ROBERT ERNEST COWAN Leland Stanford Junior University Publications 1908 TRUSTEES' SERIES NO. 16 TRUSTEES' MANUAL OF LEGISLATION. TRUSTS, FACULTY ORGANIZATION. BY-LAWS. RULES OF ORDER AND GENERAL RESOLUTIONS FIRST EDITION Conect to November 1, 1908 STANFORD UNIVERSITY. CALfrORNIA PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY 1908 TRUSTEES' SERIES No. Date. 1. The Leland Stanford Junior University. A pamphlet of information (No date) 2. Address of Jane Lathrop Stanford to the Board of Trus- tees February 11,1 897 3. Address of Jane Lathrop Stanford to the Board of Trus- tees , June 1 , 1 897 4. Address of Jane Lathrop Stanford to the Board of Trus- tees May 31 , 1 899 5. Address of Jane Lathrop Stanford to the Board of Trus- tees October 3, 1 902 6. Address on "The Right of Free Speech," by Jane Lathrop Stanford to the Board of Trustees April 25, 1903 7. Petition filed in proceeding to establish and construe Uni- versity Trusts June 16, 1903 8. Decree in proceeding to establish and construe University Trusts July 3, 1903 9. Inaugural address of Jane Lathrop Stanford as President of the Board of Trustees July 6, 1 903 1 0. Organization of the Faculty of the University . . . March 31,1 904 I 1 . Report of the Organization Committee of the Trustees upon the Organization of the University Faculty .... March 31, 1904 1 2. First Annual Report of the President December 31 , 1905 1 3. Second Annual Report of the President April 30, 1906 1 4. Third Annual Report of the President December 31,1 906 15. Fourth Armual Report of the President December 31, 1907 1 6. Trustees' Manual November 1 , 1 908 Leland Stanford Junior University Publications 1908 TRUSTEES' SERIES NO. 16 TRUSTEES' MANUAL OF LEGISLATION, TRUSTS, FACULTY ORGANIZATION, BY-LAWS, RULES OF ORDER AND GENERAL RESOLUTIONS FIRST EDITION Correct to November I, 1908 STANFORD UNIVERSITY. CAUFORNIA PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY 1908 CONTENTS PAGE I. Roll of Trustees 5-10 Founders 7 Present Trustees 7 Former Trustees 8 Succession of Trustees 9 II. Legislation ' 11 Enabling Act, March 9, 1885 13-18 Constitutional Amendment, November 6, 1900 18-19 Act conferring Corporate Powers, February 14, 1901 19-20 Act concerning Taxation and Tuition Fees, February 14, ?S 1901. as amended March 6, 1907 20-21 cys . . '— Act providmg for determmation of validity and legal effect >^ of Grants, etc., February 10, 1903 21-27 ^ Act providing for Resignation of Surviving Founder and EE Succession of Trustees, March 13, 1903 27-29 , Sec. 2295, P. C, concerning official state publications 29 is: ^ III. Decree determining the terms, validity and legal effect of Uni- cs versity Trusts, July 3, 1903 31-86 Founding Grant, November 11, 1885 53-64 Amendments of June 1, 1897 64-66 Amendments of May 31, 1899 66-70 Assumption of Corporate Powers, November 1. 1901 70-72 Amendments of October 3. 1902 72-81 Resignation of Surviving Founder, June 1, 1903 81-83 General Provisions of Decree, July 3, 1903 83-86 IV. Supplementary Decree 87-96 V. Articles of Organization of the Faculty. IMarch 31, 1904 97-110 VI. By-Laws and Rules of Order of the Board of Trustees, as re- vised jNIarch 29, 1907 111-124 VII. General Resolutions of the Board of Trustees 125-163 Index 165 28847G PART I. FOUNDERS MEMBERS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES FORMER TRUSTEES SUCCESSION OF TRUSTEES LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY. Founded November 11, 1885. LELAXI) S'i\AXI'()Rl). JR. Born at SacramciUo. California, May 14, 1868. Died at Florence. Italv. .March 13, 1884. FOUNDERS. LELAXD STANFORD. Born at AA'atervliet, Albany County, Xew York, March 9, 1824. Died at his Palo Alto Residence, June 21, 1893. JAXE LATHROP STANFORD. Born at Albany, New York, August 25, 1828. Died at Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, February 28, 1905. TRUSTEES Constituting the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Name. Appointment or Election. Acceptance. TERir. Horace Davis Nov. 11, 1885 Nov. 14, 1885 Life *T. B. McFarland Nov. 11, 1885 Nov. 14, 1885 Life Timothy Hopkins Nov. 11, 1885 Nov. 14, 1885 Life (ieorge E. Gray Nov. 11, 1885 Nov. 14. 1885 Life Samuel F. Leib April 22, 1891 Apr. 23, 1891 .Life Joseph D. Grant April 22, 1891 Apr. 23, 1891 Life Leon Sloss Dec. 4, 1891 Dec. 10, 1891 Life Charles G. Lathrop....Nov. 7, 1893 Nov. 9, 1893 Life Frank Miller Nov. 7, 1893 Nov. 15. 1893 Life Thomas W. Stanford..Nov. 7, 1893 Dec. 21, 1893 Life George E. Crothers....Oct. 3. 1902 Oct. 3. V)02 10 Years Whitelaw Reid Oct. 3, 1902 Oct. 21, 1^)02 10 Years William Babcock Jan. 7, 1905 Jan. 7. 1905 10 Years Charles P. Eells Jan. 7, 1905 Jan. 7, 1905 10 Years Vanderlynn Stow Nov. 2.1906 Nov. 2,1906 10 Years * Died Si'ptrnilu'r l(i, 1!K)S. FORMER TRUSTEES. Named in Founding Grant, November 11, 1885. Name. Deatji or Resi(;nati(^n. Lorenzo Sawyer Died Sept. 7, 1891 H. W. Harkness Died July 10. 1901 James Mc-M. Shafter Died Aug. 29. 1892 josiah Stanford Died May 14. 1890 Ciiarles (kxxlall Died July 13. 1899 Alfred L. Tubbs Died Dec. 26. 1896 John F. Miller Died Mar. 8. 1886 P^rancis E. Spencer Died April 23, 1898 John Boggs Died Jan. 30. 1899 Henry Vrooman Died April 8. 1889 •Charles F. Crocker T^ied July 17, 1887 Isaac S. Belcher Died Nov. 30. 1898 John Q. Brown Died Dec. 20. 1892 Henry L. Dodge Died Feb. 24. 1902 Irving I\r. Scott Resig'd May 11. 1898 N. W. Spaulding Resig'd .\pr. 24, 1903 William Ashburner Died April 20. 1887 Matthew P. Deady Died Mar. 24. 1893 A\illiani -M. Stewart Resig'd Oct. 31. 1904 SteplK-u J. Field Resig'd Oct. 1.^. 1804 Appointed and Elected. Namk. .Ai'i'oiNTMKNT or l''i,Krri()N. Dkatii or Resig.vation. 1 [..ratio Stebbins Nov. 12, 1886 Died April 9. 1902 Kdwar.I K. 'Paylqr Dec. 4, 1891 Resig'd May 9, 1899 Josiah W. Stanford \pril 29. 1896 Resig'd May 31. 1808 Russell J. Wilson Feb. 2, 1897 Resig'd Oct. 24. lim Jane L. Stanford July 6,1903 Died Feb. 28. 190.S SUCCESSION OF TRUSTEES. Original Trustees. Lorenzo Sawyer, H. W. Harkness, James Mc. M. Shafter, Josiah Stanford, Charles Goodall, Horace Davis. Alfred L. Tnbbs, John F. IMiller, Francis E. Spencer. John Boggs, Henry Vrooman, T. 15. McFarland. Charles F. Crocker, Isaac S. Belcher, Timothy Hopkins, John O. Brown. Henry L. Dodge. George E. (iray. lr\-ing M. Scott, X. \\ . Spaulding. W illiam Ashhurner, Matthew P. Deady, William M. Stewart, Stephen J. Field, Successors. Leon Sloss, (Permanent A'acancy) Charles G. Lathrop, Edward R. Taylor, (Permanent \'acancy) (Permanent \'acancy) Active. Russell J. \\'ilson, A\'illiam PJabcock, Horatio Stebbins. Whitelaw^ Reid. (Permanent A'acancy) (Permanent \'acancy) Samuel F. Leib. Died Sept. 16. 1908. (Permanent A'acancy) (Permanent \'acancy) Active, Frank [Miller. George E. Crothers, Active, (Permanent A'acancy) Jane L. Stanford. Vanderl}nn Stow. Joseph T). (irant. Thomas W. Stanford, Charles P. Eells. Josiah W. Stanford. (Permanent \'acancy) PART II. LEGISLATION : ENABLING ACT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ACT CONFERRING CORPORATE POWERS ACT CONCERNING TAXATION AND TUITION FEES ACT PROVIDING FOR DETERMINATION OF VALID- ITY AND LEGAL EFFECT OF GRANTS, ETC. ACT PROVIDING FOR RESIGNATION OF SURVIVING FOUNDER AND SUCCESSION OF TRUSTEES. SEC. 2295. P. C, CONCERNING OFFICIAL STATE PUB- LICATIONS 13 THE ENABLING ACT. An act to ach'ance learning, the arts and sciences, and to promote tlie public welfare, by providing for the convey- ance, holding and protection of property, and the creation of trusts for the founding, endowment, erection and main- tenance within this State of universities, colleges, schools, seminaries of learning, mechanical institutes, museums and galleries of art. [Approved March 9, 1885. Stats. 1885, p. 49.] The people of the State of California, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Section 1. The provisions of this Act shall be liberally construed \vith a view to effect its objects and j^romote its purposes ; and in the construction thereof the singular num- ber shall be deemed to include the plural, and the plural shall be deemed to include the singular number, and the masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine. Sec. 2. Any person desiring, in his life time, to promote the public welfare by founding, endowing, and having main- tained, within this State, a uni\'ersity, college, school, semi- nary of learning, mechanical institute, museum, or gallery of art, or any or all thereof, may, to that end, and for such ])urposc, b}- grant in writing, convey to a Trustee, or to any number of Trustees named in such grant (and to their successors), any property, real or personal, belonging to such person, and situated or being within this State, pro- vided, that if any such person be married and the property be community property, then both husband and wife must join in such grant. U TIIK KXAliLIXC^ ACT. Sec. 3. The ])erson making- such may therein designate : 1. Tlie nature, ol)ject and pur]>oses of the institution or institutions to he founded, endowed and maintained. 2. The name 1)y wliicli it or they shall be known. 3. The powers and duties of the Trustees, and the man- ner in which they shall account, and to whom, if accounting;: be required ; but such powers and duties shall not be held to be exclusive of other powers and duties which may be necessary to enable such Trustees to full}' carr}- out the objects of such grant. 4. The mode and manner, and by whom, the successors to the Trustee or Trustees named in the grant are to be appointed. 5. Such rules and regulations for the management of the property conveyed as the grantor may elect to pre- scribe ; but such rules shall, unless the grantor otherwise prescribe, be deemed advisory only, and shall not preclude such Trustees from making such changes as new cf^iditions may from time to time require. 6. The place or places where, and the time when, the buildings necessary and proper for the institution or insti- tutions shall be erected, and the character and extent thereof. The person making such grant may therein pro\'ide for all other things necessary and proper to carry out the pur- poses thereof, and especially may such person j^rovide for the trades and ])rofessions which shall he taught in such institutions, and the terms upon which deserving scholars of the public and private schools of the various counties of this State may l)e admitted to all the ]:)rivileges of such institutions, as a reward for meritorious conduct and good scholarship; and also for maintaining free scholarships for children of persons who have rendered service to or who have died in the service of this State; and also for main- taining free scholarships for children of mechanics, trades- men and laborers, who ha\-e died without leaving means sufficient to give such children a ])ractical education, fitting THE EXABLrXG ACT. 15 them for the useful trades or arts; and also the terms and conditions upon which students in the pu])lic and private schools, and other deserving persons may, without cost to themselves, attend the lectures of any university estab- lished; and also the terms and conditions upon which the museums, and art galleries, and conservatories of music connected with an}- such institution, shall be open to all deserving persons, without charge, and without their becom- ing students of the institution. Sec. 4. The Trustee or Trustees named in such grant, and their successors, may, in the name of the institution or institutions, as designated in such grant, sue and defend, in relation to the trust propert}', and in relation to all matters affecting the institution or institutions endowed and established by such grant. Sec. 5. The person making such grant, by a provision therein, may elect, in relation to the property conveyed and in relation to the erection, maintenance and manage- ment of such institution or institutions, to perform, during his life, all the duties and exercise all the powers which, by the terms of the grant, are enjoined upon and vested in the Trustee or Trustees therein named. If the person making such grant, and making the election aforesaid, be a married person, such person may further provide that if the wife of such person survive him. then such wife, during her life. may. in relation to the propert}- conveyed, and in relation to the erection, maintenance, and management of such institution or institutions, perform all the duties and exercise all the ]iowers which, by the terms of the grant, arc enjoined upou and vested in the Trustee or Trustees therein named, and in all such cases the powers and duties coiiferred and imposed b}' such grant upon the Trustee or Trustees therein named, shall be exercised and performed b}- the person making such grant, or b}- his wife during his or her life, as the case may be; i)rovided. how- ever, that upon the death of such person, or his survi\ing wife, as the case may be. such powers and duties shall 16 THE EXABr.IXG ACT. devolve upon ami shall be exercised by the Trustees named in the ti^rant and iheir successors. Sec. 6. The person making such grant may therein reserve the right to alter, amend or modify the terms and conditions thereof and the trusts therein created, in respect to any of the matters mentioned or referred to in subdi- visions one to six inclusi\c, ol section two (three) hereof; and may also therein reserve ihe right, during the life of such per- son e)r persons, of absolute dominion over the personal proi)erty conveyed, and also over the rents, issues, and profits of the real property conveyed, without liability to account there- for in any manner \vhate\er and without any liability over against the estate of such person ; and if any such person be married, such j^erson ma}', in said grant, further provide that if his wife survive him, then such wife, dur- ing her life, may have the same absolute dominion over such personal property, and such rents, issues and profits, without liability to account therefor in any manner what- e\er, and without liability over against the estate of either of the spouses. Sec. 7. The person making stich grant may therein provide that the Trustees named in the grant, and their successors, may in the name of the institution or institutions, become tlie custodian of liie ])ersons of minors, and when any such pro\ision is made in a grant, the Trustees and their successors may take such custody and control in the manner and for the time, and in accordance with the pro- visions of sections two hundred and sixt\-fotir to two him- dred and seventy-six, mclusi\e. of the Ci\i] Code of the State of California. Sec. 8. Any such i^rant may be executed, acknowledged and recorded in the same r.ianner as is now i)rovided by law for the execution, acknowle(lgment and recording of grants of real property. Sec. 9. \o stiit. action, or ])roceeding ^hall be com- menced ')r maintaincfl ])y any person to set aside, anmd, THE ENABLING ACT. 17 or affect said coiiAeyance, or to aft'ect the title to the prop- erty conveyed, or the right to the possession, or to the rents, issues and profits thereof, unless the same be commenced Avithin two years after the date of filing such grant for record ; nor shall any defense be made to any suit, action or proceedings commenced by the Trustee or Trustees named in said grant, or their successors, privies or persons holding under them, which defense involves the legality of said grant, or affects the title to the property thereby conveyed, or the right to the possession, or the rents, issues and profits thereof, unless such defense is made in a suit, action or proceeding commenced within two years after such grant shall have been filed for record. Sec. 10. The property conveyed by such grant shall not, after the lapse of two years from the date of the filing for record of the grant, be subject to forced sale under execution, or judicial proceedings of any kind, against the grantor or his privies, unless the action under which the execution shall be issued, or the proceedings under which the sale shall be ordered, shall have been commenced within two years after such grant shall have been filed for record. Nor shall such property be subject to execu- tion or forced sale under any judgment obtained in any proceedings instituted within said two years, if there be other property of the grantor subject to execution or forced sale sufficient to satisfy such judgement, provided, nothing in this section contained shall be construed to affect me- chanics' or laborers' liens. Sec. 11. Any person or persons making any such grant may, at any time thereafter, by last w-ill or testament, devise and bequeath to the State of California all or any of the property, real and personal, mentioned in such grant, or in any supplemental grant, and such devise or bequest shall only take ett'cct in case, from any cause whatever, the grant shall be annulled, or set aside, or the trusts therein declared shall for any reason fail. Such devise and bequest is hereb}^ permitted to be made by way of assurance that IS CONSTITT'TlOXAr. AMENDMENT. the wishes of the |u:i'antor or g;ranlors shall bo carried out, and in the faith that the State, in case it succeeds to the property, or an\' ])art thereof. Avill. to the extent and value of such propcrt}'. carry out. in respect to the objects and purposes of any such i^rant. all the wishes and intentions of the grantor or grantors; pro\ided. that no wish, direction, act or condition expressed, made, or given by any grantor or grantors, under or by virtue of this act. as to religious instruction to be gi\en in such school, college, seminary, mechanical institute, museum or gallery of art, or in respect to the exercise ot religious belief, on the part of any pupil c^r pupils of such school or institution of learning, shall be binding upon the State; nor shall the State enforce, or permit to be enforced or carried out. any such wish, direc- tion, act or condition. Sec. 12. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Article IX. (Adopted Xovembcr 6. 1900.) Section 10. The trusts and estates created for the found- ing, endowment, and maintenance of the Leland Stanford Junior l'ni\ersity. under and in accordance with ".\n Act to advance learning, etc.." a]>])roved March ninth, eighteen hundred and eighty-tive. by the endowment grant executed by Leland Stanford atul Jane Lathrop Stanford on the eleventh da}- of Xovembcr. .\. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-five, and recorded in !il)er eighty-three of deeds, at page twent}-lhree. et se(|.. records of Santa Clara County, and by the amendments of such grant, and l)y gifts, grants, bequests, and devises su]")plementary thereto, and by con- firmatory grants, are ])cnnilted. ai)proved, and confirmed. The board of trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior I'ni- versity, as such, or in the name of the institutit^n. or by ACT CONFEEKIXG CORPORATt: POWERS. 19 Other intelligible designation of the trustees or of the insti- tution, may receive property, real or personal, and where- ever situated, by gift, grant, devise, or bequest, for the benefit of the institution, or of any department thereof, and such property, unless otherwise provided, shall be held by the trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University upon the trusts provided for in the grant founding the university, and amendments thereof, and grants, bequests, and devises supplementary thereto. The Legislature, by special act, may grant to the trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior L'niversity corporate powers and privileges, but it shall not thereby alter their tenure, or limit their powers or obliga- tions as trustees. All property now or hereafter held in trust for the founding, maintenance, or benefit of the Leland Stanford Junior L'niversity, or of any department thereof, may be exempted by special act from the State taxation, and all personal property so held, the Palo Alto farm as described in the endowment grant to the trustees of the university, and all other real property so held and used by the university for educational purposes exclusively, may be similarly exempted from county and municipal taxation ; provided, that residents of California shall be charged no fees for tuition unless such fees be authorized by act of the Legislature. ACT CONFERRING CORPORATE POWERS. An act granting to the trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University corporate powers and privileges. [Approved February 14, 1"'01. Stats. 1901, p. 4.] The people of the State of California, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Section 1. The trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University are gi\en the right to exercise corporate pc~)wers 20 ACT COXcKKNiXG TAXATION' AND FRE8. and privileges, and lo that end they may organize and act as a board of trustees, elect such officers of such board as they may deem to be necessary, adopt by-laws, and as such board, and through the officers thereof, they may transact such busmess, perform such acts and exercise such powers as they in writing may provide may be trans- acted, performed and exercised l)y sucli board. Such board may adopt a seal which shall read, "Seal of the Leland Stanford Junior University," and such seal, when attached to any document or writing, shall be prima facie evidence that such document or writing w-as made by and under due authority from such board and from such trustees. Nothing herein shall be deemed to alter the tenure or limit the powers or obligations of such trustees. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. ACT CONCERNING TAXATION AND TUITION FEES. An act to amend an act entitled '"An act exempting from taxation a portion of the property held in trust for the benefit of the Leland Stanford Junior University," ap- proved February 14, 1*^01, relating to tuition fees in said university. [Approved March 6, 1907.] The people of the State of California, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Section 1. Section one of an act entitled. "An act exempting from taxation a portion of the property held in trust for the benefit of the Leland Stanford Junior University," approved February 14. 1^01 , is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Section 1. The university buildings of the Leland Stan- ford Junior University, situate in the county of Santa Clara, ACT AUTHORIZING SPECIAL PROCEEDING. 21 State of California, used for university purposes, and .all bonds held or that may be held by the trustees of such university in trust for the benefit of such university, shall be exempt from taxation ; provided, that all other property, real and personal, held in trust for the benefit of such uni- versity, shall be subject to state, county and municipal taxation; and provided further, that while this act is in force no fees shall be charged residents of this state for tuition at such university, except that such fees may be charged in professional and engineering courses, but no such fees shall be charged to any student who is registered in any of such courses when this act takes efifect. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. ACT PROVIDING FOR DETERMINATION OF VAL- IDITY AND LEGAL EFFECT OF GRANTS, ETC. An act to provide for proceedings for the ascertainment of the existence and terms of, and for the determination of the validity and legal effect of grants or other instru- ments creating, changing or affecting trusts and estates for the founding, endowment and maintenance of a uni- versity, college, school, seminary of learning, mechanical institute, museum, gallery of art, or library, or any other institution, or any or all thereof, under or pursuant to an act entitled "An act to advance learning, the arts and sciences, and to promote the public welfare, by providing for the conveyance, holding, and protection of property, and the creation of trusts for the founding, endowment, erection, and maintenance within this State of univer- sities, colleges, schools, seminaries of learning, mechanical institutes, museums, and galleries of art," approved ]\Iarch 9, 1885, or under or pursuant to an act entitled "An act to encourage and provide for the dissemination of a knowl- edge of the arts, sciences, and general literature, and the founding, maintaining, and perpetuating public libraries, museums, and galleries of art, and the receipt of donations 22 ACT AUTHORTZTNG SPECIAL PROCEEDING. and contributions thereto when established ; for the con- veyance, holding and protection of real property within this State suitable for the purposes herein designated, and the erection thereon of buildings appropriate to such purposes, and for the creation of trusts necessary or proper for the better preservation of such institutions, and the control and management thereof," approved March 5. 1887. [Approved February 10, 1903. Stats. 1903, p. 9.] The people of the State of California, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Section 1. The trustee or trustees of any trust or trusts heretofore or hereafter created for the founding, endow- ment and maintenance of a university, college, school, sem- inary of learning, meclianical institute, museum, gallery of art. library or any other institution, or any or all thereof, under or pursuant to an act entitled "An act to advance learning, the arts and sciences, and to ])romote the public welfare, by providing for tlic con\-eyance, holding, and protection of pro])erty, and tlie creation of trusts for the founding, endowment, erection, and maintenance within this State of universities, colleges, schools, seminaries of learning, mechanical institutes, museums, and galleries of art," ap- proved March 9, 1885, or und-jr or pursuant to an act entitled "An act to encourage and ))rovide for the dis- semination of a knowledge of the arts, sciences, and general literature, and the founding, mainlaining. and perpetuating public libraries, nniseums, and galleries of art. and the receipt of donations and contributions thereto w hen established ; for the conveyance, holding and protection of real ])roperty within this State suitable for the ])m"poses herein designated, and the erection thereon of buildings appropriate to such pur- poses, and for the creation of trusts necessary or proper for the better ])reservation of such institutions, and the control and management thereof," approved March 5, 1887. ACT AUTHORIZING SPECIAL PROCEEDING. 