+ /\(p.
Lastly, integrate with respect to (f) from to ;^ ; thus
In this example the integrations may be performed in any
order, and the student should examine and illustrate them.
209. A right cone has its vertex on the surface of a
sphere, and its axis coincident with the diameter of the
sphere passing through that point : find the volume com-
mon to the cone and the sphere.
Let a be the radius of the sphere ; a the semi-vertical
angle of the cone, V the required volume, then the polar
equation to the sphere with the vertex of the cone as origin
is r = 2a cos 6. Therefore
'2w fa r2acoa
r2w fa f2aco3 9
F= r'' s'm d d/ dz to find the volume of a
closed surface of the second order whose equation is
ax^ + bi/ + cz' + a'yz + h'xz + c'xy = 1.
25, State between what limits the integrations in
dx dy dz
must be performed, in order to obtain the volume
contained between the conical surface whose equa-
tion is z = a — i\J(x^ -{-y"^), and the planes whose equa-
tions are x = z and x = Q; and find the volume by
this or by any other method. Residt. -^ .
26. State between what limits the integrations must be
taken in order to find the volume of the solid con-
tained between the two surfaces cz = mx^ + ny^ and
z= ax+ hii : and shew that the volume is - — when
m = 11 = a = h = 1.
27. A cavity is just large enough to allow of the complete
revolution of a circular disc of radius c, whose centre
describes a circle of the same radius c, while the plane
of the disc is constantly parallel to a fixed plane, and
perpendicular to that of the circle in which its centre
moves. Shew that the volume of the cavity is
f (.Stt + 8).
28. Find the volume of the cono-cuneus determined by
2 2
which is contained between the planes x = nnd
X = a. Result. -^—^ .
190 EXxiMPLES.
29. The axis of a right cone coincides with a generating
line of a cylinder ; the diameter of both cone and
cylinder is equal to the common altitude : find the
surface and volume of each part into which the cone
is divided by the cylinder.
„ „ 47r Vo - 3 V15 2 J 27r -v/5 + S^/lo ^
Surfaces, ^ a and — — a ;
87r + 27V3-64 3 , 64-27V3-27r 3
Volumes, ^ a and ^, ■ — a^ ;
where a is the radius of the base of the cone or
30. A conoid is generated by a straight line which passes
through the axis of z and is perpendicular to it. Two
sections are made by parallel planes, both planes
being parallel to the axis of z. Shew that the
volume of the conoid included between the planes is
equal to the product of the distance of the planes into
half the sum of the areas of the sections made by the
211. It is sometimes necessary to differentiate an inte-
gral with respect to some quantity wliicli it involves ; this
question we shall now consider.
Required the differential coefficient of I (f> {x) dx with
J a
respect to h, supposing (^ {x) not to contain h, and a to be
indej^endent of b.
Let 10= \ (f) (cr) dx ;
J a
suppose b changed into b + Ab, in consequence of which
w becomes u + Au ; thus
rb + Ab
u + A?( =1 ^ (•^) dx 5
J a
rb + Ab rb
therefore Au= j > (x) dx — I (j) {x) dx
J a J a
b + Ab
(f>{x) dx.
Now, by Art. 40,
rb + Ab
' j {x)dx = Abc}){b + eAb),
where 6 is some proper fraction ; thus
^^ = c^ (6 + dAb).
Let Ab and Au diminish without limit ; thus
212. Similarly, if we differentiate u with respect to a,
supposing (f) {x) not to contain a, and b to be inde23endent
of a, we obtain
213. Suppose (p (x) to contain a quantity c, and let it
be required to find the differential coefiicient of I cf) (x) dx
J a
with respect to c, supposing a and h independent of c.
Instead of ^ (x) it will be convenient to write ^ {x, c),
so that the presence of the quantity c may be more clearly
indicated ; denote the integral by u, thus
u= i (f> (x, c) dx.
J a
Suppose c changed into c + Ac, in consequence of which
u becomes u + Au ; thus
ti+ Au= i 4) {x, c + Ac) dx ;
J a '
therefore Aw = (f){x,c + Ac) dx — j (f) {x, c) dx
J a •'a
= 1 {
where p is a quantity which diminishes without limit when
Ac does so. Thus we have
Ac J a etc J a
When Ac is diminished indefinitely, the second integi'al
vanishes ; for it is not gx'oater than {b — a) p, where p' is
the greatest value p can have, and p ultimately vanishes.
Hence proceeding to the limit, Ave have
du f^dd) (x, c) ,
-J- = — ^-1 dx.
dc J a dc
214. It should be noticed that the preceding Article sup-
poses that neither a nor b is infinite ; if, for exam2:)le, b were
infinite, we could not assert that (6 — a) p' would necessarily
vanish in the limit.
215. We have shewn then in Art. 213 that
We will point out a useful application of this equation.
Suppose that -v/r [x, c) is the function of which ,c) (2),
let us suppose that b does not occur in (f) (x, c), and that
a is also independent of b ; then (2) may be written
^?^+C = %(i.o) (S).
where C denotes terms which are independent of b, that
is, are constant with respect to b. Hence as b may have
T. I. c. 13
any value we jolease in (3), we may replace h by x, and
%(-.c) = '^%^ + c w.
This equation may be applied to find ;^ {x, c) ; as the
constant may be introduced if required, we may dispense
with writing it, and put (4) in the form
I -?-^-^—^ dx = -j-\(p{x, c) dx.
For example, let ^ {x, c) = , ., .^ 5 then
dx 1 , _i
= - tan ex,
I 6 (x, c) dx = \ ^ .-, 2 —
thus -1- ( - tan"^ ex] = I -^ ( -, r-j dx
ac\c J J dc \l + c'x J
Thus from knowing the value of = s— „ we are able to
^ J 1 + ex
deduce by differentiation the value of the more complex
intes^ral ( r-- — ^-^r-„ dx.
* j (1 + cV)"
216. Eequired the differential coefficient cf 1 (^{x, c) dx
J a
Avitli respect to c when both b and a are functions of c.
Denote the integral by u ; then -j- consists of three terms,
one arising from the fact that ^ (x, c) contains c, one from
the fact that h contains c, and one from the fact that a
contains c.
Hence by the preceding Ai-ticles,
du _ /"* d^ (x, c) , du db du da
dc J a dc db do da dc
J a dc
C^d(b (x, c) J , ,, .dh . , .
217. With the suppositions of the preceding Article we
may proceed to find -^ . By differentiating with respect to c
the term ( -^-^-^ dx we obtain
J a dc
r^ c?'^ {x, c) 7 ,d(f) {h, c) db d(f) (a, c) da
J a dc^ dc dc dc dc
From the other terms in -r- we obtain by differentiation
^^ ' ^ dc' db \dcj dc dc
,, s d'^a d(}> (a, c) /daV d(f> (a, c) da
Thus ^!=r^(^'^^.
dc J a dc
^ ^ ^ dc db \dcj dc dc
__, f ^ d^a dl«,cj^^, d^[d^) ~^ dc Tc-
Similarly -j-^ may be found and higher differential co-
efficients of u if required.
218. The following geometrical illustration may be given
of Art. 216.
M M'
uV N'
Let y = (f)(x, c) be the equation to the curve APQ, and
y = cf>(x, c + Ac) the equation to the curve A'P'Q'.
0M= a,
MM' = Aa,
NN' = M.
Then u denotes the area FMNQ, and u + Au denotes the
aveaP'iM'N'Q'. Hence
Au = P'pq Q + qNN'q - PMM'p,
Au _ P'pqQ' QNN'q PMM'p
Ac Ac ' Ac Ac
It may easily be seen that the limit of the first term is
the limit of f ^ ^(^>g + ^c)->(^'»g) ^^ that the limit of the
L Ac
second term is the limit of ^ (h, c) -r- , and that the limit
of the third term ia the limit of ^ {a, c) -^ . This gives the
result of Art. 216.
219. Example. Find a curve such that the area between
the curve, the axis of x, and any ordinate, sliall bear a con-
stant ratio to the rectangle contained by that ordinate and
the corresponding abscissa.
Suppose ^ {x) the ordinate of the curve to the abscissa x;
then I <^ (x) dx expresses the area between the curve, the
axis of X, and the ordinate (c) : hence by sujoposition we
must have
Jo n
where n is some constant. This is to hold for all values of c;
hence we may ditferentiate with respect to c ; thus
^ n n
therefore c0' (c) = {n— 1) cf) (c),
, 6' (c) n — 1
)(c) c
By integration log (j> (c) = {n — 1) log c + constant ;
thus (}) (c) = ^c""S
where A is some constant ; thus we have finally
(f> {x) = Ax''~\
which determines the required curve.
220. Find the form of ^ {x), so that for all values of c
x[(^ {x)Y dx
By the supposition
fx{cf>ix)Ydx = ir{cf^{x)Ydx.
JO itJo
Differentiate with respect to c ; thus
thus o{l-^{i>{c)r = lj\{x)Yda,.
Differentiate again with respect to c ;
thus (l - i) [c/, (c)r + 2c (l - ^^) c/> (c) f (0) = ^-^^
hence (l " ^) ^ (c) + 2c (l - ^^) >' (c) = ;
. ^ <^'(C) 2-71 1
therefore , , . = zr? iT ~ •
(p (c) 2 (n — 1) c
Integrate ; thus
log (/) (c) = 2-(,7:riy log c + constant ;
therefore (x) + 2x(f)' (x) must be zero.
Therefore £^ = -1-.
9 {x) zx
therefore log (^ (a:) = — ^ log x + constant,
therefore (h (x) =—- ,
where A is some constant.
This is the solution of a problem in Dynamics, which may
be enunciated thus. Find a curve, such that the time of
falling down an arc of the curve from any point to the lowest
point may be the same. If s denote the arc of the curve
measured from the lowest point, x the vertical abscissa of
the extremity of s, then we have
-V- = (a;) and s=2A >Jx;
30 that the curve is a cycloid (Art. 72).
1. If the straight line SP^P^P^ meet three successive revo-
lutions of an equiangular spiral, whose equation is
r= a^, at the points P^, P^, P^, find the area included
between P^P^, P^Pz^ ^"^ ^^^^ *wo curve lines P^P^,P^P^.
Result. ~rj^ — (P,-PJ'.
