, of English and Modern Languages, Worcester Free Inst., 72 88. Mem- ber Webster Historical Soc. Brother of Judson Smith, Gamma 59. Educator. d. 1892 Henry Alather Tyler F s u A. B. 1865; A. M. 1868; D. D. 1902. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Delta; Alexandria. Declamation Prize. 63; Divided 1st Greek Prize and the Woods Prize, 65; Commencement Orator. Instr. Williston .Sem.. Easthampton, Mass., 65- 66: Walker Instr. in Latin, .\mherst, 68-69: Prof, of Greek and German. Knox Coll., 69-72; Pastor Congregational Church, Fitchburg, Mass., 72-77: Prof, of Greek, 72-12; Dean of Faculty, 00-12; ProL of Greek (Emeritus), 12—, Smith Coll.; Pres. of Trustees, Williston Sem. Author "Greek Play and Its Presentation." Educator. 44 Prospect St., Northampton, Mass. 1866 Laban Wheaton Allen* YbT' A. B. 1866; B. D. 1869 Andover Theol. Sem. Commencement r)rator. Pastor South Brain- tree, Mass.. 69-72; Greeley, Colo.. 72-73. Brother of Rowland Husscy Allen, Gamma 62. Clergyman. d. 1875 John] Pliny Bartlett* Declamation Prize, 64. Insurance Agent. XyC d. 1912 hMward X^elson Bishop* Z e S' A. B. 1866; A. M. 1869 Dartmouth. See ACta 66 Merchant. d. 1889 252 GAMMA CHAPTER [1866-67 Herbert Lawrence Bridgman s S S {< A. B. 1866; A. M. 1869 and A. M. (Hon.) 1904. Phi Beta Kappa; Alexandria; Delta Kappa. Freshman Declamation Prize; Corn- mencement Orator. Pres. Executive Council Psi Upsilon Fraternity; Pres. Am. Newpaper Publishers' Assn., 14-16; Chevalier Order Leo- pold II; Am. Delegate to International Polar Congress, 06, 08 and 13. Member Executive Council Psi Upsilon since 77. Author "Peary; The Man and His Work:" "The S'udan, Africa from Sea to Center;"' "Victorious Bulgaria. '" Member Hamilton and Civic (Brooklyn), Psi Upsilon and Union League (New York), National Press (Washington), Am. Alpine (Philadelphia) and Harvard Travelers' (Bos- ton) Clubs. Father of Robert Bridgman, Gam- ma 95 and brother of Raymond Landon Bridg man, Gamma 71 and Arthur Milnor Bridgman, Gamma 73. Journalist. 294 Washington St.; res. 604 Carlton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Harrison Merriam TqZ' Pres. Worcester City Missionary Soc, 10 years; Sec. and Treas. of Trustees Worcester V. M. C. A., since 85; Deacon of Old South Congre gational Church, Worcester, since 69. Manufacturer (retired). 22 King St., Worcester, Mass. Charles Russell Paine 9 ? t^' .\. B. 1866. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. Dayton, Oliio, 66-67; Supt. Schools, .Muncie, Ind., 67- 68; Principal High School, Columbus. Ohio. 68-70; San Bernardino Acad., 72-76; County Supt., 76-80; Pres. Board of Education, 80-82. Horticulturist. (Redlands, Cal.) Charles Henry Parkhurst T p t' A. B. 1866; A. M. 1869; D. D. 1880; LL. D. 1892. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Principal Amherst High School, 67-69; Instr. Williston Sem., Easthamptoii, 7 0-72: Pastor Congregational Church, Lenox, Mass., 74-80; ^Madison Sq. Presbyterian Church, New- York since 80; Pres. Soc. for Prevention of Crime, 91; Trustee Amherst, 92-02. Author "Forms of the Latin Verb Illustrated bv the Sanskrit;" "The Blind Man's Creed, and other Sermons; "The Pattern on the Mount:" "Tliree Gates on a S'ide;" "What Would the World Be Without Religion?" "The Swiss Guide;" "Our Fight with Tammany;" "The Sunny Side of Christianity;" "A Little Lower than the An- gels." Brother of Louis Harry Parkhurst, Al- pha 72 and Howard Elmore Parkhurst, (iamma 73. Clergyman and Orator. Hotel Ansonia, New York, N. Y. Stephen Bailey Rand* XjT' .\. B. 1866; B. 1). 1869 Roclicster Thcol. Seni. Commencement Orator. Private 40th Inf. Regi- ment, Mass. Vols., 62-63; Principal Miller's Place Acad., Long Island, N. Y., 66: Mis- sionary of the Baptist (Thurch, Maulmain. British Burmah, 69-76; Acting Pastor First Baptist Church, Holyoke, Mass., 78-79. Author "Savov Mission." Clergyman. d. 1893 Henry Roberts* v. j C A. B. 1866 Yale and A. M. 1869. See Beta 66 Lawyer. d. 1873 Asa Adams Spear* tj< u 21' .\. B. 1866; LL. B. 1868 Columbia. Commence- ment Orator. 2d Lieut, of Co. G, 52d Inf. Regiment Mass. Vols., 62-63; Principal High School, (iardner. Mass., 66; Trustee Rvitgers Fe- male Coll., 82-85. Lawyer. Henry Crosby Weston* <1. 1883 XzZ' d. 1915 y m T' A. B. 1866; B. I). 1869 Andovtr Theol. Sein. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Pas- tor, North Bennington, Vt., 6')-74; Sharon, Mass., 74-83. Clergyman. Jacob W'inslow Wood .■\. B. 1866. Commencement ( )rat()r. Salesman. Allentown, Pa. George Frederick Ziegler (p F ©' A. B. 1866; B. D. 1869 Princeton Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa; Alexander Literary Soc. Commencement Orator. Sergeant Major 126th Inf. Pa. Vols., 62-63; Principal High S'chool (Greencastle, Pa.), 72; Teacher Wilson Female Coll., Chambersburg, Pa,, 86-88. Greencastle, Pa. \ 1867 1 lenrv Carmichael Fvl' A. B. 1867; Ph. D. 1871 Univ. of Gottingen. Phi Beta Kappa. Declamation Prize, 64; Com- mencement Orator. Prof, of Chemistry and Natural Science, Iowa Coll., 71-73: Prof. Chem- istry and Mineraloey and Josiah Little Prof, of Natural Science in Bowdoin Coll., 73; .State -■Kssayer of Maine since 76. Educator. (15 Exchange St., Boston, Mass.) William Henry Cobb TEH' A. B. 1867; D. D. 1892; B. D. 1872 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Kappa. Prizes in Mathematics, 64-65; Greek and Latin, 66: Butler's Analogy, Mineralogical and Phi Beta Kappa Prizes, 67: Commencement Orator. Instr. at Wilmington, Del., 67-69; Pastor Con- gregational Church. Plymouth, 72-76; Medfield. 76-78; Uxbridge, 78-88; Recording Sec. Soc. of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, 90-15. .Vuthor ".\ Remarkable Life; .\ Sketch of Ruth Burgess;" "Hebrew Metre;" "The Meaning of Christian Unity." Member Soc. of Biblicjfl Literature and Exegesis; Howard Biblical and A\'inthrop Clubs. Librarian and Assistant Treasurer. ^ra. Consresratinnal Assn., 14 Beacon St.. Boston; res. 37 Elgin St., Newton Center, Mass. Edward Bartlett Earle* HdO' .^. B. 1867; A. M. 1870. Commencement Orator. Corporal 18th Inf. Regiment, N. H. Vols., 65. Brother of James Hervey Earle, Gamma 67. Merchant. d. 1901 James Plervey Earle* HvP' A. B. 1867; A. M. 1870. Commencement Orator. Private 3d R. I. Heavy Artillery, 65. Brother of Edward Bartlett Earle. Gamma 67. Publisher. John Barnard Fairbank'' OAP" A B 1867; LL. B. 1864 Columbia. Sergeant 36th Inf. Regiment, Mass. Vols., 62-63; 2d 1867-68] GAMMA CHAPTER 253 Lieut., 63: 1st Lieut.. 6,!-64; Capt. 64; Brevet Major and Brevet Colonel, 64-65. Member Mass. Legislature, 78-79. Author "History of Oakham." Lawyer. d. 1908 Edward Bela Fenner* BAO .'\. B. 1867. Phi Beta Kappa. Essay Prize, 67; Commencement Orator. Collector of Canal Tolls, Rochester, 7i; Excise Commissioner of Rochester, 74-77; Dist. Atty. for Momroe County, 78-84. Father of Burt Leslie Fenner, L'psilon 91 and Edward Blaine Fenner, L^psilon 97. Lawyer. d. 1907 w r. John Prince Fernald* Editor of the Olio. 66. Merchant. Edwin Augustus Grosvenor K c P A. B. 1867; A. M. 1871; LL. D. 1903 Wabash; 1904 Alfred Univ.; 1910 Marietta; 1913 Coll. of William and Mary; L. H. D. 1914 Amherst. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Pres. United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa since 07; Prof, of History, Robert College, Constantinople, 73- 90; Smith College, 92-94; Prof, of French Lan- guage and Literature, Amherst Co'l., 92-95; Prof, of European History, 95-98, and Prof, of Modern Government and International Law, 9314; Prof. Emeritus since 14. Author "The Hippodrome of Constantinople;" "Con- stantinople;" "Contemporary History." Mem- ber Parnassus (Athens), Hellenic S'yllogos (Constantinople), Authors' (New York, Boston snd London) and Cosmos (W^ashington, D. C.) Clubs; Am. Antiquarian and National Geo- graphic Socs. Father of Edwin Prescott and Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor, Gamma 97. Writer and Lecturer. 7 College St., Amherst, Mass. Alpheus Hardy'^ Z Member Mass. Senate, 61 ; Trustee Amherst Coll.. 55-77; of Phillips Acad, and the Theol. Sem., Andover, Mass., 57-85; Member Corpora- tion and Prudential (Tommittee, Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 57-88; Chairman Prudential Committee, 73-86; Dele- gate to the National Republican Convention, 76. Father of Arthur Sherburne Hardv, Gamma 68. Financier. d. 1887 Dwight Stiles Herrick* y u ?' A. B. 1867. 1st .\thenje Prize. 64: Declamation Prize, 64; Commencement Orator. Instr. in Classics, Peekskill Military Acad.. 67-70. Lawyer. ' d. 1908 William Bradford Homer' XStj' Graduate U. S. Military Acad., West Point, 70. 2d Lieut. 5th Regiment Artillery, U. S. A., 70-88. Army Officer. d. 1910 Edward Alvan Kingsley* A k €)' A. M. 1872. Teacher and Supt. of Schools, Port Jervis, N. Y., 69-70; Principal Union School, Lyons, 70-73; Grove Hall Sem., New Haven, Conn., 73-75; High School, Nashua, N. H., 75-77. Educator. d. 1881 Elihu Root* y m t\ A. B. 1867; Ph. D. 1876 Univ. of Berlin. Phi Beta Kappa. Historian, 66-67; Porter Entrance • Prize, 63; 1st Alexandria Prize, 64; Walker Prize. 64 and 65; Latin Prize, 66; Butler Prize (divided), 67; 3d Hardy Prize, 67; Valedic- torian. Instr. in Wiliston Sem., Easthampton, 67-69;, in English at Amherst Coll., 70-71; Asst. Prof, of Physics and Mathematics at Amherst Coll., 76-77; Prof., 77-80 and Instr. in Physics at Smith Coll., 78-80. Author "Zur Kenntniss der Dielectrischen Polarization." Educator. d. 1880 Frederick Seymour"^ XtO' A. B. 1867. Asst. Librarian Mercantile Library, San Francisco, Cal., 68-69; Asst. Supt. Public Schools, 77-79; Supt., 79-88. Educator. d. 1915 MzO' A. B. 1867. Phi Beta Kappa. Sawyer Prize, 65; Mather Greek Prize, 66; Commencement Orator. Instr. Acad., Monson, Mass., 67. Educator. d. 1867 John Calvin Terry* Nathaniel Alatson Terrv ^' X H' A. B. 1867; A. M. 1870; Ph. D. 1871 Gottingen; A. M. 1873 Yale. Phi Beta Kappa. Commence- ment Orator. Principal High School, Belcher- town, Mass., 67-69; Asst. Prof of Chemistry and Physics, U. S. Naval Acad., 72-73; Prof, of Physics, 73-13; Member Board of Control Naval Inst. (22 years) ; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science; Commissioned Prof, of Mathematics, U. S. Navy since 13. Member University (New York) and Army and Navy (Washington, D. C.) Clubs; Navy Athletic and U. S. Naval Academy Graduates' Assns. Brother of Israel Newton Terry, Gamma 71. Educator. U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Charles Hutchinson Thompson* y b 2' M. D. 1868 Columbia. Brother of William Gillon Thompson, Gamma 63. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1900 William Henry White* T § ?' A. B. 1867. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Instr. Williston Sem., Easthampton, Mass., 67-68; Principal High School, Stoughton, Mass., 68-72; Grammar School, West Medford, 72-75; Usher Latin School, Boston, 75-78. Clerk. d. 1896 1868 George Albert Coburn* TFO' A. B. 1868; A. M. 1871; M. D. 1873 Harvard. Editor Olio, 67; Latin Prize, 66 and 67; Com- mencement Orator. Principal Northbridge High School. Whitinsville, Mass., 68-69: Board of Education of Cambridge, 73-75 and 77-80. Member Massachusetts Med.. S. District Mid- dlesex ]Med. and Cambridge Med. S'ocs. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1898 Xe0' A. B. 1868 Yale; A. M. 1871. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Prize for Improvement in Greek, Amherst, 65. Teacher Poughkeepsie Collegiate Inst., 71- 72; White's Female Sem.. 72-73; Member Board of Education. See Beta 68 Lawyer. d. 1880 Cornelius DuBois, Jr.* William Wells Eaton*

- A. B. 1872 Harvard. See .\lpha 72 Lawyer. d. 1911 Cliarles Andrews Doolittle Z y] W A. B. 1872; LL. B. 1875 Hamilton Coll. U. S. Commissioner of Juries, 79-83; Mayor of Utica, 83-85. Brother of William Shearman Doolittle, Beta 76 and Tulius Tvler .\ndrews Doolittle, Beta 84. (417 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y.) 258 GAMMA CHAPTER [1872-73 Pascal Monroe Dowd $kN' A. B. 1872; M. D. 1877 New York L'niv. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Princi- pal Union School, Camden, 72-74; Resident Phys. Bellevue Hosp., New York, 77-79; Visit- ing Phys. Oswego Hosp.; Health Officer, City of Oswego. Member New York State Med. Assn., Central New York Med. and Oswego County Med. Socs. Physician. 181 W. 2d St., Oswego, N. Y. Hvland Clair Kirk A n N-^ Principal Phelps Union and Classical School, 70-73 and 76-83; School Commissioner, On- tario County, N. Y., 73-76; Private, Corporal, Sergeant and 2d Lieut. 4th Heavy Artillery Regiment of N. Y. Vols., 63-65; Sec. New York State Teachers' Assn.; Pres. Washington Short Story Club and Washington Secular League; U. S. Army Pay Corps, 99-02. Author '•The Possibility of Not Dying;" "History of the New York State Teachers' Association;" "Vladimir the ^Mystic, a Poem of tlie Snow;" "Zoologic Whist and Zoonamia;" "Heavy Guns and Light, a History of the 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery;" "When Age Grows Young;" "The Secret of Ben Johnson" and "The Secret of Columbus." Member Soc. for Philosophical Inquiry; Secular League; Abracadabra and Short Story Clubs. Writer. 300 New Jersey Ave.; res. the Plaza, Wash- ington, D. C. Raymond Dewitt Mallar}^ Initiated by the Psi George Reuben Metcalf * o r \).' A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875; M. D. 1874 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Resi- dent Phys. Bellevue Hosp., New York, 74-75; Instr. in Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Syracuse Univ., 77-78; Curator and Librarian, 77-79; Prof, of Therapeutics and Clinical Medi- cine, 79-81; Visiting Phys. to the House of the Good Shepherd, Syracuse, 77-81; Pres. Syracuse Med. Soc, 81. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1905 Erne.'^t Parker Miller $ V M' A. B. 1872; M. D. 1877 Harvard. Signet. Asst. High School. Fitchburg. Mass.. 72-74; Medical Examiner, since 77; U. S. Examinina Surg, for Pensions, since 84: City P'^ys.. 78- 83; Consulting Surg, and Trustee Burbank Hosp. Member Massachusetts Med. and Medico-Legal Socs. See Alpha 72 Pliysician. 843 Main St., Fitchburg, Mass. Frederick William Packard* €) m A" A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875. Grove Orator, 72; 1st Alexandria Prize, 69. Commencement Ora- tor. Sec. Chicago Law Inst, and of Amherst Western Alumni Assn., 74-88. Lawyer. d. 1902 ^F m \): A. B. 1872. Signet (Harvard). Trustee and Treas. Brother of Charles Henry Parkhurst, Gamma 66 and Howard Elmore Parkhurst, Gam- ma 73. See Alpha 72 City Realty Trust Co.. 161 Devonshire St.. Boston; res. 19 .\gassiz St.. Cambridge. Mass. AcM"^ Louis Henry Parkhurst Harry Sidney Stevens A. B. 1872. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Student. 70-71; Olio, 71. Commencement Orator. (University Club, Chicago, 111.) Willard [Minor] White o <; A, A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875; LL. B. 1875 Boston Univ. Private 22d Inf. Regiment, Conn. Vols. Member Conn. Legislature, 74 and Idaho, 07; Citv Magistrate. Boise. 10-13; State Deiit, Com- mander Grand Army of the Republic, 12. Mem- ber University, Pan Hellenic and (Commercial Clubs and Sons of Am. Revolution. Lawyer (retired). Boise, Idaho. Frederick Jerome Williams* $ 1 N' 2d Alexandria Prize, 69. Farmer. d. 1883 1873 HenryWelles Beardslev Initiated by the Psi Arthur Milnor Bridgman E b A^ A. B. 1873. Phi Beta Kappa. Alexandria. 2d Greek Prize, 72. Author "Legislative Souvenir." Member Stoughton Commercial Club. Brother of Herbert Lawrence Bridgman, Gamma 66 and Raymond Landon Bridgman, Gamma 71 and vuicle of Robert Bridgman, Gamma 95. Journalist and Publisher. . 68 Grove St., Stoughton, Mass. ■ Eugene Belknap Collester* z a^ A. B. 1873; A. M. 1876. Phi Beta Kappa. Vice Gymnasium Capt., 70-71. Principal Bulkley High School, New London, Conn.. 73-80; Re- corder of the City of Waseca, 82-84; State Senator, 95-99, 03-07 and 15-19. Brother of Frank Melvin Collester, Gamma 77. Lawyer. d. 1915 David Young Conistock n tl^ A. B. 1873; A. M. 1876. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal High School, Lonsdale, R. I., 73-74; Instr. in Latin, Phillips Acad., Andover. Mass.; 74. Author "First Latin Book" and School Edition of "Aeneid." Educator. 800 Locust St., Fall River, Mass. Charles Wendell Cooper* $ V A, A. B. 1873; A. M. 1876; M. D. 1877 Harvard. Commencement Orator. Phys. and Surg. Dick- inson Hosi)., 86-88. Member Massachusetts Med. Soc. Brother of James InM;ers" d. 1913 af A. George Wishart Edmond A. B. 1884 Johns Hopkins Univ. (.Santa Monica, Cal.) Frederick Getman Fincke* m v' A. B. 1873 Harvard; LL. B. 1875 Columbia. Prizes in Declamation and Orations, 69; Editor Harvard Advocate. 72-73. Member Oneida Historical Soc. See Alpha 73 Lawyer. d. 1912 I 873-74] GATNIMA CHAPTER 259 I'Vaiik Jones Goodwin Initiated by the Kappa Edward Alussev llartwell Aha. A. B. 1873; A. M. 1876; LL. D. 1898; Ph. D. 1881 Johns Hopkins Univ.; M. D. 1882 Miami iMcd. Coll., Cincinnati. Phi Beta Kappa; Alex- andria. Gymnasium Capt., 71-72; Commodore, Amherst Navy; Capt. Crew; Editor Student, 71-7J; Sawyer Physiology Prize, 71. Vice Principal High School, Orange, N. J., 73-74; 'I'eacher of Latin. Boston Latin School, 74-77; I'ellow Johns Hupkins Univ., 79-80; Instr. in Physical Training and Hygiene, Johns Hopkins I'niv., 83-84; Assoc, in Physical Training and Dir. Gymnasium since 84; Special Agent U. S. Bureau of Education, 8.S-88 and 96; Special Expert Agent U. S. Dept. Labor in Europe, 88- 89 and 96; Dir. of Physical Training in Pub- lic Schools of Boston, 91-96; Sec. Dent, of Statistics, City of Boston, since 97; Chairman Mass. State Commission for the Blind, 06-08. Author "Physical Training and Anatomy:" "Boston and It's Story." Member St. Botolph, Twentieth Century, Puddingstone and Eliot Clubs. Brother of William Walker Hart- well, Gamma 81 and Shattuck Osgood Hart- well, Gamma 88. Statistician. 73 City Hall; res. 24 Burroughs St., Jamaica I'lain, Boston, Mass. Andrew Davis Lawrie'' k a" A. B. 1873; Ph. D. 1876 Univ. of Gottingen. Brotlier of Alvah Kittredge Lawrie, Gamma 73. Merchant. d. 1914 Howard Elmore Parkhurst* S t a^ A. B. 1873. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st German Prize; Monitor, 72-73. Commencement Orator. Teach- er of Music and Organist, Boston, 75-82; Or- ganist and Dir. of Music, Madison Square Presbyterian Church, 84-88. Author "The Birds' Calendar;" "Songbirds and Waterfowl;" "How to Name the Birds;" "Trees, Shrubs and Vines of Northeastern United States;" "A Complete System of Harmony;" "A Complete Method for the Modern Organ;" "The Church Orgapist;" "The ' Beginnings of the World's IMusic;" "Rambles in Music-Land." Brother of Charles Henry Parkhurst, Gamma 66 and Louis Henry Parkhurst, Alpha 72. Musician. d. 1916 Charles Benedict Stuart* r^B. A. B. 1873. Class Historian, 70-71. Editor Olio, 72. Son of William Zephaniah Stuart, Gamma 33, brother of Francis Hart Stuart, Zeta 71, Thomas Arthur S'tuart, Gamma 74, W'\\\ Vaughn Stuart, Gamma 80 and William Zacliary Stuart, Gamma 83. Lawyer. d. 1899 ^ w A. John Mason Tyler A. B. 1873; A. M. 1876; Ph. D. 1888 Colgate l''niv. Phi Beta Kappa. Porter Entrance Prize, 69; 1st Athene Prize, 70; 1st Greek Prize, 70; 1st Latin Prize, 71; 2d Chemistry Prize, 72; Bertram Latin Prize, 73; Valedic- torian. Teacher, Phillips Acad.. Andover, Mass., 73-74; Instr. Biology, Amherst Coll., 79-81: Zoology and Botany, 81-82; Prof. Biolo- gy since 84. .Author "Whence and Whither of Man;" "Growth and Education;" "The Church in the Li?ht of Evolution." Son of William Seymour Tyler, Gamma 30, brother of Mason Whiting Tyler, Gamma 62, William Wellington Tyler, Gamma 64 and Henry IVlather Tyler, Gamma 65. Educator. Amherst College, Tyler PI., Amherst, IMass. Luther ]^Iason Warner'' tJX. A. B. 1873. Vice-Gymnasium Capt., 71-72. !Manuf pcturer. d. 1907 1874 George Washington Atwell x^r, A. B. 1874. 1st Latin Prize, 72. Author "His- tory of Union Lodge No. 45, F. & A. M." Member University and Genesee Valley (Roch- ester) Clubs. Lawyer. Lima, N. Y. George Edwin Brewer* X b B, A. B. 1884. Principal Grammar School, South- borough, Mass., 74-75. Teacher Bergen Point, N. J., 76; Principal Bernon Grammar School, Woonsocket, R. I., 76-88. Educator. d. 1910 W^illiam Bradford Clarke yOX" A. B. 1874. Phi Beta Kappa. Brother of Selah Merrill Clarke, Gamma 71, John Mason Clarke, Gamma 77 and Lorenzo Mason Clarke, Gamma 80. Journalist. The American; res. The Walbert, Baltimore, Md. Sidney Dickinson r m ^1;, A. B. 1885. 1st Athen;e Prize, 71; 2d Latin Prize, 72; PZditor Student, 72-73; Grove Orator, 74. Brother of Edward Dickinson, Gamma 76 and Charles Henry Dickinson, Gamma 81. (21 High St. W., Detroit, Mich.) Samuel Herman Fish* re^. A. B. 1874 Ohio Wesleyan Univ. Instr. in Greek and Latin Cincinnati Wesleyan Coll. and at Chickering Inst., 74-76; Principal High School, Wilmington, Ohio, 76-79. Educator. d. 1901 X d B" Jesse Franklin Forbes A. B. 1874: A. M. 1884: Ph. D. 1894; D. D. 1906. Phi Beta Kappa. Porter Entrance Prize, 70; 2d Walker Prize, 72; 1st Physics Prize, 73; 1st Chemistry Prize, 73; Mineralogy Prize, 73; Woods Prize, 74. Pastor Congregational Church, Warren, Mass., 77-85; Adams Memor- ial Church, New York, N. Y., 85-88; Chairman of School Committee, Warren. 80-85; Trustee of Monson Acad., 85 — ; Librarian Warren Public Library, 83-85; Sec. of the Church Ex- tension Committee of the Presbytery of New York. Member Chi Alpha Club. Brother of George Fairfield Forbes, Gamma 75. Clergyman. 156 Fifth Ave.: res. 103 E. 29th St., New York, N. Y. Franklin Pierce Owen* FcB, [Edmund] Monroe Smith A. B. 1874. Asst. Clerk Court of Common Pleas, 75-83; Member of School Committee, Scituate, R. I., 75-76. Lawyer. d. 1905 XkB, A. B. 1874; A. M. 1880; LL. B. 1877 Columbia; J. U. D. 1880 Gottingen; LL. D. 1904' Columbia; J. D. 1909 Louvain. Phi Beta Kappa. Prizes in German and Greek. Member Univ. Council Columbia Univ.; Trustee and Dir. Acad, of Political Science, New York, N. Y.; Hon. Mem- ber Institnto della Historia del diretto Romano, Catania, Italy; Beecher Lecturer, Amherst, 06; Prof, of Jurisprudence, Columbia Univ. (10) 260 GAMMA CHAPTER [1874-76 and Lecturer on Roman Law. Georgetown Univ. Law School. Author "Bismarck and German Unity;" "Military Strategy versus Diplomacy." Member Assn. of Bar Citv of New York; Century Assn. and Englewood Country Club. Educator. Columbia University; res. 169 E. 70th St., New York, N. Y. Thomas Arthur Stuart* Y h B' A. B. 1874. 1st Alexandria Prize, 71; Hyde Prize, 74. Commencement Orator. Son of William Zephaniah Stuart, Gamma 33, brother of Francis Hart Stuart, Zeta 71, Charles Bene- dict Stuart, Gamma 73, Will Vaughn Stuart, Gamma 80, and William Zachary Stuart, Gamma S3 Lawyer. ' d. 1892 1875 Levi Henrv Klwell* Sg4 A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Prose Prize, 72; Woods Prize, 7.S; Com- mencement Speaker. Instr. Peekskill Mili- tarv Acad., N. V.. 75-76; Instr. in Greek and Latin, Amherst Coll., 77-90; Asst. Prof, of Greek, 90-93; Assoc. Prof, of Greek and Instr. in Sanskrit, 93-16; Sec. Trustees, Amherst Acad.; Member Advisory Council of Simplified .Spelling Board. Member .\m. Phil- o'ogical Assn.; Am. Oriental Soc; .\m. Folk- Lore S'oc; Archaeological Inst, of America; New England Classical Assn.; Soc. for Promo- tion of Hellenic Studies (London); Modern Historical Records Assn.; New England His- torical-Genealogical Soc. Father of James Henry Elwell, Gamma 19. Educator. d. 1916 Geori^e Fairfield Forbes* r zx. A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa. Kellogg Prize, 72; 2d Latin Prize, 73; 2d Walker Prize, 73; Porter Prize. 74; Salutator- ian. Master Roxbury Latin School, 75-88. Brother of Jesse Franklin Forbes, Gamma 74. Educator. d. 1890 EHas Dudley Freeman Initiated by the Kappa Howard Gallup Initiated by the Sigma Moses Gay* T w X^ A. B. 1875. Editor Student. 74-75; 1st Social Union Prize, 72. Commencement Orator. Asst. Bulkley School. New London, Conn., 75- 77; Principal Hill St. School, 77-78. Journalist. d. 1897 Charles Eliot Pike XdV Editor Student, 73-74. Principal Boys' School, San Antonio, Texas, 77-79; Asst. Principal High School, Applcton, Wis., 79-81. Member Minnesota Historical Soc. ; Soc. of Colonial Wars; Mayflower Descendants; University and Columbia Athletic Clubs. Broker. 331 E. Seaside Blvd., Long Beach. Cal. Lindlev Vinton* rfx. A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878; LL. B. 1879 Columbia. Mineralogy Prize, 75; International Law and Constitutional Law Prizes, Columbia, 79. Author "Iron Manufacture, Machinery and the Tariff." Lawyer. 1876 Larrv Gaston Beck* V0E, 7. c i; Principal High School, Warehouse Point, Conn., 76-77; of an Evening School in Boston, 77-80. Citv Attv. 85-88. Lawyer. d. 1891 Henshaw Bates Chilsou A. B. 1876. Alexandria. Journalist. 339 W. 19th St., New York, N. Y. Edward Dickinson */ q 9 A. B. 1876; A. M. 1881; Litt. D. 1911 Oberlin. Prof, of History and Criticism of Music, Oberlin Coll. Author "Music in the History of the Western Church;" "The Study of the History of Music;" "The Education of a Music Lover;" "Music and the Higher Education." Brother of Sidney Dickinson, Gamma 74 and Charles Henry Dickinson. Gamma 81. Educator. 142 S. Cedar Ave., Oberlin, Ohio. William Edward Holbrook* X p o" A. B. 1876; M. D. 1879 Harvard. Member iNIass. Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1912 Edward Baxter Marsh* A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879. Phi Beta Kappa. Porter Entrance Prize, 72; Teacher Acad., Monson, Mass., 76-77; Conn. Literary Inst., Sufficld, 77-78; Principal High School, Am- herst, 78-79; Asst. in Latin, Amherst Coll.. 80- S2; Asst. Librarian, 80-85; Registrar Amherst Coll., 80-88. Clerk. d. 1917 William Dudley Rodman* ill q: 1 Son of Thomas Harvey Rodman, Delta 40 and brother of Carey .Selden Rodman, Lambda 91. d. 1900 Charles \ an T Smith* A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879. Lawyer. John l)arrv Stanchfield XecJ', Phi Beta Kappa. d. 1915 Y 1" X. A. B. 1876. Dist. Atty.. Chemung County, 80- 86; Mayor City of Elmira. Member of Assem- bly; Member Constitutional Convention, State of N. Y., 15. Member Psi Upsilon, Metropolitan, l^iiversity, Manhattan and New York Athletic Clubs. Lawver. 120 Broadway; res. 19 E. 60th St., New York. N. Y. William Caldwell Stevens rf S. A. B. 1876; M. D. 1883 Harvard. Editor Olw. Teacher Nichols Acad., Dudlev. Mass., 77-78; Resident Phys. Rhode Island Hosp., 82-83. r\[embcr Massach.usetts Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. 24 Boynton St., Worcester, Mass. Frederick KUiott Storke U) A. B. 1876. German Prize, 75. Trustee Sey mour Library. Member City and Owasco Country Clubs. Lawyer. 405 Auburn Savings Bank Bid;.: rrs. 115 S. -Sevvard Ave.. Auburn, N. Y. lS7f)-7S| GAMMA CHAPTER 261 (xrpli Ivivette \\'ard''= ( iiw, 7i. Teacher First Grammar Scliool. Billows' Falls. Vt., 84-85: Walpole, N. H. and Wilmington, Vt., 85; Acad., Newark, N. J., S:. IMucator. Wistminster, Vt. and Bordcntnwn, Fla. William Howard Uhitiiii r 1) A, .\. B. 1876; A. M. 1879. Phi Beta Kappa. Sub .Master Heathcote School, Buffalo, N. Y., 76-78; Principal High School, Palmer, Mass., 78-81; High School, Amlicrst, 81-84; High School. Creenficld, 8412. Kducator. 55 Highlanil Ave., Greenfield, I\Iass. 1877 ^dnioiid r>eardsley Initiated bv the Psi oim Mason Clarke rsT A. B. 1877; A. M. 1882; LL. D. 1902; Ph. D. 1898 Hon. Marburg; D. Sc. 1907 Colgate; LL. D. 1915 Johns Hopkins; D. Sc. 1916 Chi- cago. Phi Beta Kappa. Shepard Mineralogi- cal Prize, 77. Histr. in Geology, Amherst Coll., 7S-80; Assoc. Principal Free Acad., Utica, N. ^■.. 81-83; Prof, of Geology and Mineralogy, S.nith Coll., 81-84; Lecturer Geology, Mass. State Agricultural Coll., 85-86; Geologist, New ^■ork S'tate ^Museum of Natural History. Albany, X. Y., 86; Asst. State Geologist, 94; State Paleontologist, 98-04; Pres. Geological Soc. of .\merica; Pres. Paleontological Soc. Author ■"Heart of Gaspe;" "Isonian Crustacea;" "Cir- riped Crustacea from the Devonian;" "New Devonian C'rustacea;" "Ober Devonische Crus- tacea;" "The Geological Succession of Ontario ('ounty, N Y." ^lember National Acad, of .'Sciences; Am. Philosophical Soc; Authors' Club (London), New York S'tate Historical Assn.; Soc. of Am. Indians; Washington Acad, of Sciences; Am. Social Science Assn.; Am. .\ssn. of Museums; Brooklyn Histitutc Arts and I^ciences; Rochester Acad. Sciences; Soc. ^lay- llower Descendants. Brother of Selah Merrill Clarke, Gamma 71, William Bradford Clarke, (lamma 74 and I^orenzo Mason Clarke, Gamma .-<0. Director of Science, S'tate of New York. State Museum; res. 453 State St., Albany, N. Y. l-'raiik Herbert Cofifran r m E. .\. B. 1877; B. D. 1880 Auburn Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Composition Prize; Saw- ver Medal in Physiology. Pastor Congrega- tional Church. Berkshire, N. Y., 80-81; Pres- hyterian Church, Middlefield, N. Y., 82-83; Congregational Church, W'orcester, N. Y., 83-88; Head of Classical Dept., Masten Park High .School. Member Empire State Soc; Sons of the .\m. Revolution; Park and Phi Beta Kappa Clubs. Educator. Masten Park Hiijh School; res. 81 Bryant St., Buffalo, N. V. iM'ank IMelvin Collester 7 r s A. B. 1877; A. M. 1880. Principal Murdock l-'ree School, Wiiuhendon, Mass., 87; Pres. St. Paul Assn. of Credit Men. Member Midway Commercial Club. Brother of Eugene lielknap ("ollester. Gamma 73. ^Tanager. John A. Dunn Co., 2297 Wycliffe St.; res. 945 Baylfss Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Cliarle.s Stearns llartwell c? IT" .\. B. 1877; A. M. 1888. Phi Beta Kappa; Athefii'. Bertram Prize. Teacher of English, llastern Dist. High School. ICdiicator. Ilastern Dist. High School; res. 234 W^illoughby Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. W arren Ozro Kyle X w 'j A. B. 1877. Lawyer. 204 Sears Bldg., Boston; res. 93 Perry St., Brookline, Mass. I'^rank Newhall Look* T y r. A. B. 1877. Editor Olio, 76. Member Common Council, Northampton, Mass., 77-79. Manufacturer. d. 1911 W illiam Alexander Macleod* X F 0^ .\. B. 1877; B. S. 1876 Mass. Agricultural Coll.; S. B. 1876 Boston Univ. and LL. B. 1879. Dir. Alelville School Corporation, 85-88. Lawyer. d. 1913 1 lenry Stephen Redfield T d E^ A. B. 1877; A. M. 1887; LL. D. 1901. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Student, 75-76; Gym- nasium Capt.. 73-77; Commencement Orator. Prof, of Practice and Procedure, Cornell Univ., 98-01; Prof, of Law, Columbia Univ., 01-05; Xash Prof, of Law, 05-16; Prof. Emeritus since 16. Author "Election of Remedies;" "The Brief on Appeal." Member Century Club; Am. Bar. New York State Bar and Phi Beta Kappa Assns. Educator (retired). 1925 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y. Charles Hudson Smith* f r B. D. 1881 Auburn Theol. Sem. Pastor, Port- ageville, N. Y., 81-83; Cooperstown, 83-86; Fulton, 86-88. Clergyman. d. 1889 Walter Alanson Towne X " ^ A. B. 1877; A. M. 1880. Athena Prize (1). Principal, Bulkley School, New London, Conn. since 77. Educator. 19 West St., New London, Conn. Tnhn Richard A'anBenschoten Liitiated by the Xi Nathan Stone Williams 7 w A. B. 1877; LL. B. 1880 Michigan Univ. Dir. Baseball Assn.; Alexandria Prize, 73; Solicitor .Mleghcnv County, 95-01 ; Asst. U. S. Atty. Western Dist. Pa., 90-94 and 04-19. Member .'\lleelienv Bar Assn. Brother of Gurdon Wal- ter Williams, Gamma 83. Lawver. 901 'Bergrn Bldg.; res. 911 Maryland .\ve., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1878 Kdward Ay res y z T A. B. 1878; A. M. 1882. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal Hopkins .\cad., Hadley, Mass., 78- 80; High School. Orange, 80-82; Instr. in Latin Lake Forest .\cad.. Lake Forest, HI., 82-83; .\mherst Coll., 83-84; Supt. of Schools and of English, Purdue Univ. Son of Roland .^yres. Gamma 41. Educator. 1003 State St.. Lafayette. Ind. 262 GAMMA CHAPTER [1878-79 Samuel Kimmel Dougherty V 1 t^ A. B. 1878; LL. B. 1880 Union Coll. of Law. Gymnasium Capt. 74-78: Superior Judge of Sonoma County, Cal., 8803. Lawyer. Dougherty-Shea Bldg. ; res. SS2 B St., Santa Rosa, Cal. Edward Oscar Dyer* XcZ, A. B. 1878; B. D. 1881 Andover Theol. Sem. Athene Prize, 75. Pastor Congregational Church, Raymond, N. H., 81-83; Congregational Church. South Braintree, Mass., 83-91; Sharon, Conn., 91-04; Chester, Conn., 04-14. Author, of Poems, "The Bells of Chester," "Gnadensee, The Lake of Grace;" "The Lure of the Wild;" "An April Visit to the Cedar Swamp;" "Camps and Tramps in Cloud Land," and "St. Stephen's Bell." Member Chester Club. Brother of Ebenezer Porter Dyer, Gamma 61 and Ebenezer Alden Dyer, Gamma 82. Clergyman. d. 1914 George Thomas Eaton X m C A. B. 1878; A. M. 1881. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher at Acad., Monson, 78-80; Phillips' Acad., Andover, 80-16; Member School Board; Pres. Andover Village Improvement Soc; Sec. Phillips' Acad. Alumni Assn. Brother of James Howard Eaton, Gamma 65 and William "Wells Eaton, Gamma 68. Educator. Phillips' Academy; res. 73 Bartlett St., Andover, M 9 e, Mass. George Stetson Ely A. B. 1878; A. M. and Ph. D. 1883 Johns Hop- kins Univ. Walker Mathematical Prizes, 74- 76; Philosophical Prize, 77; Commencement Orator. Prof, of Greek and Latin. Straight Univ., New Orleans, La., 79-80; Instr. in Mathe- matics, Univ. of Mich., 80-81; Fellow in Math- ematics, Johns Hopkins Univ., 81-83; Prof, of Mathematics, Buchtel Coll., 83-84. Examiner Industrial Chemistry. U. S. Patent Office; res. 300 1st St. S. E., Washington, D. C. Henry Norman Gardiner A h S^ A. B. 1878; A. M. 1885; B. D. 1882 Union Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa; Alexandria. Editor Student, 76-77; Latin Essay Prize, 76; 1st German Prize, 77; Bertram Latin and Bond Prizes, 78; Commencement Orator. Asst. at Acad., Glens Falls, N. Y., 78-79; Fellow Union Theol. Sem., 82-84; Instr. and Prof, of Phil- osophy Smith Coll. since 84; Trustee Andover Theol. Sem. since 08. Author "Outlines of Modern Philosophy." Member Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science; Am. Assn. of University Professors; Am. Psychological and Am. Philosophical Assns. and Century (New York) Club. Educator. Smith College; res. 187 Main St., Northampton, Mass. William Hand Lester Nathaniel Henry Merriam* PgH. A. B. 1878; D. D. 1900; B. D. 1882 Auburn Theol. Sem. Principal Acad., West Alexander, Pa., 78-79; Pastor Mission and Union Churches, 82-88. Clergyman. Casilla, 1778, Santiago, Chili, S. A. r p t" M. D. 1880 Dartmouth. 2d Alexandria Prize, 75. Member New Hampshire Med. and Am. Med. .\ssns. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1915 Charles Stuart Nisbet Dist. Atty. Montgomery County, 87-92; County Judge, 01-06; Mayor of Amsterdam, N. Y., 93- 94; Pres. Amsterdam Bar Assn. since 06. Lawyer. First National Bank Bldg.; res. 106 Division St., Amsterdam, N. Y. Y n T Henry Porter Peck A. B. 1878: B. D. 1881 .\ndover Theol. Sem. Pastor, Plymouth, N. H., 82-89; 2d Congrega- tional Church, Winsted, Conn., 89-92; Congre- gational Church, Milford, 92-99; Mt. Vernon Congregational Church, 01-17; Teacher of Latin, Stevens School, 01-17. Son of Henry North Peck, Gamma 49. Clergyman and Educator. Mt. Vernon. N. H. Harden DeValson Pratt, Jr. X y ^. A. B. 1878; A. M. 1881; M. D. 1881 Columbia. P^ditor Olio, 77; 1st Alexandria Prize, 75. Mem- ber Elmira Acad, of Medicine and Chemung County Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1899 PsS. Joseph Henry Selden A. B. 1878; B. D. 1881 Andover Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1898 Detroit. Pastor Congregational Church, Methuen, Mass., 82-84; First Presby- terian Church, Erie, Pa., 84-89; Assoc. Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, Ohio, 89- 92; First Congregational Church, Elgin, 111., 92-00; First Congregational Church, Greenwich, Conn., 00-11. Clergyman. 270 Broadway, Norwich, Conn. George Warren Stearns* rfx. A. B. 1878; B. D. 1881 Andover Theol Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Porter Entrance Prize, 74; 3d Alexandria Prize, 75. Pastor, Patten, Maine, 81-85. Member Spelling Reform Assn. Clergyman. d. 1907 MLH, George Noyes Whipple A. B. 1878. Editor The Student, 76-77; Ivy Odist, 78. Author Psi Upsilon Song "We Sing of Our Home." 162 Tremont St.; res. 459 Beacon St., Boston. Mass. 1879 George Day is Adams T b H^ B. D. 1880 Hartford Theol. Sem. Asst. Minis- ter 1st Reformed Episcopal Church, New York, N. Y., 80-81; Pastor. Oakwood Ave. Presby- terian Church, West Troy, N. Y., 81-82; Rec- tor, Episcopal Church. Keeseville, 82-85; St. James Church, Fort Edward, 85-88. Clergyman. (Riverside, 111.) Arthur Dart Bissell X s r, A. B. 1879; A. M. 1882; B. D. 1882 Yale Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Prize (2); French and Latin Prizes (3) ; Hutchins Greek Prize (3): Commencement Orator (4). Mis- sionary, Am. Board of Missions, .\hniednagar, India. 84-85; Pastor English Church, Sandwich Islands, 85-89. Teacher. 319 Harvard Ave., Claremont, Cal. John Jameson Chickering X c y; A. B. 1879; A. M. 1884; LL. B. 1890 Colum- bian and LL. M. Glee Club; Choir; Football. 1879-801 GAMMA CHAPTER 263 Edwin Henry Dickinson Principal, Dcpt. of Hygiene, Deaf Mute Coll., 80—: Dir. V. M. C. A., Washington, D. C. Member Tennis and Racquet Clubs. Lawyer. 162 Treniont St.; res. 137 Bay State Rd., Bos- ton, Mass. A. B. 1879; B. D. 1882 Auburn Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1898 Hamilton. Leader Coll. Glee Club, 78-79. Pastor Presbyterian Church, Knoxboro. X. Y.. 82-86; McGrawville, 86-89; Seneca Falls, 89-97: North Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, N. Y., since 97. Father of Howard Carter Dick- inson, Psi 05. Clergyman. North Presbyterian Church, Delaware Ave. and W. Utica St., Buffalo, N. Y. LeRoy Watkins Hubbard X d 2" A. B. 1879; A. M. 1884; M. D. 1883 New York Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Olio, 78: Pres. Football Assn. 78-79. Resident Surg. Bellevue Hosp., 83 84; Asst. Surg. New York < >rthopaedic Dispensary and Hosp., 84-86; Lec- turer in Dept. of Surgerv, New York Univ., 85- 88; IVlember Orthopaedic Section, New York Acad, of Medicine; Committee on Admissions, Psi Upsilon Club; Assoc. Editor 10th General Catalogue, 87; Vice-Pres. Alumni Soc, Bellevue Hosp., 87-88; Sanitary Supervisor New York State Board of Health. Member Bellevue .\lumni Assn. Brother of Louis Vaughan Hub- bard. Gamma 87. Phvsician and Surgeon. 137 Primrose Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Augustus Schell Hutchins A. B. 1879; LL. B. 1880 Columbia. Member University, Down Town, National Democratic and Crescent Athletic (Brooklyn) Clubs. Son of W'aldo Hutchins, Gamma 42. Lawyer. 84 William St.; res. 253 \V. 101st St., New York, N. Y. XpH, John Franklin Jameson TXY)" A. B. 1879; LL. D. 1898; Ph. D. 1882 Johns Hopkins and LL. D. 1902; Litt. D. 1914 Brown Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Student, 77-78; Hutchins Greek Prize, 76; Latin Prize, 76; 1st Walker Prize, 76-77; Thompson Latin Prize, 77; 1st Warren German Prize, 78; Ber- tram Latin Prize, 79; Porter Physics Prize, 79; Valedictorian. Teacher of History. High .School, Worcester, Mass.. 79-80; Fellow in His- tory, Johns Hopkins 81-82; Assoc. Prof, of His- tory since 82; Pres. Am. Historical Assn., 07; Managing Dir. Dept. of Historical Research, Carnegie Institution of Washington. Author "Introduction to the Study of Constitutional and Political History of the Individual States." Member Cosmos Club. Educator. 1140 Woodward Bldg.; res. 2231 Q St., Wash- ington, D. C. Naibu Kanda T y S, A.B. 1879; A. M. 1888. Kellogg Prize; Wood Prize. Member House of Peers; Prof. Emeri- tus Tokyo Higher Commercial School. Mem- ber Peers' Club. Educator. Xakano, Tokyo, Japan. Arthur Talbot Lincoln Initiated by the Kappa Neal Mitchell* A. B. 1879; A. M. 1885; M. D. 1880 Long Island Coll. Hosp. Sawyer Physiology Prize, 78; XbY] Commencement Orator. Pres. Duval Coun- ty Board of Health, 81 and 83-88; Consulting Phys., St. Luke's Ho,sp., 81-88; Surg, of the Scottijsh Assn., 85; Surg., First Fla. Cavalry Battalion; Trustee of the Jacksonville Library and Prof, of Chemical Medicine and Pathology, Univ. of Fla., 86-88. Member Scottish Assn., Library Assn., Duval County Med. and State Med. Socs. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1911 William James Seelye T e H.. A B. 1879; A. M. 1882. Prof, of Greek and German Grinnell Coll., 83-85; Teacher of Greek and Latin, Lawrenceville School, 85-86; Instr. in Greek, Amherst Coll., 87-88; Prof, of Greek, Parsons Coll., Iowa, 89-91; Prof, of Greek, Wooster Coll., Ohio, 91-11. Son of Julius Hawley Seelye, Gamma 49. Clergyman. North Conway, N. H. 1880 Charles Eli Bronson A. B 1880; B. D. 1884 Union Theol. Sem.; D. D 1895 Alma Coll. Phi Beta Kappa; Alexandria Literarv Soc. Pastor, Marlborough, N Y., 84-92; Saginaw, Mich., 92-00; West Hope, Philadelphia, since 00; Trustee Phila- delphia School for Christian Workers. Member Union League. Clergyman. 4050 Aspen St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lorenzo Mason Clarke Y§n" \ B 1880; D. D. 1900; B. D. 1885 Auburn Tlieol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor First Church, Wolcott, N. Y., 85-90; Park Central Church. Syracuse, N. Y., 89-97; First Church. Brooklyn, N. Y. since 97; Ex-Pres. Council of Brooklyn. Inst. Arts and Sciences; Trustee, \mherst Coll.: Union Theol. Sem.; Dir. Packer inst., Brooklyn ; Lon? Island Historical Soc. Author "Our Feast of the Tabernacle; The Church Glorious;" "The Law of Rest." Brother nf Selah Merrill Clarke, Gamma 71. Wi'liam Bradford Clarke. Gamma 74 and John Mason Clarke, Gamma 77. Clergyman. ^^ _^ First Presbyterian Church. 128 Henry St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. John De Pen rfP" \ B 1880; B. D. 1883 Union Theol. Sem. Adelphi. 1st Athene Prize, 77; Ely Prize. 79. Acting Pastor, W'hitnev Point, N. \.. 84-83; Norfolk. Conn., 85-88; Minister 1st Congrega- tional Church. W'illiamstown. Mnss.: Pnst Chap- lain Conn. Soc. Sons of Am. Revolution; Dir. W'issionary Soc. of Conn.: Member Executive Committee Congregational Home Missionary Soc; Corporate Member Am. Board of Com- missioners of Foreign Missions. Author Ten Year Review of Norfolk, Conn. Pastorate. Member Faculty Club. Clergyman. Williamstown. Mass. Parris Thaxter Earwell -r or A. B. 1880: B. D. 1883 Union Theol. Sem. Ivy Poet 80 Pastor. South Fpreinoiit. 83-86: Stock- bridge, 86. Author "Village Improvement. Member Twentieth Century Club. Editor. ^ r^ T. ,. The Congregationalist, 14 Beacon St., Boston; res. 20 Ripley Terrace, Newton Center, Mass. Clifton Lamson Field 7 d 0, A. B. 1880. Editor Student, 79-80. Clerk of 264 GAMMA CHAPTER [1880-81 Supreme Judicial and Superior Courts, Frank- lin County, Mass. 'Member Greenfield and Greenfield Country Clubs. Lawyer. Court House; res. 82 Highland Ave., Green- field, Mass. XoP. Henry Power Field A. B. 1880; LL. B. 1882 Univ. of Micli. Athenif. Editor Olio. Mayor City Northamp- ton, Mass., 96-98; Assoc. Judge Probate Court, Hampshire County; Trustee Northampton State Hosp.; Member State Board of Insanity; Pres. General Alumni Assn., 00. Author "Modern Municipal Charters;" "Certain Tendencies in American Politics;" "The House of Commons;" "The Consent of the Governed," etc. Member Northampton and ^Monday Evening Clubs. Lawyer. 86 Main St.; res. 11 ]\Iassasoit St., Northamp- ton, Mass. Emory Smith Gnnnell TsP" A. B. 1880. Member Galesburg, Galesburg Country and Golf Clubs. Merchant. 125 E. Main St.; res. o82 N. Kellogg St., Gales- burg, 111. George Gray Sears X w 0, Y P P. A. B. 1880; M. D. 1885 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Nu Sigma Nu. Editor Student. 78-79. Clinical Prof, of Medicine, Harvard; Visiting Phys., Boston City Hosp. Member St. Botolpli and Country Clubs. Physician. 426 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. George Alexander Strong X b 0^ A. B. 1880; A. M. 1885; B. D. 188S Episcopal Theol. School. Phi Beta Kappa. Sawyer Gold Medal and Physiology Prize, 78; Physics Prize, 80; Commencement Orator. Rector St. Paul's Church, :Malden, Mass., 87 — . Member St. Botolph (Boston) Club. Son of Edward Alex- ander Strong, Gamma 55. Clergyman. Dover, Mass. William Vaughn Stuart A. B. 1880; A. M. 1883. Pres. Baseball Assn., 79-80; 1st Alexandria Prize, 77. Pres. Purdue LIniv. ; Vice-Pres. Board of Trustees; Mayor of Lafayette, Ind., 87. Member University (In- dianapolis), LTniversity (Chicago) Country, Jefferson, Indiana Democratic and Lafayette Clubs. Son of William Zephaniah Stuart, Gamma 33, brother of Francis Hart Stuart, Zeta 71, Charles Benedict Stuart, Gamma 73, Thomas Arthur Stuart, Gamma 74 and William Zachary Stuart, Gamma 83. Lawyer. 3d and South Sts.; res. 644 Ferry St., La- fayette, Ind. 1881 Francis Albert Christie T X K^ A. B. 1881; D. D. 1909. Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Prizes, 78, 79 and 81; Greek Prizes, 78 nnd 80. LTsher at Latin School, Roxbury, Mass., 81-84; Fellow at Hopkins Univ., 85-88, and Instr. in Greek, 86; Teacher of Greek, Lawrenceville School, N. J., 87; Prof, of Church History, Meadville Theol. School. Member Am. Philo- logical Assn., 86-88. Educator. Meadville Theological School; res. 669 Alden St., Meadville, Pa. Dciijaiiiin I'reston Clark r b I' .\. K. USSl. Phi Beta Kappa; Beta Xu. Trus- tee Caml)ridge Theol. School and Mass. Homeopathic Hosp.; Dir. Chamber of Commerce. Member Country and Exchange Clubs. Merchant. 55 Kilby St.; res. 171 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. [Hiram] Price Collier* XcH S. T. B. 1882 Harvard. Pastor, The Old :\Ieet- ing-Jiouse, Hingham, 82-88. Clergyman. d. 1913 Charles Henry Dickinson 7 f 11' A. B. 1881; B. D. 1884 Yale; D. D. 1902 Fargo. Editor Student, 79-80; Essay Prize, 80-81; Ger- man Prize, 80. Pastor Wallingford, Conn.; First Pres. Congregational Home Missionary Soc, N. Dak., 02; in charge of Local Re- ligious and Extension W^ork. Author "The Christian Reconstruction of Modern Life." Brother of Sidney Dickinson, Gamma 74 and Edward Dickinson, Gamma 76. Clergyman. Calhoun, Ala. 7. 2 I Frederick Earl French A. B. 1881. Retired. Mexico, N. Y. William Walker Hartwell* F h t Gymnasium Capt., 77-78. Brother of Edward Mussey Hartwell, Gamma 73 and Shattuck Os- good Hartwell, Gamma 88. d. 1879 Charles Brown Latimer" X p I, Wilford Lash Robbin A. B. 1881. Vice Gymnasium Capt., 77-79; Editor Olio, 80. Broker. d. 1890 A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884; D. D. 1903: B. D. 1884 Episcopal Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1889 St. Stephens; LL. D. 1905 Hobart; D. D. 1908 Princeton; D. D. 1910 General Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Hardy Prize (4). Rector Church of Our Redeemer, Lexington, Mass., 87-88; Dean, All Saints Cathedral, Albany, N. v., 87-03 and tieneral Theol. Sem., New York, 03-16. Author "Our Essav Toward Faith;" "A Christian Apologetic." Member The Century (New York) Soc. Farmer. Bethel, M'aine. Arthur Hastinofs Russell y w I A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884; LL. B. 1884 Boston Univ. Treas. Trustees, Permanent Peace Fund; Moderator Town Meetings; Chairman Commit- tee Revision Town Government. Member Bos- ton Citv. Winchester County, Calumet and iMon- day (Winchester) Clubs. Lawyer. 27 State S't., Boston; res. 10 ■Mt. Pleasant St., Winchester, Mass. Frederick Thomas Sayles r y t A. B. 1881. Corporator W. W. Backus Hosp. Member Norwich and Norwich Golf Clubs. Broker. 28 -Shetucket St.; res. 145 Washington St., Nor- wich, Conn. Henry Goodwin Smith Initiated by the Lambda 1882-831 GAMBIA CHAPTER 265 1882 James Wilson Bixler 8dE, A. B. 1882; A. M. 1887; B. D. 1887 Yale; D. D. 1903 Roanoke. Phi Beta Kappa; Alexandria. It^t Social Union Prize for Original Decla- mation; id Prize in English Composition; Hyde Prize Speaker; Hooker Fellow in Yale. Sec. Manwaring Memorial Hosp.; Pres. Playground Assn.; Dir. Associated Cliarities and Y. M. C. A.; Member Board of Overseers, Charitable Fund of Amherst Coll.; Pastor Second Con- gregational Church; Lecturer on Biblical Theology in Atlanta Theol S'em. Member John W'inthrop and Ariston Clubs. Clergyman. n Broad St., New London, Conn. Ashael Xesmith Bnsli AS-f] A. B. 1882. Pres. Baseball Assn., 81-82. Banker. Salem, Oregon. Ebenezer Alden Dyer rtK, M. D. 1882 Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Pres. Dyer Family Assn. and Old Bridgewater His- torical Soe. ; House of Representatives of Mass., 06-07: Public Lighting Commission and Monitor, 06; Chairman Public Charitable Institutions Committee, 07; Mass. Assn. Boards of Health; Pres. Eastern Assn. of Boards of Health; Whit- man Board of Trade; Sec. Board of Health. Member Sons of Veterans, Massachusetts Med. Soc. and Hatherly Med. Club. Brother of Ebenezer Porter Dyer, Jr., Gamma 61 and Ed- ward Oscar Dyer, Gamma 78. Physician. 506 Washington St., Whitman, Mass. Donald Harvev* 7 w O" A. B. 1S82; LL. B. 1884 Supreme Judicial Court of Maine. Editor Olio, 81; Sawyer Physiology Prize, 80. Lawyer. d. 1888 Albert Wellman Hitclicock" X%X' A. B. 1882; A. M. 1885. Phi Beta Kappa. Prin- cipal, Frankfort, Mich., 82-83; Supt. of Schools, Decatur, 83-84; Principal High School, Kalama- zoo, 84-86. Brother of Charles Wellman Hitch- cock. Phi 80 and Edward Wilcox Hitchcock, Gamma 99. d. 1907 James Herbert Knapp X z K A. B. 1882. Principal High School, Cabot, Vt., 82-83; High School, Petersham, Mass., 83-84. Member Soc. of the Cincinnati. Merchant. Elm Farm Milk Co., Wales PL; res. 27 Sal- combe St., Boston, Mass. Roland Cotton Smitb X m O" A. B. 1882; A. M. 1885; D. D. 1904; B. D. 1885 Episcopal Theol. School, Cambridge, Mass. Editor Student, 80-82; Bond Prize, 82; Commencement Orator. Rector St. Peter's Church, Ikverly, 85 — ; St. John's Church. Member St. Botolph (Boston). Cosmos, Chevy Chase, Geographical, Fine Arts and Archaeo- logical Clubs. Son of John Cotton Smith, Kap- pa 47. Clergyman. St. John's Church; res. 1461 Rhode Island Ave., Wasliington. D. C. Lucius Harrison Thayer «^b!;. A. B. 1882; B. D. 1888 Yale; D. D. 1909 Dart- mouth. Ivy Orator, 82; Social I'nion Prize, 79; 2d Hardy Prize, 82. Pres. New Hampshire Con- gregational Conference, Home Missionary Soc; Slember Prudential Committee Am. Board of Connnissioners for Foreign Missions; Trustees Portsrtiouth Hosp. and Children's Home. Author ■■Religious History of New Hampshire." Mem- ber Winthrop Club (Boston). Brother of Charles Snow Thayer, Gamma 86 and father of Lucius Ellsworth Thayer, Gamma 18. Clergyman. 664 State St., Portsmouth, N. H. Herbert Ames Tucker X .^' ^ ^ A. B. 1882. Epsilon Pi Delta. Member Union, Boston Athletic, C'ohasset Golf and Cohassct Yacht Clubs. Broker. Tucker, Hayes and Bartholomew. 50 Congress St., Boston; res. Border St.; Cohasset, Mass. \\'alter Shepard L'fford r p K .\. B. 1882; A. M. 1885. Ph. D. 1897 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Gym Capt. 80-82; Bond and Commencement Speaker. Pres. Monday Even- ing Club of the District of Columbia, 15-16: Mgr. Press Bureau Citizens' Union in Municipal Campaign, 97; Supt. Inspection N. Y. State Board of Charities, 99-02; General Sec. Balti- more Federated Charities, 02-07 ; General Sec. Associated Charities and Sec. Assn. for the Prevention of Tuberculosis of the Dist. of Co- lumbia. Author "Fresh Air Charities in the United States." Secretary. 923 H St. N. W.; res. The Argvlc, Washington, D. C. 1883 Conrad ]\Iyron Bardwell Teacher, Haydenville, Mass., 81-83; Washing- ton Heights, Chicago, 111., 83-84; Principal of Public School, Marengo, 111., 84-88; Supt. of Schools, Aurora, 111. Educator. East High School; res. 429 Fox St., Aurora, 111. Howard Allen lJridQ;man vg- A. B. 1883; B. D. 1887 Yale; D. D. 1903 Ober- lin. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Psi. Editor Student. 81-83; Prin. High School, Granby, iNlass., 83-84; Trustee Euiihrates Coll.; Pres. Boston Congregational Club since 16. Author "Steps Christward" and ■■Real Religion. "■ Mem- ber Twentieth Century, Authors' and Boston Congregational Clubs. Editor. The Congregationalist, 14 Beacon St., Boston; res. 151 Davis Ave., Brookline, Mass. Edwin Hallock Bvinsrton X s >. A. B. 1883. Phi Beta Kappa, .\uthor "Open .\ir Preaching;" "Jewish National Chart;" "The Children's Pulpit." Clergyman. 48 Bellevue St., West Roxbnry, Mass. Thomas Lamlj Comstock rb^" A. B. 1883. Vice Gymnasium Capt., 79-83; Editor Olio, 82; Pres. Tennis Club. Chairman Park Commissioners; Pres. Greenfield Coinitry Club. ^Member Greenfield Club. Manufacturer. Greenfield Tap and Die Corporation; res. 18 Chestnut Hill, Greenfield, Mass. X f^Z A. B. 1883; S. T. B. 1886 Yale Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Porter Entrance Prize. 79; Hutchins Henry Fairbank 266 GAMMA CHAPTER 1883-85 Hugh McKee Jones* Oliver Cheever Semple Greek Prize, 80; Mathematical Prize, 81; Essay Prize, 81. Commencement Orator. Brother of Edward Fairbank, Gamma 89. Clergyman. (Ahmednagar, India). U X Q^ d. 1881 Y s X" A. B. 1883. Phi Beta Kappa; Athenae; Ely Prize Essay; Sawyer Medal in Physiology. Asst. Corporation Counsel New York City; Asst. Counsel Public Service Commission, First Dist. State of N. Y.; Member Assn. of the Bar, City of New York; Psi Upsilon, l^niversitv and Wykagyl Country Clubs. Lawyer. 120 Broadway; res. 57 W. 4Sth St., New York, N. Y. Henry Augustus Hammond Smith yJ^ William Zachary Stuart A. B. 1883. In Charge of Collections at Metro- politan Museum, Chicago Art Inst., Cleveland and Minneapolis Museums. Member Psi Up- silon Club of New York City. Artist. 51 W. 10th St., New York, N. Y.; res. Park Ridge, N. J. rd3, A. B. 1883. Football; Baseball (Pres. and Mgr.) Member University (Chicago) Club. S'on of William Zephaniah Stuart, Gamma 33, brother of Francis Hart Stuart, Zeta 71, Charles Benedict Stuart, Gamma 73, Thomas Arthur Stuart, Gamma 74 and Will Vaughn Stuart, Gamma 80. Manufacturer. Neenah, Wis. Gurdon Walter Williams Initiated bv the Psi 1884 William Cutler Atwater rgx A. B. 1884; P. Q. Member Psi Upsilon, New York University, New York Yacht, Boston Uni- versity, Quequechan (Fall River, Mass.), Vir- ginia (Norfolk, \'a). and Shenandoah (Roan- oke. Va.) Clubs. Coal Operator. 1 Broadway; res. 525 Park Ave., New York and West Hampton Beach, N. Y. Arthur Hazard Dakin Nt« A. B. 1884; A. M. 1887; LL. B. 1887 Harvard. Member Psi Upsilon and University (New York), University and Boston Union Boat (Bos- ton) and Cosmos (Washington) Clubs. Son of Francis Elihu Dakin, Psi 51, nephew of Henry Mumford Dakin, Psi 51, George William Be; thune Dakin and Richard Lansing Dakin, Psi S3 and Edward .Saltonstall Dakin, Psi 58. Lawyer. 6 Beacon St., Boston; res. Amherst, Mass. Edward Miller Greene TXA A, B. 1884; A. M. 1887; M. D. 1888 Harvard. Gymnasium; Track. Instr. Histology Harvard Med. School, 90-96; Member Mass. Med. Soc. Boston Med. Library, Am. Med. and Harvard Musical Assns.. University, Harvard and Boston City Clubs. Son of Joseph Kingsbury Greene, Kappa 55, and brother of Frederick Davis Greene, Gamma 85. Physician. 45 Chestnut St., Boston, Mass. Edmund Hinckley Sawyer M pa A. B. 1884. Football (Capt.) (2), (3). Shepard Mineralogical Prize, 84. Brother of Henry Hovey Sawyer, Gamma 71. Manufacturer. Bonnyview St., South Harwich, Mass. Joseph Henry Spafford U c A A. B. 1884; LL. B. 1887 Boston University. Piii Delta Phi. Member Psi Upsilon, University and Barnard Clubs; Sons of Revolution. Lawyer. Ill Broadvvav; res. 152 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. Guy Woodbridge Wadsworth N I Q A. B. 1884; D. D. 1902 Parsons Coll. Editor • Olio, 83 and Student, 83-84; Vice Gymnasium Capt., 80-84; Pres. Baseball Assn., 83-84. Pres. Ocidental Coll.. 97-05 and of Belleyue Coll.. OS- OS; Sec. Pacific Dist., Presbyterian Board of Temperance. Secretary. 5717 Harold Way, Los Angeles, Cal. Henry Lawrence \\'ilbuv A. B. 1884. Merchant. Walter Erancis Willcox 7 ^ ^- d. 1900 'J b W .\. B. 1884; A. M. 1888; LL. D. 1906; A. M. 1886; LL. B. 1887 and Ph. D. 1891 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi. 2d Hardy Prize, 84; Commencement Orator. Dean Coll. Arts and Sciences, 02-07; Chief Statisti- cian, 12th U. S. Census, 99-02; Statistical Expert for War Dept, upon Censuses of Cuba and P. R., 99-00; Special Agent, U. S. Census Bureau, 02; Consulting Statistician N. Y. State Dept. Health, 07; U. S. Delegate, International Statistical Congress, Brussels, 03; Berlin, 03; London, OS; Paris, 09; Pres. Am. Statistical Assn., 11-12; Vice Chairman Executive Committee and Pres., Section on Demography, International Congress on Hygiene and Demography, Washington, 12; Member International Statistical Inst.; Pres. Am. Economic Assn., 15; Fellow Am. Assn. .Advancement of Science; Royal Statistical Soc.; Prof, of Economics and Statistics, Cornell Univ. Author "The Divorce Problem — A Study in .Statistics;" "Supplementary Analysis and Derivative Tables, 12th Census, 1906." Mem- ber Century and City (New York) and Cosmos (Washington, D. C.) Clubs. Son of William Henry Willcox, Delta 43, brother of Henry Howard Willcox, Gamma 89 and nephew of Giles Buckingham Willcox, Beta 48. Educator. Goldwin Smith Hall; res. 3 South Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Ephraim Lincoln Wood 'J m a A. B. 1884; A. M. 1887. Phi Beta Kappa. Porter Admission. Bertram Latin and Woods (General Improvement) Prizes; Instr. in Greek and Latin, Washburn College, Topeka, Knns.. 84-85; Instr., Asst. Prof, and Assoc. Prof, of Latin, Amherst Coll., 85-02; Instr. in French, Technical High School. ^lember Barnard, Providence Central, Unitonan and Westminster Men's Clubs. Educator. Technical High School, Providence, R. I.; res. R. R., Rockland, Mass. 1885 Eranklin William Barrows QU(b A.. B. 1885; A. M. 1888: M. D. 1893 Univ. of Buffalo. Glee Club. Science Teacher. Wor- 1885-86] GAMBIA CHAPTER 267 tester Acad., 85-88; lUilYalo High School. 88-03; Instr. in Biology and Histology Univ. of Buffalo, 94-02; Med. Inspr. of Schools, Health Dept., since 08; Acting Chief, Bureau of Child Hygiene, since 16; Pros. ^led. Soc, Erie Coun- ts-. Memhcr Medical Soc; Roswell Park Med. Club: Medical Union and Pundit Club. Physician. 1364 Michigan Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Edward Breck XtuS A. M. and Ph. D. 1887 Leipzig. Editor Student; Glee Club; Mgr. Dramatic Club. Author "Way of the \voods;" ''\\'ilderness Pets;" "Fencing;" ".Xelfric's de Consuetudine Monarchorum," etc. Writer and Public Speaker. 170 Brookline Ave., Brookline, Mass. Albert Wadsworth Brooks KxB Member Abenaki Club and Boston Athletic Assn. Brother of Samuel Cony Brooks, Gamma 88. Vice President. National Utilities Co., 95 Milk St., Boston, Mass.; res. 7 Spruce St., Augusta, Maine. Frederick Davis Greene VtQ A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888; B. D. 1888 Yale. Kellogg Prize, 83. General Sec. United Hosp. Fund of New York, Author ''The Rule of the Turk." Son of Joseph Kingsbury Greene, Kappa 55 and brother of I-:dmund Miller Greene, Gamma 84. Secretary. 105 E. 22d St., New York. N. Y. : res. 125 Bellevue Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J. Edward Park Harris h a A. B. 1885; Ph. D. 1888 Gottingen (Germany). Baseball (Capt. 83-84). Prof, of Chemistry, Carnegie Inst, of Tech. Member Pittsburgh Athletic Club; Stage and Play Soc. Son of Elijah Paddock Harris, Gamma 55. Educator. Carnegie Institute of Technology; res. 5125 Woodlavvn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. George Carter Rowland Sherrod Soule V cp ^r rox A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Olio, 84; Walker Prize. 83; Bertram Prize, 85. Commencement Orator. Author "Lessons in English;" "Zaragueta, a Spanish Play." Member University Club and Military C)rder of the Loyal Legion. Educator. LTnivcrsity of Chicago; res. 4605 Drexel Blvd., Chicago, 111. Joseph Hutcheson X f a A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888; B. D. 1891 Cambridge. Editor Olio, 84 and Pres of Board. Member L'niversity (Providence), Rhode Island Coun- try and University (New York) Clubs and Cen- tury Assn. Manufacturer. Warren Mfg. Co., Warren, R. I. Samuel Eaton Packard Initiated by the Kappa Frederick Bates Richards '/ p A A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888; B. D. 1891 Yale. Phi Beta Kappa. Member of Senate; Editor Student, 84-85; Pres. Football Assn., 84-85; Hardy Debater. Instr. in Latin at Chelten- ham Acad., Shoemakcrtown, Pa., 85-86; Prin- cipal High School, Kalamazoo, Mich., 86 — ; Pastor of North Congregational Church. Clergyman. ?5 Main St.. St. Johnsbury, Vt. A. B. 1885; B. D. 1888 Union Theol. Sem. Prophet (4); Social Union Speaker; Hardy Prize Debate; Commencement Orator. Trustee Talladega Coll.; Pres. and Vice-Pres. Uni- versity Club; Chaplain Putnam Phalanx and Conn. Division, Sons of Veterans; Asst. Pastor Madison Sq. Church, New York, N. Y., 87-88; Pastor Dane St. Congregational Church, Bev- erly. Ma.ss., 88-92; Naugutuck Church, Conn., 92-09; Supt. Missionary Soc. of Conn, since 09. Member L^niversity, Get-Together and Con- gregational Clubs; Putnain Phalanx and Sons of Veterans. Son of George Soule, Gamma 47. Clergyman. 37 Garden St.; res. 205 Sigourney St., Hart- ford, Conn. Harold Stearns* 7 m w M. D. 1886 Denver Med. Coll. Brother of Arthur French Stearns, Gamma 88. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1890 William Greenough Thayer F p A A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888; D. D. 1907; B. D. 1889 Episcopal Theol. School, Cambridge; A. M. 1906 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. in French and History, Groton School, Mass., 86 — ; Headmaster, St. IMark's School and Rec- tor, St. Mark's Church; Pres. Headmasters' Assn., 16; Pres. Standin.? Committee, Diocese of INIass. Member Union (Boston) University and Harvard (New York) Clubs. Clergvman and Educator. St. IMark's School. Southborough, Mass. Xso James Timothy Whiting A. B. 1885. Banker. 209 E. Henry St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. William Edward Williams* ■/ n w d. 1886 William Douglas W^indom y y A Draftsman. Treasury Dept.; res. 1723 De Sales St., Wash- ington, D. C. George Catlin Woodruff Initiated by the Beta 1886 William Buckingham Aiken* F Z ^ A. B. 1886. Phi Beta Kappa. Woods Im provement Prize, 86. d. 1903 Charles \\'orcester Clark* Allen Eastman Cross Fe? d. 1891 )^ m B A. B. 1886; B. D. 1891 Andover Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1906 Dartmouth. Phi Beta Kappa. Pas- tor Park Church, Springfield. Mass.; Assoc. Pastor Old South Church, Boston; Pastor Con- gregational Church. Milford, Mass. Brother of Clarence Eastman Cross, Zeta 82. Clergyman. 28 Claflin St.. Milford. Mass. Frederick John Deering* Y0X d. 1884 268 GA^IMA CHAPTER 1886-88 Frederick Lincoln Eno" A. B. 1886. Special Latin Prize. 86. Robert Lansing d. 1913 A. B. 1886; LL. D. 1915; LL. D. 1915 Colgate. Editor Olio, 85. Counsel for the Dept. of State, 14; Sec. of State, since 15. .\utlior "Ciovern- ment, Its Origin, Growth and Form in the U. S." Member Metropolitan, Chevy Chase (Md.), Black River \'allev and Jefferson Count v Golf (Watertown, N. Y.) Clubs. Lawyer and Diplomat. Dept. of State; res 1323 ISth St., Washin jjton, D. C. r w ^i' A. B. 1886; A. M. 1891; Ph. D. 1897 Johns Hopkins L^niv. Phi Beta Kappa. Thompson Latin Prize, 85; Bertram Latin Prize, 86; Com- mencement Orator. Instr. Leicester (Mass.) Acad., 86-S7; Williston Sem., 87-93; Fellow in Physics, 96-97; Assoc. Prof, of Physics, Johns Hopkins Univ., 98-07; Prof, since 07. Member Am. Physical Soc; Anti-Vice League of Austin and University Clubs. Son of Richard Henry Mather, Gamma 57. LTniversity of Texas, Austin, Tex. William Tyler Mather YC Xb3 Charles Todd ^lofifett Initiated by the Pi Frank Josiah Lratt, Jr. A. B. 1886. Lawyer (retired). P. O. Box 372, Redlands, Cal. William (;ray Schauffler NkF A. B. 1886; A. M. 1903; M. D. 1889 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. German Prize, 84; Commence- ment Orator. Surg. General N. G., N. J.; .■\ide-de-Camp to Governors John Franlclin Fort and James F. Fielder; Member State Board of Education, 09-15; Pres. 11-15; First Vice-Pres. Med. Soc. of N. J., 16. Member Psi Upsilon, .\rmv and Navy and University (New York) Clubs. Physician. 400 ^Madison Ave., Lakewood, N. J. Richard Fiske Smith* Xtt^ Gymnasium Capt., 82-84; Hutchins Greek Prize, 83; Latin Prize, 84. Educator. d. 1892 Charles Snow Thayer X v ti A. B. 1886; B. D. 1895 Yale; Ph. D. 1901 Gottingen. Phi Beta Kappa. Asst. Pastor Union Congregational Church, Providence, 00- 02; Librarian Case Memorial Library of Hart- ford -Sem.; Foundation and Assoc. Prof, of Bib- liology, Hartford Theol. S'cm. since 02. Member Soc. of Bible Literature and Exegesis; Ar- chaeological Inst, of America. Father of Lucius Ellsworth Thayer, Gamma 18 and brother of Lucius Harrison Thaver, Gamma 82. Librarian. 1507 Broad St.; res. 64 Gillett St., Hartford, Conn. Addis Merrille Whitney Initiated by the Pi 1887 Arthur Bradley Call Fbx Football. Member Los Angeles Chamber of Mines and New England College Club. Mining Geologist. Union Bank Bldg.; res. 1025 N. Madison Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Albert Putnam Davis XdY A. B. 1887; A. M. and B. D. 1893 Yale. Phi Beta Kappa. Porter Entrance Prize, 83; Hut- chins Greek Prize, 84; Editor Amherst Literary Monthly, 86-87; Ivy and Commencement Ora- tor. Prof, of Latin and Greek, Lincoln Univ., Lincoln, 111., 87; Pastor Congregational Churches at Wakefield, Mass., and Pomona, Cal. Brother of Arthur Vining Davis, Gamma 88. Clergyman. 130 Mesa Ave., Claremont, Cal. Joseph LaMott Dixon* y.g A. B. 1887. Kellogg Declamation Prize. 85. d. 1912 Louis A'aue'han Tiulibard Xh A. B. 1887. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Student, 86-87; Pres. Baseball Assn., 86. Member Psi L^psilon Club. Brother of LeRoy Watkins Hubbard, Gamma 79. Afanufacturer. 2i3 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ; res. 342 Park St., Upper Montclair, N. J. Georqe Farrv Alallon XcF A. B. 1887; Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Banjo Club; Tennis; Football; Editor Olio. 86; Amherst Literary Monthly. 86-87. Mem- ber The Players', Dutch Treat, Montclair Ath- letic and National Press. (Washington) Clubs. Journalist. Butterick Bldg., Spring and Macdougal Sts., New York, N. Y.: res. 236 L'ppcr ^Mountain Ave.. UjM'er Montclair, N, J. Lafon Riker F r 7 A^'ice Capt. Gymnasium, 83-84.„ Banking and Insurance. Harrodsburg, Ky. Alvan Francis Sanborn ■/ z y A. B. 1887. Phi Beta Kappa. Assoc. Editor lOth General Catalogue, 87; Resident \\'orker South End House, Boston, University Settle- ment, 92-96; 3d Regiment dc Marche du 1st Etranger, 14-15. Author "Moody's Lodging House and Other Tenement Sketches;" "Meg Mclntyre's Raffle and other Stories;" "Paris and the Social Revolution." Member Syndicate de la Presse Etrangere de Paris; Psi L'psilon (New York) and University (Boston) Clubs. 3 Boulevard des Marronniers. Draveil, Seine-et- Oise, France. 1888 Clarence \\\yatt Bispham A. B. 1888; A. M. 1891; B. D. Divinity School. Rector St. Philadelphia, 00-16. Author Years of Religious Warfare.'' League. Clergyman. 849 2d St.. Ocean City. N. J. John X'^oble Blair XcA 1904 Philadelphia Philip's Church, "One Hundred Member L^nion V b fficer. Financier. 115 Broadway, Xew York, N. Y.; res. Mont- clair, N. T. Harold Russell Griffith- m .\. B. 1888 Yale. Scroll and Key. Editor Yale Litcrarv Maga~ine. 87-88. See Beta 88 d. 1914 Shattuck Ossood Hartwell rricp A. B. 1888; M. Ped. 1911 Mich. Normal Coll.; LL. D. 1915 Kalamazoo. Editor-in-Chief Am- herst Litcrarv Magazine 87-88. Principal High School, 89-01, and Supt. of Schools 01-15, Kala- mazoo, Mich.; Pres. Michigan State Teachers' Assn.,- 13; Supt. Schools, Muskegon since 15. .\uthor "Overcrowded Scliools and the Platoon Plan." Brother of Edward Mussey Hartwell, (iamma 73 and William Walker Hartwell. (iamma 81. Educator. Hacklev School: res. 100 Isabella St., Muskegon, Mich. ' FGt Louis \\ atsou McLennan Insurance. 928 S. 15th St., Lincoln, Nebr. Artlmr French Stearns Xp<|) A. B. 1888. Brother of Harold Stearns, Gamma 85. Principal of Stearns School. Educator. .Stearns' School, Mt. \'ernon, N. 11. Garrett William Thompson '{ 'i] X A. B. 1888; A. M. 1891; Ph. D. 1907. PJii Beta Kappa. Prof, of English at Swarthmore Coll.; Instr. in German at Univ. of Pa; Head Prof, of German at Franklin and ^farshall Coll.; Head Prof, of German at Univ. of Maine; Head Prof, of Germanic Language and Literature, Univ. of Maine. Author of "Tlireads;" ''Hi.s- tory of Germans in IMainc;" "Philosophic Basis of Education;" "Wilhelm Hauff's Specific Relation to Walter Scott;" "Hauff's Lichten- stein;" "Riehl's Burg Neidcck." !Member Ger- mania Soc., Modern Language Assn.. Twentieth Century Club (Bangor, ^Maine), and Am. Geo- graphical Soc. Educator. ISO Main St., Oronto, Maine. 1889 Kdwajvl Allen Appleton F e T A. B. 1889. Private Secretary. 313 Maple St., Springfield, Mass. George Chandler Coit X p T A. B. 1890; LL. B. 1893 Boston Univ. Editor Stiideiif. Lawyer. b Beacon St., Boston: res. 19 Hillside .\ve., Winchester, Mass. Nce Thomas Starr Corey A. B. 1889; LL. B. 1892 New York Law School. Lawyer. 215 Montague St.; res. 199 Kingston Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. llenrv Nash Dickinson Xas A. B. 1889; A. M. 1893. Educator. :Manual Training High School; res. 195 King- ston Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ilerhert Clark Emerson XoT A. B. 1889; I\L D. 1893 Harvard Univ. Mem- ber Colony, Century, Rotary, Country and Springfield Medical Clubs. Physician and Chetnist. Em'erson Laboratory, 145 Chestnut St.; res. 83 Maple St., Springfield, Mass. William Esty XsA \ B 1889; A. M. 1893; B. S. 1893 Mass. Inst of Tech. Tau Beta Pi. Prof, of Electrical Engineering, Lehigh Univ.; Fellow Am. Inst of Electrical Engineers and Am. Assn. for the Ad- vancement of Science. .-Vuthor "Alternating (^irrent Machinery;" Co-author "Elements of Electrical Engineering;" "Dynamo Laboratory Manual;" "Dynamos and Motors.' Member Bethlehem Club and Soc. for the Promotion of Engineering Education. Son of Wdliam Cole Fsty Gamma 60 and brother of Thomas Cushing Esty,, Gamma 93 and Edward Tuckerman Esty and Robert Pegram Esty, Gamma 97. P^ducator. „ , , , t,q Lehigh Universitv, South Bethlehem; res. 31b E. Market St., Bethlehem, Pa. Edward Fairbank Fms A B 1889; A. M. 1892. Kellogg Prize, 86; Woods Pri7e. 89. Treas. Am. Marathi Mis- sion. Author "A Start in Marathi." Brother of Henry Fairbank, Gamma 83. Missionary. . Am Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis- sion's, Vadala, via Vambori, Bombay Presi- dency. India. Xxe Georqe Arthur Harlow A B 1889; A. M. 1892; M. D. 1892 Harvard. Boylston Med. S'oc. Kellogg Five (2); Football (3). House Surg. Boston City Hosp., 02-04; Boston Lying-in Ho.sp., 04; Dir. Board of Mil- waukee Orchestral As.sn.; Asst. Surg. Boston Dispensary. 98-99; Fellow Am. Acad, of Med. Member Am. Med. Assn.; Milwaukee County Med. and Milwaukee Med. Socs.; University, Town, Fox Point and Milwaukee City CKibs. Physician. 312 Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.; res. 586 Astor St., Wilwaukee, Wis. Edwin Eliphalet Jackson. Jr. X d T A. B. 1889. Editor Student, 87. Manufacturer. 270 GAMMA CHAPTER [1889-91 233 Broadwav, Xew York; res. 424 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Wendell Porter* Allen Dudley Severance Y S £ d.l899 XhT A. B. 1889; A. M. 1896; B. D. 1896 Oberlin. Prof, of History Western Reserve Univ. Teacher in History since 97. Member Univer- sity, Union and Rowfant Clubs. Educator. 8821 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Stephen Livingston Taylor Initiated by the Psi Henry Howard Willcox y^v s. A. B. 1889. Son of William Henry Willcox, Delta 43, brother of Walter Francis Willcox, Gamma 84 and nephew of Giles Buckingham Willcox, Beta 48. Importer. 8 Birch Hill Rd., Newtonville, Mass. 1890 John McKibbin Burns* X ^1 T Brother of Cameron Clark Burns, Phi 93. d. 1897 Y a Z d. 1916 r w z d. 1891 YkT William Bancroft Carpenter* William Bull Colton* Joseph Griswold Deane A. B. 1890. Member University, City and Knollwood Country Clubs. Lawyer. 45 Bj-oadway; res. 50 E. 58th St., New York, N. Y. XaT Tryon Griswold Dunham 317 N. Park Ave., Warren, Ohio. George Ray Hare XpiH A. B. 1890; A. M. 1892 Gallaudet Coll.; M. D. 1898 Bellevue Med. Coll. Surg. Nassau Hosp.; Asst. Surg. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp. Physician and Surgeon. 28 E. 38th St.; res. 53 Washington Sq. S., New York, N. Y. Sereno Thayer Kimball Initiated by the Kappa James Henry Taylor, Jr. F e A Initiated by the Psi 1891 Henry \\^alcott Boynton X hS A. B. 1891; A. M. 1893. Editor-in-chief Am- herst Literary Monthly. . Member Advisory Committee, Brown Univ., 12; Bristol School Committee, 15; National Council, National Economic League. Author "Life of Washington Irving;" "The Golfer's Rubaiyat;" "Bret Harte;" "Journalism and Literature;" "Guen- ever — A Romantic Play;" "Griselda — A Com- edy;" "The World's Leading Poets;" Co-au- thor; "A Reader's History of American Litera- ture;" "Dr. Lavendar — A Play." Son of George Mills Boynton, Beta 58. Author. Upper Longfield, Bristol, R. I. George Wyatt Cable, Jr. X r Y) B. S. 1891. Member Commercial, Outing and Golf Clubs. Merchant. 54 First National Bank Bldg; res. 807 E. Locust St., Davenport, Iowa. Xf H d. 1916 Clinton Clark* A. B. 1891. Educator. H[enry] Nelson Gay X c '0 A. B. 1891; A. M. 1896 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Honorary Sec. Keats-Shelley Memorial Assn. (Rome) and Sec. Am. Relief Committee for Earthquake Sufferers, Sicily and Calabria; Conductor Am. Relief Expedition into Calabria, 09; Decorated with Order of the Redeemer (Greece) and Order of the Crown of Italy; Received rank of Commander from King of Italy, 12; Founder National Soc. for Modern Italian History; Member Royal Italian Com- mission for National History; Circolo degli Scacchi. Historian. Palazzo Orsini, Rome, Italy. [ohn Lincoln High J i LL. B. 1897 Pittsburgh Law School. Glee Club. Lawyer. 910 Berger Bldg.; res. 7627 Penn Ave., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Frederick Hills Hitchcock 7 z 3 A. B. 1891; A. M. 1906. Author "The Hand- book of Amherst;" "The Building of a Book." Member Psi Upsilon Club; Rhode Island S'oc. of Cincinnati. Publisher and Lawyer. 105 W. 40th St., New York; res. Hillsdale, N. Y. Clarence Reginald Hyde rb A. B. 1891; A. M. 1894; M. D. 1894 L. I. Coll. Hosp.; F. A. C. S. 1914; Hyde Prize in Oratory, 91. Assoc. Gynecological Surg, and Clinical Prof, of Gynecology, L. I. Coll. Hosp.; Assoc. Surg. Brooklyn Hosp. Member Hamilton Club and Sons of Revolution. Physician and Surgeon. 242 Henry St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Louis Moses King B. S. 1891. Banker. 74 Elm St., Malone, N. Y. Oliver Boutwell Merrill XkH TCT, A. B. 1891. Leader of Glee Club. Member Psi Upsilon and Aldine Clubs. Son of James Griswold Merrill, Gamma 63. Advertising Manager. 910 Flatiron Bldg., New York, N. Y.; res. 31 Tulip St., Summit, N. J. Charles Otis Wells* James Parsons Woodruff X W C7 d. 1892 T h r, A. B. 1891; A. M. 1894; LL. B. 1893 and M. L. 1894 Yale. Mgr. Baseball, 91. Member Board of Education, 94-09 (Chairman, 97-09); Board 1891-9.5J GAMMA CHAPTER 271 of Burgesses, Litchfield Borough, 95-98; Borough Warden, 96-98; Member Conn. Gen- eral Assembly, 99-03; Judge of Probate, 06-07; Building and Loan Commissioner, State of Conn., 11-14; Chairman Conn. Industrial Com- mission, 11-13; Judge Court of Common Pleas, Litchfield County, since 14. Member Grad- uates (New Haven), University (Hartford), Waterbury Country, Litchfield and Litchfield County University Clubs. Son of George Mor- ris Woodruff, Beta 57 and brother of George Catlin WoodrufT, Beta 85. Lawyer. South St., Litchfield, Conn. 1892 Allan I'erley Ball Y z •/, A. B. 1892; A. M. 1895; Ph. D. 1903 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Author "The Satire of Seneca." Member National Arts Club. Educator. College of the City of New York; res. 313 Con- vent Ave., New York, N. Y. James Shepherd Cobb rc0 A. B. 1892. Member Transportation and Lotos Clubs. Manufacturer. Abercrombie & Fitch Co., Madison Ave. and E 45th St.; res.. 460 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. William Storm Corsa X 1 p Farmer. White Hall, 111. John Hiram Grant X a A. B. 1892; B. D. 1896 Yale. Clergyman. 130 Harrison St., Elyria, Ohio. William Walker Gregg 7 r P A. B. 1892; A. M. 1897; LL. B. 1896 Harvard. Lawyer. Robinson Bldg. ; res. 408 William St., Elmira, N. Y. LeRov Phillips F u P A. B. 1892; A. M. 1907. Editor-in-Chief Am- herst Literary Monthly. Author "Bibliography of Henry James." Member University, Boston, Authors' and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Publisher. 29.\ Beacon St., Boston; res. 401 Woodward St., Waban, Mass. Seymour Herbert [Huntt] Ransom A. B. 1892; A. M. 1895. Kellogg Prize Speaker; Lester Prize Sneaker; Hardy Prize Debater; Hyde Prize Winner; Editor-in-Chief Olio; Editor Literary Monthly. Teacher Poly- technic Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., 92-94; William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, 94-96; High School, Newark. N. J.. 96-98. Author "South, ern Literature;" "Literature and Industrial- ism;" "Villa, Victim and Avenger;" "Beggars in Beds of Gold." Journalist. 16 Riverside Bldg., Denver, Colo. Robert Stuart Smith rbp A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1895 Univ. of Pa. Shars- wood Law Club. Law Oration, 95. Member Union, University, Huntingdon Valley Coun- try and Merion Cricket Clubs. Lawyer. 934 Land Title Bldg.; res. 4102 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. Robert Henry Vose X q A. B. 1892; M. D. 1896 Harvard. Physioian. 443 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. 1893 1 lenry Hurlbut Abbott F p y] A. B. 1893; LL. B. 1895 Univ. State of N. Y. Phi Beta Kappa. Prize Tutor New York Law School. Member Union League, Sleepy Hol- low Country and Lawyers' Clubs; Assn. of the Bar of City of New York. Lawyer. 32 Liberty St.; res. 129 E. 70th St., New York, N. Y. Frederick ScouUer Allis XbT A. B. 1893. Phi Beta Kappa. Kellogg Prize. Sec. the Alumni Council of Amherst Coll. Secretary. Amherst College; res. 40 Amity St., Amherst, IMass. William Charles Breed Y S TC Thomas Cushing Esty A. B. 1893; LL. B. 1895 Univ. State of N. Y. Phi Beta Kappa. Business Mgr. Sttident; Com- mencement Speaker; Ivy Class Orator. Dir. of Merchants' Assn. of New York and Chair- man of the Members' Council. Member Union League, Republican, Church, Bankers', Sleepy Hollow Country, Knollwood Country and University Clubs; Downtown Assn. Brother of James McVickar Breed, Gamma 03. Lawyer. :-.2 Liberty St.; res. 341 W. 77th St., New York, N. Y. Xtt A. B. 1893; A. M. 1897. Phi Beta Kappa. Trustee of Amherst Acad.; Teacher of Mathe- matics and Sec. of the Faculty at Amherst Coll. Member Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science; Am. Mathematical Soc; Mathematical Assn. of America; Am. Assn. of University Professors. Son of William Cole Esty, Gamma 60 and brotlier of William Esty, Gamma 89 and Edward Tuckerman Esty and Robert Pegram Esty, Gamma 97. Educator. 40 Dana St., Amherst, Mass. Denison Gallaudet 70:: 165 Rockwell St., Norwich, Conn. Kdward Rittenhouse Houghton 7 c I A. B. 1893. Member Psi Upsilon, Colonial, (New York) and University (Boston) C^lubs. Publisher. The Riverside Press; res. 4 Mercer Circle, Cam- bridge, Mass. Ernest Smith Jackson* A. B. 1893. Fqt d. 1897 John Leisenring Kemmerer X z y] A. B. 1893; A. M. 1896; LL. B. 1896 Harvard. Member University, New York Yacht and LTnion League (Philadelphia) Clubs. 143 Libertv St., New York, N. Y.; res. Short Hills, N. J. Henry Park Schauffler Y u T A. B. 1893. Kellogg Sophomore Prize Elocu- tion; Engli.sh Literature Prizes; Glee Club Ouartet; Baseball. Supt. Brooklyn City Mis- sion Soc; Trustee Hartford Sem. Foundation; nz GAMMA CHAPTER [1893-95 Pres. New York State Sunday School Assn. Member Clergy, Hamilton, Civic and ^fonday Clubs. Clergyman. 44 Court St.; res. 461 Ocean Ave., IJrookhn, N. Y. William Everett Swift X d z B. S. 1895 Mass. Inst. Tech. Member Am. See. of Civil Engineers; Sharon (Conn.) Golf Club. Civil Engineer. Ford, Bacon & Davis, 115 Broadway, New York, and Amcnia, N. Y. 1894 Edmund Alden Burnham F b K A. B. 1S94; A. M. 1900; B. D. 19U0 Hartford Theol. Sem.; D. D. 190/ Svracuse Univ. (ilee Club (Leader) (4); Dramatic Club (4); Kel- logg Prize (1); Declamation, 95; College Or- ganist (3). Member Board of Trustees New York State Home Missionary Service; Boara of Dirs., New York Congregational Conference; Moderator. 16-17; Pastor Plymouth Congrega- tional Church. Member Sons of the Revolu- tion (Chaplain 02-15) and Thornden Tennis Club. Clergyman. 242 E. Onondaga St.; res. 1505 K. Cenesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. Edward \\'arren Capen T t 7. A. B. 1894; Ph. D. 1904 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Coll. Senate, 91-94; 1st Strong Greek Prize, 91; One-half Walker Mathematics Prize, 92; 2d Lester Prize in Oratory, 93; Bond Prize for Commencement Oration; William Thompson Prize in Hebrew, 96; Bennett Tyler Prize in Systematic Theology, 97; Greek Prize, 98 ana John S. \Velles Fellow, 98-00 Hartford Theol. Sem.; Grant Squires Prize, 05; Columbia Assoc. "Prof. Sociology and Sec. Kennedy School of Missions, Hartford Sem. Foimdation, Hart- ford Conn, since 11; Lecturer of Special Phases of Sociology, Hartford Theol. Sem. since 02; Thompson Lecturer on Missions, 09 and 11-15; Engaged in Historical Researches for Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 04-07; Special Sociological and Missionary Re- search in Far East, 07-09; Member World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh, 10; Commis- sion on Preparation of Missionaries; Interna- tional Commission on Training Schools for Missionaries since 10; Board of Missionary Preparation for U. S. and Canada, since 11; Lecturer on Missions, L. H. Severance Foun- dation, Western Theol. Sem., Pittsburgh, 12; Boston LTniv. School of Theology, 16; Asst. Recording Sec. Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions since IS; Fellow Royal Anthropological Inst. (London); Am. Acad. Political and Social Science; Am. Sociological Sec; Am. Economic Assn.; National Confer- ence. Charities and Corrections; Acad. Political Science (New York). Author "Historical De- velopment of the Poor-Law of Connecticut;" "Sociological Progress in Mission Lands." Mem- ber L'niversity, Connecticut, Congregational and Authors" (London) Clubs. Educator. 1507 Broad St.; res. 146 Sargeant St., Hart- ford, Conn. XXo Herman Stanley Cheney A. B. 1894. Laurel Ledge. Southbridge, Mas: Frederic Appleton Flichtner )^ h o .\. B. 1894; .'\. M. 1895 Columbia. Biblical Literature Prize; Baseball (2), (3); Tennis. Teacher of Latin St. Mark's School. Member L^niversity Club (New York). Educator. Southboro, Mass. I'enjamin D wight Ilvde 7 J '^ \. B. 1894; LL. B. 1898 Harvard. Lawyer. 50 Congress St.; res. 380 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Charles Cotesworth Russell */ '- -^ A. B. 1894. Thcta Nu Epsilon. Track (C-.ivt. 1)4); Football. Manufacturer. Russell Mfg. Co.; res. Orchard S't., (ireen- lield, Mass. Edear l^.urr Smith M A B A. B. 1894. Pres. Vermont State Teachers' Assn., 14; Principal of High School. Member Brattleboro Masonic and \'erniont Wheel Clubs. Educator. 84 Green St., Brattleboro, Vt. Luther Ely Smith r.xo A. B. 1894. Lawyer. 1718 Pierce Bldg. ; res. 5321 Waterman Ave. St. Louis, Mo. Alfred Ernest Stearns XpO A. B. 1894; A. M. 1902; L. II. D. 1915; B. D. 1900 Andover Theol. Sem.; A. M. 1905 Yale; Litt. D. 1912 Dartmouth. Baseball (Capt.); Football; Tennis Champion (2); Hardy Prize Debater; Kellogg Prize Speaker. Taught Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., 94-97; Instr. Phillips Acad., 97-00; Registrar and Instr. in History, 00-02; Vice-Principal, 02-03; Principal and Clerk Board of Trustees; Trustee Andover Theol. Sem.: Andover Public Library; Mem- ber Town School Board; Pres. New Eng- land Assn. of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Member Headmasters' Assn.; New England Assn. of Colleges and Secondary Schools; Essex Country Rifle Club and Am. Forestry Assn. Educator. Phillips Academy; res. 6 Chapel Ave., And- over, Mass. XI K Edward Hemenway Stedman* A. B. 1894. d. 1913 Warren AVeatherbee Tucker T q O A. B..1894. Broker. 201 Devonshire St., Boston; res. 93 Sedgwick St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Henry Estabrook Whitcomb 7 '. •/. A. B. 1894. Trustee Plymouth Congregational Soc; Pres. Building Owners' and Managers' Assn. of Worcester. Member Psi Upsilon, Tal- nuck Country and University Clubs. Real Estate. 53 Main .St.- res. 6 ILarvard St., Worcester, Mass. 1895 Charles Roy Bangs Xf A A. B. 1895. 9 Monroe Pi., Frooklyn, N. Y. 1895-97] GAMMA CHAPTER 273 Robert Bridgniaif'' YhZ A. H. 1895. Son of Hiibcit LawreiKC Bridg- man. Gamma 66 and nt-phew of Raymond Lan- don Hridgman. Gamma 71 and Arthur Milnor Uridgman. (iamma 7.i. Journalist. d. 1914 Charles Theodore Burnett '/ g a A. B. 1895; A. M. 1900: Ph. D. 1903. Phi Beta Kappa. Cotillion Club. Roswell Dwiglit Hitclicock Fellow in History; 1st Greek and Latin J'rizes (1); Editor Literary Monthly. Prof, of Psychology, Bowdoin Coll. iuluc^ti.r. Bowdoin College, Briuiswick, Maine. Saxe Henry Hanford Initiated by the Upsilon Robert Bayley Osgood rq^ A. B. 1895; >I. D. 1897; F. A. C. S. In.str. .Surgery and Orthopedic Surgery Harvard Med. School; As.st. Visiting Orthopedic Surg. Mass. (H-neral Hosp. Member Boston, Harvard and Cnion Boat Clubs; National Inst, of Social Science; Am. (Orthopedic Assn.; New England Surgical and Boston Surgical Sees. Author "Diseases of the Bones and Joints." Pliysician. ^72 Marlborough St.; res. 38 Chestnut St., Bos- ton, Mass. Russell Edwards Prentiss 7. '" -^' .\. 15. 1895. Broker. 52 Wail St., New York; res. 51 Willow St. Brooklyn, N. Y. \\' right Coolidge Sampson T^M B. S. 1895. Merchant. 424 Main St.; res. 57 Hollister St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Maurice Billings Smith 7 '^ A A. B. 1895. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal, Gard- ner High School. Educator. 35 Cedar St., Gardner, Mass. TcoA William Seymour Tyler -A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1899 Columbia. Common Council, Plainfield, N. J., 03-09; Pres. Board of Education, 09-15. Member Psi Upsilon, Uni- versity, Railroad (New York) and Plainfield Country Clubs. Lawyer. 30 Church St.. New York. N. Y.; res. 530 W. 8th St., Plainfield, N. J. 1896 David Herbert Bixler F c X A, B. 1896. Manufacturer. Proctor. Vt. Leonard Brooks 7 g v Baseball; Track. Member Psi Upsilon, Cres- cent Athletic (Brooklyn), Reform and Fox Hills Golf Clubs. Aviditor. 82 Beaver St.; res. 800 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. William Anthony Cobb '( h M A. B. 1896. Clergyman. 117 Lincoln St., Cambridge Springs, Pa. Y p N Morton Dexter Dunning F 1 \i. A. B. 1896; A. M. 1905 cum laude; Track, 93-96. Treas. Am. Board's Japan Mission, 10- 15; Afember Board of Trustees, Kobe (ioll., Kobe, Japan, 10-15; (Chairman Board of Mgrs., Kobe Glory Kindergarten and Training School, 12-15. Member Asiatic Soc. of Japan. -Missionary and Educator. Doshisha Univ., Kyoto; res. Karasumarudori Ichijo noboru Kyoto, Japan. Frederick Saywood Fales A. B. 1896. Member Psi Upsilon, New York University and North Heinpstead Country Clubs. Clerk. Standard Oil Co. of N. Y., 26 Broadway, New- York; res. 32 Bay view Ave., Port Washington. N. Y. Raymond J osiah Cregory Z 'ii '■' A. B. 1896. Baseball (Capt.) ; Glee Club. Merch.int. Princeton, Mass. Thomas Barnes llitchcock [j. h N A. B. 1896. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) and Commonwealth Country (Newton, ^Nlass.) Clubs; New England Historic-C^enealogical .Soc; Soc. of Colonial Wars. jMerchant. 200 Devonshire St., Bo.ston ; res. 32 Fuller St., Brookline, Mass. W'orthington Converse Holnian X p \i. B. S. 1896. (443 Oakdale Ave, Lakeview .Station, Chicago, 111.) vf N A. B. 1896; A. M. 1899; A. M. 1902 Hirvard and Ph. D. 1904. Prof, of History, Smith Coli. .Uithor "The Public Life of Joseph Dudley. " Educator. Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Edward Frederick Sanderson X ■/, i\I A. B. 1896; B. D. 1899 Hartford Theol. Sem. Glee Club. Dir. People's Inst., New York. Member Psi Upsilon, Hamilton. Heights Casino, Clergy, W'ee Burn Golf, Brooklyn and New York Civic Clubs. Educator. 70 Fifth Ave.. New York; res. 125 Remsen S^., Brooklyn. N. Y. Everett Kimball William Dexter Stiger r r u. B. S. 1896; LL. B. 1900 Columbia. Me.nber Psi Upsilon and University Clubs; Assn. Bar City of New York. Lawyer, 62 WilliaiTi St., New York; res. Hewlett. N. Y. Harry Desborough Tyler A. B. 1896. Lawyer. 176 Broadway, New York. N. ^'. • 1897 Walter Savage Ball xr^ Ft 'A B. S. 1897. Journalist. Providence Journal; res. 265 Benefit St., Provi- dence, R. I. 274 GAMMA CHAPTER 1897-98 Percy Holmes Boynton Y r a A. B. 1897; A. M. 1898 Harvard. Editor Am- herst Literary Magazine; Ivy Poet. Dean in the Junior Coll. Univ. of Chicago. Author "London in English Literature;" "Principles of Composi- tion;" "Book of American Poetry;" Co-author "First View of English and American Litera- ture. Member Quadrangle, University and City Clubs. Educator. University of Chicago; res. 5748 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111. Edward Tuckerman Esty XcA' A. B. 1897; LL. B. 1901 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Hardy Prize, 97; Commencement Speaker. Special Justice, Central Dist. Court of Worcester County, U4-10; Member Worces- ter Common Council, 06-11; Asst. Dist. Atty. of Middle Dist., 11-16; Dist. Atty. since 17. Member Massachusetts Bar and Worcester County Bar Assns. ; Worcester and Tatnuck Country Clubs. Son of William Cole Esty, Gamma 60 and brother of William Esty, Gamma 89, Thomas Gushing Esty, Gamma 93 and Robert Pcgram Esty, Gamma 97. Lawyer. 340 Main St.; res. 85 Elm St., Worcester, Mass. Robert Pegram Esty A. B. 1897; LL. B. 1900 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Member Merion Cricket Club. Son of William Cole Esty, Gamma 60 and brother of William Esty, Gamma 89, Thomas Gushing Esty, Gamma 93 and Edward Tuckerman Esty, Gam- ma 97. Lawyer. 328 Chestnut St., Philadelphia; res. Corner Llanfair and Wister Rds., Ardmore, Pa. Tla- Edgar Lowell Foster A. B. 1897. (Aqua Caliente, Sentinel, Ariz.) Asa Waters Grosvenor (j d W A. B. 1897; B. S. 1899 Mass. Inst, of Tech. Civil Engineer. 408 Bass Block; res. 710 Packard Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. Edwin Prescott Grosvenor H g ^'' A. B. 1897; A. M. 1900; LL. B. 1904 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi. Member Union League, Apawamis, Am. Yacht, Columbia Uni- versity, West Side Tennis (New York) Chevy Chase, National Press, University and Metro- politan (Washington) Clubs; Bar Assn. Son of Edwin Augustus Grosvenor, Gamma 67 and brother of Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor, Gamma 97 . Lawyer. 40 Wall St.; res. 9 E. 39th St., New York, N. Y. Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor 21(5" A. B. 1897 magna cum iande ;' A. M. 1901. Phi Beta Kappa. Armstrong, Hogan and Ladd Prizes; Walker Mathematics Prize; Hyde Prize; Divided 1st and 2d Sophomore Prizes in Litin. Teacher of Latin, Mathematics and Chemistry in Englewood (N. J.) Acad.; Dir. National Geographic Soc. since 99; Councilor Archeoloi;i- cal Inst, of Am.; Chairman I'^xecutive Com- mittee Board of Dirs.; Am. Assn. to Promote Teaching of Speech to the Deaf; Member Board of Visitors, Government Hosp. for In- sane. Author "Russia;" "The Land of the Best." Member Cosmos, Chevy Chase, Na- tional Press and Washington Riding and Hunt Clubs. Son of Edwin Augustus Grosvenor, Gamma 67 and brother of Edwin Prescott Gros- venor, Gamma 97. Director and Journalist. National Geographic Magazine; res. 1328, 18th St., N. W^, Washington, D. C. Louis Harrison Hall XzQ Member B. S. 1897; LL. B. 1900 Columi)ia. Psi Upsilon Club. Lawyer. 2 Rector St., New York, N. \.\ res. New Canaan, Tc nn. Arthur Prince Hunt MsX' A. B. 1897; A. M. 1900; !5 D. 1901. Phi Beta Kappa. First Kellogg Prize Spe.ikinp; Third Sophomore Latin Prize; Hutchins Greek Prize; Bond and Woods Prizes. Prof, of Ethics, Gen- eral Tlieol. Sem. Educator. 5 Chelsea Sq., New York, N. Y. I I Richard Lamson f\\ A. B. 1898 Colorado Coll. Baseball; Tennis. Referee in Bankruptcv, 06-12. Member Yavapai Chib. Lawyer. 44 Bank of Arizona BIdg. ; res. 213 S. Mt. Vernon St., Prescott, Ariz. Henry Whipple B. S. 1897. Horticulture. Riverside, Cal. ri 1 o 1898 Theodore Franklin Bliss, Jr. V b B' Publisher. 5 N. ^^'abash Ave.; res. 3619 Pine drove Ave., Chicago, 111. Julius Wooster Eggleston F S A B. S. 1898; A. M. 1901 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Y. M. C. A.; Woods Prize, 98. Asst. and Instr. in Geology and Mineralogy Colo. School of Mines, 01-05; Asst. in Geology; Instr. in Geology in Summer School, Harvard, 05-10; Asst. Prof, of Geology and Mineralogy Mo. School of Mines, 10-13; Prof, of Geology and Botany Occidental Coll., Los Angeles, Cal., 10-15; Asst. in Geology, Harvard Univ. Mem- ber Cooper Ornithological Club, Los Angeles, Cal. Research Work. Harvard University Museum, O.xford St., Cam- bridge; res. 239 \\'illiams St., New London, Conn. Frederick Worth Goddard A. B. 1898. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Insurance. Johnson & Higgins, 49 Wall St., New York, N. Y.; res. 920 Woodland Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Richard Harrington Gregory y d W A. B. 1898. Member Railroad and Montclair Golf Clubs. Comptroller. W^estern Electric Co., 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. 185 Upper Mountain Ave., Montclair, N. J. Y £ ^- Xc^^ [John] Stuart Johnston A. B. 1898. Member Psi LTpsilon (New Yorki and W'est Side Tennis Clubs. Financier. 152 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 1898-1900J GAMMA CHAPTER 275 Howard Hill Mossman riB' B. S. 1898. Quill and Dagger. Track; Foot- ball; Glee Club. Member Sons of Am. Revolu- tion and Psi Upsilon Club (New York). See Chi 1900 Crescent S^. and West Ave., South Norwalk, Conn. [Nathan] Albert Mossman Fl B' B. S. 1898. Glee Club. Track; Football. .\ssistant Superintendent. Norwalk Iron Works, Norwalk; res. 92 East .\ve., Norwalk, Conn. Cornelius Boardman Tyler x p ^I" .\. B. 1898; LL. B. 1901 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi; Hamilton Club (Colum- bia). 1st Sophomore Latin Prize; Walker Prize Fellowship JIathematics; Pope Prize Fellowship Physics. Treas. and Member Founding Board of Editors of Columbia Law Review; Dir. Plainfield (N. J.) Public Library. Author Genealogical Appendix to Autobiography of W. S. Tyler D. D. LL. D., 12; "The Tyler Genealogy." Member Assn. of the Bar City of New York; Military Order Loyal Legion; New England Soc. ; Mayflower Descendants; Psi Up- silon and Railroad Clubs (New York). Country (Plainfield) and Country (Pittsfield, Mass) Clubs. Son of Mason Whiting Tyler, Gamma 62, brother of William Seymour Tyler, Gamma 95, grandson of William Seymour Tyler, Gamma 30 and nephew of John Frederick Schroeder, Lambda 49. Lawver. Tvler & Tyler, 30 Church St.. New York, N. Y. ; res. 52.'^ W. 7th St.. Plainfield, N. J. and In- wode, Pittsfield, !Mass. (Summer.) 1899 Charles Henry Cobb XPT' A. B. 1899. Business Mgr. Student. Asst. Treas. Library Bureau. 224 Albany St., Cambridge; res. 32 Kimball Terrace, Newtonville, Mass. lohn Corsa Xo^X A. B. 1899; A. M. 1906. Kellogg, Hyde and Hardy Prizes. Pres. of New England Oral English and Public Speaking Conference. Educator. 25 Amity St., Amherst, Mass. Walter Henry Griffin rff A. B. 1899; LL. B. 1902 Columbia, Lawyer. 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y.; res. Mali wall, X. J. ]'*d\vard Wilcox Hitchcock ?:S9 A. B. 1899. Brother of Albert Wellman Hitch- cock, (^amma 82 and Charles W'ellman Hitch- rock, Phi SO. Educator. 600 W. I22d St., New York, N. Y. Carl Edwin Lamson V n T" A. B. 1899. Musician. 218 Trcmnnt St., Boston: res. 11 Everett St., Cambridge, Mass. Clement Fessenden Merrill 7 d X' A. B. 1899. Transportation. Warwick, N. Y. William Fessenden Merrill Fsx' A. B. 1899. Member Boston Art and Psi Up^lon (New York) Clubs. Manufacturer. 100 Summer St., Boston; res. 197 Longwood Ave., Brookline, Mass. Msr William Jesse Newlin A. B. 1899; A. M. 1903; B. S. 1901 Mass. Inst. Tech.; A. M. 1906 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Speaker; Shattuck Scholar in Mathematics, Harvard Univ. Prof, of Philo- sophy in Amherst Coll.; Member Am. Philosoph- ical Assn. Educator. 22 Sunset Ave., Amherst, Mass. 1900 John Boynton Eaton* rp$" A. B. 1901 Brown Univ. See Sigma 1901 d. 1915 Stanwood Edwards Flichtner x s A' B. S. 1900. Tennis. Member Englewood. Englewood Country and Knickerbocker Country Clubs. Manager. Cooper Hewitt Electric Co., 730 Grand St., Hoboken; res. Englewood, N. J. Charles Lewis Oomph Y c I' A. B. 1900; A. M. and B. D. 1904. Phi Beta Kappa. Rector of Grace Church. Clergyman* 960 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Thomas Jasper Hammond X f ' A. B. 1900; A. IVT. 1905; M. F. 1904 Yale. Forest Supervisor. Broadway; res. Lynn St., King City, Cal. 276 GAMMA CHAPTER [1900-01 Bernard Leonard Paine 7 e 9 A. B. 1900; LL. B. 1917. Glfc Club and Dramatics. Clerk, Senate. State House, Boston; res. Highland St., Sharon, Mass. Walter Leisenring Righter ■/ h 'A A. B. 1900. Baseball; Capt. (3). Sergeant Troop D, N. J. Cavalry. Member Plainfield Country, Psi Upsilon and Underwriters' (New- York) Clubs. Minin?. 52 William St., New York, N. Y.; res. 211 W. 7th St.. Plainfield, N. J. Frederick William Swindells F k c" ^Member Enfield Golf, Stafford Golf, Belmont Spring Country (Waverley, Mass.) Country. (Brookline) and Algonquin (Boston) Clubs. Manufacturer. Enfield. Conn. Stiiai-t Wilder Wells KdE B. S. 1900. Dir. Minneapolis Associated Chari- ties. Member ^Minneapolis, Minikahda and La- fayette Clubs. Banker. .McKnight Bldg.; res. 11 Dell PI.. :Minneapolis. ]\Iinn. David Whitconib rse" A. B. 1900; A. M. 190S; LL. B. 1905 George Washington Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Hyde Five; Hardy Five; Student Board. Vice-Pres. Bldg. Owners and Managers Assn.; Executive Committee, National Assn. of Bldg. Owners and Managers; Overseer Whitman Coll.; Trustee \\'ashington Congregational Conference and of ^lunicipal League. Member College, Rainier. Golf, Yacht, Psi Upsilon (New York) and Cosmos (Washington, D. C.) Clubs. Lawyer. .■\rcade Bldg.; res. 633 Fourteenth Ave. N., Seattle, Wash. 1901 Leonard Walter Hates Merchant. 202 Church St.. New York; res. 85 Leffcrts PI.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Morris Bradford Butler 7. "''" '^ A. B. 1901; A. M. 1905; LL. B. 1905 Harvard. .Member University and Long Island Automo bile Clubs. Lawyer. 141 Broadway. New York; res. 507 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Goodell 7 t 'J John Rutherford Herrick A. B. 1901; A. M. 1905; M. D. 1905 Harvard; F. A. C. S. 1914. Surg. Springfield Hosp. Member Springfield Country, University, Win- tlirop and Medical Clubs. Surgeon. 6 Chestnut St.; res. 76 Spruccland Ave., Spring- field. Mass. .\. B. 1901; A. M. 1904; M. D. 1905 Cornell. Kellogg Prize Speaking (2) ; Hardy Prize Debate (4); Gymnastic Team (1), (2), (3): Capt. (4); Glee Club (Leader); Pres. Musical Assn. Assoc. Surg. Nassau Hosp.; Asst. Surg. New York Polyclinic 'Sled. School and Hosp.; Fellow Am. Med. Assn. Member Soc. of the Alumni of Bcllevue Hosp.; .Soc. of the .Vlumni of Woman's Hosp.; New York State Med. and New York County Med. Socs. ; Cherry Vallev (N. Y.), Garden City (N. Y.), Garden City (Country, Midland Golf (Garden City) and University (New York) Clubs. Physician. 359 F"ront St., Hempstead, N. Y. 1 Icrbert P'ierrepont Houghton y r 'E A. B. 1901; A. M. 1904; Ph. D. 1907 Johns Hopkins Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Sophomore Latin Prize; Hutchins Greek Prize; Glee Club; Choir; Hyde Orations; Hardy Sixteen. Fel- low in Greek, Johns Hopkins Univ., 05-07; Instr. in Classics, Princeton Univ., 07-08; Instr., Asst. Prof, and Assoc. Prof, of Latin Amherst Coll. 08-15; Pres. of Waynesburg Coll since 15. Au- thor "A Defence of Old Age, a Translation of Cicero, Cato Maior De Senectute;" "Moral Sig- nificance of Animals as Indicated in Greek Pro- verbs." Member Am. Philological Assn.; Arch- aeological Inst, of America; College Presidents of Pa. Educator. President's House, Waynesburg College, Way- ne sbtirg. Pa. .Vuhrev Constantine Kretschmar B. S. 1901. Kellogg Fifteen; Kellogg Five; Baseball. ^Member University Club (Phila- delphia). Sales Manager. German American Button Co., Champeny Ter- race; res. 22 College Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Frederick Klemm Kretschmar X \- T' A. B. 1901. Mgr. Musical Clubs; Baseball (Capt.); Gymnasium; Track. Member Alumni Council; Boston Athletic and Pilgrim Publicity Assns. Pulisher. 166 Essex St., Boston, Mass. 1 I John Henry McCluney X z e Member Racquet. St. Louis and St. Louis C'onn- try Clubs. Broker. 300 N. Broadway; res. 4427 Westmin.ster PI.. St. Louis. Mo. Harriot Van Deventer Moore F b 'F .\. B. 1901; Baseball (1). (2). (3). 1st Lieut. Co. F, 5th N. J. Inf.; Aide-de-Camp 1st Brigade Staff N. G. N. J. Member Psi Upsilon. New York Stock Exchange Luncheon. .\rmy and Navy. Englewood, Englewood Field and Knickerbocker Country Clubs. Broker. 52 William St., New York, N. Y.; res. Hamil- ton Ave., Englewood, N. J. F.dwin Satterthwait Parry 7 h [i B. S. 1901. Mandolin Club; Olio Board; Hyde Six; Editor 1901 Class Book. Governor Riverton Country Club. Advertising. 5th and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. Pa.; res. Riverton, N. J. XS£^ A. B. 1901. Glee Club. Business Mgr. Student. Member Moose Jaw Club. ^lerchant. Warner-Johnson Elevator Co.. Grain Exchange: res. 45 Home St.. ^^'innipeg, Manitoba. Canada. Joseph Warner 1901 -04J GAMMA CHAPTER 277 Albert Leisenrinu Watson X V (J)' r.. S. 1901. Cotillion Club. Football; Base- ball: Debating; Oratory. Member and Sec. of Pa. Commission to investigate different Systems of Recording Insurance of Titles, etc., of Several States, 16; Deacon Second Presbyter- ian Church of Scranton. Member Scranton and Country, Minneapolis and Lafayette (Minneapolis, Minn.) and Waverly Country (Waverly, Pa.) Clubs. Lawyer. 502 Scranton Life Bldg. ; res. 637 ]\Ionroc Ave., Scranton, Pa. 1802 T Stanley Baker 7 7 Member Psi Upsilon Club. 314 \V. 88th St., New York, N. Y. Charles Henry Dayton 7 c T' A. B. 1902. Member Psi Upsilon Club. iVferchant. Plioenix Coal Co., 90 West St.. New York, N. Y. r t ;' Broker. (312 N. 2d St.; res. 4.S36 McPhcrson Ave., St. Louis, Mo.) lames Levin Ford. Jr. Isaac Hampshnr Jones X ''' ' A. B. 1902; A. M. 1905; M. D. 1906 LTniv. of Pa. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha and Agnew Surgical Soc. (Univ. of Pa.) Member Coll. of Physicians; Am. Otological Soc; Uni- versity, Union League and Philadelphia Country Clubs. See Tau 06 Physician. 1831 Chestnut St.; res. 4501 Spruce St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Samuel Copp ]\IcCluney Xe YSi, Member St. Louis Country, Racquet and Noon- day Clubs. Broker. 300 N. Broadway; res. 4473 McPherson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Robert Spencer Moore Member Lincoln and Country Clubs. Bookkeeper. First National Bank. 316 Main St.; res. 806 South St., LaFayette, Ind. T[heoclore] Barnett Plimpton FhC B. S. 1902. Gymnasium (Capt.); Tennis; Football. Regimental Staff 1st Field Artillery Mass. Vol. ^Militia; Sec. Boston Alumni .\ssn., 11-14; Dir. Alumni Social Service Bur- eau. Member Boston Athletic Assn.; Newton Centre Squash, Tennis and Psi LTpsilon (New York) Clubs. Banker. 24 Milk St., Boston; res. 63 Winthrop Rd., Brookline, !Mass. Ralph Thomas W'hitelaw X m T' B. S. 1902. Mgr. Football. Member Uni- vcrsitv, Psi Upsilon, Drug and Chemical (New York) Clubs. ^fanufacturcr. Whitclaw Brothers Chemical Co.. 309-313 .South Wharf; res. University Club, St. Louis, Mo. Eugene Smith Wilson yA A. B. 1902; LL. B. 1904 Washington Univ. Track (Capt. 4); Basketball. Member Uni versity (Chicago), Algonquin Golf and City (St Louis) Clubs. Lawyer. 212 W. Washington St., Chicago; res. 304 N. She^dan Rd., Highland Park, 111. Charles ^Vlexander Woodward F n t' A. B. 1902; B. D. 1916 Union Theol. Sem. Clergyman. 600 W. 122d St., New York, N. Y.; res. Wake- field, Mass. 1903 Draper Cooke Bartlett F f r' A. B. 1903. Phi Beta Kappa. Hutchins Greek Prize; Sophomore Latin Prize; Tennis; Leader Glee Club; Hardy Debate. .\uthor Songs, "Song to the Fairest College;" "Out in Mon- tana" and Psi LTpsilon Snng "Psi 'Us arc Found All Over." Rancher. Hamilton, Mont. James Alc\'ickar Breed Y I IF A. B. 1903. :Member P.si Upsilon, Union r^eague. Bankers' and Knollwood Country Clubs. Brother of William Charles Breed, Gamma 9i. Lawyer. il Liberty St.; res. 850 Park Ave., New York. N. Y. Henry Black Gould I s o A. B. 1903; A. B. 1904 Yale. Senior Club Orchestra; Mandolin Club; Track. Treas. Psi Upsilon Assn. of Yonkers, 06-10; Veteran 7tli Regiment N. G. N. Y. Member Psi Upsilon and Yale (New York), Amakassin Country (Yonkers) Clubs; Psi Upsilon Assn. of Yonk- ers. Son of David Henry Gould, Theta 65. Salesman. Holmes Electric Protective Co., 26 Cortlaiidt St., New York; res. 345 N. Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. Tames ^NFcClunev Xlo' ]\fember Missouri Athletic .Assn.; University (Chicago)' and Onwentsia (Lake Forest, III.) Clubs. Broker. 314 N. Broadway; res. 4401 McPherson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. William Carey Marl)le ra? A. B. 1903. Track. Member Los Angeles Board of Education, ^^ember University Club. Banker. H. W. Hellman Bldg.; res. 701 W. 30tli St.. Los Angeles, Cal. ^Tanufacturer. (87 Jefferson Ave.; res. 369 St. Clair .\ve., Detroit, Mich.) Sherman Ralsey Miller, Jr. George X^eill Patrick A. B. 1903. Senior Club; Kellogg Five; Football. ^leniber Troy and Pafraets Dael Clubs. Broker. 205 Cannon PI.; res. 2175, 14th St., Troy, N. Y. 1904 Henry Elkins Daniels (Iva House, Youngstown, Ohio.) Y \ V 278 GAMMA CHAPTER [1904-06 Joseph Bartlett Eastman XIO" A. B. 1904. Phi Beta Kappa. Student Board 02-04; Editor-in-Chief, 04; Debate, 03-04. Member Mass. Public Service Commission; Chambers of Commerce (Boston and U. S. of America). Member Boston Athletic Assn., Boston City and WoUoston Golf Clubs. Son of John Huse Eastman, Gamma 69 and nephew of Charles Francis Eastman, Gamma 69. Commissioner. 1 Beacon St., Boston; res. 134 Mt. Vernon St., Winchester, Mass. John Robley Dunghson Huston x ^ ®' LL. B. 1905 Univ. of Pittsburgh. Lawyer. 1413 First National Bank BIdg. ; res. Willmar Apts., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lawrence Howard King-* Charles Atkins Marquis Yep d. 1908 Fnp' Member Missouri Athletic Assn.; University and Riverview Clubs. Manager. The Barrett Co., Laclede Gas Bldg. ; res. 4915 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Kenneth Rouse Otis K s ~~ Head of Military Police. Member Corning (New York) and Athletic (Cleveland) Clubs. Engineer and Army Officer. English Army, Post Office, London, England. Percival Bowditch Palmer, Jr. Initiated by the Zeta Paul Davie Storke* XgS' d. 1905 Charles Julian Symington F q 6' (30 Church St„ New York, N. Y.) Donald [Leith] Symington X u p~ p. O. Bo.x 993; res. 42 Prince St., Rochester, N. Y. Ernest Miller "VVhitcomb X li €)' A. B 1904; A. M. 1907. Phi Beta Kappa; Glee Club. Hardy Sixteen. Member Psi Upsilon, Union League (New York), University (Chicago), University and Country (Spring- field), Laurentian (Canada) Clubs; Bankers' Club of America. Banker. First National Bank, S. Pleasant St.; res. 12 Lincoln Ave., Amherst, Mass. 1905 Sidney Tuttle Bixby Ttr 506 Century Bldg.; res. Kings Highway and Lindell Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Charles Reginald Blyth 7 o C B. S. 1905. Member Pacific Union, Bohemian. University, Burlingame Country and San Mateo Polo Clubs. Banker. 704 Merchants' Exchange Bldg.; res. 840 Powell St., San Francisco, Cal. George Holmes Boynton X f z' Amherst Glee Club; Olio (Junior Year Book). Member Apollo Club. Bookkeeper. New England Trust Co., 135 Devonshire St., Boston; res. 88 Kilburn Rd., Belmont, Mass. Dwight Phelps Cruikshank, Jr. xr t:' (Union Bank Bldg., Ottawa, Canada.) Leland Plays Fez' Journalist. Burlington Free Press, Burlington, Vt. Hugh Hourston Craigie Weed y s P A. B. 1905. Scarab. Editor (2), (3) and Editor-in-Chief (4), Amherst Student; Tennis; Dramatics. Manufacturer. Carter Carburetor Co., 2840 N. Spring Ave.; res. 5825 Clemens Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Josiah Bridges Woods X It '^^ A. B. 1905. Hyde Fifteen and Hyde Six. Ex- ecutive Committee, Amherst Alumnae Assn. of Conn.; State Board of Mass.; Young People's Soc. Christian Endeavor Work, 06-07. Member University Club. Salesman. Y. P. S. C. E.; res. 419 Edgewood St., Hart- ford, Conn. 1906 Frederick Sewall Bale FaK' A. B. 1906 cum laude. Cotillion and Glee Clubs. Kellogg Prize in Oratory (1); Hardy Prize Eight (4) ; Ladd Prize for Original Ora- tion (3); Honor System Committee; Final Honors in Philosophy; South End House: Fel- lowship in Sociology. Member Psi Upsilon and Knickerbocker Country Clubs. Banker. George H. Burr & Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ; res. 166 Engle St., Englewood, N. J. Frederick Rouse Behrends TfK' A. B. 1906; LL. B. 1909 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Football "A," 03. Member University Club. Lawyer. 1110 Wilcox Bldg., Portland; res. R. R. No. 1, (Oswego, Oregon. Clifford Monroe Bishop X i K' (20 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) George Coors Lockhart T n O' Member Colorado Springs Golf, El Paso and Cheyenne Mountain Country Clubs. Rancher. 720 N. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Lacy Marion Love ^ Q T B. S. 1906. Capt. 1st Inf. Regiment, N. G. Mo.; Delegate Mo. State Republican Conven- tion, 12. Member Midwick Country Club; Uni- versity and St. Louis Country Clubs' (St. I.ouis). Retired. 1333 Oakland Ave., Pasadena, Cal. .Albert Henry Mellen (31 State St., Boston, Mass.) luioch Anson More Xeo FbK' Member Racquet, Normandie Golf and Automo bile Clubs. Manufacturer. More Automobile Co., 3005 Locust St.; res. 4943 Laclede Ave., St. Louis, Mo. I9t)6-09J GAMMA CHAPTER 279 l-llisha Gage Sciidder, Jr. YuK' A. B. 1906. Sak's Manager. \V. H. Miner Chocolate Co., Springfield; res. 655 Longmeadow St., Longmeadow, Mass. Gilbert Eliot Semple X n K' Member Normandie Golf Club, ^lanufacturers' Agent. 1515 Pine St.; res. 517 Hamilton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. .\lan Marshall Storke- T c O' d. 1910 Mason Whiting Tyler X ^ o' (Princeton University, Princeton, N. J.) 1907 Roy Whiting Bell Td^S A. B. 1907. Phi Beta Kappa. Agent. Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., Box 71; res. 334 Montgomery St., Syracuse, N. Y. John Alontgomery Hunter F t 'A A. B. 1907. 347 Arch St., Sunbury, Pa. Roland Jewett Jones Yd'-). A. B. 1907. Mgr. Musical Assn. 06-07; Sec. University Club, 15-16. Member St. Louis Country and University Clubs. Brother of Wil- bur Boardman Jones, Gamma' 09. Broker. Smith, Moore & Co., 509 Olive St.; res. 535 Clara Ave., St. Louis, Mo. William Henry Little, Jr. Th% Printer. (Little & Becker Printing Co., 21 S. 9th St., St. Louis, Mo.) John Mather Waller X r A' (58 Channing St., New London, Conn.) Rol)ert Malcom \\"hitelaw 7.s'^ A. B. 1907. Musical Clubs, 06-07. Manufacturer. Whitelaw Brothers Chemical Co., 309 South Wliarf; res. 5381 Berlin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. F.ngene Flewellyn Williams F c A' Member St. Louis Country, Racquet, Noonday and Citv Clubs. Real Estate. Mortgage Trust Co., Broadway and Pine St.; res. 9 Washington Terrace, St. Louis, Mo. Edmund Allan Wyman xf; Salesman. Kutterer-Tansen Printing Co., 806 N. 6th St.; res. 5917 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 1908 George Burns Xg'T A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1910 Univ. of Buffalo. Member University Club. Lawyer. 509 Wilder Bldg.; res. 110 Corwin Rd., Roch- ester, N. Y. Edgar William Connell Xr\i' Wolf and Key. Football. Member Scranton and »Scranton Country Clubs; Engineers' Soc; Am. Legion. Manufacturer. 724 Scranton Life Bldg.; res. 722 Vine St., Scranton, Pa. d. 1911 Fe'A Kenneth Spargo Curby* Harry Willard Davis B. S. 1908. Farmer. Stevensville, Mont. John Oscar Delamater B C '^ B. S. 1908; LL. B. 1911 N. Y. Law School. Member New York Country Lawyers' ; New York Real Estate Owners' and Dutchess County Bar Assns. ; Dutchess County Soc; Psi Upsilon (New York) and Poughkeepsie Tennis Clubs. Lawyer. 76 William St., New York; res. 54 Market St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. George Crawford Elsey X^'t A. B. 1908. 1st Lieut. U. S. Army. Author "Defending the Canal Zone;" "Trails of the To- cumen;" "Mandinga Madrigale." Member Washington and Tivoli (Panama) Clubs. Army Officer. Care of Adjutant General Army, Washingfton, D. C. Howard Carpenter Forbes X t V- Real Estate. Forbes & Co., Inc., 66 Broadway; res. 800 River- side Drive, New York, N. Y. Thomas Clarence Heisey 7 c '\). (90 E. Main St., Newark, Ohio). Chapin Marcus Y r V Capt. Tennis. Member Psi Upsilon and Squad- ron A Clubs. Merchant. 544 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. 280 Upper Mountain Ave., Montclair, N. J. FbM' XdN' James Elwood Smith, Jr. 8 Lenox PI., St. Louis, Mo. Owen Stanard Tilton Member University Club. Manufacturer. Stanard-Tilton Milling Co., Pierce Bldg.; res. 5501 Cabanne Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Henry Newton Young Xd'T See Tau 09 Salesman. Cook's Linoleum Co., 934 Real Estate Trust Bldg.. Philadelphia, Pa.; res. 30 Perdicaris PI., Trenton, N. J. 1909 O.Ncar Whedon Acer Manufacturer. 223 Center St., Medina, N. Y. Asahel Bush A. B. 1909. Farmer. 315 Bellevue St., Salem, Oregon. TsQ' Xlw' 280 GAMMA CHAPTER [1909-10 Harold English Connell X o A' Educator. International Correspondence Schools, 216 Ord- way BIdg., Newark, N. J. Charles Clothier Jones Tw'^a Sunrise Club. Baseball. Member Fourth Street, Psi Upsilon (New York) and Merion Cricket (Haverford) Clubs. Banker and Broker. 112 S. 4th St., Philadelphia; res. 225 Kent Rd., Ardmore, Pa. AVilbur Boardman Jones Y b Q' A. B. 1909; LL. B. 1912 Washington Univ. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi. Editor Stu- dent and Olio; Track. Sec. Board of Free- holders (City Charter Commission), 13-14; Sec. Citizens' Parkway Committee, IS and of City Club, 15-16; Dir., 16. Member St. Louis Bar, Missouri Bar and Am. Bar Assns. ; City, Univer- sity and Country Clubs. Brother of Roland Jewett Jones, Gamma 07. Lawyer. 806 Carleton Bldg.; res. 17 Lenox PI., St. Louis, Mo. Edwin Price Kimbrough X u w' Cotillion Club (Pres.); Archangels. Manufacturer. Water-Light-Ice Co., Greensboro, Ala. Daniel Catlin McCluney X t A*" Member St. Louis Country Club. Broker. 209 S. La Salle St.; res. 65.^ Buena Ave., Chi- cago, 111. Harrison Walker Mellen Tsa' Manufacturer. Hallet & Davis Piano Co., 146 Boylston St., Boston; res. 291 Lake Ave., Newton Highlands, Mass. Francis Foster Powell T 11 Q' B. &'. 1909. Scarab. Mgr. Student; Dra- matics; Debating Team. Pres. Neighborhood Club; Board of Trustees Union Congregational Church; Water Users' Assn.; Bitter Root Fruit- growers' Assn.; Sec. Montana Fruit Distribu- tors. Rancher. University Orchards, R. R. No. 3 Stevensville, Mont. Alfred Hitchcock Snook Xro)-^ Pres. Men's Club of St. Luke's Church. Mem- ber Kalamazoo Country Club. Merchant. Kalamazoo Storage Battery Co., 438 W. Main St.; res. 2352 Midvale Terrace, Kalamazoo, Mich. Herbert Ashton Wyckoff X e A' A. B. 1909. Mgr. Hockey; Tennis; Hockey, 08-09; Capt. Tennis, 09. Member Amherst Alumni Council, 14-16; Chairman Committee on Admissions Psi IJpsilon Club, 15; Member Board Governors, 16; Executive Committee Brooklyn Amherst Alumni Assn., 10-12. Member Psi Upsilon and Pelham Country Clubs. Publisher. Motion Picture News, Inc., 729 Seventh Ave.. New York; res. 302 Monterey Ave., Pelham, N. y. 1910 Woodson Barnhart Bg'B Merchant. 308 E. Bank St.; res. 208 N. Jeffer.son St., Petersburg, Va. Philip Torrey Bennett t];o'B Track. Broker. 172 S. Water St.; res. 1302 \V. Washington St., Jackson, Mich. Joseph Delmonte Cornell (i o '^:' A. B. 1910. Scarab. Hardy Sixteen; Hockey (Capt.) (3), (4); Football; Chairman Honor Committee. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Salesman. 64 W. 107th St., New York, N. Y. Howard Pmckney Corsa ^' d ^' E. M. 1911 Columbia. King's Crown and Notes and Keys (Columbia); Glee Club (2), (3); Leader (3) Columbia; Junior Promenade Committee (3) Columbia; Mgr. Show (4) Co- lumbia. Farmer. Perkasie, Pa. Lewis Arnold Kadie Initiated by the Sigma Paul Adee Fancher 7C D £* A. B. 1910 magna cum laudc ; A. M. 1916 Co lumbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Glee Club. Com niencement Orator; Folger Shakespeare Prize Sec. and Musical Dir. Dramatic Assn.; Instr Fessendeu School, West Newton, Mass., 13-14 St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., 14-15. Educator. Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. John Danielson Howard Initiated by the Sigma Arthur George Keating ^' d ":. M. E. 1910. Member California Club. Mining Engineer. Big Jim Gold Mine Co., Oatman, Ariz.; res. California Club, Los Angeles, Cal. Samuel Edward jNIcAdam Be''*]^ Glee Club; Football. Member Navy League of U. S. .\dvertising. 341 N. 8th St., Lebanon, Pa. Bl'B George Allen Neeves, Jr. LL. B. 1908 Univ. of Mich. Lawyer. 69 W. Washington St.; res. 7612 Eastlake Ter- race, Chicago, 111. Leland Kendrick Xeeves ^I' e '^I' See Phi 10 (1041 Judson Ave., Evanstou, 111.) William Mitchell Palmer, Jr. Fg-^T Merchant. 113 W. Main St.; res. 822 W. Main St., Jack- son, Mich. 1910-12J GAMMA CHAPTER 281 Edward Eri Poor. ]r. M'^ A. B. 1910. Member Yountakah Country, New York Athletic and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Manufacturer. Pa.ssaic Print Works; res. 97 Asgcnsion St., Passaic, N. 1. |(ihn Porter, ]r. I', t '^r B. S. 1910. Freshman KelloRg 15: Senior Hardy 8; Prize Speaking and Debating; Tennis. Teaclicr Fessenden School. Member Newton tV-ntre Squash Tennis Club. Kducator. -'15 Albemarle Rd.. West Newton, Mass. diaries Wesley Turner, Jr. ^I' z ''■^ (li5 Broadway, New York. N. Y.) Lansing Southworth Wetmore ^ o W A. B. 1910. Glee Club. :\rember Universitv Club. Merchant. 20 Main St. W. ; res. 9 Farrington PI., Roches- ter, N. Y. Claude Anthony Wolfe 3 n 'P. Member Psi Upsilon Club. .Agent. 1834 Broadway, New York, N. ^'. ; res. 1701 Diamond St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1911 Charles Plenry Chapman FbT .■\. B. 1911. President and Manager. Mission Quarry Co., 607 First Natl. B.Tnk BIdg., .San Francisco, Cal. William Pitt Shearman Doolittlc 'h c ''b Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Clnb. Warehouseman. I'tica Warehouse Co., Inc., Broad St.; res. 300 Cienesee S't., Utica, N. Y. Allen ITarrv FJirq-ood X d X^ A. B. 1911. Lawyer. 21 S. 8th St.; res. 504 Cumberhind St., Lebanon, Pa. Pinis Plumlev Ernest, Jr. X f 'X See Phi 11 (2933 Bond St., East St. Louis, Til.) Dexter Wright PTewitt P g 'X Theta Nu Epsilon. Member City and .\rdsley (X. Y.) Clubs. See Xi 1 1 Publisher. Black Publishing Co., 470 Fourth Ave., New 'N'ork; res. Irvington, N. Y. Arthur Dunn Patterson Y h X-^ A. B. 1911. Hardy Debate. Trustee Findlay Commerce Club; Prcs. Findlay .Advertising Club; Governing Committee. Military Training Camps Assn. Member Symposium, .Senate and Findlay Country Clubs. Merchant. 418 S. ^^ain St.; res. 848 S. ^Tain St., Findlav, Ohio. Arthur Eugene Pattison B v '3 A, B. 1911; Phi Beta Kappa. Member Psi Up- sil<5n Club. 20 Exchange PI., New York; res. 80 Monroe St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Baker Powell X j T A. B. 1911. Cotillion and Glee Clubs. Monthly Board. Member Country, University and Ad- vertising Clubs. Sales Manager. Sherwin-Williams Co., 601 Canal Rd. ; res. L'niversity Club, Cleveland, Ohio. Joseph Marsh Riker, Jr. X tc 'E Alember Essex, Canoe Brook Coutitry, Essex County Country, Glen Ridge Tennis and Mt. Clair Rifle Clubs. -Manufacturer. 42 Court St.; res. 83 Lincoln Park, Newark, N. j: Broker. 315 N. 4th St.; res. Warwick Court Apts., St. Louis, Mo. P 1 y' Edwin Emerson Stith Wilmer Curtis Sti^i, Jr. Journalist. New York \\'orld. Park Row: res. 358 \\\ 22d St., New York, N. Y. Prederic William Heaton Stott X m 'X A. B. 1911. Instr. in English, Phillips Acad. Educator. Taylor Hall, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Brantley Alexander ^^'eathers, Jr. ' i - A. B. 1911; LL. B. 1915 Columbia. Member Psi L"psilon Club. Lawyer. 71 Broadwav; res. 118 W. 73d St., New York, N. Y. 1912 William Cutler Atwater, Jr. .^ h '9 LL. B. 1916 New York Law School. Lawyer. 100 William St.; res. 525 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Wilbur Farnham Burt B e "$ Student. (141 Milton St., Brooklyn, X. Y.) George Henry Fitts (p s A*" .Student. (725 Fifteenth .Ave. W.. Calgary. Alberta, Canada). .\^■ery Chapman I land ^F t '5 Member Westbrook Country and Our Clubs. .Salesman. Tracy & .Avcrv Co.; res. 37 .Sturgcs Ave., Mans- field, Ohio. Frank Denver Mulvihill Sbd" Member Psi L^psilon (Xew York) Club. Salesman. Austin, Xichols &• Co., Kent Ave. and 3d St.; res. 1341 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. L 282 GAMMA CHAPTER [1912-14 Devvitt Hoag Parsons Sphinx Club. Member Bingham- A. B. 19K ton Club. Cashier. International Time Recording Co., North St., Endicott; res. 19 Murray St., Binghamton, N. Y. Ralph Kay Sayward Initiated by the Kappa Harold Grey Storke (!;n'A Electrical Engineer. 122 Genesee St.; res. 195 E. Genesee St., Au- burn, N. Y. Merritt Corbett Stuart ¥ c 'a B. S. 1912. Scarab; Cotillion Club. Vice- Pres. Y. M. C. A. (3); Pres. (4); Honor Sys tern Committee (3), (4). Clerk. Corbett & Stuart, Corbett, N. Y. Karl Osborn Thompson ^ h A'' Bottler and Truck Grower. Key West, Fla. 1913 Chauncey Benedict T z'Y A. B. 1913. (141 Milton St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) Harold McMillan Bixby Xt'e B. S. 1913. Scarab. Member St. Louis Coun- try Club. Clerk. Union Sand & Material Co., International Life Bldg. ; res. 5391 Berlin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Wayland Hoyt Brown Xs^E B. S. 1913. Member University Club. Manufacturer. Vacuum Creamery Products Co., 214 N. 6th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Russell Farley Chapin Y r £ Member Greenfield and Greenfield Country Clubs. Manufacturer. Millers Falls Paper Co., Millers Falls; res. 41 Congress St., Greenfield, Mass. Bartholomew Joseph Connolly, Jr. Kh-^i; -H. B. 1913. Sphinx and Scarab. Football (Capt.); Capt. Relay Team. Real Estate. 93 Dale St., Roxbury, Mass. Horatio Gates Glen, Jr. A. B. 1913. Law Student. 62 Parker Bldg.; res. 48 Wendell Ave., tady, N. Y. Elisha Harris Howard, Jr. Xp'u Schenec- Tm'E Member Agawam Hunt Club. Insurance. 32 Westminster St.; res. 208 Governor St,, Providence, R. I. Edward Chevalier Knudson T 1 ""T A. B. 1913. Forum. Member Psi Upsilon Club; Amherst Assn. (New York), Amherst Assn. (Brooklyn), Telephone Soc. and Brook- lyn Y. M. C. A. Clerk. _ New York Telephone Co., IS Dey St., New York: res. 1121 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Harold Hutchinson Lamberton* 7 k 'j d. 1915 I II Looniis Murray X li 'E LL. B. 1913 Syracuse. TlKta Xu Epsilon. Tax Examiner S'tate Corporation. Tax Dept. Member Bar Assn.; Citizens', Licilerkraiiz and Republican Clubs. See Pi 13 Lawyer. 348 Fellows Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. I'hilbin Raymond Orr (16 E. 92d St., New York, N. Y.) DeGrimm Renfro r f 'E d'j Oil Producer. Franklin, Pa. Albert Louis Stirn X^^' A. B. 1913. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) and Richmond County Country Clubs. Merchant. L. & E. Stirn, 117 Madison Ave., New York; res. 79 Howard Ave., Stapleton, N. Y. James Addison Tilden, Jr. F b 'T B. S. 1913. Kappa Beta Phi; Cotillion, Mando- lin and Glee Clubs. Baseball. Member Boston City Club. .Salesman. llayden. Stone & Co., 87 Milk St., Boston; res. 66 Beacon St., Hyde Park, Mass. Hunt Warner v z 'j A. B. 1913. Glee Club. Football and Track. 13. Member Executive Committee Conn. Val- ley Alumni Assn. and Hampshire County Com- mittee for National Defense. Member North- ampton and Northampton Country Clubs. Real E.state and Insurance. 150 Main St.; res. 16 Green St., Northampton, Mass. 1914 Roland Hill Boutwell, 2d P m 'I Merchant. 493 Rutherford Ave., Charlestown : res. 19 Harvard St., Somerville, Mass. James Edmund Bronk (l;y'Z B. S. 1914. Sphinx Club. Amherst Four Leaf Clover. .Salesman. Hornblower & Weeks, 42 Broadway, New York; res. 27 Division St., Amsterdam, N. Y. Wr'- Donald Howlett Brown A. B. 1914. Salesman. Wells Dickey Co., McKnight Bldg.; res Portland Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 2832 Kenneth Buffington Bp'C A. B. 1914. Sphinx. Student. ISSl Frick Annex, Pittsburgli; res. Keystone Bldg., Kittanning, Pa. Robert Neil Cowham 3 ff 'T 246 A\'iler, (iamma 86. f)64 State St.. Portsmouth, N. H. Eewis Thomas Orladv Student. KS Third Ave., Jame: Waldo Elliott Pratt Student. 51 Abbott Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Eeonard Morton Prince Student. 59 E. Division St., Chicago, 111. Clarence Leon Stanton* Lucius Ellsworth Thayer 1918-201 GAMMA CHAPTER 285 ^ io[ourne\- Thayer t|; g ''y, I Bradbury Bedell Alurse m ■^A Honorable Mention in Greek (1); Kellogg Fif- teen; Track, 15; Monthly Board. St. .Mark's School, Southboro, Mass. Morris Ilolliday Williams B r 'O Kellogg Fifteen (1). J2S Woodland Ave.. Columbu.s, Ohio. Charles Sillinian Wright Student. (Cerrdo, \\'. Va.) 1919 Merrill Anderson Student. Center St., E.xcter, N. H. Aaron Bodenhorn Student. 1794 63d St., t^lcveland, Ohio. ;iy o 7 c A Oliver Griswold Boynton F f ""S Student. Upper Longfield, Bristol, R. I. Herman Duane Brown, Jr. Y g S Student. 3601 Jackson St., Sioux City, Iowa. John Jonas Chester, Jr. Initiated by the Iota Robert Johnston Davis Xh-^^ Tennis. Student. 301 Upjier Mountain Ave., Uppp'- .Montclair, N. J. James Henry Ehvell Son of Levi Harry Ehvell, Gamma 75. Student. 5 Lincoln Ave., Amherst, Mass. 7 J 'A William Raymond Gillies V k 'X Student. 114 Cedar Hill Ave., Nyack, N. Y. Leavitt llallock Y 1 0. Student. 2060 Cornell Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Burr Howe X m ""S Student. Berlin, Wis. Willis Hamilton McAllister -/ p 'A Student. 205 \\'oodland Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Alexander McGregor, Jr. 1 q q Mandolin Club. Student. Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, Colo. Frederick EH Mygatt, Jr. v r ^E Student. 717 W. 8th St., Plainfield, N. J. Richard Bowdoin Neiley X y ""A Student. 5 Wolcott Rd., Winchester, Mass. Carl Harrison Patton B S 'M Student. 101 Twelfth St., Columbus Ohio. David Shriver Soliday 7 g ""^ Student. 237 Frederick St., Hanover, Pa. Henrv Dowling Whitcomb T z 7, Student. 6 Harvard St., Worcester, Mass. 1920 Cyril Burrel Arnold Student. 399 Mountain Ave., Upper ]\Iontclair, N. J Student. Beach Bluff, Mass. John Logan Briggs Student. Upper Nyack, N. Y. Augustus David Cloyd Student. S. 31st St., Omaha, Nebr. Alexander Lucien Dade Student. 805 Ninth St., Dou Ordway Furbish Student. 67 Church St., Wi John Van Etten Kilby Student. 26 S. Broadway, Nyack, N. Y. Frank Gilbert McNamara Student. 67 Marlboro St., Newton, Mass. Donald Irving Perry Student. E. Hight St., Newbury, Mass. Edward Markly Schellenger Student. Bent Rd., Wyncote, Pa. Edward Barhight Wright Student. 1669 E. 115th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Student. 805 Ninth St., Douglas, Ariz. Student. 67 Church St., Winchester, Mass. N. J. ^ r ^M W h 'M p^k-^M ^s'N \Ff'N W c 'N W t 'N Tb'N ZETA CHAPTER FOUNDED MAY 10. 1842 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE HAXOXT.R. NEW HAMPSHIRE 1841 Henry Elijah Parker* .];A' A. B. 1841; A. M. 1844; D. D. 1878; B. D. 1847 Union Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Salutatory. Teacher Select School, New- town, N. Y., 41-42; Hopkins Grammar School, Hartford, Conn., 42-43; Tutor, Dartmouth Coll., 43-44; Pastor, Eastport, Maine, 47-50; Concord, N. H., 50-66; Prof, of Latin Language and Lit- erature, Dartmouth Coll., 66-91; Prof. Emeritus, 91-96; Chaplain 2d Inf. Regiment. N. H., Vols., 61-62; Member N. H. Constitutional Conven- tion, 76-77. Author Psi Upsilon Songs "The Tribute of S'ong;" "In Memoriam." Father of Henry Horatio Parker, Zeta 82. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1896 1842 Amos Tappan Akerman* ero A. B. 1842. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member; Instr. Murfreesborough, N. C, 42-43; Ports- mouth, N. H., 43-44; Bath, Ga., 44-46; Ord- nance Officer 4th Inf. Regiment, State Guard, 63-64; Asst. Quartermaster, 64-65; Member Con- stitutional Convention of Ga., and Chairman Committee on Judiciary, 67; U. S. Dist. Atty., Ga., 69-70; Atty. General U. S. under President Grant, 70-72. Lawyer. d. 1880 George Bradley Barrows* p Ao A. B. 1842. Charter Member; Senator State of Maine, 60-64; Pres. Maine Senate, 64; Supt. State Reform School, Cape Elizabeth, 65-67; Member State Board Agriculture, 70-75. Lawyer. ■ d. 1904 Lincoln Flagg- Brigham* S y. A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845; LL. D. 1883; LL. B. 1844 Harvard and LL. D. 1886. Phi Beta Kap- pa. Charter Member; Dist. Atty. Southern Dist. Mass., 54-59; Assoc. Justice, Superior Court Mass., 59-69; Chief Justice, 69-90. Assoc. Founder of the Kappa. Lawyer. d. 1905 0SO A. B. 1842; Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Mem- ber; Principal of Schools, Westmoreland, N. H., 42-43; Acad., Concord, 43-45; Schools at Upperville, Va., 46-49; Eldorado, .\rk. 49-52 and Marion, La., 52-55. Educator. d. 1855 Aaron Day* Caleb Emery* A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845. Phi Beta Charter Member: Principal Private Nashua, N. H., 44-46; Pinkerton Acad., N. H., 46-48; Head Master High pTy. Kappa. School Derry, School, Charlestown, Mass., 48-50; Sub-Master Latin School, Boston, 50-55; Principal Private School for Young Ladies, Boston, 55-63; Head Master High School, Charlestown, 63-85. Educator. d. 1897 A K A. B. 1842; LL. B. 1844 Harvard. Charter Member; Master Latin School, Boston, 42. Lawyer. d. 1862 Owen Glendour Peabody* William Gilman Perry' John Sewall Sanborn* A. B.'1842; M. D. 1847 Columbia Coll. Char- ter M'ember; U. S. Examining Surg, for Pen- sions, 61; Trustee N. H. Asylum for Insane, 64. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1910 PAK A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845; LL. D. 1874; A. M. 1855, ad eundem; D. C. L. 1873 Bishop's Coll., Canada. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member; Principal Sherbrooke Acad., 42-46; Member Canadian Parliament, 50-58; Legislative Coun- cil, Wellington. 63-67; Senator, Dominion of Canada, 67-72; Judge Superior Court of Canada, 72-7 i; Judge Court of Queen's Bench, 7i-77. Lawyer. . d. 1877 John Eugene Tyler* 0SK A. B. 1842; M. D. 1846; M. D. 1846 Univ. of Pa. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member; Mem- ber Legislature, 48-50; Supt. N. H. Asylum for Insane, 52-57; McLean Asylum for Insane, Somerville, Mass., 57-76; Fellow Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences; Prof, of Mental Diseases, Harvard, 71-78. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1878 Clement Adams Walker'' 0A A. B. 1842; M. D. 1850 Harvard, Phi Beta Kap- pa. Charter Member; Asst. Supt. Deer Island Hosp., 49-51; Supt. Asylum and Phys., South Boston City Institution, 51-83. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1883 George W^alker* OAo A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845; LL. B. 1845 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member; Senator State of Mass., 5S-59: Bank Commissioner Mass., 60-64; Special Agent U. S. Treasury Dept. in Europe, 65; Member Mass. Legislature. 68; Special Commissioner U. S. to Europe on Monetary questions, 79; L'. S. Consul General, Paris, France. 80-87. Lawyer. d. 1888 Abner Spice r Warner* •oAK A. B. 1842; M. D. 1848. Charter Member; Principal Acad., New Ipswich, N. H., 42-44; Village School. Newport. N. H., 44-46; Surg. 16th Inf. Regiment Conn. Vols., 62-63 ;Phys. Conn. State Prison, 48; Member Conn. Leg- islature, 78. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1900 286 1842-43] ZETA CHAPTER 287 Moses Hazen White* 2$o A. B. 1842. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter ^lem- ber; Instr. Lancaster, N. H., 12; Major 22d Inf. Regiment Ohio Vols., 60-65; Librarian and Supt. Young Glen's Mercantile Library Assn., Cincinnati, oS-78. Educator. d. 1878 John Smith Woodman* OAK A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member: Teacher, Charleston, S. C, 42-46; Prof, of Mathematics Chandler Scientific School, Dartmouth Coll., 51-55; Prof, of Civil Engineering, 55-70; Prof. Emeritus, 70-71. Educator. d. 187J. 1843 fJradbury Poor Cilley''' HRK A. B. 1843. Alderman, Manchester, 57; Colo- nel and Member Staff of General Ichabod Coodwin, 59, Capt. Amoskeag Veterans; Post- master Manchester, 67-71; Member Constitu- tional Convention, X. H., 76. Lawver. d. 1892 Lorenzo Clay r* ■n Jy- A. B. 1843. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres. Common Council, Gardiner, 54-56; City Solicitor, 54-56, 59-61, 64-65 and 70-72; .Alderman, 56-58: Acting Mayor, 57; Member Maine Legislature, 63-65; Senator State of Maine, 74-76; State Atty., Kennebec County, 65-68. Father of Charles Marsh Clay, Zeta 60. Lawyer. d. 1890 George Danforth Colony* S F y. A. B. 1843; M. D. 1846 Univ. Pa. Phi Beta Kappa. Supt. Public Instruction, Fitchburg; Fellow Worcester North Med. Soc. Phvsician and Surgeon. d. 1898 William Dickinson* H A° E, A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846: M. D. 1851 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal Union Sem., Spring Hill, Tenn., 44-47; Supt. Schools, Jackson, 49-50; Surg. U. S. Army, in charge of General Hosp., Benton Barracks, St. Louis, 61-62; Brigade Surg., 62; Supt. IJ. S. Eye and Ear Infirmary, St. Louis, and U. S. General Hosp., Rolla, Mo., 63-64; Special Duty Surg., 64-65; Prof, of Ophthalmology, Coll. for Medical Practitioners, S2-83; Lecturer on Ophthalmology, Missouri .State Univ., 82-84; Member Board of Educa- tion. Taunton, Mass.. 53-54; Board of Educa- tion, r>oston, 58. Member Am. Med. Assn., Missouri State Med. .Assn. and .St. Louis Med. Soc. Oculist. d. 1894 Francis Skinner Fiske'' A. B. 1843; LL. B. 1846 Harvard. Lieut. Colonel 2d Inf. Regiment N. H. Vols., 61-62; Brevet Colonel; Lieut. -Colonel Commanding 26th Inf. Regiment Pa. Vols., 62; Brevet Briga- dier General: Depiitv and Bankruiitcv C'erk U. S. Dist. Court, Dist. of Mass., 75; Member N. H. Legislature, 57-58. Lawyer. d. 1907 James Fletcher* 7 F /. A. B. 1843; B. D. 1846 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Acting Pastor, Kingston, N.- IT., 46-48: Pastor, 3d Congregation.il Church, Danvers, 49-64; Teacher, Acton. N. H.. 64-66; Principal Holton High .School. Danvers, Mass., 66-71: Lawrence Acad., Gro- ton, 71-78; Burr and Burton Sem., Manchester, Vt., 78; Member Board of Education, Danvers, Mass., 49-64. Educator. d. 1893 Daniel Little Furber* riQy, A. B. 1843; D. D., 1874 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi .'Beta Kappa. Pres. Dartmouth Handel Soc, 42-43; A- ouv.., -f--tj. Resident Licentiate .-i • <-i Theol. Sem., 46-47; Pastor, Newton Centre, 47-82; Pastor Emeritus since 88; CorporatL Member Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions; Member Board of Publication Mass. Sunday School Soc; Member U. S. Chris- tian Commission. 65. Co-Author "Hymns and Choirs;" "Religion and Education in a Repub- lic — a Serman Before the Governor and Leg- islature of Massachusetts." Clergyman. d. 1899 Edward Addison Lawrence* H A° E^ A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Public School, 43-44: Principal Ap- pleton Acad., New Ipswich, N. H., 44-51; High Schools. Naugatuck and Stamford, Conn., 51- 55; Principal Luzerne Inst., \\'yomin.e. Pa.. 56- 59; High School and City Supt., Scranton, 59-62; Principal Grammar School, Brooklyn, N. Y.. 62-65; .Academic and Collegiate School • for Boys, 65-66. Educator and Publisher. d. 1911 Ezra Newton, Jr.* 'Yo A. B. 1843. Phi Beta Kappa. Acting Pastor, Dighton, Mass., 46-47; Acting Pastor, Dighton, Mass., 53-55; Quincy, 111., 55; Belle Prairie and Little Falls, Minn., 55-60; High Forest, 60-61; Pastor, Shutesbury, 47-50; Principal Public School. Rockville, 50-51; Agent N. H. Bible Soc, Rockingham County, N. H., 51-52; Instr. Acad., South Hampton, N. H., 52-53; Pastor, Preston. 63-65; Principal Public School, 77-78 and 80-81. Member .\m. Home Missionary, Am. Tract, Am. Bible and Morrison County (Alinn.) Bible Socs. Clergyman. d. 1897 Henry Swain Parker* a L o A. B. 1843. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher. Derrv, N. H., 43-44: Instr. Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N. H., 46-48; Wavland. Mass., 48-49; Greenville, Conn., 49-51; Principal Boys' Boarding and Day School, Thompson, 51-62. Farmer. d. 1899 John Newton Putnam* SVK A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846; B. D. 184V .\ndover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. in .Schools, Newport, R. I., 43-44; Acad.. Leicester, Mass.. 45-47; Prof, of Greek Language and Literature. Dartmouth Coll., 49-63. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1863 Enoch Putney Rowell* rjRK A. B. 1843 post obit. Pres. Dartmouth Han- del Soc, 42. d. 1843 SOK Edward Fav Sherman* A. B. 1843. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal Acad. Pittsfield, N. H., 43-44; Lowell, Mass., 44-45; Instr., Bordentown, N. J., 45; Princeton, 45- 46; Member Mass. Legislature, 62 and 67; Al- derman, Lowell, 70; Mayor, 71; Member Board of Education. Lawyer. d. 1872 Tt S V. A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal Franklin Acad., Dover, N. H., 43-45; Clerk of Courts, .Strafford Count v. N. H 56- 60; Prof, of Mathematics, Dartmouth Coll., 60-63: Postmaster, Dover, 65-69; City Solicitor and Special Police Justice, 76-82; Register of Probate, Strafford County, N. H., 70-74 and John Riley \'arney* 288 ZETA CHAPTER [1843-45 76-80; Member Board of Education, 76-82. Lawyer and Educator. d. 188j Charles Williams'^' o S /, A. B. 1843. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr., Canton, N. Y., 43-44; Jamestown, 44-47. Lawyer. . d. 1872 1844 Charles Henry Bell* T3K A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847; LL. D. 1881. Phi Beta Kappa. Asst. Sec. Con.stitutional Con- vention, SO-Sl; Solicitor, County of Rocking- ham, .'56-66, and 78; Member N. H. Legislature, .S8-61; Speaker of the House, 60-61; Senator State of N. H., 63-65 and Pres. Senate, 64-65: Member N. H. Legislature, 72-74; Senator of U. S., 79; Governor State of N. H. 81-83; Member and Pres. Constitutional Convention, N. H., 89; Pres. New Hamiishirc Historical Soc, 68. Author "Address on the 150th Anniversary of the Settlement of Londonderry;" "Dedication Discourse before the New England Historic- Genealogical Society;" "Semi-Centennial Ad- dress before the New Hampshire Historical Society" and "John Wheelwright, the Founder of Exeter." IMember Antii|uarian Soc; Massa- chusetts Historical Soc. Lawver. d. 1893 ^lellen Chamberlaiiv'"' Z§K A. B. 1844; LL. D. 1885; LL. B. 1848 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Dartmouth, 43-44. Principal High School, Brattleboro, Vt., 44-47; Librarian Harvard Law School, 47-49: Justice ^Municipal Court, Boston, 66-78; Chief Justice, 76-78; Librarian Boston Public Library. 78; Vice-Pres, Library Assn., 87; Member Board of Education; City Solicitor, Boston, 57-63; Alderman, 57: Member Mass. Legislature and of Special Committee on Revision of the Statutes, 58-60; Senator State of Mass., 63-65. Author "John Adams, the Statesman of the American Revolution;" "Daniel Webster as an Orator;" "The Authenticity of the Declaration of Independence;" ".Address at the Dedication of Wilson Hall CDartmoutli College Library:") "Samuel ^lavcrick's Palisade House;" "A Re- view of jMcMaster's History." Member Royal .\cad. of Northern Antiquaries. Copenhagen: Massachusetts Historical Soc, N, Y. and Penn- sylvania Historical Soc. Lawyer and Librarian. d. 1900 Edward Warren Clark* ZyjK A. B. 1844; A. :M. 1847; B. D. 1847 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor Be- thesda Church, Reading, Mass., 49-53; Auburn- dale, 55-61; Chaplain Mass. Senate, 62-63; 47th Inf. Regiment ^fass. Vols.. 63-64: Pastor Clare- mont, N. H., 64-70; Trustee Warren Acad.. Woburn, Mass., 56-60: Meriden Classical Acad., N. H., 65-70; Member Board of Education, Newton, 60-63; Overseer Harvard Coll., 63-69. Author ".Sermon on the Death of Harriet B. Williams at Mosul, Turkey." l\rember New England Historical and Genealop'ical Socs. Father of Frank Edward Clark, Zeta 73. Clergyman. d. 1903 John Hatch George* i^ w ■/. A. B 1875; .\. M. 1859 honoris cuiisii. Solic-i tor, Merrimack County, N. H., 49-56; U. S .\tty., N. H.. 53-58: Member N. H. Legislature: Trustee, N. H. Asylum for Insane, 78. Father of John Paul George, Zeta 78 and Benjamin Pierce George, Zeta 84. Lawyer. d. 1888 Amos Hadley* Txo A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847; Ph. D. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Oration, 44. Principal High School, Dunbarton, N. H., 44-46; Princi- pal High School. Manchester, N. H., 48-51: State Supt. Public Instruction, 67-69; Assoc. Principal N. H. State Normal School, 71-73; Chief Board of Instruction and Prof, of Lan- guages and Belles Lettres at Penacook Normal Acad., 75-77; Member N. H. Legislature, 49-51; Brigade and Division Quartermaster, N. G. N. H,. 47-50; Trustee Concord Public Library, 55-72; State Normal School. 70-72 and State Library, 85; Member Board of Education, Concord, 68- 74; Sec. New Hampshire Historical Soc, 53-57; Pres. 93-95; \'ice-I'res. .\m. Inst, of Instruction, 85. .\uthor '"Ivarly History of Dunbarton;" "Hadley's Lavv Reports:" "Reports of the State . Superintendent of Public Instruction;" "Poor's Brigade — an Address at the Centennial of the P>attle of Newtown. N. Y.:" "Horace Mann — His Life and Example:" "In Memory of Grant." Member New Hanu'shirc Anti(|uarian. New England Historic-Genealiigical and Webster Historical Socs.: .\p|)alachian Club. Educator. d. 1908 Harvey Jewell* Zx/, A. B. 1844; LL. D. 1875; LL. D. 1880 ad cundcm \\'illiams Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Mem- ber Common Council, Boston, 51-53; Mass. Legislature, 61-63 and 66-72; Chairman Judi- ciary Committee of the House, 68-69; Speaker of the House, 68-72; Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims, 75-77; Orator Convention of 48. Lawyer. d. 1881 Joshua Rich Lothrop* 9 S o A. B. 1844; M. D. 1852 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Lecturer on Materia Medica and Medical Jurisprudence in Buffalo Med. Coll., 62-69. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1869 John Morse Ordway* -r (]; o A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847. Phi Beta Kappa. Prof, of Chemistry and Physics, Grand River Coll., Mo., 51-55; Supt. Public Schools, Grundy County. ^lo., 54-55; Prof, of Industrial Chem- istry and Metallurgy, >Iass. Inst, of Tech., 69- 84; Prof, of Chemistry and Biology, Tulane Univ.. 84-97; Fellow Am. Acad, of the Arts and Sciences. .Member Am. Assn. Advancement of Science and New Orleans Acad, of Science. Educator. d. 1909 Charles Edward Partridge* Z

t X' A. B. 1850; LL. B. 1852 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Member Mass. Legislature. 57, 71-74; U. S. Dist. Atty. Wis., 61-68; Commissioner to procure Memorial Statues for the Memorial Hall of Congress. Senator State of Mass., 76-80. and Pres. 77-79. Lawyer. d. 1889 Richard Hayes* A. B. 1850. Commencement Orator. Princi- pal Acad., Pittsfield, N. H., 51-54; Asst. St. Louis Normal School. 61-62; Prof, of Mathe- matics and Physics St. Louis High School. 62: Lecturer on Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene. Member St. Louis .\ca(l. of Science and Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science. Educator. d. 1894 Az°r A. B. 1850; A. M. 1853: LL. D. 1885; LL. B. 1852 Harvard; M. V). 1859 Nationa' Med. Coll.: LL. D. 1870 Trinity Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence National Med. Coll. and Law School of Columbia Coll., 59-60: Law School Columbian Coll., 65-73; Prof. Columbia Coll., 60-97; Univ. Vt., 65-73; Med. Dept. Dartmouth Coll., 64; Law School, Boston Univ., 72-92; Prof. Med. Jurisprudence Emeritus. Univ. Vt.. 73-93; Columbia Univ., 00-08; Orator New York .\cad. Medicine, 76: Commencement Orator Med. Dept. Univ. Vt. and National Med. Coll.; Appointed by Presi- dent Lincoln Surg, to Board of Enrollment First Congregational Dist. of New York, 63; State Commissioner in Lunacy, 73-82; Ap- pointed to codify and Revise the Lunacv Statutes of New York. 74. Author Psi Upsi- lon Song, "Ode to Psi Upsilon;" "Hints on Health in Armies;" "Manual for Military Sur- geons on the Examination of Recruits and Dis- charge of Soldiers;" "A Metrical Translation of the Code of Health of the School of Saler- num; "The Jurisprudence of Medicine in its Relations to the Law of Contracts, Torts and Evidence;" "Commentaries on the Lunacy Laws of the State of New York;" "Centennial Ode of Dartmouth College." Member Medico- Legal Soc. of Paris. Lawyer. d. 1908 John Ordronaux* W'illiam Alexander Read • A. B. 1850. Capitalist. (695 County St. Alfred Russell* ^'jV New Bedfonl, 'Mass.') AtcT a. b. 1850; a. m. 1853; ll. d. 1891; ll. b. 1852 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Commence- ment Orator. 2d Prize Harvard Law School, 51. v. S. Dist. Atty. Dist. of Mich., 61-69. Author "Some Effects of the Growth of Cities on Our Political System." Member New York Historical Soc. and Webster Historical Soc. of Boston. Lawyer. d. 1906 292 ZETA CHAPTER [1851-52 1851 Edward Aikeir'' Tp?- A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; B. D. 1855 Andover Theol. Sem.; M. . D. 1861 Yale. Phi Beta Kappa. Asst. Principal Seni.. Castleton, \'t., 53-54; Missionary Congregational Church at Hans. Beirut and Kefr Shinia, Syria, 55-58; Prof, of Materia Medica and Therapeutics New England Female Med. Coll., Boston, Mass., 64- 72; Supt. School Committee, Amher.st, 66-70; Sec. Am. Tachygraphic Assn., 78-79; Dir. for N. H. Short Hand Introduction Soc, 86. .\uthor "Address on the Laying of the Corner, stone of the New England Female Medical Col- lege." Member Am. Library Assn., Spelling Reform Assn. and New Hampshire Historical Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1890 George Bell* A. B. 1851. Brother of John Dana Lawyer. John Bell, Zeta Bell, Zeta 87. BxA' uncle ot William Henry Burleigh* d. 1864 A. B. 1851; M. D. 1854 Bowdoin. Asst. Phys. to Asylum, Blackwell's Island. New York City. 54-55. Poet of Convention 55. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1872 Richard Baxter Foster* xRs- A. B. 1867; D. D. 1893 Howard Univ. Teach- er, Mendon, HI., 50-51; Waver'ey, 51-53: Private 1st Inf. Regiment Nebr. Vols., 62; 1st Lieut. 62d (Colored) Inf. Regiment U. S. Vols, and Acting Adjutant, 62-66; Brevet Capt.; Founder of Lincoln Inst., Jefferson City, Mo., 66 and Principal, 66-72; Pastor, Osborne, Kans., 72-82; Red Cliff, Colo.. 82-84; Milford. Kans., 84; Postmaster in Iowa; Supt. Public Schools, Eagle County, Colo., 83-84. Author "Historical .Sketch of Lincoln Institute."' Clergyman. d. 1901 K T e" Milo Walbridge Grow* A. B. 1851. Teacher, Albany, Major 5th Inf. Regiment of (ia. Vols., 61-63; Colonel, 63-64. Teacher. John Sabin Pierce Ga., (C. 54-61. S. A.) d. 1864 Xt];A' .\. B. 1851; A. M. 1854. Teacher, Strafford, Vt., 51; Shepardstown, Va., 51-61; Sec. Quar- termaster's Dept.. Stonewall's Brigade (C. S. A.), 61-65. Broker (retired). Walcott Ave., Mt. Washington, Md. Benjamin Franklin Ray* re?' A. B. 1851; B. D. 1855 Andover Theol. Sem. Teacher, Litchfield, Conn., 55-56. Pastor, Mclndoe's Falls, Vt., 56-59; Hartford, 60-70; New Ipswich, N. H., 70-72. Clergyman. d. 1872 Henry Edmund Sawyer" r?9' A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal Acad., Francestown, N. H., 51-54; High School, Great Falls, 54-57; High School, Concord, 57-65; Supt. of Schools, Middletown. Conn., 65-78; Assoc. Principal State Normal School, New Britain. 78-85; Principal Mt. Hermon Boys' School, Mt. Hermon, Mass., 85: Prof, of Biblical and Ethical Science, Tougaino Univ., 92-95; Sec. Am. Inst. Instruction, 78. Member New Hampshire Historical .Soc. Educator. d. 1906 Henry W'illard* XS$' A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; B. U. 1856 Princeton Theol. Sem. and 1858 Andover. Principal Orange County Grammar School, Randolph, \'t.. 52-53; Pastor. MonroeviUe. Ohio, 58-59; Zumbrota, Minn., 59-63; Plain view, 63-80; Mantorville, 81-84; Crystal Lake, 111., 84-85. Clergyman. d. 1904 1852 [ohn Bell* A^£ A. B. 1852; M. D. 1854 Univ. of Pa. Asst. Surg. 6th Regiment U. S. Cavalry, 61-62; Surg., 62-65; Surg, in Charge ("icneral Hosii., .\nnapolis Junction, Md., 65; Port Jefferson, Fla,, 65-67. Brother of George Bell. Zeta 51 and father of John Dana Bell, Zeta 87. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1883 John H Buttrick* A. B. 1852. Phi Beta Kappa. Banker. Tames Starrett Durant* i Y 'J d. 1902 A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855; M. D. 1855. Princi- pal Phillips Acad., Danville, Vt., 55-58. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1892 Theodore French* $pE' A. B. 1852; A. :M. 1855. Phi Beta Kappa. Lawyer. d. 1860 ( )liver Holmes Gould* J^ D a" A. B. 1852. Civil Engineer. d. 1859 George Addison TTunt* A <}j V A. B. 1852. Phi Beta Kappa. Citv Attv.. Quincv, 59-60. Lawyer. d. 1867 r^eonard Horace Lee* $ x li A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855. Phi Beta Kappa, f'lerk in office of Treas. of New York. 54-6(K Brother of Edward Eugene Lee, Lambda 56. Clerk. d. I860 Frederick Vose Marcy* 8 x s A. B. 1852. Phi Beta Kai)pa. Instr.. To Grange, Ga., 52-55; Citv -Xttv. Quincv, 60-61; County Atty., 67-69. Lawyer. d. 1884 Benjamin Swan Marsh* A. B. 1852; A. ! Lawyer. Irving Morse* A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855. Lawyer. Phi Beta Kappa. d. 1861 9 X 'J pa. d. 1861 A TC 5 Insurance. Edwin Pierce* S^E" A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855. Phi Beta Kappa. Tnstr. in Clas-^ics Seneca Collegiate Inst., Ovid, N. Y,. 52-56; Prof, of Langua^rp.. Y'-i'-iw Springs Coll., Des Moines, Iowa, 56 63: Prin- cipal Pavonia Grammar School, Jersey City, N. T . 63-72: High School, Cleveland, Ohio, 73-75; Gushing Acad., -\shburnhani, Mass., 75-79. Educator. d. 1912 $ U £ Phi Beta d. 1857 Frederick Augustus Smith* A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855; M. D. 1855. Kappa. Physician and .Surgeon. 1852-541 ZETA CHAPTER 293 I^nathan Ellsworth Strong" 9 a 6 A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855; D. D. 1883; B. D. 1855 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor, Soutli Natick, Mass., 55-66; W'altham, 66-78; Minister and Editorial Sec. Emeritus .\m. Board of CongreRational Foreign Missions. Trustee Armenia Coll., 78. Brother of William Chamberlain Strone, Zeta 45. Clergyman. d. 1914 1853 Charles Sullivan Blood* (0 I, Corporal, 7th Inf. Regiment Enrolled Mo. Militia, 61-62; Sergeant, 62; 1st Lieut., 62-64. Banker. d. 1867 Clarence Linden Burnet* 9 Tf] T A. B. 1853; LL. B. 1858 Albany Law School. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. in School, Staten Island., X. Y.. 53-54; Berkshire, N. Y., 54-55; Acad., Warwick, 55-56. Paymaster U. S. Xavy, 62-65. Lawyer. d. 1883 Horatio Nelson Burton* 9>.C .^. B. 1853; D. D. 1875; B. D. 1856 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor, New- bury, Vt., 57-69; Sandusky, Ohio, 69-76; Ply- mouth Church, Kalamazoo, Mich., 76-80; Syca- more. 111. 80-85; I'nion City, Mich. 85; Dele- gate to National Council of Congregational Churches, 77. Clergyman. d. 1893 Henry Fairbanks 9 [JL Z' A. B. 1853; A. M. 1856; Ph. D. 1880; B. D. 1857 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. I'astor. Burke. \'t., 57-59; Barnet. 59; Apple- ton Prof, of Natural Philosophy, Dartmouth, 59- 65; Natural History, 65-68; Trustee Dartmouth Coll., 70-96; Pres. Board of Trustees, St. .lohnsbury .\cad. Member National and Inter- national Congregational Councils; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science. Inventor and Manufacturer. 24 Western Ave., St. Johnsbury, Vt. Henry \\'oodbury Moore* 9 u T .\. B. 1853; M. D. 1856 S. C. Med. Coll. Asst. Surg, in Confederate .\rmy, 61-65. Principal High School. Morven. Ga., 11; Pres. Blue House Democratic Club, 77. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1902 Henr}- Elijah Stanton * ApC" A. B. 1853. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal High School, Petersburgh, \'a., 54-55; Prof, of Lan- guages and Mathematics, Leavenworth Col- legiate Inst., Petersburgh, 55-56. Educator. d. 1856 Francis Cummins Statham* K 13 6' A. B. 1853; B. D. 1856 Princeton Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Missionary, Presbyterian Church, Bellevue, Cia. and Ocala, Fla., 56-58: Missionary, Long Island, 59-62; Asst. Minis ter, St. Luke's Church, Brooklyn, St. Barthol- omew's, Calvary, Trinity and St. Peter's Churches, New York City, 62 — . 8zT' Edward Jesuj) Wood * A. B. 1853. Phi Beta Kappa. Capt. 48th Inf. Regiment Ind. Vols., 61-62; Major, 62-63; Lieut. Colonel, 63; Brevet Colonel, 63-65. Judge Court Common Pleas, 17th Judicial Dist. Ind., 70-73. Lawyer. d. 1873 1854 lohu'^CKjldthwaite Adams* A. B. 1854. Instr. St. Charles, III., Medford and Charlestown. Mass., 54-70; New York. N. \ . and Keene, N. II., 70. Educator. d. 1910 Henrv Wilder Allen* 8XH' A. B. 1854. Teacher Acad, .\lfred, , Maine, 54; Classical Sem., Alexandria, Va., 54-55; Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty. of N. Y.. 61-63; Judge Court of Common Pleas of New York Citv, 84-91. Lawyer. d, 1891 9 y;! A. B. 1854. Member Board of Education, 68- 80. Father of Nathan Dow Cram, Zeta 81. Merchant. d. 1881 Charles Hilliard Cram* John Davenport Crehore* ^ fi A. B. 1854; A. M. 1857. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal. Acad., Pembroke, N. H.. 54-55; High School, West Newton, Mass., 55-56; Instr. Central High School, Cleveland, Ohio, 56-58; Tutor in Mathematics, Washington Univ., St. Louis. Mo., 60-62. and Prof, of Civil Engineer- ing, 62-64; Member Board of Health, Cleveland, Ohio, 80-82. Civil Engineer. d. 1884 Samuel Wood Dana'-^ 9 e S" A. B. 1854; A. M. 1857; M. D. 1858 Columbia. Surg. New York City Dispensary, 60-64. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1915 Simeon Dow Farnsworth' $ CO t; .\. B. 1854. Instr., High School, Concord, N. H.. 54-57; Clerk N. H. Legislature, 57-59; Paymaster and Major U. S. .\rniy, 61-65; Mem- ber N. H. Legislature, 67-68. Merchant. d. 1868 John Fuller Gillis* A. B. 1854; A. M. 1857. Merchant. Ranney Greene, Jr.* $ r d. 1861 9 o (J A. B. 1854. Teacher, Franklin, La., 54-55; Prof, of Latin and Greek, Jefferson Coll., Wash- ington, Miss., 55-59; 2d Lieut. Co. F, Cres- cent Regiment, New Orleans Vols. (C. S. A.), 62; Capt., 62-63; on Staff of Lieut. General E. Kirby Smith as Asst. Adjutant General, Con- script Bureau, Trans-Mississippi Dept., 63-65. Merchant. d. 1880 George Haseltine Initiated by the Xi Henry Allen Hazen* A 7 y)' A. B. 1854; A. M. 1857; B. D. 1857 Andover Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1891 Marietta Coll. Act- ing Pastor. Bridgewater and Home Missionary, Barnard and Bridgewater, Vt., 57-58; Acting Pastor, Hardwick. 58-60; Barton, 60-61; W^-st Randolph, 61-62; Pastor, Plymouth, N. H., 62-68; Lyme, 68-70; Pittsfield, 70-72; Billerica. Mass., 74-79: Clerk in See's Dept., .\m. Hoard of Congregational Missions, 80-84; Sec. National Council. Congregational Churches of U. S., 83; Supt .Schools, Plymouth. N. H.. 64-67; Trustee, Kimball Acad.. 69 and Howe School, Billerica, Mass.. 75-86; Trustee N. H. Missionary Soc, 11- 74; Statistical Sec. N. H. General Assn.; Sec. Alunnii Andover Theol. .Sem., 80. Author 294 ZETA CHAPTER [1854-56 "Historical Discourse Commemorative of tlie Centennia'. Anniversary of the Congregational Church of Plymouth, N. H.;" "The Ministry and Churches of New Hampshire;" "The Pas- tors of New Hampshire'' and "The History of Billerica, Mass." Clergyman. d. 1900 TAI' Reuben Delavan Alussey* A. B. 1854; LL. D. 1890 Marietta Coll. Com- mencement Orator. Member Clay Guards. 61; Capt. 19th Inf. Regiment, U. S. Army, 61-66; Colonel 100th (Colored) Inf. Regiment, U. S. Vols., 64-65 and Brevet Brigadier General; Military Sec. President Andrew Johnson, 65; U. S. Commissioner and Examiner in Chan- cery. Supreme Court D. C. 68: Prof, of Law, Howard Univ., Washington, D. C, 79; Sec. Psi Upsilon Alumni Assn. of Washington, D. C 78. Charter Member D. C. Comniandery, Military Order Loyal Legion U. S. ^Member Boston .Soc. of Natural History; Philosophical -Soc. of Washington. Lawyer. d. 1892 Claudius Buchanan Pierce* A^^ A. B. 1854; LL. B. 1858 Albany Law School. 1st Prize on Graduation, 58. Temperance Lecturer in 111.. 54-55; Instr. in Columbia, Tex., 55-56; Prof, of Latin and Greek, Yellow .Springs Coll., 61-62; City Councilman, Lea- venworth, 62; Citv Atty., 62 and 6.?; Senator .State of Kans., 63-64. Lawyer. d. 1902 Stephen Lewis Bates Speare*

jr A. B. 1856. Civil and Hydrographic Engineer, Croton Aqueduct, New York City, 58-61; Engi- neer to Government of Peru, S. A., 61-65; Member Am. Inst. Mining Engineers. Civil Engineer. d. 1904 Charles Peter Clark* 9 Y] A. B. 1882: A. M. 1888. Lieut. U. S. Navv. 62-65. Financier and Capitalist. d. 190O 1856-57] ZETA CHAPTER 295 90 ( Amos Noyes Currier* A. B. 1856; A. M. 1859. Phi Beta Kappa. Prof, of Latin and Greek, Iowa Central Univ., Pella, Iowa. 57-61 and 65-67; Private in Co. C. 8th Inf. Regiment Iowa X'ol.s., 61-63; Com- missary of Subsistence, U. S. Army, 63-65; Prof, of Latin and Greek Iowa Central L^niv., 65-67; Iowa State Univ., 67-70 and of Latin Lan- guage and Literature, Iowa State Univ., 70; Trustee of Iowa Central Univ., 79; Dean Coll. of Liberal Arts, 88-07; Acting Pres., 98-99: Pres, Board of Education, Pella, 58-61; State .Sunt, of Weights and Measures, .\uthor "Latin Suffixes." Educator. d. 1909 William Henry Haile* Initiated by the Gamma William Elwyn Jewell* A. B. 1856. Teacher, Meredith, N. H. leans, Mass., 56-57; Arlington, 57-58. L'awyer. John Kimball* c 3; - 56; Or- d. 1899 A. B. 1856; B. D. 1859 Union Theol. Sem. \cting Pastor, New York. N. Y., 59-60; Grass Valley, Cal., 61-62; San Francisco, 62-63; Chaplain U. S. Army, 63-65; Supt. Colored .Schools, Washington, D. C, 65-69; Agent Am. Missionary Assn. and Pastor, Oakland, Cal., 69-71; San Francisco, 71-73; Chicago, 111., 7i- 74; Santa Barbara, Cal., 74; Redwood, 74-75; City Missionary, San Francisco, 75-76 and 77- 79; Pastor, Brooklyn, N. Y., 76-77. Clergyman. . d. 1897 John Leverett Merrill* ?X X A. B. 1856; B. D. 1859 Princeton Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Acting Pastor New Harmony Presbyterian Church, Chanceford, Pa., 59-60; Pastor, 60-65; Principal Combined High Schools, Lancaster, Pa., 65-66; Pastor Congregational Church, Acworth, N. H., 66-70; Marlborough, 70-86; Rindge, 86-88. Author "History of Ac- worth, N. H." Clergyman. d. 1913 Moses Merrill*

. V B. D. 1861 Bangor Theol. Sem. Teacher Athol, Mass., 58; .\cting Pastor. Boothbay, Maine. 61- 64: Pastor, New .Sliaron. 64-72: .\cting Pastor. Deering, 72-73. Clergyman. d. 1875 Luther Tracy Townsend 9^[a' A. B. 1859; D. D. 1871; A. M. 1866 Wcsleyan. Phi Beta Kappa. Private and Adjutant 16th N. H. Regiment, 62-63: Prof, of Hebrew, Chal- ilee and New Testament (Ireek. 6S-70: Historical Theology, 72; Practical Theology and Sacred Rhetoric, 72-73; Emeritus Prof, of same, 93, Boston Univ.; Delegate to Methodist Ecumeni- cal Council, London, 81; World's Parliament of Religion, Chicago, 93; Dean Chautauqua .School of Theology. 82-85. Author "Credo;" "Sword and Garment"; "Godman"; "Lost Forever"; "Arena and Throne"; "Supernatural Factor in Revivals"; "Intermediate \\'orld"; "Fate of Republics"; "Art of Speech": "Mosaic Record and Modern Science"; "Bible Theology and Modern Thought"; Faith- Work"; "Christian Science and Other Cures"; "The Bible and Other Ancient Literature"; "History of the .Sixteenth Regiment New Hamiishire Volun- teers"; "Story of Jonah in the Light of Higher Criticism": "Evolution or Creation"; "Anas- tasis"; "Satan and Demons"; "God's Goodness and Severity, or Endless Punishment"; "Adam and Eve, History or Myth"; "Collapse of Evo- lution": "God and the Nation"; "New Theolo- gies only Bubbles"; "The Deluge — History or Myth"; "Doctrine of the Trinity": "Is There a God -Such as the Bible Describes": "End of the W'orld"; "Biblical and Scientific Points of View"; "Bible Studies: Rules of Interpreta- tion and Current Difficulties and Objections": "The Stars are Not Inhabited": "Is There a Place of Punishment Called Hell"; "God and War." Member Victoria Inst. (London); Nat- innal Geographical Soc; .\ni. Forestrv .\ssn. Clergyman. Brookline, Mass. Wheelock Graves Veazey* ^XV-' A. B. 1859; LL. D. 1887; LL. B. 1860 Albany Law School. Phi Beta Kappa. Capt., Major and Lieut.. Colonel 3d Inf. Regiment Vt. Vols.. 61-62; Colonel 16th Vt. Vols.. 62-63; Justice Supreme Court Vt., 79-89: Reporter of Decisions of Supreme Court, 65-72; Senator of Vt.. 72-74; Register in Bankruptcy. Vt.. 73; Delegate to National Republican Convention, 298 ZETA CHAPTER [1859-61 76; Trustee Dartmouth Coll., 80-91; Nor- wich Univ. and Vermont Episcopal Inst. ; Com- missioner to Revise the Public Statutes of the State, constituting the Revision of 80, and adopted as the Revised Laws of Vt.; Interstate Connnerce Commissioner. 89-97; Commander in Chief Grand Army of the Republic, 90. Father of Albin Beard \'eazey, Zeta 90 and uncle of Wheelock V'eazey Towne, Zeta 85. Lawyer. d. 1898 1860 James McMillan Ayer'' A pL d A. B. 1860; M. D. 1866 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr., Swanton, Vt., 60-61; Acad., Danville, 61-62; Private ISth Inf. Regiment of Vt. Vols., 62; Capt. 62-63; Naval Cadet, U. S. Army, Fort Schuyler, N. Y., 65; Asst. Phys. St. Luke's Hospital, New York City, 66-67. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1892 George Henry Chandler* $ X Q' A. B. 1860: A. M. 1863: LL. B. 1867 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Deputy Sec. of State N. H., 61-62; Adjutant 9th Inf. Regiment N. H. Vols., 62-63; Major, 63-64; Pres. of Court Martial, Washington, D. C, 64; Detailed to aid Navy Dept.. in Special Investigation, Philadelphia, Pa., 64-65; Lieut. Colonel, 65; Sec. U. S. Com- mission to Codify the Statutes, Washington, D. C, 66-67; Counsel U. S. in suits against England, 67-78. Lawyer. d, 1883 Oscar Adrian Hale"^ (|>e(i (0 A. B. 1860. Instr. in Schools, Ellicott"s Mills, Md., 60-61; Capt. 6th Inf. Regiment \'t. Vols., 61-63; Major, 63; Lieut. Colonel, 63-64. Farmer. d. 1867 John William Hayley A SB' A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863; B. D. 1864 Andover Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1899 Union Christian Coll., Ind. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. Tuftonboro, N. H., 60-61; Pastor Christian Church at East- port, Maine. 64-65; Senior Prof. LTnion Chris- tian Coll., Merom, Ind., 65; Pastor, Somerset, Mass., 66-69; Duxbury, 69-70: Teacher of He- brew, 85 and of Hebrew and Greek, 86; Amherst School of Lanc^uages: Member Victoria Inst, of London. Author "Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible;" "Hereafter of Sin." Clergyman. (Center Tuftonboro, N. H.) Henry Albert Morrill A^a A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863; LL. D. 1903; LL. D. 1891 Univ. of Wooster. City Solicitor Cincin- nati, 65-69; Prof, of Law. Univ. Cincinnati. 69- nS; Prof. Emeritus since 08. Member Cin- cinnati Literary and Blaine Clubs. Lawyer. 12 Hilliard St., Cambridge, Mass. Alansoii Palmer B x w A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal High School, Arlington, Mass. 4 years; Supt. Public Schools, Long Island City, N. Y., 9 years; Instr. in Public Schools of New York City 32 years. Member .School- masters' Club. Brother of Albert Palmer, Zeta 58 and Wilson Palmer, Zeta 60. Educator (retired). 591 Madison St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wilson Palmer*

: z' A. B. 1868." Phi Beta Kappa. Principal High School, East Randolph, Mass., 68-69. Lawyer. d. 1875 Carlos White* t p t:' .■\. B. 1871. Served in 12th Vt. Vols., 62-63. Author "Ecce Femina." Brother of Noel Byron White, Zeta 71. Journalist. d. 1901 Zw-' Franklin Parker Wood* A. B. 1868; A. M. 1871; B. D. 1871 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. Kimball Union Acad., Meriden, N. H.. 66-68; Pastor Acton, Mass., 71; Supt, of Schools, Acton, 72; Delegate to National Council of Congregational Churches, 77. Clergyman. d. 1915 304 ZETA CHAPTER [1869-70 1869 James Byron Brooks''' SuK' A. B. 1869; A. M. 1886; LL. B. 1871 Albany Law School; D. C. L. 1895 Syracuse. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. Regiment Vt. Vols., 61-62; 1st Lieut., 62-64; Capt.. 64; Served in U. S. Signal Cori)s; Member Common Council, Syracuse, 84-85; Board of Education, 85; Trustee Syracuse Univ., 84; Dean Coll. of Law, Syracuse Univ., 95-14. Member Assn. of Am. Law Schools; Am. and New York Bar Assns. Lawyer. d. 1914 Charles Marsh Clay* y] k o' A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872. Master Grammar School. Provincetown, Mass., 67-70; Principal High School, Medway, Mass., 72-74; High School. North Brookfield, 74-79; High School, Arlington, 79-83; Head Master High School, Rosbury, Mass., 83. Son of Lorenzo Clay, Zeta 43. Educator. d. 1914 George Jothani Cunimings a 1 K' A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872; Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Kappa. Philosophical Oration at Commence- ment. Principal Kimball Union Acad., 75-80; Monson (Mass.) Acad, 80-85; Prof, of Prepara- tory Latin and Dean of Preparatory Dept., Howard Univ., 85-88; Prof, of Ancient Lan- guages and Dean Emeritus of Acad.; Vice-Pres. x\m. Inst, of Instruction, 78. Member Philoso- phical and National Geographic Socs.; Archxeo- logical Inst, of America; School Men's and Washington Classical Club and Phi Beta Kappa Assn. Educator. , Howard University, Washington, D. C. Isaac Lea Nicholson* ARZ' John Eddy Hatch* f Seth Wight Kelley* o A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872; LL. B. 1871 Columbian Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. Kimball Lhiion Acad., Meriden. N. IL, 69-70; Clerk U. S. Son- ate Committee of Public Buildings and Grounds, 70-72. Lawyer. d. 1880 SaK' A. B. 1869; A. M. 1880; M. D. 1874 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor of the Aegis, 68. Commencement Orator. Prof. Acad., Monson, Mass., 69-70; House Phys. Chelsea Marine Hosp., 74-75. Member Massachusetts Med. Soc: .\m. Med. Assn.; .Middlesex Dist. Med. .Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1915 Arthur (Tcorge Lewis Tj a K' A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872; Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Principal and Teacher, Clinton Liberal Inst., Clinton, * N. Y., 69-73; Sum. of Schools. Weymouth, Mass., 73-75 and South Adams, 75-78; Principal Belmont St. School, Worcester, 78. Brother of Eugene Lewis, Zeta 64, Francis Wesley Lewis, Zeta 66, Henry Euclid Lewis, Zeta 72 and Homer Pierce Lewis, Zeta 74. Educator. (180 Lincoln St., Worcester, :\lass.) Henrv Ruthven Monteith J a K' A. B. 1869. Principal Acad., Mclndoe's Falls, Vt., 69-70; Acad., Francestown, N. H., 70-71; Teacher in Private Schools, New York City, 71-75; Princii)al of Pviblic Schools. L^nionville. 79. Educator. (.Storrs, Conn.) W'inthrop Flint Stevens* A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872; B. D. 1871 Theol. Sem. of \'a. ; D. 1). 1882 Jefferson Coll.; D. D. 1890 Nashotah Theol. Sem. Asst. Minister St. Thomas' Church, Hanover, N. H., 71-72; St. Paul's Church, Baltimore, Md., 72-75; Rector Church of the Ascension, Westminster, 75-79; St. Mark's Church, Philadelphia, 79. Clergyman. d. 1906 2xK' A. B. 1869; M. D. 1872 Harvard. Town Phy- sician, 4 years; State j\led. Examiner, 2 years: Member Massachusetts Med. Soc. Brotlier of William I'urnham Stevens, Zeta 65. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1890 1870 Ira Anson Abbott S n q A. B. 1870. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Phi. Mgr. Dartmouth Magasinc. Commencement Orator. Teacher Mathematics, Phillips' Acad., Andover, Mass., 70-71; Private 9th Inf. Regiment, Vt. Vols., 64-65; Member School Committee, 73- 75; C'ity Solicitor, 73-75; Special Justice, City Police Court, 77; Commissioner to Qualify Civil Officers, 79-88; Assoc. Justice Supreme Court, N. Mex.. 05-12. .Member Mini. lay Evening, Whittier and Dartmouth t'lubs; Am. Bar, Vermont of Boston and Dartmouth .\lumni Assns; National Geographic Soc. Lawyer. 26 Park St., Haverhill, Mass. Alexander Smith Abernethv II b A* A. B. 1870. Shipping Broker. 312 Powles B'dg. : res. 1118 East John St., Seattle, Wash. , lohn Henry Allen* T r Ji A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873; D. D. 1908; B. D. 1873 Boston Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Com- mencement Orator. Pastor Union Church, Dennis, Mass.. 72-76; M. E. Church. Marsh^'^eM, 76-79; Plymouth, 79-82; Provincetown, 82-84; Nantasket, 85; Private 1st Artillerv Regiment N. H. \o\%., 64-65. Author "The Revised Old Testament." Clergyman. d. 1910 Z d O' .-\. B. 1870; A. M. 1873. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Principal Acad., Gil- manton, N. H., 70-73; Instr. in Greek and Latin N. H. Conference Sem., Tilton, 73-76 and Troy Conference Sem., Poultney, \'t., 76- 78; .\ssoc. Principal Manlewood Inst.. Pittsficld. Mass., 78-80. Author "Questions on the Essen tials of Classical Geography." Educator. d. 1889 Y] m A' Rush Edgar Avery* Daniel Gile Brockway* D. 1873 Univ. Citv of New A. B. 1870; M. York. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1914 Schuyler Chamberlain Farnhani c r A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873; B. O. 1876 Monroe .School of Oratory. Pastor East Canaan, N. H., 72-74; Exeter, 74-76; Derry, 77-78; INIeth- uen. Mass., 78-79; South New Market, N. H., 79; Pavilion, N. Y., 79-81; Alexander, 81-82; .\cting Pastor Alden, N. Y., 84-85. Clergyman. \\'yoming, N. Y. 1870-71 ZETA CHAPTER 305 Lemuel Spencer Hastings H y X' A. B. 1870; B. D. lS/6 Yale. Salutatorian; Editor Dartwoiilh. 70; I'lincipal llish School, North Aridover. Mass., 70-72; Tutor of .Mathe- matics. l)artmoiitli Coll.. 73-74; J'rincipa] High .^clKHil, Framintrhani, Mass., 77-81 ; Stevens High School, Claremont, N. H.. 81. Kdiicator. Kope Fen y Rd., Hanover, N. H. Luckis Randolph Hazen* A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873. Salutatorian. of .\zel Washburne Hazen, Zeta 63. Merchant. Abiel Leonard* (7 f S' Brother d. 1912 •ngA' A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873; B. D. 1873 General Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1888 Bethany Coll; D. D. 1888 Griswold Coll. Rector of Calvary Church, Sedalia, Mo., 73-76; Missionary in Pike County, Mo., 77; Rector Grace Church, St. Louis, 77; Trinity Clnirch, Hannibal, 77-81; Trinity Church, Atchison, l\ans.. 81; Canon of the Cathedral, Topeka; Member Standing Commit- tee, Diocese of Kans.; Episcopal Bishop, Utah, Nevada and ^^■estern Colo., 88-03; Rector St. Mark's School. Rowland Hall and St. Mark's Hosp., Salt Lake Citv. Clergyman. d. 1903 Robert Henry Parkinson H h r A. B. 1870. Commencement Orator. Mem- ber Alumni League; University, Queen City, t'inrinnati and Lawyers' (New York) Clubs; Am. Bar, Hlinois Bar and Chicago Bar Assns. Brother of George Bowen Parkinson, Zeta 75 and William Dwight Parkinson, Zeta 78. Lawyer. Marquette Bldg. ; res. 110 Bellevuc PL, Chi- cago, ni. ^Marshall Reuben Peck* u p S' A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873; B. D. 1875 Yale. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Prin- cipal Graded School, Northfield, Vt., 70-72. Mis.'^ionary Am. Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions, Stationed at Madura, India, 75-76. Clergyman. d. 1876 riciV d. 1916 ssr A. B. 1870; LL. B. 1871; LL. M. 1904 George Washinifton Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Com- mencement Orator. Committee on the Revi- sion of ihe Law, 70-71; Member Executive Committee New York Dartmouth Alumni Assn., 86. IVfember Hamilton (Brooklyn) and Uni- versity (New York) Clubs. Brother of Benja- min Hinman Steele, Zeta 57. Lawyer. 25 Broad St., New York; res. 36 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Wallace Roller'' Merchant. San ford Henry Steele Ethelbert Talbot A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873: D. D. 1887; B. D. 1873 General Theol. Sem.; S. T. D. 1887; LL. D. 1887 Univ. of Mo. Editor Dartmouth (3), (4). Commencement Orator. Rector St. Tames' Church. Macon City, Mo., 73-87; St. James' Mil- itary Acad, for Boys and St. Agnes' Hall for Girls, 75-87; Bishop \Vyoming and Utah, 87-98; Bethlehem since 98; Trustee Lehigh Univ., Betlilehem Preparatory School and General Theol. Sem. Author "My People of the Plains;" "A Bishop Among His Flock." Mem- ber University (Philadelphia), Camp F'ire (New York), Lehigh and Northhampton Coun- try Clubs. Brother of Ralph Talbot. Zeta 72. Pratestant Episcopal Bishop. 825 Delaware Ave., South Bethlehem, Pa. Thomas Heber W^akefiekP A. B. 1870. Lawyer. Charles Joseph Walker* 7 -: JL d. 1896 t]lA' .\. B. 1870; A. M. 1879 Pritchelt Inst. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Prof, of An- cient Languages in Pritchett Inst., Glasgow, Mo., 70-73. State Senator ^\'is. Member Boone County Bar Assn. and Commercial Club. Lawyer. d. 1916 1871 George Henr}- Atkinson. Jr.'' cp X M' A. B: 1871; M. D. 1873 Long Island Coll. Hosp. Med. Coll. Asst. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Dartmouth Coll., 73; House Surg. Long Island Coll. Hosp., 73-74; Adjunct Phys. Long Island Coll. Hosp. and Clinical Asst. to Prof, of Prac- tical Medicine, 75-79; Visiting Surg, and Lec- turer on Surgery and Genito-urinary Diseases. 79-84. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1884 William Henry Bartlett S d M' A. B. 1871. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Pres. Peoria Board of Trade, 86. Member Chicago, Bohemian (San Francisco) and Santa Barbara ^ lubs. Brother of Samue! Colcord Bartlett, Zeta 67. Broker (retired). Verniejo Park, N. Mex. Marvin Smith Bates'' Hbv' A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874. Asst. Principal in Burr and Burton Sem., Manchester, Vt., 73-7S. Farmer. d. 1879 William Swan Uana Yjk A. B. 1871; Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Prize, 68; Latin Orator, 70. Valedictorian. Member Boston City Club. Lawyer (retired). 1 Pleasant St., Woodstock, Vt. Charles Nelson Flanders 2 a N' A. B. 1871; B. D. 1874 Andover Theol. Ser.i. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Pas- tor, \\'estmoreland, N. H., 74-78; Wapping, Conn., 78-84; Newport. X. IL. 84-89; Martinez. Cal., 89-92; Porterville. 92-94; Supt. Public Instruction Westmoreland. N. II. . 76-78; Meni ber Board of Education, Westmoreland, N. H.. 76-78; Wapping, Conn., 79-84; Trustee Kim ball Union .Acad., Meriden, N. II.. 84-88; Insxr. in Rhetoric and Elocution Pacific Theol. Sem., Oakland, Cal., 90-91; Teacher of Latin and Eng lish High School, Porterville, Cal., 97-01; Pres. Porterville Citrus Assn., 01-07. Citriculturist. 512 D St., Porterville, Cal. Robert Monroe Funkhouser H m [jl' A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874; LL. B. 1873 Columbia; M. D. 1874 Univ. City of New York. Interne Charity Hosp., Blackwell's Island, New York City, 74; Demonstrator in Missouri Med. Coll.. 74-78; Prof Anatomy and Materia Medica Western Dental Coll., 78-79; Topographical Anatomy and Clinical Surgery, Beaumont Hosp. Med. Coll. of St. Louis. 86; Surg. Citv IIosp. Author "Determination of Sex." Member 306 ZETA CHAPTER 1871 Medico-Chirurgical Soc, St. Louis Med. Soc, Am. Acad, of Science and Am. Med. Assn. Brother of Tilden Selmes Funkliouser, Zeta 71. and Millard Fillmore Funkliouser, Delta 77. Physician and Surgeon. (4354 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo.) Tilden Selmes Funkliouser* y] s v' A B. 1871; LL. B. 1874 Univ. of Va. First Dept. Clerk Court of Appeals, St. Louis, 79-84. Brother of Robert Monroe Funkhouser, Zeta 71 and Millard Fillmore Funkhouser. Delta 11. Lawyer. d. 1884 Oscar James Gilchrist a m N' .\. B. 1871; M. D. 1874 Long Island Coll Hosp. Physician. 19 Center St., Rutland, Vt. Warren Goddard, Jr.* li q v' A. M. 1875; B. D. 1873 New Church Theol. Sem. Principal High School, Rockland, Mass.; Instr. New Church Acad., Waltham, 69 70; Pastor. Brookline, Mass., 73-81; Providence, R L 81- Member Board of Education of Brookiine, 73-81; Sec. of same, 75-80. Mem- ber Franklin Soc. ot Providence. Clergyman. d. 1910 Charles Herbert Ham SdM' A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal West End Grammar School, San Fran- cisco. Cal., 70-73; Broadway Grammar School, 76-80: Evening Schools, 80-83; Vice Principal Lincoln Grammar School. 73-76; Washington Grammar School, 85-88; Dir. and Sec. Alameda Cosmopolitan School, 77-78; Member Board Edu- cation. Alameda. Cal.. 78-79; Pres. Mi'l \'alley Public Library and of Dartmouth Club; Pres. Board of Trustees and Board of Deacons. Mis- sion Congregational Church. Member Com- monwealth and Congregational Clubs. Educator (retired). 1320 California St.. San Francisco. Cal. Henry Allen Hazen* oN' Eugene ]\Tilton Robinson SeM' A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874. Asst. Prof, of Draw- ing. Sheffield Scientific School. 76-77; Com- putor and Junior Prof. Office of Chief Signal Officer, Washington. D. C. 81-90. Member National Philosophical Soc. Brother of Wil- liam Oliver Hazen, Zeta 71. Educator. d. 1900 William Oliver Hazen* crpM' A. B. 1871. Brother of Henry Allen Hazen, Zeta 71. d. 1871 Joseph Mee T ^ [;.' A. B. 1871. Phi Beta Kappa. Lawyer (retired). 525 13th St., Oakland. Cal. Charles Francis Richardson* 2 h M' A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874; Litt. D. 1911; Ph. D. 1895 Union. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor of the Dartmouth and the Aegis, 70-71; 2d Grimes Rhetorical Prize. 71; 1st Lockwood Essay Prize, 71; Commencement Orator. Winklev Prof, of Anglo-Saxon and the English Language and Literature in Dartmouth Coll.. 82-11. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Within Our Mvstic Shrine We Stand;" "A Primer of American Literature;" "The Cross;" "The C'loice of Books;" "American Literature 1607-1885." Member Am. Philological .\ssn.; .'\m. Historical Soc. and Georges Soc. of Portland. Maine: Cor- responding ^Member Maine Historical Son. Educator. d. 1913 A. B. 1871. Civil Engineer. Chicago and Northwestern Railway, 226 W. Tackson Blvd.; res. 4340 N. Lincoln St.. Chicago. ill. S n M' Albert Russell Savage A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874; LL. D. 1911; LL. D. 1897 Bates; LL. D. 1909 Bowdoin. Commence- ment Orator. Principal of the Sem. North- wood. N. H.. 71-72; High School, Northfield, Vt., 72-75; Atty. for Androscoggin County, Maine, 81-85; Judge Probate, S5-89: Speaker Maine House of Representatives, 93; .\.ssoc. Justice Supreme Judical Court, 97-13; Chief Justice since 13. Jurist. Court House; res. 52 High St., .\uburii. Maine. 2dM' A. B. 1871; B. D. 1880 Ya'.e Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Prof, of Latin and Natural Science Acad. St. Johnsbury. Vt.. 71-74; Tutor in ^lathematics, Robert Coll., Constantinople. Turkey. 74-77: Prof, of Mathe- matics and English Literature, 77-78; Pastor Rerkelev. Cal., 80. Clergyman. d. 1899 Charles Albert Savage* Harrv Hale Scott* Sdix' A. B. 1871. Instr. in Schools, Nahant, Mass., 71-72; Princioal High and Grammar School, Great Barrington, 72-77. Educator. d. 1877 S a M' Francis Hart Stuart"^ A. B. 1892; M. D. 1873 Long Island Coll. Hosp.; .\. M. 1878 honoris causn. Hamilton Coll. Instr. in Brooklvn Polytechnic In^t., 70-71; Tklurray Hill Inst., New York City, 71-72: Private Tutor. 72-73; Resident Phys. and Surg. St. Mary's Female Hosp., 73-74; Attending Phys. St. Peter's Hosp., 74-76; Registrar of Records and Vital Statistics Board of Health, Brooklvn, 75-78; .Adjunct Surg, to Long Island Coll. Hosp., 16; Asst. Demonstrator of Anato- mv, 79-81 and Lecturer on Obstetrics, 80-86; Pres. Anatomical and Surgical Soc. Member Kings Countv Med Soc: Am. .\cad. of Medi- cine and British Med. Assn. Son of William Zephaniah Sttiart, Gamma 3i .nnd brother of Charles Benedict Stuart, Gamma 73. Thnmn.s •Arthur Stuart. Gamma 74. Wi'I X^aughn Stuart, Gamma 80 and \MlIiam Zacharv Stuart. Gamma 83. Phvsician and Surgeon. d. 1910 W'arren Upham Y]C[X \. B. 1871: A. M. 1894: D. Sc. 1906. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Kappa. Latin Prize (3), 70; Commencement Orator. Asst. Geologi- cal Survey of N. H., 74-78; Minn., 79-85 and 93-94; U. S. 85-95; Canada, 87-89; Sec. and Librarian, ^Minnesota Historical .Soc. 95-14; Ar- chaeologist since 14: Fellow Am. .\ssn. for .Advancement of S'cicnce. Author "Reports on 52 Counties of Minnesota:" "The Glacial Lake .Aeassiz;" Co-author "Geology of New Hamp- shire:" "Greenland Icefields and Life in the North .\tlantic with a New Discussion of the Causes of the Ice Age." Member Geologi- enl .Soc. of .\merica : \^ictoria Inst. (London): Minnesota .Acad, of Natural Sciences; Boston Soc. of Natural Historv; Historicnl Socs. of Minnesota. Knnsas. ^Missouri and New Hamp- shire; .Am. Historical and Mississippi X'^al'ey Historical .Vssns. Ideologist and Archaeologist. Minnesota Historical Society, State Capitol; res. 2170 Carter Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 1871-72] ZETA CHAPTER 307 Xoel Byron White* Brother of Carlos White. Zeta 68. Farmer. y; X V Sidney Worth 1 lenr\' Davis Wvatt SaN' A. B. 1871: M. D. 1874 New York Homoeo- pathic Med. Coll. Prof. of Pediatrics, Hahnemann Med. Coll. of the Pacific. Physician. 391 Sutter St.; res. 2622 Gough St., San Francisco, Cal. aaM' M. D. 1866; A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Instr. l.aphaiii Inst.. North Scituate, R. I.. 71-72; (irammar -School, Nahant, Mass.. 72; Principal and Principal Emeritus of High School; Supt. of City Schools and Sunt, of Music, (irammar .Schools, Chattanooga, Tenn., since 72. Educator. S27 Chestnut St., Chattanooga, Tenn. 1872 Auijustine Vinton Barker ' LL. B. 1874 Yale College. Lawyer. (6363 Sherman St., C.ermanlipwn, Pa.) William Hall Hart H X c" A. R. 1875. Phi Beta Kapoa. Salutatorian. Member Amrita and L^niversity Clubs ^Pough- keepsie. N. Y.). Horticulturist. 534 Westchester .\vc.. New York; res. Arling ton. R. R.. N. Y. Herbert Stillman Hutchinson 2 •/, $ A. B. 1875: M. D. 1880 Bellevue Hosp. Med'. Coll. Principal Mitchell High School, Toledo. Ohio. 76-78. Physician and Surgeon. 5 Union .Sri., Milford, N. H. Georire Bowen Parkinson Ha A' A. B. 1875. Brother of Robert Henry Parkin- son. Zeta 70 and William Dwight Parkinson, Zeta 78. Lawyer. (South Lincoln, Mass.) Franklin Fisk Proctor* 2p*, A. B. 1875. Mathematical Prize; Commence- ment Orator. Brother of lohn Cleveland Proc- tor. Zeta 75. Manufacturer. d. 1894 310 ZETA CHAPTER [1875-77 John Cleveland Proctor* Hrcr, A. B. 1875. Brother of Franklin Fisk Proctor, Zeta 75. Manufacturer. d. 1895 Charles Carroll Towle Ha A, A. B. 1875. Justice of the Peace: Sec. School Board. Dist. No. 14, Adams County. Farmer. R. R., Henderson, Colo. 1876 William Henry Brooks S m E A. B. 1876. City Solicitor. Holyoke, 80-84. Lawyer. (167 Pine St.. Ho'.yoke. Mass.) Alexander Blair Crawford"*" P n v^ A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879; B. D. 1879 Berkeley Divinity ochool. Chaplain, Philadelphia, Pa.; Teacher. 86. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1910 Richard Arthur Edwards s A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879 Princeton. Teacher of Greek and Latin Park River Sem., Mount Morris, 111., 76-78; Prof, of English Literature and Rhetoric. Knox Coll., Galesburg. 78-80. Member University (Chicago) and Columbia (Indianapolis) Clubs. Banker. 2 N. Broadway; res. 54 N. Hnod St., Peru. Ind. Samuel Couver Gamble Pt]/i3 A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879; LL. B. 1881 Cincinnati Law School. Instr., Ohio State Inst, for the Blind, Columbus, 76-79. Lawyer. (Circleville, Ohio). Edward Addison Greeley €) e u, A. B. 1876. Teacher, 76-77; Master Grammar School, Quincy, Mass., 71 — . Son of Edward Hanford Greeley, Zeta 45, brother of Wil- liani Bradford Greeley, Zeta SI and Arthur Philip Greeley, Zeta 83. Lawyer. (38 Park Row, New York, N. Y.) John Kivel ©rs James Finney McElroy* A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Part. Trustee Wentworth Hosp. Member Bellamy Club. Union Block, AVashington St.; res. 40 Gushing St., Dover, N. H. edii A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879. Principal Ind. Inst, for the Blind, Indianapolis, Ind., 76-80; Supt. Mich. School for the Blind, 80-87; Former Pres. Chamber of Commerce, 05; Pres. University Club; Dir. Albany Orphan Asylum; Albany Inst, and Historical and Art Soc. Composer Psi Upsilon Song "Glory Be Unito Thee" and Com- poser of Music of "Farewell, Good Night." Educator. d. 1915 0C£" Lewis William Morey* A. B. 1876. Pastor M. E. Church, 76—; Con- gregational Church, Needham, Mass., 82-86;' Lancaster, 86. Clergyman. d. mil Henry Greenwood Peabody 1 iJ A. B. 1876. Delta Kappa; United Fraternity "Spoon." .\uthor "Round .\bout Yoseniilc Walls;" "In the Footsteps of Cortez;" "Colonial and Revolutionary Land Marks of Boston;" "The Grand Canyon of Arizona." Member Appalachian Mountain Club. Son of Charles Peabody, Zeta 39. Publisher. 650 Prospect St., Pasadena, Cal. Benson Howard Roberts 0sE" A. B. 1876; A. M. 1880; D. D. 1911. Principal Chesborough Sem. (North Chili, N. Y.), 76-78 and 81; Delegate to Ecumenical Methodist Con- ference, London. England. Author "Life of B. T. Roberts." Member Historical (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Club. Son of Benjamin Titus Roberts, Xi 48, brother of George Lane Roberts, Upsilon 73, and Benjamin Titus Roberts, Ir., Upsilon 84. Clergyman. Berea, Ky. Edward Pavson Sanborn PS'J John Walter Staples* Phi Beta Kappa. Sub-Master High School, Medford, Mass., 76-77. Principal High School. South Abington, Mass., 77-78. Member Minne- sota and Commercial Clubs. Brother of Walter Henry Sanborn, Zeta 67. Lawyer. 520 Germania Life BIdg. ; res. 505 Oakland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. P W £, A. B. 1876; M. D. 1880 Univ. of Vt. Principal Grammar School, Quincy, Mass., 76-77. Mem- ber Board of Education, Board of Water Com- missioners and City Council (Franklin, N. H.) ; Sec. Board of Trade; Trustee Frank'in Free Public Library; Treas. Daniel Webster Birth- place Assn.; Pres. New Hampshire State Med. Assn. and New Hampshire Surgical Club. Member Am. Med. Assn. Physician and Surgeon. <1. 1913 Lorenzo Livermore Stimpson* r u A. B. 1876; LL. B. 1878 Boston Univ. Lawyer. ' d. 1913 Plenrv Freeman Towle* Pbij A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal High School. Hollis, N. H., 76-77; Grammar School, Quincy, Mass., 77-78; High .School, South Abington, 78-81; Grammar School. Yonkers, N. Y., 81-83; Prof, of Mathematics Central High School, Brooklvn. 83. Educator. d. 1912 Charles Wilbur Whitcomb Initiated by the Kappa Pds Rufus Phillips Williams* A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879; A. M. 1878 Harvard Coll. Instr. in Ancient Languages High School. North Adams, Mass.. 76-77; Principal High School, Lincoln. Mass., 78-79; High School, Weston, 79-80: Cobbett School, Lynn, 80-83: High School, Davenport, Iowa, 83; Teacher of Chemistry in English High School, Boston, Mass., 83. Author "The Geology of Lynn:" "Inditctive Chemistry." Member Boston .Soc. of Natural History and Am. .\ssn. for .Ai-'vance- ment of Science. Educator. d. 1911 1877 Wooster Orlin Ball Member Black River X'allcy Club. Manufacturer. 51 Otis Block; res. 127 XX'inslow St. N. Y. bZ Watertnwn, 1877-781 ZETA CHAPTER 311 I Edward Charles Carrigair'' P t u^ A. B. 1877; LL. B. 1887 Boston Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres. Dartmouth Navy, 75-77; Served in 11th Vt. Vols.. 63-65; Head Master Boston Evening High Scliool; Member Mass. State Board of Education, 80. Lawyer. d. 1888 Ira Arthur Chase yj t T" A. B. 1877. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Principal High School, Bristol, N, H., 77-78; Orleans Literary Inst., Glover, Vt., 11-12, and 78; Teacher Latin and English, New Hampton (N. H.) Literary Inst., 80; Town Treas. Bristol, N. H., 84-85; Supervisor, Bris- tol. N. H., 84-85; Member Board of Education, 83-88; Assoc. Editor 9th General Catalogue; Member N. H. Legislature, 97-99; N. H. Senate, 01-03; Constitutional Convention of N. H., 02; Supt. of Schools, Bristol, N. H., since 07. Member New Hampshire Antiquarian Soc. Lawyer. Bristol, N. H. Reuben Melville Cramer SuZ. .\. B. 1877; A. M. 1880; M. D. 1881 Columbia. Principal Hearne Acad.. Hearne, Tex., 77-78; House Phys. Christ Hosp., Jersey City, N. J., 79-80; House Surg. Sailors" Retreat Hosp., Staten Island. N. Y., 80-81; Mt. Sinai Hosp., New York City. 81-83. Brother of Thomas Edward Cramer. Zeta 1Z. Physician and Surgeon. 122 W. 73d St.. New York, N. Y. Jol in Crego Lester Sat. A. B. 1877; A. M. 1879; M. D. 1879 Long Island College Hosp.; F. A. C. S. Asst. to Chair of Otology, Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll.; Fellow Am. Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Sees. Member Psi Upsilon and Uni- versity Clubs; Am, Med. Assn. Physician. 432 Madison Ave.. New York, N. Y. Albert Hayes Morton cr f C Member Vesper Country, Highland, Yorick and Engineers' (Boston) Clubs. Engineer (retired). 495 Worthen St.; res. 95 Harvard St., Lowell, Mass. Willis Emerson Noxon''' SoC \. B. 1877; LL. B. 1883 Univ. of Mich. Prin- cipal High School, Housatonic. Mass., 77-78, and Port Jefferson, N. Y.. 78-79; Supt. of Schools, Plainview, Mich., 79-81. Lawyer. d. 1904 r, I Z" A. B. 1877; A. M. 1885. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Dartmouth, 76-77; Commencement Orator. Principal Public Schools, Northfield, Vt.. 77-79; Montpelier, Vt., 79-80; Pres. Battle Creek (Mich.) Coll.. 85-88. Evangelist. 376 Blair Rd.. Takoma Park. Washington, D. C. W^illiam Warren Prescott Robert Allen Ray YjrC' .■\. M. 1885. Principal High School, Townsend, Mass., 74-76; Instr. in Greek and Mathematics, High School, Concord. N. H., 76-78; Solicitor City of Concord, 80-85; Member N. H. Legis- lature, 85-86; Principal Hinsdale High School, 89-94; Keene High School. 94-04; Judge of Pro- bate. Cheshire County. N. II. since 06. .Nuthor "Ray & Watkins' New Hampshire Citations." Lawyer. 64 Main St.; res. 685 Main St., Keene. N. H. Lewis Prescott Rosenthal* Q S Z" A. B. 1877. Member of the Sc-.bonne and Col- lege* de France. Journalist. d. 1909 John Ladd Sewall S n T^ A. B. 1877; B. D. 1882 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal Preparatory Dept., Olivet Coll., 77-79; Pastor Westminster. Vt., 82-85; Milton, 85-88; Plymouth, Mass.. 88-91; St. Louis, Mo., 92-93; Kansas Citv, Mo., 93-96; North Brookfield, Mass.. 96-01; St. Albans, Vt., 01-04; Randolph, Mass., 04-07; Worcester, Mass., 11; Sec. Worcester, Mass. Board of Trade, 08-09; Executive Sec. Boston, 1915 Move- ment. Clergyman. 29 Colburn Ave., Worcester, Mass. William James Shepard Hv!;, Pres. Municipal Ben Hur and Justin Harvey Smith City Chamberlain and Police Commissioner; Treas. Chamber of Commerce; Sec. Taxpayers' Assn.; Pres. Lincoln League; Government Assn. Member Rotary Clubs. See Xi 77 Insurance and Real Estate. 3 Flower Block; res. 2i2 Stone .St.. Watertown, N. Y. a e Z A. B. 1877; A. M. 1881; LL. D. 1908 Norwich Univ. Phi Beta Kappa; Valedictorian. Asst. Supt. U. S. Educational Exhibit, Paris, 78; Principal Evening School, Boston, 78-79; Supt. of Schools, Maiden, 79; Prof. Modern History, 99-08; Member Advisory Committee Am. His- torical Assn. on Publication of Revolutionary Records, 14. Author "The Troubadours at Home;" "Arnold's Marcli from Caniliridge to Quebec;" "A Tale of Two Worlds and Five Centuries;" "Our Struggle for the Fourteenth Colony;" "Canada and the American Revo- lution;" "The Annexation of Texas." Member Mass. Historical, Am. Antiquarian, New Eng- land Historic-Genealogical, New Hampshire Historical and Am. Geographical Socs. ; Mass. Soc. of Military History; Soc. of Colonial Wars; University, Twentieth Century, Authors', Boston Yacht, Century (New York) Round Table (New Orleans), Royal Societies and Authors' (Lon- don) Cilubs. Brother of Lvndon Ambrose Smith. Zeta 80. Author. 270 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Samuel Brackett Thombs H m ;;■■ A. B. 1877; M. D. 1880 Bowdoin. Phi Kappa. Member Cumberland Club. Physician. 121 Spring St., Portland, Maine. Beta John Willey W^illis ApT" A. B. 1877; A. M. 1880; Ph. D. 1913. Member State Board of Corrections and Charities, 87-92 and 99-01; Judge Dist. Court. 92-98. .\uthor Psi Upsilon Song "Hail to Our Queen." Mem- ber Commercial Club and Junior Pioneer Assn. Lawyer. 314 Globe Bldg.; res. 923 Summit .\ve., St. Paul, Minn. John Cooper Winslow* A. B. 1877. Lawyer. 1878 Albert Oscar Browne Zj W 1 d. 1888 PoH" A. B. 1878; A. M. 1911; LL. B. 1884 Brown Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Trustee Dartmouth 312 ZETA CHAPTER 1878-79 foil, and Coe's Northwood Acad. ; Chairman State Tax Commission; Pres. New England Tax Officials' Assn. Member New Hampshire Bar, Bankers' and National Tax Assns.; Derryfield Club. Banker. Amoskeag Bank Bldg.; res. 395 Lowell St., Manchester, N. H. Edward Stark Burleieh Ke€). A. B. 1878. ^layor and Councilman; Supt. Sun- day Schools; Deacon. Congregational Church. Brother of William Russell Burleigh, Zeta 72. Abstracter of Titles. The Lake Abstract Co., Tavares, Fla. John Cotton Dana P c H" A. B. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa. Dir. Newark Museum Assn.; Member N. J. Library Commis- sion. Author ".'\merican Art;" "A Library Primer;" "Notes On Bookbinding for Libraries;" "A Vermont Library;" "Libraries." Member Century Assn. (New York); Forest Hill Field and Essex Clubs. Brother of Charles Loomis Dana, Zeta 72. Librarian. Free Public Library; res. 881 Degraw Ave., Newark, N. J. Bravton Allen Field Hce. A. B. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal Proc- tor Acad., Andover. N. H., 78-79. Lawyer. (302 Ten Eyck St., Watertown, N. Y.) [ohn Paul George PcH' A. B. 1878. Editor The Dartmouth, 77-78. Son of John Hatch George, Zeta 44 and brother of Benjamin Pierce George, Zeta 84. Lawyer. 205 N. Main St., Concord, N. H. Frank Wadleigh Gove* H 5 F" Edward Nathaniel Hills* A. B. 1878. Prof. Mathematics Univ. of Col., 78-80; U. S. Deputy Mineral and Land Sur- veyor, 80-84; Principal Public .School, Faxton, 111.. 84. Manufacturer. d. 1910 P m H" Managing Editor of The Dartmouth. 77-7%. d. 1878 Thomas Evans Knowland* P m H ' A. B. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal Graded School, Brownesdale, Minn., 78-79. • Educator. d. 1880 Charles Parkhurst Any.' A. B. 1878; A. M. 1881; D. D. 1888 Univ. of V't.; D. D. 1888 Alleghenv Coll. Joined the Vt. Conference, 75; Pastor Hyde Park. 75-76; Bradford, 76-77; Fairlee and North Thetford, 78-80; Dover, N. H., 86. Lecturer on the Evidences of Christianity in Lasell Sem., .\uburndale, Mass.. 86-87. ("lergyman. (581 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.) William Dwight Parkinson P a H ' A. B. 1878; LL. B. 1882 National Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Supt. of Schools. Member Bos- ton Twentieth Century Club. Brother of Robert Henry Parkinson, Zeta 70 and George Bowen Parkinson, Zeta. 75. Educator. High School Bldg.; res. 22 Howard St., Walt- ham., Mass. Isaac Farns worth Paul* PuH' A. B. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal High School, Fitzwilliam, N. H., 78-79; Boston Even- ing High School. Lawyer. d. 1912 P u H" Charles Henry Pettibone A. B. 1878; B. D. 1882 Theol. Inst, of Conn. Instr. in Latin and English Grammar High School, Appleton, Wis.. 78-79; Pastor, Poquo- nock. Conn., 82-88; Denver, Colo.. 03-15; West Palm Beach. Fla.. 16 — ; Chaplain Legislature of Colo. Clergyman. West Palm Beach, Fla. John Jay Still P a H' M. D. 1885 Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Physician and Surgeon. 412 Washington Bldg.; res. 1801 S. Wilton PI.. Los Angeles, Cal. Selim Sheffield White* PmH' A. B. 1878. Brother of Edson Walter White, Zeta 80. Publisher. d. 1900 John Edwin Voung PaH A. B. 1878. Assoc. Justice of N. H. Superior and Supreme Court. Lawyer. 60 High St., Exeter, N. H. 1879 Charles Albert Babbitt* I y t A. B. 1904; LL. B. 1881 Boston Univ. Mayor, Fitchburg, Mass., 01-02. I^awyer. d. 1911 sde" John Henry Card* A. B. 1879; A. M. 1882. Auditor Town of (iorham, 80-87; Member School Board, 84-86. Lawyer. d. 1903 Howard Sumner Dearing"* Y] m P A. B. 1879; A. M. 1882; M. D. 1882. Asst. Prof. Clinical Medicine. Tufts Med. Coll.. 95- 09; Major and Surg. LL S. Vols., 98-99, rank of Lieut. Colonel. Member Mass. Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1909 Joseph Henry Dunbar* H m p' A. B. 1879; A. M. 1882. Phi Beta Kappa. Vice-Principal Acad. Haverhill, N. H.. 79-85; Principal High School. White River Junction. Vt., 86. Author "Thirty Lessons in the Latin Verb." Educator and Journalist. d. 1910 Horace Kendall Foster 2w0. A. B. 1879; A. M. 1882; M. D. 1882. Principal Mclndoe Falls Acad.. 79; Member School Committee. 85-88; Pres. Board Trustees of ]. B. Thomas Hosp., 00-17; Trustee Peabody Inst.. 16-17; Pres. Essex South Dist. Med. Soc; Med. Examiner, Essex Co., 95-17. Member Mass. Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. 2 Park St., Peabody, Mass. Herbert James Harriman* u e O ' A. B. 1879; A. 'M. and M. D. 1882. Com- mencement Orator. Surg. Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., 86-87; Member School Com- mittee, 84 and Chairman, 86; Member Mass. Med. Soc. and Gynecological Soc. of Boston. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1889 1879-80 J ZETA CHAPTER 313 Joseph Ilenry Sanborn* H d P" A. 15. 1879. Educator. d. 1881 Cliark\>^ Hopkins Washburn* H h 6^ Cicrk. d. 1904 Jolni William Whidden* a j 0^ .M. I). 1879 nalmemann Med. Coll. Kxamina- tion Prize and Surgical Prize, 79. IMiy.'iician and Surgeon. d. 1909 Stephen C Wood -q c p^ A. R. 1879 Yale; ^\. D. 1887 Univ. of Pa. Teacher. Philadelphia, 79-8.i. See I'.cta 79 Educator. 1880 \\'illiatn Emerson Barrett* m i A. B. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Principal Grammar School, Clare- mont, N. H., 78; Messenger Governor and Council N. H., 79-80; Speaker House of Repre- sentatives, Mass., 89-93: ^^ember Congress, 95- 99. Journalist. d. 1906 p c n" Andros Palmer Chesley* A. B. 1880; M. D. 1883 Long Island Coll. Hosp. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1908 Dana Paul Dame r I" A. B. 1880. Principal Bristol (Vt.) Acad.. 80; New Salem (Mass.) Acad., 81; High School, Lincoln, Mass., 82; High School, Littleton, N. H.; Supt. of .Schools, Educator. 116 Main St.; res. IS Pleasant St., North And- over, Mass. George Henry Dan forth* P h I" A. B. 1880. Manager "The Nine," 79-80. Editor The Aegis. Supt. Schools, Greenfield, ^^ass. ; Master Grammar School, Amesbury, Mass., 80-83; Adams (Public) School, Quincy, 83. Educator. d. 1906 George Arthur Dickey ©d::" Thomas Flint .■\. B. 1880. Editor The Dartmouth: Rollins Prize Speaker M). Principal High School, Hills- borough Bridge, 82-86; Penacook Grammar School, Concord, 86 — ; ^rember School Com- mittee. Nevvburyport. Mass., 01-0,^; Manches- ter, N. H., since 16. Insurance. Provident Life and Trust Co. of Philadelphia. .Amoskeag Bank Bid?.; res. 1052 I^nion St.. Manchester, N. H. Pst:" A. B. 1880; .\. M. 1886. Member California State Senate. 89-05; Pres. Pro Triii. Senate. 95- 05; Acting Lieut. Governor, 95-97. Rancher. 482 South St., Holiister, Cal. Warren Converse French p n t A. B. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Epsilon. Member Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Assn ; Assn. Bar City New York; Republican Club, 23d As- sembly Dist.; Psi Upsilon and Scarsdale (lolf Clubs. Brother of John French, Zeta 86. Lawyer. 41 Park Row; res. 469 \V. lS2d St., New York, N. Y. Frederick Prime (jarrettson 1 1 n p" Fornier Mayor Newport, R. I.; City Council. Member Historical Assn.; Sons of the Revolu- tion; Newport Reading Room, Casino, Man- tonomi. Clam Bake and L'nion (New York) Clubs. Merchant. 290 Thames St.; res. 142 Mill St., Newport, R. I. Charles Clement Hazen* D. D. S. 1883 Boston Dental Col Dentist. William Pierce Johnson egx" d. 1905 Pf t A. B. 1880. Manufacturer. (Alaska Commercial Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.) William Lemmex Pierce e w J .\. B. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Principal High School, Hanover, N. H., 80-81; Sewickley Private Acad., 81-83. Lawyer (retired). Palisade Ave., Englewood, N. J. Clarence Pike p n r A. B. 1880; B. D. 1883 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Latin Prize, 78; 2d Essay Prize, 80; .Salutatorian. Pastor LTnion Con- gregational Church, Amesbury and Salisbury, Mass., 84. Clergyman. Royalston, Mass. Lyndon Ambrose Smith e e i A. B. 1880; A. M. 1883; LL. B. 1882 George- town Univ. and LL. M. 1884; LL. M. 1883 Xationa' Univ. 1st Prize Latin. 78; 1st Prize Matliematics. 78; \'aledictorian. Lieut. Governoi- Minn., 98; County .\tty. Chippewa County, 88 and 03-09; Pres. and Trustee Montevideo: formerly Master Carleton Coll., Northficld, Minn.; Pres. Northwestern Dartmouth Assn.; .^tty. General Minn., since 11. Author "Recent School Law Decisions." ^Member LTniversity. Commercial, .Vthletic, Commercial (Montevideo) and Congre- gational (Minneapolis) Clubs; Am. Bar. State Bar and Ramsey County Bar Assns. r^awycr. 102 State Capitol, -St. Paul; res. Montevideo, Minn. Charles Henry Strout 0er A. B. 1880; A. M. 1883. Phi Beta Kappa. Tnstr. in ^Mathematics, L^rv School, Philadelphia, Pa., 80-84; Headmaster St. Luke's School since 84. Educator. St. Luke's School, Wayne, Pa. Webster Thaver y, X. A. P>. 1880. Justice Snpeiior Cmirt of Mass. since 17. Jurist. (340 Main St., Worcester, Mass.) Moses Waller W^adhams"* A. B. 1880. Lawver. Edson Walter White d. 1915 p b n ■ -A. B. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Brother of Sclim Sheffield Wliite, Zeta 7:^. Journalist. linston Globe. Boston; res. 266 Albion St., Wakefield, Mass. 314 ZETA CHAPTER [1881-82 1881 Charles Arthvir Castle M x X' A. B. 1881. Cataloguer Public Library, Green- ville, Miss., 82; Teacher Greek and Latin, Irving Literary Inst., Tarrytown, N\ Y., 82-84. Lawyer. 73 Tremont Bldg., Boston; res. 20 Bartlett St., Melrose, Mass. Nathan Dow Cram 6 m K A. B. 1881. Principal High School, Hanover, N. H., 82-83; Franklin School, Washington, D. C., 83; Supervisor Public Schools, Washing- ton, 83. Son of Charles Hilliard Cram, Zeta 54. Journalist. Silver, Burdett & Co., 221 Columbus Ave.; res. 259 Newbury St., Boston^ Mass. Warren William Foster UgE" A. B. 1881; A. M. 1883; LL. B. 1883 Columbia. Editor The Diamond, 85. .Sec. Tammany Hall, 99; Judge Court General Sessions, 00-14. Officer of a Corporation. Western Gas Co., 61 Broadway; res. 435 E. 57th St., New York, N. Y. Oscar Hitchcock French^'' p w K A. B. 1881. Phi Beta Kappa. d. 1884 ^^'illiam Bradford Greeley A x x A. B. 1881; LL. B. 1887 Columbian (Washing- ton) Univ.; LL. M. 1888. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Member Engineers', Republican, Wykagyl and Huguenot Clubs, American Bar and New York County Lawyers' Assns. and Bar Assn. of the City of New York. Son of Edward Hanford Greeley, Zeta 45. brother of Edward Addison Greelev, Zeta 76 and Arthur Philip Greeley, Zeta 83.' Lawyer. 38 Park Row, New York, N. Y. ; res. 216 Drake Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y. Francis Hobart Herrick A :: X A. B. 1881; Ph. D. 1888 Johns Hopkins: Sc. D. 1897 Western Univ. of Pa. Teacher Vermont Episcopal Inst., Burlington, 81-83; Holderness School, Plymouth, N. H., 83-84; Instr. in Biology, Adelbert Coll., 88-91; Prof, of Biology, since 91; Western Reserve Univ.; Fellow Am. .\ssn. Advancement Science. Author "The American Lobster;" "Home Life of Wild Birds;" "Natural History of the American Lobster." Member Am. Soc. Naturalists; Am. See. Zoologists; Boston Soc. Natural History; Am. Fisheries Soc.; Am. Ornithologists' Union; Wilson Ornithological Soc. Educator. Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. vron Charles Leavitt O r K A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884; M. D. 1887 Harvard. House Surg. Free Hosp. for Women, Boston, Mass., 85-86. Physician. Tremont St., Duxbury, Mass. William Moore* Pwz A. B. 1881. Managing Editor of the Aegis. 81; Manager of the "Nine," 81; Teacher, Chatfield, Minn., 81-82; Supt. City Schools, Lake City, 82; Member Minn. High School Council. Educator. d. 1914 PmK A. B. 1881; A. M. 1888 Andover Theol. Sem. Georo^e Willis Patterson Chaplain Vt. Legislature. Son of James Willi; Patterson, Zeta 48. Clergyman. Main St.. Castine. Maine. Edward Nathan Pearson f) m K John French Philbrick A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884. Phi Beta Kappa. Sec. of State. N. H., 99-15. Banker. 20 N. Main St.; res. 72 Pleasant St., Concord, N. H. P h K A. B. 1881. Principal Pittsfield (Mass.) Acad.'. 81; Deputy County Auditor, Burleigh Countv, N. Dak., 85-87; Judge of Probate, 90; Asst. Atty. General. 95-07. Lawyer. Bismarck Hotel. Bismarck. N. Dak. 1882 William Wentworth Allen* H d Z ' A. B. 1882. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal High School. Charlestown. N. H.. 82-85; Dexter, Maine, 85-86; Rochester, N. H., 86. Educator. d. 1894 Edward Franklin Gate $ 9 X" A. B. 1882. Phi Beta Kappa. Representative N. H. State Legislature; Selectman Wulfcboro; Trustee Wolfeboro Library. Brother of Arthur Thompson Cate, Zeta 85. Lawyer (retired). Farmington Rd., Alton. N. H. Edward Birdsall Condon Hdj' A. B. 1882; A. M. 1885. Teacher of Greek and Latin, Collegiate Inst.. Newton, N. J., 82-83; Principal Boys' Boarding School, Englewood, N. J.. 85-86; Teacher of Classics. Columbia Grammar School, New York City. 8b. Educator. Clarence Eastman Cross* r, t A, A. B. 1890 post obit. Brother of .Mien East- man Cross. Gannna 86. Student. d. 1881 Mott Alvah Cummings li c c A. B. 1882; A. M. 1885; M. D. 188/ Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Instr. Holderness School 82-83; Principal Broadway Grammar School, Pawtucket, R. I., 83-84. Physician. 69 Church St.. Winchester, Mass. Frank Gleason Fay p >: M. D. 1884 Long Island Med. Coll. Member Massachusetts Med. and Worcester County Med. Socs.; Commonwealth Club. Physician and Surgeon. (Worcester. Mass.) Robert Mills Hutchings* Broker. Frederick Harrison Knight J h X" d. 1896 H b S" A. B. 1882: A. M. 1907; B. D. 1885 Boston Univ.; Ph. D. 1895. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres. of Zetas; Editor Aegis; Commencement Orator. Pastor, Putney, Vt., 82-83; Wollaston, Mass., 84-86; Jamaica Plain, Mass.. 87-90; Spring- field, Mass., 91-93; Salem, Mass., 95-99; Bos- ton, 00-01; Pres. New Orleans Univ., 02-07; Supt. New England Home for Little Wanderers since 07. Member Boston Monday Evening and 1882-8.^1 ZETA CHAPTER Twentieth Century Clubs; National Conference Charities and Corrections. Clergyman. 161 S. Huntington Ave., Boston; res. 17 Green St., Brookline. Mass. [olin Bouton Lawrence Yj h X A. B. 1882; B. D. 1885 Yale Univ. Real Estate and Insurance. 15 S. -Main St.; res. 181 Fla.x Hill Rd., South Xorwalk, Conn. Luther Bartlett Little HsA .\. B. 1882. Boxing; Editor The Dartmouth. Member Dartmouth Alumni Council, Dart- mouth, Republican, Press, .\ndiron, Scarsdale (lolf and Country Clubs; The .\mcn Corner; I'ilgrims of America. Insurance. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 1 Madison Ave.; res. 55 E. 93d St.. New York. N. Y. Frederic Clarence Newton* 2 d ^ M. n. 1882 Univ. Citv of New York. Med. Inspr. City of Chicago, 84-87; Demonstrator of .\natomy and Lecturer on Surgery, College of Phys. and Surgeons, Chicago, 84-87. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1887 f^enrv Horatio Parker Y]pX" A. B. 1882: LL. B. 1886 Union Univ. Editor Aciiis. 80-81. Son of Henry Elijah Parker, Xeta 41. Lawver. (600 Arch St. N.. Pittsburgh. Pa.) Robert Parmenter Parker yS B. L. 1888. Clergyman. 7 Porter 5\.ve., Somerville, Mass. Forrest Lincoln Keay ^ w 9 A. B. 1888; M. D. 1893. Sphinx. Baseball (Capt), 88. Physician. 19 S. Main St.; res. 21 S. Main St., Rochester, N. H. William Wheeler Lougee ^?'A B. L. 1888; M. D. 1898 New York Univ. Physician. 195 Main St., Maiden, Mass. Peter Francis McManus 7. x T (248 West St.. Rutland. Vt.) Fisher Hildreth Pearson ^ u

\ Member Rochester School Board, 94-96; Public Library Trustee, 99. Publisher. Rochester Courier. X. Main St.; res. 10 Charles St.. Rochester, N. H. Ozias Danforth jNIathewson d> o A. B. 1890; A. M. 1893. Casque and Gaunt- let. Editor The Dartmouth; Honorable meni- tion in Economics, Law, Psychology, Ethics and History of Philosophy. Principal and Sunt, of School at Barrf. Vt. for 22 vears: County Examiner of Teachers; Normal School Commissioner; Sec.-Treas. State Board nf Education. Member Lyndon Club. Educator. South St.. Lyndonville. Vt. William Gerry Morgan ^ m Z B. L. 1890: M. D. 1893 Univ. of Pa. Prof, of Gastro-enterology Georgetown Univ.; Pres. Am. Gastro-enterological Assn. Member Met- ropolitan, Cosmos, LTniversity and Washington Country Clubs. Physician. 1624 I St.: res. 1006 16th St., Washington, D. C. George Higgins Moses [i e r, A. B. 1890; A. M. 1893. Sphinx. Executive Committee New England Intercollegiate Ath- letic Assn.; Member and Sec. State Board of Forestry Commissioners, 93-06; Member Board of Education, Concord, 02-03. 06-09 and 13-16: U. S. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary to Greece and Montenegro, 09-13: Received Grand Cordon of the Order of the Re- deemer (Greek) and of the Order of Danilo (Montenegrin) for "Services Rendered in Be- half of the Balkan Federation;" Delegate-at- Large to Republican National Conventions, 08 and 16; Chairman Advisory Committee Repub- lican State Committee, 14; Pres. Republican State Convention, 14. -Author "John .Stark:" "New Hampshire Men." Member Wonolancet, Passaconaway, Republican (New York). Uni- versity and Army and Navy (Washington) and .\thenian (Athens, Greece,) Clubs. Journalist. Concord Evening Monitor; res. 5 .\ul)nrn St , Concord, N. H. Charles Albert Perkins Aj-t A. B. 1890; LL. B. 1893 Univ. State of X. Y. Casque and Gauntlet. Deputy Asst. Dist. Atty. New York Countv, 97 and 02-03: Asst. Dist. Attv.. 03-04: Dist. -Vtty.. 15. Member Uni- versity, Republican, New York Athletic and Dartmouth Clubs; Assn. of the Bar. Lawver. 61 BVoadway; res. 201 W. 57th St., New York. N. Y. Henry Beardsley Prescott (110 State St., Boston, Mass.) Sam Sparhawk 'b m Z A. B. 1890; M. D. 1893 Univ. Vt. and Hahne- mann ]\Ied. Coll., Philadelphia. Physician. (150 Bank St., Burlington, Vt.) Albin Beard Veazev -n-^^ LL. B. 1896 National Univ. Football. Mem- ber University Club. Agent. 315 Southern Bldg.; res. 1724 Oregon .\ve., Washington, D. C. Edward Kirk \\'oo(ls .i \\- - 320 ZETA CHAPTER [1891-93 John Abbott 1891 ^I' e T A. B. 1891; LL. B. 1895. Casque and Gaunt- kt. Lawyer. 53 State St., Boston; res. Arlington St., Win- chester, Mass. Egbert Horace Allis (Randolph, Vt.) Frank Eugene FJarnard* A. B. 1891. Lawyer. < Edmund Jonathan lUigbee A. B. 1891. Farmer. Tunbridge, Vt. Marshall Otto Edson A. B. 1891. Journalist. Hanover, N. H. Guy George'"^' A. B. 1891. Educator. d. 1913 Bac7 (]; (Z n Bhcr Roscoe Dorman Perlev d. 1894 M. D. 1896 Harvard. Med. Examiner Middle sex County; N'isiting Surg.. Melrose Hosp.; \'ice-Pres. Mass. Med. Soc, Middlesex Counts, East Dist. Member Melrose Club. Physician. 63 W. Emerson St., Melrose, Mass. John Hastings Quint .\. B. 1897 Bowdoin and D. D.' 1913. Bangor Theol. Sem. See Kappa 97 Clergyman. 43 County Rd., Chelsea, Mass. Horton \\'iley* 1892 Harry Elmer Andrews* B. L. 1892. Lawyer. Jesse Morton Barton A. B. 1892. Football; Baseball. Jiidge of Probate, Sullivan County; Member Legislature. 01; N. H. Constitutional Conventions, 03-12; Trustee N. H. Industrial School; Chair- man Republican State Committee, 12-14; Trus- tee Richards Free Library and M. E. Church. Lawyer. Newport, N. H. r t T, Trustee [ic u d. 1897 r o e d. 1903 r W P X 111 p d. 1914 '^ e c d. 1914 A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1895 Harvard. Casque and Gauntlet. Member N. H. Public Service Com- mission, lawyer. Hayes Block; res. 69 Charles St., Rochester, N. H. Henry Herbert Folsom* A. B. 1892. Phi Beta Kappa. Lawyer. Ralph Wedgwood Gould" A. B. 1892. Sphinx. Insurance. William Towne Gunnison Fred McMahon Kreutzer* TXQ Brother of William Ulric Kreutzer, Psi 90. Lawyer. d. 1906 Charles Maitland Lamprey X li A. B. 1892. Dir. Evening and Vacation .Schools, Boston, Mass. and Boston ^lodel School; Head Dept. in Boston Normal School; Principal Martin School, Boston. Member Boston City Club. Educator. Martin School, Huntington Ave., Boston; res. S3 Donnybroolc Rd., Brighton, Mass. XsP X e p Top A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1895 Harvard Univ. Phi Beta Kappa; Casque and Gauntlet. Lawyer. Fish, Richardson, Herrick & Neave., 84 State St., Boston; res. 25 Prospect Ave., Newtonville, Mass. John Wallace Putnam B. L. 1892. Jordan Jackson Rollins A. B. 1892. Phi Beta Kappa. Lawyer. (i2 Nassau St., New York. N. Y.) Alex David Salinger 1893 Winthrop Porter Abbott Xl):r A. B. 1893; A. M. 1896. Examiner of Teachers, Rutland County. \'t., 00-10; Pres. Vt. State Teachers' Assn., 96; Rutland County School Officials' Assn., 08-12, and Franklin County (Mass.) Teachers' Assn., 13; Supt. of -Schools, (ireenfield, M:iss. ■ Educator. High School Bldg., Federal St..: St., Greenfield, Mass. 41 I'nioii Joseph Louis Ferguson .\. B. 1893. Clergyman. Danvers, Mass. Carroll Langdon Flint (152 Pine St., Burlington, \'t.) .\rthur Jewett Lougee .\. B. 1893; M. 1). 1896 Columbia. Physician. Fryeburg, Maine. Lucius Julius Mason B. L. 1893; M. I). 1400 Columbia. Physician. 342 W. 56th St., New York. N. V. Robert Doty Maynard" .\. B. 1893; C. E. 1895. Engineer. Josiah Leverett Merrill A. B. 1893. (1429 Park Bldg.. Pittsl.uigh, Pa.) Archie Clifton ( )sb()me (Pittsfield, N. H.) tlarlan Colby Pearson A. B. 1893; A. M. 1896. Phi Beta Kappa; Sphinx. Commencement Orator; Latin Prize, Xkc vnl X "1 " xtT d. 1906 Tzn X 1^ ^ Yd 1893-95] ZETA CHAPTER 321 46; Pray Modern Language Prize; Editor Aegis and The Dartmouth. Author '"Brown Book;" "New Hampshire Farms." Member Concord and Beaver Meadow Golf Clubs, .lournalist. Concord Evening ^Monitor, 10 Pleasant St_. Ex- tension; res. 37 S. Spring St., Concord, X. H. lames Henrv Van Horn "h- .\. B. 1893. Lawyer. Codv, Wyo. Sphinx. 1894 Charles Dana Barrows r 1^ K .\. B. 1894. Sphinx. Member Cmnlievland, Portland and Portland Country Clubs. Purchasing Agent. -Maine Central Railroad, 242 St. John .St.: res. Cape Elizabeth, Portland, Maine. Rufus Brown Barton Xho A. B. 1894. Educator. (Windsor, \'t.) Frederick Alexander Busbee r, F ]M R. Litt. 1894; .\. M. 1898 Harvard and Ph. P. 1902. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement appoint- ment. Dir. Col', of Commerce, Univ. of Colo.; Prof, of Economics and Sociology. Author "Ethnic Factors in the Popitlation of Boston." Educator. I'niversity of Colorado; res. 1207 .\urora Ave.. Boulder, Colo. Frank Decker Field ■/ .1 " B. L. 1894. Casque and Gauntlet; Dramatic- Club. Business Mgr., The Dartmouth : Final Honors in English. Member University Club. Manufacturer. Omaha Hardwood Lumber Co.; res. 13th and California Sts., Omaha, Ncbr. Dwii^ht Hall A. B. 1894. Lawver. (117 Silver St., Dover, X. Mayor, Dover, 11 — H.) Carl Seth Hoskins A. B. 1894. Hosteler. Sugar Hill, X. H. Edward Sherman Lindsev I.awyer. Warren Xational Bank Bldg. Warren, Pa. Georji^e Elwood Mann FrO m o r d n res 314 East St. y. T •/• A. B. 1894. Old Pine Address at Commence- ment. Commissioner \'X. State Fair; Sclio"! Director. Member Lake Mansfield Trout Chib. Manufacturer. A. G. Dewey Co.. Quechee, \t. jnhn I^eroy Mann ■/ ( ) \. R 1894; C. E. 1898. Phi Beta Kappa; Tigrr; N". M. C. \. Member Xational Arts C'lub. Associate Efficiency Engineer, Citv of Xew York. 2.S()0 Municipal Bldg., .\evv Vnrk, X. V.; res. Randolph, Vt. Walter Hibbard Merrill Y q n R. L. 1894; M. D. 1901 George Washington I'niv. Phi Beta Kappa. Scholarship in Chem- istry. Instr. Med. Phys., Georgetown Univ. Med. Coll., 98-99; Lecturer Electro-Therapeutics, George W'ashington Univ., 02 — ; Roentgenolo- fist, Upiversity Hosp. and Garfield Memorial [osp. ' Member Powhatan and Washington Athletic Clubs. Physician, (iarfield Memorial Hospital, Washington, D. C. Harry .\rtbur Powers''' d. 1898 rto John Emile \\ adsworth M. D. 1896 Maine Med. School. Physician. ( .Skowhegan, Maine.) 1895 Joseph Warren Bisho]) X Y ■'^ A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1900 Xew York Law School. •Sphinx. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Journalist. Xew York Sun, ISO Nassau St., New York; res. 9 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, N. Y. Algar Ethelbert Carleton F r E A, B. 1895. Ra.seball. .\m. Vice-Consul, Hong- Kong, China. Diplomatist. .\merican Consulate, Hongkong, China. .\llyn Jones Crosb\- '/ ''' '^ B. L. 1895. .Superintendent. .Springfield Electric Railway Co.; res. 66 Pearl St., Springfield, Vt. David Edwin Clarence Duffy* 7 g A d. 1904 rkS Merchant. Fred Gorham Folsom .\. R. 1895; LL. B. 1899 Univ. of Colo. Casque and (Gauntlet. Prof, of Law, Colorado Univ. Educator and Lawyer. 1 Earl Bldg.; res. 960 15th St., Boulder, Colo. Joseph Albert Ford X!^^ B. L. 1895. Sphinx. Football. Publisher The Dartmouth. !NIembcr Psi Upsiloti, Transporta- tion, Aldine, Scarsdalc Golf and Camp .Fire (Xew York), Union League, Chicago Athletic and .Skokie Country (Chicago. 111.") Clubs, ^lerchant. Bush Terminal Xo. 1. Brooklvn; res. Harts- dale, N. Y. John \'inal Gunnison -\. B. 1895 Merchant. :\rerchantvine, N. J. Charles Herman Hunkins c - F p Z A. B. 1895: Ph. D. 1911 Univ. of Paris. Casque and Gauntlet. Prof, of Romance, Language and Literature. Brown L^niv. Mem- ber Wannanioisett Country and East Side .Skating Clubs. Educator Rrown University: res. 120 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Walter Emery Merrill A. B. 1894: M. D. 1898. Physician. (16 Middle St., Gloucester, >[ass.) X -^ ^« 322 ZETA CHAPTER [1895-98 -/ha Henry Clinton Morrison / e X A. B. 1895; M. S. 1906 X. H. Coll.; LL. D. 1914 Univ. of Maine. Casque and Gauntlet. 1st Lockwood and 2d Grimes Prizes; English Essay; 1^2 Modern Language Prize; \'aledictorian. State Supt. of Public Schools. Educator. State House; res. Westbourne Rd., Concord, N. H. William Foster Rice ■/ 1 A B. L. 1895. Commencement Appointment; Tennis. Clerk Central Congregational Church; Treas. Centra', and Noanett Tennis Clubs: Teacher Public Latin School. Boston, Mass. Member Massachusetts Schoolmasters' Club and Eastern Assn. of Physics Teachers. Educator. Public Latin .School. Warren Ave., Boston; res. 28 St. John Ave., Jamaica Plain, Mass. John Wheeler A. B. 1895; M. D. 1898. Sphinx. I'hvsician. 132 Main St.. Plymouth, N. H. 1896 Hubert Liscom Cox Conneaut, Ohio. James Allen Cox''' B. L. 1896. Phi Beta Kappa. Lawyer. Neil Bancroft Drew* John Carlton Hadlock A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1901 Boston Univ. Lawyer. (Milford. X. n.) Arthur Leon Jones y. V r ■/. V d. 1903 yid n d. 1905 7 F AI '■' c n A. B. 1896; M. D. 1908 Bowdoin. Aljiba Kappa Kappa; Casque and Cjanntlet. Physician. Staples St.. Old Orchard, Maine. 7. "'' " Lindley Guy Palmer .■\. B. 1896. Phi Beta Kappa. Merchant. (597 Essex St., Lynn, Mass.) Carl Harry Richardson F q v B. L. 1896; LL. B. 1900 Boston Univ. Theta Nu Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi. Treas. Football Assn., 95; Glee Club; Trustee Dow Acad. Member Dartmouth Club of Boston. Lawyer. 73 Tremont St.; res. 306 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. Ralph Parker Folsom 7dA 1897 FmA Harry Patrick Conway A. B. 1897; LL. B. 1903 St. Paul Coll. of Law. Casque and Gauntlet. Baseball, (3), (4). Member University Club. General Agent. Ginn & Co., 2301 Prairie Ave.; res. 4344 Clar- . endon Ave., Chicago. 111. Arthur Channini^ Folsom 7 c « B. S. 1897. Merchant. (Postal Tel. Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.) A. B. 1897; M. D. 1908 Columbia. Serior Phys. Manhattan State Hosp.; Asst. Phys. Cornell Univ. Med. School Dispensary. Physician. Manhattan State Hosp., Wards Island, Xew York. N. Y. Henry Herbert Harrison* A. B. 1897. Journalist. 7 •-" ^'^ d. 1902 riQ George Martin Lewis A. B. 1897. FootbalL Real Estate and Farming. Manhattan, Mont. William Lewis O'Brion 7 s co A. B. 1897; LL. B. 1900 Harvard. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) and Wykagyl Countrv (New Rochelle) Clubs. Lawyer. 30 E. 42d St.. New York; res. 64 Elm St., Xew Rochelle, N. Y. Frederick Winthrop Perkins F a A B. L. 1898. Farmer. Georgetown, Mass. Weld Allen Rollins x -{ (o A. B. 1897; LL. B. 1900 Harvard. Sphinx. Mgr. FootbalL Member Psi Upsilon Assn. of New England; Country, Tedesco, Exchange and Appalachian Mountain Clubs; Boston Athletic Assn. and Dartmouth Club of Boston. Lawyer. National Shawmut Bank Bldg., Boston; res. 184 St. Paul St., Brookline. Mass. Robert Johnston Sisk 7 co A. B. 1897. Educator. Auburndale. Mass. Harry Aten Terrell F o Q Broker. (227 Hancock St., Brook'yn. N. V.) Morton Chase Tuttle B. S. 1897. Builder. Aberthaw Construction Co., 27 School St., Boston; res. 22 Chestnut Terrace, Newton Cen- ter, Mass. 1898 Fdward Carpenter Batchelder 7 n A' A. B.. 1898; M. D. 1904. Sphinx. Surg. Wentworth Hosp. Physician and Surgeon. 8 Masonic Temple; res. 250 Washington St., Dover, N. H. Frederick Wicassovich Bennis F m A' A. B. 1898. Sphinx. Rancher. High River, Alberta, Canada. Thomas Cristie 7 S' c-/ John Bernard Christian Eckstorm 7 I) CO 15. L. 1898; ^f. D. 1903 Ohio :\red. Univ. Theta 1898-1900] ZETA CHAPTER 323 Xu Epsilon ; Casiiuc and Gauntlet. Football (1), (2), (3), (4); Capt. (4); Freshman Baseball (Capt.)- Major Surg. N. G. Ohio; Capt. and Commanding Officer 2d Ambulance Co.; Coach Football (Jhio State Univ. and Kenyon Coll. Member Ohio State Med. Soc. Brother of Paul Frederick Theodore Eckstorm, Zeta 01. Physician. 208 E. Eleventh .\ve.. Columbus, Ohio. Harold Dawes Gilbert* George Abbott Green d. 1897 X b ^' A. B. 1898; LL. B. 1900 New York Law School. Casque and Gauntlet. Member N. Y. State Assembly, 06-10; Asst. Corporation Counsel New York since 14. Member Psi Upsilon (New York), Brooklyn Civic and Logan Clubs. Lawyer. 153 Pierrepont St.; res. 550, 8th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Albert Dodge Jone.s B. L. 1898. Theta Nu Epsilon; Sphinx. Mgr. Dartmouth Glee, Mandolin and Guitar Clubs, 98. Auditor Strafford County. N. H. Lawyer. Dodge Bldg.; res. 90 Church St., Rochester, N. H. Frederic Hamilton Leggett XmA' A. B. 1898. Theta Nu Epsilon; Sphinx. Mem- ber Commercial Club. Pacific District Manager. \Vestern Electric Co., 680 Folsom St.; res. 1001 Pine St., San Francisco, Cal. Richard Marcy B. S. 1898. Transportation. {33 Moody St., Waltham, Mass.) Robert Earle Peck A. B. 1898. Educator. St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. Charles Leon Snow 6iX^' Y b a Yew 1899 Samuel Burns CO e ^' Financier. Omaha National Bank Bldg.; res. 430 S. 40th St., Omaha, Nebr. Philip Worcester Carson 0) X '/ B. L. 1899. (Randolph, N. Y.) Frederick Joseph Crolius I B. L. 1899. Theta Nu Epsilon; Casque and Gauntlet. Baseball (1), (2), (3), (4); Football (Capt.). Author "The Locomotive as a Power Plant." Member International Railway Assn. .Superintendent. Homestead Steel Works, Eighth Ave.. Munliall Pa. Q h W A. B. 1899; LL. B. 1902 Harvard. Sphinx. Baseball (1), (2), (3), (4); Capt. (3), (4). Lawyer. 53 State St., Bo.ston; res. 27 Grove Hill Ave., Newtonville, Mass. (12) Pitt Fessenden Drew Walter Andrew Foss A. B. 1899. Me^;chant. William Murdock Fraser* A. B. 1899. Merchant. Joseph William Gannon aka' s [i d. 1906 Ql§' A. B. 1899. Casque and Gauntlet. Pres. and Stage Dir. Dramatic Assn.; Mgr. Baseball; 2d Prize Extemporaneous Debate (3); Commence- ment Honor; Address to the Old Pine; Ath- letic Council, Dartmouth Coll. since 10; Mem- ber Alumni Council Dartmouth Coll. Member Dartmouth (New York) and Commonwealth (Upper Montclair. N. J.) Clubs. Advertising Manager. Care Royal Baking Powder Co., 135 William St., New York, N. Y.; res. 405 Park St., Upper Montclair, N. J. Horace Dexter Hardy* A. B. 1899. Lawyer. Neal Luther Hoskins Qg &' d. 1910 A. B. 1899; M. D. 1905 Detroit Coll. of Med. Theta Nu Epsilon; Sphinx. Junior Attending Phys. St. Mary's Hosp. Member Wayne County Med. Soc, Detroit Athletic and Transportation Clubs. 644 David Whitney Bldg., Detroit; res. 135 jMonterey Ave, Highland Park, Mich. Harry Ladd* o) s ^'' A. B. 1899. Lawyer. d. 1906 Henry Putnam :Merrill T e Q' M. D. 1900 Cornell. , Physician. 92 High St., Portland, Maine. George Munroe Rounds X^^ Initiated by the Kappa James Brackett [Creighton] Walker a t ^ (Lee, N. H.) 1900 John Edward Berry . q LX A. B. 1900. Agent. N. D.-G. E. Line, Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem, 131 State St., Boston; res. 36 Hopkins Rd., Arlington, Mass. x^Lrthur Parsons Brvant (0 £ X A. B. 1900 Cornell. Quill and Dagger; Man- dolin Club. Football. Member Union Boat and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. See Chi 00 Merchant. 50 Congress St., Boston; res. 59 Garfield St., Watertown, Mass. Charles Allen Drew Q c F' B. S. 1900. Merchant. (268 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.) 324 ZETA CHAPTER [1900-02 Homer Eaton Keyes AS to' B. L. 1900; A. M. 1912 Princeton. Phi Beta Kappa; Casque and Gauntlet; Palaeopitus. Rufus Choate Scholar; English Prizes. Trustee Zeta Chapter of Psi Upsilon and New Hamp- shire Historical See; Business Dir. of Dart- mouth Coll. Member Graduate and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Educator. Dartmouth College; res. Rope Ferry Rd., Han- over, N. H. Qsr George Frye Merrill A. B. 1900; LL. B. 1900 Boston Univ. Law School. Casque and Gauntlet. Member Uni- versity and Dartmouth (Boston), Salem and Commonwealth Clubs. Lawyer. Ill Main St.; res. 31 Pleasant St., Gloucester, Mass. B. S. 1901 Columbia. Member Am. Chemical Soc. See Lambda 01 Manufacturer. The Marbleloid Co., 1328 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. 192 Midland Ave.. Glen Ridge, N. J. Robert Weise Page Howard Newell Skillin D r ¥' Manager. Ohio Union Mutual Life Ins. Co., 508 Guardian Bldg., Cleveland; res. 2480 Wellington Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Donald Dickey Tuttle Se$' A. B. 1900. Assistant Manager. McLane Mfg. Co., 44 Nashua St.; res. IS Higli St., Milford. N. H. Leonard Wason Tnttle SwA' A. B. 1900. Casque and Gauntlet. Production Superintendent. Sentinel Mfg. Co.; res. 42 College St., New Haven, Conn. 1901 John Gilbert Andrews ^g^' B. S. and C. E. 1901. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Palseopagus. Member Boston City Club. Contracting Engineer. Boston Bridge Works Inc., 47 Winter St., Bos- ton; res. 131 Bacon St., Natick, Mass., Eliot Bishop A. B. 1901; M. D. 1904. Assoc. Gynecologist and Obstetrician. Brooklyn and Greenpoint Hosps.; Med. Corps N. G., N. Y. Member Am. Med. Assn., State and County Med. and Brooklyn Gynecological Socs. Physician and Surgeon. 46 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Carl Cutter Bray (See Carl Cutter Wiggin). Eugene Francis Clark BIA' A. B. 1901; A. M. 190S; A. M. 1908 Harvard and Ph. D. 1915. Grimes Prize, 01. T-.;,.ecting Editor Dartmouth Alitwni Mapacine, 13. Educator. Rope Ferry R(' Hanover, N. H. Paul Frederick Theodore Eckstorm Bd$ B. L. 1901; M. C. S. 1902. Dragon. Member Psi Upsilon and Slichter Clubs. Brother of John Bernard Christian Eckstorm, Zeta 98. Banker. 135 W. Washington St.; res. 4948 Drake Ave., Chicago, HI. James Rison Fones ^F f A' (P. O. Box 1275. Ocean Park. Cal.) Harry Bassett Gilniore <];t' A. B. 1901. Theta Nu Epsilon. Casque and Gauntlet. Football. Member E.xchange Club (Boston). Office Manager. Western Electric Co. Inc., 115 Purchase St. Boston; res. 19 Linden Ave., Belmont, Mass. Eugene William Leach (}; s A B. S. 1901. Casque and Gauntlet. Lawyer. 400 Central St.. Franklin; res. 10 Auburn St., Concord. N. H. Theodore Chichester Morehouse ^ r A' Dartmouth Musical Clubs. 99-00. Meml)cr Union League, California Automobile Assn.. and City (Berkeley) Clubs. Publisher. 2d and Mission Sts.. San Francisco; res. 2914 Hillegas Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Harry Barrows Stearns (J; w A' Member Clairmont Country Club. Merchant and Manufacturer. 1152 Phelan Bldg.. San Francisco: res. 98 The Uplands, Berkeley, Cal. B'Al A. B. 1901. Theta Nu Epsilon; Casque and Gauntlet. Baseball; Glee and Man'oli.i Club; Mgr. (3), (4). Member Pcntuckct, Agawam Hunt. Tedesco Country and Island Golf Clulis. Merchant. 201 Water St.; res. IMill St., cor. Berkeley Ave., Haverhill, Mass. Henry La Forest Taylor Harvey Watterson* Lawyer. Nelson Davis White Carl Cutter Wiggin 1902 John Weston Cannell ¥k$ 1908 1/ Bp (];k5' SvE' A._ B. 1902. Sphinx; Turtle. Track. Foreman. Thomas G. Plant Shoe Factory, Centre St., Jamaica Plain; res. R. R. No. 64, S. Lincoln, Mass. Paul Shipman Dillingham (Montpelier, \'t.) GeorQe Wicker Elderkin W V $ Ms A. B. 1902; Ph. D. 1906 Johns Hopkins. Asst. Prof, of Archseology, Princeton Univ. Author "Problems in Periclean Buildings." Educator. Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. 1902-04] ZETA Austin Monroe Goodwin F b T' .-Icfjis Board. Clerk of Common Council. Journalist. 2i Monument Sq.; res. 135 Brackett St., Port- land, Maine. CHAPTER Ralph Oliver Durrell Manager. Edwin Bowlev Hall Bev' ficv' ^pu' Manufacturer. .i48 River St.; res. 53 Highland Ave., Haverhill, Mass. Clarence Blake Holt (Portland, Maine.) Arba J Irvin B. L. 1902. Turtle: Casque and Gauntlet. Mandolin Club. Member University Club. lournalist. 122 S. Michigan Blvd.: res. 515 Barry Ave., Chicago, 111. Richard Siegfried Kirchberger ^* c E' Theta Nu Epsilon. Manager. S. H. Churchill & Co., 540 S. Fifth Ave., Chicago; res. Green Bay Rd., Highland Park, 111. Frank Kivel ^qu' Advertising. 1008 Gas and Electric Bldg.; res. 1450 Grant St., Denver, Colo. Robert Milton Leach ^tv' Treas. Theta Nu Epsilon. Capt. Football. Morton Hosp. Manager. Weir Store Co., W. Water St.; res. 44 Harri- son St., Taunton, Mass. Arthur Hodges Merrill W f E' (18 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn.) Moses Bradstreet Perkins ^ s E' A. B. 1902. Casque and Gauntlet. Football; Track; Dramatic Club; Mgr. Debating Union. Instr. in English, Phillips Exeter Acad. Educator. Phillips Exeter Acad<'my; res. 8 Main St., Exe- ter, N. H. Enos Kittredge Sawyer ^j e Theta Nu Epsilon. Mayor of Franklin; Pres. N. H. State Senate. Merchant. 442 Central St.; res. Pleasant St., Franklin, N. H. Ralph Haydn Taylor Qgs' A. B. 1902. Theta Nu Epsilon; Turtle. Mem-' ber Pentucket Club. Lawyer. 14 Water St.; res. 79 Arlington St., Haverhill, Mass. 1903 Samuel Fay Barrows ^ f ^ (Johnsonburg, Pa.) James Hayward Batchelder ^* y Z' (Keene, N. H.) Nathaniel Hayward Batchelder B g T' A. B. 1903. Sphinx. Member Dartmouth and Harvard Clubs (Boston, Mass.>. Manufacturer. Impervious Package Co., 91 Court St., Keene. N. H. 325 Specjalty Store, 535 S. Broadway; res. 2357 W. i3d St., Los Angeles, Cal. Allen Brown Farmer ^kT A. B. 1903. Theta Nu Epsilon; Turtle; Casque and Gauntlet; Palaeopitus. Football. Salesman. 120 Tremont St.; res. 479 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. William Best Grant, Jr. ¥ 1 Z' A. B. 1903; LL. B. 1906 Univ. of Va. Casque and Gauntlet. Pres. Colo. Civil Service Com- mission, 13-15; Member Council of National Civil Service Reform League. Member Denver, University and Cactus Clubs. Lawyer. 811 Symes Bldg.; res. 7020 E. Twelfth Ave., Denver, Colo. Arthur Edward Hanlon BpT' A. B. 1903. Theta Nu Epsilon; Casque and Gauntlet; Turtle. FootbaJl. Member Dart- mouth Club. Salesman. 511 Atlantic Ave., Boston; res. 17 School St., Danvers, Mass. Henry Alexander Haugan ¥qK B. S. 1903. Theta Nu Epsilon; Casque and Gauntlet. Leader Mandolin and Banjo Clubs, 00-02; Baseball, Mgr., 03. Member Chicago Plan Commission; Treas. Univ. of 111., 09-13. Member Chicago Athletic Assn.; University, City, Mid-Day, Glen View Golf and Lincoln Park Yacht Clubs. Banker. State Bank of Chicago; res. 602 Deming PI., Chicago, 111. George Edward Hoke ^ko' B. S. 1903. Casque and Gauntlet; Palaeopitus Soc. Member White Bear Yacht and Minne- sota Clubs. Lawyer. 1006 Merchants' Bank Bldg.; res. 457 Ashland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. John Hale McElroy* ^sT' A. B. 1903. Engineer with Isthmian Canal Commission, Panama, 05-06. Engineer. d. 1915 Percival Bowditch Palmer, Jr. W t z' B. S. 1904. Sec. Trustees of Lincoln Center; Treas. Amherst Club; Sec. Lakeside (Mich.) Golf Club. Member Amherst, City and Lake- side (Mich.) Golf Clubs. See Gamma 04 Merchant. 367 W. Adams St.; res. 1316 E. 50th St., Chi- cago, III. William Lvman Stevens phj; A. B. 1903: LL. B. 1906 Harvard. Casque and Gauntlet. Leader Mandolin Club, 01-03. Pres. Charity Organization Soc. Member Wono- lancet and Beaver Meadow Golf Clubs. Lawyer. Stevens, Couch & Stevens, 72 N. Main St.; res. 84 School St., Concord, N. H. 1904 Herbert Morrill Andrews ¥yS' Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Neighborhood Club. Assistant Superintendent. 326 ZETA CHAPTER [1904-06 Boston Bridge Works, 9th and Binney Sts., East Cambridge; res. 23 Sterling St., West Newton, Mass. David Sands Austin, 2d ^' t 2' B. S. 1904. Dragon Soc. Member Dartmouth Club of Boston. Manager. Waterville, N. H. Edwin Rice Bartlett Bda' A. B. 1904. Dragon Soc. ^Member Niagara and University Clubs. Superintendent. Hooker Electro-Chemical Co.. Buflfalo Ave. and Union St.; res. 123 Buffalo Ave., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Donald Brigham Logan H' B. L. 1904; M. C. S. 1905 Amos Tuck School of Administration and Finance. Dragon. Member Holyoke and Mt. Tom Golf Clubs. Manufacturer. Taylor-Logan Co.; res. 33 Dartmouth St., Holy- oke, Mass. Henry Plattenburg McWilliams BdS' Hayward Percival Rolfe ^F m H' A. B. 1904. Theta Nu Epsilon; Turtle; Casque and fiauntlet; Palaeopitus (honorarv). .Asst. Mgr. Baseball (3); Mgr. (4). Member Welles- ley Country, Dartmouth and Press Clubs. Advertising. A. Shumant Co., 440 Washington St., Boston; res. 49 Clyde St., Newtonville, Mass. Bruce Walter Sanborn W f H' A. B. 1904. Turtle; Casque and Gauntlet. Member St. Paul City Council, 12-13. Member Minnesota Town and Country Clubs. Lawyer. 144 Endicott Bldg. ; res. 683 Osceola Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 1905 George Cram Agry B. S. 1905. Casque and Gauntlet. 47 Park St., Newton, Mass. John William Bell a c '© Newell Bly Burns wie' Merchant. 141 INIilk St., Boston; res. 91 Fair Oaks Park, Needham, Mass^ A m "P A. B. 1905 Harvard and M. D. 1909. Pi Eta. Asst. Supt. North Reading State Sanatorium. Member Harvard (Boston) Club. Physician. North Reading State Sanatorium, North Read- ing; res. North Wilmington, Mass. ^Mortimer Llewellyn Cahill w h 'P Score Club; Order of the Iron Mask. Track. INfember Quadrangle, University and Olympia Fields Golf Clubs. See Omega 05. Insurance. 175 Jackson Blvd.; res. 6058 Harper Ave., Chicago, 111. Henry Morgan Hobart Q t 6~ A. B. 1905. Member Psi Upsilon, Republican and Great Neck Golf Clubs. Publisher. Hearst's Magazine, 119 W. 40th St., New York; res. Great Neck Station, N. Y. asO' John Eliot Richards to p 'P Member University Club of St. Paul. Rancher. Perley, Minn. Norman Stevenson A f p' Member Boston Athletic Assn. Manufacturer. International Braid Co., 99 South St., Boston; res. Hingham, Mass. Richard Sear Tolman a s 0' (Newton, Mass.) John Tuck A. B. 1905. Casque and Gauntlet. Member Boston City, Worcester and Worcester Country Clubs. IManager. Lee, Higginson & Co., 338 Main St., AN'orces- tcr; res. Overhill, Auburn, Mass. Ernest Miller White ^ "'] ?' A. B. 1905. Dragon. Member Portland Ath- letic and Woodfords Clubs. Lawyer. 310 Fidelity Bldg.; res. 418 Forest Ave., Port- land, Maine. Walter Longworth Williams A r p~ A. B. 1905. Casque and Gauntlet; Turtle; Theta Nu Epsilon; Dramatic Club. Clerk. Diamond Match Co., 39 Clarkson St., New York; res. 455 8th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1906 James Albert Blatherwick « y Tv B. S. 1906. Sphinx. Football; Baseball. Horticulturist. Westfield, N. Y. Thurmond Brown Q h o" B. S. 1906; M. C. S. 1907. Turtle; Casque and Gauntlet. Mgr. Baseball. Clerk. .\laska Gastineati Mining Co., P. O. Box 182, Thane, Alaska. Joseph Theodore Chase a t 'O B. S. 1906. Engineer. Roanoke Rapids Power Co., Roanoke Rapids,. N. C; res. 151 Beech St., Holyoke, Mass. Henry Howard Cheney B. S. 1906. Merchant. 406 Walnut St., Newtonville, Mass. Henry Eleutheros Cooke, Jr. Manufacturer. (241 E. Illinois St., Chicago, As^K A b 'O' 111.) Trail Edward Ford QeK' A. B. 1906. Member Psi Upsilon and Shattuck Clubs and Dartmouth Alumni Assn. Manager. Care G. E. Holmes, Branch Agency of Ford Motor Co., 4725 Broadway; res. 4552 Beacon St., Chicago, 111. Qd'K Clarence Tebbets Gray B. S. 1906. Casque and Gauntlet. Leader of Mandolin Club. Manager. Republic Casualty Co., 615 Oliver Bldg., Pitts- burgh, Pa. 1906-08] ZETA CHAPTER 327 Raymond Hacknev* ai'K d. 1909 Ralph Hutchings Kingsley (o p O' Real Estate and Yacht Broker. Main St.; res. 33 Hancock St., Bar Harbor, Maine. David John Main a z 'K B. S. 1906. Casque and Gauntlet; Turtle; Pal.eopitus. Baseball; Capt. Football, 05. Vice-Pres. and Dir. Denver Athletic Club. Member University and Denver Athletic Clubs; Denver Civic and Commercial Assns. Insurance. Colorado Bldg.; res. 833 Marion St., Denver, Colo. John Knox Marshall (ot^K A. B. 1906. Stenographer. Baeder, Adamson & Co., 67 Beekman St.; res. 225 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. Roy Richardson Merchant a 1 'o Salesman. F. B. Bancroft and Co.. 99 South St.. Boston: res. 31 Sewall St., West Newton, Mass. Charles Gilbert Milham Q m 'K (43 Highwood Ave., Ridgewood, N. J.) Elon Graham Pratt A n 'O A. B. 1906. Casque and Gauntlet. Member Ardsley and Psi Upsilon Clubs. Advertising. Care J. Walter Thompson Co., 44 E. 23d St., New York. N. Y.; res. 353 Adelphi St., Brook- lyn. N. Y. Ralph Wentworth Scott w c K' B. S. 1906. Dragon Soc. Student. 62 Broad St Boston, Mass. Remsen Varick* A. B. 1906. Banker. d. 1914 Charles Raymond Wales Q- j K' Manager. Transportation Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. ago Robert Burns Wallace Ag^K Sphinx. Salesman. Bethlehem Steel Co., 141 Milk St.; res. 22 River St., Boston, Mass. Ninian Livingston Wolf Qr'O Salesman. Union Oil Bldg.; res 421 W. Adams St., Los Angeles, Cal. 1907 ^^'alter Raymond Andrews A pX Sphinx. Salesman. Merrimac Chemical Co., 33 Broad St., Boston; res. 169 Washington St., Newton, Mass. Samuel Colcord Bartlett af A' A. B. 1907; C. E. 1908. Dragon. Construction Superintendent. Hastings Pavement Co.. 25 Broad St.. New York, N. Y.; res. 128 William St., East Orange, N. J. Albert Moses Farrier QgA' Manufacturer. 30 Church St., New York; res. 129 Clermont Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. James Mosley Grant (930 Penn St.. Denver, Colo.) John Frank McDavitt Ar^: — y Cu Turtle. Member Bankers' Club of America; Psi Upsilon and Dartmouth Clubs. Lawyer. 120 Broadway; res. 37 W. 10th St., New York, N. Y. Arthur Coe Martin QdA' Member Pittsburgh Athletic Assn.; Pittsburgh Country and Westmoreland Polo Clubs. See Tau 07 Manufacturer. Empire Bldg.; res. 415 S. Atlantic Ave., Pitts- burgh. Pa. Carlos Thornton Pierce ah A' B. S. 1907. Turtle: Sphinx. Member Dart- mouth Club. Merchant. 100 Arlington Ave., Charlestown; res. 1081 Centre St., Newton Centre. Mass. Curtis Plummer A. B. 1907. Turtle; Casque and Gauntlet; Palseopitus. Mgr. Basket Ball. Member Wood- land Golf Clnb. Salesman. 12 High St.. Boston: res. 109 Sewall Ave., Brookline, Mass. Philip Montague Powers (Newton, Mass.) Morris Kellogg Smith Qs^^ a t'A A. B. 1907; A. M. 1911: M. D. 1911. Casque and Gauntlet. Football; Dartmouth Board. Asst. Attending Surg., St. Luke's Hosp. Mem- ber New York Acad, of Medicine and New York County Med. Soc. Surgeon. 50 E. 53d St.; res. 200 W. 79th St., New York, N. Y. Levi Marlon Tavlor A m A' Member Pentucket Club. Manufacturer. 353 River St.; res. 87 Chestnut St., Haverhill, Mass. Percy Lawrence Young A d A' Member Corinthian Yacht, Boston City and Dartmouth Clubs. See Sigma 08 Importer and Manufacturer. Ill Purchase St.; res. 294 Ashmont St., Boston. Mass. 1908 Clinton Edwin Bills A X 'M B. S. 1908. Casque and Gauntlet. Member Pittsburgh Athletic Assn. Manufacturers' Agent. Oliver Bldg.; res. 3206 Forbes St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Douglas Jasperson Church ^ g 'N Football. Merchant. E. F. Church & Son. 215 Fourth Ave.. New York; res. 9 Buckingham Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y. 328 ZETA CHAPTER [1908-10 Charles LeAIoyne DeAngelis O a 'A A. B. 1908. Lawyer. (11 Cottage PI.. Utica, N. Y.) George Arnold Einstein a h 'M Member Psi Upsilon Club. (45 E. 72d St., New York, N. Y.) Warren Cleaveland P'oote co f 'N B. S. 1908. Casque and Gauntlet. Hockey; Capt. (3), (4). Member Wamsutta and New Bedford Country Clubs. Broker. 45 William St., New Bedford; res. 160 Main St., Fairhaven, Mass. Arthur Sherwood Hopkins A o V B. S. 1909 Michigan. Member Soc. of Am. Foresters. See Phi 08 Forester. N. Y. State Conservation Commission, 158 State St.; res. 800 Madison Ave.. Albany. N. V Clarence Percy Skillin a m 'M Turtle; Casque and Gauntlet. Capt. Baseball, 07-08. Member Oak Park and Ouilmette Coun- try Clubs. Salesman. A. G. Spalding & Bros., 28-30 S. Walnut Ave., Chicago; res. 714 Ashland Ave.. Wilmette, 111. George Edwin Squier Qq Y B. S. 1908. Casque and Gauntlet; Dramatic Club. Advertising Manager. White & Wyckoff Mfg. Co.; res. 53 Lincoln St., Holvoke, Mass. Herbert Thomas w t 'M (Milford, Del.) 1909 George Ross Adams (ob'Q B. S. 1909. Salesman. New Haven Paper Co.; res. 182 W. Rock Ave., New Haven. Conn. Russell Owen Alvord A y 'A B. S. 1909. Educator. 152 Williams Ave., Winsted, Conn. Max Knight Bonter Q d ""A Member University Club. Salesman. Phoenix Knitting Mills of Milwaukee, 2214, 33d Ave.. S., Seattle. Wash. Chase Brooks Ab'A Member Navasset (Springfield). Holyoke and Mt. Tom Golf Clubs. Lawyer. 31 Elm St., Springfield; res. 171 Pine St., Hol- yoke, Mass. Ogden Brown (j> y 'Q A. B. 1909. Turtle; Casque and Gauntlet. Mgr. Dramatic Assn.. 08. Publisher. Webb Publishing Co.. 55-79 E. 10th St.. St. Paul, Minn. ad-^A John Roland Childs A. B. 1909. sphinx. Salesman. 526 Davis St.; res. 207 Hamilton St., Evans- ton, 111. Frederick Channing Johnson y i}' Member Dartmouth, City and Woodland Golf Clubs. Salesman. 49 South St.; res. 22 River St., Boston, Mass. Maurice Kivel (0 b 'A A. B. 1910 Univ. of Mich. Member Denver Athletic Club. See Phi 10 Advertising. 1940 Curtis St.; res. Denver Athletic Club, Denver, Colo. Ad-^Q Graham Spear Lyon A. B. 1909. Casque and Gauntlet. Manufacturer. Lyon & Greenleaf Co., Wauseon, Ohio. Emmett Hay Naylor ac'A A. B. 1909; A. M. 1911 Harvard. Theta Nu Epsilon; Casque and Gauntlet. Author "Trade Associations;" "Co-operation Among Competi- tors." Member Psi Upsilon, University, Uni- versity Glee and Scarsdale Country Clubs. Secretary and Treasurer. Waiting, Fine Stationery, Cover and Tissue Paper Manufacturers' Assns. IS E. 41st St., New York; res. Hartsdale, N. Y. John Kimball Saville w p ^Q (Waban, Mass.) George Henry Schildmiller Initiated by the Chi Craig Thorn A f 'A Football (1); Musical Clubs. Member Aurania Club. Chief Clerk. Delaware and Hudson Subsidiaries, D. & H. Bldg., Plaza; res. 65 Pine Ave., Albany, N. Y. Lynde Worthington Tucker a h 'Q A. B. 1909. Musical Club; Mgr. (3), (4). Office Manager. Western Electric Co., 500 S. Clinton St., Chi- cago; res. 916 Randolph St., Oak Park, 111. Harold Abercrombie Wheat B y 'A Member Nayasset and Springfield Country Clubs. Merchant. 351 Main St.; res. 216 Pearl St., Springfield, Mass. 1910 Henry Starr Beal K b 'X Manager. Jones & Lamson Machine Co.; res. 27 Orchard St., Springfield, Vt. Charles Watson Devine* od 7 Allen Barrows Doggett, Jr. K e ""X A. B. 1910. Turtle; Casque and Gauntlet. Business Mgr. Aegis. Farmer. Cummington, Mass. Walter Cooley Douglas O g T Ph. B. 1910 Yale. The Colony-Berzelius Soc. and Kopper Kettle Klub (Yale). Vice-Pres. Yale Football Assn. Member Yale and Psi Upsilon Clubs. Merchant. 122 Chambers St., New York, N. Y.; res. Maple Drive, Greenwich, Conn. 1910-11] ZETA CHAPTER 329 George Alexander Graves K m T B. S. 1910. Casque and Gauntlet; Turtle. Mgr. Track; Member Athletic Council. Pres. :New England Intercollegiate Athletic Assn. Manufacturer. M. & C. Skirt Co.. 9 Federal Court, Boston; res. 104 Bowdoin St., Springfield, Mass. Henry Homer Hobbs Ph. B. 1910 Yale. Financier. (849 Ridge Ave., Evanston, 111.) Kenneth Newton Merritt* Thayer Adams Smith n op X d. 1915 K q T A. B. 1910; M. D. 1914 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Casque and Gauntlet. Track. Resi- dent Phys. First Division, Bellevue Hosp. Physician. Bellevue Hospital, New York, N. Y. Theodore Ripley Smith Initiated by the Delta Louis Burr Wallace OrT A. B. 1910. Sphinx. Member Dartmouth and Universitv Clubs (Boston). 129 Federal St., Boston, Mass.; res. 64 Main St., Rochester, N.' H. Paul Whitcomb K S T A. B. 1910. Member New York Athletic, Lotos and Portsmouth Country Clubs. Restaurateur. Baltimore Dairy Lunch, 32 E. 23d St.; res. 417 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. Lewis Mesler Williams r X X A. B. 1910. Journalist. A. W. Shaw Co., S N. Wabash Ave., Chicago; res. 344 South Ave., Glencoe, 111. 1911 Warren Cram Agry A b 'X B. S. 1911. Turtle; Casque and Gauntlet. Asst. Mgr. Baseball, 10; Mgr., 11. Member Board of Governors Psi Upsilon Club of Chi- cago; Dir. Dartmouth Alumni Assn. of Middle West. Member Psi Upsilon, Agate, Evanston Golf and Missouri Athletic Clubs; Advertising Assn. of Chicago; Dartmouth Alumni Assn. of Middle West. Advertising. 1446 Marquette Bldg., Chicago; res. 902 Elm- wood Ave., Evanston, 111. ac'X John Foster Bartlett A. B. 1911. Assistant General Foreman. Hooker Electro-Chemical Co., Buffalo Ave. and Union St.; res. University Club, Niagara Falls, N. Y. William Smyth Carlisle QdT B. S. 1911. Casque and Gauntlet; Choir, Glee and Dramatic Clubs. Member Psi Upsilon, Press (Boston) and Athletic (Detroit) Clubs. Advertising. .American Magazine, Tribune Bldg.. Chicago; res. Evanston Hotel, Evanston, HI. Amos Willard Crooks w f ''{ Football. Member Dartmouth Club. Safesman. B. F. Sturtevant Co.. 34 Oliver St.. Boston, Mass.; res. 52 Pearl St., Malone, N. Y. Henry Stevens Horton Aq'X Member Arlington and Meadow Brook Golf Clubs. See Phi 11 -Assistant Secretary. Standard Lumber Co., Exchange Bldg.; res. 116 E. Broadway, Winona, Minn. Edwin Reitler Keeler ah^X B. S. 1911. Dragon. Member Rockford Country and University (Chicago) Clubs. Sales Manager. Tavlor Coal Co.. 121.S Old Colony Bldg., Chicago; res. 1405 National Ave.. Rockford, 111. Charles Rupert Lucy Qj'F Real Estate. 438 Main St.; res. 44 West St., Worcester, Mass. Howard Nowell Morton a § 'A Member Highland and 'Sit. Pleasant Golf Clubs. Salesman. Proctor Cook & Co.. Hildreth Bldg.; res. 95 Harvard St.. Lowell, Mass. Edgar Needham ok'" B. S. 1911. Insurance. George Washington Life Ins. Co.; res. 30 Brad- ford St.. Charleston. W. Va. Edward Smith Poole A m ^X B. S. 1911. Member University Club. Insurance. 444 Broadway; res. 48 Manning Blvd., Albany, N. Y. William Stilson Pounds a h'X A. B. 1911. Casque and Gauntlet; Turtle. Baseball; Glee Club. Member University (Brooklyn) Club. Clerk. N Y. Edison Co.. 130 E. 15th St., New \ ork, N. Y.; res. 317 E. 17th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Francis [Bates] Quackenboss QqT B. S. 1911. Casque and Gauntlet. Graton & Knight Mfg. Co., 356 Franklin St.; res. 8 Hammond St., Worcester, Mass. Henry Blanchard Seaver A r ""v B. S. 1911. Departmental Honors in Biology; Track. Farmer. EngHshtown, N. T. Robert Shackford Smith Initiated bv the Eta John Carleton Sterling a S 'X A. B. 1911. Casque and Gauntlet. Basket Ball. Dir. and Executive Committee Bridgeport Cham- ber of Commerce. Member University and Brooklawn Country Clubs. Purchasing .Agent. W^arren Bros., Co.; res. 491 Park PI., Bridge- port, Conn. William Thomas Stillman Q t 'X A. B. 1911. Dragon. Member L^niversity Club of Hartford. Conn. Manager. .American Surety Co. of N. Y.. Room 936 Grosvenor Bldg.. Providence, R. I. 330 ZETA CHAPTER [1912-13 1912 Roswell Murray Boutvvell, Jr. A f 'S (Boston, Mass.) Randall Green Burns Sphinx. Mgr. Dramatic Club. Qg'$ A. B. 1912. Salesman. Beaver Board Co.. Buffalo. N. Y.; res. 168 Irving Ave., Providence, R. I. Sydney Aylmer Clark ©0'e A. B. 1912. Track: Cross Country (Capt.); Glee Club; Literary Maga::ine. Co-.\uthor "The Charm of Scandinavia." Educator. Country Day School. 51st St. and Ward Park- way. Kansas City. Mo. Arthur Call Ferguson A S 'E A. B. 1912. Sphinx. Banker. First National Bank, Algona, Iowa. Richard Whittier Foote VX'E B. F. 1913 Biltmore Forestry School. Member Plav Ground and Recreation Commission. Cam- bridge. Mass. Member Dartmouth Club. Salesman. Old Colony Trust Co.. 17 Court St.. Boston; res. 8 Sacramento St.. Cambridge. Mass. Arthur Edmund French w j '

