44i^' XTbe XTubor jfacsimile tTeyts jUiBertEs of Inforst Jllarria^e By George Wilkins Date of earliest known edition 1607 (5.M., C 34./ +2.) Reproduced in Facsimile 1913 Under the Siipervisioit and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER I lie p:arriagc By George Wilkins 1607 • • « > > o n Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXIII « « * • "f , By George Wilkins 1607 This facsimile is from- the B.M. copy of the earliest known edition of 1607. Other impressions were issued in 1611, 1629 and 1637; // may thus be inferred that the play was popular. An adaptation by Mrs. Aphra Behn was published in 1677 under the title of " The Town Fop.'' The article by Sir Sidney Lee in " The Dictionary of National Biography^'' narrates all that is known of the author, touching upon and discussing the question of Wilkins' connection as collaborateur with Shakespeare, Dekker, Day, Rowley and others, having especial regard to Wilkins' probable share in the early drafts of " Timon of Athens" and ^'Pericles." The British Museum copy of this facsimile ts in a very bad state, having been apparently tmich handled. The condition of the first and last portions of the book may be thus accounted for : many of the central pages are much cleaner and less blurred. The reproduction is, having regard to this fact, quite satisfactory. JOHN S. FARMER. ^■' i- THE Miferies of Inforft MARIAGE. e/i it is mrppbyti by his Maiejlies Servants. By George WiliiiW ^.^- LONDON 1 Tinted for Gcorsc \ivxcm,ud .tc rr tc fcMai hii ft cr -n iWcod/lrcct- life 7, ' TheMiTeries of inforll: Mariage, EnttrSir FrM/icis f/fird, lyerJloe, AndEtitlcy. 'B^rt, "pX Vt frr.ml:eJrM»ke^ now we are come f o (he houfc,, pSwbarfhallweniaketo bcourbufincs f Ilford. "*^Tui,lct v$ be Impudent enough, and good inougiS. H'ent, Wehjuenoacquaintaincehccre,butyoung .sV4ro hrrerr, Ilf. How no acquaintance : Angels guard me ft cm rhy company. I fel tice rfV/rr/trchoii art not v%crihy to vvcair guilti? Spurs, deane Linnen, nor good Cloailis. Went. Wi.y for Gods fake ? Ilford* By this hand thou art notamannt toTaMcaf an CfJi- rary.keepe Knights company JO Bav.dy houfcs^ncrBcggcr ihy Taylor. Went. Why then I am free from Chcafei$,clcarc ficm the FcXj andefcapeCurffes.'' Ilf. Whydcoflthouthink th?r-i$anv'Chriflijnsin fhrwoit J ^ Went. landlewestoo. Brokers, Puritans, and ^crg'jnf; Ilf. Of docflthoumcarcfobf^gea'fci C.hanfv, that j;ocsirjs cold furc already .(hat thou talked choulud noarrv»airfafi' e r.crc. 1 teltheel^r(f«/furthouc3nrtnotliuf onrV.is ruleof rhc world . feed wcl, diink Tobacco,jndbeh'^noredTnio theprrfcnc?, but Mru munbeacquainredwifhall forrfnc, bjt Drun?carJ$,Panki,3c knaaes. ///; Whacam I the better f r cliy anfwer? ^/7;v. Whatar^.i! th a belter f«>fc!iyc]a-IV!ou? Ilf. Why n Jthitig. Qo'^\ Why (hrn of nothiii» comes nothing. £^•7^(fr Scar borrow. Wem. Sbl'jd this is a phtlofophicall foolc. GW. Then I that am a foolc by Art, am better then you that arc fodles by nature. Exit Scar, Gent lcmcn,\velcoir,c to Yorkshire. Ilf. And vf:\\ incoiJHtrcd my httle Villaine of fiftcenc hundred aycant, Slut what ni.;ke{i thou heere in this barren foylcof the N jrth, when thy honcfl.riendu mifle thee at London? Scar. Faiih Gallants tis the Countrey. where my Fdihcr Uued, ^Mherc firfl 1 faw the light. and where I amloved, Ilf. Lou'd, I as Courtiers louc Vfurers, & that is iuft aslongas lliey lend them raony. Now dare I lay. H'^fnt. Non e of your Land good ICni»bt, for thut is laid CO luor- gage already J' Ilf. I dare lay with any man that will take rae vp, fVfnt. Who hftfohauc a Lubberly load. Ilf. Sirrah wag, this Rogue was Ton and heire to tAntonj N'»rvc , Now, and 'BlrndLP/IoiKc^nd he tBafl: needs be a fcuruy Muniti- on, that hath two Fillers to his Fathers.but tel mc iafayth,art thort not.nay I know tNou art cald dawn inro the country hercjby fomc hoary Knight or othrr,vvho knowin* thee a youn;» Gentleman of good parts, and a great liuing . h ith Jcfired chcc co U% Tome pitti- vfinforcfl ^darria^e. full p«ccof his Workemanfliip, aDaugfitcr 1 n;€aie,lft not, fo? Scar. About (bmc futh preferment 1 came downe. /// Prcfertncnt, agood word: And whcnd<.you comrn«nfC ifttothc Cuckolds order, rhc Prcfermcnf you Ipcak of wiicn flial vve hauc Glcucs : when, vvhen/ Scarb. Fa»th g.illaiits I hauc bin gucft here but finer h\\ nighf. lif. Why, and that is rime enough comal'.i iii t:,y Ccxfparrovv humor icp'yeti,! ilirForc God ^ n*j 1 aci a Cc;-:?!^;!!;!?-! wi! i, winch the Fa- ihci- cue- licarlp':;, Ic-'<; >$ «n, f .ilccs yo'j at your word, fvvcarc^ hcc is 2;1 it'f» fe'.- fhi •, nav li'.- vill hajcycjcor.tratftcd llraigiit, and for a rred tnakcs the ynci} of him{c''e. 7'/?/;/ ift cr.e hoHic, from .i "-'i t ' /'-fl', 7 X'o.v ^r/ fn-a-^ ac in dcit, jt-;' < ro ■. b!ca -tvitl. u iv ff, ' '3 in. But cjii fhcy Lojjcor.s Tiothcr U foonc } /.'';] Oil, It 15 no ma fcr iio'.v adaics for louc, Cis v.chcnd ihcy can bu' make (liif: to he .o2;ct!5cr. I! r,:t. D'.;t ,vi!l vouriaiher tl?c this too, ifhee know the wjllanc brcafl'-slMmrd'c-.u (oinctvvo or ti rcc BawJvhoufesin amorninis I'f. Ohtliercioncr, for th.it and the Larid to^c:her, tell the o.'dc kd Je, he will knew flic bcvtcr how to dcalc wiih his Daughter 1 The Jy.-fe ani^ Auncieut Fathers /- wv thts JR^le^ Shcfthl loth r^cd (J\[aic{s^ the (^htldwanlcl be a Foole. Covr\c Wa^, ifthou hafl gone no further then info the Ordinaric fadVioti, mccte,(f c, and killc, giue oucr : xMary not a Wife to hauc ahiinJrcd plagues for one pkalure : lets to London, ibcresvarie- ?y ; and ciiange of paflure r.iakes f..t Calucs, Sea. But ch.ingc of wotncn bawld Kna'Je5,S r Knight. lift Wag and thou becll a I ouei bui three da^es, thou wilt bee Hartles, SlccplcnCjWitlrs Mud, VVrcfched,Mifrrable,and indeed, adarkc Foclc. And by that thou haR bccnc married but three weekcs, tlio thou flicuidll v\xd a Cj/uhia raraavis, thou vvcu.dcd be a m.m monflrous: A CuckoId,a Cuckold. Bart. And why is a Cuckold nionOrous, Knight ? l!f. Why, because a man is made a BeaQ by being married ? Take but example thy felfc from the Moone, ai foone as flicc it (ie iuercd of her great bclly,do:h flic not poynt ct the world with 5 payreof homes, as who (hould fay, married men.fotnc ofyc arc Cuckolds, Scar^ I confler moreDluinely of their fcx, iBcing Maids, racthinkesthcv arc Anj^cls: and being Wiuet, \ Xbcy ars Souciaigncs : Cordials that prcfcruc out Liues, They oftriforcf} ■^%lariag^. They arc like our handb. that feed vs, thij is clcarc, They renew man, as fprin J rcncvvcs die ycarc. Ilf. Tlicrsncrci warito/i Wfnchthai hcarcs dice, but thinkcx fhcc a Coxcom for 1 >yi">j; (o : M^t ry none of :hcin, if thou wi'r« haue ihcir t-ruc Charj^crs, lie p\.\c jt thcc, VVoiriCi arc the Puro-atory of mens Pu; Hcs, the Paradicc oF their I odi«, and ths Hcl of their mindcs; Marry noncol (hcmVVonicnaretP Ci.v;; chci Saints, abr Odd An^cIs, at hcinc Diuels- Here arc married men jnow, know this : jM^rry f»onc cfthcuu Scar. Men that traduce by cuflomc, flicv^ fliarpc vyU Onclyinfpeakinj^ ll!,andpratt!fcit: Againd the bcO of Creatures, dcuinc woQicn \VUoarcGod^ Agentjhcere, niidthc Hcaueialy c) c By wlvcii this Ofbc liath her Maturif/ : Ikauty in vvomtn, gcc the vvoild with Child , Withour vvliorn, ilje were barreri,fuint, and wildc. Thcyarctlicllfmson which do Angels grow, Frani v\h^ncc Vet rue is nild,and Aits do flow. Enter Sir John Harcopay'dhii Daughter Q^re. Ilf. Let them be what F:ov\crs they v.iM, andthcy wcrcRofh, . Willpluckc none of them for cti'.kininvv l-nacriBut foft.hecrd comesa voider for v$ : and I (cc.do wiiat I can ,as Ions as the world laOs.tncrc wii'bcCuckoKlsinif.DoNou hearc Cin!dc,hecrtS one come to blend you fcgcthcr : l.c !ia; brc'j<^!-t you a I ncadinr;-tL^ if thou dofl take her at his hands, Ths thou htidj^ Argm eyes, hfurc of this ^ JVomen hAttff.vome reith more tbtn one to hjffe, ILtr. Nay no parfinw Cent'emcn : //r//>. jyent. Sfutduihc iDakcPunkcsofvs, that lie HciDsahcaJy Mar. Gallants, Know old loha Harrsp kee pes a Wincfeller, HasTxaueld.b'.n at Court, knownc Falluons, Andvnto all bcarcs habit hkcyourrc'ues. The fliapcs of Gentlemen and men offovf. Jhiiicahealth to e;iuct!icm ere thcv part. H^fKt. HcahhKciij^ht, notasDiunk.irds r,iuc their hcsl'hsi i Jiope. to go together by the cares when they banc done //#?r. Mjr hcdichsarc wcIcojtk wclcoir.c Gcndctiisi^ /•■. ■^r w , ^^ W^I W I > •■ //'/". Arc we welcome Knightjlnfajth. . '; ' ILrr. Welcome infavth Sir. /// Preahec teli mc hal not rhou bin a Whbrcinain«r. [ ' /^ (}cs( cffulldr Mights fiotv I amftiiKg tajisp, ■ 1 \ ///! wiiythcnthouart amanfit for luycompauy." l Doc){hhoufjeaietliathci$agootlfcllowofournainpc, '^ \ Make much of his 6irhcr. Exeunt \ Y_ -■ 5'f With ^ what words tro (!us a man begin to woe. Gentlewoman pray you whatinaCIockcc' 1 CUr* Troth Sir, carrying no Watch about me but mine e a proj:>er Geotlcwcitiin. (yar. Ilo you bm chnike (o ? Scar. N") ireeyouareavervpcrfeftpropcr Gentlewoman. {hr. Iti?ij,rc;irpitty then 1 iliould bealcncuirhoutapropcr inan. Scar. Yourfaiher(aye$Ifl]riII nidrryyou. (^Ur. And I fhy God iorbid Sir : 1 am a great deak to young. Scar. Iloucthcebymy trotli. flar. O pray you do not To, for then you flray from the fleps of Genti'jty, tl^efa/Tiion amon^ tl.eni is to marry firf^, and louc aftci byJciIurc. ScarL ThatIdoJouctl.ee, here by hcaueni fvvcarcancicalitasa witnestothiskiffe. j CUr. You wil I no{ inforc c me I hope Sir :* i ScAf. Makes me this womans husband, thou art my Clare, Ace ept my hart, and prooue as Cha(l,as fay re. Cf*ircj OGodjJyou arc too hot in your gifts, Zhou Id c I ac- cept them, we fliouldhaueyou plead nonagCjfomehalfcayear hence : fuc for reucrfcmenf,& fay the deed jvas done vndcr age. 5'Mr. Pretheedonotlcft^ i O' NofGod is my record)! fpeak in earneft: & defirero know Ij Whether y e meanc to marry mc, yea or no. '* Scar. This hand thus rakes ihceas my louing wife, Q^r. For better, for worfc. Sc4r. I, till death vs depart loue. % C/nr.Whythcnlthanke you Sir, and now Tarn like lo banc 5 rhatl longlooktfor: A Husband. ? How foone from our owne ton*;ues is the word fed, • Captiuesourmaiden-freedomefoahead, Scar, Clareyourarenow nin;e, ind Jmyflieiyouknow, What eueiy wite doth to her husband owe. To be a wife, is to be Dedicate Noctoayouthfulltourle,wild,-mdvnfledy, But to the ibule of veitue, obedience, Studyingto pleafe, and ncuer to piTen'i Wiues, haue two eyes cieateil, nt>c like Birds To rome about at plea(ure, but for two fcniinc!s, To waitli their husbands falety as ilieir owne, . 9 4 I • — [n 111 I i _ i ■ I H I I . 1 iii T Ti-Ti — TT— t--inMpnr~~T''~TriT;irTirTTr''~*^f T' ., - ■ p — « , , _ The i9Aiferies Two ban Js, ones to feed him, the Other her Iclfc ; Two feef, and one of them is their husbands. They haue tw© of cueiy thing, onely of one. Their Chalhcy, that fhould be his alone. Their very thoughts they cannot tearnic them one, Maids being once made wiues, can nothing cOl Rig-htiy their owne;ihcvarc their iHisbands all : - Iflacnawttcyoucanpreparcrobe, . CUre 1 am yours : and you src fit for roc. - ' £Ur. We being thus fubdued, pray you know then, As women owe a duty, fo do men. Men mud be like the branch and barke to trees. Which dot!) defend thsm from tempeRuous rage. Cloth then) in VVmtcr, tender them in age. Or as Ewes louc vnto their Eanlings liues, Such Oiould be husbands cuflome to their wiues. If it appeare to them (hey haue (iraid amiffe, Thcv onely mud rebuke them with a kifle. Or Clock them, as Hens Chickens, with kin4 call, \- Couerihemvnder their wmg, and pardon all: NoiarresniuH maketwobeds,nonrifedetildethetD, . Thofc betwixt whom a faith and troth is giuen, De ith onely p .rts, fince chey are knit by hcauen : If (ach a husband you intend to be, lamyourCiarc^andyouarefitfor mc. Scat. By hcauen. ^M>'. Adaifc before yoafwearc, let me remember you, . Men neuer giuii their f>irh, and promife manage. Bit heaueo record J their oth :If they prouc tru*, Hcauen fmiles for iov , it not it weepes for you, Viilcife your hart, th-To with yout wordes agtcc, Yet let V5 part, and icire vs botii be iree. i'r^r. If eucr 1)3 1 in five :rmg loue, (wore true, j My words arc like to his: H^erccome3 your father, v < Enter S:r John H.trcop, II ford, fVgntUe, Burtlty, ^nd'BHtkr, Hir, N->w m.iiftrrv^r4r^erro)r. \-- i"*:^. l^repar d to a«kchov» you like that wchauc done, yottr daisi^ iters made wy wifciaod X /our (bnne. ■' " w p»"'. What ncues from London But leri Bfit. The old newcs Sir, tlicOrdinaricji are rull^fonic Cittizen* are bankcrouts, and many Gendctnen bccgcrs. Scar, ^/^r^hcrcisanvnwclcome PuiHuanr, My Lord and CjuardiAn writes to me with (peed, I muH returne to London. Har. And you being Ward to him Ton ScaiborroWi And know him great, if fits that } ou cbay him, Har. It dus it das, for by an antient law. We are borne free hetres. but kept hkc ilaues in awc^ Who are for London Ga'lants .'' ///. 