23 may commence a special proceeding in and l)y which may be determined all questions of law and fact affecting the existence of, and the due and voluntary execution and delivery, and the terms, validity and legal effect of the grant or grants founding the same, and of all amendments or attempted amendments thereof, and of any supplemental grants or gifts, and of any confirmatory conveyances, ot the founder or founders, or surviving founder, or wife or widow of any such founder; and in and by which may be determined all questions of law and fact affecting the due and voluntary execution and delivery, and the validity and legal effect, of any gift or grant made in general terms for the benefit of the institution or institutions, or of any department thereof, or of any gift or grant made in general terms for the benefit of the institution or institutions, or of any department thereof, upon the trusts provided for in the grant founding the institution or institutions, and amend- ments thereof and grants, bequests and devises supplement- ary thereto, and in and by which may be determined all questions bearing upon the passing to the trustee or trus- tees of the legal title to the properties, real and personal, conveyed or attempted to be conveyed, so far as such prop- erty or the proceeds thereof, or any property acquired in exchange therefor or with proceeds thereof, may be described in the petition herein provided for, and the interest or title of the trustee or trustees in or to any such property described in such petition ; and in and by which may be determined all questions of law and fact affecting the due and voluntary execution and delivery, and the \-alidity and legal eff'ect, of any grant or surrender by any such founder or founders, sur\-iving founder, or wife or widow of any founder, to. or in fa\-or of. such trustee or trustees, of any rights, powers, privileges or duties reserved to or vest- ing in any such person or persons over or concerning any property described in the petition herein provided for, or over or concerning an}- such institution or institutions so founded, which would otherwise vest in or devolve upon such trustee or trustees upon the death of the person or 24 ACT AUTHORIZINCr SPECIAL PROCEEDING. persons so granting or surrendering the same, and of any relinquisinnent or release by the founder or founders, sur- ^•i\•ing founder, or wife or widow of any founder, of any other such rights, powers, jMnvileges or duties so reserved to or vesting in any such person or persons. To this end the trustee or trustees of any trust hereinbefore referred to, in the name of tlic institution or institutions so founded, or in the name of the trustee or trustees of such institution or institutions, or in the name of the board of trustees of such institution or institulii'jns, may file, in the superior court of the county in which the lands described in the founding grant or grants, or some portion thereof, are sit- uated, or. if no real estate has been granted as herein provided to such trustees, then in the county where the main part of any such institution or institutions is situated, a petition in writing, signed by counsel for such trustee or trustees, or b}' counsel for a majority thereof, which petition shall contain copies of all such grants, amendments, attempted amendments, supplemental grants, instruments of gift, confirmatory conveyances, and grants and instru- ments of surrender, relinquishment or release, hereinbefore mentioned or referred to, so far as known to such trustee or trustees; and the petition shall allege in general terms the due and \()luntary execution and delivery, and the validity, of any and all of such instruments, copies of which are set out in the petition, and shall describe all property, real and personal, the legal title to which is held or claimed to be held l)y said trustee or trustees under or by virtue <-)f anv or all of such instrunuMits. whether or not the same l)e the original property conveyed, the ])roceeds thereof, or reimested proceeds; and the petition shall allege in general terms the estate or interest wliich Ihc trustee or trustees have or claim in or to the ])roperty described ; and the peti- tion shall pray, in effect, that the court examine and determine all (piestions of law and fact affecting the due and voluntary execution and ileli\ery, and the terms, ^•alid- ity and legal effect of all such insirumetits, copies of which are so set out in the petition; and that the court examine ACT AUTHORIZING SPECIAL PEOCEEDIXG. 25 and determine all questions bearing upon the passing to the trustee or trustees, of the legal title to all the properties, real and personal, so conveyed or attempted to be conveyed, so far as the same or the proceeds thereof, or any property acquired in exchange therefor or with the proceeds thereof, may be described in said petition ; and that the court examine and determine the interest or title of the trustee or trustees in or to any such property ; and that it be established and determined that the trustee or trustees are rightfully vested with the legal title thereto. Sec. 2. The court or judge shall fix the time for the hearing of said petition, and shall order the clerk of the court to. post in at least three public places in the county a notice of the filing of said petition, attached to a copy of said petition, and order a copy of such notice together with a copy of the petition to be personally served upon the founder or founders, if living, and upon the surviving wife or widow of any founder, and upon any living grantor or donor of any other grant or gift set out in the petition and may order such other or further notice to be given as the judge or court may deem proper. Such notice shall be posted and served at least ten days before the hearing. If the court or judge finds upon the hearing that due and proper notice has not been given as herein provided, it shall reset the hearing and cavise such due and proper notice to be given. The notice and petition shall be entitled sub- stantially in the following form : In the Superior Court of the Count}- (^f State of California. In the matter of the ])etition of fgixing the name or names in which the petition is brought) for the ascer- tainment of the existence and terms of, and for the determina- tion of the \'alidity and legal effect of grants or other instruments creating, changing or alTecting trusts and estates for the founding, endowmont and maintenance of (nam- ing the institution or institutions founded). 26 ACT AUTHORIZING SPECIAL PROCEEDING. The notice shall state the time and place fixed for the hearing of the petition and shall be addressed to the founder or founders, living, and to the surviving wife or widow of any founder, and the living grantor or donor of any other grant or gift set out in the petition, and in general terms to all other persons having or claiming any interest in, or rights, powers, or duties over or concerning the property described in the petition ; and shall direct that they and each of such persons appear and answer said petition on or before the time set for said hearing; and shall state that unless said persons so appear and demur or answer, the petitioners will apply to the court to grant the prayer of the petition, and that each person failing to so appear and answer, shall be deemed to admit as true all the material allegations of the petition. Any of the persons so required to be served, or any other person so interested may waive notice by written waiver filed with the clerk of the court. Sec. 3. Any j^erson interested in tlie determination of any of the ([ucstions presented l)y the petition may demur to or answer said petition and may set up any new matter aflecting the determination of an}- such (|uestions. Any allegation of the petition or answer may be made upon information and belief. The provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure respecting the demurrer and the answer to a \erified complaint, shall be ap])]icable to a demurrer or answer to said petition. The ])ersons so demurring to or answering said ])etition shall be the defendants to said sj)ecia! ])rc)cee(ling and the petitioner^- sliall be tlic i)lainlilTs. Every material statement of the petition not specifically controverted by the answer must, for the ])urposes of said special ])r()cceding. be taken as true; and each person failing to answer the ]K-tition shall be deemed to admit as true all the material allegations of the petiticn. The rules of pleading and i)ractice provided for by ilic Code of Civil Procedure, which are not inconsistent with the ])rovisions of this act, are ap])licable to the sj^ecial i)roceeding herein jirovided for. ACT CONCERNING RESIGNATION OF FOUNDER 27 Sec. 4. Upon the hearing of such special proceeding, the court shall have power and jurisdiction to examine into and determine all questions of law and fact within the scope of the proceeding herein provided for, whether presented by the petition or answer, or by the proofs upon the hearing. The court shall find and determine whether the notice of the filing of said petition has been duly given for the time and in the manner in this act prescribed. The costs of the special proceeding may be allowed and apportioned between all parties, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 5. A certified copy of the judgement of the court in such special proceeding shall be recorded in the office of the recorder of the county in which the action is brought and in the office of the recorder of every county in which any of the real property affected is situated. Sec. 6. The judgment of the court in such special proceeding shall be determinative of the terms and trusts upon which any property thereafter given for the benefit of such institution or institutions, or any department thereof, shall be held ijy such trustee or trustees, unless otherwise provided by the grantor or donor of such property. Sec. 7. This act sliall take eft'ect and be in force from and after its passage. ACT PROVIDING FOR RESIGNATION OF SUR- VIVING FOUNDER AND SUCCESSION OF TRUSTEES. An act sui)plcnicntal to an act entitled "An act to adxance learning, the arts and sciences, and to promote the public welfare, by pro\-iding lor the conveyance, holding, and pro- tection of pro])erty, and the creation of trusts for the found- ing, cndnwnicnt, erection, and maintenance within this State of uni\ersities. colleges, .schools, seminaries of learn- in, mechanical institutes, museums, and galleries of art," 28 ACT CONOEENING EESIGNATIOX OF FOUNDER. approved ^ larch 9, 1885, concerning the resignation, relin- qnishment or surrender of rights, powers, privileges and duties reserved to or vesting in the founder or founders, surviving founder, or wife or widow of any founder, of any institution created or founded under or pursuant to said act, and concerning the assumption and exercise of powers and duties by the trustee or trustees of such insti- tution. (Approved March 13, 1903. Stats. 1903, p. 140.) The people of the State of California, represented in Senate and Assembly do enact as follows : Section 1. The founder or founders, surviving founder or wife or widow of any founder, of a university, college school, seminary of learning, mechanical institute, museum, gallery of art. library or any other institution, or any or all thereof, founded under or pursuant to an act entitled "An act to advance learning, the arts and sciences, and to promote the public welfare, by providing for the conveyance, holding, and protection of propert}', and the creation of trusts for the founding, endowment, erection and maintenance within this State of universities, colleges, schools, seminaries of learning, mechanical institutes, museums, and galleries of art," approved March 9, 1885, may, by an instrument in writing, resign, relinquish and surrender all the rights, pow- ers, privileges and duties reserved to or vesting in such founder or founders, surviving founder, or wife or widow of such founder, over, in, or concerning any of the property granted or given to such institution or institutions, or over or concerning any such institution or institutions so founded, and thereupon all estates, rights, powers, privileges, trusts and duties which would otherwise vest in or devolve upon the trustee or trustees of the trusts and estates created for the founding, endowment and maintenance of any such insti- tution or institutions upon the death of the person or per.sons so resigning, relinquishing and surrendering, by terms of DLSTKIBUTIOX OF 8TATK PUBLICATIONS. 29 the grant founding the institution or institutions, and amend- ments thereof, and by the terms of any grants, gifts, be- quests, and devises supplementary thereto, or of any confirm- atory grants, shall immediately vest in and devolve upon such trustee or trustees. Nothing herein contained shall prevent such person or persons so resigning, relinquishing and surrendering such rights, powers, privileges, or duties from thereafter becoming and serving as one of such trustees, or from becoming and serving as an officer of any board of such trustees. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. OFFICIAL STATE PUBLICATIONS. Section 2295, Political Code. General duties of State Librarian : 8. To distribute to the State university, to the Leland Stanford Jr. University, to each incorporated college in the State, to each public library therein, and to such other liter- ary and scientific institutions therein as his judgment may dictate, one copy each of all official State publications, in- cluding the laws, journals and appendices of the legislature, and to establish and maintain with similar public institutions of the general government, the other States, and foreign countries, a system of exchange of such State publications for like official publications and other valuable works. The State Librarian is empowered to make requisition upon the Secre- tary of State for a sufficient number of such State publica- tions, to enable him to carry out the requirements of this subdivision. En. ^larch 12, 1872. Am'd 1873-4, Z7 ; 1903, 82. PART III. DECREE DETERMINING THE TERMS, VALIDITY AND LEGAL EFFECT OF UNIVERSITY TRUSTS, IN- CLUDING:— FOUNDING GRANT, NOVEMBER II, 1885. AMENDMENTS OF JUNE 1, 1897. AMENDMENTS OF MAY 31, 1899. ASSUMPTION OF CORPORATE POWERS, NO- VEMBER 1, 1901. AMENDMENTS OF OCTOBER 3, 1902. RESIGNATION OF SURVIVING FOUNDER, JUNE 1, 1903. GENERAL PROVISIONS OF DECREE, JULY 3. 1903. No. 14912 Department 2 Superior Court County of Santa Clara State of California In the Matter of the Petition of the Leland Stanford Junior University, and of Timothy Hop- kins, Horace Davis, Thomas B. McFarland, George E. Gray, William M. Stewart. Joseph D. Grant, Samuel F. Leib, Leon Sloss, Thomas W. Stanford, Frank ]Miller, Charles G. Lathrop, Russell J. Wilson, Whitelaw Reid AND George E. Crothers, as Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, for the Ascertainment of the Existence and Terms of, and for the Determination OF the Validity and Legal Effect of Grants or Other Instruments, Creating, Changing or Affecting Trusts AND Estates for the Founding, Endow:ment and ]\Lvin- TENANCE OP THE LeLAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY. D ecree THOMAS G. CROTHERS MILLS BUILDING - - SAN FRANCISCO Attorney for Petitioners 35 In the Superior Court of the County of Santa Clara State of California In the Matter of the Petition of the LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY, and of Timothy Hopkins, Horace Davis, Thomas B. Mc- Farland, George E. Gray, William M. Stewart, Joseph D. Grant, Samuel F. Leib, Leon Sloss, Thomas W. Stanford, Frank Miller, Charles G. Lathrop, Russell J. Wilson, W^hitelaw Reid and George E. Crothers, as Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, for the ascertainment of the existence and terms of, and for the determi- nation of the validity and legal effect of grants or other instruments creating, changing or affecting trusts and estates tor the founding, endowment and maintenance of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Decree The above entitled matter came on regularly for hearing by this Court without a jury, on Saturday, the 27th day of June, 1903, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M., at the Court- room of this Court, Department Number 2 thereof, at the County Courthouse in the City of San Jose, in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, said time and said place 36 DECREE, PRELIMIXAEV PROVISIONS. being the time and place heretofore lixed by this Court for hearing said petition. Thomas G. Crothers Esq. appeared as attorney and counsel for Petitioners, and Messrs. Wilson & A\'iIson appeared by ^Nlountford S. Wilson Esq., one of said firm, as attorneys and counsel for Jane Lathrop Stanford individualh' and as Surviving Founder of the Leland Stanford Junior University and as surviving widow of Leland Stan- ford, deceased, and said Jane Lathrop Stanford was person- ally present in Court. The said Jane f^athrop Stanford individually and as such Surviving Founder and as such surviving widow, duly filed herein her verified answer, in which she admitted each and every allegation contained in said Petition and prayed that the prayer of said Petition be granted and that the Court make and render such further order, judgment, decree or relief as may be proper in the premises. Tliereupon this Court proceeded with the hearing of said matter, and witnesses were duly sworn and examined and evidence, both oral and documentary, was offered on behalf of petitioners and received and admitted by the Court, and thereafter said matter and hearing was duly and regularly continued by the Court until Thursday, the 2nd day of July. 1903, at the hour of 10:00 o'cloclc A. M., at the same place; and upon the said Thursday, the 2nd day of July, 1903, said matter again came on regularly for hearing, and was there- upon again duly and regularly continued by the Court until Friday, the 3rd day of July, 1903. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. AL, at the same place, and upon the said Friday, the 3rd day of July, 1903, at said hour and place, said matter again came on regularly for hearing before this Court and said hearing was resumed. No further evidence was introduced, and said matter was thereupon submitted to the Court for consideration and decision, and findings of fact having been expressly waived in open Court by all parties to said matter, and the Court having duly and fully considered the same: DECEEE, PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS. ^ 37 NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY DETERMINED, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED AS FOL- LOWS, to-wit: That the petition herein was duly filed in this Court on the 16th day of June, 1903, and thereupon this Court duly made its order fixing the time and place for the hear- ing of said petition and matter, and ordering the Clerk of this Court to post in at least three public places in the afore- said County a notice of the filing of said petition and of the time and place set for the hearing of the same, attached to a copy of* said petition, and ordering that a copy of such notice together with a copy of said petition be personally served upon Jane Lathrop Stanford, and upon Jane Lathrop Stanford as the Surviving Founder of the Leland Stanford Junior L^niversity, and upon Jane Lathrop Stanford as the surviving widow of Leland Stanford, deceased, and further ordering that such notice be given, posted and served as required by law. That thereafter and upon the said 16th day of June, 1903, the Clerk of this Court duly made and posted in three public places in said County notices of the filing of said petition and of the time and place set for the hearing of the same, attached to true copies of said petition, and upon the same day true copies of said notice, attached to true copies of said petition were duly served upon the said Jane Lathrop Stanford and upon the said Jane Lathrop Stanford as the Surviving Founder of the Leland Stanford Junior University, and upon the said Jane Lathrop Stanford as the surviving widow of Leland Stanford, deceased. That said notice so posted and served was, in substance and form, and in every other respect, as required by law and by said order of this Court, and particularly as pre- scribed by that certain Act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved February 10, 1903, and entitled: "An act to provide for proceedings for the ascertainment of the existence and terms of, and for the determination of the valid it V and legal effect of o-rants or other instruments 5^88476 38 DECREE, PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS. creating, changing or affecting trusts and estates for the founding, endowment and maintenance of a university, col- lege, school, seminary of learning, mechanical institute, mu- seum, gallery of art, or library, or any other institution, or any or all thereof under or pursuant to an act entitled *An act to advance learning the arts and sciences, and to promote the public welfare, by providing for the conveyance, holding, and protection of property, and the creation of trusts for the founding, endowment, erection, and maintenance within this State of universities, colleges, schools, seminaries of learning, mechanical institutes, mu- seums, and galleries of art,' approved ^larch 9, 1885* or under or pursuant to an act entitled \\n act to encourage and provide for the dissemination of a knowledge of the arts, sciences, and general literature, and the founding, maintain- ing, and perpetuating public libraries, museums, and galleries of art, and the receipt of donations and contributions thereto when established : for the conveyance, holding and protection of real property within this State suitable for the purposes herein designated, and the erection thereon of buildings appropriate to such purposes, and for the creation of trusts necessary or proper for the better preservation of such insti- tutions, and the control and management thereof,' approved March 5, 1887." That said notice ol tlie filing of .>^ai(l petition and of the time and place set for tlie hearing thereof was duly given for the time and in the manner pre-cribed in the aforesaid Act, and was posted and served more than ten days before the time set for said hearing. That at the time of the filing of said petition the said Jane Lathrop Stanford was the only living founder or sur- viving founder, and the surviving wife or widow of Leland Stanford, her co-founder of the Leland Stanford Junior Uni- versity, and the only living grantor or donor of any grant or gife set out in said petition. That before the hearing of this matter the said Jane Lathrop Stanford duly filed herein her ^■erified answer to DECREE, FOUNDING GRANT, 39 said petition, in which she, individually and as such Surviving Founder, and as such surviving widow, admitted each and every allegation contained in said petition and prayed that the prayer of said petition be granted and that the Court make and render such further order, judgment, decree or relief as may be proper in the premises. That no other person demurred to or answered said petition or appeared in said matter, or took part in the hear- ing thereof. That said petition, in contents, form, substance and in every other particular, complies with and conforms to the requirements of the aforesaid Act of the Legislature of the State of California ; and each and every allegation contained in said petit'ion is true and supported by the evidence offered and received upon the hearing of said matter. That the said Grant dated the 11th day of November,. A. D. 1885, described in, and a copy of which is set out in the said petition herein, and which was recorded in the office of the Recorder of Santa Clara County, State of California, in liber 83 of Deeds at page 23 and following, was duly and voluntarily made, signed and acknowledged by Leland Stan- ford and Jane Lathrop Stanford, and said Grant was, on the 14th day of November, 1885, duly and voluntarily delivered by said Leland Stanford and Jane Lathrop Stanford to the persons therein named as Trustees, and thereupon and there- after, the said persons named in said Grant as Trustees duly accepted in writing the said Grant and the trusts therein imposed, as alleged in said petition. That the making, signing, execution, acknowledgment and delivery of said Grant, which is generally known as and called the Founding Grant, were the due, free and voluntary acts of each of said grantors, Leland Stanford and jane Lathrop Stanford and. at the time of the performance of each of said acts, each of said grantors was of sound mind and fully competent to p'M-form said acts, and neither of said grantors was acting under duress, menace, fraud, mis- take, undue inlluence, or other disal)ility. 40 DECREE, FOUNDERS AND TRUSTEES. That said Founding- Grant was, at the time of the exe- cution and delivery thereof, and now is, valid and binding, and the full legal title in fee simple to all the property described or referred to therein, did, upon the delivery of said Grant, irrevocably pass to and vest in the Trustees therein named upon the trusts therein provided, and the full legal title in fee simple to all said property is now vested in and said property now belongs to the said Timothy Hop- kins, Horace Davis, Thomas B. McFarland, George E. Gray, William M. Stewart, Joseph D. Grant, Samuel F. Leib, Leon Sloss, Thomas W. Stanford, Frank Miller, Charles G. Lath- rop, Russell J. Wilson, Whitelaw Reid and George E. Cro- thers, petitioners herein, as Trustees of the Leiand Stanford Junior Universit}", as the survi\'ors and successors of the Trustees named in said Founding Grant, and is held by said Trustees for the founding, endowment, maintenance .■and benefit of the Leiand Stanford Junior L'niversity, upon und subject to the trusts hereinafter set forth. That after the execution and delivery of said Founding 'Grant the said Leiand Stanford and Jane Lathrop Stanford, in pursuance of the terms thereof, erected upon the Palo .\lto Farm, the necessary buildings and procured the neces- sary libraries, laboratory supplies and other equipment and established the said Leiand Stanford Junior University, and, on the 1st day of October, 1891, opened said institution for the reception and instruction of students, and thereafter and until the death of said Leiand Stanford, which occured on the 21st day of June, 1893, the said Leiand Stanford and Jane Lathrop Stanford managed, controlled and maintained said University, and thereafter and until the 1st day of June, 1903, the said Jane Lathrop Stanford managed, con- trolled and maintained said University. That the main part of the said University is situated in the ^aid County of Santa Clara, upon a portion of the lands described in said Founding Grant. That the following is a list of the persons who have been named and ap])(>intcd to till vacancies occuring in the Board DECREE, TRUSTEES. 