ht Place Church, New Haven, 69-79; Prof, of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, Coll. of the Citv of New York. 79-88. Educator. d. 1895 Y li f/ d. 1889 Author "The Companion — .\fter-Dinner Table Talk." Brother of Alfred Pell, Lambda 55. Journalist. d. 1868 [George] Wendell Prime* Fa::" A. B. 1856; B. D. 1859 Princeton Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1880 Union Coll. Pastor Westminster Church, Detroit, Mich., 61-68; Union Church, Newburgh, N. Y., 69-76. Clergyman. d. 1907 James Ray* y. m p' Clerk. Alexander Macomb Stanton 7 k 0" A. B, 1856; A. M. 1859. Brother of Francis Stanton. Lambda 58. Banker. James Gilliam Osborne* A. B. 1856; A. M. 1859. Merchant. Robert Schuyler Pell* Russell Stebbins, Jr.* Ts&' A. B. 1856. Merchant. d. 1S94 Pge A. B. 1856; A. M. 1859. Latin Salutatory. Lieut. Colonel of U. S. Vols. Lawyer. d. 1911 Charles Crooke Suydam* John Francis Walton* T(ot A. B, 1856; A. M. 1859. Pres. Pliilolexian Soc. Lawyer. d. 186S 1856-60] LAMBDA CHAPTER 341 Howell Lewis \\'ilHams* © to /." A. B. 1856: A. M. 1859. Merchant. d. 1874 1857 Philip Woodruff Holmts* II q o A. B. 1857; A. M. 1860. Valedictorian. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Come Psi U"s Hearken." Lawyer. d. 1906 Cyrus F. Knapp* James Thomas Tailer-'= A. B. 1857; A. M. 1860. Brother of Henry Austin Tailer, Lambda 52. Merchant. d. 1876 William Richmond Talbot, Jr.* Q T [).'' A. B. 1857; A. M. 1860. Commencement Orator. Brother of Augustus and Richmond Talbot. Lambda 66. Manufacturer. d. 1912 1858 K k K^ ^'1 t William Henry Boughton* /. x S' Author "Nothing;" "Ergo;" "The Rhythmic Phase of Philosophy;" "Immortality;" "Mat- ter;" Psi L'psilon Songs "The College Chorus;" "The Regular Toasts;" "A P'aint of Post- Prandial Plentitude;" "What He Wanted." Member Hamilton Club of Brooklyn. Father of Herbert Boughton, Lambda 89. Lawyer. d. 1897 Richard Philip Hart Durkee* B s O' LL. B. 1877 Union Coll. of Law, Chicago. 1st Lieut., Adjutant and Capt. 14th U. S. Inf., 61. Member Union League Club. Lawyer. Nicholas Luquer •/cr A .A. B. 1858. Member Metropolitan Club. Brother of Lea Luquer, Lambda 52. 1443 Rhode Island Ave., Washington. D. C. James R -\Ianley* M s A' A. B. 1858; A. M. 1861. Pres. Phi'olexian Soc. Valedictorian. Lawyer. d. 1875 Charles Henry ^Marshall, Jr.* W mv.' A. B. 1858; A. M. 1861. Latin Salutatory. Alderman City of New York, 80. Member Cobden Club; Financial Reform Assn. of Eng- land; Societe des Agriculteurs de France. Merchant. d. 1912 Francis Stanton* ? P ^~ Brother of Alexander Macomb Stanton, Lambda 56. d. 1859 C X" Roswell Weston, Jr.* Author Psi Upsilon Song "The Mystic Tie." Brother of Theodore Weston, Beta 53. Lawyer. d. 1903 1859 John Crosby Brown' NiM' A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862. Phi Beta Kappa. First Class of Honor, 59; Greek Salutatorian. Inspr. Schools, New York, 64-67; Commissioner of Conmion Schools; Member Board of Education. 73-75: Dir. Union Theol. Sem.. 66-88: Trustee Colupibia Coll. 8409. Assoc. Editor 3d Edition Songs of Psi Upsilon; \'ice-Pres. Psi LTpsilon Club. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Brother of Clarence Stewart Brown, Lambda 60. Banker. d. 1909 Irving Griimell A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862. Philolexian. Treas. Church Temperance Soc, Senior Warden Zion Church, Wappingers Falls. N. \'. Member New >'ork Yacht Club. Farmer (retired). New Hamburgh, N. Y. John Wendell Minturn* 9 ■:; N' Brother of Robert Bowne Minturn, [r., Lambda 56. Merchant. d. 1881 Robert Watts K x N' M. D. 1861. Surg. 133d Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols., 62-65. Lecturer on Diseases of Women, L'niv. City of New York, /4: .\ttend- ing Phys. Roosevelt and Charity Hosps. and St. Mary's Hosp. for Children. Member Loyal Legion; Centurv and Army and Navv Clubs. Father of Robert Watts, Jr., Lambda' 89. Physician. 2i "W. 73d St., New York, N. Y. 1860 Clarence Stewart Brown* T m N' A. B. I860; A. M. 1863. Major of U. S. Vols. Brother of John Crosby Brown, Lambda 59. Banker. d. 1875 Jacob Lorillard Cammann* 7 V ^' A. B. I860; A. M. 1863. Brother of Donald Muhlenberg Cammann, Beta Beta 74. Merchant. d. 1868 Beverley Chew Duer* ^ a a Clerk. George Richmond Fearing 7 r v A. B. I860. Capt. and Aide-de-Camp, U. S. Army and Brevet Major U. S. Vols., 60-65; Colonel Newport Artillery. Banker (retired). 114 Narragansett Ave., Newport, R. I. Edward Renshaw Jones* Pzw A. B. 1860. Banker. d. 1884 Francis Lewis McCrackan* T s P^' d. 1858 Robert Dillon Nesmith* 0) [JL a A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863; M. D. 1863 Univ. of the City of New York. Asst. Surg. 12th Regi- ment, N. G. N. Y., 67. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1880 Edward Pelham Robins* A. B. 1860. T w N' d. 1904 John William Southack, Jr.* F £ a' A. B. I860; A. M. 1863; M. D. 1865 Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Asst. Demonstrator in Anat- omy Bellevue Med. Coll. Physician and Surgeon. d. 186^ 342 LAMBDA CHAPTER [1860-66 Frederick Augustus Tracy''' X p jjl' A. B. I860. 1st Lieut. 12th Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols., 61-62; Capt., 62-63; Asst. Adjutant General Staff of General Ayers, 63. Lawyer. d. 1863 1861 George Herbert Carey"'' A c to' A. B. 1861; LL. B. 1863; A. M. 1864. Brother of Charles Tudor Carey, Lambda 68. Lawyer. d. 1878 Price Whittlesey Hasbrouck* F S 4''' Merchant. d. 1900 Mahlon [Day] Sands* Apt];'' Brother of Philip Justice Sands, Lambda 63. 1862 Charles Dudley Fuller TvC^' A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865. U. S. Vols., 62-65. Merchant. 139 Greenwich St.; res. 25 W. 9th St., New York, N. Y. George Wolfe Gillespie* A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865. Civil Engineer. John L. Hobson* Merchant. Alexander Duer Irving* d. 1870 Xb^' Trv-' 2d Lieut. 176th Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols.. 62- 63; 1st Lieut., 63; Capt. and Aide Staff of General Banks, 63-65. Broker. d. 1910 John A Vanderpoel* $ :: 7/ A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865; LL. B. 1865. Latin Salutatorian. Lawyer. d. 1866 1863 William Cornell Binns Y r, cp*" A. B. 1863; A. M. 1866. (Union League Club, New York, N. Y.) Henry Augustus Hurlbut, [Jr.]* XcY^ A. B. 1863; A. M. 1866. Broker. William Mathews Martin A. B. 1863; LL. B. 1865; A. M. 1866. Lawyer. (44 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y.) Philip Justice Sands* d. 1906 A. B. 1863. Brother of Mahlon [Day] Sands, Lambda 61. Merchant. d. 1900 d. 1877 d. 1894 Frank Roe Van Buren* A. B. 1863; A. M. 1866. Lawyer. Egbert Ward* A. B. 1863. Merchant. 1864 John Neilson Beekman* y ^ r,*" A. B. 1864; A. M. 1867; M. D. 1868. Pres. Philolexian Soc. Brother of Henry Rutgers Beekman, Lambda 65. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1912 Matthew Brinckerhoff DuBois X ^ 2'' A. B. 1864; A. M. 1867; M. D. 1868. Mem- ber Century Club. Physician (retired). 635 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. John Brainard Morgan* (^ s 9'' A. B. 1864; A. M. 1867; S. T. D. 1882 Trinity Coll. Asst. Minister St. Thomas' Church, New York, 67-73; Rector Church of the Holy Trinity, Paris, 73-02. Clergyman. d. 1912 William Franklin Mott* w x cp'' A. B. 1864; LL. B. 1873. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Lawyer. d. 1916 Arthur Pemberton Sturges* ^j; ^ ^"^ A. B. 1864. Vice-Pres. Columbia Coll. Y. M. C. A., 64. d. 1866 1865 Henry Rutgers Beekman- Y^a^ A. B. 1865; LL. B. 1867; A. M. 1868. Pres. Board of Park Commissioners. New York, X. v., 86; Board of Alderman, 87: Corporation Counsel, 87 — . Brother of John Neilson Beek- man, Lambda 64. Lawyer. d. 1900 Lenox Smith He A. B. 1865; A. M. 1868; E. M. 1868. Philo- lexian. Trustee Columbia Coll. Member 71st Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols., 62; Major and Engineer 1st Brigade 1st Division, N. G. N. Y., 79-85. Member LTnion and New York Yacht Clubs. Banker (retired). 135 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 1866 Julien Tappan Davies A. B. 1866; LL. B. 1868; A. M. 1869. Philo- lexian: Pres., 68-69. Commencement Orator: Editor Columbiad. 65; Baseball (Capt.) Board Managers Domestic and Foreign Missionary Socs.: Pres. Convention, 74. Author "Svsteni of Taxation." Member Psi Upsilon, University, LTnion League, Metropolitan. City and Southside Sportsm.^ns Cubs. Father of Julien Townseiid Davies, Lambda 91. Lawyer. 34 Nassau St.; res. 49 E. 51st St., New York, N. Y. William Augustus Hooker "^cX,^ A. B. ^1866; A. M. 1869; E. M. 1869. Phi Beta Kappa; Philolexian. Honor Man. 64-65 and 66; Commencement Orator. Private 22d Inf. .Regiment, N. G. N. Y.. 63; on Olii'i Geological Survey, 69; Asst. in Geology, Co- lumbia School of Mines, 77-78. Member Am. Inst, of Minin.g Engineers, 80. Member Farm- ington Countrv Club. Retired. Farmington, Conn. 1866-69] LAMBDA CHAPTER 343 (J. 1905 A. B. 1866; LL. B. 1868: A. M. 1869. Brother of Franklin Butler Lord, Lambda 70. Lawyer. d. 1899 A. B. 1866; A. M. 1869; M. D. 1870. Pres. Philolexian Soc, 64-65; of the Columbia Coll. V. M. C. A.. 65-66; Commencement Orator. Sec. .\ssoc. Alumni Columbia Coll. 76; Pres. New York Psi Upsilon Club, 86, and Chairman of the Committee on Admissions, since 86. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1907 William Spra,q,ne lloyt* Merchant. Daniel Lord, Jr.* VVillard Parker, [Jr.]- Phoenix Remsen* LL. B. 1867. Lawyer. George Putnam Smith'^ '5 ^^F ^^■0^ A. B. 1866; LL. B. 1868; A. M. 1868. Editor The Cohtnibiad, 65; Vice-Pres. Philolexian Soc, 65-66; Valedictorian. Editor Psi Upsilon Song "Fraternity Song." Lawyer. d. 1904 Augustu.s Talbot* A. B. 1866; A. M. 1869. Registrar Columbia Coll. Y. M. C. A., 64-65. Brother of William Richmond Talbot, Jr., Lambda 57 and Rich- mond Talbot, Lambda 66. Merchant. d. 1913 Richmond Talbot* (i a l;"" A. B. 1866. Registrar Columbia Coll. Y. M. C. A., 65-66. Brother of William Richmond Talbot, Jr., Lambda 57 and Augustus Talbot, Lambda 66. :Merchant. d. 1887 1867 Hector Craig Fitz Randolph ^i f ifl'' A. B. 1867; A. M. 1870; Vice-Pres. and Regis- trar Philomathean .Soc; Baseball (Capt.) ; Assoc. Editor ColumBiad. Member Acad, of Design; New Jersey Historical, New York Genealogical and Biographical and Harleian (London, Eng.) Socs.; Columbia Univ. and Ivy Clubs. 135 W. SSth St.. New York. N. Y. Schuyler Ogden* (^ ? P*" Brother of Walter Ogden, Lambda 70 d. 1865 George Winthrop Thorne* Merchant. James Henry Work X P P"" A. B. 1867; LL. B. 1869; A. M. 1870. Philo- lexian; Ivy Club of 67; Pres. Columbia Coll. V. M. C. A.. 66-67. Brother of George Francis Work, Lambda 71. Lawyer. 52 Broadway, New York; res. Lawrence, L. L, N. Y. 1868 William Thompson Buckley* a f p'' ^lember Psi Upsilon Club. Brother of Charles Ramsey Buckley, Lambda 74. Merchant. d. 1898 Benjamin Howell Campbell ^ W ^"^ A. B. 1868; A. M. 1871. Phi Beta Kappa. Meir^ber N. J. State Board of Education, IS years; 1st Pres. Playground Commission. Member Univ. Club; Soc. Colonial Wars and Sons of Revolution. Educator. Columbia Grammar School, 5-9 W. 93d St., New York. N. Y.; res. 333 N. Broad St., Elizabeth, N. J. Charles Tudor Carey* y a z'' Brother of George Herbert Carey, Lambda 61 Broker. Frederic de Peyster Foster tp a tt'' A. B. 1868; A. M. 1871; LL. B. 1872. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Prize in Municipal Law, 72; Chairman of Trustees New York Soc Library; Governor Knickerbocker Club. Member Uni- versity, Union, Knickerbocker and Tuxedo Clubs. Lawyer. 44 Wall St., New York; res. Tuxedo, N. Y. Elmslie ^lorven Gillet [J- f p"" A. B. 1868; A. M. 1871. Vice-Pres. Philolexian Soc, 66-67; Editor Cohtnibiad, 67. Member Alumni Assn. Broker. 103 Front St.; res. 158 E. 38th St., New York, N. Y. John Louis Gross, Jr.* Member Psi Upsilon Club. Broker. Joseph Bayley Halsey* a d. 1900 (J. Y 0' A. B. 1868; A. M. 1871. Commencement Orator. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Broker. d. 1904 William Mitchell ^W^' A. B. 1868; A. M. 1871; LL. B. 1871. Vale- dictorian. Pres. Huguenot Soc. of America; Vice-Pres. New York Dispensary. Member Down Town Assn.; Union League; National Arts, Ste. Marguerite Salmon, New York Athletic and Laurentian Clubs. Lawyer. 44 Wall St., New York; res. Bryn Mawr Park, Yonkers, N. Y. Hoffman Rogers* Theodore Voorhees* xfp'^ C. E. 1860 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Sec. Philolexian Soc, 65-66. Civil Engineer. d. 1916 1869 James William Beekman* <]; — v.^ LL. B. 1871. Lawyer. d. 1908 Robert Lenox Belknap* S X S ; a f x'^ A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872; A. B. 1869 ad eundem Coll. of N. J. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Columbiad, 68; Vice-Pres. Columbia Coll Y. M. C. A.. 66-67; Pres. 67-68; Member Exemtive Council of Psi Upsilon, 69-72. Founder N. Y. Delta of Phi Beta Kapna. and Pres., 83-88; Com- mencement Orator. Capt. and Commissary 1st Brigade, N. G. N. Y., 73-74; Major and Engin- 344 LAMBDA CHAPTER [1869-72 eer, 74; Major and Inspr. 74-77; Acting Asst. Inspr. General, 75; Lieut. Colonel, Asst. Adjutant General and Chief of Staff, 77-81; Mgr. Presbyterian IIosp. New York, IT; Treasurer, 80-88. Member Board of Governors Psi Upsilon Club. Treasurer d. 1896 Treas. Athletic Assn., d. 1889 Jacob Bininger* A. B. 1869; A. M. 1871. 69; Grand Marshal, 69. Merchant. Lewis Edwards* Architect. Henry Madison Jones* X ''''• ^F A. B. 1869; LL. B. 1873. Phi Beta Kappa. Incorporator New York Delta of Phi Beta Kappa 69. Lawyer. d. 1899 Edward Tillou* [J.^0 A. B. 1869; LL. B. 1871; A. M. 1872. Vice- Pres. Columbia Coll. Y. M. C. A., 67-70. Lawyer. d. 191S 1870 Arthur Livermore Ford* Franklin Butler Lord* d. 1880 A. B. 1870. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Cap and Gown, 68-70; The Columbiad, 69; Sec. Philolexian Soc, 68-69; Treas. Columbia Coll. Y. M. C. A.. 69-70; First Class of Honor, 70. Brother of Daniel Lord, Jr., Lambda 66. Lawyer. d. 1908 af o"^ d. 1901 A. B. 1870. Librarian Columbia Coll. Church Union, 67-68. Brother of Schuyler Ogden, Lambda 67. Real Estate Broker. ■ d. 1914 George Washington Riggs* 7 — E^ Ph._ B. 1871. Prof, of Chemistry Washington Univ. Educator. d. 1914 1871 Nathaniel Marsh* LL. B. 1872. Lawyer. Walter Ogden* Tg^" Robert Barbour A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874; B. D. 1874 Princeton Theol. Sem. Philolexian. Pastor at Caldwell, N. T.. 86-87. Clergyman. 538 Bloomfield Ave., Montclair, N. J. William Haliburton Bridgham* x f i"" A. B. 1871. d. 1916 Gurdon Saltonstall Buck xR". Lawyer. 149 Broadway; res. 47 W. 43d St., New York, N. Y. Clarence Rapelje Conger* A. B. 1871; A. M. 1873; LL. B. 1873. Phi Beta Kappa. Vice-Pres. Philolexian Soc, 71-72; Pros.. 72-73; Editor The Columbiad, 70; Caf and Gown, 71-73; First Class of Honor, 71; Greek Salutatorian. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Lawyer. d. 1911 George Beach DeForest X f [jl'' (14 E. 50th St., New York, N. Y.) Jacob Herrick Henry y f H Sf A. B. 1871; LL. B. 1873; A. M. 1874. Phi Beta Kappa. Sec. Columbia Coll. Musical Assn., 69-70; Athletic Assn., 70-71. Lawyer. rN. 'Y. Athletic Club, 58 W. 59th St., New York, N. Y.) William Kemble* Civil Engineer. Lewis Cass Ledvard d. 1877 Bf r A. B. 1872 Harvard; A. M. and LL. B. 1875. Trustee and Vice Pres., New York Public Library; Trustee Metropo'.itan Museum of .Art; Pres, Lying-in Hosp. Member Century, Union, Knickerbocker. Harvard, Metropolitan. L^niversitv and New York Yacht Clubs. See Alpha 72' Lawver. (14 "Wall St., New York, N. Y.) James Prendergast* LL. B. 1871. Lawyer. Henry Remsen* LL. B. 1871. Lawyer. Henry Mason Smyth G) CO d. 1871 X — ^"^ d. 1891 A. B. 1871. Phi Beta Kapna. Editor Cap and Gown, 69-71; Librarian, Philolexian Soc, 69-71; Treas. Musical Assn., 69-70; Valedictorian. Asst. Minister Trinity Clnircli, Plattsburgh, N. Y., 74-75; Rector St. Paul's Church. Green- wich, 75-77; Trinity Church, Plattsburgh, 77-90. Clergyman. 802 W. 181st St., New York, N, Y. Frank Work, Jr.* ' T f ^' .\. B. 1871; A. M. 1874. Brother of James Henry Work, Lambda 67. Banker. d. 1908 George Francis Work (See Frank Work, Jr.) 1872 James Edward Andrews* y — v*" Clerk. Frederic Augustus Brown* N ^( N' N N K •,xm\i'' .\. B. 1872; A. M. 1875. Phi Beta Kappa. Treas Philolexian Soc, 69-71; Sec. Cap and Gown, 70-72; Member Executive Council of Psi Upsilon, 71-77. Member Psi LInsilon Club. Brother of Herbert Padelford Brown, Lambda 77. Banker.- d. 1898 Lockwood De Forest Xhv'^ Author "Indian Domestic Architecture;" "Illustrations of Design as used by the Crafts- men of India." Member Century Assn. (New 1872-74] LAMBDA CHAPTER 345 ^'nl■k^ ; Naliiiiial Soc. of Craftsmen; Boston Soc. of Arts and Crafts. Brother of Robert Weeks De Forest, Beta 70 and Henry Wheeler De Forest. Beta 76. .\rtist. 1S15 Lacuna .'^t., Santa Barbara, Cal. Frederic Panet Marshall* l^P^c A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875; LL. B. 1876. Phi Beta Kappa. Alumni .\ssn. Prize, 12\ Treas. Coll. .\lumni Assn., 85-86. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Brother of Henry Rutgers Marshall, Lambda li. Lawyer. d. 1886 Charles Joseph Xoiirse* 6 — co^ Member Psi Upsilon Club. Manufacturer. d. 1907 Augustus Coe Pirsson* 7 p IVP M. 1875; LL. B. 1875. A. B. 1872; A. Lawyer. d. 1875 John Krom Rees* Y w ^^ A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875; E. M. 1875; Ph. D. 1894. Phi Beta Kappa. Treas. and Editor The Columhx-ad, 71; Editor Acta Columbiana. 73-75; Recording Sec. Phi Beta Kappa, 73-75; Sec. Athletic Assn.. 71-72; Pres. Boat Club, 74-75; First Class of Honor, 72; Greek Salutatorian. Fellowship in Science, 72-75; Asst. Mathe- matics, 73-76; Prof, of Mathematics and As- tronomv, Washington Univ.. St. Louis, Mo., 76-81; Instr. of Geodesy Columbia Coll., 81-82; Dir. Observatory. 81-88; Adjunct Prof, of Geodesy and Practical Astronomy, 82-84; Prof. 84-07. Member Psi L^psilon Club. Brother of Benjamin Franklin Rees. Lambda 74. Educator. d. 1907 John Ruggles Strong ^ c v'' .\. B. 1S72; A. M. 1875; LL. B. 1875. Philo- lexian. Member Biscayne Bay Yacht Club. Lawver (rettredj. 717 St. Nicholas .\ve.. New York, N. Y. 1873 Frederick Remsen Hutton (t^f «^ A. B. 1873; A. M. 1876; E. AL 1876; C. E. 1876; Ph. D. 1881; Sc. D, 1904; Sc. D. 1914 Rutgers Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Cap and Gown. 71-73; Cohtmbiad. 72; Acta Columbiana. 73-75; Philolexian; Alumni Prize, 7i; Latin Salutatorian. Prof, of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia LIniv. School of Mines, 77-07; Dean Faculty .\pplied Science, 99-05; Prof. Emeritus since 07; Sec. Am. Soc. Mechanical Engineers, 83-06; Pres., 06-07 and Honorary Sec. since 07; Chairman Technical Conniiittee Automobile Clui) of America since II; Sec. Board of Trustees, Collegiate School, New York, N. Y. ; Sec. I'nited Engineering Soc. and Engineering Foundation Board; \'ice-Pres., .Soc. of Auto- mobile Engineers. Member Columbia Univ.. Century, Automobile of America and Engineers' Clubs. Mechanical Engineer. (257 W. 86th St., New York, N. Y.) Henry Rutgers Marshall XPw, .\. B. 1873; A. M. 1876; L. H. D. 1903 Rutgers: D. Sc. 1910 Hobart. Phi Beta Kappa; Pliilo- kxian ; 1st Philolexian Essay Prize. Prof. N. Y. Chapter Am. Inst, of Architects; Member Art Commission of City of New York; Pres. Am. Psychological Assn. Author "Pain, Pleasure and Aesthetics;" "Aesthetic Principles;"' "In- stinct and Reason;" "Consciovtsncss:" "War X p 1" and the Ideal of Peace." Member Century Club. Brother of Frederic Panet Marshall, Lambda 72. Architect and Psychologist. 3 W. 29th St.; res. 7 W. 43d St., New York, N. Yf 1874 Charles Singleton Bartow LL. B. 1878. Brother of .\rchibald Stewart Bartow, Lambda 78. Insurance (retired). ii W. 73d St.. New York, N. Y. Charles Ramsey Buckley T n ^F A. B. 1874; A. M. 1877; E. M. 1877. Treas. Boat Club, 73-74. Member Hamilton (Brook- 'yn), Columbia L^niversity and Powelton (New- burgh, N. Y.) Clubs. Brother of William Thompson Buckley, Lambda 68. 29 Broadway, New York; res. 112 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Forrest Butterworth K 1 X" A. B. 1874; LL. B. 1876; A. M. 1877. Phi Beta Kappa. .Scholarship in Latin. Greek and Mechanics; Alumni Prize; Greek Salutatory Oration. Clerk of Vestry Church of the In- carnation, City of New York. Member Psi L'psilon, Century, University, Columbia L'ni- versity, Quill, Wee Burn Golf, Norwalk (Conn.) and Norwalk Country Clubs; Pilgrims of U. S. Lawver. Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, 40 Wall St.; res. 57 E. S4th St., New York, N. Y. >cdX" A. B. 1874; A. M. 1877. Brother of Frederic De Peyster Foster, Lambda 68. (Frederic De Pevster Foster, 44 Wall St., New York, N. Y.) Xf B LL. B. 1876. Member Manhattan and Rock- away Hunting Clubs. Lawyer. William C. Sheldon & Co., 71 Broadway, New York; res. Cedarhurst, N. Y. Frederick William Hinrichs o g X" A. B. 1874; LL. B. 1875; A. M. 1877. Phi Beta Kappa; Philolexian. Editor Cap and Gown: Scholarships in Mathematics. 72; Physics, 7i; English. 74; 2d English Prize; Latin .Saluta- torian; Valedictorian. Board of Education (Brooklyn), 83-85; Registrar of Arrears, 94-95; Pres. Youne Men's Democratic and National Civic (Brooklyn) Clubs. Member Reform Club; Am. Bar. State Bar, New York Countv Lawyers' and Civil Service Reform Assns. ; Alumni Assn. of Columbia Law S'chool; Single Tax League; Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences. Lawver. 52 Wall St.. New York. N. Y. ; res. HI Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Hone Foster Edward Inglis Frost Louis Frederic Lacey* Brother of Harry Olmstead Lacey, Henry Grey Mackenzie* Clerk. (64 De Hart PI.. Elizabeth. N. J.) r>enjaminFranklin Rees* ^C9. Larnbda 79. d. 1873 X c T Xf B E. M. 1875. (apt. L'niv. Crew, 74; Pres. Coll. Boat Club, 75-76. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Brother of Tohn Krom Rees, Lambda 72. Merchant. d. 1907 346 LAMBDA CHAPTER [1874-77 John Thomas Sherman* W C 9, LL. B. 1874. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Brother of Charles Augustus Sherman, Delta 63 and George Sherman, Lambda 75. Lawyer. Frank Storrs* CS" A. B. 1874; LL. B. 1876; A. M. 1877. Editor Acta Columbiaiio, 73-75. Lawyer. 1875 Howard Galkip Initiated by the Sigma Henry Whiting Hayden V — Z LL. B. 1875. Member Union League. Knollwood Country, Saratoga and Lake George Clubs; Assn. of the Bar. Lawyer. 16 Exchange PL; res. 34 E. 76th St., New York, N. Y. Henry Keney Pomeroy Member Century Club. Brok«r. 30 Pine St.; res. 118 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y. '^ <1 7. Samuel Cady Root"^ A. B. 1875. Merchant. George Sherman ^ g 7. d. 1906 XdX. A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. Editor Cap and Gown, 72-73; Acta Columbiana, 73-75; Columbiad, 74; Treas. Athletic Assn., 74-75. Member Psi Up- silon, University, Century and New York Ath- letic Clubs. Brother of Charles Augustus Sherman, Delta 63 and John Thomas Sherman, Lambda 74. Banker (retired). 8 W. 55th St.,. New York, N. Y. Richard Henry Williams TrX, Merchant. 1 Broadway; res. 123 E. 35th St., New York, N. Y. 1876 Harold Arrowsmith XgO), A. B. 1876; A. M. 1880. Editor Acta Colum- biana, 73-75; Columbiad, 74. Asst. Minister St. George's Church, Flushing, N. Y., 79-81 and 82-83; Rector Emmanuel Church, Geneva, Switzerland, 81-82; Trinity Church, Bayonne, N. J., 83-96; Trinity Church, Lenox, Mass., 96- 08; Asst. Rector Christ Church, Bay Ridge, N. Y., 09-15. Member Psi Upsilon and St. Nicho- las Clubs. Clergyman. 7 W. 44th St., New York, N. Y. Jaspar Tillerous Goodwin* - F G Z A. B. 1876; LL. B. 1878; A. M. 1879. Capt. Crew, 74-78; Capt. Crew International Race, 78. Asst. in Mathematics Columbia School of Mines, 76-81; Instr. in Mathematics Columbia Coll., 81- 02; Dir. and Treas. Columbia Boat Cub, 80-02. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Lawyer and Educator. d. 1913 Howland Pell 7 c $, Member 7th Regiment, N. G., N. Y. ; Capt. Depot Battalion, 12th Regiment; Chairman Committee and Governor-General Soc. of Colonial Wars. Author "Extracts from the (ournal of Sarah Howland;" "National tiuard Reserve." Member New York Historical, St. Nicholas, New York Genealogical and Bio- graphical Socs.; Soc. of War of 1812; Union and Tuxedo Clubs. Insurance. 31 Nassau St.; res. 14 E. 54th St., New York, N. Y. ^F d c Egbert Guernsey Rankin A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879; M. D. 1879 Univ. of New York Med. Coll. Philolexian. Prof, of Medicine, New York Homeopathic Med. Coll. and Flower Hosp.; Visiting Phys. Metropolitan Hosp. Dept. Public Charities and Flower Hosp.; Consulting Phys. New York State Hosp for Crippled and Deformed Children. Author "Digest of External Therapeutics;" "Diseases of the Chest." Member New York Acad, of Pathological Science; New York State and County Homeopathic Med. Socs.; Am. Inst, ot Homeopathy; Sons of Revolution. 175 W. 58th St., New York, N. Y. Du Bois Smith X n 5 A. B. 1876; LL. B. 1878. Sec. Philolexian Soc; Editor Acta Columbiana, 74-75. Real Estate. 30 E. 42d St., New York; res. Smithtown, N. Y. Benjamin Stephen Van Wyck* X r 2 Editor Acta Columbiana, 75-7A. Lawyer. d. 1888 1877 O'gden Brower* Xa E, Member Psi Upsilon Club. Brother of Charles De Hart Brower, Lambda 78. Manufacturer. Herbert Padelford Brown XaE, A. B. 1877; A. M. 1880. Crew, 77-78. Brother of Frederick Augustus Brown, Lambda 71. 52 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Charles Augustus Clark FoT .-\. B. 1877; LL. B. 1879; A. M. 1880. Mem- ber Psi Upsilon Club. Lawyer. (46 Cedar St, New York, N. Y.) George Birdsall Cornell pa> C. E. and E. M. 1877. Consulting Engineer. 95 Liberty St., New York; res. 94 Saratoga Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Clarence Wadsworth Francis ^Y g E A. B. 1877; LL. B. 1879; A. M. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres. Athletic Assn., 76-77; Deputy Atty. General. State N. Y., 93-02. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Lawyer. (11 Charles St., Brookline, Mass.) Charles Lutellus Eindley- ^F m E. M. D. 1879. Member Union, Century, Carap Fire and Lakewood Country Clubs. Physician and Surgeon. 417 Forest Ave., Lakewood, N. J. Hopper Striker Mott FoE. Trustee and Treas. New York Genealogical and Biographical !;oc.; Treas. Bloomingdale 1877-78] LAMBDA CHAPTER 347 Reformed Cluirch; Historian of Ve ( )lilc Set- tlers of the West Side; Member Committee on Historic Traces C'ty History Club. Author "Tlie New York of Yesterday — Blooming- dale." Member New York Historical, Genealo- gical and Biographical and Holland Socs.; Soc. of Older Graduates; Psi Upsilon, Metro- politan, City History and Union League Clubs. Manager and Antiquary. 778 Eleventh Ave.; res. 288 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. Beniamin Barker Odell B [;. T LL. D. 1902; LL. D., 1902 Syracuse. Member Congress, 94-98; Governor, 01-05. Member Powclton and City (Newburgh), Lawyers', Bankers', A\'liitehall, Republican and Union League (New York) Clubs. Father of Herbert Hoc Odell. Lambda 03 and Benjamin Brvant Odell. Lambda (19. Transportation. Central Hudson Steamboat Co., 244 Broadway; res. Liberty St.. Xcwburg. N. Y. Tolin Buckle\- Pine X a E. A. B. 1877; L. H. D. 1915 Princeton. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres. Philolexian Soc, 78. Editor .■icta Columbiana, 74-76 and 78-80; Latin Scholarship, 74; Editor "The Songs of Colum- bia,"' 76; Third Class of Honor, 77. Trustee Columbia University; Am. Acad, in Rome; St. Lukes Hosp. Author "Seal and Flag of the City of New York." Member Down Town Assn., Century and University Clubs. Lawver. 63 Wall St.; res. 24 Gramercy Park, New York, N. Y. \\'illiaiii A'an \'orst Powers X a E, A. B. 1877; LL. B. 1879. Member Univ. Club. Brother of Cornelius Van Vorst Powers, Lam.b- da 82. Lawyer. 30 Broad St.; res. 375 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Edward Eugene Sage C. E. 1877. Crew. 75-78. Member Columbia University Club; Veteran Assn. 7th Regiment. Fatlicr of Warren Morrill Sage, Lambda 06 and Edward \Voolston Sage, Lambda 13. .\ssistant Assaver. U. S. Assay Office, 23 Pine St.; res 305 W. 80th St., New York, N. Y. 1878 Samuel Francis Adams K c '(] A. B. 1878; LL. B. 1880. Member Lotos and New York Athletic Clubs. Retired. 1416 21st St.. N. W.. Washington. D. C. Charles Slover Allen"" XcZ A. B. 1878; M. D. 1881 Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Scholarship in Chemistry, 77. Member Psi Upsilon Clnh. Liniixan, New York. Med. and Manhattan Med. Socs. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1893 William Porter Allen A m T" A. B. 1878; LL. B. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedictorian; Mathematics Scholarship; Editor Columbiad, 77. Member Westchester County Bar- Assn., Bar Assn. City of New York, Apa- wamis and American Yacht Clubs. Lawver. 10 Wall St., New York; res. Rye, N. Y. Francis Sedgwick Bangs XNSNKNNNNKJ s I' v A. B. 1882. Peithologian. Member University, New York Athletic, Columbia University, Rum- son and Lakewood Countrv Clubs and Soc. War of 1812. Retired. 68 Broad St., New York, N. Y.; res. 15 Forest Ave., Lakewood, N. J. Daniel Beale Steams* X M ^ Brother of Thomas Beale Stearns, Lambda 81. d. 1880 Charles Hooper Trask, Jr. Clerk. Marshall Lord Warrin X h o" ecw A. B. 1882; M. D. 1885. St. Francis Hosp., 85-86; Attending Phys. Out Door Poor. Belle- vue Hosp. and Asst. Dept. of Nervous Diseases, New York Post Graduate Med. School. 86 — . Member Psi Upsilon and L^niversity Clubs. Physician. 50 Franklin PI.. Flushing, N. Y. Norman White, Jr.* Manufacturer. Newell Bertram Woodworth Bf O' d. 1912 .\. B. 1882; A. M. 1885. Artist Coiumbiad. 82; Spectator. 84; Editor Spectator. 83-84, Pres Cricket, 83-84, and Baseball, 84-85 Assns.: Sketching Club, 82-84. Pres. General of National Soc. Sons Am. Revolution, 15-16; Member Syracuse City Planning Commis- sion; Treas. Syracuse ATuseum of Fine Arts and N. Y. State Forestry Assn. Member Psi I 1882-83 J LAMBDA CHAPTER 351 Upsilon aiul University ( Xcw York) and Uni- versity (Syracuse) CIuIjs. Lawyer. 100 S. Salina St.; res. 840 James St., Syracuse, N. Y. 1883 John Kendrick Bangs r c A" Ph. D. 1883. Presentation Orator, 83; Editor .Ida Columbiana. 81-83; Managing Editor, 82-83; Sec. Columbia Coll. Boat Club, 83. \'ice-Pres. Board of Education: Pres. Halsted School and Vestryman St. Paul's Church, (Yonkers, N. Y.). Member Century and Players' Clubs. Son of Francis N Bangs, Delta 45. brother of Francis Sedgwick Bangs, Lambda 78 and uncle of Henry McComb Bangs, Lambda 06 and Francis Natlian Bangs, Lambda 10. Author and Lecturer. 7 VV. 43d St., New York, N. Y. and Ogunquit. Maine. James Brown P a M Crew, 81. Member Chandler of Commerce of N. Y. State: Downtown. Pan-Am. and Mer- chants' Assns.; St. George's Soc. ; L'nion, Metropolitan, Bankers', Piping Rock, Garden City Golf and Seawanhaka Yacht Clubs; Auto Club of America. Banker. 59 Wall St.; res. 789 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. John Edward Calhoun" Member Psi Upsilon Club. Warner Calhoun, Beta 83. Farmer. Edward Fales Coward B j A Brother of Henry t|; L a LL. B. 1883. Dramatic Club. Track; Editor Acta Columbiana, 83. .Author "King Stephen;" Co-.Author "Around New York in Eighty Minutes." Member Amateur Comedy Club and Dunlop Soc. Broker and Playwright. 61 Broadway. New York; res. Bronxville, N. Y. Justus x^lbert Boies Cowles ^ L a Ph. D. 1883. Crew; Dir. Boat Club, 81-84; Stroke and Capt. Univ. Crew, 82-84. Member Psi Upsilon, Union League, India House, Am. Yacht, L'nion (St. John, N. B.) St. George's (Sherbrooke. P. Q. ), Cumberland ("Portland, Maine), Apawamis and Laurentian Clubs. Manufacturer. Trinity B'.dg., New York; res. Rye, N. Y. George Endicotf'' E. M. 1883. Mining Engineer. An A d. 1889 Charles Tillinghast James Fiske ;= A ^Y LL. B. 1883. Edwin Babcock Ilolden* W b A, A. B. 1883. Treas. Bicycle Club. 82. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Brother of George Albert Holden, Lambda 84. Clerk. d. 1906 A[braham] V[alentine] Williams Jackson B w A. B. 1883; A. M. 1884; L. H. D. 1885; Ph. D. 1896; LL. O. 1904. Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Prize 81. 82, 83; Greek Prize Scholarship 82; Greek Salutatory; I'cUow Columbia Coll., 83-86. Prof, of Indo-Iranian Laneruances, C'nlumbia Univ. since 89; Adjunct Prof, of English Language and Literature, 91-95; Columbia Pub- lic Lecturer; Trustee, Yonkers Fioard of Education. 98-09. Author "Hymn of Zoroaster:'' "Yasna XXXI;" "An Avestan Gramaster in Comparison with Sanskrit;" "An Avestan Reader;" Zoroaster the Prophet of Ancient Iran;" "Persia, Past and Present;" From Con- stantinople to the Home of Omar Khayvam;" "Descriptive Catalogue of the Persian Mss." ^[ember of Am. Oriental Soc. (Pres., 15-16); .\m. Philological Soc; Am. Pliilosophical Soc: Deutsche Morganlandische Gesellschaft ; Royal .\siatic _ Soc, Century and Alumni Assns. Columbia Univ. and Psi Upsilon Clubs. Educator. Columbia University, New York. N. Y. George Edward Painter BZ^F Ph. B. 1883. Pres. Chemical Soc. 82-83. Mem- ber Pittsburgh, Duquesne, Pittsburgh Golf, Allegheny County, Country and St. Clair County Clubs. Brother of Charles Albert Painter, Lambda 84. Manufacturer (retired). 1027 Western Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Eberhard Lambert Pupke'^ P b M A. B. 1883. Crew, 81-83. Broker. d. 1913 Eliphalet Remington* B m S^ Ranchman. William Wadsworth Russell* M m A^ Clerk. d. 1887 Sydney Augustus Smith X g S" A. B. 1883 Williams Coll. Member University and Lotos Clubs. 42 Linden Ave., Englewood, N. T. Arthur Lucian Walker BXN E. M. 1883. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; School of Mines; Engineering .Soc. Vice-Pres. Boat Club, 81-83. Prof, of Metallurgy Columbia Univ.; Vice-Pres. Am. Electro-chemical Soc, and Chairman Publication Committee; V'ice-Pres. Committee on Precious Metals. .\m. Inst, of Mining Engineers. Member University. Engineers', Columbia L^niversity and Richmond County Country Clubs. Educator. Columbia L'niversitv, New York; res. Dongan Hills. N. Y. T. Henry Walter ¥A3 A. B. 1883. Member University, Metropolitan, Columbia University and Riding Clubs. Broker. 36 Wall St.; res. 54 W. 51st St. N. Y. Frederick Barnard White* A. B. 1883 Coll. of N. J. Architect. Nelson Ripley White* New York,. XcA d. 1886 r m Z,_ Son of Erskine Norman White, Beta 54 and brother of Stanley White, Delta 84. d. 1880 PcM d. 1887 l^Rp A. B. 1883. Brother of George Zabriskie. Delta 70 and Cornelius Blauvelt Zabriskie. Delta 78. Clerk. d. 1898 George Clarence Whitney* Broker. Albert Romeyn Zabriskie* 352 LAMBDA CHAPTER [1884 1884 John Rowlett Brinlev (LF? C. E. 1884. Member Morristown, Whippany River and Morristown Field Clubs. Brother of Godfrey Malbone Brinlev, Beta Beta 84. Landscape Architect and Engineer. 156 Fifth Ave.. New York. N. Y. : res. 11 Maple Ave., Morristown, N. J. Walter Shepherd Clark BcN. Sec. Cascade County. Mont. Good Roads Assn. and Great Falls Merchants' Assn. Brother of Bainbridge Percy Clark, Lambda 82. Transfer and Storage. 5 4th St. S.; res. 911 Fifth Ave. N., Great Falls, Mont. John William Dowling* rf M A. B. 1884; M. D. 1886 Homeopathic Med. Coll. Editor Acta Coliimbiniia. 82-84; Columbiad, 83. Dir. Football, 83-84. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1914 Joseph Hart Durkee''' A. B. 1884. Broker. Ynij. d. 1898 [Welcome Joseph] Liddon Flick* BRT LL. B. 1884; A. B. 1882 Coll. of N. J. Lawyer. d. ]90.t George Barton French W f N" A. B. 1884 Coll. of N. J. Member Metropolitan, LTniversity, Princeton, Metropolitan (Washing- ton, D. C. ) and Chicago (Chicago, 111.) Clubs. Southampton, N. Y. Joseph Bloomfield Harriot X m [x A. B. 1884. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Retired. 57 W. 58th St., New York, N. Y. George Albert Holden* W h M A. B. 1884. Member Psi Upsilon, University, Metropolitan and Riding Clubs. Brother of Edwin Babcock Holden, Lambda 83. Clerk. John Foster Jenkins d. 1916 XdM A. B. 1884. Track, 81-82; Treas. Athletic Assn., 81-82; Editor Acta Columbiana. 81-82. Police Commissioner, Yonkers, 93-00. Member Co- lumbia L'niversity Club. Transportation. S940 Grand Central Terminal, New York; res 149 N. Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. George Kemp, Jr.* Merchant. Robert Mulford T k li. ■ Xf A" E. M. 1884. Track; Treas. Athletic Assn., 82- 83; Capt. Track, 84. Member New York .\th- letic, Columbia University and .Siwanoy Coun- try Clubs, Mining. 35 Wall St., New York; res. 144 S. Second Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. John Isaiah Northrtip* T h N' E. M. 1884. Vice-Pres. Engineering Soc, 84. Mining Engineer. d. 1891 Charles Albert Painter [1.?^ E. M. 1884. Cyclopes Soc. Dir. Boat Club, 82-83; Vice-Pres. Engineering Soc, 83-84; Ten- nis Club, 83-84; Editor Scfiool Mines Quar- terly, 83-84. Member Duquesne, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Golf, Allegheny Country and Her- ron Hill Gun Clubs. Brother of George Ed- ward Painter, Lambda 83. Manager. Post & Flagg, 337 Oliver Ave.; res. 1029 Western Ave., N. Side. Pittsburgh, Pa. William Ross Proctor TgM, E. M. 1884. Track; Business Mgr. Acta Co- lumbiana, 83-84. Trustee Hobart Coll.; N. Y. Genealogical and Biographical Soc. Member Union League, Racquet and Tennis, Piping Rock, New York Yacht, Larchmont Yacht and Pittsburgh Clubs. Architect. Ol E. 39th St., New York, N. Y.) Loui's Bertrand Rolston X p M" LL. B. 1883. Member Bar Assn.; Early Eighties, Psi Upsilon, Apawamis Golf, Manursing Island, Am. Yacht, University, Glee, New York Ath- letic and Columbia University Clubs. Lawyer. 22 Exchange PI., New York; res. Purchase, N. Y. Philip Leon Runkle LL. B. 1885. Lawyer. ¥ c M Frank Dempster Sherman* M f Q 1.1. ^ t ^ m.,^ "-J ._ ^.ucs, ut-io. .numor "Madrigals and Catches;" "Lyrics for a Lute" and "A Southern Flight." Member Century Club; National Inst, of .Arts and Letters and New Tr„™i„„j Ti:„t«..:« i^a.,„.,i„~: 1 c«« iNational insl. ot .Arts ana Lette England Historic-Genealogical Soc Educator. Beverly Reid Value d. 1916 B b N" M. E. 1884. Dir. Football, 80-84; Vice-Pres., 82-83; Pres., 83-84; Grand Marshal, 84. Mem- ber Am. Soc. Civil Engineers; Am. Inst. Min- ing Engineers and Engineers' Club. Civil Engineer. 6 Church St.; res. 36 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y. Samuel Clinton \'an Dusen F n M^ Member Psi Upsilon, Columbia, Century, Re- form and Quill Clubs. Merchant. 32 Cliff St.; res. 132 E. 35th St., New York, N. Y. John Tempest Walker ^F[;.o A. B. 1884; Ph. B. 1887. Editor Acta Colum- biana. 82-87; Managing Editor, 82-84; Treas. Glee Club. 81-82; Pres. and Treas., 82-83; Pres., 83-86; Vice-Pres. Tennis Club, 85-86; Pres. 86- 87; Dir. Boat Club, 85-86: Pres. .Architectural Soc, 86-87. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Father of Tohn Tempest Walker. Jr., Sigma 13 and brother of James Wheatley Walker, Lambda 91. .Architect. 239 Rawson Rd., Brookline, Mass. James Henry Ward, Jr. BPT A. B. 1884; LL. B. 1886. Editor Columbiad, 83. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Lawyer. (Highland Rd.. Rye, N. Y.) 1884-86] LAMBDA CHAPTER 353 William Henry Wetmore t BhN V A. P.. 1884. Lieut. (J. G.) First Separate Divi- sion Xaval Militia. S. N. Y.. 98. Member Uni- versity Club. Merchant. 118 E. 28th St.; res. 1 W. 54th St., New York, N. Y. 1885 Chester Alan Arthur, Jr. Ac A .\. B. 1885 Princeton. Member Union, Brook, Knickerbocker and Racquet and Tennis (New York), Denver, (Denver), Travelers' (Paris), Kl Paso and Country (Colorado Springs) Clubs, ."^on of Chester Alan Arthur, Theta 48. 1106 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Ciiarles Francis Briddon ?c AI Superintendent. -Xm. Sugar Refining Co., Kent Ave., and S. 4th St.; res. 918 St. Marks Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Rocheford Cassidy !XC3 Artist. Henry James Davison X r M. LL. B., 1884. Track. Member Psi Upsilon, St. Nicholas, National Arts, Bankers', Law- yers', \\'hitehall and Arts in Trade Clubs. Decorator. 15 E. 40th St.; res. St. Nicholas Club, New York, N. Y. Charles Halsted Mapes AiQ A. B. 1885; Ph. B. 1889. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Columbia Sf'cctator, 82-85: Manaeing Editor, 83-84; Dir. and Sec. Boat Club, 83-85; Pres. Ball Club. 85-86: Chairman Univ. Athletic Committee. Author "The Man Who One Day a Year Would Go 'Eelin.' " Member University, Racquet, Opera, Columbia University and Bal- tusrol Golf Clubs. Brother of James Jay Mapes. Lambda 88, Herbert Mapes, Lambda 90. \'ictor Mapes, Lambda 91 and Clive Spencer Mapes, Lambda 01. Manufacturer, 143 Liberty St.; res. 221 W. 5;th St., New York, N. Y. \\'illiam Ordway Partridge Q h A .\. M. 1904 Adelphi Coll. Assoc. Editor Acta Coiumbiana. Vice-Pres. Art Students' (Paris) Club. Sculptor Statue of Gen. (Srant, Union League Club. Brook'yn: Alex- ander Hamilton, Brooklyn: Christ and St. John, Brooklyn Museum of Fine Arts; Hamilton. Columbia Univ.; Schermerhorn Memorial, Columbia Univ; Shakespeare, Lincoln Park, Chicago: bust of Edward Everett Hale, Union League Club, Chicago: Kauffman Memorial, AX'ashington : baptismal font in Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Washington, D. C. ; bust of Whittier. Boston Public Library; statue of Pocahontas, Jamestown. \'^a. ; the National Horace Greeley Statue. Chappaqua, N. Y. ; statue of Nathan Hale, St. Paul; busts of X'an .\mringe. Schermerhorn. Jefferson and Hamil- ton, Columbia Univ.; Tilden, New York. Author "Art for America;" "The Song Life of a Sculptor;" "The Technique of Sculpture;" "The Angel of Clay;" "Nathan Hale, the Ideal Patriot:" "The Czar's Gift." Assoc, mem- ber 5th N. Y. Vol. Inf. (Duryee Zouaves); Member Sons of the Revolution: \'etcran Corrvs of Artillery; Soc. of Am. Architects; Archi- tectural League; Psi Upsilon, Union League, Citv and Aitthors' (New York). Cosmos (Wash- ington), Lotos and 20th Century (Boston), Clubs. Brother of Sidney Catlin Partridge, Beta 80. Author. 15 VV. 38th St.; res. 222 W. 59th St., New York. N. Y..» Waldron Williams AiaB .\. B. 1885; LL. B. 1887. Editor Acta Colum- biana, 83-85. Member University, Racquet and Tennis, Auto, Aero, Apawamis, American ^'acht and Columbia University Clubs. Manufacturer. 90 West St.. New York; res. Rye, N. V. 1886 Wilton Guernsey Berry Edward Pearce Casey APT Ph. B. 1886. Editor The School of Mines Quart- erly . 84-85; Vice-Pres. Chemical Soc.. 86. Mem- ber Chemical and Engineering Socs. ; Psi Upsilon and Columbia LTniversity Clubs. Chemist. Appraiser's Stores. 641 Washington St.; res. 200 Claremont Ave., New York, N. Y. C. E. 1886; Ph. B. 1888. Editor The Miner, 85 -.Spectator, 85-86. Sec. Sketch Club, 84-85; Pres. 85-86; Highest Class Average. Formerly Vice-Pres. Soc. of Beaux Arts Architects; Former Treas. Architectural League. Member Sons of Revolution and National Sculpture Soc; Soc. of Beaux Architects; Am. Inst, of .\rchitects; Architects' League; Psi LTpsilon, Century, L^niversitv and Columbia L'niversity Clubs. Architect. 149 Broadway; res. 36 W. 35th St., New York, N. Y. Henry Meiggs Cornell* Member Psi Upsilon Club. Merchant and Manufacturer. Henry Snyder Kissam BgT Ph. B. 1886. Cyclopes; Boat Club; Athletic .\ssn.; Engineering and Architects' Socs.; Founder of the Architectural Soc. 85; Assoc. Editor Tenth Genera! Catalogue, 87. Member Board of Governors. Alumni .\ssn.. School of .\pplied Science, Columbia Univ.; Mem- ber Board of Governors, Alumni Assn., .School of Architecture, Columbia Univ., since 04; Pres. 08-10 and 14-16; Sec- General of General Court, Order of Founders and Patriots of America; Deputy Governor, N. Y. State Soc. of Order of Founders and Patriots of America: Member, Executive Committee, Assn. of Grand Jurors of New >'ork County: National Council of the .\m. Soc. Member Soc. Colonial Wars; Sons of the Revolution; Order of the Founders and Patriots of America; New York Genea- logical- and Biographical .Soc; National Security League; Soc. of the Upper Eighties of Colum- bia Univ.; Psi Upsilon and University Clubs. Architect. 25 Madison Ave.; res. 316 W. 93d St., New York, N. Y. Henrv Charles Lee ^dM C. E. 1886. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Son of Edward Eugene Lee, Lambda 56. Civil En.gineer. (75 E. 8ist St., New York. N. Y.") James Jackson Ormsbee [5dB E. M. 1886. Cyclopes. Editor Acta Colum- biana. 83-86; The Diamond, 84-85; Miner, 85; 354 LAMBDA CHAPTER [1886-88 School of Mines Quarterly, 85-86; Tennis Club (Capt., 85-86). Member "University (El Paso, Tex. and Tacoma, Wash.) and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Metallurgist. Southwestern Dept., Am. Smelting & Refining Co., P. O. Box 681, El Paso, Tex. Edwin Auguste Richard BSA Dir. Manhattan Ear, Eye and Throat Hosp.; Trustee New York Botanical Gardens. Mem- ber New York Yacht, Columbia University and New York Athletic Clubs; Automobile Club of America; Blooming Grove (Pa.) Hunting and Fishing and St. Andrews (iolf Clubs. Retired. 636 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Richard Riker* ^ h B Frankhn Merritt Skelding* Q f Q Broker. d. 1895 Allen Newhall Spooner 4* ^ ^ C. E. 1886. Engineering Soc. Dir. and Sec. Football Assn., 85-86. Commissioner of Docks, 08-10. Member Columbia University and Jersey City Clubs; Am. Soc. Civil Engineers; Munici- pal Engineers' and Merchants Assns. Father of Ray Newhall Spooner, Lambda 15. Contracting Engineer. Pier 11 North River; res. 27 Washington Sq. N., New York, N. Y. Frederick Vane Darlington Winant Brother of Henry Darlington Winant, Delta 78. Real Estate. 2 Rector St.; res. 103 E. 71st St., New York, N. Y. 1887 John Henry Carson* o g 8 Clerk. d. 1916 William Beaver Chamberlin H ^ a Member Union League and Corinthian Yacht (Philadelphia) Clubs. Coal Operator. Kingston; res. Torresdale, Philadelphia, Pa. Robert Maxwell Cheseborough* ^:XT d. 1910 Samuel Cochran Herriman ^ a F .\. B. 1887. Baseball Mgr., 86; Editor Acta Columbiana, 84-87. Member University, Columbia University and Apawamis (Rye) Clubs and New York City Bar Assn. Lawyer. 30 Broad St., New York; res. Apawamis Ave., Rye, N. Y. Frederick Reuben Howes* (i c x Brother of Reuben Wing Howes, Lambda 88. Clerk. d. 1900 Percy Jackson A Y] LL. B. 1887; Ph. B. 1885 Yale. Member Uni- versity, Yale and Ardsley Clubs; Down Town, New York State and City Bar Assns. Lawyer. 43 Cedar St.; res. 63 E. 52d St., New York, N. Y. Joseph Harvey Ladew Q 1 X Member Union League, Riding and New York Yacht Clubs. Manufacturer. Lincoln Highway and Passaic River, Newark, N. J.; res. 813 Madison Ave., New York, X. Y. James Harper North, Jr. (i — B M. D. 1887 New York Univ. Former Surg., U. S. Navy. Member Union Club. Physician. 346 Broadway; res. 50 E. 73d St., New York, N. Y. Frank Standish Paddock I t: S Physician and Surgeon. John Van Aernam Rhodes* K f $ Clerk. Adolph Thierner Scholle* A. B. 1886 Harvard. See Alpha 86 Frank McMillan Stanton* d. 1910 asa d. 1893 BPT E. M. 1887. Photographic Soc. Member Washington Continental Guard; Navy League of the U. S.; Houghton Light Inf. Member Am. Soc. of Civil and Mechanical Engineers; Am. Inst, of Mining Engineers; Am. Mining Congress; Soc. for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; Am. Museum of Natural History; Soc. of Upper Eighties of Columbia Univ.; Sons of the Revolution; Soc. of Colonial Wars; Horticultural Soc. of N. Y.; Lake Superior Mining Inst.; National Security League; Burns, Am. Chemical, St. George and United En- gineering Socs.; Am. Forestry, Am. Revolver, .'Km. Automobile, Seventh Regiment, Columbia Coll. Alumni, Michigan State Rifle, National Rifle and Columbia Univ. .\ssns., Whitestone Yacht, Houghton. New York Athletic. Union League Engineers', Columbia Yacht, University, Onigaming, Miscowabik and Chicago Athletic Clubs. Mining Engineer. d. 1916 Walter Lincoln Tyler* 1888 Td^ d. 1908 Charles Ellsworth Beckwith B f X M. E. 1888. Crew. Manager. Rawlev Mining Co., Bonanza, Colo.; res. Niver- ville, N. Y. William De Wolf Drmock «|^ c 3 Crew (1). Ensign U. S. N.. 98; Santiago Medal; West Indian Campaign Medal; Honor Medal N. Y. State. Member Sons of Revo- lution; Soc. Colonial Wars; Military Order of Foreign Wars, Naval and Military Order Spanish Am. War; Naval Order \j. S.: Psi Upsilon and New York Yacht Clubs. Farmer. Dixondale, Va. Douglass Ewell* N? A. B. 1888; M. D. 1891. Dir. Athletic Assn., 87-88. d. 1897 Alleyne Hawkesworth* Bxs Dir. Football, 85-86; Editor The Spectator. 86-87. d. 1887 1888-89] LAMBDA CHAPTER 355 Reuben \\ ing- Howes, 3d. Q s A Editor Acta Columbiana. 86. Biotlicr of I'Vederick Reuben Howes, Lambda 87. Writer. .^4 \\. 10th St.. New York, N. V. \\'illard [Cunningham] Humphreys* .\. B. 1888; A. M. 18S9; I'll. \). 1890; M. D. 1891 New York Univ. Scholarship in Mathe- matics, 85. Prof, of German Language and Literature, Princeton Univ. d. 1902 3f A Henry AVard Johns Member Psi L'lJsilon Club. Manufacturer (retired). 551 \\'oodland Ave., Plainfield, N. James Jay Mapes^ TpS .\. B. 1888; M. D. 18V1. Editor The Coliim- biad. 87; Chairman Coluinbiad Board; Dir. Athletic Assn. Brother of Charles Halstead Mapes. Lambda 85, Herbert Mapes, Lambda 90, Victor jMapes. Lambda 91 and Clive Spencer :Mapes, Lambda 01. d. 1896 Robert Finney ]Mathews B d cp Editor The Diamond, 85-86. (Harrison, N. Y.) [James] Lancaster Morgan W p A Ph. D. 1888. Sec. Chemical Soc, 87-88. Mem- ber LTniversity, Metropolitan and Churcli Clubs; Soc. of Colonial Wgrs and Soc. of Mayflower Descendants. Manufacturer. General Chemical Co., 25 Broad St.; res. 180 W. 59th St., New York, N. Y. t}; n S Member Union, Tuxedo, Church and Explorers' Clubs; New York State Bar .\ssn. Lawyer. 25 Broad St., New York; res. Tuxedo Park, N. Y. Henrv Parsons Louis Mansfield Ogden ^ TC E C. E. 1888. Editor The Miner, 87; School of Mines Quarterly, 86-87; Capt. Crew, 84-86. Pres. Engineering Soc; Dir. Athletic Assn. 87-88. Member Psi Upsilon and University CUibs. Trustee. 68 Broad St.; res. 1033 Madison .\ve.. New York. N. Y. B t T Brother of John Northrup Peet. Beta 78. United States Worsted Co., 257 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. 35 E. Highland Ave., (Grange, N. J. Robert Edward Peet Franklin Atkins Plummer BI9 Sec. Sleepy Hollow Country Club and The Hankers" Club of Am.; Trustee N. Y. Insti- tution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb and Seavvanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club: Mem- ber Council of Men's Assn.. St. Thomas' Church. Member L'nion League. The Bankers', Stock Exchange Luncheon, Sleepy Hollow Country. Church. .Seawanhaka Corinthian Yaclit and New York Yacht Clubs. Broker. 71 Broadwav; res. 22 E. 47tli St., New York, N. Y. Austin Meigs Poole Initiated by the Delta Henry Edward Salislmry* ^j ] l, A. B. 1886 Harvard. d. 1902 George Flint Warren, Jr. y !^ A. B. 1888; A. M. 1889. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi. Barnard Literary Soc; Crew 87. Member Columbia Alumni Assn. Lawyer. 256 Broadwav; res. 239 W. 71st St., New York, N. Y. 1889 Henry Gurney Atha Tb Ph. B. 1889. Editor Miner and The School of Mines Quarterly, 87-88. Member University (New York), Essex County Country and \\'est Orange Essex Clubs. Banker. 742 Broad St.; res. 990 Broad St., Newark. N. J. Herbert Boughton'^ }( R IT) LL. B. 1889; A. B. 1887 Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst. Son of William Henry Boughton, Lambda 58. d. 1916 Joseph Norman Bulklev BpE B. S. 1889 Mass. Inst. Tech. Member Engi- neers', India House (New York). New Rochelle Yacht, Rand, (Johannesburg, S. Africa), Mining and Metallurgical (London) Clubs. Consulting Engineer. 120 Broadway, New York; res. 21 Washington .\ve.. New Rochelle, N. Y. Victor Mellet Haughton Rector of Christ Church. Clergyman. 10 Eliot St.. Exeter. N. H. ames Steers Lake Clerk. Charles Coleman Miller J pfT ^^sE A. B. 1888. Chairman Board of Editors The Colnmbiad , 87-88; Sec. Barnard Literary Soc, 86-87. Member University (Brooklyn) and Underwriters' (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 68 William St., New York; res. 295 Clermont Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. Charles Piez ^T Andrew Jackson Provost, Jr. E. M. 1899. Chairman Miner Board. 87-88; Editor School of Mines Quarter'y, 87-88. Chairman of the Workmen's Compensation Commission of 111., 11-12. Member Union League, University and Midlothian Country Cubs and Union League of Philadelphia. Manufacturer. Link Belt Co., 39th St. and Stewart Ave.; res. 4700 Kenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. C. E. 1889. Crew; Baseball; Pres. Coll. Base- ball .Assn., 88. Sanitary Expert. New York Board of Water Supply, 10-16; Lecturer on Public Health New York Univ.; Member Advisory Board, HefBey Inst.: Pres. Brooklyn Engineers' Clubs, 03; Member .\m. Soc. Munici- pal Improvements; Municipal Engineers of New York; Am. Soc. and International Soc. for Test- ing Materials; Am. Water Works and Am. Pub- lic Health .\ssns; Holland Soc; Brooklyn Engineers' Crescent Athletic, Richmond Hill, Kew Gardens Country and Point O'Woods Yacht Clubs. Consulting. Engineer. 39 W. 38th St., New York; res. St. Anns Ave., Richmond Hill, N. Y. (13) 356 LAMBDA CHAPTER [1889-91 Russell Raynor ^ c E Ph. B. 1889. Vice-Pres. Chemical Soc, 86-88. Chief of Division Cieneral Sanitary and Food Inspection, New York Dept. of Health; Knsign, U. S. Navy, 98; Commander, First Battalion, Naval Militia, N. V., 10-14; Pres. National Guard Assn., N. Y.. 13. Mem- ber Psi Upsilon and Army and Navy Clubs; Sons of the Revolution; Naval and Military Order of the Spanish-Am. War; Naval Order, Military Order of Foreign Wars; Naval Insti- tute, and Sons of Veterans. Sanitarian. 7 E. 42d St., New York; res. 558 Palisade Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Robert Watts, Jr.* A. B. 1889; M. D. 18 .Son of Robert Watts, Edward Ferris Weekes* A. B. 1889; M. D. 1893. .Son of Robert Watts, Lambda 59. 2(1 \'ice-Pres. Kngineering Soc. 87-88. 1890 Khs d. 1908 ^^ f U a. 1893 v^aniuel Wakeman Andrews PXT Ph. B. 1890. Cyclopes. Editor Spectator, 85- 86;' Coiumbiad, 87; Artist Columbiad Board; Pres. Columbia Coll. Sketch Club, 85-87. Mem- ber Architectural League; Psi Upsilon, Univer- sity, Piping Rock and Columbia University Clubs. Artist. 58 W. S7th St.; res. 875 Madison Ave., New York. N. Y. Frederic Rene Coudert BbZ .-\. B. 1890; \. M. 1891; Ph. D. 1894. Trustee Columbia Univ., 93-01. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Son of Frederic Ren6 Coudert, Lambda 50 and father of Frederic Ren^ Coudert Jr., Lambda 18. (124 E. 56th St.. New York. N. Y.) John Sheafe Dou^a^las W f T C E. 1890. Tug-of-War, 90-91. Treas. Colum- bia Univ. Club., 05-09; Treas. Lambda Assn., 07-10; Treas. Alumni Assn. of Schools of Science since 10. Member Psi Upsilon, Colum- bia University, Morris Country Golf and Whip- pany River Clubs. Printer. 22 Thames .St., New York, N. Y.; res. Sussex Ave., Morristown, N. J. Henry Alger Gildersleeve, Jr.* T k H A. B. 1890; A. M. 1891. d. 1891 EHsha Denison Hurlbut, Jr. K b I] C. E. 1890. Asst. Mechanical Engineer Colum- bia Univ., 91. William Aug-ustus McLaren f^, (1 " JJ (1 -5 A. B. 1890; LL. B. 1893 Northwestern Univ. Member Down Town Assn. and LTniversity (New York), Chicago (Chicago), Mexico Coun- try, Pasco, American and Jockey (Mexico City) Clubs. Lawyer. Calle Betlemitas 17, Mexico City. Mexico; res. 70 W. 55th St., New York, N. Y. Herbert Mapes* BhT James Rich Steers Editor Spectator, 87-88; Dir. of the Athletic .•\ssn., 86-88. Brother of Charles Halstead Mapes, Lambda 85, James Jay Mapes, Lambda 88, Victor Mapes, Lambda 91 and Clive Spencer Mapes, Lambda 01. d. 1891 ^' m T Member Union, Racquet and Tennis, Brook, New York Yacht and Columbia Clubs. Contracting Engineer. 17 Battery PI.; res. 37 E. 67th St., New York, N. Y. Arthur Seymour \'osburgh 7 E p A. B. 1890; M. D. 1893. Mgr. Football; Track. Surg. Bellevue Hosp.; Interne St. Luke's Hosp., 94-96. Member Columbia Uni- versity and University Clubs; New York Surgi- cal Soc; Acad. Medicine and Am. Med. Assns. Physician. 85 E. 56th St., New York, N. \. Henry Murdock Ward •]; 1 t Member New York Athletic, Salmagmidi and Camp Fire Clubs. Merchant. 43 South St.; res. 383 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 1891 George Alendenhall Anderson'* rdi Ph. B. 1891. Pres. Cincinnati Chapter, Am. Inst, of Architects. Member Pillars; Mac- Dowell Soc; Art, Country and Queen City Clubs. Architect. d. 1916 Cortlandt Field Bishop NAA A. B. 1891; A. M. 1892; Ph. D. 1893; LL. B. 1894. Phi Beta Kappa. Scholarship in Greek, 87; History, 88; Pres. Aero Club of Am.; Vice- Pres. Federation Aeronautique Internationale; Vice-Pres. Home for Incurables, New York, N. Y. Author "History of Elections in .•\meri- can Colonies." Member Knickerbocker, Metro- politan, Mid-day, Auto (America) ; Grolier, Aero (.\merica). Aero (France), Royal Aero ''LJnited Kingdom. Great Britain and Ireland); Auto (France) Travelers' (Paris), Riding and Lenox Clubs. Lawyer. 14 Wall St., New York, N. Y.; res. Lenox, Mass. WilHani Chesebrough Camniann XbH A. B. 1891; LL. B. 1893. Commencement Ora- tor. Squadron A., N. G., N. Y.; Capt. U. 9. Vol. Cavalry, 98; Retired with Rank of Capt. Member Bar Assn.; LTniversity and Racquet and Tennis Clubs. Lawyer. 63 Wall St.; res. 5 E. 45th St., New York, N. Y'. Oliver Samuel Campbell Ana A. B. 1891. (112 E. 70th St., New York, N. Y.) Frederick Woodhull Chesebrough A. B. 1891. Philolexian. Member Racquet and Tennis, Squadron A, Columbia LTniversity, I 1891-921 LAMBDA CHAPTER 357 New York Athletic, West Side Tennis and New York Yacht Clubs. Retired. Millbrook, N. Y. lulien Townseiul Davies''' rts A. H. 1891. Philolexian. Member ITnivcrsity, Union, New York Yacht, Summerfield Gun and I'niversity (St. Paul, Minn.) Clubs; Down Town and New York County Lawyers' Assns.; Revolution and Soc. of Colonial Wars. Son of lulien Tappan Davies, Lambda 66. Lawyer. d. 1917 Walter William Edsall Y 1 r, John 'I'homas lloag* Xpll Philip Edwards Johnson* X ^ '^ A. B. 1891; M. D. 1894. Dir. Columbia Coll. .Athletic Assn., 87-88. Son of George Down- dall Johnson, Beta Beta 54. Physician. d. 1907 Archibald Rogers Livingston ^ h y; C. E. 1891. Member University Club (New York, N. Y.) Engineer and Superintendent. Canon City, Colo. \ ictor Mapes TgS A. B. 1891. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedictorian. .Author "Duse and the French;" "Partners Three;" "Gilded Way;" "The Boomerang;" "The New Henrietta;" Co-author "Capt. Bar- rington;" "Don Caesar's Return." Member University, Lambs, Columbia and Players' Clubs. Brother of Charles Halstead Mapes, Lambda 85, James Jay Mapes, Lambda 88, Her- bert Mapes, Lambda 90 and Clive Spencer Mapes, Lambda 01. Playwright. Short Hills, N. J. Frank Temple Reamer* Carev Selden Rodman* P. t r, Son of Thomas Harvey Rodman, Delta 40 and brother of William Dudley Rodman. Gamma 76. Newton Ewell Stout Xcl Member Lotos and Columbia University Clubs. Broker. 25 Broad St., New York, N. Y. ; res. Short Hills, N. J. Henry Richard Taylor A. B. 1891; LL. B. 1894. Member Metropoli- tan, Knickerbocker, Union, University, New York Yacht, Racquet and Tennis, Brook, Pip- ing Rock, Lido and Garden City Golf Clubs. Lawyer. 20 Exchange PI.; res. 3 E. 71st St., New York, N. Y. Herbert Edward Tuttle A. B. 1891. Assayer and Chemist. Tames W'heatlev Walker Sq [I Member Psi LIpsilon, Apawamis Golf, Manhat- tan, Columbia University and Crescent Ath- letic Clubs. Brother of John Tempest Walker, I^-ambda 84 and uncle of John Tempest Walker, Jr., Sigma 1.^. Merchant. 25 Madison Ave., New York; res. 31 Lafay- ette Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. RoUa Barnum Watson Af I E. M. 1891. Member Columbia University and Rocky Mountain Clubs. General Manager. Nipissing Mining Co., Cobalt, Ontario, Canada. DeW^itt Clinton Weld, Jr. YdP Major 2d New York Field Artillery, N. G., N. Y. ; Pres. Polytechnic Tennis Club. Mem- ber Army and Navy (New York) and Crescent Athletic (Brooklyn) Clubs. Real Estate. 171 Madison Ave., New York; res. Ill Mon- tague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1892 Charles Flamen Adae rtp Member Sons of Revolution. Contractor. 90 West St., New York; res. Ocean Ave., Law- rence, N. Y. [ohn Augustus Barnard ymO Llovd Collis A. B. 1892. Member University, Columbia, Down Town, Country and Rockaway Hunting Clubs. Banker and Broker. 115 Broadway; res. 105 E. 65th St., New York, N. Y. Y) D S Track (Capt.) (4). Major Corps of Engi- neers, N. G., N. Y. Member Columbia Uni- versity Club. Engineer. 50 Church St.; res. 18 Gramercy Park, New York, N. Y. ( ieorge Welling Ciddings K»<». lub and Sons of Am. Revolution. l^-awyer. 215 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles W'arring Leffingwell X n 6 A. B. 1892. Member Valley Hunt, LTniversity (Los Angeles) and San Gabriel Valley Coun- try Clubs. Horticulturist. P. O. Box 393; res. 45 (^ak Grove .\ve., Pasa- dena, Cal. Frederick Reuben Lord Are C E. 1892. Member Columbia University, Whitehall Luncheon and Port Chester Country Clubs. Banker and Broker. 15 Broad St., New York; res. 89 N. Regent St., Port Chester, N. Y. 358 LAMBDA CHAPTER [1892-94 George Stephenson Nicholas. Jr. Q b p A. B. 1892. Merchant. (44 Park Ave., New York, N. Y.) Henry Haight Piffard* See Chi 92 EHas Hewitt Sisson To© d. 1892 Member Psi Upsilon, Carteret aad Knicker- bocker Country Clubs. 2540 Hudson Blvd., Jersey City, N. J. Charles Wheeler Wilder 1893 X f Edward Raymond Bossange Initiated by the Delta Frederick Barker Campbell jj c y, (112 E. 70th St., New York, N. Y.) Frank Morris Carnegie W f I (Homcwood, Pittsburgh, Pa.) Henry Brundage Culver A y ^ LL. B. 1893. Late Vice-Pres. N. Y. State Fish, Game and Forest League (three terms) ; Governor Columbia Univ. Club; Sec. Mongaup Fish and Game Club. Member Metropolitan Museum of Art; Naval Historical Soc. and Columbia Universitv Club. Lawyer. 27 Cedar St.; res. 136 E. 49th St., New York, N. Y. Br I Bbn adt Chester Burnell Duryea''' Hiram Hendrick Duryea LL. B. 1893. (375 Park Ave., New York, N. Y.) Stephen Theodore Hodgman Merchant. (806 Broadway, New York, N. Y.) Harvey Roberts Kingsley O g n A. B. 1893; LL. B. 1896. Philolexian. Track; Capt., 93. Deputy Asst. Dist. Atty., New York, 99; Grand Juror (Public Prosecutor) City of Rutland, 06-11; Board of School Com- missioners since 12; Sec. Civil and Military Af- fairs to Governor of Vt., 10-12. Member Uni- versity Club (New York) and Alumni Assn. Co- lumbia Coll. Lawyer. Richardson Bldg. ; res. 73 Pine St., Rutland, Vt n M Henry Stewart McKee E. M. 1893. Banker. National Bank of California, Los Angeles, Cal. W^ashington Tyson Romaine A c k Football; Crew. Capt. U. S. Vols., 98; Major, N. G., N. Y. and Reserve Corps; Regimental .Sergeant; Major. 8th Plattsburg Regiment. Governor Army and Navy Club (New York). Member Army and Navy Clubs (New York and Washington). Army and Navy Club, New York. N. Y. Louis Victor Southack''' A. B. 1893. Andrew Varick Stout W 1 - d. 1905 W m n A. B. 1893. Member L^niversity, Racquet and Tennis Clubs. Banker and Broker. 115 Broadway; res. 129 E. S5th St., New York, N. Y. Samuel Clifton Thomson Initiated by the Beta Clark Greenwood Voorhees ^' A° M A. M, 1893; Ph. B. 1891 Yale. Fellow in Chemistry, 93. Member Century and Salma- gundi (New York), Graduates' (New Haven), Lenox (Lenox, Mass.), Lyme Country Clubs. Artist. Lyme, Conn. 1894 Paul Armitage A c | A. B. 1894; LL. B., 1896. Alumni Prize on en- trance. Member Lfnion League and Columbia LTniversity Clubs; Bar Assn. of the City of New York. Lawyer. 233 Broad wav; res. 13 Central Park W., New York, N. Y. ' William Henrv Bradford X ^ ° Member The Travellers' (Paris) and Lenox (Mass.) Clubs. The Travellers' Club. 25 ."Avenue des Champs Elysees, Paris, France. William Coffin Dornin PRM A. B. 1894. Philolexian. Member Soc. of Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revolution and Veteran Corps of Artillery of the State of New York. Real Estate and Insurance. 36 W. 3Sth St.. New York, N. Y. Archibald Douglas MiA LL. B. 1897. Managing Editor Columbia Spectator ; Editor Columbia Literary Monthly. ]\iembcr Union League, Adirondack League, Columbia University and St. Andrews Golf Clubs. Lawyer. 233 Broadway; res. Spuvten Duvvil, New York, N. Y. ' Frederick William Douglas -/ f Member Columbia L'niversity Club. Broker. 38 Wall St., New York, N. Y. ; res. 219 Mil bank Ave., Greenwich, Conn. Henry Harkness Flagler W A A. B. 1897. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres. Symphony .Soc. of New York; Pres. Millbrook Free Library; Trustee Roosevelt Hosp., and Brick Presbyterian Church (New York). Member Columbia LTniversity and LTnion Clubs. 103 Park Ave.; res. 32 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Horatio Sheafe Krans vd Y] A. B. 1894; A. M. 1897; Ph. D. 1901. Author "William Butler Yeats;" "Irish Life in Irish Fiction" and "Life of Goldsmith." Member- Authors' and Columbia University Clubs. Writer and Journalist. Briarcliff Rd., Mountain Lakes, N. J. 1894-96] LAMBDA CHAPTER 359 William Jeremiah ^lillard Initiated by the Delta ^ Benjamin W'istar Morris Initiated by the Beta Beta Harry Pelham Robbins F c •/. A. B. 1894. Member Board Mgrs. New York Assn. for Improving the Condition of the Poor and New York P. E. City Missions. Member Knickerbocker, University, City, Riding, Squad- ron A and Racquet and Tennis Clubs. Opoi Estntf 52 Vanderb'ilt Ave.; res. 19 E. 80th St., New York. N. Y. George Reese Satterlee K C a" A. B. 1894; A. M. 1898; M. D. 1898. Capt. Med. Dept. 7th Regiment N. G., N. Y., 07-10; Chairman Med. Section, N. Y. State Med. Soc. 15; Visiting Phys. Fordham Hosp.: Instr. in Medicine, New York Polyclinic Hosp. and Med. School; Chief of Clinic in Gastro-enterol- ogy, Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Author "Outlines of Human Embryology." Member New York Academy of Medicine, New York County, State Med., Am. Therapeutic, and Pathological Socs. ; Am. Med. Assn.; Uni- versitv, Columbia Univ. and Gastro-enterology Clubs. Phvsician. 1J5 W. 58th St., New York, N. Y. John Bentley Squier BfX M. D. 1894. Omega. Prof, of Genito Urinary Surgery, New York Post Graduate Hosp. and Med. School; Urology, Columbia Univ.; Ex. Prcs. Am. Urological Assn. and of Alumni A.ssn. of St. Luke's Hosp. ; Vice-Pres. New York County Med. Soc; Fellow Am. Coll. of Surgeons. Am. Assn. of Genito-Urinary Sur- .econs and of L'Assn. Internationale d'Urolo- gie. Member Union League and Metropolitan Clubs. Surgeon. 49 E. 49th S't., New York, N. Y. Samuel Schieffelin Stebbins* y m o 1895 Guy Wetmore Carry!* Tohn Bowie Dash 3r]N TdA (Dash's Lane and 240th St.. New York, N. Y.) Howard Stephens Hadden X d )» Ph. B. 1895. Dir. Y. M. C. A.; Adv. Commit- tee Greater New York Boy Scouts; Traffic Board. New York City; Trustee Brooklyn Hosp. and Sons of the Am. Revolution. Member Hamilton, New York, St. Maurice (Quebec). Rembrandt (Sec), and Bloomfield Grove (Pres.), Clubs; Camp Fire Club of America; Hill School, Columbia Coll. and Poly Alumni .•\ssns. Advertising Agent. 220 Broadway. New York; res. 248 Henrv St., Brooklyn. N! Y. Lawrence Hasbrouck* 6 h ^ Richard Lawrence A c v (42 Broadway, New York, N. Y.) Leonidas Moreau Lawson, Jr. F D a' Merchant. (11 Linden Ave., Bridgeport, Conn.) Rudolph Neeser ByX A. B, 1895. Chanler Historical Prize. Mem- Ijer University, Morris County Golf, Morris- town, and New York Stock Exchange Luncheon Clubs. Broker. 36 Wall St., New York, N. Y. ; res. Convent, N. J. Charles Walton Ogden Af M .\. B. 1895. Member University Club and Down Town Assn. Merchant. 48 Beaver St.; res. 14 E. 79th St., New York, N. Y. FsZ Joseph Suydam Stout, Jr. A. B. 1895; E. E. 1897; A. M. 1897. Philo- lexian. Glee Club. Track. Broker. 25 Broad St., New York, N. Y. ; res. Hohokus, N. J. David Houghtaling Taylor A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1896 New York Law School. Member Assn. of the Bar, City of New York, University and Lotos Clubs. Lawyer. 165 Broadway; res. 229 W. 70th St., New York, N. Y. Edward Chase Wilson, 3d* Roy Follette York (750 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.) 1896 Y m i d. 1896 yIN Thomas Morrison Carnegie A b W Southampton, N. Y. Henri George Chatain B 7 ^* E. E. 1896. The Strollers; Columbia Unir. Musical Soc; Capt. Track. Member Soc. of Automobile Engineers and Kahkwa Club. Chief Engineer. Gas Engine Department. General Electric Co. ; res. 814 Sassafras St., Erie, Pa. Arthur LIutchins Cilley B T T' M. D. 1896; A. B. 1893 Princeton. Cliosophic (Princeton). Member Union League and Hosp. Graduates' Clubs; Military Order of the Loyal Legion; New England Soc. Physician. 126 E. 34th St., New York, N. Y. Charles du Pont Coudert y Y [>• A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1898 New York Law School. Capt. U. S. Vols., 98. Member Metropolitan (New York. N. Y.) Club. Windlesham Hall, Windlesham, Surrey, Eng- land. William Farquhar Payson y f v Author "John Vytal;" "The Triumph of Life;" "Debonnaire;" "Barry Gordon:" "Periwinkle;" ''Love Letters of a Divorced Couple;" etc. Member Columbia Univ. and Authors' of Lon- don Clubs. Novelist and Dramatist. 450 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. Bris- tol, R. I. Harry Heth Rodman* H c ¥ M. D. 1896. d. 1906 360 LAMBDA CHAPTER L 1896-99 Jacob Barstow Smull TgN Member Committee of Steamship affairs. New York Produce Exchange; Greenwich Country Club. Ocean Transportation. 358 Produce Exchange; res. 459 West End Ave.. New York, N. Y. 1897 Alfred Wreaks Booraem T P ^ LL. B. 1897. Asst. Corporation Counsel; Deputy Police Commissioner; Deputy Commis- sioner Dept. of Water Supply. Member Cres- cent Athletic and Squadron A Clubs. Lawyer. 44 Cedar St., New York; res. 204 Lincoln PI.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Gerald Arthur Lowe Initiated by the Eta William Aloysius O'Connor Member Canoe Brook Golf and Short Hills Clubs. Merchant. Keyes Products Co.. 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. Short Hills, N. J. Charles Chapin Sargent. Jr.* W S ^ A. B. 1897. d. 1913 Albert Mortimer Young* X y Q~ d. 1899 r g A" 1898 Hugh White Adams, Jr. Y h B" LL. B. 00. Lawyer. 2 Wall St.. New York; res. 262 Palisade Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Clarence Arthur Comstock F d M' A. B. 1898. Member Psi Upsilon, Union, Rac- nn. Bradford Darrach, Ir SBV Member Psi Upsiloii Club. General Manager. Laminated Shim Co. Inc., 533 Canal St., New York. N. Y.: res. 1222 l-airnioiuu Ave.. Eliza beth, N. T. Frederic Ashton de Peyster rh Capt. Co. A, 12th N. Y. Inf., N. G. U. S. Member Columbia, Union and Badminton Clubs. 11 E. 86th St., New York, N. Y. Huoh Arollesoii Foster B f ■ r Member Columbia University Club. Secretary. Board of Health. l.?9 Centre St.; res. 501 \\'. 121st St., New York, N. Y. Arthur Anderson Fowler ■/ q */ A. B. 1899. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor-in-Chief LoliDiibia Spectator. Member University and Racquet and Tennis Clubs; Down Town Assn. Merchant. 30 Church St., New York, N. Y.; res. Pea- pack, N. J. Percy Kiersted Hudson Bh'A M. E. 1899. Member Psi Upsilon, Racquet and Tennis, Columbia University, Bankers' and Piping Rock Clubs. Broker. 61 Broadway, New York; res. Syosset, N. Y. Julian Appleton !\Iadan Ak Salesman. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.. 322 Hudson St.; res. 849 W. 178th St., New Y^irk, N. Y. Edward Stewart Moffat B A e" Author "The Desert and Mrs. Ajax;" "Hearts Steadfast" and "Go Forth and Find." Mem- ber Psi Upsilon, Columbia and West Side Ten- nis Clubs. Journalist. Woman's World Magazine. 280 Madison .\vc., res. 41 W. 27th St., New York, N. Y. Efdward] Lansing- Satterlee X ^ r'" B. S. 1900. First Honorable Mention Colum- bia Traveling Fellowship Competition, 01. Member University, West Side Tennis and Columbia University Clubs, and Soc. of Beaux Arts Architects. Architect. 3 W. 29th St.: res. 103 W. 55th St.. New- York, N. Y. James Montfort Schley, Jr. Q h~ y LL. B. 1905 New York Law School. Member Old Lyme Country and Columbia University (New York) Clubs. Lawyer (retired). Sunny Marsh, Silltown Lane, Old Lyme, Conn. Edwin Paul Shattuck X s k; A A° £ LL. li. 1899. Member Executive Council of Psi Ui>silon, 08-11; Crew. >rember .\ssn. of Bar of the City of New York; Psi Upsilon, Racquet and Tennis, Apawamis, Am. Yacht and Colum- bia University Clubs. Lawyer. 26 t-xchange PI.; res. 26 E. 78th St., New York, N. Y. Nc T A. AL 1898; LL. B. 1900; A. B. 1897 Yale. Banker. 61 Broadway; res. 107 E. 78th St., New York, N. Y. Havdon Rochester ■/a "enjamin Bryant Odell A 1 |i' Son of Benjamin Barker Odell. Lambda 77 and brother of Herbert Roe Odell. Lambda ii.i. Transportation. Orange County Traction Co.. 244 Broadway; res. 271 Liberty .St.. Newburgh. N. Y. Bernard Sander \ an Rensselaer r g A' Deputy Asst. Dist. .\ttv.. New \ ork County. 14-iS. Member Harvard and Civic Clubs; Soc. of the War of 1812. See Tau 13 Lawyer. 37 VVall St.; res. 128 E. 24th St.. New \o\k. N. V. 1910 Francis Xathan Bangs Y 1 ^' A. B. 1910; LL. B. 1913. Crew; Hockey; Ten- nis; Student Board of Representatives. Pres. Lambda Assn. Member Union and Columbia Univ. Clubs; St. Nicholas Soc. Son of Fran- cis Sedgwick Bangs, Lambda 78. brother of Henry ^IcComb Bangs. Lambda 06. grandson of Francis N. Bangs. Delta 4.S and nephew of John Kendrick Bangs, Lambda 83. Lawyer. 161 \V. 73d St.. New York. N. Y. Robert Barbour r h A" M. E. 191(1. Member Hamilton. Rumson Country and I'nion League (New York) Clubs. Manufacturer. 418 Grand .St.; res. 64 Prince .St.. Paterson, N. J. W'illard Htywood Brown 7 B' Superintendent. Hamilton Block, Butte. ]\lont.; res. 838 River- side Drive. New York. N. Y. Frank Rutledge Davis Y^B' M. E. 1910. Member l'rineet..n Club of New York. Manufacturer. W'ilford Hall Laboratories, Port Chester; res. 58 Greenacres Ave., Hartsdale. N. Y. Jefiferson Hayes-Davis X ^ V"" E. M. 1910; B. S. 1907 Princeton. Senior Mining Soc. Banker. First National Bank; res. 1818 N. Cascade Ave.. Colorado Springs, Colo. Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh, Jr. T P B' K. K*. 1910. Sigma Xi. Illig Medal; Crew. Member LTniversity, Columbia Alumni, Sylvan Canoe, W^estinghouse and Columbia Univ. (New York) Clubs. Electrical Engineer. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.. I'^ast Pitt.sburgh; res. 622 Worth St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Rino de Nobile di Vezzano v ° P> (Pallazzo di Orio, Speria, Italy) v^tephen Lesher T>andon Initiated by the Beta Arthur Burley Menefee x ®° T*" E. M. 1910; B. S. 1907 Princeton. Tau Beta Pi. (Oxford, N. J.) Lincoln Paddock A n F'' A. B. 1910; E. E. 1914. Member Soc. of Electrical Engineers; .Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Brother of Royce Paddock, Lambda 10. Draughtsman. 141 W. 70th St., New York, N. Y. Royce Paddock A r F"^ A. B. 1910; M. D. 1914. Editor Spectator 10. Interne Bellevue Hosp., 1st Med. Division, ^lember State Board, 14; .\sst. Phys. Labrador Battle Harbor llosi). Member .\m. Med .-^ssn.: Columbia and Columbia LTniversitv Clubs; St. Nicholas Soc. Brother of Lincoln Paddock, Lambda 10. I'hvsician. Bellevue Hospital; res. 141 W. 70th St., New York. N. Y. Robert luirlev Phelan Initiated bv the Chi fames Maddock Shaw Y m li' Rowing Club; Kings Crown. Asst. Mgr. Hockey Team. Member Columbia Univ., Psl Upsilon and W'est Side Tennis Clubs. Public Accountant. 55 Liberty St.; res. 353 \V. S3th St., New York. N. Y. I larold \'an X'redenburgh Storv x '^ ^'' A. B. 1910; LL. B. 1912;' A. M. 1912. Phi Delta Phi; Kings Crown; Temple Moot Court; Notes and Keys ; Players, Fencers, Aero and Republican Clubs. Member Psi Upsilon, Law- yers', Columbia and Princeton Clubs. Lawyer. 61 Broadwav; res. 239 West End Ave.. New York. N. Y. 1911 Howard Pinckney Corsa Initiated by the Gamma William Jennings Demorest Fry/ M. E. 1913. Crewsters; Y. M. C. A.; Notes and Keys; Columbia Section Am. Soc. Mechani- cal Engineers; Glee Club. Member Psi Up- silon and Columbia Clubs. Real Estate. 327 Fifth .\ve.; res. 620 W. llSth St., New York, N. Y. 366 LAMBDA CHAPTER [1911-13 James Sylvester Hedges 7 h x"" Member Psi Upsilon, Columbia University and Advertising Clubs. Printer and Lithographer. 141 E. 2Sth St.; res. 150 W. 87th St., New York, N. Y. Raymond Bell Hotchkiss a b F' Kings Crown; Y. M. C. A. Insurance. 19 Liberty St., New York, N. Y.; res. 189 Thomas St., Bloomfield, N. J. Charles Alan Hudson Member Columbia, Baltusrol Golf and Rumson Country Clubs. Broker. 36 Wall St.; res. Short Hills, N. J. Duncan MacMillan Lasher x s x' Member Psi Upsilon Club. Salesman. 14 Wall St., New York; res. 380 Hawthorne Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Herbert Russell Latimer Tix^' Brother of Empie Latimer, Lambda 12. (Princeton Club, New York, N. Y.) Albert Mendelsohn KDZ' M. E. 1911. Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Pi. Basket Ball. Member Houghton and Onigaming Yacht Clubs. Superintendent. Baltic Mine, Baltic, Mich. Edgar Lieber Newhouse, Jr. F e yj Member Alta and Country Clubs. Manufacturer. Mclntvre Bldg.; res. 77 O St., Salt Lake City, Utah. " 1912 Thomas James Ahearn, Jr. H S ''0 A. B. 1912; LL. B. 1914. Lawyer. 22 William St., New York; res. Flushing, N. Y. Murray Gushing Donnell P A° Z*" Capt. British Army, 16. (627 W. 115th St., New York, N. Y.) Francis Dudley Edmunds F f A' Farmer. Willimantic, Conn. Empie Latimer FcpA' E. M. 1912. Am. Ambulance Corps, France 16. Brother of Herbert Russell Latimer, Lambda 11. (Princeton Club, New York, N. Y.) William Charles Orr, Jr. FrA' Member Psi Upsilon Club. Salesman. Eastman, Dillon & Co., 71 Broadway; res. 16 E. 92d St., New York, N. Y. Roger Sterne Palmer F m A' A. B. 1912. Kings Crown. Member Psi Up- silon Club. Salesman. William A. Read &• Co., 32 Nassau St.; res. 9 W. 9th St.. New York. N. Y. Irving Hotchkiss Pardee F h A"" A. B. 1913; M. D. 1915. Kings Crown; Societe Francaise. Glee Club; Athletic Assn.; Pin Committee; Sophomore Show Committee; Asst. Mgr Baseball. House Phys. St. Luke's IIosp.. 15-17. Phvsician. 74 "W. 48th St.. New York, N. Y. Henry Martin Polhemus F w A' Member Psi Upsilon and Englewood Field Clubs; Holland Soc. and Architectural League. Architect. IS E. 40th St.. New York, N. Y.; res. Dana PI., Englewood, N. J. Fitz John Porter F u A"" A. "B. 1912; LL. B. 1914. Phi Delta Phi. Member Student Board of Representatives. jNIember Columbia Univ. and Lawyers' Clubs. Lawver. 15 Broad St.; res. 56 W. 11th St., New York, N. Y. Russell Seaman Reynolds F y A' Banker. Mt. Vernon Trust Co., Mt. Vernon, N. ■*'.; res. 2 Maher Ave., Greenwich. Conn. Franklin Robbins Initiated by the Xi Edward Oliver Roberts F 1 A' Builder. 154 Nassau St., New York; res. 19 Academy Ave., Rockaway Beach, N. Y. Frank [Alexander] Brissenden Wash- burn Y A° 'j LL. B. 1912; A. B. 1909 Harvard. Lawyer. 61 Broadway; res. 52 E. 79th St., New York. N. Y. 1913 Lyman Collins Butler A L° 'S LL. B. 1913; A. B. 1910 Princeton. Member Bar Assn.; Lawyers', 7th Regiment Rifle, Radio of America, Princeton (New York) and Indian Harbor Yacht Clubs. Lawver. 54 Wall St.; res. 30 E. 72d St., New York, N. Y. George Forrest Butterworth, Jr. F s T A. B. 1913 tnagica cum laude ; TA^. B. 1916. Phi Beta Kappa; Philolexian. Columbia Law Review. Lawyer. Bowers & Sands, 46 Cedar St.; res 129 E. 82d St., New York, N. Y. Edwin Menefee Clancv F A° 'H B. S. 1911 Princeton. Cottage, Right Wing and Triangle Clubs; Senior Mining Soc. Member Pendennis and River Valley Clubs. Assistant Sales Manager. Kosmos Portland Cement Co., 614 Paul Jones Bldg. ; res. Cherokee Park, Louisville. Ky. Frederic Beecher Colver M$°'^S LL. B. 1913; A. B. 1910 Princeton. Terrace Club (Princeton); Glee Club; Notes and Keys; Kent Moot Court; Varsity Fencing Team. Moot Court Advisor of Columbia Law School. Member Psi Upsilon and New York Fencers' Clubs. 38 Park Row, New York, N. Y.; res. Tenafly, N.. J. iyi3-i5j LAMBDA CHAPTER 367 Peter Flood Crossman X T^ 'P Member Princeton, Essex and Essex County Country Clubs. Manufacturer. Chestnut St.; res. 1014 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Henry Suydam Fullerton, Jr. X f ""E Assistant Cashier. Wilmerding, Morris & Mitchell, 488 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. 738 E. 2d St., Plainfield, N. J. William Shreve Ginnel, Jr. X b 's Member Psi Upsilon and Columbia University Clubs. Broker. 330 W. 102d St., New York, N. Y. Edward \\'oolston Sage -{ d ''E B. S. 1913. Lyon Lodge. Columbia Rowing Assn. ; Crew. Member I'si Upsilon Club. Son of Edward Eugene Sage, Lambda 77 and brother of Warren Morrill Sage, Lambda 06. Merchant. 246 W. S6th St.; ws. 305 W. 80th St.. New York. N. Y. Theodore Mills Tonnele N U° 'H LL. B. 1913; A. B. 1910 Princeton. Member Lawyers' and Princeton Clubs. Lawver. 44 Wall St.; res. 258 W. 70th St., New York, N. Y. Harold Worth Vassar 'i)d'E Glee Club. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Architect. 4 W. 33d St., New York; res. Ballston Spa, N. Y. 1914 Bache Hamilton Brown Ks'H Architectural Soc. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Architect. H. T. Lindeberg, 2 W. 47th St.; res. 65 Cen- tral Park W., New York, N. Y. Tohn X'ictor Clarke Bn'X (Albany Law Schools. 339 State St., Albany, N. Y.) Maitland Dwight rA° 'H A. M. 1913; LL. B. 1914; A. B. 1911 Prince, ton. Member Princeton, City and Lawyers' Clubs. Lawyer. 49 Wall St.; res. 150 E. 22d St., New York, N. Y. Stephen Girard Kent Initiated by the Delta Delta John Kennedy Lasher, Jr. W b 'Z B. S. 1914: LL. B. 1916. Blue Pencil Soc. Registrar, Columbian Board. 12-13; Editor-in- Chief Columbia Spectator, 13, and of Senior Class Boob, 14; Kings Crown Board of Cov- ernors. 13-14: Sec. and Trcas. Yonkers Coluni- bia Alumni Club. 15. Member Psi Upsilon aiul .\mackassin (Yonkers) Clubs. T,awyer. 52 Broadway. New York; res. 396 Palisade Ave., Yonkers. N. Y. Robert Watkinson ^lilbank, Jr. P. e '^X A. B. 1914. Capt. Hockey Teams. Member Royal Automobile and Oxley Golf Clubs. Merchant. 320 Fifth Ave., New York; res. Westhampton Beach. N. V. Edwin Avery Park P - 'H Architectural Soc. .\rchhect. 2 W. 47th St.; res. 428 W. S7th St.. New York. N. Y. William Lemmex Pierce, Jr. PS" ''H (Palisade .\ve., Englewood. N. J.) Burgo Purcell ^hX'' Member Psi Upsilon Club. Architect. H. T. Lindeberg, 2 W. 47th St.; res. 125 Washington PI.. New York, N. Y. Albert Cyril Rothwell X G '6 .\. B. 1914; citm laude. Phi Beta Kappa; Nacoms. Crew; Basket Ball (1); Cane Spree (2); Student Board. Member Psi Upsilon, Co- lumbia University and Squadron A Clubs. Student. 144 W. 76th St.. New York, N. Y. Lemuel Skidmore, Jr. Pr°'H LL. B. 1914; A. B. 1911 Princeton. Quad- rangle, Glee and Triangle Clubs. Member Princeton Club of New York. Lawyer. 2 Rector St.; res. 315 W. 94th St.. New York. N. Y. William Ziegler. Jr. B 1 'Z Member New York Yacht and Harvard Clubs. rvPA.1 n st?it"f 527 Fifth .-\'ve.; res. 525 Park Ave.. New York. N. Y. 1915 James Christy Bell, Jr. X A° 'P A. B. 1912 Princeton. Member Princeton (New York) Club. Student. 337 N. Broadway. Yonkers, N. Y. Julian xA.llen Dickinson P d ""H Sigma Tau. Baseball; Debating Team; See Xi 15 and Chi 15. Draftsman. 1155 Munsev Bldg. ; res. The Toronto Apts., 20th and P Sts.. Washington, D. C. Ae'Z Sheridan Brooks Fry Member Columbia Univ., Horseshoe Harbor Yacht and Orienta Yacht Clubs. Salesman. Peterson, Sinclaire & Miller, Inc.. 25 W. 4Stti St.; res. 600 W. 127th St., New York, N. Y. Arthur Cort Holden X n° "6 B. Arch. 1915; A. M. 1915; Litt. B. 1912 Princecton. Cottage Club (Princeton). Chair- man Architectural Soc, 14-15 and ex-officio Editor of Architectural Annual; Board of Mgrs. Christodora House. Member Princeton Univ., Grolier and Squadron A Clubs. Architect. 101 Park Ave.; res. 323 Riverside Drive, New York. N. Y. George Watson O'Connor P p 'H \'arsity Show Chorus. Member Mahopac Golf Club. Draftsman. 103 Park Ave.; res. 268 W. 93d St., New York, N. Y. 368 LAMBDA CHAPTER [1915-17 Ray Xewhall Sjxioner V r 'II Track and Baseball. Son of Allen Newhall Spooner, Lambda 86. Civil Engineer. Pier 11 North Kiver. New York; res. 259 Park- side Ave., Brooklyn, X. V. Rollin Crawford Wilcox X$° "P A. B. 1912 Princeton. Architect. 14.S N'crmilve Ave., New York, X. Y. Edward Locke Williams T A° 'n A. B. 1911 Univ. of N. C. and LL. B. 1914. , Order of Ram's Horn (Univ. of N. C.) Track and Relay Teams. Prosecuting Atty., Munici- pal Court. Member Camden Polo and Country Clubs. Lawyer. Rank of Kershaw Bldg. ; res. Church St., Ker- shaw, S. C. 1916 Edward 1 [oward Babcock. Jr. T f '0 A. B. 1916. Student. 162 85th St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. John Sear.s Baldwin T r 'P A. B. 1916 cum laudc. Phi Beta Kappa. Cut- ting Travelling Fellowship. Student. 524 Riverside Drive, New '^'ork, X. \. Charles Singleton Bartow, Jr. F e '€) B. S. 1916. ' 33 \V. 73d St., New York, X. Y. Ps'P Ward Rathbun Clark B. S. 1916. Merchant. 207 Main St.. Oneida. N. Y. Thomas Turner Cooke U y 'I Tennis Team. Member Orange Lawn Tennis Club. Son of Iledley Vicars Cooke. Hta 83. See Chi 16 Student. 16 Lawn Ridge Rd., Orange. X\ T. Elliott Christopher Beams Darlington A XT A. B. 1916. Mgr. Dramatic Assn.; Managing Board Coliimhia Sf'ectator, 15. .Son of Tames Henry Darlington, Delta 77. Student. 321 N. l-"r(int St.. Harrisburg. Pa. Thornton Augustus Washing^ton Dela- hanty T c '0 Member I'si Unsilon and Pelham Countrv Clubs. -Xdvertising. 461 Fourth Ave.. New York; res. 236 Cliff "Ave., Pelham, N. Y. Lawrence Bowling- rh'0 M. E. 1916. 627 W. nSth St., Xcw York. X. ^■. Alden Kimball Member Bellerive Country. Princeton (New York) and Baltusrol (Short Hills. X. ).) Clubs. Salesman. 1012 Federal Reserve Bank B'dg.; res. 18 Lenox PI.. St. Louis, Mo. Matthew James Looram B a T1 (Daveni)ort Xeck, New Rochelle, N. Y.) Gilbert Ranney Lowe F m 'P See Zeta 1.7 (Ridgefield. Conn.) Sherley Warner Morgan ^A41 B. Arch 1916; A. B. 1913 Princeton. Phi Beta Kappa; Terrace Club (Princeton). Member of I'aculty. Princeton L^niv. Member Psi L'psi'on and Princeton (New York) Clubs. I'-ducator. Princeton L^niversity, Princeton, X^. J.; res. 97S Avondale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. John Adams Payne. Jr. Initiated by the Delta Delta Edward Henry Shea ^F X T B. S. 1916. Senior Soc. of Ximikwa; Student Board of Representatives; Baseball. 14, 15. 16. Student. 458 W. 16Sth St.. New York, X. Y. Charles Lemaire Zabriskie 2 c 'H Assistant Manager. New York Metallic Bedstead Co., 184 Pacific Ave., Jersev City, N. T. ; res. 37 W. 7Sth St., Xew York, N. Y. 1917 Bf M Douglas Hedden Allen Real Estate. U. S. Mortgage Trust Co., 55 Cedar St.; res. 1 W. 92d St., New York, X. Y. Howard Wesley Langley Initiated by the Delta Donald Gibson Mixsell K A° 'M B. Litt. 1915 Princeton. Member Northampton Countv, Princeton (New York). Wee lUirn (Stamford, Conn.) and Tokeneke (Tokcneke I'ark. Pa.) Clubs. Student. 216 Si)ring (iarden St., Easton, Pa. Samuel Alanson Rose K (p 'A (Block Island, R. I.) Everett Edward Schwind W r ""ll Meda) for Fancy Diving. Member Armored Motor Car N. G. Contingent. Xorma Co.. Credit Dept.. 100 Hudson St.; res. 447 Fort Washington Ave., X^ew York, X. ^'. William Hillard Selden, Jr. D 'M Miner. Iron River. Mich. Edmund Coe Smith B e ''. Philolexian. Student. Bethel, Maine. Frederic Fitch Stevenson B D 'A Chemist. Southern Cotton Oil Co., 22d St., Bavonne; res. 506 W. 7th St., Plainf^eld. N. J. Sterling Hawes \"an de Water V> s ''z Student. 331 W. 101st St., New York, N. Y. Frederic Huntley Waycott, Jr. ^I' h ""t: .\rchitectnra| Soc. Student. 62" W. 115th St.. New York, N. Y. 1918-201 LAM r. DA CHAPTER 1918 Ysaac de la Cruz Alzamora F f ^K Track (_'l. Urollur nf l.nis Atzaniora. l.nnibda -'0. Student. 925 West Kml Ave., New York, X. V. Frederic Rene Coiulert. Jr. F r ""K I'hilolexian ; Black AveiiKcrs. Son of I'redcric Ren^ Coudcrt, Lambda 90 and grandson of Frederic Rene Condert, Lambda 50. Student. 124 E. 56th St.. New York, N. Y. Eugene Hector Fezandic F in ''( ) Student. 165 E. 66th St., New York. X. Y. Horace L. Flotchkiss, '3d Fro Member Psi Upsilon, Apawamis and American Yacht Clubs. .^0 Broad St., New York; res. Rye, N. Y. Henry Mead Roger.^ Initiated by the Delta Delta James Wallace W inslow F h 'K I'hilolexian. -Mgr. Freshman Crew. 14. Agent. The Barrett Co., 17 Battery PL. New York, N. Y.; res. 192 Midland Ave., East Orange, N.J. 1919 W S 'M Grey Martel Hall Student. Nacogdoches, Tex. Edward Pierpont Hamilton B f 'A Student. Two Rivers, Wis. .Alexander Dawson Henderson, ]r. Oh'M See Zeta 19 (Suffern, N. Y.) James Bartlett Leary Student. 37 J^. 49th St., New York, N. Y. 369 V> r 'A I] h 'A Robert Lee Peek, Jr. Student. 627 W. 115th St., New York, N. \^ ; res. 211 Qucenston St., St. Catharines, Ontario, Can. Clinton Victor Pickering @g'M Advertising. Harper's Bazar. 119 W. 40tli St.. New York; res. 508 Poplar St., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Walter Scott Robinson B m 'A Student. 124 E. Dale St., C'olorado Springs, Colo. 1920 Luis xAlzamora ^F f WI Brother of Ysaac dc la Cruz Alzamora, Lambda 18. Student. 925 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. Frank Murray Brady Z n A" Student. 13 Randolph St., Yonkcrs. X\ .Y. A'inton King Milbank ^' r 'M Student. 302 W. 87th St., New York, N. Y'. Henry Miller Minton ^* m 'M Student. 165 Joralemon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Richard Morrow Ross W s 'M Student. 815 W. 180th St., New York, N. Y. Edwin Raymond Wolfe ^ h 'M Student. 48 Warrington PL, East Orange, N. J. KAPPA CHAPTER FOUNDED JULY 26, 1843 BOWDOIN COLLEGE BRUNSWICK, MAINE. 1839 William Griswold Barrows^ A. B. 1839; A. M. 1842; LL. D. 1879. Phi Beta Kappa. Judge of Probate, Cumberland County, Maine, 56-63; .Xssoc. Justice Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, 63-84; Sec. Trustees and ex-officio Overseer, 51-58; Overseer, 68-74; Fellow Maine Historical Soc. Lawyer. d. 1886 1841 Richard Bowers Thurston* $ 21° v A. B. 1841; A. M. 1844; B. D. 1846 Bangor Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Delivered the Master's Oration, 44; Teacher at Friendsville, Pa., 43-44; Pastor, Waterville, Maine, 46-55; Chicopee Falls, Mass., 55-58; Waltham, 58-65; Stamford, Conn., 65- 74; Acting Pastor, Fair Haven, 76-77; Old Saybrook, 77-81; Pastor, North Greenwich, 82- 88. Author "The Error and the Duty in Regard to Slavery." Clergyman. d. 1895 1842 Paul Landon Chandler* • (]; Q° X A. B. 1842. Instr. in Liberal Inst., Waterville, Maine. 42-44; Prof, of Modern Languages, Oberlin Coll., 68-72. Educator and Lawyer. d. 1904 Charles Packard* 9 r° ^ A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845; B. D. 1845 Bangor Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Mem- ber; Pastor Congregational Church. Norway. Maine, 45-50; Harrison, 50-53; Principal of Acad., Atlanta, Ga., 53-54; Pastor, New Glouces- ter Maine, 54-60: Limerick. 60-64; W'oolwich, 64-67; Waldborough, 67-70; East Alstead, N. H., 71-73; Presbyterian Church, Windham, 73-81; Member of School Committees; Supervisor of Schools at Windham. Author of "Manual of the Church in Alstead" and "Centennial Ser- mon." Clergyman. d. 1881 \ William Edwards Phillips* a A. B. 1842; B. D. 1854 General Theol. Sem. Teacher, Beverly, Mass., 42-49; Newburyport, 49-51; Asst. Minister, New York City, 54-53; Rector, Church of the Ascension, Donaldson- ville. La.. 55-56 Teacher, Pass Christian, Miss., 66-70; Rector. Trinitv Church there, 70-75; St. Luke's Church, Hot Springs, Ark., 75-78; Chan- lain, St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago, 111., 78-83: Home for Incurables, Fordham, N. Y., 80-85. Clergyman. d. 1885 Rosea Hildreth Smith* B S° ^ A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845; LL. D. 1880 Baylor Univ. Teacher, Bucksport, Maine and e'sc- where, 42-51; Prof, of Mathematics, German Reformed Collegiate Inst., Newton, N. C., 51- 54 and Prcs., 54-57; Prof, of Modern Languages, Univ. of N. C, 57-69; Supt. of Schools, At- lanta, Ga., Shelbyville, Tcnn., and Houston, Tex., 69-80; Principal, Sam Houston Normal Inst., Huntsville, 79-81. Educator. d. 1908 Charles Emery Soule* (J;n°X A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845. Phi Beta Kappa. Com- mencement Orator. Member School C<^inmittee, Dover, N. H., and Sec. 47-50; Town Clerk, 50- 53; Law .'\sst. to Snrroeate, County of New York, 82-87; Pres. Bowdoin Alumni Assn. of New York. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Lawyer. d. 1887 Thomas Tash* P^ F^ ^ A. B. 1842; A. M. 1845. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member; Principal Acad.. Foxcroft. Maine, 42-48; High School, Calais, 48-49; Union Acad., Oldtown, 49-51; Acad., Hampden, 51-57; High School, Dover, 58-66; 'Teacher of Greek, Sem.. Cooperstown, N. Y.. 66-67; Prin- cipal High School, Lewiston, Maine, 67-71; Supt. of Schools, Lewiston, 71-77; Supt. of .Schools and Sec. Board of Education, Portland, 77-89; Overseer, Bowdoin Coll., 64-89. Author of "School Reports." Member Natural History Soc. and Genealogical Soc. of Portland. Educator. d. 1889 1843 Ichabod Daniel Bartlett* M. A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846. Lawyer. Charter Member. d. 1861 George Francis Choate* Z$X d. 1888 •J A° !Jl A. B. 1843. Teacher Private School, Essex, Mass., 43-45; Judge of Probate and Insolvency, Essex County, Mass., 58-88. Father of Craig Cogswell Choate, Kappa 87. Lawyer. Joseph Payson Dnimmond* A. B. 1843; A. M. 1846; B. D. 1853 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher Acad. Gorham, Maine, 44-46; Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass., 47-49; Acting Pastor, West Cambridge (now Arlington), 53-56: Pastor \\'est Newton, 56-57. Clergyman. d. 1S57 TAX Firastus Foote, Jr. A. B. 1843. Charter Member; Register of Pro- bate, Lincoln County, Maine; Col'cctor of Customs, Dist. of Wiscasset; Overseer Bowdoin Coll., 56-66. Real Estate Agent. d. 1893 1843-451 KAPPA CHAPTER 371 David Pillsbury Harriman* !^ D S A. B. 1S43; A. M. 1846. Charter ^Icmber; Pastor Freewill Baptist Church successively at Burrillville, R. I., Danielsonville, Conn., South Berwick and Saccarappa. Maine and Strafford Centre, N. H., 43-64; Member Eecutive Com- mittee and Recording Sec. of ForciRn Mission See. Clergyman. d. 1864 John Dunlap Lincoln* T H ^ .\. R. 1843; A. M. and M. D. 1846. Charter Member; Overseer of Bowdoin Coll., 66-77: Lecturer Med. Dept., 64-65. Member Maine Historic.il S'oc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 187" John March Mitchell* TOX A. R. 1843; A. M. 1846; D. D. 18/0 William and Mary Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Declamation Prize. 42; .Salutatorian ; N'aledictorian. Charter Member! Teacher, Private School in Ala., 43-49; Officiating in Ala. (chiefly at Mont- gomery), ,S0-68; Rector of Christ Church, Savan- nah. Ga., 68-73; Sec. House of Deputies, P. E. Church in the Confederate States, 63-65; Asst. Sec. of General Convention, P. E. Church in the U. S.. 68-71; Pres. Standing Committee, Dio- cese of Ala.; Member Standing Committee Dio- cese of Ga.; Trustee Univ. of the S'outh. Clergyman. d. 1888 William Dummer Northend''' Z $ ). A. B. 1843; A. M. 1852; LL. D. 1894; A. M. . nd cundem, 1848 Dartmouth Coll. Charter Nfemher; Senator State of Mass.. 61-63: Over seer of Bowdoin Coll.. 74-78 and 86-92, and Vice-Pres. Trustees of Dummer Acad.; Pres. Essex Bar Assn., 80; Member City Council of Salem. Father of William Wheelright North- end, Kappa 80. Lawyer. d. 1902 Charles Parker Robinson* T IT ^ A. B. 1843. Charter Member; City Atty. Mo- d. 1861 bile, two years. Lawver. 1844 Georcre Moulton Adams* Z S X A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847; D. D. 1884; B. D. 1850 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Essay Prize; Commencement Orator. Charter Member; Principal, High School Castinc, Maine. 46-47; Pastor, Conway. Mass.. 51-63; Portsmouth. N. H., 63- 7Z\ Hollistnn. Mass., 73-89. Overseer of Bowdoin College, 70- 06. Author of "A Historical Discourse at the 200th Anniversary of North Church, Ports- mouth, N. H." and "A Historical Discourse at the 150th Anniversary of the First Con- gregational Church, Holliston. Mass." Clergyman. d. 1906 Henry Padelford Deane* a< A. B. 1844. Phi Beta Kappa. Atty. for Cum- berland County. 53-56; Member Maine Legisla- ture. 50-52: Surveyor of the Port. Portland. Brother of Llewellyn Deane, Kappa 49. Lawyer. d. 1873 John ^^'alli^,G:ford Goodwin* t^ X S A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847. Served in Civil War in 3d Ala. Regiment (C. S. A.), 61-64. Civil Engineer. d. 1911 Horatio Gates Herrick"-^ ZRX .'\. B. 1844. Draft Commissioner, Essex Coun- ty, Mass., 62-63; Capt. and Provost Marshal, 6th Dist. Mass., 63-66; Sheriff, Essex County, 65-92; Member School Committee, Lawrence, Mass^; Member Board of Commissioners of Prisons. Mass. Lawyer. David Bancroft Johnson* d. 1904 i;PA A. B. 1844. Teacher in Marshall County, Miss., 46-49; Principal, Chalmers Inst., Holley Springs, 49-51; Vice-Pres. Franklin Female Coll., Sl-55; Pres. LaGrange Female Coll., 55-57. Educator. d. 1857 Charles Weston Larrabee* TLX A. B. 1844; LL. B. 1847 Harvard. U. S. Collector of Customs, 93-96. Lawyer. d. 1904 Frederick Lockwood Washburn* t C X A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847; LL. B. 1847 Harvard. Member Common Council, Boston, 55-58. Lawyer. d. 1869 1845 Alvah Black* T^r A. B. 1845. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. in Female Acad., Gorham, Maine; Clerk, Judicial Courts, 56-59; Member Maine Legislature. 60; Pres. Oxford Bar. Lawyer. d. 1882 Edward Mann Field* c, y X A. B. 1845; A. M. 1850; M. D. 1849 Jefferson Med. Coll. Pres. Penobscot Med. Soc; Fellow Maine Historical Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1887 Charles Marsden Freeman* Z53 .\. B. 1845; A. M. 1848. Brother of Samuel Freeman, Kappa 54. Lawyer. d. 1894 John Mnnroe Goodwin* -: p X A. B. 1845. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Instr., Dennysville, Maine, 45-46; Alfred. 46-47; Senator, State of Maine, 56; Mem- ber Maine Legislature. 63-65. Father of Frank Jones Goodwin. Gamma 73 and brother of George Peabody Gordon Goodwin, Kappa SO. Lawyer. d. 1905 Lvman Gould* T3 A A. B.; 1845; A. M. 1882. Teacher in N. C, 46-48; Ga., 48-51; Principal, Gaston ( .\la. ) Inst., 51-56; West Enterprise (Miss.) Female .Sem., 56-64; Private School, Meridian, Miss., 64-80; Pres. Henderson Coll., Tex.. 80-87. Educator. d. 1894 Richard Lord Hodgdon* ZpZ A. B. 1845; M. D. 1852 Jefferson Med. Coll Teacher, Glynn County, Ga., 45-49; Interne in Hosp., South Boston, Mass., 52-53; Pres. Bos- ton Obstetrical Soc; Member School Commit- tee, W'est Cambridge (now Arlington); Supt. of Schools, 65-67; Chairman Mass. Board of I^unacv and Charity. 87-93. Membe'- Ma«;sa chusetts Med. Soc, Boston Soc. for Med. Im- provement and Roston Obstetrical Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1893 William Bradford Snell* t x X A. B. 1845: A. M. 1848. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator; Valedictorian. Prin- cipal, Monmouth Acad.. 45-51; Judge Police Court. W'ashington, 70-88; Capt., 12th Inf. Regiment Maine Vols., 61-64; Member Maine Legislature. 53-57; Senator State of Maine. 67- yii KAPPA CHAPTER [1845-48 69; County Atty., 57 and 60. Member Antliropo- logical and Biological Soc. of Washington. Lawyer. d. 1890 Isaac Newton Wadsworth* Z w 2 A. B. 1845. Commencement Orator. Teacher in N. C, 45-46; Selectman and Supervisor, Schools of Manchester; Member Maine Legis- lature, 64 and 77; Maine Civil Service. 83-91; Asst. State Supt. of Schools, 83. Educator and Farmer. d. 1891 1846 Charles Stetson Crosby* /. 7 i^ A. B. 1846; A. M. 1849. Lieut. 1st Cavalry Regiment, Maine Vols., 62-65; Atty., Penobscot County, Maine, 58-61. Lawyer. d. 1881 Joseph Willai-d Ellis* t !/wN A. B. 1846; A. M. 1849; M. U. 1849 Jefferson Med. Coll. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1862 Jairus Ware Perry* -: A j;. A. B. 1846; LL. D, 'l875. Member City Coun- cil; Overseer of Bowdoin Coll., 72-77. Author of "Perry on Trusts and Trustees." Father of William Perry, Kappa 11 . Lawyer. d. 1877 Josiah Pierce, jr.* c c \ A. B. 1846; a! M. 1849. Phi Beta Kappa. Sec, U. S. Legation at Court of St. Peters- burg, liiissia, 55-58; Knighted by the Emperor of Russia. 65; Fellow Royal Geographical Soc; Royal Institution, British Archaeological Soc; Soc. of Arts; Zoological Soc; Maine His- torical Soc. Brother of Lewis Pierce, Kappa 52 and George Washington Pierce, Kappa 57. Lawyer. d. 1913 \\'illiani Whitney Rice* p M A. B. 1846; LL. D. 1886. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Principal, Acad., Leicester, Mass., 47-51; Judge, Court of Insol- vency, Worcester County. Mass., 57-58; Mayor of Worcester, 60; Dist. Atty. for Middle Dist, Mass., 69-74; Mass. Legislature. 74-75; U. S. House of Representatives, 76-86; Overseer. Bowdoin Coll., 70-96; Trustee, Leicester Acad, and Worcester County Free Inst, of Industrial Science. Member Am. Antiquariari Soc. Lawyer. <1. 1896 Charles Augustus Spofiford* /. r, -> A. B. 1846; A. M. 184^. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Principal School Cas- tine, Maine. 46-47; Member INIaine Legislature, 49, 57 and 83: Speaker, 57-58; Deputy Col- lector of Customs, Castine, 50-54, 86-90: Sena- tor, State of Maine, 54 and Pres. of Senate; Atty., Hancock Countv. Maine, 71-73; Fellow Maine Historical Soc; Orator Psi L^psilon Con- vention, 50. Lawyer. d. 1899 1847 Walter Bingliani Alden' /. (1 (0 A. B. 1847. Merchant. William Melville Baker* d. 1893 A. B. 1847. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Principal Lcwiston Falls Acad., Maine, Bridgton Acad., Maine, and Putnam Free School, Newburvport. Mass., 48-57; Teacher, Quincy, 111., 57-61; Chaplain, 97th 111. Vols.. 61-64; Asst. State Supt. of Schools, 111., 65-68; Prof, of English Literature, 111. Industrial Univ. Educator. d. 1893 Charles Benjamin Merrill* - b oj A. B. 1847; A. M. 1850; LL. B. 1849 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Declamation Prize. 45 and 46; Commencement Orator. Member City Council, Portland, 53-54; Lieut. -Colonel 17th Inf. Regiment. Maine Vols., 62-64; Member School Committee, Portland, 15 yrs.; Trustee and Pres., Bath Military and Naval State Or- phan Asylum; Commander Loyal Legion, Maine, 87-89. Brother of John Cummings Merrill, Kappa 51. Lawyer. d. 1891 Samuel |ohn Pike* S m w A. B. "l847; A. M. 1850. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Teaching. 47-61; Tutor in Bowdoin Coll., 52-53; Principal, High School, Lawrence, Mass. and Somerville; Poet, P'^i Upsilon Convention, 50. Educator. J d. 1861 ohii Cotton Smith* 1 7 a A. B. 1847; A. M. 1850; B. D. 1850 Gambicr Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1862 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Rector St. John's Church, Bangor, Maine, 50-52; Trinity (liurch. Boston, Mass., 52-60; Church of the .\scension. New York, N. Y., 60-82. Author '•The Church Charitable and True;" "Glad- stone's Homer and the Homeric Age;" "The •Suspense and Restoration of Faith;" "The Oxford Essays and Reviews;" "Patriotisrn;" "The Liturgy as a Basis for Christian Union;" "Datite;" "The Church's Law of Develop- ment;" "Evolution and a Personal Creator;" "The Church's Mission of Reconciliation;" "Two Discourses on the State of the Country." Father of Roland Cotton Smith, Gamma 82. Clergyman. d. 1882 Albion Parris A. B. 1847. ville .\cad.. Lawyer. bpinney^ Phi Beta Kappa. Pa. PO[JL Teacher Potts- d. 1903 Jasper Strong' Whiting* H p to .\. B. 1847;- A. M. 1850. Entered Confederate .Service, 61. rising to Brigadier General. Architect. d. 1861 1848 Charles Theodore Cotton* P a % A. B. 1848 Yale and A. M. 1851. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Berkleian Latin Premium, 46. Teacher at Natchez. Miss.. 48-52; Clerk, U. S. Dept. of the Interior, 62-77. See Beta 48. Lawyer. d. 1877 David Kales* :: c w X. B. 1848. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher High School, Augusta, Maine, 48-50. Merchant. d. 1882 Edward W^atts Morton* y w cb A. B. 1848; A. M. 1851; M, D. 1856 Hahne- mann Med. Coll., Philadelphia. Phi Beta KajjiKi. Salutatorian. .Selectman of Town, 4 years; Treas., 5 years. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1894 Charles Appleton Packard* T z a A. B. 1848: A. M. 1851; M. D, 1856. Phi Beta Kappa. Librarian, Dept. of the Interior, Wash- ington. D C. 53-55; Overseer of Bowdoin Coll., 84-97. Brother of William Alfred 1848-50J KAPPA CHAPTER 373 Packard, Kappa 51. Alpheus Spring Packard, Jr., Kappa 61 and Robert Lawrence Packard, Kappa 68. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1909 Egbert Coffin Smyth* Bsa A. B. 1848; A. M. 18.S1; D. U. 1866; LL. D. 1902; B. D. 1853 Bangor Theol Sem.: D. D. 1886 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Commence- ment Orator. Principal of School, Farm- ington, N. H., 48-49; Tutor iti BowdiOiin Coll., 49-51; Prof, of Rhetoric and Oratory, Bowdoin Coll., 54-56; Collins Prof.^of Natural and Revealed Religion, Bowdoin Coll., 56-63: Lecturer on Pastoral Theology, 63-68; Brown Prof, of Ecclesiastical History, Andover Theol. Sem., 63-04; Pres. of Faculty; Overseer, Bow- doin Coll., 74-77; Trustee, 77-04. Author of "Progressive (Orthodoxy;" "The Change from tiie Sabbath to the Lord's Day. Member Am. Historical Soc, Genealogical Soc. of Mass. and Am. Soc. of Antiquarians. Brother of Edward Bcecher Smyth. Kappa 54, William Henry Smythj Kappa 56. Samuel Phillips Newman Smyth, Kappa 63, Frederick King Smyth, Kappa 67 and George Adams Smyth, Kappa 68. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1904 Oliver Stevens* X f w A. B. 1848. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Pres. Common Council, Boston, 56-58; Dist. Attv., Suffolk County, Mass., 74-05. Lawyer. d. 1905 IJezekiah Williams, jr.* I k to M. D. 1850 Cleveland Med. Coll. Surg, with rank of Major, 2d Cavalry Regiment, 111. Vols., and Med. Inspr. Army of the Tennessee, 62-64; Surg. U. S. Military Prison, Alton, 111.. 64-65. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1872 1849 Charles Edward Clifford* 7. w ^' A. B. 1850 Harvard. Teacher Public School, Acton, Maine; Private School, Cornish, and Acad., Lincoln; Town Agent, Newfield; Member Board of Education; Asst. \J . S. Dist. Atty., San Francisco, Cal.; Commissioner, Cir- cuit Court U. .S., Dist. of Maine. Author of "Town of Newfield, York Co., Maine." Lawyer. d. 1907 Llewellyn Deane* Y s B' .\. B. 1849. Clerk in L^ g Treasury Dept., Washington, D. C, 61-64; Examiner \J. S. Patent Office. 64-73; Member Maine Legisla- ture, 58; Member Maine Historical Soc. Brother of Henry Padelford Deane, Kappa 44. Lawyer. d. 1895 T,incoln Fletcher Emerson* ^ P '^ A. B. 1849. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Teacher, Standish, Maine. 49-50; Asst. Teacher in George B. Emerson's School for Young Ladies, Boston, 51-54; Principal Private School for Young Ladies. Boston, 56-64. Educator. d. 1864 William Hobson* Vh(/ A. B. 1849; A. M. 1859. Phi Beta Kappa. Essay Prize, 48: Oratorical Prize, 49: Principal High School, Saco, Maine, 53-62 and 65-67; Capt., 17th Inf. Regiment. Maine Vols., 62-65; Lieut. Colonel, Brevet Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General; Collector of Customs, Port of Saco, 67-69. Lawyer. d. 1897 George Edwin P.artol Jackson* T O <}' A. B. 1849; A. M. 1852. "Teacher, Cape Eliza- beth, » 49-50; North Andover, Mass., 50. Member Standing Committee Diocese of Maine; Deputy to General Convention P. E. Church; Fellow Maine Historical Soc; Overseer of Bowdoin College, 72-91. Father of Stuyvcs- ant Ten Broeck Jackson, Kappa 83. Lawyer. d. 1891 John St. Clare Paine* (|; c Iaine, 65-66; Rector, Grace Church, Bath, 66-69; St. John's Church, Stockton, Cal., 69-70; St. .Augus- tine's Coll., Benicia, 70-75; St. Paul's Church, Holvoke, Mass., 76-77; Trinity Church, Paw- tucket, R. I., 77-93; Archdeacon of R. I.. 93-98. Clergyman. d. 1898 Henry Clav Wood A. B. 1854; A. M. 1860. 2d. Lieut. U. S. A., 56: 1st. Lieut., 61; Capt., 61; Major, 64; Brevet Lieut. Colonel. 65; Brevet Colonel, 65; Lieut. Colonel, 87; Colonel, 93: Retired, 96; Brigadier General (retired), 04; Medal of Honor. U. S. Army Officer (retired). (Farmington, Maine). 1855 Samuel Sewall Adams* XbC A. B. 1855. Teacher, Gardiner, Maine, 55-56; Boothbay, 56-57; Lincoln, 57-58. Brother of Jonathan Edwards .Adams. Kappa S3, and uncle of E'rederic Winslow -Adams, Kappa 89. I-:ducator. d. 1858 376 KAPPA CHAPTER [1855 Thomas Henry Clark* A f t' A. B. 18SS. Instr. in Grammar School. Ottawa, 111., 55-59; Principal High School. 59-71; High School, Aurora, 71-83; Supt. City Schools, Ottawa and Clerk Board of Education. Educator. d. 18S3 Daniel Crosby A. B. 1855. Manufacturer. 602 \V. 10th Ave. $ V Topcka, Kans. Samuel Melville Eaton* 9 a V 2d Lieut. Co. K, 12th Inf. Regiment, Maine Vols., 61-62; 1st Lieut. 62-63; Capt., U. S. Signal Corps and Aide on Staff of General E. R. S. Canby, 63-66; Brevet Major, 64; Brevet Lieut.- Colonel, 65. Broker. d. 1904 Benjamin Browne Foster* ^g A. B. 1855; A. M. 1858. Phi Beta Kappa. Essay Prize, 55; Commencement ()rator. Teacher, Baltimore, Md., 55-56; U. S. Civil Ser- vice, Washington, D. C, 55-57; 1st Lieut, lltli Inf. Regiment. Maine Vols., 62-63; Major, Brevet Colonel and Asst. Adjutant-General on Staff of General Peck, 63-65; Register in Bank- ruptcy, 2d Dist. of Va., 67-73; .Judge of Hust- ings Court, Portsmouth, 69-70; Judge City Court of Norfolk, 70-72; Commonwealth's Atty., Nor- folk County, Va., 72-76; Asst. LI. S. Atty., Southern Dist. of New York, 74-78 and 81-87; Deputy Dist. Atty., New York County, 79-83. Brother of Charles Henry Foster, Kappa 55. Lawyer. d. 1903 Charles Henry Foster^' f>h A. B. 1855; A. M. 1861. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal Boys' High School, Augusta, Maine, 55-56; Colonel 1st Inf. Regiment N. C. \'ols. (U. S. A.), 61-65. Brother of Benjamin Browne Foster, Kappa 55. Lawyer and Journalist. d. 1882 Joseph Kingsbury Greene* F g' J^ A. B. 1855; A. M. 18.58; S. T. D. 1884; B. D. ■ 1858 Union Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Prizes in Declamation, (1), (3); C'ommence- ment Orator. Principal High School, Bruns- wick, Maine, 54-55; Missionary. .\m. Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions. Nicomedia, Turkey, 59-63; Broosa, 63-68; Mani.sa. 71-72; Constantinople, 72-10. Author "Leavening the Levant." Father of Frederick Davis Greene, (^amma 85 and Edmund Miller Greene, (iamma 84. Missionary. d. 1917 Edward Flawes* Fh A. B. 1855; A. M. 1858; D. D. 1879; B. D. 1838 Bangor Theol. Sem. Pastor, Waterville, Maine 58-64; Philadelphia, Pa.. 64-73; North Church, New Haven. Conn.. 73-85; Burlington, \'t., 85- 99. Clergyman. d. 1911 Benjamin Francis Hayes* T m ri A. B. 1855; A. M. 1858; B. D. 1858 New Hampton Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1871 Hillsdale Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Prize in Modern Lan- guages and in Science; Teacher in Mathematics and German, New Hampton (N. H.) Liter- ary Institution, 55-58; Pastor I'ree-Will Baptist Church, Olneyville, R. I., 59-63; Principal Lap- ham Inst., North Sciti'-ate, 63-65; Prof, of Mod- ern Languages, Bates Coll.. 65-68; Mental and Moral Philosophy, 69-75; Psychology and Exe- getical Theology, 75-94; .Apologetic and Pastoral Theology, Cobb Divinity School, Bates Coll., 94-06; Supt. of Schools, North Providence, R. I., 60-63; Trustee, Hates Coll,, 62-67. Au- thor, "The Power of Cnaracter"; "Sermon to the General Conference of Free Baptists, at their 100th .\nniversary, Dover, N. H., 80." Clergyman. d. 1906 Obadiah Brown Hewitt* (,a A. B. 1855; A. M. 1882. Principal Public School. Chicago, 111.. 57-58; 1st Lieut. Co. M, 2d Cavalry Regt. Nebr. Vols., 62-64; Capt., 64; Judge of Probate; Chief Clerk, Council of Ter- ritorial Legislature; Chief Clerk. Senate of Nebr.; Dist. .Atty. 2d Judicial Dist. Nebr., 68-73. Member U. S. House of Representatives, /9-81. Lawyer. d. 1898 Thomas Barclay Hood* FX A. B. 1855; .\. M. 1858. Tcadier, I'.astrop, Tex. .Merchant. d. 1877 Sumner Increase Kimball A i •:" A. B. 1855; Sc. D. 1891. .\thenian Soc. Mem- ber House of Representatives, State of Maine, 59; Chief of Revenue Cutter Service, 71-78; Genl. Supt. U. S. Life Saving Service, 78-15; Delegate to International Marine Conference; Chairman of Committee on Life Saving Systems and Devices, 89; .\cting Comptroller of the Treasury, 92 and 00; Acting Register of the Treasury, 92; Acting Solicitor of the Treasury, 00; Pres. Board on Life Saving Appliances U. S. Coast Guard, 15. Author "Organization and Methods of the IL S. Life .Saving Service"; "Joshua James — Life .Saver." Member .\m. .\ssn. for the Advancement of Science; Na- tional (ieographical Soc; Geological Soc. of Washin.gton ; Cosmos Club. Retired. 150'/2 Treasury Dept.; res. The Portner Apts., Washington, D. C. Thomas Henry Fittle* T J a A. B. 1855; .\. .\1. 1858. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal High School, Gardiner, Maine, 55-56; Columbus, Ohio, 56-57; Asst. Ohio State Blind Asylum, 57-59; Assoc. Principal Blind Asylum, Baton Rou?e, La.. 59-61; Supt. Wis. State Blind Asylum, Janesville, 61-75; Trustee of Ripen College. Educator. d. 1875 Jeremiah Hobson Ford'' Merchant. Ezekiel Ross* BpC' d. 1889 A. B. 1855; .\. M. 1858. Clerk of Courts, 61-64. Lawyer. d. 1909 George Henry Shepard'' SAE' A. B. 1855; B. D. 1858 Bangor Theol. Sem. Clergyman. d. 185'' Fevi Wentworth Stanton* r Smyth. Kappa 68. Civil Engineer and .\rchitect. d. 1902 Jonathan Young- Stanton j s I'" A. B. 1856; .\. ^L 1859; Litt. D. 1894. Instr. in the Literary Institution. New Hampton. N. IL, 57-59; Princina' Pinkerton Acad., Dover, N. H., 62-64; Prof, of Creek and Latin Lan- guages in Bates Coll. 63-03; Prof, of Greek, 03-06; Prof. Emeritus since 06. Brother of Levi Went worth .Stanton, Kappa, 55. Kducator. 410 Main St., Lewiston. Maine. lames Henrv Taylor* I n - A. B. 1856; B. D. 1859 Union Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1879, Hamilton. Phi Beta Kappa. Prize for Essay, 56; Commencement Orator. Pastor, New Roclielle, N. V., 59-62; Eastport. Maine, 62-63; Orange. N. J.. 63-68; Lake Forest. HI., 68-75; Prof, of English Literature, Lake Forest Univ.. 75-76; Pastor. Rome. N. V., 7602; Trustee Lake Forest Univ.. 68-76. Author of "Take Parsons." Father of Robert Longley Taylor, Psi 82, Stephen Livingston Taylor, Psi 88 and James Henry Taylor, Jr., Gamma 9l». Clergyman. " d. 1907 Y h cr' A. B. 1856: A. M. 1859; B. D. 1861 Bangor Theol. Sem. Agent U. S. Christian Connnission, 61-64. Clergvman. d. 1864 Samuel William Tenner* Isaac Henry Wing* A Y] A. B. 1856; .\. .\L 1896. Police Justice. Hu.lson C"ity. IVis.. 61 : 1st Lieut. 4th Kegt. Wis. \'o's.. 61 ; (I'lerk Courts. St. Croix County. Wis.. 63- "64; Receiver of Government Land Office, Bay- field. 72-83; Colonel N. G. Wis. Lawyer and Real Estate. d. 1907 1857 Charles Henry liurliank* 9ap A. B. 1857. Teacher. Mount Pleasant. Wis.. 57-60. Brother of Joseph Drew Burbank, Kappa 59. Educator. d. 1860 xbF Albert Henr} Currier A. B. 1857; A. M. 1866;. D. D. 1884; B. D. 1862 .\ndover Theol. .Sem. Phi Beta Kappa; .Athen- ian. Commencement Orator. Instr. High School, Chicago. 111.. 57-58; Acad. Lincoln. Maine. 58-59; Pastor, Ashland, Mass., 62-65; Central Church, Lynn. 65-81; Prof, of .Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Theology, Oberlin Thenl. Sem., 81-07; Emeritus, since 07; Overseer, Bow- doin CoU., 77-88; Member Soc. of Charities and Corrections; Member and Chairman. Board of Education, Lynn, Mass., 68-70; On Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching. .\uthor "The Life of Constans L. Goodell. D. D."; "Where Is Char'ey?'"; "The Present Day Problem of Crime"': "Nine (ireat Preach- ers"; "Biographical and Literary Studies." Member Scientific and Philosophical Soc; .Monday Club (Boston.; Writer. 105 Elm St., Oberlin, Ohio. Charles [Carroll] Hamlin* A m 0' A. B. 1857; .\. M. 1860; LL. D. 1909 Univ. of Maine. Major 18th Inf. Regiment. Maine Vols, and 1st Maine Heavy Artillerv, 62-63; .\sst. Adjutant General U. " S. Vols.,' 25th Div.. 3d Corps. Army of the Potomac, 63-64; Asst. Inspr. of Artillery and Brevet Brigadier General, 64- 65; City Solicitor, Bangor, 65-67; Register in Bankruptcy and V. .S. Commissioner. 67-68; Reporter of Decisions. 88-04; Member Maine Legislature. 83-85. Speaker. 85; Lecturer in Bankruptcy. Univ. of Maine, 99-11. Author "The Insolvent Laws of Maine." Lawver. d. 1911 Toshua Tames T.aighton* c c A. B. 1857; A. M. 1860; S. T. B. 1861 Harvard. Phi Beta Kanna. Instr. Biblical Literature, Meadvi'le Theol. Sem., Pa., 61-62: Chaplain U. S. .\rmv, 61-64. Clergyman. d. 1864 Thomas Kimball Noble b z' A. B. 1857; B. D. 1863 Bangor Theol. Sem. Pastor, Winthrop, Maine. 63-64; U. S. Christian Commission. 64: Chaplain U. S. Army. 65-6'': Pastor Heights Church. Cleveland. Ohio. 69-72: Plymouth Church, .San Francisco. 72-86; Wash- ington. D. C.. 87-89; Norwalk. Conn.. 89-99; Pastor Emeritus, since 99. Clergyman. (Washington. D. C.) Ceorg^e Washington Tierce* n©^ A. B. 1857: .\. M. 1860. Brotl'rr of Tosiah Pierce, Jr., Kappa 48 and Lewis Pierce, Kappa 52. Civil Engineer. d. 1910 378 KAPPA CHAPTER [1857-59 Edward Augustus Rand'' TdG" A. B. 1857; A. M. 1860; B. D. 1863 Bangor Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal, High School, Gardiner, Maine, 57-58; High School, Biddeford, 59-61; Member U. S. Christian Com- mission, 63-64; Pastor, Congregational Church, Amesburv, Mass., 64-67; South Boston, 67-76; Franklin," 76-79; Rector Christ Church, Hyde Park, 80-82; Trinity Church, Concord, 82-83 and Church of the Good Shepherd. Watcrtown. 83-03. Author of "Kindling Wood Jimmy and Christmas Jack"; "Schooner on the Beach"; "School and Camp Scenes"; "Bark Cabin on the Kearsarge"; "Tent in the Notch"; "After the Freshet"; "All Aboard for Sunrise Lands": "All Aboard for Lakes and Mountains"; "Art r.ssays"; "Up the Ladder Club Series"; "Her Christmas and Her Easter." . Clergyman. d. 190.? Francis Asbury Waterhouse'^ 7 g I A. B. 1857; A. M. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa. Declamation Prize, 56; College Librarian, 55-56; Teacher, Natchez, Miss., 57-59; Principal Acad., Hallowell, Maine, 59-6U; High School, Augusta. 61-68: High School. Newtonville, Mass., 68-81; Head Master English High School, Boston, 81- 94; Trustee, Llallowell .\cad.; N'isitor of Boston Univ. Educator. " d. 1894 Granville Clift'ord Waterman 1 1 o •/." A. B. 1857; A. M. 1885. Peucinian. Com- mencement Orator. Pastor Free Baptist Church. Lowville, 69-72: Dover, N. H., 74-79: Laconia, 80-81; Member School Committee, Dover; Board of Education, Littleton. N. IL: Recording Sec. Free Baptist Education Soc, 5 years and of Home Missionary Soc. 6 years: Member Free Baptist Genera! Conference. Clergyman (retired). 70 Webster St., Laconia, N. H. 1858 William Allen x\bbott A. B. 1858. Phi Beta Kappa. Orator. Lawyer. Samuel Brown''' Commencement AnO' A. B. 1858. Teacher, Ellington, Conn., 60-61; Beverly. Mass., 61-62; Capt. 16th Inf. Regi- ment.. Conn. Vols., 61-62. Educator and Soldier. d. 1862 Daniel Coffin Burleigh * S z\k' A. B. 1858; M. D. 1869. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal High School, Brunswick, Maine, 58- 59; Acad., Hampden, 59-61; State Normal School, 60-63; Asst. Surg., U. S. Navy, 64-66; Passed Asst. Surg., 66-69; Acting Passed Asst. Surg., U. S. Navy, 73-79; on retired list, 79-84; Surg, and Instr.. New York Nautical School, 74-79. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1834 Jonathan Prince Cilley ^ z )/ A. B. 1858. Atheneum Soc; Capt. 1st Maine Cavalrv, 61; Major, 62; Colonel, 64; Breveted Col. Vols.. 65; Brig. Genl. Vols.. 65; Member House of Representatives, 67; Commissioner U. S. Circuit Court, 67-80; Adjutant General of Maine. 76-78. Author "Cilley Genealogy;" "The Mount Desert Widow;" "Three Gene- rations of the Cillevs." Member Soc. of the Cincinnati; New Hampshire Loyal Legion; Maine Veterans Union; Soc. of the Array of the Potomac and U. S. Cavalry Soc. Lawyer. 417 Main St.; res. 186 N. Main St., Rockland, Maine. Robert Ellis- Y] d i' A. B. 1858; A. M. 1879. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Instr. High School, Bath, Maine, 58-59: Member Board of Select- mem and Board of Education; County Clerk, Oconto County. Wis.. 71-81; Dit. .\itv.. 82-86; County Judge. 86-88. Lawyer. d. 1888 A. B. 1858. Principal Towie Acad., Winthrop, Maine, 58-61; Capt. 16th Inf. Regiment, Maine Vols.. 61-62. Educator. d. 1862 Charles Knapp Hutchins* Cyrus Jordan' {pbV A. B. 1858; A. M. 1861. Commencement Ora- tor. Tutor Hillsdale Coll., 58-62; Teacher among the Freedmen in Va.. 64-65; Principal, Acad., Lebanon, Maine, 65-66; Lapham Inst., R. I., 66-67; Prof, of Latin and German Lan- guages, Hillsdale Coll., 67-71; Principal Acad., Bridgewater, Mass., 71-72; Normal Dept., Maine Central Inst., Pittsfield, 73-81. Journalist. d. 1904 Wilbur Savage* ^ X o' Brother of William Henry Savage, Kappa 58. d. 1858 William Henry Savage'' dCV John Durann Stetson* A. B. 18S8; A. M. 1861: B. D. 1867 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Prof, of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Delaware Coll., 59-60; Capt. 17th Inf. Regiment, Maine Vols., 62; 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. Regiment, Maine Vols., 63-64; 1st Lieut. 1st Veteran Vols., 64; Brevet Capt., 65; Pastor, Congregational Church, Holliston, Mass., 67- 70; Jacksonville, HI.. 70-75; Hannibal, Mo., 75-76; Unitarian Church, Leominster, Mass., 76-86; Watertown, 86-99; Hyde Park, Mass., 99-05: Trustee, Illinois Coll. Brother of Wil- bur Savage, Kappa 58. Clergyman. d. 1907 A o y,' A. B. 1858. Principal High School Lewistom, Maine. 58-62. Brother of Charles Bradbury Stetson, Kappa 54 and David Osgood Stetson, Kappa 60. Lawyer. Andrew Jackson Thompson* o c ■// A. B. 1858; A. M. 1861; M. D. 1861 Harvard. Surg.. 8th Inf. Regiment. N. H. Vols., 62-65; Post Surg.. Natchez. Miss., and Pres. Board of Health, 65; Surg, on Staff of Major General Davidson. 65-66; City Phys., Salem, Mass.. 76-79: Member N. H. Legislature. 75; Member Board of Education; Justice of the Peace; Member New Hampshire Historical Soc; New Hampshire iMed. Soc; Massachusetts Med. Soc. and the Essex Inst. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1879 1859 Joseph Drew Burbank* ApV Teacher. Limerick, Maine, 57-60. Brother of Charles Henrv Burbank, Kappa 57. Educator. d. 1860 I859-6()J KAPPA CHAPTER 379 Albert Smith Davis* Farmer. Charles Henrv Howard* 8 Y) M' d. 1884 r V A" A. P.. 1859. Declamation Prize. S8. Principal Ilicli .School, Ho'den, Maine. 59-60; Private 3d Jnf. KeRiment, Maine Vols., 61; 2d Lieut.. 61st X. ^■. Inf., 61-6i; 1st Lieut, and .\ide-de-Canip, 62; Major on Staff of General O. O. Howard, 6.?; Lieut. Colonel and Inspr. General, 4th Army Corps on Atlanta Campaign; Brevet Colonel and Senior Aide on march to the sea; Brevet Brigadier General and Commandant of Dist., S. C, 65-66; Asst. Commissioner Freed- mcn's Bureau, D. C., Md. and Va., 66-68; Sec. .\m. Missionary Assn., Chicago, 68-72; U. S. Indian Inspr., 80-83; Trustee, Howard Univ. Brother Rowland Bailey Howard, Kappa 56. Journalist. d. 1908 George Wilson Howe* A A X' A. B. 1S59; A. M. 1862_; B. D. 1862 Andover Theol. Seni. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Pastor Free Will Baptist Church, Lowell, Mass., 63; Buxton, .Maine. 63-66; Harrison, 67-72; South Limington, 74-76; Agent Maine State Free Will Baptist Mission- ary Soc, 75-76; Principal, Colburn Grammar School, Lowell, Mass., 76-94; Trustee, Bates Coll.. 70-78; Member Lowell History Club. Brother of .T;i-.ies Albert Hov-p, Kappa 59. Educator. d. 1894 fame.-; Albert Howe <|) a Ar A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862; B. D. 1862 Andover Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1876 Hillsdale Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Mod- erator Free Baptist General Conference; Speaker at the Parliament of Religions; Dele- gate to the General Baptists of England; Dean of Cobb Divinity School, 12 years; Prof., Cobb Divinity School 36 years; Pres., Free Baptist Pastors' Correspondence School; Car- negie Pensioner. Author "History of Bates College." Brother of George Wilson Howe, Kappa 59. Clereyman Cretired). 536 Plea.sant St., Belmont, Mass. ( )!i\er Libbev* Z (1 :j; A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Teacher, Sheboygan Falls, W^is., 59-60; State Normal Univ., Blbom- ington (now Normal), 111., 60-62. Lawyer. d. 1904 XbAP A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862; M. D. 1863 Dart- mouth. .\sst. Surg., U. S. Vols., Washington, D. C, 64; Examining Surg, for Pensions. Member Penn.'.ylvania .State Med. Soc. and Nat- ional Med. Assn. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1887 George Owen Moody* William Grav Xowell c m X A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862; S. T. B. 1862 Har- vard. Pastor. Rockport. III., Ware. Mass., and Calais, Maine, 62-70; Principal High Schools, Calais. 70-72; Maiden. 72-73; Master. F.nclish High School, Boston, Mass.^ 73-77 ; Principal Albany (N. Y.) Female Acad., 79-80; Supt. of Public Schools, Weymouth, 77-79; Pres. State Normal Univ., Newark, Del., 80; Principal, Norma! School. Wilmington, 80-82; Teacher. New York. N. Y.. 8202; Pres. Am. Esperanto A.ssn., OS. Educator. Fenway Station, Boston, Mass. Howard Malcolm Randlett* A a A' A. B. ^859; M. D. 1864 Harvard. Principal, Dearborn Acad., -Scabrook, N. H., 59-60; Hosp. Steward in War, 63; Asst. Surg., 64th Inf. Regiment, N. Y. Vols., 63-64; Asst. Surg., U. S. Navy, 6^68. Physician and Surgeon. d. 187? William Henry Stuart*

h a' A. B. 1860: A. M. 1863. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Prize in Essays, 58; Commencement Orator. Principal High School, West Newfield, Maine, 60-61; Instr. Acad., Limerick, 61-62; Private 27th Inf. Reeiment Maine Vols., 62; Ouartermaster"s Sergeant, 62-63; 1st Lieut. 32d Regiment, 64: Capt., 64; Capt., 31st Inf. 64- 65; Town Clerk and Supervisor of Schools, Limerick. 62, 63 and 65: Member Maine Legis- lature, 66; Register Probate Court, York Coun- 380 KAPPA CHAPTER [1860-61 ty, 69-77; County Atty., 78 and 82-90; Bail Com- missioner, 73; City Solicitor, Saco, 77-79 and 83-86; Colonel and Judge Advocate on Govern- or Connor's Staff, 76-79; Judge Municipal Court, 90-05. Author "The History of the Class of 1860." Brother of Albion Burbank, Kappa 62. , Lawyer. d. 190.S Samuel Mclntire Came 9 a v' A. B. 1860; .\. M. 1863. In.str. at Alfred and Pembroke, Maine; Member School Committee. Author Supplement to Dr. Parson's "Centen- nial History of the Town of Alfred." Lawyer. Alfred, Maine. Abner Harrison Davis''' 9 d N' A. B. 1860; .\. M. 1863. Instr. in Classics Chapman School, Boston, .Mass., 60 and 62-63; Principal High School, South Weymouth, 61; I'slier in Latin School, Boston; Principal High School, .Marlborough, 63-64; High School, .Salem, 64-67; Head Master High School, \\'or- cester, Mass., 68-75; Prof, of Latin Language and Literature, Bowdoin Coll., 75-76; Clerk U. S. Circuit Court, Maine, 76-02; Clerk U. S. Dist. Court, 87-02. Lawyer. d. 19iim James Henry Hobl)s Hewett"'' 5 c M Private, Lieut.. Capt. and Brevet Major Sth Inf. Regiment, Maine Vols., 62-65; Deputy Collectcii of Customs, Thomaston, 68; County Atty.. .S7-91; Pres. Board of Trustees East Maine Con- ference Sem., 83 — , Lawyer. d. 1909 Ezekiel Robinson Mayo ? 'O'l^' A. B. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr., Dover, N. H., 60-61; 1st Lieut. 3d Maine Battery, 61- 63; Capt,, 6.V64. Lawyer. 1861 Abram Newell Rowe* Xbv' A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Instr., Yarmouth, Maine, 60-61; Corporal, 25th Inf. Regiment, Maine Vols.. 62-63; 2d Lieut., 30th Maine Vols.. 63-64; 1st Lieut., 64. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Glory of Psi L^psilon." IMucator. d. 1864 Edwin Bers^er Sherzer* T] A a V d! 1859 9 n W A. B. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. Sem.. Wilton, Maine, 60; Clerk to Major S. F. Adams. 63-66. Lawyer. d. 1894 Edward Wetmore Smith* David Osgood Stetson A. B. I860. Brother of Charles Bradbury Stct son. Kappa 54 and John Durann Stetson, Kappa 58. ^Merchant. Joseph White Symonds A 6 a' A. B. I860; .\. M. 1863; LL. D. 1894. Athena- eum. Commencement Orator. Teacher, Port- land, 62-64; City Solicitor, 70-73; Judge Super- ior Court, Cumberland County, 72-78; Assoc. Justice Supreme Court, Maine, 78-84; Overseer. Bowdoin Coll., 70. ]\Iember Maine Historical Soc, and Cumberland and Fraternity Clubs. Brother of William Law Symonds, Kappa 54. Lawyer. Fidelity Bldg.; res. i2 Pine St., Portland, j\Iaine. Charles Grandison Atkins Lucilius Alonzo Emerv 2o^' A. B. 1861. Athenaeum. Commissioner of Fisheries, State of Maine, 67-72. Fishculturist-at-Large. U. S. Bureau of Fi.slieiies, School St., Bucks- port, Maine. A. B. 1861; .\. ^L 1864: LL. D. 18)2. Phi Beta Kappa; Athenaeum. Commencement Orator. Prof, of Med. Jurisprudence, Med. School of Maine; Overseer Bowdoin Coll.; Princi- pal of Acad. Hampden, 63-64; Lecturer on Probate Law, Boston Univ.- Lecturer on Roman Law, Univ. of Maine; County Atty.. 67-71; City Solicitor, 71-75; State Senator, 74-76 and 81; Atty. -General of Maine, 76-79; Chief Justice Supreme Judicial Court of .Maine. Author "Concerning Justice." Fellow Maine Historical Soc. Retired. Kllsworth. Maine Sidnev Michael Finder''' i n y' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1870. 11th N. C. Regiment, C. S. A.. 61; Capt.; Major, 64; Principal Catawba High School, Newton, N. C, 68-74; Member N. C. Legislature, 74-76; Senator State of N. C, 76-78 and 81-82- State Supt. of Public Instruction, Raleigh, 84-92. ]5anker, d. 1896 1 lenry Jewett Furber F d Q' A. B 1861. Supt. Public Schools, Green Bay, Wis.. 61-63. Lawyer. Samuel Jordan* 9 9 ^" .A. B. 1861. Phi Beta Kappa. Actini? .\sst. Paymaster U. S. Navy, 61-65. Banker d. 1865 Stephen Hart Manning* .\. B. 1861. Quartermaster Sergeant 1st Inf. Regiment Maine Vols., 61; 1st Lieut, and Quar- termaster 5th Regiment, 61-62; Capt. and Asst. Quartermaster 6th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, with rank of Major, 62-63; Chief Quartermaster, with rank of Colonel; Chief Quartermaster Dept. of Tex. with rank of Colonel. 63-65; Brevet Major: Brevet Lieut. - Colonel; Brevet ("olonel; Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral, 65: Sheriff, New Hanover County, N. C, 74-90; Member State Constitutional Conven- tion, 75. :\ferchant. J- 1*^11 Alpheus Spring Packard, Jr.* F m 7' A. B, 1861: A. M. 1865; M. D. 1864; Ph. D. 1879; LL. D. 1901; S. B. 1864 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Asst. Surg. 1st Maine Veteran \'ols., 64-65; Lecturer on Entomology, Mass. .Agricultural Coll., 69-77; Maine Agriculturil Coll. and Bowdoin Coll., 72-74; Mass. State Entomologist, 71-73: U. S. Entomological Com- missioner, 77-78; Lecturer Comparative .Xnat- omy and Zoology, 75-77; Prof, of Geology and Zoology. Brown Univ., 78-05; Fellow National Acad, of Science, and Peabody .\cad. of Science, Salem. Imperial Zoological and Botanical So-. of Vienna and Entomological Socs. of S't. Petersburg and Belgium. Author "Guide to the Studv of Insects:" "Our Common Insects;" "Comparative Embryology:" "Life Histories of Animals, including Man;" "Monograph of PhaUemidK of the United States;" "Half Hours 1861-631 KAPPA CHAPTER 381 with Insects;"' "Zoology." Brother of Charles Appleton Packard. Kappa 48, William Alfred Packard, Kappa 51 and Robert Lawrence Pack- ard, Kappa 68. Kducator. d. 190.S flannel Ebenezer SchelP'' 111 Confederate Army, 61 6J. 1862

ter Burnham At: A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865; D. D. 1885; B. D. 1873 Newton Theol. Inst. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres. Peucinian Soc.; Salutatorian. Prof, of Mathematics Western Univ. of Pa., 63-64; Principal High School, Newburyport, Mass., 66- 69; Instr. Acad., Worcester, 73-75; Prof, of He- brew and Old Testament Exegesis Hamilton Theol. Sem., 75; Librarian Colgate Univ., 80- 92; Dean Colgate Theol. Sem.. 93-10; Prof, of Semitic Languages and Old Testament Interpre- tation in Colgate Theol. .Sem. Author "Manual of Old Testament Interpretation;" "Elements of Syriac Grammar;" "Elements of Biblical Hermeneutics." Member Soc. of Biblical Litera- ture and Exegesis and Am. Philological Assn. Educator. i2 Kendrick Ave., Hamilton, N. Y. To.seph Webber Chadwick cp a ^{^' A. B. 1862: A. M. 1865. Phi Beta Kappa. Trustee Public Library and School Board; Dea- con First Church; Head of Latin Dept. Boston Latin School, 81-06. Educator (retired.) 537 Pleasant St.. IVIalden. Mass. Samuel Pasfe Dame $ V y; Heore^e \A'illiam Edwards* A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865. Teacher. Newbury- port, Mass., 62-63; Pittsburgh, Pa. and Sharon. 63-69. Brother of Edwin Dame, Kappa 63. Merchant. cpa^i' 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. Re?iment Maine Vols., 61- 62. d. 1862 m 1> A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865; Litt. D. 1894. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Bowdoin Bugle; Com- mencement Orator. Principal Acad. Limington, Maine, 62; High School, Biddeford, 62-64; High School, Milford, Mass.. 65-70; High School. Chelsea. 70-86; Head Master English High School, Cambridge, 86-93: Mechanic Arts High School, Boston, 93-94; Sec. Mass. Board of Education, 94-03; Justice of the Peace, 60-65; Frank Alpine Hill* Pres. Mass. Slate Teachers' Assn.; Trustee Mass Agricultural Coll. Author "History of the Cl^ss of 1862." Member Am. Inst, of Civics and Corporation, Mass. Inst. Tech. Brother of Melvin Joseph Hill, Kappa 65. Educator. d. 1903 Dorville Libbey* A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865 a w Phi Beta Kappa. Com- mencement Orator. Principal High School, Saco, Maine, 62-63; (irammar School, Pitts- burgh, Pa., 63-64; Prof, of Mathematics, West- ern Univ. of Pa., 64-65; Principal, Washington School, St. Louis. Mo., 65-67. Educator (retired). d. 1917 Augu.stus Newbert Linscott ^ X ^ A. B. 1862. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement r)rator. Capt. Co. F 21st Inf. Regiment Maine Vols., 9 months; Principal High School, Thomaston. Maine, 63-64; Prosecuting Attv., City of Chicago, 76-80. Lawyer, 'ihomaston, Maine. John Thomas Mai.irath* A c -y A. B. 1862. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. Acad. Yarmouth, Maine, 62-63; Principal High School. Gardiner, 63-65; Rector Christ Church 67-70; St. Paul's Church, Jackson, Mich., 70-78; St. Thomas' Church, Battle Creek, 78-79; All Saints' Church (Torresdale), Philadelphia, Pa., 79-82; Christ Church, Hyde Park, Mass., 82-90; Mattapan, Mass., 90-99. Clergyman. d. 1908 Edward Newman Packard APS' A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865; D. D. 1915; D. D. 1891 Syracuse. Phi Beta Kappa. Commence- ment Orator. Principal of Acad., Limerick, Maine, 63; Tutor Bowdoin Coll., 63-65; Instr. in Mathematics, 65-67; Adjunct Prof., 67-68; Pastor, Evanston, 111., 70-79; Dorchester, Mass., 79-87; Syracuse, N. Y.. 87; Overseer Bowdoin Coll., 82; Asst. Recording Sec. of Am. Con- gregational Board 28 years. Member Boston iVfonday Club. Brother of George Thomas Packard, Kappa 66. Clergyman. 956 Broad St., Stratford. Conn. 1863 Charles Upham Bell 6 8 2' A. B. 1863; A. M. 1866; LL. D. 1902. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Private in Co. C". 42d Inf. Regiment of Mass. Vols.; Pres. Common Council of Lawrence. 80; Jus- tice of the S'uperior Court. J urist. 65 Bartlet St., Andover, Mass. Thomas Taylor P)evera,e:e* A a ^' A. B. 1863. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. d. 1864 George Edgar P)rown* A SA' A. B. 1863. Sergeant 22d Inf. Regiment Maine Vols.; 2d Lieut., 1st Lieut., Major Corps d'Afri- G Z' A. B. 1864: A. M. 1867. Principal High School, Camden, Maine, 64-65; Acad., Angelica, N. Y.. 65-66; Pres. Del. State Normal Univ., 66-72; Principal Harkness' Acad., Wilming- 0. Author "Normal Principles and "Bird's-Eye View of Wil- ton, Del., 72-80. Author "Normal Principles in Education" ' ""' " ^ mington, Del. Lawyer. Henry Nason West Hoyt d. 1902 $aA' A. B. 1864; A. M. 1867. Principal Public Schools, Bainbridge, Ohio, 69-76; New Brigh- ton, Pa., 76-84; Pittsburgh. 84-86 and Classical and Stenographic School, New Brighton, Pa., 86-14; Private 7th Squadron of R. I. Cavalry, 62: Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, 66-67. Educator (retired). 254 Edmondton St., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Franklin Littlefield s $' A. B. 1864; A. M. 1867. Merchant. 238 Main St.; res. 53 Beach St., Saco, Maine. 1864-67] KAPPA CHAPTER 383 William Plenrv Pierson 5nA' A. B. 1S64: A. M. 1867; 1). 1). 1906; B. D. 1867 Princeton Theol. Sem. Editor Bowdoin Bugle, 63; Commencement Orator; Prizes for Elocu- tion and Penmanship. Pastor (Congregational), Ipswich, Mass.. 68-72: Somcrville, 72-81: First Parish (Unitarian), Fitchburg. 81-91; Somer- ville. 91-09; Pastor Emeritus since 09. Clergyman (retired). 779 Broadway, Somerville, Mass. 1865 William Henrv Harrison Andrews* Quartermaster 11th Inf. Regiment, Maine Vols.; 1st Lieut., 64. Lawyer. d. 1892 John Bradbury Cotton* a)bE' A. B. 1863. Declamation Prize, 63 and 64; Essav Prize, 65. Asst. U. S. Atty. -General, Washington, D. C, 89-93. Lawver. d. 1909 Horatio Simmer Dresser* A. B. 1865. Manufacturer. James Frederic Dudley* A. B. 1865; A. M. 1869. School. Thomaston, Maine, Hampden, 66-67. Insurance. Francis Lord Hayes d. 1875 9 c ' Principal High 65-66; Acad., d. 1897 $dr A. B. 1865. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Lawyer. 18 Tremont St., Boston; res. Wollaston, Mass. Melvin Joseph Hill Af E' A. B. 1865; A. M. 1868. Phi Beta Kappa. .'\theneum. Capt. Baseball. 64-65; Prize for English Composition; Commencement Orator; V'aledictorian. Principal. High School. Black- stone Mass.. 67-69; Wakefield. 69-80; Teacher Bryant and Stratton Commercial Col! Boston, 80-84; Master. English High School. 84-07; .School Commissioner. Wakefield, 20 years; Library Trustee, 6 vears; Treas. Congre- gational Parish, 13 years. Member Boston Y. M. C. A., Edgartown Tennis and Bear Hill Golf Clubs. Brother of Frank Alpine Hill, Kappa 62. Educator (retired). 2 Park Ave., Wakefield, Mass. Edwin Jarvis ]\Iillav* A A©' A. B. 1865; A. M. 1868. Atty. Sagadahoc County, 79-82; Member Maine Legislature, 78; Judge Municipal Court, 85-87. Lawyer. d. 1915 Joseph Eugene Moore $er A. B. 1865; A. M. 1868. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal Hi?h School, 66-68; Member Scliool Committee, 69-71; Maine Legislature, 83; Board of Overseers, Bowdoin Coll. since 96. Member Boston Art, Boston Press (Boston) and Scgo- chet and 12mo. Clubs. Lawyer. Thomaston, Maine. 1866 Charles, McCulloch Beecher*

Public Schools. 73-77; Fort Dodge. 77-90: Pres. Board of Trustees Carton Memorial Hosp. : Member City Council, 99-15: Pres. Iowa .\cad. of Science, 05; .Special Asst. Iowa Geological Survey: Head of Dcpt. of Natural Science, Iowa .State Teachers' Coll.: Sec. Iowa Educational Council 25 years; Fellow Am. .-\ssn. for Ad- vancement of Science. Member Iowa Acad, of 384 KAPPA CHAPTER [1867-68 Science; Iowa Park Assn.; City Commercial Club; Iowa Acad, of Science. Educator. 2320 College St., Cedar Falls, Iowa. Jotham Franklin Clark* A. B. 1867; A. M. 1870. Principal Franklin Acad., Dover, N. H., 67-68; Berwick Acad., South Berwick, Maine, 68-72. Insurance. d. 1884 Or en Cobb T c S' A. B. 1867; A. M. 1870. Teacher Mt. Pleas- ant Acad., Sing Sing, 67-70; Poughkeepsie, 70-72; Principal, Cornwall Heights School, Corn- wall, 72-87; New Hamburgh, 92-96. Educator. (Dodd, Mead & Co., 443 Fourtli Ave. New York, N. Y.) Rollo Marble Cole* AmH' A. B. 1867. Teacher in N. J., 67-68. Brother of Charles Abraham Cole, Kappa 69. d. 1868 Usher Ward Cntts A a Tf] A. B. 1867; A. M. 1870. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Principal, Fryeburgh (Maine) Acad., 67-70; Lexington (Mass.) High School, 71-72; Orange High !3chool, 72-98; City Supt.. Orange Schools, 76-98. Member New England Soc. of Orange. Educator. 14 Lawn Ridge Rd., Orange, N. J. James Payson Dixon 3 ni 4>' A. B. 1867; A. M. 1870. Phi Beta Kappa. Prizes in Mathematics, French, German, Latin and Greek, 64-66; Commencement Orator. Prin- cipal High School. Rochester, N. Y., 67-69; High School. Great Falls. 67-79; Pres. Colby .\cad.. New London, 80-91. Educator. (New Rochester, N. H.) William Stickney Huse' Tdir A. B. 1867: A. M. 1870. Head Master Brom field St. School. Newburyport, Mass.. 67-68: Classical School in Conn., 68-69. Lawyer. d. 1876 AoH/ Frank Benton Mildram* A. B. 1867 Harvard. Member Maine Legisla- ture. 70. Lawyer. d. 1875 Bainbridge Chaplin Noyes* T s 7' A. B. 1867 Dartmouth. Phi Beta Kappa. Prin- cipal Hi?h and Grammar School, Dover, N. H., 67-68; Instr. in Latin and Greek. High School, Dayton, Ohio, 69-88. See Zeta 67 Educator. d. 1889 Georq-e Tin^i^ley Sewall* T n H' A. B. 1867; A. M. 1870. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Bowdoin Bugle, 65-67; Commencement Orator; Master's Oration. 70. Town Solicitor. 77-86: Member Maine Legislature. 85-86; Citv Solicitor, 92-93, 96-00 and 05. Author Psi Upsilon .Snnes "Thoughts of Psi L^psilon:" "HMu- Toast and Pledge" and "Farewell to Psi U." Brother of Tames Wingate .Sewall, Kappa "7 and Joseph Sewall, Kappa 78. Lawyer. d. 1909 Frederick King^ Smyth A w y] A. B. 1867; A. M. 1870. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal High School, Frceport. Maine, and of the High School, Bath, 67-75; Instr. in Mathematics and Gymnastics, Bowdoin Coll., 75-7/; Prof, of Mathematics and Astronomy, Franklin and Marshall Coll., Lancaster, Pa., 77-80. Brother of Egbert Cottin Smyth, Kappa 48, Edward Beecher Smyth, Kappa 54, William Henry Smyth, Kappa 56, [Samuel Phillips] Newman Smyth, Kappa 63 and George Adams Smyth, Kappa 68. Fruit Grower. R. R. No. 1, Box 168, Napa, Cal. I'^lbridge York Turner* Teacher for many years; School, Carver's Harbor. Contractor. 1868 John Sayward Derby* Aye Principal High d. 1916 E S P' A. B. 1868. Judge Municipal Court, 74-77; Atty., County of York, Maine; U. S. Consul, .St. John, N. B., 95-99. Lawyer. d. 1909 Llewellyn Sprague I lam T 1 0' A. B. 1868. Principal High School, Alfred, Maine, 68-69; La Crosse Valley Sem.. West Salem, Wis.. 69-71; Principal Acad., Litchfield, Conn., 75-76; Union School, Taylorville, 76-80; Supt., Schools, Pana. 73-75 and 80-03. Educator. (3010 Gilpin St., Denver, Colo.) Robert Pawrence Packard T{ a @' A. R. 1868: .\. M. 1871. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Tutor in (ireek, Bowdoin Coll., 69-70; .\diunct Prof, of Chemistry, .Maine .\gri- cultural Coll., 70-72: of Chemistry anplied to the Arts in Bowdoin Coll., 72-75; Instr. in French, 72-73; Prof, of Chemistry, Mich. Min- ing .School, Houghton, 86-90; Asst. Examiner U. S. Patent OfSce, Washington, D. C, 75-80; U. S. Civil Service. 75-86, 01-10; Member Eth- nological Bureau, Smithsonian Institution, 80. Member National Acad, of .Science. Brother cf Charles .\ppleton Packard. Kappa 48, William Alfred Packard. Kappa 51 and .\lpheus Spring Packard. Jr., Kappa 61. Charles Augustus Ring* .\. R. 1868: A. M. 1871: M. 1). 1872; .\l. D. 1873 Columbia. Private 25th Inf. Regt. Maine \'ols., 62: Member School Board. 85; City Phy- sician, Portland. 77-79; Instr. in Chemistry and Obstetrics. Portland School for Med. Instruc- tion, 80 88: Phys. to Maine General Hosp. ; Lecturer, Obstetrics, 97-98: Prof.. 98-03. Mem- ber Maine Med. Assn. and Portland Clinical Soc. Brother of Frank Whitman Ring, Kappa 69 and Henry Wilson Ring. Kappa 79. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1903 Robert Giveen Sawyer* Civil Engineer. (■eorge Adams Sm\th h: m 0' d. 1887 K S %' A. R, 1868; A. M. 1871; Ph. D. 1876 Unir. of Berlin. Germany. Phi Reta Kappa. Commence- nrent Orator. Prof, of Chemistrv and Min- cralotrv. LTiiiv. of \'t., 76-80; National Roard of Health. 80-82. Author "Inaugura' Divertation" ; ".Sanitary Investia:atinn of .Soils." r>ri>ther of K.gbert Coffin Smytli, Kappa 48, Edward Beecher Smytli. Kappa 54, William Henry .Smyth, Kappa 56, [Samuel Phillips] Newman .Smyth. Kappa 63 and Frederick King Smyth. Kappa 67. Retired. 1275 Stevenson .\ve.. Pasadena. Cal. 1868-70J KAPPA CHAPTER 385 William Thorn Wells V\v r' A. B. 1S68. Postmaster. Waketifld, 75 "*' Hrothtr of Christopher Henry Wells, Kappa 75. Farmer. 17 Masnolia St., Mahlen. Mass. 1869 Charles Hoyt Bangs A a V A. B. 1869.' Manufacturer. Frederick llenry Boardman* Act' A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872. Declamation Prize, 63. Member Minn. Legislature. 82-83; County Atty.. Hennepin County, Minn.. 0004. Brother of Charles Augustus Boartlman. Kappa 66 aiul Albert Joel Boardman. Kappa 7i. Lawyer. d. 1914 Charles Abraham Cole* E m '.' A. B. 1869; .■\. ^r. 1872. Principal West Nccd- ham High School. We'lesley. Mass.. 69-72: Head Master ]\Hlitary Inst., Weston, Conn.. 7280; Principal Pleasant View Inst., Pawtucket, R. I., 8001. Brother of Rollo Marble Cole, Kappa 67. Kducator. d. 1901 (b V r' Tudgc of Probate for r)scar P^orter Cnnning^ham A. B. 1869: A. M. 1872. Hancock County, 82-06. Lawyer. . Bucksport, Maine. George W eeks Hale ^ 1 ~ A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872; ^^.. D. 1872 Columbia. House Surg.. Manhattan Kve and Kar Hosi>.. New York, 85-87. Physician and Surgeon. Hitchcock Bldg.; res. Belle Mead ['ark. X.isli ville. Tenn. Henrv Brewer Ouinbv 9 b]' A. B. 1869; .\. ^L 1872; LL. D. 1909: M. 1). 1880 National Med. Coll. (Wash.); A. M. 1900 Dartmouth and LL. D. 1900. Nfember on Staff of Governor of N. H. with rank of Colonel. 72- 73; N. H. House of Representatives, 87-88; Sen- ate, 89-90; Member Governor's Council, 91-92 Chairman State Prison Board; De'egate-al- Large. Republican National Convention, 92; ( hairman Republican State Convention, 96; Trustee N. H. .State Hosp.. 97-09: Governor of N. TL. 09-11; Pres. Laconia Citv Hosp.; Mem- ber Board of Overseers. Bowdoin Coll and New Hampton Institution. Member New Hampshire Historical Soc; Pepperell Assn.; Son? of Am Revolution; \\'onolancet (Concord. N. IL). I'nion League and University (New York) Clubs. Brother of Thomas Freeman Quinbv. Theta 76. Laconia. N. IT. Frank \Miitman Ring* 11 .\. B. 1869; .\. M. 1872; M. D. 1878. .\sst. Kn- pineer IJ. S. Coast Survey, 69-76; Asst. Surg.. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp., 83-96; Executive Surg., 95-96; Clinical As.st. Vanderb'lt CUnie. Member Massachusetts Med. Soc; New York Acad, of Medicine and New York County Med. .Soc. Brother of Charles Augustus Ring. Kaiipa 69 and Henry Wilson Ring. Kappa 79. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1896 Hiram Tuell* AC A' \. B. 1869; .\. M. 1872. Phi Be-.n Kap"-!. T'rincipal High School, Blackstone, Mass., 69- 73; High Schoo', Marlborough, 73-79: High School, Milton, 79-00; .Member Board of Select- men, 01. h'.ducatyr and Lawyer. d. 1915 1870 LeRoy Zuinglius Collins* y. a i .\. B. 1870. Teacher. P.oston. Mass., 71-73, 81- 8/; Principal High School, Lancaster, Mas.s., 73-81; Public Schools, South Manchester. Conn., 87-93; Cold Spring, N. Y., 93-94. Kducator. (I. 1894 ( )rville Boardman Grant A c "/ A. B. 1870. Principal High School. Danvers, Mass.; Federal Street (irammar .School and Hughes School, Providence, R. L Journalist, (jreenup, 111. Willis Howard Meads* S<]^X' A. B. 1870; A. M. 1874. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal Grammar School, No. 131 Buffalo, N. Y., 70-80; Commissioner of Jurors, 95-09: Loan Commissioner, Erie County. Brother of .Simeon Pease Meads, Kappa 72. Lawyer. d. 1910 Wallace Kilbourne ( )akes* AFQ. A. B. 1S70; A. M. 1874; M. D. 1873 Columbia. Phi Beta Kapna. Cant, of the "Nine," 79; In- terne Bellevue Hosp., New York City, 73-74; City Physician; Member School Committee; Pres. Common Co'.'.ncil, .\uburn; V. S. E.xani- iner for Pensions. 82-84: Pres. .\ndroscoggin Med. Soc. Member Maine Med. Assn, Am. Med. Assn. and Fellow .\m. .\cad. of Medicine. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1910 A m O' Rowland Marcy Peck* .\. B. 1870; A. M. 1873. Teacher Wilbraham .\cad., Mass., 89-91; Member School Committee of Ellsworth, 84-9L d. 1891 F.rastus Fnlton Redman fE> n K' .\. B. 1870; A. M. 1873. Brother of John Bakc- man Redman, Kappa 70. Accountant. 72 Broad St., Boston; res. 82 P.rent St., Dor- chester, Mass. John Bakeman Redman* ^ o v.' A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873. Principal Acad., Blue- hill. Maine. 70-71; ^leniber Schoo] Committ_ce and .Supervisor of Schools; Citv -Solicitor. 76- 81: Mavor, 84-86; Judge .Municiiial Court of Ellsworth, 87-91, 08-10; Delcgatc-at-Large from Maine to National Democratic Convention, 80; L'. S. C^ollector of Internal Revenue. Brother of Erastus Fulton Redman, Kappa 70. Lawyer. d. 1910 A m ( )' William Edward Spear* A. B. 1870; B. D. 1873 Bangor Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Declamation Prizes. 68-69: Capt. Baseball. Pastor Congregational Church. Dunbarton, N. II., 73-76: Asst. Counsel for I'. S. in .Alabama Court of Claims and I'renrh .Spoliation Claims; U. S. Clerk of Spanisli Treaty Claims Commission: .\ttache of L'. S. Conunission at Paris, 97-98. .\uthor '"J'hc N<>rth and the South at .^ntictam and Gettysburg." Lawyer. d. 1916 5 bo' d. 1871 .\rthnr Jackson C'pton* 386 KAPPA CHAPTER [1871-73 1871 Newton Freeman Curtis* Ac A' A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874; M. D. 1874 Columbia. Piii Beta Kappa. Principal High School, Frank- lin, N. H.. 71-72; Asst. Phys. and Surg. Charity Hosp, Blackwell's Is'and, New York Citv. 7j- 74; Resident Phys., 74-75; Health Officer, White Plains. Physician and Surgeon. James Lewis Lombard Member Kansas City Country Club. Banker. Underwood Bldg., San Francisco; res. 62 Far- ragut Ave.. Piedmont, Cal. Edward Page Mitchell A. B. 1871; Litt. D. 1907. Phi Beta Kappa. Membe;- University. Authors' and Arts Clubs; National Inst. Social Sciences. Tournalist. New York Sun, l.SO Nassau St.. New York, \. Y ■ res. 325 Ridgcwood Ave.. C.len Ridge, N. J. Vernon Dana Price''' A. B. 1871. Manufacturer. 1872 Arthur Burrill Ayer Agriculturist. (Lawrence, Mass.) Warren Franklin Bickford A w N' .1. 1915 A h M' A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875; B. D. 1876 Bangor Theol. Sem. Private 1st Maine Cavalry and 1st D. C. Cavalry, 64-65; Teacher at Bristol Mills, :Mainc, 72-74; Pastor at Winthrop, Maine, 76-80; Breckenridge, 80-83; Manitou, Colo., 83-85; Park Church, Berkeley, Cal.. 85-90: Islington, Mass., 91-04; Muskogee. Okla.. 04-05. Clergvman (retired). 2110 Elizabeth Ave., Muskogee, Okla. Frederic George Dow* XS ;SfN' Frank Jones Goodwin* A. B. 1872; 1 '^ . B. 1875 Columbia. Member Executive (-'oi' ■' cf Psi Upsilon. 75-77; Instr. Norwalk, Conn., 72-73. Brother of John Emery Dow, Jr., Kapna 64. Lawyer. d. 1901 A i [j' A. B. 1873 Amherst. Son of John Munroe Goodwin, Kappa 45. See Gamma 73 Insurance Agent. d. 1911 Weston Lewis * o o v' A. B. 1872; A. M. 1912. Principal High School, Gardiner, 72-75; Overseer Bowdoin Coll.. 01-11; Trustee since 11; Member Governor's Council, 10-12. Member Cumberland Club (Portland). Banker. Gardiner, Maine. Simeon Pease Meads $ a a' A. B. 1872. Phi Beta Kappa. Sophomore Greek Prize; Commencement Orator. Principal High School, Brunswick. Maine. 72-73; Lim- erick, 73-74; Cobb Divinity School. Bates Coll., 74-76; Teacher, Oakland, Cal, since 79; Chair- man, Northern Cal. Prohibition Committee, and of Board of Deacons, First Baptist Church ol Oakland; Principal Cole Grammar School, Oak- land. Author "Elementary Chemistry and Physics." Brother of Willis Howard Meads, Kappa 70. Educator. Cole Grammar School, corner Tenth and Union Sts., Oakland; res. 2510 College Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Freeman Alonzo Ricker* A. B. 1872. Merchant. Harold Wilder A. B. 1872. Principal Acad., Barrc 73-76; High School, Hinghatn, 76 — . Educator. (Appleton, Oregon). 1873 Albert Joel Boardman* © c /, d. 1877 ■> ' , Mass., 8 z A" A. B. 1S73. Pres. Board of Park Commission- ers. Brother of Charles Augustus Boardman, Kappa 66 and Frederick Henry Boardman, Kappa 69. Real Estate. d. 1915 Xathan Dane Appleton Clarke

' B. S. 1876. Autiior "Signs of the Times." 611 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, Mass. Arthur Taylor Parker cp z A B. S. 1876. Peucinian; Master Humphreys Clock. Mgr. Baseball. Trustee Snow Library. Retired. Barleyneck Rd., East Orleans, Mass. George Parsons XAS" A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879. Pres. National Drain- age Congress; Mayor City of Cairo. Manager. Cairo Trust Property, 1808 Washington Ave.; res. 604 28th St., Cairo, 111. William Henry Gulliver Rowe <^ d A B. S. 1876; M. D. 1880 Columbia. Psi Chi. Physician. 1415 Cleveland PI., Denver, Colo. Alpheus Sanford B m 5^ A. B. 1876. Member Common Council of Boston. Lawyer. 70 Kilby St., Boston; res. 56 Kingsdale St., Dorchester, Mass. Charles Sarg^ent 01E" A. B. 1876. First Essay Prize 76. Lawyer. Daniel Sargent, 175 Congress St., Boston, Mass. Oliver Crocker Stevens* S c 9" A. B. 1876; A. M. 1884; LL. B. 1879 Boston Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Ora- tor. Overseer, 91-11. Lawyer. d. 1911 Fred Milo Stimson $ec?, B. S. 1876. Entrance Prize in Mathematics, 72. Superintendent. (Rolla, Mo.) AgA" William Gay Waitt=^ A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Public Administrator. Lawyer. d. 1909 Charles Wilbur Whitcomb d z" A. B. 1878 and M. D. 1881 Harvard. Instr. Harvard Med. School, 83-97; Asst. Prof. 98-08; Inspr. of Milk; Sec. Mass. Board of Health, 0408. Member Massachusetts Med. Soc. See Alpha 78 Physician and Surgeon. d. 1908 Air Frank Josselyn Lynde* A. B. 1877. Brother of George Stanley Lynde, Beta 8.^. Merchant. d. 1880 h'rank Asa Mitchell AzE" A. B. 1877. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st ex tempore Composition Prize, 76. Principal High School S'outh Montville, Maine, 75; High School, South Harwich, Mass., 78; First Mayor of Manis- tee under Commission Government, City Man- ager Plan, 14-15. Transportation. Manistee and Northeastern R. R.. Aarons Bldg.; res. 412 Spruce St., Manistee, Mich. Fremont Planning Palmer* ? P E B. S. 1877. Merchant. Curtis Appleton Perry d. 1885 A v r A. B., 1887. Phi Beta Kappa. Brother of Albert Humphreys Perry, Kappa 82. Artist. (R. R. No. 2, Bridgeton, Maine.) \Mlliam Perrv* cfjir A. B. 1887. Clerk 1st Dist. Court, Essex Coun- ty, 95-03. Son of Jairus Ware Perry, Kappa 46. Lawyer. d. 1916 Charles Bailey Seabury b T' A. B. 1877. . Principal High School, Gardiner, Maine, 79-85. Clerk. James Wingate Sewall* X C 2 B. S. 1877; C. E. 1881; So. G. 1881. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Instr. in Mass. Inst, of Tech., 84-85. Brother of George Tingley Sewall, Kappa 67 and Joseph Sewall, Kappa 78. Civil Engineer. d. 1905 Af T Henry Herbert Smith A. B. 1887 nunc pro tunc; A. M. 1885; M. D. 1877 Jefferson Med. Coll. Phi Chi. Member 1877-801 KAPPA CHAPTER 389 Union League, Graduates' and Masonic Clubs. Physician. 101 Elm St.; res. 562 Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn. 1878 X X T lohn Micajah Burleigh A. B. 1878 Williams Coll. Brother of Edward Stark Burleigh, Zeta 78 and Walter Allen Bur- leigh, Kappa 80. Lawyer. Tames Thomas Davidson* X G 0" A. B. 1878. 2d Essay Prize. 78. County Atty., Tippecanoe Countv, 80-84. Lawyer. d. 1901 Frankhn Dvei"-" Barrett Potter 7. ^ ^. d. 1875 X c Z A. B. 1878; A. M. 1881. Phi Beta Kappa. Managing Editor, Orient. 76-77; Bugle. 78; ex tempore Essay Prize, 77; 1st Essay Prize, 78: Salutatorian; Delivered the Master's Oration, 81. Principal High School. Calais, Maine, 78- 82; Instr. in Historv and Rhetoric, Bowdoin Coll., 84-86; Member Legislature, 01; Senator from Cumberland County, 03; Sec. Board of Trustees, Rowdoin Coll. Lawyer. 120 Maine St.; res. 240 Maine St., Brunswick, Maine. r G e Joseph Sewall* Deputy Sheriff, Penobscot County, 79-83. Brother of George Tingley Sewall, Kappa 67 and James Wingate Sewall, Kappa 77. Civil Engineer. d. 1887 Samuel Emerson Smith r h T" .•\. B. 1878. Phi Chi. 1st Declamation Prize. 76; 2d Declamation Prize, 77; 1st Essay Prize, 78; Commencement Orator. Retired. 5 School St.. Tliomaston, Maine. 1879 Herbert Edward Bourne X e S Lawyer. Oscar Charles Sanborn Davies F o IT .•\. B. 1879; A. M. 1882; M. D. 1883. Asst. Phvs., Maine Insane Hosp., 83-90. Physician. 19 Stone St., Augusta, Maine. Charles Fletcher Johnson icn" A. B. 1879; A. M. 1882; LL. D. 1911. 2d ex tempore Essay Prize, 79; Principal High School, Machias, 82-86; Mayor of Waterville, Maine, 93: Member Maine Legislature, 05-07: I'. .S. Senate, since 11. Member University Club of \\'ashington, D. C. Lawyer. The Cochran Hotel, Washington, D. C. ; res. 62 Silver St., Waterville, Maine. Arthur Talbot Lincoln n a n •■ B. S. 1879 .Amherst; M. D. 1883 Harvard. See d. 1914 V 1 '\ A. B. 1913 cum laude Harvard. Private Secretary. 7S Chauncey St., Boston; res. 26 Hollis St., East Milton, .Mass. Robert Parsons King A. B. 1912. Mgr. Football. Lawyer. Ellsworth, Maine. Clarence Ray Long Journalist. ( Sapulpa. ( )kla. ) Frederick \\'illiam Mahr r n 'I X (1 'v 306 Hvdc Park Ave.. Forest Hills, Mass. Loring Pratt .\. B. 1912. Member Committee on .\dmi.s.sions, Psi Upsilon Club of New York. 15-17. Mem- ber Forest Hill, Mazda and Psi Upsilott I New York) Clubs. Salesman. Edison Lamp Works of General Electric Co., Harrison; res. 7 2i Highland Ave., Newark, N. J. Parker Whitmore Rowell 7 1^ 'A A. B. 1912. Deutscher Verein. Manufacturer. 14 Grand St., .Albany; res. 112 Lyons Ave. S., Menands, N. Y. Ralph Kay Sayward r p ^? See Gamma 12 Farmer. Moose Head Farm. Monmouth, Maine. 1913 Howard Clement Abbott X o 'Z A. B. 1913. Member New Hampshire and Biology Cluhs; Derry Athletic Assn. Bottler. Lafayette Co., 5 Railroad Ave.; res. 5 Abbott St., Derry, N. H. Sanford Burton Comerv X h '£ .\. B. 1913. Educator. Belmont High School; res. Beech St., Belmont, Mass. James Alexander Creighton 1^ m 'j B. S. 1914 Mass. Inst, of Tech. Manufacturer. Bethlehem Steel Co.; res. ^•S}' Locust St.. Steelton, Pa. Albert Percival Cushman -/ q ""F A. B. 1913; M. B. A. 1915 Harvard. Theta Nu Epsilon. Banker. L^nion Trust Co., 80 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. 33 Grove St., Bangor, Maine. X c 'j A. B. 1913. Theta Nu Epsilon. Track and Relay; Capt. Cross Country Team, 11. Agent. The Lexas Co.. 101 Holland St.: res. 44 Bates St., Lewiston. Maine. Theodore Evans Emerv i8i:vib| KAITA CHAPTER 403 Charles Richard Farnham FpT Merchant. (Bath, Maine). Ray Eaton Pahner X D. O. 1915 Mass. Coll. of Osteopathy; M. D. 1916 Middlesex Coll. Iota Tau .Sigma. Scholar- "-hip Prize. Physician. 14 Center St., Concord. N. H. 1914 Lemuel P)artlett Fowler 7. b "-> I'ndcrwriter. .\etna Accident and Liability Co., Hartford, Conn. ( liarles Frederick Houghton F c ""T Clerk. Neal D. Smith Co., 157 Middle St.; res. 773 Stevens Ave., Portland, Maine. f'>lgar Robinson Payson, Jr. K g ""Z] .\. B. 1914. Theta Nu Epsilon; Abraxas. Fencing. Banker. Merchants' National Bank, Boston; res. 16 Oxford St., Cambridge, Mass. Prentiss Shepherd Theta Nu Epsilon. Tennis; Baseball; Gym- nasium. Broker. Paine, Webber & Co., 82 Devonshire St., Bos- ton; res. 37 Elm St., \\'ellesley Hills, Mass. 1 t> Clarence Hall Tapley F :: 'H Charles Francis White Insurance Inspector. Factory Insurance Assn., Hartford, Conn.; res. F211sworth. Maine. Xj'Z -\. B. 1914. Teacher Curtis School, Brook- field Center, Conn., 14-15. Educator. 420 W. 116th St.. New York, N. Y.; res. 14 .Stevens St., Methuen, Mass. Farl Farnsworth Wilson (Thomaston, Maine.") 1915 Paul Douglas Demmons 7 e d 's A. B. 1915. • .Salesman. Connecticut Box Co., Lexington .\ve.; res. S,^ Clinton .\ve.. New Haven, Conn. Albion Keith Eaton 7 c •H B. S. 1915. Theta Nu Epsilon; Abraxas. Student Council; Athletic Council; Baseball (Capt.); Maine Intercollegiate Tennis Cham- pion. Merchant. 91 Commercial St., Boston; res. 16 Oxford St., "ambridgc, Mass. Aaron Winchenbach Hyler Thomjiston, Maine. Paul Llewellyn W^ing Asst. in Psychology. Y g ^S F m 'T A. B. 1915. Student. Bath, Maine. 1916 W'inthrop Bancroft U. Q. Club; Abra.xas. Salem End Rd., Framingham, Mass. I'^lliot Sheffeld Boardman Xc''© X z 'P Glee Club and Choir; Deutscher Verein. Clerk of Common ^^ouncil. Member Abnaki Club of Augusta. Clerk. Kennebec Lumber Co., P. O. Box 92; res. Riverside Drive, Augusta, Maine. Y h 'e A. B. 1916. Deutscher Verein. Football and Track Clubs; F'ootball (4); Mgr. Track and Re- lay Teams. Member Executive Committee, Maine Intercollegiate and New England Athletic .\ssns. Member Colonial Club. Journalist. Boston News Bureau Co., 141 Centre St., Bath, Elaine. Walter Emery Chase, Jr. Frederick Ellery Cruff F j -^P B. S. 1916. Musical and Biology Clubs. Member Highland Club. .Student. 62 Maple St., West Roxbury, Mass. Donald Payson George X g "p B. S. 1916. Abraxas; U. Q. Soc. Journalist. Broadway St., Rockland, Maine. Frank Hobart Lord Hargraves •/ r '0 B. S. 1916. Track; Capt. and Mgr. Fencing Team; Asst. Zoology Dept. Broker. 84 Exchange St., Portland,; res. West Buxton, Maine. Edward Cary Hawes .Vlden Fairfield Head Fd'p A. B. 1916. Son of Charles Taylor Hawes. Kappa 76 and brother of Charles Boardman Hawes. Kappa 11. Bangor, Maine. V t "S A. B. 1916. Mandolin Club; Masque and Gown; Deutscher Verein. Student. 436 State St., Bangor, Maine. David Francis Kellev X q 'p A. B. 1916. Coll. Orchestra; Mandolin Club. .\rt Student. 133 Highland Ave., Gardiner, Maitie. .Vorman Hunt Nickerson A. B. 1916. Phi Chi. Medical .Student. Red Beach. Maine. Dwight Harold Savward 7 li '^ F r VP .\. B. 1916. Friars; Ibis. Track; Cross Coun- try; Editor Orient and Bugle. Member Bow- 404 KAPPA CHAPTER doin Club. Son of Charles Everett Sayward, Kappa 84. Insurance. 415 Congress St.; res. 9 Matthews St., Port- land, Maine. 1917 Samuel Horton Colton 7 a '11 (62 Elm St., Worcester, Mass.) Theodore Burgess Fobes 7. j"^! Deutscher Verein; Classical Club. Student. 106 Commercial St.; res. 42 Cushman St., Portland, Maine. Campbell Keene X c "c U. Q. Club; Abraxas. Clerk. Remington Arms Co., 1789 Noble Ave., Bridge- port, Conn. Paul Glen Kent X Q "^^ Student. (Fitchburg, Mass.) Stuart Ingram Robinson TgW, Relay. Clerk. Norton Co.; res. 6 Hammond St., Worcester, Mass. Carl Knight Ross T ni 11 Ibis. 503 Woodfords St., Portland, Maine. 1918 Amos Lawrence Allen Student. Dalton, Mass. Robert Creighton (Thomaston, Maine.) Neil Eugene Daggett Student. Charles St., Milo, Maine. Hervey Ross Emery Epsilon Psi Epsilon; U. Q. Student. Bucksport, Maine. Elliot Freeman Student. 55 Highland St., Woodfords, Maine. Frederick Francis French X D 'N X c 'o X d 'O X r '■/. Y b "K U. Q.; Classical .Club. Co-winner of Abraxas Cup. Student. 4 Adams St., Bangor, Maine. Julian Eliot Gray VJ'O Abraxas; Masque and Gown. Banquet and Hop Committees; Fencing; Rifle Team; Bugle Board; Board of Managers, Masque and Gown. Student. Lubec, Maine. jean Paul Hamlin re's Brother of Oscar Lawrence Hamlin, Kappa 18. Student. Milo, Maine. ( Jscar Lawrence Hamlin [1916-19 Brother of Jean Paul Hamlin, Kappa 18. Student. ^Milo, Maine. Frank Durham Hazeltine X h 'r. .Student. 5 Northport Ave., Belfast, Maine. I'liilip iMarshall Johnson Y h '•/. Chemical Club. Rifle Team C3); Shooting Mas- ter (3). Student. 41 Norwood St., Portland, Maine. Robert Burns AlacMullin X V 'o Bowdoin Rifle Club; Walker and Cosmopolitan Clubs and Chemical and Mining Socs. (Mass. Inst, of Tech.); James Means and Lawrence .Scholarships; Tug-O-War (Mass. Inst, of Tech.) Student. 162 W. 73d St., New York, N. Y. I'aul Hyde Prentiss Xc^O Farmer. Phillips House, Lawrenceville, N. J. Richard Turner Schlosberg V d '/. Student. 41 Carleton St., Portland, Maine. jnhn Bolton Sloggett Student. ii Beacli St., Saco, Maine. Lester Francis Wallace 7 §• '^ X b ^0 Traffic Engineer. .\m. Telephone Co., 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. 232 Pleasant Ave., Woodfords, Maine. 1919 William Angus Y m ^A Student. I Washington St., Manchester, Mass. Delmont Thurston Dunbar F t 'A Student. (Calais, Maine). C.ordon Sweat Hargraves P p "Z Cabinet. West Buxton, Maine. Xewell Lyon Hemenway 7 q 'A U. Q.; Musical Club. .Student. U. S. Military Acad.. West Point, N. Y.; res. 45 Clifton St., Portland, Maine. James Fuller Tngraham X '' '^ -Student. I I Lincoln St., Augusta, Maine. Frederick Orlando Johnson B f A U. Q. Soc. Student. Hancock, ]Maine. Harold Carlton Knight -Student. East Jaffrey, N. H. T- V 1919-20] Leon Leighton, Jr. KAPPA CHAPTER Xl'l Bowdoin Rifle and Bowdoin Track Clubs; Maine Intcr-Collegiate Athletic Assn.; Track Team, 1516; Baseball. Student. 250 Main St., Brunswick, Maine. 1920 George Raymond Asnault X 1 '\). Student. Calais, Maine. Edward Wilson Atwood F r 'v Student. 457 Cumberland Ave., Portland, Maine. ^lyron Ilalburton Avery Student. Lubec, Maine. Joseph Lynwood Badger Student. Pittsfield, Maine. Henry Harlow Davies Student. 19 Stone St., Augusta, Maine. Louis Burton Dennett Student. \VaterviIle, Maine. r a 'N Y e ""v r m 'AI Harvey Franklin Doe Student. China, , Maine. Leland Matthew Goodrich Student. Pittsfield, Maine. Henry Wallace Hanson, Jr. Student. Bath, Maine. Frederic Greenhalge Kileski Student. 30 Hanks St., Lowell, Mas.s. 405 X n 'N Y f 'M X J^' ''^ Henry William Lamb X i '\j. Student. 437 Cumberland Ave., I'ortland, Maine. Frederic Knight Leach Student. Rockport, Maine. Perley James Mundie Student. Calais, Maine. Crosby Eaton Redman Student. Corinna, Maine. xh^\l r c 'M PSl CHAPTER FOUNDED SEPTEMBER 25, 1843 HAMILTON COLLEGE CLINTON, NEW YORK 1839 Benjamin Franklin Chapman* P 4>° I A. B. 1839; A. M. 1842; LL. B. 1861 Albany Law School. Supervisor town of Lenox, N. Y. ; Dist. Atty. Madison County; Judge and Surrogate Madison County. Initiated by the Theta. Lawyer. d. 1892 1840 John \'inson Downs* A. B. 1840; B. D. 1843 Auburn Theol. Sem. Pastor. Dundee. 44-48; Crystal Lake. 48-49; Richmond, 49-50; Ringwood, 50-51; Homewood, 51-52; Virginia Settlement, 52-53 and 59-62; Crystal Lake, 52-55; Thornton's Station, 62. See Delta 40 Clergyman. d. 1894 1841 Nehemiah Martin Perkins"' A I' A. B. 1841 Madison Univ.; A. M. 1844; B. D. 1843 Hamilton Theol. Sem. Pastor, Westfield, Mass., 44-55; Waterbury, Conn, and Brookline, Mass., 55-58; Utica, N. Y., 58-63; Dir. Baptist Educational Soc. of New York, 62. Author "Vestry Harp." Clergyman. d. 1863 1843 James ?\Iiltou Phinnev* NA^ [X A. M. 1866 Lawrence Univ. 2d Honor, 43. Pres. Southern Coll. of Kv., Bowling Green, Principal Acad., Pen'field, N. Y.. 45-46; Public Schools, Monroe County, N. Y., Prof, of Mathematics, Lawrence Univ , and 66-68; Supt. of Schools, Appleton, Trustee of Lawrence Univ., 54-72. 43-45; Supt. 46-49; 49-51 60-62: Merchant. d. 1899 1844 lohn Munro* H2 IJ. A. B. 1844 Madison Univ. and .\. M. 1847. Supervisor Town of Eldridge, N. Y.. 60-76: Jus tice of the Peace, 78; Trustee and Treas. Munro Collegiate Inst., Eldridge. 71; Trustee Madison Univ., 55. Father of Jnlm Page Munro, Upsilon 69 and [Jacob] Weed Mnnro, J'psilnn 75. Farmer. d. 1901 Lewis Peck* S*!)!;. .■\. B. 1844 Madison Univ. and A. M. 1847, Principal Select School, Port Byron, N. 'Y., 44-45; Milwaukee, Wis., 45-46; Union and Classical .School. Phelps. N. Y., 4i-46. Mom ber N. Y. Legislature. 60; Assessor of In- ternal Revenue 25th Dist. of N. Y., 62-69. Farmer. d. 1878 n° W John Chassell Sherwood* o Manufacturer. d. 1883 Oscar Lewis Spra,^ue* IT 11 M A. B. 1844 Madison Univ. and A. M. 1847. Supt. of Schools, 3d Dist. Onondaga County, N. Y., 49-52; Supervisor town of Fabius. 62-63 Sur- rogate Onondago County, 64-65. Lawyer. d. 1865 1845 P)enjamin Frankhn Adams* s "^ K A. B. 1845; A. M. 1848. Commencement Ora- tor. Charter Member: Asst. Teacher, Clinton IJberal Tnst., 45-48; Acad., Hamilton, N. Y., 48-52: Town Supt. of Schools, .S9 and Chair- man School Board, 64-66; Member Wis. Legis- lature, 62 and 72. Author "The Best Method of Conducting Granges." Farmer. d. 1902 .\n.son Ballard* .\. B. 1845: A. M. 1848. Trustee of Lawrence Univ. Lawyer. Morris Rose Barteau* T5^ Charter Member; d. 1873 !;6 A A. B. 1845; A. M. 1848. Commencement Orator. Charter Member; Principal DeLancey Inst., Westmoreland, N. Y., 45-47 I'nion School, Windsor. 47-50; Ellington School. Tol- land, Conn., 50-53. Merchant. d. 1899 Ilenrv Cozzens* Zp A A. B. 1845 Theta 45 Union. Charter Member. See 1845 Lucius Burritt Curtiss* Clerk. P)arnabas Ballou Eldredge* .\. B. 1845: .A. M. 1848. Charter Initiated by the Convention of 43. Lawyer. Cliauncey LeRoy Hatch* A. B. 1845: A. M. 184S. Charter Initiated by the Convention of 4^. Educator. Isaac Newton L oomis, Jr.* (0 R ). Member: d. 1902 T 6 A Member; Z W V -\. P.. 8145 Madis(Mi I'niv. and A. M. 1848. Prof, of Natural Science, Lewisburg Univ., 47-53; Principal Acad., Lock Haven, Pa., 53-55; Reg- 1845-471 PSl CHAPTER 407 istrar and Recorder of Wills and Deeds and Clerk Orphans' Court, Lock Haven, 55-58; Principal Acad.. Ilarrisbiirs;, 58-60: Acad., Manlius, N. V.. 60-65. Farmer. d. 1908 Xerxes Addison W'illard''' T T ^ A. B. 1845; A. M. 1848. Commencement Ora- tor. Charter Member: Canal Collector, Little Falls, 60-61; Lecturer on Dairy Economy, Maine State Agricultural Coll., 70: Cor- nell Univ., 71; Pres. N. Y. State Dairymen's Assn. and Board of Trade. Author "Essays on Agriculture;" "American Butter Factories;" "Milk Condensing Factories;"' "Practical Dairy Husbandry" and "Practical Butter Book." Journalist.' d. 1882 Anion George Williams" T a A A. B. 1845; A. M. 1847. Charter :\[eniber: Instr., DeLancev Inst.. Westmoreland, N. Y., 45-46; Principal, Acad., Walworth. 46-48: Acad. Fayetteville, 48-54; Acad. Vernon, 54-59. U. S. Loan Commissioner of Oneida Countv, N. Y., 70-78. Farmer. d. 1898 1846 Cliarles Alvah Buckbee* XDa .\. B. 1846 Madison Univ. and A. M. 184S: B. V>. 1848 Hamilton Theol. Sem. ; D. D. 1878 Cal. Coll. Salutatorian. Pastor. Conwav, Mass., 48-52: .Sec. and Treas. Am. Bible Union. 52-08: Pastor, West Hoboken, N. J., 55-6,^: First Church, San Francisco, Cal., 68-69; Fifth Church, San Francisco, 69-74. Author "Dis- cussion on Bible Revision:" "Historv of Si'k Culture;" "Silk Industry." Prts. Cal State Board of Silk Culture. 84-86, Clergyman. d. 1903 John Lansing Burton* TCS A. B. 1846. Commencement Orator. Charter Member: Police Judge Centra! Citv, 74-75. Initiated by the Convention 43. Lawyer. d. 1885 Solomon Brown Johnson* y. ^*° v' A. B. 1846 Madison Univ.; B. D. 1848 Hamil- ton Theol. Scm. Pastor, INluscatinc. Iowa, 48- 52; German Mission Soc. of the Mississippi Valley, 52-56. Clergyman. tl. 1878 Dwight Hinckley Olmstead* T F u. A. B. 1846: A. M. 1849. 1st Oratorical Prize. 45; Commencement Orator. Pres. West Side Assn., 73-85; Land Transfer Reform Assn., 83, and New York Auxiliary. National Reform League: \'ice-Pres. Nineteenth Century Club. Author "The Block System of Indexing Land Rf cords;" "The Protestant Faith, or Salvation bv Belief:" "De I'Autorite. on de la Philosonhie du Personalismc:" "Transfer of Title to Real Estate:" "Land Transfer Reform or The Free Transfer of Land." Member New England Soc; Museum of Natural History; Geographical Soc; City and State Bar .Assns. and Union League. Father of Lawrence Dwight Olmstead, Psi 78. Lawyer. d. 1901 Zecliariah Darwin Paddock* ^V 9 ^ A. B. 1846; A. M. 1849. Commencement Orator. Pastor, Homer, N. Y., 46-47: Chit- tcnango, 47-48; Cardiff, 48-50; Onondaga Village. 50-52; Slaterville. 52-54; Port Byron, 54-56; Genesee, 56-57; Sterling, 57-59; Genesee, 59-61; Polo, 61-63: Prophctstown, 65-67: -Al- bany, 70-73; Lighthouse, 73-76; Erie, 76-79. Membijr U. S. Christian Commission. Clergyman. d. 1883 Shubael Stiles Parker* T [J. V A. B. 1846 Madison Univ. and D. D. 1869; B. D. 1847 Hamilton Theol. Sem.; A. M. 1853 Univ. of Rochester. Pastor, Burlington, N. J., 47-50; New Brunswick, 50-52; Paterson, 52-55; Southbridge, Mass., 55-67; Friendship Street Church. Providence. R. I., 67-77; Radnor, Pa., 81-87. Clergyman. d. 1894 Daniel Read* LL. D. 1858 Madison t^niv. Coll.. 56-70. Clergyman. Lewis Smith* aF^' Pres. Shurtleff d. 1898 TSN .\. B. 1846 Madison Univ. Pastor, Trenton, N. J.. 46-51; Missionary to N. Mex., 51-54. Life Dir. Am. Tract Soc. Clergyman. d. 1864 Perry Hiram Smith' Zf X A. B. 1846; A. M. 1849. Charter Member; Judge of Outsgamie County. Wis.. 51-54: Mem- ber Wis. Legislature, 54-55 and 57-58; Senator State of Wis.. 55-57. :\rember National Demo- cratic Convention, 76; National Democratic Committee, 76; Advisory Committee Electoral Returning Board of Fla.. 76; Trustee of Hamil- ton Coll., 75-85. Father of Perrv Hiram Smith, Jr.. Psi 74 and Ernest Franklin Smith, Phi 77. Lawyer and Railroad Manager. <\. 1885 1847 Alexander McWharton Beebe* t !; « A. B. 1847 Madison Univ.: B. D. 1849 Hamil- ton Theol. Scm.: D. D. 1869 Shurtleff Coll. Pastor Jordan. N. Y.. 49-50; Prof, of Logic and Eiiglish Literature, Madison Univ.. 50-61; Civil History, 61-65 ; Logic and English Literature, 65-68 and Locjic, 72: Lecturer on Sacred Rhet- oric in Hamilton Theol. Sem.. 57-61: Prof, of Ecclesiastical History, 61-65 and 68-72, and Homiletics, 72. Clergyman. ,]. 1897 Thomas Augustus Dodge* Q © (i' Civil Engineer. ,] is.t5 Moses Earl Dunham* y-zv A. B. 1847; A. M. 1850; Ph. D. 1877 Union Coll.: D. D. 1878 Am. Univ. Phi Beta Kanna. Commencement Orator. Principal Acad., New Berlin. N. Y.. 48-50; Acad.. Sauouoit 50-53 and 55-57: Whitestown Sem.. 80-83: Pastor. Clavville. N. Y.. 58-63; Westmoreland. 63-67; Whitestown. 67-73; Johnstown. 73-80; Ilion, 82: Delegate to General As.semblv of Presbvterian Church. 65 and 78. and to National Prohibition Convention at Pitt.sburgh. 84: School Commis- sioner Oneida Countv, 53-55: Pres. Village of Whitesborough. 84; Orator at Convention of 76. \nthor "Short Method of Extracting Cube Root:" Psi LTpsilon Song "Here we Bind Our Hearts Forever." Father of George Earl Dun- ham. Psi 79. Clergyman. Joseph Roswell Hawley" .1. 189.;i. librarian. Phoenix Library: Register in Bank- ruptcy. Brother of Jerome De Witt Carskaddan. Psi 51. Lawver. 13 Madison St.; res. 15 W. Walnut St., Oneida, N. Y. Arthur Fenner Dexter* rAR- ■ A. B. 1854; A. M. 1857. Capt. 1st Inf. Regi- ment R. I. Vols., 61. Member Common Council, Providence. Lawyer. d. 1887 1855 -59 [ PSI CHAPTER 411 1855 Morris .Manson Bennell* X "i S" A. B. ISiS; A. M. 1858. lirotlui- of Thomas Kthvard Bennett, Psi 51. Lawyer. <1. 1861 William Henry JacksoiV' 7. c S' A. B. 1855. 1st Declamation I'lize. S.i; Clark Prize (Irator, 55: Principal l-'ranklin Acad.. Prattsbur.s;h, N. V.. 55-58. Brother of David George Jackson, Psi 57. Kdncator. d. 1858 fames Snaith King* r ©~ l.st Lient. Co. .\. 65th Inf. X. Y. \"ols.. 61-62; Capt. 162d Inf. Regiment N. V. \ols., 62-63; 1st T.ieut. 12th Inf. Regiment, U. S. Army. "7-82; Capt. Ofticer. U. S. Army. d. 1882 1857 Hcnrv Ronton Millard* Am A. B. 1855; A. M. 1858; M. D. 1858 Univ. City of New York. 1st Essay Prize, 55; 1st Under- wood Prize in Chemistry, 58; CommencLmenl Orator. Prof, of Theory and Practice of Medicine, Med. Coll. of New York and Hosp. for Women, 67-69; Phys. Hahnemann Hosp., New York. Author "'A Guide in Emergencies;" "Climate and .Statistics of Consumption;" "A Treatise on Bright"s Disease;" "Monograph on Diphtheria;" "Tlie Thermo-Cautery in Disease;" "Alimentation and Super Alimentation in Phthisis." Member State Board of Examiners in Medicine. 72; .-\m. Geographical and Statisti- cal Soc; New Y'ork County Med. Soc, and Royal Acad, of Medicine, Rome, Italy; Societe .^natomique of Paris; Verein Deutscher Aerzte of Prague; Societe D'hydrologie Medi cale of Paris. Physician and Surgeon. d. lS9o William Phillii) Robinson* T — P LL. B. elsewhere. Member N. Y. Legislature, 63-64. Deputy Collector V. S. Internal Reycnuc. (24 Court St., .\uburn, N. Y.) W illiam Smith Searle* E m P' A. B. 1855: A. M. 1858; M. I). 1859 Univ. of Pa. Commencement Orator; Delivered ihe Master's Oration, 58. Oculist and Lecturer on Maternitv. Brooklyn Hosp., 72. Member State Board of Examiners in Medicine, 72, and Pres. ; Pres. Kings County Med. Soc; MedicoClii rurgical Soc. of New York; Brooklyn Maternitv Hosp.; Surg. Brooklyn Homeopathic Hosp. Author "A New Form of Nervous Disease." Physician and Snrgenii. d. 1910 1856 (George DeLaMontanye* T z 11' A. B. 1856; A. M. 1859. Dist. Atty. Brad- ford County, Pa., 63-66; U. S. Collector In- t_ernal Revenue 13th Congressional Dist. Pa., 68- 76; Member Board of Education, Towanda; Sec. and Treas City Council. Lawyer. d. 1876 Thomas Sill Wells* T p P' A. B. 1859. 1st Declamation Prize, 53. David 'George Jackson* X ^^ o- A. B. 1857; A. M. 1860. Brother of William Henry Jackson, Psi 55. Lawyer. d. 1910 Francis Perry Tncker* V.^^ A. B. 1857. 2nd Lieut. Co, F, 4th Inf. Regi- ment, N. Y. \'ols., 61. Farmer. d. 1914 1858 Xathaniel Pumpelly I'osworth* r w K' d. 1862 Served in the army, 61-62. Soldier. William Hngh Bosworth* y_ a o' A. B. 1858; A. M. 1861. Astronomical Honor Oration, 58; Teacher, 58-85; Principal School No. 9, Rochester, N, Y,, 63-83; School No. 12, Rochester, 83-85. Educator. d. 1885 Edward Saltonstall Dakin* 7 d K' A. B. 1858; LL. B. 1860 Columbia. Brother of Francis Elihu Dakin, Psi 51, Henry Mum- ford Dakin, Psi 51, George William Bethune Dakin, Psi 53 and Richard Lansing Dakin, Psi S3 and uncle of Paul Worth Dakin, Psi 84. Lawyer, d. 1888 Moseley ^lorris* •/ a o~ A. B. 1858; A. M. 1861; B. D. 1862 Nashotah Theol. S'em. Commencement Orator. Rector St. Paul's Church, Plymouth, Wis., 62-70; Grand Rapids, Mich., 70-82; All Saints' Church, Saugatuck, 82. Clergyman. d. 1912 XfO' John Tracy Mygatt' Manufacturer. d. 1862 A. B. 1858 Union Coll. Commencement Ora- tor. Pres. Union League, 63. See Theta 58 Merchant. Joseph Sim Smith'' PelC M. D. 1856 National Med Coll. Capt. and Asst. .Surg. XJ. S. Army. Physician and .Surgeon. d. 1867 1859 William Cowper Gibson Z n Z' A. B. 1859. Captain's Clerk, U. S. S. Mis- si.ssippi, 62. Brother of Hanson Cox Gibson, Delta 54 and uncle of Frederick Seward Gibson, Delta 96. Retired. Grand View, N. Y. Dugald Cameron Morrison* A j A A. B. 1859. Lieut. 8th Inf. Regiment Mich. Vols., 61-63. Clerk. d. 1910 Rglnh Wheeler Thacher* ^ z y,' A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862. Pres. Board of Trade, .Mhanv, 80-81; Member Albany Inst. Mrrehant. d. 1903 412 PSI CHAPTER [1860-64 1860 William Henry Knapp* Capt. U. S. (colored) Vols. Soldier. 1861 John Clinton Higby* A. B. 1861. County, 70. Banker. School Commissioner, d. 1863 Z X ^i" Steuben d. 1898 A L x' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864; B. D. 1869 Auburn Theol. Sem. Clark Prize Orator, 61. Chap- lain 117th Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols., 62-64; Pastor Unionville, Iowa, 69-70; English Set- tlement, 70-72; Monroe, Ohio, 73-74; Commis- sioner from General Assembly, Presbyterian Church of 76, to Assembly of Welsh Presby- terian Church in the U. S. of America. Editor with William Forbes Morgan of the 7th General Catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity, 164. Clergyman. d. 1876 John Davies Jones'*" Napoleon Palmer* o ? r A. B. 1861 Hobart Coll. Commencement Ora- tor. Principal Acad., Olean, N. Y.. 61-62; Acad., Seneca Falls, 62-64. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1875 Aaron McCracken WoodhnlP'' 9 1 a A. B. 1861. Farmer. 1862 Rush Palmer Cady* d. 1907 i 7; Y. Second Lieut. Co. K 97th Inf. Regiment N. Vols., 62-63; 1st Lieut., 63. Soldier. d. 1863 Charles Melville Fay-'" ^T.y; A. B. 1862. 2d Lieut, and Adjutant, 13th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, U. S. Army, 63-66. Merchant. d. 1902 Benjamin Franklin Miller''' A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865; B. D. 1868 Union Theol. Sem. 2d Lieut. ISlst Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols., 62-63; 1st Lieut., 63-64; Capt., 64- 65; Brevet Major, 65; Asst. Minister Emman- uel Chapel. New York, 68-69; Rector Grace Church, Millbrook, N. Y., 69-76; St. John's Church, Honeoye Falls, 82-85; St. Paul's Church, Strafford, 85-87; Trinity Church, Logansport, Ind., 87-88. Clergyman. d. 1906 Edward Bartlett Wicks* l^-^X A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865. 2nd Lieut. 151st Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols., 61-62; Asst. Surg. 6th Corps Hosp., Appomattox, Va., 64-65; Poet of Convention of 76. Author "Historv of the Class of 1862 since Graduation, 1873-74." Physician and S'urgeon. d. 1911 1863 Samuel Plawley Adams T w c o' Brother of William Oliver \\'ebster, Psi 65, Hezekiah Webster, Psi 72 and Florian Emerson Web.ster, Psi 75. Farmer. 1871 Charles Goddard Baldwin 9 V A' A. B. 1871; LL. B. 1872. Sergeant 40th Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols, Lawyer. (520 Oak St., Syracu.se, N. Y.). ITenry Augustus Kinney* X -^ -^i A. B. 1871: .\. M. 1874. Prof, of Mathematics and Classics, Washington Coll., 72-77; Teacher, Western New York, 77-78; Wailuku, Mani, Sandwich IsKinds, 78-81. Educator. d. 1881 Frederick William Tompkins* M c <]>, A. B. 1871; LL. B. 1873. Phi Beta Kappa. Prize in Declamation, 69; 2d Prize in Scientific Honor Discussion. Lawyer. 1871-741 PSI CHAPTER 415 l^dward Clayton Wright zf>; A. B. 1871. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Liter- ary Monthly, 70-71; 2d Prize Declamation, 69; 2nd Prize in Mathematics, 70; Hawley Medal, 70; Salutatorian. Member Citizens' Club. Lawyer. Kirk Block, Salina and Fayette Sts.; res. 216 Harrison St., Syracuse, N. Y. 1872 fames Anderson* ; a /: A. B. 1872; B. D. 1876 Auburn Theol. Sera. Pastor St. Jo, Tex., 76. Brother of Charles Anderson, Psi 69 and William Herman Ander- son, Psi 78. Clergyman. d. 1915 e A" On Surveyor's Staff Custom House, 86. Brother of Edmond Beardsley, Gamma 77. See Gamma 73 Lavvver. ] lenry Welles Beardslev* Arthur Stephen Iloyt 9 1 V A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875; D. D. 1892; B. D. 1878 Auburn Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Hamiltonian. 71; Prize in Declama- tion, 69; 2d Prize in Mathematics; 1st Essay Prize; 1st Classical Prize; 2d Prize in Physics; Clark Prize Orator; Kingsley Prize Debater; Valedictorian; Baseball. Prof, of Homiletics and Sociology, Auburn Theol. Sem.; Pres. Auburn Board of Education; Vice-Pres. Sey- mour Public Library; Trustee Central Presby- terian Church. Author "The Work of Preach- ing:" "The Preacher;" "The Vital Elements of Preaching;" "Public Wor?.hip for Non-Liturgi- cal Churches." Member Owasco Country and The Clerical .Anglers' Clubs. Brother of Charles Sumner Hoyt, Psi 77. Educator. .Auburn Theol. Sem.; res. IS Seminary St., Auburn, N. Y. S A" A. B. 1872 Amherst; A. M. 1875; B. D. 1876 Union Theol. Sem. Pastor Williamsport, Pa., 76-78; Detroit, Mich., 78-80; Lenox 80. See Gamma 72 Clergyman. d. 1911 Raymond Dewitt Mallary^'" Charles Hansen Toll* Ae (0 A. B. 1872. Editor Hamilton Literary Monthly, 71-72; Commencement Orator. Atty. Del Norte, Colo., 75-76; Prosecuting Atty. Rio Grande County. Colo., 76-77; Judge Rio Grande 77-78; Member Colo. Legislature, 78-80; Asst. U. S. Dist. Attv. Dist. of Colo., 79-81; Atty. General Colo., 81 and 83. lawyer. d. 1901 Ilezekiah W^ebster* Tw A. B. 1879; B. D. 1879 Auburn Theol. Sem. Declamation Prize, 69. Tutor Robert Col!., Constantinople, Turkey, 74-77; Pastor Belle Valley. Pa., 79-85; Evangelist Warren County, Pa., 85-87; Pastor Fairview. 87. Brother of William Oliver Webster, Psi 65, Hanson S Webster, Psi 70 and Florian Emerson Webster, Psi 75. Clergyman. d. 1902 1873 Edward Everett Bacon Z (i 7 " A. B. 1882; B. D. 1877 Andover Theol. Sem. Pastor Norway, Maine, 77-81; Saccarappa, 81- 88. Clergyyian (retired). 20 Russell St., Arlington, Mass. Hal liell Z a % A. B. 1873; A. M. 1876; LL. B. 1875 Columbia. Lawyer. (346 Broadway,- New York, N. Y.) Charles Frederic Goss T (1 .\, A. B. 1873; D. D. 1898; B. D. 1876 Auburn Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Pastor Weatherford. Tex., 76-78; Limestone, N. Y., 78- 81; Bethany Church, Utica, 81-85; Chicago Ave. Church, Chicago, 85-88; Moderator of Utica Presbytery, 84; Pastor Emeritus. Author "The Redemption of David Corson;" "The Loom of Life;" "The Optimist;" "Just a Minute;" "Little Saint .Sunshine." Hon. Member Bus- iness Men's Club. Member Cosmic Club. Son of Simon Sartwell Goss, Theta 46. Clergyman. 937 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Georoe William Miles c 1 a' A. B. 1873; A. M. 1877; M. D. 1879 Columbus Med. Coll. Editor Literary Motnhly, 72-73. Physician and Surgeon. 11 Washington Ave., Oneida, N. Y. John William O'Brien* 'C f w, A. B. 1873; A. M. 1876; LL. B. 1878 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Declamation Prize, 70; 2d Prize in Classics, 73; Clark Prize Orator and Classical Honor Oration, 73; Principal Griffith Inst., Springville, N. Y.. 73-75; Instr. Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., 75-76. Member Board of Education, Auburn 84; City Atty., 86; Trustee Cayuga County Historical Soc. ; Pres. .Auburn Law Club and Sec. Citv Club. Lawyer. d. 1895 David Boyd W^ard Initiated bv the Zeta 1874 Charles Carroll Hemenwav A. B. 1874; Ph D. 1892; B. D. 1879 Auburn Theol. Sem. 2d Prize in Mathematics, Classics and Physics; Valedictorian. Pres. Pritchelt Coll., 91-04; Moderator of Synod of Mo. 01. Assoc. Editor Ninth General Catalogue Psi Upsilon, 78. Clergyman. Glasgow, Mo. John Briji^ham Richardson A a ■/, A. B. 1874; LL. B. 1876. Phi Beta Kappa. Ilawlev Classical Medal; Commencement Ora- tor. Lawyer. 509 Security Bank Bldg.. Oakland; res. 24 Caperton Ave., Piedmont, Cal. Perrv Hiram Smith. Jr.' 1' ^> 1 A. B. 1874; .\. M. 1880; LL. B. 1876 Columbia. Editor Hamilton Literary Monthly, 73-74. 1st Prize in Declamation, 73; Clark Prize, 74; Com- mencement Orator. Son of Perry Hiram .Smith, Psi 46 and brother of Ernest Franklin Smith, Phi 77. Lawyer. d. 1914 416 PSI CHAPTER [1874-79 Charles Henry \'an\Vie aes" A. B. 1874; B. D. 1877 Auburn Theol. Sem. Pastor Lyon's Falls. N. Y., 77-80; Williams- town, N. Y. since 80. Clergyman. 151. Ramona Drive, Riverside, Cal. 1875 Ebenezer Raker Cobb Tux A. B. 1.875; D. D. 1895; B. D. 1879 Auburn Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Mathemati- cal Prize. 72; Philosophical Honor Oration, 75; Editor Hamilton Literary Monthly, 74-75; Member Board of Foreign Missions Presbyter- ian Church since 03; Trustee Synod of N. J. since 96; Pres. of Board since 06; Moderator of Svnod, 15; Trustee Wooster Univ.; Bloomfield (N. J.) Theol. Sem. Clergyman. 1103 Mary St., Elizabeth, N. J. Chauncey Shaffer Trtiax* TGo. A. B. 1875; LL. B. 1877 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Hawley Classical Medal, 74; Kellogg Prize; Commencement Orator. Editor The Hamiltonian, 74. Tutor Robert Coll., Constan- tinople, Turkey, 77-79; Founder Truax Greek Scholarship Prize at Hamilton Coll., 86. Mem- ber Manhattan, Irving and New Amsterdam Clubs and Holland Soc. Lawyer. d. 1906 Florian Emerson Webster* Tux. Brother of William Oliver Webster, Psi 65, Hanson S Webster, Psi 70 and Hezekiah Web- ster, Psi 72. Farmer. d. 1902 1876 Edmond Beardslev A m cp See Gamma 77 Clerk and Auditor. Dept. of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Municipal Bldg. ; res. 1643 Nelson Ave., New York, N. Y. Edward Charles Stringer* ? c 8^ A. B. 1876; Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Hamilton Literary Monthly; Clark Prize Orator and Legal Oration, 76. Principal Acad., Mount Morris, 76-78. Father of McNeil Seymour Stringer, Beta 07. Lawyer. d. 1916 1877 Fred Hollister Fav 9 r u A. B. 1877. Editor Hamilton Literary Maga- zine and The Hamiltonian ; Board of Educa- tion; Trustee Sevmour Library; Pres. Finance Committee, Auburn Theol. Sem. Member City and Owasco Country Clubs. Banker. 72 Genesee St.; res. 63 South St., Auburn, N. Y. Charles Sumner Hoyt* 9nE, A. B. 1877; B. D. 1884 Auburn Theol Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Classical Medal, 76; Legal Honor Oration. 77. Instr. Preparatory Dept. Coll. of N. J.. 77-78; Tutor Robert Coll., Con- stantinople, Turkey, 80-83; Pastor Westmin- ster Church, Chicago. 111.. 84. Brother of Ar- thur Stephen Hoyt, Psi 72. Clergyman. d. 1903 George \\ ebster Kimberley S c T A. B. 1877; A. M. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Prize in Mathematics; 2d Prize in Physics; Classical Medal; Salutatorian. Insurance. 14 Hastings Bldg.; res. corner Clallam and Cosgrove Sts., Port Townsend, Wash. 1878 William Herman Anderson A ^ H^ Principal Public School, Stacyville, Iowa, 78 and 83. Brother of Charles Anderson, Jr., Psi 69 and James Anderson, Psi 72. Physician. Stoncburg, Tex. Thomas Franklin Frost* A b T" d. 1900 Lawrence Dwight Olmstead* N a Z" A. B. 1878; A. M. 1881; LL. B. 1880 Columbia. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Psi U Jollity." Son of Dwight Hinckley Olmstead, Psi 46. . Lawyer. d. 1888 Walter Raleigh Prescott* A. B. 1878. Editor The Hamiltonian, 77. Merchant. d. 1905 9gZ'' Charles Howell Ray* $kT" A. B. 1878; LL. B. 1880. Essay Prize, 75; 2d Prize in Debate, 78; Editor Hamilton Literary Monthly, 77-78. Principal Cayuga Lake Acad., Aurora] N. Y.. 78-79; Di.s't. Atty. Wayne County, N. Y.. 86. Lawyer. d. 1895 AcZ. Lester Barker Ruggles* Son of William Beniamin Ruggles, Psi 49. brother of William Barker Ruggles, Jr., Chi S3 and Dwight Ruggles, Chi 90. d. 1886 1879 George Earl Dunham AzH, A. B. 1879; A. M. 1880. Freshman Prize Speaker; Clark Prize Competitor and McKin- ney Prize Debater; Editor Hamilton Literary Monthly; Pres. Board of Mgrs., Utica State Hosp. for Insane; Trustee and Member Execu- tive Committee Hamilton Coll. Member Fort Schuyler and University (New York) Clubs. Son of Moses Earl Dunham, Psi 47. Publisher and Journalist. Utica Dailv Press Bldg.; res. 1109 Park Ave., L'tica, N. Y. Robert Newton Hawlev* 9tS,. A. B. 1879; M. D. 1879 Columbia. Author Psi Upsilon Songs "Come, Brothers, now, with one Accord:" "Sing to Psi Upsilon." Member Milwaukee and University Clubs. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1910 Clark Anson ^Tiller* o P S. Farmer. d. 1913 [cNeil [Al)ram] A'ernam Seymour \. B. 1879. Phi Beta Kappa. Kingsley Prize Dcbator; Political Honor Oration, 79; City Atty., Hastings, 82-89. Member Minnesota 1S79-83I PSI CHAPTER 417 Univ., Town and Country and White Bear Yacht Clubs. Lawyer. Germania Life BIdg. ; res. 121 Virginia .\ve., St. Paul, Minn. lames Lowrv Skillin* Ax „ V A. B. 1879. Dir. New York Post Graduate Med. School and Hosp., 86. Lawyer. d. 1909 Edward Welch White AFP. A. B. 1879. I'. S. Internal Revenue S'ervice. 450 Greenpoint Ave.; res. 1037 Bergen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1880 lohii Davenport Bigelow y. w A. B. 1880; A. M. 1883. Editor Hamuton Literary Monthly, 79-80: 2d Prize in Chemis- try, 80; Instr. Susquehanna Collegiate Inst., Towanda, Pa., 80-81; Sem., Westfield, N. J., 81-82; Principal Windsor (N. Y.) High School, 82-89; Moravia High School, 89-10; Head Mas- ter 1st and 2d P"orms, Ithaca High School, 10- II; Dist. Supt. of Schools since 12. Educator. 109 Hudson St., Ithaca, N. Y. Mvron Ernest Carmer r cp i\ A. B. 1880; A. M. 1883: M. D. 1885 Univ. of Vt. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Mu. Editor The Hainiltonian, 79; Mathematics Prize and Haw- ley Medal, 79; Commencement Orator. Prin- cipal Union School, Newport. \. Y., 80-81; Acad. Cincinnatus, 81-86; Phys. to Wayne County Homes. Brother of Willis Griswold Carmer, Psi 85. Physician and Surgeon. !?■ Church St., Lyons, N. Y. 1881 Clarence Krum Chamberlain A f l\ A. B. 1881; A. M. 1912. 1st Essay Prize, 79: Hawley Classical Medal. 80; Editor Hamilton Literary Monthly, 80-81. Lawyer. 53 W. Jackson St.; res. 1018 N. State St., Chicago, 111. riicodore Lament Cros.s ::s A" A. B. 1881; A. M. 1886. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Mathematical Prize (3); Legal Honor Oration; Principal Madison Public School, 76-77. Lawyer. 75 City National Bank Bldg., L^tica, X. Y. A f Y\ d. 1888 Af P, Irving Montgomery Hodges* ^\'alter Loring Kinsley''' Second Prize in Declamation, 78. Lawyer. Herbert Peter White a. 1890 Af I\ A. B. 1881. Editor The Ilamiltonian (3); Clark Prize Orator (4). Lawyer. R. R. No. 6, Forestville, N. Y. Gurdon Walter Williams AcO" .\. B. 1881 Amherst. Brother of Xatlian Stone Williams, Gamma 77. See Gamma 83 Lawyer. 901 Berger Bldg.; res. 911 Maryland .\vc.. East End, I*ittsburgh, Pa. 1882 Purdy Forest Case* Capt. Johnstown Keck Zouaves. Insurance. George Hopkins Lawton* M e Iv d. 1902 r, s y. .\. B. 1882. Editor Hamilton Literary Monthly. 81-82; 1st Underwood Prize in Chemistry aiid I'ompkins Scholarship Medal. Cferk. d. 1914 Elmer Charles Sherman A h K A. B. 1882; A. M. 1885; Ph. I). 1892 New York L'niv. 1st Prize in Mathematics, 81 and Essays, 82; Political Honor Oration, 82; Editor The Hamiltonian, 81; Instr. in Latin and Greek, Acad. Canandaigua, N. Y., 82-85; Principal High School. Port Jervis since 85; Supt. of .S.:hools. l-.ducator. Gii'iuvood Rd., Englcwood, X. J. Robert Longley Taylor A. B. 1882; Ph. D. 1900 Yale. Pruyn Medal! 82. Commencement Orator. Instr. in English, Kans. Univ.. 82-83; Tutor Robert Coll., Con- stantinople, Turkey, 83-87; Teacher of French and German, Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., 87-94; Instr. in French, Yale, 94-00; Asst. Prof, of French. Dartmouth, 00-12; Prof, of Romance Languages, Williams since 12. Author "Allitera- tion ,in Italian." Member Modern Language Assn. of America. Son of James Henry Tay- lor, Kappa 56, brother of Stephen Livingston Taylor, Psi 88 and James Henry Taylor, Jr., Gamma 90. Educator. Grace Court, Williamstown, Mas.s. 1883 William Baldwin Browneir A c O' A. B. 1883; LL. B. 1886 Univ. of Kans. Editor Hamilton Literary Monthly, 82-83; Declama- tion Prize, 80. .\sst. in English and Instr. in Elocution, L'niv. of Kans., 83. Educator. d. 1015 William Fitzhugh* George Gregg McAdam* ^m A" d. 1879 A c A A. H. 1883; A. M. 1886. Editor Hamilton Liter- ary Monthly, ^2-S.^: Prcs. Mendelssohn Soc.; Leader Glee Club; Kellogg Prize, 83. Com- mencement Orator. Member X. Y. Legislature. 88. Brotlier of -Abraham Lincoln McAdam, I'si 88. Merchant, d. 1905 \\illiam Merritt Willcoxcn H s A" A. B. 1883; A. M. 1886. Editor The Hamilton- ian; Mgr. Baseball; Prize .Speaker. Member Chamber of Commerce, Grant and Golf and Country Clubs. Lawyer. 608 Yoiingennan Bldg.; res. 2530 Forest Drive. Dcs Moines, Iowa. 418 PSI CHAPTER 1884-87 1884 Edward Mars Barber* T. '^^ ^ A. B. 1884. 2d Essay Prize. 82; Head Prize, 84. Commencement Orator. Pres. Athletic Assn., 83-84; Editor Diamond, 83-84. Abstrac- tor of Land Titles, Will County. 111., 84. .Brother of William Crowley Barber, Psi 84 and uncle of Ralph Spangler Barber, Omega 15. Clerk d. 1914 William Crowley Barber A. B. 1884. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Es.say Prize (1); Declamation Prize (3); Baseball; Mayor. Ulember Board of Dirs. Public Library. Father of Ralph Spanajler Barber, Omega l.S and brother of Edward Mars Barber, Psi 84. .Manufacturer. Illinois .Metal Refining Co.. 23.^ Barber Bid..;.; res. 401 Union St., Joliet, 111. Paul Worth Dakin o p j" A. B. 1884. Editor Hamilton Literary Moiitlily. 83-84; Leader of Glee Club. Son ot George William Bethune Dakin, Psi S3 and nephew of Francis Elihu Dakin, Psi 51, Henry Mumford Dakin, Psi 51. Richard Lansing Dakin, Psi 53 and Edward Saltonstall Dakin, Psi 58. Cherrv Valley, N. Y. Thoma.'^ Keller Gale A c u. A. B. 1884. Phi Beta Kappa. Member Uni- versity, .\utomobile and Republican (New York)' Clubs. Manufacturer. P. O. Bo.x 433; res. Liverpool Rd., Syracuse. N. Y. Louis Frederick [Hungerford] Giroux A. B. 1884; A. ^[. 1896. Theta Nu Epsilon. Prof, of History and Biblical Literature; Head of Dept. of Am. Citizenship; Dean Am. Inter- national Coll. Member Am. Historical and Am. Political .Science Assns. ; Saturday Night, Uni- versity and Connecticut Vallev Congregational Clubs. Educator. American International CollcKe; res. 16 May- nard St., Springfield. Mass. II d u" John Paul Morrow'^' A. B. 1884. Editor and Mgr. Thi- Hamiltonian. 84; Prize in Declamation, 82. Son of Paul Dudley Morrow, Psi 52. LawyeV. d. 1905 Henry Kendall Sanborne AgN" A. B. 1884; A. M.. 1888. Plii Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Commencement Orator. Dir. Mount Hcrmon Assn. for 11 years; Mod- erator and Stated Clerk, Miagara Presbytery; Moderator Alton Presbytery: Moderator and Permanent Clerk, Oakland Presbytery; Com- missioner to General Assembly of the Pres- byterian Church. U. S. of America. Member North Tonawanda, Shakespeare. Oakland Scot- tish Bowling and Chi .Mpha Ministers' (San Francisco) Clubs. Clergyman. Bis.sell -Ave. and 12th St.; res. 830 Pennsyl- vania Ave., Richmond, Cal. Arthur James Selfridge «p g u A. B. 1899 nunc pro tunc; A. M. 1899; LL. B. 1887 Boston LTniv. Theta Nu Epsilon. 1st McKinney Prize Speaking. Member Am. Bar .Assn.; University Club of Boston; Brae Burn Country and Crow Point Golf Clubs; K. O. A. Soc. Brother of Grant Loverid^jc Selfridge, Psi 86. Lawyer. 16 State St.; res. 270 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Edward Richard Sill l-.M A. B. 1884; M. D. 1889 Columbia. Physician. 1215 E. 114th St.; res. 1451 Eleventh Ave., Oak- land, Cal. 1885 Willis Griswold Carmer r c i^.' A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888. Editor The Hamil- tonian, 84. Principal Union School, Crown Point, N. Y.. 85-86; Acad. Cincinnatus, 86-87; Union School, Lyons 87 — ; Supt. of Schools. Brother of Myron Ernest Carmer, Psi 80. hducator. E Academy St.; res. 173 S. Main St.. Albion, N. Y. William Garrison White* A c a ■ .V. B. 1885. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Hamilton Literary Monthly, 84-85; Treas. Athletic Assn.. 84-85; 1st Prize in Literature, 85; 2d Kingsley Prize for Extemporaneous Debate, 85; Legal Honor Oration, 85. Teacher in Classics, Brook- lyn Preparatory School, 85; Pastor Presbyterian (Zhurch, Cuba. N. Y., 90-94. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1904 1886 Albert Richard liager Mc .-\. B. 1886. Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor Liter- ary Monthly, 85-86; 1st Essay Prize, 84; Haw- ley Classical Medal, 85. Lawyer. 156 Broadway; res. 153 W. 80th St., New York, N. Y. Grant Loveridge Selfridge A e A M. D. 1888 Hahnemann Med. Coll. Editor The Hamiltonian. Consulting Aurist Southern Pa- cific Ry. Hosp. Member Pacific Union, Olym pic and Burlingame Country Clubs. Brother of Arthur James Selfridge, Psi 84. Physician. 240 Stockton St.; res. 1914 Clay St.. San Fran- cisco, Cal. Edward A' [an DruverJ Slauson A s W A. B. 1886. Phi Beta Kappa. Mgr. Haseball, 85-86; Prize German and High Honor Ora- tion, 86. Instr. in Music Hall .School. Brook- lyn, 86-88. Lawyer. Ambrose Barnes Tremaine Ac A A. 15. 1886. Commencement Orator. Brother of William Fenton Tremain, Psi 88. (Care Ullrich, 78 W. 68th St., New York, N. Y.) 1887 Joseph Wright Carruth* Frank Gardner r c ^I' d. 1904 H c W A. B. 1887. 1st McKinney Prize; Editor Ham- ilton Literary Monthly, 86; Leader Glee Club ;ind ( )rchestra. Farmer and Manufacturer. Easthampton. Mass. 1887-9r PSI CHAPTER 419 Arthur Malcolm Seekel A c W ■ A. B. 1887. Lawyer. (Sioux Falls, S. Dak.). Abram Ralph Serveii A (o / A. B. 1887; A. M. IS'^O. Tlieta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Psi Kappa. The Hamiltonian Board; Pres. and Mgr. Baseball Assn. (3); Mgr. Coll. Quartette. Atty., Office Comptroller of Curren- cy, 93-96; Chief Examiner U. S. Civil Service Commission, 96-03. ,\uthor "Digest of Na- tional Bank Decisions." 1422 F St. N. W.; res. 3131 16th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. 1888 Garv Miller Tones Ac/ A. B. 1888; A. M. 1891. McKinney Prize Speaker, 85; Capt. Football, 85-86. Educator. 10 Sterling St.; res. 165 Park Ave., Water- town, N. Y. Albert Remington Kessinger A c x A. M. 1903. Editor The Hamiltonian (3). Member Board, Water and Sewer Commis- sioners, 93-06; Mayor, 06-12; Member Utica Court House Bld^. Commission. 02-07; Post- rnaster since 14. Member Rome, Masonic, Elks, Tengega Country, Fish Creek, Salmon River Fishing and Moose Clubs. Journalist. Daily Sentinel, 136 N. James St.; res. 720 N. Washington St., Rome, N. Y. Abraham Lincoln McAdam Ac-/ A. B. 1888. Theta Nu Epsilon. Winner Clark Prize in Original Oratory, 88. Atty. to Board of Supervisors, Oneida Co., N. Y., 10. Brother of George Gregg McAdam, Psi 83. Lawyer. 107 S. James St.; res. 119 Bloomficld St., Rome. N. Y. re A ^Member Skenandoa and Yahnundasis Golf and Utica Curling Clubs. Son of James Henry Taylor, Kappa 56, brother of Robert Longley Taylor, Psi 82 and Stephen Livingston Tavlor, Psi 88. See Gamma 90 Merchant. Clinton Canning Co., Clinton, N. Y. James Henry Taylor, Jr. Stephen Livingston Taylor -^ c X A. B. 1889 Amher.st; M, D. 1894 Columbia. Son of James Henry Taylor, Kappa 56, brother of Robert Longley Taylor, Psi 82 ana James Henry Taylor, Psi 88 and Gamma 90. See Gamma 89 Physician. Kenwood, N. Y. Frank Sommers Tisdale A ex A. B. 1888; A. M. 1891. Theta Nu Epsilon; Pontifex Maximus. Freshman Prize Speaker. Teacher in Latin and Greek, Mechanicsville .-Kcad., 88-89; Principal Frankfort Acad., 89-91; Franklin School. East Orange, N. J., 91-00; Pres. N. Y. State Council of School Supts., 14; Supt. of Schools. Watertown since 00. Brother of William Monroe Tisdale, Xi 82. Educator. Citv Hall; res. 335 Winslow St., Watertown, N. Y. William Fenton Tremain A c X D. D. S. 1889 Philadelphia Dental Coll. Brother of Ambrose Barnes Tremaine, Psi 86. Dentist and Anaesthetist. 203 W. Dominick St.; res. 417 N. Washington St., Rome, N. Y. Edmund Robinson Wilcox A c X A. B., 1888; A. M. 1891. 1st McKinney Prize Essay, 85; 2d Prize, 86; McKinney Prize Speaker, 87; Editor Literary Monthly. Lawyer. (37 Bank Bldg. ; res. 324 Stone St., Watertown, N. Y.) 1889 Charles Herbert Anthony* A c 9 d. 1912 luigene McClellan Armstrong''' A c 9 Albert Evans A c 9 A. B. 1889; D. D. 1905. Kellogg Prize; Com- mencement Orator. Pastor Kanawha Presby- terian Church. Clergyman. Kanawha Presbyterian Church; res. 1008 Kan- awha St., Charleston, W. Va. Grant Stroh AM' A. B. 1889. Chair of English Bible, Carroll Coll., Waukesha, Wis. Author "When God Comes Down to Earth." Clergyman and Educator. Carroll College; res. 106 College Ave., Wauk- esha, Wis. 1890 Clarence James Geer AcT A. B. 1890; A. M. 1900. Theta Nu Epsilon. Essay Prize (3); Prize Speaker (3); Baseball. Editor Hamiltonian (4). Head English Dept., Shady Side Acad. Educator. Shady Side Academy; res. 5563 Columbo St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Daniel Lawrence Gildav AcE LL. B. 1889 Union Univ. Superintendent. Cole Mfg. Co.. 3218 S. Western Ave.; res. 6731 Perry Ave.. Chicago, 111. William LTlric Kreutzer AcT A. B. 1890. Theta Nu Epsilon. Brother of Frederick MacMahon Kreutzer, Zeta 92. Lawyer and Journalist. Lyons, N. Y. Edward North Smith AcT A. B. 1890; A. M. 1893. Phi Beta Kappa. City Atty., Watertown, N. Y.; Delegate, N. Y. Constitutional Convention, 15. Member Black River Valley and Jeflferson County Golf Clubs. Lawyer. 116 Washington St.; res. 162 Clinton St., Watertown, N. Y. 1891 Albert Henry Dewey* A. B. 1891. NcH d. 1912 (15) 420 PSI CHAPTER [1892-97 1892 John George Clark $ e -n A. B. 1892. Lsw vcr (Savings Bank Bldg., Stapleton, N. Y.) Fred Howard Davis 3 c x A. B. 1892. George Brown Swannerton

A. B. 1897. Lawyer. (202 Fisher BIdg. ; res. 229 Main St., Johns- town, Pa.) [Vrcv Allen Rose c^a> A. B. 1897. Lawyer. (202 Fisher Bldg.; res. 229 Main St., Johns- town, Pa.) enry Kitchell Webster A c 12 Ph. B. 1897; Ph. M. 1900. Instr. Rhetoric Union Coll. Schenectady, N. Y., 97-98. Author "Short Line War;" "Banker and the Bear;" "Story of a Corner in Land;" "Calumet K;" "Roger Drake, Capt. of Industry;" "Duke of Cameron Avenue;" "Traitor and Loyalist;" "Whispering Man;" "A Kiss in Khaki;" "Sky Man;" "Girl in the Other Seat;" "Ghost Girl;" "The Butterfly." Member Players' (New York) and Cliff Dwellers' (Chicago) Clubs. Novelist. 1411 Maple Ave., Evanston, 111. 1898 P'rank De La Xoy Briggs r j w~ A. B. 1898; LL. B. 1902 New York Law S'chool. Member Psi LTpsilon Club. Lawyer. 124 Main St.; res. 10 N. Broadway, Tarry- town, N. Y. Andrew Jackson Dewey r j W A. B. 1898. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsi- lon. Havvley Silver Medal; Honor Oration Commencement; Football (1); Baseball; Cor- poral Spanish-Am. War. Member Phoenix and Germania (West Haven) Clubs. Lawyer. ,^9 Church St., New Haven; res. Woodmont, Conn. [ohn Howard Holmes rc'(]; A. B. 1899 Cornell. Member Racquet and Country Clubs. See Chi 99 Merchant. J. A. Holmes Lumber Co., 915 Spruce St.; res. 4959 Maryland PI., S^. Louis, Mo. Leo Henry Robbins T f ^'~ ^Buffalo, N. Y.) Xeil Kirk White T h ^l" A. B. 1898; A. M. 1912. Kappa Beta Phi; Fridav Night Club. Principal Union School, Cape Vincent, N. Y., 98-99; Albion (N. Y.) High School, 99-02; Boonville High School, 02-05; Lansingburgh High School. 05-11; Snpt. Public .Schools, Lansingburgh, since 11; Dir. Y. M. C. A.; Elder First Presbyterian Church. Educator. Fifth Ave. and 15th St. N.; res. 554 Third Ave. N., Troy, N. Y. 1899 Henry Hamilton Pease X li 7." A. B. 1899. Phi Beta Kappa; Glee Club. Pres. Village of Avon, 14. Member Genesee Valley Club. Financier. 124 Powers Bldg., Rochester; res. Spring St., Avon*' N. Y. George Dorchester Pierce Salesman. 416 Mercantile Bldg., Rochester; res. Church- ville, N. Y. William Hannibal Smith r e X A. B. 1899; A. M. 1902. Phi Beta Kappa. Hawley Classical Medal. journalist. Associated Press, 51 Chambers St.; res. 83 Hamilton PL, New York, N. Y. Stephen Curtis Woodhull F c'F Osteopath. 147 Beard Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Roy Weed Yawger X T x" A. B. 1899. Theta Nu Epsilon. Baseball; Chairman Board of Alderman, Seneca Falls. Member Citizens' Red Jacket Boat and Seneca County Automobile Clubs. Merchant. 20 Water St.; res. 56 Cayuga St., S'eneca Falls, N. Y. 1900 William Frederic Bacon F c ~ Ph. B. 1900; LL. B. 1906 New York Law School. Lawyer. Waterloo, N. Y. Seth Bird=' Xc"^ A. B. 1900. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Lawyer. d. 1915 William Grant Decker X c "^' A. B. 1900. 17 Highland Ave., Middletown, N. Y. LeRoy Thomas Geer F c ?~ M. D. 1901 Univ. of Pa. H. C. Wood Med. Soc. Staff Phys. People's Hosp. Member Citi- zens' Club. Physician. 134 Merriman Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. John Brainerd MacHarg rfx' A. B. 1900; A. M. 1909; C. E. 1893 Cornell. Phi Beta Kappa; Quill and Dagger. 1st Trua-x Greek Prize; 1st Munson Prize, French; 2d Munson Prize, German; Dir. Leipzig-Am. School; Computer Senior Engineering Corps. Member Teugega Country Club. Educator. 318 N. George St., Rome, N. Y. Talcott Ostrom A'anamee F i^ A. B. 1903. Teacher De Witt Clinton High School, Educator. 148 W. 16th St., New York, N. Y. 1904 John (^wen Collins F z 'p Member Psi Upsilon Club, Brother of Aloysius I Bertram Collins, Psi 13, ' (Administration Bldg,, Ancon, C, Z,, Panama,) George Frederick Ehman Member University and Psi LIpsilon (Chicago) Clubs, Manufacturer. Hess & Hopkins Leather Co., 1101 Acorn St., Rockford. 111. William Knowles Hotchkiss X w "O (Surigas 1, Mindanao, P. I.) John Alvin Inman F c 'p B, S, in Phar, 1904. Pharmacist, 568 Rivard St,. Detroit, Mich. G[eorge] Harrison O'Brien X h ©~ Brother of Martin Henry O'Brien. Psi 04. Beta 04, (Martin Henry O'Brien, Altadena, Ca!,) Xe©* Martin Henry O'Brien A. B. 1904 Yale, Brother of G[eorge] Harrison O'Brien. Psi 04, See Beta 04 -Statistician, 502 Western Electric Bldg,, Los Angeles: res, 2207 Maiden Lane, Altadena, Cal, Wiliam Spencer Pratt* Ph, B, 1904, Charles Hansen Toll Xd0" d. 1909 F m e' A, B, 1904; A, M, 1905 Harvard; Ph. D. 1909 Freiburg (Baden). Phi Beta Kappa; Pentagon, .\ssoc. Prof, of Philosophy, -Amherst Coll. Mem- ber Cactus Club (Denver, Colo.) Educator. Amherst College; res, 6 Shell St,, Amherst, Mass. 19(15-08] PSI CHAPTER 423 1905 Ilarrv Willard Bosworth X g ir B. S. 1906 Univ. of Rochester. 1st Prize Sophomore Oratorical Contest. Trcas. New Eng- land Alumni Assn., Univ. of Rochester. Mem- ber University (Boston) Club. See Upsilon 06 Assistant Manager. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., 136 Federal St., Boston; res. 132 Lexington .\ve., Cam- bridge, Mass. Howard Carter Dickinson r h 'II A. B. 1905. Deputy Asst. Dist. .\tty.. New York County, 10-15. Member Am. Bar .\ssn.; Assn. of the Bar of the City of New York; Har- vard Club. Son of Edwin Henry Dickinson, Gamma 79. Lawyer. 20 Broad St.: res. 45 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Elmer Owen Hoffman II B. S. 1905. Educator. .Schenectady High School; res. 9 University PI., Schenectady, N. Y. George Caleb Kingsley Ybl A. B. 1905; .\. M. 1908. German Scholarship. Member University (Chicago) and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Assistant General Sales Manager, Library Bureau, 6 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago; res. Kenilworth, 111. Daniel \V Wardwell 7. 1 1" Member Teugega Country, Adirondack League, Rome and Pleasant Point Clubs. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Heart-Enshrined Psi U." Merchant. 134 W. Dominick St., Rome. N. Y. 1906 Clarence Rufus Keenev ^kiV Member Rome and Elks Clubs. Manufacturer. Rome Wire Co., Railroad St.; res. 310 W. Bloomfield St.. Rome, N. Y. Perry Anson Miller X V- 'K A. B. 1906. D. T. Club. Hamiltonian Board; Member Executive Committee, Junior Promen- ade Committee; Sec. Republican Club. Member Masonic Club. Merchant. Wardwell Hardware Co., Inc.; res. 204 Maple St., Rome, N. Y. 1907 Edward Huntington Bright V z'c, A. B. 1907. Manufacturer, 109 W. Liberty St., Rome, N. Y. Raymond Franklin Dunham 7 b c, A. B. 1907. Salesman. 120 Union Ave.. Utica. N. \', Eldon Carlisle Hemenway ri'(o A. B. 1907. Musica'. Club. Member Rockhill Tennis Club. .Sales Manager. 3310 Main St.; res. 104 E. 51st St., Kansas City, Mo. , Robert Bartlett Jerome* 7.C A d. 1910 rg ~S Oscar William Kuolt A. B. 1907; A. M. 1910. D. T. Club Capt. Basket Ball; Mgr. Baseball; Football, Supt. of Schools, Schenectady. Educator. 108 Union St.; res. 1206 Union St., Schenec tady, N. Y. Charles Carroll Nixon Baseball. Member Columbia Country Club. Manager. Orrine Co., 1146 ISth St. N. W.; res. 3601 Newark St., Washington. D. C. 1908 y. J '^ John Sawyer Fitch rf'N A. B. 1908; A. M. 1911; T.L. B. 1911 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Clark Prize Orator: Saluta- torian. Member University Club. Lawver. 910 Insurance Bldg. ; res. Universitv Cub, Rochester, N. Y. Robert Dobell Fraser 7 r [;.' A. B. 1908. 1st Prize Speaker (3). Member Elks, Utica Golf and Countrv and Rotary (Sec.) Clubs. Buver. Roisert Fraser Department Store. 173 Genesee St.; res. 21 Faxton St., Utica, N. Y. v^ewell Morgan Jones y.p ^ A. B. 1908. Delta Tau. Sales Manager. Hart & Grouse Co.; res. 1409 Holland Ave., Utica, N. Y, Walter Falke Jone.- 7P 1^ .\. B. 1908: A. M. 1911; M. D. 1914 Johns Hop- kins. Nu Sigma Nu. Deputy Phys. Out Patient Dept., Hudson St. Hosp.: Surg. French Hosp. Phvsician and Surgeon. 40 "E. 62d St.; res. 258 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. Fred Eugene Joralemon* a 1 ^Q Student. d. 1907 Herbert James Miller */ c 'M D. D, S. 1911 Univ. of Buffalo. Delta Sigma Delta (Buffalo). Dentist. 2 N. Main St.; res. Cushman St., New Berlin, N. Y. I ^^'entworth Perkins Ff'N U. S. Commissioner in N. Dak. Author "The Courts and Assemblies of the \'ikings." Student. Columbia University, New York. Harold Burroughs Riggs 7 h "O A. B. 1908. (Auburn, N. Y.) Leon Gillette Ross A b 'w Ph. B. 1908. Dept. Honors in Geology. Vice- Pres. Utica .\ssn. of Credit Men. Member 424 PSI CHAPTER [1908-12 Rotary, Yahnundabsis Golf and Arcanum Clubs. Merchant. 85 Genesee St.; res. 102 James St., Utica, N. \. Paul Benjamin Williams A. B. 1908. Delta Tau; Pentagon. Football; Mgr. Basket Ball; Appointee, Clark Trize Con- test; Member Intercollegiate Debate Teams; Winner Pruyn Medal Debate and McKinney Prize Debate; Editor Life. Member Alumni Council of Hamilton College, Rotary Club and December Club of Utica. Field Secretary. U. S. National Lawn Tennis Association, 20 Broad St., New York, N. Y. 1909 John Lee Hopkins 7 m ■■(>) A B. 1909; A. M. 1912. Basket Ball (2). (3), (4). Supt. Public Schools, Fairport, N. Y. Educator. Owasco, N. Y. Yb'Q Norman Fitch Kazenstein (Hancock. N. Y.) Robert Hiram Plumb T h 'A A. B. 1909. Principal Stamford Sem. Educator. Stamford, Conn. Harold Francis Sabine Y 1 a Ph. B. 1909. Tompkins Mathematical Prize. Principal. Pelham High School. Educator. Pelham Manor; res. 8 Hillside Ave., Mt. Ver- non, N. Y. Harrison Cook Thomas Fda A. B. 1909. Phi Beta Kappa; Pentagon. Capt. Football; Munson German Scholar; Junior Prize Speaker. Educator. De Witt Clinton High School, 59th St. and Tenth Ave.; res. 26 Jones St., New York, N. Y. Francis Daniel Willoug-hby Fh' a Ph. B. 1909. Phi Beta Kappa; The Charlatans; French. Junior Whist and Chess Clubs. 1st Tompkins Mathematical Prize; Edward Hun- tington Scholar in Mathematics; Darling Prize in History. Manufacturer. Willoughby Co., Dwver Ave.; res. 34^-2 Grant St.. Utica. .N. Y. 1910 [Jacob] Miller Cross Sb^'' Ph. B. 1910. D. T. Square. Editor-in-Chief Hamilton Life; Business Mgr. HaniiHoniaii; Track; Glee Club. Advertising Solicitor. Farm and Fireside, 7 S. Dearborn St., Chicago; res. 134 Main St., Evanston, 111. Edmund Patten Glover SbS^ A. B. 1910; A. M. 1912; LL. B. 1912 New York Law School. Capt. Football. Member Psi Upsilon Club and Ear Assn. Lawyer. 43 Cedar St.; res. 44 W. 44th St., New York, N. Y. Charles Henry Hall Ad.^;" LL. B. 1914 Syracuse. Kappa Beta Phi; Devils Own. Member Town Board and Board of Supervisors; Justice of the Peace. Lawyer. First National Bank Bldg. ; res. 62 Oswego St., Baldwinsville,' N. Y. Charles Francis Hemenway X ^ '^' A. B. 1910. Mandolin Club; Asst. Mgr. Tennis. Member Psi Upsi'on and University (Buffalo) Clubs. Salesman. 99 Chambers St.; res. 57 W. 58th St., New York, N. Y. John Norman McMath A h ('i'' Manufacturer. Rochester Mfg. Co. Inc.; res. i72 Oxford St., Rochester, N. Y. 1911 Edward Chapman Burdick y^^yj B. S. 1911. Phi Beta Kappa. Root Fellowship in Physical Science; Football. Chemist. Dow Chemical Co., Midland. Mich. Robert Bryant Mitchell X m 7"^ .\. B. 1911. Pentagon; Delta Tau. Football "H;" Baseball "H;" Editor Hamilton Life- Banker. Citizens' National Bank, Broken .Arrow, Okla. John Henrv Parrv XcT'' Assoc. Editor Hamilton Literary Magazine. (Utica, N. Y.) Charles Bunnell Willard FrX'' A. B. 1911; LL. B. 1914 Cohmibia. Phi Beta Kappa. Member Psi Upsilon Club and Sons and Daughters of New England. Lawyer. 608, 1476 Broadway, New York; res. 210 Maple St., Brooklyn. N. Y. 1912 Bayard TenBroeck Allen* Harry Lambden Esmond* James DePuy Hopkins A. B. 1912. Standard Oil Co.; res. 733 Coronado St., Los Angeles. Cal. Edward Clinton McGovern X c ^"^ r m A' d. 1914 FmA' d. 1917 FmA' Nahum Blackman Pratt ic^^ A. B. 1912. Phi Beta Kappa; D. T. Club. Mgr. Baseball. Farmer. Verona, N. Y. Carleton Edward Thomas X £«!>'' A. B. 1912. Contractor. 18 S. Market St.; res. 32 S. William St., Johnstown, N. Y. 1913-16] PSI CHAPTER 425 1913 Aloysius Bertram Collins X b T' Brother of John Owen Collins. Psi 04. (Administration Bldg., Ancon, Canal Zone). TsE" Harold Ingraham Cross B. S. 1913. Glee Club; Mgr. Intra Mural Sports; Mgr. Hatniltonian. Member Psi Up- silon Club. Solicitor. Crowell Publishing Co., 381 Fourth Ave., New York; res. Johnstown, N. Y. Roy Aver\- Porter c'T A. B. 1913. Pres. Press Club; Prize Entrance Scholarship; Debating; Editor Hamilton Life; Hamilton Litcrarx Magazine. Member Batavia Club. Merchant. A. A. Grinnell Co.. Inc.. Main St., Elba., N. Y. Stanley Orrin Steele X m E-^ Farmer. East Bloomfield, N. Y. Webster Prentiss True r y Y' Ph. .B. 1913. Leader Mandolin Club. Track. Member Kirkside Golf Club; Psi Upsilon -Mumni Assn. Journalist. ."Smithsonian Institution: res. 1320 Fairmont St., Washington, D. C. Frank Rockwood W'assung X b '= Ph. B. 1913. Square and D. T. Club. 1st McKinney Prize Speaker; Mgr. Musical Clubs; Chairman Sophomore Banquet Committee; Vice- Pres. Political Club. Dir. Y. M. C. A. Norwich High School; Principal Norwich High School. Member City Club. Educator. High School; res. 21 Henry St., Norwich, N. Y. Stanley Taylor Woods Tdr Baseball; Musical Clubs; D. T. Clubs. Merchant. .Mbion Flour & Grain Co., 72 Main St.; res. 8 Erie St.. Albion. N. Y. 1914 Wavland Potter P>lood Xq'T Ph. B. 1914; A. M. 1915 Harvard. Football; Junior Promenade Committee; Mandolin Club; Political Science Seminar. (Albion, N. Y.) Carl Lamson Carmer rh'T Ph. B. 1914; A. M. 1915 Harvard. Track; Tennis; Junior Prize Essay; .\ssoc. Editor Hamilton Literary Magazine. Educator. University of Rochester.; res. Albion, N. Y. Willard Rurdick Eddv Xc;'^ B. S. 1914. Phi Beta Kappa; D. T. Club; Square. German Scholarship; Sophomore Essav Prize; 1st Prize Chemistry; Football "H" (2), (3), (4). Principal Hi?h School: Member Hamilton College executive committee. Educator. Hudson Falls, N. Y. Kenyon Putnam Flagg PbZ' B. S. 1914; B. S.. 1916 Cornell. D. T. Club. Mandolin Club; Baseball; Tompkins Mathemati- cal Medal. Student. Albion, N. Y. Forrest Palmer Gates XpT-^ Ph. B. 1914. Manufacturer. Gates. Mills & Co.; res. 24 E. Madison Ave., Johnstown, N. Y. David Copeland Naramore Initiated by the Delta Delta 1915 ( jerald Emil Dieterlen F b 'y) Ph. B. 1915. Square. Asst. Mgr. Track (2); Mgr. (3): Life Board (3), (4); Coll. Repre- sentative N. Y. State Intercollegiate .\thletic Union; German and Political Science Clubs. 7th Regiment N. G. N. Y. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Salesman. Remington Typewriter Co., 374 Broadway; res. 35 W. 89th St., New York, N. Y. Robert Winfield Higbie. Jr. F d 'H A. B. 1915 Track; D. T. Club. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Merchant. 45 Broadway. New York; res. Highland Ave., Jamaica, N. Y. Xma-^ Ph. B. 1915. Charlatans; Sauare; D. T. Club. Red Cross Ambulance Corps. 1^ ranee, 17. Mem- ber Psi Upsilon (New York): Weld Boat (Cam- bridge), University (Boston). Fort Schuyler, Sadaquada Golf and Yahnundasis Golf fUtica) and Outrigger Canoe (Honolulu) Clubs. Student. 118 W. S7th St., New York, N. Y. George Leonard Potter Wallace Bradlev Johnson XI a' Ph. B. 1915. Track. Member Lafayette and Lafayette Country Clubs. Student. "Whitehall." Lafayette, Ind. William Vibbert Longwell Turnbull XnS-^ Ph.' B. 1915. D. T. Club. Musical Clubs; Base- ball. Law Student. Campbell, N. Y. William Russell White Xg.'H Ph. B. 1915. Mgr. Baseball, 14. Journalist. The Times, Watertown; res. 1037 Bergen St., Brooklyn. N. Y. 1916 Charles Joseph Baumer N|F A. B. 1916. Musical Clubs; Band; First Pres. Newman Club; Delegate to Convention. Dart- mouth Coll., 16; Commencement Marshal. Member University (Syracuse), Psi Upsilon fNew York) and Yahnundasis Golf (Utica) Clubs. Brother of Louis James Baumer, Psi 426 PSI CHAPTER [1916-20 17 and Joseph Anthony Baumer, Psi 20. Buyer. Gaston, Williams & Wigmore, Inc., 140 Broad- way, New York; res. 900 N. Alvord St., Syra- cuse, N. Y. Thatcher McKennan XmP'^ Salesman. Clinton Mineral Springs, Inc., S. Clinton St., Syracuse; res. 205 Lansing St., Utica, N. Y. Malcohii Shaw McLean Tq@' A. B. 1916 Michigan. Acolytes. Advisory Editor Micliigan Inlander, 15-16: Member Modern Languages Assn.; Instr. in English, Northwestern Univ. See Phi 16 Educator. English Dept., Northwestern Univ.; res. 620 Hinman St., Evanston, 111. John Pearl Ray rf 0' Member N. G. N. Y. Clerk. 189 Tonawanda St.; res. 620 7th St., Buffalo, N. Y. Vilas Matheson Swan XyQ" A. B. 1916. Phi Beta Kappa; Square. Saluta- torian; Intercollegiate Debate; Mgr. Football. Student. 45 Franklin St., Ogdensburg, N. Y. Joseph MacNaughton Waterman XgP^ A. B. 1916 Harvard. Member Harvard (New York and Boston) Clubs. Law Student. 85 State St., Ogdensburg, N. Y. 1917 Louis James Baumer rev Musical Clubs; Football; Assoc. Editor Hamilton Literary Magasinc. Pres. Charlatans Dramatic Club. Brother of Charles Joseph Baumer, Psi 16 and Joseph Anthony Baumer, Psi 20. Student. 900 N. Alvord St., Syracuse, N. Y. James Daniel Seaver Frl' Pentagon; Hamilton Coll. Instrumental Club; Press Club. Pruyn Medal Orator; McKinney Prize Debate; Intercollegiate Debate Team; Editorial Staff Hamilton Life (1), (2), (3); Editor-in-chief (4); Hamiltonian, 17; Cobb Essay Prize, IS. Member Psi Upsilon Club cf New York. Student. 1030 84th St., Brooklyn. N. Y. Edwin Bruce Shields X b I' Track; Business Mgr. Hamiltonian. Student. 5820 Howe St., Pittsburgh. Pa. Clayton Bagshaw Weed F q XT'' D. T. Club. Leader Glee Club, 16-17; Glee Quartette; Chairman Junior Promenade Com- mittee; College Choir. "The Oakley", 172 Grand St., Newburgh, N. Y. Adariah Cotter Woolnough X L i*" Charlatans. Glee Club; College Choir; Mc- Kinney Prize Declamation (2) ; Chairman Honor Court; Football and Track. Student. Ilion, N. Y. 1918 \Villiam Sidney Calkins b K*" Charlatans. Glee Club; College Choir; Mc- Student. 277 Barrington St., Rochester, N. Y. Harold Swan Dodge A c C Latin Club; Charlatans; Y. M. C. A. 741 Elizabeth St., Utica. N. Y. Sidney Monroe Eddy ^ q Iv' D. T. Club; Y. M. C. A. Glee Club; Football. Student. 4 W. State St., Albion, N. Y. James Sherrill Fursman Aylv D. T. Club; Charlatans. Football; Baseball Glee Club; Sophomore Dance Committee. 9 Hudson PL, Hudson Falls, N. Y. Gerard Fruin Hubbard See Chi 18 Student. 218 N. Washington St., Rome, N. Y. Thomas Ban ford Jones -Student. 809 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. Milton Dimmick Russell D. T. Club. Baseball. Student. 803 Church St., Honesdale. Pa. 1919 Russell Edwin Clegg D. T. Club. Coll. Scholarship. Student. 8 Second Ave., Pelham, N. Y. Dean Mattison Fuller Charlatans. Student. A'bion, N. Y. Roswell Roy Perkins ^vO' A tie $pO' xbA' Xq,V D. T. Club. 1st Fayerweather Entrance Prize; Editorial Staff Hamilton Life, Student. 121 Elizabeth St., Ogdensburg, N. Y. 1920 Joseph Anthony Baumer FpM* Brother of Charles Joseph Baumer, Psi 16 and Louis James Baumer, Psi 17. Student. 900 N. Alvord St.. Syracuse, N. Y. Richmond Simmons Beeman X p N' Student. 79 Gibson St.. Canandaigua. N. Y. Francis Stanton Clarke F q M*" Student. 267 N. Broad St., Norwich, N. Y. 1920] Holden Knapp Farrar Football; Baseball. Student 56 College St., Montpelier, Vt. Raymond Gapp Student. Port Leyden, N. Y. Howard Stanton Hunt Musical Clubs. Student. 31 Locust St., Norwich, N. Y. PSI CHAPTER BqM' XyN' TbM' 427 rdN^ Xf M'' Fayerweather Entrance Prize; Musical Clubs. Student. Grand St., Sidney, N. Y. Ethelbert Dudley Warfield, Jr. F p ^' Football. Student. Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pa. ' Gerrit Smith Hyde Football. Student. 74 S. 'Broad St., Norwich, N. Y. ^^'illiam Willard Thorp XI CHAPTER FOUNDED NO\'KAIBER 20, 1843 WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY MIDDLETOWN, CONNECTICUT 1835 Harvey Bradburn Lane* A. B. 1835; A. M. 1839. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. Wesleyan Acad, Wilbraham, Mass.. 36-38; Asst. Prof, of Mathematics and Physics Wes- leyan Univ., 39-40; Prof, of Mathematics and Civil Engineering, 40-43; Greek and Latin, 43- 48; Greek Language and Literature, 48-61; Trustee Wesleyan Univ., 71-75. Father of Charles Harvey Lane, Xi 64 and brother of Joseph Jameson Lane, Xi 45. Merchant. d. 1838 1837 Erastiis Wentworth* uH^ A. B. 1837; A. M. 1840; D. D. 1850 Allegheny Coll. Principal of Acad., Lowville, N. Y., 37- 38; Teacher in Natural Science, Wesleyan Sem., Gouvcrneur, N. Y'., 38-41; Troy Confer- ence .\cad.. 41-46: Pres. McKendree Coll., Le- banon, III., 46-50; Prof, of Chemistry and Physics, Dickinson Coll., Carlisle, Pa., 50-54; Missionary of the M. E. Church, Foo Chow, China, 54-62; Pastor North Second St. Church, Troy, N. Y., 62-65; State St. Church, 65-68; Pittsfield, Mass.. 68-71; Amsterdam, N. Y., 71-72; Delegate General Conference of the M. E. Church. 68, 72 and 76. Author "The Superannuate, or Life of William Ryder;" "The Clever Marriage: a Comedy (from the Chinese);" "LTnion and no Confederacy;" "The Fellowship of Suffering:" "Gilbert Haven: a Monograph;" "First Half Century of the Life and Work of the Troy Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Churcli." Father of George Edmund Wentworth, Theta 87. Clergyman. d. 1886 1840 William Rhodes Baffiiall* lA^ I^ A. B. 1840; A. M. 1843. Phi Beta Kappa. Tutor Wesleyan Univ., 42-46; Pastor North- ampton, Mass., 46-47; Principal Providence Conference Sem., East Greenwich, R. I., 47- 49; Pastor Holliston, Mass., 49-50; Southbridge, 50-52; Shrewsbury. 52-54; Maiden, 54-56; Charlestown, 56-58; Meridian St. Church, Bos- ton, 58-59; Chelsea, 59-60. Author "Building Stones:" "Representative Manufacturers of New England;" "William Frederick Have- meyer. or In Memoriani." ^lember New Eng- land Historic-Genealogical Soc, Father of Francis Asbury Bagnall. Xi 90. Clergyman. d. 1892 1841 a w° \ Henry Wright Adams* j\. B. 1841; A. M. 1844; A. M. 1848 ad eun- dem. Trinity Coll.: M. D. 1865 Univ. of Pa. Charter Member; Instr. in Languages, New- bury Sem. and Instr. in Hebrew Biblical Inst., Newbury, Vt., 42-43; Agent Wesleyan Univ., 43-44; Am. Bible Soc. 45-48; Pastor Great Falls, N. H., 44-45; Rector Chri.st (P. E.) Churcli, Springfield. Mass.. 48-50; Minister Christ Church, Boston, 50-51. Author "The Geo- graphical Assistant, or Geography Classi- fied;" "The Book of Job in Poetry: or A Song in the Night:" "The Past, Present and Future of America;" "The Ministry of Angels: a Poem;" "The History of Inspiration: a Poem." Physician and S'urgeon. d. 1881 John Wesley North- ^ ^° i A. B. 1841. Lectured for the Conn. Anti- Slavery Soc, Middletown, Conn., 41-43; Sur- veyor General of Nev. Territory, 60-63; Judge Supreme Court of Nev., 63-64; Chair- man Executive Committee N. Y. State Temper- ance Soc, 48; Member Buffalo Convention that formed the Free Soil Party, 48; Minn. Terri- torial Legislature, 51; Minn. Constitutional Convention, 57; National Republican Conven- tion, 60; Founder of Northfield, Minn.. 56; Pres. and Supt. Riverside Colonj-, 70-80. Lawyer and Colonist. d. 1890 Richard Sutton Rust* •K°? A. B. 1841; A. M. 1844; D. D. 1861 Ohio Wes- leyan Univ; LL. D. 1877 Central Tenn. Coll. Charter Member; Principal Ellington School, Ellington, Conn., 41-43; High School, Middle- town, 43-44; Pastor M. E. Church, Springfield, Mass., 44-45; Worcester, 45-46; Principal N. H. Conference Sem. and Female Coll., Northfield, 46-51; State Commissioner Common Schools, N. H., 48-51; Pastor Protsmouth, N. H., 51- 53; Lawrence, Mass., 53-55; Great Falls, N. H., 55-57; Manchester, 57-58; Haverhill, Mass., 58- 59; Pres. Wilberforce Univ. Xcnia. Ohio. 59-64; Wesleyan Female Coll.. Cincinnati, 64-67; Corresponding Sec. Freedmen's Aid Soc. of the M. E. Church. 67-88; Delegate General Conference M. E. Church, 54, 72, 80; Methodist Ecumenical Council, 81. Author "Freedom's Gifts;" "Memoir of Bishop Haven," in "Me- morials of Gilbert Haven;" "The Method of In- troducing Religion Into Common Schools." Father of Richard Hubbard Rust. Xi 65 and grandfather of Richard Frederick Rust. Phi 93 and Richard Sutton Rust, Xi 12. Clergyman. d. 1906 1842 Daniel Ayres* i.r° LL. D. 1856: A. B. 1842 Coll. of N. J.; IM. D. 1845 Univ. of the City of New York. Prof, of Surgery, Long Island Med. Coll., 57-75; Prof. Emeritus, 75-92: Founder of the Ayres Prize in Wesleyan L^niv., 63. Physician and S'urgeon. d. 1892 1842-44J XI CHAPTER 429 am OS Pike=' T P D. D. 1873. Pastor Hookset, N. H., 41- 42; Hookset Bow, 42-43; Pembroke, 43- 45; Nashville Mission, 45-47; New Market, 47-49; Lawrence Mission, 49-50; Great Falls, 50-52; Haverhill Mission, 52-53; Presiding Elder of the Dover Dist., 53-55; Member U. S. House of Representatives, 55-59; Pastor Fisher- villc, 59-60; Presiding Elder of the Concord Dist., 60-62; Colonel 16th Inf. Regiment of N. H. Vols., 62-64; Financial Agent N. H. Conference Sem., 64-65; Pastor, Portsmouth, 65- 67; Presiding Elder, 67-73; Pastor St. Paul's Church, Manchester, 73-75; Presiding Elder, 75-81; Supernumerary, 81-82; Pastor Bristol, 82-84; Supernumerary, 84-85; Pastor Epping, 85-86; Delegate to the General Conference M. E. Church, 60, 64, 68, Member Book Committee M. E. Church. 68-72; Trustee Wes- leyan Univ., 62-71. Clergyman. d. 1895 1843 Micah Jones Talbot* EO°' A. B. 1850; A. M. 1853; D. D. 1867 Lawrence Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Ora- tor. Principal Watertown Sem., Wis., SO-Sl; Prof, of Mathematics, Lawrence Univ., 51-52; Pastor Jackson St. Church, Milwaukee, 52-54; Principal Preparatory Dept., Hamline Univ., Red Wing, Minn., 54-57; Pastor, 54 and 58-60; Winona, 60-61; Pres. Hamline Univ., 61- 69; Prof, of Greek Language and Litera- ture, State Univ. of Minn.j 69-99; Member State Normal Board of Instruction, 63 and 67; LI. S. Commissioner on Indian Payments, 63; Delegate General Conference, M. E. Church, 64; Pres. Minn. State Teachers' Assn., 67; State Delegate, Robert Raikes Centenary Con- vention, London, 80; Member Board of the Agricultural Coll. of Minn., 68-70. Author "The Commencement;" "Centenary Sermon;" "Fraternity;" "Methodism. Whence and What." Brother of Adin Brooks, Xi 51. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1910 6 mi) Edward Hyde Harlow* Officiating in Mass., 57-58; Rector St. John's Church, Elizabeth City. Va., 58-59; St. Mat- thew's Church, Bloomington, 111., 59-61; St. Margaret's Church, Anne Arundel County, Md., 61-63; St. Mark's Church, Baltimore. 63- 65; Emmanuel Church. Somerville, Mass., 65- 66; Church of the Redeemer, Wilmington, 111., 70-71; St. Mark's Church, Fort Dodge, Iowa, 71-73. Clergyman. d. 1896 Albert Harrison Hovf z Y A. B. 1850; A. M. 1868; A. M. 1878 ad eun- dcm Dartmouth Coll. Commissioner of Schools, Rockingham Co., N. H., 52 and 53; Clerk, Supreme and Superior Courts, Rockingham Co.. 53-56; City Solicitor, Portsmouth, 57-59; Major, U. S. Army, 62-66; Brevet Lieut. Colonel, 65; Prof, of History and Literature, Classical and English Inst., Cincinnati. Ohio, 77-82. Author "Necrology of New England Colleges for the vear 1869:" "Necroloev of New England Colleges for the year 1870;" 1850-51 J XI CHAPTER 433 "Memoirs of the Hon. William Plumer, Sr. ;" "Meniour of the Rev. Thomas Bradbury Chand- ler, D. D., 17261/90;" "Peppercll Papers;" '■Daniel Price of Newbury, Mass., and Ports- mouth, N. H., 1638-1677, and his Descendants;" "Donations to the People of Boston, suffering under the Port Bill, 1774;" "History of the New England Historical and Genealogical Regis- ter." Member Am. Antiquarian, New Hamp- shire Antiquarian, New York Genealogical and Biographical, Maine Genealogical and Bio- graphical, New England Historic-Genealogical, Philosophical and Historical (Ohio) and Web- ster Historica' .Socs.; Historical Scics. of .Maine, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania. Delaware. .Mary- land. V'irginia, Western Reserve and Wiscon- sin; New Orleans Acad, of Sciences. Brother of Francis Southack Hoyt, Xi 44 and Benjamin Thomas Hoyt, Xi 46. Author. d. 1915 Benjamin Franklin Larrabee* $ 5 7 A. B. 1850; A. M. 1853. Teacher of Mathe- matics, South Lowell Boys' Acad., N. C., 50-52; Centenary Inst., Summerfield, Ala., 52-57; Principal Female Inst.. Columbia. Miss., 57-66; Pres. Aberdeen Female Coll.. 66-69: Prop. Tus- caloosa Female Coll., 69-77, and Pres.. 72-77; Pastor, Lafayette, Ala., 77-79; Florence, 79-80. Clergyman. d. 1880 Frank Pulver* t:F A. B. 1850. Commencement Orator. Lawyer. d. 1887 \\'illiam Beinhauer Silber* 9 h t^' A. B. 1850: A. M. 1853; Ph. D. 1868 Univ. of the City of New York; M. D. 1873 Detroit Homeopathic Coll.; LL. D. 1874 Iowa Wesleyan Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Prof. Coll. of the City of New York, 51-70; Pres. Albion Coll., 70-71; Principal Washington Union School, Detroit, Mich., 71-73; of Gram- mar School, New York, N. Y., 73-04; Lecturer on Med. Jurisprudence. Detroit Homeopathic Coll., 72. Author "Progressive Lessons in Greek;" "A Latin Course;" "An Elementary Latin Grammar," and "A History of St. James' M. E. Church at Harlem, 1830-80." Educator. d. 1906 1851 Adin Brooks''' 9 7. A. B. 1851: M. D. 1856 Albany Med. Coll. Teacher of Languages, Mexico Acad., N. Y.. 51- 53. Brother of Tabez Brooks, Xi 50. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1857 Arthur Benjamin Calef* 9 u 7 A. B. 1851; A. M. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa. Clerk Superior Court, Middlesex County, Conn.. 53-61; .Member Common Council of Middle- town, 54-55 and 75-76; Treas. State of Conn., 55-56; Atty., Middletown, 58-59; Delegate Nat- ional Republican Convention, 60; Postmaster Middletown, 61-69; Founder the Calef Oratori- cal Prize in Wesleyan Univ., 62; Pres. Alumni Assn. Wesleyan Univ., 62-66; Trustee Wes- leyan Univ., 62-80; Lecturer on Constitutional Law Wesleyan Univ., 68; Judge City Court, Middletown, 84-95; Pres. Incorporated A?sn. Xi Chapter of Psi Upsilon, 67-77. Father of Jeremiah Francis Calef. Xi 77 and Arthur Benjamin Calef, Jr., Xi 81. Lawyer. d. 1900 .•^. B. 1851: A. M. 1854; B. D. 1854 Union Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher of An- Tames Monroe Carroll* cient Languages, Providence Conference Sem., K. Greenwich, R. I.. 54-57: Pastor, Providence, R. I., 57-59; Westville, Conn., 59-61; Bloomfield, 61-63:. John St. Church, New York, N. Y., 63- 64; New Canaan, Conn., 64-67; Bridgeport. 67- 70; Mount Vernon, N. Y., 70-73; Mianus, 73- 74; New Canaan, Conn., 74-77; Ansonia, 77-78; Westville, 78-80: Westville and Bethanv, 80-81; Forrestville, 81-84; Port Washington, N. Y., 84- S.t; Westport, Conn., 85-87: Milford, 87-90; Gcornictown. 90-93; Darien, 93-96; New Rochelle, N. Y., 96-97. Clergyman. d. 1901 Edward Salmon Cone* 7. s r' Principal, Branford Acad., Conn., 50-51. See Beta 51 d. 1852 William McKendree Carton* Farmer. Delos Gary* d. 1853 A. B. 1851. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. ISIexico (N. Y.) Acad., 51-53; Principal High School, Oswego, N. Y., 53-54; Deputy Sheriff of Os- wego County, N. Y., 58-61; Capt. Co. G, 147th Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols., 62-63; Recorder City of Oswego, 67-70. Lawyer. d. 1870 Charles Frederick Gerry* 5 f 7' A. B. 1851; A. M. 1855. Teacher of Mathe- matics and Languages, Boston Mercantile Acad., 52-57; Fort Hill School, Boston, 57-58. Mem- ber Mass. Legislature, 77 and 80; Chairman Insurance Committee, 80; Senator State of Mass., 81-83. Author "Poems;" Psi Upsilon Songs "Onward;" "The Tryst of College Days;" "Memorial Hymn." Insurance Agent. d. 1900 Seth Parker Holwav* 0) S^ A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854. Phi Beta Kappa. Classical Oration, 51. Teacher of Greek and Latin, Preparatory School, Middletown, Conn.. 51-54; Member Common Council; Atty. and Member School Board, Middletown. 56-57; Chief Deputy Collector of Customs, Port of Barnstable, Mass., 57-61; Treas. Barnstable County Agricultural Soc, 58-61; Clerk Board of Health, San Francisco, 76-78; Sec. Board of Water Commissioners, 76-79; Deputy Coun- tv Clerk, 81; Asst. Collector of Licenses, 81-82; Deputy Assessor City and County of San Francisco, 81 and 83-84. Author "Revised By- Laws and Ordinances of the City of Middle- town." Brother of Emory Fiske Holway, Xi Lawyer. ,1. ] 896 .\ndrew McKeown* Z3° O' A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; D. D. 1873. Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor Allen St. Church, Nevv Bedford Mass., 52-54; North Bridgewater, 54-56; Bristol R. 1., 56-59; Fall River, Mass., 59-61; Paw tucket, R. I., 61-62; Springfield, Mass., 62-64 Lynn, 64-65; Lowell, 65-67; Roxbury, 67-70 (Jrace Churcli, Worcester, 70-72; Harvard St. Cambridgeport, 72-74; Saratoga St., Boston, 74 77; Auburndale, 77-79; Winthrop St., Boston 79-81; Chestnut St.. Portland Maine, 81-84 Boston St., Lynn, 84-87; Monument Sq., Charlestown, 86-89; Newton, 89-92; Egleston Sq., Roxbury. 92-93; Delegate General Confer- ence, M. E. Church, 76. Clergyman. d. 1893 434 XI CHAPTER [1851-53 John Wesley Whitcher Khcp' Principal New Hampshire Conference Sam., Northfield, N. H., 51-53; Supt. Public In- struction of Storey County, Nev., 66-72; City Atty., Virginia City, 68-81; U. S. Commis- sioner Circuit Court. Dist. of Nev., 68; U. S. Dist. Atty. of Nev. Lawyer. 1852 Frank Baker* AdO)' Brother of Henry Baker, Xi 54 and Greenleaf Greely Baker, Xi 63. Banker and Broker. d. 1873 Charles Wesley Bennett* tzD s" A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855; D. D. 1870 Genesee Coll.; LL. D. 1887 Syracuse Univ. Principal Sem., Stanstead, Canada, 52-54; Teacher in Natural Science, Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N. Y., 54-56; Principal, 56-59; Assoc. Prin- cipal Fort Plain Sem. 59-60; Supt. of Schools, Schenectady, 60-61; Principal Lowville Acad., 61-62; Pastor, Penn Yan, 62-64; Principal Genesee Wesleyan Sem., 64-66; Pastor, To- wanda. Pa., 69-70; Elmira, N. Y., 70-71; Prof, of History and Logic, Syracuse Univ., 71-85; Historic Theology, Garrett Biblical Inst., Evan- ston. 111., 84-91; Delegate General Confer- ence M. E. Church, 72, 80. Author "Digest of Laws Relative to Pensions, etc;" "History of Pedagogics;" "Education in England, France, Italy and Germany;" "Christian Archaeology of the First Six Centuries." Father of William Clarke Bennett, Pi 79 and Charles Stevens Ben- nett, Pi 88. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1891 William Tyng Smith Brackett* $ h 3' M. D. 1854 Harvard. Member Mass. State Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1862 George Washington Brown*

c S' A. B. 1855: A. M. 1858; LL. D. 1892; LL. B. 1857 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Judge Cir- cuit Court Ohio, 85-95; Original Founder, Trustee and Corresponding Sec. Western Re- serve Historical Soc; Trustee State Arch»o- logical and Historical Soc. ; Corresponding Member New England Historic-Genealogical Soc, Boston, Mass.; Worcester Soc. of An- tiquity; Minnesota Historical Soc, St. Paul; Virginia Historical Soc,, Richmond. Mem- ber Historical Soc. of Pennsylvania, and American Historical Assn.; Patron of the Western Historical Soc. and Pres., 86. Author "Notes on the Ancestry of Sylvester Baldwin;" "Early Indian Migration in Ohio:" "Rev. John Bower, First Minister at Derby, Conn., and His Descendants;" "The Baldwin Genealogy, v from 1500 to 1881;" "The Candee Genealogy, with notices of the allied families." Lawyer. d. 1895 David Copeland* ; A^ Iv A. B. 1855; A. M. 1858; D. D. 1877; Ph. D. 1875 Lafayette Coll.; D. D. 1877 Syracuse Univ. Phi Beta Kapjia. Principal Mijunit Acad.. Henrietta, N. Y., 55-56; Teacher of Mathematics and Natural Science, Falley Sem., Fulton, 56-58; Principal Griffith Inst., Spring- ville, 58-65; Pres. Female Coll., Hillsborough, Ohio, 65-72; Principal, Wyoming Sem., Kings- ton, Pa., 72-82; Delegate to the General Con- ference M. E. Church, 80: Trustee Wesleyan Univ., 80-82. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1882 Charles Wesley Cushing* T — P' A. M. 1855 honoris causa; D. D. 1879 East Tenn. \\'esleyan Univ. Principal, Newbury. Vt., 54-58; Engaged in Work of Ministry, Vt. and Troy Conferences., 58-62; Pres., N. H. Conference Sem. and Female Coll., 62-64; La- sell Female Sem., Auburndale, Mass., 64-75; Pastor 1st Church, Cleveland, Ohio, 75-78; Bradford, Pa., 79-82; 1st Church, Rochester, N. Y., 82-85; 1st Church. Lockport, 85-88. Au- thor "True Womanly Nobility." Father of Al- fred Darling Gushing, Pi 90. Clergyman. d. 1906 Henry Lummis* (t> m I! A. B. 1855; A. M. 1858; D. D. 18S7. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedictorian. Teacher of Greek and Natural Science, Sem., Newbury, Vt., 55- 57; Principal, High School, Lynn, Mass., 57-60; Teacher of Greek and Natural Science, N. H. Conference Sem. and Female Coll., Sanbornton Bridge, N. H., 60-62 and Principal, 62-65; Prof, of Latin Lasell Female Sem., Auburndale, Mass,, 65-68; Pastor, Auburndale, 68-69; Natick, 69-72; Boston Highlands, 72-74; Ashland, 74-77; Monson, 77-79; Watertown, 79- 82; Stoneham, 82-85; Leominister, 85-86; Prof, of Greek, Lawrence Univ., Appleton, Wis., 86-91; Greek and Instr. in Rhetoric and Meta- physics, 91-94; Prof, of Greek, 94-05. Co-Au- thor "Commentary on the Old Testament, for the Second Quarter of the Berean Lessons, 1874." Clergyman and Educator. d. 1905 Elias Raymond Pennoyer* K \i. S' A. B. 1855; A. M. 1858. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Teacher of Matliematics, Wyom- ing Sem., Kingston. Pa., 55-56; Natural Science. Providence Conference Sem., East Greenwich. R. I., 56-60; Pastor, West Granby, Conn., 60-61; Principal, Inst., Drewville, N. Y., 62-65; Ashland Public School, East Orange, N. J., 69-91; Hackensack Public School, 91-93. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Canticuni." Clergyman and Educator. d. 1907 Alden Gage Wilcox* XA-: A. B. 1855 Genesee Coll. and A. M. 1858: LL. B. 1857 Albanv Law School. Principal High School, Milwaukee, Wis., 61-67; Lvons School. St Louis, Mo., 67-84. Educator. d. 18S4 1855-571 XI CHAPTER 437 Samuel Wesley Wood* S (o H A. B. 1S55. Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor, Basking Ridge. N. J., 55-56. Clergyman. Q. lo-Sb 1856 Edward Johnson* X A V A. B. 1856; A. M. 1859. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. in Ancient Languages, East Maine Con- ference Sem., Bucksport, Maine, 56-57; Provi- dence Conference Sem., East Greenwich, R. I., 57-58; Amenia, N. Y., 58-62; Female Coll., Pittsburgh, Pa., 62-64; Lasell Female Sem., Auburndale, Mass., 64-65; Principal of Acad., Stanstead, Canada, 65-67, Private High School, Lynn, Mass., 68-81. Educator. d. 1894 rsp^ Charles Henry Payne* A. B. 1856; A. M. 1859; D. D. 1870 Dickinson Coll.; LL. D. 1875 Ohio State Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor, Sandwich, Mass., 57-58; Taun- ton, 58-59; East Bridgewater, 59-61; Fall River, 61-63; Providence, R. I., 63-65; St. John's Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 65-68; Arch St. and Spring Garden Churches, Philadelphia, Pa., 68-73; St. Paul's Church. Cincinnati, Ohio, 74-76; Prcs. and Trustee, Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 75-88; Delegate to General Conference M. E. Church. 80. 84, 88, 92; Methodist Ecu- menical Conference, London, England, 81. Au- thor "The Social Glass and Christian Obliga- tion;" "Daniel: the Uncompromising Young Man;" "Our American Sabbath — Shall it be a Holiday or a Holy Day?" "The Bible, the Na- tion and the Common School;" ''The Demand of the Hour;" "Guides and Guards for Charac- ter Building." Clergyman and Educator. d. 1899 Daniel Pomeroy* A. B. 1856; A. M. 1866. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Principal, Brooklyn, N. Y., 56- 58. Father of Ralph Hayward Pomeroy, Xi 87 and Arthur Cleveland Pomeroy, Xi 95, brother of Julius Rowley Pomeroy, Xi 49, Ralph Margarum Pomeroy, Xi 52, Charles Rhodes Pomeroy, Xi 53, William Pomeroy, Xi 61 and uncle of Edward Sherman Pomeroy, Xi 79. Merchant. d. 1898 James Margarum Pomeroy* $ z 0" A. B. 1856; A. M. 1859. Phi Beta Kappa. Capt. 16th Inf. Regiment, N. Y. Vols., 61-62; Major, 2d Cavalrv Regiment, Kans. Vols., 62. 9th Cavalry, 62'-64; Lieut. Colonel, 4th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. 64-65 ; Brevet Colonel: Colonel, 65-66; Colonel Ark. State Guards; Aide to Governor Baxter; Inspr. General, Brigadier General and Chief of Staff to Major General Commanding the State Forces, 74-75; Inspr. General. Staff of Gover- nor Garland, 75-77; Adjutant General of Ark., 77-79. Lawyer. d. 1887 George Crosby Smith* A X H A. B. 1856; A. M. 1859. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal of the Seminary. Drewville, N. Y., 56-57; Teacher of Natural Science, N. H. Con- ference Sem. and Female Coll., Sanbornton Bridge, 57-58; Latin and Natural Science, Newbury Sem., Vt., 58-62; Principal, 62-66; of Drew Ladies' Sem., Carmel. N. Y., 66-91. Educator. d. 1891 1857 Lorenzo Dow Blanchard* 9 !^ Q' A. B. 1857; A. M. 1860. Commencement Orator. Principal Grammar School, Peoria, 111., 57-59; Brainerd Acad., Haddam, Conn., 59-60; Served with the 23d Regiment, N. G. S. N. Y., 63; Civil Service Commissioner, Brooklyn, N. Y., 86-88; Clerk, Gates Ave. Dii^X. Court, Brooklyn, N. Y., 94-97. Lawyer. d. 1908 Charles Olmstead Ikulington* 5 b P d. I860 Henry Aaron P)Udingtoii P s P' A. B. 1857; A. M. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr., Rittenhouse Acad., Washington, D. C, 58-59; Principal Acad., Bound Brook, N. J., 59-61; Berlin, Conn., 61-62; Asst. Assessor Internal Revenue, Greenfield, Mass., 62-69. Editor The Franklin County Times, Greenfield, Mass., 69-73. Publisher. Lake Pleasant, Mass. John \\'esley Currier* X'|0^ A. B. 1857; A. M. 1860; LL. B. 1861 Albany Law School. Instr. N. H. Conference Sem. and Female Coll., Sanbornton Bridge, 57-58; Principal High School, Alton, N. H., 58-60; Supt. of Town Schools, 64-67; Town Clerk, 67-86; Clerk N. H. Senate, 67-70; Dist. Atty., 70-75. Lawyer. d. 1887 Cordello D[eVal Court] Elmer* 770' A. B. 1857 Union Coll.; A. M. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Instr., Va., 57-60; School Commissioner Suffolk County, N. Y., 64-70 and 79-82. See Theta 57 Farmer. d. 1883 Joseph Henry James '-? P li' M. E. Minister, N. J. Conference. 56-65; Provi- dence (now New England Southern) Confer- ence, 65-90; Chaplain, 3d Inf. Regiment, N. J. Vols., 63-64; Sec. Conn. Temperance Union 12 years. Author "Life of Mrs. Mary D. James." Clergyman (retired). P. O. Box 281; res. 1 Pine St., Rockville, Conn. Homer Goodall Kelsey* $ ^ K' Brother of Hiram Loammi Kelsey, Xi 61 and uncle of Henry Fowle Durant Kelsey, Xi 92. Farmer. d. 1857 Willard Francis Mallalieu* A. B. 1857; A. M. 1860; D. D. 1874 East Tenn. Wesleyan Univ.; LL. D. 1891 New Orleans Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Ora- tor. Pastor Grafton, ]\Iass., 58-60; Chelsea, 60-62: Lynn, 62-64; Charlestovvn, 64-65; Brom- field St Church, Boston, 65-68; Walnut St. Church, Chelsea, 68-71; Trinity Church, Wor- cester, 71-72; Broadway, Boston, 72-75; Wal- nut St. Church, Chelsea, 75-76; Bromfield St. Church, Bo.ston, 76-79; Walnut St. Church, Chelsea, 79-82; Presiding Elder of Boston Dist., 82-84; Bishop M. E. Church, 8404; Delegate General Conference M. E. Church, 72, 80 and 84; Trustee, Mass. Bible Soc; Sec. New England Educational Soc. Author "The Why, When and How of Revivals;" "The Fullness of the Blessing of the Gospel of Christ;" "Words of Cheer and Comfort." Member New England Historic-Genealogical and New England Edu- cational Socs. Methodist Episcopal Bishop. d. 1911 John Peterson* P n rJ A. B. 1857: A. M. 1860. Salutatorian. Teacher Leyden, Mass., 57-59; Pastor North Amherst, 438 XI CHAPTER [1857-59 Mass., 58-60; North Dana, 60-62; Williams- burgh, 62-64; Holyoke, 64-67; Shrewsbury, 67- 69; Leominster, 69-72; Athol, 72-75; Wakefield, 75-77; Ware, 77-80; Gloucester, 80-83; New- buryport, 83-86; Newton Upper Falls, 86-91; Florence, 91-93; Lunenburg, 93-95; Saxonville, 95-00; Centralville, Lowell, 00-01; West Quincy, 01-02; Stationed at Oakdale, Mass., 03-06. Clergyman. d. 1906 William Henry Sutton- T r° A A. B. 1857; A. M. 1860; LL. B. 1861 Albany Law School; LL. D. 1900 Southern Temper- ance Univ.; D. C. L. 1908 Dickinson Coll. Historian, 60; Instr. Asylum for Deaf Mutes, Hartford, Conn., 57-60; School Dir. three years; Senator State of Pa., 83-86. Father of How- ard Anderson Sutton, Xi 95, Isaac Crawford Sutton, Xi 00 and Henry Craig Sutton, Xi 07. Lawyer. d. 1913 1858 George Storrs Chadbourne w K' A. B. 1858; A. M. 1861; S. T. D. 1884 Claflin Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher Ancient Lan- guages, 58-60. and Assoc. Principal, 60-63, Troy Conference Seni., Poultney, Vt. ; Pastor, Rut- land, 63-64; Albany, 64-67; Gloversville, N. Y., 67-70; Lowell, 70-73; Winthrop St. Church, Boston, 73-76; Worcester, 76-79; Somerville, 79-82; Harvard St., Cambridge, 82-85; Charles- town, 85-86; Presiding: Elder Boston and Cam- bridge Dists., 86-94; General Conference Dele- gate M. E. Church, 88-92; Book Committee; Sec. and Trustee Children's Aid Soc. of New England Conference. Member Itinerants Club (Boston). Father of Samuel George Chad- bourne, Xi 84. Clergyman (retired"*. 11 Cass St., Melrose, Mass. Charles Allen Gilbert* 5 s o" Rector Christ Church, Joliet, III., 60-72; Church of the Redeemer, Cairo, 72-74; Trinity Church. Gainesville, Fla., 75-78: St. Paul's Church, Key West, 78-80. Clergyman. d. 1880 Daniel Clark Knowles* $5E" William Albert Reynolds" 9gx A. B. 1858; A. M. 1861; D. D. 1886. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Teacher of Mathematics, Troy Conference Sem., Poultney, Vt.. 58-59; Languages, Female Coll., Pitts- burgh, Pa., 59-60; Pennington Sem., N. J., 69-61; Capt. Co. D, 48th Inf. Regiment of N. Y. Vols., 61-62; Pennington Sem., 62-63, and Principal, 63-67; Pastor, Lawrence, Mass., 67- 70; St. Paul's Church. Lowell, 70-72; St. Paul's Church. Lynn, 72-75; Maiden, 75-78; Lawrence, 78-81; Plymouth, N. H., 81-85; Pres. N. H. Conference Sem. and Female Coll., Tilton, 85-91; Trustee Wesleyan Univ., 85-09. .Author "A Life that Speaketh — a Bio- graphy of the Rev. George P. Wilson." Father of Frederic Lawrence Knowles, Xi 94, brother of Joseph Hughes Knowles, Xi 54 and uncle of Francis Wallace Knowles, Xi 86. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1913 Samuel Bonsall Parish © ho^ A. B. 1858 New York Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. Acad., Ottawa, 111., 58-60; Barton .^cad.. Mobile, Ala.. 60-61; 1st Sergeant Co. K, 2d Cavalry Regiment of Kans. Vols., 62-65. See Delta '58 Retired. 772 D St., San Bernardino, Cal. A. B. 1858; A. M. 1863. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Principal, Dover, Del., 58-65; Classical and Mathematical Inst., Wilmington, 65-77; Sub-Master Latin School, Boston, Mass., 77-78. Educator. d. 1906 1859 Benjamin Hicks Cheney 9r A' A. B. 1911; M. D. 1861 Univ. of La. .\cting Asst. Surg. U. S. Army, 61-62; Asst. Surg. 41st Inf. Regiment Ohio Vols., 62-64; Exaipining Surg. Provost Marshal's Bureau, 6th Dist. of 111., 64-65; Pres. Board of Examining Surgs. for Pensions, New Haven, 74-82; Member City Board of Health, 78-84; Trustee Grace Hosp.; Dir. Conn. Soc. for Mental Hygiene. Member Loyal Legion; G. A. R. and Army and Navy Club of Conn. Father of Benjamin Austin Cheney, Beta 88. See Gamma 59 Physician and Surgeon. . 316 Willow St., New Haven, Conn. George Gamaliel Dains* 9 (]; IV A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862. Teacher of Mathe matics, Amcnia Sem., N. Y., 59-60; Principal 60-61; High School, Watertown, 61-63; Wes leyan Sem., Gouverneur, 63-68; Ives Sem. Antwerp, 68-71, 73-75 and 78-80; Pastor, Heu velton, N. Y., 71-73; Gouverneur, 75-78; Cen tral Sq., 80-83; Hamilton, 83-84; Trustee Wesleyan LTniv., 82-84. Father of George Her rick Dains, Xi 84 and Frank Burnett Dains Xi 90. Clergyman. d. 1885 Jonathan Harned Dally >|: TgN- A. B. 1859. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher of An- cient Languages, Fort Edward Inst., N. Y., 59- 60; Principal Richmond Acad., Rockingham, N. C, 61-63; Rockingham. 63-64; Pastor, ^V^^itesville, 64-66; Front St. Church, Wilming- ton, 66-69; Raleigh, 70; Mount Horeb, N. J., 71-72; Washington, 72-74; Bloomsbury, 74-75; Hackensack, 75-76; Roseville, Newark, 76-78; Halsey St. Church. Newark, 78-81; Paterson, 81-83; Trinit- Church, Jersey City, 83-84. Clergyman. d. 1885 Allen Griswold* ^pE^ A. B. 1859. silon Song, Lawyer. Phi Beta Kappa. Author Psi Up- 'Our Noble Old Fraternity." d. 1862 $ V N" Edwin Bayard Harvey* A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862; M. D. 1866 Harvard. Teacher of Natural Science and Mathematics, Troy Conference Sem., 59-60; Principal Acad., ^lacedon, N. Y., 60-62; Teacher of Natural Science, Wesleyan Acad., Wilbraham, Mass., 62-64; Pres. Worcester County Med. Soc, 82- 83: Member School Board, 69-87; Supt. of Schools, Westboro. 87-90; Tru.stee, State Re- form School. 73-79: Member Mass. House of Representatives, 84-85; Mass. Senate, 94-95; Pres. Mass. Med. Soc, 98-99. Physician and S'urgeon. d. 1913 Stephen Southwick Hebberd 3 ^ v' A. B. 1859. Principal Sem., Madison, Ohio, 60- 61; Private, 13th Iowa Vols., 61-64; Pastor, Decatur, 111., 66-68; 3d Church, Brooklyn, 68- 72; Bridgewater, Mass., 72-74: Portsmouth, N. H., 74-77; La Crosse, ^^'is., Menominee, Wis. and Winona, Minn. Author "History of Wis- consin under French Dominion;" "Secret of 1859-60J XI CHAPTER 439 Christianity;" "Philosopliy of History;" "Philo- sopliy of the Future;" "Proof of the Soul's Ex- istence." Clergyman (retired). 78 Milton St., Maspeth, N. Y. George Edwin King* A R W A B 1859; A. M. 1863; LL. D. 1886 Univ. of New Brunswick; D. C. L. 1893 Univ. of Mount Allison. Phi Beta Kappa. Elected to the Leg- islature, 67; Atty. General of New Bruns- wick 70-78; Leader of the Government, 72-78; .\ppointed Queens Counsel, 73; Appointed Judge Supreme Court, 80; Justice Supreme Court of Canada, 9i. Brother of Stephen James King, Xi 59. Lawyer. d. 1901 Stephen James King'' X J ^' A. B. 1859. Phi Beta Kappa. Sec. New Brunswick Board of Trade. 73-80; Postmaster St. John, N. B., Canada, 80. Member Natural History and St. George's Socs. Brother of George Edwin King, Xi 59. Postmaster. d. 1897 Asa Prior Lyon' AgX' A. B. 1859. Pastor M. E. Church, Rhinebeck, N. Y.. 59-60; Fishkill, 60-62; Marlborough, 62- 63; Hancock, 63-64; Fordham, 64-67; Dover Plains, 67-69; Sheffield, Mass., 69-72; Pawling, N. Y., 72-74; White Plains, 74-76; Dobbs Ferry, 76-78; St. John's Church, New York, N. Y., 78-80; Congregational Church, Sioux Falls, Iowa, 84-85; Rock Rapids, 85-87; Congrega- tional Church. Marshal, 87-91; Lecturer on English Literature, Manning i5chool of Oratory, Minneapolis, Minn., 91-94; Pastor, 38th St. Union Church, 94-97; Supplied Pul- pits in Brooklyn, N. Y., 97-03; Acting Pastor, Sunnyside Reform Church, New York, N. Y., 03-07; Instr. Public Speaking, Y. M. C. A., Brooklyn, N. Y., 06-12. Clergyman. d. 1912 Silas Everarcl Ouimby* A m v' A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862; D. D. 1910 Syracuse Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Olla Pod: ida; Teacher of Greek. Newbury, Vt., 59-63 and 64-66; Pastor, Littleton, N. H., 63-64; Lebanon, 67-69; Plymouth, 69-71: Exeter, 71-74; Sunapee, 74-77; Tilton, 77-78; Pres. N. H. Conference Sem. and Female Coll., Tilton, 78-85; Pastor, Whitefield, 85 ; Delegate to General Conference M. E. Church. 80, 96. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1913 George Litch Roberts SsM' A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedictorian. Brother of John Lincoln Stuart Roberts, Xi 61 and Reuben Litch Roberts, Xi 68. Lawyer. 95 Milk St., Boston; res. 62 Upland Rd., Brookline, Mass. Frederick Woods SUT A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862; D. D. 1886 Mt. Alli- son LTniv. Phi Beta Kappa. Commence- ment Orator. Pastor, South Hadley Falls, Mass., 59-61; West Brookfield, 61-62; Monson, 62-64; Barre. 64-65; Boston St. Church, Lynn, 65-68; Monument Sq. Church, Charlestown. 68- 70; Lowell, 70-72; Newton, 72-75; Bromfield St. Church, Boston, 75-76: Ipswich, 76-78; Fitchburg. 78-80: Westfield. 80-83; Trinity Church, Springfield. 83-85; Hyde Park, 85-88; Walnut St., Chelsea, 88-90; Westfield, 90-94; Saratoga St., Boston, 94-97; Somerville, 97-99; Woburn, 99-02; Lynn. 02-05; Ipswich, 05-08. Father of Frederick Shenstone Woods, Xi 85. Clergyman. 1860 Bennett Tvler Abbott* ? Q' A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863. Pastor Middlebury, Conn., 60-61; Wolcottville, 61-63; Stratford, 63-66; Bethel, 66-69; Seymour, 69-71; New Canaan, 71-74; West Winsted, 74-77; John St. Church, New York. N. Y., 77-80; Riverhead, 80-83; Babylon, 83-86; Sea Cliff, 86-89; South- old, 89-91; First Church, New Haven, Conn., 91-94; Westport, 94-96; Port Chester, N. Y., 96-01. Clergyman. d. 1905 1 lenry Robinson Blaisdell * XbN' A. B. 1860; Ph. D. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher of Latin, Female Coll., Millers burgh, Ky.. 60-61; Principal Fleming Sem. Flemingsburgh, 61-65: Mavsville Sem., Ky. 65-80; High School, Paris. Kv., 80-87; Wheel ing (W. Va.) Female Coll., 87-90; Covington (Kv.) High School, 90-99. Educator. d. 1899 James Thomas Edwards Ad A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863; D. D. 1877 Allegheny Coll.; LL. D. 1891. Teacher of Natural Science, Amenia, N. Y., 60-61; Providence Conference Sem., East Greenwich, R. I., 61- 62 and 63-64; Lieut. Co. K, 11th Inf. Regiment, R. I. Vols., and Adjutant Parole Camp near Alexandria, Va., 62-63; Principal Providence Conference Sem., 64-70; Member R. I. Sen- ate, 66-69; Presidential Elector, 68; Pres. R. I. State Teachers' Assn., 69; Principal Cham- berlain Inst, and Female Coll., Randolph, N. Y., 70-92; Delegate to General Conference, 80 and 84; Dir. Chautauqua School of Experi- mental Science, 80-92; Pres. Western N. Y. State Agricultural .Soc, 83. Author "A History of East Greenwich Seminary;" "Respect for Just Laws a Nation's Security;" "The Grass Family;" "The Voice Tree." Member Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science and Am. Inst, of Christian Philosophy. Clergyman and Educator. Randolph, N. Y. James Stuart Gordon* Teacher Grammar School, Red Hook, N. Y., 57-58; School Dir. and Pres. Chamber of Com- merce, San Diego. Merchant. d. 1892 George Janvrin Judkins* SsM' A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal Acad., Kingston, N. H., 60-65; Teacher of Greek and Natural Science, N. H. Conference Sem., Tilton, 65-72; Pastor, Methuen. Mass., 72-75; New Market, N. H.. 75- 77: Presiding Elder of the Claremont Dist., 78-81; Dover Dist.. 81-85; Trustee, Wesleyan, 78-84: Delegate General Conference M. E. Church. 80. Father of Charles Otis Judkins, Xi 95. Clergyman. d. 1914 Lewis William Osgood * Oo)^' A. B. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal Acad.. Loudon, N. H.. 60-61; Capt. Co. G. 15th Inf. Regiment, N. H. Vols., 62-63, and Lieut. Colonel. 63-64. Lawyer. d. 1874 440 XI CHAPTER [1860-62 Benjamin Springer Sharpe* cp y N' A. M. 1880 honoris causa Univ. of Vt. Pastor, Squan Village (now Manasquan), N. J., 57-58; Trenton, 58-59; New Market, 59-61; Tom's River, 61-63; Lower Cape May, 63-65; Swedes- borough, 65-66; Trinity Church, Trenton, 66- 69; Liberty St. Church, New Brunswick, 69-72; Burlington, 72-75; Millville, 75-76; Westport, N. Y., 76-78; Greenwich, 78-80; Pres. Wash- ington County (N. Y.) Bible Soc, 79-80. Clergyman. d. 1880 Ichabod Simmons ,* p di A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864. Phi Beta Kappa. Declamation Prize, 60; Parker Essay Prize, 61; Commencement Orator. Member Pa. Senate, 74-76; Trutee Ousterhout Free Library, Wilkes- Barre, 82-88. Lawyer. d. 1892 William Pomeroy* cl) ri ^Y M. D. 1868 Hygeio-Therapeutic Med. Coll. Brother of Julius Rowley Pomeroy, Xi 49, Ralph Margarum Pomeroy, Xi 52, Charles Rhodes Pomeroy, Xi 53 and Daniel Pomeroy, Xi 56, uncle of Edward Sherman Pomeroy, Xi 79, Ralph Hayward Pomeroy, Xi 87 and Arthur Cleveland Pomeroy, Xi 95. Physician and Surgeon. d .1873 John Lincoln Stuart Roberts* T s Q' A. B. 1861. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Judge Probate Court, Middletown Dist., 72; City Atty., Middletown, Conn., 72- 74. Brother of George Litch Roberts, Xi 59 and Reuben Litch Roberts, Xi 68. Lawyer. d. 1896 George Whitefield Warner A. B. 1861. Principal High School, Waterloo, Iowa, 61-63: of Schools at Hudson, 63-65, and Black Hawk, 65-68; Pastor, Cedar Falls, 68-70; Nashua, 70-71; Ackley, 71-73; Supt. of Public Instruction for Frontier County, Nebr., 82-84. Clergyman and Farmer. 1862 Andrew Purdy Aikin* T tc y' A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Pastor Chestnut St., Providence, R. I., 62-63; East Greenwich, 63- 65; Provincetown, Mass., 65-67; Palmer, 67-68. Clergyman. d. 1868 ng?' William Rannev Baldwin* y A. B. 1862: A. M. 1865. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Teacher, Tarrytown, N. Y., 62-63; Principal Acad., Warrensburgh, 63-64; Teacher. Conn. Literary Institution, Suffield, 64-65; Principal High School, Holyoke, Mass., 65-68, Academic Inst., LeRoy, N. Y., 68-69; Pastor, Oxford, 77-82; Bradford, Pa., 82-84; Friendship, N. Y., 84-91; Saxton's River, Vt., 91-97; Pres. Y. M. C. A., Holyoke. Mass.: Trustee Baptist Ministers' Home Soc, New York, 84-85. Clergyman. d. 1906 John Ransom Buck as(i' A. M. 1877 honoris causa. Principal .\cad. and Graded Schools in Glastonburv Bloom- field, South Manchester and East Haddam, 59- 62; Sec. State Bar Assn. of Conn., 62-64; Clerk, House of Representatives of Conn., 64- 66; Clerk of the Senate of Conn, and Pres. Common Council of Hartford, 66-68; Treas. Hartford County, Conn., 68-81; City Atty., 1862-641 XI CHAPTER 441 Hartford, "1-73; State Senator, Ist Dist. of Conn.. SO-81: Member U. S. House of Represen- tatives, 81-8.1 and 85-87; Trustee Wesleyan Acad.. U'ilbraham, Mass. Lswvcr (37 Forest St., Hartford, Conn.) m ir H' Henry Clay Michener Lawyer (retired). Manette, \\'ash. William Forman Morris* 9 h P' A. B. 1867; B. D. 1869 Drew Theol. Sem. Pastor, Bricksburgh, N. J 69-70. Clergyman. d. 1870 George Gardiner Stephenson 2 r 2' S'ec. New York Ophthalmic Hosp., 64-66; Audi- tor, Town of Stamford, N. Y., 76-79; Trustee bcr Crescent Athletic (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Club. Brother of William Wilson Stephenson. Delta 54. Farmer. Amenia; res. 199 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Samuel Hoyt Trowbridge* 9 s S' A. B. 1867; A. M. 1870. Teacher of Natural of School Board, Amenia, N. Y., 73-81. Mem- Science and Mathematics, Drew Ladies' Sem., Carmel, N. Y., 67-69; Prof, of Geology and Natural History, Pritchett Collegiate Inst., Glas- gpw. Mo.. 69-70, 71-73 and 75-82; Asst. in Geological Laboratory, Harvard Univ.. 74-75. Author "A Manual to the Study of Geology, with Classification Tables." Member Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science. Educator. d. 1886 Homer Weston* Ab?' A. B. 1867 Yale; LL. B. 1868 Albany Law School. Principa' La Crosse (Wis.) Vallev Sem., 68-69. .See Beta 67. Lawyer. j J912 M. D. 1869 Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Resi- dent Phvs. Charity Hosp., New York, N. Y., 69- 71; Attending Phys. Outdoor Dept. Bellevue Hosp., 71-77; I'livs. Health Dept. New York, N. Y., 74-81. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1893 1868 lulmund Griffin Butler qL' d. 1912 $bK' A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Argus, 69; Prizes in Latin, 68; Greek, 68; Mental Philosophy, 69; Debate, 69; Essays, 70; Moral Philosophy, 70; Valedic- torian. Teacher of Latin and Greek, Cazeno- via, N. Y., 70-73; Pros. Claflin Univ., 73-74; Pastor, Concord, N. H., 74-77; Haverhill, Mass., 77-80; Dover, N. H., 80-81; Concord, 81-82; Member Committee to Edit the Song Ijook of 69. Author "Latin Analysis and Parsing;" "Analysis of the Latin Verb;" "Oinos: A Dis- cussion of the Bible-Wine Question." Mem- ber Am. Philological Assn. Clergyman. d. 1885 AeU' A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873; D. D. 1904. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor 1 lie Aryus, 69. Pastor M. L. Church, Westborough, Mass., 70-72; Instr. in the Wesleyan Acad., Wilbraham, Mass., 72-92; Prof, of Latin, Pa. State Coll., 92-95; Latin and Greek, 95-12; Dean of School of Language and Literature, 95-08; Preacher, 99-06; Chap- lain, 06-12. Clergyman and Educator. , d. 1912 Benjamin Gill* Samuel Parker Hammond'^ X i K' A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873; D. D. 1891 Taylor Univ. Teacher Passaic Inst., Paterson, N. J., 70-73; Pastor, Rutherford Park, 71-74; Jersey City, 74-77; Hackensack, 77-79; Paterson, 79- 82; Nyack, N. Y., 82-83; St. Paul's Church, Jersey City, N. J., 83-85; Trinity Church, Staten Island, N. Y., 85-88; Presiding Elder, Paterson Dist., 88-94; Newark Dist., 94-00; Stationed at Haverstraw, N. Y., 00-04; Trinity Church, Rahway, N. J., 04-05; Pres. and Agent, Board of Home Missions and Church Exten- sion, 05-08; Supernumerary since 09; Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 92. Clergyman. d. 1917 John Wesley Knapp 9 bx" Joined Philadelphia Conference, M. E. Church, 68; Pastor, Slatington, Pa., 69-70; Friedens- ville, 70-72; Quakertown, 72-74. Farmer. (Felton, Del.) Georee Harrison McGrew ^hV A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873; LL. B. 1873 Harvard; B. D. 1876 Drew Theol. Sem. Editor The Argus, (3); Prize Debate (2); Commence- ment (Orator. Scout U. S. Army 03 ; Missionary, India, 75-85; Pastor, Meriden, Conn.. 86-89; St. Paul's Church, New York, N. Y., 90-92; Asst.. St. Bartholomew's Parish, 92-97; Rector, St. Paul's Parish, Cleveland, Ohio, 97-06; Silver Spring Parish, Washington, D. C, since 07; Examining Chaplain, St. Peter's and St. Paul's; Pres. Archdeaconry, Washington; Trustee King Hall; Acting Chaplain, 42d Highland Regiment (The Black Watch), India, 82-85. Author "Out- lines of Systematic Theology;" "Gospel History of Our Lord Jesus Christ:" "Old Testament His- tory;" "History of the Apostolic Church;" "The Negro Problem in the United States." Member Rowfant (Cleveland) and Sigma Chi (New York) Clubs. Clergyman. Silver Spring, Md. Howard Augustus McKenny* A o K' A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873. Phi Beta Kappa. En- trance Prize, 66. Teacher Claflin Univ., Orange- burgh, S. C, 71-72; Gorham, Maine, 73-87; Supt. of Schools, 87-07; U. S. Inspr. of (Customs, Portland, Maine, 91-08. Educator. d. 1908 John Shepard Morgan* TA°x, A. B. 1870 Genesee Coll.; A. M. 1873 Syracuse Univ. Valedictorian. Special County Judge, Monroe County, N. Y., 79-83; County Judge, 83-88; Orator, Alumni Assn. of Syracuse Univ., 77; Vice-Pres., 78-79. Lawyer. d. 1888 William lonathan Smith Stir A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873. Pastor at Higganum, Conn., 68-71; Mansfield, Mass., 71-73; Dux- bury. 73-75; Little Compton, R. I., 75-78; East Bridgewater, Mass., 78-81; Phoenix, R. I., 81- 84; Providence, 84-87; Taunton, Mass., 87-90; Hazardville, Conn., 90-92; State St., Bristol, R. I., 92-95; Westerly, 95-00; Burnside, Conn., 00-06; Warehouse Point, 06 — . Clergyman. Main St., North Grosvenor Dale, Conn. Marvin Wallace VanDenburg X a K' A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873; M. D. 1879 New York Univ. 157th Inf. Regiment. N. Y. Vols., 62- 64. Author "Therapeutics of Respiratory Sys- tem." Member Am. Inst, of Homeopathy; Med. Soc. of Westchester County and New York Materia Medica Soc. Father of Joseph King Van Denburg, Xi 95. Physician. 107 Union Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. (^iK' Joseph Kennard Wells* A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873. , Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Argus. 69. Law' Clerk, N. J. Court of Chancery, 74-85; Journal Clerk, N. J. House of Assembly, 75-76. Lawyer. d. 1885 1871 William Henry Cook ^ ^X Pastor, Conway, Mass., 71-72; Florence, 72-75; Shelburne Falls, 75-76; Rome, Ga., 76-77; Ash- burnham, Mass., 77-80; East Douglas, 80-82; Ashland. 82-83; Newburyport, 83-84. Clerk. Robert Waterman Carr Farnsworth* Ar^' A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Argus, 70; Commencement Orator. Teacher of Latin, Fort Edward (N. Y.) Colle- giate Inst., 71-72; Pastor, Fall River, Mass., 73-76; New Bedford, 76-78; West Dennis, 78- 79; Danielsonville, Conn., 79-80; Pasadena, Cal., 80-83; Presiding Elder, Los Angeles Dist., 83-87; Dean Maclav Coll. of Theology, San Fernando, Cal.. 87-88; Delegate General Conference, M. E. Church, 84; Dir. Univ. of Southern Cal.. Los Angeles; Regent Chaffey Coll. of Agriculture, Ontario; Trustee Escon- dido Sem.; Dir. and Pres. Long Beach Metho- dist Resort Assn. Author "A Southern Califor- nia Paradise." Clergyman. d. 1877 Charles Henry Fuller s ^ Merchant. (•30 Loomis St. Montpelier, Vt.) 1871-721 XI CHAPTER 449 William Fletcher Graves* TwN' A. B. 1871 111. Wesleyan Univ. and A. M. 1874. Prof. Ancient and Modern Languages, Upper Iowa Univ., Fayette, 71-73; Prof, pro tempore of English Literature, 111. Wesleyan Univ., 73. Lawyer. d. 1911 Robert Weaver Tones* A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874. Editor The Argus, 70. Pastor, Cochranville, Pa., 62-64; Enter- pri.sc, 64-66; Philadelphia, 66-68; Windsor, Conn., 68-71; North Church, Hartford, 71-74; Norwalk, 74-77; 18th St. Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 77-80; Flushing, 80-83; St. James' Church, Brooklyn, 83-86; North New York, 86-89; Watertown, Conn., 89-93; Williams Ave.. Brooklyn. N. Y., 93-98; Fourth Ave., Brooklyn, 98-01; Southport, Conn., 01-05; Litchfield, 05. Father of Robert Tolles Jones, Xi 98. Roy Humiston Jones, Xi 01, Edwin Chester Jones, Xi 04 and Vincent Weaver Jones. Xi 11. Clergyman. d. 1905 Watson Eli Knox* \ AcZ' A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874. Teacher of Mathe- matics, Wilmington (Del.) Inst., 71-72; Prin- cipal of the Sem., Felton, 72-75; Pastor, Heath, Mass., 75-76; West Springfield, 76-79; North- ampton, 79-82; State St. Church. Springfield, 82-85; Webster, 85-88; Auburndale, 88-91; Holyoke, 91-96; Waltham, 96-00, Clergyman. d. 1902 John ITenrv Lowmaii AwAf V A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874; M. D. 1873 Wooster Iniv.; M. D. 1877 ad cundcm. Columbia. Editor OUa Podrida. 70; The Argus, 70-71. Resident Phys. and Surg., Charity Hosp., Cleve- land, Ohio, 72-74; House Accoucheur. Cleveland Maternity Hosp.. 74-75; Resident Surg., Char- ity Hosp., Blackwell's Island, N, Y., and 1st Clinical Asst., Metropolitan Throat Hosp., New York. N. Y., 75; Prof, of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Wooster Univ,, 75-88: Vice-Pres. International Med. Congress, Rome, Italy, 95. Physician and Surgeon. (1807 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.) Xornian Jairiis Squires 5 b H A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874; B. D. 1865 General Biblical Inst. Editor The Argus. 70. Pastor Central Church, Portland, Conn.. 71-73; North Manchester, 73-81; West Haven since 81. Mem- ber and Chairman of School Boards. Clergyman. 320 Elm St., West Haven, Conn. Charles Brainerd Thomas* W \i. X' Teacher of Languages, Scientific Inst., Peta- luma, Cal., 70-71. Civil Engineer. d. 1875 1872 Howard Emerv Alcott* Edwin Alonzo Blake $b[JL' d. 1869 AcN' A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875; Ph. M. 1894 New York Univ.: S. T. D. 1894 Taylor Univ. and Ph. D. 1895. Phi Beta Kappa. Prize in Decla- mation, 69; One Half Declamation Prize, 70. Joined New York East Conference, M. E. Church, 72; Stationed at Guilford, Conn., 72- 73; Kensington, 73-74; Bridgeport, 75-76; Babylon, N. Y., 76-79; Thirty-seventh St., New York, 79-82; Port Chester, 82-85; Bridgeport Conn., 85-88; Brooklyn, N. Y., 88-92 Patchogue, 92-94; Epworth, Brooklyn. 94-98 First Church, Hartford, Conn., 98-02; Christ Church, Pittsburgh, Pa., 02-03; Tremont St., Boston, Mass., 03-07; Lecturer, Weston School for Girls, Boston, Mass,, 07 — .' Clergyman and Lecturer. Elmhurst Villa, Brooklyn, Conn. [ohn Aver Cass"* •I>dv' A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875. Phi Beta Kappa. Prizes in Declamation, English Poem and De- bate, 71; in Essay, and One Half Prize in De- bate, 72. Pastor Grace Church, Springfield, l\rass., 73-76; Somerville, 76-79; Trinity Church. Worcester, 79-82; Westfield, 82-83; Cambridge- port, Mass., 84-87; Financial Sec. Franklin Inst. Philadelphia. Pa., 05-15; Assoc. Pastor First M. E. Church, Germantown, Pa. Author "Is There a Hell?" Merchant. d. 1915 I'errv Chandler A e Af A. B. 1872. Pastor, New Haven, Conn., 72-74; Jerome. N. Y., 74-75; Fairfield, Maine, 75-77; Gorham, N. H., 77-80; Skowhegan. Maine, 80- 82: Gorham, 82-83; Kittery, 83-86- North Con- way, N. H., 86-88; Lewiston, Maine. 88-91: Spokane, Wash., 91-94; Davton, 94-96; Pem- herton, Oregon, 96-98; La Grande, 98-01; Walla Walla, Wash., 01-02; John Dav, Oregon, 02-04; WascO(. 04-05; Heppner, 05-07; Goldendale, Wash., 07-08; Grass Valley and Moro, Oregon. 08-10: Associated with Morgan Memorial, Bos- ton, Mass., 10 — ; Served in 1st Cavalry Regi- ment, Maine Vols., 63-65. Clergyman (retired). &7 Glen Ave., Newton Centre, Mass. Almon Everett Hall (I) fa.' A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor OUa Podrida, 71, and The Argus, 71-72; Commencement Orator. Pastor M. E. Church, Dighton. Mass., 73-74; Providence, R. I., 74-75; West Dennis. Mass.. 75-77; Supt. of Schools, Stamford, Vt., 81-84; Representative General Court, Mass.; Chairman School Committee and Williamstown Annual Town Meeting: Post- master, Williamstown, Mass., 89-01; Member Mass. Legislature, 96-97. Member Berkshire Bankers' Assn. and Sons of Am. Revolution. Banker. Williamstown Savings Bank, Spring St.;. res. 70 Cole Ave.. Williamstown. Mass. James Howard Hand* AgN' Pastor, Westbrook. Conn.. 73-75; Rockv Hill, 75-76; West Granby, 76-77; Southampton, N. v.. 77-80; Astoria, 80-82; Freeport, 82-85; Stratford, Conn., 85-86; New Rochelle, N. Y., 86-88. Clergyman. d. 1907 Henry Harrison Haynes AaM' A. B. 1873 Harvard, A. M. 1887 and Ph D 1899; B. D. 1877 Episcopal Theol. School, (Tam- bridge. Mass.; Rector Trinity Church, Tilton N. H., 77-78 and 83-84; Trinity ^Memorial Church, Denvfer. Colo.. 78-80; St. Luke's Church, Fort Collins, 82-83 and All Saints- Church, Littleton, N. H.. 85-86; Principal Jar- vis Hall. Denver, 78-82; Trustee Pinkerton .\cad., Derry, N. H. See Alpha 7Z Clergyman. Derry Village, N. H. Leverett Alarsden Hubbard* $ a N' .•\. M. honoris causa, 1883; LL. B. 1870 Al- bany Law School. Postmaster at Wallingford, 450 XI CHAPTER [1872-73 72-85; Member Board of Education. 74-76; Trial Justice, 75-77; City and Town Atty., 71- 86; Judge Borough Court of Wallingford, 86; Sec. of State of Conn., 87-89; Trustee Wesleyan Acad. 81-88. Son of Eli Hubbard, Xi 45. Lawyer. d. 1906 Martin VanBiiren Knox* A i M' A. B. 1873 Baker Univ. and A. M. 1875; A. M. 1879 Boston Univ. and Ph. D. 1882. Valedic- torian. Pastor, St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt., 70- 71; Thetford and Fairlee, 71-72; Prof, of Natural Science. Baker Univ., 73-77; Acting Pastor, East Boston, 77-78; Brookline, 78- 79; Pastor, Claremont, N. H., 79-82; Lebanon, 82-85; Littleton, 85; Pres. Red. River Valley Univ., 92-00. Author "History of Methodism in Claremont, N. H." and "Our Nation's Place in History." Member Kansas Acad, of Science and Kansas State Historical Soc. Clergyman. d. 1912 Addison Brown Poland (J> j 'J.' A. M. (Hon.) 1876; Ph. D. 1S90 New York Univ. Teaclier, Ashburnham, Mass., 70-71; Principal High School, Amesbury, 72; Fitch- burg, 74; Ilion, N. Y. 75-85; Jersey City, N. J., 86-87; Supt. of Schools, Jersey Citv, 88-93; Trenton, 93-95; Asst. Supt., New York, N. Y., 96; S'upt. of Schools, Paterson, N. J., 98-00; Newark, since 01. Educator. City Hall; res. 258 Montclair Ave., Newark, N. J. Damon Clarke Porter* AkN' A. B. 1872. Editor The Argus, 71-72. Brother of Francis Edward Porter, Xi 69. Clergyman. d. 1874 Henry Townsend Scudder $v A. B. 1872; A. M. 1882. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Serpent. Editor The Argus, 71-72; Principal High School, Huntington, N. Y., 73- 74; City Att-. Lawyer. 2516 Hall Ave., Marinette, Wis. Eugene Alonzo Webster* A m M' A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875. Instr. Claflin Univ., Orangeburg, 73-74; Postmaster in Orange- burg, 74-86; Collector Internal Revenue, Dist. of S. C. for two terms; Member Republi- can Committee. State of S. C, 93-01; Lay Dele- gate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 88. Lawyer. d. 1901 1873 Arthur Prince Adams v c A" A. B. 1874; A. M. 1877; A. M. 1881 ad eun- dem Trinity Coll. Editor The Argus, 72-73 Prizes in Declamation, 70 and 72. Pastor M E. Church, Townsend, Mass., 73-74; East Somer ville. 74-76; Colerain. 76-77; Beverly, 77-78 Independent Methodist Soc. of Beverly, 78. Author ''Bible Theology;" "Endless Torments not Scriptural;" "Bible Harmony;" "The True Basis of Redemption." Clergyman. (Beverly, Mass.) Joseph Augustus Adlington*

h w A. B. 1873; A. M. 1876; Ph. D. 1893 Univ. of Nashville. Private, 1st Lieut, and Adjutant, 6th Inf. Regiment of Conn. Vols., 62-65 ; Teacher in the Inst. Fort Edward, N. Y., 75-76; Prof, of Languages Xenia Coll., Ohio, 75-77; Principal Commercial and Military Inst., Bridgeport, Conn., 77-83; Prof, of Biology, Peabodv Normal Coll., Univ. of Nashville, Tenn.. 03-07. Educator (retired). R. R. No. 7, Nashville, Tenn. Henrv Thorne Sell Ad A" A. B. 1873; A. M. 1876; B. D. 1877 Yale; D. D. 1902 Ripon Coll. Prof, of Mathematics and German, Chamberlain Inst, and Female Coll., 73-74; Pastor Lysander, N. Y., 74-81; Cortland, 81-86; Auburn Park, 92-96; Covenant, 98-01; Plymouth Church. Fort Wayne, Ind., 06- 10; Union Church, Jacksonville, Fla., 12-14; Chautauqua Lecturer, since 05. Author "Sup- plemental Bible Studies:" "Bible Study by Books;" "Bible Study by Periods;" "Bible Study by Doctrines;" "Bible Studies in the Life of Christ;" "Bible Studies in the Life of Paul;" "Bible Studies in the Life of the Christian;" "Studies in The Acts— The Early Churches;" "Bible Studies in Vital Questions;" "The Twentieth Century Story of The Christ." Member Congregational Club. Author and Chautauqua Lecturer. Fleming H. Revell Co., 17 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Joel ("Jsmon Sherburn* ? e w^ A. B. 1873; A. M. 1876. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Argus, 72-73. Pastor, East Calais, \'t.. 73-75; Plainfield, 75-77; Randolph, 77-80; Rochester, 80-83; Northfield, 83-86; Presiding Elder Montpelier Dist.. 86-87; Stationed at Montpclier, Vt., 87-89; Cabot, 89-94; Williams- town, 94-99; Presiding Elder St. Tohnsbury Dist.. 9905: Stationed at Bradford, Vt., 05-06; Member Vt. House of Representatives. 82; Mayor of Cabot. Vt., 93; Delegate General Conference. M. E. Church, 92-96; Trustee Wesleyan Univ., 93-06. Clergyman. d. 1906 George Henry Smith* 9 f X A. B. 1873; LL. B. 1875 Boston Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Argus, 72-73. Com- mencement Orator. Son of Charles Nelson Smith, Xi 64. Lawyer. d. 1887 Sanford'*Battershall Washburn* $gA" d. 1870 SjQ, d. 1871 Z e &■■ Francis Asbury Winch* 1874 Ijcnjamin Jarvis Adams* A. B. 1874; A. M. 1877; M. D. 1877 Columbia. Resident Phys, Kings County Hosp., 77-78: Surg. Brooklyn Dispensarv 79-81. Member Kings County Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1890 Albert LaForrest Bacheller* A a W A. B. 1874; A. M. 1877. Prize in Declamation, 73. Principal Colburn Grammar School, Lowell, Mass., 74-79, Green School, Lowell, 79—. Educator. d. 1914 James Halstead Boucher cp a B" Past Pres. N. Y. State Hardware Jobbers' Assn. Member Genesee Valley, Rochester, and Rochester Whist Clubs; Rochester Chamber of Commerce. Merchant. 26 Exchange St.; res. 24 Harvard St., Rochester, N. Y. Benjamin W^ebster Brierly* Joshua Rogers Buckelew* HgT, d. 1871 e A. B. 1874; B. D. 1877 Drew Theol. Scm. Editor The Argus, 73-74. Pastor, Thomaston, Conn., 77-78; West Suffield, 78-79; Farmingdale, N. Y., 79-81; Mattituck and Jamesport, 81-82. Manager. d. 1905 Daniel Dorchester $aT A. B. 1874; A. M. 1877; D. D. 1900; Ph. D. 1891 Boston Univ. Editor The Argus, 73-74; Prizes in Declamation, 71 and 72; in Essays, 74; in Orations, 74; Commencement Orator; Baseball and Crew. Lecturer Boston Univ. Author "The Sovereign People." Clergyman and Educator. Boston University, Boston; res. East Lexing- ton, Mass. George Addison Emerson Au^^ LL. B. 1875 Harvard. Teacher of Classics New Hampton, N. H., 75-76; Physics. Com- mercial Law and Mathematics, 79-83; Trustee, 79-83; ^Member Board of Education, Bristol, N. H., 78-79; Towns Treas., 78-79; Clerk of the Supreme Court. N. H.. 83-84; Special Examiner LT. S. !^ension Bureau, Ashland, Ohio, 84-86; Drummer Boy, Co. C. 42d Inf. Mass. Vols.. 64. Lawver. Bristol, N. H. Joseph Brown Hamblen* ^qW A. B. 1874; B. D. 1878 Boston Univ. Teacher at Sandwich, N. H., 74-75. Pastor M. E. Church, Tisbury, Mass., 79-80; South Carver, sn-Sl. d. 1917 (16) 452 XI CHAPTER [1874-75 Franklin Wells Patten'-^ $ w T ' A. B., 1874 Yale; LL. B. 1876. See Beta 74 Lawyer. d- 1890 Charles Wesley Smiley A e W A B. 1874; A. M. 1877; M. Ac. 1867 Eastman National Business Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Botanical Prize, 73. Taught Latin Hacketts- town Coll., 75-76; Greek in Drew Coll., 76-77; Asst. Librarian Drew Theol. Sem. 74-75; Pres. Psi Upsilon Conventions 77 and 80; Corres- ponding Sec. Humane Soc, Dist. of Columbia, 83-86. Author "The Spanish Mackerel and its Artificial Propagation;" "The Microscope;" "Occult Truths;" "The German Carp;" "La Petite Geographic de San Francisco;" "The Fisheries and Fishing Industries of the United States." Assoc. Editor 8th Edition Songs of Psi Upsilon and 9th General Catalogue of Psi Upsilon; Member Executive Council of Psi Upsilon, 76-84. Member Cosmos Club, Wash- ington, D. C. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. and 531 Brush St., Oakland, Cal. Edwin Pitman Stevens A a 6^ A. B. 1874; A. M. 1877; B. D. 1877 Boston Univ.; D. D. 1904 Syracuse. Owl and Wand. Pastor, Bath-on-Hudson, N. Y., 77-80; Still- water, 80-83; Hoosick Falls, 83-86; Ballston Spa.. 86-89; Cambridge, 89-91; Plattsburg, 91- 95; First Church, Albany, 95-00; Mechanics- ville, N. Y., 06-10; Presiding Elder Albany Dist., 00-06; Member General Conference M. E. Church, 04; Member General Committees, 04-08. Clergyman. 320 N. Main St., Gloversville, N. Y. Emorv Harlow Talbot A b T ■ A. B. 1874; A. M. 1877. Editor Olla Podrida. 7i; The Argus, 7 3-7 A; Pres. Baseball Assn., 74; Prize in Latin, 72; Commencement Orator. Son of Micah Jones Talbot, Xi 43. Journalist. 3 Nottingham St., Dorchester, Mass. 1875 Alfred Williston Adams^ A o y" Donor of 200 volumes to the Xi Library. d. 1875 Arthur Leonard Andrews Six. A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878 cum taude. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Skull and Serpent. Commencement Orator. Corporation Counsel Albany, N. Y., 00 — ; Commissioner to Revise the Charter for Cities of the Second Class, N. Y., 95; Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commis- sioner, 09; Vice-Pres. and Trustee, Albany Coll. Pharmacy; Trustee Home School Oral Instruc- tion of Deaf. Member Fort Orange, Albany Country, Capital City and Unconditional Re- publican Clubs. Lawyer. Home Savings Bank Bldg.; res. 154 Lancaster St., Albany, N. Y. Leonard Lemon Beeman rsF A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa; Mystic. Editor The Argus, 74-75; Commence- ment Orator. Joined Vt. Conference, M. E. Church, 76; Stationed at Proctorsville, Vt., 76- 77; West Fairlee, 77-78; Bellows Falls, 78-81; Woodstock. 81-82; St. Johnsbury, 85-86; Princi- pal East Greenwich Acad., R. I., 86-87; Sta- tioned Barre, Vt., 87-90; Presiding Elder, Mont- J pelier Dist., 92-98; Transferred to New England *| Conference, 98; Ware, Mass., 98-01; Bondsville. Vt., 04-06; Amherst, Mass., 08-10; Super- numerary, 10; Supt. of Schools, Barre, Vt., 88-89; Trustee, Wesleyan Univ., 88-93. Mem- ber Quaboag Historical Soc. Father of Bow- man Stone Beeman, Xi 04, brother of Jedediah Durkee Beeman, Xi 64 and uncle ot Leroy Mason Beeman, Xi 95. Clergyman. Shelburne Falls, Mass. Alfred Edgar Best='= A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. Georgetown, Del., 76-77. Merchant. Oliver Allen Coleman Air Principal Acad, d. 1893 rX. A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. City Atty. of Baxter Springs, Kans., 81-83; Pres. First Chamber of Commerce, Americus, Ga. Member Idle Hour Country Club. Brother of William Barnard Coleman, Xi 73. George Silas Coleman, Xi 76 and Charles Silas Coleman, Beta Beta 82. Banker. Georgia Loan and Trust Co., 569 Mulberry St.; res. 395 Hill Crest Ave., Macon, Ga. Francis Asbiirv Crandall ^^X. A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. Member Amackassin, Psi Upsilon and Union League (New York) Clubs. Merchant (retired). 168 Park Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Moses Eugene Culver X w y, A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. Corpse and Coffin. Prosecuting Atty. City Court of Middletown, 83 03; Clerk South Congregational Church. Member University Club; Am. Bar. State Bar and Middlesex County Bar Assns.; Central Con- gregational Club of Conn. Lawyer. 194 Main St.; res. 26 S. Main St., Middletown, Conn, Junius Guilford Fallon BdF' A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. Ph. D, 1900 Harri- man Univ. Teacher in the Inst., Fort Edward, N Y., 70-71; Pastor, Chatham Centre, N. Y., 75-78: North Chatham, 78-81; Vail Ave., Troy, 81-83; Schuylerville, 83-86; at Salem, 87-89; Westport, 89-92; Greenbush, 92-97; Ash Grove, 97-00; Schenectady, 00-05; Superannuated, 10. Clergyman. (4113 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa.) Thomas Raymond Kneil 9 u X A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator; Rich Prize; Editor The Argus. Pastor West Worthington, Mass., 75-76; Principal High School, Belchertown, 77- 78: Teacher of Latin and Greek, Troy Confer- ence Seminary, 78-80; Principal Union School, Crown Point '(N. Y.) 80-88: Supt. of Schools, Saratoga Springs: Pres. Business Men's Assn.; Chairman and Sec. Municipal Civil Service Commission. Brother of Arthur .Shimmin Kneil, Xi S3. Chairman and Secretary. rity Hall; res. 23 Clark St., Saratoga Springs, N. 'Y. Cyrus Coligni Lovejoy* H r $ A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Pastor Walnut, 111., 75; Teacher of Latin and Greek, Wyoming 1875-76] XI CHAPTER 453 Scm., Kingston, Pa., "5-80; Pastor, Prairie Centre, 111., 81-84; Piano, 84-86; Wheaton, 86- 87; Pres. of Jennings Sem., Aurora, 111., 87- 94; Stationed at New Lenox, 111., 94-97; Morris 9/-01; Mount Carroll, 01-02; Berwyn, OJ-05; Waterman, 05-07; Lockport, 07-09; Seneca, 09 — . Author "A Compend of the Rules for the Gen- der of Latin Nouns, and for Quantity in Latin Prosody." Clergyman and Educator. d. 1915 Charles Phelps cpoT A. M. 1907. Member Conn. Legislature, 84- 85; Sec. of State, 97-98 and Atty. General of Conn., 99-01. Memeber Psi Upsilon (New York), Hartford Golf and Authors' (London, Eng.) Clubs. Lawyer. Exchange Block, Main St.; res. Ellington Ave. and Prospect St., Rockville, Conn. Matthew Verner Simpson A e y" A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. Asst. City Solicitor, Philadelphia, Pa., 81-84. Lawyer. (904 Crozer Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.) George Skene (J) ty A. M. 1883 honoris causa; D. D. 1892 Bates Coll., Maine. M. E. Minister, Greeley, Colo., 73-74; Troy Conference, 74-85; New England Conference since 85; Supernumerary, 08. Au- thor "Morning Prayers for Home Worsiiip." Clergyman (retired). 8 Hillside Ave., Bedford, Mass. Abram Sutton Underhill CY josejjh Zweifel''' A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Gamma; Mystic Seven. Special Honors Science; Editor Olla Podrida, 74; The Argus, 74-75. Pres. and Trustee Mt. Pleasant Acad.; Trustee 1st Presbyterian Church; Treas. Trus- tees New York Yearly Meeting of Religious Soc. of Friends. Lawyer. 56 Pine St., New York; res. 38 Linden .\ve., Ossining, N. Y. AsX, M. E. Minister, Troy Conference, 76-02. Clergyman. d. 1902 1876 William Borden Baldwin S i S" Representative in Legislautre. 16-17. Member Boston City Club. 328 Belmont St., Brockton, Mass. Daniel Moore Bates, [Jr.]* $ k ^ B. D. 1878 Berkeley Divinity School; A. M., 1882 honoris causa Racine Coll. Teacher New Brunswick, N. J., 78: Prof, of History and Christian Evidences, St. John's Coll., Shanghai, 79-81; Rector, St. Luke's Church, Saranac Lake, N. Y., 83-85; St. Stephen's Church, Clif- ton Heights. Pa., 85-99. Author "The Apo;.to- lic Church." Clergyman. d. 1899 George Silas Coleman KK^«^ s $. A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879; D. D. 1909. Phi Beta Kappa; Mystical Seven. Declamation Prizes. 74-75; Commencement Orator. Teacher of Natural Science, Wyoming Sem., Kingston, Pa., 76-77: Principal Hieh School. Webster, Mass., 77-82; Pastor at Dudley, 79-82; Natick, 82-85; People's Church, Boston, 85-88; Princi- pal of Weselyan Acad., Wilbraham, 09-11. Author "Paul Leonard's Sacrifice." Father of Charles Harrison Davis, Xi 00 and Henry Lora- mus Davis, Xi 00. Clergyman. 548 Broadway, South Boston, Mass. Timothy Prescott Frost A w $. A. M. 1890; D. D. 1895; D. D. 1910 Middle- bury Coll.; LL. D. 1911 Northwestern Univ. 2d Junior Exhibition Prize; Pastor, Thetford, Vt., 76-78; Woodstock, 78-81; Bradford. 81- 84; Montpelier, 84-86; St. Johnsbury, 86-89; Summerfield Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 89-93; First Church, Baltimore, Md., 93-98; St. Paul's Church, Newark, N. J., 98-03; First Church, Evanston, 111., 03 — ; Pres. Board of Trustees Garrett Biblical Inst.; Delegate General Conference M. E. Church. 88. 12 and 16. Member University Club. Father of Philip Prescott Frost, Xi 02. Clergyman. 1632 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111. William McNab Gillis AdS. A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879. Pastor, Landgrove, Vt.. 77-80; Wardsboro, 80-83; Mechanicsville, 83-86; West Fairlee, Port Mills and Ely, 86-88; South Royalton, 88-91; Plainview, Minn., 91- ^6; Pine Island. Minn., 96-02; Fairmont, 02 04; Rnshtnore. 0408; Walnut Grove, 0816. Clergyman. Windom, Minn. 454 XI CHAPTER [1876-78 Lewis Flenrv Noble''' Calvin Butterfield Tuttle'^ LL. B. 1879. Boston Univ. Lawyer. Edward Arthur Wilkie d. 1875 obA" d. 1906 $ V A, A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879; LL. B. 1881 Boston Univ. Phi Beta Kappa; Mystic Seven. Editor The Argus, 75-76; Prizes in Debate and Logic, 75; Commencement Orator; 1st Grade of Scholar.ship. Instr. Gushing Acad., Ashburn- ham, 76-78. Lawyer. 50 Oliver St., Boston; res. 288 Mill St., New- tonville. Mass. 1877 Jeremiah Francis Calef k r. A. B. 1877: A. M. 1882; M. D. IcSSO Yale. Theta Nu Epsilon. Botanical Prize, 77; Special Honors in Ghemistry. Asst. Yale Med. Dept., 79-80; Sec. Middlesex County Med. Soc, 80- 86; Justice of the Peace, Middlesex County, 82- 84; Town Phys., Middletown, Conn., 91-95; Health Officer, 96-00; Surg. General, State of Conn., 99-01; Pres. Middlesex Med. Soc; Vice- Pres. Assn. of Military Surgs. of the U. S. Member Middletown Yacht Club. Son of Ar- thur Benjain Galef, Xi 51 and brother of Ar- thur Benjamin Calef, Jr., Xi 81. Physician and Surgeon. 171 Broad St., Middletown, Conn. Willis Gaylord Clarke $ X £ ' A. B. 1877; A. M. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Argus, 76-77; Prize at Entrance, 7i; One Half Prize in Latin, 74; Prize in Greek, 75; Latin, 75; Chemistry, 75; 1st Junior Exhibi- tion Prize, 76; Prizes in Logic and Debate, 76; Essays and History, 77; Commencement Ora- tor; Ist Grade of Scholarship; Squires Scholar, Registrar, and Asst. Librarian in Wesleyan LTniv.. 77-78. Teacher Law Dept. Univ. of Detroit since 12. Son of John Currier Clarke, Xi 48. Lawyer. Free Press Bldg.; res. 122 Spruce St., Detroit, Mich. Clarence Peter Coburn A a E" A. B. 1877. Skull and Serpent. Superintendent. Roxburv Crossing Station, Post Office, 1289 Tre- mont St.. Boston; res. 107 Rosseter St., Dor- chester, Mass. Henry Prentice Cooke. [Jr.]* ^