5")^//^ ^ and i'/jwrr? we wil bcarc you corrpsn)'. Scar, Clare I muH Icauc thcc, with what vnwilkngnes Wifnes this dwelling kiflc vpon thy hp, , A nd tho I mud be abfcnt from thine eye. Be fure tny hart doth in thy botcme lie, Three ycares I am yet a ward ^ which time l^e pafic. Making thy fjith my conftant Lceking-glaflc, Till when. 0-^r, Till when you plcafc, where ere you liuc or lie. Your loues here wornc, your prefe nee in n^y tic. £.xcfi:fC Enter Lord FauIcot)l>ridi\eyfi*idJir fnliiAn: ScAtlcrcyi', Hmfd. SirWiliiam, How o\6 fhy you is your kin^rn^n Scarh'rrorv. ^r///, Eio-hfrencmv Lord, ncNf T'cnffcoiK Lord. Bethinke you <»ocd Sir VViili.^m, J reckon thereabout my fe'fe.fb by tha'acf cum Thcrcs full three WJvtrfrs'ct he nmHatfeBd, ^ Vndcr our awe> before he Cue his Liuciy ; }fJnoffo? ; . W/fc Nota^aJcIeficmyJ-crd, B 2> • i6ri\ " '. I'WI". '. I '-"-^ .1/ The -JMiferies Lord. Sir JVMitn vou arc hi J Vncklc, an(*» Imafl fjjcake | Tliat am his Gft^'^i-in, would I had a fon M^5 If merit commendations cuen with hiiii/ lie tc lyojwhat heis.hcisayoath, A Noble bra ich.incrcafing bk (If d fruit. W here Catcrptllcr vice dare not to touch. He i» himfclfc with Co much grauiry , Pi-aifc cannot praifc him with Hypf:rf>ole: He is one whom older loolcc vpon, as one a booke, Wherein are Printed Noble (cntences For them to rule their liucs by. Indeed he is one AU Emulate his vertues,hate him none^ iVi'li^ His friends are proud, to heare this good of him. L(frd. Ami yet Sir William being as he is, Youni;, and vnfctlcdj tho of virtuous thoughts, By 'G'nftint difp Dfition> yet our eyes See daily prcfidcnts, hopeful! Gentlemeti» Being truHed Ml the world witij their owne will, Diucrt the go'>d H lo^kt from them to III, Ma'cc thc-r o'd n^mcs forgot, or not worth note With company they kccpc ,fuch Rcuelling With Panders, Parafites, Podr:;ie$ of Knaues, That they fell all, cuen their old fathers graues* V Vliich to prcucnt, wceic match him to a wife, Alarriagi RcdraiMes thefcopc offinglc life. iVUlf. Mv Lord fpcalces like a father for my Kinfman^ Ltrdt And I hauc found him one of Noble parentage^ A Ncecc of nj.ne, my I haue broke with her, Know thus much of her rnind. wh it fanny pleafure As alfo for the ^ood appeares in him, She is plciT d of all thats hers to make him King. hFUlu Our name is blcfl in fuch an lionoured marriage enter 'De^crliaxter, L-trd. Alf'o I haus i:)oinrcd Dt)6lir Baxter, Ch ii/cl!or of Oxford to attend me hecrc Andf'c he is come. Goodmaifter Doclor. 'Ji.i\:. Mv hoHiiuraMc Lord. JViilt. I hAUcpoflcCl)ou »viwh this buQnclTc maiUcr Doflor ofinforcfl i5\4arrtagc. Hidxt. To fee the contrat^ t.vixt yoii Iionourcd Ncccc and maiHfr ^c.tr^Jrron'. Lord. Tii fo, and 1 di 1 looke For him hy this. i?/r.v. Ifawhimlwuchishoilcaslcamcv^i. Lord, So.fo. The . he will l>c heerc fcutlr^Aith : you MaiOer i? .Ncucr fliutvp.yourfclfc my fcflcr-Nurfe : Nothing can ! roin your honor comej proue me fo rude, But lie accrpt to fhun Ingratitude. Lord. We accept t'ly promife, now returne ihec this, A vertuous wif e,accept her with a kilTe. Scdr. Myl onourablcLord. Lord, Feare nor to take her man ftie will feare Dcitbcr;, Do what thou canH being both abed together. Scar. Obut my Lord. Lord, But me a Dog of wax, come kiflir, and agree. Your friends haue thoug' it jt lit, and it muft be. Scar. 1 banc no hands to take her to my wife. Lord How Sawc -jox. Scar. O pardon rhc my Lord the vnripencsof mv ycar€J» Too grcenc for goucrnincnt, ij old in fcarcf- To viidcrtakc that charge. B^ lfr4. The oSK^iifeties ^ ^ Lord, Sir, fir J and fir knaue,tlica hctc isj mcllowtd cxpcwcncc , knowcs how totMchyou, Scar. OGod. ^ ' Lor^. O lac'cc. How both our cares, your VncWe and my felfir, Songhfjftudicd, found out, and for your good, A maid, 3 Nc€cc oftnincj bo.'h fairc and chaft. And mullwc (bnd at your difcrction. Scar. O Good nay Lord Had I two follies, then rtiignt I hauc two wlues^ Had I two fuitb3,thcn l)ad I one for her, Hauing of boih but one-, rl)at one is giuca To Sir John Hsrcops daughter. Lord. Ha, ha.whatsthatJetfncIrcarethatagaineJ' Scdr, To Sir lohn Harcops (lafe ] hauc made an oath. Part roe in twainc, yet fiiees onc-halfc of both , This hand the whichlwcareit IS halfc herl, Such power hath faith and troth twixt couples young, Death one'y cuts that knot tide with the tongue. 1^ Lcri^. And haueyou knit that knot Sir. I' Scar, Jhauc donefb much, that if I wed nother, f My marriage makes mean Adulterer, J In which blacke'fhecfs,Lwallow all ray life, f My babes being BaOards, and a whore my wife. \ Lar^i. Ha,ift cuenfo,Myrccrctary thci:Cj ' Enter fecrstary ■. Write me a Letter flrarght to Sir John Harcop, I- Jlc fee Sir lacke and ifthatHarcop dare, f IBcing my Ward, contrail you to hij daughter; ^ ExUficret,.. ?»'ly ftewardt^OjpoftyouroYoikefliirej EnkrftervHrdi \- Where lyes my youngders Land, andiirrffW, , ' }^ Fell me his wood, make havocke, fppyle aad wad. E.xkfiew^rd L Siryouniaill^nowHiatyouare Wardtome, . ' Tie make voupooreinough-.tlicri mend your fclfe. I J'TiZ/bCozc-n. I; /^. OVnckle. ^f' />ri^: Confraftycurfclfean4.^»hcreyotiii(t> Y-^ ' lie hi^kc vou knovvtrjc Sit to brybw guard, r h ■■:,J^:^'- VVorldnovvthouicfiriwhattif iot>,ihcl aw mtcnds, lie is to hauc your duiy, and m hss rule Is both your marriajje, And Vv ur lieritage, Ifyou !ebc!l a;^amli liicfc InioniftJons, Til epena'ty fakes iioldcnyn'.whicbfor him riff, llctliai^hf thuspro'ceti'cs ,hc vvaHsycU'. Ia:.d, \Vcd»y<^uwnc;e I'cfhi.nkcihf.bbt jfyoun ire Havic of foiuc violent hunjor trtatc':f your i«»fC; Wuh'Ut hii kncwlcJ ji.e.ihfn hath he poACr To Mcrccvoorp :r'e,;)rdin jfumro«rtar, Thar flullfor cuer kecpc your fbrtun.*- \vcike,> . White othciyvifc if you be ru!d by him j ^--u^ •^m- x^ wm f tmv * The f^5\^tferies Your hou fe is ralfd by matching to his kin. Enter Valconbr-Age Lord. Now death of me, fliall I becroll by fuch a Iacke,he wed Mmfelfe, and wiieie he lift : Siirha A lahipnrt,I!e hamper }*ou, you thac irill Jiaue your will, come get you in : He nj.-ike thee fhape thy thoughts to marry her, Or tvifli thy birth had bin thy murthcrcr. Scar. Farepitty ine^becauielarainforfl, For I iuue heard thcfi marches Jiaue to(t bloud. Where louc IS once begun. --nd then withflood, Exemt. Scoter Jlfordnnda. Tage with hm, ' Jlf. Boy,haflt!ioude'i'jcrcd my Letter:* 'Boy, I Sir, I faw him open the hps onr. Ilf. Hehad notancvvfurconjhadhc? Vroj. I am not fa well acquainted with his Wardrobe Sir,but ; IfawaleanefellowcwithrunkecyeSjand/Iiamblelegges, figh pittifuliy at his chamber dore^and inircat his man to put his ma- iler in mind of him. ' Jlf. O, that was his Taylor,! fee now he wil be bleft he pro- i fits by my counfcli,he will pay no debts before he be arefted,nor I then ncither,ifhecanfinde ere abeafl that darebutbe baylefor \ him, but he will fcalci'th afternocfne. 2/07. Yes Sir, he will imprint for you as deepe as he can. . * Ilf, Good,good,novvhaueIaParfons Nofe, andfmelltyth I comminginthen. Nowlet nie number how many rd~oks 1 haue / halfe vndone already this Tearme by the firfl returne : foure by Dice, fix by being bound withme, and tcnbyqueanes,ofwhich I feme be Courtiers, fome Country Gentlemen, and fome Citti- zens Sonncs.Tliou art a good Franke,if rhou pe' get! thus, thou art ftill a Companioa for Gallants, raaift keepe a CataiTiite,cakc Phifick,atthc Spring and tlie fall. j EnierWent'oe* \ went. Frankc^ newes that will make thee fat Frank. [ Ilf. p! etheerathcr glue mee fomewhat will keepe melcane, i IhanomindyettotakePhificke. JVen. MaflerScarbcrrow is a married man. Ilf. Then heauen grant he may,as few married men do, make much of his wife, TVtntf* ■ .i*- '.\.i. of tn fore ft fSMaria^c. Ji'fr.t. Why'wouldft hauc him lGucIier,lct her command jl aod irxelicr his mailer.' //;, Ko no, they tliatHo fojtralc nof tuuch oftlicyr wlue$,lu giur liiem their will, and its tl;c in ;riii.£ olcui- 8'iit:r I-Mirfn, ^.'^/ HoncflfA-/r;>'f valeious /'/vrifr/r apoificn cf (I \ <\i'fc, fct? to !;c pc vs II) rl.is cntt pnlcpui d wc a av v%uik Lc'iic*tn (iitt ariutjyj/>fiiattiie^erj:_t3nrs. //f. You iiiav (hilt Oi.t ore fc.nrtnf,.nray;-f die a: ihcCcrrr i, ;hc(cdrc die fcab^ncvviliathun; ' poi. j; r.cfi Ii U. 1 am ich.and tl-.cfe.^itthcfcuiuy fcuLbes. Lui Vthati il,is yourp&t f.ei; « curf withall? ^4rr. Maifler Scarborrow is a married man. n'tnt. Hchas ah l-.is land in his on ;ic land. Fdrt. Hil brothers and rflerspoitiorv. (v^itc. /r^;;r. Befrdeifourc ihoufandpoiinJ ipr..jjy n^crev 'v ili I, i Ilf>^. Cj' odtjlcntbymybifhjirmi hf I c pciTiai.y Cicr.' en n to pay ihv:rTaiiours,and I mightbecncof tlcii'. Wc t. Nay, Icncfl Frank, haft tl.oMf( und .s frickerorhiir?. if thouiiaHnot) <'ookchecresahnetodircd thee.I-iid duvt. i ini in- to bands <^or money, then to dice for if :Ther. take vp {.Lficat'i c Mercers, (lrai![^li( to apunke with it : Thvnnior»ai;c l.f. ' jrn •.-. 2iid be drunkt with that : fo with them and ihc id\, liuin in /.i* rient Cj'enilcman, make liilfctycunj legj;cr. ///. Wiiat aRoj;cis thir, to read a Icduic to ir.e, .- nd n ine c^wv: i cbui fay lie to pa'AneKifu'eru ji , ,,)jj ^ iLat ha ff4uked like a huge Elephant, witfj a Ciflr < i il ..\i ncc'ccsandremoouedj^ (odieiroAnc ll)oulcur«inoi.e '■'. v -A ih !htir fathers built vp :a feuen ycif e, bin « u%j by fry iv e ;.» rr \u U- jiir.ch time as a t hildr fuckr s. to dnn' c bottle /ilf, il;u J purilv p ly foir.Atid flu' tlVi« Paraf iMdrut'tiiie.'' T(?Af. Nav bm Frai^ikr, ///^ Arogethaih.ithjcdvpnnfre > the?- Ur Thn r.ir Iilr PiU lenframa Pan!leischtpi»'|[^?.ai't:r,e»w) pu I. ;:» -i jo«'- .^:ic•^|^s io/ljirciw'o(u(Ciina(ijy,thaucu!£rK;^c 'ijiu j .'.v!i:(liiini :c /^ The \9i4iferies jna yc3re,a .-Tiycs praycfs when hchidit Hiarlc, howlicpn'cs. fp^ent. Bcf-dei F.Malic, Hnce his marrijt^c, fic rtjwlccs nic U'rc ^ cslTiie.'d CapraJDc felifconfent, iawli.ch .Mcbncholy, thclcaftc dropofmirih.orvshich tlioi»Iu(Un Ov?an, wil make liini, and all Irs ours far cucr. ■* Ilf. Saves TnincG'vncRogc fa, giuc race thy hand cijen, vvccic dr.ot, anJthcrcscarncft, Sinkcshim. Sfut you Cliiffiracc, «:iat ioolces wcrfcihcn a Collier thorough a wooddcn window, an Apcafcaidofa whip,.TIicn know your fcafons. T^t-t. Sfut friends fiiendjj al friends : Here conacs young Sc^r- i>orrow, iliould he knew of this, all our diffcignes were pieticjifcd. Enter Scarbtrrovp. Ilf. What, tndancholy my young main er, toy y Gang marryed maTjGv^d 2,iucyourwo:fliipioy. Scar. Icy. ol whatFraoke ? Ilf. Of thy wealth, fori hearcof fcwthathi ioy of heirwiues Scar. Who wedj as 1 hauc to inforccd Oiects, His care incicafc*h,but his comfort fleets* Ilf. Thou hi'iingfo much wiiie, vfhata Deu.ll meantO thou fa marry ? jc:4r. Ofpcikcnofofif, iMjrri \^i founds in mine care likca Be)!, Nofruh^forp.'carutc.butadolcfiillknsll. ///. A common courfe, fliofcmcn that are married in the Mor- ning, to wiiTi thcmfclucj buried crc ni»ht. 5f.tr. Ic'-nnotloucher. Ilf. Mo ncwcs nci:hcr,wiors know thats a gcnerall fault amoBgfl the r Hiibanis, Scar. I will not iy with her. Jif Cftarr-: v^lmt fhcelcfay flill, If you w»! not^ anothcrwil. Sc4r. Why djd (lie marry me, knowing I d«d not louc her. Iff. As othcr.womfin do, cither to bee maintaind by you^ or to naakcyou^Cuckold-Now fir, what come yott for f t Enter (fl«wne» Clm ' J {^i'crv. As men Jo in h iPc; to irakc a:i end ofthcif Lufinc* Jif. Wi^atsyourlnif'ncic' C/itv iVly bulincs is this Sir, thh Sir, rjid 'Ms Sir, lif. 