41 of Trustees or the Leiand Stanford Junior University by reason of the death or resignation of the persons named as Trustees of said University in said Founding Grant or by reason of the death or resignation of persons subsequently named and appointed to fill such vacancies, and also the dates of the appointment of each person, to-wit: Horatio Stebbins, named and appointed November 12th, 1886; Sam- uel F. Leib, April 22, 1891 ; Joseph D. Gr^fnt, April 22, 1891 ;- Leon Sloss, December 4, 1891 ; Edward R. Taylor, December 4, 1891; Charles G. Lathrop, November 7, 1893; Frank Miller, November 7, 1893; Thomas W. Stanford, November 7, 1893; Josiah W. Stanford, April 29, 1896; Russell J. Wilson. February 2, 1897; George E. Crothers, October 3, 1902 and W'hitelaw Reid, October 3, 1902. That all said appointments made before the 21st day of June, 1893 were made by said Leiand Stanford and Jane Lathrop Stanford, and all said appointments made since said 21st da}^ of June, 1893, were made by said Jane Lathrop Stanford. That all said appoint- ments were duly and regularly made in accordance with law and with the provisions of said Founding Grant and amendments thereof, as alleged in said petition, and were duly accepted by said persons and were and are valid and binding, and each said person so appointed, at the time of his appointment, received and became vested with and en- joyed the same rights, powers, privileges and duties as his co-trustees. That the following Trustees of the Leiand Stanford Junior University, named as such in said Founding Grant, or named or appointed as aforesaid to fill vacancies in said Board of Trustees, died on or about the dates following their respective names, to-wit: John F. Miller, ]\Iarch 8. 1886: William Ashburner, April 20, 1887; Henry Vrooman, April 8. 1889; Josiah Stanford, May 14, 1890; Lorenzo Saw- yer, September 7, 1891 ; James Mc. M. Shafter, August 29, 1892; John O. Brown, December 20, 1892 ; Matthew P. Deady. March 24, 1893; Alfred L. Tubbs, December 26, 1896; Charles F. Crocker, July 17, 1897; Francis E. Spencer, April 23, 1898: 42 DECREE, BEQUEST OF LELAND STANFORD. Isaac S. Belcher, November 30, 1898; John Boggs, January 30. 1899; Charles Goodall, July 13, 1899; H. W. Harkness, July 10, 1901; Henry L. Dodge, February 24, 1902 and Horatio Stebbins, April 9, 1902. That of the persons named in said Founding Grant as Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, Stephen J. Field resigned as one of such Trustees on the 15th day of October, 1894, 'and died on the 9th day of April, 1899; Irving M. Scott resigned as one of such Trustees on the 11th day of May, 1898, and died on the 28th day of April, 1903 and N. W. Spaulding resigned as one of such Trustees on the 24th day of April, 1903 ; and that of the persons named and appointed to fill vacancies in said Board of Trustees, the said Josiah W. Stanford resigned as one of such Trustees on the 31st day of May, 1898, and the said Edward R. Taylor resigned as one of such Trustees on the 9th day of May, 1899. That all of the aforesaid resignations of Trustees were duly and regularly made and accepted in accordance with law and with the provisions of said Founding (irant, as alleged in said petition, and were and are legal and binding, and each of said persons so resigning ceased to be a Trustee of the Leland Stanford Junior University upon the date of his said resignation. That the written communication dated the 29th day of April, 1896, which is described in and a copy of which is set out in said petition, in and by which the said Jane Lathrop Stanford made a proposal and ofifer to the Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to settle and dis- charge the bequest of two and one-half million dollars bequeathed to said Trustees by tlic last will of said Leland Stanford, was duly and voluntarily made, signed and deliv- ered to said Trustees on the date thereof, and upon the same date said proposition and offer was duly accepted by said Trustees and thereupon became and was valid and binding and the property described in said communication was thcrc- u]K)n delivered in accordance with the terms thereof; and upr)n the consummation f»f said settlement, the full legal DECREE, GRANTS OF JANE L. STANFORD. 43 title to all the property described in said communication passed to and vested in the persons who then were the Trus- tees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, upon the trusts provided in said Founding Grant, and said property or the proceeds thereof and the property acquired in exchange therefor or with the proceeds thereof, so far as hereinafter described, now belongs to, and the full legal title thereto is vested in the aforesaid Trustees, petitioners herein, and is held by them for the founding, endowment, maintenance and benefit of the said Leland Stanford Junior University upon and subject to the trusts hereinafter set forth. That the following described deeds and conveyances, which are described in and copies of which are set out in said petition, were duly and voluntarily made, signed and acknowledged by the said Jane Lathrop Stanford, and each of said deeds and each of said conveyances was duly and voluntarily made, signed and acknowledged by the said Jane Lathrop Stanford and delivered by her to the Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University upon the dates below stated, to-wit : The deed conveying the Stanford residence and lot in San Francisco, dated the 11th day of February, 1897 and made, signed, acknowledged and delivered on said date ; the conveyance of certain contents of the Stanford homes, dated the 11th day of February, 1897, and made, signed, acknowledged and delivered on said date ; the con- \eyance of certain bonds and other personal property, dated the 1st day of June, 1897, and made, signed, acknowledged and delivered on said date; the deed conveying certain prop- erty in San ]\Iateo and Santa Clara Counties, dated the 17th day of January, 1899, and made, signed, acknowledged and delivered on the 27th day of January, 1899; the deed con- A-eying certain property in Tehama County, dated the 17th day of January, 1899. and made, signed, acknowledged and delivered on the 27th day of January, 1899; the deed convey- ing, and confirming the previous conveyance of certain per- sonal prcipcrty and certain real ])r()perties in various counties of California, elated the olsi dav of Mav, 18*/"*, and made. 44 DECEEK. GRANTS OP J AXE L. STANFORD. signed, acknowledged and delivered on said date ; the deed conveying certain property in Tehama County, dated the 6th day of June, 1899, and made, signed and acknowledged on said date and delivered on or about said date ; the deed con- veying certain property in Lassen County, dated the 6th day of June, 1899, and made, signed and acknowledged on said date and delivered on or about said date ; the deed of grant conveying and confirming the previous conveyance of the Stanford residence and lot in San Francisco, dated the 9th day of December, 1901, and made, signed, acknowledged and delivered on said date ; the deed of grant conveying and confirming the previous conveyance of certain real properties in various counties of California, dated the 9th day of Decem- ber, 1901, and made, signed, acknowledged and delivered on said date ; the deed of gift conveying, and confirming the previous conveyance of various bonds, stocks and other properties, dated the 9th day of December, 1901, and made, signed, acknowledged and delivered on said date. That each of the above described deeds and conveyances was duly accepted by the Trustees therein named, upon the date of the delivery thereof as above stated. That each of the above described deeds and conveyances was, upon the execution and delivery thereof, and now is, ^•alid and binding, and the full legal title in fee simple to all the property therein described or referred to, did, upon the delivery thereof, pass to or was confirmed in, and did vest in the Trustees therein named upon the trusts and sul)- ject to all the reservations, terms and conditions therein provided. That all the property described or referred to in each of the above described deeds and conveyances, or the proceeds of said property, and the property acquired in ex- change for said property or with the proceeds thereof, so far as hereinafter described, now belongs to and the full legal title thereto is \'ested in the aforesaid 'J'rustces, ]-»ctitioners herein, and is held by them for the founding, endowment, maintenance and benefit of the said Leland Stanford Junior Uni\-orsity, upon and subject to the trusts hereinafter set forth. DECREE, ADDRESSES OF JANE L. STANFORD. 45 That the address delivered by the said Jane Lathrop Stanford to the Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Uni- versity on the 11th day of February, 1897, a copy of which is set out in said petition, and the instrument in the form of a letter, dated the 1st day of June, 1897, a copy of which is set out in said petition, and the instrument in the form of an address dated the 31st day of ]\'Iay, 1899, made and delivered to the Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Uni- versity by the said Jane Lathrop Stanford on said day, a copy of which is set forth in said petition, were not, nor was any of them, properly executed by the said Jane Lathrop Stanford so as to amend or altect the trusts established by said Founding Grant, and all the amendments proposed or suggested by said instruments were embodied in other valid and properly executed instruments. That the instrument in the form of an address, dated the 1st day of June, 1897, described in and a copy of which is set out in said petition, was duly and voluntarily made, signed and acknowledged by the said Jane Lathrop Stanford on said 1st day of June, 1897 and was duly and voluntarily delivered by her to the Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University on that day ; and, by virtue of the powers and privileges reserved to the said Jane Lathrop Stanford in and by the aforesaid Founding Grant and by the Act of the Legislature of the State of California under and in accord- ance with which said Leland Stanford Junior L^niversity was founded, the said Jane Lathrop Stanford, in and by the said instrument, duly and regularly amended the said trusts set out in and established by said Founding Grant, and all of said amendments were valid and binding and are herein- after set forth. That by virtue of the powers and privileges reserved to the said Jane Lathrop Stanford in and by the said Found- ing Grant and by the Act of the Legislature under and in accordance with which said Leland Stanford Junior Univer- sity was founded, the said Jane Lathrop Stanford, in and by the aforesaid deed dated, made, signed, acknowledged and 46 DECREE. MAMAL DKLI VI:RV OF BONDS. delivered by her on the 31st day of I\Iay, 1899, duly and regularly amended the said trusts set out in and established by said Founding Grant and the amendments thereof made on the said 1st day of June, 1897, as hereinabove stated. That all of said amendments so made in and by said deed dated the 31st day of May, 1899, were valid and binding and are hereinafter set forth. That the Instrument executed by the said Jane Lathrop Stanford in the City of New York, on the 9th day of July, 1900, a copy of which is set out in said petition, was duly and voluntarily made and executed by the said Jane Lathrop Stanford on said date and on the same day she duly and voluntarily delivered said instrument to S. F. Leib as Pres- ident of the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Universit}'. and for and on behalf of said Trustees, and at the same time the said Jane Lathrop Stanford deliv- ered into the manual possession and control of the said S. F. Leib as such President, and for and on behalf of said Trustees, all of the bonds described in said instrument; and the said S. F. Leib did thereupon receive and take possession of said instrument and said bonds on behalf of said Trustees; that said instnnnent was and is valid and binding, and upon the delivery of said instrument and of said bonds, all the right, title and interest which the said Jane Lathrop Stan- ford then had in or to said bonds, passed to and \csted in said Trustees, and the entire legal title to all said bonds is now vested in and said bonds belong to the aforesaid Trustees, petitioners herein, and arc held by them for the founding, endowment, maintenance and benefit of the said Leland Stanford Junior University upon and subject to the trusts hereinafter set forth. That the instrument executed by Charles G. Lathrop in the name and on behalf of said Jane Lathrop .Stanford, on the 23rd day of July, 1^01, a copy of which is set out in said petition, was duly and regularly delivered by the said Charles G. Lathrop on the said 23rd day of July, 1901 to S. F. Leib as President of the Board of Trustees of the DECREE, CORPORATE POWERS. 47 Leland Stanford Junior University, and for and on behalf of said Trustees, and at the same time the said Charles G. Lath- rop as the act and on behalf of the said Jane Lathrop Stan- ford, duly delivered into the manual possession of said S. F. Leib, as such President, and for and on behalf of said Trus- tees, all of the bonds described in said instrument and all of the bonds described in the aforesaid instrument executed by the said Jane Lathrop Stanford on the 9th day of July, 1900. That the execution and delivery of said instrument, dated on the 23rd day of July, 1901, and the delivery of the aforesaid bonds therewith, were duly authorized by and were the acts of said Jane Lathrop Stanford, and were legal and binding, and upon the delivery of said instrument and of said bonds, all the right, title and interest which the said Jane Lathrop Stanford then had in or to said bonds, passed to and vested in the said Trustees, and the entire legal title to all said bonds is now vested in and said bonds belong to the aforesaid Trustees, petitioners herein, and are held by them for the founding, endowment, maintenance and benefit of the said Lniversity, upon and subject to the trusts here- inafter set forth. That on the 6th day of November, 1900, the Constitu- tion of the State of California was duly and regularly amend- ed by the addition of a section thereto which is designated and known as Section 10 of Article IX of said Constitution. That said constitutional amendment permitted, approved and confirmed all the trusts, estates, terms and conditions of the said Founding Grant and of all the aforesaid deeds, conveyances and other instruments which were made and delivered before said 6th day of November, 1900. That the Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior l"ni- versity were granted certain corporate powers by a certain Act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved February 14, 1901. entitled "An Act granting to the Trus- tees of the Leland Stanford Junior University corporate powers and privileges." That under and by virtue of said Act, the said Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Uni- 48 DECREE, AMENDMENTS OF OCTOBER 3, 1902. vcrsity duly organized as a Board and elected such officers as they deemed necessary, and by an instrument in writing dated the 1st day of Xovember, 1901, a copy of which is set forth in said petition, and duly made, executed and ac- knowledged by each and every one of said Trustees, organ- ized said Board of Trustees and accepted and assumed all the powers and privileges granted in said act, and provided and specified the business, acts and powers which said Board and the officers thereof might transact, perform and exercise. That the said assumption of the powers and privileges grant- ed in said Act of the Legislature, and the organization of said Trustees thereunder, were acquiesced in, consented to and approved in a writing duly and voluntarily executed, acknowledged and delivered by the said Jane Lathrop Stan- ford and forming part of said instrument so executed by said trustees. That upon the said acceptance and assump- tion of the powers and privileges granted in said Act, ancl the acquiesence in, consent to and approval of the same by the said Jane Lathrop Stanford, the said Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University became, and now is, a body corporate, with the right and power to perform in a corporate capacity all the powers and duties enjoined upon and vesting in the said Trustees ; and the trusts set out in and established by the said Founding Grant and the amend- ments of such trusts were further amended so far as neces- sary to give effect to the terms of said instrument dated the 1st day of November, 1901. That the instrument in the form of an address, dated tlie 3r(l da}' of October, 1902, described in and a copy of which is set out in said i)etition, was duly and voluntarily made, signed and acknowledged by the said Jane Lathrop Stanford on said 3rd day of October, 1902, and was duly and voluntarily delivered by her to said Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University on said date; and, by virtue of the powers and privileges reserved to the said Jane Lathrop Stanford in and by the aforesaid Founding Grant and by the Act of the Legislature of the State of California under DECREE. AMENDMENTS OF TRUSTS. 49 and in accordance with which said Leland Stanford Junior University was founded, the said Jane Lathrop Stanford, in and by said instrument, duly and regularly amended the said trusts set out in and established by said Founding Grant, and the amendments thereof heretofore stated. That all of said amendments so made in and by said instrument in the form of an address, dated the 3rd day of October, 1902, were and are valid and binding and are hereinafter set forth. That the said instrument of surrender, resignation and grant, dated the 1st day of June, 1903, described in and a copy of which is set out in said petition, was duly and vol- untarily made, signed and acknowledged by the said Jane Lathrop Stanford on said 1st day of June, 1903, and duly and voluntarily delivered by her to said Trustees of the said Leland Stanford Junior University on said date, and there- upon the said Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University duly and regularly, by resolution and in writing, accepted said instrument and accepted and assumed the powers and duties thereby devolving upon said Trustees. That in and by said instrument the said Jane Lathrop Stan- ford duly and regularly amended the said trusts set out in and established by said Founding Grant and the amendments of said trusts made prior to said 1st day of June, 1903; and that all the amendments so made by said instrument dated the 1st day of June, 1903, were and are valid and binding and are hereinafter set forth. That the said instrument of surrender, resignation and grant, dated the 1st day of June. 1903, as a whole, and each and every part, provision, condition and trust thereof, w^as, at the time of the delivery thereof, and now is, valid and binding, and upon the delivery thereof all the right, title and interest which the said Jane Lathrop Stanford then had in or to any of the property therein described or referred to, including all the property hereinafter described, irre- vocably passed to and vested in. and all said property now belongs to. the said Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Unixersity. j^ctitioners herein, and is held by them for the 51) 1)i:cri-:k, assu]N[ptiox of control by truhtees. foundini^-. endowment, maintenance and l)cnetit of the said Leland Stanford Junior University upon and subject to the trusts hereinafter set forth, subject only to the right of the said jane Lathrop Stanford t(^ liaxe. hold, use and enjoy during her natural life the home and premises situ- ated on the Southwest corner of Powell and California Streets in the Lit}' and County of San l-'rancisco. State of California, and more particularly described in subdivision "P>" of the description of property hereinafter set forth, and all the furniture, household effects, paintings, pictures, books, statuary, works of art, bric-a-brac, and other effects, now contained in said home and in the home of the said Jane Lathrop Stanford situated on said Palo Alto I'arm. That upon the deli^■ery of the said instrument of sur- render, resignation and grant, dated the first day of June, 1903, all the i)Owers, privileges and duties reserved to or vesting in said Jane Lathrop Stanford over or concerning the trusts created for the founding, endowment, maintenance or benefit of the Leland Stanford Junior L^niversity, including tlie right to amend or modify said trusts, and over, in or concerning the property held in trust for the founding, endowment, maintenance or benefit of said University, in- cluding all the property hereinafter described, and over, in or concerning the said University or any department thcrof, immediately ceased and terminated. That c\ery act herein found or stated to have been done or ])erfornu'(l by the said jane Lathrop Stanford was done or performed l)y her of her own free will, and at the time when each said act was done or performed the said Jane Lathrop Stanford was of sound mind and fully com])etent to pcrftirm said act and was not acting under duress, menace, fraud, mi^talce. undue inlluence or au}- other legal disability. That all of the following described ])ro])ert}-, all of which \vas described in and claimed 1)\- the said Trustees, petitioners herein, in said ])etition. is now in the ])ossession of and under the control of the said Timoth\- ilojikins, ilorace Davis, Thomas P. Mch'arland. ( ieorge 1'^ ( irav, W illiani M . Stewart, DECEEE, DESCRIPTIOX AND TITLE OF PROPERTY. 51 Joseph D. Grant, Samuel F. Leib, Leon Sloss, Thomas W. Stanford, Frank Miller, Charles G. Lathrop, Russell J. Wilson, Whitelaw Reid and George E. Crothers, as Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, to-wit : REAL PROPERTY. A (Property conveyed to the Board of Trustees by the Founding Grant.) B (San Francisco Residence Property.) C (Real Estate in the Counties of San Francisco. San Mateo, Santa Clara, Tehama, Napa, Contra Costra, Siskiyou, Colusa, Glenn, Madera, San Luis Obispo, San Bernardino, Alameda, Marm, State of California.) D (Real Estate in the County of Tehama, State of Cali- fornia.) E (Real Estate in the County of Lassen, State of Cali- fornia.) F (Real Estate in the Counties of Alameda, Yolo, Contra Costa, Santa Clara and Lassen, State of California.) G (Real Estate in the Counties of Santa Clara and San Mateo, State of California.) H (Capital Stock of Corporations.) I (Bonds and Certificates.) J (Other Personal Property.) 52 DECREE, SUOCEfc?SIOX TO TITLE. That all of the above described property is now owned by, and the full legal title in fee simple to all said property is vested in, the said Timothy Hopkins, Horace Davis, Thomas B. McFarland, George E. Gray, William M. Stewart, Joseph D. Grant, Samuel F. Leib, Leon Sloss, Thos. W. Stan- ford Frank jMiller, Charles G. Lathrop, Russell J. Wilson, Whitelaw Reid and George E. Crothers, as Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, and is held by them for the founding, endowment, maintenance and benefit of the said Leland Stanford Junior University upon and subject to the trusts hereinafter set forth, subject only to the right of the said Jane Lathrop Stanford to have, hold, use and enjoy during her natural life the home and premises situated on the southwest corner of Powell and California streets, in the City and Count}^ of San Francisco, State of California, and more particularly described in subdivision "B" of the fore- going description of property, and all the furniture, house- hold effects, paintings, pictures, books, statuary, works of art, bric-a-brac and other effects now contained in said home and in the home of the said jane Lathrop Stanford situated on said Palo Alto Farm. That the said Jane Lathrop Stanford has no right, title or interest in, or power over, any of the above described property, either individually or as Surviving Founder of said Leland Stanford Junior University, or as widow, devisee or legatee of the said Leland Stanford, excepting as stated in the preceding paragraph. That all of the above described proi)erty constitutes a single trust fund. That the said Timothy Hopkins, Horace Davis, Thomas B. McFarland, George E. Gray, William ]\L Stewart, Joseph D. Grant, Samuel F. Leib, Leon Sloss, Thomas W. Stanford, Frank Miller, Charles G. Lathrop, Russell J. Wilson. White- law Reid and George E. Crothers, petitioners herein, consti- tute the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, and they are the survivors and successors of the Trustees named or referred to in each of the grants, deeds, conveyances and other instruments herein referred to, and DECEEE, THE FOUNDING GEANT. 53 they are the Trustees of all trusts created by said grants, deeds, conveyances and other instruments, and are the Trus- tees of all the trusts hereinafter set forth. That all of the trusts set forth in and created by said Founding Grant and all of the amendments and modifications of said trusts are hereinafter quoted from, and set forth in, the language of the Grant, deed, address or other instrument creating said trusts, amendments or modifications, and the said trusts as so amended are the trusts upon which all of th«? property herein described is held. I. That the following are all of the trusts set forth in and created by said Founding Grant, dated the 11th day of Novem- ber, 1885, and executed and delivered by the said Leland Stan- ford and Jane Lathrop Stanford, to-wit: GRANT FOUNDING AND ENDOWING THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY. We LELAND STANFORD and JANE LATHROP STANFORD, husband and wife, grantors, desiring to pro- mote the public welfare by founding, endowing and having maintained upon our estate known as the Palo Alto Farm, and situated in the counties of San Mateo and Santa Clara, State of California, United States of America, a Universit}'- for both sexes, with the Colleges, Schools, Seminaries of Learning, ^Mechanical Institutes, Museums, Galleries of Art, and all other things necessary and appropriate to a Uni- versity of high degree, to that end, and for that purpose, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to Lorenzo Sawyer, H. \\'. Harkness, James Mc?