r E A. B. 1877 Bosfon Univ. and A. M. 1881; D. D. 1886 Little Rock Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Oration; Business Mgr. Bea- con, 76-77. Pres. Sunday School Assn., 92- 96; Little Rock Univ., 82-86; Chattanooga Univ., 86-90; Pastor in Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio. Author "Intermediate Worker and His Work;" "Senior Worker and His Work." Journalist. 420 Plum St.; res. 2318 Nelson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Eugene West Manning * $ R H" A. B. 1877; A. M. 1880; Ph. D. 1886 Syracuse Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Ora- tor. Instr. in Modern Languages, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y.. 83-86; Prof, of Modern Languages, University School for Boys, Balti- more. Md., 86-88: Ithaca. N. Y., 88-90: Green- castle. Ind., 90. Educator. d. 1904 Charles Henry Raymond 9 s E A. B. 1877; A. M. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa; Corpse and Coffin; Mystic Seven. Editor The Argus, 76-77; Declamation Prize, 74; Com- mencement Orator; Baseball; Gym. Teacher, Wesleyan Acad., Wilbraham, Mass., 77-89; Lawrenceville School, N. J., since 89; Asst. Head Master, since 07; Member N. J. State Sanitary Assn., 91-95; Trustee Wilbraham Acad., Wilbraham. Conn.. 12. Author Psi Up- silon Song "By Moonlight;" "Outline Lessons in Old Testament History;" "Outline of the Elements of Expression." Father of Charles Harlow Raymond, Xi 99. Educator. Lawrenceville School; res. Montgomery House, Lawrenceville, N. Y. William James Shepard Initiated by the Zeta John Richard Van Benschoten A e T A. B. 1878 Princeton. See Gamma 77 1878 Clarence Everett Bacon* Af t" A. B. 1878; A. M. 1881. Phi Beta Kappa. Prizes in Declamation, 75 and 77; Commence- ment Orator. Clerk of the Probate Court, Mid- dletown, Conn., 81-82; Corporation Counsel, 84-96; Member State Board of Examiners for the Bar, 90-09; Member Board of Dirs., Conn. Industrial School for Girls, 83-09. Lawyer. d. 1909 $kZ, Charles Davenport Clarke Journalist Cretired). "(Bath, Maine). John Pancoast Gordy* ACS, A. B. 1878; A. M. 1881; Ph. D. 1884 Univ. of Leipzig; LL. D. 1891 Western Univ. of Pa. Phi Beta Kappa. Prizes in Mental Philosophy, 77; Moral Philo.sophy, 78: Psychology Prize, Intercollegiate Contest. 77; 1st Grade in Scholarship, 78; Commencement Orator. Instr. in Psychology, Wesleyan Univ.. 78-83; Prof, of Education, Ohio Univ., 86-96; Ohio State Univ., 96-00; Prof, of History of Education, New 1878-79J XI CHAPTER 455 York Univ., 01-08. Author "Lessons in Psycho- logy;" "History of Political Parties in the United State,';." Brother of Wilbur Fisk Gordy, Xi 80 and Elijah Sheppard Gordy, Xi 85. Educator. d. 1908 B Z -^ Son of Orange Judd, Xi 47 and brother of George Thomas Judd, Xi 83 and James Strong Tudd, Xi 85. d. 1877 Charles Ozias judd* Alpha Gilruth Kynett .\. B. 1878; A. M. 1881; B. D. 1884 Drew. Theol. Sem.; A. M. 1893; D. D. 1899 Cornell Coll.. Iowa. Phi Beta Kappa; Kapim f'.ninnia: Zeta Plii; Mystical Seven (Owl and Wand); Junior Exhibition; Junior Debate. Editor A rails. Pastor Philadelphia Conference; Darby, 84-87; Oxford. 87-89; Pine Grove, SQ-^O: Potts- town, 90-92; St. Stephen's Church, Philadelphia, 92-97; Central Church. Frankford, Philadelphia, 97-99; Forty Third St. Church, Philadelphia, 99-01; Presiding Elder Southern Dist. Phila- delphia, Annual Conference, 01-07; Recording and Field Sec. Board of Home Missions and Church Extension of M. E. Church, 07; Dele- gate General Conference, 04-16; Reserve Dele- gate, 08 and 12. Brother of Harry Havelock Kvnett, Xi S3 and fatlier of (.>rald Penlield Kynett. Xi 18. Clergyman. 1701 Arch St.,; res. 4820 Beaumont Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Frederic Obed Nicker.son 8nT Ph. B. 1877 Boston Univ. Asst. Principal, Female Inst.. Culpepper, Va., 77-78; Principal High School, Scituate, Mass., 78-81. Brother of ITerbTt Goodridsre Nickers'^i. \i 78 and half brother of James Mudge, Xi 65. Educator. 27 Garland Ave., Maiden, Mass. Herbert Goodridg'e Nickerson* 9 g ?" Ph. B. 1877 Boston Univ. Principal High School, South Harwich, Mass., 77-82; Chairman Board of Education, 82. Brother of Frederic Obed Nickerson. Xi 78 and half-brother of James Mudge, Xi 65. Educator. d. 1882 John Warren Nourse $bx' A. B. 1878. Editor The Argus, 77-7i; Prize in English Literature, 77: Squires Scholar, 78-79. Member Board of Park Commissioners, 92; Assessor since 09; Trustee Burley Education Fund. Civil Engineer. High .St.. Ipswich, Mass. Henry Leslie Osborn A e (T A. B. 1878; Ph. D. 1884 Johns Hopkins Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. G. B. Goode Prize for Her- barium, 78. Prof, of Zoology, Purdue Univ.; Prof, of Biology, Hamline JTniv. Member Am. Assn. for Advancement of Science and Indiana Acad, of Science. Educator. Hamline Univ.. St. Paul. Minn. Burdett Alberto Rich SIZ. A. B. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Olla Podrida and The Argus. 77-78; Entrance Prize, 74: Prizes in Latin. 76; English Literature and Logic. 77; Essays. 78; Commencement Orator; 1st Grade in Scholarship; Crewr 76. Vice-Pres. Genesee Wesleyan Sem. Member Genesee Valley, University, Oak Hill Country Daniel Leslie Robertson and Rochester Athletic Clubs. Brother of l-lltou Sherman Rich, Xi 81. Publisher. Law Publishing Co., Aqueduct Bldg. ; res. 18 Fairview Heights. Rochester. N. V. $ n E A. B. 1878. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Ser- pent. Cutts Prize in Mental Philosophy, 77; Harrington Prize in History, with special HonorSj 78; Commencement Orator; Capt. Baseball, 75-78; Football, 77-78. Pres. Trustees Glens Falls Acad.; Y. M. C. A.; Hudson Val- ley Humane Soc. ; Christ Church. Member Chatiemac, Masonic and Glens Falls Country Clubs. Banker. 188 Glen St.; res. 68 Warren St., Glens Falls, N. Y. George Ensign Stockwell r .\. B. 1878; .\._ M. 1881; Ph. D. 1897 \m. Temperance Univ. Principal Seymour High School. Conn., 79-81; Public School, Wind- sor Locks, Conn., 81-82; Joined Troy Con- ference M. E. Church. 82; Stationed at Schaghticoke, N. Y., 82-84; Salem, 84-87; Schuvlerville, 87-89; Mechanicsville. 89-93; Trinity Church, Troy, 93-95; Fort Plain, 95-98; First Church. Amsterdam, 98-02; Rensselaer, 02-03; Fort Plain, 03-06; Grace Church, Troy, 06-08; Conference Evangelist since 09; Delegate to General Conference of M. E. Church, 00; Candidate for Governor, N. Y. State, 08. Clergyman. Fort Plain. N. Y. Edward Arthur Sumner''' AcT A. B. 1878; A. M. 1881. Editor The Argus. 77-7?>\ Commencement Orator. Principal High School, Portland, Conn., 78-83. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Come, Brothers, for a Song." Lawyer. d. 1913 1879 Alfred Cookman Atkins c w 2j Theta Nu. Citv Comptroller, Asburv Park, N. .T., 10-13. Salesman. Asbury Park, N. J.; res. Langhorne, Pa. Everett Barnes r. z. x" A. B. 1879; A. M. 1886. Crew. Principal P. S. No. 23. Author "Barnes Short Ameri- can History by Grades;" "Barnes American History for Grammar Grades." Member Brook- lyn Principals' and Brooklyn Teachers' Assns.; Madison Club of 18th Assembly Dist. Educator. Conselvea and Humboldt Sts. ; res. 1402 Dean St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Elwyn Briggs* c t (J A. B. 1879; A. M. 1882. Principal. Graded School, Schoolcraft, Mich., 80-81; High School, Attica, Ind., 81-83. Commercial Traveler. d. 1901 James Curtiss Carnahan ?nH, A. B. 1891 Hobart Coll. and A. M. 1894. Prizes for Entrance, 75; Greek and Latin, 77. Instr. in Greek, Hobart Coll., 92-93; Hebrew, DeLancy Divinity School, 93-94; Rector P. E. Church, Arlington, Vt.. 94-97._ Brother of George Alexander Carnahan, Xi 84. Clergyman. Sherburne, Vt. 456 XI CHAPTER [1879-80 Nathaniel WalHiip- Clark AzB" A. B. 1879; A. M. 1882; D. D. 1906; B. D. 1883 Drew Theol. Sem. ; D. D. 1899 New York Univ. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Serpent. Editor The Argus. 78-79; Calef Prize in Elocu- cution, 78; Commencement Orator. Principal High School, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 79-89; Joined Philadelphia Conference, M. E. Church, 83; Bethlehem, Pa., 83-84; Fernwood, 84-85; Transferred to Newark Conference, 85; Thiels and St. George, N. Y., 85-86; Englewood, N. J., 86-89; Transferred to German Conference, 09; Prof. Martin Mission Inst., Frankfurt-on-the- Main, Germany, 89-92; Transferred to Italy Conference, 92; Pres. Thcol. School, M. E. Church, Rome, Italy, 92-01; Sec. World's Stu- dent Christian Federation for Southern Eu- rope and the Levant, 01-03; Pres. Methodist Coll., Rome, 03-05; Supt. First Dist., Rome, Italy, 04-14; Sec. Church Building Fund in Italy since 14. Member British and Am. Archaeological Soc, Rome. Brother of John Cheeseman Clark, Xi 86. Clergyman. 38 Via Firenze, Rome, Italy. John Galbraith* 5 h Ti' A. B. 1878; A. M. 1882; D. D. 1906; Ph. D. 1886 Boston Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. 14 1st Junior Exhibition Prize, 78; Commencement Orator. Pastor, South Hadley Falls, Mass., 79- 80; Chester, 80-82; Easthampton, 82-85; Ipswich, 85-88; Grace Church, Worcester, 88-91; High- lands, Boston, 91-96; Dorchester, 96-99; Brom- field St., Boston, 99-05; Supt. of Boston Dist., 05-11; Stationed at Newton Upper Falls, Mass., 11-14. Member New England Methodist His- torical Soc. Clergyman. d. 1914 Ernest Hitchcock ?1H, A. B. 1879. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Nu Theta; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Junior Prize: Rich Prize; Editor The Argus; Com- mencement Orator. Chairman Board of School Dirs.. Pittsford. Vt.. 93: Member Vt State Board of Agriculture, 00-06; Cattle Commis- sion, 00-02; State Forestry Commission, 04-06; Tax Commission, 07-08; Member Vt. House of Representative since 08. Brother of Merrill Hitchcock, Xi 81. Farmer. Pittsford, Vt. Edward Sherman Pomeroy* N r, 11 Son of Julius Rowley Pomeroy, Xi 49, nephew of Ralph Margarum Pomeroy, Xi 52, Charles Rhodes Pomeroy, XI S3, Daniel Pome- roy, Xi 56, William Pomeroy, Xi 61 and cousin of Ralph Hayward Pomeroy, Xi 87 and Arthur Cleveland Pomeroy, Xi 95. d. 1877 Herbert Hamilton \\^ard ? d q" A. B. 1879. Phi Beta Kappa; Mystical Seven. Special Honors English Literature: Editor The Argus, 78-79. Atty. General for Del., 99-03: Commissioner to Revise Code of Delaware of 1915. Member Wilmington and Wilmington Country Clubs. Lawyer. 466 du Pont Building; res. N. E. Corner 5th and Rodney Sts., Wilmington, Delaware. 1880 Goodsil Filley Arms a h 0" A. B. 1880; A. M. 1883. Pastor, St. Albans, \'t., 80-82: East Dover and Williamsville, 82- 85; Wilmington, 85-87; Newport and Newport Centre, 87-02; Pres. Colegio Americano, Con- cepcion, Chile, 88-95; Concepcion Coll. since 95; Presiding Elder Concepcion Dist., 94-03; Member Chile Conference, 16. Author "Los Vinos de la Biblia," Cin Spanish). Clergyman. Temuco, Chile. William Milton Brundage AsH A. B. 1880; A. M. 1883; Ph. D. 1889 Boston Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. English Literature Prize, 79; History Prize, 80; Commencement Orator. Teacher of Latin and Greek, Troy Con- ference Sem., Poultney, Vt., 80-82; Pastor, Ames, N. Y.. 82-83; Slingerlands, 83-86; Gloversville, 86-89; Amsterdam, 89-93; Albany, 93-95: Pastor Unitarian Church, Albany, 95- 05; Unity Church, Brooklyn since 05. Au- thor "Some Things for Which the Unitarian Church Stands:" "Relieion as a Personal E.x- perience." Member Clergy Club (New York). Clergyman. Unity Church, Gates Ave. and Irving PI.; res. 778 Carroll St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Andrew Jackson Coultas $cF A. B. 1880; A. M. 1883; D. D. 1906. Zeta Psi; Owl and Wand. Pastor, Fall River, 80-82; Mystic Bridge, Conn., 82-85; Sachem St. Church, Norwich and County St. M. E. Church; Member Board F"oreign Missions; Trustee Wes- leyan and East Greenwich Acads.; Member Ecumenical (Toronto), 11 and General, 00, 04, 12 Conferences. Clergyman. 40 Chestnut St., New Bedford, Mass. Wilbur Fisk Gordy A3 A. B. 1880; A. M. 1902; A. M. 1903 Marietta Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Argus, 79- 80; Prizes in Debate and Logic, 79; English Literature, 80; Commencement Orator. Vice Principal High School, Middletown, Conn., 80- 81; Supt. Schools, Ansonia, Conn., 81-84; Supervising Principal, Hartford, 84-04; Supt. Schools Springfield, Mass., 04-11; Pres. of Conn. Peace Soc; Chairman History Commit- tee Am. School Peace League. Author "A School History of the United States;" "Amer- ican Leaders and Heroes:" "Stories of Ameri- can Explorers;" "In Colonial Days;" "Ele- mentary History of the United States;" "Amer- ican Beginnings;" "Stories of Early American History;" "Stories of Later American History;" "Life of Abraham Lincoln;" Co- Author "A Pathfinder in American History;'' "Language Lessons;" "Grammar Lessons." Brother of John Pancoast Gordy, Xi 78 and Elijah Shep- pard Gordy, Xi 85. Educator and Historical Writer. 104 Gillett St., Hartford, Conn. Martin Wilson Griffin $ h p" A. B. 1880; A. M. 1883. Owl and Wand. Botanical Prize (4). Teacher in Natural Science, Wilmington Conference Sem., Dover, Del.. 80-82; Public School, East Granby, Conn., 82-84; Principal Grammar School, Tuckahoe, N. Y., 84-85; Grammar School, West Stratfoid, Conn., 85-01. Insurance. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co., 44 Court St.; res. 1086 Prospect PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederick Wright Robbins ^ S'n A. B. 1880; A. M. 1883; M. D. 1884 Detroit, Med. Coll. Zeta Phi; Skull and Serpent. Principal The Wilton (Iowa) .\cad., 80-81; Resident Phys. Harper Hosp., 84-85; Adjunct 1880-81] XI CHAPTER 457 Prof, of Genito-Urinaiv Surgery, Detroit Coll. of Medicine, 93-96; Prof. 96 — ; Pres. Am. Urological Assn., 16; Fellow Am. Coll. of Surgs. Member Detroit, Detroit University, Curling and Golf Clubs. Father of Franklin Robbins, Xi 11, Lambda 12, son of Silas Wright Robbins, Xi 47 and brother of George Andrews Robbins, Xi 8.3. Phvsician and Surgeon. 1212 Kresge Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Charles Anthony vSheffield Teacher, Vineyard Haven, Mass., 78-80; Cot- tage City, 80-83; Principal Public Schools, Little Falls, Minn., 83-88. Educator. Olin Scott Walton $ u O" Pastor, Denton, Md., 78-79; Sudlersville, 79- 80; Princess Anne, 80-81; Chincoteague Island, Va., 81-83; Sasssafras, Md., 83-86; Cape Charles, Va., 86-88. Clergyman. (Red Lion, Del.). Henry Mather Warren AcO" A. B. 1881. Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Fresh- man Declamation Prize; Junior Exhibition Prize, Best Oration, 80; Crew (3); Commo- dore (4) ; Delegate Chicago Convention, 08. Author ''To and Fro;" "Struggles for a National Government." Member Soc. of Co- lonial Wars: Sons of Revo'.ution ; Union League, Radnor Hunt and Corinthian Yacht Clubs. Lawyer. 406 Real Estate Trust Bldg., Philadelphia; res. Devon, Pa. Alhert J Wright Banker. (Erie County Bank Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y.) 1881 Charles Henry Baker A s H, A. B. 1881; A. M. 1887. Principal High School. New Brunswick, N. J . 79-80; Teacher in Betts' Military Acad., Stamford, Conn., 80-81; in Columbia Grammar School, New York, N. Y., 82-85. Son of Henry Baker, Xi 54. 13th and Jefferson Sts., Oakland, Cal. George Bernard Benedict* a)pl A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884. Pastor. North Branch, Mich., 81-82; Sand Beach, 82-83; Croswell, 83- 84; Principal Graded School, Croswell, 84-85; Union School, Lexington, 85-86; Supt. City Schools, Stanton, Mich., 86-90; Principal, Lisle (N. Y.) Acad., 90-91; Schools, Mine- ville. N. Y., 91-92; Stationed at Decatur, N. Y., 92-93; Missionary to Chile; Teacher, English Coll., Iquique. Chile, 93-99; Supt. of Schools, San Juan. Porto Rico, 99-00; Missionary, Porto Rico, 0012. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1912 Arthur Benjamin Calef, Jr.* B n H Declamation Prize, 78. Son of Arthur Ben- jamin Calef, Xi 51 and brother of Jeremiah Francis Calef, Xi 77. Lawyer. d. 1913 Thomas Hooper Eckfeldt A b i A. B. 1881; A. M. 1897 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Serpent. Editor The Argus, 80-81; Commencement Orator; First Honor in General Scholarship and Special Honor in Philosophy, Vice Principal High School, Mid- dletown. Conn., 81-83: Head Master Friends' Acad., ^'ew Bedford, Mass., 87-00; St. Andrew's School, Concord, Mass., since 00. Member Harvard Club. Educator. St. Paul's School, Concord. N. H.; res. 33 Concord Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Thomas iVlmern Griffin D A. B. 1881; A. M. 1888; Theta Nu Epsilon; Skull and Serpent; Delta Psi (Univ. of Vt.) Lawyer. 443 Broadway; res. 14 Chestnut St., Albany, N. Y. Merrill Hitchcock'^ 2 si. A. B. 1881. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Olla Podrida, 80; The Argus, 80-81; Prizes in Greek, 78; Botany and Philosophy, 81. Asst. in Physics, Wesleyan Univ., 81-82; Preacher M. E. Church, Wells. Vt., 82-83; Joined the Vt. Conference, M. E. Church, 83; Stationed at Middletown and Wells, Vt., 83-84; Tinmouth and Middletown, 84-85: Member Troy Con- ference, 85; Stationed at Tinmouth, Vt., 85-86; South Shaftsburv. Vt.. 86-91: Williston. 91-96; Raceville, 96-99: White Creek, 99-02. Brother of Ernest Hitchcock, Xi 79. Clergyman. d. 1907 Frank Bruce Lynch 9 >^ '^ A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884; S. T. D. 1896. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Gamma; Mystic Seven. Class Declamation (1); Commencement Ora- tor. Trustee, Girls' Collegiate Inst., Phila- delphia; Trustee Dickinson Coll., Carlisle, Pa.; M. E. Hosp., Philadelphia; General Confer- ence, M. E. Church; Member Board Home Missions and Church Extension, M. E. Church 12 years; Dist. Supt. South Dist. Philadelphia Conference; Pastor, Chapman Quarries, Pa., 81- 82; Glendon, 82-85; New Hope, 85-87; Tacony since 87. Clergyman. 340 N. 52d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Charles Wesley McCormick A c tu^ A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884; D. D. 1910; D. D. 1897 Syracuse; Ph. D. 1898 New York Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Prize Debate, 80; Commence- ment Orator. Supt. N. Y. Dist., New York East Annual Conference; Pres. Centenary Collegiate Inst., Hackettstown, N. J., 00-02; Trustee, Wesleyan Univ.. 02-03. Author "The Heart of Prayer." Father of Olin Foss Mc- Cormick, Xi 07. Clergyman. West Park, Stamford, Conn. William Wesley McGilton "^' w H" A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884. Phi Beta Kappa; Lambda Rho; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin. Commencement Speaker. Teacher Fort Edward Inst., N. Y., 81-91; Prof, of Chemistry. Middlebury Coll. since 92: Acting Pres. Vt. Teachers' .^ssn. Author "The Scientific Meth- od." Member Leipsic Chemical and Am. Chemical Socs. Educator. 21 College St., Middlebury, Vt. William Edward Mead 9 d Tc, A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884; Ph. D. 1889 Leipzig. Phi Beta Kappa; Lambda Rho. '< Prize in Greek. 79; 1st Prize in English Literature, 80; 1st Junior Exhibition Prize: Essay Prize. 81; Commencement Orator; 1st Grade of Scholar- 458 XI CHAPTER fl881-82 ship, 81; Asst. Librarian and Graduate Student in Wesleyan Univ., 81-82. Asst. Principal High School, Ansonia, Conn., 82-84: Teacher of His- tory, State Normal School, New Britain; Rhe- toric, Wesleyan Univ., 84; 1st Asst. Teacher High School, Troy, N. Y., 85; Assoc. Prof, of English Language, Wesleyan Univ.. 90-93; Prof., 93—; Prof, of Middle English, Univ. of Chicago, 03; Lecturer on English, Columbia, 11. Author "The Versification of Pope in Its Relation.s to tlie Seventeenth Century;" "The Squyr of Lowe Degre;" "The Grand Tour in the Eighteenth Century." Member University and Conversational Clubs. Educator. Fish Hall. High Street; res. 165 Broad St., Middletown, Conn. Robert Fulton Raymond $ m x" A. M. 1906; LL. B. 1894 Harvard. Principal High School, Marion, Mass., 78-80; Pres. New Bedford Y. M. C. A.. 84 — : Justice Sujierior Court of Mass. since 07; Member Board of Education of M. E. Church since 00; Boston Wesleyan Assn. since 90; Delegate Quadrennial Cieneral Conference, M. E. Church, Chicago, OU ; Los Angeles, 04; Dir. Mass. Peace Soc. ; Pres. Mass. Bible and New England Metliodist His- torical Socs. ; Vice-Pres. Am. Bible Soc. Member Am. .'Xcad. Political and Social Science; Old Colony Historical Soc; Am. Bar Assn.; -Am. Soc. International Law; Boston Wesleyan Univ. and Twentieth Century Clubs. Jurist. Judges Room, Court House, Boston; res. 71 Montvale Rd., Newton Center, Mass. Elton Sherman Rich* ArH" Ph. B. 1881; M. D. 1886 L'niv. of tlie Citv of New York. Princinal Public School. East Ran- dolph, N. Y., 83-85.' Brother of Burdctt Alberts Rich, Xi 78. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1908 Sgl John Frank Thompson Member Psi LTpsilon, rniim League and Bankers of .\merica Clubs. Banker (retired). ISO W. 47th St.. New York. N. Y. George Henry Walker 9 t r B. S. 1881. Lambda Rho: Skull and Serpent. Harrington Prize History: 2d Grade of Honor General Scholarship. >lember Black River Valley (Watertown. N. Y.), Psi Upsilon and New York .\thletic Clubs. Lawyer. 3510 Grand Central Terminal, New York; res. 368 Franklin St.. Watertown. N. Y. 1882 George Milton Rrodhead a 0^ A. B. 1882; A. M. 1885; 1). D. 1903 Am. I'niv. Mystic Seven. Teacher Conference Sem., Tilton, N. H., 78-79; Pastor Prospect Park Church, Moore's. Pa., 82-85: Mt. Pleasant .\ve. Church, 85-89; Mt. Airy; E. Alleghany Ave.: Chestnut Hill; Fletcher: Central: Summerfield and Sayers Memorial, Millersburg, Pa.; Beth- lehem: Downington; Bristol. Member Union League. Clergyman. Sayers Memorial M. I-^. Church: res. 6111 Catherine St., Philadelphia, Pa. William Livesey Burdick 9 b A. B. 1882; Univ.: LL. A. M. 1885; Ph B. 180S Vale. D. 1884 E. Tenn. Phi L?eta Kappa: Kappa Gamma: Theta Xu Epsilon; Skull and Serpent. Jewell Prize; Class Leadership in Scholarship. Vicc-Pres. and Prof, of Law, Univ. of Kans.; Kans. Civil Service Commis- sion since 15; Commissioner Uniform State Laws since 15. Author "Real Property;" "Sales;" "New Trials and Appeals;" "Hus- band and Wife" (Cyclopedia Law and Pro- cedure). Educator. LTniv. of Kansas; res. 916 Kentucky St., Lawrence, Kans. Dorran Benjamin Coxe'' M. D. 1889 Dartmouth. Principal High School, Shrewsburv. Phvsician. d. 1916 Brace Millard Gallien SeO. .\. B. 1882. Kapjia CJaniina; Tlieta Xu I'^psilon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Mgr. TJoating Assn. Deputv City Treas.. Albany, N. v.. 00. Member L'niversity, Rotarv and Wes- levan L^nivcrsity (New York) Clubs. Brother of Addison Jutkins Gallien, Thcta 86. 35 State St.: res. 210 Lancaster St.. Albanv, N. Y. Herbert Paryin Gerald AhK .\. B. 1882: A. M. 1885: LL. B. 1890 George- town L'niv. Phi Beta Kappa, .\yers Prize (En- trance Exam.); Prizes for Greek and in Eng- lish Literature; Editor The Argiis. Teacher Bethlehem, Pa., 83-85; Clerk U. S. Fish Com- mission, 85-88: 1st .\sst. Examiner U. S. Patent (Office since 88. Member Sons of Am. Re- volution; Soc. of Colonial Wars; Order of Washington; University Club (Washington, D. C.); National Genealogical Soc; Phi Beta Kappa Assn. Clerk. U. S. Patent Office; res. 1425 T St. N. W., Washington, D. C. and Bridgeton, X'. J. Frank Kirkwood Hallock AgK" A. B. 1882: A. M. 1885: M. D. 1885 Columbia. Phi Beta Kanpa: Theta Nu I'.nsilon: Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Botany Prize; Capt. Baseball (2). (3), (4). House Surg. New York Hosp.. 85-87; Pres. Coimecticut State Med. Soc., 10-11; Pres. Cromwell Library and Cromwell Cemetery Assns.; Dir. Middlesex Hosp.: Med. Dir. Cromv/ell Hall Health School. Alember Middlesex Coimtv Med. and Graduates' (New Haven) Assns.; Psi Upsilon (New York), Mid- dletown. Middletown Yncht. I^ni^'ersitv (Aliddlc- town) and Highland Country Clubs. Physician. Cromwell Hall. Crnniwcll, Conn. Karl Pomeroy Harrington S f O^ A. B. 1882; A. M. 1885. Phi Beta Kappa: Lambda Rho; Zeta Phi; Mystica' Seven. Peirce Prize; '2 Parker Prize; 1st Grade in Scholar- ship: Special Honors in Latin and English Literature; Commencement Orator: Football; Baseball; Glee Club; Argus Board; Coll. Organist. Teacher High School. Westfield, Mass., 82-85: Weslevan Acad., Wilbraham, Mass., 85-87; Tutor in Latin. Weslevan L'niv., 89-91; Prof, of Latin Language and Literature, ITniv. of N. C. 91-99; L^niv of Maine. 9905: \\'esleyan L^niv., OS — : Organist and Choir- master .\m. Church in Berlin, ("crmany, 88-89: First Congrep;ationa' Church, Bangor. Maine. 01-02; IM. E. Churches in Stamford and Middletown, Conn., Chapel Hill, N. C. and Orono. Maine. 82 — ; Dir. Festival Chorus. Ban- gor, Maine, 00-02; Peoples' Chorus. 01-03; 1882-83] XI CHAPTER 459 Founder aiul Dir. Mcmlclssohn Club. Bausjor, 02- 05; Prof, of Latin, We.<;Icyan Univ.; Organist and Choir Dir. First M. V.. Church, Middletown, Conn.: Pres. Twentieth Century Club. Author "Helps to the IntelliKent Study of College Prep- aratory Latin;" "Live Issues in Classical Study;" "The Roman Elegiac Poets;" Co-author "Greek and Roman Mythology;" Editor Songs of all the Colleges; Songs of Psi Upsilon Fra- ternity. 91-08; W'esleyan Song Book; The Methodist Hymnal; Composer of music for Psi L^psilon Songs; "Initiation Night;" "Psi Up- silon, Queen of the Heart;" "At Home in Psi U;" "Chosen Friends;"' "The Old Men's Song;" "The Psi LTpsilon Cirl;" "Round Our Altar;" "Psi U Choral," and "Serenade." Member Twentieth Century, Conversational, University and Kotschmar (Portland, !Maine^ Clubs. .Son of Calvin Sears Harrington, Xi 52. Organist and Choir Director. First M. E. Church; res. 203 Iligli St.. Middle- town. Conn. Wilbur Ashley Mott AjK. A. B. 1882. Editor The Argus. 81-82; Baseba'l Mgr., 81; Ivv Orator, 82; l^eclamation Prize. "9; Rich Oratorical Prize, 82; Commencement Orator. Asst. Citv Counsel, 85 — ; Prosecutor of the Pleas, Essex County, N. T.. 08; First Asst. Prosecutor since 13. Author "Mott's Practice .\ct" (N. J. Law Procedure). Lawyer. Court House, Newark; res. 163 Prospect St., South Orange. N. J. \\'illiam Martin Puffer •S)k A. B. 1882; A. M. 1885; D. D. 1898 Albion. Supt. Lansing Dist.. M. E. Church. 96-01; Kalamazoo Dist., 07-13. Member (ieneral Con- ference, 00; Pastor Trinity Church. Clergyman. 249 Eastern .\ve.. Grand Rapids. Mich. James Beebe Smith* ^ 7. A. B. 1883 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Tvinior Exhibition Prize, Weslevan, 81. .See Alpha 83 Journalist. d. 1889 W'ilHam Monroe Tisdale $ m v.. 1st junior Exhibition Prize, 81; .\sst. Principal. Lowville (N. Y.) Acad., 82-83; Principal. Cam- den (N. J.) Union School, 83-84; Postmaster, Redlands, 02-14. Brother of Frank Sommers Tisda'e, Psi 88. Lawyer. Fisher BIdg.; res. 532 Cajon St., Redlands. Cal. Henry matics. 79 ai.>. _ -. — ... 82; '2 Prize Logic. 81; Commencement Orator: 1st Grade Scholarship. .\sst. in .Xstronomy ami Physics, Weslevan Univ., 82-83; Teacher in ^Mathematics, Hamline Univ., Minn., 83; Cen- tenary Collegiate Inst., Hackettstown, N. J., 83-84; Tutor Wesleyan Univ., 84-87: Prof, of Mathematics Vassar Coll. since 05; Pres. Vas- sar Brothers Inst., 11-13; Member Washing- ton Senate, 10-12; Member National Acad, of Science, 15. Co-author "The Boston Collo- quium Lectures on Mathematics." Son of Aaron White. Xi 52. Educator. Vassar College, P. O. Box 41, Poughkeepsie, N. V. 1883 Francis Aaron Brown X V 7; A. B. 1883 Univ. of Rochester. See Upsilon 83 (Snow-Church Co., 1007 Hippee B'.dg.. .Des Moines, Iowa.) Frederick Henry Bullard S g >. K. K. S.: Kappa Chi. Printer. 137 Glen St.; res. 260 Glen St., Glens Falls, N. Y. Jacob Francis Cooper «J)f A. B. 1884; A. M. 1887; D. D. 1908 Wesleyan. Phi Beta Kappa; Mvstical Seven. Entrance Prize (1); !^ Latin Prize (2); Editor The Argus (3), (4). Pastor Bryantville and Silver Lake, Mass., 83-85; Cottage City. Martlia's X'inc- yard, 85-90; Member School Committee, Mid- dletown, 90-91; Sec. New England Southern Conference, M. E. Church, 04 — ; Delegate General Conference, 08-16; -Supt. Providence Dist. since 14; Trustee East Greenwich Acad.; Chaplain Robert Treat Paine Chapter. Sons of the .\m. Revolution. Clergj'nian. 152 Peace St., Providence, R. I. Loyal Lensey Davis $dO A. B. 1883; A. M. 1890; LL. B. 1885 Albany Law School. Editor The Argus. 82-83. School Commissioner, Warren County, N. Y., 87; Chief Engineer, Glens Falls Fire Dept., 89-90; Chair- man, Warren County Republican Committee, 91-92. Lawyer. (Glens Falls, N. Y.) John Francis Duinkerke AgA. Pastor, Cold Spring, N. Y., 80-82; Roslyn and Searington, 82-85; Lake Grove and St. James', 85—. Clergyman. 831 Glenmore Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. Herbert Augustus Durfee $ m ^" Pastor. North Creek, N. Y., 82-84; Asbury Church. Newton ville, 84-86; Winooski. Vt., OS- OS; Principal Trov Conference Acad., Poultney, Vt.. 97-00; Sec. Vt. Anti-Saloon League. 00-03; Supt. Elmira (N. Y.) Dist. .\nti-Saloon League, (13-05; Genera'. Sec. Xt. Sunday School Assn., 08-14. ( lergvnian. Salem, N. Y. William John James ^i'k. A. B. 1883; A. M. 1886. Phi Beta Kappa: Theta Nu Epsilon; Lambda Rho; Corpse and Coffin; Mystical Seven. Editor The Argus, 81-83; Tutor in ^Mathematics. Weslevan Univ.. 87-90; Instr., 90-95; Librarian since 91; Asst. Treas. since 08; Pres. Conn. Library Assn., 99-01. Member Bibliographical Soc. of America; Mid- dlesex County Historical Soc; Am. Library and Connecticut Library Assns. ; Acorn and New York Library Clubs. Educator. W'esleyan L^niversity; res. 162 Church St.. Mid- dletown, Conn. George Thomas Judd* •\. B 1885; A M. 1887. Mgr. Baseball Team, 81-82; Glee Club, 82-83; Rowing Assn.. 82-83: Capt. Football "Eleven," 82; Editor Olla Podrida, 82. Son of Orange Judd, Xi 47, 460 XI CHAPTER 1883-84 brotlier of Charles Ozias Judd, Xi 78 and James Stron? Judd, Xi 85. Journalist. d. 1892 Henry Palmer King ^pS, n. D. .S. 1892 New York Coll. of Dentistry. Dentist. 135 W. 123d St.. New York, N. Y. Arthur Shimmin Kneil At A" A. M. 1894 honoris causa; LL. B. 1885 magna cum laude, Boston Univ. Editor The Argus. Member Mass. LeRislature. 93-94. Brother of Thomas Raymond Kneil, Xi 75. Lawyer. 22 Elm St.; res. 40 Tekoa Terrace, VVcstfield, Mass. AiK. Harry Havelock Kynett A. B. 1883; A. M. 1886; M. D. 1886 Univ. of Pa. Skull and Serpent; Corpse and Coffin. 1st Tunior Exhibition Prize, 82; Attending Surg., M. E. Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa., 93; Editor Medical and Surgical Rc[>ortcr, 91-98. Brother of Alpha Gilruth Kynett, Xi 78 and uncle of Gerald Penfield Kynett, Xi 18. Physician. 614 S. 48th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bradford Oliver Mclntire Ah? \ B 1883; A. M. 1886; Ph. D. 1896 ^Vestern Univ. of Pa. Phi Beta Kappa; Zeta Phi; Mystical Seven. Editor Olla Podrida. 82; The Argus. 82-83; Prizes in Debate and Logic, 82; Commencement Orator. Prof. of English Literature and History, Maine Wesleyan Sem. and Female Coll., 83; Member Maine Peda- gogical Soc; Prof, of English Literature, Dick- inson Coll. Educator. 201 S. College St., Carlis'e, Pa. Joseph Addison Richards $ b X A. M. (Hon.) 1912. Skull and Spade. Dir. National Bible Inst.; Sec.-Treas. and Member Executive Committee, New York Advertising Agents' Assn. Author "Seven Words of the Risen Christ." Member Psi Upsilon and Upper Montclair Country Clubs. Brother of Theodore Richards, Xi 88. Advertising. q K. 40th St.; res. 220 W. 98th St., New York, N. Y. George Andrews Robbins 3 n \ A. B. 1883. Phi Beta Kappa; Mystical Seven. Commencement Orator; Salutatorian. Son of Silas Wright Robbins. Xi 47 and brother of Frederick Wright Robbins, Xi 80. Manufacturer. 1815 N. Central Park Ave.. Chicago; res. Uni- versitv Club. Evariston, 111. Albert Long Smith 3ki, A. B. 1883. Phi Beta Kappn. Commencement Orator. Teacher, East Hampton, Conn., 83-84: Ansonia, 84-86; Member N. H. Conference, M. E. Church, 87; Stationed at Rnmney. N. H., 87-90; Auburn and Chester, 90-91; Newfield, 91-96; Laconia, 96 01; Penacook, 01-05; Sun- cook, 05-07; Lancaster and Grange, 07-10; Ply- mouth since 10. C'ergvman. ^Plymouth, N. TT.l Warren Tyler''' AdV .\. B. 1883; .\. M. 1886: LL. P.. 1886 Boston Univ. Capt. Crew. S3. Principal Hill's Acad., Essex, Conn., 83-84; Mayor of Bartow, Fla., 91; Pres. City Council, 92. Lawyer. d. 1903 1884 William Nathan Abbott* Ajv, Editor The Argus and Chapter Editor The Diamond. 82-83. d. 1893 William Alger Bedell ^ z M Supervisor Town of Malta, N. Y., 01-06. Bookkeeper. (Round Lake. N. Y.) George Alexander Carnahan $ h [jl^ Ph. B. 1884. Phi Beta Kappa; Thcta Nu Epsilon. Editor Olla Podrida (3); 1st Junior Exhibition Prize (3); Prizes. Declamation (3); Debate (3); History (4); Political Economy (4); Orations (4); Commencement Orator; 1st Grade of Scholarship. Special County Judge, Monroe County, 95-99; Mayor. 00-01. Member Genesee Valley and Country Clubs. Brother of James Curtiss Carnahan, Xi 80. Lawyer. 8 Exchange St.; res. 35 E. Boulevard, Rochester, N. Y. Samuel George Chadbournc A \v v, So-^ of George Storrs Chadbourne, Xi 58. Miner. (Mansfield, Mich.; George Herrick Dains* ^> g N. A. B. 1884; A. M. 1887. Commencement Orator. Prof, of Mathematics. .Augusta (Kv.) Collegiate Inst.. 84-87; Pres. of Union Coll., Barboursville. 87-89. Son of George Gamaliel Dains, Xi 59 and brother of Frank Burnett Dains, Xi 90. Merchant. d. 1904 George Peck Eckman 8tM A. M. CHon.) 1892; D. D. 1906; B. D. 1886 Drew Theol. Sem.; A. M. 1894 New York Univ. and Ph. D. 1897; D. D. 1902 Syracuse and LL. D. 1913; LL. D. 1912 Hamline. Mem- ber General Conference, M. E. Church, 04, 08, 12, 16; Delegate Ecumenical Methodist Con- ference, 11; I?oard of Foreign Missions M. E. Church; Pastor Elm Park IVt. E. Church. Au- thor "Studies in the Gospel of St. John;" "Pas- .'ton Week Sermons;" "The Young Man with a Program;" "Literary Primacy of the Bible;" "Controversial Elements in Lucretius." Clergyman. 7)8 Linden St., Scranton. Pa. William Armstrong Richard A f N A. B. 1884; A. M. 1887; D. D. 1908. Phi Beta Kappa; Mystical Seven. Managing Editor The Argus; Rich Prize Senior Essay; Squire Scholarship; Junior Exhibition Speaker; Special Honor in English Literature; 2d Honors in Gen- eral Scholarship; Commencement Orator. Chap- lain, Conn. House of Representatives, 97; Senate, 99; Presiding Elder, New Haven Dist. and Trustee New York East Conference M. E. Church. Member Freeport Club. Father of Howard MacMillan Richard, Xi 04. Clergyman. 4614 Fourth Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Melvin Sawyer 3 r [;., Town Officer; State Representative, General Assembly of Vt. Manufacturer. Hardwick, Vt. 1884-85 1 XI CHAPTER 461 Albert Raddin Sweetser SdQ A. B. 1884: A. M. 1887. Teacher, Ccnterville, Mass., 85-86; East Maine Conference Sem., Huck.sport, Maine. 86-88; New Hampshire ("on fercnce Sem.. Tilton. N. H., 88-93; Asst. in Botany, Harvard Univ.. 93-97; Prof, of Biology, Pacific Univ., Oregon, 97-02; Botany, Univ. of Oregon, 02 — . Son of Sanford Benton Sweetser, Xi 60. Educator. University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. Fred Elmer Tasker 9 b Ph. B. 1884; LL. B. 1886 George Washington Univ. and LL. M. 1886. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Olla Podrida, &i; ].': Latin Prize, 82; Prize in Moral Philosophy, 84; Commencement Orator. National Fres. ^Iethodist Brotherhood, 10-14; Reserve Delegate to General Conference M. E. Church, Minneapolis, 12; Pres. New York Soc. for Suppression of Vice since 10; Member Hoard of Mgr.v. West Side V. M. C. A., New 'S'ork since 97; Trustee, Bible Teacher's Train- ing School of New York; Member Board of Dirs. Travelers' Aid Soc; Member Executive Committee Am. Inst, of Social Science Service. .Member Republican Club of New York; Empire .State Soc, Sons of the Am. Revolution. Lawyer. 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. Inter- laken, Asbury Park, N. J. William Aldrich Tateum Ph. B. 1884. Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Editor The Argus, 93-94; Organizer Univ. Glee Club, 82; Pres., 83-84. Member House of Representatives, Mich., 93; Speaker, 93; Alderman, Grand Rapids. 91-92. Author "Before the Blazing Back-log." Member Peninsular Club of Grand Rapids. Mich. Brother of Fred Thomas Tateum. Xi 88. Lawyer (retired). "Stratford Arms," Grand Rapids, Mich. Franklin Henry Taylor $ c S A. B. 1884; A. M. 1887. Phi Beta Kappa! Teacher Episcopal Acad., Cheshire, Conn., 84- 85; Middletown High School, 85-86; St. Paul's School. Concord, N. H., 91-95; Teacher in Latin, Hartford Public High School since 95. Educator. Hartford Public High School; res. 23 Lincoln St., Hartford, Conn. $cN A. B. 1884; A. M. 1887. Phi Beta Kappa! '? Lstin Prize. 82; Prize in Natural Historv. 84. Teacher Mitchell's Boys' School, Billerica, Mass., 84-86; Principal High School, Grafton, Mass.. 86-87; Jiuiior Master English High School. Boston, Mass., 87-98; Master, 98-04; Master Boston Normal School. 04-07; Head Master Girls' High School. 07-11. Author "Essentials of English History." Educator. d. 1911 Albert Perrv Walker* 1885 KHjah Sbeppard Gordy $f a Kappa Gamma; Mvstic Seven. Football; .Seney Scholarship. Principal Public Schools, Ansonia. Conn.. 84; Sec. and Dir. Public Library, Derby, Conn. Member Manufact- urers' and .Ansonia Clubs and Chamber of Com- merce. New Haven. Conn. Brother of John Pancoast Gordv, Xi 78 and Wilbur Fisk Gordy, Xi 80. Insurance. 865 Chapel St., New Haven and 100 Main St., .\nsoniaj res. 41 Atwater Ave., Derby, Conn. Addison Loomis Green o t Q A. B. 1885. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Olla Hodrtda. 84. Sub-Master High School, West- field, Mass., 85-87. Lawyer. (Mcadowview, Holyoke, Mass.) Walter Albert Greene* James Strong Judd A b (0 d. 1883 Azll A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888. Lambda Rho; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Ser- pent. Capt. Football, 84. Chairman Conven- tion Committee, 87; Wesleyan Alumni Council Executive Committee, 14-15; Board of Educa- tion, Springfield, Mass., 04-06. Member .\pawamis Club. Son of (Jrange Judd, Xi 47, brother of Charles Ozias Judd, Xi 78 and George Thomas Judd, Xi 83. Publisher. 729 Seventh Ave.; res. 925 Park Ave.. New . York, N. Y. [Levi] Oscar Kiihns ocA A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888; L. H. D. 1904. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Argus, 84-85; Seney Scholar, 81-85; Prize in Greek, 83; English Literature and Logic, 84; History, 85; Squires .Scholarship; Librarian, 87; Prof, of Romance Languages. Author Psi Upsilon Songs "Evening Song;" "The Psi U Summers;" "Psi U Joys;" "La Vraie Amitie;" "At Home in Psi U;" "Psi U Friendship;" "Good Night;" "Dante and the English Poets;" "The Early German and Swiss Settlements of Pennsylvania;" "The Sense of the Infinite;" "The Great Italian Poets;" "The Love of Books and Reading;" "Switzerland: Its Scenery. History and Liter- ary Associations;" "A One-Sided Autobiogra- phy." Member Pennsylvania Soc. of Sons of the Revolution; Connecticut Sne. of Am. Rev- olution and Corresponding Member Societe Archeologique de France. Educator. Wesleyan University; res. 158 High St., Middle- town, Conn. Wilbur Everett Rowell (|)bA A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Olla Podrida, 83; Chapter Editor The Diamond, 83-84; Prize for Entrance, 81; English Literature, 85; 2d Seney Scholarship, 81-82; 1st, 82-85; Commencement Orator. Trustee of the White Fund (Public Educational Foundation). Lawyer. 301 Essex St.; res. 96 Saunders St., Lawrence, Mass. James Alfred Saxe ? Q .\. n. 1885; A. M. 188S; A. B. 1888 Harvard and LL. B. 1892. Baseball (Capt.), 82-85: Foot- ball (Capt.), 83-84. Brother of John Walter Saxe, Xi 85. Lawyer. Court House; res. 20 Cedar St., Worcester, Mass. Jobn Walter Saxe 3 r cz A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888; A. B. 1888 Harvard and LL. B. 1892. Pres. Psi LTpsilon and Wes- leyan Alumni Assns. of Boston; Member of Bar U. S. Supreme Court. Author "Synopsis Massachusetts Corporation Law." Member 462 XI CHAPTER [1885-86 University and Harvard Clubs of Boston, Am. Bar Assn. and Bar Assn. of Boston. Brother of James Alfred Saxc, Xi 85. Lawyer. 2 Court House, Main St.; res. 20 Cedar St., Worcester, Mass. Jesse Francis Stevenson A^E A. B. 1885; LL. B. 1895 Drake Univ. Teacher, Augusta (Ky.) Collegiate Inst., 85-86. Broker. Jesse F. Stevenson & Co., Inc., 1215 Hippee Bldg. ; res. 3103 University Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. Harvey Cromwell Williams* 8 m M^ A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888; LL. B. 1889 New York Univ. Prize in Greek, 82; Commencement Orator. Teacher Centenary Collegiate Inst., Hackettslown, N. J., 82-83; Dickinson Sem., Williamsport, Pa., 85-87. Educator. d. 1896 Robert Henry Williams cpnF A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888. Phi Beta Kappa; Mystical Seven. Editor The Argus, 84-85; ''/2 Latin Prize, 83; Prize in Moral Philosophy, 85; Commencement Orator; 1st Grade Scholar- ship; Seney Scholarship, 82-85. Teacher in Greek and Latin, N. H. Conference Sem., Tilton, 85-86; Latin Tutor, Wesleyan Univ., 86- 89; Pres. Cbattanooga Bar Assn. Member Moun- tain City Club. Brother of Frank Edwin Wil- liams, Xi 86. Lawyer. 1st National Bank Bldg.; res. 225 High St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Frederick Shenstone Woods A 1 a A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888; Ph. D. 1894 Univ. of Gottingen. Phi Beta Kappa. Seney Scholar, 81-85; 1st Grade Scholarship, 85. Asst. in Astronomy and Physics Wesleyan Univ., 85- 86; Teacher Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N. Y., 86-90; Instr. in Mathematics, Mass. Inst, of Tech., 90-91 and 94-95; Asst. Prof., 95-04; Assoc. Prof., 94-06; Prof, since 06. Co- author "Plane and Solid Analytic Geometry;" "Boston Colloquium Lectures on Mathematics;" "A Course in Mathematics." Son of Frederick Woods, Xi 59. Educator. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston; res. 123 Sumner St., Newton Center, Mass. 1886 William Brill Sf S A. B. 1886. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Joined Central Pa. Conference, M. E. Church, 86; Stationed at Post Matilda, Pa., 86- 88; Birmingham and East Tyrone, 88-93; Mount Union, 93-98; Burnham, 98-00; Altoona, 00-01; Newberry Church, Williamsport, 01-05; Shick- shinny, 05-06; St. John's Church, Sunbury, 06- 08; St. Paul's Church, Danville, 08-09; Teacher in History and Civics, Bloomsburg State Nor- mal School since 09. Educator. 418 E. 2d St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Clinton DeWitt Burdick 1 S A. B. 1889 Yale. Football. Sec Beta S9 Draughtsman. Flagg & Co., 109 Broad St.; res. 151 W. 23d St., New York, N. Y. Theodore Richards w cp A. B. 1888; A. M. 1891. Skull and Serpent; Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor The Argus; Foot- ball; Mgr. Baseball; Leader Glee Club; Prin- cipal Kamehameha Schools; Pres. Hawaiian Islands Anti-Saloon League; Treas. Mid- Pacific Inst.; Chairman of Committee on Inter-Island Song Contests for the Hawaiian Board; Pres. of Boys' Brigade later Chairman Boys' Work Committee, Y. M. C. A.; Pres. Christian Endeavor Soc. of the Hawaiian Is- lands; Trustee Mid-Pacific Inst.; Treas. Ha- waiian Evangelical Assn. Author "Leo Hoo- nani." Brother of Joseph Addison Richards, Xi 83. Educator. Mission Memorial, King St.; res. 902 Kinau St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Fred Thomas Tateum ? g ^ Brother of William Aldrich Tateum, Xi 84. Thomas Dudley Wells* A j 9 A. B. 1888; A. M. 1891. Phi Beta Kappa. Seney Scholar, 84-85; Prize in Debate, 87. Member Waterbury Board of Education, 95; Sec. Board of State Prison Dirs., 95-10; Mem- ber Conn. State Reformatory Commission, 03-05. Journalist. d. 1910 1889 Dudley Chase Abbott 9pT A. B. 1889. Phi Beta Kappa. Seney Scholar; Honorable Mention for Prize Essay on Political Economy, 89. Asst. Librarian Wesleyan Univ., 89-90; Teacher, Falls Village, Conn., 90-91; Reading, Pa., 91-94; Principal Gildersleeve High School, Portland, Conn., 95-96; Prof, of Mathematics and Elocution, Kent's Hill Sem., Kent's Hill, Maine, 98-99; In Maine Confer- ence, 99-08; Troy Conference, 08. Author "Beauty." Clergyman. Stamford, Vt. Orren Madison Donaldson Sue Author "Common Honesty;" ''Single Tax in Twelve Lessons;" "Mexico for the Negro." Journalist (retired). 818 N. Euclid Ave., Oak Park, 111. John Wesley Dutton Aq'j A. B. 1890 Boston Univ.; LL. B.— Chicago School of Law. Julius Wilbur Eggleston AF A. B. 1889; B. D. 1892 Yale. Skull and Bones. Member New York East Conference. Brother of Charles Fellows Eggleston, Xi 90 and George Mahon Eggleston, Xi 92. Clergyman. Columbia PI., Maspeth, N. Y. Henry Floy* $1E A. B. 1889: A. M. 1892; M. E. 1891 Cornell. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Argus, 87. Mem- ber Jury of Awards, St. Louis Exposition. .Au- thor "The Colorado Springs Lighting Contro- versy;" "High Tension Underground Electric Cables." Brother of Frederic Hoole Floy, Xi 92. See Chi 91 Mechanical Engineer. ' d. 1916 Mark Willson Gill $bT A. B. 1889. Theta Nn Epsilon; Skull and Ser- pent; Corpse and Coffin. Member Chamber of Commerce; University and Multnomah Ath- letic Clubs. Bookseller and Publisher. 133 3d St.; res. 848 Overton St., Portland, Oregon. 1889-90] XI CHAPTER 465 Ayskeh Kabayania -^ 8' ^ (Tokyo, Japan). John Elijah Loveland 9 w e A. B. 1889: M. D. 1893 Harvard. Plii Beta Kappa. Physician and S'urgeon. 107 Broad St., Middletown, Conn. George Elbert Manchester $hj Ph. B. 1889. Knot and Key; Mystical Seven. Football (1). (2), (3), (4); Baseball CCapt.), (1). (2), (3). (4): Track (Mgr.) (2), (3). Brother of Irving Edward Manchester, Xi 96. Manufacturer. .S16 Main St.; res. 171 Spencer St., Winsted, Conn. Henrv Frank Mandeville ©xi; A. B. 1889. Theta Nu P:psiIon. Prizes in Declamation, 85-87; Editor The Argus, 87-88; Teacher ^^'illiston Seni., Easthampton, Mass., 89-90. Salesman. 350 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1890 Francis Asbury Bagnall XCT A. B. 1890; A. M. (Hon.) 1910. Phi Beta Kappa. Honors in Mathematics; Seney Scholar, 87-90. Sec. and Member Vt. State Board of Normal School Commissioners, 98-01; Chair- man Board of Trustees, Adams Public Library since 08; Supt. of Schools, Adams, Mass. since 01. Member Adams Colonial and Forest Park Country Clubs. Son of William Rhodes Bag- nall, Xi 40. Educator. 12 Liberty St.; res. 34 Summer St., Adams, Mass. Edward Arthur Bawden rfi; A. B. 1890. Phi Beta Kappa. Ayres En- trance Prize; Greek Prize (I), (2); Logic Prize (3); Half Prize Moral Philosophv (4); Seney Scholarship, (1), (2), (3), (4); Teacher Centenary Collegiate Inst., Hackettstown, N. J., 90-92; Joined Philadelphia Conference, M. E. Church, 92: Stationed at Ambler, Pa., 92-95; Roxborough, Philadelphia, 95-98; Germantown, 98-01; Bangor, 01-06; Olney. Philadelphia since 06. Brother of Ernest Bawden, Xi 94. Clergyman. 312 N. Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. Richard Watson Cooper .A. B. 1890 cum laude; D. D. 1909; Litt. D. 1909 Hamline Univ. Prof, of English Litera- ture, Hamline Univ., 99-09; Lecturer in Eliza- bethan Drama, Univ. of Minn., 06-07; Pres, Up- per Iowa LTniv.. 09-16; Executive Sec. Council of Church Board of Education.; Sec. Assn. of Am. Colls, since 15. Secretary. Church Board of Education, ISO F'ifth Ave., New York. N. Y. Frank Burnett Dains y. hT Ph. B. 1890; M. S. 1891; Ph. D. 1898 Univ. of C"hicago. Phi Beta Kappa: Sigma Xi; Skull and Serpent. Asst. in Chemistry, \\'eslevan Univ., 91-93; Univ. of Kans., 93-94; Fellow Univ. of Chicago, 94-95; Asst. Prof, of Chem- istry, Northwestern School of Medicine, 95-01; Prof, of Chemistry, Washburn Coll., Kans. since 02. Member tjniversity Club; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science; Am. Chemical Soc. and Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft. Son of George Gamaliel Dains, Xi 59 and brother, of George Herrick Dains, Xi 84. Educator. L'niversity of Kansas; res. 1224 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kans. Charles Fellows Eggleston B 6 H .\. B. 1890; LL. B. 1893 Univ. of Pa. Phi Beta Kappa. Football: Baseball; Mgr. Track; Chris- tian Evidence Prize. Member Union League and City Clubs. Brother of Julius Wilbur Eggleston, Xi 89 and George Mahon Eggleston, Xi 92. Lawyer. 1218 Chestnut St.. Phi'adelphia : res. Glen Olden, Pa. Frederick Augustus Gascoigne* v 1 Z A. B. 1890. M. E. Church, Hummelstown, Pa., 90-91; Joined New York East Confer- ence, M. E. Church, 91; Stationed at West Suffield, Conn., 91-94; First Church, New Rochelle, N. \ .. 94-96. Clergyman. d. 1896 Frederic Samuel Goodrich X p t .\. B. 1890; A. ^l. 1897 Univ. of Mich.: D. D. 1909 Defiance Coll. Phi Beta Kappa; Zeta Phi; Mystical Seven. Editor The Argus, 87-88; Prizes in Greek, Latin and English Literature. Tutor in Greek, Wesleyan Univ., 91-92; Prof. of Greek Language and Literature, Albion Coll., Mich., 92-06; Prof, of the English Bible since 06; State Sec. Mich. Sunday School Assn.; Vice-Pres. Am. Coll. of Physical Education (Chicago). Brother of Charles Gourlay Good- rich, Xi 9Z. Educator. Albion College: res. 302 E. College Court, Albion, Mich. Frederick Watson Flannan FxZ .\. B. 1890; D. D. 1907; B. D. 1893 Drew Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Joined New York East Conference, >L E. Church, 93; Stationed at Bayport, N. Y., 93-94; First Churcli, Meriden, Conn., 94-98; Waterbury, 98-01; Bushwick Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., 01-09; New Yor*k Ave since 09; Prof, of Biblical Theology, Drew Theol. Sem. Author "First Principles for Young Christians." Clergyman and Educator. r)rew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J. Henry Arthur Hoyt Xt M. D. 1896 Svracuse. Brother of Osmon Perley Hoyt, Pi 93. Phvsician. 221 William St.. Watertown. X. Y. Lvon Levi Norton ^C£ A. B. 1890; A. M. (Hon.) 1914. Teacher Maine Wesleyan Sem., Kent's Hill, Maine, 90- 92; Dickinson Preparatory School, Carlisle, Pa., 92-94; Principal Junior High School, Troy, (')hio, 94-95; Vice Principal and Head Dept. of Mathematics, Mt. Hermon Boys' School since 95. Brother of Lewis Johnson Norton, Xi 93, George Wingate Norton, Xi 96 and Stephen Al- len Norton, Xi 97. Educator. Mt. Hermon, Mass. Frank Cutter Roach FFO Theta Nu Epsilon. Insurance. 6th and Olive Sts. ; res. 1444^^2 Iowa Ave., Los Angeles. Cal. 466 XI CHAPTER [1890-92 Frederick Howard Scott TJT Principal Abner Gibbs School. Educator. Abner Gibbs School; res. 9 Mill St., Westfield, Mass. Edwin Sloan Tasker TgZ A. B. 1890; A. M. 1908; D. D. 1912. Phi Beta Kappa; Zeta Phi; Mystical Seven; Glee Club. Teacher Maine Wiesleyan Sem., Kent's Hill, Maine, 90-91; Asst. Pastor M. E. Church, Plymouth, Mass., 93-94; Maiden, Mass., 94-95; Joined N. H. Conference, 95; Stationed at Centralville. Lowell, Mass., 95-97; Sunapee. N. H., 97-98: South Newbury, 98-00; Dover, 00- 06; Tilton since 06; Delegate to General Con- ference M. E. Church. 08; Trustee Tilton Sem.; Wesleyan Univ.; Ladd Prof. Tilton Sem. Brother of Arthur Newman Tasker, Xi 02. Clergyman and Educator. 12 School St., Tilton. N. H. Lewis Gardner Westgate Xr A. B. 1890; A. B. 1891 Harvard, A. M. 1892 and Ph. D. 1896. Phi Beta Kappa. Seney Scholar, 86-87; Fellow Geological Soc. of Amer- ica; Asst. Geologist, U. S. Geological Survey; Prof, of Geology, Ohio Wesleyan Univ. Son of George Lewis Westgate, Xi 65. Educator. Ohio Wesleyan University; res. 124 Oak Hill Ave., Delaware, Ohio. 1891 Lloyd Hawley Andrews* 9 c a A. B. 1891; LL. B. 1894 Boston L^niv. d. 1899 Lucien Samuel Bayliss* S t H B. S. 1891; LL. B. 1893 New York L'niv. Mem- ber New York Assembly, 96-97; Justice Munici- pal Court (Brooklyn), 05-11; Board of Mana- gers, Brooklyn Assn. for Improving the Con- dition of the Poor. Member Psi Upsilon (New York), University and Montauk (Brooklyn) Clubs; Prospect Heights Citizens' Assn.; Cen- tral Citiaens' League. Son of Benjamin Holmes Bayliss, Delta 65, brother of Harold Holmes Bayliss, Delta 65, and father of Ralph Bradford Bayliss, Xi 18. d. 1916 George Hamilton Bickford* 3 s y] A. B. 1891. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. in English Literature, Haverford Coll., 91-92. Transportation. d. 1914 Henry Archer Cleaver S 1 a Ph. B. 1891; M. D. 1895 Univ. of Pa. Physician. (408 Delaware Ave., \\'ilmin.oton, Del.) Herbert Scott Eaton $ h H Merchant. 108 Elm St.; res. 33 Court St.. Westfield, Mass. AtS Frank Prescott Fogg A. B. 1891. I^ootball. 89-90. Farmer. Rumford Center, Maine; res. 38 Concord Sq., Boston, Mass. Linnaeus Edford LaFetra 3 £ Y] A. B. 1891; M. D. 1894 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Mystical Seven. Ayres Prize for Entrance Examination; Seney Prize Scholar- ship. Assoc. Diseases of Children, Columbia Univ.; X'isiting Phys. and Dir. of Children's Service, Bellevue Hosp. Member University and Country (New Canaan, Conn.) Clubs. Physician and Surgeon. 113 E. 61st St.. New York, N. Y. Ellis Walker Moore (i>gS A. B. 1891. Kappa Upsilon; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Football; Teacher Pa. Institution for Instruction of the Blind, Philadelphia, 91. Brother of George Henry Moore, Xi 93. Insurance. 26 Eastern Ave.; res. 14 S. Park St.. St. Johns- bury, Vt. Oliver Loveland Welch* ^ Cd Brother of Herbert Welch, Xi S7 and Wilbur Abbott Welch. Xi 96. d, 1890 1892 Tlionias Hanlon Atkinson* A. B. 1892; M. D. 1895 Columbia. Board of Health, Jersey Citv. X. J. Physician. Paul Campbell Cloyd $ V n Member d. 1898 ^hP A. B. 1892 New York Univ.; LL. li. 1893: A. M. 1894. Zeta Phi. Pres. Eucleian. Assoc. Editor New York Univ. Quarterly. Member Brooklyn Bar Assn.; Psi Upsilon and Canoe Brook Country Clubs. See Delta 92 Lawyer. 32 (:ourt St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. ; res. 140 Oak Ridge Ave., Summit, N. T. Samuel James Allen Conner 1 p A. B. 1892. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher in Mathematics, Harrison Technical High School. Educator. Marshall Blvd. and 24th St.; res. 9716 \andcr- poel Ave., Chicago, 111. ^, \\ illard Baker Dukeshire Af 9 A. B. 1892. Joined Maine Conference, M. E. Church, 92; Stationed at Brunswick. Maine, 92-95; Farmington, 95-99; Orono, 99-04; Mont- I)elier, \'t.. 04-07; I'.arton. 07 — : Supt. St. .\lbans Dist. \'t. Conference. Member ()wl Club of St. Albans. Clergyman. 55 Bishop St.. St. .Mbans. \'t. George Mahon Eggleston 9r,6 A. B. 1892. Phi Beta Kappa; Zeta Phi. Brother of Julius Wilbur Eggleston. Xi 89 and Charles Fellows Eggleston, Xi 90. Manufacturer (retired). 31 State St., Boston, Mass.; res. LHstcr Park, N. Y. Frederic Hoole Floy pB A. B. 1892; M. D. 1895 Columbia. Skull and Serpent; Corpse and Coffin. Brother of Henry Floy, Xi 89. Physician. 120 Broadway; res. 249 W. 76th St., New York, N. Y. Lincoln Robinson Gibbs (?hP A. B. 1892; A. M. 1893; A. M. 1897 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Mystical Seven. Seney Scholarship, 89-92; Prizes in Psychology and English Composition; ',2 Pi'izc in Ethics; Univ. Extension Lecturer, Rutgers 1892-93J XI CHAPTER 467 Coll., 93-94; Instr. in English, Lehigh Univ.. y4-95; Boston Univ., 96-97; Prof, of English, Mount Union v.,oll., Ohio, 99-01; Teacher Territorial Normal School, Okla., 01-03; Prof, of English, Wells Coll., O.i-04; Mount EInion Coll., 04-09; Univ. of Pittsburgh since 09; Dean of Mount Union Coll., 06-09; Fellow Northwestern Univ., 07-08. Educator. I'niversity of Pittsburgh; res. 6338 Phillips Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Ago 1!. -S. 1892. Skull and Serpent. Football; Baseball and Track; Capt. Football, 91; Silver .Medal at N. E. I. A. A. Broad and High Jumps, Worcester, 91; Trustee W'esleyan E!niv.; Mem- ber Conn. General .\ssembly, 93-95. 97-05, 09- 11, 13-15; Senate since 99; Constitutional Con- vention, 02; Republican National Convention, 04-08, 12-16. Member Hartford, Union League (New Haven) and Colony (Springtield, Mass.) Clubs. Manufacturer. South Willington, Conn. William Henry Hall Arthur John Holden $ n H .\. B. 1892. Kai Gar; Zcta Phi; Skull and Serpent. Pres. Bennington Public Welfare .\ssn.; Trustee International Y. y.1. C. A. Coll., Springfield, Mass.; Dir. Vt. Y. M. C. A.; Greater Vt. Assn.; Bennington County Im- provement Assn. Financier. Bennington County National Bank, Main and -South Sts. ; res. 130 Monument Ave., Benning- ton, Vt. Henry Fowle Durant Kelsey 9 Y .'\. B. 1892. Son of Hiram Loammi Kelsey, Xi 61 and nephew of Homer Goodall Kelsey, Xi 57. Banker. 55 Wall St., New York; res. 87 S. Long Beach Ave., Freeport, N. Y. William Francis Little B t p A. B. 1892 cum laudc ; A. M. 1902 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Baseball. Teacher Betts .\cad., Stamford, Conn., 92-93; Assoc. Principal West Side School, New York, N. Y., 02-05; Principal Battin High School, Elizabeth, N. J. since 05; Supt. of Schools. Author "The Con- structions of Caesar." Member Psi Upsilon Club and Suburban Club of .Stamford, Conn. Educator. 110 Elm Ave., Rahway, N. J. George Mooney A m H Ph. B. 1894 Northwestern Univ. Glee Club Mgr. Commissioner of Recreation. Clergyman. 141 \\ater St., Paterson, N. J. E\erett Hallerton Scott 9 m e A. B 1892. Asst. Librarian, Wcsleyan Univ., 92-93'; Sec. Y. M. C. A., Hartford, ^Conn., 94- 95; Asst. Principal High School, Willimantic, Conn., 95; Teacher Mount Hermon (Mass.) School. 95-98; High School, Melrose, 98^04; Harvard School for Boys, Los Angeles, Cal., 04-08. Son of Orange Walter Scott, Xi 68. Educator. (100 Green St.. :Melro.se Highlands, Mass.) Frederic Halsted Tackaberry Be© Ph. B. 1892. Corpse and Coffin; Mystical Seven. Football (.Mgr.); Glee Club. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Brother of lolin Edgar Tackaberry, Xi 99. Merchant. H. A. Thompson, Rydal, Pa. Roger 'Everett Thompson cp r p A. B. 1892. Statistician N. H. Annual Confer- ence, 5 years; Treas. and Asst., 9 years; Gen- eral Sec. N. H. Sunday School Assn., 04-11. Clergyman. Hampton, N. H. 1893 W'infred Chandler Akers ^gl A. B. 1893. Phi Beta Kappa; Zeta Phi; Mys- tical Seven. Senev Scholarship, 4 years; Foot- ball. Principal Holyoke, Mass., Hisrh School, 99-03; Principal New Britain, Conn., High School, 03-13; Head Master Brookline, Mass., Higli School since 13. I'-ducator. 108 University Rd., Brookline, Mass. Leland Mothershead Burr Akn Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Epsilon. ^Member Boston City Club. Manufacturer. Eljer Co., Cameron, W. Va.; res. 277 School .St., Watertown, Mass. Charles Gourlay Goodrich 0in Ph. B. 1893; U. S. 1904. Phi Beta Kappa. Seney Scholar; Final Honors in German. Member Official Board M. E. C; Member Na- tional Committee on Fraternity Policy, Phi Beta Kappa: Pres. Gamma of Ohio, Phi Beta Kappa; Asst. Sec. Triennial Council of 13; Asst. Li brarian Wesleyan Univ., 93-94; Acting Prof, of Modern Languages. Albion Coll., Mich., 94-95; Teacher Harry Hillman Acad., Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 96-01; Prof, of Modern Languages, Mari- etta Coll. since 01. Author ''Practice Prose in German." Member Marietta Reading Club. Brother of Frederic Samuel Goodrich, Xi 90. Educator. Afarietta College; res. 433 4th St., Marietta, Ohio. Liiiwood Beede Jones (bm U Aferchant. (543 Calvert Bldg., Baltimore; res. Pikesville, Md.) George Henry Moore AyH A. B. 1893. Skull and Serpent. Member Bos- ton Citv Club. Brother of Ellis Walker Moore, Xi 91. Publisher. Ginn & Co., 29 Beacon St., Boston; res. 86 Crofton Rd., Waban, Mass. Lewis Johnson Norton $hri Ph. B. 1893; A. B. 1895 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa: Zeta Phi. Rice Prize in Mathematics; Seney Scholarship (2), (3), (4)- Teacher Clark LTniv., Atlanta, Ga., 9.^-94; Conn. Literary Institution, Suffield. Conn., 96-03; Bookkeeper U. S. Navy Pay Office, Newport, R. I. since 04. Brother of Lyon Levi Norton, Xi 90, George Wingate Norton, Xi 96 and Stephen Allen Nor- ton. Xi 97. Clerk. U. S. Navy Pay Office, Thames St.; res. 6 Bush St., Newport, R. I. Lewis Frederic Pilcher A d i Ph. B. 1895 Columbia; LL. D. 1910 Univ. of Colo. Phi Beta Kappa. Prof, of .Art. Vassar Coll.; Lecturer in the History of Architec- 468 XI CHAPTER [1893-95 ture, Univ. of Pa. York) Club. Educator. (Johnsville, N. Y.) Member Psi Upsilon (New Edwin Oscar Smith $ j T. B. S. 1893. Teacher and Sec. of Faculty. Conn. Agricultural Coll., 01 — . Brother of Clarence Robertson Smith, Xi 99. Manufacturer. ,^10 Spruce St., Philadelphia; res. Ambler, Pa. Harry Arthur Thompson rf t: A. B. 1893. Kai Gar; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Founder and Editor-in-Chief Weslcyan Literary Monthly. Teacher Choris- ters' School of Grace Church, New York, N. Y., 94-95. Member Racquet, Philadelphia Country and Huntington Valley Country Clubs. Journalist. The Country Gentleman, Curtis Bldg., Philadel- phia; res. Cloverley Lane, Rydal, Pa. Leon Irvino- Wood 2 J ff A. B. 1893. Seney Scholar, 87-89, 92-93. Teacher Normal School, New Britain, Conn., 93-94; High School, Waterbury, Conn., 95-98; Practicing Christian Science, 98-02. Member National Geographic and Needham (Mass.) Historical Socs.; Appalachian Mountain and Graduates' (Harvard) Clubs. Journalist. 107 Falmouth St., Boston; res. Powers St., Needham, Mass. 1894 Ernest Bawden Xto A. B. 1894. Junior Exhibition Oratorical Con- test; Baseball; Commencement Orator. Prin- cipal High School, Honeybrook, Pa., 94-95; Joined Philadelphia Conference, M. E. Church, 95; Stationed at Cochranville, Pa., 95-98; Hamburg, 95-01; Tobyhanna, 01-02; Phila- delphia, 02-08; Royersford, 08—; Registrar Board of Examiners, Philadelphia Conference M. E. Church since 12; Pastor Oak Lane M. E. Church. Brother of Edward Arthur Bawden, Xi 90. Clergyman. York Rd. and Seventy-first Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Frank Cruger Edgerton F c K B. S. 1894 Trinity Coll.; M. D. 1898 Columbia. Omega Club; Kai Gar. Visiting Surg. St. Francis Hosp., New York; Consulting Surg. St. Mary's Hosp., Hoboken; Instr. Cornell Med. Coll.; Fellow Am. Coll. of Surg.; New York Acad, of Medicine. Member University, Co- lumbia University. Hospital Graduates, Grad- uates and Oakland Golf Clubs. See Beta Beta 94 Surgeon. 57 W. 58th St.; res. 61 E. 56th St., New York, N. Y. Fredric Worthen Frost 7 r A. B. 1894 cum laude ; LL. B. 1898 New York Law School. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Mystical Seven. Baseball; Pres. Y. M. C. A.; Olla Podrida Board; Oratorical Prize; Commencement Speaker. Trustee Tilton (N. H.) Sem.; Bible Teacher Training School (New York) ; Steward New York Ave. M. E. Church (Brooklyn). Member Bar Assn.; Phi Beta Kappa Alumni in New York; Wesleyan Univ. Club of New York. Brother of Luther Hay- ward Frost, Xi 01. Lawyer. 60 Wall St., New York; res. 1304 Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lewis Edward Gordon* t^^ A. B. 1894. Insurance. d. 1916 Roscoe Allan Grant F m x A. B. 1894; A. M. 1902. Phi Beta Kappa. Stiuires Scholar; Latin Prize. Teacher Cen- tenary Collegiate Inst., Hackensack, N. J., 95-96; Rutland, Vt., 96-97: Principal Essex Classical Inst., Vt., 97-99; Dow Acad., Franconia. N. H., 99-00; Fisk (Tniy _ Nash- ville, Tenn., 00-03; DeWitt Clintoti High School, New York, N. Y. since 03; Teacher of Latin and Greek, Jamaica High School. Educator. High School. Jamaica; res. 19 Oxford .\vc., Ricli- mond Hill, N. Y. William Flowers Groves Initiated by the Delta Arthur Leolin Howe A. B. 1894. Assoc. Pastor Center M. E. Church, Maiden, Mass., 95-97; Joined New England Conference, M. E. Church, 97; Sta- tioned at Winchendon, Mass., 97-99; Warren, 99-03; Wilbraham, 03-07; Maplewood. Maiden since 07. Clergyman. 30 Bellingham St., Chelsea, Mass. -/Ix Charles Chase Hurlbut Y 1 ■/. A. B. 1894. Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Mgr. Athletic Assn. Member Psi Upsilon Club and Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers. Son of Jesse Lyman Hurlbut, Xi 64 and brother of Jesse Lyman Hurlbut, Jr., Xi 00. See Chi 96 Architectural Engineer. 101 Park Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. 97 Lin- coln St., Montclair, N. J. Theodore Llorace Jameson 7 w 7. A. B. 1894. Member University Club. Lawyer. 1008 Wilder Bldg.; res. 285 Westminster Rd.. Rochester, N. Y. Frederic Lawrence Knowles* Fho A. B. 1894; A. B. 1896 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Asst. to Sec. of Faculty, Weslevan Univ., 94-95. Author Psi Upsilon Song "the Touch of Psi U." "Practical Hints for Song Writers;" "Readers and Book Buyers;" "A Kipling Primer;" "On Life's Stairway;" and "Love Triumphant." Son of Daniel Clark Knowles, Xi 58 and nephew of Joseph Hughes Knowles. Xi 54. Journalist. d. 1905 William Monroe Newton X '^ ° A. B. 1894. Football. Trustee Montpelier Sem., 96-07; Wesleyan Univ., 07-10; Principal Montpelier Sem., 98-00. Author "Richard New- ton 1638-39;" "The Indian Raid in Barnard Vermont, August 8, 1780." Clergyman. 6.S Laura St., Providence, R. I. 1895 Oliver Luther Austin M. D. 1896 Columbia. Surgeon. Tuckahoe, N. Y. Xhi 1895-96J XI CHAPTER 469 LeRoy Mason Beeman Xd>. A. B. 1895; A. M. 1899 Columbia; I). O. 1908 Am. School of Osteopathy. Iota Tau Sigma; Masque and Wig. Baseball; Football and Track 91-95; Junior Prize Speaker. Teacher Shady Side Acad., Pittsburgh, Pa., 96-98; Principal Public School, Brookline. Mass., 99-00; Sec. Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ., 00-02; Dir. N. Y. Osteopathic Soc; Publication Committee, Am. Osteopathic Assn. Son of Jedediah Dur- kee Beeman, Xi 64 and nephew of Leonard Lemon Beeman, Xi 75. (Osteopath. 51 E. 42d St.; res. 434 W. 120th St., New York, N. Y. Clifford Pease Clark YcA A. B. 1895; Ph. D. 1910 Princeton. Phi Beta Kappa. Squire Scholarship. Teacher Eng- lish and Classical Schoo! West Newton, Mass., 96-97; Prof, of Latin, Fairmount Coll., Kans., 97-04, 05-07; Drury Coll., Mo., 07-09; Fellow in Classics, Princeton Univ., 09-10; Instr. in Latin, Dartmouth Coll. since 10. Author "Num- erical Phraseology in Virgil." Member New Hampshire State Teachers' Assn., Classical Assn. of New England and Am. Philological Assn. Educator. 16 Occom Ridge, Hanover, N. H. Arthur Beebe Darling To? A. B. 1895; A. M. 1901 Harvard. Teacher Troy Conference Acad., Poultney, Vt., 95-96; Cazenovia Sem.. N. Y., 96-00; Centenary Col- legiate Inst., Hackettstown, N. J., 01-03; Sec. S. Dak. State Bankers' Assn. Brother of Clarence Winfield Darling, Xi 99. Banker. Western National Bank, 221 Main St.; res. 817 W. Fourth Ave., Mitchell, S. Dak. •/If] A Randolph Campbell Hurd M. D. 1897 Harvard. Physician. 244 High St., Newburyport, Mass. Charles Otis Judkins 7.^^ A. B. 1895; D. D. 1907. Mystical Seven. Joined Vt. Conference, M. E. Church, 96; Stationed at Windsor, Vt., 96-98; Montepelier, 98-01; Glens Falls, N. Y. since 01; Trustee Wesleyan Univ. since 10. Son of George Janvrin Judkins, Xi 60. Clergyman. 32 Bay St.. Glens Falls, N. V. Arthur Cleveland Pomerov x^i Ph. B. 1895. Kai Gar; Theta Xu F.psilon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Capt. Football. Member Psi Upsilon, Crescent Athletic, Wee Burn Golf and Stamford Yacht Clubs. Son of Daniel Pomerov, Xi 56, brother of Ralph Hayward Pomeroy, Xi 87, nephew of Julius Rowley Pomeroy, Xi 49, Ralph Margarum Pomeroy, Xi 51, Charles Rhodes Pomeroy, Xi 53 and William Pomeroy, Xi 61 and cousin of Edward Sherman Pomeroy, Xi 79. Manufacturer. 16 _E. 42d St., New York, N. Y.; res. Wallack's Point, Stamford. Conn. Robert Xewhall Smith r m \ M. D. 1897 Columbia. Manager. Pomeroy Co., 208 Livingston St., Brooklyn; res. 10017 Hollis Ave., Hollis, N. Y. \ erona J Smith 7 r ^ A. B. 1895. Teacher, Northfield, N. Y., 95- 96; Poultney, Vt., 96-97. Printer. (Downing Letter Co., 9 Murray St., New York; res. 1047 E. 19th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) Howard Anderson Sutton x § ^ A. B. 1895; M. D. 1898 Univ. of Pa. Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent; Alpha Mu Pi Omega; Wil- liam Pepper Med. Soc. Treas. Y. M. C. A.; Sec. German Club; Capt. Track (4); Editor University Courier, Dir. Med. Club of Phila- delphia; instr. in Osteologv, Univ. of Pa.; Lec- turer on Anatomy, Pa. Orthopedic Inst.; Resi- dent Phys., Polyclinic, Municipal, Norristown, Pa., Smallpo.x and Chester, Pa., Smallpox Hosps.; Asst. Surg. Methodist Hosp.; Asst. in Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, Pa. Chil- dren's and P. E. Hosps.; Quiz Master in Anatomy, Univ. of Pa.; Pres. Board of Trus- tees, St. Luke's M. E. Church and Business and Professional Men's Club; Asst. Postmaster, Ocean Grove, N. J., 94. Author "Smallpox Epidemic in Norristown;" "The Efficacy of Vaccination;" "Congenital Hypertrophic Py- loric Stenosis;" Co-author "Osteology and Syn- desmology." Member Houston and City Clubs; Am. Med. and Northern Med. Assns.; Phila- delphia County Med., Pa. State Med. and Phila- delphia Clinical Socs. Son of William Henry Sutton, Xi 57, brother of Isaac Crawford Sutton, Xi 00 and Henry Craig Sutton, Xi 07. Physician and Surgeon. 314 S. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Joseph King Van Denburg bH A. B. 1895; A. M. 1898; Ph. D. 1911 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher Hill School, Potts- town, Pa., 95-98; High School, Orange, N. J., 99-00; Eastern Dist. High School. Brooklyn, N. Y., 00-05; Principal George W. Wingate School, New York, N. Y., since 06; Pres. Men Teachers' and Principals' Assn. of the City of New York, 1014; Chairman Executive Commit- tee, 15-16. Author "Elimination of Pupils from the Secondary Schools of New York City." Member Psi Upsilon and Colonial Yacht Clubs. Son of Marvin Wallace Van Denburg, Xi 70 and grandson of Joseph Elijah King, Xi 47. Educator. George W. Wingate School, 320 E. 20th St., New York, N. Y. 1896 William Barrett Cass y1[x A B. 1896. Theta Nu Epsilon. Johnson Prize in History; Weeks Prize in Moral Philosophy. Member Meridian Club and Sons of Am. Re- volution. Journalist. Standard Statistics Co., 47 West St.; res. 601 W. 180th St., New York, N. Y. .\delbert Abel Estabrook Xt ■(] Gardener. R. R. No. 1, Sterling Junction; res. Lancaster, Mass. Irving Edward Manchester B. S. 1896. Pi Kappa Tau: Zeta Phi; Mystical .Seven. Elocution Prize: Business Mgr. The Argus and Olla Podrida. Pres. Citizen- ship Club; Delegate Intercollegiate Prohibition Convention, Cleveland; Member Board of Fi- nance; Pres. Chautauqua Assn.: Chairman En- tertainment Committee and Dir. Chamber of 470 XI CHAPTER [1896-97 Commerce; Pres. Winsted Group of Epworth Leagues; Steward and Member Finance Com- mittee M. E. Church. Member Connecticut Editorial (ex. Vice-Pres.) and Connecticut Daily Newspaper Men's Assns. and Litchfield County University Club. Brother of George Elbert Manchester, Xi 89. Journalist. Winsted Evening Citizen, 466 Main St.; res. Litchfield Ave., Winsted, Conn. George Miles Moody Yb[x A. B. 1896. 1st Prize Junior and Sophomore Declamation; 1st Oratorical Prize, Junior Exhi- bition and at Commencement. Joined Troy Con- ference M. E. Church, 96; Stationed at Ephra- tah and Rockwood, N. Y., 96-98; Rock City Falls and East Galway, 98-01; Waterford, 01-05; Corinth, 05-07; Hoosick Falls, 07-09; Round Lake since 09. Clergyman. 4 Church St., Fort Edward, N. Y. George Wingate Norton T k I^. B. S. 1896. Ayers Prize and Special Honors in Biology. Teacher High School, Strong, Maine, 96-97; Head of Sloyd Dept., Girard Coll., Phila- delphia, Pa., 98-05; Bryant High School, New York, N. Y., 05. Member Flushing Roque Club. Brother of Lyon Levi Norton, Xi 90, Lewis Johnson Norton, Xi 93 and Stephen Allen Norton, Xi 97. Educator. Bushwick High School, 400 Irving Ave., Brook- lyn; res. 164 Franklin PI., Flushing. N. Y. Carl Robinson Peck Y d (0 Edmund David Searls Theta Nu Epsilon; Kai Gar. Football. Mem- ber Psi Upsilon and Luncheon Clubs. Accountant. N. Y. C. R. R. Co., 5413 Grand Central Ter- minal, New York; res. 72d St., White Plains, N. \^ Y s ;j. A. B. 1896; A. M. 1898. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Junior Prize Essay; Baseball; Football. Asst. Wesleyan Univ., 96-98; Teacher Wesleyan Acad.. Wilbraham, Mass., 98-04; Moses Brown School, Providence, R. I., 04-09; High School, New Bedford, Mass., 09-11; Sub-master since 11. Educator. New Bedford High School; res. 19 Maple View Terrace, New Bedford, Mass. Whitman Philo Stanley T ii :^ M. E. Minister, Vt. Rock River and Cal. Con- ferences; Vice-Pres. Coll. of the Pacific. Clergyman. College of the Pacific; res. 771 Asbury St., San Jose, Cal. Wilbur Abbott Welch A. B. 1896. Brother of Herbert Welch, Xi 87 and Oliver Lovcland Welch, Xi 91. Merchant. (Clover Leaf Canyon, Monrovia, Cal.) 1897 Alexander Montague Atherton* x s to" A. B. 1897; M. D. 1901 Johns Hopkins Univ. Brother of Frank Cooke Atherton, Xi 98. d. 1903 Reuben Nelson Bennett Yr'A A. B. 1897 cttm laudc; LL. B. 1900 Univ. of Pa. Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Mgr. Football, 96; Track. Supt. of Accounts and Finance and Member of City Council under Commission Government. Author "Efficiency of Wilkes- Barre City Council;" "One Year of Commission Government." Member Westmoreland and Wyoming Valley Country Clubs. Son of George Slocum Bennett, Xi 64 and brother of Ziba Piatt Bennett, Xi 03. See Tau 00 Lawyer. 308 Bennett Bldg.; res. 110 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. William Ciill Giffiii r b a' A. B. 1897; B. D. 1900 Drew Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Joined New York East Confer- ence, M. E. Church, 01; Stationed at Westches- ter, N. Y., 01-04; Epworth Church, New Haven, Conn., 04-07; Tompkins Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., 07-08; St. James' Church, Bensonhurst, 08-10; Rockville (Tenter, 10 — . Clergyman. 22 West Ave., South Norwalk, Conn. John Gowdy X f'A A. B. 1897; B. D. 1902; D. D. 1910 Baker Univ.; D. D. 1914 Wesleyan; A. M. 1915 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Kappa Tau; Phi Rho; Mystical Seven. Pres. Y. M. C. A.; Member Coll. Senate; LTniv. Delegate Boston Banquet; Editorial Board IVcsleyan Literary Monthly; Pres. Fukien Educational Assn.; Member China Continuation Committee; Pres. Anglo- Chinese Coll. Member Foochow Recreation Club. Educator. Anglo-Chinese College, Foochow, Ciiina. Ferris Greenslet Y /, 'A A. B. 1897; A. M. 1898; Ph. D. 1900 Columbia Univ. Plii Beta Kappa. Author "Biographies of James Russell Lowell;" "Walter Pater;" ■'Thomas Bailey Aldrich." Member Am. Inst. of Arts and Letters; Massachusetts Historical Soc; St. Botolph, L^nion (Boston) and Century (New York) Clubs. Publisher. 4 Park St.; res. 5 Charles River Sq., Boston, Mass. Augustus Hamlin Mandell XIQ M. D. 1897 New Y^ork Univ.; M. D. 1898 Cor- nell. Kai Gar; Theta Nu Epsilon. Bacteriolo- gist, City of New Bedford, Mass. Member Wamsutta Club. Physician. 25 S'ycamore St., New Bedford, Mass. Stephen Allen Norton Th 0) Ph. B. 1897. Baseball; Football. Brother of Lyon Levi Norton, Xi 90. Lewis Johnson Nor- ton, Xi 93 and George Wingate Norton, Xi 96. Cashier. Northfield School, Mount Hermon, Mass. Alvenza Ingham Smith 7 " ^ A. B. 1897. Plii Beta Kappa; Mvstical Seven. Asst. to Sfc. of h'aculty, Wesley.Tii TTniv., Q7-''S: Teacher King School, Stamford, Conn., 98-00. Manufacturer. The I. E. Palmer Co.; res. 88 Pearl St., Middle- town, Conn. Georgfe Albert Williams YC Kappa (ianinia; Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Chamber of Commerce; Cnuntrv Club of Water- bury; Watertown Golf Club; Chamber of Com- merce of the U. S. of America; Psi Upsilon Club (New York). Brother of Ilarvev Crom- well Williams, Xi 85. 1897-991 XI CHAPTER 471 Treasurer and i^cneral Manager. ■file \yilliaiiis Sealing Corporation. 37 Benedict St., VV'aterbury; res. Woodbury Rd.. W'atertown, Conn. Leon Kurtz Willnian y,d'A .\. I!. 1897; D. D. 1914. Phi Beta Kappa. Junior l-^xhibition Prize; I2 Senior Oration Prize; Dele- gate to Psi Upsilon Convention, Ann Arbor, 95. I'astor. Waterbury, \'t., 98-02; liistr. The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., 04-07; Pastor Spring ( larden Street Church, Philadelphia, Pa.. 0/-14. Asbury Park, N. J. since 14; Lecturer Summer School of Methods, N. J. S'unday School Assn. .Author "Men of the Old Testament." Clergyman. 910 (irand .\ve., Asbury Park. X. J. 1898 Frank Cooke Atherton Pi Kappa Tau. Pres. and Member International Committee Y. M. C. A.; Trustee Oahu Coll.; Treas. Med. Pacific Inst. Member University, Connnercial, Pacific and Country Clubs. Brother of .\lexander Montague Atherton, Xi 97. Banker. ilO Kauikeolani Bldg., King St.; res. 2234 Kamehameha Ave., Manoa Valley, Honolulu, Hawaii. Bernard Giffin Barton X li f A. B. 1898; LL. B. 1904 St. Lawrence Univ. and J. D. 1905. Treas. International Child Wel- fare League, Inc. Lawyer. 92 Liberty St.. New York. N. Y. Ailing Prudden Beardsley Tz jr A. B. 1898: Ph. D. 1902 Yale. Ph; Beta Kappa: Pi Kappa Tau: Zeta Phi; Sigma Tau; M'-'^tical Seven. .\sst. in Chemistry, Yale L^niv., 00-02: Member Board of Education, Derby, Conn. Member Am. Gas. Inst, and Chemists' (New York) Club. Chemist. Calco Chemical Co.. Bound Brook; res. .Somer- ville, N. J. T J f A. B. 1898. Skull and Serpent: Pi Kappa Tau: Zeta Phi; Sigma Tau. Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York, N. Y.). Son of Robert Weaver Jones, Xi 71, brother of Roy Humis- ton Jones, Xi 01, Edwin Chester Jones, Xi 04 and Vincent Weaver Jones, Xi 11. Broker. Cardiner Hall, Jr., Co., South Wi'lington, Conn. Robert Tolles Jones Howard Hapgood Kipp 7 f 1^' Major U. S. Marine Corps. Member Lambs and .\rmy and Navy (New York), Hamilton and Marine and Field (Brooklvn) and .'Krniv and Navy (Washington. D. C. and .Manila. P. I.) Clubs. Xaval Officer. Navy Department, Washington, D. C. George Bush MacComber yT^^ .\. B. 1898: LL. B. 1900 New York Law School, Phi Beta Kappa; Zeta Phi. Assoc. Editor The Argus; Declamation Contest (2), (3); Junior Exhibition; Debate Prize (3); Greek Literature Prize; Commencement Oration Prize. Alder- man, 04-05; Treas. Jefferson County Bar Assn.; Supt. Asbury M. E. Sunday School. Druggist. 114 Court -St.; res. 338 .\cademv St., Watertown, N. Y. Harold Denman Meeker X S ^' A. B. 1898; M. D. 1902 Coll. of Physicians and S'urgeons. Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Univers- ity Sec. -Treas.; Track; Glee Club; Editor Olhi Podrida. Prof, of Surgery, New York Poly- clinic Med. Coll. and Hosp.; Visiting Surg., Park Hosp.; Asst. Surg. U. S. N., M. R. C. Au- thor ''Compend Operative Gynecology;" "The Intra-abdominal use of Oxygen;" "Posterior Uterin and Displacements;" "Surgery of Chronic Intestinal Stasis." Member Blooming Grove Hunting and Fishing Club. Son of Jonathan Magie Meeker, Xi 7i and brother of Clifford Delegar Meeker, Xi 02. Physician and Surgeon. 220 W. 79th St.. New York. N. Y. Samuel Alfred Aloyle T b T" A. B. 1898. Kai Gar; Zeta Phi; Glee Club. Honorable Mention, Harrington Prize, 98. Insurance. 86'i Chapel St.; res. 177 Norton St.. New Haven. Conn. George Le Roy Noyes''' X«'f A. B. 1898. Phi Beta Kappa. Vice-Principal High School, :\liddletown. Conn., 98-00: \ice- Pres. Claflin Univ., Orangeburg, S. C. 01-07. Educator. j i907 George Wilbur Osmun T P ?' Ph. B. 1898; B. D. 1903 Drew Theol. Sem. and Ph. D. 1915. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor H'cs- t'eyan Literary Monthly; 1st Junior Exhibition Prize; Camp Prize English Literature; yi Olin Prize Senior Essay; Commencement Speaker. Fellow of Drew at U. F. College, Glasgow, 03-04; Pastorates: Westhampton, L. I., Fenimore St., Brooklyn, Winsted, Conn., State St., Troy, N. Y.. Areola, N. J.; Pres. Winchester Guild, R. E. A., 11; Pres. Troy Preachers' Assn., 14. Author "Augustine the Thinker;" "A Tale of the Maine Coast;" "The Undiscovered Country." Clergyman. Areola, Hackensack, N. J. Ralpl 1 Delano Whiting Xlf B. S. 1898. Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Track. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Real Estate. 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y.; res. Bound Brook. N. J. William Abbott Wyatt TqP B. S. 1898. Sknil and Sernent; Corpse .^nd Coffin; Theta Nu E'-silon; Kai Gar. Track (1), (2), (3 Capt.), (4); Gymnastics. Salesman. Crocker Wheeler Co., 201 Devonshire St., Bos- ton; res. 22 Harrington St., Newtonville, Mass. 1899 Joseph Beech XbY" Ph. B. 1899; D. D. 1911. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Prize Oratorical Contest (3); Commencement Orator. Pres. West China Union Univ. Educator. West China Union Univ., Chengtu, West China and 150 Fifth Ave.. New York, N. Y. .Archibald Elbridge Bradford rjx* Theta Nu Epsilon; Kai Gar. Member Eau Claire (Wis.) Club. Banker. .\ugusta. Wis. 472 XI CHAPTER [1899-1900 Bnrdette Ross Buckingham X t ?' A. B. 1899; A. jM. 1900; Pd. B. 1901 Albany State Normal School; Ph. D. 1913 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Kai Gar. Ayres Prize. Principal High School, Northport, N. Y., 01-04; Teacher Morris High School, New York. N. Y.. 04-07: Principal Public School No. 86, New York. N. Y., 07 — ; Edu- cational Statistician. State Board of Education. Author ".Spellinfj Ability, Its Measurement and Distribution." ^feniber Madison and University Clubs. Statistician. State Board of Education, Capitol Bldg. ; res. 848 E. Gorham St., Madison. Wis. Clarence Winfield Darling 7 e y^ A. B. 1900 Syracuse and LL. B. 1902. Phi Delta Phi. Member City and Citizens' Clubs. Brother of Arthur Beebe Darling, Xi 95. See Pi 00 Lawyer. 26 White ^[emorial Bldg.; res. 112 Victoria PL, Syracuse. N. Y. Robert Ellsworth Harned A. B. 1899; A. M. 1914; B. D. 1903 Drew Theol. Sem. Pi Kappa Tau; Zeta Phi; Mystical Seven. Editorial Board The Argus. Asst. Librarian Wesleyan Univ., 99-00; Joined New York East Conference, M. E. Church, 63; Asst. Editor Missionary Soc. 03-07; Board of Foreign Missions, 07-11; Editor Board of Foreign Mis- sions, 11-12; Librarian Drew Theol. Sem. since 12. Librarian. Drew Theo'ogical Seminary; res. 68 Prospect St., .Madison. N. J. Xrf Samuel Wolcott Hubbard Merchant. (38 Murray St.. New York, N. Y.) Charles Harlow Raymond Tg-/ xir- A. B. 1899; A. M. 1904 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Mystical Seven. Football; Baseball. Sec. Lawrenceville Alumni Assn.; Master Law- renceville School; Editor "Old Testament Stories." Son of Charles Henry Raymond, Xi n. Educator Davis House, Lawrenceville, N. J. Irving Edward Raymond TqX Kai Gar; Theta Nu Epsilon. Football; Base- ball. Member New York Yacht, Stamford Yacht and Wee Burn Golf Clubs. Merchant. A. A. Vantine & Co.. Inc., 436 Fifth Ave.; res. 13 F:. 63d St., New York, N. Y. Clarence Robertson Smith XhF Ph. B. 1899. Theta Nu Epsilon; Kai Gar; Corpse and -Coffin; Skull and Serpent; Glee Club. Junior Debate; Coll. Senate. Composer of IMusic for Psi Lfpsilon Song "A Toasting Song." Member Whitemarsh Valley Country Club. Brother of Edwin Oscar Smith, Xi 93. Manufacturer. Oscar Smith & Sons Co.. 310 Spruce St.; res. 220 W. Nippon St., Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. Charles Hopkins Spencer* T z A' A. B. 1899; LL. B. 1904 Northwestern Univ. Brother of Edward Mitchell Spencer, Xi 99 and Robinson Spencer, Xi 03. Lawyer. d. 1910 Edward Mitchell Spencer ^\^' A. B. 1899; A. ^L 1900 Univ. of Pa. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Tau; Zeta Phi. Olin Prize, 99; Camp Prize, 98; Member Board of Editors Wesleyan Literary Monthly, 98-99. Author Psi Upsilon Song "A Toasting Song." Brother of Charles Hopkins Spencer, Xi 99 and Robinson S'pencer, Xi 03. Insurance. 128 W. 3d St.; res. 204 S. Washington St.. Roswell, N. Mex. Harry Russel Stone r / XiT Ph. B. 1899; M. D. 1904 Johns Hopkins Univ. Member Acad, of Medicine and Graduates' Club. Physician. 450 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. John Edgar Tackaberry rdx' A. B. 1899. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Brother of Frederic Halsted Tackaberry, Xi 92. Merchant. (149 Grove St., Waterbuiy, Conn.) 1900 Horace Durar Byrnes T g •^" A. B. 1900; LL. B. 1902 New York Law School. Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Kappa Tau; Zeta Phi; Sigma Tau; Mystical Seven. Assoc. Editor and Editor-in-Chief Wesleyan Literary Monthly: Parker, Walkley, Camp, Briggs "Debate and F'orensic Declamation Prizes; ^2 Greek Literary, ■% Senior Oration and 2d Elocution Prizes. Delegate Psi Upsilon Convention, 00; Dir. Soc. for the Prevention of Crime. Lawyer. 55 Liberty St.; res. 506 W. 113th St.. New York, N. Y. Charles Harrison Davis vb5" A. B. 1900. Joined New England Conference M. E. Church, 03; Stationed at Newton High- lands, Mass., 0305; Upham Memorial Church, Boston. 05-09; Chicopee Falls, 09-11; Wilbra- ham, 11. Son of Charles Edward Davis, Xi 76 and brother of Henry Loramus Davis, Xi 00. Clergyman. 17 Myrtle St., Winchester, Mass. Henry Loramus Davis rha>' A. B. 1900. Mystical Seven. Asst. and Busi- ness Mgr. The Argus. Son of Charles FMward Davis, Xi 76 and brother of Charles Harrison Davis, Xi 00. Manager. Library Bureau, 310 Main St.; res. 134 Mass. .■\ve.. Springfield, Mass. Leroy Albert Howland XIA' A. B. 1900; A. M. 1904 Harvard: Ph. D. 1908 Munich. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Sherman Prize; Honors in General Scholarship; Special Honors in Mathematics. Parker Fellow at Harvard, 06-08; Teacher Drexel Inst., Philadelphia. Pa., 00-03; Instr. in Mathematics. Wesleyan Univ., 05-06; Assoc. Prof., 08; Fisk Prof, of Mathematics, Wesleyan Univ.; Pres. Middletown Scientific Assn. Member Univer- sity Club and Am. Mathematical Soc. Brother of Max Franklyn Howland, Xi 03. Educator. Wesleyan University; res. 34 Home Ave., Mid- dletown. Conn. 1900-02 J XI CHAPTER 473 [esse Lyman llurlbut, Jr.* Xf 5' Son of Jesse Lyman Hurlbut, Xi 64 and brother of Charles Chase Hurlbut, Xi 94. d. 1899 Ralph Walker Rymer Y c 3' Ph. H. 1900. Skull and Serpent; Corpse and Coffin; Theta Nu Epsilon. Lawyer. .S03 ConncU Bldg. ; res. Hotel Jermyn, Scran- ton, Pa. Isaac Crawford Sutton X J 9 Ph. B. 1900; LL. B. 1903 Univ. of Pa. Phi Delta Phi; Hare Law Club. Commissioner of Roy Scout Council; Dir. Playground Assn.; Member National Council Boy Scouts. Author ■'Street Railway Law." Member City. Bala ("lolf and Democratic Clubs. Son of Williaiu Henry Sutton, Xi 57 and brother of Howard .\nderson Sutton, Xi 9.S and Henry Craig Sut- ton, Xi 07. Lawyer. I.i3 'S. 12th St.; res. 5409 Overbrook Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Emory Hammond Westlake y q A' A. B. 1900. Skull and Serpent; Corpse and Coffin; Theta Nu Epsilon. Teacher Wyom- ing Sem., Kingston, Pa., 00-01. Member Psi Upsilon and Lawyers' (New York) Clubs. Mine Operator. 61 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ; res. 617 E. Broad St., Westfield, N. J. 1901 Walter Stanley Baker 7 r, £~ B. S. 1901. Brother of James Ht.bcrt .Baker, Xi 0.^. ^^anufacturer. (.1 Huntington Ave., Concord, N.- H.) Lee Foster Hartman Xr'E Franklin Halsted Clapp Y b u' A. B. 1901; B. D. 1903 Drew Theol. Sem. Declamation Contests (1), (2), (3); The Argus Board (31, (4); Treas. Y. M. C. A. (4); Half Debate Prize: Coll. Senate (4); Intercollegiate Debate with Williams; Pres. of Press Club (4). Registrar Mich. Annual Conference. Clrrsyman. 60n Turner Ave.. N. W'., Grand Rapids. Mich Xds^ Clyde Roy Dodds B. S. 1901. Pi Kappa; Sigma Tan; Mystical Seven. Football and Track (1), (2), (3), (4). Brother of Solon .\rthur Dodds, Xi 01. Manufacturer. Clyde Casting Co., 28 Alki Ave.; res. 1428 Thirty-seventh Ave., Seattle, Wash. Solon Arthur Dodds TtT Ph. B. 1901; M. D. 1905 Johns Hopkins Univ. Mystical .Seven. Capt. Football. Interne Johns Hopkins ?Iosp., 05-07. Brother of Clyde Roy Dodds, Xi 01. Physician. 3101 Clifton .\ve,, Baltimore, Md. Luther Havward Frost r m 'E A. B. 1901. Pi Kappa Tau; Zeta Phi; Sigma Tau; Mystical Seven. Mgr. Baseball; Mgr. Wesleyan Literary Monthly. Brother of Fred- eric Worthen Frost, Xi 94. .Assistant General Secretary. Y. M, C. A.. 160 Broad St.; res. 55 Bluff Ave., Providence, R. I. .-\. B. 1901. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Gamma; Thet^ Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin. Camp and Walkley Prizes, 00; Editor-in-chief Wes- leyan Literary Monthly and Olla Podrida, 01. Author "The White Sapphire." Member Country Club of Glen Ridge, N. J. and New York Press Club. Journalist. Harper's Magazine, 333 Pearl St., New York, N. Y.; res. 78 Montclair Ave., Montclair, N. J. Rov Humiston Jones 7* '^ A. B. 1901. Teacher DeLaneey School, Phila- delphia, Pa., 01-05; Lawrenceville School, N. J., 07-09; Hill School, Pottstown, Pa. since 10. Son of Robert ^^'eaver Tones, Xi 71. brother of Robert Tolles Jones. Xi 98, Edwin Chester Jones, Xi 04 and Vincent Weaver Jones, Xi 11, Educator. Bethlehem, Pa. James Alonzo Turner 7 g e' LL. B. 1903 Yale. Lawyer. (734 Iranistan Ave., Bridgeport, Conn.) Frank Bertram Wade r h 'Y B. S. 1901. Phi Beta Kappa. Pierce Prize, Physielogy; Honors General Scholarship; Spec- ial Honors Chemistry. Prof, of Physiological Chemistry, Normal Coll. of North Am.; Gym- nastic LTnion; Past Pres. Indiana Section Am. Chemical Soc; Fellow Acad, of Science; Head of Chemistry Dept., Shortridge High School. Author "Diamonds, A Study of the Factors that Govern their Value;" Co-author "Foundations of Chemistry;" "A Teacher's Handbook." Member Hoosier Rifle Club: .\cad. of Science; Am. Chemical Soc; Central Assn. Science and Mathematics Teachers and Indiana Science and Mathematics Teachers' Assn. Educator. Shortridge High School; res. 1039 W. 27th St., Indianapolis, Ind. 1902 Everett Gunner Ackart Y b 'T Ph. B. 1902; M. E. 1905 Cornell. Engineer. duPont Bldg.; res. 1405 Rodney St., Wilming- ton, Del. Robert Avery Anderson X e ^' Pi Kappa Tau; Zeta Phi: Omicron Tau. Mystical Seven. Brother of Irving Monroe Anderson, Xi 03 and Arthur Ray Anderson, Xi 06. Real Estate and Insurance. 22 E. 1st St.; res. 194 N. Columbus Ave., Mount Vernon, N. Y. [William] Harry demons F p T' A. B. 1902; A. M. 1905; A.- M. 1905 Princeton. Phi Beta Kappa; Mystical Seven. V2 Ayres Prize; Sherman Prize; l< Spinney Prize; ^ Greek Literature Prize; Camp Prize; V2 Phi Beta Kappa Prize; Harrington Prize; Prelimi- nary Honors in Classics; Final High Honors; Junior Exhibition; Commencement Appoint- ment; Assoc. Editor Wesleyan Literary Monthly. Asst. in Univ. Library, Wesleyan, 02-03; Scrib- ner Fellow in English, Princeton, 03-04; Porter Ogden Jacobus Fellow of Princeton. Oxford, f\5- 06: Instr. in English, Princeton, 04-05, 06-08: Reference Librarian, Princeton, 08-13; Mem- k 474 XI CHAPTER [1902-03 ber of Faculty, University of Nanking. Author "Bibliography— Woodrow Wilson 1875-1900." Educator. University of Nanking, Nanking, China. James Albert Corscaden Q X 'S Ph. B. 1902; M. D. 1906 Columbia. Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Football; Track; Glee Club. Asst. Visiting Surg. Presbyterian Hosp.; Instr. in Gynaecology Columbia Univ. Member Psi Upsilon, Columbia and Omega Clubs; Acad, of Medicine; County Med. Sec.; Am. Med. and Surgical Research Assns. Surgeon. 50 E. 63d St.; res. 27 E. 62d St., New York, N. Y, Louis N[apoleon] Denniston X s "T Member Hartford and Hartford Golf Clubs. Insurance. 700 Main St.; res. 39 S. Main St., Hartford, Conn. Philip Prescott Frost Y p ^Z A. B. 1902. Wesleyan Literary Monthly Board; Olin Prize; Rich Prize. Member Uni- versity Club. Son of Timothy Prescott Frost, Xi 76. Author. 561 Willard PI., Evanston, 111. Francis Tobey Hall XTT A. B. 1902 Boston Univ. Principal W. H. Lin- coln School. Educator. W. H. Lincoln School, Boylston St.; res. 9 Strathmore Rd., Brookline, Mass. George Washington Harper, Jr. -/ e H" A. B. 1902; LL. B. 1904 New York Law School. Plii Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Lawyer. 115 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ; res. Short Hills, N. J. Carl Tilden Hatch Tt^' Pi Kappa Tau; Zeta Phi; Member Baltimore Athletic, Maryland Swimming and Yonkers Canoe Clubs. Brother of John Fletcher Hatch, Xi 03. Manufacturer. Tidewater Portland Cement Co., 969 Calvert Bldg. ; res. Cecil .-Xpts., Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. Hugh Darwin Maydole X J '^ Countv Secretary. Y. M. C. .\. Second National Bank Bldg.; res. 64 N. Bridge St., Somerville, N. J. Clifford Delegar Meeker* PhT^ B. S. 1902. Son of Jonathan Magie ATeeker, Xi 73 and brother of Harold Denman Meeker. Xi 98. Electrical Engineer. d. 1914 James Wiswell Mudge A. B. 1902; LL. B. 1907 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor-in-Chief Junior Class Annual; Chairman IVeslcyan Literary Monthly Board. Teacher Jacob Tome Inst., Port Deposit, Md., 02-03: Kenyon Military Acad., Gambler, Ohio, 04. Son of James Mudge, Xi 65. Lawyer. 1007 Barristers' Hall, Boston; res. 31 Wyoming Heights, Melrose, Mass. Carl Fowler Price TfZ- A. B. 1902. Pi Kappa Tau; Zeta Phi; Sigma iau; ^lystical Seven. Mgr. Glee Club. Re- cording Sec. National Board Epworth League. Composer Psi Upsilon Song "Hope of Psi Upsilon." Author "Music and Hymnody of Methodist Hymnal"; "Year of Hymn Stories"; "Who's Who in American Method- ism"; "The Prodigal"; "How Sanla ('laus E.\- plaincd"; "Cupid and the Chorister." Editor of Wesleyan Song Book and Wesleyan Verse. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Real Estate and Insurance. 80 Maiden Lane; res. 1868 Amsterdam Ave., New York, N. Y. Arthur Newman Tasker y c j A. B. 1902; M. D. 1906 George Washington Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Capt. Med. Corps U. S. Army. Brotlier of Edwin Sloan Tasker, Xi 90. .\rmy Officer. Surgeon General U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. Clarence Robert Wilcox raj^ M. D. 1904 Univ. of Mich. Friars. See Phi 02 Pliysician. Consolidated Bldg. ; res. 1456 College St., Jack- sonville, Fla. 1903 Ir\ing ATonroe Anderson k'H A. B. 1903; B. D. 1913 Union Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa; Mystical Seven. Pastor M. E. Church. Brother of Robert Avery Anderson, Xi 02 and Arthur Ray Anderson, Xi 06. Clergyman. Nichols. R. R. No. 4, Bridgeport, Conn. James Herbert Baker* rrs A. B. 1903. Brother of Walter Stanlev Baker, Xi 01. Salesman. d. 1910 Ziba Piatt Bennett x P 'O' \. B. 1903. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Trustee Wyoming Sem.; Hollen- back Cemetery Assn.; Dir. Wilkes-Barre City Hosp. Member Westmoreland and Wyoming Valley Country Clubs. Son of George Sloeuni Bennett, Xi 64 and brother of Reuben Nelson Bennett, Xi 97. Merchant. 6 N. Main St.; res. 219 S. Franklin St., Wilkes- Barre, Pa. John Fletcher Hatch Xh7' Pi Kappa Tau. Brother of Carl Tilden Hatch, Xi 02. Paymaster U. S. Navv. Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Max Franklyn Howland Pf^H B. S. 1903. Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Member Psi Up- silon Club. Brother of Leroy Albert Howland, Xi 00. Manufacturer. 1838 Broadway; res. 621 W. 113th St., New York, N. Y. 1903-04J XI CHAPTER 475 William Nevinson Jennings, Jr. y h 'H Kappa Gamma; Tlieta Nu Epsilon. Member Psi Upsiloii Club. Sales Manager. The Carey Printing Co., Inc., Tenth Ave. and 36th St., New York; res. 323 Rugbv Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y. Harry Wilber Little Xg'O A. B. 1903. Teacher Troy Conference Acad., Poultney, Vt., 03-05: Columbia Inst., New York, N. Y., 05-07; Principal High School. Maple- wood, N. J., 07-08; Teacher Mt. Pleasant Military Acad., Ossining, N. Y., 08-09; River- dale School. New York, N. Y., 09—: Dir. Camp Wake Robin. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Educator. Lincoln High School: res. 2303 Boulevard, Jersey City, N. J. Robinson Spencer XJ ^ A. B. 1903. Phi Beta Kappa. Ayrcs Prize; Spinney Prize. Teacher Waban School, Ma.ss., 03-04; Clerk U. S. Land Office, Roswell. N. Mex., 07 — . Brother of Charles Hopkins Spencer, Xi 99 and Edward Mitchell Spencer, Xi 99. Student. "06 Micliigan Ave., Urbana, 111. Arthur Crawford Stoney X r "li D. D. S. 1903 New York Coll. of Dentistry. Pi Kappa Tau; Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Psi Upsilon Club of New York. Dentist. 515 Madison Ave., New York; res. Pelham, New York. X y ^ A. B. 1903: M. F. 1906 Yale. Member Psi Up- silon (New York) Club. Forest Engineer. 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. ; res. 151 Courtland Ave.. Stamford, Conn. William Hoyt Weber Win ford Oliver Wilder 1 sr, M. D. 1904 Univ. of Pa. William Pepper Med. Soc. ; Surg. House of Mercy Hosp., Pittsfield, Mass.; Harvard Surgical Unit, British Ex- peditionary Force: Am. Ambulance Corps, France, 15-16. jNIember Park Club. Surgeon. Pittsfield, Mass. 1904 Bowman Stone Beeman 7- S- ~P Sec. of School Committee; Chairman of Library Trustees. Son of Leonard Lemon Beeman. Xi 75 and nephew of ledediah Durkee Beeman, Xi 64. Dairvman. P. O'. Box 233, Ware, Mass. John Bentley, Jr. rs'0 B. S. 1904; M. F. 1907 Yale. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Asst. Prof, of Forestry Dcpt., Cor- nell L'niv. Author "Methods of Determining the Value of Timber in the Farm Woodlot"; Co-author "Forest Jilanagement." Educator. .Agricultural College: res. Parkway. Itliaca, N. Y. Xc'P Robert Wallace Gillispie Ph. B. 1904. Phi Beta Kappa: Pi Kappa Tau; Zeta Phi; Sigma Gamma; Mystical Seven. Football (Capt.), 03; Basket Ball. Member Bethlehem, Engineers' (Pa.), Northampton Country, Psi Upsilon and Railroad (New York) Clubs. , Brother of Raymond Livingstone Gillis- pie, Xi 10. Sales Agent. Bethlehem Steel Co., 3d St., South Bethlehem; res. 3d and Market Sts., Bethlehem, Pa. Kenneth Mackerness Goode X b p B. S. 1904. Phi Beta Kappa; Kai (^lar; Theta Nu Epsilon: Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Ser- pent. Asst. Editor Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C, 04-06. Member University and Huntingdon Valley Country Clubs; Psi LJpsilon and City (New York) Clubs. Grand- son of Orange Judd, Xi 47. Journalist. The Saturday Evening Post. Independence Sq., Philadelphia; res. Rydal, Pa. Benjamin Wright Guernsey F d '6 .\. B. 1904. Brother of Henry Chauncey Guernsey, Xi 04. Cashier. Wellesley National Bank; res. S Upland Rd., Wcllesley, Mass. Henry Chauncey Guernsey X ^'^ '® Hubbard Declamation Prize. Track (Capt. 03) "W." Brother of Benjamin Wright Guernsey, Xi 04. Salesman. 1727 Sedgwick St.. Chicago. 111.: res. 5 Upland Rd.. Wellesley, Mass. Edwin Chester Jones T o p \ B 1904- A M. 1911 Yale. Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Kappa tau; Zeta Phi; Sigma Tau: INIystical Seven; Glee Club. Preliminary Honors ni Classics 03; Mgr. Musical Assn., 03-04: Treas., 02-03: Coll. Cheer Leader. 0304; Declamation Prize, 03; Trustee of Anglo Chinese Coll.; Mem- ber Board of Mgrs. Fooehow Union Med. School; Pres. Turkien Union Coll. Member .\m. Chemical Soc. Son of Robert Weaver Jones, Xi 71, brother of Robert Tolles Jones. Xi 98, Roy Humiston Jones. Xi 01 and Vincent Weaver Jones, Xi 11. Educator. Tukien Union College, Fooehow, Cliina. Harold Bradford Raymond F p 6' Ph. B. 1904. Skull and Serpent. Baseball Capt. (4). Sales Manager. ^ Moody's Investors' Service, 6 Beacfvn St., Bos- ton. Mass. Howard MacMillan Richard -/ t "P A. B. 1904: A. B. 1905 Yale: A. M. 1908; B. D. 1908. Joined New York East Conference, M. E. Church, 08: Stationed at Springdale, Conn., 08-10; Center Moriches, N. Y., 10-12; Westport, Conn.. 12-15; Woodhaven. N. Y.. since 15. Son of William Armstrong Richard, Xi 84. Clergyman. 78 Shaw Ave.. Woodhaven. N. Y. Charles Akin Stone Tz^0 B. S. 1904. Kai Gar; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent: Theta Nu Epsilon. M"r. Footbal', 03-04. Pres. Chamber of Commerce: Board of Education: Dir. Y. M. C. A. Member Pafraets Dael, Troy, and Van Schaick Country Clubs; Rensselaer County Soc. of New York. Broker. 9 1st St.; res. 20 Locust Ave.. Trov. N. Y. 476 XI CHAPTER [1904-06 Harold Edmund Wilson Ta^c A. B. 1904; A. M. 1907. Joined New York Kast Conference, M. E. Church, 04; Stationed at East Berlin Conn., 04-06; Epworth Church, New Haven, Conn., 06-10; Great Neck, N. Y, 10—. Clergyman. Bethel. Conn. 1905 Henry Foster Adams Xsir I'h. B. 1905; Ph. D. 1910 Univ. of Chicago. Pi Kappa Tau; Theta Nu Epsilon. Olin Prize; Capt. Tennis Team. Instr. in Psycholo.gy, Univ of Mich. Author "Advertising and Its Mental Laws." Member University and Research Clubs. Son of Samuel Hawley .\dams, Psi 63. Educator. 251 Natural Science Bldg. ; res. 613 S. Thayer St.. Ann Arbor, Mich. Grow Stanley Brown • rg'n A. B. 1905 Syracuse. Pi Kappa Tau. See Pi 05 Missionary. Methodist Mission, Peking, China. Allan Walter Ferguson 7 n "6 A. B. 1905. Gamma Aloha. G. Brown Goode Prize. Teacher Dairy Dept., N. Y. State Coll. of Agriculture, Cornell Univ., 07-09. Manager, Service Hept. of Concrete. New Telegraph BIdg. ; res. 306 Burlingame Ave.. Detroit, Mich. Howard Brigham Field V bl A. B. 190S. Theta Nu Epsilon: Kai Gar: Corpse and Coffin; Mystical Seven. Joseph D. AVeeks Prize. Insurance. 209 S. 3d St.. Philadelphia. Pa.; res. 409 Mansion Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. Samuel Ward Harris yr\ B. S. 1905. Member Boston City Club. Manager. Educational Dept. Longmans, (Jreen & Co.. 120 Boylston St., Bos- ton; res. 106 Bartlett Ave.. Arlington, Mass. William Mortimer Heisler Xv^n A. B. 1905. Glee. Parker Prize; 1st in Declamation (2); Speaker. Junior Exhibition; Commencement Orator. Member Genesee Con- ference, Board of Examiners: Pastor, HiUon, N. Y., 10-15; Oakfield since 15. Clergyman. 5 N. "Main St., Oakfield. N. Y. Martin Hobart Knapp Y n r Ph. B. 1905: LL. B. 1907 Syracuse Univ. Kai Gar: Theta Nu Epsilon; Skull and Serpent. Member Century, Sedgwick Farm, Onondaga Golf and Country and Bellevue Golf Clubs and Psi Upsilon Club of N. Y. Manufacturer. The Solvay Process Co., P. O. Box 2: res. Orchard Rd., Syracuse, N. Y. John Slayback Olney rh Kappa Gamma; Tau Nu Epsilon. Broker. 33 New St.: res. 44 Morningside Drive. New York. N. Y. Ilermon Frederick Onthrup y II 'v B. S. A. 1898: B. S. 1905. Mystical Seven; Theta Nu Epsilon. Rancher. Cioldendale. Wash. ITovt Post Simmons X a n" Real Estate. I Hotel Knickerbocker, Seattle. \\'ash.) - C 'I Ray Oscar Stephens Ph. B. 1905. Princiwal Union .School. Mum- ford, N. Y., 09-11; Theresa, 11-13; Weedsport. 13-16: Glen Ridge, N. J.. 16-17. Educator. P. O. Box 254. Glen Ridge; res. 192 Broad St., Bloomfield, N. J. Chauncey Amos Williams X f 'fl Manufacturer. William Corey Co., Manchester. N. XL James Maxon Yard x ^ '^'^ A. B. 1905; B. D. 1909 Hartford. Sigma Chi; Zeta Phi; Mystical Seven. Mgr. Basket Ball Team; Pres. Y. M. C. A.; Member Univ. Senate; -Sec. Advisory Council of the Churches of Szechuan; Teacher West China Union Univ.: Missionary-in-Charge Chengtu Dist., M. E. Church. Member Fortnightly Club of Chengtu. Alissionary. Slum Shi Kai. Chengtu, Sze. West China. 1906 I'lenjamin Lewis Aldridge X m 'K Secretary. De Zeng-Standard Co., 20th and Federal Sts., Camden; res. Sti'.es Lane, Maple Shade, N. J. Arthur Ray Anderson yTO A. B. 1906. Brother of Robert Avery Ander- son, Xi 02 and Irving Monroe .^nderson, Xi 03. Advertising. The Literary Digest, 354 Fourth Ave., New A'ork; res. 39 Fletcher Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Homer Shoenfelt Biddle rh'K Cashier. 1808 Ninth Ave.; res. 1811 14th St., Altoona, Pa. George Imlay Bodine, Jr. 7 r 'K Ph. B. 1906. Author Psi Utsilon Song "Hope of Psi Upsilon." Member Fourth Street Club. Banker. 129 S. 4th St.; res. 118 Pelham Rd., Phila- delphia, Pa. Roger George Caldwell Tp^O See Phi 06 Salesman. 810 Newell St., Walla Walla, Wash. Joseph Paisley Carman X t 'K (New Brunswick, N. J.) Theron Alvord Clements y ^^ 'O A. B. 1906; LL. B. 1908 New York Law School. Mystical Seven. Mgr. Baseball. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) and Crescent Athletic (Brooklyn) Clubs. Lawyer. 115 Broadway, New York; res. 147 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1906-08J XI CHAPTER 477 George Nailer Haasz X w K A. B. 1905 Univ. of Pa. Pres. History Teachers' Club of the High Schools of Philadelphia; Asst. Prof, of History, South Philadelphia High School for Boys. Educator. Broad and Jackson Sts.; res. 1733 N. 25th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Albert ^lann, Jr. T d 'O A. B. 1906; A. M. 1909 Harvard. Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent; (jerman Club. Honors at (Iraduation; Junior Exhibition Speaker; Editor The Bulletin. Teacher Hotchkiss School, Lake- ville. Conn., 06-07; Boston Country School, Newton, Mass., 07-08; Assoc. Prof, of Ro- mance Languages, Wesleyan Univ.; Sec. Uni- versity Club. Member New England Modern Language Assn. and University Club. Educator. Wesleyan University; res. 329 Washington St., Middletown, Conn. William Northcote Phillips T B 'X A. B. 1906. Zeta Phi; Mandolin Club. Clergyman. East Norwich, N. Y. Gu\- Wright Rogers Xe^K A. B. 1906. Phi Beta Kappa; Mystical Seven. Teacher Wyoming Sem., Kingston, Pa., 06- 08. Member University, Fourth Street and Haddon Country Clubs. Banker. Bodine Sons & Co.. 129 S. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa.; res. 123 Mountwell Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. IKN~ A. B. 1906; A. M. 1909; Ph. D. 1915. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor-in-Chief IVesieyan Literary Monthly. Instr. in English, Univ. of Chicago, Northwestern Univ., Beloit Coll. and Wesleyan Univ. Member Quadrangle Club. Educator. Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. George Wiley Sherburn Reginald Heber Stow vy^O D. D. S. 1908 Univ. of Pa. Darby Dental Soc. Member New England Dental Assn. Dentist. 302 Main St., Middletown; res. Main St., Cromwell, Conn. 1907 Hiland Garfield Batcheller Tb'^ Ph. B. 1907. Member Fort Orange and Al- bany Country Clubs, ^tanufacturer. Ludhim Steel & Spring Co., Watervliet; res. 183 Lancaster St., Albany, N. Y. Frank Asa Berry F r 8" A. B. 1907. Teacher High School, Danbury, Conn., 07-10; Principal High School, Bethel, Conn, since 10; Supt. of Schools. Educator. 104 Grassy Plain St., Bethel, Conn. John Scarlett Clarke Y d 'S B. S. 1907. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher Mount Pleasant Acad., O.ssining, N. Y., 07-08. Mem- ber Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Manufacturer. Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.; res. 31 Dodge Ave., Akron, Ohio. Ralph Davis Leonard X '1 -^ A. B. 1907 Harvard and M. D. 1910. Author "Roentgen Diagnosis." Member Harvard and Twentieth Century Clubs. Physician. 43 Bay State Rd., Boston; res. 177 Bellevue Ave., Melrose, Mass. Oliii Foss McCormick Xk^~ A. B. 1907. Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Mystical S'even; German Club; Coll. Senate. Capt. Track and Relay Teams. Member Alumni Council. Member University (Hartford), Psi Upsilon (New York) and City (Philadelphia) Clubs. Son of Charles Wesley McCormick, Xi 81. Manufacturers' Agent. Commercial Box and Envelope Co., 133 S. 12th St., Philadelphia; res. P. O. Box 145, Haver- ford, Pa. Walter Charles North Y m A" B. S. 1907. Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Corpse and Coffin; Mystical Seven. Foot- ball and Track; Capt. Football (4). Member Brooklawn Country and Bridgeport University clubs. Insurance and Real Estate. 15 Fairfield Ave.; res. 1837 North Ave., Bridge- port, Conn. Earle Linus Rich X t X A. B. 1907. (362 W. Broadway, New York, N. Y.) FTenry Craig Sutton X ^ '^ M. E. 1907 Cornell. Member Engineers of Philadelphia and Merion Cricket Clubs; Am. Inst, of Electrical Engineers and National Elec- tric Light Assn. Son of William Henr- Sutton, Xi 57. brother of Howard Anderson Sutton, Xi 95 and Isaac Crawford Sutton, Xi 00. See Chi 07 Assistant Electrical Engineer. United Gas Improvement Co., N. W. Corner Broad and Arch Sts., Philadelphia; res. Lan- caster Ave., Haverford, Pa. 1908 George Warren Bachman x ^ '^ (50 Carey Ave., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) Lawrence Alexander Davis x ^ '^^ B. S. 1908. Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Member Siwanoy Country Club. Salesman. 153 E. 24th St., New York; res. 11 Park Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Henry Aytoun Dresser Y d V Ph. B. 1908. Pi Kappa; Zeta Phi; Glee Club. Baseball; Football; Senate. Asst. Dir. Camp Wildwood for Boys (Kineo. Maine) ; on staff of Gunnery, Taft and William Penn Charter Schools. Member Orpheus and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Educator. 8 S. 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa.; res. Spencer, N. Y. Harold Clark Grant rf'M B. S. 1908. Engineer. 24 Walker St., New York, N. Y.; res. 134 Johnson Ave., Newark, N. J. i78 XI CHAPTER [1908-10 Paul Miller Held Xq 'J Ph. B. 1908. Kappa Gamma. INIember Univer- sity, Portage Country and Young Men's Busi- ness Clubs and Akron Chamber of Commerce. Banker. Central Savings & Trust Co., 92 S. Main St.; res. 137 N. Portage Path, Akron, Ohio. George Sylvester Hull X h 'N B. S. 1908. Deacon Congregational Church; Member Conn. General Assembly; Chief of Fire Dept.; Boy Scout Master; County and Town Auditor, 2 years; Town Tax Assessor, 3 years; Prosecuting Officer, 5 years; Pres. Mor- gan High School Alumni, 1 year. Jeweler. High St., Clinton, Conn. Samuel Booth Moore, Jr. y1[x" Ph. B. 1908. Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Mvstical Seven. Football; Basket Ball; Track. Office Manager. New York City Car Advertising Co., 225 Fifth Ave., New York; res. 129 Cambridge PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Raymond Silas Munson F r M" A. B. 1908. Pi Kappa Tau; Zeta Phi; Corpse and CofRn; Mystical Seven; German Club. Pres. College Body and Y. M. C. A.; Football; Mgr. Baseball. Superintendent. Am. Malleables Co.; res. 118 E. Main St., Lancaster. N. Y. Lansing David Odell x ^' ^ Ph. B. 1908. Pi Kappa Tau; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin. Member Norwalk Country Club. Salesman. Library Bureau, 316 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ; res. 135 East Ave., Norwalk, Conn. Arthur Gerald Hubert Power, Jr. yy N' A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1910 New York Law School. Sigma Tau. Coll. Debate Team; Pres. Debating Soc; Dramatic Club; Gym. Squad; Prizes (3). Lawyer. 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y.; res. 83 Maolis Ave., Bloomfield, N. J. Roscoe Hiram Remick Y ^ V B. S. 1908. Manufacturer. Motor Fuel Co., Sapulpa, Okla. Harold Gale Rogers T b 'M Ph. B. 1908. (George I. Bodine & Co., 129 S. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa.) George Bejijamin Tompkins X ^ V A. B. 1908; B. D. 1911 Drew Theol. Sem. Pi Kappa Tau. Football (3); Treas. Y. M. C. A. Clergyman. West Hampton Beach, N. Y. 1909 William Rinehart Barbour A k ''B A. B. 1909. Debating Soc. Member Psi Upsi- lon and Bayside Yacht Clubs. Department Manager. Fleming H. Revell Co.. 158 Fifth Ave.; res. Kappock St., New York, N. Y. Ft 'a Roy Bullard Chamberlain A. B. 1909; A. M. 1910; Diploma, Union Theol. Sem. New York, 1915. Phi Beta Kappa; Mvstical Seven; Corpse and Coffin. Basket Ball; Pres. College Body, 09. Sec. Federation ' of Churches, Saranac Lake, N. Y. 1 Clergyman. " 24 Front St., Saranac Lake, N. Y. John Henrv Coxe y f 'w A. B. 1909. Teacher Wyoming Sem., Kingston, Pa., 08 — . Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Educator. (Norwalk Vault Co., Norwalk, Ohio.) RoUin Colegrove Dean xq 'Q B. S. 1909; A. M. 1913 Columbia. Salesman. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 200 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. 57 Clark St., Glen Ridge, N. J. Y m 'A John Tiebout Flancock A. B. 1909 cum latidr; LL. B. 1911 cum laialr New York Law School. Mystical Seven; Phi Delta Phi (New York Law School). Editor IVcslcyan Literary Monthly; Pres. New Eng- land Intercollegiate Debating League. Mem- ber Psi Upsilon (New York) and Lawyers' (Brooklyn) Clubs. Lawyer. 26 Libert V St., New York; res. 184 Madison St., Brooklyn. N. Y. Frank Lewis Hewitt Fr'a B. S. 1909. Society Francaise. Junior Exhi- bition. Teacher Robbins School, Norwalk, Conn., 09-10; Tilton (N. \\.\ Sem., 10—. Educator. 93 High St., Winsted, Conn. Richard David Northrop y h 'a Son of David Ward Northrop, Xi 68. Manufacturer. Standard Woven Fabric Co., Walpole, Mass.; res. 52 Bond St., Norwood, Conn. Clinton Fiske Wilding Td'Q A. B. 1909. Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Glee Club. Track; Editor U'csleyan Literary Monthly and Year Book. ,'\dvertising Manager. Union Bag and Paper Co., 233 Broadway; res. 611 W. 158th St., New York. N. Y. Wilhelm Albert Wintter Xz'^A B. S. 1909. Football. Member Seaside Club. Insurance. IS Fairfield Ave.: res. 565 Fairfield Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. 1910 Roger Whiting Bacon Tc'B A. B. 1910. Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Mystical Seven. Football (Capt. 2 years); Track (Capt. 2 years). Mem- ber Crescent Athletic and Highland Country Clubs. Insurance. Johnston & Collins, 55 Liberty St., New York; res. Crescent Athletic Club, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1910-11 XI CHAPTER 479 Sanford Tiffany Bennett F f ^F B. S. 1910. Pi Kappa Tau. Member Psi I'psilon (New 'Sork) and .Men's CAuh, New York Ave., M. E. Church. Salesman. 140 Broadway, New York; res. 1213A Bergen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Walter Henry Brown F 8 'M A. B. 1910. Theta Nu Epsilon; Sigma Tau; Skull and Serpent. 1st Junior Exhibition Prize; Editor Wesleyan Literary Monthly. Sales Publicity Manager. Curtis Publishing Co., Curtis Bldg., Phila- delphia; res. 102 Elmwood Ave., Narberth, Pa. Raymond Livingstone Gillispie x li ^^^' B. S. 1910. Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Kappa Tau; Zeta Phi. Football; Basket Ball; Johnston Prize; Honors in Mathematics. Member Har- risburg and Country Clubs; Engineers' Soc. of Pa. Brother of Robert Wallace Gillispie, Xi 04. Assistant Superintendent. F. & S. Dept., The Bethlehem Steel Co.. Steel- ton; res. 3214 N. 2d St., Harrisburg, Pa. Edwin Thomas Harman, 3d. x h ""(^ A. R. 1910. Kappa Gamma; Phi Nu Theta; Corpse and Coffin: Mystical Seven; German Club. Football; Basket Ball (Asst. Mgr. 3, 4); Hockey. Manufacturer. 59 Maiden Lane. New York; res. 23 Park Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y. Francis Seymour Haynes X cl '^ Julian Stevens Hayward Kappa Gamma. Brother of Emory James Haynes, Xi 67. Salesman. New York Telephone Co., 897 Flatbush Ave.; res. 132 Sixth Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Y r 'B B. S. 1910. Pi Kappa Pi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Skull and Serpent. Capt. Basket Ball, 0910. Insurance. Travelers Ins. Co., 714 Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Los Angeles; res. 1528 W. 1st St., Glendale, Cal. Winfred Byron Holton, Ji'. X z ''B A. B. 1910. Kappa Gamma; Zeta Phi; Skull and Serpent. Art Dir. New York Bureau of Municipal Research; Dir. San Francisco Bureau of Government Research. Member City, Civic and Twilight (New York). Crescent Athletic f Brooklyn), University (Albany) and Olympic (San Francisco) Clubs. Director Government Research. 803 Flatiron Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.; res. 1220 Pacific St., Brooklyn. N. Y. Fe'B Jason Shepherd Joy A. B. 1910. Kai Gar; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin. Football (1). (2), (3), (4); Capt. (4); Executive Council (4). Treas. Northern New York Development League; House Com- mittee, Malone Club. Member Malone and Billings Clubs; Malone Chamber of Commerce. Merchant. 8 Amsden St. ; res. 32 Fort Covington St., Malone. N. Y. Howard Butler Merritt X w-'t]; A. B. 1910. Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Kappa Tau. .Sales Manager. 879 Broad St., Newark; res. 152 Nutley Ave. Nutley, N. J. Robert Cornelius -Montgomery y b ""B Manufacturer. 601 Gi^nd Ave., Brooklyn; res. 49 Clarcmont Ave., New York, N. Y. Henry Carlos Wilcox x J '^ B. S. 1910. Pi Kappa Tau; Zeta Phi. Football; Basket Ball (3), (4). Farmer and Rancher. J diet, Mont. 1911 1" rank Chaplain Brodhead F t ^F A. B. 1911. Kai Gar; Theta Nu Epsilon; Sig- ma Tau; Skull and Serpent; German, Glee and Mandolin Clubs. Editorial Board Wesleyan Literary Monthly; i/o Second Prize, Junior Exhibition; Chairman Class Day Committee. S'ec. Phila. Wesleyan Alumni Assn. Member Fourth Street Club; Sales Managers' Assn.; Tor- resdale Golf Club. Assistant Sales Manager. Curtis Publishing Co., Independence Sq.; res. 6111 Catharine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Charles Theodore Burke x )' T Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. (345 Hillside PI., South Orange, N. J.) Wesley Morton Davis 7 c 'x A. B. 1911. Pi Kappa Tau; Zeta Phi. Junior Exhibition. Accountant. Kingston Coal Co.; res. 153 S. Maple Ave., Kinarston, Pa. Harrv Willet Faraday T t '7. Theta Nu Epsilon. Salesman. Trussed Concrete Steele Co., Youngstown; res. 2204 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dexter White Hewitt Initiated by the Gamma Vincent Weaver Jones Fb'Y A. B. 1911. Phi Delta Phi; Mystical Seven. Baseball. Son of Robert Weaver Jones, Xi 71, brother of Robert Tolles Jones, Xi 98, Roy Humiston Jones, Xi 01 and Edwin Chester Jones, Xi 04. Law Student. R. T. Jones, South Willington, Conn. Albert Sherron Leach 7 f 'X William Randolph Montgomery XdT A. B. 1911; LL. B. 1916 New York Law School. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Phi Delta Phi; Delta Sigma Rho: Corpse and Coffin; Mystical Seven. Mgr. Football; Dramatics; Debating Council; Representative New England Intercollegiate Oratorical League (2d place); Briggs Prize (debate); Economics Prize. Member Psi Upsilon and Stamford Yacht Clubs. Lawyer. 60 Vv'all S't., New York, N. Y.; res. Shippan Point, Stamford, Conn. Franklin Robbins A. B. 1911; A. M. 1912 Columbia. Kai Gar; Zeta Phi; Corpse and Coffin; La Societe Fran- X b'$ I 480 XI CHAPTER caise. Member University (Detroit) Club. See Lambda 12 Manager. Ford Motor Co., Portsmouth, Va.; res. 96 Forest Ave. W., Detroit, Mich. Charles Morton Sherburne rs'x A. B. 1911; A. M. 1912. Glee Club. Coll. Organist. Student. 2 Louisburg Scj., Boston, Mass. 1912 Harold Graham Anderson (The Telegraph, Philadelphia, Pa.) Harrison Hitchcock Camp T 161 Grove St., Waterbury, Conn. Wendell Harrison Davis X r '5 Pi Kappa Tau. Real Estate and Insurance. 208 Second National Bank Bldg., WilkesBarre; res. 153 S. Maple Ave., Kingston, Pa. T P X y ''9 Harold Morton Hiiie Y q '^ B. S. 1912. Kappa Gamma; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Corpse ami Coffin; STcull and Serpent; German Club. Sopliomore Hop Committee. Treas. German Club, 10-11; Pres. 11-12; Assoc. in Comparative Anatomy, Brooklyn Inst. Bio- logical Laboratory; Science Instr. Hartford Public High School. Member University Club. Educator. 39 Hopkins St.; res. 40 Decrfield Ave., Hart- ford, Conn. Edgar Allan Jones X m 'A A. B. 1912. ^Mystical Seven; Sigma Tau; Zeta Phi; Pi Kappa Tau. Mgr. Musical Assn. Member Psi Upsilon Club of New York. Clerk. Lehigh Valley R. R., 143 Liberty St., New York; res. 48 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Griffith Lloyd Jones T 1 '^ A. B. 1912. Member Am. Chemical Soc. and Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science. Manufacturer. Silver St., Middletown, Conn. Hubert Darrell Jones Xd'(? A. B. 1912. Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Kappa Tau; Zeta Phi. Coll. Senate (1); Editorial Board The Argus (3); Debate Team (2), (3); Declamation Contest (1); Coll. Customs Com- mittee (3). Clergyman. 4746 White Plains Ave., New York, N. Y. Thomas Ayres MacClenthen (Library Bureau, Toronto, Canada.) Richard Sutton Rust y s rh'A A. B. 1912. Theta Nu Epsilon; Kai Gar; So- ciety Francaise. Assoc. Eitor IVesleyan Liter- ary Monthly. Sec. Wesleyan Alumni Assn. of Cincinnati, Ohio. Grandson of Richard Sutton Rilst, Xi 41 and nephew of Richard Hubbard Rust, Xi 65. Insurance. Policy Division, Union Central Life Ins. Bldg.; res. iO Ridgewav Apts., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. [1911-13 Xg'^ Y c ''9 A. B. 1913 Univ. of Maine. "M" Club at Univ. of Maine; Kappa Gamma (Wesleyan). All State Fullback 3 years; Football (Capt.), 12, Univ. of Maine; Varsity 1 year, Wesleyan; Track 3 years, Maine. Physical Director. 37 Elm St., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Percival Dudley Shepherd (Wellesley Hills, Mass.) Thomas Dudley Shepherd 1 1913 George Lewis Atkins Clarence Everett Bacon Bb'^r Member Board of Governors, Bucks County Countrv Chib. ^Member Bucks County Country Club. Real Estate. 203 E. State St., Trenton. N. T.: res. Langhorne, Pa. w r -^r B. S. 1913. Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin: Mystical Seven. Glee Club; Baseba'I; Tennis; Capt., 11; Football; Capt., 12; All Am. Quarter Back. 12. Member Essex Fells Country and Montclair .\thletic Clubs. Salesman. Spencer Trask & Co., 25 Broad St., New York, N. Y. ; res. 179 Walnut St., Montclair, N. J. [Louis] Diimont Beerbower ^ n 'E Member Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers and Colonial Club, Cleveland. Assistant Engineer. N. Y. C. R. R. Co.; res. 8820 Euclid Ave., Cleveland. Ohio. Edgar Mncent Durling By-^r B. S. 1913. Skull and Serpent. Football (Capt.); Baseball (Capt.). Member Friars (New York) and Los -Angeles .\thletic Clubs. Journalist. (504 American Bank Bldg.; res. Los .\ngeles Athletic Club, Los Angeles, Cal. Ravmond Silas Gibbs r-^E B. S. 1913. Zeta Phi; Corpse and Coffin; Mystical Seven. Coll. Senate; Athletic Assn.; Coll. Body; Chairman Honor System Commit- tee. Member Prentiss Club. Rancher. Natchez, Miss. Waldo Pierpont Gillies B b 'u A. B. 1913. Sales Manager. Texas Co. (S. A.) Lt'd., Cape Town, South Africa. David C[harles] B[arrett] Harvey Kappa Nu. Football. Member Oritani I'-icld Club (Hackensack. N. J.) Insurance. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 175 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; res. Asbury Park. N. T. George Lansing Harvey ^ s 'e A. B. 1913. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi (New York Law School). Lawyer. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 175 Remsen St., llLvl5I XI CHAPTER 481 Edward Payson Hay ward ^1' h H R. S. 1913. Thcla Nu Kpsilon; Corpse and Coffin: Skull and Serpent. Basket Hall (Capt.) (2): Baseball (3). Cashier. Travelers' Insurance Co.. 1611 Union 'I'lust DIdR.. Cincinnati, Ohio. Walter Thomas James Bd'T A. B. 1913. Phi Beta Kappa. Tennis; Capt. Tennis Team. 11-13. Member Psi Upsilon, Uni- versity and Transportation (New York) Clubs. Clerk." Bethlehem Steel Co.. Bethlehem, Pa.; res. Middletown, Conn. Robert Irving' Laggreu Bf "s A. B. 1913; LL. B. 1916 New York Law School. Mystical Seven; Corpse and Coffin: Theta Nu Epsilon. Football (W.); Baseball (W.); Base- ball Mgr.; Coll. Senate; Undergraduate Execu- tive Council; Vice-Pres. Y. M. C. A. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Lawyer. 32 Liberty St.. New York. N. Y.; res. 328 W. Jersey St., Elizabeth. N. J. DeA\'itt Hiram Merriam ^I* c 'u LL. B. 1914. Asst. Prosecuting Atty., De- troit, Mich. Member Country Club and Assn. of the Bar, City of Detroit. Lawyer. 1024 Ford Bldg.; res. 156 Ferry Ave. E., Detroit, Mich. W'infred King Petigrue ^e-'T B.S. 19^: LL. B. 1916 New York Law School. Phi Beta Kappa: Skull and .Serpent: Theta Nu Epsilon; Sigma Tau; German Club. Football; Basket Ball. Instr. Batten High School, Eliza- beth, N. J.. 13-16. Member Psi I'psilon Club of New York. Lawyer. Breed. Abbott & Morgan, 32 Liberty St., New York: res. ^S Hanson PI.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Joseph Charles Quirk B m '£ Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Rockland Counliy. Whitehall and Beaver Clubs. Broker. International Shipping Corporation. 11 Broad- way. New York; res. Snedens Landing, Palisades, N. Y. David John White ^' j 'Y (249 River St., Mattapan. Mass.) 1914 Edward Wayt Bishop v. d''-: A. B. 1914. Sigma Tau; Skull and Serpent. -Sec.-Treas. Weslevan .Athletic Assn. and Cnll. Body: Mgr. Olla Podrida; Senate. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Broker. 20 Broad St.. New York; res. Nyack, N. Y. Erank Bonnyman Cawley V tX n. S. 1914. Secretary. Y. M. C. .\ ; res. 516 Ohio St., Medina. X. Y. X m 'T Warren Clark Fuller B. S. 1914. Educator. MarshfieM. Mass. Almern Frederick Griffin X g 'Z r>. S. in C. E. 1914 Worcester Polytechnic Inst. Civil t'lRineering Soc; Class Numerals in Track (2); Member Aftermath Board, 14. Engineer. Miami Conservancy District; res. 11 Mary Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Hawthorne Parker Halvorson Fa'-: B. S. 1914. Track. Superintendent. Citizens' Gas, Electric & Power Co., 58 Main St.; res. 8 Winter St., Nantucket, Mass. James Blood Hasselman Y a 'Z B. S. 1914. Mystical Seven; Corpse and Coffin. Editor-in-Chief The Argus; Instr. Mich. Agri- cultural Coll. Educator. 3445 Central Ave., Indianapolis. Ind. William Ross Little Xe'T B. S. 1914. Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi. Educator. Iowa State College, .\mes, Iowa. Robert Emmett McCarthy -{ n ''Z Corpse and Coffin. Football (1), (2); Baseball (1), (2); Football and Wrestling (Lehigh). See Eta 15 Clerk. Open Hearth — Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem; res. Hotel Saucona, South Bethlehem, Pa. Allen Simmons Raymond F r ""t Journalist. (Brooklyn Daily Times, Brooklyn, N. Y.) Ralph Gordon Sickels XdT A. B. 1914. Delta Sigma Rho. (2047 N. Illinois St.. Indianapolis. Ind.) Flarold Ernest Weinstein Fb^; Member University Glee Club of New Y'ork City. 23 St. James PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. Melville Soule Wilding Y d '■: A. B. 1914. .\ssistant Sales Manager. W'hitehead & Hoag (To., 1st and Sussex Ave., Newark; res. 49 Woodruff PI., Perth Ambov, N. T. 1915 Charles Daniel Brodhead Fa': A. B. 1915 cum latide. Phi Beta Kappa; La Societe Francaise; The Literary Club. Debating Teams (1), (4); Asst. Mgr. Debating Council (3): Mgr. (4); Oratorical Contest (2); Olla Podrida Board (3); The Argus Board (2), <3), (4); Editor-in-Chief (4> ; Vicc-Pres. La Societe Francaise (4) ; Rich Prize Commence- ment Speaker; Coll. Senate (4). Theological Student. 6111 Catharine St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Robert Valden Cassidv Yc'H A. B. 1915. Mandolin Club. Son of William Morton Cassidy, Xi 88. Student. 7 Negus St., Webster. Mass. 482 XI CHAPTER [1915-17 James Holmes Defandorf X b ""v] A. B. 1915; A. M. 1916. Chemist. Rockefeller Inst, for Medical Research, 66tli St. and Ave. A., New York, N. Y.; res. Gar- rett Park, Md. Julian Allen Dickinson Initiated by the Lambda Walling Evert Harvey Fs'S A. B. 1915. Insurance. Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co., 175 Remsen St., Brooklyn; res. 50 Northern Ave., New York, N. Y. Charles Johnson X ini B. S. 1915. Skull and Serpent; Sigma Tau. Football. Pliysical Director. Battin High School; res. 1062 Nortli Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. Robert Chipman Kneil X c 'H B. S. 1915. Cashier. Reliance Life Ins. Co., 810 Swetland Bldg. ; res. 1724 E. 79th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Austin [Hubbert] Kuhns 7 A. B. 1915. Member Am. Chemical Soc. Student. 158 High St., Middletown, Conn. h' ■n Charles Harold Laycock Xk'a Member Wyoming Valley Club. Banker. Wyoming National Bank; res. 27 Academy St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Morell Mackenzie Xd'cr Football. 13. Salesman. The Texas Co.; res. 85 Monroe St., Hartford, Conn. Charles Frederick Pickles Member Los Angeles Athletic Club. Joseph Atherton Richards t'H A. B. 1915 cunt laitde; Corpse and Coffin; Mystical Seven. Capt. Tennis Team. Member West Side Tennis (New York, N. Y.) Club. Accountant. 902 Kinan St.. Honolulu. T. H. Robert Sherman Ross X m 'a Broker. (610 Madison Ave., Elizabeth, N. J.) Henry Ernest Schinzel X ^ '^^ Broker. (103 W. 72d St., New York, N. Y.) J [oseph] Aubrey Sutton Kc'^© B. S. 1915. Vice;-Pres. Literary Soc; Track; Relay; Glee Club. Member Merion Cricket Club. Manufacturer. Thurlow Steel Wire Co.. 1418 Walnut St., Philadelphia; res. Haverford, Pa. Douglas Farwell Woolley New York, N. Y.) Xa'H Merchant. 1258 Fifth Ave. 1916 Joel Wright Hadley ^c'0 658 E. 22d St., Indianapolis, Ind. Abraham Avery Hallock B e ""p .\. B. 1916. Corpse and Coffin; Mystical Seven; German Club; La Societe Francaise. Andrus .Swimming Assn.; Football; Musical Clubs. -Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York.) .Student. Cromwell Hall, Cromwell, Conn. Charles Sharpe Hitchcock* ^F m '0 d. 1914 James Warren Kinsman ^ r '0 Baseball (2). Member Elmora Country Club. General Foreman. Bayway Plant, E. I. DuPont deNemours & Co.; res. 519 Magic St., Elizabeth, N. J. Tames Elisha Knox W s T Dir. Y. M. C. A. Public Library. Member Colonial, New York Athletic and Transporta- tion (New York) and Laurentian of Canada Clubs. Manufacturer. 13 Knox Ave.; res. 600 S. William St., Johns- town, N. Y. George Mair BdT A. B. 1916 Harvard. Hibbar^ Prize for Declamation, 13. Wesleyan ; 2d Prize Lee Wade Contest in Declamation, 16, Harvard. Student. 600 W. 122d St., New York, N. Y. Edward Leopold Markthaler «]; d '0 B. S. 1916. Corpse and Coffin; Mystical Seven; Cotillion Club. Baseball (1), (2), (3), (4); Capt. (4); Football (3), (4). Asst. in Physical Education. Educator. Wesleyan University. Middletown. Conn.; res. 222 Rahway Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. Gregg Leih Shoemaker Bn^O Office Supervisor. David Lupton's Sons Co., Allegheny Ave. and Tulip St.; res. 3112 Frankford Ave., Philadel- phia, Pa. F.arl Place Stevenson ^d'P B. S. 1916. Phi Beta Kappa. Declamation at Junior Exhibition; Mgr. Tennis; Athletic Coun- cil; .Senate. Student. 3031 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis. Ind. W m '? A. Pi. 1916. Classical and Literary Clubs. Track Team; Editor-in-Chief IVcslevan Literary Monfliiv. Student! Marblehcad. Conn. Arthur Corning White 1917 Charles Graham Chapin Fs'I Corpse and Coffin; Mystical Seven. Baseball; Basket Ball. Student. Norwichtown, Conn. 1917-181 XI CHAPTER 483 Donald Bultz Clark X D 'A Deulsclicr Vereiii; Literary Soc. ; Mandolin Club. 38 Via Firenze, Rome, Italy. James Hardy Dorchester X b '■:: Member Cosmopolitan. Dramatic and Short Story Club.s. Student. 93 Summer St., Bristol, Conn. William Ram.say Edmonds S h '11 Student. 239 Murray St., Elizabeth, N. J. Henry Martyn Harman 7C t Baseball (3). Student. Psi Upsilon House. Middletown, Conn.; res. 23 Park Ave., New Rochellc, N. Y. Carlton Hurst Yt ^ Cercle Francais; Deutscher Verein; Chess Club. U. S. \'ice-Consul, Madrid. Spain. Member Circulo Genestre de Barcelona; Ateneo de Madrid; Circulo de Bellas Artes. American Consulate, Madrid, Spain. Albert Ferdinand Lindstrom 7 t 'r. Corpse and Coffin; German Club. Student. 121 High St., Nutley, N. J. Robert Fulton Raymond, Jr. X m '11 German Club; Mandolin Club; Leader (4); Re- lay Team (1), (2), (3), (4). Student. 29 Alontvale Rd., Newton Center, Mass. Edward Crocker Sloan Student. 30 Langdon St., Cambridge, Mass. Frank Edward Stevens Pres. of Coll. Body. Student. Lexington, Okla. Lucian Henry Stevens Baseball; Swimming. Student. Lexington, Okla. James Stanley Sutton Fc'I Fd'I Tz'o */g Brother of Willis Dale Sutton, Delta 12. Clerk. American Can Co.. York and Adams Sts., Brooklyn; res. 20 St. Andrew's PI., Yonkers, N. Y. James Livingstone Thompson X a "•:: Am. Ambulance Corps in 1912 N. Meridian St., Ind Farrant Lewis Turner Am. Ambulance Corps in France, 17. 1912 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Y g 'n Corpse and Coffin; Mystical Seven; German Club. Mgr. Basket Ball; Capt. Swimming Team; Chairman Junior Promenade Committee. 1822 Punahou St., Honolulu, Hawaii. 1918 Ralph Bradford Bayliss X b 'o Son of Lucien Holmes Bayliss, Xi 91, grandson of Benjamin Holmes Bayliss, Delta, 65 and nephew of Harold Holmes Bayliss, Delta, 98. Student. Questorer, Brewster, N. Y. Charles Martin Boswell, Jr. Corpse and Coffin. Football. Student. 409 S. 5 1st St., Philadelphia, Pa. Edwin Day Elliot 133 E. 35th St., New York, N. Y. Herbert Benson Finnegan V g ^O rd'K Xf'o German, Mandolin and Glee Clubs; Sec. and Treas. La Societe Francaise; Deutscher Verein. Student. Psi Upsilon House, Middleown; res. 17 Ford St., South Manchester, Conn. W atson Munroe Hannan Glee Club; College Choir. Student. Drew Forest, Madison, N. J. William Duran Holman yn y.r 'O Musical Clubs. 31 Summit St., South Manchester, Conn. Frank Milton Johnson Tc'K Corpse and Coffin. Student. 1443 Fairmont St. N. W., Washington. D. C. Reese Pughe Jones X h ''o 1431 Elm St., Utica, N. Y. Gerald Pennfield Kynett y f '% Sigma Tau. Son of Alpha Gilruth Kynett, Xi 78 and nephew of Harry Havelock Kvnett, Xi 83. 4820 Beaumont Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Tm'^O George Raymond Larkin Student. 35 Kent Ave., Pittsfield, Mass. Wandell McMaster Mooney Student. 141 Water St., Paterson, N. J. William Thomas Morgan Student. 286 Shelton Ave., New Haven, Conn. Herman Gross Scott, Jr. y n 'o Member Pittsburgh Athletic Assn.; Piftsburgh Field and Edgeworth (Sewickley) Clubs. Insurance. Reliance Life Ins. Co., Farmer's Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh; res. Beaver Rd., Leetsdale, Pa. Robert Boyd Ward, 2d. ^h'B Delta Delta; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Ser- pent. Mgr. Football. Student. Quaker Ridge Rd., New Rochelle, N. Y. Steacy Ernest W^ebster Xd Glee Club. .Student. 34 E. Willow Grove Ave., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. (17) 484 XI CHAPTER 1919 Wesleyan Musical Clubs. Student. 90 Broad St., Plattsburg, N. Y. Paint and Powder Club. Student. 122 De Hart PI., Elizabeth, N. J. Am-^N rf -^s Xh'A 7 r '^^ rm'S Tennis. 1409 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. Arthur Frederick Markthaler X h ''A Football; Baseball; Basket Ball. 222 Rahway Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. Harold Lewis Norton X t 'X Student. 6 Bush St., Newport, R. I. Stephen Adams Norton T g 'S Student. Mt. Hermon, Mass. Earle Waldon Parsons yc^B, .165^ Cherry St., Elizabeth, N. J. Earle Franklin Seiter Richards V j ""X Student. . Psi Upsilon House, Middletown; res. 65 Mam St., West Haven, Conn. Russell Dudley Bell Wesleyan Musical Clul Student. 90 Broad St., Plattsbu: Richard Cissel Berry Paint and Powder Club Student. 122 De Hart PI., Elizab George Floyd Bickford Student. Main St., Hardwick, Vt. Howard Burdick Member Lake Placid (N. Y.) Club. Student. 814 Carroll St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Bradshaw Crandell Student. 3 Horican Ave., Glens Falls, N. Y. James Newbury FitzGerald Son of Paul Fitzgerald. Pi 91. Student. 214 N. 7th St.. Newark. N. J. Frederic Halsted Hahn Baseball ; Swimming. Student. 119 E. 35th St., New York. N. Y. Robert Truett Lockridge Paul Redner Webb [1919-20 XI 'A Football; Baseball. 734 Church Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Kenneth Crane Woodruff 154 Stiles St., Elizabeth, N. J. 1920 Milton Spry Andrews Student. P. O. Box 72, Cambridge, John Randolph Belcher Student. 178 U St. N. E., WasI Robert Mills Chapin Student. Norwichtown, Conn. Logan Morris Dayton Student. 178 U St. N. E., Washington, D. C. Fd-^N Xf'M Xh'u Xc-'M Student. 109 Rochelle Ave., Wissahickon, Philadelphia, Pa. Edward Matthews Jones P r 'jjl Student. Elkton, Md. Robert Meridith Moore X d 'N Student. 248 W. Jersey St., Elizabeth, N. Y. Arthur Rees Pughe P f u Student. 166 Grove PI., Utica, N. Y. Bertram William Saunders X h 'M • Student. 192 Bloomfield Ave., Passaic,* N. J. Stanley Linham Thornton P c 'u Student. 131 E. Dunham St., Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. Edward Horace Tomlinson X r ""M Student. 247 Orchard St., Elizabeth, N. J. Horace Gilbert Travis P b 'N Student. Dunkirk, N. Y. ALPHA CHAPTER FOUNDED NOVEMBER 22, 1850 HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 1850 Charles Edward Clifford Initiated by the Kappa 1851 Robert Bickford* ^^'?" A. B. 1851; A. M. 18S4. 1st Boylston Prize, 49; 2d Boylston Prize, 51; Disquisition at Com- mencement. Charter Member; Principal High School, Somerville, Mass., 51-54; High School for Girls, Roxbury, 54-60; Prof, of Mathe- matics, Female College, Danville, Ky., 60-63; Principal Bell School, Somerville, Mass., 79-94; Member Board of Education, Seneca Falls, N. Y., 76-79. Educator. d. 1894 George Bliss* IX nv A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; LL. B. 1856. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 48; 2d Bowdoin Prize, English Essay, 51; Latin Version, Junior Ex- hibition, 50; Disquisition, S'enior Exhibition, 51; Dissertation at Commencement. Aide to Gover- nor Morgan; Paymaster-General, State of N. Y.; Capt. Co. H 4th Artillery Regiment N. Y. Vols., 61-63; U. S. Dist. Atty., Southern Dist. of N. Y., 72-77. Author "Bliss on Life In- surance." Lawyer. d. 1897 Lucius Henry Buckingham* <]^V Z' A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; Ph. D. 1876. Phi Beta Kappa. Dissertation at Junior Exhibition, 50; Dissertation at Commencement. Charter Member; Instr. High School, Keene, N. H., 51- 52; High School, Dorchester, Mass., 52-56; High School, Brighton, 56-63; Philadelphia, Pa., 63-71; Sub-Master English High School, Bos- ton, Mass., 71-85. Educator. d. 1885 Peter Smith Byers* A. B. 1851. Phi Beta Kappa. Greek Dialogue at Junior Exhibition, 49; Oration at Commence- ment. Charter Member; Instr. Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass., 51-53; Principal Abbott Fe- male Sem., Andover, S3; High School, Provi- dence, R. I., 53-54; Punchard Free School, And- over, Mass., 54-56. Educator. d. 1856 Samuel Greeley Clarke* B$?' A. B. 1851. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 48; English Version, Junior Exhibition, 49; Oration, Senior Exhibitions, 50 and 51; Valedictorian. Charter Member. Brother of Stephen Wells Clarke, Zeta 62. Lawyer. d. 1887 Charles Dexter* B©r A. B. 1851; A. M. 1867. Disquisition at Senior Exhibition, 51; Disquisition at Commencement. Charter Member. d. 1893 William Paisley Field* T Q ?^ A. B. 1851; LL. B. 1855. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Bowdoin Prize, 50; Metrical Version, Junior Ex- hibition, 49; Greek Oration, Senior Exhibition, 50; Dissertation at Commencement. Charter Member; Instr. P. E. Acad., Philadelphia, Pa., 51-52; Private Tutor, Cambridge, Mass., 52-53. Lawyer. d. 1859 William Watson Goodwin* (|; S T A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; Ph. D. 1855 Univ. of Gottingen; LL. D. 1881 Amherst; LL. D. 1883 ad eundcm, Univ. of Cambridge, England; J. U. D. 1887 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Greek Metrical Version, Junior Exhibition, SO; Oration at Senior Exhibition, 51; Greek Prose, Bowdoin Prize, 50; Greek Verse, Bowdoin Prize, 51; Latin Oration at Commencement; Charter Member; Private Tutor, Cambridge and Boston, Mass., 51-53; Tutor, Harvard, 56-60; Eliot Prof, of Greek Literature, Harvard, 60; Pres. Am. Philological Assn., 71-72 and 84-85; Fellow Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences; Dir. Am. School of Archaeology, Athens, Greece, 82- 83. Author "De Potentias Veterum Gentium Maritimae Epochis apud Eusebium;" "Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb;" "Elementary Greek Grammar"; (with Rev. J. H. Allen) "Greek Reader." Member Im- perial Archasological Inst, of Germany and Cambridge (England) Philological Soc. Educator. d. 1912 Samuel Abbott Green PA?' A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; M. D. 1854. Phi Beta Kappa. Vice-Pres. Hasty Pudding Club; Char- ter Member; Asst. Surg. 1st Inf. Mass. Vols., 61; Surg. 24th Regiment, 61-65; Brevet Lieut- Colonel, 65; Acting Staff Surg. 65; Librarian Massachusetts Historical Soc, 68 — ; City Phys. Boston, 71 — ; Mayor, 82-83; Pres., Lawrence Acad., Groton since 83; Member Mass. Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity. Author "Story of a Famous Book, an Account of Dr. Benjamin Franklin's Autobiogiophy;" "Bib- liography of the Massachusetts Historical So- ciety;" "School Histories and Some Errors in Them;" "A Report of the Council of the American Antiquarian Society;" "An Account of Percival and Ellen Green;" "The Early Records of Groton, Mass.;" "Groton During the Indian Wars;" "The Boundary Lines of Old Groton;" "Groton Historical Series;" "Histori- cal Sketch of Groton;" "Groton During the Revolution;" "Ten Fac-Simile Reproductions;" "Three Military Diaries Kept by Groton Sol- diers;" "John Foster, the First American En- graver and the First Boston Printer;" ''Facts Relating to the History of Groton." Member 486 ALPHA CHAPTER [1851-5 ;? Historical Socs. of Maine, New Hampshire, Con- necticut, New York, Long Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Minnesota, Ohio, Wis- consin, Kansas, Manitoba, Buffalo, Chicago, Newport and Massachusetts; Massachusetts Med. and Am. Antiquarian Socs.; Essex Insti- tute; New England Historic-Genealogical, New York Gynealogical and Biographical, Boston Numismatic, Numismatic and Antiquarian (Philadelphia and Montreal) Socs. Physician and Surgeon (retired). Groton, Mass. Henry Williamson Haynes* B 11 Z' A. B. 1851; A. M. 1859. Phi Beta Kappa. Bow- doin Prize, 48; Latin Dialogue at Junior Ex- hibition, 49; Latin Oration at Senior Exhibi- tion, 50; Oration at Commencement. Charter Member; Prof, of Latin Language and Litera- ture, Univ. of Vt., 57-71; Greek Language and Literature, 71-73; Librarian of the Univ., 69- 7Z. Member Massachusetts Historical Soc. and Archseological Soc. of Athens. Educator. d. 1912 Joseph Kirkland Greene Kittredge* SAT' A. B. 1851. Charter Member. Planter. d. 1897 Charles Gushing Mitchell* A. B. 1851. Essay at Senior Exhibition, 50; Disquisition at Commencement. Charter Mem- ber. Planter. d. 1894 Francis [William] Winthrop Palfrey* BAq" A. B. 1851; LL. B. 1853; A. M. 1870. Phi Beta Kappa. Greek Dialogue, Junior Exhibition, 49 Latin Oration; Senior Exhibition, 51; Disserta tion at Commencement. Charter Member Lieut. -Colonel 20th Inf. Regiment Mass. Vols.. 61-62; Colonel, 62-63; Brevet Brigadier-Gen- eral. Member Soc. of the Cincinnati and Mas- sachusetts Historical Soc. Lawyer. d. 1889 Augustus Thorndike Perkins* B Q Z' A. B. 1851; LL. B. 1853; A. M. 1860. Pres. Hasty Pudding Club; Detur, 48; Essay at Com- mencement. Charter Member; Justice of the Peace Barnstable County, Mass., 55-69. Au- thor "A Sketch of the Life and a List of Some of the Works of John Singleton Copley;" "A Slcetch of the Family of Dumaresq;" "A Sketch of the Perkins Family;" "Losses to Liter- ature and Art by the Great Fire in Boston, 1872." Member of the Massachusetts Historical, Am. Historical and New England Historic- Genealogical Socs.; Essex Inst. Lawyer. d. 1891 Arthur Herbert Poor* BP-' A. B. 1851. Phi Beta Kappa. Disquisition at Senior Exhibition, SO; Dissertation at Com- mencement. Merchant. d. 1862 George Doane Porter* A. B. 1851; LL. B. 1853. Disquisition at Com- mencement. Charter Member: Justice of the Peace and Trial Justice, Middlesex County, Mass.; Member School Committee of Medford. Lawyer. d. 1861 Edward Franklin Raymond'' A. B. 1851. Charter Member. Lawyer. Alfred Moore Rhett* d. 1855 B0?^ A. B. 1851. Charter Member; Colonel 1st (Confedarate) Artillery Regiment S. C. ; Com- mander of Fort Sumter; Chief of Police, Charleston, S. C, 78. Planter. d. 1889 Joshua Danforth Robinson* ^ T Z' A. B. 1851. Disquisition, Senior Exhibition; Dissertation at Commencement. Member Mass. Legislature, SS-56. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Old Memories." Merchant. d. 1866 Justus Smith Initiated by the Gamma Joseph Hussey Sprague* <];€)<;' A. B. 1851. Phi Beta Kappa. Disquisition at Senior Exhibition, 51; Disquisition at Com- mencement. Charter Member; Teacher, Hop- kinton and Lincoln, Mass., 49-50 and 50-51; Member Hartford Board of School Visitors, 62- 68; Member City Council. Hartford, 61 and 70- 74; Mayor, Hartford, 74-78; Member Board of Fire Commissioners, 71-72; Board of Street Commisisoners, 78-87; Pres., 81-87; Member Conn. Legislature, 81; State Actuary, Ins. Dept.. 83. Insurance. d. 1898 Joseph Warren Towle* t 3 H' A. B. 1851. Essay at Commencement. Lawyer. d. 1903 David Parsons Wilder* Y A Z~ A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; LL. B. 1855. Disquisi- tion at Senior Exhibition, 50; Disquisition at Commencement. Charter Member. Lawyer. d. 1872 1852 Horatio Alger, Jr. $Tri' A. B. 1852: S. T. B. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 49; Greek Version at Junior Exhibition, 50; Dissertation at Senior Exhibition, 51; 1st Bowdoin Prize in English, 51; Bowdoin Prize in Greek Prose, 51; Oration at Commencement. Principal Acad., Deerfield, 55-57; Pastor Unitar- ian Church, Brewster, Mass., 64-66. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Ties of Old;" "Helen Ford:" "Gran'ther Baldwin's Thanksgiving, with other Ballads and Poems;" "The Ragged Dick Series;" "The Tattered Tom Series;" "The Luck and Pluck Series;" "The Brave and Bold Series;" "The Campaign Series;" "The Pacific Series;" "The Atlantic Series." Author. d. 1899 Addison Brown Initiated by the Gamma Henry William Brown* BLt' A. B. 1852. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 48; Eng- lish X'ersion at Junior Exhibition. SO; Latin Oration at Senior Exhibition, 51; Bowdoin Prize in Latin Prose, 52; Oration at Commencement. Charter Member; Pastor Unitarian Church, Augusta, Maine, 60-67; Sacramento, Cal., 67-73; Prof, of English Literature Mass. State Normal School, Worcester, 74. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Partine Song." Educator. d. 1900 1852-53] ALPHA CHAPTER 487 George Lovell Gary* BF A. B. 1S.S2: A. M. 1S57. Plii Beta Kappa. Detur. 48; (ireek Dialogue at lunior Exhibition, 50. Charter Member; Teacher, Medway, Mass. and Milwaukee, Wis., 52-56; Prof, of Ancient Languages Antioch Coll., 56-62; Prof, of New Testament Literature and Philosophy, Meadvil'.e Theol. School, 62. Author "Introduction to the (Jreek of the New Testament;" "Criticism and . the Scriptures." Member Am. Oriental and New England Historic-Genealogical Sees. Educator. d. 1910 Reginald Heber Ghase* C^G A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 49; Junior Orator, 50; Bowdoin Prize for Latin Verse, 51; Senior Orator, 51; Bowdoin Prize for Oreek verse, 52; Oration at Commencement. Charter Member; Private Tutor, Cambridge, Mass., 52-53; Tutor Harvard. 53-58; Principal Collegiate School, Philadelphia, Pa., 58-85. Educator. d. 1885 Tosiah GoUins* ^Rr A. B. 1852; A. M. 18S4; LL. B. 1854. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 50; (ireek \'ersion at Junior Exhibition, 51; English Oration' at Senior Exhibition, 52; Oration at Commence- ment. 1st Lieut. lOth (Confederate) Artillery Regiment N. C. Vols, and Ordnance Officer, 61-65. Lawyer. d. 1890 George Huntington Fisher* 8 2 r,~ A. B. 1852. Detur, 49; Essay at Commence- ment. Member N. Y. Legislature, 60-61 ; Com- mon Council. Brooklyn, 61-69; Brooklyn Board of Education. 70-71; Register in Bankrviptcy, 67-70. Brother of Edward Thornton Fisher, .\lpha 56. Lawyer. d. 1910 Epliraim Whitman Gurney* K D -q A. B. 1852. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 49; Disser- tation at Senior Exhibition, 52; Dissertation at Commencement. Teacher Boston. Mass., 52-57; Tutor in Latin, Harvard, 57-63; Asst. Prof, of Latin, 63-67; Philosophy, 67-68; Historv, 68-69: Univ. Prof, of Historv, 69-86; McLean Prof, of History. 86; Dean of Facultv Harvard Coll., 70-75; Fellow Harvard Coll., 84-86; Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences. Educator. d. 1886 Francis William Hilliard* P. U q' A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 49; English Metrical \'ersion at Junior Exhibition, 50; Poem at Senior Exhibition. SI; Commencement Poet. Charter Member; Teacher N. C, 52-53; Asst. Minister St. Paul's Church, Edenton. N. C, 56-59; Rector Grace Church, Plvmouth. 59-61; Chapel of the Cross. Chapel Hill. 61-65; St. Paul's Church, Edenton, 66-70; St. James' Church, Theresa, N. Y., 70-74; St. Mark's Church. Cheyenne. Wvo.. 74-76; St. Paul's Church, Erie. Pa.. 76-78; St. :\Iary's Church, Pocomoke City, Md., 78; Dean South- ern Convocation, Diocese of Easton; Member Standing Committee; Deputy General Conven- tion. Author Psi Upsilon Song "The Toy of Psi Ups." Clergyman. d. 1910 Francis William Hurd* ¥Vt" A. B. 1852; A. M. 1860. Lawyer. Charter Member. d. 1915 Edward Horatio Neal* f^Ui A. B. J8S2; LL. B. 1854. Latin Version at Junior Exhibition, 51; Disquisition at Senior Exhibition. 52; Dissertation at Commencement. Lawyer. d. 1856 Galvin Gates Page* C^Q^' A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855; M. D. 1855. Member Inst, of 1770; Riimford Natural History Soc. and Hasty Pudding Club. Charter Member; Acting Asst. Surg. U. S. Army. 61-62 and 63-65; Surg. 39th Inf. Regiment Mass. Vols. 62-63; Member Massachusetts Med. Soc; Soc. for Med. Observation; Soc. for Med. Improvement and Obstetrical Soc. of Boston. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1869 Florace Richardson* ^FR A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855; M. D. 1855. Detur, 49. Charter Member. Member Massachusetts Aled. Soc. and Natural History Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1891 Gharles Ellery Stedman'' ^J?^ A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855; M. D. 1855. Vice-Pres. Hasty Pudding Club; Detur. 49; Latin Dialogue at Junior Exhibition, 51; Disquisition at Com- mencement. Charter Member; Asst. Surg. U. S. Navy, 61-65; Visiting Phys. Boston City Hosp. Member Massachusetts Med. Soc; Soc. for Med. Observation; Soc for Med. Improvement; Obstetrical Soc. of Boston; Dorchester Med. Club and Council of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Author "Notes on Typhoid Fever." Physician and Surgeon. d. 1909 David Ghurchill Trimble* ^Dt' A. B. 1852. Vice-Pres. Hasty Pudding Club, Essay at Commencement; Charter Member; Sec. and Treas. Maryland State Agricultural Soc, 3 vears. Planter. d. 1888 Robert Ware* B W q A. B. 1852; M. D. 1856. Detur. 49; Latin Dialogue at Junior Exhibition. 50; Disquisition at Senior Exhibition. 51; Disquisition at Com- mencement. Charter Member; Phys. Boston Dispensary, 57-61; Phys. Sanitary Commission, 61-62; Siirg. 44th Inf. Regiment Mass. Vols., 62-63. Member Massachusetts Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1863 William Fiske Wheeler* (];Vt" A. B. 1852. Charter Member; Capt. 51st Inf. Regiment Mass. Vols.. 62-63. Merchant. d. 1907 Horatio Hancock Fiske Whittemore* A. B. 1852; M. D. 1855. Disquisition at Com- mencement. Charter Member; Post Surg., Forts Sewall, Glover and Miller. Marblehead, Mass.. 61-65. Member Massachusetts Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1872 1853 John EKmcan Bryant* :: X a' A. B. 1853. Phi Beta Kappa. T)etur, 50; Eng- lish Version at Junior Exhibition, 51; Latin Oration at Senior Exhibition, 52; Dissertation at Commencement. Instr. in Private Latin School of E. S. Dixwell, A. M., Boston, Mass., 53-54. Lawyer. d. 1911 488 ALPHA CHAPTER [1853-54 Charles Carroll* n 6) tq" A. B. 1853; Ph. D. 1872 Univ. of the City of New York. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 50; English Version at Junior Exhibition, 51; English Oration at Senior Exhibition, 52; Valedictorian. Private Tutor. 53-54; Usher in English High School, Boston, Mass., 59-64: Private School, Boston, 64-67; Prof, of French and German, Univ. City of New York, 71. Educator. d. 1889 John Daves* oGH^ A. B. 1853. Detur. 50; Greek Version, Junior Exhibition, 52; Vice-Pres. Hasty Pudding Cub. Brother of Edward Graham Daves, Alpha 54. d. 1855 William Sidney Davis"^ I9S' A. B. 1853. Detur. 50; English Version, Junior Exhibition, 52; Disquisition, Senior Exhibition, 53; 1st Boylston Prize, 52; Dissertation at Com- mencement. Insurance. d. 1886 George Russell Dwelly Initiated bv the Beta John Erving ItH^ A. B. 1853; LL. B. 1855; A. M. 1858. Detur, 51; 1st Boylston Prize. 52; English \'ersion at Junior Exhibition, 52; English Oration at Senior Exhibition, 53; Oration at Commencement. Brother of Langdon Erving, Alpha 55. 'Lawyer. (17 W. 50th St.. New York, N. Y.) Alfred Hosmer* 8Fr A. B. 1853; M. D. 1856. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 50; Latin Dialogue at Junior Exhibition. 51; Dissertation at Senior Exhibition, 52; Oration at Commencement; Fellow Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences; Mass. Med. Soc. and Pres., 82-84; Obstetrical Soc. of Boston and Pres., 81-83; Middlesex South Dist. Med. Soc and Pres., 80-82; Mass. Medico-Legal Soc. and Pres., 77-80; Post Surg. U. S. Arsenal, Watertown, 76; Mem- ber School Committee and Pres.; Trustee, Watertown Public Library; Med. Examiner Middlesex County. Mass.. 77-84; Member State Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity. 81-82. Physician and Surgeon. d 1891 Andrew Jackson Howe* TU PL S" A. B. 1853; A. M. 1871; A. M. 1871 ad eundem. Yale; M. D. 1855 Worcester Med. Institution. Phi Beta Kappa. Prof, of Surgery Eclectic Med. Inst, of Cincinnati. Author "A General Work on Surgery;" "A Treatise on Fractures and Dislocations;" "A Manual of Eye Surgery." Physician and Surgeon. d. 1S92 Edward King* 7, S a' A. B. 1853; A. M. 1858. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, SO; English Version at Junior Exhibition, 52; Disquisition at Senior Exhibition, 53: Disserta- tion at Commencement; Vice-Pres. Hasty Pud- ding Club. Pres. New York Stock Exchange, 72-73. Banker. d. 1908 rsv d. 1901 $C(J^ A. B. 1853; A. M. 1856; S. T. D. 1859. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 50; English Version at Junior Exhibition, 51; Dissertation at Senior John Godfrey Neil* Pres. Hasty Pudding Club. James Mills Peirce* Exhibition, 52; 2d Boylston Prize, 52; 1st Bowdoin Prize. 52 and S3; Oration at Com- mencement. Tutor Harvard, 54-58 and 60-61; Asst. Prof._ of Mathematics and Astronomy, 61-69; Univ. Prof, of Mathematics and Astronomy, 69-85; Perkins Prof, same, 85-06; Dean of Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 95-98; Fellow Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences. Author "A Text-book on Analytic Geometry;" "Three and Four Place Tables" and "The Elements of Logarithms." Educator. d. 1906 I V Y]' Detur, 50; Dis- d. 1858 ARH" William Henry Rowe* A. B. 1853. Phi Beta Kappa, quisition at Commencement. Lawyer. George Henry Sargent A. B. 1895. Merchant. (2 W. 50th St., New York, N. Y.) John Godfrey Saxe* 2i^o p A. B. 1839 Middlebury Coll.; A. M. 1842 and LL. D. 1866. Phi Beta Kappa. Supt. of Schools, Franklin County, 47-49; Deputy Collector of Customs; States Atty. Chittenden County, 56- 58; Democratic Candidate for Governor of Vt., 59 and 60; Poet Psi Upsilon Conventions, 53, 57 and 58. Author "Progress, a Satire;" "New Rape of the Lock;" "The Proud Miss Mc- Bride;" "The Times;" "Humorous and .Satirical Poems;" "The Money King and other Poems;" "The Flying Dutchman;" "Poetical Works;" "Clever Stories of Many Nations.;" "The Times, the Telegraph and other Poems;" "The INIas- querade and other Poems; "Tables and Le.gends in Rhyme;" "Leisure Day Rhymes;" the Psi Upsilon Fraternity in Boston, July 21, 1853;" Psi Upsilon Song "Beautiful Name." Father of John Theodore Saxe, Theta 63 and grandfather of John Godfrey Saxe, Lambda 00. Author and Lawyer. d. 1887 1854 John Perry Allison* XtH' A. B. 1854. Principal High School, Fairhaven, Mass., 54-55. Judge Probate Court, Woodbury County, Iowa, 58-60; County Treas., 78-85. Banker. d. 1910 William Greene Binney* A % Y) A. B. 1854; A. M. 1884. Author of "Terrestrial and Air-breathing Mollusks of the United States." Naturalist. d. 1909 George Sullivan Bowdoin* t] — 0" d. 1913 Banker. Daniel Clarke* . x A° 6' LL. B. 1853; A. B. 1851 St. James' Coll. Lawyer. d. 1876 Edward Wainwright Codman* T Q d. 1904 A. B. 1854; A. M. 1857. Banker. Theodore Edson Colburn* Y o H^ A. B. 1854. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur 52; Latin Dialogue at Junior Exhibition. 52: Disseration at Senior Exhibition, S3; Dissertation at Com- mencement. Architect. d. 1889 1854-55] ALPHA CHAPTER 489 Edward Graham Daves* 9 S S' A. B. 18S4; LL. B. 1856; A. M. 18S7; A. M. 1857 honoris causa. Trinity Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Vice-Pres. Hasty Pudding Club; De- tur, 51; English Version at Junior Exhibition, 52: English Oration at Senior Exhibition, 54; 2d Boylston Prize, 53; Oration at Commence- ment (2d in Class). Prof, of Greek Language and Literature, Trinity Coll., 56-61: Private Tcaclicr in Europe, 61-71; Lecturer on History and Belles Lettres in Private Schools, Baltimore, Md., 71. Member Maryland Historical Soc. and Soc. of the Cincinnati. Brother of John Daves, .\liiha 53. Educator. d. 1894 Charles Dexter Gambrill* A. B. 1854. Architect. Detur, 51. Benjamin Joy Jeffries* AX a" d. 1880 Y0S" A. B. 1854; A. M. 1857; M. D. 1857. Asst. -Surg. U. S. Army, 61-65; Med. Instr. Harvard Univ., 63-65 and Lecturer, 69-71; Med. Lecturer Berkshire Med. Coll., 67-68; Ophthalmic Surg. Mass. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirnnrv. 67-0^; Consulting Surg. State Hosp., Tewksbury, Mass.; Consulting Ophthalmologist New Englaiid Hosp. for Women; Member International Perio- dic Congress of Ophthalmology; Fellow Massa- chusetts Med. Soc.; Am. Assn. for Advancement of Science. Author "Dangers from Color-blind- ness in Railroad Employees and Pilots;" "The Eye in Health and Disease;" "Education of the Normal Color-sense;" "Our Eyes and Our In- dustries;" "Color-blindness: Its Dangers and Its Detections:" "Enucleation of the Eyeball;" "Animal and Vegetable Parasites of the Human Hair and Skin." ^lember Am. Ophtlialmo- logical. New England Ophthalmological and Bos- ton Natural History Socs.; Boston Soc. of Med. Observation; Boston Soc. of Med. Sciences. Ophthalmic Surgeon. d. 1915 WilHam Gaston Pearson* 7.'^ '^' A. B. 1854. Planter. , d. 1861 WilHam Stevens Perry* S t 6" A. B. 1854: .'\. M. 1857; A. M. 1859 or/ ciivdcm, Univ. of Bishop's Coll., Canada and D. C. L., 80; S. T. D. 1869 Trinity Coll.; LL. D., 1876 William and ]\Iary Coll. Phi Beta Kapna. Dis- quisition at Commencement. Asst. Minister St. Paul's Church, Boston, 57-58; Rector St. Luke's Church, Nashua. N. H., 58-61; St. Stephen's Church, Portland, Maine, 61-63; St. Michael's Church, Litchfield, Conn., 63-69; Trinity Church, Geneva, N. Y., 69-76; Bishop of Iowa, 76: Prof, of History, Hobart Coll., 70-74; Press. Hobart Coll.. 76; Pres. Griswold Coll. and Anthon Prof, of Divinity, Theol. Dept., 76; Sec. General Convention P. E. Church, 65-76; Historiograph- er of Am. Church, 68. Author "An Historical Sketch of the Church Missionary .Association of the Eastern District of the Diocese of Massa- chusetts:" "Bishop Seabury and Bishop Pro- voost;" "Bishop Seabury and the Episcopal Re- corder;" "The Collects of the Church;" "The Church's Worship, Spiritual and True;" "The Connection of the Church of Fneland wit'i early American Discovery and Colonization:" "Sketch of the History of the Episcopal Church in Portland, Maine, from 1763 to the Present Time:" "Memorial of Thomas Mather Smith. D. D.;" "Thankfulness for our Past, our Present and our Future:" "Questions on tho Life and Labors of the Great Apostle;" "Life Lessons from the Book of Proverbs;" "A Sunday School Experiment:" "Historical Notes and Documents illustrating the Organization of the American Church;" "The Reunion Conference at Bonn, 1875. a Personal Narrative;" "An Open Letter to the Members of the Cathedral Congregation;'' ••.\ Jilemorial to the Regents of the Uni- versity of Iowa;" "The Bishop of Iowa's Ad- dress, and its Assailants: A Correspondence:" "The American Cathedral;" "Missions and Mis- sionary Bishoprics in the American Church;" "Scriptural Reasons for the Use of Forms of Prayer;" "The Mission Work of the Church in Iowa;" "The Cathedral and College at Daven- port;" "The Second Lambeth Conference, a Personal Narrative;" "Brief Account of the Proceedings of the General Convention, 77, etc.;" "Ober-.'\mmergau in 1875 and 1880;" "Easter with the Poets;" "The Church's Year;" "The Church's Growth and the Church's Need in Iowa:" "Historical Sketch of the Church in the United States of America. 1784-1884;'; "The Election of the First Bishop of Connecticut at Woodbury: an Historical Review." Protestant Episcopal Bishop. d. 1898 Robert Henry Renshaw* Y] ye" A. B. 1854. Metrical Latin Version at Junior Exhibition, 53; Disquisition at Commencement. In the Confederate Army, 63. d. 1910 George Wales Soren* X«]^Yi A. B. 1854; LL. B. 1858. Detur, 51; Latin Dialogue at Junior Exhibition, 53; 2d Boylston Prize, S3; Dissertation at Senior Exhibition, 54; Latin Oration at Commencement. Lawyer. ' d. 1911 Henry Van Brunt* Z 11 H" A. B. 1854. Phi Beta Kappa. Lieut. U. S. Navy, 61; Sec. to Rear Admiral Goldsborough, commanding North Atlantic Squadron, and on Staff of Rear Admiral Lee, 62-64. Architect. d. 1903 1855 Alexander [Emanuel Rudolph] Agas- siz* ^ n^ A. B. 1855; B. S. 1857 and 1862. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 52; Disquisition at Commence- ment. Member Faculty, Museum of Compara- tive Zoology, and Curator of the Museum, 73; Member Board of Overseers of Harvard, 73-78; Fellow Harvard, 78-84 and 86; Fellow Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences; London Zoological Soc. and National Acad, of Sciences. Co-author of "Sea-Side Studies in Natural History;" "Re- vision of the Echini;" "Zoological Results of the Hassler Expedition." Educator. d. 1910 William Amory, Jr.* t C I' Merchant. d. 1907 Edward Ingersoll Browne* p (o I" A. B. 1855; LL. B. 1857; A. M. 1858. Detur, 52; English Version at Junior Exhibition, 54; Disquisition at Commencement. Lawyer. d. 1901 Bernard Carter 11 A° x LL. B., 1854; A. B. 1852 St. James' Coll. Member Md. Constitutional Convention, 67. Lawyer. Samuel Howard Cary* ? Q H' Banker. d. 1861 George Gordon Crocker* riylT A. B. 1855; A. M. 1858. Lawyer. d. 1909 490 ALPHA CHAPTER [1855-56 George Dexter* A. B. 1855. Mercliant. Langdon Erving* p (i) r d. 1910 6 Y] I A. B. 1855; LL. B. 1857; A. M. 1858. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 52; English Version at Junior Exhibition, 53; Dissertation at Senior Exhibition, 54; Dissertation at Commencement; Vice-Pres. and Pres. Hasty Pudding Club. Brother of John Erving, Alpha 53. Lawyer. d. 1862 Edward Augustus Gibbens Initiated by the Gamma Joseph Converse Heywood* P ^ I' A. B. 1855; LL. B. 1857; A. M. 1858. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 52; Greek Version at Exhibition, S3; Disquisition at Exhibition, 54; Latin Salutatory. Author the Dramatic Poems "Herodias;" "Antonius;" "Salome;" "How Will it End?" "How They Strike Me." Member Academia degli Arcadi of Rome, Italy. Lawyer. d. 1900 Samuel Johnston'^ A. B. 1855. Real Estate Agent. Theodore Lyman* q V I d. 1886 @6tc A. B. 1855; B. S. 1858. Dissertation at Senior Exhibition, 55; Oration at Commencement. Lieut. Colonel and Akie on Staff of General Meade, Army of the Potomac, 63-65; Fishery Commissioner, Mass., 65-82; Member U. S. House of Representatives, 83-85; Member Faculty, Museum of Comparative Anatomy in Cambridge, Mass., since 60, and Trustee, 63; Member Board of Trustees, Peabody Museum of Archaeology, Harvard and Peabody Educa- tional Fund. Author "Ophiuridae and Astro- phytidae;" Co-author "Zoological Results of the Hassler Expedition." Member Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences; the National Acad, of Sciences; Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux and Massachusetts Historical Soc. Zoologist. d. 1897 WilHam Scott McKenzie'' P?n" A. B. 1855; A. M. 1858; A. M. 1863 ad cundcm, Brown Univ.; D. D. 1876 La Grange Coll., Mo. Pastor at East Abington, Mass., 57-58; Andover, 58-60; Providence, R. I., 60-66; St. John, N. B., 66-72; Sec. Am. Baptist Missionary Union, Boston. Mass., 72. Author "Studies in the Life of Christ." Clergyman. d. 1896 Robert Treat Paine* AAo' A. B. 1855; A. M. 1858. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 53; English Version at Junior Exhibition, 53; 2d Boylston Prize, 54; English Oration at Senior Exhibition, 55; Oration at Commence- ment. Pres. Associated Charities of Boston, 78; Wells Memorial Assn., 79; Wells Memorial Workingmen's Inst.. 79; Vice-Pres. Boston's Children's Aid Soc; Member Mass. Legislature, 84. Author of "Resumption of Specie Pay- ments;" "Immediate Preparation and Early Resumption;" "Charity Organization;" "Work of the Volunteer Visitors of the Associated Charities." Lawyer. d. 1910 Antoine Ruppaner* K p IT' A. B. 1855; M. D. 1857; A. M. 1858. 2d Boyl- ston Prize, 54; 1st Boylston Prize in Elocution, 55. Surg. 3d Battalion Mass. Vol. Rifles, and 13th Mass. Inf.; Phys. in Chief, New York Dis- pensary for Diseases of Throat and Chest, 68; Pres. Goethe Soc. of New York, N. Y. since 78; Member International Jury, Paris Exposition, 78; Pres. Jury on "Food and Drinks," 78. Author of "Hypodermic Injections in the Treatment of Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, and other Diseases;" "The Principles arid Practice of Laryngoscopy and Rhinoscopy in Diseases of the Throat and Nasal Passages;" "On the Removal of Enlarged Tonsils without Cutting;" "Contributions to Practical Laryngos- copy and Laryngeal Surgery, 1st and 2d Series" and "Report made to the United States Govern- ment on Medicine and Surgery at the Inter- national Exhibition in Vienna in 1873." Mem- ber Am. Med, Assn,; Imperial Royal Soc. of Physicians of Vienna. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1892 Isaac Parker Wainwright* Detur, 52. A, B. 1855. Merchant. 1856 d. 1871 A. B. 1856. 1st Boylston Prize, 54; 2d Bow- doin Prize (in English). 56. Lieut. 1st Cav- alry Regiment IMass. Vols., 61-62; Capt. 2d Cavalry Regiment Mass. Vols., 63-64; Major, 64-65. Broker. d. 1905 George Blagden* David Casares Oyvc^ A. B. 1856. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 53; Latin Version at Junior Exhibition, 55; Latin Ora- tion at Senior Exhibition, 56; Dissertation at Commencement. Rector and Prof, of Mathe- matics and the English Language in the Colegio Civil Universitario, Merida, 62-64; Prof, of Eng- lish and French Languages in Private Colleges; Capt. Guards of Public Security, 63; Pres. Merida City Council. 64; Member Board of Charity, 65- 66; State Committee on Roads, 73-75; Board of Examiners in ^Mathematics, Surveying. French and English, Literary Inst, of the State, 75; Government Dir. of Public Works, 80. Director dc Obras Publicas. (3d Calle de Regil Estrade, Merida. Yucatan. Mexico.) Edward Swift Dunster* Py;K" .\. B. 1856; A, M, 1859; M. D. 18.^9 New York Med. Coll. and Dartmouth Coll., honoris causa, 1882. Phi Beta Kappa, Greek Dialogue at Junior Exhibition. 54; Disquisition at Senior Exhibition. 55; Vice-Pres. Hasty Pudding Club; 1st Van Arcken Prize, 59. Asst, Surg. U. S. Army, 61-66. and Brevet Major; Prof, of Ob- stetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, Univ, of Vt,. 68-71; Prof, of Obstetrics. Long I,sland Coll. Hosp,. 69-74; Prof, of Obstetrics, Medical Dept., Dartmouth Coll,, 75, and Prof, of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Chil- dren, Univ, of Mich., 73, Author of "The Relations of the Medical Profession to Modern Education"; "The Logic of Medicine"; "The Prophylaxis of Puerperal Convulsions"; "The History of Anjesthcsia"; "Notes on Double Monsters"; "The History of Spontaneous Gen- eration"; "The Use of the Obstetric Forceps in Abbreviating the Second Stage of Labor." and "Argument Made Before the American Medical Association .\gainst the Proposed Amendment to the Code of Ethics Restricting the Teaching of Students of Irregular or I2xclusive Systems of Medicine," Member Michigan Med. Soc; Am, Med. Assn,: New York Acad, of Medicine and New York Historical Soc. Phvsician and Educator, d. 1888 1856-57] ALPHA CHAPTER 491 Raymond Egerton'" eiK^ A. B. 1856. Detur, 53; Greek Version at Junior Exhibition, 55; Disquisition at Senior Exhibi- tion. 56; Disquisition at Commencement. Ck-rk. d. 1892 Charles LeDoux Elgee* P'^o A. B. 1856; LL. B. 1858. Pres. Hasty Pudding Club. Attache U. S. Legation in Mexico and Charge d'Affaires, 60-61; Capt. and Aide to Governor Moore of La., 61; Aide to Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, 61-63; Adjutant General, La.. 63; Capt and Aide to Gen. L. R. Taylor, 63-64. Lawver. d. 186^ Edward Thornton Fisher 6 [K cy A. B. 1856; A. M. 1868. Hasty Pudding and Natural History Socs. ; Institute of 1770; Sphinx. 2d Boylston Prize, 55; Commence- ment Essav. Private 9th Inf. Regt. N. Y. Vols., 61-63; 2d Lieut. 139th Inf. Regt. N. Y. Vols., 63. Author "Easy French Reading." Member Harvard Club (Boston). Brother of George Huntington Fisher, Alpha 52. Educator (retired). 5 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, I\[ass. Charles Tasker Howard P7:o~ A. B. 1856; A. M. 1859. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 53; Latin dialogue at Junior Exhibition, 54; Disquisition at Senior Exhibition, 55; Dis- sertation at Commencement. Treas. Apollo Club. Merchant. John Jordan Jacobsen''^ POo' A. B. 1856. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur. 53; Eng- lish Version at Junior Exhibition. 55; Disserta- tion at Senior Exhibition, 56; Disquisition at Commencement. Vice-Pres. of Hasty Pudding Club. Merchant. d. 1915 Edward Payson Jeffries'' A. B. 1856. Merchant. Francis Howe Tohnson p Z d. 1906 A. B. 1856; B. D. 1860 Andover Theol. Sem. Author "Positivism as a Working System"; "Instinct and Natural Selection"; "Theistic Evolution"; "Mechanical Evolution"; "The Evolution of Conscience"; "Co-operative Crea- tion"; "Revelation as a Factor in Evolution"; "Reason and Revelation"; "What Is Reality" and "God in Evolution." Author and Clergyman. Andover, Mass., or "The Portland," Vermont Ave., W'ashington, D. C. David Pulsifer Kimball Pixy; A. B. 1856. Phi Beta Kappa; Instigate of 1770; Hasty Pudding Club. Detur, S3; Greek Version at Junior Exhibition, 54; English Oration at Senior Exhibition, 55; English Oration (1st) at Commencement. Member School Committee, Boston, 61-63; City Council, Boston, 74-75; Trustee Mass. General Hosp. ^Member St. Botolph and Harvard Clubs. Lawyer. 35 Congress St.; res. 48 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Moses Merrill In;tiated by the Zeta Francis Philip Nash'" p t O' A. B. 1856; LL. B. 1859; A. M. 1866. Phi Beta Kappa. English Version at Exhibition, 54; Latin Oration, 55; Latin Oration at Com- mencement. Prof, of Latin Language and Literature, Hobart Coll., 70-76 and 82; Senator United Chapters Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity. Educator. d. 1911 1857 John Julius Priiigle Alston"^' P y A' A. B. 1857. 1st Lieut. 1st Artillery Regt. S. C. (Confederate) Vols, and Aide on Staff of Gov- ernor of S. C., 61-63; Lieut, on Staff of Gen. Beauregard, 63; Commander of Battery at Fort Sumter, 63. Lawyer. d. 1863 John Holmes Converse* aX' A. B. 1857; A. M. 1867; B. D. 1868 Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 55; Latin Version at Junior Exhibition, 55; Latin Oration at Senior Exhibition, 56; Latin Oration at Commencement. Taught, 57-66; In Charge of Parish at Westminster, Md., 70-71; Prof, of Latin Language, Racine Coll., 73-76; Univ. Prof, of Greek and Latin Languages in Racine Coll., 76-81; Opened a Boys' School at Bristol, R. I., 81; Principal Private School for Boys, New Hamburgh, N. Y. Clergyman. d. 1904 John Langdon Dearborn 6 5 q' A. B. 1857. Pres. Hasty Pudding Club. Teacher Centre Harbor, N. H., 61-62. Banker. (411 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass.) Howard Dwight* A. B. 1857; A. M. 1860. Detur, 54; Greek Dia- logue at Junior Exhibition, 56; Pres. Hasty Pudding Club. 1st Lieut. 24th Inf. Regt. Mass. Vols., 61; 1st Lieut. 4th Cavalry Regt. Mo. Vols., 61-62; Asst. Adjutant-General on Staff of Gen. Dwight, 62-63. Manufacturer. d. 1863 William Henry Elliott 0r]X" A. B. 1857; M. D. 1858 Univ. of Va. ; M. D. 1859 Columbia; M. D. 1872 Savannah Med. Coll. Hasty Pudding Club. Essay at Commencement. Assoc. Prof, of Chemistry, Savannah Med. Coll., 59-70; Prof, of Anatomy. 70-75 and Prof, of Surgery, 75; Asst. Surg. 1st Inf. Regt. (Con- federate) Ga. Vols., 62-65; Insp. National Board of Health, 79-82. Author "Inspection Reports." Physician (retired). 721 Abercorn St., Savannah, Ga. George McKean Folsom* Pt>/ A. B. 1857; S. T. B. 1866; A. M. 1872. Detur, 54; Essay at Commencement. Teacher Raw- ling's Station, Md., 57-58; Eliot High School, Jamaica Plain, Mass., 60-65; Pastor 1st Church, Groton, Mass., 66-69; Dedham, 69-76; Super- visor of Schools, Boston, 76-80. Educator. d. 1882 l^rancis Ormond French* p x S" A. B. 1857; LL. B. 1859. Deputy Naval Officer, Port of Boston, Mass.. 63-65; Deputy Collector of Customs, Boston, ]\Iass., 65-70. Banker. d. 1893 William Gleason Goldsmith* X ^' A. B. 1857; A. M. 1860. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 54; English Version at Junior Exhibi- 492 ALPHA CHAPTER [1857-71 tion, 55; Dissertation at Senior Exhibition, 55; Dissertation at Commencement. Principal Punchard Free School, Andover, 58-70 and 71- 86; Peabody Instr. of Natural Sciences, Phillips Acad., Andover, 70-71; Postmaster, Andover, 86. Postmaster. d. 1915 George Gorham* A. B. 1857. Clerk U. S. Dist. Court, 61-67; Commissioner of Deeds for the Western States; Treas. Ontario Agricultural Soc. ; Rec. Sec. Buffalo Historical Soc; U. S. Commissioner; Pres. City Club of Buffalo; Vice-Pres. Young Men's Literary Assn.; Treas. Bar Assn. Lawyer. d. 1906 Samuel Newell* A. B. 1857. Lawyer. Samuel Breck Parkman* d. 1891 A. B. 1857. Detur, 56; Essay at Commence- ment. 1st Lieut. Read's Georgia Battery and Major on Staff of Gen. Longstreet, 61-62. Member Georgia Historical Soc. Lawyer. d. 1862 Joseph Lewis Stackpole* PXE" A. B. 1857; LL. B. 1859. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 56; English Version at Junior Exhibi- tion, 55; Disquisition at Senior Exhibition, 56; Dissertation at Commencement. Capt. 24th Inf. Regt. Mass. Vols., 61-62; Capt. and Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Army, 62; Chief Commis- sary Army of N. C, 62-63; Major and Judge Advocate 18th Army Corps and Dept. of N. C., 63 and Dept. of Va. and N. C, 63-65; Brevet Lieut. Colonel, 65. Lawyer. d. 1904 1858 Fisher Ames ©^v" A. B. 1858; LL. B. 1860. Author "American Leads in Whist"; "Bridge Whist"; "Game of Bridge"; "Standard Whist for Beginners"; "A Bit of American Genealogy." Member May- flower Descendants; Am. Whist and New Eng- land Whist Leagues; Am. Whist Club. Lawyer. (Bedford, Mass.) Nicholas Longworth Anderson* p x ;/." A. B. 1858; A. M. 1871. Detur, 55; Essay at Commencement; Pres. Hasty Pudding Club. Adjutant 6th Inf. Regt. Ohio Vols., 61; Lieut. Colonel, 61-62; Colonel, 62-65; Brevet Brigadier General and Brevet Major-General, 65. Uncle of Edward Lowell Anderson, Phi 08. Lawyer. d. 1892 Benjamin William Crowninshield* p-nM A. B. 1858; A. M. 1861. Pres. Glee Club, Inst., etc. ; Chairman Class Day Committee and Chief Marshal, 58. 2d Lieut. 1st Cavalry Regt. Mass. Vols., 61; 1st Lieut.. 61-62; Capt., 62-64; Major, 64; Assoc, on Staff of Gen. P. H. Sheridan, 64 and Provost Marshal General, 64. Merchant. d. 1892 Alfred Stedman Hartwell* 0cpN" Hazen Dorr* d. 1856 A. B. 1858; LL. B. 1867. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 55; English Version at Junior Exhibi- tion, 56; Latin Oration at Senior Exhibition, 57; Oration at Commencement. 1st Lieut. 44th Inf. Regt. Mass. Vols., 62; Capt. 54th Inf. Regt. Mass. Vols., 63; Lieut. Colonel 55th Inf. Regt. Mass. Vols., 63; Colonel, 63; Brevet Brigadier General, 64; Member Mass. Legislature, 66-67; First Associate Justice Hawaiian Islands and Vice-Chancellor of the Kingdom, 68-74; Atty. General Hawaiian Islands, 74 and 76-80. Lawyer. d. 1912 Charles Henry Learoyd* pXli A. B. 1858; A. M. 1871; B. D. 1862 Andover Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 55; Greek Dialogue at Junior Exhibition, 56; Dis- sertation at Senior Exhibition, 57; Oration at Commencement. Private Tutor in Cincinnati, Ohio, 58-59; Asst. Minister Emmanuel Church, Boston, Mass., 62-63; Rector Grace Church, Medford, 63-72; of St. Thomas' Church, Taun- ton, 72; Member School Committee. Clergyman. d. 1909 [William Henry] Fitzhugh Lee* PSpi.' 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf., 57-60; Major Com- manding Loring's Cavalry, 61; Lieut. Colonel 9th Va. Cavalry, 61-62; Colonel, 62; Brigadier General of Cavalry, 62-63; Appointed Major General of Cavalry, March, 64; Pres. Va. State Agricultural Soc, 74-75; Senator State of Va., 76-79; Member U. S. House of Representatives. Planter d. 1891 James Jackson Lowell* [JL v" A. B. 1858; A. M. 1861. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 55; English Version at Junior Exhibi- tion, 56; English Oration at Senior Exhibition, 57; 1st Bowdoin Prize, 57; Valedictorian. Pri- vate Tutor, Cambridge, Mass., 58-61; 1st Lieut. 20th Inf. Regt. Mass. Vols., 61-62. Educator. d. 1862 George Washington Copp Noble 6 tc N^ A. B. 1858; A. M. 1863. Phi Beta Kappa; Institute 1770; Hasty Pudding Club. Latin Dialogue at Junior Exhibition; Latin Oration at Senior Exhibition, 57; Bowdoin Prize for Latin Verse, 58; Dissertation at Commencement. Prof, of Latin and History, Washington Univ., 66; Overseer Harvard Univ., 66-76; Headmaster Noble and Greenough School. Member St. Bo- tolph Club. Educator. 100 Beacon St., Boston; res. 21 Concord Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Henry Lyman Patten* P'(V- A. B. 1858. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur. 55; Latin Dialogue at Junior Exhibition, 56; Disser- tation at Commencement. Instr. Free Acad., Utica, N.' Y., 58-59; Private Tutor, Montgom- ery, Ala., 59-60; Asst. Prof, of Latin, Wasu- ington Univ., 60-61; 2d Lieut. 20th Inf. Regt. Mass. Vols., 61-62; 1st Lieut., 62-63; Capt., 63- 64; Major, 64; Brigadier General, 64. Educator. d. 1864 1871 Percy Austin* pFS A. B. 1871. Bowdoin Prize, Greek Prose, 71; Essay at Commencement. Lawyer. d. 1877 1871-72] ALPHA CHAPTER 493 Nelson Slater Bartlett @hW^ A. B. 1871. Institute 1770; Signet. Member Union (Boston), University (New York), East- ern Yacht and Essex County Clubs. Trustee. 141 Milk St., Boston; res. Manchester, Mass. Edward Chadwick Boardman* B D ^' A. B. 1871; LL. B. 1873 Columbia. Lawyer. , . d. 1901 William Willard Boyd K Q (]; A. B. 1871; S. T. D. 1878 Shurtleff Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Boylston Prize, 69. Pastor First Baptist Church, Charlestown, Mass., 73- 77; St. Louis. Mo., 77-88; Trustee Shurtleff Coll. and William Jewell Coll., Liberty, Mo.; Curator St. Stephen's Coll., Columbia, Mo. Clergyman. (10 N. King's Highway, St. Louis, Mo.) Samuel Brearley, Jr.* esB A. B. 1871. Detur, 69; 1st Bowdoin Prize for English Essay, 70; Honors in History, 71; Essay at Commencement. Teacher, Cambridge, Mass., 71-75; Principal Day School for Girls, New York City, 84-86. Member Oxford His- torical Sem. Educator d. 1886 Bvron Winfield Buell* xWf A. B. 1871; LL. B. 1873 Columbia. Essay at Commencement. Lawyer. d. 1875 d. 1880 A. B. 1871. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 69; Dis- quisition at Commencement. Sub-Master Heath- coate School, Buffalo, N. Y., 71-73; In Charge of Office of Internal Revenue Collector of Mont- pelier, Vt. Lawyer, d. 1910 Charles Peasley Dana'' A. B. 1871. Clerk. Israel Putnam Dana* Francis Barrett Daniels oF^" A. B. 1871; LL. B. 1874 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 69; Dissertation at Commence- ment. Member University Club, Chicago and Evanston. Lawyer. 79 E. Adams St., Chicago; res. 1615 Judson Ave., Evanston, 111. Frederic Russell Nourse* pC^. A. B. 1871. Member New England Historic- Genealogical S'oc. Clerk. d. 1886 Wallace Eugene Rhodes Initiated by the Sigma Junius Sampson ORB A. B. 1871.. Planter. George Stedman K D tj'^ A. B. 1871; M. D. 1875; Institute 1770. Pi Eta'. Hasty Pudding. Supt. Mass. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary; Assoc. Med. Examiner (Suffolk County, Mass.); House Phys. Boston Lying-in Hosp., 74; House Surg., Mass. Gen- eral Hosp., 74-75. Physician and Surgeon. 1069 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Henry Rust Stedman 0R^" A. B. 1887 nunc pro tunc 1871; M. D. 1875. Instituta 1770; Boylston Soc. 2d Boylston Prize for Declamation, 70. Med. House Officer, Boston City Hosp., 72-73; Surgical House Offi- cer, Mass. General Hosp., 73-74; Asst. Phys. Edinburgh Royal Asylum and West Riding Asylum, Yorkshire, England, 81; Asst. Phys. and Acting Supt. Danvcrs Insane Hosp., 79-84; S'upt. and Med. Dir. Bournewood Hosp. for Mental Diseases, Brookline, Mass., 84 — . Au- thor "The Family System as an Accessory Provision for our Insane Poor;" ''Some of the Mental Aspects of Nervous Diseases." Mem- ber Am. Neurological Assn. (Pres. 05-06) ; Am. Medico-Psychological Assn.; Massachusetts Med. and New York Psychiatrical Socs. ; Bos- ton Soc. Psychiatry and Neurology (Ex-pres.); New England Soc. Psychiatry (Ex-Pres.) Mem- ber Boston Soc. Med. Improvement; Union, St. Botolph and Harvard Clubs. Physician. 48 Beacon St., Boston; res. 27 Irving St., Brookline, Mass. Charles Carroll Stein p S t]^ " A. B. 1871. Phi Beta Kappa. Detur, 70. Dis- sertation at Commencement. Alderman Pueblo, 81-83; City Atty., 83-86. Lawyer. James Morris Troutt ^JB. A. B. 1871. Lawyer. (2706 California St., San Francisco, Cal.) Joseph Rhoads Walter'^ OL^. A. B. 1871. Detur, 69. Sec, 72-85 and His- toriographer, 78-86; Historical Soc. of Del; Cor- responding Member Historical S'ocs. of Va., Pa. and Wilmington, N. C. Historical and Scien- tific Soc; Delegate, Library Conference, Phila- delphia, Pa., 76; Poet at Dedication, Historical Soc's. House, Wilmington, 78 and at Annual Reunion Psi Upsilon Assn. of Philadelphia, 79. d. 1890 Almadus Wilkinson* KFS A. B. 1871; LL. B. 1872 Albany Law School. Farmer. d. 1903 George Clary Wing PC.];, A. B. 1871; LL. B. 1873 Georgetown. Baseball. Chief of Diplomatic Bureau, U. S. Dept. of State, 83; U. S. Atty., Court of Claims, 79-83 Lawyer. 1104 Citizens Bldg.; res. 6915 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. 1872 James Morse Allen TCf Institute 1770. Brother of Lowell Douglass Allen, Alpha 73. Real Estate. 27 State St.; res. 34 Wales St., Boston, Mass. BGB Arthur Burgess A. B. 1872. Brother of Walter Burgess, Alpha 72. Walter Burgess WGW A. B. 1872. Detur, 70. Sec-Treas. Boston Real Estate Exchange. Member Boston Yacht Club. Brother of Arthur Burgess, Alpha 72. Real Estate. 494 ALPHA CHAPTER [1872-73 15 Exchange St.; res. 146 Massachusetts Ave., Boston, Mass. Charles Wells Chase Initiated by the Gamma Albert Wheelwright Cobb '/] X ^" A. B. 1872. Guilford, Conn. Frank Rockwood Hall or 5 ^^ A. B. 1872. O. K. Soc; Athenaeum. Chair- man, Standing Committee, South Congregational Soc. (Dr. E. E. Hall's Church); Member Am. Bar, Massachusetts Bar and Norfolk County Bar Assns. ; Harvard (Boston), University, Unitarian, Twentieth Century and Brookline Thursday Clubs. Lawyer. 10 Tremont St.; res. Hotel Hemenway, Boston, Mass. Charles Richard Lawrence* p V T, A. B. 1872. Detur, 71. Banker. d. 1914 Lewis Cass Ledyard Initiated by the Lambda Albert Lamb Lincoln 2 [ji, B A. B. 1872; LL. B. 1874; A. M. 1875. Phi Beta Kappa; Hasty Pudding and O. K. Clubs. Pres. of the Everett Athenaeum; Final Honors (1st class) in Classics, 72; Editor Harvard Ad- vocate. Selectman, Town of Brookline, 86-93; Chairman of Board, 88-92; Park Commissioner. Member Country, (Zohasset Golf and Exchange Clubs; Brookline Friendly Soc. Lawyer. 126 State St., Boston; res. 61 Walnut PI., Brookline, Mass. Ernest Parker Miller Initiated by the Gamma Louis Henry Parkhurst Initiated by the Gamma Charles Fitz Pousland H Y) (];■' A. B. 1872. Member Comrnon Council, Salem, 84-86; Board of Health, 85-86. Assistant Superintendent. Revere Sugar Refining Co., 30 Water St.; res. 18 Walker St., Cambridge, Mass. Joseph Rawson y3YS A. B. 1872. Banker. 1st National Bank; res. 3767 Clifton Ave., Cin- cinnati. Ohio. John Franklin Richardson S (]; W^ A. B. 1872. Institute 1770. U. S. Customs Service. Burlington, Vt. 77 — . Retired. 239 Hilton Ave., Redlands, Cal. Philip Sidney Stone* H 1) A. B. 1865; A. M. 1865. Merchant. (539 W. 160th St.. New York, N. Y.) Richard Henry Warfield* ie' A. B. 1869. Commencement Orator. Justice of the Peace, 70-77. Brother of Charles Mont- gomery Allen, Upsilon 67. Lawyer. d. 1881 AvK' A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872; LL. D. 1879 Union Univ. (Tenn.); Ph. D. 1900 New York Univ. 1st Davis Prize Medal; Editor Intcrpres, 68. Prof, of Mathematics and History, Mary Sharp Coll., 71-88; Pres., 88-90; Principal Chatta- nooga High School, 90-92; Supt. City Schools, Chattanooga, Tenn., 93-03; Dean, Dept. of Edu- cation, Peabody Coll., Nashville, Tenn., 03-12; Acting Pres. Union Univ., Jackson, Tenn., 12- 15 and Dean since IS. Author "Famous Men of Tennessee." Brother of Amos Judson Bar- rett, Upsilon 54 and uncle of Storrs Barrows Barrett. Upsilon 89. Educator. Union University; res. 118 Hays Ave., Jackson, Tenn. Edward Harvey Clark* $ 7: y.' d. 1868 Theodore Banks Holland* I m €)' A. B. 1869; B. D. 1872 Rochester Theol. Sem. Pastor Orange, Mass., 73-75; West Newton, 75-78. Clergyman. d. 1878 Hhc Daniel Lyndon Johnston* A. B. 1869. Commencement Orator. Lawyer. Adalbert J McCormick* d. 1886 nhi Principal Graded School, Fayetteville, N. Y., 69-72; Supervisor, 84-87. Merchant. d. 1903 John Page Munro* A n p' A. B. 1869; LL. B. 1870 Albany Law School. Author "Poem before the Alumni of the Univer- sity of Rochester, 1872." Son of John Munro, Psi 44 and brother of Jacob Weed Munro. Up- silon 75. Lawyer. d. 1885 1870 John Heustis Barry* B. S. 1870; M. D. 1884 Columbia. Physician and Surgeon. Ezra Albert Bartlett TvK' d. 1904 A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873; M. D. 1879 Albany Med. Coll. Non-commissioned Officer Battery M, 4th U. S. Artillery, 63-66; (Ex-Pres.); Electrotherapist Albany Hosp. Author "Cholera: Its History, Cause and Prevention;" "Physio- logical Effects of Electricity;" "Electricity in Medicine;" "Goitre: Its Treatment with Elec- trical Modalities." Member University and Unconditional Republican Clubs; Fellow Am. Med. Assn.; Med. Soc. State of N. Y. and Albany (jounty Med. Soc; Member Am. Electro- therapeutic Assn., G. A. R. George Dawson Post No. 63 Dept. of N. Y. Physician. 20 S. Hawk St., Albany, N. Y. Sardius De Lancey Bentley S b o' A. B. 1870. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Interpres, 69; 2d Prize Stoddard Medal, 70; Commence- ment Orator. Asst. Principal, Randolph (N. Y.) Acad., 64-66; Principal, Kingsville (Ohio) Acad., 70-72. Brother of Uriah Bentley, Up- silon 79. Lawyer. 60 Trust Bldg.; res. 7 Prince St., Rochester, New York. Robert Colgate, Jr.* Merchant. John Quincy Head* Ni/ X E 0) d. 1878 Richard Pratt Marvin* $ s o' M. 1873. Mayor of Akron, 74 d. 1906 B. S. 1870. Merchant. A. B. 1870; A. and 78. Manufacturer. 1871 Henry Benjamin Baker* A h E' Planter. d. 1901 Edward Talbot Ely* 2 u S' A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874; M. D. 1874 Columbia. Editor Interpres, 70. Resident Phys. Lenox Presbyterian Hosp., 75; Asst. to Chair of Oph- thalmology. Med. Dept. Univ. City of New York and .\sst. Surg., Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp., 75-85; Attending Surg.. Charity Hosp., 78-85. Author "Ophthalmic and Otic Memoranda"; "Cats, Cooks and Cartwheels: Domestic Sketches with Comic Illustrations by Parker Mann." Brother of William Smith Ely, Upsilon 61 and Joseph Allen Ely, Upsilon 66. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1885 Lawrence Tyrell Jones 91XV Dist. Atty. Onondaga County, Member Citizens' Club. A. B. 1871. N. Y., 87-90. Lawyer. 941 Onondaga County Savings Bank Bldg.; res. 321 Pleasant Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Thomas King McLean* HcX' d. 1870 502 UPSILON CHAPTER [1871-7-1 Peter E[gbert] Schoonmaker A A 4^' A. B. 1871. Auditor. Cornell Steamboat Co., 22 Ferry St.; res. 83 W. Chestnut St., Kingston, N. Y. William Henry Shaffer y i V A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874. Commencement Orator. Asst. Dist. Atty. of Monroe County, 83-87. Lawyer. IS Rochester Savings Bank Bldg. ; res. 234 Milburn St., Rochester, N. Y. William W^atson Webb SaV A. B. 1871. Latin Prize, 71; Commencement Orator. Asst. Dist. Atty. Monroe County, N. Y., 78-79; judge Court of Claims, State of N. Y. Jurist. Powers Block; res. 45 Westminster Rd., Ro- chester, N. Y. Charles Miller Williams SoX' A. B. 1871. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Davis Medal and 1st Sophomore Declamation. Board of Education, 79-81; Asst. Corporation Counsel, 81-83; Pres. Bar Assn., 02; Baptist Social Union, 89-90; Member Board of Trustees, Univ. of Rochester since 88; Treas. 91-98; Sec. since 91. Member University Club. Lawyer. 709 Wilder Bldg. ; res. 43 Merriman St., Rochester. N. Y. 1872 James Manning Bruce O A° W B. D. 1872 Rochester Theol. Sem.; A. B. 1866 Columbia and A. M. 1859. Philolexian. Com- mencement Orator. Pastor, Dover Plains, N. v., 76-81; Hudson, N. Y., 81-88; Assoc. Pastor, Judson Memorial Baptist Church, Yonkers, N. Y., 98-02; Assoc, and Acting Pastor, 10-14; Supt. of Missions among Foreign Populations in U. S. LTnder Am. Baptist Home Mission Soc, 02-09. Member Century Assn. and Columbia University Club. Clergyman. 201 W. 5 5th St.. New York, N. Y. Edward Phelon Hart HiS' A. B. 1872. Phi Beta Kappa. Trustee of Deaf Mute Inst, and of Devaux Coll. Clergyman. St. Mark's Church, 118 Troup St., Rochester, N. Y. George Hamilton Perkins t d v' A. B. 1872. Editor Interl^res, 71. Member Genesee Valley Country Club. Merchant. 57 Exchange St.; res. Ill Westminster Rd., Rochester, N. Y. Lewis Alexander Simpson A n \i Commissioner from French Government to Cen- tennial Exposition, 76. Clerk. John Mason Steele X E ^' Member of Genesee Valley and Alembic Clubs; Rochester Historical Soc. Commissioner of Jurors. ^ , -.t -r Court House, Rochester; res. Pittsford, N. Y. Charles Densmore Wyman* X ; / m [x'' A. B. 1872 Univ. of Chicago and A. M. 1877; LL. B. 1873 Albany Law School. Charter Member; Member Executive Council of Psi Upsilon, 76-77. See Omega 7i Lawyer. d. 1907 1873 A[doniram] Judson Arnold TDP B. D. 1875 Berkeley Divinity School. .Asst. Minister St. Peter's Church, New York. N. Y., 75-78; Rector Church of the Holy Comforter, Staten Island, 78-80; Emmanuel Church, Little Falls. 80-84: St. Mary's, Church. Green Cove Springs, Fla., 84-85; Christ Church, Pottstown, 85; Sec. to the Bishop of Pa. Clergyman. J 1129 Walnut St.; res. 4013 Baltimore Ave., 1 Philadelphia, Pa. W^illiam Ale.xander Black* Fred Samuel Fish TtQ" d. 1871 XI A" A. B. 1873. Phi Beta Kappa. Colonel N. J. N. G.; One of the organizers of the National Mfr's. Assn. and National Assn. of Ae-ricultural Implement and Vehicle Mfrs. ; Civic Federation New York; City Atty., Newark N. J., 80- 84; Member N. J. General Assembly, 84-85; Senate, 84-87 CPres. 87). Member Japan Soc. (London. Eng.) Indiana and Sunnyside Golf (South Bend), University and St. Andrew's Golf (New York), Chicago, University and Chicago Golf (Chicago) and Touring (of France) Clubs. Lawyer and Financier. Sunnyside, Jefferson Blvd., South Bend, Ind. Charles Lincoln Gibbs ThQ" A. B. 1873. Editor The Interpres. 72. Pres. City Council; City Treas.; Member Board of Health ; Sec. Board of Trade six years. Postmaster. 509 E. Main St.. Titusville, Pa. Louis James Hargous* V rj ^ " Artist. d. 1883 Charles Livingstone Newton Tea A. B. 1873. Merchant (retired). 4 Argyle St., Rochester, N. Y. George Lane Roberts X i A" A. B. 1873. Asst. Principal, Dept. of Educa- tion, Parana. Argentine Republic, 73-76. Mem- ber University and Oakmont Country Clubs. Son of Benjamin Titus Roberts, Xi 48, brother of Benson Howard Roberts, Zeta 76 and Ben- jamin Titus Roberts, Jr., Upsilon 84. Lawyer. 215 Water St.; res. William Penn St., Pitts- burgh, Pa. 1874 Jesse Whipple Buell* X a ^* A. B. 1874; A. M. 1887; M. D. 1877 New Yorlc Homeopathic Med. Coll. Brother of Walter Buell, Upsilon 74 Physician and Surgeon. d. 1911 Walter BuelP r c ^i' A. B. 1874; A. M. 1878. Author "Life of Andrew Jackson;" "Life of Joshua R. Gid- 1874-77J UPSILON CHAPTER 503 dings;" "Life of James A. Garfield;" "Life of George Washington;" "Life of John Quincy Adams." Brother of Jesse Whipple Buell, Upsilon 74. Journalist and Lawyer. d. 1901 William Hastins:s Nichols* N E A B. S. 1874. Member N. Y. Constitutional Con- vention. 94. Lawyer. d. 1915 Frederick Josiah Nott* X i T A. B. 1874; A. M. 1877; M. D. 1877 New York Homeopathic Med. Coll. Obstetrical Prize and X'aledictorian, Med. Coll. 11 . Member Am. Inst, of Homeopathy; New York County Home- opathic Med. Soc. and New York Acad, of Sciences. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1904 Charles Ralsev Sumner To [3 A. B. 1874; A. M. 1877; M. D. 1877 New York Homeopathic Med. Coll. Commissioner of Mt. Hope Cemetery, City of Rochester. Mem- ber University Club. Physician. 2Zi Alexander St.; res. 20 Sibley PL, Roches- ter, N. Y. 1875 Georq-e x\llen* AiQ A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878; M. D. 1877 Hahne- mann Med. Coll., Philadelphia. Assoc. Founder and Editor LTniv. Record. 73-74: Capt. Univers- ity "Nine," 75; Prize Graduation Medal, 77. House Phys. and Surg., Ward's Island Homeo- pathic Hosp., New York, N. Y., 77-79; Health Officer, Waterville, 84-86; Oneida County Homeopthic Med. Soc. and Pres. 84: Homeo- pathic Med. Soc. State of N. Y.; 1st Asst. Phys., Middletown State Homeopathic Hosp., 90-97; Supt. Collin's State Homeopathic Hosp., Cow- anda, 97. Member Medico-Legal Assn.; Am. Inst, of Homeopathy. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1897 Hiram Day Hurlburt''' A. B. 1875 post obit. Parker Mann Artist. [Jacob] Weed Munro* TLT d. 1875 -/eX PeA A. B. 1875. Phi Beta Kappa. Assoc. Founder and Editor LTniv. Record. 73-75; 1st Dewey Prize, 73; 2d Davis Oratorical Medal, 75; Com- mencement Orator. Son of John Munro, Psi 44 and brother of John Patie Munro, Upsilon 69. Lawyer. d. 1906 Remus Ferrin Wilbor* Clerk. Frederick William Young* A. B. 1875. Editor Interpres. 74. Charles Dean Young, Upsilon 85. Lawyer. 1876 AiB d. 1911 $ e B, Brother of d. 1887 Joseph Tilden Ailing Xa-/^ A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879. Phi Beta Kappa Editor University Campus; Davis Oratorical Medal. 76; Commencement Orator; Leader Univ. Glee Club. Trustee Univ. Rochester. Member Genesee Valley and University Cubs. Merchant. 9 Jones St.; res 400 O.xford St., Rochester, N. Y. Charles Wilder Gorton Tav A. B. 1876. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Univ. Record. 75-76; Assoc. Editor Ninth General Catalogue Psi Upsilon. Author "Financial Basis of Government." Member University Club. Retired. 227 S. Wilton PI., Los Angeles. Cal. Howard Benjamin Grose Initiated by the Omega Alexander Wilson Guild XaT d. 1915 Cashier. Bureau of Water. Church and Franklin Sts.: res. 342 Pennsylvania St., Buffalo. N. Y. Charles Wolbert Ridgway* X o •/_ Editor Interpres, 75. Asst. Corporation Coun- sel, City of New York, 90-95, 98-02. Lawyer. Benson Howard Roberts Initiated by the Zeta Thomas Moore Rochester Initiated by the Beta Thomas Augustus Taylor* A. B. 1876. Manufacturer. X(o§ d. 1905 1877 James Loring Cheney Initiated by the Omega Anderson William Clark rus A. B. 1877: B. D. 1880 Univ. of Chicaefo: Ph. D. 1904 Nebraska State Univ. Pastor, Dundee, III., 80-83; York, Nebr., 83 — : Corresponding Sec. National Conference of Charities and Cor- rection, 92-12; Sec. State Board of Charities. Nebr., 02-10; Supt. Child Saving Inst, of Omaha, 95-12. Member City Club. Publisher. 512 Baker-Detwiler Bldg. ; res. 2014 Canyon Drive. Hollywood, Los Angeles. Cal. Francis Wayland Forbes* A. B. 1877; A. M. 1880. Editor Interpres, 73; Principal Middlebury Acad. Wyoming, N. Y., 71-72; Acad., Albion, 74-75; Prof, of Greek and Latin State Normal School, Buffalo, 77-85; Principal Buffalo Classical School for Boys, 85. Educator. d. 1901 Oliver Gay Grosvenor* Editor Interpres, 76. A. B. 1877. Clerk. George Cooper Hollister XeA d. 1916 Tea B. S. 1877. Trustee Univ. of Rochester since 90. Member University, Genesee Valley, Rochester Country and University (New York) Clubs. Merchant. 422 Arlington Bldg. ; res. 8 Granger PI., Rochester. N. Y. 504 UPSILON CHAPTER [1877-80 William Brewster Lee Xu? A. B. 1879 Coll. of N. J. Oratorical Prize, 79- Commencement Orator. Lawyer. 31 State St.; res. 261 Culver Rd., Rochester, N. Y. Theodore Adolphus Lemen* K v S A. B. 1877. Pastor, 83-86. Clergyman. Arthur Ward Raymond*. 1878 TaT d. 1877 William Nathaniel Cogswell* T e z" A. B. 1878; LL. B. 1881. Phi Beta Kappa. Lawyer. d. 1913 George Mather Forbes TeX A. B. 1878; A. M. 1881; LL. D. 1909. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedictorian; 1st Davis Medal for Oration at Commencement; Sherman Fellowship in Economics and Jurisprudence. Commissioner of Education, City of Rochester, 12 yrs.; Pres. Board of Education 6 yrs.; Pres. City Club; Soc. of Coll. Teachers of Education, and N. Y. State Teachers' Assn. Member Genesee Val'ey and University Clubs. Brother of John Frank- lin Forbes, Upsilon 78. Educator. University of Rochester; res 64 Edgerton St., Rochester, N. Y. John Franklin Forbes XuT A. B. 1878; A. M. 1881; Ph. D. 1885. Sherman Fellowship; 2d Prize in Oratory; Davis Medal; Pres. John B. Stetson Univ.. DeLand, Fla., 85- 03; Head of Dent, of Latin and Greek, Brock- port State Normal School, 78-85; Pres. Rochester Business Inst. Member University. Rochester Ad and Genesee Valley Golf Clubs. Educator. 172 Clinton Ave. S.; res. 375 Westminster Rd., Rochester. N. Y. James Alexander Hayden Xis" Editor I nt cypres, 78. Manufacturer. Park Ave. at 57th St.; res. 342 W. 89th St., New York, N. Y. Tex' A. B. 1878; A. M. 1882; B. D. 1887; D. D. 1896. Pastor Congregational Church. Brother of Wil- liam Andrew Sutherland, Pi 72. Clergyman. Tallmadge. Ohio. Ward Taylor Sutherland 1879 Uriah Bentley x\\ Brother of Sardius Delancey Bentley. Upsilon 70. Seedsman. D. M. Ferry & Co.; res. 2371 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit. Mich. William Frank Chandler TrH. A. B. 1879. Editor Interpres. Lawyer and Clerk. Municipal Court, 204 Municipal Bldg. ; res. 554 Averill Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Fred Wilmarth Guernsey X ^^ ? A. B. 1879. Treasurer. Ohio-Rochester Oil & Gas Co., 608 Wilder ,. Bldg.; res. 74 Merriman St., Rochester, N. Y. ■ Henry Bigelow Howe* F n yj A. B. 1879. Brother of John Bigelow Howe, Upsilon 89. 1 Clerk. d. 1894 ' Morrison Huggins McMatli X e S^ Glee Club. Member Genesee Valley and Kent Clubs; N-ew York State and Rochester Bar Assns. Lawyer. 904 Wilder Bldg.; res. 373 Oxford St., Rochester, N. Y. Parker Henry Rew xtz Inspr. U. S. Customs at Charlotte, 80-82. Salesman. Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co., 135 Broadway; res. 9 Pinehurst Ave., New York. N. Y. Francis Albert Snow^ TeS Francis Willey Kelsey A. B. 1881. Editor The Campus, 77-78. Brother 1 of Irving Miller Snow, Upsilon 81. d. 1884 1880 d Mahlon Day* T e P Brother of Belden Seymour Day. Upsilon 81. M Interior Decorator. d. 1909 ~ OwO^ A. B. 1880; A. M. 1883; Ph. D. 1886; LL. d'. 1910. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Campus. j 78-79; Interpres, 80; Sophomore Latin Prize: I Junior Greek Prize; Sherman Scholarship; ■ Valedictorian; Instr. in Classics. 80-82; Prof, of Latin, Lake Forest Univ., 82-89; Prof, of Latin Language and Literature, Univ. of Mich, since 89. Author "Latin and Greek in Ameri- can Education;" Co-author "Handbooks of Archaeology and Antiquities;" "University of Michigan Studies, Humanistic Series." Member Am. Philological and Am. Historical Assns.; Archaeo'ogical Inst, of America (Pres., 07-12) and Authors' Club (London). Educator. University of Michigan; res 826 Tappan St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Edward Irving McPhail yaO * \ Brother of Percy Robert McPhail, Upsilon 81. Real Estate. 49 Niagara St.; res. 6 Parker Ave.. Buffalo, N. Y. Guy Rochester Montgomery X u p^ M. D. 1883 Univ. of Pa. Physician. 2 Fitch Ave., Auburn, N. Y. Mills Whittlesey * V^l A. B. 1880; A. M. 1883; Ph. D. 1890 Princeton. Teacher Maplewood Inst., Pittsfield, Mass., 80- 82; Principal High School, Woonsocket. R. I., 82-83; Prof, of Modern Languages, Lake Forest Univ., Lake Forest, 111., 83-85; Beloit Coll., Be- loit, Wis., 85; Lawrenceville School, N. J., 85- 99. Author Psi Upsilon Songs "Chapter House Song" and "Psi U N'alentine Song." Brother of Nathan Hart Whittlesey, Beta 71. Educator. d. 1906 1881-84] UPSILON CHAPTER 505 1881 Belden Seymour Day B. S. 1881. Member Psi Upsilon and Univer- sity Clubs. Brother of Mahlon Day, Upsilon 80. Vice President of Corporation. Typo Mercantile Agency, 160 Broadway; res. 1 W. 54th St., New York, N. Y. Albert Gallatin Frost rdx A. B. 1881. Commencement Orator. Department Manager. Steele-Wedeles Co., 151 W. South Water St., Chicago, 111. Albert Hall Harris XaH A. B. 1881. Phi Beta Kappa. Member Me- tropolitan, University and Metropolitan (Wash- ington, D. C.) Clubs. Lawyer. Grand Central Terminal; res. 135 Central Park W., New York, N. Y. John Swanton Jameson Initiated by the Kappa Percy Robert McPhail Y i z^ Member Genesee Valley, Rochester Athletic and Country Clubs. Brother of Edward Irving Mc- Phail, Upsilon 80. Banker. Merchants' Bank of Rochester, 125 Main St. E.; res. 16 N. Goodman St., Rochester, N. Y. Benjamin Fletcher Miles r-oo" A. B. 1881. Phi Beta Kappa. 1st Davis Medal, 81; Hull Essay Prize, 81; Latin Prize, 81; Commencement Orator. Merchant. (P. O. Box 390, Cleveland, Ohio). George Washington Northrup, Jr.* W ^ K ■ A. B. 1881; A. M. 1887. Phi Beta Kappa. Brother of William Moulton Northrop, Upsilon 86. Lawyer. d. 1901 Irving Miller Snow KkK M. D. 1881 Univ. of Buffalo. Prof, of Diseases of Children, Univ. of Buffalo; Attending Physi- cian Buffalo General and Children's Hosps. Member Saturn and Country Clubs; Am. Pedia- tric Soc. Brother of Francis Albert Snow, Up- silon 79. Physician. 737 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 1882 Harrison Cox Durand* T i O Clerk. d. 1908 Edward Roggen Jennings X ^ ^• R. S. 1882. Member Genesee Valley Club. Real Estate. 525 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ; res. 1005 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Hugh Harris Kendall X m K Commissioner Public Works, 08-11; Police Commissioner, 14-17. Retired. 26 E. 3d St., Corning, N. Y. Harold Chandler Kimball* y s o B. S. 1882. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor, Inter- pres, ?,\. Treas. Psi Upsilon Alumni Assn. of Rochester, 84. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Father of Harold Chandler Kim- ball, Upsilon 11. Manufacturer. d. 1911 Elmer Clark Tracy X Y °c A. B. 1882; M. D. 1885 Columbia. Asst. Surg. U. S. Navy, 86. Member Med. Soc. of the County of New York. Physician and Surgeon. (27 E. 126th St., New York, N. Y.) Willard Emmet Waterbury y r O A. B. 1882. Pres. and Sec. Y. M. C. A.; Chair- rnan Missionary Soc. of Protestant Organiza- tions for Co-operative Work Boston Port ot Entry; Supervisor for Mass., New England Home Missions Council. Field Secretary. Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Society, 708 Ford Bldg., Boston; res. 236 Union St., S'pring- field, Mass. 1883 Francis Marion Allen* Francis Aaron Brown Initiated by the Xi John Wilmer Dickerson Initiated by the Omega Edward Everett Tucker* A. B. 1883. Journalist. Irving Washington TiA, d. 1884 m ui d. 1884 B. S. 1883. Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor Inter- pres, 82; Vice-Pres. Chicago Branch, National Security League; Member Ways and Means Council, Chicago Assn. of Commerce and Mem- ber of Committee on Legislation; Formerly Supt. State Industrial School, Rochester, N. Y.; Head, Dept. Supplies, Chicago. Member City and Builders' Clubs. Merchant. 80 E. Jackson Blvd.; res. 4729 Beacon St., Chicago, 111. 1884 Albert Charles Burrows r d M" B. S. 1884. Theta Nu Epsilon. Trustee Rochester Theol. S'em. and First Baptist Church, Albion, N. Y. ; Pres. Board of Education, 7 years; Village Atty. Member University Club (Rochester, N. Y.) Lawyer. 160 S. Main St., Albion, N. Y. George Albert Coe Initiated by the Pi George Tennant Spink Foote* y b jjl" A. B. 1884. Brother of Edward Milton Foote, Upsilon 86. Clerk. d. 1911 Rush Sloane Gilkeson* A. B. 1884. Manufacturer. yJN" d. 1913 506 UPSILON CHAPTER [1884-86 Pelham Hague* Clerk. Howard Mortimer Hart* Clerk. Charles Myron Jervis Editor Ititcrprcs, 83. Postmaster. Wayland, N. Y. James Garrett Miller d. 1897 Y. TgM, Theta Nu Epsilon. Merchant. 11 S. La Salle St., Chicago; res. 4 Quick Ave., River Forest, 111. Benjamin Titus Roberts B p w A. B. 1885 Johns Hopkins Univ.; M. D. 1899 Rush Med. Coll. Member Am. Med. Assn.; Illi- nois State Med. and Chicago Med. Socs. Son of Benjamin Titus Roberts, Xi 48. brother of Benson Howard Roberts, Zeta 76 and George Lane Roberts, Upsilon 73. Physician and Surgeon. 600 Blue Island Ave.; res. 331 S. Central Park Blvd., Chicago, 111. Charles Augustus Strong X a p^ A. B. 1884; A. B. 1885 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Sherman Scholarship, 84. Asst. Prof, in Cornell Univ., 87-88; Docent, Clark Univ., 90; Assoc. Prof., Univ. of Chicago, 92-95; Lec- turer, 95-03; Prof., Columbia, since 03. Au- thor "Why the Mind Has a Body." Member Am. Psychological Assn.; Am. Philosophical Soc; Institut National Oenevois and Century Club. Son of Augustus Hopkins Strong, Beta 57 and brother of John Henry Strong, Upsilon 89. Psychologist. (17 Sibley PI., Rochester, N. Y.) Thomas Davis Wright* pwA Author "Ivanoff'^ Genesee Valley." Clei-k. and "A Romance of the 1885 Edward Erskine Mix Horticulturist and Merchant. Albion, N. Y. Herbert Henry Salmon d. 1915 (]; m (0 Ks¥ 1st Class Honors, Univ. of Cambridge. Electrician. 229 Chestnut St., Rochester, N. Y. C[harles] Walter Smith BsA Editor Cmnpiis, 83-84. Member Genesee \"al- ley. Country and Rochester Athletic Clubs. Merchant. 61 Exchange St.; res. 254 Culver Rd., Roches- ter, N. Y. ^ W a d.' 1909 ¥yQ A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888; M. D. 1890 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor Interpres, 84. Attending Phys., Rochester General Hosp., Western N. Y. Institution for George Wilder* A. B. 1885. Banker. Charles Dean Young Deaf Mutes, P. E. Church Home. Member University Club; Western New York, Psi Upsilon and Rochester Med. .'\ssns. Brother of Frederick William Young, Upsilon 75. Physician. 131 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 1886 Edward Milton Foote A. B. 1886; M. D. 1890 Harvard. Editor Campus, 83-84; Interpres, 85. Clinical Prof, of Surgery, N. Y. Polyclinic Med. :5cliool and Hosp.; Visiting Surg. N. Y. Skin and Cancer Hosp. Brother of George Tennant Spink Foote, Upsilon 84. Physician. 119 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y. William Carroll Graves YC^ Football, 83. Chairman Social Service Com- mission, Episcopal Diocese of Chicago; Execu- tive Committee 111. Soc. for Mental Hygiene; Dir. 111. Civil Service Reform Assn.; Chicago Infant Welfare Soc; Trustee Social Workers' Country Club (Riverside, 111.) ; Member Exe- cutive Committee of the Committee of One Hundred; Executive Sec. 111. State Board of Charities, 06-10. Member Quadrangle and City Clubs; 111. Soc. for Mental Hygiene; Social Service Club and Social Workers' Country Club (Riverside). Merchant. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 930 S. Honian Ave.; res. 5722 S. Park Ave., Chicago, 111. iarry Waffington Hillier Xh^ A. B. 1886; A. B. 1886 Columbia. Pastor Baptist Church, Abilene, Kans., 90-91; Atlantic Highlands, N. J.. 93-00; Social Settlement Work, 00—. Clergyman. (Bengali, N. Y.) Benjamin Olney Hough Th^' Theta Nu Epsilon. Author "Elementary Les- sons in Exporting;" "Exporters' Gazetteer of the World;" "Ocean Traffic and Trade;" "Practical Exporting;" etc. Member New York Press Club. Journalist. American Exporter, 17 Battery PL; res. 106 Morningside Drive, New York, N. Y. William Guild McKennan* XgT Banker. Louis Sheldon Morris Tr^ Brother of Paul Winters Morris, Upsilon 88. Merchant. (209 Noble St., Bridgeport, Conn.) William Moulton Northrup Initiated by the Omega Louis Evelyn Pierpont* W p Q Banker. X 00 (0 (icorge Hunt Walker B. S. 1886; M. S. 1888; LL. B. 1892 Columbia. 1st Davis Prize Medal for Commencement Oration. Principal Grammar School.'^ Nos. 12 and 13, Rochester, N. Y., 86-88; Member Board of Education, Tacoma, Wash., 96; Prosecuting Atty., Pierce County, Wash., 98-00: Regent, IJniv. of Wash. ; Pres. Rainier Club and Seat- tle Bar Assn. Member Rainier Club. 1886-89] UPSILOX CHAPTER 507 Lawyer. 706 Ctntial Hide;.; res. 505 I6O3 L. Madison St., Seattle. Washn. 1887 Albert Xorthrup Cooley Initiated by the Omega Frank Wells Emerson F c A Merchant. 86 Weybosset St.; res. 87 Congdon St., Provi- dence, R. I. Xicholas Tamblingson Killip X g w Theta Nu Epsilon. Chapter Editor Tenth General Catalogue. Examiner. State Banking Department, Albany; res. 32 N. Goodman St., Rochester, N. Y. William Hicks Osgood*' Y j E A. B. 1887. d. 1889 George Keener Page X h Q A. B. 1887. Theta Nu Epsilon. Banker. 1st National Bank, 43 Main St.; res. 93 Leicester St., Perry, N. Y. Walter Scott Bigelow Y Edwin Covell Paine* yt A B. S. 1887. Editor Cciint^ns. 85-86: Interhres. 86. d. 1887 George Reeve Wynkoop* X b Q Clerk. 1888 William Henry Craig Initiated by the Omega Paul Winters Morris* Xd

O Manager. New York Telephone Co., 15 Dey St.; res. 40 W. 127th St., New York, N. Y. Charles Russel Witherspoon 7 q >^ A. B. 1894; M. D. 1898 Univ. of Pa. Member University Club. Physician. 20 Dartmouth St.. Rochester, N. Y. 1895 Lewis [Nathaniel] Chase Fn A A. B. 1895 Columbia; A. M. 1898 and Ph. D. 1903. Tennis Champion; Editor Stanford Quad. Tutor Columbia Univ.; Asst. Prof. In- diana Univ.; Prof. Univ. of Louisville; Lec- turer, Univ. of Bordeaux; Engaged in research on Edgar Allan Poe's Childhood in England and Scotland. Author "The English Heroic Play;" "Introduction to Emerson's Compensation;" "Bernard Shaw in France" and "Poe and His Poetry." Member Columbia Club (New York). Author, Educator and Lecturer. 45 Digby Mansions, Hammersmiths Bridge, W. London, England and 18 Gramercy Park, New York, N. Y. Saxe Henry Hanford yhX A. B. 1895 Amherst. Thet Nu Epsilon. See Gamma 95 Advertising. 517 Cutler Bldg., Rochester; res. Irondequoit, N. Y. Joseph Lee Humphrey HdA A. B. 1895. Phi Beta Kappa. Member Roches- ter Athletic Club. Lawyer. 1004 Granite Bldg.; res. Gates, Rochester, N. Y. George Hicks Lancy Merchant. Tuxedo, Manitoba, Canada. Robert Duncan Menzie y^\ 1^^ Member Tanano Club. Manager and Superintendent. Northern Commercial Co., Fairbanks, Alaska. John Plunkett Morse ^ m ill Ph. B. 1895; LL. B. 1897 New York Univ. Theta Nu Epsilon. Lawyer. 822 Powers Bldg.; res. 13 S. Goodman St., Rochester, N. Y. 1896 Ray Bacon* y r S A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1899 Columbia. Lawyer. d. 1910 Arthur Ward Bingham* T d A Ph. B. 1896. d. 1901 Frank Heermans Field X c S Member The Athletic Club of Columbus. Sales Agent. 510 UPSILON CHAPTER [1896-98 n E. Long St.; res. 1591 Franklin Ave., Colum- bus, Ohio. Walter Liddell Hill T f '^^ A M. 1906. Theta Delta Tau. Referee in Bankruptcy, 03-11; Dir. Y. M. C. A. and Scranton Board of Trade. Lawyer. Connell Bldg.; res. 714 Taylor Ave., Scranton, Pa. George Danforth Huntington x h A A. B. 1896; B. S. 1898 Mass. Inst, of Tech. Member Grosse He Country and Indian Vil- lage Clubs. Manufacturer. 914 Ford Bldg.; res. 198 Van Dyke Ave., De- troit, Mich. Enos Thompson Troop Martin S h \ (Pangman, Saskatchewan, Canada.) George Benjamin Miller T v ^ A. B. 1896. Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Uni- versity Club. Advertising and Printing. 61 Elizabeth St.; res. 24 Sibley PI., Rochester, N. Y. David Riimsev Td Lawyer. 27 Cedar St.; res. 56 Irving Pi., New York, N. Y. 1897 Thomas Brown AcS Member Psi Upsilon and Rocky Mountain (New York), Genesee Valley (Rochester) and Gene- see Valley Hunt (Geneseo, N. Y.) Clubs. Banker. Psi Upsilon Club, Hotel Manhattan, New York, N. Y. Frank Loa Cubley 7 ^ T A. B. 1897. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres. Students' • .'Vssn.; Pres. Board of Education (High School). Member Board of Trustees Clarkson Coll. of Tech. Member Potsdam Club. Lawyer. Market St.; res. 15 Leroy S't., Potsdam, N. Y. Edward Blaine Fenner T f v Ensign U. S. Navy, 01-04; Lieut., 04-11; Lieut- Commander, 11-16. Member Army and Navy Club (Washington) and The Officers' Mess (U. S. Naval Acad., Annapolis.) Son of Edward Bela Fenner, Gamma 67 and brother of Burt Leslie Fenner, Upsilon 91. Officer U. S. Navy. Care of Navy Department, Washington, D. C. Alexander Miller Lindsay, Jr. F 1 [x Theta Delta Tau. Member Genesee Valley, Rochester Athletic, Rochester Country and Citizens' Rifle and Revolver Clubs; Y. M. C. A. Merchant. 228 Main St. E.; res. 600 Park Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Clarence MacGregor XsN N. Y. State Assembly, 08-12; Counsel New York Dept. of Excise. Member Chamber of Com- merce; Buffalo Canoe, Buffalo Launch, Hum- boldt and Boreal Clubs. Lawyer. _ _, /» , 399 Hasten St.; res. 690 Elhcott Sq.. Buffalo, N. Y. Lawrence Malcom Morley XsN B. S. 1897; LL. B. 1899 New York Univ. Brother of Horatio Throop Morley, Phi 79 and William Horace Morley, Phi 95. Officer of Corporation. Morley Cypress Co., Morley, La. Clarence Patten Moser XblJ. A. B. 1897; LL. B. 1899 New York Univ. 1st Davis Medal, Commencement Oration. Mem- ber Genesee Valley and Rochester Country and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 19 Main St. W.; res. 209 Culver Rd., Rochester, N. Y. Elwood Burrows Smith Xs M Ph. B. 1897. Asst. Dist. Atty., Erie County, Buffalo, N. Y., 06-08. Manufacturer. (100 W. 98th St., New York, N. Y.) Clarence DeLano Stone TcM A. B. 1897. Member Psi Upsilon Club; Soc. of Genesee and Long Island Historical Soc. Appraiser. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 175 Remsen St.; res. 49 Garden PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederic Kemp Ward* Banker. Isaac Ward Waters d. 1910 Y W V Banker. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 19 Nassau St.; res. 287 Edgecombe Ave., New York, N. Y. George Burbank Williams Tboi' Ph. B. 1897. Cashier, City of Rochester, 00; Deputy Comptroller, 04-07. Member Rocky Mountain Club (New York). Publisher. Geneva Daily Times. 53 Seneca St.; res. 485 S. Main St., Geneva, N. Y. Robert Allen Witherspoon T h M A. B. 1897. Works Manager. Canada Carbide Co., Limited, Shawinigan Falls, Quebec, Canada. 1898 r p 'A Teacher Walter Whipple Arnold A. B. 1898; A. M. 1900 Columbia, in Dept. of Latin. Educator Central High School; res. 257 Lake St., New ark, N. J. Martin Aquila Chase* Nurseryman. TpA d. 1913 Edward Henry Denniston B. S. 1899. Manufacturer. (188 Culver Rd., Rochester. N._ Y.) Frederick Charles Goodwin F f A Ph. B. 1898; LL. B. 1900 New York Univ. Member Genesee Valley and Rochester Country Clubs. Lawyer. „ , 19 Main St W.; res. 19 Sibley PL, Rochester, N. Y. 1898-00] UPSILON CHAPTER 511 P.uell Paine Mills rrQ A. B. 1898. Member Genesee Valley and Ro- chester Country Clubs. Insurance. 234 Granite Bldg.; res. 215 Culver Rd., Roch- ester, N. Y. Sidney Fawcett Pattison Yr~Q A. B. 1898; A. B. 1899 Williams; A. M. 1908 Harvard. Asst. Prof, of Rlietoric, Univ. of Minn. Kducator. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; res. 1280 Raymond Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Lee Jasper Rowley tR-^ Ph. R. 1898. Cashier. City Treasurer's Office; res. 3 Fenwick St., Rochester, N. Y. Henry Grififin Strong X ^' -^ .Manufacturer. 10 S. Union St.; res. 505 University Ave., Rochester. N. Y. Howard Davenport Taylor X j 'A A. B. 1898. Advertising. 223 W. Jackson Blvd.; res. 1121 E. 64th St.. Chicago, 111. Arnold Edwin Wage F v 'Q M. D.. 1900 Southern Homeopathic Med. Coll. Physician. .Main St., Auburn, N. Y. Aaron Foster Williams Member Corning Club. Merchant. 27 E. Market St.; res. 121 E. 1st St., Corning, N. Y. 1899 Charles Edward Adams Yc"A r b w Chief Draftsman. 902 Illinois Central Station; res. 2450 E. 74th PL, Chicago, 111. [Patrick] William Crawford Barry, Jr. T e ^ Merchant. Seldcn Motor Vehicle Co., 301 East Ave. Bldg.; res. 630 Mt. Hope Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Charles Welles Coit X c ~W ^ A. B. 1899. P 12 Saratoga Ave.; res. 520 Culver Rd., Ro- chester, N. Y. James Bruff Forbes 7 f 7^ Ph. B. 1899. Member City Club. Treasurer. Big Creek Colliery Co., 1223 Peoples Gas Bld^., Chicago; res. 701 N. Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park, 111. PhM^. George Cooley Gordon Member Genesee Valley, Rochester Country, Psi Upsilon and Union League (New York) Clubs. Merchant. Selden Quick Sales Co., 49 East Ave.; res. 139 Troup St., Rochester, N. Y. Lnther Gordon Tg^'l' Member Genesee Valley and Country (Roches- ter, N. Y.) Clubs. Banker? First National Bank; res. Monroe Ave., Brock- port, N. Y. Samuel Mack Havens Xr 'i' A. B. 1899; LL. B. 1902 Columbia. Sophomore Exhibition and Commencement Speaker; Master of Ceremonies Class Day. Member Genesee Valley, University and Country (Rochester) and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Brother of Raymond Dexter Havens, Upsilon 01 and nephew of James Smith Havens, Beta 84. Lawyer. 1015 Insurance Bldg.; res. 211 Edgerton St., Rochester, N. Y. Curtiss Norton Jameson rh"3 B. S. 1899; M. D. 1902 Rush Med. Coll. Anaes- thetist Rochester General Hosp. Member Ro- chester Med. Assn. Physician. 674 Main St. W., Rochester, N. Y. Robert Bainbridge Pattison B. S. 1899. Clergyman. 35 Washington Ave., Waltham, Mass. Judson Hill Preston Xs'? r e" w Member Citizens' and City Clubs. Contractor. Williams Bridge Co., 514 Union Bldg.; res. 622 James St., Syracuse, N. Y. 1900 Harvey Dwight Blakeslee, Jr. F g y A. B. 1900; LL. B. 1902 Buffalo Law School. Member University and Lawyers' Clubs. Lawyer. 508 Erie County Bank Bldg.; res. 48 Inwood PL, Buffalo, N. Y. \^'^lliam Dininny Clapp XTx .Superintendent. 50 Main St. W.; res. SO Audubon St., Roches- ter, N. Y. John Newton French yX^x Ph. B. 1900; E. E. 1903 Syracuse. See Chi 03 and Pi 03 Engineer. Vacuum Oil Co., 310 Fisher Bldg.. Chicago, HI.; res. 8 Portsmouth Terrace, Rochester, N. Y. William Theodore Mills* Xc T Newton [Mott] Sibley Morse XT? Lumberman. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. George Wellington Stone P h 'X Ph. B. 1900. Mgr. Glee and Mandolin Clubs: Track and Football. Member University Club. Etigineer. Hooker Electrochemical Co., Evershed St., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Howard Melville Stone A. B. 1900. Real Estate. 431 Lake Ave.. Rochester, N. Y. X d 't 512 UPSILON CHAPTER [1901-03 1901 Frederick Warner Coit Xe

Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon. Architect. 344 East Ave., Rochester; res. Forest Lawn, N. Y. Allen Mortimer Brewer x '"''' '^ Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon. Track. Printer. 907 Clinton Ave. S.; res. 909 Clinton Ave. S., Rochester, N. Y. Henry Lauriston Crittenden T c'^h A. B. 1912. Chi Rho; Theta Nu Epsilon; Theta Pi Sigma. Musical and Dramatic Clubs; Student Council. Member Irondequoit Canoe and Rochester Athletic Clubs. Law Clerk. 200 Powers Bldg. ; res. 96 Emerson St., Rochester. N. Y. George William Crouch* Donald Satterlee Curtis d. 1913 Theta Nu Epsilon; Chi Rho. Member Rochester Ad Club. Department Manager. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co.. 424 St. Paul St.; res. 188 Rutgers St., Rochester. N. Y. Conrad Rudolph Koegler XP'^ Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma. Capt. Football. 12. Clerk. Tones and Dean Sts.; res. 41 Prince St., Rochester, N. Y. Louis Sellinger Pierce F 1 '$ A. B. 1912. Theta Pi Sigma. Member Rochester Athletic Club. Lawyer. 308 Ellwajiger & Barry Bldg.; res. 58 Albemarle St., Rochester, N. Y. Herbert Pells Ward Y §' '^ Farmer. Bushnell's Basin. N. Y. 1913 Harold Lattimore Ailing T g 's B. S. 1915. Dept. Honors in Geology. Student. 400 Oxford St.. Rochester. N. Y. Dudley Irving Conly X'^i T Member Psi Upsilon Club. Social Worker. Tribune Fresh Air Fund. New York Tribune, 154 Nassau St., New York. N. Y. Frederick Raphael Cross Theta Pi Sigma; Chi Rho. Farmer. R. R. No. 2, Lyons. N. Y. X V -^'j Swayne Peters Goodenough I R 'p A. B. 1913. Educator. East High School; res. 158 Merriman St., Rochester. N. Y. William Johnston Hughes Id'Z Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon. Musical Clubs, 10-11; Asst. Mgr. Dramatics. 13. Member Irondequoit Canoe. Tennis of Rochester and Oak Hill Country Clubs. Broker. 708 Granite Bldg.; re«. 365 Canterbury Rd., Rochester. N. Y. Edmund Wetmore Moore XT.'T B. S. 1913; M. S. in E. E. 1915 Union. Theta Nu Epsilon. Musical Clubs; l)itcr['rcs Board. Engineer. General Railway Signal Co.; res. 100 Berkeley St., Rochester, N. Y. David William Ogden* Student. Y d 'E d. 1910 Plarvey Montgomery Osgood F r 'a Lacrosse (Cornell). IMember Cornell and Lniiv. of Rochester Clubs of New England. Salesman. Library Bureau, 43 Federal St.. Boston; res. 84 Prescott St.. Cambridge. Mass. Erwin Reed Shutt X p 'e A. B. 1913; LL. B. 1916 Columbia. Advertising Mgr. Interfres: Mgr. Musical Club. Lawyer. 1012 Wilder Bldg.; res. 509 Plymouth Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Henry Joseph Weiland Yb-^r B. S. 1913; M. S. 1915 Univ. of 111., and Ph. D. 1917. Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsi'.on; Alpha Chi Sigma. Mgr. Basket Ball Team and Chair- man Senior Ball, 13. .\sst. in Chemistry. 13-14; Asst. Chemist 111. State Water Survey. 14; Asst. in Chemistry, 16-17 (111.). Member Uni- versity Club (Champaign. 111.). Research .\ssistant. Chemical Laboratory. Univ. of 111., Champaign, 111.: res. Pittsford, N. Y. 1914 Eric Lattimore Ailing F d '"i> B. S. 1914 Princeton. Phi Beta Kappa. Student. 400 O.xford St., Rochester. N. Y. Livingston Bentley X d X A. B. 1915 Yale. See Beta 15 Student. 7 Prince St., Rochester, N. Y. James Franklin Bills x 8' '^ A. B. 1914. Clerk. State Good Roads Department: res. 76 Raines Park. Rochester. N. Y. Fm-^T i Brvant John Brooks B. S. 1914. Phi Beta Kappa; The Falcon; Theta Pi Sigma. Business Mgr. i'ear Book (3); Sec. Students' Assn. (3); Finance Committee (3); Pres. Senior CUib (4). Creditman. Western Electric Co., 500 S. Clinton St.. Chicago; res. 949 Lake St.. Oak Park, 111. 1914-16] UPSILOX CHAPTER 517 Harold Searing Curren T P ^T Contractor. 344 East Ave.; res. 988 Park Ave.. Rochester, N. Y. Frank Lemuel Gosnell rc'-i; A. B. 1914. 1st Dewey Prize Senior Orations; Leader Glee Club; Pres. Y. M. C. A. ClerKvman. 600 \V. 122d St.. New York; res. 27 Thayer St.. Rochester, N. Y. Frank George Rogers X^-^cr H. S. 1915. Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma; Thcta Nu Epsilon. 297 Genesee St., Rochester, N. Y. Irvin John Schoen X f '7. B. S. 1914. Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon. Baseball (1). (2), (3), (4); Basket Ball (1). (2). (3), (4); Baseball Capt. (4); University Council (4). Merchant. Main St.; res. Monroe Ave., Pittsford. N. Y. Richard Lloyd Wellington yLZ A. B. 1914. Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma; Theta Nu Epsi'.on. Dramatic and Glee Clubs. Brother of Roger Ha'.e Wellington, Upsilon 07. Clerk. Chase Brothers Co., 82 St. Paul St.; res. 82 Brunswick St., Rochester. N. Y. 1915 Gordon Cardwell Baird F y 'a Theta Pi Sigma. Track; Football. Builder. Bo.x 36 Builders' Exchange; res. East Ave., Brighton. Rochester. N. Y. Marion Craig Barry Xc-^S B. S. 1915. Theta Nu Epsilon; Theta Pi Sigma. Track. Clerk. 2i Locust St., Rochester, N. Y. Russell Aubrey Lipscomb X tt '0 B. S. 1915. The Falcon. Peace Essay Prize; Editor Interfires and Campus; Commencement Speaker. Salesman. Columbia Carbon Co., Dayton, Ohio; res. 56 College Ave.. Rochester, N. Y. Wilson Manly Shafer XJ'H A. B. 1916 Univ. of Mich. A.sst. Mgr. Glee and Mandolin Clubs. See Phi 16 Manufacturer. Park Ave.: res. Main .St., Brockport. N. Y. Harold [Eugene] Shantz ^y't, B. S. 1915. Theta Pi Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon. Brother of Edgar Shantz, Upsilon 01. 41 Prince St.. Rochester, N. Y. Homer William Storey r b -^H B. S. 1915. Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma; The Falcon. Football; Glee Club; Quartette; Vice Pres. Student Assn. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. 510 Elhvanger & Barry Bldg.; res. 30 Hor- tense St.. Rochester. N. Y. Horace Gilbert Swan x ^^ ''^ B. S. 1915. Baseball. Student* 631 University Ave.. Rochester, N. Y. Fred Lake Thomas X f 't) B. S. 1916. Chi Rho; Falcon. Football. Student. 14 Melrose St., Rochester, N. Y. Theodore Frederick Wichmann F m 'S B. S. 1915 Muhlenberg Coll. Chi Rho. Track. Member Phi Beta Pi. Student. 466 Garson Ave.. Rochester. N. Y. 1916 Ralph Waldo Armstrong F b 'p Chi Rho. Football. Student. 41 Prince St.. Rochester. N. Y. Willard Charles Becker F m -^G B. S. 1916. Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma. Uni- versity Council (4); Glee Club. Farmer. R. R.. Hemlock, N. Y. Arthur Gilbert Bills A. B. 1916. Educator. 76 Raines Park, Rochester. N. Y. Xr'P M p 'K vt'O Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Rochester Tennis Club. Secretary. 404 Piatt St.; res. 315 Berkeley St., Rochester, N. Y. John Howe Chase B. S. 1916. Student. 1323 Lemon St., Riverside, Cal. Charles Harold Fahy Student. 21 Arnold Park, Rochester, N. Y. Kenneth Heermans Field Arthur James Gosnell Fj-^P B. S. 1916. Musical Club; Sec. Y. M. C. A. Student. 27 Thayer St., Rochester. N. Y. Edward Joseph Hammele H R A^ Theta Pi Sigma. Football: Baseball; Glee Club. Salesman. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.; res. 63 Culver Rd.. Rochester, N. Y. Xh'O Adjuster. 216 Tav St.; res. 691 E. Main St.. Rochester, N. Y. ■ Lester Howett X y 'P 1026 E. May St.. Dayton. Ohio. Allen Homer Hughes X ^ '® Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma. Contractor. 45 Halstead St.; res. 988 Park Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Eric Baker Hoard 518 UPSILON CHAPTER Henry Mortimer Smeed Tg'S A. B. 1916. Chi Rho. Staff Artist Intcrprcs. Student. 10 Alexander St.. Rochester. N. Y. Jay Elwood Smith 7. d ^p Member Rochester Athletic Club. See Phi 16 Insurance. Fidelity Mutual Life Ins. Co., 925 Granite Bids.; res. 75 Brunswick St., Rochester, N. Y. Lewis McBride Sunderlin Y r -^6 B. S. 1916. Theta Pi Sigma. Hockey; Tennis. Publisher. Silver Burdett & Co.. 20 Elk St.. Albany, N. v.; res. 168 Rutgers St., Rochester, N. Y. 1917 Walter Goetzman V 1 'p Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma. Student. 203 \'assar St., Rochester, N. Y. Edward Herendeen v f ""O Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma. Basket Ball; Base- ball. Member Rochester Athletic and Tennis Clubs. Manufacturer. 14 S. Union St.; res. 12 Arnold Park, Rochester, N. Y. Joseph Roberts Hudson M d ^K Chi Rho. Glee Club. Salesman. 126 FuUon Ave., Rochester. N. Y. Ralph Kirby Richardson Initiated by the Phi James Bennett Sykes N j 'O Midshipman U. S. Naval Academy. Son of Arthur Oscar Sykes. Pi 92 and brother of Wads- worth Covn-e Svkes. Upsilon 20. 290 Canterbury Rd., Rochester, N. Y. Raymond Llewellyn Thompson M r 'K Chi Rho; Theta Pi Si.gma. Managing Editor Interpres; Member University Council. Student. 21 Strathallan Park. Rochester. N. Y. Philip Bardwell Wicks [j. t 'o Student. 229 Oxford St.. Rochester, N. Y. 1918 Hugh Sylvester Dewey ^F h ""K Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma. Member Rochester .-\thletic Club. Student. 50 Harper St., Rochester. N. Y. William Falconer Dunbar Initiated by the Pi Frank Marsden Fox B t 'O Chi Rho. Surveyor. 22 Elizabctli St.; res. 183 Seneca Parkway, Rochester. N. Y. Harold Foote Gosnell Student. 27 Thayer St.. Rochester, N. Y. Charles Lisoc Gragg Theta Pi Sigma. Musical Club. Student. 19 Arnold Park. Rochester. N. Y. Kenneth Whaley Masters Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma. Student. 153 Bronson Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Henry Dean Ouinby. Jr. Chi Rho; Theta Pi Sigma. Student. 44 Prince St.. Rochester, N. Y. Arthur Sheldon Thomas Chi Rho. Student. 14 Melrose St., Rochester. N. Y. [1916-20 tl; f '■/, ^r-^o Bg^K ¥y-0 1919 Francis Hazeltine Isaacson ^F y ""v Dramatic Club. Student. 36 Cross St.. Jamestown. X. Y. Pierre ]\Ianwaring Kellogg B h '3 Student. 1 E. Main St.. Le Roy, N. Y. Richard Felix Koch ^ ^^k Chi Rho. Member Rochester .Athletic Club. Student. 90 Columbia Ave.. Rochester, N. Y. George Winthrop McBi^de T y A"" Student. East Ave., Pittsford, N. Y. Llart Mitchell at'x Chi Rho. Student. 90 Plymouth Ave. S., Rochester, N. Y. 1920 John William Adams <]^ v'Zi Student. Hemlock, N. Y. Bernard Ross Brown B d 'v Football. Student. 191 Claremont Ave.. New York. N. Y. \'ernon Ross Brown ^ g- '\^' .Student. 191 Claremont Ave., New York, N. Y. Cecil Benedict Hert T 1 'M .Student. 170 Westminster Rd., Rochester, N. Y. George Patton Marshall Student. 53 Prince St., Rochester. N. Y. B p 'i^- 19201 UPSTLON CHAPTER 519 Ralph Sutherland Steffens Student. 440 Delhi St.. Dubuque. Iowa. Neil Johnston Stewart Student. York. N. Y. Wadsworth Covne Sykes 6 f "X ^ z "^iM Son of Arthur Oscar Sykes. Pi 92 and brother of Tames Bennett Sykes. Upsilon 17. Student. 290 Canterbury Rd., Rochester. N. Y. Alfred Thomas Veness B w '[x student. 289 Sherman Ave., New Haven, Conn. Edward Taber \\' inslow «p n 'N Student. 27 Faraday St., Rochester. N. Y. IOTA CHAPTER FOUNDED NOVEMBER 24, 1860 KENYON COLLEGE GAMBIER. OHIO 1860 Robert McNeilly* \j)' yo ^F A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863; M. D. 1863 Univ. of Pa. \'ice-Pres. Philomathesian Soc. Sole Founder and Charter Member of the Iota. Asst. Surg. 19th Inf. Regiment, Ohio Vols., 63- 64; Acting Asst. Surg. U. S. Army, 64-65; Asst. Surg. Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, War Dept., 66-67; Surg. -in- Chief Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of Tenn., 67-69. Mem- ber of the New York County Med. Soc. Initiated by the Theta Physician and Surgeon. d. 1914 1861 Mathew Mathews Gilbert* W $ A' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864; B. D. 1864 Gambier Theol. Sem. Charter Member; Rector Church of the Ascension, Wellsville, Ohio, 64-66. Clergyman. d. 1866 Erasmus Owen Simpson* W S ' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864; B. D. 1864 Gambier Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member; Rector Emanuel Church, Cumberland, ^Id.. 64- 65; St. Johii's Church. Lancaster, Ohio. 65-67; St. Philip's Church, Circleville, 68-71; Bishop's Church and Church of the Prince of Peace, Philadelphia, Pa., 71-77; St. Alban's Church, Philadelphia, 77-82. Clergyman. d. 1882 Thomas Mackie Smith* Be A' A. B. 1861. Charter Member; Capt. 95th Inf. Regiment Pa. Vols.. 61-65 and 23d U. S. Inf., 73. Officer, U. S. Army. d. 1901 James Kent Stone 7C li o V A. B. 1861 and A. M. 1864 Harvard; S. T. D. 1868 Racine Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Asst. Prof, of Latin Language and Literature, Kenvon Coll., 63-64; Prof., 64-67; Pres. of Kenyon Coll., 67-68; Hobart Coll., 68-69; Superior Passionist Monas- tery and Pastor of their Church. Buenos Ayres. Author "The Invitation Heeded;" "Moderation and Toleration in Theology." Brother of Archi- bald Morrison Morrison. Lambda 47, William Stone, Beta 65 and Philip Sidney Stone, Alpha 72. Clergyman. St. Michael's Monastery, West Iloboken, N. J. 1862 Alfred Farnsworth Blake* TC^T A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865; B. D. 1867 Bexley Hall. Instr. Harcourt PI. School, Gambler, Ohio, 62-63. Rector Grace Church, Avondale, Cincin- nati, 67; Trustee, Kenyon Coll., 78; Member Standing Committee Diocese of Southern Ohio, 75. 76. 84 and 85. Brother of Leonard Blake, Iota 72. Clergyman. d. 1900 Henry Lambton Curtis* TS A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865. Commencement Orator. Charter Member; Sergeant 142d Inf. Regiment Ohio \'ols. Father of Walter Chittenden Curtis, Iota 01. Lawyer. d. 1897 William Heathcote DeLancey Grannis* ^ Q ?' A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865 Trinity Coll.; B. D. 1865 General Theol. Sem. Charter Member; Rector St. Thomas' Church. Hamilton, N. Y., 65-67; St. John's Church, h'ort Hamilton. 67-69; St. Tames' Church, Goshen, 69-81. Clergyman. d. 1881 BRS' A. B. 1862; M. D. 1866 Univ. of Pa. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Charter Member; U. .S. Examining Surg.. 71-85. Physician and Surgeon. <1. 1901 Charles Forrest Paine* C31iver Hazard Perrv* BC s K' d. 1867 1871 George Alfred Baxter* f A'' A. B. 1871 Hobart Coll. and .\. M. 1874; A. M. 1875 ad evndcm East Tenn. Univ.; M. D., 1874 Bcllcvuc Hosp. Med. Coll. Commencement Orator. Brother "of William Mitchell Baxter, Iota 70 and Lewis Thompson Baxter, Iota 71. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1908 A IS'' Lewis Thompson Baxter A. B. 1871 Hobart Coll. and A. M. 1874; A. M. 1875 ad eundem East Tenn. Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. U. S. Com- missioner. 78-88. Brother of William Mitchell Baxter, Iota 70 and George Alfred Baxter, Iota 71. Lawyer. Charles Livingston Hubbard* $ h ^^ See Beta 72. A. B. 1873 Yale. Lawyer. John Millard Lee d. 1904 A 9 [jl'' A. B. 1871; M. D. 1874 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Reveille, 71; Recipient of the Wooden Spoon, 71. Member Allegheny County Med. Soc. ; Phys. and Surg. Pittsburgh Free Dispensary and Mercy Hosp. Physician and Surgeon. (Sierra Madre, Cal.) Hugh Maguire'' <|)SB, A. B. 1871. Home Mis.sionary Presbyterian Churoh, Aylwin, Canada, 74-76; Pastor, Wake- field. 76-81; Tom's River, N. J., 81-82; Rector Episcopal Church. Baltimore, Md., 83-84; Church of Our Saviour, Brooklyn, N. Y., 84. Clergyman. d. 1914 Charles Frederick Southgate LI w A' Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Hosteler (retired). Morrow, Ohio. Charles Winans Tyler A. B. 1871. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Journalist. North American Review, 171 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 1872 Charles Hildreth Blair* cpc[J. A. B 1872 Cornell and A. M. 1876. Commence- ment Orator. Capt. N. Y. State National \K]i-'n\ IOTA CHAPTER 523 Guard. 76-77; Brigade Commissary, 76-79; Asst. Adjutant General, 28tli Brigade, 77; Colonel and Engineer 7th Division, 73-81. Member New York (ieographical Soc., Union League Club and Ohio Soe. of New York. Father of dreth Blair. Ir., Chi 97. See Chi 72 Kzra Cornell i>lair, Chi 96 and Charles Hil- Lawyer. . d. 1910 Leonard Blake* $ O T A. B. 1872. Brother of Alfred Farnsworlh Blake. ]ota 62. Lawyer and Farmer. d. 1906 Gustavus Aug'ustns Florence H d \i'. Farmer. Thomas Hanna"^ Akr Clerk. 1876 Samuel Miles Tracy Johnson S q $, Member Common Council (Portsmouth), 82-83. Lawyer. 500 2d St.; res. 949 2d St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Edward Mansfield McGuffey K 1 T. A. B 1876: A. M. 1896; New York Univ. Phi Beta sian. Rector Church of Ohio: Curate Church of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Rector Elmhur.st, N. Y. : Tutor Divinity School, Faribault, ter St. George's Church, Member Psi Upsilon Club. Drake McGufiey, Iota 63. Clergyman. Klmhiirst, N. \'. 1877 A. M. 1896 (Hon.) Kappa; Philomathe- Epiphany, Urbana, the Holy Trinity, St. James' Church, of Greek Seabury Minn.; Asst. Minis- New York, N. Y. Brother of Charles " d -J. Salmon Blake Axtell t^ A. B. 1877; M. D. 1880 Western Reserve. Phy- sician and Surgeon. 2067 Front St., San Diego, Cal. Harry Coupland Benson ^ ^ p, A. B. 1887; A. M. 1887. Phi Beta Kappa; Nu Pi Kappa. Editor Reveille, 77. Graduate U. S. Military Acad., West Point, 82. Supt. Yosemite National Park, 04-09; Yellow- stone National Park, 08-10; Chief of Staff Philippine Dcpt., 12-15. Member Sierra and United .Service Golf Clubs; University (New York) and Armv and Navy (Washington, D. C.) Clubs. Colonel U. S. Cavalry (retired). 22 Presidio Ave., San Francisco, Cal. Charles Bush Dun* MsT. Editor Reveille. 77. Brother of John Graham Dun, Jr., Iota 75 and uncle of Charles Ho'man Dun, Iota 09. Merchant. d. 1881 524 IOTA CHAPTER 1877-85 Harry Neville Hills* X T r\ A. B. 1877; A. M. 1886. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Argus, 76-77; Commencement Ora- tor. Treas Kenvon Coll., 82-85; Regent Gram- mar School, 82; Rector, 83-85; Regent Harcourt PI. Sem. for Young Ladies, 87-02; Kenyon Mil- itary Acad. Educator. d. 1914 Thomas King Wilson ^ tc T^ A. B. 1877. Asst. City Engineer, Chillicothe, Ohio, 77-78. IManufacturer. (Chillicothe. Ohio). 1878 Georc:e Ferdinand Klock* 1879 Jacob Drennan Early* Merchant. AkZ, d. 1911 K \ A. B. 1879. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor-in-Chief The Wabash, 77-78. Commencement Orator (1st in class). Pres. Terre Haute Law Club, 85-86; Member Republican State Central Com- mittee of Ind. since 84; Alternate Presidential Elector. 80. Brother of Samuel Stockwell Early, Iota 85. Iota 85. d. 1913 Henry Harvey Reese Frank Sawyer, Jr.* 21 X Y] AwH. Town Clerk and Justice of the Peace. 80-88; Township Trustee. Lawyer. d. 1913 1880 Angus Wortham Dun M@. William Drake Hamilton Member The Athletic Club of Columbus. Farmer. 311 Hartman P>ldg. ; res. 115 Woodland Ave., Columbus. Ohio. A. B. 1880; A. M. 1890; M. D. 1883 Columbus Med. Coll.; F. A. C. S. 1891. Surg. Hawkes Hosp. of Mt. Carmel. Member Columbus and S'cioto Country Clubs. Brother of Charles Sum- ner Hamilton, Iota 83. Surgeon. 150 E. Broad St.; res. Broad St. and Columbia Ave., Bexley, Columbus, Ohio. A. B. 1880; A. M. 1898; M. D. 1883 Long Island Coll. Hosn. Ambulance Surg., Dept. of Health, City of Brooklyn; Resident Phys. Brooklyn (E. 11.) Hosp. and Dispen.sary, 83-84. Member Kings County and Brooklyn Med. Socs. ; Am. Med. Assn.; Associated Physi- cians of L. I. Uncle of Willard Clarke Arm- strong, Iota 97. Physician. 809.'\ Greene Ave.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Charles Page Peterman 1881 Joseph Pancoast Coates Afx Ph. B. 1881. Nu Pi Kappa. Commencement Orator. Teacher in Natural Sciences High School, Chillicothe, Ohio, 81-83; Member House of Representatives, Ohio General .Xssemb'y. 88-92. Lawyer. 903 2d St., Portsmouth, Ohio. 1882 George Frederick Anderson A. B. 1882. Broker. (605 Wayne St.. Sandusky, Ohio.) Levi Lewis Hatton Austin AxK, 9^^.^ Principal High School, Bellevue, Ohio. 79-82; Supt. of Schools, Monroeville, 82-83: Napoleon, 83-86; Principal High School, Zanesville, 86. Educator. William Clark Pennock* Ph. B. 1882. Phi Beta Kappa. Francis George Willard SpK, d. 1899 *yO, i Member Topeka and Shawnee Golf Clubs. Father of Frank Alexander Wil'ard. Phi 18. Photographer. 1014 Topeka Ave.. Topeka, Kans. 1883 Charles Sumner Hamilton ^'^V-. A. B. 1884 Princeton; M. D. 1887 Columbus Med. Coll. Commencement Orator. Pres. Col- umbus Acad, of Medicine; Ohio State Med. Assn. Member Columbus, Athletic and Scioto Country and Princeton ("New York) Clubs. Brother of William Drake Hamilton, Iota 80. Surgeon. 150 E. Broad St.; res. 229 E. State St., Columbus, Ohio. Clitus Harrv Marvin $f A. Father of Clitus Harry Marvin, Jr., Iota 11. Manufacturer. Urbana. Ohio. James Bacon Wilcox Qf Secretary and Treasurer. Greenlawn Cemetcrv Association. Central Natl. Bank P>Idg. ; res. 32 Hoffman Ave., Co'umbus, Ohio. 1884 H Seymour Llicks* A x tx^ Farmer. <1. 1896 Wells Augustus Hutchins X z [x^ U. S. Deputy Collector 11th Dist. of Ohio, 85-88; Mayor Portsmouth. 06-07. Banker and Real Estate. 1st National Bank Bldg.; res. 1138 2d St., Ports- mouth, Ohio. George Hunter Smith A 1 S^ Miner. 22'/' \V. 2d St.. Chillicothe. Ohio. 1885 <^ f 0) John Robert Cunningham A. B. 1885 Trinity Coll. Editor Ivy (Trinity). 84. See Beta Beta 85 (3411 Newark St.. Cleveland Park. Washington, D. C.) Samuel Stockwell Early ^eQ B S. 1885 Rose Polytechnic Inst. Philo- mathesian. Pres. Athletic A.ssn. (3). (4); Gold Medal 80; Silver Medal, 81; Baseball. Member Water Works Trustees. Member 1885-88] IOTA CHAPTER 525 Easton, University (Boston), Massachusetts Yaclit and Athletic (Nantucket) Clubs. Brother of Jacob Drennan Early, Iota 79. Manager. Ames Shovel & Tool Co., Main St., North Easton, Mass. David Leslie Marvin* AyA Examiner IT. S. Pension Office. 82-84; Asst. Engineer Ohio State Board of Public Works, Columbus. 86. Civil Engineer. d. 1900 Srjr Roger Hanson Peters A. B. 1885. Philomathesian. Editor Adz'anci', 83-84; Reveille. 84; "Kenyon Day" Orator, 84; Pres. Standing Committee of Western Mich.; Delegate General Convention of Episcopal Church, 01-04 and 07; Delegate Pan-Anglican Conference (London), 08. Clergyman. St. Luke's Church, Anchorage, Ky. William Tappan xsr A. B. 1885; Ph. B. 1885. Phi Beta Kappa; Nu Pi Kappa; Phi Delta Sigma. Editor-in- Chief Advance, 83-84; Prizes in Oratory, 82-83, 84; \'aIedictorian. Instr. in Latin. Kenyon Grammar School, 85-86; Teacher in Mathe- matics, St. John's School, Ossining, N. Y., 86-87; Greek, Trinity School, Tivoli, 87. Brother of Charles Avery Tappan, Iota 88. Educator. Tlie Jefferson School for Boys; res. 1419 Bolton St.. Baltimore, Md. 1886 Henrv Edward Chase I "0 $ A. B. 1886. Editor Advance, 84-85; Reveille, 85. Educator. ( Springbrook, Wis.) Charles Probasco Harnwell r^x A. B. 1886. Editor Reveille. 84. Brother of Frederic William Harnwell. Iota 89. T,awyer. 923 State Bank Bldg.; res. 3520 Prospect Ave., Litt'e Rock. Ark. W illiam Wirt Peabody a>f^ Member Railroad (New York) and Deal (N. J.) Golf Clubs. Broker. 61 Broadway. New York, N. Y. Samuel Bradstreet Timmonds A y B Transportation. (Portsmouth. Ohio). 1887 Harry Byron Adams'" Harry Saiger Griffith Publisher. Mt. Gilead, Ohio. William Walter Lanthurn Teacher in Music, Ursuline Convent, Dallas, Tex., 86-87; Public Schools, Little Rock, Ark., 98-02; Organist and Choir Master, Christ Church, Dayton, Ohio, 02-09. Dir. Philhar- d. 1891 AfF Az/ monic and Cash Register Socs. Musician. ^22 Fourth i\ve.. New York. N. Y. John Madeira'^' Farmer. Philip Louis Seasongood ^ m X d. 1908 3 w r Financier. 1102 Union Trust Bldg.; res. 885 Mitchell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 1888 Addison Clarence Dickinson 9f 3 Publisher. 20 S. Dock St.: res. 444 E. State St.. Sharon, Pa. Walstein Failing Douthirt A w Ph. B. 1888. Phi Beta Kappa. Baseba'l Capt., 87-88; Editor Reveille. 85-87; Chairman Junior Promenade Committee, 87; \'ice-Pres. Kenvon Coll. Athletic Assn., 87. Tutor in Mathe- matics, Kenyon Coll.; Instr. Kenyon Military Acad., 87; Assoc. Editor 10th General Cata- logue, Psi Upsilon. Member University, Racquet, Merion Cricket. Bankers' and Lotos (New York), Kansas City, Mid-day, Kansas City Country and Blue Hills (Kansas City) Clubs. Brother of Eugene Brooks Douthirt, Iota 94. Officer of Corporation. United Gas Improvement Co., 1401 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Guy Despard Goff $ u A. B. 1888; A. M. 1890; LL. B. 1891 Harvard and A. M. 1891. Kenyon Day Orator; Philo- mathesian Soc. 87. Lawyer. 900 1st National Bank Bldg.; res. 473 Wyom- ing PL, Milwaukee, Wis. John Edward Jewett* Clerk. Charles Fremont McCann''' Merchant. Oscar William Newman A r 9 LL. B. 1916. Judge Supreme Court of Ohio. Jurist. Supreme Court; res. "The Cumberland," Colum- bus, Ohio. A txA d. 1887 A dA d. 1896 A.|;r John Davis Skilton A. B. 1888; A. M. 1891; B. D. 1914 Philadelphia Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Collegian. 86-87; Member Finance Com- mittee, Athletic Assn., 87; Chaplain 3d Inf. Regiment N. G., Pa., 0307. Member Univer- sity (Philadelphia) and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Clergyman. 429 Quincy Ave., Scranton, Pa. Charles Avery Tappan" X$H Treas. Athletic Assn., 86; Editor-in-Chief The Collegian, 87-88; Chairman, Kenyon Day Com- mittee, 87; Asst. Librarian, Kenyon Coll., 85; Senator, Kenyon Coll., 86-87. Brother of Wil- liam Tappan, Iota 85. Educator. d. 1897 526 IOTA CHAPTER [1888-95 John Frederick Trimble A f Member Kenyon Day Committee (1), (2). Member University and ^Minneapolis Athletic Clubs. Merchant. Security Bldg.; res. 2020 Girard Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. 1889 Charles Henry Arndt •!> f T A. B. 1889; A. M. 1892. Nu Pi Kappa. Assoc. Rector Christ Church, Germantown, Philadel- phia, 92-94; Rector since 94. Author Psi Up- silon Song "Welcome Brothers, Old and Young." Member University, Union League and Philadelphia Cricket Clubs. Clergyman. 59 W. Tulpchocken St., Philadelphia, Pa. Charles Edward Marvin Bemiss* AkY Member Kenyon Day d. 1898 Leader Glee Club, 85. Committee, 87. William Alvin Byram* Capt. Class "Nine," 85-86. Manufacturer. AkE d. 1897 Frederick William Harnwell $ f E A. B. 1889. Member Gymnasium Committee, 87-89; Bolivian Consul, Chicago. Member Uni- versity (Chicago) and University (Evanston) Clubs. iBrother of Charles Probasco Harnwell, Iota 86. Lawyer. 105 S. La Salle St., Chicago; res. 615 Univer- sity PL, Evanston, 111. J[ohn] Chauncey Hoffman ^ze LL. B. 1893 Cincinnati Law School. ' Theta Nu Epsilon; Sec. Athletic Assn., 87-89; Sec. to Atty. -General Harmon, Washington, D. C, 95- 97. Member Empire State See; Sons Ameri- can Revolution. Lawyer. Hotel St. George, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1890 Gavin Hamilton Harris (Bucyrus, Ohio). John Francis VVilson A. B. 1890. • Napoleon, Ohio). $aT H m H 1891 AA Owen John Davies A. B. 1891. Clergyman. (.Old Dalby Parish, Melton, Mowbray, Eng- land.) Theodore Herbert Gould @rr. A. B. 1892 Harvard. Landscape Architect and Florist. 57 S. Main St.; res. Garfield Ave., London, Ohio. James Pardee Reed^ 2@r. Charles Atwater Ricks^^ T n H Son of Augustus John Ricks, Iota 65. Manufacturer. d. 1914 1892 Henry ^^'right Buttolph A. B. 1892; A. M. 1895. Phi Beta Kappa; Philomathesian. Valedictorian; Football, 3 yrs. Treas. Diocese, Ind. P. E. Church. Member Das Deutsche Haus; University, Woodstock and Indianapolis Country Clubs. Insurance. Am. Central Life Bldg.; res. 1838 Talbott Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. William Pearce Carpenter % m €) A. B. 1892. Philomathesian; Theta Nu Epsilon. Horticulturist. Altamont Hotel, Fort Thomas, Ky. William Xettleton Kennedy''' P f © A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1895 Columbia. Lawyer. Paul Morrison d. 1913 Uncle of A. B. 1892; M. D. 1896 Columbia. Carl Powell Lash, Iota 00. Physician. Tiltonvillf, Ohio. 1893 Earl D. Babst X >< i< N X N S >< S ; A f - Ph. B. 1893 Univ. of Mich, and LL. B. 1894; A. M. (Hon.) 1911. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor The Collegian; Execu- tive Committee, Ohio Intercollegiate Athletic Assn.; Editor Michigan Palladium; Managing Editor To Wit. Member Executive Council of Psi Upsilon since 07. Member Psi LTpsilon, University, Bankers' and University (Chicago) Clubs. See Phi 93 Manufacturer. Am. Sugar Refining Co., 117 Wall St.; res. 205 \\. 57th St., New York, N. Y. Erastus Burr Cochrane* 1894 Eusrene Brooks Douthirt* $bl d. 1896 PmO Brother of Walstein Failing Douthirt, Iota 88. d. 1901 Ralph Curtis Ringwalt riY5 A. B. 1895 Harvard and LL. B. 1901. Instr. in Argumentation and Debating, Columbia Univ., 95-98: Lecturer in Public Speaking, 01-04. Au- thor "Briefs on Public Questions;" "Modern American Oratory." Member The Players' and Harvard (New York) Clubs. Merchant. 7 S. Main St.; res. 406 N. Main St., Mt. Ver- non, Ohio. 1895 Albert James Bell Xf A A. B. 1895; M. D. 1899 Miami Med. Coll. Foot- ball. Physician. (Reading Rd. and Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio). 1896-OlJ IOTA CHAPTER 527 1896 Charles Rowland Carv rtv LL. B. 1896 Univ. of Mich. Member Ger- inantown Cricket and Psi Upsilon (.New York) Clubs. See Phi 96 Financier. Real Estate Trust Bldg.; res. 3105 \V. Coulter St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. William Joseph Haworth F z v Member Cleveland Athletic Club. Contractor. 614 Citizens' Bldg.; res. 1795 E. 90th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Henry Stanberv XbpL M. D. 1899 Miami Med. Coll. Iota Trustee since 17. Member Fort Mitchell Country and University Clubs. Brother of Philemon Beecher Stanbery, Iota 98 and Hart Stanbery,- Iota 00. Physician and Surgeon. 8 E. 8th St., Cincinnati, Ohio; res. North Mar- zella Flats, Covington, Ky. -Arthur Bull Sullivan W f M Theta Nu Epsilon; Delta Beta Phi. Overseer of the Poor; Sec. Board of Trade. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club and St. Nicholas Soc. Brother of Leonard Sullivan, Beta 08. Real Estate. Franklin Turnpike, Allendale, N. J. 1897 Willard Clarke Armstrono- A b N Thcta Nu Epsilon; Delta Beta Phi. Nephew of Charles Page Peterman, Iota 80. Purchasing Agent. The Mt. Vernon Bridge Co.; res. 101 N. Gay St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Joseph Woodhams Heald ^ m co Brother of Henry Thomas Heald, Phi 98. Merchant. 549 Morris Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Harrv Barber Sawyer AFA LL. B. 1901 Western Reserve Univ. Theta Nu Epsilon; Delta Beta Phi. Football (1), (2), <3). (4); Capt., (3), (4); Baseball. Brother of Raymond Terry Sawyer, Iota 00. Lawyer. 2034 E. 81st St., Cleveland. Ohio. 1898 Frank Irving Cornwell O v. 7 Merchant and Manufacturer. Cornwell Block; res. 538 N. Division St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Philemon Beecher Stanbery X f B A. B. 1898; A. M. 1901; LL. B. 1901 Cincinnati Law School. Salutatorian. Sec. Fort Mitchell Country Club; Treas. The Orpheus Club. Mem- ber Chamber of Commerce; Drama League of America; Sons of Veterans; Cincinnati Bar As.sn.; The Orpheus. Business Men's, Univer- sity, Musicians' and Episcopal Church Clubs (Cincinnati) and Fort Mitchell Country Club (Covington). Brother of Henry Stanbery, Iota 96 and Hart Stanbery, Iota 00. Manufacturer. Glass Brick Co., 411 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; res. 23 N. Marzella St., Cov- ington, Ky. 1899 Russell Rice Taylor Merchant. (Saugatuck, Mich.) Wallace Hubbard Watts Ad-/ x?r Chaplain U. S. Army. Theta Nu Epsilon. Clergyman. (Adjutant-General of the Army, Washington, D. C.) Leo W'eldon W'erlheimer SNXNNNS;AxX' Ph. B. 1899; LL. B. 1902 Columbia. Nu Pi Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Football; Baseball (Capt., 97); Pres. Assembly. ^Member Execu- tive Council of Psi Upsilon, 0815; Governor Psi Upsilon Club, 06-07 and 14-15; Sec. 07-14; Third Vice-Preg., 15-16; Vice-Pres. Kenyon Alumni Assn. of the East since 17; Editor Twelfth General Catalogue of Psi Upsilon. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) and Milford Field Clubs; Am. Berkshire and Milford Horse- men's Assns. Brother of Edgar Benjamin \\ertheimer. Iota 01. See Lambda 02 Farmer. "Golden Spring," Milford, Pa. 1900 Eugene Scott Ballard SDH A. B. 1898 Cornell. Savage Club (Cornell). Member Hartford and Hartford Golf, Cornell University (New York), Graduates' (New- Haven) and Thames (New London) Clubs. Banker. 49 Pearl St. Conn. res. 70 Niles St., Hartford, Carl Powell Lash 97,9 Raymond Terry Sawyer Theta Nu Epsilon. City Engineer. Nephew of Paul Morrison, Iota 92. Civil Engineer. City Hall; res. Elm and Catawba St?., Martin's Ferry, Ohio. M d r A. B. 1900; LL. B. 1903 Western Reserve Univ. T\rember Union and University Clubs. Brother of Harry Barber Sawyer, Iota 97. Lawyer. 916 'Euclid Ave.; res. 2824 Scarborough Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. lart Stanbery ? g ^ Theta Nu Epsilon; Nu Pi Kappa. Brother of Henry Stanbery, Iota 96 and Philemon Beecher Stanbery, Iota 98. Banker. Pomeroy National Bank, Pomeroy, Ohio. 1901 Walter Chittenden Curtis 7. dr Son of Henry Lambton Curtis, Iota 62. Real Estate and Insurance. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Ephraim Foster Johnson''^ 7 X E Student. d. 1901 528 IOTA CHAPTER [1901-06 Charles Frizzell ^^lagee t: V A. B. 1901. Phi Beta Kapa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor Reveille; Editor-in-Chief The Collegian. Examining Chaplain Diocese of VV. Va. Clergyman. 78 W. Church St., Newark, Ohio. Albert Melville Robinson Member University and College Clubs. P. O. Box 366, Seattle, Wash. George Frederick Russell VyY rir B. L. 1901. Nu Pi Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. P'rench Scholarship; Chairman Executive Com- mittee; Art Editor Reveille. Sec-treas. Psi Upsilon Alumni Assn. of Wis. Member Uni- versity Club. Banker. 214 W. Water St.; res. 728 Racine St., Mil- waukee, Wis. Edgar Benjamin Wertheimer F o T Nu Pi Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Dramatics. Brother of Leo Weldon Wertheimer, Iota 99. Merchant. Newport News, Va. 1902 John Kitteridge Coolidge XbT A. B. 1902. Theta Nu Epsilon. Football, (1), (2), (3), (4); Tennis. Brother of Van Allen Coolidge, Iota 09. Clergyman. R. R. No. 2, Torch Lake Farms, Bellaire, Mich. Luther Day T yV Brother of Stephen Albion Day, Phi 05. Lawyer. (617 Cuyahoga Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio). Howard Clark Rose FhZ Member Detroit Athletic, University. Detroit Golf, Bloomfield Hills Country and Ingleside Clubs. Manufacturer. 806 David Whitney Bldg.; res. 74 Longfellow Ave., Detroit, Mich. 1903 Walter Thomas Collins FyZ John Francis Cuff Ph. B. 1903. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Ep- silon. Football; Baseball; Iota Trustee since 17. Member Cincinnati Country and Golf, Univer- sity (Cincinnati, Chicago and Cleveland) Clubs. Broker. A. B. Leach & Co., 105 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111.; res. University Club, Cincinnati, Ohio. BrS A. B. 1903. Nu Pi Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Eagle's Head. Glee Club. Deputy State Oil Inspr. of Ohio. Member Toledo Club. Brother of William Aldren Cuff, Iota 10 and Frederic V Cuff, Iota 14. Clerk. Court House; res. W. Main St., Napoleon, Ohio. 1904 Walter Dietz Conner B tc O Eagle's Head. Baseball; Football; Track; Bas- ket Ball. Salesman. 316 Herkimer St.; res. 1284 Pacific St., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Dean Burkhardt Hale A 7. n Nu Pi Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Eagle's Head. Member University and Northampton Coun- ty Country (Easton, Pa.) Clubs. Manufacturer. 91 E. Winter St.; res. Van Deman Ave., Dela- ware, Ohio. Leland Alexancler Vaughn B z B. L. 1904. Theta Nu Epsilon; Tau Tau Tau. silon. Football; Baseball; Iota Trustee since 17. Member Cincinnati Country and Golf. University (Cincinnati, Chicago and Cleve- land) Clubs. Manufacturer. The Turner, Vaughn and Taylor Co.; res. 39 S. 3d St., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Charles William Zollinger ^' v P Theta Nu Epsilon; Eagle's Head. Asst. Mgr. Basket Ball (1); Mgr. Track Team (2); Busi- ness Mgr. Reveille (2). Member Canton, Lake- side Country, Rotary, Ad Craft and Elks Club.s. Merchant. Canton, Ohio. 1905 Charles Clingman A. B. 1905. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres. and founder University Club. Member Univer- sity Club. Clergyman. 2133 N. Harwood St., Dallas, Tex. Thomas Ludlow Ferenbaugh <|j C X' A. B. 1905; M. D. 1900 Johns Hopkins. Junior Promenade Committee. Capt. Med. Corps, U. S. Army. Member Army and Navy (Washing- ton) and Pithotomy (Baltimore) Clubs. Physician. Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. Maxwell Budd Long v c 'O A. B. 1905; B. D. 1908; A. M. 1909. Phi Beta Kappa; Nu Pi Kappa: Theta Nu Epsilon. Basket Ball Mgr. (2); Editor-in-Chief Reveille (3); The Collegian (4); The Collegian Board (1), (2), (3); Vice-Pres. Nu Pi Kappa (3); Asembly 3); Honor Committee (1), (2); Glee Club; (Tollege Choir and Organist. Clergyman. 3551 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Edward Allen Oliver Nf ^O A. B. 1905; M. D. 1909 Rush Med. Coll. Foot- ball (1), (2), (3), (4); Baseball (1), (2), (3), (4). Physician. 25 E. Washington St.; res. 5673 Washington Blvd. Chicago, III. Carl Andrew Weiant Mf K' B. L. 1905. Horticulturist. Newark, Oliio. 1906 Frederick Whiting z\very BnK' Theta Nu Epsilon; Philo Fencing and Box- ing Club; Football (1), (2); Business Mgr. 1906-091 IOTA CHAPTER 529 The Collegian. Member Peninsula, Athletic, Colonial and Lakewood Yacht (Cleveland, Ohio) Clubs. Sturgeon Bay, Wis. silon. Football; Baseball; Tota Trustee, 17 — Reginald Whitney Crosby '^ X i^" B. I.. 1906. Member University Club. Brotlier of Philip Arthur Crosby, Iota 09. Banker. F. S. Moselev & Co.. 1.57 S. La Salle St.. Chicago; res. 919 Forest .Ave., Fvanston, III. Ray Stanley Dunham TD Author "That Weird Scraping Sound." Mem- ber Cleveland Athletic Club; Chamber of Enter- prise. Kcal Fstate. 623 Soc. for Savings Bldy:. : res. 2456 Overlook Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. M z E' Ph. B. 1906. Nu Pi Kappa. Business Mgr. Refeille, 06; Leader ^Mandolin Club. Member Toledo, Toledo Country, Butler County, Coun- try and Cincinnati University Clubs. Manager. Claim Division, Willys-Overland Co., 623 W ■ Bancroft St.. Toledo. Ohio. Harold Cameron Forster Samuel Spelman Holmes (ji z K' Arthur James Larmon LL. B. 1908 Univ. of Mich. Corporation Coun- sel Highland Park. See Phi US Lawyer. 11 S. La Salle St., Chicago; res. 217 S. Linden Ave.. Highland Park. 111. . BsO^ Pres. Civic Tennis Courts of Cincinnati: Nice Pres. Co'lege Hill Improvement Assn. Member Cincinnati Business Men's, L^niversity, Western Hills Country, Pelee Island and Wyoming Coif Clubs. Manufacturer. 2941 Spring Grove .Ave.; res. 5627 Hamilton Ave., College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cecil Hayward Williams A s 7C A. B. 1906 Michigan, A. M. 1910 and Ph. D. 1916. Hoffman Fund Prize in English, 04. Instr. in German, Sheffield Scientific School, Yale; E.x-Instr. Univ. of Mich, and Lafayette Coll. Son of Gershom Mott Williams. Chi 79 and brother of Thomas Victor Williams, Phi 03, Dayton Ogden Williams, Iota 07 and John Biddle Williams, Phi 14. See Phi 06 Educator. 122 Canner St., New Haven, Conn. ' 1907 Malcolm Bronson ^grV Member Hamilton Club. Oculist and Aurist. 300 Rentschler Bldg. ; res. 909 Park Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Bd'A d. 1915 Stuart Willson Goldsborough B c 'A A. B. 1907. Member University Club; Pitts- burgh .Athletic Assn. Manufacturers' .\gent. Arthur Emory David Journalist. (Findlay. Ohio). Tom Gawne* Insurance. 1502 Farmers' Bank Bldg.; res. 6100 Howe St., Pittsburgh. Pa. Dayton Ogden Williams t]^ K |~ Son of "Gershom Mott Williams, Chi 79 and brother of Thomas Victor Williams, Phi 03, Cecil Hayward Williams, Iota 06 Phi 06 and John Biddle Williams, Phi 14. Real Estate. White Pelican Hotel, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 1908 George Elliott Clarke B 11 'a Football Capt., 06-07; Basket Ball Capt., 05. Township Treas. Smith Township, Mahoning County, Ohio. Superintendent of Production. Crude Rubber Departinent, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., E. Main St.; res. 57 Belvidere Way, Akron, Ohio. Gilbert Kenyon Cooper Y b M' Track; Glee Club. Member Am. Soc. of Civil Kngineers and Am. Railway Engineering Assn. Civil Engineer. 521 W. Adams St.; res. 1718 E. 55th St., Chicago, 111. Permanent address 501 E. Ridge St., Marquette, Mich. Benjamin Franklin Jones X b^^' Football. Engineer. (606 City Hall Sq. Bldg.. Chicago. 111.) Carey Russell Kinney Xd> Manufacturer. 106 Russell St.; res. 68 Coll Rd., Pittsfield, Mass. 1909 Stanley Woodruff Allen (]; f 'o t];g'a A. B. 1910 Cornell. Brother of William Thompson Allen, Iota 13. See Chi 10 Manager. The Kemper-Thomas Co., Norwood; res. Mag- nolia Ave., Glendale. Ohio. A"an Allen Coolidge* A. B. 1909. Baseball. Brother of John Kitte- ridge Coolidge. Iota 02. d. 1915 Piiilip Arthur Crosby O m t};'' 613 New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Leonard Sherburne Downe B g 'w Nu Pi Kappa. Glee Cub. Brother of Harold Kii'g Downe, Iota 12 and Henry Smith Downe, lotd 18. Salesman. Independent Envelope Co.. 360 E. (irand Ave., Chicago, 111. ByTi Charles Holman Dun Basket Ball Capt., 06-08; Football, 06-07; Base- ball, 07. Buyer. 1301 Cobb Bldg.; res. 3048 62d Ave., S. W., Seattle. Wash. Ambrose Shaw Gallagher B f 'A (525 Union Trust Bldg- Cincinnati, Ohio). [Frank] Austin McElroy (^ d A*^ Phi Delta Phi. Pres. .Assn. of Ins. Under- writers of Columbus. Member Athletic and 530 Country Clubs. Brother of ?Iarvcy Bancroft McElroy, Iota 09. See Chi 09 Insurance. Hartman B'.dg. ; res. 621 E. Town St., Columbus. Ohio. Harvey Bancroft McElroy C^ o 'A Brother of [Frank] Austin McElroy, Iota 09 Chi 09. Insurance. Ohio Inspection Bureau, Hartman Bldg. ; res. 19 S. Monroe Ave., Columbus, Ohio. IOTA CHAPTER [1909-13 Walter Robson McCowatt K 1 'A Thomas Henrv Sheldon Bc'Q Member Columbus and Friars Clubs. Broker. 8 E. Broad St.; res. 1578 E. Lour St.. Columbus, Ohio. 1910 Robert Aholiab Bentley ^d'^ A. B. 1910. Nu Pi Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Football (2), (3), (4) (Capt.); Baseball (2), (3), (4) (Capt.); Basket Ball (2), (3), (4) (Capt.). Merchant. 700 E. Broad St.. Columbus, Ohio. William Aldren Cuff Bb'B Nu Pi Kappa: Theta Nu Epsilon. Brother of John Francis Cuff, Iota 03 and Frederic V Cuff, Iota 14. Lawyer. Roessing Bldg., Napoleon, Ohio. Howard Henry Hoyt, H. Bc'(]^ Salesman. Smith Forma-Truck Co., 1470 Michigan Blvd., Chicago; res. 873 Oak St., VVinnetka, 111. John Hiatt Scott W m 'B Salesman. Franklin Co.. 720 S. Dearborn St.; res. 4338 Oakeiiwald Ave., Chicago. 111. Albert Blakeslee White, Jr. <]; f '^^ B. L. 1910. Nu Pi Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Asst. Mgr. Football (3); Mgr. (4); Tennis (1), (4); Mgr. Tennis Assn. (2); Capt. (4); Vice- Pres. (3); Treas. Nu Pi Kappa (4). Brother of Ward Emerson White, Chi 08. Inirirance. Cor. 4th and Juliana Sts.; res. 1110 Juliana St., Parkersburg, W. Va. 1911 Randall Anderson B m 'X Theta Nu Epsilon; Nu Pi Kappa; Clee Club. See Omega 12 .Sales Manager. Kennedy Mfg. Co., 14 E. Jackson Blvd., Chi- cago; res. 1122 Maple Ave., Evanston, 111. Nathaniel John Belknap (Napoleon, Ohio). PjT Charles Barr Field Theta Nu Epsilon; Nu Pi Kappa. Sec. Paint. Oil and Varnish Club (Chicago). :Member Evanston Golf Club. Department Manager. National Lead Co.. 900 W. 18th St., Chicago; res. 712 Hinman Ave.. Evanston, III. Nu Pi Kappa; Puff and Powder Club. Leader Glee Club. 1011; Coll. Choir, 10-11. Member Lakeside Country Club and Kenyon Alumni Assn. f Cleveland, Ohio). Clergyman. 319 5th St. S. W.; res. 16th St. and Cleveland ■ .'\ve. N. W.. Canton. Ohio. Clitus Harry Marvin, Jr. W h 'T Son of Clitus Harry Marvin, Iota 83. Manufacturer. (Urbana, Ohio). Charles Donald Rarey B a 'T Nu Pi Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. .'\s.soc. Editor The Collegian; Asst. Mgr. Musical Clubs; Mgr. Basket Ball. Member Hartford and Hartford Golf Clubs. Auditor. Travelers' Insurance Co.; res. Hartford Golf Club. Hartford. Conn. Nu Pi Kappa: Puff and Powder Club. Member ITniversitv Club. Brother of Eugene Elliott Theobald. Iota 17. Broker. Willougliby, Ohio. William Henry Theobald 1912 Harold King Downe W d •'cp Nu Pi Kappa. Glee Club. Football; Baseball; Track; (Chairman Promenade Committee. r>rother of Leonard .Sherburne Downe, Iota 09 and Henry Smith Downe. Iota 18. Manufacturer. Inderal Radiator Co., New Castle, I'a. Sherman Otis Hayes Initiated bv the Chi Phil Porter w r° 'o A. B. 1912. Philomathesian. .Business Mgr. The Collegian; Football (I); Capt. (4). Vicar St, "Mary's P. E. Church, Cleveland. Clergvman. 9813 Raniona Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio. William Archibald Thomas T b ''9 .\. B. 1912. Clergvman. Board of .Missions. 281 Fourth Ave.. New York. N. Y. 1913 William Thompson Allen Qc'K Brother of Stanley Woodruft Allen, Iota 09 Chi 10. Manufacturer. TT)iko Milling Co.. St. Bernard; res. Woodbine Ave., Glendale. Ohio. Fred George Clark Qh Leader Glee Club; Pres. Puff and Pfiwder CKib; Chairman Commons and Executive Committees. Member Country. Hermit and Automobile Clubs. Merchant. Fred G. Clark Co.. 1087 W. llth St., Cleveland; res. "Marlouise," Mentor, ( Hiio. John Alexander Dickinson g E^ B. L. 1913. Football: Mgr. Musical Cluh^. Banker. Mount Victory, Ohio. 1913-17] IOTA CHAPTER 531 Warren Jackson Hopwood 11 s 'S Real Estate. 638 McKnight Bldg.; res. 2667 Lake of the Isles Block, Minneapolis, Minn. Harold Stanley Johnson x \ 'f I'liiloniatlicsian. Asst. Mci". Footljall: .M^r. Tennis; (ilcc Club; Clioir. Member Univcrsiiy. Town and Country. White Bear Yacht. Rotarv, .Vtlilctic. Cicrnian and Inter-City Cun Clubs. Merchant. Tolmson I'-nrnitnre & Carpet Co.. 419 Jackson St.; res. 657 Lincoln .\ve., St. Paul, Minn. Fitch-James Matthews co 1 s*" n. L. 1913. Editor 1912 Year Book. ■Member Davton Country Club. Insurance Broker. 910 Scliwind Bldsj. ; res. 706 Oakwood .\ve., Davton, Ohio. \\'ilhur William Shney A p Y' (1610 S. Wayne Ave., Dayton. OliioV Harold Arthur Sparks Od'Z Clerk. (Libbcv Glass Co.; res. 1904 TelTerson .\ve., To'edo, Ohio). 1914 Euiijene ^Malcolm Anderson B c 'T Xu Vi Kappa. Football; Baseball; Pres. Dra- rnatic Club; Glee Club. Member Hermit and Kenwood (Chicago) Clubs; Sons Am. Revolu- tion. The Vortex Mfg. Co., 1836 Kuclid Ave.. Cleve- land. Ohio. Frederic V Cuff Bh^- Brother of John Francis Cuff. Iota 03 and \\ il- liam Aldren Cuff, Iota 10. Lawyer. 27 RediuKton Block, Klvria, Ohio. William Smith Jenkins, Jr. ^F s 'Z (2653 Portland .Ave.. ^Minneapolis. Minn.i Homer Moore Jewitt IT c ""II Manufacturer. Willi.-uns Mfg. Co., 118 St. Clair Ave. X. E.; res. 312S Whitethorn Rd.. Cleveland, Ohio. Philip ATorgan Lewis B r -^T Salesman. 1203 Hennepin Ave.; res. 2405 .\ldrich Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Sherman Amos ^Manchester W h ""Z Capt. Tennis Team; Ohio State Intercollegiate Championship. Singles and Doubles. .Sales Manager. The Saxon Co., 206 Central Viaduct; res. 1850 1-2. 6Sth St.. Cleveland, Ohio. Benjamin iSIosher Paris IT b 'H .Member Minneapolis .'\thletic Club. Merchant. The Paris Factory, Second Ave. N. and 2d St.; res. 2209 Oliver Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. 1915 Sherman Staley Clark ^ c 'H Xu Pi Kappa. Basket Ball; Tennis. Member Cleveland Athletic, Hermit, Shaker Heights Country and Cleveland Advertisina Clubs. Salesman. I". G. Clark Co., 1087 W. Uth St.; res. 7016 Hough Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Walter Harry Strauss T f '2 Lawyer. 401 Be'l Block; res. 3520 Eastern Ave.. Cin- cinnati. Ohio. 1916 (juy Winter Baker, Jr. Ac 'I Theta Xu Epsilon; Phi Kajipa. Member Uni- versiiv Club ( Minneai)oiis, Minn.). Lumberman. 31 1st St. X. E., Minot. X. Dak. Aiarkley Chalfant Brown Sd'Il Tennis. Member Se Pe De Club. Manufacturer. Jones & Laughlin Steel Co., 1348 Rockefeller BMk.: res. 2993 Somcrton Kd., Cleveland. Ohio. George Macdonald Herringshaw X f 'I Officer U. S. Army. Adjutant General of the Army, Washington. D. C. Carl Frederick Holzaepfel ^g'H (Sandusky. Ohio). ^o'li John Wright Larcomb (1773 Franklin Park S.. Columbus. Ohio). Joseph Stafford Trottman A c "K A. B. 1916. Phi Beta Kappa; Xu Pi Kappa; Theta Xu Epsilon; Puff and Powder Dramatic Soc. First Honor Man and (Jrator. 16; Pres. -f^" ?■' ^"^'"^PP^; Re-'eille Board; Junior Editor The Collcyian; Senior Promenade Committee; Honor Committee, Assembly Council; 1st and 2d Prize Stires Debate. Son of James Frank- lin Trottman, Rho 84. Law Student. 508 La Fayette PI., Milwaukee, Wis. Karl Bertram Zint A 7 'I (Lincoln .\pts.. Younestown. Ohio). 1917 Wilbur Vaughn Dunn A c ""K (Cuyaiioga Falls, Oldo). James Edwin Campbell Meeker A c ""K Xu Pi Kappa; Golf, Rifle and Civics Clubs. Dormitory Committee (Chairman 4); Mgr. lennis Team; Honor Committee (Chairman 4) • See. and Treas. Civics Club; Commons Com- mittee; Assembly Constitution Revision Com- mittee. (Melrose, Bullitt Park, Columbus, Ohio). Eugene Elliott Theobald X co-^K Brother of William Henry Theobald, Iota 11. ."^altsman. 228 E. 6th St.; res. 3417 Wliitticid ,\ve.. Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Donald Hubert Wattle\ Ac-^K Xu Pi Kappa; Theta Xu Epsilon; Puff' and Powder Club; Rifle Club. Choir; Glee Club; Director Puff' and Powder Club; Executive Com- mittee; Assembly Council; Honor Committee S32 IOTA CHAPTER [1917-20 (4) ; Stires Debate (4). Student. 1621 Lum Ave.. Chicago, 111. Frederick Shepherd Weida Brother of Nu Pi Kappa. Track and Tennis. Francis Wharton Weida, lota 19. Manufacturer. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 1144 K. Market St., Akron; res. Gambier, Ohio. A c 'K res. 1011 \V. Ac-^K Nu Pi Kappa; Rifle and Puff and Powder Clubs; Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Choir; Glee Club. (Manager 4). Student. 2049 Cornel! Rd.. Cleveland. Ohio. Atlee Wise Clerk. (Central Savings & Trust Co. Market St., Akron, Ohio). Donald Worthington 1918 Henry Smith Downe S m 'A Nu Pi Kappa; Pufi and Powder Club. Football (2), (3); Choir; The Collegian Board (3); Reveille Board; Dormitory Committee (3). Brother of Leonard Sherburne Downe, Iota 09 and Harold King Downe, Iota 12. Student. Y. M. C. A., New Castle, Pa. Charles Cooke Lowry A c 'iE Kappa Lambda Nu; Nu Pi Kappa. Football; Baseball; Basket Ball; Tennis. Manufacturer. Willvs-Overland Inc., 1114 Main St., Evanston, in. , i\talcolm Innes MacGregor A g '^ , Nu Pi Kappa. Student. 507 Congress St., Ypsilanti, Mich. Reid McKinley Minor A s '3 Clerk. Aberdeen Hotel, Dayton and Virginia Aves., St. Paul, Minn. Robert Hodgson Sanborn 3 n 'X Nu Pi Kappa. Football (2), (3); Baseball (1); Basket Ball (1), (2), (3); Capt. (3); Choir; Glee Club. 52 Page Ave., East Cleveland, Ohio. James Smith Todd S f ""A Student. 4044 Rose Hill Ave., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Noble Van Voorhis Ad-^^ Nu Pi Kappa; Kappa Beta Phi; Tau Alpha Delta. Football. Clerk. Federal Radiator Co.; res. Y. M. C. A., New Castle, Pa. 1919 Eugene Grove Carpenter E ^ A^ Student. Kenton, Ohio. John Jonas Chester, Jr. A f 'N See Gamma 19 Student. 65 Franklin Park W., Columbus, Ohio. David Terrell Matthews AixQ, Nu Pi Kappa. Student. 706 Oakwood Ave., Oakwood, Dayton, Ohio. Edwin Parrott Matthews, Jr. Q p "M Nu Pi Kappa; Pufi and Powder and Rifle Clubs. Choir. Member Dayton Country Club. Student. 706 Oakwood Ave., Oakwood Village, Dayton, Ohio. Carter Smart Miller H f -^M Puff and Powder Club. Student. 1312 Sth St., Bay City, Mich. Wilbur Everett Postle A d ''M Nu Pi Kappa. Student. 800 Nelson Ave., Shepard, Ohio. Aaron Burt Champion Rowe 3 y ^'j Nu Pi Kappa. Football. 745 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Norman Prime Sanborn Ab-^ix Nu Pi Kappa. Choir; The Collegian Board; Assoc. Editor The Collegian. 52 Page Ave., East Cleveland, Ohio. Rollo William Stevens S c 'N Nu Pi Kappa. Student. 238 Linwood Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Francis Wharton Weida X p 'M Nu Pi Kappa; Rifle Club. Brother of Freder- ick Shepard Weida, Iota 17. Gambier, Ohio. A? A, 1920 George Louis Brain Nu Pi Kappa; Rifle Club; Choir; The Collegian Board. Student. 1911 E. High St., Springfield, Ohio. Carl Gilbert James 3 t Q^ Nu Pi Kappa. Choir. Student. 221 Madison Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. William Campbell Presley A c li^ Nu Pi Kappa. Student. 404 Midland Ave., Bay City, Mich. PHI CHAPTER FOUNDED JANUARY 26, 1865 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 1850 Orlando Mack Barnes* H W° A. A. B. 1850. Prosecuting Atty.. Ingham County, iMich., 52-56; Senator of Mich., 63-64; Mayor of Lansing, 77-78; Democratic Candidate for Governor, Mich., 78; Pres. Alumni Assn. Univ. of Mich., 75-77. Father of Orlando Fleming Barnes, Phi 80, Edward Arthur Barnes, Phi 83, grandfather of Orlando Mack Barnes, Phi 06 and uncle of John Barnes Root, Phi 65. Lawyer. d. 1899 1857 fames Craig Watson* S 0° Q" A. B. 1857; A. M. 1858; Ph. D. 1870 Univ. of Leipzig and Yale Coll., 1871; LL. D. 1877 Columbia. Instr. in Mathematics and Asst. Observatory Univ. of Mich., 57-59; Asst. Prof, of Astronomy and Instr. in Mathematics, 59-60; Prof, of Physics, 60-63; Astronomy and Dir. Observatory, 63-79; Prof, of Astron- omy, LIniv. of Wis. and Dir. Washburn Ob- servatory, 79-80; Member National Acad, of Sciences, 67; Am. Philosophical Soc, 77; Royal Acad, of Sciences, Catania, Italy, 70; Gold Medal, French Acad, of Sciences, 70; Knight Commander, Imperial Order of the Med- jidich of Turkey and Egypt, 75-80; Judge of Awards, International Exhibition, 76; Discov- erer of the Planet Vulcan, 73. Author "Popu- lar Treatise on Comets;" "Theoretical Astron- omy;" "Report on Horological Instruments;" "Tables for the Calculation of Simple or Com- pound Interest and Discount." Educator. d. 1880 1861 Charles Kendall Adams* AA°n' A. B. 1861; A. M. 1862; LL. D. 1878 Univ. of Chicago; LL. D. 1886 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The University Palladium, 60- 61; Junior Exhibition Orator, 60; Commence- ment Orator. Instr. in History and Latin, Univ. of Mich., 62-65; Asst. Prof, of History and Latin, 65-67; Prof, of History, 67-85; Dean School of Political Science, 81-85; Pres. Cornell Univ., 85-92; 2d Vice-Pres. Am. His- torical Assn., 83-85; 1st Vice-Pres., 85; Pres. Hamilton Literary Soc. (corporate name of the Phi), 76-85; Pres. Public Exercises. Psi Up- silon Conventions 80 and 87. Author "Out- lines of Lectures on the Growth of Liberty in England;" "Democracy and Monarchy in France;" "The Relations of Higher Education to National Prosperity;" "Historical Sketch of the University of Michigan;" "Outlines of Lec- tures on the English Government and the Rise of Prussia;" ''Higher Education and the State: the Lesson of Colonial Days;" ''Manual of His- torical Literature;" "Development of Higher Education in the United States;" "A Plea for Scientific Agriculture;" "A Word in Behalf of Agricultural Experiment Stations;" "Higher Education in Germany;" "Report on the Es- tablishment of a Law School at Cornell Uni- versity;" "Annual Report of the President of Cornell University for the Year 1885-86;" "An- nual Report of the President of Cornell Univer- sity for the Year 1886-87." Educator. d. 1902 Edwin Hadlev \J/o Jonas Hartzel McGowan* LL. B. 1862 Albany Law School. 1st Lieut. 26th Inf. Regiment :Mich. Vols., 62-63; Capt., 63- 64. Lawyer. d. 1900 HS°7:' B. S. 1861; M. S. 1865; LL. B. 1868. Pres. Students' Lecture Assn., 60-61; Principal High School, Coldwater, . Mich., 61-62; Private Sth Cavalry Regiment l\iich. Vols., 62-63; Capt. 9th Cavalry Regiment, 63-65; Prosecuting Atty. Branch County, Mich., 68-72; Senator of Midi., 73-74; Regent Univ. of Mich., 70-77; Member U. S. House of Representatives, 77-81. Lawyer. d. 1909 1862 Martin Luther D'Ooge* A S° W A. B. 1862; A. M. 1865; LL. D. 1887; Ph. D. 1872 Univ. of Leipzig. Junior Exhibition Ora- tor, 61; Commencement Orator. Principal High School, Ann Arbor, Mich., 62-65; Asst. Prof, of Greek and Latin, Univ. of Mich., 67-68; Act- ing Prof, of Greek Language and Literature, 68-70; Prof., 70; Dir. Am. School of Arch- aeology, Athens, Greece, 86-87; Pres. Alumni Assn., Univ. of Mich., 73-74. Brother of Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge, Phi 81. Educator. d. 1915 1863 Orville William Coolidge H T° A, A. B. 1863; LL. B. 1866 Harvard. "555." Junior Exhibition Orator, 62; Commencement Orator. Prosecuting Atty. Berrien County, Mich., 71-73; Circuit Judge 2d Circuit of Mich., 94-12. Lawyer. 217 iMain St.; res. 209 N. State St., Niles, Mich. Henry Mills Hurd SS°7C' A. B. 1863; M. D., 1866; A. M. 1870; LL. D. 1895. Supt. Eastern Mich. Asylum for the In- sane, Pontiac, 78-89; Prof, of Psychiatry, 89- 06; Supt. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 89-11; Editor Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bulletins and Re- ports; Emeritus Prof, of Psychistry, Johns Hop- kins Univ. since 06; Member Md. State Lunacy Commission; jassu. Am. Physicians; Am. Acad. Med. fPres. 96); Am. :SIedico- Psychological Assn.; Am. Anthropological Assn.; Am. Hosp. A.ssn.; Am. Public Health :,4 PHI CHAPTER [1863-68 Assn. Co-author "Suggestions to Hospital Visi- tors;" "Hospitals, Dispensaries and Nursing;' "The Institutional Case of the Insane." Mem- ber Maryland, University, Johns Hopkins, City and Country Clubs. Secretary Board of Trustees. The Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1210 Fidelity Bldg.; res. 1023 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. 1864 Arthur Everett" M 0° %' A. B. 1864. Commencement Orator. Principal High School. Ann Arbor. Mich.. 64-65: Supt. Public Schools, Oshkosh, Wis., 65-73. Educator. d. 1873 Schuyler Grant* HS° r A. B. 1864. Editor The University Patiadium, 63-64; Pres. Students' Lecture Assn., 63-64; Junior Exhibition Orator. 63; Commencement Orator. Principal Bryant & Stratton " mercial Coll., Providence, R. I.. 64-67 Insurance. Com- d. 1912 vS°r George Culver Palmer* M D. 1865. Asst. Med. Sunt. Mich. Asylum for the Insane, 73-78; Supt., 78. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1894 Bluford [Briscoe] Wilson M° -' Adjutant 125th Inf. Regiment 111. Vols., 60-63; Asst. Adjutant Ceneral. 63-65; Solicitor. U. S. Treasury, 74-76. Lawyer. (Alfred Booth Bldg.; res. 906 S. 6th St., Springfie'.d, 111.) 1865 Ahram Joseph Aldrich* N r A. B. 1865: A. il. 1869. Junior Exhibition Orator, 64; t'ommenccment Orator. Charter Member. Journalist. d. 1907 William Henrv Barnes* A X A. B. 1865. Commencement Orator. Charter Member; Member 111. Legislature, 71-72; U. S. Register in Bankruptcy, 78; Assoc. Justice Supreme Court of Ariz.. 86. Lawyer. d. 1904 James D H Cornelius A. B. 1865: A. M. 1868: Ph. D. 1900 Adrian Coll. Adelphi Literary Soc; The Owls. Pres. Adelphi Literary Soc: Junior Exhibiton Orator; Commencement Orator. Charter Mem- ber; Principal High School, Ann Arbor, Mich., 65-67; Adrian, Mich., 67-68; Supt. Public Schools. Galena, 111.. 68-69: Moline, 111.. 69-70; Fentonvi'le. Midi., 70-73; Jonesville, Mich.. 7i- 76; Prof, of Latin Language and Literature, Adrian Coll. since 83. Educator. 160 W. Maumce St.. Adrian. ^lich. A. B. 1865. Editor The University Palladium, 65; Junior Exhibition Orator, 64; Commence- ment Orator. Charter Member. Nephew of Orlando Mack Barnes, Phi 50. Lawyer and Horticulturist. d. 1876 IA°7:' d. 1913 John Barnes Root* John Lyman Turrel* 1866 Henry Wright Hubbard* [a S \ B. , S. 1866; M. S. 1872. Junior Exhibition Orator, 65. Founder and Charter Member of the Phi; Private 134th Inf. Regiment 111. Vols., 63-64; Instr. in Mathematics and Asst. Treas. Fisk Univ., Nashville, Tenn., 71-73; Asst. Treas. Am. Missionary Assn., 76-79; Treas. 79. Treasurer. d. 1913 Alfred Eugene Mudge* i< ; N D ::' A. B. 1866; A. M. 1869. Editor The Uni'ersit\ Palladium, 65-66; Junior Exhibition Orator,' 65; Commencement Orator. Charter Member; Asst. Corporation Counsel Brooklyn, 83; Mem- ber Executive Council Psi Upsilon, 77-78. Member Lincoln Club (Brooklyn). Lawyer. d. 1903 William Brunck Sager* ^T° I V Sergeant 11th Cavalry Re.giment Ohio \'oIs., 63- 64. Merchant. d. 1887 [J. r° V d. 1868 My]!' B. S. 1867: M. S. 1870. Alpha Nu. Charter Member; Detroit City Council; Pardon Board; Pres. State Soc. Sons of the Am. Revolution; Member National Executive Committee. Mem- ber Detroit. Detroit Country and Grosse Pointe Riding and Hunt Clubs; Board of Commerce. Father of Burns Henry, Beta 00. Lawyer (retired). 1940 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit; res. Lonsacre, 143 Lake Shore Rd., Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. ZtcH' Henry Plebbanl Wines* M. D. 1867. T'hysician and Surgeon. 1867 Albert McKee Henry Milton Jackson* B. S. 1867; M. S. 1870. Charter Member; Principal Del. Inst.. Wilmington, Del.. 69-70. Manufacturer. d. 1909 George Lewis Maris M T. V A. B. 1867; A. M. 1874. Junior Exhibition Orator, 66; Commencement Orator; Editor Miehigan University Magazine and The i'ln- Tcrsity Palladium, 66-67. Charter Member; County Supt., Chester County, Pa.. 69-72; Prin. West Chester (Pa.) State Normal School, 73-81; Friends' Central High School, 83-93; George School, 93-01; Pres. Pa. State Teachers' Assn., 77. Author "Normal English Grammar." Father of Willard Lorraine Maris, Phi 91. Retired. R. R. No. 1, Sanford, Fla. 1868 George Norman Bissell* Merchant. Francis Adelbert Blackburn LL. B. 1864. Lawyer and Real Estate .Agent. W — z d. 1901 A V ~ A. B. 1868; A. M. 1871; A. M. and Ph. D. 1892 Univ. of Leipzig. Germany. Adelphi; \. M. C. A. 1st Prize (Woolsey Scholarship), for excellence in preparation (l); Speaker Junior Exhibition ; Commencement Orator. Private Battery "G" 1st Mich. Light Artillery, 64-65- Instr. in Languages. Cal. Military .\cad.. 68-69;' Latin, Univ. of Mich., 71-75; Boys' High School, San Francisco, 77-81; Prof. 1868-69J PHI CHAPTER 535 of . MoJcrn Laiiffuascs, Albion Coll., 69-71 ; Principal High School. Pontiac, Mich., 76-77; Hoys" High, San Kranci.sco. 81 -8b; Teacher Bel- mont School, 8613. Author "Essentials ot Latin (Grammar:" "Latin Exercises Introductory to Caesar's Gallic War." Author Psi Upsilon Sons "Honored Psi Upsilon." Brother of Julius Abiram Blackburn, Phi 70. Rttired. 1719 N. Gardner St.. Hollywood, Los Angeles, Ca\. Adoniram D Carter* A. B. 1868. Lawj'er. Charter Member. d. 1885 Ndr LL. B. 1868 Union Coll. of Law, Chicago. 111. Charter Member; Sailor Gulf Squadron U. S. Navy, 61-64. Lawver. d. 1870 Thomas Cresswell* ( )liver Hays Dean Y ^° N' -V. B. 1868; LL. B. 1870. Editor The University Palladiuvi. 67-68; Michigan University Mac/a- sine, 68-69; Junior Exhibition Orator, 67; Commencement Orator. Lawyer. (1031 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.) Edmund Waller Gale Baseball, 3 years. Cal. ■r o- 1^ A. B. 1868. Retired. Los Aj'.geles. Mark Walrod Harrington K S° X" .\. B. 1868: A. M. 1871; Ph. D. 1877 LTniv. of Leipzig. Commencement Orator, .^sst. Curator ^luseum of Natm-al History, Univ. of Mich.. 68-72; Instr. in Mathematics, 70-72; Geology, Zoolo.gv and Botany, 72-73; Asst. Prof., 73-74; -Asst. Prof, in charge of Zoology and Botany, 74-77; Prof, of Astronomy, Naval Observ^ory, Pekin, China, 77-78; Natural Science, La. State Univ., 78-79; Astronomy and Dir. of the Observatory, Univ. of Mich., 79. Educator. Charles Telford Mayo Initiated by the Iota Humphrey Henry Clay Miller Initiated by the Theta Calusha Pennell* u. h r A. B. 1868. Editor The University Palla- dium, 67-68. Junior Exhibition Orator, 67; Commencement Orator. Charter Member; Sheriff Clinton County, 73-77; U. S. Marshal Eastern Dist. of Mich., 86. United States Marshal. d. 1910 Lorenzo Browne Potts'' A. B. 1868. Farmer. Edward Lorraine Walter* M::K' d. 1903 XcH' A. B. 1868; A. M. 1871; Ph. D. 1876 Univ. of Leipzig. Editor Michigan University Maga- zine, 67-68: Junior Exhibition Orator, 67; Com- mencement Orator. Charter Member; Private 4th Inf. Regiment Mich. Vols., 64; Instr. in Latin, Univ. of Mich., 68; Asst. Prof, of Greek and Latin, 68-69; Latin, 69-79; Prof, of Modern Languages, 79. Author Psi Upsilon Song "One in Psi U." Uncle of William Ed- win Walter, Phi 92. Educator. d. 1898 1869 Bvron Adelbert Crane* $ n tc' » Barnard Scholarship, 65; Junior Exhibition Ora- tor, 68. d. 1869 William Johnson Darbv 2 A" A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872; B. D. 1871 Cumberland Univ. and A. M. 1872 honoris causa; D. D. 1882 Lincoln Univ.; LL. D. 1914 Ark. Cum- berland Coll. Adelphi (Pres.); Junior Exhibi- tion Orator; Commencement Orator; Students' Christian Assn. (Pres.) ; Editor Michigan Uni- versity Magazine, 68-69. Pres. Board of Trus- tees James Millikin Univ., Decatur; Trustee United Soc. of Christian Endeavor; Southern Representative, Relief Board Presbyterian Church. Clergyman. Woods Bldg., Evansville, Ind. Charles Hadley Hamilton* E R M' M. E. 1869. Deputy U. S. Marshal Eastern Dist. ^^'is., 69-73: Member Wi.'. Legislature, 78; Assoc. Founder of the Omega. Lawyer. d. 1915 John Eugene Llinman* i;. r O-^ A. B. 1869; A. M. 1873. Junior Exhibition Ora- tor, 68. Princinal Union School, White Pigeon, Mich., 69-70; High School, LaPorte, Ind., 70- 71: Supt. Public Scliools, 71-73; Teacher Buffalo Classical School, 75-76; Principal Pub- lic Schools, Buffalo, N. Y., 76. Educator. d. 1898 Edward Augustus Horton AhH' A. M. 1880 honoris causa; B. D. 1869 Mead- ville Theol. School. Pastor 1st Congregational Church, Leominster, Mass., 68-75; 1st (LTnitar- ian) Parish. Hingham. ^lass., 76-80; 2d Church. Boston, 80-92; Pres. Unitarian Sunday School Soc, 92-10; Chaplain Mass. Senate; Trustee Westford Acad., Meadville (Pa") Theol. Sem.; ^fgr. Home for Intemperate Women; Pres. Myles Standish Monument Assn.; Boston ton Commons Soc. Author "A Book of Song and Service:" "Noble Lives and Noble Deeds;" "Senate Prayers:" "Scenes in the Life of Jesus;" "Beacon Lights of Christian History:" "Culmination of the Puritan Theocracy;" "Character Building;" "Beginning of Chris- tianity:" "Teaching of Jesus;" "The Story of Israel;" "Great Thoughts of Israel." Mem- ber Republican, Grand Army and Unitarian Clubs; Ancient and Honorable Artillery Co. of Boston; News Boy' Clrb of Boston: Grand Army of the Republic; Boston Commons Soc. Clergyman. 25 Beacon St.; res. 27 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. Marmaduke Burnell Kellogg* $ 1 iz^ A. B. 1869; A. M. 1875. Editor The Univer- sity Palladium, 68-69: Junior Exhibition Orator, 68; Commencement Orator. Lawyer. d. 1907 Theodore Frelinghuysen Kerr* ^ k I' A. B. 1869; M. D. 1874 Columbia College. Junior Exhii)ition Orator, 68; Commencement Orator. Instr. Cal. Military Acad, and Pre- paratory Dept. Univ. of Cal., 69-71; Principal Public School, Buffalo. N. Y., 71-72; City Physician, Detroit, 75; Member Board of Edu- cation, Detroit, 79-80; Prof. Physiology and Genito-Urinary Ti'soases, Mich. Coll. of Medi- cine, 80-81; Supt. Public Schools, Griggs Coun- ty, Dak., 82. Superintendent of Schools. d. 1909 536 PHI CHAPTER [1869-71 Luther Laflin ^lills" A m rr State's Atty. Cook County, 111.. 76S4. Father of Matthew Mills, Beta (lU. Lawyer. d. 1909 1870 Arthur Clarke Adams* Xdo' A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873; M. D. 1873 Columbian Univ. Private Dist. of Columbia Vols.. 61; 24th Cavalry Regiment N. Y. Vols., 63; Prof, of Anatomy, Columbian Univ., 78-79; Demon- strator of Anatomy, Columbian Univ., 79-89. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1904 Henry Hoyt Barlow TRiL' A. B. 1870. Junior Exhibition Orator, 69. Principal High School, Hastings, Mich., 70-71; Supt. Schools, 71-72; City Atty. Coldwater, 82. Lawyer. Julius Abiram Blackburn* 9 b •// Franklin Bradley* A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873. Regimental Clerk, 1st Cavalry Regiment Mich. Vols., 64-65; Instr. Public Schools, Channahon, 111., 70-71; Buf- falo N. Y., 71-72; Lafayette, Ind., 72-76. Brother of Francis Adelbert Blackburn, Phi 68. Teacher. d. 1876 2 FA" hibition r Boys, Marine Detroit Pastor, 73-74; ; Hen- 82-85; d. 1916 A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873. Junior Ex Orator, 69. Instr. Patterson's School fo Detroit, Mich., 70-71; Supt. Schools, City, Mich., 71-72; Joined the Conference of the M. E. Church, 72; Lexington, Mich., 72-73; Port Hope, Marysville. 74-76; South Lyon, 76-79 rietta, 79-80; Napoleon, 80-82; Oscoda, South Lyon, 85. Clergyman. Thomas Chalmers Christy* A t o' A. B. 1870; A. M. 1876; M. D. 1874 Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Editor University Oracle, 67-68; University Chronicle, 68-69; Junior Ex- hibition Orator, 69; Commencement Orator Attending Phys. Mercy Hosp., Pittsburgh, 76-83. Member Am. Med. Assn.; Pittsburgh Acad, of Medicine- Am. Laryngological, Rhin- ological and Otological Assns. ; Allegheny Coun- ty (Pa.) Med. Soc; Pa. State Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1913 Varnum Barstow Cochran* A ex' A. M. 1882 honoris causa. Supt. Public In- struction. Mich., 81-83; Regi.ster U. S. Land Office, 83; Member Board of Control Northern Mich. Asylum for the Insane. 86. Brother of George Edward Cochran, Phi 72. Lawyer. d. 1896 Otis Erastus Haven* 9 h o' A. B. 1870; A. 1\L 1873; M. D. 1883 Rush Med. Coll. Junior Exhibition Orator, 69. Supt. Public Schools, McGregor, Iowa, 71-73; Evan- ston. 111., 73-81; Member Board of Education Evanston, 84. Brother of Alfred Coles Haven, Pi 77 and Theodore Woodruff Haven, Pi 81. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1888 Frank Howard Howe* 9 9E'' A. B. 1870; LL. B. 1872 Columbian Univ. Sec. Congressional Committee, 71-80. Lawyer. Arthur Raymond Simmons* V m O' A. B. 1871 Amherst Coll.; M. D. 1875 Colum- bia. Principal High School, Lonsdale, R. I., 71-72. Member Oneida County Med. and New York State Med. Sees. See Gamma 71 Physician and Surgeon. d. 1904 William Stagg* $tK' Private 2d Cavalry Regiment Mich. Vols., 63- 65; Chief Clerk City Assessor's Office, Detroit, Mich., 76-78; Deputy Treas. Wayne County, Mich., 79-82; Deputy State Treas. Mich., 83. Deputy State Treasurer. d. 1894 Lucius Burrie Swift A^E' Ph. B. 1870; Ph. M. 1876. Editor The Univer- sity Palladium, 69-70; Commencement Orator. Private 28th Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols., 61-62; 1st Battery N. Y. Light Artillery, 63; Principal High School, LaPorte, Ind., 72-73; Supt. Pub- lic Schools, 73-79; Member of Council, National Civil Service Reform League. Author "Germans in America." Lawyer. 330 American Central Life Bldg. ; res. 716 E. 14th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Walter Wallace Williams* SnK' M. D. 1887 Mich. Coll. of Medicine. Member Mich. Legislature, 87 and 89. Member Michi- gan State Med. Soc. Physician. d. 1915 1871 Edward Mills Adams Ah A' A. B. 1871; A. M. 1875; LL. B. 1873 Harvard. Junior Exhibition Orator. Circuit Court Com- missioner, Kent County, Mich., 77-78; Sec. Pa- cific Psi Upsilon Union, 00-06. Lawyer (retired). 2731 Pine St., S'an Francisco, Cal. Charles Eugene Gorton H7^. Ph. B. 1871. Editor University Chronicle, 70- 71 ; Commencement Orator. Teacher Public Schools, Yonkers, N. Y., 72-75. Educator. (205 Glenwood Ave., Yonkers, N. Y.) Henry Chapin Granger* OgAP A. B. 1871; B. D. 1875 Union Theol. Sem. Editor University Chronicle, 70-71; Junior Ex- hibition Orator, 70. Principal Public .School. Channahon. III., 71-72; Pastor Congregational Church, Mill River, Mass., 75-76; Presbyterian Church, Maywood (Chicago), 111., 76-84; Engle- wood (Chicago), 84. • Clergyman. d. 1914 Earle Knight* 9 X A' A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874. Editor The Univer- sity Palladium, 70-71; Junior Exhibition Ora- tor, 70; Commencement Orator. Field Engi- neer, U. S. Lake Survey, 71-72. Brother of George Wells Knight. Phi 78. Manufacturer. d. 1905 Joseph Aaron Mercer* [x y. ti;' A. B. 1871. Editor University Chronicle, 70- 71. Charter Member; Supt. Public Schools, Sheffield, 111., 65-68 and 71-82; Principal Lin- coln School, Peoria, 82. Educator. d. 1909 Charles Amasa Rust* V p N'^ B. S. 1871. Editor University Oracle, 68-69; Jiinior Exhibition Orator, 70; Associate Foun- der of the Omega. Father of Amasa Miller Rust, Phi 01. , „„ Merchant. d. 1909 1871-73] John Wesley Sleeper PHI CHAPTER 537 A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874. Sweet Water County, \V. T Lawyer. 318 Equitable Bldg. ; res Denver, Colo. Prosecuting , 78-80. A r M' Atty. 630 E. Sixteenth Ave. Eugene James Weeks a \)' Ph. C. 1871; Ph. C. 1866 New York Coll. of Pharmacy. Father of Edward Chester Weeks, Phi 95 and Walter Roy Weeks, Phi 99. Pharmacist and Manufacturer. 148 W. ^[ain St., Jackson, Mich. 1872 Charles Gibson Bennett* cpbN' A. B. 1872; A. M. and Ph. D. 1877 Univ. of Ber- lin. Editor Unhersity Chronicle, 71-72; Junior Exhibition Orator, 71; Commencement Orator. Lawyer. d. 1910 Francis Douglass Bennett Phi 02 and Father of John Alonzo Bennett, Frank Tripp Bennett, Phi 05. Merchant (retired). 36 Sun Bldg.; res. 239 \\'ildwood Ave., Jackson Mich. [Thomas] Archer [Huntington] Brown* H b w .^. B. 1872. Editor University Chronicle, 71- 72; Junior Exhibition Orator, 71; Commence- ment Orator. Father of Archer Hitchcock Brown and Lowell Huntington Brown, Phi 06 Lambda 09 and uncle of Luke Ingals Wilson, Mu 95 and Paul Eldridge Wilson, Mu 99 Omega 99. Merchant. d. 1904 George Edward Cochran* A c A' A. B., 1872; A. M., 1875. Circuit Court Com- missioner, Marquette County, 75-76; Supt. Pub- lic -Schools, Fenton, 76-79; Kalamazoo, 79-80. Brother of Varnum Barstow Cochran, Phi 70. Lawyer. d. 1880 Robert Harbison W W° X. A. B. 1866 and A. M. 1869 Coll. of N. J. Instr. in Modern Languages and Literature, Univ. of Mich., 71-73. Lawyer. Lewis Morris Iddinss 'r (Ij Ph. B. 1872; LL. B. 1881 cum Unidc Columbia. Tutor Santa Barbara Coll., Cal., 72-74. Au- thor "'History of the City of Warren, Ohio." Journalist. Herbert Hess Lyons' I Slv-^ A. B. 1872; M. D. 1873 Homeopathic Hosp. Med. Coll., Cleveland, Ohio. Author Psi Up- silon Songs "Glory be unto Thee;" "Our Own Beloved Psi U;" "Brothers Strike Hands." Physician and Surgeon. d. 1883 John Jameson ]\Iapel X m X' A. B. 1872; A. M. 1876. Phi Beta Kappa. Literary Adelphi; Students' Christian Assn. Member Managing Committee of Univ. Reading Room and Lecture Assn.; Editor University Oracle. 69-70; University Chronicle, 71-72; Tutor in Modern Language, L^niv. of Mich., 75-76; Supt. Public Schools, McGregor, Iowa, 76-80; Principal High School, Milwaukee Wis., 80-85; Prcs. State Normal School, 85-92. Author "Lloyd at Naas, Sweden;" "Bennett School Law. Wisconsin." Member University and tity Clubs; Sons of Am. Revolution. Father of Charles Jameson Mapel, Rho 02 and John Wallace Mapel, Rho 06, Insurance. 97 Wisconsin St.; res. 295 Ogden Ave., Mil- waukee, Wis. Homer Reed ■ ^^ A. B. 1872. Author "Private Ownership vs. Land Nationalism;" "Science of Real Es- tate and Mortgage Investment:" Composer Psi Upsilon Songs "Brothers Strike Hands;" "Three Cheers for Old Psi U." Member Uni- versity Club. Broker. 424 Gumbel Bldg.; res. 7604 Main St., Kan- sas City, Mo. William Thomas L'nderwood* 9 u v' A. B. 1872; LL. D. 1875 Univ. of Heidelberg. Editor The University Palladium, 71-72; Jun- ior Exhibition Orator, 71; Commencement Ora- tor. Lawyer. d. 1910 1873 Henry Austin Adams* Merchant. Sidney Corning Eastman 9 c 0) d. 1909 Y d w^ A. B. 1873. Phi Beta Kapa. Junior Exhibi- tion Orator, 72; Commencement Orator. Re- feree in Bankruptcy. Author "A Memorial of Zebina Eastman." Member Union League, Hamilton, City and Glen View Golf Clubs. Lawyer. 901 Monadnock Block, Chicago, 111. James William Ferry* Capitalist. James Riddle Gofife Af A" d. 1894 Ph. B. 1873; Ph. M. 1876; M. D., 1881 Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Pres. International Con- gress for Obstetrics and Gynecology; Honorary- Fellow National Obstetric and Gynecologic A.ssn. of Belgium; Ex-Pres. N. Y. State Med. Assn., N. Y. County Med., N. Y. Obstetric and Am. Gynecological Socs. ; Attending Surg.. New York Polyclinic and Women's Hosps. ; Consult- ing Surg. New York City, Mt. Yernon. St. Joseph's and Yonkers Hosps.; Lawrence Hosp., Bronxville; Fellow Am. Coll. of Surgs. Mem- ber New York Acad, of Med.; Am. Med. Assn.; New York City Squadron Cavalry; University Club. Physician and Surgeon. 171 W. 71st St., New York, N. Y. Robert Spear Gross* S h co^ A. B. 1873; B. D. 1878 General Theol. Sem. Editor University Oracle, 70-71; Junior Exhibi- tion Orator, 72; Commencement Orator. Head Master Jackson Military Inst., Tarrytown, N. Y., 73-75; Asst. Rector St. Peter's Church, New York City, 79-83; Rector St. John's Church, Delhi, N. Y., 85-87; Asst. Minis- ter St. Paul's Church, New York City, 87. Clergyman. d. 1888 Albert Poole Jacobs * AyiX A. B. 1873; LL. B. 1876. Junior Exhibition Orator, 72; Commencement Orator. Assoc. Editor in charge of Table of Relationship. Ninth General Catalogue, Psi Upsilon Fraternity, 79; 538 PHI CHAPTER [1873- / J Phi, Tenth General Catalogue, 87; Sec. Hamil- ton Literary Soc, 76-86. Author "The Greek Letter Societies;" "Reference Digest of the Michigan Reports;" "The Psi Upsilon Epi- tome." Brotlier of Charles Huntington Jacobs, Phi 75 and uncle of Edward [Hubbard] Hunt- ington Jacobs. Upsilon Ob and Robert Hunting- ton Jacobs, Phi 07. Lawyer. d. 1909 George Stewart Johnsoif^ Loyal Edwin Knappen L''ncle of George Tallman Kendal, Beta Beta 99. Civil Engineer. d. 1904 A. B. 1873; A. M. 1876; LL. D. 1913. Alpha Nu. Prosecuting Atty., Barry County, Mich., 79-83; U. S. Commissioner, 80-88; U. S. Dist. Judge, Western Dist. of Mich., 06-10; Member Grand Rapids Board of Education. 98-00; Regent Univ. of Mich., 04-11; Pres. Grand Rapids Bar Assn., 05-06; U. S. Circuit Judge, Sixth Circuit. Member Peninsular and Kent Country Clubs. Father of Stuart Edwin Knap- pen, Phi 98 and Fred Mason Knappen, Phi 04. Jurist. Federal Bldg.; res. 330 Washington St., Grand Rapids, Mich. George Rust c m (z B. S. 1873. Editor The University Palladium, 72-73. Brotlier of John James Rust, Phi 75. Real Estate Agent. Zar Delavan Scott Initiated by the Omega Alexander Griswold Tyng y t a^ Merchant. Chamber of Commerce; res. 146 Randolph Ave., Peoria, 111. Monroe Wheeler V 9 B" Surrogate and Acting County Judge Steuben County, two terms. Manufacturer. Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Corporation, 62 Churchill St.; res. 68 Penhurst Park, Buffalo, N. Y. Josiah AVyatt Willis r, b ¥, C. E. 1873. Adelphi. Member 26th Regiment Mich. Vols., 62-65; Principal LTnion School, Gowanda, 75-76; Public Schools, Buffalo, 76-88; Pres. Psi Upsilon Alumni Assn., 83-84; Com- mander Bidwell-Wilkeson Post, No. 9 Dept. New York G. A. R. Member University Club. Educator. Public School No. 48, Edna PI.; res. 20 Barker St., Buffalo, N. Y. Kimball Young T T ^^ A. B. 1873; LL. B. 1876 Union Coll. of Law. Member Universitv Club. University Club, Chicago; res. Oilfield, 111. 1874 Isaac Adams AcpX" A. B. 1874. Principal High School, Paw Paw, IMich., 74-75; Prof, of Commercial Law, Politi- cal Economy and Civil Government, C)maha Commercial Coll., 82-83; Asst. Atty. General, Pliilippine Islands; City Atty., Manila, P. 1. Lawyer. El Centro, Cal. Alpheus Whitney Clark ^b^;;. ^Manager. Estate of Hugh Moffat, 501 Moffat Bldg.; res. 406 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. George Rutledge Gibson* S c ">i' • Special Agent U. S. Treasury San Francisco Cal., 76-79; Fellow Am. Geographical Soc. Banker and Broker. d. 1907 Frank Clark Ilavman H D A. B. 1874. Junior Exhibition ( >rator. 73: Commencement Orator. Member Mo. State Board of Agriculture: Dir. and Vice-Pres. Mo. State Fair; State Senator, Mo. Farmer and Banker. Grand View Farm, Houstonia, Mo. Theodore Hitchcock Johnston A. B. 1874; A. M. 1877; Ph. D. 1880 Univ. of Strasburg. Editor University Oracle, 71-72; Uinversity Chronicle, 73-74; Pres. Stiideiils' Lecture Assn.. 73-74; Commencement Orator. Supt. Public Schools, McGregor, Iowa. 74-76; Pittsfield. 76-77; Principal West High School, Cleveland, Ohio, 82-87. Educator. Lawrence ^Maxwell ^ p. 9 r,. S. 1874: A. M. (Hon.) 1893; LL. D. (Hon.) 1904; LL. B. 1875 Cincinnati Law School. Phi Beta Kappa. Commemoration Orator 75th An- niversary of the Foiuiding of the Univ. of Mich., 12; Toastmaster 70th Anniversity Din- ner of tlie Fraternity, 03. Solicitor General of U. S.. 93-95; non-resident Lecturer Law Dept., Univ. of Mich., since 09; Chairman Bar Com- mittee on Revision of the Equity Rules of tiie Supreme Court. 11; Member General Council Alumni Assn. tjniv. of Mich.; Pres. Cincinnati .Mnmni Assn.. TJniv. of Midi.: Pres. Cincinnati Musical Festival Assn. Member Queen City, University. Commercial. County, Optimists' (Cincinnati), L^niversity (New York) and Me- tropolitan (Washington. D. C.) Clubs. Brother of William Kilpatrick Maxwell, Phi 90. Lawyer. I'nion Central Bldg.; res. Edgecliffe Rd., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Charles Ashley Warren T m co. Ph. B. 1874. Alpha Nu. Editor The Uvivcr- sity Palladium, 73-74. Lawyer. 25 N. Dearborn St.; res. 9547 Vanderpoel Ave., Cliicago, 111. 1875 Charles Henry Aldrich n A H" A. B. 1875. Father of Charles Roberts Aldrich, Beta 03. Lawyer. (209 S. La Salle St.; res. 700 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago, 111.) Tames Madison Barrett A. B. 1874. Member University of Michigan Club. 7 t T. Ph. B. 1875. Alpha Nu. Valedictorian; Com- mencement Orator. Member Ind. State Senate 4 years; Board of Trustee, Purdue Univ., ]4 years. Member Fort Wayne Commercial and Country Clubs. Father of Walter Aldrich Bar- rett, Phi 04 and James Madison Barrett, Jr., Phi lo. Lawyer. Shooff Bldg.; res. 2325 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. 1875-771 PHI CHAPTER 539 George Allen r.riggs* f- m -/ Ph. B. 1875. Principal Union School, Paw Paw, Mich., 75-77 and 78. Merchant. d. 1881 William Rice Clark''' A c X A. B. 1875. Teacher High School, St. John's, Mich., 75-77; Principal Public School, School- craft, 77. Educator. d. 1914 Charles Huntington Jacobs" $ s X A. B. 1875. Sec. Psi Upsilon Alumni Assn. of Detroit, 77; Assoc. Editor in charge of the Phi, Ninth General Catalogue, Psi Upsilon Frater- nity, 79. Father of Edward [Hubbard] Hunt- ington .lacobs, Upsilon 05 and Robert Hunting ton Jacobs, Phi 07 and brother of Albert Poole Jacobs, Phi 7i. Manufacturer. d. 1909 W'illoimhbv Davton Miller SSE, A. B. 1875; Ph. D. 1885 honoris causa; D. D. S. 1879 Univ. of Pa.; M. D. 1887 wagna cum laudc Univ. of Berlin. Prize for Essay, Univ. of Edinburgh. 75: Prize for Essay, Univ. of Pa.; Received title of Royal Professor, Cultus Min- istcrium, Berlin. 84; Approbirter Zahnarzt, honoris causa, 85; Prof. Dental Inst., Berlin, 84; Pres. Am. Dental Soe. of Europe, 3 years. Educator and Dental Surgeon. Afr, A. B. 1875. Editor University Chronicle, 74- 75; Commencement Orator. Acting Principal Mich. Asvlum for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, Flint, Mich.. 75-76; Principal, 76-78; Supt. State School for the Deaf, Olathe, Kans., 78-79: City Atty.. 85-86; County Atty. since 87; State Senator and Presidential Elec- tor. Lawver. 486 Kansas City Rd., Olathe, Kans. Jonathan Willis Parker William Hobart Potter ^$Z ^ I C. E. 1875. Father of Earlc Francis Potter, Phi 03 and brother of Charles Walter Howard Potter, Phi 76. Manufacturer. Creston Gas and E^lectric Co., 215 Montgomery St.; res. 508 Montgomery St., Creston, Iowa. Jacob Cole Price S g Y^ M. D. 1874 Long Island Coll. Hosp. State Sena- tor, N. J.. 04-12; Member N. J. State Board of Health, 12-13; Sec, 13-14; Dir. N. J. Dept. of Health since 14. Phvsician. State House, Trenton; res. Branchville, X. J. Stewart Whedon Smith* A h X" Henr\- John Robeson XnT" A. B. 1875. Principal High Seliool, Port Huron, Mich., 75-76; Supt. Public Schools, 76- 88. Lawyer. (Port Huron, Mich.) lohn James Rust* 9 1> X. Brother of George Rust, Phi 73. 1 Merchant. d. 1902 iVesley Ericsson Sisson BdF Manager. (35 Nassau St., New York. N. Y.) illiott Hunt Smith* 3?^. Real Estate Agent. d. 1886 A. B. 1875; Ph. C. 1876; .\I. D. 1S77. Editor The University Palladium. 75. Brother of Herbe^ Walter Smith, Phi 80. Piiysician and Surgeon. d. 1915 1876 George Snell Baker ^•bB" A. B. 1876; LL. B. 1880 Cincinnati Law School. Principal Union School, Paw Paw. Mich.. 76-78; Supt. Public Schools, Evanston, 111., 82-86. Lawyer. [R.obert] Frederick Keays Gustein rda>, A. B. 1876. Member Illinois .\thletic Club. Lawyer. Ill W. \\'ashinffton St.: res. 7647 Bosworth Ave., Chicago, III. Myron Harry Phelps r. (0 A. B. 1876 Yale; LL. B. 1884 Columbian Univ. and 1885 Columbia. English Composition Prize. 76; Townsend Premium. 76; High Oration (8th in class); Commencement Orator; John A. Porter Prize, 77. Civil Engineer, Assisting Major C. S. Suter, U. S. A., on U. S. Sur- vev of the Missouri River, 78-82; Examiner U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C, 82-84; New York City, 84-85. See Beta 76 Lawyer. Charles Walter Howard Potter'' ^S\ A. B. 1876. Editor The University Palladium. 75-76. Principal High School, Port Huron, Mich., 77-78. Brother of William Hobart Potter, Phi 75 and uncle of Earle*Francis Potter, Phi 03. Lawyer. d. 1907 Edward Hitchcock Rannev Y m A. B. 1876. Merchant. Stephen \'anRensselaer Trowbridge* X n A" Prosecuting .\ttv., Countv of Ionia, Midi.. 81-32. Lawver. d 1891 1877 Joseph Sutton Ayres'' A. B. 1877. Real Estate Dealer. Frederick Leroy Bliss PrE" d. 1891 Q Y 0, A. B. 1877; A. M. 1901. Editor University Chronicle, 76-77; Principal High School, La Porte, Ind., 78-79; Supt. Public Schools, 79-80; P.incipal Cential Grammar School; Instr. High School. Jackson, Mich.. 80-85; Principal Detroit High School, 87-88. Educator. (722 W. Washington St., Jackson, Mich.) Granville Williams Browning- F D Z B. S. 1877. Commencement Orator. M.istcr-in- Cliancery since 98; Special Counsel City of Chicago, 97-06. Member University, Saddle and Cycle and Law Clubs of Chicago. Lawver. 1210 Hartford BIdg.; res. 1510 N. Dearborn Parkway. Chicago. III. 540 PHI CHAPTER [1877-79 William Hurley Lightner X c T^ A. B. 1877. Pres. Minnesota Historical Soc. ; Chamber of Commerce and Common Council of St. Paul. Member Minnesota, Town and Country, University and White Bear Vaclit Clubs. Brother of Charles Milton TJehtner, Phi 81, Clarence Ashley Lightner, Phi 83 and Frank Waterman Lightner, Phi 92. Lawyer. 212 Endicott Bide;.: res. 318 Summit Ave.. St. Paul, Minn. Howell Chappel Moore''^ AgZ A. B. 1878. Prosecuting Atty. Santa Clara County, Cal.. 85. Lawyer. d. 1914 William Abel Satterlee xf ^ Ph. B. 1877. Princiiial High School, Tecumseh, Mich.. 77-78. Transportation. Joplin & Pittsburg Railway Co.. 101 W. 4th St.; res. 7th St. and Broadway, Pittsbvirg, Kans. William Tunis Smalley * Manufacturer. 7 h U d. 1901 2 ni E. •Ph. B. 1877. Son of Perry Hiram Smith, Psi 46 and brother of Perry Hiram Smith, Jr., Psi 74. Broker. d. 1909 Ernest Franklin Smith* Verner Jerome Tefft* X g ^, A. B. 1877. Managing Editor Uitivcrsity Chronicle, 76-77; The Unii'crsitv PaJUidiiim, 76-77. Journalist. d. 189.S 1878 Charles Mills Gayley HX° P A. B. 1878; LL. D. 1904; D. Litt. 1900 Kenyon; LL. D. 1901 Glasgow. Phi Beta Kappa; Golden Bear (Univ. of Cal.); Elizabethan Club (Yale). Instr. and Asst. Prof, of Latin and English, Univ. of :Mich., 80-89; Head English Dept. Univ. of Cal.; Honorary Member Senior Common Room, Lincoln Coll. (Oxford); Executive Coun- cil International Congress for Reproduction of Manuscripts (Liege); Vice-Pres. and Executive Council Modern Language .\ssn.; Deputy Governor General Mayflower Descendants; Gov- ernor Cal. Soc. Mayflower Descendants. Author "Songs of Yellow and Blue;" "Classic Myths;'' "Representative English Comedies;" "Plays of Our Forefathers;" "Beaumont, the Dramatist;" ■'Idols of Education;" "Star of Bethlehem;" Co-author "Methods and Materials of Liter- ary Criticism;" "Songs of California;" "The Principles and Progress of English Poetry;" "A Guide to the Literature of Aesthetics;" "The Poetry of the People;" "English in Secondary Schools." Member Am. Philological Assn.; Am. Assn. University Professors; International Soc. of Apocrypha; Faculty, Claremont Country and Saville (London) Clubs. Educator. University of California; res. 2328 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Edward King Hubbard* svn A. B. 1878. Brother of Henry Guernsev Hub- bard, Alpha 73 and uncle of Edward [Hubbard] Huntington Jacobs, Upsilon 05 and Robert Huntington Jacobs. Phi 07. Planter. .1. 1879 George Wells Knight $ m T" A. B. 1878; A. M. 1883; Ph. D. 1884. Plii Beta Kappa. Editor University Oracle, 75-76. Mem- ber Ohio Commission Jamestown Tercentennial I^xposition, 07; Ohio Constitutional Conven- tion. 12; Principal Lansing High School, 79-81; Instr. in History, Ann Arbor High Schoo', 83- 85; Prof, of History and Political Science, 98- 09; Am. History since 09- Dean Coll. of Education, Ohio State Univ. Author "History of Land Grants for Education in Northwest Territory;" "Civil Government of Ohio." Member Scioto Country and Columlius Clubs. Brother of Earle Kniglit, Phi 71. Educator. Ohio State University; res. 104 I'ifteenth .\ve.. Columbus, Ohio. Frank Voorhees Luse TcT M. D. 1883 Univ. of Louisville. Physician. Munger Block; res. 215 State St.. Elkhart. Ind. William Augustus Otis a> n X ■ C. E. 1878. Lecturer on History of Architec- ture, Chicago Art Inst. Member Ancien eleve a des Beaux Arts (Paris); Fellow Am. Inst, of Arts. Member University and City Clubs. Architect. 6 N. Michigan Ave.. Chicago; res. 644 Oak St., Winnetka, 111. James Hervey Raymond, Jr. B (|; 2^ ■ A. B. 1878. Editor University Chronicle, 77-78. Real Estate and Insurance. 104 W. 7th St.; res. 308 W. 15th St.. Austin, Tex. Douglass Houghton Stringham* P D T, A. B. 1878. Editor The Universitv Paltadiniu. 77-78. Manufacturer. d. 1911 Tlieodore John Wrampelmeier A g T^ A. B. and Ph. C. 1878. Private Asst. to Prof. Prescott, Ann Arbor, 78-79; Instr. in Analytical Chemistry. Univ. of Mich., 81-83 and 84-85; Asst. Prof, of Or.ganic Chemistry and Pharmacy, 85-86; Member University, Engineers' and Commonwealth (San Francisco), Faculty, Uni- versity of California and Claremont Country (Oakland) and Chemists' (New York, N. Y.) Clubs. Father of Ernest Leon Swift \\'ram- pelmeier, Epsilon 09. Retired. 637 Monadnock BIdg. , San Francisco: res. 2324 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Cal. 1879 Oren Dunham* Xc5 Ph. B. 1879. Managing Editor The University] PdUadium, 78-79. Principal Public Scliools, Paw Paw, Mich.. 79-81. Manufacturer. d. 1907 I John Oliver Henshaw XYK" Baseball; Football. Member Union, Oakley I Country, Ca'umet and Railroad (New York),] .\rt and Manufacturers' (Philadel]iliia) and I Merion Cricket (Haverford, Pa.) Clubs. Merchant. 79 Milk St.. Boston; res. Charles River Rd.,| Cambridge, ]\Iass. 1879-81 PHI CHAPTER 541 Horatio Throop Morley XcH. M. E. 1879. Member Universitv Club (lletroit, Mich.). Brother of Lawrence Malcohn Morley, Upsilon 97 and William Horace Morlev. Phi 95. Manufacturer. Morley Cypress Co., Morley, La. Henry Camp Post Real Estate. 952 S. Figueroa St.; Los Angeles, Cal. Spencer Ramsey Smith hS. res. 546 .S. Serrano Ave. SliZ. A. B. 1879. Prof, of Latin, Greek and English Literature, Fort Wayne Coll., 81-84 and 85-87; Head Coll. Preparatory Dept., Park Inst., Chicago, 84-85; 1st Master in Latin and Greek, Lake Forest Acad., 87-89; Assoc. Prof, of English and Rhetoric, Lake Forest Coll., 89-91; Teacher in Latin and Greek, Univ. School, Chicago, 93-94; West Division High School, Chicago, 94-00; Principal South Division High School, Chicago, 00-04; Wendell Phillips High School, Chicago since 04; Pres. High School Teachers' Club, 98-99; Sec. Chicago High School and Normal Teachers' Assn., 99-06; Chairman Committee on Influence of High School Fraternities and Sororities Confer- ence, Univ. of Chicago with Co-operative and Affiliated Schools, 04-05: Member ISInselev Com- mission to Visit European Schools, 08-09; Com- mission North Central Assn. of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 12-16; Vice-Pres. Commission. 15-17. Member City Club. Educator. Wendell Phillips High School, 39th St. and Prairie Ave.; res. Kenwood Hotel, Chicago, 111. 1880 Orlando FleminGf Barnes XbS" A. B. 1880. Mayor of Lansing, 82-84; Chairman State Board of Assessors and Board of State Tax Commissioners; Supervisor and Chairman of Board South Branch Twp. Son of Orlando Mack Barnes, Phi 50, father of Orlando Mack Barnes. Phi 06 and brother of Edward .\rtluir Barnes, Phi 83. Real Estate. Office of State Tax Ct)mmissioners; res. 137 W. Main St., Lansing, Mich. Edward Miles Brown= 7^^, Ph. B. 1880. Principal Hisrh School. La Porte, Ind.. 80-82 and 84-86. Brother of Addison Makepeace Brown, Phi 83. d. 1908 Charles Wellman Hitchcock O Q K, A. M. 1880; M. D. 1885 Detroit Med. Coll. Phi Beta Kaona. Principal High School, I'lint. Mich., 80-81; Public Schools, Paw Paw, Mich., 81-82; Supt. Public Schools, .McGregor. Iowa, 82-83; Asst. Physician, Eastern Mich. Asylum for Insane, 85-86; Attending Neurolo- gist, Harper Hosp., United Jewish Charities; Consulting Neurologist, Eloise Hosp., Eloise, Mich. Member University and Detroit Golf Clubs. Brother of Albert Wellman Hitch- cock, Ganitna 82 and Edward Wilcox Hitchcock, Gamma 99. Physician. 1501 David Whitnev Bldg.; res. 55 .Stimson PI.. Detroit, Mich. Peter Burr Looinis, Jr. X s S" A. B. 1880. Editor I'inrersitv Chronicle. 79-80. Brother of Allen Loomis Phi 98 and Gilbert Stanley Loomis, Phi 01 and uncle of Nathan .Simpson Potter. Phi 98 and Kennedy Loomis Potter. Phi 01. Charles. Evart Paddock Banker. lackson City Bank, 140 Steward Avp . Jackson, Mich. $hP M. D 1891 Northwestern Univ. Member LInion Club. Physician. 104 S. Michigan Ave.; res. 3622 S. Michigan Ave.. Chicago. 111. Augustus VanRanst Pond An©' LL. B. 1884 Columbia. Deputy Postmaster, Quincy, 79-81; Clerk U. S. Railway Mail Serv- ice, 81-82. Lawyer. S m II ■ Edwin Stanton Sherrill A. B. 1880; M. D. 1885 Columbia. Member Board of Education. Member Detroit Club and Fine Arts Soc. Nurseryman. Wolverine-Detroit Nurseries. 402 Moffat Bldg.; res. 50 Dexter Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Herbert Walter Smith TtO Brother of Stewart Whedon Smith, Phi 75. Optician. 28 1st St. S. E.; res. 1st St. N. W. and Adams Ave., Mason City. Iowa. Edward Langley Webster X m p Baseball Nine, 77-78. Real Estate. 142 Foote St., Jackson, Mich. Charles Chase Whitacre* Ac® Ph. B. 1880. Editor The Unhiersity Palladium, d. 1905 79-80. Manufacturer. 1881 Francis Root Day" :M. D. 1882 Chicago j\Ied. Coll. Physician and Surgeon. Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge Ybic" d. 1906 Y b z A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884; Ph. D. 1901 LTniv. of Bonn, Germany. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal High School. Coldwater. 81-83; Instr. in Latin, LTniv. of Mich.. 84-85; Prof, of Greek and Latin, Mich. State Normal Coll.. 86-16: Pres. Mich. Schoolmasters' Club, 03-04; Classical Assn. of the Middle West and South, 10-11. Member Washtenaw Country Club; Am. Philo- logical Assn.; Archaeological Inst, of America. Brother of Martin Luther D'Ooge, Phi 62. Educator. Michigan State Normal College; res. 420 Forest Ave.. Ypsilanti, Mich. XhH, George Henry Fletcher* A. B. 1881. Lawyer. Thomas Harbach Hulbert See Sigma 80 Mining Engineer. Collins Hickey Johnston d. 1905 Xhl, Ffl A B. 1881: M. D. 1883. Editor The Michigan (University) Argonaut, 82-83; The University Palladium, 81-82; Football, 77-81. Sec. Mich. State .Med. Soc; Ex-Member Mich. State Board of Health and Board of Trustees, Mich. State Sanitorium for Tuberculosis; Chief of Staff Blodgett Home for Children and (irand Rapids Infant Feeding C'inic. Member Am. Med. Assn.; Michigan State and Kent County Med., .\m. Climatological and Clinical and Central 542 PHI CHAPTER [1881-83 States Pediatric Socs. Physician and Surgeon. Metz BldR.; res. 347 Rapids, Mich. Madison Ave., Grand Charles Milton Lightner * K g K U. S. Survey Office, St. Louis, Mo., 78-80. Brother of William Hurley Lightner. Phi 77, Clarence Ashley Lightner, Phi 83 and Frank \\'aterman I^ightncr, Phi 92. Mechanical Kngincer. d. 1886 Frank Erastus Roff ^ i K" Liveryman. (Richfield Springs, N. Y.) Charles Mather Sholes* X t II" A. B. 1882 Yale. Clerk. d. 1891 William Mann Thompson F f P A. B. 1881. Baseball Nine, 77-81. Banker. 150 Main St.: res. 106 Wildwood Ave., Jackson, Mich. 1882 George Lamont Chubb* Charles Lewis Coffin n m A^ d. 1881 AfO"' M. E. and B. S. 1882; Ph. C. 1884. The University' Palladium (3), (4). Mining Engineer. Cleveland, Ga. Frank William Davenport* B. L. 1882. Baseball Nine, 79-82. Albert Barlow Hale I'Mitor © d E" d. 1883 8io^ A. B. 1882; M. D. 1887 Chicago; M. D. 1889 Strasburg. Author "The South Americans;" "Practical Guide to Latin America." Member Washington Country and Explorers' (New York) Clubs. Commercial Attache U. S. Department of Com- merce and Labor. Pan-.\merican L^nion, Washington, D. C; res. Cherrydale, Ya.. James Bryan Herrick M^N, .\. B. 1882; A. M. 1907; M. D. 1888 Rush ^[ed. Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. in Medicine, 90-94; Adjunct Prof.. 94-00; Prof, of Medicine. Ru.sh Med. Soil, since 00; Attending Phys. Presby- terian Hosp. (Chicago) since 9.S; Member Board of Mgrs.; Lewis Inst, since 03. Author "Handbook of Medical Diagnosis." Member University and Chicago Literary Clubs; Assn. of Am. Physicians; Am. Med. Assn. Brother of Walter Dwight Herrick, Phi 98. Physician. People's Gas Bldg.; res. 242 E. Walton PI., Chicago, III. tK, Brother of Louis Howard Hyde Ph. B. 1882. Fencing Medal. George Preston Hyde, Phi 89. Capitalist and Farmer. 502 S. Eastern Ave., Joliet. 111. William James Miller X c M" Ph. B. 1882. Mayor and Pres. Board of Edu- cation. Brother of Humphrey Henry Clay Miller, Phi 68. ■ Merchant. .Mancos, Colo. Harrison [Morrow] Musgrave <^ i O, LL. B. 1884 George Washington Univ. Pres. Illinois S'tate Bar Assn., 06-07; Pres. Chicago Law Club, 02. Member Psi Upsilon, University, Saddle and Cycle and Chicago Law Clubs. Lawyer. 38 S. Dearborn St.; res. 1210 Astor St., Chicago, 111. Rollo Blakesly Oglesbee 9 a 7. LL. B. 1886. Lawyer. Harold Beckwith Wilson B. S. 1882; M. D. 1886. Editor Michigan (University) Argonaut, 84-85; Glee, Dramatic, Tennis and Athletic Clubs. Member Detroit Athletic, Prismatic and Ann Arbor Golf and Outing Clubs. Physician. 1501 David WHutney Bldg.; res. Detroit Ath- letic Club, Detroit, Mich. 1883 Pen" John Jacob Abel Ph. B. 1883; A. M. 1903; Sc. D. 1912; M. D. 1888 Univ. of Strasburg: Sc. D. 1915 Univ. of Pittsburgh. Principal High School, 79-80; S'upt. Schools, La Porte, Ind., 80-82; Lecturer and Prof, of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, LTniv. of Mich., 91-93; Prof, of Pharmacology, .Tohns Hopkins since 93; Fellow Am. Assn. Ad- vancement of Science. Member Assn. Am. Physicians; Am. Physiological Soc. for Phar- macological and Experimental Therapeutics; National Acad. Sciences and Am. Philosophical Soc. Pharmacologist. Johns Hopkins Univ.; res. Windsor Mill Rd., Baltimore, Md. Edward Arthur Barnes XbA" A. B. 1883. Member Sons of the Am. Revolu- tion and Country Club of Detroit. Son of Or- lando Mack Barnes, Phi SO, brother of Or- lando Fleming Barnes, Phi 80 and uncle of Or- lando Mack Barnes, Phi 06. Lawyer. 840 Penobscot Bldg.; res. 612 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. Addison Makepeace Brown F c A^ A. B. 1883. Member Mich. State Senate, 99-01; Sec. Mich. Agricultural Coll. and State Board of Agriculture. Brother of Edward Miles Brown, Phi 80. Educator. East Lansing, Mich. Austin Howard Brown, Jr.* ^ f A Member Univ. Ball Nine, 79-81. Bookkeeper. Clarence Ashley Lightner cp 'j o^ A. B. 1883: A. M. (Hon.) 1912. Phi Beta Kappa. Member Mich. Board of Law Exani- iners and Am. Bar, Michigan Bar and Detroit Bar Assns. Brother of William Hurley Light- ner, Phi 77, Charles Milton Lightner. Phi 81 and Frank Waterman Lightner, Phi 92. Lawyer. 1604 Dime Bank Bldg.; res. 1708 Jefferson Ave. E., Detroit, Mich. Edwin Frederick Mack Shv. A. B. 1883. Member Union League and Bev- erly Country Clubs. 1883-86] PHI CHAPTER 543 Banker. 125 W. Monroe St.; res. 9309 Pleasant Ave., Oiicago, 111. Albert Edward iMiller A. B. 1883. Editor Oracle, 81-82; Argonaut, 82- S3; Baseball, 82-83. Sec. Hamilton Literary Soc, 86-88; Assoc. Editor Tenth General Cata- logue of Psi Upsilon. Member Marquette Club. Brother of Charles Tyler Miller, Phi 88 and Wilhelm Miller, Phi 92. Lawyer. 213 Biaker St., Marquette, Mich. John Morris, Jr. T h S" A. B. 1883. Editor The Oracle, 80-81; The University Palladium, 82-83. Clerk U. S. Dist. and Circuit Courts, Nortliern Dist. of ind. since 84. Member Am. Bar and In- ternational Law Assns.; Commercial and Colum- bia (Indianapolis) Clubs. Uncle of Edward •James Woodward, Phi 91. Lawyer. 913 People's Trust Bldg.; res. 1333 Maple Ave., Fort W'ayne, Ind. AuK" d. 1910 M. S. 1883; B. S. 1881 Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Lawyer. 637 Omaha National Bank Bldg.; res. 3623 Jackson St., Omaha, Nebr. Samuel Balkam v^choyer'' A. B. 1883. Lawyer. Edgar Hunter Scott Edwin Norton Smith Xn A. B. 1883. Crcditman. Cliarles Howard Worden AsM, Banker. First National Bank; res. 625 W. Wayne St., Fort Wayne, Ind. 1884 Bestor Gaston Brown OcQ Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Kansas City, Blue Hills Golf, Rotary and Commercial Clubs. See Chi 84 Manager. M. C. Lilley & Co., 319 W. 9th St.; res 1014 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. Clarence Conely 9sv Merchant. I 901 Majestic Bldg.; res. 2,7 Palmer Ave. E., Detroit, Mich. John Evans Cornell Initiated by the Omega Eeslie Benton Hanchett* Ph. B. 1884. Editor The University Palladium, 83-84. Lawyer. d. 1902 A t N" (fh[i^ Arthur Alonzo Hinckley Clerk. Julian Howard Tyler A v M, A. B. 1884. Asst. City Solicitor; Judge, Court of Common Pleas; Member Board of Education. Member Toledo, Toledo Country, Commerce and Masonic Clubs. Brotlier of William Peck Tyler, Phi 85. Lawyer. 1604 Setond National Bank Bldg.; res. 2251 Robinwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Eouis Burner Weaver o ni |;,^ Banker (retired). 1527 Michigan Ave., La Porte, Ind. 1885 William Elmer Brownlee \). w y A. B. 1885. Editor-in-chief Michigan Argo- naut. Pres. Detroit Lumber Board of Trade. Member Detroit Athletic Club. Manufacturer. River Rouge; res. 1085 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich. Eouis Munroe Dennis Y n A Ph. B. 1885; B. S. 1886. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Alpha Chi Sigma; Gamma Alpha. Managing Editor Oracle. 82-83. Prof, of In- organic Chemistry and Head Dept. of Chem- istry, Cornel! Univ. Member Am. Chem. Soc. and Fellow Am. Assn. Advancement of Science. Educator. 722 University Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Robert Fitch Eldredge QRE B. S. 1885. Editor of The University Palla- dium, 84-85; Pres. Student's Lecture Assn., 84- 85; Asst. in the University Library, 85-86. Lawyer. 47 Macomb St.; res. 123 Cass Ave., Mt. Clemens, Mich. Louis Gascoigne ^' E X A. B. 1885. Superintendent Fire Alarm Telegraph. 195 Earned St. E.; res. 154 Seyburn Ave., De- troit, Mich. Charles McClellan T m A A. B. 1885. Manufacturer. Horace Sweeney Oakley F o a LL. B. 1901 National Univ. Member Univer- sit" Club of Chicago, The Cliff Dwellers and Onwentsia Clubs. Lawyer. 1142 The Rookery; res. 1210 Astor St., Chicago, 111. Bowen W'isner Schumacher FiO" A. B. 1885. Editor University Argonaut, 84- 85. Asst. Prosecuting Atty., Jackson County, 87-88. Lawyer. 35 N. Dearborn St., Chicago; res. 510 E. Laurel Ave., Highlana Park, 111. William Peck Tyler- 7. 1j ^ Brother of Julian Howard Tyler, Phi 84. Lawyer. d. 1910 1886 Herbert Eugene Boynton xqr A. B. 1886. Member Country, Detroit, Detroit Boat, Old and Yondotega (^lubs. Lawyer (retired). 2104 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit Mich. 544 PHI CHAPTER [1886-88 Charles Erwin Bruce B. S. 1886. Merchant. 13 12th St.; res. 279 Linwood Ave. Mich. Xcw Detroit, Robert Neil Dickman ru A B. 1886. Member University Club of Chicago and Engineers' Club of New York. Son of Franklin Jackson Dickman, Sigma 46. Mining Engineer. , ,^„ t. 1010 Mailers Bldg., Chicago, 111. and 170 Bay St., St. Augustine, Fla. Joseph Ganahl, Jr. MgX A. B. 1886. Referee in Bankruptcy since 00. Member Country Club. Lawyer. 5 Estes Bldg.; res. 2309 William St., Augusta, Ga. Edward Franklin Harris WD\ Baseball. Dir. Texas Bar Assn., 13-14: Pres. Texas Soc. Sons of Am. Revolution, 14-15; Pres. Galveston Rotarv Club. 03-07; Member Tex. House of Representatives, 12 and IS; Judge Dist. Court, Galveston Co. Tex., 10; Special Chief Justice Supreme Court of Tex. Lawyer. ^ Trust Bldg.: res. 3610 .\venue P. Ga'vcston, Tex. Josiah MacRoberts X r ^' Ph. B. 1886. Editor Michigan (University) ArRonatit. Member University. Union League and Onwentsia Clubs. Patent Lawyer. ^ ^., • 112 W. Adams St.; res. 29 Scott St., Chicago, 111. Edward Hammond Mason E j V Artist. William Morgan Odell Aey Ph. B. 1886. Son of William Hammond Odell, Beta 52. Manufacturer. Russell McClellan Seeds TeQ Sec Republican State Committee, 94-96; Clerk House of Representatives (Ind.) 95. Member Columbia Club. Advertising. 330 University Sq.: res. 3551 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. Clifford Chester Smith (j^ x ^ B. S. in M. E. 1886. Catcher on Univ. Baseball, two years; Tennis Championship in Doubles, two years. Member C'eveland l-'.ngineering Soc: University and Athletic Clubs. Superintendent of Construction. 2229 E. 93d St., Cleveland, Ohio. Clyde [William] Smith Initiated by the Omega Frederick Bishop Wixson* ^ e X .\ B. 1886. Editor The Vnivcrsitv Palladium, 85-86. Supt. Public Schools, McGregor, Iowa, 86. Educator. d- 1890 1887 Ephraim Douglass Adams B M T A B 1887; Ph. D. 1890. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal High School, McGregor, Iowa, 87-88; Asst Prof, of History and Sociology, Univ. ot Kans.. 91-94; Assoc. Prof., 94-99; Prot. or European History, 99-02; Assoc. Prof, of His- tory, 02-06 Prof, since 06, Leland Stanford Jr., Univ.; Prof, of Historv and Executive Head Dept. of History, Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ. .\uthor "The Control of the Purse in the L'nited States Government;" "The Influence of Gren- ville on Pitt's Foreign Policy;" "British In- terests and Activities in Texas;" "The Power of Ideals in .\merican History." Member Ani. Historical Assn., University, Press and Chit Chat (San Francisco) Clubs. Educator. History Department: res. 9 Alvarado Row, Stan- ford Universitv, Cal. James Everett Ball* TkV A. B. 1887. Editor The University PaUadium, 86-87. Brother of George Edward Ball, Phi 95. Lawyer. d. 1914 Oliver Hazard Brush Ki^ Electrical Engineer. Smith Bldg.: res. 708 Colorado St.. .\ustin, Tex. James Edward Melville Milne X c 3 Ph. C. 185. Capt. and Adjutant 6th Inf. Ohio Vols., 98; Po.stma.ster Sandusky Ohio, 04-10. Member United Spanish \\'ar Veterans. Chemist. 228 Co'umbus Ave.; res. Central .\ve. and Adams St.. Sandusky. Ohio. Jerome Beers Thomas, Jr. F c F A. B. 1887; M. D. 1892 Long Island Coll. Hosp. Editor Oracle. 84-85; Michigan (University) Argonaut. 86-87. Physician. 182 Universitv .\ve. ; res. 1432 Webster St., Palo Alto, Cal. Wallace Woodvvorth Wemott K d A Real Estate. 435 S. Hill St.. Los Angeles. Cal. 1888 William Grant Adams* X p A Son of Samuel Hawley Adams, Psi 63. Clerk. d. 1910 Frank Sheldon Arnett* X a A University Oracle. 85-86; Michigan (University) Argonaut , 86-87. Journalist. <'■ 1910 Edgar Colter Best S s $ Brother of Eugene Nimmons Best, Phi 89. Traffic Manager. Washburn-Crosbv Co., Chamber of Commerce; res. 2318 P'.easant Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. John Noble Blair Initiated by the Gamma Thomas Hart Gale r. z \ Editor Michigan (University) Argonaut. 87-88. Brother of Greenleaf Whittier Gale, Phi 98. Frederick William Mehlhop XgA Ph. C. 1889. Baseball. Member Kenwood and Flossmoor Country Clubs. Brother of Clarence Warren Mehlhop, Phi 99 and uncle of Carl Francis Mehlhop, Phi 01 and John Mehlhop Murray, Phi 06. 1888-90] PHI CHAPTER 545 Manajier. Clue Dept., Swift & Co., Union Stock Yards; res. 4565 Lake Park Ave.. Cliicacto, III. Charles Tvler Miller Td^ Ph. B. 1888. Baseball. 84-88. P.rother of .When Edward Miller, Phi 83 and Wilhelm Miller, Phi 92. Manufacturer. Lewis Henry Paddock Initiated by the Beta Beta Willard Pope yc^ B. S. in C. E. 1888. Tau Beta Pi. Member Detroit, University. Athletic. Country, Coif and Boat Clubs. Son of Willard Smith Pope. Psi 51 and nephew of Beniamin Franklin Pope, Psi 64. Civil Engineer. The Canadian Bridge Co. Ltd., Walkerville. Canada; res. 37 Putnam Ave.. Detroit, Mich. Ralph Martin Shankland :: c E B. S. in M. E. 1888 . Member Am. Soc. and Western Soc. of Civil Engineers; University, South Shore Country and Flossmoor Country Clubs. Civil Engineer. 205 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Dean Conant Worcester [Jt-S A. B. 1888; Ph. D. 1914. Established the Mile Walk Record at Univ. of Mich.. 85. Member First Philippine Commission, 99-00; Second Philippine Commission which established Civil Government in the Philippine Islands, 00-13; Sec. of Interior, Philippine Islands, 01-13. Author "The Philippine Islands and Their People;" "The Philippines Past and Present." Fellow of the Royal Geographical Union. Member Am. Ornithological Union; Assn. for the Advancement of Science; Am. Anthropo- gical Assn.; Army and Navy (Manila, P. I.). Cebu and United Service CCebu, P. I.) and Univ. of Michigan (New York) Clubs. -Assistant to President. \'i.savan Refining Co.. 317 New Masonic Temple. Manila. P. I. 1889 Eu.s:ene Nimmons Best X^K Brother of Edgar Colter Best, Phi 88. (1705 Emerson Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.) Horace \"an Birdsell X6Z p.. L. 1889. Member University Club (Chicago). The Oliver. South Bend. Ind. John \"alentine Campbell John Greenshields* A. B. 1889; M. 1). 1891. Physician. William W'elton Harris Y r (I> d. 1900 Ph. B. 1889. Glee Club; Board of Governors, Dunwoodie Country Club; Co-author "Daly's P.iiliard Book." Member Dunwoodie Country. New York Golf and New York Newspaper Golf Chibs. Journalist. 150 Nassau St., New \''ork; res. Lowerre, Sum- mit Park. Yonkers, N. Y. George Preston Hyde y a y Ph. B. 1889. Brother of Louis Howard Ilvde. Phi 82 Chemist. (2181 Jefferson Ave. E., Detroit, Mich.) EHsha Warfield Kelly iT Journalist. 20 Broad St.. New York, N. Y.; res. Riverside. Conn. Oscar Frederick Schmid Ph. B. 1889; Ph. C. 1890. Manufacturer. (123 Stewart Ave., Jackson, Mich.). "/ dr Horace Vaughan Winchell T D ? B. S. 1889. ^ssoc. Editor Argonaut; Glee Club. Asst. State Geologist, Minn., 89-91; Fellow Am. Assn. Advancement of Science; Geo- logical Soc. of America; Am. Inst., Mining Engineers; National Geographic Soc; Lake Superior Mining Inst.; Federated Inst, of Min- ing Engineers; Inst., Mining and Metallurgy, England. Author "The Iron Ores of Min- nesota." Member Montana Soc. Engineers; Minnesota Acad. Natural Sciences; Washington Acad, of Science; Colorado Scientific Soc; Minneapolis and Minneapolis Athletic Clubs. Geologist. 826 First National Soo Line Bldg. ; res. 925 S. E. 6th St., Minneapolis. Minn. Harry Bissell Wyeth PcE Pres. Chicago North Shore Festival Assn.; Dir. Evanston Musical Club. Member L^nion League; Evanston Club. Manufacturer. 140 N. Dearborn St., Chicago; res. 1421 Maple Ave., Evanston, 111. 1890 Charles Town Alexander Brother of Kirkland Barker Alexander, Ph Lawyer. Xbx 96. Frank Swift Bourns Per B. S. 1890; M. D. 1896. Nu Sigma Nu. Prof. of Pathology, Southern Med. Coll.; Major and Chief Surg.. U. S. Vols., 98; Commissioner of Health, Philippine Islands; Trustee Coll. of San Jose, Manila, P. I.; Chief Med. Inspr. Dept. of Health and Sanitation. Member Uni- versity and Doctors' Clubs. Physician. 1011-12 Cobb Bldg.; res. 229 13th Ave. N., Seattle, Wash. William Bagley Carpenter PgZ General Manager. Armour Car Lines, Union Stock Yards; 5535 Blackstone Ave., Chicago, 111. Royal Twonibly Farrand M. D. 1890. Physician. (Houghton, Mich.) Paul Robert Gray Y m T I ■:: y; A. B, 1890. Delta Sigma Phi. Baseball; Glee and Banjo Clubs; Dir. Athletic Board. Detroit Library Commission. Member Lhiiversity, Detroit, Detroit Athletic, Country and Bankers' 546 PHI CHAPTER [1890-92 Clubs; Board of Commerce. Banker. 916 Hammond Bldg. ; res. 336 Seminole Ave., Detroit, Mich. William Watson Lovett 7. c H Father of William Watson Lovett, Jr., Epsilon 13. Real Estate. 610 Penobscot Bldg.; res. 533 St. Paul Ave., Detroit, Mich. Edgar Withrow MacPherran 7 t] 2 A. B. 1890. Capt. Football, 99. Member KitchiGammi Club. Brother of Ralph Stewart MacPherran, Phi 92 and Charles Chase Mac- Pherran, Phi 9S. Lawyer. 1000 Alworth Bldg., Duluth, Minn. William Kilpatrick Maxwell F d T A. B. 1890; LL. B. 1891 Cincinnati Law School. Member Psi Upsilon (New York), University of Mich. ("New York) and Green- wich Country Clubs; New York County Law- yers' Assn. and Automobile Club of America. Brother of Lawrence Maxwell, Phi 74. Lawver. 45 Wall St., New York, N. Y. ; res. Old Church Rd., Greenwich, Conn. William Bntterfield Ramsay* X a Z A. B. 1890. Leon Josiah Richardson d. 1891 X q z A. B. 1890. Phi Beta Kappa. Managing Editor The Michigan Argonaut. Teacher of Greek and English Literature, Jackson (Mich.) High School, 90-91; Asst. in Latin, 91-92; Instr., 92- 95; Asst. Prof., 98-07; Assoc. Prof., 07— ; Dean Summer Sessions, 02-04; Acting Dean, Univ. of Cal., 05-13; Pres. Board of Trustees Berke ley Public Library; Pres. Philological Assn. of Pacific Coast (Western Branch of Am. Philo- logical Assn.), 11-12. Author "Helps to the Reading of Classical Latin Poetry;" "The Phor- mio of Terence." Member Classical Teaciiers' Assn. of Northern Cal.; Cal. Library Assn.; Sierra, Berkeley, Faculty and Claremont Coun- try Clubs. Brother of Arthur Howard Richard- son, Phi 01. Educator. University of California; res. 2415 College Ave., Berkeley, Cal. John Bullen Warner 7f Lawyer. (U. 'S. Dist. Court, Federal Bldg ; res. 3255 Main St., Kansas City, Mo.) 1891 Frank Riley Ashley HdS B. S. in Chem. 1891. Omicron Phi. Member Denver, Denver Country, University, Artists', Athletic, Motor, Rotary, Mile High and Col- orado Aero Clubs; Rocky Mountain Highway and Denver Civic and Commercial Assns. ; Colorado Scientific and Am. Chemical Socs.; Sons of Colorado. Manufacturer. S. Osage St. and W. Bayaud Ave.; res. 730 Washington St., Denver, Colo. Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park; res. 169 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. Samuel Stewart Bradley "M" Club. Football. Superintendent of Parks. XbH Leon Huxley Cooper'^' Hosteler. Daniel Layman Dorsey A p or d. 1906 A. B. 1891; B. M. E. 1890 Purdue Univ. Manufacturer. State Ave. and Bates St.; res. Churchman Rd. Indianapolis, Ind. XcS ILu'rv Tames Hatch Carl Kimball Friedman A B. 1913. Member Council, Univ. Club of _ Buffalo. Member University, Buffalo, Ellicott, Rotarv, Wanakah Golf and University of Detroit Clubs. Journalist. 179 Washington St.; res. 414 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. FjS B. S. in C. E. 1891. Major U. S. Coast Artil- lery Corps. Officer, U. S. Army. Fort Plamilton, Brooklyn, N. Y. David Lancaster Hyde Ab? M. D. 1902 Univ. of 111. Physician and Surgeon. 394'l Irving Park Blvd., Chicago, 111. Edward Robert Lewis Initiated by the Chi Willard Lorraine Maris TSO B. S. 1891; B. S. 1890 Swarthmore Coll. and M. S. 1892; M. D. 1895 Univ. of Pa. Son cf George Lewis Maris, Phi 67. Physician. d. 1895 /, C 2 Samuel Culver Park A. B. 1891 nunc pro tunc. State Senator, 05-09. Member Board of Education; Mayor of Salt Lake City, 12-16; Vice-Pres. Sons of Am. Revolution, 15; Brigadier General N. G. Utah. Member University Club; Michigan Univ. Alumni Assn. Jeweler. Boyd-Park. Inc., 166 Main St.. Salt Lake City; res. R. R. No. 3, Box 131, Murray, Utah. Jolin Travers Scott* B k 7 See Beta Beta 91 Student. d. 1891 Edward James Woodworth X m H A. B. 1891. Nephew of John Morris, Jr., Phi 83. Manufacturer. 154 W. Mountain Ave.; res. R. R. No. 5, Fort Collins, Colo. 1892 Robert Turner Holland F f H Ph. B. 1892. Asst. Prosecuting Atty. Saginaw County, Mich'., 99; City Atty. Saginaw, Mich., 14-16. Lawyer. 503 Eddv Bldg.; res. 813 S. Jefferson Ave., Saginaw, Mich. William Beekman Larrabee* F p P d. 1908 B. S. 1892. Electrician. 1892-93J PHI CHAPTER 54/ Frank Waterman Lightner X ^ P Ph. B. 1893. Brother of William Hurley Light- ner, Phi n, Charles Milton Lightner, Phi 81 and Clarence Ashley Lightner, Phi 83. Agent. (121 Grand Ave., St. Paul, Minn.) Ralph Stewart MacPherran X ^ tc B. S. in Chem. 1892. Member University and Blue Mound Country Clubs. Brother of Edgar Withrow MacPherran, Phi 90 and Charles Chase MacPherran, Phi 95. Chemist and Metalkirgist. 229 Martin St., Milwaukee, Wis. Wilhelm Miller X^ A. B. 1892; A. M. 1897. Cornell and Ph. D. 1899. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Editorial Board The Oracle; Editor The Inlander. Head of Division of Landscape Extension Univ. of HI., 12-16. Author "What England Can Teach Us About Gardening." Member Am. Civic Assn.; Friends of the Native Landscape; Prairie Club and Cliff Dwellers. Brother of Albert Edward Miller. Phi 83 and Charles Tyler Miller, Phi 88. Author. L^niversity of Illinois; res. 611 Michigan Ave., Urbana, 111. William Robbins Alurray F I Ph. B. 1892; M. D. 1897. Member Faculty Med. Dept. L^niv. of Minn. Member Minne- apolis and University Clubs. Physician. 519' Nicollet Ave.; res. 1775 Fremont Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Stephen Henry Payne Initiated by the Pi William Charles Quarles H H P Ph. B. 1892. Brother of Joseph Very Quarles, Phi 96 and Edward Louis Quarles, Phi 99. Lawyer. Sentinel Bldg.; res. 676 Franklin PI., Milwau- kee, Wis. Edmond Lindsay Sanderson X y I A. B. 1892. Chord and Magnet. Football and Track; Banjo Club; Univ. Athletic Assn. Treas. Detroit Central High School Alumni Assn., 96; Pres.. 00; Sec. Detroit En- gineering Soc, 95-96; Charter Member Detroit Univ. School. Member Detroit Boat and Uni- versity Clubs and "M" Club (Ann Arbor). Office Manager. 3096 W. Grand Blvd.; re-s. 2981 E. Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich. William Clive Smith X z P M. D. 1893 Univ. of Pa. See Tau 93 Physician. 132 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. James Van Inwagen, Jr. yeG Football, Capt. (4). Member Park Club. Brother of Arthur Van Inwagen, Phi 93. Manufacturer. 616 Ellicott Sq.; res. 669 Potomac Ave., Buf- falo, N. Y. \ Norman Swift Waite XbO Real Estate and Insurance. 12 Franklin St.; res. 83 Linden &t., Allston, Mass. (19) William Edwin Walter XPH A. B. 1892. Phi Beta Kappa. Member St. Botolph Club. Nephew of Edward Lorraine Walter, Phi 68. General Press Representative. Symphony Hall, Boston; res. 12 Parkman St., Brookline, Mass. PcO Philip Bernard Watrous Brother of Edward Lacey Watrous, Phi 94. Auditor. 1609 People's Gas Bldg.; res. 5104 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111. 1893 Earl D Babst Initiated by the Iota Cameron Clark Burns X j % A. B. 1893. Brother of John McKibbin Burns, Gamma 90. Clerk. Holbrook Gilson Cleaveland y] E |jl A. B. 1893; LL. B. 1894. Member Missouri Athletic Assn. Insurance. 4 Liberty Sq., Boston; res. 80 Cliff Ave., Win- tlirop Highlands, Mass. Thomas Frederick Davies X p X A. B. 1894 Yale and A. M. 1907; B. D. 1898 General Theol. S'em. and D. D. 1911; D. D. 1912 Amherst. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Bones; Eta Phi; Chi Deha Theta. High Ora- tion; Pres. Phi Beta Kappa. Trustee Gen- eral Theol. Sem. of Smith Coll.; ^Member Hymnal Commission; P. E. Bishop Diocese of Western Mass. Author "All Saints' Sonnets." Member University (New York) Club. Son of Thomas Frederick Davies, Beta S3. See Beta 94 Protestant Episcopal Bishop. 25 Harrison Ave.; res. 1154 Worthington St., Springfield, Mass. Henry Perkins Dodge X Y) u B. S. 1893. Chord and Magnet; Tennis. Mem- ber Toledo, Country, Commerce and Toledo Tennis Clubs. Engineer. 915 Jefferson Ave.; res. 2155 Collingwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Stephen Clifton Glidden * Pjl M. D. 1894. Nu Sigma Nu. Football. Fellow Am. Coll. of Surgs.; Ex-Pres. Vermilion Coun- ty Med. Soc; Ex-Pres. Danville Physicians' Club. Member Danville Country Club. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1917 Leon Murdock Groesbeck Fdt B. S. 1893; LL. B. 1899 Chicago Coll. of Law. Advertising. 327 S. La Salle St.; res. 1352 Madison Park, Chicago, 111. John Stanley Hurd Qbi: A. B. 1893; LL. B. 1894. Phi Delta Phi. U. S. Commissioner, Eastern Dist. of Mich. Member Detroit Athletic Club. Lawyer. 725 Ford Bldg.; res. 2703 W. Grand Blvd., De- troit, Mich. 548 PHI CHAPTER [1893-95 Albert Leverett Murray* Xbl d. 1890 Cyrenius Adalbert Newcomb, Jr. 7 m x B. L. 1893. Chord and Magnet. Member De- troit, Detroit Boat, Detroit Athletic, University, country. Old and Bloomfield Hills Country Clubs. Brother of William Wilmon Newcomb, Phi 97. Merchant. 190 Woodward Ave.; res. 103 Rowena S't., De- troit, Mich. Lewis Henry Paddock Initiated by the Beta Beta Ferdinand Wythe Peck, Jr. V^% Member South Shore Country and Chicago Yacht Clubs. Representative of Peck Estates. 53 W. Jackson St.; res. 1826 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Richard Frederick Rust B 9 K A. B. 1894. Son of Richard Hubbard Rust, Xi 65 and grandson Richard Sutton Rust, Xi 41. Insurance. The Union Central Life Insurance Co., 1308 Union Central Bldg. ; res. 3674 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gale Tliompson P j x Baseball, 90-91. Member Chicago Athletic Assn.; Chicago Golf and Coronado Country (Coronado, Cal.) Clubs. Manufacturer. 759 The Rookery; res. The Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, 111. Arthur Van Inwagen* X a K Brother of James Van Inwagen, Jr., Phi 92. d. 1898 1894 George Hall Angell KoK Manager. (University Club, Detroit, Mich.) Howard Everett Chickering X 1 K B. S. in M. E. 1894. Member University of Michigan and Machinery (New York) Clubs. Brother of Wallace Wiley Chickering, Phi 95. Manufacturer. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 30 Church St.; res. 214 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. Edouard Paul de Pont o b K Salesman. 509 E. Jefferson St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Rudolph Friedrich Flinterman X f o A. B. 1894; A. M. 1895. Member Detroit Boat and University Clubs. Manufacturer. 248 Guoin St.; res. 2975 W. Grand Blvd., De- troit, Mich. Harry C James o n o Trustee Clayton Coll. for Boys; Colo. Museum Natural History. Member Denver, Denver County, Denver Athletic and Lakewood Coun- try Clubs. Mining. 685 Emerson St., Denver, Colo. Timothy D. Jerome T b o Member Metropolitan, Lumbermen's, Rainier and Seattle Golf Clubs. Manufacturer. 920 White Bldg.; res. 503 Belmont Ave. N., Seattle, Wash. Robert Emmons Jones F h o A. B. 1894. Banker. Webster City, Iowa. Arthur Maurice Le Wald Initiated by the Theta William Lloyd McCauley* TQZ A. B. 1894 Princeton. See Tau 98 d. 1898 Herman Hooper Sharpless ^ G A B. S. in M. E. 1894 Sidney Univ. (New S'outh Wales). In charge of Reclamation Service, Canadian Pacific Railway, Alberta and British Columbia Divisions. Engineer. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Horace Wright Suydani 7 s o Tennis. Member Toledo, Toledo Yacht, To- ledo Country and Castalia Trout Clubs. Manufacturer. 3134 Monroe St.; res. 1007 Grand Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Edward Lacey Watrous X c i B. L. 1894. Satyrs. Brother of Philip Bernard Watrous, Phi 92. Rancher. R. R. No. 1, El Paso, Tex. 1895 George Edward Ball XaK LL. B. 1898. Capt. U. S. Army. Member Army and Navy Club (Manila, P. I.) Brother of James Everett Ball, Phi 87. Officer of the Army. Adjutant-General U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. Wallace Wiley Chickering F c K B. S. in M. E. 1895. Brother of Howard Everett Chickering, Phi 94. Manufacturer. 2250 S. Park Ave., Chicago; res. 770 Rosewood Ave., Hubbard Woods, 111. Bumham Standish Colburn nfM B. S. in C. E. 1895. Member Detroit, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Country and Turtle Lake Clubs. Brother of Frederick Standish Colburn, Phi 00. Contractor. The Canadian Bridge Co., Ltd.; res. 215 Burns Ave., Detroit, Mich. Henry Shepard Crane A. B. 1895. Principal Lewis Champlin School. Member Ridge Country and White Lake Golf Clubs. Educator. 320 Englewood Ave.; res. 10400 Seeley Ave., Chicago, 111. 1895-96J PHI CHAPTER 549 Charles Chase MacPherran TrO Brother of Edgar Withrow MacPherran, Phi 90 and Ralph Stewart MacPherran, Phi 92. Mining. Plaza Hotel, San Francisco, Cal. James Keeler ^Morgan X e K (47 \V. Swan St., Buffalo, N. Y.) WilHam Horace Alorley F c o Ph. B. 1895; M. D. 1901. Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons and Am. Med. Assn. Member Am. Gynaecological Soc. ; Detroit, Detroit Athletic, University, and Detroit Curling Clubs. Brother of Horatio Throop Morley, Phi 79 and Law- rence Malcom Morley, Upsilon 97. Physician and Surgeon. 33 E. High St.; res. Addison Hotel, Detroit, Mich. Harry Thomas Nightingale TL Ph. B. 1895; A. M. 1909 Univ. of 111. Freshman Glee Club. Member State Board of Equalization 10th Dist., State of 111.; Instr. in Civics and History, Xorth Western Univ.; Lecturer for The Civics Soc. (Chicago) and Teachers' and ■ Parents' Assn. Author "History of Nominating Methods." Member University (Evanston, 111.) and Evanston Golf Clubs. Son of Augustus Frederick Nightingale, Xi 66. Educator. 2020 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111. Franklin Burnett Spear, Jr. X g O Ph. B. 1895. Member Marquette Club. Brother of Philip Bennett Spear, Phi 95. Manufacturer. Marquette Trap Rock Co., Baraga Ave. and Lake St.; res. 230 E. Ridge St., Marquette, Mich. Philip Bennett Spear Pgo Ph. B. 1895. Brother of Franklin Burnett Spear. Jr., Phi 95. Merchant. Foot Baraga Ave. ; res. 461 E. Ridge St., Mar- quette, Mich. William Albert Spitzley Fox A. B. 1895; M. D. 1897. The Friars; Town and Gown. Glee Club. Consulting Surg. Woman's Hosp.; Detroit Tuberculosis Sanitarium; At- tending Surg., Harper Hosp.; Fellow Am. Coll. of Surgeons. Member University, Detroit Athletic and Indian Village Tennis Clubs. Surgeon. 32 W. Adams Ave.; res. 257 Van Dyke Ave., Detroit, Mich. Edward Chester Weeks XaK Ph. B. 1895. Son of Eugene James Weeks, Phi 71 and brother of Walter Roy Weeks, Phi 99. Merchant. 1 Ramillies St., London W., England and 1 Rue Ambroise Thomas, Paris, France. Robert ]\Iajor Weidemann F a K Manufacturer. 940 Water St., Marinette, Wis.; res.. 231 Main St., Menominee, Mich. 1896 Kirkland Barker Alexander K c M Ph. B. 1896. Tennis, Boxing and Wrestling. Non-resident Lecturer Journalism, Univ. of Mich.; Member State Commission Zachariah Chandler Statue Fund. Member University, Country, Athletic, Yondotega and Racquet Clubs;, Aero Club of Mich. Brother of Charles Towne Alexander, Phi 90. Advertising. Alexander & Jenkins Co., Detroit Journal Bldg. ; res. 485 St. Paul Ave., Detroit, Mich. Henry Edward Bodman O b v Ph. B. 1896. Member Detroit, Detroit Athletic, LTniversity and Country Clubs. Lawyer. 2104 Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit; res. Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. Charles Rowland Cary Initiated by the Iota Frederick William Backus Coleman TaA A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1899. Member Minneapolis Athletic and University (Minneapolis, St. Paul and Detroit) Clubs. Merchant. McKnight Bldg.; res. 2435 Blaisdell Ave.. Minneapolis, Minn. James Harnian Flinn ^ s A B. L. 1896. Member Detroit, University and Country Clubs. Lawyer. 1220 Penobsoot Bldg.; res. 370 Seminole Ave., Detroit, Mich. William Francis Ford Gavlord Wilson Gillis ^X>« To^ B. L. 1896. Merchant. 500 W. Fort St.; res. 234 Parker Ave., Detroit, Mich. Edward Morton Holland 3zA A. B. 1896. Toastmaster (1); Mandolin Club (1), (4). Member University, Automobile, Country, Detroit, Detroit Boat and Country Clubs. 1000 Lake Shore Rd., Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. W^illiam Dexter AIcKenzie ^tX A. B. 1896. Baseball, 95-96; Tennis. Member LTniversity and City (Chicago) and Indian Hill Golf Clubs. Lawver. 208 S. LaSalle St.. Chicago; res. 1185 Laurel Ave., Hubbard Woods, 111. Job n Sherring Pratt b [A. Judge Municipal Court, 04-08; Asst. U. S. Atty., 08 — . Member Toledo, Toledo Country and Toledo Commerce Clubs. Lawyer. 13 Federal Bldg.; res. 25 Scottwood Apts., Toledo, Ohio. TbX Joseph Very Quarles Ph. B. 1896. Pres. Psi Upsilon Assn. of Wis. Member University, City, Rifle and Pistol, Lake Shore Gun, and Oconomowoc Country Clubs. Brother of William Charles Quarles, Phi 92 and Edward Louis Quarles, Phi 99. Lawyer. 89 Mason St.; res. 596 Linwood Ave., Mil- waukee, Wis. 550 PHI CHAPTER [1896-98 Walter Robbins Px^ B. S. in E. E. 1896. Member St. Louis, Belle- rive Country, University and Athletic and University (Detroit) Clubs. Manufacturer. 6400 Plymouth Ave.; res. 4366 Westminster PI.. St. Louis, Mo. Adrian Delano Stevenson ^X^ B. S. 1896. Manufacturers' Agent. 1675 Broadway, New York; res. 329 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Duane Reed Stuart ^rjX A. B. 1896; Ph. D. 1901 Michigan. Phi Beta Kappa. Capt. Track; Athletic Assn.; Winner D. K. E. cup for High Jump, 96; Elisha Jones Classical Fellow. Prof, of Classics at Prince- ton Univ. Member Princeton Club (New York). Brother of Donald Clive Stuart, Phi 03. Educator. 101 Broadmead St., Princeton, N. J. 1897 Stephen Cone Babcock ^* g [J' B. S. 1897. Comedy Club. Chemist County of Erie; Chemist and Bacteriologist City of Lackawanna. Member Wanakah Country and Rotary (Buffalo) Clubs; Buffalo Chamber of Commerce. * Analytical Chemist and Chemical Engineer. 803 Ridge Rd., Lackawanna; res. Prospect Ave., Hamburg, N. Y. Harry White Cummings W i \). Broker. 1907-12 Second National Bank Bldg.; res. 2448 Robinwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Edwin Haynes Humphrey ^ T I^ B. L. 1897. (35th St. and Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.) John Blaine Keating ^ w v B. S. 1897. Member University, Transporta- tion and Engineers' Clubs of San Francisco. Manufacturer. Carleton St., West Berkeley; res. 173 Santa Rosa Ave., C)akianu, Cal. Kb A' Member University and Union League Clubs. Manager. Western Electric Co., 500 S. Clinton St., Chicago; res. 129 S. Kensington Ave., La Grange, 111. Otis Hardy Maclay Q S Q' B. S. 1897 Northwestern and M. D. 1901. Sec. Chicago Laryngological and Otological S'oc, 5 years; Pres., 16-17; Asociated with the Nose and Throat Dept. Northwestern Univ. Med. School; on Staff Wesley Memorial Hosp. Physician. 1905 E. Washington St.; res. Hyde Park Hotel, Chicago, 111. d. 1894 William Wilmon Newcomb Xv.?: B. S. 1897; M. D. 1900. Brother of Cyrenius Frank Atherton Ketcham Frederick Carl Meisel* Adelbert Newcomb, Jr., Phi 93. Physician. 48 Webb Ave., Detroit, Mich. Ross [Alexander] Spence ^cv Dir. School of Music, West Va. Univ.; Assoc. Prof, of Music, Syracuse Univ. Educator. College of Fine Arts, Syracuse Univ.; res. 600 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Frederick Rice Waldron ^a[x Ph. B. 1899; M. D. 1901. Asst. Mgr. Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs, 94-95; Mgr. 95-96. Physician. 313 S. State St.; res. 1701 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 1898 Standish Backus Tq^ A. B. 1898; LL. B. 1901 Detroit Coll. of Law. Pres. Freshman Banjo Club; oec. and Treas. Lfniv. of Mich. Chess Club; Assoc. Editor, Wrinkle. Chairman Bldg. Committee for Erec- tion of New Phi Chapter House; Member Board of Governors, Psi Upsilon Guild; Mem- ber Board of Estimates, City of Detroit since 09; Pres., 12; Trustee of Ford Republic; Dir. Detroit Club, Old Club and Detroit Boat Club; Prof. Law Dept., Univ. of Detroit. Member Detroit, Detroit Boat, Detroit Country, De- troit Athletic, University, Bankers', Lawyers', Old, Bloomfield Hills Country and University (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. 1324 Ford Bldg.; res. 350 Iroquois Ave., De- troit, Mich. Edward Burns Caulkins rh« B. L. 1900. Member Athletic Board of Con- trol; Tennis Mgr.; Baseball; Relay. Chairman Finance Committee Phi Chapter. Member In- dian Village Tennis, Detroit Country, Detroit Athletic and University Clubs. Manufacturer. 248 Guoin St.; res. 257 Van Dyke Ave., Detroit, Mich. George William Cottrell XqQ' B. L. 1898. Lawyer. Western Reserve Bldg.; res. 1890 E. 70th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Robert Smith Cummings X q a' Advertising. 545 Winthrop St., Toledo, Ohio. William Harrison Emery F t Q' Member University Club. Manufacturer and Banker. Chicago Rawhide Mfg. Co., 1301 Elston Ave., Chicago; res. Elmhurst, 111. Greenleaf Whittier Gale Fco) Brother of Thomas Hart Gale, Phi 88. Rc3,l Est3.tc 725 S. Blvd.; res. 906 Lake St., Oak Park, 111. Le Roy Morton Harvey* B. S. 1898. Electrician. Henry Thomas Heald FyA' d. 1910 XrA' Ph. B. 1898. Mgr. Football; Capt. Track; Quarter Miler; Athletic Board. Representative in Mich. State Legislature, OS. Mem. Mich. Con- 1898-00] PHI CHAPTER 551 stitutional Convention, 07-08; Grand Rapids Cliartcr Commission, 12; Council of Social Welfare Assn. Member Peninsular, Kent Coun- ty, 0-\Vah-ta-Nong and Falstaff Clubs; Busi- ness Men's Battalion. Brother of Joseph Wood- hams Heald, Iota 97. Lawyer. Michigan Trust Bldg.; res. 538 Madison Ave. S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Walter Dwight Herrick rda A. B. 1898; LL. B. 1902 Harvard. Tennis. Member Union League and City Clubs. Brother of James Bryan Herrick, Phi 82. Lawyer. 29 S. La Salle St., Chicago; res. Oak Park, 111. Stuart Edwin Knappen X e a' A. B. 1898. Assoc. Editor University of iSIichigan Daily. Member Peninsular, Kent Country, Falstaff, Indian, O-Wah-ta-Nong and University Clubs; Sons Am. Revolution. Son of Loyal Edwin Knappen, Phi 73 and brother of Fred Mason Knappen, Phi 04. Lawyer. 317 IMichigan Trust Bldg.; res. 322 Fountain St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Allen Loomis 7 c a' B. S. in Naval Arch. 1899 Mass. Inst, of Tech. Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs at LTniv. of Mich, and at Mass. Inst, of Tech. Member Technology (Boston and New York) and Uni- versity (Detroit) Clubs. Brother of Peter Burr Loomis, Jr., Plii 80 and Gilbert Stanley Loomis, Plii 01 and uncle of Nathan Simpson Potter, Phi 98 and Kennedy Loomis Potter, Phi 02. Consulting Engineer. 97 Pallister Ave., Detroit, Mich. William Lloyd McCaiiley T Q S A. B. 1894 Princeton Univ. Brother of John Warden McCauley, Theta 83 and James Adel- bert McCauley, Theta 85. See Tau 98 Nathan Simpson Potter, Jr. X 1 w' B. S. 1898. Banjo Club. Member 31st Inf. Mich. Vol., 98; Member Am. Chemical Soc; Am. Soc. Mechanical Engineers; Am. Soc. for Testing Materials. Brother of Kennedy Loomis Potter, Phi 02 and nephew of Peter Burr Loomis, Jr., Phi 80, Allen Loomis, Phi 98 and Gilbert Stanley Loomis, Phi 01. Manufacturer. Michigan Portland Cement Co., Chelsea, Mich.; res. 1926 Norway Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. •I I Charles Ward Seabury r-nto' Dir. Oak Park Y. M. C. A.; Pres. Oak Park Country Club. Member Oak Park Country, Union League, Midday and University Clubs. Insurance. 175 W. Jackson St., Chicago; res. 420 N. Euclid Ave., Oak Park, III. Richard Chute Underwood MaF Insurance. 310 Ferry St.; res. 904 Columbia S't., Lafayette, Ind. 1899 William Griswold Chesebrough A c 7 b B. S. in M. E. 1899. Nephew of Charles Tel- ford Mayo, Iota 68. Sales Manager. Northern Engineering res. 957 Jefferson Ave. Works, 2 Chene E., Detroit, Mich. St.; William Lee Cooper rb^' B. S. 1899. Member Royal Automobile Club. Consulting Engineer. 7 Laurence Pountney Hill, Cannon St., London E. C.; res. 4 Boundary Rd., St. John's Wood, London N. W., England. George Edward Fay tP^ B. S. 1899; M. D. 1901. Member University, Detroit Athletic and Indian Village Clubs. Physician and Surgeon. 408 Washington Arcade; res. 485 Burns Ave., Detroit, Mich. Clarence Warren Mehlhop K c T' M. D. 1899. Brother of Frederick WilliaiH Mehlhop, Phi 88 and uncle of Carl Francis Mehlhop, Phi 01 and John Mehlhop Murray, Phi 06. Physician. 9th and Locust Sts.; res. 175 W. 11th St., Dubuque, Iowa. Paul Oliver B. S. 1899; M. D. 1901 Rush Med. Coll. At- tending Surg. Cook County and West Subur- ban Hosps. ; Asst. Attending Surg. Presby- terian Hosp.; Instr. in Surgery Rush Med. Coll. Member Oak Park Country Club. Brother of Mark Oliver, Chi 05. Surgeon. 104 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago; res. 625 N. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park, 111. Brother of William Charles Quarles, Phi 92 and Joseph Very Quarles, Phi 96. See Tau 02 Managing Director. Deutsche Vacuum Oil Co., Hamburg, Germany. Pqr Edward Louis Quarles William Douglas Ward A. B. 1895 Princeton; M. D. 1899 Univ. of Pa. Phi Beta Kappa; The H. C. Wood Med. Soc.; Monday Night Club. Latin S'alutatorian; Foot- ball and Baseball. Treas. University Club. Member University Club and Rochester Med. Assn. Nephew of Alanson Douglas Miller, Beta 64, George Douglas Miller, Beta 70 and George William Douglas, Beta Beta 71. Physician. 20 Grove PL, Rochester, N. Y. Walter Roy Weeks y^yW Member Lotos Club; Automobile Club of France; Royal Automobile Club (London). Son of Eugene James Weeks, Phi 71 and brother of Edward Chester Weeks, Phi 95. Merchant. 1 Rue Ambroise Thomas; res. 4 Rue Lalo, Paris, France. Matthew Beale Whittlesey Sq/ Ph. B. 1899; LL. B. 1901 Detroit Coll. of Law. Member Detroit Board of Commerce; Detroit, Detroit Athletic, University, Detroit Boat, De- troit Country, Detroit Tennis and Bloomfield Hills Counry Clubs. Brother of John Jacob Whittlesey, Phi 00. Lawyer. Penobscot Bldg.; res. 36 Alfred St., Detroit, Mich. 1900 Ralph Clark Apted* B. S. 1900. Physician. d. 1916 I 552 PHI CHAPTER [1900-01 Frank Langan Baumgardner B b F' Member Toledo and Inverness Golf Clubs. Brother of Edward Baumgardner, Chi 03. Merchant. Jefferson and St. Clair Sts.; res. 2015 Park- wood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. William Callan KrA' P 1^ X A. B. 1900. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Manufacturer. 61 Broadway, New York; res. Bronxville, N. Y. Rufus Wheelwright Clark Son of Rufus Wheelwright Clark, Jr., Delta 65 and brother of William Dennison Clark, Phi 07. Manufacturer. 28 Woodward Ave.; res. 275 Burns Ave., De- troit, Mich. Frederick Standish Colburn "^F £ F' A. B. 1900. Brother of Burnham Standish Colburn, Phi 95. (2008-22 S. Canal St., Chicago, 111.) [Thomas] Garvin Denby ^o^r Member Detroit, Detroit Athletic, University, Country, Meadowbrook Country, University (Chicago) and Fort Schuyler (Utica, N. Y.) Clubs. Farmer. Holbrook Ave. and G. T. Ry., Detroit; res. R. R. Farmington, Mich. B. S. in C. E. 1900. Public Utility Engineering. Whitaker Bldg. ; res. 1512 Grand Ave., Daven- port, Iowa. David Gerould Fisher Martin Howard Foss O n T LL. B. and LL. M. 1900 111. Coll. of Law. Capt. 1st 111. Field Artillery. Member South Shore Country, Kenwood and City of Chicago Clubs; Sons of the Revolution; Chicago Bar Assn; Chicago Law Inst, and 111. State Bar Assn. Lawyer. 105 S. LaSalle St.; res. 4815 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. Harry Stowe McGee HjA" M. p. 1902. Baseball. Physician and Surgeon. 745 9th St.; res. 743 9th St., Douglas, Ariz. Morris Wadsworth Montgomery ^i s /' Brother of Stanley Dudley Montgomery, Phi 01. Farmer. "Bonnie Braes Farms," Alden, Mich. Roger Sylvester Morris ^qF A. B. 1900; M. D. 1902. Sigma Xi. Prof, of Medicine, Univ. of Cincinnati. Author "Chemi- cal Laboratory Methods." Son of George Sylvester Morris, Zeta 61. Physician and Educator. Cincinnati General Hospital; res. 3646 Wash- ington Ave., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Arthur Wilcox Norton pir B. S. in M. E. Member Maryland Club. Lake and Roland Aves., Baltimore, M'd. Bernard Joseph O'Neill, Jr. x ^ i' B. S. 1900; M. D. 1908 Rush Med. Coll. Pres. San Diego Med. Soc; Sec. and Treas. Physi- cians' Club; Former Pres. Board of Health; Attending Surg. Agnew Hosp. and San Diego County Hosp. Member University, San Diego Rowing, Cuyamaca and Point Loma Golf Clubs. Surgeon. 49 Sefton Block; res. 1005 W. Lewis St., San Diego, Cal. ^sx' Sidney John Steele ... g, Member Westward Ho Golf and Maywood Golf Clubs. Manufacturer. Ill W. Washington St., Chicago; res. Maywood, 111. gr Leigh Martin Turner A. B. 1900. Track 97-98 and 00. Capitalist and Farmer. R. R. No. 4, Battle Creek, Mich. John Jacob Whittlesey ^ t F City Solicitor Pittsfield, Mass. Member Coun- try and Park Clubs. Lawyer. 35 Savings Bank Bldg.; res. 115 Wendell Ave., Pittsfield, Mass. 1901 Aikman Armstrong FcA' B. S. in M. E. 1901. Brother of Henry Irwin Armstrong, Phi 09, grandson of William Aikman, Delta 46 and nephew of William Aik- man, Jr., Delta 72. 132 Jefferson Ave.; res. 718 Seminole Ave., Detroit, Mich. John Ghio Barada Fpf B. S. in M. E. 1901. Member University Club. Purchasing Agent. Phoeni.x-El Paso Building Co., 107 Texas St.; res. 4231 Dover St., El Paso, Tex. Roger Champlin Butterfield u w $' A. B. 1901; LL. B. 1903. Webster Soc. Pres. Schubert Club. Dir. Board of Trade and Anti-Tuberculosis Soc. Member Peninsular, Kent Country, Falstaff and Century (Muskegon) Clubs. Lawyer. 503 Michigan 'Trust Bldg.; res. 231 Paris Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Fritz Goebel 6 b T' Manufacturer. (310 Seminole Ave., Detroit, Mich.) William Grayson, Jr. u j $' B. S. 1901. Manufacturer. 911 Wright Bldg.; res. 43S7 McPherson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. X w $~ Gilbert Stanley Loomis Brother of Peter Burr Loomis, Jr., Phi 80 and Allen Loomis, Phi 98 and uncle of Nathan Simpson Potter, Phi 98 and Kennedy Loomis Potter, Phi 02. General Manager. Packard Missouri Motor Car Co., 22d and Locust Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Carl Francis Mehlhop X b S' A. B. 1901. Baseball (1); Capt. (2), (3), (4); Athletic Board; Track Mgr. (2); Banjo and Mandolin Clubs. Nephew of Frederick William Mehlhop, Phi 88 and Clarence Warren Mehlhop, 1901-03] PHI CHAPTER Phi 99. Salesman. 372 Main Iowa. St.; res. 679 Bluff St., Dubuque, Carl Ferdinand George Meyer X h A' Member Missouri Athletic Assn. Druggist. 4th St. and Clark Ave.; res. 5503 Clemens Ave., St. Louis. Mo. Stanley Dudley Montgomery u cp A' Brother of Morris Wadsworth Montgomery, Phi 00. Lawver. 502 Tussing Bldg.; res. 716 Walnut St. S., Lansing, Mich. Arthur Howard Richardson F w §' B. S. in M. E. 1901. Member Am. In.st. Elec. Engineers. Brother of Leon Josiah Rich- ardson, Phi 90. Engineer. General Electric Co., 137 Waverly PI., Schenec- tadv. N. Y. TU 9 William David Russell K 473 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. Amasa Miller Rust u £ ^ Son of Charles Amosa (215 N. Michigan Ave. Rust, Phi 71. Saginaw, Mich.). Donald Corwin Scott ^ c z Lavi'ver. 610 S. Wilton PI., Los Angeles, Cal. Daniel Forbes Zimmerman F v B' Friars. Sec.-Treas. Psi Upsilon Guild. Mem- ber Detroit Univ., Ann Arbor Univ., Ann Ar- bor Golf, and Washtenaw Country Clubs; Mich- igan Union. Manufacturer. Washtenaw Gas Co., 211 Huron St. E.; res. 1805 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. 1902 David Elijah Beardsley TpF A. B. 1902; M. D. 1904. Physician and Surgeon. ;\runin Bid.?.; res. 1737 Rapids, Iowa. John Alonzo Bennett Blake Blvd., Cedar FsE A. B. 1902. City Commissioner. Son of Fran- cis Douglass Bennett, Phi 72 and brother of Frank Tripp Bennett, Phi 05. Manufacturer. Detroit and Columbus Sts.; res. 734 W. Main St., Jackson, Mich. John Orne Emerson (Ventanas Mining & Exploration Co. Durango, Me.x.) m £ Ventanas, XnT" Alfred Butterfield Moran Manufacturer. (Peninsular Stove Co., Fort St. W. ; res. 352 Seyburn Ave., Detroit, Mich.) Kennedy Loomis Potter L. B. 1904. Brother of Nathan ter, Phi 98 and nephew of Peter Burr Loomis, Jr., Phi 80, Allen Loomis, Phi 98 and Gilbert Stanley Loomis, Phi 01. XaY" Simpson Pot- Banker. Jackson City Bank; St., Jackson, Mich. James 'Turner 553 res. 719 W. Washington ylE' A. B. 1902; LL. B. 1904. The Friars. Foot- ball. Member Mich. State Bar Assn.; Assn. of the Bar of the City of Detroit; Detroit Sons of the Am. Revolution; Detroit, Detroit As- semblies, Racquet and Curling, University, Country, Yondotega, Bankers', Indian Village, Huron Mountain and Grosse Pointe Riding and Hunt Clubs. Brother of Scott Turner, Phi 02. Lawyer. 2104 Dime Bank Bldg.; res. 241 Seminole Ave., Detroit, Mich. Scott Turner 7 t Y' Brother of James Turner, Phi 02. (Franklin Ave., Lansing, Mich.) Clarence Robert Wilcox Initiated by the Xi Winthrop Withington y d e' Ex-Pres. Jackson Chamber of Commerce. Mem- ber Meadow Heights Country, Detroit (Mich.) Athletic and Cleveland (Ohio) Athletic Clubs. Manager. Withington Works, North Mechanic St.; res. 240 Wildwood Ave., Jackson, Mich. 1903 Carl Nelson Adams Xer Manufacturer. 242 College Ave. S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. FgT Robert Myron Cutting A. B. 1903. Member Westward Ho Golf and University Clubs. Manufacturer. 2635 S. Wabash Ave.; res. 225 N. Central Ave., Chicago, 111. Gilbert Lafayette Guthrie (Warren Guthrie, Atchison, Kans.) Onslow Wotten Messimer Member Psi Upsilon Club. Rc3,l Est3,tc 101 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Earle Francis Potter Y e T AeH" 5(s T' B. S. in M. E. 1903. Friars. Baseball (Mgr.) 03. Son of William Hobart Potter. Phi 75 and nephew of Charles Walter Howard Potter, Phi 76. Contractor. 704 Rector Bldg., Chicago, 111. William Colburn Standish Fbr B. S. in E. M. 1903. Glee Club; Baseball. S'upt. Mich. State Mining Exhibit, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 04. Member Detroit Board of Commerce and Detroit As; scmblies; Order of Spanish- Am. War; Alumni Assn., Mich. Coll. of Mines; Detroit Athletic, Detroit Boat, Wolverine Automobile, Univer- sity. University of Michigan, The Players and Indian Village Tennis Clubs. Brother of Sher- wood Hubbard Standish, Phi 05. District Manager. United States Tire Co., 245 Jefferson Ave. E.; res. 484 Iroquois Ave., Detroit, Mich. 554 PHI CHAPTER [1903-06 Donald Give Stuart xfr A. B. 1903; A. M. 1904; Ph. D. 1910 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Quadrangle Club. Asst. Prof. Princeton Univ. Member Nassau Club (Prince- ton) and Princeton Club (New York). Brother of Duane Reed Stuart, Phi 96. Educator and Author. Nassau Hall; res. The Western Way, Princeton, N. J. Harry Probasco Wherry B. S. in C. E. 1903. Friars; Michigamma. Tennis, 00-02. Member University Club; Am. Inst, of Mining Engineers; Inst, of Mining and Metallurgy of Great Britain. Mining Engineer. University Club, Chicago, 111. Thomas Victor WilHams TDO' A. B. 1903; LL. B. 1907. Member Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club. Son of Gershom Mott Williams, Chi 79 and brother of Cecil Hayward Williams, Iota 06 Phi 06, Dayton Ogden Wil- liams, Iota 07 and John Biddle Williams, Phi 14. Lawyer. Spaulding BIdg., Portlatid, Oregon. x^p" 1904 Walter Aldrich Barrett T h H' B. S. in M. E. 1904. Son of James Madison Barrett, Phi 75 and brother of James Madison Barrett, Jr., Phi 16. Mechanical Engineer. Bass Foundry & Machine Co.; res. 90S Wild- wood Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. George A. Farr, Jr. u c H' (Grand Haven, Mich.) Lyle Blystone Himebaugh Member Jamestown Board of Commerce; Manu- facturers' Assn.; Jamestown Club and Lakewood Country Club. • Manufacturer. 388 Hallock St.; res. 60S N. Main St., James- town, N. Y. Mark Powell Hyde Soldier. 325 E. Fulton St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Fred Mason Knappen F m a Son of Loyal Edwin Knappen, Phi 73 and brother of Stuart Edwin Knappen, Phi 98. Purchasing Agent. 830 Front Ave. N. W.; res. 740 Neland Ave. S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. John Franklin Kumler u e v;' Brother of Langdon Williams Kumler, Phi 06. (2704 Robinwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio.) Henry Schuyler Montgomery X^^' (6085 Jefferson St., Saginaw, Mich.) Herbert Sidney Reynolds XS'^~ Member University (Detroit) Club. Banker. Main and Mechanic S'ts.; res. Brown and Washington Sts., Jackson, Mich. PdH" Frederick Sweet Stearns Xh^' Member Detroit, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Coun- try and Grosse Pointe Riding and Hunt Clubs; Bankers' Club of New York. Manufacturer. Jefferson and Bellevue Aves.; res. 870 Jeffer- son Ave., Detroit, Mich. Morris Henry Stimson Fjr B. S. in M. E. 1904. Sigma Xi; Michigamma; Friars; Vulcans. Mgr. Comedy Club. Member Dunkirk Board of Commerce; Am. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers; Dunkirk and Willow Brook Country Clubs. Manager. U. S. Radiator Corporation, Dunkirk; res. 35 Center St., Fredonia, N. Y. 1905 Frank Tripp Bennett Xgp' LL. B. 1905. Member Mich. State Legislature, 07. Son of Francis Douglass Bennett, Phi 72 and brother of John Alonzo Bennett, Phi 02. Manufacturer. Michigan Gas Appliance Co., 103 W. Pearl St.; res. 292 Wildwood Ave., Jackson, Mich. Stephen Albion Day P a p" A. B. 1905. Treas. and Dir. Athletic Assn. Executive Committee Republican Club: Pope Friars Club; Confidential Sec. Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller. Member Union League, Glen View and Hamilton Clubs of Chicago; Am. Bar, Illinois Bar and Chicago Bar Assns. Brother of Luther Day, Iota 02. Lawyer. 39 S. La Salle St., Chicago; res. 2206 Orring- ton Ave., Evanston, 111. Robert Everett Hastings Xh0' Member Benton and Country Clubs. Merchant. 1102 Corby-Forsce BIdg.; res. 311 N. 8th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Edward Foote Perkins yJ^' B. S. in E. E. 1905. Vulcans. Member Penin- sular, Kent Country and Owashtanong Clubs. Banker. 205 Michigan Trust BIdg.; res. 212 Lafayette Ave. N. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Louis Quarles TtF A. B. 1905. Phi Beta Kappa; Quadrangle. Member Milwaukee Club. Lawyer. 711 Pabst BIdg.; res. 626 Stowell Ave., Mil- waukee, Wis. Sherwood Hubbard Standish b0' B. S. in M. E. 1905. Sigma Xi; Vulcans; Friars. Banjo C!lub; Leader Mandolin Club; Wrinkle Board. Member University, Detroit University and Detroit Boat Clubs. Brother of William Colburn Standish, Phi 03. Manufacturer. Northwestern Malleable Iron Co., 766 Park St.; "■es. 568 Stowell Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 1906 Courtenay Derby Allington y m F B. S. in M. E. 1906. Sigma Xi; Friars; Vul- cans. Musical Clubs (Pres. 06). Brother of Leslie Eugene Allington, Phi 09. Financier. 105 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111.; res. 730 S. College Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1906-07J PHI CHAPTER 555 Orlando Mack Barnes xgi' A. B. 1906; LL. B. 1910 Harvard. Member Psi Upsilon, Harvard and Univ. of Michigan (New York) Clubs; Michigan Soc. of New York. Son of Orlando Fleming Barnes, Phi 80, grandson of Orlando Mack Barnes, Phi 50 and nephew of Edward Arthur Barnes, Phi 83. Lawyer. 15 William St.; res. 25 E. 11th St., New York, N. Y. Charles Barton Brodrick Initiated by the Theta Archer Hitchcock Brown 7cl' Member Princeton, Automobile of America, Bankers' of America and Saddle and Sirloin (Chicago) Clubs. Son of [Thomas] Archer [Huntington] Brown, Phi 72 and brother of Lowell Huntington Brown, Phi 06 Lambda 09. 2 Wall St.. New York, N. Y.; res. 56 Munn Ave., East Orange, N. J. Lowell Huntington Brown T j H' B. Litt, 1907 Princeton. Right Wing Soc'.; Ciee, Triangle and University Cottage Clubs. Gymnasium. Trustee Drew Theol. Sem. ; on Mayor's Preparedness and 4th of July Com- mittees. Member Am. Inst. Mining Engineers; Am. Iron and Steel Inst.; Princeton, Whitehall and Psi Upsilon Clubs. Son of [Thomas] Archer [Huntington] Brown, Phi 72 and brother of Archer Hitchcock Brown, Phi 06. See Lambda 09 Engineer. 17 Battery PI.; res. W. 231st St. and Palisade Ave., New York, N. Y. Roger George Caldwell Initiated by the Xi Alexander McClure Hanson F c i' (130 W\ 6th St., Los Angeles, Cal.) TtH' Roger Richardson Hill LL. B. 1906 Yale. Lambda Sigma. Track, Yale, winning "Y" in Yale-Harvard Dual Meet. Banker. Hotel Biltmore, New York, N. Y. Langdon Williams Kumler A t K" Recorder Lucas County, Ohio, 3 years. Mem- ber Toledo Club. Brother of John Franklin Kumler, Phi 04. Financier. Nicholas Bldg. ; res. 1919 Collinjwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Calvin Arthur Lohmiller QhO' Contractor. 404 Swetland Bldg.; res. 17 Farmington Rd., Cleveland, Oh'.o. Stuart Gaylord Morley ^(tC B. S. in M. E. 1906. Friars; Vulcans. Mem- ber East Saginaw and Saturn (Buffalo; Clubs. Manufacturer. P. O. Box 426; res. 331 Warren Ave., Saginaw, Mich. John Mehlhop Murray VhW Nephew of Frederick William Melilhop, Phi 88 ■ and Clarence Warren Mehlhop, Phi 99. 703 People's Gas Bldg.; res. 4537 Greenvicw Ave., Chicago, 111. Fred Stephenson Norcross, Jr. Z ^ 'jjl B. S. 1906; B. S. in E. M. 1908. Tau Beta Pi; Michigamma; Vulcans. Scholarship Mich. Coll. of Mines; Football (Capt., OS): Track. Member Greenwood, Spokane and Spok.ine University Clubs. Superintendent. B. C. Copper Co., Greenwood; res. Princeton, B. C., Can.tJa. Edward Cahill Peattie T p 11' Sec. Psi Upsilon Alumni Assn. of Canada and of Indianapolis. Sales Manager. Erskine Danforth Furniture Corporation, 2 W. 47th St., New York, N .Y.; res. Stamford, Conn. John Havens Penniman vfn^ LL. B. 1906. Friars. Manufacturer. 314 N. Park St.; res. 231 Stuart Ave, Kala- mazoo, Mich. Harold Sheldon Reynolds Sf O' Member Toledo, Toledo Country, Inverne.ss, Castalia Trout and Bankers' (New York) Clubs. Banker. First National Bank, 312-14 Summit St.; res. 2232 Parkwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. John Thomas Sample XdH' A. B. 1906; M. D. 1908; Nu Sigma Nu; Sigma Xi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Asst. in Medicine, Univ. of Mich., 08-09; Resident House Med. Officer, Johns Hopkins Hosp., 09-13; Asst. Med. Clinic, Vienna, 13-14; Visiting Staff St. Mary's Hosp.; Woman's Hosp.; Saginaw General Hosp.; Home of the Friendless and Old Peo- ple's Home. Member City, Canoe and Country Clubs. Physician. 309 Washington Ave.; res. 70S Thompson St., Saginaw, Mich. Kenyon Yale Taylor Xf c Friars. Member Greenfield Country Club. Assistant Sales Manager. Goodell Pratt Co.; res. 22 Union St., Green- field, Mass. Edgar Eugene Wheeler B 1 11' Member Psi Upsilon (New York), University and South Shore Country Clubs. Publisher. 910 S. Michigan Ave.; res. 4597 Oakenwald Ave., Chicago, III. Cecil Hayward Williams Initiated by the Iota 1907 Erwin Thornton Backus X d S" Manager. Ford Motor Co., 10 E. North Ave.; res. Esplan- ade Apts., Baltimore, Md, XbS' George Miller Carter B. S. in M. E. 1907. Member Old Colony, St. Bernard, Jackson City and University (Detroit) Clubs. Manufacturer.' 307 Carter Bldg.; res. 415 Jackson St., Jackson, Mich. k 556 PHI CHAPTER [1907-08 William Dennison Clark Y e X' Friars. Football, 04-05. Member University and Waverley Country Clubs. Son of Rufus Wheelwright Clark, Delta 65 and brother of Rufus Wheelwright Clark, Phi 00. Manufacturer. 812 Lewis Bldg.; res. 1069 Thurman St., Port- land, Oregon. Hervey Adolf Colvin F e X~ B. S. 1907. Friars. Member Saginaw Coun- try, Saginaw Canoe, East Saginaw and Psi Up- silon (New York, N. Y.) Clubs. Manufacturer. 400 Holden St.; res. 200 Sheridan Ave., Sagi- naw, Mich. Boies Chittenden Hart y h X" Banker. Basin, Wyo. Robert Huntington Jacobs* X t A' Son of Charles Huntington Jacobs, Phi 75, brother of Edward [Hubbard] Huntington Jacobs, Upsilon 05 and nephew of Albert Poole Jacobs, Phi 1Z, Edward King Hubbard, Phi 78 and Henry Guernsey Hubbard. Alpha li. Student. d. 1905 Rernhard Stroh, Jr. rbS' William McPherson, HI. VzX A. B. 1907. Friars. Member Detroit Univer- sity Club. Banker. 103 W. Grand River St.; res. 308 E. Lake St., Howell, Mich. John Collier Mechem TdA^ A. B. 1907; LL. B. 1910 Harvard. Member University and Indian Hill Clubs. Lawyer. Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago; res. 601 Ash St., Winnetka, 111. Lucian Selwyn Moore, Jr. xf r B. S. 1907. Brother of Stephen Pierson Moore, Phi 07. Real Estate. Holden Bldg.; res. 192 Van Dyke Ave., Detroit, Mich. Stephen Pierson Moore KZQ^ Brother of Lucian Selwyn Moore, Jr., Phi 07. Builder. 169 Van Dyke Ave., Detroit. Mich. Richard Hayward Morgan T §" ^~ M. D. 1908. Physician. 122 S. Michigan Blvd.; res. 328 S. Euclid Ave., Oak Park, 111. Duncan Haldane Pierce t'^'^ Friars; Michigamma. Football. Member Buffalo, Planters' and Wanakah Golf Clubs. Farmer. Derby. N. Y. Mason Pittman Rumney y c A' B. S. 1907. Football and Track. Member Crosse Pointe Yacht, Detroit Athletic. Detroit Boat, University. Country and Wolverine Auto Clubs. Department Manager. Detroit Steel Products Co., 2250 E. Grand Blvd., Detroit; res. 413 St. Claire Ave., Grosse Pointe, Mich. Friars. Member Board of Commerce. Member Detroit. University, Detroit Athletic. Country, Grosse Pointe Hunt and Automobile Country Clubs. Manufacturer. 22 Chene St.; res. Garden Court Apartment, Detroit, Mich. Roswell Murray Wendell F b A' A. B. 1908; LL. D. 1912 Detroit Coll. of Law. Michigamma; Friars. Baseball, Capt. Mem- ber University, Detroit Boat and Michigan Union Clubs. Manufacturer. Connors and Charlevoix Sts. ; res. 349 Parker Ave.. Detroit, Mich. Raynale Almeron Whitehead X £ ^' LL. B. 1907. Glee Club; Baseball; Football. Am. Tar Products Co.. 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago. 111.; res. Weissinger-Gaulbert Annex, Louisville, Ky. 1908 Edward Lowell Anderson F a 'X Nephew of Nicholas Longworth Anderson, Alpha 58. (2497 Mandin Rd. E., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio). Hiram Sedgwick Cody Xkp." A. B. 1908. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi; Michigamua; Cercle Francais; Michigan Union. News Editor Michigan Daily; Dir. Chicago Alumni Assn. Univ. of Mich.; Intercollegiate Assn. Member Chicago Daily News Free Lec- ture Staff. Member Hamilton, University, City, Intercollegiate, Psi Upsilon and Michigan Alumni Clubs. Mortgages. 105 S. LaSalle St., Chicago; res. 628 Isabella St., Wilmette, 111. F h 'X Edward Houston Harsha Rancher. Kennewick, Wash. Edward Henkel Xc'A B. S. 1909. Member Detroit Boat and Detroit Athletic Clubs. Real Estate. 1305 Dime Bank Bldg.; res. 169 Atkinson Ave., Detroit, Mich. Harry Hill A F° x' Michigamma; Owls; Friars; Sphinx. Pres. Athletic Assn.; Mgr. Track; Pres. Student Council. First Lieut. 1st Cavalry, N. G. 111.; Asst. Chief Probation Officer, Juvenile Court of Cook County. Probation Officer. 1007 County Bldg.; res. 4759 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111. Samuel Spelman Holmes Initiated by the Iota Arthur Sherwood Hopkins Initiated by the Zeta Charles Coe L'Hommedieu X c 'X Pipe and Bowl. Member University (Honolulu, Hawaii) Club. Superintendent. . . R. H. Mann, American Radiator Co., Detroit, Mich. 1908-lOJ PHI CHAPTER 557 Thomas Hutchinson W T° B' A. B. 1906. jMichigamma. IMcmbcr Seattle University and Gray's Harbor Country Clubs. Logging. Hoquiam, Wash. Henry Westerman McKisson T S '-^ (2157 Glenwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio) George Allen Neeves, Jr. Initiated by the Gamma Roy Edward Pingree X H '[x Pipe and Bowl; Friars. Member University, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Boat and Players' Clubs. Manufacturer. 32 Fort St. E.; res. 58 Eliot St., Detroit, Mich. Harold Hutchison Shearer y p 'X B. S. 1908. Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Pi. Member Psi Upsilon Club of New York, Squadron "A" and Army and Navy Clubs. Brother of James Shearer, 2d, Phi 08 and Alfred Marston Shearer. Phi 18. Electrical Engineer. 81 Willoughbv Ave.. Brooklyn; res. 49 E. 10th St.. New York, N. Y. James Shearer, 2d. X t 'A B. S. 1908. Tau Beta Pi. Brother of Harold Hutchinson Shearer, Phi 08 and Alfred Marston Shearer, Phi 18. Sales Department Industrial Works, 135 Wash- ington Ave.; res. 818 Farragut St., Bay City, Mich. [Chevalier] Bayard Staples W R p' Lumberman. Wycliffe, British Columbia, Canada. 1909 Leslie Eugene Allington Xc\)/ Triangle; Friars; Pipe and Bowl. Member Detroit Athletic, East Saginaw and University (Chicago) Clubs. Brother of Courtenay Derby Allington, Phi 06. Salesman. 618 Penobscot Bldg. ; res. 490 Field Ave., Detroit. Mich. Henry Irwin Armstrong, Jr. Fey'' A. B. 1909; LL. B. 1912 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Member University and Detroit Boat Clubs. Brother of Aikman Armstrong, Phi 01, grandson of William Aikman, Delta 46 and nephew of William Aikman, Jr., Delta 72. Lawyer. 1101 Ford Bldg.; res. 197 Parker Ave., Detroit, Mich. Henry Francis Chaney T^\l' A. B. 1909. Member Detroit Racquet and Curling, Grosse Pointe Riding and Hunt and Grosse Pointe Farms Country Clubs. Lumberman. 820 Penobscot Bldg.; res. 205 Van Dyke Ave., Detroit, Mich. BtoY^ A. B. 1909. Pipe and Bowl; Sphinx; Friars and Michigamma. Member University Club of Chicago and Evanston Country Club. Banker. Harris Trust & Savings Bank, 111 W. Monroe St., Chicago; res. 1011 Grove St., Evanston, 111. Donald Crandon Miller James Webber Peter* George Douglas Sinclair X a'l* d. 1912 TgV See Omega 10 Manufacturer. 904 Grand Rapids Savings Bank Bldg.; res. 212 Sheldon Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Sidney Ruggles Small PbV B. S. in C. E. 1909, Michigamma; Vulcans; Friars. Member Detroit Athletic, Players', University of Michigan and Country Clubs. Broker. 2256 Penobscot Bldg.; res. 474 Iroquois Ave., Detroit, Mich. James Clements Wheat Xf[x' B. S. 1909; M. S. 1910. Mechanical Engineer. Industrial Works; res. 1421 6th St., Bay City, Mich. 1910 George Albert Beecher y.tX' Pipe and Bowl. Member Board of Commerce; Detroit Athletic, Detroit Boat, Detroit Country and University of Michigan Clubs. Real Estate. 171 Griswold St.; res. 30 Palmer Ave. W., Detroit, Mich. Howard Huntington Bold Initiated by the Theta Maurice Kivel Initiated by the Zeta Leland Kendrick Neeves Initiated by the Gamma John Neil Patterson Bet];'' Track. Member Los Angeles Athletic, Rotary and LTniversity (Detroit) Clubs. Manufacturer. Los Angeles Trailer Co., 1328 Palmetto St., Los Angeles; res. 1095 New York Ave., Pasa- dena, Cal. Bh^' Philip John Savage Sales Engineer. Detroit Edison Co., 18 Washington Blvd.; res. 134 Virginia Park, Detroit, Mich. Ralph Sparling ogr Member Detroit Boat and Town Clubs. Sales Manager. Detroit Truck Co., 538 Dime Bank Bldg.; res. 889 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich. BtY" Elmore Lowell Staples Member Detroit University Club. Manufacturer. Otis Staples Lumber Co. Ltd., Wycliffe, B. C, Canada. Bartlett Christopher Tully F d B' Manufacturer. (.\nderson-TulIy Co.; res. 570 S. Belvedere Blvd., Memphis, Tenn.) William Russell Wells W 1 p' Member Bay City Boat Club. Purchasing Dept. of Industrial Works, 135 558 PHI CHAPTER [1910-12 Washington Ave.; res. 2229 Center Ave., Bay City, Mich. 1911 Charles Goodman Chapman F t X^ Member Detroit, University, Detroit Athletic, University of Michigan and The Country (Grosse Pointe, Mich.) Clubs; Board of Com- merce. Manufacturer. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Second and Burroughs Ayes.; res. 1707 Jefferson Ave., De- troit, Mich. Raymond Kryn Dykema X f F' LL. B. 1911. Barristers'; Comedy Club. Mem- ber The Country Club. Lawyer. 2104 Dime Savings Bank Bldg.; res. 931 Jeffer- son Ave., Detroit, Mich. Finis Plumley Ernest, Jr. Initiated by the Gamma Edward Rudolph Finkenstaedt F b X' A. B. 1911. Manufacturer. Perfection Spring Co.; res. 3922 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Harry Seymour Finkenstaedt K h A' Triangle; Friars. Member University and Country Clubs. Manufacturer. Carbon Steel Co., 1852 Penobscot Bldg.; res. 931 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. Lewis Livino^ston Frost XdX' Member Toledo Country, Commerce and Ten- nis Clubs. Insurance. 209 Nicholas Bldg.; res. 628 Stratford PI., Toledo, Ohio. Henry Stevens Horton Initiated by the Zeta Robert Arnold Piatt ^9T^ B. Litt. 1911. Merchant. R. H. IngersoU & Brothers, 314 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. Buenos Aires, Argen- tina. Chester Otis Staples F g F-^ Manufacturer. Wycliffe, B. C, Canada. 1912 Fred Leefred Beecher X ™ ?' Member Detroit Athletic Club. Broker. 30 W. Palmer Ave., Detroit, Mich. Thomas Ashford Bogle, Jr. y h S"" A. B. 1912. Sphinx. Football (2), (3); Track (2), (3), (4). Salesman. United Fuel & Supply Co., Free Press Bldg.; res. 939 Brush St., Detroit, Mich. ^yE" Collis Ormsby Campbell B tc E' Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Louisville Boat Club. Merchant. 1114 W. Green St.; res. 1354 S. 3d St., Louis- ville, Ky. George Wight Cooke Friars; Triangle. Merchant. Jennison Hardware Co.; res. 131 Carroll Rd., Bay City, Mich. Stephen Holman Heywood X w ' Manufacturer. Eldred Mill Co.; res. 1003 W. Main St., Jack- son, Mich. George Magoffin Humphrey F g A' LL. B. 1912. Theta Nu Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi; Friars; Toastmasters; Woolsack Barris- ters; Order of Coif. Laiv Review. Member East Saginaw, Saginaw Canoe, and Country Clubs. Lawyer. 609 Eddy Bldg.; res. 621 Holland Ave., Sagi- naw, Mich. FgA' Victor Hugo Lane, Jr. Phi Delta Phi. Salesman. Cadillac Motor Car Co., 1403 Woodward Ave.; res. 140 Hendrie Ave., Detroit, Mich. Lawrence Aubauch Larsen QgA^ Baseball. See Rho 12 Merchant. River St.; res. 415 Maple St., Manistee, Mich. Carlton Arnold Lewis X^f Salesman. G. H. Mead Co., City National Bank Bldg.; res. 529 Grand Ave, Dayton, Ohio. Robert William McKisson FbA' A. B. 1912. See Epsilon 12 Salesman. 332 S. Michigan Ave.; res. 4224 N. Paulina St., Chicago, 111. James Angell McLaughlin X j 0)' A. B. 1912; LL. B. 1916 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Lawyer. 5 N. LaSalle St.; res. 5609 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. Frederick Robert W. Ross X d '' (610 Madison Ave., Elizabeth, N. J.) Henry Woodruff Scott X ^ ?' Member Vesper Club of Lowell, Mass. Salesman. Oakley Chemical Co., 22 Thames St.; res. 605 W. 137th St., New York, N. Y. Stowell Cortland Stebbins Glee Club. Brother of Francis B. Stebbins, Phi 17. Manufacturer. Lansing Co., 603 N. Cedar St.; res. 115 N. Wal- nut St., Lansing, Mich. Edwin Ralph Stroh F r A"^ ISIember Country, Grosse Pointe Farms and Detroit Clubs. TtS' 1912-15] PHI CHAPTER 559 Manufacturer. 22 Chene St.; res. Garden Court Apts., Jeffer- son Ave., Detroit, Mich. Robert Monroe Williams Y c S' A. B. 1912. Real Estate. Southern Trust Co.; res. 2600 Broadway, Little Rock, Ark. 1913 Clare Lehman Bracket! . B 9 i'' Appcrson Brothers Auto Co.; res. 113 N. Mc- Cann St., Kokomo, Ind. George Peck Caulkins ^ h u' A. B. 1913. Member Detroit Country and Athletic Clubs. Manager. H. J. Caulkins Co., J. Henry Smith Bldg.; res. 188 Parker Ave., Detroit, Mich. Benjamin Franklin Gilkeson "^ r Y"" Member Detroit Country Club. 931 Jefferson Ave. E., Detroit, Mich. Robert Morris Gillett* Student. Walter Cheney Hill d. 1912 BcT' A. B. 1913. Druids; Sphinx. Pres. Saginaw Countv Humane Soc; Vice-Pres. Associated Charities of Saginaw; Sec. Saginaw Rotary Club. Member East Saginaw, Saginaw Country, Saginaw Canoe and Saginaw Rotary Clubs. Timber and Mineral Lands. 504 Bearinger Bldg.; res. 523 S. Jefferson Ave., Saginaw, Mich. William Bloom Hutchinson B c E' Friars. Logging. Hoquiam, Wash. Edward Tuthill Lazear Initiated by the Omega Robert Reynolds McMath ^tu' B. S. in C. E. 1913. Tau Beta Pi. Member Country, Detroit Boat, Detroit Athletic and Indian Village Clubs. Civil Engineer. St. Lawrence Bridge Co., Quebec, P. Q., Canada; res. 215 Iroquois Ave., Detroit. Mich. Leon Jenkins Paddock ^dE' B. of Ch. E. 1913. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Friars; Alchemists; Triangles. Manufacturer. Am. Steel Foundries, McCormick Bldg., Chi- cago, HI.; res. 2213 Glenwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Gari Melchers Stroh •^^fT-^ Member Detroit Athletic and Country Clubs. Manufacturer. 253 E. Elizabeth St.; res. 1676 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. 1914 ^cZ' James Ewing Bond A. B. 1914. Michigamua; Griffins; Sphinx; Commerce Club. Track. Member Fort Wayne Country Club. (|^nC Advertising. 404-5 People's Trust Bldg.; res. 2439 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne. Ind. Harold 'Bagley Carpenter Salesman. 332 S. Michigan Blvd.; res. 5535 Blackstone Ave., Chicago, 111. Leonard Guy Major Q c Z^ (2237 Glenwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio). Walker James Myers "»F d T" A. B. 1914. Henry Holt & Co., 34 W. 33d st.; res. 605 W. 137th St.. New York, N. Y. Robert Emmett O'Dwyer B b T' Accountant. Hayes Wheel Co., Horton and Chapin Sts.; res. 124 Wildwood Ave., Jackson, Mich. W T: T,' A. B. 1914; B. Litt. 191S Columbia. Sphinx; Druids; Sigma Delta Chi; Quadrangle; Deutscher Verein; Cercle Francais. Football. Journalist. 1416 Hill St,. Ann Arbor, Mich, Reuben Peterson, Jr, Samuel Spencer Scott ^fZ" Ph. C. 1914. Michigamua; Alcheinists; Com- merce, Comedv and Glee Clubs. Football; Vice- Pres. Michigan Union; Student Council. Author "A Golden Opportunity;" "The Answer;" "The Spur." Member Psi Upsi'.on and Michigan Clubs. Publisher. Henrv Holt Co., 34 W. 33d St., New York, N, Y.; res. 10 W. North Ave.. Cranford, N. J. K'enneth Curtis Welch PmC B. S. in Arch. 1915 Univ. of Pa. and M. S. in Arch. 1916. Sigma Xi. See Tau 15 Architect. Fernhollow Farm, Spring Lake, Mich. Renville Wheat Yhx' A. B. 1914; T. D. 1916. Phi Beta Kappa; Order of the Coif. Board of Editors Michigan Law Review. Lawyer. 2130 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit; res. 825 Ta-oan Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. KdS'' John Biddle Williams Son of Gershom Mott Williams, Chi 79 and brother of Thomas Victor Williams, Phi 03 Cecil Hayward Williams, Iota 06, Phi 06 and David Ogden Williams, Iota 07. Real Estate. 929 Ford Bldg.; res. 55 Peterboro St.. Detroit, Mich. 1915 Harold John Allington BbH' Treas. Michigan Alumni Assn. of Saginaw, Mich. Member Saginaw Country and Saginaw Canoe Clubs. Insurance. 301 Wiechman Bldg.; res. 616 S. Weadock Ave., Saginaw, Mich. Henry Charles Bogle BgT Lawyer. 900 Union Trust Bldg.; res. 80 Alfred St., Detroit, Mich. 560 PHI CHAPTER [1915-17 John Starkweather Deubel B C I' A. B. 1915 Michigan Union. Member Golf and Country Clubs. Contractor. 126 Jefferson Ave.. Detroit; res. 211 Washing- ton St., Ypsilanti, Mich. Erwin Benjamin Dixn BbY)' Manufacturer. Lewis Home Furnishing Co.; res. 700 N. John- son St., Bay City, Mich. Eugene Gould Fauntleroy pCY]' B. S. 1915. Geneva, 111. George Sutton Johnston "*F d S' A. B. 1915. Phinx; Druids. Track, 11-12. Medical Student. 347 I^Iadison Ave.. Grand Rapids, Mich. Francis Ralph Khuen f^ity A. B. 1915. Druids. Salesman. Detroit Trust Co.; res. 80 Alfred St., Detroit, Mich. BgH' Henry Knowlton Lane 715 Forest Ave.. Ann Arbor, Mich. Claude Joseph Tully ^hY]' Manufacturer. (570 S. Belvedere Blvd., Memphis, Tenn.) Charles D. VanWinkle W j S' (Howell, Mich.) Harold Edmonston Wheeler (^ m a' B. of Ch. E. 1915. Tau Beta Phi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Alchemists. Member South Shore Country Club. Chemical Engineer. 440 S. Dearborn St.; res. 4597 Oakenwald Ave., Chicago, 111. 1916 James Madison Barrett, Jr. Bc'@ A. B. 1916. Son of James Madison Barrett, Phi 75 and brother of Walter Aldrich Barrett, Phi 04. Student. 2325 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. George Brockway Bliss MO' Member East Saginaw Club. Assistant Superintendent. Consolidated Coal Co., Eddy Bldg. ; res. 1I"1 N. Michigan Ave., Saginaw, Mich. Horace James Caulkins ^ f P"" (188 Parker Ave., Detroit. Mich.) John Wilbur Finkenstaedt '^ g'p A. B. 1916. Michigamua. Assistant Purchasing .\gent. Chevrolet Motor Co., 901 Fifth Ave., Bay City, Mich. William Donald Hardee Salesman. 2275 Ashland Ave.. Toledo. Ohio. BhP' Isaac Kinsey, Jr. A. B. 1916. Willys-Overland Co.; res. 365 Winthrop St., Toledo, Ohio. Malcolm Shaw McLean Initiated by the Psi George Porter McMahon W m '@ Student. 270 Putnam Ave., Detroit, Mich. Christian [Norville] Mack ^r'P A. B. 1916. Tennis. Merchant. 216 Main St.; res. 730 Hill St.. Ann Arbor, Mich. Boyd Thomas Park W t G' A. B. 1916. Member University Club. Manufacturer. 166 Main St.; res. R. R. No. 3, Box 131 (Mur- ray), Salt Lake City, Utah. Wilson Manly Shafer Initiated by the Upsilon Carman Bigelow Smith Track. See Rho 16 Student. 2018 Center Ave., Bay City. Mich. Jay Elwood Smith Initiated by the Upsilon Paul Frye Thompson LL. B. 1916. Lawver. 438-41 Shearer Bldg.; res. 504 W. Midland St.. Bay City. Mich. il^yO"^ ^pe' Henry Rex Waddell M'9 ■es. 702 Bqp^ Lewis Spring & Axle Co., Chelsea; res. 702 University Ave. S., Ann Arbor, Mich. Oden Stuart Williams (1722 Broadway, Little Rock. Ark.) Burrell Wright Initiated by the Zeta 1917 Robert Stanley Beach ^ t c^ Student. 902 S. Jefferson Ave., Saginaw, Mich. Charles Alexander Coryell ^ r TI Sales Agent. Robert Gage Coal Co., 430 Shearer Bldg.; res. 1400 Center Ave., Bay City, Mich. Donald Arthur Finkbeiner ^ d t' Perrysburg, Ohio. Raymond Joseph Heagany t|; q tc' Member Saginaw Canoe, Michigan Union, Elks and East Saginaw Clubs. Sales Manager. Hubbell Auto Sales Co., Genesee and Water Sts.; res. 130 Owen St., Saginaw, Mich. Arthur Hurd Lee Initiated by the Gamma Donald Edwin McKisson B m P Superintendent. Toledo Steel Tube Co., 2105 Smead Ave.; res. 2157 Glenwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. 1917-20] Ralph Kirby Richardson PHI CHAPTER ^j'' Theta Pi Sigma. Member Irondequoit Canoe ("lub. See Upsilon 17 Student. 372 S. Goodman St., Rochester, N. Y. Arthur August Schupp WhW Student. 606 S. Jefferson Ave., Saginaw, Mich. Francis Burgoyne Stebbins <]' g i^'' Brother of Stowell Stebbins, Phi 12. Manager Cost Department. Lansing Co., 603 N. Cedar St., Lansing, Mich. John Weaker Symons B f 'I Salesman. Symons Brothers & Co., 500 S. Washington Ave.; res. 716 S. Weadock Ave., Saginaw, Mich. 1918 Carlton Morey Baumgardner O b V Salesman. Jefferson and St. Clair Sts.; res. 2015 Parkwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Howard Peckham Nicholson W G ^^ Student. (Syracuse, N. Y.) Alfred Marston Shearer O t V Brother of Harold Hutchison Shearer and James Shearer 2d. Phi 08. 818 N. Farragut St., Bay City, Mich. Melbourne Fischer Smallpage K s ^' Member Committee of Michigan Union. Student. 502 W. Broadway, Eagle Grove, Iowa. Cedric Crawford Smith ^ § ""A Student. (Bay City, Mich.). Frederick John Thieme, Jr. K r A"" Student. 2445 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne, ] William Lovell Underwood Kfr Student. Highland Park, 111. BX-^E Mich. George Philip Weadock Student. 102 Ferry Ave. E., Detroit, Frank Alexander Willard K m E' Freshman Football. Son of Francis George Willard, Iota 82. Student. 1014 Topeka Ave., Topeka, Kans. Philip Johnson Wilson, Jr. © b A' Student. 693 John R St., Detroit, Mich. 1919 Elmer !\Iilton Barber, Jr. K b M' 561 y. c n' E (J (0 Henry Lewis Caulkins Student. 188 :farker Ave., Detroit, Mich. William Cotter, Jr. Student. 4421 Westminster PI., St. Louis, Mo. Sherman Joseph Fitz Simons, Jr. OdN'^ Student. 99 Blaine Ave., Detroit, Mich. John Mead Kerr A^Q" ScN' ogv' Hba"^ KfpL'' KhM'' Student. 108 W. Robinson Ave., San Diego, Cal. Student. 703 N. Farragut Ave., Bay City, Mich, Richard Hopkins Khuen Student. 311 S. Porter St., Saginaw, Mich. Rufus Hay ward Knight Student. 17 Willis Ave. E., Detroit, Mich. John Donald Mabley Student. 35 Chicago Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Thomas Pope Mehlhop Student. 4565 Lake Park Ave., Chicago, 111. Jackson Wyman Smart Student. 930 E. 45th St.. Chicago, 111. 1920 Frank Ward Culver A b A Student. 33 Clairmount Ave., Detroit, Mich. Henry William Hitchcock X c a Student. Cliff Court, Lajolla, Cal. John Reno Ives ^ f M. D. 1874 Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Charter Member: Principal Union School, Lodi, 68-69; Coroner Schuyler County, 75-81; Pres. Havana Board of Education, 8,?-86; Common Council of Havana. 84-86; State Senator, 94-9.S; State Board of Health, 95-01; Med. Expert State Dept. of Health, 01-07. Surgeon. Swan and Chestnut Sts., .Mbany. N. Y. 1875 Milton Dana Buck 2YH. A. B. 1875; .\. M. 1878; D. D. 1901. Upsilon Kappa. Junior Orator. 74; Coll. Presenter, 75. Charter Member; Prof, of Mathematics, Napa Coll., Napa City, Cal., 75-77; Pastor Fairfield, 77-78; Sutter Creek. 78-79; St. Helena, 79-81; Santa Clara, 81-83; Crass Valley. 83-86; Gilroy, 86-87. Clerk. Mare Island Navy Yard, 620 Marin St., Val- lejo; res. 2425 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, Cal. Chester Ad^ate Cono^don* S$S A. B. 1875. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor-in-Chief University Herald; Pres. Uni- z-ersity Herald Assn. and Commodore of the University Navy, 74-75. Charter Member; Asst. U. S. Atty., Dist. of Minn., 81-86; Jklember Minn. Legislature, 09-12; Republican National Committee, 16; Trustee Syracuse Univ. Member Kitchi Gamma, Minnesota (St. Paul). Minne- apolis (Minneapolis), University (Chicago), Du- quesne (Pittsburgh) and Bankers of America (New York) Clubs. Brother of Albert Sylves- ter Congdon, Pi 79. Lawyer (retired). d. 1916 James Morgan Gilbert X ; S 2" A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. Theta Nu Epsi'.on. Dir. University Herald, 71-75; Baseball, Capt., 73-75. Charter Member, Member Executive Council of Psi Upsilon, 82-83; Postmaster Syra- cuse, 84-88; Corresponding Sec. Alumni Assn. of Syracuse LTniv., 76-82; Sec. and Treas., 84-85; Pres., 85-86; Member State Board of Mediation and Arbitration of New York; Deputy Ins. Supt. Member Century, University. Citizens'. Onon- daga, Golf, Country and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Banker. 330 Warren .St.; res. 737 Comstock .Ave., Syracuse. N. Y. Elias Sillick Osbon XT° X A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878; D. D. 1882 Upper Iowa Univ. Pastor Hillside and Riverside, N. Y., 63-64; Milton, 64-66; Goshen, 66-67; Ellenville, 67-70; Peekskill, 70-72; Green St. Church. New York City, 72-75; Presiding Elder Ellenville Dist.. 75-77: Pastor Bedford St. Church. New York City. 77-79; Middletown, 79-82; St. Tames" Church, Kingston, 82-85: Cannon St. Church. Poughkeepsie, 85; Vice-Pres. Alumni Assn. of Syracuse Univ., 82-83; Pastor West Harlem Church, New York since 87. Author "Memoir of Rev. W. P. Abbott, D. D." Clergyman. Hiram Lorenzo Peet AHA De bPri Au am (20) .\. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. Principal High .School, Winona, Minn., 69-71; 1st .\sst. in the Academic Dept.. VVashington Univ., .St. I,ouis, Mo., 71-75; Principal High Scliool, Dubuque. Iowa. 77-85. Author Lectures "Duties of Officers, Patrons and Teachers of Public Schools;" "Pestalozzi and his Principles of Teaching;" "The Un- written Curriculum of Public School Study." Educator. William' Henrv Shuart srs" .■\. B. 1875. Publisher University Herald, 72-73; Editor, 73-75. Pres. Glazed and Fancy Paper Mfrs. Assn.; Springfield Rotary Club; Vice- Pres. Springfield Board of Trade; Federation for Charity and Philanthropy. Member Con- necticut Valley Historical and Rochester (N. Y.) Historical Socs.; Soc. Colonial Wars in the State of N. Y.; Colony, Country and Rotary Clubs. Manufacturer. Springfield Glazed Paper Co.: res. 59 Maple St., Springfield, Mass. Nathaniel Milliman Wheeler* 2 2 2 A. B. 1875; A. M. 1880; Ph. D. 1883. Editor- in-Chief University Herald, 74. Charter Mem- ber; Poet Convention, 82; Instr. in Greek and Latin, Syracuse Classical School, 75- 77; Principal High School, Chippewa Falls, Wis., 77-7%; Wesleyan Sem.. Eau Claire, 78-79; Prof, of Greek Language and Literature. Lawrence Univ., Appleton, 79-85; Greek and History, Univ. of Southern Cal., 85-86; Vice- Pres. Alumni Assn. of Syracuse Univ., 77-78. Author Psi Upsilon Songs "Recollections;" "The Parting Song." Member Am. Historical Assn. and the Historical Soc. of Southern Cal. Educator. d. 1886 1876 George Francis Hine H A° 9 LL. B. 1877 Albany Law School. Publisher University Herald, 72-73; Editor, 73-74. Lawyer. Albert Barrows Randall 2Q°$ A. B. 1876; M. D. 1879 New York Univ. Mem- ber N. Y. State Med., Onondaga Med. and Onondaga County Socs. Physician and Surgeon. 312 First St.. Liverpool, N. Y. 1877 Charles Newell Cobb 2 7c 2 A B. 1877; A. M. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa. Pub- lisher University Herald, 76-77 \ Pres. Gen- eral Coll. Assn., 76-77; Member Executive Committee Inter-Collegiate Literary Assn.; Baseball. Principal Lisle (N. Y.) Acad.. 79-80; Massena Union School, 80-81; Prof, of Natural Science and Higher Mathematics, Greenwich .\cad.. East Greenwich, R. I., 81-82; Principal Palatine BriJge (N. Y.) LTnion School, 82-87; Supt. Waterford Schools. 88; Science Teacher State Normal School, Oneonta, 93; Examiner, Univ. State of N. Y., 89-93; Inspr., 94-04: State Education Dept., 04; Vice-Pres. Alum- ni Assn., Syracuse Univ., 86-87; Treas. N. Y. State Teachers' Assn.: Treas. and Pres. Hudson River Schoolmasters' Assn.; Pres. Trus- tees and Treas. Trinity M. E. Church; Pres. Pine Hill Assn.; Member Executive Committee N. Y. State Science Teachers' .\ssn.; Pres. Science Section, National Education Assn.; Inspr. for N. Y. State Military Training Assn. Member National Education, N. Y. State Teachers' and N. Y. State Science Teachers* Assns. ; Hudson River Schoolmasters' and Aur- ania Clubs. Educator. Education Bldg.; res. 26 N. Pine Ave., Albany. N. Y. 580 PI CHAPTER [1877-79 Alfred Sidney Durston H TT Y] Sophomore Declamation, 75. Pastor Congre- Kational Church, Berlin, Mass., 77-79: M. E. Church, Borodino, N. Y., 79-80; Brown Me- morial Church. Syracuse. 80-83; General Sec. Y. M. C. A., Syracuse, 83; Pastor First Con- gregational Church. Clergyman. 16 N. Wendall Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Fred Carlton Esmond SyjO" A. B. 1877; A. M. 1880. Freshman Declamation, 73; Editor University Herald, 75-76; Vice Pres. Athletic Assn., 76-77; Football, Capt-, 76. Principal Preparatory Dept., Pa. State Coll.. 77- 79. Merchant. Alfred Coles Haven Initiated by the Delta Charles Demarest Holden* H A S ■ Ph. B. 1877. Junior Orator, 76. Brother of Willis Augustine Holden, Pi 80. Merchant. d. 1883 James Sterling Manning <]; $° 5 Vice-Pres. Athletic Assn., 75. Merchant. Charles Melville Moss H ^|; S^ A. B. 1877; A. M. 1879; Ph. D. 1883. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor University Herald, 75-76; Editor-in-Chief. 76-77; Junior Orator, 76; Adjunct Prof, of Latin and Greek, Victoria Coll., 77-78; Prof, of Greek, 111. Wesleyan Univ., 78-91; Greek Language and Literature, Univ. of III. since 01. Educator. University of Illinois; res. 806 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana, 111. Elwyn David Plaisted ST TT Ph. B. 1877. Prof, of Modern Languages "L'Association Internationale des Profes- seurs," Paris, France, 76-77. Merchant. Joseph Ward Taylor S5S'" Ph. B. 1877. Editor University Herald. 76-77; Field Day Master of Ceremonies, 77; Com- mencement Orator. Principal Union School, Webster, N. Y., 77-78; Asst. Dist. Atty., Monroe County, N. Y., 80-84; Dist. Atty., 84-86. Mem- ber Genesee Valley and Rochester Country Clubs. Lawyer. 19 Main St. W. ; res. 366 Oxford St.. Rochester. N. Y. 1878 TsS" Shirley Edgar Brown Ph. B. 1878. Pres. University Herald Assn., 77-78. Lawyer. 140 Main St.; res. 80 Seneca St., Hornell, N. Y Charles Sumner Dolley At}*S" M. D. Univ. of Pa. Representative. Univ. of Pa., Naples, Italy, 85; Instr. in Biology, Univ. of Pa., 85; Asst. Prof, of Natural History; Lecturer Physiology and Hygiene, Swarthmorc Coll., 85-86; Prof, of Biology. Univ. of Pa.. 86- 88; Corresponding Sec.. Rochester Soc. of Natural Science, 79-88. Author "A Manual of Invertebrate Zoology;" "Technology of Bacteria Investigations." Member Monroe County (N. Y.) Med. and Rochester Pathological Socs.i Philadelphia Acad, of Natural Science. Educator. (918 Farragut Terrace, Philadelphia, Pa.) Rhoderick Peregrine Hollett S m H" A. B. 1878; A. M. 1881. Sophomore Decla- mation (1); Editor University Herald (2), (3); Commencement Orator. Principal Monrovia .Sem., Monrovia, Liberia, Africa, 80-81. Mem- ber LTnion League and Evanston University Clubs. Brother of Edward Lee Hollett, Pi 92. Lawyer. 1401 Otis Bldg., Chicago, 111. Curtis Elliott Mogg S d T," A. B. 1878: A. M. 1880; Ph. D. 1881; D. D. 1896. Pres. Athletic Assn.; Junior Exhibition and Commencement Orator. Editor-in-Chief University Herald. Pastor Fair Haven, N. Y., 78-81; Van Ettenville, 81-82; Liverpool, 82-83; Jordan, 83-85; Oneida. 85 — ; Wilkes-Barre., 95 — ; Chaplain 9th Regiment N. G. Pa.; Pres. Soc. Reforms and Corrections and Official Court Visitor to Reformatories of State. Clergyman (retired). Fort Collins. Colo. John Edgar Mowatt Hb Teacher, Amber, 78-79; Vergennes, Mich., 79- 80; Fruitport. 80; FaHasburgh, 80-81; Lowell, 81-82. Clergyman. 1879 Maltbie Davenport Babcock* V d H" A. B. 1879: D. D. 1895; B. D. 1882 .Unburn Theol. Sem. Editor The Syracusaean. 77-78; Treas. University Herald Board and Chief Pub- lisher, 78-79. Sophomoee Declamation, 77; Capt. Univ. Nine, 78-79; Tree Orator, 79. Pastor Lockport, N. Y., 82-87; Brown Memorial Church, Baltimore, Md., 87; Brick Presbyterian Church, New York, N. Y. Clergyman. d. 1901 William Clarke Bennett* y c S A. B. 1879; A. M. 1882. Editor U7tivrrsity Herald, 77; The Syracusaean, 78-79; Pres. Coll. Assn., 78-79; Sophomore Declamation, 77. Teacher in Greek and Latin, Acad., Norwich, N. Y., 79-80. Son of Charles Wesley Bennett, Xi SO and brother of Charles Stevens Bennett, Pi 88 Lawyer. d. 1893 Albert Sylvester Congdon X z y; A. B. 1879; A. M. 1883. Theta Nu Epsilon. Pipe Orator (4). Brother of Chester Adgate Congdon, Pi 75. Fruit Grower. 207 Twelfth Ave., S., North Yakima, Wash. aaO" Robert Johnson Mix Ph. B. 1879. Sec. General Coll. Assn., 77-78: Editor University Herald, 78-79. Senior War- den Episcopal Church. Member Cranford and Baltusrol Golf Clubs. Branch Manager. Prudential Ins. Co. of America, 217 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. 30 Springfield Ave., Cranford, N. J. Bvron Nye Shoecraft A. B. 1879. Publisher University Herald, 77-78: Editor-in-Chief The Syracusaean, 78-79; 1879-82] PI CHAPTER 581 Tames William Wilson''^ County Trcas., 87-91. Mining. 3040 College Ave., Berkeley, Gal. John Francis Tallman X s S A B 1879; A. M. 1882. Theta Nu Epsilon. Baseball (1), (2), (3). Insurance. 166 Montague St.; res. 1448 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. X m T. A. B. 1879; A. M. 1882. Treas. Athletic Assn., 78-79. Asst. Principal High School, Geneva, N. Y., 79-80; Lecturer on Med. Jurisprudence, Univ. of Syracuse, 96-98. Educator. d. 1898 1880 Willis Augustine Holden* Y k j B. S. 1880. Theta Nu Epsilon. Sec. General Coll. Assn., 76-77; Editor The Syracusaean, 77- 78; University Heraid. 78-79. Member Citizens', Century and Onondaga Golf and Country Clubs. Brother of Charles Demarest Holden, Pi 77. Merchant. d. 1916 David Howard Hotchkiss* (0 V 0. r C. E. 1880. Sec. University Herald Assn. and Editor University Herald, 78-79; Vice-Pres. The Syracusacn Board, 78-79; Editor and Publisher, 79; Pres. Athletic Assn., 79-80. Manufacturer. d. 1885 Charles Carroll Smith F b H Journalist. 1881 Casper Gilbert Decker F e I Trustee Arnot Art Gallery; Dir. Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hosp. Member Psi Upsilon Assn. of Elmira. Manufacturer. Elmira Heights; res. 507 W. Water St., El- mira, N. Y. Montgomery Moore Goodwin X a t^ A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884; B. D. 1884 Episcopal Theoi. School, Cambridge. Theta Delta Nu Orator; Sophomore Declamation, 79; Baseball 79-80; Football (Capt.), 80. Rector Emmanuel Church, Norwich, N. Y., 83-88; St. John's Church, Decatur, 111., 88-93; St. Luke's Church Ypsilanti, Mich., 93-95; Chaplain U. S. Navy 95-00; Field Sec. Mass. Anti-Saloon League. Clergyman. 344 Tremont Bldg. ; res. 91 Pinckney St., Bos ton, Mass. Theodore Woodruff Haven Y o A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884; S. T. B. 1884 Boston Univ. and Ph. D. 1885. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor The Syracusaean, 79- 80. Pastor M. E. Church, Muscotal, Kan., 84- 8S;Topeka, 85; Congregational Church, Bur- lington, 85-86; Cliftondale, Mass., 86; Con- gregational Church. Battle Creek, Mich., Sb- 88;' Hope, N. Dak., 91-92; Unity Church, ^5..- leni, Oregon. 93; M. E. Church, E.spy, Pa., — 98; ■ Trevorton, Pa., 98—. Author "Natural Religion." Brother of Otis Erastus Haven, Phi 70 and Alfred Coles Haven, Delta // Pi 77. Clergyman. Prospect St., Falls Village, Conn. Alfred Ames Howlett^* y m 84; May Port, Fla., 84-85; Pres. Onondaga County Sportsman's Club, 86. Capitalist. d. 1904 Fmt Boyd M'cDowell Ph. B. 1881. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor The Syracusaean, 80; The Syracusan, 78-80; Chief Publisher, 80-81; Vice-Pres. General Coll. Assn., 79-80; Sophomore Declamation, 79; Commence- ment Orator. Clerk Board of Police, City of Elmira, 86 — ; Corporation Counsel, Elmira since 14. Member Psi Upsilon Assn. of Elmira. Father of Robert Pitkin McDowell, Pi 13. Lawyer. Realty Bldg.; res. 408 W. Water St., Elmira, N. Y. X nx" David Eugene Smith Ph. B. 1881; Ph. M. 1883; Ph. D. 1887; LL. D. 1905; Pd. M. 1897 Mich. State Normal Coll. I'hi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Sopho- more Declamation, 79; Pipe Orator, 80-81; Editor-in-Chief The Syracusaean, 80; The Syra- cusan, 79-80; v..ommencement Orator. Teacher in Mathematics, State Normal School, Cortland, 84-91; Prof, of Mathematics, Mich. State Nor- mal Coll., 91-98; Principal N. Y. State Normal School, Brockport, 98-01; Prof, of Mathematics, Teachers' Coll. (Columbia) since 01; Lecturer Harvard Univ. Summer School, 00-03; Fellow Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science; Member Deutsche Matematiker Vereinigung; Circolo Matematico di Palermo; Comite de Patronage de I'Enseignement Mathematique; Vice-Pres. International Commission of the Teaching of Mathematics since 08; Trustee of Canton (China) Christian Coll. Author "His- tory of Modern Mathematics"; "Teaching of Elementary Mathematics"; "Primary Arithme- tic"; "Grammar School Arithmetic"; "Algebra for Beginners"; "Intermediate Arithmetic"; "Advanced Arithmetic"; "Practical Arithme- tic"; "Outlook for Arithmetic in America"; "Rara Arithmetica"; "Teaching of Arithmetic"; "Teaching of Geometry"; "Topical Primary Arithmetic"; "Topical Practical Arithmetic"; Co-author "Plane and Solid Geometry"; "Fa- mous Problems of Geometry" (from German of Klein); "Higher Arithmetic"; "New Plane and Solid Geometry"; "New Plane Geometry"; "New Solid Geometry"; "Elements of Algebra"; "Academic Algebra"; Translation of Fink's "History of Mathematics"; "Geometric Paper Folding"; "Complete Arithmetic"; "Oral Arith- metic"; "Vocational Algebra"; "Arithmetic Books I, II, III"; "New York State Arithme- tics"; "Academic Algebra"; "School Algebra Books I, II"; "Plane and Spherical Trigonome- try"; "The Hindu Arabic Numerals"; "History of Japanese Mathematics"; "Bibliography on the Teaching of Mathematics." Educator. Columbia Univ., 525 \V. 120th St., New York, N. Y. William Mansfield Trumbower y 7 \ Pastor Phillipsburgh, N. J., 82-84; Broadway. N. J., 84-85; Dingman's Ferry, Pa., 85-87; Den- ville, N. J., 87-90; Somerville, 90-93; Ruther- ford, 93-94; Dover, 94-96; Perth Amboy, 96-00; Newark, 00-01; Paterson, 01-04; Bayonne, 04- 06; (Conference Evangelist, 06-09; Jersey City, 09-12; White House, 12-15; Andover since 15. Clergyman. Andover, N. J. U. S. Government Contractor for the Construc- tion of Jetties in Charleston Harbor, S. C, 82- 1882 Steven Beck with Ayers XaO" .\. B. 1902. Theta Nu Epsilon. Member of Congress. 11-13; Lecturer Am. History New York Univ., IS. Author "Genealogy"; "Bridge"; 582 PI CHAPTER [1882-84 Henry Albert Dickinson "Building a Merchant Marine." Member Psi Upsilon, City and Ardsley Country and Univer- sity (Washington) Clubs. Real Estate. 503 Fifth Ave.; res. 126 W. Fordham Rd., New York, N. Y. y b o A. B. 1882; A. M. 1885. Theta Nu Epsilon. Master of Ceremonies, (1), (2); Editor The Syracusan, (1), (2), (3); The Syraciisaean (3); Pres. Athletic Assn., (3), (4); Commence- ment Orator. Assoc. Editor Tenth General Catalogue, Psi Upsilon; Town Clerk, 83 — ; Sec. Republican County Committee, 84; Pres. Board of Education, Cortland, 96. Member Assembly, 01-04; Chairman Assembly Committee on Taxa- tion, 03-04. Member Cortland Country Club. Lawyer. 69 Main St.; res. 51 Greenbush St., Cortland, N. Y. Francis Daniel Gott* Ph. B. 1882. Lawyer. George Hiram Kennedy 1 T '^" d. 1901 X m K. Brother of Dwight Bruce Kennedy, Chi 90. Merchant. George Peck Loomis TcK. A. B. 1882; A. M. 1885. General IVf^r. The Syracusan, 80-81; Football, Capt., 80-81; Pipe Orator, %2. Merchant. 28 Union St., Wilkes-Barre, ':»a, Clayton Leonard Morey o g x^ Ph. B. 1893 111. Wesleyan Univ. .md A. M. 1908. Principal Acad., Warrensburgh, 81-82; Principal Greenwich High School since 82. Educator. Greenwich, N. Y. William Jervis Stevens Y d y.^ B. S. 1882. Local Editor The Syracusacan, 82; Tree Orator, 82. Clerk. Francis Emory Trowbridge* A S T A. B 1882; A. M. 1885. Teacher Lyons and Lock Berlin, N. Y., 61-63; In Charge Private School, Garrison, 63-64; Trustee, Syracuse Univ., 86-90. Banker and Broker. d. 1910 XeO A. B. 1882; A. M. 1885. Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor The Syraciisaean, rj-rv; The Syracu- san, 81-82. Teacher in Mathematics, Colo. State School of Mines, Golden, Colo., 82-83; Teacher Southwestern State Normal School, Colifornia, Pa., 91-92. Educator. High School, Wilkes-Barre; res. 632 Wyoming Ave., Kingston, Pa. Joshua Lewis Welter 1883 Henry Hale Pease Initiated by the Chi Paran Flint Rice ^ P M' Member Southern Cal. Acad, of Science; Am. Soc. of International Law; Archaeological Inst. of America; Psi Upsilon Assn. of Southern Cal.; University and San Gabriel Valley Country Clubs. Lawyer. 333 Stimson Bldg.; res. ^1040 Westlake Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. 1884 George Albert Coe Pbix" A. B. 1884 Univ. of Rochester; A. M. 1888; LL. D. 1909; S. T. B. 1887 Boston Univ. and Ph. D. 1891. Phi Beta Kappa. 2d Oratori- cal Prize, 84; Greek Prize, 83; 1st Davis Medal, 84; Townsend Scholarship, 84; Valedictorian. Prof. Univ. of Southern Cal., 88-90; Acting Prof, of Philosophy, 91-93; John Evans Prof, of Philosophy, Northwestern Univ., 93-09; Prof, of Religious Edvication, Union Theol. Sem. since 09; Fellow Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science. Author "The Spiritual Life Studies in the Science of Religion"; "The Religion of a Mature Mind"; "Education in Religion and Morals;" "The Psychology of Religion." Member Religious Education Assn. of Am.; Am. Philosophical and Am. Psychological Assns. See Upsilon 84 Educator. Union Theological Seminary, Broadway and 120th St.; res. 606 W. 122d St., New York N. Y. Arthur Copeland FcM. A. B. 1884; A. M. 1887; D. D. 1904. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Durston Essay Prize, 81; Editor The Syracusan, 82-84; Com- mencement Orator; Pres. Syracuse Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor Cato, N. Y., 85-86; Auburn, 86-88; Clyde, 88-91; Penn Yan, 91-94; Seneca Falls, 94; State Chaplain of Auburn- Prison. Author "Men and Days in Phi Beta Kappa." Member Am. Inst, of Christian Philo- sophy. Clergyman. 135 State St.; res. 16 Cayuga St., Auburn, N. Y. Charles Major Eddy tIi!^. Ph. B. 1884; Ph. M. 1887; D. D. 1914. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Sec. Univ. Y. M. C. A., 81-82; Editor The Syracusan, 82; Editor-in-Chief, 84; Publisher, 83; Editor The Onondagan, 84; Commencement Orator. Pastor East Palmyra, N. Y., 85-86; Benton Centre, 86-89; Sec. Y. M. C. A., Corning and Hornells- ville, 89-90; Pastor Syracuse, 90-93; Cazenovia, 93-97; Auburn since 97; Member Board of Ex- aminers and Board of Education, Central N. Y. Conference M. E. Church. Member Kanan- daeque Club. Clergyman. 104 Main St., North Canandaigua, N. Y. William Anson Gere TPA~ A. B. 1884. Theta Nu Epsilon. Declamation (1). Engineer Solvay Village, 94-95; State Canals, 96-98; Asst. Engineer Paving City Streets, 02-13; Deputy City Engineer since 16. Engineer. City Engineer's Office; res. 301 E. Kennedy St., Syracuse, N. Y. Hugh Parker X j v" Ph. B. 1884. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Sigma Nu. .Sec. Univ. Y. M. C. A.. 81-82. Editor The Svracusan. 82-83; Chief Publisher, 83-84; Editor The Onondagan, 83; Commencement Orator. Principal Schools, Trenton, N. Y., 84-85; Prof, of Natural Science and Elocution, Troy Conference Acad., Poult- ney, Vt., 85-86; Sec. Oneida Chamber of Com- merce; Trustee First M. E. Church. Member Oneida Golf and Oneida Automobile Clubs. 1884-86J PI CHAPTER 583 Publisher. 77 Cedar St.; res. 2 VV. Walnut St., Oneida, N. Y. Chester W'inrteld Porter X 1 N' B. S. 1884. Editor The Onondagan, 83; Mem- ber The S ■racusan Board, 82-83; Treas. Univ. Athletic Assn., 82-83. Member Asembly 3d Dist. Oneida County, 92; 2d Dist. 93. Farmer. W^ilHam Augustus Wynkoop X^ "^^ (Onondaga County Savings Bank Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y.) 1885 Jesse Lincoln Bronner [J. C (0 Ph. B. 1885. Essayist. 82-83; Editor The Syracusan, 82-85; The Onondagan, 84; Chapter Editor The Diamond, 83-85; Sophomore Decla- mation, 83. Journalist. Charles Oliver Devvev rsx. A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888; Ph. D. 1890 New York Univ. Editor The Onondagan, 84; Business Mgr. The Syracusan, 84; Editor-in-Chief, 85; Pres. Univ. Athletic Assn., 84-85; Commence- ment Orator. Principal Acad., Marathon, 77-79; Grammar School No. 3, Binghamton, 79-83; Supt. Schools, New York Juvenile Asylum, New York City, 85-86; Supt. Public Schools, Englewood, N. J., 86-91; Principal High School, Binghamton, N. Y., 91-93; Public School No. 94, Brooklyn, N. Y. Educator. d. 1914 Harlan Victor Cause Manufacturer. Herbert Wesley Markham AyX Rowland Charles Price* Sec. Convention, 82. Real Estate. Fred I Stacy* [/.gOi Theta Nu Epsilon. District Superintendent. M. E. Church: res. 46 Hartford Terrace, New Hartford, N. Y. r m CO d. 1889 XXoc M. D. 1885 New York Homeopathic Med. Coll. Principal Public School. Union, N. Y., 82-83; Prof, of Dermatology, Hahnemann Soc. of the New York Homeopathic Med. Coll. 85. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1892 Frank Augustus Winship y r Q Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor The Onondagan, 84. Health Officer Town of Brunswick. Physician and Surgeon. R. R. No. 3, Troy. N. Y. 1886 Herbert Guibord Coddington P f ^ A. B. 1886; D. D. 1904; LL. B. 1914. Phi Beta Kappa. Rector Grace Episcopal Church since 91; Chaplain Hosp. of the Good Shepherd since OS; Trustee St. John's Military School, Manlius, N. Y. since 93; Delegate from the Diocese of Central New York to General Con- vention of Episcopal Church in U. S., 04-07-10- 13 and 16. Compiler of Coddington Genealogy. Member Citizens', Unirersity, Bellevue Country and Onondoga Golf and Country Clubs; Onon- daga Historical and New York State Historical Assns. Clergyman. 1006 rfarrison St., Syracuse, N. Y. Preston Ranney Crowell Td^* A. B. 1886; A. M. 1889. Teacher in Latin and Greek. Rockland Coll., Nyack, N. Y., 86-87; IMis.sion Worker New York, N. Y., 87-90; Pas- tor 2d Congregational Church, Cheyenne, Wyo., 90-02; Greenfield, N. H., 92—; Pastor Village Congregational Church since 12; Scout Master Med way Troop 1, Boy Scouts of America; Sec. Civic Soc; Chaplain Quinobequin Grange, Medway. Clergyman. 108 Village St., Medway, Mass. John Albertson Ingham XmB A. B. 1886; A. M. 1889; D. D. 1908. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Private Tutor Syracuse, 86-87; Teacher Centenary Collegiate Inst., Hackettstown, N. J., 87-89; Chaplain New York Magdalen Asylum, New York, N. Y., 90-92; Pastor Irvington Presbyterian Church, Irvington, N. Y., 94-10; 2d Reformed Church, New Brunswick, N. J. since 10; Mem- ber Presbyterian Board of Church Erection, 97-10; Charter Member and Trustee of Guiteau Library, Irvington, N. Y., 02-10; Board of Domestic Missions, Reformed Church in America since 11. Author "Address on Abra- ham Lincoln." Member Phi Beta Kappa, New Jersey Alpha (Rutgers), New Brunswick His- torical and Rutgers Coll. Greek Clubs. Son of Albert Constantine Ingham, Theta 47 and brother of George Van Ingham, Pi 00. Clergyman. 26 Union St., New Brunswick, N. J. Charles Francis Lighten Vc<}f Sigma Delta Nu; Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Citizens' (Syracuse) and Cortland Country Clubs. Retired. 78 Tompkins St., Cortland, N. Y. Charles Todd Moffitt Tc^ A. B. 1886 Amherst. Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Lotos Club. See Gamma 86 Contractor. 968 Anderson Ave., New York. N. Y. Xp^ Frank Meredith Moore See Chi 87 Real Estate. Moore Apt. Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. Wilfred Wickliffe Porter P t ^ A. B. 1886. Cashier Syracuse Univ., 94-96; Treas. since 96; Member Board of Education. Member Citizens' Club. Real Estate. 1717 W. Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. Harrie Walter Pritchard Tg^' Alderman, 10 years. Merchant. 15 E. Market St.; res. 198 Chemung St., Corn- ing, N. Y. George Priest Wadsworth 7 w ^ A. B. 1886; A. M. 1889. Sophomore Declama- tion, 84; Editor The Onondagan, 85. Advertising. Binghamton Press; res. 109 LeRoy St., Bing- hamton. N. Y. 584 PI CHAPTER [1886-90 Addis Merrill Whitney 7 o ^ A. B. 1886 cutn laude Amherst. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor The Syracu- san, 83-84; Amherst Papers in Philosophy, 85-86. Member Amherst Alumni Assn.; Algonquin, Exchange and University (Boston), Lotos (New York) and Neighborhood and Tedesco Country Clubs. See Gamma 86 Educator (retired). 200 Forest Ave., Swampscott, Mass. William Chambers Wilbor SAT A. B. 1886; A. M. 1888; Ph. D. 1889; D. D. 1900 Rochester. Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor Attica, N. Y., 76-79; Pike, 78-79; Mt. Morris, 79-82; Dansville, 82-85; LeRoy, 85-89; Buffalo, 89-94; Olean, 94-00; Hornell, 00-02; Buffalo, 02-05; Supt. Blocher Home, Lockport, N. Y., 06; Buffalo Dist., 06-08; Pastor Rochester, N. Y., 08-09; Coudersport, Pa., 09-10; Trustee Syracuse Univ. since 92; Life Member Am. Inst. Christian Philosophy. Member Am. Inst. Ad- vancement of Science. Clergyman. • 119 Bidwell Parkway, Buffalo, N. Y. William Plaisted Westfall TmA 1887 William \\'ard Damon 7 n r Ph. B. 1887. Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor The Onondagan, 85-86; Sec. Athletic Assn., 85-86; Baseball, Treas. and Mgr., 86-87. Na- tional Treas., Theta Nu Epsilon Fraternity; Pres. New York Alumni Assn. of Syracuse Univ.; Vice-Pres. New York Press Club; Member National Committee of Olympic Athletic Games. Author "Journalism;" "San Francisco Fire." Member Masonic, New York Press. Manor, Senior Deacons and Eight Dist. Masters' Clubs. Brother of Albert Howe Damon, Pi 02. Journalist. 903 Tribune Bldg., New York; res. Pelham Manor, N. Y. Horace Milton Ford TcX Theta Nu Epsilon. Member University (Evan- ston) and Illinois Athletic (Chicago) Clubs. Advertising. 1048 People's Gas Bldg., Chicago; res. 2130 Orrington Ave., Evanston, 111. Benedict Hatmaker */tT A. B. 1887: Theta Nu Epsilon; Sigma Delta Nu; Euterpe; Glee Club. Editor-in-Chief The On- ondagan. Sec. People's Hughes League of the State of N. Y. Member Chess Club. Advertising. 205 Clinton St.; res. 10 Glenwood Blvd., Schenectady, N. Y. 1888 Charles Stevens Bennett X n 3 Son of Charles Wesley Bennett, Xi 52 and brother of William Clarke Bennett, Pi 79. 642 Oakwood Blvd., Chicago, 111. Arthur Durand McGerald* x k $ Journalist. d. 1915 Walter Alerton Pierce 7 a 9 Ph. B. 1899 111. Wesleyan; Ph. D. 1896 Rust Univ. and 1913 Grove City Coll. Supt. Schools. Author "Pierce Spellers;" "Natural Readers." Educator. 304 Metoxet St.. Ridgway, Pa. Ph. B. 1888. Business Mgr. The Onondagan, 86-87. Lawyer. 706 Globe Bldg.; res. 940 Portland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Rounsville Wildman* M k S d. 1901 Manufacturer. 1889 Allen Eli Atwater Mhu A. B. 1889. Sec. Univ. Athletic Assn., 86-87. General Sec. Y. M. C. A., Saratoga Springs, N Y., 89-94; Pastor Ludlow, Vt., 94-96; Island Pond, 96-98; Barre, 98—. Clergyman. 222 N. Albany St., Ithaca, N. Y. Everett Clayton Countryman Tee B. S. 1889; Ph. D. 1902. Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor The Onondagan; Literary Editor Univer- sity News; Glee Club; BaseDall; Tennis. Teach- er in English Literature and Latin Gilbert' Acad., Winsted, Conn., 90-91; Mental and Moral Science and German Jennings Sem., Aurora, 111., 94-95; Auditor N. Y. State Labor Dept., 13-i5. Member Aurania Club. Accountant. State Hosp. Commission, Capitol; res. 284-B Quail St., Albany, N. Y. Charles Frank Hitchcock F ^ Z Ph. B. 1900; M. D. 1891 Homeopathic Med. Coll. of Mo. Treas. Sodus Board of Trade. Brother of Lyman Potter Hitchcock, Pi 89. Physician. 21 E. Main St.,' Sodus, N. Y. Lyman Potter Hitchcock xfE Ph. B. 1889; S. T. B. 1892 Hartford Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Brother of Charles Frank Hitchcock, Pi 89. Clergyman. 551 S. Pasadena Ave., Pasadena, Cal. XdT KmT SpZ A. B. 1890. Pastor Constantia, N. Y., 88-91; Cleveland, 91-93; Branchville, N. J., 93-95; Paterson, 95. d. 1895 Clergyman. James Edwin Rounsvelle (Coudersport, Pa.) Welling-ton Watt Taber (113 Kirk Ave., Syracuse, N. Y.) 1890 Charles Howland Bassett* Theodore Orville Beebe* (prC A. B. 1890. Pastor Scriba, N. Y., 90-91. Clergyman. d. 1891 George Frederick Burt Initiated by the Chi Alfred Darling Cushing A m T Mgr. Glee Club. Son of Charles Wesley Cush- ing, Xi 55. (27 St. Mark St., Montreal, Canada.) Seymour Coe Ferris ? j ? A B. 1890; A. M. 1893. Asst. Pastor Madison Ave. Reformed Church, New York, N. Y., 93-94; 1890-92] PI CHAPTER 585 Pastor C.asport. Congregational Church, 94- 96; Richmond Ave. Congregational Church, Buffalo. 96; Pres. Niagara County Christian Endeavor Socs., 94-96; Commissioner General Assembly Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles, Cal., 03. Clergyman. Lockport, N. Y. William Edward Palmer rdz A. B. 1891; A. M. 1893; Ph. D. 1896. Pastor Trinity M. E. Church. Clergyman. 145 Carroll St., Paterson, N. J. Allen [Sheridan] Johnson Smith M cC A. B. 1897 Dartmouth. Clergyman. Main St., Drummond, Okla. Ray Burdick Smith ArZ A. B. 1891 Yale. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Chi Delta Theta. Editor Yale Liter- ary Magazi>ic; Junior and Senior Exhibition Speaker; John A. Porter Prize. Supervisor, Asst. Clerk and Clerk of the Assembly; Dele- gate Constitutional Convention. Member Citi- zen.s' (Svracuse) and Republican (New York) Clubs. See Beta 91 Chi 92 Lawyer. 700 Kirk Block; res. 1200 E. Genesee St., Syra- cuse, N. Y. 1891 John C Culligan S s A. B. 1891. Clergyman. Hammond, N. Y. Paul Fitzgerald T c S A. B. 1891; A. M. 1894; M D. 1894 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Corpse and L-offin. Father of James Newbury Fitzgerald, Xi 19. Physician. 763 Broad St.; res. 214 N. 7th St., Newark, N. J. Frank William Goreth TvS A. B. 1891; A. M. 1894; LL. B. 1897 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Principal High School, Sid- ney, N. Y., 91-94. Member Sons of Veterans. Lawyer. 1 Madison Ave.; res. 870 E. 175th St., New York, N. Y. John Augustus Hamilton FjS A. B. 1891; A. M. 1894; D. D. 1909. Phi Beta Kappa. Football. Pastor First M. E. Church; Conference Trustee; Member 1916 General Con- ference of Methodism; Trustee Syracuse Univ. Clergyman. 49 Bartlett Ave., Pittsfield, Ma.ss. James Leland Howard, Jr. F y S A. M. 1897 Am. Univ., Harriman, Tenn. William Hosmer Ives X c 2 A. B. 1891; A. M. 1894; LL. B. 1894 Univ. City of New York. Instr. in Latin and Greek, The Robbins School, Norfolk, Conn., 91-92; Latin, Stevens Inst, of Technology, 92-94. (305 Park Hill Ave., Yonkers, N. Y.) Franklin Cheney Keyes OcP LL. B. 1895 New York Law School. Author "Wall Street as Our American Monte Carlo." Member Authors' (London, Eng.) Club. Lawyer. Laurens, N. Y. William Henry Rowe, Jr. F f S World's Fair Commissioner from N. Y. State, 92-93; Asst. Quartermaster General, N. Y. N. G., with Rank of Colonel, 94; Trustee Syracuse Univ., 93-11. Author "This Little Old Town;" ■'Casey Reminiscences." Member Saratoga Country Club. Author. Hartford, N. Y. George Fletcher Shepherd F p S A. B. 1891; A. M. 1897. Pastor Oswego Cen- ter, N. Y., 93-96; Missionary Japan, 96; Minister 1st Methodist Episcopal Church. Brother of Lucian Herbert Shepherd, Pi 94. Clergyman. 404 N. George St., Rome, N. Y. Horace Elijah Stout FrS B. S. 1891. Baseball; Organizer and Mgr. 1st Football team Syracuse Univ. Member Psi Up- silon Club. Merchant. 317 Washington St., New York; res. 150 Steu- ben St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Wesley Tooke FttO A. B. 1891; A. M. 1895; LL. B. 1900 Illinois. Principal Union School, Westernville, N. Y., 91-92; Teacher in Matiiematics, Sem., Lima, N. Y.. 92-93; Fellow in Administrative Law, Columbia Univ., 94-95; Prof, of Public Law, Illinois. 95-99: Law, Univ. of 111., 99-02. Author "Limitations on Municipal Indebted- ness;" "Uniformity in Municipal Finance;" "Finances of Danish West Indies." Member Am. Economic Assn.; Am. Acad, of Political and Social Sciences; Fellow Am. Statistical Assn. See Chi 94 Officer of Corporation. 30 Syracuse Savings Bank Bldg.; res. 865 Liv- ingston Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Olin Sylvanus Twist X y S A. B. 1891. Acting Sec. Y. M. C. A., Albany, N. Y., 91-92; General Sec. Y. M. C A., Rome, 92; Pastor Paterson, N. J. Calvary Church, 93; Lafayette, 93; Expert Examiner of City Ac- counts, Passaic, 97; Sec. Union Loan and Bldg. Assn., Passaic, 97. Frank Hovt A\'ood rp A. B. 1891; A. M. 1894; A. B. 1892 Harvard; Ph. D. 1900 Leipzig. Founder Delta Delta Chapter of Psi Upsilon; Y. M. C. A. work in India, 92-93; Teacher in Latin and English Acad, of N. W. I^niv.. Evanston, 111., 93-94 History, Acad., Worcester, Mass., 94-98 James's. Sherman Memorial Prof, of Political Science, Hamilton Coll. Member Harvard (New York) Club. Educator. College Hill, Clinton, N. Y. 1892 Dorr Raymond Cobb y^i ^ Ph. B. 1892. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Beta Delta Beta; Corpse and Coffin. Mgr. f'hc Onondagan : Editor University News; Mgr. Baseball, 91; Delegate N. Y. State Consti- tutional Convention, 15; Pres. Psi Upsilon Trust Assn.; Corporation Counsel. Member Univer- 586 PI CHAPTER : 1892-93 sity, Century, Citizens' and University (New York) Clubs. Lawyer. City Hall; res. 109 College PI., Syracuse, N. Y. George Hammond Ferguson* x r 6 d. 1889 A. B. 1892; LL. B. 1894 Northwestern Univ. Brother of Rhoderick Peregrine Hollett, Pi 78. Lawyer. rr6 Edward Lee Hollett Chester James Hoyt Clergyman. (Verona, N. J.) Sherbiirn Cilley Hutchinson F z 6 A. B. 1892; A. M. 1895. Commencement Speak- er. Teacher in Natural Sciences, Sem., Caze- novia, N. Y., 92-96; Principal High and Graded Schools, Waterbury, Vt. since 96; Supt. Schools. Educator. 13 Terrace St., Montpelier, Vt. William Charles O'Donnell, Jr. 7 q 6 A. B. 1892; A. M. 1893; Ph. D. 1897; B. D. 1895 Drew Theol. Sem. Preacher Port Mur- ray and Mount Bethel, N. J., 92-95; Pastor Monroe Ave. Chapel, Plainfield, N. J. since 95. Author ''Around the Emerald Isle;" "Creed and Curriculum." Member Psi Upsilon and Essex County Country Clubs. Journalist. 31 E. 27th St., New York, N. Y.; res. 400 Franklin PI., Plainfield, N. J. M t6 Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Football. Naval Militia, N. Y. Member Brooklyn En- gineers; Psi tjpsilon and Michigan University (New York) Clubs; Veterans' Assn. See Phi 92 Sales Engineer. 30 Church St., New York; res. 38 Livingston St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Stephen Henry Payne Frank LeRoy Purdy 7m P Lepiiie Hall Rice A. B. 1892; A. M. 1895; M. D. 1895 Univ. of Buffalo: D. O. 1899 Boston Coll. of Osteopathy. Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta; Sigma Chi; Corpse and Coffin. Capt. Track; Leader Glee Club; Football. House Surg. Fitch Acci- dent Hosn., 95; House Phys. and Surg. Buffalo General Hosp., 96; Musical Dir. Asbury M. E. Church, Buffalo, N. Y., 96; First Baptist Church, 97. Member Country Club. Physician and Surgeon. 554 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Ph. B. 1892. Phi Beta Kappa: Sigma Xi. Asst. Prof, of Mathematics, Syracuse Univ. Author "Digest of Patent Office Decisions;" ".Aggregates of Minors of Persymmetric Deter- minates;" "Continuant Expressions for Va^-|- b and (Va-'+b + a)";" "A Mnemonic for Trigo- nometic Relations." Son of David Hall Rice, Pi 67. 113 Concord PI., Syracuse, N. Y. Arthur Oscar Sykes F c 6 Ph. B. 1894 111. Wesleyan Univ.; Ph. D. 1896 and D. D. 1904. Chaplain U. S. Navy. 98-04; Chaplain State Agricultural and Industrial School, N. Y. Father of James Bennett Sykes, Upsilon 17 and Wadsvvorth Coyne Sykes, Up- silon 20. Clergyman. Industry; res. 290 Canterbury, Rd., Rochester, N. Y. Edward Judson Wynkoop OgK M. D. 1892. Theta Nu Epsilon. Interne New York Post-Graduate Hosp., 93-94; House Surg., 94; Phys. Syracuse Free Dispensary and Syra- cuse Women's and Children's Hosp.; Demon- strator of Anatomy, Coll. of Medicine, 95-97; Dir. Anatomical Laboratory since 97. Member University Club and Holland Soc. of New York. Physician. 501 James St., Syracuse, N. Y. 1893 George Griffin Brownell Xq0 A. B. 1893; A. M. 1896; Ph. D. 1904 Johns Hopkins. Phi Beta Kappa. Prof, of Romance Languages, Univ. of Alabama; Expert in hardy Citrous Fruit Culture. U. S. Dept. Agriculture since 11. Author "Position of the Attributive Adjective in Don Quixote." Member ISIodern Language Assn. America; Hispanic Soc. Amer- ica. Educator. 307 Queen City Ave., Tuscaloosa, Ala. George Hasbrouck Haigh A. B. 1893; A. M. 1896; D. D. 1908. Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor Bellevue Ave. Church, Syracuse, N. Y., 92-96; Clyde, 96 — ; Pastor First M. E. Church, Cortland. Clergyman. 39 Church St., Cortland, N. Y. Gordon Way Hoyt X ^ '^ M. D. 1896 Hering Med. Coll. Chicago. Neuro- logist Syracuse Hosp. Member N. Y. State Homeopathic Med., Medico-Chirurgical and Onondaga County Med. Sees. Physician. 608 E. Genesee St.; res. 613 University Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Osmon Perley Hoyt Fql B. S. 1893. Sec. Y. M. C. A.. Ilion, N. Y., 93- 94; Pastor Central Valley, N. Y., 95-97; Carmel, 97—. Brother of Henry Arthur Hoyt, Xi 90. Clergyman. Monroe, N. Y. Willis [Elias] MacGerald X f :: A. B. 1893 Harvard. See Chi 93 Clarence Loomis Peaslee Fsl A. B. 1893; A. M. 1896. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Epsilon. Teacher in Latin and Rhetoric, Dickinson Sem., Williamsport, Pa., 93-94; Ancient Languages, 94-97; Sec. Republican County Committee Lycoming County, 96. Author "History of Syracuse University;" "Stephen Crane's College Days;" "Mrs. Wil- kinson's Ghost and other Stories." Lawyer. Pine and Willow Sts.: res. 418 Third Ave., Williamsport, Pa. Albert George Thorne X J ^ A. B. 1893; A. M. 1896; LL. B. 1895 Univ. of Buffalo. Corpse and Coffin; Phi Delta Phi CBuffalo). Mgr. The Onondagan (3); Editor Universitv News (4); Pres. Athletic Assn. (4). Member Saturn (Buffalo) and Psi Upsilon 1893-95] PI CHAPTER 587 Clubs. Brother of Frank Dana Thorne, Pi 96. Lawver. 61 Broadway; res. 345 W. 85th St., New York, N. Y. Herman Daniel Traver 1894 Merchant. (Clyde, N. Y.) Edwin Hamlin Carr rqi XHM B, S. 1894. Pastor New Paltz, N. Y., 95-96; Warwick, 96 — . Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Author "The Bethlehem Inn- Keeper;" "Abraham Lincoln, the Marginal Man." Clergyman. Carpenter Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Fred Antoine Darbonnier F w A M. D. 1897 Long Island Coll. Hosp. (Berkshire, N. Y.) Delmar Edward Hawkins X s O A. B. 1894; A. M. 1898; LL. B. 1898; Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. in Political Economy, Syracuse Univ., 96-98 and 00-01; Assoc. Prof., 01-02; Prof. 02-06; Pres. Am. Republican Coll. League, 93-94; Principal High School, East Syracuse, N. Y. since 94; Supt. Schools. Author "Trusts, A Problem in Constructive Stateman- ship." Member University Club. Educator. East Syracuse High School: res. 211 Lincoln Park Drive. Svracuse, N. Y. Frank Keller ]McFall TsK Merchant. 745 William St.; res. 861 7th St., Buffalo, N. Y. Louis Elbert Macomber 7. li O Advertising. 417 Andrus Bldg.; res. 3032 Pleasant Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Herbert Chambers Minard T [x N A. B. 1894; A. M. 1897; LL. B. 1898 Columbia. Lawyer. 514 Erie County Savings Bank Bldg.; res. 119 Bidwell Parkway, Buffalo, N. Y. 'illiam Leverette Morgan X s K A. B. 1894; A. M. 1897. Theta Nu Epsilon; Sampi; Corpse and Coffin. Editor-in-Chief University News. Teacher Delaware Literary Inst., Franklin, N. Y., 94-95; Aurora, 96-98; Vice-Principal High School, Newark, N. J. since 98. Member Essex and Manasquan River Yacht Clubs. Lawyer. Prudential Bldg.; res. 83 Lincoln Ave., Newark, N. J. TcK Edmund L. Shepard XrS leorge Owen Redington LL B, 1894 Yale and LL. M. 1895. Football, 90- 91 (Syracuse); Baseball, Capt., 91-92; Base- ball. 94-95 CYale); Football, 93-94; Squadron A, N. G. N. Y., 18 years; Troop A, N. Y. Cav- alry U. S. Vols., 98. Member Yale, Squadron A and Amateur Comedy Clubs; Assn. of the Bar. Lawver. 27 Cedar St.; res. 829 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. A. B. 1894. Pastor Constantia, N. Y., 94-98; Grace Church, Utica, 98 — ; Member Northern .\t-vv Vork Conference, M. E. Church; Con- ference Treas., 7 years. Clergyman. Beaver Falls. N. Y. Eucian Herbert Shepherd X s K M. D. 1895. Brother of George Fletcher Shep- herd. Pi 91. Physician. .\ugustus C. Stevens ThK LL. B. 1895 Columbia. Baseball. Member Citi- zens' and Onondaga Golf and Country (Treas.) Clubs. Lawyer. 504 Dillage Block; res. 301 De Witt St., Syra- cuse, N. Y. Mward Burdette Topping TzO A. B. 1894; D. D. 1910. Pastor Grace Church, Utica, N. Y., 94-97; Gouverneur, 97; Pres. Utica Dist. Epworth League, 95-97; Utica Preachers' Assn.. 96; Trustee Cazenova Sem.; Northern New York Conference, M. E. Church; Trenton Assembly Park; Evangeliza- tion Union, Mohawk Valley. Member Conver- sation Club; Methodist Preachers' Assn. (Utica). Clergyman. 21 Second St., Ilion, N. Y. Waldo Weston TcO LL. B. 1898 Albany Law School. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Epsilon. Lawyer. 403 Post Standard Bldg.; res. 1017 Harrison St., Syracuse, N. Y. William W- Wilcox XoO A. B. 1894; A. M. 1897. Pastor Elizaville, N. Y., 94-97; Modcna. Journalist. 8 Ulster Ave.; res. 59 Maple St., Walden, N. Y. 1895 Alonzo Griffith Brooks 7 b X Trustee Cazenovia Sem., Cazenovia, N. Y. assistant Secretary. The Metropolitan Casualty Ins. Co. of N. Y., 47 Cedar St., New York; res. 7 Urban St., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. William Harold Southwood Burgess A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1897 Univ. of Buffalo. Secretary of Corporation. The Canadian Surety Co 26 Wellington St. E.; res. 57 Triller Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Louis Streit Col well Sew' A. B. 1895. Member Executive Committee, Syracuse Cuban Relief Committee, 98. Mem- ber Montreal, Royal Montreal Golf, Montreal Hunt and St. James' Clubs; Psi Upsilon Club (New York). Broker. 91 St. Francis Xavier S't.; res. 746 Pine Ave. W., Montreal, Canada. Gerrv Gibbs Henderson nwM 588 PI CHAPTER Louis Fowler Joy 5( h S M. D. 1897 Long Island Coll. Hosp. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Member Board of Education; Dir. and Phys. Lee Memorial Hosp. Member Fulton Citizens, Masonic, Pathfinder Boat, Pleasant Point and Fulton Automobile Clubs Physician and Surgeon. 189 S. 1st St., Fulton, N. Y. John Fitch Reed F c S A. B. 1895. Member Arctic and Seattle Com- mercial Clubs. Lawyer. 960 Empire Bldg.; res. 1636 Thirty-fourth Ave., Seattle, Wash. Howard Hunt Reynolds FqS A. B. 1895; A. B. 1898 Harvard and A. M. 1899. Honor Student (Syracuse); Editor The Onondagan; University News. Pres. University Club of Southern Berkshire; Berkshire County Harvard Club. Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York). Manufacturer. B. D. Rising Paper Co., Housatonic; res. 2 Brainerd Ave., Great Barrington, Mass. J. Harry Shaver xfA D. D. 1895 Univ. of Pa. Beta Delta Beta- Theta Nu Epsilon; Glee Club. Edwin T. Darby Den- tal Soc. Member Board of Education. Dentist. De Ruyter, N. Y. George Elmer Strayer Bouck White M g A A. B. 1896 Harvard. Author "Call of the Car- penter," "Book of Daniel Drew;" "Letters from Prison;" "Carpenter and the Rich Man;" "A Message to Old World." 125 W. 21st St., New York, N. Y. Charles Browning White (See Bouck White) 1896 E Bersie Lee XcM Member Citi- A. B. 1896 magna cum laude. zens' Club. Lawyer. 106 E. Washington St.; res. 214 E. Castle St., Syracuse, N. Y. Xc M A. B. 1897 Harvard; A. M. 1907 Yale. Member Fairfield County, Yale Alumni and Har- vard Alumni Assns. of Conn.; Appalacliian Mountain Club. Author. R. R. No. 52, Bridgeport, Conn. Morgan Millar Arthur Brown Peasley A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1898. Loomis Peasley, Pi 93. Lawyer. Frank Dana Thorne Ff N Brother of Clarence Xc M A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1898 Buffalo Law School. Corpse and Coffin. 1st Thesis Prize (Law School); Pres. Pi Chapter. Member Psi Up- silon Club and University Club of Buffalo. Brother of Albert George Thorne, Pi 93. Lawyer. 407 Waldo Ave., Pasadena, Cal. [1895-98 Frederick Gedney Traver X ^ ^'^ res. 29 Green St., Kingston, Lawyer. ("293 Wall St. N. Y.) William Judson Willson x V- -^^ Rector Christ's Church. Clergyman. 120 Main St., Sacket Harbor, N. Y. 1897 Rohert Barnes Adams Private Co. C 3d N. Y. Vols., 98. Ansley Baker Blades A. B. 1900 Northwestern Univ. Clergyman. John Rowlee Fausev Fgo)' Fgco' yew Supt. of Schools. Educator. Town Hall; res. 19 Elm St., West Springfield, Mass. Leroy Wever Guibord* Civil Engineer. Tngraham Thornton Hart* A. B. 1897. Pastor Congregational Church, Woodville, N. Y., 97-98. Clergyman. d. 1898 Edwin Wilkes Van Deusen F g w' A. B. 1897 Yale. Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Member Graduates' Club. Educator. 120 W. 46th St.; res. 10016 Trvington St., Hol- lis, N. Y. F gw' d 1916 F C (i)' Elliott Ernest Vernon'' Architect. d. 1901 Harry Hyde Wadsworth F g o' Sec.-Treas. Citizens' Club. Member City and Sedgwick Farm Clubs. Insurance. 404 Union Bldg.; res. 416 Douglas St., Syracuse, N. Y. Solomon Carman Whitbeck F f w' Ph. B. 1897. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Lawyer. 52 Broadway; res. 258 W. 132d St., New York, N. Y. 1898 Raymond Gonder Carroll FXX' Member Psi Upsilon Club. Journalist. 70 Fifth Ave.; res. 468 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. John Cooper Dyott tF/ LL. B. 1898. Member School Board, 00-04; Representative Legislature since 17. Lawyer. Willow Springs, Mo. Fred Julian Hathaway Hiram Leonard Kinner Collector. FnX 1898-00] PI CHAPTER Harrison Wood MacLenathen F LI.. B. 1899 New York Univ. Member Psi I'psilon Club. Lawyer. 165 Broadway, New York; res. 1255 Carroll St., Brooklyn. N. Y. Eugene Wilson Murray T 9 X M. D. 1898; Ph. G. 1895 Northwestern Univ. Phi Kappa Alpha; Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta; Corpse and Coffin. Football; Track. Pres. Essex County Isolation Hosp.; Vice- Pres. Practitioners' Club; Treas. N. J. State Pediatric Soc. Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York). Physician. 91 Washington Ave., Newark, N. J. William Welleslev Percy V f ^* Ph. B. 1898; M. D. 1901. Nu Sigma Nu. Interne Rochester City Hosp., 01-02; Patholog- ist Jackson Sanitarium, Dansville, N.Y., 02; Resident Surg. Rochester Hahn Hosp., 02-03; Surg. 3d Inf. N. G. N. Y. with rank of Major; .\sst. Surg. St. Mary's Hosp.; Dir. Rochester Med. Assn. Member University and Com- missioned Officers' Clubs; Rochester Med. Assn. Physician and Surgeon. 12 West Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Allen Lane Remington gT Manager. Louis K. Liggett Co., 219 Main St. E.; res. 162 Rosewood Terrace, Rochester, N. Y. Marston Westover Scoville* Theodore Leland Waugh i;. c Y d. 1895 A. B. 1898: LL. B. 1902 New York Univ. Phi Kappa .A.!pha; Phi Delta Phi. Editor-in- Chief The Onondagan, 98. Member Executive Council Psi Upsilon Fraternity, 12-17. Member Manhattan and Psi Upsilon Clubs; Assn. of the Bar of the City of New York; Soc. of Med. Jurisprudence. Lawyer. 165 Broadway; res. 925 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. William Joseph Wittenberg X 9 F B. .S. in Arch. 1898 Univ. of Pa. Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Univ. of Pa. and Criterion Clubs. See Tau 98 Merchant. 11 Broadway; res. 30 W. 58th St., New York, N. Y, 1899 George Jay Champlin THE' Real Estate. Edmonds Bldg. ; res. 1445 Granada Ave., San Diego, Cal. r m "¥' B. Mus. 1899. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Musician. Lvman Wells Clarv 954 Eighth Ave., New York, N. Y. William Lyon Hasbrouck Ph. B. 1899. Insurance. Caldwell, Idaho. yAi Edward Hungerford 589 xtr Author "The Modern Railroad;" "The Personal- ity of American Cities." Member Psi Upsilon, Whitehall and Advertising Clubs; Assn. ot National Advertisers and .\uthors' League of .America. Advertising Manager. Wells Fargo & Co., 51 Broadway, New York; res. 171 Woodruff .\ve., Brooklyn, N. Y. TzX' Lucius Sheldon Johnson Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Treas. and Trustee Psi Upsilon Trust Assn. of Syra- cuse. Member Rotary, Citizens' and Onondaga Golf and Country Clubs. Druggist. 211 W. Water St.; res. 314 Euclid Ave., Syra- cuse, N. Y. T t 7/ \Mllis Hoag Michell A. B. 1899. Phi Beta Kappa. Lawyer. 917 Onondaga County Savings Bank Bldg.; res. 845 Ostrom Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Arthur Henrv Norton nx' B. S. 1899; Pd. D. 1916; A. M. 1913 Colgate. Univ. Congress, Debating and Chess Clubs; Y. M. C. A.; Speaker Univ. Congress; Delegate Psi Upsilon National Convention; Pres. Univ. Debating Club. Principal Mexico CN. Y.) Hign School, 00-04; Cook Acad., Montana Falls, 04-11: Trustee, 11; Treas., 09-16; Trustee Y. \\'. C. A., City of Palmira; Vice-Pres. Elmira Coll.; Dir. Elmira Coll. Observatory since 11; Councillor New York Geographic Soc. Mem- ber National Geographic and National Educa- tion Socs.; Mathematical Assn. of America; Assn. of Teachers of Mathematics, Middle States and Md. ; Assn. of Variable Star Obser- vers. Educator. Elmira College; res. 208 Columbia St., Elmira, N. Y. T Tarry Alanson Oday T "^ 7.' Ph. B. 1899. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Epsilon: Phi Kappa Alpha; Corpse and Coffin. Track; Mgr. Baseball; Capt. Football. Princi- pal High School. Educator. 700 Centre St.: res. 303 W. Mahanoy Ave., Mahanoy City, Pa. Ross Cofifin Purdy r t y! Cr. E. 1899 Ohio State Univ. Theta Nu Epsilon; Sigma Xi: Varsity O Assn.; Pres. Am. Ceramic Soc: Ohio Chapter Sigma Xi. Prof, of Ceramic Engineering, Ohio State Univ. Mem- ber Worcester, Worcester Rotary, Tatassit Canoe and .'\ppalachian Mountain Clubs. Research Engineer. Norton Co.; res. 45 Institute Rd., Worcester, Mass. George Stanford Richards. Jr. V 7 A' Member Psi Upsilon Club. (New York). Manufacturer. Piatt &• Washburn Refining Co.. 11 Broadway, New York; res. 7 Richmond Ave., Arrochar, N. Y. 1900 Thomas Morley Bishop Ft A' A. B. 1900. Y. M. C. A.; Editor Univ. Tribune; Forum. Assoc. Pastor Pittsfield. Mass., 00-01: Tohnsonville, N. Y., 01-03; West Sand 590 PI CHAPTER [1900-02 B. S. 1900. Electrical Engineer. Lake, 03 — ; Pastor St. James Methodist Church. Clergyman. 66 McElwain Ave.. Cohoes, N. Y. Clarence Winfield Darling Initiated by the Xi J[oseph] Waldron Farley* 7 m B' d. 1915 Franklyn Parker Hammond X ^ ?' A. B. 1900; B. Arch. 1901. Architect. George Van Wie Ingham X^^' Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Illinois Athletic, Birchwood Country and Chicago Electric Clubs. Son of Albert Constan- tine Ingham, Theta 47 and brother of John Albertson Ingham, Phi 86. Sales Manager. Bryant Electric Co.. 323 W. Jackson Blvd.; res. 6761 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111. rtA' Willis Brooks Kelley* Ph. B. 1900. d. 1911 Otto Ethelbert McCutcheon F t ' ?' B. S. 1900. Teacher Troy Conference Acad., Poultney, Vt., 00-01; Oneida, N. Y., 01—; Supt. Schools. Educator. Rome Free Academy; res. 205 \V. Garden St., Rome, N. Y. Horatio Burt Williams Ft A' A. B. 1900; M. D. 1905. Nu Sigma Nu; Sigma Xi; Alpha Omega Alpha. Asst. Prof, of Phy- siology, Columbia Univ. Member Psi Upsilon Club and Faculty Club of Columbia. Educator. 437 W. 59th St., New York, N. Y.; res. River- side, Conn. 1901 Hamilton Lizars Aberdeen C. E. 1901. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Ep- silon. Battery A 1st N. Y. Field Artillery. Civil Engineer. 400 James St.; res. The Snowdon, Syracuse, N. Y. FrT William John Henry A. B. 1901. Beta Delta Beta; Phi Kappa Al- pha; Theta Nu Epsilon. Mgr. Glee Club; Chan- cellors' and Intercollegiate Oratorical Prizes; Sec. New York State Bankers' Assn. Secretary. 11 Pine St., New York; res. Edgemont Rd., Scarsdale, N. Y. Herbert Wakeman Lamb (209 Delaware St., Syracuse, N. Y.) T U' Charles Blaine Piper xr z M. D. 1901; B. S. 1897 Dickinson Sem. Phi Kappa Alpha; Corpse and Coffin; Nu Sigma Nu. Football; Baseball. Interne City Hosp.. Newark, N. J., 01-03. Brother of Edgar Foster Piper, Pi 01. Physician. 210 Wisconsin St.; res. 545 Olive St., Milwau- kee, Wis. Edgar Foster Piper ^m E' A. B. 1901; B. D. 1904 Drew Theol. S'em. Phi Kappa Alpha.- Asst. Pastor De Groot M. E. Church. Newark, N. J., 02-04; Pastor Green- wich, Conn., 04; Pastor Epworth M. E. Church. Brother of Charles Blaine Piper, Pi 01. Clergyman. 60 Edwards St., New Haven, Conn. Francis Keon Purcell X p 'J~ Major] Fred Reed Undine; Mermaid Club. Pres. Bench and Board. Member Black River Valley and Jefferson County Golf Clubs. See Chi 01 Lawyer. 500 Sherman Bldg.; res. 221 Paddock St., Water- town, N. Y. A. B. 1901; B. Arch. 1903. Phi Tau; Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Asst. in English, Coll. of Fine Arts, Syracuse Univ., 02-03. Au- thor "Rambles in Normandv:" "Western France:" "Mexico, Our Southern Neighbor;" "Constantinople and Her Ancient Art." Mem- ber American and Toronto Canoe Club. Journalist. 110 Church St.; res. 80 Gerrard St. E., Toronto. Canada. Emory Russell Sprague M. D. 1904 Hahnemann Med. Coll. Physician. 98 Clinton Ave. S'., Rochester, N. Y. Charles Edwin Sweet X fv' Ftr LL. B.1901. Delta Chi. Banjo and Glee Clubs. Civil Service Commissioner, 02-03. Member Syracuse University and Binghamton Clubs. Manager. 34 State St.; res. 21 Genesee Ave., Bingham- ton, N. Y. Clauden Carr Taber Y d s' John Barnes Wells Advertisin-'. 411 Seitz Bldg.; res. 104 Rugby Rd., Syracuse, N. Y. Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Leader Glee Club. Member Psi Upsilon and Dutch Treat Clubs. Concert Artist and Composer. 319 W. 95th St., New York, N. Y. ^lilton Hewett Wells X i^' Ph. B. 1901. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Ep- silon. Member Mohawk Golf Club. Electrical Engineer. General Electric Co.; res. 51 Glenwood Blvd., Schenectady, N. Y. 1902 Frank Bernard Baldwin xdz' Ph. B. 1902; M. D. 1906. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Rochester Med. Assn.; University Club. 1902-04] PI CHAPTER 591 Physician. 98 Clinton Ave. S.; res. 364 Barnngton St., Rochester, N. Y. Neal Brewster Y c Z' LL. B. 1902. Beta Delta Beta; Phi Delta Phi; Phi Kappa Alpha; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin. Collector Internal Revenue, 21st Dist. of New York. Member Onondaga Golf and Country, Sedgwick Farm and Citizens' Clubs; Sons of Am. Revolution; Onondaga County Bar Assn. Lawyer. 704 Dillaye BIdg.; res. 400 W. Onondaga St., Syracuse, N. Y. Francis Ware Clary F f Z' E. E. 1902. Rock-Cut Stone Co., 531 Union Bldg.; res. 219 Midland Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Albert Howe Damon TgT' A. B. 1902 stitnma cum laude. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Track. Member New York Press Club. Brother of Wil- liam Ward Damon, Pi 87. Journalist. Times Annex, W. 43d St., New York; res. 140 Fisher Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Edward Erskine Moir (Marcellus, N. Y.) Arthur Calvin Redington* William Gregory Siddell Fma d. 1911 Fqa' A. B. 1902; A. M. 1908 Clark Univ. Phi Beta Kappa; Beta Delta Beta; Historical Assn.; Phi- losophical Club; Debating Union (Pres.)_. Assoc. Editor University Forum; Literary Editor Col- lege Annual. Vice-Principal State Normal S'chool, Edinboro. Educator. Meadville and Normal Sts.; res. Meadville St., Edinboro, Pa. Herbert Clinton Soule Xi-T' E. E. 1903. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin. Member Am. Inst. Electrical Engineers. General Engineer. Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., East Pitts- burgh; res. 1222 Mill St., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Paul Monroe Vernon YcoT' Beta Delta Beta. Member Citizens' Club. Insurance. 813 Onondaga County Savings Bank Bldg.; res. 1022 Westcott St., Syracuse, N. Y. Charles W^esley Wood X Y T' 1903 Edward Richards Barber* M t Z' A. B. 1903. Teacher in Latin, W. Pa. Classical and Scientific Inst., Mt. Pleasant, Pa., 03-04. Educator. d. 1904 Samuel Ebenezer [Mixer] Brown FdC Manufacturer. Sherwood Brothers Mfg. Co., Inc.. 119 James St.; res. 174 Petersboro St., Canastota, N. Y. Harold Davenport Cornwall F c V LL. B. 1903. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Ep- silon;, Phi Kappa Alpha; Corpse and Coffin. Trustee N. Y. State Coll. of Forestry. Member Psi Upsilon Club of New York. Manufacturer. Lowville; res. Beaver Falls, N. Y. Harry Kirk English N r. T' Merchant. Blue Grass Coal Corporation, Hazard, Ky. John Newton French Initiated by the Upsilon Arthur Leland Graff Ttr Delta Chi; Corpse and Coffin. The Onondagan; Albert Leonard and Law Debating Socs. Local White Slave Officer, Dept. of Justice, U. S. A., 13-14; Justice of the Peace since 09; Sec. and Member Capt. David Getman, Jr., Camp No. 13, Sons of Veterans, Division of New York, U. S. A. Lawyer and Justice of the Peace. R 10. Arietta Bldg.; res. 5 Fremont St., Glo- versville, N. Y. John J Hill 7cT' C. E. 1906. Corpse and Coffin; Double Seven; Kappa Beta Phi; Senior Dinner Club; Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Crew. Member Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers. Civil Engineer. James Stewart & Co., Inc., 30 Church St., New York; res. 66 Oswego St., Baldwinsville, N. Y. Daniel Blizzard Mills F m r B. S. 1903. Principal Acad., Cincinnatus, N. Y., 03 — ; Principal Laurel School; Pres. Bing- hamton School Masters' Club. Laurel and College Sts.; res. 8 Johnson Ave., Binghamton, N. Y. Ellis Eayette Olmstead X r ^' Beta Delta Beta. Pres. Buffalo Advertising Club; Chairman Executive Committee Assoc- iated Advertising Clubs of America. Advertising. Times Bldg., New York; res. Vermont Ave., White Plains, N. Y. 1904 James Roy Allen XbH' A. B. 1904. Beta Delta Beta. Won Chancel- lor's Oratorical Contest; Editor University Weekly. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Manufacturer. 545 W. 20th St., New York; res. Forest Hills Gardens, N. Y. Harry Barber XaH' LL. B. 1904. Lawyer. 35 White Memorial Bldg.; res. 622 James St., Syracuse, N. Y. Anson Wood Belding X c r/ A. B. 1904 summa cum laude Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Journalist. 12 Tremont Sq.; res. 93 Grove St., Claremont, N. H. 592 PI CHAPTER [1904-05 Edwin Hiram Bull rd Thcta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Sales Manager. National Motor Co., 1616 Broadway; res. 774 Race St., Denver, Colo. XbH' Eus^ene Smith Dalton M. D. 1908. Nu Sigma Nu; Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Omega Alpha; Knockers' Club; Senior Council. Attg. Phys. Kingston Ave. Hosp.; Asst. S'urg. Long Island Coll. Hosp. Dispensary. Member Am. Med. Assn.; New York State Med., Kings County Med., Flatbush Med. and Brooklyn Pediatric Socs.; Soc. Alumni City Hosp.; Terrace Club of Flatbush; Kensington and Parkville Improve- ment League. Physician. 694 E. Sth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Edwin Stiles Edwards Mgr. Track (4) T fr; Ph. B. 1904. Salesman. 70 Fifth Ave., New York; res. 55 Hanson PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Winegar Fowler F ni y;' Ph. B. 1904. Crew. Teacher in Science, Little Falls, N. Y., 04-06; Instr. in Chemistry, Syra- cuse Central High School since 06. Member University Club. Brother of Burton Philander Fowler, Pi 07. Educator. 858 Lancaster Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Jacob Edward Gramlich xx'n M. E. 1904. Beta Delta Beta; Phi Kappa Alpha; Tau Beta Pi; Corpse and Coffin. Crew (Capt.); Commodore Syracuse Navy. Member Athletic Governing Board; Asst. Prof, of Practical Mechanics, Coll. of Applied Science, 08-10; Assoc. Prof., 10—; Asst. Prof, of Manual Training, Teachers' Coll., 09 — ; Syra- cuse Board of Education, 13. Member Onon- daga County, Golf and Country, Citizens,' Rotary. Technology, University and Psi Upsilon ^New York) Clubs. Factory Manager. Brown-Lipe Gear Co., 200 S. Geddes St.; res. 130 Redfield PI., Syracuse, N. Y. Adrian Grain Grover Y h W Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York). Journalist. 24 Broad S't., New York; res. 748 Westminster Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Eugene Haanel X 1 H' Nil' Sigma Nu; Glee Club. Editor Recorder. Sec. St. John's Ambulance Assn., Western Canada. Member Canadian Club and Assn. of Railway Supts. of America. Assistant Superintendent. Canadian Pacific Railway Depot; res. 20SS Rae St., Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Parker Fairfield Scripture Initiated by the Psi Gilbert Hine Wildman y ^ "O' E. E. 1904. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Phi Kappa Alpha; Corpse and Coffin. Crew. Member Psi LTpsilon (New York), Dun- woodie Country, Knickerbocker Whist and Park Hill Country Clubs. Merchant. 243 Park Hill Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. 1905 Linus Worth ington l>agg M. p. 1905. Physician. 712 Clinton Ave., Newark, N. J Harold Hill Bemis (Canastota, N. Y.) \\'illvam James Boyd Ph. B. 1905; LL. B. 1907. Lawyer. CRidgewood, N. J.) Grow Stanley Brown Initiated by the Xi Evans Bailey Ellicott (Medina, N. Y.) Earl Davison Hatheway Manufacturer. Oriskany Falls, N. Y. Roscoe iVIonroe Hersey XgO' r m 6' XyO" FcV FRA' B. S. 1905. Tau Theta Upsilon; Y. M. C. A.; Biological Soc. Pres. Y. M. C. A. (4); Univ. Band (2), (3); Managing Editor Hand Book (4) ; Assoc. Editor University Weekly. General Sec. Y. M. C. A., Tientsin, China; Member Welfare and Conservation Committee. Author "Social Service." Member North China Phi- losophical Soc, Tientsin Literary and Social Guild. Secretary. Y. M. C. A., China. 20 Recreation Rd., Tientsin, Louis Eaton Jenkins Xh> M. D. 1905. Nu Sigma Nu. Commissioner of Public Works. Member Am. Med. Assn.; Anglo-Am. and Cayuga County Med. Socs.; Med. S'oc. of the State of N. Y.; Auburn Acad, of Medicine; City and Masonic Clubs of Auburn. Physician. 162 Genesee St.; res. 180 Genesee St., Auburn, N. Y. Louis Philip Morris Xb> Fj^e F r 6' Football, 02-03. Member Boston City and Com- monwealth Country Clubs. Salesman. 10 High St., Boston; res. 185 Rawson Rd., Brookline, Mass. Otis Abichai Morse (Buffalo, N. Y.) Spencer Gilchrist Prime, 2(1 LL. B. 1906 Law Coll. Beta Delta Beta; Skull and Serpent; Phi Delta Phi. Asst. Deputy Sec. of State N. Y., 09-10; Chief Automobile Bureau, 10-11; Member State Legislature, 12- 13. Lawyer. Main St., Lake Placid, N. Y. Charles Reed Pulford Initiated by the Eta Samuel Arthur Pulford Initiated by the Eta Clifford Howe Searl A. B. 1905; LL. B. 1905. Phi Delta Phi; Dou- ble Seven. Member Onondaga Golf and Coun- XoIT 1905-07] PI CHAPTER 593 try and Citizens' Clubs. Lawyer. 474 S. Salina St.; res. 501 Lomstock Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. George Arthur Wendt X s > E. E. 1905. Corpse and Coffin; Monk's Head; Theta Xu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Dir. St. .\ndrew's Curling Club; Dir. and Chairman Handicap Committee Country Club of Mon- treal. Member Country Club of Montreal and St. Andrew's Curling Club. Salesman. Canadian Westinghouse Co., Montreal, P. Q., Canada. Harry Earl Wing r d ^6 Onondaga Debating Soc. Mgr. Baseball (1); Football. Pres. Palmvra Anglers' Club; Sec. Palmyra Automobile Club. Member Palmyra Welfare and Industrial Assn.; Palmyra Auto- mobile and Palmyra Anglers' Clubs. Clerk. Oarlock Packing Co., 50 Main St.; res. 10 Charlotte Ave., Palmyra, N. Y. 1906 Burton Philip Boeheim' Ph. B. 1906. Charles Daniel Castle TpK' d. 1906 K X M' Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York). Salesman. Washington Ave., Little Ferry, N. J. Robert Warren Clark rPK' Chemist. Will & Baumer Co., Spring St.; res. 322 W. Pleasant Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Stanley Colter TcO' M. E. 1906. Senior Dinner Club. Member Syracuse Univ. and Psi Upsilon Clubs. Brother of John Rutledge Colter. Pi 12. S'ales-Engineer. 90 West St., New York N. Y.; res. 196 N. Ar- lington Ave., East Orange, N. J. Arthur Petherick Foreman P b K' E. E. 1906; M. D. 1916. Nu Sigma Nu: Tau Beta Pi. Member Citizens' Club. Physician. 100 Dudley St., Syracuse, N. Y. Howard \\'illiam Girvin X m K' James Chaplain Hoey P t K' Salesman. 14 Central St., Providence, R. I. Charles Freeman AlacMurray y^ p 'O B. S. 1906 magna cum laude. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Kappa Alpha. Crew, 02. Engineer. Colon Electric & Ice Supply Co., Colon, Canal Zone. Charles Eugene Miller, Jr. X g O' A. B. 1906. Beta Delta Beta; Tau Theta Up- silon; Skull and Serpent; Corpse and Coffin; Double Seven; Senior Dinner. Crew (1), (2), (3). Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York). Broker. Grand Rapids Savings Bank Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. James Harry Alosher* Student. FsK' d. 1902 Edward'N^ewman Packard, Jr. X d K' Ph. B. 1906; M. D. 1909. Phi Kappa Alpha; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Crew (Capt.) (1); Athletic Governing Board (3) (4); Bus. Mgr. 'The Onondagan (3); Pres. Student Body (4). Asst. Attending Phys. Reception Hosp., Saranac Lake. Member Am. Med. Assn.; Natinal Assn. for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis; County Med. and State Med. Socs. Physician. 18 Church St., Saranac Lake, N. Y. PyK' Frederick Frank Schade Football. (Sycamore St.. Buffalo, N. Y.) 1907 Frank Stevens Clift K r X' Real Estate. 1103 Cortland Ave.; res. 7ii W. Brighton Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Leon Hastings Cornwall PsA' Ph. B. 1907; M. D. 1910. Phi Kappa Alpha; Alpha Omega Alpha; Nu Sigma Nu; Glee Club. Crew; Track; Athletic Governing Board; Senior Council. Pres. Syracuse Univ. Club, 15-16. Member Psi Upsilon and Syracuse Univ. (New York) Clubs. Physician. 350 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Asa Albert Button K X 'A Ph. B. 1907. Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Baseball. Middleburg, N. Y. Burton Philander Fowler PcA' A. B. 1907. Business Mgr. Syracuse University Weekly. Instr. in Science, High School, Ca- najoharie, N. Y., 07; Syracuse, 07-08; Oneida, 08-09; Principal High School, Oneida, 09—; Principal High School, Milton, Mass. Mem- ber Mass. Schoolmasters' and Boston City Clubs. Brother of George Winegar Fowler, Pi 04. Educator. High School, Milton; res. 162 Brush Hill Rd., Mattapan, Mass. Joseph Baxter Hill KbX^ Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Contractor. 647 Broadway; res. 97 Columbia St. N. Y. Albany, .Mason Terpening Mount O h 'X D. D. S. 1907 Univ. of Mich. Theta Nu Ep- silon and Beta Delta Beta (Syracuse); Omicron Kappa Epsilon and Delta Sigma Delta (Mich.) Member Masonic Club of Cato. Dentist. Cato, N. Y. Charles [E] Packard r X M' B. S. 1907; M. S. 1908; Ph. D. 1913 Columbia. Sigma Xi; Block Letter. Instr. in Biology, Wil- liams Coll., 08 — ; Instr. in Zoology, Columbia l^niv. Educator. Schermerhorn Bldg., Columbia University, New ■^'ork; res. Pleasantville, N. Y. 594 PI CHAPTER [1907-10 LeRoy Masters Pharis F v A' C. E. 1907. Senior Dinner Club; Tau Theta Upsilon; Monk's Head; Skull and Serpent; Tau Delta Sigma; Tau Beta Pi. Engineer. Utah Power & Light Co., Kearns Bldg.; res. 56 Hillcrest Apts., Salt Lake City, Utah. Harold Dunston Stephens K s N' E. E. 1907. Engineer. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pitts- burgh; res. 441 Locust St., Swissvale, Pa. 1908 Perle Brown Brockway K 1 'Q, M. D. 1908. Nu Sigma Nu. Interne Bradford St. and Kings County Hosps., 08-10; Member Kings County Alumni Assn.; Instr. in Physical Diagnosis, Long Island Coll. Hosp., 11-12; Surg. Brooklyn Hosp. Out-Door Dept., 10-13; Bush Terminal Hosp.; Phys. Brooklyn Methodist Home. Member Brooklyn Soc. of Internal Medicine; Assoc. Physicians of Long Island; Brooklyn Pathological Soc. Physician and Surgeon. 629 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. Benjamin Hugh Paine x Y '^ Georg-e Shaler Reed T c M' Ph. B. 1908; M. D. 1911. Nu Sigma Nu; Al- pha Omega Alpha; Phi Kappa Alpha; Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta; Corpse and Coffin. Mgr. Baseball, 08. Asst. Anaesthetist Hosp. of Good Shepherd; Phys. Onondaga County Or- phans' Home. Member University Club. Physician and Surgeon. 537 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. Frederick WilHam Schiefer O g 'Q M. E. 1908. Beta Delta Beta; Tau Delta Sigma; Skull and Serpent. Teacher Ursinus Coll., Col- legeville. Pa., 08-09. Brother of Henry John Schiefer, Jr., Pi 08. Manager. Prentiss Tool & Supply Co., 313 Ellwanger & Barry Bldg.; res. 43 Ericsson St., Rochester, N. Y. Henry John Schiefer, Jr. Kf'A E. E. 1908. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Tau Theta Upsilon; Corpse and Coffin. Crew (2, (3), (4). Supt. Crafts Dept.. Ursinus Coll., 08-09. Member Am. Inst, of Electrical Engineers. Brother of Frederick William Schiefer, Pi 08. Manufacturer. Pittsburgh Transformer Co., Pittsburgh; res. 37 N. Bryant Ave., Bellevue, Pa. Thomas Jefferson Stevens O p 'A (Elbridge, N. Y.) George Scribner Ten Eyck K r Q'' M. D. 1908. Nu Sigma Nu. Physician. 908 N. Alvord St., Syracuse, N. Y. Eugene Alphonso Thompson K r A^ A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1911. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. (300 Walnut PI., Syracuse, N. Y.) 1909 Joseph Hill AUibone Pa 'A M. E. 1909. Corpse and Coffin; Senior Dinner Club; Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Mem- ber Ashland Board of Trade and Country Club. Technical Assistant. Solvay Coke Co.; res. Tlic Elms, Asliland, Ky. Ralph Wilson Bingaman X b 'Q M. E. 1909. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Ep- silon. Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York) Sales Engineer. 15 Wall St., New York; res. 50 Linden Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Seymour Dawson, Jr. X t ""A Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Tau Delta Sigma. Vice Commodore Am. Canoe Assn., 16. Member Schenectady Rifle and Edison Clubs. Research Chemist. Building No. 5, General Electric Co.; res. 29 Snowden Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. PyV Charles Cooper Button A. B. 1909. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Monk's Head. Middleburg, N. Y. James Marshall Gorham P n w' Skull and Serpent. Tax Assessor Englewood, N. J. Real Estate and Insurance. 6 N. Dean St.; res. Linden Ave., Englewood, N. J. Leslie Frank Hoyt X h 'Q Manager. 919 West St.; res. 10112 Garfield Ave., Cleve- land, Ohio. prx Edgar Crouse Jacoby Member Citizens' and City Clubs. Publisher. 232 W. Jefferson St.; res. 115 Comstock Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Earle Leland Miller Initiated by the Eta rix' Frederick Bruce X^orthrup (704 Oak St., Syracuse, N. Y.) Wilfred Wickliffe Porter, jr. P h 'Q A. B. 1909; LL. B. 19n. Phi Kappa Alpha; Corpse and Coffin; Senior Dinner Club; Senior Council Athletic Governing Board; Mgr. Track. Sec. Syracuse Advertising Men's Club; Syra- cuse Country Club; Member Republican Coun- ty Committee. Member Y. M. C. A.; Citizens', City, Syracuse Advertising Men's, Country, Ro- tary and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Assistant Manager. McMillan Book Co., 509 E. Water St.; res. 1717 W. Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. Warren Howland Snow PI fc) Member Psi LTpsilon (New York) Club. Banker. Michigan Trust Bldg.; res. Morris Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1910 Deane Hamilton xA-udrew Pb'B LL. B. 1911. Merchant. 1910-121 PI CHAPTER 595 30-31 Main St.; res. 296 Jersey St., Buffalo, N. Y. Harold \'olke Cook Te'B LL. B. 1910 Univ. of Buffalo. Beta Delta Beta; Skull and Serpent. Lawyer. 900 D. S. Morgan Bldg.; res. 75 Norwalk Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. rd'B Ross V'eder Hersey Member Stetson Club. Purcliasing Agent. New Bedford Gas & Edison Light Co., 261 S. Water St.; res. 65 Russell St., New Bedford, Mass. Lee William AIcHenrv Wh'B Ph. B. 1910. Phi Kappa Alpha; Beta Epsilon; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin. Post- master Chittenango, N. Y. Journalist. Democratic Union, 16 Lenox Ave., Oneida; res. Chittenango, N. Y. Wilfred Porter Miller Ts'A M. E. 1910. Skull and Serpent; Monk's Head; Tau Tlieta Upsilon; Nu Sigma Nu. Football. Member Citizens' and Masonic Clubs. Student. 102 Erie St., Syracuse, N. Y. Hume Morss r m 'X Member City Club. Insurance. 700 Gurney Bldg.; res. 911 Harrison St., Syracuse, N. Y. X b '^' Willoughby Carr Pendill I Ph. B. 1910; M. D. 1913. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Monk's Head; Senior Din- ner Club. Asst. Surg. New York Polyclinic Hosp.; Attending Surg. Huntington Hosp. INIember Psi Upsilon, Golf and Marine Clubs. Physician. Main St., Huntington, N. Y. Leon Abbott Stansfield rn'B Theta Nu Epsilon; German Club; IMandolin and Glee Clubs. Pres. Musical and Leader of Glee Clubs, 10; Chairman Senior Dramatics; Track, 08-09. Member Psi Upsilon Club. See Beta Beta 10 Salesman. 461 Fourth Ave.; res. 501 \V. 121st St., New York, N. Y. lames Holden Wilson X s 'T k C. E. 1910. Theta Nu Epsilon; Monk's Head; Tau Theta Upsilon; Tau Delta Sigma; Senior Dinner Club. Member University of Syracuse, Sedgwick Farm and City Clubs. Banker. Syracuse Trust Co., 330 S. Warren St.; res. 113 Rugby Rd., Syracuse, N. Y. Clifford Parkinson Yountr BcT LL. B. 1910 Detroit Coll. of Law. Beta Delta Beta. Salesman United Fuel & Supply Co., Free Press Bldg., Detroit; res. Bloomficld Hills, Birmingham, Mich. 1911 Clayton Wells Butterfield X y 'Y Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin. Mgr. Musical Clubs. Member City Club. Assistant Sales Manager. Dyneto Electric Co., 301 Wolf St.; res. 1103 Westcott St., Syracuse, N. Y. Edgar Denton, Jr. T t 'X Ph. B. 1911; LL. B. 1913. Phi Kappa Alpha. Member Psi Upsilon Assn. of Elmira. 335 E. Water St.; res. 701 Grove St., Elmira, N. Y. Grover [Cleveland Dickinson] Farns- worth T b 'X Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Rowing; Track. Author "The How and Why of the Carburetor;" "The Dividend." Member De- troit Boat, Country and Tennis Clubs; The Arts and Crafts Socs. Manufacturer. 91 Medbury Ave., Detroit, Mich. Truman Samuel Fuller XhT B. S. in Chem. 1911. Monk's Head; Senior Din- ner Club. Metallurgist. General Electric Co.; res. 233 Union St., Schen- ectady, N. Y. Edward Ravlor Kent Tb-'X B. S. 1911 Univ. of 111. Member Junior Am. Soc. Mechanical Engineers; Psi Upsilon and Illinois Clubs of New York. See Omicron 11 Assistant Superintendent. Celluloid Co., 290 Ferry St.; res. 723 Highland Ave., Newark, N. J. Robert Hall Preston Xl'X Ph. B. 1911. Tau Theta Upsilon; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin. Member Psi Up- silon Club. Broker. Harris, Forbes & Co., 56 William St., New York; res. 16 Chestnut Hill Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Woolsey Waterbury Weed K 8 'E Glee and Mandolin Clubs. Member University (Albany) and Young Men's Republican Clubs. Engineer. F. C. Huyck & Sons; res. University Club, Albany, N. Y. 1912 Dana Wallace Barnard Fa 'A C. E. 1912. Beta Delta Beta; Skull and Ser- pent; Tau Beta Pi. Member Syracuse Coun- try and Cortland Country Clubs. Civil Engineer. SemetSolvay Co.; res. 101 E. Borden Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Maner Hart Bostick Yc'S B. S. 1912. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Delta Tau; Kappa Beta Phi; Delta Tau. Member Socictiet Harmonic Semarang, Semar- •angsch Wedloop Societiet, Societiet Tjandi and Tjandi Sport Club. Merchant. Standard Oil Co. of New York; Djatingaleh, Tjandi, Semarang, Java. Xb-^^ A. B. 1913. Tennis Team (Capt.). Member Psi LTpsilon (New York) Club. Brother of Stanley Colter, Pi 06. Journalist. 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ; res. 196 .^rlington Ave., East Orange, N, J. John Rutledge Colter 596 PI CHAPTER [1912-13 Edgar Blakley Ingraham Xd E. E. 1912. Phi Kappa Alpha; Corpse and Coffin; Thcta Nu Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; Tam- bourine and Bones; Tau Delta Sigma. Pres. .Senior Council; Mgr. Football; Member Ath- letic Governing Board. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) and Forest Hill (Newark) Clubs. Salesman. General Electric Co., 30 Church St., New York; res. 723 Highland Ave.. Newark, N. Y. Ralph Maitland Jones xq^r LL. B. 1912. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Tambourine and Bones; Univ. Glee Club. Member Ingleside Club of Detroit. Assistant Cashier. Highland Park State Bank. 3030 Woodward Ave.; res. 144 Farrand Park, Highland Park, Mich. Karl Miller Keefer ri'A C. E. 1912. Engineer. Underwriters' Assn. of New York State, 700 Gurney Bld^.. Syracuse, N. Y. Howard William Kurtz 7 e ""o (Crosby & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.) Thomas S. Leith X g T (Brighton, Mich.) Eldon Davidson Miller Xk'O) C. E. 1912. Skull and Serpent; Beta Delta Beta. Assistant Purchasing Agent. Lackawanna Bridge Co.; res. 192 Hoyt St., Buffalo, N. Y. Arthur Brainard [Spencer] Oday E. E. 1912. Delta Tau. Football. Member Forest Hill, Mazda and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Electrical Engineer. Edison Lamp Works of General Electric Co., Fourth and Sussex Sts.. Harrison; res. 723 Highland Ave., Newark, N. J. Truman Holley Preston LL. B. 1912. Tambourine and Bones; Boar's Head. Lawyer. 324 Union Bldg.; res. 761 Harrison St., Syra- cuse, N. Y. Malcolm Jennings Rogers F r ""A (619 Walnut Ave., Syracuse. N. Y.) Paul Holzwarth Schoepf lin y s '3 A. B. 1912. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Corpse and Coffin; Senior Dinner, Glee and Instrumental Clubs. Hockey (Capt.); Baseball. Member University and Gyro Clubs. Manufacturer. 505 Ellicott Sq.. Buffalo; res. Hamburg, N.,Y. yD't 1913 William Ted Bessant Pf 'E Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Phi Kappa Alplia; Monk's Head. Pres. Senior Council; Member Athletic Governing Board; Commo- dore Navy (4), Vice-Commodore (3). Elec- trical Inspr. Underwriters' Assn. of New York State. Engineer. L'nderwriters' Laboratories Inc., of Chicago, 111., 404 Wellman Bldg.; res. 512 Pendergast Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Herbert Clifford Fulmer PgO^ B. S. 1913; M. D. 1916 Nu Sigma Nu; Pi Delta Epsilon. Editor-in-Chief Syracuse Daily Orange, 12-13; Member Senior Council, 12-13; Assoc. Editor Onondagan Year Book, 11-12; Delegate Psi Upsilon Convention, Amherst Coll., 13. Instr. in Bacteriology and Preventive Medi- cine, Med. Coll. Syracuse Univ. Member Citi- zens' Club. Educator. ^Medical College, Syracuse University; res. 405 Fayette Park, Syracuse, N. Y. Mahlon Hill Gregg Pq'E C. E. 1913. Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin. Crew (1), (2), (3), (4). Manufacturer. 371 St. Paul St.; res. 719 Park Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Ralph Slayton Harter P d 'E Leighton Foster Johnson P B 'Z M. D. 1915 Boston Univ. School of Medicine. Glee Club; Quartet. Physician. 868 Washington St., Norwood, Mass. Earle Evans Lawton Xg^E Manufacturer. Ford Motor Co.; res. IS Euclid Ave., Detroit, Mich. Robert Pitkin' McDowell XfT A. B. 1913; LL. B. 1916 Columbia Law School. Track; Managing Editor Syracuse Daily Orange. Member Psi Upsilon Assn. of Elmira. Son of Boyd McDowell, Pi 81. Lawyer. Realty Bldg.; res. 408 W. Water St., Elmira, N. Y. H Loomis Murray Initiated by the Gamma Howard Mattoon Phelps Camden, N. Y. Xd'T Frank Dickinson Pulford P c T LL. B. 1913. Member Psi Upsilon .\ssn. of Elmira. Brother of Samuel Arthur Pulford, Eta 05, Pi 05 and Charles Reed Pulford, Eta 05, Pi 05. Contractor. 157 Falck St.; res. 128 E. Hudson St., Elmira, N. Y. Earl William Tucker O d T A. B. 1913; A. M. 1914. Boar's Head (Pres., 12-13); Tambourine and Bones (Vice-Pres., 12- 13). Member Sons of Am. Revolution. Investigator. N. Y. Bureau of Municipal Research. 261 Broad- way, New York; res. 1243 President St., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Clair W' ilson Wadsworth Xc-'E Architect. Third National Bank Bldg.; res. 60S Walnut Ave., .Syracuse, N. Y. 1914-16] PI CHAPTER 597 1914 George Harold Braman r b -^T (Post Standard Bldg. ; res. 951 Ackerman Ave., Syracuse, N. Y.) Tr^T Harold Roffe Hardisty Salesman. Kasom & Randolph Co., 518 Jefferson Ave.; ri.-. 345 S. Detroit St., Toledo, Ohio. Martin Foster Hilfinger X h 'Z A. B. 1914; LL. B. 1916. Phi Kappa Alpha; Beta Delta Beta; Skull and and Serpent; Boar's Head; Monk s Head; Senior Dinner Soc. Foot- ball; Crew; Pres. Y. M. C. A.; received Monk's Head Tropliy. Debating Team; Member Uni- versity, City and Country Clubs. Superintendent. A. E. Nettleton Shoe Co., Pearl St.; res. 619 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. Kenneth Nathaniel Lamberson '/ 1 'T D. D. S. 1914. Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Silver Lake Country and Automobile Clubs. Dentist. 164 Mariner St., Buffalo, N. Y. Ronalci Wightman Putnam X p X Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin; Phi Kap- pa Alpha. Baseball (Mgr.); Senior Council. Member Citizens' Club. Insurance. 607 University Bldg.; res. 512 Kensington Rd., Syracuse, N. Y. Allen Henry Summerville F s 'T C. E. 1914. Beta Delta Beta; Tau Theta Up- sUon; Tau Delta Sigma; Skull and Serpent; Corpse and Coffin; Tambourine and Bones. The Onondagan Board; Crew. Mining. Weedon Mining Co. Ltd., 60S Eastern Town- ships Bank Bldg., Montreal; res. Shawinigan Falls, Quebec, Canada. William Horatius W'iisthof 1915 7. y ""^ Dwight Sear! Barnum Kappa Beta Phi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Salesman. Crucible C5teel Co. of America, Fayette and Magnolia Sts. ; res. 312 Highland Ave., Syra- cuse, N. Y. Seymour Eaton, Jr. ^^1 ^' Beta Delta Beta. Publisher. Trotty Veck Messengers; res. 110 Main St., Saranac Lake, N. Y. George Arthur Fonda y f a"" (331 Cleremont Ave., Syracuse, N. Y.) Leonard Scott Fulmer Y 1 a E. E. 1915. Skull and Serpent; Delta Tau; Tau Beta Pi. Member University Club. Assistant Engineer. Halcomb Steel Co.; res. 405 E. Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y. Thonia.s Eugene Hitchcock F r H*" Delta Tau; Football. 1st Lieut. 1st Field Ar- tillery N. G. N. Y.; Dir. Pi of Psi Upsilon Alum- ni AssA. Member Bellevue Country and City Clubs. ^^erchant. 123 S. Clinton St.; res. 1646 James St., Syra- cuse, N. Y. William Dean Keefer X 1 ^.' E. E. 1915. Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Kappa Beta Phi; Delta Tau; Tau Delta Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; Tamborine and Bones. Safety Engineer. Aetna Life Ins. Co., 223 Fourth Ave., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Flarold Greene Porter XfS-^ B. S. 1915. Phi Kappa Alpha; Nu Sigma Nu; Corpse and Coffin; Siwash Club. Track (Mgr.). Student. 1717 W. Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. Ellwood Dayton Purdy FgH' Kappa Beta Phi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Pi Delta Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta; Monk's Head; Sen- ior Dinner Club. Editor University Handbook ; The Onondagan ; Assoc Editor Syracuse Daily Orange; Business Mgr. The Syracusan; Treas. Univ. Y. M. C. A.; Treas. and Member Board of Trustees Psi Upsilon Trust Assn. Member City Club. Real Estate and Insurance. 601 Garney Bldg.; res. 101 E. Pleasant Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Raymond George Thorpe 7 s 1' (7031/2 E. Raynor Ave., Syracuse, N. Y.) CHfford Slater Wheeler K t 'P Track (Colgate). Member P'irst Battalion Naval Militia. Member Psi Upsilon, Wee Burn Golf and Stamford Yacht Clubs. Student. 55 E. 76th St., New York, N. Y. and Lawn Ave., Stamford, Conn. Edward Goodwin Wright F g H' C. E. 1915. Tau Theta Upsilon; Tau Delta Sigma; Corpse and Coffin; Skull and Serpent. Senior Council; Football; Crew; Cheermaster. Engineer. Levering & Garrigues Co., 552 W. 23d St., New York; res. 773 Madison Ave., Albany, N. Y. 1916 Nelson George Brittingham Initiated by the Rho Davis Carlisle Burroughs Xb'P B. S. 1916. Manufacturer. Carnegie Steel Co.; res. 221 S. 5th St., Du- quesne. Pa. Wilbur Wintersmith Capron F j '6 A. B. 1916. Beta Delta Beta; Delta Tau; Pi Delta Epsilon; Pi Alpha Tau; Siwash Club. Pres. Upperclass Debating Soc; Assoc. Editor The Onondagan and Syracuse Daily Orange; Whinner Annual De Luna Extemporaneous Speaking Contest. Student. Wayland, N. Y. Kenneth Ray Curtis (376 Summer Ave., Newark, N. J.) b'P 598 PI CHAPTER [1916-18 Howard Bigelow Daniels Member Merrimac Valley Country, Concord Gun and Billiards, Chess and Whist Clubs. Clerk. Sftone & Webster, 147 Milk St., Boston; res. Old County Rd., Acton, Mass. Walter Lester Glass T f •'O Lloyd Andrews Hamilton Tq-'P A. B. 1916. Phi Beta Kappa; Skull and Ser- pent; Corpse and Coffin. Football; Track. Student. 49 Bartlett Ave., Pittsfield, Mass. Robertson Mosher X c '6 (Parish, N. Y.) LaGrant Murray Y S T' Student. 141 W. Castle St., Syracuse, N. Y. Robert Knox Murray X f '0 Theta Nu Epsilon. Student. 141 W. Castle St., Syracuse, N. Y. Allen Durston Partridge -^ r^@ (604 Tallman St., Syracuse, N. Y.) Frank H. Sears Initiated by the Delta Walter Herbert Thomas i r '0 A. B. 1916 ctitn laude. Theta Nu Epsilon; Pi Delta Epsilon; Delta Tau. Managing Editor Syracuse Daily Orange. Student. 118 Ruskin Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. 1917 Edward Wilson Bingaman v c I' Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Corpse and Coffin. Student. 562 W. 113th St.. New York, N. Y. Edgar Otis Boggs x ^ ' Student. 913 Bellevue Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Edward George Brittingham T k '11 Kappa Beta Phi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Skull and Crescent; Yellow Helmet. Brother of Louis Geora;e Brittingham, Pi 17, Rho 17 and Nelson G. Brittingham, Rho 15, Pi 16. See Rho 17 .Student. 223 S. Rampart Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Louis George Brittingham x g i^ Theta Sigma Chi; Si wash; Skull and Crescent; Yellow Helmet; Deutscher Club. Brother of Edward George Brittingham, Pi 17, Rho 17 and Nelson George Brittingham, Rho 15, Pi 16. See Rho 17 Student. 223 S. Rampart Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Edmund Augustus Corby T c TT Advertising. 220 W. 42d St. York, N. Y. res. 215 W. 101st St., New Donald Hill Douglass X r '/ B. S. A. 1917. Skull and Serpent; Delta Tau. Student. 89 Schuyler St., Boonville, N. Y. Wesley Judd Fuller Tree Dentist. Sherbourne, N. Y. Ralph Ottis Keefer Y k c' Xf V Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Phi Kappa Alpha; Tau Delta Sigma; Alpha Chi Sigma; Tau Beta Psi; Monk's Head; Tambourine and Bones. Basket Ball. Assistant Chemist. German Am. Button Co., Rochester, N. Y. ; res. 732 W. 3d St., Williamsport, Pa. Charles Archbold Lockard, Jr. X 1 ""t Corpse and Coffin; Tambourine and Bones. Secretary. Sinclair Oil & Refining Corporation, 120 Broad- way, New York, N. Y. Charles Ambrose Nicholson, 2d. T X '/ Skull and Serpent. Crew. Midshipman U. S. Navy. U. S. Naval Acad., Annapolis, Md.; res. 315 Allen St., Syracuse, N. Y. Charles Harold Peters Track. Student. 202 McLennan Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Harold Robinson Rich hW Xc'n Track. Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Delta Beta. Salesman. Seneca Motor Car Co., 336 East Ave.; res. 230 Chestnut St., Rochester, N. Y. xf '•' George Gordon Steele Skull and Serpent. Baseball. Student. Albion, N. Y. Thomas Edison Walsh, Jr. Initiated by the Delta Alfred Vrooman Wright T 1 '1 Skull and Serpent; Senior Dinner; Delta Tau. Student. 773 Madison Ave., Albany, N. Y. Ronald Grant Wright LL. B. 1917. Lawyer. Dudley & Gray, Niagara Falls, N. Y. 1918 Xvz Tbo' Richard Jay Bostick Student. 210 Comstock Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Donald Belden Derby X m K"^ Salesman. W. M. Ritter Lumber Co., Columbus, Ohio; res. 224 Furman St., Syracuse, N. Y. William Falconer Dunbar X t O' Beta Delta Beta; Theta Nu Epsilon. See Up- silon 18 Student. 229 Linden St., Rochester, N. Y. 1918-20] George Rayiior Garrett Skull and Serpent. Student. 1508 S. Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y. William Stanton Gere PI CHAPTER vf x-^ Student. Aluminum Co. of America, Alcoa, Tenn.; res. 301 E. Kennedy St., Syracuse, N. Y. Kenneth Melville Harris Student. 1922 E. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. Edward Ernest Hopkins Crew. Athletic Governing Board, Student. 1484 S. State St., Syracuse, N. Y. 7. r '^ X m o" IdS-^ Merchant. (Marshall-Wells Hardware Co.; res. 2411 E. 4th St., Duluth, Minn.) Seymour McKennan Student. 205 Lansing St., Utica, James Miller Owen Charles Ransom Phelps Salesman. Camden, N. J. George Conrad Schwartz Skull and Serpent. Beta Delta Beta. 14 Clarence St., Worcester, Mass. rgo Tau Delta Sigma; Corpse and Coffin. Crew. Student. o36 Winslow St., Watertown, N. Y. Orin Remington Summerville Eric W'aldemar Will X r o"" Commodore Syracuse Crews. Student. 714 McBride St., Syracuse, N. Y. Charles Gilbert Wolfenden y t /.' Student. Margaretta and Euclid Aves., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1919 Earle Whitman Allen K 1 co Student. 95 Morningside Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Merle Porter Ayers O d 'v Student. Adrian, Mich. Harold Kaye Dawson H c 'j Student. 51 Edward Ave., Pittsfield, Mass. 599 Sd-'N Louis Lynn Goes Student. 100 Waverly Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Harold Stillwell Hess o s ■'M Student. 1117 Sliackamaxon St., Philadelphia, Pa. Edward Springer Hubbell K p 'N 122 Highland Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Herman Clarke Johnson a 6 ""v Student. Canton, N. Y. William Barrow Mylchreest N b 'M Student. 50 Brainerd Ave., Middletown, Conn. Thomas Cory Plumb K 1 'p Student. 118 Fifth Ave., Troy, N. Y. Carroll Sanford Rector o f ""v Student. Geneseo, N. Y. Paul Winfield Snodgrass o m 'M Student. 517 Prospect Ave., Medina, N. Y. James Robert Talbot K y 'N Student. 507 University Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Gerald George True M n 'N 1100 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. 1920 Samuel Harry Beach, Jr. o t Q, .Student. 120 W. Embargo St., Rome, N. Y. Edward Hillyer Mackenzie, Jr. o f A^ Student. 812 Livingston Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Alexander Martin Student. Caldwell, N. Y. Robert Willis Moray Student. 5806 Howe St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Robert Emil Paul Reiman Student. 530 Manhattan Ave., New York, N. Y, Thomas Griffith Talbott Student. 507 University Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Ogt^c xbA, >^sQ, K c A" CHI CHAPTER FOUNDED JUNE 12, 1876 CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA. NEW YORK 1835 Charles Chauncy Shackford=^ <7 M° p" A. B. 1835 Harvard and A. M. 1838. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Harvardiana, 35. Valedic- torian; Delivered the Master's Oration, 38. Charter Member; Pastor Hawes PI. Church, Boston, Mass., 41-43; Teacher Burlington, Iowa, 44-46; Pastor 2d Congregational Church, Lynn, Mass., 46-65; Teacher, Boston, Mass., 65-71; Prof, of Rhetoric and General Literature Cor- nell Univ., 71-86; Prof. Emeritus, 86. Author ''A Citizen's Appeal in regard to the War with Mexico; ' "An Address at the Consecration of Pine Grove Cemetery." Clergyman and Educator. d. 1891 1845 Goldwin Smith* HA° P A. B. 1845 Univ. of Oxford and A. M. 1847; LL. D. 1865 Brown Univ.; L. H. D. 1870 Regents of the Univ. of the State of N. Y. Hertford Scholar, Oxford, 42; Ireland Scholar, 45; The Chancellor's Latin Verse Prize, 45- Latin Essay, 46; English Essay, 47; Fellow of Univ. Coll., 47-66; Honorary Fellow; Fellow of Oriel Coll. Charter Member; Regius Prof of Modern History, Univ. of Oxford 58-66; r^%^^ H'^- ^^^ Oxford Univ. Commission, 50-52; S«c. 2d Commission, 54-57; Mem- ber Royal Education Commission of England, ^o'^^iT^"""^- °^ English History, Cornell Univ., 68; Member Senate. Univ. of Toronto, 71- 75. Author "Irish History and Irisli Character;" "An Oxford Professor on Church Endow- ments: "The Empire;" "Does the Bible Sanc- tion American Slavery?" "A Letter to a Whig Member of the Southern Independence As- sociation;" "A Plea for the Abolition of tests in the Universtiy of Oxford;" "England and America;" "Speeches and Letters;" "The Civil War in America;" "Three English States- ?/"; "A Letter to the Rev C. W. Sandford, M. A. Senior Censor of Christ Church;" "The Reorganization of the University of Oxford;" .IZl^^ Relations between America and England;" I he Bystander." Educator and Journalist. d. 1910 1849 Edwin Jay Morgan* y] S° p" M. D. 1849 Hobart Coll. Charter Member; Pres. Homeopathic Med. Soc, Tompkins, Cort- land, and Tioga Counties, 76. Father of Ed- ward Jay Morgan, Jr., Chi 78. Physician and Surgeon. d. 189S 1860 Albert Nelson Prentiss* 2 ^° P, B. S. 1860 Mich. State Agricultural Coll. and M. S. 1861. Charter Member; Member U. S. Signal Corps, 61-62; Prof, of Botany and Horti- culture, Mich. State Agricultural Coll., 62-68: Cornell Univ., 68. Author "My Vineyard at Lakeview;" 1st Walker Prize Essay, Bos- ton Soc. of Natural History, "On the Mode of the Natural Distribution of Plants over the Surface of the Earth." Educator. d. 1896 Dean Sage* © ° A^ LL. B. 1861 Albany Law School. Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn, N. Y., 82. of William Henry Sage, Beta 65. Merchant. TrustCL- Brother d. 1902 1868 Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen* H A° 0^ Ph. D. 1868 Univ. of Christiana, Sweden. Charter Member; Poet Conventions, 77 and 83; Prof, of Latin and Greek, Urbana, 70-72; Asst. Prof, of North European Languages, Cornell Univ., 74-76; Prof, of German Litera- ture, 76-80; Gebhard Prof, of German, Colum- bia Coll.. 81. Author "Gunnar;" "A Norse- man's Pilgrimage:" "Tales from Two Hemis- pheres;" "Falconberg:" "Goethe and Schiller, including a Commentary on 'Faust';" "Queen Titania;" "Ilka on the Hill-Top, and other Tales;" "A Daughter of the Philistines;" "Idyls of Norway, and other Poems;" "The Story of Norway;" "The Modern Vikings;" Psi Upsilon Song "Star Song." Member Am. Philological Assn. Educator. d. 1895 Henrv Shaler Williams 2 A' Ph. B. 1868 Yale and Ph. D. 1871. Gamma Nu; Linonia; Book and Snake. Berzelius Prize, 68. Charter Member; Asst. in Paleonto- logy, Yale 68-70; Prof, of Natural History, Ky. Univ., 72; Paleontology, Cornell Univ., 79- 86: Geology and Paleontology since 66; Dean of the Faculty since 87; Geologist U. S. Geolo- gical Survey: Prof. Emeritus, Cornell L^niv. ; Fellow Geological Soc. of London: Societi Geologique du Nord (France) ; Victoria Inst, of London: Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science; Member of the Counseil Congres Geo- logique International, Berlin, 68; Paleontolog^- cal Soc. of London: Inst, of Christian Phi- losophy; Societi Paleontologique Suisse; the Am. Soc. of Naturalists. Author "A Comparison of the Muscles of the Chilonian and the Human Shoulder Girdle;" "Bones and Ligaments and Muscles of the Domestic Cat;" "The Genesee Slate;" "Studies of Spirifer Laevis, etc.;" "On 1871-74J CHI CHAPTER 601 the Occurence of Proteus Longicaudus;" "Chan- nel Fillings of the Upper Devonian;" "New Crinoids from the Chemung Group;" "Cata- logue of the Fossils of the Chemung Group;" "On a Remarkable Fauna;" "The Undulation of Rock Masses;" "On a Crinoid with Movable Spines;" "On the Fossil Faunas of the Upper Devonian;" "The Spirifers of the Upper Devonian;" "On the Age of the Sand Rock at Austin. Minn.;" "Geographical and Physical Conditions as Modifying Fossil Faunas;" "A Limuloid Crustacean from the Deyonian;" "Classification of the Upper Devonian:" "A Synopsis of Lectures on the Elements of His- torical Paleontology;" "On the Classification of the Upper Devonian;" "Devonian Lamelli- branchiata and Species Making;" "The Ideal Modern Scholarship." Member Cosmos Club (Washington): Am. Naturalist: Am. Assn. Ad- vancement of Science; Geological Soc. of America; Geolog^ical Soc. of London; Soc. Geologique du Nord (France). Brother of Otis Lincoln Williams, Chi 88. Educator (retired). Cayuga Heights, Ithaca, N. Y. 1872 Charles Hildreth Rlair Initiated by the Iota Charles crAutremont, Jr. N^ LL. B. 1875 Columbia. Dir. and Treas. Cornell Navy, 1. Supervisor Chemung County, N. Y., 81-82; County Attv. St. Louis County, Minn., 84-86: Mayor i)uluth, Minn., 92-94. Member Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country, Du- luth Boat. Duluth Commercial, Duluth Gun and Washington (Isle Royale, Mich.) Clubs. Initiatta by i1r- I'^i Lawver (retired). 713 Sellwood Bldg.; res. 1401 E. 1st St., Duluth, Minn. 1873 John Boggart Lawrence H Y B" Ph. B. 1872. Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, 73-75; Colector, 75-76; Vice-Pres. Alumni Assn. of Cornell Univ., 74-75. Initiated by the Theta Journalist. (Montague Hotel, Kansas City, Mo.) Joseph \\'arren Scott* B S ^V Initiated by the Psi Mining Engineer. d. 1888 Washington Irving- Scott* p O ^' B. S. 1872. Dir. Cornell Navy. 71-72. Vice- Pres. Cornell Univ. Alumni Assn., 83-84. Initiated by the Theta Manufacturer. d. 1910 Toel Walker Shackelford* ^r u T A. B. 1872. Pres. Neptune Boat Club, 70-71; Leader Univ. Orchestra, 70-72; Assoc. Founder and Dir. Cornell Navy, 71-72. Colo. Legislature, 82-83; Pres. Board of Public W^ors, City of Denver, 99-01. Member Denver Country and Colo. Electric Clubs. Initiated bv the Theta Real Estate. d. 1916 William Jones Youngs* Q A° O^ B. S. 1872. Prize in Physiology, 70; Sec. Cor- nell Navy, 71 and 72. Member N. Y. State Convention, Syracuse, 76; Judicial Convention of the 2d Dept., 76-77; N. Y. Legi.slaturc. 79. Lawyer. d. 1916 Richard. Bacon* M 1 T B. S. 1873. Commencement Orator. Brother of Charles Putnam Bacon, Chi 82. Initiated by the Psi Lawyer. d. 1914 ! lenry Clark Johnson* K K K K K X N K ; PI M. Ac. 1882. Eastman's Business Coll. Lawyer. 537 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. Henry ?\Iontgomery Dibble t^ X S B. Litt 1882. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Cor- iiclliati, 80-81; The Cornell Review, 81,82. Author "Ensilage." Banker. Bank of Western Carolina, Aiken, S. C. I'eter B*aldv Matthews Y h o" Mechanical Engineer. rNew York Athletic Club, New York, N. Y.) Charles Minshall X "^ ^ Member Union League (Chicago), Chevy Chase and Washington Country (Washington) Clubs. Father of Robert Minshall, Chi 17. Banker and Manufacturer. 3100 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago, 111.; res. 654 Cherry St., Terre Haute, Ind. William Borton Reading* ixr\ Clerk Board of Supervisors of Erie County, N. Y., 82-85. Lawyer. d. 1913 Stephen Parrish Sears* ' X s o, B. Litt. 1882. Editor The Cornell Era, 80-81; Cornellian, 81-82; Capt. Baseball, 80-81. Lawyer. d. 1898 Frederick Piatt Suydam B B A B. S. 1882. Theta Nu Epsilon. Member Cor- nell University Club. .Manufacturer. 10 E. 43d St.; res. 218 W. 70th St., New York, N. Y. Frederick Davies White* S z 6 B. S. 1882; LL. B. 1884 Columbia. Son of .•\ndrew Dickson White, Beta 53. Lawyer. d. 1901 George Herdman Wright A. B. 1882; M. D. 1884 National Med. Coll., Washington, D. C; M. D. 1886 Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago. Major Cornell Cadets. Pres. Md. State Homeopathic Med. Soc. Mem- ber Cornell and Psi Upsilon Clubs (Washing- ton, p. C). Physician. Forest Glen, Md. 1883 Walter Jackson Freeman SfS" M. D. 1885 Columbia; M. D. 1885 Univ. of Pa. Fellow Coll. of Physicians, Philadelphia; Am. Coll. of Surgeons; Am. Laryngological Assn.; Prof. Emeritus of Diseases Nose and Throat; Consulting Laryngologist Pa. Inst. Deaf and Dumb. Physician. 1832 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Azel Clarence Hough H C A Henry Hale Pease' Manufacturer. 1025 McKey Blvd.; res. 100 St. Lawrence Ave., Janesville, Wis. y m A, Ph B. 1883 Syracuse Univ.; M. D. 1886. Pres. General Coll. Assn., 82-83; Field Day Master of Ceremonies, 83. Member Staff St. Joseph's Hosp.. 91-92; Public Vaccinator. Syracuse, 91- 93: Instr. in Anatomy, Coll. of Medicine, 87-90; Demonstrator of Anatomy, 90-93; U. S. Pen- sion Surg. 92-09. See Pi 83 Physician and Surgeon. d. 1909 606 CHI CHAPTER [1883-85 Willis Markel Roberts* OSN M. E. 1883. Pres. Mechanical Engineering Assn., 81-82. Member Am. Assn. for the Ad- vancement of Science. Consulting Engineer. d. 1909 William Barker Ruggles, Jr.* fi h S" M. E. 1883. Pres. Mechanical Engineering and Univ. Athletic Assns., 82-83. Member Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science; Psi Upsilon Club. Son of William Benjamin Rug- gles, Psi 49 and brother of Lester Barker Rug- gles, Psi 78 and Dwight Ruggles, Chi 90. Mechanical Engineer. d. 1916 Seth Swift Serat WtZ" Member Blue Hills Country, Midday, Univer- sity and Knife and Fork Clubs. Merchant. Star Coal Co.. 314 Commerce Bldg.; res. 3625 Locust .St., Kansas City, Mo. Jay Hatheway Utley eUt|^ M. D. 1883 Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Prof, of Physiology, Coll. of Medicine, Univ. of South- ern Cal., 85-88; Formerly Pres. Los Angeles County Med. and Los Angeles Clinical and Pathological Socs. Member Am. Med. and Cal. State Med. Assns.; Sunset Club. Physician. 416 Bradbury Block; res. 963 Menlo Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. 1884 0cQ d. 1887 Bestor Gaston Brown Initiated by the Phi W[illiam] \'^allance Hamilton ^h M" Member Genesee Valley and Laurentian Clubs. Banker and Merchant. Caledonia, N. Y. Howard Lispenard Horton T i [i 5 Ocean Ave., Ocean Grove, N. J. Frank M. McMillan* O^Q Student. Ralph Crysler Seymour X t v Member Larchmont Yacht, Chippewa Bay Yacht and Psi Upsilon Clubs. Brother of Louis Hoard Seymour, Chi 85 and John Pliny Seymour, Chi 86. Mechanical Engineer. Goss Printing Press Co., 220 W. 42d St., New York; res. 16 Linden Ave., Larchmont Manor, N. Y. Timothy Shaler Williams VXQ A. B. 1884. Editor The Cornell Era. 82-83; The Cornell Review, 83-84. Vice-Pres. Alumni Assn. of Cornell Univ., 86-87. Member Psi Upsilon, University, Recess of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Hamilton of Brooklyn, and Sea- wanhaka Corinthian Yacht Clubs. Brother of Chauncey Grant Williams, Chi 87. Transportation. 85 Clinton St., Brooklyn; res. Huntington, N. Y. 1885 Edward [Dinsmore] Bryan Hixson PyQ Member Psi Upsilon Club. Transportation. C. M. & St. P. Rv.. Woolworth Bldg., New York, N. Y.; res. 532 N. Broad St., Elizabeth, N. J. George Batchelder Kittinger M t ^ Member City Council, Seattle, 90; State Leg- islature, 95-97. Real Estate and Insurance. 259 Colman Block; res. 39th Ave. N. and E. Thomas St.. Seattle, Wash. A. B. 1885; LL. B. 1888. Phi Beta Kappa. Dir. Athletic Assn., 82-85; Editor The Cornell Era; The Cornell Review; Honors for Gen- eral Excellence, 85; Commencement Orator. Brother of Frank Elias McCall, Chi 87. Lawyer. Liberty St.; res. 118 E. Steuben St., Bath, N. Y. James McCall Charles Caldwell Park ^DT M. D. 1888 Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. Physician (retired). Montecito, Santa Barbara, Cal. George Barlow Penny X c N" B. S. 1885. Glee Club. Dir. (1), (2); Univ. Organist (2), (3), (4); Editor Cornellian. (3); Commencement Orator. Prof, of Music, Girton Hall Sem., Halifax, N. S., 85-86; Instr. Roches- ter Theol. Sem.; Minister of Music 1st Presby- terian Church, Dalhousie Coll., 86-87; Lecturer on History of Music and Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Metropolitan Conserva- tory, New York, 87-90; Dean School of Fine Arts, Univ. of Kans., 90-04; Dir. Oratorio Soc. and Art Inst. Kansas City, Mo., 08-10; Dean Inst, of Musical Art since 10. Author Psi Upsilon Song "The Garnet and the Gold." Member University Club. Father of Vernon Kellogg Penny, Zeta 16. Educator. 47 Prince St.; res. 278 Alexander St., Rochester, N. Y. Louis Hoard Seymour* Mf ^ Brother of Ralph Crysler Seymour, Chi 84 and John Pliny Seymour, Chi 86. Student. d. 1884 Stoddard More Stevens XcA Ph. B. 1885. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Cornell Era, 83-84; Editor-in-Chief Sun, 84-85; Ivy Orator, 85; Woodford Prize Orator, 85; Com- mencement Orator. Son of Edward Livingston Stevens, Theta 55, father of Stoddard More Stevens, Jr., Chi 14 and George May Stevens, Chi 16 and brother of Edward Livingston Stevens, Chi 99 and Harold Burr Stevens, Chi 02. Lawyer. 176 W. Dominick St.; res. 321 W. Thomas St., Rome, N. Y. $A3 John Van Sickle B. S. 1885. Baseball; Editor-in-Chief Cornell Era. Member City Club of Auburn and Owasco Country Club. Lawyer. 140 Genesee St.; res. 28 Grover St., Auburn, N. Y. , A t A" Arthur Adlard Welby Historian Assn. of Civil Engineers, 83-84; Vice-Pres. and Dir. Athletic Assn., 83-84. District Egineer. 1885-88] CHI CHAPTER 607 Great Southern Railway of Buenos Aires, Calle Humberto 1"; res. Calle B. Mitre No. 341, Quilmes, Argentine Republic. Emery Brady Wendell* X g Q Broker. - d. 1904 1886 William Grant Barney B .2: ^I' B. S. 1886. Editor The Cornell Era, 84-85; Sun, 84-85; Editor-in-Chief The Cornell Review, 86; Capt., 82-86; Dir. Cornell Navy, 82-86; Crew, 84 and 86. Mechanical Engineer. (579 W. Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.) Philip Price Barton $t^ Ph. B. 1886; M. S. 188. Honors for General Excellence, 86; Asst. Librarian, 81-83. Vice- Pres. Niagara Falls Memorial Hosp.; Trustee Niagara Falls Public Library; Fellow -Am. Inst, of Electrical Engineers. Member Am. Assn. for Advancement of Science; Am. Electrochemi- cal Soc. Niagara, Niagara Falls Country, Buffalo and Engineers' (New York) Clubs. Vice-President and General Manager. Niagara Falls Power Co., 352 Buffalo Ave., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Harrv Merchant Beardslev W m ^ Ph. B. 1886. Treas. and Mgr. Football Assn., 82-85; Pres. of Glee Club. 85-86. Trustee Park Church. Member Psi Upsilon Assn. of Elmira; Elmira Country and Rotary Clubs. Father of Donald Pettit Beardsley, Chi 13. General Manager. Elmira Water Board. City Hall; res. 365 W. 1st St., Elmira, N. Y. Eli Horace Doud Initiated by the Omega George Brown Dusinberre Q W $ M. E. 1886. General E.xcellence and Thesis. Pitsburgh Country, Oakmane Country, Pitts- Commissioner of Water, City of Cleveland. Cleveland Engineering Soc; Cleveland Athletic Club. Mechanical Engineer. City Hall, Cleveland, Ohio; res. Wellsboro, Pa. Joseph LeRoy Harrison A t B B. L. S. 1893 and M. L. S. 1912 Univ. of the State of N. Y. Editor The Cornell Era, 84-85. In Charge Am. Library Assn. Exhibit, Paris Exposition, 00. Compiler "Cap and Gown: Some College Verse;" "With Pipe and Book: A Col- lection of College Verse;" ''In College Days: Recent Varsity Verse." Member Am. Library and N. Y. State Library School Assns.; Mass. Library, Western Mass. Library, Northampton, Northampton Country, Lake Placid and Adiron- dack Camp and Trail Clubs. Librarian. Forbes Library; res. 1 Dennison PI., North- ampton, Mass. ©rr John Joseph Hayes"* Instr. in Elocution, Boston, Mass., 81-85; Cor- nell Univ., 85-86; Harvard Univ., 86. Educator. d. 1902 AhB John Pliny Seymour B. S. 1886. Member Niagara Club. Brother of Ralph Crysler Seymour, Chi 84 and Louis Hoard Seymour, Chi 85. Manufacturer. The Carborundum Co., Buffalo Ave. and ISth St.; res. 211 Sth St., Niagara Falls, N. Y. 1887 James Hallock Day ^ b x Representative Conn. Legislature, OS; Member Conn. Senate, 09; State Bridge Commissioner, 09-14. Real Estate and Insurance. 185 Sigourney St., Hartford, Conn. Frank Elias McCall PcX Brother of James McCall, Chi 85. See Alpha 87 MaA Grant McCargo B. S. 1887. Editor The Cornell Era, Mem- ber Pittsburgh, University, Duquesne, Athletic, Pittsburgh Country, Oakmane Country, Pitts- burgh Field, Americus and Pittsburgli Golf Clubs. Manufacturer. 34th St.; res. Woodland Rd., Pittsburgh, Pa. Frank Meredith Moore Initiated by the Pi Neil Stewart, Jr.* tc £ S Dir. Navy and Treas. Athletic Council, 86-87. Engineer on Croton Aqueduct, New York, N. Y., 87-91. Civil Engineer. d. 1891 Theodore Kirkland Wilkinson y m F B. S. 1887. Brother of John Wilkinson, Chi 89. Metallurgical and Chemical Engineer. 210 Highland Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Chauncey Grant Williams AaA C. E. 1887. Member Am. Soc. of Civil Engi- neers. Brother of Timothy Shaler Williams, Chi 84. Civil Engineer. 140 E. 9th St., Plainfield, N. J. 1888 Henry Niemeyer Brooks Bh(p M. E. 1888. Assoc. Member Am. Inst. Electri- cal Engineers. Consulting Engineer. 4809 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111. Charles Edwin Carpenter IgA Member Psi Upsilon, Cornell, Engineers', Ma- chinery and Larchmont Yacht Clubs; Am. Inst, of Electrical Engineers. Engineer. Cutler-Hammer Mfg. Co., Times Bldg. ; res. 41 W. 67th St., New York, N. Y. Lawrence Lumaree Daugherty ^ m A Broker. 704 Lincolnway; res. 911 Indiana Ave., La Porte, Ind. Erford Lydell Page x \i E Football, 85. Pres. Board of Education; Treas. Moore ]\Iemorial Library. Author "A Record of Life's Events." Merchant. The Page Seed Co.; res. 23 N. Chenango St., Greene, N. Y. 608 CHI CHAPTER [1888-89 Philip [Clare] Payne HAP A. B. 1888; A. M. 1889 Columbia. Woodford Prize. Author "The Shadow of the Million- aire"; "The Mills of Man"; "Duchess of Few Clothes"; "The Furnace"; "Saviours of So- ciety." Journalist and Author. Minneapolis Tournal, ]\Iiiineapolis, Minn.; res. 1442 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Samuel Croft Register TLZ B. S. 1888. Member Union League and Merion Cricket Clubs. Brother of Albert Layton Regis- ter, Chi 89. Manufacturer. 410 Commercial Trust Bldg., Philadelphia; res. Haverford, Pa. John Myers Taylor I 9 T M. E. 1888. Presbyterian Soc. Baseball. Member Military Order of the Loyal Legion; Soc. of Colonial Wars; Albany Soc. of Civil Engineers; Soc. of Engineers of Eastern New York; University Club of Albany. Engineer and Builder. 362 Clinton Ave., Albany, N. Y. XJT Thomas Turnbull, Jr. B. S. 1888; M. D. 1887 Univ. of Pa. Physician. 835 Western Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Otis Lincoln Williams 7 s y M. E. 1883. Editor Coryiellian, 86. Member Richmond County Country, Country (Brook- line, Mass.), and Exchange (Boston) Clubs. Brother of Henry Shaler Williams, Chi 76. Consulting Engineer. Westinghousc, Church, Kerr & Co., 37 Wall St., New York; res. 21 Central Ave., St. George, N. Y. 1889 Frederick Love joy Durland 11 c Z B. L. 1889. 2d Prize, Tennis; Junior and Woodford Prize Orator; Pres. History and Political Science Assn. Trustee Sea Gate Assn. Member Assn. of the Bar City of New York; .St. Nicholas and New York Historical Socs. ; Psi Upsilon, Cornell University and Atlantic Yacht Clubs. Lawyer. IS Wall St.; res. 116 E. 76th St., New York, N. Y. Frank Sidney Fielder* XhT Ph. B. 1889 ;M.D. 1892 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa Editor The Cornell Era, Junior year; Editor The Cornell Review, Senior year; Hon. Mention, 86; Memorial Price Declamation, Junior year; Class and Commencement Orator; Hon. Mention Senior Thesis. House Surg. New York Hosp., 93; Med. Inspr., Dept. Health, New York City, 95-lG; Asst. Dir. Vaccine Laboratory, Dept. Health, 11-16; Phys. New York Dispensary, 95-98; Demonstrator of Anatomy, Cornell Univ. Med. Coll., 98-08; Phys. Bellevue Hosp. Dis- pensary, 98-14; Pres. West Side Med. Soc, 09-10; Pres. Soc. Alumni Sloane Maternity Hosp., 08-09; Asst. Surg. U. S. Navy, 98. Mem- ber N. Y. County and State Med. Socs.; Am. Med. Assn.; New York Acad. Medicine; West End Med. Soc; Soc. Alumni New York Hosp., and Sloane Hosp. for Women; Hosp. Graduates' Club. Physician. d. 1917 John Wilkinson Kirkland XxZ Frank McFarland* B. L. 1889. Student. M. E. 1889. Pres. South African Inst, of Electrical Engineers, 13-14. Member Rand, Automobile and Johannesburg Golf fjohannes- burg) and Mohawk and Mohawk Golf (Schenec- tady, N. Y.) Clubs. Officer of C'orporation. South African General Electric Co., Southern Life Bldg.; res. 50 Abel Rd., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Pcu d. 1891 vfs Ph. B. 1889. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Cornell Sun, 86-87; The Cornell Era, 87-88. Member Psj Upsilon Club. Journalist. 51 Chambers St., New York, N. Y.; res. Park Ridge, N. J. Harry Kneen Moore 7 w a Pres. Football Assn., 85-86. Merchant. 133 E. Alder St.; res. 601 E. Main St., Walla Walla, Wash. William Frederic Rackemann A