'I he meaning of a! ibis Sir. CL By tl.is is as muf li a* fc Gy St^ my Mai. lissffjnrvnroycu.Byt^^sisa^nJucIjasfofav Sir, rry :«ai- ikr his i.iin liumbly coroii €rcc«i »t(o ycu,ami by (his is as ixuch a> .'o :i'.v,n;v tnaflcr crjucx ycur ?nf.\ ere. ///. (Jiucirc yo.u Lcctcf.Andycu fiulhauciIusSR,iI..i jii,a::w th'jS'ir* ^/.:)t'. No Si'. //;m/« V'/hySir? CVfK'. BfCiufcas tiic learned l.aac v:ry well infliunfj me,S?j^i jtipauosyrnktladiios, a:.dthoma:y Gcr.fKircn wjII l^ji;cf ■ • c wuhoth r mcnibufin^ssyctfrom mc knov»,f'ic moil pjij oF('r;.;n prouc kn.iucs for f l.cir lib^Jf. H'eKt. Vou ha I lie Knauc yfjsitli rrankc. C/tf. Lon^j; iray liCC liucto cnioy if, rrom Sir John Kii^. . Harcop.i:ithcC<..ui'iyof'lotl;cKnighr,f\" rrcfiisriian. to v ^^^ f^Uen.y young n^aifUr, by tlicfc prrfcnfs c/cciing. ///. Ho'A caiiiTt {liou by «li .:fc good words ? Cletv, As you by your good c!o:.ths tooicc (!cm Vfcn tcuH, "^ fworc 1 V.' -tild ncncr pay for cm . Scur. Tiiy rrajilcr S^r lolin Marrcp vvrlfcs t: me, 1 i»at I Ijicu'dcnffrtaineihcc for my man, }-]»< W'ln iJ iccf prablc, fliou art wc\u mc 'cIl' v?. Ob'ni Jiiv nnillersDaUibfcr.fcr'.dsan Ai'idc Wbicli m:.l;c5 me thinkc vpon my prcfcni finntj ricrcliieiri..ciribcrsn:erokcrpcin uiindc My prcii.-ird ir.th fo bcr/which 1 ha broke^ Here Q.'CTi'cctT.^ Ts rne I am s tran, Ebcl.f ore vNir't I periury, whoff linfull I reaft, JsC! .TacucJhkeil ofccurllchhc biiff. //f. Ho'v now n:y yr up;--, ru^y ,«»!> c a yrur r. i'^ ench i'oif V ..v«e!it after ihc lol'c<^i( hcv K'jydcn head, dying our. .SV^r. Trcu'/r hk ncr, G-ur OM' i'cn, ImVc, and Pjptr I wil' wtirc to U^r, O r'bvi^ v.!utn..)!l I wiire < Mmco/ ni:tvc':fe,\>!-.y nor^cuTc nr fciuc For himih;it ly^cair, iui (ic»u hii o:i doth rwaiuc;* » O i- 111 il! I u v , in -' m irri j ,]• : .v i i"^ i n b r c !l , T/vi! (>i i in th "iTJ, t: )t .v^'l m mz to ycc.'d, VV.ctc'ieJ {lijcro v;!iorc liurria'^c was compcld, lie v'l^'lv wi'itcth.i: virliicli inv^r.iUc hath bred, Fof^'-i: miCljrc, for Iam;n3rricd : Tr> '.o.ictit cb v.i=, hiv no: G h^n^ for Tot,or wornsfrom Lccc. D liicr '.t vnfo her, tbc; e^ for thy pvncs, ' VVoa' J I IS Coonc c oiil J cici v.o thrfc prriurd n.iiiie?, C/j,\ vV .•!',[ could alter muic cics fro-x^ fiirhy rn^i I \y'o iSir wi- tcr ryou h.TJ^ oaiJ f)r my tc.ircs anj mi. kc/c? Hi il :>rot)? Sa i'c•- r3.;r?,a.^J S'cake 0'itforyou,!ctnamiapcrfvV.H nKr, I w iI c--/, I an J ciicry To v k bst atix? Shorcditch-durch and Yoi'I:: bf:d .'.c, ill .li b:arc rae wifn? (f?. /-..v^-i.L.. ^tA 7f:.K Tuf.Thats not ih.it wcd.n;br on wcncli.lv t cl-yoa licjrc Ssrlol'.n.v^.liacdoc yruthinlce Hruc n?cc fronjI.?r,Jcn. srt'Jhe Iiji^es o^ Court, tlm^ farreinro ^/orkrhire? Ihr, I gcilc to fez ti i$ p^irlc, Inal he your C^Ocr. 7 ;^-». F-Jitli, and f gefTc part'y fo fro. but tlic rr!:inc\^:;s. nnd I i,^V.; f: t I'ct.^you.tlmtyotircom'n;": n.^ne !;♦ t' i' "if* :"/o( i:r K iulrrd, I :ni^liJ [)?.itr|M:in'fd vit's \ ;■»;:: r.trc' r.rdjl; r :.'fi r »» y !ur,'! Ti Iv]dm.-.rrici.lvc-ur dan2.!v:r, ] n:s-:;>tl'cr li^i.-.t-'f L.n.■:•^',- icd.ni.i rvcfyru. i'V;-- \^'l..i:? Dc ycTi borrow ofycut Icin-^^fd 5 'r" 7/. •/.' S u^",!utc'!c,flicv h. o:rg t. fcrulhn >'.y l!-orl, v.by ll.oj'.i.? nor I I'aucin.'crrcll in t!:cir crvr *, iJci^c'rj ;!?r, ! I cm*' i \r,\i\ cr bro>l;rr, wo. !y ! M:' !.-vr flr.iigl.f dounc to my >'c-cc>, to tl:;sCo'"cn T' '^n).':.«, mid Ki.r C"'cn Ijiffc/Jc uuij;t.cc( iirtccus c'.:'.v f^iucifoii < » t ibc'.- vl M>,\vS, crcii vr.:o tbe ff^.irdcandrnurf;; rrni^crc c:f ;fiy i ilijthafh ii.rfi:!' mcrr I !o d .AI\vbicb t^.-j vpi r. rbcirfi rurr or?? j rudiby ID'' ';:;clv .ipd fai():fuii)' pJf^n'td: f»v »r; tur.^tKC, lr•dL^ ' ;.s'he-V.. ..Tiiopi vo il .i'!bc , auirc irdccid, :i.t C'.!},bct.'c': id Bio; c '"cc!:rp;*y Jt t,u n n\- J Hjr, \ oj jic a :):e;i!c ^^^c ir^cmm, 7/". f is'bv hope o, moMici.i.ilvCS rrc 'o,:nul !;p^.v norcluf fon'is vic to be L'd wit!) it. | ''olj. Fri"i "Jx'nr ' am ! i':'v.vne, f *;ni 'c-ious OwJics Hxpf.!lin?,-!-.a!irylTof:icr|liil hji'fooiiir I . VVitIiyoub:sbLrto^(l'o\rc, 3nJ t. iserodKnii:' f. i 7/4)-. H'i sLfcnrcHia Innt 'Ta'xccur hirtsJcilcnicrrie ; Thinifwci-alhisprcurncr. \ d •ecrclcn;', j W»]l b. ift» him backc, \v!)cn ci.c :v,c ni:ncy when {bcvcllcUiiowit, - C} //«.-. The ^'lifaics TT.(^. N*y. nay, nay, ' Womcii arc Wi:ake nnd we muO bcarc vvi^Ii ihem, Yo :r ffo'icke hsalihs, arc ojv.ly fit for men, 7'i:9. Well, I am coufenred, woiiicn iBufl to the wal.cho It be fo 3 fcafher- bed. Fill vp ilun. £/r/„r Qo-yne. Ch. From London am I come, tho not vvidi pipe and Diun?, Ycr I brinjmatfcr, i;i ihi« poorc paper, Will raaltc my youn:); mulris,cle.'ii;ht;ngin kiflcs, DoaialU4aidcns wiil,hcann^;o^lKil.^Ilil!, A s to hauc Icrt, t!ic diingihcy wIuk moi), A Hti'band, a {l'jsb3nd,aprc({y iwcctHii^b.ind, Ciy oh, o'l, oh, and^LiSj Anci :f ialt ro, lio, ho, as I dc, /^?-*'>-. Rctumd fo loonc from London f Whats the ncwcs ? Chiv, O miflns, ifcucryo'j hiuc iccnc 'Dcmonlceitclcarc look in- to mine eyes, mine eyes are J'.'WfJM-', ^]j^r\cSefieniey thcThamej, nor the Ryucr of 7>.f.'r«i^'ossch)ldicnIikct(>hisi» '] V . The ^i^Mtferies vmm Andrcadljhcwasmaricd ?Aski forgiuencs? What a blind Foolc was I ? yet licercs a Lctfcr To whom dircificd tio r To my beloucd Clare. WliyLawi' Women will read, and read not thnt they faw, . Twas but my (cricnt louc millird raiuc eyes, lie once agiinc to the hifideyFcrgiuetm^famtrArricJ: wdumScad'orrorc. He has let Iv.s name loo't to, O peri;!'-y j vvH!ii::chehar!Sofmcn lliy fe::iUarc kept, their tongues proclairact'a them. Ftiter ThcniiU Scarborrofc. Tho. Siller, Gods preciou, the cloths laidc, the mealc coolcsj V'C a'i (hv, 2nd your father cals ior you. Oar. Kind Sir, cxcufe mc I pray you a httlc, ];!ebutpeiufc tiji^ Letter and lon-cfraight. 7'ho. Pray you nuke halt.the meat ftaies for v8,andourftomacks jv^ady for ti.e incar, for bclceue ihis, , i 'i iiikc makes men hun^rVjOr it makes them lie, ' i\i\C lic thats drunke ore night> ilh oiornings dry, : crrcanda; proucd. ^xk* / vr-. ! Ic was conrsri'^^d ininc.y?; he vniuft .'- jnr.riird to ?no?litr : w!'3fs my cftate tiicni* J A rcfchtd niaid, r.ri fi; for any man, i--.»i being Vi/ued is vviiiipl'ghtcd faiths, ' VliO ciiciiccs to H'f ccti.rniHi:,'ri'.ne, c '.cdr,e«li n: ' u.iid v\ h.i (I. ,1 ninuv me : 1; j;;eniyfs'ii, iiuiin Ad Ycuir?, Fayrc, }\ic!., I Joiu-r:, \')! fuous, . V .^ci uli tliij, v\hc ere Hiall uurry irtc .i n '/uf his '.vJ'iore, Itucin Acaltery. iansu^r ile].5 ;ii:o the pa;!* of pV-^fuic ; . f vvii',th i K\:i> irearcc', bci;ncvnt(s LcunciMjcnvTcf:' licndl.riihcr j>ot>re, 'ji I on ; t v<; c t ? \ c t I » • ; i m I i (uc j 'a ! s » i c. j rt'iuii hr fv: ck- ;. nje'T.pct|:,;;ti!!] ir.y vvjij, j\ HiCDc J (• ju- abijoi d, a /)i-»;r.ii c^i ]»l \ hui? sfchcwed, and no.* c rw .)? witKfJanilit In n;} l^ic.i :i\\ n,y f*ih^.: r i-Vj i\.i\d, • In -J .; ^»M L% i .. i J i ofinforcjl Manages. In me lie hath a hope, tho not his name Can be increaO, yei by my Iflue His land flial) bttpodcft, his age dcnghted. And tho that I (hould vow a finglc life To kecpe my foule vnfpottcd, yet will he Inforce me to a marriage : So that my gricfe doth of that waighr confifl, Ithc!pesmenoitoyeeld,nortorefin: And was I then created for a Whor e ? A whore, Bad name, bad aO, Bad man makes me a fcorn : Then hue a Strumpet? Better be vnbornc. Stater lohn Scar^oow Siftcr,Pray you will you come, Your father and the whole meeting flay es for you, fidr. I come, I come, I pray reiurne : I come. Jeht I muft not goe without you. C/arf, BethoumyVfher,foothIlcfollowyou Hi - _ He wr'tes here to for^iuehira, he is marry ed: Fnlfe Gentleman : I do forgiuc thee with my hart. Vet will I fend an anfwcre to thy letter, And in fo fliort words thou Ihalt weep to read thein, A nd 1 icars my agent ready : Fergine mty l*m dead, Tis writ, and I will aft it : Be iudge you M.^yds Hauc trufted the falfe promifes oi men. Be ludgc you wiucs, the which haue been inforft From the white flicets you Jou'd, to rhem ye loathed : VVIiethcrihis ty^xwm* m^y not be afTured, "Better 0nejf^fte, then many h e>tdftr/'i. Myarmesimbracings,Kifses,Chalaty, Were his polTefsions : and vvhilll I hue. He doih but Oeale thofe pleifuics he cniO; cs. Is an Adulterer in his married ;*> mes. And neuer goes ro his defikd bed. But God writes fin vpon the TcaRcrs i.c s, llcbea WirepoWjh.e'peto fane his fovic Thol hauc ioO^iis bodv, giuc n flakr: To his iniquities, and w:tr otic Cw.v.j Doneby tliishanJ, eiidc many done b>'','f»5. FarwcU the wciid, then farewell t!^'^ . c'-^ded icves HB M^I H J P I The Miferies Till t)m 1 hauc hop'r for, from that Gentleman, Scarboriow, forgiue roe : :lms thou haft loll thy wife, Ytt record would, thoU2,ii by m nSl too foulc, A vvjfc ihui did 10 c!ean(c her liusbaAds foulc* £«r.-. Yourdaiiglucr: TiUif bcjs ofyou to fee her buriedj prr/es St nborro.v to forgiucher : fhc is dead. 1>je3, /L:r. Par;cnc€ good tcarcs, and let ray wordi hatic way ( ! II c , my daughter. Help my feruants there : Li f V j) thin: eyes, and looke vpon thy father, Ti'cv were n-t borne fo Icofe their light fo foone, 1 ; idbe 'ct t-hce for rny comforter, /ijjd not to hethc Author of niy care. Why (per.lclt thou not ? Some hclpe my Seruants there : W h.at hand hath made thee paler Or if tlurvcownc, Whit cauL' hidfi tl.ou fh^t wcrt thy fathers loy, Ti'.e Trcarai^I">f his aje, the Cradle of hisfleepe,. Hi:.a'rmall r 1 prctltcrfnr^tce fo me ? Thoa =' t n f r-ipc for dwth, come ba. lr:-;cisor beauty? MychilJJmyciiilde. wnft pgriny ju i^iro, Mids thcc lo fjyrc,.'i<-t now i}ciJty, (he lilUTc o* nijniagc .'' Tlioa \u{\ no (Ui;g r^ 3!)( were «.o, v-^r I, But in red Lerreri writes: For iiitnl die. O-iifsoiihis iiaiferoustun^;, liisyr u{I ,I:;ib!cod^ Hs plcjfurcs, C ht'd'Cn; and podcrsion.. Be li i.;> d^yeil'I-:c v,ipt<;r,co:vitorf.'cl!e : Rdticihr.nigiitS; IjiswanfsRcmcrcfkt'c, And may his Corps be the I^hifitians flage/j^ Which pliid vpon, (lands not to hr.norcd A ge. Or wi h d:fcalcs inay h« lie and pine, Tillgrccfc waK bhndhiscles, asp^iccrcdofliminc. "Exit lo'}. O good old man, nude wrc tciicd by this deed, The more thy age, were to bepiiticd. €/it*r Scar!'cr.'or.\ hio wfe K.u herifie, I If or d^ TVintU^ , ^Arley uvJi Sutler, , Ilf. Wh.it ride by the ga(c,: not caU,that were a finamc yr^itfi. Went. Wceh butf;}l}cof l.isBccrc, ki'Jehis Daughtci, and(o horff jgjinc vvhercilhcgcod Knight hcarcc" Scur. Yow b;;ng rric to tny fliamc vnvviiling'y, Ilf. Shan)cd ot whar.for dcceiuing of a wcndVi I aa DOl bluHi^j that ha dunt \o a hundred of cm. In\^oinensiouchcc$v»ifc, doth follow this, Lcuc one To long till her another kille. Whcres th e 2;ood KniL' hr hcc! e .' /#. O Brother, yon are come to make your ele Sad mourner at a fa;a!! Tragedy . Perufe this Lctttr firO, ard then tfiis Corps. Scat. O wronged Cbre .<* Accurfcd Scs.borrov* " I writ to her, that I vvai tpanicd, She writes to noe. forgii;c licr fi;c ';s d«ad .• lie baimcchy body with my faithi^uli roKS, Andbepcrpctttdl mourner itthy lonibcj Il< (actiiicc this Coajiiit iato li^hcs, D t Make * ' ' ' " " ' "" ' ' ' ■ — ^w^~- 1 1 1 iii ». iii , i . I .11 I I II pii i u -^>mw-— f ■ . ,'- I 77'^ Miseries \ Makcaconfamptionofthispileofman, Ami all the benefits my paid t$ gauc, ; Shall rurnciitQempercd to appeaie (he wrath For this blood nicci,and J am guilty of. I KAt. Deere husbani. 