2. Find the area of the curve y'^ — axy^ + x^ = 0.
3. Find the area of the curve a'" + 2/^" = a" {xyY ^, where n
is a positive integer.
Result. If n is an even integer -^r- ; if n is an odd
. , aV
integer .
4. A string the length of which is equal to the perimeter
of an oval is wound completel}'' round the oval, and
an involute is formed by unwinding the string, begin-
ning at any point : shew that when the length of the
involute is a maximum or a minimum the length of
the string is equal to the perimeter of the circle of
curvature at the jooint from which the unwinding
5. Find the portion of the cylinder oc^ + y^ — rx= inter-
cepted between the planes
ax + by + cz = and ax + h2/ + cz — 0.
TT (a' — a) ?-'
6. Find the volume of the solid bounded by the para-
boloid y'^+ z^= 4a(a;+a) and the sphere x^ + y^-{- z'^ = c\
supposing c greater than a.
Result. 2'jra ( c^ — -^j- 1 .
222. The integrals [ „, ^f . .^, , fv(l - c' siu'^) cW,
\ (IB
and /-, . ., ,,, — -r-, o . „ -, , are called elliptic fanc-
j(l + asm-^) \/(l -c'sm^^; ' ^ -^
tions or elliptic integrals of the first, second, and third order
respectively; the first is denoted by F{c, 6), the second by
E (c, 6), and the third by II (c, a, 6). The integi'als are all
supposed to be taken between the limits and 6, so that they
vanish when 6 vanishes. 9 is called the amjilitude of the
function. The constant c is supposed less than unity; it is
called the modulus of the function. The constant a, which
occurs in the function of the third order, is called the para-
meter. When the integrals are taken between the limits
and — , they are called coinplete functions; that is, the ampli-
tude of a comjDlete function is ^ .
223. The second elliptic integral expresses the length of
a portion of the arc of an ellipse measured from the end of
the minor axis, the excentricity of the ellij)se being the
modulus of the function. JFrom this circumstance, and from
the fact that the three integrals are connected by remark-
able properties, the name elliptic integrals has been de-
22-i. The theory of elliptic integrals and the investiga-
tions to which it has led constitute a part of the Integral
Calculus of great extent and importance, to which much
attention has been recently devoted. We shall merely give
a few of the simpler results. For further information the
student is referred to the elementary treatise on the subject
by Professor Cayley.
225. If 6 and cf) are connected by the equation
F(c,e) + F{c,c}>) = Fic,f^),
where /m is a constant ; then will
cos 6 cos ^ — sin ^ sin ^ ^(1 — c^ sin^ fi) = cos /x.
Consider $ and ^{l- & sin' )) dt
Now as i is a new arbitrary variable, we are at liberty to
^ = V(l-c^sin'^),
thus from the equation (1)
Square these two equations and differentiate; thus
-y^ = — c sm 6 cos u, -T-J- = — c sm (p cos ;
therefore df "" ~ 2 ^^^"^ - ^^^ '^^'
Let ^ + ^ = -v//- and ^ — ^ = ^j^ ; thus
-^ = -c-sm'»/rcosx, -^ = -c sm^cosi/r.
therefore , , , = cot y, ■ , , , = cot ^Ir ;
d±dx d^dx
at dt dt dt
therefore log -^ = log sin x + constant, _
clylr , .
therefore W^ ^^^"^ ^
and similarly -jj; = B sin ^p'
where A and B are constants.
Hence -^ sin % -^'^ = jK sin -v/r — ,
therefore A cos % = -B cos -v/r + C (3).
Now from the original given equation we see that if ^ =
F{c,6) = F{c,,.);
therefore then 6 = (x and % = ■^/^ = /^ ;
thus from (3) {A- B)cos[Jb= C;
thus A cos {e-(p)=B cos (^ + <^) + {A - B) cos ^l ;
(A - B) cos ^ cos (^ + (^ + -B) sin ^ sin <^ = (^ - B) cos /a.. .(4).
In (2) put for -^ its value ^{1 - c^ sin^ 0) - ^(1 - c" siir 0),
and for ^ its value V(l - c' sin' 6) + V(l - c' sin'' >), and then
suppose ^ = ; thus
V(l — c" sin' /x) — 1 = ^ sin //,,
and V(l - c' sin' fi) + 1 = B sin fx.
Substitute for ^ - ^ and ^ + J5 in (4) ;
thus cos ^ cos ^ - sin ^ sin ^ \f(l - c' sin' jjl) = cos fi.
226. The relation just found may be put in a different
form. Clear the equation of radicals ; thus
(cos 6 cos (j) — cos /a)" = (1 — c" sin" /x) sin" 6 sin'^ + cos^ ^ — 2 cos d cos (f) cos /i
= 1 — c^ sin^ fjb sin^ 6 sin^ >.
Add cos* (f) COS" yu. to both sides and transpose ; thus
(cos 6 — cos (f) cos nY
= 1 - cos" ^ — cos" fj, + cos* ^ cos* /x — c* sin* yu. sin* ^ sin* ^
= sin* (f) sin* /z (1 — c* sin* 6) ;
therefore cos ^ = cos cf) cos /i + sin (j) sin /x. a/(1 — c* sin* ^).
The positive sign of the radical is taken, because when
^ = 0, we must have ^ = /i.
227. We shall now shew how an elliptic function of the
first order may be connected with another having a different
Let F[c,6) denote the function; assume
c + cos 2(^
1 de 2 (1 + c cos 2(^)
cos' dd(f3 {c + cos'2cf)y '
dd _ 2 (1 + c cos 2(f))
dcf) 1 + 2ccos2) + c* *
1 ,^.in^^-l c*sin*2) V(l-|-2ccos2(^+c'-') ,
J J{l-c^sm^0) il + 2ccos20 + c«* l + ccos2
c' c (1 + c)'
and since c is less than unity, 4 is gi-eater than c (1 + c)^
If (f)= - , then 6 = 7r ; thus
jf^l'(.„|)=f(c,.) = 2i.(o,|).
228. We will give one more proposition in this subject,
by establishing a relation among Elliptic Functions of the
second order, analogous to that proved in Art. 225 for func-
tions of the first order.
If cos Q cos — sin ^ sin ^^/(l -~ c^ sin*^/*) = cos /x,
then will
E (C; 6) +E (, ,: and the surface of each intercepted by the
3 sm/3
other IS
8. The centre of a variable circle moves along the arc of
a fixed circle ; its })lane is normal to the fixed circle,
and its radius equal to the distance of its centre from
a fixed diameter : find the volume generated ; and if
the solid so formed revolve round the fixed diameter,
shew that the volume swept through is to the volume
of the solid as 5 is to 2.
9. The centre of a regular hexagon moves along a diameter
of a given circle of radius a, the plane of the hexagon
being perpendicular to this diameter, and its magni-
tude varying in such a manner that one of its diago-
nals always coincides with a chord of the circle : shew
that the volume of the solid generated is 2V3a\
Shew also that the surface of the solid is
a^ (27r + 3 v/3).
10. Prove that
f ^ dx ^ / ^\
where c = ^.
11. Shew that the length of an arc of the lemniscate
T^ = a^ cos 26 measured from the vertex can be ex-
pressed as an elliptic integral of the first kind.
12. P and Q are any two points on a lemniscate of which A
is the vertex, and is the pole. Find the relation
between the vectorial angles of P and Q in order that
the arcs ^Pand QO may be equal.
nesult. Cos xi OP cos AOQ = ^,.
T. L C. 14
We have seen in Art. G2 that the double integral
rb rp ^ rp rb
I \ (}> {x, y) dx dtf is equal to I I <^ {x, y) dy dx when the
J a J a. J a J a
limits are constant, that is, a change in the order of integra-
tion produces no change in the hmits for the two integrations.
But when the limits of the first integration are functions of
the other variable, this statement no longer holds, as we have
seen in several examples in the seventh and eighth Chapters.
We' give here a few additional examples.
Change the order of integration in
••a r-^/(a^-x!>)
<^{x, y)dxdy.
The limits of the integration with respect to y here are
,y = and y = ^f{a^-x''); that is, we may consider the
'integral extending from the axis of x to the boundary of a
circle, having its centre at the origin, and radius equal to a.
Then the integration with resjDect to cc extends from the axis
of 1/ to the extreme point A of the quadrant. Thus if we
consider z = (f) (.r, y) as the equation to a surface, the above
double integral represents the volume of that solid which is
contained between the surface, the plane of {x, y), and a
straight line moving perpendicularly to this plane round the
boundary OAPBO.
It is then obvious from the figure that if the integration
with respect to x is performed first, the limits Avill be ic =
and x = \/(a^ — y"), and then the limits for y will he y=0
and y = a. Thus the transformed integral is
a r^J(a*-y-)
> {^y y) dy dx.
231. Change the order of integration in
2 rSacosfl
JO ^0
(/)(r, e)rd9dr.
Let OA = 2a, and describe a semicircle on OA as dia-
meter. Let POX= e, then 0P= 2a cos 6. Thus the double
integral may be considered as the limit of a summation of
values of ^(r, d)rM^r over all the area of the semicircle.
Hence when the order of integration is chancjed we must
integrate for 6 from to cos"' ~ , and for r from to 2a.
Thus the transformed integral is
r2a rcos-'gr
JO ^0
232. Change the order of integration in
"2a rZa-x
(j) (x, y) dx dy.
The integration for y is taken from 3/ = t- to ?/ = 3a — ar.
The equation y = j- belongs to a parabola OLD, and the
equation y=2>a~x to a straight line BLC, which passes
through L, the extremity of the latus rectum of the parabola.
Thus the integration may be considered as extending over
the area OLBSO. Now let the order of integi'ation be
changed ; we shall have to consider separately the spaces
OLS and BLS. For the sj^ace OLS we must integrate
from x = to x=2 \/{ay), and then from y = to y = a\
and for the space BLii we must integrate from a; = to
x = 3a — y, and then from y = a to y = 3a. Thus the trans-
formed integral is
ra r2^(,ay) rSa rZa-ij
cj) {x, y) dy dx + \ > {x, y) dy dx,
J J J a J
233. Change the order of integration in
1 /•x(2-ar)
(f> (x, y) dx dy.
Here the integration with respect to y is taken from y = x
to y = x {^— x). The equation y = x represents a straight
line, and the equation y = x(^ —x) represents a parabola.