■^ (850 Broadway, New York, N. Y.) John Parker Pope vqT Member Rotary and Lexington Clubs; Board of Commerce and Electric Railway Assn. Electrical Engineer. Kentucky Traction & Terminal Co.; res. Phoenix Hotel, Lexington, Ky. D wight Ruggles* ■/ j Z Student. d. 1889 Henry W'ilhelm Wilkinson v m -: B. S. 1890. Bench and Board; Mermaid. Pipe Custodian, 90; Junior Ball Committee. Mem- ber Psi L'psilon, University and Essex County Country Clubs. Architect. 15 W. 38th St., New York, N. Y.; res. Llewellyn Park, Orange, N. J. p, o :^ J[ohn] Francis Booraem M. E. and E. E. 1841. Veteran Squadron A N. G. N. Y. Member Field CluH Manufacturer. Am. Enameled Brick & Tile Co., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. Shore Rd., Green- wich, Conn. Henry Floy Initiated by the Xi Carleton Greene XDI C. E. 1891; A. B. 1889 Harvard. Member Cen- tury Assn. and Harvard Club of N. J. Civil Engineer. 11 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ; res. 151 W. Turrell Ave., South Orange, N. J. Edward Robert Lewis ^ m r; B. L. 1891 Univ. of Mich. See Phi 91 Manager. U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co., 47 Cedar St.; res. 565 \V. 189th St., New York, N. Y. Edward Graffs Lombard* (1/ k t d. 1904 Frederic Palen Schoonmaker y X P A. B. 1891. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres. Bradford Country Club; Vice-Pres. Bradford Board of Trade; City Solicitor City of Bradford since 97; Capt. Co. C 16th Inf. N. G. Pa. Lawyer. City Hall; res. 186 Congress St., Bradford, Pa. Franklin Lacy Sheldon* B z S M. E. 1892. Mechanical Engineer. d. 1895 Horace [Greeley] Van Everen O j S M. E. 1891; LL. M. 1896 George Washington Univ. and M. P. L. 1897. Phi Delta Theta. Member Am. Bar, Boston Bar and Am. Patent Law Assns.; Engineers', Oakley Country, Bos- ton City and Colonial (Cambridge) Clubs. Lawyer. S3 State St.. Boston; res. 13 Kirkland PI., Cambridge, Mass. 1892 W^illiam Benthall Brooks* Charles Henry Dunbar* XcO d. 1903 aPM M. E. 1892; B. S. 1891 Worcester Polytechnic Inst. d. 1915 Joseph Esrey Johnson A 9° u M. M. E. 1892; B. E. 1888 Haverford Coll. and M. E. 1891. Member Engineers' Club. Consulting Engineer. 52 William St., New York; res. 8 Oak Way, Hartsdale, N. Y. Walter Grant King B. S. 1892; M. S. 1894. Member Am. Soc. Mechanical Engineers; Saturn and Country Clubs. .Manufacturer. 90 Welland St.; res. 101 Chapin Parkway, Buffalo. N. Y. 610 CHI CHAPTER [1892-94 Edward Taft Newton xfo Manufacturer. 1785 Northampton St., Holyoke, Mass. Frederick Alexander Parkhurst* d. 1913 Henry Haight Piffard Initiated by the Lambda Henry Vollmer Register 7 tu Z A. B. 1892. Sphinx Head. Member Union League of Philadelphia and Merion Cricket Club. Insurance. 211 Commercial Trust Bldg., Philadelphia; res. Haverford, Pa. William B Scaife riiP Theta Nu Epsilon; Fruija Club. Member Pitts- burgh, Allegheny Country, Duquesne, Pitts- burg Golf and Pittsburgh Country Clubs; Pitt.s- burgh Athletic Assn. Manufacturer. 221 First Ave.; res. 709 Ridge Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Ray Burdick Smith Initiated by the Pi 1893 William Stanton Brayton r m :r M. E. 1893. Member Cornell University, Mont- clair Athletic and Montclair Golf Clubs. District Manager. General Electric Co., 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. ; res. 141 Central Ave., Montclair, N. J. Harry Bartol Brazier P b IT Vice-Pres. Philadelphia Auto Club. Member Merion Cricket Club; Union League of Phila- delphia; Automobile Club of Philadelphia. Broker. Henry & West, 1417 Chestnut St., Philadelphia; res. W^ynnewood, Pa. Gilbert Congdon Carpenter Initiated by the Sigma Francis Warfield Herrick Clay B o K C. E 1893; LL. B. 1896 Columbian, LL. M. 1897 and M. P. L. 1898. Undine; Bench and Board; Mermaid; Masque and Southern Clubs. 2d Intercollegiate Prize, Graduating Thesis, 93; 1st Prize Welterweight Boxing, 93; 1st Prize, Debate Columbia, 97. Asst. Commissioner of Patents. Member University, Philosophical and Clifton Golf Clubs; Sons of Revolution (D. C.) ; Engineers' Soc. (Pittsburgh); Bar Assn. Lawyer. Patent Office; res. 2737 Cathedral Ave., Wash- ington, D. C. George de Boketon Greene T d t M. E. 1893. Member Union and Tennis and Racquet (Boston) Clubs. Banker. 43 Exchange PL; res. 21 E. 77th St., New York, N. Y. Robert Sever Hale XAM M: E. 1893; A. B. 1891 Harvard and A. M. 1892. Trustee Roxbury Latin School. Member Tennis and Racquet, Engineers', Exchange, Harvard, University and Century (New York), Travelers' (Paris), Country (Brookline), Ded- ham Country and Polo (Dedham), Hoosick- Whissick (Canton) and New England Kennel (Braintree) Clubs; Am. Soc. Mechanical Engi- neers; Am. Inst. Electrical Engineers; National Electric Light Assn.; Boston Soc. of (Tivil Engi- neers. Mechanical Engineer. 939 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Martin John Insull xhn M. E. 1893. Member Chicago, University, Pen- dennis (Louisville, Ky.), Engineers' (New York), and Exmoor Country Clubs. Officer of Corporation. Middle West Utilities Co., 72 W. Adams St., Chicago; res. N. Sheridan Rd., Highland Park, 111. rederick Williams Kelley X ^ ^ M. E. 1893. Sphinx Head; Sigma Xi. Crew Manufacturer. 100 State St., Albany, N. Y. Alexander Payson Knapp FcP LL. B. 1893. Track. Member Baltimore, Mary- land, Baltimore Country and Elkridge Fox Hunting Clubs; Bachelors' Cotillion; Sons of tlie Revolution. Officer of Corporation. U. S. Fidelity & Guarantee Co., Calvert and German Sts., Baltimore; res. 10 Club Rd., Ro- land Park, Md. Willis [Elias] MacGerald Initiated by the Pi Benjamin Francis Thurston Initiated by the Sigma John Reboul Whittemore x ^° ^^ M. M. E. 1893; A. B. 1892 Leland Stanford, Jr. Univ. Track; Capt. Football (Stanford). Member Santa Barbara Country Club. Howard-Canfield Bldg.; res. R. R. No. 1, Santa Barbara, Cal. 1 1894 John Woodruff Dix Henry Percy Douglas ttSM M. E. 1894. Member Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh Athletic, Allegheny Country and Duquesne Clubs. Assistant General Manager of Sales. Carnegie Steel Co., Carnegie Bldg., Pittsburgh; res. Sewickley, Pa. Pho Theta Nu Epsilon. Masque Dramatic Club; Substitute Football and Baseball. Member St. James, Kanawaki Golf, St. Lawrence Yacht, Montreal Hunt and Canada Clubs. Manufacturer. New Birk's Bldg.; res. 2 Summerhill Ave., Mon- treal, Canada. Frederick Pardee Fuller Initiated by the Eta Carl Sheldon Holloway T p y; Engineer. r39 Merchant St., Honolulu, Hav/aii.) William Augustus Larned 7 7 Architect. (Ill Broadway, New York, N. Y.) 1894-97] CHI CHAPTER 611 Earl Hamilton Payne •J e \) Banker. 201 N. Main St.; res. 622 N. Main St., Rush- ville, Ind. Charles Smithers Initiated by the Eta Charles Wesley Tooke Initiated by the Pi Ilerhert Howard Williams X 8 Z Manufacturer. 22 Mulock Ave.; res. 160 Glen Rd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. William Heazlit Woodruff ■/ c r/ Member Auburn City and Owasco Country Clubs. Merchant. S8 Genesee St.; res. 1 Bellevue PI., Auburn, N. Y. 1895 William Fitch Atkinson y. b u B. L. 1895. Aleph Samach; Sphinx Head; Musical (Pres.) and Glee Clubs. Football (Capt., Mgr.); Editor Cornell Magazine and Corncllian. Pres. University Club; Chairman Executive Committee Life Underwriters' Assn. Member Crescent Athletic, Civic, University and Cornell University Clubs; Merchants' Assn. Insurance. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.. 44 Court St.; res. 616 3d St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Waldron Phoenix Belknap X b S Footballj Track; Board of Managers and Chair- man Finance Committee, Am. Bible See; Trustee and Treas. University PI. Presbyterian Church; Dir. Richmond County Country Club. .Member Down Town Assn.; Sons of Revolu- tion; Socs. of Colonial Wars and Cincinnati; Richmond County Country Club. Banker. Bankers' Trust Co., 16 Wall St.; res. 112 E. 80th St., New York, N. Y. Georee Palmer Dyer XP^ B. S. 1895: LL. B. 1897 New York Law School. Fruija; Bench and Board; Sphinx Head. Crew (3). (4). (5); Football (2); (Capt.) (3); Woodford ^lemorial Prize Oration (4). Paymaster L^. S. Navy. Bureau Supplies and Accounts, Navy Depart- ment, Washington, D. C. Norman Banks Livermore X L Q' C. E. 1895. Bench and Board; Senior Ban- queting Soc. Member University, Bohemian, Olympic and Engineers' Clubs. Engineer. 625 Market St.; res. 1031 Vallejo St., San Francisco. Cal. Robert Clinton Palmer P F A' LL. B. 1895. Pres. Psi Upsilon Assn. of Western New York. Member Saturn Club. Lawyer. 714 EUicott Sq.; res. 407 Ashland Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Arthur Critchlow Townsend X p ^. Manager. Toyvnsend Co., 10 S. La.Salle St., Chicago; res. Pai^k Ridge, 111. 1896 l^zra Cornell Blair 7 s [;. LL. B. 1897. Son of Charles Hildreth Blair, Iota 72, Chi 72 and brother of Charles Hil- dreth Blair, Jr., Chi 97. Lawyer. Gallais Bldg. ; res. 915 S. Cincinnati .\ve., Tulsa, Okla. Creelv Stevenson Curtis rD° N M. E. and E. E. 1896; A. B. 1897 Harvard. Aviation Officer Mass. Naval Militia. Member Harvard (New York) and Somerset (Boston) Clubs. Manufacturer. The Burjess Co.; res. Fort Glover, Marblehead, .Mass. Frederick Charles Fletcher PI Member Executive Committee Assn. of Wool Mfrs. ; Vice-Pres. Home Market Club. Manufacturer. 100 Boylston St., Boston; res. 34 Philbrick Rd.. Brookline, Mass. Frederick William Heitkamp y^gV- M. E. 1897. New York Telephone Co.. 24 Walker St., New York, N. Y. ; res. 23 Rodney St., Ridgewood, N. J. Charles Chase Hurlbut Initiated by the Xi Francis Porter Johnson Initiated by the Beta Beta Morton Kemper McMillan Treas. Buffalo State Hosp., 98-01; U. S. Land Examiner, U. S. Forest Service, 07-09. Mem- ber Corona City, Corona Country and San Gabriel Country Clubs. Citriculturist. Grand Blvd., Corona, Cal. John Mason Parker, 3d. Quill and Dagger; Owego Club. Pres. and Stage Mgr. Cornell Masque; Capt. Cornell Corps Cadets; Editor Cornell Widow; Baseball. Mem- ber N. Y. State Constitutional Convention, 15. Composer "Espanita." Member Binghamton Country Club. Lawyer. Post Office Block; res. 113 Front St., Owego, N. Y. ^I' g K du 7 d V Charles Cook Scaife, Jr.* Manufacturer.' Xrv d. 1915 Henry Walker Wallace Sphinx Head; Masque; Southern Club. Business Mgr. Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs; Chairman Junior Promenade Com- mittee. Member Country Club of Va. ; West- moreland and LTniversity Clubs. Department Manager. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.; res. Chester- field Apts.. Richmond, Va. John Wilkinson, Jr. X ^ ^ p. O. Box 274. Fox Lake, 111. 1897 Joseph William Beacham, Jr. Fba LL. B. 1897. La Fruija; Undine; Mermaid; Aleph Samach; Sphinx Head. Crew; Football (21) 612 CHI CHAPTER [1897-99 (1), (2), ^3), (4) (Capt.); Baseball (2), (3), (4) (Capt.). Capt. U. S. Army. Member New York Athletic and The Lambs Clubs. (Officer of the Army. The Adjutant General, U. S. Army, Washing- ton, D. C. vSydney Herbert Dunlop XclA' Mining. (Kokomo, Colo.) William Harvest Harkness y A X LL. B. 1897. Lawyer. 17 Battery PI., New York; res. 98 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Herbert Goiivernenr Odgen X e M M. E. 1897 and E. E. 1897; LL. B. 1898 George Washington Univ. and M. P. L. 1901; LL. M. 1900 Georgetown Univ. Aleph Samach; Sphinx Head; Theta Nu Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi. Member George Washington Alumni and Georgetown Alumni Assns; Phi Delta Phi; Suburban Stamford, Conn.), Union League, Cornell University and Cosmos (Washington, D. C.) Clubs. Patent Lawyer. R. 2813. 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. Portland Farm, Westover Ave., Stamford, Conn. Charles Edward Rand 7 ~ w' 108 W. 84th St., New York, N. Y. Henry Sheldon T s w' LL. B. 1897 New York Law School. Member Squadron A and Cornell Club. Lawyer. 120 Broadway; res. 59 W. 49th St., New York. N. Y. Af yron Upham B 1 w' Educator. (25 Broad St., New York, N. Y.) 1898 Charles Hildreth Blair David Percy Williams 7(0 Q B. S. Capt. Univ., Valley Clubs. 72, Ch: Chi 96 Broker 111 B York 1898. Sphinx Head; Baseball, 96-98; Football Class, 97. Member Cornell Union League, Pelham Country, Cherry Golf and Stock Exchange Luncheon Son of Charles Hildreth Blair, Iota 72 and brother of Ezra Cornell Blair, roadway; res. 122 E. 76th St., New N. Y. Almon Parrel Bowen t: s X Ship Builder. (College Park P. O., Lynchburg, Va.) Ernest Miller Bull X n B' A. B. 1898. Aleph Samach; Sphinx Head. Mgr Track Team; Treas. Intercollegiate Ath- letic Assn. Member Psi Upsilon, Cornell Univ., Whitehall and Ridgewood Country Clubs. Transportation. 17 Battery PL; res. 45 Beverly Rd., Ridge- wood, N. J. X o ^: r £ 9 LL. B. 1898. Masrjue; Chancery; Savage Club. Board Trustees Eastern Indiana Hosp. for In- sane. Member Indianapolis Country, Univer- sity ^Indiana) and Cornell University (New York) Clubs; Chamber of Commerce; Board of Trade. Solicitor. Vandalia Railroad Co., Merchants' Bank Bldg. ; res. 450 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. 1899 Philip Rodman Backus 7 ^ X La Fruija; Undine; Bench and Board; Mon- astery Club. Member Troop C N. Y. Vol. Cavalry, 98. Member Wanderers' (Prince Rupert, B. C), Sainte Claire (San Jose, Cal.) and Cornell (New York) Clubs. Mining Engineer. Copper City: res. Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B. C., Canada. Edwin Sewall Browne Per X G P' B. S. 1899. Transportation. (I. D. Wager Estate, 16303 Detroit Ave., Lake- wood, Ohio.) Albert 1 lomer Canfield Football (1), (2), (4). Member University, Bridgeport, Brooklawn Country, Algonquin, Black Rock Yacht and Cornell (New York, N. Y.) Clubs. Manufacturer. H. O. Canfield Co.; res. 175 Brooklawn Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. Charles Talcott Ellis v a 9 LL. B. 1899. Chancery; Round Table. Mem- ber Union League, New York Stock E.xchange Luncheon and Pelham Country Clubs. Banker. 37 Wall St.; res. 260 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. William Townsend Graham, Jr."'' d. 1898 Frank Van Anden John Howard Holmes Initiated by the Psi r^aurence Irving Scott Y s P M. E. 1899. Undine; Bench and Board; Quill and Dagger. Member Burlingame Country. Pacific Union and Webber Lake Clubs. I nsurancc. Royal Insurance Bldg., San Francisco; res. Burlingame, Cal. Morton Burr Stelle, Jr. 7 m P' La Fruija; Undine; liench and Board. Member Travellers' (Paris) and Clifton Art (England) Clubs. .Artist. Villa Kcrlia. Concarneau, France. Edward Livingston Stevens i{ i< »< »{ N' X : -; n P' A. B. 1899; LL. B. 1902. Phi Beta Kappa: Sphinx Head. Member Executive Council of Psi Upsilon Fraternity since 11. Member Psi Upsilon, Cornell University (New Vork^ N. Y.I and Greenwich Country Clubs; .\ssn. of the 1899-0^ CHI CHAPTER 613 Bar, City of New York. Son of Edward Livingston Stevens, Theta 55, brother of Harold Burr Stevens, Chi 02 and Stoddard More Stevens. Chi 85 and uncle of George May Stevens, Chi 16 and Stoddard More Stevens, Jr.. Chi 14. Lawyer. 154 'Nassau St.. New York, N. Y. ; res. 233 .Milbank Ave., Greenwich, Conn. 1900 John Russell Bensley K c T Sales Manager. Mercury Mfg. Co., 4118 S. Halsted St.; res. 39.'3 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. Arthur Parsons Bryant Initiated by the Zeta i lerman Aldrich Edson Initiated by the Lambda Edward Charles Fish t u X' LL. B. 1900. Chancery. Manager. Burd Ring Sales Co.. 558 Lyell Ave.; res. 187 Chili Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Ross MacMillan Undine. Member Am. Archeological Soc. Rancher. Santa Fe, N. Mex. Howard Hill Mossman Initiated by the Gamma James Bertram Newton X m S' Manufacturer. (Chemical Paper Mfg. Co., Holyoke, Mass.) Loring Griswold Robbins U^(T B. S. 1900. 68 West St.; res. 185 High St., Pittsfield, Mass. O eniliar(l Kdward Fernow, Jr. "/ c S' A. B 1904; M. E. 1906. Sphinx Head. Crew, 0405. Engineer. I2tli St. and St. Paul .\ve. ; res. 4.^2 LaFayette PI.. Milwaukee. Wis. William Morris Imbrie. jr. V h (")' ^]. E. 1904. Superintendent. Cliattanooga Chemical Co., James Bldg. ; res. .Signal Mt., Cliattanooga, Tenn. Harry Disbrow Johnson, Jr." y c r/ Savage Club; Nalanda. Member Am. Soc. Mechanical Engineers; University Clubs of Chicago and South Bend; Indiana Club and Country Club of St. Joseph Valley. Engineer. d. 1916 Edward Munroe Initiated by the Omega Julins Courtlon Sander>on ■/ a 11 ^Manufacturer. 7821 St. Clair Ave.; res. 2071 E. 8.1 d St., Cleveland, Ohio. Henry Fowler X'incent X^^ f', A. B. 1904. Sphinx Head; Aleph Samacli ; Nolanda; Undine; Bench and Board. Asst. Mgr. and Mgr. Baseball, 0304. IMember Canoe Brook Country Club. Sales Manager. 21 Hud.son St.. New York. N. Y. ; res. 6 Ho- bart Ave., Summit, N. J. Arthur Hobart Warner Q a H' (17.1 ("ollege Ave., St. Paul, Minn.) Louis Albert Webb Initiated by the Epsilon David Torrev Wells T s r," A. B. 1904. Member Cornell Univ., White- hall, Richmond County Country and Baltusrol Golf Clubs. Banker. William Morris Imbrie & Co., 61 Broadway; res. 14 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Theodore Parkman WHiite yUV Cornell ^lasque. Engineer of Methods. Am. Telephone & Telegraph Co., 195 Broad- way; res. 1439 University Ave., New York, N. Y. 1905 Donald Reed Cotton r a n^ Mummy Club; Quill and Dagger; Stoic Club; Bench and Board; Glee Club; Undine. Pres. Interscholastic Track Assn; Member Ath- letic Council. Dir. St. Paul Assn. of Com- merce; Pres. University Club of St. Paul; Dir. United Charities of St. Paul; VicePres. St. Paul (Outdoor Sports Carnival Assn.; Member Executive Committee Mummy Club; Sec. Minn. Branch, Belgian Relief Committee; Trustee St. Paul Inst.; Member Vestry, Church of St. John the Evangelist; St. Paul Cornelian Council. Member Town and Country, St. Paul Athletic. Minnesota, University, Minneapolis and Mini- akhda (Minneapolis), Kitchi Gammi (Duluth) and University (Chicago, 111.) Clubs. Sales Manager. 1405 Pioneer Bldg.; res. 720 Goodrich Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Henry Sage Dunning' •/I) B. S. 1905; M. D. 1911; D. D. S., 1904 N. Y. Coll. of Dentistry. Undine; Mummy and Owega Clubs. Attending Oral Surgeon St. Luke's, Roosevelt and Presbyterian Hosps. Member Cornell University, Psi Upsilou and Rumson Country Clubs. fVal Surgeon. 17 E. 38th St.; res. 210 W. 90th St., New York. N. Y. Edward Holmes leA' C. E. 1905. Aleph Samach; Sphinx Head; Sunday Night, Savage, Glee and Mummy Clubs; Bench and Board; Mask; Leader Glee Club; Pres. Cornell Alumni Assn. (Toledo). Civil Engineer. Willys Overland Co.; res. 2844 Parkwood PI., Toledo, Ohio. Walker Gailey McLawry Initiated by the Omega Henry New Morse 7 e H' A. B. 1905. Sphinx Head; Aleph Samach; Mummy Club. Editor-in-Chief Cornell Daily Sun, 04-05. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) and Northport Yacht Clubs; Highland Park Tennis Assn. Manufacturer. 302 Morgan Ave.; res. 1327 Dean St., Brook- lyn. N. Y. Harold Simonds Munroe x ^' '' Glee Club. Member Rocky Mountain (New York) and Silver Bow (Butte, Mont.) Clubs. Mining Engineer. 1736 16th St., Denver; res. Concrete, Colo. .\ndrew White Newberrv XcF A. B. 1905; Met. E. 1908 Columbia. Sphinx Head, Cornell; Sigma Xi, Columbia. Cornell- ian. Member Am. Inst, of Mining Engineers; Cornell University C'lub (New York). Field Engineer. Goldfield Consolidated Mines Co., 805 Crocker Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.; res. S. B. New- berry, Sandusky Cement Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Mark Oliver XrF LL. B. 1905. Brother of Paul Oliver. Phi 99. Lawyer. 137 S. La Salle St., Chicago; res. 606 N. Grove Ave., Oak Park, III. Joseph Lyman W'hite Tdn' A. B. 1906 Harvard. Signet; Inst, of 1770; Hasty Pudding. Crew (1); Crew, Harvard, 06. Member Athletic and Harvard (New York, N. Y.) Clubs. Statistician. Union Pacific System, 165 Broadway, New York, N v.; res. 4 Inwood PI., LTpper Mont- clair, N.'j. 1906 Rodney Dean Day Initiated by the Beta Lawrence Rradshaw Fay* William Garfield Kennedy (829 5th Ave., Spokane, Wash.) B n 'K d. 1912 ({; m 'O 616 CHI CHAPTER [1906-08 w George William Xeilson x e M. E. 1906. General Manager. Klinger Mfg. Co., 319 McKnight Bldg. ; res 2511 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Nicholas Hartman Noyes 'i^ c 'K A. B. 1906. Aleph Samach; Sphinx Head; Mummy, Sunday Night and Glee Clubs. Busi- ness Mgr. Cornell Daily Sun. Dir. and Treas. Cornell Assoc. Alumni. Member Chamber of Commerce; University, Country, Dramatic, Economic, Drug and Chemical and Cornell (New York) Clubs. Son of Frederic William Noyes, Chi 76 and brother of [Frederick] Jansen Noyes, Chi 10. Manufacturer. Eli Lilly & Co., 210 E. McCarty St.; res. 1328 N. Delaware St.. Indianapolis, Ind. George Girard Schieffelin Intiated by the Theta William Hills Sheldon B s ^O (New Rochelle Park, New Rochelle, N. Y.) Archie Dean W^alker Initiated by the Mu George Scott Whiting Bf 'K Editor Cornell Widoiv. Member Cornell Club. Broker. Gonzales, Stafford & Whitehead, 52 Broadway, New York; res. 457 3d St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Donald Davol Williams Member Psi Upsilon Club. Decorator. 284 Dartmouth St., Boston; dale Ave., Auburndale, Mass. (id'K res. 334 Auburn- Harold Jacob Wise ']> h 'o M. E. 1906. Member University Club of Chicago. Sales Manager. 1970, 208 S. LaSalle St.; res. 5225 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. ij;eS' res. 1950 Volney g£ 1907 Edmond Swain Brown A. B. 1907. 1101 Mahoning Bank Bldg. Rd., Youngstown, Ohio. Robert Burns ^ LL. B. 1907. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Lawyer. 60 Wall St., New York; res. 126 Greene Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. Ormond Rowland Paddock B c X~ M. E. 1907. Sphinx Head. Mgr. Musical Clubs. Merchant. Paddock Hodge Co.. 1008 2d National Bank Bldg.; res. 601 Lincoln Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Ernest William Pierce B f 2' Manufacturer. George E. Darling Co., 21 Eddy St.; res. 78 Charles Field St., Providence, R. I. Robert I sham Randolph di e Private Battery C 1st 111 Field Artillery, 16. Member Chicago University and Chicago Engi- neers' Clubs. Civil Engineer. 1827 208 S. LaSalle St., Chicago; res. River- side, 111. William Stuart Stowell BR'w M. E. 1907. Sphinx Head; Aleph Samach; Dunstan and Nalanda. Crew (2), (3), (4). Member Psi Upsilon Club. Engineering and Construction. 800, 37 Wall St.; res. 200 W. 92d St., New York, N. Y. Henry Craig Sutton Initiated by the Xi Harold Fletcher Wardwell I (i h X' 1907. Sphinx Head; Aleph Samach; Mgr. Football. Member Detroit University, Country and Cornell B. Arch. Nalanda. Athletic, Clubs. Manufacturer. Detroit Steel Products Co.; res. 3931 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. Everett Halsey WoodrutT Flushing, N. Y. 1908 Albert Jay Boardman BaA' Club M. E. 1908. Lacrosse. Member Country and University Club of Indiana. Division Superintendent. Terre Haute, Indianapolis & Eastern Traction Co., 209 Traction Bldg.; res. 225 E. 15th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Charles Burns •/bN" M. E. 1909. Sphinx Head; Mummy and Sun- day Night Clubs. Member Psi Upsilon and j University Glee Clubs (New York). 904 President St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Fielder Juilliard Coffin Pn !^' Member Psi Upsilon Club. Banker. 37 Wall St., New York; res. Bronxville, N. John Palliser Dods Vn\,: M. E. 1908. Aleph Samach; Sphinx. Crew.j 05-07. Member University and Chicago Auto- mobile Clubs. Western Manager. The Automobile Blue Book Publishing Co., 5) S. Wabash Ave., Chicago; res. 1003 Washing- ton St., Evanston, 111. Samuel Baltz Eckert 7 c v~ M. E. 1908. Masque; Savage and Mummy I Clubs; Quill and Dagger. Track. Member J LTnion League, Racquet, Merion Cricket and| Cornell Clubs. Sales Manager. Sun Co., Finance Bldg., Philadelphia; res. Devon, Pa. John Preston Halstead FkN'l Football and Track. Assistant General Superintendent. Rome Brass & Copper Co., Bouck St.; res. 506 1 N. Madison St., Rome, N. Y. 1908-10] CHI CHAPTER 617 Harry Richman James Initiated by the Omega Noel Sainsbitrv '/ 1 v' Author. 71 Wabun Ave., Providence, R. I. Frederick Barrett Townsend y a N~ Sphinx Head; Mummy Club; Aleph Samach. Track; Capt. Senior year. Patent Lawyer. 149 Broadway; res. 238 W. 101st St., New York, N. Y. Leland Alexander Vaughn Initiated by the Iota Charles Ray X'incent 7 e v' M. E. 1908. Mummy; Sphinx Head; Sunday Night Club. Baseball; Hockey (Mgr.). Member Town and Country, University, St. Paul Athletic and Chvirch Clubs. Salesman. Illinois Steel Co., 1405 Pioneer Bldg.; res. University Club, St. Paul, Minn. Ward Emerson White \i. n v' Brother of Albert Blakeslee White, Jr., Iota 10. (Parkersburg, W. Va.) 1909 Langdon Babcock* Charles Seamans Brown ^ S '(0 d. 1909 M. E. 1909. 726 W. Onondaga St., Syracuse, N. Y. Cyrus Adolphus Faucher Initiated by the Upsilon Samuel Junkins Graham Greenwich Country and Blind Brook Country (Portchester) Clubs. Manufacturer. Individual Drinking Cup Co., 220 W. 19th St., New York, N. Y. ; res. Greenwich, Conn. Francis William McChesney B d 'Q (Everett, Wash.) [Frank] Austin McElroy Initiated by the lota James Phelan <} b ""a M. E. 1909; A. B. 190S Princeton. Nalando; Monday Night and Savage Clubs. Member Chickasaw Guards. Merchant. 259 Monroe Ave.; res. 631 Linden Ave., Mem- phis, Tenn. John W^agner Sands Member Psi Upsilon Club. Insurance. 76 William St., New York, N. Y.; res. 52 Woodland Ave., Glen Ridge, N. J. George Henry Schildmiller 'b f ^y. B. S. 1910 Dartmouth. See Zeta 09 (1403 Hugo PI., Seattle, Wash.) Henry Fry Tennant ^q'a LL. B. 1909. Clerk Legation, Lisbon, Portugal, 10-11^ 3d Sec. of Embassy, Mexico City, 12; 2d Sec, 13; Sec. of Legation and Charge d' Affaires, Caracas, 13; Sec. of Legation; Charge d'Affaires and Consul General, San Salvador, 14. Member International and Casino (San Salvador) Clubs. American Diplomatic Service. Department of State, Washington, D. C; res. American Legation, San Salvador, Salvador, C. A. Ehner Ives Thompson ^* m 'a Phi Delta Phi; Aleph Samach; Undine; Nalanda; Bench and Board; Round Table. Football; Basket Ball. Member Cornell University (New York) and Crescent Athletic Clubs. Insurance. 44 Court St.; res. 454 E. 25th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1910 George Adams Allen Manufacturer. 206 N. Jefferson St.; res. 200 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va. .Stanley Woodruff Allen Initiated by the Iota Alfred Wilkinson Conklin B p '^ A. B. 1910. Sphinx Head; Book and Bowl; Mandolin Club. Chemical Engineer. R. 303, 68 Beaver St., New York; res. Scarsdale, N. Y. John Bradley Delehanty "^F b 'B Mummy Club; Undine; The Masque; Bench and Board; I'Ogive. Member Beaux Arts Soc, Squadron "A," Psi Upsilon and Pelham Coun- try Clubs. Architect. 2 W. 45 St.. New York; res. 236 Cliff Ave., Pelham. N. Y. Edwin Daniels Flam W g 'B LL. B. 1912. Lawyer. 2\\ Lindelle Bldg.; res. 824 Seventh Ave. Spokane, Wash. Charles Belin Mercur ^F D f Masque; Widow; I'Ogive. Member Wilmington (Del.) Country Club and Cornell Club of Philadelphia. Manufacturer. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del. Theodore Rodes INIurphy Initiated by the Omega Frederick] Jansen Noyes Baseball. Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York). Contractor. 1 Bridge Plaza, Long Island City; res. 98 Mad- ison Ave.. Flushing, N. Y. 1911 Francis Eklon Finch 3dX' M. E. 1911. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Mechanical Engineer. Ruggles-Coles Engineering Co., 50 Church St., New York; res. 3 Fountain PI., Ithaca, N. Y. Frank Alexander Ciilcrest ^ey/ (Torrance Marshall Co., Pasadena, Cal.; res. Kearney, Nebr.) G[eorge] Kennedy Imbrie B h 'T A.. B. 1911. Member Englewood Field, Engle- wood and Cornell Univ. Clubs. Broker. 61 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ; res. Palisade Ave., Englewood, N. J. Eugene Ecker Morton WsV Manager. .Architectural Service Corporation, 20 E. Jack- son .St., Chicago, 111. Augustus Norton ^ g Y Undine, 08. 1st Lieut. Coast Artillery Corps, V. S. .\rmy. Member Army and Navy Club. Officer of the Army. Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. John Fiske Ravnolds {^ li X M. E. 1913. Undine; Sunday Night Club. Member Minneapolis Tennis and LTniversitv (St. Paul) Clubs. Assistant to Superintendent. Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co., Hopkins; res. 232 W. Franklin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. William Butterfield Simons B h x' M. E. 1912. Manufacturer. St. Maurin Paper Co., Ltd.. Cap dc la Made- leine, Quebec, Canada; res. Redwood, N. Y. [Charles] Warren Prosser Smith 'h s F' B. S. 1913 Dartmouth. Casque and Gauntlet (Dartmouth). Member Flushing Country Club. See Zeta 13 Real Estate. 141 N. 36th St.. New York; res. Flushing. N. Y. George Carson Smith ^ J X' Member Psi Upsilon, Cornell and Ardsley Country Clubs. .Architect. Warren & Wetmore, 16 E. 47th St.; res. 65 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Maurice Alexander Smith ^tx .,F LTndine. Assoc. Editor Cornell Daily News; Track. Member Pittsburgh Athletic Club. Manufacturer. McKee Glass Co.; res. 203 2d St., Jeannette, Pa. Loring Lombard Tonkin ^cy; Kappa Beta Phi. Engineer. Hope Natural Gas Co.; res. 617 W. Milford St., Clarksburg, W. Va. Herrman Husted Vail •l^pF^ Nalanda. Treas. Cornell Univ. Club of Dutch- ess County. Member Amrita, Dutchess Golf and Country and Cornell Universitv (New York) Clubs'. Manager. Asbestos Wood Mftr. Corporation, 37 Market St.; res. 114 Academy St.. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1912 William Frederick Bryan, III.* !'> n 8' Student. d. 1912 Foster Meldrum Coffin B 'Q ''j A. B. 1912. Sphinx Head. Editor Cornell Daily Sun.. Sec. Cornell Univ. Club. Member Cornell L'niv. Club. Office Manager. Carnegie Corporation of New York, 576 Fifth Ave., New York; res. 886 Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sherman Otis Haves t^ in '' Kenneth Gaige Ives See Iota 12 Merchant. 930 Olive St.; res. 1139 Pearl St.. Eugene, Oregon. ^ s ^-^ M. E. 1912. Undine; Mining Club.' Member Kenwood Club. Salesman. The Brumbaugh System, First National Bank BIdg. ; res. 4724 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. 111. Donald Craig Kerr W f A* B. Arch. 1912. Civil Engineer. Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., 37 Wall St., New York; res. 7 Vine St., New Bri.ghton. N. Y. Leonard Terry Kittinger (39 Sti.xrud Drive, Seattle, Wash.) Dennis Perc}- McCarthy ^ §' ■^ LL. B. 1912. Manufacturer. SemctSolvay Co., 30 E. 42d St., New York; res. Cazenovia. N. Y. Arthur Cleveland Newberry T d 9" A. B. 1912. Member University, Advertising and Cornell University (New York) Clubs; Chamber of Commerce; Am. Chemical Soc. 1912-14] CHI CHAPTER 619 Salesman Sandusky C'tmcnt Co., 620 Engineers' Bldg. ; res. University Club, Cleveland, Ohio. George Champlin Salisbury W b $' M. E. 1912. Kappa Beta Phi; Sunday Night Club; Mermaid. Farmer. ■ R. R. No. 1. East Randolph, N. Y. Robert Lafavette Tathani Bk'A Member Hamilton Club. Manufacturer. Tabur Motor Supply C'orporation, 1118 S. Michigan Blvd.; res. 4755 Lake Park Ave., Chicago, 111. George W'illiston \\ hite (71U Terry Ave., Seattle, Wash.) 1913 Bb'S OsT" John I lenry Barr, Jr. M. E. 1913. Crew. Sergeant Troop D 1st N. Y. Cavalry. Member University and Sedg- vvick Farm Clubs. Son of John Henry Barr, Mu 83. Engineer. 4 (Onondaga PI., Syracuse, N. Y. Donald Pettit Beardslev MrT A. B. 1913. Quill and Dagger; Aleph Samach; Book and Bowl. Mgr. Track. Son of Harry Merchant Beardsley. Chi 86. Assistant to Treasurer. Morrill Hall, Cornell University; res. Heights Court Apts., Ithaca, N. Y. Perry Elisha llurd 3yT' George Boardman Bell, Jr. Bm'E A. B. 1913. Quill and Dagger; Aleph Samach; Book and Bowl; Glee and Savage Clubs; Mgr. Cornell Daily Sun, 12-13. Real Estate. H. (). Stone & Co., 76 \\'. !Monroe St., Chicago; res. 1213 Judson Ave., Evanston, 111. •Robert McRevnolds Biddle ^qe' Clark Munroe Dennis M. D. 1915 Jefferson Med. Coll. Member Cor- nell and Manufacturers' (Philadelphia) Clubs. Physician. Fountain Spring, Pa. Leslie Douglass Clute ip t u*" A. B. 1913. Quill and Dagger. Baseball; Capt. 12-13. Member Psi Upsilon Assn. of Elmira. Brother of Howard Haswell Clute, Chi 19. Salesman. Ford Sales Agency, 460 E Market St.; res. 358 W. 1st St., Elmira, N. Y. Bcu' A. B. 1914; B. Chem. 1915. Sigma Xi. Golf. Member Engineers' (Philadelphia), Cricket and Chemists' Clubs. Chemical Engineer. 722 University Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. George Daniel PTardin 'h k 'j C. E. 1913. Rod and Bob; Cimex. Engineer. 3139 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111. George Theodore Houston, Jr. 'i^ h V LL. B. 1913. Phi Delta Phi. General Manager. Houston Bros., Vicksburg, Miss. M. E. 1913. Engineer. Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., Illumina- ting Bldg.; res. 7903 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland, Oliio. John Faxon Passmore* B t s*" M. E. 1913. Member Chemists' Club (New York.) Brother of Lincoln Alan Passmore, Chi 17. Engineer. d. 1917 John Fisk Raynolds B h x' (Cheboygan, Mich.) Herbert Graff Sidebottom ^F z E'' B. Chem. 1913. Sphinx Head; Alembic; Kappa Beta Phi. Business Mgr. Corncllian (4); ISIasque and Cheer Leader. Member Psi Up- silon, Chemists', Drug and Chemical and Paint and Varnish Clubs (New York), Cornell Club (Philadelphia) and Montclair Athletic Club. Technical Representative. The Barrett Co.. 17 Battery PI., New York, N. Y. ; res. 95 Elm St., Montclair, N. J. Jessel Stuart Whyte M. E. 1913. Quill and Dagger; Aleph Sarnach; Nalanda; Sunday Night Club; Undine; Kappa Beta Phi; Masque. Football; Basket Ball. Member Kenosha Country Club. Superintendent and Purchasing Agent. Macomber & Whyte Rope Co., Racine Ave. Cor. Putnam St.; res. 772 Grant St., Kenosha, Wis. 1914 Marshall Rogers Barbour <1^ s V A. B. 1914. Hockey. Member Pittsburgh Ath- letic Assn. and Stanton Heights Golf Club. Broker. 336 Fourth Ave.; res. 5712 Stanton Ave., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Theodore Ferguson Fowler B f 'Z M. E. 1915. Sunday Night Club. Swimming. Member St. Louis Country Club. .\ssistant Manager. Chevrolet Motor Co., Main and Rutger Sts.; res. 43 Kingsbury PI., St. Louis, Mo. W d-E' C. E. 1914. See Eta 14 Engineer. Ferrocarriles del Norte; res. Moron, Camaguey. Cuba. David Harvey Ham IsS VF Samuel Sturgis Lawler Initiated by the Mu Burt Cady Olney General Manager. Burt Olney Canning Co., Oneida; res. 723 Washington St., Rome, N. Y.- Lee Johnston Perry (^ h t' (459 Oakwood Blvd., Chicago, 111.) luigene Moulton Pinney W b T^ .Salesman. 418 Third Ave.; res. 835 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 620 CHI CHAPTER [1914-16 Frank Milburn Rees ^d'z Beth Lamed; Kappa Beta Phi; Beiich and Board; Gimel Kharm; Sunday Night Club. Hockey. Manufacturer. Blue Ridge Lime & Stone Co., Millville; res. Charles Town, W. Va. Donald Ballard Rice BcZ' B. S. 1914. Helios; Savage Club. Farmer. Fenwood Stock Farm, Box 119, Fenwood, Wis. George Hungerford Selden B r 'Z Superintendent. Selden Cypress Door Co.. Palatka, Fla.; res. 1862 Park Rd., Washington, D. C. '< 1 -'' Stoddard More Stevens, ]v. 31 T A. B. 1914. Masque; Book and Bowl. Mem- ber Psi Upsilon (New York) and Teugaga Country Clubs. Son of Stoddard More Stevens, Chi 85, brother of George May Stevens, Chi 16, grandson of Edward Livingston Stevens, Theta 55 and nephew of Edward Livingston Stevens, Jr., Chi 99 and Harold Burr Stevens, Chi 02. Student. 321 W. Thomas St., Rome. N. Y. 1915 Christian Stephen Andersen B h a'' C. E. 1915 Polytechnic Inst. Brooklyn. Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering Socs.; Polytechnic Inst. Senior Soc. of Am. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers; Council; Widow's Club. Pres. Civil Engineering Soc; Athletic ,\ssn.; Editor-in-Chief Polvwog; Vice-Prcs. Widow's Club; Sec. and Treas. Council; Basket Ball; Capt. Varsity: Capt. Brooklyn All-Collegiate Basket Ball; Chairman Thanksgiving, Constitu- tional and Christmas Show Committees. Mem- ber Psi Upsilon Club. Civil Engineer. 341 Flushing Ave., Long Island City; res. 2107 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. p.r John Lakin Baldridge B. Arch. 1916. Sphinx Head; Masque; I'Ogive, .Savage and Sunday Night Clubs. Artistic Editor Cornell Widow. Member Cornell and Essex Fells Country Clubs. Architect. McKim. Mead & White. 101 Park Ave.. New York, N. Y. ; res. 122 Fairview Ave., Jersey City. N. J. , Leo Mulford Blancke ?j q S' A. B. 1915. Pres. Cornell Univ. Christian Assn.; Masque; Intercollegiate Wrestling Assn. ]\Igr. Wrestling Team. Member Psi Up- silon (New York) Club. Student. Essex Fells, N. J. Julian Allen Dickinson Initiated by the Lambda Arthur Dole, Jr. A. B. 1915. Sphinx Head; Saturday Night Club. Broker. 4915 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. Hamilton Borden Downe 'h g H"" M. E. 1915. Member University Club. Engineer. , Wsri 149 Blvd. Haussman, Paris, France; res. Uni- versity Club, Buffaloj N. Y. Hugh Caldwell Edmiston. Jr. B m 7' A. B. 1915. Football; Hockey. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) and Orange Lawn Tennis Clubs. Insurance. Globe Indemnity Co., 45 William St., New York, N. Y.; res. 189 Berkeley Ave., Orange, N. J. Philip Douglas Houston W h r,*" A. B. 1915. Cornell Musical Club; Cornell Univ. Orchestra (Mgr.). Member Vicksburg Country Club. Merchant. Houston Brothers; res. Carroll Hotel, Vicks- burg, Miss. William Lambert Kleitz (^ d H' A. B. 1915. Banker. 37 Wall St.; res. 65 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Ehvin Wallace Law B c I' Member Elmhurst Golf, Lfnion League, Cornell, Miccasukce Shooting and Hinsdale Riding Clubs. Insurance. 160 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago; res. Elmhurst, HI. Daniel Parmelee -Morse, Jr. ^ £ a' B. S. 1915. Savage, Sunday Night and Man- dolin Clubs. Mgr. Fencing Team. Member 1st Aero Co. N. G. N. Y.; Member Xorthport Yacht and Huntington Country Clubs; Central Branch Y. M. C. A. Manufacturer. Edwin C. Burt Co., J^'lushing and Carlton Aves., Brooklyn ; res. Northport, N. Y. Frederick Harvey Rayfield K a P"" C. E. 1915. Quill and Dagger; Sigma Xi; Rod and Bob. Crew. Member Ashland Country Club. Technical Assistant. Semet-Solvay Co., Ashland, Ky. Donald Mennell Smith B D 'I A. B. 1915. Member Greensburg Country Club. Manufacturer. McKee Glass Co.; res. 109 N. 2d St . leannette. Pa. 1916 James Stanley Ba1)bitt Ag'0 B. Chcm. 1916. .Mcmbic: Quill and Dagger. Cross Country; Track; Hockey, (2), (3). (4) (Capt.). Manufacturer. Barrett Mfg. Co.. 17 Batterv PI.; res. 14 W. 75th St., New York, N. Y. Ridgeway [Poindexter] Bishop A g p*" Member Hamilton Club. Insurance. 2020 Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago, 111. Thomas Turner Cooke Initiated by the Lambda Duncan Prewitt Houser a t O*" Member Racquet Club. Broker. 310 N. 8th St.; res. Racquet Club, St. Louis, Mo. 1910-181 CHI CHAPTER 621 Clarence Evans Kilburn ab'0 A. B. 1916. Sunday Night Club. Advertising. 220 \V. 42d St., New York; res. Malone, N. Y. Harold Clement Kirkpatrick Qh!'" Salesman. 170 Broadway: res. 990 Woodycrest Ave., New York, N. Y. Arthur Hurd Lee Initiated by the Gamma Robert Gephard Meyler (o h 'p M. E. 1916. Instr. Cornell Univ. Member Los Angeles Athletic Club. Educator. Siblev Coll., Cornell Univ.; res. 210 Dryden Rd., Ithaca, N. Y. Humphrey Pinney Q h ©'' Broker. Otis & Co., 215 Cuyahoga Bldg.; Cleveland, Ohio; res. Dongan Hills, N. Y. George ^Nlay Stevens (o c '0 A. B. 1916. Sphinx Head; Book and Bowl; Sundav Night, Glee and Savage Clubs. Basket Ball 'Mgr. (4). Son of Stoddard More Stevens, Chi 85, brother of Stoddard More Stevens, Jr., Chi 14, grandson of Edward Liv- ingston Stevens, Theta 55 and nephew of Ed- ward Livingston Stevens, Chi 99 and Harold Burr Stevens, Chi 02. -Advertising. Vogue Co., 443 Fourth Ave., New York; res. 321 W. Thomas St., Rome, N. Y. John Stillman W'ardwell A d 'p Masque. Draftsman. Rome Locomotive & Machine Works; res. 700 N. Washington St., Rome, N. Y. Russell Welles A m &' A. B. 1916. Sphinx; Aleph Samach; Dunstan; Book and Bowl: Sunday Night Club. Football; Crew; Student Conference Committee. Merchant. 71 Town St.. Norwich, Conn. 1917 Edward Ewen Anderson Bb'I Quill and Dagger; Aleph Samach; Sunday Night Club. Football. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Student. Major Edward D. Anderson, War Department, Washington, D. C. Louis Francis Auger ^c't (Ridgewood Ave., Ridgewood, N. J.) Albert Beehler ¥ d 'H 2526 Madison Ave., Baltimore, Md. James Embury Brinckerhoff ({^ f '7: Crew, 16. Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York). 140 Berkeley Ave., Orange, N. J. Wiser Brown B g 'I Member Thousand Islands Yacht. Oswegatchie Yacht and Oak Island Yacht Clubs. Student. \\'hite Lodge, Prescott, Ontario, Canada. Douglas Sheldon Conoley ^h't Real Estate. 400 Zack St.; res. 2108 Florida Ave., Tampa, Fla. Ralph Seeger Dold ^'j'n Scalp and Blade. Member Buffalo and Park Clubs. Merchant. Jacob Dold Packing Co., 745 William St.; res. 32 Middlesex Rd., Buffalo, N. Y. Lawrence Douglas Kingsland, 2d. Crew. Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York) Hotel Beers. St. Louis, Mo. Robert ■\Iinshall York). BKI Musical Clubs and LTniv. Orchestra. Vice-Com- modore Nantucket Yacht Club. Member Psi L'psilon, Athletic and Chevy Chase Clubs. Son of Charles Minshall. Chi 82. Student. 2026 R St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Lincoln Alan Passmore On'O Member Germantown Cricket Club. Brother of John Taxon Passmore, Chi 13. Student. 2815 Queen Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. S m ^i Hermann Gauntlett Place Book and Bowl; Manuscript Club. Business Mgr. Cornell Daily Sun. Son of Ira Adelbert Place, Chi 81 and brother of Willard Fiske Place, Chi 18. Student. 268 W. 77th St., New York, N. Y. Harold Marion Savage ^ q ""^ Member Minneapolis Athletic and St. Anthony Commercial Clubs. Manufacturer. International Stock Food Co.. International Stock Food Bldg.; res. 2600 Portland Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. William Ferdinand Stuckle ^1" p TI Student. 61 Christopher St., Montclair, N. J. Bertram Francis Willcox Br 'I Manuscript Club. Editor The Cornell Era; Mgr. Wrestling. 3 South .\ve., Ithaca, N. Y. 1918 Lawrence AIoss Arnold B g K' First National Bank; res. The Highlands, Seattle, Wash. Joseph Champ Carr\- i^ y '•/. Freshman Football (Capt.). Student. 1317 E. 50th St., Chicago, 111. Lee Hinchman Clark ^* t O"^ Student. 62 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 0/ m 'o Mandolin Club. Football, 14-15. Member Cal- umet Country Club. 4915 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. John Luther Dole 622 CHI CHAPTER [1918-20 Horace King Houston K d c Phi Delta Phi. Student. 4931 Lake Park Ave., Chicago, 111. Gerard Frnin Hubbard Initiated by the Psi Paul Jones, Jr. B 1 K' Junior Member Ridgedale Country Club. Mem- ber Glen Echo Country Club (Normandy). Salesman. 411 Wainwright Bldg.; res. S450 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Howard Archibald McDonell ^ d ^y. Student. 240 Washington Ave., Bay City, Mich. Richard Berkley Merwin ^ c O"^ 314 W. 105th St., New York, N. Y. Alexander Marshall Peabody O m )/ Asst Mgr. Lacrosse. Clerk. Alaska Steamship Co.; res. 1144 Howard Ave., North Seattle, Wash. Willard Fiske Place xf A' Book and Bowl. Son of Ira Adalbert Place, Chi 81 and brother of Hermann Gauntlett Place, Chi 17. Student. 268 W. 77th St., New York, N. Y. Harold Raynolds Student. 40 Afterglow Way, Montclair, N. J. 1 Freshman Football. Student. 1317 E. 50th St., Chicago, 111. BETA BETA CHAf^TER FOUNDED FEBRUARY 4, 1880 TRINITY COLLEGE HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 1841 Alfred Baury Beach"' A. B. 1841; B. D. 1845 General Theol. Sem.; S. T. D. 1857 Columbia. Rector Christ Church. Cooperstown, N. Y., 46-48; St. John's Churcli, Canandaigua, 48-52; St. Peter's Church, New York, 52-96. Clergyman. d. 1896 1843 Francis Joseph Clerc* ST^ a A. B. 1843; A M. 1846; B. D. 1846 General Theol. Sem.; S. T. D. 1861 St. Paul's Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. Maupin's Classical School, Richmond, Va., 43-44; Deacon Trinity Parish, 46; Rector Grace Church, Broad Brook. East Windsor, Conn., 47-49; St. John's Church, St. Louis. Mo., 49-56; Trustee and Pres. St. Paul's Coll.. Palmyra, 56-57; Rector Grace Church, St. Louis, 57-59; St. John's Churcli, Carlisle. Pa., 59-66; Calvary Church, Philadel phia, 66-67 ; Warden Burd Orphan Asy- lum. St. Stephen's Church, Philadelphia, 67-72; Rector Church Mission to Deaf Mutes, Phila- delphia. 66-72; Burlington Coll.. N. J., 72-77; St. Paul's Church, Philipsburgh, Pa., 77-07. Brother of Charles Michael Clerc, Beta Beta 48. Clergyman. d. 1907 W'ilHam Long* 0)° A A. B. 1843; A. ^l. 1846; B. D. 1846 General Theol. Sem. Officiating Minister Washing- ton and New Preston, Conn., 46-49; Mission ary Malone, N. Y., 49-51; New York City, 51- 52; Rector St. Mark's Church, New Canaan, Conn., 52-55; Missionary Syracuse, N. Y.; 55-58; Rector Trinity Church, Clarcmont, N. H.. 58-60; Grace Church, Clifton, Mich., 60- 63; St. Luke's Church, Harpersville, N. Y., 63-65; Grace Church, Waverly, 65-67; Christ Church. Lima. 67-72; St. James" Church, Cleve- land. 77-82; >Iissionary and Asst. Minister at Rochester. 72-77. Clergyman. d. 1882 Thomas Scott Preston* X r° li. A B. 1843; A. M. 1846; B. D. 1846 General Tiieol. Sem.; LL. D. 1180 Seton Hall Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedictorian. Asst. Minis- ter P. E. Church of the Annunciation, 46-47; St. Luke's Church, New York, N. Y., 47- 49; Pastor St. Mary's (Roman Catholic) Church. Vonkcrs, N. Y., 50-53; Chancellor of the Archdiocese of New York, 53; Vicar General. 73; Pastor St. Ann's Church, New York, N. Y.. 61; Domestic Prelate of His Holiness. 81. Author "The Ark of the Cove- nant, or Life of the Blessed Virgin"; "Life of St. Mary Magdalene"; "Sermons for the Prin- cipal Seasons of the Sacred Year." Clcr-yman. d. l.<^91 Joseph Pemberton Taylor Initiated by the Lambda Henry Titus Welles* 3 A° v" A. B. 1843. Phi Beta Kappa. Mayor St. Anthony's Falls (now Minneapolis), 55. Trus- tee Bishop Seabury Mission, Faribault, 58. Banker. d. 1898 1844 lohn Herbert Betts* A. B. 1844; A. M. 1850. Asst. Minister St. Paul's Church, Norwalk, Conn., 46-47; Rector St. Peter's Church Monroe, 47-49; St. John's Churcli, New Hartford, 50-57; Calvary Church, South Ballston, and St. Paul's Church, Char!-. ton, N. Y.. 57-69; St. John's Church, New Hartford, Conn., 69-80; St. Mary's Church, Manchester, 80-81; St. Luke's Church, South Glastonbury, 81; Pres Board of Education, New Hartford, 70-80. Clergyman. d. 1889 William Upson Colt* A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847; B. D. 1848 Andover Theol. Sem. Master's Oration, 47. Instr. Cheshire and Ellington, Conn., 44-47: Licentiate, 48; founder of The Order of Beta Beta. Clergyman. d. 1848 John Kelley* A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847. Officiated Boston and Salem, Mass., 46-48; Rector St. Michaels Church, Manchester, N. H., 48-52; St. Mark's Church. Warren, R. I., 52-57; St. Paul's Church, Paterson, N. J., 57-64; Deputy from the Diocese of N. J. to General Convention P. E. Church, 59-62. Clergyman. d. 1864 John Canfield Sterling* A. B. 1844; A. M. 1847; B. D. 1847 General Theol. Sem. Rector Christ P. E. Church, Piermont. N. Y., 47-50. Clergyman. d. 1874 1845 Samuel Flower* T^°Z A. B. 1845; A. M. 1848. Member Cal. Legisla- ture, 53; 1st Lieut. 7th Inf. Regiment La. (Con- federate) Vols., 61-65; Private Sec. Governor of La., 77; Asst. Treas. of the U. S., New Orleans, 85. Lawyer. d. 1895 Frederick Durbin Harriman* x A° Q A. B. 1845; A. M. 1849. Principal Oak Grove Acad., Millwood, Clark Co., Va., 45-46; Teacher, Miss., 47-48; Rector St. Paul's Church, Bantam 624 BETA BETA CHAPTER [1845-48 Falls and Trinity Church. Milton, Conn., 48-50; Missionary work, Ind., 50-53- Rector St. Paul's Church, Woodbury, Conn., 53-56; Sec. Society for the Increase of the Ministry, 61-79; Rector Christ Church, Middle Haddam, 84. Father of Frederick William Harriman, Beta Beta 72 and grandfather of Lewis Gildersleeve Harriman, Beta Beta 09. Clergyman. d. 1897 John Henry Morris* John Adams Paddock''' d. 1857 X T° v" A B 1845; A. M. 1848; B. D. 1S49 General Theol. Sem.; S. T. D. 1870 Trinity Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Orator (Ahimni) House of Convocation, Trinity Coll., 70; Rector Christ Church, Stratford, Conn., 49-55; St. Peter's Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 55-80; Bishop Washington Territory, 80; Dean House of Con- vocation, Trinity Coll., 70-76. Author "History of Christ Church, Stratford, Connecticut." Brother of Benjamin Henry Paddock, Beta Beta 48 and Lewis Sloat Paddock, Beta Beta 50. Protestant Episcopal Bishop. d. 1894 1846 Henry Peet Bostwick''"' A. B 1846; M. D. 1849 Columbia. Surg. 73d Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols., 62. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1862 rXrastus Franklin Dashiell* X 11° v A. B. 1846; A. M 1852; B. D. 1849 General Theol. Sem.; S. T. D. 1883 Washington Coll., Md. Rector Christ Church, Calvert County, Md., 49-56: St. Paul's Parish, Queen Anne Count v, 56-67; St. Michael's Parish, Talbot County, 67-86; Deputy Diocese of Easton to General Convention, P. E. Church, 80-83; Member Standing Committee of the Diocese of Easton; Examining Chaplain. Clergyman. d. 1886 Malcohn Douglass* r° (0 A. B. 1846; A. M. 1850; A. M. 1849 honoris causa, Hobart Coll.; B. D. 1849 General Theol. Sem.; S. T. D. 1868 Trinity Coll. Tutor in Mathematics, Hobart Coll.; Minister Christ ("hurch, Seneca Falls, 50-51; Christ Church, Albion, 51-55; St. Paul's Church, Waterloo, 55-59; St. Paul's Church, Windsor, Vt., 59-72; Pres. Norwich Univ., 72-75; Rector Christ (?hurch, Andover, Mass., 75-84; Rector Chapel of the Cross. Chapel Hill. N. C, 85: Christ Church, Plymouth, Mass., 85-87; Chaplain Vermont State Prison, 59-64; Deputy Diocese of Vt. to General Convention P. E. Church, 71-74. Author "Memoir of Benjamin Hale, D. D., President of Geneva (Hobart) College from 1836 to 1858." Father of Andrew Ellicott Douglass, Beta Beta 89. Clergyman. d. 1887 Reuel Hotchkiss Tuttle* p r° v" Henry King Olmsted' xr° A. B. 1846; A. M. 1849; M. D. 1851 Columbia. Charter Member; House Phys. Colored Home Hosp., 48-49; Bellcvue Hosp.. New York, N. Y.. 49-52; Registrar of Marriages and Deaths. East Hartford, Conn., 56-65; Trustee and Treas. Colt Trust Assn. (the Corporate name of the Beta Beta). Member State INIedical Soc. of Conn. Physician and Surgeon. ' d. 1896 William Frederick Pettit* A. B. 1846. Phi Beta Kappa. A. B. 1846; A. M. 1849; B. D. 1850 General Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Minister Trinity Church, Northficld, Conn-. 50-52; Rector St. James' Church, Old Town, Maine, 52-54; St. John's Church. Salisbury, Conn., 54- 58; St. Philip's Church, Crompton, R. I., 58-60; Grace Church, Windsor, Conn., 60-70; Supt. Schools, Town of Windsor, 70-87. Author "Devotions for Children and Youth." Father of Reuel Crompton Tuttle, Beta Beta 89. Clergyman. d. 1887 A. B. 1846; A. M. 1849; LL. D. 1886. Member Minn. Legislature, 59, 64, 66: Speaker, 66; Senator State of Minn., 67-69; Receiver U. S. Land Office, Winnebago City, 69-75; Lieut. - Governor of Minn., 76-80; Member U. S. House of Representatives, 83-87. Lawyer. d. 1910 1847 James Beach Wakefield'' Samuel Benedict* n^ A. B. 1847; A. M. 1850; B. D. 1850 Berkeley Divinity School; D. D. 1870 William and Mary Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedictorian; Master's Oration, SO; Junior and Senior Fellow Trinity Coll., 52-59. Instr. Episcopal Acad, of Conn., Cheshire, 47-48 ; Tutor of Ancient Languages Trin- ity Coll.. 48-51; Adjunct Prof., 51-52; Founder and Rector St. James' Church, West Hartford, Conn., 52-56; Asst. Minister Trinity Church, New Haven, 56-58; Rector St. James' Church, Marietta, Ga., 58-67; St. John's Church, Savan- nah, 67-77; St. Paul's Church, Cincinnati, 77; Member Standing Committee Diocese of Ga., 60-77; Sec, 68-77; Pres. Standing Committee Diocese of Southern Ohio, 80; Deputy to Gen- eral Convention P. E. Church, 68, 71, 74, 77, 80, 83, 86. Author "Memorial Sermon for Rev. Dr. Harry Croswell;" ''The Blessed Dead;" "Constant Communion;" "Eternal Judgment." Clergyman. d. 1891 James Bridge* d. 1848 A. B. 1847; A. M. 1850. Phi Beta Kappa. Lawyer. d. 1853 George Shepard Gilman* a r° iJ.^ A. B. 1847; A. M. 1850. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Prosecuting Atty. City of Hart- ford; Judge Police Court, 60-65; Member Board of Aldermen, 76-78; First Pres. Colt Trust Assn. (the Corporate name of the Beta Beta). Member Webster Historical Soc. of Boston, Mass. Lawyer. 1848 d. 1886 Charles Michael Clerc* Brother of Francis Joseph Clerc, Beta Beta 43. Merchant. d. 1852 William Cleveland Hicks'' S Q' A. B. 1848; A. M. 1851. Charber Member; Mining and Civil Engineer, U. S. Army, 48-52; Pres. Citizens' Assn. Town of Summit, N. J.; Lecturer Trinity Coll. on the Science of Machinery, 62-74 Sub-Dean House of Convoca- tion, Trinity Coll., 72-74; Deputy Diocese of N. J. to General Convention P. E. Church, 83. Member Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers; Soc. of Mechanical Engineers. Father of William Cleve- land Hicks, Beta Beta 91 and brother of James Milnor Hicks, Beta Beta 54 and George Cleve- land Hicks, Beta Beta 56. Engineer. d. 1885 1848-51] BETA BETA CHAPTER 625 Benjamin Henry Paddock^'' 7 Q° v A. R. 1848; A. M. 1851; B. D. 1852 General Theol. Scm.; S. T. D. 1867 Trinity Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedictorian; Master's Oration, 51; Orator (Alumni) House of Convocation, Trinity Coll., 66. Instr. Episcopal Acad, of Conn., Cheshire. 48-49; Asst. Minister Church of the Epiphany. New York, N. Y., 52-53; Rector St. Lukc".s Church, . Portland, Maine, 53; Trinity Cluircli. Norwicli, Conn.. 53-60; Christ Church, Detroit, Mich.. 60-69; Grace Cliurch, Brooklvn Heights, N. Y., 69-73; Bishop of Mass., 7i; Trustee Trinity Coll., 70; Visitor, 7Z; Deputy Diocese of Lonj Island to General Convention, P. E. Churcli, 71. Father of Lewis Henry Paddock. Beta Beta 88 and brother of John Adams Paddock, Beta Beta 45 and Lewis Sloat Paddock, Beta Beta 59. Protestant Episcopal Bishop. d. 1891 William Rudder"- A$° A A B. 1848; A. M. 1851; B. D. 1851 General Tiieol. Sem.; D. D. 1850 LT„io„ Coll.; S. T. D. 1870 Trinity Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Rector St. Paul's Church, Flatbush. N. Y.. 51-55; As.st. Minister St. Stephen's Church, New York, 55-57; Rector St. John's Church, Quincy, 111., 57-59; St. Paul's Church, Albany, N. Y., 59-63; Asst. Minister St. Stephen's Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 63-65; Rector, 65-80; Orator before the Conn. Beta of Phi Beta Kappa, 68; Deputy Diocese of Pa. to ueneral Convention, P. E. Church, 74, 77; Examining Chaplain Diocese of Pa. Clergyman. d. 1880 1849 Charles Augustus Lindsley" P A° w A. B. 1849; A. M. 1852; M. D. 1852 Yale. Prof, of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 60- 84; Theory and Practice of Medicine, 84-06; Member Board of Health, New Haven, 73-77; Health Officer, 74; Member Conn. State Board of Health, 78; Sec, 85. Member Connecticut Public Health Assn.; Connecticut Acad, of Sciences; Am. Med. Assn.; Connecticut and New Jersey Med. Socs. Physician and .Surgeon. d. 1906 James Soveraine Purdy"^' A. B. 1849; A. M. 1852; B. D. 1852 Genera! Theol. Sem.; S. T. D. 1863 Trinity Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. President's Prize, 49. Tutor Trinity Coll. and Minister Trinity Church, Southport, Conn., 52-53; Rector Christ Church, Rye, N. Y., 53-58; Calvary Chapel, New York, .S8-60: St. James' Church, Hyde Park, 60-76; Sub-Dean House of Convocation, Trinity Coll., 76-80. Father of Edward Lawson Purdy, Beta Beta 84. Clergyman. d. 1883 1850 Thomas Murdock Brown" .\. B. 1850; A. M. 1853. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher .Acad., Memphis, Tenn., 50-54; Prose- cuting Atty., 4th Judicial Circuit of Ind., 56-58 and 64-66; Dir. State Prison, South end, Ind. Lawyer. d 1S72 o©°[;. Daniel Everett Loveridge'^' e$° H A. B. 1850; A. M. 1853. Phi Beta Kapfa. Salutatorian. Asst. Minister St. John'- Chiircii. Lafayette, Ind., 53-54; Rector '^t. Janus' Church, Vincennes, 54-55; Ind., 55-56; St. James' Church. Hammondsport, N. Y., 56-70; E.Timanuel Church, Adams, 70-71; Emmanuel Ihurch, Norwich, 71-80; St. Matthew's Church, Unadilla, 80. Clergyman. d. 1908 Lewis ^loat Paddock* 9©° a A. B. 1850; A. M. 1854; M. D. 1854 New York Med. Coll. Commencement Orator. Member Med. Soc. State of Connecticut. Brother of John Adams Paddock, Beta ISeta 45 and Benja- min Henry Paddock, Beta Beta 48. Physician and Surgeon. Samuel Sherman* w A a" A. B. 1850; A. M. 1853. Commencement Ora- tor. Judge of Probate Dist. of Brookfield, 73-74; Member Committee of the P. E. Church to revise the Prayer Book in the Spanish Lan- guage, 71. Author "Travels in Cuba and the Republic of Santo Domingo in 1882"; "Transla- tions of Address (in Spanish) before the Do- minican Congress in 1882, on the Celebration of the Anniversary of the National Independ- ence." Lawyer. d. 1901 John Plawley Stotsenberg* Q <^° M^ A. B. 1850; A. M. 1853. Phi Beta Kappa. President's Prize, 50; Commencement Orator. City Atty. New Albany, 56-59; Member Ind. Legislature, 60-61; Code Commissioner Ind., 79-82; Deputy Diocese of Ind. to General Con- vention, P. E. Church, 86. Lawyer. d. 1909 William Harrison Studlev' nA° 3 A. B. 1850; A. M. 1853; M. D. 1860 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Officiating Grace Church, Yantic, Conn., 53-54; St. Andrew's Church, Thompsonville, Conn., 54; Geneva, Wis., 55-56; Rochester, 111., 56-60; Surg. Armv, Fort Hamil- ton, N. Y., 62-64. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1882 PA° 1851 William Lewis Bostwick* A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; B. D. 1853 Berkeley Divinity School. Asst. to Rector Trinity Church, Newton, Conn., and to Principal of Acad.,, 54-55; Rector Christ and Grace Churches, Trumbull, Conn., 55-56; St. John's Church, Lockport, III.. 56-57; St. John's Church, Decatur, 57-59; Missionary Jonesboro and Cairo, 59-60; Rector St. Paul's Church, Warsaw, 60-63; Calvary Church. Colchester, Conn., 63- 64; Christ Church, Reading, 64-67; St. Mat- thew's Church. Wilton, 67-70; Rector Trinity Church, Northfield, Conn., 71-76. Clergyman. d. 1895 Alexander Griswold Cummins* A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; LL. B. 1857; B. D. 1860 Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa Salutatorian; Orator (.Mumni) House of Convo- cation, Trinity Coll., 61; Rector Christ Church, Reading, Pa., 62-68. Clergyman. d. 1904 Giles Charles Easton* A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854. Teacher Greenville, 53-54; Prof, of Mathematics and Natural Science, Bethel Coll., Russelville, Ky., 54-56. Merchant. d. 1867 John Day Ferguson* A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854; LL. B. 1853 Yale. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Jun- ior Fellow Trinity Coll., 63-65 and 73-76; 626 BETA BETA CHAPTER [1851-54 Trustee Trinity Coll.; Judge of Probate, Stam- ford, Conn., 71-75; Member Conn. Legisla- ture, 68-69. Brother of Samuel Ferguson, Beta Beta 57, Edmund Moreland Ferguson, Beta Beta 59, Walton Ferguson, Beta Beta 63 and Henry Ferguson, Beta Beta 68. Lawyer. d. 1877 George Augustus Hickox* p r° A A. B. 1851; A. M. 1854. Phi Beta Kappa. Member Legislature State of Conn., 02. Author "Legal Disabilities of Married Women." Journalist and Lawyer. d. 1903 1852 John Watrus Beckvvith* T S° v" A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855; S. T. D. 1867 Trinity Coll.; S. T. D. 1868 ad eundem Univ. of Ga. Rector Calvary Church, Wadesborough, N. C, 54-55; All Hallows Church, Md.. 55-61; Trinity Church, Demopolis, Ala., 61-65; Trinity Church, New Orleans, La., 65-68; Bishop of Ga., 68. Protestant Epsicopal Bishop. d. 1890 Merritt Bronson* A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855. Phi Beta Kappa. Manufacturer. d. 1906 Thomas Brinley Fogg* ^ A° v" A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855; B. D. 1856 General Theol. Sem. Asst. Minister St. Paul's Church, Trov, N. Y., 56-57; Rector St. Paul's Church, Central Village, Conn., 57-59; Church of the Messiah, Greenbush, N. Y.. 60-65; St. Luke's Church. South Glastonbury, Conn., 66-77; Rector St. Mark's Church, New Canaan, Conn., 79-80; Officiating Brooklyn, Conn., 84-85: Pres. Board of Education Glastonbury, 72-77; Deputy Diocese of Conn, to General Conven- tion, P. E. Church. 83. Author "Historical Sermon on Trinity Church, Brooklyn, Conn." Clergyman. d. 1895 Alfred Bailev Goodrich* S° a A B. 1852; A. M. 1855; B. D. 1853 Berkeley Divinity School; D. D. 1867 Hamilton Coll. Rector St. Peter's Church, Plymouth, Conn., 53-55; St. John's Church. Millville, Mass., 55- 59; Calvary Church, Utica, 59; Founder Soc. for the Increase of the Ministry, 57; Sec. 57-76; Sec. Diocese of Western N. Y., 67- 69; Diocese of Central N. Y., 69; Pres. 2d Convocation Diocese of Central N. Y., 68-78; Deputy Diocese of Central N. Y. to General Convention, P. E. Church, 83; Member Fed- erate Council of the Five Dioceses of the State of N. Y., 69. Author "Service and Tune Book for Sunday Schools." Clergyman. d. 1896 Charles Henry Seymour* S $° Z A. B. 1852; A. M. 1855; D. D. 1886 Griswold Coll. Asst. Minister St. Michael's Church, Litchfield, Conn., 57-58; Teacher Andover, Mass., 58-59; Rector Trinity Church, Haver- hill. 59-68; St. John's Church, Dubuque, Iowa. 68-82; Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Prof, of Belles Lettres and English Literature, Gris- wold Coll. and Wolfe Prof, of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology, Theological Dept., 82-87; Pres. Griswold Coll., 87; Sec. Standing Com- mittee and Examining Chaplain Diocese of Iowa, 83; Canon of the Cathedral, Davenport. Clergyman and Educator. d. 1900 George Curtis Tingley* ® ^° ^* A. B. 1852; .\. M. 1855. Commencement Ora- tor. Principal Public Schools, Windham, Conn., 58-60; Acad. Plainfield, 60-62; Acad. Brooklyn, 62-63. Member of Franklin Soc. of Providence and Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers. Father of Richard Hoadlev Tinglev, Sigma 76. Civil Engineer. " d. 1904 1853 Alfred Lee Brewer'' H<^° Z A. B. 1853; \. M. 1856; B. D. 1856 General Theol. Sem. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Asst. Minister Church of the Epiphany, New York, N. Y., 56-57; Christ Church. New Haven, Conn., 57-58; Rector Grace Church, Yantic, Conn., 58-60; Mariners' Church, De- troit, Mich., 60-65; St. Peter's Church, Red- wood City, Cal., 65-66; St, Matthew's Church, San Mateo, 66; Founder atid Principal St. Matthew's Hall, Classical and Military School, San Mateo. 66. Clergyman. d. 1899 John Clarkson DuBois* II ^° V A. B. 1853; A. M. 1856; S. T. D. 1880; B. p. 1855 Berkeley Divinity School. Rector St. Paul's Church Frederickstadt. St. Croix, W. I., 55-84; British Consul, 78. d. 1884 Clergyman. Louis French''^ 0O A. B. 1853; A. M. 1856; B. 1). 1855 General Theol. Sem. Commencement Orator. Rector St. Luke's Church, Rossvillc, Staten Island, N. Y.. 55-56; Christ Church, Sharon, Conn., 56-57; Christ Church, Ansonia, 57-63; St. Luke's Church, Darien, 63: School Visitor Darien, 73; Registrar House of Convocation, Trinity Coll., 72-80. Clergyman. d. 1912 David Buel Knickerhacker* 9 11° N^ A. B. 1853; A. M. 1856; B. D. 1856 General Theol. Sem.; S. T. D. 1873 Trinity Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Rector Gethsemane Church, Minneapolis, Minn., 56-83; Bishop of Ind., 83, Sec. Board of Education, Minneapolis, 58-64; Founder and Supt. Cottage Hosp., Minneapolis, 71-73. Protestant Episcopal Bishop. d. 1894 .Alexander Hamilton Polk* A. B. 1853; A. M. 1856. Capt. Miss. Co. Con- federate Army, 61; Colonel and Aide on Staff of Major General Polk, 61-65. Merchant. d. 1872 William Gabriel Spencer"* ^r°B A. B. 1853; A. M. 1856; S. T. D. 1870 Hobart Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedictorian. Master's (^ration. 56. Rector St. Stephen's Church, Terre Haute. Ind., 55-61; St. John's Church, St. Louis, Mo.. 61-68; In charge St. Paul's Church, St. Louis, Mo., 69-70; Rector Trinity Church, South Norwalk, Conn., 70-82; Christ Church, New Haven, 82-84; St. Luke's Church, Fort Collins, Colo., 84-86. Member Am. Philological .\ssn. Clergyman. d. 1895 Oliver Richard Steele* A B. 1853; .\. M. 1856. Teacher Harlem, N. Y., 53-55. Lawyer. d. 1375 1854 \J« \j«o \J' Rufus Emery* A. B. 1854; A. M. 1857; B.D. 1858 Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa. Instr 1854-56J BETA BETA CHAPTER 627 Episcopal Acad, of Conn., 54-55; Librarian and Tutor Trinity Coll., 55-57; Rector Trinity Church, Southport, Conn., 58-71; Calvary Church, Stonington, 71-72; St. Paul'.s Church, Newburgh, N. Y., 72. Member Webster Histori- cal Soc. (Boston, Mass.), Newbury Historical Soc. (Newbury, Mass.) and Newburgh Histori- cal Soc. Clergyman. d. 1913 Samuel Hall"' XX° X A. B. 1854; A. M. 1857; B. D. 1858 Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa. Catechist, -St. Columbia Mission to the Chippewas. .t5 56; Rector St. James' Church, Glastonbury, Conn.. 58-62; St. Timothy's Church, Rox- borough. Philadelphia, Pa., 62-67; St. Stephen's Church. Newark, N. J., 68-73; Church of the Redeemer. Morristown, 73-80; Grace Church, Trumbull, Conn., 82-85; Trinity Church, Col- linsville, Conn., 85-86; St. Mark's Church. Mystic River. 86-S7; Chaplain to Bishop of Conn., 58-59; Relief Commission, 6th Army Corps, 64. Clergyman. d. 1888 lames Milnor TTicks* 1^' A. B. 1854; .\. M. 1858. Phi Beta Kappa. U. S. Government Expert. Brother of William Cleveland Hicks, Beta Beta. 48 and George Cleveland Hicks, Beta Beta 56. Engineer and Patent Lawyer. d. 1910 William Augustus Hitchcock* y] ° v A. B. 1854; A. M. 1857; B. D. 1857 Berkeley Divinity School; D. D. 1876 Nebraska Coll.; S. T. D. 1878 Trinity Coll. Chaplain to Bishop of Conn., 57-58; Rector Portsmouth, N. H., 58-61; Chaplain U. S. Navy, 61- 67; Rector Grace Church. Elmira. N. Y.. 67- 68; Christ Church, Binghamton, 68-75; Trinity Church. Pittsburgh. Pa., 75-82; St. Tames' Church. Batavia. N. Y.. 82-87; Church of the Ascension, Buffalo, 87; Deputy Diocese of Western N. Y. to General Convention. P. E. Church, 86. Father of William Henrv Hitch- cock, Beta Beta 84. Clergyman. d. 1898 George Dowdall Johnson \). M'' 5 A. B. 1854; A. M. 1857: B. D. I860 Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa. Valedic- torian. Orator (Alumni) House of Convoca- tion, Trinity Coll.; Master Rectory School, Hampden. Conn., 54-57; Rector St. Luke's Church, Darien, Conn., 61-62; St. Paul's Church, Owcgo. N. Y., 62-66; St. Mark's Church. 66-02; Archdeacon Richmond County. 91 06; Boston, Mas."., 67-70; St. Paul's Church, Newburyport. 70-75; Christ Church, New Brighton, N. Y., 75. Father of Philip Edward Johnson. I^ambda 91 and brother of Samuel William Johnson, Beta Beta 58. Clergyman. d. 1906 Christopher Starr Leffingwell* Y©°X- A. B. 1854; A. M. 1857; B. D. 1856 Berkeley Divinity .School. Rector .St. Paul's Church, Fairfield. Conn.. 56-59; Zion Church. Palmyra, N. Y.. 59-63; .St. John's Church. Canandaigua. 63-69; Christ Church. Gardiner, Maine. 69-79; St. Saviour's Church. Bar Harbor. 79; Deputy Diocese of Maine to General Convention. P. E. Church. 71, 74, ~1. 80. 83, 86. Clergyman. d. 1902 John Scarborough* V ° [x^ A. B. 1854; A. M. 1857; B. D. 1857 General Theol. Sem.; S. T. D. 1872 Trinity Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Asst. Minister St. Paul's Church, Troy, N. Y., 57-60; Rector Church of the Holy Comforter, Poughkeepsie, 60-67; Trinity Church, Pittsburgh, Pa., 67-75; Bishop of N. J., 75; Pres. Burlington Coll.; St. Mark's Hall; Deputy Diocese of Pittsburgh to General Convention, P. E. Church, 68, 71, 74. Protestant Epsicopal Bishop. d. 1914 Cornelius Bishop Smith" S Q° v A. B. 1854; A. M. 1857; B. D. 1857 General Theol. Sem. ; S. T. D. 1885 Trinity Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Charter Member; Asst. Minister Church of the Holy Trinity. Brooklyn. N. Y.. 58-60; Church of the .\scension. New York, 60-63; Rector St. John's Church, Lowell, Mass., 63-65; St. James' (^hurch. New York, N. Y.. 67. Member New York Historical Soc. Brother of Alexander Mackay Smith, Beta Beta 72. Clergyman. d. 1913 1855 Edwin Courtland Holies S T^^ s A. B. 1855; A. M. 1860; LL. D. 1905; Ph. D. 1S70 St. L.Twrence; D. D. 1880 Tufts and S. T. D. 1881. Phi Beta Kappa; Parthenon. Saluta- torian. Pastor Universalist Church, Bridge- port, Conn., 56-57; New Orleans, La., 57-60; Boston, 60-61; Portland, Maine, 61-69; Brook- lyn, N. Y., 69-71; Salem. 71-87; Third Church, New York, N. Y., 87—; Prof, of Microscopy St. Lawrence Univ., 70-75; Lecturer Tufts Coll. Divinity School, 80 — ; Essex Inst, and Pea- body Acad, of Science; Dixon Prof, of English and Am. History, Tufts Coll.; Chaplain. Educator. 184 College Ave., Somerville, Mass. David Knight Cady* A. B. 1855; A. M. 1858. Merchant. yA° g> d. 1896 \Mlliam Butler Krumbhaar* V ^° Z A. B. 1855. Commencement Orator. Lieut., Capt. and Major 6th Battalion Artillery, Con- federate Army, 61-66. Insurance. d. 1896 1856 Augustus Louis IJeaupillier* Planter. d. 1857 Edward Miner Gallaudet ^ 1"° X" B. S. 1856; A. M. (Hon.) 1859; LL. D. (Hon.) 1869 and 1895 Yale; Ph. D. 1869 Columbian. I'lii Beta Kappa; Parthenon. Charter Member; Founder and Active Pres SO years, Gallaudet Coll. for the Deaf, Washington, D. C. Author ''Life of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, Founder of Deaf Mute Education in America;" "Manual of Interitational Law;" Psi Upsilon Song "Festival Song." Member Cosmos (Washing- ton. D. C.) Club. Educator ^retired). 128 Woodland St., Hartford, Conn. I'^dwin Rhodes Gardiner* v N" Charter jMember. Father of Frederic Storer Bull, Beta Beta 90 and William Andariese Bull, Beta Beta 91. IMerchant. d. 1894 [■".(Irnund Morewood Ferguson* A A° [i" Member Am. Inst, of Mining Engineers. Brother of John Day Ferguson, Beta Beta 51, Samuel Ferguson, Beta Beta 57, Walton Ferguson, Beta Beta 63 and Henry Ferguson, Beta Beta 68. Banker. d. 1904 1859-61] BETA BETA CHAPTER 629 Edwin Emerson Johnson* aA°i;-^ A. B. 1859; A. M. 1863; B. D. 1861 Berkeley School. Phi Beta Kappa. English Essay Prize and Latin Prize (divided), 58: Historical Prize, 59; Salutatorian. Rector St. Michael's Church, Naugatuck, Conn., 61-65; St. Mark's Church, Augusta, Maine, 65-67; Prof, of English Litera- ture, 67-~2; Brownell Prof, of Rhetoric and English Language and Literature, Trinity Coll., 72-83; Rector Trinity Church, Hartford. 71-83; Deputy Diocese of Conn, to General Convention, P. E. Church, 74, IT, 80; Examining Chaplain Diocese of Conn., 75-83; Sec. Faculty of Trinity Coll., 67-68. Member Am. Philological Assn. and Connecticut Historical Soc. Father of hrancis I'ortcr Tohn.'ion, Clii 96. Clergyman. ' d. 1883 Samuel Boom Warren* or^ (0 A. B. 1859; A. M. 1862. Phi Beta Kappa. Chemical Prize Essayist, 59; Valedictorian. Master's Oration, 62; Orator (Alumni) House of Convocation, Trinity Coll., 75; Vice-Pres. Board of Education City of Cincinnati, 77-78; ("apt. 4th Regiment of Ohio Reserves. Author Convocation Oration "Religion and Science." Broker. d. 1893 1860 Leonidas Bradley Baldwin* p ° w A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863; B. D. 1863 Berkeley Divinity School. Commencement Orator. Rec- tor St. Luke's Church, Nashua, N. H., 63-64 St. Mark's Church. New Britain, Conn., 64-70 .St. James' Church, Birrtiingham, 70-79; St Mark's Church, Boston, 79-86; St. James Church, Keene, N. H.. 86; Member Board of Education, New Britain, Conn., 64-70; Acting School Visitor Town of Derby, Conn., 70-79; Examining Chaplain Bishop of Mass. Clergyman. d. 1907 Jedediah Hibbard Bowle.s* A. B. I860; A. M. 1863. Rector St. Philip's Church, Harrodsburgh, Ky., 63-65; Nashville, Tenn., 65-67; St. Anne's Church, Edgefield, 67-71; St. Mark's Church, Birmingham, Pa., 71-73. Clergyman. Edward Ooodridge* •O^^N, A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863; B. D. 1864 Berkeley Divinity School. Rector St. James' Church, Glastonbury, Conn., 64-67; Asst. Minister Christ Church, Hartford, 67-69; Rector St. Philip's Church, Wiscasset, Maine, 69-71; St. Johns Church. Warehouse Point. Conn., 71-85; Emmanuel Church, Geneva, Switzerland, 83-86; Christ Church, Exeter, N. H., 87. Brother of Frederic Goodridge, Beta Beta 57. Clergyman. d. 1906 Victor Green* A. B. I860; A. M. 1863. Lawyer. Augustus Jackson* d. 1873 II $° A A. B. 1860; A. M. 1864; B. D. 1862 Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Prize, 58: 2d Greek Prize, 58; Tuttlc Essay Prize, 60; Salutatorian. Officiating Thompsonville and Hazardville, Conn., 62-63; A.sst. Minister S't. Mark's Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 63-64; Rector St. Andrew's Church, Thompsonville and .St. Mary's Church, Hazardville, Conn., 64-66; St. Paul's Church, Washington, D. C, 66-85. Clergyman. d. 1885 Tlionia.^ Bezaleel Sexton A. B. I860; A. M. 1863. Agriculture. 71 Jeff^son Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. X A° N Charles Henry Wright Stocking* e VO V. A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863; B. D. 1863 General Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1873 William and Mary Coll. Phi Beta Kappa. Chemical Prize, 58; Historical Prize, 59; Valedictorian. Master's Oration, 63; Rector All Saints' Church, Briar Cliflf, N. Y., 63-64; Church of the Nativity, Bridgeport, 64-68; Christ Church, Ansonia, 65-69; Trinity Church, Rochester, N. Y., 69-72; Church of the f^piphany, Chicago, 111., 72-75; Grace Church, Detroit, Mich., 75-83; Trinity Church, Albany, N. Y., 83-87; Church of the Holy Innocents, Orange, N. J., 87; School Visitor, Town of Derby, Conn., 65-67; Trinity Parish School, Rochester, N. Y., 70-72; Principal private Classical School, Albany, N. Y., 83; Examining Chaplain Diocese of HI., 72-75; Mich., 75-83; Chaplain Mich. State Troops, 81-83. Author "Occasional Sermons;" Poems "Our New Eng- land Fore-Mothers;" "The Golden Cup and Silver Dish." Clergyman. d. 1912 A iF° M ■ A. B. 1860; A. M. 1863; M. D. 1863 Albany Med. Coll. Charter Member; Surg. 65th Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols., 63-65; Prof, of Materia Medica and Hygiene, Med. Dept. Univ. of Buffalo, 75; Fellow Am. Acad, of Medicine; Member Board of Health, Rochester, N. Y. Member Central New York Med. Assn.; New York State Med. Soc. Brother of James Stod- dard, Beta Beta 71. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1908 Enoch \"ine Stoddard* 1861 William Hunter Birckhead* /. S° w A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864; M. D. 1864 Columbia. Valedictorian. Resident Phys. Bellcvue Hosp. and Blackwell's Island, 64-66; House S'urg. N. Y. State Woman's Hosp., 66-68; Visiting Phys. Newport Hosp., 72-77. ilember Rhode Island State Med. Soc. Physician and Surgeon. d. 189S V 0° Z d. 1895 Eranklin Hamilton Fowler 9 A° a A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864; M. D. 1868 Yale. Head Master Rectory School, Hamden, Conn., 61-65; Military Instr. and Master Episcopal Acad, of Conn., Cheshire, 68-70; Prof, of Latin and Gree, Lockwood's Acad., Brooklyn, N. Y., 70-72; Sec. Trinity Coll. Alumni Assn.; Senior Fellow and Official Examiner at New York for Trinity Coll. Educator (retired). 335 \V. 55th St., New York, N. Y. Henry Bishop* William Bolmer Tibbits* s A° w A. B. 1861; A. M. 1864. Phi Beta Kappa. Col- lege Marshal, 60. Father of Charles Henry Tib- bits, Beta Beta 87. Merchant. d. 1908 William Holconib Webster'' 9A>, A. B. 1861: A. M. 1864; LL. B. 1871 Columbian Univ. 2d. Lieut. Co. I 5th Inf. Regiment Conn. 630 BETA BETA CHAPTER [1861-66 Vols., 61-62; 1st Lieut., 62-63; Clerk Provost Marshal's Office, 1st Dist. of Conn., 63; 2d Lieut. Co. C 12th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps., 64; 1st Lieut., 64-69; Clerk U. S. Pension Office, Washington, D. C, 69-76; Chief Navy, Old War, and Bounty Land Division, 76; Chairman Depart- ment Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, 83; Chairman Special Pension Board of Civil Service Examiners, 84; Chief Examiner in Civil Service Commissions, 86. Author "The Genea- logy of the Descendants of Gov. John Webster, one of the First Settlers of Hartford." Mem- ber New England Historic-Genealogical Soc; Grand Army of the Republic; Knights of Honor; Loyal Legion. Lawyer and Clerk. d. 1896 1862 George Washinf^on Hugg* A. B. 1862. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutatorian. Private 25th Inf. Regiment Conn. Vols., 62-63; 2d. Lieut. Co. A, 63. Soldier. d. 1864 ' William Dixon Penfield* A 0° N" A. B. 1862. Commencement Orator. Instr. Greenwich (Conn.) Acad., 62-63; Principal, Warrensburgh (N. Y.) Acad., 63; U. S. Navy, 63-64. Farmer (retired). d. 191/ 1863 Nathaniel Birdsey Dayton* A. B. 1863. Teacher Easton, Conn., 63-64. Educator. d. 1864 Walton Ferguson T A° M Member Union and New York Yacht Clubs. Brother of John Day Ferguson, Beta Beta 51, Samuel Ferguson, Beta Beta 57, Edmund More- wood Ferguson, Beta Beta 59 and Henry Fergu- son, Beta Beta 68. Merchant. 15 William St., New York, N. Y.; res. Straw- berry Hill. Stamford, Conn. Charles Martin Isbell* Student. d. 1862 Matthias Murray Marshall* $ 0° X D. D 1874 William and Mary Coll. Rector St. James' Church, Kittrell's Sorings, N. C, 63-66; Christ Church, Elizabeth City, 66-67; Immanuel Church, Warrenton, 67-74; Christ C"hurch, Raleigh. 74; Deputy Diocese of N. C. to General Convention, P. E. Church, 86; Pres. Standing Committee; Examining Chaplain Diocese of N. C. Clergyman. d. 1912 „ TO ., Leonard Kip Storrs A. B. 1863; A. M. 1866; D. D. 1893; B. D. 1869 General Theol. Sem. Parthenon Debating Soc. Rector St. Matthew's, Hallowell, Maine, 69-70; St. Stephen's, Pittsfield, Mass., 70-76; St. Paul's. Brookline. 76; Rector Emeritus; Member Board of Education. 77. Member Union Club of Boston. Clergyman (retired). 56 Greenough St., Brookline, Mass. 1864 Daniel Perkins Dewey* Corporal Co. A 25th Inf. Regiment Conn. Vols., 62-63: 2d Lieut., 63. Soldier d. 1863 Joseph Field Ely* A. B. 1864. Phi Beta Kappa. Prize Version Declamation, 63; Salutatorian. Lawyer. d. 1873 Fordham ]\Iorris* rA° M" A. B. 1864 houoris causa; LL. B. 1863 Colum- bia. 2d Lieut. lo5th Inf. Regiment N. Y. Vols., 62; 1st Lieut. 6th N. Y. Heavy Artillery; Adjutant; Asst. Commissary for the Exchange of Prisoners; Acting Asst. Adjutant General; Artillery Brigade, 5th Army Corps of the Po- tomac, 62-66; Inspr. Public Schools New York, N. Y., 77-78. Author "A History of the Town of Westchester." Member New York Historicnl Soc. Lawyer. d. 1909 Lemuel 1 lenrv \\ ells ■X ■S® r A. B. 1864; A. M. 1867 honoris causa; D. D. 1891 Hobart; and D. C. L. 1914; B. D. 1869 Berkeley Divinity School 1st Lieut: 32d Inf., Wis., 62-65; Minister in charge Trinity Chapel. New Haven, Conn., 69-70; Rector St. Paul's Church, Walla Walla, Wash., 70-82: St. Paul's Willimantic, Conn.. 82-84; St. Luke's, 84-89; Trinity, 89-92; Founaer St. Paul's School, Walla Walla, \\'ash., 70. Bishop of Spokane since 92. Episcopal Bishop. 901 N. Yakina Ave.. Tacoma. Wash. 1865 Henrv Harrison Oberlv* crr°(o A. B. 1865; A. M. 1868; B. D. 1867 Berkeley Divinity School. Commencement Orator. Deacon Church of the Nativity. Bethlehem, Pa., 67-68; Trinity Church, New York, N. Y., 68-69; Rector Church of the Holy Cross, War- rensburgh, 69-72; Grace Church, Cherry Val- ley, 72-74; Trinity Church, vVest Troy. 74-79; Christ Church. Elizabeth. N. J., 79; Precentor Choir Guild Diocese of N. J., 80. Clergyman. d. 1914 Charles Tyler Olmsted r A° \>:' A. B. 1865; A. M. 1868; S. T. D. 1893 Hobart; D. C. L. 1903 Syracuse; LL. D. 1907 Hamilton. Valedictorian, 65; Master's Oration, 68. Prof. of Mathematics, 66-68; Bishop Coadjutor, Utica. N. Y., 02. Bishop. 1101 Park Ave.. Utica, N. Y. 1866 James Brainard Goodrich* - Q° N A. B. 1866; B. D. 1869 Berkeley Divinity School. Prize Version Declamation, 65. Asst. Minister Trinity Church, Hartford, Conn., 69-71; Rector (in charge) Church of the Good Shepherd. Nashua. N. H.. 71-75; All Saints' Church. Littleton. 75-77; St. Paul's Church, Lancaster, 75-80; Rector Grace Church, Wind- sor. Conn.. 80-85; Trinity Church, Claremont. 85. Clergyman. d. 1913 Samuel' Hart* a r° V A. B. 1866: A. M. 1869; D. D. 1885: J. C. D. 1899; D. C. L. 1899; B. D. 1869 Berkeley Di- vinity School: D. D. 1902 Yale; LL. D. 1909 VVesleyan. Plii Beta Kappa. Greek Prize, 63; Latin Prize. 65; Senior Prize. 66; Valedictorian and Optimus; Masters' Oration, 69: Treas.. 67; Sec. since 70; Senator since 92. Sec. Faculty Trinity Coll.. 68-78 and 83-84; Tutor in Ma- 1866-701 BETA BETA CHAPTER 631 thematics, 68/0; Asst. Prof., 70-73; Prof., 73- S3; Prof, of Latin, Trinity Coll., 83-99; Deputy from Diocese of Conn, to General Convention, P. E. Church. 86; Registrar Dioce.>:e of Conn., 74-17; Sec. House of Bishops, 92-17; Church Hi.storiographer, 98-17: Prof, of Doctrinal Theo- logy and Prayer Book, 89- Vice-dean Berkeley Divinity School, 99-08; Dean 08-17 Paddock Lecturer, 15-16; Trustee Wadsworth Athenaeum Colt Bequest; Sec. and Pres. Am. Philological Assn.; Pres. Connecticut Historical Soc; Con- necticut Library Assn., Hartford Good Will Club; Middletown Russell Library; Trustee Trinity Coll. Member Am. Philological, Am. Historical and Connecticut Library Assns.; Soc. of Colonial Wars: Am. Oriental, Connecticut Historical, New London County Historical and New Haven Colony Historical Socs. ; Middle- town Russell Library; Hartford Good Will Club. Brother of George Hart, Beta Beta 70. Clergyman. d. 1917 Charles Conner Hayden* x ^° ^^ .\. B. 1866. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Bur- lington, N. J., 66-67; Riverview Military Acad., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 67-69; Principal Acad., Hackensack. N. J., 69-72; Teacher Keble Hall, New York, N. Y., 72-73. Educator. Charles Henr}' Belknap Tremaine* X E° v" A. B. 1866; B. D. 1869 Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa. Prize in Chemistry, 66. Char- ter Member; Asst. Minister Christ Church, Hartford, Conn., 69-71; Rector St. Thomas' Church. Hartford. 71-76; St. John's Church, New Haven, 76-82; Sec. Diocese Conn., 77-82. -Author Psi Upsilon Song "Brothers Raise the Chorus." Clergyman. d. 1882 Samuel Francis Winchester* Student. • d. 1866 1867 Henry Winter Syle* nA° (0 A. B. 1869 and A. M. 1872 Yale; A. M. 1875 ad cundcm Trinity Coll. Prof, of Chemistry and Physics New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. 69-73. Brother of Louis du Pont Syle, Beta Beta 79. Clergyman. d. 1890 1868 Edward Renwick Brevoort'^' \. B. 1868. Merchant. llenrv Fere;uson* p ^'° CO d. 1910 rA° N A. B. 1868; A. M. 1874; LL. D. 1900; B. d'. 1872 Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kap- pa. Prof, of Historv and Political Science, 83- 05; Rector St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., 06-11. .A.uthor Psi L^psilon Song ''Back Through the Rolling Years;" "Essays in American His- tory;" "Four Periods in the Life of the Church." Member Hartford and University (Hartford, Conn.), Century Assn., City, Psi Up- silon and University (New York) and Univer- sity (Boston) Clubs. Brother of John Day Ferguson, Beta Beta 51, Saumcl Ferguson, Beta Beta 57, Edmund Morewood Ferguson, Beta Beta 59 and Walton Ferguson, Beta Beta 63. Clergyman (retired). d. 1917 Ceoroe Milnor Stanley X S° v" A. B. 1868: A. M. 1871; B. D. 1870 Berkeley DivinitJ- School. Charter Member; Assistant Minister St. James' Church, New London, Conn., 70-71; Officiating Penn Yan, N. Y. and Thompsonvillc, Conn., 71-74; Rector St. Mat- thew's Church, Hallowell, Maine, 74-75; St. Thomas' Church, Camden, 75-77; St. Luke's Church. S'outh Glastonbury, Conn., 77-80: St. James' Church, Winsted, 80; Chaplain, Senate and House of Representatives, State of Maine, 74-75.. Clergyman. Main St., Pine Meadow, Conn. 1869 Flenrv Skelton Carter* AQ° A. B. 1869; A. M. 1872; M. D. 1872 Columbia. Editor Trinity Tablet. 69. Charter Member; Member New York County ATed. .Soc; New York County Med. and New York State Med. .\ssns. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1913 Edward Van Brunt Kissam* X 11° i^, A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1870 Albany Law School. Phi Beta Kappa. Lawyer. d. 1914 1870 Bradv Electus Backus* If] Q v" \. B. 1870; A. M. 1873; B. D. 1873 General Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1881 Nebr. Coll. Editor Trinity Tablet, 69:Toucey Scholar, 70; Tuttle Prize Essayist, 70; Commencement Orator. Chief Clerk Militarv Commandant of Mich., 60-62; Minister St. Peter's Church, New York, N. Y., 73-75: Rector Christ Church, Coopers- town, 75-76; Church of the Holy Apostles, New York, 76; Vice-Pres. Alumni Assn. of Trinity Coll., 86. Member New England Soc. Clergyman. d. 1901 Henrv Merlin Barbour Y) A° i;. A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873; D. D. 1911. Prophet: Commencement Orator. Rector St John's Church. Newark, N. J.. 73-75; Trinity Church. Trenton, 75-95: Church of the Beloved Dis- ciple, New York since 95; Chaplain 7tli Regi- ment N. G. N. J., 81-95; Pres. New York Churchmen's Assn., 16. .Author "Good Friday -Addresses;" "Manual for Learning English, for Germans:" "Manual for Learning English, for French:" "Manual for Learning English, for -Spaniards;" "Manual for Learning English, for Italians " Member Sons nf Revolution (N. J.) Psi LTpsilon and Baldwin Harbor Yacht Clubs. Clergyman. Church of the Beloved Disciple: res. 65 E. 89th St., New York. N. Y. George Clark* .Student. George McClellan Fiske d. 1868 A. B. 1870- A. Af. 1873: S. T. D. 1888: D. D. (Hon.) 1888; B. D. 1874 Berkeley Divinity .School. Phi Beta Kanpa. Greek Prize: Vale- dictorian. Rector St. Stephen's Episcopal Church since 84; Pres. Standing Committee, Diocese of R. I.; Delegate to many General Conventions. Clergvman. St. .Stephen's Church; res. 166 George St., Providence, R. I. 632 BETA BETA CHAPTER [1870-72 X S° N. George Hart* M. D. 1873 Columbia. Phys. and Surg. St. Luke's Hosp., New York City, 73-75; Demon- strator of Anatomy Women's Med. Coll. of the New York Infirmary, 75-83. Brother of Samuel Hart, Beta Beta 66. Physician and Surgeon. d. 1883 Luther !NTartin Kennett A. B. 1870; LL. B. 1873 Columbia. Lawyer. (3507 Lucas Ave., S't. Louis, Mo.) William Robert Mowe X T° v" A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873. Member Grolier, Uni- versity and Church Clubs. Insurance. 68 William St.; res. 54 E. 67th St., New York, N. Y. William Ford Nichols S A° M" A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873; D. D. 1888: B. D. 1873 Berkeley Divinity School; D. D. 1888 Kenyon Coll. Adniittitur Prize, 66. Charter Member; Asst. Minister Church of the Holy Trinity, Mid- dletown. Conn., 73-75; Rector St. James' West Hartford and Grace Church Newington, 75- 11; Christ Church, Hartford, 77-87; St. James', Philadelphia, 87-90; Asst. in Ecclesiastical His- tory, Berkeley Divinity School, 85-87; Asst. Sec. House of Bishops, 86; Bishop Coadjutor of Cal., 90; Bishop of Cal.; Founderq (93) and Dean Church Divinity School of the Pacific, San Mateo, Cal.; Pres. Province of the Pa- cific; San Francisco Soc. Archaeological Inst, of America Episcopal Canon St. George's Collegiate Church, Jerusalem. Author ''On the Trail of Your Faith;" "Character;" "Apt and Meet;" "A Father's Story of the Fire and Earth- quake of 1906;" "Some World-Circuit Saun- terings." Member Pacific Union Club. Protestant Episcopal Bishop. 1215 Sacramento St.; res. 2515 Webster St., San Francisco, Cal. d. 1901 Clifton Wharton Phillips* Manufacturer. John Kennedy Stout YA°A A. B. 1870; A. M. 1873. Master in Chancery N. J., 78-80; City Atty., Spokane Falls, 81-83 Trustee Spokane Falls Library Assn. since 86 Member Cosmos Club; Soc. of Colonial Wars Sons of the Am. Revolution: Sons of Revoln tion; Aztec Club of 1847; Pennsylvania-Ger man Soc. Lawyer and Special Agent. Federal Trade Commission; res. 131 A St. N. E., Washington, D. C. 1871 Daniel Page Cotton* A. B. 1871; Licentiate in Midwifery, Univ. of Edinburgh and Dublin Univ. In charge Ma- ternity Hosp. Univ. of Edinburgh. Brother of Henry Evan Cotton, Beta Beta 74. Merchant. d. 1910 George William Douglas 7 0° N^ A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874; D. D. 1895; D. D. 1899 Univ. of the South; S. T. D. 1885 Hobart. Phi Beta Kappa. Declamation and Phi Beta Kappa Prizes, 71; Valedictorian. Asst. Minister Cal- vary Church, New York, 78-79; Vicar Trinity Church, 79-86; Rector St. John's Church, Wash- ington, D. C. and Trustee Washington Cathe- dral, 88-91; Rector Trinity Church, New Haven, Conn.. 95-98; Select Preacher Grace Church, New York Instr. Training School for Dea- conesses; Examining Chaplain Diocese of New York, 98-04; Senior Canon Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, 04-13; Lecturer Philadelphia Divinity School, 16; Prof. Phila- delphia Divinity School; Union Theol. Sem., New York; Special Preacher Church of the Beloved Disciple. New York since 16. Author "Hints to S'unday School Teachers;" ''Prayers for Children." Member Union League, Cen- tury, University, Grolier, New York Clerical, Clericus, Interchurch Clergy, Chicago, Cosmos and Metropolitan (Washington, D. C), and Tuxedo and American Universities (London) Clubs; Automobile Club of America; Church- men's Assn.; Authors' League of America; Sons of the Revolution; New York Federation of Churches; Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America; Christian Unity Foundation; League to Enforce Peace; World Alliance for the Promotion of International Friendship. LTncle of William Douglas Ward, Phi 99. Clergyman and Educator. 5 E. 88th St., New York; res. Tuxedo Park, N. Y. William Drayton tc Q° a A. B. 1871. Teacher Kittanning (Pa.), 71-72; St. Paul's School Concord (N. H.), 72-73; Dir. Pennsylvania Inst, for Instruction of the Blind: Historical Soc. of Pa. Member Ritten- bouse Club. Lawyer. 904 Land Title BIdg.: res. 5 S. 21st St., Phila., Pa. Charles Sherman Everest T a A. B. 1871; A. M. 1886; LL. B. 1878 Yale. Teacher Burlington Coll.. Burlington, N. J.; Vry House. Philadelphia, Pa., 71-76. Lawyer and Educator. (Hamden, Conn.) Robert Hudson ©c A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874; Ph. D. 1892; B. Ti. 1873 Berkeley Divinity School. Toucey Scholar. 71. Minister Church of the Good Shep- herd, Binghamton, N. Y., 74; Rector Grace Church. Watertovvn, 74; Chaplain U. S. Navy, 74-76 and 83: Naval Acad., 76-79; Asst. Minis- ter Trinity Church. Pittsburgh, 80-81; Asst. Christ Church. Hartford, Conn., 83. Clergyman (retired). 653 W. Onondagas St., Syracuse, N. Y. John Peck Case Shaw* tA° N A. B. 1871; A. M. 1874. Principal School Wickford, 74-76; Asst. Principal St. John's House, Newport. 76-78: Principal English and Classical School, Providence, 78-83; Master DeVeaux Coll., 83. Educator. d. 1899 James Stoddard* Q^ y. A. B. and B. S. 1871; A. M. 1874; B. D. 1874 Berkeley Divinity School. Charter Member; Minister Trinity Chapel, New Haven, Conn., 74- 75; Rector St. Tames' Church, Westville, 75- 77; Christ Church, Watertown, 77-86; St. Mark's Church, New Britain, 86. Brother of Enoch Vine Stoddard, Beta Beta 60. Clergyman. d. 1916 1872 George Collinson Burgwin 9 Y° v A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875; LL. B. 1875 Columbia'. Chancellor and Member Board of Trustees, Diocese of Pittsburgh; Vice-Pres. Board of 1872-7.>J P3ETA BETA CHAPTER 633 Trustees, St. Margaret Memorial Hosp.; Trustee Kenvon Coll. Member Pittsburgh and Pitts- burgh (iolf Clubs; Church flub of the Diocese of Pittsburgh: Soc. of Colonial Wars; Alleg- heny County Bar Assn. Brother of John Henry Kiii"; Burgwin, Beta I'.eta /.? ami .\ugustus Phillipps Burgwin, Beta Beta S2. Lawver. 4.^6 Diamond St.; res. 725 Devonshire St., Pittsburgh, Pa. A. B. 1872; .\. M. 1875; LL. B. 1875 Columbia. Instr in Mathematics, Burlington Coll., N J., 72-73: Tutor Keble Hall, New York, N. Y., 73-75: Supt. C.enoa Industrial School for In- dians, 85; Member Legislature, 79-81; Super- visor Peoria County, 78-79 and 82-83. Prof, of Spanish Gordon Inst., Barnesville. Educator. 365 Cherokee Heights, Macon, Ga. Horace Russell Chase T, n° s;. James Hardin George* A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875; B. D. 1875 Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa. Salutator- ian. Minister Christ Church, Exeter N. H., 75- 76; Rector St. Stephen's Church, Pittsfield, 76-81: St. Paul's Church. \\'indsor Locks, Conn., 81-83: St. John's Church, Salisbury, 83-17. Brother of John Francis George, Beta Beta 77 and Thomas Morduit Nelson George, Beta Beta 80 and uncle of Nelson James George and Willis Briscoe George, Beta Beta 16. Clergyman. d. 1917 Frederick \\'illiam Gwinn S S° 3 Member New York Athletic and Merchants' Clubs. Merchant. 43 Leonard St.. New York, N. Y. Frederick William Harriman A 11° w A. B. 1872: A. M. 1875; D. D. 1902. Phi Beta Kappa; Athenaeum, .\dmittitur Prize, 67; 3d -Appointment, 72. Charter Member; Arch- deacon of Hartford. 93-06: Sec. Diocese of Conn.. 95-12; Elder General ,Soe. of May- flower Descendants. Son of Frederick Durbin Harriman. Beta Beta 45 and father of Lewis Gilderslecve Harriman, Beta Beta 09. Clergyman. Grace Church; res. 26 Maple Ave., Windsor, Conn. -Mexander Mackay-Smith* A Q° v" A. B. 1872. English Prize, 71; Oratorical Prize, Silver Medal. 71; Prize Version Decla- mation and Prize Commencement Oration, 72; Editor Trinity Tablet. 71-72. Charter Member; Rector .Ml .Saints' Church. Worcester, Mass., 77-78; Grace Church. Boston, 78-80; Asst. Minister St. Thomas' Church. New York City, 80-86; Archdeacon of New York, 87; Supt. of the Clergy of the New York Mission; Member Executive Committee of the Inst, of Christian Philosophy; Poet Installation of the Beta Beta SO. Brother of Cornelius Bishop Smith, Beta Beta 54. Clergyman. d. 1911 George Henry Seyms'* I A° [>.^ A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member; Water Commissioner City of Hartford, 83. Chemist. d. 1915 William Augustus A'alentine B Z° X A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875; M. D. 1875 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres. Board of Trustees, (Jood Samaritan Dispensary. Member Century Assn. Physician. 115 W.»74th St., New York, N. Y. Paul Ziegler c ^^ X, A. B. 1872; A. M. 1875; B. D. 1874 Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Chi Rho. One of the founders of Parthenon; Tou- cey Scholar, 72; Freshman Prize, 69; Greek Prize, 70; Latin Prize, 71; Prize Version De- clamation, 71; Oratorical Prize, 70; Valedic- torian. Principal Detroit Church Acad., 27 years; Registrar Diocese of Mich.; Sec. Acan- thus Club, 34 years; Rector St. Barnabas' Churcli, Detroit. Clergyman. 14 Breckenridge St., Detroit, Mich. 1873 James Tinker Bowdish* A Q° T .\. B. 1873. Lawyer. d. 1907 William Howard Bulkley ^ Q° S-t.' A. B. 1873; A. M. 1876; B. D. 1876 Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa. Pres. Col- lege Boat Club, 72-73; Chemical Prize Essay, 75; Commencement Orator. Charter Member; Rector Calvary Church, Colchester, Conn., 76- 80; Christ Church, Tashua and Christ Church, Easton, 80-90; St. James' Church, Cheboygan, Mich., 89-00: Curate Trinity Church, Alpena, Mich.; Missionary since 00. Author "His- tory of Christ Church, Tashua" in Fairfield County History. Brother of Clarendon Cobb Bulkley, Beta Beta 75. Clergyman. 603 Washington Ave., Alpena, Mich. Samuel Barstow Carpenter* ; 11° ';^. A. B. 1873: A. M. 1876; B. D. 1876 Berkeley Divinity School. Charter Member; Asst. Minister St. John's Church, Detroit, Mich., 76-79; Rector Church of the Holy Cross. San- ford, Fla., 79-87; Engaged in Missionary work, 87; Archdeacon of South Fla., 85; Deputy Diocese of Fla. to General Convention P. E. Church. 86. Brother of Clarence Carpenter, Beta Beta 82. Clergyman. d. 1912 A. B. 1873; A. M. 1876; Ph. D. 1882 Yale; L. H. D. 1895 Ursinus Coll. Charter Member; Instr. St. John's School. Manlius, N. Y.. 73-74; Asst. to treas. Trinity Coll., 74-76: Classical Mast*"- Episcopal Acad, of Conn., Cheshire, 77- 80; Prof, of Latin and Greek, Pa. Military Acad., Chester, 81-84; Instr. in Greek. Latin and ^Modern Languages, Episcopal Acad, of Conn,, 85-86; Classical Master St. Paul's (Cathedral) School. Garden City, N. Y., 86-87; Prof. Ursinus Coll.. Collegeville, Pa., 87—; Prof, of Latin, Rollins College. Author "Life of Dr. H. W. Super." Educator. Winter Park, Fla. Charles Pomeroy Parker* B M*° v" A. B. 1876 Balliol College. Univ. of Oxford, England. First Class. Literae Hiimanioris in Final Honor School. Prof, of Greek and Latin, Harvard University. Joint Author "Handbook of Latin Writing." Member Am. Philological Assn.: Archaeological Inst, of America; Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences. Educator. d. 1916 Edmund 'Morris Hyde 634 BETA BETA CHAPTER [1873-75 Oliver IJenry Raftery AV O vj A. B. 1873; A. M. 1876; D. D. 1908; B. D. 1876 Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa; Parthenon; Debating Soc. Greek Prize, 72; Prize Version Declamation, 73; Salutatorian. Charter Member; Rector St. Peter's Church, Cheshire, Conn., 76-86; Trinity Church, Portland, 86; Trustee Episcopal Acad, of Conn., Cheshire; Archdeacon of Middlesex; Examining Chaplain to Bishop of Conn.; Mem- ber Church Scholarship Soc; Delegate to General Convention, P. E. Church, 95-98, 01, 04; Chairman School Board. Member Clerical Club. Clergyman. Trinity Rectory, Main St., Portland, Conn. Ell)ert Ikirr Taylor %^M A. B. 1873; A. M. 1892; B. D. 1876 Berkeley Divinity School. Instr. Acad., Oxford, N. Y., 73-75; Rector Christ Church. Middle Haddam, Conn., 76-79; Church of the Holy Trinity, Detroit.. Mich., 79-80; Asst. Minister Church of the Annunciation, Philadelphia, Pa., 80-86; Rector St. Paul's Church, Vergennes, Vt., 86 — . Author "Catechism of Christian Instruction for Young Children." Clergyman. .Seminole Ave., Catonsville, Md. Clarence Eugene Woodman q A° o> A. B. 1873; L. H. D. 1913; A. M. 1877 Am- herst; Ph. D. 1883 Manhattan; Sc. D. 1913 St. Mary's; LL. D. 1915 Notre Dame. Phi Beta Kappa. 3d Alexandria Prize, 70; Greek Prize, 72; Editor Trinity Tablet, 72-73; Commence- ment Orator; Honor Graduate in Chemistry. Natural Science, Ethics, Metaphysics. Mathe- matics and English, 73. Lecturer Catholic Univ., 92-94; Knighted by King of Spain, 94; Asst. Astronomer Smithsonian Eclipse Expedition, Wadesboro, N. C, 00; Resident Lecturer New- man Hall, LTniv. of Cal. Author "Manual of Prayers;" "Bridal Wreath;" "Poets and Poetry of England:" "Civil and Religious Liberty." Member Faculty Club; Soc. of Colonial Wars; Sons of The Am. Revolution; Soc. of The War of 1812; Aztec Club of 1847; Military Order Loyal Legion; National Geographical Soc; Royal Astronomical Soc. of Canada; Astron- omical Soc. of The Pacific. Lecturer and Clergyman. 2630 Ridge Rd., Berkeley, Cal. 1874 Donald iSIuhlenberg Canimann T S° N^ A. B. 1876 Oxford; M. D. 1879 Columbia. The Union Soc. (Oxford). Author "Physical Diag- nosis of Diseases of Heart and Lungs." Mem- ber University Club; St. Nicholas Soc. Brother of Jacob Lorillard Cammann, Lambda 60 Merrick, N. Y. John Rates John.son Collins* S Q° v^ Charles Hwell Craik KS° P. Charter Member. Merchant. d. 1888 Henry Evan Cotton* 'f S° N^ .■\. B. 1874; A. M. 1877. Oratorical Prize, Gold Medal, 72. Asst. City Missionary, Boston, Mass., 77; Asst. Minister Emmanuel Church, Boston, 77-78; Minister St. John's Church, Dresden, Germanv, 78-79; Asst. Minister Church of the Holy Trinity, Paris, France, 79-80; Rector Christ Church, Quincy, Mass., 80. Brother of Daniel Page Cotton, Beta Beta 71. Clergyman. d. 1914 A. B. 1874; A. M. 1877; D. D.— ; B. D. 1877 Berkeley Divinity School; D. D. 1895 Univ. of Louisville. Baseball, Capt., 74; Crew, 74. Min- i.'-ter in Charge Grace Church, Saybrook, Conn., 77; Asst. Minister Grace Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 77-79; Rector Emmanuel Church, (ieneva, Switzerland, 79-81; Asst. Minister, Christ Church, Louisville, Ky., 81-82; Rector since 82; Deputy to General Convention, 7 years; Member Standing Committ -l-. Diocese of Ky., 30 years; Dean Christ ( Kpiscopal) Cliurch Cathedral. Member Sons Am. Revolu- tion; Louisville Country and Pendennis Clubs. Father of Oscar Wilder Craik, Beta Beta 16 and James Shrewsbury Craik, Beta Beta 12. t'lergymati. Cathedral House; res. 525 W. Ormsby Ave., Louisville, Ky. l\(lward Xicoll Dickerson xy V .\. B. 1874; LL. B. 1876 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Chemical Prize, 74; Valedictorian. Charter Member. Lawyer (retired). .Monte Carlo, Monaco. Thomas James Drumnr' V po V A. B. 1874; A. M. 1877 Teacher Rochester, N. Y., 63-72; Tuttle Prize Essayist, 74; Master Latin Language and Literature, St. Paul's Scliool, Concord, N. H., 74. Kducator and Clergyman. d.l911 James Digirles Hurd* -A'^Q A. B. 1874; A. M. 1877. Phi Beta Kappa. Edi- tor Trinity Tablet, 73-74; Pres. College Boat Club, 73; Prize in Mathematics, 71; Oratory (Silver Medal), 72; Commencement Orator, lirother of Alfred Dennis Hurd, Beta Beta 77 and Richard Melancthon Hurd, Beta 88. Publisher. d. 1887 Thonias Lathrop Stedman to T° ^* A. B. 1874; A. M. 1896; M. D. 1877 Columbia. French Prize. 72; Graduation Prize, 77. House -Surg. St. Lulie's Hosp., New York. 76-79; New York Orthopedic Hosp. and Dispensarv, 81-86; Fellow N. Y. Acad. Med.; A. M. A.; N. Y. State and County Med. Socs. Author "Chinese and English Phrase Book;" "Modern Greek >Tastery;" "A Practical Medical Dictionary." Member Century and Psi Upsilon Clubs. Physician. 51 5th Ave.; res. 1425 Broadway, New York, N. Y. T Tarry Edward Whitney Cl° ^/■ A. B. 1874; A. M. 1878; L. H. D. 1914. Phi Beta Kappa. Beta Beta Quartette; Keeper of the Calumet; Grand Tribunal; Assoc. Founder and Editor Trinity Ivy, 73; Commencement Orator. Head Ancient Language Dept., Shattuck School; Dean of Faculty Instr. Shattuck School, 43 yrs.; Head Master, 02-05. Editor Catalogue of Order of Beta Beta, 74. Author "Masonic History of Rice County, Minn." Mem- ber University Club (St. Paul). Educator. P. O. Box 212; res. Shattuck Campus, Faribault, Minn. 1875 \\illiam Robinson Blair .\. B. 1875. Referee in Bankruptcy. Lawyer. 5 0^ 1875-771 BETA BETA CHAPTER 635 450 Fourth Ave; res. 808 Dcvotishiie St., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Josepli lUirtingtoii 9 A^ [).^ A. B. 1.S75; LL. D. 1890: LL. D. 1912 Wash- ington and Jefferson Coll.: D. C. L. 1911 Mount .'^t. Mary's Coll.: LL. D. 1912 Univ. of Pitts- burph; LL. D. 1915 La Fayette Coll.; LL. D. 1916 Priccton Univ. Phi Beta Kappa. Ora- torical Prize. Silver Medal (3); Editor Trinity Tablet (3). (4^. Presiding Judge U. S. Court of Appeals Tliird Dist since 06. Member Pitts- burgh Athletic Assn. Brother of Orr Bufhng- ton. Beta Beta 79. Law yer. Federal Bld^.; res. 5324 Ellsworth Are., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Clarendon Col)li l')ulkle\- = 8° X A. B. 1875; A. M. 1878. Managing. Editor Trinity Tablet, 74-75. Charter Member. Brother of William Howard Bulkley, Beta Beta 73. Merchant. (72 Deerfield Ave., Hartford, Conn.) \\'illiani Jackson Roberts''' aA'v^ • A. B. 1875: B. D. 1877 Berkeley Divinity School. Oratorical Prize, Gold Medal, 74. Asst. Minister St. Paul's Church, Rome, Italy, 77-78; Rector Trinity Church, Hudson. Mich., 78-80; St. Paul's Church. Newark, N. J., 83; Officiat- ing Detroit. 81-82: Examining Chaplain Dio- cese of Xortliern N. J. Clergyman. " d. 1891 Edward William W'orthinston* 3 ^'^ A. B. 1875: A. M. 1878; B. D. 1878 Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Trinity Ivy, 74; Tuttle Prize Essayist and Salutatorian, 75. Charter Member; Rector St. John's Church, Yalesville, Conn., 78-79; Christ Church, West Haven, 79-82; St. John's Church, Mt. Morris, N. Y., 82-87; Grace Church, Ueve- land. Ohio. 87; Sec. to Bishop of Conn., 76-79: Board of Education, Town of Orange. Conn., 80-82; Asst. Sec. House of Deputies, Gen- eral Convention, P. E. Church, 83-86. Clergyman. d. 1906 1876 Edward Xevins Burke X F^ a A. B. 1876; A. M. 1879. Editor Trinity Iiv, 75; Trtntty Tablet, 74-75; Chemical Prize Ess"ayist, 76. Member Vesper Country, Yorick, Long Meadow Golf and L'nion (Bo.ston) Clubs. Retired. 216 Xesmith St., Lowell, Mass. Irving Paris AA^ to LL. B. 1877 Columbia. Lawyer. (lOf W. 54th St.. New York, X. Y.) Edwin John Rinehart* Broker. d. 1916 Edward Kilbourn Tullidg:e* A ° Z A. B. 1876. 2d Philosophical Prize. 75; Com- mencement Orator. Asst. Minister St. An- drew's Church, Philadelphia, 84. Author "The Lost Tribes of Israel in England and America." Clergyman. d. 1910 r.everly Ellison Warner* Z 0° N" A. M. 1886 honoris causa; B. D. 1879 Berkeley Divinity School. 3 Gold Medals in Declama- tion, 73; Oratory. 74 and 76. Charter Member; .Minister (in charge) St. Mary's Church. South Manchester, Conn.. 76-79; Rector (elect), 78- 80; Rector Grace Church. Stafford Springs. 80- 81; St. Mary's Church, South Manchester. 81- 84; Christ Church, Stratford, 84-86; Christ Church, Bridgeport, 86; Trinity Church. Bridge- port; St. Stephen's Church, Philadelphia; Trin- ity Church. New Orleans, 10; Founder and first Pres. Stratford Library Assn. Author "English History in Shakespeare's Plays;" "The Love of Shakespeare;" "Introduction to Shakespeare:" "The Fails of the Faith;" "The Young Man in Modern Life;" "History of St. Mary's Parish;" "What we Read;" "Troubled Waters;" "Me- moir of Miss Ella M. Baker;" Psi L^psilon -Song "Let us Fly from Care and Sorrows." Clergyman. d. 1910 1877 John Henry King Burgwin iQ° V A. B. 1877. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Trinity Tablet, 76-77; Modern Geometry Prize. 74; Tuttle Prize Essayist, 77; Commencement Ora- tor. Brother of George Collinson Burgwin. Beta Beta 72 and Augustus Phillips Burgwiti, Beta Beta 82. Mechanical Engineer. 38th St. and A. V. R. R.; res. 5238 Westminster PI., Pittsburgh, Pa. Charles Carroll Edmunds, Jr. A T° X A. B. 1877; D. D. 1910. Phi Beta Kappa. Vale- dictorian; Prize Version Declamation; Prize in Latin; Seminary Prize in Greek. Prof, of the Literature and Interpretation of the New Testa- ment, General Theol. Sem. Brother of Francis Henry Edmunds, Theta 86. Clergyman. 4 Chelsea Sq.. New York, N. Y. [ohn Erancis George ^ Q° v" A. B. 1877: A. M. 1886; B. D. 1880 Berkeley Divinity School. Commencement Appointment and Oration. Charter Member; Promoter Slater Industrial Acad.. Salem, N. C; Vice- Pres. Board of Trustees; Rector St. Paul's Church. Woodbury, Conn., 80-83; St. An- drew's Church, Thompsonville, 83. Author "Biographies Rev. James Hardin George The Son of a Southern Planter and Nelson James George, A Young Ideal of Righteousness." Member Hartford and Plattsburgh Clerical Clubs. Father of Nelson James George and Willis Briscoe George, Beta Beta 16 and brother of James Hardin George, Beta Beta 72 and Thomas Morduit Nelson George, Beta Beta 80. Clergyman. St. Johns' Church Rectory, Essex, N. Y. Stephen Germain Hewitt* p M'^ M^ A. B. 1877. Chemical Prize. 77. Student. d. 1877 Alfred Dennis Ilurd YIW a Brother of James Diggles Hurd. Beta Beta 74 and Richard Melancthon Hurd, Beta 88. 44 Walker St., Cambridge, Mass. Edward Purnell Jones ^V A. B. 1877. Brother of Charles Waring Jones, Beta Beta 81. Lawyer. (64 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.) 636 BETA BETA CHAPTER [1877-79 George Frederick Lewis 3A° a A. B. 1877; M. D. 1884 Yale. Teacher Acad., Oxford, N. Y., n-T)\ Bozeman, Mont., 79-81; Resident Phys. New Haven Hosp., New Haven, Conn., 84-85. Physician and Surgeon. (Stratford, Conn.) William Gwinn Mather xn° A. B. 1877; A. M. 1885. Jackson Philosophical Essay Prize. Diocesan Standing Committee of Ohio; Trustee Trinity Coll.; Kenyon Coll.; Western Reserve Univ.; Member Case School Corporation. Member Union and University (Cleveland, New York and Chicago) Clubs Manufacturer. Rockefeller Bldg. ; res. Gwinn Lake Shore Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio. William Everett Rogers* Y]n° a A. B. 1877; LL. B. 1880 Boston Univ. Capt. "Nine," 76-77; Editor Trinity Ivy, 76; Com- mencement Orator. Lawyer. d. 1916 James Dowdell Stanley £Q° V [j.A°E A. B. 1877; A. M. 1880; B. D. 1880 General Theol. Sem. Glee Club. Pipe Orator; Oratori- cal Prize, Silver Medal, 76. Charter Member; Rector Church of the Epiphany, Cincinnati, 80-86; St. Stephen's Church, Terre Haute, Ind., 86-96; Church of Our Saviour, Cincinnati, 96- 01; Christ Church Indianapolis since 01; Pres. Standing Committee, Diocese of Indianapolis; Deputy to General Convention, Episcopal Church, 89, 92, 95, 04, 10, 13. 16. Member Men's Literary and Country Clubs. Clergyman. Monument PI.; res. 1228 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. Charles Avery VanNostrand^f^ H r° a A. B. 1877; A. B. 1877 ad eundem Griswold ("oil. Phi Beta Kappa. Student. d. 1882 Charles Treat Willson A. B. 1877: A. M. 1883. Merchant. 1878 Charles Walter Boylston q V° ^^ A. B. 1878; A. M. 1887; B. D. 1881 Berkeley Divinity School. Rector St. James' Church, Glastonbury, Conn.. 81-83; St. Andrew's Church, Norwich, Conn., 83-85; Grace and Trinity Churches, Trumbull since 85. Clergyman. Riverside, Conn. Richard Biilkley Briindage* College Marshal, 11 . Lawyer d. 1910 A. B. 1878. Editor Trinity Ivy, 78. Lawyer. (Independence, Iowa.). Benjamin Franklin Havwood Shreve A. B. 1878; A. M. 1886. Editor Trinity Tablet, 77-78. Commencement Orator. Charter Member. Member Rittenhouse Club. Lawyer. 406 Commerce St.. Philadelphia, Pa.; res. 100 Union St.. Mt. Holly, N. J. William Rollins Webb £2^ V A. B. 1878; A. M. 1881; B. D. 1881 General Theol Sem. Commencement Orator. Charter Member; Asst. Minister St. John's Church, Hagerstown, Md., 83-84; Rector Trinity Church, Roslyn, N. Y., 84-85; Asst. Minister, Grace Church, Cleveland, Ohio. SS-86; Church of the Holy Apostles, New York City, 86-87; Rector Grace Church, \v aterford, N. Y., 87; Minor Canon All Saints' Cathedral Albany, N. Y., 89- 90. Member University Club. Clergyman. Windsor Mill Rd., Baltimore, Md. 1879 Mel\ille Knox Bailev A(l>° Q A. B. 1879; A. M. 1883. Oratorical Prize; Jack- son Philosophical Prize; Commencement (Orator. Sec. Diocese of Conn.; Lecturer New York Training .School for Deaconesses; Examining C'liaplain Diocese of New York. Member New ^'ork Churchman's Assn. (Pres.); New York Clericus (Pres.). Clergyman. 1127 Westchester Ave.; res. 1042 Faile St., New York, N. Y, ( )rr Buffington ?y [I- A. B. 1879. Editor Trinity Ivy, 78; Trinity Tablet, 78-79; Presentation, (."lass Day and Com- mencement Orator. Burgess of the Borough of Kittanning since 86. Brother of Joseph Buf- iington. Beta Beta 75. Lawyer. ( Kittanning, Pa.) A — J y° V William Edward Potwine A. B. 1879; B. D. 1882 Berkeley Divinity School. Commencement Orator. Charter Mem- ber; Rector Church of the Incarnation. 550 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa, Cal. Louis DuPont Syle* r.'E^'^ co .\. B. 1879 Yale. 2d English Composition Prize, 77; 2d Junior E.xihibition Premium, 78; Townsend Prize, 79: Commencement Orator. Instr., St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., 79-80: Clark and Larned Scholar Yale, 80; Instr. Episcopal Acad., Philadelphia, 81-82; Consul of the U. S. in Madeira (appointed by President Arthur, Theta 48), 82-84; Instr. in English, Univ. of Penn. since 84. Author Con- sular Reports: "The Wine Trade of Maderia;" "Madeira Embroidery" "Taxation in Madeira;" "Distress in the Madeira Islands;" "Madeira Labor for the Southern Waters;" "Shipping Intrests and Proposed Breakwater;" "Petroleum in Madeira;" "Population and Sanitary Con- dition of Madeira;" "The Climate, Industries and Resources of Madeira." Brother of Henry Winter Syle, Beta Beta 67. Educator. d. 1903 Joseph ^Tosgrove Truby* Prize in Mathematics, 76. d. 1877 David Buchanan Willson^f^ K ; X A° [j." .-\. B. 1879; A. M. 1882; B. D. 1882 General Theol. Sem. Managing Editor Trinity Tablet, 78-79; Prize in Oratory (Gold Medal); Com- mencement Orator. Charter Member; Member Executive Council of Psi Upsilon, 82-83; Asst. Minister Church of the Holy Apostles, New York, N. Y., 80-82; Rector Church of the As- cension, Bradford, Pa., 82-85; Trustee General Theol. Sem., 83-85. Clergyman. d. 1885 1880-82 1 BETA BETA CHAPTER 637 1880 William Spear Bredin FA^ (0 Merchant. (406 Central Park W., New York, N. Y.) William Logan Crosby* EAi;." A. B. 1880. English Literature Prize, 79; Commencement Orator; Editor Trinity Ivy, 79. Charter Member; Chairman Board of Si:per- visors La Crosse County, 85-86. Lawyer. d. 1892 Thomas Morduit Nelson George* A. B. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa. Toucey Scholar, 80; Modern Geometry Prze, 77; Oratorical Prize (Gold Medal), 80; Valedictorian. Charter Member: .Missionary \\'ork Washington, Madi- son, and Sparta, Ga., 82-84; Rector St. Luke's Church, Plawkinsville, 84; St. Tames' Church, Texarkana. Te.x., 84-86; St. Philip's Church, Durham, N. C, 66. Brother of James Harden George, Beta Beta 72 and John Francis George, Beta Beta 77 and uncle of Nelson James George and Willis Briscoe George, Beta Beta 16. Clergyman. d. 1908 Orlando Holwav 'k A :m A. B. and B. S. 1880. Phi Beta Kappa. Com- mencement Orator. Charter Member; Classi- cal Mastef Episcipal Acad, of Conn., Cheshire, 80-81. .\djutant General of \\'is. Madison, Wis. T.ouis Albert Lanpher* Z ^F N A. B. 1880: A. M. 1883; B. D. 1883 Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa. Charter Member; Asst. Minister Trinity Church, Geneva, N. Y., 83-85; Rector Christ Church, Ridgewood, N. J., 85. Clergyman. d. 1909 Arthur Eueene Pattison' AEM A. B. 1880: A. M. 1883. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Trinity Tablet, 78-79. Charter Member; Teacher Bermuda, W. I., 78-79; Principal Private Acad., Milton, Del., 80-81. Manufacturer. d. 1915 Lorin Webster XTN A. B. 1880; A. M. 1883: L. H. D. 1908: B. D. 1883 Berkeley Divinity School. Pascal Fenelon French Prize, 77; Latin Prize. 78; Saluta- torian. Cliarter Member; Pres. N. H. Educa- tional Council. 08-10; Schoolmasters' Club, 09: Music Teachers' Assn., 99-02: Founder and Dir. Camp Wachusctt (for Boys) since 03. Member University (Concord) and New Hamp- shire (Boston) Clubs. Father of Jerome Pierce Webster, Beta Beta 10. Educator. Holderness School, Plymouth, N. H. 1881 ^^'illiam Timothy Elmer A D ^^ A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884; B. D. 1886 Berkeley Divinity School. Editor Trinity Tablet. 80-81 Trinity Ivy, 81. Charter Member; Teacher Diocesan Scliool, Presque Isle, Maine, 86. Clergyman and Educator. (8 E. Franklin St., Baltimore, Md.) William Stanley Emery k Fv^ A. B. 1881; A. M. 1884; B. D. 1884 General Theol. Jjem. English Literature Prize, 80; Commencement Orator. Charter Member; Mas- ter St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., 84- 87; Rector St. John the Baptist's Church, Wolfeborough, N. H. since 87. Clergyman. 110 N. State St., Concord, N. H. Charles Wearing Jones ^ J v" A. B. 1881. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Trinity Tablet, 80-81; Prize Version Declamation and .Salutatorian. Charter Member: Member Uni- versity Club. Brotlier of Edward Purnell Jones, Jr., Beta Beta 77. Lawyer. 1015 Frick Bldg.; res. 715 Devonshire St., Pittsburgh, Pa. >. ON. Ernest August Kempe A. B. 1881. Charter Member. Insurance. 1307 Northwestern Bank Bldg.; res. 53 Ella St., Portland, Oregon. 1882 Augustus Phillips Burgwin ESN A. B. 1882; A. M. 1885. Editor Trinity Tablet) Commencement Orator; Speaker; Baseball. Pres. Church Club. Pittsburgh, Pa.; State Elector for Pres. Woodrow Wilson, 16. Member Pitts- burgh, Pittsburgli Golf and Church (Pitts- burgh), Metropolitan (Washington, D. C), University (New York) and Cape Fear (Wil- mington, N. C.) Clubs; Allegheny County Bar A.ssn. Brother of George Collinson Burg- win, Beta Beta 72 and John Henry King Burg- win, Beta Beta 77. Lawyer. 927 Pennsylvania Station; res. 5210 Pembroke PI., Pittsburgh, Pa. Clarence Carpenter iM, .\. B. 1882. Editor Trinity Ivy, 82. Charter Member. Brother of Samuel Barstow Carpen- ter, Beta Beta 73. Manufacturer. (41 Cashe le Poudre, Colorado Springs, Colo.) Charles Silas Coleman A '0 {/,■■ A. B. 1882. Phi Beta Kappa; Mu Mu Mu; Grand Tribunal. Charter Member; Member Kahkwa, Erie and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Brother of William Barnard Coleman, Xi 7i. Oliver Allen Coleman, Xi 75 and George Silas Coleman, Xi 76. Manufacturer. Continental Rubber Woiks, 1902 Liberty St.; res. 722 French St., Erie, Pa. Charles Zebina Gould SeM. A. B. 1882. Charter Member. Member Uni- versity and Commercial Clubs; Nebraska Life Underwriters' Assn. Insurance 620 Bee JBldg. ; res. 924 S. 36th St., Omaha, Nebr. Fred Flolbrook Greene''' Charter Member. Student. Fleber Floff* d. 1883 K Y] N' .\. B. 1883 nunc pro tunc; A. M. 1885. Lawyer. d. 1890 638 BETA BETA CHAPTER [1882-85 John Henry McCrackan* A^v" A. B. 188,2; A. M. 1885; B. D. 1885. Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa. Prize Ver- sion Declamation, 82; Salutatorian. Charter Member; Asst. Minister Christ Church, Hart- ford, 85-87; Instr. in Latin, Trinity Coll., 84. Brother of William Denison McCracken, Beta Beta 85. Clergyman. d. 1906 Nicholas Williams Alclvor* i[J-l^" A. B. 1882. Charter Member; Law Member Board of Dirs., Memorial Hall, Harvard Univ., 83-84. Lawyer. d. 1915 1883 J Eldred Brown O c M" A. B. 1883; A. M. 1886; B. D. 1886 Berkeley Divinity School. Phi Beta Kappa. Saluta- torian. with English Oration; Graduation Honors in Mental, Moral and Political Philos- ophy, Greek and English; Leader Glee Club: Marshal. Charter Member; Head Master Jar- vis Hall, Denver, 86; Asst. Minister All Saints' Memorial Church, Providence, 87; Rector Church of the Reconciliation, Webster, Mass., 87-96; Rector Trinity Episcopal Church; Mem- ber School Board, 97-02; Member Advisory Committee. United Charities, since 97; Arch- deacon of New London since 07; Junior Fellow Trinity Coll., 10; Delegate to Synod, Province of New England, 14-15; Vice-Pres. Federation of Churches; Founder and Pres. for 15 years Clericus of New England Archdeaconry. Au- thor "A Half Century of Parish Life." Clergyman. 28 Otis St., Norwich, Conn. Elisha Norwin Child"^ Af V Charter Member. Merchant. Edward T.awton Dockrav d. 1911 X b V, A. B. 1883. Phi Beta Kappa. Honors in Eng- lish, 82. Charter Member; Pres. Annadale Country Club, Annadale, N. Y. Bookkeeper. 54 Worth St.; res. 225 W. 69th St., New York, N. Y. Horatio Lee Ciolden X c V. A. B. 1883. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator.; Editor Trinity Ivy 1882. Charter Member. Lawyer. 327 Market St.; res. 611 N. McKean St., Kittanning, Pa. Georee Greene r :: V ■ A. B. 1883. Pres. Glee Club 82-83. Capt. Co. C 1st Regiment N. G. Iowa, 83-89; Colonel 1st Regiment N. G. Iowa, 89-90; Adjutant Gen- eral Iowa, 90-94. Member Men's Guild of Grace Episcopal Church; Cedar Rapids Choral Union. Real Estate. 54-55 Kimball Bldg. ; res. 1011 Second Ave. E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. \\'illiam Alfred Tackson* idN A. B. 1883 Yale. Charter Member; Teacher Staples Free School, Easton, Conn., 83-84; Grammar School, No. 68, New York, 84. Com- missioner Superior Court, Fairfield County, Norwalk, Conn., 84-86. See Beta 83 Clerk. d. 1888 William Seymour Short K p M" A. B. 1883; A. M. 1886; B. D. 1886 Berkeley Divinity School. Chemical Prize Essay, 83. Deputy to General Conventions; Standing Com- mittee; School and Hosp. Trustee, Oregon; Examining Chaplain Dist. of Honolulu; Rector St. Paul's, Benicia, Cal. Clergyman. 16 East J St., Benicia, Cal. 1884 William Henry Hitchcock w s M" A. B, 1884; A. M. 1887. Business Manager Trinity Tablet, 83-84. Son of William Augus- tus Hitchcock, Beta Beta 54. Journalist. "(,170 E. 79th St.. New York, N. Y.) Frank Elisha Johnson Qt A. B. 1884; A. M. 1887. Phi Beta Kappa. Honors in Greek; Athletics Prize (2); Capt. Baseball (4). 1st Lieut and Battalion Adju- tant 1st Conn. Vol. Inf. and Acting Ordnance Officer of Regiment and of 2d Brigade, 3d Division. 2d Armv Corps, 98; Major (retired) N. G, Conn. Manufacturer. Hart & Hegeman Mfg. Co., 342 Capitol Ave.; res. 142 Collins St., Hartford, Conn. George Ernest Magill (O k [J. A. B. 1884: A. M. 1887; B. D. 1887 Berkeley Divinity School. Editor Trinity Tablet, 83-84. Asst. Minister St. James' Church, Philadelphia, 87: Rector Church of the Holy Innocents, Ho- boken. Clergyman. 315 6th St.. Hoboken, N. J. Henry Ritchie Neelv ¥ A A. B. 1884; A. M. 1887. Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Prize, 83: English Literature Prize, 84; Valedictorian. Instr. Latin, Greek and Hebrew, Western Theol. Scm.. Chicago, 91-01; Old Testament, 98-01 ; Rector Christ Church, Win- netka, 111.. 91-95; St. Matthew's, Evanston, 111., 91-97: St, Paul's. Rogers Park, Chicago, 95-01; St. Andrew's, Kokomo, Tnd., 01-11; Trinity, Mattoon, 111.. 11-13; Trinity, Jacksonville, 111., 13-15; Calvary Church, Chicago since 16; Asst. Church of the Ascension. Chicago, 15-16; Deputy to General Convention, Episcopal Church, 04 and 10; Financial Sec. Diocese of Michigan Citv. Ind.. 03-04; Member Missionary Committee, 05-07; Sec. Board of Finance, Dio- ci^so of Springfield, 111., 13-15. Clergyman. 3171 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. [Edward] Eawson Purdy AtQ A. B. 1884; A. M. 1887; LL. D. 1908; Vice Chairman Commission on Bldg. Heights and Restrictions. 13 and 15; Pres. National Muni- cipal League. Member City and Reform Clubs. President Department of Taxes and Assess- ments, Citv of New York. Municipal Bldg.; res. 640 W. I58th .St., New York, N. V. 1885 John Robert Cunningham Initiated by the Iota Samuel Herbert Giesy Tva A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888; LL. B. 1887 George WashintKon I^niv. Pros. Whatley Debating 1885-88J BETA BETA CHAPTER 639 Soc; Capt. Football. Appointed Justice of the Peace by President McKinley. Member Uni- versity Club. Lawyer. 317 John Mar.shall PI.; res. 1420 N St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Frederick Danforth Lobdell V> c co A. B. 188.S; A. M. 1888. Dean of Convoca- tion, Morganton, N. C. ; Member Missionary Committee, Dist. of Asheville; Delegate to Fourth Province. Son of Francis Lobdell, Gamma 58 and nephew o Henry Lobdell, (lamma 49. Clergyman. Rutherfordton. N. C. William Denison McCrackan X tc (i A. B. 1885; A. M. 1888. Brother of John Henry McCrackan, Beta Beta 82. 107 Falmouth St., Boston, Mass. Albert Delafield Xeelv* A. B. 1885. Insurance. 1886 T'K'h d. 1890 Bk(}^ A. B. 1886; A. M. 1891; Ph. D. 1895; L. H. D. 1902; LL. D. 1916. Prof, of English Language, Univ. of Pa. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Home Wending." Educator. College Hall, University of Pennsylvania; res. 4237 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Clarence (iriffin Child 1887 AN'illiam Agur Beardsley Bfr A. B. 1887; A. M. 1890. Phi Beta Kappa. Prize in Oratory (Silver Medal), 85; Salutatorian; Honors in Greek and Mathematics, .^sst. St. Thomas' Church, 90-92; Rector since 92; Trust- tee Episcopal ,-vcad. of Conn, since 99; Sec. of Board since 06; Trustee Berkeley Divinity School since 15; Examining Chaplain of the Dio- cese since 10; Pres. New Haven Colony Histori- cal Soc, 13; Compiler General Catalogue of the Officers, Teachers and Alumni of the Episcopal Acad, of Conn., Covering 120 years. Clergyman. A. B. 1888. Member Psi Upsilon, Union League, Grolier, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, Larchmont Yacht and Wykagyl Country Clubs. Financier. 61 Broadway. New York; res. Beechmont, New Rochelle, N. Y. Louis Welton Downes BnA B. S. 1888; D. S. 1913. Assoc. Editor Trinity Ivy, 88. Assoc. Naval Consulting Board State of R. I.; Holder of Franklin Inst. Medal for Development in the Mechanical Arts. Member University, Agawam Hunt and R. I Country Clubs; Electrical Manufacturers' Club of New York. Manufacturer. D. & W. Fuse Co.; res. 67 Manning St., Provi- dence, R. T. William Northev Jones B w$ A. B. 1888; A. M. 1891. Rector St. Peter's Church, Perth Amboy; Pres. Home for the Aged. Member Soc. Colonial Wars; Sons of The Revolution; Colonia Golf Club. Clergyman. St. Peter's Rectory, Perth Amboy, N. J. Lewis Henry Paddock Wc^ A. B. 1888; A. M. 1893; LL. B. 1893 Univ. of Mich. Phi Beta Kappa. French Prize, 86; Edi- tor The Diamond, 86. Member Board of Com- merce, Detroit, Detroit Country, University. .Vthletic and Boat Clubs. .Son of Benjamin Henry Paddock, Beta Beta 48. See Phi 93 Lawyer. 1148 Penobscot Bldg. ; res. 496 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. 640 BETA BETA CHAPTER [1888-91 Walter Gurnee Scott* ToT Brother of Edward Norman Scott, Beta Beta 89. d. 189S Ambrose Ives Upsoir'= 1889 Andrew EUicott Douglass TeA d. 1909 ^FIE A. B. 1889; D. Sc. 1908. Prizes for Chemistry and Mathematics. First Asst. Lowell Observa- tory, 94-01; Probate Judge (Ariz.), 02-06; Prof, of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Ariz., 06; Dean Coll. of Arts, 15; Fellow Royal Astro- nomical Soc; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sciences. Member Am. Astronomical Soc; Southern California Acad, of Science (Hon- orary). Son of Malcolm Douglass, Beta Beta 46. Educator. University of Arizonia; res. 1189 Speedway, Tucson, Ariz. George Albert French F ^ Z A. B. 1889; A. M. 1892; LL. B. 1892 New York Law School. Honors in Modern Languages. Judge Police Court, Riverside, 07-15. Member Psi Upsilon Assn. of Southern Cal.; New Eng- land College Club; National Geographic Soc. Lawyer. 666 8th St.; res. 171 Penrose St., Riverside, Cal. Prosser Hall Frve BcE B. S. 1889. Prof, of Rhetoric, Univ. of Nebr. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Unchanging Psi U;" "Mid-West Quarterly;" "Substance of His House;" "Literary Reviews and Criticisms." Educator. 1434 K St., Lincoln, Nebr. Charles Howard Husband^'' x ^ '^ Merchant. d. 1913 Frederick Ferdinand Kramer T 5 t A. B. 1889; A. M. 1893; D. D. 1913; B. D. 1893 General Thcol. Sem.; Ph. D. 1895 Univ. of Colo.; Oratorical Prize. Examining Chap- lain Diocese of Colo, and Minn.; Warden Seabury Divinity School. Author "The Su- premacy of the Bible." Member Faribault Country and Interlachen Golf Clubs. Father of John Spalding Kramer, Beta Beta 17 and Paul Stevens Kramer, Beta Beta 19. Clergyman. Seabury Divinity School, Faribault, Minn. Edward Norman Scott '/T T Brother of Walter Gurnee Scott, Beta Beta 88. Real Estate. Edward Taylor Sullivan sf r A. B. 1889; A. M. 1903; B. D. 1892 Episcopal Theol. School, Cambridge. 1st Prize in Eng- lish Composition (2). Rector Trinitv Church. Clergyman. Ashton Park, Newton Center, Mass. Reuel Crompton Tuttle i}^ m T A. B. 1889; A. M. 1905. Editor Trinity Ji'v. 87- 88. Member University Club of Hartford. Son of Reuel Hotchkiss Tuttle, Beta Beta 46. Artist. 36 Pearl St., Hartford; res. Broad St., Windsor. Conn. 1890 Robert McClelland Brady B. S. 1890. Baseball, Capt., 90. U. S. Jury Commissioner, 1st Dist. Mich., 0809; Sec- Treas., Board of Missions, Diocese of Mich. Member Detroit University, Athletic, Detroit Boat and Indian Village Clubs. Manufacturer. 730 Woodbridge St. E.; res. 249 Seminole Ave., Detroit, Mich. Erastus Brainerd Bulkley T^^ B. S. 1890. Glee and Banjo Clubs; Baseball; Football. Member University Club; Sons of .'\ni. Revolution; Colonial War Soc. Banker. (luaranty Trust Co., 140 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. Pomander Walk, Teaneck, N. J. d. 1891 Riverius Manning Luther''' \\'illiam Pre.-^sev 1^. m Z A. B. 1890; A. M. 1893; B. D. 1893 Episcopal Theol. School, Cambridge. Sec. Diocese of R. I.; Chairman School Board, Town of Cumber- land, R. I., 12-13; Representative General As- sembly of R. I., 14-16. Brother of Ernest Albert Pressey, Beta Beta 92 and uncle of Herbert Ernest Palmer Pressey, Beta Beta 19. Clergyman. St. John's Rectorv; res. Mendon Rd., Ashton, R. I. Af£ A. B. 1890; A. M. 1893; B. D. 1894 Episcopal Theol. School, Cambridge. Clergyman. 45 Bromficld St.. Boston, Mass. George Winthrop Sargent John William? 6hZ A. B. 1890; A. M. 1893. Phi Beta Kappa. Honors in Greek and Latin; Prize Version De- clamation; Chemistry Prize; Toucey Scholar- ship; Philosophical Oration at Commencement. Chaplain Veterans' Assn. 47th Regiment N. G. N. Y.; Former Pres. St. David's Soc.; N. Y. Clericus. Member New York Churchman's .^ssn.; Long Island Clerical, New York Clericus and British Schools and Universities Clubs; St. David's Soc. Clergyman. Calvarv Church; res. 1114 Bushwick Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1891 Frederic Storer Bui (ihT Banjo and Roller Skate Polo Clubs; •\thletic. Dramatic and Tennis Assns. Son of Albert Billings Bull, Beta Beta 59 and brother of Wil- liam Andariese Bull, Beta Beta 91. Wharfinger. Arlington Dock Co.; res. 767 32d Ave., Seattle, Wash. William Andariese Bull '^ d y; Glee Club; Quartette; Leader of Mandolin and Banjo Clubs; Cotillion Club; Baseball. Pres. ITniv. Club (Tacoma), 13-14. Member Uni- versity. Commercial and Orpheus Clubs. Son of Alfred Billings Bull, Beta Beta 59 and brother of Frederic Storer Bull, Beta Beta 91. Civil Engineer. City Engineer's Office; res. The Rutland Apts., Tacoma, Wash. 1891-94] BETA BETA CHAPTER 641 William Cleveland Hicks, Jr. ^ b H A. B. 1891; A. M. 18Q4. Missionary Dukes <.'ounty, Mass., 94-99; Asst. Trinity Parish. New S'ork, 99-06; Rector Emmanuel Parish, Cum- berland, N, Y., 06-16; Archdeacon of Cumber- land, 07-11; Member General Board of Religious Education, 10-13; Delegate to General Conven- tion, 13; Trustee General Thcol. Sem. since 07; Cathedral Foundation, Diocese of Md.; Provin- cial Sec. Episcopal Church. Province of Wash- inijton. Son of William Cleveland Hicks, Beta Beta 48. Clergyman. loll G. St. X. \V.. Washington. D. C. I k-rhert Parrish Initiated by the Mu Lncian \\'aternian Rogers B t S A. B. 1891; B. D. 1894 Episcopal Theol. School. Son of Horatio Rogers, Sigma 55 and brother of Arthur Rogers, Sigma 86. Clergyman. (500 Audubon Rd., Boston, Mass.) John Travers Scott* B k t Student d. 1891 1892 Thomas Langdon Ehvyn (i p '^ B. S. 1892. Member Philadelphia, Rittenhouse, Racquet and Philadelphia Country Clubs. Banker. 505 Chestnut St.; res. 1006 Clinton St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Thaddeus Welles Goodridge B f 3 A. B. 1892. Broker. 79 Sifiourncy St., Hartford, Conn. Elijah Kent Hubbard Fj w 5 B. S. 1892. Baseball; Football: Track. Vice- Pres. Connecticut Manufacturers' Assn.; Mem- ber State Board of Finance; Trustee Conn. State Reformatory; Conn. Agricultural Coll.; Dir. Middlesex Hosp.; Y. M. C. A. Member Middletown, Highland Country, Hartford, Farmington, University, Players' and Metro- politan CNew York) and Army and Navy (Washington, D. C.) Clubs; Soc. of the Cin- cinnati. Brother of Louis de Koven Hubbard, Beta Beta 93. Financier and Farmer. "Arawana," Middletown, Conn. Ernest Albert Pressev Bpi A. B. 1892. Rector Trinity Church, Portland, Maine. Father of Herbert Ernest Palmer Pres- sey, Beta Beta 19 and brother of William Pres- sey. Beta Beta 90. Clergyman. 119 Coyle St., Portland, Maine. Rollin Sanford Saltus The A. B. 1892. Baseball. Member University and Squadron A Clubs. Landscape Architect. 9 E. 41st St., New York; res. Mt. Kisco, N. Y. lames Archibald Turnbull ^|;rX .\. B. 1892 Yale Univ. Member University and Hartford Golf Clubs. Manufacturer. Northern Conn. Light & Power Co., Windsor Locks; res. 780 Prospect Ave., Hartford, Conn. Thomas Henry Yardley B g '. A. B. 1892; A. M. 1896. Rector St. Timo- thy's Chilrch. Clergyman. St. Timothy's Rectory, Catonsville, Md. 1893 Walton Ferguson, Jr. TtcK Member Union, Brook and New York Yacht Clubs. Merchant. 15 William St., New York, N. Y.; res. Bedford St., Stamford, Conn. George Derwent Hartley '.!^ q x A. B. 1893. Capt. Football 92; Capt. Baseball 93. Member University and Players' Clubs. Broker. 25 Broad St.; res. 1 W. S4th St., New York. N. Y. Louis deKoven Hubbard Bvr A. B. 1893. Brother of Elijah Kent Hubbard, Beta Beta 92. Merchant. 397 High St., Middletown, Conn.) Benjamin WTstar Morris ypo A. M. (Hon.) 1906; Ph. B. 1894 Columbia. Member University Club; Century Assn. See Lambda 94 Architect. 101 Park Ave., New York; res. Mt. Kisco, N. Y. William Porter Niles Bf r A. B. 1893; A. M. 1896. Phi Beta Kappa; Medusa Head. 2d (ioodwin Greek Prize; Prize in Latin Literature; 2d Prize in Political Econ- omy. Rector Church of the Good Shepherd, Nashua, N. H.; Deputy to General Conven- tions, P. E. Church, 07, 10, 13 and 16; Trus- tee State Industrial School; St. Mary's School, Concord, N. H.; Examining Chaplain Diocese of N. H. Member New Hampshire Historical Soc. Brother of Edward Cullen Niles, Beta Beta 87, nephew of William Woodruff Niles, Beta Beta 57 and uncle of Edward Abbe Niles, Beta Beta 16. Clergyman. 8 Abbott St., Nashua, N. H. Henrv Hubbard Pelton Whr. A. B. 1893; A. M. 1896; M. D. 1898 Columbia. Senior Honorary Soc; College Dramatic Assn.; College Banjo and Mandolin Clubs. Acting Asst. Surg. LT. S. Army, 98; Adjunct Asst. Attending Phys. Bellevue Hosp. Physician. 345 W. 85th St., New York, N. Y. 1894 James Birckhead W d K A. B. 1894; A. M. 1895; M. D. 1899. Phi Beta Kappa. Mathematical Prize. Member Schenec- tady County Med. Soc; Mohawk Golf Club. Physician. 19 N. Ferry St., Schenectady, N. Y. Frank Cruger Edgerton Initiated by the Xi John W^arren Edgerton T h K A. B. 1894; A. M. 1896; A. 'M. 1896 Yale and LL. B. 1900. Prof. Yale School of Law. 642 BETA BETA CHAPTER [1894-96 Educator. Yale School of Law; res. 57 Wall St., New Haven, Conn. Bzo Howard Trescott Greenley B. S. 1894. Glee, Banjo, Mandolin and Dra- matic Clubs. Squeezer Class; cum honore in Physics and Chemistry; Football; Gymnastics. Author and Producer of Pageants for the Soc. of Beaux Arts Architects. Member University, ^letropolitan (Washington, D. C.) and Pelham Country Clubs. Architect. 101 Park Ave.; res. 130 E. 67th St., New York, N. Y. Francis Porter Johnson ^ ,?' K Son of Edwin Emerson Johnson, Beta Beta 59. See Chi 96 District Sales Manager. Ridgvvay Dynamo and Engine Co.; res. 25U Senator PI., Cincinnati, Ohio. Robert Lewis Paddock B m A. B. 1894; A. M. 1897; D. D. 1908; D. D. 1908 Berkeley; D. D. 1908 Hobart Coll. Head of Mission, Southington, Conn., 97; General Sec. ("hurch Students' Missionary Soc. and Asst. St. Paul's Church, Cleveland, 97-98; Vicar Pro- Cathedral and Canon Cathedral, St. John the Divine, New York, 98-02; Rector Church of the Holy Apostles, New York, 02-07; Bishop of Eastern Oregon, 07. Protestant Episcopal Bishop. Hood River, Oregon. 1895 Charles Du Bois Broughton A w W A. B. 1895; A. M. 1898. Phi Beta Kappa; Senior Honorary Soc. Goodwin Greek Prize; (apt. Baseball; Representative Inter-Collegiate Athletic Assn. Rector Church of the Ascension. Member Park Club. Clergyman. Ascension Rectory, 24 Linwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. w : m Frank Sumner Burrage A. B. 1895. Phi Beta Kappa. Business Mgr. Trinity Ivy. Member Council of Advice, Mis- sionary Dist. of Wyo. P. E. Church. Secretary and Registrar. Univ. of Wyoming; P. O. Box 506, Laramie, Wyo. Ernest De Koven Leffingvvell y s M A. B. 1895; A. M. 1898. Capt. Track Team, 94- 95. Hon. Member Chicago Yacht Club; Pa- tron Geographic Soc. of Chicago; Fellow Royal C;eoa:raphical Soc. Member Washington Acad, of Sciences; Explorers' Club. Citriculturist. Whittier, Cal. Philip James McCook A c [X A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1899 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. Editorial Board Trinity Tablet; Foot- ball; Glee Club; Leader Mandolin Club. Trus- tee Hunter Coll. Member City, Squadron "A" and Republican Clubs. Lawyer. 15 William St.; res. 571 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Brian Chadwick Roberts Clergyman. St. Stephen's Rectory, Westboro, Mass. B 1 A 1896 Henry Grosvenor Barbour* (|; h ]SI Merchant. d. 1900 Murray Hart Coggeshall B ti. A' B. S. 1896. Medusa Head; Capt. Baseball; F"ootball. Member University, Bankers', Morris County Golf and Morristown Clubs. Banker. 128 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. 8 Perry .St., iMorri,stown, N. J. Samuel Ferguson B m [A B. S. 1896; A. M. 1900; E. E. and A. M. 1899 t'olumbia. .Member Colt Trust Assn. Engineer. (851 Prospect Ave., Hartford, Conn.) Alexander Kimball Gage 1'. b [;, A. B. 1896; LL. B. 1899 Detroit Coll. of Law. Sec. Detroit Bar Assn.; Pres. Detroit Lawyers' Club; Casket Manufacturers' Assn. of Amer- ica. Member Detroit, Detroit University. De- troit Boat, Detroit Tennis, Indian Village and Lawyers' (Buffalo) Clubs; Bar Assn. of the City of Detroit. Lawyer and Manufacturer. &16 Union Trust Bldg. ; res. 354 Seminole Ave., Detroit, Mich. William Henry Gage BdN A. B. 1896. Baseball; Track. Member De- troit, University, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Boat, Grosse Pointe Country and Indian Village Clubs; Life Underwriters' Assn. of Mich. Insurance. 615 Hammond Bldg.; res. 296 Cadillac Ave., De- troit, Mich. DeForest Hicks »J; g V A. B. 1896. Track Team; Leader Banjo Club, 93-95. Managing Editor Trinity Tablet; Edi- tor Trinity Verse and Trinity Sketches ; Dir. Park Hosp.; Sec. and Governor St. Nicholas Club (N. Y.); Member Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht, Baltusrol Golf and Church Clubs; St. Nicholas Soc. Son of William Cleveland Hicks, Beta Beta 48, brother of William Cleveland Hicks, Jr., Beta Beta 91 and nephew of James Milner Hicks, Beta Beta 54, George Cleveland Hicks, Beta Beta 56 and Samuel Benedict, Beta Beta 47. Banker. 128 Broadwav; res. 155 E. 72d St., New York, N. Y. Charles] Shiras Alorris Bs^' B. S. 1896. Mgr. Football; Baseball: Track; Dramatic Club. Member Hartford Board of Water Commissioners; High School Committee; Board of Fellows Trinity Coll. Member Uni- versity, Hartford, Hartford Golf and Rotary Clubs: Electrical Manufacturers' Club of Amer- ica. Brother of James Oliver I^'^orris, Beta Beta o,s. Manufacturer. Hart & Hegeman Mfg. Co., 342 Capitol Ave.; res. 189 Washington St.. Hartford, Conn. Edward Wanton Robinson «];1 '^ A. B. 1896. Riz Zag Zig Club; German Club. Member University Club. Manufacturer. Carisa Mfg. Co.. Inc., 157 Cedar St.; res. University Club, New York, N. Y. 1896-00] BETA BETA CHAPTER 643 1897 George Sheltlon McCook* *!' h co' A. B. 1897. Phi Beta Kappa; Medusa. Foot- ball; Editor Trimtv Iv\; Leader Mandolin Club; College Marshal. 1st Conn. Vols., 98. Brother of Anson Theodore McCook, Beta Beta 02. Student. d. 1900 1898 Leonard Augustine Ellis '^ >^ 1 B. S. 1898. Football; Track; Basket Ball. Member University, Point Loma Golf and Cuy- amaca Clubs. Manufacturer. ^[arket and Union Sts.; res. 3300 3rd St., San Diego, Cal. Frederic Bulklev Hyde B in ), (4). Member Manufacturers' Club. Manufacturer. Portcr-Gildersleeve Co.. Inc., Pier 1 South Wharves: res. Manufacturers' >^lub, Phila- delphia, Pa. Douglas Gott ByT Cyril Bathurst Judge Assistant Superintendent. Derby Gas Co., 22 Elizabeth St.; res. 293 Elizabeth St., Derby, Conn. ^g'B A. B. 1910. Dining Club. Chairman Junior Promenade; Member Executive Committee Nevir England Intercollegiate Athletic Assn. (3); College Senate (3); Track Mgr. (3) and (Capt.) (4). Teacher Mathematics St. George's School, Newport, R. I. Member Au Sable Club. Educator. St. George's School. Nevifport, R. I. Ralph Howard Merrill t|;b'B B. S. 1910. ^^anufacturers' Agent. / 756 Main St.. Hartford; res. 1098 Farmington Ave., West Hartford, Conn. Arthur Lindsay Potter [il'^ Sophomore Dining and German Clubs. Baseball. Insurance. Travelers' Ins. Co., 1622 Healey Bldg. ; res. 281 McLendon Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Leon Abbott Stansfield Initiated by the Pi John Henry Throop Sweet, Jr. ^ p 'W M. D. 1912 Tufts Coll. Med. School. Colt Trust Assn. Asst. Surg. Hartford Dispensary; .\ttending Phys. Newington Home for Crippled Children; Women's Aid Soc. Member Hart- ford County, Hartford City and Conn. State Med. Socs. ; Am. Med. Assn. Physician. 68 Ann St.; res. 70 Ann St., Hartford, Conn. Jerome Pierce Webster 4' ^ ""^^ A. B. 1910; M. D. 1914 Johns Hopkins. Dining Club; Medusa; Mandolin and Glee Clubs. Base- ball; Football: Track; Basket Ball; Athletic Ad- visory Committee, 09-10. Interne in Surgery, Jolins Hopkins Hosp.. 14-15: -■\.-'St. Resident Surg. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 16-17; Special Assistant to American Ambassador, Berlin, 16-17. Member Pithotomy Club (Baltimore). Son of Lorin Webster, Beta Beta 80. Diplomat. Department of State, Washington, D. C. ; res. Holderness School, Plymouth, N. H. 1911 Arthur W'orthington Bunnell B 1 ''X Musical and Glee Clubs. Member Engineering, City and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Engineer. 21 W. 46th St., New York, N. Y.; res. Nor- wich, Conn. Hasell Hill Bursfwin <]; h 'y Real Estate. 343 Fourth Ave.; res. 400 S. Linden Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Philip James Flanders'^ Studeht. W m 'X d. 1910 Arthur Lloyd Gildersleeve W o 'y B. S. 1911. Member Coll. Senate; Junior Promenade Committee; Football; Basket Ball (Capt.); Baseball. Member Travelers' Service Club. Insurance. Travelers' Ins. Co., 700 Main St., Hartford; res. 367 ^Main St., Glastonbury, Conn. Alfred Erwin Rankin Xh^A B. S. 1911. Phi Beta Kappa. Dining Club. Mgr. Baseball; Hockey; Chairman Freshman Junior Banquet. Membmer Colt Trust Assn. (Governing Board of Beta Beta Chapter). Member University Club of Hartford and Hart- ford Golf Club. Manufacturer. Hart & liegeman Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn.; res. 2344 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Gordon William Stewart BkT Sophomore Dining Club. Manager. Summit Thread Co. of East Hampton, Conn., 44 N. 4th St.; res. 5411 Angora Terrace, Pliila- delphia, Pa. Alan Thaxter^i Bernon Tisdale Woodle ¥pT d. 1915 ^' t ^x C. E. 1911 Princeton. Brother of Allan Shel- don Woodle, Beta Beta 99. Civil Engineer. Rheinstein & Haas, Inc., 101 Park Ave., New York. N. Y. 1912 George Turner Bates, Jr. X g 'A Sophomore Dining Club. Track (2), (3). Troop B 5th Militia Cavalry, N. G. Conn. Insurance. Aetna Life Ins. Co.; res. 11 Warrenton Ave., Hartford, Conn. Franklin Nelson Breed Fb-^*^ B. S. 1912; M. S. 1913 Mass. Inst, of Tech. Sophomore Dining Club. Football; Track; Hockey. Member Boston Architectural Club. .'\rchitect. Putnam & Cox, 114 State St.; res. 91 Pinckney St., Boston, Mass. James Shrewsbury Craik Xc'5 A. B. 1912. Musical Clubs; Sophomore Dining Club; Dramatic Club. Track (Capt.); Trinity Tripod Board. Member Louisville Advertisers' and City Salesmen Clubs, .son of Charles Ewell Craik, Beta Beta 74/ Advertising Manager. Home and Farm Publishing Co., 317 W. Wal- nut St.; res. 525 W. Ormsby Ave., Louisville, Ky. Oliver Gildersleeve, Jr. Xs'S B. S. 1912. Sophomore Dining Club. Base- ball; Musical Club. Member Universiti' and Choral (Hartford), Portland Social, Highland Country and Middletown Yacht Clubs. Ship Builder. Gildersleeve, Conn. 648 BETA BETA CHAPTER [1912-15 Fergus Oliver T q '4) See Rho 12 (Hussar, Alberta, Canada.) Wilbert Austin Smith <]; q •'B B. S. 1912. Kappa Beta Phi. Mandolin Club; German Club; Chairman Freshman Junior Ban- quet Committee; Toastmaster; Junior Prom- enade Committee; Football. Member Atito- mobile. Citizens', Sedgwick Farm, University, Bellevue Country, City and Optimist Clubs. L. C. Smith & Brothers Typewriter Co., 701 E. Wasliington St.; res. 1827 James St., Syracuse, New York. Edward David Townsend Fj'? Brother of Herman Edward Townsend, Beta Beta 04. Clerk. Blooming Mill Department, Corrigan-McKin- iiey Co.; res. 2209 E. 93d St., Cleveland, Ohio. 1913 Edward Sandford Barnev Bc-^r Sophomore Dining and German Clubs. Asst. Track Mgr. Member Turk's Head (Provi- dence) Club. Salesman. 82 Devonshire St., Boston; res. 1127 Common- wealth Ave., AUston, Mass. Thomas Gilbert Brown Howard James Burgwin 'iq'E Hockey; Tennis. Automobiles. 4.S14 Henry St.; res. 400 S. Linden Ave., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Charles Henrv Collett Y h 'e A. B. 1913; B. D. 1916 Berkeley Divinity School. Sophomore Dining Club; The Medusa. Pres. Athletic Assn., 12-13; Football, 10-12; Capt. 12; Track, 10-12; Coll. Senate; Pres. Y. M. C. A.; Glee Club; George Sheldon Mc- Cook Trophy for Athletics; Mears Scholar. Dir. in charge St. Paul's School Camp. Educator. St. Paul's School. Concord, N. H. Merritt Fowler Cromwell « Track. Member Claremont Country Club. Elchohurst, Claremont, N. H. Paul Stevens Kramer ^h'^ Son of Frederick Ferdinand Kramer, Beta Beta 89 and brother of John Spalding Kramer, Beta Beta 17. See Rho 19 Student. Seabury Hall. Faribault, Minn. Herbert Ernest Palmer Pressey "^^ r 'A Son of Ernest Albert Pressey, Beta Beta 92 and nephew of William Pressey, Beta Beta 90. -Student. 119 Coyle St., Portland, Maine. John Chadbourn Rorison 6 n 'M Student. University PL, Charlottesville, Va. Sumner Whitney Shepherd, Jr. ']/ 1 ""S Student. i7 Elm St., Welleslcy Hills, Mass. 1920 Gardiner Porter Johnson B m 'M Student. 171 Sigourney St., Hartford, Conn. Harold Mncent Lynch T h ''N Student. 6938 Hegarman St., Tacony, Pa. Richard Palmer Pressey ' B q 'v Student. 119 Coyle St., Portland, Maine. Stuart St. Claire Purves ^F c V Student. 3461 Brookline Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawrence Hall Scott T j ""v Student. 8 Bailey Ave., Claremont, N. H. Waiter James Terrean Smith B r TN Student ii2 S. Ridgeland Ave, Oak Park, 111. ETA CHAPTE'R FOUNDED FEBRUARY 22, 1884 LEHIGH UNIVERSITY SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA 1875 Edward Higginson Williams, Jr. Initiated by the Beta 1878 Henry ^Nlarison Byllesby T^Z Sec. Engineering Soc, 76-77; ex-Conimissioner St. Luke's Hosp.; Pres. Civic Federation, 4 yrs. Member Am. Soc. Civi'. Engineers; Am. Inst. Mechanical Engineers; Western .Soc. Engineers; National Civic Federation; Chicago, Union League, South Shore Country, University, Mid- Day, Glen ^'ie\v Golf and Country Clubs; Metropolitan, Bankers', Lawyers' and Railroad Clubs (New York. J Engineer. 208 S. La Salle St.; res. 4358 Drexel Blvd., Chicago. III. 1882 Charles Comstock Hopkins ^ $° A B. S. 1882; C. E. 1884. Phi Beta Kappa; Tau Beta Pi. Editor-in-Chief E[^itomc, 79-80; Founder and Editor Lehigh Burr (Vol. 1). 81- 82; Wilbur Scholarship, 80; Valedictorian. Vicc- Pres. Assoc. .Mimmi, Lehigh Univ., 85-86; Charter Member. Member Am. Soc. of Civi! Engineers; Am. Water Works Assn.; New Eng- land Water Works Assn.; Rome and University Clubs of Rochester: Rochester Engineering Soc; Sons of the Am. Revolution; Rochester Cham- ber of Commerce. Consulting Hvdraulic and Sanitary Engineer. 349 Cutler Bldg. ; res. 208 Westminster Rd., Rochester, N. Y. 1883 A0°3 Walter Briggs A. B. 1883. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Epi- tome. 80-81. Charter .Member. Member County and State Bar Assns. Lawyer. Board of Trade Bldg.; res. 1505 Jefferson Ave., .Scranton, Pa. Hedlev V^icars Cooke sn°(? A. B. 1883: LL. B. 1886 Columbian Univ. and LL. M. 1890. Phi Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Charter Member. Member Am. Bar; N. Y. State Bar and New York County Law- yers' Assns.; Assn. of the Bar, City of New York; Essex County (N. J.) Country Club and New England Soc. of The Oranges. Father of Thomas Turner Cooke, Lambda 16, Chi 16 and brother of Robert Grier Cooke, Eta 84. Lawyer. 31 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. ; res. 16 Lawn Ridge Rd., Orange, N. J. George Francis Duck X r° $ E. M. 1883. Tau Beta Pi; Phi Theta Psi. Charter Member; Instr. in Mining Engineer- ing and Geology, Lehigh Univ., 86. Mining Engineer. 944 Clay Ave., Scranton, Pa. Alfred Edmond Forstall AS°A M. E. 1883. Tau Beta Pi. Valedictorian. Track. Charter Member; Honorary Alumni Trustee Lehigh Univ. since 09; Sec. Am. Gas Light Assn., 96-04. Author "Technique of Gas Manufacture." Member Psi Uiisilon, Under- writers' and Montclair Athletic Clubs; Am. Soc. Mechanical Engineers; Soc. Chemical Industry; Am. Gas Inst.; Am. Soc. for Testing Materials; Soc. of Gas Lighting; Societe Technique de I'lndustrie du Gazen France; National Commer- cial Gas; Natural Gas Assns. Father of Theo- bald Forstall, Eta 16 and Alfred Edmond For- stall, Jr., Eta 19 and brother of Walton Forstall, Eta 91. Consulting Engineer. 84 William St.. New York. N. \^; res. 156 Mid- land Ave., Montclair, N. T. Garrett Linderman Hoppes* C. E. 1883. Charter Member. Hostc'er. Preston Albert Lambert ^^'°? d. 1909 AS° 8 .\. B. 1883: A. M. 1891. Phi Beta Kappa. Wilbur Scholarship, 81; Salutatorian. Charter Member; Instr. in Mathematics, High School, Washington, D. C., 83-84; Prof, of ^Mathematics, Lehigh LTniv. Educator. Lehigh University; res. 215 S. Center St., Beth- lehem, Pa. George Leighton X

E. M. 1883. Phi Beta Kappa. Vice-Pres. En- gineering Soc, 82-83. Charter Member. Mem- ber Duquesne Club. Mining Engineer. Duquesne Club, Pittsburgh, Pa. 652 ETA CHAPTER 1884-86 1884 Robert Grier Cooke ?A3 A. B. 1884. Plii Beta Kappa. Commencement Orator. Charter Member; Acting Principal St. Stephen's School, Pittsfield, Mass., 85; Principal Preparatory Dept. I\roravian Parochial Scliool, Bethlehem, Pa., 85-88; Pres. Federated Civic Assns. of New York; Member Kxecutive Com- mittee, Citizens' Street Traffic Committee anrl National Inst, of Social Sciences; Sec. Fifth Ave. Commission; Member Mayor's Central Committee on Street Traffic and Safety: Street Paving. Billboard .'\dvertisino; and Manhattan Tercentenary Commissions: Tree Planting and St. Thomas' Men's Parish Assns.; Am. Commit- tee for the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of Peace Among English Speaking Peoples; Shakespeare Birthday Committee. Member .Am. Scenic and Historic Preservation Socs. ; Lehigh University, City and Church Clubs; The Pilgrims: Sons of the Revolution. Brother of Hedley Vicars Cooke, Eta So. President. The Fifth .\ve. Association, 542 Fifth .\vc.: res. 269 Madison Ave., New York, X. Y. Harry Htird Hillega.s C. E. 1884. 2d Alumni Oratorical Prize, 83; Commencement Orator. Charter Member. Manufacturer. (Hercules Paper Bag Co., Reading, Pa.) William David Holmes Initiated by the Chi Augustus Parker-Smith AQ5 M. E., 1884: LE. B. 1888 Georgetown Univ. Phi Beta Kappa; Tau Beta Pi. Valedictorian; l'"irst Prize Junior Oratorica' Contest: Editor- in-Chief Lehigh Burr; Editor Epitome; Sec. and Treas. Bicycle Club. Author Psi Upsilon Song "Psi U. Wanderlied." Member New York Athletic, Psi Upsilon and Bankers of America Clubs: Macliinerv Club of the City of New York; New York Bar and County Law- yers' Assns. Patent Lawyer. 61 Broadwa'v: res. 5" W . 58th St., New Voik, N. Y. William Richmond Piiicknev Charter Member. Pavmaster. p Lewis Buckley Semple .\. B. 1884; A. .M. 1891; Ph. D. 1894 Princeton. Phi Beta Kanpa. Wilbur Scholarship. 82: Sain- tatorian. Charter Member; Instr. in Mathe- matics, Selwyn Hall, Reading, Pa., 84-86; Latin, Summer School of Languages, Am- herst Coll., 85; Greek, Lehigh Univ., 88—; First Asst. in English, Bushwick High School, Brooklyn. Member Psi Upsilon Club (New York). Educator. 66 St. Tames PL, Brooklvn, X. Y. James Angus Watson XT«I> C. E. 1884. Tau Beta Pi. Editor Epitome, 81-82; Lehigh Burr, 82-84; Business Mgr.; Commencement Orator. Charter Member; Prof. of Mathematics, Western Md. Coll., 84. Mem- ber Engineers' (New York) and University (Washington) Clubs. Patent Lawver. McCill Bldg., Washington, D. C; res. Silver Spring, Md. 1885 Theodore \\ eld P>irnev"'''' S W cp C. E. 1885: LL. B 1887 Georgetown Univ. Tau Beta Pi. Editor Epitome, 82-83; Sec. Engi- neering Soc, 84-85: Commencement Orator; 1st Special Essay Prize, 87; 1st Faculty Essay Prize, 87. Charter Member, Brother of Ilei man Tloflfman Birnev, I'.ta ?:7 . Lawver. ' d. 1897 j[oseph] Davis lirodhead Q? Charter Member; Pres. Psi Upsilon Assn. Lehigh Valley, 85; Borough Solicitor South Bethlehem, 82; Democratic Candidate for Dist. Atty., 86. Author "Historical Sketch of the Borough of South Bethlehem, Pa." Lawver. (404' Seneca St., Bethlehem, Pa.) John Lavington Morgan 511 S. Main St.. Phocnixville, Pa. John Weslev Peale Fi-> Charter Member. Member Merchants' Assn.; Transportation. .Spring Lake (iolf and Country, Westmoreland (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) and Lock Haven Country (Pa.) Clubs. Merchant. Grand Central Terminal Bldg. ; res. 40 E. 62d St., New York, N. Y. Clarence Moncure Tolman XLO* M. E. 1885. Engineering Soc; Banner Orator, 85; Editor Epitome, 82-83; Lehigh Burr, 82-83; Journal of Eufjiuceriiui Society, 84-85. Football. Charter Member. Mechanical and Electrical Engineer. 212 W. 2d St.; res. 613 Eighth Ave. W., .\sh- land, Wis. William Tames Brown Walker* A R A Charter Member. Mining Engineer. 1886 Charles Ellsworth Clapp* X 0- . S. 1895. Lswvcr. First National Bank Bldg.; res. 206 S. High St., Bethlehem, Pa. Q X >. K. E. 1895. Tau Beta Pi. 1st Prize Junior (•ration; EditorinC'hicf Bronni and lyititr: Editor Epitome; Asst. Mgr. Football. Member Am. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers; ^Machinery Club of New York. SalesEngineer. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 30 Church St., New York. N. Y. ; res. 558 Park Ave., East < trange, N. J. 1896 Louis Diven rdii E. E. 1897. Theta Nu Epsilon; Sword and Crescent. Member Engineers' Club. Brother of Eugene Diven, Eta 87, Alexander Samuel Diven, Geta 94 and Alden Brown Diven, Eta 94 and uncle of Alexander Samuel Diven 111. Eta 15. Salesman. Babcock & Wilcox Co., North Am. Bldg.; res. Eastern Ave., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Charles \'ictor Ferridey M. E. 1896. (Casilla 117, Taltal, Chile.) Xf N Berry Hiss XhM Insurance. 134 S. La Salle St.; res. 696 Irving Park Blvd., Cliicago, 111. Garrett Hulst Y 1 M Charles Frederick Loshe''' X v u d. 1904 XcX Barrv Mohum LL. B. 1896 Georgetown Univ. and LL. M. 1897. Theta Nu Epsilon. Hon. Member Am. Chamber of Commerce in Paris. Author "Mohun on Warehousemen." Member Metro- politan, Chevy Chase, Lawyers' and Bankers' of America (New York) C-lubs: Am. Bar Assn.; Am. Soc. of International Law. Lawyer. Union Trust Bldg., Washington, D. C. ; res. 8 Grafton St., Chevy Chase, Md. Td X d. 1914 Charles Warren Pettit''' Transportation. Morris Wright Pool M. E. 1896; LL. B, 1903 cum laiidc New York Law School. Editor-in-Chief Broivn and White; Presentation Orator. Author "Semi- Centennial Ode, Lehigh University, 1916." Lawyer. 815 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Arthur Romaine Womrath X m M Member Psi L^psilon Club. Merchant. (New Fiction Library, 21 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y.) Ceorge Frederick [Yuengling] \\'om- rath Ft l* Theta Xu Epsilon. Business Supt. Minneapo- lis Board of Education. Member Calhoun Com- mercial Club; Minneapolis Joint Improvement Assn. Educatpr. 301 City Hall; res. 2301 Bryant Ave. S., Min- neapolis, Minn. 1897 Thomas Hall\ Rissell Student. W illiam Burke Brady XdQ" d. 1897 XbA' M. E. 1897. Theta Nu Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi. Assistant Superintendent. National Carbon Co.; res. 12582 Clifton Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio. George Duncan Heisev Xf a' Theta Nu Epsilon. Football; Editor Brown and White. Postmaster Newark, 04-13. Farmer. 349 Granville St., Newark, Ohio. William Adams Megraw 7 j a' M. E. 1897. Glee Club. Member Am. Soc. Civil Engineers; Engineers' and City Clubs. Consulting Civil Engineer. 1625 Eutaw PI., Baltimore, Md. 1898 Clarence Barnard X r ^~ LL. B. 1899 Georgetown. Theta Nu Epsilon. E^ootball. Manufacturer. 1405 H St. N. W.; res. 3211 Tennyson St., Washington, D. C. John Wadsworth Burrows F (o ^'~ Public Accountant. 1514 Claus Spreckels Bldg., San Francisco; res. 2910 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Lewis Rutter Downing Xd^~ Agriculturist. Lincoln Highway, East Downington, Pa. James Ralph Farwell X c T' Civil Engineer. S])encer Jackson Johnson, Jr. X 1 ^ Theta Nu Epsilon. Insurance. 208 S. La Salle St.; res. 3814 Grand Blvd., Chicago, 111. Clark Miles Knight Initiated by the Rho I lenjamin DeWitt Riegel W a ^" M. E. 1898. Tau Beta Pi. Member Psi Upsi- lon. Bankers'. Merchants' and New York Ath- letic Clubs. < )fticer of Corporation. Rie?el Sack Co., 233 Broadway; res. 328 W. 83d St., New York, N. Y. George Loomis Robinson F j ^~ C. E. 1898. Member Psi Upsilon Club. 39 E. 28th St.; res. 1925 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y. 'J'heodore Benjamin W'ood X b t|;" M. E. 1898. .Superintendent. T. B. W-ood'.s Sons Co., Lincoln Way E., Cham- brrsburg, Pa. 658 ETA CHAPTER [1899-1903 1899 Frank Elliott Bradenbaugh* X a F' M. E. 1899. Mechanical Engineer. d. 1912 XgF George Cooper Fairchilcl Merchant. 54 Lorraine St., Plattsburg, N. Y. Harry Edward Knight xir Theta Nu Epsilon. Football. Capt. 1st Inf. U. S. Army. Member 1st Inf., Fort Leaven- worth and Army and Navy (Manila) Clubs. U. S. Army Officer. Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, T. H. Tames Burr Reddig XmT Mgr. Baseball. Engineer. Western Electric Co., 463 West St., New York, N. Y.; res. Shippensburg, Pa. John Sage Viehe I n W E. E. 1899. Tau Beta Pi. Commercial Engineer. E. P. Wilbur Trust Co. Bldg.; res. 915 Broad- way, South Bethlehem, Pa. Theodore Cuyler Visscher X 1 V Member Psi Upsilon Club. Architect. 299 Madison Ave.; res. 122 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y. George Herbert Wood XbF M. E. 1899. Manufacturer. T. B. Wood's Sons Co.: res. College and Edgar Aves., Chambersburg, Pa. 1900 Morrow Chamberlain Webster Thomas James rtr ^m A' B. S. 1900. Theta Nu Epsilon; 18 Club; Sword and Crescent. Capt. Football, 98-99. Pres. Chattanooga Mfrs. Assn., 15; Trustee Univ. of Chattanooga; Baroness Erlanger County and City Hosp. Member Am. Iron and Steel Inst.; Y. M. C. A.; Mountain City, Chattanooga Golf and Country, Business Men's and Lookout Mountain Clubs. Manufacturer. 42 Chamberlain Bldg.; res. 221 E. Terrace St., Chattanooga, Tenn. TbB George Craig Leidy C. E. 1900. Manufacturer. Semet-Solvay Co.; res. 615 James St., Syra- cuse, N. Y. 1901 TcE' David Dorrance Elder, Jr. Salesman. Cadwallader Evans, Jr. X m E M. E. 1901. Member Engineers' Club; Engi- neers' Soc. (Western Pa.); Am. In^t. Mining Engineers; Am. Soc. Mechanical Engineers; Psi Upsilon Club. General Superintendent. Delaware & Hudson Co., 37 Lackawanna Ave; res. 1630 Monroe Ave., Scranton, Pa. Manufacturer and Real Estate. James Bldg., Chattanooga; res. Lookout Moun- tain, Tenn. Frederick Dana Viehe TcE' B. D. 1905 Union Theol. Sem.; Ph. D. 1916 Central Univ. Pastor Presbyterian Church. Author "Proof Texts to Dabney's Theology." Clergyman. The Manse, Parker Hill, Shicksliinnv. Pa. Henry Dalzell Wilson TeT' M. E. 1901. Sword and Crescent; 18 Club. Epitome Board. Member Psi Upsilon, Du- quesne. University and Thornburg Country Clubs. Manufacturer. Wilson Snyder Mfg. Co., 2 Ross St., Pitts- burgh; res. Thornburg, Pa. 1902 Thomas Kimball Reed Gardner ^i t T*" (Egg Harbor City, N. J.) Irad Hawley, Jr. .^ e Z' Charles Frederick Hinckle, Jr. Initiated by the Tau Robert Jarecki X 1 V 18 Club; Cotillion Club. Member Erie, Erie Golf, Rohkwa and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Manufacturer. Jarecki Mfg. Co.; res. 558 W. 6th St., Erie, Pa. Hopkin Thomas ^aZ^ Member Catasauqua and Livingston TAllen- town) Clubs. General Manager. Davis & Thomas Co.; res. 516 Walnut St., Catasauqua, Pa. 1903 Courtland Freemont Carrier, Jr. ^ c Z~ B. S. in Chem. 1903. Chemical Engineer. S. Charleston; res. 1567 Lee St., Charleston, W. Va. Hiram Sanborn Chamberlain, Jr. ^ 1 Z' E. M. 1903. Arcadia; Sword and Crescent. Mgr. Football; Editor-in-Chief Epitome, 03. Member Mountain City and Chattanooga Golf and Country Clubs. Manufacturer. Citico Furnace Co., 42 Chamberlain Bldg.; res. Riverview, Chattanooga, Tenn. Franklin Madison Wright Conkling fiaZ^ Safety Engineer. 59 John St., New York, N. Y. ; res. 168 Grove St., Plainficld, N. J. John Torrey Fuller ^ d Z" Sword and Crescent; Arcadia. Football; Capt.. 02; Track; Gym.; Epitome Board. Consulting Engineer and Geologist for State of Ark. Mem- ber Westmoreland Club (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.). Engineer. Union Trust Co., Little Rock, Ark.; res. 505 Park St., Honesdalc, Pa. 1900-051 ETA CHAPTER 659 ^er gz- MZ" John Walter llertzler M. E. 1903. Member Lancaster Country, Uni- versity and Detroit Athletic and Country (De- troit, Mich."* Clubs. .\ssistant Manager. The Bearings Co. of America; res. 1.11 E. Orange St., Lancaster, Pa. Alfred Darte Macfarlane Initiated by the Chi John Thorsen Seaman Initiated by the Rho David Robert Smith M. E. 1903. Member Buffalo Club. Farmer. Stanley, N. Y. Dyer Smith M. E. 1903; LL. B. 1908 George Washington Univ. Arcadia; Mustard and Cheese. Editor Broxvn and White. Member New York Bar;. Am. Patent Law Assn.; Am. Soc. Mechanical Engineers: Am. Electrochemical Soc: Psi Up- silon, Montclair (lolf and Montclair Inc. Clubs. Patent Lawyer. 32 Liberty St., New York, N. Y.; res. 9 Wilde PI., Montclair, N. J. ;ihZ' M. E. 1903. 18 Club; Sword and Crescent. Assistant Mechanical Engineer. Delaware & Hudson Co., i7 Lackawanna .\vc.; res. 1642 .Sanderson Ave., Scranton, Pa. 1904 Harvey Pettibone Barnard ^ a O"" B. S. in Chem. 1904. Open Hearth Superintendent. United Steel Co., Canton, Ohio. Baird George Dow ^ d O'' Football: Track. Board Public Works; Pres. Elmira Business Men's Assn., IS; Executive Committee Elmira Chamber of Commerce. ^Member Psi LTpsilon Assn. of Elmira; Country, Masonic, Cold Brook, Gun and Rotary Clubs. Merchant. Ill E. Water St.; res. 502 W. Church St., Elmira, N. Y. Robert Parke Hutchinson jS c O"" E. M. 1904. Manufacturer. Guerber Engineering Co.. 45 First Ave., Bethle- hem, Pa. Marcus Acheson Walker William Roland Johnston William Wirt Henry Lyons''^ Student. Frank James AIcDevitt A h 0-^ d. 1901 See*^ M. E. 1904. Mechanical Engineer. Railway Exchange Bldg. ; res. 4503 McPherson .\ve., St. Louis, Mo. Henrv Ijidlack Reed, jr. •< b G^ .\ssistant Engineer. Rochester Railway & Light Co., 34 Clinton Ave. N.; res. 109 Harris St., Rochester, N. Y. Augustus Williston Smith (i f O"" New York Telephone Co., Church and Frank- lin Sts., 'Buffalo; res. 61 Main St., Attica, N. Y. 1905 Theodore Robison Angle Journalist. Danville, Pa. Harold Provost Ralston t^b::" t|;d7i^ M. E. 1905. Cotillion, Glee and Mandolin Clubs. Lehigh Burr. Chemist. Fire Department Laboratory, 49 Lafayette St., New York; res. 403 Washington Ave., Brook- lyn, N. Y. (i>iz^ John Daniel Berg M. E. 1905. Member University Club. Engineer. Dravo-Doyle Co., Diamond Bank Bldg.; res. 1611 Denniston Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lincoln Field Brovvnell (|; r z^ Athletic Committee; Track. Manufacturer. Am. Brass Co., Ansonia, Conn.; res. 260 Park Ave., East Orange, N. J. Lewis George Eaton (|; s x'' Superintendent and Chemist. The Rocky Mountain Cement Co., Ltd., Blair- more. Alberta, Canada. Harrv Dixon Miller ^]%' Member Pittsburgh Country Club; Pittsburgh Athletic Assn. Officer of Corporation. Johnson Sales Co., 1015 Union Bank Bldg.; res. 5828 Phillips Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Hugh Zollinger Nead \\'illard Marsh Payne ({/kr'^ Member Psi Upsilon Club. Manager. Rex Ignition Mfg. Co., 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Charles Reed Pulford ({;f r"^ Brother of Samuel Arthur Pulford. Eta OS Pi OS and Frank Dickinson Pulford, Pi 13. See Pi 05 Contractor and Builder. 157 Falck St.; res. 128 E. Hudson St., Elmira, N. Y. Samuel Arthur Pulford ^ V -F LL. B. 1905. Member Psi Upsilon Assn. of Elmira. Brother of Charles Reed Pulford, Eta 05 Pi 05 and Frank Dickinson Pulford, Pi 13. See Pi 05 Lawyer. Realty Bldg.; res. 114 Catherine St., Elmira, N. Y. George Madison Smartt 'b\Tz' M. E. 1908. President. Tenn. River Milling Co., 203 Fort St,; res. 510 Fort Wood St., Chattanooga, Tenn. 660 ETA CHAPTER [1905-08 George Levick Street, Jr. <]; a -'' M. E. 1906. Member Westmoreland Club. Manufacturer. P. O. Box 515; res. "Jimhomini," Gary St. Rd., Richmond, Va. M n A' d. 1910 Percy Rutter Thomas' 1906 Halsted Woodrow Caldwell H' a K E. M. 1908. Sword and Crescent; Cotillion Club. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Farmer. Carolina Lodge, Oxford, N. C. Arthur Groff Hertzler See Tau 06 (131 E. Orange St., Lancaster, Pa.) (];bK' (]; c K' Persifor Smith HolHday Skull and Heart; Banjo, Glee and Dramatic Clubs. Member Kent (Dover, Del.) and Le- liigli (Pittsburgh. Pa.) Clubs. See Tau 06 Superintendent. The Bergcr Mfg. Co.; res. 205 9th St. N. E., Canton, Ohio. Ludwig Garfield Meyer <^ d K' Member City Councils and Board of Commerce. Member Maennerchor Soc. ; University, Coun- try, Erie Ad and Rotary Clubs. Merchant. 253 W. 8th St., Erie, Pa. Tonathan Harry Price AI i A' LL. B. 1908 Univ. of Tcnn. Phi Kappa Phi; Sword and Crescent; 18 Club; Sophomore Co- tillion. Winner McClung Medal, Law Dept. Member Goodale Literary Soc. (New York) ; Cumberland and Cherokee Country Clubs. Lawyer. 510 Empire Bldg.; res. "Keithwood" Kingston Pike, Knoxville, Tenn. Elwood Melcher Taussig <^ c K' Member Machinery Club (New York). Salesman. Midvale Steel Co., 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. 131 Hilside Ave., Glen Ridge, N. J. Wilbur Baird Topping d;f K' B. S. 1907 Univ. of Pa. Golf (Univ. of Pa.), 05-07; Capt., 07. Member Voungstown, Youngs- town Country Mayfield and Psi Upsilon (New York), Union (Cleveland, (^hio) and Duquesne (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Clubs. See Tau 06 Assistant Sales Manager. Republic Iron & Steel Co.; res. 120 Woodbine Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. (];gK' John Warren Watson Capt. Golf (1). (3). (4). Chairman Pa. Section, Soc. of Automobile Engineers. Mem- ber Merion Cricket (Haverford) and St. David's Golf Clubs. See Tau 06 Manufacturer. Lancaster Pike (Lincoln Highway), Berwyn ; res. Pembroke-on-Hill. Wayne, Pa. Heaton Hobart Wright .]^hK' Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. (42 Church St., New Haven, Conn.) 1907 Frank Pursell Angle A to E' .\rcadia; Mustard and Cheese Assn. Mgr. Minstrel Show. Publisher. Danville, Pa. .\ndrew Provost Balston Bf 'A E. M. 1907. Cotillion; 18 Club; Sword and Crescent. Civil Engineer. 17 Battery PI., New York; res. 403 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. [ohn Williams Boyer Be 'A Manufacturer. The Solvay Process Co., Detroit; res. Tren- ton, Mich. B d W George Croney Kiefer Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. See Tau 07. Merchant. 950 Chapel St.; res. 329 Willow St., New Haven, Conn. James English McDevitt p h 'A Salesman. Y. M. C. A., Cleveland, Ohio. William McCallin McKee [i a ^A (5537 Kentucky Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.) James [StatherJ Stanford ^ c 'A Football. Capt. N. (7. Mont. Member Lambs' (Helena, Mont.) and University (Great Falls, .Mont.) Clubs. Rancher and Stockman. Valier, Mont. ( leorge Washington LeRoy Travis ARQ' C. E. 1907. Assistant Superintendent. Dept. of Mains and Services, Consolidated Gas Co., 130 E. 15th St., New York; res. 47 N. 12th St., Flushing, N. Y. Frederick James Wilson B b ^A Member Manufacturers', Engineers', Haddon Country and Philadelphia Lehigh Clubs. Manufacturers' Agent. 1416 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.; res. 115 \V. Summit Ave., Hadilonficld, N. J. 1908 James Pigott Cronan Initiated by the Beta Charles Parrish Fuller Rancher. Valier, Mont. A a A-^ George Maxwell Jessup John Barton Luckie A d A' Ac A'' E. M. 1909. Football (3); Lacrosse (3), (4); Mgr. Musical Assn., (3), (4). Member Uni- versity Club. Salesman. Harbison-Walker Refractories Co., Farmers' Bank Bldg.; res. 4921 Forbes St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1908- 12 J ETA CHAPTER t)()l Edmund Clarence Scliniertz A e .V M. E. 1909. Salesman. Thermoid Rubber Co., 305 Bulletin Bldg.; res. 1904 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1909 r. ester Revillo Carrier Au'B Ch. E. 1910. Superintendent. The Roliin Chemical Co., S. Charleston; res. 1562 Lee St., Charleston, W. Va. James Bates Drake AmT. Member Oneida Business Men's Club. Merchant. 115 Main St.; res. 2 Drake Ave., (Jneida, N. Y. Earle Leland Miller A n 'B D. D. S. 1914 Univ. of Pa. Funnel. Cryer Oral Surgery. Member Psi Upsilon Assn. of Elmira; Elmira Dental Soc; Elmira Country and Elmira Tennis Clubs. See Pi 09 Dentist. 126 E. Water St.; res. 732 W. Church St., Elmira, N. Y. Albert Louis Thomas A d 'B (R. R. No. 1, Hydes, Md.) Richard Hamilton Torrey A b A"" E. M. 1909. Sophomore Cotillion; Sword and Crescent. Member Skenandoa and Yahnun- dasis Golf (Utica) Clubs. Alerchant. O. W. Kennedy & Co., Kennedy Bldg-.; res. Chestnut St., Clinton, N. Y. Thomas Marshall Uptegralif A e 'B Sword and Crescent; 18 and Cotillion Clubs. Basket Ball; Baseball, (1), (2), (3), (4); Capt, (4). Member Rotary, Niagara and Niagara Falls Country Ckibs; Chamber of Commerce. Manufacturer. 3d and Walnut Sts.; res. 213 4tli St., Nia- gara Falls, N. Y. Harold Lee Watson Manufacturer. Watson Mfg. Co., Lancaster, Pa. Af'B 1910 Harold Franklin Blanchard B j W Glee Club; Mustard and Cheese Dramatic Assn.; Minstrel Show Assn. Member Engi- neers', Bala Golf (Bala), Trenton Country and Cynwyd Clubs. District Manager. Thermoid Rubber Co.. 305 Bulletin Bldg., Philadelphia; res. 344 Llandrillo Rd., Cynwyd, Pa. A C 'B C. E. 1910. Superintendent of Construction. Am. Concrete Steel Co., 1001 Essex Bldg.; res. 192 Woodside Ave., Newark, N. J. Nelson James Ewing B f ^^''' M. E. 1911. Member 111. Athletic Club. Salesman. Whitaker-Glessner Co., Wheeling, W. Va.; res. Portsmouth, Ohio. William Timothy Dobson George Francis Murnane ii h W C. E. 1910. Arcadia; Sword and Crescent. Mgr. Baseball; Business Mgr. Year Book; Prcs. Sophomore Cotillion Club. Member Psi Upsilon, Glen Ridge Country and Bankers of America Clubs. Advertising. H. K. McCann Co., 61 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ; res. 166 Sherman Ave., Glen Ridge, N. J. Raymond Lee Riley B e W" M. E. 1910. Manufacturer. * Valley Iron Works, 233 West St.; res. 520 Pine St., Williamsport, Pa. Ricliard Hamilton Street B g W^ .Skull and Heart, 18 and Sword and Crescent Clubs. Football, 06, 09; Basket Ball. 07, 09; Capt., 10. Member Psi Upsilon (New York), Essex County Country, Carteret and Telephone Clubs. Advertising. New York Telephone Co., 15 Dey St., New York, N. Y. ; res. 574 Bergen Ave., Jersey City. N. J. Paul Sherman Warriner B k W Division Engineer. Lehigli Valley Coal Co.. 133 N. River .St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1911 George Elliott Patterson Brr-^ LL. B. 1913. Phi Delta Phi. Member N. Y. Southern Soc; University Glee Club. Sec Delta 11 Lawyer. 30 Church St.. New York, N. Y.; res. 25 Ivanhoe Terrace, East Orange, N. J. Gerald Staats Rinehart B AE' Civil Engineer. Oscar Daniels Co.. Woolworth Bldg.; res. 25 W. 91st St., Nevk- York, N. Y. Robert Shack ford Smith BsP See Zeta 1 1 1912 William DeLacy Goldsmith F a A (42 Culter St., Newark, N. Y.) Franklin Hardcastle, Jr. Bd'A Cotillion and Scimitar Clubs. Member Psi Up- silon Club. Merchant. 233 Fourth Ave.; res. 570 W. I91st St., New York, N. Y. Thomas Philip Harris B F Z' (639 W. Diamond Ave., Hazelton, Pa.) -Mien Gerard Martin Be 'A Heta Upsilon Chi; Tau Beta Phi; Tri.skaideka and Scimitar Clubs. Lacrosse. Clerk. 82 Beaver St., New York; res. 261 Gates .^ve., Brooklyn, N. Y. 662 ETA CHAPTER [1912-15 Alexander McCarrell Patch, Jr. Bb'A Member Army and Navy Club (Washington, D. C.) Officer of the Army. 18th U. S. Inf., Douglas, Ariz. Gay lor Marshall Uptegraff B e 'A Member Pittsburgh Athletic Assn.; American (Toronto), Niagara and Niagara Falls Country Clubs. Manager. Canadian Pulp & Lumber Co., Ltd., Latchford, Ontario, Canada. 1913 Richard Bassett Bayard B a E' M. E. 1913. Scimitar, Cotillion and 13 Clubs. Member Beverly Yacht Club. Foreman. Riverside Metal Co., Riverside; res. 586 Warren St., Beverly, N. J. Ezra Bo wen, 4th. B d E' B. S. 1913; M. S. 1916. Kappa Beta Phi; Beta Upsilon Chi; Arcadia. 18, Treskaideka, 13 and Cotillion Clubs. Student. University Park, South Bethlehem, Pa. Alexander Wilson Butler (Mauch Chunk. Pa.) BeE' BbE" Benjamin Ely Cole M. E. 1913. Basket Ball. Mechanical Engineer. Bethlehem Steel Co.; res. ISl E. Market St., Bethlehem, Pa. Case Broderick Rafter B (^ &' C. E. 1913. Member Washington Soc. of Engi- neers. Civil Engineer. 1860 Columbia Rd., Washington. D. C. Robert Peirce Sanborn BcE' E. M. 1915. B. U. X.; Sword and Crescent. Member University Club of Erie. Engineer. General Electric Co.; res. 31 W. 10th St., Erie. Pa. Robert Clement Watson AfZ' C. E. 1913. Phi Delta Phi. Patent Law Prize, George Washington Univ., 16; Wrestling, 13; Vice-Pres. Psi Upsilon Assn. Member \\'asli- ington Country Club. Patent Lawyer. McGill Bldg.; res. 3301 16th St. N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. 1914 Donald Galbraith Baird B a 7: B. S. 1915 Haverford Coll. and A. M. 1916. Cotillion, Glee and Mustard and Cheese Clubs. Pres. Combined Musical Clubs; Lehigh Bun- Board. Senior Instr. in Engli.sh. Haverford Coll. Member Cap and Bells Club; Eutcrpean. Educator. Haverford College. Haverford; res. 410 S. ISth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Stephen Elliott BbZ' Wylie Barker Ewing Seymour Hadaway 1st Lieut. 9th Inf. N. G. Pa. Construction Engineer. 30 N. Franklin St.; res. 60 N. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. BcZ' B. S. 1914. 827 Second St., Portsmouth, Ohio; res. Leather- wood, Wheeling, W. Va. BdZ' C. E. 1914. Sword and Crescent. Lacrosse, 13-14. Foreman. Goodyear Metallic Rubber Shoe Co.; res. 26 Frederick St., Naugatuck, C^onn. David Harvey Ham Initiated by the Chi James Thomas Horn Scimitar and Sophomore Cotillion Clubs Mechanical Engineer B e Z" 502 Walnut St., Catasauqua, Pa. B f Z' Henry Keller Kurtz, Jr. Member Germantown Cricket Club. Banker. 1421 Chestnut St.; res. 24 Benezet St., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Richard Peale Cotillion Club. Coal Operator. St. Benedict, Pa. B A T BgZ' B. S. 1914. Arcadia. Asst. Mgr. and Mgr. Track. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Clerk. U. S. Mortgage & Trust Co., 55 Cedar St., New York; res. 406 Grand Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. BkZ C. E. 1914. 18 Club. Gymnasium. 12-1.^; Wrestling, 14. Sales Agent. Brown & Sites Ce., 30 Church St., New York, N. Y.; res. 1735 Q St., Washington, D. C. Bce-^ Harvey Louis Street, 3d. George ETunt Weber Joseph Osborne Whiteley B. L. 1916 Princeton. Manufacturer. Dentists' Supply Co.; res. 121 W. Springetts- bury .^ve., York, Pa. 1915 Reynolds Bellows B A K' C+iemical Engineer. 149 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Walter Philip Berg B a 'H Student. 5435 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Alexander Samuel Diven, 3d. B b 'H C. E. 191.S. Cotillion Club. Pres. Musical Clubs; Chairman Senior Banquet Committee. Son of Eugene Diven, Eta 87 and nephew of Alexander Samuel Diven, Beta 94, Alden Brown Diven. Eta 94 and Louis Diven, Eta 96. Civil Engineer. 300 Union Station, Baltimore, Md.; res. 205 College Ave., Elmira, N. Y. 1915-17, ETA CHAPTER 663 George Reuben Elder, Jr. B c 'H (510 Cattel St., Easton, Pa.) William Kennedy, Jr. B d 'H Member Crescent Athletic, Psi Upsilon (New York) and Huntington Golf Clubs. Building Construction. 215 Montague St.; res. 214 Berkeley PL, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Robert Emmett McCarthy Initiated by the Xi James Harper McKee B f 'H M. E. 1915. Member Lehigh Country Club. Salesman. ■, 610 W. 116th St., New York, N. Y. Thomas Brown Prosser, Jr.* B g 'H d. 1916 Arent Henry Schuyler B h 'H Met. E. 1915. Epitome Board. Metallurgist. International Nickel Co., Oxford Works, Bay- onne, N. J.; res. 404 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. William Holmes Stevenson, Jr. B 1 'I Member Pittsburgh Athletic Assn. Merchant. 606 Wood St.: res. Bartlett St. near Mulhatton, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ethelbert Talbot. 2d. Initiated by the Zeta Eugene Welcome W'ilcox, Jr. k '6 26 W. Park St., Albion, N. Y. Edward Higginson W'illiams, 3d. Initiated by the Delta Delta 1916 Theobald Forstall B g 0" Musical and New Jersey Clubs Son of Alfred Edmond Forstall, Eta 83, brother of Alfred Edmund Forstall, Jr., Eta 19, and nephew of Walton Forstall, Eta 91. 156 Midland Ave., Montclair, N. J. Jacob Hagenbuch B (}; 'I .\. B. 1916. Glee Club. See Tau 19 Student. 613 Phil-Ellena St., Philadelphia, Pa. Casper Marvin Kielland I h V .\. B. 1916. Scimitar; Cotillion; Economics (Pres.); .Sword and Crescent (Pres.) Lacrosse (2), (3), (4); Crew; Numerals. Author "Sinking Funds in Bond Issues;" "En- tire Lien, First Mortgage Bonds U. S. Rail- roads." Member Sons of Revolution; Yale, University and Buffalo Country Clubs. See Beta 16 Banker. Redmond & Co., 33 Pine St., New York; res. 936 Fifth Ave., New York, and 351 Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, N. Y. John Leoser Bi@' Cotillion Club; Scimitar Club; Mustard and Cheese Dramatic Club. Lacrosse. Member Mor- ristown Field (Morristown, N. J.) and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs. Merchant. Henry W. Peabody & Co., 17 State St., New York, N. Y. ; res. 12 Altamont Court, Morris- town, N. J. Blair Oliver BdS' Member South Shore Country Club. Clerk. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago Ave.; res. 715 Oakwood Blvd., Chicago, 111. Bb©-^ Oscar Everett Webb, Jr. M. E. 1916. Member Mechanical Enginering Soc; Baltimore Country, Greenspring Valley Hunt and Sudbrook Park Coif Clubs. Mechanical Engineer. Consolidated Gas and Power Co., Westport; res. Sudbrook Park, Md. Harold Edward White IkP E. M. 1916 Tau Beta Pi. Brown and White Board. Maryifacturer. The Norton Co., Buffalo Ave. and 28th St., Niagara Falls; res. 516 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 1917 Richard Lee Colby John Howard Eckels Bb'I 18 Club; Sword and Crescent; Kappa Beta Phi; .Scimitar. Baseball. Member Lehigh Country Club. Student. 827 Bishopthorpe St., South Bethlehem, Pa. Be 'I Manufacturing Chemist. 1922 Arch St., Philadelphia; res. Wyncote, Pa. Henrv List Hazlett Bd'I Broker. Hazlett & Rodman, 35 12th St.; res. 825 Main St., Wheeling, W. Va. Percy Hamilton Kittle B f 'I Member Psi Upsilon Club. 1138 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Jay J Martin Leslie Frederick Nuter Bg'I Open Hearth Bethlehem Steel Co.; res. 810 C St., Sparrows Point, Md. Bh'I Sec. and Treas. Naomi Club, Inc. Member Chicago Motor, Illinois Athletic, Cottagers' Country (Paw Paw Lake) and Lehigh Coun- try Clubs. Buyer and General Manager. Naomi Cafeterias. Inc., 325 S. Dearborn St.; res. 7357 Harvard Ave., Chicago, 111. Edward Moore Robinson BC3' E. M. 1917; A. B. 1915 Harvard. Football; Lacrosse (2) ; Lehigh Athletic Assn. Member Union and Harvard Clubs. .Student. 723 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Harry John Spuhler, Jr. B k 'I 218 Tennyson Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Richard Tillinghast Williams B j 'I Student. (394 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.) 664 ETA CHAPTER 1918 James Lawrence Foster, Jr. B b K' Sigma Gamma Epsilon. Student. 461 Atlantic Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. William Tyler Halsted B c K' Football. Student. 682 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Allen Mooers B d K' Business !Mgr. Lchigli Burr. Member Psi Upsilon Assn. of Elmira. 655 Euclid Ave., Elmira, N. Y. Walter Lloyd Oliver B f K' Broker. Mclntyre Companies Limited, 110 S. Dearborn St.; res. Illinois Athletic Club, Chicago, 111. BgK' BhK' Rembrandt Peale, Jr. Student. (St. Benedict. Pa.) William Max Walther Student. (75 King Ave., Weehawken, N. J.) John Robertson Whitney Football (1), (2). Student. Sunapee, N. H. 1919 Alfred Edmond Forstall, Jr. B a S' Son of Alfred Edmond Forstall, Era 83, brother of Theodore Forstall, Eta 16 and nephew of Walter Forstall, Eta 91. 156 Midland Ave., Montclair, N. J. Henry Burr Gulick B b S' Alpha Zeta. Member Am. Legion. Student. 243 St. James PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Harry John Lleuchel B c E' Student. (519 3d St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) Richard Henry Lee [1917-20 BdS' Manufacturer. Am. Iron and Steel Mfg. Co., Hathaway, Pa. Leonard Phillips Leverich B e 3' Student. 440 E. 19th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Robert Charles Rome, Jr. Bf 3" Member Alpha Zeta and Sphinx Clubs. Student. 38 Lefferts PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1920 Nelson Blair Bowman Student. Brownsville, Pa. Eugene Cissel Gott, Jr. Student. 2012 R St., Washington, D. C. Frank Moore Keiser Student. Berwyn Park, Lebanon, Pa. ^ J ^'^ I Harrv Nims Macdonald B a M' BbM' BcM' BdM' Student. 372 Edgewater St., New Haven, Conn. Mercer Brown Tate, Jr. B e M' Student. 212 N. 2d St., Harrisburg, Pa. John Herman Terry, Jr. B f M' Student. Edgewater Park, N. J. Edward George Tremaine, Jr. B h AF Student. 967 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Marmaduke Wolfe Student. 438 W. 11 6th St., New York, N. Y. BkM' TAU CHAPTER FOUNDED MAY 5, 1891 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Charles Thomas 1887 Parry Brunner* P0° A. B. 1887; M. E. 1888. Meclianical Engineer. d. 1913 e. Waliiul St., Englewood, N. J. John Richard Savage, Jr. E Q° a' B. S. and C. E. 1889. Football, 88. Member Am. Soc. Civil Engineers; Am. Engineering Assn.; Psi Upsilon, New York Railroad, Garden City and Cherry Valley Clubs. Chief Engineer. Long Island Railroad Co.. Jamaica; res. 71 Hilton Ave.. Garden City, N. "V. John Duncan Ernest Spaeth 1' T° X A B. 1888; Ph. 1892 Univ. of Leipzig. Phi Beta Kappa; Philomathean. Crew; hootball; Swimming; Editor-in-Chief Pennsylvanian; Ivy Poet. Prof, of English, Princeton Univ.; Lec- turer Summer Sessions, Univ. of Cal. Univ. of Oregon: Dir. of Rowing, Princeton; Steward Am. Rowing Assn. Author ""Ihc Anglo-Saxon Poem of Daniel;" "Old English Poems Done Into Alliterative Verse;" "Chris- tian Theology in Browning's Poetry;" "Living Problems in Shakespeare;" Psi Upsilou Song "The Men of Old Psi U." Member Nassau, Psi Upsilon, University, Princeton (New York) and Princeton (Philadelphia) Clubs. Educator. The Barracks, 32 Edgehill St., Princeton, N. J. Albert Draper Whiting M. n. 1892. Red and Blue. Mgr. Baseball, 90-91: Editorial Board Pennsylvanian. Surg, and Med. Dir. Germantown Hosp.; Surg. South- ern Home for Destitute Children: Home for the Deaf; Asst. Surg. German and Univ. Hosps.; Instr. in Surgery, LJniv. of Pa.; Mem- ber Executive Council of Psi LTpsilon, 08-15. Au^ tlior "Aids to Aseptic Technique :"' "Bandaging." .Member Coll. of Physicians of Philadelphia; .\m. Med. Assn.: State and County Med., Pathological and Rush Med. Socs.; Acad, of .Surgery; Psi LTpsilon and University Clubs. Surgeon and Educator. University of Pennsylvania; res. 1523 .Spruce St.. Phi'adelphia. Pa. 1889 Henrv Stevens Kiersted en° M M. D. 1893. Physician. (311 Crocker St., San I'rancisco. Cal.) W^illiam Stanley Marshall I T° M B S. 1888 Swarthmore; Ph. D. 1892 Leipzig. Instr. in Biology. Univ. of Wis., 93-98; Asst Prof., 98-05; Assoc. Prof, of Entomology since OS. Member University, Madison and Chicago Clubs; Am. Assn. Advancement of Science; Am. Soc. of Zoologists: Am. Entomological Soc; Wis. Acad, of Sciences. Educator. Zoological Dept., University of Wisconsin; res. 139 E. Gilman St., Madison, Wis. 1890 $°^ Jfoseph] Warren Coulston, Jr. p ^ ^ A. B. 18q0: LL. B. 1893. Mask and Wig. 1st 666 TAU CHAPTER [1890-93 Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry, 98. Member University Club. Banker. 1512 Chestnut St.; res. 1327 Spruce St., Phila- delphia, Pa. en° A Chester Nye Farr, Jr. B. S. 1890; LL. B. 1894 Philomathean. Asst. City Solicitor Philadelphia. 95-01; Asst. Dist. Atty., 03-07. Member Philadelphia Country and Union League Clubs. Lawyer. 1018 Real Estate Trust Bldg.; res. 3009 Queen Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Joseph Cooper Ferguson, Jr. @ S° X Member Art and Meridian Clubs. Optician. 8 S. 15th St.; res. 131 E. Mt. Airy Ave., Phila- delphia, Pa. Manzo Kushida 6 W° X Ph. B. 1890. Philomathean. Member Tokyo, American University and Bankers' Clubs. Banker. Mitsubishi Banking Department; res. 17 Ake- funocho, Shiba, Tokyo, Japan. Richard Saunders Stoyle Ph B. 1890; LL. B. 1893. Instr. Wharton School, Univ. of Pa. Member Meridian Club. Lawyer and Educator. 918 Stephen Girard Bldg. ; res. 2217 Vine St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1891 Thomas Harvey Dougherty p V X B. S. 1907. Educator. School House Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Ralph Hutchinson Light* Q ^ LL. B. 1898 Dickinson School of Law. Lawyer. d. 1912 Walter Rowland 0AS Member University, Racquet, Huntington Valley Country and Union League Clubs. Banker (retired). Union League, Philadelphia. Pa. John Hermon Terry PSX C. E. 1891. Member Am. Soc. Civil Engi- neers; Meridian and Windward Yacht Clubs. Engineer and Contractor. 793 Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.; res. Edge- water Park, N. J. 1892 Henry Frank Moore ^Si Ph. D. 1895; A. B. 1885 Central High School, Philadelphia. Biological Soc. Deputy Commis- sioner, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries; Official Rep- resentative of U. S. at various International Congresses; Vice-Pres. International Fishery Congress, Rome, 11. Member Cosmos Club; Washington Biological and Am. Fisheries Socs. ; Acad. Natural Sciences (Philadelphia) ; K. K. Oesterreichs Fischerei Gesellschaft, Vienna. Deputy Commissioner. U. S. Bureau of Fisheries; res. The Concord, Washington, D. C. John Percy Moore P^^ B. S. 1892; Ph. D. 1896. Sigma Xi. Corre- sponding Sec. Acad. Natural Sciences; Prof. of Zoology, Univ. of Pa.; Fellow Am. Assn. Advancement of Science. Member Acad, of Natural Sciences; Am. Soc. of Naturalists; .\m. Ecological Soc; Zoological Soc. of France. Educator. Zoological Laboratory, University of Pa., Phila- delphia; res. R. R. Media, Pa. Robert Lucas Pitfield OaA M. D. 1892. Visiting Phys. Germantown and St. Timothy's Hosps.; Consulting Phys. Chest- nut Hill Hosp. for Consumptives. Member Germantown Cricket and Stenton Country Clubs. Physician. 5211 Wayne Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. William Richards Thomas. Jr. G c, Manufacturer. (Catasauqua, Pa.) Gerrit Elias Hambleton Weaver''' er° A .\ H. 1882 Swarthmore Coll. and A. M 1886; A. B. 1884 Harvard Univ. Educator. d. 1904 1893 Clinton (jardner Llarris* pJ3 d. 1910 George Maurice Hughes r A B. S. 1893. .\rchitect M. D. 1893. Surgeon. La Colorado, Sonora, Max. Thomas Montgomery Lightfoot Pli D. 1893; B. S. 1888 Swarthmore and M. .-^. 1890. Educator. Calcium, Pa. Horace Hill Patterson S n X B. S. 1893. Superintendent. Easton Transit Co., Easton, Pa. John Travers Scott Initiated by the Beta Beta John Falconer Sinclair P".'^ A. B. 1893; M. D. 1897. Editor-in-chief Fenn- sylz'aiiia: Mgr. Baseball, 93-94. Pediatrician Bai)ies' Hosp and Phila. Hosp. for Contagious Diseases; Member of Stafif Presbyterian Hosp. Member University and Union League Clubs. Physician. 41(33 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. William Clive Smith Initiated by the Phi H[enry] Douglas Spaeth 6 :: A B. D. 1893 Lutheran Theol. Sem.; D. D. 1915 Susquehanna Univ. Football. Recording Sec, General Council (Lutheran) Board of Educa- tion; Board Trustees Lutheran Theol. Sem.; 1893-95 1 TAU CHAPTER 667 Pastor St. Mark's Lutheran Church. Member [[<.mber Agawam Hunt Club. Manufacturer. General Fire Extinguisher Co., 275 W. Ex- change St.; res. 211 Hope St., Providence, R. I. John Franklyn Critcblow Initiated by the Upsilon Tomisabiiro Amajugo Glover »]; ~ X Merchant. ( Ipponmat.^u. Oura, Nagasai, Japan.) Russell Hawkins TgA Member Chicago Athletic Assn.; Portland Chamber of Commerce; Arlington, Press, Row- ing and Waverley Country Clubs. Timber Lands. Lewis Bldg., Portland; res. Bay City, Oregon. Arthur Baird Huey PtN LI^. B 1885. Member I'liion League, Racquet and Merion Cricket Clubs. Lawyer. 1201 Chestnut St., Philadelphia; res. Haver- ford, Pa. Masao Matsugata p 1 ^ B. S. 1894. Member Tokio and Osaka Clubs. Banker. Nauiwa Bank, Awajimachi, Osaka; res. Naka- yama, Hiogoken, Japan. Henrv Worth Thornton Ernest Moorhead Paddock f)pA A. B. 1804; B. D. 180/ Episcopal 'Iheol. Seliool. Cambridge. Pres. Am. Soc. of Colonial Fami- lies; Presiding Elder Soc. of Mayflower De- scendants. Member Soc. of Colonial Wars; Har- vard Biblical and Harvard Musical (Boston) Assns.; Oakley Country (^Belmortt) and The C Icrical and Clericus (Bo.'^lon) Clubs. Clergyman. 121 Raymond St.. Cambridge, Mass. Robert Soiitter .Sinclair OqX -\. B. 1894. Zelosophic; Editor-in-Chief Penn- sylraina; Baseball; Track. Dir. Cedar Rapids Commercial Club; Trustee Coe Coll. Author Psi Upsilon Song "The Brightest Star." Mem- ber (edar Rapids' Rotary, and Psi Cpsilon. Com- mercial and University (Chicago) Clubs. Packer. Foot 3d St.; res. 800 Second Ave., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. p f X B. S. 189^. Football. Member Junior Athe- naeum, Royal Automobile, Queens, Mid Surrey Golf, Bishops-Storford Golf CEngland) and Lotos (New York) Clubs. General Manager. Great Eastern Railway of England, Liverpool St. Station, London, England. Edward Woolman BX'Q B. S. in Eng. 1894; B. S. 1893 Haverford Coll. .Member Engineers' Club; Franklin Inst.; Phil- adelphia Chamber of Commerce. Mechanical Engineer. 4709 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia; res. Buck and Panmure Rds., Haverford, Pa. 1895 Harrv ] farold Brown Be A M. D. 1896. Baseball; Cricket. Member Wynnewood Tennis, Hamilton Whist and Phil- adelphia Cricket Clubs. Insurance. State Mutual Life Assurance Co., 421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia; res. Wynnewood, Pa. Edward Mathews Cregar'^' X e 'A Manufacturer. d. 1916 Francis Salisbury Mcllhenny t: f X"^ A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1898 cum laudc. Faculty Prize, 96; Mgr. Ba.seball, 95; Mgr. Football, 97. State Senate, 07-15. Member University, Markham, Philadelphia Cricket and Sunnybrook Golf Clubs. Lawyer. 1035 Commercial Trust Bldg.; res. Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. William Walter Martin ^FfX V. M. D. 1895. Bowl Man. Member Hamilton County Golf Club. Manager. Hotel Havlin, Vine St. and Opera PI.; res. 4081 Rose Hill Ave., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. John Henry Minds ASQ' B. S. 189.=i; LL. B. 1898. Sharswood Law Club. Football; Capt. 97; Crew; Track. Vice-Pres. University Club; Pres. Alumni Assn. of Dickinson Sem. Member Union League, University. Philadelphia Barge. Le Coin d'Or and Philadelphia Cricket Clubs. Brother of George Wilson blinds, Tau 1 1 and Chester Arthur Minds, Tau 14. Lawyer. 1401 Arch St.; res. 3801 Spruce St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Owen Josephus Roberts (|;tS A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1898. Zelosophic Soc. Honors (1), (2), (3), (4) and (2) and (3) in post-graduate work; Sharswood Prize, 98; Editor-in-Chief Pennsylvanian; Editor Law Review. Prof, of Law, Univ. of Pa.; 1st .-Xsst. Dist. .A,tty. Philadelphia County. 01-04. Mem- ber Union League, Rittcnhouse and L'niversity Clubs. Lawyer. 1421 Chestnut St.; res. 1827 De Lancey St., Philadelphia, Pa. 668 TAU CHAPTER 1896-95 1896 Lincoln Ferguson Ph. B. 1896. Member Union League and Phil- adelphia Cricket Clubs. Manufacturer. Wayne Junction; res. Seminole Ave., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. James Madison Stifler ApA A. B. 1896; D. D. 1893 Denison Univ. Author "Fighting Saint;" "Christ of Christianity." Member University (Chicago) Club. Clergyman. 1112 Grove St., Evanston, 111. Henry Newbold Woolman sev B. S. 1896. Member University and Marion Cricket Clubs. Merchant. Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia; res Haverford. Pa. 1897 William Edward Bevan Real Estate. (Ardmore, Pa.) Howard Bucknell Be ro M. D. 1912 Atlanta Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons. 1st Honor Man. Instr. in Pedia tries and Clinical Diseases of Children, Emory ^"•^'- = f !iys. Home for Friendless; Consulting Phys. Children s Home. Member Capitol City Piedmont Driving and Druid Hills Clubs. Physician. 909 Candler Bldg, Atlanta, Ga. Joseph Emanuel Crawford T e'Q B S. in C. E. 1897. Member Shenandoah and University (Philadelphia) Clubs. Chief Engineer. Norfolk & Western Railway Co., Jefferson and Shenandoah Aves. N. W.; res. 18 Ninth Ave. S. W., Roanoke. Va. Cortlandt \*an Rensselaer Hodge* B A A" M. D. 1897; A. B. 1893 Princeton Univ. Missionary. (j_ 1900 Dwight Farlow Mallory* s s 'A d. 1915 LL. B. 1898 Univ. of Md. Merchant. John Henry Morice, Jr. KCT Member Merchants', Richmond County Country and University (Philadelphia) Clubs. Manufacturer. 35 Wort hSt.; res. 41 E. 74th St., New York. N. Y. Charles Moore Patterson Merchant. Ralph Payne XcA' Tg^^ Baseball; Football. Banker. 201 N. Main St.; res. 721 N. Harrison St., Rush- ~ille. Ind. Edward Adams Stroud r f 'A Member Union League, University and Over- hrook Golf Clubs. Horticulturist. 5830 Drex€l Rd., Philadelphia, Pa. Atlee Hoffman Tracy m 'Q B. S. in E. E. 1897. Baseball; Football. On Maintenance Committee Hyde Park (Chicago) Y. M. C. A. Member National Kkctric Light Assn.; Am. Inst, of Electrical Engineers. Engineer. H. M. Byllesby & Co., 208 S. La Salle St.; res. 5502 Cornell Ave., Chicago, 111. 1898 Al1)ert Russell Bartlett T C •; B. S. 1898. Mask and Wig. Member Plays and Players, Musical Art and Mask and Wig Clubs. Private Secretary. 1427 Spruce St., Philadelphia; res. 119 Chest nut Ave., Narberth, Pa. Walter Lewis Conwell W m 2' Member Engineers' (New York and Boston), Montclair Golf, Railroad and Psi Upsilon (Tlubs. Assistant to President. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co., 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y.; res. 89 Edgemont Rd., Upper Montclair, N. J. William Lloyd McCauley Initiated by the Phi Edward Kemp Moore X h '2 M. D. 1898. H. C. Wood Med. Soc. Member Union League (Philadelphia) and Lambs' (New York) Clubs. Physician. Clayton, N. J. nilliam Porter Ogelsby fi y Q' Plumber. 'i835 Wayne Ave., Gerniantown. Philadelphia. Pa. Jl'oseph] Percy Remington ^ X Q' H. S. in Chem. 1898. Mask and Wig. Track. Member Racquet, Engineers' and Varsity Clubs. Consulting Engineer. 611 Chestnut St.; res. 2535 S. Lambert St., Philadelphia, Pa. William Joseph Wittenberg Initiated by the Pi 1899 Armistead Lattimore Abrahams / e '^ Member Jonathan Club. Lawyer. 611 Washington Bldg. ; res. 1604 N. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Louis Gilliams Martinez Cardeza'' Y t '^' 7th Inf. Regiment N. G. N. Y. Member Psi Uosilon Club CNew York). d. 1917 1899-1900J TAU CHAPTER 609 Frederic Lewis Clark ^' C '£ A. B. 1899; LL. B. 1902. Philoniathean; Sharswood Law Club. Member Union League and University Clubs. West End Trust Bldg.; res. 419 W. School House Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. William Heins Crawford Franklin Gilkeson Xn'B Chief Bristol Vol. Fire Dept., 06; Pres. Cham- ber of Commerce. Member Bucks Country c;iub. Lsw vGr« 205 Radcliffe St.; res. 625 Radcliffe St., Bristol, Pa. John -Morrison Oliver Hewitt X m 't|; Banjo Club; Mask and Wig. Asst. Business Mgr. Pcniisyhaina. Member Woodland Golf, Boston Carpet and Boston City Clubs. Manufacturers' Agent. Cook's Linoleum Co., 120 Tremont St., Boston; res. 15 Standish St., Newton Highlands, Mass. Edward Blanchard Hodge, Jr. F s A' M. D. 1899; A. B. 1896 Princeton. Surg. Presbyterian and Children's Hosps.; Out-Patient Surg. Pennsylvania Hosp.; Asoc. Surg. Widener Memorial Training School. Member Princeton and Philadelphia Clubs; Coll. of Pliysicians of Philadelpliia ; Plnladelpliia .■Ncad. of Surgery. Surgeon General. 346 S. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lauristone Job Lane Initiated b" the Theta Fdward Anthony Mechling 7 m '7 B. S. in Economics 1899. Sphinx; Sharswood Law Club. Business Mgr. and Editor-in-Chief Pennsylvania: Track and Cross Country Mgr. Football, Baseball; Pres. Intercollegiate Assn. Amateur Athletes of America; Olympic Track Team, 00. Member State Board Agri- culture; Board Dirs. N. J. State Horticul- tural Soc; Vice-Pres. County Board Agricul- ture; Elder Moorestown Presbyterian Church; Pres. Board of Health. Chester Township; Member Township Committee. Member Moores- town Field Club; Pennsylvania Soc. Sons of Revolution; Peninsular Horticultural Soc; Horticultural Socs. of N. J., Pa., Conn, and I\Id. Farmer. Riverton Rd., Moorestown, N. J. William Nelson Morice F y ^B B. S. 1899. Mask and Wig. Football; Cricket; Winner George H. Frazier Prize, 96. Member Union League of Philadelphia, Phila- delphia Cricket, Germantown Cricket, Frank- ford Cricket and University (Philadelphia) Clubs. Manufacturer. Water & Tasker Sts.; res. 8212 St. Martin's Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Ralph Lathrop Paddock X e '^F Salesman. Katonah, N. Y. William Heines Crawford Ramsev B. S. in E. E. 1899 Haverford. Five Foot and Houston Clubs. Baseball. Member Am. Soc. Mechanical Engineers; Engineers' Soc. of Pa.; Engineer^' Soc. of York; Am., New England aiitl Pennsvlvania Waterworks Assns. General Manager. York Water Co., 42 E. Market St.; res. 495 Linden Ave., York, Pa. Charles Stanley Rogers 1 e p Manufacturer. (114 W. Mt. Airy Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.) W^alter Whetstone (];t A' Commissioner Boy Scouts of America; Mem- ber Union League, Meridian, Rotary, City and Boys' (Wayne) Clubs. Broker. 308 Widener Bldg., Philadelphia; res. 42S W'oodland Ave., Wayne, Pa. Archa Edward Wilcox Ae'^ M. D. 1899. Physician. (524 6th St. S. E., Minneapolis, Minn.) 1900 Horatio Ely Abrahams Xl?' M. D. 1903 Georgetown Univ. Physician and Surgeon. 203 Bank Bldg.; res. 317 S. Maple St., Trinidad, Colo. Reuben Nelson Bennett Initiated by the Xi Edward Lafourcade Cheyney X g A' Baseball. Battery A Pa. Vols., 98; Member Union, Country, Hermit and Athletic Clubs. Manager. Aluminum Co. of America, 950 Leader News Bldg.; res. 1960 E. 84th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Harold Stilwell Kirby Initiated by the Theta John Havs McCormick vbcp' Manufacturer. N. C. R. W. and Oliver St.; res. 944 W. 4th St., Williamsport, Pa. William Procter Remington X m cp' B. S. 1900. Philomathean; Sphinx. Track; Representative Univ. of Pa. on Olympic Team to Paris, 00. Rector St. Paul's Church; Chairman Committee on Public Recreation, Civic and Commerce Assn.; Member Standing Committee, Diocese of Minn.; Trustee St. Barnabas Hosp.; Florence Home; Church Home; Vice-Pres. .'\ssociated Penn. Clubs. Member Minikahda, Golf, Six o'clock and Rectory Clubs. Clergyman. 2005 Bryant .\ve. S.; res. 2012 Aldrich Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward Burwell Rich Fn^' B. S. 1900. Sphinx. Member Am. Canoe, Natural Gas, and Gasoline Producers' Assns.; Oil and Gas Producers* Assn. of W. Va. ; Am. Petroleum Soc; Psi Upsilon (New York), Mask and Wig (Philadelphia). University (Provi dence, R. I.). Wilmington (Del.) and W^ood- mont Rod and Gun (Md.) Clubs. Oil Producer. Burlington, N. J. 670 TAU CHAPTER [1901-03 1901 Robert Foster Carbutt ^h'(? B. S. in E. E. 1901. Mu Phi Alpha; Sphinx. Member Upper Montclair Country Club. Engineer. Henry L. Doherty & Co., 60 Wall St., New York, N. Y.; res. 158 Orange Rd., Montclair, N. J. A. B. 1901. Track; Cross Country; Gymna- sium. Member Hamburger Rudder, Philadel- phia Cricket and Riverton Country Clubs. Banker. 314 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.; res. River- ton, N. J. Arthur Reginald Earnshaw (]^ e Frank Brooke Evans, ]v. rtT Samuel Miller Freeman A. B. 1901. Phi Beta Kappa; Philomathean Soc. Member University and Union League Clubs; Sons of the Revolution. Traffic Superintendent. Bell Telephone Co. of Pa., 1230 Arch St., Phil- adelphia; res. Wynnewood, Pa. p.e'A Member White Marsli Valley Country and Meridian Clubs. Auctioneer. 1519 Chestnut St.; res. 443 W. Price St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Bertram Harper Rogers B. S. 1901. Sales Manager. 811 Arch St.: res. 114 W. Mt. Airy Ave.. Phila- delphia, Pa. 1902 George Bullock Atlee* Richard Lee Barrows xF-e d. 1911 Xf'T Member Loyal Legion; Founders and Patriots and Merion Cricket Clubs. .Superintendent. Bell Telephone Co. of Pa., U30 .\rch St., Phil- adelphia; res. Havcrford, Pa. Boulton Earnshaw FpT Member Philadelphia Cricket and Union League Clubs. Purchasing Agent. University of Pennsylvania; res. Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. alph Berrell Evans 1 1 H' A. B. 1902; LL. B. 1905. Phi Beta Kappa; Sphinx. Mgr. Baseball and Footbal' ; Lacrosse. Member L^niversity and Merion Cricket Clubs. Lawyer. 1335 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia; res. Wynnewood, Pa. XeT d. 1907 rD"p B. S. 1902; LL. B. 1905. Sphinx. Track. Lawyer and Fruit Grower. 1335 Arch St., Philadelphia; res. Dovlestown Rd., R. R. No. 2, Lansdale, Pa. Louis Gilliams, Jr.^' Manufacturer. Luther Albert Gray Tomlinson Kent Hawley 7 h T LL. B. 1905. Member University Club of Mil- waukee. Lawyer. Upham, Black, Russell & Richardson, 927 Wells Bldg.; res. 325 Knapp St., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles Frederick Hinckle, Jr."'' See Eta 02 Stirling Walker A'loorhead II h S' A. B. 1902; M. D. 1905. Alpha Omega Alpha; H. C. Wood Med. Soc. Managing Editor Perm- sylvanian. Resident Phys. St. Christopher's and University Hosps.; Instr. in Genito-Urinary Surgery, Polyclinic Hosp.; Coll. for Graduates in Medicine; Chief Surg. Out Patient Dept., Howard Hosp. ^Member County and State Med. Socs. ; Am. Med. and Am. Urological Assns. Physician and Surgeon. 1506 Locust St.; res. 1523 Pine St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Edward Lewis Quarles Initiated by the Phi Morris Edgar Smith XIH' LL. B. 1902; A. B. — Central High School. Lawyer. 709 Crozer Bldg., Philadelphia; res. Cornell and Westdale Aves., Swarthmore, Pa. Orville Theodore Waring X w H' B. S. in C. E. 1902. Sphinx; Mask and Wig. Track; Football; Mgr. Lacrosse; Sec. Iiiter- Univ. Lacrosse League, 02. Superintendent. .Atlantic Coast Line R. R.; res. 35 Haines .\ve., Waycross, Ga. 1903 Robert Parry Clark Real Estate. 721 Engineers" Bldg., Cleveland; Lake Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. VnT res. 15105 Tasker Howard M s P' U. D. 1903. Alpha Omega Alpha; H. C. Wood Med. Soc; Sphinx. Football; Track. Phys. Kings County Hosp.; Asst. Phys. Long Island Coll. Hosp. Member Am. and Brooklyn Med. Assns; New York State and Kings County Med. Socs.: Brooklyn .Soc. of Internal Medi- cine; Asociated Physicians of Long Island; Univ. of Pennsylvania Med. Soc. of New York. Physician. 383 Clinton St.; res. 26 Sidney PI., Brooklyn, New York. Thomas Ewing King M p 'P Architectural Soc. Member Commerce Club. Architectural Delineator. 1234 Ohio Bldg.; res. 2522 Monroe St., Toledo, Ohio. James Gibson Lindsay, Jr. y c 'T Sphinx; Cercle Francais. Capt. Golf Team; Sec. and Treas. Intercollegiate Golf Assn. Member Philadelphia Countrv and Pine \'allev Golf Clubs. Merchant. 1020 Commercial Trust Bldg.; rts. 707 Lincoln Drive, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. 1903-05 1 TAU CHAPTER 671 William Clarke Mason XcT LL. B. 1903. Phi Delta Phi; Sharswood Law Cub. Member Law Assn. of Philadelphia; Pa. liar and Am. Bar Assns.; University, Country and Cricket Clubs, l.awver. 133 S. 12th St.; res. 8233 Seminole .^ve., Phila- delphia. Pa. Benjamin Schreiber Mechling {j p II' Manufacturer. Line St. and Cooper's Creek, Camden; res. lligliwav, Riverton, N. J. Elhvood Ellis Ramsev XdH' B S. in E 1903. Sphinx. Member Country Ciub of Va. Manager. Whitlock Branch, P. Lorillard Co.; res. West- moreland PI., Richmond, Va. TmZ' d. 1907 Geor2:e Black Rea* Mg'H John Semple Sharpe M. D. 1903. Cap and Gown; H. C. Wood Med. Soc. Willard Prize, Orthopedic Surgery; Crew. Attending Phys. Staff of Bryn Mawr Hosp. ; Examining Phys. White Haven Sanatoriutn for poor Consumptives. Member Merion Cricket, University and Princeton (Philadelphia) and Bryn Mawr Polo Clubs. Physician. Montgomerv and Haverford Aves., Haverford, Pa. 1904 Carl Boardman Initiated by the Mu Robert Burns TrT A. B. 1904. Phi Beta^ Kappa. Member Uni- versity and Engineers' Clubs; Le Coin d'Or. Business Manager. Gas and Oil Engine Co.. 45 N. 7th St.; res. 4312 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. ITenrv Preston Erdman XbT B. S. 1904; LL. B. 1907 cum laudc. Sharswood Law and Musical Clubs; Mask and Wig; Am. Law Register. Member Philadelpliia Cricket and Manufacturers' Clubs. Lawyer. 1835 Land Title Bldg. ; res. W. Willow Grove Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Robert Thompson McCracken 7 b '0 B. S. 1905; LL. B. 1908. Phi Beta Kappa; Sphinx. -Author Psi L^psilon Song "Psi U. Lineage." Lawyer. 1421 Chestnut St.; res. 413 W. Stafford St., Philadelphia, Pa. Layton Bartol Register 7 a '& B. S. 1904; LL. B. 1908. Phi Beta Kappa; Sphinx; Sharswood Law Club. Crew (3), (4). Lecturer Law School, L^niv. of Pa.; Appointed Gowan Memorial Fellow at Law, 12-13. Mem- ber Union League, University and Merion Cricket Clubs. Lawyer. 1011 Chestnut St., Philadelphia; res. Haverford, Pa. Joseph Warner Swain, 2d. r h ~P B. S. in Econ. 1904. Sphinx. Tennis; Base- ball. Member University, Torresdale Golf, Westmoreland and Wyoming Valley Country (Wilkes-Barre) Clubs. Secretary and Assistant Treasurer. Municipal Service Co., 425 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia; res. 619 Radcliffe St., Bristol, Pa. William Richard Warren Mel M. D. 1904; A. B. 1900 Williams Coll. H. C. Wood Med. Soc. Editor-in-Chief The Scope. Surg. Florida Naval Militia. Member Rotary Club. Physician and Surgeon. 511 Eaton St., Key West, Fla. 1905 John Armstrong X g 'IT Transportation. .\merican Railways Co., Witherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia; res. Wayne, Pa. Joseph Boyd Baker, Jr. f 'K B. S. in C. E. 1905. Transportation. Broad St. Station, Pa. R. R., Philadelphia; 421 Woodland Ave., Wayne, Pa. Ransford Alix Beach (Elkins Park, Pa.) John Arthur Brown Y B 'O B. S. in E. 1905; LL. B. 1908. Lawyer. 1535' Land Title Bldg.; res. 119 W. Springfield Ave., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. John Herr Alusser, Jr. Tf-I B. S. 1905; M. D. 1908. Phi Beta Kappa; Sphinx; Gargoyle; Stille Med. Soc. Mgr. Base- ball. 05; Dir. Athletic Assn., 06-08; Chairman Sophomore Dance Committee. Editor Penn- syli'anian ; Pres. Stille Med. Soc, 08. Assoc, in Medicine, Univ. of Pa. Med. School; Phys. Philadelphia General Hosp.; Phys. in charge LTniv. of Pa. Hosp. Med. Dispensary; Asst. Phys. Presbyterian Hosp.; Formerly Resident Phys. Univ. and Pa. Hosps. ; Fellow Coll. of Physicans. Member Soc. for Advancement of Clinical Investigations; Merion Cricket Club. Physician. 121 S. 20th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Tql Herbert Marseilles Ramsey B. S. in Econ. 1905. (Bryn Mawr, Pa.) Henry Conner Weeks X 1 "z B. S. in E. 1905. Phi Beta Kappa; Gargoyle: Sphinx. Cricket, Baseball and Swimming Teams. Member Philadelphia Cricket Club. Broker. 1326 Walnut St.; res. 7802 Lincoln Drive. Pliiladelphia, Pa. Samuel Bray Whetstone X h 'x Real Estate. 4911 Monument Rd., Philadelphia, Pa. 672 TAU CHAPTER [1905-08 1906 Eugene Lee Burns Xb^K B. S. in Econ. 1906. Member Moorestown Field Club. Manager. Auto Construction & Engineering Co., 45 N. 7th St., Philadelphia, Pa.; res. 125 E. Maple Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Charles Schell Corson James Bateman Dulles Manufacturer. 4101 Walnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. William Page Harbeson TqZ rdo A A TC B. S. 1906; LL. B. 1910. Instr. Univ. of Pa. Educator. 200 College Hall, 36th and Locust Sts. ; res. 1,^2 W. Walnut Lane (Gtn.), Philadelphia, Pa. Artliur Groff Hertzler Initiated by the Eta Persifor Smith Holliday Initiated by the Eta Isaac Hampshur Jones Initiated by the Gamma Royal Reynolds OgA' M. D. 1906. Agnew Surgical Soc. Capt. Med. Corps; Regimental Surg., 12th U. S. Inf. since 15. Physician and Surgeon. Surgeon-General U. S. Army, War Depart- ment, Washington, D. C. McLeod Thomson 8 'A Member Merion Cricket, Altoona Cricket, Sea- view Golf, Princeton, Princeton Ivy and Phila- delphia Racquet Clubs. Manufacturers' Agent. The Rail Joint Co., 1017 Pennsylvania Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.; res. 43 S. Aberdeen PL, Atlantic City, N. j. Wilbur Baird Topping Initiated by the Eta Robert Grant Torrev B Y K' M. D. 1906. Sphinx. Capt. Football. Visiting Phys. Philadelphia General Hosp. Author Psi Upsilon Song "A Song for Old Psi \7." Mem- ber Merion Cricket Club. Physician. 1716 Locust St.. Philadelphia. Pa. John W^arren Watson Initiated by the Eta 1907 Charles Taylor Brown V r A B. S. in Econ. 1907. Sphinx. Baseball: Wrestling. Member University, Belfield Country and Queen Lane Manor Gold Clubs. Real Estate. Mortgage Investment Co., Real Estate Trust Bldg.; res. 3113 Queen Lane, Philadelphia. Pa. James Graham Damon c <1 Phi Kappa Beta; Sphinx; Gargoyle; Pretzel; Glee; Mask and Wig. Member Philadel- phia Racquet, Merion Cricket, Hope, Noon Day and Agwam Hunt (Providence) Clubs. Salesman. 6 Washington Row; res. 77 Keene St., Providence, R. I. Charles Winslow Dulles, Jr. Representative. C. E. Smillie & Co., 246 Summer St.; res. Hotel Wadsworth, Boston, Mass. Arthur Coe Martin Initiated by the Zeta Henry George Pearce Xf^^ Gargoyle. Cricket (1), (2); Swimming (1), Capt., 02; Baseball (Asst. Mgr.) (2). Member L'nion League and Merion Cricket Clubs. Assistant to Secretary. Standard Steel Works Co., 1103 Morris Bldg.. Philadelphia; res. Ardmore, Pa. David Madison Ramsey F j 'X Football. Merchant. 801 Lancaster Ave.; res. 714 Old Lancaster Rd., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Frederick Throckmorton Thomas X h ^\ B. S. in Econ. 1907. Member University (Philadelphia) and Wilmington Country (Wil- mington, Del.) Clubs. Insurance. 650 Bullitt Bldg.. Philadelphia, Pa., and 134 Du Pont Bldg.. Wilmington, Del.; res. 1625 Rodney St., Wilmington, Del. 1908 George Kingman Helbert B g M LL. B. 1911; B. S. 1904 Haverford. Shars- wood Law Club; Order of the Coif. Assoc. Editor Lazv Review, 09-10; Univ. of Pa. Gun Team. Member University, Merion Cricket, Germantown Cricket and Bay Head Yacht Clubs. Lawyer. Widener Bldg.; res. 305 W. Hortter St., Phil- adelphia, Pa. Charles Maris Keyser, Jr. T f [j. , George Croney Kiefer Initiated by the Eta Joseph Ross Pilling X j A | Member Philadelphia Cricket and Germantown Cricket Clubs. Merchant. Broad and Chestnut Sts.; res. Ill W. Mermaid Lane, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. v^heldon Frothiiigham Potter y c 'M B. S. 1910. Member Germantown Cricket and LTndine Barge Clubs. Lawyer. West End Trust Bldg.; res. Willow Grove Ave., St. Martin's, Philadelphia, Pa. Carlino Linn Seller fi A ^'1. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. (Ridge Rd., Sagamore Park, Bronxville, N. Y.) 1908-101 TAU CHAPTER 673 X'incent Moore Stevenson X (j 'M (225 N. lOth St., Philadelphia, Pa.) Herbert Marmaduke Tilden'^^ B d 'A d. 191S 1909 Everett Henry Brown, Jr. Y s 'a B. S. 1909; LL. B. 1912. Crew. Member (jermantown Cricket Club, Lawyer. Commercial Trust Bldg. ; res. Wissahickon Aye. opposite Price St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Henrv Paul Brown, Jr. X h ^(0 B. S. 1909; M. D. 1912. Member University Club. Physician. 1523 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. ATorton | Henry] Gibbons-Neff A d ""Q B. S. 1909. Phi Kappa Beta; Mask and Wig and Canteen Club.s; Gargoyle See; Sphinx. Mgr. Baseball; Cheer Leader; Dramatics. Member Varsity Club, Univ. of Pa. Clerk. United Gas Improvement Co., 134 N. 13th St.; res. 3204 W. Penn St., Philadelphia, Pa. Samuel Armstrong Halsey Initiated by the Sigma Sherwood Erie Martin r (i) Member Pittsburgh Athletic Assn. Manufacturer. Kittanning Brick & Fire Clay Co., Kittanning, Pa. Henry Bartol Register Te-'Q B. S. in Arch. 1910; M. S. in Arch. 1914. .Sigrma Xi; Sphinx; Phi Kappa Beta; Canteen and Garoyle Clubs. Tennis. Pres. Architec- tural Alumnae Soc. Univ. of Pa. Member Merion Cricket, University, LeCoin d'Or and T Square Clubs. Architect. 1713 Ransom St., Philadelphia; res. Haverford, Pa. William Wallace Roberts Xe-^a K. .'^. 1909. Manufacturer. 625 N. Broad St.; res. 5034 Schuyler St., Philadelphia, Pa. Edmund Henkels Rogers r c. 'x B. S. 1909; LL. B. 1912. Mask and Wig Club; Sphinx. Member Merion Cricket Club. Lawyer. jolin Wanamaker's Store, Pliiladclpliia : re?. 2201 .St. James PI., Philadelphia, Pa. Charles Henry Scott, Jr. ajW A. B. 1909; LL. B. 1912. Phi Beta Kappa; Sphinx. Crew (Mgr.) (4). r.awyer. 1200 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia; res. St. Davids. Pa. Charles Alison Scully X m ' A. B. 1912. Sphinx. Freshman, Sophomnre and Junior Honor Clubs. Track. Assistant Piirchasing Agent. Sun Co., Finance Bldg.; res. 217 Buckingham PI., Philadelphia, Pa.. B[enjamin] Harold Deacon Baseball. Member Fourth St. and Clubs. Merchant. 141 N. 7th St.; res. 4504 Locust St. phia, I'a. James Richard Edmunds, Jr. B. S. in Arch. 1912. Sigma Xi. Architect. 908 Munsey Bldg., Baltimore vale Rd., Roland Park, Md. [1911-^ Fz a Varsity Philadel res. 311 Edge- Horace Weldon Haydock V V 'Ei B. S. in E. 1912. Phi Kappa Beta; (iargoyle.' Track. Member Cleveland Tennis and Cleve- land Advertising Clubs. Printer. Stearns Printing Co., Caxton Bldg.; re^. 2041 F. 96th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Daniel Lovett Hutchinson, 3d. A c 'A Phi Kappa Beta; Gargoyle. Baseball; Basket Ba)'; Football, 09-10. Member Varsity, Rac- Muet, Merion Cricket. Merion Golf and New N'ork Athletic (New York) Clubs. Broker. Philadelphia Coal Mining Co., 1837 Spruce St.; res. Racquet Club, Philadelphia, Pa. lienrv Morton McMichael cp b '9 B. S. 1912. Sphinx; Mask and Wig Club. Member Racquet, Philadelphia Countrv and Huntingdon Valley Country Clubs. Rac'iuet Club, Philadelphia, Pa. George Piatt Pilling, 3d. B. S. in M. E. 1912. Member Cricket Club. Blast Furnace Superintendent. Northern Iron Co., S. Main St.; Port Henry, N. Y. a> h '5 Germantown res. Main St., [Charles] A[ugust] Heckscher Wetherill $ ] '-^ B. S. 1912. Mask and Wig Club. Member Rac quel, Rittenhouse, Philadelphia Country, Merion Cricket (Philadelphia), Huntingdon Valltv Country (.\bington. Pa.), New York Yacht. Cornithian Yacht (New York) and African Big Game Clubs; St. Nicholas (New York) Soc 1830 S. Rittenhouse Sq., Philadelphia, Pa. Arthur Howell Wilson A c 'K Member Merion Cricket Club. Philadelphia. Pa. I B. S. 1912. -Musician. 3609 Baring St. 1913 Knox Houde Birnev d'j Plumb Bob Senior Soc; Civil Engineering Soc; Mask and Wig. Track; Football. Civil Engineer. 1121 Home Insurance Bldg., Chicago, III.; res. 4016 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa." Fd'E B. S. 1913; B. S. in Arch. 1916. Architectural, Cross Country, Fencing and Varsity Clubs. Letter in Track and Cross Country; Mgr. I>ncing. Member University and Corinthian Yaclit (Philadelphia) Clubs. Architect. Bryn ]Mawr, Pa. Ralph Lester Colton 1913-15J Frederick Studebakcr Fisli TAU CHAPTER Bc'E 675 B. S. 1913. Assistant Treasurer. .•^tiulebaker Corporation, Soutli Bcnil, Ind. William W'urtz Harmar Xj'. B. S. 1913. Gargoyle; Canteen. Member Uni- versity. Philadelphia Cricket and CJermantown Cricket Clubs: Sons of the Revolution; Colonial Wars; Order of the Runnyniede; N'ew England Soc. Broker. Robert Glendinning & Co., 400 Chestnut St.; res. Willow (irove Ave. and Lincoln Drive, (_'hestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Jame.s Donald Holloway Racijuet and Philadeln Xj'T Country Member Clubs. Merchant. 121.=; Filbert St.; res. 2123 Walnut St., Phila- dilphin. Pa. George Eyre Lippincott 6f T ¥ B. S. 1913. Dramatic Club; Cercle Francais. Rifle Team; Ivy Poet; Dir. Pennsylvania Ath- letic .\ssn., 13. Merchant. 537 Land Title Bldg. ; res. 266 W. Tuliiehocken St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. John Howard McFadden, Jr. X b 's Broker. (121 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.) Fg'T Charles Linton Matthews, Jr. Member Germantown Cricket Club. Salesman. 672 Bullitt Bldg.; res. 503 W. Carjienter St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lemuel Braddock Schoheld ^fU'r. A. B. 1913; A. M. 1913; LL. B. 1916 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi; Sphinx; Shars- ! wood Law Club; Order of the Coif. Editor-in- Chief Lazi.' Review; Editor Pennsylvania; Vale- dictorian. Fellow Univ. of Pa. Law School. Lawyer. 3400 Chestnut St.; res. 300 S. 36th St., Phila delphia. Pa. Russell Spruance r h 's Gargoy'e; Friars. Football. Assistant Sales Manager. Pennsylvania Sugar Co.; res. 1853 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Romaine Livingston Sullivan 7 h ""e B. .S. 1913. Member Racquet and .Merion Cricket Chd)S. Banker. Market St. National Bank. 1107 .Market St., Philadelphia; res. Radnor, Pa. Beverly Mason Value X ^^ '^^ B. S. in E. 1913. Canteen Club. Member Psi Upsilon Cltib. Inspector. Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory, 386, 50 Church St.; res. 434 W. l'20th St., New York, N. V. Bernard Sander Van Rensselaer Initiated by the Lambda (23) 1914 William Ward Crawford Initiated by the Mu William Davison Crooks, Jr. / j T .\dvertising Manager. W. D. Crooks \- Sons, Park St.; res. 934 W. 3d St., Williamsport, Pa. Charles Caldwell Gordon A. B. 1914. -Student. 710 North American Bldg.; res. ]'hiladeli)hia. Pa. Stephen Rose Griswold TjX 1829 Pine St., Ts-'T B. S. in Econ. 1914. Phi Kappa Beta; Sphinx. Mgr. Baseball. Member Missouri Athletic Club. Sales Manager. Con P. Curran Printing Co., 8th and Walnut Sts.; res. 123 Brand St., Elmira, N. V. Chester Arthur Minds''' T 1 X llarry Hapeman Patrie Football. Brother of John Henry Minds, Tau 95 and tieorge Wilson Minds, Tau 11. -Miner. d. 1917 M. D. 1916. William Pepper Med. Soc. (Pres. 16). Univ. of Pa. Med. Assn. Prize, 16. Mem- ber Staff of Brooklyn Hosp. Physician. Brooklyn Hospital, DeKalb Ave. and Raymond St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. As-^T William Louis Apgar Pyle :\I. D. 1916. Alpha .Mu Pi (_)mega; Pepper Med. .Soc. Physician. 678 Bergen .\ve., Jersey City. N. J. Coleman Sellers, 3d. X j ^ B. S. in M. E. 1915. Hexagon and Whitney Engineering Socs.; Mask and VVig; Cercle Fran- cais; Press Club. Co-Author "Malvino Mal- volio." Member Mask and Wig Club. Mechanical Engineer. 1600 Hamilton St.: res. 3211 Queen St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Frederick Berten Sharp xe's B. S. in Econ. 1914. Sphinx; Phi Kappa Beta; Gargoyle. Mgr. Crew, 13-14. ATanufacturer. Akron, Ala. liarold Frederick Sturdy Initiated by the Omega Donald Fuller Torrev XIT B. S. 1914. Phi Beta Kappa. Advisory Editor Pcnnsylvanian Assoc. Editor Class Record; Football. Merchant. Bulah Coal Mining Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; res. 122 Chestnut St., S field, Mass. 1915 Tames Moore Austin Spring- Qh'H A. B. 191S. Phi Beta Kappa; Sphinx Head; Phi Kappa Beta. Mgr. Football (4). Member 676 TAU CHAPTER [1915-16 Psi Upsilon of Philadelphia, Mask and Wig and Pennsylvania Varsity Clubs. Clerk. William H. Grundy & Co.; res. 601 Radcliffe St.. Bristol, Pa. Frank William Bowman Qc'y] Member Minneapolis, Minneapolis Athletic and Minikahda Clubs. Manufacturer. S. H. Bowman Lumber Co., 1121 Lumber Ex- change; res. 2444 Pillsbury Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Comfort Ellis Brown Qd^S Member University Club (Minneapolis, Minn.) Manufacturer. Baldwin Locomotive Works; res. 5101 Over- brook Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. O J e u Philip James Davidson Manufacturer. LTnion Drawn Steel Co., Beaver Falls; res. Beaver, Pa. Charles Yomig Fox, Jr. A f 'H A. B. 1915. Member Merion Cricket Club. Clerk. George F. Lasher, 147 N. 10th St.; res. 2035 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Albert Lockier Freeman Q g fl Priestley Chemical Soc. Wrestling and Fenc- ing; Pipe Committee Freshman Year. Member Meridian Club. Auctioneer. Samuel T. Freeman & Co.. 1519 Chestnut St.; res. 206 E Penn St., Germantown. Philadelphia, Pa. Edmund Watmough Gilpin Q h 'S Electrician. Bell Telephone Co. of Pa., 1230 Arch St.; res. 242 W. School Lane, Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa. Lawrence Morin Leonard X 6 '11 B. S. in Econ. 1915; A. M. 1915. Crew. Mem- ber Psi Upsilon (New York) Club. Advertising. Vogue, 443 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y.; res. 1440 R St. N. W.. Washington, D. C. John George Newhall A i 'a Tennis; Architectural Soc. Play. Board of Mgrs., Phoenixville Country Club. Member Germantown Cricket, Pickering Hunt and Phoenixville Country Clubs. Shop Recorder. Phoenix Iron Co.; res. Starr Cottage, Phoenix- ville, Pa. Samuel Earle Stauffer Aj-'H B. S. 1915. Sphinx. Business Mgr. Record Class of IS. Member Psi Upsilon Club of Philadelphia, Pa. Assistant Superintendent. American Mfg. Co., Noble and West Sts., Brooklyn, N. Y. Norman Sweetser Kf'6 Traffic Dept., Bell Telephone Co. of Pa., 1631 Arch St.; res. 1314 Hunting Park Ave., Phila- delphia, Pa. Lewis Rodman Thibault AIy] Member City Club. Broker. 308 Widener Bldg.; res. 1330 Pine St., Phila- delphia, Pa. James Adam Renwick Thomson Architectural Soc. Architect. 70 E. 45th St.; res. 420 W. n9th St., New York, N. Y. W'ardwell Thornton Towneley'''' ' A m 'S d. 1913 Kenneth Curtis Welch Initiated by tlie Plii 1916 Earl Albert Bloomquist az'0 Football. Salesman. Russell Miller Milling Co., 3136 Park Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. John Russell Breitinger Crew. \l.p'l A. B. 1916. Student. 7040 Chew St., Philadelphia, Pa. Francis John Creamer 0) V •'0 Winner Mausoleum Competition (3); Medley Champion; Swimming Team; Track (3); Crew (1); Mask and Wig Chorus; May Dav Sports Com.mittee (1). Author ''A Modern Suburban House." Member Intercollegiate Association; Berkshire Country Club. Architect. 671 Bullitt Bldg.; res. 300 S. 36th St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Lester Capell Guenther Q w ''K Francis Xavier Keally a q 'P B. S. in Arch. Architectural Soc. Instr. in Architecture, Univ. of Minn. Educator. 7045 Frankstown Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Robert Emerson McGonagle w p 'c Civil Engineering Soc; Athletic Assn. Mem- ber Duluth Boat and Gary I'lnd.) University Clubs. Concrete Engineer. 9 Oxford St.. Duluth, Minn. Alexander John MacLeod A q ""I Engineer. 1925 Waverly Ave., Duluth, Minn. Ernest Williamson Nichols a d '0 B. S. 1916 Susquehanna Univ. Freshman Foot- ball. Insurance. 22 E. Central Ave.. Williamsport, Pa. Ralph Souder, Jr. S c "r A. B. 1916. Wrestling. Member Bay Head Yacht Club. Merchant. 1002 Harrison Bldg.; res. 319 S. 43d St.. Phila- delphia, Pa. 1916-191 TAU CHAPTER 677 D[aniel] Norman Turner (0 c p Civil Engineer. C. W. Leavitt, 220 Broadway, New York, N. y. ; res. Mount Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. Gilman Hatch Wisner Initiated by the Mu 1917 Roger N. Armstrong- Q z I' (48 Norwood Ave.. Buffalo, N. Y.) Edgar Otis Boggs X k 'H William Rowland Clothier A y F Sphinx; Whitney; Hexagon. Football; Soccer; Cricket. Student. 433 W Hansberry St., Germantown, Pa. Thomas Danforth Dixon a d I' See Beta 18 740 Lafayette St., Denver, Colo. Carl Edwin Geis Sphinx. Editor-in-Chief Red atid Blue; Crew; Wrestling. Student. 141 Clinton St., Johnstown, Pa. Francis Samuel Haserot (o b (.'' Student. 1786 Crawford Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Spencer Sweet Shannon Q f H' Phi Beta Kappa; Sphinx; Phi Kappa Beta; Mask and Wig; Glee Club. Mgr. Track, 16-17; Soccer. Student. 300 S. 36th St., Philadelphia; res. Saxton. Pa. x^V Raymond Donald Stevens AcH' Phi Kappa Beta; Scalp and Blade; Mask and Wig; New York State Club. News Editor Pennsylvania Press Club; Wharton School Honor Committee; Treas. Wharton Assn.; Leader Banjo Club; Mgr. Soccer Team; Vice- Pres. Intercollegiate Assn. Football League; Sec. and Treas. Pa. Intercollegiate Football League. Student. 773 7th St., Buffalo, N. Y. Richard Fairfield Warren re'K Friars. Track; Photographic Editor Red and Blue. Member Aero and Radnor Hunt Clubs. Student. Waterloo Ave. and Arlington Rd., Devon, Pa. Arthur Hedrick Weisbach I w "^O Mask and Wig Club. Mgr. Musical Clubs. Student. Prospect Hill, Tacoma, Wash. Robert Thomas Wilson cog'I Pennsylvaiiian Board; Class Record Board. 100 Watkins Ave., Bellevue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1918 Oh-'X Mask and Whig Club. Member Merion Cricket Club. Student. 2207 De Lancey St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bryce Blynn Eliot Warden Denault Football; Basket Ball; Track. Kb'^ Student. Pittsfield, Mass. John Parnell Feenev Kc'X Law Student. 129 Summit Ave., Mt. Vernon. N. Y. John Harold Hargreaves 7, ni ""A Phi Kappa Beta; Y. M. C. A. Baseball; Track; Member Episcopal Secretarial Committee; Pres. Episcopal Church Club of the Univ. of Pa. Member Y. M. C. A.; Mt. Washington Athletic Club; Sporting Writers' Assn. 122 W. North Ave., Baltimore; res. P. O. Station E, Arlington, Md. Thomas Guy Hunter, Jr. /. f 'A Member Bachelors' Barge Club. Student. 134 Poplar Ave., Wayne, Pa. Donald Adriance Maclnnes o d ""^ Mask and Wig. Student. 56 Bartlett Ave., Pittsfield, Mass. Weaver Loper Marston B^'A Whitney Engineering Soc. Rifle Team; Base- ball. Member Merion Cricket and Bryn Mawr Polo Clubs. 300 S. 36th St., Philadelphia; res. College Ave. and Haverford Rd., Haverford, Pa. Harry Shelmire Ross Kg'A Phi Beta Kappa; Junior Honorary. Football (1), (2); Crew (1), (2). Student. 5420 Angora Terrace, Philadelphia. Pa. Carrow Thibault Ob'S Phi Kappa Beta; University Club. Track. Student. 248 S. 22d St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1919 Paul Charles August Bein o m 'N Musical Club. Student. 1729 Wallace St., Philadelphia. Pa. Joseph Wilson Borden v. h *'M Student. 4622 Wayne Ave., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Ellvvood Baker Cunningham y. c 'M Crew; Swimming; Pennsylvanian Board. Student. 209 S. 42d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Frederick Lewis Freeman Ol'v Member Germantown Cricket, Huntingdon Valley Country and Philadelphia Cricket Clubs. Student. 150 School House Lane. Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. Jacob Hagenbuch Initiated by the Eta 678 Warren Burrows Hampton Track. Student. 804 Corinthian Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Douglas Papke Kingston 173 Lancaster Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. William Gaulbert Larzelere York Rd., Hatboro, Pa. TAU CHAPTER y. v'N K p 'v Kt'v s ''N Thomas Massey, Jr. Crew. Member Undine Boat and Philadelphia Athletic Clubs. Student. 2039 Ontario St., Philadelphia, Pa. John Doughty Moore o f "M Musical Clubs. Member Haddon Country Club. Student. 257 Kings Highway, West Haddonfield, N. J. Lewis Morgan Parsons K b V Musical Clubs. Crew. Student. 300 S. 36th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Otis Mason Pollard x q 'N Delta Sigma Rho; Philomathean. Univ. De- bate. Student. Crozer Seminary, Chester, Pa. Herbert Williams Richter O r ^v Musical Club. Student. East Williston. N. Y. John Reed Smucker, Jr. Assoc. Editor Pennsylvanian. Member Merion Cricket Club (Haverford, Pa.). Student. 225 S. 41st St . Philadelphia, Pa. Victor Albert Weiser O d '[x Football; Crew. Student. Hotel Foster, Des Moines, Iowa. 1920 Allen Kinney Brehm O 1 Q^ Student. 389 Elmwood Ave.. Buffalo. N. Y. KgV Benjamin Griffith Calder Student. 1665 Harrison St., Frankford, P Theodore Walter Gerhardy Student. 744 Summit Ave., Milw; Frank Drake Harris Student. 326 S. Water St., Pi Israel Ely Hough Student. 524 Butler Ave., Air Howard William Kane Student. 127 South Ave.. Syracuse, N. John Comrie Madness Student. 56 Bartlett Ave., Pittsfield. :Mas John Edward Maynard Student. 124 Walnut St., East Orange. Iv I'homas Joseph O'Xeil, Jr Student. Nutley, N. J. Edward Bagby Pollard Student. Crozer Seminary, Upland, Pa. Fillmore Kirker Robeson Student. 15 Arnold Park, Rochester. N. ' Edward Mullin Shields Student. 744 Summit Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Student. 326 S. Water St., Providence, R. I. Student. 524 Butler Ave., Ambler, Pa. [1919-20 K g w Olw f a KhQ V X c A Or a, Klw KcQ b to^ 7. r 7. Student. 504 W. Union St., West Chester, Pa. William Flenry Sisson Student. 41 Brinton Terrace, Pittsfield, Mass. Duncan McGlashan Spencer Student. 6719 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Edwin Hornberger A'are, Jr. Student. Ambler. Pa. Kccc Oh A Kgw Og 7. MU CHAPTER FOUNDED MAY 22, 1891 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 1875 Charles Sheldon ^McDonald Member Detroit Club. Lawyer. 715 Hamond Bldg. ; res. 70 Josephine .\ve., De- troit, Mich. 1876 er^ John Sinclair Clark* A. B. 1876. Prof, of Latin, Univ. of Minn. Kducator. _ d. 19 U John Corrin Hntchinson p $° X A. B. 1876. Prof, of Greek, Univ. of Minn. Educator. 3806 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 1879 Walter Scott Barrett* tj $° 6 B. S. 1879. Draughtsman. d. 1906 Frederick Capin Bowman B. S. 1879; M. D. 1881 Hahnemann Med. Coll. Member Minn. State Homeopathic Inst, and Am. Inst, of Homeopathy. Phvsician and Surgeon. 503 Palladio B'dg.; res. 119 Sixth .\ve. W., Duluth, Minn. William Winchester Keysor T T° A B. L. 1879; LL. B. 1883 Wash. Univ. Law School. \'aledietorian. Prof, of Law, Wash. I'niv. Law School: Judge Dist. Court. Omaha, Xebr., 11 years; Member School Board, Kirk- wood, Mo.; Supt. Public .Schools, Austin, Minn., 79-81. .\uthor "A Manual of Medical Jurispru- dence." Member ^[onday Evening Club (Kirk- wood, Mo.). Educator. Washington L'niversity, St. Louis; res. 122 N. I'ilmore Ave., Kirkwood, Mo. Chelsea Joseph Rockwood .\. B. 1879. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Sigma. .\tty. Board of Park Commissioners, Minneapo- lis. Member Minneapolis and University Clubs. Lawyer. 606 Andrus Bldg.; res. 1917 Franklin Ave. \V., Minneapolis, Minn. George Burt Thompson 0Q° X A. B. 1879. Merchant. 202 Chamber of Commerce; res. 139 Forrest St., .Medford, Mass. 1880 Andrew Holt SA°c B. L. 1880. Assoc. Justice Supreme Court of Minn. Jurist. State Capitol. St. Paul; res. 2542 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph Elisha Horton G A° c B. L. 1880. Banker. (312 Lindelle Block, Spokane, Wash.) __ Albert William Rankin e A° Z .\. B. 1880. Theta Phi. \'aledictorian. State Inspr. and Supt. of Schools; Prof, of Education. Educator. L'niversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Minn. 1881 George Briggs Aiton PF° A A. B. 1881; A. M. 1885. School Inspr.; Teacher Dist. Schools, 74-76; Supt. Schools, Zumbrota, Minn., 81-82; Owatonna, 82-84; Austin, 85-86; Principal East Side High School, 86-93; State Inspr. High Schools of Minn., 93- 14; Member National Educational Assn. (Pres. Dept. Secondary Education, 97); Pres. North Cen- tral Assn. of Colls, and Secondary Schools, 01. Educator. C.rand Rapids, Minn. Bradley Phillips ^•° X B. L. 1881. Member Calhoun Commercial Club; Minneapolis Builders Assn. Contractor. 7 W. 26th St.; res. 2431 Pleasant Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. 1882 William Wvckoff Clark Y]0°i B. S. 1882. 1st Prize, 81 and 1st Place, 82 Univ. Oratorical Assn.; 3d Place, 81 and 1st Prize. 82 State Oratorical .\ssn.: 3d Place, 82 Interstate Oratorical Assn. Member Minneapo- lis Athletic Club. Real Estate. 424 Plymouth B'.dg., Minneapolis: res. 2268 Commonwealth Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Frank Healy A. B. 1882; LL. B. 1884 State Univ. of Wis. Theta Phi. City Atty. Minneapolis, 97-11. Member University, Commercial and Elks Clubs. Lawyer. 680 MU CHAPTER [1882-8; Metropolitan Life Bldg. ; res. 1800 Humboldt Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Frank Nichols Leavens A. B. 1882. Farmer. Sylvan, Wash. Henry Francis Nachtrieb pT°X B. S. 1882. Phi Beta Kappa: Sigma Xi. Prof. of Animal Biology and Head Dept. of Animal Biology, Univ. of Minn.; Fellow Am. Soc. Advancement of Science. Author "The Lateral Line System of Polyodon;" "The Primitive Pores of Polyodon Spathula." Member Am. Soc. of Naturalists; Am. Assn. of Anatomists; Am. Genetic Assn.; Am. Assn. of Univ. Pro- fessors; Campus Club. Educator. University of Minnesota; res. 905 Sixth St., S. F.., Minneapolis, Minn. 1883 John Henry Barr P$o A B. M. E. 1883; M. S. 1888; M. M. E. 1889 Cornell. Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Pi. Formerly Prof. Minnesota and Cornell; Trustee Cor- nell; Pres. Syracuse Chamber of Commerce; Chairman N. Y. State Voting Machine Com- mission. Author "Kinematics of Machinery"; Co-Author "Elements of Machine Design." Member Am. Assn. for Advancement of .Science; Am. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers; Franklin Inst.; Psi Upsilon, Engineers', Cor- nell University, Hardware, Citizens' and Technology (Syracuse) Clubs. Father of John Henry Barr, Jr., Chi 13. Chief Engineer. Remington Typewriter Co., 374 Broadway; res. 2345 Broadway, New York, N. Y. William Eastmann Fay er^ Edward Corydon Jones* B. S. 1883. Salesman. George Nelson Salisbury A. B., 1883; M. D. 1889 Harvard. Boylston Soc. Salutatorian. Crew, 86. House Phys. Children's, Boston City and Lying-in Hosps.; Visiting Phys. Carney Hosp.; Consulting Phys. Med. Dept. Boston Dispensary and Boston Floating Hosp. Member Am. Med. Assn.; Mass. Med. Soc.; Soc. for Med. Improvement and Children's Hosp. Alumni Club. Physician. 366 Commonwealth Ave., Boston; res. 173 Babcock St., Brookline, Mass. d. 1908 m:° v. B. S. 1883. _ Delta Sigma. Assoc. Editor Ariel. Dir. Climatic Service, Washington and Alaska. Author "Climate of Washington." Member Seattle Commercial Club; Seattle Turnverein. Meteorologist. U. S. Weather Bureau, 1405 Hoge Bldg.; res. 916 19th Ave., Seattle, Wash. 1884 Nathan Morton Baker Q° A B. S. 1884; M. D. 1889 Univ. of Pa. Phi Beta Kappa. Former Member City Board of Health. Member University Club. Physician. 524 Old National Bank Bldg.; res. 945 E. Mis- sion Ave., Spokane, Wash. Frank Davis Hill Q W° B LL. B. — . U. S. Consul. Irving Weber Matthews* C. K. 1884. Broker. d. 1908 Frank Hugh Montgomery M. D. 1888 Rush Med. Coll. Physician. Henry Hastings Sibley Rowell © T° 3 B. S. 1884. Hermean; Archery Club; Oratori- cal Assn. (Sec). Editor Ariel. Member Lew- iston Board of Education, Independent School Dist. No. 1; Pres. Lewiston Orchards Assembly; Justice of the Peace. Author "Horticulture in the Lewiston Country." Member Lewiston Commercial Club. Fruit Grower and Journalist. R. R. No. 2, Box 35, Lewiston, Idaho. 1885 Charles William Moulton ^ A° v A. B. 1885; Ph. D. 1889 Johns Hopkins. Phi Beta Kappa. Prof, of Chemistry, Vassar Col- lege. Educator. Vassar College; res. 21 Barclay St., Pough- keepsie, N. Y. 1886 John William Adams A. B. 1886: V. M. D. 1892 Univ. of Pa. Prof, of Surgery and Obstetrics, Veterinary Dept., Univ. of Pa. Author "Textbook of Horseshoe- ing." Veterinary Surgeon. 39th St. and Woodland Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 1887 Thomas Henry Croswell P K° S B. S. 1887. Member .^m. Soc. of Civil Engi- neers. Civil Engineer. Electric Light Plant: res. 321 Holly St., Brain- erd, Minn. Adelbert Orsman Dinsmoor p Y° X B. S. 1887. Rancher and Percheron Breeder. Pomona Blvd., El Monte, Cal. Alfred Burt Gould A A° A A. B. 1887. Phi Beta Kappa. Clergyman. Pittsford. Mich. Christopher Graham A A° S B. S. 1887; v. M. D. 1892 Univ. of Pa. and M. D. 1894. Theta Phi. Physician. 102 S. Franklin St.; res. 813 Dubuque St., Rochester, Minn. George Henry Hammond A. B. 1887; LL. B. 1890 Columbian Univ. and LL. M. 1891. Football "M." Wabasha County Atty., 97-01. Lawyer. Lake City Bank Bldg.; res. 820 S. Main St., Lake City, Minn. Ralph Murdoch McKenzie* PI° ? d. 1913 A. B. 1887. Librarian. 1887-90] MU CHAPTER 681 William Patton Milliken B. S. 1887. Theta Phi. Supt. Schools, Maple- ton, Fairmont and Cloquet, Minn.; Park City, Utah; Prof, of Science, State Normal School, Chico, Cal.; Chemistry and Toxicology, Oak- land Coll. of Medicine and Surgery. Physician. 2505 San Pablo Ave., Oakland. Cal. Ingerval M Olsen pr° A B. S. 1887. Elected Dist. Judge. 06: Mayor City of Sleepy Eye. 04-06; Pres. School Board, 03-06. Dist. Judge, 9th Dist. Minn. Jurist. "Court Chambers; res. 120 N. Washington St., New Ulm, Minn. Joseph Henry Rosslow A. B, 1887. Member Spokane Univ. and Amateur Athletic Clubs. Lawyer. 514 Hyde Block; res. 1207 Tenth Ave., Spokane, Wash. 1888 Albert Graber HS° A Ulysses Sherman Grant A. B. 1888. Phi Beta Kappa. Asst. Bridge Engineer, Minn. Highway Commission. Civil Engineer. 300 Schubert Bids., St. Paul; res. 2405 S. Sheridan Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. P $° >. B. S. 1888; Ph. D. 1893 Johns Hopkins Univ. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Fellow, 83-92. Geologist on U. S. Geological Survey; 111. Geological Survey; Prof, of Geology and Acting Dean Coll. of Liberal Arts of North- western Univ.; Vice-Pres. Section E, Am. Assn. for Advancement of Science. IS; Pres. 111. State Acad, of Science, 15. Member Univ. Club of Evanston, 111. Educator. University Hall; res. 731 Lincoln St., Evans- ton, 111. Arthur Teall ^lann P A° X B. S. 1888; M. D. 1896 Harvard. Nu Sigma Nu; Boylston Med. See. Claudius M. Jones and Faculty Scholarships (Harvard); Base- ball; Fellow Am. Coll. of Surgeons; Assoc. Prof, of Surgery, Minn. Med. School; Chief Surg. Univ. Division, City Hosp.; Sec.-Treas. Western Surgical Assn.; Pres. Minn. Med. Club; Member Board of Governors, Univer- sity Club. Member Athletic, Minneapolis, La- fayette and University Clubs. Surgeon. 910 The Donaldson Bldg. ; res. 430 Oak Grove St., Minneapolis, Minn. William Dods worth Willard 6 H° X A. B. 1888. Phi Beta Kappa. Football "M." Pre.s. Minn. Bankers' Assn.. 14-15; Chairman State Educational Commission, 13-14; Member School Board. Cashier. First National Bank. 229 S. Front St.; res. 609 S. Broad St., Mankato, Minn. 1889 John Culbert Faries HA°i A. B. 1889; A. M. 1913 Columbia and Ph. D. 1915. Pres. Y. M. C. A. Trustee Macale.ster Coll.; Pastor Glen Avon Presbyterian Church, Duluth, Minn., 05-12; Dir. Duluth Public Library; Pres. Central Council Associated Charities, Duluth. Author "The Rise of Inter- nationaiism;" "National Neighboring." Mem- ber Assn. of Doctors of Philosophy, Columbia Univ. Clergyman and Author. 90 Morningside Drive, New York. N. Y. Arthur Eugene Giddings pH°^ A. B. 1889; LL. B. 1892. Phi Delta Phi. City Atty. Anoka, 2 terms; County Atty., 2 terms; Member Library Board, 9 years; Judge Dist. Court 18th Dist., Minn. Jurist. Court House; res. N. Ferry St.. Anoka, Minn. PA°S Henry Johnson B. L. 1889; A. M. 1902 Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa. Sec. History Teachers' Assn. of Middle States and Md., 06-11; Pres., 13-14; Chairman Board of Editors History Teachers' Magazine, 11. Author "Adapting History to Children;" "Teaching of History in Elementary and Secondary Schools." Brother of Edwin Martin Johnson, Mu 95. Educator. Teachers' College, Columbia Univ.; res. 35 Orient St., Yonkers, N. Y. William Baker Ladue ze° ^I A. B. 1889. Salutatorian. Sec. and Engineer Moro Province, P. I., 07-08; Lieut-Colonel Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. Member Army and Navy (Zamboanga, P. I.), Seminole and Rotary (Jacksonville, Fla.); Army and Navy and West Point (N. Y.) Army and Engi- neers' Mess. (Washington Barracks). Engineer. Corps ^f Engineers, War Department, Wash- ington, D. C. Alonzo Draper Meeds en° A B. S. 1880. Football. Instr. in Chemistry, Univ. of Minn.; City Chemist. City Gas Inspector. City Hall; res. 2424 Harriet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 1890 Charles Devereaux Gould T° X LL. B. 1891. City Atty. Minneapolis. Member Minneapolis, Athletic, Automobile and Chess Clubs. Lawyer. i\Iunicipal Bldg. ; res. 1777 Knox Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. [James] Colfax Grant 0T°| B. S. 1890; LL. B. 1892 Columbian Univ. and LL. M. 1893. Phi Delta Phi. Commencement Orator. Capt. U. S. Vols.. 98 Lawyer. 412 N. W. Bank Bldg. ; res. 138 W. Rustic Lodge Ave.. Minneapolis, Minn. Frederick INIavnard Mann pAX B. C. E. 1892; C. E. 1898; B. S. in Arch. 1894 Mass. Inst, of Tech. and M. S. in Arch. 1895. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. Football. Prof, of Architecture, Univ. of Minn. Member Minneapolis Club. Architect. 744 :McKnight Bldg. ; res. 203 Ridgewood Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Frederick W. Nickerson P S° A Merchant. Elk River, Minn. 682 MU CHAPTER [1890-93 Joseph Brown Pike p A° X A. B. 1890; A. M. 1891. Phi Beta Kappa. Prof. of Latin, Univ. of Minn. Author "Selected Lives of Suetonius." Educator. 118 Folwell Hall, Univ. of Minn.; res. 1025 6th St. S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. 1891 Charles Lincoln Chase 0TA B. S. 1891. Member University, Minneapolis Athletic, Interlachen Countrj- and Lafayette Clubs. Merchant. 123 Nicollet Ave.; res. 1710 Colfax Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. 06° 6 Frederick Lnke Douglas B. C. E. 1891; C. E. 1899. Civil Engineer and Rancher. Public Library; res. 228 N. St. Louis St., Los Angeles, Cal. Asa John Hammond eni A. B. 1891; M. D. 1896. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Sigma. House Phys. Minneapolis City Hosp., 96-97; Med. Staff City Hosp., 07-11; Pres. Minn. State Inst, of Homceopathy, 15. Physician. 616 ^Masonic Temple; res. 2556 Aldrich Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Theodore McFarlane Knappen q Journalist. » (1100 First National Bank Bldg., San Fran- cisco, Cal.) William Beaumont Morris pnA Pres. Y. M. C. A.; Managing Editor Gopher, 91. Dir. Minneapolis Rotary Club Assn. of National Advertisers. Member Minnesota Athletic and Rotary Clubs; Minnesota Adver- tising Forum; Assn. of National Advertisers; Minnesota Civic and Commerce Assn. Manufacturer. The Northwestern Knitting Co., 716 Western Ave.; res. 716 Tenth Ave. S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Herbert Parrish A. B. 1891; A. M. 1894. See Beta Beta 91 Clergyman. Christ Church Rectory; res. 56 Bayard St., Brunswick, N. J. Homer Francis Peirson B. L. 1891; M. D. 1895 Rush Med. Coll. and County Phys. and Coroner. Member Med. Assn.; Minn. State and Mower Co Med. Socs. Physician and Surgeon. 233 N. Main St.; res. 200 S. St. Paul Austin, Minn. BqA New City Am. luitv St. John Frederick Schurch (Damascus Brake Beam Station, Cleveland, Ohio). 1892 Charles Stuart Benson Y n K Co., Collinwood pCq LL. B. 1892; LL. M. 1893. Phi Delta Phi. Member City Council, St. Paul, Minn., 2 terms; City Council, Bend. Oregon. I term Lawyer and Farmer. 859 \Vall St.; res. 115 Greeley Ave., Bend, Oregon. Grant Beebe Rossman e 'J K Editor Ariel; Gopher; Faculty Medal in Ath- letics; Track. Veteran 3d U. S. Cavalry, 98. Member West Side Tennis Club. Journalist. Dow, Jones & Co., 44 Broad St., New York; res. 187 Puritan Ave., Forest Hills, N. Y. X S 'J. PuA Library Board. Fred Andrews Smith Charter Member. Salesman. Murfreesboro, Tenn. 1893 Arthur William Chase E. E. 1893. Pres. Carnegie Member Moultrie Golf Club. Banker. Moultrie, Ga. Merton Stearns Goodnow 6 p X D. M. D. 1897 Coll. of Dentistry. Delta Sigma Delta. Member Board of Education, 9 years; City Library Board, 14 years. Member Union and Gopher Camp Fire Clubs; National and State Dental Socs. Dentist. Hutchinson, Minn. Henry Oliver Hannum p L ^ A. B. 1893; B. I). 1896 Harvard. Glee Club. Pres. Local Ministerial Assn.; Moderator Hampden Comity Congregational Churches ; Pres. Conn. Valley Congregational Club; Con- gregational State Committee of Religious Edu- cation. Clergvman, 59 Pe'arl St , Holyoke, Mass. Albert Fuller Pratt p >. i A. B. 1893; LL. B. 1895. Lawyer. (Anoka, Minn.) John Cochrane Sweet T 8 X LL. B. 1893; LL. M. 1896. Phi Delta Phi. Paige Prize, 93. Lieut. Co. A 15th Minn. Vols., 98: Member Minn. House of Representa- tives, 00-02; Asst. U. S. .\tty., 07-09. Member Minneapolis, Minikahda and Automobile Clubs. Lawyer. 1217 Plymouth Bldg.; res. 526 Eleventh Ave. S. E., Minneapolis, Alinn. Benjamin Chandler Taylor F Q jjl B. -S. 1893: LL. B. 1895. Phi Beta Kappa: Delta Sigma; Phi Delta Phi. Held Glenn Medal, 2 years (Military); Business Mgr. Gopher; Capt. of Cadet Co.; 3d Prize, Pills- bury Oratorical Contest ; Commencement Ora- tor. U. S. Commissiotier; Member Library Board. Lawyer. 201 Odd Fellows Block: res. 808 S. 2d St., Mankato, Minn. Charles Elon Young- 0nA A. B. 1893. Phi Beta Kappa. Editor Ariel; 3d Honor Scholarship; Philosophic Oration. Supt. City Schools. Educator. Wells, Minn. 1893-97J MU CHAPTER 683 1894 David Redman iUirbank Xl-1^ Kappa Beta Phi. Football; Baseball. Member Psi Upsilon (New York) and Ridgewood (N. T.) Country C!ub.«. Transportation. i2 Nassau St., New 'S'ork, N. Y.; res. 11 Walton St., Ridgewood, N. J. .Mton INIorrill Gates 0Di Frank Harvey Clarke* Roland Dougla.s Crocker Lawver. .\. B. 1894. Phi Delta Phi, Member Univer- sity, Sierra Madre and Ocean Park Clubs. Lawyer. 701 Washington Bldg.. Los Angeles; res. 27 Breeze Ave., X'enice, Cal. Pd^ OIX OqA B. S. 1894; M. S. 1895; M. D. 1899. Sigma Xi; Nu Sigma Nu. Member Library Board. Physician and Surgeon. Wnrthington Hospital; res. I'nurth Ave. and 11th St.. Worthington, Minn. Jay Hubbard Manufacturer. (Mankato, Minn.) Frank Melville Manson Albert Edward May A. B. 1894;. E. ^L 1898. Cliarles Fla^^ler Miller Pl^^^ SeX Banker. Samuel Savil Paquin PRS .\. B. 1894. Ilermean; Univ. Choral Union (Sec. and Treas., 2 years). Treas. Tennis Assn., 89-90; Substitute Football, 90. Author "Garden Fairies." '.\ssistant CJeneral Manager. Internationa! Feature Service. 729 Seventh Ave.; res. 235 Fort Washington Ave., New York, N. Y. Thoma.s Alphonzo Rockwell* S ^ B. S. 1894. ^Manager. Joseph Anthony Ten Broeck d. 191! [J. X V B. D. 1895 Seabury Divinity School. Rector Christ Church, Calumet, Midi. Member Mis- eowaubik Club of Calumet. Clergyman. 302 Iroquois St., Laurium, Midi. 1895 Ward Ames, Jr. A. £ ii Member Kitchi Gammi, Northbrook Country, Ouluth Boat, Commercial and Duluth Curling Clubs. Merchant. Board of Trade Bld.L'.; res. 2216 E. 2d St., Duluth, Minn. Carl Hitchcock Fowler [1 A a A. B. 1895; B. S. 1896; A. M. 1897 Columbia and LL. B. 1899. Phi Delta Phi; Archon of Mu. Managing Editor Minnesota Maguzine ; Intercollegiate Debating Team; (Sraduated magna cuni laude. Pres. Trustees Drew Sem. for Young Women; Pres. Methodist Social Union of New York, 3 years; Trustee Madison Ave. M. E. and Old John St. Church. Author "Luke Hitchcock — the Be!oved."' Member Am. Bar Assn.; Sons of Am. Revolution; Acad, of Political Science; Lawyers', Economic and Stuyvesant Yacht Clubs. Lawyer. 55 Libertv St.; res. 338 W. 72d St., New York, N. Y. Frederick James Gilfillan FgA A. B. 1895. Manufacturer. 5415 S. Washington St.; res. Bonneville Hotel, Tacoma, Wash. Edwin Martin Johnson XI n. L. 1895; M. D. 1898. Member Psi Upsilon Club. Brother of Henry Johnson, Mu 89. Physician. 240 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. Lewis Sch wager MIN B. S. 1895; LL. B. 1896. Theta Nu Epsilon; Kappa Beta Phi. Member University, Seattle Ciolf and Country Clubs. Manufacturer. 1301 Fourth .Ave.; res. 943 Tvventv-second ;\ve. N., Seattle, Wash. Archibald Williamson Wilson X P ^ Luke Ingals Wilson 7. ^^' ? ?ilember Union League and City Clubs. Nephew of [Thomas] Archer [Huntington] Brown, Phi 72. Merchant. 528 S. Fifth Ave., Chicago; res. 1827 .\sbury Ave., Evanston, 111. 1896 Edgar Reginald Barton xPv .M. D. 1901 Hamline Univ. Theta Nu Epsilon. Business Mgr. Go f her, 96; Editor Minnesota Magazine. ^lember University C!ub (.Minne- apolis). Physician and Singeon. Frazee, Minn. Henry Lawrence Donahower F r [a LL. B. 1896. Member Town and Coimtry, Uni- versity and White Bear Yacht Clubs. Manufacturer. 252 E. 4th St.; res. 626 C.oodrich .\ve., St. Paul, Minn. [X n co" d. 1913 Victor Hugo* p.. M. E. 1896. Mechanical Engineer. Max Atherton Joslin 1897 Laurence Eustace Horton Q h~ Q B. S. 1897. Board Gopher (3); Minnesota Magazine (3), (4). Member Lafayette, .Minne- apolis, Minikahda and Automobile Clubs. .Manager. Cadillac Co., 16 S. 8th St.; res. 2108 Humboldt. .\ve. S., ^Minneapolis, Minn. 684 MU CHAPTER [1897-19001 Ivan Arthur Parry Qp"A M. D. 1901 Univ. of 111. Theta Nu Epsilon; Kappa Beta Phi. Football: Baseball. Member University, Golf and Country, Athletic and Union (Tacoma) Clubs. Physician and Surgeon. 964 Empire Bldg.; res. 6016 17th St. N. W'., Seattle, Wash. 1898 Franklin Fiske Andrews raS' Charles Gibbons Flanagan F c A B. S. 1898. Football. Head History Dept., WHiatcom High School. Educator. 1323 Dock St.; res. 3819 York St.. Bellingham, Wash. Ernest Tracy Hamlin X h 1" B. S. 1898. Merchant. 82 Old Chamber of Commerce Bldg.; res. 5024 Dupont Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. John Martin Harrison X h~ W LL. B. 1899. Phi Delta Phi. Football (1), C2) ; Capt. (3), (4); Asst. Coach, 98. State Repre- sentative in Legislature, 15. Member Minneap- olis, ^Minneapolis Athletic and Minikahda Clubs. InsiU'ance. 520 First National-Soo Line Bldg.; res. 2509 Irving Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. XXs^ Joseph Goodwin Hubbell B. S. 1898. Insurance. 108 S. La Salle St.. Chicago; res. 719 Madison St., Evanston, 111. Egbert Simmons Oakley E o " LL. B. 1898. Lawyer. (Duluth, Minn.) 1899 Edward Wright Bartley Manufacturer. Racine Lumber & Mfg. Co., 508 Robinson Bldg. res. 102 10th St., Racine, Wis. T b X Harry Emmett Carney Manufacturer. Mankato. Minn. Walter Gibbs Hudson FcT yirx Member Minneapolis, Minikahda, Lafayette and Automobile Clubs. Merchant. 713 Chamber of Commerce; res. 2400 Pillsbury Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. FrX Charles Arthur Ridgway Dir. Dayton Civic Music League; Guarantor Dayton Symphony Assn. Member Hills and Dales Club. Musician. Dayton Conservatory of Music; res. 127 W. Monument Ave.. Dayton, Ohio. X w "B E. M. 1899. Chairman Committee f^i Safety First, Minneapolis; Civic and Commerce Frank Merton Warren Assn.; Trustee Plymouth Congregational, Church. Member Psi Upsilon Assn. of Minn.;i Civic and Commerce Assn.; Am. Inst, of Me-I chanical Engineers; Minneapolis, University;! Minneapolis Athletic and Minikahda Clubs;) Touring: Club of France. Consulting Mining Engineer. 1224 First National-Soo Line Bldg.; res. 34271 Humboldt Ave. S., Minneapolis, ]\iinn. Harold Burney W'illard Paul Eldredge Wilson Xw X w r] Member Union League, Glenvievv and Cityj Clubs. See Omega 99 Merchant. 528 S. Fifth Ave.; res. 5136 Ellis Ave., Chicago 111. 1900 Harrv Munsell Beck Xb'«Ii Branch Manager. Pacific Coast Adjustment Bureau, 223 Kearns Bid?.; res. 1979 S. 5th St. E., Salt Lake City, Utah. Ralph Todd Boardman XbX LL. B. 1900. Phi Delta Phi. Editor Ariel. Pres. Psi Upsilon Assn. of Minn.. 16. Member University and Auto Clubs; Civic and Com- merce Assn. Lawyer. New York Life Bldg.; res. 4434 Fremont Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. George Emerson Cole . X c S' B. S. 1900. Merchant. Edwin Vincent Derickson X d' A Merchant. 18 N. 3d St.; res. 238 W. Franklin Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. Carl Benjamin Haywood 7 h 5' St.; res. 1315 Rural St., Merchant. 513 Commercial Emporia, Kans. Frederick Augustus Hubbard F h i' Charles Goodrich Ireys X t S' B. S. 1900. Football; Athletic Editor Ariel, Pres. Board of Mgrs. Wells Memorial House, 14-15. Member Minneapolis, Minikahda, Wood- hill Country and Automobile Clubs. Manufacturer. Russell-Miller Milling Co.. 432 Security Bldg.; res. 401 Groveland Ave.. Minneapolis, Minn. Horace Lowrv FeB' B. S. 1900. Member Minneapolis, Minnesota, Athletic, Minikahda and University (Chi- cago and St. Paul Clubs. Transportation. 11th St. and Hennepin Ave.; res. 1821 Logan Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Edear Horton Pierson TP Member Minneapolis Automobile Club. Salesman. Washburn-Crosby Co.; res. 1715 Logan Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Morris Stratton Xs$ Salesman. 1901-041 I\1U CHAPTER 685 1901 Ralph Emerson Herring X 1^' i^ Football. Graduate U. S. Coast Artillery School, 08; Advanced Course, 11; Capt. Coast Artillery Corps U. S. Army. Officer U. S. Army. Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C; res. Fort Worden, Wash. Warren Hale Horton ^Merchant. (Mayville, N. Dak.) rhs' \\'alter Birney Nettleton y m' Y Member University, College, Rainier and Golf Clubs. Manufacturer. Twenty-sixth Ave. S. W. and Railroad Ave W-; res. 620 W. Lee St., Seattle. Wash. James Park Quirk A q z Member Minneapolis Club. Minneapolis Club, Minneapolis, Minn. 1902 Edmund Whitney Alger i a X' M. D. 1902. Member Minneapolis Athletic, Automobile and St. Anthony Commercial Clubs. Physician and Surgeon. 510 Physicians and Surgeons Bldg. ; res. 1227 University Ave., Minneapolis, INIinn. Carl Boardman XhT M. D. 1904 Univ. of Pa. H. C. Wood Med. Soc. ^Member Univ. Club, Gary, Ind. See Tau 04 Physician and Surgeon. 522 Broadway; res. 630 Buchanan St., Gary, Ind. Chandler Carroll Bolcom Engineer. Harvey Chandler Carr rb"z X c "T C. E. 1902. Salesman. Wells-Dickey Co., McKnight Bldg., Minne- apolis; res. 625 Grand Ave., St. Paul, Minn. William Gould Compton rc"A LL. B. 1902. Phi Delta Phi. Asst. City Atty. Member Spanish-Am. War Veterans; Loyal Legion. Lawyer. City Hall; res. 19 W. 2Sth St., Minneapolis, Minn. James Franklin Hendrickson, Jr. Initiated by the Delta Earl Whipple Ward 7 w ^ Real Estate. (Percy Ward, Waseca, Minn.) Eugene Frederick Warner w M. D. 1902. Physician. 242 Lowry Bldg.; res. 399 Holly Ave.. St. Paul, Minn. George Taylor Webb O w ~H LL. B. 1902. Phi Delta Phi. Member Minne- apolis Club. Lawyer. EUendale; res. Merricourt, N. Dak. 1903 Seavey Moor Bailey F b s' A. B. 1903; LL. B. 1905. Dept. of Economics Scholarship. Seedsman. Florence, Mont. William Harry McCollom 7 m "H Phi Delta Phi. Member Minnesota and Uni- versity Clubs (St. Paul). Broker. 417 Second Ave. S.; res. 520 Forest Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Rov Newton Pierson Xpx' Arthur Henry Rand Member Minneapolis, Woodhill and Lafayette Clubs. Livestock. i 1242 McKnight Bldg.; res. 228 Clifton Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Xr3^ Officer of Corporation. Minneapolis Gas Light Co., IS S. 7th St.; res. 128 Clifton Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Theodore Augustus Sammis, Jr. vs'S (1714 Hawthorne Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.) Leonard Robbins Welles F w H" Member Minneapolis, Minikahda, Lafayette, Automobile and University Clubs. Merchant. 1242 McKnight Bldg.; res. 2011 Pillsbiiry Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 1904 Charles Albert Bartleson Member Spokane, University and Amateur Athletic Clubs. Merchant. Consolidated Supply Co., W. 1310 Ide Ave.; res, W. 913 Twelfth Ave., Spokane, Wash. XbO Xbp' Samuel Thayer Bass Arthur Sherwin French X 9 "I (416 Endicott Bldg., St. Paul, Minn.) [Charles] Joseph Thomson XtP A. B. 1904; LL. B. 1907 St. Paul Colt, of Law. Scabbard and Blade. Pillsbury Oratorical Con- test. 03-04; Tennis. Member Commercial Club. Insurance. William B. Joyce & Co., 702 Merchants' Natl. Bank Bldg.; res. 813 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Ralph De Witte Wilcox F o T Member Minneapolis, Minneapolis Athletic, Minikahda, Lafayette, Automobile and Uni- versity (St. Paul) Clubs. Manager. Factory Wood Co., 1030 Marshall St. N. E.; res. 2107 Pleasant Ave., Alinneapolis, Minn. 686 MU CHAPTER 1904-08 1905 Donald Twogood Boardman X b ::' E. M. 190.'i Columbia. Member Brentwood Country Club. See Lambda OS Contractor. 1107 Story Bldg.; res. 2114 Council St., Los Angeles, Cal. George Albert Boardman Ybn" Contractor. 1107 W. P. Story Bldg.; res. 937 S. Alvarado St., Los Angeles, Cal. Arthur Sherwin French Phi Delta Phi. Real Estate. Winter, Wis. Roger Gray Actor. William Daniels Harris* See Beta 06 Gale Clifford Merrick See Lambda 05 (560 Portland Ave., St. Paul. Minn.) Charles Haglin Rinker Archie Dean Walker (0 y rh"i d. 1908 r m 7l' Yr n X l3 IZ' Member Minneapolis, Minikahda and Minne- tonka Yacht Clubs. See Chi 06 Manufacturer. Red River Lumber Co., 809 Hennepin Ave.; res. 419 Groveland Ave., Minneapolis. Minn. Dwight Keyes Yerxa y y G' Manufacturer. 622 Flour Exchange; res. 419 Oak Grove St., Minneapolis, Minn. 1906 Lee Emmet Tves XiK^ Charles Arthur Lang B. S. 1905 Mich. Coll. of Mines. Tau Beta Pi. Manager. Engineering and Mining Journal, Tenth Ave. and 36th St., New York; res. 8 Vista Ave., Bay- side, N. Y. XIK^ E. E. 1906. Tau Beta Pi; Snake and Skull; Song and Stein. Member Athletic Club; Am. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers. Superintendent. Northwestern Consolidated Milling Co., 1st St. and Fifth Ave. S.; res. 2300 S. Irving Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Charles Rolfe McCollom y m o' B. S. 1905 Mich. Coll. of Mines and E. M. 1906. Tau Beta Pi. Member Am. Inst, of Mining Engineers. Mining Engineer. Oatman, Ariz.; res. 390 S. Grand Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Frederick RitziiiQer QSK' Member University and White Bear Yacht Clubs. Department Manager. Robinson, Straus & Co., Park Sq. ; res. 45 S. St. Albins St., St. Paul, Minn. George Frederick Robb Frank \Vallis Teasdale rto^ Merchant. 125 N. 7th St.; res. 2109 Pleasant Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. 1907 Kenneth Gray Brill Tbr LL. B. 1907 St. Paul Coll. of Law. Phi Delta Phi; Snake and Skull. Asst. Corporation Atty., City of St. Paul, 09-13. Member Minnesota Club. Lawyer. 1408 Merchants' National Bank Bldg.; res. 1060| Goodrich Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Harold Godfrey Cook XcV Member Town and Country Club (St. Paul). Contractor. 823 Plymouth Bldg.; res. 2125 Kenwood Park- way, Minneapolis, Minn. William Wallace Grant Harry William Heine TgV r h r (Vipond Porcupine Mines Co., Aurora Lake, Ontario, Canada). August Hoeveler Kennedy XkS'j Member University and .St. Paul Athletic Clubs. Rcsl £std.tc 93 E. 4th St.; res. 27 Kenwood Parkway, St. Paul, Minn. Robert Emmet Kennedy F k A' Member University Club; St. Paul Assn. of Commerce. Printer. 8th and Temperance Sts. ; res. 1473 Fairmount Ave., St. Paul, Minn. James Alexander Robb 7 r A' (Calgary, Alberta, Canada). Harold Birdsey Smith y s S Member St. Paul Athletic and St. Paul Auto | Clubs. Real Estate. 48 E. 4th St.; res. 1009 Hague Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Alfred Marcy Swenson y s '/C (Purity Bread Co., Minneapolis, Minn.) 1908 Paul Thorndyke Bailey X b N' (84 Willow St., Minneapolis, Minn.) Franklin Chaffee Farnam See Lynn Chaffee Farnam Lynn Chaft'ee Farnam X f N' E. M. 1908 Colo. School of Mines. Contractor. 652 Plymouth Bldg.; res. 2644 Harriet Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. John Joseph Kennedy T k M' E. M. 1908. Thcta Tau; Snake and Skull. Manager. 1908-10] MU CHAPTER Ingersoll-Rand Co., 300 Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Alexander Miller ]\IcDougall X m S' Member Duluth Boat, Duluth Commercial, Northland Country and University (St. Paul) Clubs. Officer of Corporations. S. Seventh Ave. \V.; res. 1005 E. 1st St., Duluth, Minn. Addison Miller T A° X' Contractor. 803 Lincoln Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Stephen Gano Palmer, Jr. 7 p M" Merchant. 228 6th St. N.; res. 1952 Penn Ave. S., Minne- apolis, Minn. r p M' vr M' XsN" Triangle. Mandolin and Glee Clubs. Pres. Twin City Merchant Tailors' Assn.; Dir. St. Paul .\thletic and Minnesota Boat Clubs. Member University, St. Paul Athletic and Minnesota Boat Clubs. Merchant. 407 Merchants' National Bank Bldg.; res. 187 S. Fairview Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Charles Edward Power (475 Holley Ave.. St. Paul, Minn.) William Rhodes, Jr. t583 Lincoln Ave., St. Paul, Alinn.) Carleton Phillip Schaub Tames Russell Smith Y s M' A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1910. Phi Delta Phi; Mitre; Scabbard and Blade. Major 1st Battalion Cadet Corps. Member University Club. Lawyer. 754 McKnight Bldg.; res. 1325 Hawthorne Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Edmund Levings Warren X [/. N' M. D. 1910 Columbia. Omega Upsilon Phi; Omega Club. Chief Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic, St. Paul Free Acad. Physician and Surgeon. 710 Lowry Bid.?.; res. 647 Lincoln Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 1909 David Mayo Berkman initiated by the Rho Samuel Henry Bowman, Jr. F b A' LL. B. 1910 Yale. Phi Delta Phi. Member .Minneapolis. Minikahda, Lafayette. University (St. Paul). Woodhill Country and Vale (New York) Clubs. Merchant. 1121 Lumber Exchange Bldg. ; res. 1901 Colfax .\ve. S., .Minneapolis, Minn. Wilkes Perry Covey Merchant. Northrup. King & Co., Minneapolis, Minn. QcZ' 2520 Grand Ave. S. 687 Rancher. Lytle; res. 1528 Mesa Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. TsA' Allyn Farmer Perkins Rancher. Lytle; fes. 1528 Mesa Av( Colo. Karl Anthony Schaller .Salesman. Westinghouse E. & M. Co., 1400 Alaska Bldg.; res. 1811 N. 47th St., Seattle, Wash. Y s a Lytton James Shields (911 Lincoln Ave., St. Paul, Minn.) Harry Alfred Shull Manufacturer. Shull Lumber & Shingle Co., P. O. Box 973. New Westminster; res. 3738 Pine Crescent, Van- couver, B. C, Canada. Ralph Walter Charles Shull 7 s a*" Member Minikahda, Lafayette, Automobile, Minneapolis, White I5ear Yacht and University (St. Paul) Clubs. .Merchant. 722 Lumber Exchange; res. 2518 Third Ave. S., .Minneapolis, Minn. Roll in Leonard Smith X S 6)' LL. B. 1914; Litt. B. 1911 Princeton. Member Minneapolis Athletic, Lafayette and St. Paul LIniversity Clubs. Lawyer. 625 New York Life Bldg.; res. 711 Douglas Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Eliakim Torrance, Jr. P p A'' C. E. 1909. Theta Tau; Snake and Skull. Ath- letic Board of Control; Business Mgr. Gopher. Member University Club. Real Estate. 206 Andrus Bldg.; res. 5050 Dupont Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Alvah Hall Warren, Jr. X w Q' Theta Tau; Snake and Skull. Sec. Psi Upsi- lan Assn. of Minn. Member White Bear Yacht, University (St. Paul) and Minneapolis Clubs. Salesman. 842 Security Bldg., Minneapolis; res. 645 Fair- mont .\ve., St. Paul, Minn. Williams Allen Warren y w a Member L^niversity Club. Real Estate. 1010 Merchants' Bank Bldg.; res. 591 Lincoln •Ave., St. Paul. Minn. 1910 William Busly Atkinson (BarnesviUe, Minn.) Harold Douglas Crassweller ACf YcB'^ Earl Foster Hedderlv 11 y. Estimator. (Jacobson Brother, 419 Columbia Bldg. 2016 E. 6th St., Duluth, Minn.) Henry Earl Farnam E. M. 1910. Football. Contractor. Farnam Brothers Co., Minneapolis, .Minn. Franklin Stowe Fish Initiated by the Rho YfB' 688 MU CHAPTER [1910-13 Samuel Shelby Magoffin K m A' Member University Club of St. Paul. Contractor. Prince George, British Columbia; res. 540 Sum- mit Ave., St. Paul, ^linn. Donald Sarles Simpson X s W Rancher. Gooding, Idaho. Murray Randolph Waters -( w F' LL. B. 1912. Phi Delta Phi; Song and Stein. Member Minneapolis Athletic Club. Real Estate. as Security Bldg. ; res. 4822 Aldrich Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. 1911 George Alfred Carleton x ^ ^^''' LL. B. 1911. Lawyer. 600 New York Life Bldg.; res. 1826 Portland Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Philip Hemenway Chadburne y c T' Loyal Neal Cole KcA' Merchant. (1413 University Ave.; res. 109 Oak Grove St., ^linneapolis, Minn.) Frank Richard Crocker TcB' Frederic Crosby M. E. 1911. Track. Member Minnesota. Uni- versity, Minnesota Boat, Athletic and Town and Country Clubs. Department Manager. American Hoist & Derrick Co., 63 S. Robert St.; res. 2010 Summit Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Edward Rice Drake Y d V (416 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, Minn.) Julian Perkins Farnam T f x' M. E. 1911. Theta Tau. Contractor. 652 Plymouth Bldg.; res. 3345 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Allen Laird Goodman PgX' A. B. 1911. Tarn O'Shanter; Snake and Skull; Song and Stein. Member Duluth Boat, Duluth Commercial, Duluth Curling, Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country and Meridian Cubs. Manufacturer. Duluth Universal Milling Co., 506 Board of Trade Bldg.; res. 1118 E. 1st St., Duluth. Minn. Donald Goodrich A Y W Member Automobile, Lafayette, Minikahda, Minneapolis and University (St. Paul) Clubs. Superintendent. Minneapolis St. Railway Co.; res. 104 \V. Franklin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward Charles Haglin Q h ' Member Minneapolis Athletic and University (St. Paul) Clubs. Cohtractor. 226 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. Arthur Stanley Hill K n S^ E. M. 1911. Theta Tau; Grey Friars. Track, 10; Capt., 11; Football, 10. Member Am. Inst, of Mining Engineers. Metallurgist. Hecla Mining Co., Gem; res. 28 Cottage (irove, Wallace, Idaho. Roger Stevens Kennedy y ^^ ^ Member University Club. ]\Ierchant. Kennedy Brothers Arms Co.; res. 44 Kenwood Parkway, St. Paul, Minn. John Whitney Lewis T 1 X' Millard Plalpin McDonald Q\t.^' LL. B. 1911. Phi Delta Phi. Member Min- neapolis Athletic, University, Trafiic and Inter- lachen Country CluT>s. Brother of Walter Thomas McDonald. Mu 11. Traffic Manager. McDonald Brothers Co., 500 First Ave. N.; res. 2400 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Walter Thomas McDonald Q m ^^ Member LTniversity Club. Brother of Millard Halpin McDonald, Mu 11. Buyer. McDonald Bros. Co., 500 First Ave. N.; res. 2400 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Allan Tiburtius Miller A \). $' (803 Lincoln Ave., St. Paul, Minn.) Alexander Davis Robertson Q p $' Walter Richardson (1018 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.) Clinton Willis Roenisch IT r T"" A. B. 1911. Merchant. 516 Grain Exchange; res. 1804 Centre St. gary, Alberta, Canada. Cal- AbO)' 1912 Robert Langdon Brooks Ph. B. 1914 Yale. Scabbard and Blade; Song and Stein. Minneapolis and Minikahda Clubs. Merchant. The I,eader Mercantile Co., 251 Nicol'et Ave., res. 1630 W. 26th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Samuel Sturgis Lawler 2 1 y' See Chi 14 (Thompson Starrett Co., 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111.; res. 1784 Colfax Ave. S., Minne- apolis, Minn.) Henry Harvey McNair A m ' Capt. Freshman Football; Baseball; Track; Hockey (Yale.) Member University Club. Merchant. Endicott Bldg.; res. 439 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 1913 Andrew De Groff Berkev EbT Member Transportation, University and Coun- try (St. Paul) Clubs. Transportation. (Meat Northern Ry. Co., King St. Station. Seatt'e, Wash. 1913-15] MV CHAPTER 689 William Ward Crawford W c E' I'lii Kappa Betn: Canteen: (Jargoyle. Football; (.rew. Member Dulnth Anto, Duluth Commer- cial, Meridian and Curling Clubs. See Tau 14 I'ndertaker. 20i \\. 2<\ St.; res. 1201 E. 2d St., Duluth, Minn. Raljib heon Goetzenbero^er M' g t H. .'^. 1913; E. E. 1914. Theta Tau. Electrical Engineer. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y.; res. 2621 Emerson Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Charles Frederic Haglin, Jr. A h $'' B. S. 1913 Mass. Inst, of Tech. Theta Tau; Snake and Skull; Song and Stein; !Mitre (Minn.); Hammer and Tongs (Mass. Inst, of Tech.). Business ^Igr. G other. Member Minneapolis Athletic and University (St. Paul) Clubs. Contractor. 226 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. Robert G. Hopwood B h Y' Member Minneapolis, Minneapolis Athletic and Miiiikahda Clubs. Financier. 638 McKnight Bldg.; res. 2301 Newton Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. 1914 Be s-^ Henry Hyatt Caldwell (Hastings, Minn.) William Rinehart Everett ^F d u' B. S. 1913; E. E. 1914. Engineers' See; Alpha Kappa Sigma. Manager. Sales Co., Waseca, Minn. WgZ^ Archibald Glas.s Walter Joseph Kennedy ^'* k "C^ A. B. 1914. Scabbard and Blade; Adelphian Soc. Member University Club. 27 Kenwood Parkway. St. Paul. Minn. Edward Kopper, Jr. K k T*" B. S. 1913; M. E. 1914. Theta Tau; Grey Friars; Athletic Board of Control. Member St. Paul University and White Bear Yacht Clubs. Engineer. Minnesota Manufacturers' Assn. North St.; res. 438 Portland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Martin John Kuehn B k T' Member Dacotah and Minnehaha Country Clubs. Merchant. 501 N. Phillips Ave.; res. 632 W. 9th St., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Tames Roscoe McCabe B h -^ Adelphian. Division Superintendent. International Elevator Co., 627 Board of Trade Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Ralph Charles Marr Initiated by the Omega John Glasgow Rayley ^I' r Z,^ Member Press Club of Omaha; Benedicts, Blue Pencil and Omaha Field Clubs. Journalist. Omaha Daily News; res. 106 S. 52d St., Omaha, Nebr. , Fletcher Rockwood '^^ r C B. S. in Engineering 1914; M. E. 1915. Theta Tau; Scabbord and Blade. Student. 1917 W. Franklin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. James Clowdsley Walker, Jr. A m <^' M. D. 1914 Med. Coll. of Va. Nu Si.gma Nu. Football. Student. Mayo Clinic. Rochester, Minn. Gilman Hatch Wisner See Tau 16 (Eldora, Iowa). 1915 Frank Henry Carleton BwT' T p S' A. B. 1915. White Dragon. Salesman. 301 Metropolitan Life Bldg.; res. 1826 Portland Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. George Wilson Edgerton ¥f r Tillikum Club; Snake and Skull. Member Minneapolis Athletic Club. Superintendent. Strong-Scott Mfg. Co., 415 3d St. S. ; res. 2720 Bryant Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Frederick Hackett Gates ¥ b S' Member University Club. Banker. Capital Trust & Savings Bank, Capital Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Harry Arthur B. Gummer B G H' Bow and Wing. Rancher. Eureka, Mont. Albert Clark Haines WhT Salesman. 44th and Bryant Aves. N.; res. 2108 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis. Minn. Lyle Kay Johnson T g S' Assistant Purchasing Agent. Lunn & Sweet Shoe Co., Auburn, Maine. William Hubert Kennedy ^ c S' A. B. 1915. Grey Friars; Garrick Club; White Dragon. Member University and W'hite Bear Yacht Clubs. Manufacturer. Illinois Steel Co.. 1404 Pioneer Bldg.; res. 27 Kenwood Parkway, St. Paul, Minn. T h S' Charles Dudley Kerr E. M. 1915. Sigma Rho; Tau Beta Tau. School of Mines; Pres. Sophomore Miners; All University Council. Mining Engineer. P. O. Box 613, Ely, Minn. William Nelson Marr W r S* Salesman. Montana State Agency for the Allen Automobile, 419 First Ave. N., Great Falls, Mont. Howard Gillmore Mealey W y S' Monticello, Minn. 690 MU CHAPTER [1915-18 Donaldson St. Clair Moorhead W ni S' Member Montclair Athletic Club. Department Manager. U. S. Casualty Co., 80 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y.; res. 81 Edgemont Rd., Montclair, N. J. Harold William Schaub W s Z' Merchant. 407 Merchants' National Bank Bldg. ; res. 632 Lincoln Ave., St. Paul. Mrnn. Robert Raymond Tbompson K X F A. B. 1915; A. M. 1916. Phi Beta Kappa; Cosmopolitan Club; Y. M. C. A. Treas. Graduate Club, 15-16; Dir. of English, Foreign- ers' Work, Y. M. C. A., 14-15; Member Wis- consin Geological Survey, 16. Educator. Williams College, Williamstovvn. Mass.; res. 2610 W. 42d St., Minneapolis, Minn. Cavour Langdon Truesdale ^' t T' B. S. 1915. 2d Lieut. 1st Field Artillery. N. G Minn. Member Minikahda and LTniversity (St. Paul) Clubs. Merchant. 2201 Pillsbury Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 1916 Samuel Putnam Farrington "^ X 11' Member Minneapolis Athletic, University (St. Paul) and Harvard (Minn.) Clubs. Merchant. Winston, Harper. Fisher Co., 119 N. 4th St.; res. 2100 Stevens Ave.. Minneapolis, Minn. KbP' B. S. 1916. Student Branch Am. Soc. Mechanical Engineers. Business Mgr. Minne- haha. Student. 2606 S. Dupont Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. W[illiam] Caldwell Settle W c P' Chester Sherman Moodv Emory Alden Samson w n E' Student. 926 W. 18th St., Des Moines, Iowa. 1917 Frederick William Boutelle K f O'^ Snake and Skull. Pres. Blake School Alumni Assn. Son of Mortimer Hayes Boutelle, Kappa 87. Student 1123 Mt. Curve Ave.. Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph A. Boyer j K' Department Manager. L. A. Donaldson Co., 601 Nicollet Ave.; res. 1806 Third Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. James Archie Clarity \ji- j r White Dragon. Manufacturer. Barrett Co.. 1 Nineteenth Ave. S.; res. 3241 Parle Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Fred Abbott Cutler, Jr. T f A' Theta Tau ; Mitre. 629 E. 19th St., Minneapolis, Minn. William Campbell Moorhead T m 0' Mitre; Snake and Skull; Phi Delta Phi. Student. 2120 S. Fremont Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Theta Tau. Assistant Shop Foreman. Crane Co., 2 S. 20th St.; res. Fairmount Apts., Birmingham, Ala. Willard Arnold von Hagen T h P'' Dramatic and Triangle Clubs. P'irst Corporal Bugle Corps. Advertising. Vogue Magazine. 443 Fourth Ave., New York; res. Main St., Douglaston, N. Y. Emerson Cole Ward T b n' Casque and Gauntlet; The Arts. See Zeta 17 Waseca, Minn. 1918 Leo Paul Butler E f E' Student. 1347 Summit Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Harry Alexander Castor B c F (Waseca, Minn.) Richard Adams CuUum E c A* Skull and Crescent; Sigma Gamma Psi; Tavern; Sigma Delta Chi. Student. 2726 E. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. Lawrence Henry Dow I f N'' Student. 107 Norton Rd., Duluth, Minn. Theron Gardner Gerow ^ S ^"^ Theta Tau; Adelphian Soc; Student Branch Am. Soc. of Mech. Engineers. Student. 5002 Thirty-fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. James Lu.^k Holman Student. 557 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Frank William Hurley T h iV Song and Stein. Hockey. Member White Bear Yacht Club. Student. 935 Portland Ave.. St. Paul, Minn. A j E^ HjE' Eugene Joseph Lilly Student. 223 Grotto St., St. Paul. Minn. John Lucas Locke Student. 607 Goodrich Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Kenneth Dickerson Miller W m F Manufacturer. Russell-Miller Milling Co., Security Bldg.; res. 2215 Garfield Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Spencer Lowell Parker B p F 104 W. 3Sth St., Minneapolis, Minn. Gustave Benjamin Schurmeier I s A'^ Member Garrick Club and Players. 644 Summit Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 1918-20J Russell Denison Thomas MU CHAPTER Ad A' Skull and Crescent: Snake and Skull; Adel- phian. Senior Advisor Board, Junior Year; Sec. Univ. Bureau of Employment. Student. 422 Lincoln Court, Des Moines, Iowa. Edwin ^[aurice Ware B d IT Rcsl Est3tc» (802 Trust and Savings Bldg. ; res. 731 S. Berendo St.. Los Angeles, Cal.) 1919 Howard Conway Bertram Tarn O'Shanter. Student. 2621 Humboldt Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Paul Lincoln Crocker (1721 L^niversity Ave. Minn.) Huber Fifer Everett Student. 925 Forest Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. James ^Monroe Nichols S. E., Minneapolis, ngM' OcN' Minnesota Engineers' Soc. 1728 Humboldt Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Kenneth Cole Poehler 691 K j M" Snake • and Skull. Student. 252 W. Franklin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 1920 Frank Michael Egan Student. 757 Linwood PI., St. Pai Arthur Reitler Helm Student. 1720 Humboldt Ave. S., Kenneth Bostwick O'Brien Student. 3308 Portland Ave. S., Eli Joseph Schwager OaA K d Q, Student. 1720 Humboldt Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Student. 3308 Portland Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn Student. Utica, Minn. Edward Theron Young Of A" Vlinn. KpQ OirA. Student. 662 Goodrich Ave., St. Paul., Minn. RHO CHAPTER FOUNDED MARCH 27, 1896 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON, WISCONSIN 1856 lames Monroe Flower* A. B. 1856; A. M. 1859; LL. B. 1859 Albany Law School. Lawyer. <1. 1909 1858 William Freeman Vila.s* A. B. 1858; A. M. 1861; LL. D. If 1860 Albany Law Scliool. Lawyer. 1861 Farlin Quigley Ball $Hr ?5; LL. B. d. 1908 OX° A' Ph. B. 1861. Phi Beta Kappa; Hesperian. State Atty. Madison, Wis., 66; Judge Superior and Appellate Courts, 95-12; State Atty. Dane County, III.; Judge Advocate, 1st Brigade, N. G. 111.; Veteran Civil War, 31st Wis. Vols.; Ex-Pres. Chicago Bar Assn.; Law Library. Author "Ball on National Banks;" "Banks and Banking." Member State Bar Assn. ; Hon. Member Chicago Bar Assn.; Hamilton and Oak Park Clubs. Retired. 207 Clinton Ave., Oak Park, 111. 1864 John Coit Spooner K0°