1^ ScAr. Falfe wo man, not my wife, tho married to mc, I Lookcwhatthy Trends, and thou art guilty oP, The mutther of a crcatorc.cquaid heaoen [ In her Creation, whofe tho'jf;hts hke fire, [ Neuf r lookt hafe, but cuer did afpirc , To blcflc'dbenifits, till you and yours vndid her, j Eyclicr, view, tho dead, yct(l)cdu$looke, Lilcc a iftih frame, or a new printed bookc OftlicbcH piper, n:ucrh-okt into, |- Bu? wi'It one fullicd finger, which did fpot her, I Which was tier ownc too, but who was caufc ofif. Thou and ti^y friends, and I willloath thee fort. Enter Sir IchnH^rccf, ILiT. They ^o bcly her that do fay fheei dead, Siie is but II raid ro fomc b'. -gallery, And I noufl ha hcragainc. C^larc, where art thou Clare ? Sf^tr. h ere, laid to take her cuerlaOing fleepe. H^r. Alycsthatfaycsfo, Yet now I knowrhec, Idolicrliai fa) it, I For if flic be a vilicn hk- thy feife, I A prriurdTrJ^or, recreant, inilcrcant, S Di>2;,adci!:, r cjo^,'i3s dunt. \ .Vv-.r. OSir John ilarcf p. |; Hrn, O Sir lolin vii en, to be froth thy felfc To this ^ood creature, harmclelfe, harmeles child. This kerne il hope, and comfort of my houfe, \Vit!)out II fo! ccfKent, of thine own accord, D i aw all her foulc i(h compafle of an ofh. Take that orh From her, make her lor none but thcf, Ani then berray her:* Sc<.ir. Shame on them were t^e caufe of it. Hm\ ^ Ai harkc what thou haff got by it, Thy w ?i but a ftriunpet, thy children Badardj^ f Thy I iiif %Jkf^ ^^w of in forjl Manages n i Thy fclfc a murderer, thy wife, acccfsary, Tlw bed 3 Ocn-s, rhy houfc a Broihcll. if<«r. Cci^ootruc. //^r. 1, made a vrretched father childlci. Scat. I, made a married man, yet vviuc'es. Har. Them the caufe of it. Scar. Thou the caufc of it. ; Iltr. Cotfcon che day that ere it was begun, i For i an old man am, vndonc, vndonc. Sxiit i .S'iT^tr. For Chaiityliaue care vpon your father, | LcaQ (hat his grecfe, bringon a more milliap, j This ro my armcs, my forrow fhall bequeath, I Tho I have lod her, to thy grauc He brii)g, ! Thou wcrt my wife, and He thy %eftiem (ing : Go you (o (he Co;:ntry , lie to London backc, All lyot now, line e that my foules fo blackc. Exit with Qmt, Ka. Thus am I left like Sea tofl-Marrinerj, My F orfuncs being no more then my dillrcfle, Vpo.i what Hiore (oeucr ] am driuen. Be ic good or bid, 1 mull r.ccounf it heaucn, Tio married, I am repurednot a v\ife, Ncgle^edof my Husband, rcornd,dcfp:f'd, And tho my loue and true obc Jicnce Lies proftrafc to hn bccke, his hcedles eye, Recciucs my fcruiccs vnworthily, I know no caufe, nor will be ccu'e ofnone, But liope for better dayc»wh I, BLflerr" •?«/. Toward Wakefield, wfietc my maOcri I, uinglvcs. Km. Towaid Wakefield where thy mnifterweelcatccnd, Whcu things arc at the wo. il, f js hopt iheylc mend, (fr/^r Tlwm.Uy and hhn Scarhorrcyo, Tho. I low now filler, no fuichtr forward onyouriourncy yet ? Ka. Wlicn grccfci be^cie one, who'd goon to gncfe, Idc rarhcr mrne mc backc f o fi.id {omt c orrif o; t. lohn And that way forrowes^ur(fui'er then this, My Brotlior hauingbvcu'.v t vp'^oa cirque, That muahcrcdbody whom lie c«ld hii \ufc, And The zfMiferies And (pent Co many tear«!3 vpon her Hea: fc, Asivo'jitihaiis made a Vyradttore.c jr. Then kneeling at her CofOn.tlius he voivd. Troin thcpcehe neuer would embraceyouifbed, Ti^tf. ^Themorc Fooleht*. ' hhfi Neuer frcfM hence acknowledge you his wife., WhcnothcrsftrJue to enrich their fathers n.4mc, It fhould be his only ayme, to beggcr his, Tofpend their msanes, and in nii onely pride. Which with a l*g'i connmid, hces rid to London, Vowing a courle, that by hu life Co foule Men i^ere fhould ioyn flic lunds, without the foulc. Katk All is bat 2;ncfejrind I am armd font. lohn Wed bring you on your way in hope chats Uron* Time may at length ni.ike ftrait. what yet is wrong. Exit, Enter liford, JVentioey 3Ariley. Went. Hees our owne, hees our own, Come, lets make vfe of Iiiswealth.astherunn oflce :iMekit,mcIcit. iif. But arc Cure he will hold his meeting. '^in. As Cure as I am no.v,& was dead drunke lafl nighr, Jif. Why then fo fure will I be arreflcd by a couple of Ser- ire;ints, and fall into one oi: the vnlucky Crankcs about Cheap- lide, raid Counters. 'B*ir. Withall, I haiie prouided M. dyfe die Vfurcr, whoe vpon the inllant will be ready to Oepm, charge the Scargeaunts tokeepe thee faQ, and that now !icc will hauc his fiuc hundered pounds, or thou flialt rot for ic. iVent'. When it folio «'es, young Sc^rlorovf fliall be bounde for the one : then take vp as much more, v?e /hare the ouchalf,& belp him to be drwnke with tl;c other. //^Ha, ha, ha. Er.ter Scarl>orcw, ^ar. Why, dod laugh Franke .'' I/f. To fee that wee and Vfurers line by the fal of 3'ong heirs n$ fwineby the dropjingcf Acorns. Bntheescomc. Whcrcbc tlie-'e Rogues c* Hi a!! ive ha no t-shdancc here i' ScArh. Good day Gent'emcm [If. A tboufnnd good d.iyes, my noble Bully, and as tnanyc good fortuucj as ilier e wet Groflioppcrs ia Egyp?,^id thats co- lored ofwfcrjl A'lnriagc^ * wercd cucr ivirh good luc ke : bat Nouns, Pronounes, and Par- ticiples. Where be chcicRofiuei'lcre : what, fliali wc hauc no WiJie iiere ^ SrJier drawer, Drat>?er Anon, ancn, fir. ///. A nop, goodman Rafcail, mufi wee ftay ycurlcypjre? 2ec*t vs by and by, w ith apoxc to ycih ^ Scar, 'O, do not huit the fellow C* SxitDraxver llf. Hurt him- hang him, Scrape ttencoer, flar-wa? en, Wine fpiller, njcule-claiicei-jRooueby generation VVhy^doH hcare W%ll\ IfiiioudoQnotvfcihcfe Grape-fpillersaiyoudcc thcyr ponlc-pots, quoit em down Oayres three or foure times at a (up per, ihf vie grow as fawf y with you as Scrs;eants, and make bih more vnconrcion.iblc theft Taylors. SnterDrAvrer Drtrv. Heres rlie pure and neat orape G ent. I hate for you. I/ferd. Fill vp : what ha you brought liere,goodman roge ? Drtnrcr The pure element of Claret fir. Vf, Hayoufo,anddidnoticallforRhcnifh Ihrowsthe you Muni»iell C*. trine i» the'Dran-ers face. Scar. Thou necc!nno\,vine,Ipretheeberncrem''d :* I/f. BeniiLiiii aTaueni^,ti5 ticalon toilicredLcttyceucnc- mvioiheir no;ncpo(t, and flaue to humor : Prcihcc, lets bemad, THcnfi^Ior.rl.c.ids with wine, till cnery pntebedriinke, TncnpiHci'thc Oicctj liilleli a!' younitct. nnd withaPtnke, As ihcii wilt.do novv and rl en : Inankeiut thv £iood M.ivfK':-, tin r L 1 0!:glu ih«c f c ''t. (j .'. r fyrxt. N.iv,he}uo;itsu'el',butihcwoiftis he will nor 'wc--*" Scar, Doiovbolienie: Ifihereleipy good in mcih.itsth: beft tOathcs aivnecclT.'.ry iorno:!.in^,They pafle curoi ,-. m^i mouth, h'ic fmoike ihiou-;!i a chinmeVjThat 6!cs all li-e \,'d) -■: ic goes. ff'eNt. V\'iiy then I tlunk J'opaccohm kind offw eat mg, foritfiirs our nofc pocki'y. Scar. B;n cr. N^iy, ncucrrtriue, wecanholdyou. itf. ^s^sm^ of wfoYcfl tSKd ariagf. Ilf, I, me, and any man dfe, and a fall into your Clutclies ! Let uu but to retire into f;mefirial di(hnce,whilft I cl'fceiid wifh j tc»v v^oiui' to rhcff Gen:lemcn,a')d He commit my (clieiuto your I.anvis m mediately. Ser, Well Hr wcclc wait vpon you. Ilf. Gei:t!e<:'!en T .nmtoprofcrrcfomcccnfercncc, .'f3d»^;c'"pc- c\a'!y toyou m^.illcr Sc-»borrrw,cur mectin; here for voit v^xh. h ith proued tr mc thus aduerfe, th^t in your con pani s I. am Ar~ reUfu ; HowilliruJllOandwichthf fiourifhofyo'jt sepc f:or.s w'rn men ofrankeand note communicate uiati Tr." I c Mf.t'c, ^j'.nt!cm.vvhcf«f oiCuueima) tran:ccnd^tomakca«i j UGra... :- E '/jCJ t The ^S\'fi/eiics f ties future, and hcape fpfisfafiion for any prcfcnt txtcntion cf hji j friends kindncs, Vi?as Inforccd from the Miter in Bfed!lrcct,to the i Counter ithPou'trcy : for mine ownepdrt, ifyou &all (liitikeit nicct.andthatitfl^a!! acord with the jlatc of gentry, rota'jmit iriy fdfc from the featherbed in the Maiflcrs fide, or the Vtocx bed in ihc Knights ward J, lo the rtraw- bed in the hole, 1 OiiH buckle to I Oy heelcs inftcd of auilt fpurs, the armour of patience, and dnofc. 'i Went. Come, conic, what a pos need al! this, this is AfelUs F/V- f ra, tile fweetcft of the hony ,hc that was not inadc to fai Caacljbut 1 to feed Gentlemen, J Bart. You wcarc good cloaths. I Wer:. A re wcH d^fcendcd. I Ijan. Keepc the befl company. ^ JVent. Should regard your ciedit. ^ 'Sar. Stand not vpon't, be bound, be bound. ^^ff//. Ye arc richiy married, ^ 2rfr, Louc no! your wife,, fVff* Hauc (lore of Ifknds. Bar. VVhofiiallbcyourheyre. /^>: Whofc boi ne tofinkc, asgood this way as worfc. went. Now fpcakes my BuHy hke a Gentleman of worth. • 'Bart. Of merit. Td'ent. Fif to be regarded. ZV. That fhall command our foulei. rve»t. Ourfwords. Bart. Our felues. lif. To ittA vpon you as ?^4rwj!ianc kine did vpon the fat. Scar. MaiHcr Gripe is my bond currant for this Gentleman. lif. Good focurity you /Egyptian Grafhoppcr, good fccurity? CJri. And for aj much more kJndc Maifi^r Scftrborrow. Prouided that men raortai as wc are^ ^ ay hauc, ^^c^r. May hauc Security, grip» -_ _ , - »i .1 r m t I II » W ' Gri.Your bond withljnd conuaid, which n^ayafliircmecfciine owncap'iinc:. Scar. You fhil be (ati$ficd,and He become your d( brer, for full fiue liundrcd more then he ^Oih o\vc ycu. 1 his night wefuphecrfjbearc vs company, And bring your Cour.lcll, Scriucner, and ihe mony wifh you. Where 1 CVilraakeasfulaifuranccasintheLawyouM wiH:!. !l himtopsrie. fi. Yet ict vs doot in mild end rf^iU fc.irrr,«, Fairc words pcth^ips i7;ay rocnrr d ■.'^vv < v.x r wre, TJicriri>lTcrccu»inby whjcii Iws n ^fJ^ic'c cJtvvn. fn.T^rtirp Dr. Anon, snonjcoki..- c'ownr iiu'c ;hc D- \yh'wc jhfic. Thff. Hcrcccair$adr:.vvci\v; Vri's'^^^ilicnli'iu. Lz ro r The \^\iifmc^ Tha Docyouhcarc my friend, is not m^iner Sc^^borrow Iierc? Dr^nv. Hcrcfir, wHacaicftisthat, whcrcHi uMiiebcceTi:, I would haac you well knovv ray maifler hi^pcs lo grovv rkh before hcleaues him. /«. Flow long li ^rfi he continued hccrc Hnce he came hcflicr. Draw. Faith ^ir not fo long as Noahs floudc, yet long cnoug^h to hiMz diown. d vn the limn;;s of chrce Knights, as Knights goes now idaics, feme nioncth or thereabouts. lohn. Tiincill confumcd to ruinate our houfe, But what -re they that kccpc him company ? Vr^vi'. Titch^P.-tch.hux I mufl not fay fo^but for ycurfurther fa- iisu?i5>on,didyoucucrrcc ayoungwhdpc andaLyonplaic to- gether. loh.'!. Yes. Draw. Such is maifler Sc^rlfonorfs company. fVithiri Ofi'4er. 'Drai.v. Anon, anon, lookedowne to the Pomgranafcthcrc: 77?^. I prerhec fay hcercs them would (peakc with him. Dra V. lie do your incfsaae : Anon,anon there. Exit John This foolc fpcakes wifer then he is aware, youn^ hcires left in this fownc where finsfo ranlcc, And prodigds gape to grow fat by them, A-^e like young whelp? throwne in the Lyons 6cz>, WliOplay witSi themavvh Ic, alJcngthdeuoureihcm. £Mter Scarhrroiv. Scar, Whofc there would fpcake with mc .'' John. Your Brothers, who arc glad to fee you well. Scar, Well. lehn. Tis not your ryot, that wc hcarc you vft, (With fuch as waft their goods, as Time the world With a coiitinuall fpendmg, nor that youkcepe The companic of a raoft Leprous route , Confumcs your bodies wealtb,infcft$ your name With fuch Plague-fores, that had you reafons eic, Twould make you (icke, to ice you viGt thero^ Hath drawne vs, but oui wants to craue the dew Our father gaue, and yet remaines with you. Tbo. Our Byrth-nght good brothcff, this To woe craues n»iii«" Hi- fcinaiKC, filkc ftockings muf 1 be hat!, ind vvc wouiu be loath our iKruaiie llicu'd be arraic^ned at {he VifMiif rs Ijr, and focondem- rif J to the Viijfnen hex, fhooj^h wIjic you d«ii kccpt- l.ourc, wcc had forac Bclly-nmbcr ; r your 7 able ,r r fo, y^rt wet v\culd haue you t'.ink ,wc are your Br jihcrs;yct no I faUi ro id cm pauifflo- I y for Porridge. Sf.v, So. fo, what hath yowr ccmn .n;"', elfe ? lo, W«f!i vs oui lifter loynes in cu. rccjucft, Whom wc hauc brought alon^ wirh vs to Loudon, To hauc her portion, wlicrewith to prouide, An honord feroice, or an honeO biidc. Sar. So, then you tvvo n»y Drother$,ard flie my fiilcrjConTcnot as in duty you arc bound, to an d Jer brotlicr, out of yorkfliire i j lee v$, buc like leaches to fucke from vs. /*. We come compcld by want to craue ©ur ownc. Scar. Sir, for your ownc^ then thus be fatiificd, Botii I;crf,a:id yours were left in truH wich roc, And I will kcepc it for ye : Mufl you appoint vj. Or wint wc nu:a(e tc hkc inixt with reprocfc. You hauc bin to fawcv both, and Vf u Oial; knovr, lie curbeyouforit .3skc why jreluucu so:' mo. We do but c raue ourowtic. S:ar, Von r owne fir : whats your o'.r»?e ? 