^l. Shafter, Josiah Stanford, Charles Goodall, Florace Davis, Alfred L. Tubbs. John F. Miller, Francis E. Spencer, John Boggs, Henr}- A^rooman. T. r.. McFarland, Charles F. Crocker, Isaac S. lielcher. Tim- othy Hopkins, John O. Brown, Ilenry L. Dodge. George E. 54 D K( ' \l V. K. T 1 1 1-; FOUNDING GRANT. Gray, Irving- ^I. Scott, X. W. Spaulding", ^^"illiam Ashbiirncr of California, Matthew P. Deady of Oregon, William M. Stewart of Nevada, and Stephen J. P'ield, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the Cnited States, Trustees, and to their successors forever, all and singular tiic following described property : That certain tract of land, situate in the County of J^)Utte, State of California, and now commonly known and designated as Stanford's Gridley Farm. Also that certain tract of land situated partly in the said County of Butte, and partly in the County of Tehama, in said State, and now commonly known and desig^nated as Stanford's Vina Farm. And also that certain tract of land situated partly in the County of Santa Clara and partly in the County of San Mateo, and now commonly known and designated as the Palo Alto Farm. Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, with the water rights, water ditches, pipes, flumes, canals, aqueducts and reservoirs now used in connection with either of said tracts of land : said tracts of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds in the paper hereto attached, marked "Schedule A" and made part liereof. To have and to hold said pro])cr1v. and all other i)rop- erty, real and personal, whicii we. or either of us, may here- after convey or devise to ihem or their successors upon t he trust that it shall constitute the fonndation and endowniejit for the University herein ])rovided, and u])on the trust that the principal thereof shall forever remain intact, and that the rents, issues and profits thereof shall be devoted to the foundation and maintenance of the University hereby founded and endowed, and to the uses and purposes herein mentioned. Xow therefore, further in ])ursuance of said desire, and that the trust hereby created' may be executed according to the wishes of the grantors and each of them, they do hereby, as it is provided may l)e done by the Act (jf the Legislature of the State of California, approved Aiarch 9th, 1883, entitled "An DECRKK, THK FOrXDIXG (JRAXT. 55 act to achance learning, the arts and sciences, and to promote the public welfare, by providing for the conveyance, holding and protection of property, and the creation of trusts for the founding, endowment, erection and maintenance within this State of universities, colleges, schools, seminaries of learning, mechanical institutes, museums and galleries of art," designate : First. THE NATURE. OBJECT AXD PURPOSES OF THE INSTITUTION HEREPiY FOUNDED, TO BE: Its nature, that of a university with such seminaries of learning as shall make it of the highest grade, includmg mechanical institutes, museums, galleries of art, laboratories, and conservatories, together with all things necessary for the study of agriculture in all its branches, and for mechanical" training, and the studies and exercises directed to the culti- vation and enlargement of the mind ; Its object, to qualify its students for personal success^ and direct usefulness in life ; And its purposes, to promote the public welfare by exer- cising an influence in behalf of humanity and civilization, teaching the blessings of liberty regulated by law, and incul- cating love and reverence for the great principles of govern- ment as deri\ed from the inalienable rights of man to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Second. i THE NAME OF THE INSTITUTION. Since the idea of establishing an institution of this kind for the benefit of mankind came directly and largely from our son and only child LELAND. and in the belief that had he been spared to advise us as to the disposition of our estate he would have desired the dcxotion of a large portion thereof to this ]mr])ose. we will that for all time to come the institu- tion hereby founded shall l)car his name, and shall be known as 56 DECREE, THE FOUNDING GRANT. THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNR'ERSITY. Third. THE NUMBER, QUORUM AND DESIGNATION OF THE TRUSTEES. The number of the Trustees shall be twenty-four, and fifteen thereof shall constitute a quorum, but the assent of not less than a majority of the whole, to-wit: thirteen, shall be necessary for affirmative action in the execution of the trusts herein contained. The Trustees herein named and their successors, in their collective capacit}-, shall be known and designated as "The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University." Fourth. That the Trustees (subject to the reservations and to the rights to alter and amend hereinafter contained) shall liave power, and it shall be iheir duty : 1. To meet m the City of San Francisco on the four- teenth day of November, 18S5, or as soon thereafter as prac- ticable, and then and there a majority of their number being present, to organize as a Board by electing one of their number Chairman, and to transact such other business as ma}' be proper. 2. To manage and control the institution hereby founded. 3. To manage and control the trust proi)crty, care for and improve the same, operate or lease it and apply the net proceeds or profits thereof to the purposes of the trust hereby created. 4. To. in their discretion, receive grants of property from others in aid of the institution founded, or to establish Scht^larships therein. — providing the same are made upon ternis and condition in harmony with the purposes of the Institution as herein declared. 5. To receive from the grantors, or either of them, by grant or devise, such other property as the grantors or either DECEEE, THE FOUXDIXG GRANT. 57 of them may hereafter elect to give, and to hold such prop- ert}^ upon the same conditions and to the same uses and trusts, as are herein prescribed. 6. To make By-Laws not inconsistent with the laws ot this State, or the purposes of this grant, for the government of the Institution hereby founded. 7. To make rules and regulations for the management of the trust property. 8. To keep a full and fair record of their proceedings. 9. To appoint a President of the University, w^ho shall not be one of their number, and to remove him at will. 10. To employ professors and teachers at the Universit3^ 11. To fix the salaries of the President, professors and teachers, and to fix them at such rates as will secure to the University the services of men of the very highest attain- ments. 12. To use the rents, issues and profits of the trust property (but no part of the principal) in the execution of their trust, and in case such rents, issues, and profits, for any one year, exceed the amount necessary to execute the trust, and maintain the Institution for said year, then to invest the same until its use becomes necessar3^ 13. To establish and maintain at such University an educational system which will, if followed, fit the graduate for some useful pursuit, and to this end to cause the pupils, as early as may be, to declare the particular calling, which in life they may desire to pursue ; but such declaration shall not be binding if, in the judgment of the President of the University, the student is not by nature fitted for the pursuit declared. 14. To prohil)it sectarian instruction, but to have taught in the University the immortality of the soul, the existence of an all-wise and benevolent Creator, and that obedience to His laws is the highest dut}^ of man. 15. To have taught in the I"^niversity the right and ad- vantages of association and co-operation. 58 DKCKKH, TIIK FOUNDING GRANT. \(\ To afford equal facilities and give equal advantages in the University to both the sexes. 17. To maintain on the Palo Alto Estate a farm for instruction in Agriculture in all its l)ranches. 18. To do and perform all things hereinafter provided for, and all things necessary to the proper exercise and discharge of their trust. Fifth. THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF TFIE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY. It shall be the duty of the Trustees to give to the Presi- dent of the University the following powers : 1. To prescribe the duties of the professors and teachers. 2. To remove professors and teachers at will. 3. To prescribe and enforce the course of study and the mode and manner of teaching. 4. Such other powers as will enable him to control the educational part of the University to such an extent that he may justly be held responsible for the course of study therein and for the good conduct and capacity of the professors and teachers. Sixth. THE FACULTY. The Trustees shall con.stitute the President and pro- fessors the faculty of the University, and prescribe their powers and duties as such. Seventh. THE MANNER, AND TO Wllo.M. THE TRUSTEES SHALL REPORT. The P>oard of Trustees shall annually report all their proceedings to the person who for the time being shall fill the office of Governor of the State of California, and shall accompany such report with a full account of their financial operations for the preceding year, and with a statement of the financial affairs of the Institution. DECEEE, THE FOUNDING GRANT. 59 Eighth. THE MODE AND MAXXER, AND BY WHOM, THE SUCCESSORS TO THE TRUSTEES NAMED IN THE GRANT ARE TO BE APPOINTED. Any Trustee named in this Grant, or the successor to any such Trustee, may for good cause be removed by a proper court of equity jurisdiction, after notice to him, and upon the application of the grantors herein, or either of them, or upon the application of the Board of Trustees. Any Trustee named in this Grant or the successor of any svich Trustee, may, in writing, addressed and delivered to the Board of Trustees, resign his office as Trustee, and every vacanc}^ in the Trustees which shall occur during the lives of the grantors, or during the life of either of them, either from the failure of any Trustee named in this Grant to accept the trust, or from death, resignation or otherwise, shall be filled by the grantors, or either of them, as the case may be, and every vacancy occurring thereafter shall be filled by the surviving or remaining Trustees by ballot. Ninth. THE PLACE WHERE. AND THE TIME WHEN, THE BUILDINGS XECESSARY AND PROPER FOR THE INSTITUTION SHALL BE ERECTED, THE CHARACTER AND EXTENT THEREOF. The Trustees shall : 1. Within two years from the date hereof, select and lay off on the Palo Alto Farm a site, and adopt a general plan for the construction of the University buildings. Such build- ings shall be plain and substantial in character and extensive enough to provide accommodations for the University and the Colleges, Schools, Seminaries, Mechanical Institutes, Museums, Laboratories. Conservatories and Galleries of Art, ])art thereof. They shall l)c built as needed, and no faster, and in a manner which shall allow for additions and expan- sions from lime to time, as the necessities of the University 60 DECREE, THE FOUNDING GEANT. may demand, the Trustees bearing in mind that extensive and expensive buildings do not make a University; that it depends for its success rather upon the character and attain- ments of its Faculty. In this behalf, and to the end that the endowment may not be wasted, or impaired, by the premature construction of expensive buildings, the Trustees shall be the exclusive judges, free from all interference from any source whatever, of the time when buildings are needed, and of the time and manner of their construction and of the time and manner of making additions thereto. 2. Lay off on the PALO ALTO FARM one or more sites for buildings for the officers and employes of the Insti- tution, and erect and maintain thereon such buildings as may be necessary. 3. Lay off on the Palo Alto Farm one or more sites for dwelling-houses for parents or guardians and their families, and for such other persons as the Board may direct, and erect thereon buildings and lease the same, or lease the land and permit the lessees to erect such buildings, on such terms and conditions as the Board ma_v direct. 4. Lay ofif on said Palo Alto Farm a lot of about ten acres, and suitably improve and maintain the same forever as a place of burial and of last rest on earth for the bodies of the grantors and of their son LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR, and as the Board may direct, for the bodies of such other persons who may have been connected with the Universit}-. 5. Lay off on the Palo Alto Farm a site for, and erect thereon a church. Tenth. TME SCHOLARSHIPS AND OTHER MATTERS CON- NECTED THEREW^ITH. The Trustees shall have power, and it shall be their duty : I. To establish and maintain in connection with the University such a number of free Scholarships as the endow- DECEEE, THE FOUNDING GRANT. 61 ment ot the Institution, considernig all its objects, will justify. Such scholarships must be given either to those who, by good conduct and study, have earned the right thereto, or to tho deserving children of those who, dying without means in the service of the State, or in the cause of humanity, have a special claim upon the good-will of mankind. 2. To fix the terms and conditions upon which the students generally may be admitted to all or any of the pri\- ileges of the University. 3. To fix the terms and conditions upon which the stu- dents of the public and private schools and other deserving persons may attend the lectures of the Universit}', or engage in original research thereat, and the terms and conditions upon which the agricultural farms, laboratories, museums, art galleries, mechanical institutes, conservatories and other institutions, part of the University shall be open to deserving persons, without their becoming students thereof. 4. To establish and have given at the University, by its ablest professors, courses of lectures upon the science of government, and upon Law, Medicine, Mechanics, and the other Arts, and Sciences, which shall be free to the post- graduates of the Colleges of the University hereby founded, and to the post-graduates of all other colleges and universi- ties, and to all deserving persons, to the full capacity of the lecture-rooms, under such rules and regulations as the Trus- tees may adopt. Eleventh. ELECTION OF THE GRANTORS TO CONTROL THE PROPERTY AND THE EXECUTION OF THE TRUST DURING THEIR LIVES, OR TFIE LIFE OF EITHER. The grantors, and each of them, do hereby, in accord- ance with the provisions of the aforesaid Act of the Legis- lature, elect: I. In relation to the property hereby conveyed, and in relation to such other property as may hereafter be conveved 62 DKcK'Ki;. rill-: fouxdixg grant. or devised by them or either of them to said Trustees for the purpose of this trust, aud in relation to the erection, maintenance and management of the Institution hereby founded, to perform durin^- their lives all the duties and exercise all the powers and pri\ile|Lies, Avhich. b}' the terms oi this grant, arc enjomed ujjou and \ested in the Trustees tlierein luuned. 2. Thai the sur\ivor of either of said j^i^rantors shall, after the death of the other, and durin,2^ the life of the sin'vi\-or. in relation to all of said ])r()])erty. and in relation to the erection, maintenance and manag"enient of the insti- tution hereby founded, perform all the duties, and exercise all the powers and pri\ ileges which, by the terms of this grant are enjoined ui)on and vested in the Trustees therein named. 3. That u])on the death of both grantors then all such duties shall devolve upon and all such powers and privileges shall be exercised by the Trustees named in this grant, and !)}• their successors forever. Twelfth. RESERVATION 0!< 'I'llE RIGHT 'i'O ALTER, AMEND OR MODIFY TlJb: TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS GRANT, AND THE TRUST THEREIN CREATED, IN CERTAIN RESPECTS. The grantors hereby reser\e to themsch"es dtu'ing their lives, and hereby reserve and grant to the one who shall sur\i\e the other, during his or her life, the right to alter, amend or modify the terms and conditions of this grant, and tlie trusts therein created, in res])ect lo the nature, object and piu'poses of the mslitntion foun(le(l, the powers and duties of the Trustees, the manner in which, and to whom. they shall account, the mode and manner, and l)y whom, their successors shall be ap])ointed, the rules and regula- tions for the nianagcment of the property conveyed, the time when, and the character and extent of. the buildings which shall be erected, the right to provide for trades and pro- DECREE, THE FOUXDIXG GRANT. 63 fessions which shall be taught in the institution, and the terms upon which scholarsliips shall be founded. Thirteenth. RESERVATION OF OTHER RIGHTS. The grantors hereby reser^•e to themselves during their lives, and hereby reserve and grant to the one who shall survive the other, during his or her life. 1. The right to absolute dominion over the personal property which they, or either of them, may hereafter give to said Trustees, or their successors, and over the rents, issues and profits thereof. 2. The right to absolute dominion over the rents, issues and profits of the real property hereby granted. 3. The right to improve, manage and control the trust property, as if this grant had not been made ; but this reser- vation does not include the right or power to sell or encum- ber any of the real property granted. All these rights, and all other rights reserved by, and all powers and privileges given, or duties imposed upon, the grantors, or either of them, by the terms of this grant, shall be exercised, enjoyed and performed by said grantors or either of them, as the case may be. without let or hindrance, and free from all interference from any source whatever, and from all duty to report their action, and from all liability to account in any manner therefor, and from all liability for waste, loss, misappropriation, or for any act or deed whatever, by them or either of them done or permitted. Fourteenth. _ THE CUSTODY OF THE PERSONS OF ^HXORS. And further, in pursuance of said desire, the grantors hereby provide that the Trustees named in this grant, and their successors, may. in the name of the Institution become the custodian of the persons of minors, taking such custody in the manner, and for the time, and in accordance with the 64 DKCHKi;, A-Mi:.\l>.MEXTS OV .irXK 1, 1897. provisions of Sections 264 to 276. inclusive, of tlic Civil Code of the State of California. Fifteenth. LIMITATIONS UPON THE POWERS OF THE TRUSTEES. 1. Neither the Trustees herein named, nor their suc- cessors, shall have power to sell or convey the real property hereinbefore described and granted. 2. The Trustees herein named, and their successors, shall serve without compensation. Sixteenth. ^IISCELLANEOUS. The grantors hereby declare : 1. That all the property hereby conveyed was acquired by them during co\erture, and was, until this grant was exe- cuted, their community property, and for that reason, and because of their mutual desire to be associated in this under- taking, they in accordance w^ith the provisions of the afore- said Act of the Legislature ha\e joined in this con\eyance. 2. This grant, and all grants and devises hereafter made by the grantors or either of them for endowing and main- taining the Institution hereby founded, shall be liberally construed, and always with a view to effect the objects and promote the purposes of the grantors, as herein expressed. II. That on the 1st day of June, 1897, the foregoing trusts, set forth in and created by said Founding Grant, were duly and regularly amended by the aforesaid instrument in the form of an address, dated, executed and delivered on the 1st day of June, 1897, as follows, to-wit: I further ' authority to speak for it, he should keep silent. If the professors «>f ihis University believe the aliove ti) be the true reason why jirofessors of other universities ha\e nearly altogether abstained from entering ui)on the pul)lic rostrum in the discussion of pi>litical and other questions upop wliich imbli'- feeling runs high and ui)on DP:CREE, amendments of OCTOBEE 3, 1902. 79 which llie public is itself divided, then I indulge ni the hope that they will follow their example. The Uni\ersity Avas not made independent of State con- trol because of any purpose of the founders inconsistent with its character as a State Institution, but because they believed that its purposes could be better and more surely accom- plished through a Board of Trustees free from possible political or partisan influence, and independent of all external control save that of Courts of Equity. Notwithstanding their creation of the University as an independent institution, it was the wish and purpose of the Founders that it should be kept, as far as practicable, in harmony with the public educational system, and tliat, in the matter of entrance requirements as well as in every other relation of the Uni- versity with the general public, the University authorities should take into consideration the welfare of those who do not attend the UniAcrsity as well as those who do, and adopt the policy which, in their judgment, is in accord with the spirit of the foundation, as above defined. AA'ithout neces- sarily lowering the standard of regular admission to the University, concessions may be made in admission upon partial or special standing, or otherwise, in favor of students coming from high schools which cannot afford to maintain a separate course of study for the benefit of the small minority of high school students Avho go to universities, but ofifer a reasonable number of practical studies for the prepa- ration of their students for an immediate entry into the active walks of life. vSo long as the public maintains an eiificient high school system, the education given by the University to a student should commence where that given to him by the high school ends ; and there should be no gap in his necessary education between where the high school ends and the Universit}' begins and which omitted part of his education could only be supplied by private schools — the latter not licing gcneralh^ accessible to the students of limited means. The University authorities are, however, the sole judges of the qualifications of applicants for admission to any department of the institution. 80 DEC KKE, AMKXDMK.XT^ UE OtTOBKK 3, 1902. Tlie University has been endowed with a view of offering instruction free, or nearly free, that it may resist the tendency to the stratification of society, by keeping" open an avenue whereby the deserving and exceptional nun' rise through their own elTorts from the lowest to the highest stations in life. A spirit of equalit}' must accordingly be maintained within the University. To this end it shall be the duty of the University authorities to prohibit excessive expenditures and other excesses on the part of students, and the formation or growth of any organization, custom or social function that tends to the development of exclusive or undemocratic castes within the L'niversity, and to exclude from the institution any one whose conduct is inconsistent with the spirit of the foundation. While its chief object is the instruction of students with a view to producing" leaders and educators in every field of science and industry, the Universit}^ was also designed "to advance learning, the arts and sciences ;" and to this end the institution should assist, by experimentation and research, in the advancement of useful knowledge and in the dissemi- nati(^n and practical application of the same. The I'^ounding Grant provides that the Trustees shall establish and maintain at the University an educational s)'stem which will, if foliovvcd, fit the graduate for some useful ])ursuit. and to this end, cause the pupils, as early as may be, to declare the particular calling which they ma}' desire to pursue. The purpose of this requirement is not only to assure the jiractical character of the instruction, and to prevent such instruction as will not tend directly "to qualify students for personal success and direct usefulness in life," but to protect the Uni\crsity from the cost of instruct- ing and from the baneful influence of a class, bound to infest the institution as the country grows older, who wish to acquire a University degree or fashionable educational veneer for the mere ornamentation of idle and purposeless lives. The moving spirit of the Founders in the foundation and endowment of the Leland Stanford Junior I'niversitv was DECREE, RESIGXATIOX OF SURVIVIXG FOUNDER. 81 love of humanity and a desire to render the greatest possible service to mankind. The University was accordingly (de- signed for the betterment of mankind morally, spiritually, intellectually, physically and materially. The public at large, and not alone the comparatively few students who can attend the University, are the chief and ultimate beneficiaries of the foundation. While the instruction offered must be such as will qualify the students for personal success and direct usefulness in life, they should understand that it is ofifered in the hope and trust that they will become thereby of greater service to the public. As stated in the letter to the Trustees, accompanying the Founding Grant, "the object is not alone to give the student a technical education, fitting him for a successful business life, but it is also to instill into his mind an appre- ciation of the blessings of this Government, a reverence for its institutions, and a love of God and humanity, to the end that he may go forth and by precept and example spread the great truths by the light of which his fellow men will be elevated and taught how to obtain happiness in this world, and in the life eternal." VI. That the trusts set forth in and created by said Found- ing Grant and amendments thereof made prior to the 1st day of June, 1903, were upon said 1st day of June, 1903, further duly and regularly amended by said surrender, resignation and grant dated and executed, acknowledged and delivered by said Jane Lathrop Stanford, on that day, as follows, to-wit: NOW, THEREFORE, I, JANE LATHROP STAN- FORD, do hereby resign, relinquish and surrender all the riglus. ])o\vcrs, privileges and duties reserved to, tleve)lving upon, or vesting in me, by reason of the aforesaid conditions and reservations of said Founding Grant or by reason of the same or any similar or other conditions or reservations con- tained in, or attaching by inference or operation of law to, an}- other grant or instrument granting or gi\-ing property 82 1;K( Ri:i:. inisKiXATloX of sukvivixc foiwdkr. in trust tor ihc liiuiulini;'. luaintciumcc or l)cnetit of said L'ni- ve.rsit}', or contained ni. or attaching" by inference or opera- tion of law to. an}' other instrument atifecting the trusts created for the founding, endowment, maintenance or l)enefit of said Universit}-. AXn M'R'niKI^MoRE. I hereby resign, relincfuish and surrender all the rights. i)owers, privileges and duties reserved to. dexohing upon, or vesting in me as widow of the said Leland Stanford or as Surviving Founder of the said Leland Stanford Junior University, over, in. or con- cerning all of the property of every kind nt)w held or here- after given or granted in trust for the founding, endowment, maintenance, equipment artnient of said Leland Stanford Junior University, but ilio same shall nexcr be a])propriatcd for the use of a club-house, a boarding-house or ])lace of undignified amuse- ment. M. H. HYLAND, Judge. San Jose, July 3d, 1903. (Endorsed) : Filed Jul. 6, 1903, 9:30 a. m. Henry A. Pfister, Clerk. By A. C. Russ, Deputy. Entered July 22nd, 1903. Henry A. Pfister, Clerk. By J. M. Chilue. Deputy. PART IV. SUPPLEMENTARY DECREE September 27, 1907 No. 14,912 Department 2 IN THE Superior Court OF THE State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara In the Matter of the AppHcation of The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Univer- sity and of Timothy Hopkins, et al., as Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for aid and instruc- tion from the Court. Supplementary Decree WILSON & WILSON Attorneys at Law Union Trust Buildin.u". San Francisco, Cal. In the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara In the Matter of tlie Application of THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE LELAXD STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY and of 'J'imcjthy Hopkins, Horace Davis, Thomas B. AIcFar- land, George E. Gray, Joseph D. Grant, Samuel F. pgg^ Leib, Leon Sloss, Thomas \\\ Stanford, Frank Mil- 1 |i|g 2 ler, Charles G. Lathrop, Whitelaw Reid, George E. Crothers, William Babcock, Charles P. Eells, and Vanderlynn Stow, as Trustees of the Leland Stan- ford Junior University, for aid and instruction from the Court. No. 14,912 Supplementary Decree The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, and Timothy Hopkins, Horace Davis, Thomas B. Mcl'arland, George E. Gray, Joseph D. Grant, Samuel F. Leib, Leon Sloss, Thomas W. Stanford, l-'rank Miller, Charles G. Lathrop, Whitelaw Reid, George E. Crothers, \\'illiam Bab- cock, Charles V. Eells and X'anderlynn Stow, as Trustees of the Leland Stanford Jimior L'niversity, having on the 20th day of Sejitember, 1907, filed in this Court a supj^lementary petition asking the aid and instruction of this Court in construing their power to invest the trust funds in their hands in loans upon 92 SUPPLE:M1-:NTAEY Dl'X'REE. the security of real estate or other satisfactory security, and in the purchase of real estate, and as io investing a portion of said funds in improvements on real estate, and as to their power to sell or lease the lot of land (m the southwesterl}- corner of California and Powell Streets in the City and County of San Francisco. State of California, and for such other and further or different relief and aid and instruction in regard to investing said trust funds and in regard to their power and duties, as may l)e proper and just in the premises, and the Court, by its order duly made and filed on the 20th day of September, 1907, having set said petition for hearing on Friday, the 27th day of September. 1907, at the hour of ten o'clock A. ]\r. of said day in tlic Courtroom of Department Numl^er Two of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, in the Courthouse in the Cit}' of San Jose, and having b}^ said order directed that the Clerk give notice of said hear- ing by posting notices thereof in the manner provided by law at least five days before said hearing: Xow% on this 27th day of September, 1907, said petition coming on regularly to be heard at the time and place fixed by said order, and due proof being made to the satisfaction of the Court and filed herein that notice of this hearing was duly given by posting as required by said order and according to law, and it appearing that the Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine the matters set forth in said petition, and all of the petitioners herein appearing by Wilson & Wilson, their attorneys, and no other person or persons appearing and no contest or other opposition (jr objection to tlie said petition being made or filed by an}- person whatever, the Court there- uj)()n ])roceeded to hear said petition and the ex'idence thereon, and petitioners Samuel I-". Feib, Charles G. Lathrop, George E. brothers and Timothy ITojikins. Trustees, being sworn and exaniiiu'd in o])cn Court, and other evidence, oral and docu- mentary, being introduced and heard relative to and in supjiort of the allegations of said petition, and the matters being sub- mitted, after due i)rcscntation, for the decision of the Court, and the Court being fullv adxiscd. it is now, on motion of SUPPLEMENTAEY DECREE. 93 Counsel for petitioners, ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DE- CREED as follows, to-wit : 1. That this Court has full jurisdiction in this proceeding to hear this petition and to determine all matters set forth therein and to grant the relief prayed for. 2. That all the allegations of said petition are true. 3. That the petitioners Timothy Hopkins, Horace Davis, Thomas B. McFarland, George E. Gray, Joseph D. Grant, Samuel F. Leib, Leon Sloss, Thomas W. Stanford, Frank Mil- ler, Charles G. Lathrop, AVhitelaw Reid, George E. Crothers, \\'illiam Babcock, Charles P. Eells and Vanderlynn Stow are all of the Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University and do now constitute the entire Board of Trustees of said University, and that the legal title in fee simple to all of the properties referred to in said petition is now vested in said Trustees, petitioners herein, and that they hold, manage and control all of said properties for the founding, endowment, maintenance and Ijcnefit of the said Leland Stanford Junior University upon and subject to the trusts in the said petition set forth and referred to; and that all of the properties so held in trust constitute a single trust fund. 4. That the trusts set forth in said petition constitute a public benefaction with no specially designated beneficiaries and with no persons legally or directly interested in its man- agement other than the People of the State of California. 5. That imder said trusts it is a part of the duties of said Trustees and their successors to invest and re-invest the trust funds in their hands for the benefit of said University and that it is at times difficult and at other times impossible to invest the funds of said University in satisfactory bonds or bonded securities yielding a satisfactory rate of interest, and that the said Board of Trustees now has in its possession large sums of money which are bringing in practically no income to the said University because of the said Trustees being unable to invest the same in safe bonds or bonded securities yielding a satisfactory rate of interest. 04 SUPPLEMENTARY DRCREE. 6. That there is now a ,qrcat deniand, parlieuhirly in the City and County of San I'raneiseo, State of Calift)rnia. for money to be used in the construction of buildinj^s, and that large sums of mone}" can l)e loaned with i)erfect safety U])on the securit}- of real estate in llie said Cit}" and Comity of San I-'rancisco. and elsewhere, or upon other satisfactory- ^ecurity, so as to ijroduce a rate of interest in excess of thai derixed from bonds or bonded secm'ities. 7. That the lU^ard of Trustees and their successors may not always be able to make desirable loans of all the uninvested funds in their hands or to inirchase desirable and safe bonds with said trust funds, owing^ tcj changins^" financial conditions and the larg-e amounts of money which they have from time to lime in their possession, and that it is desirable to invest a ])ortion of such funds in real estate and to improve the same ; that a portion of said funds can be so invested as to bring a satisfactory income to the said University. 8. That at the time of the execution of the different in- struments creating said trust, the home and men- tioned therein on the southwesterly corner of California and Powell Streets in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, consisted of a lot of land fronting two hundred and six feet and three inches on the southerly line of California Street, two hundred and se\'enty-five feet on the westerly line of Powell Street and two hundred and six feet and three inches on the northerly line of Pine Street, with a large and richl}- furnished dwelling house thereon which was and had been the home of Leland Stanford and Jane Lathrop Stanford and. because of the fact that said l)uilding had been the home of herself and her said husband Leland ."-Stanford, said Jane Lathrop Stanford directed that the said home and ])remises should not be sold after her death, but that the same should be used for educational ])urposes in connection with or as a de])artment of said Ixland Stanford Junior L'niversity and that the same should never be api)ropriated for the use of a club house. Ijoarding house or place of undignified amusement. Sri'PLEMENTARY DECEEE. 95 That said Jane Lathrop Stanford departed this life on the 28th day of February, 1905. 9. That on or about the 19th day of April, 1906, the said building and home on said lot of land was destroyed by fire and the said lot of land is now vacant and unproductive. That b}- reason of said destruction of said building and home an exact and literal compliance with the directions of said Jane Lathrop Stanford in reference thereto is impossible and that her intention in regard thereto cannot be carried out; and that the result which the said Jane L. Stanford evidently desired to avoid at the time of making said restriction to-wit : the use of her family residence and home for undignified pur- poses, cannot now happen and. therefore, the reason for mak- ing said restrictions no longer exists. That said lot of land is situated in a very hilly portion of the said City and County of San Francisco, and cannot well be utilized for the purposes of said University or for any benevo- lent purpose without the expenditure of a large sum of money and that the same probably would, if so utilized, thereafter be a source of great expense to said Trustees. That owing to its location practically the only way said lot of land can be made to produce an income is for said Trus- tees to erect thereon a large hotel, apartment or club house, which it is not now^ and may never be advisable or expedient for them to undertake. 10. That it would be for the best interests of said trust and said University to invest a portion of the funds in their hands in loans on the security of real estate or upon other satisfactory security : and to invest a portion thereof in real estate and improvements on the same, and to lease or sell said lot of land on the southwest corner of California and Powell Streets in said Cit\- and County of San I-^'ancisco, if a satis- factory price can be obtained therefor, and re-invest the pro- ceeds of such sale so as to j^roduce an income therefrom. 11. That said Hoard of Trustees and said Trustees and their successors ha\'e the power, under the trusts under which 96 SUPPLEMENTARY DECREE. they hold, manage and control said trust properties, to invest any portion of said trust funds in loans upon the security of real estate or upon any other security satisfactory to them ; and lliat they have the power to invest any portion of said trust funds in the purchase of real estate and the power to invest any portion of said trust funds in the purchase of im- provements on real estate or in the erection of improvements on real estate. \2. That said Board of Trustees and said Trustees and their successors have the power under said trusts, to lease said lot of land at the southwesterly corner of California and Powell Streets in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, said lot fronting two hundred and six feet and three inches on the southerly line of California Street, two hundred and seventy-five feet on the westerly line of Powell Street and two hundred and six feet and three inches on the northerly line of Pine Street, and formerly containing the residence of the said Jane Lathrop Stanford and the said Leland Stanford, for such time and times and for such pur- poses and on such terms as to them may seem advisable ; and have the power also to sell and convey said lot of land at such ])rice and on such terms as to them may seem advantageous, and to transfer the proceeds of such sale, if made, to the general trust fund of said University. M. II. IIYLAND, Judge. Done in open Court, this 27lh day of September, A. D. 1907. ( I'^idor.sed ) : Filed Sept. 27, 1907. Henry A. Pfister, Clerk. By R. K. O'Neil, Deputy. PART V. ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION OF THE FACULTY ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION OF THE FACULTY OF THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY. AS ADOPTED MARCH THIRTY-FIRST NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FOUR. CHAPTER I. Section 1. All Statutes, By-Laws and Regulations are subject to the University Trusts and the powers and duties vested in the Board of Trustees and the ['resident of the University. Sec. 2. The following Articles of Organization are subject to amendment or repeal by the Board of Trustees. CHAPTER II. The President. Section 1. The responsibilities and duties of the Presi- dent are set forth in the L^niversit}- Trusts and as herein provided. Sec. 2. The President shall be the executi\-e otTiccr of the Faculty of the University. Sec. 3. He shall be primarily responsible for the enforce- ment of discipline in the University. 100 OKCAMZATIOX OF FACrLTV. Sec. 4. 1 Ic shall be ex-officio Chairman of the Academic Council and of the Executive Committee of the Academic Council. Sec. 3. lie shall be ex-officio head of the faculty or faculties of any schools which ma}- hereafter be organized by the Uoard of Trustees. Sec. 6. lie shall be the official medium of cc^mmunica- tion between the teaching force of the University and the Board of Trustees, and between the students of the Uni- versity and the Board of Trustees. Sec. 7. He shall designate a full professor in each department to act as executive head of the Department Faculty, such executive head to hold office at the will of the President, both appointments and removals of heads of Department Faculties to ])e made after consultation with the Advisory Board and with the approval of the Board of Trustees. Sec. 8. He shall, subject to the approval of the Advisory Board, appoint the standing committees hereinafter desig- nated as Administrative, and shall name the chairman of such committees. CHAPTER III. Vice-President or Acting President. Section 1. In the al)sence of the President or in case of his inability to act. a Vice-President or Acting President. to be appointed by the Trustees, shall perform his functions. CHAPTER IV. The Academic Council. Sectif>n 1. The jjcjwer and authority of the whole Uni- versity Faculty is vested in the Academic Ccjuncil. ORGANIZATTOX OF FACFLTY. 101 Sec. 2. It consists of the President of the University, all Professors and Associate Professors, the Librarian, the Registrar, such Assistant Professors as have been upon the roll of the Faculty for three years, whether as Assistant Professors or Instructors, and such other officers of the University or members of the teaching staff as the Academic Council may, with the assent of the Board of Trustees, determine. Sec. 3. The Academic Council is vested with all of the powers and duties usually vested in the faculties of similar institutions to discuss and decide upon all matters of internal policy, except as herein otherwise provided. It has general power and responsibility for the internal administration of the University, subject to express provisions herein contained respecting the methods of exercising such powers through the agency of its Chairman and Committees, the Department Faculties or the Advisory Board. Sec. 4. The Council shall recommend to the Trustees candidates for graduation. Sec. 5. It shall have power to instruct the Standing Committees as to general policy or general regulations. Appeals from the action of the Academic Committees in special or individual cases, under such general regulations or policy, shall he to the Executive Committee of the Council. Appeals from the action of the Administrative Committees in special or individual cases shall be to the President. Sec. 6. Subject to the powers and duties vesting in the Trustees, all general Unixersity regulations, statutes and rules as to the matters within the province of the Faculty, shall be initiated in and passed by the Academic Council, and shall be in force, subject to the power of disapproxal in the Trustees, cxccj^ting that no regulation, statute, or rule involv- ing a change in the educational ]:)olicy of the L'niversity in respect to the requirements of admission, the course of study, or the conditions of graduation, shall take effect as above until the same shall have been submitted to the Trustees. 102 t)K(,iA,\lZAT10X OF FACULTY. The advisability of considering any proposed legislation may be informally suggested to the Council in general terms by the President of the University or by the Board of Trustees. Sec. 7. All Committees and Department Faculties may be instructed in their duties by the Council, and may be called upon to report their action to it. Sec. 8. Tiie Academic Council may adopt By-Laws and Rules of Order providing for its organization and the orderly conduct of its affairs. Sec. 9. A majority of its members shall constitute a quorum of the Academic Coimcil. CHAPTER V. The Advisory Board. Section 1. (a) The Advisory Board shall consist of nine members of the rank of Professor, one from each of the five department groups, as enumerated below, and four chosen without refer- ence to groups. (b) The existing departments of the University shall be divided into the following groups : 1. English, Germanic Languages, Latin, Greek, Romanic Languages. 2. Zoology, Physiology, Plygiene, Entomology, Botany, Geology. 3. ^Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Psychology. 4. Lavv, Plistory, Economics, Education, Philosophy. 5. Engineering, Applied Afathematics, Drawing. fc) New departments which may hereafter 1)e created shall be assigned to one of the al)ove groups by the President upon the advice of the Advisory Board, and subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. ORGANIZATION OF FACULTY. 103 Sec. 2. (a) Elections shall be by sealed ballot, without nomi- nation. (b) The Council shall, on the first Wednesday in May, 1904, first elect five members, one from each depart- ment group, and thereafter four members without reference to groups. (c) Each member of the Council voting shall, at each ballot, vote for as many candidates as are to be chosen. (dj At each ballot those receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected, provided that each shall have received a majority of all votes cast. (e) In case of non-election on the first ballot, balloting shall be continued until an election is made. Sec. 3. fa) The term of office shall l)e three years. (b) It shall be determined by lot who of those chosen at the first election shall hold for one, two or three years. (c) X'acancies by exi)iration of term shall be filled by the Council i)y election on the first Wednesday in ]\ray of each year at a meeting of which due u.otice has been given. (d) \ acancies caused by other reasons shall be filled for the unexpired term by election at a regular meeting or at a s])ecial meeting of the Council called for the purpose. (e) In al! cases election shall be by sealed ballot, with- out nomination, and grou]) representatives shall be elected first. (i) The Registrar shall furnish each member of the Council in advance with a list of eligible candidates, arranged alphabetically by (le])artment groups. (g) Six nK'ml)ers of tlic Adxisory IJoard shall consti- tute a ([uorum. Sec. 4. (a.) The Advisory Board shall advise the President con- cerning any matters which he may choose to refer to it. ]^t4 OKCAMZATIOX oF IWcn/rV. (h) All cxccuiixc acts <>l" j^cneral imporlancc such as rcconiniciulalions for appointments, promotions and dismis- sals, for the creation of new departments or chairs, and for the abolition of departments or cliairs. shall he snbmitted l)y the {'resident to the Advisory iJoard for aj^proval before they shall become operatixe. or before they ma}' be snbmitted to the Trnstees for their action, when such action is necessary. (c) The President may submit those matters to the Aihisory P.oard orall)' or in writinsii^ as he may see fit. but aclitMi thereon shall be taken in exccutixe session. (d) In all cases, in piesentiuii- such matters to the IJoard of Trustees, the President siiall state whether or not they ha\e the approxal of the Achisory r)(~)ard. (e) The Ad\isory P)oard shall be jirixileged to make such recommendations to the ['resident, re^ardin^:^ policy, as it may decide by vote to be expedient, but no recommenda- tions for appointments, jiromotions, or dismissals shall orij^i- nate with the Advisory Board. (f) The Advisory Board shall elect by ])allot a chairman and a Secretary from its own members. (g') It may. by a x'ote of two-thirds of its mend)ers. a])peal to the 'i'rustees an}- differences between the President and itself. (h) The .\(l\isory Board shall ha\e the ])ower to convene the Academic Council at an}' time. (i) It shall kee]) systematic records of its ])roceedin!L;s, which shall be accessible to the President. (j) The .\(l\isor}' luiard nia\ at an} time be called together b}- its chairman or b}- the President of ihe I'ni- versity. CHAPTER VI. Committees. .Sectif)n 1. 'J'here shall be standing eonunittees. grouped as follows: OlNIANIZATrOX OF FACULTY. lOo (aj AdministraU\c — ■ 1. Student Aftairs 2. Athletics. 3. Pid^lic Exercises. 4. Literary Contests 5. Public Health. (). J)cHn(|ucnt Scholarship (b) Academic — - 1. The Executive Committee of the Council 2. .\dmission and Advanced Standing 3. Registration. 4. (iraduation. .-I. Schedule and Examinations 6. (Graduate Study 7. Library 8. L'niversity Publications. (c) And such other standing" or special committees as the Academic Council ma}' from time to time create. id] All standmg committees shall consist of five mem- bers unless otherwise pro\ ided by the Academic Council. Sec. 2. ]\rcthr)d of A])pointment. (a) Standing Administrative Committees shall be ap- ])()iutcd !)}• the President as j^rovided above. (b) 1. The Executive Committee of the Council shall consist of the President. A^ice-President or Acting President, Registrar and ten other uKMubers, two from each department group. 2. These ten members shall be elected by the Academic Council at the same meeting at which the members of the .\d\isory IJoard arc elected. 3. Tt shall be determined by lot which of the two UKMubers from each group elected in 1904 shall serve for two years and which for one >ear. 4. Thereafter one mcml)er shall be elected amiuallv from each department grou]). 106 OKGANIZATION OP FACULTY. 3. \'acancies caused l)y other reasons than expiration of term shall be tilled for the unexpired term by election at a regular meeting or at a special meeting- of the Council called for the purpose. 6. In all cases, election >^hall be b\' scaled ballot, without nomination. (c) 1. The other standing academic committees shall be appointed annually in May of each year by the [executive Committee. 2. Their duties shall be dchned by the F.xecuti\-e Com- mittee, subject to the ap]>roval of the Council. ' Sec. 3. Functions of the Various Committees. (a) Standing Administrative Committees: 1. Student Affairs: The Committee on Student Affairs has to do with the conduct of the students as mciubers of the University Community. 2. Athletics: The Committee on .Vthletics has to do with the supervision of athletic sports within the University and in intercollegiate events. 3. Public Exercises: The Committee on Public K.xcr- cises has to do with ])ub]ic L'ni\crsity exercises, lectures, assemblies, etc. 4. Literary Contests: The Committee on Literary Con- tests acts as an advisory coiumittec having to do witli inter- collegiate or other public literary contests. 5. Public Health: The Conunittee on rul)]ic llcallh considers matters pertaining to the health of the L'niversity community in consultation with the jjropcrly constituted authorities. 6. Delincpient .Sclu)]ar,~.hip : The (ommittee on Uclin- rpient Scholarship has to do with the status of students in the Uni\-ersity so far as their scholarship is concerned. (b) Standing .Academic C'^Mumitlees : L a. The Executive Coniinitlce shrdl ai)point the .Aca- demic Committees of the Council. ORGANIZATION OF FACULTY. 107 b. All members of the Academic Council shall be eligible for appointment to any committee. c. Appeals from the action of the Academic Committees shall be to the Executive Committee. d. The other committees of the Council shall submit any change of policy or general regulations or any new measures or general regulations to the Executive Committee for approval. e. The Executive Committee shall formulate the duties and control the policy of the several committees. f. It shall be subject to instruction by the Council on matters concerning general policy or regulations, but its decisions in special or individual cases shall not be subject to revision by the Council. g. It shall have power to recommend the creation of new academic committees but may not create them without authority of the Council. h. It shall liaxe power to call meetings of the Council at any time. i. It shall have tlie right to consider inter-departmental difficulties and shall report its decisions to the President of the Cnivcrsity. j. It shall keep systematic records of its proceedings, which shall be accessible , to the members of the Council. 2. Admission and A(l\-anced Standing: The Committee on Admission and Advanced Standing administers, in con- junction with the Registrar, the regulations of the University regarding admission of students to the University. 3. Registrati(->n : The Committee on Registration admin- isters the statutes regarding registration, conditions and failures, irregular hours and changes in study lists, granting of leaves of absence and letters of honorable dismissal. 4. Graduation: The Committee on Graduation deter- mines whether candidates have completed all requirements lOS C)K(!AMZATK)X OF FACTLTV. for the A. V>. degree and passes upon the qualifications for admission to candidacy for adxanced degrees. 5. Schechile and Examinations: The Committee on Schedule and Examinations regulates the co-ordination of the schedule of lectures, recitations and examinations. (). (Iraduate Study: The Committee on Graduate Study determines, in the case of candidates for all advanced degrees, whether the requirements laid down 1)}- the Academic Council have been met. 7. Library : The Committee on the Library represents the Council in relation to the administration of the Library. 8. L'nixersity Publications: The Committe on Univer- sity Publications has to do with the publication of all literary or scientific \v(~»rks which ma}" be published by the I'niversity. (c) Special Committees: The Academic Council may, from time to time, elect or provide for the appointment of special committees, and may assign the consideration of any matter within its jurisdiction to anv such committee. CHAPTER VIL The Department Faculties. Section L (a) The Department h^acultics shall consist (-f the Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors and Instructors in the several departments, but only those mem- bers who are mcml)ers of the .\cadcmic Conncil shall have the right to vote. (b) The executive head of a Department I'^acnlty shall preside at the meetings of the Faculty and shall act as the re])resentative of the department in its official relations with the l're>ident. the .\cademic Council, and the other Departments. (c ) He shall sign all retpiisitions for supplies and equipment recpiired by the Department. ORGAXIZATTOX OF FACULTY. 109 Sec. 2. A Department Facult}' shall have direction of the work of instruction in the department and of the internal adminis- tration of the department, subject only to such control as is vested in the Doard of Trustees, the President of the Uni- versity or the Academic Council. Sec. 3. (a) All matters of internal administration in the depart- ment shall be decided in conference or, if necessary, b}' vote of those members of the Department Faculty who are mem- bers of the Academic Council. (b ) In case the Executive Head of the Department shall fail to concur in the decision of the Department Faculty, he shall report in writing the action of the Department Faculty : (1.) In administrative matters to the Advisory Board, or: (2.) In academic matters to the Executive Committee of the Academic Council, (with a written statement of his reasons for non-concurrence, and the other members of the Department Facult}- may, at will, make a written statement of their position ). (c) Any member of the Department Faculty shall have a like right to appeal. (d) The Advisory Board or the Executive Committee of the Council, as the case may be, shall in such cases con- sider the course to be pursued, and shall submit its opinion in writing to the President of the University, whose decision shall be final. (e) The proper Department Faculties shall determine by vote when students shall be recommended for graduation, and the Executive Heads shall report the names of such students to the proper committee. Sec. 4. Department Faculties may adopt by-laws for regulating the internal affairs of the department and shall keep a record of their official acts. Sec. 5. Meetings of a Department h'aculty may be called by the Executi\c Head or by any two voting members. 110 ORGANIZATIOX OF FACrLTV. CHAPTER VIII. The Registrar. Section 1. The Registrar shall be appointed in the same manner as professors are ai)pointe{l. and shall 1)6 a member of the Academic Council. Sec. 2. He shall be responsible for the care of the records of students. Sec. 3. He shall be the official medium of communica- tion between the students and the academic committees. Sec. 4. 1 le shall prepare, subject to the approval of the President and the Executive Committee, all official publica- tions of the Uni\ersit}", such as the l^ei^ister, bulletins, Directory, etc. Sec. 5. He shall have control of such clerical assistants as are ])ro\ided for the preparation and care of records of the academic work of the I'niversity. Sec. 6. He shall conduct such a bureau of information as is necessary for the academic work of the Cniversity. Sec. 7. lie shall issue the calls for meetings of the Council an/1 of the various committees of the I'niversity. as directed by the ])ro])er authorities. Sec. 8. He shall be secretar}' of the Council and shall keep a record c^f its proceedings. CHAPTER IX. The Librarian. Section 1. The Librarian shall be appointed in the same manner as proi'cssors are appointed, and shall l)e a member of tlie Academic Council. Sec. 2. lie shall have custody of all books, etc., belong- ing to the Cniversit}' Library or to De])artment Libraries. Sec. ?). He shall have control of all assistants who shall be employed in the administration of the Library. PART VI. BY-LAWS AND RULES OF ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES BY-LAWS AND RULES OF ORDER OF TlIK BOARD OF TRUSTEES or THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY (As Adopted March 26, 1904, and Revised March 29, 1907) CHAPTER I. Trustees. Section 1. The number of Trustees is fixed at fifteen, of Avhom those appointed before May 31, 1899, hold office for life, and all appointed or elected after that date hold office for ten years only after such appointment or election. Sec. 2. The Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, in their collective or corporate capacity, shall be known and designated as "The Board of Trustees of the Iceland Stanford Junior University." Sec. 3. All vacancies in the P.oard shall be filled by the remaining- Trustees by ballot, either at the annual meeting or at a special meeting, of which due notice shall be given stating the vacancy to be filled, and the terms of office of Trustees thus elected shall be ten years. Sec. 4. All nominations to fill vacancies in the Board must lie over for at least thirty days before being voted upon. Notice of such nominations must be mailed to each Trustee at least twenty-five days before the meeting at which the nomination is acted upon, and the ballots of eight Trustees present shall be required to elect. 114 BV LAWS. Sec. 5. The Trustees shall serve without compensation. Sec. 6. Any Trustee may for ^ood cause l)e removed by a proper court of equity jurisdiction, after notice to him, upon the application of the lioard of Trustees. Sec. 7. An}- Trustee may in writing' delivered to the ])oard of Trustees resign his otilice as Trustee. Sec. 8. The I5oard of Trustees shall annually report their proceedings to the person who for the time being shall fill the office of Governor of the State of California, with a full account of their financial operations for the preceding }ear, and with a statement of the financial affairs of the institution. CHAPTER II. Meetings. Section 1. The annual meeting' of the Board shall be held on the first day of August of each }'ear, at the same hour and place as the regular monthly meetings, unless otherwise determined by resolution of the Board, at which meeting the officers of the ]>oard for the coming year shall be elected. If the first day of August comes on a Sunda}', the annual meet- ing shall be held on the following .Monda}'. Sec. 2. 'I'he Hoard may determine, b}- resolution or By-Law, when, where and how often it will hold regular meetings. Sec. ?>. SjuH-ial meetings ma\- be called by the President or Secretary at any time, and must be called at the written request of five Trustees. .Sec. 4. l)ue notice of all meetings wliat(.'\er shall be sent by the President or Secretary to each Trustee in the State of California by mail, telegraph or telephone in time for said Trustees to attend the same. The mailing of a notice to each Trustee addressed to his residence or place of business four days before any meeting is sufficient notice of such meeting. BY-LAWS. 115 The recital b}' the Secretary in the minutes that due notice was given shall be sufficient evidence of the fact. Sec. 5. At all meetings of the Board a majority of the Trustees shall constitute a quorum and the concurrence of a majority (eight ) of the Board shall be necessary and sufficient for the transaction of any business. CHAPTER III. Officers. Section 1. The officers of the Board shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall be elected by the Board on the first day of August of each year and shall hold office for one year and until their successors are chosen and qualify. Sec. 2. Their term of office shall begin immediately after their election. Sec. 3. Vacancies may be filled for the unexpired term at any regular meeting of the Board, or at any special meeting called for the purpose. Sec. 4. In the absence of the President and A^icc- President, or their inability to act, the Board may elect a President pro tempore, who shall act as President during such absence or inability to act. Sec. 5. In the Secretary's absence or inability to act, the Board may elect a Secretary pro tempore, who shall act as Secretary during such absence or inability to act. Sec. 6. The Board may elect an Assistant Treasurer who shall act as Treasurer in the Treasurer's absence or inability to act. Sec. 7. The Secretary and Treasurer need not be mem- bers of the Board. 116 BY-LA\VS. CHAPTER IV. . Duties of the Officers and Employees. Section 1. The respective officers of the Board of Trus- tees shall exercise the usual functions of such officers together with such powers and duties as the Board of Trus- tees may, from time to time, designate or assign to them. Sec. 2. The President, and in the President's absence or inability to act, the Vice-President, shall preside over the meetings of the Board, and may call meetings of the Board in accordance with these By-Laws. Sec. 3. (a) The Secretary shall notify the Trustees of all meet- ings of the Board, in accordance with these By-Laws, and keep a full and fair record of its proceedings. (b) He may employ an assistant, subject to the con- firmation of the Board, who shall assist the Secretary at the desk and perform such clerical work as the Board or Secretary may designate. (c) The Secretary when so requested shall give notice of committee meetings, and if desired he or his assistant shall attend such meetings and keep a record thereof. Sec. 4. (a) The Treasurer shall receive and disburse the funds of the Board under the direction of the Finance Connnittee in accordance with the orders of the Board, taking proper vouchers therefor. (b) He shall keep a clear and accurate set of l)ooks, recording the details of the business transactions of the Board, and these books shall always be open to the inspection of the Trustees. (c) He shall make a report of the condition of the Treasury at each regular meeting of the Board, through the Finance Committee, and on August 1st, at the end of each BY-LAWS. 117 fiscal year, he shall report to the Board a full account of its financial operations for the preceding year, with a statement of the financial affairs of the institution. (d) The Treasurer shall have charge of the cash and securities and of the registers of the property of the trust. (e) He shall pay out money only as authorized by the Board of Trustees, and approved on behalf of the Finance Committee in such manner as may, from time to time, be determined by the Board of Trustees. (f) The Treasurer shall be required to submit to the Finance Committee, at a time to be fixed by them, a state- ment showing the probable income of the trust for the follow- ing fiscal year, and also a statement of available funds. (g) In addition to a statement of cash balance sub- mitted to the monthly meetings of the Finance Committee, there shall be prepared each month a complete statement in summary form, with detail and schedules, of the income and expenditure from the commencement of the fiscal year of the L'niversity to the end of the preceding month. This state- ment shall show for each department the appropriation made, the amount thereof expended, and the balance remaining unexpended, and shall give also the corresponding figures for the preceding year. (h) Similar statement shall also be prepared of income. (i) There shall also be submitted a general financial statement m the form of a condensed trial balance or balance sheet. (j) Statements shall l)e prepared in the accounting office and submitted to the Auditor for verification and cer- tification before being presented to the Board. Sec. 5. (a) The Board may employ a business manager, who shall have general care and management of all the property of the trust, under the direction of the Finance Committee and the limitations of these By-Laws, and they may select the Treasurer as such business manager. 118 HV■I.A^VS. (b) Contracts for the construction and equipment of buildings ma}' be made by him in accordance with ortlers of the Board, and he shall have supervision of the erection and permanent equipment of the same. (c) A\ hen completed and ready kn- occupancy, buildings on the campus shall be turned oxer to the L'niversity Com- mittee for use. (d) The business manager shall submit to the T^inance Committee, at a time to be fixed 1)y them, an estimate in such detail as possible, showing the amount needed for the care and preservation of the property under his direction, and also such amoiuits as may be necessary to complete any buildings or contracts wliich may have been entered into by the Board. Sec. 6. The Treasurer or business manager may appoint the subordinates in his office, but the Board must confirm the appointments of the same and fix their salaries. Sec. 7. The Board may require of the Treasurer a bond for his faithful performance of his duty. Sec. 8. The Board shall a])i)oint a purchasing agent, through whom purchases of sujij^lies required by the Uni- versity shall be made so far as ])racticable. Sec. 9. (a) The Board shall ap]>oint an auditor, whose duty shall be to audit all bills before ]xiymcnt. as well as to audit all accounts and com])arc the same with vouchers, both receipts and disbursements, also to certify the monthly and annual statements of accounts submitted to the Board of Trustees or the I'inance Committee. (b) The auditor shall be nominated 1)y the Finance Committee and shall report to them and be responsible to them. Sec. 10. (a) The Board shall appoint a storekeeper, who shall be nominated by and be responsible to the business manager. BY-LAWS. 119 (bj The storekeeper's duties shall be : 1. To receive all goods coming- to the University and to distribute the same to the different departments upon approved requisitions, taking proper receipt therefor. 2. To keep a suflicient supply of standard articles ni stock for issuance to departments as required. 3. To keep proper record of all articles kept in stock and to render monthly bills tf:> the dejjartments for all issues thereof. 4. To certify all bills for supplies received in the Uni- versity as being received in the proper quantity and quality. CHAPTER V. f Committees. « Section 1. The Hoard may determine the number of its-, committees and their functions. Sec. 2. The members of the different committees shall be appointed by the President at the annual meeting and confirmed by the Board. Sec. 3. Until further determined there shall be six: Standing Committees — the Committees respectively on Finance, on the University, on the Museum, on the Church, on Rules and on the Lii)rary. Sec. 4. (a) The Committee on b'inance shall ha\e general charge and control of the property belonging to the trust, but the occupancy and use of the buildings used for UniversitA' pur- poses. e.\ce])t tlic Dormitories, belong respectively to the Committees on L'nix ersit}-, Museum and Church, and those committees are responsible for the care and use of the furni- ture, equipment and contents oi those buildings. (b) The Dormitories are in charge and control of the I'inancc Conuviittee. 120 BY-LAWS. (c) They shall carefully watch the investments, and it shall be their duty to check over the securities semi-annually and make report to the Board as to the condition in which they are found. (d) Should any marked depreciation occur in any of the securities held by the trust, it shall be their duty to report the same to the Board of Trustees for proper action. (e) They shall see that a system of safeguards and vouchers for the receipt and expenditure of money is main- tained and shall take care that the books of the Treasurer are properly kept. (f) At the regular F'ebruary meeting of the Board they shall make up the budget for the coming 3'-ear and present the same to the Board for its consideration. (g) The buildings iindcr process of construction on June 1, 1903, shall be in charge of the Finance Committee until completed and permanently equipped, when they shall be turned over to the University Committee for occupation. Sec. 5. The b'ni\'ersity Committee, under the limitations imposed by the founders and the Board, shall have general oversight of the mternal administration of the academic afYairs, the teaching staff and their compensation, the expense incurred upon the campus, the academic buildings and the athletic fields, and the relations of the different departments to one another and to the I'ioard. Sec. 6. The r^luscum Committee shall have general charge of the .Museum. Sec. 7. The Church Committee shall have general charge of the Church. Sec. 8. The Committee on Rules shall perfect the plan of organization of the University, and to it shall be referred all propositions for changes in such organization. Sec. 9. The Library Committee shall ha\e general over- sight of the administration of the University Library. Bi'-LAWS. 121 Sec. 10. At each regular meeting of the Board each committee shall make a report, oral or written, concerning its department. Sec. 11. Until otherwise determined by the Board, three members may constitute a quorum at any regularly called meeting of the Committees on Finance, University, Rules and Library. CHAPTER VI. Financial Management. Section 1. Appropriations. (a) /Vt the close of each calendar year the heads of the Faculty Departments shall be required to prepare estimates of the cost of their respective departments for the following academic year. Such estimates shall be prepared in consider- able detail and be submitted to the President of the Uni- versity for approval. These estimates shall then be submitted to the University Committee, and by them be reported to the Board of Trustees with their approval or otherwise, as the case may be. (b) The Finance Committee shall prepare and submit to the Board of Trustees annually at the February meeting of the Board a budget shov/ing the probable income of the trust, and the amount which is available for use during the ensuing fiscal year. After the Board of Trustees shall have set aside the amount necessary for insurance, depreciation and reserve fund, the balance will be applicable to University purposes. (c) Upon this statement so submitted the Board of Trustees shall appropriate such sums as they may think fit for the expenditures for the year of the different department faculties or other spending departments, which appropriation shall be considered as final and not to be varied without a •subsequent resolution of the Board of Trustees. 122 BY-LAWS. Sec. 2. l\C(iiusitions. (a) All Mi])])lics or cash achances rcH|uircd by any l-\iculty dcpartmcnl or other department shall be based upon a requisition signed by the head of the department. In the case of Faculty departnients they shall, after proper investi- gation, be approved by tlie President of the University, and in the case of other departments by the business manager. They shall then be forwarded by the business manager to the purchasing agent for execution, except in the case of supplies of which there is a stock on hand, when the order shall be forwarded to the storekeeper. (h) Requisitions shall bear reference to and not exceed the appropriation from which they are payable, and it shall be the duty of those approving a re(|uisition to satisfy them- selves that it comes within that appropriation. Sec. 3. Payment of bill^. (a) All bills must be rendered in duplicate. (b) The purchasing agent shall certify the original for the correctness of price and conformity with order, and shall mark the same with a reference to the api)ropriation to which it. relates. He shall then send both bills, corrected, if neces- sary, to the storekeeper, who shall certify the original for the receipt of the goods, weight and quality, retaining the duplicate and sending the original to the head of the depart- ment l)y whom the requisition was made. The latter shall certify to the receipt of the articles and return the bill to the business manager's office, where the date of return shall be noted in the register. (c) Hills for stores received b}- the storekeeper shall be rcturnecl by him duly ccrtit'ied direct to the business manager. (d) .After bills shall have been approved l)y the FVcsi- dent of the I'niversity in the case of items for Facult\- depart- ments and b}' the business manager, in the case of items for stores and other de])artments. vouchers therefor ^hall be made out in the business manager's office and be submitted, with the original Ijills attached, to the Auditor for appr(,val. The RULES OF ORDER. 123 vouchers, together with the original bills, shall then be laid before the Finance Committee for approval and countersigned by two members thereof. Such approval shall be authority to the Treasurer to sign the check portion of the voucher and to issue the same in payment of the bills. CHAPTER VII. Amendment of By-Laws. Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting by eight affirmative votes, notice of the pro- posed amendment having been given in writing at a preceding meeting. RULES OF ORDER. The following Rules of Order shall be observed unless suspended by resolution of the Board or by common consent. If they are departed from without objection they shall be deemed to be suspended by common consent, but no minute need be made of such suspension. The order of business at regular meetings of the Board shall be : I. Reading of mmutes. II. Reports of Standing Committees in the following order : 1. Cni\-ersity Coniniillec. including report of Presi- dent of the University. 2. Library Committee. 3. ]\Iuseuni Committee. 4. Churcii Committee. 5. Finance Committee, including report of Treasurer. 6. Rules Committee. III. Special Committees. lY. I'nfinished lousiness. \ . -New !)usiness. including communications. ]24 KULES OF ORDER. The method of conducing- the business at the meetings of the Board and the mutual duties of the presiding officer and the members of the Board, shall be such as ordinarily prevail in bodies of this character. In the determination of all questions of parliamentary usage the decision of the presiding officer shall be basea upon Roberts' Rules of Order, and shall be final and binding unless an appeal be taken from the decision of the chair. These rules may be suspended at any meeting by unani- mous consent of the Trustees present, and may be amended at any regular meeting by eight aflfrmative votes, notice of the proposed amendment having been given in writing at the last preceding regular meeting. PART VII. GENERAL RESOLUTIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 127 GENERAL RESOLUTIONS. (These Resolutions are Subject to Frequent Changes.) Agents of Student Publications and Organizations. Resolved. That all agents of student publications and stu- dent organizations he required to carry and present papers signed by the President of the University, identifying such individuals and indicating the extent of their authority. (Adopted April 30, 1904.) Apparatus. Responsibility for Protection of. Resolved, That the President l^e requested to notify the head of each department that he will be held responsible for the taking of all necessary measures for the protection of the apparatus and other propert}- of the University belonging to his department. (Adopted January 25, 1907.) Appropriations Include Freight and Express Charges. Resolved. That all a])propriations hereafter made for sup- plies, equi]:)ment and materials shall be deemed to include all costs incidental thereto, including freight and express charges, conuuissions and store charges. (Adopted January 31, 1908.) Articles of Organization of Faculty, adoption of. Resolved. That the following articles of organization of the Universit}' Faculty be adopted: [The Articles of Organi- zation are printed at page 89 and following.] (Adopted March 31, 1904.) 128 GENERAL KESOLUTIOXS. Announcements of Actions. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Board be authorized to give out such information concerning actions of the Board of Trustees, not relative to the appointment of professors or to the rtnanccs of the University, as he may consider desirable. (Adopted June 29, 1906.) Appointments, Promotions and Dismissals. Resolved, That the following resolution presented by the Organization Connnittee relative to the appointment, promo- tion and dismissal of professors and teachers at the University be adopted by the Board of Trustees, subject to amendment or repeal by the Board : Whereas, It is desirable that all nominations for appointments and promotions of members of the teachiug stafif at the University and all recommendations for dis- missals be made by or through the President of the Uni- versity, tlie Board of Trustees taking no initiative in these matters ; and Whereas, It is undesirable that either the power of appointment or removal should \est a])solutely in the hands of a single person. It is resolved and agreed by the P)Oard of Trustees and President of the Leland vStanford Junior University that so long as nominations for appointments and pro- motions of members of the teaching staff at the University are made by or through the President of the University, no dismissal shall be made without the concurrence of a majority of the Trustees present at a meeting of the P)()ard of 'i'rustees at which a cjuorum shall be present; 'j'hat in the case of the recommendation of the re- moval of a member of the teaching staff involving any question affecting his honor or moral character, he shall be furnished by the President, upon application, with a specific written statement of all charges and evidence reilecting upon his honor or moral character, and be given an opportunity to ])rcscnt a written statement of his answer and of any evidence he may wish to offer in de- fence, and a copy of all such charges and evidence, to- gether with any answer and evidence offereil by the accused, and the recommendations of the .\dvisor^• Board, U E X !•: R A 1 > R ESOLUT rOXS. 1 29 shall l)e aUached to the recomendation of the President of the University, and the action of the Board of Trustees shall be based solely upon the recommendation of the President of the University and the record attached there- to, there l)ein2: no further hearing l^efore the Board of Trustees or any member thereof, unless the Board in its discretion shall elect to receive other evidence in aid ot its decision, and any such recommendation and informa- tion affecting the honor or character of a member of the teaching" staff shall be presented to and acted upon by the Board of Trustees separately from anything which may invohe his competency or fitness in any other respect. The members of the Board shall not in any case or in any event listen to or receive any statement concerning such matter exce])t in o])en meeting. (Ado])ted March 30, 1906.) Assembly Hall Rental. Resolved, That the rental of $30 per night for the Assem- lil}' Hall be waived in the case of any entertainment recom- mended by the Committee of the Faculty on Public Enter- tainments, provided there is no profit derived from the same, but that in case the entertainment yields a profit the usual rental shall be payable only to the extent of the profit. (Adopted September 28, 1906.) Association of American Universities, membership in. Resolved, Tliat the L'niversity accept membership in the .Association of American Piii\ersities. (. Adopted .\ugust i, 1904.) Athletic Fields, Control of. Resolved, 'iMiat the following report of the President as to the control of the Athletic Clrounds, dated (.">ctolier 24th, 1905, be a])i)ro\ed and ])laced on file: ■■|n \iev.' of the fad that the athletic grtnmds to be used by the students for athletic pur])oses are to be placed untler the general control of the President and I'acult^- of the I'ni- i:!i) CKNHHAIi KKSOM-TIOXS. \crsity throui^li the propert ct)niniitlccs. I beg' leave to report that the followiiii;" plan of control has l)cen adopted, having l)een considered and a])])ro\cd by the Advisory l*>oard of the Faculty : "It is understood thai llie Athletic Coniiuitlee of the b'aculty has control over the acts of students on the grounds in so far as the good name of the L'niversity is cc^ncerned, their jurisdiction extending to all matters ])ertaining to the athletic games. "The direct control of the grounds themselves is to be in the hands ai a joint committee, as follows: "I. l'\)r the control of the grc^mids used by the ^-oiuig men, there shall be a committee of se\en, composed as fol- k)vvs : 2 members of the Athletic Conunittee, the Chairman and one mendjcr a])pointed by the President, the Chairman to be ex-officio Chairman of this general committee; 2 alumni, one I'esident within two miles of the grounds — these two to be selected by the executive committee of the Alumni; 3 stu- dents, one, the secretary of the student-body, to be ex-otficio a mendier. the other two to be chosen by the executive com- mittee of the student-body. All these to remain in service during the university year and until their successors are chosen. "2. i-\)r the control of the grounds devoted to the young women, there shall be a committee of five, com])osed as fol- lows: I member of the Comiuittee on Athletics, to be chosen b}' the ['resident and to act as ex-oflficio Chairman of the joint committee; i mend)er of the University stafif, a woman, to l)e appointed b} the Tresident ; i Alumna member, to be chosen by the executive committee of the girls' athletic association, this member to reside within two miles of the grounds in question; the other two to be the president and secretary of the girls' athletic association. I^ach of these, as in the other case, to remain in service for the unixersity year and until their successors are chosen." (Adopted .Xovember 24. V)05.) Athletic and Other Fields, Improvement of. l\e>ol\en of the L'niversity Committee. THAT the Treasurer shall give and post due legal notice in the name of the I 'card of Trustees to ])rotect the Trustees and the Universit}' from liability for mechanics', laborers" and other liens for, on account of, the erection of an}' structure or the making of any im])r()\emcnt. aforesaid. (Adopted May 19. 1905.) Athletic Field, Location of. Resolved, That the location of the students' athletic held, as shown upon a map furnished by the Student Body and on 132 (JKNKIxWI. K'KSOl.rTlOXS. tilo in I he Treasurer's office, be a])]M-(>ve(l, sul)iect to such chanc;e as ma}' liereafter he deenied desirable. (Adopted I'ebruarv 22, V'O?; amended ( )etober 4. 1^)07.) Auditor to be Furnished With Minutes. Resolved, That the Auditor of the L'niversity Accounts 1)6 furnished by the Secretary with so much of the minutes of the meetinj^^s of the Uoard of Trustees as will throw any li.^ht upon his duties as such Auditor. (Adopted February 2=,, 1907.) Automobile Road, Location of. Resolved, That the automobile road, as recommended by the special committee appointed to locate an automobile road throuiih the campus, be a]jproved. said automobile road com- mencint;" east of the main entrance to tlie L'niversity Grounds. extendinjT: in a southerly direction throujjh the Arborettmi and connecting' with the road passing;' in front of the (iymnasium. and along the east end of the outer (juadrangle, and passing over Lasuen Street to the County Road south of the Univer- sit}' l)uildings. (Ad<)])ted .\'()\end)cr 2, 1906.) Automobiles, Speed Limit. Res()l\ed. That all streets, mads and avenues excepting the main university a\enue and the alleys and lanes be opened to automolMles until the further pleasure of the T'loard. subject ti) the usual speed limit of ten miles an hour, in force in thickl>- settled communities, with a \ie\v to determining the desirabilit\-. or otherwise, of permanently remox ing the restric- tions on all such roads, axenues and streets excepting the main university avenue and the alleys and lanes. (.\dopted October 30, 1908.) GENERAL RESOLI^TIOXS. 133 Bond Premium, Amortization Fund. \\'hereas. Tlic amount of a Sinking I'^ind- for the amor- tization of tlie premium paid for a 15ond is readily determin- able by arithmetical calculation. Resolved. That this Board of Trustees set aside from the g-ross annual interest on bonds, the actual proportion of such interest as is required to amortize the premium. Said pro- I)ortion to be separately invested as a Sinking Fund and all income therefrom to go to the General Fund. (Adopted June 26, 1908.) By-Laws and Rules of Order, Revision of. Resolved, 'JMiat the by-laws and rules of order of the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University be amended so as to r^ad as follows : Notice of all amend- ments of said b3'-law's and rules of order having been given in writing at the last preceding regular meeting: [For copy of by-laws see page 103 and following.] (Adopted March 29, 1907.) Carnegie Foundation, Funds of. Resolved, That the 'J'reasurer be recjuested to receive any ])ensi()n funds forwarded to him by the Carnegie Founda- tion for the Advancement of Teaching, and to disburse the same in accordance with the regulations prescribed by that institution. (Adopted Jtme 29, 1906.) Cooper Medical College. Transfer of. Resolved, That it is the sense of the Hoard of Trustees that the proposed Iran.sfer of Cooper Medical College prtiper- ties be accepted by the Board of Trustees upnu the terms rec- ommended by the special committee and approxcd by the Fresident of the Universitv. 134 GENERAL RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, ThaL iho Secretary he inslnieted io communi- cate the foregoing- action to the trustees of the Cooper Medi- cal College, and that the President of this 15oard be instructed to confer with tlie attorneys for the ]5oarc levied and colleeled separatcl}- froui auy oilier fees which may be chai\Q;cd in the I'nix'orsity, aud l)e uiadc rei^ardless of such g^eneral fees. That they sliould include iu eacli case the amount esti- uiated to cover (i) uiaterial used aud cousuuicd ; (2) the cost 01 the statt necessary to procure and to care for such material ; (3) wear and tear of apparatus and machinery, includinp^ cost of repair autl reidaceuieut ; (4) the cost of the care and the wear and tear of Departuieut Libraries to which the studeuts have access. That they sliouhl not include .general e.\])euses made on behalf of J^epartments in ijcneral. That the estimates slKudd be so made that the fees will not yield a prolit iu any case, exceiitinq- iucideutall}- to avoid a prol^ablc loss. That the Ciuild Hospital fee should be retained, but that the responsibility for its expenditure should continue to rest with the Students Guild as at present. (Adc^pted I'ebruary 23. ^rjoC).) Electric Wiring. Resolved, Thai uuless otherwise e\])ressly authorized by the lioard no temporary wirini.;' or other chau.qes l)e uiade iu electric wirins;' at the I'uixersity exceplin.^" uuder the direction of the Treasurer. (Adopted November 30. I'-'Of); amended October 4, 1907.) Encina Gymnasium Lights. Resolved. That the lighls in the i'jicina (i}innasiuni bo cxtin"::uished at 9 o'clock I'. M.. excepliuq- on Tluu'sdays. when thev UKn' be loft on until ')\^o o'clock I'. M.. unless GlOXlCRAL EKSOLrTIOXS. 137 other arrangeniciits should be made between the President of the University and tlic 'iVeasurer. (Adopted Xo\-cnii)er 30, 1904.) Encina Hall Lights, Agreement in re. AA'hereas. The students of Encina Hall ha\'ing" requested that the current for lights be kept on in the Hall until 12 o'clock P. M., promising that in consideration of this the stu- dents in the Hall would see that every unused light was promptly turned off, that all waste of light would be avoided and the cost of lighting the Plall w'ould not 1)e increased ; the .Manager l)e authorized to make the change requested in both Halls subject to abo^•e conditions and to place a meter in each Hall to ascertain whether the cost of lighting is increased. (Adopted January 30. 1904; amended October 4, 1907.) Entrance Requirements and Courses of Study. Resolved, by the 15oard of Trustees, that the President and Faculty consider the ad\'isability of adopting a system of entrance requirements and courses of study in which a greater portion of the work of the students shall be specifically prescribed ; and That, to assist the Trustees and I'aculty in the considera- tion of these matters, there be printed, under the direction of the Registrar, the rcccnxls of entrance and University credits of all graduates from June 1st, 19"03 to June 1st. 1903. also the entrance retjuirements and cour^^es of study of other lead- ing colleges and universities, together with such schedules and additional matter as th.e Truitees. President or Faculty may consider of substantial assiitance to them. Resohed that this resolution be adupled and con^muni- cated to the 1 'resident, and through him to the Academic Council. (.\doi)te(! March 29, 1905.) 138 GKXKTJAl- RKSOHTIOXS. Faculty Houses, Terms on which Built. Resolved, Tliat the J''aculty Ijc iiotitkHJ llial the Trustees will build houses for them, at the rental of ten per cent, per annum on the cost of buildin.c: and fixtures, and that they be invited to submit to the l'"inance Coiumittee for approval their applications for such houses, with sketches of ])lans, estimates of cost; the details to be supplied if desired by the Architect of the Universit^^ The location of such buildings to be fixed by the business manager, in consultation with the a])plicant, having regard to the limitations imposed l:)y Mrs. Stanford, to the roads, drains, etc.. now constructed or planned, and to any other limitations which the Trustees may impose. Such applications may be made either through the Business Office or the President's Office for transmission to the Finance Committee. (Adopted September 28. 1906; amended October 4. V)07.) Fiscal Year, Commencement of. Resohed. That the commencement of the fiscal N'car of the L'niversity be changed from June ist to August ist of each year, and that the By-Laws of the Board of Trustees be amended accordingly. (Adopted February 25, 1907.) Fraternity and Sorority Houses, Mingling of. Resolved, That the following resohition of the Committee on Student Afifairs be approved : Resolved, That it is the sense of the Conunittee on Student Affairs that the mingling of fraternity and sorority houses on the Unive:sity Campus is not for the best interests of the University community, and that it is desirable, where possible, in the assignment of building sites in tlie new subdixisions, that close proximity of fraternity and sorority houses should be avoided ; and that it is especially undesirable that any sorority should be located at a relatively remote point in the GENEKAL EESOLUTIONS. 139 campus community with only fraternities for immediate neighbors. (Adopted April 26, 1907.) Guild Fees, Collection of. Resolved, That the President of the University be au- thorized to take such steps as he may consider necessary to provide for the collection on account of the Students' Guild of the University, of such reasonable Guild fees and assess- ments, not exceeding five dollars in amount for each student in any year, as may be voluntarily levied by direct vote or authority of the students. (Adopted February 27, 1904.) Hygiene and Graphic Art Departments. Resolved, That it is the sense of the Board that neither the Flygiene Department nor the Graphic Art Department be developed beyond its present condition, nor that the appro- priation for their su]:)port be substantial!}' increased, but that both departments be maintained substantially as at present, so long as the I'oard shall so desire to maintain them. (Adopted October 30, 1908.) Graphic Art, Degrees in. Resolved, That degrees in Hygiene be not granted, but that academic degrees in Graphic Art be granted subject to the future action of the Faculty and Board of Trustees. (Adopted October 30, 1908.) Insurance of Growing Crops. Resolved, That the Treasurer and ^Manager be authorized to insure all standing crops belonging to the University. (A(lo]-)ted May 31, 1907.) 140 fil-LXKHAL KKSOH'TIONS. Insurance, Employers' Liability. Resolved, That the Treasurer be directed to take out employers' lial)ilit\' insurance in the name of the Trustees of the University in the amount of $10,000, covering acci- dents to all employees. Adopted Se])tember 28, 1906; amended October 4, 1907.) Jewel Fund, Origin of. The following" communication frt>m Mrs. Jane L. Stanford was j)resented and read : "February 13th, 1905. "The Honorable Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University: "As I am al)out to take a short sea voyage for the benefit of mv health and consec|Ucntly will not be present with you at vour next meeting, I write this letter to inform you as to mv wishes in regard to special arrangements and directions which 1 ga\e you some time ago in regard io the disposal of my jewels, and the use of my home at Palo Alto. "In my address to the Hoard, of the 3rd of October. 1902. is the following clause relative to the Palo Alto residence: "■.My Palo Alto Residence may be used as a resi- dence for the President of the University, or for such other purpose as the ])Oard of Trustees may determine, after mv wishes arc carried out as to removing certain articles from therein, to be i)laced in the Museum, which are mentioned in my last will and testament, or in an address heretofore made by mc to the Trustees. The articles not mentioned to in- disposed of as they deem best.' "I now think it best to use this home for educational pmposes exclusively, as an annex or department in connection with the University, and take this opportunity to express the wish that it be put to some such ])urpose or use after my de- jiarture from this life. it is too exi)ensive to maintain to be used as a roidence for the President of the University. GENERAL RESOLUTIONS. 141 ''I also desire to assent to and suggest the removal and sale or other disposition of the articles in the Residence not to be placed in the ^Museum as above mentioned or indicated and not of service to such annex or department. "On ]\Iay 31st, 1899, 1 granted, assigned, transferred and conveyed to the Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Uni- \-ersity, subject to certain terms and conditions set forth in the instrument conveying the same, all m}' jewels, consisting of diamonds, rul)ies, emeralds, pearls and other precious stones, and directed that the proceeds of the sale of said jewels, or so much thereof as might be necessary, be used in payment for the erection and completion of the ^Memorial Church, then about to be started. « '"Excepting such as were sold or otherwise disposed of prior to the first day of June, 1903, said jewels were manually delivered to this Board and are now located in the vaults of the Union Trust Company of San Francisco under the control of your Treasurer. "I was subsequently enabled to erect the Memorial Church without the necessity of resorting to the sale of these jewels. "In y\Q\\ of the facts and of my interest in the future development of the University Librar}', I now request the Trustees to establish and maintain a library fund, and upon the sale of said jewels, after my departure from this life, I desire that the proceeds therefrom be paid into said fund and be jireserved intact and invested in bonds or real estate as a part of the capital of the endowment, and that the income therefrom be used exclusive!}- for the purchase of books and other publications. "I desire the fund be known and designated as the jewel fund. 'T have created and selected a Library Committee of the Board of Trustees under the su])ervision of which all such purchases should be made. "JANE L. STANFORD." 142 GI'^NKRAL RESOLUTIONS. It was resolved tliat the Board assent to the wishes of ]\Irs. Stanford, as expressed in the letter just read, and that the Trustees hereby extend to Mrs. Stanford their assurances that her wishes will be carried out. (Adopted February 22, 1905.) Jewel Fund, Resolution Creating. Resolved, That the following- resolution be adopted and that the details be referred to the Finance Committee for ar- rangement : Whereas, It was a cherished ])lan of ^Irs. Jane L. Stan- ford that all jewels left by her should be sold after her death, and that the proceeds (estimated by her at more than five hundred tlK^usand dollars) should be invested as a permanent fund, of which the income should be used exclusively for the purchase of books for the Library of the Leland Stanford Junior Uni\ersity ; And. W hereas. 'i'he pressing- financial needs of the Uni- versity compelled her temporarily to forego said plan, and to sell many of said jewels in her lifetime in order to raise money to maintain ihe I'nixersity ; And, Whereas, F.y communication delixered to this Hoard at its r.ijcting:. held Fel)ruary 22nd. 1003. ]\Irs. Stanford de- clared : "In \-icw of the fads and (/f ni}- interest in the future development of the I'nixersity Lil)rary, T now recpicst the Trustees to establish and maintain a lil)rary fmul, and upon the sale of said jewels, after my departure Prom this life, I desire that the proticods therefrom be i)aid into such fund and be preserved intact, and invested in bonds or real estate as a part of the capital of the endowment, and tliat the incon-ie therefr<^m be used exclusively for the purchase of bool-cs and other publications. I desire that the fund be known and designated as the Jewel Fund. I have created and selected a Library Committee of the OHXKRAL KRSOH'TrOXS. 143 Board of 'J'rusleos, iiiuler superxision of which all such purchases shouhl l)e made." To which communication tlds iJoard replied by resolu- tion adopted at said meetin.q'. that it assented to the wishes of Mrs. Stanford as expressed in said communication, and assured her that they would be carried out : And, Whereas, some of the jewels left by Afrs. Stanford have been sold by the Trustees, and those still on hand will be sold as rapidly as may be practicalile without serious sacrifice, but the proceeds of all jewels left by her will probably not exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) dollars, owing to said use by her of the greater part of them in order to maintain the l'ni\-crsity ; Xow, Therefore, In order to carry out said plan of ]\Irs. Stanford and to establish and maintain an adequate library fund, and to perform the promise made by this Board to her, it is— Resolved. 'J'hat a fund of fi\-e hundred thousand (500.000) dollars, to be known and designated as the "Jewel Fund," is hereby created and established, which l*"und shall l)e i)reserved intact, and shall be separately in\ested and kept invested in bonds or real estate by the I'oard of Trustees, and the income of said p'und shall be used exclusi\'e!y in the purchase of books and other ])ublications for the Li])rar}- of the Leland Stanford jimior I'nivcrsit}'. under the su])er\-isi(>n and direction of the Library ( "onmiittee of this lioard of Trustees. Resoh'ed I'urther, That in order to constitute the ])rinci- pal of said jewel I'^ind, we herel)}- transfer to and place therein (a) 'J'wo hundred (200) bon(l> of the Northern Railway Com])an\' of Califcniia, of the i)ar \alue of one thousand (1.000) dollars each, which liaxe been received by this Board ui Trustees under and l)y \ irtue of the decree of final distribu- tion of the estate of jane L. Stanford, deceased, entered in the Superior Court of Santa Clara County, California, said bonds ])eing charged to said fund at their aggregate par value of two hundred thousand ^200.000) dollars. 144 CKNKRAI. Rl^SOLUTIdNS. (1)) The Slim of twenty-six thousand one hunch'ed and twenty-two and 77/100 (26,122.77) dollars in cash, which has been paid to this hoard of Trustees by the executors of the last will of Jane L. Stanford, deceased, i)ursuant to said decree of final distribution. (c) Ail sums of money which have been received b}' this r.oard from the sales of jewels which were _q^iven by Mrs. Stanford in lier lifetime to this Uoard, or to Trustees for it, or whicli have been reccixed by this lioard from the executors of her last will. (d) All sums of money which may hereafter be received b}' this Hoard from the sales of any of said jewels now on hand. (e) A sum of money out of the General Trust Funds of the Leland Stanford Junior I'niversity, which shall be sufificient to make up and constitute said ag'g're^c^ate fund of five hundred thousand (500.000) dollars, after charging thereon said two hundred bonds taken at a \aluation of two hundred thousand dollars, said sum of twenty-six thousand one hundred and twenty-two and 77/100 dollars in cash, and said various sums now received and to be received from sales of jewels. Resolved. I'urther, That the Treasurer is hereby author- ized and directed to forthwith charge to said I'und upon the books of the Unixersity all said bonds and cash in hand, which are specified in articles a. b and c, of the foregoing restjlution. and to charge to said l-'uud upon said books all sums of money which may be hereafter receixed I)}' this Hoard from the sale of any of said jewels when and as said sums shall be received ; and thereupfju. when all said jewels shall have been sold and the proceeds of sale thereof shall ha\e lieen recei\ed and so charged, to transfer to said Jewel h'und u])on said books, out arlnuMit nia}' be entitled at the time such half-year ]ea\e is reciuested. (Adopted January 10. 100S.) GENERAL EESOLUTIONS. 147 Leaves of Absence, Sabbatical. Resolved, That in the opinion of this Board it is advan- tageous to the University that members of the teaching staff who have completed six years of continuous work in the service of the University be granted sabbatical leave of absence for one year on half pay, such leave to be granted by the Board upon application by such members of the teach- ing staff through the President of the University. (Adopted October 4, 1907.) Leaves of Absence, Short and Urgent. Resolved, That upon proper application therefor, the Presi- dent of the University is empowered to grant necessary leaves of absence to members of the teaching staff not exceeding one week in duration, and that such leaves of absence of longer duration be granted only upon application to the Board of Trustees through the President of the University; provided, that when necessity, urgency or public interest shall require immediate action, the President of the University may grant leaves of absence for longer periods between meetings of the Board of Trustees subject to the approval of said Board ; all leaves of absence granted by the President to be at once re- ported to the Trustees. (Adopted October 25, 1907.) Leaves of Absence, Without Compensation. Resolved, That in general, leaves of absence to members of the teaching staff' for long periods, or while engaged in out- side employment, if granted, will be without salary. (Adopted October 25, 1907.) Library Bookplate. Resolved, That an engraving of the seal be adopted as the chief feature of the bookplates of the University Library. (.\dopted March 27, 1908.) 14S GEXERAL RESOTJTTIOXS. Library Loans. Resolved. 'I'hat the followinj;" resoluliDii prepared by the University Lil)rarian, l)e ado])ted : "The Librarian of the University is authorized to lend books in his custody to other libraries fur limited periods, pro- vided such loans can be made without inconvenience to the regular users of the University Library. He may also request of other libraries the loan of books which are essential to special work, are not possessed by this library, and are not readily obtainable by purchase. Transportation shall in all cases be at the expense of the borrowinij library." (Adopted September 11, 1908.) Library Rules. Resolved. That the following library rules, which are sub- stantially as reconnnended by the L'aculty Library Committee on May 8th, 1908, be approved : 1. The Library is open cluring term time on week days from 8:00 a. m. to 10:00 j). m., excc])! on Saturdays, when it is closed at 3:30 ]). m. During the short vacations the hours are from 8:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m., Saturdays to 12:30 ]). m.. and during the long \-acation from 'i :00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m.. Satur- days 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 m. 2. Books may be drawn by all officers and students of tlie University and by all others having special permission. A student becomes entitled to the i)ri\ilcge of borrowing books for home use upon presenting his or her registration card ami signing the recpiired form of aii])lication. 3. All jjooks must \)v pro])cTly charged at the loan desk before being taken from the Library . Tlie issuance of a book for use in the reading room does not entitle the holder thereof to take it out of the Library. 4. Students may borrow for h(»me use not more than three books at a time and thev mav l)(j retained for two weeks. GENERAL RESOLUTIOXS. 149 If not in demand they may be renewed by application at the loan desk for a further period of two weeks. Seniors will be allowed not more than five books at one time. All books are subject to recall at the discretion of the Librarian. 5. Permanent reference works, such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, sets of periodicals, etc., do not circulate. Books reserved for special classes and current periodicals circulate only for periods when the Library is closed, as from Saturday afternoon until Monday morning". 6. A fine of ten cents for each hour overdue is incurred for each reserved book issued for a closed period not returned before 8:30 a. m. the day the Library is next opened. A fine of five cents per day is charged on other books not returned when due. No books will be lent to any student charged with unpaid fines. Students who neglect to return or to make good the value of books lost, when called upon by the Librarian, are liable to have their registration cancelled. 7. The stacks are open to officers of the L'niversity and to graduate students. They are open to undergraduates for a limited period, through stack permits issued on the recom- mendation of a member of the Academic Council or by per- mission of the Librarian. 8. liooks which must be used by many students within a limited time are termed "hour books." Such books are ob- tained by signing "hour cards" for given periods, and must be returned to the loan desk at the expiration of the allotted hour. 9. Persons who desire to pursue courses of study or reading without becoming members of the University, may obtain the privileges of the [library, including the privilege of withdrawing liooks. Each application for such privileges shall be endorsed by two members of the Academic Coimcil. and shall be accom])anied by a receipt from the P)usiness ^lan- ager of the payment of an annual fee of five dollars. Such 150 CiEXKKAL EESOLUTIONS. privileges shall lapse on the thirty-first day of the followinj;" July, but may be renewed on a])plication to the Librarian after payment of the annual fee. 10. Graduates of tlie L"ni\ersity desiring to withdraw books shall file with the Librarian certificates of graduation signed by the Registrar, and shall deposit five dollars at the Business Office, to be held as security for the safe return of books withdrawn. The deposit shall be returned when the graduate relincjuishes this privilege, provided there be no un- paid charges against him. (Adopted May 29, 1908.) Liquors, Use of in Student Lodgings Prohibited. Resolved, That the .Academic Council be requested to pro- hibit the use of intoxicating liquors in fraternity chapter houses, student club houses and other student lodgings. (Adopted October 30, 1908.) Loaning of University Property. Resolved, That University property be not loaned without the approval of the President of the l^niversity and the Chair- man of the Finance Committee. (Adopted November 30, 1904.) Map of San Juan Subdivision Extension. Resolved, That the preliminary survey of the tract sur- rounding the reservoir upon the campus of the University, designated upon the map presented by Professor Marx as "Extension of San Juan Subdivision," be approved subject to final survey, and that said map be approved and placed on file. (Adopted June 28, 1907.) GENEKAL RKSOLUTIOXS. 151 Map of Lagunita Tract, Approval of. Resohed, That the blue print map of tlie tract lying be- tween Lasuen Street and Latjunita. prepared under the direc- tion of Professor Charles D. ]\Iarx, l)e approved by the Board subject to final survey. (Adopted February 25. 1907.) Map of Cooksey and San Juan Subdivisions, Approval of. Resolved, That the blue print map presented In' PVofessor Charles D. ]\Iarx, marked "Plan 2." and showing the proposed subdivision of the Cooksey Tract, of the San Juan Tract, lying east thereof, and south of the county road and of the extension of the Alvarado Tract, lying north of the county road, also showing the sul)division of the Lagunita Tract, lying between Lasuen Street and Lagunita. as approved by the Board of Trustees on February 25, 1907. be approved. (Adopted :\rarch 29, 1907.) Mechanician Shop, Creation of. Resolved, That the estaljlishment of a shop in connection with the Department of Mechanical Engineering for the pro- duction and maintenance of apparatus and mechanical equip- ment be approved. (Adopted January 7, 1905.) Mechanician Shop. Accounts of. Resolved, That a separate account be opened with the Mechanician shop, and l^etween the shop and each Depart- ment using it. that repairs to equipment l^e chargeable to student fees, and new equii)ment be chargeable to the general funds of the Cnixersity, and that salaries in the shop be chargeable to the general funds, suljject to reimbursement on account of any repairs to e(|uipment cliargeable to student fees. (Adopted .September 29, 1905.) lo2 GENERAL RESOLUTIONS. Mechanician Shop, Scope of Work. Resolved, 'JMiai llie Mechanician Shop l)e limited to doinj^ the work of and for the University. (Adopted Xovcml^er 30. 1906.) Memorial Church, Services Therein. Resolved, That in accordance \vilh the desire of ]\rrs. Stanford, as expressed 'to the P)Oard of Trustees on January 7. 1905, no services of a secular nature he held in Memorial Church. (.\dopted January 7, 1905.) Meetings of Board of Trustees, Regular. Resolved, That unless otherwise determined h}' a reso- lution of the Board of Trustees, or hy a special call, the regular meetings of the Board of Trustees he held at thirty minutes past one o'ciock P. ]\I. on the last Friday of each calendar month, excepting the month of Jtih'. at the office of the Board of Trustees, at rooms numbered 510 to 312, in the Union Trust Building, at Number 14 ^Montgomery Street, in the City and County of San b'rancisco. State of California. (Adopted August i, 1907.) Medical Department. Resolved. That in case the needs of the ])roposed Medical Department o\er and al)o\e its own separate income from medical students and otlier soin-ces should exceed Twenty-five Thousand Hollars ])er annum, the wants of other now existing •departments of e(|ual im])ortance shall ha\-e preference over such needs. (Adopte.l January 31, Vm.) Medical College Curriculum. Resolved. That the Poard approve, subject to amendment, the curriculum of the medical department or school as rccom- GENERAL RESOLUTIONS. 1-^3 mended to the President of the University on October 10, 1908, by the special committee appointed by the President of the University to consider the matter. (Adopted October 30, 1908.) Medical Faculty Organization. Resolved, That the following- plan of organization of the medical faculty, as recommended by the Advisory Board of the Faculty on April 13, 1908, be adopted subject to amend- ment : "The ^Medical Faculty shall consist of all professors and associate professors giving instruction in si;bjects included in the four years' medical course or in any graduate course in Medicine, either in San Francisco or at the University, and all such members shall have votes in the Medical Faculty. Those members of the Medical Faculty who give practically full time to instruction and who receive salaries from the University on that basis, and the Dean or executive head of the Medical Department or School shall be members of the Academic Council of the University under same conditions and on the same basis as is provided under the articles of organization of the faculty. The members of the Medical Faculty who are at the same time members of the Academic Council shall repre- sent the Medical Faculty in all such matters as afifect the rela- tions of the ^Medical Department or School to the University at large, as requirements for admission, requirements for grad- uation, standards of scholarship to be maintained, and these recommendations shall he subject to the approval of the Aca- demic Council. 'Tn other respects the Medical Faculty shall bear the same relation to the Trustees, the President and the University Faculty as the other department faculties. The management of the FTospital and of all administrative and executive work of the Medical Department or School shall be in the hands of the Aledical Faculty and of such committee as they may select, subject to the control of the Board of Trustees." ( .\dopted October 30, 1908.) io4 genp:kal resolutions. Minutes to be sent to Trustees. Resolved. That a copy of the minutes of each meeting of the Board be furnished to every Trustee residins:^ in Cali- fornia prior to the followinp^ meeting".. (Adopted August 29. 1903; amended October 4, 1907.) Oils and Chemicals, Use and Storage of. Resolved, That the use of gasoline, kerosene, ether, alco- hol and other dangerous oils and chemicals in the quadrangle buildings be prohibited, except imder such regulations, to be prescribed by the Treasurer, as will reduce the danger from fire or explosion to the lowest possible degree, and that the Treasurer provide for the storage of such oils and chemicals at a safe distance from the quadrangle buildings. (Adopted December 26, 1903; amended October 4, 1907.) President's Reports. Resolved, That the President annually present a report upon the condition of the University embod3Mng reports of the Department Faculties, the Librarian, Curator of the Mu- seum and Registrar, the first report to cover the year ending July 31st, 1904. (Adopted August i, 1904.) Promises to Members of Faculty. Resolved, That all promises relative to salaries or promo- tions, made to either members of the teaching force or to can- didates for positions, to be binding, must at \hv time be re- ported to and approved by the Board of Trustees. (Adopted May 25, 1906: amended October 4. 1907.) Publications, Division of into Series. Resolved. That University rublicatioiis be divided into three series : I. The Puhlicat i()ii> <>\ the Registrar's ( )t^ice; GENERAL RESOLUTIONS. loo 2. An Academic series on Scientific and other subjects; 3. The Trustees' series, consisting of official publications of the Board of Trustees ; and that numbers be assigned to the past and future publications in each series. (Adopted August 25, 1905.) Publications, Exchange of Trustees' Series. Resolved, That all of the publications of the Trustees' Series be sent to all those upon the press exchange list of the President's Office, to those upon the President's Office mailing list, to those upon the Library's mailing list and to the mem- l)ers of the Board of Trustees. (Adopted August 30, 1907.) Reconstruction, Commission of Engineers. Resolved, That the repair and reconstruction of the build- ings on the campus, made necessary by the injury thereto by the recent earthquake, be placed in the hands of a commission of our professors, consisting of Prof. Chas. D. ]Marx, Chairman ; Prof. W. F. Durand and Prof. C. B. Wing. And that such Commission have all the powers that an ordinary architect has in such matters and have charge of the employment of and power to employ such builders, inspectors, workmen and others, as may be necessary to the accomplish- ment of such repair and reconstruction. For all material purchased for such repair and reconstruction, requisitions shall be made by said Commission to the business office, and orders therefor shall be issued therefrom. And that the Chairman audit the bills and certify the same to the business office for payment. The said Commission shall have the power to obtain such advice as it may deem necessary in carrying out its duties, and at such reasonable cost to this Board as may be necessary for that purpose. For their own services they shall be paid, during vacation only, for such time as they de^'ote to said work at the propor- 156 CKNKrvAI. KKSOLUTIONS. tionale rate oi their monthly salaries, which shall be in addi- tion to their regular compensation as professors. During term time, it their duties herein provided shall be found to conflict with their duties as professors, then the Hoard will aid them by providing assistants to the extent that may l)c necessar}-, in the instruction of their students. Said Commission shall make a report to the Trustees of the condition of affairs from time to time, and at least once a month, such regular re]~)orts to l)e luade a few days before the monthly meeting of the Doard, so that the lloard will be fully advised from time to time of the i)rogress and con- dition of the work. The arrangements provided for in this resolution shall continue in force as long as all parties are cntirel}' satisfied therewith. (Adopted June 29, 1906.) Reconstruction, Funds for. Resol\-e(l, That the necessary funds for the reconstruction and repair of the Universit}^ buildings damaged by the earth- quake of April 18, 1906, be taken from the ])rincipal of the trust funds, so far as there is not available income for that purpose, and that each year there be restored to said principal or said trust funds an amount equal to not less than ten per cent, of the amount so taken. r\doi)tcd June 2?>, V)0()\ amended October 4. ]')07.) Registration Fees, Committee on Refunding of. Resohed, 'i'hat all i)etitions for the refund of registration fees l)e liereaftcr referred to the Registration Conuuittee of the I'aculty, and that in doubtful cases the Registration Com- mittee act upon the advice of a member of the Law Depart- ment, .and that the 'J'reasurer be authorized to refund registra- tion fees hereafter collected upon the recommendation of tlic Registration Committee. CAdoi)ted August i, 1906.) GENERAL RESOLUTIONS. 157 Registration Fees, Refund of. Resolved. That the Treasurer and Manager be authorized to refund an}- fee collected upon the registration of any student upon the subsequent cancellation of such registration under the rules of the University. (Adopted August 29, 1903.) Retirement of Members of Faculty. Resolved. That all members of the teaching or executive staff of the Univ^ersity shall retire from active service upon the close of the academic year in which they shall become sixty-five years of age. unless with their consent they be continued in active service by the formal action of the Board of Trustees. That the President of the University shall annu- alh' present to the Board of Trustees for consideration with the salary roll for the following academic year the names of all members of the teaching or executive stafif of the University who shall be over sixty-five years of age on the first day of the following academic year, with his recommendations as to the retirement or retention of all such persons. (Adopted November 2. 1906.) Residence Sites for Professors. Resolved, That the location of professors' residences be not restricted, and that the Extension of the San Juan Subdi- visic:)n, known as the ^^'ater Tower Reservation, consisting, as now laid out. of fourteen lots, be reserved for faculty resi- dences only. (Adopted February 7, 1908.) Resolutions Rescinded by By-Laws. Resolved. That any resolution, the subject matter of which is covered b\- the provisions of the By-Laws or Articles of Organization of the Faculty sul)sequcntl}' adopted, l)e deemed rescinded thereby. (Adopted October 4, 1907.) 1.->S GENERAL RKSOLrXIONS. Roads on Palo Alto Farm Not Dedicated. Whereas, Xo part of the hinds of Stanford Univcrsil}' in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, has ever been dedicated to the public use, by user or otherwise, as a road, street, avenue, alley, lane or path; And, W liereas, This Board has the right at any and all times to regulate traffic of every kind on said lands and pre- scribe the method of use thereof, and has always maintained complete dominion over the same ; And, Whereas, The use of automobiles and motor bicycles on all parts of the I'nivcrsity lands was prohibited by Mrs. Jane L. Stanford, while she was Surviving Founder and pos- sessed of all powers now held by this Board : And. Whereas, This Board did in the year 1906 locate and improve a strip of land for the use of automobiles, Init did not dedicate the same to public use, said strip of land commencing east of the main entrance to the University Grounds, extend- ing in a southerly direction through the Arboretum and in front of the new gymnasium and along the east end of the outer quadrangle and passing over thaj certain strip of land known as Lasuen Street, to the County Road south of the University ; And, Whereas, Certain persons have claimed the right to run automobiles over other portions of said lands than said strij) of land so set aside for the use of automobiles; Xow, Therefore. Be It Resolved, That the ^Manager for the I'oard of Trustees be and he is herein* authorized and in- structed to take such measures as he may think proper to pre- vent the travel of automobiles and motor bicycles over all portions of the University lands other than that land hereto- fore set aside for the use of automobiles and motor bicycles. (Adopted March 6, 1908.) GENERAL RESOLUTIONS. 159 Rules, Adoption of by Faculty. Resolved, That it is the sense of the Board of Trustees that the Faculty should formulate and adopt, subject to such action by the Board of Trustees as the Articles of Organiza- tion prescribe, such rules governing the entrance requirements, courses of study, conditions of graduation, conduct of stu- dents and other matters affecting the work and discipline of the students as it may deem desirable. (Adopted October 4, 1907.) Salaries, Automatic Increase of. Resolved, That unless otherwise determined by special arrangement upon appointment, or promotion, or by special action, all Associate and Assistant Professors shall receive a regular annual increment in salary of $100 for three successive years, beginning at the expiration of the academic year 1906-7, in the cases of Associate and Assistant Professors now in the University, whose said increment for the current year is already allowed, and beginning at the expiration of the first academic year in the cases of Associate and Assistant Pro- fessors hereafter appointed or promoted ; provided that this rule shall not operate to increase any such salary beyond three thousand dollars. (Adopted October 25, 1907.) Salaries, Equal Allowance for Each Semester. Whereas, The first and second semesters of the academic year represent academic work of substantially equal value and it is desirable that compensation for services during the first and second semesters shall be the same ; It is Resolved, That in all academic matters such as sab- batical years, sabl)atical half-years, appointments to take effect at the commencement of the second semester, or for a semester, or leave of absence for a semester, the determination of the proportion of the annual compensation to be paid or deducted 160 GENERAL RESOLUTIONS. as the case may l)c, shall be based upon the assunipliun of equality of service ami compensation in each semester, so that the compensation to be paid or deducted for the second se- mester shall not exceed that ])aid or deducted iov the first se- mester. (Adopted -May 29, 1908.) Sales and Contracts, Authorization of. Resolved, That unless special!}- authorized by the TJoard no employee of the Treasurer or Manager shall buy, sell or dispose of any property, or enter into an}^ contract, excepting for the protection of property in case of an emergency, without first obtaining the a])proval of the Treasurer or Manager, as the case may ])e. (Ado])ted August 1, 1003; amended October 4, 1907.) Sinking Funds, Bond-Premium, Insurance, Depreciation. Resolved: 1st. That immediately upon the determination by this r.oard of Trustees of the amount it shall recei\'e as gfross annual income, and before a])])roi)riations shall l)c made therefrom, it shall set aside annual)}' sinking funds as follows: .\. l-'or al)sor])tion of premiums ])ai(I for securities. .$ 20,000 15. Insurance 50.000 C h'or de])reciation of im]:)ro\ ements 100,000 Said funds to be segregated from all other fmids and to be sei)aratel}' inxested and all income to go to the general fund: these funds to be used onl}' for the ])urposcs for which res])ect- ively set aside. 2nd. Thai the balance ol income after deduction of al)o\'e sinking fun(l> >hall be a\aila])le for the general and educational appropriations for the year. 3rfl. That the (le])reciation account shall date from June 1st, 1903, and that it shall be charged willi reconstruction ex- penses made since that date. GENERAL RESOLUTIONS. 161 Resolved, Further, That the Board set aside these amounts under the terms of the above resolution for the coming fiscal year. (Adopted ^larch 6, 1908; amended ^larch 27, 1908.) Societies, Use of University Buildings by. Resolved, That the recommendation of the President of the University that authority be given by the Board of Trustees- for the granting of permission to scientific and literary socie- ties connected with the University to use the University build- ings when necessary for the holding of their meetings, be ap- proved. (Adopted March 6, 1908.) Stock of Corporations, Voting of. Resolved, That the Treasurer and Manager be empowered to have all of the corporate stock belonging to the Trustees transferred to the name of the Board of Trustees, and that he be empowered to vote said stock at all meetings, with power of substitution. (Adopted September 26, 1903.) Storekeeper and Supply Store. Resolved, That the ^Manager be authorized to appoint a storekeeper and maintain a supply store at the University. (Adopted January 7, 1905.) Telephone Switches. Resolved, That long distance switches from University telephones on other than University business be not charge- able against the University. (Adopted September 11. 1908.) 1»V_> GENERAL RESOU'TIONS. Tenure of Associate and Assistant Professors. Resolved, That unless otherwise expressly provided by the Board of Trustees in individual cases, all appointments of as- sistant professors shall be made for periods of three years, and all appointments of associate professors shall be made for peri- ods of five years, the tenure of appointment to terminate in each case at the expiration of the period of appointment unless formally continued for an additional period by the Board of Trustees. That the tenure of service shall not be held to prevent the resignation of an assistant or an associate professor or his removal for inefificiency or other cause. (Adopted May 1'). 1aw Department as follows: For students registering for thirteen (13) or more units in Law in any semester. $2.^ i)er semester. For students registering for less than thirteen (13) units in Law in any semester, two (2) dollars per unit per semester. No tuition fee to be charged for Law I (Elementary Law), which is not regarded as a professional course. (;i:xi:uAL RKsorj'TiONS. kv; That studeiiis who were registered in Law on ^vlarch 6, 1907, shall be exempt from the payment of such tuition tees. (Adopted March 6. 1908.) Vina Wine Agency. Resolved, That the proposed contract between the Board of Trustees and the \'ina Wine Agency for the sale of the Vina wines and brandies be approved, subject to the approval of the Manager, and that the same be executed and delivered by the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees when so approved by him. (Adopted October 30. 1908.) INDEX. i INDEX. PAGE [Page numbers in brackets refer to provisions which have been re- pealed or modified.] Academic Council, composition and powers of 100 Addresses of Jane L. Stanford — Amending trusts : June 1, 1897 45,64 May 31, 1899 (deed) 45, 66 October 3. 1902 48. 72 June 1, 1903 49, 81 Not amending trusts : February 11, 1897 45 June 1, 1897 (letter) 45 May 31, 1899 45 Advisory Board, composition and powers of 102" Agriculture, study of in all its branches provided for 55 Amendment of Trusts : June 1. 1897 45. 64 May 31. 1899 45. 66 November 1, 1901 47, 70- October 3, 1902 48, 72' June 1. 1903 49. 81 Amendments, later supercede earlier 84 Announcements of Actions (resolution) 128 Appointment of professors 57, 104, 128 Appointment of President of University S? Appointments, Promotions and Dismissals (resolution) 128l Arts and Sciences, courses of lectures in 61 Assembly Hall rental ( resolution ) 129 Association and co-operation, rights and advantages of 57 Association of American Universities, membership in (resolution) .... 129 .\thletic Fields. Control of (resolution) 129 Athletic and other fields. Improvement of ( resolution) 130 Athletic field. Location of (resolution) 131 Auditor to lie furnished witli Minutes (resolution) 132 Automobile Road. Location of (resolution) 132 Automobiles, Speed Limit (resolution) 132 Bequest of Leland Stanford 42 Boarding houses upon campus 68, 75 P>ond Premium. Amortization Frtvl ( resolution ) 133 Buildings of University 60, 64. 76 (1<>7) 168 i^uEx PAGE By-Laws, authorized 57, 68, 72, 73, 113 By-Laws and Rules of Order, Revision of (resolution) 133 Capital Endowment, to remain intact 54, 57 Carnegie Foundation, Funds of (resolution) 133 Cemetery at iMausoleum closed 75 Church, erection of 60, 73 Committees of Board of Trustees [67] , 73, 1 19 Confirmation of founding and endowment 18, 44, 45. 81 Conservatories, provision for 55 Constitutional Amendment 18 Cooper Medical College, Transfer of (resolution) 133 Cooper Medical College, Transfer of (resolution) 134 Cooper Medical College properties. Acceptance of (resolution) 134 Corporate powers and privileges. Constitutional Amendment authori/:ing 18, 47 Act granting 19, 47 Assumption of by Board of Trustees 47, 70 Consent of Surviving Founder tliercto 48, 70 Decree determining tlie terms, validity and legal effect of University trusts 33 Decree, supplementary 89 Deeds and Conveyances to Trustees : By Leland Stanford and Jane L. Stanford, Founding Grant, November 14, 1885 39, 53 Bequest of $2,500,000 by Leland Stanford 42 By Jane Lathrop Stanford : California Street Mansion, February 1 1, 1897 43 Contents of various houses of Mrs. Stanford. Feb. 11, 1897 43 Bonds and otiier personal property, June 1, 1897 43 San Mateo and Santa Clara County properties, Jan. 27, 1899... 43 Tehama County property, January 27, 1899 43 Real and personal property in various places, AFay 31, 1899 43 Tehama County property, June 6, 1899 44 Lassen County property. June 6, 1899 44 Bonds, manual delivery in New York, July 9, 1900 46 Bonds, manual delivery in San Francisco, July 23, 1901 46 California Street Man^ii n ( cDnlirmatory) December 9, 1901. ...44 Real property in vari, 79, 80, 81 University, its name 55 University to keep open avenue from lowest to highest stations in life. . .81 Vice-President or Acting President of University 100 Vina Wine Agency (resolution) 163 Women students, rights of 58 Women students, limitation in number 70 69 7 A J LOS ANGx.._., UCLA-Young Research Library LD 3006.5 y L 009 602 664 6 UC SOUTHERN RFRiriNAI l [RRARY FACILITY AA 001 324 580