Clubs; de L'Institut de Droit Compare, Brussels. Brother of Stephen Strong Gregory, Rho 70. Lawyer and Author. 1502 H St.: res. 2139 Wyoming Ave., Wash- ington. D. C. 1872 Edward Perrin \'ilas* /. 9 .\. B. 1872; LL. B. 1875; A. M. 1882. Lawyer. d. 1812 1876 .\lbert Samuel Ritchie e'A' A. B. 1876. Athena. First Honors. Member Commercial, Athletic and Carter Lake Clubs. Lawyer. 803 Brandeis Bldg.; res. 2123 Douglas St.. Omaha, Nebr. 1877-87] RHO CHAPTER 693 1877 Thomas Henry Gill B. S. 1877; LL. B. 1878. Member Conservation Committee, State of Wis. Member Chicago Automobile, Milwaukee and Oshkosh Yacht Clubs. Lawyer. 1J13 First National Bank Bldg.; res. 490 Lafa- yette PI., Wilwaukee, Wis. 1879 Harry Chapman Martin''^ ^'°y A. B. 1879. Member State Senate, 16 years; Pres. Pro Tcm. 2 Sessions; Member Legis- lature; Mayor Home City; County Supt. Schools. 3 Terms; Pres. School Board; Member Board of State Affairs. Member Commercial, University and Madison Clubs. Law'-er. d. 1917 1880 Henry Ogden Wilkinson ¥3" Linonian. Member Metropolitan Club. Insurance. .SKS Mehlhorn Bldg.; res. 1220 Boylston St., Seattle, Wash. 1881 Byron Beach Park e° A' LL. B. 1881. City Atty. and Mayor Stevens Point; Dist. Atty.; Member Board of Regents, Normal Schools; Circuit Judge, Jurist. 904 Clark St., Stevens Point, Wis. 1883 Byron Beach Carter XO * ? B. S. in M. E. 1883. 1st Lieut. Univ. Battalion. Member Chicago Engineers' Club. Consulting Mechanical Engineer. 1331 Monadnock Block., Chicago; res. 59 N. Washington St., Hillsdale, 111. Melvin Arista Hoyt o 0° A" B. L. 1883. Athenaean. Journalist. 219 W. Water St.; res. 207 23d St., Milwaukee, Wis. d. 1898 K T° A' d. 1910 John T. Kingston, Jr.* B. L. 1883; LL. B. 1886. Lawyer. Ernest Stiles I\Ioe* B. L. 1883. Lawyer. 1884 Charles Ruggles Boardman 4>° S~ A. B. 1884. Adjutant General Wis., 97-13; Member National Militia Board. Member Klks Club. Insurance. Wis. National Life Ins. Co.. 14 Washington St.; res. 71 Elm St., Oshkosh, Wis. Edward Joseph Dockery A. B. 1884; LL. B. 1886. Lawyer. (Boise, Idaho). $° A' Julius Emil Olson ¥° ']i B. L. !884. .Athens, Nora Sanilag. 1st Honors; Pres. Ygdrasil Literary Soc. Prof, of Scan- dianavian Language and Literature, Univ. of Wis. Member University and Odin (Minne- apolis) Clubs. Educator. 6U University Hall; res. 1909 Adams St., Madison, Wis. James Franklin Trottman K $° 3' A. B. 1884; B. L. 1884; LL. B. 1886. Athenian. Junior Orator; Junior Debate. Pres. and Mem- ber. Univ. of Wisconsin Board of Regents. Member LTniversity Club. Father of Joseph Stafford Trottman, Iota 17. Lawyer and Manufacturer. 506 Caswell Block. Grand Ave.; res. 508 La F"ayette Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Alark Albijence Waldo 0° 87 College Ave.; res. 401 College Ave., Apple- ton, Wis. 1891 Francis William Dockery o W° A B. L. 1891; LL. B. 1893. Member University Club. Lawyer. Northwest Mutual Life Insurance Co.; res. 512 VanBuren St., Milwaukee, Wis. William Francis Dockery K ip' B. L. 1891; LL. B. 1893. State Assessor of Incomes. 1204 Main St., Whitewater, Wis. Henry Edmund Fitch K ^F° B" LL. B. 1891. Lawyer. Nekoosa Bank Bldg. ; res. 2 4th St.. Nekoosa, Wis. Frank Hanchett Jackman o ^'' oT° ' B. L. 1894; LL. B. 1897. Journalist. d. 1902 Marshall Charles Moss ' A. B. 1894. Lawyer. d. 1899 Chauncey Lawrence Williams K A° S' Journalist. (Monadnock B'.dg., Chicago, III.) 1895 Farlin Herbert Ball o S° 4* A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1897 Chicago Law School. Master in Chancery Circuit Court, Cook County, 111. Member Union League, City, Oak Park, Oak Park Country and River Forest Tennis Clubs. Lawyer. 69 VV. Washington St., Chicago; res. 211 Clin- ton .\ve., Oak Park, HI. Charles Floyd McClure* K S° ' LL. B. 1895. Author Psi Upsilon Song "The Rho Owl Song." Lawyer. d. 1900 Vroman Mason oA° f B. L. 1895; LL. B. 1899. Athens; Theta Nu Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi. Coll. of Law Forum. Dist. Atty. Dane County, Wis., 2 terms. Member Am. Bar Assn.; Am. Soc. of Criminal Law and Criminology; State Historical Soc. of Wis.; University Club. Lawyer. 24 N. Carroll St.; res. 409 N. Henry St., Madi son. Wis. Frank Ellis Pierce Kn°8' B. S. 1895; M. D. 1898. Member University and .South Shore Country Clubs. Surgeon. 104 S. Michigan Ave.: res. 5114 Harper .\ve., Chicago, 111. 1896 Charles Edwin Blomgren K A' v.. S. 1896; M. D. 1899 Rush Med. Coll. Physician. 5400 Lakewood Ave., Chicago. 111. Charles Albert Crawford o E° $' Member Psi Upsilon Club. Manufacturer. 696 RHO CHAPTER [1896-99 American Sugar Refining Co., 117 Wall St., New York, N. Y.; res. 155 Turrell Ave., South Orange, N. J. Charles Fisher Freeman, Jr.* K W 9' LL. B. 1896. Student. d. 1896 oil A' Charles Nathan Freeman LL. B. 1896. Accountant. Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, Elec- tric Bldg. ; res. 504 E. Denny Way, Seattle, Wash. Harry Brewer Hewitt o Q $ B. S. 1899 Harvard. Logging. 1417 National Realty Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. Andrew William Mitchell, Jr. o 9 A Salesman. W. .T. Dixon & Co., 27 W. 4th St., New York, N. Y. ; res. Sound Beach, Conn. Lucien Robson Worden o A 9' LL. B. 1896. Lawyer. 1897 Bertrand Herrick Doyon K T A' B. L. 1898. Merchant. (634 W. Mifflin St., Madison, Wis.) Arthur Augustus Frambach K C $' Merchant. (Cheboygan. Mich.) Alva Stewart Goodyear* C 3" Merchant. cl. 1904 Harry Graham Gould K T 9' Member Elks Club. Manufacturer. Gould Mfg. Co., 10th St.; res. 493 Jackson St., Oshkosh. Wis. Charles Winthrop Lea o L A' B. L. 1897. Member Rainier and Seattle Golf Clubs. Lumberman. 413 Crary Bldg.; res. 3620 E. Prospect St., Seattle, Wash. Spencer Smith Rumsev oG$' B. S. in C. E. 1897. Member Am. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers; Am. Inst, of Mining Engineers; Am. Iron and Steel Inst.; Kitchi Cjamma and Northland Country Clubs. Chief Engineer. Oliver Iron Mining Co., Wolvin Bldg.; res 217 S. Nineteenth Ave. E., Duluth, Minn. 1898 John Alexander Cameron* K 6 S' Lawyer. d. 1910 Irving Boyd Cary K W S' Member Corning Club, University and Saddle and Cycle (Chicago) Clubs. Manufacturer. Corning Glass Works; res. Corning Club, Corn- ing, N. Y. Morgan Francis Hewitt K o X B. S. 1901 Harvard. IMember Minikahda, Inter- lachen Country, University and Athletic Clubs. Merchant. 414 Third .\ve.; res. 2021 Pleasant Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. Raymond Asa Hollister Phi Delta Phi S 9 LL. B. 1898. Lawyer. 123 Main St.; res. 888 Algoma St., Oshkosh, Wis. Clark Miles Knight OAA See Eta 98 Inspector U. S. Indian Service. Knight Hotel Bldg.; res. 809 Ellis Ave.^ land. Wis. Ash- Tohn Smith Main Y A. B. 1898; LL. B. 1900. Phi Delta Phi; Hares- foot; Glee Club. Tennis. Member Golf and L^niversity Clubs. Real Estate. 610 State St.; res. 141 W. Gilman St., Madi- son, Wis. Royal Cottrell Main oC$' Member Univ. of Wis. Club and Wisconsin Soc. of Chicago. Insurance. 1925 Insurance Exchange; res. 3653 Leland Ave., Chicago, 111. Max Mason K¥A' Educator. (University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.) Archie Lyman Nash K9B' Member University Club (Milwaukee). Lawyer. National Bank Bldg.; res. 819 N. 14th St., Manitowoc, Wis. Fred Burns Peterson B. L. 1898; LL. B. 1900. Lawyer. (Ills Railroad Exchange Wis.) 1899 K<}^^' Bldg., Milwaukee, Od$ John Francis Bertles Merchant. 804 Realty Bldg.; res. 1924 Rockwood Blvd., Spokane, Wash. Edward Tappan Fox B. L. 1899 Lawyer. (414 Milwaukee St LL. B. 1901. Milwaukee, Wis.) OJ Maurice Ingolf Johnson Member University Club of Chicago. Manufacturer. Gisholt Machine Co.; res. 7 W. Gorham St., Madison, Wis. George Gushing Martin ^ ?" A B. S. 1899. Phi Delta Phi. Member Athletic, Gamut and California Clubs. Manufacturer. 1222 E. 28th St.; res. Manhattan Beach, Los Angeles, CaL 1899-02] RHO CHAPTER 697 Charles Atwood X'ilas T : A A. B. 1899: LL. B. 1901. Phi Delta. Phi: Haresfoot; Hesperian. Honoro Thesis. Author "Special N'erdicts in Wisconsin." Member Uni- versity Club; Wisconsin Soc. of Chicago. Lawyer. 22(> W. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago; res. 519 Grove Si., I'.vanston, Il-I. John Irving W'illiams, Jr. Phi Delta Phi. I'armer. R. R. No. 1, Sloughton, Wis. John ]\Iiller \\'interbotham K (J 9 B. L. 1S99. Sec. Wis. Railroad Commission. Member Aziola, Oleander, Country and Univer- sity (.Madison, Wis.) Clubs. Manager. 2303 Strand; res. 1208 Ave. II., Galveston, Tex. 1900 Ard Hoyt Ellis T6^$ Banker. I'armcrs' Xational Bank, \'inton, Iowa. Eugene Hamilton Heald Bg-?' B. S. in C. E. 1900. Tau Beta Pi. Member Chicago Engineers' Club. Assistant Division Contracting Manager. Am. Bridge Co., 200 S. La Salle St., Chicago; res. 325 Clinton Ave., Oak Park, 111. Eugene Richard Hoy (Woodstock, 111.) Fred Andrew Kuehn* Student. Sidney \\'illiam Smith AT 9 © h cp d. 1897 Kr,A LL. B. 1900. Phi Delta Phi; Theta Nu Epsilon. U. S. Vice Consul. Victoria, B. C, 97-99. Member University Club. Lawyer. 1004 City National Bank Bldg.; res. 5119 Izard St., Omaha, Nebr. Wallace Odell \'ictory 8 h 4 Merchant. (Augusta, Wis.) Edward Carson Waller, Jr. Ph. B. 1900. Member Chicago Golf, Chicago Yacht, University and Edgewater Beach Yacht Clubs. Real Estate. 60 \\'ashington St.; res. University Club, Chicago, 111. 1901 Sydney H[obart] Ball X £ 9 A. B. 1901; Ph. D. 1910. Baseball, 98; Capt. 99. Member Psi Upsilon, Engineers' and E.\- plorers' Clubs. Mining Geologist. 71 Broadway; res. 829 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. X h 'A B. S. 1901; M. D. 1904. Member State, County and National Med. Sees.; University Club. Physician. 509 Wells Bldg.; res. 570 Beverly Rd., Mil- waukee. Wis. Claude Spencer Beebe I larrv Jason Hitchcock QCt' Merchant. (Berlin. Wis.) James Cook Hogan TyE' Merchant. 108 Front St.; res. 104 S. 17th St., La Crosse, Wis. ExY William Pierson Hoy B. L. 1901. Cashier. State Bank of Huntley, Main St.; res. Wood- stock St., Huntley, 111. Charles Stephen Hutchings T q 'c Superintendent. Western Tallow Co., Evans Ave.. San Francisco; res. 4625 Dolores Ave., Oakland, Cal. William Francis [Jewell] Lea K t e' B. L. 1901. Manufacturer. Tumwater; res. 231 Maple Park, Olympia, Wash. Harry Stephens Osborn* H b E d. 1915 A h T' John Thorsen Seaman See Eta 03 1134 Newport Way, Seattle, Wash. [ohn Charles Stevens c^A A. B. 1901; LL. B. 1903. Lawyer. 1st National Bank Bldg.; Milwaukee; res. Hart- land. Wis. Roy Everett Tomlinson X 2° e" LL. B. 1901. Phi Delta Phi. Member Mont- clair. Montclair Athletic and Golf and Psi Upsilon (New York) Clubs; Assn. of the Bar of the City of New York; New York County Lawyers' Assn.; Law Inst. Lawyer. 409 W. 15th St., New York, N. Y.; res. 129 Union St., Montclair, N. J. William Phillips Vroman* FAS' B. L. 1901. d. 1911 1902 James Edwin Armstrong y d v' Pres. Rockford Merchants' Assn.; Rockford Motor Club; Sec. Police Pension Board. Merchant. 315 W. State St.; res. 2000 Harlem Blvd., Rock- ford. 111. I^ucius Seymour Bergstrom* X^ z~ d. 1909 William Beye F i e" L. B. 1902; LL. B. 1904 Chicago Kent Coll. of Law. Phi Delta Phi; Philomathia. Tennis. Member University and Oak Park Country Clubs; Am. Bar, 111. State Bar and Chicago Bar Assns. Lawyer. 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago; res 110 S. East Ave., Oak Park, 111. Henry Harold Cook X q E' Manufacturer. Alexandria Paper Co., Alexandria, Ind. 698 RHO CHAPTER [1902-04 Theodore Thomas Jones "/ 1 v Football, 98; Asst. Mgr. Baseball; ]\Iembcr Athletic Council. Pies. Northwestern Hard- wood Lumber Assn. Alember University, Athletic, Interlachen Country and Eau Claire Clubs. Merchant. 1026 Lumber Exchange; res. 2028 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis, Minn. Charles Jamieson Mapel 7 " T~ Member Toltec and El Paso Country and Santa Fe (Santa Fe, N. Mex.) Clubs. Son of John Jameson Mapel, Phi 72 and brother of John Wallace Mapel, Rho 06. Real Estate and Insurance. 100 San Antonio St.; res. 2631 Altura Blvd., El Paso, Tex. WilHam Edward Smith 7. h u" B. L. 1902; LL. B. 1904. Phi Delta Plii; Philomathia. Intercollegiate Debate, 01. Exploring Engineer and Mining. E. J. Longyear Co.; res. Carlton Lane, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Philip Loring Spooner icz Member Psi Upsilon Club. Son of John Coit Spooner, Rho 64 and brother of Charles Philip Spooner. Rho 94. (14 Wall St.; res. 205 W. S7th St., New York, N. Y.) 1903 Henry Casson X r o LL. B. 1903. Member Madison Club. Lawyer. 411 Pioneer Block; res. 2122 W. Lawn Ave., Madison, Wis. Edward Power Conwav Fje' Member Arizona, University and Country and University (Madison, Wis.). Old Pueblo (Tuc- son, Ariz.) and Country (Douglas, Ariz.) Clubs. las, Ariz.) Clubs. Engineer and Contractor. 204 Noll Bldg.; res. 1112 N. Central Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. Irving Andrews Fish T'Oi' Yellow Helmet; Iron Cross; Phi Delta Phi. Member Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Uni- versity and Town Clubs. Lawyer. Fish. Marshutz & Hoffman; res. 615 Downer Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles Lewis Frambach x^r E. M. 1905 Columbia. Nacoms (Columbia). Football; Capt. Baseball. Member Columbia, New York Athletic, Atlantic Yacht and Rocky Mountain Clubs. Broker. 25 Broad St.; res. 838 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. Beach Woodruff Maguire T iZ B. L. 1903. Manufacturer. 213 N Madison St.; res. 623 N. Main St. Rockford. 111. Stephen Carpenter Phipps A. B. 1903. Lumber and Real Estate. Hudson, Wis. X b E^ Lucas Schuyler \zn Orden X f r/ A. B. 1903. Cashier. Bank of Baraboo; res. 531 Fourth Ave., Bara- boo, Wis. 1904 Chauncey Etheredge Blake P f v' LL. B. 1904. Lawyer. Gay Bldg. ; res 1016 Sherman Ave., Madison. Wis. Ralph Dexter Brown y. c -q (210 W. 4th St., New York. N. Y.) Herbert Edgar Chynoweth 7 ~ T A. B. 1904. Farmer. R. R. No. 3, Madison, Wis. Morris Fuller Fox Pqri^ A. B. 1904. Yellow Helmet. Commodore Wis. Navy Crew, 03; Capt. Co. E Wis. Cadet Corps, 0304. Member Milwaukee, University (Mil- waukee) and University (Chicago) Clubs. Broker. 1st National Bank Bldg.; res. 611 Hackett Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. AF'O LL B 1904; A. B. 1901 Harvard. Glee and Hasty Pudding Clubs; In.st. of 1770. Author "The Man Between." Member Am. Inst, of Graphic Arts: Authors,' Harvard and Union Boat (Boston) Clubs. Author and Journalist. Famous Players' Film Co.; res. 27 W. 44th St., New York, N. Y. Walter Archer Frost Burke Holbrook xbe Yellow Helmet. Member Springfield, Uni- versity and Country Clubs. Afanufacturer. Pine St. and National Blvd.; res. 524 E. Walnut St., Springfield, Mo. John Thor Johnston y f H' (West Allis State Bank, West Allis, Wis.) Charles Adelbert Lyman P d -rj A. B. 1904. Haresfoot and Mandolin Clubs; Philomathia. General Organizer National Agri- cultural Organization Soc. Farmer. 340 Washington Bldg.. Madison; res. 232 Grant St., Rhinelander, Wis. Roderick Carlyle McLeod % t -q (301 Ogden Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.) Walter Henry Thom P m -q Merchant. Builders' Lumber & Supply Co.; res. 914 5th St.. Wausau, Wis. Ernest Benjamin Tomlinson 7 1 '0 Member University Club, Chicago. Real Estate and Loans 29 S La Salle St., Chicago; res. 434 N. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, 111. Frank EHsha Woodruff* X S V d. 1906 1904-081 RHO CHAPTER 699 1905 Eyvind Hagerup Bull xAri" B. S. 1905. Engineer. Green Engineering Co., East Cliicago. Ind. ; res 1540 E. 68th St.. Chicago, 111. John Eckley Daniells Tvl' A. B. 1905; LL. B. 1908 Harvard. Yellow Helmet; Athletie Assn. Track "W." Lawyer. 1J23 Nicholas Bldg.; res. 601 Lincoln Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Henry Zehring Mitchell Fbl' Medal for best drilled Cadet in L'niv. Corps; Lieut. -Colonel LTniv. Regiment. Journalist. Journal Press Co.; res. 529 Second Ave. S.. St. Cloud, Minn. AI i K Ely Dorr Sterling Cu(l\vt)rth Be\'e Superintendent. (226 .\tlantic St., Rhinclandcr, Wis.) 1906 T b 'K Iron Cross. Commodore Crew, 2 years. IMember Brae Burn C'ountry (Boston) and National Arts (New York) Clubs. Executive Secretary. National .-Vssn. of Tanners, 10 Hia;)i St., Boston; res. 190 Sumner St., Newton Center, Mass. Jo.'^eph Porter Fitch r h T) John Wallace Mapel Enotball. Member Commercial, (lolf. Boating, Yacht and Elks' Clubs. Banker. Main and Washington Sts. ; res. 275 Algoma St., Oshkosb, Wis. Xc^K Harcsfoot Club; Yellow Helmet. Member Uni- versity Club. Son of John Jameson Mapel, Phi "2 and brother of Charles Jamieson Mapel, Rho 02. Pfister & Vogel Leather Co.. 447 Virginia St.; res. 295 Ogden Ave., irilwaukcc, Wis. Ernest Rossiter Y g 'o A. B. 1906 Leiand Stanford, Jr. Univ. President and General IManager. Florida Industrial Corporation; res. 1101 W. l^nivcrsity Ave., Gainesville. Fla. William Bacon Roys [A9N' A. B. 190.V Bast-hall. .Member Princeton Club, Chicago. Banker. Gay Bldg.; res. 524 E. Gorham St., Madison, Wis. Edward Lawton X'anlngen" y c 'o d. 190.! John \'anTngen* F d 'o d. 1903 John Charles Vroman X f 'K (Green Bay, Wis.) 1907 Ralph Carroll Angell TP \M Harcsfoot: Monastic; Skull and Crescent. Corbcy Court. Mercliant. 1018 Npwhouse Bldg.; res. 234 S. llth St. E., Salt Lake City, Utah. James Mitchell Hoyt E e S' .Member L^iiversity (Chicago), Indian Hill Golf, Westmoreland Golf and Evanston Country Clubs. Banker. 208 S. La Salle St.. Chicago; res. 1575 Ashland Ave., Evanston, 111. Eansing Weed I loyt y z S' (1425 Davis St., Evanston, 111.) George Wright Jones X t A' Football. Merchant. 106 Court Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Daniel Lucius Kimberly Manufacturer. Hardwood Products Co.; res. 520 E. Forest Ave., Neenah, Wis. r^ix' Henry Hewitt Kimberly XjA' Inner Gate. Trustee Presbyterian Church. Manufacturer. Morgan Co.; res. 421 Washington St., Oshkosh, Wis. Elarrv Fletcher Parker £ >/ ,\. B. 1907. Yellow Helmet. Journalist. The Chicago Tribune; res. 918 Lawrence Ave. Chicago, 111. Eusfene Hiram Sanborn Farmer. Middlcton, Wis. Addison Brown Schuster Li Editor St^hin.v; Badger Board. Journalist. „ , , j Oakland Tribune; res. 5661 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. Lester Barber Stevens F c A' LL B 1908 Yale. Phi Delta Phi (Waite). Am. Olympic Team, 08; Track (Wisconsin and Yale). Member Milwaukee L^niversity Club. Farmer. R. R. No. 21. Hartland, Wis. 1908 Robert Carlton Brown X h 'M (210 W. 4th St., New York, N. Y.) Webster Anderson Brown y c [/.' A. B. 1908. Merchant. Merchants' State Bank Bldg.; res. 125 E. Frederick St., Rhinelander, Wis. Gerry Edward Browne FfN^ 407 Tacoma Bldg., Chicago; res. 934 Michigan Ave., Evanston, III. Chester Wheeler Chapin Manufacturer. il7 S. La Salle St., Chicago, III. FbM' 700 RHO CHAPTER [1908-10 Gray Jones Houston Xj'v Member Jovians Club. Engineer. Henry L. Doherty & Co., 60 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Elliott Matthews Ogden y s V A. B. 1909 Princeton. Member University and Fox Point Clubs. Manufacturer. 712 Sycamore St.; res. 398 Kane PI., Milwaukee, Wis. John Sharpe Skinner X g 7 A. B. 1908. Phi Delta Phi; Monastics. Member Bureau Valley Country Club. Insurance. Masonic Block; res. 627 E. Peru St., Princeton, 111. Alden Bradford Whitney ^ W 'a B. S. 1908. Rancher. Upland, Cal. George Green Wilder Xd'N A. B. 1908. Iron Cross; Yellow Helmet. Crew, 05-07; Capt., 08. Member University (Chicago and Milwaukee) Clubs. Manufacturer. The Forsyth Leather Co., 59th and State Sts.; res. 547 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis. 1909 David Mayo Berkman r m 'a B. S. 1909 Univ. of Minn.; M. D. 1912 Rush Med. Coll. See Mu 09 Physician. Rochester, Minn. William Matthew Bertles X f 'A M. S. 1909. Tau Beta Pi; Monastic. Member Peninsula and Highland Golf and University (Chicago) Clubs. Banker. Michigan Trust Bldg. ; res. 60 N. Lafayette St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Howard Lombard Beye Xh'a B. S. 1909; M. D. 1911 Rush Med. Coll. Phi Rho Sigma. Instr. in Surgery, Univ. of Iowa. Educator. Iowa City, Iowa. Frederick Sarles Brandenburg "'F z 1^ A. B. 1909. Printer. Democrat Printing Co., Democrat Bldg.; res. 17 Langdon St., Madison. Wis. Phillips Chynoweth Author. R. R. No. 3, Madison, Wis. Percival Max Cochran (Elkhart, Ind.) Felix Lawrence Cole ^m'A TPA' Xz'w Am. Vice Consul, Petrograd, Russia since 16. Diplomatist. (American Embassy, Petrograd, Russia and Department of State. Washington, D. C) Carl Jefferson Cunningham T b 'Q A. B. 1909. Iron Cross; Monastics; Haresfoot Club. Football. Postmaster. Federal Bldg.; res. 718 Grand Ave. W., Chippewa Falls, Wis. William Ward Davidson ^D~X A. B. 1909. Beta Gamma Sigma. Merchant. University Supply Assn., Lake and Slate Sts.; res. 217 Lake Lawn PI., Madison, Wis. John LIutchins Dodds X tc 'B 2822 McKinley Blvd., Wilwaukee, Wis. .Sidney Cleveland Haskell X d co"" Member Skokie (Chicago) and Evanston Country I'lubs. Salesman. 1027 Rookery, Chicago; res. 1228 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111. Byron Douglas Shove Y s ""a B. S. 1909 Mich. Coll. Engineer. Oliver Iron Mining Co., Ill E. Gogebic St., Ironwood, Mich. Calvin Athol Stedman Xe'B Yellow Helmet. Publicity Agent. Northern Pacific Ry., St. Paul; res. 3121 Port- land Ave.. Minneapolis, Minn. Raymond Carl Wieboldt F c 'Q A. B. 1909. Member University Club. Builder. 1530 W. Van Buren St.; res. 1539 Thorndale Ave., Chicago, 111. e h w Aloy s Hugo Wohlrab B. S. 1909; E. M. 1911 Mich. Coll of Mines. Inner Gate; Yellow Helmet. Track, 10. Mem- ber Am. Inst. Mining Engineers; Houghton, Calumet and !Mich. Coll. of Mines Clubs. Underground Superintendent. Isle Royale Copper Co., Hougiiton, ?\Iich. 1910 Robert Clark Barrows W z 'B Member City and Country Clubs. Engineer. Missouri & Kansas Telephone Co., Gates Bldg.; res. 715 E. 47th St., Kansas City, Mo. Charles Paige Bray ^•c'B Manufacturer. Schmit Trunk & Bag Co.; res. 477 Algoma .St., Oshkosh, Wis. Franklin Stowe Fish B. S. 1912; M. D. 1912. Phi Rho Sigma; Yel- low Helmet; Inner Gate; Sigma Sigma. Capt. Crew (1), (2), (3). Red Cross, Germany, since 16. Physician. Augustana Hospital; res. 2043 Cleveland Ave., Chicago, 111. Townsend Hay Inner Gate. Commissioner Sheboygan Valley Drainage Dist. Superintendent. Sheboygan Land & Lime Co., Elkhart Lake, Wis. Walter Arend Knoop tj^f^cp Merchant. 624 W. North Ave.; res. 666 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111. Lawrence Aubach Larsen Initiated by the Phi Dexter Roundy Mapel (];r'S A. B. 1913. Iron Cross; Scabbard and Blade. Leader Mandolin Club; Colonel of Regiment; Treas. and Board Member, Wis. Union; Dir. Haresfoot Club. Member El Paso University and Country Clubs. Real Estate and Insurance. 100 San Antonio St.; res. 2715 Richmond St., El Paso, Tex. Fergus Oliver Initiated by the Beta Beta Jules Merrill Parmentier Wg' b '7^ ^•d'H K. E. 1914. Haresfoot, F'rench and Golf Clubs; Rifle and Water Polo Teams; Wisconsin tlngi- neer. .\ssitnat Purchasing Engineer. H. M. Byllesby & Co., 208 S. La Salle St.; res. 67 Cedar St., Chicago, 111. Nelson Smith Trottman Q A. B. 1914. Phi Beta Kappa. Dramatics; 1st Prize, Wis. Intercollege Perry Essay Competi- tion, 13. Student. 508 La Fayette PI., Milwaukee. Wis. 7q 1915 l''rank Gordon Babcock B. S. in Ag. 1913. Monastics. Real Estate. Kasota, Minn. Xelson George Brittingham ^F g '11 B. S. 1915. Kappa Beta Phi; Delta Kappa; Sigma Kappa; Mandolin; Motorboat; Exeter Club. Swimming Team. Pres. Delta Kappa, Sigma Kappa and Exeter Club; Master Cere- monies, Kappa Beta Phi and First Angelus Psi Upsilon. See Pi 16 Agriculturist. 223 S. Rampart St., Los Angeles, Cal. ^liltiniore Witherell Bru.sh Initiated by the Beta Strand Byrum Galey B t 'S (6650 Wa.shington Blvd., Oak Park, 111.) Oelmar Reynolds Hughes T h ^r^ Haresfoot. Swimming. Member Evanstoii Country Club. Salesman Stewart- Warner Speedometer Corporation, 1312 Michigan Ave., Chicago; res. 424 Greenleaf St., Evanston, HI. Harry Jonathan Kiefaber Kettle and Inner Gate. Member Country Clubs. Mercliant. Ill S. St. Clair St.; res. 118 E. 1st St. Ohio. i; q 7 Dayton Dayton, Howard Holmes Tomlinson IT b '0 Member Psi Upsilon (Chicago) and Suburban (Oak Park) Clubs. Salesman. 76 W. Monroe St.. Chicago; res. 310 N. Grove Ave., Oak Park, 111. Poiiis Hpwell William.'- 70.3 Bg^S B. S. 1915. Kappa Beta Phi. Engineer. Dravo Contracting Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.; res. 626 Bryson St., Youngstown, Ohio. 1916 Fred Henry Babcock S h '% Monastic. Manufacturer. Kasota, Minn. John Sprague Baumaii A F '"/. A. B. 1916. Student. 121 Washington St., Oshkosh, Wis. Lincoln Otto Gatter O t: ''K Member University Club. Salesman. 1328 1st National Bank Bldg.; res 720 Van Buren St., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles Scriver Gilbert P tp ""t Member Wausau Country and Wausau Clubs. Manager Collection Department. Wausau Law & Land Assn., 1st National Bank Bldg.; res. 904 Franklin St., Wausau, Wis. K>.'0 John Fletcher Harper Member Blue Mound Country and Che Ne Qua Country Clubs. Electrical Engineer. 3215 Cedar St., Milwaukee, Wis. John Sanders Hohmann y 6 Tl Inner Gate; Monastic. ^Member Suburban Club of Oak Park. Advertising. 350 N. Clark St., Chicago; res. 341 Home Ave., Oak Park, 111. Raymond Wood Jordan A. B. 1916. 642 S. Van Buren St., Grc- Philip Golder Sanborn A. B. 1916. 642 S. Van Buren St., Green Bay, Wis. x)/n Phi Delta Phi; Kappa Beta Phi; Theta Nu Epsilon. Student. 210 Langdon St., Madison, Wis. Carman Bigelow Smith Initiated by the Phi I larold Francis Tideman Initiated by tlie Zeta Samuel Crane \2\\ X ^j; ''I (3077 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, .Mich.) 1 lenry Dorr Wakefield H c ^^P A. B. 1916. Haresfoot Club. Member Blue Mound Country Club. Geologist. 213 26th St., Milwaukee. Wis. 1917 Herbert Pullen Antes P^'O Student. 1635 6th St., Des Moines, Iowa. 704 RHO CHAPTER Edward George Brittingham Initiated by the Pi Louis George Brittingham Initiated by the Pi Dow Jackson Byers Football. Agriculture. Angus, Minn. Jacob Grafius Calvert, Jr. Student. 155 S. Main St., Jersey Shore, Pa. Edmund Sewall Chapman Skull and Crescent. Machinist. Gisholt Machine Co., 1315 E. Washington Ave.; res. 610 S. Baldwin St., Madison, Wis. James George Clark, Jr. Inner Gate. Member Oshkosh Yacht and Osh- kosh Country Clubs. Student. 45 Mt. Vernon St., Oshkosh, Wis. John Fonda Downing, Jr. K A S Student. 1220 Cherokee lid., Louisville, Ky. Clarence Rudolph Mengel, Jr. X z 'O Lumber. 4th and G Sts. ; res. 1303 Eastern Parkway, Louisville, Ky. Joseph Torbitt ]\Iengel y r^ ''K Student. 1303 Eastern Parkway. Louisville, Ky. Charles Delos Morton y p 'K Z^ ^I'O XO'K Tcp'K Inner Gate; Monastics. 5489 Cornell Ave., Chicago, III. Frank Edmond Ogden V^'O Member Wapsipinicon, Commercial, Town and Country (Chicago) Clubs. Manufacturer. Clinton Lock Co.; res. Wurster Apts., Clinton, Iowa. Donald Draper Sperry Initiated by the Omicron Leonard Clark Wolcott Initiated by the Delta Delta 1918 Gilman Dorr Blake X ^ ^' Am. Ambulance Corps. France, 17. Student. 221 Greystone Ave., Monrovia, Cal. Edmund Eugene Byers 7 ? X' Agriculture. Angus, Minn. Dudley Hopkins Davis Salesman. 1702 Madison St., Madison, Wis. [1917-19, TY'A Joseph Conway Dodd, Jr. Student. Audubon Park, Louisville, Ky. Louis Philip Ewald F (}; 'S Skull and Crescent. 857 S. Third Ave., Louisville, Ky. Allan Chase McCuUough X X Staff of Wisconsin Engineer. Student. 118 Main St.. Oshkosh, Wis. Richard Hughes Marshall O L 'v Member Cloister Inn Club, Princeton Univ. Brother of William Hughes Marshall. Rho 18. Student. 139 E. Gilman St., Madison, Wis. William Huehes Marshall Xj'ix Brother of Richard Hughes Marshall, Rho 18. Student. 139 E. Gilman St., Madison, Wis. Don Southard Prescott FX'A Son of Loren Locke Prescott, Rho 92. Sales Engineer. Prescott Co.; res. 1713 State St., Menominee, Mich. J[oseph] \^'arren Snell Student. 1023 Jenifer St., Madison, W'is. K [X 'M K c > Of'v K h "^M 1919 Marcus Luling Baxter Student. Lancaster, Wis. Edwin Alfred Gallun Student. 620 Newberry Blvd., Milwaukee, Wis. Milton Pettit Griswold Skull and Crescent. Student. 621 N. Henry St., Madison, Wis. William J Hay, Jr. o m 'N Inner Gate. Member Five O'Clock Club. Student. 187 Algoma St., Oshkosh, Wis. Edward Russell Koeniger K n ''[>. Student. 227 Midland Ave.. East Orange, N. J. Paul Stevens Kramer Initiated by the Beta Beta Andrew Robert Mailer S c 'M 305 N. Broadway, DePere, Wis. Martin James Sheridan, Jr. C) 1 ""v Football; Mgr. 17. Student. 5 Center St., South Orange, N. J. Frederick Lewis Sperry Student. 330 N. Grove St., Oak Park, HI. y. p 'M ! 91 9-20 1 John Stevens, 3d. Student. 401 CoUeue Ave., Appleton, Wis. Thomas Westley Tuttle Student. 25 Brookdale Ave., Verona, N. J. Edward Barnes \\'illiams Friars' Club. Track. Student. 929 Cambridge Ave., .Milwaukee, Wis. RHO CHAPTER Henry Farnam Griswold og'N 1920 Stevens Gould hQ Student. 493 Jackson St., Oshkosh, Wis. John Francis Ilamhn 705 O m a 7. f a Student. Lula, Miss. Russell Alger Jones o g Q^ Student. 232 N. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, 111. Samuel Hagar Marshall o c w " Student. 139 E. Gilman St., Madison, Wis. Frank Laurance Weston K b A Student. 710 N. Adams Ave., Mason City, Iowa. EPSILON CHAPTER FOUNDED AUGUST 18, 1902 UNIX ERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY. CALIFORNIA. 1875 Edward Bull Clapp ^ ^° 'A A B. 1875 Illinois Coll. and A. M. i87S; Ph. D. 1886 Yale. Valedictorian ; First Scholar Prof, of Greek, Illinois Coll., 82-90; Yale 90-93, Am. School of Classical Studies, Athens, t.rcccc. 07-08: Univ. of California since 08. Member Am Philological Assn.: Arch.Tological Inst, ot America; Philological A.ssn. of the Pacific Coast. Educator. ti i i t..„ University of California; res. Berkeley Inn, Berkeley, Cal. 1879 '. A° Iv Samuel Campbell Irving \ B 1879. Sigma Xi; C.oldcn Bear. Regent Uiiiv of Cal.; Trustee Sonoma State Hosp.; Mayor City of Berkeley. Member Faculty, Bohemian and Commercial (San Francisco) 1322 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, Cal. 1885 John II jward Martindale r Q° '<]; M. D. 1885 New York Univ. Member Cali- fornia and University Clubs. Son of Edward Martindale, Theta 36. Physician (retired). California Club, Los Angeles, Cal. 1896 Albert Edward Chandler v 11° 'K B. S. 1896. Mgr. Baseball, 94. State Engi- neer. Nevada, 03-05; Member Cal. Water Com- mission. Author "Elements of Western Water Law." Member University, Engineers', Com- monwealth and Faculty (Berkeley) Clubs. Commissioner. 632 Call Bldg.. San Francisco; res. 2619 Ben- venue Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Tvlartin Charles Flaherty v S° 'K Ph. B. 1896. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Nu Epsilon; Golden Bear. Editor The Occident; Carnot Medalist. 96; Intercollegiate Debater, 95-96: Commencement Speaker. Assoc. Prof, of Forensics, Univ. of Cal. Member Bohemian, Faculty (Univ. of Cal.) and Athenian (Oak- land) Clubs. Educator. University of California, Berkeley, Cal.; res. 518 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. Samuel Leon Napthaly v 4;° ^K Member Union League, Argonaut and Trans- portation Clubs. Engineer. Oakland & .Antioch R. R., 305 Hobart Bldg. res. 2960 Broadway, San Francisco, Cal. 1900 Fred Goodrich Athearn V n° ^O A. B. 1900. Lawyer. 709 Balboa Bldg., San Francisco; res. 2805 Re- gent St., Berkeley, Cal. [Asa] Horatio Co.^swell v r° 'O A. B. 1900; A. M. 1901. Teacher in Singing, poll of Music, Univ. of Southern Cal. Mem- ber Musicians' and Gamut Clubs. Educator. 3201 S. Figueroa St.; res. 1244 S. Van Ness Ave., Los Angeles, C,&\. Ezra William Decoto y ^° ^"^ Ph. B. 1900. Golden Bear. Graduate Mgr., 01-06. Prosecuting Atty., Oakland, Cal. Mem- ber Athenian-Nile Club. Lawyer. Security Bank Bldg.. 17th St. and Broadway; res. 392 Bellevue Ave., Oakland, Cal. Herbert Wynford Hill V $° 'O B. L. 1900; Ph. M. 1904; Ph. D. 1911. Prof, of English Language and Literature. Author "Sidney's Arcadia and the Elizabethan Drama;" "La Calprenede and the Seventeenth Century Drama." Member Union League Club of San Francisco, Quadrangle Club of Chicago, and Reno Commercial Club. Educator. L^niversity of Nevada; res. 103 Mill St., Reno, Nev. Willsie Planning Martin T A° 'K A. B. 1900. Golden Bear; Students' Congress. Winner Carnot Medal, 00; Debating Team. Member Commercial Club. Clergyman. First Methodist Church. 10th and State Sts.; res. 1020 State St., Boise, Idaho. 1901 Ricliard Warren Harvey T 0° 'M B. S. 1901; M. S. 1910; M. D. 1913. Instr. in Neurology, Univ. of Cal. Pliysician and Educator. 516 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. William Inch vS°'K A. B. 1899; A. M. 1901. Magna cum landc Member University, Commercial and Elks Clubs. 3 years; lone Union High School 2 years; 1910-04J EPSILON CHAPTER 707 Tuolumne County High School 3 years; Lodi I'nion Hifih School since 10. Principal. 13 N. Church St., Lodi, Cal. lames Samuel Ryason T S° 'K Farmer. Watsonville, Cal. 1902 [Jndson] Raymond Carter v T° 'K A. B. 1902. Winged Helmet; Golden Bear. Chairman Art Dept., High School of Com- merce, New York. Member IMetropolitan Mu- seum of Art. Educator. 155 W. 65th St.; res. 600 \V. 114th St., New York, N. Y. Louis Albert Decoto 9A°'; B. S. 1902. Winged Helmet. Member Engi- neers' Club (San Francisco, Cal.) Mining Engineer. 511 Security Bank Bldg.; res. 392 Bellevue Ave., Oakland, Cal. John Morton Eshleman* Calvin Olin Esterly V A° 'O d. 1916 T E° 'K A. B. 1902; A. M. 1904; Ph. D. 1907 Harvard. Sigma Xi. Fellow Am. Assn. for the Advance- ment of Science; Zoologist, Scripp's Institu- tion for Biological Research, Univ. of Cal; Prof, of Biology, Occidental Coll. Educator. Occidental College, Los Angeles; res. 309 E. Ridgeway Ave., Eagle Rock City, Cal. Bernard Alfred Etcheverry v ° 'K B. S. in C. E. 1902. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Pi; Alpha Zeta; Sigma Iota Phi. Medalist (4); Assoc. Prof, of Irrigation Engi- neering, Univ. of Cal., and Consulting Engi- neer; Assessor for State Reclamation Board; Chairman Board of Review for Pacific Divi- '^ion, U. S. Reclamation Service. Author "Irrigation Engineering and Practice;" "Irri- gation in British Columbia." Member Com- monwealth and University Clubs. Educator. Agricultural Hall, University of California; res. 2598 Buena Vista Way, Berkeley, Cal. John VArge Sawyer A. B. 1902. U. S. Immigration Service, 05-12; -^m. Vice-Consul, Hong Kong, China, 12-16; Inspr. U. S. Immigration Service since 17. Member Royal Hong Kong Golf and Hong Kong Clubs. Inspector. L^. S. Immigration Service, Angel Island, San Francisco, Cal. Robert Roy Service TA°^K B. S. 1902. Golden Bear and Winged Helmet Socs. Pres. Y. M. C. A.; Track. Sec. Y. .M. C. A., Chengtu, Szechwan, Cliina. Secretary. Y. M. C. A., Chengtu, China. Erie Martin Weight (516 Center St., Pasadena, Cal.) T^o' 1903 Frank Bowman Alexander A $° 'M Citriculturist. Lindsay, Cal. John Freeman Bovard rn'o B. S. 1903; M. S. 1906. Sigma Xi. Prof. Zoology, Univ. of Oregon. Educator. University of Oregon; res. 77 E. 11th Ave., Elugene, (_)regon. Harry EHvin Briggs T 'K B. L. 1903. Author "Briggs' Policy Writer." ]Member College Club. 473 Colman Bldg.; res. 423 Ferry Ave., Seat- tle, Wash. Bruce Forrester Brown Y A '•/. B. S. 1903. Associated Electric and Mechani- cal Engineers. Member Celtic (Los Angeles) Club. ^Manufacturer. Box 596, R. R. No. 2, Los Angeles; res. 520 Lyfort Ave., Huntington Park, Cal. Clinton Kelly Judy T A 'K A. B. 1903; A. M. 1907; A. B. 1909 Oxford, and A. M. 1912. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher. Throop College of Technology, Pasadena, Cal. George Millard Parker A. B. 1903; B. S. 1901 Univ. of Ariz Stockman and Sheep Grower. \\'i!sall, Mont. r w 0^ Otto Theodor Schulze r w 'K LL. B. 1903; M. D. 1907. Nu Sigma Nu; Golden Bear. Physician. Migliavacca Bldg.; res. Oak and Jefiferson Sts., Napa, Cal. V A° 'o Alfred von der Ropp 1904 Fr,ink Hunter Baxter* T S o' d. 1909 Frederic Thomas Blanchard A © 'M B. L. 1904; A. M. 1908 Yale. Phi Beta Kappa. Yale Fellowship rCalifornia), 06-08. Member Athenian, Oakland, California and University (Houston, Texas) Clubs. Educator. The Rice In.stitute; res. 4208 San Jacinto St., Houston, Tex. Charles Deering Kaeding cp Q° ''^ Frederick Sylvanus Ray T S 'K B. S. 1904; M. D. 1908 Johns Hopkins. Surgeon. 1118 Brockman Bldg.; res. 121 N. Union Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Arthur Romeyne Traphagen T R 'K B. S. 1904. Winged Helmet. .*^alesman. 820 Howard St., San Francisco; res. 117 Park- side Drive, Berkeley, Cal. (24) 708 EPSILON CHAPTER [1904-07 V W 'K T $ 'K Mining Engineer; General Manager. Argonaut Mining Co., Jackson, Cal. Louis Albert Webb v W 'K M. E. 1904. See Chi 04 Engineer. 1501 E. Mountain St., Pasadena, Cal. 1905 Leo Delvin Bishop Wendell Eldridge Cahill B. S. 1905. Mining Engineer. P. O. Box 231, Treadwell, Alaska. Newton Standish Kelsey zS'K anager. n, Cal. Charles Abbot Newhall EC'N B. S. 1905. Winged Helmet; Phi Lambda Epsilon; Track. Chemical Engineer. 1810 Westlake Ave.; res. 6303 Twenty-hrst Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wash. William Steadman Roe F 8 'K (1624 Grant Ave., Denver, Colo.) Raymond Spalding K [/. 'E 1906 Vernon Meredith Alvord T g 'K Teller. ^ . .,. First National Bank, San Francisco; res. 156 Hillcrest Rd., Berkeley, Cal. Jerome Robinson Buchanan 9 s 'S B S and E. M. 1906 Michigan Coll. of Mines. Member Am. Inst, of Mining Engineers. General Manager. . Imperial Reduction Co. Mines, Ogilby; res. P. O. Box 464, Pasadena, Cal. Bertram Richard Chaplin T r 'K Winged Helmet. Track. Real Estate. . 582 Market St., San Francisc9; res. 5550 Kales Ave., Oakland, Cal. Ward Benjamin Esterly F b 'K B. S. 1906. Contracting Engineer. „,, ,, New Call Bldg., San Francisco; res. 244 Al- varado Rd., Berkeley, Cal. Donald Forsha Irvin T D 'K B. S. 1906. Mining Engineer and Metallurgist. 719 Summit Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Harold Pierce Mathews B m 'K (720 Lake Shore Ave., Oakland, Cal.) Chester Biven Moore F c Iv B. S. 1907; M. D. 1910. Instr. in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Stanford Univ. Physician. 291 Geary St.; res. 72 Sixth Ave., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Henrv Searls Pond Fz'K B. S. 1906. Civil Engineer. 412 Custom House, San Francisco; res. 1714 Wood St., Alameda, Cal. 1907 Henry Halleck Burton, Jr. K d 'A B. S. 1907. Glee Club. Assistant Engineer Pacific Electric Railway. 694 Pacific Electric Bldg.; res. 1617 Cherry St., Los Angeles, Cal. Albert Lee Clark 8 c Z" (955 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, Cal.) Leon Luther Clarke X g 'M Resident Engineer California Highway Com- mission, 12-17. Member Union League I San Francisco) Club. Engineer. Salem, Oregon. Herbert Crissy Dowler Initiated by the Delta Alfred Charles Benson Fletcher f "a B. S. 1907. Winged Helmet; Golden Bear. Editor Daily Calif ornian ; Am. Commission for Relief in Belgium, 16. j^iuthor "From Job to Job Around the World." 2433 Le Conte Ave., Berkeley, Cal. John Dun das Fletcher ^V^ LL B. 1907; LL. M. 1909. Winged Helmet; Skull and Keys; Golden Bear. Editor Occident Magazine. Member Bohemian and Merchants' Exchange Clubs. Merchant. 504 Merchants' Exchange Bldg.. San Fran- cisco; res. 2433 Le Conte Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Walter Newton Gabriel Ag'E Member Athenian-Nile Club. Real Estate and Investments. Syndicate Bldg.; res. Claremont Manor, Oak- land, Cal. Maynard McFie nrQ A. B. 1907. Phi Beta Kappa. Manager. 213 N. Los Angeles St.; res. 1222 N. 29th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Howard Christian Naffziger F z M B. S. 1907; M. S. 1908; M. D. 1909. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Medical Scholarship. Interne and later Resident Surg. University Hosp., San Francisco, 09-11: Asst. Resident Surg. Johns Hopkins Hosp.. 11-12; Instr. in Surgery, Univ. of Cal. Med. School; Neurologi- cal Surg, to Univ. Hosp.; Surg, to San Fran- cisco Hosp. and in Med. Reserve Corps, U. S. A. Member University Club. Surgeon. 291 Geary St.; res. 110 Frederick St., San Francisco, Cal. Edward Alexander Palmer A b A B. S. in C. E. 1907. Member University Club. Transportation. Union Pacific R. R., Pocatello, Idaho. 1907-lOJ EPSILON CHAPTER 709 Henry Edwin Sherman, Jr. F B \i~ B. S. 1907. Phi Beta Kappa; Tau Beta Pi; Golden Bear. Member Union League Club. Electrical Manufacturers' Sales Engineer. 407 San Fernando Bldg. ; res. Union League Club, 2d and Hill Sts., Los Angeles, Cal. 1908 Zi'Q Sayre Macneil John Dunlap Bowler Editor. 122 N. Broadway; res. 628 S. Virgil Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Stanley Bailard Hall F h \M Paul Morton Dillaway Herriott W c M" Chairman Social Insurance Commission of Cal. Member State Board of Control. Aiember Sut- ter, Del Paso Country and Commonwealth (San Francisco) Clubs. State Capitol; res. Sutter Club, Sacramento Cal. A c ^\ A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1911 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa, Member Grievance Committee Los Angeles County Bar Assn.; Municipal Charities Commission of Los Angeles. Member Cali- fornia Club. Lawyer. 825 Title Insurance Bldg.; res. 354 S. Ardmore Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Russell Sylvanus Penniman. Jr. F f 'Si' B. S. 1908. Manufacturer. Fifth and Grayson Sts.; res. 826 Oxford St., Berkeley, Cal. Stanley [Miller] Richardson F t M' Football (1); Crew. Assoc. Editor Occident Magazine. Member Girard and Victoria Clubs. See Beta 11 Public Accountant. The Mission Sun, Riverside, Cal. I Felix Teisseire Smith X t 'to A. B. 1908; LL. B. 1911 Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Member University and Pacific Union Clubs. Brother of Sidney Vanuxen Smith, Jr., Epsilon 08. 200 Bush St.; res. 2027 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Sidney X'anuxen Smith, Jr. S s ""A Brother of Felix Tesseire Smith, 08. 2027 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Talcott Williamson F s M" B. L. 1908; M. L. 1910. Mandolin Club. Head English Department, Oakland Technical High School. Educator. Oakland Technical High School; res. 2353 Pros- pect St., Berkeley, Cal. Trwin Reece Broughton h'Q 1909 Frank Downes Andrews Ad 'A B. S. 1909. Asst. Engineer, Railroad Commis- sion of the State of Cal. Valuation Engineer. 833 Market St., San Francisco; res. 2828 For- est Ave., Berkeley, Cal. B. S. 190"9 Coll. of Commerce. Banker. The Modesto Bank; res. 1015, 16th St., Modesto, Cal. Thomas Dalzell Brown i c t]; (611 Trust and Savings Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.) S b'p. Fg'A Donald Ryder Dickey A. B. 1910 Yale. Phi Beta Kappa; Elihu and Apollo Glee Clubs (Yale). Capt. Y'ale Gun Team. See Beta 10 Scientist. San Rafael Heights, Pasadena, Cal. Frederick Elton Irving Manager. The Bombay Co., Ltd., Madras, India. Cutler Sturgis McLenegan X t ""a B. L. 1909. Contractor. 219 10th St., San Francisco; res. 2619 Parker St., Berkeley. Cal. Ernest Leon Swift Wrampelmeier Son of Theodore John Wrampelmeier, Phi 78. (Berkeley, Cal.) 1910 Stuart O'Melvenv F d '^^• LL. B. 1910. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi; Golden Bear; Winged Helmet; Skull and Keys. Member Midwick Country Club. Lawyer. 825 Title Insurance Bldg.; res. 427 S. Serrano Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Paige Monteagle F n ^X B. L. 1910. Lawyer. 14 Montgomery St.; res. 2516 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Cal. W'illard Crislie Moore X b 'W Musician. 106 W. 5Sth St., New York, N. Y. Alan Crocker Van Fleet X s 'W B. Litt. 1910; LL. B. 1913 Harvard. Golden Bear; Winged Helmet. Editor Blue and Gold. Asst. Prof, of Law, Hastings Coll. of Law; Member Pacific Union and Olympic dubs. Lawyer. 68 Post St.; res. 2296 Broderick St., San Francisco, Cal. Keith \'osburg X g 'T (University of California, Berkeley, Cal."* Guest Wickson y m 'fi A. B. 1910. Member San Francisco Art Assn. Son of Edward James Wickson, Psi 69. Artist. 2723 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, Cal. 710 EPSILON CHAPTER [1911-10 1911 Paul Bovard Hammond Xf'X Skull and Keys; Winged Helmet. News Edi- tor Califoniian. Member California Los Angeleb Athletic and Midwick Country Clubs. Stock and Bond Broker. 405 Van Nuys Bldg.; res. 530 Shatto PL, Los Angeles, Cal. William Paul Johnson T h T (Flood Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.) Lyman Ross :\IcFie X c y ' B. L. 1911. 2i"n.T*os Angeles St.; res. 1130 S. Arlington St., Los Angeles, Cal. William Arthur O'Kelly X y 'X Theta Nu Epsilon; Glee and De Koven Clubs; Big "C" Soc. Baseball (3), (4); Assoc. Editor Blue and Gold. Mining Engineer. T}„ti,. P C). Box 1375; res. Columbia Gardens, t^uttc, Mont. Albert Sheldon Pennoyer K e '$ Artist. ^ ,^ 162 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. Paul Geddes Pennoyer \ B 1914 Harvard. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Delphic; Hasty Pudding; Phoenix; Western and Stylus Clubs; Institute of 1//U; Harvard Schol- arship. Member Lincoln Inn Soc. and Harvard (New York) Club. Student. , ., 9 Linden St., Cambridge, Mass. Oi'l George Palmer Putnam A p ' Sec. Governor of Oregon. Author "Southland of North America;" "In the Oregon Country. Publisher. Bend, Oregon. Hall Roe Y ^v 'X (1720 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Cal.) George Hayes Willcutt y> c 'A M. D. 1912 Cooper Med. Coll. Otologist and Rhinologist. 240 Stockton St.; res. 2874 Jackson St., San Francisco, Cal. Woodford Allen Yerxa, Jr. 7 1 T Fruit Grower. Princeton; res. Colusa, Cal. 1912 ^r-^A Frank Briggs Badgley A. B. 1912. Investment Broker. William R. Staals Co.; res. 55 N Euclid Ave, Pasadena, Cal. Robert Howell Craig ^ s '3 Member Midwick Country Club. R.T'^Craig & Co.; res. 700 S. Berendo St., Los Angeles, Cal. Donald de Fremery ^ cl "^A (77 Fairmount Ave., Oakland. Cal.) cI>h'A Arthur Croyden Gabriel Russell Goodman Graham B. S. 1912. Rancher. P. O. Box 136, Walnut Grove, Cal. Robert William McKisson Initiated by the Phi Christian Albert Miller A e 'il> Member Pacific Union, Athenian (Oakland) and Golf and Country (San Rafael) Clubs. Broker. Kohl Bldg., San Francisco; res. San Rafael, Cal. Ralph Warren Palmer A n "9 B. S. 1912. Lawyer. 433 California St., San Francisco; res. 1524 Jackson St., Oakland, Cal. Ferd Somers Peterson $1-^ B. S. 1912. Member Corinthian Yacht and Belvedere Golf and Conutry Clubs. Manufacturers' Agent. 60 Pine St., San Francisco; res. Belvedere, Cal. Charles Carrol Snyder F r ""X B. S. 1912. Member Petroleum Club (Taft, Cal.) Psi Upsilon Assn. of Southern California. Chief Electrician. Fuel Dept., A. T. & S. F. Ry. Co., Fellows, Cal. Alfred Frank \\^oolsey A g T Freight Agent. Pacific Alaska Navigation Co., Pier 24; res. 1812 Washington St., San Francisco, C^al. Henry Franklin Wrampelmeier E h ""s (2324 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Cal.) 1913 David Otto Brant An'E B. S. 1913. Theta Nu Epsilon; Golden Bear; Skul and Keys; Big C. Soc. Football. Rancher. Elliott-Brant Ranclio, Owensmouth, Cal. Paul Groendyke Bulkley $ h 'E (710 W. 28th St., Los Angeles, Cal.) Lyman Grimes A h ""Z (1131 Jackson St., San Francisco, Cal.) Theodore Eaton Hammond A F ""O B S. 1913. Skull and Keys. Graduate of U. S. Naval Acad., 1911. Clerk. California Shipbuilding Co.; res. Hotel Vir- ginia, Long Beach, Cal. Charles Calvin Herriott ^ h 'E Piano and Organ Teacher. 1919 High St., Oakland, Cal. Richard Junius Hill, Jr. A ij. '^H A. B. 1914 Yale. Phi Beta Kappa; Chi Delta Theta; Elizabethan Club (Yale); Wai^ncr Club (Yale); Mandolin Club; Pundit. Yale Literary Magazine; Founder and Pres. Wagner Club; 1913-16] EPSILON CHAPTER 711 Pliilosophical Orations; Special Honors in Eng- lisli Literature; Special Honors in French Lan- Riiage and Literature; John Hubbard Curtis Prize in Literature. INfaster of French and Knglish, The Thatcher School, Nordhoff, Cal., 14-15. Author "A Defense of the Closet Drama." Member Arizona and Yale (New York), Phoenix Country and Minneapolis and Aero of America Clubs. See Beta 14 Investments and Literature. 50 Broad St., New York, N. Y.; res. 1910 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Henry Allan Hunter $ s T LL. B. 1914, Univ. of Southern Cal. Phi Delta Phi. Lawyer. 23 Security Bank Bldg., El Centro, Cal. William Watson Lovett, Jr. A X "t B. S. 1913; J. D. 1915. Phi Delta Phi; Sphinx; Senate. Member Sierra Madre Club. Son of William Watson Lovett, Phi 90. Lflw vcr 824 Vail Nuys Bldg.; res. 421 W. Adams St., Los Angeles, Cal. Roy Arthur Silent Ap'Y Theta Nu Epsilon; Golden Bear; Winged Hel- et; Sphinx; Mask and Dagger. Pres. English Club; t'hairman Rally Committee. Member University Club. Civil and Mechanical Engineer. 1134 Central Bldg.; res. 1914 W. 20th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Roland Irving- Stringham $ h ""E B. S. 1913. Architect. 251 Kearney St., San Francisco; res. 2245 Pied- mont Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Clark Crocker \'an Fleet A p 'T (2020 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Cal.) William Cary A'an Fleet, Jr. e ''E (2020 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Cal.) Murray Slauson Vosburg AeT B. S. 1913. Citriculturist. Azusa, Cal. 1914 r Z Kenneth Lester Blanchard B. L. 1914; J. D. 1916. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi; Sphinx; Winged Helmet; Golden Bear; Skull and Keys. Lawyer. 2421 Virginia St., Berkeley, Cal. Gal)riel Carlos Duque A f ""x B. L. 1914. Phi Delta Phi. Pres. Senate De- bating Soc, 13-14. Member University Club. Lawyer. S25 Title Insurance Bldg.; res. 701 S. New Hampshire Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Howard Webster Fleming A r 'Z B. S. 1914. Golden Bear; Winged Helmet; Skull and Keys; Big C. Soc; Football, 13-14; Pres. Big C. Soc. and Y. M. C. A. Student. Univ. of Cal. Hosp., San Francisco; res. 471 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose, Cal. Roland .Constantine Foerster S W 'O B. L. 1914; J. D. 1916. Lawyer 709 Crocker Bldg.; res. 127 Tenth Ave., San Francisco, Cal. Roswell Gray 1 lam TrD-^t B. L. 1914. Golden Bear; Mask and Dagger; English Club; Sphinx. Editor The Occident; Instr. in English, Univ. of Cal. Recorder's Office, Univ. of Cal., Berkeley; res. 389 Vernon St., Oakland, Cal. Craig Lovett 9d'Z Real Estate. 610 Penobscot Bldg.; res. 533 St. Paul Ave., Detroit, Mich. Norman Lo\all McLaren 9 c 'T A. B. 1914. Theta Nu Epsilon; Golden Bear; S"hinx; English Club. Editor Pelican, 14. Author Prize Sonp' 14. Salesman. E. H. Rollins & Sons, 307 1st National Bank Bldg., San Francisco; res. 2910 Forest Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Rolfe Thoburn Miller ^X'T John Griscom Penniman Banker. Grant Ave., O'Farrell and Market Sts.; res. 540 Leavenworth St., San Francisco. Cal. As'H B. S. 1914. P. O. Box 34, West Berkeley; res. 826 Oxford St., Berkeley, Cal. William Allison Peters, Jr. Initiated by the Beta Austin Ramon Pohli* S F ■'O Student. d. 1914 Rov DeWitt Wallace Ag'T Advertising. 214 N. Y. Life Bldg.; res. 1641 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 1915 Lucio Mancilla Mintzer A c ""H (2300 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Cal.) Corbitt Ledlie Moody s ""S .Skull and Keys; Gun Club. Clerk. W. R. Grace & Co., 332 Pine St.; res. 3508 Clay St., San Francisco, Cal. Paul Everton Peabodv $f'I A. B. 1915. Golden Bear. 2d Lieut. 7th Cal. Inf.; On Detached Service, 12th U. S. Inf. Officer of the -Army. 12th U. S. Infantry, Nogales, Ariz. 1916 Harcourt Blades See Harcourt Hervey. Andrew Carrigan, Jr. 9 q '0 (33 Walnut St., San Francisco, Cal.) 712 EPSILON CHAPTER 1916-17 Ernest Eloy Dnque c '0 B. S. 1916. Track. Member University Club. Merchant. 543 Douglas Bldg.; res. 701 S. New Hampshire Ave.. Los Angeles, Cal. Robert Peel Elliott A d 'S Upsilon Nu Chi. Member Sierra Madre and University Clubs. Merchant. California Hardware Co., 500 E. 1st St.; res. 914 W. 28th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Jarvis Lewis Gabel cp h ""p A. B. 1916. 957 Valencia St., Los Angeles, Cal. Thomas Aldrich Gabel $ f "^H Member University and University (San Diego) Clubs. Bonds. 303 Hibernian Bldg.; res. University Club, Los Angeles, Cal. John Lake Garner, Jr. Aj-^p Member University Club. Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific, 214 Citizens National Bank Bldg.; res. 745 W. Adams St., Los Angeles, Cal. Thornton Eldredge Grimes $ y 'P (1131 Jackson St., San Francisco, Cal.) Eugene Alston Llawkins. Jr. $ f 'P A. B. 1916. Phi Alpha Delta. Law Student. 601 Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, Cal. Harcourt Hervey 9b'H A. B. 1916. Phi Delta Phi. Colonel and Honor Graduate of Cadet Regiment. Brother of Edward Henry, Epsilon 17. Officer LT. S. Army. Care Adjutant General of the Army, Washing- ton, D. C; res. Sliatto PI., Los Angeles, Cal. Howard Alden Judy Ag'O A. B. 1916. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi; Golden Bear. Student. Antioch, Cal. William Thomas McFie ^ i (1222 W. 29th St., Los Angeles, Cal.) Marcus McLemore Marshall I f 'II Initiated by the Delta Delta Kenneth Monteagle ^ b 'T Student. 2516 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Cal. Joseph Ledlie Moody, Jr. A q T Kappa Beta Phi; Skull and Keys. Soccer (2), (.^). (4). Student. 1948 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Cal. George Baltzer [Wetherbee] Peterson $ m ""p A. B. 1916. Sphinx and Glee Clubs; Big "C" Soc. Track (3); Tennis (4). Student. Belvedere, Cal. Albert Gratiot Simpson d'^7r George Henry Hotaling Student. 1904 Franklin St., San Francisco, Cal. Sydney Warren Johnson Manufacturer. Bay Front and Ivy Sts.; res. University Club, San Diego, Cal. Ross Corbett Kirkpatrick Student. 1954 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Richard Ashe McLaren S z ""I Theta Nu Epsilon; Kappa Beta Phi; Skull and Keys. Student. 2311 Sacramento St., San Francisco, Cal. (I)gT sj "n Marshall Pierce Madison f Theta Nu Epsilon; Kappa Beta Phi; Big "C" and Circle "C" Socs.; Football and Golf. Student. 1815 Highland PI., Berkeley; res. Mt. View and Allman Sts., San Rafael, Cal. illiam Mintzer 9 c 'H Broker. Bond & Goodwin, 454 California St., San Fran- cisco; res. 130 Forbes Ave., San Rafael, Cal. Norman Benjamin Stern English Club; Sphinx. Student. 2322 Cedar St., Berkeley, Cal. cpyT 1917-20] EPSTLON CHAPTER F^ Douglas \'anDyke A g ,. Student. 222 W. Adams St., Los Angeles, Cal. 1918 GeorsT^e Hugh Banning A d ''x (240 VV. Adams St., Los .\ngeles, Cal.) Robert Alston Brant A 1 \ Student and Agriculturist. Elliott Branch Rancho, Owensmoutli; rts. 3131 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, Cal. Edward Porter Bruck g ""o 833 Los Angeles Trust and Savings Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Benjamin Howell Burton 5 m 'O Student. Colusa, Cal. Thomas Grafton Hanson. Jr. S g '^ (1815 Highland PI., Berkeley, Cal.) Charles Hyde Lewis X f ""A (125 Lyon St., San Francisco, Cal.) John O'Melveny $ z 'K Student. 3250 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 1919 d'X Cesar Jordan Bertheau Student. * 1815 Highland PI., Berkeley, CaL Laurence Cleveland Blanchard 9 f '/, Student. National City, Cal. Austin ^Villiam Clark Miner. Lima, Peru Fridtjof Carl Erickson Student. 1U9 Montecito Ave., Oakland, Ca Harris Crozer Kirk Student. 1533 Arch St., Berkeley, Cal. Harold Ernst AIcGowan Student. 38 Brookside St., Berkeley, Cal. William Hall Moreland Student. (2600 M St., Sacramento, Cal.) 713 r m 'A Ei-^S Ty'A 1920 Edwin Harris Carrigan A y 'M Student. 33 W^alnut St., San Francisco, Cal. George Perry Griffith. Jr. I j "N Student. 2801 Orchard Ave., Los Angeles. Cal. Emery Lovett Student. 533 St. Paul St., Detroit, Mich. Jack Wigmore Student. 949 W. Adams St., Los Angeles, Cal cpd'^N $ c ^M Arthur Wallace Wilde Az'M Student. 1421 L. C. Smith Bldg., Seattle, Wash. OMICRON CHAPTER FOUNDED MAY 28, 1910 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA. ILLINOIS. 1887 Fred Henrv Rankin P0O rp B. S. 18S7 111. Coll., Jacksonville. Alpha Gamma Rho; Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi. Supt. Agricultural Extension and Asst. Dean, Coll. of Agriculture, Univ. of 111. Member University Club. Educator. 1212 W. California Ave.. Urbana, 111. 1889 Frederick Green eA° X A. B. 1889 Harvard and A. M. and LL. B. 1893. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi: Signet; Order of the Coif. Prof, of Law, Univ. of Illinois. Educator. 1106 California Ave., Urbana, 111. 1906 Alba Cornelius Hone3'\vell Cramer p yo ''p (Hoopeston, 111.) Oren Elmer Staples r° 'Z Frederic Hood Emerson $r° 'p Noah Helming lacobsen B. S. in E. E. 1906. Glee Club. Member City Club. District Manager. Tlie Bristol Co.. 294 Washington St.; res. 6 Albemarle St., Boston, Mass. 2° % B. S. 1906. Member Western Society of Engi- neers; Illinois Club. Salesman. 1.S01 Harris Trust Bldg. ; res. 5002 Forestville Ave., Chicago, 111. Horace Healy Morgan © Z° 'Z B. S. 1906. Mechanical Engineering Soc. Assistant Engineer. Palmer Bee Co., E. Grand Blvd. and Cameron Ave.; res. 184 Glendale Ave., Detroit, Mich. George Samuel Pope Chairman of Committee of Am. Soc. for Testing Materials on Standard Specifications for Pur- chase of Coals. Author Bureau of Mines bul- letins "Sampling Coal"; "Purchase of Coal by the Government Under Specifications." Mein- ber Home and Trowel Clubs; Washinton Soc. of Engineers; Am. Soc. for Testing Materials. Engineer in charge of Government Fuel Inspec- tion. Bureau of Mines; res. 1421 Madison St., Wash- ington, D. C. pA°'T ^Z'-'A Harmon X'eeder Swart A. B. 1906; B. S. in M. E. 1908. Member of Rotary Club of New York. Insurance. 19 Liberty St., New York, N. Y.; res. 136 Fourth Ave., Roselle, N. J. Dwayne Glover Young B. S. 1906. Exporter. Hotel Lincoln, Seattle, Wash. 1907 John Henry Craig 0° 'Z Alpha Gamma Rho. Cliarter Member. Merchant. Lewistown. 111. Laurence Julian Dyckes p A° ''-: (Lewistown, 111.) Forrest Linn Gibbs • P F^ T B. S. in Arch. 1907. 1225 S. Main St., Princeton, 111. Charles Taylor ^loss T° 'Z A. B. 1907; M. D. 1912 Northwestern Univ. Physician and Surgeon. Wright and Green Sts., Chainpaign; res. 803 W. Nevada St., Urbana, 111. Emmett Loehr Murphy p$° '- Charter Member Public Safety Commission, Chicago and Cook County. Member Psi Up- silon. Traffic, Illini, Rotary and South Side Tennis Clubs. Manufacturer. 327 S. La Salle St.; res. 5454 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, HI. Forrest Allen Pruitt er^ B. S. in C. E. 1907. Member Civil Engineers' Club. Superintendent of Construction. Foulkrod Contracting Co., Brunswick; res. Ade- laide and Valley Sts., Brunswick, N. J. 1908 Charles Bedard Dugan a T° 'A B. S. 1908. .'Vm. Institute Electrical Engineers; Deutsche Verein; Varsity Club; Shield and Trident; Supt. of Maintenance, California High- way Commission. Member San Jose Golf and Country Club. Civil Engineer. State Highway Yard; res. 85 E. Humboldt St., San Jnse^ Cal. 1908-11; OAIICRON CHAPTER 715 Harrison Frederick Gonnerman B. S. 190S; M. S. 1913. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Triangle. Preliminary and Final Honors in Engineering. First Assistant Engineer. Experiment Station, 300 Laboratory of Applied Mechanics, University of Illinois; res. 1009 W. Illinois St., Urbana, III. .Mark Ross Haynes A S° '? B. S. in C. E. 1908. Tau Beta Pi. Engineer. ' J. B. Pope, Flood Bldg., San Francisco; res. 1829 Francisco St., Berkeley, Cal. Franklin Thompson Kegley P Q t B. S. 1908. Member Brentwood Country Club. Architect. 330 Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles; res. 515 25th St., Santa Monica, Cal. Reuben Ross McDowell P Manager. Overland Motor Co., 45 \V. 24th St.; res. 323 Belden Ave., Chicago, III. Roy Elmer Taylor b Q° X B. S. 1908. Alpha Gamma Rho. Orange and Blue Club. Farming. Kerrick, 111. 1909 Robert Cousins Bardvvell 2°'P A. B. 1909. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Shield and Trident; Track. Chemist. 627 Midland Bldg.; res. 4345 Michigan Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Jay Briggs 6 T° 'Z LL. B. 1911 Yale. Lawver. Hoopeston, 111. Carl Bernhardt Carlson Pi Mu Clii; Football; Capt. Crew. 17 2151 Seventh Ave. N., Seattle, Wash. Paul Massilon McConihe S U 'Nl Oval and Big W Clubs; Scabbard and Bladej Crew; Commodore Varsity Boat Club. 3308 N. 28th St., Tacoma, Wash. Alarcus Wilhelm ALanson H C 'N| Student. 334 2d St. S. W.. Puyallup, Wash. James Matthew O'Connor, Jr. H E 'M Sigma Delta Chi; Sigma Upsilon; Owl Club;l LUih'crsity of Washington Daily Staff; Thef Tycc Staff; Editor-in-Chief The ll'ashington- iaii. 4533 15th Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wa.sh. 1917-201 THETA THETA CHAPTER 725 George Burnett Parker H V 'M Cross Country; Member Taconia Country Club. Tacoma Country Club. R. K. No. 1, Tacoma, Wash. Herbert Joseph Phillips S G 'N A 4216 Fourteenth Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wash. Wilbert Sherwood Slemmons H J 'M Phi Lambda Upsilon; Pi Mu Chi; Glee Club (1), (2), (3), (4). Student. 101 W. nth St., Ellensburg, Wash. Charles tlall Walker 2 L 'N Pi Mu Chi. Varsity Boat Club; Junior Eight; Glee Club and Quartette. Student. 3209 37th .\ve. S., Seattle, Wash. 1918 DonaUl Jennings Abernethy H A° '^N 118 E. John St., Seattle. Wash. Joseph Eber Angle ri 8 '[i. Student. 7th and Cota Sts., Shelton, Wash. John Clayton Bolinger r, \). '[). Wrestling. Student. Methow, Wash. Kenneth Duncan Campbell r, ^ '[). Civil Engineer. 90S 16th St., Bellinghani, Wash. Thomas Erwin Dobbs Sigma Delta Chi; Sporting Editor University of Washington Daily. Student. 3737 South J St., Tacoma, Wash. Thomas Selby Grant s^ C V Dramatics. 4745 20th St. N. E., Seattle, Wa.sh. Weaver Vinson Ketcham S T° ""N Student. 4100 Densmore Ave., Seattle, Wash. Melville Lucius Kilbourne 3 q '[J. 4326 Third Ave. N. W., Seattle, Wash. Angus Lawrence O'Neill Member Seattle Athletic Club. Student. Shelton, Wash. \'irgil ^lorgan Upton Yell Staff. 4532 18th Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wash. Frank Isaman A\'hite Lieut. Univ. of Wash. Cadet Corps. 1709 E. Marion St., Seattle, Wash. Donald Franklin Willard CTY [J. I, ,. 7 /. 'J. V 1 o F V 1919 y; c ""v Jolin W^esley Allen R. R. No. 2, Hood River, Oregon. Paul McLeod Flagg '^g''"^ Freshman Crew. 1119 Yakima Ave., Seattle, Wash. Hugo Raymond Ilaakons a d ''v 4532 18th Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wash. Arthur Clarence Keyes, Jr. j b ""v Reporter University of ll'ashingtoii Daily. 1004 N. K St., Tacoma, Wash. John Allen Parker r, h ""v Ukulele Club (1), Treas (2); Golf Champion, 16. Student. Tacoma Country and Golf Club, Tacoma, Wash. a m y. y; f •'v S t co' A z a. ^ d w. Student. 5241 18th Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wash. LeRoy Pratt. Jr. Student. 321 N. J St., Tacoma, Wash. John Russell vSutthoff 2033 E. Newton St.. SeatUe, Wash. Carl E Wallace j 1 ^ Crew. 1210 Sherwood St., Spokane, Wash. 1920 Mark Perkins Beam Student. North Yakima, Wash. Henry Marfield Bolcom Student. "The Highlands," Seattle, Wash. Howard Mason lUirke Student. Shelton, Wash. Oswold Rudoljjh Carlander '^-V^, Student. 1029 E. 68th St., Seattle, Wash. Benjamin \'alentine Collard /. r 7. Student. 2022 First Ave., Spokane, Wash. \\^illiam Harold Copeland H g co Student. 681 Thompson .\ve., Portland, Oregon. Stuart Henry Guenther B ([ to^ Student. Astoria, Oregon. Roderick Janson ^S ^<. Student. 231 39th Ave. N., Seattle, Wash. Orson Chester Kellogg Student. Hoquiam, Wash. John Farrington Snapp X b a^ Student. 3804 E. Highland Drive, Seattle. Wash. /.fa GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. ALABAMA Akron Sharp, Frederick Bertcn, Tau 14 Birmingham Donovan, William Fitz, Sigma 97, 2131 Morris Ave. Eustis, George, Chi 81, 606 First National Bank BIdg. Grubb, William Irwin, Beta 83, Post Office Bldg. Settle, Wfilliaml Caldwell, Mu 17, Crane Co., 2 S. 20th St. Calhoun Dickinson, Charles Henry, Gamma 81 Greensboro Kimbrough, Edwin Price, Gamma 09 Lillian Barclay, Charles, Chi 76 Manchester Lee, Arthur Hurd, Gamma 16, Chi 16, Phi 17 Maylene Peter, George Frederick, Beta 90, Southern Coal and Coke Co. Roebuck Springs Donovan, William Fitz, Sigma 97 Tuscaloosa Brownell, George Griffin, Pi 92, 307 Queen City Ave. ARIZONA Douglas Dade, Alexander Lucien, Gamma 20, 805 9th St. McGee, Harry Stovve, Phi (III. 745 9th St. Patch, Alexander McCarrell, Jr., Eta 12 Nogales Peabody, Paul Everton, Epsilon IS Oatman Keating, Arthur George, Gamma 10, Big Jim Gold Mine McCollum, Charles Rolfe, Mu 06 Phoenix Conway, Edward Power, Rho 03, 204 Noll Bldg. Prescott Lamson, Richard, Gamma 97, 44 Bank of Ari- zona Bldg. Landon, Stejihen I.esher, Beta 07, Lambda 10, Commercial Mining Co. Tucson Brinton, Paul Henry Mallet-Prevost, Beta Beta 04, Univ. of Ariz. Douglass. Andrew Ellicott, Beta Beta 89, I'niv. of Ariz. ARKANSAS Bigelow Bigelow, Nelson Pendleton, Beta 84 Fordyce Hampton, Foster Martin, Beta 16 Little Rock Eagle, Bryan Munroe, Chi 19, 410 E. 7th St. Fuller, John Torrey. Eta 03, Union Trust Co. Harnwell, Charles Probosco, Iota 86, 923 State Bank Bldg. Williams, Robert Monroe, Phi 12, Southern Trust Co. CALIFORNIA Alameda Pond, Henry Sears, Epsilon 06, 1704 Wood St. Alhambra Graves, Francis Porter, Epsilon 17, 320 Hunt- ington Drive Northrup, William Moulton, Omega 86, L'psi- lon 86. Altadena O'Brien, Martin Henry, Psi 04, Beta, 04, 2207 Maiden Lane Amador City Cogswell, Louis Harold, Theta Theta 14, Origi- ! nal Amador INIine Antioch Judy, Howard Alden, Epsilon 16 Azusa \"oslnug, Murray Slauson, Epsilon 13 Belvedere Peterson, Ferd Somers, Epsilon 12 Peterson, George Baltzer [Wetherbee], Epsi- lon 16 Benicia Short, William Seymour, Beta Beta 83, 16 East J St. Berkeley Alvord, \'eriion Meredith, Epsilon 06, 156 Hillcrest Rd. Andrews, Frank Downes, Epsilon 09, 2828 Forest Ave. Athearn, Fred Goodrich, Epsilon 00, 2805 Regent St. Bertheau, Cesar Jordan, Epsilon 19, 1815 High, land PI. Blanchard, Kenneth Lester, Epsilon 14, 2421 Virginia St. Boyd, Nicholas Emery, Kappa 60, 2823 Gar- ber St. Brown, Wilson Johns, Epsilon 17, 1815 High- land PI. Bruce, Donald, Beta 06, Division of Forestry, Univ. of Cal. Buck, Milton Dana. Pi 75, 2425 Bancroft Way Burrows, Frederick Stephen, Iota 64, 59 Do- mingo Ave. Burrows, John Wadsworth, Eta 98, 2910 Hille- gass Ave. Chandler, Albert Edward, Epsilon 96, 2619 Benvenue Ave. Clapp, Edward Bull, Epsilon 75, LTniv. of Cal. Esterlv. Ward Benjamin, Epsilon 06, 244 Alvar- ado Rd. Etcheverry, Bernard Albert, Epsilon 02, Agri- culture Hal!, Univ. of Cal. Flaherty, Martin Charles, Epsilon 96, LTniv. of Cal. Fletcher, Alfred Charles Benson, Epsilon 07, 2433 Le Conte Ave. Fletcher, John Dundas, Epsilon 07, 2433 Le Conte Ave. Gayley, Charlrs Mills. Phi 78. Univ. of Cal. Ham, Roswell Gray, Epsilon 14, Recorder's Oflice, l.'niv. of Cal. Hammond, John Dempster, Pi 66, 2041 Emer- son St. Haynes. Mark Ross, Omicron 08, 1829 Fran- cisco St. Howard, John Danielson, Sigma 10, Gamma 10, 2926 Benvenue Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX in Berkeley — Cont'd Jrvini;. Samuel Campbell, Epsilon 79, 1322 Shattuck' Ave. Kirk, Harris Crozer, Epsilon 19, 1533 Arch St. McGowan, Harold Ernst, Epsilon 19, 38 Brook- side St. McLaren, Norman Loyall, Epsilon 14, 2910 Forest Ave. McLenegan, Cutler Sturgis, Epsilon 09, 2619 Parker St. iSIeads, Simeon Pease, Kappa 72, 2510 College Ave. Morehouse, ThcoJore Chichester. Zeta 01, 2914 Hillegass Ave. Xewhall, Charles Stedman, Gamma 69, 2629 Piedmont Ave. Outhwaite, Leonard, Beta IS Parsons, Edward Lambe, Beta 89, 2732 Durant Ave. Penniman, John Griscom, Epsilon 14, 826 Ox- ford St. Penniman, Russell Sylvanus, Jr., Epsilon 08, Sth and Grayson Sts. Richardson, Leon Tosiah, Phi 90, Univ. of Cal. Rose, Robert Selden, Beta 09, 2327 Warring St. Shoecraft, Byron Nye, Pi 19, 3040 College Ave. Stearns, Harry Barrows, Zeta 01, 98 The Up- lands .Stern, Norman Benjamin, Epsilon 17, 2322 Cedar St. Stringham, Roland Irving, Epsilon 13, 2245 Piedmont Ave. Traphagen, Arthur Romeyne, Epsilon 04, 117 Parkside Drive Wells, Chauncev Wetmore, Beta 96, Univ. of Cal. Whittlesey, James Thomas, Beta 89, 2249 Pied- mont Ave. \\'ickson, Edward James, Psi 69, 2723 Bancroft Way Wickson, Guest, Epsilon 10, 2723 Bancroft Way. Williamson, Talcott. Epsilon 08, 2353 Prospect St. Woodman, Clarence Eugene, Beta Beta Ti, 2630 Ridge Rd. Wrampclmcier, Theodore John, Phi 78, 2324 Piedmont Ave. Beverly Hills Frost, Lowell Chester, Beta 05, 813 Camden Drive Burlingame Hitchcock, William Geer, Eta 9^ Rathbone, Gerald Laurence, Beta 93 Scott, Laurance Irving, Chi 99 Campbell Harris, Richmond Bullock, Sigma 82 Chula Vista Taylor, Edward Clark, Delta 09, 4th St. and National Ave. Claremont Bissell, Arthur Dart, Gamma 79, 319 Harvard Ave. Davis, Albert Putnam, Gamma 87, 130 Mesa Ave. Sumner, Charles Burt, Beta 62, 105 College Ave. Colusa Burton, Benjamin Howell, Epsilon 18 Yerxa, Woodford Allen, Jr., Epsilon 11 Corona McMillan, Morton Kempner, Chi 96, Grand Boulevard Davenport Davis, Frederick, Eta 91 Eagle Rock City Esterly, Calvin Olin, Epsilon 02, 309 E. Ridge- way Ave. El Centre Adams. Isaac. Phi 74. Hunter, Henry Allan, Epsilon 13, 23 Security Bank Bldg. El Monte Dinsmoor, Adelbert Orsman, Mu 87, Pomona Blvd. Bldg. Fellows Snyder, Charles Carrol, Epsilon 12 Fort Bidwell Ayres, George Hamilton, Eta 87 Glendale Hayward, Julian Stevens, Xi 10, 1528 W. 1st St, Grass Valley Thorburn, Frank Matson, Delta 98, 302 E. Main St. HoUister Flint, Thomas, Zeta 80, 482 South St. Hollywood Belknap, _ William Ethelbert, Delta 88, 6516 Fountain Ave. Ten Eyck, William Bullock, Theta 88, 2002 Pinehurst Rd. Huntington Park Brown, Bruce Forrester, Epsilon 03, 520 Lyfort Ave. Inglewood Badenoch, Arthur Hill, Omega 08, 300 Fir St. Jackson Kelsey, Newton Standish, Epsilon 05 King City Merrill, Hamilton Griswold, Gamma 00, Broad- way La Jolla Hitchcock, Henry William, Phi 20, Cliff Court. Lindsay Alexander, Frank Bowman, Epsilon 03 Lodi Inch, William, Epsilon 01, 13 X. Church St. Long Beach Hammond, Theodore Eaton, Epsilon 13, Hotel Virginia Pike, Charles Eliot, Gamma 75, 331 Seaside Blvd. Los Angeles Abrahams, Armistead Lattimore, Tau 99, 611 Washington Bldg. Badger, Henry Franklin, Jr., Chi 03. 214 Citi- zens National Bank Bldg. Baker, Eugene Voy, Beta, 77, 503 Grant Bldg. Bayly, Charles Houghton, Epsilon 17, 2025 W. Adams St. Blackburn, Francis Adelbert, Phi 68, 1719 N. Gardner St., Hollywood Blackburn, Thomas Brogden, Omega 98, 849 S. Catalina St. Blades, Edward King, Epsilon 17, 601 Shatto PL Boardman, Donald Twogoo, 501 Union Bank Bldg. Wherrv, Henrv Probasco, Phi 03, University Club" Whitehead, Ravnale Almeron, Phi 07, 208 La Salle St. Wieboldt, Elmer Frederick, Rho 12, 3239 Lin- coln Ave. Wieboldt. Raymond Carl, Rho 09, 1530 W. Van Buren St. Willcox. Giles Buckingham, Delta 48, Beta 48, 1629 Washington Blvd. Willett, Howard Levansellaer, Omega 06, 75 E. South Water St. William.s, Lewis Mesler, Zeta 10, 5 N. Wabash Ave. Williams, Roy Walter, Omega 16, 6835 Ridge- land Ave. Wilson, Eugene Smith, Gamma 02, 212 W. Washington St. Wilson, Luke Ingals, Mu 95, 528 S. Fifth Ave. Wilson, Paul Eldredge, Mu 99, Omega 99, 528 S. Fifth Ave. Wilson. Stephen Askew, Omicron 20, 354 Nor- mal Parkway Wise. Harold Jacob, Chi 06, 1970 208 S. La Salle St. Wright, Walter, Omega 06, 1551 E. 65th St. Wveth, Harrv Bissell. Phi 89, 140 N. Dearborn St. Young, Kimball, Phi 73, University Club Zimmermann, Herbert Paul, Omega 01, 731 Plymouth Court Chicago Heights McEldowney, Charles Roy, Omicron 18 Clarendon Hills Hamill, Robert Walbridge. Beta 84 Danville Ercanbrack, Hal Edmund, Omicron 09, care The Hegeler Zinc Co. Rottger, Russel Curtis, Omicron 13, 23 Walnut St. Dixon Smith, Clyde [William 1, Omega 86, Phi 86, Dixon National Bank Bldg. Downers' Grove Straube, Alfred Heckman, Omega 11 Du Quoin Van Keuren, June Gill, Omega 14 Earlville McCray, James Daniel, Omicron 14 Elgin Holden, William George, Omicron 14, 254 Villa St. Elmhurst Emery, William Harrison, Phi 98 Law, Elwin Wallace, Chi 15 Evanston Agry, Warren Cram, Zeta 11, 902 Elmwood Ave. Anderson, Donald Kennedy, Omega 17, 2316 Park PI. Anderson. Randall. Iota 11. Omega 12, 1122 Maple Ave. Bell, George Boardman, Jr., Chi 13, 1213 Jud- son Ave. Bickle, William Copley. Omega 13, University Club Browne, Gerry Edward, Rho OS, 934 Michigan Ave Butler^ Gerald Morton, Beta 09, 1555 Ridge Ave. Carlisle, William Smyth, Zeta 11, Evanston Hotel _ . ^ Childs. John Roland, Zeta 09, 526 Davis St. . Clark, Dwight Freeman, Omega 03, 800 Davis Comstock, Daniel Franklin, Omicron 15, 2408 Hartzell St. Crosby, Reginald Whitney, Iota 06, 919 Forest Cross,' Miller, Psi 10, 134 Main St. Cunningham, Oliver Baty, Beta 17 Daniels, Francis Barrett, Alpha 71, 1615 Judson Ave. ^ . Day, Stephen Albion, Phi 05, 2206 Ornngton Ave. , , . DeMoe, Earl Wilson, Rho 92, 915 Michigan Ave. Dods, John Palliser, Chi 08, 1003 Washington St. Eddy, Augustus Wilson, Beta 06, 521 Greenwood Blvd. , ^ Egan, Ellis Percival, Omega 11, 420 Church St. Egan, Harold Hunt. Omicron 14, 420 Church Field, Charles Barr, Iota 11, 712 Hinman Ave. Ford, Horace Milton, Pi 87, 2130 Ornngton Ave. Frost, Philip Prescott, Xi 02. 561 Willard PI. Frost, Timothy Prescott, Xi 76, 1632 Hinman Ave. , Grant, Ulysses Sherman, Mu 88, University Hall Harnwell, Frederick William, Iota 89, 615 Uni- versity Place Harper, William Hudson, Beta 80, 1002 Lake St- Haskell, Sidney Cleveland, Rho 09, 1228 Hin- man Ave. Henrv, James Ronald, Omega 02, 229 Main St. Holden, William George. Omicron 14, 1505 Chicago Ave. Hoyt, James Mitchell, Rho 07, 1575 Ashland Ave. Hubbell, Joseph Goodwin, Mu 98, 719 Madison St. Hughes, Delmar Reynolds, Rho 15, 424 Green- leaf St. 746 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Evanston — Cont'd Hughes, Robert David. Rho 13, 424 Greenleaf St. Jenkins, Harmon Dutilh, Psi 64, 706 Hinman Ave. Knight, Augustus, Beta 10, 1316 Church St. Knight, Newell Clark, Beta 84, 1847 Asbury Ave, Lowry, Charles Cooke. Iota 18, 1114 Main St. McLean, Malcolm Shaw, Psi 16, Phi 16, 620 Hinman .\ve. Main, Edward Stilhnan, Rho 91, 924 Sheridan Rd. Miller. Donald Crandon, Phi 09, 1011 Grove St. Miller, Henry Giles, Beta 95, 1334 Asbury Ave. Nightingale, .Augustus Frederick, Xi 66, 916 Sheridan Rd. Nightingale, Harry Thomas, Phi 95, 2020 Sher- man Ave. Peter, William Frederick, Beta 05, 1228 Hinman Ave. Robbins, George Andrews, Xi, 83, University Club Rogers, Arthur, Sigma 86, 1501 Ridge .\ve. Rogers, Arthur Waterman, Omega 18, 1501 Ridge Ave. Rogers. Paul Curtis, Omega 20, 1501 Ridge Ave. Rogers, Samuel Greene Arnold, Sigma 15, 1501 Ridge Ave. Ronev. Henry Buell, Omega 08, 1711 Ridge Ave. Sherer, William George, Omega 81, 426 Hamil- ton St. Stifler, James Madison, Tau 96, 1112 Grove St. Vilas, Charles Atwood, Rho 99, 519 Grove St. Walker, John Tempest, Jr., Sigma 13, 1553 Oak Ave. Webster, Henry Kitchell, Psi 97, 1411 Maple Ave. Wilson, Luke Ingals, Mu 95, 1827 .\sburv Ave. Wyeth, Harry Bissell, Phi 89, 1421 Maple Ave. Fox Lake Wilkinson, John, Jr., Chi 96, P. O. Box 274 Freeport Zipf, Oscar Robert, Omicron 16, 171 Whistler St. Galesburg Gunnell, Emory Smith, Ganuna 80. 125 E. Main St. Geneva Fauntleroy, Eugene Goukl, Phi 15 Glencoe Buck, Benjamin Franklin, Omega 02 Mason, Edward Hopkins, Beta 92, 693 Green- wood .'\ve. Williams, Lewis Mesler, Zeta 10, 344 South Ave. Greenup Grant, Orville Boardman, Kappa 70 Harvey Babcock, Basil Philip, Omicron 17, 15329 Cen- ter Ave. Ha^'ana McFadden, Stanley Bruce, Omicron 13 Highland Park Everett, Francis Gray, Delta Delta 20, 20S Hazel Ave. Forrest, William Sylvester, Zeta 75, 722 Mont- gomery Rd. Holmes, Samuel Spelman, Iota 06, Phi 08, 217 S. Linden Ave. Insull, Martin John, Chi 93, N. Sheridan Rd. Kirchberger, Richard Siegfried, Zeta 02, Green Bay Rd. Mason, Henry Eager, Beta 89, 301 E. Cen- tral Ave. Schumacher. Bowen Wisner, Phi 85, 510 E. Laurel Ave. Stevens, Raymond William, Omega 96, The Meadows, Green Bay Rd. Underwood, Thomas Ingle, Phi 20 L^nderwood, ^\'illiart\ Lovell, Phi 18 Highland Park— Cont'd ^^'ilson, Eugene Smith, Gamma 02, 304 N. Sheridan Rd. \\'oIcott, Leonard Clark, Delta Delta 17, Rho 17, Trinity Church Rectory Hillsdale Carter. Byron Beach, Rho 83, 59 N. Washing- ton St. Hoopeston Briggs, Jay, Omicron 09 Hubbard Woods Cliickcring, Wallace Wiley, Phi 95, 770 Rose- wood Ave. McKenzie, William Dexter, Phi 96, 1185 Laurel Ave. Huntley Hoy, William Pierson, Rho 01, State Bank, Main St. Joliet Adam, Folger, Chi 04, Raih'oad and Croghan Sts. Barber, Ralph Spangler, Omega 15, 401 Union St. Barber, William Crowley, Psi 84, 233 Bnrber Bldg. Hyde, Louis Howard, Phi 82, 502 S. Eastern .\ve. Kenilwrorth .\ndrews. Emery Cobb. Omega 00 Kingsley, George Caleb, Psi OS Kerrick Taylor. Roy Ehncr, Omicron 08 LaGrange Darlington, Harley Chester, Omega 07, 329 S. Stone Ave. Kctcham. Frank Arthur, Phi 97, 129 S. Kens- ington Ave. Lyman. David Brainard, Beta 95, 133 S. Spring Ave. Mitcliell. Harley Bradford, Omega 76. 112 S. .Spring .St. Sinkinson, Joseph Dawson, Kappa 99, 321 S. Waiota Ave. Smith, Ernest Charles, Kappa 84, 431 S. Waiota Ave. Lake Blrff Behel, Vernon Wilbur, Jr., Omicron 16 Behel, Wesley Arthur, Omicron 17 Johnson, Mfartinl Arthur, Omega 11 Linneen, Henry \Vilson, Omicron 18 Lake Forest Ackert, Fred. Beta OS Bridgman, Ray Claflin, Beta 17 Donnelley, Thomas Elliott, Beta 89 Farwell, Francis Cooley, Beta 82 Hamill, Alfred Ernest, Beta 05 Haven, Alfred Coles, Delta 77. Washington Rd, Pollock, Edward Learned, Beta Beta 15 Pollock, \\'oolsey IMcAlpine, Beta Beta 18 Ryerson, Donald Mitchell, Beta 07 Tuttle, Arthur Farwell, Beta 15 Tuttle, Henry Emerson. Beta 14 Tuttle, Henry Nelson, Beta 81 La Salle Barber. Harold William, Omicron 18, 10S3 Gooding St. Guthrie. Tohn Oliver. Omicron 20. 737 9th .St, Hazen, Franklin Mellen, Omicron 16, 1300 E. 1st St. Wilson, Arnold Jordan, Omega 07, 135 Mar- quette St. \\'ilson, George Alexander, Jr., Omega 03 Lewistown Craig, John Henry, Omicron 07 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 747 Lincoln Pegrani. William Alexander, Omicion 10, 423 Ottawa St. Snider. Brainerd Clinton, Omicron 13, 119 N. Kickapoo St. Lombard Blake. John Bidwell, Omega 86 Macomb TunniclifF, ]\Iorris Damon, Omega 19, 201 W. Carroll St. Waggoner, Edwin Harris, Omicron 11, 426 E. Jackson St. Maywood Steele. Sidney John, Phi GO Moline Butterworth, William, Eta 89, Deere & Co., Third Ave. Peet, Jlohn] Carlisle, Beta 15, 1215 8th St. Monticello Moore, Bradford Van Rensselaer, Sigma 19, 412 N. State St. Morgan Park Edwards. lanie.s Beresford Tr.. Omicron 2U. UJ3U S. 'Oakley .\ve. Emory, Robert Simpson, Omicron 20. Mt. Carmel White, Beauchamp Augustus, Omega 15 White, Joseph Harvey. ( )niega 20 White, Robert Ceresco, Omega 15, 421 Main St. Mt. Vernon Rentchler, Marion David, Omicron 19, 309 S. 15th St. Newman Nichols. George Edward, Beta 17 Oak Hill Wilson, Everett Rowland. Beta 16, Jubilee Farm Oak Park Ball. Farlin Herbert. Rho 95, 211 Clinton Ave. Ball. Farlin Quigley, Rho 61, 207 Clinton Ave. Beye. William, Rho 02, 110 S. East Ave. Brooks. Bryant John, Upsilon 14, 949 Lake St. Donaldson. Orren Madison, Xi 89, 818 N. Euclid Ave. Doud, Eli Horace, Omega 86, Chi 86, 239 Maple Ave. Forbes. James Bruff, Upsilon 99, 701 N. Kenil- worth Ave. Gale, Greenleaf Whittier, Phi 98, 725 S. Boulevard Gibbs. Fletcher Barker, Jr., Omicron 13, 424 Pleasant St. Heald, Eugene Hamilton, Rho 00, 325 Clin- ton Ave. Heald. Howard Leslie. Rho 14. 1035 Pleasant St. Heald. Robert Pinkerton, Rho 11, 1035 Pleasant St. Herrick, Walter Dwight, Phi 98 Hohmann, John Sanders, Rho 16. 341 Home Ave. Howe, Oswald Eugene, Chi 19. 315 S. East Ave. Hunter. Duncan fMeredith]. Rho 14, 123 Pleas- ant St. Jones, Russell Alger, Rho 20, 232 X. Oak Park Ave. Junkins, Edwin Page, Zeta 14, 422 N. El- wood Ave. Kemler, Edward Orin, Omega 19, 318 East Ave. N. Miller. Elliott Strong, Omicron 16. 175 N. Grove Ave. Morgan, Richard Hayward, Phi 07, 122 S. Michigan Blvd. Oak Park — Cont'd Oliver. Mark, Chi 05, 606 N. Grove Ave. Oliver, Paul, Phi 99, 625 N. Elmwood Ave. Pratt, Edward Williams, Eta 90, 215 N. Oak Park Ave. Roberts. Chapin. Rho 11, 321 N. Euclid Ave. Roberts, Owen Wilbur, Chi 01, 321 N. Euclid Ave. Seabury, Charles Ward, Phi 98, 420 N. Euclid Ave. Smith. Bertram Leon Burgoyne, Beta Beta 15, 332 S. Ridgeland Ave. Smith. Walter James Terreau, Beta Betta 20, 332 S. Ridgeland Ave. Sperry, Donald Draper, Omicron 17, Rho 17, 330 N. Grove Ave. Sperry, Frederick Lewis, Rho 19, 330 N. Grove St. Tomlinson, Ernest Benjamin, Rho 04, 434 N. Oak Park Ave. Tomlinson, Howard Holmes, Rho 15, 310 N. Grove Ave. Tucker, Lynde Worthington, Zeta 09, 916 Ran- dolph St. Oilfield Young. Kimball, Phi 73 Oswego Betz. Roscoe Richard. Omicron 20. R. R. Park Ridge Macfarland, Henry James, Jr., Omega 17 Tiiwnsend. Arthur Oitchlow, Chi 95 Peoria Goss, John Mayo, Beta 15, 209 Flora St. Iwig. Howard Philip, Omicron 18, 313 N. Elm- wood Ave. Tichenor. Francis Herbert. Beta 81. 319 Central National Bank Bldg. Tyng. Alexander Griswold, Phi 73, Chamber of Commerce Wilson. Hugh Edward. Omicron 09, 319 Cen- tral National Bank Bldg. Zimmerman, George Fulton Dandiel, Omicron 10, 801 Linn St. Peru Zimmermann. Arthur Charles, Omicron 16, 1506 4th St. Zimmermann, Harry Gustav, Omicron 19, 1506 4th St. Pittsfield Higbee. Harry, Beta 75 Piano Lord, Arthur Evarts, Omega 04 Princeton (ulibs. Forrest Linn, Omicron 07, 1225 .S. Main St. Isaacson, Roger Spake, Omicron 11, 501 S. Main St. Skinner, John Sharpe, Rho 08, Masonic Block. Skinner, Richard Manson. Rho 13, 544 S. Main St. Trulson, Palmer Charles, Omicron 17 Ridee Farm Fletcher. Cassius Paul, Omicron 14 River Forest Miller, James Garrett, Upsilon 84, 4 Quick Ave. Riverside Belding, Hiram Hurlburt, Jr., Zeta 18, Micheaux Rd. Piatt. Edward Marcellus, Rho 87 Randolph, Robert Isham, Chi 07 Rockford Armstrong, James Edwin, Rho 02, 315 W. State St. Dewey. Ritchie Park, Omicron 15, 318 Chest- nut St. Ehman, George Frederick, Psi 04, 1101 Acorn St. 748 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Rockford — Cont'd Fitch, William Kountz, Rho 13, 849 N. Main St. Keeler, Edwin Reitler, Beta 11, 1405 National Ave. Maguire, Beach Woodruff, Rho 03, 213 N. Mad- ison St. Reber, Edwin Perry, Zeta 14, Omicron 14, Cotta Transmission Co., 11th St. and 23d Ave. Sheridan Callagan, Lloyd Harrison, Omega 13, care First National Bank Springfield Shinn, Elmer Barkalow, Omicron 14, 620 Reisch Bldg. Sterling Dinsnioor, Jarvis, Zeta 75, 9 E. 3d St. Toulon Dewey, Maurice Adams, Zeta 20 Urbana Checkley, Joseph Harvey, Omicron 13, 100 Agricultural Bldg. Gonnerman, Harrison Frederick, Omicron 08, 300 Laboratory of Applied Mechanics, Uni- versity of Illinois. Green, Frederick, Omicron 89, University of Illinois Kegley, Robert Britten. Omicron 20, R. R. No. 12 Miller, Wilhelm, Phi 92, 611 Michigan Ave. Mosier, Henry David, Omicron 20, 908 W. Illinois St. Moss, Charles Melville, Pi 11, 806 S. Mathews Ave. Moss, Charles Taylor, Omicron 07, 803 W. Nevada St. Pomeroy, John Norton, Beta 87, 303 Law Bldg., University of Illinois Pruitt, Glenn James, Omicron 09, 128 W. Main St. Rankin, Fred Henry, Omicron 87, 1012 W. California Ave. Spencer, Robinson, Xi 03, 706 Michigan Ave. Waukegan Hardie. Francis Clarke, Omicron 15, Zeta 18, 451 Sheridan Rd. White Hall Corsa. William Storm, Gamma 92 Wilmette Baird, Lucius Olmsted, Beta 85, 57 Crescent PI. Cody, Hiram Sedgwick, Phi 08, 628 Isabella St. Lounsbury, Ralph Reed, Beta 94, 111 6th St. Osman, Eaton Goodell, Omega 79, 801 Cen- tral Blvd. Roodhouse, Benjamin Thomas, Upsilon 94, 427 Laurel Ave. Skillin, Clarence Percy, Zeta 08, 714 Ashland Ave. Smith, Byron Bayard, Omega 99, 200 Ninth St. Winnetka Blossom, Francis Reynolds, Beta 17 Butler, Francis Peabody, Beta 09, 715 Pros- pect Ave. Houghteling, James Lawrence, Jr., Beta 05, 731 Prospect Ave. Hoyt. Howard Henry II, Iota 10. 873 Oak St, Mason, Frederic Ogden, Beta 09, 228 Linden St. Mason, Roswell Bertram, Beta 95, 326 Ridge -\ve. Mechem, John Collier, Phi 07, 601 Ash St. Miller, William Southworth, Beta 96, 647 Spruce St. Winnetka — Cont'd Nolan, Julian St. John, Beta 95 Otis, William Augustus, Phi 78, 644 Oak St. Trumbull, Charles Lamb, Beta Beta 08, 250 Ridge -^ve. Williams, Edward Franklin, Beta 56, 1051 Cherry St. Woodstock Bardwell, Richard Woleben, Omicron 10, 322 Lake Ave. Yorkville Hopkins, Eugene Canfield, Omicron 17. INDIANA Alexandria Cook, Henry Harold, Rho 02, Alexandria Paper Co. Connersville Hicks, George Cleveland, Jr., Chi 90, 514 Franklin St. Culver Van Vleck, James Brackett, Delta 00, Culver Military Academy East Chicago Bull, Eyvind Hagerup, Rho 05, Green Engineer- ing Co. Elkhart Cochran, Stuart Wainwright, Omega 20, Frank- lin St. Luse, Frank Voorhees, Phi 78, Munger Block Evansville Darby William Johnson, Phi 69, Woods Bldg. Gilchrist, Alexander, Theta 59, Old State Na- tional Bank Orr, Samuel Lowry, Beta 94, 19 W. Penn- sylvania St. Fort Wayne Barrett, James Madison, Phi 75, Shooff Bldg. Barrett, James Madison, Jr., Phi 16, 2325 Fairfield. Ave. Barrett, Walter Aldrich, Phi 04, Bass Foun- dry and Machine Co. Bond. James Ewing, Phi 14, 404 Peoples Trust Bldg. Grosvenor, .\sa Waters, Gamma 97, 408 Bass Block. Morris. John, Phi 83, 913 Peoples Trust Bldg. Olds, Eugene Henry. Eta 95, 301 Wallace St. Thieme, Frederick John, Jr., Phi 18, 2445 Fairfield Ave. Worden, Charles Howard, Phi 83, First National Bank Gary Boardman, Carl, Mu 02, Tau 04, 522 Broad- way. Zimmerniaiin. .■\rtlnir Charles, Omicron 16. Am- erican Bridge Co. Hebron Lidster, Homer Edward, Omicron 16. R. R. No. 1 Indianapolis Atkins, Henry Cornelius, Beta 89, 402 S. Illinois St. Boardman, Albert Jay, Chi 08, 209 Traction Bldff. Buttoiph, Henry Wright, Iota 92, Am. Central Life Bldg. Carmer, James Sykes, Psi 03, American Can Co. Dorsey, Daniel Layman, Phi 91, State Ave. and Bates St. Ferriday, Robert, Eta 94, Delaware and South Sts. Green. Ronald Conrad, Sigma 96, 2101 N. Ala- bama St. Hadley. Joel Wright. Xi 16, 658 E. 22d St. Hasselman, James Blood, Xi 14, 3445 Central Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 749 Indianapolis — Cont'd. Lockridge, Robert Truett, Xi 19, 1409 N. Pennsylvania St. • Xoyes, Nicholas Hartman, Chi 06, 210 E. Mc- Carty St. Parrv. Maxwell [Oswald], Beta 09, "Golden Hill" Seeds, Russel McClellan, Phi 85, 330 Univer- sity Sq. Sickels, Ralph Gordon, Xi 14, 2047 N. Illinois St. Stanley, James Dowdell, Beta Beta 11, Monu- ment PI. Stevenson, Carl Place, Xi 16, 3031 N. New Jersey St. Swift, Lucius Burrie, Phi "0, 330 American Central Life Bldg. Thompson, James Livingstone, Xi 17, 1912 N. Meridian St. Wade, Frank Bertram, Xi 01. 1039 W. 27th St. Williams. David Percy, Chi 98, Merchants' Bank Bldg. Woolen, Evans, Beta 86, Fletcher Savings and Trust Co., Penn. and Market Sts. Wright, Burrell, Zeta 14, Omicron 14, Phi 16, 1514 Merchants' Bank Bldg. Kendallville Bridenthal, Cyrus William, Omicron 11, 112 Main St. Kokomo Brackett, Clare Lahman, Phi 13, Apperson Brothers Auto Co. Lafayette Ayres, Edward, Gamma 78, 1003 State St. Moore, Robert Spencer, Gamma 02, First Na- tional Bank, 316 Main St. Potter, George Leonard, Psi 15, "Whitehall." Stuart. William Vaughn, Gamma 80, 3d and South Sts. Underwood, Richard Chute, Phi 98, 310 Ferry St. La Grange Gulp, John De Witt, Omicron 16, R. R. No. 4 La Porte Daugherty, Lawrence Lumaree, Chi 88, 704 Lincolnway Weaver, Louis Burner, Phi 84, 1527 Michigan Ave. Peru Edwards. Richard .'vrthur, Zeta 76, 2 X. Broad- way Rushville Payne, Earl Hamilton, Chi 94, 201 N. Main St. Payne, Ralph. Tau 97, 201 N. Main St. South Bend Birdsell, Horace Van Tuyl. Phi 89. The Oliver Fish, Fred Samuel, Upsilon TZ, "Sunnyside," Jefferson Blvd. Fish, Frederick Studebaker, Tau 13, Studehaker Corporation Johnson, Harry Disbrow, Jr., Chi 04, Stude- haker Corporation Syracuse Kilvert, Walter Dun, Sigma 98. R. R. No. 5 Terre Haute Dyer. Harold Pennock, Lambda 05. N'andala Coal Co. Minshall, Charles, Chi 82, 654 Cherry St. IOWA Algona Ferguson, Arthur Call. Zeta 12. First National Bank Ferguson, William Kirby, Zeta 86, First National Bank Ames Little. William Ross. Xi 14. Iowa State College Belmond Klominc, Glenn Harmon, Rho 14, 201 E. Main St. Burlington Hedge, Lyman Cook, Beta 00, 520 Court St. Cedar Falls Arfv, Melvin Franklin, Kappa 67, 2320 College St. Cedar Rapids Bcardsley, David Elijah, Phi 02, Mullin Bldg. Burkhalter, Edward Read. Delta 62, 808 Third Ave. Ely, Henrv Sturges, Beta 02, 403 Security Bldg. Greene, George, Beta Beta 83, 55 Kimball Bldg. Heaney, Francis Clifford, Zeta 18, 1564 Second Ave. E. Lindsay, Kenneth. Omega 12, 1902 Park Ave. Pinnev, Eugene Moulton. Chi 14, 418 Third Ave. Ruml,' Beardsley, Zeta IS, 806 Fifth Ave. .Sinclair. Robert .Sautter, Tau 94, Foot 3rd St. Clinton Gates, .\rtemus Lamb, Beta IS. Oakhurst Hutchins, George Westcott, Zeta 15, Curtis Bros. & Co. Ogden, Frank Edmond, Rho 17, Wurster Apts. Wilson, Frank Eugene, Beta 06. 306 Sixth Ave. Creston Potter. William Hobart, Phi 75, 215 Mont- gomery St. Davenport Akin, Edgar Wallace, Jr., Sigma 06, 118 W. 2d St. Cable, George Wyatt, Jr., Gamma 91, 54 First National Bank Bldg. Fisher, David Gerould, Phi 00, Whitaker Bldg. Koch. George Washington, (Dmicron 20, 10J7 Main St. Von Ach. Frank Claire, Omicron 18, 1618 Park Ave. Des Moines Antes, Herbert Pullen, Rho 17, 16354 6th St. Brown. Ben Miller, Delta Delta 18, 2141 W. Grand Ave. Everett, Hubert Fifer, Mu 19, 925 Forest Ave. Goodell. Frank Elbert, Omega 89, Upsilon 89, North High School Samson, Emory Alden, Mu 16, 926 W. 18th St. Stevenson. Jesse Francis, Xi 85, 1215 Hippee Bldg. . , Thomas, Russell Denison, Mu 18, 422 Lincoln Court Weiser, Victor .Mbert. Tau 19. Hotel Foster Willcoxen. William Merritt. Psi 83. 608 Young- erman Bldg. Wright. Carroll. Jr.. Delta Delta 18, 3605 W. Grand Ave. Dubuque Carr, James Trowbridge, Beta 92, 9th and Jack- son Sts. Davenport, Ira Nelson, Omega 12. Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, Foot of Third St. Mchlhop, Carl Francis, Phi 01, 372 Main St. Mehlhop, Clarence Warren. Phi 99. 9th and Locust Sts. Steffens. Ralph Sutherland, Upsilon 20, 440 Delhi St. Eagle Grove Smallpage, Melbourne Fischer, Phi 18, 502 W. Broadway. Iowa City Beye, Howard Lombard, Rho 09, University of Iowa Goodell, Frank Elbert. Omega 89, Upsilon 89, 932 Kirdwood Ave. 750 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Marshalltown Miller. George Arthur. Zeta 63. .310 N. .3d St. Mason City Smith, Herbert Walter. Phi 80. 28 1st St. S. E. Weston, Frank Laurance, Rho 20, 710 N. Adams Ave. Monticello Lazell, Theodore Studley, Kappa 92 Mt. Pleasant Whiting. .Tames Timothv, Gamma 85, 209 E. Henry St. Mt. Vernon Lindsay, Kenneth, Omega 12 Ottumwa Patt, Benjamin Franklin, Omega 78, 211 N. Washington St. Sioux City Brown, Dan Hedges, Omega 16, 413 Pierce St. Brown, Herman Duane, Jr., Gamma 19, 3601 .Tackson St. Burgess, Lyman Taylor, Zeta 18, 2826 Nebraska St. Hicks, Edward Livingston, Omega 19 Johnson, Allison Fletcher, Zeta 18, 603 28th St. Johnson, Homer Wesley, Jr., Zeta 18, 603 28th Johnson, Paul Aaron, Zeta 20, 603 28th St. St. Thom, Tames Dale, Omega IS, Omicron l.S, 1901 Pierce St. Vinton Ellis, Ard Hoyt, Rho 00, Farmers National Bank Webster City Jones, Robert Emmons. Phi 9' KANSAS Clay Center Otis, Joseph Paul, Zeta 72 Emporia Havwood. Carl Beniamin. Mu 00. 513 Coin- mercial St. Lawrence Burdick. William Livesev, Xi 82, Univ. tf I\ansas Dains. Frank Burnett, Xi 90, LTniv. of Ixansa'^ Helleberg, Victor Emanuel. Beta 83, 1725 Mississippi St. .Strong, Frank, Beta 84, Univ. of Kansas Walker, .'\rthur Tappan, Delta 87, 1645 Louisi- ana St. Mulberry Lanyon, Searle Henry, Omega 15, The Mulberry State Bank Olathe Parker, Jonathan Willis, Phi 75, 486 I^ansas City Rd. Parsons Naylor. James Ernest, Upsilon 06, Rev. J. T. Crawford Pittsburg Lanyon, Searle Henry, Omega 15, 711 N. Catalpa Ave. Satterlee, William Abel, Phi IT, 101 W. 4th St. Topeka Crosbv. Daniel, Kappa 55, 602 Tenth Ave. Willard, Francis George, Iota, 82, 1014 Topeka Ave. ■W'illard, Frank Alexander, Phi 18, 1014 Tokepa Ave. Wetmore DeForest, Henry Clay, Beta 63 Wichita Hutton, Earl Ralph, Omega 12, 1007 Schweiter Bldg. KENTUCKY Anchorage Peters, Roger Hanson, Iota 85. St. Luke's Church. Ashland Adams. Thomas Means, Beta 74, Norton Iron Works Allibone, Joseph Hill, Pi 09, The Elms Rayfield, Frederick Harvey. Chi 15 Berea Roberts, Benson Howard, Zeta 76, LTpsilon 76 Covington Stanbery, Henry, Iota 96, North Marzella Flats Stanbery, Philemon Beecher, Iota 98, 23 N. Marzella St. Fort Thomas Carpenter, William Pearce, Iota 92, Altamont Hotel Harrodsburg Riker, Lafon, Gamma 87 Hazard English, Harry Kirk. Pi 03, Blue Grass Coal Corporation Henderson Snaper. Robert Calloway, Iota 70, 317 Lower Main St. Lexington Pope, John Parker, Chi 90, Phoenix Hotel Louisville Babcock, George Wheeler, Beta 02, 1564 Story .\ve. Bloom. Isadore Nathan, Beta 78, .\therton Bldg. Campbell, Collis Armsby, Phi 12, 1354 S. 3d St. Clancy, Edwin Menefee, Lambda 13, 614 Paul Jones Bldg. Craik, Charles Ewell, Beta Beta 74, Cathedral House Craik, Charles Ewell, Jr., Beta Beta 14, 525 W. Ormsby Ave. Craik. James Shrewsbury, Beta Beta 12, 317 W. Walnut St. Craik, Oscar Wilder, Beta Beta 16, 525 W. Ormsby Ave. Dodd, Joseph Conway, Jr., Rho 18, .\udubon Park Downing, John Fonda, Jr., Rho 17, 1220 Chero- kee Rd. Dunkerson, Casselberrv, Beta 94, 1220 Rowan St. Ewald, Louis Philip, Rho 18, 857 S. Third Ave. Jarvis, William, Beta 85. 216 Fifth St. Mcngel, Clarence Rudolph, Rho 17, 4th and G Sts. Mengel, Joseph Torbitt, Rho 17, 1303 Eastern Parkway Sackett, Frederic Moseley, Jr., Sigma 90, 415 W. Jefferson St. Whitehead, Raynale Almeron, Phi 07, Weis- singer-Gaulbert Annex Perryville Breeding, Howard Burjiee. Beta 17 LOUISIANA Morley Morley, Horatio Throop, Phi 79 Morley, Lawrence Malcolm, Upsilon 97 New Orleans Denegre, Thomas Bayne, Beta 15, 3105 Pry- tania St. Fulton, Clinton, Rho 88, Pickwick Club Gaiser. Frederic Robert, Sigma 13, Canal Bank Bldg. Labrot, Sylvester Welch, Eta 92, Am. Creosote Works Lyons, Randolph, Beta 03, 1206 Maison Blanche Bldg. Zunts", James Edwin, Beta 81, 204 Carondelet St. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 751 MAINE Alfred Came, Samuel Mclntire, Kappa 60 Roberts, Wilbur Garfield, Kappa 04, R. R. Xo. 1 Auburn Johnson, Lyie Kay, Mu 15, Lunn and Sweet Shoe Co. Savage, Albert Russell, Zeta "1, Court House Augusta iioardman, Elliot Sheffeld, Kappa 16, P. O. Box 92 Brooks, Albert Wadsworth, Gamma 85, 7 Spruce St. Davies, Henry Harlow. Kappa 20, 19 .Stone St. Davies, Oscar Charles Sanborn, Kappa 79, 19 Stone St. Gould, John Robinson, Kappa 85, 286 Water St. Ingraham, James Fuller, Kappa 19, 11 Lin- coln St. Leigh, Thomas, Kappa 85, Zeta 85, 255 Water St. Lord, Fred Raymond, Kappa 11, care W. H. Gannett, Willow St. Kyan, [Frank] Keith, Kappa 05, 225 Water St. Bangor Adams, Frederic Winslow, Kappa 89, 23 Broad St. Beach, David Nelson, Beta 72, Theological Seminary Cushman, Albert Percival, Kappa 13, 33 Grove St. French, Frederick Francis, Kappa 18, 4 Adams St. Hawes, Charles Taylor, Kappa 76, City Hall Bldg. Hawes, Edward Cary, Kappa 16 Head. Alden Fairfield, Kappa 16, 436 State St. Humphrey, Orman Brown, Kappa 90, 57 State St. Moore, Charles Albert, Beta 86, 8 Broadway Peabody, Clarence Webster, Kappa 93, 166 Union St. Thompson, John Budd, Kappa 96, 109 State St. Wood, Henry Augustus, Sigma 12, 40 Broad St. Bar Harbor Kingsley, Ralph Hutchings, Zeta 06, Main St. Bath Chase. Walter Emery, Jr., Kappa 16, 141 Cen- tre St. Drake, Frederick Ellis, Kappa 98, 72 Front St. Hanson, Henry Wallace, Jr.. Kappa 20 Kimball. Milton Shaw, Beta 19 Owen, Henry Wilson, Jr., Kappa 96, 81 Front St. Percy, Sevvell Watson, Kappa 08, 86 Front St. Ross, Rodney Elsmore. Kappa 10, 2 Federal St. Wing, Paul Llewellyn, Kappa IS Belfast Hazeltine, Frank Durham, Kappa 18, 5 North- port Ave. Bethel Robbins, Wilford Lash, Gamma 81 Smith, Edmund Coe, Lambda 17 Brunswick Burnett. Charles Theodore, Gamma 95, Bow- doin College Files. George Taylor, Kappa 89, 238 Main St. Goodrich, Chauncey William, Beta 86 Leighton, Leon, Jr., Kappa 19, 250 Main St. Meserve, Philip Weston, Kappa 11, Searls Science Bldg. Potter, Barrett, Kappa 78. 120 Main St. Bucksport Atkins, Charles Grandison, Kappa 61, School St. Cunningham, Oscar Porter, Kappa 69 Emery, Hewey Ross, Kappa 18 Calais • Asnault, George Raymond, Kappa 20 Downes, George, Kappa 92, 19 North St. Eaton, Carleton Whidden, Kappa 10 Muxidie, Perley James, Kappa 20 Nelson, Edwin Marrett, Kappa 99, Calais Na- tional Bank, Main St. Cape Elizabeth Barrows, Charles Dana, Zeta 94 Little, Frank Hall, Kappa 81, 551 Cottage St. Castine Patterson, George Willis, Zeta 81 Cathance Rogers, Lincoln Albion, Kappa 75 China Doe, Harvey Franklin, Kappa 20 Corinne Redman. Crosby Eaton, Kappa 20 Ellsworth Emery, Lucilius Alonzo, Kappa 61 King, Robert Parsons, Kappa 12 Redman, Fulton Jarvis, Kappa 07, Surry Rd. Tapley, Clarence Hall, Kappa 14, Factory In- surance Assn. Fryeburg Lougee, Arthur Jewett, Zeta 93 Stone, Baman Nelson, Gamma 63, Elm St. Gardiner Kelley, David Francis, Kappa 16, 133 Higli- land Ave. Lewis, Weston, Kappa 72 Partridge, Ben Weston, Jr., Kappa 11, 81 Brunswick St. Great Works Cousins, Edgar Fuller, Kappa 12, Penobscot Chemical Fibre Co. Hallowell Gould, John Robinson, Kappa 85, 45 Central St. Hancock Johnson, Frederick Orlando, Kappa 19 Houlton Clark, Roland Eugene, Kappa 01, 3 Mansur Block. Fogg, Charles Houlton, Kappa 89, 115 Main St. Powers. Elisha .Shaw, Kappa 07, Thibadeau Block Kennebunk Andrews, Henry Edwin, Kappa 94 Brigham, Ernest Lord, Kappa 04 .Stevens, Robie Reed, Kappa 06 Lewiston Bly, Edmund Knight, Kappa 03, 94 Park St. Emery, Theodore Evans, Kappa 13, 101 Hol- land St. Stanton, Jonathan Young, Kappa 56, 410 Maia St. Lubec .Avery. Myron Halburton, Kappa 20 Gray, Julian Eliot, Kappa 18 Milo Daggett, Neil Eugene, Kappa 18, Charles St. Hamlin, Jean Paul, Kappa 18 < Iscar, Lawrence, Kappa 18 Monmouth Sayward, Ralph Kay, Kappa 12, Gamma 12, Aloose Head Farm Norway Home, Herman Lester, Zeta 74, Cottage St. Ogunquit Bangs, Francis Hyde, Beta 15 Bangs, John Kendrick, Lambda 83 /.^J GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Old Orchard Jones, Arthur Leon, Zeta 96, Staples St. Old Tov.-a Cousins, Edgar Fuller, Kappa 12, 374 Main St. Sewall, James Wingate. Kappa 06, Centre St. Small, Frank Jackson, Kappa 97. 26 N. 4th St. Orono Eaton, Carleton \Miidden, Kappa 10, Univ. of Maine Lyman, Joseph Bardwell, Delta 94, 23 Ben- nock St. Thompson, Garrett William, Gamma 88, 180 Main St. Pittsfield Badjer, Joseph Lynwood, Kappa 20 Goodrich, Leland, Matthew. Kappa 20 Poland Springs Ricker, James Wesley, Beta 19 Portland Abbot, Edville Gerhardt, Kappa 06, 310 Y. M. C. A. Bldg. Atwood, Edward Wilson, Kappa 20, 457 Cun.- berland Ave. Barney. George Mortimore, Theta 91, 415 Con- gress St. Barrows, Charles Dana, Zeta 94, 242 St. John St. Berry, Harold Lee, Kappa 01, 149 Middle St. Brewster, Benjamin, Beta 82, 143 State St. Brigham, [Herbert] Storrs, Kappa 08, 169 Danforth St. Brown, Philip Greely, Kappa 77, 218 Middle St. Clifford, Philip Greely, Kappa 03, 95 Exchange St. Cook, Alfred Page, Kappa 97, P. O. Box 161 Cox, Neal Willis, Kappa 08, 311 Commercial St. Dana, John Fessenden, Kappa 98, 85 Exchange St. Davis, Clinton Wildes, Beta 11, 26 York St. Davis, Philip Webb, Kappa 97, 99 Winter St. Davis, Walter Goodwin, Jr., Beta 08, 82 West St. Fobes, Leon Melchor, Kappa 92, 42 Cushman St. Fobes, Theodore Burgess, Kappa 17, 106 Com- mercial St. Fojg, George Edwin, Kappa 02, 95 Exchange St. Freeman. Eben Winthrop, Kappa 85, Union Mutual Bldg. Gilman, Charles Howard, Kappa 82, 186 Middle St. Goodwin. Austin Monroe, Zeta 02, 23 Monu- ment Sq. Gray, David, Upsilon 91, The Gray House, Cumberland Fireside, R. R. No. 4 Hargraves, Frank Hobart Lord, Kappa 16, 84 Exchange St. Hay, Charles Marcian, Kappa 80, 8 Free St. Hemenway, Newell Lyon, Kappa 19, 45 Clif- ton St. Houghton, Charles Frederick, Kappa 14, 111 Stevens Ave. Hunt, Charles Henrv, Kappa 02, 183 Spring St. _ Hutchinson, Charles Lyman, Kappa 90, 465 Congress St. Ingraham, William Moulton, Kappa 95, 97 Ex- change St. Ives, Howard Rollin, Kappa 98, 57 Exchange St. Jackson, Stuyvesant Ten Broeck, Kappa 83. .lohnson, Franklin Dana, Zeta 20, 34 Park .St. Johnson. Philip Marshall, Kappa 18, 41 Nor- wood St. Tones, Harris Allen, Kappa 03, 470 Congress ■ St. Kelley, John Francis, Kappa 91, 536A Congress St. Portland — Cont'd Keniston, James Mortimer, Gamma 68, 208 Eastern Promenade Lamb, Henry William, Kappa 20, 437 Cumber- land Ave. Larrabee, Sydney Bartels, Kappa 03, 102 Ex- change St. Lawrence, Franklin, Kappa 03, 19 Kennebec St. Leavitt, Ashley Day, Beta 00, State St. Leighton, Chester Adam, Kappa 08, 141 Allen Ave. Lewis, Henry, Kappa 05, 186 Middle St. Little. Frank Hall, Kappa 81, 130 Boyd St. Merrill, Henry Putnam, Zeta 99, 92 High St. Mitchell, Alfred, Jr., Kappa 95, 637 Congress St. Moulton, William Henry, Kappa 74, 93 High St. Moulton, Willis Bean, Kappa 99, 655 Congress St. Neal, Albert Edwin, Kappa 89, 120 Exchange St. Noyes, Sidney Webb, Kappa 02, 85 Exchange St. Partridge, Ben Weston, Jr., Kappa 11, 199 Vaughn St. Pennell, Frederick [Levi], Kappa 08, 85 Ex- change St. Pressey, Ernest Albert, Beta Beta 92, 119 Coyle St. Pressey, Herbert Ernest Palmer, Beta Beta 19, 119 Coyle St. Pressey, Richard Palmer, Beta Beta 20, 119 Coyle St. Ross, Carl Knight, Kappa 17, 503 Woodfords St. Sabin, George Shaw, Kappa 03, 585 Congress St. Sanborn, Oliver True, Kappa 11, City Bldg. Sanborn, William Harrison, Kappa 10, 193 Middle St. Sayward, Charles Everett, Kappa 84, 415 Con- gress St. Sayward, Dwight Harold, Kappa 16, 415 Con- gress St. Schlosberg, Richard Turner, Kappa 18, 41 Carleton St. Small. Harold Sumner, Kappa 10, Tan 10, 193 Middle St. Strout, Frank Stuart, Zeta 19, 55 Thomas St. .Studlev, Fuller Pierce, Kappa 09, Commercial Wharf Svmonds, Joseph White, Kappa 60, Fidelity Bldg. Svmonds, Stuart Oakley, Kappa 05, 465 Con- gress St. Thombs, Samuel Brackett, Zeta 11, 121 Spring St. Tolman, Albert Walter, Kappa 88, 471 Cum- berland Ave. Vanamee, Talcott Ostrom, Psi 00, 181 State St. Waterhouse, Hiram Thatcher, Kappa 82, Daily Eastern Argus. Webb. Richard, Kappa 85, Zeta 85, 95 Exchange St. White, Ernest MuUer, Zeta 05, 310 Fidelity Bldg. Whitney, Joseph Walker, Kappa 00, 213 Fed- eral St. Wood, Arthur Brooks, Kappa 00, 428 Fore St. Red Beach Nickerson, Norman Hunt, Kappa 16 Rockland Buffum, Harry Austin, Beta 79, Rockland & Rockport Lime Co. Burpee, Edward Butler, Kappa 87, 439 Main St. Ciller, Jonathan Prince, Kappa 58, 417 Main St. George, Donald Payson, Kappa 16, Broadway St. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 753 Rockland — Cont'd Kimball, Sereno Thayer, Kappa 90, Gamma 90, 414 Main St. Knight, James Frederick, Kappa 00, Masonic illdg. Lcighton, Edward Kavanaugh, Kappa 01 Spear, Walter May, Kappa 94, IS Beech St. Spear, William Winthrop, Kappa 98. 26 Beecn St. Rockport Leacli. Frederic Knight. Kappa 20 Rumford Parker, Ralph Taylor, Kappa 95, 114 Con- gress St. Rumford Center Fogg, Frank Prescott, Xi 91 Saco Cumniings, John Ernest, Kappa 84, 20 Forest St. Emery, George Addison, Kappa 63, 182 Main St. Littlefield, Daniel Franklin, Kappa 64, 238 Main St. Sloggett, John Bolton, Kappa 18, 33 Beach St. Sanford Allen, Fred John, Kappa 90, 227 Main St. South Portland Studlev, Fuller Pierce, Kappa 09, 43 Pleasant St. Thomaston Linscott, Augustus Newbert, Kappa 62 Moore, Joseph Eugene, Kappa 65 Smith, Samuel Emerson, Kappa 78, 5 School St. Topsfield Seidler, Frederic Arnault, Zeta 16 Union Jameson, John Swanton, Kappa 80, Upsilon 81 Waterville Dennett, Louis Burton, Kappa 20 Johnson, Charles Fletcher, Kappa 79, 62 Sil- ver St. Leighton, Edward Kavanaugh, Kappa 01 West Buxton Hargraves, Frank Hobart, Kappa 11 Hargraves, Frank Hobart Lord, Kappa 16 Hargraves, Gordon Sweat, Kappa 19 Woodfords Freeman, Elliot, Kappa 18, 55 Highland St. Peters, Clinton Noyes, Kappa 10, 97 Lincoln St. Wallace. Lester Francis, Kappa 18, 232 Pleas- ant Ave. Yarmouth Bates, George Francis, Kappa 82, 137 Main St. York Harbor Mun.'-on, Robert Hallam, Beta 79 MARYLAND Annapolis Nicholson, Charles Ambrose 2d, Pi 17, U. S. Naval Academy Terry, Nathaniel Matson, Gamma 67, U. S. Naval Academy Arlington Hargreaves, John Harold. Tau IS, P. O. Sta- tion E Baltimore Abel, John Jacob, Phi 83, Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Backus, Erwin Thornton, Phi 07, 10 E. North Ave. Baltimoire — Cont'd Baldwin, Charles Winterfield, Beta 61, 226 La- fayette Ave. W. Beehler, Albert, Chi 17, 2526 Madison Ave. Campbell, William Harrison, Beta 14, 15 E. Fayette St. Clarke, William Bradford, Gamma 74, The American Cross, Walter Snell, Beta 04, 505 Title Bldg. Diven, Alexander Samuel III, Eta 15, 300 Union Station Dodds, Solon Arthur, Xi 01, 3101 Clifton Ave. Edmunds. James Richard, Jr., 908 Munsey Bldg. Ewing, George Washington, Jr., Beta 15, Cal- vert Bldg. Gascoyne, William John, Jr., Lambda 09, 27 S. Gay St. Halsted, William Stewart, Beta 74, 1201 Eu- taw PI. Hargreaves, John Harold, Tau 18, 122 W. North Ave. Hatch, Carl Tilden, Xi 02, Tidewater Portland Cement Co. Hurd, Henry Mills, Phi 63, 1210 Fidelity Bldg. Johnson, Marshall Maxwell, damma 57, 236 N. Carey .St. Keyser, Charles Maris, Jr., Tau 11, 47 Cen- tral Savings Bank Bldg. Knapp, Alexander Payson, Chi 93, Calvert and German Sts. Megraw, William Adams, Eta 97, 1625 Eutaw PI. Miller, Lawrence Vernon, Beta 08, 700 Maryland Trust Bldg. Norton, Arthur Willcox, Phi 00, Lake and Roland Aves. Owen, Hans Christian, Beta Beta 99, 121 E. Baltimore St. Sherrill, George Vaughn, Theta 04, 2019 Pen- rose Ave. Strong, John Henry, Upsilon 89, 1517 Park Ave. Tappan. William, iota 85, The Jefferson School for 'Boys Webb. William Rollins, Beta Beta 78. Windsor Mill Rd. Worthington, Richard Hardesty, Beta 94, Court House Bethesda Randle, Clement Griscom, Beta Beta OS, Edge- moor Cambridge Andrews, Milton Spry, Xi 20, P. O. Box 72 Catonsville Taylor. Elbert Burr, Beta Beta 73, Seminole Ave. Yardley, Thomas Henry, Beta Beta 92, St. Tim- othy's Rectory Chevy Chase Hoehling. .'\dolph August, Jr., Eta 89, 5 New- lands St. Mohun, Barry, Eta 96, 8 Grafton St. Cumberland Lough, Ernest St. George, Beta 84, 25 Washing- ton St. Easton Miller, Edward Tylor, Beta 16, "The Pines" Eccleston Stewart, Charles Morton 3d. Beta 17 Elkton Tones, Edward Matthews. Xi 20 Williams, Frank Edwin. Xi 86, North St. Forest Glen Wright, George Herdman, Chi 82 Garrett Park Dcfandorf, James Holmes, Xi 15 Defandorf, Jason Fremont. Xi 87 I 754 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Glyndon Heiser, Charles Lee Anthony, Sigma 90, Snow Hill Farm Govans Harding, Carroll Everett, Kappa 81, 600 Arling- ton Ave. Kensington Levensaler, Alfred Watts, Kappa 00, Baltimore St. Laurel Thompson, Nathan, Gamma 61, Washington Ave. Lutherville Ewing, George Washington, Jr., Beta 15. "Green- fields" Mt. Washington Pierce, John Sabin, Beta 51, Walcott Ave. Owings Mills McHenry, John, Jr., Beta 17 Rockville Beach, Morgan Hawley, Beta 82, R. R. Roland Park Edmunds. James Richard, Jr., Tau IJ. 311 Edgevale Rd. Knapp, Alexander Payson, 10 Club Rd. Silver Spring McGrew, George Harrison, Xi 70 Watson, James Angus, Eta 84 Sparrows Point Martin, Jay J, Eta 17, 810 C St Sudbrook Park \\'cbb, Oscar Everett, Eta 16 Towson Owen, Hans Christian, Beta Beta 99 Westport Webb, Oscar Everett, Eta 16 MASSACHUSETTS Acton Daniels, Howard Bigelow, Pi 16, Old County Rd. Adams Bagnall, Francis Asbury, Xi 90, 12 Liberty St. Agawam Smith. Theodore Ripley, Delta 10, Zeta 10 AUerton Buel, David Hillhouse, Beta 83, P. O. Box 210 AUston Barney, Edward Sandford, Beta Beta 13. 1127 Commonwealth Ave, Calderwood, James William, Kappa 86, Beta 86, 235 Harvard Ave. Scudder, Winthrop Richardson, Zeta 17, 9 Park Vale Ave. Sincerbeaux, Chauncey Milton, Beta 05, 56 Ash- ford St. ,,. c- Waite, Norman Swift. Phi 92. 12 Frankhn bt. Amesbury Morris, Charles Newton, Beta 82, 1 Wliitehall Rd. Amherst .Mlis. Frederick Scouller, Gamma 93, Amherst College Billings, Dwight Brinkerhoff, Gamma IS, 10 College St. Cooper James Ingersoll, Gamma 73, 16 College St- Corsa, John Gamma 99, 25 Amity St. Dakin, Arthur Hazard, Gamma 84 Elwell, James Henry, Gamma 19, 5 Lincoln Ave. Esty, Thomas Gushing, Gamma 93, 40 Dana St. Grosvenor, Edwin Augustus, Gamma 67, 7 Col- lege St. Amherst — Cont'd Newlin, William Jesse, Gamma 99, 22 Sunset Ave. Toll, Charles Hansen, Psi 04, 6 Snell St. Tyler, John Mason, Gamma li, Tyler PI. Whitcomb, Ernest Miller. Gamma 04. First National Bank, S. Pleasant St. Wellington, Laurence Charles, Delta Delta 12, 34 Amity St. Andover Ames, Allan Wallace, Beta 18, care James C. Sawyer Baker, Samuel Newhall, Sigma OS, Day Hall Bell, Charles Upham, Kappa 63, 65 Bartlet St. Bell, Joseph Pitman, Kappa 00, 65 Bartlet St. Chapin, Edward Pike, Sigma 70, 38 Phillips St. Eaton, George Thomas, Gamma 78, Phillips Academy Johnson, Francis Howe, Alpha 56 Sawver, Tames Cowan, Beta 94. 210 S. Main St'. Stearns, .\lfred Ernest, Gamma 94, Phillips Academy Stott. Frederic William Heaton, Gamma 11, Taylor Hall, Phillips Academy Arlington Bacon, Edward Everett, Psi 73, 20 Russell St. Berrv, John Edward, Zeta 00, 36 Hopkins Rd. Buslinell, Samuel Clarke, Beta 74, 1 1 Maple St. Bushnell, Samuel Kendall, Beta 14, 11 Maple St. Gould, Albert Trowbridge, Kappa 08, 43 tiray St. Harris, Samuel Ward. Xi 05, 106 Bartlett St. Hatch. William Moore, Zeta 86. 16 Pelham Terrace Ashland Morrison, William Procter, Beta 85 Athol Wing, Frank Edward, Beta 86 Atlantic .Sargent, Daniel, Kappa 07, 142 Newbury Ave. Attleboro Schwinn, Frederick, .Sigma OS. School and Hazel Sts. Auburn Tuck, John, Zeta 05, Overhill Auburndale Beal, Harry, Beta 06, 58 Auburn St. Bridgman, Raymond Landon, Gamma 71, 90 Hancock St. Gilnatric, Wilbur Dennett, Kappa 89, 443 Wolcott St. Gordon, William Clark. Xi 88, Beta 88, 89 Grove St. Knapp, George Brown. Gamma 59, 321 Central St. Williams, Donald Davol, Chi 06, 334 .\uhuni- dale Ave. Barre Brown. George Artemas, Beta 80 Beach Bluff McGregor, Alexander, Jr., Gamma 19 Bedford Skene, George, Xi 75, 8 Hillside Ave Belmont Bovnton, George Holmes, Gamma 05, 88 Kilburn Rd. J Comery, San ford Burton, Kappa 13, Belmont fl High School Gilmore, Harry Bassett, Zeta 01, 19 Linden Ave. Howe, James Albert, Kappa 59, 536 Pleasant St. Boston Abbott. John. Zeta 91. 53 State St. Aldrich, William Truman, Sigma 00, 8 Beacon St. Allen, Edwin Howard, Kappa 85, Zeta 85, 120 Franklin St. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 755 Boston — Cont'd Alleti. Francis Richmond, Gamma 65, 40 Cen- tral St. Allen, Frederick Bavlies, Gamma 63, 1 Jov St. Allen. James Morse, Alpha 12, 66 27 State St., Andrew, Samuel Worcester, Beta 71, 88 Broad St. Andrews, John Gilbert, Zeta 01, 47 Winter St. Andrews, Walter Raymond, Zeta 07, 33 Broad St. Bailey, Thomas Brown, Sigma 76, 125 Milk St. Baker, Richard Wheeler, Beta 13, Exchange Bldg. Barney, Edward Sandford, Beta Beta 13, 82 Denvonshire St. Barrett, William Emerson, Zeta 14, care Sturte- vant Aeroplane Co, \Villiams St. Jamaica Plains Bartlett, Nelson Slater, Alpha 71, 141 Milk St. Bascom, Henry Albert, Kappa 83, 250 Com- mercial St. Bell, John William, Zeta 05, 141 :Milk St. Bell, Joseph Pitman, Kappa 00, 87 Milk St. Bell, Louis, Zeta 84, 120 Boylston St. Bt'llamv, Arthur Muirson. Beta Beta (13, 17 Bovv- doin'Ave., Grove Hill P. (). Bellamy, Robert Bayard, Beta Beta 01, 89 State St. Berry, John Edward, Zeta 00, 131 State St. Beye, Cudworth, Rho 06, 10 High St. Blodget, William, Sigma 71, 60 State St. Bosworth, Harry Willard, Psi 05, Upsilon 06, 136 Federal St. Bowne, Garrett Denise, Jr., Beta Beta 06, 201 Devonshire St. Boynton, George Holmes, Gamma 05, 135 Devonshire St. Breed, Franklin Nelson, Beta Beta 12, 114 State St. Bridgman, Howard Allen. Gamma 83, 14 Beacon St. Bridgman, Raymond Landon, Gamma 71. State House Brooks, Albert Wadsworth, Gamma 85, 95 Milk St. Bryant, Arthur Parsons, Zeta 00, Chi 00, 50 Congress St. Burgess, Walter. Alpha 72, 15 Exchange St. Caine, Walter Littlefield, Kapoa 99, 55 Kilby St. Carpenter. George Washington Greene, Sigma 10. 20 Franklin St. Carter. Sylvester Benjamin, Kappa 66, 749 Tremont Bldg. Castle, Charles Arthur, Zeta 81, 73 Tremont Bldg. Chamberlain, Julian Ingersoll, Beta 95, 15 Beacon St. Chandler, Edward Herrick, Beta 85. 3 Joy bt. Chickering, John Jameson, Gamma 79, 162 Tremont St. Clark, Benjamin Preston, Gamma 81, 55 Kilbv St. Clark. Francis Edward, Zeta Tl, 31 Mt. Ver- non St. Cleaveland. Holbrook Gilson, Phi 93, 4 Liberty Sq. Cobb, \\ illiam Henry, Gamma 67, 14 Beacon St. Coburn, Clarence Peter, Xi 1' . 1289 Tremont St. Coit, George Chandler, Gamma 89, 6 Beacon St. Collins, Charles, Beta 96, 40 Central St. Cram, Nathan Dow, Zeta 81, 221 Columbus Ave. Crooks, Amos Willard, Zeta 11, 34 Oliver St. Crowley, John Edward, Kappa 09, 8 Irvington St. Dakin, Arthur Hazard, Gamma 84, 6 Beacon St. Daniels. Howard Bigelow, Pi 16, 147 Milk St. Decrow, John Walter. Beta 00, 60 State St. Dorchester, Daniel, Xi 74, Boston Univ. Boston-i-Cont'd Doring, Frederick William, Zeta 83, 53 State St. Drew, Pitt Fessenden, Zeta 99, 53 State St. Dulles, Charles Winslow, Jr., Tau 07, 246 Summer St. Dunning, Albert Elijah, Beta 67, 812 Tremont Bldg. Eastman, Joseph Bartlett, Gamma 04, 1 Beacon St. Eaton, Albion Keith, Kappa 15, 91 Commercial St. Eaton, Theodore, Beta 94, 31 Milk St. Eggleston, George Mahon, Xi 92, 31 State St. Emerson, Frederic Hood, Omicron 06, 294 Washington St. Fabyan, Harry Clifton, Kappa 93, 31 Milk St, Farlow, John Woodford, Kappa 74, 127 Bay State Rd. Farmer, Allen Brown, Zeta 03, 120 Tremont St. Farnham, Frank Alexander, Sigma 79, 591 South Station Farwell, Parris Thaxter, Gamma 80, 14 Beacon St. Fay, William Eastman, Atu S3, 366 Common- wealth Ave. Fletcher, Frederick Charles, Chi 96, 100 Boyls- ton St. Fogg, Frank Prescott, Xi 91, 38 Concord Sq. Fonda, Beecher Harold, Zeta 14, 82 Devonshire St. Foote, Richard Whittier, Zeta 12, Old Colony Trust Co., 17 Court St. Ford, Worthington, Chauncey, Lambda 79, 1154 Boylston St. French, Asa Palmer, Beta 82, 45 Milk St. Fuller, Frederic Dana. Xi 8S, 18 Tremont St. Fuller, Walter Atherton, Kappa 12, 78 Chauncv St. Furness, Thomas Foster, Delta Delta IS, 40 Kilby St. Gile, Fred Henry, Kappa 83, 6 Beacon St. Gilmore, Harry Bassett, Zeta 01, 115 Purchase St. Coding, Edward Nathan, Kappa 91. 73 Tremont St. Goodrich. Frederick Elizur. Beta 64. care Bos- ton Post Goodwin. Montgomery Moore. Pi 81 344 Tre- mont Bldg. Gould, Albert Trowbridge, Kappa 08, 60 Federal St. Graves, George Alexander, Zeta 10, 9 Federal Court Graves, William Phillips, Beta 91, 244 Marl- borough St. Greene. Edward Miller, Gamma 84, 45 Chest- nut St. Greenslet, Ferris, Xi 97, 4 Park St. Gridley, Joseph Herbert, Zeta 14, 47 Summer St. Grose, Howard Benjamin, Omega 75, Upsilon 76, Ford Bldg. Hale, Robert, Kappa 10, .SO State St. Hale, Robert Sever, Chi 93, 939 Boylston St. Hall, Frank Rockwood, Alpha 72, 10 Tremont St. Hanlon, Arthur Edward, Zeta 03, 511 Atlantic Ave. Harris, Samuel Ward, Xi 05. 120 Boylston St. Hartwell, Edward Mussey, Gamma IZ, 73 City Hall. Hatch. William Moore, Zeta 86, 221 Columbus Ave. Hatheway, Amos Lawrence. Beta 79, 60 State St. Hawes, Charles Boardman, Kappa 11, 881 Com- monwealth Ave. Hayes. Francis Lord. Kappa 65. 18 Tremont St. Henshaw. John Oliver, Phi 79, 79 Milk St. Hewitt, John Morrison Oliver, Tau 99, 120 Tremont St. 756 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Boston — Cont'd Hitchcock, Thomas Barnes, Gamma 96, 200 Devonshire St. Horton, Augustus Edward, Phi 69, 25 Beacon St. Howe, Elmer Parker, Beta 76, P. O. Box 1825 Hyde, Benjamin Dwight, Gamma 94, 50 Con- gress St. Hyde, Edmund Searing, Delta 02, 121 Tre- mont St. Tohnson, Frederick Channing, Zeta 09, 49 South St. Johnson, Harold Talmadge, Zeta 14, 59 Temple PI. Kimball, David Pulsifer, Alpha 56, 35 Con- gress St. Kimball, George Clifton, Beta 85, 31 Winter St. Kimball, Joseph Stickney, Beta 12, 185 Devon- shire St. Kittredge, George Alvah, Beta 55, Union Club. Knapp, George Brown, Gamma 59, 73 Tremont St. Knapp, James Herbert, Gamma 82, Elm Farm Milk Co., Wales PI. Knight Frederic Harrison, Zeta 82, 161 S. Huntington Ave. Knowlton Daniel Stimson, Beta 83, 205 Lincoln St. Kretschmar, Frederick Klemm, Gamma 01, 166 Essex St. Kyle, Warren Ozro, Gamma 77, 204 Sears Bldg. Lamprey, Charles Maitland, Zeta 92, Martin School, Huntington Ave. Lamson, Carl Edwin, Gamma 99, 218 Tremont St. Leith, Royal Willis, Sigma 12. 55 Congress St. Leonard, Ralph Davis, Xi 07, 43 Bay State Road. Lincoln, Albert Lamb. Alpha 72. 126 State St. Lincoln, James Granger, Sigma 80, 45 Battery- march St. Littlefield, Gilbert Berry, Kappa 90, 7 Water St. Luther, Willard Blackinton, Beta 02, 16 State St. McClung, Robert Gardner, Beta 91, 6 Beacon St. !McCrackan. William Denison. Beta Beta 8.=^. 107 Falmouth St. Mann, Roland William, Kappa 92, 53 State St. Meader, Walton Bertram, Zeta 15. 59 Lincoln St. Mellen. Harrison Walker, 146 Boylston St. ^lerchant, Ray Richardson, Zeta 06, 99 South St. IMerrill. William Fessenden, Gamma 99, 100 Summer St. Mooers, Walter, Kappa 85, Zeta 85, 206 Bar ristcrs' Hall Moore. George Henry, Xi 93. 29 Beacon St. Morgan. Samuel St. John, Beta Beta 03, 10 High St. Moron,?, Arthur Bennett, Gamma 71, 12 Black- wood St. Morris, Louis Philip, Pi OS, 10 High St. Mudge, James Wiswell, Xi 02, 1007 Barristers' Hall Xettleton. Ralph Bavard, Omega 05. 714 Beacon St. Noble, George Washington Copp, Alpha 58, 100 Beacon St. Northop, .Mbert Allen, Delta 00. 147 Milk St. Nowell. William Gray, Kappa 59, Fenway Sta- tion Ogden, Warren Greene, Chi 01, 53 State St. Osgood, Harvey Montgomery, Upsilon 13, 43 Federal St. Osgood, Robert Bayley, Gamma 95, 372 Marl- borough St. Paine, Bernard Leonard, Gamma 00, State House. Boston — Cont'd. Paine, Francis Ward, Rho 11, 82 Devonshire St. Parkhurst, Louis Henry, Gamma 72, Alpha 72, 161 Devonshire St. Pcnhallow, Charles Sherburne, Alpha 74, 803 Sears Bldg. Pennoyer, Albert Sheldon, Epsilon 11, 162 Newbury St. Pereival, Percy Snow, Kappa 01, 85 Devon- shire St. Percy, Karlton Goodsell, Beta 07, 362 Common- wealth Ave. Phillips, Le Roy, Gamma 92, 29A Beacon St. Pierce, Thomas Lewis, Kappa 98, 17 Court St. Plimpton, T[heodore] Barnett, Gamma 02, 24 Milk St. Plummer, Curtis, Zeta 07, 12 High St. Poole, William Frederick, Beta 91, 45 Milk St. Pratt, Frank Stowe, Sigma 75, 35 Congress St. Pray, Thornton Calder, Beta 15, 92 State St. Prichard, Joseph Vila, Alpha 72, 53 State St. Quackenboss, Alexander, Zeta 87, 143 New- bury St. Quint, Wilder Dwight, Zeta 87, The Post. Raymond, Harold Bradford, Xi 04, 6 Beacon St. Raymond, Robert Fulton, Xi 81, Judge's Room, Court House. Redman, Erastus Fulton, Kappa 70, 72 Broad St. Rice, William Foster, Zeta 95, Public Latin School, Warren Ave. Richardson, Carl Harry, Zeta 96, 73 Tremont St. Richardson, Herbert Clifford, Zeta 15, 82 Devonshire St. Ricker, Maurice Stanley, Sigma 11, 22 Con- gress St. Roberts, George Litch, Xi 59, 95 Milk St. Roberts, Reuben Litch, Xi 68, 95 Milk St. Rockwell, Henry Hall, Sigma 96, 101 Tre- mont St. Rolfe, Hayvvard Pereival, Zeta 04, 440 Wash- ington St. Rollins. Weld Allen, Zeta 97, National Shaw- mut Bank Bldg. Rus.sell, Arthur Hastings, Gamma 81, 27 State St. Salinger, Alex David, Zeta 92, 84 State St. Sanford, Alpheus, Kappa 76, 70 Kilby St. Sanford, Gardner, Kappa 11, 101 Milk St. Sargent, Charles, Kappa 76. 175 Congress St. Sargent, Daniel, Kappa 07, 175 Congress St. Sargent. George Winthrop, Beta Beta 90, 45 Bromfield St. Scarritt. William Russell, Gamma 69, Tre- mont Bldg. Scott, Ralph Wentworth, Zeta 06, 62 Broad St. Scudder, Winthrop Richardson, Zeta 17, 95 Milk St. Seabury, Mortimer Ashmead, Beta 09. Ill Devonshire St. Sears, George Gray, Gamma 80, 426 Beacon St. -Selfridge, Arthur James, Psi 84, 16 State St. Shepherd, Prentiss, Kappa 14, 82 Devonshire St. .Shepley. Francis Baxter, Alpha 73, S3 Devon- shire St. Sherburne, Charles Morton, Xi 11. 2 Louis- burg Sq. Shrader, Justin Winfred, Omicron 11, 1140 73 Tremont St. Sincerbeaux, Chauncev Milton, Beta 05. 53 State St. Smith, Justin Harvey, Zeta 77, 270 Beacon St. Springer, Charles Chesley, Kappa 74, 50 State St. Stedman, George, Alpha 71. 1069 Boylston St. -Stedman. Henry Rust. Alpha 71. 48 Beacon St. Stetson, Charles, Beta 00, 60 State St. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 757 Boston — Cont'd. Stevenson, Norman, Zeta 05, 99 South St. Stone, \\'altcr Emerson, Kappa 84, 32 Kilby St. Story, Theodore LeRoy, Beta Beta 14, 28 Bick- erstaff St. Thompson, William Putnam, Kappa 94, 40 Court St. Tilden James Addison, Jr., Gamma 13, 87 Milk St. Tucker, Herbert Ames, Gamma 82, SO Con- gress St. Tucker, Kenneth Denny, Zeta 16, 157 Summer St. Tucker, Warren Weatherbee, Gamma 94, 201 Devonshire St. Tuttle, Morton Chase, Zeta 97, 27 School St. Twombly, Edward Lambert, Beta 81, 416 ^Marlborough St. \'an Evercn, Horace [Greeley], Chi 91, 53 State St. Volkmann, Arthur Ludwig Karl, Chi 11, 415 Newbury St. Vose, Robert Henry, Gamma 92, 443 Beacon St. Walker, Nathaniel Upham, Beta 11, 53 State St. Wallace, Louis Burr, Zeta 10, 129 Federal St. Wallace, Robert Burns, Zeta 06, 141 Milk St. Walter, William Edwin, Phi 92, Symphony Hall. Ware, Lyman Eugene, Chi 11, 201 Devonshire- St. Waterbury, Willard Emmet, Upsilon 82, 708 Ford Bldg. Webster. Benjamin, Kappa 98, Beta 99, 101 Milk St. Weil, George Leverett, Kappa 80, 84 Francis St. Wells, Carl Samuel, Zeta 12, 60 State St. Whipple, George Noyes, Gamma 78, 162 Tre- mont St. White, Edson Walter, Zeta 80, Boston Globe. Whiting, William Kinsley, Zeta 89, Gaiety Theatre. W'ilkie, Edward Arthur, Xi 76, 50 Oliver St. Williams, Donald Davol, Chi 06, 284 Dart- mouth St. \\'insIow, Edward Clarke, Gamma 70, 161 S. Huntington Ave. Wood, Frederic Augustus, Xi 86, Zeta 86, Commonwealth Ave. and St. Paul St. Woods, Frederick Shenstone, Xi 85, Mass. Inst. of Tech. Wvatt, William Abbott. Xi 98, 201 Devonshire St. Young, Arthur Jewett, Beta 01, 30 State St. Young, Ernest Boyen, Kappa 92, 414 Marl- borough St. Young, Percy Lawrence, Zeta 07, Sigma 08, 111 Purchase St. Young, Stephen Emerson, Kappa 98, 84 State St. Brighton Lamprey. Charles Maitland, Zeta 92, 53 Don- nybrook Rd. Brockton Baldwin, William Borden, Xi 76, 328 Belmont St. Snell. Raymond Franklin, Beta 18, 101 New- bury St. Brookfield Nichols. Alpheus Richardson, Gamma 59, 5 Lincoln St. Brookline Akers, Winfred Chandler, Xi 93, 108 Univer- sity Rd. Baker, Richard Wheeler, Beta 13, 143 Kilsyth Rd. Bowne, Garrett Denise, Jr., Beta Beta 06, 63 Pleasant St. Breck, Edward, Gamma 85, 170 Brookline Ave. Brookline — Cont'd Breroton, Peirce Hill, Sigma 15, 145 Univer- sity Rd. Bridgman, Howard Allen, Gamma 83, 151 Davis -•\ve. Came, Walter Littlefield, Kappa 99, 11 Wil- liam St. Dunning, Albert Elijah, Beta 67, 43 Druce St. Dusossoit, Florimond Joseph, Zeta 18, 156 Mason Terrace. Fay, William Eastman, Mu S3, 173 Babcock St. Furness, Thomas Foster, Delta Delta 15, 34 Gorham Ave. Grose, Howard Benjamin, Omega 75, Upsilon 76, 28 Webster St. Hall, Francis Tobey, Xi 02, W. H. Lincoln School, Boylston St. Hatheway, Amos Lawrence, Beta 79, 259 St. Paul St. Hitchcock, Thomas Barnes, Gamma 96, 32 Fuller St. Howe, Reginald Heber, Sigma 66, 23 Monmouth St., Longwood Kimball, George Clifton, Zeta 85, 147 Salisbury Rd. Kittredge, George .Mvah, Beta 55, Beacon St. Knight, Frederic Harrison, Zeta 82, 17 Green St. Knowlton, Daniel Stimson, Beta 83, II Dwight St. Kyle, Warren Ozro, Gamma 77, 93 Perry .St. Lincoln, Albert Lamb, Alpha 12, 61 Walnut PI. Lincoln, James Granger, Sigma SO, 70 Upland Rd. Lovett, Augustus Sidney, Jr., Beta 13, 59 Windsor Rd. Mclvor, Carlisle Chandler, Beta Beta 17, 15 Euston St. Merrill, William Fessenden, Gamma 99, 197 Longwood Ave. Mitchell, Emlyn Vinald, Sigma IS, 1223 Beacon St. Morris, Louis Philip, Pi 05, 185 Rawson Rd. Nordell, Philip Rene Gregory, Zeta 16, 29 Thayer St. Packard. John Calvin, Xi 86, High School Percy, Karlton Goodsell, Beta 07, 194 Aspinwall Ave. Pierce, Thomas Lewis, Kappa 98, 184 St Paul St. Plimpton, Tfheodorel Barnett, Gamma 02, 63 Winthrop St. Plummer, Curtis, Zeta 07, 109 Sewall Ave. Poole, William Frederick, Beta 91, 188 Mason St. Ricker, Maurice Stanley, Sigma 11, 26 Columbia St. Roberts, George Litch, Xi 59, 63 Upland Rd. Roberts, Reuben Litch, Xi 68, 62 Upland Rd. Rockwell, Henry Hall, Sigma 96, 101 Tremont St. Rollins, Weld Allen, Zeta 97, 184 St Paul St. .Stedman, Henry Rust, Alpha 71, 27 Irving St. Storrs, Leonard Kip, Beta Beta di, 56 Greenough St. Townsend, Luther Tracy, Zeta 59, 89 Marion St. Walker, John Tempest, Lambda 84, 239 Rawson Rd, Walker, Nathaniel Upham, Beta 11, 115 Buck- minster Rd. Walter, William Edwin, Phi 92, 12 Parkman St. Wood, Leon Irving, Xi 93, 107 Falmouth St. Young. Arthur Jewett, Beta 01, 14 Norfolk Rd. Cambridge Bosworth, Harry Willard, Psi 05, Upsilon 06, 132 Lexington Ave. Brinsmade, James Beebe, Beta 06, 63 Payer- weather St. Cobb, Charles Henry, Gamma 99, 224 Alljanv St. Cole, .\rthur Harrison, Kappa 11, 42 Walker St. Doring, Frederick William, Zeta 83, 21 Ellsworth Ave. Eaton. Albion Keith, Kappa 15, 16 Oxford St. Eckfeldt, Thomas Hooper, Xi 81, i}, Concord Ave. 758 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Cambridge — Cont'd Eggleston, Julius Wooster, Gamma 98, Univer- sity Museum, Oxford St. Ellwood, John Worden, Gamma 18, 60 Mt. Auburn St. Fisher, Edward Thornton, Alpha 56, 5 Divinity Ave. Foote, Richard Whittier, Zeta 12, 8 Sacramento St. Ford, Worthington Chauncey, Lambda 19, 9 Buckingham St. Hawes, Charles Boardman, Kappa 11, 7 Linnean St. Henshaw, John Oliver, Phi 79, Charles River Rd. Houghton, Edward Rittenhouse, Gamma 93, 4 Mercer Circle Hurd, Alfred Dennis, Beta Beta 77, 44 Walker St. Lamson, Carl Edwin, Gamma 99, II Everett St. Lanman, Charles Rockwell, Beta 71,9 Farrar St. Lewis, Henry Euclid, Zeta 11, 67 Dana St. Mitchell, Emlvn Vinald, Sigma 15, 20 Ames St. Morrill, Henry Albert, Zeta 60, 12 Hilliard St. Noble, George Washington Copp, Alpha 58, 21 Concord Ave. Osgood, Harvey Montgomery, Upsilon 13, 84 Prescott St. Paddock, Ernest Moorhead, Tau 94, 121 Ray- mond St. Parkhurst, Louis Henry, Gamma 12, Alpha 72 19 Agassiz St. Payson, Edgar Robinson, Jr., Kappa 14, Mer- chants' National Bank Pennoyer, Paul Geddes, Epsilon 11, 9 Linden St Platner, John Winthrop, Beta 85, 1 Shadv Hill Sq. Pousland, Charles Fitz, Alpha 72, 30 Water St. Quint, Wilder Dwight, Zeta 87, Riverbank Court Raymer, George Sharpe, Lambda 81, Rotch Bldg., Harvard L'niversity Redfern, Donald, Kappa 11, 16 Oxford St. Seabury, Mortimer Ashmead, Beta 09, Radnor Hall Sloan, Edward Crocker, Xi 17, 30 Langdon St. Smith, Lowell Ridgeway, Gamma IS, Albany St. Thacher, Francis Storer, Kappa 66, Widener Memorial Library Van Everen, Horace [Greelev], Chi 91, 13 Kirk- land PI. White, Horatio Stevens, Alpha li. 29 Reservoir St. Young, Stephen Emerson, Kappa 98, 43 Reser- voir St. Charlestown Boutwell, Roland Hill 2d, Gamma 14, 493 Ruther- ford Ave. Pierce, Carlos Thornton, Zeta 07, 100 Arlington Ave. Chelsea Howe, .Arthur Leolin, Xi 94, 30 Bellinghani St. Quint. John Hastings, Zeta 91, 43 County Rd. Chester Keefe, James Henry, Beta 89 Chestnut Hill Blodget. William, Sigma 71, 14 Old Orchard Rd. Farnham, Frank Alexander, Sigma 79, 65 Crafts Rd. Morgan, Samuel St. John, Beta Beta 03, 27 Circuit Rd. Volkmann, Arthur Ludwig Karl, Chi 11 Cliftondale Gile, Fred Henry, Kappa 83, 15 Avon St. Moore. Albert Weston, Zeta 64, 9 Myrtle St. Cohasset Tucker, Herbert Ames, Gamma 82, Border St. Concord Bradford, Moses Brown Lockwood, Sigma 78, 60 Main St. Shepley, Francis Ba.xter, Alpha 11 Weeden, William Wager, Sigma 91, 1 Stow St. Concord Junction Weeden, William Wager, Sigma 91 Cummington Doggett, Allen Barrows, Jr., Zeta 10 Dalton .Mien, Amos Lawrence. Kappa 18 Allen, Herbert Lincoln, Kappa 83, 18 Central Ave. Crane, Zenas Marshall, Beta 00 Danvers F"erguson, Joseph Louis, Zeta 93 Hanlon, Arthur Edward, Zeta 03, 17 School St. Sears, George Bowman, Kappa 90, iil Cherry St. Dedham Clapp, John Burleigh, Delta Delta 18, 30 High- land St. Hine, Roderick Whittelsey, Beta 84 Dorchester Bellamy, Robert Bayard, Beta Beta 01, 8 Bow- doin Ave. Coburn, Clarence Peter, Xi 11, 107 Rosseter .St. Packard, Abner Beale, Beta Beta 04, 1177 Washington St. Percival, Percy Snow, Kappa 01, 5 Elton St. Redman, Erastus Fulton, Kappa 70. 82 Brent St. Sanford, Alpheus, Kappa 76, 56 Kingsdale .St. .Sanford, Gardner, Kappa 11, 56 Kingsdale St. Dover Glidden, Arthur Boynton, Kappa 07 -Strong, George Alexander, Gamma 80 Duxbury Leavitt, Byron Charles, Zeta 81, Tremont .St. East Cambridge Andrews, Herbert Morril, Zeta 04, Boston Bridge Works, 9th and Binney Sts. Easthampton Gardner, Frank, Psi 87 Hicks, Samuel Wilson. Delta 00. Williston Seminary East Lexington Dorchester, Daniel. Xi 74 East Milton Fuller, Walter Atherton, Kappa 12, 26 Hollis St. East Orleans Parker, Arthur Tavlor, Kappa 76, Burlevneck Rd. East Weymowth Newton, William Monroe. Xi 94. 31 Randall Ave. Everett Fowler, Samuel Bartlett, 20 Hampshire .St. Whiting, William Kinsley, Zeta 89, 29 Chestnut St. Fairhaven Foote, ^^'arren Cleaveland, Zeta 08, 160 Main St. Fall River Aldrich, Donald Bradshaw, Zeta 17, 296 Winter St. Briggs, Charles Walter, Sigma 09, S7S Maple St. Comstock, David Young. Gamma 73 Hart, Gardiner Tufts, Sigma 06, 66 Summer- field St. Hart. William Albion, Sigma 03, Chamber of Commerce. Shove. Ackley, Beta 18, 194 Belmont St. Thomas, Edward Seymour, Beta 88, 353 Lin- coln Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 759 Farmingham Bancroft, Winthrop, Kappa 16, Salem End Rd. Fitchburg Dickinson, Charles Porter, Beta 77 Miller, Ernest Parker, Gamma 72, Alpha 72, 843 Main St. Forest Hills -Mahr. Frederick William, Kappa 12, 306 Hyde Park Ave. Framingham Ware, Arthur Lovell. Alpha 73, Mill St. Framingham Center Stebbins, Calvin. Gamma 62, Vernon St. Gardner Smith, Maurice Billing.s, Gamma 95, 35 Cedar St. Gloucester Merrill. George Frye. Zeta 00, 111 Main St. Raymond. Jonathan Stone, Beta 17, The Ram- parts Great Harrington Reynolds, Howard Hunt, Pi 95, 2 Brainerd Ave. .Stanley, Clarence, Beta 19 Stanley. Gilbert, Beta 19 Greenfield Abbott, Winthrop Porter, Zeta 93, High School Bldg., Federal St. Aiken. John Adams, Zeta 74, 30 Orchard St. Chapin, Russell Farley, Gamma li, fl con- gress St. Comstock, Thomas Lamb, Gamma 83, 18 Chest- nut Hill Field. Clifton Lamson, Gamma 80, Court House Russell, Charles Cotesworth, Gamma 94, care Russell Mfg. Co. Taylor, Kenvon Yale. Phi 06, Goodell Pratt Co. ^^'hiting, William Howard, Gamma 76, 55 High- land Ave. Groton Danielson, Richard Ely, Beta 07 Green. Samuel Abbott. Alpha 51 Powell. LeflFerts Morrell, Theta 83 Haverhill Abbott. Ira Anson, Zeta 70. 26 Park St. Hale. Edward Russell, Kappa 06, 50 Merri- mack St. Hall, Edwin Bowlev. Zeta 02. 348 River St. Tavlor. Harry LaForest, Zeta 01, 201 Water St. Taylor. Eevi Marlon, Zeta 07. 353 River St. Taylor. Ralph Haydn. Zeta 02. 14 Water St. Thompson. Frank Carroll. Sigma 01, 1 Belve- dere Rd. HinghaTi Day, Charles Orrin. Beta 03. Main St. Stevenson. Norman, Zeta 05 Holden Babb. Thomas Earle, Gamma 65. Highland St. M'arrcn. Henry Waterman, Beta 65. Main St. Holyoke Brooks. Chase. Zeta 09. 171 Pine St. Chase. Joseph Theodore, Zeta 06, 151 Beech St. Clark, Frederick Hale, Delta Delta 19. 252 Oak St. French. Arthur Edmund. Zeta 12. 225 High St. Hannum. Henry Oliver. Mu 93. 59 Pearl St. Logan, Donald Brigham. Zeta 04, Taylor-Logan Co. Xewton. Edward Taft. Chi 92, 1785 North- ampton St. Ranger, James Aloysius, Sigma 02, 22 Bond St. Squier, George Edwin, Zeta 08, 53 Lincoln St. Hopkinton Brown, Robert James, Jr., Beta 18 Houlton Clark. Walter Braden, Kappa 06, County Court House Housatonic Reynolds. Howard Hunt, Pi 95, B. D. Rising Paper Co. Hyde Park Tilden, James Addison, Jr., Gamma 13, 66 Beacon St. Indian Orchard Bemis. William Chaplin, Zeta 15, The Fiber- loid Co. Ipswich Nourse, John Warren, Xi 78, High St. Jamaica Plain Cannell, John Weston. Zeta 02. Thomas G. Plant Shoe Factory. Centre St. Penhallow, Charles Sherburne, Alpha 74, 56 Eliot St. Rice, William Foster, Zeta 95, 28 St. John St. Tucker, Warren W'eatherbee, Gamma 94, 93 Sedgwick St. Kendall Green Powell. Jonathan Rider, Jr., Theta 84 Lake Pleasant Budington, Henry Aaron, Xi 57 Lancaster Estabrook, Adelbert Abel, Xi 96 Lawrence Rowell, Wilbur Everett, Xi 85. 301 Essex St. Severance, John Lear. Zeta 82. 210 Saratoga St. Lenox Bishop. Cortlandt Field, Lambda 91 Lexington Dane. Francis Smith. Kappa 96. 1 Bennington Rd. Kimball. Frank Reed, Kappa 76, 611 Massa- chusetts Ave. Littleton Kimball. Charles Adams, Beta 95, King St. Lowell Blanchard, Paul Drake. Kappa 07. 226 Merri- mack St. Burke, Edward Nevins, Beta Beta 76. 216 Nesmith St. Kileski, Frederic Greenhalgh. Kappa 20, 30 Hanks St. Morton. Albert Hayes. Zeta 77. 495 Worthen St. Morton. Howard Nowell. Zeta 11. Hildreth Bldg. Whittier, Benjamin Lincoln. Delta Delta 20. 57 Fairmount St. Pearson. Fisher Hildreth. Zeta 88. 416 Hildreth Bldg. Whittier. Benjamin Lincoln. Delta Delta 20, 57 Fairmount St. Wood, Frederick Augustus. Xi 86, Zeta 86, 295 Pawtucket St. Lunenburg Dickinson, Charles Porter. Beta 77 Lynn Frost. Harry Mitchell, Beta 89, Security Trust Bldg. • Richardson. Herbert Clifford, Zeta IS, 9 Bal- timore St. 760 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Maiden Bascom, Henry Albert, Kappa 83, 194 Summer St. Chadwick, Joseph Webber, Kappa 62, 537 Plc3.s3,nt St Lougee, William Wheeler, Zeta 88, 195 Main St. Nickerson, Frederic Obed, Xi 78, 27 Garland Ave. Wells, William Thorn, Kappa 68, 17 Magnolia St. Manchester Angus, William, Kappa 19, 1 Washington St. Bartlett, Nelson Slater, Alpha 71 Marblehead C\irtis, Greelv Stevenson, Chi 96. Fort Glover Howe. Elmer Parker, Beta 76, Cloutman's Point. Marshfield Fuller, Warren Clark, Xi 14 Mattapan Fowler, Burton Philander, Pi 07, 162 Brush Hill Rd. Medford Thompson, George Burt, Mu 79, 202 Chamber of Commerce Medway Crowell, Preston Ranney, Pi 86, 108 Village St. Melrose Castle, Charles Arthur, Zeta 81, 20 Bartlett St. Chadbourne, George Storrs, Xi 58, 11 Cass St. Hood, Wendell Phillips, Beta 65, Zeta 65, 4 Altamont Ave-. Leonard, Ralph Davis, Xi 07, 177 Bellevue Ave. Mudge. James Wiswell, Xi 02, 31 Wyoming Heights Parley, Roscoe Dorman, Zeta 91, 63 W. Emer- son St. Tilton, George Henry, Gamma 70, 470 Lebanon St. Methuen White, Charles Francis, Kappa 14, 14 Stevens St. Milford Cross, Allen Eastman, Gamma 86, 28 Claflin St. Millbury Aiken, Henry Wilbur, Beta 80 Millers Falls Chapin, Russell Farley, Gamma 13, Millers Falls Paper Co. Millis Kimball. Horace Earle, Sigma 04 Mann, Roland William. Kappa 92. The Cause- way Milton Fowler, Burton Philander. Pi 07, High School Furber, Charles Hamlin, Xi 73, 35 Maple St. Luther. Willard Blackinton, Beta 02, 64 Can- ton St. Poole. Gerald Arlington, Zeta 18, Cheever St. Mt. Hermon Norton. Lyon Levi. Xi 90 Norton, Stephen Adams, Xi 19 Norton, Stephen Allen, Xi 97 Nantucket Halvorson, Hawthorne Parker, Xi 14, Citizens* Gas, Elec. & Power Co., 58 Main St. Natick Andrews, John Gilbert, Zeta 01. 131 Bacon St. Needham Bell, John William, Zeta 05, 91 Fair Oaks Park Wood, Leon Irving, Xi 93, Powers St. New Bedford Coultas, Andrew Jackson, Xi 80, 40 Chestnut St. Foote, Warren Cleaveland, Zeta 08, 45 William St. Hersey, Ross Veder, Pi 10, 261 S. Water St. Mandell, Augustus Hamlin, Xi 97, 25 Syca- more St. Searls, Edmund David, Xi 96, 19 Maple View Terrace Newbury Perry, Donald Irving, Gamma 20, E. High St. Newburyport Hurd, Randolph Campbell, Xi 95, 244 High St. Newton Agry, George Cram, Zeta OS, 47 Park St. Andrews, Walter Raymond, Zeta 07, 169 Wash- ington St. Buffum, Edgar Stickney, Beta 77, 101 Califor- nia St. Calkins, [Plineas] Wolcott, Beta 56 Fuller, Frederic Dana, Xi 88, 457 Center St. McNamara, Frank Gilbert, Gamma 20. dl Marl- boro St. Porter, Francis Edward, Xi 69, 409 Auburn St. Sprague, Homer Baxter, Beta 52, Vernon Court Hotel. Tucker, Kenneth Dennv, Zeta 16, 154 Oak- leigh Rd. Viets, Henry Rouse, Jr., Zeta 12, 17 Fairview St. Newton Center Beye, Cudworth, Rho 06, 190 Sumner St. Chandler. Perry, Xi 72, 87 Glen Ave. Cobb, William Henry, Gamma 67, 37 Elgin St. Collins, Charles, Beta 96, Dudley Rd. Farwell, Parris Thaxter, Gamma 80, 20 Ripley Terrace. Coding, Edward Nathan, Kappa 91, 121 Bish- opsgate Rd. Nettleton, Ralph Bayard, Omega 05, 805 Com- monwealth Ave. Pierce, Carlos Thornton, Zeta 07, 1081 Cen- tre St. Ravmond, Robert Fulton, Xi 81, 71 Montvale Rd. Raymond, Robert Fulton, Xi 17, 29 Montvale Rd. Sullivan, Edward Taylor, Beta Beta 89, Ash- ton Park. Tuttle, Morton Chase, Zeta 97, 22 Chestnut Terrace. Woods. Frederick Shenstone, Xi 85, 123 Sum- ner St. Newton Highlands Hewitt, John Morrison Oliver, Tau 'i'), IS Standish St. Mellen, Harrison Walker, Gamma 09, 291 Lake Ave. Waldo, Clarence Haven, Sigma 79, Zd Saxon Rd. Newtonville Buffum, Edgar Stickney, Beta 11, 371 Newton- ville Ave. Chenev, Henry Howard, Zeta 06, 406 Walnut St. Cobb, Charles Henry, Gamma 99, 32 Kimball Terrace. Drew, Pitt Fessenden, Zeta 99, 27 Grove Hill Ave. McCobb, Henry, Sigma 74, The Oaks, Califor- nia St. Pray. Thornton Calder, Zeta IS, 11 Kirkstall Rd. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 761 I I Newtonville — Cont'd Rolfc. Hayward Percival, Zeta 04, 49 Clyde St. Salinger, Alex David, Zeta 92, 25 Prospect Ave. Strong, Ellsworth Olmsted, Zeta 16, 74 Brook- side Ave. Wells, Carl Samuel, Zeta 12, 31 Harrington St. Wilkic, Edward Arthur, Xi 76, 288 Mill St. WilK-ox, Henry Howard, Gamma 89, 8 Birch Hill Rd. Wolcott, Samuel Wadsworth, Delta Delta, 18, 10') Walnut St. Wvatt, William Abbott, Xi 98, 22 Harrington St. Norfolk Ware, Lyman Eugene, Chi 11 North Adams Richardson, Charles Read, Sigma 18, 20 Quincy St. North Andover Dame. Dana Paul, Zeta 80, 116 Main St. North Attleboro Green. Erik Hastings, Sigma 98, Old Post Rd. Kcnvon, Wallace Dudley, Beta 14, Page and Baker Mfg. Co. North Easton Early, .Samuel Stockwell, Iota 85, care Ames Sliovcl and Tool Co., Main St. Northampton Clark. Frank Edgar, Beta 77, 59 Pomcroy Ter- race. Emerson, Thomas Albert, Beta 63, 51 Prospect St. Field, Henry Power, Gamma 80. 86 Main St. Gardiner, Harry Norman, Gamma 78, 187 Main St. Hammond, Thomas Jasper, Gamma 00, 59 Main St.^ Harrison. Toseph LeRov, Chi 86, Forbes Lihrarv Hill. Robert Alexander, Gamma 18. 11 Third .^ve. Kimball, Everett, Gamma 96, Smith College. Smith, Henry Goodwin, Lambda 81, Gamma 81, 16 Columbus Ave. Tvler Henry Mather, Gamma 65, 44 Prospect St. Warner, Hunt, Gamma 13, 150 Main St. Watson, .Arthur, Beta 73, 78 ^^ain St. North Reading Burns, Xcwell Bly, Zeta 05, North Reading State Sanatorium. North Wilmington Burns. Newell Bly, Zeta 05 Norwood Tolinson, Leighton Foster, Pi 13, 868 Wash- ington St. Orange Rogers, Leighton William, Zeta 16, 22 Foun- tain St. Peabody Foster, Horace Kendall, Zeta 79, 2 Park St. Petersham Poor, ^^'iIIiam George, Zeta 82. Pittsfield Cooky, .\rthur Nott, Beta 78. 249 Holmes Rd. Dawes. Henry Laurens, Beta 84, 107 South St. Dawson, Harold Kaye. Pi 19, .SI Edward Ave. Denault, Eliot Warden, Tau 18 Eadic. Harold Field, Zeta IS. 205 South St. Hamilton, John Augustus, Pi 91, 49 Bartlett Ave. Hamilton, Lloyd Andrews, Pi, 16, 49 Bartlett Ave. Kinney, Carey Russell, Iota 08, 106 Russell St. Pittsfield— Cont'd Larkin, George Raymond, Xi 18, 35 Kent Ave. Lewis, Joseph Ward, Xi 88, 100 North St. Madness, John Comrie, Tan 20, 56 Bartlett Ave. Maclnnes, Donald Adriance, Tau 18, 56 Bart- lett Ave. Pease, Frederick Arnold, Beta 11, 28 Clapp Ave. Robbins, Loring Griswold, Chi 00, 68 West St. Sisson, William Henry, Tau 20, 41 Brinton Terrace Tyler, Cornelius Boardman, Gamma 98, In- wode. Wallace, Frank Rich, Chi 10, care Eaton, Crane and Pike Co. Whittlesey, John Jacob, Phi 00, 35 Savings Bank Bldg. Wilder. Winford Oliver, Xi 03 ^^'itherspoon, Edward, Upsilon 66, 140 Apple- ton Ave. Plymouth Bittinger, Joseph Francis, Zeta 86, Middle St. Princeton Gregory, Raymond Josiah, Gamma 96 Quincy Ogden, Warren Greene, Chi 01, 162 Monroe Rd. Thompson, William Putnam, Kappa 94, 42 Whitney Rd. Randolph French, Asa Palmer, Beta 82, Main St. Rockland Wood. Ephraim Lincoln, Gamma 84, R. R. Roxbury Connolly, Bartholmew Joseph, Jr., Gamma 13, 93 Dale St. Royalston Pike, Clarence, Zeta 80 Sagamore Beach Clark, Francis Edward, Zeta 73 Salem Abbott, Stanley Niver, Delta 11, 60 Boston St. Sears, George Bowman, Kappa 90, 114 Wash- ington St. Saxonville Esty, Charles Alexander, Beta 04, 7 Temple St. Seekonk Gelb, Victor Carl, Sigma 14 Sharon Goodrich, Frederick Elizur, Beta 64, Highland Ave. Paine, Bernard Leonard, Gamma 00, Highland St. Phillips, John Goddard, Kappa 12, Shelburne Falls Becnian, Leonard Lemon, Xi 75 Somerville Bolles, Edwin Courtland, Beta Beta 55, 184 College Ave. Bout well, Roland Hill 2d, Gamma 14, 19 Har- vard St. Cuddy, Charles Francis, Sigma 03, 195 Sum- mer St. Gridley, Joseph Herbert, Zeta 14, 179 Highland Ave. Harlow, Truman Oscar, Zeta 88, 7 Porter Ave. Norton, James Safford, Kappa 85, 86 Chandler St. Noyes, Charles Lothrop, Beta 75, 12 Pem- broke St. Pierson, William Henry, Kappa 64, 779 Broad- way. 762 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Southboro Eaton, Harris Dickinson, Sigma 01 Flichtner, Frederic Appleton, Gamma 94 Goodridge, Edward, Jr., Beta Beta 02, St. Mark's School. Thayer, Sigourney, Gamma 18, St. Mark's School. Thayer, William Greenough, Gamma 85, St. Mark's School. Thayer, William Greenough, Jr., Gamma 15 South Boston Crowley, John Edward, Kappa 09, 257 A St. Davis, Charles Edward, Xi 76, 548 Broadway South Braintree Shrader, Justin Winfred, Omicron 11, 20 Elm- wood Ave. South Harwich Sawyer, Edmund Hinckley, Gamma 84, Bonny- view St. Sawyer, Harold Edmund, Gamma 16 South Lincoln Canntll, John Weston, Zeta 02, R. R. No. 64. South Weymouth Alvord, Henry Clay, Delta 76, 524 Pleasant St. Springfield Appleton, Edward Allen, Gamma 89, .i\3 Maple St. Bemis, William Chaplin, Zeta IS, 22 Cherry- vale Ave. Brooks, Chase, Zeta 09. 31 Elm St. Calkins, Marshall, Xi 53, Theta 53, 14 Maple St Davies, Thomas Frederick, Phi 93, Beta 94, 2.i Harrison Ave. lOavis, Henry Loramus, Xi 00, 310 Massa- chusetts Ave. Dyer, Thomas, Beta 95, Besse Block Emerson, Herbert Clark, Gamma 89, 145 Chest- nut St. Gardner, Anson Blake, Beta 13, care New Eng- land Westinghouse Co. Giroux, Louis Frederick [Hungerford], Psi 84, American International College. Goodell, William, Gamma 01, 6 Chestnut St. Graves, George Alexander, Zeta 10, 104 Bowdoin St. Gunn, Elisha, Alpha 73, 44 Mulberrv St. Harris, Daniel Lester 2d, Zeta 17, 1104 Worth- ington St. Tones, Jeremiah Howard, Beta 07, 31 Elm St. Kirkham. James Wilson, Beta 72, 407 Main St. Porter, Edward Maurice, Beta 13, 4 Ingraham Terrace Sherwood, Malcolm Clark, Delta Delta 14, 244 Main St. Shiiart, John Denton, Delta Delta 18, 59 Maple St. Shuart, William Henry, Pi 75, 59 Maple St. Smith, Theodore Ripley, Delta 10, Zeta 10, 23 Hampden St. Stebbins, Frederick Haile, Beta 81, 257 Main St. Tate, Dale Stouffer, Beta 97, Union Trust Co. Torrey. Donald Fuller, Tau 14, 122 Chestnut St. Waterbury, Willard Emmet, Upsilon 82, 236 Union St. W'heat, Harold Abercrombie, Zeta 09, 351 Main St. Wbitmore, John Thoreau, Delta Delta 16, 128 Mulberry St. Sterling Junction Chandler, John, Beta 12, Meadowbrook Farm Estabrook," Adelbert Abel, Xi 96, R. R. No. 1 Stockbridge McBurney, Henry, Chi 01 Nettleton, Walter Eben, Beta 83 Stoneham Stevens, William Burnham. Zeta 65, 161 Main St. Stoughton Bridgman, Arthur Milnor, Gamma 7i, 68 Grove St. Swampscott Cuddy, Charles Francis, Sigma 03, High School Frost, Harry Mitchell, Zeta 89, 37 Thomas Rd. Redfern, Donald, Kappa 11, 292 Humphrey St. Whitney, Addis Merrill, Pi 86, Gamma 86, 200 Forest Ave. Taunton Leach, Robert Milton, Zeta 02, 44 Harrison St. Levering, Henry Morton, Sigma 61 Upton Marsh, Francis Jewett, Gamma 70, 40 X. Mam St. Vineyard Haven Flanders, Henry Richmond, Beta 85 Waban Moore, George Henry, Xi 93. 86 Crofton Rd. Phillips, LeRoy, Gamma, 92, 401 Woodward Ave. Wakefield Eaton, Theodore, Beta 94, 23 Avon St. Hill, Melvin Joseph, Kappa 65, 2 Park Ave. White, Edson Walter, Zeta 80, 266 Albion St. /Woodward, Charles Alexander, Gamma 02 Walpole Northrop, Richard David, Xi 09, Standard Woven Fabric Co. Waltham Parkinson, William Dwight, Zeta 78, High School Bldg. Pattison, Robert Bainbridge, L'psdon 99, 33 Washington Ave. Ware Beeman, Bowman Stone, Xi 04, P. O. Box 233 Watertown Brvant, Arthur Parzons, Zeta 00, Chi 00, 59 Garfield St. Burr, Leiand Mothershead, Xi 93, 277 School St. Dane, Francis Smith, Kappa 96, Nichols .\ve. Wayland Patterson, John Adams, Gamma 17 Webster Bradford, Horatio Nelson Slater, Sigma 92, care S. Slater & Sons, Inc. Cassidv, Robert Valden, Xi 15, 7 Negus St. Cassidy, William Morton, Xi 88, 7 Negus St. Wellesley Aymar, Gordon Christian, Beta 14, Benvenue St. Guernsey, Benjamin Wright, Xi 04, Wellesley National Bank Guernsey, Henry Chauncey, Xi 04, 5 Upland Rd. Rollins. Harry Leighton, Beta 86. 546 Wash- ington St. Wellesley Hills Decrow, John Walter, Beta 00, CI Windsor Rd. Harvey, Murray Cheever. Zeta 20, 21 Livermore Rd. Pratt, Waldo Elliott, Gamma 18, 51 Abbott Rd. .Seabury, Joseph Bartlett, Gamma 69 Shepherd, Prentiss, Kappa 14, 37 Elm St. Shepherd, Summer Whitney, jr.. Beta Beta 19, 37 Elm St. Shepherd, Thomas Dudley, Xi 12. 37 Elm St. Westboro Marsh, Errol Dwight, Zeta 13, 83 W. Main St. Roberts, Brian Chadwick, Beta Beta 95, St. Stejihen's Rectory Westfield Eaton, Herbert Scott, Xi 91, 108 Elm St. Kneil. Arthur Shimmin. Xi 83, 22 Elm St. Porter, Harvey, Gamma 70, 39 Court St. Scott, Frederick Howard, Xi 90, Abner Gibbs School GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 763 West Medford Paradise, Scott llurtt, Beta 14, Grove St. West Newton Andrews, Herbert Morril, Zeta 04. 2i Sterling St. Barrett, William Emerson, Zeta 14, 199 Temple St. Bell. Louis, Zeta 84, 32 Sylvan St. Merchant, Rov Richardson, Zeta 06, 31 Sewall St. Porter, John, Jr., Gamma 10, 215 Albemarle Rd. W'inslow. Kdward tlarke, (iamma 70. 28 War- wick Rd. West Roxbury Byington, Edwin Hallock, Gamma 83, 48 Belle- vue St. Cruff, Frederick Ellery, Kappa 16, 62 Maple St. West Somerville Graves, Henry Clinton, Gamma 56, 187 Elm St. Stockwell, Howard Aubrey, Zeta 17, 9 Kidder Ave. West Springfield l-auscy. John Rowlee, Pi 97, Town llall Weymouth Xewton, William Monroe. Xi 94. 36 Randall Ave. Whitman Dyer. Ebenezer Alden, Gamma S2, 506 Wash- ington St Walradt, Henry Moses, Beta 73, 662 Washing- ton St. WiUiamstown Carter, Henry, Beta 17, Park St. Carter, John Franklin. Beta 88, 35 Park St. De Peu, John, Gamma 80 (loodrich, Frank, Beta 80. College PI, fc^ Hall Almon Everett, Xi 72. 70 Cole Ave. m Hewitt, John Haskell, Beta 59, Williams College * Schauffler, Bennet Fellows. Deta Delta 17, Psi I'psilon House Taylor, Robert Longley, Psi 82, Grace Court Thompson, Robert Raymond, ISHi 15. Williams College Winchester .Xbbott, John, Zeta 91, Arlington St. Adriance, Samuel Winchester, Zeta 7i, 9 Mt. Pleasant St. Coit, George Chandler, Gamma 89, 19 Hillside Ave. Cummings, Mott .\lvah, Zeta 82, 69 Church St. Davis, Charles Harrison, Xi 00, 17 Myrtle St. Eastman, John Huse, Gamma 69, 134 Mt. Vernon St. Eastman, Joseph Bartlett, Gamma 04, 134 Mt. Vernon St. Furbish, Ordway, Gamma 20, 67 Chii'-ch .St. Hamblen, Joseph Brown, Xi 74, 92 Cross St. Johnson, Harold Talinadge, Zeta 14, 11 Xorwood St. Neiley, Geoffrey Cook, Gamma 16, 5 Wolcott Rd. Neilev, Richard Bowdoin, Gamma 19, 5 Wolcott Rd! Ordway, Henry Choate, Beta 80 Russell, .-\rthur Hastings, Gamma 81, 10 Mt. Pleasant St. Smith, Chester Wilson, Sigma 06, 56 Fletcher St. Smith, Lowell Ridgeway, Gamma 15, 6 Parkway Winthrop Highlands Clcaveland. Halbrook Gilson, Phi 93, 80 Cliff Ave. Wollaston Hayes, Francis Lord, Kappa 65 Worcester Aiken, Henry Wilbur, Beta 80, Court House Baker, Charles Henrv 4th, Beta Beta 16, Norton Co. Bliss, Harrison, Sigma 15, 21 William St. WorcestA- — Cont'd t hamberlain. Warren Miller, Zeta 20, 24 Fiske St. Estv, Charles Alexander, Beta 04, 54 Connner- cial St. Estv, Edward Tuckerman, Gamma 97, 340 Main St, Everett, Oliver Hurd, .\lpha 73, 53 Pearl St. Frost. Elliott Putnam, Beta 11. 515 State Mut- ual Bldg. Gibbs. Selwyn Mitchell, Delta 19, 58 Front St. Harding, George Churchill, Gamma 15, 934 Main St. I^cwis, Homer Pcarce, Zeta 74, 14 City Hall Luey, Charles Rupert, Zeta 11, 438 Main St. Luey, Donald, Zeta 19, 44 West St. MacDonald. Donald. Zeta 20. 385 May St. Merriam, Henry Harrison, Gamma 66, 22 King St. Palmer, Reuben Tvler, Sigma 20. 54 West .St. Purdy, Ross Coffin, Pi 99, 45 Institute Rd. Quackenboss, Francis [Bates], Zeta 11, 356 Franklin St. Remington, Seth Padelford, Sigma 90, 22 Mav St. Robinson. Stuart Ingram, Kappa 17, 6 Ham- mond St. Saxe, James Alfred, Xi 85, Court House .Saxe. John Walker, Xi 85, 2 Court House Schwartz, George Conrad, Pi 18, 14 Clarence St. Sewall, John Ladd, Zeta 77, 29 Coburn Ave. Trowbridge, Parker, Zeta 13, 338 Main St. Tuck. John, Zeta 05. 338 Main St. Washburn, Henry Homer, Sigma 59, 12 Tirrell St. Whitcomb, Henry Dowling, Gamma 19, 6 Harv- ard St. Whitcomb, Henry Estabrook, Gamma 94, 53 Main St. Young, Foster Vergne. Sigma 11, 22 Garden St. MICHIGAN Adrian -\vers. Merle Porter, Pi 19 Cornelius. James D. [H.], Phi 65, 160 W. Maumee .St. Watts. Richard Prosser, Zeta 20 Albion Goodrich, Frederic Samuel, Xi 90, 302 E. Col- lege Court Alden Montgomery. Morris Wadsworth. Phi 00, "Bonnie Braes Farms" Alpena BiilHev. William Howard, Beta Beta 93, 603 Washington Ave. Alto Murrav. Robert Edward, Omicron 17, R. R. No. 2 Ann Arbor Adams, Henry Foster, Xi 05, 251 Natural Science Bldg. Cornwell, Frank Irving, Iota 98, Cornwell Block de Pont, Edouard Paul, Phi 94, 509 E. Jeffer- son St. Graham, Charles Wallace. Omicron 11, .Slieehan Book Co. Ives, John Reno, Phi 20. Granger .\ve. and Ferdon Rd. KeLsey, Francis Willey. L>silon 80, 826 Tap- pan St. Mack. Christian (Xorvillel. Phi 16. 216 Main St. Patterson, George Washington, Beta 84, Uni- versity of Michigan Patterson, George \\'ashington, Jr., Beta 14 Peterson. Reuben. Jr., Phi 14. 1416 Hill St. Potter. Nathan Simpson, Jr.. Phi 08, 1926 Nor- way Rd. 764 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Ann Arbor — Cont'd. Waddell. Henry Rex, Phi 16, 7112 University Ave. S. Waldron, Frederick Rice, Phi 97, 313 S. State St. Wheat, Renville, Phi 14, 825 Tappan Rd. Zimmerman, Daniel Forbes. Phi 01, 1805 Wash- tenaw Ave. Baltic Mendelsohn, Albert, Lambda 11 Battle Creek Turner, Leigh Martin, Phi 00, R. R. No. 4 Bay City Childs, Franklin Earll, Psi 68, 912 McKinley Ave. Cooke, George Wight, Phi 12, 131 Carroll Rd. Coryell, Charles Alexander, Phi 17, 430 Shearer BIdg. Dixn, Erwin Benjamin, Phi 15, Lewis Home Furnishing Co. Finkcnstaedt, John Wilbur, Phi 16, 901 Fifth Ave. Kerr, John Mead, Phi 19, 703 N. Farragnt Ave. McDonell, Howard Archibald, Chi 18, 240 Washington Ave. Miller, Carter Smart, Iota 19, 1312 3th St. Moulthrop, Clarence Arthur, Phi 20, 1501 Fifth Ave. Presley, William Campbell, Iota 20, 404 Mid- land Ave. Shearer, Alfred Marston, Phi 18, 818 N. Farra- gut St. Shearer, James 2d, Phi 08, 135 Washington Ave. Smith, Carman Bigelow, Phi 16, Rho 16, 2018 Center Ave. Thompson, Paul Frye, Phi 16, 438-41 Shearer Bldg. W^ells, William Russell, Phi 10, 135 Washing- ton Ave. Wheat, James Clements, Phi 09, 1421 6th St. Bellaire Coolidge, John Kitteridge, Iota 02, Torch Lake Farms, R. R. No. 2 Birmingham Young, Clifford Parkinson, Pi 10, McGraw Farm Chelsea Potter, Nathan Simpson, Jr., Phi 08 Waddell, Henry Rex, Phi 16, Lewis Spring and Axle Co. Detroit Alexander, Kirkland Barker, Phi 96, Detroit Journal Bldg. Allington, Leslie Eugene, Phi 09, 618 Penobscot Bldg. Armstrong, Aikman, Phi 01, 132 Jefferson Ave. Armstrong, Henry Irwin, Jr., Phi 09, 1101 Ford Bldg. Backus, Standish, Phi 98, 1324 Ford Bldg. Barnes, Edward Arthur, Phi 83, 840 Penobscot Bldg. Beckwith, Samuel Corner, Omega 15, 429 Ford Bldg. Beecher, Fred Seefred, Phi 12, 30 W. Palmer Ave. Beecher, George Albert, Phi 10, 171 Griswold St. Bentley, Uriah, Upsilon 1<), 2371 W. Grand Boulevard Bishop, J[ohn] Remsen, Beta 82, 1555 Jefferson Ave. Bodman, Henry Edward. Phi 96, 2104 Dime Bank Bldg. Bogart, Frank E., Jr., Gamma 18, 85 Hague Ave. Bogle, Henry Charles, Phi 15, 900 Union Trust Bldg. Detroit — Cont'd Bogle, Thomas Ashford, Jr., Phi 12, Free Press Bldg. Boyer, John William, Eta 07, care Solvay Pro- cess Co. Boynton, Herbert Eugene, Phi 86, 2104 Dime Bank Bldg. Brady, Robert McClelland, Beta Beta 90, 730 Woodbridge St. E. Bredin, Lewis Leonard, Beta 16, 81 Eliot St. Briggs, Eugene Hale, Kappa 07, 7 Id Hart Ave. Bruce. Charles Erwin, Phi 86, 13 I2th .St. Buggie, Horace Hobart, Rho 13, 1576 Jos. Campau Ave. Caulkins, Edward Burns, Phi 98, 248 Guoin St, Caulkins, George Peck, Phi 13, J. Henry Smith Bldg, Caulkins, Henry Lewis. Plii 19, 188 Parker Ave, Chaney, Henry Francis, Phi 09 820 Penobscot Bldg. Chapman. Charles Goodman, Phi 11, Second and Burroughs Aves. Chesebrough, William Griswold, Phi 99, 2 Chene St. Clark, Alpheus Whitney, Phi 74, 501 Moffat Bldg. Clark, Leslie Russel, Sigma 18, 325 Farwell Bldg. Clark. Kufus Wheelwright, Phi 00, 28 Wood- ward Ave. Clarke, Willis Gaylord, Xi 75, Free Press Bldg Colburn, Burnham Standish, Phi 95, The Cana- dian Bridge Co., Ltd. Conely, Clarence, Phi 84, 901 Majestic Bldg. Culver, Frank Ward, Phi 20, 33 Clairmount Ave. DeLano, Thomas Wesley, Eta 93, Warren and Belltvue Sts. Dcnby, [Thomas] Garvin, Phi 00, Holbrook Ave. and G. T. Ry. Deubel, John Starkweather, Phi 15, 126 Jeffer- son Ave, Dykema, Raymond Kryn, Phi 11, 2104 Dime Savings Bank Bldg. Farnsworth Grover [Cleveland Dickinson], Pi 11, 91 Medbury Ave. Fay, George Edward, Phi 99, 408 Washington Arcade Ferguson, Allan Walter, Xi 05, New Telegraph Bldg.. Finkenstaedt, Harry Seymour, Phi 11, 1852 Penobscot Bldg. FitzSimons, Sherman Joseph. Jr., Plii 19, 99 Blaine Ave. Flinn, James Harmon, Phi 96, 1220 Penobscot Bldg. Fhnterman, Rudolph Friedrich, Phi 94, 248 Guoin St. Ford. Frederick Clifford, Beta 07^ 416 Ford Bldg. Ford, Walter Buhl, Beta 96, 720 Jefferson Ave. Gage. Alexander Kimball, Beta Beta <)(), 616 Union Trust Bldg. Gage, William Henry, Beta Beta 96, 615 Ham- mond Bldg, Gascoigne, Louis, Phi 85, 195 Earned St. E. Gilkeson, Benjamin Franklin, Phi 13, 931 Jeffer- son Ave. E. Gillis, Gaylord Wilson, Phi 96, 500 W. Fort St. Gray, Paul Robert, Phi 90, 916 Hammond Bldg. Henkel, Edward, Phi 08, 1305 Dime Bank Bldg. Henry, Albert McKee, Phi 67, 1940 Penobscot Bldg. Henry, Burns, Beta 00, 1940 Penobscot Bldg. Hitchcock, Charles Wellman, Phi 80, 1501 David Whitney Bldg. Holland, Edward Morton, Phi 96, 1000 Lake Shore Rd. Hoskins, Neal Luther, Zeta 99, 644 David Whitney Bldg, Huntington, George Danforth, Upsilon 9(>, 914 Ford Bldg. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 765 Detroit — Com d Kurd, John Stanley, Tlu 93, 725 Ford Bldg. Ininan, John Alvin, Psi 04, 568 Rivard St. Khuen, Francis Ralph, Phi 15, care Detroit Trust Co. Knight, Rufus Hayward, Phi 19, 17 Willis Ave, E. Lane, Victor Hugo, Jr., Phi 12, 1403 Wood- ward Ave. Lawton, Earl Evans, Pi 13, 13 Euclid Ave. Leonard, Charles Henri, Theta 12, 3087 W. Grand Blvd. L'Horamedieu, Charles Coe, Phi 08, R. H. Mann, Michigan Plant of Am. Radiator Co. Lightner, Clarence Ashley, Phi 83, 1604 Dime Bank Bldg. Loomis, Allen, Phi 98, 97 Pallister Ave. Lovett, Craig, Epsilon 14, 610 Penobscot Bldg. Lovett, Emery, Epsilon 20, 533 St. Paul St. Lovett, William Watson, Phi 90, 610 Penobscot Bldg. McDonald, Charles Sheldon, Mu 75, 715 Ham- mond Bldg. McMahon, George Porter, Phi 16, 270 Put- nam Ave. McMath, Robert Reynolds, Phi 13, 215 Iro- quois Ave. Mablev. John Donald. Phi 19, 35 Chicago Blvd. Merriam, DeWitt Hiram, Xi 13, 1024 Ford Bldg. Moore, Kenneth Lathrop, Beta 14, 169 Van Dyke Ave. Moore, Lucian Selwyn, Jr., Phi 07, Holden Bldg. Moore. Stephen Pierson, Phi 07, 169 Van Dyke Ave. Morgan, Horace Healy, Omicron 06, Palmer Bee Co., E. Grand Blvd. and Cameron Ave. Morley, William Horace, Phi 95, 33 E. High St. Ncwcomb, Cyrenius Adelbert, Jr., Phi 9Z, 190 Woodward Ave. Newcomb, William Wilmon, Phi 97, 48 Webb Ave. Paddock, Lewis Henry, Beta Beta 88, 1148 Penobscot Bldg. Pegram, William Alexander, Omicron 10, Han- ley & Co. Peter, Julius Christian, Beta 10, 280 St. Paul Ave. Pierce, Albert Rideout, Rho 14 Pingree, Roy Edward, Phi 08, 32 Fort St. E. Pope, Willard, Phi 88, Zl Putnam Ave. Robbins, Franklin, Xi 11, Lambda 12, 96 For- est Ave. W. Robbins, Frederick Wright, Xi 80, 1212 Kresge Bldg. Rose, Howard Clark, Iota 02, 806 David Whit- ney Bldg. Rounds. George Munroe. Kappa 99, Zeta 99. 479 .Second Ave. Rumney, Mason Pittman, Phi 07, 2250 E. Grand Blvd. Russell, William David, Phi 01, 473 Jefferson Ave. Sanderson. Edmond Lindsay, Phi 92, 3096 W. Grand Blvd. Sarvey, Dalton Vane, Theta 14, 306 Cadillac Ave. Savage, Philip John, Phi 10, 18 Washington Blvd. Sheldcn, Allan, Beta 13, 82 Griswold St. Sherrill, Edwin Stanton, Phi 80, 402 Moffat Bldg. Shoemaker. Tames Wright, Omicron 16. 1203 Dime Bank Bldg. Small. Sidney Ruggles, Phi 09, 2256 Penob- scot Bldg. Smith, Herbert Gushing, Omicron 09, care Merrill, Lynch & Co. Sparling, Ralph, Phi 10, 538 Dime Bank Bldg. Spitzley, William Albert, Phi 95, 32 W. Adams Ave. Detroit-t-Cont'd Standish, William Colburn, Phi 03, 245 Jeffer- son Ave. E. Stone, Ralph, Jr., Phi 20, 975 Cass .\ve. Stearns, Frederick Sweet, Phi 04, Jefferson and Bcllevue Aves. Stroh Bernhard, Jr., Phi 07, 22 Chene St. Stroh, Edwin Ralph, Phi 12, 22 Chene St. Stroh, Gari Melchers, Phi 13; 253 E. Elizabeth St. Turner, James, Phi 02, 2104 Dime Bank Bldg. Wardwell, Harold Fletcher, Chi 07, 3931 Jeffer- son Ave. Weadock, George Philip, Phi 18, 102 Ferry Ave. E. Webster, Benjamin, Kappa 98, Beta 99, 435 Guoin St. Wendell, Roswell Murray, Phi 07, Connors Ave. and Charlevoix St. Wheat, Renville, Phi 14, 2130 Penobscot Bldg. Whittlesey, Matthew Beale, Phi 99, Penobscot Bldg. Williams, Jacob Farrand, Beta 09, 15 Earned St. E. Williams, John Biddle, Phi 14, 929 Ford Bldg. Wilson, Harold [Beckwith], Phi 82, 1501 David Whitney Bldg. Wilson, Philip Johnson, Jr., Phi 18, 693 John R St. Young, Clifford Parkinson. Pi 10. United Fuel & Supply Co., Free Press Bldg. Ziegler, Paul, Beta Beta 72, 14 Breckenridge St. East Lansing Brown, Addison Makepeace, Phi 83 Farmington Denby [Thomas] Garvin, Phi 00. Flint Reed, Ralph Edwin, Zeta 13, Dort Motor Car Co. Grand Rapids Adams. Carl Nelson, Phi 03, 242 College Ave. S. E. Allington, Courtenay Derby, Phi 06, 730 S. College Ave. Barnett, James Footc, Beta 91, 831 Michigan Trust Bldg. Bertles, William Matthew, Rho 09 Bunting, Curtis Daniel, Theta 03, Grand Rapids and Indiana Railway Co. Butterfield, Roger Champlin, Phi 01, 503 Michi- gan Bldg. Campau, Francis Dennis, Omega 03, 507 Michi- gan Trust Bldg. Cassard, Daniel Waters, Beta 16, College Ave. and Fulton St. Clapp. Franklin Halsted, Xi 01, 600 Turner Ave. N. W. Heald, Henry Thomas, Phi 98, Michigan Trust Bldg. Heald, Joseph Woodhams, Iota 97, 549 Morris Ave. Hyde, Mark Powell, Phi 04, 325 E. Fulton St. Johnston, Collins Hickey, Phi 81, Metz Bldg. Johnston, George Sutton, Phi 15, 347 Madison Ave. Knappen, Frederic Mason, Phi 04, 830 Front Ave. N. W. Knappen, Loyal Edwin, Phi Ti. Federal Bldg. Knappen, Stuart Edwin, Phi 98, 317 Michigan Trust Bldg. Murray. Robert Edward, Omicron 17, 300 Col- lege Ave. S. E. Perkins, Edward Footc, Phi 05, 205 Michigan Trust Bldg. Puffer, William Martin, Xi 82, 249 Eastern Ave. Sinclair, George Douglas, Phi 09, 904 Grand Rapids Savings Bank Bldg. 766 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Grand Rapids — Cont'd Snow, Warren Howland, Pi 09, Michigan Trust Bldg. Tateum, William Aldrich, Xi 84, "Stratford Arms." Grosse Pointe Rumney, Mason Pittman, Phi 07, 413 St. Claire Ave. Grosse Pointe Farms Bodman, Henry Edward, Phi 96 Henry, Albert McKee, Phi 67, Longacre, 143 Lake Shore Rd. Henry, Burns, Beta 00 Grosse Pointe Shores Shelden, Allan, Beta 13 Highland Park Hoskins, Neal Luther, Zeta 99, 135 Monterey Ave. Jones, Ralph Maitland, Pi 12, 3030 Woodward Ave. Houghton \\'olilrab, Aloys Hugo, Rho 09, Isle Royal Cop- per Co. Howell McPherson, William III, Phi 07, 103 W. Grand River St. Iron River Selden, William Hillard, Jr., Lambda 17. Ironwood Shove, Byron Douglas, Rho 09 Jackson Bennett, Francis Douglass, Phi 72, 239 Wild- wood Ave. Bennett, Frank Tripp, Phi 05, 103 W. Pearl St. Bennett, John Alonzo, Phi 02, Detroit and Columbus Sts. Bennett, Philip Torrey, Gamma 10, 172 S. Water St. Carter, George Miller, Phi 07, 307 Carter Bldg. Cowhani. Robert Neil. Gamma 14, 246 Wild- wood Ave. Heywood, Stephen Holman, Phi 12, Eldred Mill Co. Loomis, Peter Burr, Phi 80, 140 Steward Ave. O'Dwyer, Robert Emmett, Phi 14, Hayes Wheel Co., Horton and Chapin Sts. Palmer, William Mitchell, Jr.. Gamma 10, 113 W. Main St. Potter, Kennedy Loomis, Phi 02, Jackson City Bank. Reynolds, Herbert Sidney, Phi 04, Cor. Main and Mechanic Sts. Senior, John Lawson, Chi 01, 133 W. Cort- land St. Thompson. William Mann, Phi 81. 158 Main St. Webster, Edward Langley, Phi 80, 142 Foote St. Weeks, Eugene Tames, Phi 71, 148 W. Main St> AVithington, Winthrop, Phi 02, North Me- chanic St. Kalamazoo Penniman, John Havens, Phi 06, 314 N. Park St. Snook, Alfred Hitchcock, Gamma 09, 438 W. Main St. Stetson. Herbert Lee, Omega 76, Kalamazoo College. Williams, Benedict Clarke, Upsilon 90, Kala- mazoo College. Lansing Barnes, Orlando Fleming, Phi 80. State Tax Commissioners' Office. Montgomery, Stanley Dudley, Phi 01, 502 Tus- sing Bldg. Stebbins, Francis Burgoyne, Phi 17, 603 N. Cedar St. Stebbins, Stowell Cortland, Phi 12. 603 N. Cedar St. Laurium Ten Broeck, Joseph Anthony, Mu 94, 302 Iro- (luois St. Manistee Larsen, Lawrence Aubauch, Phi 12, Rho 12, River St. Mitchell. Frank Asa, Kappa 77, Aarons Bldg. Manisteque Fox, Norman Wright, Upsilon 89, 611 Oak St. Marquette C"onper, Gilbert Kenyon. lota 08. 501 E. Ridge St. Hyde, Frederick Walton, Beta 11, 4 Opera House Block Miller, Albert Edward, Phi 83, 213 Blaker St. Spear, Franklin Bennett, Jr., Phi 95, Marquette Trap Rock Co. Spear, Philip Bennet, Phi 95, Foot Baraga Ave. Williams, Gershom Mott, Chi 79. 503 Spruce St. Menominee Prescott, Don Southard. Rho IS, 1713 State St. Prescott, Loren Locke, Rho 92 Tideman, Harold Francis. Zeta 15, Rho 16 Wcidemann, Robert Major, Phi 95, 231 Main St. Midland Burdick, Edward Chapman, Psi 11. Dow Chemi- cal Co. Mt. Clemens Eldredge, Robert Fitch, Phi 85, 47 Macomb St. Muskegon Coutcbie. Kenneth Gilbert, Omega 14 Cowlev, George Dudley. Omega 13. Occidental Clujj Hartwcll. Shattuck Osgood. Gamma 88. Hackley School Kimball. George Caleb. Omega 19, 365 Jefferson St. Newaygo Sawyer, Charles Pierre, Omega 12 Niles Coolidge, Orville William, Phi 63, 217 Main St. Pittsford Gould, Alfred Burt, Mu 87 River Rouge Brownlee, William Ellsworth, Phi 85 Saginaw .Mlington, Harold John, Phi 15, 301 Wiechman Bldg. Beach, Robert Stanley, Phi 17, 902 S. Jefferson Ave. Bliss, George Brockway, Phi 16, Eddv Bldg. Colvin, Hervey Adolf, Phi 07, 400 Holden St. Heagany. Raymond Joseph. Phi 17. HubbcU Auto Co., cor. Genesee and Water .Sts. Hill. Walter Cheney, Phi 13. 504 Bearinger Bldg. Holland, Robert Turner, Phi 92. 503 Eddv Bldg. Humphrey, George Magoffin, Phi 12, 609 Eddy Bldg. Kluien, Richard Hopkins, Phi 19, 113 S. Porter St. Morlev. Stuart Gavlord, Phi 06. P. O. Box 426 Sample. John Thomas, Phi 06. 309 S. Washing- ton Ave. Schupp, Arthur August, Phi 17, 606 S. Jefferson Ave. Symons, John Walter, Phi 17, 500 S. Washing- ton Ave. Weadock. Arthur, Phi 20. 440 S. Weadock Ave. Sault Ste. Marie easier. David, Xi 69, 408 Eastcrday Ave. South Haven Waller, Henry, Omega 04, R. R. No. 2 Spring Lake Welch, Kenneth Curtis, Phi 14, Tau 15, Fern- hollow Farm GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 767 Trenton Boyer, John Williams, Eta 07 Vulcan Kelly, William, Beta 74 Ypsilanti Deubel, John Starkweather, Phi 15, 211 Wash- ington St. D"Ooge, Benjamin Stanton, Gamma 17, 420 Forest Ave. D'Ooge, Benjamin Leonard, Phi 81, Michigan State Normal College MacGregor, Malcolm Innes, Iota IS, 507 Con- gress St. MINNESOTA Angus Byers, Dow Jackson, Rho 17 Byers, Edmund Eugene, Kho 18 Anoka Giddings, -Arthur Eugene, Mu 89, Court House Austin Ptirson, Homer Francis, Mu 91, 233 N. Main St. Brainerd Croswell, Thomas Henry. Mu 87. 321 Holly .St. Cloquet Ketcham, Henry Holman, Beta 14, Cloquet Lumber Co. Duluth Vnies. Ward. Jr., Mu 95, Board of Trade Bldg. Bowman, Frederick Capin, Mu 79, 503 Palladio Bldg. Congdon, Edward Chester, Beta 08, 807 Lons- dale Bid?. Crawford, William Ward, Mu 13. Tau 14 Cullum. Richard Adams, Mu 18, 2726 E. Super- ior St. d'.-Xutremnnt, Charles, Jr.. Chi 72, 713 Sell- wnod Bldg. Dow. Lawrence Henry, Mu 18, 107 Norton Rd. Goodman, Allen Laird, Mu 11, 506 Board of Trade Bldg. Harris, Kenneth Melville, Pi 18, 1922 E. 4th St. Lynam, Frank, Kappa 89. Providence Bldg. ^icCabe, James Roscoe, Mu 14, 627 Board of Trade Bldg. McDougall. Alexander Miller, Mu 08. 1005 E. 1st St. McGonagle, Robert Emerson, Tau 16. 9 Oxford St. MacLeod. Alexander John, Tau 16, 1925 Wav- erlv Ave. MacPherran, Edgar Withrow, Phi 90, 1000 .\lworth Bldg. Noltc, Julius Mosher. Beta 17, 1711 Wallace Ave. Pinneo. Frank Keiver, Kho 11, Providence Bldg. Rumsey, Spencer Smith, Rho 97, 217 S. Nine- teenth Ave. E. Salter, William Homes, Delta 92, 603-4 Lvceuni Bldg. Scott, Zar Delavan, Omega 72, Phi 73, 2402 W. Michigan St. White, William Preston, Beta 10, 403 W. Supe- rior St. Elk River Xickerson, Frederick W., Mu 90 Elv Kerr, Charles Dudley, Mu 15, P. O. Box 613 Faribault Kramer, Frederick Ferdinand, Beta Beta 89, Seabury Divinity .School Kramer, John Spalding, Beta Beta 17, Seabury Hall Faribault— Cont'd Kram.er, Paul Stevens, Beta Beta 19, Kho 19, Seabury Hall Whitney, Harry Edward, Beta Beta 74, I', O. Box 212 Frazee Barton, Edgar Reginald, Mu 96 Grand Rapids Alton, George Briggs, Mu 81 Hopkins Raynolds, John Fiske, Chi 11, Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co. Hutchinson Goodnow, Merton .Stearms. Mu 93 Kasota Babcock, Frank Gordon, Rho 15 Babcock. Fred Henrv, Kho 16, Kasota Pipe & Tile Co. Lake City llammonil. George Henrv, Mu 87, Lake Citv Bank Bldg. Mankato Carney, Harry Emmett, Mu 99 Taylor, Benjamin Chandler, Mu 93, 201 Odd Fellows Block Willard, William Dodsworth, Mu 88. 229 S. Front St. Minneapolis -Alger. Edmund Whitney, Mu 02, 1227 Univers- ity Ave. Atherton, George Robertson, Omega 05, 4303 Colfax Ave. S. Baker, Francis Asbury, Pi 66, 2116 .\ldrich Ave. S. Bertram, Howard Conway, Mu 19, 2621 Hum- boldt Ave., S. Best, Edgar Colter, Phi 88, Washburn-Crosby Co., Chamber of Commerce Bloomquist, Earl Albert, Tau 16, 3136 Park Ave. Boardman, Ralph Todd, Mu 99, New York Life Bldg. Booth, Wilbur Franklin, Beta 84, Federal Bldg. Boutelle, Frederick William, Mu 17. 123 Mt. Curve .\ve. Boutelle, Mortimer Haves, Kappa ?•?, 700 New York Life Bldg. Bovey, Charles Cranston, Beta 90, Chamber of Commerce Bovey, John Alden, Beta 91, 1210 McKnight Bldg. Bowman, Frank William, Tau 15, 1121 Lumber Exchange Bowman, Samuel Henry, Jr., Mu 09, 1121 Lumber Bldg. Boyer, Joseph A, Mu 17, 601 Nicollet .\ve. Brainerd, Henrv Lawrence, Beta Beta 15, 2215 Brewer, Morris Powell, Psi 66, 1106 Plymouth Bldg. Brooks, Robert Langdon, Mu 12, 251 NicolUt Ave. Brown, Donald Howlett, Gamma 14, McKnight Bldg. Brown, Wayland Hoyt, Gamma 13, 214 N. 6th St. Butler. Leo Paul. Mu 18, 1347 Sunnnit Ave. Carleton, Frank Henry, Mu 15, 301 Metropolitan Life Bldg. Carleton, George Alfred, Mu 11, 600 New ^■ork Life Bldg. Carpenter, Lawrence Welles, Beta 14, .Soo Line Bldg. Carr, Harvey Chandler, Mu 02, McKnight Bldg. Chase, Charles Lincoln, Mu 91, 123 Nicollet Ave. Clarity. Tames Archie, IMu 17, 3241 Park Ave. Clark,' William Wyckoff, Mu 82, 424 Plymouth Bldg. Clute, George Harris, Theta 90, 49 Chamber of Commerce 768 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Minneapolis — Cont'd Coleman, Frederick William Backus, Phi 96, McKnight Bldg. „^ ^. ^ Compton, William Gould, Mu 02, 19 W. 2sth St. Cook. Harold Godfrey, Mu 07, 823 Plymouth Bldg. ^ , . Covev, Wilkes Perrv, Mu 09, 2520 Grand Ave. S. ' Crocker, Augustus Luther, Kappa 73, 624 Ply- mouth Bldg. ^, , ^ Crosby, Franklin Muzzy, Beta 97, Chamber of Commerce ^, ,, , Crosby. Philip Arthur, Iota 09, 613 New \ ork Life Bldg. Crosby, John, Beta 90, Chamber of Commerce Cullum', Richard Adams, Mu 18, 1721 Univer- sity Ave. Currv, Curtis Chase, Sigma 03, 936 Metropolitan Life Ins. Bldg. ^ „ , Cutler, Fred Abbott, Jr., Mu 17, 629 E. 19th St. Derickson, Edwin Vincent, Mu 00, 18 N. 3d St. Dwinnell, William Stanley, Rho 86, 1217 Plymouth Bldg. r j o c Edgerton, George Wilson, Mu 15, 415 3d St. b. Farnam, Henry Earl, Mu 10, Farnam Bros. Co. Farnam, Julius Perkins, Mu 11, 652 Plymouth Farnam, Lynn Chaffee, .Mu 08. 652 Plymouth Bldg. Farrington, Samuel Putnam, Mu 16, 119 N. 4th St. Gale, Edward Chenerv, Beta 84, 800 Security Bldg. Gamble, Donald Phelps, Delta Delta 20, 2644 Nicollet Ave. Gerow, Theron Gardner, Mu 18, 5002 34th Ave. S. Gillis, Hugh C[laudius], Beta 07, 542 Mc- Knight Bldg. Gluek, Eugene John, Zeta 19, 2447 Bryant Ave. S- Goetzenberger,- Ralph Leon, Mu 13, 2621 Emer- son Ave. S. Goodrich, Donald, Mu 11, Minneapolis Street Railway Co. Gould, Charles Devereaux, Mu 90, Municipal Bldg. Graber, Albert. Mu 88, 2405 S. Sheridan Ave. Grant. [James] Colfax, Mu 90, 412 N. W. Bank Bldg. Haglin, Charles Frederic, Jr., Mu 13, 226 LumlDer Exchange Haglin. Edward Charles. Mu 11, 226 Lumber Exchange Haines, Albert Clark, Mu 15, 44th Ave. and Brvant Ave. N. Hamlin. Ernest Tracy, Mu 98, 82 Old Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Hammond, Asa John, Mu 91, 616 Masonic Temple Harrison, John Martin, Mu 98, 520 First Na- tional-Soo Line Bldg. Healy, Frank, Mu 82, 1800 Humboldt Ave. S. Helm, Arthur Reitler, Mu 20, 1720 Humboldt Ave. S. Hewitt, Morgan Francis, Rho 98, 414 Third Ave. Hill, Richard Junius, Jr., Epsilon 13, Beta 14, 1910 Stevens Ave. Holt, .^ndrew, Mu 80, 2542 Chicago Ave. Hopwood, Robert G.. Mu 13, 638 McKniglit Bldg. Hopwood. Warren Jackson, Iota 13, 638 Mc- Knight Bldg. Horton, Lawrence Eustace, Mu 97, 16 S. 8th St. Hudson, Walter Gibbs, Mu 99, 713 Chamber o! Commerce Hull, Allen Birdsall, Gamma 14. 1819 Emerson Ave. S. Minneapolis — Cont'd. Hull, Louis Kossuth. Beta 83, The First and Security National Bank Hutchinson, John Corrin, Mu 76, 3806 Blais- dell Ave. Irevs, Charles Goodrich, Mu 00, 432 Security Bldg. Jones, Theodore Thomas, Rho 02, 1026 Lum- ber Exchange Kegley, Max Wesley, Omicron 11, Hotel Dyck- man King, Lyndon Marrs, Beta 10, 1st St. and Hen- nepin Ave. Lang, Charles Arthur, Mu 06, 1st .St. and Fifth Ave. S. Lewis. Philip Morgan, Iota 14, 1203 Hennepin Ave. Lowry, Horace, Mu 00, Eleventh St. and Hen- nepin Ave. McCollom, William Harry, Mu 03, 417 Second Ave. S. McDonald. Millard Halpin Mu 11, SOO First Ave., N. McDonald. Walter T., Mu 11, 500 1st Ave. N. Macombcr, Louis Elbert, Pi 94, 417 Andrus Bldg. Mann, Arthur Teall, Mu 88, 910 The Donald- son Bldg. Mann. Frederick Maynard. Mu 90, 744 Mc- Knight Bldg. Marr. Ralph Charles, Omega 14, Mu 14, 3002 Hennepin Ave. Meeds. Alonzo Draper. Mu 89. City Hall Merrill, Keith, Beta 11, 1010 Security Bldg. Miller, Kenneth Dickerson, Mu 18, Security Bldg. Moody, Chester Sherman, Mu 16, 2606 S. Du- pent Ave. Moore, Eliot Henry, Delta 91, 808 Essex St. S. E. Moorhead, William Campbell, Mu 17, 2120 S. Fremont Ave. Morris. William Beaumont, Mu 91, 716 West- ern Ave. Morse, William Henry. Omega 82, 333 Clt^ Hall Murray, William Robbins, Phi 92, 519 Nicollet Ave. Nachtrieb. Henry Francis, Mu 82, 905 Sixth St. S. E. Neilson, George William, Chi 06, 319 McKnight Bldg. Nichols, James Monroe, Mu 19, 1728 Humboldt Ave. S. O'Brien. Kenneth Bostwick, Mu 20, 3308 Port- land Ave. S. Palmer, Stephen Gano, Jr., Mu 08, 228 6th St. N. Paris, Benjamin Mosher, Iota 14, The Paris Factory, Second Ave. N. and 2d St. Parker, Spencer Lowell, Mu 18, 104 W. 35th St. Pattison, Sidney Fawcett, L^psilon 98, Univer- sity of Minnesota Payne, Philip [Clare], Chi 88, Minneapolis Journal Peck, Fletcher Whitman, Upsilon 04, 417 Kasota Bldg. Phillips, Bradley, Mu 81. 7 W. 26th St. Pierson, Edgar Horton, Mu 00, Washburn Crosby Co. Pierson, Roy Newton, Mu 03, 1242 McKnight Bid?. Pike, Joseph Brown, Mu 90, 118 Folwell Hall, Univ. of Minn. Poehler, Kenneth Cole, Mu 19, 252 W. Frank- lin Ave. Quinby. Thomas Freeman, Theta 76, 310 Don- aldson Bldg. Ouirk, James Park, Mu 01, Minneapolis Club Rand, Arthur Henry, Mu 03, 18 S. 7th St. Rankin. Albert William, Mu 80, University of Michigan. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 769 Minneapolis — Cont'd. Raynolds, John Fiske, Chi 11. 232 W. Franklin Ave. Remington, William Procter, Tau 00, 2005 Bryant Ave. S. Rockwood, Chelsea Joseph, Mu 79, 606 Andrus Bldg. Rockwood, Fletcher, Mu 14, 1917 W. Franklin Ave. Savage, Harold Marion, Chi 17, 2600 Portland Ave. Short, George Bayard, Omega 07, Hastings Hotel Shiill, Ralph Walter Charles, Mu 09, 722 Lum- ber Exchange Smith. Tames Russell, Mu OS, 7.^4 McKnight Bldg." Smith, Rollin Leonard, Mu 09, 625 New York Life Bldg. Sprague, Frank Elisha, Beta 73, Loeb Arcade, Hennepin Ave. and Fifth St. Stedman, Calvin Athol, Rho 09, 3121 Portland Ave. Sterling, John Clark. Pi 72, 911 Phoenix Bldg. Sweet, John Cochrane, Mu 93. 1217 Plvmouili Bldg. Sweetser, Albert Ferguson, Kappa 84, 1208 Soo Line Bldg. Teasdale. Frank Wallis, Mu 06, 125 N. 7th St. Thompson, Robert Raymond, Mu 15, 2610 W. 42d St. Torrance, Eliakim, Jr., Mu 09, 206 Andrus Bldg. Trimble, John Frederick, Iota 88, Security Bldg. Truesdale. Cavour Langdon, Mu IS, 2201 Pills- bury Ave. Tuttle, George Coolidge, Beta 07, North Star Woolen Mill Co. Vincent. John Henry, Beta 16. Wales, Charles Raymond, Zeta 06, Transporta- tion Bldg. Walker, Archie Dean, Mu 05, Chi 06, 807 Hennepin Ave. Warren, Alvah Hall, Jr., Mu 09, 842 Security Bldg. Warren, Frank Merton, Mu 99, 1224 First Nat- ional-Soo Line Bldg. Warren, George Henry, Pi 66, 1224 First Xational-Soo Line Bldg. Washburn, John, Kappa 82, Chamber of Com- merce Bldg. Waters. Murrav Randoliih, Mu 10. 338 .Sccuritv Bldg. Welles, Leonard Robbins, ^^u 03, 1242 Mc- Knight Bldg. Wells, Stuart Wilder, Gamma 00, McKnight Bldg. Wheelwright, John Oliver Patten, Kappa 81, 311 Nicollet Ave. Wilcox. Ralph De Witte, Mu 04, 2107 Pleas- ant Ave. Winchell. Horace Vauehn, Phi 89, 826 First National — Soo Line Bldg. Womrath. George Frederick fVuengling] Eta 96. 301 Citv Hall Yerxa, Dwight Keyes, Mu 05, 419 Oak Grove St. Minnetonka Beach Reeve, Charles McCormick, Beta 70 Montevideo ."^mitli, Lyndon Ambrose, Zeta 80 Monticello Mcaley. Howard Gillmore. Mu 15 Moorhead Sharp, James Harvey, Jr., 421 9th St. S. Torson. Harry Arthur, Beta 16, 214 6th St. S. Nevr Ulm Olscn. Ingerval M, Mu 87, Court Chambers Wheeler, Edward, Francis, Kappa 83, Zeta 83, 305 S. Minnesota St. Northfield' Goodhue, Horace, Zeta 67, 309 E. 2d St. Perley Richards, John Eliot, Zeta 05 Rochester Berkman, David Mayo, Rho 09, Mu 09 Graham, Christopher, Mu 87, 102 S. Franklin St. Walker, James Clowdsley, Jr., Mu 14, Mayo Clinic St. Cloud Mitchell, Henry Zehring, Rho 05, Journal Press Co. St. Paul Atherton, George Robertson, Omega 05, 688 Hampden Ave. Bement, Robert Bunker Coleman, Delta 68, Fourth and Wacouta Sts. Brill, Kenneth Gray, Mu 07, 1408 Merchants National Bank Bld^;. Brown. Ogden, Zeta 09, 55-79 E. 10th St. Carr, Harvey Chandler, Mu 02, 625 Grand Ave. Clark, William Wyckoff, Mu 82, 2268 Common- wealth Ave. Collester, Frank Melvin, Gamma 77, 2297 Wv- cliffe St. Cotton, Donald Reed, Chi 05, 1405 Pioneer Bldg. Crosby, Frederic, Mu 11, 63 S. Robert St. Curry, Curtis Chase, Sigma 03, 1625 Laurel Ave. Dean, Sidney Butler, Beta 00, 514 Grand Ave. Donahower, Henry Lawrence, Mu 96 2S' E. 4th St. Egan, Frank Michael. Mu 20, 757 Linwood PI. Gates, Frederick Hackett, Mu 15, Capital Bank Bldg. Graber, Albert, Mu 88. 300 Schubert Bldg. Griggs, Chauncey Milton, Beta 83, Broadway and 3d Sts. Hannaford, Jule Murat, Jr., Beta 08, 174 E. 6th St. Haynie, Donald Parker, Beta 06, 502 New York Life Bldg. Hoke, George Edward, Zeta 03, 1006 Merchants Bank Bldg. Holman, James Lusk, Mu 18, 557 Dayton Ave. Holt, Andrew, Mu 80, State Capitol Hurley, Frank William, Mu 18, 935 Portland Ave. Johnson, Harold Stanley, Iota 13, 419 Jackson Johnson, Howard Smith, Omega 10, Am. Hoist and Derrick Co. Kennedy, August Hoeveler, Mu 07, 93 E. 4th Kennedy, Robert Emmet, Mu 07, 8th and Tem- perance Sts. Kennedy, Roger Stevens, Mu 11, 44 Kenwood Parkway Kennedy, Walter Joseph, Mu 14, 27 Kenwood Parkway. Kennedy, William Hubert. Mu 15, 1404 Pioneer Bldg. Kopper, Edward, Jr., Mu 14. Minn. Mfrs. Assn., North St. Lightner, Milton Charles, Beta 09. 212 Endi- cott Bldg. Lightner, William Hurley, Phi 77, 212 Endi- cott Bldg. Lilly, Eugene Joseph, Mu 18. 223 Grotto St Locke, John Lucas. Mu 18, 607 Goodrich Ave McNair, Henry Harvey, Mu 12. Endicott Bldg. Magoffin, Samuel Shelby, Mu 10, 540 Summit .Ave. Miller, Addison. Mu 08, 803 Lincoln Ave Minor. Rcid McKinley. Iota 18, Dayton and Virginia Aves. Noyes. Charles Reinold, Beta 05, 6th and Sib- ley Sts. 770 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX St. Paul— Con td Muyts, Winthrop [Sargent] Gilnian, Beta 91, 400 Sibley St. O'Brien, Kenneth Bostwick, Mu 20, 330S Port- land Ave. S. ^ ,. ^, . Osborn, Henry Leslie, Xi 78, Hamhne Univ. Pattison, Sidney Fawcett, Upsilon 98, 1280 Ray- mond Ave. r, r , A Reinhardt, Vernon Decker, Delta Delta 19, 544 Portland Ave. Richardson, Walter, Beta 08, 1615 Pioneer Ritzinger, Frederick, Mu 06, Robinson, Straus & Co. ^ ,. Sanborn, Bruce Walter, Zeta 04, 144 Endi- COtt Bldg. ^^ cin n Sanborn, Edward Payson, Zeta 76, 520 Oer- mania Life Bldg. ,-,01 1 Sanborn, Henry Frederick, Zeta 12, Railroad Sanborn, Walter Henry, Zeta 67, Post Office Schaub, C-arlcton Phillip, Mu 08, 407 Mer- chants National Bank Bldg. .,.,1,, Schaub, Harold William, Mu 15, 407 Mer- chants National Bank Bldg. Schurniei'er, Gustave Benjamin, Mu 18, 644 Summit Ave. t. ■ 70 Seymour, McNeil [Abram] Vernam, Psi 79, Germania Life Bldg. Shepard, Roger Bulkley, Beta 08, care Finch, Van Slyck & McConviUe Co., Park Sq. Short, George Bayard, Omega 07, M. Paul SlFd'L'.^Geor'gTTheron, Beta 93, 476 E. 5th St. Smith, HaroUi Birdsey. Mu 07, 48 E. 4th St. Smith, Lyndon Ambrose, Zeta 80, 102 State Stedman, Calvin Athol, Rho 09, care Northern "Pacific Ry. Stringer, McNeil Seymour, Beta 07, 201 Ger- mania Life Bldg. „ Thomson, [Charles] Joseph, Mu 04, /02 Mer- chants National Bank Bldg. Tighe, Ambrose, Beta 79, Pioneer Bldg Towle, Wheelock Veazey, Zeta 85, 2 E. 4th St. Upham, Warren, Zeta 71, State Capitol Vincent, Charles Ray, Chi 08, 1405 Pioneer Wallafe. Roy DeWitt, Epsilon 14, 214 New York Life Bldg. Warner, Eugene Frederick, Mu 02, 242 Lowry Warner, Reuben III. Zeta 20, 535 Grand Ave. Warren, Alvah Hall, Jr., Mu 09, 645 Fair- mont Ave. Warren, Edmund Levings, Mu 08, 710 Lowry Bid?. Warren. Williams Allen, Mu 09. 1010 Mer- chants Bank Bldg. Westfall, William Plaisted, Pi 88, 706 Globe H 1 d 'T • Whitmore, Irving Wallace, Rho 10, Brown & Bigelow, Inc. Willis, John Willcy, Zeta 77, 314 Globe Bldg. Young. Edward Theron, Mu 20, 662 Goodrich Ave. Stillwater Cummins, Albert Sheldon, Omega 15, care Northern States Power Co. Utica Schwagcr, Eli Joseph, Mu 20 Virginia Stone, Benjamin de Milt, Rho 13, 309 Hem- lock St. Waseca Everett, William Rinehart, Mu 14 Ward, Emerson Cole, Mu 17, Zeta 17 Wells Young, Charles Elon, Mu 93 Windom t;illi>, William McNab, Xi 76 Winona Blair, Walter Ellsworth, Rho 12, 116 E. Broad- way Choate, Charles Akers, Delta Delta, 17, 263 VV. 5th St. Horton, Henry Stevens, Zeta 11. Phi 11, .Stan- dard Lumber Co. Worthington Manson, Frank Melville, Mu 94, Worthington Hosp. MISSISSIPPI Brooksville Cliase, Paul Norman, Omicron 13 Greenville Hcnshaw Stanley, Sigma 96, Washington Ave. Hermanville Gordon, Willard Fremont, Jr., Sigma 12, "Over- look Manor" Lula Hamlin, John Francis, Rho 20 Natchez Gilibs, Raymond Silas, Xi 13 Vicksburg Houston, (ieorge Theodore, Clii l.i, Houston Brothers MISSOURI Chillicothe Hutchins, George Westcott, Zeta 15, New Super Hotel Columbia .McCaustlaiul, (Jwvnne Gravelle, Theta Theta 15, 308 Hicks Ave. Farmington Gardner, William Arthur, Omega 78 Florissant Bouscaren, Timothy Lincoln, Beta 06, St. Stanislaus Seminary Glasgow Hemenway, Charles Carroll, Psi 74 Granby Bruncr, Crane Simpson, Omicron 15, Granby Mining and Smelting Co. Houstonia Hayman, Frank Clark, Phi 74, Grand View Farm. Kansas City Hardwell, Robert Cousins, Omicron 09, 627 ;\lidland Bldg. Barrows, Robert Clark, Rho 10, 715 E. 47th St. Beye, Lawrence Lyford, Rho 12, 510 American Bank Bldg. Brown, Bestor Gaston, Phi 84, Chi 84, 319 W. 9th St. Clark, Sydney Aylmer, Zeta 12, Country Day School, 51st St. and Ward Parkway Fo.x, John Milton, Beta 79, First National Bank Bldg. Ford. Marcus Clizbe. Rho 94. 3726 Warwick Blvd. Heath, Frederick Barber. Jr., Sigma 19, 3309 Paseo Blvd. Hemenway, Eldon Carlisle, Psi 07, 3310 Main St. Jensen. Milton Owen, Omicron 15, 402 Wyan- dotte St. Partridge, Sidney Catlin, Beta 80, 14 W. Ar- mour Blvd. Pratt, Edward Pascal, Beta 82, 500 Republic Bldg. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 771 Kansas City — Cont'd Kecd, Homer, Phi 72, 424 Gumbel Bldg. Ricliards. John Francisco, Beta 17, 4526 War- wick Blvd. Robinson, Graham, Beta 07, 600 E. 36th St. Serat, Scth Swift, Chi 83, 314 Commerce Bldg. Smith, Edward Calhoun, Beta 86. Eightli St. and Broadway Vinrcnt, Fred Cameron, Omega 91 Kirkwood Armstrong. Luther, Gamma 60, Collins Rd. Augustine, Floyd Brush, Beta 12, 500 Holmes Ave. Keysor, William Winchester, Mu 79, 122 N. I'ilmore Ave. Marshall Leonard, Leverett. Zeta 59, 60 W. Morgan St. Neosho Hazen, Josiah Judson, Beta 98 St. Joseph Brittain, John Sherrard, Jr., Beta 96, 4th and lule Sts. Hasting, Robert Everett, Phi 03, 1102 Corby- Forsee Bide. Henne, Otho Manson, Omicron 12, 1218 Corby- Forsee Bldg. St. Louis Abbott. Augustus Levi, Omega 80, Sigma 80, 415 Pine St. Allen, Clifford Butler, Beta 85, 105 N. 7th St. Augustine, Floyd Brush, Beta 12, 319 N. 4th St. Bixby, Harold McMillan, Gamma 13, Inter- natioal Life Bldg. Bixbv, Sidnev Tuttle, Gamma 05, 506 Century Bldg. Bonsack, Frederick Charles, Jr., Gamma 16, 815 Pierce Bldg. Bostwick, Elmore McNeill. Beta 16, 68 Vande- venter PI. Capen. George Henr\-, Beta 90. 1406 Pierce Bldg. Caoen. Samuel Davis, Beta 85, 1406 Pierce Bldg. Cf.tter, William, Jr.. Phi 19. 4421 \\ estniinster PI. Crunden. Arthur Chittenden. Beta 18. 4426 Westminster PL Dana, Jesse Dwight, Beta 00, La Snlle Bldtr. Dellinger, John Leyson, Zeta 14. Traffic Dept. St. Louis & San Francisco R. R., Frisco Bldg, Farnham, Dwight Thompson, Beta 04, Third National Bank Bldg. Fowler, Theodore Ferguson, Chi 14, 43 Kings- bury PI. Gatch, Havward Hutchinson, Gamma 15, 204 N. 3d St; Goodman, Charles Holmes, Beta 67. Wall Bldg. Grayson. William, Jr., Phi 01, 911 Wright Bldg. Greenwood, Moses Merritt, Beta 58, 456 K. Newstead Ave. Gregorv, Albert Bvron, Beta 06, Security Bide. Haslam, Lewis Scofield, Beta 90, 900 Spruce St. Hidden. Edward Neblett, Beta 85, 410 Olive St. Hitchcock, Henrv, Beta 79. 54 Yandeventer PI. Hollidav, Joseph' Glasbv, Beta 84, 906 La Salic Bldg. Holmes. John Howard. Psi 98. Chi 99, 915 Spruce St. Hoiiser, Duncan Prewitt. Chi 16. 310 N. 8th St. Jones, Paul, Jr., Chi 18, 411 Wainwright Bldg. Jones, Roland Jewett, Gamma 07, 509 Olive St. Jones, Wilbur Boardman, Gamma 09, 806 Carle- ton Bldg. Jiiy. Harry Jarvis. Kappa 07, 314 N. Broadway Keysor, William Winchester, Mu 79, Washing- ton L^niversity Kimball, .Mden. Lambda 16, 1012 Federal Re- serve Bank Bldg. Kingsland, Lawrence Douglas 2d, Chi 17, Hotel Beers Laidley, Paul, Kappa 05, 8011 Idaho Ave. St. Louis-*-Cont'd Loomis, Gilbert Stanley, Phi 01, cor. 22d and Locust Sts. Lowry, Robert Larken, Jr., Omicron 15, Central National Bank Bldg. " !McCluncy, James, Gamma 03, 314 N. Broadway McClune'y, John Henry, Gamma 01, 300 N. Broadway McCluney, Samuel Copp, Gamma 02, 300 N. Broadway McDevitt. Frank James, Eta 04, Railway Ex- change Bldg. Marquis, Charles Atkins, Gamma 04, Laclede Gas Bldg. Meyer, Carl Ferdinand George, Phi 01, 4th St. and Clark Ave. More, Enoch Anson, Gamma 06, 300 Locust St. Orrick, Allen Cromwell, Beta 92, 918 Security Bldg. Robbins, Walter. Phi 96. 6400 Plymouth Ave. Semple, Gilbert Eliot, Gamma 06. 1515 Pine St. Smith, James Elwood, Jr., Gamma 08, 8 Lenox PI. Smith, Luther Ely, Gamma 94, 1718 Pierce Bldg. .Spencer, James Brookes, Beta 10, Railway Ex- change Bldg. Stith, Edwin Emerson, Gamma 11, 315 N. 4th St. Taylor, Seneca Curtis, Psi 96, 530 Pierce Bldg. Tilton, Owen Stanard, Gamma 08. Pierce Bldg. Tittmann. Harold Hilgard, Jr., Beta 16, 5024 Westminster PI. Weed, Hugh Hourston Cragie, Gamma 05, 2840 N. Spring Ave. Weil, Henry Aaron, Sigma 09, 601 Washington Ave. Whitelaw, Ralph Thomas, Gamma 02, 309-315 South Wharf Whitelaw, Robert Malcolm, Gamma 07, 309 South Wharf Williams, Eugene Flewellyn, Gamma 07, Mort- gage Trust Co.. Broadway and Pine St. Wvman, Edmund Allan, Gamma 07, 806 N. 6th St. Springfield Holbrook, Burke, Rho 04, Pine .St. and National Blvd. Vicksburg Houston, Philip Douglas, Chi 15, Houston Brothers Waseca Ward, Emerson Cole, Mu 17, Zeta 17 Webster Groves Taylor, Seneca Curtis, Psi 96 Willow Springs Dyott, John Cooper, Pi 98 MONTANA Anaconda Kennedy, Horton Parmelee, Zeta 18 Butte Brown, Willard Hevwood, Lambda 10, Hamilton Block O'Kelly, William Arthur, Epsilon 11, P. O. Box 1375 Eureka (iuinmer, Harry Arthur, Mu 15 Florence Bailey, .Seavey Moor, Mu 03 Great Falls Clark, Walter Shepherd, Lambda 84, S 4th St. S. Marr, William Nelson, Mu 15, 419 First Ave X. Warden, Alexander .Scott, Zeta 19, 500 Fourth Ave. N. (26) 772 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 4 Hamilton Bartlett, Draper Cooke, Gamma 03 Havre Kline. Henry Seymour, Theta 93 Joliet Wilcox, Henry Carlos, Xi 10 Kirkwood Armstrong, Luther, Gamma 60, Collins Rd. Manhattan Lewis, George Martin, Zeta 97 Missoula Allen, Cyrus Benjamin, Omega 78, 516 Alder St. Stevensville Davis, Harry Willard, Gamma 08 Powell, Francis Foster, Gamma 09, University Orchards, R. R. No. 3 Valier Fuller, Charles Parrish, Eta 08 Stanford, James [Stather], Eta 07 Wilsall Parker, George Millard, Epsilon 03 NEBRASKA Lincoln Barbour, Erwin Hinckley, Beta 82, L^niversity of Nebraska, Station A Burnham. Silas Henrv. Zeta 74. 1001 O St. Fling, Fred Morrow, Kappa 83, University of Nebraska Frye, Prosser Hall, Beta Beta 89, 1434 K St. Wheeler, Hiland Hill, Gamma 68, 1517 H St. Omaha Burke, Edward Lathrop, Beta 87. 488 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Burns, Samuel, Zeta 99, Omaha National Bank Bldg. Caldwell Victor Bush. Jr.. Beta 16. United States National Bank Cloyd, Augustus David, Gamma 20, S. 31st St. Crawford, Frank, Beta 91. 1020 Woodmen of the World Bldg. Dixon, Ephraim Williams, Beta 81, 416 S. 16th St. Field, Frank Decker, Zeta 94. Omaha Hardwood Lumber Co. Gould, Charles Zebina, Beta Beta 82, 620 Bee Bldg. Kountze, Luther Latham. Beta 97, First Na- tional Bank Loomis, John Usher, Zeta IS, 3608 Jackson St. Lyman, Henry Stoddard, Beta 92, 3620 Farnam St. Rayley, John Glasgow, Mu 14, 106 S. S2d St. Ritchie. Albert Samuel, Rho 76, 803 Brandeis Bldg. Scott. Edgar Hunter. Phi 83. 637 Omaha Na- tional Bank Bldg. Sibbernsen, Albert Henry, Zeta 18, 140 N. 31st St. Sibbernsen, Drexel John, Zeta IS, 523 City National Bank Bldg. Smith, Sidney William, Rho 00, 1004 City Na- tional Bank Bldg. Towne, Solon Rodney, Zeta T2, 446 Brandeis Bldg. Walters, Henry Waltman, Zeta 17. 3169 Farnam St. Westbrook. Edward Standish, Chi 89, Omaha Grain Exchange Bldg. St. Edward Smith, Aubrey Adam, Beta 02 NEVADA Reno Hill. Herbert Wynford, Epsilon 00, L'niversity of Nevada Newlands, Francis Griffith, Beta 67, Court St. Tonopah Dowler, Herbert Cressy, Delta 06, Nevada Gas Co. NEW HAMPSHIRE Alton Gate, Edward Franklin, Zeta 82, Farmingtoti Rd. Bristol Chase, Ira Arthur. Zeta 77 Emerson. George Addison, Xi 74 Claremont Belding, Anson Wood, Pi 04, 12 Tremont Sq. Chellis, Burt. Zeta 83 Chellis. Rush, Zeta 83, R. R. No. 1 Jarvis, Samuel Gardiner, Beta Beta 19, Elcho- hurst Scott, Lawrence Hall, Beta Beta 20, 8 Bailey Ave. Spofford, Charles Byron, Jr., 60 High St, Walker. Richard Folsom, Beta Beta 14, 243 Broad St. Concord Bangs, Francis Hyde, Beta 15, St. Paul's School Brinley, Godfrey Malbone, Beta Beta 88, St. Paul's School Chittenden, Gerald, Beta 04, St. Paul's School Collett, Charles Henry, Beta Beta 13, St. Paul's School Eckfeldt, Thomas Hooper, Xi «1, St. Paul's School Emery. William Stanley, Beta Beta 81, 110 N. State St. George, John Paul, Zeta 78, 205 N. Main St. Kimball. George Morrill, Beta 79, 266 N. Main St. Lamprey, Henry Phelps, Zeta 62, 2 Guild St^ Lamprev, Maitland Charles, Zeta 63, 12 Mait- land St. Leach, Eugene William, Zeta 01, 10 Auburn St. Morrison, Henry Clinton, Zeta 95, State House Moses, George Higgins, Zeta 90, care Concord Evening Monitor Niles. Edward Abbe, Beta Beta 16, 119 School St. Niles, Edward CuUen, Beta Beta 87, 60 N. Main St. Pearson, Edward Nathan, Zeta 81, 20 N. Main St. Pearson. Harlan Colbv. Zeta 93. 10 Pleasant St. Extension Peck, Robert Earle, Zeta 98, St. Paul's School Perham, Harry Leavitt, Kappa 13, 14 Center St. Stearns, Edward Roland, Kappa 89, 53 N. Main St. Stevens, William Lyman. Zeta, 03, 12 N. Main St. Tibbits. John Kmox, Beta 92, 274 Pleasant St. Walker, Charles Rumford, Beta 74, 18 Park St. Walker, Charles Rumford, Jr., Beta 16, 18 Park St. Weed, Truman, Theta 75, 58 Pillsbury St. Derrv Abbott, Howard Clement, Kappa 13, 5-7 Rail- road Ave. Bingham George Washington, Zeta 63, 8 Ches- ter Rd. Derry Villasre Haynes, Henry Harrison, Xi 72, Alpha 73 Do"er Batchelder. Edward Carpenter, Zeta 98, 8 Masonic Temple Cressey, John Thaddeus, Zeta 83, 390 Central Ave. Kivel, John, Zeta 76, Union Block, Washing- ton St. Redfield, Burt Henry, Zeta 89 GEOGRAPHICx\L INDEX Hi East Jaffray Knight, Harold Carlton, Kappa 19 Exeter Anderson, Merrill, Gamma 19, Center St. Burbank, Albion, Kappa 62, 38 Pine St. Burbank, Harry Thompson, Kappa 00, Chemi- cal Laboratory P. E. A. Haughton, Victor Mellet, Lambda 89, 10 Eliot St. Kenniston. William Bcanian, Kappa 92, 39 Front St. Perkins, Moses Bradstreet, Zeta 02, Phillips Exeter Academy Young, John Edwin, Zeta 78, 60 High St. Franklin Leach, Eugene William, Zeta 01, 400 Central St. Sawyer, Enos Kittredge, Zeta 02, 442 Central St. Gorham Evans, Alfred Randall, Zeta 72 Hampton Thompson, Roger Everett, Xi ?^ Hanover Bartlett, Edwin Julius, Zeta 12, Culver Hall Clark, Clifford Pease, Xi 95, 16 Occom Ridge Clark, Eugene Francis, Zeta 01. Rope Ferry Rd. Edson, Marshall Otto, Zeta 91 Hastings, Lemuel Spencer, Zeta 70, Rope Ferry Rd. Keves, Homer Eaton, Zeta 00, Dartmouth College Knapp, [Waldo] Gray, Zeta 12, Darmouth College Neef, Francis Joseph Armbruster, Omega 05, Dartmouth College Priddy, Allan Leach, Zeta IS Tucker, William Jewett, Zeta 61, Occora Ridge Keene Batchelder, Nathaniel Hayward, Zeta 03, 91 Court St. Kingsbury, Thayer, Zeta 19, 180 Court St. Ray, Robert Allen, Zeta 77, 64 Main St. Laconia Louis. Edward Roe, Theta 91, R. R. No. 4 Ouinby, Henry Brewer, Kappa 69 Roe, Louis Edward. Theta 91, R. R. No. 4 Waterman, Granville Clifford, Kappa 57, 70 Webster St. Lisbon Grossman, Edgar Gibson, Beta 17 Manchester Brown, Albert Oscar, Zeta 78, 395 Lowell St. Burleigh, John Riddle, Zeta 14, Cor. Hancock and 2d Sts. Dickey, George Arthur, Zeta 80, Amoskeag Bank Bldg. Hazard, George Robinson, Sigma 94, 100 Har- rison St. Heath. Isaac Long, Zeta 65, 924 Elm St. Mitchell. John Lincoln, Kappa 03, Amoskeag Mfg. Co. Nichols, William Theophilus, Beta 84, 4S Han- over St. Williams, Chauncey .\mos, Xi 05. W'illiam Corey Co. Meredith Beede. John Frederick, Beta 82 Milford Hutchinson, Herbert Stilljnan, Zeta 75, 5 Union Sq. Tuttle, Donald Dickey, Zeta 00, 44 Nashua St. Mt. Vernon Peck, Henry Porter, Gamma 78 Stearns, Arthur French, Gamma 88, Stearns School Nashua, Carter, Eliot Avery, Beta 09, 110 E. Hollis St. Larrabee, Edgar Willis, Kappa 81, 37 Granite Niles, William Porter, Beta Beta 93, 8 Abbott St. Richardson, Cyrus, Zeta 64 Whitney, Elliott Webster, Delta 00 Newport Barton, Jesse Morton, Zeta 92 North Conway Seelye, William James, Gamma 79 Peterboro Taylor, Edwin Hubbard, Zeta 56, 17 High St. Pittsfield Scott. Walter, Theta 68. Providence Farm Plymouth Webster, Jerome Pierce, Beta Beta 10, Holder- ness School Webster, Lorin, Beta Beta 80, Holderncss School Wheeler, John, Zeta 95. 132 Main St. Portsmouth Garvin, James Philip, Beta Beta 03. 6 Raitt's Court Locke, Arthur Horton. Zeta 90. 21 South St. Thayer, Lucius Ellsworth, Gamma 18, 664 State St. Thayer, Lucius Harrison, Gamma 82, 664 State St. Rochester Flanders, James Clifford, Zeta 84, 195 N. Main Gunnison, William Tovvne, Zeta 92, Hayes Block Jones. Albert Dodge, Zeta 98, Dodge Bldg. Keay, Forrest Lincoln, Zeta 88, 19 Main St. McDuffee, Willis, Zeta 90, Rochester Courier, North Main St. Springfield, John Frank, Zeta 84 Wallace, Louis Burr. Beta 10 Somersworth Wells, Christopher Henry, Kappa 75 Sug^ar Hill Hoskins, Carl Seth, Zeta 94 Sunapee Whitney, John Robertson, Eta 18 Tamworth Boyden, John Dickinson, Kappa 74 Tilton Eadie, Lewis Arnold, Sigma 09, oamma 10, Tilton Woolen Mills Tasker. Edwin Sloan, Xi 90, 12 School St. Waterville .\ustin. David Sands, 2d Zeta 04 Woodsville Dow, Dexter Douglas, Zeta 89 NEW JERSEY .^rthur Bull, Iota 96, Franklin Tura- Allendale Sullivan, pike Alpine Hopkins, Franklin Whetstone, Beta 80 Opdyke, Alfred [Charles Post], Delta 9« Opdyke, William Stryker, Delta 56 Amoere Crocker, Francis Bacon, Lambda 82 Andover Trumbower, William Mansfield, Pi 81 774 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Asbury Park Atkins, Alfred Cookman, Xi 79 Harvey, David, C[liarles] B[arrett], Xi 13 Keator. Bruce Smith. Beta 79, Keator Block Tasker. Fred Elmer, Xi 84, Interlaken Willman, Leon Kurtz, Xi 97, 910 Grand Ave. Atlantic City Thomson, McLeod, Tau 06, 43 S. Aberdeen PI. Bayonne Gallien, Addison Judkins, Theta 86, 875 Blvd. Geer, George Herbert, Psi 95, Bayonne High School. Schuyler, Arent Henry, Eta 15, care Interna- tional Nickel Co. ■ Stevenson, Frederic Fitch, Lambda 17, South- ern Cotton Oil Co., 22d St. Beverly Bavard, Richard Bassett, Eta 13, 586 Warren St. Blairtown Freeman, Albert Myrick, Beta 89 Bloomfield Hotchkiss, Raymond Bell, Lambda 11, 189 Thomas St. Power, Arthur Gerald Hubert, Jr., Xi OS, S3 Maolis Ave. Speir, William Stuart, Theta 07, 38 Park St. Stephens, Ray Oscar, Xi OS, 192 Broad St. Boonton Condit, Louis Ogden, Delta 03, 127 Essex Ave. Richmond, George Law, Delta 80, 513 Birch St. Bound Brook Beardsley, Ailing Prudden, Xi 98, Calco Chemi- cal Co. Whiting, Ralph Delano, Xi 98 Branchville Price, Jacob Cole, Phi 75 Bridgeton Beadle, Heber Hamilton, Beta 62, 105 N. Pearl St. Gerald, Herbert Parvin, Xi 82 Burlington (jrubb, Charles Ross, Beta 73 Rich. Edward Burwell, Tau 00 Wright, Frank Thomas. Theta 99, U. S. Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Co. Caldwell Martin. ,\lexander, Pi 20 Camden Aldridge, Benjamin Lewis, Xi 06, 20th and ( Federal Sts. Armstrong, Wynn, Omega 06, Security Trust Bldg. Mechiing, Benjamin Schreiber, Tau 03, Line St. and Coopers Creek Clayton Moore, Edward Kemp, Tau 98 Convent Station Francis, Pomeroy Tucker, Beta 12 Neeser, Rudolph, Lambda 95 Schieffelin, George Richard Delaplaine, Lambda 05 Cranford Harris, Frank Park, Gamma 00, 11 Madison Ave. Mix, Robert Johnson, Pi 79, 30 Springfield Ave. Scott, Samuel Spencer, Phi 14, 10 W. North Ave. Demarest Emerson, Luther Wilson, Zeta 62 Dunellen Smith, Lloyd Benton, Delta 17, P. O. Box 57. East Orange Bartlett, Samuel Colcord, Zeta 07, 128 William St. Bredin, Stephen [Lowry Collins], Theta 54, 74 N. Maple St. Brown, Archer Hitchcock, Phi 06, 56 Munn Ave. Brownell, Lincoln Field, Eta OS, 260 Park Ave, Colter, John Rutledge, Pi 12, 196 Arlington Ave. Colter, Stanley, Pi 06, 196 N. Arlington Ave. Freeman, Aldcn [Alexander], Beta 82, 101 S. Munn Ave. Holme, Raymond .Arthur, Delta 09, 62 Whit- tlesey Ave. Hunt, Ralph Hudson, Kappa 91, 29 Harrison St. Kelsey, Clarence Hill, Beta 78, 115 Prospect St. Koenigcr, Edward Russell, Rho 19, 227 Mid- land Ave. Koeniger, Karl William, Zeta 17, 227 Midland Ave. '• McFarlin, Charles Kirk, Delta Delta 12, 170 Glenwood Ave. Masterson, Charles Fred, Theta 13, 541 N. Grove St. Mavnard, John Edward, Tau 20, 124 Walnut St. Pardee, Charles Laban, Beta 84, 581 Central Ave. Patterson, George Elliott Delta 09, Eta 11, 25 Ivanhoe Terrace Porter, Luther Henry, Chi 79, 319 Main St. Reeder. Le Rav Thompson, Theta 00, 31 Elv PI. Stallnecker. William Griggs. Delta 93, 199 N. 15th St. Switzer, Malcolm, Zeta 17, 76 Vernon Terrace Tuttlc, Alexander Harrison, Xi 66, 117 Wil- liam St. Veit, Robert Theodore, Beta 12, 61 Steubin St. Vrooman, Charles Jacob, Theta 98 Warr, William, Eta 95, 558 Park Ave. Wiley, George Langford, Delta 77, 30 S. Wal- nut St. Williams, Thomas John, Eta 86, 45 S. Munn .\ve. Winslow, James Wallace, Lambda 18, 192 Mid- land Ave. Wolfe, Edwin Raymond, Lambda 20, 48 War- rington PI. Edgewater Park Terry, John Herman, Tau 91 Terry, John Herman, Jr., Eta 20 Elizabeth Berry, Richard Cissel, Xi 19, 122 De Han PI. Campbell, Benjamin Howell, Lambda 68, 333 Broad St. Campbell [James] Shiras, Beta 00, 333 N. Broad St. Cobb. Ebenezer Baker, Psi 75, 1103 Mary St. Darrach, Bradford, Jr., Lambda 99, 1222 Fair- mount Ave. Dimock, George Edward, Beta 74, 907 N. Broad St. Edmonds, William Ramsav, Xi 17, 239 Mur- ray St. Groves, William Flowers, Delta 92, Xi 94, 207 Broad St. Hixon, Edward [Dinsmore] Bryan, Chi 85, 532 N. Broad St. Johnson, Charles, Xi IS. Battin High .School kelley, Frank Bergen, Delta 90, 455 .Madi- son Ave. • Kinsman, James Warren, Xi 16, care E. I. Du Pont, De Nemours & Co. Laggrcn, Robert Irving, Xi 13, 328 W. Jersey St. Markthaler, Arthur Frederick, Xi 19, 222 Rahway Ave. Markthaler, Edward Leopold, Xi 16, 222 Rah- way Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 775 Elizabeth — Cont'd :\ruoic. Robert Meredith, Xi 20. 2-J8 \V. Jersev St. Parsons, Earle Waldon, Xi 19, 161/^ Cherry St. Tomlinson, Edward Horace, Xi 20. 247 Orchard St. Van Devcnter, Harry Brown, Beta 03, 531 N. Broad St. Woodruff. Kenneth Crane, Xi 19, 154 Stiles St. ■ Englewood ■ Bale, Frederick Sewell, Gamma 06, 166 Engle " St. Bulk-ley, Edwin Muhlenburg, Delta 82 Congdon, Horace Lincoln, Sigma (>1 , Palisade Ave. Eliot, Douglas Fitch Guilford, Beta 09, 22 King St. Flitner, Stanwood Edwards, Gamma 00 Gorham, James Marshall, Pi 09, 6 N. Dean St. Imbrie, G[eorge] Kennedy, Chi 11, Palisade Ave. Moore, Harriot Van Devcnter, Gamma 01, Hamilton Ave. Pierce, William Lemmex, Zeta 80, Palisade Ave. Polhemiis, Henrv Martin, Lambda 12. Dana PI. Sailer, Thomas Henry Powers, Tau 89, Walnut St. Sherman, Elmer Charles, Psi 82, Glenwood Rd. Slade, William Strong, Beta 04 Smith, Sydney Augustus, Lambda 83 Trowbridge, James Rutherford, Beta 94, 1 Spring Lane. Walcott, Frederic Collin, Beta 91 Enplishtown Seaver, Henry Blanchard, Zeta 11 Essex Fells Blancke, Leo Mulford, Chi 15 Fort Lee Abbott, Renwick Wylie, Delta 98, Universal Film Mfg. Co. Glen Ridge Blair. John Xoble, Gamma 88, Phi 88, 246 Washington Ave. Dean, Rollin Colegrove, Xi 09, 57 Clark St. Miller, Alanson Douglas, Beta 64, 56 Ridge- wood Ave. Miller, Douglas, Beta 08, 56 Ridgewood Ave. Mitchell, Edward Page, Kappa 71, 325 Ridge- wood Ave. Murnane, George Francis, Eta 10, 166 Sher- man Ave. Paige. Robert Weise, Zeta 00, 192 Midland Ave. Reeder, El Roy Shibley, Theta 06, 24 Wash- ington PI. Reid, Wilbur Allen, Delta 89. 72 Highland Ave. .Sands, John Wagner, Chi 09, 52 Woodland Ave. Stephens, Ray Oscar Xi 05. P. O. Box 254 Taussig, F.lwood Melcher, Eta 06, 1,^ Hillside Ave. Hackensack Osmun, George Wilbur, Xi 98, Areola Phelps. John Jav. Beta S3. "Red Towers" Sage, Leveritt Hyslip, Beta 76. 416 River St. Haddonfield Moore. John Doughty, Tau 19, 257 Kings High- way, W. Rogers, Guv Wright, Xi 06. 123 Mountwell Ave. Wilson, Frederick James, Eta 07, 115 W. Sum- mit Ave. Harrison Odav. Arthur Brainard [Spencer], Pi 12, Fourth and Sussex Sts. Pratt, Loring, Kappa 12 Worden, Euclid Pascal. Rho 92. Henry R. Wortbington Hoboken Banks. Henrv Haswell, Delta 95, 1240 Garden St. Flitner. .Stanwood Edwards, Gamma 00, 730 Grand St. Magill, George Ernest, Beta Beta 84. 315 6th St. .Schreiber. George Gebner. Beta 98. 938 Hudson St. Sevenoak, Frank Louis, Theta 19, .Stevens Insti- tute of Technology, River and Fifth Sts. Whitney. Lawrence Woodward, Delta 96, 115 Ferry St. Hohokus ."^tout, Joseph Suydam, Jr.. Lambda 95 Hudson Heights Barthelmess. Richard Semler, Beta Beta 17, care Ideal Film Studio Jersey City lialdridge, Anthony Octavus Russel, Chi 20, 122 Fairview Ave. Baldridge, John Lakin, Chi 15. 122 Fairview Ave. Bettcher, Mortimer Louis, Delta 13, 135 Sip Davey, Edward Stiles, Beta 08, 164 Laidlaw Ave. Heydon, Howard Raymond, Sigma 05, 15 Ex- change PI. Little, Harry Wilber, Xi 03, Lincoln High School Lowrie, William James, Jr., Sigma 14, 54 Hud- son St. Mallalieu, Frank Wickham. Delta 93, 16 Monti- cello Ave. Pvle, Louis Apgar, Tau 14. 678 Bergen Ave. Sisson. Elias Hewitt, Lambda 92, 2540 Hudson Blvd. Stewart, Robert George, Delta 17, 604 Bergen Ave. Street, Richard Hamilton, Eta 10. 574 Bergen Ave. Watson, Edward Malcolm, Delta 10, 160 Maple St. Zabriskie, Charles Lemaire. Lambda 16. 184 Pacific Ave. Lakewood Lindley, Charles Lutellus, Lambda 77 Roniaine, [Leonce] Girard, Lambda 82. 15 Forest Ave. Schauffler, William Gray, Gamma 86, 400 Madi- son Ave. Lawrenceville Prentiss. Paul Hyde, Kappa 18, Phillips House Prentiss, Lory, Kappa 89, Lawrenceville School Raymond, Charles Harlow, Xi 99, Davis House Leonia Young, George Aron. Delta 09 Young. W'illiam Augustus, Delta 01 Little Ferry Castle, Charles Daniel, Pi 06, Washington Ave. Little Silver Woodruff, Henry Gilbert, Beta 15. "Royal Farms." Rumson Rd. Madison Hannan. Frederick Watson, Xi 90, Drew Theo- logical Seminary Hannan. Watson Munroe, Xi 18, Drew Forest Harned, Robert Ellsworth, Xi 99, 68 Prospect St. Kinney, Howard Stinson, Gamma 00 Sherwood, John Lyman, Theta 99 Mahwah Griffin, Walter Henry, Gamma 99 Maple Shade Aldridge, Benjamin Lewis, Xi 06, Stiles Lane Maplewood Davey. Edward Stiles, Beta 08, 26 Park Ave. Schwartz, Victor Arthur, Sigma 07, 2 Mountain Ave. 776 GEOGRAPHICAL INDPIX Merchantville Armstrong, Wynn, Omega 06, 119 W. Cedar Ave. Metuchen Lippincott, Lansing Yates, Delta 04, Highland Ave. Montclair Bacon, Clarence Everett, Xi 13, 179 Walnut St. Barbour, Robert, Lambda 71, 538 Bloomfield Ave. Boyd, Robert Munro. Jr., Beta 84, 96 Prospect Ave. Brayton, William Stanton, Chi 93, 141 Central Ave. Bristol, Ralph, Beta 03, 9 Glen Rd. Carbutt. Robert Foster, Tau 01, 158 Orange Rd. Childs, Cleaveland Vernon, Delta 00, 6 Princeton PI. Crane, Dudley Winthrope, Omicron 16, 31 S. Fullerton Ave. Dickerman, Horace William, Gamma 88 Dinkel, George Randolph, Sigma 20, 63 Mont- clair Ave. Doremus. Walter Louis, 469 Bloomfield Ave. Fertig, John Hammond, Eta 87, 55 Melrose PI. Forstall, Alfred Edmond, Eta 83, 156 Midland Ave. Forstall, Alfred Edmond, Jr., Eta 19, 156 Mid- land Ave. Forstall, Theobald, Eta 16, 156 Midland Ave. Gates, Russell Cahoon, Beta 14, 66 S. Mountain Ave. Gregory, Richard Harrington, Gamma 98, 185 Upper Mountain Ave. Halsey, Charles Duffield Wrenn, Omega 00 Hartman, Lee Foster, Xi 01, 78 Montclair Ave. Herring, Hampden Walton, Beta 16, 156 Valley Rd. Hnrlbut, Charles Chase, Xi 94, Chi 96, 97 Lincoln St. Judson, Frederick Arthur, Beta 64, 80 Elm St. Lovejoy, Frederick Horr, Beta 18, 143 S. Moun- tain Ave. McGhie, Philip, Bowen, Beta 13, 101 S. Moun- tain Ave. Marcus, Chapin, Gamma 08, 280 Upper Moun- tain Ave. Marcus, William Elder. Jr., Beta 06. 284 Upper Mountain Ave. Merwin, Timothy Dwight, Beta 11, 71 Crest- mont Rd. Moorhead, Donaldson St. Clair, Mu 15, 81 Edge- mont Rd. Neeland, Charles John, Chi 20, 40 Afterglow \\'ay Noyes, [Frederick] Jansen, Chi 10, 50 N. Moun- tain Ave. Opdyke, Ralph, Delta 95, 27 S. Fullerton Ave. Painter, Thomas Alexis, Lambda 81, 55 Ma- copin Ave. Patton, Frederick William, Omicron 17, 10 Bellaire Drive Porter, Nathan Todd, Jr., Beta 90. 165 Gates Ave. Pudney, William Kent, Omicron 14, 57 S. Fullerton Ave. Raynor, Forrest, Delta 87, 181 Christopher St. Reeder, Le Ray Thompson, Theta 06, Public Service Corporation Richards, Charles Herbert, Gamma 60, Beta 60, 35 Hillside Ave. Rice, Mervyn Ap, Kappa 89, 49 Christopher St. Seidler, Victor Bayard, Sigma 10, 43 S. Fuller- ton Ave. Sidebottom. Herbert Graff, 95 Elm St. Slocum, Edwin Lyon, Beta 15, 45 Plymouth St. Smith, Dyer, Eta 03, 9 Wilde PI. Spies, Henry Hull, Delta 78, 119 S. Moun- tain Ave. Starks, Henry Alanson. Xi 69, 117 Elm St. Stuckle, William Ferdinand, Chi 17, 61 Christo- pher St. Tomlinson, Roy Everett, Rho 01, 129 Union St. Montclair — Cont'd Townsend, Gerard Bostwick, Delta 87, 67 Por- ter PI. Warden, Euclid Pascal, Rho 92. 58 Franklin PI. Wright, Henry John, Delta 85, 7 Eagle Rock Way Moorestown Burns, Eugene Lee, Tau 06, 125 E. Maple Ave. Deutz. Henry, Jr.. Delta 17, 121 E. Oak Ave. Mechling. Edward Anthony, Tau 99, Riverton Rd. Morristown Brinley, John Rowlett, Lambda 84, 11 Maple Ave. Coggeshall, Murray Hart, Beta Beta 96, 8 Perry St. Douglas, John Sheafe, Lambda 90, Sussex Ave. Leoser, John. Eta 16, 12 Altamont Court Saltus, Lloyd, Beta Beta 87 Thompson, Isaac Meigs Bragg, Delta 11, 65 Western Ave. Mountain Lakes Krans, Horatio Sheafe, Lambda 94, Briarcliff Rd. Newark Adams, Frederic, Beta 62, Court House Arnold, Walter Whipple, Upsilon 98, Central High School Atha, Henry Gurney, Lambda 89. 742 Broad St. Bagg, Linus Worthington, Pi 05, 712 Clinton Ave. Connell, Harold English, Gamma 09, 216 Ord- way Bldg, Grossman, Peter Flood, Lambda 13, 1014 Broad St. Dana, John Cotton, Zeta 78, Free Public Libra- ary Dawson, Eric Powell, Beta 12, 1028 Broad St. Dobson, William Timothy, Eta 10, 1001 Essex Bldg. Dryden, John Fairfield II, Beta 15, Prudential Ins. Co. Dunbar, [Josiah] Newell, Beta 67, 900 Degraw Ave. Fitzgerald, James Newburg, Xi 19, 214 N. 7th St. Fitgerald, Paul, Pi 91, 763 Broad St. Gomph, Charles Lewis, Gamma 00, 960 Broad St. Grant, Harold Clark, Xi 08, 134 Johnson Ave. Gruff, Gerhard Ernest Hugh, Lambda 06, 36 Spring St. Gwinnell, William Barker, Xi 86, 213 Chest- nut St. Halsey, Samuel Anthony. Sigma 07, Tau 09, 333 Mt. Prospect Ave. Hasley, Samuel Armstrong, Sigma 07, Hi Mt. Prospect Ave. Holme, Raymond Arthur, Delta 10, Hyatt Roller Bearing Co. Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman, Xi 64, 981 Broad St. Ingraham, Edgar Blakley, Pi 12, 723 Highland Ave. Kent, Edward Raylor, Pi 11, Omicron 11, 290 Ferry St. Kinney, Howard Stinson, Gamma 00, 9 Clinton St. Ladew, Joseph Harvey, Lambda 87, Lincoln Highway and Passaic River Lines, Edwin Stevens, Beta 72. 21 Washington St. Lord, Howell Gurney, Beta 04, 15 Clinton St. Mandeville. Charles David, Delta 79, 298 Mul- berry St. Merritt, Howard Butler, Xi 10. 879 Broad St. Morgan, William Leverette, Pi 94, Prudential Bldg. Mott, Wilbur Ashley, Xi 82. Court House Murray, Eugene Wilson, Pi 98, 91 Washing- ton Ave. Oday, Arthur Brainard [Spencer], Pi 12, 723 Highland .^ve. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX m Newark — Cont'd Payson. Armour Phillips, Delta 07, 265 Plane St. Poland. Addison Brown. Xi 72, City Hall Pratt, Loring, Kappa 12, 723 Highland Ave. Rikcr, Joseph Marsh, Jr., Gamma 11, 42 Court St. Sage, Leveritt Hyslip, Beta 76, 42 Clinton St. Schwartz, Victor Arthur, Sigma 07, 71 Austin St. 1 TrLiiiaine. Edward George. Eta 20, 967 Broad r St. i I pton. Jrancis Robbins, Kappa 75, 1_ nion BIdg. Van Sant, Horatio Moses. Delta 81, 786 Broad St. ^^■ard, Edward William, Delta 20, 56 Shanley Ave. Wilding, Melville Soule, Xi 14. Whitehead & Hoag Co.. 1st and Sussex Ave. Wurth. Walter Albert, Delta 19, 861 S. 11th St. Wurts, William Lawrence Ross, Beta 78, Bran- ford PI., and Nutria St. New Brunswick Dodge, Fred Herbert, Beta 84, 116 Hamilton St. Ingham. John Albertson, Pi 86, 26 Union St. Parrish, Herbert, Mu 91, Beta Beta 91, Christ Church Rectory Pruitt, Forrest Allen, Omicron 07, Foulkrod Contracting Co. Strong, William Lord, Beta 84, 93 College Ave. New Providence Johnson, Willis Fletcher, Delta 79, Firleigh Hall Nutley Lindstrom, Albert Ferdinand, Xi 17, 121 High St. Merritt, Howard Butler, Xi 10, 152 Nutley Ave. Norton, James Eddy, Chi 80, 91 Union Ave. ( )'Xeil. Thomas Joseph, Jr., Tau 20 Ocean City Bispham, Clarence Wyatt, Gamma 88, 849 2nd Ocean Grove Horton, Howard Lispenard, Chi 84, 5 Ocean Ave. Old Bridge Strong, William Lord, Beta 84 Oradell Foster, Howard Peers, Delta 99. Linden Ave. Foster, James Peers, Delta 67 Orange Adams, Frederic, Beta 62, 473 Main St. Brinckerhoff, James Embury, Chi 17, 140 Berkeley Ave. Coney, George Eaton, Beta 76, 154 Highland Ave. Cooke, Hedley Vicars, Eta 83, 16 Lawn Ridge Rd. Cooke, Thomas Turner, Lambda 16, Chi 16, 16 Lawn Ridge Rd. Cutts, Usher Ward, Kappa 67, 14 Lawn Ridge Rd. Dunning, Jacob Abramse Robertson, Beta 74, 97 Heywood Ave. Dyckman, Richard Pluymert, Chi 19, 132 Berke- ley Ave. Edmiston, Hugh Caldwell, Jr., Chi IS, 189 Berkeley Ave. Folsom. Henrv Titus. Beta 83. Llewellvn Park Heald. Daniel Addison, Beta 12, 182 Park Ave. Hunt, Walter Reid, Kappa 90, 21 Clarendon PI- Lasell, Sidnev Locock, Beta 92, 221 Park Ave. Patterson, George Elliott, Eta 11, Delta 11, 25 Ivanhoe Terrace Orange — Cont'd. Peet, Robert Edward, Lambda 88, 35 E. High- land Ave. Schultze, Emile [Adolph], Beta 85, 203 Park Ave. Skillin, Augustus Hewlett, Delta 92, 68 Hey- wood Ave. Smith, Winthrop Davenport, Beta 96, Llewellyn Park Upton, Francis Robbins, Kappa 75, 190 Park Ave. Yawger, Charles Shoemaker, Chi 02, 55 Hillyer St. Park Ridge Millholen, Herbert Eugene, Chi 89 Smith, Henry Augustus Hammond, Gamma 83 Parlin Peters, William Allison, Jr., Beta 12, Epsilon 14 Passaic Clark, William Livingston, Delta IT, 135 La- fayette Ave. Poor, Edward Eri, Jr., Gamma 10, Passaic Print Works Saunders, Bertram Williams, Xi 20, .192 Bloom- field Ave. Paterson Abbott, Charles Westley, Beta 99, 231 Summit St. Barbour, Robert, Lambda 10, 418 Grand St. Bell, Henry Francis. Delta 82, 140 Market St. Boy.4. James Oscar, Delta 95, 363 Fifteenth Ave. Crosby, Henry Barrett, Lambda 02, First Na- tional Bank Bldg. Evans, John Fairhurst, Delta 14, 126 Market St. MacCauley. Hugh Bournonville, Delta 11, 328 Ellison St. Mooney, George. Xi 92, 141 Water St. Mooney, Wandell McMaster, Xi 18, 141 Water St. Palmer, William Edward, Pi 90, 145 Carroll St. Probert, Sidney Wallace, Delta 88, 140 Market St. Ramsey, George, Delta 83, 399 Ellison St. Wurts, William Lawrence Ross, Beta 78, 381 Ellison St. Peapack Fowler, Arthur Anderson, Lambda 99. Perth Amboy Jones, Allen Northey, Beta Beta 17, 22 Rector St. Jones, William Northey, Beta Beta 88, St. Peter's Rectorv Wilding, Melville Soule, Xi 14, 49 Woodruff PI. Plainfield Brewster, Jgmes Henry, Jr., Beta 04, 1314 Watchung Ave. Bulklev. Erastus Walbridge. Delta 91 Burke, Stanley Williams, Beta 17, 5 Ravine Rd. Conkling Franklin Madison Wright, Eta 03, 168 Grove St. Daniel, Leslie Moore, Delta 80, 606 W. 8th St. deForest, Henry Lockwod. Beta 97 Fullerton. Henry Suydam, Jr., Lambda 13, 738 E. 2d St. Goddard. Frederick Worth, Gamma 98, 920 Woodland Ave. Houghton, William Morris, Kappa 03, 4 Park PI. Huntineton, Samuel, Beta 63, 324 Franklin Place Jackson, Ravmond Dearborn, Delta 11, 333-335 W. Front' St. Johns. Henry Ward. Lambda 88. 551 Woodland Ave. 778 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Plainfield— Cont'd Joy, James Richard, Beta 85, 80 Myrtle Ave King, Charles Arthur, Lambda 05, 911 Wat- chung Ave. McGee, Donald Ashbrook, Beta 06, 103 Syca- more Ave. Merrill, William Fessenden. Gamma 6o, 830 Carlton Ave. Murray, William D, Beta 80, 205 W. 9th St M.vgatt Frederick Eli, Jr., Gamma 19, 717 W. 8th St. O'Donnell, William Charles, Jr., Pi 92 400 Franklin PI. Righter, Walter Leisenring, Gamma 00, 211 W. 7th St. Strong, George Arthur, Beta 71, 1030 Centi-al Ave. Stevenson, Frederic Fitch, Lambda 17, 506 W /th St. Tracy, Howard Crosby, Beta 87, 1331 Prospect Ave. Tvveedy, Andrew Mellick, Lambda 06, 125 Crescent Ave. Tyler, Cornelius Boardman, Gamma 98, 505 W. 7th St. Tyler, William Seymour, Gamma 95, 520 W. 8th St. Wardlaw, Charles Digby, Beta Beta 07, Park Ave. Williams, Chauncey Grant, Chi 87, 140 E. 9th Princeton Elderk-in, George Wicker. Zcta 02, Princeton University. Eno, Henry Lane, Beta 94, Princeton Univer- sity. Gould, John Warren Du Bois, Delta 02 Miller Theodore Augustus, Upsilon 07, 52 Blair Morgan, Sherley Warner, Lambda 16, Prince- ton University. Smith, Earl Baldwin, Kappa 11, Graduate Col- lege. Smith, Thomas Edward Vermilye, Beta 77 24 Bayard Lane. Spaeth, John Duncan Ernest, Tau 88 "The Barracks," 32 Edgehill St. Stuart, Donald Clive, Phi 03, Nassau Hall Stuart, Duane Reed, Phi 96, 101 Broadmead. Rahwav Little, William Francis, Xi 92, 110 Elm Ave Red Bank Boulton, Howard, Beta 07 Ridgewood Bull, Ernest Miller, Chi 98, 45 Beverly Rd Burbank David Redman, Mu 94, 11 Walton St. Dana, Harold Fessenden, Kappa 99, 41 Over- brook Rd. Hcitkamp, Frederick William, Chi 96, 23 Rod- ney St. Iserman, Russell Valentine, Delta 13 49 S Pleasant Ave. ' Smith, Russell Yerby, Zeta 18, 7 Sherwood Rd. Riverside Bayard, Richard Bassett, Eta 13, Riverside IMetal Co. Riverton Earni5haw, Arthur Reginald, Tau 01 Mechling, Benjamin Schreiber, Tau 03, High- way. Parry, Edwin Satterthwait, Gamma 01 Roselle Swart, Harmon Voeder, Omicron 06, 136 4th Ave. Rutherford Fake, Charles W, Delta 17, 36 Washington Ave. Petterly, Clarence Aubrey. Psi 97, Park School Rutherford— Cont'd. ^eighton, Chester Adam, Kappa 08, 109 Ridge Young Howard Irving, Delta 14, 103 Donald- son Ave. Short Hills Barker, Stephen, Lambda 01 Bulkley, Charles Stone, Beta 05, Lambda 0.3. Jefferson Rd. Harper, George Washington, Jr., Xi 02 Hudson, Charles Alan, Lambda 11 Hull, George Huntington Jr., Beta 02 Kemmerer, John Leisenring, Gamma 93 Lawrence, George Franklyn, Jr., Beta 19 Mapes, Cline Spencer. Lambda 01 Mapes, Victor, Lambda 91 O'Connor. William Aloysius, Lambda 97 Schreiber, Otto Adolph, Beta 92 Stout, Newton Ewell, Lambda 91 Silver Lake Fake. Charles W. Delta 17, Thomas A. Edison (Inc.) Primary Battery Division. Somerville Beardslcy, Ailing Prudden, Xi 98 Maydole Hugh Darwin, Xi 02, Second National Bank Bldg. South Orang^e Crawford, Charles Albert, Rho 96, 155 Turrell Ave. Grannis, Pierrepont Edwards, Lambda 00, 217 1 urrel! Ave. Greene, Carleton, Chi 91, 151 W. Turrell Ave Heroy, James Harold, Lambda 02. Hartford Rd Mott, Wilbur Ashley, Xi 82, 163 Prospect St. Sheridan, Martin James, Jr., Rho 19, 5 Center Thacher Alfred Beaumont, Beta 74, 486 Scot- land Rd. Summit Cloyd, Paul Campbell, Xi 92, Delta oo 140 Oak Ridge Ave. ' Gilmore, Robert Capen, Beta 97, Clover Patch. Hamlin. Arthur Sears, Beta 99, 22 Dogwood Drive. Hine. Edward Avery. Beta 86, 43 Fernwood Rd ,/' ank Harwood, Beta 69, 70 Main St. Hamlin. Henry William, Beta 02, 70 S. Main St. McCauley, James Adelbert, Canandaigua Ele- vator, Pleasant and Ontario Sts. Steele, Luther Morton, Psi 93, 32 N. Main St. Canastota Brown, Samuel Ebenezer [Mixer], Pi 03. 119- James St. Canton .lohnson. Herman Clarke. Pi 19 Carthage Ball. William Deullard, Theta 97 Cato Mount, Mason Terpening, Pi 07 Catskill Day, Sherwood Sunderland, Beta 11 DuBois, Albert Wynkoop, Theta 18, Athen.i Rd. Hopkins. Charles Vernon, Beta 96 Howland. Clarence, Zeta 84, Catskill National Bank Bldg. Cazenovia McCarthy, Dennis Percy, Chi 12 Wendell, Benjamin Rush, Beta 78 Wendell, Ten Eyck. Beta 80 Cedarhurst Frost, Edward Inglis, Lambda 74 Ivison. William Crane, Beta 92, Kenridge Rd. Low, George Cabot Ward, Beta 06 Merrill, Payson McLane, Beta 02 Mills, Edward Shorney, Beta 06 Vander Poel, Aaron Augustus, Beta 13 Chappaqua Turner, Harold McLeod, Beta 05 Cherry Valley Dakin, Paul Worth, Psi 84 Chittenango McHenry, Lee William, Pi 10 » GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 785 Churchville I'icrce, Cleorge Dorchester, Psi 99 Clifton Springs Adams, Samuel Hawley, Psi 63 Clinton Fancher. Paul Adee, Gamma 10, Hamilton College Taylor, James Henry, Jr., Psi 88, Gamma 90, Clinton Canning Co. Torrey, Richard Hamilton. Eta 09, O. W. Kennedy & Co., Kennedy Bldg. Wood, Frank Hoyt. Pi 91. College Hill Clyde Barnes, Le Vanway Ransom, Theta 06 Cohoes Bishop, Thomas Morley, Pi 00, 66 McElwain Ave. Douglas, Richard Alexander, Beta 14 House, Theodore Myers, Xi 68, 88 Railroad St. \"an Santvoord, Raymond, Theta 14, 266 Rem- sen St. Cold Spring Coe. William Entrott, Delta 05 Comstock Baker, Laurance Clark, Theta 95, Main St. Corbett Stuart, Merritt Corbett, Gamma 12 Corning Cary, Irving Boyd, Rho 98, Corning Glass Works Hollister, George Buell, Beta 92, Corning Glass Works Kendall. Hugh Harris, Upsilon 82. 26 E. 3d St. Pritchard. Harrie Walter. Pi 86, 15 E. Market St. Underhill. William Allen. Beta 10 Williams. Aaron Foster, Upsilon 98, 27 E. Market St. ^^■illiams. Francis Clarke, Upsilon 88, 10 Con- cert Hall Block Cortland Dickinson. Henry Albert, Pi 82. 69 Main St. Haigh. George Hasbrouck, Pi 93, 39 Church St. Lighton. Charles Francis, Pi 86, 78 Tompkins St. Cutchogue Moore, Douglas Stuart, Beta 15 Derby Pierce, Duncan Haldane, Phi 07 De Ruyter ."^havcr. J. Harry Dobbs' Ferry Bretz, Ludlow Earle, Chi 19 Carter, Franklin, Jr., Beta 00. Ogden Park Flood. Valentine Ardsley, Delta 19. 23 Belden Ave. Johnson. James Ford. Jr., Beta 10 Schuyler. Charles Edward. Lambda 81, Livings ton Ave. Dongan Hills Walker. Arthur Lucian. Lambda 83 Douglaston Haggart. George Sherwood. Theta 99 von Hagen, A\'illard Arnold, Mu 17, Main St. Dryden Gdodricli. George Eastman, Gamma 70 Dunkirk i>avis. Harold Gilbert, Xi 20 East Aurora I'rvntice. Bryant Hawk, Beta 05 East BloCmfield Steele, Stanley Orrin, Psi 13 East Hampton McAlpin. George Lodawick. Beta 79 Wheelock, William Efner, Beta 73 East Islip Hoppin, Bayard Gushing, Beta 07. East Norwich Phillips, William Northcote. Xi 06 East Randolph Salisbury, George Champlin. Chi 12. R, K. No. 1 East Williston Richter, Herbert Williams, Tau 19 Eden (uiieland. Richard Watson, Pi 72 Eggertsville Pomeroy, Robert \\'atson, Beta 91 Elba Porter, Avery Roy, Psi 13. Main St. Elmhurst McGuffey, Edward Mansfield, Iota 76 Elmira Beardsley, Harry Merchant, Chi 86. City Hall Berry, Thomas James, Theta 11, 102 W. Water St. Brand. Charles George, Theta 04, 50 Sly St. BuUard, Charles Frederick, Upsilon 90, 604 W. Clinton St. Clute, Howard Haswell, Clii 19, 470 W. Water St. Clute, Leslie Douglass, Chi 13, Ford Sales Agency. 460 E. Market St. Decker, Casper Gilbert. Pi 81, 507 W. Water St. Denton, Edgar, Jr., Pi 11, 335 E. Water St. Diven. Alexander Samuel, Beta 94, 212 E. Water St. Diven, Alexander Samuel, Beta 94, 212 E. College Ave. Dow, Baird George, Eta 04, 111 E. Water St. Gregg. William Walker, Gamma 92, Robinson Bldg. Griswold, Stephen Rose, Tau 14, Con. P. Cur- ran Printing Co., 8th and Walnut Sts. Harrison, Stephen Decatur, Beta Ik, 408 N. Main St. Hawkes, Donald Carlton, Theta 02, 411-413 Robinson Bldg. Hunt, Ralph Allen, Theta 19, 607 College Ave. Kertscher, Herman Lynn, Theta 17, 702 Park PI. McDowell, Boyd, Pi 81, Realty Bldg. McDowell, Robert Pitkin, Pi 13, Realty Bldg. ^Mackenzie, George Walker Cameron, Theta 03, Elmira Advertiser Mandevillc. Ernest Wyckoff, Theta 17, 509 \V. Church St. Mandeville. Hubert Carpenter, Theta 88, The Robinson Bldg. Mandeville, William Hubert. Theta 15, 509 W. Church St. Miller. Earle Leland. Eta 09, Pi 09, 126 E. Water St. Miller, James Alexander, Delta 88, 383 Penna. Ave. Mooers, Edward Allen, Eta 18, 655 Euclid Ave. Norton, Arthur Henry, Pi 99, Elmira College Pulford, Charles Reed, Eta 05, Pi OS, 157 Falck St. Pulford, Frank Dickinson, Pi 13, 157 Falck St. Pulford, Samuel Arthur, Eta OS, Pi OS, Realty Bldg. Riggs. [Asher] Gaylord, Theta 11, 313 Realty Bldg. Riley, James Edwin, Theta 12, Morrow Manu- facturing Co. 786 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Elmira — Cont d Tompkins, Ray. Beta 84, 409 N. Main St. Turner, Samuel Gilbert Hatheway, Theta 98, ISO Lake St. Updegraff, Fritz Williams, Theta 94 Endicott Parsons, Dewitt Hoag, Gamma 12, North St. George, John Francis, Beta Beta 77, St. John's Church Rectory ,, -n /-. George, Willis Briscoe, Beta Beta 16, P. O. Box 167 Floral Park Frost, Edward Lawrence, Delta 81 Flushing Ahearn, Thomas James, Jr., Lambda 12 Allen, James Roy, Pi U4, Forest Hills Brown, Philip Hayward, Kappa 09, 45 Ingram St.. Forest Hills Bogert, Henry Lawrence, Lambda 78, 72 Law- rence St. „„ ,T , ,- 1 Churchill, Allen Leon, Kappa 95, 120 N. 15th St. X ■ 1 Dimock, Edward Jordan, Beta 11, 241 Lincoln St. Duncan, Kenneth Forman, Delta 14, 52 State St Gordon, .Mexander, Beta 04, 44 Sanford Ave. Norton, George Wingate, Xi 96, 164 Franklin PI. Scott, Walter John, Delta 20, 117 13th St. Smith, [Charles] Warren Prosser, Chi 11 Zeta 13, Oak Ave. ,, ,. Thorp, Benjamin Hurd, Psi 95, 99 Madison Ave. Travis, George Washington LeRoy, Eta 07, 47 N. 12th St. Walker, Alanson Burton, Upsilon 01, 253 Bar- clay St. Walker, William Henry, Upsilon 91, 336 San- ford Ave. _ Waller, Henry Davey, Iota 74, 45 Locust St. Warrin. Marshall Lord, Lambda 82, 50 Frank- lin PI. Forest Lawn Barrows, Charles Storrs, Upsilon 12 Forestville ^ -^ ^r ^ White, Herbert Peter, Psi 81, R. R. No. 6 Fort Edward ^, , „ Moody, George Miles, Xi 96, 4 Church St. Fort Plain Brown, William Waldo, Theta 09 Stockwell, George Ensign, Xi 78 Fredonia Stimson, Morris Henry, Pht 04, 35 Center St. Freeport Dikeman, Harry Clifford, Theta 16, 81 South Gunnmg" William Carroll, Theta 16, 120 Bay View Ave. Kelsey, Henry Fowle Durant, Xi 92, 87 b. Long Beach Ave. _, ^ Story, Stephen Bond, Theta 14, 173 Porter- field PI. Fulton ^ . ,, T, „ Crane, Dudley Wiiithrop, Omicron 16, K. K. No.'l2 Joy, Louis Fowler, Pi 95, 189 S. 1st St. Garden City _ , ^ Frey, Henry Augustus, Theta 97, 91 5th St. Hendrick, Burton Jesse, Beta 95, Doubleday, Page & Co. Savage, John Richard, Tau 88, 71 Hilton Ave. Weed LeRoy Jefferson, Theta 01, Brompton Rd. Galway Barrett, Charles Edgar, Theta 19 Carpentier, Horace W[apole], Lambda 48 Garrison Upjohn. Richard Russell, Chi 80 Walker, Joseph, Jr., Lambda 80 Genesco Rector, Carroll Samford, Pi 19 Geneva Anthony, Roy David, Upsilon 08, Agricultural Experiment Station Church, Charles Titus, Theta 56, 155 William St. Gracey, William Adolphe, Upsilon 89, 51 Seneca St. Williams, George Burbank, LTpsilon 97, So Seneca St. Germantown Brush, Miltimore Witherell, Beta 13, Rho 15, Brucehame Apple Farm, R. R. No. 2 Glen Cove Tappan, John Butler Coles, Beta 80 Glenmont Corning, Edwin, 06 Glens Falls Bullatd, Frederick Henry, Xi 83, 137 Glen St. Crandell, John Bradshaw, Xi 19, 3 Horican Ave. Fowler, Albert Nelson Cheney, Beta 94, 130 Glen St. Hodgson, Wilfred Day, Theta 01, Adirondack Elec. Power Corp., fyi Ridge St. Judkins, Charles Otis, Xi 95, 32 Bay St. Knitjht. Herbert Ralpli, Theta 17, 9 Center St. Richards, Frederick Barnard, Theta 88 Robertson, Daniel Leslie, Xi 78, 188 Glen St. Gloversville Arthur. Leland Graff, Pi 03, 10 Arietta Bldg. Hvde, Wfilliam] Donald Hyde, Upsilon 06, 26 N. Main St. Stevens, Edwin Pitman. Xi 74, 320 N. Main St. Goshen Gott, Joseph Wadsworth, Beta 73, Main St. Lorkwood, Edward Lewis. Beta 76, 25 South St. McBride, [Enoch], Wilber, Beta 82, Main St Newbury, George Chapman, Theta 06 Grand View Gibson, William Cowper, Psi 59 Granville Scott, Harold Duell, Sigma 16 Great Neck Gillies, Waldo Pierpont, Xi 13 Great Neck Station Denison, Lindsay, Beta 95 Hobart, Henry .\lorgan, Zeta OS Greene Page, Erford Lydell, Chi 88, 23 N. Chenango St. Greenlawn Morse, Oliver Cromwell, Beta 68 Greenville Hegeman, Gerard Charles, Beta 80 Greenwich :Morey. Clayton Leonard. Pi S2 Guilderland Case, Louis Chester, Theta 14 Schaupp, Harry Alonzo, Theta 09 Haddonfield Field, Howard Brigham, Xi OS, 409 Mansion Ave. I GEOGRATHICAL INDEX 787 Hamburg Babcock, Stephen Cone, Phi 97, Prospect Ave. C'ooptr, Paul llamiltou. l'p-.ilon 02, Central Ave. Scliocpflin, Paul Holz worth, Pi IJ Hamilton P)Urnham, Sylvester, Kappa 62, 32 Kendrick Ave. Lawrence, William Mangam, Gamma 71, Broad St. Hammond ('iillijan, John C. Pi 91 Harriman Harrinian, Edward Roland Noel, Beta 17 Harriman William Avercll, Beta 13 Hartford Rowc, William Henry, Jr., Pi 91 Hartsdale Campbell. William Mullan, Delta 98, 66 Green- acre Ave. Davis, Frank Rutledge, Lambda 10 Fish, Rutgers, Delta 13 Ford, Joseph Albert, Zeta 95 Johnson. John Esrey, Chi 92, 8 Oak Way Naylor, Emmett Hay, Zeta 09 Smyth, George Hugh, Delta 02, 7 Gilmore Court, Greenacres Hemlock Adams, John William, Upsilon 20 Becker, W'illard ("harles, Upsilon 16 Hempstead Addison, Charles Lambert, Eta 88 Harlow, Willis Young, Chi 20 Herrick, John Rutherford, Gamma 01, 359 Front St. Herkimer Lewis, Ray Beckwith, Theta 92, 108 Mary St. Miller, Max, Chi 90, Oak Hill Farm Smith, Carson Edwards, Theta 10, 413 Caro- line St. Smith, Stanley Maynard, Theta 15, Spencer, Trask & Co., P. O. Box 209 Hewlett Barnes, Roderick Barbonne, Lambda 07 Stiger, William Dexter, Gamma 96 Hillburn Allen, Charles Ihling, Delta 02 Hillsdale Hitchcock, Frederick Hills, Gamma 91 Hilton Kelly, Arthur Eustace, Upsilon 02 Hollis Smith, Robert Newhall, Xi 95, 1007 Hollis Ave. Van Deusen, Edwin Wilkes, Pi 97, 10016 Irving- ton St. Hornell Brown. Shirley Edgar, Pi 78, 140 Main St. Hudson Falls Culver, Edward Peck, Theta 15, 30 River St. Derbv, Archibald Steuart, Theta 96, 232 Main St.' Eddy, Willard Burdick, Psi 14 Fursman, James Sherrill, Psi 18, 9 Hudson PI. Inpalls, George Arthur, Xi 87, 8 Masonic Temple Kinne, David Barton, Theta 86 Ricliards, Orson Culver, Theta 95, Countv Clerk's Bldg. Sawyer, John Everett, Theta 99, 171 Main St. Sawyer, Willoughby Lord, Theta 95 Huntington Acer, Frank Adams, Upsilon 92, Lake View Farm Baylis, Lester Yates, Delta Delta 17 Conklin, Douglas, Delta 77, West Neck Ave. Pendill, Willoughby Carr, Pi 10, Main St. Williams, Timothy Shaler, Chi 84 Ilion Topping, Edward Burdette, Pi 94. 81 2d St. \\'oolnough, Adariah Cotter, Psi 17 Industry Sykes, Arthur Oscar, Pi 92 Irondequoit Hanford, Saxe Henry, Upsilon 95, Gamma 95 Kendrick, Ryland Morris, Upsilon 89, Portland ^Vve. Irvington Belknap, Ethelbert, Jr., Delta 10, 2 Main St. Hewitt, Dexter \\ ., Gamma 11, Xi 11 Schumacher, Edwin F., Delta 19, 29 North D St. Islip Hollister, Buell, Beta 05 Stebbins, Rowland, Lambda 03 Ithaca Atwater, Allen Eli, Pi 89, 222 N. Albany St. Bentley, John, Jr., Xi 04, Forestry Dept., Agri- cultural College Bigelow, John Davenport, Psi 80, 109 Hudson St. Biggs, Carl Hatheway, Delta Delta 18, 116 E. Seneca St. Biggs, Chauncey Pratt, Chi 78, 116 E. Seneca St. Beardsley, Donald Pettit, Chi 13. Morrill Hall Carry, Charles William, Chi 20, 1 Central Ave. Dennis, Clark Munroe, Chi 13, 722 University Ave. Dennis, Louis Munroe, Phi 85, 722 University Ave. Finch, Francis Eldon, Chi 11, 3 Fountain PI. Hewett, Waterman Thomas, Gamma 69, Cornell University Kelly, Thomas Lloyd, Chi 20, 1 Central Ave. Meyler, Robert Gephard, Chi 16, Sibley Coll., Cornell University Neeland, Charles John, Chi 20, 1 Central Ave. White, Andrew Dickson, Beta S3, 27 East Ave., Cornell LTniversity Willcox, Bertram Francis, Chi 17, 3 South Ave. Willcox, Walter Francis, Gamma 84, Goldwin Smith Hall, Cornell Univ. Williams, Henry Shaler, Chi 68, Cayuga Heights Jamaica Cantey, Edward Brevard, Theta 20, 123 Park .^ve. Cleveland, Prescott Coyle, Theta IS, 27 Clinton PI. Girling, Wallace Ledgwick, Beta 17, 133 Shelton Ave. Grant, Roscoe Allan, Xi 94, High School liisbie, Robert Winfield. Jr., P.si 15, Highland Ave. Higbie, Robert Winfield, Delta 82, "Hillview," Highland Ave. Hyatt. Harold Forbell, Theta 18, 83 Clinton .\ve. Russell, Charles Erickson, Delta 82, 350 Fulton St. .Savage. John Richard, Tau 88, Lon? Island R. R. Co. Stiles, Frank Lawrence, Theta 02, 375 I'ulton St. Jamestown Bessant, William Ted, Pi 13. 404 Wellman Bklg. Himebaugh, Lyle Blystone, Phi 04, 388 Hallock St. Isaacson, Francis Hazeltine, Upsilon 20, 36 Cross St. Steere, Howard John, Upsilon 07, High School 788 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Johnstown Cross, Harold Ingraham, Psi 13 Gates, Forrest Palmer, Psi 14, Gates, Mills & Co. Knox, James Elisha. Xi 16, 13 Knox Ave. Thomas, Carleton Edward, Psi 12, 18 S. Market St. Katonah Paddock, Ralph Lathrop, Tau 99 Keene Valley Miller, George Edmund, Psi 03 Kenwood , Taylor, Stephen Livingston, Psi 88, Gamma sy Kew Gardens „„ ^- Cardoza, Louis Gilliams Martinez, Tau 99, 7o Beverly Rd. Hadley, Samuel Hopkins, Delta 01 Sincerbeaux, Frank Huestin, Beta 02, 110 New- bold PI. Kingston Loughran Christopher Kiersted, Beta 96, 23 John St. Roosa, De Witt, Beta 75, 212 Fair St. Schoonmaker, Peter E[gbert], Upsilon 71, 22 Ferry St. Lackawanna Babcock, Stephen Cone, Phi 97, 803 Ridge Rd. Lake Placid Prime, Spencer Gilchrist, 2d, Pi OS, Mam St. Lancaster Munson, Raymond Silas, Xi 08, 118 E. Main St. Larchmont Carhart, Charles Lyman, Beta 85, 20 Forest Park Ave. Seymour, Ralph Crysler, Chi 84, 16 Linden Ave. Laurens Keyes, Franklin Cheney, Pi 91 Lawrence Ada6, Charles Flamen, Lambda 92, Ocean Ave. Adams, William, Jr., Beta 17 Bentley, Edward Manross, Beta 80 Cammann, Henry Julius, Lambda 56 Herrick, Harold Edward, Beta 12 Perkins. Norton. Lambda 01 Rand. Gordon Loring, Beta 12 Seymour, Origen Storrs, Beta 94 Stevens, Eben Foster, Beta 92 Work, James Henry, Lambda 67 Lawrenceville Raymond, Charles Henry, Xi 77, Lawrenceville School LeRoy Kellogg, Pierre Manwaring, Upsilon 19, 1 E. Main St. Liberty Lupinski. Hugo Houghton, Delta 12, 39 Wede- meyer Terrace Lima Atwell, George Washington, Gamma 74 Lisle Edwards, Richard Henry, Beta 01 Liverpool Gifford. Robert Rynex, Delta 09, First St. Randall, Albert Barrows, Pi 76, 312 First St. Stewart, Alexander Mills, Theta 13, Liverpool Produce Co. Lockport Ferris, Sevmour Coe, Pi 90 Greene, George Ellsworth, Upsilon 89, Eta 90, 249 Genesee St. Locust Valley Ide, George Edward, Beta 81 Lovett Robert Abercrombie, Beta 18 Long Island City Andersen, Christian Stephen, Chi 15, 341 Flush- ing Ave. Graves, George Heber, Beta 82. General Chemi- cal Co. Smith, Leonard Charles Lindsay, Delta 88, 59 Woolsey St. Woodruff, Walter Burnett, Chi 10, 1 Bridge Plaza Lowville Cornwall, Harold Davenport, Pi 03 Lynbrook Dwelle, Edwin Rice, Delta 17, 66 Oakland Ave. Lyons Cariner, Myron Ernest, Psi 80, 28'Church St. Cross, Frederick Raphael, Upsilon 13, R. R. No. 2 Kreutzer, William Ulric, Psi 90 Malone Crooks, Amos Willard, Zeta 11, 52 Pearl St. Joy, Jason Shepherd, Xi 10, 8 Amsden St. Kilburn, Clarence Evans, Chi 16 King, Louis Moses, Gamma 91, 74 Elm St. Mamaroneck Brown, Sydney Liston 2d, Theta 20, 1 Tenney Ave. Bull, Clarence Jerome, Theta 17, 19 Melbourne Ave. W'alden, Howard Talbot, Beta 81, Brevoort Farm Marcellus Amerman, George Loveless, Beta 90, Shadow- side. Maspeth Kggleston, Juius Wilbur, Xi 89, Columbia PI. Hebberd, Stephen Southwick, Xi 59, 78 Mil- ton St. Massapequa Floyd-Jones, Edward Henry, Beta 92. Massena Swany, Granville Reed, Delta 13, Aluminum Co. of America Mechanic ville Baker, Floyd Flagler, Delta 14, Barge Canal Office, Park Ave. Medina Acer, Herbert Augustus, Omicron 12 Acer, Oscar Whedon, Gamma 09, 223 Center St. Cawley, Frank Bonnyman. Xi 14, 516 Ohio St. Munson, Robert Phillips, Zeta 18, 511 West Ave. Snodgrass, Paul Wingfield, Pi 19, 517 Pros- pect Ave. Whipple, Hugh Scott, Zeta 18, 500 W. Center St. Menands Rowell, Parker Whitmore, Kappa 12, 112 Lyons .Ave., S. Merrick Cammann, Donald Muhlenberg, Beta Beta 74 Draper, Frank Barnard, Lambda 80 Middleburg I'.erkman, Douw Frisbie, Theta 20 Beekman, Dow, Theta 84. Main St. Dutton, Asa Albert, Pi 07 Dutton, Charles Cooper, Pi 09 Lynes, George Briggs, Theta 94 Middletown Decker, George Henry, Psi 66, 32-34 Corwin Block Denton, Frank Benjamin, Beta 69, 41 North St. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 789 Middletown — Cont'd Gibbs. Selwyn Mitchell, Delta 19, 116 W. Main St. . ,, ,, Macardoll, Abram Hennctt, Psi 01, City Hall Millbrook Chcsebrough, Frederick Woodhull, Lambda 91 Millneck Johnson, Stuart Holmes, Beta 14, Nautuck Farms Townsend, James Mulford, Jr., Beta 08 Monroe Hoyt, Dsmon Perley, Pi 93 Montgomery Senior, Frank Sears, Chi 00 Montour Falls Clark, Adelbert Garry, Theta 09, Shepard Elec- tric Crane & Hoist Co. Riley, Douglass Dismore, Theta 13, Shepard Electric Crane & Hoist Co. Morristown Fav, Charles Edward, Theta 82 Mt. Holly Shreve, Benjamin Franklin Havwood, Beta Beta 78, lOO Union St. Mt. Kisco Dupignac [James] Dudley [Betts], Lambda 98 Morris, Benjamin Wistar, Beta Beta 93, Lambda 94 Saltus, Rollin Sanford, Beta Beta 92 Taylor, Moses, Beta 93 Mt. Vernon Anderson, Arthur Ray, Xi 06, 39 Fletcher Ave. Anderson, Robert Avery, Xi 02, 22 E. 1st St. Brooks, Alonzo Griffith, Pi 95, 7 Urban St. Campbell. Archibald Murray, lota 64, 36 S. First Ave. Currier, Andrew Fay, Beta 78, 173 E. Lincoln Ave. Davis, Lawrence Alexander, Xi 08, 11 Park Ave. Feeney, John Parnell, Tau 18, 129 Summit Ave. Gardner, Edward Everett, Jr., Sigma 19, 529 Gramatan Ave. Ham, Arthur Harold, Kappa 08, 422 Home- stead Ave. Hubbard Le Roy Watkins, Gamma 79, 137 Primrose Ave. Jenkins, Everett Raeburn, Delta 20, 209 N. Fulton Ave. Lowry, Robert, Delta 50, 325 Highland Ave. Miller, John Oliver, Delta 11, 123 Summit Ave. Mulford. Robert, Lambda 84. 144 S. Second Ave. Reynolds, Russell Seaman, Lambda 12, Mt. Vernon Trust Co. Rice, Edwin Botts, Delta 76, 212 N. Fulton Ave. Sabine, Harold Francis, Psi 09, 8 Hillside Ave. Storms. Harold Beekman, Delta 19, 350 S. Third Ave. Taylor, Sutherland Gazzam, Jr., Delta 11, 126 N. Columbus Ave. Van Dcnburg. IMarvin Wallace. Xi 70. 107 Union Ave. Nassau McCIclIan, Samuel Paris, Theta 81 Newark Peirson, William Tracy. Theta 89, Arcadia National Bank New Berlin Milkr. Herbert James, Psi 08, 2 N. Main St. New Brighton Davenport, Stephen Rintoul, Beta 15, Prospect Ave. Kerr. Donald Craig, Chi 12, 7 Vine St. Stiles. Charles Gowdy, Theta 04 Newburgh Odell, Benjamin Barker, Lambda 11, 244 Broad- way Odell, Benjamin Bryant, Lambda 08, 224 Broad- way Odell, Herbert Roe, Lambda 03. Front St. Weed, Clayton Bagshaw, Psi 17, The Oakley, 172 Grand St. New Dorp Stover. George Hinkley, Kappa 03, 129 9th St. New Hamburg Grinnell, Irving, Lambda 59 New Hartford l^Iarkham, Herbert Wesley, Pi 85, 46 Hart- ford Terrace New Rochelle Bastine Wilfrid Stuart, Gamma 16. ] Hamil- ton Ave. Benedict, Charles Sumner, Delta 80, 648 Web- ster Ave. Bulkley, Joseph Norman, Lambda 89, 21 Wash- ington Ave. Crawford, John William Roy, Beta Beta 88, Beechmont Greeley, Briard Noble, Zeta 19, 216 Drake Ave. Greeley, William Bradford, Zeta 81, 216 Drake Ave. Harman, Edwin Thomas 2d, Xi 10, 23 Park Ave. Harman, Henry Martyn, Xi 17, 23 Park Ave. Harriman, Lewis Gildersleeve, Beta Beta 09, 1 Hamilton Ave. Heaton, Dwight Ruggles Perry, Beta 06, 17 Trinity PI. Hendrick, Burton Jesse, Beta 95, Rochelle Park Huntington, James Kenneth, Zeta 19, 15 Brook- dale Ave. Marvin, Walter Rumsey, Beta 93, 362 Main St. O'Brion, William Lewis, Zeta 97. 64 Elm St. Pray, Samuel Beecher, Delta 98, 1 Boulevard Rosenbaum, William Levy, Beta Beta 14, Broadview \\ alradt, Arthur Eugene, Beta 80, 47 Park Ave. Ward. Robert Bovd. II Xi 18, Quaker Ridge Rd. NEW YORK CITY New York Abbey, Samuel Wilmer, Theta 75, E. Ira Rich- ards & Co., 43-45 Nassau St. Abbott, Charles Westley, Beta 99, 120 Broad- way Abbott, George Francis, LTpsilon 11, 66 Post Ave. Abbott, Gordon Wilson, Beta 07, 120 Broad- way Abbott, Henry Hurlbut, Gamma 93, 32 Lib- erty St. Abbott. James, Delta %i. 353 Fourth Ave. Abbott, Nathan [Davis], Beta 11, Columbia University Abbott, Renwick Wylie, Delta 98, 150 W. 105th St. Acer, Frank Adams, Upsilon 92. 10 Wall St. Adae, Charles Flamen, Lambda 92, 90 West St. Adams, Charles. Beta 87. 646 W. I58th St. Adams. Charles Robert. Delta 04, 61 Broadwav Adams, Hugh White, Jr., Lambda 00, 2 Wall St. Addison, Charles Lambert, Eta 88, 319 Penn- sylvania Station. Agate. Frederic Joseph, Lambda 03, 30 Pine St. .Mif-arn. Thomas James, Jr., Lambda 12, 22 Wil- liam St. Aldrich. Charles Roberts, Beta 03. 5 Nassau St. Alexander, Eugene Davenport, Beta 96, 2 Wall St. Allen, Arthur Huntington, Beta 73, 156 Fifth Ave. 790 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX New York — Cont'd Allen, Douglas Heddeii, Lambda 17, U. S. Mortgage & Trust Co., 55 Cedar St. Allen James Roy, Pi 04, 545 W. 20th St. Allen, William Porter, Lambda 78, 10 Wall St. Allison, George Franklin, Tlieta 84, 115 Broad- 'vay. Ames, Gaylord Tliompson, Theta 95, 111 Broad- way. Anderson 06, The Literary Artliur Ray, Xi Digest, 354 P'ourtli Ave. Anderson, Chandler Parsons, Beta 87, 15 Broad St. Anderson, Henry Burrall, Beta 85, 35 Wall St. Anderson, Henrv Hill, Beta 16, 323 W. 80th St. Anderson William Burrall, Beta 86, 35 Wall St. Andrews, £'amuel Wakeman, Lambda 90, 58 W. S7th St. Anway, Wilmore, Beta 80, 141 Broadway Alzamora, Luis, Lambda 20, 925 West End Ave. Alzamora, Ysaac de la Cruz, Lambda 18, 925 West End Ave. Arkell, Bartlett, Beta 86, 120 Broadway Armitage, Paul, Lambda 94, 233 Broadway Armour, Allison Vincent, Beta 84, 10 W. 43a St. Atterbury, Grosvenor, Beta 91, 20 W. 43d St. Atwater, John Jacob, Gamma 15, 1 Broadway Atwater, William Cutler, Gamma 84, 1 Broadway Atwater, William Cutler, Jr., Gamma 12, 100 William St. Auchincloss Charles Crooke, Beta 03. 61 Broad- way Auchincloss, Charles Russell, Beta 03, 20 Broad St. Auchincloss, Gordon, Beta 08, 61 Broadway Auchincloss, James Coats, Beta 08. 61 Broadwav Auchincloss, Joseph Howland, Beta 08, 15 Broad St. Ayers, Steven Beckwith, Pi 82, 503 Fifth Ave. Babcock, Frederick Huntington, Sigma 07, 334 Fourth Ave. Babst, Earl D., Iota 93, Phi 93. 117 Wall St. Bacon. Clarence Everett, Xi 13, Spencer Trask & Co.. 25 Broad St. Bacon, Henry Selden, Beta 93, 43 Exchange PI. Bacon, John Lewis, Jr., Theta 08, Monroe Calculating Machine Co., 233 Broadwav Bacon, Roger Whiting. Xi 10, 55 Liberty St. Bacon, William Post Hawes, Delta 86. 601 W. 50th St. Bailey, Melville Kno.x, Beta Beta 79, 1127 West- chester Ave. Baker, Edwin Howard, Jr., Beta 13, 5 Nassau St. Baker, Stanley, Gamma 02, 314 W. 88th St. Baldridge, John I.akin, Chi 1?, 101 Park Ave. Baldwin, Edwin, Psi 67. 31 Nassau St. Baldwin, Frederick Harrison, Beta 72, IS E. 48th St. Baldwin, John Sears, Lambda 16, 524 Riverside Drive Baldwin, Roger Sherman, Beta 95, 27 Pine St. Bale, Frederick Sewell, Gamma 06, 120 Broad- way Ball, Allan Perley, Gamma 92, College of the City of New York Ball, Sidney H[obart], Rho 01, 71 Broadway Balston, Andrew Provost, Eta 07, 17 Batterv Pi. Balston, Harold Provost, Eta 05, 49 Lafayette St. Bangs, Francis Nathan, Lambda 10, 161 W. 73d St. Bangs, Francis Sedgwick, Lambda 78, 44 Wall St. Bangs, Henrv McComb, Lambda 06, 63 Wall St. Bangs, John Kendrick, Lambda 83, 7 W. 43d St. Banks, Henry Haswell, Delta 95, 200 Broadwav Bannard, Otto Tremont, Beta 76, 26 Broad St. Barbour, Alexander Lambert, Beta 13, Cuba Railroad Co., 52 William St. Barbour, Henrv Merlin, Beta Beta 70, 65 E. 89th St. New York — Cont'd Barbour, William Ransom, Beta 80, 22 William St. Barbour, William Rinehart, Xi 09, Fleming H. Revell Co.. 158 Fifth Ave. Barker, Perceval Martin, Lambda 03, 221 W. 57th St. Barker. Ralph, Beta 79, 22 William St. Barker, Stephen, Lambda 01, 62 Cedar St. Barnard, John Augustus, Lambda 92, 115 Broad- way Barnes, Courtlandt Dixon, Beta 02, 74 Broadway Barnes, Earl Bryant, Deha 99, U. S. Attorney's Office Barnes, Edward Shippen, Beta 10, 3 E. 43d St. Barnes. Frank Vincent, Psi 02, 32 Nassau St. Barnes,Henry Burr, Beta 93, 52 William St. Barnes, John Sanford, Beta 91,' 52 Vanderbilt Ave. Barnes, Orlando Mack, Phi 06, 15 William St. Barnes, Roderick Barbonne, Lambda 07, 15 E. 40th St. Barnum, Phelps, Beta 13, 10 E. 47th St. Barr, John Henry, Mu 83, ill Broadway Barringer, Benjamin Stockwell, Delta 98, 109 E. 34th St. Barrows, Ira, Sigma 83, 15 Maiden Lane Bartliclemtss, Richard Semler, Beta Beta 17, Louis J. Selznick, Offices 49th St. and Seventh Ave. Bartlett. Philip Golden, Beta 81, 62 Cedar St. Bartlett, Samuel Colcord, Zeta 07, 25 Broad i't. Barton. Bernard Giffin, Xi 98, 92 Liberty St. Bartow, Charles Singleton, Lambda 74, 33 W. 73d St. Bartow, Charles Singleton, Lambda 16, 33 W. 73d St. Bartow, Lathrop, Lambda 09, 33 W. 73d St. Bassave, Loui.>, Pedro, Jr., Delta 07, 329 \V. 85th St. Bastine, Wilfrid Stuart, Gamma 16, 112 E. 19th St. Batcheller, George Ezra, Beta 95, 38 Broad St. Bate, Mortimer Stratton, Beta 9,2, 100 Hudson St. Bates, Leonard Walter, Gamma 01, 202 Church St. Bates, William Graves. Lambda 80, 43 Cedar St. Ba'imcr, Charles Joseph, Psi 16, Gaston, Williams & Wigmore, Inc., 140 Broadway Baylor, Theodore Thomas, Theta 89, Delta 89, 15 William St. Bayne, Howard. Lambda 01, 60 Broadway Bayne, Jasper, Lambda 01, Beta 01, 29 Sullivan St. Baxter, Charles Houghton, Beta 02, SO Maide: Lane Beadleston, Henry Calwell, Beta 93. 14 Wall St Beardsley, Edmond, Psi 76, Gamma 17, Munici- pal Bldg. Beech, Joseph. Xi 99. 150 Fifth Ave. Beeman, LeRoy Mason, Xi 95, 51 E. 42d St. Beers, Lucius Hart, Lambda 81, 49 Wall St. Belknap, Waldron Phoenix. Chi 95, Bankers Trust Co., 16 Wall St. Bell, John, Jr.. Delta 18, 1448 West Farms Rd. Bellinger, William Whaley, Theta 83, 121 W. 91st St. Benedict, Charles Sumner, Delta 80, 30 E. 42d St. Benedict, Seelye, Beta 71, 35 Nassau St. Bennet, Augustus Witschief, Gamma 18, 415 Fort Washington Ave. Bennett, Sanford Tiffany, Xi 10, 140 Broadway Bentley, Edward Manross, Beta 80, 120 Broad- way Berg, Hunter Van Beil, Lambda 09, 52 Broad way Bergersen, Ole BTernhardt], Omega 11, John Lee Mahin, 33 W. 42d St. Bergman, Robert Ernest, Delta 01, Smith Bldoj., E. 148th St. and Third Ave. Berry, Wilton Guernsey, Lambda 86, Treas. Dept. Appraisers Stores, 641 Washington St. I GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 791 New York — Cont'd J-u'UciKT. Morti.Tifr Louis. Delta lo, Am. Brake Shoe & Foundry Co., 30 Church St. Biggs, Hermann Michael, Chi 82, 113 W. 57th St. Biglow, Lucius Horatio, Jr., Beta 08, 111 Broad- way Ave. Bill, Charles Alfred, Delta 92, 7 Wall St. Bingaman, Edward Wilson, Pi 17^ 562 W. n3th St. Bingaman, Ralph Wilson, Pi 09, 15 Wall St. Bird. Harrison Kerr. Lambda 99. 18 E. 55th St. Birmingham, Ernest Fitzyale, Delta 79, 232 W. 59th St. Bishop. Edward Wayt, Xi 14, 20 Broad St. Bishop, Henry Alfred, Beta 84, 546 Fifth Ave. Bishop, Cortlandt Field, Lambda 91, 14 Wall St. Bishop, John Warren, Zeta 95, N. Y. Sun, 150 Nassau St. Blair, Charles Hildreth, Chi 98, 111 Broadway Blair, John Noble, Gamma 88, Phi 88, 128 Broadway Blake, \Mlliam Zschwetzke, Delta 07 Blodget, William, Sigma 71, 34 Pine St. Boardman, Albert Barnes, Beta 73, 120 Broad- way Boardman, Dixon, Beta 02, 203 W. 40th St. Boardman, Kenneth, Beta 06, 52 Broadway Bodman, George Milmine, Beta OS, Cyrus J. Lawrence & Sons, 15 Wall St. Bodman, Herbert Luther, Beta 05, 401 Produce Exchange. Bogert, Henry Lawrence, Lambda 78, 99 Nassau St. Booraem, -Alfred \\'reaks, Lambda, 97, 44 Cedar St. Booraem, J[ohn] Francis, Chi 91, 52 Vander- bilt Ave. Bosworth, Francke Huntington, Jr., Beta 97, 597 Fifth Ave. Bothwell, Herbert Cass, Theta 02, 616 W. 116th St. Boulton, Howard, Beta 07, 100 Broadway Bourn, Augustus Osborn, Jr., Sigma 99, Lamb- da OS, 15 William St. Bowler. Robert Bonner, Chi 04, 101 Park Ave. Boyd, Robert Munro, Jr., Beta 84, 233 Broad- way Bradford, Edward Anthony, Beta "JZ, N. Y. Times Annex, Times Sq. Bradford, Lindsay, Beta 14, 43 Exchange PI. Bradlev, Robert Holmes, Lambda 05, 14 Wall St. Brainerd. Ira Hutchinson, Delta 82, 92 Wil- liam St. Bravton. William .Stanton. Chi 93, General Electric Co., 30 Church St. Breed, James McVickar, Gamma 03, 32 Liberty St. Breed, William Charles, Gamma 93, 32 Liberty St. • Bremer, Laurence Harlan, Omicron 11, 41 Broad St. Brennan. Henry Durantiuct, Delta 01, 3 Maiden Lane. Brewster, George Stephenson, Beta 91, 51 Wall St. Brewster, James Henry, Jr., Beta 04, 27 Wall St. Brewster, Robert Stanton, Beta 97, 51 Wall St. Bridgetts, John Joseph, Jr., Delta 15, 2 Stone St. Briggs, Benjamin Franklin, Kappa 07, 15 Dey St. Brigham, Ernest Lord, Kappa 04. International Banking Corp., 60 Wall St. Brinley, John Rowlctt, Lambda 84, 156 Fifth Ave. Brinsmade, Paul .Stihvcll, Beta 12, Port Henry Iron Ore Co.. 2 Rector St. Bristol, Charles Lawrence, Delta 83, New York University, University Heights. New Yopk — Cont'd Bristol, Charles Lawrence, Jr., Delta 14, Sedg- wick Ave., University Heights. Bristol, Ralph. Beta 03, 15 Broad St. Bristow, William Benjamin, Beta 84, 2 Rec- tor St. Bronk, James Edmund, Gamma 14, Horn- blower & Weeks, 42 Broadway Bronson, Edward Bennet, Beta 65, 10 W. 49th St. Brooks, Alonzo Griffith, Pi 95, 47 Cedar St. Brooks, Harold Wilson, Beta 09, 23 Wall St. Brooks, Leonard, Gamma 96, 82 Beaver St. Brooks, Percy Willis, Kappa 90, 115 Broad- way Brower, Charles De Hart, Lambda 78, 141 Broadway , „ „ Brown, Archer Hitchcock, Phi 06, 2 Wall St. Brown, Bache Hamilton, Lambda 14, H. f, Lindeber?. 2 W. 47th St. Brown, Bernard Ross, Upsilon 20, 191 Clare- mont Ave. Brown, Herbert Padelford, Lambda 77, 52 Broadway Brown, James, Latnbda 83, 59 Wall St. Brown, John Crosby, 2d, Beta 15, 114 E. 30th St. Brown, Lowell Huntington, Phi 06, Lambda 09, 17 Battery PI. Brown, Richmond Lennox, Beta 07, 20 Ex- change PI. Brown. Thomas. Upsilon 97, Psi Upsilon Club, Manhattan Hotel Brown, Vernon Ross, Upsilon 20, 191 Clare- mont Ave. Brown, Walter Francis Anselm, Delta 10, Rolls- Royce Automobile Agency, 236 W. 54th St. Brown, Willard Heywood, Lambda 10, 838 Riverside Drive Brown, William Grant, Theta 95, 233 Broad- way Brown, Wilson Murdock, Delta 99, 2409 Grand Ave. Bruce, James Manning, Upsilon 72, 201 W. S5th St. Brush, Graham, Beta 02, 24 Broad St. Brush, Hamilton Mabie. Beta 08, 120 Broad- way Buck, Gurdon Saltonstalj, Lambda 71, 149 Broadway Buckley, Charles Ramsey, Lambda 74, 29 Broad- wav. Buckner, Tully Orton, Delta Delta IS, 483 West End Ave. Bulklev, Charles Stone, Beta 05, Lambda 08, 62 Cedar St. Bulkley, Edwin Muhlenburg, Delta 82, 25 Broad St. Bulkley, Erastus Brainerd, Beta Beta 90, Guar- anty Trust Co., 140 Broadway Bulklev, Erastus Walbridi?e, Delta 91, 25 Broad St. Bulkley, Henrv Duncan, Lambda 01, 1 Wall St. Bulkley, Joseph Edmund, Beta 99, 43 Cedar St. Bulkley, Joseph Norman, Lambda 89, 120 Broadway Bulkley, Kenneth, Lambda 06. 104 E. 81sr St. Bull, Ernest Miller, Chi 98, 17 Battery PI. Bull. Frederick Kingsbury, Beta 06, 30 Church St. Bull, Ludlow Seguine, Beta 07, 45 W. 53d St. Bullard, Arthur [Edwin], Psi 03. The Mac- millan Co., 64 Fifth Ave. Bunnell, Arthur Worthington, Beta Beta 11, 21 W. 46th St. Burbank, David Redman, Mu 94, 32 Nassau St. Burns, Edward, Jr., Chi 03, 140 Cedar St. Burns, Robert. Chi 07, 60 Wall St. Burt, George Frederick, Chi 90, Pi 90, 14 E. 33d St. 792 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX New York — Cont'd Bush, Edward Renshaw, Lambda 81, 69 Wall St. Butler, Lyman C'ollin.s, Lambda lo, 54 Wall St. Butler, Morris Bradford, Gamma 0], 141 Broad- way Butler, Nicholas Murray, Lambda 82, Colum- bia University Butler, Willard Parker, Lambda 78, 59 Wsll St. Butterworth, George Forrest, Lambda 74, 40 Wall St. Butterworth, George Forrest, Jr., Lambda 13, Bowers & Sands, 46 Cedar St. Byrnes, Horace Durar, Xi 00, 55 Liberty St. Calhoun, Cieorge Williams, Beta 17, care Patrick Calhoun. ,iO Broad St. Call, William Timothy, Kappa 80, 114 Liberty St. Callan, William, Phi 00, 61 Broadway Cammann, William Chesebrough, Lambda 91, 63 Wall St. Campbell, Benjamin Howell, Lambda 68, 5 \\ . 93d St. Campbell, [James] Shiras, Beta 00, 103 Park Ave. Campbell, William Mullan, Delta 98, 115 W. 42d St. Carbutt, Robert Foster, Tau 01, Henry L. Doherty & Co., 60 Wall St. Carhart, William Merle d'Aubigne, Beta 85, 616 Madison Ave. Carle, Robert Willets, Beta 97, 153 Water St. Carlton, Schuyler Casemate, Beta 87, 233 Broadway Carmalt, Woolsey, Beta 83, 45 Broadway Carpenter. Charles Edwin, Chi 88, Cutler- Hammer Mfg. Co., Times BIdg. Carpenter, Hallett Manning, Delta 94, 310 West End Ave. Carpenter, William Henry, Chi 80, Columbia University Carpentier, Horace W[alpole], Lambda 48, 108 E. 37th St. Carreau, Cyrille, Delta 04, Architects' BIdg, 101 Park Ave. Carrington, George Williams, Beta 16, 59 Wall St. Carroll, Bradish Johnson, Delta 89, Union Club, Fifth Ave. and 51st St. Carroll, Raymond Gonder, Pi 98, 70 Fifth Ave. Carter, Charles Frederick, Kappa 09, The New York Press Club Carter, Franklin, Jr., Beta 00, 929, 111 Broad- way Carter, [Judson] Raymond, Epsilon 02, 155 W. 65th St. Case, Louis Chester, Theta 14, Portland Cement Assn., 101 Park Ave. Casey, Edward Pearce, Lambda 86, 149 Broad- way Cass. William Barrett, Xi 96, Standard Statis- tics Co., 47 West St. Chambers. Henry Wick, Beta 99, 3631 Grand Central Terminal Chambers, Walter Boughton, Beta 87, 109 Broad St. Chappel, Alfred Hebard, Jr., 25 Broad St. Chase, Lewis [Nathaniel], Upsiloii 95, 18 Gramercy Park Chickering, Howard Everett, Phi 94, 30 Church St. Childs, Cleaveland Vernon, Delta 00, 45 Wall St. Chilson, Henshaw Bates, Gamma 76. 339 W. 19th St. Chisolm, Richard Schieffelin, Beta 97, 103 E. 86th St. Christian, Henry Prentiss, Delta Delta 20, 145 E. 49th St. Church, Douglas Jasperson, Zeta OS, 215 Fourth Ave. Churchill, Allen Leon, Kappa 95, 443 Fourth Ave. New York — Cont'd Churchill, William, Beta 82, Yale Club Cilley, Arthur Hutchins, Lambda 96, 126 E. 34th St. Clapp, Edwin Jones, Beta 04, New York Uni- versity Clapp, Parmly Scofield, Jr., Chi 19, 102 E. 31st St. Clark, Bainbridge Percy, Lambda 82, 1067 Fifth Ave. Clark, Edward Hardy, Jr., Beta 19, 470 Park Ave. Clark, John Cheesman, Xi 86, 34 Nassau St, Clark, William Livingston, Delta 77, 35 Nas- sau St. Clarke, Francis Cameron, Beta 87, Grand Cen- tral Terminal Clarke, Thomas Benedict, Jr., Beta 00, 527 Fifth Ave. Clary, Lyman Wells, Pi 99, 954 Eighth Ave. Clements, Theron Alvord, Xi 06, 115 Broad- way Cobb, Henry Evertson, Delta 84, West End Ave. and 77th St. Cobb, James Shepherd, Gamma 92, 53 W. 36th St. Coburn, George Hill. Delta 17, 2471 University Ave. Coe, Colles Johnston, Beta 15, 14 Wall St. Coe, George Albert, Pi 84 Upsilon 84, Union Theological Seminary Coe, Henry Eugene. Jr., Beta 17, 5 E. 10th St. Coffin, Fielder Juilliard, Chi 08, i7 Wall St. Coffin, Foster Meldrum, Chi 12, 576 Fifth Ave. Coggeshall, Murray Hart, Beta Beta 96, 128 Broadway Coggill, George, Beta 89, 40 Wall St. Calgate, Henry Auchincloss, Beta 13, 199 Ful- ton St. Colgate, Richard Morse, Beta 77, 199 Fulton St. Coll, Cristobal Thomas, Delta 03, 1834 Broad- way Collins, Charles Farnham, Beta 83, 50 W. 55th St. Collins, Howard Dennis, Beta 90, SO W. 55th St. Collis, Lloyd, Lambda 92, 50 Church St. Colt, Harris Dunscomb, Beta 84, 30 Broad St. Colter, John Rutledge, Pi 12, 195 Broadway Colter, Stanlev, Pi 06, 90 West St. Colton, Gordon Weir, Chi 01, LTnion Carbide Sales Co, 30 E. 42d St. Colton. Wendell Phillips, Beta 96, 165 Broad- way Colver, Frederic Beecher, Lambda 13, 38 Park Row Comfort, Harold Welsey, Delta Delta 20, 780 West End Ave. Comstock, Clarence Arthur, Lambda 98, 40 Exchange PI. Condit, Louis Ogden, Delta 03, 55, Wall St. Coney, George Eaton, Beta 76. 