7'as. Oivr potfioPs<^'uen vi by oui fahtis^vj^!, ij. Which here you fpcnd. 7ho. Confiitr^ci' JO. Wayes wo fc then ii). ^car. Ha, ha, ha. Enter TlHord, tlf. Nay, nay, nay, yv^l ; pfet! y come away, wc hauc a fuH pal- ion of Sackc ftaieiinthefirtforihec, thourauft pledge it to the health of a friend of thine. Scxr. What dort thinke thcfc arc Franke ^ Uf* ThcyarcFidlcrslihi.-.kff/iffhcybc, Iprrethcfende them into the rcxcroome, and let thciu (crape there, aodwccUfcnd co jhcttj prc(f nily. Sc4r. They are my brothers Franke, come out of roilicfliirc, TothcTaucrnchcic,(o oskcihei'-pcrtionj: F.J ... Th?y ■ C • fhsy call my pleafures.ryot s,nyy company Lcproe«,.?c like a'fchool i boy, they would luror mc ? t I/f. O, tliou fhculdll iiauc done wel to liauc Ijounc! tliem p'en* I tilcj when they wcic young, they woiildc haue made a couple of /ivvcy Taylei'S. T/6*. Tayltrsi f/f. I Birdlime : Taylcrs : Taylours are good nicn, and in the Tcrmc time they wca-'c good Cioathcs. Come, you mufl fearnc I more maiinier?,fta idat your Brotlicrsbjcke, as to flVift a Trean* , chci ncafcly,a!id take a Cuppe of Sacke, and a Capons Icggc con- ( tcRfcdIy. r Thy. Youareafl^uc f TliK feeds vpon my brofhetlikc a flic, [ Vo\ fonin r, whcie thou dod fuc kc. Scar, You lie. I lo. Ojtomy gr!efcirpcakeif,youfliallfint5, Theresr»o!norcdiiVerciiccin aTaucrn-hauntcr ^ Then isbetwccneaSpitcicandaBcgger. f Tho'. Th ou vtiorkll on hira like Tempefli on a irjip« lo. And he the worthy Traffickc that doth finkc. \ Tho. Tnoumakft his name more loathfoinc then a graue. : /a. LiucUiikc iDcg, by vomif, Tho. Dicaflaver • J-here thsy dr^.vs>JVentlo^^.n-iB(iYtley C9mein,ttnitbct\roF"t»t»ers I ^ojef^yv':thpHhks,Allfetvpenthetr96'Brett3ers.Tjt*t[er, , Scaritorrom rtjan comes m^flands hj^fees them fight 1 uiiespArtVfithnejther. But., D ^, f;^h' : I lo jc you all well, becaufe you were ray oldc I" njiClersfonK'jaut He neither part yoa,nor be partaker withycu. I 1 crime to bring my ma'h ncwcs, he hath twp fons borne at a birth [ in Yorkdiircand J find liim togeth«i>ythelars with his brothers in a TaTjcrne i^ London. B rothcr and worhcr at ods, tis naught : farc.it wa» not i!msjn the d ys ofcharity^Whats ih^s world lyke to:' Faith m^ ilk tan Inrtc keepers Chamber-pot, receives ail waters, ;;cod ,*«.|b.i J, Ic ;ud need of much fcodrinc.My oM niafj kept a \ good !k)iu';\, ^na tvvrnty or thirty tall fwor^ott^cfor honeftmcn» \ I- '^^', ^■ippl lip^ .. ^ I UTenaiUi, that brought him in parf^and hisfonkccpsa badJc hoofr wuhKnaucsthathcIpe fo carfan'.cal.Tisbot the charge of time : why Ihouldc any tnin rcDvuc at if : CrekiM, j'ood li- uing, and lucky Wormcs, were won: co fee Je, (iog, and rcioyc c itj the \ ((hers chimney, and nowc Carricn Crowds builds in ihc font Kitchen, I cou'd bcforry for j% but 3 atn foo cli to wecpc. VVdi th n, I wil! CO tc) him ncvvcs q\ his of-fpriiJ[;5, hxn Enter the trco brothers, Thom.n ^.wdUhnScftrl^ono.r hnrt, andpfifr, Stfl. A i$ »ood Brothers, how came this mi'.'cb.Jncc ? Tho.Owt portion$,our brofher hath inc wt had, l^fr., Oau^r. cr d e. Sffr^ Al.s w'n.)f coui(c is kit fi>r vs ro !iuc by y.t\ i' Th(T In troth {'ficr, wc two to bi-g in c It rulds, And yon to betake youi icircfo tl.eold ir.ide, Fillintj of fjjal Cans in the fulHiibf s. SfJ} Shall I he !eh then like a commor. toad, That euery bead that can but pay his tolc May traucloucr,andhkc(oCammonii!, Flourini the better bein* trodden on. Ey.-fe t 'l]utlcrblseMn\\ But, Weill will not ciirfelmn :icrohim :but ifhe be not Ivi.'ie before he diestocrrfe Acornesjetmsliye wirhnothins; buruolien?, 'nvi mymouilibcnindca Cookingftoole rorcucrylcolue torvthfi' layleon. Tho, Hovvnov% B:icler,\vhus themeanin<; cttr,i> t' Bnt. Youi brotlicr rneanes lolaoic asiiun^'ashe cai?^ chit * ■■ ' 7;hci:h:;:> -^^-*^» f rh^Iiferk. is a beJ^gCf hu-jfclfc, many Vuie with him in the Hofp'tal His wife lent trie ouc o: Voikniire, to lell him ti.af God had blcfl him with P.vofonncj, he bids a plat^ncof fh»;m,a vengeance of her, crofies mcc 01 c the o:^*<^x ar:d {>r>r!cs nice to the Su'geons ta fcckc faluc : 1 loi^kt at Itval he fl? ^lild hauc giuen tnc .; brace of A ngcis for my paiH'^s. 7>j<^. Tiiou haPi noj loQ sll fhy Icngitig, I am furc he hath giucn (thsc 2 crackt crown c. i5«^ A p'jguc on hii fingers,! cannot fel.Iic'is your Erctlicr 5c my maiucr, ] would be loath roPropheiie of him , but vvl o focrc doth curOe his Children bcin:^ Infani: s, ban isss wife I-'ing in child- bed, 2nd beats his rann b'ings \a\w newcs oFit, tiicv may bee borne rich, but they Oull liuc Slau.s^ be Kiaues.. and AiZ Beggers. Sijl. Dr! he do fo. "'But, GclTc you, !^c bid a plague ofthcm, a vengeance on her, & lentmc to the Surgeons, 5"//?. Why then I fee there is no hope of h:m. Soaiehusbandcs are refpci^lles of tlicir wiues, During the time tlut chcy are yfruIe/Te, But none with Infants blcft, can nourifh hatc^ But lone the mother for the childrens fat c. /?. Bi!< hce that is giuen ouer vnto (in, I cproIeJ tl.erewirh wi? hoat, and fo wifhin, O Butlci . we wcrjyilbc lo ctie faiher f Bat* And he wasanhonefi Gentleman. h. Who.e iiopcs wc^^e better then the funnc he kff , Should fet fo foon, vnto his houfcs fhame* He lines in Tauernes, fpcndingof^his wealth. And hrerc his Brothers and diflrefledSiflcr, Not h.iQ;nc any mcanesfo hclpc vs witho Tho, Not a Scots Baisbce (by this hand) to bicfsc vs with. h. And not content to ryot out his owne, Bur hcdctaincs our portions : fufFcrs vs In thiSilraTgc AyrejOpcnto cuery wracke, Whilfi he in ryot fwin^s fo be in lackc. ??,«?. The mores the pitfy* ":ii. I knc w not w hat courfc to rake me f o, Hone 7 tame would liue : What fliall i do '' / BmUr ofihfonfl Maria^es. 'But. Sooch lie (cli you, your Udther Katii huit vti We th;ee wvil; hurt yoUt a^d then go aU co a (pitrL foj^cthei-j .v.'/?. led rof at her, whofe burdoi ik loo gieeicos, But i4thei lend a meanei ! 0(a- to rclccre vs . T^A^'. Well I d e pitty you, and he r r cr Iri au'c no C**?, vol* wouide FaiRC iue hcnefUmd want ir.canC) ^or «r fn { c^nt ullyou tisa^iliangehccretofccaipaid f irc, poore.arci '.or-ci), a«io 'tc nColier witha dcanc hce- Matds hccre do hoc ^c(pai;i!I) waho out mamftiftnc?) J.jkc Mice going to 3 'rap, They lubb'c long af lail '!)cv jrctadi'r, Your father wa> my good Ben; f.u't r and gai'c rrc ?hourewhi!i|r 1 1 uc top! tmy hc4din .for Iwouliiueloth then tokct »s cn^r.y daug ter, for vvnt of mrancj,tU'^nc punk,! hai»e a drift ro kcepe you honed Haue vo ;acaieto kcrpey^ u; fr ;cfo,y«tyoufhjalJ not know ©rif, for womcnstounges crclilvcnucs, they will hold^; n^tiiing, they haue power to vent You two w»l further tiic. hho. In any thing good honcO Buticr. Thf. lube to take a purfc He be rne. Btit. Perhaps thou fpcakefl righter then thou art aware of :wel, as chance iSj 1 haoereceiued my wages: there IS forry ll;!! ingsfor you Jlc (ct you in a loc'ging, and nil you heare ttom vs^ let that proinde fo' you, weele lirff to the furgeons. rokecpcyouhontiKandtokeepeyo 1 br ucj Toronccanhone^ man.wil! turneaK aue. Fye'f-:f, Entn Scarhgrr^w k u mg 4 Boy c/trrymn^ a. ; orc^ vp.th h:m^ I Herd IVer.tlo Mftd'tar ey^ Scur. Bov.b'^ar theTorchfairc rN.^wam 1 armd Tofi» it wiifj aVVjnd-inill,and'otak#rh^wa'lof an f mpcrcr : Much d li Lc^ [:o money: S hcaDyhead,andahghtpai:cof heeles. ^>ii/ Cftandman^ Scm-» \ weare an cxecilenr creatore to mike a Punk of. \ H ouKIl d-twncwith theleaft touch cf aknaucsHngcr^ thou LaUiu^dc^ good nighc cf hi : ; What hafl won Frankc ? Of. A matter of nothing, foine hundred pounds. Scat Thiiisththclol algatMOers 1 ih'iikc whrntl.evarcat pl.iV, theboordeafesvpijicum^ cy tfctif thcrcbcfiue hundred pound ieft,U)acsociiaUif# take F ib« ■^•w w^»"l ^ i .t i> . ii >t| i ■ ■ , " ■■ ■ II I I ■i i i i J.I 1 ; i. i i«j i | i yf, i _.f'. . . t i|ip i !y>T;B^j»p>i .j ; j i i Lnn The MiQries the wall of »ny sa:n, and yec by light, fuch dccdcs of daikncs may 110' be* Pt.t out the Torch, fVent. What don meanc by that;/';//? Scar. To(aucchargc, andwalkchkf aFury wlthafirc-brandc in ;ny hand,cuc/y one goes by the light, & wcci go by thcfniokc. Enter Lord Tatilconbr'idge. Scar. Boy,kccp S.WilU My honoured Lord, vour hapf ily v»el met, Lord, 111 mrt to fee your Nephew in thii cafe. Mote like a brute BeaO, tht n a Gentleman. S.w'd. Fi ' NepheWjOiinie you not thus to tranfform your fclf .' Scar, CanyouinoCermcllaTtrch, ' Jflf»: Be not /o wide, it is tliinc Vnckle Scarborrow. Sfrfr. Why then fisthc more likely ti$ my Fa:hcrs brother. fir rpii. Shame to our name, to make thy felfc a Beaft^ THy body worthy borne, and thy youths br«(l Tyld in due time for bcUer difciplire. , Lo. Thy k\k ne.v married Co a Noble h»u(c, llich in poflHstons, and Poflerity, ^h ch HiQuI i calhoQie (Ky vnflaid afFcAioAl* 5.wi(//*.V^l»cfelhosimakO havock. i^. 3^Mfft*o>ie,andwaft. / of tnforcflMariagcs. Sy^ ni'^f, O F^^ h Jr . hy f uhcr Icff. Lor. Arclliiufld'.rgracft. ScAK Tic (end you iljortciro hcaucn, fhcn you cair.C tochts fauiijiloyou Cafcchizc ? Doyou Catechize ^ He dr (fires AndJ}r$J^fs nt them, Jlf. Hold hold, do you drawvponyouivnckic:* Scar-, Poxof chafLord, Weeic meet at Mifcr, where wcdc fup downc forrow. Weare drunkc ro night, and fo wccic be to morrow, Exiftni Lo, Why now I fee : what 1 hard of, I bclecu'd no?j Yourkinfmanliuei. S.ml. Likctoaf^.ne. , Lo, A pci fc^ Epyihitchtc Feeds on drafFe, And wa lowcsin the mire, to cnakc men laugh, I pitty him. Sir ml. No pifties fit for him, Le. Yet wceleaduifehini, Sjr rvtl. He is my kinfman. ho. Being in the pic where many do fall iPi We wil both com'ort him, and coun(el him. F.xeHnt ^myfc wtthiffy crying, Ftlltw, follow, fJlsrv : Then i .iter Butler^Tho* irnu Ortci loh» Scarhsrrovf iv.th money f^^t^ges, Tho, What Ihalwc do no v Butler? Bitt. A mar. had better jyne a good handfomc payre of gallows before his timc; then Lc born to do thcfc (ucklings good,their mc- thetj niilkc not wiung out ofthcir nofc ycf, they knowe no more how fobehaue them:, lues in thishon!;(land nccdcful caiiiwgof I'Urfc taking, then I do to pcece fiockin a^s. wiihiH. 'f'his way, This way, this way. Toth, SfutwhatrhJ wedonowf 'But. See if they do notquakehkcafren3irmg-Ar'vlearc,at>d look more roifcrablc the n owe ofihc wicked Eiders pitflurd in the painted cloth, Oiould they bot come to the credit to be a< r^ind for their valor, before a wcjniipfuli bench, their verylopkcs wouldc hang em, jnd^iey wercindiohtcd but for P.ciiing of £gs» Tfiihrn. Follow, fellow, this wav follow, Tio: Butler. Mr/. Honed Bugler. / BmUr, Sqt»3( hart f^^war , creepc niccir.tc tlicfe B'^ifTf^f, 'i' 1 i I tj ii » n> j,; <»'^— ^i^i-w-wn^ The Miferies iye me a; clofe ro thr grounJ as you would dj to a wench. Tht. HuvwgoodB 'tier, (how vhovw. P>!ll yt'U c:« nci 1 uue ro more forecailj cim afiiaaid ofycu, tlitlr a^c iuan drops 'or his voun<;ji»a fl:cts.ifitchani.eit chances snd wheii itchaunccsjiea- uenanddic Shcnnifend mc a good rope, I wold not go vp the la- fl.cr Twice or any thing, in rhc meane time prcuentious, honefl p-.euMHionsd oucli, oiTwith my skin /o you on the ground; and 4(0 rhisfrcetoefcapc theG^lows. '''/th. FoMow,tol;ow, follow. - 7 ,4t. Dof"! ow.ifl donot deceiue you,Ileb>dapoxe of this vviif, and hang with a good gr«ce» E>7ttr Sir lohn /'I^rcop with tvro or three other wtth fjint. }Jur. Vp to this wood f hey fooke, fcarchnearemyfriendet, I 2m fhismorne r(*odot three 'mndred pound. Dnt. lam lorry there was not ioure to hae Oiade euen raoney r>Gwbyth<' Detii\^ homes, tis Sir John Harcop. lUr. Lraucno and from thence do f.iithfuU rciiiice lo one woman, Ertcf *-iitorfe.iMt^- ofinforji Maringcu Enter Butler. But. Good,IIiam«m) flcfli-Ijockstogcrher. 