The reader will find on exainin>ng a figure, that the trans-
formed integral is
•1 ry
(^ {x, y) dy dx.
QJ i-Vd-y)
234. Change the order of integration in
a rx+2a
Here the integration with respect to y is taken from
y = /^{a^ — x") to y = x-i-2a. The equation y = sj{a? — x^)
represents a circle, and the equation 2/ = a? + 2a represents a
straight line. The reader will find on examining a figure,
that when the integration with respect to x is performed
first, the integral must be separated into three portions; the
transformed integral is
ra ro r2a ra
(f){x,y)dydx+ j>{x,y)dydx
J J -Jia^-y-) J a J
rZa ra
J 2a J y-2a
235. Change the order of integration in
'a rb+x
ra rb+x
Here the integration with respect to y is taken from y =
to y = r • The equation y = j represents an hyper-
bola ; let BDE be this hyperbola, and let OA = a. Then
the integration may be considered as extending over the
space OBDA. Let the order of the integration be changed;
we shall then have to consider separately the spaces OADG
and CDB. For the space OADG we must integrate from
a; = to x = a, and then from -?/ = to y = j—_ — . For the
' '^ ^ 6 + a
space CDB we must integrate from a; = to x — -.,
and then from ?/ = t to y = 1. Thus the transformed in-
tegral is
rb+a fa f^ f ^
I ^{x,y)dydx+ 4> (x, y) dy dx.
JQ Jo J b Jo
236. Chancce the order of integration in
where h =
rh cc-ixx
J •/ Ax
. The transformed integral is
rxh TA re r iJ.
4>{x,y)dydx+ <}> (x,y) dy dx.
J J J Kh J
237. Change the order of integration in
I I j>{x,y,z)dxdydz.
The integration here may be considered to be extended
throughout a pyramid, the bounding planes of which are
given by the equations
z = 0, z = 1/, y = x, x = a.
The integral may be transformed in different ways, and
thus we obtain
fa ra ry
(^{x,y, z) dy dx dz,
Jo J y J
ra ry ra
{x, y, z) dy dz dx,
J J J y
ra ra ra
Jo J s J y
fa rx fx
\ <^{x,y, z) dx dz dy,
J J J z
fa fa fx
I j (f) {x,y, z) dz dx dy.
J J S J 2
These transformations may be verified by putting for
(j) (x, y, z) some simple function, so that the integi'als can
be actually obtained ; for example, if we replace ^) ^^> where V^ is what V becomes when we put
for y its value in V. Hence the original double integral
1 1 ^i^' C-^' ^) ^^ ^^•
Thus we have removed y and taken v instead. As the
limiting values of y between which we had originally to
integrate are kno^v^l, we shall from (2) know the limiting
values of v, between which we ought to integrate. It will be
observed, that in finding -— from (2), we supposed x constant ;
this we do because, as already remarked, when we integrate
the proposed expression with respect to y wo must consider x
The next step is to change the ordei^ of the above integra-
tions with respect to x and v, that is, to perform the integra-
tion with respect to x first. This is a subject which we have
already examined ; all we have to do is to determine the new
limits properly. Thus, supposing this point settled, we have
changed the original expression into
I / ^li^' {^> ^) ^^ ^^•
It remains to remove x from this expression and replace it
by w. We proceed precisely as before. From equations (1)
eliminate y, and obtain a; as a function of v and u, say
a- = %(v, u) (3),
from which we get
dx=')l [v, ti) du,
where ^ (v, u) means the differential coefficient of ;!^ (y, m)
with respect to u.
Substitute then for x and dx, and the double integral be-
\\ V'yjr' (x, v) X {v, w) dv du,
where F' is what F, becomes when we put for x its value in
Fj. Thus the double integral now contains only u and v,
since for the x which occurs in yjr' (x, v) we suppose its value
substituted, namely, ^ (y> '^)- Moreover since the limits
between which the integration with respect to x was to be
taken have been already settled, we know the limits between
which the integration with respect to u must be taken.
We have thus given the complete theoretical solution of
the problem ; it only remains to add a j^^ctd^cci^ method for
determining ^^r' (x, v) and ^ (^'; ^0 • ^^ this we proceed.
We observe that -v|r' {x, v) or ■— is to be found from equa-
tions (1) by eliminating u, considering x constant ; the fol-
lowing is exactly equivalent : from (1) we have
dy dv du dv dv ' dij dv da dv dv
d^dy^d^^ d^dy^d^
_,.. . , du ,, dy dv dv dy dv dv
Llimmate -y- : thus , , = -^ n >
dv d^ tt9j
du du
d<^^ cZ(^2 d<^i d'^2
dy _ dv du du dv
dv d(f)^ d(f)^ c/(/)j d(f>,^ '
du dy dy du
This then is an equivalent for ^jr' (x, v), supposing that after
the differentiations are performed we put for y and u their
values in terms of x and v from (1).
Again, x {^y ^0 or -r- is to be found from equations (1) by
eliminating y, regarding v as constant ; the following is
exactly equivalent : from (1) we have
d^ dx d^ dy_ d^^ _ d(f>„ dx d^ dy d^ _ „
dx du dy du du ' dx du dy du du
. . • du
From these equations by eliminating -.- we find
dx _ du dy dy du
du d(f)^ d(f>^ d(f)^ d(f),^ '
dy dx dx dy
This then is an equivalent for ^ {y, xi).
, . - , , . dv dii. da dv
Thus y {x, V) X [v, u) = . , , , , , .. .
dy dx dx dy
Hence the conckision is that
//K.W,.//K ^_gJg^ ...,. (*),
dy dx dx dy
where after the differentiations have been performed, we must
substitute for x and y their values in terms of w and v to be
found from (1); also the values of x and y mvist be substituted
in V.
An important particular case is that in which x and y are
given explicitli/ as functions of u and v; the equations (1)
then take the form
oc-f,{u,v) = 0, y-fAu,v)=0 (5).
Here ^^ = 1 ^^ = ^^ = ^^=1
dx ' dy ' dx ' dy '
and the transformed integral becomes
J J \dudv dvduJ
where we must substitute for x and y their values from
(5) in F.
Thus we may write
\\^'^^HKtt-r/l>^'^ («)•
Again ; suppose that u and v are given explicitly as func-
tions of X and y ; the equations (1) then take the form
u-F,{x,y) = Q>, v-F^{x,y) = (7). .
Hence we obtain
Vdv du
j!vdxd>/ =
\dF^ dh\ dF^ dF^ '
dx dy dx dy
wliere we must substitute for x and y their values to be
obtained from (7).
Thus we may write
V dv du
\du dv du dv ^ ''
' dx dy dy dx
The formula in (4), (6), and (8) are those which are
usually given ; they contain a simjile solution of the proposed
problem in tliose cases where the limits of the new integra-
tions are obvious. But in some examples the difficulty of
determining the limits of the new integrations would be very
great, and to ensure a correct result it would be necessary
instead of using these formulse, to carry on the process pre-
cisely in the manner indicated in the theory, by removing
one of the old variables at a time.
240. The following is an example.
Kequired to transform Vdx dy, having given
Jo ^0
y + X = u, y = 2iv.
From the given equations we have x = ic (1 —v), y = uv;
- dx _ dx dy dy
thus '^ = l—v, -j- = — u, -T-=v, -r- = u;
da dv du dv
- , dx dy dx dy ._ ,
therefore -^ -f- —-j- ~ = u (I —v) + uv = u.
du dv dv au
Hence by equation (6) of Art. 239, we have
I 1 Vdx dy= jl Vu dv du ;
but we have not determined the limits of the integrations with
respect to u and v, so that the result is of little value. We
will now solve this example by following the steps indicated
in the theory given above.
From the given equations connecting the old and new
variables we eliminate u ; thus we have
y = ~ — ; therefore - —
1-v' dv {l-vf
to the limits y = Q and y = h, correspond respectively v =
and V = 1 ; thus
b + x'
ra fb fa rb+x
Vdxdy=\ J\x{l -vpdxdv.
We have now to change the order of integration in
i\x{i -vrdxdv.
This question has been solved in Art. 235 ; hence we obtain
fa fb fa rb+x
b b{\-v)
fb+afa fl f V
= j^ j^V^x{l-vrdvd.x+j j V^x{l-v)-'dvdx.
We have now to change x for ii where
6 a b
fb + a fl-v f\ fv
thus we obtain 1 V'udvdu+ 1 V'udvdu,
Jo Jo J b Jo
a + b
since to the limits and a for x correspond respectively and
Y^^ for u, and to the limits and — ^^ ^ for x correspond
respectively and - for w.
1{ a = h the transformed integral becomes
1 a a_
V'udvdu+ V'udvdu.
D Jl Jo
If a is made infinite, these two terms combine into the
single expression
nV'u do du.
241. Second Example. Required to transform
having given y -\-x = u, y = uv.
Perform the whole operation as before ; so that we put
vx , dy X
y = ~ and -~ =
1 — v dv {1 —v)^'
When y = we have v = 0, and when y = c — x we have
V = . Thus the integral is transformed into
r [ " V^x{l-v)-^d^dv.
Jo Jo
Now change the order of integration ; thus we obtain
/•I rc{i-v)
Jo J
Now put x = u(l — v) and -7- =1 — v; the limits of
will be and c. Hence we have finally for the transformed
J J (
1 re
V'u dv du.
2-t2. Third Example. Transform \\V dxdy to a double
integral with the variables r and 6, siq^posing
X = r cos 6, y = r sin 6.
"We may put 6 for v and r for u in the general formulae ;
dx dij dx dif J ^ , . 2 -
du av dv du
and the transformed intec^ral is
This is a transformation with which the student is pro-
bably already familiar ; the limits must of course be so taken
that every element which enters into the original integral
shall also occur in the transformed integral.
A particular case of this example may be noticed. Sup-
pose the integral to be
1 1 <}) (cix + hy) dx dy ;
by the present transformation this becomes
^ [hr cos {6 — a)] rdO dr,
where Jc cos a = a and k sin a = h. Now put — a = 6', so
that the integral becomes
I (f> {kr cos 6') rdd'dr ;
then suppose r cos d' = x and r sin 6' = y and the integral
may be again changed to
1 1 ^ (kx) dx dy.
Thus suppressing the accents we may write
1 1 (j) (ax +hy) dxdi/= jj(f> [hx) dx dy,
where k = '^{a^+h^). The limits will generally be different
in the two integrals ; those on the right-hand side must be
determined by special examination, corresponding to given
limits on the left-hand side.
243. Fourth Example. Transform I 1 Vdx dy, having
JO io
x=au-\-hv, y = hu + av, a being greater than h.
Eliminate u, thus ay —lx= [a? — ¥) v, and the first trans-
formation gives
«2 _ 52 re r^^
I V.dxdv,
a JoJ__^_ ^
hx a' — ¥
where V, is what V becomes when we put [ v for
^ ^ a a
y. Next change the order of integration ; this gives
V^dvdx + - '-\ \ V^dvdx.
^ Jo J {a + b)v ^ J _ be J jC'-h"-
a-^-b-i b '"
We have now to change from x to u by means of the
equation x = au -\-hv, which gives -^ = a ; the limits of ^^,
corresponding to the known limits of x are easily ascer-
Thus we have finally for the transformed integral
e c-bv c—bv
ra+b r~~a fO f a~
(tt^-60 V'dvdu-\-{d'-V)\ V'dvdu.
J J V J be J av
a- — b'^ b
The correctness of the transformation may be verified by
supposing V to be some simple function of x and y ; for
example, if V be unity, the value of the original or of the
transformed integral is - .
244. Fifth Example. The area of a surface is given by
the integral
//. 1 Kjiii »
/ v>
\j Kj ^
and the denominator is
dx dy
f ■ dr\
r sin Q ( r cos 6 + sin 6 -,^
r cos d) ^-r
+ r sin Q cos
, ^ sm (/> ^ - r sm
A* on v» fi \ fv* n,
net fl _l_ cin fl
/^Y fdz\^ \d4)) V
\dx) \du/ 1 ■ 'ia( /J . • a^^^'\
^ ^^ 7-^sm^ (rcos^ + sm^-^j
and finally the transformed integral is
• \ '•* '
245. There will be no difficulty now in the transformation
of a triple integral. Suppose that F is a function of x, y, z,
and that \\\V dxdy dz is to be transformed into a triple
integral with respect to three new variables u, v, w, which are
connected with .-r, ;/, z by three equations. From the investi-
gation of Art. 239, we may anticipate that the result will
take its simplest form when the old variables are given ex-
plicitly in terms of the new. Suppose then
^ =/i ("» ^'' ^^')y y =/2 ("^ ■^^ '^^)' ^ =fz i^'' '^'' '^^) (!)•
AYe first transform the integral with respect to z into an
integral with respect to ?«. During the integration for z we
regard x and y as constants; theoretically then we should
from (1) express ^ as a function of x, y, and w, by eliminating
XI and V ; we should then find the differential coefficient of z
with respect to w regarding x and y as constants. But we
may obtain the required result by differentiating equations (1)
as they stand;
ji df. du df. dv df,
ail aw dv aw aw
df^ fZw .df^dv^df^^
die dw dv dw dw '
df^ du dfg dv df^_ dz
du div ' dv dw dw diu'
Eliminate -y- and -^— ; thus we find
dw aw
dz N
dit dv du dv
where N = ^-^^ (if,iL Jf^if^ j.'^L (¥Af, _if^¥^^
dw \du dv du dv ' dw \du dv du dv
dw \du dv die dv
Hence the integral is transformed into
du dv du dv
where V^ indicates what V becomes when for z its value in
terms of x, y and lo is substituted. We must also determine
the limits of w from the known limits of 2. Next we may-
change the order of integration for y and w, and then pro-
ceed as before to remove y and introduce v. Then again we
should change the order of integration for tv and x and then
for V and x, and finally remove x and introduce w. And in ex-
amples it might be advisable to go through the process step by
step, in order to obtain the limits of the transformed integral.
We may however more simply ascertain the final formula
thus. Transform the integral with respect to 2 into an inte-
gral with respect to lo as alaove; then twice change the order
of integration, so that we have
du dv du dv
Now we have to transform the double integral with respect
to X and y into a double integral with respect to u and v by
means of the first two of equations (1). Hence we know
by Art. 239 that the symbol dxdy will be replaced by
du dv du dvj
and the integral is finally transformed into
V'N divdvdi',
where V is what V becomes when for x, i/, and z, their values
in terms of n, v, and w are substituted.
The student will now have no difficulty in investigating
the more complex case, in which the old and new variables
are connected by equations of the form
<^i (^, y, ^, "■, V, w) -
(}).^{x, y,z, u, V, iv) = \ (2).
>3 ('^. y> ^> "> V, w) =
Here it will be found that
dz_^N^ dl_N^ dx ^ N^
dw ~J),' dv~l)^' da ~ I)^ '
also that N^ = D^, and N^ = D,^.
Thus 1 1 1 Vdx dy dz = 1 1 1 V -j^ du dv dw, where
^ ^ dj>^ ^d^ d^ _ d^^ d^A ^ f% /d^ d^ _ dc^^ d^\
* dw \du dv du dv J dw \du dv du dv J
+ ^^3 /^ #2 _ % #^^
dw \d2i dv du dv J '
and — i)j is equal to a similar expression with x, y, z instead
of u, V, w respectively.
It may happen that equations (2) will impose some restric-
tion as to the way in which the transformations arc to be
effected. For example suppose we have
x + y-\-z — u = 0, x + y — uv=0, y — uviu = 0.
From these equations we cannot express z in terms of w and
X and y, and therefore we cannot begin by transforming from
z to IV. We may however begin by transforming from ;; to ti
or from ^ to v ; or we may begin by transforming from x or y
to M or V or IV.
246. It may be instructive to illustrate these transforma-
tions geometrically. We begin with the double integral.
Let 1 1 Vdx d)/ be a double integral, which is to be taken
for all the vahies of x and ?/ comprised witliin the boundary
A BCD. Suppose the variables x and y connected with two
new variables u and v by the equations
3/=/.(«,^) (!)•
u and V be found in terms of
■■ft ("> ^).
From these equations let
sc and y, so that we may write
u = F^ (x, y),
v=F,{x,y) (2).
Now by ascribing any constant value to u the first equa-
tion of (2) may be considered as representing a curve, and by
giving in succession different constant values to w, we have a
series of such curves. Let then APQGho. a curve, at every
point of which F^ {x, y) has a certain constant value u; and
let A' SRC be a curve, at every point of which F^ (.r, y) has
a certain constant value u + hu. Similarly let BPSD be a
curve, at every point of which F.^ {x, y) has a certain constant
value V \ and let B'QRD' be a curve, at every point of which
F„ (.r, y) has a certain constant value v + Sv. Let x, y nov/
denote tlic co-ordinates of P ; we shall proceed to express
the co-ordinates of Q, 8, and li.
The co-ordinates of Q are found from those of P, by chang-
ing V into v + hv; hence by (1) they arc ultimately, when Zv
is indefinitely small, x -t- -,- Si' and y + -r ^v.
•' dv ^ dv
Similarly the co-ordinates of 8 are found from those of P
by changing u into u + hw, hence by (1) when hic is indefinitely
dx dii
small they are ultimately a; -f -y- hit, and y + -f- ^u-
The co-ordinates of P are found from those of P by
changing both u into u + Bu and v into v + Bv; hence by (1)
they are ultimately x + -j- Bu -{■ -j- Bv, and y + -f^ Bti +
ctu civ au
These results shew that P, Q, P, 8 are ultimately situated
at the angular points of a parallelogram. The area of this
parallelogram may be taken without error in the limit for the
area of the curviliuear figure PQB8. The expression for the
area of the triangle PQB in terms of the co-ordinates of its
angular points is known (see Plane Co-ordinate Geometry,
Art. 11), and the area of the parallelogram is double that of
the triangle. Hence we have ultimately for the area of
PQRS the expression
fdx dy dx dy\ ^ ^
~ \du dv dv duj
Thus it is obvious that the integral 1 1 Vdx dy may be
replaced by ± JjF'g | - g |) du dv ;
the ambiguity of sign would disappear in an example in
which the limits of integration were known. In finding the
value of the transformed integral, we may suppose that we
first integrate with respect to v, so that u is kept constant ;
this amounts to taking all the elements such as PQRS, which
form a strip such as A A' CO. Then the integration with
respect to u amounts to taking all such strips as AA'C'C
which are contained within the assigned boundary ABCD.
247. We proceed to illustrate geometrically the trans-
formation of a triple integi-al.
Let 1 1 1 Vdxdy dz be a triple integral, which is to be taken
for all values of x, y, and z comprised between certain as-
signed limits. Suppose the variables x, y, and z connected
with three new variables u, v, w by the equations
^ =/i (w, V, to), 2/ =/, {u, v,w), z =/3 {ii, v,'vc) (1).
From these equations let xi, v, and iv be found in terms of
X, y, and z, so that we may write
u = F^ (x, y, z), '0 = F^ [x, y, z), w = F^ (x, y, z) (2).
Now by ascribing any constant value to u, the first equa-
tion of (2) may be considered as representing a surface, and
by giving in succession different constant values to u we
have a series of such surfaces. Suppose there to be a surface
at every point of which F^ {x, ?/, z) has the constant vahie u,
and let the four points P, B, D, be in that surtice ; also
suppose there to be a surface at every point of which
•^i.(^. y> ^) has the constant value u + Zu, and let the four
points A, F, G, E be in that surface. Similarly suppose
P, A, E, G to be in a surface at every point of Avhich
-^2 {^' y. ^) li3,s the constant value v, and B, 1), G, F to be in
a surface at every point of which F^ {ic, y, z) has the constant
value v + Sy. Lastly suppose P, A, F, B to be in a surface
at every point of which F^ {x, y, z) has the constant value w,
and C, D, G, E to be in a surface at every point of which
F^ {x, y, z) has the constant value w + hw.
Let X, y, z now denote the co-ordinates of P; we shall
proceed to express the co-ordinates of the other points. The
co-ordinates of A are found from those of P by chano-ino- u
into iL + hu; hence by (1) they are ultimately when SiT is
indefinitely small,
, dx ^ di/ dz ^
du •" da du
The co-ordinates of B are found from those of P by chang-
ing V into V -\-hv\ hence by (1) they are ultimately
dv ^ do dv
Similarly the co-ordinates of are ultimately
dx ^ dy ^ dz ^
diu ^ dio dw
The co-ordinates of D are found from those of P by chang-
ing V into v + 8v, and w into w + Stu; hence by (1) they are
Similarly the co-ordinates of ^, P and G may be found.