31 Nassau St. Congdon, Henry Martyn, Lambda 54, 18 Broad- way Conklin. Alfred Wilkinson. Chi 10, 68 Beaver St., Room 303 Conkling, Franklin IMadison Wright, Eta 03, 59 John St. Conlv, Dudley Irving, Upsilon 13, New York Tribune, 154 Nassau St. Conly, Leslie Marsland, Upsilon 07, 154 Nas- sau St. Connelly, Henry Murray Vincent, Delta 04, 111 Broadway Conwell, Walter Lewis, Tau 89, Safety Cai Heating & Lighting Co., 2 Rector St. Cooke, Hedley Vicars, Eta 83, 31 Nassau St. Cooke, Robert Grier, Eta 84, 542 Fifth Ave. Coombe, Reginald Gorton, Beta 18, 116 E. 63d St. Cooper, Richard Watson, Xi 90, Church Board of Education, 150 Fifth Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 793 New York — Cont'd Corby, Edmund Augustus, Pi 17, 220 \V. 42d St. Cornell, Alfred Buckhout, Delta Delta 18, 420 W. 130th St. Cornell, George Birdsall, Lambda 77, 95 Lib- erty St. Cornell Joseph Dclmontc, Gamma 10, 64 W. 107th St. Cornwall, Leon Hastings, Pi 07, 375 Park Ave. Corscaden, James Albert, Xi 02, 565 Park Ave. Coudcrt, Frederic Reni, Jr., Lambda 18, 124 E. S6th St. Coward, Edward Fales, Lambda 83, 61 Broad- waj' Cowlcs, Justus Albert Botes, Lambda S3, Trin- ity Bldg. Cramer, Reuben ^lelville, Zeta 77, 122 W. 73d St. Crawford, Charles Albert. Rho 96, Am. Sugar Refining Co.. 117 Wall St. Crawford, John William Roy, Beta Beta 88, 61 Broadway Croker, Richard Samuel, Sigma 01, 331 Madi- son Ave. Cromwell, Mcrritt Fowler. Beta Beta 13. Surgi- cal Narcosis Supply Co., 331 Fourth Ave. Cross, Harold Ingraham, Psi 13, 381 Fourth Ave. Cross, William Redmond. Beta 96, 33 Pine St. Culver, Charles Wesley, Theta 89, 52 Broadway Culver, Henry Brundage, Lambda 93, 27 Cedar St. Cunningham, Thomas Loughran, Delta 11, 219 W. 116th St. Curran, Henry Hastings, Beta 98, City Hall Curran, Hugh Grosvenor, Jr., Zeta 19, 25 Claremont Ave. Currier, Andrew Fay, Beta 78, The Globe, 7i Dey St. Curtis, Frederick Kingsbury, Beta 84, 30 Broad St. Curtis, William John, Kappa 75. 49 Wall St. Curtiss, Alfred Loomis, Beta 96, 147 W. 99th St. Curts, Boyd Graphic, Beta 05, 120 Broadway Cushman, Albert Percival, Kappa 13, Union Trust Co., 80 Broadway Cutts, Henry Eastman, Kappa 91, 181 Front St. Dalzicl, Arthur Yonge, Delta 08, 49 Wall St. Damon, .Mbert Howe, Pi 02, Times Anne.x, W. 43d St. Damon, William Ward. Pi 87, 903 Tribune Bldj. Dana, Arnold Guyot, Beta 83, 138 Front St. Dana, Charles Anderson, Lambda 02. 61 Broad- way Dana, Charles Loomis, Zeta 72, 53 W. 53d St. Dana, Harold Fessenden, Kappa 99, The Globe, 73 Dev St. Daniel, Leslie Moore, Delta 80, 68 Broad St. Dararh. Bradford. Tr., Lambda 99, Laminated Shim Co.. Inc., S?,}> Canal St. Darrach, William, Beta 97, 47 W. SOth St. Davenport, James Pierpont, Beta 77, 150 Nas- sau St. Davenport. Steplicn Rintoul Beta 15. Converse & Co., 79 Worth St. Davies, Julien Tappan, Lambda 66, 34 Nassau St. Davies, Julien Townsend, Lambda 91, 34 Nas- sau St. Davis, Edward Aaron, Zeta 13, 2 W". 47th St. Davis, Lawrence Alexander, Xi 08, 153 E. 24th St. Davis, Owen Warren, Kappa 64, 13.S W. 42d St. Davis, Thomas Monroe, Lambda 78, 127 E. 34th St. Davison [Frederick] Trubie, Beta 18, 12 W. 51st St. Davison, Henry James, Lambda 85, IS E. 40th St. New Yprk— Cont'd Davison. Richard Leech, Beta 13, 62 Cedar St. Day, Belden Seymour, Upsilon 81, 160 Broadway Day. Clarence Shepard, Jr., Beta 96, 258 Riverside Drive Day, Sherman, Beta 96, 55 Wall St. Dayton, Charles Henry, Gamma 02, Phoenix. Coal Co., 90 West St. Dean, Rollin Colegrove, Xi 09, 200 Fifth Ave. Deane, Joseph Griswold, Gamma 90, 45 Broad- way. De Camp, Charles Brandenburg, Beta 97, Yale Club Deering, James Rogers, Beta 02, 135 Broadway Defandorf, James Holmes. Xi 15. Rockefeller Inst., 66th St. and Ave. A deForest, Henrv Lockwood, Bet« 97. 30 Broad St. deForest, Johnston, Beta 96, 30 Broad St. deForest, Robert Weeks, Beta 70, 30 Broad St. dcKay, Sidnev Gilder, Lambda 02, Pittsburgh Plate Glass 'Co.. 322 Hudson St. Delafield, Maturin Livingston, Lambda, 56, Field- ston Rd. Delahanty, Thornton Augustus Washington, Lambda 16, 461 Fourth Ave. Delamater, John Oscar, Gamma 08, 76 William St. Delano. Moreau, Beta 98, 59 Wall St. Delano, William Adams, Beta 95. 4 E. 39th St. Delehanty, John Bradley, Chi 10. 2 W. 45th_St. Deming, Henry Champion, Beta 72, 56 E. S4th St. Deming, Laurent Clerc. Beta 83, 11 Pine St. Demorest, William Curtis, Lambda 81, 217 Broadway Demorest. William Jennings, Lambda 11, 527 Fifth Ave. Dcnison. Lindsay, Beta 95, Editorial Rooms, Evening World Denis. Frederic Sliepard, Beta 72, 62 E. 5.itli St. Depew, Chauncey, Mitchell, Beta 56, Grand Cen- tral Terminal dePeyster, Frederic A.shton, Lambda 99, HE. 86th St. ^ , DePuy, Henry Farr, Theta 83, 440 West End Ave. , Dewey, Henry Laidlaw, Delta 12, 401 Concord Ave. DeWitt, Clarence, Beta 96, 71 Broadway Dickerman, Horace William, Gamma 88, US Broadway , „ Dickinson, Howard Carter, Psi 05. 20 Broad St. Dickinson, Thorn, Delta Delta 11, Turner Con- struction Co., 11 Broadway Dicterlen, Gerald Emil. Psi 15, 374 Broadway Dikeman, Harry Clifford. Theta 16, 15 Dey St. Dillingham, Edwin Lynde, Beta 82, 597 Fifth Ave. Dillingham, Frederick Henry, Kappa 77, 500 West End Ave. Dimock, Edward Jordan, Beta 11, 20 Exchange PI. T)ix, Samuel Morris. Delta 81, 45 Nassau St. Dixon. Courtland Palmer, Beta 08, Dc Coppet & Co.. 43 Exchange PI. Dixon, George Arthur, Jr., Beta 13, 55 Wall St. Dixon, Theodore Polhemus, Beta 07, Law, Dixon & Co., 37 Wall St. Dockrav, Edward Lawton, Beta Beta 83, 54 Worth St. Dodge, David Stuart, Beta 57, 99 John St. Dominick, Bavard, Beta 94, 115 Broadway Dominick, Gayer Gardner, Beta 99, 115 Broad- way Dominick, George Francis, Jr., Beta 94, 49 Wall St Dominick, Lamont, Beta 95, 49 Wall St. Dominick, William Francis, Beta 98, Lambda 01, 3 W. 29th St. Dornin William Coffin, Lambda 94, 36 W. 3Sth St. 794 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX New York— Cont'd Douglas, Archibald, Lambda 94, 233 Broadway Douglas. Francis Kenneth, Zeta 16, 1917 Park Row Bldg. Douglas, Frederick William, Lambda 94, 38 Wall St. Douglas, George William, Beta Beta 71,5 E. 8Sth St. Doxiglas, lolin Slieafe, Lambda 90, 22 Thames St. Douglas, Walter Coolev, Zeta 10, 122 Cliambers St. Dowling, Laurence, Lambda 16, 627 W. 115th St. DuBois. Matthew Brinkerhoff. Lambda 64, 635 Park Ave. Dunning, Henry Sage, Chi 05, 17 E. 38th St. Dunning, J.acob Abramse Robertson, Beta 74, 141 Broadway Dupee, Charles, Beta 01, 64 Wall St. Dupignac [James] Dudley [Betts], Lambda 9S, 120 Broadway Durand, John Stewart, Beta 81, 81 Fulton St. Durant, Donold, Lambda 09, 43 Exchange PI. Durant, Wallace Leonard, Delta 96, 61 Broad- way Durland, Frederick Lovejoy, Chi 89, 15 Wall St. Duryee. Samuel Sloan. Beta 17, 139 E. 36th St. DuVal, Clive Livingston, Beta 03, 74 Broadway Dwight, Maitland, Lambda 14, 49 Wall St. Eastwick, Philip Garrett, Eta 92, Isaac Bran- don & Bros., 17 Battery PI. Eddy, Samuel Alden, Delta 80, 746 Custom House Edgerton, Frank Cruger, Xi 94, Beta Beta 94, 57 W. 58th St. Edminston, Hugh Caldwell, Jr., Chi IS, 45 Wil- liam St. Edmunds. Charles Carroll, Beta Beta 77, 4 Che!.=ea Sq. Edwards, Edwin Stiles, Pi 04, 70 Fifth Ave. Edwards, Richard Henry, Beta 01, 124 E 28th St. Eilert, John Kohler, Gamma 18. 569 W. 184th St Eliot. Douglas Fitch Guilford, Beta 09, 463 West Elliot, Edwin Day. Xi 18, 133 E. 3Sth St. Elliott, George Robert, Chi 81, 40 E 41st St Elliott, William, Lambda 81, 115 W 44th St Ellis, Charles Talcott, Chi 99, 37 Wall St. Ely, Albert Herman, Jr., Beta 15, 47 W. 56th 'St Emerson, Luther Wilson, Zeta 62 206 Broad- way Eunson, Louis St. Clair, Delta 04, Hotel Har- grave, 112 W. 72d St. Evj^ell, Robert Hall, Beta 03, 61 Broadway tales, Frederick Say wood Gamma 96 Standard Oil Co. of N. Y., 26 Broadway Faries, John Culbert, Mu 89, 90 Morningside Drtve Farnham, Joseph Holister, Sigma 14, Beacon Mfs. Co.. 50 Union Square. Farrier, Albert Moses, Zeta 07, 30 Church St. Fearey, Morton Lazell, Beta 98, 27 William St Fenner, Burt Leslie, Upsilon 91, 101 Park Ave' Ferguson, Alfred Ludlow, Beta 02, 15 William ot. Ferguson John Sherlock, Beta 00, 61 Broadway Ferguson, Walton, Beta Beta 63, 15 William St Ferguson, Walton, Jr., Beta Beta 93 15 Wil- liam St. Ferry, Mansfield, Beta 03. 34 Pine St. Fertig. John Hammond, Eta 87, 20 Broad St Fezandie. Eugene Hector, Lambda 18 16S E. 66th St. ' " Finch, Francis Eldon, Chi 11, 50- Church St finley. David Roy. Theta 13, Elmer Ave Schoo: Fisher, Henry Johnson, Beta 96, 22 William St. Fiske, William Sydney Walker. Beta Beta 06, .\meircan Diamalt Co., 1 182 Broadway Fitch, Morton Cross, Beta 03, 32 Nassau St. , Fitzgerald, John Joseph, Beta 14, 381 Fourth Ave. Flagler, Henry Harkness, Lambda 97, 1D3 Park Ave. New York— Cont'd Floy, Frederic Hoole, Xi 92, 120 Broadway Folsom, Henry Titus, Beta 83, 314 Broadway Folsom, Ralph Parker, Zeta 97, Manhattan State Hosp., Wards Island Foote, Edward Milton, Upsilon 86, 119 E. 40th St. Forbes, Howard Carpenter, Gamma 08, 66 Broadway Forbes, Jesse Franklin, Gamma 74, 156 Fifth Ave. Ford. William Hall, Beta 77, 2 R.-clor St. Forrest, Richard Earp, Beta 99, 50 l!road St. Forstall, Alfred Edmond, Eta 83, 84 William St. Foster, Allen Evarts, Beta 06, 49 Wall St. Foster, Frederic de Peyster, Lambda 68, 44 Wall St. Foster, Howard Peers, Delta 99, 50 Church St. Foster, Hugh Molleson, Lambda 99, 139 Cen- tre St. Foster, Roger [Sherman Baldwin], Beta 78, 55 Liberty St. Foster, Warren William, Zeta 81, 61 Broad- way Fowler, Arthur Anderson, Lambda 99, 30 Church St. Fowler, Carl Hitchcock, Mu 95, 55 Liberty St. Fowler, Franklin Hamilton, Beta Beta 61, 335 W. SSth St. Fowler. Robert Henry. Lambda 06, 11 E. 48th St. Fox, Alan, Beta 03, SO Pine St. Fox, Alanson Gibbs, Beta 00, 140 Broadway Fox, George Henry, Upsilon 67, 616 Madiosn Ave. Fox, Howard, Beta 94, 616 Madison Ave. Fox, Paul Henry, Delta 16, 937 Madison Ave. Frambach. Charles Lewis. Rho 03, 25 Broad St. F>ame, Stewart Maurer, Delta 20, 2131 Broad- way Frrincis. Pomeroy Tucker. Beta 12, Abbott, Johnson & Co., 120 Broadway Freeland. Henry Rankin, Delta 62, 604 River- side Drive Freeman, Charles Quackenbush, Delta 76, 236 E. 87th St. Freeman. Edward Woolsey, Beta 13, 5 Nassau St. French, John, Zeta 86, 59 Wall St. French, Seth Barton, Beta 11, 5 Nassau St. French, Warren Converse, Zeta 80, 41 Park Row Frost, Edward Inglis, Lambda 74, William C. Sheldon & Co., 71 Broadway Frost, Frederic Worthen. Xi 94, 60 Wall St. Frost. Walter Archer, Rho 04, 124 W. SSth St. Frv, Sheridan Brooks, Lambda IS, 25 W. 4Sth St. Fuller, Charles Dudley, Lambda 62, 139 Green- wich St. Fullcrton, Henry Suydam, Jr., Lambda 13, 488 Broadway. Fulton, Darrovy Bruce, Beta 19, 410 Riverside Drive Fulton, Louis Mills, Chi 74, 31 Nassau St. Gallatin. Goelet Lambda 00. 444 Madison Ave. Callaway Merrill Williams, Beta 92. 43 Cedar St. Gallien, Addison Judkins, Theta 86, 504 Grand St. Gainniell, Arthur Amory, Beta 11, 24 Broad St. Gannon, Joseph William, Zeta 99, Roval Baking Powder Co.. 135 William St. Garver, John Anson, Beta 75. SS Wall St. Gavin. Michael, :6eta 95, 14 Wall St. Gavlord. Clifford Willard, Omega 04, 47 W. 34th St. Gessler, Theodore Arthur, Delta 94, 30 Church St. Gibson. Hanson Cox, Delta 54, 48 Wall St. Gillespie. Harold Kenwood, Theta 19, 286 E. 201st St. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 795 New York— Cont'd Gillespie, Richard Henwood, Theta 89, Borough Hall. 177th St. and Third Ave. Gillet, Elmslie Morven, Lambda 68, 103 Front St. Gilmorc, Robert Capen, Beta 97, 381 Fourth Ave. Giiinel. William Slireve, Jr., Lambda 13, 330 W. 102d St. Giudiei, Samuel Edward. Delta 17, 182 \V. 88th St. Gladden, George, Chi 90, 44 E. 23d St. Glover, Edmund Patten, Psi 10, 43 Cedar St. (ioddard. Frederick Worth, Gamma 98, Joi:n- son & Higgins. 49 Wall St. Goffe. James Riddle, Phi 73, 171 W. 71st St. Goodwin. Frederick Charles, Upsilon 98, 19 Main St. W. Goodwin. William Burton. Beta 86, 2 Wall St. Gordon. Alexander. Beta 04. 61 Broadway (loreth, Frank William, Pi 91, 1 Madison Ave. Gorham, Edwin Samuel, Jr., Delta 08, 7 Wall St. Gosnell, Frank Lemuel, Upsilon 14, 600 W. 122d St. Gould. Francis Lewis. Delta i)?. 122 E. .'^4th .St. Gould. Frank Tav, Delta 99, 149 Broadway Gould, Henry Black, Gamma 03, 542 Fifth Ave. Gould. John Warren DuBois, Delta 02, 30 Church St. (iraham. H;'rvcv. Heta dS, Federal Sugar Refining Co., Ql Wall St. Graham. John Junior, Delta 95, 27 Cedar St. Graham, Samuel Junkins, Chi 09, 220 W. 19th St. Grannis. Pierrepont Edwards, Lambda 00, 1 Wall St. Grant, De Forest, Beta 91, 111 Broadway Grant, Harold Clark, Xi 08, 24 Walker St. Grant, Madison. Beta 87. Ill Broadway Greeff, Gerhard Ernest Hugh, Lambda 06, 342 W. 72d St. Greeley, William Bradford, Zeta 81, 38 Park Row Green, Douglas Bannan. Beta 04, 1 Liberty St. Greene, Carleton, Chi 91, 11 Broadway Greene, Frederick Davis, Gamma 85, 105 E. 22d St. Greene. George de Boketon, Chi 93, 43 Ex- change PI. Greenley. Howard Trescott, Beta Beta 94, 101 Park Ave. Greer, [Arthur] Lawrence, Beta 93, 37 Wall St. Grecory. Richard Harrington, Gamma 98, Western Electric Co., 195 Broadway Griffin. Walter Henry, Gamma 99, 2 Rector St. Griffith. Charles Edmund, Jr., Zeta 15, 126 Fifth Ave. Griggs. Rufus Theron, Psi 69, 31 Nassau St. Grinncll, George Bird, Beta 70, 238 E. 15th St. Griswold, Arthur Robbins, Beta 07, 381 Fourth Ave. Grosvenor, Edwin Prescott, Gamma 97, 40 Wail St. Grover. Adrian Grain, Pi 04, 24 Broad St. Gwinn. Frederick William, Beta Beta 72, 43 Leonard St. Hadden. Howard Stephens, Lambda 95, 220 Broadway Hadlev, Samuel Hopkins, Delta 01, Mutual Film Co., 71 W. 23d St. Hadlock. .\lbcrt F".mer>on. Zeta 87. Municipal BIdg. Hagcr. Albert Richard, Psi 86, 156 Broadway Haggart, George Sherwood, Theta 99, 200 Fifth Ave. Hahn. Clifford Aylward, Sigma 13. 1340 Munici- pal Bldg. Hahn. Frederic Halsted. Xi 19. 119 E. 35th St. Haight. Charles Sherman, Beta 92, 27 Wil- liam St. New York— Cont'd Hall, Cecil John, Gamma 14, 49 Claremont Ave. Hall, Charles Carroll, Zeta 65, 150 Nassau St. Hall, Frank Lorenzo. Beta 72, 30 Broad St. Hall, Louis Harrison, Gamma 97, 2 Rector St. Hall, Walter Albert, Delta 13, 31 Nassau St. Hall, William Winchester, Omega 72, 2006 Fifth Ave. Halsey, Charles Duffield Wreun, Omega 00, 62 Leonard St. Halsey, Eldrcd Absalom. Delta 19, 58 E. 177th St. Ham, Arthur Harold, Kappa 08. 130 E. 22d St. Hamilton, Edward P., Lambda 19, 627 W. 115th St. Hamlin, Arthur Sears, Beta 99, 15 Maiden Lane Hammond, Graeme Monroe, Lambda 79, 60 W. 55th St. Hampton, Foster Martin, Beta 16, Guaranty Trust Co., 140 Broadway Hancock, John Tiebout, Xi 09, 26 Liberty St. Hanford, William Cobb, Upsilon 09, 37 Wall St. Hanft, William August, Jr., Delta IS, 100 Hud- son St., 507. Hansl, Arthur Francis, Delta 06, 52 Broadway Hardcastle, Franklin, Jr., Eta 12, 233 Fourth Ave. Hare, George Ray, Gamma 90, 28 E. 38th St. Hare, Montgomery, Beta 93, 22 William St. Harkness, Edward Stephen, Beta 97, 26 Broad- way Harkness. William Harvest, Chi 97, 17 Battery PI. Harman. Edwin Thomas 2d. Xi 10. 54 Maiden Lane Harper, George Washington, Jr., Xi 02, 115 Broadway Harper, Russell Gage, Delta 12, Hambleton & Co., 43 Exchange PI. Harriman, Lewis Gilderslceve, Beta Beta 09, Coggcshall & Hicks, 128 Broadway Harriman, \\'illiam Averell, Beta 13, 165 Broad- way Harriot, Joseph Bloomfield, Lambda 84, 5 7 W. S8th St. Harris, Albert Hall, Upsilon 81, Grand Central Terminal Harris, Frank Park, Gamma 00, 111 Broadway Harris, William Wclton, Phi 89. New York Sun, 150 Nassau St. Hart, William Hall, Zeta 75, 534 Westchester Ave. Hartley, George Derwcnt, Beta Beta 93, 25 Broad St. Hartman, Lee Foster, Xi 01, 333 Pearl St. Harvey, George Lansing, Xi 13, 50 Northern Ave. Harvey, Walling Evert, Xi 15, 50 Northern Ave. Hatch, Henry Prescott, Beta 74, 71 Broadway Haven, George Griswold, Jr., Beta 16, 6 E. 53d St. Hay, Louis Condit. Beta 81. 7 Wall St. Hayden. Henry Whiting, Lambda 75, 16 Ex- change PI. Hayden, Tames Alexander, Upsilon 78, 342 W. 89th St. Heald, Daniel Addison, Beta 12. 56 William St. Heath, Charles Edwin, Theta 04, 165 Broad- way Hedges, James Sylvester, Lambda 11, 141 E. 25th St. Hazen, George Hannum, Delta 81, 381 Fourth Ave. Hcermance, Clavton T. Theta 01, 2 Rector St. Hcitkamp. Frederick William, Chi 96, 24 Walk- er St. Helms, Birch, Beta 09, 55 Liberty St. Hemenwav, Charles Francis, Psi 10, 99 Cham- bers St. Henderson, Peter, Beta 12, 35 Cortlandt St. 796 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX New York— Cont'd Henriques, Julian Nunes, Delta 81, 454 W. 144th St. Henry, William John, Pi 01, 11 Pine St. Henslcy, John Jackson, Theta Tlieta 11, 318 W. 57th St. Heroy, James Harold, Lambda 02, 322 Hudson St. Herrick, Harold Edward, Beta 12, 141 Broad- way Herriman, Samuel Cochran, Lambda 87, 30 Broad St. Herring, Hampden Walton. Beta 16, 25 Broad St. Hewitt, Edward Shepard, Lambda 01, 597 Fifth Ave. Hewitt, Dexter Wright, Gamma 11, Xi 11, Black Pub. Co., 470 Fourth Ave. Hewitt, Thomas Browning, Beta 64, 43 Cedar St. Heydon, Howard Raymond, Sigma 05, 736 Riverside Drive Hicks, De Forest, Beta Beta 96, 128 Broadway Higbie, Robert Winfield, Delta 82, 45 Broad- way I Higbie, Robert Winfield, Jr., Psi 15, 45 Broad- way Higgins, James Crane, Beta 02, 31 Nassau St. Hill, John J., Pi 03, James Stewart & Co., Inc.. 30 Church St. Hill, Richard Junius, Jr., Epsilon 13, Beta 14, 50 Broad St. Hill, Roger Richardson, Phi 06, Hotel Bilt- more Hill, Walter Clinton, Alpha IZ, 15 E. 14th St. Hill, William Burr, Beta 81, 160 Broadway Hillis, Richard Dwight, Beta 10, 38 W. 32d St. Hine, Edward Avery, Beta 86, 100 William St. Hine, Thomas Avery, Beta 11, 100 William St. Hinrichs, Frederic William, Lambda 74, 52 Wall St. Hiss, William Jacob. Eta 95, 195 Broadway, Am. Telephone and Telegraph Co. Hitchcock, Edward Wilcox, Gamma 99, 600 W. 122d St. Hitchcock, Frederick Hills, Gamma 91, 105 W. 40th St. Hixon, Edward [Dinsmore] Bryan, Chi 83, 2},i Broadway Hoard, Eric Baker, Upsilon 16, 216 Jay St. Hobart, Henry Morgan, Zeta 05, 119 W. 40th St. HofFman, JTohn], Chauncey, Iota 89, Hotel St. George Holden, Arthur Cort, Lambda 15, 101 Park Ave. Holland, Nelson Clarke, Beta 99, Grand Cen- tral Terminal Hollister, Buell, Beta OS, 55 Wall St. Holme, Horace, Delta 07, 200 Fifth Ave. Holme, William, Delta 06, Chevrolet Motor Co., Slst St. and Broadway Holt, Calvert, Si?ma 17, 1790 Broadway Holt, Hamilton, Beta 94, 119 W. 40th St. Hooker, Henry Stewart, Beta 02, 52 Wall St. Hopkins, Franklin Whetstone, Beta 80, 25 Broad St. Hoppin, Bayard Gushing, Beta 07, 5 Nassau St. Hoppin, Gerard Beekman, Beta 91. 45 Wall St. Hoppin, William Warner, Beta 01, 32 Nassau St. Hotchkiss, Horace L. 3d, Lambda 18, 30 Broad St. Hotchkiss, Lucius Wales, Lambda 81, 59 W. 48th St. Hotchkiss, Raymond Bell, Lambda 11, 19 Lib- erty St. Hough, Benjamin Olney, Upsilon 86, 17 Bat- tery PI. Houghton, Edwin John, Delta 18, 1749 Mont- gomery Ave. Houghton, William Morris, Kappa 03, New York Tribune. Houston, Gray Jones, Rho 08, 60 Wall St. New York— Cont'd Houston, Herbert Sherman, Omega 88, 11 W. 32d St. Howard, James Merriam, Beta 09, 2860 Valen- tine Ave. Howe, Arthur, Beta 12, 194 Riverside Drive Howe, Henry Almy, Beta 09, 194 Riverside Drive Howell, Hampton Pierson, Beta 91, 616 Madi- son Ave. Howes, Reuben Wing 3d, Lambda 98, 34 W. 10th St. Howland, Max Franklin, Xi 03. 1S3S Broad- way Hoyt, Gerald Livingston, Beta 72, 5_: William St. Hubbard, Louis Vaughan, Gamma ?7, 233 Broadway Hubner, George Hartmann, Gamma, 15, 42 Broadway Hudson, Charles Alan, Lambda 11, 36 Wall St. Hudson, Hans Kierstede, Lambda 08, 36 Wall St. Hudson, Hendrik, Lambda 04, 37 Liberty St. Hudson, Percy Kiersted, Lambda 99, 61 Broad- way Hull, George Huntington, Jr., Beta 02, 27 Pine St. Hume, Arthur Carter, Beta 92, 40 Pine St. Hungerford, Edward, Pi 99, 51 Broadway Hunt, Arthur Prince, Gamma 97, 5 Chelsea Sq. Hunt, Thomas. Beta 76, 15 William St. Huntington, Dwight \Villiams, Beta 73, The Game Breeder, 150 Nassau S't. Huntington, [James Coleman] Ford, Beta 91, 15 Dey St. Huntington, Semuel, Beta 63, 176 Broadway Hurd, George Arthur, Beta 90, 55 Liberty St. Hurd, Richard Melancthon, Beta 88, 59 Liberty St. Hurlbut, Charles Chase, Xi 94, Chi 96, 101 Park Ave. Hurley. John Robert, Kappa 09, 50 Pine St. Hutchins, Augustus Schell, Gamma 79, 84 Wil- liam St. Hyde, Donald Robertson, Beta 12, 50 Vander- bilt Ave. Ide, George Edward, Beta 81, 256 Broadway Imbrie, G[eorge] Kennedy, Chi 11, 61 Broad- way Ingraham, Edgar Blakelev, Pi 12, 30 Church St. Irwin, John Vosburgh, Delta 94, 203 Broadway Irwin, William Fletcher, Delta 03, 35 Thomas St. Isbell. Orland Sidney, Beta 88. Lawyers' Mort- gage Co., 59 Liberty St. Iserman, Russell Valentine, Delta 13, F. J. Lisman & Co., 61 Broadway Lslin, Ernest, Lambda 98, 36 Wall St. Ives, Frederick Parson, Zeta 19, 610 W. n6th St. Ives, Lee Emmet, Mu 06, 10th Ave. and 36th St. Ivison, Maynard Cady, Beta 18, 12 W. 48th St. Ivison, William Crane, Beta 92, 71 Broadway Jackson, Edwin Eliphalet, Jr., Gamma, 89, 233 Broadway Jameson, Henrv William Beta 72, P. S. No. 6, 85th St. and Madison Ave. Jansen. John .Mbert Choate, Gamma 00, A. Klipstcin & Co., 644 Greenwich St. Jay, John, Beta 98, 152 E. 79th St. . Jay, Pierre, Beta 92, Equitable Bldg. Jenkins. John Foster, Lambda 84, 5940 Grand Central Terminal Jennings, Percy Hall, Beta 04, American Trad- ing Co.. 25 Broad St. Jennings, William Nevinson, Jr., Xi 03, The Carey Printing Co., 10th Ave. and 36th St. Jessup, Albert Beardsley, Eta 95, 2 Rector St. Johnson, Edward Martin, Mu 95, 240 River'iide Drive GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 797 New York— Cont'd Johnson, Henry, Mil S9, Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ. Tohnson, Henry Boynton, Zeta 83, 11 Wall St. Johnson, James Ford. Jr., Beta 10, 120 Broad- way Johnson, John Esrey, Chi 92. 52 William St. fohnson, Stuart Holmes, Beta 14, 334 Fourtli Ave. Johnson. Wallace Bradley, Psi IS, 118 W. 57th St. Johnson, Willis Fletcher, Delta 19, 154 Nassau St Johnston, John Herbert, Beta 77, 30 Broad St. John.ston, IJohn] Stuart, Gamma 98. 152 Madi- son Ave. Tones, Edgar Allan, Xi 12, 1111, 143 Liberty St. Jones. Hubert Darrell, Xi 12, 4746 Wliite Plains Ave. Jones, Walter Falke. Psi 08. 40 E. 62d St. Joy, James Richard, Beta 85, 150 Fifth Ave. ludd, James Strong. Xi 35. 729 Seventh Ave. "judge. Frederick Basil, Delta 08. 32 W. 84th St. Tudson, Frederick Arthur, Beta 64, 140 Cedar St. Junkins, Sydney Edwin, Zeta 87, 62 Cedar St. Kearney, Thomas, Beta 99, 115 Broadway Keator, Frederic Rose, Beta 02. 22 Exchange PI. Keeley, Frank Bergen. Delta 90, 500 W. 59th St. Kellev, Robert Weeks, Beta 74, 26 Beaver St. Kelley, William Valentine, Xi 65, 150 Fifth Ave. Kellogg. Macintosh, Beta 99, 115 Broadwav Kelly, Elisha Warfield. Phi 89, 20 Broad St. Kelsey, Clarence Hill. Beta 78, 176 Broadwav Kelsey, Henry Fowle Durant, Xi 92, 55 Wall ^St. Kemmerer, John Leisenring, Gamma 93, 143 ^ Liberty St. Kennedy, Leonard, Beta 09. 28 Nassau St. Kent, Stephen Girard, Delta Delta 11. Lambda 14. Shearman & Sterling, 55 Wall St. Keppel, David. Lambda 01, 4 E. 39th St. Keppel, Frederick Paul. Lambda 98, Columbia University Kerr. Donald Craig. Chi 12, Westinghouse, Church. Kerr & Co.. 37 Wall St. Kerr. Robert Bage, Beta 85, 74 Broadway Kessinger, Frederick Ernst. Psi 95, 2 Rector .St. Ketcham, Henry Belden, Beta 87, 2 Rector St. Kielland. Casper Marvin, Eta 16, Beta 16, Redmond & Co.. 2,7, Pine St. Kiersted, Everest Beach, Chi 75, 33, 45 Wall St. Kilburn, Clarence Evans, Chi 16. 220 W. 42d St. Kilpatrick. John Reed, Beta 11, 51 Wall St. King, Arthur Marcus, Delta 90, 49 Wall St. King. Charles Arthur, Lambda 05, 101 Park Ave. Kin?, Henry Palmer. Xi 83, 135 W. 123d St. Kingslev, Charles Parkhurst, Beta 15, 45 Wall St. Kingslev, William Morgan, Delta 83, 45 Wall St. Kip, Henrv Spies, Beta 96, 7 Wall St. Kirby. Harold Stilwell, Thcta 00, Tau 00, 690 Sixth Ave. Kirkpatrick, Harold Clement, Chi 16, 170 Broad- way Kirkwood, William Arnot, Delta 90, 11 '^4 W. 84th St. Kissam, Henry Snyder, Lambda 86, 25 Madison .^ve. Kitchel, William Llovd, Beta 92, 40 Wall .St. Kleitz. William Lambert, Chi 15, 37 Wall St. Knapp, James Hoyt, Beta 96, 25 Madison Ave. Knapp, Wallace Percv, Beta 86, 2 Rector St. Kneeland, Yale, Beta 90, 202 Produce Ex- change Knowles Francis [Wallace], Xi 86, 120 Broad- way Knox, Herman Warren, Beta 02, 115 Broadway Knudson. Edward Chevalier, Gamma 13, N. Y. Telephone Co.. 15 Dey .^t. New York— Cont'd Kountze, Herman Davis, Beta 97, 257 Broad- wav Kountze, William deLancey, Beta 99, 141 Broad- way Lackland, Edgar Conrad, Beta 96, 70 E. 45th St. Ladew, Joseph Harvey, Lambda 87, 813 Madison Ave. La Fetra, Linnaeus Edford, Xi 91, 113 E. 61st St. Laigren, Robert Irving, Xi 13, 32 Liberty St. l.aird, Louis Krum Richards, Psi 96, 280 Madison Ave. Lamb, Albert Richard, Beta 03, 101 E. 74th St. Lambert, Samuel Waldron, Beta 80, 130 E. 35th St. Lambert, Samuel \\ aldron, Jr., Beta 19, 130 L. 3Stli St. Landon, Harold Morton, Beta 11, 29 Broadway Landon, Henry Hutton, Jr., Beta 17, 19 E. 5od St. Lane. Charles Harvey, Xi 64, Union League Club Langstroth, Earl, Beta 09, 220 Broadway. Lanthurn, William Walter, lota 87, ill. Fourth Ave. Lasher, Duncan MacMillan, Lambda 11, 14 Wall St. Lasher, John Kennedy, Jr., Lambda 14, 52 Broadway Latting, Charles Percy, Beta 11, 34 Pine St. Lawrance, Charles Lanier, Beta 05, 1790 Broad- way Lawrence, George Alfred, Lambda 07, 142 VV. 86th St. Lawrence, George Francklyn, Jr., Beta 19, 19 Madison Ave. Lawrence, William Witherle, Kappa 98, Hall of Philosophy, Columbia University Learv, James Bartlett, Lambda 19, Zl E. 49lh St: Le Baron, William, Omega 05, Delta 05, 416 W. 13th St. Lee, Albert, Beta 91, 449 Fourth Ave. Leech, Robinson, Beta 06, 27 Cedar St. Leon, Harry MacConnell, Theta 10, 54 Maiden Lane Leonard, Lawrence Morin, Tau IS, Vogue, 443 Fourth Ave. Leoser, John, Eta 16, Henry W. Peabody & Co., 17 State St. Lester, John Crego, Zeta 77, 432 Madison Ave. Lewis, Edward Robert, Chi 91, Phi 91, 47 Cedar St. Lewis, Raymond Williams, Beta 11, 41 E. 70th St. Lexow, Charles King, Alpha li. Hall of Records Lincoln, John Larkin, Sigma 11, 101 W. 55th St. Lindquest Albert Charles, Omega 15, 1 W. 34th St. Lippincott, William Jackson, Beta 14, 5 Nassau St. Little, Luther Bartlett. Zeta 82, Metropolitan Life Ins. Co.. 1 Madison Ave. Lockhard. Charles Archibald, Jr., Pi 17, 120 Broadway Lord, Frederick Reuben. Lambda 92, 15 Broad St. Loucks, William Dewey, Theta 00, 120 Broad- way Low, Benjamin Robbins Curtis, Beta 02, 30 Broad St. Low, George Cabot Ward, Beta 06, Zi W. 4 2d St. Low, Scth II. Beta 16, 30 E. 55th St. Low. William Gilman, Jr., Lambda 00, 61 Broad- way Lowe, Gerald Arthur, Eta 95, Lambda 97, 49 Wall St. Luce, Robert Lee, Beta 89, 1 Liberty St. Lunt, George, Delta 10, Psi Upsilon Club, Hotel Manhattan Lupinski, Hugo Houghton, Delta 12. 165 Broad- way 798 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX New York — Cont'd Lyman, Alexander Steele, Delta 84, 3514 Grand Central Terminal Lyman, Frank, Alpha 74, 14 Wall St. Lyman, Hart, Beta 7i, 65 W. 54th St. Lyman, Huntington, Beta 16, 65 W. 54th St. McAlpin Geo-ge Lodowick, Beta 79, 68 William St. , , McCarthv, Dennis Percy, Chi 12, Semet-Solvay Co.. 30 E. 42d St. McClave, Donald, Lambda 07, 18 and 141 Broad- way McClintock, James Robinson, Upsilon 05, 170 Broadway McCook, Philip James, Beta Beta 95, 15 Wil- liam St. McCullough, Hall Park, Beta 94, 15 Broad St. McDavitt, John Frank, Zeta 07, 120 Broad- way McDonell, Frank Williams, Chi 19, 3207 Hull Ave. McDowell, Richard, Delta 18, 555 W. 173d St. AIcFarlin. Charles Kirk, Delta Delta 12, The Barrett Co.. 17 Battery PI. McGee, Donald Ashbrook, Beta 06, 199 Ful- ton St. McGhie, Philip Bowden, Beta 13, 7 Wall St McKee, James Harper, Eta 15, 610 W. 116th St. McKim. Le Roy. Beta 97, 9 W. 48th St. McKim, Winthrop, Beta 94, 44 Pine St. McLane, Guy Richards, Beta 95, 26 Broadway McLane, Thomas Sabine, Beta, 98, 9 E. 44th St. McLaren, William Augustus, Lambda 90, 70 W. 55th St. McLintock. Archibald. Delta 02, 17 Battery PI. McLintock, Herbert Montgomery, Lambda 03, 71 Broadway MacArthur, Robert Stuart, Upsilon 67, 123 W. 57th St. Macdonald, Robert Montgomery, Delta 19, 220 Wadswnrth Ave. Mackay, Donald Sage, Jr., Delta Delta 14, 600 W. 122d St. MacKenzie, Duncan Rae, Delta 17, 508 W. 172d St. MacLenathen, Harrison Wood, Pi 98, 163 Broadway Macmullin, Robert Burns, Kappa 18, 162 W. 73d St. Madan, Julian Appleton. Lambda 99, Pittsburgh Plate Glflss Co., 322 Hudson St. Magrath, Arthur Jocelyn Herbert, Delta 09, 31 Nassau St. Magruder. Henry Latham, Beta 89, Yale Club. iXTnir. George, Xi 16, 600 W. 122d St. Mallon, George Barry. Gamma 87, Butterick Bldg., Spring and Macdougal Sts. Mallory, Philip Rogers, Beta 08, 51 E. 42d St. Mallory, Robert, Jr.. Beta 09, 25 Broad St. Manice. William De Forest, Beta 11, 2 Rec- tor St. Mann, John Lerov, Zeta 94, 2500 Municipal Bldg. Mapes, Charles Halsted, Lambda 85, 143 Lib- erty St. Marcus, Chapin, Gamma 08, 544 Fifth \ve. Marcus, William Elder, Jr., Beta 06, 544 Fifth Ave. Marshall, Charles Henry, Beta 13, 71 Broad- way Marshall, Henry Rutgers, Lambda 7Z, 3 W. 29th St. Marshall, John Knox, Zeta 06, 67 Beekman St. Martin, Allen Gerard, Eta 12, 82 Beaver St. Marvin, Walter Rumsey, Beta 93, 409 W. ISth St. Mason, Alfred Bishop, Beta 71, 150 W. S9th St. Mason, Eugene Waterman, Jr., Sigma 99, 52 Vanderbilt Ave. Mason, Lucius Julius, Zeta 93, 342 W. S6th St. New York— Cont'd Mason, Stephen Waterman, Sigma 04, 39 Leon- ard St. Masterson, Charles Fred, Theta 13, New York Telephone Co., 15 Dey St. Masury, Alfred Fellows, Sigma 04, 64th St. and West End Ave. Maxwell, Robert, Beta 87, 334 Fourth Ave. Maxwell, William Kilpatrick, Phi 90, 45 Wall St. Meacham, Malcolm, Delta 07, 21 Park Row Mead, Frederick, Beta 71, 138 Pearl St. Mead. Paul Emerson, Sigma 02, 43 Cedar St. Medbery, Stephen Clark, Jr., Theta 99, 94 W. 162d St. Meeker, Harold Denman, Xi 98, 220 W. 79th St. Meigs, Walter, Beta 98, 10 E. 43d St. Merrill, Charles Edmund, Jr., Beta 98, 432 Fourth Ave. Merrill, Oliver Boutwell, Gamma 91, 910 Flat- iron Bldg. Merrill, Payson McLane, Beta 02, 9 E. 44th St. Merwin, Richard Berkley, Chi 18, 314 W. 105th St. Merwin, Timothy Dwight, Beta 77, 2 Rector St. Messimer, Onslow Wotten, Phi 03, 101 Park Ave. Milbank. Robert Watkinson, Jr., Lambda 14, 320 Fifth Ave. Milbank, Vinton King, Lambda 20, 302 W. 87th St. Millard, Charles Warren, Delta 93, 25 Broad St. IMillard, William Jeremiah, Delta 93, Lambda 94, Municipal Bldg. Miller, Charles Coleman, Lambda 89, 68 Wil- liam St. Miller, Charles Eugene, Jr., Pi 06, 160 Broad- way Miller, Charles Sumner, Beta 77. 2 Rector St. Miller, Tames Ely, Beta 04, 358 Fifth Ave. Miller. John Oliver, Delta 11, 39 W. 32d St. Millholen, Herbert Eugene, Chi 89, 51 Cham- bers St. Mills, Edward Shorney, Beta 06, 443 Fourth Ave. Milne, Douglas Duncan, Gamma 16, Am. Tel. & Tel. Co., IS Dey St, Minds, George Wilson. Tau 11, 120 Broadway Mitchell, Andrew William, Jr., Rho 96, 27 W. 4th St. Mitchell, Edward Page, Kappa 71, ISO Nassau St. Mitchell, William, Lambda 68, 44 Wall St. Mix. Robert Johnson, Pi 79, 217 Broadway Moffat. Edward Stewart. Lambda 99, Woman's World Magazine, 2X0 ^fadison Ave. Moffitt. Charles Todd. Pi 86, 968 .\nderson .\vc. Montgomery, Robert Cornelius, Xi 10, 49 Clare- mont Ave. Montgomery, William Randolph, Xi 11, 60 Wall St. Moore, Douglas Stuart, Beta 15, 27 Cedar St. Moore, Harriot Van Deventer, Gamma 01, 52 William St. "Moore, Hcnrv Nelson. Lambrl:i 08 14" Ave. B Moore, Samuel Booth, Jr., Xi 08. 225 Fifth Ave. Moore. Willard Crislie, Epsilon 10, 106 W SSth St. Moorhead, Donaldson St. Clair, Mu 15, 80 Maiden Lane Moorhead, John Joseph, Delta 94, 115 E. 64th St. Morehouse, Henry Lyman, Upsilon 58, 23 E. 26th St. Morgan, Daniel Harris, Beta 03, 40 Wall St. Morgan, T James] Lancaster, Lambda 88, 25 Broad St. Morgan, John Hill, Beta 93. 20 Exchange PI. Moricc, John Henry, Tau 97, 35 Worth St. y GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 799 New York— Cont'd Monill, Milton Dana, Kappa 98, 223 E. 17th St. ^Morris, Benjamin W'istar, Beta Beta 93, Lamb- da 94, 101 Park Ave. Morris, Paul Winters, Upsilon 88, 30 E. 20th ■St. Morse, John Plunkett, Upsilon 95, 822 Powers Bldg. Morse, Richard Gary, Beta 62, 124 E. 28th St. Mosher, John Chapin, Delta Delta 14, 95 Madi- son Ave. Mosle, Augustus Henry, Beta 89, 30 Broad St. Mosle, George Rudolph, Beta 86, 16 Exchange PI. jMott, Hopper Striker, Lambda 77, 778 Elev- enth Ave. Mowe, William Robert, Beta Beta 70, 68 Wil- liam St. Mulford, Robert, Lambda 84, 35 Wall St. Mullally, Mandeville, Beta 98, 29 Broadway Munro, George, Delta OS, 594 Broadway Munroe, George Edmund, Beta 74, 186 Madi- son Ave. Munson. Alexander McKec, Beta 16, Hayden, .Stone & Co., 25 Broad .St. Munson, Curtis Burton, Beta 16, Hayden Stone & Co., 25 Broad St. Munson. Robert Hallam, Beta 79, 25 Broad St. Murnane, George Francis, Eta 10, 61 Broad- way Murray, Lawrence Newbold, Beta 17, 32 W. 39th St. Murray. William D, Beta 80, 76 William St. Myers, Thaddeus Halstead, Beta 81, 59 W. 50th St. Myers, Walker James, Phi 14, Henry Holt & Co., 34 W. 33d St. Xabstedt, Arthur Theodore, Beta 10, 80 Maiden Lane Naumann Harry Froass, Tlieta 14. Underwrit- ers Bureau of Middle and Southern States, 1 Liberty St. Naylor, Emmett Hay, Zeta 09, 18 E. 41st St. Neal, Chester Trenholm, Beta 05, 2 Rector St. Neave, Charles, Beta 88, 5 Nassau St. Neeser, Rudolph, Lambda 95, 36 Wall St. Nelson, Joseph Horton, Beta 83, 932 120 Broaa- way Nesbit, Robert Cecil, Beta 95, 340 Madison Ave. Noble, Floyd Clark, Lambda 05, 42 Broadway North, James Harper, Jr., Lambda 87, New ^'ork Life Ins. Co., 346 Broadway Norton, Algernon Sidney, Delta 92, 256 Broad- way Norton, James Eddy, Chi 80, 63 Park Row Noyes D[anicl] Raymond, Beta 05, 59 Wall St. Noyes, [Frederick] Jansen, Chi 10, 37 Wall St. Oakes, Herbert Henry, Kappa 04, 55 Wall St. O'Brion, William Lewis, Zeta 97, 30 E. 42d St. O'Connor, George Watson, Lambda IS, 103 Park Ave. O'Connor, Michael Joseph, Lambda 81, 103 Park Ave. OConnor, William -Moysius, Lambda 97, 120 Broadway Odell, Charles Frederick, Beta 86, Huyler's, 64 Irving PI. Odell, Lansing David, Xi 08, 316 Broadway O'Donnell, William Charles, Jr., Pi 92, 31 E. 27th St. Ogden, Charles Walton, Lambda 95, 48 Beaver St. Opdcn, Herbert Gouverncur, Chi 97, 2813, 120 Broadway Ogden, Louis Mansfield, Lambda 88, 25 Broad St. Olcott, :\Iorgan, Delta 18, 3332 Univer.'sity Ave. Olmsted, Ellis Fayette, Pi 03. Times Bid?. Olney, John Slayback, Xi OS, 33 New St. Olyphant, Robert ilorrison. Lambda 06, 7 Wall St. Opdyke, Alfred [Charles Post], Delta 90, 31 Nassau St. New York— Cont'd Opdyke, Henry Beach, Delta 60, 416 W. 118th St. Opdyke, Ralph, Delta 95, 40 E. 41st St. Opdyke, William Styker, Delta 56, 31 Nassau St. Orr, David, Delta 97, 40 Wall St. Orr. William Charles, Jr., Lambda 12, Eastman, Dillon & Co.. 71 Broadway Osgood, Alfred Townscnd, Beta 95, 40 E. 41st St. Outwater, Herbert Gregor, Delta 09, 18 E. 41st St. Packard, Charles E., Pi 07, S.'chermerhorn Bldg., Columbia Uniyersity Paddock, Lincoln, Lambda 10, 141 W. 70th St. Paddock, Robert Allan, Beta 92, 49 Wall St. Paddock, Royce, Lambda 10, Bellevue Hospital Paige, Robert Weisc. Zeta UO, 1328 Broadway Paine, John Fiske, Sigma 98, 366 Fifth Ave. Painter, Henry McMahon, Beta 84, 62 W. 55th St. Painter, Thomas Ale.xis, Lambda 81, 79 Eighth Ave. Palen, George, Delta 69, 15 Wall St. Palmer, Roger Stern, Lambda 12, Wm. A. Read, 32 Nassau St. Paquin, Samuel Sayil, Mu 94, 729 Seventh Ave. Pardee, Charles Laban, Beta 84, 281 Fourth Ave. Pardee, Irving Hotchkiss, Lambda 12, 74 W. ISth St. Paris, Irving, Beta IS, 124 E. 72d St. Park, Edwin Avery, Lambda 14, 2 W. 47th St. Parker, Morris Ketchum, Beta 01, 37 Wall St. Parker-Smith, Augustus, Eta 84, 61 Broadway Parkhurst, Henry William, Delta 19, 501 W. lo8th St. Parsons, Henry, Lambda 88, 68 Broad St. Parsons, Henry Ivison, Beta 95, Spencer Trask & Co., 25 Broad St. Parsons, William Henry, Beta 82, 174 Fulton St. Parsons, William Henry, Jr., Beta 10. 174 Fulton St. Parsons, William Usher, Lambda 98, 68 Broad St. Partridge, W'illiam Ordway, Lambda 85, 15 W. 38th St. Patterson, Charles Henry, Zeta 64, 16 \N'. 87th St. Patterson, George Elliott, Eta 11, Delta 11, 30 Church St. Patterson, Roswell Miller, Beta 00, Clinch- field Products Corp., 120 Broadway Pattison, Arthur Eugene, Gamma 11, 20 Ex- change PI. Paulding, Charles Cook, Beta 89, Grand Cen- tral Terminal Payne, Charles Hart, Sigma 82, 111 Broadway Payne, Stephen Henry, Pi 92, Phi 92, 30 Church St. Payson, Armour Phillips, Delta 07, 10 Seaman Ave. Payson, William Farquhar, Lambda 96, 450 Fourth Ave. Peabody, William Wirt, Iota 86, 61 Broadway Peale, John Wesley, Eta 85, Grand Central Terminal Bldg. Pearson, Frederick Ambrose, Beta 14, 115 Broadway Pearson, Lucien Dean, Delta Delta 14, 600 W. 122d St. Peaslee, Edmund Witherbee, Beta 13, 17 Wash- ington Sq., N. Peaslee, Edward Henry, Beta 72, 250 Fifth Ave. Peattie, Edward Cahill, Phi 06, 2 W. 47th St. Peck, Carl Robinson, Xi 96, N. Y. C. R. R., 5413 Grand Central Terminal Peck, Edward Stuart, Delta 04, 61 Broadway Peek, Robert Lee, Jr., Lambda 19, 627 W. llSth St. 800 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX New York— Cont'd Peet. Robert Edward, Lambda 88. U. S. Wor- sted Co., 254 Fourth Ave. Pell, Howland, Lambda 76, 31 Nassau St. Pelton, Henrv Hubbard, Beta Beta 93, 345 W. 8Sth St. ,„ , ^ , Penny, Vernon Kellogg, Zeta 17, 627 W. 115th Perkins, Charles Albert, Zeta 90, 61 Broadway Perkins, J Wentworth, Psi 08, Columbia Uni- vcrsity Perry, Edward Owen, Psi 03, 148 VV. 16th St. Perry, Reginald, Delta 08, New York Sun, 150 Nassau St. , ,,, Pctigrue, Winfrcd King, Xi 13, Breed, Abbott & Morgan, 32 Liberty St. PhelDS, Ansel, Beta 94. 36 Wall St. Phelps, Dudley, Beta 83, 2 Rector St. Phelps, John Jay, Beta 83. 100 Broadway Philbin, Ewing Reginald, Beta 11, 52 William St Philbin, Jes.se Holladay, Beta 13, 120 Broad- Philbin, Stephen Holladay, Beta 10, 60 Wall Phillips, Bruce Gretton, Delta 96, 206 W. 86th St. Piatt, Robert Arnold, Phi 12 Pickering, Clinton Victor, Lambda 19, 119 W . 40th St. Pierce, John Alexander, Kappa 01, 501 \V . 113th St. „, ,, • Pierce, Henry Hill, Kappa 96, 49 Wall St. Pierson, Charles Wheeler, Beta 86, 120 Broad- way Pike, Gordon Brainerd, Xi 88, Beta 89, Flagg & Co., 109 Broad St. Pinchot, Amos [Richards Eno], Beta 97, 60 Broadway Pine, John Buckley, Lambda 17, 63 Wall St. Pisek, Godfrey Roger, Delta 94, 26 E. 64th St. Pisek, Vincent, Delta 82, 347 E 74th St. Place, Hermann Gauntlett, Chi 17, 268 W. 77th St. ^ , ^ , Place, Ira Adelbert, Chi 81, Grand Central Terminal , „ Place, Willard Fiske, Chi 18, 268 W. 77th St. Piatt. Frank Hinchman, Beta 11, 120 Broad- way Piatt, Livingston. Beta 07, 120 Broadway Plummer, Franklin Atkins, Lambda 88, 71 Broadway Polhemus, Henry Martin, Lambda 12, 15 E. ■*Oth St. ,„ „ , Pollock, George Edward, Beta 78, 37 W. 47th Pomeroy, Arthur Cleveland, Xi 95, 16 E. 42d Pomroy, Henry Keney, Lambda 75, 30 Pine St. Poole, Austin Meigs, Delta 87, Lambda 88, 25 Pine St. Porter, Fitz John, Lambda 12, 15 Broad St. Porter Luther Henrv. Chi 79, 435 E. 24th St. Porter, Nathan Todd, Jr., Beta 90, 108 Worth St. Potter, Alonzo, Beta 94, 25 Broad St. Pounds, William Stilson, Zeta 11, N. Y. Edi- son Co.. 130 E. 15th St. Powell, Edward Merriam, Delta Delta 13, 61 Broadway Power, Arthur Gerald, Hubert, Jr., Xi 08, 2 Rector St. Powers, Cornelius Van Vorst, Lambda 82. 103 E. 125th St. Powers, William Van Vorst, Lambda 11, 30 Broad St. Pratt, Albert Houghton, Psi 01, Chi 01, 16 E. 40th St. Pratt, Elon Graham. Zeta 06, J. Walter Thomp- son Co.. 44 E. 23d St. Prentiss, Russell Edwards, Gamma 95, 52 Wall St. Preston, Robert Hall, Pi 11, 56 William St. New York — Cont d Price, Carl Fowler, Xi 02, 80 Maidan Lane Price, Frank Julian, Beta 92, 43 Cedar St. Prime, William Cowper, Delta 93, 2 Rector St. Proctor, William Ross. Jr., Beta 16, 11 E. 39th St. Provost, Andrew Jackson, Jr., Lambda 89, 39 W. 38th St. Pudney, William Kent, Omicron 14, 347 W . 59th St. . , , , Purcell, Burgo, Lambda 14. H. T. Lindeberg, 2 W 47th St. Purdy [Edward] Lawson, Beta Beta 84, Munici- pal Bldg. Quinn, William Joseph, Psi 01, 32 Liberty St. Quirk, Joseph Charles. Xi 13, 11 Broadway Rabbitt, James Stanley, Chi 16, Barrett Mfg Co 17 Battery PI. Rand, Charles Edward. Chi 97. 108 W. 84th St. Randall, Darley, Beta 19, 48 \V. S9th St. Randolph, Hector Craig Fitz, Lambda 67, 13j W. 85th St. Rankin, Egbert Guernsey, Lambda 76. 175 W . 58th St. ^ , . Raymond. Irving Edward. Xi 99, 436 Fifth Ave. Raynor, Forrest, Delta 87, 45 Wall St. Raynor, Russell, Lambda 89, 7 E. 42d St. Redfield, Henry Stephen, Gamma 11, 1925 Seventh Ave. Redington, George Owen, Pi 94, 27 Cedar St. Reddig, James Burr, Eta 99, Western Electric Co., 403 West St. Reed, Lansing Parmelee, Beta 04, 15 Broad St Reed. Orville, Beta 77, 156 Fifth Ave. Reid, Wilbur Allen, Detla 89, 92 Liberty St Reiman, Robert Emil Paul, Pi 20, 530 Manhat tan Ave. Reinecke, William, Eta 95, 7 Hanover Sq. Remsen, Cornelius Wagstafif, Beta Beta 05. 128 Broadway Rew, Parker Henry, Upsilon 79, Mutual Bene fit Life Ins. Co., 135 Broadway Reynolds, Harold, Chi 18, 22 E. 79th St Reynolds, James Bronson, Beta 84, 105 W 40th St. Reynolds, Wallace, Delta 11. R. H. Schenck, 45 Broadway. Rice, Edward Chauncey. Jr., Beta 01, 114 Pro duce Exchange Rice, Edwin Botts, Delta 76. 281 Fourth Ave. Rice, Mervyn Ap. Kappa 89. 10 Wall St. Richard, Edwin Auguste, Lambda 86, 636 Fifth Ave. Richards, Archibald McMartin, Beta 16, 399 Park Ave. Richards, Charles Herbert, Gamma 60, Beta 60 287 Fourth Ave. Richards, Eugene Lamb, Beta 85, 61 Broadway Richards George Stanford, Jr., Pi 99, 11 Broad- way Richards, Joseph .\ddison, Xi 83. 9 E. 40th St. Richmond, Frank Henry, Xi 87, 109 W 63d .St. Richmond, Lawrence, Sigma 09, 31 E. 31st S"^ Rider. John Morrell. Theta 73. 44 Cedar St. Riegel, Benjamin De Witt. Eta 98, 233 Broa way , , Right'er, Walter Leisening, Gamma 00, 52 Wil Ham St. Rinehart, Gerald Staats. Eta 11, Oscar Daniel Co., Woolworth Bldg. Robins, Harry Pelham, Lambda 94, 52 Vander bill Ave. Robbins, Richard Whitfield, Beta 13, 56 Wil Ham St. I Robbins, Wolcott Phelps, Beta 96, IS Wall StJ Roberts, Edward Oliver, Lambda 12, 154 Nassau St. Roberts, Vincent, Delta OS, 239 E. 86th St. Robertson, Frank [McDonnell] Camn, Beta 01, 165 Broadway Robinson, Edward Moore. Eta 17. 122, Fifth Ave. Robinson. Edward Wanton. Beta Beta. 96, Carisa Mfg. Co.. Inc., 157 Cedar St. I The GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 801 New York— Cont'd Robinson, Frederick Hayes, Delta Delta 20, 120 Riverside Drive Robinson, Frederick Morse, Upsilon 01, 48 Howell St. Robinson. Georgre Loomis. Eta 9R. .i9 E. 28th St. Robinson, Richard Dodson, Sigma 13, 56 Wil- liam St. Rockwell, William Havden, Beta 89, 156 E. 74th St. Rogers, Edmund Pendleton, Beta OS, SO Broad- way Rogers, Henry Pendleton, Beta 02, 20 Broad St. Rogers, Tames Gamble, Beta 89, 470 Fourth Ave. Rogers, John Shillito. Lambda 01, 27 Cedar St. Rogers, William Jordan, Lambda 02, 437 Fifth Ave. Rogers, William Oscar, Beta 49, 58 Central Park, W. Rolston, Louis Bertrand. Lambda 84, 22 E.x- ehange PI. Roniaine, [Leonce] Girard, Lambda 82, 68 Broad St. Romainc, Washington Tyson, Lambda 93, Army and Navy Club Roome, Claudius Monell, Lambda 80, 194 Riverside Drive Roome, William Harris, Lambda 80, 60 Broad- way Roome, William Journeay, Delta 78. 79 W. 23d St. Root. Roval Pulsifer, Omega 09. 309 W. 92d St. Rosecrantz, Clarke Milligan, Rho 93. 49 Wall St. Roseiibaum, William Lew, Beta Beta 14, 145 W. 45th St. Ross, Richard Morrow, Lambda 20. 815 W. 180th St. Rossiter, Ehrick Kensett, Chi 75, 15 W. 38th St. Rossman, Grant Beebe, Mu 92. 44 Broad St. Rothwell, Albert Cyril, Lambda 14, 144 W. 76th St. Rumsey, David, Upsilon 96, 27 Cedar St. Russell, Franklin Ferriss, Delta 11, 50 Church St. Russell, Isaac Franklin, Delta 75. 32 Franklin St. Ruston, John Edward, Delta 94. 51 Chambers St. Ryerson, Herbert Edway, Jr.. Beta Beta 15, U. S. Rubber Co., General Laboratories. Saee. Andrew Gregg Curtin, Beta 96. 31 W. 58th St. Sage. Edward Eugene, Lambda 77, U. S. Assay Office. 23 Pine St. Sage. Edward Woolston. Lambda 13, 246 W. 56th St. Sailer, Thomas Henry Powers, Tau 89, 156 Fifth Ave. Saltus, Rollin Sanford, Beta Beta 92, 9 E. 41st St. Sanderson, Edward Frederick, Gamma 96, 70 Fifth Ave. Sanderson, James Reed, Beta 17, 907 Fifth Ave. Sands, John Wagner, Chi 09, 76 William St. Sanger, Louis Phipps, Delta 09, 60 Broadway Satterlee, Efdward] Lansing, Lambda 99, 3 W. 29th St. Satterlee, George Reese, Lambda 94, 125 W. 58th St. .'^awver, Edward. Beta 98, Canal and Ludlow Sts. Saxe, Herbert Kimball, Delta 90, S7 Nassau St. Saxe, John Godfrey, Lambda 00, 30 Broad St. Schauffler, Bennet Fellows, Delta Delta 17, 150th St. and Broadway .Schauffler, Goodrich Capen, Delta Delta 18, 3647 Broadway. Schermerhorn. .Mfred Egmont. Beta 95. 7 E. 42d St. Schieffelin, George Richard Delaplaine, Lambda 05. 597 Fifth Ave. Schley, Reeve, Beta 03. 62 Cedar St. New York— Cont'd Schmidt, Frederic Charles, Sigma 12, 636 W. 34th St. Schreiber, George Gebner, Beta 98, 55 Liberty St. Schreiber, Otto Adolph. Beta 92, 225 Fourth Ave. Schultze, Emile [Adolphe], Beta 85, 141 Broad- way Schuyler, Arent Henry, Eta 15, 404 Riverside Drive Schuyler, Charles Edward, Lambda 81. 135 Broadway Schwab, Laurence von Post, Beta 13, 11 Broad- way Schwind, Everett Edward, Lambda 17, Norma Co., 100 Hudson St. Scott, Henry Woodruff, Phi 12. 22 Thames St. Scott. Samuel Spencer, Phi 14, 34 W. 33d St. Scudder, Henry Holloway, Beta 17, 201 W. 85th St. Seaman, Alfred Purdy Welsh. Lambda 79, 60 Broadway Seligman, Joseph Lionel, Beta 08, 1 William St. Selover, Charles Eugene, Jr., Beta 09, 7 Wall St. Semler, George Herbert, Beta 14, 109 E. 16th St. Semple, Oliver Cheever, Gamma 83, 120 Broad- way Senior, Frank Sears, Chi 00, 149 Broadway Seward, Edward Clarkson, Jr., Beta 06. 261 Broadway Seymour, Origen Storrs, Beta 94, 54 William St. Seymour. Ralph Crysler, Chi 84, Goss Printing Press Co., 220 W. 42d St. Shattuck, Edwin Paul, Lambda 99, 26 Exchange PI. Shattuck, Howard Francis, Beta 11, 771 Madi- son Ave. Shaw, James Maddock, Lambda 10, 55 Libert v St. Shea. Edward Henry, Lambda 16, 458 W 165tii St. Shear, Frederic Duncan, Delta 99, 39 W. 87th St. Shear, Theodore Leslie, Delta 00, 468 Riverside Drive Shearer, Harold Hutchison, Phi 08, 40 E 10th St. Sheffield, James Rockwell, Beta 87, 52 William St. Sheldon, Henry, Chi 97, 120 Broadway Sherman, Charles Augustus, Delta 63, 74 Wall St. Sherman, George, Lambda 75, 8 W. 55th St. Sidebottom, Herbert Graff, Chi 13, The Barrett Co., 17 Battery PI. Simons, Edward Henrv Harriman, Lambda 98, 27 William St. Sincerbeaux, Frank Huestin, Beta 02, 46 Cedar St. Sinkinson, John Hudson, Kappa 02, 111 Broad- way Skerry, Amory Thompson, Jr., Delta 84, 257 Fourth Ave, Skidmore, Lemuel, Jr., Lambda 14, 2 Rector St. Skillin, Augustus Hewlett, Delta 92, 34 Pine St. Slade, Francis Louis. Beta 91, 115 Broadway Slade, William Strong, Beta 04, 49 Wall St. Slocum. PLdwin Lyon, Beta 15, Hali^arten & Co., 5 Nassau St. Smith, Allen [Sheridan] Johnson, Pi 90, Main St. Smith. [Charles] Warren I'rosscr, Chi 11, Zeta 13. 141 W. 36th St. Smith, David Eugene, Pi 81, 525 W. 120th St. Smith, Du Bois, Lambda 76, 30 E. 42d St. Smith, Dyer, Eta 03, 32 Liberty St. Smith, [Edmund] Monroe, Gamma 74, Colunv bia University Smith, Eugene. Beta 59. 30 Pine St. 802 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX New York — Cont'd Smith, Frederick Burroughs, Kappa 96, Ginn & Co., 70 Fifth Ave. Smith, George Carson, Chi 11, Warren & Wet- more, 16 E. 47th St. Smith, Henry Augustus Hammond, Gamma 83, 51 W. 10th St. Smith, James Thorne, Jr., Zeta 14, Frank Pres- brey Co., 456 Fourth Ave. Smith, Lenox, Lambda 65, 135 Madison Ave. Smith, Morris Kellogg, Zeta 07, SO E. 53d St. Smith. Philiii Dnrant Higginson, Zeta 1 5, 43 Exchange PI. Smith, Thayer Adams, Zeta 10, Bellevue Hosp. Smith, William Hannibal, Psi 99, 51 Chambers St. Smith. William Henry, Beta 90, 63 Wall St. Smith. \\'inthrop Davenport, Beta 96, 42 Broad- way Smithers, Charles. Eta 94. Chi 94. 19 Nassau St. Smull. Jacob Barstow, Lambda 96, 358 Produce Exchange Smyth, Henry Mason, Lambda 71, 802 W. 181st St. Sneden, Arthur Durant, Delta 96, 149 Broad- way Sorensen, Arthur Peter, Delta 16, Room 3631 Grand Central Terminal Spafford, Joseph Henry, Gamma 84, 111 Broad- way Speir, William Stuart, Theta 07, 127 Fourth Ave. Spies, Henry Hull, Delta 78, 96 Broadway Spinney, William [Almor], Sigma 07, 34 W. 33d St. Spooner, Allen Newhall, Lambda 86, Pier 11 North River Spooner, Cliarlcs Philip. Rho 94. 14 Wall St. Spooner, John Coit, Rho 64, 14 Wall St. Spooner, Ray Newhall, Lambda 95, Pier 11, North River Squier, Frank, Beta 05, 100 Hudson St. Squier, John Bentley, Lambda 94, 49 E. 49th St. Stallnecker, William Griggs, Delta 93, 31 Liberty St. Stanchfield, John Barry, Gamma 76, 120 Broad- way Stanley, Harold, Beta 08, Guaranty Trust Co., 140 Broadway. Stanlev. Leonard Lovejoy, Beta 10^ 37 Wall St. Stansfi'eld, Leon Abbott, Pi 10, Beta Beta 10, 461 Fourth Ave. Stanton, John Robert, Lambda 81, 15 William St. Starkweather, Chauncey Clarke, Beta 74. 50 Vanderbilt Ave. Starkweather, John Kent, Sigma 13, 56 Wil- liam St. Stebbins, Rowland, Lambda 03, 42 Broadway Stedman. Thomas Lathrop, Beta Beta 74, 51 Fifth Ave. Steele, Sanford Henry, Zeta 70, 25 Broad St. Steers, James Rich, Lambda 90. 17 Battery PI. Stern, Henry Root, Beta 03, 61 Broadway Steven, Frank Ransom, Lambda 99, 140 Cedar St. Stevens, Eben Foster, Beta 92, 49 Wall St. Stevens, Edward, Beta 12, 15 Maiden Lane Stevens, Edward Livingston, Chi 99, 154 Nas- sau St. Stevens. George May, Chi 16, Vogue Co., 443 Fourth Ave. Stevens, Henry Latane, Delta 14, 45 Wall St. Stevens, Paul, Delta 19, 2094 Fifth Ave. Stevenson, Adrian Delano. Phi 96, 1675 Broad- wav. Stiger, William Dexter, Gamma 96, 62 Wil- liam St. Stimson, Frederick Julian, Beta IT, 2 Rector St. Stimson, Henry Albert, Beta 65, Manhattan Congregational Church New York— Cont'd .Stimson, Henry Lewis, Beta 88, 32 Liberty St. Stimson, Lewis Atterbury, Beta 63, 277 Lex- ington .Ave. .Stirn, Albert Louis, Gamma 13, 105-117 Madi- son Ave. Stilh, Wilmer Curtis, Jr., Gamnui 11. 358 \N'. 22d St. Stoddard, Francis Hovey, Gamma 69, 22 W. 68th St. Stokes, Frederic Abbot, Beta 79, 449 Fourth Ave. Stokes, Harold Phelps, Beta 09. lUiJ William St. Stone, Harry Russel, Xi 99, 450 Riverside Drive Stoney, Arthur Crawford, Xi 03, 515 Madison Ave. Story, Harold Van Vredenburgh, Lambda 10, 61 Broadway Story. Stephen Bond. Theta 14, 261 Broad- way Stout, Andrew Varick, Lambda 9Z, 115 Broad- way Stout, Horace Elijah, Pi 91, 317 Washington St. Stout. Joseph Suydam, Jr., Lambda 95, 25 Broad St. Stout, Newton Ewell, Lambda 91, 25 Broad St. Stover, George Hinkley, Kappa 03, 261 Broad- way Stowell, William Stuart, Chi 07, 800 37 Wall St. Streat. Herbert Gerard, Jr., Delta 07, E. IS 1st St. and Harlem River Street, Harvey Louis II, Eta 14, 55 Cedar St. Street. Ricliard Hamilton. Eta U). 15 Dev St. Strong, Cyrus John, Xi 86, 525 West End Ave. Strong, John Ruggles, Lambda 72, 717 St. Nicholas Ave. Strong, Theron Roundell, Beta 03, 30 Pine St. Sullivan. Leonard. Beta U8, Fred Buttcrtield ii Co.. Inc.. 725 Broadway. Sutphen, Henry Randolph, Delta 00, 11 Pine St. Sutton, Willis Dale, Delta 12, 8 W. 40th St. Suydam. Frederick Piatt. Chi 82, 10 VI. 43d St. Swan, Joseph Rockwell, Beta 02, 5 Nassau St. Swart, Harmon Veeder, Omicron 06, 19 Liberty St. .Svvayne, Francis [Gerard] Bond, Beta 72, 2 Rector St. Swift. Walker Ely, Beta 15, The Yale Club, SO Vanderbilt Ave. .Swift. William Everett. Gamma 93, Ford, Bacon and Davis, 115 Broadway Taft, Henry Waters, Beta 80, 40 Wall St. Taft, Walbridge Smith, Beta 07, 60 Wall St. Taintor, Charles Newhall, Beta 65, 606 Madison Ave. Tappan, John Butler Coles, Beta 80, 49 Wall St. Tasker, Fred Elmer, Xi 84, Woolworth Bldg. Taussig:, Elwood Melcher, Eta 06, Midvale Steel Co.. 165 Broadway Tavlor, Charles Andrus. Delta 01, New York Tribune, 154 Nassau St. Taylor, David Hougtaling, Lambda 95, 165 Broadway Taylor, Edwin Pemberton, Jr., Beta Beta 00, 80 Maiden Lane Taylor, Henry Richard, Lambda 91, 20 Ex- change PI. Taylor. [Joseph] Deems, Delta 06, New York Tribune Taylor, Moses, Beta 93, 5 Nassau St. Tavlor. Sutherland Gazzam, Jr., Delta 11. 71 Broadway Taylor, William Ambrose, Beta 84, 109 Worth St. Terry. Wyllys, Beta 85, 60 Wall St. Thacher, Alfred Beaumont, Beta 74, 62 Cedar St. Thacher, John Seymour, Beta 77, 20 W. 50th St. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 803 New York— Cont'd Tliaclicr, Tliomas, Beta 71, 62 Cedar St. Thacher, Thomas Da\ . Beta 04, 62 Cedar St. Tlioma>. Harrison Cook. I'si 09. Dc Witt Clin- ton High Scliool Thomas, William Archibald, Iota 12, Board of ^Hssions, 281 Fourth Ave. Thompson. Frank Carroll, Sigma 01, Am. Tel. & Tel. Co., 195 Broadway Thompson, John Frank, Xi 81, ISO W. 47th St. Thompson, John Harold, Delta 19, 1912 Loring PI. Thompson, William Lawton, Kappa 97, 40 E. 41st St. Thomson, James Adam Renwick, Tau 15, 7U K. 45th St. Thomson, Samuel Clifton, Beta 91, Lambda 93, 120 Broadway Thorne, .Albert Cleorge, Pi 93, 61 Broadway Tiffany, Charles Lewis, Beta 00, 401 Fifth Ave. Tilton, George Henrv, Jr., Zeta 14, 16 Gramerey Park Tingley, Richard Hoadley, Sigma 70, 44 Cedar St. Tomlinson, John Canfield, Jr., Beta 01. 35 Wall St. Tomlinson, Roy Everett. Rho 01, 409 W. ISth St. Tompkins, Bovlston Adams, Beta 15, 5 Xassavi St. Tompkins, Leslie Jav, Delta 90, 27 Cedar St. Tompkins, Willard jay. Delta 97, 111 Fifth Ave. Torrey, Donald Fuller. Tau 14. 120 Broadway Tonnele, Theodore Mills. Lambda 13, 44 Wall St. Townsend, Frank Le Grand, Delta 84, West- inghouse Electric Export Co., 165 Broad- way Townsend, Frederick Barrett, Chi 08, 149 Broadway Townsend, Gerard Bostwick, Delta 87, 32 Lib- erty St. Townsend, James Mulford, Jr., Beta 08, Wat- kins Coal Co., 17 Battery PI. Townsend, John Campbell, Beta 10, 120 Broad- way Tracy, Howard Crosby, Beta 87, 160 Broadway Travis, George Washington LeRoy, Eta 07, 130 E. 15th St. Tribus, Louis Lincoln, Delta 85, 86 Warren St. Trowbridge, James Rutherford, Beta 94, 389, Fifth .Ave. Trowbridge, Joseph Parker, Beta 83, 559 W. 164th St. Truesdale. Calvin, Beta 07, 45 Wall St. Turner D[aniel] Norman, Tau 16, C. W. Leav- itt, 220 Broadway Turner, Harold McLeod, Beta 05, 62 Leonard St. Turner, Spencer, Beta 06, 62 Leonard St. Turner, Wallis Smythe, Lambda 00, 42 Broad- way Tuttlc, Frank Wright, Beta IS, 29 W. 42d St. Twombly, Henry Bancroft, Beta 84, 2 Rector St. Twyford, Major Allen, Theta 96, 440 Fourth Ave. Tyler, Charles Winans, Iota 71, 171 Madison Ave. Tyler, Cornelius Boardman, Gamma 98, 30 Church St. Tyler, Harry Desborough, Gamma 96, 176 Broadway Tyler, William Seymour, Gamma 95, 30 Church St. Tyndale. Hector Hilgard, Clii 77, 49 Wall St. I'nderhill. Abrp.m Sutton. Xi 75. 56 Pine St Valentine, William Augustus, Beta Beta 72, lis W. 74th St. Value. Beverly Mason, Tau 13, 386, SO Church St. Value, Beverly Reid, Lambda 84, 6 Church St. New York— Cont'd Van Alstyne, Henry Arthur, Theta 93, 475 Fifth Ave. Van Denburg, Joseph King, Xi 95, 320 E. 20th St. Vanderbilt, Cornelius 3d, Beta 95, 30 Pine St. Vanderbilt, Reginald Claypoole, Beta 02, 3710 tirand Central Terminal Van De Water, Artliur Reginald, Beta Beta Ui, 56 Pine St. Van de Water, Frederic Franklyn, Jr., Delta 14 154 Nassau St. Van'Oe Water, George Roe, Chi 74, 2067 Fifth Ave. Van de Water, Sterling Hawes, Lambda 17, 331 W. 101st St. Van Dusen, Samuel Clinton, Lambda 84, 32 Cliff St. Van Hoevenberg, Rudolf, Delta Delta 14, 411 W. 114th St. Van Ingen, Philip, Beta 97, 125 E. 71st St. Van Ness, Archibald LaRue, Theta 67, 220 Broadway \'an Rensselaer, Bernard .Sander. Lambda 09, Tau 13, i7 Wall St. Van Sinderen, Adrian, Beta 10, 14 Wall St. Van Sinderen [Alvan] Howard, Lambda 81, 44 Wall St. Van Sinderen, Henry Brinsmade, Beta 11, 25 Broad St. Van Tassel, Chester Burrows, Beta 06, 119 W. 40th St. Van Vechten, Carl, Omega 03, iSl E. 19th St. Van Vlack, Wagner, Theta 00, 30 E. 42d St. \'an \'olkenburgh, Thomas Sedgwick, Beta 66, 17 Battery PI. Van Zandt, Edward Augustus, Delta 78, 419 W. 154th St. Vassar, Harold Worth, Lambda 13, 4 W. 33d St. Veerhusen, Herman Helm, Rho 12, A. T. & T. Co., 195 Broadway \'eit, Robert Theodore. Beta 12, 141 Broadway Vernon, Howard Willis, Beta 89, 22-26 Reade St. Vernon, Philip Harwood, Delta S3, 34 Pine St. Vincent, Henry Fowler, Chi 04, 21-29 Hudson St. Vincent, ]Marvin Richardson, Lambda 54, 20 E. 92d St. Visscher, Theodore Cuyler, Eta 99, 299 Madi- son Ave. Von Egloffstein, Clarence Leon, Delta 12, Ray- mond Concrete Pile Co., 140 Cedar St. Von Hagen, Willard Arnold, Mu 17, 443 Fourth Ave. Vosburgh, Arthur Seymour, Lambda 90, 85 E. S6th St. Wade, Robert Buchanan. Beta 93, 66 Broadway Wadhams, William Henderson, Beta 96, Crimi- nal Court Bldg. Walcott, Frederic Collin, Beta 91, 14 Wall St. Walden, Howard Talbot, Beta 81, 29 Broadway Walden, Russell. Beta 74. 80 Broadway Walker, Alanson Burton, Upsilon 01, 17 W. 31st St. Walker, Arthur Lucian, Lambda 83, Columbia L'niversitv Walker, Charles Henry, Delta 94, 327 W. 86th St. Walker, George Henry, Xi 81, 3510 Grand Central Terminal Walker, James Wheatley, Lambda 91. 25 .Madi- son Ave. Walker, Joseph, Jr., Lambda 80, 61 Broadway Wallace, Lester F^rancis, Kappa 18, Am. Tele- phone Co.. 195 Broadwav Wallace Malcolm Lcc, Beta 15, 411-413 Fifth Ave. Walling, William Atkinson, Upsilon 90, 26 Cort- landt St. Walradt, Arthur Eugene, Beta 80, 141 Broad- way. Walter, T. Henry, Lambda 83, 36 Wall St. (27) 804 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX New York— Cont'd Walton, Francis Eames, Beta 04, 164 Chambers St. Walton, Henry Augustus, Beta 06, 164 Cham- bers St. Walz Andrew, Delta 04, 71 Broadway Ward, Henry Murdock, Lambda 90, 43 South St. Wardwell, Allen, Beta 95, 15 Broad St. Warr, William, Eta 95, 30 Church St. Warren, George Flint, Jr., Lambda 88, 256 Broadway ^ ,, „., ^ , Warren, Keith Faulkner, Beta 14, 253 Broad- Wrslfburn, Frank [Alexander] Brissenden, Lambda 12, 61 Broadway ,„ -kt Waters, Isaac Ward, Upsdon 97, 19 Nassau Watts, Robert, Lambda 59, 23 W. 73d St. Waugh, Theodore Leland, Pi 98. 165 Broadway Waycott, Frederic Huntley, Jr., Lambda 17, 627 W. 115th St. , r n ,1 Weathers, Brantley Alexander, Jr., Oamma 11, 71 Broadway ,^ ^.„ ,r j- Webb, George Creighton, Beta 76, 640 Madi- son Ave. _ _ .„ ^ , c-i Webb, James Watson, Beta 07, 19 Cedar St. Weber George Hunt, Eta 14, Brown & Sites Co., '30 Church St. ^ , ^., Weber, William Hoyt, Xi 03, 52 Vanderbilt Ave. Webster, Benjamin, Beta 79, 80 Maiden Lane Weed LeRoy Jefferson, Theta 01. 70 Fifth Ave. Weir, Howard Perry, Eta 94, 300 Mulberry St. Weiss, Louis Stix, Beta 15, 44 W. 86th St. Weld, DeWitt Clinton, Jr., Lambda 91, 171 Madison Ave. Wells, David Torrev, Chi 04, 61 Broadwav Wells, John Barnes, Pi 01, 319 W. 95th St. Wells, Lemuel Aikin, Beta 93, 120 Broadway Welsh, George William, Beta 04, 213 Broadwav Wenner, George Unangst, Beta 65, 319 E. 19th St Werrenrath, Reginald, Delta 05, 2263 Univer- sity Ave. Westlake, Emory Hammond, Xi 00, 61 Broad- way , „ Weston, Theodore, Beta 53, 26 W. 48th St. Wetmore, William Henry, Lambda 84, 1 W. S4th St. ,, „ Weymouth, William Taylor Glidden, Beta 85, 160 Broadway Wheeler, Clifford Slater, Pi 15, 55 E. 76th St. ("Oct. to May) Wheeler, Frederick Seymour, Delta 81, 120 Broadwav Whitbeck, Solomon Carman, Pi 97, 52 Broad- way Whitcomb, Charles Wilbur, Kappa 76, Zeta 76. Hotel Wolcott Whitcomb, Paul, Zeta 10, 32 E. 23d St. White, Bouck, Pi 95, 125 W. 21st St. White, Charles Francis, Kappa 14, 420 W. 116th St. White, Gaylord Starin, Delta 86, 237 E. 104th St. White, Joseph Lyman, Chi 05, care Union Pa- cific System, 165 Broadway White, Stanley, Delta 84, 156 Fifth Ave. White Theodore Parkman, Chi 04. care Am. Telephone & Telegraph Co., 195 Broadway Whitehouse, William Fitzhugh, Beta 99, 125 E. 73rd St. Wliiting, George Scott, Chi 06. 52 Broadway Whiting, Ralph Delano, Xi 98. 41 Park Row Whitney, Chester Field Smith, Delta 96, 697 West End Ave. Whittaker, Thomas Shirley, Lambda 00, 3b4 Fourth Ave. Wiener, Richard George, Delta 75, 48 E. 65th St. Wiffler, Frank John, Delta 15, University Press Assn., 280 Madison Ave. New York — Cont'd Wiggin, Lewis Merriam, Beta 12, 55 Liberty St. Wightman, Orrin Sage, Delta 95, 113 W. 78th St. Wightman, Percy Butler, Delta 93, 2200 Loring PI. Wilcox, Frank Wells, Delta 03, 76 William St. Wilcox, Marion, Beta 78. care Encyclopedia Americana Corporation Wilcox, Rollin Crawford, Lambda IS, 145 Ver- milye Ave. Wilding, Clinton Fiske, Xi 09, care Union Bag & Paper Co., Woolworth Bldg. Wiley, George Langford. Delta 77, 346 Broad- way Wilkins, Herve Lester, Upsilon 94, 40 W. 127th St. Wilkinson, Arthur Hamilton, Jr., Sigma 17, 31 Maiden Lane Wilkinson, Henry Wilhelm, Chi 90, 15 W. 38th St. Willard. Charles Bunnell, Psi 11, 608, 1476 Broadway Willets, Josiah Macy, Beta 11, 30 Broad St. Williams, Charles Mallory, Lambda 98, 48 E. 49th St. Williams, Frank Davol, Chi 03. 30 Church St. Williams, Horatio Burt, Pi 00, 437 W. S9th St. Williams, Otis Lincoln, Chi 88. care Westing- house, Church, Kerr & Co., 37 Wall St. Williams, Paul Benjamin, Psi 08, 20 Broad St. Williams, Richard Henry, Lambda 75, 1 Broad- way Williams. Robert Mark, LTpsilon 11, Am. Steel & Wire Co., 30 Church St. Williams, Thomas John, Eta 86, 26 Broadway Williams, Waldron, Lambda 85, 90 West St. Williams, Walter Longworth, Zeta OS, 39 Clark- son St. Wilson, John Eastman, Beta 79, 616 Madison Ave. Winant, Frederick Vane Darlington. Lambda 86, 2 Rector St. Winant, Henry Darlington, Delta 78, 546 Madison Ave. WMnslow, James \\'allace. Lambda 18. 1207, 17 Battery PI. Wittenberg, William Joseph, Pi 98, Tau 98, 11 Broadway Wodell, Ruthven Adriance, Beta 10, 68 Wil- liam St. Wolf, Franklin Warren, Beta 19, 349 W. 85th St. Wolf. Walter Reid, Beta 19, 349 W. 8Sth St. Wolfe, Claude Anthony, Gamma 10, 1334 Broadway Wolfe, Marmaduke, Eta 20. 438 W. 116th St. Wood, James Henry, Tau 93, 120 Broadway Wood. Walter Fargo, Beta 96, lOU Broadway Woodle, Bernon Tisdale, Beta Beta 11, Rhein- stein & Haas, Inc.. 101 Park Ave. Woodruff, George Washington, Beta 89, 1 Broadway Woodruff, John Eastman, Beta 04, 218 W. 42d St. Woodward, Charles Alexander, Gamma 02, 600 W. 122d St. Worcester, Edwin Dean, Beta 76, 30 Broad St. Worcester. Wilfred Jamos, Beta 85. 45 Wall St. Work, James Henry, Lambda 67, 52 Broadway. Wright, Edward Goodwin, Pi 15, 552 W. 23dj St. Wright. Frank Ayres. Chi 79, 110 F. 23d St. Wright. Glen, Beta 91, 2 Wall St. Wright. Henry John, Delta 85, 73 Dey St. Wvckoff, Herbert Ashton, Gamma 09, Motion "Picture News, 729, 7th Ave. Yawger, Charles Shoemaker, Chi 02, 111 Broad- way Young. Clarence Hascy, Beta 05, 50 Vanderbilt Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 805 New York — Cont'd Young, William Augustus, Delta 01, 115 Bro.xd- way Zabriskie, Charles Lcmairc, Lambda 16, 37 W. 75tli St. Zabriskie, Cornelius Blauvelt, Delta 78, 175 Ninth Ave, Zabriskie, George, Delta 70, 49 Wall St. Ziegler, William, Jr., Lambda 14, 527, 5th Ave. Niagara Falls Bartlett, John Foster, Zeta 11, Buffalo Ave. and L'nion St. Barton, Philip Price, Chi 86, 352 Buffalo Ave. Seymour, John Pliny, Chi 86, 211 Fifth St. Stone, George Welling^ton, Upsilon 00, Hooker Electro Chemical Co. Uptegraff, Thomas Marshall, Eta 09, Defiance Paper Co., 3rd and Walnut Sts. Van Horn, Burt, Beta 74 White, Harold Edward, Eta 16, Buffalo Ave. and 28th St. White, Ray Hill, Upsilon 01, 617 Buffalo Ave. Wright. Ronald Grant, Pi 17, Dudley & Gray. Niverville Beckwith, Charles Ellsworth, Lambda 88 Northport Morse, Daniel Parmelee, Jr., Chi 15 North Tonawanda (."oykendall. William Wallis, Tlietfi 12. care The R. T. Jones Lumber Co. Norwich Clarke, Francis Stanton, Psi 20, 267 N. Broad St. Cushman, Daniel Burr, Beta 76, 16 Cortland St. Hunt, Stanton Howard, Psi 20, 31 Locust St. Hyde, Gerrit Smith, Psi 20, 74 S. Broad St. Wassung, Frank Rockwood, Psi 13, 21 Henry St. Nyack Bell, John, Jr., Delta 18 Bishop. Edward Wayt, Xi 14 Blauvelt, Cornelius Ryckman, Delta 64, 100 South Broadway Gillies, Harold Lusk, Gamma 16, 114 Cedar Hill Ave. Gillies, William Raymond, Gamma 19, 114 Cedar Hill Ave. Kilby. Jolin \'aii Etten, Gamma 20, 26 S. Broad- way Oakfield Heisler, William Mortimer, Xi 05, 5 N. Main St. Ogdensburg Perkins, Roswell Roy, Psi 19, 121 Elizabeth St. Swan, Vilas Matheson, Psi 16, 45 Franklin St. Waterman, Joseph MacNaughton, Psi 16, 85 State St, Oneida Baker, Harold Wallace, Theta 11, 141 Main St. Carskaddan, Clarence, Psi 54, 13 Madison St. Clark, Ward Rathbun, Lambda 16, 207 Main St. Drake, James Bates. Eta 09. 115 Main St. McHenry, Lee William, Pi 10, 16 Lenox Ave. Miles, George William, Psi 73, 11 Washington Ave. Olney, Burt Cady, Chi 14, Burt Olney Canning Co. Parker, Hugh, Pi 84, 77 Cedar St. Price. William Stanley, Theta 20, 209 Main St. Swinnerton, Allyn Coats. Delta Delta 19, 134 Main St. Swinnerton, George Brown, Psi 92, 134 Main St. Oriskany Falls Hatheway, Earl Davison, Pi 05 Ossinin|^ Achilles, Paul Strong, Beta 13, Stoneleigh Underbill, Abrara Sutton, Xi 75, 38 Linden Ave. Oswego Bates, Norman Lawrence, Theta 88, 100 E. Ist St. Dowd, Pascal Monroe, Gamma 72, 181 W. 2d St. Downey, Robert Arthur, Eta 92, 1 E. Bridge St. Owasco Ford. Nehemiah Butler, Kappa 85 Hopkins, John Lee, Psi 09 Owego Parker. John Mason 2d, Chi 96, Post Office Block Pumpelly, Harold Armstrong. Beta IS, Front St. Skinner, Frederick Piatt, Beta 80. 79 Main St. Underbill, John Griffen, Delta Delta 18, Front St. Oyster Bay Babcock, Frederick Huntington, Sigma 07. Garver, John .\nson. Beta 75 Tiffany, Charles Lewis, Beta 00 Palisades Quirk, Joseph Charles, Xi 13, Snedens Landing Palmyra Harry, Earl Wing, Pi OS, Garlock Packing Co., SO Main St. Patchogue .Smith, Edward Traver, Beta 19 Peekskill Carhart, William Merle d'Aubigne, Beta 85, 1112 Main St. Dain, Thomas Avery, Zeta 19, 313 N. James St. Pelham .\dams, Charles Robert, Delta 04 Clegg, Russell Edwin, Psi 19, 8 Second .\ve. Delahanty, Thornton Augustus Washington, Lambda 16, 236 Cliff Ave. Delehanty, John Bradley, Chi 10, 236 Cliff Ave. Mullally, Mandeville, Beta 98, 158 Loring Ave. Stoney, .Arthur Crawford, Xi 03 Van De Water, Arthur Reginald, Beta Beta 01, 131 Monterey Ave. Wyckoff, Herbert Ashton, Gamma 09, 302 Monterey Ave. Pelham Manor Boardman, Dixon, Beta 02, James St. Briggs, Benjamin Franklin, Kappa 07, Roose- velt Ave. Chambers, Henry Wick, Beta 99, 1057 Espla- nade Damon. William Ward, Pi 87 Lowe, Gerald Arthur, Eta 95, Lambda 97, 441 Fowler Ave. Sabine, Harold Francis, Psi 09 Perry Page, George Keeney, Upsilon 87, 43 Main St. Page, George Keyes, Zeta 17, 93 Leicester St. Page Henry Nathaniel, Zeta 20 Pittsford McBride, George Winthrop, Upsilon 19, East Ave. McGuire, FJohn] Horace, Upsilon 66 Schoen, Irvin John, Upsilon 14, Main St. Steele, John Mason. Upsilon 72 Weiland, Henry Joseph, U^psilon 13 Plandome Briggs, Frederick Hendrick, Upsilon 91 Houston, Herbert, Sherman, Omega 88 806 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Plattsburg Bell, Russell Diullcv, Xi 19, 90 Broad St Boomhower, Albert Ralph, Theta 15, 11 Stetson Ave. Booth, John Henrv, Beta 85. 30 Clinton St. Botsford, Elmer Francis, Zeta 86, 34 Margaret St. Fairehild, George Cooper, Kta 99. 54 Lorraine St. Pleasantville Bavliss, Harold Holmes. Delta 98, Orehard St. Pat'kard, Charles (£.], Pi 07 Pomona ]Iardon, Charles, Gamma 55, 925 N. Park Ave. Portchester Davis. Frank Ruttledge, Lambda 10, care Wil- ford Hall Laboratories Lord, Frederick Renben, Lambda 92, 89 N. Regent Si. Ward William Luken.s, Lambda 79, Russell, Burdsall & Ward Bolt & Nut Co. Port Henry Foote, George Clark, Theta 99 Pilling, George Piatt 3d, Tau 12, Northern Iron Co. Port Leyden Gapi), Raymond, Psi 20 Port Richmond Wright, Forest La Grange, Delta 87, 2672 Rich- mond Terrace Port Washington Fales, Frederick Saywood, Gamma 96, 32 Bay- view Ave. Potsdam Cubley, Frank Loa, Upsilon 97, Market St. Flagg, Edward Willis, Beta "S Poughkeepsie Delamater, Tohn Oscar. Gamma 08, 54 Market St. Griggs, John Cornelius, Beta 89. Vassar College Griggs, Robert Wadsworth, Beta 19, 2 Fox Ter- race MacCracken, Henry Noble, Delta 00, President's House, Vassar College Merriman, Willis Edgar, Theta 98, Hudson River State Hospiftl Moulton, Charles William, Mu 85, 21 Barclay- St. Sylvester, Elbert Ware. Theta 99, 228 Main St. Vail. Herrman Ilusted, Chi 11, 37 Market St. White, Henry Seely, Xi 82, Box 41, Vassar College Young, Reginald Stanley, Beta 17, 94 S. Hamil- ton St. Purchase Rolston, Louis Bertrand, Lambda 84 Queens Hendrickson, Arthur Ward, Theta 20, Spring- field Ave. Red Hook Kennedy, John .Shields. Delta 86 Redwood Simons. William Butterfield, Chi 11 Rh'nebeck Huvler, Peter Edwin, Delta 98 Richmond Hill Grant, Roscoe .\llan, Xi 94, 19 Oxford Ave. Pickering. Clinton Victor. Lambda 19, 508 Poplar St. Provost. Andrew Jackson, Jr., Lambda 89, St. Anns .Ave. Sturgis, Thomas, Beta 03, 500 Cedar Ave. '1 reat. Sanford Morris, Zeta 19, 532 Leffcrts Ave. Riverdale-on-Hudson Cortelyou, George Bruce, Jr., Beta 13 Rochester Ailing, Eric Lattimorc, Upsilon 14, 400 Oxford St. Ailing, Harold Lattimore, Upsilon 13, 400 Ox- ford St. Ailing, Joseph Tilden, Upsilon 76. 9 Jones St. Armstrong, Ralph Waldo, Upsilon 16, 41 Prince St. Baird. Gordon Cardvvell, LTpsilon 15, Box 36, Builders' Exchange Baldwin, Frank Bernard, Pi 02. 98 Clinton Ave., S. Barnes, Hiram Wilbur, L^psilon 10, 423 Cutler Bldg. Barnes, Le Van way Ransom, Tlieta 06, SI.') Powers Bldg. Barrows, Charles Storrs, Upsilon, 12, 344 East Ave. Barry, Marion Craig, L^psilon 15, 23 Locust St. Barry, [Patrick! William Crawford, Jr., Upsilon 99, 301 East Ave. Bldg. Beardsley, Harry Sartwell, Beta 08, 1 Exchange St. Beck-ley. John Newton, Pi 72, 326 Cutler Bldg. Becklev, Walter Riley, Upsilon 05, 326 Cutler Bldg. Bentley, Livingston, L'psilon 14, Beta 15, 7 Prince St. Bentlev, Sardius DeLancev, Upsilon 70, 60 Trust Bldg. Bickford, Frederick Edwin, Upsilon 02. Curtice Bros. Co., 20 Curtice St. Bills. Arthur Gilbert. Upsilon 16, 76 Raines Park Bills, James Franklin, Upsilon 14, 76 Raines Park Boucher, James Halstead, Xi 74, 26 Exchange St. Bowen, Albert, Upsilon 06, Tau 11, 221 Oxford St. Brewer, .Mien Mortimer, L'psilon 12, 907 Clin- ton Ave. S. Burns, George. Gamma 08, 509 Wilder Bldg. Burr, John Edwin, LTpsilon 08, 42-48 Stone St. Calkins, William Sidney, Psi 18, 277 Barring- ton St. Carmer, Carl Lamson, Psi 14, L'niversity of Rochester Carnahan, George Alexander, Xi 84, 8 Exchange St Castle, Wilmot Vail, Upsilon 11, 28 Thayer St. Chambers, George William, Upsilon 11, 315 Powers Bldg. Chandler, William Frank, Upsilon 79, 204 Mvmicipal Bldg. Clapp, William Dininnv, Upsilon 00, 50 Main St., W. Clark, William Curtis. Upsilon 06, 101 Ply- mouth Ave. Coit, Charles Welles, L'psilon 99, 12 Saratoga Ave. Coit, Frederick Warner, L'psilon 01, 908 Wilder Bldg. Crittenden, Henry Lauriston, Upsilon 12, 200 Powers Bldg. Curren, Harold Searing, L'psilon 14, 344 East Ave. Curtis, Donald Satterlee, Upsilon 12, Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., 424 St. Paul St. Davis, Everett Dimock, Beta 14, 155 W. Main St. Dewey, Charles Ayrault, l'psilon 61, 78 Ply- mouth Ave. Dewey, Hugh Sylvester, Upsilon 18. 50 Harper St. Dransfield, Thomas, Jr., Upsilon 04, 666 Ply- mouth Ave. Dunbar, William Falconer, Pi 18, L'psilon 18, 229 Linden St. Durand, Samuel Evving, Beta 19, 42 Westmin- ster Rd. Ely. Joseph Allen. LTpsilon 66, 501 East .Vve. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 807 Rochester — Cont'd I'ahv, Charles Harold, Upsiloii 16, 21 Arnold Park Fauclier. Cyrus Adolpluis. Upsilon 07, Clii 09, 268 Alexander St. Fee. James Leo, Upsilon 02, 21 X. Water St. Field, Harold Lavasso, Upsilon 10, 129 Clinton Ave.. S. Field, Howard Heermatis, Upsilon 04, 404 Piatt St. Field, Kenneth Heermans, Upsilon 16. 404 Piatt St. F'inucane. Thomas Raymond, Chi 03, McKinlcy- Darragh-Savage Mines, 20 Liberty Blilg. Fish, Edward Charles, Chi GO, Burd, Ring Sales Co., 55S Lyell Ave. Flitch, John Sawyer. Psi 08, 910 Insurance Bldg. Forbes, George Mather, Upsilon 78. University of Rochester Forbes, John Franklin, Upsilon 78, 172 Clinton Ave. S. Forbes, Leighton Horace, Upsilon 04, 42 East Ave. Fox, Frank Marsden, Upsilon 18, 22 Elizabeth St. French, John Newton, Upsilon 00, Chi 03, Pi 03, 8 Portsmouth Terrace Fuller, George Gregg, Beta 10, 371 St. Paul St. Gilbert, Prentiss Bailey, Upsilon 06, Beta 07, 41 Prince St. Goetzman, Walter, Upsilon 17. 203 Vassar St. Goodenough, Swayne Peters, Upsilon 13, East High School Gordon. George Cooley, Upsilon 99, 49 East Ave. Gosline, Ernest Elisha. Upsilon 01, 21 State St. Gosnell, Arthur James, Upsilon 16, 27 Thayer St. Gosnell. Frank Lemuel, Upsilon 14, 27 Thayer , St. Gosnell, Harold Foote, Upsilon 18, 27 Thayer St. Gragg, Charles Insco, Upsilon 18, 19 Arnold Park Gregg, Mahlon Hill. Pi 13. 371 St. Paul St. Guernsey, Fred Wilmarth, Upsilon 79, 608 Wilder Bldg. Hall, Wilniot John. Zcta 14. Thomas Cusack Co.. 267 .South Ave. Hamilton, Arthur Samuel, Jr., Upsilon 08, 25 Trust Bldg. Hammele, Edward Joseph, L^psilon 16. Bausch & Loinb Optical Co. Hanford, Herbert Emerson, L^psilon 09, 63 State St. Hanford, Saxe Henrv, Upsilon 95, Gamma 95, 517 Cutler Bldg. Hart, Edward Phelon, Upsilon 72. 118 Troup St. Havens, James Smith, Beta 84, 1015 Insurance Bldg. Havens, Raymond Dexter, L^psilon 02, Univer- sity of Rochester Havens, Samuel Mack, Upsilon 99. 1015 In- surance Bldg. Hcrendcen. Edward, LTpsilon 17, 14 S. Union St. Hert. Cecil Benedict, Upsilon 20. 170 West- minster Rd. Mollistcr. Georje Cooper, Upsilon Tl , 422-435 Arlington Bldg. Honiss, John Ralph, Sigma 08, 595 LTniversity Ave. Hopkins, Charles Comstock, Eta 82, 349 Cutler Bldg. Howe, John Bigelow, Upsilon 89. 89 Clinton Ave. S. Hudson, Joseph Roberts, Upsilon 17, 126 Ful- ton Ave. Hughes, Allen Homer, Upsilon 16, 45 Hal- stead St. Roches'ter — Cont'd Hughes, William Johnston, Upsilon 13, 708 Granite Bldg. Humphrey, Joseph Lee, Upsilon 95, 1004 Granite Bldg. Hunn, Joseph Sexton, Beta 76, 328 Main St. E. Jackson, Pharselus Verona Crittenden, Upsilon 03, Beta 05, 222 Mill St. Jameson, Curtiss Norton, Upsilon 99, 674 Main St. W^ Jameson, Theodore Horace, Xi 94, 1008 Wilder Bldg. Jennings, Edward Roggen. Upsilon 82, 525 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Johnston, Louis White, Beta 05, 250 Main St. E. Jones, Lewis Bunnell, LTpsilon 90, Eastman Kodak Co.. 343 State St. Kailber. Carl Frederick William, Upsilon 07, 616 Insurance Bldg. Kalbflcisch. Ransom Noble. LTpsilon 05, 100 Powers Bldg. Keefer, Ralph Otis, Pi 17, German- Am. Button Co. Kendrick, Ryland Morris, Upsilon 89, LTniver- sity of Rochester Killip, Ellsworth Paine, Upsilon ll, 32 N. Good- man St. Killip, Nicholas Tamblingson, Upsilon 87, 32 N. Goodman St. Kimball, Harold Chandler, Upsilon 11, 13 Argyle St. Koch. George Elmer. Upsilon 07. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 637 St. Paul St. Koch. Richard Felix, Upsilon 19, 90 Columbia Ave. Koegier. Conrad Rudolph, Upsilon 12, 41 Prince St. Kretschmar, Aubrey Constantine, Gamma 01, German-Am. Button Co., Champeny Terrace Lee, William Brewster, Upsilon 77, 31 State St. Lindsay, Alexander Miller, Jr., LTpsilon 'il , 228 Main St. E. Lipscomb, Russell Aubrey, Upsilon 15, 56 Col- lege Ave. McCauley, Tohn Warden, Theta 83, 223 Alexan- der St. INIcCauley, John Warden, Jr., Theta 18, 223 Alexander St. McGuire [John] Horace, Upsilon 66, 915 In- surance Bldg. :\rc^rath, John Norman, Psi in, Rochester Mfg. Co. McMath, Morrison Huggins, Upsilon 79, 904 Wilder Bldg. McPhail, Percy Robert, Upsilon 81, 125 Main St. E. Marshall. George Patton, Upsilon 20, 53 Prince St. Masters. Kenneth Whaley. Upsilon 18, 153 Bronson Ave. Matthews, Stanley Wirt, Upsilon 11, 52 City Hall Meulendyke, Charles Edmund, LTpsilon 08, East- man Kodak Co., Kodak Park Works. Miller, Alvah Strong, Upsilon 07, 301 Alexan- der St. Miller. Charles Hazelius, Upsilon 09, 61 Eliza- beth St. Miller. George Benjamin, Upsilon 96, 61 Eliza- beth St. Mills. Buell Paine. Upsilon 98, 234 Granite Bldg. Mitchell, Hart, Upsilon 19, 90 Plymouth Ave. S. Montgomery. Guy Rochester. Upsilon 80, 2 Fitch Ave. Moore, Edmund Wetmore, Upsilon 13, 100 Berkeley St. Morris, Edward Ernest, Upsilon 05, Wilder Bldg. Morris, George William, Upsilon 08, 301 Ell- wanger & Barry Bldg. 808 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Rochester — Cont'd Morse, Charles Case, Upsilon 94, 936 Main St. E, Morse, Frederick Granger, Upsilon 01, Ford St. and Waverley PI. Morse, Howard Carl, Upsilon 01, 340 Main St. W. Moser, Clarence Patten, Upsilon 97, 19 Main St. W. Mosher, Howard Townsend, Theta 90, 50 Trust Bldg. Naramore, David Copeland, Delta Delta 13, Psi 14, 110 Westminster Rd. Newell, George Russell, Upsilon 03, 103 W. Main St. Newton, Charles Livingston, Upsilon 73, 4 Argyle St. Ocumpaugh, Herbert Ellison, Beta 14, 310 Mercantile Bldg. Paviour, Ernest Averill, Upsilon 10, 301 Cham- ber of Commerce Bldg. Pease, Henry Hamilton, Psi 99, 124 Powers Bldg. Peck, Charles Baldwin, Jr., Gamma 16, 901 Harvard St. Peck, Fletcher Clay, Theta 62, 17 Elwood Bldg. Percy, William Wellesley, Pi 98, 12 West Ave. Perkins, George Hamilton, Upsilon 72, 57 Ex- change St. Pierce, George Dorchester, Psi 99, 416 Mer- cantile Bldg. Pierce, Louis Sellinger, Upsilon 12, 308 Ell- wanger & Barry Bldg. Piatt, Clarence Melvin, Upsilon. 06, 616 German Insurance Bldg. Plumb, Erwin Schuyler, Upsilon 93, 613 Wilder Bldg. ■^'1','I^h ^'^'i'liam Thompson, Upsilon 91, 613 V\ ilder Bldg. Pond. George Mortimer, Upsilon 91, City Hall Pultz Louis Albert, Upsilon 05, West High School Quinby, Henry Dean, Jr., Upsilon 18, 44 Prince St. Ramsay, Harry McBeth, Upsilon 01, 297 Bar- rington St. Reed, Henry Bidlack, Jr., Eta 04, 34 Clinton Ave. N. Remington, Allen Lane, Pi 98, 162 Rosewood 1 errace Rich, Burdett Alberto, Xi 78, Aqueduct Bldg. Kich, Harold Robinson, Pi 17, 336 East Ave Richards, De Witt Morey, Upsilon 05, 100 Dake Bldg. Richardson, Ralph Kirby, Phi 17, Upsilon 17, 372 S. Goodman St. Robeson, Fillmore Kirker, Tau 20, 15 Arnold Park Robinson, Charles Mulford, Upsilon 91, 65 S. Washington St. Roby, Joseph, Beta 93, 234 Culver Rd Roby, Samuel Sidney Breese, Beta 88, 208 South Ave. Rogers, Frank George, Upsilon 14, 297 Genesee or. Rowley, Lee Jasper, Upsilon 98, City Treas- urer's Office Salmon, Herbert Henry, Upsilon 85 Schiefer, Frederick William, Pi 08, 313 Ell- wanger & Barry Bldg. Shaffer, William Henry. Upsilon 71. 15 Roches- ter Savings Bank Bldg. Shantz, Edgar. Upsilon 01. Monroe Ave. and Rutgers St. Shantz, Harold [Eugene], Upsilon 15, 41 Prince Sheldon. Smith, Upsilon 91. 404 Piatt St Shutt, Erwin Reed. Upsilon 13, 1012 Wilder Bldg. Smeed, Henry Mortimer. Upsilon 16, 10 Alex- ander St. Smith. C[harles] Walter. Upsilon 85. 61 Ex- change St. Rochester — Cont'd Smith, Jay Elwood. Upsilon 16, Phi 16, 925 Granite Bldg. Snell, George Bishop, Upsilon 11, 22 Exchange St. Snell, James Powers, Upsilon 09, Insurance Bldg. Somerby. Charles Thomas, Upsilon 11. 319 Chili Ave. Sprague, Emery Russell, Pi 01, 98 Clinton Ave. S. Stebbins, Edwin Allen, Beta 02, 87 Franklin St. Stebbins, Henry Haraliri, Beta 62. 87 Franklin St. Stebbins, Henry Hamlin. Jr., Beta 04, 55 Franklin St. Steele, John Mason, Upsilon 72, Court House Stone, Howard Melville, Upsilon 00, 431 Lake Ave. Storey, Homer William, Upsilon IS, 510 Ell- wanger & Barry Bldg. Strong, Henry Griffin, Upsilon 98, 10 S. Union St. Sumner, Charles Ralsey, Upsilon 74, 233 Alex- ander St. Sumner, Cyril, Beta 07. 233 Alexander St. Sunderlin. Lewis McBride. Upsilon 16, 168 Rutgers St. Swan, Horace Gilbert, Upsilon 15, 631 Uni- versity Ave. Sykes, Arthur Oscar, Pi 92, 290 Canterbury Rd. Sykes, James Bennett, Upsilon 17, 290 Canter- bury Rd. Sykes. Wadsworth Coyne. Upsilon 20. 290 Canterbury Rd. Symington, Donald Leith, Gamma 04, 42 Prince St. Taylor. Joseph Ward. Pi 77. 19 Main St. W. Thomas. Fred Lake, Upsilon 15. 14 Melrose St. Thompson. Raymond Llewellyn. Upsilon 17, 21 Strathallan Park Townson, Douglas Castle, Beta 14, 410-420 N. Goodman St. Townson, Kenneth Castle, ^Upsilon 11, 60 Argyle St. Tucker, Earl William, Pi 13, Chamber of Com- m(?rce Bldg. Ward, Wiliam Douglas, Phi 99, 20 Grove Pi. • Webb, William Watson, Upsilon 71, Powers Block . Wellington. Richard Lloyd, Upsilon 14, 82 St. Paul St. Wellington. Roger Hale, Upsilon 07, 82 Bruns- wick St. Wetmore, Lansing Southworth. Gamma 10, 20 Main St. W. White, Ernest Lacy, Upsilon 02, 16 City Hall Wichmann, Theodore Frederick, Upsilon 15, 466 Garson Ave. Wickes, Francis Cogswell. Delta Delta 12, 229 Oxford St. Wickts, Philip Bardwell, Upsilon 17, 229 Ox- ford St. Wilder, Lester Oatway. Upsilon 11, University of Rochester Williams, Charles Miller, Upsilon 71. 709-710 Wilder Bldg. Williams, Robert Mark, Upsilon 11, 982 Har- vard St. Winslow, Edward Taber. Upsilon 20. 27 Fara- day St. Winslow, William Valentine, Sigma 11, 85 Palm St. Witherspoon, Charles Russel, Upsilon 94, 20 Dartmouth St. Witherspoon, William Eliott, Upsilon 66, 76 Harper St. Wolcott, George Harold. Upsilon 04, 20 Curtice St. Wood, Charles Wiltshire. Upsilon 64, 76 Brad- burn St. Young, Charles Dean, Upsilon 85, 131 East Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 809 Rockaway Beach Roberts, Edward Oliver, Lambda 12, 19 Acad- tmy Ave. Rome Jk-ach, Samuel Harry, Jr., Pi 20, 120 \V. Em- bargo St. Briatlft, Edward Huntington, Psi 07, 109 W. Liberty St. Halstead, John Preston, Chi 08, Rome Brass & Copper Co., Bouck St. Hubbard, Gerard Fruin, Chi 18, Psi 18. 218 N. Washington St. Keeney, Clarence Rufus, Psi 06, Railroad St. Kessinger, Albert Remington, Psi 88, 136 N. James St. McAdam, Abraham Lincoln, Psi 88 MacHarg, John Brainerd, Psi 00, 318 N. George St. Miller, Perry Anson, Psi 06, Wardwell Hard- ware Co. Olney, Burt Cady, Chi 14, 723 Washington St. Pumpelly, Harold Armstrong, Beta 15, Rome Wire Co. Scripture. Parker Fairfield, Psi 02, Chi 02, Pi 04, 125 N. James St. Shepherd, George Fletcher, Pi 91, 404 N. George St. Staley, George Rowe, Pi 00, Rome Free Acad- emy Stevens, George May, Chi 16, 321 W. Thomas St. Stevens, Stoddard More. Chi 85. 176 W. Dominick St. Stevens, Stoddard More, Jr., Chi 14. 321 W. Thomas St. Thacher, Ralph Huntington, Beta 03. 508 N. George St. Tremain, William Fenton. Psi 88. 203 W. Dominick St. Wardwell, Daniel W'., Psi 05, 134 W. Dominick St. Wardwell, John Stillman, Chi 16, 700 N. Wash- ington St. Rosebank Tribus, Louis Lincoln, Delta 85, 105 Townsend Ave. Roslyn Swan, Joseph Rockwell, Beta 02 Roxbury Booth, Frank Enderlin, Delta 11 Craft, Robert Benjamin, Delta 00 Rye Allen, William Porter, Lambda 78 Cowles, David Smith. Beta 17 Covi'les, Justus Albert Boies, Lambda 83 Herriman, Samuel Cochran. Lambda 87. Apa- wamis Ave. Hotchkiss, Horace L. 3d, Lambda 18 Hughes, Robert Powell. 7 Redficld St. Irwin, William Fletcher, Delta 03, Evergreen Ave. Kennedy. Leonard. Beta 09 Mal'.ory. Philip Rogers, Beta 08. Forest Ave. Mallory. Robert. Jr., Beta 09 Wheeler, Frederick Seymour, Delta 81 Williams, Waldron, Lambda 85 Sacket Harbor Willson, William Judson, Pi 96. 120 Main St. St. George Morrison. Henry Prentice. Delta 80, Borough Hall Williams, Otis Lincoln, Chi 88, 21 Central Ave. Salem Durfee. Herbert Augustus, Xi 83 Sangerfield Sanger, William Cary, Alpha 74 Saranac Lake Chamberlain, Roy Bullard, Xi 09, 24 Front St. Eaton, Seymour, Jr., Pi 15, 110 Main St. Packard, Edward Newman. Jr.. Pi 06. 18 Church St. Smith, Frank Wetmore, Theta 98, 75 Main St. Soper, Willard Burr, Beta 04. 105 Main St. 'ihurston, Charles .Storey, Beta 95, 12 Coulter Bldg. Saratoga Springs Kneil, Thomas Raymond, Xi 75, 23 Clark St. Moriarta, Webster Merchant. Theta 18. 511 Broadway Savannah Munson. Jolm .\rchibald, Pi 70, Seneca St. Scarborough Curtis, Benjamin Farquhar. Lambda 78 Scarsdale Agate, Frederic Joseph, Lambda 03 Conklin, Alfred Wilkinson, Chi 10 Henry, William John, Pi 01. Edgemont Rd. Milne. Douglas Duncan. Gamma 16. Drake Rd. Schenectady Allen, Romeyn Treadwell. Theta 16, 24 State • St. Baker. Everett LaMott, Theta 14, General Electric Co. Birckhead, James. Beta Beta 94, 19 N. Ferry St. Blinn, Arthur Farrington, Theta 07, General Electric Co. Brown, William Edward, Theta 99, General Electric Co. Buck, Perley Henry. Theta 10, 160 Barrett St. Burtiss, Benjamin Albert, Theta 97, 136 Barrett St. Carmichael Albert Edward, Theta 10, 311 State St. Clarke, Charles Lorenzo, Kappa 75, Consulting Eng. Dept., General Electric Co. Clowe, Garrett Marcellus, Theta 11, 1371 Union St. Coons, Riley Hamilton, Theta 14, 108 Clinto* St. Curtiss, Alan Caldwell, Theta 20, 12 Stratford Rd. Dawson, Edward Seymour, Jr., Pi 09, Bldg. No. 5, General Electric Co. Dougall, Arthur Buckingham, Theta 19, 30 Bedford Rd. Dougall, William Paxton, Theta 20, 30 Bedford Rd. Ely, William Grosvenor, Jr., Sigma 20, 114 Lenox Rd. Estcourt, Irving Perry, Theta 84, General Elec- tric Co. Ferguson, Charles V^aughan, Beta Beta 07, General Electric Co. Franklin, Morris Julius, Theta 55, 224 Glen- wood Blvd. Fuller Truman Samuel, Pi 11, 233 Union St. GifTord, George, Theta 08, 216 State St. Gifford, William, Theta 82, 88 Parker Bldg. Glen, Henry, Theta 93, Schenectady Public Library Glen, Horatio Gates, Theta 81, 62-63 Parker Bldg. Glen, Horatio Gates, Jr., Gamma 13, 62 Parker Bldg. Goetzenberger, Ralph Leon, Mu 13, General Electric Co. Hatmaker, Benedict, Pi 87, 205 Clinton St. Hequembourg, Charles Louis, Theta 12, 437 State St. Hoffman, Elmer Owen, Psi 05, Schenectady High School Hooker, James Fisk, Beta 95, Avon and Lowell Rds. Jackson, John Tultle, Theta 02, 27 Washington Ave. 810 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Schenectady — Cont'd Kathan, Roland van Ingen, Theta 19, 413 Union St. Knight, Chandler Stanley, Theta 18, 109 Brandyvvine Ave. Kuoh, Oscar Williams, Psi 07, 108 Union St. Lambie William Siebert, Beta 12, Union Na- tional Bank Richardson, Arthnr Howard, Phi 01, lo? Wav- crly PI. Ri|)ton, Benjamin Henrv, Theta 80, College Hill Schieffelin, Ceorge Girard, Theta 06, Chi 06, 269 State St. Smith. Henry James, Theta 20, Balltown Rd. Strong, Marvin Herbert, Theta 96, 311 State St. Talbot: Sidney Wells, Theta 18, 1562 State St. Trumbull, Charles William, Theta 92, 1 Waver- ly PI. "Van Deusen, Arthur Hanson, Theta 13, 511 State St. Van Voast, Albert Benson, Theta 90, 152 Bar- rett St. Van Voast, Horace Silliman, Theta 93, 511 State St. Van V^ranken, DeCamp. Theta 20, Union Ave. and University PI. Veeder, Carl William, Theta 13, 621 Mott St. Weed, DeForest Williams, Theta 03, General Electric Co. Wells, Milton Hewett, Pi 01, General Electric Co. Wrie;ht, William Howard, Theta 95, Congress str Vates, Wilson Davis, Theta 08, General Elec- tric Co. Schoharie Holmes, Lyman .Sanford, Tlieta 78 Scotia McMichael, William Cramer, Theta 15, Mo- hawk Ave. Sea Cliff Russell, Charles Erickson, Delta 82 Selkirk Ten Eyck, Andrew, Delta II Seneca Falls Vawger, Roy Weed, Psi 99, 20 Water St. Shekomeko Carjienter, Willson, Beta 84 Sherbourne Fuller, Wesley J., Pi 17 Shoreham Johnson, Henry Boynton. Zela 83 Sidney Thorp, William VVillard, Psi 20, Grand St. Sloatsburg Allen, Charles Hiling, Delta 02 Smithtown .'smith, DuBois, Lambda 76 Smithtown Branch Povey, Richard Stanley, Delta 97 Sodus Hitchcock, Charles Frank, Pi 89, 21 E. Main St. Somers Tilney, Robert Fingland, 2d, Beta OS Southampton Carnegie, Thomas Morrison, Lambda 96 French, George Barton, Lambda 84 Schermcihorn, Alfred Egmont, Beta 95. IMain St. i South Cambridge Hobson, Henry Wise, Beta 14 ' ' Spencer Dresser. Henry Aytonn, Xi 08 Spring Valley • .Sneden, Arthur Durant, Delta 96 Staatsburg Hovt, Gerald Livingston, Beta 72 :\Iorgan, IWilliamJ Gerald [Dare], Beta 01 Stanley Smith, David Robert, Eta 03, R. R. Stapleton Dix, Samuel Morris, Delta 81, 84* Townsend Ave. Hine, Thomas Avery, Beta 77, 225 Howard Ave. Lyman, Alexander Steele, Delta 84. 12'' Town- send Ave. Stony Point MacBride, Robert Irwin, Delta 90 Syosset Graham, John Jiniior, Delta 95 Hudson, Hendrik, Lambda 04 Hudson, Percy Kiersted, Lambda 99 , Webster, Benjamin, Beta 79 ■ Syracuse Aberdeen, Hamilton Lizars, Pi 01, 400 James St. Andrews, William Shaiikland, Lambda 82, Court House Barber, Harrv, Pi 04, 35 White Memorial Bld'4. Barnard, Dana Wallace, Pi 12, 101 E. Borden Ave. Barnum, Dwight Searl, Pi IS, Crucible Steel Co of America, Fayette and Magnolia Sts. Barr, John Henry, Jr., Chi 13, 4 Onondaga PI. Baumer, Charles Joseph, Psi 16, 900 N. Alvord St. Baumer. Joseph Anthony, Psi 20, 900 N. Alvord St. Baumer, Louis James, Psi 17, 900 N. Alvord St. Bell. Rov Whiting. Gamma 07. P. O. Box 71 , Boggs, Edgar Otis, Pi 17, 9 L^ Bellevue Ave. j Bostick, Richard Tav, Pi 18, 210 Comstock Ave. 1 Brewster, Neal, Pi 02, 704 Dillaye Bldg. Brown, Charles Seamans, Chi 09, 726 W. Onondaea St. Brown, William Clinton, Chi 81, S. A. & K. Bldg. Buriiham, Ednnind Alden, Gamma 94, 242 E. Onondaga .St. Bntteriield. Clayton Wells, Pi 11, 301 Wolf St. Canough. William Frederic, Psi 93, 601-614 Kirk Block Clark. Robert Warren, Pi 06, Will & Baumer Co., Spring St. Clary, Francis Ware, Pi 02, 531 Union Bldg. Clift, Frank Stevens, Pi 07, 1103 Cortland Ave. Cobb, Dorr Raymond, Pi 92, Citv Hall Coddington. Herbert Guibord, Pi 86. 1006 Harrison St. Costello, Arthur Alexander, Chi 04, 31 White Memorial Bldg. Darling, Clarence Winfield, Xi 99, Pi 00. 26 \^'hite Memorial Bldg. Derby, Donald Belden, Pi IS, 224 Furman St. Douglass. Donald Hill, Pi 17, 101 College PI. Durston, Alfred Sidney, Pi 77, 16 N. VVendall Ave. Farnham, Frank Alexander, 2d, Sigma 16, 526 Ostram Ave. Fowler, George Winegar, Pi 04, 858 Lancaster Ave. Fi'lmer, Herbert Clifford, Pi 13, 405 Fayette Park Fulmer. Leonard Scott, Pi 15, 405 E. Fayette St. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 811 Syracuse — Cont'd (iale, Thomas Keller, I'si 84, 1'. ( ). l?iix 4o3 Ijarrett, George Ravnor, I'i 18, 15U8 S. Saliiia St. Geer, LeRoy Thomas, Psi 00, 1J4 Merriman Ave. Gere, William Anson, Pi 84, City Engineer's 0(hce (iere, William Stanton, I'i 18, oUl K. Kennedy St. (iilbert, James Morgan, Pi 75, MO Warren St. (iocs, Louis Lynn, Pi 19, 100 Waverly Ave. Gramlich, Jacob Edward, l^i 04, 200 S. Geddes St. Hawkins, Delmar Edward, Pi 94, 211 Lincoln Park Drive Hazard, Thomas Pierrepont, Beta 15, The Solvay Process Co. Hiltinger, Martin Foster, Pi 14, Pearl St. Hitchcock, Thomas Engene, Pi IS, 123 S. Clin- ton St. Hopkins, Edward Ernest, Pi 18, 1484 S. State St. Hovt, Gordon Way, Pi 93, 608 E. Genesee St. Hubbell, Edward Springer. Pi 19, 122 Highland Ave. Hudson, Robert, Beta Beta 71, 653 W. Onon- daga St. Hnghes, Percy Meredith, Jr., Gamma 16, 233 Euclid Ave. Jacoby, Edgar Crouse, Pi 09, 232 W. Jeffer- son St. Johnson, Lucius Sheldon, Pi 99, 211 W. Water St. Jones, Lawrence Tyrell, I'psilon 71, 941 Onon- daga County Savings Bank Bldg. Kane, Howard William, Tau 20, 127 South Ave. Kecfer, Karl Miller, Pi 12, 700 (iurney Bldg. Knapp, Martin Hobart, Xi 05, The Solvay Process Co. (Box 2) Latham, William Arthur Swaby, Theta 81, Chi 81, 102 Avondale PL Lee, E Bersie, Pi 96, 106 E. Washington St. Leidy, (jeorge Craig, Eta 00, Semet-Solvay Co. Loucks, William Dewey, Theta 00, 900 Union St. Lyman, Howard Wilder, Upsilon 06, College of Fine Arts, Syracuse University :McCarthy. Dennis Percy, Chi 12, 968 James St. McKennan, Thatcher, Psi 16, Clinton Mineral Springs, Inc., S. Clinton St. Mackenzie. Edward Hillyer, Jr.. Pi 20, 812 Livingston Ave. Michell, Willis Hoag. Pi 99, 917 Onondaga County Savings Bank Bldg. Miller, Wilfred Porter, Pi 10, 102 Erie St. Moore, Frank Meredith, Pi 86, Chi 87, Moore Apt. Bldg. Moore, John Stanley, Beta 93, 915 James St. Morss, Hume, Pi 10, 700 Gurney Bldg. ^Murray, H Loomis, Gamma 13, Pi 13, 348 Fellows Ave. Murray, LaGrange. Pi 16. 141 W. Castle St. Murray, Robert Knox, Pi 16, 141 W. Castle N'icholson, Charles Ambrose, 2d, Pi 17, 315 Allen St. Penny, George Barlow, Chi 85, 47 Prince St. Peters, Charles Harold, Pi 17, 202 McLennan Ave. Porter, Harold Greene, Pi 15, 1717 W. Genesee St. Porter, Wilfred Wickliffe, Pi 86, 1717 W. Gen- esee St. Porter, Wilfred Wickliffe, Jr., Pi 09, 509 E. Water St. Preston, Judson Hill, Upsilon 99, 622 James St. Pre.ston, Truman Holley, Pi 12, 324 Union Bldg. Purdy, Ellwood Dayton, Pi 15, 101 E. Pleasant Ave. Putnam, Ronald Wightman, Pi 14, 607 Uni- versity Bldg. Syracuse-s— Cont'd Reed, George Shaler, Pi 08, 537 E. Genesee St. Rice, Lcpine Hall, Pi 92, 113 Concord PI. Roberts, Allen DeWitt, Psi 63, 1104 E. Genesee St. Searl, Cliffora Howe, Pi 05, 474 S. Salina St. Smith, Ray Burdick, Pi 90, Beta 91, Chi 92, 700 Kirk Block Smith, Wilbert Austin, Beta Beta 12, 701 E. Washington St. Spcnce, Ross | Alexander |, Phi 97, College ol Fine Arts, Syracuse Univ. Stevens, Augustus C, Pi 94 Stone. Samuel Harold, Beta 02, Onondaga Bank Bldg. Taber, Clauden Carr, Pi 01, 411 Seitz Bldg. Talbot, James Robert, Pi 19, 507 University Ave. Talbott, Thomas Griffith, Pi 20, 507 University Ave. Ten Eyck, George Scribncr, Pi 09, 90S N. Alvord St. Thomas, Walter Herbert, Pi 16, 118 Ruskin Ave. Tooke, Charles Wesley, Pi 91 Chi 94, 865 Liv- ingston Ave. True, Gerald George, Pi 19, 1100 E. Genesee St. Vernon. Paul Monroe, Pi 02, 813 Onondaga County Savings Bank Bldg. Wadsworth, Clair Wilson, Pi 13, 608 Walnut Ave. Wadsworth, Harry Hyde, Pi 97, 404 Union Bldg. Walsh, Thomas Edison, Jr., Delta 17, Pi 17, 610 W. Onondaga St. Weston, Waldo, Pi 94, 403 Port Standard Bldg. Wickes, Henry Parmelee, Beta 00, 227 Union Bldg. W'ickes, ^^'illiam Kerr, Gamma 70, Central High School Wilkinson, John. Chi 89. 101 W. Marcellus St. Wilkinson. Theodore Kirkland, Chi 87, 210 Highland Ave. \\'ill. Eric Waldemar, Pi 18. 714 McBride St. Wilson, James Holden, Pi 10, 330 S. Warren St. Woodworth, Newell Bertram, Lambda 82, 100 .S. Salina St. Wright, Edward Clayton, Psi 71, Kirk Block Wynkoop. Edward Judson, Pi 92, 501 James St. Tannersville Ffrry, Mansfield, Beta 03, Onteora Club Tarrytown Allen, Romeyn Treadwell, Theta 16 Briggs, Frank De La Noy, Psi 95, 124 Main St. Cleveland, Prescott Coyle, Theta IS, Irving School Furman, John Myers, Theta 89 Laiigley, Howard Wesley, Delta 14, Lambda 17, I r\in r School Odell. Charles Frederick. Beta 86, IS Grove St. Woods, Howard Lee, Theta IS, Irving School Tivoli Hunt, Thomas, Beta 76 Troy Bowman, Albert Mcseley, Theta 08, 553 Federal St. Caird, James, Iota 67, 52 Pawling Ave. McChesney, Calvin Stewart, Beta 81, Court House McClellan, Samuel Paris, Theta 81, 402 Cannon PI. Patrick, George Neill, Gamma 03, 205 Cannon PI. Plumb, Thomas Cory, Pi 19, 118 Fifth Ave. Stone. Charles Akin, Xi 04, 9 1st St. Van Santvoord, George, Beta 12, Washington Park 812 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Troy— Cont'd W'liite, Neil Kirk, Psi 98, corner Fifth Ave. and ISth St. N. W'inship, Frank Augustus, Pi 85, R. R. No. 3 Tuckahoe Austin, Oliver Luther, Xi 95 Tuxedo Foster, Frederic de Peyster, Lambda 68 Tuxedo Park Douglas, George William, Beta Beta 71 McKim, Winthrop, Beta 94 Ogden, Louis Mansfield, Lambda 88 Rogers, Henry Pendleton, Beta 02 Van Sinderen, [Alvan] Howard, Lambda 81, Sky Cliff Ulster Park Eggleston, George Mahon, Xi 92 Upper Nyack Brigjs. John Logan, Gamma 20 Utica Cross, Theodore Lamont, Psi 81, 75 City National Bank BIdg. Grouse, Beecher Maynard, Beta 93, Broad St. Curran, George Langford. Beta 63, 33 Genesee St. Dodge, Harold Swan, Psi 08, 741 Elizabeth St. Doolittle, Julius Tyler Andrews, Beta 84, Genesee St. Doolittle, William Pitt Shearman, Gamma 11, Utica Warehouse Co.. Inc., Broad St. Dunham, George Earl, Psi 79, Daily Press Bldg. Dunham, Raymond Franklin, Psi 07, 120 Union Ave. Eraser, Robert Dobell, Psi 08, 173 Genesee St. Jones, Reese Pughe, Xi 18, 1431 Elm St. Jones, Sewell jNIorgan, Psi 08, Hart & Grouse Co. Jones, Thomas Banford, Psi 18, 809 Genesee St. McKennan, Seymour, Pi 18, 205 Lansing St. McKennan, Thatcher, Psi 16. 205 Lansing St. Mansfield, Henry Farnum, Sigma 67, 11 Clin- ton PI. Olmsted, Charles Tyler, Beta Beta 65, 1101 Park Ave. Pughe. Arthur Rees, Xi 20, 166 Grove PI. Ross. Leon Gillette, Psi 08, 85 Genesee St. Thacher, Ralph Huntington, Beta 03, 98 Utica Citv National Bank Bldg. Wheeler. Frank Erastus, Beta 76, Park Ave., near Erie Canal Willoughby, Francis Daniel, P.si 09, Dwyer Ave. Valhalla Bayliss, Harold Holmes, Delta 98 Verona Pratt, Nahum Blackman, Psi 12 Walden-on-Hudson Bigelow. Poultney. Beta 79 Wilcox, William W., Pi 94. 8 Ulster Ave. Warsaw Smalhvood, \\'iliam Waltrous, Pi 72. 19 Liberty St. Webster, William Elias, Upsilon 94, Main St. Warwick ^Terrill, Clement Fessenden, Gamma 99, L. & H. R. R. Waterford ^^'ightman, Robert Stillman, Delta 97, 5 Divi- sion St. Waterloo Bacon, William Frederic, Psi 00 Becker, John Emerson, Psi 03, 1 E. Main St. Huff, James WiUard, Psi 03, 3 W. Main St. Watertown Ball. \\'oostcn Orlin. Zeta 77, 51 Otis Block Hoyt, Henry Arthur, Xi 90, 221 William St. Inglehart, Hiram Fred, Psi 97, 201 Paddock St. Jones, Gary Miller, Psi 88, 10 Sterling St. Jones, Robert Waite, Theta 20, 165 Park Ave. MacComber, George Bush, Xi 98, 112-14 Court St. Miller, Guy Hiram, Theta 94, 214 Paddock St. Pickard, Darwin Frank, Psi 97, 403 Washing- ton St. Purcell, Francis Kcon, Pi 01 Chi 01. 500 Sher- man Bldg. Purcell, Henry, Jr., Chi 03, 500 Sherman Bldg. S'hepard, William James, Zeta 77, Xi 77, 3 Flower Block Smith, Edward North, Psi 90, 116 Washington St. Summerville, Grin Remington, Pi 18, 336 Win- slow St. Taggart, Byron Brown, Psi 96 Tisdale, Frank Sommers. Psi 88, City Hall Van Namee, George Rivet, Chi 02, 45 Otis Block Walker, George Henry, Xi 81, 368 Franklin St. White, William Russell, Psi 15, The Watertown Times Watervliet Batchcller. Hiland Garfield, Xi 07, Ludlum Steel & Spring Co. Corning. Edwin, Beta 06, Ludlum Steel Co. Waverly Grafft, Edwin Philips, Theta 13 Hawkes, Frederick Emmet, Theta 90, 316 Broad St. Meserve, Percy Clark. Theta 92 Wayland Capron, Wilbur Wintersmith, Pi 16 Jervis, Charles Myron, Upsilon 84 West Bloomfield Webster, Franklin Gates, Zeta 93 Westbury Baltazzi, Samuel Adams Warren, Lambda 98 Westfield Blatherwick, James Albert, Zeta 06 Crandall, George Patterson. Beta 15 West Hampton Beach Atwater, William Cutler, Gamma 84 Milbank, Robert Watkinson, Jr., Lambda 14 Thurston, Edward Haynes, Beta 17 Tompkins, George Benjamin, Xi 08 West New Brighton Iladlock, Albert Emerson, Zeta 87, 342 Bcmcnt Ave. Richards, Eugene Lamb, Beta 85 Richardson, William, Zeta 64, 34 St. ,\ustins PI. White Plains Craig. Walter (George, Theta 04, 2 Grand St. Damon, Albert Howe, Pi 02, 140 Fisher Ave. Olmsted, Ellis Favette, Pi 03, Vermont Ave. Peck, Carl Robinson, Xi 96, 7, 2d St. Preston, Robert Hall, Pi 11, 16 Chestnut Hill .'\ve. Sherman, Richard Mitchell, Sigma 87. 265 Post Rd. Smithers, Charles, Eta 94. Chi 94 Sorensen, Arthur Peter, Delta 16, 17 RiJge St. Whitestone Nutter, Charles Herbert, Delta 98. 14 Boule- vard West Williamsville Conklin, Edward Wells, L'psilon 10 I I GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 813 Woodhaven Ki.hard, Howard Mac Millan. Xi 04, 7S Shaw Ave. Woodmere Boardnian, Kennclli, Beta 06 Sullivan. Leonard, Beta OS Woodstock Cook, Charles Bayley, Kappa 05 Woodville Wood, George Milton, Jr., Chi 03 Wyoming Farnham, Schuyler Clianiberlin, Zeta 70 Yonkers Abbott, Tames. Delta 8.?, 98 Ravine Ave. Adams. Hugh White, Jr., Lambda 00, 262 Palisade Ave. Affleck, James Gelston, Jr., Sigma 14, 674 N. Broadwav Affleck, William Russell, Sigma 17, 674 N. Broadway Alexander, Eugene Davenport, Beta 96, 45*^ Palisade Ave. Allen, Earle Whitman, Pi 19, 95 Morningside Ave. Ashton, William Bright, Theta 19, 7 Halcvon PI. Belknap. Etbelbert, Jr., Delta 10, 602 N. Broadway Bell. James Christy, Jr., Lambda IS, 337 N. Broadway Ber?crsen. Ole B[ernhardt], Omega 11, 85 Valentine Lane Brady, Frank Murray, Lambda 20, 13 Randolph St.' Brown, Walter Francis Anselm, Delta 10, Over- cliff House, Park Hill Buchanan, Lincoln Alexander, 407 Warburton Ave. Bush, Edward Rcnshaw. Lam.bda 81, Park Hill Carr, Edwin Hamlin, Pi 94, Carpenter Ave. Crandall, Francis Asbury, Xi 75, 168 Park Ave. Cromwell, Merritt F"owier, Beta Beta 13, 304 Palisade Ave. Cushman, Kenneth Bruce, Omicron 19, 55 Caryle Ave. Dalziel, Arthur Yonge, Delta 08, 81 Saratoga Ave. Draper, Ernest Everett, Delta 19, 176 Wood- worth Ave. Draper. William Henry, Jr., Delta 16, 176 Woodworth Ave. Fox, Paul Henry, Delta 16, 338 Warburton Ave. Fuller. Frederick Pardee, Eta 93, Chi 94, 1050 Nepperhan Ave. Gilbert. William Morris, Theta 83, 165 N. Broadway Gilbert. William Morris, Jr., Theta 17, 165 N. Broadway Gleason, Arthur Huntington, Beta 01, 602 S. Broadwav Gould, David Henry, Theta 66, 345 N. Broau- way Gould, Henry Black, Gamma 03, 345 X. Broad- way Harris, William Welton, Phi 89, Lowerre, Summit Park Holme, Horace, Delta 07, 98 Ravine Ave. Holme, William, Delta 06, 132 Ravine Ave. Huntington, Dwight Williams, Beta 73, 16 Laurence St. Jenkins, John Foster, Lambda 84, 149 X. Broad- way Johnson, Henrv, Mu 89, 35 Orient St. King, Rufus, Delta 60, 222 N. Broadwav Kirby, Harold Stilwell. Theta 00, Tau 00, 500 Van Cortlandt Park Ave. Lasher. Duncan MacMillan, Lambda 11, 380 Hawthorne .\ve. Lasher, John Kennedy, Jr., Lambda 14. 396 Palisade Ave. YonkersJ-Cont'd Mitchell, William, Lambda 68, Brvn Mawr Park Raynor, Russell, Lambda 89, 558 Palisade Ave. Richardson, Norman Byron, Zeta 20, 9 Franklin Ave. Rowe, Ivan Herr, Delta 17, 227 Roberts Ave. Schulze, John James Wilhelm, Delta 11, 43 Ridge Drive Smith, Duncan, Sigma 55. 101 Hudson Terrace Smith. Harold Emory, Delta 17, 24 Landscape Ave. Sutton, James Stanley, Xi 17, 20 St. Andrews Sutton, Willis Dale, Delta 12, 20 St. Andrews PI. Wiffler, Frank John. Delta IS, 24 Gold St Wildman, Gilbert Hine. Pi 04. 243 Park Hill Ave. York Stewart. Neil Johnston. Upsilon 20 NORTH CAROLINA Asheville Howland. Francis Edwin. Beta 04. Stanley Howland Chaoel Hill Hanford, James Holly, Upsilon 04 Charlotte Glover, Fred Weston, Kappa 94, 51 S College St. Fairview McClure, James George King, Jr., Beta 06, Hickory Nut Gap Hoffman Gates, Franklin Herbert. Beta 12 Gates, Russell Cahoon, Beta 14, "Broadacre" Oxford Caldwell, Halsted Woodrow. Eta 06. Carolina Lodge Raleigh Lav, George William. Beta 82. St. Mary's School Roanoke Rapids Chase. Joseph Theodore. Zeta 06 Rutherfordton Lobdell, Frederick Danforth, Beta Beta 85 NORTH DAKOTA Beach Walters. Harvey Henry, Omicron 15 Bismarck Philbrick, John French, Zeta 81. Bismarck Hotel Ellendale Webb, George Taylor, Mu 02 Grafton DePuy, Herbert Crandall. Theta 90 Jamestown Orladv, Lewis Thomas, Gamma 18. 318 Third Ave. Quinby, Edward Vincent, Jr., Omega 05, 513 Main St. Merricourt Webb. George Taylor, Mu 02 Minot Baker, Guy Winter, Jr., Iota 16, 31 1st St. N. E. Wheatland Clark, Horace, Lambda 82 814 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX OHIO Akron Albrccht, Delmar Louis. Zeta 16. Mill St. Viaduct Brooks, Edwin Hinchman, Upsilon 08, 45 Or- chard Rd. Clarke, George Elliott, Iota 08, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., E. Main St. Clarke. John Scarlett, Xi 07, Firstone Tire & Rubber Co. Cobbs, Reginald McCall, Delta Delta 17, 682 E. Buchtel Ave. Held. Paul Miller. Xi 08. 92 S. Main St. Weida, Frederick Shepherd, Iota 17. 1144 E. Market St. Bexley Deshler, John Green, Iota 73, E. Broad St. Canton Barnard. Harvey Pettibone, Eta 04, United Steel Co. Holliday, Persifor Smith, Eta 06, Tau 06, The Berger Mfg. Co. McCowatt, Walter Robson, Iota 11, 319 5th St. S. \V. Zollinger, Charles William, Iota, 04 Chillicothe Smith, George Hunter, Iota 84, 22;4 W. 2d St. Cincinnati Burch, Robert Boyd, Beta 99, 416 Gwynne Bldg. Clcneay, Harry Quinton, Beta 81, 152 E. 4th St. Collins, Walter Thomas, Iota 03, University Club. Conroy, Thomas Michael, Sigma 19, 948 Dana Ave. Cressler, Alfred Miller, Beta 02, W. H. till- more & Co., St. Paul Bldg. Day, Rodney Dean, Beta 03, Chi 06, Pallak Steel Co. De Camp, Walter Alden, Beta 90, Traction Bldg. Faraday, Harry Willet, Xi 11, 2204 Burnet Ave. Goss, Charles Frederic, Psi IZ, 937 Lexington Ave. Hayward, Edward Payson, Xi 13, 1611 Union Trust Bldg. Hollister, Burton Page, Beta 92, 1325 Union Trust Bldg. Hollister, Howard Clark, Beta 78, Govern- ment Bldg. Hollister, John Baker, Beta 11, 44 Wiggins Block. Irwin, Lewis Whiteman, Beta 73, 310 Lincoln Inn Court Jenney, Herbert Russell, Beta 00, 419 Plum St. Johnson, Francis Porter. Beta Beta 94, 250 Senator PI. Larmon, Arthur James, Iota 06, 2941 Spring Grove .\ve. Lewis, Edward Samuel, Xi 11 , 420 Plum St. Long, Maxwell Budd, Iota 05, 3551 Michigan Ave. Mallon, Guv Ward, Beta 85, 2004 Union Cen- tral Bldg. Mallon, Henry Neil, Beta 17, 234 McGregor Ave. Martin, William Walter, Tau 95, Hotel Havlin. Vine St. and Opera PI. Maxwell, Lawrence, Phi 74, Union Central Bldg. ililler, Elliott Strong, Omicron 16, Chicago Mill & Lumber Co. Mitchell, Mark Lincoln, Beta 08, Robert Mitchell Furniture Co., 2d and John Sts. Morgan, Sherley Warner, Lambda 16, 978 .\vondale Ave. Morris, Roger Sylvester, Phi 00, 3646 Wash- ington Ave. Cincinnati — Cont'd Na.'it, Albert Julius, Xi 68, Methodist Book Concern Paxton, Thomas Barbour, Jr., Beta 96, 801 Gwynne Bldg , Payne, Harold, Delta Delta 16, 3925 Reaumg Rd. Payne, John Adams, Jr., Delta Delta 16, Lambda 16, The Fleischman Co., Plum St. Purves, S'tuart St. Claire, Beta Beta 20, 3461 Brookline Ave. Rawson, Joseph, Alpha 72, 1st National Bank. Rowe, Aaron Burt Champion, lota 19, 745 Ridgeway Ave. Rust, Richard Frederick, Phi 93, 1308 Union Central Bldg. Rust, Richard Hubbard, Xi 65, 7 Greenwood Court, Avondale Rust, Richard Sutton, Xi 12, Union Central Life Ins. Bldg. Sampson, Wright Coolidge, Gamma 95, 424 Main St. Sargent, Edward Bartow, Beta 83, 2004 Union Central Bldg. Seasongood, Philip Lewis, Iota 87, 1102 Union Trust Bldg. Shaffer, Frank Holmes, Beta 11, 30 Atlas Bank Bldg. Shaffer, Stanley, Beta 83, 30 Atlas Bank Bldg. Stanberg, Henry. Iota 96, 8 E. 8th St. Stanbery, Philemon Beecher, Iota 98, 411 First National Bank Bldg. Starkweather, John Kent, Sigma 13, 2326 Ash- land Ave.. W. H. Strauss, Walter Harry, Iota 15, 401 Bell Block Taft, Robert Alphonso, Beta 10, 2208 Union Central Bldg. Theobald, Eugene Elliott, Iota 17, 228 E. 6th St. Todd, James Smith, Iota 18, 4044 Rose Hill Ave., Avondale Waite, !Morison Remich, Beta 88, 97 Carew Bldg. Worcester, Harry Augustus, Beta 84, Keys Crescent, East Walnut Hills Yergason, Henry Bingham Bartlett, Beta 99, 2i2 Albion PI., Mt. Auburn Cleveland Anderson, Eugene Malcolm, Iota 14, 1836 Eu- clid Ave. Bates, Albert Harlan, Eta 89, 1028 Society for Savings Bldg. Bcerbower, [Louis] Diunont, Xi 13, N. Y. C. R. R. Co. Bodcnhorn, Aaron, Gamma 19, 1794 63d St. Bourne, Henry Eldridge, Beta 83, College for Women. Western Reserve Univ. Brady, Wiliam Burke, Eta ^1 , 12582 Clifton Blvd. Brown, Fayette, Beta 04, 1624 Rockefeller Bldg. Brown, Markley Chalfant, Iota 16, 1348 Rocke- feller Bldg. Buggie, Horace Hobart, Rho 13, 2024 E. llSth St. Calhoun, Andrew Pickens, Beta 19, Euclid Heights Cheney, James Loring, Omega 77, Upsilon 77, Euclid Ave. Baptist Church Cheyney, Edward Lafourcade, Tau 00, 950 Leader News Bldg. Chisholm, Alvah Stone, Beta 93, W'estern Re- serve Bldg. Chisholm, Wilson Kellcy, Beta 98, 6407 Euclid Ave. Clark, Fred George, Iota 13, 1087 W. 11th St. Clark; Robert Parry, Tau 03, 721 Engineers Bldg. Clark, Sherman Staley, Iota 15, F. G. Clark Co., 1087 W. 11th St. Collins, Byron Alonzo, Theta 08, Superior Ave. and E. 6th St. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 815 Cleveland— Cont'd Cottrell, George William, Phi 98, Western Re- serve Bldg. Davis, Clarence Lewis, Delta 04, 648 Huron Rd. Duiiliam, Ray Stanley, lota 06, 62o Society for Savings Bldg. Dusinbcrrc, George Brown, Chi 86, City Hall Kinkcnstacdt, Edward Rudolph, Phi 11, Perfec- tion Spring Co. Frost, Herbert Loring, Beta 83, lOOS Rose Bldg. Fuller, Wyman Zoller, Zeta 15, 1849 Crawford Rd., N. E. Gordon, Harry Ralph, Sigma 18, 47 Grasmere St. Graves, Walter Greenwood, Beta 86, 1950 E. 90th^ St. HallocK, Cleveland, Gamma 19, 2060 Cornell Rd. Haserot, Francis Samuel, Tau 17, 1786 Craw- ford Rd. Haworth, William Joseph, Iota 96, 614 Citizens' Bldg. Haydock, Horace Weldon, Tau 12, Caxton Bldg. Herrick, Francis Hobart, Zeta 81, Western Re- serve Univ. Higbee, Howard Haines, Beta 84, 2121 E. 96th St. Hough, Addison Hills, Beta 90, 1319 Williamson Bldg. Iloyl, Elton 2d. Beta 10. Pickands, Mather & Co., Western Reserve BlCg. Hoyt, Leslie Frank. Pi 09, 919 West St. Hurd, Perry Elisha, Chi 13, Illuminating Bldg. Tewitt, Homer Moore, Iota 14, \\'illiams Mfg. Co., 118 St. Clair Ave. N. E. Kennedy. Norman Fullerton, Delta Delta 17, 18126 Euclid Ave. Kennedy, William Dorsey, Delta Delta 16, 18126 Euclid Ave. Kerruish, Sheldon Quayle, Beta 83, 1011 So- ciety for Savings Bldg. Kneil, Robert Chipman, Xi IS, 810 Swetland Bldg. Lohmiller, Calvin Arthur, Phi 06, 404 Swetland Bldg. Lux, Richard Courtney, Zeta 20. 2066 E. 77th St. McAfee, William Archibald, Beta 11, East Ohio Gas Bid?. IMcBridc. Donald, Beta 06, E. 40th St. and Per- kins Ave. N. E. McDcvitt, James English, Eta 07, Y. M. C. A. Manchester, Sherman Amos, Iota 14, 206 Cen- tral Viaduct Mapes, Edwin John, Theta 12, 704 Eagle Ave. Mather, Samuel Livingston, Beta 05, Rocke- feller Bldg. blather, William Gwinn, Beta Beta 77, Rocke- feller Bldg. ISIorley, Charles Rockwell, Beta 86, 757 Hippo- drome Annex Newberry, Arthur Cleveland, Chi 12, 620 En- gineers' Bldg. Patterson, Paul, Beta 11, 910 House Bldg. Pinney. Humphrey, Chi 16, Otis & Co.. 215 Ciiyalioga Bldg. Porter, Phil, Iota 12, 9813 Ramona Blvd. Powell, \\'illiam Baker, Gamma 11, 601 Canal Rd. Powers, Marsh Klock, Beta 10, Illuminating BUh. Rankin, Alfred Erwin, Beta Beta 11, 2344 Pros- pect Ave. Ravmond, Henry Augustine. Beta OS, Cleveland Cliff Iron Co., Rockefeller Bldg. Sanborn, Norman Prime, Iota 19, 52 Page Ave., E. C. Sanderson, Julius Courtlon, Chi 04, 7821 St. Clair Ave. Sawyer, Harry Barber, Iota 97. 2034 E. Sl.st M. Sawyer, Raymond Terry, Iota 00, 916 Euclid Ave. Cleveland— Cont'd Severance, Allen Dudley, Gamma 89, 8821 Eu- clid Ave. Shoemaker, James Wright, Omicron 16, The Scripps Publishing Co., E. 9th St. and Rock- well Ave. SkiUin, Howard Newell, Zeta 00, 508 Guardian Bldg. Smith, Clifford Chester, Phi 86, 2229 E. 93d St. .Spencer, Duncan McGlashan, Tau 20 Townsend, Edward David, Beta Beta 12, Bloom- ing Mill Dept., Corrigan-McKinney Co. Tweedy, Raymond Lathrop, Beta 00, 1912 Su- perior Ave. Whittemore, Ernest Wales, Beta 98, 7706 Piatt Ave. S. E. Wilcox, James Bacon, Iota 83 Central National Bank Bldg. Williams, Arthur Baldwin, Jr., Beta 98, 700 Marshall Bldg. Wing, George Clarv, Alpha 71, 1104 Citizens' Bldg. Worthington, Donald, Iota 17. 2049 Cornell Rd. Wright, Arthur Silas, Theta 82, 1669 E. 115th St. Wright, Edward Barhight, Gamma 20, 1669 E. 115th St. Cleveland Heights Skillin, Howard Newell, Zeta 00, 2480 Welling- ton Rd. Clifton Reed, Charles Lawson, Beta 11, 3581 Inter- wood Ave. Columbus Bentley, Robert Aholiab, Iota 10, 700 E. Broad St. Bush, Prescott Sheldon, Beta 17, Central and Cardington Aves. Chester, John Jonas, Jr., Iota 19, Gamma 19, 65 Franklin Park \\'. Coffin, Ogden Willard Lincoln, Delta 12, 60 Sherman Ave. Crider, Rollin Frederick, Chi 82, 537 E. Broad St. Derby, Donald Belden, Pi 18. W. M. Ritter Lumber Co. Deshler, John Green, Iota 73, 901 Hayden Bldg. Dun, Angus Wortham, Iota 80, 311 Hartman Bldg. Dun, John Graham, Iota 75. Hotel Vendome Eckstorm, John Bernard Christian, Zeta 98, 208 E. Eleventh Ave. Farrar, John Xerxes, Beta 12, Jeffrey Mfg. Co. Field, Frank Heermans. Upsilon 96, 77 E. Long St. Hamilton, Charles Sumner, Iota 83, ISO E. Broad St. Hamilton, William Drake, Iota 80, 150 E. Broad St. Ilanna, Walter Scott, Delta Delta 20, 173 Woodland Ave. Holmes. Charles Elmer. Beta 84, 301 Outlook Bldg. Hutchinson, Frank Hubbard. Delta Delta 17, 847 N. Park St. Knight, George Wells. Phi 78, Ohio State University. Lindenberg, George Walter, Beta 92, The Columbia Brass Co., 538 Dublin Ave. McAllister, Willis Hamilton, Gamma 19, 205 \\'oodland Ave. McCune, John Prouty, Beta 78. 395 E. Broad St. McCune, Jonas Person. Zeta 18, 28 N. 20th St. McElroy. [Frank] Austin, Iota 09, Chi 09, Hart- man Bid;. McElroy, Harvey Bancroft, Iota 09, Hartman Bldg. • Newman, Oscar William, Iota 88, Supreme Court Patton, Carl Harrison, Gamma 19, 101 12th St. 816 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Columbus — Cont d . Piatt. Rutherford Hayes, Beta 74. IS'^ t- State St. „ r^ T, J Sheldon. Thomas Henry. Iota 09, 8 E. Broad St. Stevens. Rollo William. Iota 19 Vorys, John Martin, Beta 18, 441 E. Town St. Wilcox. James Bacon, Iota 83, Green Lawn Cemetery Assn. Williams. Alan Gillespie. Chi 03. 1205 Madison Williams. Morris Holliday, Gamma 18, 223 Woodland Ave. t^ ,. on loo Wood Kenneth Taylor. Delta Delta 20. 329 Kendal PI. Conneaut ^, . ^ Walker. Clarence. Eta 89. 373 Main St. Cuyahoga Falls n , , , (w Vaughn, Leland Alexander, lota 04, Chi OS, 39 S. 3d St. AUyn. Charles Stanley, Rho 13, National Cash Register C"o. ^, . , ,r » (iriffin, Almern Frederick, Xi 14, 11 Mary Ave. Howett. Lester. Upsilon 16 1026 E May St. Kiefaber, Harry Jonathan, Rho 15, HI b. »t. Clair St. /^ TT Lewis, Carlton Arnold. Phi 12. The G. H. Mead Co.. City National Bank Bldg. Matthews, David Terrell, Iota 19, 706 Oakwood Ave.. Oakwood ' Matthews, Edwin Parrott Jr. Iota 19. 706 Oakwood Ave., Oakwood Village Matthews. Fitch-James. Iota 13. 910 Schwind Peters^' Clinton Noyes. Kappa 10. National Military Home „ Ridgway. Charles Arthur. Mu 99. 127 W. Monument Ave. r-7 mo ^^? Wood E[phraim] Morgan. Beta 57. 102 W. 2d St. Delaware , „ „,. ^ Hale. Dean Burkhardt. Iota 04. 91 E. Winter wfsVgate. Lewis Gardner. Xi 90, Ohio Wesleyan Univ. East Cleveland „ .o t, Sanborn, Robert Hodgson. Iota i8. 52 Paga .^ve. Elyria Cuff Frederic V, Iota 14, 27 Redington Block Grant, John Hiram, Gamma 92, 130 Harrison St. Euclid . ,j o Arms Charles Carroll. Zeta 65. Armsfield. iit. Clair Rd. Eugene Hayes. Sherman Otis. Iota 12. Chi 12, 930 Olive St. Findlay Patterson, Arthur Dunn, Gamma 11, 418 S. Main St. Gambier Weida. Francis Wharton. Iota 19 „ ^-, „ Weida, Frederick Shepherd, Iota 17, P. O. Box 255 Glendale Allen. Stanley Woodruff. Iota 09. Chi 10, Magnolia Ave. .Mien. William Thompson, Iota 13, Woodbine Ave. Hamilton Bronson, Malcolm, Iota 07. 300 Rentschler Bldg. • Torrence, George Paull, Beta 75, 16 N. 7th St. Hebron Cheney, James Loring. Omega 77, Upsilon 77 Hillsboro Boyd, Blair Morton, Chi 03, 339 W. Main St. Kenton Carpenter, Eugene Grove. Iota 19 Lakewood Clark. Robert Parry. Tau 03 Lebanon Simonton, Leonidas. Iota 69. 205 S. Broadway Lockland Reed, Charles Lawson. Beta 11, Stearns & Fos- ter Co. London Gould, Theodore Herbert, Iota 91, 57 Main St. Lytle Simonton, Leonidas. Iota 69. Grain Elevator Mansfield Hand, .-\very Chapman, Gamma 12, Tracy & .■\very Co. "Marietta Goodrich. Charles Gourlay. Xi 93, Marietta College Merriam, Edmund Sawyer, Beta Beta 02, 231 4th St. Marion Gorham, [Sands] Kenyon, Beta 85, 130 S. Greenwood St. Martin's Ferry Lash. Carl Powell, Iota 00. City Hall Mentor Clark. Fred George. Iota 13, "Marlouise" Morrow Soutligatc, Charles Frederick, lota 71 Mt. Gilead Griflith, Harry Saiger. Iota 87 Mt. Vernon Armstrong, Willard Clarke, Iota 97, 101 N. Gay St. Curtis. Walter Chittenden, lota 01 Ringwalt. Ralph Curtis, Iota 94. 7 S. Main St. Mt. Victory Dickinson. John Alexander. Iota 13 Napoleon Cuff, John Francis, Iota 03, Court House Cuff, William Aldreu, lota 10. Roessing Bld^. Newark Heisey. George Duncan, Eta 97, 349 Gran- ville St. McCune, John Prouty, Beta 78. Blair Motor Truck Co. Magee. Charles Frizzell. Iota 01. 78 W. Church St. Weiant. Carl Andrew. Iota 05 Norwood Allen. Stanley Woodruff. Iota 09. Chi 10, The Kemper-Thomas Co. Oberlin Currier, Albert Henry. Kappa 57. 105 Elm St. Dickinson. Edward. Gamma 76. 142 S. Cedar Ave. Goodrich, Robert James, Omicroii 17, 125 Kim St. Tenney, Henry Martyii, Gamma 64 Perrysburg Finkbeiner, Donald Arthur. Phi 17 Greenhalgh, George Partridge, Beta 01, Cozy Nook Pomeroy Stanbery, Hart, Iota 00 Portsmouth Coates, Joseph Pancoast, lota 81, 903 2nd St. Ewing, Nelson James, Eta 10 Ewing, Wylie Parker, Eta 14, 827 2nd St. I I GEOGRAPHJCAL INDEX 817 Portsmouth — Cont'd llutchins. Wells Augustus, Iota 84, First Natl. Bank Bldg. Johnson, Samuel Miles Tracy. Iota 76, 509 -M St. St. Bernard Alkn. William Thompson, Iota 1i, Ubiko Mil'ing Co. Sandusky Milne, James Edward .Melville. Phi 87. 228 Columbus Ave. Xewberrj', Andrew White, Chi 05. S. B. New- berry, Sandusky Cement Co. Shepard Postle, Wilbur Everett, Iota 19, 800 Nelson Ave. ' Springfield Brain, George Louis, Iota 20, 1911 E. High St. Thatcher, Ralph Hough, Theta 93. 1600 E. Pleasant St. Steubenville Acer. Donald Winchester, Omicron 14, P. O. Box 515 Tallmadge Sutherland, \\'ard Taylor, Upsilon 78 Tiffin Young, George Douglass, Delta 87, 165 E. Market St. Titonville Morrison, Paul. Iota 92 Toledo Baumgardner, Carlton Morey. Phi 18. 2015 Parkwood Ave. Baumgardner. Edson. Chi 03, Jefferson and St. Clair Sts. Baumgardner. Frank Langan. Phi 00. Jefferson and St. Clair Sts. Cummings. Harry White, Phi 97, 1907 2d National Bank Bldg. Cummings, Robert Smith, Phi 98, 545 Win- throp St. Daniells, John Ecklev, Rho 05, 1223 Nicholas Bldg. Dodge, Henry Perkins, Phi 93, 915 Jefferson Ave. Forster, Harold Cameron, Iota 06, 623 W. Ban- croft St. Frost, Lewis Livingston, Phi 11, 209 Nicholas Bldg. Greenhalgh, George Partridge, Beta 01, 1514 Nicholas Bldg. Hardee, William Donald, Phi 16, 2275 Ashland Ave. Hardisty, Harold Roffe, Pi 14, 518 Jefferson Ave. Harris. Edwin Rollins, Upsilon 06, 301 2d National Bank Bldg. Hodge, Richard Hallaran, Delta Delta IS, 1925 Parkwood Ave. Holmes. Edward, Chi 05. Willys Overland Co. Howell, Arthur Llewelyn, Zeta 16, 2129 Scott- wood Ave. Hyatt, George. Delta 07, Asphalt Block Pave- ment Co., 3147 Jessie St. King. Thomas Ewing, Tau 03. 1234 Ohio Bldg. Kinsev, Isaac, Jr., Phi 16, WillysOverlana Co. Knmler, Langdon Williams, Phi 06, Nicholas Bldg. McKisson, Donald Edwin, Phi 17, 2105 Smead Ave. Newell, Ashbel Barney, Beta 90, Terminal Station Paddock, Leon Jenkins, Phi 13, 2213 Glenwood Ave. Paddock. Ormond Howland, Chi 07, 1008 2d Natl. Bank Bldg. Pratt, John Shcrring, Phi 96, 13 Federal Bldg. Toledo— 'Cont'd Reynolds, Harold Sheldon, Phi 06, 2232 Park- wood Ave. Robinson, Jefferson Davis, Zeta 18, 2016 Scott- wood Ave. Rorick, Marvin Horton, Phi 20, 2312 Robin- wood Ave. Shaw. Carleton. Beta 04, Gardner Bldg. Suydam, Horace Wright, Phi 94, 3134 Monroe St. Tyler, Julian Howard, Phi 84, 1604 2d National Bank Bldg. Young, Morrison Waite, Beta 83, 2d National Baiik Urbana Marvin, Clitus Harry, Iota 83 Van Wert Kennedy, Charles Ferguson, Omega 04, Ken- nedy Mfg. Co. Warren Dunham, Tryon Griswold, Gamma 90, 317 N. Park Ave. Wauseon Lyon, Graham Spear, Zeta 09 Willoughby Theobald, William Henry, Iota 11 Wyoming Cressler, Alfred Miller, Beta 02, 232 Wyoming Ave. Youngstown Brown, Edmond Swain. Chi 07, 1101 Mahonig Bank Bid?. Faraday, Harry Willet, Xi 11, Trussed Con- crete Steel Co. James, Carl Gilbert, Iota 20, 221 Madison Ave. Topping, Wilbur Baird, Eta 06 Tau 06, Repub- lic Iron & Steel Co. Williams, Louis Howell, Rho 15, 626 Bryson OKLAHOMA Bartlesville MacArthur, Robert Fox, Sigma 96, Drawer G Broken Arrow Mitchell, Robert Bryant, Psi 11, Citizens' Na- tional Bank Drummond Smith. Allen Sheridan Johnson, Pi 90, Main St. Lawton Shaffer, Frederick David, Beta 83, 421 Chicka- sha Ave. Lexington Stevens, Frank Edward, Xi 17 Stevens, Lucian Henry, Xi 17 Muskogee Bickford, Warren Franklin, Kappa 72, 2110 Elizabeth Ave. Newkirk Martin, Maxmillian Loyal, Omega 09 Sapulpa I Remick, Roscoe Hiram, Xi 08 "^ Tulsa Blair. Ezra Cornell, Chi 96, Gallais Bldg. Copmann, Chester Jules, Beta 09, Roxana Pe- troleum Co. Henry, Fidelio Sharp, Beta 94, 1630 S. Ell- wood St. Hunter, Rolland Mitchell Brown, Tau 11 Twin State Oil Co. MacArthur, Robert Fox, Sigma 96, 520 N. Cheyenne Ave. Martin, George Frisbee, Omega 19, 718 S. Boston Ave. 818 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Tulsa— Cont'd Martin, Robert Bruce, Omega 16, 1st Natl. Bank BIdg. Orr, Harold James, Omicron 20, 9th and Boul der Sts. OREGON . Astoria Guenther, Stuart Henry, Tliet Tlieta 20 Bay City Hawkins, Russell, Tau 94 Bend Benson, Charles Stuart, Mu 92, 859 Wall St. Putnam, George Palmer, Epsilon 11 Central Point Washburn, Robert Charles, Kappa 83, Table Rock Orchard Dallas Ewing, William Barnwell, Beta Beta 06 Eugene Bovard, John Freeman, Epsilon 03, Univ. of Oregon Hayes, Sherman Otis, Chi 12 Iota 12 Swectser. Albert Raddin, Xi 84, Univ. ol Oregon Hood River Allen, John Wesley, Theta Theta 19, R. R. No. 2 Paddock, Robert Lewis, Beta Beta 94 Klamath Falls Williams, Dayton Ogden, Iota 07, Klamath Falls Medford Johnston, Thomas Slater, Jr., Beta 10, Antelope Orchard Co. Oswego Belirends, Frederick Rouse, Gamma 06, R. R. No. 1 Parkdale Clarke, Wedworth William, Beta 06 Portland Behrends, Frederick Rouse, Gamma 06, 1110 Wilcox Bldg. Clark, William Dennison, Phi 07, 812 Lewis Bldg. Copeland, William Harold, Theta Theta 20, 681 Thompson Ave. Curry, Clarence Pratt, Gamma 14, 700 Pros- pect Drive Dudley, Frank, Theta 12, 834 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Gill, Mark Wiilsnn. Xi 89, 133 3d St. Hawkins, Russell, Tau 94, Lewis Bldg. Jefferds, Henry Clarke, Beta 82, 902 Stevens Bldg. Kcmpe. Ernest Augustus, Beta Beta 81, 1307 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Mason, George Cotner, Delta 92, 418 Worces- ter Bldg. Noyes, Robert Hale, Beta 08, 1111 Yeon Bldg. Peckham, LeRoy Bliss, Beta 80, 821 Marshall St. Weston, Alvah Towle, Theta Theta 16, 915 Haight Ave. Wheeler, Lawrence Raymond, Beta 11, Even- ing Telegram Williams, Thomas Victor, Phi 03, Spalding Bldg. Salem Bush, Asahel, Gamma 09, 315 Bellevue St. Bush, Asahel Nesmith, Gamma 82 Clarke, Leon Luther, Epsilon 07 Tillamook Lovejoy, Clarence Evans, Upsilon 93, A. F. Coates Lumber Co. PENNSYLVANIA AUentown Wood, Jacob W'inslow, Gamma 66 Altoona Biddle, Homer Shoenfelt, Xi 06, 1808 Ninth Ave. Cooley, Albert Northrup, Omega 87, LTpsilon 8/, General Supt., Pennsylvania R. R. Ambler Hougli, Israel Ely, Tau 20. 524 Butler Ave. Hough, William janctt Hallovvcil, Tau 11 Smith, Edwin Oscar, Xi 93 Vare, Edwin Hornberger, Tau 20 Ardmore Carr, Harry Chiles, Lambda 07, 121 Llanfair Rd. Esty, Robert Pegram, Gamma ^1 , corner Llanfair and Wister Rds. Jones, Charles Clothier, Gamma 09 Ludington, Charles Henry, Beta 8/ Pearce, Henry George, Tau 07 Register, Albert Layton, Chi 89 Walker, Robert Coleman, Beta 11, Montgom- ery Ave. and Valley Rd. Ashland Walter, Abner Kelly, Delta 03, 5th and Centre Sts. Austin Bayless, Stanley Corbett, Theta 09 Beaver Davidson. Philip James, Tau 15 McConnell, William Appleton, Beta 90, 682 Third St. Reed, Ralph Edwin, Zeta 13, 274 E. 3d St. Beaver Falls Davidson. Philip James, Tau 15 Bellevue Scliiefcr, Henry John, Jr., Pi 08. 11 N. Bryant Ave. Berwyn Watson, John Warren, Eta 06, Tau 06, Lan- caster Pike (Lincoln Highway) Bethlehem Cole, Benjamin Ely, Eta 13, 151 E. Market St. Esty, William. Gamma 89, 318 E. Market St, Fox, Charles Shattuck, Upsilon 91, 330 Wall St. Gillespie, Robert Wallace, Xi 04, 3d and Market Sts. Hutchinson, Robert Parke, Eta 04, 45 First Ave Janus \\'altcr Tliomas, Xi 13, Bethlehein Steel Cn. Jones, Roy Humiston, Xi 01 Lambert, Preston .Albert, Eta 83, 215 S. Center St. McCarthy, Robert Emmett, Xi 14, Eta 15, Open Hearth-Bethlehem Steel Co. Shotwell, Ford Lewis, Delta 03, 826 W. Market St. Taylor, Robert Savre, Eta 95, First National Bank Bldg. Bloomsburg Brill, William. Xi 86, 418 E. 2d St. Brackenridge Bnrdick, Julian [Winsor], Beta 02 Bradford .Schoonmaker, Frederic Palcn, Chi 91, City Hall Bridgeville Warren, Tames, .Sigma 00, Universal Rolling Mill Co. Bristol Austin, Tames Moore, Tau 15, 601 Radcliflfe St Gilkeson, Franklin, Tau QO, 205 Radcliffe St. Swain, Joseph Warner 2d, Tau 04, 619 Radclitfe St. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 819 Brownsville Howniati, Nelson Hlair, Eta 20 Robinson, Harden Dutton, Gamma 17, 216 Front St. Bryn Mawr Colton, Ralph Lester, Tan 13 Ramsey, David Madison, Tau 07, 801 Lancaster Ave. Calcium Lightfoot, Thomas Montgomery, Tau 93 Cambridge Springs Cobb, William Anthony, Gamma 96, 117 Lin- coln St. Carlisle jMcIntire, Bradford Oliver, Xi 83, 201 S. College St. ' Sadler, Lewis Sterrett, Beta 95 Sadler, Sylvester Baker, Beta 96 Catasauqua Elverson, Joscpli Skctclilcy, Tavi S7 Horn, James Thomas, Eta 14, 502 \N'alnut St. Thomas, Hopkins Eta 02, Davis & Thomas Co. Chambersburg Warficld Ethelbert Dudley, Jr.. Psi 20, Wilson College \\'ood. George Herbert, Eta 99, T. B. Wood's Sons Co. Wood, Theodore Beniamin, Eta 98. Lincoln Way E. Chester Pollard, Otis Mason, Tau 19, Crozcr Seminary Chestnut Hill Douglas, Richard .\le.\ander, Beta 14 Clairton Stevens, Harold Burr. Chi 02 Cynwyd Blanchard, Harold Franklin, Eta 10, 344 Llandrillo Rd. Trumbull. Charles Gallaudet, Beta 93, 432 State Rd. Danville Angle, Frank PurscU. Eta 07 Angle, Theodore Robison. Eta 05 Devon Eckert, Samuel Baltz. Chi 08 Warren, Richard Fairfield, Tau 17, Waterloo .'\ve. and Arlington Rd. Downington Mcllvaine, John Gilbert. Beta Beta 00 Duquesne Burroughs, Davis Carlisle, Pi 16, 221 S. Sth St. East Downington Downing, Lewis Rutter, Eta 98, Lincoln High- way Easton Cornelius. Justice Cox, Eta 88, Bethlehem Rd., near 25th St. MacCracken, John Henry, Delta 94, Lafayette College Mixsell, Donald Gibson, Lambda 17, 216 Spring Garden St. Patterson, Horace Hill, Tau 93 East Pittsburgh Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel, Jr._. Lambda 10, Wcstinshousc Electric & Mf,?. Co. Rudd. Plarold Huntington, Bet Beta 01, West- inghouse Electric & AHg. Co. Stephens, Harold Dunston, Pi 07, Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. Ebensburg Barker, .\ugustinc Vinton, Zeta 72 Edgew®od Park Wayne, Elmer Conant, Delta 05, 111 Maple .\ve. Edgeworth Grange, Walter Taber, Beta Beta 06, 216 Chest- nut Rd. Tener, Alexander Campbell, Beta 12 Edinboro Siddell, William Gregory, I'i 02, State Normal • School Elkins Park Carroll, George Wyman, Jr., Sigma OS, Vork Rd. and Spring Ave. Endeavor Wheeler, Alexander Royal, Beta 11, "Bon- niebrae" Wheeler, William Reginald, Beta 11 Erie Bliven, Floyd Edward, Delta 09. 448 W. 7th St Chatain, Henri George, Lambda 96, General Electric Co. Coleman, Charles Silas, Beta Beta 82 190' Liberty St. Fulmer, Karl [Harrison], Zeta 13. 806 State St Jarecki, Robert, Eta 02, 558 W. 6th St. Meyer, Ludwig Garfield, Eta 06, 253 W 8th St Sanborn, Robert Peirce, Eta IS, General Elec-' trie C o. Fountain Spring Biddle, Robert McReynolds, Chi 13 Frankford Calder, Benjamin Griffitli, Tau 20, 1665 Har- rison St. Franklin Breckenridge. Donald Edward. Chi 19, 704 Elk ot. Ren fro. DeGrimm, (iamma 13 Glenburn Leighton, George, Eta 83 Glen Olden Eggleston, Charles Fellows, Xi 90 Glenside Smith. Winthrop, Gamma 69 Greencastle Ziegler, George Frederick, Gamma 66 Greensburg Cote, Joseph Lacasse, Jr., Beta 12, iVIain and ''d .Sts. Gwynedd Biddle, .\lfred Alexander, Beta 09 Hanover Bixler, David Daniel. Gamma 18, 20 Baltimore Soliday, David Shriver, Gannna 19, 237 Fred- crick St. Harrisburg Bailey. Charles Lukens, Jr.. Beta 86, 16 iV. .Market S(|. Darlington, Elliott Christopher Beams Lambda 16, 321 N. Front St. Darlington, James Henry, Delta 77 ^'1 X Front St. ' , . - . . Gillispie, Raymond Livingstone. Xi 10 •i'14 N. 2d St. . j-iT McC-ormick, James. Jr.. Beta 87, Cameron P.bls' Keed, George Edward, Xi 69, 2139 N. 2d St Tate, Mercer Brown, Eta 90, 16 N 'd .St late, Mercer Brown, Jr., Eta 20, lafs N.'2nd Hatboro l.arzclcre, William Gaulbert, Tau 19, York Rd Hathaway Lee, Richard Henry. Eta 19 820 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Haverford Baird. Donald Galliraith, Eta 14. Haverford College Baltz, Harry Rudolph, Beta 82 Barrows, Richard Lee. Tau 02 Huey. Arthur Baird, Tau 94 McCormick. Olin Foss. Xi 07. P. O. Box 145 Marston, Weaver Loner, Tau 18, College Ave. and Haverford Rd. Register, Henry Bartol. Tau 09 Register, Henry Vollmer. Chi 92 Register, Layton Bartol, Tau 04 Register, Samuel Croft, Chi 88 Sharpe, John Semple, Tau 03, Montgomery and Haverford Aves. Sutton, Henry Craig, Xi 07, Chi 07. Lancaster Ave. Sutton, J[oseph] Aubrey, Xi IS Woolman, Edward, Tau 94, Buck and Pannuirc Rds. Woolman, Henry Newbold, Tau 96 Homestead Rodgers, William Blackslock, Jr., Chi l^^ Honesdale Fuller, John Torrey, Eta 03, 505 Park St. Russell, .Milton Dimmick, Psi 18. 803 Church St. Huntingdon Miller, Charles Herbert, Eta 90, 708 Washing ton St. Indiana Campbell, James Elsworth, Gamma 18, 234 S. 7th St. Jeannette Smith, Donald Mennell. Chi 15, McKee Glass Co. Smith. Maurice Alexander. Chi 11, 203 2d St. Jersey Shore Calvert, Jacob Grafius. Jr.. Rho 17, 155 S. Main St. Johnstown Geis, Carl Edwin, Tau 17, 141 Clinton St. Kingston Anderson, William Conklin, Eta 94. 55 Butler St. Chamberlin, William Beaver. Lambda 87 Davis. Wendell Harrison, Xi 12, 153 S. .Maple .\vc. Davis, Wesley Morton, Xi 11, 153 S. Maple Ave. Welter. Joshtia Lewis, Pi 82, 632 Wyoming Ave. Kittanning Bufifington, Kenneth, Gamma 14, Keystone Bldg. Golden. Harry Clifford. Beta Beta 03. 407 Market St. (ioldcn. Horatio Lee, Beta Beta S3, 327 Market St. Martin, Sherwood Erie, Tau 09, Kittanning Brick & Fire Clay Co. Lancaster .Armstrong. Charles Dudley, Beta 10, Armstrong Cork Co. Bowden, Edward Arthur, Xi 90, 312 N. Duke St. Herlzlj-r, John Walter, Eta 03, The Bearings Co. of America Steinman, James Hale, Beta 08, Tau 11, 8 W. King St. Watson, Harold Lee, Eta 09, Watson Mfg. Co. Langhorne Atkins. Alfred Cooknian, Xi 79 Atkins, George Lewis, Xi 13 Lansdale (irav. Luther .Mbert, Tau 02. Doylestown Rd., R. R. No. 2. Laurel Ettlich, Carl George Hans, Delta 91 Lebanon Ehrgood, Allen Harry, Gamma 11, 21 S. 8th St. Reiser. Frank Moore. Eta 20, Berv.yn Park Lambert, William Allen, Eta 95, 236 S. Lin- coln Ave. j McAdam, Samuel Edward, Gamma 10, 341 N. I 8th St. "" Leetsdale Scott, Herman Gross, Jr., Xi 18, Beaver Rd. McKeesport Cornelius, William Albert, Eta 89, National Tube Co. Mahanoy City (iday, Harry Alanson, Pi 99, 700 Centre St. Masontown .Stevens, Harold Bvut, Chi 02, Fayette Co. Meadville Christie, Francis Albert, Gamma 81, 669 Alden ■ St. Media Moore, John Percy, Tau 92, R. R. Merion Hallowell, John Wallace, Jr., Beta 15, 425 Lin- j den Lane. i Milford Pinchot, Gifford, Beta 89 Wcrtlieimer. Leo \Veldon, Iota 99 Lambda 02, "Golden Spring." Munhall Crolius, Frederick Joseph, Zeta 99, Homesteau Steel Works Narberth liartlett, Albert Rus.sell, Tau 98, 119 Chestnut Ave. Brown, Walter Henry, Xi 10, 102 Elmwood Ave. Butcher, Hervey Edwin, Theta 07, 232 Dudley Ave. Ferguson, William, Theta 10, 219 Dudley Ave. Woodle, .\llau Sheldon, Jr., Beta Beta 99. Eddystone Ammunition Corporation Newcastle Doune, Harold King, Iota 12, Federal Radiator Co. Downe. Henry Smith, Iota 18, Y. M. C. A. Van Voorhis, Noble, Iota 18, Federal Radiator Co. New Kensington Turner, Ralph ("ushman. Beta 13, U. S. Alumi- num Co. Northumberland Catlin. Hasket Derby, Beta 59. King and 3d Sts. Oakmont Munroe, Robert 3d, Gamma 17, 365 Pennsyl- vania .\ve. Oil City Brundred. Benjamin Ford, Beta 13 Overbrook Crowley, William James, Kappa 08, 1123 N. 63d St. Alunson, George Sharp, Beta 04, Merion Ave. Parnassus Turner. Ralph Cushman, Beta 43. 445 Fifth Ave. Perkasie Corsa, Howard Pinckney, Gamma 10, Lambda 11 Philadelphia Appleton. John Adams, Beta 14, 1536 Pine St. Archbald. Robert Woodrow, Jr., Beta 98, 8U Stephen Girard Bldg. .Armstrong. John, Tau 05, American Railway.* Co.. Witherspoon Bldg. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 821 Philadelphia — Cont'd Ariuit, Chalks Henry, Iota 89, 59 W. Tulpe- hockcn St. Arnold, A[doniram] Judson, Upsilon 73, 1129 Walnut St. Baird. Donald Galbraith, Eta 14, 41U S. ISth St. Baker, Joserh Boyd, Jr., Tau 05, Broad St. Station. Pa. R. R. Baldwin, George Reade, Eta 88, 804 Green St. Baltz, Harry Rudolph, Beta 82, 3101 Thompson St. Bannard, Arthur Umncy, Beta 77, 125 S. Sth St. Bartlett, Albert Russell, Tau 98, 1427 Spruce St. Barrows, Richard Lee, Tau 02, 1230 Arch St. Bawdcn,! Ernest, Xi 94, York Rd. and 71st Ave. Bein. Paul Charles August, Tau 19, 1729 Wal- lace St. Belfield, Clarence Earle, Eta 93, 1614 \Videner Bldg. Birney, Herman Hoffman, Eta 87, 4016 Chest- nut St. Birney, Knox Boude, Tau 13, 4016 Chestnut St. Blanchard, Harold Franklin, Eta 10, 305 Bulle- tin Bldg. Blynn, Bryce, Tau 18, 2207 De Lancey St. Bodine. George linlay. Ir., Xi 06, 129 S. 4t;i St. Borden, Joseph Wilson, Tau 19, 4622 Wayne Ave., Germantown. Boswell. Charles Martin, Jr., Xi 18, 409 S. 51st St. Brazier. Harry Bartol, Chi 93, 1417 Chestnut St. Breck, William Rogers, Lambda 08, The Linen Thread Co. Breitinger, Frederick William, Tau 12, 714 Franklin Bldg. Breitinger, John Russell, Tau 16, 7040 Chew St. Brinley, Charles Edward, Beta 00, 4200 Wis- sahickon Ave. Brinton, Ferree, Beta 82, 804 Land Title Bldg. Brodhead, Charles Daniel, Xi 15, 6111 Catharine St. Brodhead. Frank Chaplain, Xi 11, Curtis Pub- lishing Co., Independence Sq. Brodhead, George Milton, Xi 82, 6111 Catharine St. Bronson, Charles Eli, Gamma 80, 4050 Aspen St. Brown, Charles Taylor, Tau 07, Real Estate Trust Bldg. Brown, Comfort Ellis, Tau 15, SlOl Overbrook Ave. Brown, Everett Henry, Jr., Tau 09, Commercial Trust Bldg. Brown, Henry Harold. Tau 95. 421 Chestnut St. Brown, Henry Paul, Jr., Tau 09, 1523 Locust St. Brown, John Arthur, Tau 05, 1535 Land Title Bldg. Brown, Joseph Jeans, Tau 10, 1535 Land Title Bldg. Brown, Walter Henry, Xi 10, Curtis Bldg. Burdick, Jervis Watson, Tau 12, Finance Bldg. Bullitt, William Christian, Beta 12, Public Ledger, Indejiendcnce Sq. Burns, Eugene Lee, Tau 06, 45 N. 7th St. Burns, Robert, Tau 04, 45 N. 7th St. Carr, Harry Chiles, Lambda 07, 1428 S. Penn Sq. Carroll. George Wyman, Jr., Sigma OS. 1108 Chestnut St. Gary, Charles Rowland, Iota 96, Phi 96, Real Estate Trust Bldg. Child, Charles Shubael, Sigma 70, 217 Cliestnut Child, Clarence Griffin, Beta Beta 86, College Hall, Univ. of Pa. Clark, Frederic Lewis, Tau 99, West End Trust Bldg. Philadelphia — Cont'd Clothier, William Rowland, Tau 17. 433 W. liansberry St. Coiinard, George Philip, Eta 88, Eastern Steel Co., 7 N. Centre St. Coulston, J[oseph] Warren, Jr., Tau 90, 1512 Chestnut St. Cox, Stanley Merick, Gamma 15, 226 Chestnut Crawford, John Douglas, Beta 11, E. N. Roll- ins & Sons. 1421 Chestnut St. Creamer, Francis John, Tau 16, 671 Bullitt Bldg. Crowley, William James, Kappa 08, 904 Flan- ders Bldg. Cunningliam, Ellwood Baker, Tau 19, 209 S 42d St. Cuyler, Thomas De Witt, Beta 74, 701 Com- mercial Irust Bldg. Dayton, Logan Morris. Xi 20, 109 Rochelle Ave., \\'issahickon Deacon, B[enjamin] Harold. Tau 12 141 N 7th St. Dcutz, Henry. Jr., Delta 17, Rittenhouse Trust Co., 1323 Walnut St. Diven, Louis, Eta 96, North Am. Bldg. Donaldson, Henry Herbert, Beta 79, The Wis- tar Institute Dougherty, Thomas Harvey. Tau 91. School House Lane. Germantown Douthirt, Walstein Failing, Iota 88, 1401 Arch Drayton, William, Beta Beta 71, 904 Land Title Bldg. Dresser. Henry Aytoun, Xi OS. 8 S. 12th St. Dulles, James Bateman, Tau 06, 4101 Walnut Earnshaw, Arthur Reginald, Tau 01, 314 Chest- nut St. Earnshaw. Boulton. Tau 02, Univ. of Pa. Easton, Morton William, Beta 63, Univ. of Pa. Eckels, John Howard, Eta 17, 1922 Arch St Eckert, Samuel Baltz, Chi 08, Finance Bldg. Eggleston, Charles Fellows, Xi 90, 1218 Chest- nut St. Eltinge, Isaac Benjamin, Upsilon 03, 2120 Land Title Bldg. Elwell, Francis Bolton, Beta 06, 604 Morris Bldg. Elwyn, Thomas Langdon, Beta Beta 92, 505 Chestnut St. Erdman, Henry Preston, Tau 04, 1835 Land Title Bldg. Esty, Robert Pegram, Gamma 97, 328 Chestnut Evans, Frank Brooke, Jr., Tau 01, 1230 Arch St. Evans, Ralph Berrell, Tau 02, 1335 Land Title Bldg. Farr, Chester Nye, Jr., Tau 90, 1018 Real Estate Trust Bldg. Ftrguson, Joseph Cooper, Jr.. Tau 90 8 S 15th St. Ferguson. Lincoln, Tau 96. Wayne Junction Ferguson, William, Theta 10, 1201 Common- wealth Bldg. Fernow, Rossiter Raymond, Chi 02, 1524 Chest- nut St. Field, Howard Brigham. Xi 05. 209 S. 3d St Forstall, Walton. Eta 91. 1401 Arch St. Foster, Joseph Taylor, Beta 08, 133 S, 4th St. Fox. Charles Young. Jr., Tau 15, George F. Lasher, 147 N. 10th St. Freeman, Albert Locker, Tau 15, 1519 Chestnut Freeman, Frederick Lewis, Tau 19, 150 School House Lane, Germantown Freeman, Samuel Miller, Tau 01, 1519 Chest- nut St. Freeman, Walter Jackson, Chi 83, 1832 Spruce St. Gessler. Dudley Daland, Delta 95, 211 S Front St. 822 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Philadelphia— Cont'd Gibons-Neff, IMorton [Henry], Tau 09. 134 N. loth St. Gildersleeve, Nelson Hall, Beta Beta 10, Pier I, South Wharves Gilpin, Edmund Watnunigh, Tau 15, 1230 Arch St. Goode, Kenneth Mackerness, Xi 04, Independ- ence Sq. Gordon, Charles Caldwell, Tau 14, 710 North American Bldg. Gould, James. Beta 18, The Clinton. 10th and Clinton Sts. Grandlienard, Edward Theodore, Delta 99, 115 N. 34th St. Gray, Luther Albert, Tan 03, 1,^35 Arch St. Haasz, George Neiler. Xi 06. Broad and Jack- son Sts. Hagcnbuch, Jacob. Eta 16 Tau 19. 613 Phi!- Ellena St. " Hallowell. John Wallace, Jr., Beta 15, 113 S. Broad St. Hampton, Warren Burrows, Tau 19, 804 Corin- thian Ave. Hansel!, Howard Forde, Sigma 77, 1528 Wal- nut St. Harbeson, William Page. Tau 06, 200 College Hall, 36th and Locust Sts. Harris. George Brodhead. Tau 88, Oak Rd. (Germantown) Helbert, George Kingman, Tau OS, Widener Bldg. Hess, Harold Stillwcll. Pi 19, 1117 Shackomaxon St. Hodge, Edward Blanchard, Tau 99, 346 S. 16th St. Hollowav, James Donald, Tau 13, 1215 Filbert St. Howe, Arthur Whitnev, Sigma 80, Franklin Bank Bldg. Howe, Arthur Whitney, Jr., Sigma 13, Lafay- ette Bldg. Huey, Arthur Baird, Tau 94, 1201 Chestnut -St. Hutchinson, Daniel Lovett 3d, Tau 12, 183/ Spruce St. Jenkins, Algernon Sidney, Gamma 14, The Farm Journal, 230 S. 7th St. Jessup, William Huntting, Beta 15, 435 W.il- nut St. Jones, Charles Clothier, Ganuna 09, 112 S. 4th St. Jones, Isaac Hampshur, Gamma 02, Tau 06, 1831 Chestnut St. Jones, William Sigler, Eta 89, Midvale Steel Co., Widener Bldg. Kitchel, Robert Reed, Eta 92, 926 Land Title Bldg. Kurtz, Henry Keller, Jr., Eta 14, 1421 Chest- nut St. Kynett, Alpha Gilruth. Xi 78, 1701 Arch St. Kynett, Gerald Pennlield, Xi 18, 4820 Beau- mont Ave. Kynett. Harry Havclock, Xi 83, 614 S. 48th St. Laughlin, Henry Alexander, Sigma 60, W. Chestnut Ave., Chestnut Hill Launt, Tames DeCamp Bloomfield, Beta Beta 17, 41 i Walnut St. Lear, George, 2d, Beta 02, School Lane and Pulaski Ave. Lear, Henry, Beta 69, Commercial Trust Bldg. Leithead, John Wood, Eta 83, 207 Commercial Trust B"ldg. Lindsay. James Gibson, Jr., Tau 03, 1020 Com- mercial Trust Bldg. Lippincott, George Evre, Tau 13, 537 Land Title Bldg. Ludin-^ton, Charles Henry. Beta 87, Curtis Publishing Co.. Independence Sq. Lynch, Frank Bruce, Xi 81, 340 N. 52d St. McCormick, Olin Foss. Xi 07, 133 S. 12th St. McCracken, Robert Thompson, Tau 04, 1421 Chestnut St. Philadelphia — Cont'd Mcllhenny, Francis Salisbury, Tau 95, 16 S. Broad St. McIIvaine, Herbert Robinson, Beta Beta 04, 1500 Hamilton St. McIIvaine, John tiilbert. Beta Beta 00, 1003 Spruce .St. McMichael, Henry Morton, Tau 12, Racquet Club Marston, Weaver Loper, Tau 18, 300 S. 36th St. Mason, William Clarke, Tau 03, 133 S. 12th St. Massey, Thomas. Jr., Tau 19, 2039 Ontario St. IMatthews, Charles Linton, Jr., Tau 13, 672 Bullitt Bldg. Mears, James Ewing, Beta Beta 58, 1535 Land Title Bldg. Merritt, Henry Newton, Beta 12, 8 S. 12th St. MillhoHand, Paul Douglass, Eta 86, Harrison Bldg. Mills, Charles William, Beta 93, 1210 Land Title Bldg. Minds, John Henry, Tau 95, 1401 Arch St. Moore, John Percy. Tau 92, Univ. of Pa. Zoo logical Laboratory Moorhead. Stirling Walker, Tau 02, 1506 Locust St. Morice, William Nelson, Tau 99, Water and Tasker Sts. Mnnson, George Sharp, Beta 04, 715 Walnut St. Mtisser, John Herr, Jr., Tau 05. 121 S. 20th St. Packard, Kent, Kapi)a 08, 434 Walnut St. Parry, Edwin .Satterthwait, Gamma 01, Sth and Chestnut .Sts. Parsons, Lewis Morgan, Tau 19, 300 S. 36th St. Passmore. Lincoln .Man, Chi 17. 2815 Queen Lane Pearce, Henrv George, T; u 07, 1103 Morris Bldg. PilHng. Joseph Ross, Tau 08. Broad and Chest- nut Sts. Pitfield, Robert Lucas, Tau 92, 5211 Wayne Ave. Potter, Raymond Frothingham, Tau 11, 5332 Germantown Ave. Potter. Rowland Farwell, Beta 16, 1636 Wide- ner Bldg. Potter, Sheldon Frothingham, Tau 08, West End Trust Bldg. Price, Morton IMoore, Theta 99, 1010 North American Bldg. Price, Warwick James, Beta 94, 512 S. 41st St. P;irves, Guillermo Colesberrv, Beta 64, 700 Walnut St. Raymond, Henry Warren, Beta 69, Guarantee .Storage Co., 1317 Brown St. Rebmann, Godfrey Ruhland, Jr., Chi 19, 3926 Spruce St. Rebmann, Paul Cooper, Chi 18, 3926 Spruce .St. Register, Albert Layton, Chi 89, 410 Commer- cial Trust Bldg. Re<3rister, Henrv Bartol, Tau 09, 1713 .Sansom St. Register, Henry \ollmer, Chi 92, 211 Commer- cial Trust Bldg. Register, Layton Bartol, Tau 04, 1011 Chest- nut St. Register, Samuel Croft, Chi 88, 410 Commercial Trust Bld.g. Reidinger. Philip Noye.s, Theta 13, 304-306 La- fayette Bldg. Remington, Jospeh Percv, Tan 98. 611 Chest- nut St. Roberts, Owen Josephus, Tau 95, 1421 Chest- nut St. Roberts, William Wallace, Tau 09, 625 N. Broad St. Rogers, Bertram Harper, Tau 01, 811 Arch St. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 823 Philadelphia — Cont'd Kugcrs, Kdnuuid Ilenkels, Tail 09, John Wana- maker Store Rogers, Guv Wright, Xi 06, Bodine Sons & Co., 129 S. 4th St. Ross, George Gorgas, Tan 88, 1721 Spruce St. Ross, Harry Shelmire, Tau 18, 5420 Angora Terrace Rowland, Walter, Tau 91, Union League Schnurtz, Edmund Clarence, Eta 08, 1904 Chestnut St. Sclioemaker, Gregg, Xi 16, 3112 Frankford .\ve. Schofield, Lemuel Braddock, Tau 13, 3400 Chestnvit St. Scott, Chprles Henrv, Jr., Tau 09, 1200 Land Title Bldg. Scott. James Hutchison, Jr., Tau 11, John Wanamaker Scullv, Charles Alison, Tau O'l, 321 Chestnut St.' .Sellers, Coleman 3d, Tau 14, William Sellers & Co., Inc.. 1600 Hamilton St. Scneff, George Philip, Omicron IS, 912 Frick Bldg. Shannon, Spencer Sweet, Tau 17, 300 S. 36th St. Shields, Albert William, Beta 07 Tau 10, 200 Lincoln Bldg. Shreve, Benjamin Franklin Haywood, Beta Beta 78, 406 Commerce St. Sinclair, Tohn Falconer, Tau 93, 4103 Walnut St. Smith, Allan luryerich, Tau 10, 3908 Chestnut St. Smith, Clarence Robertson, Xi 99, 310 Spruce St. Smith, Edwin Oscar, Xi 93. 310 Spruce St. Smith, Frederick Lincoln, Kappa 86, 8 S. 12th St. Smith, Horace Finch, Jr., Tau 09, E. W. Clark & Co., 321 Chestnut St. Smith, Morris Edgar, Tau 02, 709 Crozer Bldg. Smith, Robert Stuart, Gamma 92, 934 Land Title Bldg. Smith, Winthrop, Gamma 69, 1420 Chestnut St. Smucker, John Reed, Jr., Tau 19, 225 S. 41si St. Sender, Ralph. Jr., Tau 16, 1002 Harrison Bldg. Spruance, Russell, Tau 13, Pennsylvania Sugar Co. Stewart, Gordon William, Beta Beta 11, 44 N. 4th St. Stoyle, Richard Saunders, Tau 90, 918 Stephen Girard Bldg. Stroud, Edward Adams, Tau 97, 5830 Drexel Rd. Stroud, William Franklin, Jr., Delta 16, 3144 Passyunk Ave. Sullivan, Romaine Livingston, Tau 13, 1107 Market St. Sutton. Henry Craig, Xi 07 Chi 07, N. W. corner Broad and Arch Sts. Sutton, Howard Anderson, Xi 95, 314 S. 15th St. Sutton, Isaac Crawford, Xi 00, 133 S. 12th St. Sutton, J[oseph] Aubrey, Xi 15, 1418 Walnut St. Swain. Joseph Warner 2d, Tau 04, 425 Land Title Bldg. Sweetser, Norman, Tau 15, Traffic Dept., Bell Telephone Co., 1631 Arch St. Terry, John Hermon, Tau 91, 973 Drexel Bldg. Thibault, Carrow, Tau 18, 248 S. 22d St. Thibault, Lewis Rodman, Tau 15, 308 Widener Bldg, Thomas, Frederick Throckmorton, Tau 07, 650 Bullitt Bldg. Thompson, Harry Arthur, Xi 93, Curtis Bldg. Tliornton, Stanley Linham, Xi 20, 131 E. Dun- ham St., Mt. Airy Philadelphia — Cont'd Torrev, Robert Grant, Tau 06, 1716 Locust St. Trumbull, Charles Gallaudet, Beta 93, 1031 Wal- nut St. Trump, William Henry, Tau 09, 414 N, 3d St. Turner, D[aniel] Norman, Tau 16, Mount Airy Wagner, Thomas Rowan, Chi 18, School House Lane, Germantown Walker, Robert Coleman, Beta 11, Morris Bldg. Warren, Henry Mather, Xi 80, 406 Real Estate Trust Bldg. Warren, Richard Fairfield, Tau 17, 300 S. 36th St. Webb, Paul Redner, Xi 19, 734 Church Lane ^^'ebster, Steacy Ernest, Xi 18, 34 E. Willow Grove Ave. Weeks, Henry Conner, Tau 05, 1326 Walnut St. Wetherill, [Charles] A[ugust] Hcckscher, Tau 12, 1830 S Rittenhousc Sn. Wetherill, William Chattin, Tau 10, Keystone Screw Co., 17th St. and Lehigh Ave. Whetstone. Samuel Bray, Tau 05, 4911 Monu- ment Rd. Whetstone, Walter, Tau 99, 308 Widener Bldg. Whiting, Albert Draper, Tau 88, 1523 Spruce St. Wiedersheim, William Augustus 2d, Tau 10, West End Trust Bldg. Williams, Moseley Hooker, Beta 64, 1816 Chestnut St. W^ilson, Arthur Howell, Tau 12, 3609 Baring St. Wilson. Frederick James. Eta 07, 1416 Land Title Bldg. Wolfe, Claude Anthony, Gamma 10, 1701 Diamond St. Woodruff, Asa Allen, Beta 12, 934 Land Title Bldg. Woolman, Edward, Tau 94, 4709 Lancaster Ave. Woolman, Henry Newbold, Tau 96, 4709 Lan- caster Ave. York. Edward Howard. Jr.. Beta 12. E. W. Clark & Co.. 321 Chestnut St. York, William Longley, Beta 12, Erwin & Co., Drexel Bldg. Youn;. Henrv Newton, Gamma 08 Tau 09, 934 Real Es'tate Trust Bldg. Phoenixville Morgan. John Lavington. Eta 85, 511 S. Main St. Newhall, John George. Tau 15, Phoenix Iron Co. Pittsburgh Abbott, Franklin, Beta 02 Lambda 04, Century Bldg. Barbour, Mar.shall Rogers, Chi 14, 336 Fourth Ave. Berg, John Daniel. Eta OS, Dravo-Doyle Co., Diamond Bank Bldg. Berg, Walter Philip, Eta 15, 5435 Stanton Ave. Bills, Clinton Edwin, Zeta 08. Oliver Bldg. Blair. William Robinson, Beta Beta 75, 450 Fourth Ave. Bossanee, Edward Raymond, Delta 93, Lambda 93, 25 Forbes Terrace Brown. James Elwyn. Beta 94. 316 Fourth Ave. Buffington, Joseph, Beta Beta 75. Federal Bldg. Buffington. Joseph, Jr., Beta Beta 18, 5324 Ellsworth Ave. Buffington, Kenneth, Gamma 14. 1551 Frick Annex Buffington, Morgan Hyde, Beta Beta 04, 941 Liberty Ave. Burdick. Julian [Winsor]. Beta 02, 3 Von Lent PI. Burgwin, Augustus Phillips, Beta Beta 82, 927 Pennsylvania Station 824 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Pittsburgh — Cont'd Burgwin, George Collinson, Beta Beta 72, 436 Diamond St. Burgwin, George Collinson, Jr., Beta Beta 14, 436 Diamond St. Burgwin, Hasell Hill, Beta Beta 11, 343 Fourth Ave. Burgwin, Hill, Beta Beta 06, 436 Diamond St. Burgwin, Howard James, Beta Beta 13, 4514 Henry St. Chantler, David Everett, Beta 10, 1113 Park Bldg. Childs, Albert Henry, Beta 61, 1321 Park Bldg. Dalzell. Robert Duff, Beta 05, 480 Fourth Ave. Dalzell, William Sage, Beta 91, 450 Fourth Ave. Davis, Arthur Vining, Gamma 88, 2400 Oliver Bldg. Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel, Lambda 10, 622 Wortli St. Dix. John Woodruff, Chi 94, Carnegie Bldg. Fitch, William Kountz, Rho 13, Dravo-Doyle Co. Foster, James Lawrence, Jr., Eta 18, 461 At- lantic Ave. Gates, William, Jr., Gamma 16, 151 S. Negley Ave. Geer, Clarence James, Psi, 90, Shady Side Acad. Gibbs, Lincoln Robinson, Xi 92, Univ. of Pitts- burgh Goldsborough, Stuart Wilson, Iota 07, ISOS Farmers Bank Bldg. Gr.Tii^e, Walter Tabcr, Beta Beta 06, .iu National Bank Bldg. Gray, Clarence Tebbets, Zeta 06, 615 Oliver Bldg. Harmar, William Wurtz, Tau 13, Robt. Glen- dinning & Co., 400 Chestnut St. Harris. Edward Park, Gamma 85, Carnegie Institute of" Technology High, lohn Lincoln, Gamma 91, 910 Berger Bldg." Home, Joseph, Beta 11, 501 Penn Ave. Huston, John Robley Dunglison, Gamma 04, 1413 1st National Bank Bldg. Jones, Charles Waring, Beta Beta 81, 1015 Frick Bldg. Keally, Francis Xavicr, Tau 16, 7045 Franks- town Ave. Keefer, William Dean, Pi 15, 223 Fourth Ave. Kerr, Allen Humphrey, Beta 04, 1027 Carnegie Bldg. Kirby, Clarence Valentine, Theta 97, 725 Ful- ton Bldg. Lazear, John McKelvy, Chi 19 Beta 19, 4 Von Lent PI. Luckie, John Barton, Eta 08, Harbison-Walket Refractories Co. Farmers Bank Bldg. McCargo, Grant, 34th St. McClintock, Norman, Beta 91, 504 Amberson Ave. McClintock, Walter, Beta 91, 520 Ambersan Ave. Marshall. Thomas Mercer, Beta 08, 426 Frick Bldg. Martin, Arthur Coe, Zeta 07, Tau 07, Empire Bldg. Miller, Harry Dixon, Eta 05, Johnson Sales Co., 1015 Union Bank Bldg. Morey, Robert Willis, Pi 20, 5806 Howe St. Oliver, Augustus Konntze, Beta 03, Gazette Sq. Oliver, George Sttirges, Beta 99, Gazette Sq. Ostrom, John Nelson, Chi IT, 1403 Farmers Bank Bldg. Painter, Charles Albert, Lambda 84, 337 Oliver Ave. Painter, George Edward, Lambda 83, 1027 Western Ave. Perkins, Frederick Curtis, Beta 94, Henry W. Oliver Bldg. Porterfield, Henry Allebach, "Eta 83, Duquesne Club Pittsburgh — Cont'd Reed, James Hav, Jr., Lambda 05, 435 Sixth Ave. Ridall, Edmund Wainwright, Chi 19, 518 N. Hiehland Ave. j Roberts, George Lane, Upsilon 11, 215 Water I St. -3 Rodgers, William Blackstock, Jr., Clii 18, Woodland Rd. Rudd, Harold Huntington, Beta Beta 01, 241 W. Swissvale Ave.. Edgcwood Scaife, James Verner, Chi 89, 221 First Ave. Scaife, William B, Chi 92, 221 First Ave. Schaff, Norman, Beta 14, 737 Ridge Ave Schoyer, William Edgar, Beta 00, 1306 Berger Bldg. Scott, Herman Gross, Jr., Xi 18, Reliance Life Ins. Co., Farmers Bank Bldg. Shields. Edwin Bruce, Psi 17, 5820 Howe St. Soule, Herbert Clinton, Pi 02, Westinghouse Electric & Mfij. Co. Spuhler, Henry John, Jr., Eta 17, 218 Tennyson Ave. Stevenson, William Holmes, Jr., Eta IS, 606 Wood St. Strong, Edward Winslow, Theta 99, 2224 Shady Ave. Tener, Alexander Campbell, Beta 12, 1719 Oliver Bldg. Travers, Edward Schofield, Beta Beta 98, Trin- ity Church, Sixth Ave. Turnbull, Thomas, Jr., Chi 88. 835 Western Ave. Van Hoevenberg, Rudolf, Delta Delta 14, 2400 Oliver Bld-r. Wayne, Elmer Conant, Delta OS, Goulds Mfg. Co., 636 Oliver Bldg. Williams, Gurdon Walter, Psi 81, Gamma 83, 901 Berger Bldg. Williams, Louis Howell, Rho 15, Dravo Con- tracting Co. Williams, Nathan Stone. Gamma 77, 901 Bergen Bldg. Wilson, Henry Dalzell, Eta 01, 2 Ross St. Wilson. Robert Thomas, Tau 17, 100 Watkins Ave. Wolfenden, Charles Gilbert, Pi 18, Margaretta and Euclid Aves. Radnor Sullivan, Romaine Living- Hunkins. Charles Herman. Zeta 95. BrowiA L^niversitv Huntoon. William Caswell, Sigma 94, 362 Carpenter St. ^, -t^ i i Jenckes, Thomas Allen, Sigma 77, 961 lurks Head Bldg. , ^ ,, Kimball, Horace Earle. Sigma 04, 147 Angell Knight, Clinton Prescott, Sigma 85. 3 Wash- ington Row Knight. Howard Newton, Xi /7, 42 Pine St. Knight, Robert Lippitt, Sigma 06, 3 Washing- ton Row ., , . i n Knight, Webster, Sigma 76. 3 Washington Row Knowles, Stephen Dexter. Sigma 02. 84 West- minster St. ,„ .„ r,-. n/r Larchar, William, Sigma 01, Beta Beta O.s 96 Westminster St. Leith, Roval Willis, Sigma 12 ^^ „ „ , Lewis. John Bosworth. Sigma 96, 8 Exchange PI Linpitt. Charles Warren, Si.gma 65, Board of Trade Bldg. ^ ^ t, ,a^c Lippitt. Henry, Beta 09. P. O. Box 1465 Lippitt. Henry Frederic. Sigma 78. 389 Benefit Lyncii, Michael Joseph, Sigma 04, 1002 Gros- venor Bldg. ... McBee. William Rhodes Leroy, Sigma 16, lya Waterman St. . „^ n Mackinney. Charles Baldwin, Sigma 96. 17 Custom House St. „^ t- i > MacKinnev Harold Austin, Sigma 02. lurks Head Bldg. ^. ^„ „, „ Mansfield, .\lbert Thayer. Sigma 68. 77 Com- stock \vc Marsh, George Tracy, Beta 98. Turk's Head Mauran, William Lippitt, Sigma 87, 325 Gros- venor Bldg. r,^ -vr Merriman, Charles Henry, Jr., Sigma 92. Man- viUe Co., Board of Trade Bldg. Merriman. Edward Bruce, Sigma 94, 17 Lx- Merrim'an,'^ Harold Thurston, Sigma 94, 15S Governor St. „- t> /-^ t> Merriman. Isaac Buts, Sigma 9/, P. < >. )5ox 1465 Miner, Francis Wayland, Si.gma 94. 268 Public St. Moore, Bradford Van Rensselaer. Sigma 19. 4 iManning St. Newton, William Monroe. Xi 94. 65 Laura St. Nicholson, Paul Coe, Beta 11, Nicholson File Co. Nightingale, Crawford Allen, Sigma 78, 3 College St. 828 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Providence — Cont'd Jvighlingale, Horatio Rogers, Si3:ma 83, 70 Mathewson St. Ormsbee. John Holden, Sigma 80. 86 S. Main St. Paddock, Miner Hamlin. Pi 68, Technical High School Peters. Russell Mitchell. Sigma 19. 195 Benefit St. Pierce, Ernest W., Chi 07, 21 Eddy St. Preston, ^^■hiting Hayden. Sigma 15. 249 Hope St. Randall, Otis Everett, Sigma 84, Brown Uni- versity # Randall. Wallace Everett, Sigma 20, 65 Wey- mouth St. Richardson, James, Sigma 82, 11 Exchange St. Richmond, Frank Eddy, 2d. Sigma 99. 49 Westminster St. Richmond. Howard Anson, Sigma 97, 33 Market Sq. Rounds. Albert Waterman, Sigma 95. 79 Broad St. Sackett. Franklin Page, Sigma 97. 177 George St. Sackett, Henry Weston. Sigma 94. 11 Exchange St. Sainsbury, Noel. Chi 08. 71 Wabun Ave. Shaw, William Burton, Sigma 20, 131 Irving Ave. Smith, Brockholst Mathewson, Beta 03. 412 Grosvenor Bldg. Smith, Francis Mitchel, Sigma 92, 15 West- minster St. Stillman. William Thomas, Zeta 11, 936 Gros- venor Bldg. Taft, Robert Wendell. Sigma 91. 15 West- minster St. Taft, Royal Chapin, Sigma 95, IS Westminster St. Thomas. Frederick Wallace. Sigma 19. 102 Thurber, Frederick Butler, Sigma 05. 229 Waterman St. • Thur.ston, Elliott Ladd, Sigma 17, 12 West- minster St. Tillinghast, Theodore Foster. Sigma 84, 29 Weybosset St. Vaughan, Charles Lincoln. Jr.. Sigma 19. 23 Waterman St. Vaughn, George Wheaton Carr, Sigma IS, 2.^ Waterman St. Walsh. Raymond Joseph. Sigma 17, 28 Bain- bridge Ave. Waterman, Harold Pearce, Sigma 74, 253 Waterman St. Waterman. Stephen, Sigma 86, 515 Angell St. Watson, Byron Sprague, Sigma 97, 36 Pine St. Weeden, Raymer Balch, Sigma 99, 76 West- minster St. White, Merwin, Sigma 99, 27 Weybo.sset St. White, William Wurts. Beta OS, Turk's Head Bldg. Wilson, Ellery Lewis, Sigma 05, 185 Brown St. Wolf. .Maurice Augustus, Sigma 14, Bodell & Co.. 10 Weybosset St. Wood, Ephraim Lincoln, Gamma 84, Technical High School Quidnick Earle, Courtland Cook, Sigma 03. Bates St. Riverpoint Greene, Francis Whittier. Sigma 85 Rumford Affleck, Myron Hopkins Strong, Sigma 07, "Half Acre," Wilson Ave. Wilson, Ellery Lewis, Sigma OS, Rumford Chemical Works Tiverton Gardner, John Arthur, Beta 01, Holy Trinity Rectory Warren Bullock, Edward Jarvis Gushing, Sigma 02, 142 Main St. Hutcheson, Joseph. Gamma 85, Warren Mfg. Co. Warwick Nightingale, Crawford Allen, Sigma 78 Westerly Cottrell, Arthur Maxson, Sigma 91, 21 Elm St. Woonsocket Gee, Albert Ross, Eta 93. 30 Allen St. Meriman, Harold Tliurslon, Si^ma V4, Lipi)itt \\'oolen Co. Robinson, William Attmore, Sigma SS, 266 Social St. SOUTH CAROLINA Aiken Dibble, Henry Montgomery, Chi 82 Charleston Buist. Henry. Beta 84. 30 Broad St. Carrington, George Williams, Beta 16, 2 Meet- ing St. Simonds, John Calhoun, Beta 87, 1st Natl. Bank Columbia Robertson, Edwin Wales, Beta 85, National Loan & Exchange Bank of Columbia Greenville Ebaugh, George Washington, Theta 85, Petti- grew and Toy Sts. Kershaw Williams, Edward Locke. Lambda 15. Bank of Kershaw Bldg. Orangeburg Bull, Norman Henrv. Theta 80, 146 E. Ru.'sell St. Yonge's Island La Roche, James Henry, Theta 11 SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings Roberts, Paul. Beta Beta 09, St. Paul's Rectory Dallas Roberts. Paul. Beta Beta 09, St. Paul's Rectory of the Incarnation Mitchell Darling, Arthur Beebe. Xi 95, 221 Main St. Sioux Falls Kuehn, Martin John, Mu 14, 501 N. Phillips Ave. Pearse, Carroll Gardner, Jr., Beta 14, J. I. ■ Case Threshing Machine Co. TENNESSEE Alcoa Gere, William Stanton, Pi 18. The Aluminum Co. of America Chattanooga Chamberlain, Hiram Sanborn. Jr., Eta 03, 42 Chamberlain Bldg. Chamberlain, Morrow, Eta DO, 42 Chamberlain Bldg. Finley, Henry Blair, Eta 92, 33 Short St. Imbrie, William Morris. Jr., Chi 04. Signal Mt. James, Webster Thomas, Eta 01. James Bldg. Smartt, George ]\Iadison, Eta 05. 203 Fort St. Williams, Robert Henry, Xi 85, 1st National Bank Bldg. Wyatt, Henry Davis, Zeta 71, 527 Chestnut St. Jackson Barrett, Alfred Tennyson, Upsilon 69, tfnion University GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 829 Knoxville Trice, Jonathan Harry, Eta 06, 510 Empire Bldg. La Follette Maefarlane, Alfred Parte, Chi 02, Eta 03 Lookout Mountain James, Webster Thomas, Eta 01 Memphis Jones, George Wright, Rho 07, 106 Court Ave. Phelan, James, Chi 09, 259 Monroe Ave. Murfreesboro Smith, Fred Andrews, Mu 92 Nashville Hale, George Weeks, Kappa 69, Hitchcock Bldg. Penfield, Benjamin Bennett, Xi 73, R. R. No. 7 TEXAS Austin llrush, Oliver [Hazard], Phi 87. Smith Bldp. Raymond, James Hervey, Jr., Phi 78, 104 W. 7th St. Brownsville Porke, Edward Francis, Delta 01 Dallas Clingman, Charles, Iota 05, 2133 N. Harwood St. Green. Henry Holmes, Zcta 16, W. H. Green & Co.. Elm St. Green, William Albert, Zeta 14. 1516 Elm St. Maxson, Harry Irl, Beta Beta 09, 623 Slaugh- ter Bldg. Ralston, Robert Wilbur, Chi 19, 3517 Cole Ave. El Paso Barada, John Ghio, Phi 01, 107 Texas St. Hlakesley, Linus, Gamma 60 Beta 60, 2413 Gold St. Hawkins, Ashton William, Beta 19, 1215 E. Rio Grande St. Mapel, Charles Jamieson, Rho 02, 100 San An- tonio St. Mapel, Dexter Roundy, Rho 12, lOO San An- tonio St. Ormsbee. James Jackson, Lambda 86, P. O. Box 681 Watrous, Edward Lacey, Phi 94, R. R. No. 1 Fort Worth Harris. Henry Wilson. Beta 95, 400 Main St. \ieeden, John Edward 2d, Sigma 91 Galveston Harris, Edward Franklin, Phi 86, Trust Bldg. Winterbotham, John Miller, Rho 99, 2303 Strand Houston P.lanchard, Frederic Thomas, Epsilon 04, Rice Institute Nacoecdoches Hall, Grey Martel, Lambda 19 Pecos Hubbard, William Wingate, Kappa 90 Stoneburg Anderson, William Herman, Psi 78 Sugar Land Guenther, Ernest Otto, Rho 10 Tyler Hamilton, Paul Chapman, Delta 18, 502 Gas- ton Ave. Venus Morris, Robert Saunders, Zeta 12 UTAH Bingham Canyon l-helan, Robert Early, Chi 10 Lambda 10 Garfield Way, William Floyd, Theta Theta 12, Garfield .Smtlting Co. Salt Lake City Angell, Ralph Carroll, Rho 07, 234 S. 11th St. East Beck, Harry Munsell, Mu 00, 223 Kearns Bldg. Boyd, Samuel Culver, Phi 91, 166 Main St. Brown, Edward Terry, Beta 13, 18 East Broad- way Critchlow, John Franklyn, Upsilon 92 Tau 94, 831 Boston Bldg. Fabian, Harold Pegram, Beta 07, 902-6 Kearns Bldg. Hanauer, Max Sigismund, Eta 86, Union As- say Office, 152 S. West Temple St. Jessup, Robert Johnson, Beta 76, 2 S. Main St. Lyon, lob Philip, Theta 81 Newhouse. Edgar Lieber, Jr., Lambda 11, Mc- Intyre Bldg. Park, Boyd Thomas, Phi 16, 166 Main St. Parsons, Charles Cutler, Omega 05, 1109 New- house Bldg. ,, XT Peabody, Harry Gilmore, Beta Beta 17, New- house Hotel ,r , T^ o Pilaris, LeRoy Masters, Pi 07, Ltah Power & Liuht Co., Kearns Bldg. Phelan, Robert Early. Chi 10 Lambda 10, 608 Dooly Block ^ .^ Way, William Floyd, Theta Theta 12, 8 Emery Windsor. Henrv Beach, Delta 84. Utah Sav- ing & Trust Co. Bldg. VERMONT Bellows Falls Mason, Edward Alvah, Delta 80, Trust Co. Bldg. Bennington ^ . ^ Holden, Arthur John. Xi 92, Bennington County National Bank, Corner Main and South Sts. Brattleboro „ , xt t. Brackett, Roger Arnold. Gamma 18, 1 INorth St Fitts. Stanley Clarke, Zeta 19, 15 Oak St. Smith, Edgar Burr, Gamma 94, 84 Green St. Burlington Hays, Leland, Gamma 05, Burlington Free Press Nash, Edwin Gates, Delta Delta 15, 24 Bay View St. Hardwick , . ^ Bickford, George Floyd, Xi 19, Main St. Sawyer, Charles Melvin, Xi 84 Ludlow Bugbee, Frank Lewis, Zeta 89 Lyndonville _ . Mathewson, Ozias Danforth, Zeta 90, South St. Middlebury , ^, ^ „ McGilton. William Wesley, Xi 81, 21 College St. Middletown Springs . » „. ^ . Ilifkox, Sherman Gray, Zeta 15, A. W. Gray s Sons Montpelier ,, ^ „ c. Farrar, Holden Knapp, Psi 20, 56 College St. Hutchinson, Sherburn Cilley, Pi 92, 13 Terrace St. North Bennington McCullough, Hall Park, Beta 94 830 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Old Bennington Worthington, George, Sigma 77 Peacham Runker, Charles Albert, Zeta 64 Pittsford Hitchcock, Ernest, Xi 79 Poultney Knapp, Norman Gray, Zeta 18 Proctor Bixler, David Herbert, Gamma 96 Holden, Robert Fletcher, Beta 18 Proctor, Mortimer Robinson, Beta 12 Quechee Mann, George Elwood, Zeta 94 Randolph Hatch, Henrj' Lee, Zeta 84 Hatch, Robert Augustus, Zeta 20, 26 Randolph Ave. Mann, John Leroy, Zeta 94 Rutland Bradford, Arthur Howe, Beta 05. 2i Court Gilchrist, Oscar James, Zeta 71. 79 Center St. Kingsley, Harvey Roberts, Lambda 9i, Richard- son Bldg. Stevens, Franklin Rand, Theta 08, 82 Crescent Willson, Earle van Kuren, Zeta 13, Mead Bldg St. Albans Clark, Frederick Baylis, Lambda 03, 91 Bank OL. Dukeshire, Willard Baker, Xi 92, 55 Bishop St. Smith, Curtis Ripley, Beta 18 Smith, James Gregory, Beta 12 St. Johnsbury Fairbanks, Henry, Zeta 53, 24 Western Ave. Merrill, Charles Henry, Zeta 67, 2 Western Ave. Moore, Ellis Walker, Xi 91, 26 Eastern Ave Richards, Frederick Bates, Gamma 85, 85 Main Saxtons River Chapin. George Farnsworth. Gamma 60, West- minster St. Sherburne Carnahan, James Curtis, Xi 79 Springfield Real. Hcnrv Starr. Zeta in. 37 Orrhard St Crosby, Allyn Jones, Zeta 95, 66 Pearl St. Stafford Chandler, George Ferguson, Zeta 88 Stamford Abbott, Dudley Chase. Xi 89 Strafford Sanborn, William Ruggles, Beta 78 Swanton Cisrk. Frederic P.avlis, Lambda 03. Remington Arms U. M. C. Co. Topsham Macdonald, Charles Douglas, Lambda 06 Tunbridge Bugbee, EdinuntI Jonathan, Zeta 91 Westminster Ward, Josepli Fayette, Gamma 76 Windsor Evarts, Sherman, Beta 81 Woodstock Dana, William Swan, Zeta 71, 1 Pleasant St Southgate, Frederick Chester, Zeta 74, Soutl Park Williams, Amory Leland, Delta Delta 16 "Wcsterdale" Williams, Edward Higginson, Jr., Beta 72 Williams, Norman 4th, Delta Delta IS, Wester dale Farms Williams, Wcntworth, Delta Delta 19 VIRGINIA Charlottesville Rorison, John Chadbourn, Beta Beta 19, Uni versity PI. Cherrydale Hale, Albert [Barlowl, Phi 82 City Point DeWolf, Philip, Sigma 01, 2 Dynamite Ave. Dixondale Dimock, William DeWolf, Lambda 88 Fort Myer Beukema, Herman, Omega 13 Hampton Frissell, Hollis Burke. Beta 74 Howardsville Thomas, Charles Ebenezer, Zeta 85 Newport News Heard. Edmund Francis, Theta 07. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. \\'ertheimer. Edgar Benjamin. Iota 01 Norfolk Lewis, Frank Coe. Beta 10, 304 Dickson Bldg. Petersburg Barnhart, Woodson, Gamma 10, 308 E. Bank .St, Portsmouth Robbins, Franklin. Xi 11 Lambda 12, Ford Motor Co. Richmond Allen. George Adams. Chi 10. 206 N. Jefferson St. Barbour, Frederic McLeod, Beta 85, Accounting Dept., American Locomotive Co. Condit, William Arthur, Delta 06. 709 E. Grace St. Johnson, Ralph Hiram, Omega 96. Cheraw Box Co., 7th and Byrd Sts. Ramsev, Ellwood Ellis, Tau 03, Westmoreland PI. .Street, George Levick, Tr., Eta 05, P. O. Box 515 Wallace, Henry Walker, Chi 96, Chesterfield Apts. Roanoke Crawford. Joseph Emmanuel, Tau 97. 18 Ninth Ave. S. W. WASHINGTON Anatone Lybecker. Gus, Theta Theta 15 Bellingham Campliell. Ivenneth Duncan, Theta Theta 18, 905 16th St. Culver. Sheldon Eugene, Theta Theta 13. 2400 Meridian St. Flanagan, Charles Gibbons. Mu 98, 1323 Dock St. Cashmere McConnell. Fred Jav, Theta Theta 13. Grange Bldg Centralia Williams, Charles Harvev, Theta Theta 1!, 617 E St. ¥ GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 831 Chehalis Williams, Charles Haivey, Thcta Thcta 11, County Engineer's Office Dayton Range, Walker, Theta Theta 13 . EUensburg McGranahan, Chester Claude, Theta Thcta 14, ■- 112 W. 9th St. ■ Slcmmons, W'ilbert SherwooJ, Theta Thcta 17, 101 W. nth St. Fort Worden llerrinj, Ralph Emer.-^on. Mu 01 Goldendale (hitliruii, Hernion Frederick, Xi 05 Hoquiam Callow, Russell Stanley, Theta Thcta 16, 317 I.-it -National Bank Bldg. Hutchinson, Thomas, Phi 06 Hutchinson, W^illiam Bloom, Phi 13 Kellogg. ( trson Chester, Theta Theta 20 Kennewick Harsha, Edward Houston, Phi 08 Lyman Dill, George Daniel, Theta Theta 16 McKenna Butterfield, Harry William, Theta Theta 17 Manette Michener, Henry Clay, Xi 67 Methow Bolinger, John Clayton, Theta Theta 18 Monroe Rogers, Calvin Loyle. Theta Theta 13. 116 Main St. Stuart, George Percival, Theta Theta 15 North Yakima Beam, Carl Eugene, Theta Theta 14, 1212 S. 6th St. Beam, Mark Perkins, Theta Thcta 20 Olympia Lea William Francis [Jewell], Rho 01, 231 >raple Park Orillia Upi>er, Ewart Steele, Theta Theta 16 Otis Orchards Reeve, Howard Dickinson, Beta 98 Port Townsend Kimberlev, George Webster, Psi 77, 14 Hastings Bldg. Prosser Bunn. Donald Charles, Beta 04 Puyallup Manson, Marcus W'ilhelm, Theta Theta 17. 334 2d St. Seattle .\bernethy, Alexander Smitli, Zcta 70, 312 Powles Bldg. Abernethv, Donald Jennings, Theta Theta 18, 118 East John St. Armstrong, Dexter Alden, Theta Theta. 17, 4339 Eleventh Ave. N. E. Ames. Edgar, Beta 90, 1610 Hoge Bldg. Arnold, Lawrence Moss, Chi 18. First National Bank Baker, Don Raymond, Theta Theta 11, 60.S-7 Eitel Bldg. Berkev, Andrew DeGroff, Mu 13, King Street Station, G. N. Bolcom, Henry Marfield. Tlieta Thcta 20. "The Highlands." Bonter, Max Knight. Zcta 09, 2214 33d Ave. S. Bostick, Maner Hart, Pi 12 Bourns, Frank Swift, Phi 90, 1013 Cobb Bldg. Seattle — Cint'd Briggs, Harry Elwin, Ei)silon 03, 473 Coleman ^ Bldg. Bull, Frederic Storer, Beta Beta 90, 767 32d Ave. Cameron. James Eraser, Theta Theta 16, 1141 Twenty-first Ave. Carlander, Clarence Henry, Thcta Theta 17, 4532 ISth St. N. E. Carlander, Oswold Rudolnli, Theta Theta 20. 1029 E. 68th St. Carroll, Harry Winans, Theta Theta 80, County Bldg. Chabot, Edward Francis, Theta Theta 13, 701 Leary Bldg. Corson, Donald Skelding, Beta Beta 99 4709 9th Ave. N. E. Cushman, Thomas Jackson. Theta Theta 17, 2151 Seventh .\ve. W. Dickinson. Friend St. Clair, Beta 06, 2026 L. C Smith Bldg. Dodds, Clyde Roy, Xi 01, 32 Alki Ave. Donworth, Charles Tenney, Beta 14, 1304 Hoge Bldg. Dun, Charles Hohman, Iota 09, 1301 Cobb Bldg. Evison. Samuel Herbert. Beta Beta 13, Post- Intelligencer Bldg. Fitzgerald. Edward Rufus, Theta Theta 13. 210 Eitel Bldg. Flagg. Herbert Judson. Theta Theta 12. 1119 Yakima Ave. Flagg, Paul McLeod, Theta Theta 19, 1119 Yakima Ave. Freeman, Charles Nathan. Rho 96, Stone S.- Webster Engineering Corp., Electric Bldg. Grant, Thomas Selby, Theta Theta 18, 4745 20th St. Haakons, Hugo Raymond, Thcta Theta 19, 4532 18th Ave. N. E. Haight, James Augustus, Jr.. Beta 11 702 Haight Bldg. Harlow, William Havward, Zcta 12, 2220 Sixth Ave. S. Hills, Charles Bronson, Omega 82, 1419 E Tohn St. Janson, Roderick, Theta Thela 20, 231 39th Ave. N. Jerome, Timothv [D.], Phi, 94, 920 White Bldg. Kennedy, .John Joseph, Mu OS, 300 Colman Bldg. Ketcham, Weaver Vinson, Theta Theta 18, 4100 Densmore Ave. Kilbourne. Lucius Melville. Theta Theta 18. 4326 Third Ave. N. W. Kittinger. George Bntehelder. Chi 85. 259 Col- man Block Lea, Charles Winthrop, Rho 97 413 Crarv Bldg. Main, George Carpenter, Rho 86, 925 Leary Bldg. Minahan, Cletus Lipps, Theta Theta 16 733 17th Ave. N. Murnen, Edgar John. Theta Theta 13, 1809 Fifteenth Ave. Nettleton. Walter Birney. Mu 01, Twenty-sixth Ave. S. W. and Railroad Ave. W. Newhall, Charles Abbot, Epsilon 05, 1810 West- lake Ave. O'Connor, .Tames Matthew, Jr.. Theta Theta 17, 4533 Fifteenth Ave. N. E. Parry, Ivan Arthur. Mu 97, 964 Empire Bldg. Peabody, Alexander Marshall, Chi 18, Alaska Steamship Co. Phillips, Herbert Joseph, Thcta Theta 17, A4216 Fourteenth Ave. N. tl. Reed, John Fitch, Pi 95, 960 Emiiire Bldg. Robinson, .\lbcrt Melville, Iota 01, P. O. Box 366 Salisbury, George Nelson, Mu 83, 1405 Hoge Bldg. Sawyer, Alfonzo Paine, Beta 80, The Post- Intelligencer Schaller, Karl Anthonv, Mu 09. 1400 .\laska Bldg. 832 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Seattle— Cont'd Schwager, Lewis, Mu 95, 1301 Fourth Ave. Seaman, John Thorsen, Rho 01, Eta 03, 1134 Newport Way Shepard, Charles Edward. Beta 70, 614 New York Bldg. Shivvers, Clarence Hopkins, Thela Theta 16, 4533 15th Ave. N. E. Snapp, John Farrington, Theta Theta 20, 3804 E. Highland Drive Stibbs, Harrv Glenn, Omega 11, Carnation Milk Products Co.. 1060 Stuart Bldg. Strout, Edwin Augustus, Tr., Beta 12, 812 Leary Bldg. Sutthoff, John Russell, Theta Theta 19, 2033 E. Newton St. Thomson, David, Theta Theta 92, 5501 Univer- sity Blvd. Thwing, Clarence, Delta 84, 2312 Eastlake Ave. Thwing, Edward Payson, Theta Theta 14, Puget Sound Power Co., 7th Ave. and Olive St. Tooker, Robert Newton, Omega 97, 916 Cobb Bldg. Upton, Virgil Morgan, Theta Theta 18, 4532 18th Ave. N. E. Walker, Charles Hall. Theta Theta 17, 3209 37th Ave. S. Walker, George Hunt, Upsilon 86, 706 Central Bldg. Whitconib. David, Gamma 00, .\rcade Bldg. White, Frank Isaman, Theta Theta 18, 1709 E. Marion St. Wilde, Arthur Wallace, Epsilon 20, 1421 L. C. Smith Bldg. Willard, Donald Franklin, Theta Theta 18, 5241 Eighteenth Ave. N. E. Young, Dwayne Glover, Omicron 06, Hotel Lincoln Shelton Angle, Joseph Eber. Theta Theta 18, 7th and Cota Sts. Burke, Howard Mason, Theta Theta 20 O'Neill, Angus Lawrence, Theta Theta 18 South Yakima Congdon, Albert Sylvester, Pi 75, 207 Twelfth Ave. S. Spokane Baker, Nathan Morton, Mu 84, 524 Old National Bank Bldg. Bartleson, Charles Albert, Mu 04, W. 1310 Ide Ave. Bertles, John Francis, Rho 99, 804 Realty Bldg. CoUard. Benjamin Valentine, Theta Theta 20. 2022 First Ave. Fancher, Henry Rufus, Theta 81, 817 Shannon Ave. Ham, Edwin Daniels, Chi 10, 211 Lindelle Bldg. Ros.slo\v, Joseph Henry, Mu »7 , 514 Hyde Block Sheppard, Robert Dickinson, Omega 69, 1116 Ide Ave. Wallace, Carl E.. Theta Theta 19, 1210 Sher- wood St. Sumner Young, George Elmer, Theta Theta 15, Ryan St. Sunnyside Beam, Carl Eugene, Theta Theta 14, P. O. Box 305. Sylvan Leavens, Frank Nichols, Mu 82 Tacoma Barrett, Philip Edward, Theta Theta 17, 2909 N. Lawrence Ave. Bull, William Andariese, Beta Beta 91, City Engineer's Office Dobbs, Thomas Erwin, Theta Theta 18, 3737 S. J St. Dougherty, Horace Raymond, Omega 96, Per- kins Bldg. Tacoma — Cont'd Gilfillan, Frederick James, Mu 95, 5415 S. Washington St. Griggs, Herbert Stanton, Beta 82, 1115 Fidelity Bldg. Hewitt, Harry Brewer, Rho 96, 1417 National Realty Bldg. Keyes, Arthur Clarence, Jr., Theta Theta 19, 1004 N. K St. McConihe, Paul Massilon, Theta Theta 17, 3308 N. 28th St. Murnen, Edgar John, Theta Theta 13, Tacoma Bldg. Parker, George Burnett, Theta Theta 17, Ta- coma Country Club, R. R. No. 1. Parker, John Allen, Theta Theta 19, Tacoma Country and Golf Club Pratt, LeRoy, Jr., Theta Theta 19, 321 S J St Ripley, Thomas Emerson, Beta 88, Wheeler Os- good Co. Stiles, Theodore Lamme, Gamma 71, 322 Ta- coma Bldg. Weisbach, Arthur Hedrick, Tau 17, Prospect Hill Wells, Lemuel Henry, Beta Beta 64, 901 N. Yakima Ave. Tumwater Lea, William Francis, Rho 01 Walla Walla Caldwell, Roger George, Xi 06, Phi 06, 810 Newell St. Moore, Harry Kneen, Chi 89, 133 E. Alder St. Wenatchee Boehmer, Edwin, Omega 03, Bank Floor Colum- bia Valley Bank Bldg. WEST VIRGINIA Bluefield Walker, Archibald Wilson, Beta Beta 14 Cameron Burr, Leland Mothershead, Xi 93, Eljer Co. Charleston Carrier, Courtland Freemont, Jr., Eta 03, 1567 Lee St. Carrier, Lester Revillo, Eta 09, 1562 Lee St. Evans. Albert, Psi 89, Kanawha Presbyterian Church Green, Henry Sherwood, Beta 79, State House Annex Needham, Edgar, Zeta 11, George Washington Life Ins. Co. Walker, Archibald Wilson, Beta Beta 14, Charleston Electric Supply Co. Charles Town Rees, Frank Milburn, Chi 14 Clarksburg Tonkin, Loring Lombard, Chi 11, Hope Natural Gas Co. Elkins Gross, Clifford Argyle, Beta 12 Elm Grove Scott, Henry Dickerson, Beta 14, National Rd. Scott, Hugh Briar, Beta 13 Lewisburg Mathews, Alexander Ferdinand, Chi 19 Millville ^ Rees, Frank Milburn, Chi 14, Blue Ridge Lime & Stone Co. Morgantown Strickland, Francis Lorette, Delta 93, 615 Grand Ave. Parkersburg White, Albert Blakeslee, Jr., Iota 10, cor. 4th and Juliana Sts. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 833 South Charleston (.'ariicr, Courtland Freemont, Jr., Eta 03 Carrier, Lester Revillo, Eta 09, Weaver Gross, Clifford Argyle, Beta 12, Morrison & Gross Wheeling Ewing, Nelson James, Eta 10, Whitaker-Gless- ner Co. Ewing. W'vlie Barker, Eta 14, Leathervvood Hazlett, Henry List, Eta 17, 35 12th St. Scott, Henry Dickerson, Beta 14, Wheeling Steel & Iron Co. Scott, Hugh Briar, Beta 13, Wheeling Steel & Iron Co. WISCONSIN Appleton Stevens, John, Jr.. Rho 89, 787 College Ave. Stevens, John 3d, Rho 19, 401 College Ave. Ashland Knight. Clark Miles, Rho 98 Eta 98. Knight Hotel Bldg. Tolman, Clarence Moneure, Eta 85, 212 W. 2d St. Augusta Bradford, Archibald Elbridge, Xi 99 Baraboo \'an (Vdcn, Lucas Schuyler, Rho 03, Bank of Baraboo Berlin Howe, Burr, Gamma 19 Wriglit, Donald Bassett, Rho 10 Carrolsville Goodrich, Robert James, Omicron 17. Xewport Hydro-Carbon Co. Chippewa Falls Cunningham, Carl Jefferson, Rho 09, Federal Bldg. De Pere Mailer, Andrew Robert, Rho 19, 305 N. Broad- way. Elkhart Lake Hay, Townsend, Rho 12, Sheboygan Land &: Lime Co. Evansville Pu'ilen. Jones Spencer, Rho 12, Bank of Evans- ville Richmond, Robert Mark, Rho 87 Fenwood Rice, Donald Ballard, Chi 14, Fenwood Stock Farm, P. O. Box 119 Green Bay Joannes, Harold Vitalus, Rho 14, 816 S. Madi- son St. Jordan. Raymond Wood, Rho 16, 642 Van Buren Parmentier, Jules Merrill, Rho 12, Bellin- Buchanan Bldg. Wagner, Perry Shumway. Rho 13, Northern Paper Mills, Madison and Day Sts. Hartland Stevens, Tohn Charles, Rho 01 Stevens, Lester Barber, Rho 07, R. R. No. 21 Hudson Phipps, Stephen Carpenter, Rho 03 Janesville Hough, Azcl Clarence, Chi 83, 1025 McKey Blvd. Jackman, Frank Hanchctt, Rho 91, 15 E. Mil- waukee St. Jeffris, Bruce Mouat, Sigma 17, 210 S. Jack- son St. Parker, Kenneth SafFord, Sigma 18, 805 Court St. JefFris > J cffris, Malcolm Roys, Sigma 10 Kenosha Whytc, Jesse! Stuart, Chi 13, Macomber & Whyte Rope Co., Racine Ave. cor Putnam St. La Crosse Burton, George William, Beta 78, 114 N. 4th St. Hogan, James Cook, Rho Ul. 108 Front St. Lake Geneva chapman, Frederick Leslie, Gamma 88 Lancaster Baxter, ^larcus Luling, Rho 19 (lementson, George Burr, Rho 92 Madison Anderson, George Krogh, Rho 94, UN. Pinck- ncy St. Blake, Chauncey Etheredge, Rho 04, Gay Bldg. Bowman, John Henry, Rho 88, R. R. No. 7 Brandenburg, Frederick Sarles, Rho 09, Demo- crat Bldg. Brandenburg, Oscar Dalzelle, Rho 85, Demo- crat Bldg. Buckingham, Burdette Ross, Xi 99, Capitol Bldg. Casson, Henry, Rho 03, 2122 West Lawn Ave. Chapman, Edmund Sewall, Rho 17, 1315 E. Washington St. Chynowcth, Herbert Edgar, Rho 04, R. R. No. 3 Chynoweth, Phillips, Rho 09, R. R. No. 3 Davidson, William Ward, Rho 09, Universitj Supply Assn., Lake and State Sts. Davis, Dudley Hopkins, Rho 18, 1702 Madison St. Evans, John Clement, Rho 14, 644 State St. Griswold, Milton Pettit, Rho 19, 621 N. Henry St. Holway, Orlando, Beta Beta 80, Adjutant Gen- eral Johnson, Carl Albert, Rho 91, Gisholt Machine Co. Johnson, Hobart Stanley, Rho 94, Gisholt Ma- chine Co. Johnson, Maurice Ingolf, Rho 99, Gisholt Ma- chine Co. Jones, Burr W, Rho 70, Badger Block Lyman, Charles Adelbert, Rho 04, 340 Wash- ington Bldg. Main, John Smith, Rho 98, 610 State St. Marshall, Richard Hughes, Rho 18, 139 E. Gil- man St. Marshall, Samuel Hagar, Rho 20, 139 E. Gil- man St. Marshall, William Hughes, Rho 18, 139 E. Gil- man St. Marshall, William Stanley, Tau 89, 139 E. Gil- man St. Mason, Vroman, Rho 95, 24 N. Carroll St. Olson, Julius Emil, Rho 84, 60 University Ha'l Owen, Edward Thomas, Beta 72, 614 State St. Roys. William Bacon, Rho 06, Gay Bldg. Sanborn, Philip Colder, Rho 16, 210 Langdon St. Snell, J[oseph] Warren, Rho 18, 1023 Jenifer St. Whitney, Edward Nelson, Rho 13, 18 E. Gor- ham St. Manitowoc Nash, Archie Lyman, Rho 98, National Bank Bldg. Marinette Scudder, Henry Townsend, Xi 72, 2516 Hall Ave. Weidemann, Robert Major, Phi 95, 940 Water St. Mayville Richards, Robert Baker, Rho 12 834 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Menasha Gaylord, George Snow, Omega 02, Menasha Carton Co. Middleton Sanborn, Eugene Hiram, Rlio 07 Milwaukee Beebe, Claude Spencer, Rho 01, 509 Wells Bldg. ,, , Dockury, Francis William, Rho 91, Northwest Mutual Life Insurance Co. Dodds, John Hutchins, Rho 09, 2822 McKin- ley Blvd. Dravo, George Patterson, Eta 88, 122/ 1st National Bank Bldg. Fernow, Bernhard Edward, Jr., 12th St. and St. Paul Ave. Fish Irving Andrews. Rho Oi. 61. S Dnwiier Ave. Fitch, Grant, Beta 81. National Exchange Bank Fox. Morris Fuller, Rho 04, 1st National Bank Bidg. Gallun, Edwin Alfred, Rho 19, 620 Newberry Blvd. , . Gatter, Lincoln Otto, Rho 16, 1328 1st National Bank Bldg. Gerhardy, Theodore Walter. Tau 20, 326 .^. Water St. ^ .^. Gill. Thomas Henry, Rho 77, 1212 First Na- tional Bank Bldg. GofT, Guy Despard, Iota 88, 900-904 1st Na- tional Bank Bldg. , ^, ,» Gregory, Eugene Fields, Omega 10, 3323 Mc- Kinley Blvd. „. ,p, Hammond, Theodore Morelle, Omega 85, 15o Oneida St. Harlow, George Arthur, Gamma 89, 312 North- western Mutual Life Ins. Co. Harper, John Fletcher, Rho 16, 3215 Cedar St. Hawley, Tomlinson Kent. Tau 02, 927 Wells Bldg. Hoyt, Melvin Arista, Rho 83, 219 W. Water St. Kitchel. Courtney Smith, Beta 63, 717 1st National Bank Bldg. MacPherran, Ralph Stewart, Phi 92, 229 Mar- tin St. l^lapel, John Jameson, Phi 72, 97 Wisconsin St. Mapel, John Wallace, Rho 06, 447 Virginia St. Moss, fohn Hiles, Rho 93, 372 Park St. I\Ioss, Marshall Charles, Rho 94, 572 Park St. Ogden. Elliott Matthews. Rho 88, 712 Syca- more St. Parmenticr Douglas Merrill. RIio 13. 1st National Bank Pease Lynn Spencer. Rho 86, 1301 Majestic Bldg. Pierce, Marson Wilgus, Rho 12, 219 32d St. Piper, Charles Blaine. Pi 01, 210 Wisconsin St. Pratt, Julius Howard, Beta 82, 558 Broadway Ouarles, loscoh Verv, Phi 96. 89 Mason St. Quarles, Louis, Phi 05, 711 Pabst Bldg. Ouarles. William Charles, Phi 92, Sentinel Bhl.s. Robinson, Nathaniel Sawtelle, Rho 88. 308 Cas- well Block Russell, George Frederick, Iota 01, 214 W. Water St. Sherry, Edward Paddock. Rho 92, 1309 Wells Bldg. Standish. Sherwood Hubbard, Phi 05, 766 Park St. Stevens, John Charles, Rlio 01, 1st National Bank Bldg. Stoddard. Charles Hatch, Rho 91, 144 Wiscon sin St. Tapping, Watson (ioodrich, Rho 12, Wisconsin Trust Co. Trottman, James Franklin, Rho 84, 506 Cas- well Block, Grand Ave. Trottman, Joseph Stafford, Iota 16, 598 La Fayette PI. Trottman, Nelson Smith, Rho 14, 508 LaFayette Place Milwaukee — Cont'd Wakefield. Henry Dorr. Rho 16, 213 J6th St. Underwood, Herbert, Rho 11, 208 Mathews Bldg. Williams, Edward Barnes, Rho 19, 929 Cam- bridge Ave. Neenah Kimberly, Daniel Lucius Rho 07, 520 E. For- est Ave. Stuart, William Zachary, Gamma 83 Nekoosa Fitch, Henry Edmund, Rho 91, Nekoosa Bank Bldg. Oregon Fox, Neill Williams, Rho 13, R. R. Oshkosh Bauman, John Sprague, Rho 16, 121 Washing- ton St. Boardman, Charles Ruggles, Rho 84, 71 Elm St Boardman, Robert Paige, Rho 12, 18 Cape St' Bray, Charles Paige, Rho 10, Schmit Trunk & Bag Co. Clark, James George, Jr., Rho 17, 45 Mt. Vernon St. Fitch, Joseph Porter, Rho 06. Main and Wash- ington Sts. Fling, Harry Ridgeway, Kappa 86, Oshkosh Normal School Gould, Harry Graham, Rho 97, 493 Jackson St Gould, Stevens, Rho 20, 493 Jackson St. Hay, William J., Jr., Rho 19, 187 Algoma St Ifolhster, Raymond Asa, Rho 98, 123 Main St Kimberly, Henry Hewitt, Rho 07, Morgan Co. McCullough, Allan Chase, Rho 18, 118 Main Racine Bartley, Edward Wright, Mu 99, SOS Robin- son Bldg. Capwell, Benjamin Avery, Delta 81, 529 Main Reid, John, Jr., Beta 99. 1121 Lake Ave. Rogers. H[enry] Mead, Delta Delta 18 Lambda 18, Racine College Racine Junction Reid, John, Jr., Beta 99 Rhinelander Brown, Webster .\nderson, Rho 08, IMerchants' State Bank Bldg. Lyman, Charles Adelbert, Rho 04, 232 Grant St. Stevens Point Hyatt, John Elisha, Delta 12, 111 George St Park, Byron Beach. Rho 81, 904 Clark St. Stoughton Williams. John Irving. Jr., Rho 99. R. R. No. 1 Sturgeon Bay Avery, Frederick Whiting, Iota 06 Superior Banks. John Lawrence. Beta 14, 1st National Bank Cheney. David Batchelder, Omega SO. 1317 Hughett .\ve. Two Rivers Hamilton. Edward Pierpont, Lambda 19 Waukesha Stroh. Grant, Psi 89 Wausau Gilbert. Charles Scriver. Rho 16. Wausau Law & Land Assn., 1st National Bank Bldg. .Scholfield, Harvey Haseltine, Rho 11, Wausau Box & Lumber Co. Thom. Walter Henry, Rho 04, Builders' Lumber & Supply Co. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 835 Wauwatosa Jlamnioiul. Theodore Morelle, Omega 85, 80 Center St. Wilder, George Green. Rho 08, 59th and State Sts. Whitewater Dockery, William Francis, Rho 91, 1204 Main : St. Williams Bay Baldwin, Frank Otis, Zeta 74 Barrett, Storrs Barrows, Upsilon 89, Yerkes Observatory Winter Frt-ncii. Artluir Sherwin, Mu 05 WYOMING Basin Hart, Boies Chittenden, Phi 07 Big Horn (lallatin, Golet, Lambda 00 Cheyenne Bainton. Henry Watterson, Delta 93, P. O. Box 364 Cody Van Horn, James Henry, Zeta 93 Laramie Burrage, Frank Sumner, Beta Beta 95, P O. Box 506 Sheridan Parker, Parmenter Robert, Zeta 82 Thermopolis Freeman, Gay Nichols, Sigma 03 Valley Garvin, Oliver Chauncey, Delta 05 Yellowstone Park Nichols, William Morse, Beta Beta, 01 INSULAR AND NON- CONTIGUOUS TERRITORY ALASKA Anchorage Reynolds. Wallace, Delta 11, Alaskan Engineer- ing Commission Fairbanks Menzie, Robert Duncan, Upsilon 95, Northern Commercial Co. Juneau Sutherland, Carroll Arthur, Upsilon OS. Gen- eral Delivery Thane Brown. Thurmond, Zeta 06, Alaska Gastineau ^Mining Co. Treadwell Cahill. Wendell Eldridge, Epsilon 05, P. O. Box 231 CANAL ZONE Colon MacMurray, Charles Freeman, Pi 06, Colon Electric & Ice Supply Co. Panama City Eastwick, Philip Garrett, Eta 92, Panama Bank- ing Co. HAWAII Honolulu Atherton. Frank Cooke, Xi 98, 210 Kauikeolani Bldg., King St. Frear, Walter Francis. Beta 85, 303 Stangen- wald Bldg. Hatch, Francis March, Kappa 7Z, 2877 Kalakaua Ave. Knight, Harry Edward. Eta 99. Schofield Barracks Richards, Joseph Atherton, Xi 15, 902 Kinan St. Richards. Theodore, Xi 88, Mission Memorial. King St. Turner, Farrant Lewis, Xi 17, 1822 Punahou St. \\'yman, Arthur Edwards, Zeta 13, Mills School PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Cebu Donnell, Charles Joseph, Kappa 05, Inter- national Banking Corporation Manila Harrison, Francis Burton, Beta 95 Mayhew, John Wesley, Sigma 09. Philippine Constabulary Worcester, Dean Conant. Phi 89. Visayan Refining Co., 317 New Masonic Temple PUERTO RICO Manati Castle, Harvard [De Hart]. Upsilon 09, P. O. Box 8 San Juan Lippitt, S [argent] Van Lear, Eta 95. Insular Docks FOREIGN COUNTRIES AFRICA TRANSVAAL Johannesburg Kirkl.ind, Inlin Wilkinson, Clii 89, .Southern Life BIcIk. CAPE COLONY Cape Town (iillies, Waldo Pierpont, Ti 13. Texas Co. (S. A.) Ltd. ASIA CHINA Anking Huntington, Daniel Trumbull, Beta 92 Canton Spencer, Selden Palmer, Jr., Beta 12, Fati College Changsha Hume, Edward Hicks, Beta 97, The Hunan- Yale Hospital Chengtu Beech, Joseph, Xi 99, West China L^nion Uni- versity Service, Robsrt Roy, Epsilon 02, Y. M. C. A. Yard, James Maxon, Xi OS, Shan Shi Kai Foochow Gowdy, John, Xi 97, Anglo-Chinese College Jones, Edwin Chester, Xi 04, Fukien Union College Hangchow Wheeler. William Reginald, Beta 11, Hang- chow (hristiafi College (28) 836 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Hankow Frost, Ralph Aldom, Delta 93, 14 Ewo Rd. Hongkong Carleton, Algar Ethelbert, Zeta 95, American Consulate Hwaiyuan Cochran, Samuel, Delta 93, Am. Presbyterian Mission Kiangsu Nichols, John Williams, Beta Beta 99, Am. Church Mission, Wusih Nanking demons, | William] Harry, Xi 02, University of Nanking Lasell, Sidney Locock, Beta 92 Peking Brown. Grow Stanley, Xi 05 Pi OS, Methodist Mission Dunn, Archibald Wallace, Sigma 08, Ssing Hua College Little, Lester Knox, Zeta 14, Chinese Maritime Customs Thwing, Edward Waite, Delta 88, General Sec. International Reform Bureau, Morrison St. Shanghai Chu, Ponson Carles, Beta 09, Museum Rd. Lincoln, Charles Stewart Fessenden, Kappa 91, St. John's University Tientsin Hersev, Roscoe Monroe, Pi 05, 20 Recreation Rd.' Wusih Mosher, Gouverneur Frank, Theta 92 Yang Chow Newbery, Alfred, Gamma 14, Mahan School DUTCH EAST INDIES JAVA Samarang Bostick, Maner Hart, Pi 12, Standard Oil Co. of N. Y. Shelley, Raymond [Osborne], Theta 08 INDIA ASSAM Jorhat Boggs, Stephen Arnold Douglas, Omega 89 BOMBAY Bombay Duncan, Kenneth Forman, Delta 14, Standard Oil Co. of New York Vadala F'airbank, Edward, Gamma 89 BURMA Henzarha Cummings, John Ernest, Kappa 84 DELHI Delhi Day, Sherwood Sunderland, Beta 11, Y. W. C. A. MADRAS Madras Chandler, John Scudder, Beta 70, Senate House Univ. of Madras. Irving, Frederick Elton, Epsilon 09, The Bom- bay Co. Ltd. JAPAN AMAJIMACHI Osaka Matsugata, Masao, Tau 94, Nauiwa Bank Kyoto Dinning, Morton Dexter, Gamma 96, Doshisha Univ. Morioka Topping, Henry, Omega 81 Upsilon 92, 38 L^cliimaru Oita Ryder, Stephen Willis, Beta 09, Eisei Kwan Tokyo Clement, Ernest Wilson, Omega 80, First Higher School, Hongo Kanda, Naibu, (lamma 79, Nakano Kushida. Manzo, Tau 90, Mitsubishi Banking Department Scudder, Doremus, Beta 80, Union Church Tajiri, Inajiro [Taneka], Beta 78, Kantomichu 49 Yokohama Jenks, Paul Emott, Beta 84, U. S. Consulate KOREA Sen Sen Whittemore, Norman Clark, Delta 90, Beta 92 Seoul Welch, Herbert, Xi 87 SYRIA Beirut Adams, Edwin Carter, Delta 18, American L'ni versity Adams. Walter Booth, Delta 87, American University Porter, Harvey, Gamma 70, Syrian Protestant College AUSTRALIA VICTORIA St. Kilda Wurts, Rudolf, Beta 78, Tramway Office CENTRAL AMERICA COSTA RICA Port Limon Chittenden, George Peters, Beta 01 San Salvador Tennant, Henry Fry, Chi 09, American Lega- tion EUROPE ENGLAND Brighton, Sussex Rhodes, Wallace Eugene, Alpha 71, Sigma 71, New Club, Preston St. Bucks Paradise, Frank Ilsley, Beta 88, Hill House, Gerrards Cross Golden Queen Draper, Arthur Stimson, Delta 05, 81 Hamp- stcad Way Le Port Baird, Max[imilian], Beta 90, Sark, Channel Islands GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 837 London t'liasc. Lewis [Nathaniel], Upsilon 95, 45 Digbv Mansions Hammersmith Bridge W. Clvde, ' William Pancoast, Jr., Beta 01, 71 Pont St. Coffin, Harold Lewis, Chi 79, 30A Wimpole St. W. Cooper, William Lee, Phi 99. 7 Laurence Pountncy Hill. Cannon St. E. C. Dav. Tullan. Beta 01. Brown, Shiplev & Co., 1J3 Pali Mall S. W. Draper. Arthur Stimson, Delta 05, 43 Aldwych, \y. C. Olmsted, Alexander Holley, Beta 04, 3 London Wall E. C. Otis, Kenneth Rouse, Gamma 04, English Army Po.st Office E. C. Palmer, Ray Eaton, Kappa 13, 36 Bishopsgate E. C. Thornton, Henry Worth, Tau 94, Liverpool St. Station E. C. \\'ecks, Edward Chester, Phi 95, 1 Ramillies S't. W. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Cutter. Charles Forrest, Beta 75, Fountain Cottage, Low Fell Oxford Mills. Lawrence Heyworth, Delta 58, Univer- sity of Oxford Paradise, Scott Hnrtt. Beta 14. Balliol College Windlesham, Surrey t'oiukrt, Charles Du Pont, Lambda 96. Wind- lesham Mall. FRANCE Draveil, Seine-et-Oise .Sanborn. Alvan Francis, Gamma 87, 3 Boule- vard des Marroniers Maisons-Laffitte Gould, Frank Jay, Delta 99 (Seine-et-Oise) 5 Avenue Picard Paris Bement, Edward, Beta 70, 7 Place de la Made- leine Bradford. William Henry, Lambda 94, The Travellers' Club, 25 Avenue des Champs Elysees Cassard, Morris. Jr., Beta 15, 100 Faubourg St. Antoine Downe, Hamilton Borden, Chi 15, 149 Blvd. Haussman Gihert, Frederic Edward. Lambda 06, 64 Rue Spontine Grubb. Charles Ross, Beta 73, Morgan, Harjcs & Cie Moore, Benjamin Burgess, Beta 99, Munroe & Co.. 4 Rue Ventadour Nolan, Harry Edgar, Beta 97, Equitable Trust Co., 23 Rue de la Paix Steele. Morton Burr. Jr., Chi 99, Villa Kerlia. Concarneay Vander Poei, Aaron .\ugustus. Beta 13 Weeks. Edward Chester, Phi 95, 1 Rue Am- broise Thomas Weeks. Walter Roy, Phi 99. 1 Rue .\nibroisc Thomas GERMANY Hamburg Quarles. Edward Lewis. PIio 99 Tau 20, Deutsche Vacuum Co. Berlin Wilson, Hugh Robert, Beta 06, 23 Lutzow Ufer ITALY Rome Carter, Jesse Benedict, Delta 93 Am. Acad. Porta San Pancrazio Clark, Donald Buttz, Xi 17, 38 Via Firenze Clark. Nathaniel Walling, Xi 79. 38 Via Firenze Gay H[enry] Nelson, Gamma 91, Palazzo Orsini • MONACO Monte Carlo Kickerson. Edward Nicoll. Beta Beta 74 ROUMANIA Bucharest Scidel, Harry George. Sigma 12, Romano- Americana, Strada Starropoleos 6. RUSSIA Petrograd Stevens. Robie Reed. Kappa 06, S Palace Quay SPAIN Madrid Hurst. Carlton, Xi 17, American Consulate. NORTH AMERICA CANADA ALBERTA Blairmore I'aton. Lewis George, Eta 05 Calgary Roenisch, Clinton Willis. Mu 11, 516 Grain Exchange Sharpies, Herman Hoopes, Phi 94 Edmonton Jennings, Milton Robbins, Upsilon 94, 10179, 101st St. High River Bennis, Frederick Vucassovich. Zeta 98 BRITISH COLUMBIA Copper City Backus, Philip Rodman. Chi 99 Greenwood Xorcross, Fred Stephenson, Jr., Phi 06 Nelson Dawson, Eric Powell. Beta 12 New Westminster SIiull, Harry .-Mfred, Mu 09. P. O. Box 973 Prince George Magoffin. Samuel Shelbv. Mu 10 Princeton Norcross, Fred Stephenson, Jr., Phi 06 Satwina Island Cooper, Thornton Kendrick, Upsilon 01 Vancouver Averill, Henrv Dodge, Chi 90, Imperial Oil Co.. Ltd. Victoria N'ci\uig. Thomas Earl. Oniicron 09. 9 October Manor Wardner Wilson, Edgar Carpenter, Rho 11 Wycliffe staples, Chester Otis, Phi 11 Staple";. [Chevalier! Bayard, Phi 08 Staples, Elmore Lowell. Phi 10 MANITOBA Tuxedo Lancy, George Hicks, Upsilon 95 Winnipeg Hoyt, Henry Nason West, Kappa 64. 254 Edmonton St. Warner, Joseph. Gamma 01, Warner-Johnson Co., Grain Exchange 838 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX NOVA SCOTIA Bridgetown Jost, Cranswick, Xi 62 Halifax Gardner. Lawrence, Sigma 11, 75 Earrington St. Wolfville Thurber. Edmund Gorham, Sigma 86 ONTARIO Cobalt ^^. . . Watson. Rolla Barnum. Lambda 91. Nipissing Ford Mining Co. Ford ^ , Lawrence, Augustine Neil. Lambda 01. herd Motor Co. of Canada Latchford . ^ ,• Uptegraff. Gaylor Marshall. Eta 12. Canadian Pulp & Lumber Co., Ltd. Prescott Brown, William Clinton, Chi 81 Brown, Wiser. Chi 17. White Lodge Wiser, Henry James, Beta 15 St. Catharines Peek. Robert Lee. Jr.. Lambda 19. 211 Queens- ton St. Smith. William Edward. Rho 02. Carlton Lane Burgess. William Harold Southwood. Pi 95. 26 Wellington St. E. „, ,.,^ t^- Chadwick. George Brewster. Beta 03. 172 King St E Conway.' Leon Tucker. Kappa 11. 12 Adelaide St E Dean. Elliott Sterling. Upsilon 90. 8-10 Well- ington St. E. I ee Frederick Clare, Beta 96, 2 College St. Reed fMaior] Fred. Pi 91. 110 Church St. Williams, Herbert Howard, Chi 94, 22 Mulock Ave. Walkerville ^ ^. ^ . , „ Pope, Willard, Phi 88, Canadian Bridge Co., xiier; Francis John, Chi 01, C. T. Miller, Canadian Bridge Co. QUEBEC Cap de la Madeline Simons, William Butterfield, Chi 11, St. Maunn Paper Co., Ltd. Montreal ^ ^„ ,. ,,, Brewster, James, Beta Beta 08, Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd., Victoria Sq. Colwell, Louis Strait, Pi 95, 91 St. I-ranc.s DmfgYa's'! "^Henry Percy, Chi 94, New Birks .Simimerville. Allen Henry, Pi 14 Weedon Mining Co., Ltd.. 605 Eastern Townships Bank Bldg. ^ ^ ,. ... , Wendt, (Jeorge Arthur, Pi 05, Canadian West- inghouse Co. Mc^Iath Robert Reynolds, Phi 13. St. Law- rence Bridge Co. Shawinigan Falls Summerville, Allen Henry, Pi 14 Witherspoon, Robert Allen, Upsilon 97 Sherbrooke Lawrence, Henry Daniel, Zeta 73, 67 Welling- ton St. SASKATCHEWAN Saskatchewan Haauel, Henry Eugene, Pi 04, Canadian Pa- cific Railway Depot, Regina Tisdale Gilbert, Charles Howard, Beta 08 MEXICO Mexico City , ^ ^„ ^ „ McLaren, William Augustus, Lambda 90, Calle Betlemitas 17 SONORA La Colorada Hughes, George Maurice, Tau 93 Tampico Lucas, William Edward, Chi 77 SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Piott, Robert Arnold, Phi 11, R. H. Ingersoll & Brother Quilmes Welby, Arthur Adlard, Chi 85, Calle Humberto 1° BRAZIL Rio De Janeiro Pratt. Francis Edward. Delta 85, Rue do tatlete 196. Sao Paulo Lane, Lauristone Job, Theta 95, 45 Rua Sao Bento. , „ . . Shalders, Edward, Theta 95, Rua Amenco Braziliense No. 78. Waddell, William Alfred, Theta 82, 79 Rua Maria Antonia. CHILE Santiago Lester, William Hand, Gamma 78, Casilla 1778. Temuco Arms, Goodsil Filley, Xi 80 Valpariso Trumbull, John, Beta 78, Casilla, 851 ECUADOR Guayaquil ^ „ Tweedy, Andrew Mellick, Lambda 06, P. 'J Box 665 PERU Lima Clark, Austin William, Epsilon 19 WEST INDIES CUBA Camaguey Ham. David Harvey, Chi 14 Eta 14, herro- carriles del Norte Tacajo, Oriente Howland, Francis Edwin, Beta 04 ALPHABETICAL INDEX ABBEY Samuel Wilmer, Theta 75 ABBOT Edville Gerhardt, Kappa 06 Alfred Amos, Beta 41, Theta 41 Alson Bailey, Zeta 66 Augustus Levi, Omega 80, Sig- ma 80 Austin, Delta 51 Benn, Zeta 89 Beniiet Tvler, Xi 60 Charles Westlev. Beta 99 Dudley Chase, Xi 89 Edville Gerhard, Kappa 06 Edward, Delta 60 Franklin, Beta 02, Lambda 04 George Francis, Upsilon 11 Gordon Wilson, Beta 07 Henry Hurlbut, Gamma 93 Howard Clement, Kappa 13 Ira Anson, Zeta 70 James, Delta 83 John, Zeta 91 Larmon Roellas, Xi 66 Nathan [Davis], Beta 77 Renwick Wylie, Delta 98 Robert, Beta 08 Stanlev Niver, Delta 11 William Allen, Kappa 58 William Nathan, Xi 84 Winthrop Porter, Zeta 93 ABEL John Jacob, Phi 83 ABELL James Edward, Psi 52 ABERDEEN Hamilton Lizard, Pi 01 ABERNETHY Alexander Smith, Zeta 70 Donald Jennings, Theta Theta 18 \ BR AH AM S Armistead Lattimore, Tau 99 Horatio Ely, Tau 00 VCER Donald Winchester, Omicron 14 Frank Adams, LTpsilon 92 Herbert Augustus, Omicron 12 Oscar Whedon, Gamma 09 ACHILLES Paul Strong, Beta 13 ACKART Everett Gunner, Xi 02 ACKERMAN James Hcrvey, Delta 56 ACKERT Fred. Beta 05 ACOSTA Tracy, Beta 17 ADAE Charles Flamen, Lambda 92 ADAM Folger, Chi 04 ADAMS Alfred Williston, Xi 75 Arthur Clarke. Phi 70 Arthur Prince, Xi 73 Benjamin Franklin, Psi 45 Benjamin Jarvis, Xi 74 Carl Nelson, Phi 03 Carleton Bachman, Omega 18 ADAMS Charles, Beta 87 Charles Dickinson, Gamma 63 Charles Edward, LTpsilon 99 Charles Hemmenway, Beta 66 Charles Kendall, Phi 61 Charles Robert, Delta 04 Edward Austin, Gamma 69 Edward Mills, Phi 71 Edwin Carter, Delta 18 E'mer Bragg, Beta 65 Ephraim Douglass, Phi 87 Frederic, Beta 62 Frederic Winslow, Kappa 89 Frederick Joseph, Delta 91 George Davis, Gamma 79 George Moulton, Kappa 44 George Ross, Zeta 09 Harry Byron, Iota 87 Henry Austin. Phi IZ Henry Foster, Xi OS Henry Svlvanus. Sigma 60 Henry Wright, Xi 41 Herbert Baxter, Gamma 72 Herbert Matthews, Sigma 95 Hugh White, Jr., Lambda 00 Isaac rir.]. Phi 74 John Brown, Beta 99 John Goldthwait, Zeta 54 John William, Mn 86 John William. LTpsilon 20 Jonathan Edwards, Kappa 53 Joseph Henrv, Gamma 70 Mason Tyler. Beta 99 Oliver Miller, Gamma 56 Robert Barnes. Pi 97 Samuel Francis, Lambda 78 Samuel Hawley, Psi 63 Samuel Sewall, Kappa 55 Thatcher Magoun, Beta 58, Delta 58 Thomas Means, Beta 74 Walter Booth, Delta 87 William, Jr.. Beta 17 William Grant, Phi 88 ADDISON Charles Lambert, Eta 88 ADEE Edwin Morgan, Beta 81 Ernest Rufus, Beta 85 ADLINGTON Joseph Augustus, Xi TZ ADRIANCE Samuel Winchester. Zeta 7 3 AFFLECK James Gelston, Jr.. Sigma 14 Myron Hopkins Strong, .Sigma 07 William Russell, Sigma 17 AGASSIZ Alexander f Emanuel Rudolph], Alpha 55 AGATE Frederic Joseph, Lambda 03 AGRY George Cram, Zeta 05 Warren Cram, Zeta 11 AHEARN Thomas James, Jr., Lambda 12 AHRENS Edward Hamblin, Omega 06 AIKEN Charles Augustus, Zeta 46 AIKEN Edward, Zeta 51 George Edward, Gamma 57 Henry Wilbur. Beta 80 John .\dams. Zeta 74 John Francis. Zeta 58 William Buckingham, Gamma 86 A I KIN Andrew Purdy, Xi 62 AIKMAN William, Delta 46 William, Jr., Delta 72 AINSWORTH Fred Crayton, Zeta li AITON George Briggs, Mu 81 AKERMAN Amos Tappan. Zeta 42 AKERS Winfred Chandler, Xi 93 AKIN Edgar Wallace, Jr., Sigma 06 .\LBRECHT Delmar Louis, Zeta 16 ALBRO Preston Morris, Upsilon 07 ALCOCK Warren Joseph, Omicron 18 ALCOTT Howard Emery, Xi 72 ALDEN Walter Bingham, Kappa 47 ALDRICH Abram Joseph, Phi 65 Charles Henry, Phi 75 Charles Morgan, Beta 16 Charles Roberts, Beta 03 Donald Bradshaw, Zeta 17 William Truman, Sigma 00 ALDRIDGE Benjamin Lewis, Xi 06 ALEXANDER Charles Town, Phi 90 Dixon, Xi 46 Eben, Beta '"/Z Eugene Davenport, Beta 96 Frank Bowman, Epsilon 03 Henry Willis, Beta Beta 57 Kirkland Barker, Phi 96 Oliver Ostrom. Theta 58 Walter Scott, Beta 58 ALGER Edmund Whitney, Mu 02 Horatio, Alpha 52 ALLAN Herbert Sanford, Delta Delta 19 ALLEN Amos Lawrence, Kappa 60 Amos Lawrence, Kappa 18 Arthur Huntington, Beta 73 Bayard Ten Broeck. Psi 1-' Beverly, Beta 67 Calvin Durand, Beta 13 Charles Ihling, Delta 02 Charles James Fox, Beta 55 Charles Montgomery, Upsilon 67 Charles Slover, Lambda 78 Clifford Butler, Beta 85 Cyrus Benjamin, Omega 78 840 ALPHABETICAL INDEX ALLEN Cyrus Gates, Sigma 15 Douglas Hedden, Lambda 17 Earle Whitman, Pi 12 Edmund, Beta 88 Edmund Thompson, Beta 57 Edwin Howard, Kappa 85, Zeta 85 Francis Marion, Upsilon 83 Francis Richmond, Gamma 65 Fred John, Kappa 90 Frederick Baylies, Gamma 63 George, Upsilon 75 George Adams, Chi 10 George Esdras, Sigma 50 George [Walter], Beta 63 Henry Crocker, Sigma 74 Henry Newell, Upsilon 69 Henry Wilde, Zeta 54 Herbert Lincoln, Kappa 83 James Morse, Alpha 72 James Roy, Pi 04 John Forsyth, Beta 65 John Henry, Zeta 70 John Wesley, Theta Theta 19 Joshua Wilson, Beta 88 Laban Wheaton, Gamma 66 Lowell Douglass, Alpha IZ Romeyn Treadwell, Theta 16 Rowland Hussey, Gamma 62 Stanley. Woodruff, Iota 09, Chi 10 Willard Spencer, Xi 64 William Cleveland, Theta 56 William Henry Harrison, Zeta 55 William Palmer, Beta 80 William Porter, Lambda, 78 William Thompson, Iota 13 William Wentworth, Zeta 82 ALLIBONE Joseph Hill, Pi 09 ALLING Eric Lattimore, Upsilon 14 Harold Lattimore, Upsilon 13 Joseph Tilden, Upsilon 76 ALLINGTON Courtney Derby, Phi 06 Harold John, Phi 15 Leslie Eugene, Phi 09 ALLIS Egbert Horace, Zeta 91 Frederick Scouller, Gamma 13 Wallace Steele, Beta 84 ALLISON George Franklin. Theta 84 John Perry, Alpha 54 Samuel Perkins, Beta 47 ALLYN Charles Stanley, Rho 13 ALMY Leonard Ballou, Beta 73 ALSIP William Henry, Omega 11 ALSTON John Julius Pringle, Alpha 57 ALVORD Charles Landon, Beta 11 Edward Jessup, Beta 52 Henry Clay, Delta !(, John Nicholas, Delta 62 Russell Owen, Zeta 09 Vernon Meredith, Epsilon 06 ALZAMORA Luis, Lambda 20 Ysaac de la Cruz, Lambda 18 AMERMAN George Loveless, Beta 90 AMES Allan Wallace. Beta 18 Edgar, Beta 90 AMES Edward Carrington, Sigma 67 Fisher, Alpha 58 Gaylord Thompson, Theta 95 Henry Semple, Beta 86 Jacob Worthen Hall, Xi 64 Miner Thomas II, Omicron 14 Paul Kimball, Beta 86 Sullivan Dorr, Beta 99 Ward, Jr., Mu' 95 AMORY William, Jr., Alpha 55 ANDERSEN Christian Stephen, Chi 15 ANDERSON Arthur Ray, Xi 06 August Gordon, Jr., Omega 86 Chandler Parsons, Beta 87 Charles, Psi 69 Cornelius Van Alen, Lambda 53 Donald Kennedy, Omega 17 Earl William. Omicron IS Edward Ewen, Chi 17 Edward Lowell, Phi 08 Eugene Malcolm. Iota 14 George Brown, Theta 49 George Frederick, Iota 82 George Krogh, Rho 94 George Mendenhall, Lambda 91 Harold Graham, Xi 12 Henry, Jr., Delta 10 Henry Burrall, Beta 85 Henry Hill, Beta 16 Irving Monroe, Xi 03 James, Psi 72 Luther Wilson, Zeta 46 Merrill, oamma 19 Nicholas Longworth, Alpha 58 Oscar Frederick, Zeta 20 Randall, Iota 11, Omega 12 Robert Avery, Xi 02 William Burrall, Beta 86 William Cliarles, Delta 15 William Conklin, Eta 94 William Dexter, Beta 62 William Herman, Psi 78 ANDREW Deane Hamilton, Pi 10 Samuel Worcester, Beta 71 ANDREWS Arthur Leonard, Xi .75 Charles Bartlett, Gamma 58 Ebenezer, Beta 61 Emery Cobb, Omega 00 Frank Downes, Epsilon 09 Franklin Fiske, Mu 98 Harry Elmer, Zeta 92 Henry Edwin, Kappa 94 Herbert Morrel, Zeta 04 Howard Baker, Sigma 12 James Edward, Lambda 72 James Parkhill, Beta 11 John Gilbert, Zeta 01 John Wallingford, Jr., Beta 70 John Wolcott, Beta 76 Lloyd Hawley, Xi 91 Milton Spry. Xi 20 Philip Roy, Kappa 06 Ralph, Kappa 03 Samuel Wakeman, Lambda 90 Walter Raymond, Zeta 07 \\'illiani Henry Harrison, Kap- pa 65 William Shankland, Lambda 82 ANDROS Stephen Osgood, Kappa 91 ANDRUS David Sylvester, Sigma 54 ANGELL George Hall, Phi 94 Harold Gray, Lambda 79 James Burrill, Sigma 49 Ralph Carroll, Rho 07 ANGLE Frank Pursell, Eta 07 Joseph Fber, Theta Theta 18 Theodore Robison, Eta 05 ANGUS William, Kappa 19 AN S ART Felix, Gamma 59, Beta 59 ANTES Herbert Pullen, Rho 17 ANTHON Edward, Theta 54 ANTHONY Charles Herbert. Psi 89 Frank William, Sigma 46 Roy David, L^psilon 08 AN WAY Wilmore, Beta 80 APGAR William, Theta 57 APPLETON Edward Allen, Gamma 87 John Adams, Beta 14 APTED Ralph Clark, Phi 00 ARCHBALD Robert Woodrow, Beta 71 Robert Woodrow, Jr., Beta 98 AREY Melvin Franklin, Kappa 67 ARKELL Bartlett, Beta 86 ARMITAGE Paul, Lambda 94 ARMOUR Allison Vincent, Beta 84 Lester, Beta IS Philip Dan forth. Beta 16 ARMS Audubon, Sigma 97 Charles Carroll, Zeta 65 Charles Jesup, Beta 63 Goodsil Filler, Xi 80 ARMSTRONG Aiknian, Phi 01 Charles Dudley, Beta 10 Dexter Alden, Theta Theta 17 Edward Gabriel, Beta Beta 19 Eugene McClellau, Psi 89 Henrv Irwin, Jr.. Phi 09 Hurlburt Allingham, Beta Beta 19 James Edwin, Rho 02 John, Tau 05 Luther, Gamma 60 Ralph Waldo, Upsilon 16 Roger Newton, Tau 17 Willard Clarke, Iota 97 Wynn, Omega 06 ARNDT Charles Henry. Iota 89 ARNETT Frank Sheldon. Phi 88 ARNOLD Adoniram Judson, L'psilon ITi Cyril Burrell, Gamma 20 Edward Augustus, Beta 49 Franklin, Beta 71 Lawrence Moss, Chi 18 Oswald James, Omega 97 Samuel Greene, Sigma 41 Thomas Clay, Sigma 59 Walter Whipple, Upsilon 98 William, Beta 76 ARNOT John Hulett, Beta 85 ARRONSMITH Harold, Lambda 76 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 841 ARTHUR Chester Alan, Theta 48 Chester Alan, Jr., Lambda S5 William Christopher, Omega 11 AS AY William Cooper, Beta 80 ASHLEY Frank Riley, Phi 91 ASH MUX Alonzo Augustus, Pi 68 ASHTON William Bright, Theta 19 ASNAULT George Raymond, Kappa 20 ASTLETT Eric Anderson, Beta Beta 18 AT HA Henry Gurney. Lambda 89 ATHEARN Fred Goodrich. Epsilon 00 ATHERTON Alexander Montague, Xi 97 Frank Cooke, Xi 98 George Robertson, Omega 05 Lemuel Weeks, Kappa 50 ATKINS Addison Butler, Theta 44 Alfred Cookman, Xi 79 Charles Grandison, Kappa 61 George Lewis, Xi 13 Henry Cornelius, Beta S" ATKINSON George Henry, Jr., Zeta 71 Thomas Hanlon, Xi 92 William Buslv, Mu 10 William Fitch, Chi 95 ATLEE George Bullock, Tau 02 ATTERBURY Grosvenor, Beta 91 ATWATER Allen Eli, Pi 89 Isaac, Beta 44 John Jacob, (lamnia 15 William Cutler, Gamma 84 William Cutler, Jr., Gamma 12 ATWELL George Washington, Gamma 74 ATWOOD Edward Wilson, Kappa 20 Frank. Beta 69 Henrv Clinton, Sigma 78 AUCHINCLOSS Charles Crooke, Beta 03 Charles Russell, Beta 03 Edgar Stirling, Beta 96, Delta 64 Frederic Lawton. Beta 71 Gordon, Beta 08 Hugh, Beta 01 Hugh Dudley, Beta 79 James Coats, Beta 08 Joseph Howland, Beta 08 AUGER Louis Francis, Chi 17 AUGUSTINE Flovd Brush, Beta 12 AUSTIN Arnold Plumer, Beta 89 Clement LeFevre, Theta 53 David Sands, 2d, Zeta 04 James Hannah, Theta 67 James Moore, Tau 15 Levi Lewis Hatton, Iota 82 Oliver Luther, Xi 95 Percy. Alpha 71 Samuel Henry, Theta 38 Winthrop Provost, Delta Delta 17 AVERILL Henry Dodge, Chi 90 James Olney, Gamma 70 AVERY , Charles Hammond, Beta 75 Florizel Charles, Zeta 88 Frank Chamberlain, Theta 81 Frederick Whiting, Iota 06 George, Theta 53 Myron Halburton, Kappa 20 Robert Clark, Omega 87 Rush Edgar, Zeta 70 AXTELL Salmon Blake, Iota 11 AYCRIGG Benjamin, Jr., Delta 81 AYER Arthur Burrill, Kappa 72 James McMillan, Zeta 60 AYERS Daniel, Xi 42 Jeremiah Emery, Zeta 63 Toseph Sutton, Phi 11 Merle Porter, Pi 19 Steven Beckwith, Pi 82 AYMAR Gordon Christian, Beta 14 AYRES Daniel, Xi 42 Edward, Gamma 78 George Hamilton, Eta 87 Rowland, Gamma 41 BABB Thomas Earle, Gamma 65 BABBITT Charles Albert, Zeta 79 BABCOCK, Basil Philin, Omicron 17 Charles, Theta 47 Charles Edward Payne, Chi 80 Donald Sturges, Sigma 10 Edward Courtlandt, Lambda 49 Edward Howard Jr, Lambda 16 Francis Eaton, Alpha 74 Frank Gordon, Rho 15 Fred Henry, Rho 16 Frederick Huntington, Sigma 07 George Wheeler, Beta 02 Harold Pemberton, .Sigma 09 Harry Woodruff, Beta 00. Henry Harper, Beta 53 James Staunton, Beta 40 John Henry, Theta 45 Toseph Noves, Beta 87 Lan,'don. Chi 09 Maltbie Davenport, Pi 79 Philip Sheridan. Beta 87 Stephen Cone, Phi 97 Theodore, Theta 41 William Henry, Beta 47 BAB ST Earl D, Iota 93, Phi 93 BACHELLER Albert La Forrest, Xi 74 BACH MAN George Warren, Xi 08 B.VCKUS Brady Electus, Beta Beta 70 Erwin Thornton, Phi 07 Joseph Willes, Beta 45 Philip Rodman, Chi 99 Samuel. Psi 48 Standish, Phi 98 William Henry, Theta 36 BACON Alfred Terry, Beta 73 Charles Putnam, Chi 82 Clarence Everett, Xi 78 Clarence Everett, Xi 13 Edward Everett. Psi li Henrv Selden, Beta 93 John 'Blunt, Theta 68 John Lewis, Jr., Theta 08 Rav, Upsilon 95 Richard, Chi 11 BACON Roger Whiting, Xi 10 Sumner Winn, Sigma 43 Theodore, Beta 53 Thomas Rutherford, Beta 72 Wilbur Russell, Beta 65 William Frederic, Psi 00 William Plumb, Beta 58 William Post Hawes, Delta 86 BACONE Almon Clematus, Upsilon 58 BADENOCH Arthur Hill, Omega 08 Benjamin Harrison, Omega 09 BADGER Henry Franklin, Jr, Chi 03 Joseph Lynwood, Kappa 20 William Peaslee, Zeta 86 BADGLEY Frank Briggs, Epsilon 12 BAGG Dan Taylor, Theta 41 Linus W'orthington, Pi 05 Lyman Hotchkiss, Beta 69 BAGLEY Sargent Valentine, Theta 43 BAGNALL Francis Asbury, Xi 90 William Rhodes, Xi 40 B.MLEY Charles Lukens, Jr., Beta 86 Frederic William ,Chi 01 Tames Murray, Upsilon 68 Melville Knox, Beta Beta 79 Paul Thorndyke, Mu 08 Samuel Slaughter, Sigma 59, Theta 59 Seavey Moor, Mu 03 Thomas Brown, Sigma 76 Wil'iam Whitman, Sigma 64 BAINBRIDGE Samuel Stillman, LTpsilon 66 SAINTON Henrv Watterson, Delta 93 BAIRD Donald Galbraith, Eta 14 Gordon Cardwell, Upsilon 15 Henry Martyn, jr.. Delta 91 Lucius Olmstead, Beta 85 Max[imilian|, Beta 90 Robert, Delta 90 William Chester, Delta 63 BAKER Charles Henry, Xi 81 Charles Henry IV, Beta Beta 16 Darius, Xi 70 David Sands, Theta 71 Don Raymond, Theta Theta 11 Dwight Wood, Sigma 99 Edwin Howard, Jr., Beta 13 Eugene Voy, Beta 11 Everett La Mott, Theta 14 Floyd Flagler, Delta 14 Francis Asbury, Pi 66 Frank, Xi 52 Frederick, Delta 52 George Comstock, Theta 88 (ieorge Danielson, Delta 60 George Snell, Phi 76 Greenleaf Greely, Xi 63 Guy Winter, Jr., Iota 16 Harold Wallace, Theta 11 Henry, Xi 54 Henry, Xi 64 Henry Benjamin, Upsilon 71 James Herbert, Xi 03 John Gillespie, Zeta 46 Joseph Boyd, Jr., Tau 05 Laurance Clark, Theta 95 Milate Ralph, Theta 98 Nathan Morton, Mu 84 Richard Wheeler, Beta 13 842 ALPHABETICAL INDEX BAKER Samuel Newhall, Sigma 05 Stanley, (iamma 02 Walter Cummings, Theta IS Walter Stanley, Xi 01 William Corwin, Delta 91 William Melville, Kappa 47 BALCH Frank Kittredge, Zeta 65 BALD John Dorsey, Beta 45 BALDRIDGE Anthony Octavus Russel, Chi 20 Howard Malcolm, Beta 18 John Lakin, Chi 15 BALDWIN Abraham DeWitt. Beta 50 Charles Candee, Xi 55 Charles Goddard, Psi 71 Char'.es Winterfield, Beta 61 Edward Law, Beta 42 Edwin, Psi 67 Frank Bernard, Pi 02 Frank Otis, Zeta 74 Frederick Llarrison, Beta 72 George Green, Eta 88 James Garden, Theta 70 John Sears, Lambda 16 I.eonidas Bradley. Beta Beta 60 Roger Sherman, Beta 90 Roger Sherman, Beta 95 Roger Sherman, Jr., Beta 47 Seth Coseswell. Theta 46 Simeon Eben, Beta 61 William Borden, Xi 76 William Ranney, Xi 62 RALE Albert Galliford, Gamma 65 Frederick Sewell, Gamma 06 BALL .'\llan Perlev, Gamma 92 Farlin Herbert, Rho 95 Farlin, Ouiglev, Rho 61 George Edward. Phi 95 Tames Everett, Phi 87 Sidney H[obart], Rho 01 Walter Savage, Gamma 97 Wil'iam Deullard, Theta 97 Wooster Orlin, Zeta 11 BALLARD .Anson, Psi 45 Ernest Schwefel, Beta 07 Eugene Scott, Iota 00 BALLOU Frederick .\llan, Jr., Sigma 16 BALSTON .Xndrew Provost, Eta 07 Harold Provost, Eta 05 B ALTAZZI Samuel .\danis \A'arreii, Lambda 98 BALTZ Harry Ru'i Jesse Whipple, Upsilon 74 John Laidlow, Beta 85 Walter, Upsilon 74 BUFFINGTON John Fuss. Gamma 52 Joseph. Beta Beta 75 Joseph, Jr., Beta Beta 18 Kenneth, Gamma 14 Morgan Hvde. Beta Beta 04 Orr. Beta Beta 79 BUFFUM David Hanson, Jr., Beta 85 Edgar Stickney, Beta 77 Harry Austin,' Beta 79 William Henry, Sigma 98 BUGBEE Edmund Jonathan, Zeta 91 Frank Lewis, Zeta 89 Lucius Halen, Gamm.i 54 BUGGIE Horace Hobart, RIio 13 BUIST Henry, Beta 84 BULFINCH John Johnson, Kappa 50 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 849 BULKLEY Alpheus Tompkins, Beta 75 Charles Stone, Beta 05, Lambda 08 Clarendon Cobb. Beta Beta 75 Edwin Muhlenburg, Delta 82 Erastus Brainerd, Beta Beta 90 Erastus Walbridge, Delta 91 Henry Duncan, Lambda 01 James Eleazar, Beta 63 Joseph Edmund, Beta 99 Joseph Norman. Lambda 89 Kenneth, Lambda 06 Milton, Beta 61 Paul Groendyke, Epsilon 13 William Howard, Beta Beta 73 BULL Alfred Billings Beta Beta 59 Clarence Jerome, Theta 17 Edwin Hiram, Pi 04 Ernest Miller, Chi 98 Eyvind Hagerup, Rho 05 Frederic Storer, Beta Beta 90 Frederick Kingsbury, Beta 06 Henry Norman, Theta SO Ludlow Seguine, Beta 07 William Andariese, Beta Beta 91 BULLARD Arthur [Edwin], Psi 03 Charles Frederick, LTpsilon 90 Frederick Henry, Xi 83 Henry, Gamma 60 BL'LLITT William Christian, Beta 12 BULLOCK Edward Tarvis Gushing, Sigma 02 Jerauld, Sigma 74 BUMSTEAD Nathaniel Willis, Beta 55 BUNCE John Lee, Beta 91 Philip Dibble, Beta 88 BUNKER Charles Albert, Zeta 64 BUNN Donald Charles, Beta 04 BUNTING Curtis Daniel, Theta 03 BURBANK Albion, Kappa 62 Charles Henrv, Kappa 57 David Redman, Mu 94 Harry Thompson, Kappa 04 Horace Harmon, Kappa 60 Joseph Drew, Kappa 59 BURCH John Christopher, Beta 47 Robert Boyd, Beta 09 BURCH ARD Oscar Roger, Beta 65 BURDICK Clinton De Witt. Xi 86 Edward Chapman, Psi 11 Howard. Xi 19 Jervis Watson, Tau 12 Julian Winsor, Beta 02 William Livesey, Xi 82 BURGES George, Xi 47, Delta 47 BURGESS Arthur, .Mpha 72 Lvman Tavlor, Zeta 18 Walter, Alpha 72 William Harold Southwood, Pi 95 BURGWIN . .Xugustus Phillips, Beta Beta 82 George Collinson, Beta Beta 12 I BURGWIN , George Collinson, Jr., Beta Beta 14 Hasell Hill, Beta Beta 11 Hill, Beta Beta 06 Howard James, Beta Beta 13 John Henry King, Beta Beta 11 BURKE Charles Theodore, Xi 1 1 Edward Lathrop, Beta 87 Edward Nevins, Beta Beta 76 Howard Mason, Theta Theta 20 Stanley Williams, Beta 17 William Bardwell, Upsilon 64 BURKHALTER Edward Read, Delta 62 BLTRLEIGH Charles Henry, Zeta 75 Daniel Coffin, Kappa 58 Edward Stark, Zeta 78 John Micajah, Kappa 78 John Riddle, Zeta 14 Walter Allen, Kappa 80 William Henry, Zeta 51 William Russell, Zeta 72 BURLINGHAM Aaron Hale, Psi 48 BURNAP Edwards Bickncll, Theta 19 William Leonard, Omega 86 BURNETT Charles Henry, Beta 64 Charles Theodore, Gamma 95 Clarence Linden, Zeta 53 James Brown, Delta 63 BURNHAM Benjamin Franklin, Xi 53 Edmund Alden, Gamma 94 Silas Henry, Zeta 74 Sylvester, Kappa 62 BURNS Cameron Clark, Phi 93 Charles, Chi 08 Edward, Jr., Chi 03 Eugene Lee, Tau 06 George, Gamma 08 John McKibbin, Gamma 90 Newell Bly, Zeta OS Randall Green, Zeta 12 Robert, Tau 04 Robert, Chi 07 Robert Bruce, Jr., Tau 10 Samuel, Beta 99 BURPEE Charles Winslow, Beta 83 Edward Butler, Kappa 87 Lucien Francis, Beta 79 BURR Calvin, Beta 94 Charles Hudson, Beta 83 John Edwin, Upsilon 08 LaFayette. Sigma 48 Leland ]Mothcrshead, Xi 93 Samuel Gushing, Kappa 50 BURRAGE Frank Sumner, Beta Beta 95 BURROUGHS Davis Carlisle, Pi 16 BURROWS Albert Charles, Upsilon 84 Frederick Stephen, Iota 64 John Wadsworth, Eta 98 BURT George Frederick, Chi 90, Pi 90 Oliver Teall, Theta 44 Wilbur Farnham, Gamma 12 BURT HE Joseph Leopold, Delta 96 BURTISS Benjamin Albert, Theta 97 BURTON Benjamin Howell, Epsilon 18 George vv^illiam. Beta 78 Henry Halleck, Jr., Epsilon 07 Horatio Nelson, Zeta S3 John Henry, Iota 67 John Lansing, Psi 46 BUSH Asahel, Gamma 09 Ashael Nesmith, Gamma 82 Edward Renshaw, Lambda 81 Cicorge Gary, Xi 66 Prescott Sheldon, Beta 17 Reuben Gresham, Omega 75 Solon Wanton, Sigma 45 BUSHEE Frederick Alexander, Zeta 94 BUSHNELL George, Beta 42 George Ensign, Beta 76 Samuel Clarke, Beta 74 Samuel Kendall, Beta 14 William Benedict, Beta 65 Winthrop Grant, Beta 88 BUTCHER Hcrvey Edwin, Theta 07 BUTLER Abram Ogden, Delta 53 Alexander Wilson, Eta 13 Arthur Robinson, Kappa 86 Charles Addison, Psi 51 Edmund Griffin, Xi 68 Edward Henry, Kappa 94 Francis Eugene, Beta 57 Francis Peabody, Beta 09 Gerald Morton, Beta 09 Henry Maynard, Beta 76 John Henry, Zeta 46 John Meigs, Beta 16 John Milton, Psi 48 Leo Paul, Mu 18 Lyman Collins, Lambda 13 Morris Bradford, Gamma 01 Nicholas jMurray, Lambda 82 Willard Parker, Lambda 78 William Allen, Delta 43 William Morris, Psi 70 BUTTERFIELD Clayton Wells, Pi 11 Roger Champlin, Phi 01 BUTTERWORTH Frank Seller, Beta 95 George Forrest, Lambda 74 George Forrest, Jr., Lambda 13 William, Eta 89 BUTTOLPH Henry Wright, Iota 92 BUTTON Henry Harrison, Sigma 42 BUTTRICK John H., Zeta 52 BUTTS George XMiitfield, Jr., Beta 80 BYERS Dow Jackson, Rho 17 Edmund Eugene, Rho 18 Peter Smith, Alpha 51 BY FORD Heath Turman, Omega 08 William Holland, Omega 13 BYINGTON Edvi'in Hallock, Gamma 83 BYLLESBY Ellis Buchanan, Eta 93 Henry Marison, Eta 78 Langton, Eta 93 BYRAM William Alvin, Iota 89 850 ALPHABETICAL INDEX BYRNES Horace Durar, Xi 00 BYRT Arthur William, Xi 86 CABLE George Wyatt, Jr., Gamma 91 CADY David Knight, Beta Beta 55 Isaac Foote, Sigma 45 Jeremiah Kiersted, Chi 76 Rush Palmer, Psi 62 CAHILL ^ „. Mortimer Llewellyn, Zeta 05, Omega OS Wendall Eldridge, Epsilon 05 CAIRO James, Iota 67 CALDER Augustus Woodbury, Sigma 91 Benjamin Griffith, Tau 20 CALDERWOOD James William, Kappa 86, Beta 86 CALDWELL Halsted Woodrovv, Eta 06 Henrv Hvatt, Mu 14 Roger George, Xi 06. Phi 06 Victor Bush, Jr., Beta 16 CALEF Arthur Benjamin, Xi 51 Arthur Benjamin, Jr., Xi 81 Jeremiah Francis, Xi 11 CALHOUN Alexander Pickens. Beta 19 George Williams, Beta 17 John Edward, Lambda 83 CALKINS Ch.nrles RolHn, Omega 71 Marshall. Xi S3, Theta S3 [Phineas] Wolcott, Beta 56 William Sidney, Psi 18 CALL Arthur Bradley, Gamma 87 William Timothy, Kappa 80 CALLAGAN Lloyd Harrison, Omega 13 CALLAN vVilliam, Phi 00 CALLOW Russell Stanley, Theta Theta 16 CALVERT Jacob Grafius, Jr., Rho 17 CAMAC William, Lambda 50 CAMBERLING Churchill John, Lambda 49 CAME Charles Greene, Beta 49 Samuel Mclntire, Kappa 60 Walter Littlefield, Kappa 99 CAMERDEN Frederick Arowsmith, Delta 67 CAMERON James Fraser, Theta Theta 16 John Alexander, Rho 98 CAMMANN Donald Muhlenberg, Beta Beta 74 Henry Julius, Lambda 56 Jacob Lorillard, Lambda 60 William Chesebrough, Lambda 91 CAMP Clinton, Beta SO Frederick Stanley, Eta 91 Harrison Hitchcock, Xi 12 Tames Bronson, Beta 70 CAMP Walter, Jr., Beta 13 CAMPAU Francis Denis, Omega 03 CAMPBELL Allan Shepherd, Delta 55 .Archibald Murray, Iota 64 Benjamin Howell, Lambda 68 Clarence, Beta 12 Collis Ormsbv, Phi \l Donald Vorke, Beta 80 Frederick Barker, Lambda 93 Irving Shephard, Delta 55 James Alexander, Beta 82 James Elsworth, Gamma 18 Tames Renwick, Upsilon 66 I James J Shiras, Beta 00 Kenneth Duncan, Theta Theta 18 Malcolm, Lambda 50 Nelson Stuart, Beta 04 Oliver Samuel, Lambda 91 Richard Crawford, Zela 86 Richard Mabie, Beta Beta 78 'I'homas Cltment, Sigma 41 Thomas Patterson, Zeta 18 William Harrison, Beta 14 William Mullan, Delta 98 C.\ MP FIELD Nathan Perkins, Delta 59 CANBY Stuart Maitland, Omega 16 CANFIELD Albert Homer, Chi 99 CAN NELL John Weston, Zeta 02 CANOUGH William Frederic, Psi 93 CANTEY Edward Brevard, Theta 20 CAPEN Edward Warren, Gamma 94 George Henry, Beta 90 Samuel Davis, Beta 85 CAPRON Eliab Wilkinson, Theta 50 George, Sigma 47 Samuel Mills. Beta 53 Wilbur Wintersmith, Pi 16 CAPWELL Benjamin Avery, Delta 81 CARBUTT Robert Foster, Tau 01 CARD Tohn Henry, Zeta 79 William Le Grand, Theta 59 CARDEZA Louis Gilliams Martinez, Tau 99 CARRY Charles Tudor, Lambda 68 George Herbert, Lambda 61 CARHART Charles Lvman, Beta 85 Henry Sni'ith, Xi 69 William Merle d'Aubigne, Beta 85 CARLANDER Clarence Henrv, Theta Theta 17 Oswold Rudolph, Theta Theta 20 CARLE Robert Willets, Beta 97 CARLETON Algar Ethelbert, Zeta 95 I'rank Henrv, Mu 15 George Alfred, Mu 11 CARLISLE William Smyth, Zeta 1 1 CARLSEN Ralph Armond, Omicron 19 CARLSON Carl Bernhardt, Omicron 09 CARLTON J Cyrus Henry, Ivappa 56 ■ Schuyler Casemate, Beta 87 " CARMALT Woolsey, Beta 83 CARMAN Joseph Paisley, Xi 06 CARMER Tames Sykes, Psi 03 Mvron Ernest, Psi 80 Willis Griswold, Psi 85 CARMES Carl Lainsou, Psi 14 C.\RMICIIAEL Albert Edward, Theta 10 Henry, Gamma 67 CARNAHAN Cleorge A'.exandfr, Xi 84 James Curtiss, Xi 79 CARNEtilE Frank Morris, f^ambda 93 Thomas Morrison, Lambda 96 CARNEY Harry Emme'tt, Mu 99 CARPENTER Calvin Edgar, Theta 81 Charles Edwin, Chi 83 Cliarles Francis, Chi 76 Clarence, Beta Beta 82 Eugene Grove, Iota 19 Everett Augustus, Sigma 54 Frank Herbert, Sigma 61 George, Chi 80 George Washington fireene, Sigma 10 Gilbert Congdon, Sigma 93, Chi Ilallett Manning, Delta 94 H&rold Bagiey, Pl.i 14 Harvev Sessions, (iamma 53 Henry Rabcock, Delta 86 Henry Bernard, Beta Beta 03 Henry Clay. Theta 73 Herbert Lawrence, Delta 90 Kenneth de Forest, Gamma 17 I.awrence Welles, Beta 14 Lewis Gibbs, Beta Beta 09 Samuel Barstow, Beta Beta 73 Wi'liam Bagiey, Phi 90 William Bancroft, tiamma 90 William Blanding, Sigma 54 William Henrv, Chi 80 William Pearce, Iota 92 Willson. Beta 84 CARPENTIER Horace Walpole, Lambda 48 CARR Edwin Hamlin, Pi 9_4_ Gouverneur, Delta 55 Harry Chiles, Lambda 07 Harvey Chandler, .Mu 02 Tames Trowbridge, Beta 92 Jeremiah Olney, Sigma 48 CARREAU Cyrille, De'ta 04 CARRIER Courtland Freemont. Jr., I-.ta 03 Lester Revillo, Eta 09 C.\RRIGAN Andrew, Epsilon 16 Edward Charles. Zeta 77 Edwin Harris, Epsilon 20 CAR RT NOT ON Edward, Beta 59. Sigma 73 George Williams, Beta 16 CARROLL ■Xdams Pope, Sigma 71 Brandish Tohnson, Delta 89 Charles, Alpha 53 ALPHABETICAL IXDEX 851 CARROLL (leorge \\ ymaii, Jr., Sigma 08 ILirry Winaiis, Theta Theta 80 jaiiies Monroe, Xi 51 Kaymoiul (ronder. Pi 98 CARRUTII Joseph Wright, Psi 87 ( ARRUTHERS t'harles Thomas, Kappa 88 William, Kappa 53 C ARRY Charles William. Chi 20 Joseph Champ, Chi 18 ( ARRYL Ciuy Wetiiiorc, Lambda 95 CARSKADDAN Clarence, Psi 54 Jerome DeWitt, Psi 51 C ARSON' John Henrv, Lambda 87 Philip Worcester, Zeta 99 ( ARTLR Adoniram D, Phi 68 r.ernard. Alpha 55 r.uel Clinton, Beta 62 P.yron Beach, Rho 83 ( iiarles Frederick, Kappa 09 Oaniel Reynolds, Zeta 57 Lliot Avery, Beta 09 Lrnest, Beta 79 Frank, Sigma 63 Franklin, Jr., Beta 00 (;eorge Miller, Phi 07 Henrv, Beta 17 Henry Skelton, Beta Beta 69 Tesse Benedict, Delta 93 John Franklin, Beta 88 [Judson] Raymond, Epsilon 02 Leslie, Beta 73 Sylvester Benjamin, Kappa 66 liiomas Percv, Rho 92 William, Pi 74 CARTWRIGHT Louis Francis, Upsilon 91 ( ARY Charles Rowland, Iota 96, Phi 96 (Icorge Lovell. Alpha 52 Irving Bnvd. Rho 98 Samuel Howard, Alpha 55 CASARES David, Alpha 56 CASE Almon Gamaliel, Theta 55 Louis Chester, Theta 14 Purdy Forest, Psi 82 Rogers, Sigma 12 William Henrv, Theta 66 William Scoviile, Beta 85 ( ASEY Edward Pearce, Lambda 86 CASLER David, Xi 69 CASS lohn Ayer, Xi 72 William Barrett, Xi 96 (■ ASSARD Daniel Waters, Beta 16 Morris, Jr., Beta 15 CASSIDY Edward Rocheford. Lambda 85 Robert Valden, Xi 15 William Morton, Xi 88 (WSSOX Henry, Rho 03 CASTLE Charles Arthur, Zeta 81 Charles Daniel. Pi 06 Harvard [DeHart], Upsilon 09 Wilmot \"ail, L'psilon 1 I CASTNER Hamilton Young, Lambda. 79 CASTOR Harry Alexander, Mu 18 CASWELL Alexis, Sigma 90 CATE Almon Fifield, Zeta 6" Arthur Thompson, Zeta 85 Edward Franklin, Zeta 82 CATES Alton Morrill, Mu 94 CATLIX Arnold Welles, Beta 62 Charles Tavlor, Beta 56 Hasket Derby^ Beta 59 Julius. Beta 53 CAULKINS Edward Burns, Phi 98 George Peck, Phi 13 Henry Lewis, Phi 19 Horace James, Phi 16 CAWLEY Frank Bonnvman, Xi 14 CHABOT Edward Francis, Theta Theta 13 CHADBOURXE George Storrs, Xi_ 58 Samuel Cieorgc, Xi 84 CHADBURNE Phillip Henncway, Mu 11 CHADDOCK Orange Columbus. Gamma 3/ CHAD WICK Charles. Beta 07 George Brewster, Beta 03 Joseph Webber. Kappa 62 CHAMBERLAIX Clarence Krum. Psi 81 Daniel Drew, Delta 61 Daniel Henry, Beta 62 Hiram Sanborn, Jr., Eta 03 Julian IngersoU. Beta 95 Mellen, Zeta 44 Morrow, Eta 00 . Robert Linton. Beta 61 Rov Bullard, Xi 09 William Mellen, Zeta 45 CHAMBERLIX Frank, Beta 76 Tames Irvin, Beta 73 Warren Miller, Zeta 20 William Beaver, Lambda 87 CHAMBERS George Hubbard, Theta 57 George William. l'psilon 11 Henry Wick, Beta 99 Walter Boughton. Beta 87 William Pease, Theta 48 CHAMPLIX George Jay, Pi 99 John Denison, Beta 56 CHAXDLER .Mbert Edward. Epsilon 96 Edward Herrick. Beta 85 George Ferguson. Zeta 88 George Ciarvin, Beta 12 George Henry, Zeta 60 (ieorge Peabodv, Beta 95 George Webster, Theta 60 John, Beta 12 John Scudder, Beta 70 Joseph Hayes, Beta 77 Paul Langdon, Kappa 42 Perrv, Xi 72 Robert Campfield. Delta 47 Wallace Rhodes, Jr.. Sigma 16 William Frank, l'psilon 79 CHAXEY Henrv Francis, Phi 09 CHAXTLER David Everett, Beta 10 CHAPIX Alexander Duncan, Jr., Sigma 91 Charles Graham, Xi 17 Chester Wheeler, Rho 08 Edward Pike, Sigma 70 George Farnsworth, Gamma 60 John Marvin, Beta 68 Lyman Dwight, Gamma 58 Noah Addison. Zeta 45 Robert Mills. Xi 20 Rowell Lombard, fjamma 42 Russell Farley, Gamma 13 CHAPLIN Bertram Richard, Epsilon 06 CHAPM.NN Arnold Goodwin, Theta 06 Benjamin Franklin. Psi 39 Charles CJoodman, Phi 11 Charles Henry, Gamma 11 Edward Mortimer, Beta 84 Edmund Sewall, Rho 17 Ffrederick] Burnham, Beta 05, Lambda 08 Frederick Leslie, Gamma 88 Frederick Leslie, Jr., Gamma 15 John Henry, Xi 67; Beta 67 Joseph Stanley, Zeta 65 Nathan Farnham, Delta 38 Robert Fergusson, Beta 62 Robert Hett, Beta 50 Wilson Shannon, Omega 99 CHAPPEL Alfred Hebard, Jr., Beta 16 CKAPPELL Jay Frank, Omega 20 CHARNLEY James, Beta 65 Walter Hatch, Beta 71 Walter Meigs, Beta 65 CHASE Adino Burton. Zeta 66 Arthur William, Mu 93 Charles Abner, Zeta 65 Charles Lincoln, Mu 91 Charles Warren, Zeta 62 Charles Wells, Gamma 72, Alpha 72 Cornelius Thurston, Delta 93 Edward Webb, Kappa 83 Elmer Hilton, Beta Beta 08 Frederick Harrison, Zeta 88 George Augustus, Gamma 44 Harry Bevier, LTpsilon SO Harry Goodnow, Beta 85 Henry Edward, Iota 86 Henry Morton, Beta 83 Horace Russell, Beta Beta 72 Ira Arthur, Zeta 77 John Howe, Upsilon 16 Joseph Theodore, Zeta 06 Lewis [Nathaniel], L'psilon 95 Martin Aquila, Upsilon 98 Paul X'orman, Omicron 13 Reginald Heber, Alnha 52 Robert Robinson, Beta 06 .Simeon Brewster, Psi 50 Walter Emery, Jr., Kappa 16 Warren Pettingill, Zeta 57 CHATAIN Henri George, Lambda 96 CHECKLEY Joseph Harvey, Omicron 13 CHEDSEY Francis Goff, Delta 09 CHEEVER Tracy Patch, Sigma 43 CHELLIS Burt, Zeta 83 852 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHELLIS Rush, Zeta 83 CHENAULT David Anderson, Jr., Beta 82 CHENEY Benjamin Austin, Beta 88 Benjamin Hicks, Xi 59, Gamma 59 Clifford Dudley, Beta 98 David Batchclder, Omega 80 Franklin Snow, Omega 84 Harold Clark, Beta 99 Henry Howard, Zeta 06 Herman Stanlev, Gamma 94 Howell, Beta 92 James Loring, Omega 77, Up- silon n Knight Dexter, Sigma 60 Knight Dexter, Jr., Beta 92 Nathan Gilbert, Xi 69 Philip, Beta 01 Richard Otis, Sigma 62 Russell, Beta 04 CHESEBOROUGH Robert Maxwell, Lambda 87 CHESEBROUGH Frederick Woodhull, Lambda 91 William Griswold, Phi 99 William Griswold Lane, Iota 68 CHESLEY Andros Palmer, Zeta 80 CHESTER John Jonas, Jr., Iota 19, Gamma 19 CHEYNEY Edward Lafourcade, Tau 00 CHICKERING Howard Everett, Phi 94 John Jameson, Gamma 79 Joseph Knowlton, Gamma 69 Wallace Wiley, Phi 95 CHILD C^oddard, Beta 55 Calvin Charles Shubael, Sigma 70 Clarence Griffin, Beta Beta 86 Edward Freeborn, Sigma 71 Elisha Norwin.Jr. Beta Beta 83 Linus Mason, Beta 55 CHILDS Albert Henry, Beta 61 Cleaveland Vernon, Delta 00 Daniel Brewer, Beta 63 Enoch Long, Beta 40 ' Franklin Earl, Psi 68 Henry, Beta 46 John Roland. Zeta 09 Neal Townley, Beta 09 Thomas Spencer, Delta 47 Wallace Budlong, Psi 64 Wentworth Larkin, Lambda 47 CHILSON Henshaw Bates, Gamma Id CHISHOLM Alvah Stone, Beta 93 Frank Miller, Beta 01 Henry, Beta 01 Wilson Kelley, Beta 98 CHISOLM Richard Schieffelin, Beta 97 CHITTENDEN George Peters, Beta 01 Gerald, Beta 04 Henry Treat, Beta 55 Horace Hatch, Beta 74 Sterne, Beta 55 Walter Lyon, Beta 00 CHOATE Charles Akers, Delta Dleta 17 CHOATE Craig Cogswell, Kappa 87 George Francis, Kappa 43 CHRISTIAN Henry Hall, Beta 01 Henry Prentiss, Delta Delta 20 CHRISTIE Francis Albert, Gamma 81 CHRISTY Thomas Chalmers, Phi 70 CHU Bonson Carles, Beta 09 CHUBB George Lamont, Phi 82 CHUBBUCK Stanislaus W, Eta 88 CHUMASERO Kenneth Page, Rho 88 CHUN Lung, Beta T) CHURCH Charles Titus, Theta 56 Douglas Jasperson, Zeta OS Edward Francis Jr., Delta 94 Walter Stewart, Zeta 56 CHURCHILL Allen Leon, Kappa 95 Charles Henry, Zeta 45 William, Beta 82 CHYNOWETH Herbert Edgar. Rho 04 Phillips. Rho 09 CILLEY Arthur Hutchins, Lambda 96 Bradbury Poor, Zeta 43 Jonathan Prince, Kappa 58 Jonathan Prince, Jr., Kappa 91 CIVILE Acton Theophilus, Xi 86 CLANCY Edwin Menefee, Lambda 13 CLAPP Alexander Huntington, Beta 42 Charles Ellsworth, Eta 86 Edward Bull, Epsilon 75 Edwin, Gamma 49 Edwin Jones, Beta 04 Fayette, Sigma 48 Franklin Halstead, Xi 01 Henry Lvman, Gamma 59 John Burleigh, Delta Delta 18 John White, Gamma 54 Parmly Srofield, Jr.. Chi 19 William Dininny, Upsilon 00 CLARITY James Archie, Mu 17 CLARK Adelbert Garry, Theta 09 Albert Lee, Epsilon 07 Alpheus Whitney, Phi 74 Anderson William, LTpsilon 77 Augustus Blodgett, Zeta 58 Austin William, Epsilon 19 Avery Artison, Beta 09 Bainbridge Percy, Lambda 82 Benjamin Preston, Gamma 81 Charles Auarustus, Lambda 11 v^harles Nukerck, Lambda 56 Charles Peter, Zeta 56 Charles Washburn, Beta 75 Charles Worcester, Gamma 86 Clifford Pease, Xi 95 Clinton, Gamma 91 Donald Buttz. Xi 17 Donald Campbell, Kappa 84 Dwight Freeman, Omega, 03 Edward Hardy, Jr., Beta 19 Edward Harvey, Upsilon 69 CLARK Edward Warren, Zeta 44 Eugene Francis, Zeta 01 Francis Edward, Beta Ti Frank Edgar, Beta 11 Fred George, Iota 13 Frederic Baylis, Lambda 03 Frederic Lewis, Tau 99 Frederick Hale, Delta Delta 19 George, Beta Beta 70 Horace, Lambda 82 Howard Lee, Sigma 76 Ira Collins, Upsilon 59 Isaac, Beta 56 James George, Jr., Rho 17 James Osgood Andrew, Sigma 51 James Starr, Lambda 50 John Cheesman, Xi 86 John George, Psi 92 John Mitchell, Sigma 65 John Sinclair, Mu 76 John Warwick, Beta 13 Jotham i^rankliii, Kappa 67 Judson Jay, LTpsilon 92 Lee Hinchman, Chi 18 Leslie Russel, Sigma 18 Lewis Whitehouse, Zeta 50 Marion McAlister, Sigma 97 Nathaniel Walling, Xi 79 Orrin Brenner, Omega 72 Robert Parry, Tau 03 Robert Warren, Pi 06 Roland Eugene, Kappa 01 Rufus WhcL-lwright, Phi 00 Rufus Wheelwright, Jr., Delta 65 Salter Storrs, Beta Ti Sherman Staley, Iota 15 Sydney Aylmer, Zeta 12 Thomas Henry, Kappa 55 Walter liraden. Kappa 06 Walter Shepherd, Lambda 84 Ward Rathbun, Lambda 16 William Curtis, LTpsilon 06 William Dennison, Phi 07 William Livingston, Delta 11 William Rice, Phi 75 William Smith, Gamma 48 William Wyckoff, Mu 82 CLARKE Addison Lewis. Beta 58 Charles Cameron, Beta 83 Charles Davenport, Xi 78 Charles Lorenzo, Kappa 75 Daniel, Alpha 54 Edward Smith. Beta 76 Francis Cameron, Beta 87 Francis Stanton, Psi 20 Frank Harvey, Mu 94 George Clinton, Gamma 58 George Elliott, Iota 08 Tolm Currier, Xi 48 John Scarlett, Xi 07 John Mason. Gamma 77 John Victor, Lambda 14 Leon Luther, Epsilon 07 Lorenzo Mason, Gamma 80 Maurice Dwight, Gamma 71 Nathan Dane Appleton, Kappa li Peleg Alvarado, Psi 53 Reuel Baxter, Gamma 56 Samuel Greeley, uMpha 51 Selah Merrill, Gamma 71 Stephen Wells, Zeta 62 Thomas Benedict, Jr., Beta 00 Townsend Dutton, Eta 95 Wedworth William, Beta 06 William Barker, Beta 49 William Bradford. Gamma 74 William Chalmers, Beta 69 William Warner, Xi 48 Willis Gaylord, Xi 77 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 853 CI-ARY Francis Ware. Pi 02 Lyman Wells, Pi 99 CLASSEN Pliilip Luke, Theta 06 CLAY Charles Marsh, Zeta 69 Francis Warfield Herrick, Chi 93 Joseph, Beta 60 Lorenzo, Zeta 43 CLEAVELAND Holbrook Gilson, Phi 93 CLEAVER Henry Archer, Xi 91 CLEAVES Seleucus Adams, Kappa 91 CLEGG Russell Edwin. Psi 19 CLEMENT Ernest Wilson, Omega 80 Harold Tripp, Beta 12 Martin Van Biiren, Zeta 66 Nathaniel Holmes, Zeta 63 Norman Parsons, Beta 07 Stephen Merrell, Beta 10 Stuart Holmes, Beta 17 CLEMENTS Theron Alvord, Xi 06 CLEMENTSON George Burr, Rho 92 CLEMONS [William] Harry. Xi 02 CLENEAY Harry Quinton, Beta 81 CLERC Charles Michael, Beta Beta 48 Francis Joseph, Beta Beta 43 CLEVELAND Abijah Perkins, Gamma 47 Frederick Erastus, Psi 69 Prescott Coyle, Theta IS CLIFFORD Charles Edward, Kappa 49 Philip Greely, Kappa 03 CLIFT Frank Stevens, Pi 07 William [Avery], Delta 41 CLINGMAN Charles, Iota 05 CLOTHIER William Rowland, Tau 17 CLOUGH Lucien Buonaparte, Zeta 50 CLOWE Garrett Marcellus, Theta 11 CLOYD Augustus David, Gamma 20 Paul Campbell, Xi 92, Delta 92 CLUTE George Harris, Theta 90 Howard Haswell, Chi 19 Leslie Douglass, Chi 13 CLYDE William Pancoast, Beta 01 COATES Arthur Pierce, Beta 10 Joseph Pancoast, Iota 81 COATS Alfred Mainwaring, Beta 91 COBB Albert Wheelwright. Alpha 72 Arthur, Jr., Rho 13 Charles Henry, Gamma 99 Charles Newell. Pi 77 Dorr Raymond, Pi 92 Ebenezer Baker, Psi 75 COBB • , Edward Benedict, Beta 7i Elisha Greene, Gamma 57 Henry Evertson, Delta 84 J ames Shepherd, Gamma 92 lames Thornton, Gamma 55, Zeta 55 Oren, Kappa 67 William Anthony. Gamma 96 William Henry, (Jamma 67 COBBS Reginald McCall, Delta Delta 1/ COBURN Clarence Peter, Xi 77 George Albert, Gamma 67 George Hill, Delta 17 COCHRAN George Edward, Phi 72 Percival Max, Rho 09 Samuel. Delta 93 Stuart Wainwright, Omega 20 Varnum Barstow, Phi 70 COCHRANE Erastus Burr, Iota 93 Warren Robert, Zeta 59 CODDINGTON Herbert Guibord, Pi 86 CODMAN Edward Wainwright, Alpha 54 CODY Hiram Sedgwick, Phi 08 COE Colles Johnston. Beta 15 Edward Benton, Beta 62 George Albert, Pi 84, Upsilon 84 Henry Eugene, Beta 78 Henry Eugene, Jr., Beta 17 William Eutrott, Delta 05 COFFEE Hamer Herschel, Beta Beta 17 Maurice Dodson, Beta Beta 17 COFFEY William Samuel. Lambda 47 COFFIN Charles Lewis. Phi 82 Fielder Juilliard, Chi 08 Foster Meldrum, Chi 12 George Clark^ Zeta 72 Harold Lewis, Chi 79 Ogdtn Willard Lincoln, Delta 12 COFFRAN Frank Herbert, Gamma 77 COGGESHALL Frederick Homer, Beta Beta 07 Murray Hart, Beta Beta 96 COGGILL George, Beta 89 COGHLAN William Sebastian, Theta Theta 12 COGSWELL [Asa] Horatio, Epsilon 00 John Bear Doane, Zeta 50 Lnui-- Harold, Theta Theta 1^ William. Jr.. Zeta 90 William Nathaniel, l^psilon 78 COIT .Mbert Merrill. Beta 05 Alfred, Beta 56 { narles Pierpont, Upsilon 67 Charles Welles, Upsilon 99 I'rederick Warner, Upsilon 01 George Chandler, Gamma 89 Toshua, Beta 53 "Robert, Beta 50 COLUL'RN Burnham Slandish, Phi 95 Frederick Standish. Phi 00 John, Xi 47 Theodore Edson, Alpha 54 William Wallace, Zeta 61 COLBY Henry Lyman, Zeta 63 John Peck Upsilon, 59 Richard Lee, Eta 17 COLE Arthur Harrison, Kappa 11 Benjamin Ely, Eta 13 Charles yVbraham. Kappa 69 Cornelius, Xi 47 Felix Lawrence, Rho 09 George Emerson, Mu 00 Loyal Ncal, Mu 11 Robert Joseph, Theta Theta 14 Rollo Marble, Kappa 67 COLEGROVE Bela Horton, Beta 49 COLEMAN Charles Silas, Beta Beta 82 Frederick William Backus, Phi 96 George Silas, Xi 76 John Milam, Jr, Delta 14 . Oliver Allen, Xi 75 William Barnard, Xi 73 COLES Arthur Wells, Beta 77 COLGATE Henry Auchincloss, Beta 13 John Henry, Delta 49 Richard Morse, Beta 77 Robert Jr, Upsilon 70 Samuel, Beta 91 COLL Cristobal Thomas, Delta 08 COLLAR William Coe, Gamma 59 COLLARD Benjamin Valentine, Theta Theta 20 COLLENS Arthur Morris, Beta 03 COLLES James Jr., Lambda 51 COLLESTER Eugene Belknap, Gamma 73 Frank Melvin, Gamma 77 COLLETT Charles Henry, Beta Beta 13 COLLIER Edward Augustus, Delta 57 Gerrit Sager, Theta 68 [Hiram] Price, Gamma 81 ■"^ohn Howard, Sigma 06 Maurice Dwight, Beta 66 Peter, Beta 61 COLLINGS Frank John, Omega 11 COLLINS Aloysius Bertram, Psi 13 Byron Alonzo, Theta 08 Charles, Beta 96 Charles Farnham, Beta 83 Charles Terry, Beta 67 Frank, Theta 59 George Lewis, Sigma 73 Howard Dennis, Beta 90 Isaac Clinton, Beta 46 John Bates Johnson, Beta Beta 74 John Owen, Psi 04 Josiah, Alpha 52 Le Roy Ziiinglius, Kappa 70 Samuel Byron, Psi 68, Upsilon 68 854 ALPHABETICAL L\DEX COLLINS Thomas Byard, Omega 87 Vv'^allace Jason, Kappa 83 Walter Thomas, Iota 03 \/illiam Russell, Kappa 80 COLLIS Lloyd, Lambda 92 COLONY George Danforth, Zeta 43 COLSTON Richard Tydings, Omega 72 COLT Carleton LeBaron, Sigma 99 Harris Dunscomb, Beta 84 Le Baron Bradford, Beta 68 Richard Collins, Beta 85 William Upson, Beta Beta 44 COLTER John Rutledge, Pi 12 Stanley, Pi 06 COLTON Deane Whittier, Beta 18 George Hooker, Beta 40 Gordon Weir, Chi 01 Henry Martyn, Beta 48 Ralph Lester, Tau 13 Samuel Horton, Kappa 17 Theron Gaylord, Beta 44 Wendell Phillips, Beta 96 William Bull, Gamma 90 Willis Strong, Beta 50 COLVER Frederic Beecher, Lambda 13 COLVIN Hervey Adolf, Phi 07 COLWELL Louis Streit, Pi 95 COMBS John Haskell, Theta 54 COMERY Sanford Burton, Kappa 13 COMFORT Harold Welsey, Delta Delta 20 Walter Rockefeller, Jr., Delta IS COMPTON William Gould, Mu 02 COMSTOCK Benjamin Gladding, Sigma 01 Clarence Arthur, Lambda 98 Daniel Franklin, Omicron 15 David Young, Gamma 73 Norman Fox. Tlieta 66 Richard William Jr, Sigma 02 Thomas Lamb, Gamma 83 William Pratt, Sigma 99 CONANT Heywood, Chi 78 Hezekiah Nelson, Sigma 15, Gamma 16 Morris Ferguson, Sigma 10 CONDIT Aaron Dayton, Zeta 68 Louis Ogden, Delta 03 William Arthur, Delta 06 CONDON Edward Birdsall, Zeta 82 Harold, Sigma 94 CONE Edward Salmon, Xi 51 Elijah, Beta 55 Luther Hart, Beta 47 CON ELY Clarence, Phi 84 CONEY George Eaton, Beta 76 CONGDON Albert Sylvester, Pi 75 Chester Adgate, Pi 75 CONGDON Edward Chester, Beta 08 Gilbert Maurice, Beta 09 Henry Martyn, Lambda 54 Horace Lincoln, Sigma 67 CONGER Clarence Rapelje, Lambda 71 CONKEY Itharaar Francis, Gamma 43 CONKLIN Alfred Wilkinson, Chi 10 Douglas, Delta 77 Edward Wells, Upsilon 10 CONKLING Cornelius Stage, Theta 36 Franklin Madison Wright, Eta 03 CONLY Dudley Irving, Upsilon 13 Leslie Marsland, Upsilon 07 CONNARD George Philip, Eta 88 CONNELL Edgar William, Gamma 08 Harold English, Gamma 09 Jasper Spence, Delta 06 CONNELLY Bartholomew Joseph, Jr., Gamma 13 Henry Murray Vincent, Delta 04 CONNER Benjamin Coulbourn, Xi Id Samuel James Allen, Xi 92 Walter Dietz, Iota 04 CONOLEY Douglas Sheldon, Chi 17 CONOLLY John Townsend, Delta 61 CON ROY Thomas Michael, Sigma 19 CONSTANT Samuel Victor, Lambda SO CONVERSE Charles Bell, Zeta (>i Elisha Edmands, Beta 16 John Holmes, Alpha 57 CONWAY Edward Power, Rho 03 Harry Patrick. Zeta 97 Leon Tucker, Kappa 11 CONWELL Walter Lewis, Tau 89 COOK Albert St. Clair. Beta 89 Alfred Page, Kappa 07 Byron Flower, Psi 48 Charles Bayley, Kappa 05 Ezekiel Hanson, Kappa 66 Harold Godfrey. Mu 07 Harold Lewis, Theta 18 Harold Voike, Pi 10 Henry Harold, Rho 02 John Manchester, Omicron 18 Samuel John, Theta 13 Wiliam Henry, Xi 71 William Nathaniel, Zeta 63 COOKE Baldwin Gardner, Delta IS George Wight, Phi 12 Hedley Vicars, Eta 83 Henry F^leutheros. Jr., Zeta 06 Henry Prentice, Xi TT Henry Williams, Sigma 90 Leslie Bingham, Xi 68 Robert Grier, Eta 84 Samuel Walden, Beta Beta 01 Thomas Turner, Lambda 16, Chi 16 COOLEDGE Charles Edwin, Gamma 70 COOLLY Albert Northrup, Omega 87, Upsilon 87 Arthur Nott, Beta 78 Har'an Ward, Beta 88 Henry Edwards, Beta 63 COOLIDGE Henry A., Xi 47 John Kitteridge, Iota 02 Orville William, Phi 63 Van Allen, Iota 09 COOMBE Reginald Gorton, Beta 18 COON John, Beta 47 Seneca, LTpsilon 61 COONS Riley Hamilton, Theta 14 COOPER Charles Wendell, Gamma 73 Gilbert Kenyon, Iota 08 Henry, Upsilon 63 Jacob Francis, Xi 83 James Ingersoll, Gamma 73 Leon Huxley, Phi 91 Paul Hamilton, Upsilon 02 Richard Watson, Xi 90 Samuel Goodsell, Delta 09 Sherman Oliver, Omega 18 Thornton, Kendrick, Upsilon 01 William Lee. Phi 99 Wilson Conner, Sigma 41 COPELAND Arthur, Pi 84 David, Xi 55 Melvin Blake, Xi 67 Richard Watson, Pi 72 William Harold, Theta Theta 20 COPLEY Howard Roberts, Omega 17 COPMANN Chester Jules, Beta 09 COR RETT Patrick, Psi 66 CORBIN William Herbert, Beta 89 CORBY Edmund Augustus, Pi 17 CORCORAN R[obcrtl Bourke, Omega 15 CORDOVEZ Etenry Domigno, Theta 93 COREY Thomas Starr, Gamma 89 CORLISS Edward Warren, Sigma 95 CORNELIUS Tustice Cox, Eta 88 William Albert, Eta 89 CORNELL Alfred Buckliout, Delta Delta 18 George Birdsall, Lambda Tl Henrv Meiggs, Lambda 86 John Evans", Omega 83, Phi 84 John Ferris Delaplaine, Lambda 50 Joseph Delmonte, Gamma 10 CORNING Edwin, IJeta 06 Erastus, Beta 03 Tames Leonard, Delta 49 Parker, Beta 95 CORNISH Edward Joseph, Gamma 45 Robert Harrison, Beta 83 Will Albert, Kappa 86 CORNWALL Harold Davenport, Pi 03 Leon Hastings. Pi 07 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 855 CORNVVELL Frank Irving, Iota 98 .Max Finley, Omega 16 Ralpli Oscar, Omega 16 CORSA Howard Pinckney. Gamma 10, Lambda 1 1 John, Gamma 99 William Storm, Gamma 92 CORSCADEN James Albert, Xi 02 CORSON Charles Schell, Tau 06 Donald Skelding, Beat Beta 99 CORTELYOU Adrian Voorhees, Beta 63 George Bruce, Jr., Beta 13 CORVVIN Robert Nelson, Beta 87 CORWITH John White, Beta 90 CORY [Levi] Waldo, Beta 11 CORYELL Charles Alexander, Phi 17 COSAD Willis Gaylord, Beta 88 COSTELLO Arthur Alexander, Chi 04 COTE Joseph Lacasse, Jr., Beta 12 COTTER \\illiam, Jr., Phi 19 COTTLE Edmund Petrie, Beta 84 COTTON Charles Theodore, Kappa 48, Beta 48 Daniel Page, Beta Beta 71 Donald Reed, Chi 05 Henry Evans, Beta Beta 74 John Bradbury, Kappa 65 COTTRELL Arthur Maxson, Sigma 91 George William, Phi 98 COUDERT Charles DuPont, Lambda 96 Frederic Rene, Lambda 50 Frederic Rene, Jr., Lambda 90 Frederic Ren6, Jr., Lambda 18 COULSTON J[oscph] Warren, Jr., Tau 90 COULTAS Andrew Jackson, Xi 80 COUNTRYMAN Everett Clayton, Pi 89 COUPER Hamilton, Beta 49 COUSINS Edgar Fuller, Kappa 12 COUTCIIIE Kenneth Gilbert, Omega 14 COVEY Wilkes Perry, Mu 14 COWARD Edward Fales, Lambda 83 COWDREY Nathaniel Hartley, Beta 98 COWHAM Robert Neil, Gamma 14 COWLES Alfred, Beta 86 David Smith, Beta 17 Edward Luman, Beta 72 Justus -Mbert Boies, Lambda 83 Knight Cheney, Beta 16 Thomas Hooker, Beta 17 COWLEY George Dudley, Omega 13 COX • Herbert Liscom, Zeta 96 James Allen, Zeta 96 "iohn Joughin, Beta 91 Neal Willis, Kappa 08 Stanley Mirick, Gamma 15 Dorran Benjamin, Xi 82 Tames Clark Watson, Xi 63 "John Henry. Xi 09 COYKENDALL William Wallis, Theta 12 COZZENS George Rodger, Theta 06 Henrv, Psi 45, Theta 45 CRAFT Robert Benjamin, Delta 00 CRAGIN Charles Calhoun, Delta 06 CRAIG John Henry, Omicron 07 Oscar, Theta 56 Robert Howell, Epsilon 12 Walter George, Theta 04 William Henry, Upsilon 88, Omega 88 CRAIK Charles Ewell, Beta Beta 74 Charles Ewell, Jr., Beta Beta 14 Tames Shrewsbury, Beta Beta 12 Oscar Wilder, Beta Beta 16 CRAM Charles Hilliard, Zeta 54 Nathan Dow, Zeta 81 CRAMER Edward, Beta 71 Reuben Melville, Zeta 11 Thomas Edward, Zeta 73 CRAMPTON Rufus Cowles, Beta 51 GRAND ALL .Mbert Weightman, Upsilon 62 Edward Llewellyn, Theta 79 Francis .\sbury, Xi 75 George Patterson, Beta 15 CRANDELL John Bradshaw, Xi 19 CRANE Byron Adelbert, Phi 69 Dudley Winthrope. Omicron 16 Edward Payson, Delta 51 Henry Shepherd, Phi 95 John Washington, Delta 55 Joseph Owen, Lambda 81 Tustus Baldwin, Psi 66 "Oliver Turnbull, Beta 79 Zenas ISIarshall, Beta 00 CR.XSSWELLER Harold Douglas, Mu 10 CRAWFORD Alexander Blair, Zeta 76 Charles Albert, Rho 96 Frank. Beta 91 Frank Taylor, Beta 00 Tohn Douglas, Beta 11 "John William Roy, Beta B_eta 88 Joseph Emmanuel. Tau 97 William Ward, Mu 13, Tau 14 CRE.\MER I'rancis Tohn, Tau 16 cregar" Edward Mathews, Tau 95 crehore John Davenport, Zeta 54 .Morton Stimson, Jr.. Beta Beta 17 creighton Tair.es Alexander, Kappa 13 Robert, Kappa 18 CKESSEY John Thaddeus, Zeta 83 CRESSLER Alfred Miller, Beta 02 CRESSWELL Thomas, Phi 68 C RIDER Kollin Frederick, Chi 82 CRIGHTON James Millar, Omicron 14 CRISMAS Roy Monteith, Theta Theta 10 CKISTIE Thomas, Zeta 98 CRITCHLOW John Franklyn, Upsilon 92, Tau 94 CRITTENDEN I'dward Warner, Theta 56 Henry Lauriston, Upsilon 12 CROCKER Augustus Luther, Kappa 73 Francis Bacon, Larnbda 82 Frank Richard, Mu 11 George Gordon, Alpha 55 Roland Douglas, Mu 94 William Douglas, Beta 73 CROKER Frank Henry, Sigma 01 Richard Samuel, Sigma 01 CROLIUS Frederick Joseph, Zeta 99 CROMER . Alba Cornelius Honeywell, Omi- cron 06 CROMWELL Merritt Fowler, Beta Beta 13 CRONAN James Pigott, Beta 03, Eta 08 Urban, Beta 06 CROOKS i\mo% Willard, Zeta 11 Thomas, Jr, Tau 10 William Davison, Jr, Tau 14 CROSBY Allen Howard, Delta 68 Allyn Jones, Zeta 95 Charles Stetson, Kappa 46 Daniel, Kappa 55 Franklin Muzzy, Beta 97 Frederic, Mu 11 Henry Barrett, Lambda 02 Tohn, Beta 90 Minott Sherman, Gamma SO Philip Arthur, Iota 09 Reginald Whitney, Iota 06 William Logan, Beta Beta 80 CROSS Allen Eastman, Gamma 86 Clarence Eastman, Zeta 82 Frederick Raphael, Upsilon 13 George Henry, Lambda 45 Harold Ingraham, Psi 13 Harry Parsons, Beta 96 Tohn Walter, Beta 00 "Miller, Psi 10 Oliver Lyford, Zeta 62 Theodore Lamont Psi 81 Walter Snell, Beta 04 Wilbur Lucius, Beta 85 William Redmond, Beta 96 GROSSMAN Edgar Gibson, Beta 17 Peter Flood, Lambda 13 CRO SWELL Thomas Henry, Mu 87 CROUCH Gcorae William, Upsilon 12 CROUSE Beecher Maynard, Beta 93 CROWELL Josiah Bissell, Beta 45 Preston Ranney, Pi 86 CROWLEY John Edward, Kappa 09 William James, Kappa 08 856 ALPHABETICAL L\DEX CROWNINSHIELD Benjamin William, Alpha 58 CRUFF Frederick Ellery, Kappa 16 CRUIKSHANK Dwight Phelps, Jr, Gamma 05 CRUMB Wallace Raymond, Zeta 19 CRUNDEN Arthur Chittenden, Beta 18 CUBLEY Frank Loa, Upsilon 97 CUDDY Charles Francis, Sigma 03 CUFF Frederic V, Iota 14 John Francis, Iota 03 William Aldveu, Iota 10 CULLIGAN John C, Pi 91 CULLUM Ricliard Adams, Mu 18 CULP John DeWitt, Omicron 16 CULVER Charles Mortimer, Theta 78 Charles Wesley, Theta 89 Edward Peck, Theta 15 Frank Ward. Phi 20 Henrv Brundage, Lambda 93 Moses Eugene, Xi 75 Sheldon Eugene, Theta Theta 13 William Denison, Theta 92 CUMLER John Franklin, Phi 04 CUMMINGS George Totham. Zeta 69 Harry White, Phi 97 John Ernest, Kappa 84 Jotham Henrv. Beta 70 Mott Alvah, Beta 82 Robert Smith, Phi 98 CUMMINS Albert Sheldon, Omega IS Alexander Grisvvold. Beta Beta 51 CUMNOCK Robert McLean, Xi 68 CUNNINGHAM Carl Jeiiferson, Rho 09 Ellwood Baker, Tau 19 John Robert, Iota 85 Beta Beta 85 Oliver Baty, Beta 17 Oscar Porter, Kappa 69 Thomas Loughran, Delta 11 CURBY Kenneth Spargo, Gamma 08 CURRAN George Langford, Beta 63 Henry Hastings, Beta 98 Hugh Grosvenor, Jr, Zeta 19 John Elliott, Beta 70 CURREN Harold Scaring, Upsilon 14 CURRIER Albert Henry, Kappa 57 Amos Noyes, Zeta 56 Andrew Fay, Beta 78 George Harlow, Zeta. 89 John Wesley, Xi 57 CURRY Clarence Pratt. Gamma 14 Curtis Chase, Sigma 03 CURTIS Alfred Loomis, Beta 96 Benjamin Farquhar, Lambda 78 Donald Satterlee, Upsilon 12 Frederick Kingsbury, Beta 84 Gordon Moore, Gamma 18 CURTIS Greely Stevenson. Clii 96 Henry Lambton, Iota 62 John Malcomson, Kappa 82 Kenneth Ray. Pi 16 Newton Freeman, Kappa 71 Philip [Everett], Beta Beta 06 Walter Chittenden. Iota 01 William John, Kappa 75 CURTISS Alan Caldwell, Theta 20 Lucius Burritt, Psi 45 Oscar Henry, Theta 58 CURTS Boyd Graphic, Beta 05 Paul Holroyd, Beta 05 GUSHING Alfred Darling, Pi 90 Charles Wesley, Xi 55 John Samuel, Kappa 54 Ralph Norwood, Kappa OS William Strong, Beta 08 CUSHMAN Albert Percival, Kappa 13 Daniel Burr, Beta 76 Edward Francis, Theta 36 Isaac Lafayette, Beta 45 Kenneth Bruce, Omicron 19 Marshall Blair, Gamma 61 Thomas Jackson, Theta Theta 17 CUTLER Dwight Gilbert, Gamma 73 Fred Abbott, Jr, Mu 17 Ralph Dennis, Beta 07 CUTTER Charles Forrest, Beta 75 CUTTING Robert Myron, Phi 03 CUTTS Henry Eastman, Kappa 91 Usher Ward, Kappa 67 CUYLER Edward Cornelius. Beta 83 Theodore [De WittL Beta 82 Thomas De Witt, Beta 74 DADE Alexander Lucien, Gamma 20 DAGGETT Leonard Mayhew. Beta 84 Neil Eugene, Kappa 18 DAIN Thomas Avery, Zeta 19 DAINS Frank Burnett. Xi 90 George Gamaliel, Xi 59 George Herrick. Xi 84 DAKIN Arthur Hazard. Gamma 84 Edward Salstonstall. Psi 58 Francis Elihu, Psi 51 George William Bethune. Psi S3 Henrv Mumford, Psi 51 Paul Worth, Psi 84 Richard Lansing, Psi 53 DALLY Jonathan Harned, Xi 59 DALRYMPLE Samuel Bellis. Theta 53 D.-XLTON Eugene Smith, Pi 04 DALZFLL John, Beta 65 Robert Duff, Beta OS William Sage, Beta 91 DALZIEL Arthur Yonge, Delta 08 D.\ME Dana Paul, Zeta 80 DAME Edwin, Kappa 63 Samuel Page, Kappa 62 DAMON Albert Howe, Pi 02 Tames Graham, Tau 07 William Ward, Pi 87 DANA Arnold Guyot, Beta 83 Charles Anderson, Lambda 02 Charles Loomis, Zeta 72 Charles Peasley, Alpha 71 Edward Salisbury, Beta 70 Harold Fessenden, Kappa 99 Henry Swan, Zeta 49 Israel Putnam, Alpha 71 Jesse Dwight, Beta 00 John Cotton, Zeta 78 John Fessenden, Kappa 98 Samuel Trask. Kappa 04 Samuel Wood, Zeta 54 William Swan, Zeta 71 DANDY James Harvey, Jr., Xi 64 DANE Francis Smith. Kappa 96 DANFORTH George Henrv. Zeta 80 Richard Hubbard, Xi 61 DANGLER David [Edward], Beta OS Henry Corwith, Beta 04 DANIEL Leslie Moore, Delta SO DANIELS Francis Barrett, Alpha 71 Henry Elkins. Gamma 04 Henry Ellsworthj Gamma S3 Howard Bigelow, Pi 16 John Eckley, Rho OS Thomas Leonard, Beta 14 DANIELSON Amos Lockwood, Sigma 86 John De Forest. Sigma 87 Richard Ely, Beta 07 DANN Alexander Porteous, Beta 19 DARBONNIER Fred Antoine, Pi 94 DARBY William Johnson, Phi 69 DARLING Arthur Beebe, Xi 95 Clarence Winfield. Xi 99, Pi 00 Elisha Colt, Delta 51 Frederick Orren, Beta 82 William Henrv, Gamma 55 DARLINGTON Elliott Christopher B e a r n s , Lambda 16 Harley Chester, Omega 07 James Henry, Delta 77 DARRACH Bradford, Jr.. Lambda 99 William, Beta 97 DARRELL George Frederick, Beta 66 DART Frederick Bond, Beta Beta 15 William Burdick, Sigma 57 DASH John Bowie, Lambda 95 DASHIELL Erastus Franklin, Beta Beta 46 DAUCHY J George Kellogg, Theta 48 I DAUGHERTY Lawrence Lumaree, Chi 88 » ALPHABETICAL INDEX 857 d'AUTREMONT Charles, Jr., Psi 72, Chi 72 DAVENPORT Frank William, Phi 82 Gideon Williams, Psi 48 Henry Adolphus, Gamma 70 Ira Nelson, Omega 12 James Pierpont, Beta 77 Jesse Reed, Gamma 51 Stephen Rintoul, Beta 15 DAVES Edward Graham, Alpha 54 John, Alpha 53 DAVEV Edward Stiles, Beta 08 DAVID Arthur Emory, Iota 07 DAVIDSON James Thomas, Kappa 78 Jay Clifford, Omega 72 Philip James, Tau 15 William Ward, Rho 09 DA VIES Frederick Martin, Beta 99 Henry Harlow, Kappa 20 John Dorrance, Delta Delta 17 Julien Tappan, Lambda 66 Julien Townsend, Lambda 91 Oscar Charles Sanborn, Kappa 79 Owen John, Iota 91 Thomas Frederick, Beta S3 Thomas Frederick, Phi 93, Beta 94 DAVIS Abner Harrison, Kappa 60 Albert Putnam, Gamma 87 Albert Smith, Kappa 59 Alson Chapin, Theta 56 Arthur Vining, Gamma 88 Arthur Wendell, Beta 99 Charles Edward, Xi 76 Charles Harrison, Xi 00 Clarence Lewis, Delta 04 Clinton Wildes, Beta 11 D[avid] Rowland, Delta 13 Dudley Hopkins, Rho 18 Edward Aaron, Zeta 13 Ernest, Beta 78 Everett Dimock, Beta 14 Francis Hewette, Eta 91 Francis Warren, Kappa 12 Frank Rutledge. Lambda 10 Fred Howard, Psi 92 Frederick, Eta 91 Gustavus Pierpont, Beta 66 Harry Willard. Gamma 08 Henry Loramus, Xi 00 fames Emott, Theta 47 John Eliad, Theta 48 John Henry Kelso, Beta Beta 99 Lawrence Alexander. Xi 08 Loyal Lensey, Xi 83 Owen Warren, Kappa 64 Philip Webb, Kappa 97 Ravmotul, Ka[)pa 05 Rees, Psi 63 Robert Johnston, Gamma 19 Robert Stewart, Beta 60 Thomas Monroe, Lambda 78 Walter Goodwin. Jr., Beta 08 Wendell Harrison, Xi 12 Wesley Morton, Xi 11 Will Brownson, Delta 12 William Sidney, Alpha 53 DAVISON Charles Marshall, Zeta 17 Clement Minor, Theta 38 [Frederick] Trubie, Beta 18 Henry James. Lambda 85 DAVISSON Richard Leech, Beta 13 DAWES Henry Laurens, Beta 84 DAWSON Edward Seymour, Jr., Pi 09 Eric Powell, Beta 12 Harold Kaye, Pi 19 DAY Aaron, Zeta 42 Belden Seymour, LTpsilou 81 Charles Orrin, Beta 03 Clarence Shepard, Jr., Beta 96 Francis Jerome, Jr., Kappa 83 Francis Root, Phi 81 George Herbert, Beta 13 George Parmly, Beta 97 Guy Bigelow, Beta 45 Harold Currier, Lambda 05 Henry, Beta 45 Henry Coit, Delta 59 James Hallack, Chi 87 John Calvin, Beta 57 Julian, Beta 01 Luther, Iota 02 Mahlon, Upsilon 80 Melville Cox. Beta 62 Rodnev Dean, Beta 03, Chi 06 Sherman, Beta 96 Sherwood Sunderland, Beta 11 Stephen Albion, Phi 05 DAYTON Charles Henry, Gamma 02 Isaac, Theta 38 _ Logan Morris. Xi 20 Nathaniel Birdsey, Beta Beta 63 DEACON B[enjamin] Harold, Tau 12 DEAN Charles Ray, Omega 77 Charles Rollin, Xi 49 Elliott Sterling, Upsilon 90 James Alexander, Xi 47 Oliver Hays, Phi 68 Rollin Colegrovc, Xi 09 Sidney, Xi 64 Sidney Butler, Beta 00 Zebina Thomas, Xi 46 DEANE Henry Padclford, Kappa 44 Joseph Griswold, Gamma 90 Llewellyn, Kappa 49 DE ANGELIS Charles Le Moyne, Zeta 08 DEARBORN John Langdon, Alpha 57 DEARING Howard Sumner, Zeta 79 DEARTH William Griswold, Sigma 55 DECAMP Charles Brandenburg, Beta 97 Walter Aldcn, Beta 90 DECKER Casper Gilbert, Pi 81 George Henry, Psi 66 William Grant, Psi 00 DECOTO Ezra William, Epsilon 00 Louis Albert, Epsilon 02 DECROW John Walter, Beta 00 William Emery, Beta 80 DEERING James Rogers, Beta 02 John, Kappa 64 DEFANDORF James Holmes, Xi 15 Jason Fremont, Xi 87 DE FOREST George Beach, Lambda 71 Henry Clay, Beta 63 Henry Lockwood, Beta 97 DE FOREST Henry Wheeler, Beta 76 Johnston, Beta 96 Lockwood, Lambda 72 Robert Weeks, Beta 70 de FREMERY Donald, Epsilon 12 DE GOLYER Charles Frederick, Omega 75 DE GRAFF Harry Westbrook, Theta 98 DE GROTT Henry Winne, Theta 40 DE GROVE Edward Ritzema, Beta 69 de KAY ^ ^^ Sidney Gilder, Lambda 02 DE KOVEN James Jr, Lambda 51 DELAFIELD Francis, Beta 60 i\Iaturin Livingston, Lambda so DELAHANTY , , . _, Thornton Augustus W ashington, Lambda 16 DELAMATER John Oscar, Gamma 08 DE LA MONTANYE George, Psi 56 DELANO Eugene, Jr, Beta 08 Moreau, Beta 98 Thomas Wesley, Eta 93 William Adams, Beta 95 DELEHANTY John Bradley, Chi 10 dc LISLE Frank Frederick, Sigma 04 DELLENBAUGH Frederick Samuel, Jr, Lambda 10 DELLINGER John Leyson, Zeta 14 DE MILLE James, Sigma 54 Richard Mead, Lambda 48 DEMING Charles Clerc, Beta 72 Charles Kenneth, Beta 15 Henry Champion, Beta 72 Laurent Clerc, Beta 83 William Lloyd, Chi 11 DEMMONS Paul Douglas, Kappa 15 DE MOE Earl Wilson, Rho 92 DEMOREST I William Curtis, Lambda 81 William Jennings. Lambda 11 DENAULT Eliot Warden, Tau 18 DENBY [Thomas] Garvin, Phi GO DENEGRE Thomas Bayne, Beta 15 DENHAM Alexander, Delta 65 DENISON Lindsay, Beta 95 DENNETT Louis Burton, Kappa 20 DENNIS Clark Munroe, Chi 13 Frederic Shepard, Beta 72 Louis Munroe, Phi 85 858 ALPHABETICAL INDEX DENNISTON Edward Henry, Upsilon 98 Louis N[apoleon], Xi 02 DENNY Arthur Silbert, Sigma 54 Thomas [Jr.], Beta 54 DENSMORE George Clinton, Upsilon 63 DENTON Edgar, Jr., Pi 11 Frank Benjamin, Beta 69 DE PEU John, Gamma 80 DEPEW Chauncey Mitchell, Beta 56 de PEYSTER Frederic Ashton, Lambda 99 dc PONT Edouard Paul, Phi 94 DE PUGA Manuel, Jr., Lambda 56 DE PUY Henry Farr, Theta 83 Herbert Crandall, Thcta 90 DERBY Archibald Stewart, Theta 96 Donald Belden, Pi 18 John Sayward, Kappa 68 DERICKSON Edwin Vincent, Mu 00 de ROSE Edward Livingston, Lambda 98 DE RUYTER John, Jr., Lambda 51 DESHLER John Green, Iota IZ DESHON George Durfee, Zeta 83 DE SIBOUR Jules [Gabriel] Henri, Beta 96 DE TREVILLE William Joyner, Jr., Theta 11 DEUBEL John Starkweather, Phi 15 DEUTZ Henry, Jr., Delta 17 DEVENDORF La Motte Kibbey, Theta 97 DEVEREUX Julian French, Beta 09 DEVINE Charles Watson, Zeta 10 DEWART William Lewis. Jr., Sigma 20 DEWEES Francis Percival, Theta 53 Louis Looser, Eta 87 DEWEY Albert Henry, Psi 91 Albert Spaulding Osborne, Delta 87 Andrew Jackson, Psi 98 Charles Ayrault, Upsilon 61 Charles Oliver, Pi 85 Daniel Perkins, Beta 64 Edmund Harding, Theta 68 Henry Laidlaw, Delta 12 Hugh Sylvester, Upsilon 18 Maurice Adams, Zeta 20 Ritchie Park, Omicron 15 DE WITT, Clarence. Beta 96 DE WOLF James Andrews, Sigma 61 John Winthrop. Jr., Sigma 20 Paul Churchill, Sigma OS Philip, Sigma 01 DE WOLFE Francis Le Baron, Sigma 68 John Halsey, Sigma 57 DEXTER Anthony Hamilton, Sigma 02 Arthur Fenner, Psi 54 Charles, Alpha 51 Franklin Bowditch, Beta 61 George, Alpha 55 Henry Martyn, Beta 40 [Henry] Morton, Beta 67 Nathaniel Wheaton, Sigma 95 DIBBLE Henry Montgomery, Chi 82 DICKERMAN Horace William, Gamma 88 Robert Keer, Beta 93 DICKERSON Edward Nicoll, Beta Beta 74 James Stokes, Psi 48 John Wilmcr, Omega 82, Up- silon 83 DICKEY Calvin, Beta 86 . Donald Rvdcr. Epsilon 09, Beta 10 George Arthur, Zeta 80 DICKINSON Addison Clarence, Iota 88 Charles Henry, Gamma 81 Charles Porter, Beta Tl Edward, Gamma 76 Edwin Henry, Gamma 79 Friend St. Clair, Beta 06 Henry .\lbert, Pi 82 Henry Nash, Gamma 89 Howard Carter, Psi 05 John Alexander, Iota 13 John Thomas, Xi 53 Julian Allen, Lambda 15. Xi 15, Chi 18 Legh Richmond, Lambda 51 Marquis Fayette, Jr., Gamma 6? Sidnev, Gamma 74 Thorn, Delta Delta 11 William, Zeta 43 DICKMAN Franklin Jackson, Sigma 46 Robert Neil, Phi 86 DICKSON Albert Charles, Chi 20 Andrew Flinn, Beta 45 George Gillespie, Iota 67 DIETERLEN Gerald Emil, Psi 15 DIKEMAN Harry Clifford, Theta 16 DILKS Joseph Albertson, Xi 67 DILL George Daniel, Theta Theta 16 Jonathan Boynton, Beta 9Z DILLINGHAM Edwin Lynde. Beta 82 Frederick Henry, Kappa 11 Paul Shipman, Zeta 02 Stephen Crovvell, Xi 45 DIMAN Jeremiah Lewis.. Sigma 51 John Byron, Sigma 85 DIMMICK J[osephl Benjamin, Beta 81 Walter Willis, Beta 78 DIMOCK Edward Jordan, Beta 11 George Edward, Beta 74 Henry Farnam, Beta 63 Samuel Robinson, Beta 47 William De Wolf, Lambda 88 DINGLE Y Parke Greeley, Kappa 88 DINKEL George Rudolph, Sigma 20 DINSMOOR Adelbert Orsman, Mu 87 Jarvis, Zeta 75 DISBROW George Albert, Delta 90 DIVEN Alden Brown, Eta V4 Alexander Samuel, l5i-ta 94 Alexander Samuel 3cl, Eta IS Eugene. Eta 87 Louis, Eta 96 di VEZZANO Rino de Nobile, Lambda 10 DIX Baldwin, Lambda 49 John Woodruff. Chi 94 Joseph Kingslcy, Delta 80 Morgan, Lambda 48 Samuel Morris, Delta 81 DIXN Erwin Benjamin, Phi IS DIXON Courtland Palmer, Beta 08 Ephraim Williams, Beta 81 George Arthur, Jr., Beta 13 James Payson, Kappa 67 Joseph La Mott, Gamma 87 Theodore Polhemus, Beta 07 Thomas Danforth, Tau 17, Beta 18 DOANE Augustus Sidnev, Lambda 55, Delta 55 Philip Pietersien .Schuyler. Omega 01 DOBBS Thomas Erwin, Theta Theta 18 DOBSON William Timothy, Eta 10 DOCKERY Edward Joseph, Rho 84 Francis William, Rho 91 Joseph Henry, Rho 89 William Francis, Rho 91 DOCKRAY Edward Lawton, Beta Beta 83 DODD Joseph Conway, Jr., Rho 18 DODDRIDGE Albert Frederick, Iota 73 DODDS Clyde Roy, Xi 01 John Hutchins, Rho 09 Solon Arthur, Xi 01 DODGE Austin, Gamma 61 Charles Cleveland, Beta 60 David Stuart, Beta 57 Fred Herbert, Beta 84 Harold Swan, Psi 08 Henry Perkins, Phi 93 James Henry, Psi 52 John Orris, Chi 04 John Webster, Gamma 57 Marcellus Hartley, Lambda 03 Thomas Augustus, Psi 47 William Pendleton, Sigma 09 DODS John Palliser, Chi 08 DOE Charles [Cogswell], Zeta 49 Harvey Franklin, Kappa 20 DOGGETT Allen Barrows, Jr., Zeta 10 Allen Thomas, Delta 09 Herbert Lionel, Beta 8.i I J ALPHABETICAL LXDEX 859 POGGF.TT Herbert Osgan, Delta 17 William Kirk, Delta 16 DOI.AX Burtis Jolni, Oniicroii 15 DOLBKARE Frederic Russell, Beta 0" DOLD Ralph Seeger, Chi 17 DOLE Arthur, Jr., Chi 15 Hallctt. Gaiiiiiia 60 John Luther. Chi IS DOLLEY Charles Sumner, Pi 78 DOLSEX Charles Henry, Delta 46 DOMIXICK Bayard, Beta 94 Gayer Gardner, Beta 99 George Francis. Jr., Beta 94 Lamont, Beta 95 William Francis, Beta 98, Lambda 01 DOXAHOWER Henry Lawrence, Mu 90 DOXALDSOX Henry Herbert, Beta 79 Xorman Vaux, Beta 15 Orren Madison, Xi 89 DOXXELL Charles Joseph, Kappa 05 Murray Gushing, Lambda 12 DOXXELLEV Thomas Elliott, Beta 89 1)OXO\'AX William Fitz, Sigina 97 DOXWORTH Charles Tcnney, Beta 14 D'OOGE Benjamin Leonard, Phi 81 Benjamin Stanton, Gamma 17 Martin Luther, Phi 62 DOOLITTLE Charles Andrews. Gamma 72 Julius Tyler Andrews, Beta 84 William Pitt .Shearman, Gamma 11 \\'illiam Shearman, Beta 76 DORCHESTER Daniel. Xi 74 James Hardy, Xi 17 DOREMUS John Whitfield. Theta 76 Walter Louis, Omicron 17 DORIXG Frederick \\'illiam, Zeta 83 DORLIX Fayette, Psi 49 DOR MAX Lester Morse, Beta 54 DORXIX William Coffin, Lambda 94 DORR Hazen, Alpha 58 DORRAXCE Charles Talbot, Sigma 67 Herbert Larned, Sigma 07 John Kinnicut. Sigma 64 Samuel Richmond, Sigma 63 William TuUy, Sigma 94 DORSEV Daniel Layman, Phi 91 DOUD Eli Horace, Omega 86, Chi 86 DOUDGE Barton Talcott, Jr., Beta 01 DOl'GALL ► Arthur Buckingham, Theta 19 William Paxton, Theta 20 DOU(iHERTV • Horace Raymonil. Omega ''6 .Samuel Kimmel. (ianuna 7S Thomas Harvey, Tau 91 DOUGLAS Archibald, Lambda 94 l'"rancis Kenneth, /eta "16 Frederick Luke, Mu 91 Frederick William, Lambda 94 George William, Beta Beta 71 Henry Percy, Chi 94 John Sheafe, Lambda 90 Malcolm, Beta 00 Richard Alexander, Beta 14 .Samuel Noyes, Sigma 02 Walter Coolev. Zeta 10 William Kirtland, Beta 51 DOUGLASS Allan Wilkins. Beta 19 Andrew EUicott, Beta Beta 89 Donald Hill, Pi 17 Malcolm, Beta Beta 46 DOUTHIRT Eugene Brooks, Iota 94 W'alstein Failing, Iota 88 DOW Baird George, Eta 04 Dexter Douglas, Zeta 89 Frederic George, Kappa 72 John Emery. Kappa 64 Lawrence Henry, Mu 18 Lorenzo, Xi 49 Moses Franklin, Zeta 49 DOWD Pascal Monroe, Gamma 72 DOW'LER Herbert Cressey, Delta 06, Ep- silon 07 DOWLIXG John William. Jr., Lambda 84 Laurence, Lambda 16 DOWXE Hamilton Borden, Chi 15 Harold King, Iota 12 Henry Smith, Iota 18 Leonard .Sherburne, Iota 09 DOWNES George, Kappa 92 Henry Richard, Kappa 53 Louis Welton, Beta Beta 88 DOWXEY Robert Arthur, Eta 92 DOWXIXG John Fonda, Jr., Rho 17 Lewis Rutter, Eta 98 DOWXS Charles Algernon, Delta 45 John Vinson. Delta 40, Psi 40 DOWSE Joseph Perry. Gamma 46 DOYOX Bcrtrand Herrick, Rho 97 Charles Herrick, Rho 93 DRAKE Edward Rice. Mu 11 Elias Guion. Lambda 54 Frederick Ellis. Kappa 98 Herbert Elmer. Xi 86 James Bates. Eta 09 John. Lambda 45 William rjr.f. Beta 54 DRANSFIFLD Thomas. Jr., Upsilon 04 DRAPER Arthur Stimson, Delta 05 Ernest Everett. Delta 19 DRAPER Frank Barnard, Lambda 80 Cleorge Barnard, Lambda 45 Gideon, Zeta 49 William Henry, Lambda 51 William Henry, Jr., Delta 16 DRAVO George Patterson, Eta 88 DRAY Walter Remy, Beta 08 DRAYTON William, Beta Beta 71 DRESHIMER Archibald Alexander, Beta 78 DRESSER Henry Aytoun, Xi 08 Horatio Sumner, Kappa 65 DREW Charles Allen, Zeta 00 Edwin Clarence, Kappa 91 Fred, Kappa 91 Neil Bancroft, Zeta 96 Pitt F'esscnden, Zeta 99 DRUMM Thomas James, Beta Beta 74 DRUMMOND Joseph Payson, Kappa 43 DRYDEN John Fairfield 2d, Beta 15 DU BOIS Albert AVynkoop, Theta 18 Cornelius, Jr., Gamma 68, Beta 68 John Clarkson, Beta Beta 53 John Jay, Beta 67 Matthew Brinkerhoff, Lambda 64 DUCK George Francis, Eta 82 DUDLEY Edward Martin, Beta 77 Frank, Theta 12 George Evans, Gamma 52 James Frederic, Kappa 65 Joseph Francis, Zeta 58 DUER Beverly Chew, Lambda 60 DUERR Henry Oliver, Eta 90 DUFFIELD Charles Bishop, Gamma 42 DUFFY David Edwin Clarence, Zeta 95 DUGAN Charles Bedard, Omicron 08 DUINKERKE John Francis, Xi 83 DUKESHIRE Willard Baker, Xi 92 DULLES Charles Winslnw. Jr.. Tau 67 James Bateman, Tau 06 DUMONT Robert Swartwout, Delta 52 DUN Angus, Beta 14 Angus Wortham, Iota 80 Charles Bush. Iota 77 Charles Holman, Iota 09 John Graham, Iota 75 DUNBAR Charles Henry, Chi 92 Delmont Thurston, Kappa 19 James Alfred, Beta 62 John Brown, Gamma 64 Joseph Henry, Zeta 79 rtosiahl Newell, Beta 67 860 ALPHABETICAL INDEX DUNBAR Newell, Beta 66 William Falconer, Pi 18, Upsi- lon 18 DUNCAN George Martin, Delta 81 Kenneth Forman, Delta 14 Robert Henry, Zeta 57 Samuel Augustus, Zeta 58 DUNHAM Austin, Beta 17 Edward Randolph, Beta 74 George Earl, Psi T^ George Elliott, Beta 58 Moses Earl, Psi 47 Oren, Phi 79 Ray Stanley, Iota 06 Raymond Franklin, Psi 07 Tryon Griswold, Gamma 90 DUNKERSO'N Casselberry, Beta 94 DUNLAP George Edward, Gamma 55 DUNLOP Sydney Herbert, Chi 97 DUNN Archibald Wallace, Sigma 08 Robinson Potter, Sigma 43 Wilbur Vaughn, Iota 17 William McKee, Beta 11 DUNNELL Henry, Beta 91 Thomas, Sigma 75 William Wanton, Sigma 73 DUNNING Albert Elijah, Beta dl Augustus Wyncoop, Beta 76 Benjamin Franklin, Theta 39 Charles Herbert, Kappa 83 David Montgomery, Theta 68 David Montgomery, Jr., Theta 02 Henry Sage, Chi 05 Jacob Abramse Robertson, Beta 74 Morton Dexter, Gamma 96 William Burr, Beta 63 DUNSTER Edward Swift, Alpha 56 DUPEE Charles, Beta 01 DUPIGNAC [James] Dudley [Betts], Lambda 98 du PONT Louis Cazenove, Beta 90 DUQUE Ernest Eloy, Epsilon 16 Gabriel Carlos, Epsilon 14 rURAND Harrison Cox, Upsilon 82 Henry Strong, Beta 81 Samuel Ewing, Beta 19 DURANT Donald, Lambda 09 James Starrett, Zeta 52 John Stewart, Beta 81 Wallace Leonard, Delta 96 DURFEE Herbert Augustus, Xi 83 Samuel Slater, Sigma 80 Simeon Borden, Sigma 51 Thomas, Sigma 46 DURKEE Franklin Asher, Beta 49 Joseph Hart, Lambda 84 Richard Philip Hart, Lambda 58 DURLAND Frederick Lovejoy, Chi 89 DURLIN Fayette, Psi 49 DURLING Edgar Vincent, Ai 13 DURRELL Ralph Oliver, Zeta 03 DURRETT Reuben Thomas, Sigma 49 DURSTON Alfred Sidney, Pi 11 DURYEA ' Chester Burnell, Lambda 93 Hiram Hendrick, Lambda 93 DURYEE Samuel Sloan, Beta 17 DUSINBERRE George Brown, Chi 86 DUSOSSOIT Florimond Joseph, Zeta 18 DUTTON Asa Albert. Pi 07 Charles Cooper, Pi 09 John Wesley, Xi 89 DU VAL Clive Livingston, Beta 03 DUXBURY John Wheeler, Kappa 63 DWELLE Edwin Rice, Delta 17 DWELLY, George Russell, Beta 53 DWIGHT Howard, Alpha 57 ^laitland, Lambda 14 Thomas Bradford, Beta 59 Winthrop Edwards, Beta 93 DWINNELL William Stanley, Rho 86 DYCKES Lawrence Julian, Oniicron 07 DYCKMAN Richard Pluymert, Chi 19 DYER Ebenezer Alden, Gamma 82 Ebenezer Porter, Jr., Gamma 61 Edward Oscar, Gamma 78 Franklin, Kappa 78 George Palmer, Chi 95 Harold Pennock, Lambda OS Hezekiah Anthony^ Sigma 94 Louis, Alpha 74, Omega 71 Thomas, Beta 95 DYKE Norman Staunton, Sigma 85 DYKEMA Ravmond Krvn, Phi 11 DYOTT John Cooper, Pi 98 EADIE Harold Field, Zeta 18 Lewis Arnold, Sigma 09, Gamma 10 EAGLE Brvan Munroe, Chi 19 EAKIN William Spencer, Beta 95 FAMES Benjamin Tucker, Beta 43 Waldo Chapin, Beta 81 EARLE Cornelius, Delta 45 Courtland Cook, Sigma 03 Edward Bartlett, Gamma 67 James Hervev, Gamma 67 Willis [Eben Barnard], Zeta 89 EARLY Jacob Drennan, Iota 79 Samuel Stockwell, Iota 85 EARNSHAW ,\rthur Reginald, Tau 01 Boulton, Tau 02 EASTMAN Charles Francis, Gamma 69 Frank Gay lord, Sigma 88 James Henry, Xi 64 John Huse, Gamma 69 Joseph Bartlett, Gamma 04 Sidney Corning, Phi 73 EASTON Giles Charles, Beta Beta 51 Henry Clay, Beta 76 Morton William, Beta 63 EASTWICK Philip Garrett. Eta 92 EATON Albion Keith, Kappa 15 Carleton Whidden, Kappa 10 Daniel Cadv, Beta 57 D[aniel] Cady, Beta 60 Daniel Lewis, Kappa 51 George Dudley, Gamma 97 George Francis, Beta 94 George Thomas, Gamma 78 Harris Dickinson, Sigma 01 Herbert Scott, Xi 91 James Howard, Gamma 65 John Boynton, Gamma 00, Sigma 01 Lewis George, Eta 05 Seymour, Jr., Pi 15 Stephen Melville. Kappa 55 Theodore, Beta 94 William Hadley, Sigma 45 William Spalding, Beta Beta 10 William Wells, Gamma 68 EBAUGH George Washington, Theta 85 ECHALAZ John Frederick, Lambda 51 ECKELS John Howard, Eta 17 ECKERT Samuel Baltz, Chi 08 ECKFELDT Thomas Hooper, Xi 81 ECKMAN George Peck. Xi 84 ECKSTORM John Bernard Christian, Zeta 98 Paul Frederick Theodore, Zeta 01 EDDY Augustus Wilson, Beta 06 Charles Major, Pi 84 Robert Newton, Xi 65 Samuel .Alden, Delta 80 Sidney Monroe, Psi 18 Willard Burdick, Psi 14 William, Sigma 59 EDGERLY Samuel Johnson, Zeta 59 EDGERTON Frank Cruger, Xi 94, Beta Beta 94 George Wilson, Mu 15 John Warren. Beta Beta 94 EDMANDS John, Beta 47 EDMISTON Hugh Caldwell, Jr., Chi 15 EDMOND George Wishart, Gamma 73 EDMONDS William Ramsay, Xi 17 EDMUND Hincklev Sawyer. Gamma 84 EDMUNDS Charles Carroll, Beta Beta 77 \ ALPHABETICAL INDEX 861 EDMUNDS Francis Dudley, Lambda 12 Francis Henry, Theta 86 James Richard, Jr., Tau 12 EDSALL Walter William, Lambda 91 EDSON Henry Kingman, Gamma 44 Herman Aldrich, Lambda 00, Chi 00 John, Lambda 48 Marshall Otto, Zeta 91 EDWARD George Trcniaine, Jr., Eta 20 EDWARDS Alfred Lewis, Beta 57 Benjamin Alexander. Sigma 41 Carlton, Theta 48 Charles Atwood, Beta 66 Edwin Stiles, Pi 04 George William, Kappa 62 Henry Luther, Gamma 47 James Beresford, Jr., Omicron 20 James Thomas, Xi 60 Judson Presley, Beta 55 Lewis, Lambda 69 Richard Arthur, Zeta 76 Richard Henry, Beta 01 EGAN Ellis Percival, Omega 1 1 Frank Michael, Mu 20 Harold Hunt, Omicron 14 EGERTON Raymond, Alpha 56 EGGLESTON Charles Fellows Xi 90 George Mahon, Xi 92 Julius Williur, Xi 89 Julius W'ooster, Gamma 98 EGLESTON William Couch, Beta 61 EHLE George Landgrave, Theta 39 EHMAN Alfred Roy, Psi 97 George Frederick, Psi 04 EHRGOOD Allen Harry, Gamma 11 EICHELBERGER Martin Smyser, Beta 58 EILERT John Kohler, Gamma 18 EINSTEIN George Arnold, Zeta 08 ELDER David Dorrance, Jr., Eta 01 George Reuben, Jr., Eta IS ELDERKIN George Wicker, Zeta 02 John, Beta 52 ELDRED Floyd Field, Theta 17 John Risley, Xi 52 ELDREDGE Barnabas Ballou, Psi 45 Charles, Lambda 79 Hallam, Beta 43 ELDRIDGE Robert Fitch, Phi 85 ELGEE Charles Le Doux, Alpha 56 ELIEL Levi Abraham, Beta 81 ELIOT Douglas Fitch Guilford, Beta 09 George Edwin, Beta 86 ELLIOT Edwin Day, Xi 18 William Horace, Beta 44 ELLIOTT , George Robert, Chi 81 George William, Xi 73 Henry Bond, Delta 40 John Euclid, Gamma 57 Richard Aston, Lambda 98 Robert Peel, Epsilon 16 Stephen, Eta 14 W'illiam, Lambda 81 William Henry, Alpha 57 ELLIS Ard Hoyt, Rho 00 Charles Talcott, Chi 99 Gayton Ballard, Beta 01 Joseph Willard, Kappa 46 Leonard Augustin, Beta Beta 98 Richard, Beta 85 Robert, Kappa 58 ELLSWORTH Alfred Augustus, Gamma 58 Erastus Wolcott, Gamma 44 ELLWANGER Henry Brooks, Delta 73 William Delancey, Beta 76 ELMENDORF John Jay, Lambda 45 ELMER Cordello D[c Val Court], Xi 57, Theta 57 William Timothy, Beta Beta 81 ELSEY George Crawford, Gamma 08 ELTINGE Isaac Benjamin, Upsilon 03 ELVERSON Joseph Sketchley, Tau 87 ELWELL Charles Clement, Jr., Beta 11 Francis Bolton, Beta 06 James Henry, Gamma 19 Levi Henry, Gamma 75 ELWOOD John Worden, Gamma 18 ELWYN Thomas Langdon, Beta Beta 92 ELY Albert Herman, Jr., Beta 15 Edward Talbot, Upsilon 71 George Stetson, Gamma 78 Henry Sturges, Beta 02 James Richard, Beta 82 Joseph Allen, Upsilon 66 Joseph Field, Beta Beta 64 Leicester Kent, Lambda 54 Richard Fenwick, Beta 97 William, Sigma 78 William Grosvenor, Jr., Sigma 20 W^illiam Smith, Upsilon 61 EMERSON Frank Wells, Upsilon 87 Frederic Hood, Omicron 06 George Addison, Xi 74 Henry, Jr., Lambda 82 Herbert Clark, Gamma 89 John Edwards, Gamma 44 John Orne, Phi 02 Lincoln Fletcher, Kappa 49 Luther vv'ilson, Zeta 62 Sidney Taylor, Theta 52 Thomas Albert, Beta 63 William, Jr., Lambda 53 EMERY Caleb, Zeta 42 George Addison, Kappa 63 Henry Crosby, Kappa 92 Hervey Ross, Kappa 18 Lucilius Alonzo, Kappa 61 Marcellus, Kappa 53 Rufus, Beta Beta 54 Theodore Evans. Kappa 13 William Harrison, Phi 98 EMERY William Stanley, Beta Beta 81 EMORY George Meade, Chi 90 ENDICOTT George, Lambda 83 ENGLAND George Allen, Xi 62 ENGLISH Harry Kirk, Pi 03 Philip Henry, Beta 15 ENO Frederick Lincoln, Gamma 86 Henry Clay, Beta 60 Henry Lane, Beta 94 John 'Chester, Beta 69 ENOCH Sherman De Witt, Theta 02 EOFF Charles William, Lambda 55 ERCANBRACK Hal Edmund, Omicron 09 ERDMAN Henry Preston, Tau 04 ERICKSON Fridtjof Carl, Epsilon 19 ERNEST Finis Plumley, Jr., Gamma 11, Phi 11 ERVING John, Alpha 53 Langdon, Alpha 55 ESHLEMAN John Morton, Epsilon 02 ESMOND Fred Carlton, Pi 77 Harry Lambden, Psi 12 ESQUIROL John Henry, Delta 20 Joseph Alfred, Delta 17 ESSICK Henry Hedges, Delta 95 ESTABROOK Adelbert Abel, Xi 96 James Edward, Beta 51 ESTCOURT Irving Perry, Theta 84 ESTERLY Calvin Olin, Epsilon 02 Ward Benjamin, Epsilon 06 ESTY Charles Alexander, Beta 04 Constantine Canaris, Beta 45 Edward Tuckerman, Gamma 97 Robert Pegram, Gamma 97 Thomas Gushing, Gamma 93 William, Gamma 89 William Cole, Gamma 60 William Cole 2d, Gamma 16 ETCHEVERRY Bernard Albert, Epsilon 02 ETHELBERT Talbot 2d, Eta 15 ETH RIDGE Albert, Xi 53 ETTLICH Carl George Hans, Delta 91 EUNSON Louis St. Clair, Delta 04 EUSTIS George, Chi 81 EVANS Albert, Psi 89 Alfred Randall, Zeta 72 Asher Benton, Upsilon 61 862 ALPHABETICAL INDEX EVANS Cadwallader, Jr., Eta 01 Frank Brooke, Jr., Tau 01 Franklin Batchelder, Omega IS, Omicron 16 John Clement, Rho 14 John Fairhurst, Delta 14 Lawton Earle, Pi 13 Ralph Berrell, Tau 02 Thomas Grier, Beta 74 EVARTS Maxwell, Beta 84 Roger Sherman, Beta 17 Sherman, Beta 81 EVEREST Charles Sherman, Beta Beta 71 EVERETT Arthur, Phi 64 Francis Gray. Delta Delta 20 Huber Fifer, Mu 19 Oliver Hurd, Alpha 73 William Rinehart, Mu 14 E VI SON Samuel Herbert, Beta Beta 13 EWALD Louis Philip, Rho IS EWELL Douglass, Lambda 8S Robert Hall. Beta 03 EWERS Henry Francis, Psi SO EWING Alexander Hamilton, Beta 69 George Washington, Jr., Beta 15 Nelson Tames, Eta 10 Robert Mosby, Beta Beta OS .Samuel Armstid, Beta 48 William Barnwell, Beta Beta 06 Wylie Barker, Eta 14 EYLAND George Chesterman, Jr., Delta 72 EZEKIEL Lamb Miller, Sigma 43 FABIAN Harold Pegram, Beta 07 FABYAN Harry Clifton, Kappa 93 FAHY Charles Harold, Upsilon 16 FAIRBANK Edward, Gamma 89 Henry, Gamma 83 John Barnard, Gamma 67 FAIRBANKS Henry, Zeta 53 Robert, Beta 09 FAIRCHILD George Cooper, Eta 99 William Henry, Xi 11 FAKE Charles W, Delta 17 FALES David, Kappa 48 Frederick Saywood, Gamma 96 FALLON Junius Guilford, Xi 75 FANCHER Cyril Adolphus, Upsilon 07 Henry Rufus, Theta 81 Paul Adee, Gamma 10 FANNING Charles, Delta 45 FARADY Harry \villet, Xi 11 FARGO Irving Crawford, Omesja 86 FARIES John Culbcrt, Mu 89 FARLEY J[oscph] Waldron, Pi 00 FARLOW John Woodford, Alpha 74 FARMAN Elbert Eli, Gamma 55 FARMER Allen Brown. Zeta 03 EARN AM Franklin Chaffee, Mu 08 Henry Earl. Mu 10 Julian Perkins, Mu 11 Lynn Chaffee, Mu OS FARNHAM Charles Richard, Kappa 13 Dwight Thompson, Beta 04 Frank Alexander, Sigma 79 Frank Alexander 2d, Sigma 16 John Dorrance, Beta 90 Joseph HoUister, Sigma 14 Schuyler Chamberlin, Zeta 70 FARNSWORTH Charles, Sigma 89 Grover [Cleveland Dickinson], Pi 11 Robert Waterman Carr, Xi 71 Simeon Dow, Zeta 55 William Crawford, Gamma S3 FARNUM Alexander, Sigma 52 Henry Ormsbce.Siema 78 William Wallace, Upsilon 10 FARQUHAR Francis Hughes. Eta 89 FARR Chester Nye, Jr., Tau 90 George Alexander, Jr., Phi 04 William Wilberforcc, Iota 64 FARRAND Royal Twombly, Phi 90 FARRAR Holden Knapp, Psi 20 Xerxes John, Beta 12 FARREL Alton, Beta 02 FARRIER Albert Moses, Zeta 07 FARRINGTON Samuel Putnam, Mu 16 William George, Lambda 53 FARRIS Robert Perry, Beta 47 FARWELL Albert Day, Beta 09 Arthur Lincoln, Beta 84 Francis Cooley, Beta 82 James Ralph, Eta 98 John Villicrs 3d, Beta 18 John Villiers, Jr.. Beta 79 Parris Thaxter. Gamma 80 Walter, Beta 85 William Dolloway, Eta 89 FASSETT William Green, Kappa Ti FAUCHER Cyril Adolphus, Upsilon 07, Chi 09 FAULKNER Henry Jackson, Beta 70 Samuel Dorr, Beta 59 FAULKS Frederic James, Delta 93 FAUNTLEROY Eugene Gould, Phi IS FAUSEY John Rowlee, Pi 97 FAUST John William, Gamma 37 FAVILLE Oran, Xi 44 FAY Charles Edward, Theta 82 Charles Melville, Psi 62 Frank Gleason, Zeta 82 Fred Hollister, Psi 11 George Edward, Phi 99 William Eastmann, Mu 83 FEAREY Morton Lazell, Beta 98 FEARING George Richmond, Lambda 60 FEE James Leo, Upsilon 02 FEENEY John Parnell, Tau 18 FELIX Benjamin Bates, Omega 01 FELKER Carl, Rho 93 Frederick, Rho 92 FELLOWES Charles Edward, Beta 56 Edward Colton, Beta 88 Francis, Jr., Beta 56 FENN Elipha White, Gamma 61 FENNER Burt Leslie, Upsilon 91 Edward Bela, Gamma 67 Edward Blaine, Upsilon 77 FENTON Reuben Earle, Sigma 87 FERENBAUGH Thomas Ludlow, Iota 05 FERGUSON Alfred Ludlow, Beta 02 Allan Walter, Xi 05 Arthur Call, Zeta 12 Charles Vaughan, Beta Beta 07 Edmund Morewbod, Beta Beta 59 George Hammond, Pi 92 Henry, Beta Beta 68 John Day, Beta Beta 51 John Sherlock, Beta 00 Joseph Cooper, Jr., Tau 90 Joseph Louis, Zeta 93 Lincoln, Tau 96 Samuel, Beta Beta 57 Samuel, Beta Beta 96 Walton, Beta Beta 63 Walton, Jr., Beta Beta 93 William, Theta 10 William Kirby, Zeta 86 William Miles, Delta 76 FERNALD John Prince, Gamma 67 FERNOW I'ernhard Edward. Jr.. Chi 04 Rossitcr Raymond, Chi 02 FERRIDAY Edward Calvin, Eta 95 Robert, Eta 94 FERRIDEY Charles Victor, Eta 96 FERRIS George Ferris, Chi 81 Seymoitr Coe, Pi 90 FERRY Charles H[erbert], Beta 72 James William, Phi 1Z Mansfield, Beta 03 Orris Sanford, Beta 44 . ALPHABETICAL INDEX 863 FERTIG Jolin Hammond, Eta 87 Willis Eugene, Eta 91 KESSENDEN Sterling, Kappa 96 FETTERLV Clarence Aubrey, Psi 97 FEWSMITH William, Beta 44 FEZANDIE Eugene Hector, Lambda 18 FIELD Brayton Allen, Zeta 78 Charles Barr, Iota 11 Clifton Lamson, Gamma 80 Edward Mann, Kappa 45 Frank Decker, Zeta 94 Frank Heermans, Upsilon 96 Harold Lavasso, Upsilon 10 Henry Power, Gamma 80 Howard Brigham, Xi 05 Howard Heermans, Upsilon 04 Tohn Howe, Beta 93 John W, Beta 11 Kenneth Heermans, Upsilon 16 Leon Chester, Xi 70 Maunsell Bradhurst, Beta 41 Theodore William, Delta 43 Walbridge Abner, Zeta 55 William Henry, Beta 99 William Paisley. Alpha 51 FIELDER Frank Sidney, Chi 89 Harold Sidney, (^micron 11 W'illiam Fuller, Omicron 14 FILES George Taylor, Kappa 89 FINCH Francis Eldon, Chi 11 Francis Miles, Beta 49 FTNCKE Frederick Getman, Gamma 73, Alpha 73 FINGER Sidney Michael, Kappa 61 FINKBEINER Donald Arthur, Phi 17 FINKENSTAEDT Edward Rudolph, Phi 11 Harry Seymour, Phi 11 John Wilbur, Phi 16 FINLEY David Roy, Theta 13 Henry Blair, Eta 92 FINNEGAN Herbert Benson, Xi 18 FINNEY Thomas Monroe, Beta 47 FINUCANE Thomas Raymond, Chi 03 FISH Edward Charles, Chi GO Franklin Stowe. Rho 10. Mu 10 Fred. Samuel, Upsilon "Ji Frederick Studebaker, Tau 13 Irving Andrews, Rho 03 James Horace, Delta 82 Samuel Herman, Gamma 74 Rutgers. Delta 13 FISHER Aleyne Abial, Zeta 88 David Gerould, Phi 00 Edward Thornton, Alpha 56 George Huntington, Alpha 52 Harvey Sheafe, Eta 87 Henry Johnson, Beta 96 Henry Newton, Delta 55 FISK Francis Skinner, Zeta 43 Samuel Augustus, Beta 44 Samuel Augustus, Beta 77 FISKE Charles Tillinghast James, Lambda 83 [Daniel] Willard, Psi 51 Dc Lancey Walker, Beta Beta 00 Elijah W^arren. Sigma 44 George McClellan, Beta Beta 70 John Minot, Beta 56 John Safford, Beta 63 Reginald, Beta Beta 01 William Sydney Walker, Beta Beta 06 FITCH (icorRc Hamlin, Chi 75 Grant, Beta 81 Henry Edmund, Rho 91 James, Beta 47 John Sawyer, Psi 08 Joseph Porter, Rho 06 Morton Cross, Beta 03 William Kountz, Rho 13 FITTS George Henry, Gamma 12 Stanley Clarke, Zeta 19 FITZGERALD Edward Rufus, Theta Theta 13 James Newbury, Xi 19 Tohn Joseph, Beta 14 Paul, Pi 91 FITZ GERALD Augustine, Beta 82 FITZHUGH William, Psi 83 FITZPATRICK Howard, Delta 06 John Bainbridge, Beta 16 FITZ RANDOLPH Hector Craig, Lambda 67 FITZ SIMMONS Sherman Joseph, Jr.. Phi 19 FLAGG Edward Willis, Beta 78 Herbert Judson, Theta Theta 12 Kenyon Putnam, Psi 14 Paul McLeod. Theta Theta 19 Willard Cutting, Beta 54 FLAGLER Henry Harkness, Lambda 97 FLAHERTY Martin Charles, Epsilon 96 FLANDERS Charles Nelson, Zeta 71 Henry Richmond. Beta 85 James Clifford, Zeta 84 Philip James. Beta Beta 11 FLANNAGAN Charles Gibbons, Mu 98 FLEMING Hubert Lvm.in. Rho 14 Howard Webster, Epsilon 14 FLETCHER Alfred Charles Benson, Epsilon 07 Cassius Paul, Omicron 14 Elijah Timothy, Sigma SO Francis Hopkins, Zeta 58 George Edwin, Zeta 86 George Henry, Phi 81 James, Zeta 43 John Dundas. Epsilon 07 Joseph Edward, Jr., Sigma 11 Lee Chase, Theta 16 FLICHTNER Frederic Appleton, Gamma 94 FLICK I Welcome Joseph] L i d d o n , Lambda 84 FLING Allan Clcnicncc. Kappa 93 Fred Morrow, Kappa 83 Harry Ridgeway, Kappa 86 FLINN James Harmon, Phi 96 FLINT Carroll Langdon, Zeta 93 Thomas, Zeta 80 FLINTERMAN Rudolph Friedrich, Phi 94 FLITNER Stanwood Edwards, Gamma 00 FLOOD Arthur Thomas, Theta 19 Valentine Ardsley, Delta 19 FLORENCE Gustavus Augustus. Iota 72 FLOWER James Monroe, Rho 56 Lewis Bertram, Rho 92 Samuel, Beta Beta 45 FLOY Frederic Hoole, Xi 92 Henry, Xi 89, Chi 91 FLOYD Richard Daniel, Eta 94 FLOYD-JONES Charles, Theta 36 Edward Henry, Beta 92 FOBES Leon Melchor, Kappa 92 Theodore Burgess, Kappa 17 FOERSTER Roland Constantine, Epsilon 14 FOGG Charles Houlton, Kappa 89 Frank Prescott, Xi 91 George Edwin, Kappa 02 Thomas Brinley, Beta Beta 52 FOLEY Edmund Richard, Xi 87 FOLSOM Arthur Channing, Zeta 97 Fred Gorham, Zeta 95 George McKean, Alpha 57 Henry Herbert, Zeta 92 Henry Titus, Beta 83 Ralph Parker, Zeta 97 Richard, Gamma 57 FOLW^ELL Bainbridge Doty, Beta 07 FONDA Beecher Harold, Zeta 14 George Arthur, Pi 15 FONES James Rison, Zeta 01 FONGER Robert Vier, Omega 12 FOOS George Mark, Beta 93 FOOTE Edward Milton, Upsilon 86 Erastus, Jr., Kappa 43 George Clark, Theta 99 George Tennant Spink, Up- silon 84 ?Iarry Ward, Beta 66 Hastings, Lambda 09 Horace Cheney, Beta 90 Ozias Pitts, Theta 43 Richard Whittier. Zeta 12 Thomas Heermans, Theta 86 Wallace Turner, Jr., Theta 85 Warren Cleaveland, Zeta 08 864 ALPHABETICAL INDEX FORBES Francis Wayland, Upsilon 77 George Fairfield, Gamma 75 George Mather, Upsilon 78 Howard Carpenter, Gamma 08 James Bruff, Upsilon 99 Jesse Franklin, Gamma 74 John Franklin, Upsilon 78 Leighton Horace, Upsilon 04 FORD Arthur Livermore, Lambda 70 Calvin Beach, Xi 54 Frederick Clifford, Beta 07 Horace Milton, Pi 87 Isaac Nelson, Sigma 70 James Levin, Gamma 02 Joseph Albert, Zeta 95 Marcus Clizbe. Rho 94 Nehemiah Butler, Kappa 85 Silas Watson, Theta 7 5 Trail Edward, Zeta 06 Walter Buhl. Beta 96 William Francis, Phi 96 William Hall, Beta 77 Wnrthington Chauncey, Lambda 79 FOREMAN Arthur Pethenck, Pi 06 FORREST Richard Earp, Beta 99 William Sylvester, Zeta 75 FORSAITH c- V * William Tosiah. Gamma 5/, Zeta 57 FORSTALL Alfred Edmond, Eta S.^ Alfred l-".dmond. Jr., Eta 19 Theobold, Eta 16 Walton, Eta 91 FORSTER Harold Cameron, Iota 06 FORSYTH Charles Shakr, Sigma 56 George, Xi 64 FOSDICK Samuel Peters. Beta /9 FOSS Martin Howard, Phi 00 W'alter Andrew, Zeta 99 FOSTER Albert Merrick, Upsilon 03 Allen Evarts, Beta 06 Benjamin Brown, Kappa 55 Charles Henry, Beta 59 Dwight, Beta 48 Edgar Lowell, Gamma 97 Eleazar Kingsbury. Eta 63 Frederic de Pevster. Lambda 68 Horace Kendall, Zeta 79 Howard Peers, Delta 99 Hugh Molleson, Lamlxla 9'' James Lawrence, Jr., Eta 18 James Peers, Delta 67 John, Zeta 58 lohn Hone, Lambda 74 John Pierrepont Codriiigton, Beta 69 Joseph Taylor, Beta 08 Joshua, Delta 39 Richard Baxter, Omicron 17 Richard Baxter, Zeta 51 Roger, [Sherman Baldwin], Beta 78 Roland Clyde, Omega 04 Theodore Clyde, Sigma 96 Warren William, Zeta 81 FOWLER Albert Nelson Cheney, Beta 94 Archibald Campbell, Theta 60 Arthur Anderson, Lambda 99 Burton Philander, Pi 07 FOWLER Carl Hitchcock, Mu 95 Charles Newell, Beta 76 Edward Stacy, Beta 79 Franklin Hamilton. Beta Beta 6! George Winegar, Pi 04 Harold. Lambda 08 Lemuel Bartlett, Kappa 14 Robert Henry, Lambda 06 .'^amuel Bartlett, Kappa 87 Theodore Ferguson, Chi 14 William, Beta 60 William Kiiigsley, Beta 95 FOX Alan, Beta 03 Alanson Gi!)bs, Beta 00 Charles James, Theta 61 Charles Shattuck, Upsilon 91 Charles Young, Jr., Tau 15 Edward Tappan, Rho 99 Frank Marsdtn, Upsilon 18 (leorgo Henry, I'psilon 67 [George] Howard, Beta 94 Geor?c t.evi. Beta 74 Herbert Wright, Theta 93 Tohn Milton, Beta 79 Morris Fuller, Rho 04 Neil! Williams, Rho 13 Norman Wright, Upsilon 89 Paul Henry, Delta 16 FRAKE Allen. Omega 04 FRAMBACH Arthur Augustus. Rho 97 Charles Lewis, Kho 03 FRAME Stewart Maurcr, Delta 20 Thomas Clayton, Theta 61 FRANC HOT Charles Pascal, Beta 10 FRANCIS Clarence Wadsworth, Lambda 11 Pomeroy Tucker, Beta 12 FRANKLIN Morris Julius. Theta 55 FRASER Clarence Tohn. Delta 20 Robert Dobell, Psi 08 William Murdock, Zeta 99 FREAR Walter. Beta 51 Walter Francis, Beta 85 FREELAND Henrv Rankin, Delta 62 William Henry, Delta 51 FREEMAN Albert Locker, Tau 15 Albert Myrick, Beta 89 Alden [Alexander], Beta 82 Charles Fisher, Jr.. Rho 96 Charles Marsden, Kappa 45 Charles Nathan, Rho 96 Charles Ouackenbush, Delta 76 Cuyler, Delta 80 Eben Winthrop, Kappa 85 Edward Woolsey. Beta 13 Eli^s Dudley, Kappa 74, Gamma 75 Elliot, Kappa IS Frederick Lewis, Tau 19 Frederick William, Kappa 89 Gay Nichols, Sigma 03 George Lloyd, Lambda 49 Jamts Randall, Zeta 74 John Conger, Delta 11 Samuel, Kappa 54 Samuel Miller, Tau 01 .Samuel Thurston, Theta 50 Walter Jackson, Chi 83 FRENCH Arthur Edmund, Zeta 12 FRENCH Arthur Sherwin. Mu 05 Asa, Beta 51 Asa Palmer, Beta 82 Charles Joseph, Beta 81 Francis Ormaiid, Alpha 57 Frederick Earl, Gamma 81 Frederick Francis, Kappa 18 George .\lbert. Beta Beta 89 George Barton, Lambda 84 John, Zeta 86 Tohn Henrv. Sijma 55 John Mc.\ilister. Theta 41 Tohn Newton, Upsilon 00, Chi 03, Pi 03 Louis, Beta Beta. 53 Oscar Hitchcock. Zeta 81 Porter Montgomery. Pi 70 Robert Dudlev. Beta 10 Seth Barton. Beta U Theodore. Zeta 52 Warren Converse, Zeta SO FRESENIITS Henry, Beta 85 FRLY Henry Augustus, Theta 97 FRIEDMAN Carl Kimball, Phi 01 FRIES Henry Chambers, Beta 82 FRISBEE Edward Selah, Gamma 60 FRISSELL Hollis Burke, Beta 74 FROST Albert Gallatin, Upsilon 81 Edward Inglis, Lambda 74 Edward Lawrence, Delta 81 Ldward Rumsey, Upsilon 11 Elliott Putnam, Beta 11 Frederic Worthcn, Xi 94 Harry Mitchell, Zeta 89 Herbert Loring, Beta 83 Lewis Livingston. Phi 11 Lowell Chester, Beta 05 Luther Hayward, Xi 01 Philip Prcscott, Xi 02 Ralph Aldom, Delta 93 Thomas Franklin, Psi 78 Timothy Prescott, Xi 76 Walter Archer, Rho 04 William James, Lambda 46 FRY Sheridan Brooks, Lambda 15 FRYE Pressor Hall, Beta Beta 89 William Pierce, Kappa SO FULLER Albert Cotton, Gamma 68 Charles Dudley, Lambda 62 Charles Henry, Xi 71 Charles Parrish, Eta 08 Dean Mattison, Psi 19 Frederic Dana, Xi 88 Frederick Cone, Beta 48 Frederick Pardee, Eta 9Z, Chi 94 George Gregg, Beta 10 John Torrey, Eta 03 Truman Samuel, Pi 11 Walter Atherton, Kappa 12 Warren Clark, Xi 14 W.^skv Tudd. Pi 17 Wilbur Anson, Beta 75 William Henry, Beta 61 Wyman Zoller. Zeta 15 FULLERTON Bradford Morton, Gamma 61 Henry Suydam, Jr., Lambda 13 FULMER Herbert Clifford, Pi 13 ALPHABETICAL LXDEX 865 FULMER Karl [Harrison], Zeta 13 Leonard Scott, Pi IS Fl'LTON Clinton, Rho 88 Darrow Bruce, Beta 19 Louis Mills, Chi 74 FUNKIIOUSER Millard Fillmore, Delta 11 Robert Monroe, Zeta 71 Tildcn Seltnes, Zeta 71 FURBER Charles Hamlin, Xi 73 Daniel Little, Zeta 43 David Benson, Xi 67 Henry Jewett, Kappa 61 FURBISH Frank Lane, Kappa 75 Ordway, Gamma 20 FUR MAN John Myers, Theta 89 FURNESS Thomas Foster, Delta Delta 15 FURSMAN James Shcrrill. Psi IS GAB EL Jarvis Lewis, Epsilon 16 Thomas Aldrich, Epsilon 16 GABRIEL Arthur Croydon. Epsilon 12 Walter Newton, Epsilon 07 GAGE Alexander KimbalL Beta Beta 96 Philip Stearns, Beta Beta 08 William Henry, Beta Beta 96 GMNES Edmund Pendleton, Beta 41 Tohn Marshall, Beta 96 Thomas Robert, Beta 04 GAISER Frederic Robert. Sigma 13 GALBRAITH Tohn, Xi 79 GALE Edmund Waller, Phi 68 Edward Chenery, Beta 84 Evigenc Beauharnais, Zeta 68 Grcenleaf Whittier, Phi 98 Harlow Augustus, Theta 56 Harlow [Stearns]. Beta 85 Thomas Hart. Phi 88 Thomas Keller. Psi 84 GALEY Straud Bvrum, Rho 15 GALLAGHER Ambrose Shaw, Iota 09 Charles. Iota 67 Frank Melville, Theta 09 George. Iota 64 GALLATIN Albert. Lambda 03 Goclet, Lambda 00 G \LLAl"DET F.dson Fessenden, Beta 93 Edward Miner, Beta Beta 56 Oenison, Gamma 93 Herbert Draper, Beta 98 CALLAWAY Merrill Williams, Beta 92 GALLIE Donald Muirhead. dmicron 15 G ALLIEN Addison Junkins, Theta 86 Brace Millard. Xi 82 CAELUM Edwin Alfred. Rho 19 GALLLUP Howard, Sigma 75 GALUSH Mvron Henry, Theta 55 GAMBLE • Donald Phelps, Delta Delta 20 Samuel Conver, Zeta 76 c;ambrill Charles Dexter. Alpha 54 GAMMEI.L Arthur Amory, Beta 11 Arthur Amory, Sigma 84 Sereno Dwight, Gamma 65 William, Sigma 78 GA.NAHL Joseph, Jr., Phi 86 GANNETT Samuel Stinson, Kappa 83 t; ANN ON Joseph William, Zeta 99 GAPP Raymond, Psi 20 GARDINER Edwin Rhodes, Beta Beta 56 CJeorge Austin, Delta 50 Harry Norman, Gamma 78 Pliilip Parkliurst. Lambda 00 Thomas Augustus, Beta 93 GARDNER Anson Blake, Beta 13 Benjamin, Sigma 43 Edward Everett, Jr., Sigma 19 Frank, Psi 87 (ieorge Franklin. Upsilon 61 Henry Brayton, Sigma 84 Tames Patterson, Omega 81 John Arthur, Beta 01 Lawrence, Sigma 11 Rathbone, Sigma /7 Robert Nichols. Sigma 11 Thomas Kimball Reed, Eta 02 Walter Riclimond, Sigma 20 William Arthur, Omega 78 GARLAND James Smith, Zeta 66 GARNER John Lake, Jr., Epsilon 16 GARRETT George' Raynor, Pi 18 GARRETTSON Frederick Prime, Zeta 80 CARTON William McKeiidree, Xi 51 CARVER John Anson, Beta 75 GARVIN Edwin Louis, Delta 97 James Philip, Beta Beta 03 Oliver Chauncey, Delta 05 GARY Delos, Xi 51 GASCOIGNE Frederick Augustus, Xi 90 Louis. Phi 85 GASCOYNE William John, Jr., Lambda, 09 GASKILL Toshua, Upsilon 59 (iATCH Havward Hutchinson, Ganuna 15 GATES .\rtemus Lamb, Beta 18 Franklin Herbert. Beta 12 Frederick Hackett. Mu 15 Forrest T'almcr, Psi 14 Russell Cahoon, Beta 14 William, Jr., Gamma 16 GATTER Lincoln Otto, Rho 16 CAUSE Harlan Victor, Pi 85 GAVIN .Michael, Beta 95 G.\Y Augustine Milton, Gamma 50 Frederick Lawrence. Beta 11 H[enry] Nelson, Ganmia 91 Moses, (iamma 75 GAYLEY Charles Mills, T'hi 78 GAYLORD Clifford Willard. Omega 04 Cieorge Snow, Omega 02 GAYTES [Charles] Carol, Gamma, 58 GEE Albert Ross, Eta 93 GEER Asahel- Clark, Theta 43 Clarence James. Psi 90 George Herbert, Psi 95 Herbert Marshall, Beta Beta 08 Le Rov Thomas. Psi 00 Walter, Theta 45 GETS Carl Edwin, Tau 17 GELB \'ictor Carl, Sigma 14 GENUNG .\rthur Lawrence, Omicron 20 geor(;e Archibald, Theta 58 Benjamin Pierce. Zeta 84 Donald Pavson, Kappa 16 Guy, Zeta i)l James Hardin, Beta Beta 72 Jefferson Davis, Lambda 82 John Francis, Beta Beta 11 John Hatch, Zeta 44 Tohn Paul, Zeta 78 Porter McMahon, Phi 16 Thomas Morduit Nelson, Beta Beta 80 Troup McCormick, Sigma 60 Willis Briscoe. Beta Beta 16 GERALD Herbert Parvin, Xi 82 GERE William .\nson. Pi 84 William Stanton, Pi 18 GERHARD James Rieser, Beta 91 GERHARDY Theodore Walter, Tau 20 GEROW ^ Theron Gardner, Mu 18 GERRY Charles Frederick, Xi 51 GESSLER Dudley Daland, Delta 95 Theodore .\rthur. Delta 94 GEST • John Biggs, Iota 68 GIBBENS Edward Augustus, Gamma 55, Alpha 55 GIBBONS-NEFF Morton [Henrv], Tau 09 GIBBS .\bner Ensign, Xi 66 Charles Lincoln, Upsilon li Fletcher Barker, Jr., Omicron 13 Forrest Linn, Omicron 07 Lincoln Robinson, Xi 92 Raymond Silas. Xi 13 Rufus Macqueen, Beta 93 Selwyn Mitchell, Delta 19 CIIIERT Frederic Edward, Lambda 06 GIBSON Charles James, Theta 46 Claude, Beta S8 Frederick Seward, Delta 96 George Rutledge, Phi 74 Hanson Cox, Delta 54 866 ALPHABETICAL INDEX GIBSON William Cowper, Psi 59 GIDDINGS Arthur Eugene, Mu 89 Augustine Henry, Theta 52 George Welling, Lambda 92 GIESY Samuel Herbert, Beta Beta 85 GIFFIN William Gill, Xi 91 GIFFORD Charles, Sigma 45 George, Theta 08 Robert Rynex, Delta 09 William, Theta 82 GILBERT Charles Allen, Xi 57 Charles Howard, Beta 08 Charles Minor, Beta 78 Charles Scriver, Rho 16 Edwin Pratt, Theta 57, Delta 57 Edwin Smith, Gamma 55 George Edwards, Beta 78 Harold Dawes, Zeta 98 James Morgan, Pi 75 John Hardy, Delta 80 Mathew Mathews, Iota 61 Prentiss Bailey, Upsilon 06, Beta 07 William Morris, Theta 83 William Morris, Jr., Theta 17 William Thurston, Beta 78 GILCHRIST Alexander, Theta 59 Oscar James, Zeta 71 GILCREST Frank Alexander, Chi 11 GILDAY Daniel Lawrence, Psi 90 GILDERSLEEVE Arthur Lloyd, Beta Beta 11 Henry Alger, Jr., Lambda 90 Nelson Hall, Beta Beta 10 Oliver, Jr., Beta Beta 12 GILE Fred Henry, Kappa 83 GILES Alfred EUenwood, Sijima 44 GILFILLAN Frederick James, Mu 95 GILKESON Benjamin Franklin, Phi 13 Franklin, Tau 99 Rush Sloane, Upsilon 84 GILL Benjamin, Xi 70 Mark Willson, Xi 89 Thomas Henry, Rho 77 _ Wilson Lindsley, Zeta 75 GILLESPIE George Wolfe, Lambda 62 Harold Kenwood, Theta 19 John Minor, Beta 87 Richard Henwood, Theta 89 GILLET Elmslie Morven, Lambda 68 GILLETT Robert Morris, Phi 13 GILLIAMS Louis, Jr., Tau 02 GILLIES Harold Lusk, Gamma 16 Waldo Pierpont, Xi 13 William Raymond, Gamma 19 GILLIS Gaylord Wilson, Phi 96 Hugh C[laudius], Beta 07 John Fuller, Zeta 54 GILLIS William McNab, Xi 76 GILLISPIE Raymond Livingstone, Xi 10 Robert Wallace, Xi 04 GILMAN Charles Howard, Kappa 82 Charles Miles, Beta 63 George Hills, Beta 90 George Shepard, Beta Beta 47 Jeremiah Howard, Kappa 54 Stephen, Rho 10 GILMORE Harry Bassett, Zeta 01 Quincy Adams, Zeta 45 Robert Capen, Beta 97 GILMOUR John Trumbull Backus, Theta 87 GILPATRIC Wilbur Dennett, Kappa 89 GILPIN Edmund Watmough, Tau 15 GINNEL Henry, Sigma 08 William Shreve, Jr., Lambda 13 GIRLING Wallace Sedgwick, Theta 17 GIROUX Louis Frederick [Hungerford], Psi 84 GIRVIN Howard William, Pi 06 GIUDICI Samuel Edward, Delta 17 G I VEEN Thomas Martin, Kappa 63 GLADDEN George, Chi 90 GLASS Archibald. Mu 14 George Waldron, Zeta 87 Walter Lester, Pi 16 GLEASON Arthur Huntington, Beta 01 Jubal Converse, Gamma 63 GLEN Elias Bedford, Theta 50 Henry, Theta 93 Horatio Gates, Theta 81 Horatio Gates, Jr., Gamma 13 Samuel, Theta 44 GLENNY Bryant Burwell, Jr., Beta 09 GLESS Domingo Amestoy, Delta 15 GLIDDEN Arthur Boynton, Kappa 07 Charles Elisha, Gamma 57 Stephen Clifton, Phi 93 GLOVER Edmund Patten, Psi 10 Fred Weston, Kappa 94 Tomisaburo Amajugo, Tau 94 William Brown, Beta 78 GLUCK James Frazer, Beta 74, Clii 74 GLUEK Eugene John, Zeta 19 GOBRECHT Charles Joseph, Beta 46 GODDARD Frederick Worth, Gamma 98 Henry Ledyard, Sigma 88 Robert Hale Ives, Sigma 58 Robert Hale Ives, Beta 02 Warren, Jr., Zeta 71 CODING Edward Nathan, Kappa 91 Richard William, Kappa 88 GOEBEL Fritz, Phi 01 GOES Louis Lynn. Pi 19 GOETZENBERGER Ralph Leon, Mu 13 GOETZMAN Walter, Upsilon 17 GOFF Darius, Sigma 11 Guy Despard, Iota 88 Matthew Lee, Omega 78 GOFFE James Riddle, Phi 11 GOLDEN Harry Clifford, Beta Beta 03 Horatio Lee, Beta Beta 83 GOLDSBOROUGH Stuart Wilson, Iota 17 GOLDSBY George Warren, Beta 44 GOLDSMITH William DeLacy, Eta 12 William Gleason, Alpha 57 GOMPH Charles Lewis, Gamma 00 GONNERMAN Harrison Frederick, Omicron 08 GOODALE Lawrence Joseph, Theta 08 Samuel, Theta 36 GOODE Frank Cowan, Beta IZ Kenneth Mackerness, Xi 04 GOODELL De Forest, Beta 14 Frank Elbert, Omega 89, Up- silon 89 Henry Hill, Gamma 62 William, Gamma 01 GOODENOUGH -Swayne Peters, Upsilon 13 GOODENOW Henry Clay, Kappa 53 John Holmes, Kappa 52 GOODFELLOW William Eastman, Omega 'i'i GOODHUE Frank Daniel, Beta 11 Horace, Zeta 67 GOODIER Lewis Edward, Beta 11 GOODING Donald Rumsey, Rho 11 GOODMAN Allen Laird, Mu 11 Charles Holmes, Beta 67 GOODNOW Merton Stearns, .Mu y3 GOODRICH Alfred Bailey, Beta Beta 52 Charles Gourlay, Xi 93 Chauncey William, Beta 86 Donald, Mu 11 Edward Bruce, Beta Beta 02 Frank, Beta 80 Frederic Samuel, Xi 90 Frederick Elizur, Beta 64 George Eastman, Gamma 70 James Brainard, Beta Beta 66 John Benton, Zeta 57 Loland Matthew, Kappa 20 Robert James, Omicron 17 GOODRIDGE Edward, Beta Beta 60 ALPHABETICAL IXDEX 867 GOODRIDGE Edward, Jr., Beta Beta 02 Frederic, Beta Beta 57 Thaddeus Welles, Beta, Beta 92 GOODWIN Austin Monroe, Zeta 02 Frank Jones, Kappa 72, Gamma 73 Frederick Charles, Upsilon 98 George Peabody Gordon, Kappa 50 Hannibal, Xi 47, Theta 48 Jaspar Tillerous, Lambda 76 John Cheever, Alpha 73 John Munroe, Kappa 45 John W allinglord, l GULICK Henry Burr, Eta 19 GULLIVER William Curtis, Beta 70 GUMMER Harrv Arthur B., Mu IS GUNN Elisha, Alpha 12, Neil Mackay, Omega 08 GUNNELL Emory Smith, Gamma 80 GUNNING Harrison. Theta 14 William Carroll, Theta 16 GUNNISON John Vinal, Zeta 95 William Towne, Zeta 92 GURLEY Charles Shubael, Upsilon 11 GURNEY Ephraim Whitman, Alpha 52 GUSTEIN [Robert] Frederick Keays, Phi 76 GUTHRIE Gilbert Lafayette, Phi 03 John Oliver, Omicron 20 GWINN Frederick William, Beta Beta 72 GWINNELL William Barker, Xi 86 HAAKONS Hugo Raymond, Theta Theta 19 HAAN George William, Jr., Omicron IS HAANEL Henry Eugene, Pi 04 HAASZ George Neiler, Xi 06 HABEN Lea, Rho 94 HACKNEY Raymond, Zeta 06 HADAWAY Seymour, Eta 14 HADDEN Howard Stephens, Lainbda 95 HADLEY Amos, Zeta 44 Edwin, Phi 61 George Daniel, Delta 02 Henry Hamilton, Beta 47 Joel Wright, Xi 16 Morris, Beta 16 Samuel Hopkins, Delta 01 Sterling Goodale, Theta 36 Walter Carpenter, Omega 80 HADLOCK Albert Emerson, Beta 87 John Carlton, Zeta 96 HAGAR Daniel Barnard, Theta 43 HAGENBUCH Jacob, Eta 16, Tau 19 HAGER Albert Richard, Psi 86 HAGGART George Sherwood, Theta 99 HAGLIN Charles Frederic, Jr., Mu 13 Edward Charles, Mu 11 HAGUE Pelham, Upsilon 84 HAHN Clifford Aylward, Sigma 13 Frederic Halsted, Xi 19 HAIGH George Hasbrouck, PL 93 HAIGHT Charles Sherman, Beta 92 Dugald Cameron, Beta 47 Henry Huntley, Beta 88 James Augustus, Chi 79 Tames Augustus, Jr., Beta 11 HAILE William Henry, Gamma 56, Zeta 56 HAINES Albert Clark, Mu 15 Frank Eddy. Jr., Beta Beta 17 William Potter, Beta 02 HALE Albert [Barlow], Phi 82 Albert Ward, Lambda S3 Carleton, Sigma 96 Dean Burkhardt, Iota 04 Edward Russell, Kappa 06 George Weeks, Kappa 69 Gordon Dyer, Sigma 99 Oscar Adrian, Zeta 60 Robert, Kappa 10 Robert Sever, Chi 93 1 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 869 HALFORD Dean, Delta 01 Frank, Delta 02 HALL Almon Everett, Xi 72 Bradley, Omega 20 Cecil John, Gamma 14 (."harks Carroll, Beta 65 Charles Henry, Beta 42 Charles Henry, Psi 10 Daniel, Theta 45 David White, Omega 07 Dvvight, Zeta 94 !-.(1\vin Bowlev, Zeta 02 Elial Foote, Beta 49 Francis Tobey, Xi 02 Frank Lorenzo, Beta 72 Frank Rockwood, Alpha 72 George Watson, Sigma 60 OreyMartel, Lambda 19 James Watcrous, Pi 67 Louis Harrison, Gamma 97 Lovcll, Xi 66, Beta 66 Samuel, Beta Beta 54 , Stanley Bailard, Epsilon 08 Walter Albert, Delta 13 Ward Howard, Omega 78 William Anderson, Iota 66 William Henry, Xi 92 William Leroy, Gamma 71 William Winchester. Omega 72 Wilmot John, Zeta 14 HALLIDAY Henry Hedges, Delta 38 HALLOCK Abraham Avery, Xi 16 Cleveland, Gamma 19 Frank Kirkwood, Xi 82 HALLOWAY William Wliiteman, Delta 64 HALLOWELL John Wallace, Jr., Beta 15 HALSEY Charles Duffield Wrenn, Omega 00 Fldred Absalom, Delta 19 Joseph Bayley, Lambda 68 Samuel Armstrong, Sigma 07, Tau 09 HALSTEAD John Cooly, Delta 80 John Preston, Chi 08 HALSTED Henry Moore, Jr., Delta Delta 18 William Stewart. Beta 74 William Tyler, Eta 18 HALVORSON Hawthorne Parker, Xi 14 HAM Albert Eugene, Si?ma 64 Arthur Harold, Kappa 08 Charles Herbert, Zeta 71 David Harvey, Chi 14, Eta 14 Edwin Daniels, Chi 10 Livingston, Sigma 94 Llewellyn Sprague, Kappa 68 Moses Mason, Theta 55 Roswell Gray, Epsilon 14 HAMBLEN Joseph Brown, Xi 74 HAMERSLEY William. Beta Beta 58 William James, Beta Beta 09 HAMIL Philip Walbridge, Beta 98 HAMILL Alfred Ernest, Beta OS Charles Humphrey, Beta 90 Robert Walbridge, Beta 84 HAMILTON Arthur Samuel, Jr., Upsilon 08 Charles Hadlcy. Phi 69 Charles Sumner, Iota 83 David Osborne, Beta 16 Edward P., Lambda 19 John Augustus, Pi 91 Laurens, Beta 95 Lloyd Andrews, Pi 16 Paul Chapman, Delta 18 William Abbott, Beta 68 William Angus, Theta 93, Del- ta 91 William Drake. Iota 80 W[illiam] Vallance, Chi 84 HAMLIN Arthur Sears, Beta 99 Charles [Carroll], Kappa 57 Ernest Tracy, Mu 98 Frank Harwood, Beta 69 George Scovill, Beta 63 Henry William, Beta 02 Jean Paul, Kappa 18 John Francis. Rho 20 Oscar Lawrence, Kappa 18 HAMMELE Edward Joseph, Upsilon 16 HAMMOND Asa John, Mu 91 Franklin Parker, Pi 00 George Henry, Mu 87 Graeme Monroe, Lambda 79 Henry Bull, Gamma 51 John Dempster, Pi 66 Paul, Bovard, Epsilon 11 Philip Delano, Xi_54 Samuel Parker, Xi 70 Theodore Eaton, Epsilon 13 Theodore Morelle. Omega 85 Thomas Jasper, Gamma 00 William Gardiner, Gamma 4y HAMPTON Foster Martin, Beta 16 Warren Burrows, Tau 19 HANAUER Max Sigismund, Eta 86 HANCHETT Leslie Benton, Phi 84 HANCOCK Elmer Null. Xi 68 John Tiebout, Xi 09 HAND Alfred. Beta 57 Avery Chapman, Gamma 12 Chauncey Meigs, Beta 50 James Howard, Xi 72 HANFORD Herbert Emerson, Upsilon 09 James Holly, Upsilon 04 Saxe Henry, Upsilon 95, Gam- ma 95 Walter, Beta 61 William Cobb, Upsilon 09 HANFT William August, Jr., Delta 15 HANLEY Toliti Connor. Omicron 14 Thomas Frank, Jr., Omicron 12 HANLON Arthur Edward, Zeta 03 HANNA Thomas, Iota 72 Walter Scott. Delta Delta 20 H.\NNAFORD Jule Murat, Jr., Beta 08 HANNAHS _ Franklin, Xi 53 HANNAN Frederick Watson, Xi 90 Watson Munroe, Xi 18 HANNUM Henry Oliver, Mu 93 HANSELL Howard Forde, Sigma 77 HANSL Arthur Francis, Delta 06 HANSON Alexander McClure, Phi 06 Henry Wallace. Jr., Kappa 20 John Wesley, Omega 84 Thomas Grafton, Epsilon 18 HARBESON William Page, Tau 06 HARBISON Alexander Wolcott, Beta 16 Hugh, Beta 14 Robert, Phi 72 HARD Edward Clarke, Upsilon 94 HARDCASTLE Franklin, Jr., Eta 12 HARDEE William Donald, Phi 16 HARDIE Francis Clarke, Omicron 18, Zeta 18 HARDIN George Daniel, Chi 13 HARDING Carroll Everett, Kappa 81 Charles, Beta 53 George Churchill, Gamma 15 Henry Fiske, Kappa 50 HARDISTY Harold Roffe, Pi 14 HARDON Charles, Gamma 55 HARDY Alpheus, Gamma 67 Arthur Sherburne, Gamma 68 Horace Dexter, Zeta 99 HARE Dennie Meredith, Beta 99 George Ray, Gamma 90 Meredith, Beta 94 Montgomery, Beta 93 HARGOUS Louis James, Upsilon 73 HARGRAVE Frank Hobart, Kappa 77 HARGRAVES Frank Hobart Lord, Kappa 16 Gordon Sweat, Kappa 19 HARGR EAVES John Harold, Tau 18 HARKNESS Albert, Sigma 42 Charles William, Beta S3 Edward Stephen, Beta 97 John Calvin, Kappa 64 William Harvest, Chi 97 HARLAND Edward, Beta 53 HARLOW Edward Hyde, Xi 50 George Arthur, Gamma 89 Truman Oscar, Zeta 88 William Hayward, Zeta 12 Willis Young. Chi 2u HARMAN Edwin Thomas 2d. Xi 10 Henry Martyn, Xi 17 HARMAR James Lanman, Beta 61 William, Beta 90 William Wurtz, Tau 13 870 ALPHABETICAL INDEX HARMON Dana, Beta 72 HARNED Robert Ellsworth, Xi 99 HARNWELL Charles Probasco, Iota 86 Frederick William, Iota 89 HARPER George Wasliington, Jr., Xi 02 John Fletcher, Rho 16 John Sylvester, Omega 74 Joseph Wesley, Jr., Lambda 49 Paul Church, Beta 13 Robert Francis, Omega 83 Russell Gage, Delta 12 William Hudson. BetT S'j HARPMAN Watson Smith, Beta 14 HARRIMAN Charles Jarvis, Beta Beta 05 David Pillsbury, Kappa 43 Edward Roland Noel, Beta 17 Frederick Durbin, Beta Beta 45 Frederick William, Beta Beta 72 George Goodwin, Kappa 63 Herbert James, Zeta 79 Lewis Gildersleeve, Beta Beta 09 William Averell, Beta 13 HARRINGTON Augustus, Gamma 56 Calvin Sears, Xi 52 Charles, Kappa 11 George Frederick, Gamma 47 Karl Pomerov, Xi 82 Mark Wah-od, Phi 68 HARRIOT Joseph Bloomficld, Lambda 84 HARRIS Albert Hall, Upsilon 81 Charles Townsend. Delta 46 Clinton Gardner. Tau 93 Daniel Lester, 2d., Zeta 17 Edward Franklin, Phi 86 Edward Park, (iamma 85 Edwin Rollins, Upsilon, 06 Elijah Paddock, Gamma 55 Francis John, Beta 95 Frank Drake, Tau 20 Frank Park, Gamma 00 Frederick Augustus Wentworth, Sigma 88 Gavin Hamilton, Iota 90 George Brodhcad, Tau 88 Henry Otis, Pi 72 Henry Wilson, Beta 95 Norman Wadsworth, Omega 17 Richmond Bullock, Sigma 82 Samuel Ward, Xi 05 Stephen Cushing, Sigma 86 Thomas Philip, Eta 12 William Daniels, Mu 06. Beta Ob William Welton, Phi 89 HARRISON Archibald Gary, Beta 98 Burton Norvell, Beta 59 Erskine Birch, Beta 15 Francis Burton, Beta 95 George Justus, Theta 43 George Leslie, Beta 10 Henry Herbert, Zeta 97 John Martin, Mu 98 Joseph I.e Roy, Chi 86 Stephen Decatur, Beta 76 HARSH A Edward Houston, Phi 08 William Thomas, Omega 06 HART Boies Chittenden, Phi 07 Edward Phelon, Upsilon 72 Edwin Jarvis, Kappa 54 Ernest Eldred. Beta 81 HART Gardiner Tufts, Sigma 06 George, Beta Beta 70 Howard Mortimer, Upsilon 84 Ingraham Thornton, Pi 97 .Samuel, Beta Beta 66 William Albion. Sigma 03 William Hall, Zeta 75 HARTER Ralph Slayton, Pi 13 HARTLEY George Derwent, Beta Beta 93 Isaac Smithson, Delta 52 HARTMAN Lee Foster, Xi 01 HARTNESS James Alexander, Zeta 59 HARTRIDGE Charles John, .Sigma 52 L'Engle, Beta 10 HARTWELL .Vlfred Stedman, Mpha 58 .Charles Stearns, Gamma 11 Edward Mussey, Gamma 11 Shattuck Osgood, Gamma 88 William Walker, Gamma 81 HARVEY Charles Washington, Theta il David C[harles] B[arrett], Xi 13 Donald. Gamma 82 Eidwin Bayard. Xi 59 Elisha Boanerges, Xi 45 George Lansing, Xi 13 Leon Ferdinand, Theta 83 Le Roy Morton, Phi 98 Murray Cheever, Zeta 20 Richard Warren. Epsilon 01 Walling Evert, Xi IS HASBROUCK Harold, Lambda 01 Lawrence, Lambda 95 Louis, Theta 37 Price Whittlesev, Lambda 61 William Lyon, Pi 99 HASELTINE George, Xi 54, Zeta 54 HASEROT Francis Samuel, Tau 17 HASKELL George Edward, Beta 82 Robert Chandler, Beta 58 Sidney Cleveland, Rho 09 HASLAM Lewis Scofield. Beta 90 HASLETT Henry L, Eta 17 Thomas, Theta 86 HASSELMAN Tames Blood, Xi 14 HASTINGS Franklin T, Theta 76 Lemuel Spencer, Zeta 70 Robert Everett, Phi 05 HATCH Carl Telden, Xi 02 Chauncey Le Roy, Psi 45 Francis March, Kappa 73 Henry James, Phi 91 Henry Lee. Zeta 84 Henrv Prescott, Beta 74 John Eddv, Zeta 69 John Fletcher, Xi 03 John Ruggles, Beta 77 Robert Augustus, Zeta 20 William Moore, Zeta 86 HATFIELD Samuel Proal, Xi 62 HATHAWAY Charles. Jr., Beta 18 Fred Julian, Pi 98 HATHEWAY Amos Lawrence, Beta 79 Earl Davison, Phi 05 HATHORN Frank Henry, Beta 67 HATMAKER Benedict. Pi 87 HAUGAN Henry .Mexander, Zeta 03 HAUGHTON (ieorge Hendric, Delta 42 Victor Mellet, Lambda 89 HAVEN Alfred Coles, Delta 11, Pi 77 George Griswold, Jr., Beta 16 Otis Erastus, Phi 70' Theodore Woodruff, Pi 81 HAVENS Daniel William, Beta 43 James .Smith, Beta 84 Raymond Dexter, Upsilon 02 Samuel Mack, Upsilon 99 HAVER Frederick William, Zeta 13 HAVILAND Charles Tappan, Theta 71 HAWES Charles Boardman, Kappa 11 Charles Taylor, Kappa 76 Edward, Kappa 55 Edward Cary, Kappa 16 HAWK Paul Julien, Omega 18 HAWKES Donald Carlton, Theta 02 Frederick Emmet, Theta 90 HAWKESWORTH AUeyne, Lambda 88 John, Lambda 04 HAWKINS Ashton William, Beta 19 Delmer Edward, Pi 94 Eugene Alston, Jr., Epsilon, 16 Russell, Tau 94 HAWLEY Charles De Forest, Beta 76 David, Beta 46 Elijah Scribner, Beta 42 Franklin Ebenezer, Gamma 55 George Fuller, Beta 66 Henry Eugene, Beta 60 Irad. Jr., Eta 02 James Sullivan, Theta 41 Joseph Roswell, Psi 47 Robert Newton, Psi 79 Theodore, Psi 50 Tomlinson Kent, Tau 02 HAWORTH William Joseph, Iota 96 HAY Charles Edward, Jr., Beta 99 Charles Marcian, Kappa 80 Louis Condit, Beta 81 Townsend, Rho 12 William J, Jr., Rho 19 HAYDEN Charles v..onner. Beta Beta 66 Edwin Parker, Zeta 16 Henry Whiting, Lambda 75 James Alexander, Upsilon 78 Virgil O, Psi ^1 HAYDOCK Horace Weldon, Tau 12 HAYES Benjamin Francis, Kappa 55 Davis Jefferson, Lambda 10 Francis Lord, Kappa 65 Frederic, Sigma 81 Frederick William Crosby Omega SO ALPHABETICAL INDEX 871 HAYES John Joseph, Chi 86 Linville Jacob, Theta 48 Perry, Zcta IS Richard, Zeta 50 Sherman Otis, Chi 12, Iota 12 HAYLEY John William, Zeta 60 HAYMAN Frank Clark, Phi 74 HAYNE Walter Elliott, Omicron 18 HAYNES Arthur David, Zeta 62 Emory James Xi 67 Francis Seymour, Xi 10 Henry Harrison, Xi 12, Alpha li Henry Williamson, Alpha 51 Mark Ross, Omicron 08 HAYXIE Donald Parker, Beta 06 Edwin Cooper, Beta Ti HAYS Forrest Perrin, Omicron 14 Leland, Gamma OS HAYT Edward Knapp, Delta 11 HAYWARD Edward Payson, Xi 13 Julian Stevens, Xi 10 HAYWOOD Carl Benjamin, Mu 00 Rufus Cassius, Zeta 67 HAZARD George Robinson, Sigma 94 John Newbold, Sigma 57 Lauriston Hartwell, Sigma 89 Rowland [Gibson], Sigma 49 Thomas Pierrepont, Beta 15 William Tweedy, Beta 71 HAZELTINE Frank Durham, Kappa 18 George. Xi 54, Zeta 54 HAZELTOX Simeon Cole, Eta 86 HAZEX Azel Washburn, Zeta 63 Charles Clement, Zeta SO Franklin Mellen, Omicron 16 George Hannum, Delta 81 Henry Allen, Zeta 54 Henry Allen, Zeta 71 Joseph Marsh, Zeta 48 Tosiah Judson. Beta 98 Lucius Randolph, Zeta 70 William Oliver, Zeta 71 HAZLETT Henrv List, Eta 17 HEAD Alden Fairfield, Kappa 16 John Quincy, Upsilon 70 HEAGANY Raymond Joseph, Phi 17 HEALD Charles Arthur, Beta 81 Daniel Addison, Beta 12 Eugene Hamilton. Rho 00 Henry Thomas, Phi 98 Howard Leslie, Rho 14 John Oxenbridge, Beta IZ Joseph Woodhams, lota 97 Robert Pinkerton, Rho 11 HEALY Frank, Mu 82 Vincent Eugene, Beta 08 HEAXEY Francis Clifford, Zeta 18 HEARD Edmund Francis, Theta 07 HEATH , Charles Edwin, Theta 04 Daniel CoUamore, Gamma 68 Frank Elijah, Chi 76 Frederick Barber, Jr., Sigma 19 Isaac Long. Zeta 65 H EATON Dwight Ruggles Perry, Beta 06 HEBARD Daniel, Beta 60 Milton, Sigma 42 HEBBERD Stephen southwick, Xi 59 HEDDERLY Earl Foster, Mu 09 HEDGE Lyman Cook, Beta 00 HEDGES James Sylvester, Lambda 11 HEDSTROM Arthur Eric, Upsilon 91 HEERMAXCE Clayton J, Theta 01 HEGERMAN Gerard Charles, Beta 80 HEGGIE Rodney Mulford, Delta 99 HEINE Harry William, Mu 07 HEISER Charlee Lee Anthony, Sigma 90 HEISEY George Duncan, Eta 91 Thomas Clarence, Gamma 08 HEISLER William Mortimer, Xi 05 HEITKAMP Frederick William, Chi 96 H ELBERT George Kingman, Tau 08 HELD Paul Miller, Xi 08 HELLEBERG Victor Emanuel, Beta 83 HELM Arthur Reitler, Mu 20 HELMS Birch, Beta 09 HEMENWAY Charles Carroll, Psi 74 Charles Francis, Psi 10 Eldon Carlisle, Psi 07 Newell Lyon, Kappa 19 HENDEE Homer Hoyt, Upsilon 65 HENDERSON Alexander Dawson, Jr., Lambda 19, Zeta 19 Charles Richmond, Omega 70 Gerry Gibbs, Pi 95 Peter, Beta 12 Thomas, Gamma 62 HENDRICK Burton Jesse, Beta 95 HENDRICKSON Arthur Ward. Theta 20 James Franklin, Jr., Delta 02, Mu 02 John Baker, Beta 52 HENKEL Edward, Phi 08 HENNF Otho Manson, Omicron 12 HENNESSY Hoey Alovsius. Sigma 12 John Collins, Sigma 10 HENNING Arthur Sears, Omega 99 HENRIQUES Julian Nuncs, Delta 81 HENRY Albert McKee, Phi 67 Burns, Beta 00 Fidelio Sharp, Beta 94 Foster, Sigma 45 Jacob Herrick, Lambda 71 James Ronald, Omega 02 William John, Pi 01 HENSHAW Jolin, Sigma 87 John Oliver, Phi 79 Marshall, Gamma 45 Stanley, Sigma 96 HENSLEY John Jackson, Theta Theta 11 HENSON Rufus Alexander, Beta 49 HEQUEMBOURG Charles Louis, Theta 12 HERBOSO Fernando, Delta 79 HERENDEEN Edward, Upsilon 17 HERMANN Samuel, Beta Beta 57 HEROY James Harold, Lambda 02 HERRICK Albert Barnes, Beta 66 Dwight Stiles, Gamma 67 Francis Hobart, Zeta 81 Harold Edward. Beta 12 Horatio Gates, Kappa 44 James Bryan, Phi 82 James Kilham, Delta 61 John Rutherford, Gamma 01 Walter Dwight, Phi 98 HERRIMAN Samuel Cochran, Lambda 87 HERRING Hampden, Walton, Beta 16 Herman, Theta 97 Ralph Emerson, Mu 01 HERRINGSHAW George Macdonald, Iota 16 HERRIOTT Charles Calvin. Epsilon 13 Paul Morton Dillaway, Epsilon 08 HERSEY Roscoe ISIonroe, Pi OS Ross Veder, Pi 10 HERT Cecil Benedict, Upsilon 20 HERTZLER Arthur Groff, Eta 06, Tau 06 John Walter, Eta 03 HERVEY Edward, Epsilon 17 Harcourt. Epsilon 15 HESS Harold StillwcU. Pi 19 HEUCHEL Harry John, Eta 19 HEWES John Henry, Beta 70 Thomas. Beta 10 HEWETT Dexter Wright, Gamma 1 1 Waterman Thomas, Gamma 69 H EWITT Edward Shepard, Lambda 01 Elijah Starr, Gamma 58 Frank Lewis, Xi 09 Harry Brewer, Rho 96 872 ALPHABETICAL INDEX HEWITT James Henry Hobbs, Kappa 60 John Haskell, Beta 59 John Morrison Oliver, Tau 99 Morgan Francis, Rho 98 Obadiah Brown, Kappa 55 Stephen German, Beta Beta 17 Tliomas Browning, Beta 64 HEYDQN Howard Raymond, Sigma 05 HEYWOOD Joseph Converse, Alpha 55 Stephen Holman, Phi 12 HICKEY James Vincent, Omega 06 HICKOX Charles Ralph, Beta 93 George Augustus. Beta Beta 51 Sherman Gray, Zeta 15 HICKS De Forest, Beta Beta 96 Edward Livingston. Ome?a 19 George Cleveland, Beta Beta 56 George Cleveland, Jr., Chi 90 H Seymour, lola 84 James Milner, Beta Beta 54 Samuel Wilson, Delta 00 William Cleveland, Beta Beta 48 William Cleveland, Beta Beta 91 HIDDEN Edward Neblett, Beta 85 HIGHBEE Harry, Beta 75 Howard Haines, Beta 84 HIGBIE Robert Winfield, Delta 82 Robert Winfield, Jr., Psi 15 HIGBY Charles Grandison, Psi 94 John Clinton, Psi 61 HIGGINS Anthony, Beta 61 James Crane, Beta 02 John Darwin, Psi 48 Thomas Michael, Zeta 86 HIGH John Lincoln, Gamma 91 HILES Theron Lewis, Theta 11 HILFINGER Martin Foster, Pi 14 HILL Arthur Stanley, Mu 11 Borland Charles, Beta 61 Crawford, Sigma 85 Frank Alpine, Kappa 62 Frank Davis, Mu 84 George Canning, Beta 45 Harry, Phi 08 Herbert Wynford, Epsilon GO James King, Beta 54 John J, Pi 03 Joseph Baxter, Pi 07 Matson Bradley. Omega 05 Melvin Joseph, Kappa 65 Moses Asbury, Xi 64 Ricliard Junius, Jr., Epsilon 13, Beta 14 Robert Alexander, Gamma 18 Roger Richardson, Phi 06 Walter Cheney, Phi 13 Walter Clinton, Alpha 73 Walter Liddell, Upsilon 96 William Burr, Beta 81 HILLEGAS Harry Hurd, Eta 84 HILLERY Fred Alexander, Xi 88 HILLHOUSE James, Beta 75 MILLIARD Francis William, Alpha 52 HILLIER Harry Woffington, Upsilon 86 HILLIS Richard D wight. Beta 10 William James, Theta 72 HILLS Charles Bronson, Omega 82 Charles Whitman, Theta 92 Edward Nathaniel, Zeta 78 Harold Edwards, Cui 80 Harry Neville, Iota 11 HIMEBAUGH Lyle Blystone, Phi 04 HINCKLE Charles Frederick, Jr., Eta 0.; HINCKLEY Arthur Alonzo, Phi 84 HINCKS John Howard, Beta 72 HINE Edward Avery, Beta 86 George Francis, Pi 76 Harold Morton, Xi 12 Roderick Whittelsey, Beta 84 Thomas Avery, Beta 11 HINKEY Frank A[ugustus], Beta 95 Louis, Beta 91 HINKLE Charles Frederick, Jr., Tau 02 I'INMAN J ohn Eugene, Phi 69 William Lamson, Beta 53 HINRICHS Frederic William, Lambda 74 HISS Berry, Eta 96 William Jacob, Eta 95 HITCHCOCK Albert Wellman, Gamma 82 Charles Frank, Pi 89 Charles Sharpe, Xi 16 Charks Wellman, Phi 80 Edward Wilcox, Gamma 99 Ernest, Xi 79 Frederick Hills, Gamma 91 Harry Jason, Rho 01 Henry, Beta 79 Henrv William, Phi 20 Lyman Potter, Pi 89 Merrill, Xi 81 Thomas Barnes, Gamma 96 Thomas Eugene, Pi 15 William Augustus, Beta Beta ii4 William Geer, Eta 93 William Henry, Beta Beta 84 HITT Robert Stockwell Reynolds, Beta 98 William Floyd [Reynolds], Beta ni HIXON Edward [Dinsmore] Bryan, Chi 85 Robert Burns, Beta Hi HOAG John Thomas, Lambda 91 HOARD Eric Baker, Upsilon 16 HOBART Henry Morgan, Zeta 05 HOBBS Georj;e Frank, Zeta 62 Henry Homer, Zeta 10 HOBSON Henry Wise, Beta 14 HOBSON John L., Lambda 62 William, Kappa 49 HODGATE John Matthias, Xi 65, Sigma 65 HODGDON Manning Winslow, Zeta 19 Richard Lord, Kappa 45 HODGE Edward Blanchard, Tau 99 Cortlandt Van Rensselaer, Tau 97 George Edwin, Gamma 53 Richard Hallaran, Delta Delta 15 William Churchill, Jr., Beta 99 HODGES Alpheus Clark, Beta 11 Irving Montgomery, Psi 81 John Sebastian Bach, Lambda 50 HODGMAN Stephen Theodore, Lambda 93 HODGSON Wilfred Day, Theta 01 HOEHLING Adolph August, Jr., Eta 89 HOEY James Chaplain, Pi 06 John Shaw, Delta 65 HOFF Heber, Beta Beta 82 HOFFMAN Elmer Owen, Psi 05 Howard, Sigma 61 J[ohn] Chauncey, Iota 89 HOGAN James Cook, Rho 01 HOGELAND Charles Murfit, Omega 03 HOHM.'^NN John Sanders, Rho 16 HOKE George Edward, Zeta 03 HOLBROOK Burke, Rho 04 Lowell, Sigma 43 William Edward, Gamma Id HOLDEN Arthur Cort, Lambda 15 Arthur John, Xi 92 Charles Demarest, Pi 11 Edwin Babcock, Lambda, 83 George Albert, Lambda 84 George Henry, Beta 75 Robert, Lambda 47 Robert Fletcher, Beta 18 William George, Omicron 14 Willis Augustine, Pi 80 HOLDING Robert Stowe, Sigma 14 HOLLAND Edward Morton, Phi 96 Joseph Bassett, Zeta 58 Josiah Gilbert, Gamma 51 Nelson Clarke. Beta 99 Robert Turner, Phi 92 Theodore Banks, Upsilon 69 HOLLETT Edward Lee, Pi 92 Rhoderick Peregrine, Pi 78 HOLLEY John Coffing, Beta 59 HOLLIDAY Joseph Glasby, Beta 84 Persifor Smith, Eta 06, Tau 06 HOLLIS Henry Homer, Zeta 10 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 873 HOLLISTKR Arthur Nelson, Beta 58 Buell, Beta OS Burton Johnson, Beta 08 Burton Page, Beta 92 George Buell, Beta 92 George Cooper, Upsilon 77 Gideon Hiram, Beta 40 Henrv Hutchinson, Beta 99 Howard Clark, Beta 78 John Baker, Beta 11 Raymond Asa, Rho 98 Shelton, Beta 48 HOLLOWAY Carl Sheldon, Chi 94 James Donald, Tau 13 HOLLY William. James, Beta 83 HOLMAN Arthur Seward, Eta 95 Frank Paul, Gamma 00, Sigma 01 James Lusk, Mu 18 William Duran, Xi 18 Worthington Converse. Gamma 96 ,., HOLME |» Horace, Delta 07 ■ John Stanford, Psi 48 ■ Raymond Arthur, Delta 09 P William, Delta 06 HOLMES Charles Elmer, Beta 84 Edward, Chi 05 Ira, LTpsilon 61 Jabez Silas, Sigma 65 John Howard, Psi 98, Chi 99 c John Robb, Beta 68 m Lvman Sanford, Theta 78 Philip Woodruff, Lambda 57 Samuel Spelman, Iota 06, Phi 08 Stanley Wescott, Beta 09 H Theodore James, Beta 53 ff William D.. Eta 95 William David, Chi SI, Eta 84 HOLT Andrew, Mu 80 Calvert, Sigma 17 Clarence Blake, Zeta 02 Hamilton, Beta 94 k Harry Gilbert, Beta 10 Thomas Gilbert, Beta 14 HOLTON Charles Myron, Psi 63 Winfred Byron, Xi 10 HOLWAY Emory Fiske, Xi 54 Orlando, Beta Beta 80 Seth Parker, Xi 54 HOLZAEPFEL Carl Frederick, Iota 16 HOLZHEIMER Charles Whittenberg, Beta 81 HOMER William Bradford, Gamma 95 HONE Joseph Bernard, Upsilon 94, Beta 95 HONISS John Ralph, Sigma 08 HONORE Adrian Carr, Omega 69 Natt Kingston, Omega 77 HOOD Thomas Barclay, Kappa 55 Wendell Phillips, Beta 65, Zeta 65 HOOKER Henry Stewart, Beta 02 James Fisk, Beta 95 John Worthington, Beta 54 William Augustus, Lambra 66 HOPKINS Artluir Sherwood, Zeta 08, Ph: 08 Charles Comstock, Eta 82 Charles Vernon, Beta 96 Edward Ernest, Pi 18 Eugene Canfield, Omicron 17 Franklin Whetstone, Beta 80 Hiram. Omega 83 James De Puy, Psi 12 John Cook, Omega 81 John Lee, Psi 09 William Henry, Omega 79 HOPPES Garrett Linderman, Eta 83 HOPPIN Bayard Cushing, Beta 07 Frederick Street, Beta 56 Gerard Beekman, Beta 91 William. Warner. Beta 01 William Warner, Jr., Sigma 61 HOP WOOD Robert Gaddis, Mu 18 Warren Jackson, Iota 13 HORN James Thomas, Eta 14 HORNE Herman Lester, Zeta 74 Joseph. Beta 11 HORR George Edwin, Sigma 54 HORTON Augustus Edward, Phi 69 Henry Stevens, Zeta 11. Phi 11 Howard Lispenard, Chi 84 James Elisha, Mu 80 Laurence Eustace, Mu 97 Warren Hale, Mu 01 HOSFORD Frederick, Delta 62 HOSKINS Carl Seth, Zeta 94 Neal Luther, Zeta 99 HOSMER .\lfred. Alpha 53 HOTALING George Henry, Epsilon 17.. HOTCHKISS David Howard. Pi 80 Edward Payson. Psi 51 Horace Leslie, 3d, Lambda 18 Lucius Wales, Lambda 81 Raymond Bell, Lambda 11 William Henry, Beta 75 William Knowles, Psi 04 HOTLE Owen Elwood, Omega 01 HOL^GH Addison Hills, Beta 90 .\zel Clarence, Chi 83 Benjamin Olney, Upsilon 86 Edward Clement, Beta 49 Israel Ely, Tau 20 William Janett Hallowell, Tau 11 William Ogden, Kappa 66 HOUGHTELING James Lawrence, Jr., Beta 05 HOUGHTON Charles Frederick, Kappa 15 Edward Ritten house, Gamma 93 Edwin John, Delta 18 George Hendric, Delta 42 George Washington, Upsilon 59 Herbert Pierrepont, Gamma 01 James Clay, Jr., Gamma 62 Joseph Goodhue, Gamma 65 Joseph Henry, Gamma 55 William Addison, Beta 73 William Morris, Kappa 03 HOUSE Theodore Myers, Xi 68 HOUSER Duncan Prewitt, Chi 16 HOUSTON Francis Henry, Beta 59 George Theodore, Jr., Chi 13 Gray Jones, Rho 08 Herbert Sherman, Omega 88 Horace King. Chi 18 Philip Douglas, Chi 15 HOVEY Richard, Zeta 85 HOW William Lord, Zeta 84 HOWARD Charles Henry, Kappa 59 Charles Tasker, .Alpha 56 Charles Taylor, Sigma 78 David Patten, Kappa 85 Elisha Harris, Jr., Gamma 13 Frank Ward, Beta 73 Frederick Nightingale, Sigma 07 Guy, Beta 75 Henry Ward Beecher, Beta 72 James Birchard, Beta 77 James Leland, Jr., Pi 91 James Merriam, Beta 09 John Danielson, Sigma 10, Gamma 10 Robert Kinsell, Delta 96 Rowland Bailev, Kappa 56 Tasker, Tau 03 HOWE Andrew Jackson. Alpha S3 Arthur, Beta 12^ Arthur Leolin, Xi 94 Arthur Whitney, Sigma 80 Arthur Whitney, Jr., Sigma 13 Burr, Gamma 19 Edward Winslow, Zeta 59 Elmer Parker. Beta 76 Frank Howard, Phi 70 George Wilson. Kappa 59 Henry Almy, Beta 09 Henry Bigelow, Upsilon 79 James .Mbert, Kappa 59 John Bigelow, Upsilon 89 John Fell, Beta 97 John Kasson, Beta 71 Oswald Eugene. Chi 19 Paul Denckla, Sigma 11 Phineas, Sigma 47 Reginald Heber, .Sigma 66 William Henry, Beta 47 HOWELL Arthur Llewelyn, Zeta 16 Hampton Pierson, Beta 91 Thomas Andrews, Beta 00 HOWER Charles Goodrich, Beta 83 HOWES Frederick Reuben, Lambda 87 Reuben Wing, 3d, Lambda 98 HOWETT Lester, Upsilon 16 HOWLAND Arthur Hoag, Delta 95 Clarence, Zeta 84 Francis Edwin, Beta 04 George Carter, Gamma 85 Leroy .Mbert, Xi 00 Max Franklyn, Xi 03 William Diliwyn, Sigma 74 HOWLETT Alfred Ames, Pi 81 HOY Eugene Richard, Rho 00 William Pierson, Rho 01 HOYSRADT Albert, Beta 77 874 ALPHABETICAL INDEX HOYT Albert Harrison, Xi 50 Arthur Stephen, Psi 12 Benjamin Thomas, Xi 46 Charles Kimball, Psi 70 Charles Sumner, Psi 11 Chester Tames, Pi 92 Elton, 2d, Beta 10 Francis Southack, Xi 44 Gerald Livingston, Beta 72 Gordon Way, Pi 93 Henry Arthur, Xi 90 Henry Nason West, Kappa 64 Howard Henry II, Iota 10 James Mitchell, Rho 07 Lansing Weed, Rho 07 Leslie Frank, Pi 09 Melvin Arista, Rho 83 Osmon Perley, Pi 93 William Sprague, Lambda 66 HOYTE James Wood, Theta 47 HUBBARD Charles Livingstone, Iota 71. Beta 11 Chauncey Henry, Beta 40 Edward King, Phi 78 Edward Waite, Beta 16 Eli, Xi 45 Elijah Kent, Beta Beta 92 Frank Elijah, Beta 75 Frederick Augustus, Mu 00 George Baron, Sigma 08 Gerard Fruin, Chi 18, Psi 18 Henry Albert, Zeta 85 Henry Wright, Phi 66 Jay, Mu 94 Le Roy Watkins, Gamma 19 Leverett Marsden, Xi 72 Louis De Koven, Beta Beta 93 Louis Vaughan, Gamma 87 Philip Parley, Beta 85 Roddy Leigh, Omega 14 Samuel Wolcott, Xi 99 Thomas Scranton, Beta 49 William Wingate, Kappa 90 HUBBELL Edward Springer, Pi 19 Joseph Goodwin, Mu 98 HUBBS Isaac George, Delta 40 HUBNER George Hartmann, Gamma 15 HUDSON Charles Alan, Lambda 11 Hans Kierstede, Lambda 08 Hendrik, Lambda 04 Joseph Roberts, Upsilon 17 "Nathaniel, Delta 42 Percv Kiersted, Lambda 99 Robert, Beta Beta 71 Theodore Canfield, Jr., Beta Beta 14 Walter Gibbs, Mu 99 HUEY Arthur Baird, Tau 94 HUFF James Willard, Psi 03 HUGG George Washington, Beta Beta 62 HUGHES Alfred Burdette, Beta 95 Allen Homer, Upsilon 16 Augustus De Berkeley, Beta 55 Delniar Reynolds, Rho 15 George Maurice, Tau 93 Percy Meredith, Jr.. Gamma 16 Robert David, Rho 13 Robert Powell, Delta 20 William Johnston, Upsilon 13 HUGHITT Emmons Johnson, Gamma 63 William Edward, Gamma 55 HUGO Victor, Mu 96 HULBERT Thomas Harbach, Phi 80, Sigma 80 HULL Allen Birdsall, Gamma 14 Galen Downer. Zeta 90 George Huntington, Jr., Beta 02 George Sylvester, Xi 08 Louis Kossuth, Beta 83 HULST Garrett, Eta 96 HUME Arthur Carter, Beta 92 Edward Hicks, Beta 97 John Howard, Beta 87 HUMPHREY Charles Edward, Beta 74 Edwin Haynes, Phi 97 George Magoffin, Phi 12 Joseph Lee, Upsilon 95 Orman Brown, Kaopa 90 Theodore Friend, 'Psi 47 HUMPHREYS David, Theta 2,1 Willard [Cunningham], Lambda 88 HUNGERFORD Edward, Pi 99 HUNKINS Charles Herman, Zeta 95 HUNN Clarke Fox, Beta 11 Joseoii S..xtou, Beta 76 HUNT Albert Gay, Beta 87 Arthur Prince, Gamma 97 Charles Henry, Kappa 02 George Addison, Zeta 52 Horace, Zeta 47 Ralph Allen, Theta 19 Ralph Hudson, Kappa 91 Stanton Howard, Psi 20 Thomas, Beta 76 Thomas Gordon, Beta 60 Walter Reid, Kappa 90 HUNTER Duncan | Meredith], Rho 14 Henry Allan, Epsilon 13 John Montgomery, Gamma 07 Paul Mailers, Omega 13 Robert Edward, Omega 10 Rolland Mitchel Brown, Tau 11 Thomas Guy, Jr., Tau 18 HUNTINGTON Adoniram Judson, Sigma 42 Daniel Trumbull, Beta 92 David Low, Beta 55 Dwight Williams, Beta IZ George Danforth, Upsilon 96 Howard, Delta 08 [James Coleman] Ford, Beta 91 James Kenneth, Zeta 19 Robert Watkinson, Jr., Beta 89 Samuel, Beta 63 Samuel Johnston, Beta 75 HUNTOON William Caswell, Sigma 94 HUPPUCH Milton Kipp, Theta 08 HURD Alfred Dennis, Beta Beta 77 Egbert. Upsilon 58 Francis William, Alpha 52 George Arthur, Beta 90 Harry Wilbur, Zeta 90 Henry Mills, Phi 63 James Diggles, Beta Beta 74 John Stanley, Phi 93 HURD Le Vern George, Omega 11 Perry Elisha, Chi 13 Randolph Campbell, Xi 95 Richard Melancthon, Beta 88 HURLBERT Thomas Harbach, Sigma 80 HURLBUT Charles Chase, Xi 94, Chi 96 Elisha Denison, Jr., Lambda 90 Henry Augu.stus, Lambda 63 Hiram Day, Upsilon 7S Jesse Lyman, Xi 64 Joseph. Beta 49 William Henry, Beta 60 HURLEY Frank William, Mu 18 John Robert, Kappa 09 HURST Carlton, Xi 17 HUSBAND Charles Howard, Beta Beta 89 HUSE Hiram Augustus, Zeta 65 William Stickney, Kappa 67 HUSSEY Augustus Alphonso, Kappa 93 HUSTON John Robley Dunglison, Gamma 04 HUTCHESON Joseph, Gamma 85 HUTCHINGS Charles Stephen, Rho 01 Robert Mills, Zeta 82 HUTCHINS Augustus Schell, Gamma 79 Benjamin Tucker, Sigma 59 Charles Josiah, Beta 49 Charles Knapp, Kappa 58 George Westcott, Zeta 15 Robert Mills, Zeta 82 Waldo, Gamma 42 Wells Augustus, Iota 84 HUTCHINSON Charles Lyman, Kappa 90 Daniel Lovett 3d, Tau 12 Frank Hubbard, Delta Delta 17 Herbert Stillman, Zeta 75 John Corrin, Mu 76 Robert Parke, Eta 04 Sherburn Cilley, Pi 92 Thomas, Phi 06 William Bloom, Phi 13 HUTTON Earl Ralph, Omega 12 Frederick Remsen, Lambda 73 Mancius Holmes, Delta 57 HUYLER Peter Edwin, Delta 98 HYATT Caleb, Delta 01 George, Delta 07 Harold Forbell, Theta 18 John Elisha, Delta 12 HYDE Benjamin Dwight, Gamma 94 Clarence Reginald, Gamma 91 David Lancaster, Phi 91 Donald Robertson, Beta 12 Edmund Morris, Beta Beta 73 Edmund Searing, Delta 02 Frederic Bulkeley, Beta Beta 98 Frederick Walton. Beta 11 Ceuige Preston, Phi 89 Gerrit Smith, Psi 20 Henry Dwight, Gamma 61 Henry Francis, Gamma 59 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 875 HYDE Louis Howard, Phi 3^.' Mark Powell. Phi 04 bmith Harris, Beta 57 _ Thomas Simeon, Beta 5j Wfilliaml Donald Hvde, Vo- silon Oi» HYLER Aaron Winchenbacl:. Kapra 15 HYNDEiMA>; William Hugh, Beta 84 IDDINGS Lewis, Morris, Phi 72 IDE George Ed\;ard, Beta 31 jacob, Jr., Gamma 48 IMBRIE (i[corgeJ Kennedy, Chi 11 William Morris, Jr., Chi ill INCH William, Epsilon 01 INGALLS Frederick Clark, Beta Beta 99 George Arthur, Xi 87 IN'GERSOLL James W D. L'psilon 91, Beta 92 Stephen Henry, Theta 53 INGHAM Albert Constantine, Theta 47 Elmer Theodore, Omega 81 George Collins, Omega 73 George Van Wie, Pi 00 John Albertson, Pi 86 William Henry, Beta 67 INGLEHART Hiram Fred, Psi 97 INGRAHAM Edgar Blakley, Pi 12 James Fuller, Kappa 19 William Moulton, Kappa 95 INMAN John Alvin, Psi 04 INSULL Martin John, Chi 93 IREYS Charles Goodrich, Mu 00 IRVIN Arba J, Zeta 02 Donald Forsha, Epsilon 06 IRVING Alexander Duer, Lambda 62 Frederick Elton, Epsilon 09 Samuel Campbell, Epsilon 79 IRWIN John Vosburgh, Delta 94 Lewis VVhiteman, Beta IZ William Fletcher, Delta 03 ISAACSON Francis Hazeltine, Upsilon 20 Roger Spake, Omicron 11 ISBELL Charles Martin, Beta Beta 63 Nelson Gordon, Theta 71 Orland Sidney, Beta 88 ISERMAN Russell Valentine, Delta 13 ISHAM George Snow, Beta 81 Samuel, Beta 75 ISLIN Ernest, Lambda 98 IVES Frank, Omega 76 Frederic, Beta 95 Frederick Parson. Zeta 19 Gerard Merrick, Beta 96 Henry, Beta 81 IVES . [Henry] Brayton, lieta 61 Howard Rollin, Kappa 98 John Reno, Phi 20 Kenneth Gaige, Chi 12 Lee Emmet, Mu 06 Robert Hale, Sigma 57 Sherwood Bissell, Beta 93 Wilbur, Beta 63 William Hosmer, Pi 91 IVISON Maynard Cady, Beta 18 William Crane, Beta 92 I WIG Howard Philip, Omicron 18 JACKMAN Frank Hanchett, Rho 91 JACKSON Abraham V[alentine] Williams, Lambda 83 Allan Hyre, Theta 53 Alonzo Clinton, Theta 42 Augustus, Beta Beta 60 Colville Cameron, Omega 20 David George, Psi 57 Edward, Theta 74 Edwin Eliphalet, Jr., Gamma 89 Ernest Smith, Gamma 9o Franklin Potter, Theta 98 George Edwards, Beta 52 George Edwin Bartol, Kappa 49 George Pomroy, Theta 52 Isaac Morton, Beta 76 J. Eugene, Phi 69 John Beard, Iota 67 John Day, Beta 90 John Keyes, Theta S3 John Lovington, Omega 72 John Tuttle, Theta 02 Joseph Cooke, Beta 57 Milton, Phi 67 Percy, Lambda 87 Pharsclus Verona Crittenden, LTpsilon 03, Beta OS Philbrick Wylie, Omega 17 Raymond Dearborn, Delta 11 Samuel Winslow, Theta 42 Schuylfer Brinckerhoff, Beta 71 Stuyvesant Ten Broeck, Kappa 83 William Alfred, Beta Beta 83, Beta 83, Rho 91 William Henry, Psi 55 JACOBS Albert Poole, Pni 73 Chaules Huntington, Phi 75 Edward Hubbard, Upsilon OS Robert Hnntin-jton, Plii 07 JACOBSEN John Jordan, Alpha 56 Noah Henning, Omicron 06 Walter Herman, Omicron 75 TACOBY Ed ear Grouse. Pi 09 JAFFRAY Robert, Lambda 42 JAMES Carl Gilbert, Iota 20 Ewell Bell, Sigma 46 Harry Richman, Omega 08. Chi OS Henry Fairchild, Beta 85 Horace, Beta 40 Joseph Henry, Xi 57 Mosley Grant, Zeta 07 Walter Thomas, Xi 13 Webster Thomas, Eta 01 William John, Xi 83 William Knowles, Beta 78 JAMESON Curtiss Norton, LTpsilon 99 Henry William, Beta 72 John Franklin, Gamma 79 JAMESON John Swanton, Kappa 80, Upsi- lon 81 Melvin, Upsilon 56 Theodore Horace, Xi 94 JANSEN John Albert Choate, Gamma GO JAN SON Roderick, Tlieta Theta 20 JARECKI Robert, Eta 02 JARVIS Samuel Gardiner, Beta Beta 19 William, Beta 85 JAY John, Beta 98 Pierre, Beta 92 JEFFERDS ' Henry Clarke, Beta 82 JEFFRIES Benjamin Joy, Alpha 54 Edward Payson, Alpha 56 JEFFRIS Bruce Mouat, Sigma 17 Malcolm Roys, Sigma lO JENCKES Frederic Latimer, Sigma 98 Thomas Allen, Sigma 11 JENKINS Algernon Sidney, Gamma 14 Edward Hopkins, Beta 72 Everett Raeburn, Delta 20 Frank, Beta 74 Herman Dutilh, Psi 64 James Sinclair, Beta 94 John Foster, Lambda 84 Jonathan Leavitt, Beta 61 Louis Eaton, Pi OS Moses Brown, Sigma 55 William Smith, Jr., Iota 14 JENKS Alley Rea, Kappa 93 Grenville Tudor, Delta 49 Paul Emot, Beta 84 JENNESS Benjamin Franklin, Zeta 61 JENNEY Frederick Kittridge, Eta 93 Herbert Russell, Beta 00 JENNINGS Edward Rog:gen, Upsilon 82 Milton Robbins, Upsilon 94 Percy Hall, Beta 04 William Nevinson, Jr., Xi 03 JENSEN Milton Owen, Omicron IS JEROME Robert Bartlett, Psi 07 Timothy [D], Phi 94 JERVIS Charles Myron, LTpsilon 84 JESSUP Albert Beardsley, Eta 95 Alfred Emerson, Eta 92 George Maxwell, Eta 08 Henry Harris, Beta 51 James May, Beta 16 Robert Johnson, Beta 76 Samuel, Beta 60 William Huntting, Beta 49 ^^■illiam Huntting, Beta IS JEWELL Harvey, Zeta 44 William Elwyn, Zeta 56 JEWETT Carlton Rogers, Beta 78 John Edward, Iota 88 Samuel Roundtree, Beta 83 876 ALPHABETICAL INDEX JEWITT Homer Moore, Iota 14 JOANNES Harold Vitalus, Rho 14 JOHN Franklin Stuart, Sigma 59 Matthias Hodgate, Xi 65, Sigma 65 JOHNS Henry Ward, Lambda 88 JOHNSON Allison Fletcher, Zeta 18 Barclay, Beta 82 Carl Albert, Rho 91 Charles, Xi 15 Charles Andrew, Kappa 05 Charles Fletcher, Kappa 79 Charles Frederick, Beta 55 Cyrus Augustus, Xi 65 David Bancroft, Kappa 44 Edward, Xi 56 Edward Gilpin, Iota 75 Edward Martin, Mu 95 Edwin Emerson, Beta Beta 59 Ephraim Foster, Iota 01 Ephraim Sherman, Jr., Delta 08 Francis Howe, Alpha 56 Francis Porter, Beta Beta 94 Frank Elisha, Beta Beta 84 Frank Milton, Xi 18 Frank Potter, Theta 75 Franklin Dana, Zeta 20 Fred Channing, Zeta 09 Frederick Orlando, Kappa 19 Gardiner Porter, Beta Beta 20 Gardner Hopkinson, Omega I'i George Downdall. Beta Beta 54 George Stewart, Phi 73 Harold Stanley, Iota 13 Harold Talmadge, Zeta 14 Harrv Disbrow, Jr., Chi 04 Henry, Mu 89 Henrv Boynton, Zeta 83 Henry Clark, Chi 73 Henry Earned, Beta 60 Henry Meyer, Beta 77 Herbert Bates, Pi 66 Herman Clarke, Pi 19 Hobart Stanley, Rho 94 Homer Wesley, Jr., Zeta 18 Horace Saumel, Sigma 02 Howard Smith, Omega 10 James Ford, Jr., Beta 10 James Steven, Theta 38 Jarvis McAlphine, Beta Beta 03 John Calvin, Omega 80 John Esrey, Chi 92 John Quincy Adams, Beta 78 Leighton Foster, Pi 13 Lucius Sheldon, Pi 99 Lvle Kay, Mu 15 Marshall Maxwell, Gamma 57 M[artin] Arthur, Omega 11 Maurice Ingolf, Rho 99 Paul Aaron, Zeta 20 Philip Adams, Beta 14 Philip Edwards, Lambda 91 Philip Marshall, Kappa 18 Ralph Hiram, Omega 96 Samuel Evan, Delta 65 Samuel Miles Tracv, Iota 76 Samuel William, Beta Beta 58 Solomon Brown^ Psi 46 Spencer Jackson, Jr., Eta 98 Stuart Ho"lmes. Beta 14 Sydney Warren, Epsilon 17 Wallace Bradlev, Psi 15 William Halsev, Delta 09 William Martin. Beta 61 William Paul, Epsilon 11 William Pierce. Zeta 80 William Roland, Eta 04 Willis Fletcher, Delta 79 Woolsey Mc Alpine, Beta Beta 98 JOHNSTON Alexander, Beta 67 Collins Hickey, Phi 81 Daniel Lyndon, Upsilon 69 George Sutton, Phi 15 Henry Wentworth, Sigma 54 James Bower, Iota 73, Omega 73 James Houston, Beta 52 John Herbert, Beta 77 [John] Stuart, Gamma 98 John Taylor, Delta 39 John Thor. Rho 04 Louis White, Beta 05 Ross, Beta 70 Samuel, Alpha 55 Theodore Hitchcock, Phi 74 Thomas Slater, Jr., Beta 10 William Eugene, Chi 80 William Montgomery, Lambda 46 ^^'illiam Poyntell, Beta 03 JONES Albert Dodge, Zeta 98 Allen Northey, Beta Beta 17 Arthur Leon, Zeta 96 Benjamin Franklin, Iota 08 Burr W, Rho 70 Charles Clothier, Gamma 09 Charles Harris [Gelston], Delta 82 Charles Waring, Beta Beta 81 Dwight Arven, Beta 75 Edgar Allan, Xi 12 Edward Corydon, Mu 83 Edward Matthews, Xi 20 Edward Purnell, Beta Beta 77 Edward Renshaw, Lambda 60 Edwin Chester, Xi 04 Emory Harris, Zeta 73 Frederick Scheetz, Beta 84 Gary Miller, Psi 88 George Alfred, Lambda 45 George Gill, Beta 14 George Wright, Rho 07 Griffith Lloyd, Xi 12 Harris .Allen, Kanpa 03 Henrv Madison, Lambda 69 Hubert Darrell, Xi 12 Hugh McKee.. Gamma 83 Isaac Hampspur, Gamma 02, Tau 06 James, Dana, Beta 71 Jeremiah Howard, Beta 07 John Davies, Psi 61 Lawrence Tyrell, Upsilon 71 Lewis Bunnell, Upsilon 90 Lewis Fuller, Xi 46 * Linwood Beede, Xi 93 Luther Maynard, Beta 60 Mahlon Ogden, Omega 70 Oswald Roberts, Beta 19 Paul. Jr., Chi 18 Paul Eugene, Delta 87 Philip Lovering, Upsilon 65 Philip Mills, Delta 90 Ralph Maitland, Pi 12 Reese Pughe, Xi 18 Robert Emmons, Phi 94 Robert Innis, Gamma 63 Robert Tolles, Xi 98 Roberts Waits, Theta 20 Robert Weaver, Xi 71 Roland Jewett, Gamma 07 Ro}' Humiston. Xi 01 Russell Alger, Rho 20 Sewell Morgan, Psi 08 Silas Russell, Theta 53 Stanley Burt. Zeta 18 Theodore Thomas, Rho 02 Thomas Banford, Psi 18 Vincent Weaver, Xi 11 Wallace Thaxter, Jr., Zeta 12 Walter Falke. Psi 08 Wilbur Boardman, Gamma 09 William Marvin, Upsilon 63 JONES William Northey, Beta Beta 88 William Sigler, Eta 89 JORALEMON Fred Eugene, Psi 08 JORDAN^ Cyrus, Kappa 58 Isaac M., Beta 95 James Brewer, Sigma 51 John Zack, Zeta 20 Raymond Wood, Rho 16 Samuel, Kappa 61 JOSLIN Max Atherton, Mu 96 JOSLYN Edwin Morgan, Beta 78 JOST Cranswick, Xi 62 JOY Harry Jarvis, Kappa 07 James, Beta 69 James Richard, Beta 85 Jason Shepherd, Xi 10 Louis Fowler. Pi 95 JUDD Charles Ozias, Xi 78 George Thomas, Xi 83 James Strong, Xi 85 Orange, Xi 47 Orrin Bishop, Sigma 42 JUDGE Cvril Bathurst, Theta Theta 10 Frederick Basil, Delta 08 JUDKINS Charles Otis, Xi 95 George Janvrin, Xi 60 JUDSON Frederick Arthur, Beta 64 George William. Beta 84 JUDY Clinton Kelly, Epsilon 03 Howard Alden, Epsilon 16 JUNKINS Edwin Page, Zeta 14 Sydney Edwin, Zeta 87 KAEDING Charles Deering, Epsilon 04 KAELBER Carl Frederick William, Upsi- lon 07 KALBFLEISCH Ransom Noble, Upsilon 05 KANDA Naibu, Gamma 79 KANE Howard William, Tau 20 KARR William Stevens, Gamma 51 KATHAN Roland van Ingen, Theta 19 KAZENSTEIN Norman Fitch, Psi 09 KEALLY Francis Xavier, Tau 16 KEARNEY Thomas, Beta 99 KEATING Arthur George, Gamma 10 John Blaine, Phi 97 KEATOR Bruce Smith, Beta 79 Frederic Rose, Beta 02 John Frisbee, Beta 77 KEAY Forrest Lincoln, Zeta 88 KEEFE James Henry, Beta 89 KEEPER Karl Miller, Pi 12 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 877 KEEPER Ralph Ottis, Pi 17 William Dean, Pi 15 KEELER Edwin Reitler, Zeta 11 John Foster, Delta 76 KEEN William Brantley, Jr., Omega 69 KEENE Campbell, Kappa 17 George Frederic, Jr., Sigma OS KEENEY Charles Perry, Omega 76 Clarence Rufus, Psi 06 KEGLEY Franklin Thompson, Omicron 08 Max Wesley, Omicron 11 Robert Britton, Omicron 20 KEISER Frank IMoore, Eta 20 KELLEN Philip Sturtevant, Sigma 15 KELLER John William, Beta 79 KELLEY- David Francis, Kappa 16 Frank Bergen, Delta 90 Frederick Williams, Chi 93 Henry Preston, Iota 67 John, Beta Beta 44 John Francis. Kappa 91 John Smith, Beta 40 John William, Delta 18 Robert Weeks, Beta 74 Samuel Robinson, Xi 69 Seth Wight, Zeta 69 Walter Stimpson Mundy, Kappa 99 William Valentine, Xi 65 Willis Brooks, Pi 00 KELLOGG Charles Poole, Beta 90 Chauncey Seymour, Beta 58 Edwin Kello.?g, Lambda 46 Edwin Mcrritt, Lambda, 46 Fred William, Beta 83 John Edward, Gamma 69 Macintosh, Beta 99 Marmaduke Burnell, Phi 69 Orson Chester. Theta Theta 20 Pierre Manwaring, Upsilon 19 KELLY Arthur Eustace, Upsilon 02 Elisha Warfield. Phi 89 Robert, Beta 70 Thomas Lloyd. Chi 20 William, Beta 74 KELSEY Clarence Hill, Beta 78 Francis Willey, Upsilon 80 Henry Fowle Durant, Xi 92 Hiram Loammi. Xi 61 Homer Goodall, Xi 57 Newton Standish, Epsilon 05 KEMBLE William, Lambda 71 KEMLER Edward Orin, Omega 19 KEMMERER John Leisenring, Gamma 93 KEMP George, Jr., Lambda 84 KEMPE Ernest Augustus, Beta Beta 81 KEMPER Lewis Ashurst, Lambda 49 KENDAL George Tallman, Beta Beta 99 KENDALL Charles Silliman, Xi 46 Herbert Philbrook, Kappa 83 KENDALL Hugh Harris, Upsilon 82 KENDRICK Ryland Morris, Upsilon 89 KENISTON James Mortimer, Gamma 68 KENNADY John Walker, Sigma 50 KENNEDY August Hoeveler, Mu 07 Charles Ferguson, Omega 04 David Andrew, Beta 74 Donald Angus, Omega 99 Dwight Bruce, Chi 90 George Hiram, Pi 82 Horton Parmelee, Zeta 18 John Joseph, Mu 08 John Shields, Delta 86 Leonard, Beta 09 Norman Fullerton, Delta Delta 17 Robert Emmet, Mu 07 Roger Stevens, Mu 11 Walter Joseph, Mu 14 William, Jr., Eta 15 William Dorsey, Delta Delta 16 William Garfield, Chi 06 William Hubert, Mu 15 William Nettleton, Iota 92 KENNETT Luther Martin, Beta Beta 70 Thomas Aiguier, Beta 63 KENNISTON George Blair, Jr., Kappa 02 William Beaman, Kappa 92 KENT Edward Raylor, Pi 11, Omicron 11 Paul Glen, Kappa 17 Stephen Girard, Delta Delta 11, Lambda 14 KENWORTHY Charles Albion, Theta 14 KENYON Hugo Alden, Sigma 16 Wallace Dudley, Beta 14 KEOUGH Henry Hartncss, Sigma 09 KEPPEL David, Lambda 01 Frederick Paul, Lambda 98 KEPPELMAN John Arthur, Beta 01 KERN Hermann Root, Omega 11 KERNOCHAN John Adams, Lambda 53 William Seymour, Lambda 42 KERR A'len Humphrey, Beta 04 Charles Dudley, Mu 15 Donald Craig, Chi 12 John Mead, Phi 19 Robert Bage, Beta 85 Theodore Frelinghuvsen, Phi 69 Walter Craig, Chi 79 KERRUISH Sheldon Quayle, Beta 83 KERSHOW Max Howard, Beta 95 KERTSCHER Herman Lynn, Theta 17 KESSINGER Albert Remington, Psi 88 Frederick Ernst, Psi 95 KETCHAM Frank Arthur, Phi 97 Henry Belden, Beta 87 Henry Holman, Beta 14 KETCHAM Weaver Vinson, Theta Theta 13 KEYES Arthur Clarence, Jr., Theta Theta 19 Franklin Cheney, Pi 91 Homer Eaton, Beta 00 KEYSER Charles Maris, Jr., Tau 11 William Swift, Beta 80 KEYSOR William Winchester, Mu 79 KHUEN Francis Ralph, Phi 15 Richard Hopkins, Phi 19 KIDDER Clarence Porter, Xi 63 KIEFABER Harry Jonathan, Rho 15 KIEFER George Croncy, Eta 07, Tau 07 KIELLAND Casper Marvin, Eta 16, Beta 16 KIERSTED Everest Beach, Chi 75 Henry Stevens, Tau 89 KILBURN Clarence Evans, Chi 16 KILBURNE Jonathan Burwell, Xi 65 Lucius Melville, Theta Theta 18 KILBY John Van Etten, Gamma 20 KILESKI Fredric Greenhalge, Kappa 20 KILLIP Ellsworth Paine, Upsilon 11 Nicholas Tamblingson, Upsilon 87 KILMER Willis Sharpe, Chi 90 KILPATRICK John Reed, Beta 11 KILSEY Clifford Stephen, Beta 83 KILVERT Walter Dun, Sigma 98 KIMBALL Alden, Lambda 16 Charles Adams, Beta 95 David Pulsifer, Alpha 56 Everett. Gamma 96 Frank Reed, Kappa Id George Caleb, Omega 19 George Clifton. Zeta 85 George Morrill, Beta 79 George Washington, Delta 44 Harold Chandler, Upsilon 11 Henry [De Laker], Beta 52 Horace Earle, Sigma 04 James Monroe, Delta 44 John, Zeta 56 John Edwin, Beta 58 Joseph Stickney, Beta 12 Milton Shaw. Beta 19 Sereno Thayer, Kappa 90, Gam- ma 90 Sumner Increase, Kappa 55 William Bird, Gamma 56 KIMBERLEY Daniel Lucius, Rho 07 George Webster, Psi 77 Henry Hewitt, Rho 07 KUMBROUGH Edwin Price, Gamma 09 KING Arthur Marcus, Delta 90 878 ALPHABETICAL INDEX KING Augustus Elvius, Delta 51 Charles Arthur, Lambda 05 Charles Goodrich, Sigma 89 Charles Sherman, Beta 89 Edward, Alpha S3 Edward Cathcart, Chi 01 Fenner Emory, Xi 54 George Edwin, Xi 59 George Farquhar Jones, Sigma 89 Henry Palmer, Xi 83 Hesden, Theta 40 Hiram Udall, Zeta IZ James Marcus, Xi 62 James Snaith, Psi 55 Joseph Elijah, Xi 47 Lawrence Howard, Gamma 04 Louis Moses, Gamma 91 Lyndon Marrs, Beta 10 Preston. Beta 80 Robert Burr, Beta 10 Robert Parsons, Kappa 12 Rufus, Delta 60 Stephen James, Xi 59 Thomas Ewing, Tau 03 Walter Grant, Chi 92 KINGSBURY Thayer, Zeta 19 KINGSLAND Lawrence Douglas, 2d, Chi 17 KINGSLEY Charles Parkhurst, Beta 15 Edward Alvan, Gamma 67 Edwin Abijah, Theta 69 George Caleb, Psi 05 Harvey Roberts, Lambda 93 Ralph Hutchings, Zeta 06 William Morgan, Delta 83 KINGSTON Douglas Papke, Tau 19 John T. Jr.. Rlio 83 KINNE David Barton, Theta 86 William, Beta 48 KINNER Hiram Leonard, Pi 98 KINNEY Carey Russell, Iota 08 Henry Augustus, Psi 71 Howard Stinson, Gamma 00 Knox, Rho 94 Sidney Rice, Psi 50 KINSEY Isaac, Jr., Phi 16 KINSLEY Walter Loring, Psi 81 KINSMAN James Warren, Xi 16 KIP Garrett Bergh, Beta 01 Henry Spies, Beta 96 Howard Hapgood, Xi 98 KIRBY Clarence Valentine, Theta 97 Harold Stilwell, Theta 00, Tau 00 KIRCHBERGER Richard Siegfried, Zeta 02 KIRCHWEY George Washington, Beta 19 KIRK Harris Crozer, Epsilon 19 Hyland Clair, Gamma 72 KIRKHAM James Wilson, Beta 72 KIPKLAND John Wilkinson, Chi 89 KIRKPATRICK Harold Clement, Chi 16 Ross Corbett, Epsilon 17 KIRK WOOD William Arnot, Delta 90 KISSAM Edward Van Brunt, Beta Beta 69 Henry Snyder, Lambda 86 KITCHEL Cornelius Ladd. Bsta 62 Courtney Smith, Beta 65 Luther Hart, Beta 67 Robert Reed, Eta 92 William Lloyd, Beta 92 KITTINGER George Batchelder. Chi 85 Leonard Terry, Chi 12 KITTLE John Caspar, Beta 04 Percy Hamilton, Eta 17 KITTREDGE Alfred Beard, Beta 82 Ashbel Smith, Beta Beta 57 George Alvah, Beta 55 Joseph Kirkland Greene, Alpha 51 KITTS Charles Adams, Theta 84 Willard Augustus, Theta 87 KiVEL Frank, Zeta 02 TrLn. Zeta 76 Maurice, Zeta 09, Phi 10 KLEITZ V'/illiam Lambert. Chi 15 KLEMME Glenn Harmon, Rho 14 KLINE Henry Seymour, Theta 93 KLOCK George Ferdinand, Iota 1% KLOPPENBURG Henry W., Beta Beta 58 KLOTS George Morford, Lambda 48 KNAPP Alexander Payson, Chi 93 Charles Whittemore, Beta 08 Cyrus F. Lambda 57 Farwell, Beta 16 George Brown, Gamma 59 Howard Hoyt, Beta 82 James Herbert, Gamma 82 James Hoyt, Beta 96 John Warren, Zeta 86 Tohn Wesley, Xi 70 Martin Hobart, Xi 05 Norman Gray, Zeta 18 r Waldo I Gray. Zeta 12 Wallace Percy, Beta 86 William Henry, Psi 60 KNAPPEN Frederic Mason. Phi 04 Loyal Edwin, Phi li Stuart Edwin, Phi 98 Theodore McFarlane, Mu 91 KNEELAND Henry Timothy, Jr., Beta 97 Yale, Beta 90 KNEIL Arthur Skimmin, Xi 83 Robert Chipman, Xi 15 Thomas Raymond, Xi 75 KNEVALS Edward Weston, Beta 80 Sherman Willard, Beta 53 KNICKERBACKER David Buel, Beta Beta 53 KNIGHT Allan Percy, Kappa 86 Augustus, Beta 10 Chandler Stanley, Theta 18 Clark Miles, Rho 98, Eta 98 Clinton Prescott, Sigma 85 Earle, Phi 71 Frederic Harrison, Zeta 82 George Wells, Phi 78 Harold Carlton, Kappa 19 Harrv Edward, Eta 99 Herbert. Ralph, Theta 17 Howard Newton, Xi 11 James Frederick, Kappa 00 Merrick, Gamma 46 Napoleon Bonaparte, Theta 60 Newell Clark, Beta 84 Orray Taft, Sigma 63 Robert Lippitt, Sigma 06 Rufus Hay ward. Phi 19 Walter Brayton, Sigma 71 Webster, Sigma 76 KNIPSCHILD Roy William, Omega 17 KNOOP Walter Arend. Rho 12 KNOUSE William Henry, Delta 51 KNOWL.^ND Thomas Evans, Zeta 78 KNOWLES Daniel Clark, Xi 58 Francis [Wallace], Xi 86 Frederic Lawrence, Xi 94 Joseph Hughes, Xi 54 Stephen Dexter, .Sigma 02 KNOWLTON Amos Arnold, Kappa 86 Daniel Stinson, Beta S3 KNOX Herman Warren, Beta 02 James Elisha, Xi 16 Martin Van Buren. Xi 72 Reginald L^oshaw. Delta 18 Watson Eli.'Xi 71 KNUDSON Edward Chevalier, Gamma 13 KOCH George Elmer, Upsilon 07 George Washington, Omicron 20 Ricliard Felix, Upsilon 19 KOEGLER Conrad Rudolph, Upsilon 12 KOENIGER Edward Russell, Rho 19 Karl William, Zeta 17 KOERNER Raymond W'hite, Chi 02 KOLLER Harry Orlando, Eta 86 KOPPER Edward, Jr., Mu 14 KOUNTZE Harold, Beta 07 Herman Davis, Beta 97 Luther Latham, Beta 97 William deLancey, Beta 99 KOZIMA Noriyoki, Chi 19 KRAMER Frederick Ferdinand, Beta Beta 89 John Spalding, Beta Beta 17 Paul Stevens, Beta Beta 19, Rho 19 KRANS Horatio Sheafe, Lambda 94 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 879 Aubrev Constantine, Gamma 01 KRETSCHMAR Frederick Klemm, Gamma 01 KREUTZER Fred McMahan, Zeta 92 William Ulric, Psi 90 KRIEGER Rudoliih Walter, Omega 06 KRUMBHAAR William Butler, Beta Beta 55 KUEHN Fred Andrew, Rlio 00 Martin John, ilii 14 KUHNS Austin [Hubbert] Xi IS [Levi] Oscar, Xi 85 KUMLER John Franklin, Ehi 04 Langdon Williams, Phi 06 KUOLT Oscar William, Psi 07 KURTZ Henry Keller, Jr., Eta 14 iTOward W illiam, Pi 12 KUSHIDA ManzD, Tau 90 KUTZ John Jacob, Beta 88 KVLE Warren Ozro, Gamma 17 KYNETT Alpha Gilruth, Xi 78 Gerald Pennfield, Xi 18 Harry Havelock, Xi 83 LABAREE Leonard Woods, Delta Delta 19 LAB ROT Sylvester Welch, Eta 92 LA GEY Harry Olmstead, Lambda 79 Louis Frederic, Lambda 74 LACKLAND Edgar Conrad, Beta 96 LADD Harry, Zeta 99 Joseph Hartwell, Zeta 67 LADEW Joseph Harvey, Lambda 87 LADUE William Baker, ^ru 89 LAFETRA Linnaeus Edford, Xi 91 LAGGREN Robert Irving, Xi 13 LA ID LEV Paul, Kappa 05 LAIGHTON Joshua James, Kappa 57 LAIRD Louis Krum Richards, Psi 96 LAKE James Steers, Lambda 89 LAMB Albert Richard, Beta 03 Benjamin Bissell. Beta 81 Henry William, Kappa 20 Herbert Wakeman, Pi 01 LAMBERSON Kenneth Nathaniel, Pi 14 LAMBERT Edward Wilbcrforce, Beta 54 Preston Albert, Eta 83 Samuel Waldron, Beta 80 Samuel Waldron, Jr., Beta 19 William Allen, Eta 95 William Henry, Theta 71 LAMBERTOX , Harold. Tau 14 Harold Hutchinson, Gamma 13 LAMBIE William Sicbcrt, Beta 12 LAM(»R(1UX [M.J Wendell, Theta 44 LAMPHER Louis Albert, Beta Beta 80 L.VMPREV Charles Maitland, Zeta 91 Henry Phelps, Zeta 62 Maitland Charles, Zeta 63 LAMPSON George, Beta 55 William, Beta 62 LAMSON Carl Edwin. Gainnia 99 Charles Marion, Gamma 64 Richard, Gamma 97 William Orne, Delta 49 LANCV George Hicks, Upsilon, 95 LANDER Allen Wentworth, Kappa 10 LANDMESSER Lewis Bartz, Beta 71 L.\NDON • Dillon Stevens, Delta 43 Harold Morton, Beta 11 Henry Hutton, Jr., Beta 17 Stephen Lesher, Beta 07, Lambda 10 LANE Charles Harvey, Xi 64 Ebenezer, Iota 69 Harvey Bradburn, Xi 35 Henry Fayette, Sigma 50 Henry Knowlton, Phi 15 Joseph Jameson, Xi 45 Lauristone Job, Theta 95 Victor Hugo, Jr., Phi 12 LANG Charles Arthur, Mu 06 LANGDON Robert Getty, Lambda 92 William Chauncy, Sigma 92 LANGFORD Frederick William, Delta 94 LANGLAND James, Omega 77 LANGLEY Howard Wesley, Delta 14, Lambda 17 James Edward, Gamma 71 LANGSTROTH Earl, Beta 09 LAN MAN Charles Rockwell, Beta 71 LANSING John Gillian, Thela 75 Robert, Gamiiia 86 1 A NTH URN William Walter, lota 87 LANVON .Searle Henry, Omega 15 William Edward, Gamma 17 LAPHAM Walter Jerome, Beta 97 LARC'HAR William, Sigma 01, Beta Beta 03 LAKCOMB John Wright, Iota 16 LARKIN George Raymond, Xi 18 LARMON Arthur James, Iota 06 EARNED William Augustus, Chi 94 LAROCHE Arthur Lewis, Theta 08 James Henry, Theta 77 LARRABEE Benjamin Franklin, Xi 50 Charles Weston. Kappa 44 Edgar Willis, Kappa 81 Leon Sturlevaiu, Kappa 04 Sydney Bartels, Kappa 03 William Beekman, Phi 92 LARSEN Lawrence Aubauch, Phi 12, Rho 12 LARZELERE William Gaulbert, Tau 19 LA SELL Sidney Locock, Beta 92 LASH Carl Powell, Iota 00 LASHER Duncan MacMillan, Lambda 11 John Kennedy, Jr, Lambda 14 LATHAM Charles French, Zeta 48 George Clayton, Beta 65 Harry Woodville, Beta 83 William Arthur Swaby, Theta 81, Chi 81 LATHROP Freeman, Gamma 64 Gardiner, Beta 69 Josliua Rich, Zeta 44 LATIMER Charles Brown, Gamma 81 Ebenezer Herman, Pi 67 Empie, Lambda 11 Herbert Russell. Lambda, II James Elijah. Xi 48 LA TOURRETTE James Armour Moore, Delta 48 LATTIMORE Samuel Allan, Upsilon 68 LATTING Charles Percy, Beta 73 LAUDEMANN Harry Mohn, Omicron 12 LAUGHLIN Flenry Alexander, Sia;ma 60 Irwin Boyle, Beta 'ii LAUNT James De Camp Bloomfield, Beta Beta 17 LAW Elwin Wallace, Chi IS LAWLER Joseph Brown, Omega 13 Samuel Sturges, Chi 14, Mu 12 LAWLESS Joseph Conrad, Omicron 14 LAWRENCE Amos Edward, Beta 40 Augustine Neil, Lambda 01 Charles Lanier, Beta OS Charles Richard. Alpha 72 Edward Addison, Zeta 43 Edward Ashton, Beta 84 Franklin, Kappa 03 George Alfred, Lambda 07 (icorge I*"rancklyn, Jr., Beta ly Henry Daniel, Zeta TS Henry Effingham, Lambda 49 Hiram Bartlett, Kappa 66 James Suydam, Theta 80, Chi 80 John Bogart, Theta 72, Chi 72 John Bouton, Zeta 82 880 ALPHABETICAL INDEX LAWRENCE John Harold, Beta 07 Richard, Lambda 95 Thomas Garner, Beta 84 Thomas Townsend, Lambda 56 William Henry, Xi 73 William Mangam, Gamma 71 William Witherle, Kappa 98 LAWRIE Alvah Kittredgc, Gamma 73 Andrew Davis, Gamma li LAWSON Isaac, Theta 50 Leonidas Moreau, Jr, Lambda 95 William Thornton, Lambda 82 LAWTON George Hopkins, Psi 82 Sanford [Jr], Beta 52 William Seabrook, Sigma 46 LAY Beirne, Beta 84 George William, Beta 82 LAYCOCK Charles Harold. Xi 15 LAZEAR Edward TuthiU, Omega 13, Phi 13 John McKelvy, Chi 19, Beta 19 LAZELL Theodore Studley, Kappa 92 LEA Charles Winthrop, Rho 97 Robert Brinkley, Beta 71 William Francis [Jewell], Rho 01 LEACH Albert Sherron, Xi 11 Eugene William, Zeta 01 Frederic Knight, Kappa 20 James Edward, Sigma 48 Joseph Allen, Gamma 61 Robert Milton, Zeta 02 LEAR George, 2d, Beta 02 Henr", Beta 69 LEAROYD Charles Henry, Alpha 58 LEARY James Bartlett, Lambda 19 LEAVENS Frank Nichols, Mu 82 LEAVITT Ashley Day, Beta 00 Byron Charles, Zeta 81 Dearborn Dudley, Zeta 59 John Wheeler, Lambda 45 Thomas, Kappa 56 LE BARON William, Omega 05, Delta 05 LE BOURGEOIS Joseph Charles, Beta 76 LEDOUX Augustus Damon, Lambda 81 LEDYARD Lewis Cass, Lambda 71, Alpha 72 LEE Albert, Beta 91 Arthur Hurd, Gamma 16, Chi 16, Phi 17 Charles Sheets, Omega 09 E Bersie, Pi 96 Edward Eugene, Lambda 56 Franklin Lawrence, Beta 95 Frederick Clare, Beta 96 Harriman Willis, Beta 90 Henry Charles, Lambda 86 James Hattrick. Gamma 64 John INIillard. Iota 71 Leonard Horace, Zeta 52 Nathan Appleton, Beta 50 LEE Ralph William, Eta 88 Richard Henry, Eta 19 William Brewster, Upsilon 11 William Brown, Beta 49 [Vvilliam Henry] Fitzhugh, Al- pha 58 LEECH Robinson, Beta 06 LEEDS Daniel Webster, Delta 47 Samuel Penniman, Delta 43 LEFAVOUR Issachar, Gamma 42 LEFFINGWELL Charles Warring, Lambda 92 Christopher Starr, Beta Beta 54 Ernest de Koven, Beta Beta 95 LEGGETT Frederic Hamilton, Zeta 98 LEIDY George Craig, Eta 00 LEIGH Thomas, Kappa 85, Zeta 85 LEIGHTON Bedford, Tau 11 Edward Kavanaugh, .Kappa 01 George, Eta 83 James, Beta 81 Leon, Jr, Kappa 19 LEITH Royal Willis, Sigma 12 Thomas S., Pi 12 LEITHEAD John Wood, Eta 83 LELAND Alonzo, Sigma 44 William Fillmore, Beta 85 LEMEN Theodore Adolphus, Upsilon 11 LEMERT Robert, Iota 64 LENOIR Thomas Blanchard, Kappa 89 LENT John Abram, Beta 43 LEON Harry MacConnell, Theta 10 LEONARD Abiel, Zeta 70 Adna Wright, Delta 99 Charles Henri, Theta 72 Lawrence Morin, Tau 15 Levcrett, Zeta 59 Nathajiiel William, Zeta 72 Ralph Davis, Xi 07 Reeves, Zeta 59 LEOSER John, Eta 16 Thomas Smith, Eta 90 LESTER Henry Clay, Psi 50 John Crego, Zeta 11 William Hand, Gamma 78 LEVALLY George Simpson, Omega 08 LEVENSALER Alfred Watts, Kappa 00 James Atwood, Kappa 94 LEVERICH Leonard Phillips, Eta 19 LE WALD Arthur Maurice, Theta 93, Phi 94 LEWIS Alonzo Norton, Beta 52 Arthur George, Zeta 69 LEWIS Arthur Lewis, Zeta 69 Burr, Upsilon 65 Carll Andrews, Beta 83 Carlton Arnold, Phi 12 Charles Hyde, Epsilon 18 Charles Lundy, Omega 76 Charlton Miner, Beta 86 Clinton Robert, Theta Theta 12 Edward Robert, Chi 91, Phi 91 Edward Samuel, Xi 11 Edwin Augustus, Beta 70 Edwin Rufus, Gamma 61 Eugene, Zeta 64 Francis Wesley, Zeta 66 Frank Coe, Beta 10 George Frederick, Beta Beta 11 George Martin, Zeta 97 Henry, Kappa 05 Henry Edward, Theta 09 Henry Euclid, Zeta 72 Henry Marty n, Theta 41 Homer Pierce, Zeta 74 John Bosworth, Sigma 96 John Van Buren, Psi 70 John Whitney, Mu 11 Joseph McKeen, Beta 83 Joseph Ward, Xi 88 Martin Oliphant, Omega 74 Philip Morgan, Iota 14 Ray Beckwith, Theta 92 Raymond Williams, Beta 11 Tayler, Delta 49 Theodore Frelinghuysen, Lamb- da 48 Weston, Kappa 72 LEXOW Charles King, Alpha IZ L'HOMMEDIEU Charles Coe, Phi 08 LIBBEY Oliver, Kappa 59 LIBBY Dorville, Kappa 62 Gideon, Kappa 63 Jerre Hacker, Kappa 96 LIDSTER Homer Edward, Omicron 16 Ralph Eaton, Omega 11 LIGHT Ralph Hutchinson, Tau 91 LIGHTFOOT Thomas Montgomery, Tau 93 LIGHTNER Charles Milton, Phi 81 Clarence Ashley, Phi 83 Milton Charles, Beta 09 William Hurley, Phi 11 LIGHTON Charles Francis, Pi 86 LILLY Eugene Joseph, Mu 18 LINCOLN Albert Lamb, Alpha 72 Arthur Talbot, Kappa 79, Gam- ma 79 Charles Henry, Sigma 61 Charles Stewart Fessenden, Kappa 91 George Francis, Beta 70 James Granger, Sigma 80 John Dunlap, Kappa 43 John Larkin, Sigma IZ Rufus Pratt, Gamma 62 LINDENBERG George Walter, Beta 92 LINDENBURG Philip Henry, Beta 16 LINDLEY Charles Lutellus, Lambda 11 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 881 LINDQUEST Albert Charles, Omega IS LINDSAY Alexander Miller, Jr., Upsilon 97 George Herbert, Omega 10 James Gibson, Jr., Tau 03 Kenneth, Omega 12 LINDSEY Edward Sherman, Zeta 94 LINDSLEY Adrian Van Sinderen, Jr, Beta 69 Charles Augustus, Beta Beta 49 LINDSTROM Albert Ferdinand, Xi 17 LINES Edwin Stevens, Beta 72 LINN Talford Park, Iota 12 LINNEEN Henry Wilson, Omicron 18 LI K SCOTT Augustus Newbert, Kappa 62 LINVILLE Jacob Hayes, Theta 48 LIPPINCOTT George Eyre, Tau 13 Lansing Yates, Delta 04 William Jackson, Beta 14 LIPPITT Charles Warren, Sigma 65 Henry, Beta 09 Henry Frederic, Sigma 78 Robert Lincoln, Sigma 82 S[ argent] Van Lear, Eta 95 LIPSCOMB I Russell Aubrey, Upsilon 15 j LITTLE [Asher] Robbins, Beta 51 Frank Hall, Kappa 81 Harry Wilber, Xi 03 Lester Knox, Zeta 14 Luther Bartlett, Zeta 82 Mitchell Stuart, Beta 07 Thomas Henry, Kappa 55 William Francis, Xi 92 William Henry, Jr, Gamma 07 Avilliam Ross, Xi 14 LITTLEFIELD Daniel Franklin, Kappa 64 Gilbert Berry, Kappa 90 James Austin, Gamma 52 LITTLEJOHN Abram Newkirk, Theta 45 LIVERMORE Albert [Howard], Gamma 68 Alonzo Skiles, Theta 58 Norman Banks, Chi 95 LIVESEY Olin Levings, Xi Th LIVINGSTON Archibald Rogers, Lambda 91 Edmund Pendleton, Beta 11 Henry Hopkins, Beta 09 Herman, Beta 79 LLOYD Charles Hooker, Delta 61 LOBDELL Francis, Gamma 58 Frederick Danforth, Beta Beta 85 Henry, Gamma 49 LOCKARD Charles Archbold, Jr, Pi 17 LOCKE Arthur Horton, Zeta 90 John Lucas, Mu 18 LOCKHART ^ George Coors, Gamma 06 LOCKRIDGE Robert Truett, Xi 19 LOCKWOOD Charles Edward, Beta 65 Edward Lewis, Beta 76 Frederick St John, Beta 49 John, Jr, Lambda 48 John Dooling, Gamma 58 William Herbert, Delta 47 LODER Benjamin Henry, Delta 62 Jeremiah, Lambda 46 LOESER Charles McKnight, Jr, Eta 91 LOGAN Donald Brigham, Zeta 04 LOHMAN John Henry, Xi 71 LOHMILLER Calvin Arthur, Phi 06 LOMBARD Edward Graffs, Chi 9 James Kittrcdge, Beta 54 James Lewis, Kappa 71 LONG Clarence Ray, Kappa 12 Josiah Holloway, Gamma 45 Maxwell Budd, Iota 05 William, Beta Beta 43 LOOK Frank Newhall, Gamma n LOOMIS Allen, Phi 98 Frank Newton, Beta 81 George Peck, Pi 82 Gilbert Stanley, Phi 01 Horace Bronson, Theta 55 Isaac Newton, Jr, Psi 45 John LTsher, Zeta 15 Peter Burr, Phi 80 Roderick Morrison, Psi 68 LOORAM Matthew James, Lambda 16 LOPEZ Raymond, Sigma 46 LORD Arthur Evarts, Omega 04 Charles Rogers, Xi 73 Daniel, Jr., Lambda 66 Daniel 3d, Beta 92 Franklin Butler, Lambda 70 Fred Raymond, Kappa 11 Frederick Reuben, Lambda 92 George DeForest, Beta 54 Howell Gurney, Beta 04 Jeremiah Hobson, Kappa 55 Jeremiah Skidmore, Theta 36, Delta 36 Robert Hubbard, Psi 94 Theodore Akerly, Beta 66 LORING George Bailey, Gamma 38 LOSHE Charles Frederick, 'Eta ^i) LOTHROP Charles Dexter, Gamma 49 Joshua Rich, Zeta 44 LOUCKS William Dewey, Theta 00 LOUGEE Arthur Jewett, Zeta 93 William Wheeler. Zeta 88 LOUGH Ernest St. George, Beta 84 LOUGH RAN Christopher Kiersted, Beta 96 LOUIS Edward Roe, Theta 91 LOUNSBURY Ralph Reed, Beta 94 LOVE Lacy Marion, Gamma 06 LOVEJOY Clarence Evans, LIpsilon 93 Cyrus Coligni, Xi 75 Frederick Horr, Beta 18 LOVELAND John Elijah, Xi 89 LOVELL Hall, Xi 66. Beta 66 LOVERIDGE Daniel Everitt, Beta Beta 50 LOVERING Henry Morton, Sigma 61 Henry Morton, Sigma 99 William Maltby, Beta 81 LOVETT Augustus Sidney, Jr., Beta 13 Craig, Epsilon 14 Emery, Epsilon 20 Robert Abercrombie, Beta 18 William Watson, Phi 90 William Watson, Jr., Epsilon 13 LOW Benjamin Robbins Curtis, Beta 02 George Azro, Zeta 57 George Cabot Ward, Beta 06 Seth H, Beta 16 William Gilman, Jr., Lambda 00 LOWE Gerald Arthur, Eta 95, Lambda 97 Gilbert Ranncy, Lambda 16, Zeta 17 LOWELL Holbrook, Sigma 43 James Jackson, Alpha 58 LOWMAN Abner Marshall, Theta 19 John Henry, Xi 71 LOWNDES Lloyd, Jr.. Beta 95 Richard Tasker, Beta 95 LOWRIE William James, Jr., Sigma 14 LOWRY Charles Cooke, Iota 18 Horace, Mu 00 Robert, Delta 50 Robert Larken, Jr.. Omicron 15 LOZIER Clement Abraham, Delta 89 LUCAS William Edward, Chi Tl LUCE Cortlandt Francis, Beta 00 Robert Lee, Beta 89 LLTCEY James Daniel, Beta 17 LUCKIE John Barton. Eta 08 l.rDDEN William, Beta 50 LUDINGTON Arthur Crosby, Beta 02 Charles Henry, Beta 87 William Howard. Beta 87 LUEY Charles Rupert, Zeta 11 Donald, Zeta 19 LULING Charles Mitchell, Rho 89 882 ALPHABETICAL INDEX LUM Harpin Meigs, Beta 67 LUMBARD Lucius Dwight, Kappa 09 LUMMIS Henry, Xi 55 LUNT George, Delta 10 LUPIN SKI Hugo Houghton, Delta 12 LUQUER Lea, Lambda 52 Nicholas, Jr., Lambda 58 LUSE Frank Voorhees, Phi 78 LUSK Robert, Beta 96 LUTHER Riverius Manning, Beta Beta 90 Willard Blackinton, Beta 02 LUX Richard Courtney, Zeta 20 LYBECKER Gus, Theta Theta 15 LYFORD Charles Conover, Rho 13 LYMAN Alexander Steele, Delta 84 Charles, Beta 71 Charles Adelbert, Rho 04 David Brainard, Beta 95 Dean Belden, Beta 94 Elisha Stiles, Beta 62 Frank, Alpha 74 Hart, Beta 75 Henry Stoddard, Beta 92 Howard Wilder, LTpsilon 06 Huntington, Beta 16 Jabez Baldwin, Gamma 41 Joseph, Alpha 7i Joseph Bardwell, Delta 94 Oliver Ellsw-orth, Beta 76 Richard Sherman, Beta l.i Samuel Hinckley, Beta 61 Theodore, Alpha 55 LYNAM Frank, Kappa 89 LYNCH Frank Bruce, Xi 81 Harold Vincent, Beta Beta 20 Michael Joseph, Sigma 04 LYNDE Frank Josselyn, Kappa 77 George Stanley, Beta 83 LYNES George Briggs, Theta 94 LYON Asa Prior, Xi 59 Graham Spear, Zeta 09 Herbert Hess, Phi 72 Job Philip, Theta 81 Joseph Alexander, Theta 60 Merrick, Sigma 41 Walter Halsev Benedict, Theta 98 LYONS Francis Alvin, Theta 60 Randolph Beta 03 William Wirt Henrv, Eta 04 McADAM Abraham Lincoln, Psi 88 George Gregg. Psi 83 Samuel Edward, Gamma 10 McAFEE William Archibald, Beta 11 McAllister Willis Hamilton, Gamma 19 McALPIN George Lodowick, Beta 79 McARTHUR George Wood, Kappa 93 McBEE William Rhodes Leroy, Sigma 16 McBIRNEY George Day, Beta 94 McBRIDE Donald, Beta 06 [Enoch] Wilber, Beta 82 George Winthrop, Upsilon 19 John, Theta 79 McBURNEY Henry, Chi 01 McCABE James Roscoe, Mu 14 James Svlvester, Jr., Beta Beta 15 McCALL Frank Elias, Chi 87 James, Chi 85 McCAMUS • Edward, Theta 45 McCANN Charles Fremont, Iota 88 McCANDLESS John Manning, Delta 77 McCARGO Grant. Chi 87 McC.\RROLL Harry Bruce, Beta 78 McCarthy Dennis, Jr., Psi 75, Chi 75 Dennis Percv, Chi 12 Robert Emmett, Mi 14, Eta 15 McCAULEY James Adelbert, Theta 85 John ^^■arden, Theta 83 John Warden, Jr., Theta 18 William Lloyd, Phi- 94, Tau 98 McCAUSTLAND Gwvnne Gravelle, Theta ThetEi 15 McCHESNEY Calvin Stewart, Beta 81 Ensign, Xi 68 Francis William, Chi 09 McCLAVE Donald, Lambda 07' McCLELLAN Charles, Phi 85 Edwin. Beta 84 Samuel Paris, Theta 81 McCLINTOCK Abram Garrison, Beta 90 James Robinson, Upsilon 05 Norman, Beta 91 Walter, Beta 91 Walter Lowrie, Beta 62 McCLUNEY Daniel Catlin, Gamma 09 James, Gamma 03 John Henry, Gamma 01 Samuel Copp, Gamma 02 McCLLTNG Matthew, Jr, Eta 92 Robert Gardner, Beta 91 McCLURE Alexander, Phi 06 Archibald, Beta 12 Charles Floyd, Rho 95 James Gore King, Beta 70 James Gore King, Jr., Beta 06 McCLURG William, Beta 62 McCOBB Henry, Sigma 74 McCOLLOM Charles Rolfe, Mu 06 McCOLLUM . William Harry, Mu 03 McCONIHE Paul Massilon, Theta Theta 17 Samuel, Beta Beta 56 McCONNELL Fred Jay, Theta Theta 13 William Appleton, Beta 90 McCOOK Anson Theodore, Beta Beta 02 George Sheldon, Beta Beta 97 Philip James, Beta Beta 95 McCORMICK Adelbert J, Upsilon 69 Alexander Agnew. Jr., Beta 19 Charles Wesley, Xi 81 George Troup, Sigma 60 James, Jr, Beta 87 John Hays, Tau 00 Olin Foss, Xi 07 William, Beta 87 McCOWATT Walter Robson, Iota 11 McCRACKAN Francis Lewis, Lambda 60 John Henry, Beta Beta 82 William Denison, Beta Beta 85 McCRACKEN Robert Thompson, Tau 04 McCRAY James Daniel, Omicron 14 McCULLOUGH Hall Park, Beta 94 Allan Chase, Rho 18 McCUNE George Boston, Beta Beta 07 John Prouty, Beta 78 Jonas Person, Zeta 18 William, Lambda 43 McCUTCHEN Samuel St. John, Beta 70 Lowell, Zeta 19 Otto Ethclb;rt, Pi 00 McDAVITT John Frank, Zeta 07 McDEVITT Frank James, Eta 04 James English, Eta 07 McDonald Archibald Bleecker, Jr, Lambda 52 Charles Sheldon, Mu 75 Farquharson Griffith, Gamma 64 Joseph Nelson, Omega 17, Omi- cron 17 Millard Halpin, Mu 11 Walter T., Mu 11 McDONELL Frank Williams, Chi 19 Howard Archibald, Chi 18 McDonnell Edward, Theta 79 McDowell Boyd, Pi 81 Henry Clay, Jr, Beta 84 Reuben Ross, Omicron 08 Richard, Delta 18 Robert Pitkin, Pi 13 McDUFFEE Samuel Valentine, Gamma 65 Willis, Zeta 90 McELDOWNEY Charles Roy, Omicron 18 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 883 McELROY (Frank] Austin. Iota 09. Chi 09 Harvey Bancroft, Iota 09 James Finney, Zeta 76 John Hale, Zeta 03 McEWEN Robert, Gamma 65 IMcFADDEN John Howard. Jr., Tan 13 Stanley Bruce, Omicron 13 McFALL Frank Keller, Pi 94 McFARLAND Frank, Chi 89 ISfcFARLIN Charles Kirk, Delta Delta 12 McFIE Lyman Ross, Epsilon 11 ■Nlaynard. Epsilon 07 William Thomas, Epsilon 16 McGEE Donald Ashbrook, Beta 06 Harry Stowe, Phi 00 McGERALD Arthur Durand, Pi 88 Willis, Pi 93, Chi 93 McGHIE Philip Bovvden, Beta 13 Mr(;iLTOX William Wesley, Xi 81 McGONAGLE Robert Emerson, Tau 16 McGOVERX Edward Clinton. Psi 12 INlcGOWAN Harold Ernst, Epsilon 19 Tonas Hartzel. Phi 61 McGRANAHAN Chester Claude, Theta Theta 14 McGRAW Thomas Henry. Gamma 69 McGregor Alexander, Jr, Gamma 19 McGREW George Harrison, Xi 70 Louis Kossuth, Iota 73 McGUFFEY Edward Mansfield, Iota 76 McGUIRE Horace Alfred, Upsilon 93 [John] Horace, Upsilon 66 Thomas Browne, Zeta 17 McHENRY John, Jr. Beta 17 Lee William, Pi 10 McILHEXNY Francis Salisbury. Tau 95 McILVAIX Howard Leoser, Eta 88 McILVAINE Herbert Robinson, Beta Beta 04 Tohn Gilbert. Beta Beta 00 AfcINTIRE Bradford Oliver, Xi 83 MrlNTYRE AToses Dwight. Omega 98 William Hamilton, Jr.. Delta 20 McIVOR Carlisle Chandler, Beta Beta 17 Nicholas Williams, Beta Beta 82 AfcKEE Henry Stewart, Lambda 93 James Harper, Eta 15 William McCallin, Eta 07 McKEEN George Whitefield, Zeta 46 McKENNAN ► Seymour, Pi 18 Thatcher, Psi 16 William Guild, Upsilon 86 McKENNY Howard Augustus, Xi 70 McKENZIE William Dexter, Phi 96 William Scott, Alpha 55 I.IcKEOWN Andrew, Xi 51 John Latimer, Omicron 15 McKlM Tohn Windsor. Theta 44 Le Roy. Beta 97 Winlhrop, Beta 94 McKINNEY Kirk Crawford, Beta 94 William Allison, Beta 68 McKINSTRY Charits Herbert, Chi 80 ^rcKISSON Donald Edwin. Phi 17 Henry Westerman, Phi 08 Robert William. Phi 12. Epsilon 12 iMcKNIGHT Everett James, Beta 76 McLALLEN Philemon Ferdinand, Beta 47 McLANAHAN George Xavier, Beta 96 IMcLANE Guy Richards, Beta 95 Thomas Sabine, Beta 98 McLAREN Xorman Lovall. Epsilon 14 Richard Ashe. Epsilon 17 William Augustus, Lambda 90 McLaughlin Edward Tompkins, Beta 83 James Angell, Phi 12 McLAURY Walker Gailey, Omega 03, Chi OS McLEAN Malcolm Shaw. Psi 16. Phi lb Thomas King, Upsilon 71 Ward, Theta 43 William. Thtta 43 McLENEGAN Cutler Sturgis, Epsilon 09 McLENNAN Louis Watson, Gamma 88 McLEOD Roderick Carlylc, Rho 04 McLINTOCK Archibald, Delta 02 Herbert Montgomery, Lambda Oi >fcMANUS Peter Francis. Zeta 88 McM.XSTER David Hull. Psi 94 Frank Chamberlain, Psi 93 George Edward, Psi 68 Guv Humphrey, Psi 47 ^rcMATH John Norman, Psi 10 Morrison Huggins. Upsilon 79 Robert Reynolds. Phi 13 McMICHAEL Henry Morton, Tau 12 John Fleming, Zeta 15 William Cramer. Theta 15 McMillan Frank M. Chi 84 Morton Kempncr, Chi 96 McN.MR Henry Harvey, Mu 12 McNAMARA Frank Gilbert, Gamma 20 McNAUGHTON James, Beta 71 McNEAR Charles Webber, Omega 03 McNEICE Robert Gibson, Zeta 67 McNEILLY Robert. Iota 60 McNULTY William James, Theta 80 McPHAIL Edward Irving, L'psilon 80 Percy Robert, Upsilon 81 McPHERSON William III, Phi 07 .McROBERTS Josiah, Phi 86 McVICCAR John Townsend, Psi 47 McWILLIAMS Henry Plattenburg, Zeta 04 MABLEY John Donald, Phi 19 MacARDEl.L Abram Bennett, Psi 01 Mae.\RTHUR Robert Fox, Sigma 96 MacBRIDE Robert Irwin, Delta 90 MaeCAULEY Hugh Bournonville, Delta 77 MacCLENTHAN Thomas Ayres, Xi 12 MacCOMBER George Bush, Xi 98 MaeCRACKEN fieorge Gere, Delta 98 Henry Noble, Delta 00 John Henry, Delta 94 William Patterson, Jr., Omega 09 MaeCULLOCH Charles Harvey, Theta 00 MacDONALD Charles Douglas, Lambda 06 Donald. Zeta 20 Harry Nims, Eta 20 Malcolm Ranald, Zeta 15 Robert Montgomery, Delta 19 MacFARLAND Henry James, Jr., Omega 17 MacFARLANE Alfred Dane, Chi 02, Eta 03 MacGREGOR Clarence, I'psilon 97 Malcolm Innes, Iota 18 MACHAN George Stover, Kappa 93 MacH.\RG John Brainerd. Psi 00 :\racINESS lolm Comrie. Tau 20 MacINNES Donald Adriance, Tau 18 MACK Christian [Norwille]. Phi 16 Edwin Frederick, Phi 83 MACKAY Donald Sage. Jr., Delta Delta 14 884 ALPHABETICAL INDEX MacKENZIE Duncan Rae, Delta 17 Edward HiUyer, Jr., Pi 20 George Walker Cameron, Theta 03 Henry Grey, Lambda 74 Morell, Xi 15 MACKIE James Snyder, Theta 45 MacKINNEY Charles Baldwin, Sigma 96 Harold Austin, Sigma 02 MACLAY Otis Hardy, Phi 91 MacLEAN Charles Frazer, Beta 64 MacLEISH Archibald, Beta 15 MacLELLAN George Boardman, Beta 58 MacLENATHEN Harrison Wood, Pi 98 MacLEOD . Alexander John, Tau 16 Roderick, Delta Delta 13 \\'illiam Alexander, Gamma 11 MACLIN Robert Booth, Beta Beta 58 MacMILLAN Ross, Chi 00 MacMULLAN Charles Stuart, Theta 75 MacMULLIN Robert Burns, Kappa 18 MacMURRAY Charles Freeman, Pi 06 Donald, Zeta 15 MacNEIL Sayre Epsilon 08 MACOMBER Louis Elbert, Pi 94 Thomas, Zeta 74 William Penn, Beta 11 MacPHERRAN Charles Chase, Phi 95 Edgar Withrow, Phi 90 Ralph Stewart, Phi 92 MacPHERSON Kenneth Alexander, Omega 20 Kenneth Carl, Omega 19 Roderick John, Omega 16 MacVEAGH Franklin, Beta 62 MADAN Julian Appleton, Lambda 99 HADDOCK Alfred, Gamma 61 MADDOX Knox, Beta 97 MADEIRA John, Iota 87 MADISON Marshall Pierce, Epsilon 17 MAGEE Charles Frizzell, Iota 01 MAGILL George Ernest, Beta Beta 84 MAGOFFIN Samuel Shelby, Mu 10 MAGRATH Arthur Tocelyn Herbert, Delta 09 John Thomas, Kappa 62 MAGRUDER Benjamin Drake, Beta 56 Henry Latham, Beta 89 MAGUIRE Beach Woodruff, Rho 03 Hugh, Iota 71 Walter Norman, Beta 13 MAHANY Rowland Frederick Blennerhas- set, Theta 87 MAHR Frederick William, Kappa 12 MAILER Andrew Robert, Rho 19 MAIN David John, Zeta 06 Edward Stillman, Rho &i( George Carpenter, Rho 86 John Smith. Rho 98 Royal Cottrell, Rho 98 MAINS William Curtis, Delta 92 MAIR George, Xi 16 MAJOR John Welsh, Theta 45 Leonard Guy, Phi 14 MAKUEN George Hudson, Beta 84 MALCOLM Charles Howard, Sigma 53 MALI Henry William Theodore, Delta 65 William Weyman, Delta 64 MALLALIEU Frank Wickham, Delta 93 Willard Francis, Xi 57 MALLARY Raymond DeWitt, Psi 72, Gamma 72 iVlALLETT John William, Gamma 63 MALLON George Barry, Gamma 87 Guy Ward, Beta 85 Henry Neil, Beta 17 Neil Bernard, Beta 96 MALLORY Dwight Farlow, Tau 97 Philip Rogers, Beta 08 Robert, Jr., Beta 09 MANCHESTER George Elbert, Xi^ 89 Irving Edward, Xi 96 Sherman Amos, Iota 14 MAN DELL Augustus Hamlin, Xi 97 MANDEVILLE Charles David, Delta 79 Charles Edward, Xi 67 Ernest Wyckoff, Theta 17 Frank Nes'ler, Sigma 05 Henry Addison,^ Delta 79 Henry Frank, Xi 89 Hubert Carpenter, Theta 88 William Hubert, Theta 15 MANICE William DeForest, Beta 11 William DeForest, Beta 51 MANIERRE Francis Edgerton, Beta 07 George, Beta 68 MANLEY James R, Lambda 58 MANLY Ralza Morse, Xi 48 MANN Albert, Jr., Xi 06 Arthur Teall, Mu 88 Frederick Maynard, Mu 90 MANN George Elwood, Zeta 94 James Ford, Beta 59 John Leroy, Zeta 94 Matthew Derbyshire, Beta 67 Parker, Upsilon 75 Paul Ford, Beta 03 Roland William, Kappa 92 MANNING Eugene West, Xi 11 Jacob Merrill, Gamma 50 James Sterling, Pi 11 Stephen Hart, Kappa 61 MANRO William Davis, Beta 88 MANROSS Newton Spaulding, Beta 50 MANSFIELD Albert Thayer, Sigma 68 Henry Farnum, Sigma 67 MANSON Charles Albert, Zeta 64 Frank Melville, Mu 94 Marcus Wilhelm, Theta Theta 17 MAPEL Charles Jamieson, Rho 02 Dexter Roundy, Rho 12 John Jameson, Phi 72 John Wallace, Rho 06 MAPES Charles Halsted, Lambda 85 Clive Spencer, Lambda 01 Edwin John, Theta 12 Herbert, Lambda 90 James Jay, Lambda 88 Victor, Lambda 91 MARBLE Dana Giles, Zeta 87 Edgar Martin, Psi 64 William Carey, Gamma 03 MARCH Edwin Peter, Upsilon 60, Delta 60 MARCUS Chapin, Gamma 08 William Elder, Jr, Beta 06 MARCY Frederick Vose, Zeta 52 Richard, Zeta 98 HARDEN Henry, Zeta 62 MARIS George Lewis, Chi 67 Willard Lorraine, Phi 19 MARKHAM Herbert Wesley, Pi 85 MARKTHALER Arthur Frederick, Xi 19 Edward Leopold, Xi 16 MARQUIS Charles Atkins, Gamma 04 MARR Ralph Charles, Omega 14, Mu 14 William Nelson, Mu 15 MARSH Benjamin Swan, Zeta 52 Edward Baxter, Gamma 76 Errol Dwight, Zeta 13 Francis Jewett, Gamma 70 George Tracy, Beta 98 John Talmadge, Delta 45 Nathaniel, Lambda 70 Othneil Charles, Beta 60 Tamerlane Pliny, Xi 69 \valter Raymond, Delta 59 MARSHALL Charles Henry, Beta 13 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 885 MARSHALL Charles Henry, Jr, Lambda 58 Frederic Panel, Lambda 72 George Patton, Upsilon 20 Henry Rutgers, Lambda 73 James, Beta 57 John Ellis, Beta 61 John Knox, Zeta 06 Lorenzo, Xi 49 Marcus McLemore, Delta Delta 16, Epsilon 16 Matthias Muray, Beta Beta 63 Richard Hughes, Rho 18 Samuel Hagar, Rho 2U Thomas Mercer, Beta 08 William Hughes, Rho 18 William Stanley, Tau 89 MARSTON Charles Eben, Zeta 63 Robert Irvin, Zeta 83 Weaver Loper, Tau 18 MARTIN Alexander, Pi 20 Allen Gerard, Eta 12 Artliur Coe, Zeta 07, Tau 07 Charles Baynard, Beta 11 Edward Duffield, Gamma 42 Enos Thompson Troop, Upsilon 96 George Gushing, Rho 99 George Frisbee, Omega 19 George Kimball, Zeta 63 Harry Chapman, Rho 79 Henry Boyd, Theta 65 Jay T, Eta 17 Maximillian Loyal, Omega 09 Newell, Beta 75 Robert Bruce, Omega 16 Robert Delos, Beta 80 Sherwood Erie, Tau 09 Walter Irving, Omega 00 William Mathews, Lambda 63 William Walter, Tau 95 Willsie Manning, Epsilon 00 MARTINDALE Edvi'ard, Theta 36 John Howard, Epsilon 85 MARUM Edward Tohn, Omega 17 MARVIN Clitus Harry, Iota 11 Clitus Harry, Iota 83 David Leslie, Iota 85 Edwin Craft, Theta 45 Joseph Howard, Beta 76 Richard Pratt, Upsilon 70 Walter Rumsey, Beta 93 MASON Alfred Bishop, Beta 71 Arthur Livingston, Sigma 74 Charles Edward, Beta 69 Charles Henry, Sigma 49 Earl Philip, Sigma 69 Eben, Delta 52 Edward Alvah, Delta 80 Edward De Witt, Delta 65 Edward Gay, Beta 60 Edward Hammond, Phi 86 Edward Hopkins, Beta 92 Eugene Waterman. Jr, Sigma 99 Frederic Ogden, Beta 09 George Cotner, Delta 92 Henry Burrall, Beta 70 Henry Eager, Beta 89 Huntington, Beta 99 John Henry, Theta 75 John Mitchell, Lambda 40 Julian Starkweather, Beta 98 Lawrence, Beta 04 Lewis Duncan, Delta 63 Lucius Julius, Zeta 93 Maurice", Beta 01 IMax, Rho 98 MASON , Norman Howell, Beta 02 Roswcll Bertram, Beta 95 Russell Zelotes, Xi 44 Stephen Waterman, Sigma 04 Theodore West, Delta 62 Vronian, Rho 95 William Clarke, Tau 03 MASSER Allan Moore, Eta 90 MASSEY Thomas, Jr, Tau 19 IwASTERS Kenneth Whaley, Upsilon 18 MASTERSON Charles Fred, Theta 13 MASURY Alfred Fellows, Sigma 04 MATHER Edward Taylor, Beta 64 Richard Henry, Gamma 57 SfamuelJ Livingstone, Beta 05 William Gwinn, Beta Beta 11 \\'illiam Tyler, Gamma 86 MATHEWS Albert, Beta 42 Alexander Ferdinand, Chi 19 Charles Thompson, Beta 86 Harold Pierce, Epsilon 06 John, Theta 38 Samuel Robert Carlton, Theta 49 MATHEWSON Arnold Bucklin, Sigma 78 Arthur, Beta 58 (^i-ias Danforth, Zeta 90 Philip Augustus, Sigma 80 MATSON William Ross, Beta 89 MATSUGATA Masao, Tau 94 MATTHEWS Charles Hale, Beta 86 Charles Linton, Jr, Tau 13 David Terrell, Iota 19 Edwin Parrott, Jr, Iota 19 Fitch James, Iota 13 Irving Weber, Mu 84 Peter Baldy, Chi 82 Richard Perry, Omega 16 Robert Finney, Lambda- 88 Rudy Dole, Omega 14 Stanley Wirt. Upsilon 11 William Henry, Jr., Theta 71 MAURAN William Lippitt, Sigma 87 MAXEY Harry Lincoln, Kappa 80 MAXON Ethan Allen, Theta 61 Frank, Beta 79 M.\XSON Harry Irl, Beta Beta 09 MAXWELL Charles Elmore, Jr.. Omega 10 David. Theta 42 John Allen, Delta 57 Lawrence, Phi 74 Robert, Beta 87 William, Beta 85 William Kilpatrick, Phi 90 MAY Albert Edward, Mu 94 Henry Lawton, Beta 87 MAYDOLE Hugh Darwin, Xi 02 MAYHEW John Wesley, Sigma 09 M.VYNARD Elisha Burr, Zeta 67 John Edward, Tau 20 Robert Doty, Zeta 9i MAYO ,\mory Dwight, Iota 12> Charles Telford, Iota 68 MEACHAM Malcolm, Delta 07 MEAD Cornelius Sanford, Theta 41 Frederick, Beta 71 Herman Rogers, Beta 11 Paul Emerson, Sigma 02 William Edward, Xi 81 MEADE Charles Henry, Delta 52 MEADER Walton Bertram, Zeta 15 MEADS Simeon Pease, Kappa 72 Willis Howard, Kappa 70 MEAGHER Harvey Edward, Omega 09 James Francis II, Omega 1 1 MiALEY Howard Gillmore, Mu 15 MEARA Frank Sherman, Beta 90 MEARS James Ewing, Beta Beta 58 MECHEM John Collier, Phi 07 MECHLING Benjamin Schreiber, Tau 03 Edward Anthony, Tau 99 MEDBERY Neil Gilmour, Theta 01 Stephen Clark, Jr., Theta 99 MEE Joseph, Zeta 71 MEECH William Billings, Delta 39 MEEDS Alonzo Draper, Mu 89 MEEKER Clifford Delegar, Xi 02 David Clark, Delta 43 Harold Denman, Xi 98 James Edwin Campbell, Iota 17 Jonathan Magie, Xi 73 MEGRAW William Adams, Eta 97 MEHLHOP Carl Francis, Phi 01 Clarence Warren, Phi 99 Frederick William, Phi 88 Thomas Pope, Phi 19 MEIGS Walter, Beta 98 MEISEL Frederick Carl, Phi 91 MELICK Lconi, Beta 74 MELLEN Albert Henry, Gamma 06 Harrison Walker, Gamma 09 MENDELL Ellis, Beta 74 MENDELSOHN Albert, Lambda 11 MENDENHALL James Kicmer, Iota 66 MENEFEE Arthur Burley, Lambda 10 MENGEL Clarence Rudolph, Jr., Rho 17 886 ALPHABETICAL INDEX MEN GEL Joseph Torbitt, Rho 17 MENZIE Robert Duncan, Upsilon 95 MERCER Joseph Aaron, Phi /I MERCHANT Roy Richardson, Zeta 06 MERCUR Charles Belin, Chi 10 MERRIAM Alexander Ross, Beta 72 DeWitt Hiram, Xi 13 Edmund Sawyer, Beta Beta 0^ Edward Fiske, Beta 70 George Spring, Beta 64 Henry Harrison, Gamma 66 Tames Fiske, Beta 67 Nathaniel Henry, Gamma 78 MERRICK ^ ^ , , Gale Clifford, Mu 0.\ Lambda 05 MERRILL Arthur Hodges, Zeta 02 Charles Benjamin, Krtppa 47 Charles Edmund, Jr., Beta 4>8 Charles Henry, Zeta 67 Clement Fessenden, Gamma 99 George Cooke, Gamma 65 George Frye, Zeta 00 Hamilton Griswold, Gamma 00 Henry Putnam, Jr., Zeta 99 James Alfred, Beta 85 Tames Griswold, Gamma 63 John Cummings. Kappa 51 John Francis, Beta 81 "John Leverett, Zeta 56 Josiah Leverttt, Zeta 9i Keith, Beta 11 Moses, Zeta 56, Alpha 56 Oliver Boutwell. Gamma 91 Oliver Brown, Gamma 60 Pavson McLane, Beta 02 Ralph Howard, Beta Beta 10 Walter Emery, Zeta 95 Walter Hibbard, Zeta 94 Walter John, Omega 09 William Fessenden. Gamma 63 William Fessenden, Gamma 99 William Hutchinson, Beta 83 William Truman, Zeta 87 MERRIMAN Charles Henry, Jr., Sigma 92 Edward Bruce, Sigma 94 Harold Thurston, Sigma 94 Isaac Butts, Sigma 97 Porter Lee, Theta 01 Willis Edgar, Theta 98 MERRITT Henrv Newton, Beta 12 Howard Butler, Xi 10 Joseph King, Beta 44 Kenneth Newton, Zeta 10 MERVINE Charles Sumner, Beta 77 MERWIN Richard Berkley, Chi IS TimoLhv Dwight, Beta 77 MESERVE Percy Clark, Theta 92 Philip Weston, Kappa 11 MESSENGER Hiram lohn, Tr., Chi 80 MESSIMER Onslow Wotten, Phi 03 MESSLER Remsen Varick, Beta 80 METCALF Augustus Torrey, Beta 75 George Reuben, Gamma 73 Harold Urant, Beta 04 METCALF John Henry, Sigma 73 Nathaniel Whiting, Sigma 46 Richard, Sigma 51 METZGER Simon Charles, Beta 80 MEULENDYKE Charles Edmund, Upsilon 08 MEYER Carl Ferdinand George, Phi 01 Fredc'-ick I'helps, Rho 87 Ludwig Garfield, Eta 06 MEYLER Robert Gephard, Chi 16 MICHELL Willis Hoag, Pi 99 MICHENER Henry Clay. Xi 67 MICKEII. William Gridley, Sigma 45 MIDDLETON John Cavarly, Beta 59 MIGHILL Nathaniel, Gamma 60 MILBANK Vinton King, Lambda 20 MILDRAM Frank Benton, Kappa 67 ■ MILES benjamin Fletcher, Upsilon 81 F.'ce, Lambda 10 Zechariah Darwin, Psi 46 PAGE Calvin Gates. Alpha 52 Charles Enos, Xi 64 Emery Harkness, Psi 47, Sigma 47 Erford Lydell, Chi 88 Erwin, Delta 41 George Keeney, L^psilon 87 George Keyes, Zeta 17 Har^ison Carleton, Sigma 43 Henry Nathaniel, Zeta 20 Merritt Cicero, Beta 62 Millard Kimball. Kappa 79 William Kennetli, Omega 08 PAIGE Rqbert VVeise, Zeta 00, Lambda 01 PAIXE Benjamin Hugh. Pi OS Bernard, Zeta 63 Berrard Leonard^ Gamma 00 Charles Forrest. Iota 62 Charles Russell, Gamma 66 Edwin Covell, Upsilon 87 Elhanan Van Lew, Theta 58 Francis Ward, Rho 11 John Fiske, Sigma 98 John ,St. Clair, Kappa 49 Levi Leonard Beta 56 Robert Treat. Theta 58 PAINTER Charles Albert. Lambda 84 George Edward, Lambda 83 Henry McMahon, Beta 84 Parker, Omega 14 Thom.is Alexis, Jr., Lambda 81 PALEX George, Delta 69 P.\LFREY • Alfred Conrad, Belta 60 Francis [William] Winthrop, Alpha 51 PALLEN Georgp Colgate, Lambda 49 PALMER Abid Westfall, Thetti 57 Alanson. Zeta 60 Albert, Zeta 58 Albert Ripley, Gamma 39 Charles Townsend, Sigma 02 Edward Alexander, Epsilon 07 Edwin Franklin, Zeta 62 Fremont Manning. Kappa 77 George Culver, Phi 64 Harry Herbert. Beta 83 Lindlcy Guy, Zeta 96 Napoleon. Psi 61 Orman Carlos, Zeta 65 Pcrcival Bowditch, Jr, Zeta 03, Gamma 04 Ralph Warren, Epsilon 12 Ray Dashiell. Beta 14 Ray Eaton, Kappa 13 Reuben Tyler, Sigma 20 Robert Amorv. Chi 90 Robert Clinton, Chi 9 5 Roger Stern, Lambda 12 Stephen Gano, Tr.. Mu 08 William Edward. Pi 90 William Henrv. Beta 64 William Mitchell, Gamma 10 Wilson, Zeta 60 PALO Sanford Francis, Zeta 20 PAPKE Eberhard Lambert, Lambda 83 PAQUIN Samuel Savil. Mu 94 PARADISE Frank Ilsley, Beta 88 Scott Ilurtt, Beta 14 PARCHER Samuel Leon, Kappa 92 PARDEE Alfred Day, Beta 96 Charles Laban, Beta 84 Henry Edwards, Beta 56 Irving Hotchkiss, Lambda 12 Theron. Theta 38 William Scranton, Beta 82 PARIS Benjamin Mosher, Iota 14 Irving, Beta 15 Irving, Beta Beta 76 PARISH Samuel Bonsall, Xi 58, Delta 58 PARK Boyd Thomas. Phi 16 Byron Beach, Rho 81 Charles Caldwell, Chi 85 Edwin Avery, Lambda 14 William Edwards, Beta 61 PARKE Henry Tillman, Chi 81 Robert Augustus, Chi 79 PARKER Allan Douglas, Beta 09 Amasa Junius, Jr, Beta 91 Arthur Taylor, Kappa 76 Brainard Warner, Beta 98 Charles Pomeroy, Beta Beta Ti Daniel Humphreys, Zeta 47 David Taylor, Kappa 08 Edward Hazen, Zeta 46 Edwin Griffin, Beta 47 Frank George, Omega 12 Frederick Sheldon, Beta 73 George Burnett, Theta Theta 17 George Gednev, Gamma 52, Theta 52 George Millard, Epsilon 03 Grenville, Beta 98 Harry Fletcher, Rho 07 Henry Elijah, Zeta 41 Henry Horatio, Zeta 82 Henry Langdon, Zeta 56 Henry Swain. Zeta 43 Henry Webster, Gamma 43 Hugh, Pi 84 James Cortlandt, Jr., Lambda 54 Tames Henrv, Delta 38 John Allen, 'Theta Theta 19 John Clement, Kappa 86 John Mason. 2d. Chi 96 Jonathan Willis. Phi 75 Kenneth Safford, Sigma 18 Lewis Rathbone, Beta 92 Morris Ketchum, Beta 01 Oscar Reroth, Gamma 68 Ralph Taylor, Kappa 95 Retire Hathorn, Zeta 62 Robert Parmenter, Zeta 82 .Shubael Stiles, Psi 46 Smith, .XuRustus, Eta 84 Spencer Lowell, Mu 18 Wilbur. Beta 80 Willard, Lambda 66 WiJlard, Jr., Beta 90 William N.-wton. Beta 79 William White Wilson, Beta 93 PARKHURST Charles. Zeta 78 Charles Henry, Gamma 66 Frederick Alexander, Chi 92 Henry William, Delta 19 PARKHURST Howard Elmore, Gamma 73 John Strykcr, Psi 64 Louis Henry, Gamma 72, Alpha 72 PARKINSON Charles Edgar, Zeta 73 (ieorge Bowen, Zeta 75 Robert Henry, Zeta 70 William Dwight, Zeta 78 PARKMAN Samuel Breck, Alpha 57 PARKS George, Sigma 45 James Lewis, Lambda 07 I'ARMENTIER Douglas Merrill, Rho 13 Jules Merrill, Rho 12 PARMLY Wheelock Hcndee, Lambda 42 PARRISH Herbert, Mu 91, Beta Beta 91 P.\RRV Edwin Sattcrthwait, Gamma 01 Ivan .Arthur, Mu 97 John Henry, Psi 11 Maxwell [Oswald], Beta 09 PARSONS Charles Cutler, Omega 05 Dewitt Hoag, Gamma 12 Earle Waldon, Xi 19 Edward Lambe, Beta 89 Francis, Beta 93 George, Kappa 76 Henry, Lambda 88 Henry Ivison. Beta 95 Herbert, Lambda 79 James, Gamma 56 James Chal'is, Gamma 55 Levi, Psi 49 Lewis Greene. Beta 72 Lewis Morgan, Tau 19 Lvman Wilson, Psi 65 Paul Stephen, Beta Beta 18 William Henrv, Beta 82 William Henry, Jr., Beta 10 William Usher. Lambda 98 PARTRIDGK Allen Durston, Pi 16 Ben Weston, Jr., Kappa 11 Charles Edward, Zeta 44 Charles Ray, Zeta 82 George, Gamma 54 Sidney Catlin, Beta 80 W'illiam Ordway, Lambda 85 PASSMORE John Faxon, Chi 13 Lincoln .Man, Chi 17 PATCH .V'exandcr McCarrcll, Jr., Eta 12 PATRICK George Xeill, Gamma 03 PATRIE Harry Hapcman. Tau 14 PATT Benjamin Franklin, Omega 78 PATTEN Daniel Dana, Zeta 55 Franklin Wells, Xi 74, Beta 74 Henry Lyman, Alpha 58 William Robie, Zeta 61 PATTERSON Arthur Dunn. Gamma 11 BucU .\verell. Omega 17 Charles Henry, Zeta 64 Charles Moore, Tau 97 George Elliott. Eta 11, Delta 11 George Washington, Beta 84 George Washington, Jr., Beta 14 George Washington, Jr., Zeta 48 892 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PATTERSON George Willis, Zeta 81 Horace Hill, Tau 93 James Willis, Zeta 48 John Adams, Gamma 17 John Closey, Beta 66 Jolin Neil, Phi 10 Paul, Beta 11 Raymond Albert, Beta 78 Roswell Miller, Beta 00 Walter Brown, Zeta 83 PATTISON Arthur Eugene, Beta Beta SO Arthur Eugene, Gamma 11 Frank Wayland, Upsilon 03 Robert Bainbridge, Upsilon 99 Sidney Fawcett, Upsilon 98 PATTON Carl Harrison, Gamma 19 Frederick William, Omicron 17 PAUL Charles Henry, Beta 12 Isaac Farnsworth, Zeta 78 PAULDING Charles Cook, Beta 89 PAVIOUR Ernest .Vverill, Upsilon 10 Robert Francis, Upsilon 08 PAXTON John Randolph, Jr., Beta 98 Thomas Barbour, Jr., Beta 96 PAYNE Charles Hart, Sigma 82 Charles Henry, Xi 56 Earl Hamilton, Chi 94 Harold, Delta Delta 16 Hubbard Bester, Xi 61 John Adams, Jr., Delta Delta 16, Lambda 16 Philip I Clare 1, Chi 88 Ralph, Tau 97 Stephen Henry, Pi 92, Phi 92 Willard Marsh, Eta 05 PAYSON Armour Phillips, Delta 07 Edgar Robinson, Jr., Kappa 14 Harold, Lambda 05 William Farquhar, Lambda 96 PEABODY Alexander Marshall, Chi 18 Charles, Delta 43 Clarence Webster, Kappa 93 Harry Gilmore, Beta Beta 17 Henry Greenwood, Zeta 76 Owen Glendour, Zeta 42 Paul Everton, Epsilon 15 William Wirt, Iota 86 PEAKE Charles Foote, Lambda 43 PEALE John Wesley, Eta 85 Rembrandt, Jr., Eta 18 Richard, Eta 14 PEARCE Eugene Frederick, Delta 81 Frederic Lincoln, Upsilon 89 Henry George, Tau 07 PEARDON Roswell Cameron, Delta 16 PEARL Isaac Emerson, Zeta 82 PEARSE Carroll Gardner, Jr., Beta 14 PEARSON Edward Nathan, Zeta 81 Fisher Hildreth, Zeta 88 Frederick Ambrose, Beta 14 Harlan Colby. Zeta 93 Lucien Dean. Delta Delta I'' William Gaston, Alpha 54 PEASE Frederic Arnold, Beta 11 George Eleazar Holt, Beta 56 Henry Hale, Chi 83. Pi 83 Henry Hamilton, Psi 99 Lynn Spencer^ Rho 86 PEASLEE Clarence Loomis. Pi 93 Edward Henry, Beta 72 Edmund Witherbee, Beta 12 PEASLEY Arthur Brown. Pi 96 PEATTIE Edward CahiU, Phi 06 PECK Aaron, Delta 58 Carl Robinson, Xi 96 Charles Baldwin, Jr., Gamma 16 David, Beta 49 Edward Stuart. Delta 04 Ferdinand Wythe, Jr., Phi 93 Fletcher Clay, Theta 62 Fletcher Whitman, Upsilon 04 Frank Henry, Beta 56 George, Delta 45 Henry North, Gamma 49 Henry Porter, Gamma 78 Jonas Oramel, Gamma 62 Lewis. Psi 44 Luther Wesley, Delta 45 Marshall Reuben, Zeta 70 Robert Earle, Zeta 98 Rowland Marcy, Kappa 70 Samuel Ernest. Upsilon 04 PECKHAM LeRoy Bliss, Beta 80 PEEK Robert Lee, Jr., Lambda 19 PEET Dudley, Beta 52 Hiram Lorenzo, Pi 75 Isaac Lewis, Beta 45 John Carlisle, Beta 15 John Northup, Beta 78 Robert Edward, Lambda 88 PEGG John, Jr., Xi 49 PEGRAM John Combe, Sigma 92 William Alexander^ Omicron 10 PEIRCE James McCorkle, Beta 18 John, Sigma 56 PEIRSON Homer Francis, Mu 91 William Tracy, Theta 89 PELL Alfred, Lambda 55 Howland, Lambda 76 Robert Schuyler, Lambda 56 PELTON Henry Hubbard, Beta Beta 93 PENDILL Willoughby Carr, Pi 10 PENFIELD Benjamin Bennett, Xi 73 William Dixon, Beta Beta 62 PENHALLOW Charles Sherburne, Alpha 74 PENNELL Frederick [Levi], Kappa 08 Galusha, Phi 68 PENNIMAN John Griscom, Epsilon 14 John Havens, Phi 06 Russell Sylvanus, Jr., Epsilon 08 PENNINGTON Charles Josiah, Beta 46 PENNOCK William Clark, Iota 82 PENNOYER Albert Sheldon, Epsilon 11 Elias Reymond Xi 55 Paul Geddes, Epsilon 11 PENNY George Barlow, Chi 85 Vernon Kellogg, Zeta 17 PENROSE Thomas Norwood, Beta 87 PENTZ George Shannon, Delta 88 Perry Carter, Delta 94 PERCIVAL Percy Snow, Kappa 01 PERCY Karlton Goodsell, Beta 07 Sewell Watson, Kappa 08 William Wellesley, Pi 98 PERHAM Harry Leavitt, Kappa 13 PERKINS Albert Cornelius, Zeta 59 Allyn Farmer, Mu 09 Arthur, Beta 87 Augustus Thorndike, Alpha 51 Benjamin Conant, Gamma 48, Zeta 48 Benjamin Franklin, Zeta S9 Charles Albert, Zeta 90 Charles Edward, Beta 70 Edward Foote, Phi 05 Edward Henry, Beta 59 Frederick Curtis, Beta 94 Frederick Winthrop, Zeta 97 George Clap, Beta 61 Geoige Hamilton, LTpsilon 72 J Wentworth, Psi 08 Jacob, Beta 42 Jacob. Beta 84 Jacob Neal, Xi 65 Joseph, Sigma 59 Nehemiah Martin, Psi 41 Norman Carolan, Beta 57 Norton, Lambda 01 Moses Bradstreet, Zeta 02 Roswell Roy, Psi 19 Samuel Clarke, Beta 48 Winslow Lewis, Gamma 57 PERLEY Roscoe Dorman, Zeta 91 PERRIN Edwin Oscar, Jr., Beta 77 PERRINE David Greenlief, Omega 73 William Schuyler, Omega 89 PERRY Albert Humphreys, Kappa 82 Clarence William, Delta 82 Curtis Appleton, Kappa 77 David Brainerd, Beta 63 Donald Irving, Gamma 20 Edward Owen, Psi 03 Jairus Ware, Kappa 46 James Lamb, Theta 79 John Treadwell, Beta 73 Lee Johnston. Chi 14 Oliver Hazard. Iota 62 Reginald, Delta 08 William, Kappa 77 William Oilman, Zeta 42 William Stevens, Alpha 54 PESHINE John William. Delta 47 PETER George Frederick. Beta 90 James Webber, Phi 09 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 893 PETER Julius Christian, Beta 10 William Frederick, Beta OS PETERMAN Charles Page, Iota 80 PETERS Charles Harold, Pi 17 Clinton Noyes, Kappa 10 Frank George, Beta 86 Roger Hanson, Iota 85 Russell Mitchell, Sigma 19 William Allison, Beta 12, Epsilon 14 PETERSON Arthur William, Omicron IS Ferd Somers, Epsilon 12 Fred Burns. Rho 98 George Baltzer [\Vetherbee], Epsilon 16 John. Xi 57 Reuben, Jr., Phi 14 PETIGRUE Win f red King, Xi 13 PETTENGILL Reuben True, Upsilon 62 PETTIBONE Albert Wells, Theta 49 Charles Henry, Zeta 78 PETTIT Charles Warren, Eta 96 John Upfold, Theta 39 Ossian Columbus, Theta 50 William Frederick, Beta Beta 46 PFENNING Louis, Delta 80 PHARIS LeRoy Masters, Pi 07 PHELAN James, Chi 09 Robert Early, Chi 10, Lambaa 10 PHELPS Ansel, Beta 94 Benjamin Kinsman, Beta 53 Charles. Xi 75 Charles Osborne, Delta 62 Charles Ransom, Pi 18 Dudley, Beta 83 George Alexander, Beta 95 Howard Mattoon, Pi 13 John Jay, Beta 83 Myron Henry, Beta 76 Samuel W'allace, Delta 48 W'illiam Lyon, Beta 87 W'illiam Walter, Beta 60 PHILBIN Ewing Reginald, Beta 11 Jesse Holladay. Beta 13 Stephen Holladay, Beta 10 PHILBRICK John French, Zeta 81 PHILIP John Christian, Lambda 43 PHILLIPS Benjamin, Zeta 83 Bradley, Jr., Mu 81 Bruce Gretton, Delta 96 Burroughs, Zeta 49 Clifton Wharton, Beta Beta 70 Edward Kent, Gamma 57 George \\Tiitefield. Gamma 61 Herbert Joseph, Theta Theta 17 John Cleveland, Beta 00 John Goddard, Kappa 73 LeRoy. Gamma 92 Morris Shallcross. Beta Beta 06 William Brown, Sigma 58 William Edwards, Kappa 42 \\ illiam Northcote, Xi 06 PHINNEY , Arthur, Zeta 64, Beta 64 James Milton, Psi 43 PlilPPS James Monroe, Sigma 42 Stephen Carpenter, Rho 03 PIATT Robert Arnold, Phi 12 PICKARD Adoniram Judson, Kappa 63 Darwin Frank, Psi 91 PICKERING Charles Walker, Zeta 59 Clinton, Victor, Lambda 19 PICKLES Charles Frederick, Xi 15 PIERCE Albert Rideout, Rho 14 Carlos Thornton, Zeta 07 Clarence Marshall, Zeta 74 Claudius Buchanan, Zeta 54 Duncan Haldane, Phi 07 Edwin, Zeta 52 Elbridge Bancroft, Beta 13 Ernest William, Chi 07 Frank Ellis, Rho 95 George Dorchester, Psi 99 George Taber, Beta 43 George Washington, Kappa 57 Henry Dutton, Zeta 72 Henry Hill, Kappa 96 James Mills, Alpha 53 John Alexander, Kappa 01 John Sabin, Beta 51 Josiah Jr, Kappa 46 Lewis, Kappa 52 Louis Sellinger, Upsilon 12 Marson Wilgus, Rho 12 Thomas Lewis, Kappa 98 W'alter Merton, Pi 88 William Lcmmex, Lambda 14 William Lemmex, Zeta 80 PIERPONT Louis Evelyn, Upsilon 86 PIERSON Charles Wheeler, Beta 86 Decius Latimer, Beta 94 Edgar Horton, Mu 00 John Shaw, Delta 40 Roy Norton, Mu 03 W^illiam Henry, Kappa 64 PIEZ Charles, Lambda 89 PIFFARD Henry Haight, Lambda 92, Chi 92 PIKE Albert Marvin. Omicron 20 Bennett, Ka-^a 51 Charles Eliot, Gamma 75 Clarence. Zeta 80 Dorman Bradstreet, Zeta 86 Gordon Brainerd, Xi 88, Beta 89 James, Xi 42 Joseph Brown, ivlu 90 Samuel John, Kappa 47 PILCHER Lewis Frederic, Xi 9Ti PILLING George Piatt 3d, Tau 12 Joseph Ross, Tau 08 PINCHOT Amos [Richards Eno], Beta 97 Gifford, Beta 89 PINCKNEY John Henry Hobart, Psi 51 William Richmond, Eta 84 PINE John Buckley, Lambda 11 PINIGREE Roy Edward, Phi 08 PINKERTON John Morrison, Beta 41 PINKNEY Albert Urbahn, Delta Delta 18 PINNEO Frank Keiver, Rho 11 Joseph Otis, Beta 64 PINNEY Charles Lyman, Iota 70 Eugene Moulton, Chi 14 George Miller, Upsilon 62 Humphrey, Chi 16 PIPER Charles Blaine, Pi 01 Edgar Foster, Pi 01 Horace Lord, Kappa 63 PIRSSON Augustus Coe, Lambda 72 PISEK Godfrey Roger, Delta 94 Vincent, Delta 82 PITCHER Joseph Russell, Theta 45 PITFIELD Robert Lucas, Tau 92 PITKIN Robert James, Beta 85 Thomas Hubbard, Beta 62 Walter Stanley, Beta 58 PIXLEY Edward Evans. Xi 87 PLACE Herman Gauntlett, Chi 17 Ira Adelbert, Chi 81 Willard Fiske, Chi 18 PLAISTED Elwyn Daid, Pi 11 PLAPP Frederick William, Zeta 85 PLATNER John Winthrop, Beta 85 PLATT Clarence Melvin, Upsilon 06 Edward Marcellus, Rho 87 Frank Hinchman, Beta 77 John Henr^' Psi 50 J[oseph] Curtis, Beta 10 Lewis Alfred, Beta 79 Livingston, Beta 07 Philip Skinner, Beta 12 Rutherford Hayes, Beta 74 PLESSNER David, Beta 85 PLIMPTON T[heodore] Barnett, Gamma 02 Warren Oscar, Kappa 82 PLUMB Erwin Schuyler, Upsilon 93 Robert Hiram, Psi 09 Thomas Cory. Pi 19 William Thompson, Upsilon 91 PLUMMER Curtis. Zeta 07 Daniel Clarence, Omega 20 Franklin Atkins, Lambda 88 POEHLER Kenneth Cole, Mu 19 POHLI Austin Ramon, Epsilon 14 POINDEXTER George Gilmer, Kappa 50 POLAND Addison Brown, Xi 72 Joseph Dexter, Gamma 49 POLHEMUS .\drian Suydam, Beta 79 Ilenrv Martin. Lambda 12 894 ALPHABETICAL INDEX POLK Alexander Hamilton, Beta Beta S3 Frank Lyon, Beta 94 POLLARD Edward Bagby, Tau 20 Otis Mason, Tau 19 William James, Theta 82 POLLEN George Colgate, Lambda 49 POLLOCK Edward Learned, Beta 84 Edward Learned, Beta Beta 15 George Edward, Beta 78 William Beta 82 Vvoolsey McAlpine, Beta Beta 18 POMEROY Arthur Cleveland, Xi 95 Charles Rhodes, Xi 53 Charles Stedman, Lambda 54 Daniel, Xi 56 Edward Sherman, Xi 79 Elihu Franklin, Gamma 60 Henry, Theta 43 Isaac, Gamma 48 James Margarum, Xi 56 John Norton, Beta 87 Julius Rowley, Xi 49 Ralph Hayward, Xi 87 Ralph Margarum, Xi 52 Robert Watson, Beta 91 Theodore, Beta 09 William, Xi 61 William Morton, Gamma 61 POMROY Frederic Hopkins, Beta 87 Henry Keney, Lambda 75 POND Augustus \'an Ranst. Phi 80 r Charles] Edward, Beta 88 Charles Murray, Beta Beta 58 George Mortimer, Upsiion 91 Henry Searls, Epsilon 06 Isaac, Sigma 47 Jeremiah Evarts, Kappa 53 POOL Morris Wright, Eta 96 POOLE Austin Meigs, Delta 87, Lambda 88 Benjamin, Beta 66 Edward Smith, Zeta 11 Gerald Arlington. Zeta 18 L^man Chamberlain. Zeta 18 William Frederick. Beta 91 POOLER Charles Thomas, Xi 44 POOR Arthur Herbert, Alpha 51 Edward Eri, Jr., Gamma 10 William George. Zeta 82 POPE Benjamin Franklin, Psi 64 George Samuel, Omicron 06 John Parker, Chi 90 John Thomas, Gamma 65, Sigma 65 Willard, Phi 88 Willard Smith, Psi 51 PORTER Albert Augustus, Gamma 59 Avery Roy. Psi 13 Charles Wendell, Gamma 89 Chester Winfield, Pi 84 Dainon Clarke, Xi 72 Dwight Dixon, Gamma 71 Edward Leighton, Beta 57 Edward Maurice. Beta 13 Edwin I/ewis, Beta 84 Fitz John, Lambda 12 Francis Edward, Xi 69 PORTER Frank Merithew, Kappa 82 George Doane, Alpha 51 George French, Beta 03 Harold Greene, Pi 15 Harvey, Gamma 70 John, Jr., Gamma 10 John Addison, Beta 42 Luther Henry, Chi 79 Nathan Todd, Jr., Beta 90 Phil. Iota 12 Wilfred Wickliffe, Pi 86 Wilfred Wickliffe, Jr., Pi 09 PORTERFIELD Henry ATebach, Eta 83 POST Henry Camp, Phi 79 John Augustus, Beta 75 Joseph Isaac, Beta 60 POSTLE Wilbur Everett. Iota 19 POSTON John Murrell, Beta 72> POTTER Alonzo, Beta 94 Arthur Lindsay, Beta Beta 10 Barrett, Kappa 78 Charles Walter Howard. Phi 76 Clarkson Nott, Theta 42 Earle Francis, Phi 03 Frederick, Beta 78 George Leonard, Psi 15 Henry Saunders, Beta 72 Hiram. Psi 52 James Harold, Delta 19 Kennedy Loomis, Phi 02 Nathan Simpson, Jr., Phi 08 Raymond Frothingham, Tau 11 Rowland Farwell, Beta 16 Sheldon Frothinham, Tau 08 William Hohart, Phi 75 POTTS George Ewbank. Delta 61 Lorenzo Browne, Phi 68 Wil'iam Sherman, Beta 54 POT WINE William Edward, Beta Beta 79 POULE Charles Emery, Kappa 42 POULSON Edwin Lee, Omega 00 POUNDS Lewis Charles, Zeta 18 William Stilson, Zeta 11 POUSLAXD Charles Fitz, Alpha 72 POVEY Richard Stanley. Delta 97 POWELL Edward Merriam, Delta Delta 13 Francis Foster, Gamma 09 George Kelsey, Pi 66 Henrv Alanson, Theta 72 John 'Dale, Beta 41 Jonathan Rider. Jr.. Theta 84 Lefferts Morrell. Theta 83 Perry Green, Xi 62 \\'slter Be'rose, Omega 80 ^^'ilIiam Baker, Gamma 11 POWER Arthur Gerald Hubert, Jr., Xi 08 Charles Edward, Mu 08 POWERS Cornelius \'an \'orst. Lambda 82 Elisha Shaw. Kappa 07 Harry Arthur, Zeta 94 POWERS J[ohnJ Hale, Xi 69 Marsh Klock, Beta 10 Philip Montague, Zeta 07 William \'an Vorst, Lambda 77 PRATT Albert Fuller. Mu 93 Albert Houghton, Psi 01, Chi 01 Charles Henry, Beta 50 Clayton Al'en, Omega 84 Edgar Oilman, Kapp 97 Edward Pascal, Beta 82 Edward Read, Alpha 7i Edward Williams, Eta 90 Elon Graham, Zeta 06 Francis Edward, Delta 85 Frank Josiah, Jr., Gamma 86 Frank Stowe, Sigma 75 George Washington, Xi 49 Gilbert Edwin, Delta 57, Theta 57 Harden l)e\'alson. Jr., Gamma 78 Harold Boswell, Kanna 03 Henrv Cleveland, Beta 57 Henrv Rice, Psi 66 I Tohn I Leslie Russel'. Theta 86 John Sherring, Phi 96 Juihis Howard, Beta 82 LeRoy, Jr., Theta Theta 19 Loring, Kappa 13 Nahum Blackman, Psi 12 Oramel Whitlesey, Beta 85 Waldo Elliott, Gamma 18 William Hall Brace, Beta 64 William Spencer, Psi 04 PRAY Isaac Clark, Gamma 33 Samuel Beecher, Delta 98 Thornton Calder, Zeta 15 PRENDERGAST James, Lambda 71 PRENTICE Adelbert Cvrus. Theta 66 Bryant Hawk, Beta 05 Erastus Ladd, Gamma 55 PRENTISS Albert Nelson. Chi 60 Lory, Kappa 89 Paul Hyde. Kappa 18 Russell Edwards. Gamma 95 PRESBY Winthrop Bartlet, Zeta 87 PRESCOTT Benjamin Franklin, Zeta 56 Don Southhard, Rho 18 Henry Beardsley. Zeta 90 Loren Locke, Rho 92 Walter Raleigh, Psi 78 William Chase, Xi 44 William Warren, Zeta "77 PRESLEY William Catnpbell, Iota 20 PRESSEY Ernest Albert, Beta Beta 92 Herbert Ernest Palmer, Beta Beta 19 Richard Palmer, Beta Beta 20 William, Beta Beta 90 William Benficld, Beta Beta IS PRESTON Austin Roe, Beta 83 Judson Hill, Upsiion 99 Ord Beta 99 Robert Hall, Pi 11 Thomas Scott, Beta Beta 43 Truman Halley, Pi 12 Whiting Hayden, Sigma 15 PRICE Carl Fowler, Xi 02 Florence John Harrington, Sig- ma 06 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 895 I I PRICE Frank Julian, Beta 92 Isaiah Benjamin, Theta 12 Jacob Cole. Phi 75 Jonathan Harry, Eta 06 Toseoh, Theta "5 "Morton Moore, Theta 99 Rowland Charles, Pi 85 Vernon Dana, Kappa 71 Warwick Tames, Beta 94 William Stanley, Theta 20 PRICHARD Joseph N'ila, Alpha 73 PRIDDY Allan Leach, Zeta 15 PRIME [Georee] Wendell, Lambda 56 Spencer Gilchrist, 2d, Pi 05 M'^illiam Cowper, Delta 9i PRINCE Leonard Morton, Gamma 18 PRITCHARD Albert Richard, Beta 87 Harric Walter, Pi 86 PROBASCO Samuel Ward, Iota 69 P ROBERT Sidney Wallace, Delta 88 PROCTER Edwin Richard, Iota 68 Percy. Iota 72 PROCTOR Franklin Fisk, Zeta 75 John Carroll, Zeta 64 John Cleveland, Zeta 75 John Milton, Zeta 63 Mortimer Robinson, Beta 12 William Ross, Lambda 84 William Ross, Jr., Beta 16 PROUD Isaac, Sigma 47 PROUDFOOT Frederick William, Omega 89 PRUGH Edward Insco, Omego 03 Julian Insco, Omego 03 PROVOST Andrew Jackson, Jr., Lambda 89 PRUDDEN Theodore Philander, Beta 69 PRUITT Forrest .\llen, Omicron 07 Francis James, Omicron 20 Glenn James, Omicron 09 PRYOR James Williamson, Lambda 78 John Donald, Sigma 08 PUDNEY William Kent, Omicron 14 PUFFER William Martin, Xi 82 rx;GHE .\rthur Rees, Xi 20 PUGSLEY Isaac Piatt, Beta 64 PULFORD Charles Reed, Eta 05, Pi 05 Frank Dickinson, Pi 13 Samuel Arthur, Eta OS, Pi 05 PULLEN Jones Snencer. Rho 12 PULSIFER Chase, Kanna 97 PULTZ Louis Albert, Upsilon 05 PULVER Frank. Xi 50 PUMPELLY Harold Armstrong. Beta 15 Spencer Armstrong, Beta 17 PURCELL Burgo, Lambda 14 Francis Keon, Pi 01, Chi 01 Henry, Jr., Chi 03 PURCHAS Robert Thorsen, Rho 14 PURDY Alfred Edgar Martindale. Delta 57 [Edward] Lawson, Beta Beta 84 Ellwood Dayton, Pi 15 Frank LeRoy, Pi 92 James Soveraine, Beta Beta 49 lohn R.. Pi 00 Ross Coffin, Pi 99 PURVES Guillermo Colesberry, Beta 64 Stuart St. Claire, Beta Beta 20 PUTNAM George Palmer, Epsilon 11 Granville Bradstreet, Gamma 61 Hiram Brainerd. Gamma 60 John NewtoU; Zeta 43 John Wallace. Zeta 92 "Ronald Wightman, Pi 14 Samuel Porter, Zeta 62 Samuel Warburton, Delta 43 PYLE Louis Apgar, Tau 14 PYNCHON William Lyon, Theta 50 OUACKENBOS George Payne, Lambda 43 QUACKENBOSS Alexander, Zeta 87 Francis [Bates], Zeta 11 QUARLES Edward Louis. Tau 02, Phi 99 loseph Very, Phi 96 "Louis, Phi 05 William Charles, Phi 92 QUIER Edwin Adams, Fta 91 OUIMBY Silas Everard, Xi 59 QUINBY Edward Vincent, Jr., Omega 05 Henry Brewer, Kappa 69 Henry Dean, Jr., Upsilon 18 Isaac Ferdinand, LTpsilon 64 Thomas Freeman^ Theta 76 OUINLAN "Charles Henry, Delta 91 OUINN "William Joseph, Psi 01 OUINT John Hastings, Zeta 91, Kappa 97 Wilder Dwight, Zeta 87 OUIRK "Earl William, Rho 10 James Park, Mv. 01 Joseph Charles, Xi 13 RABBITT James Stanley, Chi 16 RACKEMANN William Frederic, Chi 89 RACKETT Everett Irving, Xi 68 RAFTER Case Broderick, Eta 13 RAFTERY Harold Brainerd, Beta Beta 16 Oliver Henry, Beta Beta 73 RAITHEL Andrew George, Rho 13 RALSTON Robert Wilbur, Chi 19 RAMSAY Harry McBeth, Upsilon 01 William Butterfield. Phi 90 RAMSEY David Madison. Tau 07 Ellwood Ellis, tau 03 George, Delta 83 Herbert Marseilles, Tau 05 William Heines Crawford, Tau 99 William Sidney, Eta 88 RAND Arthur Henrv, Mu 03 Charles Edward, Chi 97 Edward Augustus, Kappa 57 Erving Hascall, Beta 11 Gordon Loring, Beta 12 Philip, Omega 97 Stephen Baile- Gamma 66 RANDALL Albert Barrows, Pi 76 Darley, Beta 19 Otis Everett, Sigma 84 Wallace Everett, Sigma 20 RANDLE Clement Griscom, Beta Beta 05 RANDLETT Howard Malcolm, Kappa 59 RANDOLPH Hector Craig Fitz, Lambda 67 Nathaniel Archer, Chi 79 Robert Isham, Chi 07 RANGE Walker, Theta Theta 13 RANGER James Aloysius, Sigma 02 R.ANKIN Albert William, Mu 80 Alfred Erwin, Beta Beta 11 Egbert Guernsey, Lambda 76 Fred Henry, Omicron 87 George Douglas, Beta Beta 03 Mather Ingraham, Beta Beta 04 RANNEY Edward Hitchcock, Phi !(, RANSOM Seymour Herbert [Huntt], Gam- ma 92 RAREY Charles Donald, Iota 11 RATHBONE Gerald Laurence, Beta 93 RAWSON Joseph. Alpha 72 R.aWSTORNE Charles Duren, Sigma 04 RAY Benjamin Franklin, Zeta 51 Charles Howell, Psi 78 Edward Chittenden, Psi 70 Frederick Sylvanus, Epsilon 04 James, Lambda 56 John Pearl, Psi 16 Robert Allen, Zeta 11 RAYFIELD Frederick Harvey, Chi 15 RAYLEY John Glasgow, Mu 14 R \Y.MER George Sharpe, Lambda 81 RAYMOND Allen Simmons, Xi 14 Arthur Ward, Upsilon 11 Charles Harlow, Xi 99 Charles Henry, Xi 11 Cbarle Ward, Chi 76 Edward Franklin, Alpha 51 Harold Bradford. Xi 04 896 ALPHABETICAL INDEX RAYMOND Henry Augustine, Beta OS Henry Warren, Beta 69 Irving Edward, Xi J9 James Hervey, Jr., Phi 78 Jonathan Stone, Beta 17 Robert Fulton, Xi 81 Robert Fulton, Xi 17 Samuel Atwater, Beta 70 Walter, Alpha 73 William Miner, Beta 94 RAYNOLDS Harold. Chi 18 John Fiske, Chi 11 RAYNOR Forrest, Delta 87 Russell, Lambda 89 REA George Black, Tau 03 READ Daniel, Psi 46 David Farnam, Beta 83 Hanson Leland, Gamma 48 William Alexander, Zeta 50 READING William Barton, Chi 2,2 REAMER Frank Temple, Lambda 91 REBER Edvi'in Perry, Zeta 14, Omicron 14 James Calvin, Omega 20 James Valentine, Zeta 20 John Uhrich, Gamma 16 REBMANN Godfrey Ruhland, Jr., Chi 19 Paul Cooper, Chi 18 RECTOR Carroll Sanford. Pi 19 REDDIG James Burr, Eta 99 REDDY Philip Jerome, Omega 10 REDFERN Donald, Kappa 11 REDFIELD Burt Henry, Zeta 89 Henry Stephen, Gamma 77 REDINGTON Arthur Calvin, Pi 02 George Owen, Pi 94 REDMAN Crosby Eaton, Kappa 20 Erastus Fulton, Kappa 70 Fulton Jarvis, Kap^a 07 John Bakeman, Kappa 70 REED Charles Lawson, Beta 11 Charles Taulman, Xi 62 clarence Marsh, Beta 97 Edward Bliss, Beta 94 Frederick Alonzo, Gamma 43 George Edward, Xi 69 George Shaler, Pi 08 Henr" Bidlack, Jr., Eta 04 Homer, Phi 72 James Hay, Jr., Lambda 05 James Pardee, Iota 91 John, Theta 51 John Fitch, Pi 95 Lansing Parmelee, Beta 04 Major Fred, Pi 01 Orville, Beta 77 Ralph Edwin, Zeta 13 REEDER El Roy Shibley, Theta 06 Le Ray Thompson, Theta 06 REES Benjamin Franklin, Lambda 74 Frank Milburn, Chi 14 John Krom, Lambda 72 REESE Henry Harvey, Iota 79 William Henry, Psi 70 REEVE Charles McCormick, Beta 70 Howard Dickinson, Beta 98 REGISTER Albert Layton, Chi 89 Henry Bartol, Tau 09 Henr<- Vollmer Chi 92 Layton Bartol, Tau 04 Samuel Croft, Chi 88 REID Archibald, Theta 36 Clarence Ledoux, Beta 77 Edward Winthrop, Beta 86 Frederick William, Lambda 81 George Darius, Beta 74 Horace Hall, Beta 43 John, Jr., Beta 99 Lewis Fuller, Beta 75 Lewis Hubbard, Beta 47 Wilbur Allen, Delta 89 REIDINGER Philip Noyes, Theta 13 REILLY Edward [DiUer O'], Beta 52 REIMAN Robert Emil Paul, Pi 20 REINECKE William, Eta 95 REINHARDT Vernon Decker, Delta Delta 19 REMICK Roscoe Hiram, Xi 08 REMINGTON Allen Lane, Pi 98 Eliphalet, Lambda 83 Joseph Percy, Tau 98 Seth Padelford, Sigma 94 William Proctor, Tau 00 REM SEN Cornelius Wagstafif, Beta Beta 05 Henry, Lambda 71 Henry Rutgers, Beta Beta 98 Phoenix, Lambda 66 RENFRO DeGrimm, Gamma 13 RENSHAW Robert Henry, Alpha 54 RENTCHLER Marion David, Omicron 19 REW Parker Henry, Upsilon 79 REXFORD Steuben, Beta 42 REYNOLDS Charles, Lambda 43 Edwin Ten Eyck, Delta 05 Harold Sheldon, Phi 06 Herbert Sidney, Phi 04 Horatio McLeod, Beta 80 Howard Hunt, Pi 95 James Bronson, Beta 84 Jefferson, Theta 50 Joseph Brown, Gamma 55 Royal, Tau 06 Russell Seaman, Lambda 12 Wallace, Delta 11 William Albert, Xi 58 RHEA James Alexander, Gamma 63 Joseph Brainard, Gamma 63 RHETT Alfred Moore, Alpha 51 RPIOADES Hervey Fleming, Theta 43 RHODES James Mauran, 'Sigma 69 John Van Aernam, Lambda 87 Wallace Eugene, Sigma 71, Alpha 71 William, Jr., Mu 08 William Conrad, Sigma 64 RICE Alexander Hamilton, Theta 44 David Hall, Pi 67 Donald Bal'.ard, Chi 14 Edward Chauncey, Jr., Beta 01 Edwin Botts, Delta 76 Edwin Thomas, Zeta 45 Henry Danforth, Theta 55 Hugh Brown, Gamma 70 James Clay, Beta 54 Tames Francis, Delta 93 Lepine Hall, Pi 92 Mervyn Ap, Kappa 89 Paran Flint, Pi 83 William Foster, Zeta 95 William Whitney, Kappa 46 RICH Burdett Alberto, Xi 78 Charles Selwyn, Kappa 92 Earle Linus, Xi 07 Edward Burwell, Tau 00 F.lton Sherman, Xi 81 Haro'd Robinson, Pi 17 RICHARD Edwin Auguste, Lambda 86 Howard MacMillan, Xi 04 William .-\rnistrong, Xi 84 RICHARDS Archibald McMartin, Beta 16 Benjamin Sheldon. Beta 71 Chandler, Zeta 55 Charles Herbert, Beta 60, Gam- ma 60 De Witt Morey, Upsilon 05 Earle Franklin Seiter, Xi 19 Eugene Lamb, Beta 85 Frederick Barnard, Theta 88 Frederick Bates, Gamma 85 (leorge, Theta 40 George Stanford, Jr., Pi 99 John Eliot, Zeta 05 John Francisco, Beta 17 Joseph Addison, Xi 83 Joseph Atherton, Xi IS Orson Culver, Theta 95 Robert Baker, Rho 12 Samuel Thomas, Beta 46, Theta 44 Theodore. Xi 88 RICHARDSON .Arthur Howard, Phi 01 Carl Harry, Zeta 96 Charles Francis, Zeta 71 Charles Read, Sigma 18 Cyrus, Zeta 64 Erving Leander, Zeta 73 George Mann, Eta 86 Glenn Ellison, Theta 07 Herbert Clifford, Zeta 15 Horatio, Alpha 52 James, Sigma 82 "tohn Brigham, Psi 74 "Tohn Franklin, Alpha 72 Leon Josiah, Phi 90 Lucian Heywood, Zeta 73 Maurice Howe, .\lpha 73 Norman Byron, Zeta 20 Ralph Kirbv, Phi 17, L^psilon 17 Rufus Bvam, Beta 69 Stanley [Miller], Epsdon 09, Beta 11 Walter, Beta 08 Walter, Mu 11 William, Zeta 64 William Derrick, Omega 98 RICHMAN William Henry, Xi 65 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 897 RICHMOND Frank Eddy 2d, Signia 99 Frank Henry, Xi 87 George Bradford, Omicron 13 George Law, Delta 80 Howard Anson, Sigma 9" Lawrence, Sigma 09 Philip. Alpha 83, Sigma 82 Robert Mark, Kho 87 RICHTER Herbert Wi'liams, Tau 19 RICKER Freeman Alon/o, Kappa 72 James Wesley, Beta 19 Maurice Stanley, Sigma 11 RICKS Augustus John, Iota 65 Charlie Atwater, Iota 91 RIDALL Edmund \\'ainwright, Chi 19 RIDDLE George, Alpha 74 George \\'illiam. Lambda 06 RIDER Charles Everts, Upsilon 68 Francis \'andervoort, Theta 78 John Morrell, Theta IZ RIDGWAY Charles Arthur, Mu 99 Charles Wolbert, Upsilon 76 RIEDINGER Philip Noyes, Theta 13 RIEGEL Benjamin DeWitt, Eta 98 RTCCS [Asher] Gaylord, Theta 11 Benjamin Clapp, Beta 65 George Washington. Lambda 70 Herman Clarence [Charles], Chi 89 John Davis Seaton, Ome=;a 78 Thomas Lawrason, Beta 10 RIGHTER Walter Leisenring, Gamma 00 RIKER Joseph Marsh, Jr., Gamma 11 Lafon, Gamma 87 Richard, Lambda 86 RILEY Doug'.as Dismore, Theta 13 Isaac, Beta 58 James Edwin, Theta 12 Raymond Lee, Eta 10 RTNEHART Edwin John. Beta Beta 76 Gerald "Staats, Eta 11 RING Andrew. Jr., Kappa 54 Charles .Augustus. Kappa 68 Frank Whitman. Kappa 69 Henry Wilson. Kappa 79 RINGWALT Ralph Curtis, Iota 94 RINKER Charles Haglin, Mu 05 RIPLEY Arthur Heyward, Beta 81 Charles Henry, Theta 65 Edward Hastings, Theta dl George Coit, Beta 62 Thomas Emerson, Beta 88 RIPTON Benjamin Henry, Theta 80 RISING Willard Bradley, Psi 64 RITCHIE Albert Samuel, Rho 76 William Coatcs, Gamma 52 RITZINGER Frederick, Mu 06 RIVES I'rancis Bayard. Beta 11 ROACH Frank Cutter, Xi 90 ROBB George Frederick, Mu 06 James Alexander, Mu 07 ROBBIXS Edward Wright, Beta ^i Franklin, Xi 11, Lambda 12 Frederick Wright, Xi 80 George Andrews. Xi 83 Harrv Pelliam, Lambda 94 Leo Henry, Psi 98 Loring GriswoKl. Chi 00 Richard Whitfield. Beta 13 Silas Wright, Xi 47 Walter. Phi 96 Wi'ford Lash. Gamma 81 Wolcott Phelps, Beta 96 ROBERT Howell Williams, Beta 69 ROBERTS Allen De Witt, Psi 63 Benjamin Titus, Xi 48 Benson Howard, Zeta 76 Brian Chadwick, Beta Beta 95 Chapin, Rho 11 Charles, Theta 47 Dewitt Clinton. Theta 39 Edward Kilbough, Jr., Beta Beta 09 Edward Oliver, Lambda 12 George Lane, Tensilon 73 George Litch. Xi 59 Henry, Beta 1~ Henry, Gamma 66. Beta 66 John Lincoln Stuart. Xi 61 Oliver Everett. Lambda 42 Owen Tosenhus, Tau 95 Owen "Wilbur, Chi 01 Paul, Beta Beta 09 Reuben Litch. Xi 68 N'incent. Delta 05 Wilbur Garfield. Kappa 04 William Blair, Beta Beta 05 William Henry, Delta 80 William Jackson, Beta Beta 75 William Wallace. Tau 09 Willis Markel. Chi 83 ROBERTSON Abram Heaton, Beta 72 Alexander Davis. Mu 11 Daniel Leslie, Xi 78 Edwin Wales, Beta 85 Frank [McDonnell] Camp, Beta 01 Tracy Hornet, Theta 91 ROBESON fAbel] Herbert Bellows, Beta 69 Fillmore Kirker, Tau 20 Henry John, Phi 75 ROBINS Edward Pelham, Lambda 60 ROBINSON Albert Melville, Iota 01 Charles Mulford, Upsilon 91 Charles Parker, Kappa 43 Edward Moore. Eta 17 Edward Wanton. Beta Beta 96 Ernest. Beta 67 Eugene Milton, Zeta 71 Fred John, Omega 08 Frederick Haves. Delta Delta 20 Frederick Morse, Upsilon 01 George Chester, Beta 56 George Loomis, Eta 98 Graham, Beta 07 Hayden Dutton, Gamma 17 Henry Cornelius, Beta 53 Henry Holbroke, Sigma 68 Henry Lord, LTpsilon 65 Henry Seymour, Beta 89 Jefferson Davis, Zeta 18 John Owen, Kanpa 54 John Trumbull, Beta 93 Joseph Warren. Chi 14 Joshua Danforth, .\lpha 51 "Lucius Franklin, Beta 43 Lucius Franklin. Beta 85 Nathaniel Sautelle, Rho 88 Nathaniel Stillman. Kappa 51 Reginald Hicks, Omega 14 Richard Dodson, Sigma 13 Samuel Curtis. Beta 52 Stephen Henry, Zeta 73 •Stuart Ingram, Kappa 17 Walter Scott, Lambda 19 William Attmore, Sigma 88 William Erigena. Beta 41 William Philip. Psi 55 William Roland, Kappa 95 ROBY Joseph, Beta 93 Samuel Sidney Breese, Beta 88 ROCHESTER Haydon, Lambda 00 Thomas Fortescue, Delta Delta 17 Thomas Moore, Beta 76, Up- silon 76 ROCKWELL Alfred Perkins, Beta 55 George Jewetf, Delta 72 Henry Hall, Sigma 96 Thomas Alphonzo. Mu 94 William Havden, Beta 89 ROCKWOOD Chelsea Joseph, Mu 79 Fletcher, Mu 14 RODGERS William Blackstock, Jr., Chi 18 RODMAN Albert Louis, Sigma 98 Carey .Selden, Lambda 91 Harry Heth, Lambda 96 Robert Simpson, Beta 79 Thomas Clifford, Beta 19 Thomas Harvey, Delta 40 William Dudlev, Gamma 76 ROE Hall, Epsilon 11 John Henry. Psi 64 William Steadman, Epsilon OS ROENISCH Clinton Willis, Mu 11 ROFF Frank Erastus. Phi 81 ROGERS Abraham Lincoln, Eta 89 Albion Quincy, Kappa 81 Arthur, Sigma 86 Arthur Waterman, Omega 18 Bertram Harper, Tau 01 Calvin Lovle, Theta Theta 13 Charles Stanley. Tau 99 Edmund Henkels, Tau 09 Edmund Pendleton, Beta 05 Edward Pierce, Beta 15 Frank George, Upsilon 14 George Ambrose, Theta 91 George Mills, Beta 76 Guy VVright, Xi 06 Harold Gale, Xi 08 Henrv Brown, Iota 65 Henry Mead, Delta Delta 18, Lambda 18 Henry Pendleton, Beta 02 Hoffman, Lambda 68 Horatio, Sigma 55 898 ALPHABETICAL INDEX ROGERS James Gamble, Beta 89 James Grafton, Beta 05 John Henry, Sigma 54 John Shillito, Lambda 01 Leighton William, Zeta 16 Lincoln Albion, Kappa 75 Llewellyn Ap, Psi^47 Curtis Waterman, Beta Beta 91 Malcolm Jennings, Pi 12 Paul Lucian, Omega 20 Piatt, Jr., Beta 06 Robert Cameron. Beta 83 Robert Langdon, Beta 06 Robert Ogden, Beta 89 Samuel Greene Arnold, bigma Uriah Furman, Delta 59 William Everett, Beta Beta 7/ William Jordan, Lambda 02 William Oscar, Delta 49 William Silliman. Beta 10 ROLFE , ^ Havward Percival. Zeta 04 Wiiliam James, Gamma 49 ROLLER William Wallace, Zeta /O ROLLINS Daniel Gustavus, Zeta 60 Harry Leighton, Beta 86 Jordan Jackson, Zeta 92 Weld Allen, Zeta 97 ROMAINE , ^ ,,j c [Leonce] Girard. Lambda b^ Washington Tyson, Lambda 93 ROME Robert Charles, Jr., Eta 19 RONAN Edward Dennis, Theta 67 RONEY Henry Buell, Omega 08 Thomas Conant, Omega 78 ROOD Ogden Nicholas, Beta 52 ROODHOUSE Benjamin Thomas, Upsilon 94 ROOME Claudius Monell, Lambda 80 Henrv Clay, Gamma 61 William Harris, Lambda 80 William Journeay, Delta 78 ROOS Elbert Slingerland, Theta 72 ROOSA De Witt. Beta 75 ROOSEVELT Charles Yates, Delta 66 Nicholas Latrobe, Delta 66 ROOT Elihu, Gamma 67 John, Theta 48 John Barnes, Phi 65 Lucius Insley, Theta 47 Peter Alexander, Beta 61 Royal Pulsifer, Omega 09 Samuel Cady, Lambda 75 ROPES Charles Joseph Hardy, Beta 72 RORICK Marvin Horton, Phi 20 RORISON John Chadburn, Beta Beta 19 RORKE Edward Francis, Delta 01 ROSE Abram Taylor, Psi 50 Forest, Psi 97 Howard Clark, Iota 02 Percy Allen, Psi 97 Robert Selden, Beta 09 Samuel Alanson, Lambda 17 ROSECRANTZ Clarke Milligan, Rho 93 ROSENBAUM William Levy, Beta Beta 14 ROSENTHAL Lewis [Prescott], Zeta 77 ROSS Augustus Stoughton, Eta 86 Carl Knight, Kappa 17 Ezekiel, Kappa 55 Frederick R. W., Phi 12 George Gorgas, Tau 88 Harry Shelmire, Tau 18 Leon Gillette, Psi 08 Richard Morrow, Lambda 20 Robert Sherman, Xi 15 Rodney Elsmore, Kappa 10 William Baldwin, Beta 52 ROSSELL Clifford Beakes, Iota 65 ROSSITER Ehrick Kensett, Chi 75 Ernest, Rho 06 ROSSLOW Joseph Henry, !Mu 87 ROSTON Charles Durcn, Sigma 01 ROTHWELL Albert Cyril, Lambda 14 ROTTGER Russel Curtis, Omicron 13 ROULSTON George Hoag, Omega 11 ROUNDS Albert Waterman, Sigma 95 George Munroe, Kappa 99, Zeta 99 ROUNSVELLE James Edwin, Pi 89 ROWAN Edward Stephen, Theta 37 ROWE Aaron Burt Champion, Iota 19 Abram Newell, Kappa 60 Benjamin Franklin, Gamma 59 Ivan Herr, Delta 17 William Henry, Alpha 53 William Henry, Jr., Pi 91 William Henry Gulliver, Kappa 76 ROWELL Edward Thomas, Zeta 61 Enoch Putney, Zeta 43 Henry Hastings Sibley, Mu 84 Nathaniel Joel, Omega 78 Parker Whitmore, Kappa 12 Wilbur Everett, Xi 85 William Kimball, Zeta 55 ROWLAND Edward Sherman, Beta 76 Walter, Tau 91 ROWLEY Lee Jasper, Upsilon 98 Levi, Theta 37 ROYCE Charles Havens, Beta 66 ROYS William Bacon, Rho 06 RUBEL Ira Washington, Omega 81 RUDD Harold Huntington, Beta Beta 01 RUDDER William, Beta Beta 48 RUGE Edwin Gardner Weed, Beta 12 RUGGLES Dwight, Chi 90 Lester Barker, Psi 78 William Barker, Chi 83 William Benjamin, Psi 49* RUML Beardsley, Zeta 15 RUMNEY Mason Pittman, Phi 07 RUMSEY David, Upsilon 96 Dc Witt Clinton, Delta 45 Spencer Smith, RJio 97 RUNKEL Philip Leon, Lambda 84 RUPPANER Antoine, Alpha 55 RUSS Charles Trumbull, Beta 75 John Mile, Psi 50 RUSSELL Alfred, Zeta 50 Arthur Hastings, Gamma 81 Charles Cotesworth, Gamma 94 Charles Erickson, Delta 82 Fordham Clark, Zeta 12 Franklin Terriss, Delta 11 George Frederick, Iota 01 George Golson Gaylord, Sigma 97 George Phelps, Delta 17 Hollis, Beta 44 Isaac Franklin, Delta 75 Lowell Smith, Gamma 61 Milton Dimmick, Psi 18 Randolph. Pi 16 William David, Phi 01 William Henry, Delta 75 Wlilliam Wadsworth, Lambda 83 RUST Amasa Miller, Phi 01 Charles Amasa, Phi 71 George, Phi 73 John James, Phi 75 Richard Frederick, Phi 93 Richard Hubbard. Xi 65 Richard Sutton, Xi 41 Richard Sutton, Xi 12 RUSTON John Edward, Delta 94 RYAN [Frankl Keith, Kappa 05 RYASON James Samuel, Epsilon 01 RYDER Stephen Willis, Beta 09 RYERSON Donald Mitchell, Beta 07 Herbert Edway, Jr., Beta Beta 15 RYMER Ralph Walker, Xi 00 SABIN George Shaw, Kappa 03 SABINE Harold Francis, Psi 09 SACKETT Franklin Page, Sigma 97 Frederic Moseley, Sigma 61 Frederic Moseley, Jr., Sigma 90 Henry Weston, Sigma 94 SADLER Lewis Sterret, Beta 95 Sylvester Baker, Beta 96 SAGE Andrew Gregg Curtin, Beta 96 Dean, Chi 61 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 899 SAGE De Witt Linn, Beta 97 Edward Eugene, Lambda 77 Edward Woolston, Lambda 13 Herbert Ackley, Beta Beta 14 Leveritt Hyslip, Beta 76 Newell Russell, Beta Beta IS Warren Morrill, Lambda 06 William Henry, Beta 65 \\'illiam Lincoln, Upsilon 65 SAGER William Brunck, Phi 66 SAILER Thomas Henry Powers, Tau 89 SAINSBURY Noel, Chi 08 ST. CLAIR William Henry, Kappa 49 SALINGER Alex David, Zeta 92 SALISBURY Frederick Stephen, Beta 66 George Champlin, Chi 12 Ueorge Nelson, Mu 83 Henry Edward, Lambda 88 SALMON Herbert Henry, Upsilon 85 SALTER Charles Cotton, Beta 52 William Homes, Delta 92 SALTUS Lloyd, Beta Beta 87 Rollin Sanford, Beta Beta, 92 SAMMIS Theodore Augustus, Jr., Mu 03 SAMPLE John Thomas, Phi 06 SAMPSON Junius, Alpha 71 Wright Coolidge, Gamma 95 SAMSON Emory Alden, Mu 16 SANBORN Alvan Francis, Gamma 87 Bruce Walter, Zeta 04 Edward Payson, Zeta 76 Eugene Hiram, Rho 07 Henry Frederick, Zeta 12 John Sewcll, Zeta 42 Joseph Henri' Zeta 79 Norman Prime, Iota 19 Oliver True, Kappa 11 Philip Colder, Rho 16 Robert Hodgson, Iota 18 Robert Pcircc, Eta 15 Thomas Lancaster, Zeta 58 Walter Henry, Zeta 67 William Harrison, Kappa 10 William Ruggles, Beta 78 SANBORNE Henry Kendall, Psi 84 SANDERSON Edmond Lindsay, Phi 92 Edward Frederick, Gamma 96 George .'Augustus, Beta 85 James Reed, Beta 17 John Willis. Delta 43 Julius Courtlon. Chi 04 SANDS John Wagner, Chi 09 Mahlon [Day], Lambda 61 Philip Justice, Lambda 63 SANFORD^ Alpheus, Kappa 76 Daniel Sammis, Beta 82 Edward Isaac, Beta 84 Gardiner. Kappa 11 Henry, Beta 45 SANFORD • Henry Phelps, Beta 50 John, Beta 72 William Henry, Beta 84 SANGER Louis Phipps, Delta 09 William Gary, Alpha 74 SARGENT^ Charles, Kappa 76 Charles Chapin, Jr., Lambda 97 Daniel, Kaiipa 07 Edward Bartow, Beta 83 George Henry, Alpha 53 George Winthrop, Beta Beta 90 Harry Cleveland, Zeta 87 SARVEY Dalton Vane, Theta 14 SASSEL Henry Socock. Beta 92 SATTERLEE E[dward] Lansing, Lambda 99 George Reese, Lambda 94 William Abel, Phi 77 SAULINER Theophilus Pauldin, Delta 59 SAU-NDERS Ernest Alexander, Sigma 03 SAVAGE ■ Albert Russell, Zeta 71 Charles Albert, Zeta 71 Harold Marion, Chi 17 Hiram Francis. Xi 45 John Richard, Tau 88 Josiah, Beta 46 Philip John. Phi 10 Wilbur, Kappa 58 William Henry, Kappa 58 SAVARY William Henry, Beta 57 SAVILLE John Kimbal, Zeta 09 SAWYER Alfonzo Paine, Beta 80 Ansley Wilcox, Beta 07 Charles JVIelvin, Xi 84 Charles Pierre, Omega. 12 Dwight Harold, Kappa 16 Edward, Beta 98 Enos Kittredge, Zeta 02 Frank. Jr., Iota 79 Harold Edmund, Gamma 16 Harry Augustus, Kappa 06 Harry Barber, Iota 97 Henry Edmund, Zeta 51 Henry Hovey, Gamma 71 James Cowan. Beta 94 John Birge, Epsilon 02 John Everett, Theta 99 Raymond Terry, Iota 00 Robert Giveen, Kappa 68 Willoughby Lord, Theta 95 SAXE Herbert Kimball, Delta 90 James Alfred, Xi 85 John Godfrey, Alpha 53 John Godfrev, Lambda 00 John Theodore, Theta 63 John Walter, Xi 85 SAYLES Frank Arthur, Sigma 90 Frederick Thomas, Gamma 81 SAYRE David Franklin. Delta 44 SAYWARD Charles Everett, Kappa 84 Ralph Kay, Kappa 12, Gamma 12 SCAIFE Charles Cook, Jr., Chi 97 James Verner, Chi 89 SCAIFE William B, Chi 92 SCARBOROUGH John, Beta Beta 54 SCARRITT William Russell, Gamma 69 SCHADE Frederick Frank. Pi 06 SCHAFF Norman, Beta 14 SCHALLER Karl Anthony, Mu 09 SCHAUB Carleton Phillip, Mu 08 Harold William, Mu 15 SCHAUFFLER Bennet Fellows, Delta Delta 17 Goodrich Capen, Delta Delta 18 Henry Park, Gamma 93 William Gray, Gamma 86 SCHAUPP Harry Alonzo, Theta 09 SCHEIFER Henry John, Jr., Pi 08 SCHELL Manuel Ebenezer, Kappa 61 SCHELLENGER Edward Markly, Gamma 20 SCHERMERHORN Alfred Egmont, Beta. 95 Barnard Freeman, Theta 40 John Neff. Delta Delta 20 SCHERZER Edwin Berger. Kappa 60 SCHIEFER Frederick William, Pi 08 SCHIEFFELIN George Girard, Theta 06, Chi 06 George Richard * Delaplaine, Lambda 05 SCHILDMILLER George Henry, Chi 09, Zeta 09 SCHLEY James Montford, Jr., Lambda 99 Reeve, Beta 03 •SCHLOSBERG Richard Turner, Kappa 18 SCHMAHL Walter Joseph, Omega GO SCHMERT Edmund Clarence, Eta 08 SCHMID Oscar Frederick, Phi 89 SCHMIDT Frederic Charles, Sigma 12 SCHMITT Erhardt Gillette, Beta Eeta 16 SCHNEIDER Jerome, Gamma 52 SCHNERING Otto Young, Omega 13 SCHOFIELD Lemuel Braddock, Tau 13 SCHOEN Irvin John, Upsilon 14 SCHOEPFLIN Paul Holzwarth, Pi 12 SCHOLFIELD Harvey Flaseltine, Rho 11 SCHOLLE Adolph Thierner, Lambda 87 SCHOONMAKER Frederic Palen. Chi 91 Martin Vandervoort, Theta 39 Peter E[gbert], Upsilon 71 (29) 900 ALPHABETICAL INDEX SCHOTT Guy Bryan, Beta 41 SCHOYER Samuel Balkam, Phi 83 William Edgar, Beta 00 SCHREIBER George Gebner, Beta 98 Otto Adolph, Beta 92 SCHROEDER John Frederick, Jr., Lambda 49 SCHULTZE Emile [Adolphe], Beta 85 SCHULZE John Frederick Wilhelm, Delta 11 Otto Theodor, Epsilon 03 SCHUMACHER Bowen Wisner, Phi 85 Edwin F, Delta 19 SCHUPP Arthur August, Phi 17 SCHURCH John Frederick, Mu 91 SCHURMEIER Gustave Benjamin, Mu 18 SCHUSTER Addison Brown, Rho 07 SCHUYLER Arent Henry. Eta 15 Charles Edward, Lambda 81 George Washington, Delta 37 . Eugene, Beta 59 SCHWAB Laurence von Post, Beta 13 Lawrence Henry, Beta 78 SCHWAGER Eli Joseph, Mu 20 Lewis, Mu 95 SCHWARTZ George Conrad, Pi 18 Victor Arthur, Sigma 07 SCHWIND Everett Edward, Lambda 17 SCHWINN Frederick, Sigma 05 SCOTT Albert Smith, Zeta 47 Charles Henrv, Jr., Tau 09 Donald Corwin, Phi 01 Edgar Hunter, Phi 83 Edward Norman, Beta Beta 89 Everett Hallerton, Xi 92 I Frank] Austin, Beta 69 Frederick Howard, Xi 90 George Schaefer, Beta 07 Harold Duell, Sigma 16 Harry Hale, Zeta 71 Henry Dickerson, Beta 14 Henry Woodruff, Phi 12 Herman Gross, Jr., Xi 18 Hugh Briar, Beta 13 James Hutchison, Jr., Tau 11 John Ellison, Theta 53 John Hiatt, Iota 10 John Travers, Phi 91, Beta Beta 91 Joseph Warren, Psi 72, Chi 72 Laurance Irving, Chi 99 Lauren Sylvester, Beta 47 Lawrence Ha'.l, Beta Beta 20 Orange Walter, Xi 68 Ralph Wentworth, Zeta 06 Samuel Spencer, Phi 14 Walter, Theta 68 Walter Gurnee, Beta Beta 88 Walter John, Delta 20 Zar Delevan, Omega 72, Phi 73 SCOVILLE Marston Westover, Pi 98 SCRANTON Worthington, Beta 98 SCRIBNER John Marston, Theta 59 SCRIPTURE Tames Oliver, Zeta 60 Parker Fairfield, Psi 02, Chi 02, Pi 04 SCRUTON Walter Stephen, Zeta 87 SCUDDER Doremus, Beta 80 Elisha Gage, Jr., Gamma 06 Henry Holloway, Beta 17 Henry Martyn, Delta 40 Henry Townsend, Xi 72 Winthrop Richardson, Zeta 17 SCULLY Charles Alison, Tau 09 Daniel Bartholomew, Delta Del- ta 20 SEABURY Charles Bailey, Kappa 11 Charles Ward, Phi 98 Joseph Bartlett, Gamma 69 Mortimer Ashmead, Beta 09 Nathaniel, Sigma 82 SEAMAN Alfred Purdy Welsh, Lambda 79 Allen Briggs, Omega 85 John Thorsen, Rho 01, Eta 03 "Richard Searing, Delta 45 SEARL Clifford Howe, Pi 05 SEARLE William Smith, Psi 55 SEARLS Charles Edwin, Beta 68 Edmund David, Xi 96 SEARS Charles Brown. Beta 92 Frank H., Delta 16 George Bowman, Kappa 90 George Gray, Gamma 80 Henry Franklin, Gamma 64 Stephen Parish, Chi 82 Theodore Crosby, Gamma 52 SEASONGOOD Philip Lewis, lota 87 SEAVER Henry Blanchard, Zeta 11 James Daniel, Psi 17 SEAVEY Manson, Zeta 61 SECKERSON Frederick Clinton, Delta 96 SEDGWICK John, Delta 47 SEEDS Russel McClellan, Phi 85 SEEKEL Arthur Malcolm, Psi 87 SEELEY George Percy, Lambda 79 John Frank, Beta 60 SEELY Franklin Austin, Beta 55 William Wallace, Beta 62 SEELYE Julius Hawley, Gamma 49 Ogden, Delta 60 William James, Gamma 79 SEIBERT James Jacob, Theta 57 SEIDEL Harry George, Sigma 12 SEIDLER Frederic Arnault, Zeta 16 Victor Bayard, Sigma 10 SEILER Carlino Linn, Tau 08 SELDEN Charles, Beta 48 Edward David, Beta 44 George Hungerford, Chi 14 Joseph Henry, Gamma 78 Robert William, Beta 80 William Hillard, Jr., Lambda 17 SELFRIDGE Arthur James, Psi 84 Grant Loveridge, Psi 86 SELIGM.VN Joseph Lionel, Beta 08 SELL Henry Thorne, Xi 11 SELLECK " William Henry, Theta 72 SELLERS Coleman 3d, Tau 14 SELLEW Walter Ashbel, Zeta 66 SELOVER Charles Eugene, Jr., Beta 09 SEMLER George Herbert, Beta 14 SEMPLE Gilbert Eliot, Gamma 06 Lewis Buckley, Eta 84 Oliver Cheever, Gamma 83 SENEFF George Philip, Omicron 15 SENIOR Frank Sears, Chi 00 John Lawson, Chi 01 SERAT Seth Swift, Chi 83 S ERVEN Abram Ralph, Psi 87 SERVICE Robert 'Roy, Epsilon 02 SERVISS Lawrence A[lexander], Theta 74 SETTLE W[illiam] Caldwell, Mu 17 SEVENOAK Frank Louis, Theta I'i SEVERANCE Allen Dudley, Gamma 89 John Lear, Zeta 82 SEW ALL George Tingley, Kappa 67 James Wingate, Kappa 06 John Ladd, Zeta 77 Joseph. Kappa 78 SEWARD Edward Clarkson, Jr.. Beta 06 Frederick William, Theta 49 William Henry, Beta 88 SEXTON Allan Flale, Chi 19 SEYMOUR Charles Henry, Beta Beta 52 Edward, Beta 58 Frederick, Gamma 67 George Franklin, Lambda 50 Horatio, Beta 67 John Pliny, Chi 86 Loiiis Heard, Chi 85 McNeil [Abram] Vernon, Psi 79 Origen Storrs, Beta 94 Ralph Crvsler, Chi 84 \\'iniam Wotkyns, Beta 75 SEYMS George Henry, Beta Beta 72 SHACKELFORD Joel Walker, Theta 71, Chi 72 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 901 SHACKl-ORD Charles Chauncey, Chi 35 SHAFER Wilson Manlv, Upsilon 15, Phi 16 SHAFFER Frank Holmes, Beta 77 Frederick David, Beta 83 Lewis William, Beta 76 Stanley, Beta 83 William Henry,- Upsilon 71 SHAFFXER Philip Haas, Sigma 06 SHALDERS Edward, Theta 95 SHANKLAND Ralph Martin, Phi 88 SHANXOX Spencer Sweet, Tau 17 SHANTZ Edgar, Upsilon 01 Harold [Eugene], Upsilon 15 SHARP Frederick Berten, Tau 14 James Harvey, Jr., Beta 15 SHARPE Benjamin Springer Xi 60 John Edward, Theta 68 John Semple, Tau 03 SHARPLES Herman Hoopes, Phi 94 SHARPSTEIN Charles MacDowell, Rho 94 SHATTUCK Charles Eugene, Upsilon 66 Edwin Paul, Lambda 99 Howard Francis, Beta 11 John Waldo, Beta 70 SHAW Carleton, Beta 04 Charles Herbert, Beta 87 Cyrus Clyde. Kappa 06 James Maddock, Lambda 10 John Peck Case, Beta Beta 71 Lucius Stearns, Zeta 57 Mervyn St. Clair, Sigma 06 William Burton, Sigma 20 SHEA Edward Henry, Lambda 16 SHEAR Frederic Duncan, Delta 99 Theodore Leslie, Delta 00 SHEARER Alfred Marston, Phi 18 Harold Hutchison, Phi 08 James 2d, Phi 08 Sextus, Jr, Beta 61 SHEDD Charles Elmer, Sigma 78 SHEEHAX Frank William, Beta 98 William Francis, Theta 01 SHEFFIELD Charles Anthony, Xi 80 James Rockwell, Beta 87 SHELDEN Allan, Beta 13 SHELDOX Charles, Beta 90 Charles Lacey, Jr., Chi 01 Clinton Jackson, Upsilon 62 Franklin Lacy, Chi 91 Henry. Chi 97 Smith, Upsilon 91 Thomas Henry, Iota 09 William Hills, Chi 06 SHELLEY Raymond [Osborne], Theta 08 SHELTOX Henry Tweedy, Beta 84 James Austin, Beta 44 SHEPARD Charles Edward, Beta 70 George Henry, Kappa 55 Roger Bulkley, Beta 08 Thomas, Jr., Beta 48, Gamma 48 William James, Zeta 11, Xi 11 SHEPHERD Daniel, Theta 40 Forrest, Beta 92 George Fletcher, Pi 91 Lucian Herbert, Pi 94 Percival Dudley, Xi 12 Prentiss, Kappa 14, Beta 19 Theodore Dwight, Xi 64 Thomas Dudley, Xi 12 SHEPLEY Francis Baxter, Alpha IZ John Foster, Beta 80 SHEPPARD Robert Dickinson, Omega 69 SHERBURX George W^iley, Xi 06 Joel Osmon, Xi 73 SHERBURXE Charles Morton, Xi 11 SHERER William George, Omega 81 SHERIDAX Martin James, Jr., Rho 19 SHERMAX Charles Augustus, Delta 13 Edward Fay, Zeta 43 Elmer Charles, Psi 82 George, Lambda 75 Henry Edwin, Jr., Epsilon 07 John Thomas, Lambda 74 Richard Mitchell, Sigma 87 Samuel, Beta Beta 50 Wesley, Xi 66 William Hazard, Beta 80 SHERRILL Edward Stanton, Phi 80 George Vaughn, Theta 04 SHERRY Edward Paddock, Rho 92 David Winne, Theta 20 SHERWOOD David Winne, Theta 20 John Chassell, Psi 44 John Howard, Beta 90 "John Lyman, Theta 99 Malcolm Clark, Delta Delta 14 Oliver Taylor, Beta 84 SHIELDS Albert William, Beta 07, Tau 10 Edward IMullin. Tau 20 Edwin Bruce, Psi 17 Sytton James, Mu 09 SHIXX Elmer Barkalow, Omicron 14 SHIPLEY Henry. Gamma 50 SHIPMAX Arthur Leffingwcll, Beta 86 Frank Robinson, Beta 85 SHIRAS John Alexander, Delta 09 SHIVERICK Andrew Freeman, Beta 62 SHIVVERS Clarence Hopkins, Theta Theta 16 SHOECRAFT Byron Xve, Pi 79 SHOEMAKER James Wright, Omicron 16 SHOLES Charles Mather, Phi 81 SHORT Freeman Milliken, Kappa 01 George Bayard, Omega 07 William Seymour, Beta Beta 83 SHOTWELL Ford Lewis, Delta 03 SHOVE Ackley, Beta 18 Byron Douglas, Rho 09 SHRADER Justin Winfred, Omicron 11 SHREVE Benjamin Franklin Haywood, \ Beta Beta 78 SHUART John Denton, Delta Delta 18 William Henry, Pi 75 SHUEY Wilbur William, Iota 13 . SHULL Harry Alfred, Mu 09 Ralph Walter Charles, Mu 09 SHULTS Langrave, Theta 72 SHUMWAY John Phelps, Theta 58 SHURTLEFF William Steele, Beta 54 SHUTT Erwin Reed, Upsilon 13 SIBBERXSEX Albert Henry, Zeta 18 Drexel John, Zeta 15 SIBLEY George Royal, Beta 61 SICKELS Ralph Gordon, Xi 14 SIDDELL William Gregory, Pi 02 SIDEBOTTOM Herbert Graff, Chi 13 SIGLER Irvin Linn, Omega 16 S[chuyler] William, Omega 16 SIGXOR Charles Grierson, Psi 02 Isaac Smith, Psi 70 SILBER William Beinhauer, Xi 50 SILEXT Roy Arthur, Epsilon 13 SILL Edward Richard, Psi 84 SILLIMAX Benjamin, Beta 70 Charles Augustus, Lambda 50 SIMMOXS Arthur Raymond, Phi 70, Gam- ma 71 Ichabod, Xi 60 Warren Seabury, Sigma 89 snrox John, Psi 02 SIMOXDS John Calhoun, Beta 87 SIMOXS Edward Henry Harriman, Lambda 98 William Buttcrfield, Chi 11 SIMOXTOX Frederick James, Jr., Kappa 91 Leonidas, Iota 69 902 ALPHABETICAL INDEX SIMPSON Albert Gratiot, Epsilon 16 Donald Sarles, Mu 10 Erasmus Owen, Iota 61 Frank Edward, Kappa 90 Lewis Alexander, Upsilon 72 Matthew Verner, Xi 75 SINCERBEAUX Chauncey Milton, Beta 05 Frank Huestin, Beta 02 SINCLAIR George Douglas, Phi 09, Omega 10 John Falconer, Tau 93 Robert Soutter, Tau 94 ' SINKINSON John Hudson, Kappa 02 Joseph Dawson, Kappa 99 SINSERTT Daniel Clark, Kappa 54 SISK Robert Johnston, Zeta 97 SISSON ■ Elias Hewitt, Lambda 92 Wesley Ericsson, Phi 75 William Henry, Tau 20 SKEELE Amos, Iota 64 SKELDING Franklin Merritt, Lambda 86 SKENE George, Xi 75 SKERRY Amory Thompson, Jr., Delta 84 Harry Ward, Delta 83 SKIDDY William Gay, Beta 92 SKIDMORE John Drake, Lambda 49 Lemuel, Jr., Lambda 14 SKILLIN Augustus Hewlett, Delta 92 Clarence Percy, Zeta 08 Howard Newell, Zeta 00 James Lowry, Psi 79 SKILTON John Davis, Iota 88 SKINNER Frederick Piatt, Beta 80 Henry Clay, Gamma 59 Howard Albert, Sigma OS John Sharpe, Rho 08 John Warburton, Beta 43 Richard, Beta 62 Richard Manson, Rho 13 William Wheeler, Beta 50 SLADE Francis Henry, Beta 54 Francis Louis, Beta 91 George Theron, Beta 93 Gustavus Adolphus, Beta 72 John Carrol, Beta 05 John Milton, Beta 51 William Strong, Beta 04 SLATER Samuel, Sigma 84 SLAUSON Edward V[an Druver], Psi 86 SLEEPER Hiram Lewis, Jr., Zeta 57 John Wesley, Phi 71 SLEMMONS Wilbert Sherwood, Theta Theta 17 SLOAN Edward Crocker, Xi 17 SLOCOMB Albert Haven, Gamma 57 SLOCUM Edwin Lyon, Beta 15 SLOGGETT John Bolton, Kappa 18 SMALL Frank Jackson, Kappa 97 Harold Sumner, Kappa 10, Tau 10 Sidney Ruggles, Phi 09 SMALLEY Wallace Augustus, Lambda 80 William Tunis, Phi 77 SMALLPAGE Melbourne Fischer, Phi 18 SMALLWOOD John Beeden, Pi 65 William Waltrous, Pi 72 SMART George Madison, Eta OS Jackson Wyman, Phi 19 SMEAD Alexander Dallas Bache, Xi 68 George Lewis, Gamma 59 SMEDES John Esten Cooke, Lambda 50 Thomas Lyell, Lambda 52 SMEED Henry Mortimer, Upsilon 16 SMELZER Baxter Timothy, Pi 74 SMILEY Charles Wesley, Xi 74 SMITH Albert Long, Xi 83 Alexander McKay, Beta Beta 72 Alfred Mansfield, Sigma 73 Allan lunjerich, Tau 10 . Allen Johnson, Pi 90 Alvenza Ingham, Xi 97 Aubrey Adam, Beta 02 Augustus Williston, Eta 04 Benjamin Franklin, Gamma 58 Bertram Leon Burgoyne, Beta Beta 15 Bradford Spencer, Omega 19 Brock-hoist Mathewson, Beta 03 Byron -Bayard, Omega 99 Carman Bigelow, Plii 16. Rho 16 Carson Edwards, Theta 10 Cedric Crawford, Phi IS Charles, Xi 68 Charles Carroll, Pi 80 Charles Hudson, Gamma 77 Charles Nelson, Xi 64 Charles Van T., Gamma 76 C[harles] Walter, Upsilon 85 [Charles] Warren Prosser, Chi 11, Zeta 13 Chester Wilson, Sigma 06 Clarence Robertson. Xi 99 Clifford Chester, Plii 86 Clvde [William], Omega 86, Phi 86 Cornelius Bishop, Beta Beta 54 Curtis Ripley, Beta 18 David Eugene, Pi 81 David Paige, Beta 51 David Robert, Eta 03 Dewitt Clinton, Theta 75 Donald Mennell, Chi 15 Du Bois, Lambda 76 Duncan, Sigma 55 Dyer, Eta 03 Earl Baldwin, Kappa 11 Edgar Burr, Gamma 94 Edmund Coe, Lambda 17 [Edmund] Monroe, Gamma 74 Edward Alfred, Beta 56 Edward Burnham. Beta 98 Edward Colhoun, Beta 86 Edward Fairchild, Beta 15 Edward Leland, Beta 88 Edward North, Psi 90 Edward Payson, Gamma 65 SMITH Edward Traver, Beta 19 Edward Wetmore, Kappa 60 Edward Wier, Beta 78 Edwin, Delta 42 Edwin Norton, Phi 83 Edwin Oscar, Xi 93 Eldridge, Sigma 41 Elliott Hunt, Phi 75 Elwood Burrows, Upsilon 97 Ernest Charles, Kappa 84 Ernest Franklin, Phi 77 Eugene, Beta 59 Felix Teisseire. Epsilon 08 Francis Mitchel, Sigma 92 Frank [Hunt], Iota 69, Beta , 72 Frank Russell, Sigma 16 Frank Wetmore, Theta 98 Fred Andrews, Mu 92 Frederick Augustus, Zeta 52 Frederick Burroughs, Kappa 96 Frederick Everett, Zeta 89 Frederick Lincoln, Kappa 86 George Carson, Chi 11 George Crosby, Xi 56 George Henry, Xi 73 George Hunter, Iota 84 George Milton, Beta 01 George Putnam, Lambda 66 Gerald Clark, Omicron 12 Goldwin, Chi 45 Harold Bertram, Omega 11 Harold Birdsey, Mu 07 Harold Emory, Delta 17 Harold Halsey, Iota 75 Henry Augustus Hammond, Gamma 83 Henry Goodwin. Lambda 81, Gamma 81 Henry Herbert, Kappa 77 Henry James, Theta 20 Henry Wilkins, Zeta 12 Herbert Gushing, Omicron 09 Herbert Walter, Phi 80 Horace Finch, Jr., Tau 09 Horace Montague, Gamma 51, Beta 51 Hosea Hildreth, Kappa 42 Howard Persifor, Iota 69 James, Beta 40 James Beebe, Xi 82 James Elwood, Jr., Gamma 08 James Gregory, Beta 12 James Nichols^ Gamma 15 James Russell, Mu 08 James Thome, Jr., Zeta 14 jay Elwood, Upsilon 16, Phi 16 John Cotton, Kappa 47 John Woodbridge, Gamma 56 Joseph, Sigma 59 Joseph Ledyard, Beta 57 Joseph Sim, Psi 58 Judson, Gamma 59 Justin Harvey, Zeta 77 Justus, Gamma 51, Alpha 51 Lenox, Lambda 65 Leonard Charles Lindsay, Delta 88 Leonard Charles Lindsay, Jr., Delta 18 Leonard Higbie, Delta 00 Lewis, Psi 46 Lloyd Benton, Delta 17 Lowell Ridgeway, Gamma 15 Luther Ely, Gamma 94 Luther Rominor, Gamma 59 Lyndon Ambrose, Zeta 80 Maurice Alexander, Chi 11 Maurice Billings, Gamma 95 Morris Edgar.'Tau 02 Morris Kellogg, Zeta 07 [Oliver] Harrison, Beta 11 Perry Hiram, Psi 46 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 903 I SMITH Perry Hiram, Jr., Psi 74 Philip Case, Beta 71 Philip Darant Higginson, Zeta IS Ray Burdick, Pi 90, Beta 91, Chi 92 Richard I'iske, Gamma 86 Robert, Zeta 49 Robert Newhal!, Xi 95 Robert bhackford, Eta 11, Zeta 11 Robert Stuart, Gamma 92 Roland Cotton, Gamma 82 RoUin Leonard, Mu 09 Rufus Biggs, Beta /6 , Russell Verby, Zeta 18 Samuel Emerson, Kappa 78 Sidney \'anuxem, Jr., Beta 65 Sidney Vanuxem, Jr., Epsilon OS Sidney William, Rho 00 Solomon Albert, Beta 99 Spencer Ramsey, Phi 79 Stanley Maynard, Theta 15 Stewart Whedon, Phi 75 Sydney Augustus, Lambda 83 Thayer Adams, Zeta 10 Theodore Ripley, Delta 10, Zeta 10 Thomas Edward \'ermilye. Beta 77 Thomas Mackie, Iota 61 Verona J, Xi 95 Walter Byron, Beta 99 Walter James Terrean, Beta Beta 20 Warren Prosser, Zeta 13 Wilbert Austin, Beta Beta 12 William Bartlett, Theta 42 William Clive, Phi 92, Tau 93 William Edward, Rho 02 William Hannibal. Psi 99 William Henry, Beta 79 William Henry, Beta 90 William Jonathan, Xi 70 \\'inthrop. Gamma 69 Winthrop Davenport, Beta 96 SMITLIERS Charles Eta 94, Chi 94 Francis Sidney, Jr., Eta 94 SMUCKER John Reed, Jr., Tau 19 SMULL Jacob Barstow, Lambda 96 William George, Theta 50 SMYTH Charles Winslow, Kappa 54 Edward Beecher, Kappa 54 Egbert Cotton, Kappa 48 Frederick King, Kappa 67 George Adams. Kappa 68 George Hugh, Delta 02 Henry Mason, Lambda 71 [Samuel Phillips] Newman, Kappa 63 William Henrv. Kapna 56 Winficld Scott', Xi 65 SNAPP Charles Davenport, Omega 79 John Farrington, Theta Theta 20 SNEDEN Arthur Durant, Delta 96 SNELL Frank Hiram, Beta 82 George Bishop, LTpsilon 11 James Powers, Upsilon 09 j[oseph] Warren, Rho 18 Raymond Franklin, Beta 18 William Bradford, Kappa 45 SNIDER Brainerd Clinton, Omicron 13 SNODGRASS Paul Winfield, Pi 19 SNOOK Alfred Hitchcock, Gamma 09 Frank L., (See Sevenoak, Frank Louis) SNOW Charles Leon, Zeta 98 Francis .A'.bert, Upsilon 79 George, Theta 60 - Irving Miller, Upsilon 81 Warren Howland, Pi 09 SNYDER Charles Carroll, Epsilon 12 Elmer Ellis, Eta 87 Francis Xavier, Lambda 02 Louis Irving, Delta 97 SOAPER Robert Calloway, Iota 70 SOLFISBURG Christian Harrison, Omicron 11 SOLIDAY David Shriver, Gamma 19 SOMERBY Charles Thomas, Upsilon 11 SOMMERS Ralph Mitchell, Omicron 19 SOPER Wil'ard Burr, Beta 04 SOREN George Wales, Alpha 54 SORENSEN Arthur Peter, Delta 16 SOUDER Ralph, Jr., Tau 16 SOULE Charles Emery, Kappa 42 George, Gamma 47 Herbert Clinton, Pi 02 Sherrod, Gamma 85 SOUTH ACK John William, Lambda 00 John William, Jr., Lambda 60 Louis \'ictor. Lambda 93 SOUTHGATE Charks Frederick, Iota 71 Frederick Chester, Zeta 74 John Barrett, Kappa 53 Robert Swan, Zeta 55 William Scott, Kappa 51 SOUTTER Robert, Delta 61 SPADER Vanderbilt, Lambda 79 SPAETH H[enry] Douglas, Tau 93 John Duncan Ernest, Tau 88 ST'AFFORD Joseph Henry, Gamma 84 SPALDING Amos Fletcher, Sigma 47 Edward Everett, Zeta 58 George Atherton, Beta 72 George Brown, Jr., Beta 93 John Frank'in, Kappa 53 Ravmond, Epsilon 05 Roilin Aaron, Beta 00 SPARHAWK Sam, Zeta 90 SPARKS Harold Arthur, Iota 13 SPARLING Ralph, Phi 10 SPARROW Orson Cowles, Beta 54 SPAULDING Henry Blanchard, Beta 05 Lysander Tower, Gamma 61 SPEAR Asa Adams, Gamma 66 Charles Vinal, Gamma 46 Franklin Bennett, Jr., Phi 95 Philip Bennet, Phi 95 Walter May, Kappa 94 William Edward, Kappa 70 William Winthrop, Kappa 98 SPEARE Stephen Lewis Bates, Zeta 54 SPE.\RS Chaunccy Blair, Beta 00 SPEIR William Stuart, Theta 07 SPENCE Ross [Alexander], Phi 97 SPENCER Char'.es Hopkins, Xi 99 Charles Langford, Beta 78 Duncan McGlashan, Tau 20 Edward Curren, Beta 80 Edward Mitchell, Xi 99 Frank Otho, Beta 80 George, Theta 42 James Brookes, Beta 10 Robinson, Xi 03 Selden Palmer, Tr., Beta 12 William Gabriel, Beta Beta 53 S PERRY Donald Draper, Omicron 17, Rho 17 Frederick Lewis, Rho 19 George Thorncliffe, Beta 72 SPIEGLE Charles Morgan, Beta 16 , SPIES Henry Hull, Delta 78 SPINK Erwin Isaac, Theta 53 SPINNEY Albion Parris, Kappa 47 Charles Edward, Gamma 55 William [Almor], Sigma 07 SPITZLEY Wil'iam Albert, Phi 95 SPOFFORD Charles Augustus, Kappa 46 Charles Byron, Jr., Beta Beta 16 William Benjamin, Beta Beta 14 SPOONER .\llen Newhall, Lambda 86 Charles Philip, Rho 94 John Coit, Rho 64 Philip Loring, Rho 02 Ray Newhall, Lambda 15 Willet Main, Rho 94 SPRAGUE Emory Russell, Pi 01 Frank Elisha, Beta 73 Franklin Monroe, Beta 67 Henry Hezekiah, Beta 81 Homer Baxter, Beta 52 Joseph Hussey. Alpha 51 Oscar Lewis, Psi 44 SPRING Charles Harrison, Gamma 56, Zeta 56 SPRINGER Charles Chesley, Kappa 74 SPRINGFIELD John Frank, Zeta 84 SPROAT Thomas Campbell, Beta 71 SPROUL Earl Elliott, Omega 18 SPRUANCE Russell, Tau 13 SPUHLER Henry John, Jr., Eta 17 904 ALPHABETICAL INDEX SQUIER Frank, Beta OS George Edwin, Zeta OS John Bentley, Lambda 94 SQUIRES Norman Jairus, Xi 71 STACKPOLE George Franklin, Zeta 72 Joseph Lewis, Alpha 57 STACY Fred I, Pi 85 STAGG Amos Alonzo, Beta 88 William, Phi 70 STALEY George Rowe, Pi 00 Jonathan, Omega 75 STALLNECKER William Griggs, Delta 93 STANBERY Hart, Iota 00 Henry, Iota 96 Philemon Beecher, Iota 98 STANCHFIELD John Barry, Gamma 76 STANDISH Sherwood Hubbard, Phi 05 William Colburn, Phi 03 STANFORD James [Stather], Eta 07 STANLEY Clarence, Beta 19 George >^ourtney. Beta 13 George Milnor, Beta Beta 68 Gilbert, Beta 19 Harold, Beta 08 James Dowdell, Beta Beta 77 Leonard Lovejoy, Beta 10 Whitman Philo, Xi 96 STANSBURY Harold Eugene, Omega 20 Milton Hammond, Sigma IS STANSFIELD Leon Abbott, Pi 10, Beta Beta 10 STANTON Alexander Macomb, Lambda S6 Clarence Leon, Gamma 18 Edmund Denison, Beta 48 Francis, Lambda 58 Frank McMillan, Lambda 87 Henry Elijah, Zeta 53 John Robert, Lambda 81 John Shepard, Jr., Beta 17 Jonathan Young, Kappa 56 Levi Wentworth, Kappa 55 Lewis Elliot, Beta 55 STAPLES Chester Otis, Phi 11 [Chevalier] Bayard, Phi 08 Elmore Lowell, Phi 10 John Walter, Zeta 76 STARBUCK Walter, Theta 62 STARK Gilbert Little, Beta 07 STARKS Henry Alanson, Xi 69 STARKWEATHER Chauncey Clark, Beta 74 John Kent, Sigma 13 STARR Grosvenor, Beta 62 Melancthon White, Delta 47 STATHAM Francis Cummins, Zeta 53 STAUFFER Samuel Earle, Tau 15 STAUNTON George Washington, Upsilon 67 STEARNS Alfred Ernest, Gamma 94 Arthur French, Gamma 88 Daniel Beale, Lambda 82 Edward Roland, Kappa 89 Frazar Augustus, Gamma 63 Frederick Sweet, Phi 04 George Warren, Gamma 78 Harold, Gamma 85 Harry Barrows, Zeta 01 Josiali Milton, Gamma 43 Thomas Beale, Lambda 81 STEBBINS Alfred, Gamma 60 Calvin, Gamma 62 Edwin Allen, Beta 02 Francis Burgoyne, Phi 17 Frederick Haile Beta 81 Henry Hamlin, Beta 62 Henry Hamlin, Jr., Beta 04 James, Theta 40 John Mills. Gamma 48, Zeta 48 Rowland, Lambda 03 Russell, Jr., Lambda 56 Samuel Schieffelin, Lambda 94 Stowell Cortland, Phi 12 STEDMAN Arthur [Griffinl, Beta 81 Calvin Athol, Rho 09 Charles Ellery, Alpha 52 Edmund Clarence, Beta 53 Ernest Gordon, Beta 67 George, Alpha 71 Henry Rust. Alpha 71 Thomas Lathrop, Beta Beta 74 STEELE Benjamin Hinman, Zeta 57 George Gordon, Pi 17 George Henrv, Zeta 45 John Beatty, Jr.. Theta 49 John McClary, Zeta 44 John Mason, Upsilon 72 Luther Morton, Psi 93 Morton Burr, Jr., Chi 99 Oliver Richard, Beta Beta 53 Sanford Henrv, Beta 70 Sidney John, Phi GO Stanley Orrin, Psi 13 Thomas Clark, Beta 63 Thomas Little, Zeta 47 Wilbur, Omega 13. STEERE Howard John, Upsilon 07 STEERS James Rich, Lambda 90 STEFFENS Ralph Sutherland, Upsilon 20 STEIN Charles Carroll, Alpha 71 STEINMAN James Hale, Beta 08, Tau 11 STEELE George Randolph, Beta 71 STEPHEN Elton Brownell, Sigma 42 STEPHENS Harold Dunston. Pi 07 Ray Oscar, Xi 05 STEPHENSON George Gardiner, Xi 67 James, Lambda 43 William Wilson, Delta 54 STERLING Eli Dorr, Rho 05 John Canfield, Beta Beta 44 STERLING John Carleton, Zeta 11 John Clark, Pi 72 William Ale.xander, Delta 53 STERN Henry Root, Beta 03 Norman Benjamin, Epsilon 17 STETSON Charles, Beta 00 Charles Bradbury, Kappa 54 Charles Pierce, Beta 55 David Osgood, Kappa 60 Henry Crosby, Beta 93 Herbert Lee, Omega 76 John Durann, Kappa 58 STEVEN Frank Ransom, Lambda 99 STEVENS Alexander Chilson, Xi 63 Alexander Henry, Beta 54 Chester Cotton, Zeta 63 Eben Foster, Beta 92 Edward, Theta 52 Edward, Beta 12 Edward Livingston, Theta 55 Edward Livingston, Chi 99 Edwin Pitman, Xi 74 Ernest James, Omega 04 Frank Edward, Xi 17 Franklin Rand, Theta 08 Frederick William, Beta 58 George, Xi 54 George Edward, Jr., Beta 13 George May, Chi 16 George [Washington], Zeta 49 Harold Burr, Chi 02 Harry Sidney, Gamma 72 Henry, Beta 43 Henry Latane, Delta 14 John 3d, Rho 19 John, Jr., Rho 89 John Charles, Rho 01 Ledyard, Beta 64 Lester Barber, Rho 07 Lucian Henry, Xi 17 Oliver, Kanpa 48 Oliver Crocker, Kappa 76 Paul Delta 19 Raymond Donald, Tau 17 Raymond William, Omega 96 Robie Reed, Kappa 06 Rollo William, Iota 19 Stoddard More, Chi 85 Stoddard More, Jr., Chi 14 Thomas Jefferson, Pi 08 William Burnham, Zeta 65 William Caldwell, Gamma 76 William Jervis, Pi 82 William Kerper. Beta 83 William Lyman, Zeta 03 Winthrop Flint, Zeta 69 STEVENSON Adrian Delano, Phi 96 Earl Place, Xi 16 Frederic Fitch, Lambda 17 Jesse Francis, Xi 85 Norman, Zeta 05 Richard Wilson, Delta 75 Vernon King, Jr., Delta 68 Vincent Moore, Tau 08 William Holmes, Jr., Eta 15 William Lewis, Beta 67 STEWARD George Somerset Bangs, Omega 99 STEWART Alexander Mills, Theta 13 Charles Morton, 3d, Beta .17 Frank Middagh, Theta 09 Gordon William, Beta Beta 11 Henry William, Theta 41 James, Theta 79 "Merwin Henry, Theta 27 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 905 STEWART Neil, Jr., Chi 87 Neil Johnston, Upsilon 20 Philip Battell, Beta 86 Robert George, Delta 17 Walter. Theta 45 William Cary, Iota 69 William Henry, Theta 41 STIBBS Harry Glenn, Omega 11 STICKNEY Warren Burzillar, Gamma 63 William Weir, Zeta 56 STIFLER James Madison, Tau 96 STIGER William Dexter, Gamma 96 STILES Charles Gowdy, Theta 04 Charles Spelman, Jr.. Gamma 71 Frank Lawrence, Theta 02 Henry Reed. Delta 52 Richard Cresson, Beta 51 Theodore Lamme, Gamma 71 Thomas Wells, Beta 79 STILL John Jay. Zeta 78 i STILLMAN George Schley. Beta 01 James, Upsilon 63 William Thomas. Zeta 11 STIMPSON ' Lorenzo Livermore, Zeta 76 Thomas Morrill, Gamma 50 STIMSON i Fred Milo, Kappa 76 Frederick Julian. Beta 77 { Henry Albert, Beta 65 Henry Lewis, Beta 88 John Ward, Beta 72 Lewis Atterbury, Beta 63 Morris Henry, Phi 04 STINSON Harry Howard, Kappa 82 STIRN Albert Louis, Gamma 13 STITH Edwin Emerson, Gamma 11 Wilmer Curtis, Jr., Gamma 11 STOCKING Charles Henry Wright, Beta Beta 60 STOCKWELL George Ensign, Xi 78 Howard Aubrey, Zeta 17 STODDARD Charles Hatch. Rho 91 Ebenezer Fowler. Beta 67 Enoch Vine. Beta Beta 60 Francis Hovey, Gamma 69 Henry Budington, Beta 02 James, Beta Beta 71 Louis Ezekiel, Beta 99 STOKES Charles Albert. Zeta 88 Frederic Abbot, Beta 79 Harold Phelps, Beta 09 Thomas, Delta 65 STONE Baman Nelson. Gamma 63 Benjamin de Milt, Rho 13 Charles Akin, Xi 04 Charles Martin. Beta 78 Clarence De Lano, Upsilon 97 Georcre Wellington, Upsilon 00 Harry Russel, Xi 99 Harrv Wheeler, Omega 96 Horatio Odell. Beta 83 STONE Howard Melville, Upsilon 00 Howard Potter, Pi 72 James Kent, Iota 61 Philip Sidney, Alpha 72 Samuel Harold, Beta 02 Walter Emerson, Kappa 84 William, Beta 65 William Woodruff, Beta 54 STONEY Arthur Crawford, Xi 03 STOREY Homer William, Upsilon 15 STORfeE Alan ^Marshall, Gamma 06 Frederick Elliott, Gamma 76 Harold Grey, Gamma 12 Paul Davie, Gamma 04 STORMS Harold Beekman, Delta 19 STORRS Cordial, Beta 50 Frank, Lambda 74 Leonard Kip, Beta Beta 63 STORY Harold Van Vredenburgh, Lambda 10 Stephen Bond, Theta 14 Theodore Le Roy, Beta Beta 14 Willis Edson, Beta 79 STOTSENBERG John Hawley, Beta Beta 50 STOTT Frederic William Heaton, Gam- ma 11 STOUGHTON Robert Coleman, Zeta 12 STOUT Andrew Varick, Lambda 93 Horace Elijah, Pi 91 John Kennedy, Beta Beta 70 Joseph Suydam, Jr., Lambda 95 Newton Ewell, Lambda 91 STOVER Charles, Chi 75 George Hinkley, Kappa 03 STOW Reginald Hebcr,, Xi 06 STOWE Charles Edward, Kappa 74, Al- pha 75 STOW ELL William Stuart, Chi 07 STOYLE Richard Saunders, Tau 90 STRATTON Morris, Mu 00 STRAUBE Alfred Heckman, Omega 11 STRAUSS Walter Harry, Iota 15 STRAW Herman Foster, Alpha 72 STRAYER George Elmer, Pi 95 STREAT Herbert Gerard, Jr., Delta 07 STREET George Levick, Jr., Eta OS Harvey Louis II, Eta 14 Richard Hamilton, Eta 10 STRICKLAND Francis Lorette, Delta 93 STRINGER Edward Charles. Psi 76 McNeil Seymour, Beta 07 STRINGHAM Douglass Houghton, Phi 78 Roland Irving. Epsilon 13 STROBEL Charles Louis, Jr.. Beta 14 STROH Bernhard, Jr., Phi 07 Edwin Ralph, Phi 12 Gari Melchers, Phi 13 Grant, Psi 89 STRONG Augustus Hopkins, Beta 57 Charles Augustus, Upsilon 84 Charles I'^dward, Gamma 43 Cyrus John. Xi 86 Edward Alexander. Gamma 55 Edward Winsiow. Theta 99 Ellsworth Olmsted. Zeta 16 Elnathan Ellsworth. Zeta 52 Frank. Beta 84 George Alexander. Gamma 80 George Arthur, Beta 71 George Crockett. Theta 55 Henry Griffin, Upsilon 98 James, Xi 44 John Henry, Upsilon 89 John Ruggles, Lambda 72 Marvin Herbert, Theta 96 Otis. Beta 85 Theodore Chester, Beta 78 Theron Roundell, Beta 03 Wi'liam Chamberlain, Zeta 45 William Lord, Beta 84 STROUD * Edward Adams, Tau 97 \\'iniam Franklin, Jr., Delta 16 STROUT Charles Henry, Zeta 80 Edwin Augustus, Jr., Beta 12 Frank Stuart, Zeta 19 STRYKER John Livingston, Beta 48 STUART Ambrose Pascal Sevilon, Sigma 47 Charles Benedict, Gamma 73 Donald Clive, Phi 03 Duane Reed, Phi 96 Francis Hart, Zeta 71 George Percival, Theta Theta 15 John Franklin, Sigma 59 "Merritt Corbett, Gamma 12 Thomas Arthur, Gamma 74 , William Henry. Kappa 59 William Vaughn, Gamma 80 William Zachary, Gamma 83 William Zcphaniah, Gamma 33 STUBBERT John Irving. Sigma 99 .STUCK LE William Ferdinand. Chi 17 STUDLEY Fuller Pierce, Kapna 09 William Harrison, Beta Beta 50 STULL Eugene Baxter, Psi 65 STURDY Harold Frederick, Omega 13, Tau 14 STURGES Arthur Pembcrton, Lambda 64 Hezekiah, Beta 41 STURGIS Thomas. Beta 03 STURTEVANT John Bayliss. Theta 43 Wilder Lee, Sigma 04 SUFFREN Charles Carroll, Beta 75 906 ALPHABETICAL INDEX SULCER Henry Durham, Omega OS SULLIVAN Arthur Bull, Iota 96 Edward Taylor, Beta Beta 89 Leonard, Beta 08 Romaine Livingston, Tau 13 SUMNER Charles Burt, Beta 62 Charles Ralsey, Upsilon 74 Cyril, Beta 07 Edward Arthur, Xi 78 William Graham, Beta 63 SUMMERVILLE Allen Henry, Pi 14 Orin Remington, Pi 18 SUNDERLAND Byron, Delta 41 SUNDERLIN E L, Rho 18 Lewis McBride, Upsilon 16 SUTHERLAND Carroll Arthur, Upsilon 05 Ward Taylor, Upsilon 78 William Andrew, Pi 72 SUTPHEN Henry Randolph, Delta OO SUTTHOFF John Russell, Theta Theta 19 SUTTON Henry Craig, Xi 07, Chi 07 Howard Anderson, Xi 95 Isaac Crawford, Xi 00 John Stanley, Xi 17 J[oseph] Aubrey, Xi 15 McWalter Bernard Edward, Beta Beta 99 William Henrv, Xi 57 Willis Dale, Delta 12 SUYDAM Charles Crooke, Lambda 56 Frederick Piatt, Chi 82 Horace Wright, Phi 94 SWAIN Joseph Warner 2d, Tau 04 SWALLOW Edward Emerson, Beta 74 SWAN Daniel Merrick, Theta 66 George, Gamma 47 George Francis, Delta 96 Horace Gilbert, Upsilon 15 Joseph Rockwell, Beta 02 Vilas Matheson, Psi 16 SWANY Granville Reed, Delta 13 SWART Harmon Veeder, Omicron 06 SWARTWOUT Egerton, Beta 91 SWASEY George Robinson, Kappa 75 SWAYNE Francis [Gerard] Bond, Beta 72 SWEET Charles Edwin, Pi 01 John Cochrane. Mu 93 John Henry Throop, Jr., Beta Beta 10 Preston Irving, Beta 58 SWEETSER Albert Ferguson, Kappa 84 Albert Raddin, Xi 84 Charles Humphrey, Gamma 62 Howard Peck, Beta 82 John Howard, Gamma 57 Norman, Tau 15 Sanford Benton, Xi 60 SWENSON Alfred Marcy, Mu 07 SWETT Donald Monroe, Omega 18 SWIFT Lucius Burrie, Phi 70 Walker E'y, Beta 15 William Everett, Gamma 93 SWINBURNE Fitch James, Delta 74 Louis Judson, Beta 79 SWINDELLS Frederick William, Gamma 00 SWINNERTON Allyn Coats, Delta Delta 19 George Brown, Psi 92 SWITZER Malcolm, Zeta 17 SYKES Arthur Oscar, Pi 92 James Bennett, Upsilon 17 Wadsworth Coyne, Upsilon 20 SYLE Henry Winter, Beta Beta 67 Louis Du Pont, Beta Beta 79 SYLVESTER Elbert Ware, Theta 99 SYM John, Lambda 42 SYMINGTON Charles Julian, Gamma 04 Donald Leith, Gamma 04 SYMMES Algernon Sidney, Zeta 62 SYMONDS Joseph White, Kappa 60 Stuart Oakley, Kappa 05 William Law, Kappa 54 SYMONS John Walter, Phi 17 TABER Clauden Carr, Pi 01 Wellington Watt, Pi 89 TACKABERRY Frederic Halsted, Xi 92 John Edgar, Xi 99 TAFT Edward Padelford, Sigma 54 Enos Nelson, Beta 51 Henry Waters, Beta 80 Horace Dutton, Beta 83 Howard, Beta 05 Marcus Lorenzo, Delta 42 Robert Alphonso, Beta 10 Robert Wendell, Sigma 91 Royal Chapin, Sigma 95 Walbridge Smith, Beta 07 William Howard, Beta 78 TAGGART Byron Brown, Psi 96 TAILER Henry Austin, Lambda 52 James Thomas, Lambda 57 TAINTOR Charles Newhall, Beta 65 James Ulysses, Beta 66 TAIT John, Beta 54 TAJIRI Inajiro [Taneka], Beta 78 TALBOT Augustus, Lambda 66 Emory Harlow, Xi 74 Ethelbert II. Zeta 13 Ethelbert, Zeta 70 James Robert, Pi 19 Micah Jones, Xi 43 TALBOT Montgomery Harley, Gamma 16 Ralph, Zeta 72 Richmond, Lambda 66 Sidney Wells, Theta 18 William Richmond, Lambda 57 TALBOTT Thomas Griffith, Pi 20 TALCOTT George, Beta 55 TALLMAN Henry Merritt, Pi 68 John Francis, Pi 79 TALMAGE Frank De Witt, Delta 90 TAPLEY Clarence Hall, Kappa 14 TAPPAN Benjamin Swett, Beta 48 Charles Avery, Iota 88 John Butler Coles, Beta 80 William, Iota 85 TAPPING Watson Goodrich, Rho 12 TASK Thomas, Kappa 42 TASKER Arthur Newman, Xi 02 Edwin Sloan, Xi 90 Fred Elmer, Xi 84 TATE Dale Stouffer, Beta 97 Mercer Brown, Eta 90 TATEUM Fred Thomas, Xi 88 William Aldrich, Xi 84 TATHAM Robert Lafayette, Chi 12 TATTERSON Harry Jordan, Zeta 74 TAUSSIG Elwood Melcher, Eta 06 TAYLOR Arthur Bailey, Beta 78 Benjamin Chandler, Mu 93 Charles Andrus, Delta 01 David Houghtaling, Lambda 95 Edward Clark, Delta 09 Edwin Hubbard, Zeta 56 Edwin Pemberton, Jr., Beta Beta 00 Elbert Burr, Beta Beta 73 Elisha, Theta 37 Franklin Henry, Xi 84 George Ira, Theta 43 Harry La Forest, Zeta 01 Henry Richard, Lambda 91 Howard Davenport, Upsilon 98 James Henry, Jr., Psi 88, Gamma 90 James Ira, Theta 77 John Myers, Chi 88 John Phelps, Beta 62 [Josephl Deems, Delta 06 Joseph Pemberton, Lambda 44, Beta Beta 43 Joseph Pemberton Welles, Beta Beta 02 Joseph Ward, Pi 77 Kenyon Yale, Phi 06 Levi Marlon, Zeta 07 Moses, Beta 93 Ralph Haydn, Zeta 02 Riley Tredway, Xi 54 Robert Longley, Psi 82 Robert Sayre, Eta 95 Roy Elmer, Omicron 08 Russell Rice, Iota 99 Seneca Curtis, Psi 96 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 907 TAYLOR Stephen Livingston, Psi 88, Gamma 89 Sutherland Gazzam, Jr., Delta 11 Thomas Augustus, Upsiion 76 William, Theta 38 William Alexander, Lambda 79 William Ambrose, Beta 84 William Patterson, Eta 86 TEASDALE Frank Wallis, Mu 06 TEFFT Kenneth Remington, Kappa 09 Vernon Jerome, Phi 77 TEMPLE Benjamin Linzey, Theta 63 TEN BROECK Joseph Anthony, Mu 94 TENER Alexander Campbell, Beta 12 Kinley John, Beta 16 TEN EYCK Andrew, Delta 11 George, Pi 08 Henrv James, Beta 79 William Bullock, Theta 88 TENNANT Henry Fry, Chi 09 TENNEY Asa Wentworth, Zeta 59 Henry Martyn, Gamma 64 Samuel William, Kappa 56 TERRELL Harrv Aten, Zeta 97 TERRILL Edward, Theta 85 TERRY Adrian, Beta 52 George Davis, Beta 92 Israel Newton, Gamma 71 John Calvin, Gamma (>7 John Herman, Eta 20 John Herman, Tau 91 Nathaniel Matson, Gamma 67 Wyllvs, Beta 85 THACHER Alfred Beaumont, Beta 74 Edward Stanley, Beta 72 Francis Storer, Kappa 66 Isaiah Crocker, Theta 41 James Kingsley, Beta 68 John Seymour, Beta 77 Ralph Huntington, Beta 03 Ralph \\Tieeler, Psi 59 Sherman Day, Beta 83 Thomas, Beta 71 Thomas Day, Beta 04 William Earned, Beta 87 THARP Lawrence McHatton, Omega 16 THATCHER Mahlon Daniel, Beta 06 Ralph Hough, Theta 93 THAYER Charles Snow, Gamma 86 Edward, Jr., Sigma 98 Eli, Sigma 45 John Alden, Zeta 18 Lucius Ellsworth, Gamma 18 Lucius Harrison, Gamma 82 Sigourney, Gamma 18 Webster, Zeta 80 William Greenough, Gamma 85 William Greenough, Jr., Gamma 15 THEOBALD Eugene Elliott, Iota 17 William Henry, Iota 11 THIBAULT Carrow, Tau 18 Lewis Rodman, Tau IS THIEME Frederick John, Jr., Phi V8 THOM Walter Henry, Rho 04 THOMAS Aaron Smith, Beta 69 Albert Louis, Eta 09 Arthur Sheldon, Upsiion 18 Carleton Edward, Psi 12 Charles Brainerd, Xi 71 Charles Ebenezcr, Zeta 85 Charles Henry, Beta 73 Charles Sparks, Chi 19 Chauncey Boardman, Gamma 55 Edward Seymour, Beta 88 Edwin Alonzo, Zeta 55 Elisha Smith, Beta 58 Fred Lake, Upsiion IS Frederick Throckmorton, Tau 07 Frederick Wallace, Sigma 19 George Huntington, Beta 77 Harrison Cook, Psi 09 Herbert, Zeta 08 Hopkin, Eta 02 Isaac M[illerJ, Theta 67 Jerome Beers, Phi 87 Nathaniel Phillips Smith, Beta 68 Percy Rutter, Eta OS Russell Denison, Mu 18 Walter Herbert, Pi 16 William Archibald, Iota 12 William Richards, Jr., Tau 92 THOMBS Samue' Brackett, Zeta 11 THOMPKINS Willard Tav. Delta 97 THOMPSON Abijah Hull, Beta 46 Andrew Jackson, Kappa 58 Arthur Cecil, Beta 85 Charles Hutchinson, Gamma 67 Daniel Darlin, Theta 41 Daniel Greenleaf, Gamma 69 Edward Davis, Theta 55 Elmer Ives, Chi 09 Eugene Alphonso, Pi 08 Frank Carroll, .Sigma 01 Gale, Phi 93 Garrett William, Gamma 88 George Burt, Mu 79 Gouverneur Morris, Beta 65 Harry Arthur, Xi 93 Isaac Meigs Bragg, Delta n James Livingstone, Xi 17 John Budd, Kappa 96 tnhn Frank, Xi 81 "John Harold, Delta 19 John Henry. Beta 97 John Leverett, Zeta 56 Karl Osborn, Gamma 12 Nathan, Gamma 61 Nathan Sylvester, Iota 65 Paul Frye. Phi 16 Raymond Llewellyn, Upsiion 17 Robert Raymond^ Mu IS Roger Everett, Xi 92 Thomas IMiller, Gamma 51 Thomas W. Zeta 59 . William Gillon, Gamma 63 William Lawton, Kappa 99 William Luther, Zeta 58 Wi'liam Mann, Phi 81 William Putnam, Kappa 94 THOMS John Cvrus, Omega 78, Sigma 78 THOMSON Artluir Cecil, Beta 85 [Charles] Joseph, Mu 04 David, Theta Theta 92 James Adam Renwick, Tau IS Samuel Clifton, Beta 91, Lamo- da 93 THORBURN Frank Matson, Delta 98 THORN Craig, Zeta 09 James Dale, Omega 15, Omi- cron 15 THORN E -Mbert George, Pi 93 Charles Lansing, Delta 02 Frank Dana. Pi 96 George Winthrop, Lambda 67 THORNTON Henry Worth, Tau 94 Stanley Linham, Xi 20 THORP Benjamin Hurd, Psi 95 William Willard, Psi 20 THORPE Raymond George, Pi 15 THURBER Edmund Gorham, Sigma 86 Frederick Butler, Sigma 05 THURSTON Benjamin Easton, Gamma 52 Benjamin Francis, Sigma 93, Chi 93 Charles Storey, Beta 95 Edward Haynes, Beta 17 El'iott Ladd, Sigma 17 Richard Bowers, Kappa 41 THWING Clarence, Delta 84 Edward Pavson, Theta Theta 14 Edward Waite, Delta 88 TTBBALS Arthur Chapman, Beta 74 TIBBITS Charles Henry, Beta Beta 87 George, Theta 45 John Bleeker, Theta 46 John Knox, Beta 92 William Bolmer, Beta Beta 61 TICE William Wallace, Theta 55 TICHENOR Francis Herbert, Beta 81 Lvman Beecher, Omega 74 Tl'CKNOR John Lee, Delta 82 TIDEMAN Harold Francis, Zeta IS, Rho 15 TIFFANY Charles Lewis, Beta 00 TIGHE .\mbroRe, Beta 79 TILDEN James .\ddison, Jr., Gamma 13 John Newell, Psi' 66 fll.LINGHAST James, Sigma 49 Ilenry Anthony, Sigma 82 Theodore Foster, Sigma 84 TTLLOU Edward. Lambda 69 TILNEY Robert Fingland 2d, Beta 05 TII.SON Tohn Quillin, Beta 91 fiLTON George Henry, Gamma 70 George Henry, Jr., Zeta 14 Owen Stanard, Gamma 08 TIM LOW Philip Tav. Theta il TIMMONDS .Samuel Bradstreet, Iota 86 TINGLE Y George Curtis, Beta Beta 52 Richard Hoadley, Sigma 76 908 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TINKER Anson Phelps, Beta 68 Edward Larocque, Lambda 05 TINKHAM Alanson Harris, Sigma 41 TIRRELL Charles Quincy, Zeta 66 TISDALE Frank Sommers, Psi 88 William Monroe, Xi 82 TITTMAN Harold Hilgard, Jr., Beta 1.6 TOBEY John Fry, Sigma 55 Thomas Fry, Sigma 59 TODD Albert, Beta 50 Charles Frederick, Kappa 54 James Smith, Iota 18 William Henry, Kappa 53 William Sheridan, Xi 64 TOLL Charles Hansen, Psi 04 Charles Hansen, Psi 72 Oliver Wolcott, Delta Delta 13 Roger Wolcott, Lambda 06 TOLMAN Albert Walter, Kapoa 88 Clarence Moncure, Eta S5 Samuel Howe, Zeta 48 TOMKINS Henry Flunt, Beta 99 TOMLINSON Edward Horace, Xi 20 Ernest Benjamin, Rho 04 Howard Holmes, Rho 15 John Canfield, Jr., Beta 01 John Randolph, Iota 70 Roy Everett, Rho 01 TOMPKINS Boylston Adams, Beta IS Frederick William, Psi 71 George Benjamin, Xi 08 Leslie Jay, Delta 90 Rav, Beta 84 TONKIN Loring Lombard, Chi 11 TONNELE Theodore Mills, Lambda 13 TOOKE Charles Wesley, Pi 91, Chi 94 TOOKER Robert Newton, Omega S7 TOOTHAKER Horace, Zeta 59 TOPE John Weslev, Jr., Omega 06 TOPPING Edward Burdette, Pi 94 Henrv. Omega 81, Upsilon 92 Henry Junkin, Tau 09 Wilbur Baird, Eta 06, Tau 06 TORRANCE Eliakim, Jr., Mu 09 TORRENCE George Paull, Beta 75 TORREY Donald Fuller, Tau 14 Douglas Jay, Beta 07 Franklin Bryant. Lambda 81 Richard Hamilton, Eta 09 Robert Grant, Tau 06 William Jessup, Beta 99 TORSON Harry Arthur, Beta 16 TOULMIN Priestley, Eta 86 TOURGEE Albion Winegar, Upsilon 62 TOWER Gideon Dudley, Theta 66 TOWLE Charles Augustus, Zeta 64 Charles Carroll, Zeta 75 Henry Freeman, Zeta Id Joseph Warren, Alpha 51 Wheelock Veazey, Zeta 85 TOWNE Edward Cornelius, Beta 56 Paul Allen, Psi 48 Solon Rodney, Zeta 72 Walter Alanson, Gamma 11 TOWNELEY Wardwell Thornton, Tau 14 TOWNSEND Absalom, Theta 36 Arthur Critchlow, Chi 95 Atwood Halsey, Delta 18 Edward David, Beta Beta 12 Edward Howard, Beta 12 Frank Le Grand, Delta 84 Frederick Barrett, Chi 08 George Hamilton, Kappa 81 Gerard Bostwick, Delta 87 Henry Perrine, IJeta 41 Herman Edward, Beta Beta 04 Israel Jerome, Lambda 47 James Mulford, Jr., Beta 08 James Mulford, Jr., Beta 74 John Campbell, Beta 10 Luther Tracy, Zeta 59 Palmer [Gardiner], Delta 87 William Justus, Psi 67 William Kneeland, Beta 71 TOWNSON Douglas Castle, Beta 14 Kenneth Castle, Upsilon 11 TRACY Atlee Hoffman, Tau 91 Elmer Clark, Upsilon 82 Frederick Augustus, Lambda 60 Howard Crosby, Beta 87 John Jay, Zeta 64 Melville Merrick, Gamma 60 TRAIN Frederick Charles, Beta 80 TRAPHAGEN Arthur Romeyne, Epsilon 04 TRASK Charles Hooper, Lambda 82 Edward, Delta 40 William Elliott, Delta 40 TRAVER Frederick Gedney. Pi 96 Herman Daniel, Pi 93 TRAVERS Edward Schofield, Beta Beta 98 TRAVIS George Washington Le Roy, Eta 07 Harold Gilbert, Xi 20 Robert, Jr., Lambda 47 TREAT Sanford Morris, Zeta 19 TREE Donald James, Beta Beta 20 TREMAIN William Fenton, Psi 88 TREMAINE Ambrose Barnes, Psi 86 Charles Henry Belknap, Beta Beta 66 Edward George, Eta 20 TRIBOU Nahum Mitchell, Sigma 57 TRIBUS Louis Lincoln, Delta 85 TRICKETT William, Xi 68 TRIMBLE David Churchman, Alpha S2 James, Beta 68 TRIMBLE John Frederick, Iota 88 TROTTMAN James Franklin, Rho 84 Joseph Stafford, Iota 16 Nelson Smith, Rho 14 TROUT James Morris, Alpha 71 TROW George William, Beta 58 TROWBRIDGE Francis Bacon, Beta 87 Francis Emory, Pi 82 George, Beta 78 Henry, Beta 80 James Rutherford, Beta 94 Joseph Parker, Beta 83 Parker, Zeta 13 Samuel Hoyt, Xi 67 Stephen Van Rensselaer, Phi 76 TROXELL Edgar Rudolphus, Beta 72 TRUAX Arthur Dickinson, Psi 94 Chauncey Shaffer, Psi 75 James Reagles, Theta 76 TRUBY Joseph Mosgrove, Beta Beta 79 TRUDEAU Edward Livingston, Jr., Beta 96 TRUE Gerald George, Pi 19 Webster Prentiss, Psi 13 TRUESDALE Calvin, Beta 07 Cavour Langdon, Mu 15 TRULSON Palmer Charles, Omicron 17 TRUMBOWER William Mansfield, Pi 81 TRUMBULL Charles Edward, Beta 54 Charles Gallaudet, Beta 93 Charles Lamb, Beta Beta 08 Charles William, Theta 92 David, Beta 42 David, Jr., Beta Id Edwin Burr, Beta 51 James Hammond, Beta 42 James Hedden, Beta 48 John, Beta 78 , Lyman Murray, Omega 75 Stephen, Beta 80 Walter Slater, Beta Beta 03 William, Beta 83 TRUMP William Henry, Tau 09 TUCK John, Zeta OS Samuel Parker, Gamma 58 TUCKABERRY John Edgar, Xi 99 TUCKER Earl William, Pi 13 Edward Everett, Upsilon 83 Francis Perry, Psi 57 Gilman Henry, Zeta 61 Henry Brownell, Beta 94 Herbert Ames, Gamma 82 Kenneth Denny, Zeta 16 Luther Henry, Beta 55 Lynde Worthington, Zeta 09 Warren Weatherbee, Gamma 94 William Jewett, Zeta 61 William Packard, Kappa 54 TUCKERMAN George Starr, Beta 51 TUELL Hiram, Kappa 69 I ALPHABETICAL INDEX TULLIDGE I Claude Joseph, Phi IS Edward Kilbouriie, Beta Beta 76 TULLY Bartlett Christopher, Phi 10 TUNNICLIFF Morris Damon, Omega 19 TURNBULL James Archibald, Beta Beta 92, Thomas, Jr., Chi 88 William Vibbert Longwell, Psi 15 TURNER Charles Wesley, Jr., Gamma 10 Cvrus Calhoun, Beta 78 Duncan, Theta 36 E'bridge York, Kappa 67 Farrant Lewis, Xi 17 Harold McLeod, Beta OS James, Phi 02 James Alonzo, Xi 01 Leigh Martin, Phi 00 Ralph Cushman, Beta 13 Samuel Bates, Chi 80 Samuel Gilbert Hatheway, Theta 98 Scott, Phi 02 Spencer, Beta 06 Wallis Smythe, Lambda 00 TURREL John Lyman, Phi 65 TUTHILL Franklin, Delta 42 George Miller, Delta 43 TUTTLE Alexander Harrison, Xi 66 Arthur Farwell, Beta 15 Calvin Butterfield, Xi 76 Donald Dickey, Zeta 00 Elias Augustus, Xi 68, Upsilon 68 Frank Wright, Beta 15 George Coolidge, Beta 07 George Washington, Theta 36 Henrv Emerson, Beta 14 Henry Nelson, Beta 81 Herbert Edward, Lambda 91 Leonard Wason. Zeta 00 Morton Chase, Zeta 97 Reuel Crompton, Beta Beta 89 Reuel Hotchkiss, Beta Beta 46 Russell Mumford, Upsilon 62 Sidney, Theta 64 Thomas Westley, Rho 19 William Gardner, Gamma 46 TWEDDELL Francis Threepwood, Beta 17 TWEEDY Andrew Mellick, Lambda 06 Henry Hallam, Beta 91 Raymond Lathrop, Beta 00 TWICHELL Joseph Hopkins, Beta 59 TWINING Theodore Woolsey, Beta 58 TWISS Richard Bentley, Omega 75 TWIST Olin Sylvanus, Pi 91 TWOMBLY Alexander Stevenson, Beta 54 Edward Lambert, Beta 81 Henrv Bancroft, Beta 84 TWYFORD Mavor Allen, Theta 96 TYLER Charles Winans, Iota 71 Cornelius Boardman, Gamma 98 Francis John, Chi 01 Harry Desborough, Gamma 96 TYLER Henry Mather, Gamma 65 John Cowperthwaite, Delta Delta 15 John Eugene, Zeta 42 John Mason, Gamma 73 Julian Howard, Phi 84 Mason Whiting, Gamma 62 Mason Whiting, Gamma 06 Walter Arnold, Chi 19 Walter Lincoln, Lambda 87 Warren, Xi 83 William Peck, Phi 85 William Seymour. Gamma 30 William Seymour, Gamma 95 William Wellington, Gamma 64 TYNDALE Hector Hilgard, Chi 11 TYNG Alexander Griswold, Phi IZ TYTUS Edward Jefferson, Beta 68 John Butler, Beta 70 Robb de Peyster, Beta 97 UFFORD Walter Shepard, Gamma 82 ULINE Oscar Mortimer, Theta 53 UNDERHILL Abram Sutton, Xi 75 Henry Beers, Gamma 45 John Griffen, Delta Delta 18 William Allen, Beta 10 UNDERWOOD George, Beta 75 Herbert, Rho 11 Richard Chute, Phi 98 Thomas Ingles, Phi 20 William Lovell. Phi IS William Thomas, Phi 72 UPDE Graff Fritz Williams, Theta 94 UPDIKE George Whitman, Beta 97 UPHAM Myron, Chi 91 Warren, Zeta 71 UPJOHN Richard Russell Chi 80 UPPER Ewart Steele, Theta Theta 16 UPSON Ambrose Ives, Beta Beta 88 UPTEGRAFF Gaylor Marshall, Eta 12 Thomas Marshall, Eta 09 UPTON Arthur Jackson, Kappa 70 Francis Robbins, Kappa 75 Francis Robbins, Jr., Kappa 07 Joseph Colcord Fabiens, Kappa 80 Virgil Morgan, Theta Theta 18 UTLEY Jay Hatheway, Chi 83 Nelson Monroe, Omicron 18 ■ VAIL Herrman Husted. Chi 11 Samuel Crane, Rho 16 VALENTINE George Clark, Sigma IS John King, Zeta 55 William Augustus, Beta Beta 72 VALUE Beverly Mason, Tau 13 Beverly Reid, Lambda 84 VAN Alystyne Henry Arthur, Theta 93 909 VANAMEE Talcott Ostrom, Psi 00 VAN ANDEN Frank, Chi 98 VAN BENSCHOTEN James Cooke, Xi 54 John Richard, Xi 77, Gamma 77 VAN BRUNT Henry, Alpha 54 Ralph, Theta S3 VAN BUREN Frank Roc, Lambda it's James Heartt, Beta 73 Joseph Sheffield, Beta 75 William Allen, Beta 78 VANCE Francis Edward, Delta 89 Samuel Colville, Gamma 62 VAN DENBURG Joseph King, Xi 95 Marvin Wallace. Xi 70 VANDERBILT Alfred Gwynne, Beta 99 Cornelius, 3d, Beta 95 Reginald Clavpoole, Beta 02 William Henry, Beta 93 VANDERHOOF Herbert, Omega 04 VANDERLIP George Mairs, Delta 51 VANDERPOEL Aaron Augustus, Beta 13 John A. Lambda 62 VAN DERVEER John Watts, Theta 41 VAN DEUSEN Arthur Hanson, Theta 13 Edwin Wilkes, Pi 97 Henry Hobart, Upsilon 59 VAN DEVENTER Harry Brown, Beta 03 VAN DE WATER Arthur Reginald, Beta Beta 01 George Roe, Eta 87, Chi 74 John Lambden, Eta 88 VAN de WATER Frederic Franklyn, Jr., Delta 14 Sterling Hawes, Lambda 17 VAN DUSEN Harry Miller, Theta 88 Samuel Clinton, Lambda 84 VAN DUZER Archibald Somerville, Lambda 53 Henry Brooks, Theta 96 VAN DYKE Douglas, Epsilon 17 Walter, Epsilon 16 VAN EVER EN Horace [Greeley)], Chi 91 VAN FLEET Alan Crocker, Epsilon 10 Clark Crocker, Epsilon 13 William Gary, Jr., Epsilon 13 VAN GILSON Acmon Pulaski, Delta 49 VAN HOEVENBERG Rudolf, Delta Delta 14 VAN HORN Burt, Beta 74 James Henry, Zeta 93 VAN HORNE Andrew Britton, Beta 77 VAN INGEN Edward Lawton, Rho 06 James Lucas, Theta 40 910 ALPHABETICAL INDEX VAN INGEN John, Rho 06 Philip, Beta 97 VAN INWAGEN Arthur, Phi 93 James, Jr., Phi 92 VAN KEUREN June Gill, Omega 14 VAN NAME Addison, Beta 58 VAN NAMEE George Rivet, Chi 02 VAN, NESS Arciiibald l,a Rue, Theta 67 VAN NOSTRAND Charles Avery, Beta Beta 11 John James, Chi 00 VAN ORDEN Lucas Schuyler, Rho 03 VAN PELT James Caldwell, Delta SO VAN RENSSELAER Bernard Sander, Lambda 09, Tau 13 Maunsel, Theta 38 VAN REYPEN William Knickerbocker, Beta 05 VAN SANT Horatio Moses, Delta 81 VAN SANTVOORD George, Beta 12 Raymond, Theta 14 VAN SCHAACK Henry Cruger. Omega 81 VAN SCHAICK John Jr., Theta 94 VAN SCHOONHOVEN Edward, Beta 67 ' VAN SICKLE John, Chi 85 VAN SINDEREN Adrian, Beta 54 Adrian, Beta 10 [Alvan] Howard, Lambda 81 Henry Brinsmade, Beta 11 VAN TASSEL Chester Burrows, Beta 06 VAN VECHTEN Carl Omega 03 VAN VL.ACK Wagner, Theta 00 VAN VLECK James Brackett, Delta 00 VAN VOAST Albert Benson, Theta 90 Horace Silliman, Theta "il VAN VOLKENBURGH Thomas Sedgwick, Beta 66 \'\N N'OORHIS Noble, Iota 18 Richard. Upsilon 88 VAN VORST Hooper Gumming, Theta 39 VAN VRANKEN De Camp, Theta 20 VAN WIE Charles Henry, Psi 74 VAN WINKLE Charges D, Phi 15 Isaac, Lambda 48 VAN WYCK Benjamin Stephen, Lambda 76 VAN ZANDT Edward Augustus, Delta 78 VARE Edwin Hornberger, Jr., Tau 20 VARICK Remsen, Zeta 06 VARNEY Ellwood [Francis], Kappa 79 John Riley, Zeta 43 VASSAR Harold Worth, Lambda 13 VAUGHAN Charles Lincoln, Jr., Sigma 19 George Wheaton Carr, Sigma 18 VAUGHN Leland Alexander, lota 04, Chi 08 VEAMAN Lewis Rogers, Beta 96 VEAZEY Albin Beard, Zeta 90 Wheelock Graves, Zeta 59 VEDDER Edmund Burke, Theta 35 VEEDER Carl William, Theta 13 Elmer Ellsworth, Theta 86 John DeWitt, Theta 75 Nicholas Isaac, Theta 94 VEERHUSEN Herman Helm, Rho 12 VEIT Robert Theodore, Beta 12 VENESS A'.fred Thomas, Upsilon 20 VERNON Elliott Ernest. Pi 97 Howard Willis. Beta 89 Paul Monroe, Pi 02 Philip Harwood, Delta S3 VERPLANCK Fred .Ayer, Beta 88 VICTORY Wallace Odell, Rho 00 VIEHE Frederick Dana, Eta 01 John Sage, Eta 99 VIETS Henry Rouse, Jr., Zeta 12 VILAS Charles Atwood, Rho 99 Edward Perrin. Rho 72 Henry. Rho 94 William Freeman, Rho 58 VINCENT Charles Ray, Chi 08 Fred Cameron, Onie^a 97 Hcnrv Fowler. Chi 04 John Henry, Beta 10 Martin Richardson, Lambda 54 Marvin Richardson. Theta 08 Strong. Beta Beta 58 A'INTON Lindlev. Gamma 75 William Miner, Beta 88 VISSCHER Theodore Cuyler, Eta 99 VOLKM.ANN Arthur Ludwig Karl, Chi 11 VON ACH Frank Claire, Omicron IS von der ROPP Alfred. Epsilon 03 von EGLOFFSTEIN Clarence Leon, Delta 12 von HAGEN Willard Arnold, Mu 17 VOORHEES Clark Greenwood, Lambda 93 Dominicus Stryker, Theta 89 Theodore, Lambda 68 VORCE Juba Howe, Xi 65 VORYS John Martin, Beta 18 \'OSBURG Keith, Epsilon 10 Murry Slauson, Epsilon 13 VOSBURGH Arthur Seymour, Lambda 90 VOSE George Franklin, Beta 59 James Gardiner, Beta 51 Robert Henry, Gamma '^2 vought" William Grandin, Beta 82 V ROMAN Tohn Charles, Rho 0& William Phillips, Rho 01 NROOMAN Charles Jacob, Theta 98 W.J^DDELL Henry Rex, Phi 16 William Alfred, Theta 82 WADE Frank Bertram, Xi 01 Levi Clifford, Beta 66 Robert Buchanan, Beta 93 WADHAMS Moses Waller, Zeta 80 William Henderson, Beta 96 WADSWORTH Clair Wilson, Pi 13 George Priest. Pi 86 Guy Woodbridge, Gamma 84 Harry Hyde, Pi 97 Isaac Newton, Kappa 45 John Emi'e, Zeta 94 "Joseph Tilney, Beta 01 Richard Charles Wells, Beta 93 WAGE Arnold Edwin, Upsilon 98 WAGGONER Edwin Harris, Omicron 11 WAGNER Perry Shumway, Rho 13 Thomas Rowan, Chi 18 WAGSTAFF Alfred James, Beta 76 WAINWRIGHT Henrv Phelps, Lambda 45 Isaac' Parker, Alpha 55 ^ Howard St. Clair, Lambda 80 WAITE Horace Garfield, Beta 91 Morrison Remich, Beta 88 Norman Swift, Phi 92 WAITT William Gay, Kapp 76 WAKEFIELD Henry Dorr. Rho 16 James Beach, Beta Beta 46 Leander Elmer, Beta 42 Thomas Heber, Zeta 70 WALCOTT Frederic Collin, Beta 91 WALDEN Howard Talbot, Beta 81 Russell, Beta 74 WALDO Charles Sidney, Sigma 74 Clarence Haven, Sigma 79 George Edward, Rho 85 Mark Albijence, Rho 84 Otis Harvey, Beta 79 WALDRON Frederick Rice, Phi 97 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 911 WALES Charles Raymona, Zeta 06 Leonard liugene. Beta 45 WALKER Alanson Burton, Upsilon 01 Albert Perry, Xi 84 Alfred Eastman, Beta 64 Archie Dean, Mu 05, Chi 06 Archibald Wilson, Beta Beta 14 Arthur Lucian Lambda 83 Arthur Tappan, Delta 87 Charles Hall, Theta Theta 17 Charles Henry, Delta 94 • Charles Joseph, Zeta 70 Charles ilorehead. Beta 84 Charles Rumford, Beta 74 Charles Rumford, Jr., Beta 16 Clarence, Eta 89 Clement Adams, Zeta 42 Dean Augustus, Beta 84 Eugene Winston, Beta 80 Fred Allan, Zeta 88 George, Zeta 42 George Henry, Xi 81 George Hunt, Upsilon 86 George Washington, Eta 87 James Brackett [Creighton], Zeta 99 James Clowdsley, Jr., Mu 14 James Wheatley, Lambda 91 John, Gamma 58 John Edwin, Kappa 81 John Francis, Kappa 66 John Tempest, Lambda 84 John Tempest, Jr., Sigma 13 Joseph, Jr., Lambda 80 Joseph Burbeen, Beta 44 Marcus Acheson, Eta 03 Nathaniel Upham, Beta 11 Richard Folsom, Beta Beta 14 Robert Coleman, Beta 11 Samuel Johnson, Beta 88 William Henry, Upsilon 91 William James Brown, Eta 85 William Theodore, Theta 05 WALL Donald Miller, Rho 12 James Henry, Rho 12 WALLACE Carl E, Theta Theta 19 Frank Huron, Zeta 82 Frank Rich, Chi 10 Frederic William, Beta 88 Harold Sedgwick, Beta 01 Henry Mitchell, Beta 03 Henry Walker, Chi 96 John Gordon, Beta 49 Lester Francis, Kappa 18 Louis Burr, Beta 10 Malcolm Lee, Beta IS Robert Burns, Zeta 06 Robert Moore, Zeta 67 Roy De Witt, Epsilon 14 WALLER Edward Carson, Jr., Rho 00 Elmer Britton, Theta 82 Henry, Omega 04 Henry Davcy, Iota 74 James Alexander, Beta 94 John Mather, Gamma 07 WALLIN Erik Wilhelm, Delta 97 WALLING William Atkinson, Upsilon 90 WALLIS Alexander Hamilton, Beta 93 WALRADT Arthur Eugene, Beta 80 Henry Moses, Beta 75 WALSH Raymond Joseph, Sigma 17 WALSH Thomas Edison, Jr., Delta 17, Pi 17 WALSWORTH Edward Brown, Theta 44 WALTER Abner Kelly, Delta 03 Edward Lorraine, Phi 68 Joseph Rhoades, Alpha 71 T. Henry, Lambda 83 William Edwin, Phi 92 WALTERS Harvey Henry, Omicron 15 Henry Waltman, Zeta 17 WALTHER William Max, Eta 18 WALTON Francis Fames, Beta 04 Henry Augustus, Beta 06 John Francis, Lambda 56 Olin Scott, Xi 80 Paul, Beta 80 WALZ Andrew, Delta 04 WARD Brownlee Robertson, Beta 88 David Boyd, Zeta 73, Psi 73 Earl Whipple, Mu 02 Edward William, Delta 20 Egbert, Lambda 63 Emerson Cole, Mu 17, Zeta 17 Francis Thomas, Omega 15 Frederic Kemp, Upsilon 97 Henry Dana Artemas, Beta 42 Henry Murdock, Lambda 90 Herbert Hamilton, Xi 79 Herbert Pells, Upsilon 12 Hugh Allen, Beta 19 James Henry, Jr., Lambda 84 Joseph Fayette, Gamma 76 Lester Woodruff, Beta 17 Robert Ward II„ Xi 18 Stanley Ayrault, Sigma 17 William Douglas, Phi 99 William Lukens, Lambda 79 William Wallace, Beta 49 WARDEN Alexander Scott, Zeta 19 Oliver Sherman, Zeta 89 WARDLAW Charles Digby, Beta Beta 07 WARDWELL Allen, Beta 95 Daniel W, Psi OS Granville, Zeta 48 Harold Fletcher. Chi 07 John Stillman, Chi 16 WARE Arthur Lovell, Alpha 73 Edwin Maurice, Mu 18 Lyman Eugene, Chi 11 Robert, Alpha 52 WARFIELD Ethelbert Dudley. Jr., Psi 20 Richard Henry, Upsilon 65 WARING Antonio Johnston, Beta 03 rjamcs] Palmer, Beta 86 Joseph Frederick, Beta 52 Orville Theodore, Tau 02 WARNER Abner Spicer, Zeta 42 Arthur Hobart, Chi 04 Beverly Ellison, Beta Beta Id Charles Dudley, Psi 51 Eugene Frederick, Mu 02 George Bristol, Pi 65 George Hall, Gamma 51 George Whitefield, Xi 61 Hunt, Gamma 13 WARNER John BuUen, Phi 90 Joseph, Gamma 01 Luther Mason, Gamma 73 Reuben III, Zeta 20 William Penn, Theta 58 WARR William, Eta 95 WARREN Albert Puffer, Zeta 74 Alvah Hall, Jr., Mu 09 Charles Ashley, Phi 74 Edmund Lcvings, Mu 08 Everett, Beta 81 Frank Merton, Mu ^9 George Flint, Jr., Lambda 88 George Henry, Pi 66 Henry Mather, Xi 80 Henry Pitt, Gamma 69, Beta 70 Henry Stanley, Kappa 97 Henry Waterman, Beta 65 James. Sigma 00 John Sidney, Zeta 62 Keith Faulkner, Beta 14 Richard Fairfield, Tau 17 Samuel Broom, Beta Beta 59 William Candee, Jr., Beta 14 William Richard, Tau 04 Williams Allen, Mu 09 WARRIN Marshall Lord, Lambda 82 WARRINER Paul Sherman, Eta 10 WASHBURN Charles Hopkins, Zeta 79 Frank [Alexander] Brissenden, Lambda 12 Frederick Lockwood, Kappa 44 Henry Homer, Sigma 59 John, Kappa 82 Robert Charles, Kappa 83 Sanford Buttershall, Xi 73 William Parsons, Gamma 51 WASHINGTON Charles Milnor, Beta 89 Irving, Upsilon 83 V.ASSON Thurlow Brown, Psi 67 WASSUNG Frank Rockwood, Psi 13 WATERBURY Daniel, Theta 54 Willard Emmet, Upsilon 82 WATERHOUSE Francis Asbury, 'Kappa 57 Hiram Thatcher, Kappa 82 WATERMAN Edgar Francis, Beta Beta 98 Francis Elv, Beta Beta 01 Granville Cliflford. Kappa 57 Harold Pearce, Sigma 74 Joseph MacNaughton, Psi 16 Marcus, Sigma 55 Paul, Sigma 80 Richard, Sigma 59 Stephen, Sigma 46 Stephen, Sigma 86 William Bullock. Sigma 82 WATERS Edward Emerson, Alpha 72 Isaac Ward, Upsilon 97 Lemuel Healy, Gamma 47 Murray Randolph, Mu 10 WATERWORTH Joshua Boone, Beta 08 WATKINS Hezekiah, Beta 59 WATROUS Charles Ansel, Beta 84 912 ALPHABETICAL INDEX WAT ROUS Edward Lacey, Phi 94 Eliot, Beta 99 Philip Bernard, Phi 92 WATSON Albert Leisenring, Gamma 00 Arthur, Beta 73 Bvron Sprague, Sigma 97 Edward Malcolm, Delta 10 Harold Lee, Eta 09 James Angus, Eta 84 James Craig, Phi 57 James HerSert, Beta 80 John Warren, Eta 06. Tau 06 Matthew, Sigma 73 Robert Clement, Eta 13 RoUa Barnum, Lambda 91 Samuel, Beta 68 William Henry, Sigma 52 William Parsons, Beta 69 WATTERSON Harvey, Zeta 01 WATTLEY Donald Hubert, Iota 17 WATTS Richard Prosser, Zeta 20 Robert, Lambda 59 Wallace Hubbard, Iota 99 WAUGH Theodore Leland, Pi 98 WAY Frederic Latimer, Beta ly William Floyd, Theta Theta 12 WAYCOTT Frederic Huntley, Jr., Lambda 17 WAYNE Elmer Conant, Delta 05 WEADOCK Arthur, Phi 20 George Philip, Phi 18 WEATHERBEE Edwin Henry, Bata 75 WEATHERS Brantley Alexander, Jr., Gamma 11 Paul Dyess, Gamma 15 WEAVER George Albert, Zeta 63 Gerrit Elias Hambleton, Tau. 92 Louis Burner, Phi 84 WEBB Charles Sherill, Delta 51 Francis Everett, Kappa 53 George Creighfcon, Beta 76 George Taylor, Mu 02 James Watson, Beta 07 Louis Albert, Epsilon 04, Chi 04 Oscar Everett, Eta 16 Paul Redner, Xi 19 Richard, Kappa 85, Zeta 85 William Rollins, Beta Beta 78 William Watson, Upsilon 71 WEBBER George Nelson, Gamma 52 Harry Edwin, Omicron 15 WEBER George Hunt, Eta 14 William Hoyt, Xi 03 WEBSTER Benjamin, Beta 79 Benjamin, Kappa 98, Beta 99 Edward Langley, Phi 80 Eugene Alonzo, Xi 72 Florian Emerson, Psi 75 Franklin Gates, Zeta 83 Fred Paterson, Kappa 10 George Huntington, Jr., Beta 91 Hanson S, Psi 70 Henry Kitchell, Psi 97 WEBSTER Hezekiah, Psi 72 Jerome Pierce, Beta Beta 10 John Reuben, Beta 61 Joseph, Upsilon 62 Lorin. Beta Beta 80 Steacv Ernest, Xi 18 Stuart, Beta 92 William Elias, Upsilon 94 William Holcomb, Beta Beta 61 William Oliver, Psi 65 WEED Clayton Bagshaw, Psi 17 De Forest Williams, Theta 03 Hugh Hourston Craigie, Gamma 05 Le Roy Jefferson, Theta 01 Truman, Tlfeta 75 Woolsey, Waterbury, Pi 11 WEEDEN John Edward, 2d, Sigma 91 Raymer Balch, Sigma 99 William Wager, Sigma 91 WEEKS Edward Chester, Phi 95 Edward Ferris, Lambda 89 Edwin Lord, Theta 70 Eugene James, Phi 71 George Perley, Zeta 85 Harvey Thomas, Jr., Beta 01 Henry Conner. Tau 05 Joseph Dame, Xi 69 Joseph Doe, Zeta 61 Walter Roy, Phi 99 WEIANT Carl Andrew, Iota 05 WEIDA Francis Wharton, Iota 19 Frederick Shepherd, Iota 17 WEIDEMANN Robert Major, Phi 95 WEIGHT Erie Martin, Epsilon 02 WEIL George Lcverett, Kappa 80 Henry Aaron, Sigma 09 WEILAND Henry Joseph, Upsilon 13 WEINSTEIN Harold Ernest, Xi 14 WEIR Howard Perry, Eta 94 WEISBACH Arthur Hedrick, Tau 17 WEISER Victor Albert, Tau 19 WEISS Louis Stix, Beta 15 WELBY Arthur Adlard, Chi 85 WELCH Harmanus Madison, Beta 75 Herbert, Xi 87 Joseph Ashley, Beta 53 Kenneth Curtis, Phi 14, Tau 15 Lewis Sheldon, Beta 89 Oliver Loveland, Xi 91 Theodore Frelinghuyfeen, Beta 69 Wilbur Abbott, Xi 96 WELD DeWitt Clinton, Jr.. Lambda 91 WELLES Edgar Thaddeus, Beta 64 Henry Titus, Beta Beta 43 James Henry., Gamma 43 Leonard Robbins, Mu 03 Philip Turner, Beta Beta 05 Russell, Chi 16 WELLINGTON Laurence Charles, Delta Delta 12 Richard Lloyd, Upsilon 14 Roger Hale, Upsilon 07 WELLMAN Asher Miner, Beta 88 Merritt Hubbell, Lambda 51 WELLS Carl Samuel, Zeta 12 Charles Franklin, Gamma 68 Charles Otis, Gamma 91 Chauncey Wetmore, Beta 96 Christopher Henry, Kappa 75 David Torrey, Chi 04 Gideon, Beta 58 Harold Sherman. Beta 07 Henry Dorrance, Beta 51 Henry Tutus, Beta Beta 43 John Barnes, Pi 01_ Joseph Kcnnard, Xi 70 Lemuel Aikin, Beta 93 Lemuel Henry, Beta Beta 64 Manning Case, Gamma 57, Beta 57 jNIilton Hewett, Pi 01 Minot Morgan, Theta 42 Philip Patterson. Beta 89 Rufus Porter, Gamma 42 Spencer, Kappa 49 .Stuart Wilder, Gamma 00 Thomas Dudley, Xi 88 Thomas Sill, Psi 56 Walter, Kappa 52 Wilberforce, Xi 69 William Hull. Delta 79 William Russell. Phi 10 William Thorn, Kappa 68 WELSH George William, Beta 04 WELTER Joshua Lewis, Pi 82 WEMOTT . Wallace Woodworth, Phi 87 WENDELL Benjamin Rush, Beta 78 Emery Brady, CM 85 George William, Xi 52 Roswell Murray, Phi 07 Ten Eyck, Beta 80 ^^'ENDT George Arthur, Pi 05 WENNER George Unangst, Beta 65 WENTWORTH Erastus, Xi 37 Georep Edmund, Theta 87 John'Theodore, Theta 46 WERRENRATH Reginald, Delta 05 WERTM EIMER Edgar Benjamin, Iota 01 i^eo Weldon, Iota 99, Lambda 02 ^^•ESSELS Robert Daniel, Beta Beta 18 Theodore Francis, Beta Beta 14 WESSON Charles Howland, Beta 63 Frank Baldwin, Beta 78 Frederick, Beta 68 ^VESTBROOK Edward Standish, Chi 89 WKSTFALL Edward Tansen, Theta 66 Xvilliam Plaisted, Pi 88 WESTGATE George Lewis, Xi 65 Lewis Gardner, Xi 90 WESTINGHOUSE Albert Moore, Theta 83 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 913 WKSTLAKE Emory Hammond, Xi 00 James Willis, Tlieta 57 WESTON Alvah Towle, Theta Theta 16 Frank Lawrence Rho 20 I'^rancis Wayland, Sigma 47 Henry Crosby, (imma 66 Homer, Xi 67, Beta 67 koswell. Lambda 58 Theodore, Beta 53 Waldo, Pi 94 W^ETHERELL James Madison, Sigma 57 WETHERILL Charles A[ugustus] Heckscher, Tau 12 Wil'iam Chattin, Tau 10 WETLING Theodore Benjamin, Psi 67 WETMORE George Peabody, Beta 87 Lansing Southworth, Gamma 10 Prosper Montgomery, Jr., Lamb- da 49 William Henry, Lambda 84 William Shepard Keteltas, Beta 97 WEYMOUTH Sewell Cotiin, Kappa 63 William Taylor Glidden, Beta 85 WHAPLES Heywood Hotchkiss, Beta 01 WHEAT Harold Abercrombie, Zeta 09 James Clements, Phi 09 Renville, Phi 14 WH EATON James Lucas, Jr., Sigma 91 WHEELER Abraham Merri'l, Xi 54 Alan Rattray, Sigma 01 Alexander Royal, Beta 11 Alonzo Wilcox, Theta S6 Clifford Slater. Pi 15 Crayton Bowen, Theta 38 Edgar Eugene, Phi 06 Edward Francis, Kappa 83, Zeta 83 Edward Jonathan, Theta 85 Frank Erastus, Beta 76 Frederick Seymour, Delta 81 Harold Edmonston, Phi 15 Hiland Hill, Gamma 68 Tohn, Zeta 95 John :McClelland, Theta 41 John Wool. Iota 63 Lawrence Raymond, Beta 11 Monroe. Phi 73 Nathaniel Mil'.iman, Pi 75 Newton Calvin, Omega 73 Samuel H, Beta 68 \\'illiam. Beta 55 William Fiske, Alpha 52 William Hardin, Beta Beta 02 William Reginald, Beta 11 WHEELOCK Lucius Augustus. Sigma 52 ^^'illiam Efner, Beta 73 WHEELWRIGHT John Oliver Patten, Kappa 81 WHERRY Henry Probasco, Phi 03 WHETSTONE Samuel Bray, Tau 05 Walter, Tau 99 WHIDDEN John William, Zeta 79 WHIPPLE Edwin Percy, Gamma 50 WHIPPLE Ezekiel Webster, Zeta 67 George Noyes, Gamma 78 Henrv, Gamma 97 Hugh' Scott, Zeta 18 WHITACRE Charles Chase, Phi 80 WHITAKER Ozi William, Gamma 55 WHITBECK Solomon Carman, Pi 'il WHITCHER John Wesley, Xi 51 WIIITCOMB Charles Wilbur, Kappa 76, Beta 76 David, Gamma 00 Ernest Miller, Gamma 04 George Henry, Gamma 64 Henry Dowling, Gamma 19 Henry Estabrook, Gamma 94 Paul, Zeta 10 WHITCOME Francis Banks, Beta Beta 87 WHITE Aaron, Xi 52 Albert Blakeslee, Jr., Iota 10 Andrew Dickson, Beta 53 Arthur Corning, Xi 16 Arthur Eli, Beta 81 Beauchamp Augustus, Omega 15 Bouck, Pi 95 Carlos, Zeta 68 Charles Atwood, Beta 54 Char'es Browning, Pi 95 Charles Francis. Kappa 14 David John, Xi 13 Edson 'Walter. Zeta 80 Edward Welch. Psi 79 Ernest Lacv, Upsilon 02 Ernest Miller, Zeta 05 Francis Wayland, Sigma 56 Frank Isaman, Theta Theta 16 Frederick Barnard, Lambda 83 Frederick Davies, Chi 82 Gaylord Starin, Delta 86 George, Beta 48 George Dana, Beta 80 George Edward. Beta 66 George Holbrook, Garnma 70 George Williston, Chi 12 Harold Edward, Eta 16 Henry, Theta 39 Henry Charles, Beta 81 Henrv Dyer, Beta 51 Henry Seelv, Xi 82 Herbert Peter, Psi 81 Horatio Stevens, Alpha 73 John Jay, Lambda 49 Tohn Richards, Beta 03 Joseph Harvey, Omega 20 Joseph Lyman, Chi 05 Joseph Nelson, Jr., Sigma 03 Merwin. Sigma 99 Moses Hazen, Zeta 42 Neil Kirk, Psi 98 Nelson Davis, Zeta 01 Nelson Riplev, Lambda 83 Noel Byron, Zeta 71 Norman. Lambda 82 Oliver Sherman, Beta 64 Ray Hill. Upsilon 01 Robert Ceresco, Omega 15 Roger Sherman, Beta 59 Rufus Merrick, Theta 40 Selim Sheffield, Zeta 78 Stanley, Delta 84 Theodore Packman, Chi 04 Thomas Howell, Beta 60 Ward Emerson, Chi 08 Willard [Minor], Gamma 72 William Garrison, Psi 85 WHITE William Henry, Gamma 67 William Preston, Beta 10 William Russell, Psi 15 William Wurts, Beta 05 WHITEHEAD Raynale .Mmeion, Phi 07 William Manlove, Psi 48 WHITEHORNE Arthur W'alkin, Theta 69 WHITEHOUSE William Fitzhugh, Beta 99 WHITELAW Ralph Thomas, Gamma 02 Robert Malcolm, Gamma 07 WHITELEY Joseph Osborne, Eta 14 WHITESIDE Thomas Collins, Theta 58 WHITIN Lewis Frederick, Beta 64 William Halliday, Beta 63 WHITING Albert Draper, Tau 88 George Scott, Chi 06 Henry Clay, Theta 67 James Timothy, Gamma 85 Jasper Strong, Kappa 47 Ralph Delano, Xi 98 Robert Edward Kerr, Kappa 53 William Howard, Gamma 76 William Kinsley, Zeta 89 WHITLOCK Bartlett, Theta 17 WHITMORE Irving Wallace, Rho 10 John Thoreau, Delta Delta 15 Matthew Noyes, Beta 54 WHITNEY Addis Merrill, Pi 86, Gamma 86 Alden Bradford, Rho 08 Chester Field Smith, Delta 96 Edward Nelson, Rho 13 Edward Pavson, Beta 54 Eli, Beta 69 Elliott Webster, Delta 00 Eugene Wolcott, Beta 75 George Clarence, -Lambda 83 Harry Edward, Beta Beta 74 Harry Payne, Beta 94 Henry Mitchell, Beta 64 James Lyman, Beta 56 John Marshall, Gamma 63 John Robertson, Eta 18 Joseph Ernest, Beta 82 Joseph Walker, Kappa 00 Lawrence Woodward, Delta 96 Samuel Worcester, Gamma 42 William Collins, Beta 63 William Erving, Beta 77 WHITON Henry Benjamin, Theta SO WHITTAKER Thomas Shirley, Lambda 00 WHITTELSEY Charles Henry, Beta 53 WHITTEMORE Albert Purington, Kappa 59 Ernest Wales, Beta 98 Horatio Hancock Fiske, Alpha 52 John Rcboul, Chi 93 Norman Clark. Delta 90. Beta 92 Williams Clarke, Beta 55 WHITTIER Benjamin Lincoln, Delta Delta 20 WHITTLESEY George Patten, Beta 78 914 ALPHABETICAL INDEX WHITTLESEY James Thomas, Beta 89 John Jacob, Phi 00 Martin Kellogg, Beta 44 Matthew Beale, Phi 99 Mills, Upsilon 80 Nathan Hart, Beta 71 WHYTE Jessel Stuart, Chi 13 WICHMANN Theodore Frederick. Upsilon 15 WICK Jacob Henry, Delta S3 WICKES Francis Cogswell, Delta Delta 12 Henry Parmelee, Beta 00 Philip Bardwell, Upsilon 17 Thomas Parmelee, Beta 74 William Kerr, Gamma 70 WICKS Edward Bartlett, Psi 62 WICKSON Edward James, Psi 69 Guest, Epsilon 10 WIEBOLDT Elmer Frederick, Rho 12 Raymond Carl, Rho 09 WIEDERSHEIM William Augustus, 2d, Tau 10 WIENER Richard George, Delta 75 WIFFLER Frank John, Delta 15 WIGGIN Augustus Wiswall, Zeta 62 Carl Cutter, Zeta 01 Frederick Holme. Beta 04 Lewis Merriam, Beta 12 WIGGINS Levi Olmsted, Beta 85 WIGHTMAN Frederick Butler, Delta 51 Orrin Sage, Delta 95 Percy Butler, D.elta 93 Robert Stillman, Delta 97 WIGMORE Jack, Epsilon 20 WILBOR Charles Whitlock, Pi 72 Remus Ferrin, Upsilon 75 William Chambers, Pi 86 WILBUR Henry Lawrence, Gamma 84 Herbert Spafford, Theta 71 WILCOMB William Wallace, Zeta ^7 WILCOX Alden Gage, Xi 55 Archa Edward, Tau 99 Clarence Robert, Xi 02, Phi 02 Edmund Robinson, Psi 88 Eugene Welcome. Jr., Eta 15 Frank Wells, Delta 03 Frederick Seacord, Rho 13 Henry Carlos, Xi 10 James Bacon, Iota 83 Marrion, Beta 78 Ralph De Witte, Mu 04 Rollin Crawford, Lambda IS Svlvanus Shuler, Upsilon 60 William W, Pi 94 WILD Daniel G, Zeta 57 WILDE Arthur Wallace, Epsilon 20 WILDER Amos Parker, Beta 84 Charles Wheeler, Lambda 92 WILDER David Parsons, Alpha 51 George, Upsilon 85 George Green, Rho 08 Harold, Kappa 72 John, Theta 56 Lester Oatway, Upsilon 11 Winford Oliver, Xi 03 WILDING Clinton Fiske, Xi 09 Melville Soule, Xi 14 WILDMAN Gilbert Hine. Pi 04 WILEY Alexander, Beta 18 Bradford King, Delta 08 George Langford, Delta 77 Hortpn, Zeta 91 John Cooper, Theta 16 Osgood Sherman, Delta 78 WILHELM William Herman, Eta 87 WILKES Kneeland Ball, Delta Delta 15 WILKE Edward Arthur, Xi 76 WILKINS Herve Dwight, Upsilon 66 Herve Lester, Upsilon 94 WILKINSON Almadus, Alpha 71 Arthur Hamilton, Jr., Sigma 17 Henry Ogden, Rho 80 Henry Wilhelm, Chi 90 John, Chi 89 John, Jr., Chi 96 Lawrence, Beta 80 Theodore Kirkland, Chi 87 WILL Eric Waldemar, Pi 18 WILLARD Alexander Drummond, Kappa 63 Andrew Jackson, Beta 53 Charles Bunnell, Psi 11 Donald Franklin, Theta Theta 18 Francis George, Iota 82 Frank Alexander, Phi 18 Harold Burney, Mu 99 Henry, Zeta 51 James Le Baron, Lambda 54 John Barstow, Sigma 42 John Middagh, Beta 06 William Augustus Putnam, Gamma 58 William Dodsworth, Mu 88 Xerxes Addison, Psi 45 WILLCOX Bertram Francis, Chi 17 Giles Buckingham, Delta 48 Henry Howard, Gamma 89 Lucian Sumner, Beta 50 Walter Francis, Gamma 84 William Henry, Delta 43 WILLCOXEN William Mcrritt, Psi 83 WILLCUTT George Hayes, Epsilon 11 WILLETT Howard Levansellaer, Omega 06 WILLETS Josiah Macy, Beta 11 WILLEY Samuel Hopkins, Zeta 45 WILLIAMS Aaron Foster, Upsilon 98 WILLIAMS Alan Gillespie, Chi 03 Alfred Augustus Crawford, Theta 58 Amory Leland, Delta Delta 16 Arnon George, Psi 45 Arthur, Beta 77 Arthur Baldwin, Jr., Beta 98 Benedict Clarke, Upsilon 90 Benjamin Joshua, Theta 16 Cecil Hayward, Iota 06, Phi 06 Charles, Zeta 43 Charles Harvey, Theta Theta 11 Charles Henry Somers, Theta 56 Charles Lewis, Psi 47 Charles Mallory, Lambda 98 Charles Miller, Upsilon 71 Chauncey Amos, Xi 05 L-hauncey Grant, Chi 87 Chauncey Lawrence, Rho 94 David Percy, Chi 98 Dayton Ogden, Iota 07 Donald Davol, Chi 06 Earl Trumbull, Beta 10 Edward Barnes, Rho 19 Edward Franklin, Beta 56 Edward Higginson 3d, Delta Delta 13, Eta 15 Edward Higginson, Jr., Beta 72 Edward Locke, Lambda IS Egbert Dayton, Theta 71 Eugene Flewellyn, Gamma 07 Francis Asbury, Upsilon 60 Francis Clarke, Upsilon 88 Frank Crafts, Delta Delta 17 Frank Davol, Chi 03 Frank Edwin, Xi 86 Frederick Jerome, Gamma 72 Frederick Wells, Beta 79 George Albert, Xi 97 George Burbank, Upsilon 97 George Canning, Zeta 44 George Edgar, Sigma 50 Gershom Mott, Chi 79 Goodwin Gardner, Beta 44 Gurdon Walter, Psi 81, Gamma 83 Harry, Gamma 69 Harvey Cromwell, Xi 85 Henry Shaler, Chi 68 Herbert Howard, Chi 94 Hezekiah, Jr., Kappa 48 Horace Reed, Xi 67 Horatio Burt, Pi 00 Howell Lewis, Lambda 56 Jacob Farrand, Beta 09 John, Beta Beta 90 John Biddle, Phi 14 John Irving, Jr., Rho 99 Leon Oscar, Zeta 86 Lewis Mesler, Zeta 10 Louis Howell, Rho 15 Morris Holliday, Gamma 18 Moseley Hooker, Beta 64 Nathan Stone, Gamma 77 Norman Alton, Jr., Beta 96 Norman 4th, Delta Delta 15 Oden Stuart, Phi 16 Otis Lincoln, Chi 88 Paul Benjamin, Psi 08 Richard Henry, Lambda 75 Richard Tillinghast. Eta 17 Robert Henry, Xi 85 Robert Mark, Upsilon 11 Robert Monroe, Phi 12 Robert Warren, Delta Delta 16 Roderic, Beta 74 Roy Walter, Omega 16 Rufus Phillips. Zeta 76 Seth Weston, Beta 7Z Thomas John, Eta 86 Thomas Victor, Phi 03 Timothy Shaler, Chi 84 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 915 wrLLTA^rs Waldron, Lambda 85 Walter Longworth, Zcta 05 Walter Merrill, Kappa 96 Walter Wallace, Phi 70 Wayland Wells, Beta 10 Wr'iitworth. Delta Delta 19 \\'illiam Edward, Gamma 85 William Pierrepont, Beta 77 \\'allace, Gamma MSON Kpsilon 08 43 William \\ 1LLI.\ Talcott. WILLIS John Willey. Zeta 17 Josiali Wyatt, Phi 73 Nathan Elliott, Gamma 62 WK.LISTON Lyman Richards, Gamma SO WILLMAX Leon Kurtz, Xi 97 WILLOUGHBY Francis Daniel, Psi 09 WILLSON Charles Treat, Beta Beta David Buchanan, Beta ~ Earle van Kuren, Zeta Tared, Beta 74 William Judson, Pi 96 WILSHIRE ("■eorge Potter, Beta 71 WILSON Archibald Williamson, l\fu 95 Arnold Jordan, Omega 07 Arthur Howell, Tau 12 Bluford r Briscoe], Phi 64 Clarence Wetherill, Beta 8.? Claude, Gamma 71 Edgar Carpenter, Rho 11 l-.dward Chase 3d, Lambda 95 I'.llery Lewis. Sigma 05 I'.ugcne Smith, Gamma 02 i'.xcrctt Kinvland. r>eta 16 I'rank Eugene, Beta 06 I'rederick Tames, Eta 07 Beta 13 ( ', "urge .\Iexan der. Tr.. Omega 03 ardld 1 Beckwith |, I'lii 82 an.'d Edmiuul, Xi 04 cury Brown, Kapi a 80 enry Dalzcll. Eta 01 ugh •~dward. Omicron 09 Hugh Robert, Beta 06 Hugh \\"ashington. Eta lames TTolden, I^i 10 James Wade. Theta 49 lames William, Pi 79 86 Eastman, Beta 79 Francis, Iota 90 Wallace, Kajipa 81 \\'arren. Beta 54 Ingals. Mu 95 I'.ldredge. Mu 99, Omega lohn lolin Inhu lohn Luke Paul 99 Philip Johnson, Jr., Phi IS Robert Newton, Jr., Tau 93 Robert Thomas, Tau 17 Stephen Askew, Omicron 20 Thomas King. Iota 77 Walter Lvne. Eta 94 William Cutting, Delta W TM.\N William Dwigbt, Eta 87 WIXAXT I'rederick \'ane Lambda 81 Henry Darlington WINCH T'rancis .\sbury, WINCH ELL Horace N'aughan, Phi 89 52 Dar'ington, , Delta 78 Xi 73 WINCHESTER » Cjileb Thomas. Xi 69 Charles Wesley, Xi 68 .Samuel P'rancis, Beta l>eta 66 W INDES William Harvey, Omega 75 WINDSOR Henry Heacli, Delta 84 WINICS Henry Hebbard, Plii 66 WING Frank Edward, P.eta 86 George Clary, .\lpha 71 Harry Earl, Pi 05 Isaac Henry, Kappa 56 Paul Lleweilyn, Kappa 15 WINKEMiaER Howard Reed, Theta 11 WINKLER l-".(lwin Theodore, Sigma 43 WIN SHIP h'rank .\ugustus, Pi 85 WINSLOW Edward Clarke. Gainma 70 ICclward Taber, I'psilon 20 James Wallace, Lambda 18 lohn Cooper, Zeta n William \'alentine, Sigma 1 I W INTER Clarence, Beta 97 WINTER BOTH AM John Miller, Rho 99 WT NITER Wilhclm Albert, Ni 09 WISE Atlee. Iota 17 Harold Jacob, Chi 05 WISER Henry .Tames, Iteta 1 5 WISDOM William Douglas, vutmma 85 WISNER (iilman Hatch, Mu 14. Tau 16 WISWELL Andrew Peters, Kappa 11 WITHER SPOON Charles Russel, Lli^silon 94 Edward, LTpsi'on 66 Orlando, Beta Beta 56 Robert Allen, LTpsilon 97 William Eliott. Upsilon 66 WITHINCiTON Winthrop, Phi 02 WITTENBERG William Joseph, Pi 98, Tau 98 WIXS(^N I'rcderick Bishop. Phi 86 •.vol) El L Ruthveu .\(lriance. Beta 10 WOHLRAB .\lovs Hugo, Rho 09 WOLCOTT George Harold. Upsilnn 04 Leonard Clark, Delta Delta 17, Rho 17 Samuel Wadsworth, Delta Del- ta 18 WOLF Franklin Warren, Beta 19 Maurice .\ugustus, Sigma 14 Ninian Livingston, Zcta 06 Walter Rcid, Beta 19 WOLFE C'aude .\nthony, Ganuna 10 Edwin Raymond, Lambda 20 Marmaduke, Eta 20 WOLFENDEN Charles Gilbert, I'i 18 WOLl'h" I.ouis, ( )mega 97 WOMELSDORl" James llaydoii, Beta 04 WO M RATH .\rtlnn' Romaine, ICta 96 < ieorge I'rederick I N'uenyling i . Eta 96 WOOD Arthur lirooks. Kappa 00 ( liarles W'esley, I'i 02 Charles Wiltshire. Upsilon 64 l-".clward Jesuji, Zeta 53 l'',phraim Lincoln, ( lamma 84 ICIpliraimI Morgan. Beta 57 Fernando, Tr., Delta 88 Frank Hoyt, Pi 91 I'ranklin I'arker, Zeta 68 I'rederic .\ugustus, Xi 86, Zeta 86 George Herbert, Eta 99 George Milton, Jr., Chi 03 Henry .\ugustus, Sigma 12 Henry Chancellor, Theta 83 Henry Clay, Kappa 54 Jacob, Winslow, (lamma 66 Tames Ilenrv, Tau 93 Kenneth Ax'ford, Beta 19 Kenneth Taylor, Delta Delta 20 I. con Irving, Xi 93 Lewis Lione', Zeta 66 Nathan Hill. Theta 54 Sanurel Weslev, Xi 55 Stephen Carroll, Zeta 79. Beta 79 Theodore Benjamin. Eta 98 Walter Fargo. Beta 96 William Curtis. Beta 68 William Piatt, Beta 72 WOODl'.RIDGE Enoch Day. Beta 68 WOODBURY Harry (ireenwood. Beta Beta 13 William Henry. Jr., Xi 86 WOODCOCK Byron Edgar, I'^ta 92 WOODI'"ORD Oswald Langdon, Beta 50 WOODHULL \aron McCracken, Psi 61 Steidien Curtis, Psi 99 WOODIES Arthur l'"rcderick. Zeta 14 WOODLE ■ Mian Sheldon, Ti., P-eta Beta 99 Bernon Tisdale, Beta Beta 1 I WOODMAN C'arence Eugene, Beta Beta 1i John Smith. Zeta 42 WOODRUFF Asa .Mien. Beta 12 Charles Philip. Chi 76 Curtiss Trowbrklge, Beta 49 Everett TIalscy, Chi 07 Francis Eben. P.eta 64 George Catlin, Beta 85, Gain- ma 85 George Morris, Beta 57 George Washington, Beta 89 Henrv Gilbert, Beta 15 James Parsons, Gamma 91 John Ivasiman, Beta 04 Kenneth Crane. Xi 19 Morris. Beta 93 Timothy Lester. Beta 79 Walter Burnett, Chi 10 William Heazlit, Chi 94 WOODS l-Mward Kirk. Zeta 90 l-Vederick. Xi 59 916 WOODS Fredeiick Shcnstniic, Xi 85 r.eorRc Henry, Xi S3, Sigma 53 Howard T,ee, Theta 15 Tosiah Bridses, Gamma 05 Robert McEwen, Gamma 69 Samuel Fav, Beta 56 Stanley Taylor, Psi 13 Charles Alexander, Gamma 02 Charles Guilford. Beta Beta 98 Frank Lincoln, Beta 88 Patrick Henry. Beta 55 WOODWORTH Edward James. Phi 91 Newell Bertram, I,ambila 82 WOOLEN Evans, Beta 86 WOOLLEY Douglas Farwell, Xi 15 John Eliot, Beta 18 knight, Beta 17 WOOLMAN Edward, Tau 94 Henry Newbold, Tau 96 WOOLNOUGH Adariah Cotter, Psi 17 WOOLSEY Alfred Frank, Epsilon 12 Charles William. Delta 61 Edward John. Delta 62 Theodore Salisbury, Beta 72 WORCESTER Dean Conant, Phi 89 Edwin Dean. Beta 76 Franklin Eldred. Beta 82 Harrv Augustus, Beta 84 Wilfred James, Beta 85 WORDEN Beverly I^yon. Rho 92 Charles Howard. Phi 83 Euclid Pascal, Rho 92 Lucien Robson, Rho 96 WORDIN Thomas Cook, Beta 78 WORK [George] Francis, Lambda 71 .Tames Henry, Lambda 67 WORTH Sidney, Zeta 71 WORTHINGTON Donald, Iota 17 Edward William, Beta Beta 75 George. Sigma 77 Richard Hardesty, Beta 94 WOTKYNS Roger Sherman, Beta 86 WRAMPELMEIER Ernest Leon Swift, Epsilon 09 Henrv Franklin, Epsilon 12 Theodore John, Phi 78 WRIGHT Albert J, Xi 80 Alfred Vrooman, Pi 17 Arthur Silas. Theta 82 Burrell. Zeta 14, Omicron 14, Phi 16 Carroll, Jr., Delta Delta 18 Charles Silliman, Gamma 18 Daniel Thew, Beta 47 Donald Bassett. Rho 10 Edward Barhight, Gamma 20 ALPHABETICAL INDEX WRIGHT Edward Clayton, Psi 71 Edward Goodwin, Pi 15 Elijah Hawley, Gamma 42 Ephraim Munroe, Gamma 39 Forest La Grange, Delta 87 Frank Avres, Chi 79 Frank Thomas, Theta 99 George Herdman, Chi 82 Glen, Beta 91 Heaton Hobart. Eta 06 Henrv Tohn, Delta 85 Hubert Harris. Psi 96 Tohn Henrv. Zeta 73 Robert William, Beta 42 Ronald Grant. Pi 17 Thomas David. LTpsilon 84 Thomas Wallace. Theta 87 Walter. Omega 06 William Burnet. Jr., Beta 92 William Howard, Theta 95 WURTH Walter Albert, Delta 19 WURTS William Lawrence Ross, Beta 78 WUSTHOF William Horatius, Pi 14 WYATT Albert Harmon, Xi 64 Henrv Davis, Zeta 71 William Abbott, Xi 98 WYCKOFF Herbert Ashton, Gamma 09 Peter Brown, Gamma 68 WYETH Harry Bissell, Phi 89 WYI.IE Horace, Beta 89 WYMAN Arthur Edwards, Zeta 13 Charles Densmore, Omega 72 Charles Tousley, Theta 56 Edmund Allan, Gamma 07 WYNKOOP Edward Judson, Pi 92 George Reeve, Upsilon 87 William Augustus, Pi 84 YARD Tames Maxon, Xi 05 John, Beta 75 YARDLEY Thomas Henry, Beta Beta 92 YATES Warren Samuel, Beta 87 Wilson Davis, Theta 08 YAWGER Charles Shoemaker, Theta 02, Chi 02 Roy Weed. Psi 99 YEAMAN Lewis Rogers, Beta 96 Robert Triplett, Delta 78 Stephen Minor, Delta 78 YERGASON Henrv Bingham Bartlett, Beta 99 YERXA Dwight Keyes, Mu 05 Woodford Allen, Jr., Epsilon 11 YOCUM Thomas Smith, Theta 56 YORK Edward Howard, Jr., Beta 12 Rov Follette, Lambda 95 William Longley, Beta 12 YOUNG Albert Mortimer, Lambda <)7 .\rthur Jewett, Beta 01 Renham Daniel, Beta 48 Charles Dean, Upsilon 85 Charles Elon, Mu 93 Clarence Hascy, Beta 05 Clarence Upson, Theta 19 Clifford Parkinson, Pi 10 Dwayne Glover, Omicron 06 Edward Theron, Mu 20 Ernest Boyen, Kappa 92 Foster Vergne. Sigma 11 Frederick William, Upsilon 75 George Aron, Delta OQ George Douglass, Delta 87 George Elmer, Theta Theta 15 Henry, Delta 94 Henrv Newton, Gamma 08, Tau 09' Howard Irving, Delta 14 John, Delta 50 Tohn ICdwin, Zeta 78 "Kimball, Phi 73 Mason, Beta 60 Morrison Waite, Beta 83 Percy Lawrence, Zeta 07, Sig- ma 08 Reginald Stanley, Beta 17 Stephen Emerson. Kappa 98 Stephen Jewett, Kappa 59 Thomas Earl. Omicron 09 William Augustus, Delta 01 YOUNGS William Jones, Chi 72 YUNDT Edwin Henry, Beta 59 ZABRISKIE Albert Romeyn, Lambda 83 Charles Lemaire. Lambda 16 Cornelius Blauvelt, Delta 78 Francis Nicoll, Delta 50 George, Delta 70 John Edgar, Delta 83 ZELLER David Milton Monroe, Iota 64, Theta 64 ZIEGLER George Frederick, Gamma 66 Paul, Beta Beta 72 William, Jr., Lambda 14 ZIMMERMAN Daniel Forbes, Phi 01 George Fulton Daniel. Omicron 10 ZIMMERMANN Arthur Charles. Omicron 16 Harry Gustav, Omicron 19 Herbert Paul, Omega 01 ZINT Karl Bertram, Iota 16 ZIPF Oscar Robert, Omicron 16 ZOLLINGER Charles William, Iota 04 ZUNTS James Edwin, Beta 81 ZWEIFEL Joseph, Xi 75 SUMMARY BY STATES AND COUNTRIES. UNITED STATES. Slates. Names. Alabama 12 Arizona 11 .\rkaiisas 6 California 382 Colorado 66 (.'onnecticut 434 Delaware 12 District of Columbia 124 Florida 26 (leorgia 13 Idaho 13 Illinois 852 luiliana 123 Jowa 60 Kansas 17 Kentucky 28 Louisiana 8 :\Iaine 206 Maryland 61 Massachusetts 821 Michigan 280 .Minnesota • • • • 295 Mississippi 16 Missouri 97 Montana 19 Nebraska 26 Nevada 3 New Hampshire 116 New Jersey 459 Xcvv Mexico 8 Xew York 32 lU North Carolina 10 Xorth Dakota 9 Ohio 298 ( )kLahoma 17 < )regon 34 Pennsylvania 655 Rhode Island '. . . 195 South Carolina 9 South Dakota 5 Tennessee 18 Texas 26 Towns. 9 6 3 78 20 88 3 1 22 8 11 76 20 22 10 11 2 53 27 171 47 35 6 18 14 3 2 35 90 6 310 9 8 61 9 14 134 20 7 4 9 13 States. » Names. Towns. Utah ■ 19 3 Vermont 58 33 Virginia 20 13 Washington 143 34 West Virginia 25 14 Wisconsin '. 159 45 Wyoming 9 9 INSULAR AND NONCONTIGUOUS TERRITORY. Alaska 5 5 Canal Zone 2 2 Hawaii 8 1 Pliilippine Islands 4 2 Put rto Rico 2 2 P'OREIGN COUNTRIES. -Argentina 2 2 Australia 1 1 Brazil 4 2 Canada 53 35 Cape Colony • 1 i Chile 3 3 China 24 16 Costa Rica 2 2 Cuba '. 2 2 Dutch East Indies 2 1 England 19 8 Equador 1 1 France 14 3 Germany 2 2 India 7 6 Italy 4 1 Japan 10 6 Korea 2 2 Mexico 3 3 Monaco 1 1 Peru 1 1 Roumania 1 i Russia 1 ] Spain 1 1 Syria 3 1 Transvaal . . 1 i SUMMARY OF CITIES CONTAINING TEN OR MORE MEMBERS OF THE FRATERNITY. CALIFORNIA Berkeley 47 Los Angeles 85 Oakland 24 Pasadena 25 San Francisco 86 COLORADO Denver 36 CONNECTICUT Bridgeport 19 Greenwich 19 Hartford '. 92 Middletown 24 New Haven Ill Norwich 10 Stamford 19 Waterbury 10 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington 124 ILLINOIS Chicago 455 Evanston 58 Highland Park 11 Lake Forest 12 Oak Park 33 Urbana 12 Winnctka 12 INDIANA Indianapolis 22 IOWA Des Moines 10 KENTUCKY Louisville 17 MAINE Bangor 12 Portland 74 .MARYLAND Baltimore 26 MASSACHUSETTS Amherst 13 .\ndover 10 Boston 235 Brookline 47 (Cambridge 40 Newton IQ Newton Center 12 .Newtonville 14 Northampton 12 Pittsfield 17 -Springfield 26 \\'inchester 16 Worcester 29 .MICHIGAN .Ann Arbor 12 Bay City 14 Detroit m Grand Rapids 22 Jackson 16 Saginaw 12 917 918 SUMMARY OF CITIES— Contincuii :minnesota Duluth 18 Minneapolis 1-5-* St. Paul 67 MISSOURI Kansas City 16 St. Louis 58 NKBRASKA Omaha ^^ NEW HAMPSHIRE Concord 24 NEW JERSEY East Orange 28 Elizabeth 1' Englewood 16 Glen Ridge 12 Jersey City 12 Montclair -tS Newark -15 Orange 2U Paterson 1-5 Plainfield 28 Princeton 1" Short Hills 12 Upper Montclair 11 NEW YORK Albany 51 Albion 13 Auburn 24 Bronxville 15 Brooklyn 253 Buffalo yS Elmira 35 Flushing 17 Ithaca 1 f^ Jamaica 10 Lawrence 10 Mt. Vernon 20 New Rochelle 18 New York City . .• 1531 Oneida 11 Pouglikeepsie 11 Rochester 220 Rome 21 Rye 12 Schenectady 51 Syracuse Ill Troy 10 Utica 21 \\'atertown 18 Yonkers 49 OHIO Cincinnati 52 Cleveland 78 Columbus 34 Dayton 11 Toledo S2 OREGON Portland 15 PENNSYLVANIA Bethlehem 11 Haverford 15 Philadelphia 256 Pittsburgh 86 Reading 10 Scranton 21 WilkesBarre 14 Williamsport 11 RHODE ISLAND Newport 12 Providence 144 UTAH Salt Lake City 17 WASHINGTON Seattle 75 Tacoma 17 W ISCONSIN Madison 32 Milwaukee 47 Oshkosh 13 en(;land London 10 !■ RANGE Paris 12 Any person knowing the address or the members of the fraternity, is requested to Council of the Fraternity, which will help complete, accurate and up-to-date. THETA CHAPTER George Avery Norman Fox Comstock William James Hillis William Henry Selleck Henry Clay Carpenter Joseph Edgar Odell John Cramer Shiland Edward Llewellyn Crandall Edward Terrill Charles Whitman Hills Glenn Ellison Richardson Benjamin Joshua Williams DELTA CHAPTER Micliael Miller Moore David Elmore Gregory Ogden Seelyc Nicholas Latrobe Roosevelt Fernando Herboso Clarence William Perry John Edgar Zabriskie Albert Si)aulding Osborne Dewey Herbert Lawrence Carpenter Robert Kinsell Howard Frederick Clinton Seckerson Samuel (joodsell Cooper George Mitchell. Jr. BETA CHAPTER SO William Wheeler Skinner UNKNOWN ADDRESSES date of death of one or more of the following communicate this knowledge to the Executive towards keeping the files of the fraternity more 66 7i 74 77 79 85 92 07 16 46 56 60 66 /9 82 83 87 90 96 09 15 58 59 60 61 65 69 71 74 80 85 87 96 10 16 46 56 S7 03 04 (i6 03 11 Albert Todd Frederick William Stevens Henry Brodhead Luther Maynard Jones Walter Hanford William Garry Bassett Charles Meigs Charnley Winfield Scott Braddock Frederick Everest Murray Thomas Parmelee Wickes Charles Lewis Nelson William Fillmore Leland Clarke Wesley Holly Lewis Rogers Yeaman Harry Gilbert Holt Philip Danforth Armour Jolm Bambridge Fitzpatrick SIGMA CHAPTER William Seabrook Lawton Charles Shaler F""orsyth James Madison \\etherell Ernest Alexander Saunders Capwell Allen Charles Francis Gross Wilder Lee Sturtevant Edwin Thaddeus Morris Mervyn St. Clair Shaw George Baron Hubbard Robert Nichols Gardner UNKNOW X ADDRESSES— Coiiliiiuci 919 CAM MA CHAPTER 42 Samuel Worcester Whitney 45 Henry Beers Undcrhill 47 Abijali Perkins Cleveland 52 Theodore Crosby Sears 56 Oliver Miller Adams 58 Wi-Uiam Au.^ustus Putnam Willarii 61 Henry Clay Rooiiie 64 Freeman Lathrop ZETA CHAPTER 63 Charles Eben Marstou 79 Stephen C. Wood 82 Edward Birdsall Condon 85 Arthur Thompson Cate 90 Harry Wilbur Hurd Edward Kirk Woods 92 John Wallace Putnam 98 Thomas Cristie Charles Leon Snow 99 Walter Andrew Foss 01 Nelson Davis Wliite Carl Cutter Wiggin 04 Henry Plattenburg McWilliams LAMBDA CHAPTER 42 Wlieelock Hendee Parmly 56 Alexander Macomb Stanton 79 Vanderbilt Spader 81 Joseph Owen Crane 82 Alfred Peckham Oakley Cliarles Hooper Trask, Jr. 83 Charles Tillinghast James Fiske 85 Edward Rochctord Cassidy S/ Frank Standish Paddock 89 James Steers Lake 90 Elisha Denison Hurlbut. Jr. 91 Walter William Edsall Herbert Edward Tuttle 92 Charles Wheeler Wilder KAPPA CHAPTER 54 Samuel F'reeman John Owen Robinson Daniel Clark Sinsertt 58 William Allen Abbott 60 Ezckiel Robinson Mayo David ( >sgood Stetson 61 Henry Jewett F"urber 62 Samuel Page Dame 63 George (ioodwin Harrinian [Samuel Phillips] Newman Smyth 68 Robert Lawrence Packard 69 Charles Hoyt Bang.s 75 F'rederie Orin Baston 77 Charles Bailey Scabury 78 John .\lieajah Burleigh 79 Herbert F.dward Bourne Arthur ialbot Lincoln SO Walter Allen Burleigh William Russell Collins Joseph Coleord Fabieii Cplon 81 Albion (Juincy Rogers John Kdwin Walker 82 Albert Humphreys Perry 83 Francis Jerome Day 84 Henry Russell Bradley Donaid Campbell Clark Samuel Eaton Packard 86 John Clement Parker 92 Charles Selwvn Rich 94 Edward Henry Butler 05 Raymon00 South .^6tli St.. Philadelphia. Pa. 1721 University .Ave.. S. E., Minneapolis, 211 Lakelawn Place. Madison, Wis. 1815 Highland Place, Berkeley. Cal. J!0 East Green St., Champaign, 111. Williamstown, Mass. A?M Eighteenth Ave. N. E.. Seattle, Wash Mich. Minn. TABLE OF OCCUPATIONS. In preparing the following Table of Occupations, it has been found necessary, in the interest of brevitj', to reduce the number of headings by combining under each every occupation which might properly, by any reasonable construction, be included under it. The occupation of student, being intended only as a temporary one, is omitted from the table. ' ^ >* 73 ^ ,-r; -r; i-T] '^ ^ ■ n '^ ■^ >* '*^ hy. ?3 (/; ^ c B' n' I * '. i; 1. 3 o m 1 ? 3 > Vi - c o 1 c 3 ■ ■ • o 5' o* n -: n 3- a. 5' up •Si' c 5' : n g n • n V. •a c 5' r. c o o C •3 a o' 3 tn 1 beta 11 18 16 1 37 81 1 5 5 8 155 29 59 39 47 3 14 3 1 34 567 Delta 3 / 15 12 34 45 4 10 T 9 96 25 74 40 88 7 12 3 1 46 540 Beta 10 51 127 68 154 51 80 S3 38 106 721 216 146 206 162 40 13 14 114 2370 .Sigma 1 18 10 IS 28 12 7 8 .? 11 51 88 27 38 33 10 5 41 406 Gamma 2 18 14 17 136 9 3 16 7 34 140 39 43 40 148 61 9 1 62 744 /eta 11 28 19 IS 121 15 6 S 11 32 2U7 31 84 53 73 9 2 2 85 815 L;.mbda 2 9 27 2 16 34 45 7 6 139 26 36 SO 55 10 12 S 56 537 Kappa 2 18 27 7 76 13 2 15 11 24 158 25 68 35 48 7 6 3 38 583 Psi 2 13 13 8 8 19 9 2 9 1 42 135 22 3 13 1 6 5 6 2 21 3 15 34 102 109 47 13 37 5 29 SO 17 24 27 17 41 193 7 1 10 3 1 5 3 1 1 29 69 6 326 Xi 758 ■Mpba 155 Upsilon 6 11 9 3 34 14 1 16 5 11 64 34 24 47 23 5 6 42 355 lota 16 9 7 4 5 2 3 7 6 37 23 19 17 27 8 1 28 219 Phi 5 7 12 5 17 7 / 9 32 IS 23 8 5 2 5 7 10 8 10 10 101 35 87 16 46 10 28 15 7 16 16 13 7 2 1 1 67 47 486 Omega 233 Pi 7 2 4 9 7 4 14 6 4 11 6 35 14 21 63 16 1 2 7 14 11 8 11 16 16 10 4 53 42 51 22 48 23 34 18 17 19 16 25 41 4 121 1 1 9 12 6 2 1 4 4 52 62 39 339 Chi 355 Beta Beta. . . . 389 Eta 2 2 6 3 5 8 3 6 7 10 ,45 14 1 2 8 4 3 5 19 27 41 28 2 23 14 14 4 5 3 4 S 4 2 53 40 225 Tau 197 Mu 1 3 12 4 6 2 3 14 4 12 18 1 5 6 3 7 4 7 25 53 20 46 19 5 29 27 S 8 9 2 3 41 28 196 Rbo 236 Epsilon 1 7 3 6 13 14 4 1 T 12 7 6 5 1 3 2 1 14 102 Omicron .... 3 10 1 3 3 12 1 2 3 3 6 2 7 2 2 19 79 Delta Delta.. 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 4 17 Theta Theta. 1 84 3 307 385 219 3 8 553 125 2 259 1 205 2 370 1 1 942 1 859 1 833 12 1 221 90 51 7 1123 31 1023 2450 1149 11260 921 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Tlic following tal)lc contains a list of items which publication in the body of the catalogue. DELTA CHAPTER 1868 Charles Aui^iistus Sherman a. 1917 BETA CHAPTER 1856 Benjamin Drake Magriider Father of Henry Latham Magruder, Beta 89. IS.")!) John Haskell Hewitt Phi Ikta Kappa 1865 Wendell IMiillij^s llocd 4 Altamont Ave., Melrose, Mass. 1895 Llovd Lowndes A. B.. 1895; LL. B. 1897. Lawyer. 14 S. Liberty St.; res. 35 ^^'ashington St., Cum- berland, ^fd. 1898 Henry Hastinji's Curran City (New York) Magistrate, 17 ZETA CHAPTER 3876 Benson Howard Roberts Address Berea, Ky. LAMBDA CHAPTER 1857 IMiilip Woodrnff Holmts Should be Philip Woodruff Holmes. 1910 W'illard Htywood r.rowii Should be Willard Heywood Brown. KAPPA CHAPTER 1867 Oren Cobl) A. B. 1867; A. M. 1870. Teacher Mt. Pleas- ant Acad., Sing Sing. N. Y., 67-70; Pough- keepsie, 70-72; principal Cornwall Heights School, Cornwall, 72-87. Dodd, Mead & Co., 443 Fourth Ave., New York; res. Bedford Hills, N. Y. 1885 David Patten Howard A. B. 1916. 1908 Frederick I'ennell Address changed from Portland, Maine, to Roelker, Bailey & Stiger. 62 William St., New- York; res. 809 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. XI CHAPTER 1918 Waldo I'ierpont Gillies Sijma Tau; Zeta Phi. Football (11, (2), (3); baseball (3), (4). Member City Club, Cape Town, IOTA CHAPTER 1870 William Mitchell Baxter is not dead; at present living with his brother, the Hon. Lewis T. Baxter Iota 71, Stahlman BIdg.. Nashville, Tenn. 1899 Russell Rice Taylor Football; baseball; Sales Manager. National Desk Co., Shelbyville, Ind. PHI CHAPTER 1875 Wesley Ericsson Sisson Member Psi Upsilon and Dunwoodie Country Clubs; Advertising Club of New York. Advertising Counsellor. 440 Fourth Ave. and .Sll Fifth Ave., New York; res. 4.'50 Cohimbus Ave.. "Sh. Vernon, N. Y. OMEGA CHAPTER 1888 John Wilmcr Dickerson Died 1907 not 1901. were not in the hands of the editor in time for 1886 William Moulton Xorthrup Justice of the Peace, Los Angeles County, Cal., \5 jears; city atty., Alhambra, 03-09. Alhambra, Cal. PI CHAPTER 1908 Arthur Leland Graft" Address 10 Arietta Bldg., Cdoversville, N. Y. CHI CHAPTER 1890 Georq-e Gladden Business address changed from University So- ciety, 44 E. 23d St. to People's Home Journal, 76 Lafayette St.. New York, X. Y. BETA BETA CHAPTER 1878 Name of Richard Mobie Campbell omitted 1882 Clarence Carpenter A. 15. 1882; A. M. 1885. Member University (New- York), Chicago, Detroit, Denver, Santa Barbara. EI Paso, Rocky Mountain and Yon- ilotega Clubs. Manufacturer. Mining h'xchange; res. -II Cache la Poudre, Colorado Siuings, Colo. ETA CHAPTER 1886 Briestlev Toulmin 1!. .M. 1886; E. M. 1887. Member for Alabama on Naval Consulting Board. Member South- ern Country and Roebuck Golf and -■\uto- mobile Clubs. Mining 1.=;(I8 American Trust Bldg.; res. 2341 Syca- more .St., Birmingham, Ala. MU CHAPTER 1908 Seavev Aloore I'.ailev T b '5 1!)19 Paul Lincoln Crocker lvi).\r RHO CHAPTER 1894 Chauncey Lawrence William^ Member Clevland .Advertising Club. Publisher. 1114 Citizens' Bldg., Cleveland; res. 254 Elm St., Oberlin, Ohio. 1918 Dudlev Hopkins Davis ( ) X" N 1919 John Stevens, TIT o c"^ N EPSILON CHAPTER 1916 William Thomas McFie .\. B. 1916. Golden Bear; Winged Helmet; .Skull and Keys. Big C Soc; Track. Broker. 610 Van Nuys Bldg.; res. 1222 W. 29th St., Los .-Nngeles. Cal. OMICRON CHAPTER 1915 George Philip Seneft' officers' Reserve Corps. U. S. Army; member El I'aso University and El Paso Country Clubs. THETA THETA CHAPTER 1912 Clinton Robert Lewis Dawson, Yukon Territory. 1914 Jav Edward Berg White Horse, Yukon Territory. 1919 Arthur Clarence Keyes, Jr Change home address to 4532 18th Ave. N. ¥.. 1920 Mayo I^hilbrick Butler 2659 Belvedere Ave., Seattle, Wash. 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