'Bart. What, Doft nieanc to be niai r) ed iT Jlf. IMungiell,Mjrr}ed. Tfa. Tliats a bayt for nie. Ilf, 1 will 130 A be honcflly raarr ycd. }9ntt. Its iD)pol"sible,lbr thou hafl bin a w!;oreina) Oer tbi* fcauenycarc. ///. Ti* no matter, I will row luariy, And to fom 1 oneft wo- man to. and fo from henceher vertueiflullbeatountcninccio my vices. 'Bart. VVhiit/halllhebe,picrhcc? Jlf. No Lady, no widdow, nor no waiting genileu'oman/or vnderprorcftion Ladyes may lardc their husbands heads.Widdcws will Wood- cocks malje,&chambermayds of rciniunjcleain that, ihcylencr jforfake. Went. VVlio wilt tl.ou wed then, piediC j Ilf. To any rn lyd, (c flic be fayr : To any mayd^ fo flie be rich To any mayd Co fhe be young : and lo any maydc Bart. SofhebchoTicO. Ilf Faith, ifs no great marrer for her I)oneflyc, for in thefe dayes, thati a Do vne out ot i cquen. hut. From thefe Ciabcs w'll! I2,ather fAeetntfTe : wl.-erinllc imitate the Bee trai fuc kslierl^ony, net irom the fwtettfi flew- * crs,but Timb the b^ttercf^; So thefe hauirg be ent the ineancs to be«^er my mavftciiflialbc the hclpcs to i cJeeue his bxothers and lifter. //. Towhomflialllrowbcafutcr? 3w. Fairc fall) c Gull atits. Ilf Nay, and flie be f ayrt fli e fliall fall furc enoui,h. Butlei-, how Ift good Bjtltr. Bnt. VVilyou bciDidcgallaiiis i' y^eiit. I, but not wilhngly Cuckolds, iho wc arc now talking about wiues. Bat, Let yoar wiues agree ofthat after, will )ou 5rffbe lich* • Jy married C tAll. How Butler : richly fTiariicdf But. Ricbinbeauty,TJchiupuife,riche in vcrtce, rirhein all things. ButcJJi«w, lie fay nothing, Iknow of tviofrtl.recrich hcyres. But Cirj^jnjyiiddlcPack cannot play withoutRozen : w-^w*. Butler. V ('Auanc \ The i%fiferies Iff, DoflnotknowmeBur'erC B-4t, For Ke<,drydeKc>c,thatiiirunrnerhabinfo liberal to fodder other mens c«t!e, and fcarcehaucinough to k<'epc your OTvnein VVinrcr, M'nea eprcnoui C»Unct$, and muH haue preuous Is.v'eU ptit into ihcm, and 1 koo.v you to lie merchaiui ot Stock 8fli , and not men for my markcf : Then vaoifb. //f. Cooie.yeold nud-cap)ou,'vv!uit need alltbis? Cannot a man ha bm a little whoo e- mayfler in I is ) o'Jth, but you muU vpbraidc hioj »,vitH it, and fell hjm of liis defcifts, which wl en he is marled, his wife Hia I finde in hmr- VViiy my fathers dead man no V, who by his death has left me the better part ot athouland ajeaie. 'But. Tut, flieofLancniirehas firteen hundred. Ilf. Let me haue her tlten, good But'er. But. And ihen fhec rhehnghtbeauty of Leyflerniije, has a thoufand, nay thirteen huncired »yeare, at kcill. Ilf, Or let me haue Iter, honelt Butler. Bat. Befides, Hie the moll dchcdie, fwect counrcn.-'nft,blat ke brosvd gentlewomanin Northaroptonfhiie, in fubHance equals the beft of em. Ilf. Letmeiiarehcrthen, 'Bayu Oil. Went, OrljgoodBurV. 'But. You were btrt p'ay the partes of ri»htfeoVs, and moft defperatc whore-ma\ Hers, and go together by the cares tor inc creyefecthem. But they are the mofle raiereaturd,v7ellfa(ed, cxccllerit fpoke, rare qualitcd, vertuous, and worthy to be adrai red ?ent)cwoman, ex///. And rich Bufler jf^ But. CI that maflbe one, tho they want aM the red) And rich G^^I'mts, as arc from the vtrooft parts otc/47y4, to tlieleprc(cnc co'>fines of Europe. nAU And wiit r hou hclpc vs to thcni Butler ? 'But, Faiih, ns to he doubted , for prenous pearle will hardly b? bought without pretious Pones, and J t'Miik iheres Icarl'e one iT»differentonerobefotind,bct\,vi.xtyout!iree:)et fincerlietejs fomc hopsye may prouc honciif,t$ by the de;*th of your fathers you tf in for eft ^'hrriage^ Fathers you arcpioucd rich, .walkcfcticrary, for I knowing yr u allf't-rcc tobecuctousTui^muffons^viilncrtrLft vou vMihihc nghrc)fcdchofl)fJsbe;iwfy bu. will feucrclly falkc with \ou, and Tnce vou h .uc dc!gnd in rhis neec'fuil poifion of wctllocke fo bee ru'dby irccDut'er, will moll bountifully prouidcwiucs tor you gencrnry. ftxf//. WI yt! athoncOly faid. Bfit, Why fo, and now firlt to your Sir Kniglit. lif. Goclamercy. "But. You fee fi. is couple of abhominable Woodcocks bearc< Ilf. Ap-xondirm ab'blutc Coxcomcs. 'Btn. You hcjrd me rel them, 1 had Ii)tclligcncc fo glue of thtfC Gcntlcvvonicn. JIf. True. Bfit. Now indeed Sit I ha bur che performance of one, Ilf. Good, !5#//. A nd her I i tn-fi^^y: for Moncv y.i thid ^xjc^f \fi\\Ai w;! n>3t be !'one,2;:ci whjf will not a ni^n Jo f.jr a ric'i wi'i.r.nci ivith liira ^ni- c n -« in:irt ado but rinirit bit in bir lo J'-hk-- ar..Ibr"5nr^«iuric '.Ijc w;firhcr andlparcnot. ///. Dothcy no:(cc vsfio they not: cc vs Icf merkinctlice, IfJt nickincrhecBiiderJcfbut this be done, and .I'lihcbcncfirieqijU fall md ii^^ppinc' I c.in proruifeihcc fottj (liar be this, lie be t;:y rirh mas^tcr, and ;hou (bait cany mv pui'f . ttit. Fnou2;h, meet ;iic at bcr lod^in^ (oojc halF::n hourc hence ', hjrlIo»ir rs^ countcrfct: Away, pur on your bcflCloafl.s, oei:y( u tcthc i:ir- ber$, Cur'c vp your hairc.walke w ith tic bel> liroj". ; < u car?,) Ou! flialfcc more at the Window, and 1 havcwd tc mane; ow B.irt..V\^\\fAQM. Btit. Both Foolcs,and He wan: of my wit but He door. "Bar. Wc wil hue roi;cthcr as fclowcs. W^thc mofl wretched fcifon of this lime, Thcfe men htc Fifh, do fwiro witl.in one fl; esmr Yct rheyd cat one another, makin?, no Confcic; Todfinkcwith them thcyd poykn, nooffc^ c;. Betwixt their thoughts and aflicns haoe con.rc!i\ But hcad'ong run.likc.an vrbiacO Dowie, Yet I wiil throw them on, but like to him, At play knowcs how to loofc, ar.d v\hcn io w'w.. Enter Th»mas Ar.i lohn S£(irhorrcw. Thi. Butler. hut. O, arc you corae4 And fit as I appointed : {o, tis wd, yon knowe your kucs, and hauc inflit^^ionj fv^wc to I'ivirc ycur felues : A!, alis frf,p!ay but your part , your /Ijctis from he.?c. I, ray iinftofihirtjandchangeofcloths ^ knowt. loha. Well tel of him, like belswhofcmu(jckrio|;* One Coronation day for ioy of Kmgs. That hath preferu'd their (ieeples not like towles. That fuoimons liuing 'ears for the dead foules. Enter*BHtieraniIliordal?oue* 'But. Gods prcciour Sir, the hel Sir, euen as you had new kift, and were about to court her, if her Vncles ba not come. Hf. A plague on thee, fpit out. 'But. Bat eisnoinatrerSir, Oayyouheertinthiivppcr chani'- ber, & He (lay beneath with her, tij fen to one you flial hear fhcm caike now, of the g' carnes of her poiTcGions, the care they baue to fee her well bcHowed, t'le admirab'eaes of her vertucs, a'l which for all rheircomming,rhaII be buchappines ordained for you, & by ray meanes be your inheritance. Il(. Then thou't fliift them away, and kecpc from the fighte of ihem. 2?«^ Haue T not pro.Tiift to make yoo. ///; Thou haft. \ But. Go to then, reft heere with patience, and be confident in iny truft , oncly in my abfence . you may praiffe God for the bieficd" ncs you haue t® come, and fay your prayers if you will, lie but p'r^- ' pare her hart for enrertainement cfyour loue, difaiiffc them, for your i\tt accen^e,and returne ftraight. Ilf. Honcft-blcft-natural-fricnd, thou dealcft with race like -. a Brother: Butler, £*-coucfsfofxpi/t, \{\. fiiou'd 1 H)fc \ our ioue. SsJ}. May 1 bclccucyou T ilf. Inf roth } ou ir.ay, Yoor lifcs my life ycur death mv dying r'ay. Sij}, Sir ihc commendations 1 haucrcccrucd'rom Iju-tcr oryouj bwth andwo>th,tDc;'.rc yours, and you arc theis, meet me beneath I fay. By this they are wed, I and perhaps ^aue beddedr Ex. wen &bAx Novvfol'owes whether knowing (hee ispoorc, Hcde fvwsar he iau^d her as he (were before. Exit butler Enter Ilfard with ScarhorroK>es0er. Jlf. Ho Sirr-Ja,who would ha thought it, I perceiuc now a wo- r»in may be a maid, be married, and lOofc her maiden-head, and ail in balFe ^nd an hovkcr, and how doeH like nriC now wench. oftnforcjl Mritta^es^ Siji. As dofh befit your fcruanr an J your vsifc, Tlut owe you louc and duty ai my life. !if. And there fl^al be no Louc loO, nor fcruJcc Bcither, He do fbccfeiuiccatboord, andihon flultdo meferuicca bed : Nowc iivuil 1 as yoLig married men vfc to dc,kifle my portion out of my yong wifcrTiiou art my fwcet R pgue, my Lambe, my Pigrny, my pl3\ -fellow, my pretty pretty any thing, come a bulTc prcthec, fo lis my kind hart, and wats thou what nowf Sijl. Not till you tcl me Sir, Ilf. I ha got thvrc with Childc in my Confcicncc, and lykc a kind Kusbandc, mcthinkesl brecJeit for thee. For lam alreadie ficlcc at n,iy (lomacke and long extremely. Now muil thou bee my helpful Phyfuion, and prouidefor me. Sifi. Euen to my blood, Whdfsminc is yours, togaineyour peace or good. Ilf. What a ic'nd fouleis this, could a man haue found a greater content in awifc.if lefliouldha fouirht thorouo;h tlieworldefcr her : Pref hy hart as I faid, 1 long, and in good troth I do,and me- thinkes thy firft childc wil bee boj nc vvimout a nofcjit I loofc my longing, tis but for a trifle too,yet met hinkcs it wil do me no good vn'ellc thoucffe^itformc.I could lakethy keyc? my fcltc, go in- to thy Clolet.and read ouer the deeds and cuidences of thy Land^ & in reading oucr tlicm,rtioicc i had fuch bled fortune to haue fo fayrc a wile with fo muchendovvmcnr, an.i then open thy Chcfif, andfmuey (hy Plate, leweU.Trcjfurc, But a percent, alvviUdoc nie no good, vnlclli: thou effci^i it (or me. Stj}. S\t 1 v\i! fl-je'A you al «hc wealth I haue, Of Coyne, of k\vcls,or PolIcGions, fi'f. Good gentle h.ri, He gitic thee another buflc for that, for rhjt giuc flicc a new c,oivnc ro morrr-.v mornin^r.by rhis hafid do thou but drcan-.c what tlufFcand wha: Pafliionihoa wilt hjucit on to night. Stf}-. The lai'd ] cjn endow you v\ifh, is my Louc, Tl'C riches Ipoilef-cforvouJ-. loue, A Trc.ifurc •;r;\ifcr then ii L.md <•! (.joid, It cannot be fo.fcitcd, ajjj i. i\) ! licri be fold. Ilf. Louc ! kiuHv fh,>r, and He anrvvcnliec louc for. T-ouc in a- bur.dance: but cou.cprcihcc come, Iciifccthc/cdcedtsand c- H uidtJV. 1 he iViliulCS MlcJcnc«,t]iis Mony; Plutc end Icvv-: s.wilt l)a t!iy (^h'\ih h:'.:; l hundrcds.aycarc,feuctaii Lojd ilVriS.N'snriv.uts l^oa cs.'i hot'- fands ofpoiind-s in your great Ciii-ih, Icaxl , i'iaiCj and iln- ..j inyourlj'.ticBox. j . .S"/^/?. Aiidfor thurrithcsyou didniany mc. //f" Troili 1 did . as now adaies Ilifchclcrs do fwire I loii'd rl <: -: bit indeed marri-d thci: for.hy vvealfl), Jij}. Sir 1 befeech vou (jy nor y wv < th- vvj*.rc fuciij ^ So like fa'cc c.-ynCj bci'v/, pur v;-,t») t hf fouc.'i, Who bene a ll-'U '.ili m (lic out'.\rrd fiiovv, Ota tiucdampe, but ciiicly areriDtfo, Vou ivvorc nic ioue, ! qriuc f l-e like to yoij, Then as n i]^^ being '.vcddcd to the ica, Duse.chfrr.yleor ink? titen fbrrivf] I, You bcine the !i:.u~*n to w hie!) i^-y 'nojt^ m»in il'c. //)^ True Chuckc I ani tfiy h.'tit'n. .ridh:irborf( o, And like a Hiio 1 tookilicc, whr» huo'u houK Tr^-iu.s As thou fotnc, thcMarc'ant-vtnftjifr. Stfi. What riches! an: ba)U(i vvith arc yours. /// Thafs kindiy laide now. Sift. It but with fand, as I ai« bof with earth, BelngyourrightotYig it, you luulhctciueitic, I ha no other !ai!n<2,butniv Lo:>,v Which in abiind nee I vvii cndcr ou, If other fraught you do cspccl icy llorc, Jlcpay you tcares.iiiy liclics, are no rnor?, Jlf. Howes this :" howcs this r I hope yau c'o but Icfl , 5/7?. I am Sidcr to decaied Scsrbcrrovv. //f. Ha. . Sifl. VVliofe f^'idaiice « our Iii.ic.