These results shew that P, A, B, G, D, E, F, G are ulti-
mately situated at the angular points of a parallelepiped ; and
the volume of this parallelepiped may bo taken without error
ia the limit for the volume of the solid bounded by the six
surfaces which we have referred to. Now b)'^ a known theo-
rem the volume of a tetrahedron can be expressed in terms
of the co-ordinates of its angular points, and the volume of
the parallelei^iped PQ is six times that of the tetrahedron
ABPG. Hence finally we have for the volume of the paral-
{dx fchi dz dy dz\ dy fdz dx_ _dz^ dx\
\diL \dv dw dw dvj du \dv dw diu dvj
dz dx dii dx dy\\ ^ ^ ^ , at 5. ^ 5.
du\dv dw dwdvj)
Hence the triple integral is transformed into
the ambiguity in sign would disappear in an example where
the limits of intecfration were kno\vn.
248. We have now given the theory of the transforma-
tion of double and triple integrals ; the essential point in our
investigation is, that we have shewn how to remove the old
variables and rejalace them by the new variables one at a
time. We recommend the student to pay attention to this
2)oint, as we conceive that the theory of the subject is thus
made clear and simple, and at the same time the limits of the
transformed integral can be more easily ascertained. We do
not lay any stress on the geometrical illustrations in the two
preceding Articles ; they require much more development
before they can be accepted as rigid demonstrations.
249. Before leaving the subject we will briefly indi-
cate the method formerly used in solving the problem. This
method w^e have not brought prominently forward, partly
because it gives no assistance in determining the new limits,
and partly on account of its obscurity ; the latter defect has
been frequently noticed by writers on the subject.
Suppose 1 1 Vdxdy is to be transformed into an integral
with respect to two new variables u and v of which the old
variables are known functions.
Let the variables undergo infinitesimal changes : tlius
dx = -, du + -j- dv (1),
du dv
du = -/du + -rdv (2).
'^ du do ^ ^
Now in the original expression Vdx dy in forming dx we
suppose y constant, that is, dy = ; hence (2) becomes
= ^du + '$dv (3),
du dv
find dv from this and substitute it in (1) ; therefore
dx dy dx dy
, du dv dv du ^
Tbj ^''••- ('^)'
Again, in forming dy in Vdxdy we suppose x constant,
that is, dx = 0; hence by (4) we must suppose du = 0; there-
fore from (2)
^y=£^^ (^)-
From (4) and (5)
, , [dx dy dx dy\ , ,
dx dy = — - -/ — - / du dv :
■^ \du du dv du) '
and 1 1 Ydx dy becomes
J J \au dv dv an)
With respect to the limits of integration we can only-
give the general direction, that the new limits must be so
taken as to include every element which was included by the
old limits.
250. Similarly in transforming a triple integral
Vdx dy dz
the process was as follows. Let tlie new variables be ?i, v, w ;
in forming dz we must suppose x and y constant ; thus we
7 dz , dz , dz ^
dz = -y- du + ^r dv + -j— dw,
du dv dw
^ dx , dx , dx J
= -7- ait + -7- rfy + -,— aw,
du dv dw
= -/ du + -^ dv+ -~ dw,
du dv dw
therefore dz= , , , , (l),
dxcly dxdy ^ ^
du dv dv du
where N has the same value as in Art. 247.
Next in forming dy we have to regard x and z as constant;
hence by (1) we must regard w as constant ; thus we have
= f,
du + '^ dv;
dv '
fdy dx
\dv du
dy dx\
du dv)
therefore dy — 1 (2)
And lastly in forming dx we suppose y and z constant,
that is, by (1) and (2) we suppose w and v constant; therefore
7 dx , , ,
dx = -T- du (3).
From (1), (2), and (3)
dx dy dz = Ndu dv dw.
251. The student who wishes to investigate the history
of the subject of the present Cliapter may be assisted by the
following references. Lacroix, Calcid Dif. et Integral, Vol. ii.
p. 208 ; also the references to the older authorities will be
found in page XI. of the table prefixetl to this volume. De
Morgan, J) If. and Integral Calculus ^ p. 392. Moigno, Calcul
lyif. et Integral, Vol. Ii. p. 214; Ostrogradsky, Memoires de
V Academie de St Petershourg, Sixieme S(^rie, 1838, p. 401.
Catalan, Memoii'es Couronnes par I' Academie... de Bruxelles,
Vol. XIV. p. 1. A memoir by Haedenkamp in Crelle's Journal,
Vol. XXII. 1841. Boole, Cambridge Mathematical Journal,
Vol. IV. p. 20. Cauchy, Exercices d' Analyse et de Physique
Mathematique, Vol. IV. p. 128. Svauberg, Nova Acta Regice
Societatis Scientiarum, Upsaliensis, Vol. xiii. 1847, p. 1. De
Morgan, Transactions of the Camhridg.e Phil. Society, Vol. ix.
p. [133]. Winckler, Denhschriften der Kaiserlichen Akad.
Math....Classe, Vol. xx. Vienna 1862, p. 97. A memoir by
Holmgren was communicated to the Stockholm Academy
in 1864, and published in Vol. V. of the Transactions.
1. Shew that if ic = asin^sin^ and y~h cos 6 sin (}), the
double integral Ijdxdy is transformed into
+ 1 1 a5 sin ^ cos ^ d^ dO.
If X = u sin a. -\- V cos a and y — u cos a — v sin a, prove
//■^(^' s-) jiM^^:f) =///■ ("' ")
3. In the problem of Art. 239, supposing the limits of x
and y are both constants, shew how the limits of
u and V are to be found, in each of the three parts of
which the transformed integral will in general be
4. Prove that
(•OO -00 »x>
I ^ (aV + 6^7/') c?a; f/y = -"^y \ 6 (x) dx.
5, Transform ilVdx di/, where y = xu and x= — ~ .
If the limits of y be and x and the h'mits of x be
and a, find the limits in the transformed integral.
ri ra(\+u)
Besult V'v[l+u)-\Jadv.
J oJ
6. Transform lje~^^'''^-'^^'^''^'''^^J'^dxdi/ from rectangular to
polar co-ordinates, and thence shew that if the limits
both of x and y be zero and infinity, the value of the
integral will be
*= 2 sin a ■
7. Transform 1 i (f) {x, y) dx dy to polar co-ordinates, and
J J ^
indicate the limits for each order in the transformed
Shew that
p p dx dy 1 ^^^_, ab
Jo Jo (c' + x' + y'f c c V(a' 4- i"" + c') '
8. Apply the transformation from rectangular to polar co-
ordinates in double inteofrals to shew that
+ 00 r +00
a dx dy 27r
-«> ^a;' + y- + a'f {x' -\- y" + a'^ « + «
1). Transform the double integral \jf(x, y) dxdy into one
EXiVJtfPLES. 239
in -svliich r and 6 shall be the independent variables,
having given
x = r cos ^ + a sin ^, y = r sin 6 + a cos 6.
Uf{r cosd + a sin 6, r sin ^ + a cos 6) (a sin 29 - r) dO dr.
10. Transform U e' ''''-'■'' dxdy into a double integral where
r and t are the independent variables, where - = t and
r^ = x"^ + if ; and if the limits of x and y be each
and CO , find the limits of r and t
Result. I -, — ^2 — .
Jo h !+«
11. If X and y are given as functions of r and 9, transform
the integral \\\dxdydz into another where r, 9 and
z are the variables ; and if a? = r cos 9 and y = r sin 9,
find the volume included by the four surfaces whose
equations are r = a, s = 0, ^ = 0, and z = mr cos 9.
Result. The volume = | \ r^m cos 9d9dr = -^ .
12. If ax = yz, fiy = zx, ^z = xy, shew that
jjjf{ru,^,ry)doid^dy = 4>jjjf(^^, J, ^)dxdydz.
13. Transform jjjjvdx^dx.^dx^dx^ to r, ^, (^ and -v/r where
iTj = r sin 9 cos ^, ^3 = '^ cos 9 cos A/r,
cc^ = r sin ^ sin ^, x^ = r cos ^ sin ilr.
i?eswZ^ jjjjy'r' sin ^ cos ^ cfr cZ^ # cZ^/^.
14. Find the elementary area included between the curves
(f> {x, y)=u, yjr (x, y) = v, and the curves obtained by
giving to the parameters u and v indefinitely small
Find the area included between a parabola and the
tangents at the extremities of the iatus rectum by
dividing the area by a series of parabolas which touch
these tangents and by a series of straight lines drawn
from the intersection of the tangents.
15. Transform the triple integral I i j f{.v, y, z) dx dy dz into
one in which r, y, z are the independent variables,
having given -^ {x, y, z, r) = ; and change the vari-
ables in the above integral from x, y, z to r, 6, (f),
having given
f (^, y, ^, r) = 0, -f 1 (?/, ^, r, 6) = 0, f^ (z, r, 0, <^) = 0.
df ^, djr^
dx dy dz
16. Transform the double integral
in which x, y, z are connected by the equation
a;^ + ?/^ + 2" = 1, to an integral in terms of Q and <^,
having these relations,
X = sin ^ /^(l — m" sin^ 0), y = cos 6 cos (f),
z = sind a/CI — n' sin'^ (f)), m^ + n^ = 1.
Hence prove that
ff JT
'^'■2 on^ cos~ 6 + n^ cos^ (f) -,„.. ir
•' •
V(l - m' &m' 6) V(l - n' sin'^ >) ^^^'^ 2
17. Transform the integral Indxdijdz to r, 6, (J), where
a; = r sin ^ ^/(l — n"^ cos" 6), y = r cos (p sin 0,
z = r cos 6 \/(cos^ ^ + n^ sin' <^).
p , [/•/ >•' {(?^' - 1) cos'-' (/) - n'^ sin' 6] dr d6 d<^
18. Transform the expression 1 1 - sin ^ J^ d(f) for a volume,
to rectansfular co-ordinates.
Besult. ^ jj(z—px — qy)dxdi/; this should be in-
terpreted geometrically.
19. lfx+7/ + z = u, x-i-7/ = uv, 1/ = uvw, -pvove ihat
Vdxdydz=\ Vu^vdudvdio.
J J oJ
CO ;. 00 /• 00
J ^
20. If x^ = rcose^,
x^ = r sin 6^ cos ^j,
iTg = r sin 6^ sin ^^ cos ^j^,
^„-i = ?' sin ^j^ sin $^. . .sin ^^^ cos 0„_^,
x^ = r sin ^^ sin 0^. . .sin ^^.^ sin 6'„_j',
shew that \\\ Vdx^ dx^. . . dx^
= ±jlj y V'-'Edr d9^ dd^ dd^_„
where V is any function oi x^, x^,...x^, and V what
this function becomes when the variables are changed,
and // stands for
(sin ^J"-» (sin ^,)"-' sin^„_,.
T. I. c. 16
252. When the indefinite integral of a function is known,
we can immediately obtain the value of the definite integral
corresponding to any assigned limits of the variable. Some-
times however we are able by special methods to assign the
value of a definite integral when we cannot express the
indefinite integral in a finite form; sometimes without actually
findino- the value of a definite integral we can shew that it
possesses important properties. In some cases in which the
indefinite integral of a function can be found, the definite
integral between certain limits may have a value which is
worthy of notice, on account of the simple form in which it
may be expressed. "We shall in the present Chapter give
examples of these general statements.
We may observe that a collection of the known results
with respect to Definite Integrals has been published in a
quarto volume at Amsterdam, by D. Bierens de Haan, under
the title of Tables d'Integrales Definies.
253. Suppose f{x) and F{x) rational algebraical functions
of cc, and f (x) of 'lower dimensions than F (x), and suppose
the equation F{x) = to have no real roots ; it is required to
find the value of
It will be seen that under the above suppositions, the
expression to be integrated never becomes infinite for real
values of x.
Let a + /3 v'(- 1) and oc - ^ V(- I) represent a pair of the
imaginary roots o^F{x) = ; then the corresponding quadratic
fraction of the series into which "v, can be decomposed,
may be represented by
the constants A and B being found from the equation
A-B ^/{- 1) - ^r^^q:^,3-j^j (Art. -1).
Now f '^^./"... = 2i?tan--^-"
therefore I ,— ^^' — r^i — '—^, = 'UBir,
and hence it mioht be said in a certain sense that if the
integ-ral be taken between the limits — cc and + co the
result will be zero. This however is not satisfactory, for the
positive part of the integral and the negative part are both
aumerically infinite, so that it is not safe to assume that they
balance. But \if{x) is at least two dimensions lower than
F(.r), we shall find that the sum of the terms of the type
which we are considering is finite for each part of the
integral, and then the positive part may be safely taken to
balance the negative part. For suppose we require the
integral between the limits and h. Let A^, A^,...A^^ denote
the constants of which we have taken A as the type ; and let
1 similar notation hold with respect to a and ^. Then we
bave for the integral the expression
...+ J„log
This may be put in the form
2[A^ + A^+...+A,]logh
M\A^ A «.V,/^./
, 4 ^ \ h) ]i* ■ , \^ hj ' /r ,
••• + Alog ^ . ...
Now since /(a;) is at least two dimensions lower than F{x)
we have A^ + A„^ ... + ^^ = 0. Thus the above expression
reduces to the second part, which is iinite when h is infinite.
Hence when the limits are — cc and + co the sum of the
terms we are considering: vanishes.
If then we suppose F{x) to be of 2;i dimensions, and
Jj^,B^, B^ to be the n constants of which we have taken
B as the type, we have when / {x) is at least two dimensions
lower than F(x)
f_^-l^^-^dx = 2^{B, + B, + +B„].
254. As an example of the preceding Article we take
a?-"' dx
where m and n are positive integers, and m less than 7i. Here
A-B^{-1) = ^^^ ^^^^^^_ -^^|.„-.in^,
and it is known that the values of a 4-/3 \/(— 1) are obtained
from the expression
(2r + l)7r^ ., ^- . C2r + l)7r
cos • ^-^- + V(- 1) sm ^ ,
by giving to r successively the values 0, 1, 2, up to
w — 1 : see Plane Trigonometry, Chapter xxiii.
Thus, by De Moivre's theorem,
(a + /? V(- l)!^"-^-"-^ = cos (/. + V(- 1) sin 4>,
so that
cos cf) + v'(- 1) sin (^ = - cos (2r + J)d + V(- 1) sin (2r + 1) ^,
where = — -; tt.
2n - cos (2r + 1) ^ + V(- 1) sin (2r + 1) ^
cos(2r + l)^ + \/(-l)sin(2r+l)(9
2?i '
therefore i? = ^^— -— .
^-^'^^ = '^Jsin^ + sin3^ + sin5^+... + sin(2/i-l)^l .
j _ oc 1 + iC Jl ( ' )
The sum of the series of sines may be shewn to be
sin'^ nO
— — — ; see Plane Trigonometry, Chapter xxil. ; and in the
present case nO = — - — tt, so that sin^ n6 = 1. Therefore
-^l + x^" . 2m +1
n Sm t: TT
It is obvious that
that is,
•" x^"" dx
^ ^ is half of the above result
r x'"" dx _
Jo l + x'"'
„ . 2m +1 •
zn sin — ^ ■ TT
255. In the last formula of the preceding Article put
2m + 1
a;^" = y, and suppose —^ = h ; thus we obtain
1 + 2/ ^i^ ^'^'^
This result holds when k has any value comprised between
and 1. For the only restriction on the positive integers m
and n is that m must be less than n, and therefore by pro-
2/?i + 1
perly choosing m and n we may make — ^ — — equal to any
assigned proper fraction which has an even denominator when
2m + 1
in its lowest terms. And althousjh we cannot make ^^- — —
* 2'7J
exactly equal to any fraction which has an odd denominator
when in its lowest terms, yet we can make it differ from
such a fraction by as small a quantity as we please, and thus
deduce the required result.
In the last result put x" for y, where r is any positive
quantity ; thus
' rx'^" X"^' dx IT , . rx'^-'dx TT
that IS,
1 + x'' sin /cTT ' ' J 1 + ^''" ^' sm Ictt
Let Jcr = s ; thus I
X ax 77
___ ___
r sm - TT
The only restriction on the positive quantities r and s is
that s must be less than r.
The student will probably find no serious difficulty in the
method we have indicated for proving the truth of equation
(1) when A; is a fraction which has an odd denominator when
in its lowest terms ; nevertheless a few remarks may be made
which will establish the proposition decisively, and which
will also serve as useful exercises in the subject of the jDre-
sent Chapter.
Let «=rp'^; then«=rC^+r^^;
h 1 + y .'o 1+y Ji i+y '
and by putting - for y we find that
ii l+y Joi + 2 Jo 1 + y
^'--f- t/=2u = sjir.
264. We shall now give an expression for F (n) that will
afford another proof of the result in Art. 262. We know that
the limit of — r — when h is indefinitely diminished is log x ;
(logl) = limit of (^-") ';
so we may write
where ?/ is a quantity that diminishes without limit when h
does so.
Put h = -; , then, by Art. 258,
r (w) = r"-' [ (1 - x'-y-' dx+{ y dx.
J •'0
In the first integi'al put x = z' ) thus
r (n) -fydx = 7-™ [' z"--' (1 - zy-' dz.
Wc have it in our power to suppose r an integer; tlicn
the integral on the right-hand side, by Art, 33, is
1.2.3 r „_,
?i(?i+l) (w + r — 1)
Let r increase indefinitely, then y vanishes and we have
1 2 3 ... r
r (n) = limit of —. -^-^ — '^^ ^ , r" \
^ ' n{n+\) {n + r-V)
2G5. From the result of the preceding Article we have
A particular case of this is obtained by suj)posing n = l;
V{l-m)T{l + m)^\} ~ rj (^ ~ F; V ~ 3V '
the expression on the right-hand side is known to be equal to
; see Plane Trigonometry, Chapter xxili. : thus
r (1 -^ m) r (1 + m) =
sm viir
therefore T im) Til- m) = . '^ (Art. 259).
266. We shall now establish the following equation, n
being an integer,
11- V^
then reversing the order of the factors we have
x = r(i-?)rfi--) rfl
\ nj \ nj \ii
Multiply, and use Art. 2G2 : thus
. IT . 'lir . (?J — ijTT
sm - siu — sm
n n n
The denominator is equal to ^7^1 : see Plane Trirjonometry,
Chapter XXIII. Thus the result is established.
267. A still more general formula is
r(.)r(. + l)r(.+ 5) t{.+'^)
= r {nx) {27r) ''n^^'',
■which we shall now prove. Let {x + 2) = (j) {x + 1) = (J3 (x) ; and by proceeding
thus we have (f) (x) = (f> (x + m), where on may be as great as
we please. Hence {x) is equal to the limit of (J3 (/x) Avhen
fj, is infinite ; thus ^ (x) must he independent of x, that is,
must have the same value whatever x may be ; hence (f) (x)
must have the same value as it has when x = -: thus the
theorem follows by the preceding Article. This theorem is
ascribed to Gauss ; a more rigid proof is given in Legend re's
Exercices de Calcid Integral, Vol. ii. p. 23 ; see also the
Journal de VEcole Poly ted inique, Vol. xvi. p. 212.
268. Take the logarithms of both sides of the formula
established in the preceding Article, and differentiate with
respect to x; thus we obtain
rv ^ TV ^ r'fa. + -) r{x + '^—^]
nV {nx) ^ r_Or) V nj \ n )
r(„.)-r(.) J,/ l^ + ^'TlI^^
+ n\ogn (1),
where r'(^) stands for , .
Differentiate again; then, putting z for nx, we obtain
d' log r {x + ^) d' log r (x + "^"j '
^ 1 fZ^grjx) _^ ^^
if [ dx^ dx' I • • • 1 ^^2
If n be made infinite the right-hand side vanishes, for it
becomes ultimately
1 p-+icZMogr(,r)
nJr dx
thati, iF'ogr(.+2)_.nogr(aj)
n ( a.c ax j
Hence we see that if z be infinite ? ,— ^- vanishes.
^^ x x{x+l) a-(ic+l)(a; + 2) '
take the logarithms and differentiate twice with respect to x ;
thus ^'^°g^^^^ = i + -J:^- + ^ 4- ad inf (^)
The series just given is convergent for every positive
value of X.
Integrate between the limits 1 and x ; thus
d lo "when n is tnade infinite,
is zero.
In (3) suppose x infinite : hence, with the aid of the result
just obtained, we see that G is equal to the limit when n is
infinite of
-, 111 1 1
1 + 2 + 3 + 4+ +,-l°g^^-
It is easy to shew by elementary considerations that this
limit is finite. See Algebra, Chapter LV, Examj^le 12.
The value of C to 10 places of decimals is '5772156G49 ;
the calculation has been carried to 263 places of decimals:
see a paper by Professor J. C. Adams in the Proceedings of
the Royal Society, Vol. xxvii. page 88.
269. In equation (2) of the preceding Article change x
into a; + 1 ; thus
<^''logr(l+a-) _ 1 1 1
dx"" ~(aj+l)' + (^+2)'' + (a;+8)^+"'*'
differentiate w — 2 times ; thus
d"l0gr(l + ^-)_, _l(_l)nf 1 . 1
dx'' 1 ^ ' \{x + iy (a; + 2)"
+ (a; + 3)"+"-J •
Let S^ denote the infinite series 1 + .^ + -57, + . . . ; then,
if n be not less than 2, the value of ° , „ , when
a: = 0, is |w-l(-l)">S^„.
Also the value of — ^^^— y^ -, when x = 0, is — C\
and log r (1 + .r) = when ic = 0. Hence, by Maclaurin's
hgT{l + x) = -Cx+^ 3' + "t~~-"
The series is convergent as long as x is numerically less than
unity. Now by the property of Art. 2G2, combined with that
contained in equation (1) of Art. 259, it follows that F (x) is
known for all positive values of x if it be known for all
values of x between and - , or for all values between ^
and 1, or for all values between 1 and 1^, and so on. And
the series just given will enable ns to determine the value of
log r (x), and thence of F (x), for all values of x between 1
and H ; so that we may consider that F (x) can be calcu-
lated for any positive value of x.
Legendre has constructed a table of the values of log F {x) ;
and an abbreviation of this table is given in De Morgan's
Differential and Integral Calculus, pages 587... 590. We may
also refer to an article by H. M. Jeffery on the Derivatives of
the Gamma-Function in the sixth volume of the Quarterly
Journal of Mathematics.
270. A higher degree of convergence may be given to
the series obtained for log T {1 ■\- x) thus :
^ x^ S v^
logF(l+^)=-Ca. + '-|---^- + ...,
logF(l-^)= (7^ + 3^+*-- + ...;
now F (1 + a;) . F (1 - a;) = xF {x) T {I - x)
= -.^^,byArt. 2G2;
sin CCTT "^
T. I. c. 17
(fjir 1 1
therefore log -. = Sjc' + -r ^.x^ + ;^ S>a^ + • • • ,
and logr(l+a;) = ^log-^ Cx--f i--....
The result may also be written thus :
1 XTT \ 1 1+x
iogr(i + ^0 = ^iog^-ii^-2ios-i3^
the series in the last line converges rapidly when x is numeri-
cally less than - .
271. From equation (2) of Art. 26S we see that
^- is always positive, and is finite if x be positive :
hence —j — ^ increases algebraically as x increases from
to infinity, and therefore cannot vanish more than once.
Thus r (x) cannot have any maximum Avithin this range of
values of x, nor can it have more than one minimum. It is
easy to see that F (x) has one minimum, between x = l and
ic = 2 ; for F (2) = F (1).
To determine the minimum of F (1 + x) we differentiate
one of the series found for log F (1 +x), and equate the result
to zero. This gives an equation from which it is found by
trial that l+x = 1-4G16:321....
272. Many definite integrals may be expressed in terms
of the Gamma-function; we shall give some examples.
The integral I e~"'^^ dx becomes by putting y for a~x^
^ — .-^ , that IS, jr- F (i), or -:r- .
2a Vy 2a ^-^ 2a
Again, in — - — '—^ — put — — = .r-^ ; thus we
7o ix + ar"" ^ x + a 1 + a
i-^ + a)
I f V- (1 - V)-- d>, that is 1 r (0 r jm)
«"• (1 + ay Jo ^ ^' ^^ '^^' ^^'""^ ''' a'" (1 + ay r{l + m) '
Again, in I x'~^ (1 — ic')""' tZiz; put x' = y; thus we obtain
,r i-. r(|)r(„o
ij »" (1 - y)- rfy, that is, — i^^ ..
Thus [^ sin" 6 cos' ddd=\ x^{l- x^y' dx
•' .'o
r r^ + ^^ r /^^ + ^
. . . r x'-'il-xr-\Ix ^ ly
we obtain
-1- [ V-i fi _ y\-^-^du that is ^ ^^) ^ (^^)
a'6"'Jo^ ^-^ 2/} rfy, thatis,^,^„.j,^^_^^^^.
273. In 1 ic'"^ (« — a:;)"*"^ c?x put x = ay; thus we obtain
a--- [ ' 3,'- (1 - yy~^ dy, that is, a^-- ^J:^^'^ '
Jo i {(> + VI)
ST-t. It is required to find the value of the multii^le in •
{\L . .a;'-^ y""-^ «"-^ ...dxdy dz.
the integral being so taken as to give to the variables all
positive values consistent with the condition that x + y + z-^...
is not greater than unity.
We will suppose that there are three variables, and conse-
quently that the integral is a triple integTal ; the method
adopted will be seen to be applicable for any number of
We must first integrate for one of the variables, suppose z;
the limits then will be and 1-x-y; thus between these
r.-i,, a-x-yY _ v{n)
Next integrate with respect to one of the remaining varia-
bles, suppose y ; the limits will be and \ — x\ and between
these limits, by Art. 273,
r , , , (1 - xT^'^ V (m) r (n + 1)
Lastly integrate with respect to x between the limits
and 1 ; thus between these limits
J ^ ^ r (Z4-W-1-W + 1)
Hence the final result is
r Qn) r (m) r (n + 1) r(or(>/i + n + i)
r (n + 1) r (to + ?i + 1) r (^ + m + ?i + 1) '
V{1) V (TO) r (n)
"'''^'^' r(^-i- TO 4-71 + 1)
275. It is required to find the value of the multiple
the integral being so taken as to give to the variables all
positive values consistent with the condition that
is not greater than unity.
Assume a. = ^ , ^=Q, ^=(^^
Then the integral becomes
with the condition that x + i/ + z+ ... is not greater than
unity. The value of the integral is, therefore, by the pre-
ceding Article,
, fff i_i «-i :?-! , , ,
- j...x^ y"^ z'' ...dxdydz
\p) \qj \rj
pqr ...
T-, fl m n ^\
V - + - + - + ... +1
\p q r J
This theorem is due to Lejeune Dirichlet ; we shall give
Liouville's extension of it in Arts. 277 and 278.
276. As a simple case of the preceding Article we may
suppose p, q, r, ... to be each unity, and a, /3, 7, ... each equal
to a const-ant h; thus the condition is that ^+t] + ^+... is
not to be greater than h. Therefore the value of the integral
ig ;j.»........ r (r)r(m)r(n)...
r{i+Qu + ti+ ... + 1) '
which we may denote by
Similarly if the integral is to be taken so that the sum of
the variables shall not exceed h + Ah, we obtain for the result
Hence we conclude that the value of the integral extended
over all such positive values of the variables as make tlie
sum of the variables lie between h and h + Ah is
and when Ah is indefinitely diminished, this becomes
N{l + m + n+..:)h'^'''^''^--'Ah,
tiiatis, Til + m + n + ...)
277. It is required to transform to a single integral the
multiple integral
the integral being so taken as to give to the variables all
positive values consistent with the condition that a; + 3/ + ^ +. . .
is not greater than c.
We will suppose for simplicity that there are three
variables. By the preceding Article if / (.x- + 3/ + 2) were
replaced by unity that part of the integral which arises from
supposing the sum of the variables to lie between h and
h + All would be ultimately
r (i -1- VI + n)
And if the sum of the variables lies between h and h^- Ah
the value of f{x^y-¥z) can only differ from /(A) by a
small quantity of the same order as Ah. Hence, neglecting
the square of Ah, that part of the integral_ which arises from
supposing the sum of the variables to lie between h and
h + Ah is ultimately
r(?)r(m)r(» ) „.^.-,^^^^
r (/ + m + ?o -^ ^ ^
Hence the whole integral is
r(/ + m + w) Jo^ ^
This process may be applied to the case of any number of
278. Similarly the triple integral
for all positive values of the variables, such that
is not greater than c, is equal to
Pi"- yI- + - + -] -'
\p q rj
This process may be applied to the case of any number of
279. It is required to transform to a single integral the
double integral
11 {u + ax + hyT" '
where the integral is to be taken for all positive values of
X and y such that ^ + y is not greater than k ; the quantities
p, q, u, a, and h being all positive constants.
Suppose that a is not less than h. We have
11 + ax + hy = u + a {x + y) - {a - h) y = U - 7),
where U stands for u-^a{x-\- y), and 77 for (a - h) y. Thus
(w + ax + hyy^^
the series here given being convergent.
The proposed double integral may now be transformed by
applying the method of Art. 277 to every term. Thus the
double integral
^ [' [ r(j.)r(g ) jF^ T(p)T{q + i) ( a - h) r^
h\V{p + q) {u + atr'''^ Fip + q + l) ^^^^^ (u + at)'^'^'
T{p) T(q + 2)(p + q)(p + g + l)(a-hrr^'' )
■^ r{p + q + 2) 1.2 {u + aty^'^^''^'--r^
= r(v) (' '^"^ f ^^^^^ {p + q)Tiq + l)ia-h)t
^^' Jo {ii + city' [r {p + (/) "^ r{2) + q + 1) u + a^
, {p + q){p + q^l)V{q+^^) {a-hYf \
r(p + 2 + 2) 1.2(M + aO'' J
_ r ( y) r (y) p r^-^ f, , q{a-h)t
r(i> + ?) io ((i + a^/'-^^l ^ u + at
q{q + l) {a-hfe \
"^ 1.2 ' {u + atj +"-|^^
r(i) + ?) Jo (^i + aO^H ^* + a^J
In a similar manner we may transform to a single integral
the triple integral
a,P-l yi-i ^r-l ^^ ^^ ^^
(it + a-c + Z'j/ + c^)
p+3+r »
"where the integral is to be taken for all positive values of x,
y, and z such that x -\-y + z is not greater than k ; the quan-
tities p>, q, r, u, a, b, and c being all positive constants.
Suppose that a is not less than b or c. We have
u + ax + bi/ + cz — u + a {x + z) + by — {a — c) z.
Proceeding as before we find that the proposed triple inte-
gi-al can bo transformed into a series, each term being of the
form represented by the product of
(j) + q + 7-){p + q + r+l)...{2y + q + r + p-l)
and the triple iiite, q, ... is equal to 2, and
that each of the quantities a, y3, , . . is equal to ^J{1 — x^).
Thus the result is
But if the variables may have negative as well as positive
values, this result must be multiplied by 2""'. Thus we get
m-l "-1
^ • (1 - <) '
Hence, finally, since the limits of x^ will be — 1 and 1, the
multiple integral is equal to
2 n n-l
f /(fc.)(i-^.Vrf^..
This agrees with the result given by Professor Boole in
the Cambridge Mathematical Journal, Vol. in. p. 280, as it
may be found by integrating his equation (15) by parts.
281. It is required to transform to a single integral the
multiple integral
• " \r\ T-^^-. -^ dx. dx„... dx.
the integral being so taken as to give to the variables all
values consistent with the condition that x^'' + x,^^ + ... + xj^
is not greater than unity.
As in the preceding Article the integral may be trans-
formed into
ii ... —-Z AA T. dx^ dx^ ...dx^.
First integrate with respect to the variables a;,, a*3,,.,a'„,
the limits being given by the condition that x^^ + x^' ...+x^
is not greater than 1 —x^. If the variables are to have only
positive values then the integral
dx^ dx^ . . . dx^^
by Art. 278 would be equal to
1 (r f-^Vf""' r^"'^'' 1 "--1
that is, to
l,Jm^a_..>)^■!:£IG), (A,.t.273).
that is, to 2^1 • — ^^ (1 - x{) " .
But if the variables may have negative as well as positive
values, this result must be multiplied by 2"'\ Thus we get
Hence finally, since the limits of x^ are —1 and 1, the
multiple integral is equal to
TT r .,-, V ,, o, „--i
282. Many methods have heen used for exhibiting in
simple terms an approximate value of V (^n + 1) when n is
very large : we give one of them.
The product e~' x" vanishes when x = and when x = cc;
and it may be shewn that it has only one maximum value,
namely when x = n. We may therefore assume
e X =e 11 e (1),
where t is a variable which must lie between the limits — co
and + CO .
[ e-' x" dx = e'" tf I e-^'^dt (2).
Jo J -cc dt
Take the logarithms of both members of (1) ; thus
x — n loga:; = n — n\og n + f (.3) ;
put x = n + u) thus
n — n log (n + w) =f— n log n (4).
But by Taylor's Theorem
log {n + u) = log n +
u u^
n 2 (n + Oaf '
where ^ is a proper fraction ; thus (4) becomes
therefore V (n) u
V(2} [n-i-eu) ^ ''
therefore u = ,. " ^^ ,,, (G).
But from (3) ^ = ^^^ - = 2< + —
= V(2^0 + 2(i-^)^ l)y(C).
Hence (2) becomes
/•CO (* GO
Jo j - 00
and I e~^'' dt = \l{'Tr); thus
But since 1 — ^ is positive and less than unity, the nume-
rieal value of e~*' {1 — 0)tdt is less than I e'^'tdt, that
j -00 Jo
is, less than ^. Hence we conclude from (7) that as n is
increased indefinitely, the ratio of F (?i + 1) to e''' if ^ {'Imr)
approaches unity as its limit.
We may observe that in the original equation (1) we
have f and not t itself; hence the sign of i is in our power,
and we accoi'dingly take it so that equation (5) may hold,
sapf)osing \/n and ^2 both jDOsitive.
(See Liouville's Journal de Mathematiques, Yol. x. p. 464,
and Vol. xvii, p. 448.)
Definite Integrals ohtained hy differentiating or integrating
with respect to constants.
283. We shall now give some examples in which definite
integrals are obtained by means of differentiation Avith respect
to a constant. (See Art. 213.)
To find the value of I e"'*'-^' cos 2rxdx.
Call the definite integral u ; then
J = — 2 xe'"-''^' sin 2?-^ dx.
dr Jo
Integrate the right-hand term by parts ; thus we find
du 2ru
dr~ a' '
d log u 2?*
dr d' '
log zt = - -, +
u = Ae a"- ,
where yl is a quantity which is constant with respect to r.
that is, it does not contain r. To determine A we may suppose
?' = 0; thus u becomes / e-"'-*^" (^^, that is, 7^, (Ai't. 272)
Hence -4 = -77— , and e'^''''^" cos2rxdx = '^r~&~"'^'
2a Jo 2a
284. We have stated in Art. 214, that when one of the
limits of integration is infinite the process of differentiation
with respect to a constant may be unsafe ; in the present case
however it is easy to justify it; we have to shew that
Q-a"x- p^i^ vanishes where p is ultimately indefinitely small;
it is obvious that this quantity is numerically less than
/< 00
Pj I e~"'-^V,c where p^ is the greatest value of p, that is,
\/ IT
less than — p^ ; but this vanishes since p^ does. Similar
considerations apply to the succeeding cases.
sin rx dx
,— kx
285. To find the value of e
Jo "^
Denote it by u, then
du _ r*
But e "^-^ cos rx dx = e *-^
e ** cos rx dx.
r sin j-a; — Ic cos r.r
therefore e '''^ cos rxdx — j^ ^ ,,
. du k
dr k' + r'
therefore u = tan ' , •
No constant is required because u vanishes with r. This
result holds for any positive value of A; ; if we suppose k to
diminish without limit, we obtain
r°° sin rx , tt
J ^ '^
if r be positive ; if r be negative the result should be — ^ .
"We can now determine the definite integral
^ sin rx cos sx ,
— ax;
for it is equivalent to
'Jo ^ ".'o ^
and the value of each of these two definite integrals can be
assicmed. Thus if r + s and r-s are both positive the result
is ^ ; if they are both negative it is - ^ ; if they are of con-
trary signs it is zero.
286. To find the value of f e~V^^-7dx.
Denote it by u, then
du _ [ -(x-+-)djc
:j- = — 2a e \ «v — r ;
da j *■'
assume x = - , then the Hmits of z are (^, c) dc dx
J a. J a J a
a J a
b fP
a J a
(f) {x, c) dx dc ;
since when the limits are constant, the order of integration is
indifferent (Art. 02). We sliall now give some examples of
this method.
r 1
288. We know that e"*' dx = j .
Jo f^ .
Integrate both sides with respect to k between the limits
a and b ; thus
dx = lo£f -
j ^ ^ a
f" e'""" dx ["^ e~"' dx
It should be noticed that I ■ — • and I are both
Jo X Jo X
. . .^ . {"e-^'dx . , „ -oa P^-c 1 ['dx
mnnite : lor is greater than e \ — , and I —
is infinite. But this is not inconsistent with the assertion
that dx is finite, and without findinsr the value
Jo ^ . . .
of this integral it is easy to shew that it must be finite. For
., . 1 , x-u c f''4^(^)dx J f'°(f)(x)dx ,
it IS equal to the sum ot — and I - ^ — where
J ^ J c «-'
(f){x) = e "■^ — e""^ ; the second of these integrals is finite, for
it is less than - I ^ (a?) c?^, that is, less than - ( 5- .
cJc c\a J
[c Ay r^\
"We have then only to examine I ^-A_^ ^.j,^
Jo •^
Now by Maclaurin's Theorem
" (a;) can assume for
values of x less than c. Hence
■ax IS less than {b — a)c + —r- ,
'0 ^ 4
and is therefore finite.
T.i.c. 18
289. We know that
I e"^"" cos rx dx= jy
Jo 1^
F + r '
Integrate both sides with respect to Ic between the limits
a and b ; thus
pe-^^-e-"- 6^ + r^
• cos rx ax = -h log —r. r, .
Jo X " a + r
r^ sin o^x f cos ?'tX'
290. Let I cZij; be denoted by A, and ^ cZ
J X J L -T X
by J5 ; we shall now determine the values of ^ and B ; the
former has already been determined by another method in
Art. 28.5.
In the integral A put y for rx ; thus
A =
sin y dy _
'o y
this shews that A is independent of ?\
dB r°° a; sin ra; dx
V\ e have
1 f^ 71 7 r"" sin r^ cZ^
and ijar = - ., , — jx ;
Jo Jo a; (1+^0
r„, ^S f"'l+3^'sinr.r , ,
thus Bdr p-= T^— — ^dx = A;
Jo dr Jo X \-\-oi?
hence j^Bdr-'^-A=0 (1).
Multiply by e"' and integrate ; we obtain since A is con-
stant with respect to r
e"' 1 1 Bdr + B-AI= constant.
Now whatever be the value of r, it is obvious that the
integrals represented by ^, J5, and 1 Bdr, are finite ; hence
the constant in the last equation must be zero, for the left-
liand member vanishes when r is infinite.
I* Bdr -{■ B - A = {) (2).
From (1) and (2) ^=-^;
therefore B=Ce^,
where C is some constant. And from (2)
therefore B = Ae~^ (3),
Now when r is indefinitely diminished, B becomes
r (JQ(^ ITT
T-, — 2 ) that is 7i ; hence from (3)
Jo l+a:"" 2 ' ^ ^
^=^ and 5=^6-'.
2 2
We have supposed r positive ; it is obvious that if r be
negative, B has the same value as if r were positive, and
A had its sign changed ; that is, if r be negative B = -^ e^
and A= — -. {Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy,
Vol. XIX. p. 277.)
f COS VCC doc 77"
From I ^; 5— = r: e'^ , we obtain by differentiation
Jo 1+a; ^
with respect to r,
X sin rx dx tt
= 77 C
l + x' 2
And from the same integral by integrating with respect
to r between the limits and c, we have
/■" sin ex dx _'ir , _^.