^mcnts did cotifuanc Jlf, WorfefhttKin An;oe. Stfi.. Which as yoa did bele^uc fo th«y fuppcfcd, Tvvai fitter for vou." fdtc then for anotl.er, To kccpe iIjc fdlcr , jiad vndanc tlic brof:'rr. //^lamguIdbyti.ishand.An old Co i chachcr.andbcf^tiiM; wbcrethcpoKnowa.^niy two Coaches, thoiic of houfespl^yca'' " \ fates ojinforcjl Mariageu fuf9S, a pbguc on thciPr-efid ] knowc net what :Doc yon neare Puppet, cli_ you thinkc you /hal not be damned for (his, to Cofcn a Gentleman of his hopes, and compcll y our fclfe into Matrimo- ny with a man, whether hee wil or no with you, I ha made a fayrc njatth yfsjth/AJl any man buy my comanodiiy out of my l.'.nd* as God (aiie ins he ihall haue her (or halfe the money (he ceil me. ffitrrfVentlo, andBurt/ev, rfCKt. 0,ha we racf you Sir* Bart. What, turnd Micher, (lea'cawifej and not make your old friends acciuainccd with it. Iff. A pox en her, I would you had her. went. Wcl, God giue you loy, \vc can heare of yoBr good for- tune, now tis donc> tho we could not be acquainted with it afore- hand, "Bart. Asthatyouhauctwothoufandpoundaycarc. ff'e?7t. Two or three maniior houfes. 2>V/. A wife, fairc, rich , and vertuous* , lif. Ptettyinfjth, very pretty. fpcfit. Store ofGold. 'Bnrt. Plate in abundance* Ilf. Better, better, belter. rvem. And fo many Oxen, that their hornw are able fo florc al the Cuckolds in your Country . Ilf. Do not make me mad good Gcntlemcnj do rot make mc madjl cou'd be made a Cuckold With more parierice,th£n indiirc this. fVe.- Foeweilialhaueycaiuriie pioudnow^growrcrpctft- hsofyour Ancicnlacquaintancc, VfhyBuiicr toldvscfit :Who was the maker of the match for you ? Ilf. A pox of his furtheraunce, Gentlemen as you are ChrlHi- ans, vex mc no rnore^that I am married Iccnfefsc, a plague of tnc Fates, that wedding and hanging ccmcsby c'eflcny, but for the riches (he has brought, bcaicwunesliow Jlcrtwardc her. S,(l. Sir. Ilf. Whore, I and lade. Witch. Iifacf},flj nking-breath,croo- kcd-nofc, woifc then theDcuill, and a plague on thee that cuci I (aw thee. B^t. A Con-cdy, a Coniedy. iVtat, Whats tljc racaoing of ^1! i\m, is this the waske after ihy marriage* H2 lif. of in for jl Mjilines. I /If. O Gsncleinen,! 311) vndojie, I am vnJone, r'o'f I uni \ mirryed, ItliiccoiiKi HOC abuie A VVoiii hi, b'icto rnake licr a f whore, hated il'. Shee-creaturc'.,hiyr(? aad poorc. fwore I vvonlcl neuer iruirry bur to oae that was rich,and robe thus cuanicachr. I Vviiodoycn thinkcthis isGeiulemen J* P'gut, Wiiy your wife , Who fhon!d it be eife ^ . lif- Th..tsiriy rnisforcnne/haim.i rvinj: licr ip. hope Hie was rich, fhc prooucs to be inc '^>'«^5*-^f 'y SAti to the more bcggcrly I Sc.irborio.v, , 'Bart, How? IFent. PLuhaJia. J'f. I, you nuy iaugh^biT: iliefliall cry as wdJ as I forV, i ^Bart. N.;y,do;iot rVccpe, I went. Hedus butcounteitcitno'^vtodelude vs, heha^ all her po: Cioii of Lind, Coyne, Piate,Ie<.vels : and novir diileaiblcs thus lead A e iliouid bonow fome Mouy ofhim. ///. And }ou be kiiide Gentlemen lend me fome, for ha- ul n2; payd riic Pi !*:(], I ha not (b much left in the vvorldj as will higher me a hcrfe to carry me away from hero Bart, But ait thou thus guldmfauh. Ilf. Are you Cure you Iia eyes in your head. "Went Wwy then, By her brotliers fct (ing one la my confcience, whokno'vingtheenovvto ha romcwhatiotake 80^ by ihe death ofcljy fatlier, add that hcehithrpcH'- Iter portion, andhisowne ; pofTi- (lions Inth laid tliis plot, ic~r thee lo marry her, and fo he io bcridof her hiuirelte. ' Jlf. Niy,t:h.ic> vVithoiu quenion,bueIiebc reuengcdoF em both, for } oil Mmve, Nay Sf ur,giue cm me, or lie kickc eifc. Sifi. Good, {"wee? e. lif, Svvette with a poxe,you Hinkc in my nofcgiuc me your lewe U :* Nay Bracelets too. i Stfl. Ome.moQrniferablc. Ilf. Out of my fight, I and out of my doorcSjfornoWj whats . within this houfe is mine, and for your brother I He made this match, in hope to do you good, f , AridlwearethisfoTwhicii, flialldrawhisbloud. ' went. Abraucrefolution. E.xttwithvpet^, MdBArley. 'Bart, In which welc fecond thcc. The Alipnes Iii\ A vay, wl'orc, Oatofmydoores whore. Sifi. O ireclc, that poucrjy niould lu ihat power to rearc Men fVom themidacs: tho they wed , bed, arid fwcare. Entgr Thoma4 Mndlabu Scar borrow, with 'Bntler, 7 ho. Ho'.vno'.vfifter. fifi: Vndone, vndone. But. Why MiOns, ho >v 1(1 c' how ift ? 0. My Iiiiiband has forlookc rce. Eat. Operiury. jlj}-. Has ranie my Jewels, and my Bracelets from me. 7 ho. Vengeance, I pKiyd the thecfc for the mony that bought em. fifi. Left me dilUeO, and thruft mee forth a dcorcs. Tha. Dainnatjononhini, I willheertnomore, Butfot his wrong rcuengc me on my brother, Degenerate, and was the caufe of all , Kefpentour portJo*n, and Ilefechisf^Ii, loh. O but Brother. Thot Pcriwadcmenot. All hopes are fliipwraO, miferie comes on, The cofnforc ^ve did iooke from him is trijflrarc. All meane?, all maintenance, bur gricfc is gone. And all Hial! end by his dcRruionc i.v/>. Ich. He follow and preuenc.whut in iliis hear may luppen, His want make^ Hiarpe his fword, to ereares 'J;e i^l. If that one brother Hiou'd arotlier kill. S\it, But, And what will you do Mifhis ^ fifi.h^ fit medownc, ffgh londein Head ofwordes, And wound my fclFe with griefc r.st'iey wiibfwords. And for the fuftenance that I llio jld eate, lie feed on gnefe, tjs woes beO iclliflu meatCc But. Good hriit I pitty you, You fhall not be focrucn toyourfelfe, I hauethepooic^ciuinomans allowance, Twc!ucpenceadayetobuy meful^enance, One meaic aday He eare, r! e toihet h(\^ Togiucypurwanresreliele. AndALOris Be liiisfome comfort toyourmiferics, Jichathincbeekes, care you ihall ha wet eye?. Exeunt. \ I Sni^r Sc.:rrhcrrow, Wliiif is procligal!if}'C'Faicfj iikea Brnfli That weiires himfelfc to,£IotirQ otiiers cloacI?es, .Anti hauJDg vvoriie his hait euen to :i;c (tujup, Hees tiiroivne svvny !ike a deformed lump. Oh iiich am I, I nri fpenc all ihe wealth My nnceftors did purchsfe, made others braue In (liape and richc?, and my i%\h a knauc. For tliO my wealth raifd fonie to paiur their doore> Til flim againrt me, faymg I am bur poorc ; Nay, euen the greatcli arnie, whofe hand hath graft, 'My prefcDce to the ey e of Maielly, fhrinkes bacj;, H is fingers cluch, and hkc to lead. They arc heauy to raife vp my ftate, being dead. By which I find/pendthriftcs, and fuch am I, Likeftrumpets florifh, but arefoule within. And they hke Siiakcs, know when to calt their skin. Enter Ths* Tho, Turne, dra vv, and dye, I come to kill thee. Scar. Whats he that Cpeakes j*Like ficknede : Oh ift you, Sleepe fiilljyoii cannot mooueme/are you well. Tho. Thinkc not my fury flakes fo, or my bloud Can cople it felfe to temper by refufall, Turne or thou dycft. Scar. Away. Tho. I do not wifli to kill thee like a flaue, That taps men in their cups,and broch their harts, Earc vvith a warning peecc they haue wakt their cares, I would not !ike to powder flioote thee downe. To a flat traue, ere thou hafl thon2,ht to frow ne : lam no Coward , but in manly tearmes, , And {\iyrcfl opponrions yo'.v to kill thee. Scar. Frcai wlience pvoreedes this heaf. Tho. From fpaikies bred by thecth.it like a villain. Sea, Ha. Tho. \\t hallow it in tliine e.\rej till thy foulc cju.ike to hearc ir, T\v:,T. like a villain lull vndone thy brothers, S-.'^. WoL'k! t! ;o!: \-. Ci( Hc t io Dcete me : yer farewell. 'i'bo. Bv naiurc; aiid haiavvei make vs akinne. As if in fore ft ^i mi age. AsncereasarethcfchandsjOr (intofinnc. ' Draw and defefid t!))' Tclfe, or He forget Thou art a man. Sceir, VVonldchou were not my Brother? • Tho. Idifdaimethcra. Scar. Arc wee not off- ^ringofonc parent wretch, Thit, I do forget it, pardon mc the dead, I (hould deny the paincs you bid for nie* My blood growes hot for vengeance, thou haf) (pent ^1y hues reucnewcs that our parents purchad, Scttr. O do not wracke me with remembrance ont. Tho. Thou hafl made my hfc a Beggcr in this world, And I will make thee bankrout of ihy breath: Tiiou hafl bin fo bad, the bell J can giue^ Thou arc a Deuill, not with mentoliuc. Scar. Then take a Dcuils payment. llesre thej make apajfc one vpcn another t tfhen at Scarhrrowes hack^^ comes in Ilford,JVe>7tlce,aKdBartlej, llf. HecshcrCjd raw Gentlemen. fVffit.Bart, Die Scarborrow. •S'c^r. Girt round v(ith death. Tfjo. How fet vpon by threc,Sfut fcarc not Brother, yon Co- wards, three to one,f|juej,vvor(e then Fenfcrs ihat wear long wcaw pons. You fhall be fought withall, you fliall be fought withall. Here thc'Srothcrsiojue/dr/M the refi ottt, sndretptrne. Sear* Brother I tlianke yoo, for you now liaue bin A patron of my life, forget tlic finnc Iprayyou.whxhmylooreandwanfull homes, Ha/h made againtl your Fortunes, ] repent cm. And wifli 1 could new ioyiif ;ind (Irength your hopcf ^ Tho with indifferent ruire of mine owne. I h :ic a many finncs, rlie though? of which LiKe finirhc Needles prickc mc fo the foulc, But find yeur wronjes, to ! auc li.c (Ijarpcit point. Ifpcni'cncc your loiTcs might repayre. You ihoiild ht lichen wealth, and ] in care. Tho* IdobcIceue}ouSjr,tutI niufltellvon, 1 ' 1^% ».^ The iS^'Jiferies Emis t: e v hah arc 2;ain(l an of' f r doac. To him thji Fcclfs ihc f«ij M. Our f ther fr. Left in your r\^A\ my p" rnon: y u ha fpcnt ir, AndJviffcrcJ inc (whiiilyouin :yo:»hrulc, A d: ur:[c'. n Taueri-^,e fpi'd 'nv maintain ncc Pcrh.ips vpon the 2;foufidwifhcucrHownc cups, L;I let nciycur wraths meet* Tho. Hart, what tnakfl ^hou here ? / />, Who ntjrs,which of you both hath nrength within his arm To wound his owne brcft.whofe fo dcfpcrate, To dami hiinfclfe by killing of himfel.'c, Aieyounotborhoneficfti ; Thfi. Hart, glue me way. 7^4. Be not a bar betwixt V5, or by my fwcrd lie mcfc thy graue out. hh, O do/or Gods fake des* _ ~^-*^a- ,.nypm^F.i.i n ii n. » ] m I I j i 111 w I T ypi ng J TisHappydc^thjifl may die and you j |S!oe fDiutbcr ene aootbcr. O do but harken, i When dusti-cSunne and Moone borne in one frame < Conrcnd, bu{ the)' breed Harihquakes in iDcns harts : When any (birc prodi^ioufly appcares, * Tcit ii not fall of kingi or farali ) eares. And then if Brothers fight, what may men thioke, Sinnc growcs fo high, tis time the world fliotjld finke. fear. My hart growes code againe, I v\ ifli it not, T'ho. Stop not my fury, or by f»y life I fwcare, I will reueale the robbery we ha dooe> And take reucngc on ihec. That hinders me to fake teuenge on fatni. /o. lyeildto that, but neare cenfent tothis, I (hall then die Z'i nainc owne fione affordi, F.jll by the law, not by my Brothers faords. Tbo. Then by that lighc that guids roe here I vow^ IIenraighttoSirIohnHarcop,andmakcknowne • We wer e the two that robd hini, /p. Prethydo. , Tho. Sin has hiffliarae, and thou (halt ha thy due. Sxk[ ^ To. Thuf hauc 1 fhcwne the nature of a Brother, . Tho you hauc prou' d vnnaturall to me. Hec$ gene in heate to publi/li out the theft, ' Which want and your vnkindncs forcft vs to, If now I die that dcatJvind publickc fliamc^ , IsaCcrfiuetoyoHrfoule,b!ot to your name. $f(iu \ fcxr^ O ti$ too true, ihc» es not a thought I thinkc, ! But muft pertakc thy greefes, and drinkc ^ A rellilli of thy forrow aiid misfortune. With vvaight of others te'ai es I am ore borne, j That fcacle am tAtloi to bold vp mine owne, ' And al ♦q.good for me« A happy Creature ; JnBiyCracicjandhaueinadciriyfdfc \ The cotnmon curfc of mankind by my life, Yndone my Brothers, made them thceues for bread, < Andbegot prcrty children to liuebeggcrs, i O Ci>ijrcicncr, hoyi' thou arc flung t"o thinkc vponf, •: l3 My 7he Q'S^di/erics My Brothers ynfofli^mcmullyt eld !.heir b'ood, My Babes at oiher.s (lirfopsbri; he r food, Or c'fcfuine thcc cs ro, and be cbo.ikt fort. Die a Dog? dfafh, be perdu vpon a tree, Hang beii.'viKJ Hcauc^i and earth, as fit for ncnhcr, Thec^itfcof hcaucntbafs due to rcprobifcs, Difcciids vpon ray Brothers, and my ch)ldicn, And I am parent CO if, I, I am parent to it. Enter UntUr. But, where arc you Sir:' Scar. Why Oarcfl iliou, whats thy bafl c* 'B>'it. Hcrres felowes fv^armc like flics to fpcakc with you. Scar, Wiiat are they ? But. Snakes I {hinkcS:r, forthey come wifh Hinges Wi theyr laouths.and their tongues arcturndto teeth to : They claw Vilia- noufly, they hade c«'!te vp your houelt nanse, nnd honourable re- putation by raihng againllyoUj and now (hey come todeuourc yourpofl'elfiions. Scar. In playncr Euargy, what are they, fpeake f B;it. Mannchoras,jnon{}rousbcancs, eneraies to mankinde, e'lat ha doublcrowes of teeth in their moutl.cs.They arc Vfurers, ihsy come yawning for mony,& the ShcrifFewith ihem jscomc to fcruc an extent vppoti your Lands, and then ceals on your bo- die by force of execution, rhey ha begirt the houfe round. Scar. So that the loofs cur Auncellorsdidbuild For their (onncs con^iilrtj and their wiucs for Charity, I dare not to iooke out. But, BefTdes Sir, iierej your pocrechildreri^ /f<«r. Poore children they are indeedc. ^«/.ComeM.ith fire and watentearesinth^rweSjandburrlitrg: greefe in their hart?, and dcfire to fpeaite with you. fear. Keape forrow vpon forrow f Tdl me, are My brothers gone to cxecutionc*- Forwhatldidjforeueryhaynous/in, | Sits on his foule by whom it did begin. A nd fo d id theirs by me. Tell me withallj My children carry moyfiurc in their ey^s, Whofc ipeaking drop$,fay father, thus asufl wt' i-.i^ " --. ■ „ . ■ HH P MH» I| M I,I,I |^ ., J ,|. IJ I^^ tl ll, I 1 . , „ . „ , j ,,, j ^ „, „ , ^^ ,, ." yv.n m* ofwforc/l^S\4ariage. A sk? our reliefe, or die withinfamy , For you ha made vs bcggers.Yct when iF.y talc hai kild nic to o'mc my palTagc comfort from thisft^'gc. Say ail was done by inforft marriage: ^ JVlv'<»r3U H i m ii H IIM H <■■ ■ I H.l.L 11 1, ii'< - — - - The ftS\ ff e Me and my yiTuc w be like our father* , Vj^y'ii&ldcii o^a'ii! Coanuy, &1 our hie, Which (l\oa\d hi b Ji, if! haci w cd a wifl\ Where 110 «v, As dropping leaues in Autunic yo«i \ookc i^ And I chat ftioald vpSold you hUc to fal, iv4. Tw2j,nor, Oi^l be my fault, Heauen bear roewitnes. Sea. Ti^oul/cflr'nruiupccthoulycfli' ^«. OSif. ^r.^r. Peace fawcie TaclcC; Hrumpct 1 fay thou 'ycfl, For wife of mine thou art not, and thdc thy BaHcrds Whom I begot of thcc,with this vnrclh That Baihrds borne,at-c borne not to be Blefl Kn. Onemepourca'youritrath, batnot onthetQ. 5*^4^ On thcc,»od them, fot tis the end of tuft, To fcourge it fe!fc, hcaucn luigting :o be iuft J Harlot. Ka. Husband. Scar, BaHardes, , (^h/i:^. Father. I'»c. What harcnotpitrics this f* Scar. Evicn in your Crad e, yon were accurRofheaucn, Thonan A lutcredeinthy married armcs. And f.licythit made the match, bawds to thy loft : ' I, now vou banc; the hcade. fliouldll ha done fb before. Then tiicfe had not bin Ba(lards,thou a whore. 'Btii. I cannot brookt no longer^ Sir you doc not well in thisf fear,. HaOaue. Tut . Tis not the airae of gentry to bring forth. Such iiaifh vnrelUHit fruit vnlo their wiues, 'f And fojhcir prcrty pretty children by my troth, .S'r^r. How rafcall. k Tut. Sic I mufttel you. your progenitors ^ Two ofthe which thcfcyearcs were feruant to, [ Had notfuchmiftsbrJorc their vndcrftanding, ] Thustobehauechceirclues. "■ Scar, Anciyoulfgconfroulcmcfir, * S«;. I,!;Wii:. ' Sf^. Sc:r. Yen rogue. __y Brit. [ , fis J, will fcl you ris vngenrlr done TliU5 ro defame year vvifcjaKufc your cHild-^irn, VVf on;; thcm.you wrong yciir ■ clfe, arc tliey ncf ycori ? Sea. Prcfty.prctry Impudence inFauh. '?»/. Her whono your arc bound fo Icnc. to rale aga'rnft, Thefc whom you are bound fotcfpctofpurnclike dojlj Aad you were nc t my roajflcr, 1 would tell you. Scar. Whatflsoe. BKf. Put vp you: Bird fpif.rufTrcarc if ret, Jn doing deeds (c bafc, fo vild as thcfc, Tis but a Kn.1, kna, kna. ^ Sc¥tr. Rogf. 2?»r. Tut howfocucr/i!; a dillion^lt pare. And in defence of thcfc Ithrovv off duty Scar, Good Buf/er. ^.' ci?cn in his bloodjiis bones, ITis «u!s, his Maw, his Throat, his Intrals. Scar. You .runnagate oft href fcore, But. Tis better then a knaue of three and twenty, Scar. Patience be my Bulkier, Asnot fo file my hands in viHames blood; Yo» IcnaucSlauctrcmhcr-grooxrc Who is your maifJcr ? 'But. You if you were a maiHer. fear. Offwith your coate ou in mine and yet : Your bufineffe fir ? 'Snt, Theres one in cimll habit fir, would fpeake with you, fcAr, In ciuill habit e. Snt: Hcisofrcemlyranlfcfir»andcal5himrelfe By the name of Do^or Baxtor ofOxfotd. fcAr. That man vndidnje,be did biojflbms blow Whofc fruit proucd poyfon, th« twas good in (he w> With him lie parley, and difrobe my tnoughti \ OFthis Wilde Phrenfcy that becoms me not : A table, candles J flooles., and ail things fit, \ know Ut conges ko cHde:ne> and lis hear^ hitUj With 'O^'tVis/f TTTi^ iliil V*^"*^""—* \i:";;4fl I oftnforcfl Mariagesl With our fad conference we will call vp teares, Teach Doflors rules, inftru^ fuccccding ycares : Vnierhimin: . i • Heauenfpareaclropfrom thence wheres bouncies ihronj Gme patience to my i'oule, inflame my toun*. Enter Dfic} or, T)oB, Good may fier Scarboro w. Sea. You are melt kindly welcome, foothyeirt, 1)8^, I ba unportanc bufineO'c to deiiucr you. Sea. And I luue Icyfure to attend your htating-' Doci, Sir, you know I married you. Sea. I know you did fir. D*5?. At \vl icii you promifcd both to God and Blinl Your lite vmoyour fpoufc fhould Iikefnow, That fals to comfort, not to oucrthrowr, And loucvnto your yfTuc fhould be like The deaw ol hcauen, that hurts not tho it flrike. When heauen and men did witncfsc and record Twas an ctci n.ill o-th, no idle word Hcauen being pleafd thei ewith, b IcHe you with children^ And at heaucns biefsings, all good menrcioyce. So rhar Gods chayre and foociloole, heauen and earth JMadc oflttin ", ai > our nupf iais as a knot To minde you of your vow, O breakc it not f /«c And you fey forfbeiBjhersliejroorchiidrcBi wanes*' ScM. Heerc? D»^' For which you pine in confcicnce borne, And wifh you had bin better, or ncrc borne. Scar. Djs all this happen to a wretch hkc me. ^ Dae. B*th this and vvorfe, your foulccteroall/ Shall littc in torment, tho the bodv dy. 5r;«r. Irtiallhancedof driokefhenBmler, ■ 'Doc. Nay all your finotfi are on your children laide, '^ F or the offences th d t the father m^de. C Scat. Are they Sir. ^ D«c. Befare they are. imer'Bmkf* ScM-. Butler. Bta. Sir? f fear. Go fetch my wife and childreshcther. Bia. I will fir. , \ fc4. ]lereadatctter(otheDoA.?oo,I)eesaD«oific?Ilieeia ^ Deuine. '7«^.l fee his mind is troubled, and haue made boUwifb r--, dutte to reade a Letter tending .*o his good J haac (Hade hit &i^' k thcrs friendes : bo(W which I will coiKealc cil better (cjspcr ; Ijfal icnds me for his wi& and children, (hall I fetch «»• ff4r, H6&4l>cttipc» lad cbii Dcmnc did ssarry i&e«» ^^ i 1 I I • ofinforjl Mart age $ « 7)oc, Mairtcr Scatborrovf . ^f4r. He be w th you (ttaight Sir, Bmt. 1 wil obey him. If any thiog doth happen fhat u UK HcaucD bearc me lecord (is agatnfl Boaters wiL Sku^ fcdr. And this Dcuine did marry n>c, Whofe tongue flioold be the key to open truth, At Gods AfDbatladorX>eiiucr, dcliucr, uchucr. Do. Naiftcrj'cai borrow* fc^. Ilebcwfithyouflrai^hlfir, Siluaiion to afHt^ed conicicnces. And nor giuc torment to contented minds, Who (hould be latnps to comfort out our way, And not hke Firedrakes to lead men aflray, L Uc be with you (Iraight Hr. Enter'Btitltr. Tut. Hercs your wife and children fir? /c4r. Giuc way ibfn, Iha my leflon perfitjeau* vshecrc Bnt. Vcs I wil a;c, but I will be fo necre. To hinder the mifhap (h^ -a Kich I fe^ re. £xtt'BfaUt. fcxr. Now fir.You know this GcntlcwoiDao? S)o^, Kind milhis Scarborrow, Scat* N«y pray you kcepe your feat, for you (hal hearc* The fame afFw^ion yau ha caught wx fcate, Dueto)Ouv(tUe ^nc. To mc fir. [cat, ToyouCr, You matcht the to tliii Genilcwoisan. Do^. I know I did fir. [car, A nd you will (ay (he is ray wife thea; *^9C, Iharcafonfir, brcaufel married you. fcxr, O that fuch tongues Ihould ha the nme \o\it^ Who teach men how to line, and how to die. Did Aot you know my foulc had giuen mv ^aubg In coptratl to another, and ) er yot) Would ioyof (his Loamc vuta vnlawfu! twiil.it The iSX^fi/eries DtB. Sir. fcMr. But fir, . Yoa chat c^^ fee a Mote within my cie, And with a CafTockc blind your ovvne defers, lie teach you this, tis better to do ill, Tha« ncuer knowne to vs, then of fclfc will, And ihrfe all thcfe in ihy fcducing eyct As fcorning life make era be glad to die. D«c. McScarborrow. fcAr Hccre will I write, that thcv which marry wiaeSt VolawFuil liuc with (trumpets ai the> r liucs. Here wii I (ea!c the children that are born, From wombcs vnconfecrate, eucn when their foulc Has her infufion, it regifterjthey ate fou'e. And fhrinkes to dwell with thetn, and in rcy cbfc. He fliew the world, thatfuch abortioemcn. Knit h mds without free tongues looke red like them Stand yoa and you.xo a^s moft Tra^icall, Heauen has dry eirs, wl.en (inae.inakcs (ioners GJK 'JDjc HelpcmaiflerScarborrow, CbUd. Father. Ka. Husband. Sf4. Thcfe for thy af! fhould die, (\\t fer my Clare, Whofc wounds fiare thus vponiTJcforrcuenge. Tbefe to be rid from mifcry , this frcrr finnc, A nd rhou thy (clfc Hia't haue a pufii amon: Q ctn , That made hc?.ucn$ word a pack-hoi fe to my touguc. Cored fcripfurc to tnakc euils flVmc litre good. And as I (end you thus with wc»rmc£ to dwell, A".^cl applaud it as a deed done well. ^ Snttr BhtUr» Mm Stay him Hay him. "What will you do fir. Scttr. M akc fat worrocs of flinkirg cnTk..{Rs, What hafl thou lodo wiih it? Enttr Hyordaudhu vfife, tketrvo BrgtberSjandStrlFtl/famScar^rn'm Utit. Loekewhoaiehctefir. Sc4. Jniurious villcn that prcuent roc f?i'I. Bttt. They ant your bi otitis and allyan^c Sir. Scdr, J of in for fi Mariao^ef. Scr tlicv know bcfl to mand, that know atnillc, Ka, Wcc kufclc- ti>ri;cr, and Ly ihou but louc V5, You ^auc vs i;rctfc for future happincs. /car. VVlia;$a! t aMo my Con'cicnce.'' , 2?.v/. Ea^e p»oni (c ot facccediug ;oy (o yoti, j?,C->dbuf!h'sLfrtcr. fir /'/;//. Which (els vou that ycur I. ord & Guardians ccsy, 'IjH'. Wnich tcis you that he knew he did you wiong, Was gvccud ioxi, ulTxA for faiisfaflion Ha;'"* :»u<"n ) ou double olthc v^calth you had, Bro. focicafl our porticDS. W //Jr* C In en nie a dowry too. 'But. Andtf athckrew, V -^ur finnc was his, sh - pumfl^mrnt his due Sea, Ai!thisi$; cciCj Jshcauf n fo I'^rjciou fo finr'crs ihenc* /?«; Hcincnij.andhas his gracious cicj^ To2,iJ€ liicu life h! I like JU' lapping fpiej, The ^!\fiferies Jc4r. Your han(^,yourj, yours, toyouniy foule,toyou akifl(fc Introth I am forry I ha ftraid aroiflf, To whom (hall I be thankefull. All filent: -None fpeake : whifl : why then to God, That giues men comfort as he giues 1^ is ro J, Your portions I'c Ice paid, and 1 ;vill ioueyou, You three He 'iue withal), my foule/hall !oueyou» You are an honeft feruanr, footh you are, To whom, I thefe and all muft pay amends. But you I will ad monifh in cooie tear mes. Let not promotions hope, be as a On ng, To rie your tonguc.or let loofc it to fling. D»c. From hence it fhall not Sir. fcMT. ThoQ husbands thus ib»\ norifh with their wiucs. Kijpt Ilf. As thou and I will wench * Brothers in brotherly loue thus Jink together, ImhrMcf, /m. Children and feruants pay their du7 thus, itm tmdknuk, AndallareplcaPd. ^^. We are. fc0r. Then ifall thefe bee (b, I am new wed foends old marryage woe, Andinyoureicsfolouinglybfcingwed, We hope your hand J will bring vs to Our bccL ♦• FINISj :i^^ .H^ltt^tt This book «^,*i v.A- JUN2 51952 LU 0CT3 !933 Li REC'D LD JUN10'65-2M LD 21-95m- ,_U.'50 (2877810)470 rJNft 265399 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY