OFFICIAL N AbbEK EXP POSITI LIBRARY UK**TY or CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY au O tu < o- ~ n j tr * w O u u an ~ i -" .C *- w o s - ~ e "^ ss 4j 00 X - . r "" J - ^ J i "5 5 < >; ^ = = = " ^ u a v *C 1- o X ri 2. " / '- 1 = R S. " - - = = _- i = D !jj ^ H r, ^ '> 2 ** i i*ti *^ " "f^"'ca'~'**"^"* ^ n - 3 ??^P^||S?i|l ?: 5^^||lg3ll| " aS&aggsifl^J'Sfclfl 5M-<-C'=.S5^ I S|l < S pqcc^-i.^ < & WM *<* , ^ pUr-fl j -i s i is f - i MfcHH i ; MB-I KflMMM B ae 1 o 1 o ! CO _ LU r - 5 - dT" P" *1 ? A* i u " S ? 5 S 1 5 1 S S S^JJ - - US'E i S 1 S 1 g ,j-J I I IH- ^CT g ng z Z I- t- ce 3: ft S * o __., [T^ et; JJS o ii z o 3t fj = 5 1 l-L-f-l^ ffr^ 1 - - **-* ? 51 = 11 ? Ht L JsV fe i 5 S S -" Dp O in ~ S V. H fe 'u c ^J * : - P * * ". n VO 8 P 3 ASSIGNMENT o ^ s. t ~. 5 - tr. T C tC s . H ^O S us - 3 H U K oj i a - M 1 C.KICAT liUlTAIN: 12, I CANADA: 10, n. 1 RUSSIA: 19, 20. ISl'AIN': 21, 22, 23. JAPAN: 24. HOLLAND : 25, 26, 2 1 GERMANY: 28, 29, 3 1 AI-STRIA: 35,36,59, 1 SOCIETY OF POLISH OFFICIAL ILLUSTRATIONS (THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIX ENGRAVINGS) FROM THE ART GALLERY WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION EDITED BY CHARLES M. KURTZ ASSISTANT CHIEF OF THE ART DEPARTMENT WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION FIRST EDITION GEORGE BARRIE, PHILADELPHIA EXCLUSIVE PUBLISHER OF ALL OFFICIAL ILLUSTRATED PUBLICATIONS RELATITTO TO THE DEPARTMENTS OF FINE AND LIBERAL ARTS Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1893, by GEORGE BARRIE, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. CENTRAL PAVILION OF THE ART PALACE INTRODUCTORY This book, illustrating many of the most important paintings and sculptures selected for exhibition in the Art Department of the World's Columbian Exposition, an exposition greater in plan, scope, and achievement than any other that has been undertaken in the whole history of the world, is prepared for two classes of persons those who visit the Exposition and those who may not be so fortunate. To those who visit the Exposition, it aims to be, in some sense, a preparation and a guide. It points out works especially worthy of attention and study among the hundreds of masterpieces by the leading artists of the various countries of the world; it designates the sections and galleries where these particular works may be found ; it gives a complete, numbered plan of the galleries of the Art Palace, showing the sections respectively occupied by the different nations (so that one may find one's way among them with the greatest ease) and, lastly, it presents data concerning the artists whose works are illustrated, data which, though necessarily brief, is extremely valuable in usually affording clue to the origin of special characteristics shown in the technique of their works, thus often aiding one better to understand and appreciate them. 7 8 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION After the Exposition is over, and its magnificent display of art has become only an influence and a memory, the illustrations herein given will serve to freshen fading recollections and will bring back to the mind a measure of the splendors of the great event for which the year 1893 indeed, the nineteenth century itself promises to be especially noted. To those who may not visit the Exposition, the illustrations of the art exhibits will convey an idea of them that could be obtained in no other manner so effective or adequate. Being engraved directly from photographs of the works, the illustrations are absolutely accurate in detail. They lack only size and color. Through this publication, prepared with the sanction and under the direct supervision of the Art Department, it is the aim to stimulate interest in art and to assist those desiring to take advantage of the great opportunity which thei/art exhibit offers for study. It is hoped that the book may find appreciation not only in the present, but that, in future, it may be esteemed precious as a souvenir and valuable as a record. Primarily, the object of an exposition may be assumed to be educational. By bringing together productions of various classes from all portions of the globe opportunity is afforded for study and comparison. Each exhibitor may learn something from almost every other exhibitor in his class which may be to his advantage, and which may lead to the improvement of that which he produces, whether it be in the domain of art or manufacture. At the same time, the general visitor to the Exposition likewise may gain new ideas, and correct impressions that have been formed upon insuffi- cient or erroneous data. The measure of the value of an exposition is determined by the number of important countries represented by exhibits, the characteristic and comprehensive nature of these exhibits, and their THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 9 excellence in quality, according to the standards of the countries from which they come. These considerations were kept constantly in mind by the authorities of the Art Department of the World's Columbian Ex- position. The Chief of the Art Department, Professor Halsey C. Ives, after formulating plans for the organization of the American Section, visited France, England, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, Poland, Austria, Austro- Hungary, Italy, and Spain, where he conferred with prominent government officials, leading artists, the heads of the great art museums, academies, and schools, noted collectors of art works, and others, with the aim of creating such interest in the Exposition and its Art Department that characteristic and excellent exhibits might be secured from all these countries. In every case it was urged that the exhibit be made from the standpoint of quality rather than quantity, and this consideration found favor with the various foreign commissioners. As a result of Professor Ives's visits abroad, applications for space in the Art Department were made by every country which had been visited. These applications, in almost every case, called for amounts of space far exceeding what it was possible to assign. Indeed, from foreign governments alone, the applications for wall- space aggregated nearly 300,000 square feet. The total wall-space of the Art Gallery is about 200,000 square feet. After reserving 35,000 square feet for the American Section, there remained about 1 65,000 square feet to be distributed among all the foreign countries applying for space. And this is not a small amount; it is more than double the space that was occupied by foreign countries in the Art Department of the Centennial Exhibition, held in Philadel- phia in 1876. The countries that are represented officially in the Art Depart- ment of the World's Columbian Exposition are France, Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Norway, io WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION Sweden, Denmark. Russia, Canada, Mexico, and Japan. The largest amount of space assigned to any country has been re- served for the United States ; and next in order come France, Ger- many, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, and Austria. France receives 29,200 square feet. The smallest assignment has been made to Mexico, one of the few countries receiving all the space asked for, 1500 square feet. As nearly every country's assignment of space is so far less than the amount asked for, the result was, as might have been ex- pected, the exercise of greater discrimination in the selection of exhibits than otherwise might have seemed warranted, and this has been really of very great advantage to the art exhibit as a whole; the standard of excellence thereby being raised much higher than usually has obtained in international exhibitions. Undoubtedly there is at this Exposition a better general rep- resentation of the world's art than has been made at any exposition in the past. Excellent, in the main, as have been the French expositions, they have very slightly represented German art, and, on the other hand, the German expositions have contained little or no French art. Russian art has been seen very little outside of Russia, and the Scandinavian artists have not received adequate attention in the great expositions of the past. English art \vas largely represented at the Centennial Exhibition, but the selection of the works shown was not made with anything like the degree of discrimination exercised in the choice of works for the British Sec- tion in the World's Columbian Exposition. The selection of exhibits from the various foreign countries in most cases was made by committees of artists, working under the jurisdiction of Art Commissioners appointed by the government of the country. In France. M. Antonin Proust was made the Art Commissioner a most excellent appointment. M. Proust, it will be remembered, was the Director of the Art Department of the French International Exposition of 1889. He was Minister of THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED n Arts in the Gambetta Cabinet, and is widely recognized as one of the highest authorities on French art both of the past and the present. After having thoroughly organized the French art exhibit in which work he was most ably assisted by M. A.-Barthelemy, M. Proust resigned, and M. Roger Ballu was then appointed Com- missioner. M. Ballu had been editor of r Art, was President and had been one of the founders of the French Society of Pastellists, etc. M. Ballu took up the work where M. Proust laid it down, and admirably carried it to completion. In this he was efficiently assisted by M. Henri Giudicelli, who came to instal the exhibits. Mr. H. W. Mesdag, famous as an artist and as one of the most enlightened art collectors in Europe, was appointed Art Commis- sioner for the Netherlands. Mr. Mesdag supervised the formation of the Dutch exhibit, while Mr. Hubert Vos, the distinguished painter, was placed in charge of affairs as Acting Commissioner in this country. In Great Britain, the interests of the Art Section were committed to the Royal Society of Arts, which appointed a com- mittee to look after the collection of an exhibit. Of this commit- tee, Sir Frederick Leighton, President of the Royal Academy, was made the head. Herr Schnars-Alquist, noted as a marine painter, wisely was selected by his government to organize the German art exhibit. Professor Ernest Slingeneyer, the historical painter, was placed in charge of Belgian art interests. Signor Giulio Monte- verde, the sculptor, was made the president of the central com- mittee for Italy. Later, Signor Angelo del Nero was appointed Commissioner of Fine Arts by his government, and to his efficient services the Italian art exhibit mainly is due. Mr. Anders Zorn, one of the most celebrated painters of his country, was appointed Commissioner of Fine Arts for Sweden, and admirably has served his country in this capacity. All these gentlemen entered upon their respective tasks with a degree of enthusiasm that soon was communicated to the artists, and led to the bringing forward of the best work obtainable from all quarters. The care with which 12 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION selections were made from the almost innumerable productions offered is attested by the exhibits in the various foreign sections. In this connection, mention must be made of the very valuable service which Mr. S. Tegima, of Japan, rendered his govern- ment as well as the Exposition in organizing and installing the remarkable Japanese exhibit. Never before this time has Japan been represented in the Art Department oif an International Expo- sition ; but never before has the country been given such an oppor- tunity. Recognizing the radical differences between Japanese art and that of the western world, the authorities of the Art Depart- ment of the Columbian Exposition did not bind Japanese art ex- hibitors to the rigid classification established for other nations, but urged that the exhibit be made thoroughly national in character exactly such an exhibit as would be formed under a classification devised for an art exhibition to be held in Japan. Mr. Tegima, appreciating this opportunity, embraced and has made the most of it. The foreign artists had a powerful incentive to send their best works to America aside from their disposition to do everything pos- sible to enhance the credit of their respective countries in art pro- duction. During the past few years they have seen the United States become one of the greatest markets for art works in the world. They have noted the stupendous prices that have been paid by our millionaire collectors for famous pictures in the public sales in Paris, London, and New York, and they have observed the steady stream of art productions of the highest excellence both ancient and modern coming from France, Holland, Germany, and England. Every foreign artist, therefore, appreciated the value of the reputation he might gain by an exhibit of especially noteworthy productions. The American artists likewise had an incentive to make the best possible exhibit ; here was the great opportunity to show that the works of American artists could stand comparison with the productions of the artists of the other nations. With the endeavor of securing the best possible exhibit of American art, the Exposi- THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 13 tion authorities, at the instance of the Chief of the Art Department, appointed Advisory Committees consisting of painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, and the followers of other branches of art to look after the interests of American artists in those sections of this country and Europe which were considered especial centres of American art activity. Such committees were established in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Paris, Munich, London, Rome, and Florence, and their membership comprised many of the ablest and most distinguished artists this country has produced. When the time arrived for the selection of works to be exhib- ited in Chicago, the various Advisory Committees were constituted juries by a system involving an interchange of service amongst the members of different committees, thus securing to each jury a national rather than a strictly local character. Artists residing in the central, western, southern, and extreme northern portions of the United States had the privilege of submitting their works to a national jury in Chicago. This jury was composed of artists chosen from different sections of the country. In order to secure a retrospective exhibit of American art, a special committee was appointed, having representatives in New York, Philadelphia, and Boston ; this committee solicited from public institutions and private owners such works as its members believed best would represent the historical development of art in America. This exhibit is exceedingly interesting. It includes notable works by American painters who were famous in their day, and justly so, but who, in later times, are almost forgotten owing to the fact that general art-interest has been absorbed by work of more modern methods, though often of less truly artistic character. The interesting exhibit of noteworthy foreign paintings belong- ing to American collections was formed through the kindness of prominent picture owners, from whom they were specially solicited. One of the most noteworthy exhibits in the Art Department is the collection of casts duplicating reproductions of monumental 14 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION works shown in the Museum of Comparative Sculpture in the Palace of the Trocadero, Paris. These casts not only illustrate the history of French sculpture, but also the development of archi- tecture as a fine art in France during mediaeval and later times. They comprise examples of the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, and some of the more modern work. Some of the casts, repro- ducing large portions of the facades of cathedrals, churches, mon- asteries, and other important structures are of very considerable size and of remarkable elaboration in detail. A portion of this collection (casts to the value of over 50,000 francs) generously was presented to the Exposition by the French Government, upon the condition that, at the close of the Exposition, these casts should become the property of an American Art Museum. The Art Gallery is one of the most beautiful of all the Expo- sition structures. The architecture is Ionic of the most refined type, the order being taken from the Erechtheum of the Acropolis at Athens. The galleries and courts for the exhibition of paintings and sculptures are of varying proportions, are lighted from above, and the structure is fire-proof. The three great sections the Cen- tral, East, and West Pavilions aggregate, in extreme length, 1152 feet, and in depth 504 feet. The main walls are of brick, covered with "staff," a composition of plaster-of- Paris and other ingredients, which has, when finished, the appearance of stone. The roof is of iron, steel, and glass, and all columns, staircases, etc., are of iron. There are eighty galleries, ranging in size from 30 feet square to 36 by 120 feet, for the exhibition of paintings, besides one hundred and eight alcoves, fronting upon the courts of the Central Pavilion twenty-eight on the first floor and eighty on the second giving additional wall-space. There are four large courts and a rotunda in the Central Pavilion, and a rotunda in each of the other pavilions for the exhibition of sculptures and architectural works. From the exterior architectural standpoint, the Art Palace justly may be con- sidered one of the chief of the art exhibits. THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIX ENGRAVINGS THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 17 IVAN TVOROZHNIKOV (Russia) A LAY BROTHER : IMAGE SELLER t8 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION EUG. VAIL (United States) THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 19 V. E. DEMONT-BRETON A YOUNG SAILOR'S TRAINING 20 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION ADOLPH B1NE)T (France) THE LOVERS THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 21 P. JOLYET (France) MIGNON 22 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION FRANK S. HOLMAN (United States) THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 23 E. DAUPHIN (France) THE " IPHIGENIA " IN THE HARBOR OF TOULON 24 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION ACHILLE GUERRA (Italy) THE FORTUNE-TELLER THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 25 AURELIO TIRATELL1 (Italy) COUNTRY LIFE ROMAN APENNINES WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION GUSTAVO SIMONI (Italy) SALE OF A SLAVE THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 27 28 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 29 & z o Q WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 32 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION o THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 33 34 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 35 I 36 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 37 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 39 1 40 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 43 44 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 45 4 6 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 47 48 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 49 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 53 54 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 55 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 57 THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 59 6o WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 61 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 64 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION EDOUARU TOUDOUZE (France; ltK CRADLft THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 65 G. PAULI (Sweden) MIDSUMMER'S NIGHT 66 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION H. TEMPLE (Austria) PORTRAIT OF \V. UXGER THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 67 r . Jk ' 2 1 ?J?a - THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 143 144 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 146 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION pq THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED '47 148 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 149 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 151 152 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION- THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 153 154 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION ., \ B THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED '55 '56 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 158 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED '59 i6o WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 161 162 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 163 1 64 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION F. DEFREGGER (Austria) CHILDREN AT PLAY THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 165 G. COURTOIS (France) PORTRAIT OF MME. GAUTREAU 1 66 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION FRED. HALL (Great Britain) RESULT OF HIGH LIVING THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 167 A. CHEVALIER TAYLER (Great Britain) THE PEDDLER 1 68 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION A. B. SEWELL (United States) MOTHER AND SON G. MOREAU DE TOURS (France) CARXOT AT WATTIGXIES i;o WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION ALBERT NEUHUYS (Holland) MOTHER'S DELIGHT THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 171 ALFRED-PIERRE AGACHE (France) VANITY 1 72 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION MAX BAUMBACH (Germany) DANCING FIGURES THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 173 MARIE S. LUCAS (Great Britain) 174 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION ALBERT NEUHUYS (Holland) DUTCH WOMAN AND CHILD THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 175 T. A. PELEVIN (Russia) THE FIRST BORN 176 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION u THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 177 i 7 8 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 179 o H Bi i w i8o WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 181 182 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION o D Q> THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 1 84 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 185 1 86 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 187 1 88 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 189 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 191 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 193 194 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION w o THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 195 196 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 197 198 THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 199 200 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION \V. E. NORTON (United States) RETURN OF HERRING FLIifcT THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 201 WALTER MAC EWEN (United States) THE ABSENT ONE ON ALL SOULS' DAY 202 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION PAUL-ALEXANDER-ALFRED LEROY (France) CHRIST HEALING THE BLIND THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 203 JOSEF GISELA (Austria) THE LOTTERY 204 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION CIIAS. SPRAGUE PEARCE (United States) THE ANNUNCIATION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 205 MAURICE BOMPARD (France) THE OLD CHELMA GATE 206 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION HERM. KAULBACH (Germany) ONCE UPON A TIME THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 207 WALTER L. DEAN (United States) THE OPEN SEA 208 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 209 B en fc p i 06 PH u 210 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 211 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 213 2i 4 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED W 216 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 217 2l8 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 219 220 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 221 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION D THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 223 o 224 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 225 AUGUSTO CORELLI (Italy) IN THE WOODS 226 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION A. APOLLONI (Italy) THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 227 II. O. WALKER (United States) THE GIKT-BEARLK 228 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION L. PASTERNAC (Russia) RETURNING HOME THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 229 R. LEHMANN (Great Britain) 2 3 o WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION WALTER LANGLEY (Great Britain) THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 231 T. OFFERMANS (Holland) THE VILLAGE CARPENTER 2 3 2 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION Miss LAURA ALMA-TADEMA (Great Britain) FIRESIDE FANCIES THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 233 C. W. BARTLETT (Great Britain) AN INCIDENT IN THE LIFE OF THE DAUPHIN 234 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION S. E. WALLER (Great Britain) THE EMPTY SADDLE THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 235 IRVING R. WILES (United States) SONATA 236 11'ORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION A. H. BRAMTOT (France) FIRST COMMUNION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 237 W. M. CHASE (United States) ALICE 238 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION CHRISTIAN LUDWIG BOCKELMANN (German) ) A VILLAGE FIRE THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 239 \V. M. CHASE (United States) PORTRAIT OF MISS M . YEEND KING (Great Britain) A GRAY DAY IN JULY THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 241 WILHELM VOLZ (Germany) MARIA 242 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION T. C. GOTCII (Great Britain) MY CROWN AND SCEPTRE THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 243 D. A. C. ARTZ (Holland) .. ... Mi~ ' ^m-\j* | FALL IN TIIK KIKLDS 244 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION ALESANDRO RIQUEA (Italy) THE DIVINE SHEPHERDESS THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 245 F. H. KARL VON UHDE (Germany) THE ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE SHBPHERDS 246 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION CARL VON STETTEN (Germany) ITALIANS IN PARIS THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 247 ARTHUR HACKER (Great Britain) CHRIST AND THE MAGDALEN 248 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION ALBERT MAIGNAN (France) BIRTH OF THE PEARL THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 249 GIRL BATHING 250 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION G. G. KILBURNE (Great Britain) GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR MAN AND BEAST THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 251 HANS HERMANN (Germany) FISHMARKET IN AMSTERDAM 252 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION G. L. BULLEID (Great Britain) A CUSTODIAN THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 253 A. P. M. DE RICHEMONT (France) SACRIFICE 254 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION ALBERT MAIGNAN (France) THE CHAMBER OF THE SIREN THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 255 A. F. GORGUET (France) CONTEMPLATION 256 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 257 258 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 259 260 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 261 262 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 263 264 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 265 266 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 267 268 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 269 270 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 271 272 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION ALFRED GUILLON (France) THE LITTLE BROTHER THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 273 L. JIMENEZ-ARANDA (Spain) THE LOVERS 274 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 275 276 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 277 o 278 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 279 280 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 281 282 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 283 28. 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P. VINTQN (United States) THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 321 ANTON LAUPHEIMER (Germany) ST. LUKE 322 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION G- F. WATTS (Great Britain) LOVE ANP LIFE THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 323 EDMUND C. TARBELL (United States) GIRL WITH HORSE 324 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION J. CARROLL BECKWITH (United States) M. ISAACSON THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 325 WALTER CRANE (Great Britain) FREEDOM 326 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION JULIA DILLON (United States) PEONIES THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 327 W. ROELOFS (Holland) PASTURE NEAR THE DUNES 328 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION NICHOLAS SAGORSKI (Russia) HEART-BROKEN BY GRIEF THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 329 FRED. W. FREER (United States) A LADY IN BLACK 330 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION I. M. GAUGENGIGL (United States) THE HAT THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 331 AND. L. 7.ORN (Sweden) IN THE OMNIBUS 332 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION J. DE VRIENDT (Belgium) A POTTERY SHOP, CAIRO THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 333 P. FRANCES Y PASCUAL (Spain) FATHER'S ADVICE 334 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION TYTGADT (Belgium) A LESSON IN EMBROIDERY THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 335 R. GORDON HARDIE (United States) PORTRAIT OF MRS. HARDIE 336 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 337 O i H en WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION W THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 339 o 340 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 34i 342 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION M THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 343 344 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 345 u u 346 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 347 u 348 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 349 V rf'. 'f. 35 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION THE ART GALLERY, ILLUSTRATED 35' 352 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION Miss LAURA ALMA-TADEMA (Great Britain) BATTLEDORE AND SHUTTLECOCK INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS ADAN, Louis Emile (Jrance) 75 rue de Courcelles. Born at Paris. Pupil of Picot and Cabanel. Medals, Paris; 3d-class, 1875; 2d-class, 1882 ; Gold Medal, 1889 (Exposition-Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1892. RETURN OF THE GRAPE-PICKERS Page 279 AGACHE, Alfred-Pierre (Jrance) 14 rue Weber, Paris. Born at Lille. Pupil of Colas and Pluchard. Medal, 3d-class, 1885. Member of the So- ciety of French Artists. VANITY Page 171 THE ANNUNCIATION " 83 AGRASOT Y JUAN, Joaquin (Spain) 4, Calle Orfila, Madrid. Born at Orihuela (Alicante). Pupil of the School of Fine Arts of Valencia and of D. Fran- cisco Martinez. Medals: Barcelona, 1864 and 1866; Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. SISTERS OF CHARITY Page 55 ALMA-TADEMA, Miss Laura (Oreat Sritaitt) 17 Grove End Road, London. Born in England. Pupil of her father, L. Alma-Tadema. Silver Medal, Exposition- Universelle, Paris, 1889. BATTLEDORE AND SHUTTLECOCK Page 352 FIRESIDE FANCIES " 232 ALVAREZ-DUMONT, Cesar (Spain) 27 Calle Goya, Madrid, Born in Villa Real, St. Antonio Algarbe, Portugal. Medals, National Exhibition : 3d-class, 1884 and 1887; 2d-class, 1890. EPISODE IN THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE Page 340 APOL, Louis (ijoUrtttfo) Velp, near Arnhem, Holland. Born in Holland. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. AUTUMN Page 34 APOLLONI, Adolpho (Stain) Via Margutta, Rome. BEATRICE Page 136 AMERICA " 226 353 354 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION ARTZ, David Adolf Constant Born at The Hague, Holland. Pupil of Mollinger and of Josef Israels. Vice-President of the International Jury, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. Legion of Honor, France, 1889. Member of the French Societe Nationale des Beaux-Arts. FALL IN THE FIELDS .............. Page 243 AUBLET, Albert (.frame) 75 Boulevard Bineau, Neuilly, Seine. Born at Paris. Pupil of J. L. Gerome. Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1880; Gold Medal, 1889 (Exposition-Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1890. OLD SAILORS, TREPORT ............. Page 306 BAKHUYZEN VAN DE SAND, Julius Jacobus (Rollout)) 142 Nieuwe Haven, The Hague. Born at The Hague. Pupil of his father. Medals : Vienna, Philadelphia (Centennial Exhibition), 1876, Amsterdam, The Hague and Paris; Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. DRIVING HOME THE CATTLE .......... Page 304 BARILLOT, Leon (jrrance) 16 rue de la Tour d' Auvergne, Paris. Born at Montigny-les-Metz, Lorraine. Pupil of Bonnat. Medals, Paris: 3d-class, 1880; zd-class, 1884; Gold Medal (Exposition-Universelle), 1889. THE VALLEY OF THE SEULLES .......... Page 42 TRAIN 47 .................. " 43 BARTELS, Hans von ((Etermcmn) Munich. Born at Munich. Medal, Paris, 3d-class, 1889. SURF .... ................ Page 47 BARTHOLOME (^France). PASSING THE RING ............... Page 28 BARTLETT, C. W. ((grertt Britain)/^ Holland Park Road, W. London. AN INCIDENT IN THE LIFE OF THE DAUPHIN . . . Page 233 BARUCCI, Pietro (3t(llg }Romc. LAKE IN THE APENNINES ............ Page 91 BASTERT, Nicholas ({jollanft) 452 Parkstraat, Amsterdam. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. THE WHITE SAIL ............... Page 97 BATTAGLIA, Alessandro (jjtcilt)) 5 via Margutta, Rome. THE GLEANERS ................ Page 100 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS 355 BAUMBACH, Max (ertnattj)) 82 Liitzow-strasse, Berlin. DANCING FIGURES Page 172 BECKWITH, J. Carroll (&ttite& States) -58 West Fifty-seventh street, New York. Born at Hannibal, Missouri. Pupil of the Art Students' League, New York, 1'Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, of Adolphe Yvon and of Carolus-Duran, Paris. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1887 ; Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. Member of the Society of American Artists and Associate Member of the National Academy of Design, New York. MR. ISAACSON Page 324 BELL, Edward A. (&ttitt& Qtates) 152 West Fifty-fifth street, New York. Born at New York. Pupil of the National Academy of Design, New York, and of the Bavarian Royal Academy, Munich. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN GRAY Page 87 BERMUDO-MATEOS, Jose (Spain) 9 Calle Peninsular, Madrid. Born at Huertas de Animas (Caceres). Pupil of the School of Painting, Madrid. UNDER THE AWNING Page 290 BERTHELON, Eugene (jFratUe) 7 rue Alfred Stevens, Paris. Pupil of E. Lavieille and of Berne-Bellecoeur. Medals, Paris: 3d-class, 1886; 2d-class, 1889 ; Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. A STORM AT YPORT Page 53 BINET, Adolph (fruitce) 63 Avenue de Breteuil, Paris. Born at La Riviere-St.-Sauveur (Calvades). Medals, Paris : sd-class, 1885 ; Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. THE LOVERS . . . Page 20 BISBING, Henry S. (Uttitefc Stdtee) 23 rue des Martyrs, Paris. Born at Philadelphia, Pa. Pupil of F. de Vuillefroy. ad-class Medal, Paris, 1891. ON THE RIVER BANK Page 144 AFTERNOON IN THE MEADOWS " 137 BJORCK, Oscar (0 to ebett) 18 Hamngatan, Stockholm. Born at Stockholm. Pupil of the School of Fine Arts, Stockholm. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1888 ; Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. INTERIOR OF A COW-STABLE Page 106 356 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION BLOMMERS, Bernardus Johannes ($0Uan&) // van Stolkweg, Scheveningen. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. AT BREAKFAST ................ Page 265 SHRIMPING AT SCHEVENINGEN .......... " 280 WASHING-DAY ................ " 94 BOCKELMANN, Christian Ludwig (<25ermcmrj) 2 Marien- strasse, Diisseldorf. Born at St. Jurgen, near Bremen. Pupil of his father, of the Academy at Dusseldorf and of W. Sohn. Medal, Vienna, 1873. A VILLAGE FIRE . . ............. Page 238 BOKS, Evert Jan (^ollantl) 93 Provinciestraat, Zuid, Antwerp. Honorable Mention, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. SURPRISED .................. Page 88 BOMPARD, Maurice (4F rtmce) 10 rue Mechain, Paris. Born at Rodez. Pupil of G. Boulanger and of J. Lefebvre. 3d-class Medal, Paris, 1880; Bourse-de-voyage, 1882 ; Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889 ; 2d-class Medal, Paris, 1890. THE OLD CHELMA GATE . . .......... Page 205 BOMPIANI, Angelo (jjtttlg) 504 Corso, Rome. IN THE WOODS ................ Page 81 BONNEFOY, Henry (^France) 42 rue Fontaine, Paris. Born at Boulogne-sur-Mer (Pas de Calais). Pupil of L. Cogniet. Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1880; zd-class, 1884. Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. A FAMILY .................. Page 44 BORDES, Ernest (frame) 87 rue Ampere, Paris. Born at Pau. Pupil of Bonnat and of Cormon. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1881 ; Medals : 3d-class, 1884; 2d-class, 1886; Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. THE ROLLING-MILL .............. Page 300 BOURDILLON, Frank N. ((great Sritain) Dorking, England. ON BOARD THE "REVENGE," 1591 ...... , Page 268 BRAMTOT, Alfred Henri (^France) <5 rue du Val-de- Grace, Paris. Born at Paris. Pupil of \V. A. Bouguereau. 3d-class Medal, Paris, 1879 ; -Prix de Rome, 1879; 2d-class Medal, 1885. FIRST COMMUNION ............... Page 236 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS 357 BRANDT, Joseph von ((gertnattg) 19 Schwanthaler-strasse, Munich. Born at Szczebrzeszyn, Poland. Studied in the Bavarian Royal Academy at Munich, and under Franz Adam and Karl von Piloty. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1882. A SUDDEN ATTACK Page 60 BREDT, Fred Max ((gertttatig) 77 Gabelsberger-strasse, Munich. Two GAZELLES Page 120 BREITNER, George Hendrik (fjollatlfc) 438 Parkstraat, Am- sterdam. Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. DUTCH CAVALRY Page 264 BRIDGMAN, Frederick Arthur (linitefc States)^ Boulevard Malesherbes, Paris. Born at Tuskegee, Alabama. Pupil of Brooklyn Art Association, N. Y., and of J. L. Gerome, Paris. Medals, Paris: 3d-class, 1877; 2d-class, 1878 (Exposition-Universelle); Silver Medal, 1889 (Exposition-Universelle). Legion of Honor, France, 1889. IN A VILLA AT EL BIAR, ALGIERS Page 143 BRONNIKO, Theo. (Hnssia). Born at Schadriusk, Siberia. Pupil of the St. Petersburg Academy. CHRISTIANS AWAITING DEATH AFTER THE FREE SUPPER . . . . , Page 271 BROWN, Ford Madox ((great Sritaht) 9 Victoria Grove, West Brompton, England. Bom at Calais. Pupil of the Academies of Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp. WYCLIF ON TRIAL Page 313 BRUTT, Adolf ((germang) 82 Lutzow-strasse, Berlin. PHRYNE Page 77 SAVED ,. " 78 GIRL BATHING " 249 BULLEID, G. Lawrence ((great Britain) 4 Bolton Studios, Radcliffe Road, London, England. A CUSTODIAN , Page 252 AT THE TEMPLE GATE " 118 CHARLES, James ((great Sritain) Harling, Petersfield, England. Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. IN MEMORY OF Page 124 358 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION CHASE, William M. (Uniteb States) 51 West Tenth Street, New York. Born in Franklin, Indiana. Pupil of the National Academy and J. O. Eaton, New York, and of the Munich Academy under Piloty. Medals, Munich, 1883 ; Honorable Mention, Paris, 1881 ; Silver Medal, 1889 (Exposition-Universelle). Member of the National Academy, New York. President of the Society of American Artists. ALICE Page 237 PORTRAIT OF Miss M " 231 LAKE SIDE " 103 DU CHATTEL, Frederick Jacobus (fjollcmfc) 20 Huygen- straat, The Hague. ON THE RIVER VECHT Page 274 CHIGOT, Eugene H. A. (iTrance) i rue des Petitscailloux, rue de V Eglise et a Valenciennes, Etaples, France. Born at Valenciennes. Pupil of Bonnat and Vayson. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1886; 3d-class Medal, 1887; Bourse-de-voyage, 1887; Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889; zd-class Medal, 1890. AT ETAPLES PAS DE CALAIS Page 192 CLAUSEN", G. (<&reat Britain) Cookham Dean, Berks. Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. PLOUGH BOY Page 318 CORELLI, Augusto (Jtalg) Rome. THE SERENADE Page 63 IN THE WOODS "225 THANKSGIVING " 283 CORTESE, Federico (Stdls) 21 Via San Paolo, Naples. P^ESTUM Page 139 COURTOIS, Gustave (^France) 73 Boulevard Bineau, Pare de Neuilly, Seine, Paris. Born at Pusey (Haute Saone). Pupil of J. L. Gerome. Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1878 ; ad-class, 1880; Gold Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. Legion of Honor, 1889. PORTRAIT OF MME. GAUTREAU Page 165 COUTURIER, Leon (.fratice) J/ Boulevard Berthier, Paris. Born at Macon. Pupil of Cabanel and of Danguin. Medal, 3d-class, Paris, 1881 ; Bronze Medal, 1889 (Exposition-Universelle). At THE CAPSTAN ALL TOGETHER Page 180 COX, Kenyon (ftnitefc States) 145 West Fifty-fifth street, New York. Born at Warren, Ohio. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and of Carolus Duran and J. L. Gerome, Paris. Bronze Medal, Salon, Paris, 1889 (Exposition- INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS 359 Universelle). Member of the Society of American Artists and of the New York Architectural League. PAINTING AND POETRY Page 289 ECLOGUE " 305 CRANE, Walter ((great JJritaitt) Beaumont Lodge, Shepherd's Bush, London, England. Born in Liverpool. Pupil of his father, Thomas G. Crane, and of W. J. Linton. Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. FREEDOM Page 325 CURRAN, Charles C. (HnitC& 0tate0) 154 West Fifty-fifth street, New York. Born at Frankfort, Kentucky. Pupil of the National Academy of Design and of the Art Students' League, New York. Third Hallgarten Prize, National Academy, New York, 1888 ; Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1889. Associate Member of the National Academy and Member of the Society of American Artists. SEALING THE LETTER Page 149 DADD, Frank ((great Sritaitt) Wilton House, Hyde-vale, Blackheath, England. THE CAPTAIN OF THE TROOP Page 104 DAMERON, Charles Emile (.franee) -38 rue Rochechouart, Paris. Born at Paris. Pupil of L. G. Pelouse. Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1878 ; 2d-class, 1882; Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. FLOWER CULTURE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF NICE . Page 99 DANNAT, William T. (United Statea) 71 Avenue de Villiers, Paris. Born in New York, N. Y. Pupil of Bavarian Royal Academy, Munich. Medal, Paris : 3d-class, 1883. Legion of Honor, France, 1889. Member of the International Jury, Exposi- tion-Universelle, Paris, 1889 ; Member of the French Societe Nationale des Beaux- Arts. SPANISH GIRLS Page 79 DAUPHIN, Eugene (.f ranee) <5j rue Jouffroy, Paris. Born at Toulon. Pupil of Courdonan, Humbert and Gervex. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1887; 3d-class medal, 1888; Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. THE IPHIGEXIA IN THE HARBOR OF TOULON . . . Page 23 DAWANT, Albert Pierre (JTraitCe) 9 rnc Ampere, Paris. Born at Paris. Pupil of Jean Paul Laurens. Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1880; 2d-class, 1885 ; Gold Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. Legion of Honor, 1889. THE CLOSE OF THE MASS Page 68 360 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION DEAN, Walter L. (United States) 2 Pemberton Square, Boston, Massachusetts. THE OPEN SEA Page 207 PEACE " 291 THE SEINER'S RETURN " 184 DEFREGGER, Franz Ritter (Ocrmang) 31 Konig-strasse, Munich, Bavaria. Born at Stronach, Austria. Pupil of the Bavarian Royal Academy. 3d-class Medal, Paris, 1878 ; Medal, Vienna, 1882 ; Great Gold Medal, Munich. Honorary Member of the Berlin, Vienna and Munich Academies. CHILDREN AT PLAY Page 164 DE HAAS, J. H. L. ($0Uan&) 9 Place de Luxembourg, Brus- sels, Belgium. Born in Hedel, North Brabant. Pupil of Van Oos. Gold Medal, Munich, 1869. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. DONKEYS ON THE SHORE PICARDY ....... Page 61 DE KEYSER, Nicaise (Sclginm) 15 rue de la Pepiniere, Ant- werp. Born at Santvliet. Pupil of Joseph Jacops and of the Royal Academy of Antwerp. Great Gold Medal, Brussels, ^836; ad-class Medal, Paris, 1840. Order of Leopold, 1839; Officer of the same, 1855. Order of St. Michael of Bavaria, 1851. Order of the Lion, 1844. Legion of Honor, France, 1862. HOLY WEEK PROCESSION AT SEVILLE Page 339 DELOBBE, Francois Alfred (France) 27 rue d' Alesia, Paris. Born at Paris. Pupil of Lucas and of Bouguereau. Medals, Paris: 3d-class, 1874; 2d- class, 1875. THE BITE AFTER THE BATH Page 126 DELORT, Charles Edouard (^Trance) 31 Boulevard Berthier, Paris. Born at Nimes. Pupil of Gleyre and of Gerome. Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1875 ; ad-class, 1882. Legion of Honor, 1889. CAPTURE OF THE DUTCH FLEET IN THE TEXEL BY THE HUSSARS OF THE REPUBLIC, 1793 Page 105 DEMONT, Adrien-Louis (France) Montgeron (Seine-et-Oise'}. Born at Douai (Nord). Pupil of Emile Breton. Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1879 ; 2d-class, 1882; Gold Medal, 1889 (Exposition-Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1891. YOUTH Page 158 DEMONT-BRETON, Madame Virginie E. ( France) Montgeron (Seine-et-Oise). Born at Courrieres (Pas de Calais). Pupil of her father, Jules Breton. Medals, Paris; 3d-class, 1881 ; 2d-class, 1883. Gold Medal, 1889 (Exposilion-Universelle). A YOUNG SAILOR'S TRAINING Page 19 DENMAN, Herbert (Bnitefc States) 38 West Fifty-seventh street, New York. Bom at BroDklyn, N. Y. Pupil of the Art Students' League, New York, and of Carolus Duran, Paris. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1886 ; Honorable Mention (Exposition- Universelle), 1889. Member of the Society of American Artists. THE TRIO .................. Page 270 DESSAR, Louis Paul (Uniteb States) 90 rue (TAssas, Paris. Born at Indianapolis, Indiana. Pupil of the National Academy, New York, and of W. A. Bouguereau and Tony Robert Fleury, Paris. 3d-class Medal, Paris, 1891. EVENING ................... Page 39 DE VRIENDT, A. (Selginm) 38 rue de Locht, Brussels. Born at Ghent. Medals : Expositions-Universelle, London and Vienna. CHARLES THE SIXTH .............. Page 342 DE VRIENDT, J. (Belgium). A POTTERY SHOP, CAIRO ............ Page 332 DICKSEE, Frank ((great Britain) So Peel street, Camden Hill, London. Born in London. Associate Member of the Royal Academy. THE REDEMPTION OF TANNHAI)SER ....... Page 51 DILLON, Julia (Hnite& States) 142 East Eighteenth street, New York. PEONIES ................... Page 326 DMITRIEV-ORENBURGSKY, N. ( A DROWNED MAN ............... Page 314 DU MOND, Frederick Melville^(ftnite& States) 93 Avenue Henri-Martin, Paris. Born at Rochester, New York. Pupil of Boulanger, Lefebvre, Doucet, Benjamin-Constant and Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. THE LEGEND OF THE DESERT ......... Page 98 DU MOND, Frank V. (ftniteb States) 939 Eighth Avenue, New York. Born at Rochester, New York. Pupil of Boulanger and of Lefebvre, Paris. 3d-class Medal, Salon, Paris, 1890. THE HOLY FAMILY ...... . ....... Page 258 CHRIST AND THE FISHERMEN .......... " 315 MONASTIC LIFE ..... . .......... " 317 362 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION DURST, Auguste (irratue) 51 Avenue de la Defense, Puteaux, Seine, Paris. Bom at Paris. Pupil of Hebert and of Bonnat. Medal, 2d-class, 1884; Silver Medal, 1889 (Exposition-Universelle). THE SIESTA Page 276 DUVERGER, Theophile E. (prance) Econen (Seine-et-Oise). Born at Bordeaux. Medals, Paris : 5d-class, 1861 ; Medal, 1865 ; Bronze Medal, 1889 ( Exposition-Universelle). INTEMPERANCE Page 147 ENNEKING, John J. (llnitefc States) //^ Tremont street, Bos- ton, Massachusetts. Born at Minster, Ohio. Pupil of Bonnat, Paris, and of the Bavarian Royal Academy, Munich. A SOUTH DUXBURY CLAM DIGGER Page 89 SALTING SHEEP " 190 OCTOBER TWILIGHT IN NEW ENGLAND " 183 ERELMAN, Otto ($0Uatt&). THE HORSE FAIR ROTTERDAM Page 33 FARASYN, Edgard (Belgium) 2 me Schul, Antwerp. * Medals : Sydney, 1879 ; Melbourne, 1880. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. EMIGRANTS EMBARKING AT ANTWERP Page 344 FISHER, H. ((great Britain) Elmfield, Herne Hill, England. A MIDDAY REST Page 319 FISHER, S. M. ((great Sritain) 575 Campo del Cristo S. Angela, Venice. A SUMMER NIGHT VENICE Page 213 FLETCHER, B. ((great Britain) Esmond, Old Park Road, Enfield, England. EVICTED Page 188 FRANCES Y PASCUAL, Placido (Spain) 18 Calle Atocha, Madrid. Born at Alcoy. 3d-class Medals, Spanish National Exhibitions of 1871 and 1890. FATHER'S ADVICE Page 333 FREER, Frederick W. (United States) Chicago. Born at Chicago, Illinois. Pupil of the Bavarian Royal Academy, Munich. Associate of the National Academy, New York. A LADY IN BLACK Page 329 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS 363 FRIESE, Richard ((germang) 5 W. Nettelbeck-strasse, Berlin. ON THE LAGOON Page 277 GALOFRE Y OLLER, F. (Spain) -3 Calle Paligros, Madrid. Born at Vals, Tarragona. Pupil of the Schools of Barcelona and Madrid. Honorable Men- tion at the Spanish National Exhibition of 1887 and at the Universal Exposition at Barcelona. PUNISHMENT BY THE LASH Page 210 GABRIEL, Paul Joseph Constantin (|)oUan&) 113 Kanaalweg, Scheveningen, Holland. Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. WINDMILL IN THE LOWLANDS Page 178 GAUGENGIGL, Ignatz Marcel (^nitefc States) Studio Build- ing, no Tremont street, Boston. Born in Passau, Bavaria. Pupil of the Bavarian Royal Academy, and of William Diez, Munich. THE HAT Page 330 GAY, Walter (ftnitcfc States) 73 rue Ampere, Paris. Born at Boston, Massachusetts. Pupil of Bonnat, Paris. Honorable Mention, Exposition at Nice, 1884; Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1885; 3d-class Medal, 1888; Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. LE PLAIN CHANT Page 27 MASS IN BRITTANY " 74 GILBERT, Rene (^France) <5 rue Aumont- Thieville, Paris. Bom at Paris. Pupil of A. Gilbert. Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1886 ; Bourse-de-voyage, 1888 ; 2d-class Medal, 1889 ; Gold Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. THE ROD Page 216 GILBERT, Victor Gabriel (France) 26 me Victor-Masse, Paris. P>orn at Paris. Pupil of Busson and of Adan. Medals, Paris: 2d-class, 1880; Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. A GOOD HAUL Page 197 GISELA, Josef (Austria) I Zeirdlhofcrgasse, Vienna. THE LOTTERY Page 203 GLAIZE, Auguste Barthelemy (france) pS rue dc Vaugirard, Paris. Born at Montpellier. Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1842 ; ad-class, 1844 ; ist-class, 1845 ; 2d-class, 1848 and 1855 (Exposition-Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1855. THE BLIND MAX AND THE PARALYTIC Page 114 364 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION GOLTZ, Alexander D. (Austria) 24 Starhemberggasse, Vienna. Born at Puspoek-Ladany, Hungary. CHRIST AND THE WOMEN Page 311 GOLYNSKI, Vassilli (KllSSia). MUSHROOM GATHERERS Page 346 GORGUET, Auguste Francois (JTrcUtce) 6 rueBoissonade, Paris. Born at Paris. Pupil of Boulanger, Gerome, Bonnat and Morot. Honorable Mention, 1889, at the Salon and at the Exposition-Universelle. CONTEMPLATION Page 255 GOTCH, T. C. (feat Britain) The Malt House, Newlyn, Penzance. MY CROWN AND SCEPTRE Page 242 GRAFLY, Charles (Unite* BtOtes). DAEDALUS Page 85 GREEN, C. (rettt Britain) 20 Shrewsbury road, Sheffield, England. THE PICKWICK CLUB Page 140 NELL AND HER GRANDFATHER " 281 (Old Curiosity Shop. DICKENS.) GUARDA-CASSI, G. (little). THE MAYOR'S WEDDING Page 82 GUERRA, Achille (Stole). CIOCARA WITH FLOWERS Page 84 THE FORTUNE TELLER " 24 GUIGNARD, Gaston (JTronce). Born at Bordeaux. Pupil of Humbert, Gervex and Ferry. Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1884 ; zd-class, 1887. Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. Legion of Honor, 1891. SCOUTS IN FLIGHT Page 298 GUILLEN-PEDEMONTE, H. (Spain) Alicante. Born at Alicante. Pupil of Casto Plasencia. THE LAST BREATH Page 198 GUILLOU, Alfred (^France) 161 Boulevard Montparnasse, Paris. Born at Concarreau (Finistere). Pupil of Cabanel and of Bouguereau. Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1877; 2d-class, 1881. Silver Medal, 1889 (Exposition-Universelle). THE LITTLE BROTHER Page 272 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS 365 GUTHERZ, Carl (liniteb States)^ rue St. Didier, Paris. Born in Switzerland, of American parents. Pupil of Cabassan, Pils, Boulanger and Le- febvre, Paris. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. THE ANGEL AT THE GRAVE .......... Page 67 GYSIS, Nikolas ((Steratttltg) Academy of Fine Arts, Munich. Born on the Island Tinos, of the Grecian Archipelago. Pupil of the Bavarian Royal Academy and of Karl Piloty, Munich. 3d-class Medal, Paris, 1878 (Exposition-Universelle); Bronze Medal, 1889 (Exposition-Universelle). CARNIVAL IN GREECE ............. Page 308 HACKER, Arthur (reat ^ti,lti.VL)Atherstone House, Fcllowes Road, N. W., London, England. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. CHRIST AND THE MAGDALEN .......... Page 247 HALL, Frederick ((S>reat Sritain) Newlyn, Penzance. A RESULT OF HIGH LIVING .......... Page 166 HARDIE, Robert Gordon (Enitefc States) 145 West Fifty -fifth street, New York. Born in Brattleboro, Vermont. Pupil of 1'Ecole des Beaux- Arts, of J. L. Gerome and of Alexandre Cabanel, Paris. PORTRAIT OF MRS. HARDIE ... ........ Page 335 HARE, St. George (ffltoot Britain). THE VICTORY OF FAITH ............ Page 101 HARTMANN, Karl (ermang) 10 Bluthen-strasse, Munich, Bavaria. CONTESTING THE OWNERSHIP OF THE APPLE OF CON- TENTMENT ................. Page 299 HASSAM, Childe (laniteb States) 95 Fifth Avenue, New York. Born at Boston, Massachusetts. Pupil of Boulanger and of Lefebvre, Paris. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. Member of the Society of American Artists and the American Water Color Society. THE DAY OF THE GRAND PRIX RACES ...... Page 294 HENKES, Gerke ($oUatl&) Voorburg, near The Hague. Honorable Mention, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. A DUTCH PEASANT .............. Page 73 THE KNITTING-SCHOOL .... ......... " 32 366 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION HENRY, Edward L. (Unitefc States) 37 West Fourteenth street, New York. Born at Charleston, South Carolina. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and of P. Weber, Philadelphia, and of Suisse and Courbet, Paris. Honorable Mention, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. Member of the National Academy of Design, New York. BEFORE THE DAYS OF RAPID TRANSIT Page 301 THE WEDDING DAY " 177 HENSELER, E. (ermatt2) 24 Nymphenburger-strasse, Munich. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. ON BOARD H. M. S. " DEUTSCHLAND " Page 194 HOELZEL, Adolf ((S^rttiattg) Dachau, near Munich, Bavaria. LIGHT Page 116 HOLMAN, Frank S. (United States). MELODY Page 22 HOWE, William Henry (United States) AT rue Mont-Dore, Paris. Born at Ravenna, Ohio. Pupil of de Thoren and Vuillefroy. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1886; 3d-class Medal, 1888; Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. NORMAN BULL Page 50 HOWLAND, Alfred C. (United States) 52 East Twenty-third street, New York. Born at Walpole, New Hampshire. Pupil of the Dusseldorf Academy, and Flamm, Dus- seldorf, and of Lambinet, Paris. Member of the National Academy of Design, New York. FOURTH OF JULY PARADE Page 312 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS 367 ISRAELS, Josef (ij)oUcin&) 2, Koniginnegracht, The Hague. Born at The Hague. Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1867 (Exposition-Universelle) ; ist-class, 1878 (Exposition-Universelle). Legion of Honor, France, 1867; Officer of the Legion, 1878. ALONE IN THE WORLD Page 36 JIMENEZ-ARANDA, Jose (Spain) 31 Boulevard de Port- Royal, Paris. Born at Seville. Pupil of the School of Fine Arts of Seville and of Eduardo Cano. 3d-class Medal, Paris, 1882 ; Gold Medals, Salon, 1889, and Exposition-Universelle, 1889. WHO WILL BE CHEATED Page 259 JIMENEZ-ARANDA, Luis (Spain) Paris. Born at Seville. Pupil of Eduardo Cano. 3d-class Medal, Salon, Paris, 1887 ; 2d-class Medal, Munich; Medal of Honor, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889; Diploma of Honor, Berlin, 1891. OLD CLOTHES MARKET AT THE TEMPLE, PARIS . . Page 256 THE LOVERS " 273 JOLYET, Philippe (Jrcuue) 6 rue Gambetta, Bayonne. Born at Pierre (Seine-et-Loire). Pupil of Leon Cogniet. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1885 ; Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. MIGNON Page 21 KATE, J. M. Ten (4j0Ucm&). ON THE ZUYDER ZEE ISLE OF MARKEN Page 189 KAULBACH, Hermann ((S>rmang) 33 Kaulbach-strasse, Munich. Born at Munich. Pupil of Piloty. Medal, Vienna, 1873. Honorary Member of the Munich Academy. "ONCE UPON A TIME" Page 206 KENNINGTON, T. B. (feat Britain) 8 Victoria Grove, Ful- ham Road, London, England. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. THE CURSE OF THE FAMILY Page 130 KEVER, Jacob Simon Hendrik ($0Uon&) 448 Park-straat, Amsterdam. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. A GREEDY GIRL Page 218 KILBURNE, G. G. (reut Britain) Hawkhurst House, Steeds Road, Haverstock Hill, London, England. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR MAN AND BEAST . . . Page 250 368 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION KING, Yeend ((great Britain) 36 Marlborough Hill, N. IV., London, England. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. A GRAY DAY IN JULY ............. Page 240 KIWCHENKO, Alexis (ftttSSifl) J5 rue Victor-Masse, Paris. Born in Russia. Pupil of the Academy of St. Petersburg. SORTING FEATHERS .............. Page 161 AT THE CRATERS OF LENDJI, NEAR JERUSALEM . . " 142 KLINKENBERG, Karel ($0U(in&) 26 Stationsweg, The Hague, Holland. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. CANAL AT AMSTERDAM SUNSET ......... Page 307 KNIGHT, Joseph Buxton ((feat Sritaitt) 121 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, London. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. HADLEY CHURCH, NEAR BARNET ........ Page 86 KONIG, Hugo ((BJernWttS) 73 Gabelsberger-strasse, Munich. ON THE WAY HOME ............. Page 193 KORZOUKHINE, Alexis (ftnssia) SA Petersburg. MARRIAGE EVE AT THE HOME OF THE BRIDE . . . Page 267 KOWALEWSKI, Paul (HttSSia) St. Petersburg. Born in Russia. 2d-class Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1878. EXCAVATIONS IN ROME ............. Page 151 KRABL, KARL ((Germans). RAFTING ON THE ISAR ....... ..... Page 295 KOUZNETZOFF, N. (UttSSifl) Odessa. THE ARBITER OF PEACE ............ Page 309 IN THE GARDEN ............... " 125 LANGLEY, Walter (reat Sritaitt) Holbein House, Alexan- der Road, Penzance. Gold Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. DISASTER ................... Page 230 DEPARTURE OF THE FLEET ........... " 146 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS 369 LA TOUCHE, Gaston (jrroncc) 15 rue du Calvaire, Paris. Born at St. Cloud (Seine-aad-Oise). Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1884 ; zd-class, 1888. MINERS ON STRIKE .............. Page 41 LAUPHEIMER, Anton (ertnann) 2<5 Findhng-strasse, Mu- nich, Bavaria. SAINT LUKE ....... . ......... Page 321 LEHM ANN, Rudolf ((great Britain) 28 Aberccrn Place, N. W., London, England. Born at Ottensen, near Altona, Prussia. Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1843 : ad-class, 1845 and 1848. UNDINE ................... Page 229 LEISTIKOW, Walter ((germ attg) 82 Liitzow-strasse, Berlin. THE BRICKYARD ............... Page 48 DUSK .................... " 221 LELOIR, Maurice (prance) 21 Avenue Gourgand, Paris. Born at Lille. Pupil of his father and of his brother. 3d-class Medal, Salon, Paris, 1878. PROTESTANT FUGITIVES REVOCATION OF THE EDICT OF NANTES, 1685 ............. Page 284 LEMAIRE, Madame Madeleine (France) 31 rue de Monccau. Born at Sainte-Rossoline (Var.). Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1877. THE FALL OF THE LEAVES ........... Page 75 LEROY, Paul Alexandre Alfred (.france) 3 rue Bara, Paris. Born at Paris. Pupil of Alexandre Cabanel. Medal, 3d-class, i8?2; Bourse-de-voyage, 1882; Prix du Salon, 1884; Medal, 2d-class, 1888. CHRIST HEALING THE BLIND . ......... Page 202 LILJEFORS, Bruno ( Born at Upsala, Sweden. Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm. Silver Medal, Expo:ition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. BIRD-SHOOTING ................ Page 211 LOGSDAIL, W. ((great Britaiu) 4 Primrose Hill Studios, N. W., London, England. THE NINTH OF NOVEMBER (LORD MAYOR'S DAY) . Page 287 FLOWER GATHERING IN THE SOUTH OF FRANCE . . " 155 LUCAS, Mrs. S. ((great Britain) New Place, WestHampstead, N. W., London, England. HENRY VI ................... Page 173 370 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION LUMINAIS, Evariste Vital (France) 23 rue de la Faisanderie , Paris. Born at Nantes. Pupil of Cogniet and Troyon. Medals, Paris: 3d-c!ass, 1852 and 1855 (Exposition-Universelle); Gold Medal, 1889 (Exposition-Universelle). Legion of Honor, 18(19. THE END OF A ROMANCE Page 90 McILHENNY, C. M. (ftnitefc Q totes) 896 Broadway, New York. Born at Philadelphia. Member of the American Water Color Society. ON THE BEACH Page 196 MAC EWEN, Walter (United 0tate0) n Place Pigalle, Paris. Born at Chicago, Illinois. Pupil of Cormon, Paris. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1886 ; Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. THE ABSENT ONE; ALL SOULS' DAY Page 201 MAIGNAN, Albert (prance) i rue la Briiyere, Paris. Born at Beaumont (Sarthe). Pupil of Luminais. Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1874; ad-class, 1876 ; ist-class, 1879. Legion of Honor, 1883. DEATH OF WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR ...... Page 160 THE CHAMBER OF THE SIREN " 254 BIRTH OF THE PEARL " 248 MAKOVSKY, VLADIMIR ($\\m\ti) Academy of Fine Arts, Moscow. THE Moscow RAG-FAIR Page 269 MARAIS, Adolphe Charles (.franco) Honfleur, Calvados. Born at Honfleur, Calvados. Pupil of Berchere and of Busson. Medals, Paris : sd-class, 1880; 2d-class, 1883; Bronze Medal, Exposition, Paris, 1889. THE RETURN Page 195 MARTS, Jacob (fjollcmfc) 82 Laan van Meerdervoort, The Ifague, Holland. Bom at the Hague. Pupil of The Hague Academy, Strobel and Hebertus Van Hove, cf The Hague ; of De Keyser and Van Lerias, Antwerp, and of Hebert, Paris. Honorable Men- tion, Salon, Paris, 1884 ; Gold Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. THE Two MILLS Page 187 DORDRECHT SUNLIGHT EFFECT " 262 MARR, Carl (Hniteb States) 13 Kaulbach-strasse, Munich, Bavaria. Born at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Pupil of his father and of the Bavarian Royal Acndemy, Munich. Gold Medal, Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1886. THE FLAGELLANTS Page 347 A SUMMER AFTERNOON " 303 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS 371 MARTENS, Willy ($0llanO)J7 van Spykstraat, The Hague. Born at Java of Hollandish parents. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1886. Member of the International Jury, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. Legion of Honor, 1889. Member of the French Societe Nationale des Beaux-Arts. AT THE WELL Page 117 MAUVE, Anton ($0Uono) (r*at JJritailt) 2 Palace Gate, South Kensington, London, England. Born at Southampton, England. Pupil of the Royal Academy. One of the Founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Elected A.R. A., 1884 ; R.A., 1863. Created a baronet, 1885. zd-class Medal, Paris, 1855. Medal of Honor, 1878. Legion of Honor, France, 1878. Member 372 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION of the Institute of France, 1883. Member of the Academies of Edinburgh, Antwerp, Madrid and Rome. THE ORNITHOLOGIST Page 220 MOREAU-DE-TOURS, Georges (irroncc) J-r rue Claude Ber- nard, Paris. Born at Ivry (Seine). Pupil of Cabanel and of Marquerie. Medals, 1864, 1865 and 1869; 2d-class Meda., 1878 (Exposition-Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1875 ; Officer of the Legion, 1883. Member of the Institute of France, 1889. CARNOT AT WATTIGNIES Page 169 MORENO-CARBONERO, Jose (Spain). Born at Malaga. Pupil of Bernardo Ferrandez. ist-class Medals in the Spanish National Exhibitions of iSSi and 1884. Gold Medals in Exhibitions at Munich, Vienna and Rome. Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. Grand Gold Medal at Budapesth, 1890. Diploma of Honor, Berlin, 1891. "GET UP, DONKEY!" Page 286 (From " El Sombrero de tres picos," by DON PEDRO A. ALARCON.) MORERA Y GALICIA, Jaime (Spain) 6j Calle Atocha, Madrid. Pupil of Carlos de Haes. Awarded two 2d-class Medals at Spanish National Exhibitions. THE COAST OF NORMANDY Page 350 MORRIS, Philip Richard (rent Britain) 33 St. Johifs Wood Road, London. Born at Devonport, England. Pupil of the Royal Academy Schools and of Holman Hunt. As a student, was awarded Gold Medal and traveling studentship fund. Elected A.R.A., 1887. Medal, 2d-class, Antwerp Exhibition, 1885. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. FETE DIEU DIEPPE, NORMANDY Page 199 MUENIER, Jules Alexis (prance). Bom at Vesoul. Medal, 3d-class, 1887 ; Bourse-du-yoyage, 1887. THE SUNSHINE OF LIFE Page 157 WOMEN OF ALGERIA " 123 MULLER, Leopold (Austria) 3 Schiller-platz, Vienna. Born at Dresden. Pupil of Carl Blaas and Christian Ruben, ist-class Medal, Munich, 1883. Professor in the Vienna Academy. MARKET DAY CAIRO Page 302 MULLER, Peter Paul (CScmtattg) 70 Linprunn-strasse, Munich. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. A FOREST OF BEECH TREES Page 132 MUNSCH, Josef ((Senmwg) 26 Findling-strassc, Munich. Born at Linz, Upper Austria. Pupil of the Munich Academy, under Philipp Foltz. THE CONFERENCE Page TII INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS 373 NETTLETON, Walter (Unite* States) Paris. Born at New Haven, Connecticut. Pupil of Boulanger and of Lefebvre. NOVEMBER SUNSHINE .............. Page 35 NEUHUYS, Albert (f)oUan&)^//, Belgium. Born at Utrecht. Pupil of G. Craevanger and of the Antwerp Academy. Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. MOTHER'S DELIGHT .............. Page 170 A SOBER MEAL ................ " 52 DUTCH WOMAN AND CHILD .......... " 174 NICHOLS, Rhoda Holmes (United States) 229 East Twentieth street, New York. Born at Coventry, England. Studied in the Bloomsbury School of Art, London, and re- ceived the Queen's Scholarship. Member of the Cercolo Artistico, and the Societa degli Aquarellist!, Rome. Medal, Boston, 1883. THE SCARLET LETTER ............. Page 181 NORTON, W. E. ((great Sritain) 21 Camden Road, N. W., London. A MOMENT'S REST .............. Page 179 RETURN OF THE HERRING FLEET ........ " 200 NOURSE, Elizabeth (United States) 72 rue Notre-Dame-des- Champs, Paris. Born at Cincinnati, Ohio. GOOD FRIDAY ................. Page 70 THE FAMILY MEAL .............. " 49 NUKKEN, W. C. FARMHOUSE IN LIMBERG ............ Page 102 NOZAL, Alexandre (4Trance) 7 Quai de Passy, Paris. Born at Paris. Pupil of Luminais. Medals, Paris : 3d-class, 1882 ; 2d-class, 1883 ; Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. BAY OF SAN MICHEL ............. Page 56 OFFERMANS, Tony (^oilcmfc) 27 Alexanderplein, The Hague. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. THE VILLAGE CARPENTER ........... Page 231 OSBORNE, W. ((great Sritain) 5 Castlewood Avenue, Dublin. THE FERRY .................. Page 292 PALMER, Walter L. (Unitefc States) 5 Lafayette street, Al- bany, New York. Bom at Albany, New York. Pupil of F. E. Church, New York, and of Carolus Duran, 374 WOXLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION Paris. Awarded second Hallgarten Prize, National Academy, New York, 1887. Member of the Society of American Artists. Associate of the National Academy, New York. EARLY SNOW ............ ..... Page 191 PARIS, Camille (France) 1 6 rue de Vintimille, Paris. Born at Paris. Pupil of Ary Scheffer and of Picot. Medals, Paris: 3d-class, 1874; 2d-class, 1889. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. OLD GATE OP THE TIBER AT ROME ....... Page 176 PARSONS, Orrin Sheldon (&ttit& State) 249 West fourteenth street, New York. A LAWN-TENNIS PARTY ............ Page 185 PASTERNAC, L. (Hs0ia). RETURNING HOME ............... Page 228 PAULI, Georg. (Sroe&Ctt) II, Fjellgatan, Stockholm. Bom at Stockholm. Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1884. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. A MIDSUMMER NIGHT ............. Page 65 PEARCE, Charles Sprague (JUtliteft States) Anvcrs-sur Oise (Seine-et-Oise), France. Born at Boston, Massachusetts. Pupil of Bonnat, Paris. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1881 ; 3d-class Medal, 1883. Member of the International Jury, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. THE ANNUNCIATION .............. Page 204 THE SHEPHERDESS .......... ..... " 129 MADAM P - ................ " 113 FUNERAL IN PICARDY ............. " 37 A PORTRAIT ................. " 67 PELEVIN, T. A. (UllSSia). THE FIRST BORN ............... Page 175 PENA-MUNOZ, Maximo (Spaitl> J^ Callc Hortaleza, Madrid. Born at Cuenca. Pupil of Casto Plasencia. 3d-class Medal, Spanish National Exhibition, 1887. MIDDAY LUNCH ................ Page 222 PENFOLD, Frank C. (JSniteb States) Paris, France. Born at Lockport, New York. THE HERRING SEASON ............. Page 138 PENNACCHINI, Domenico (Jtalg) Rome. Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. CRAZY .................... Page 148 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS 375 PERUGINI, Charles Edward ((great Britain) 141 Warwick street, Eccleston Square, London, England. Born in Italy. A SUMMER SHOWER Page 122 PETITJEAN, Edmond (.frame) 3 rue Alfred Stevens. Born at Neufchateau (Vosges). Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1881 ; 3d-class Medal, 1884; 2d-class Medal, 1885. Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. Legion of Honor, 1892. A COUNTRY VILLA Page 58 PHRENZ Rudolph (BnSBio). AT AN INN Page 135 PRINSEP, Valentine Cameron ((great Sritaitt) i Holland Park Road, London, England. Born in India. Studied in England. Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, 1889. THE BROKEN IDOL Page 209 QUIGNON, Fernand Just (JTrance) 83 Boulevard Richard Lenoir, Paris. 3d-class Medal, Salon, Paris, 1888; Bronze Medal, 1889 (Exposition Universelle) ; 2d-class Medal, 1891. WHEAT SHEAVES Page 96 RAFFAELLI, Jean Francois (^Trance) 19 rue de la Bibliotheque Asnieres. Born at Paris. Honorable Mention, 1885. Legion of Honor, 1889. Gold Medal, Expo- sition Universelle, 1889. THE GRANDFATHER Page 119 REALIER-DUMAS, Maurice (^France) 57 rue Saint Lazare. Born at Paris. Pupil of J L. Gerome. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1886. Honor- able Mention, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. LUNCH ON THE GRASS Page 92 REID, John R. ((great Sritain) 62 Park Road, Haverstock Hill, London. England. Medal, Jubilee Exhibition, Berlin, 1886. Gold Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. THE YARN Page 127 RICHEMONT, Alfred Paul Marie de (frame) 27 rue Bayen, Paris. Born at Paris. Pupil of Bin and of Alfred Maignan. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1884. 3d-class Medal, 1886; Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889 ; ist-class Medal, 1890. SACRIFICE Page 253 376 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION RIQUER, Alejandro (Spain) Barcelona. Born at Barcelona. THE DIVINE SHEPHERDESS ........... Page 244 ROELOFS, Willem (^oilcmfc) 20 Rijnstraat, The Hague. Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. MILLS NEAR ROTTERDAM ............ Page 341 PASTURE NEAR THE DUNES ........... " 327 ROSSET-GRANGER, Edouard (prance) 5 rue Martin, Paris. Born at Vincennes (Seine). Pupil of Dubufe, Mazarolle and Cabanel. Bourse-de-voyage, 1881.; 3d-class Medal, Salon, Paris, 1884; Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. YOUNG GIRL CHASING A BUTTERFLY ....... Page 282 ROZIER, Dominique (jrrcmce) 34 Boulevard de Clichy, Paris. Pupil of Vollon. 3d-class Medal, Salon, Paris, 1876 ; 2d-class Medal, 1880; Bronze Medal, 1889 (Exposition-Universelle). FISHMONGERS, DIEPPE ............. Page 29 RUSS, Robt. (Austria) -3 Miinzgasse, Vienna. EARLY SPRING ................. Page 275 SAGORSKI, Nicholas HEART-BROKEN ................ Page 328 AT BREAKFAST ................ " 131 SAINTIN, Jules Emile (^France) 56 rue du Rocker, Paris. Born at Lenie (Aisne). Pupil of Drolling, of Picot and of Laboucher. Medals, Paris, 1866 and 1870. Legion of Honor, 1887. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. REVERIE ................... Page 112 SANT, James (Q5reat Sritditt) 43 Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, London, England. Born at London. Pupil of John Varley and of the Royal Academy. Elected Associate of the Royal Academy, 1861 ; Royal Academician, 1871. In 1872, appointed Principal Painter In Ordinary to the Queen. Bronze Medal, Exposition-UniverselJe, 1889. OLIVER TWIST WALKS TO LONDON ....... Page 349 SANTORO, Rubens (Stain) 15 Corso Umberto, Naples. NAPLES ................... Page 134 SCHMID, Julius (QlttStria) 20 Heugasse, Vienna. SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN TO COME UNTO ME . . Page 297 SCHNARS-ALQUIST, H. ((Scrmcms) 82 Liltzow-strasse, Berlin. Art Commissioner for Germany at the World's Columbian Exposition. GOING FREELY ................ Page 182 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS 377 SCHUBZENHEIM, Ida von (Sroefcen) i rue du Bac, Paris. Born at Stockholm. Pupil of the School of Fine Arts of Stockholm, and of Lefebvre and Julien Dupre, Paris. Honorable Mention, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. GREYHOUNDS ................. Page 59 SCHWARTZE, Therese (fjoUcmfc) 1091 Prinzengracht, Am- sterdam. Born at Amsterdam. Pupil of her father. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1884. 3d-class Medal, 1689. Silver Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1889. ORPHAN GIRLS AT AMSTERDAM ......... Page 214 SENAT, Prosper L. (Unitei States) 1520 Chestnut street, Phil- adelphia, Pennsylvania. Born at Germantown, Pennsylvania. Pupil of Edward Hampden, London, and of 1'Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. ON THE NILE AT BENI HASSEN ......... Page 57 GULF OF AJACCIO, CORSICA ........... " 153 SENECHAL-DE-HERDREVET, G. E. (France). RETURN FROM THE OYSTER BEDS AFTER A STORM AT CANCALE ................. Page 296 SEWELL, Amanda Brewster (United 0tatC0) Tangiers, Africa. Born at New York. Studied in the Julian School, Paris. Awarded the Dodge Prize at the National Academy Exhibition of 1888. PLEASURES OF THE PAST ............ Page 159 SYLVAN FESTIVAL ............... " 163 MOTHER AND SON ............... " 168 BY THE RIVER ................ " 208 SEWELL, R. V. V. (United States) Tangiers, Africa. Born at New York. Pupil of the Julian School, Paris. SEA URCHINS ................. Page 293 SHIELDS, Thomas W. (United States) New York. Born at St. John's, New Brunswick. Pupil of the National Academy of Design, New York, of 1'Ecole des Beaux Arts and of M. de Munkacsy, Paris. CAVALIER PERIOD OF Louis XIII ......... Page 145 SIEMIRADSKI, H. H. ( Medal of Honor, Paris, 1878 (Exposition-Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1878. CHRIST AT THE HOUSE OF MARY AND MARTHA . . Page 150 SIMONI, Gustavo ($\vk) Honorable Mention, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. SALE OF A SLAVE ............... Page 26 378 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION SINIBALDI, Paul Jean Raphael (France) 49 -Boulevard Mont- parnasse, Paris. Born at Paris. Pupil of Alexandra Cabanel and of Alfred Stevens. Honorable Mention, Salon, 1886. Bourse-du-voyage, 1888. Bronze Medal, 1887; Exposition Universelle, 1889. THE DAUGHTER OF THE RAJAHS ........ Page 71 SMITH, C. A. ((great Britain) 72 Park Road, Haverstock Hill, London, England. "WOMAN IN YOUR HOURS OF EASE" ...... Page 263 SNICK, j. Van (Belgium). LACE MAKERS ................ Page 351 SPRING, Alfons ((BtertttangJ 24 Nymphenburger-strasse, Mu- nich. Honorable Mention, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. THE FISHERMAN'S HOME ............ Page 223 STETTEN, Carl von ((germane). Born at Augsburg. Pupil of Lefebvre, Boulanger, Courtois and Dagnan-Bouveret. 3d-class Medal, 1884; Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. ITALIANS IN PARIS ............... Page 246 STEWART, Jules L. (Bniteb States) 36 rue Copernic, Paris. Born at Philadelphia. Pupil of Zamacois, of Gerome and of Madrazo. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1885. 3d-class Medal, 1890. YACHTING .................. Page 285 BAPTISM ................... " 31 VENICE ..... ............. " 30 THE HUNT BALL ............... " 224 STROOBANT, F. (Belgium) 20 rue Van Aa, Brussels. Born at Brussels. Pupil of Wauters. Medals : Brussels, 1854 ; London, 1861 ; Vienna, 1873- THE OLD CANAL, BRUGES ........... Page 337 TARBELL, Edmund C. (Unitefc States)^ Albany street, Dorchester, Massachusetts. Born at West Groton, Massachusetts. Pupil of Boulanger and of Lefebvre. IN THE ORCHARD ............... Page 338 GIRL WITH HORSE ............... " 323 TAYLER, A. Chevalier (wot Britain) Newlyn, Penzance. THE PEDDLER ..... ........... Page 167 TEMPLE, Hans (Austria) Belvederegasse, Vienna. PORTRAIT OF W. UNGER ............ Page 66 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS 379 THOMAS, S. Seymour (Bnitefc States) 6 rue de I'Arrivee, Paris. Born in Texas. Pupil of Benjamin-Constant, of Lefebvre and of Doucet. AN INNOCENT VICTIM ............. Page 38 THOREN. Otto von (Austria) Born at Vienna. Studied in Brussels and Paris. Medals : Paris, 1865 ; Munich, 1869 ; Vienna, 1882. Member of the Order of Francis Joseph and the Russian Order of Vladimir. IN THE VICINITY OF THE WOLF ......... Page 219 TIFFANY, Louis C. (United States) 7 East Seventy-second street, New York. Pupil of George Inness and of Samuel Colman, New York, and of Leon Belly, Paris. Member of the National Academy and of the Society of American Artists, New York. MARKET AT NUREMBERG ............ Page 348 TAMING THE FLAMINGO ............ " 115 TIRATELLI, Aurelio Otalg) 33 via Margutta, Rome. COUNTRY LIFE ROMAN APENNINES ....... Page 25 TITCOMB, William Holt Yates ((great Britain) Ockham House, Culver den Road, London, England. Bom at Cambridge, England. Pupil of Eoulanger, of Lefebvre and of Cormon, Paris. 3d-class Medal, Salon, Paris, 1890. PRIMITIVE METHODISTS AT ST. IVES, CORNWALL . . Page 76 TOMMASI, Publio de (Stain). GAME OF CHESS IN THE VATICAN ....... Page 121 TOPHAM, Francis w. w. ((great Britain). Born in London. Pupil of his father, Francis W. Topham, and of the Royal Academy. Member of the British Society of Water-color Painters. RECRUITING FOR SAVONAROLA .......... Page 288 TOUDOUZE, Edouard (prance) 21 Boulevard des Batig- nolles, Paris. Born at Paris. Pupil of Pils and of Leloir. Prix de Rome, 1871. 3d-class Medal, Salon, Paris, 1876; 2d-class Medal, 1877; Silver Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. Legion of Honor, 1892. THE CRADLE ................. Page 64 TRUPHEME, Auguste (Jrratue) 23 rue de Sevres, Paris. Born at Aix (Bouches-du-Rhone). Pupil of Flandrin, of Cornu, of Henner and of Bougue- reau. 3d-class Medal, Salon, Paris, 1884; 2d-class, 1888; Bronze Medal, 1889 (Exposition- Universelle). SINGING LESSON IN A COMMON SCHOOL IN PARIS . . Page 141 380 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION TSCHAGGENY, Charles Philogene (JJdjfom) / rue de I' Abondance, Brussels. Bom at Brussels. Pupil of Eugene Verboeckhoven. Medals : Brussels, 1842 and (Gold Medal), 1845 ; Oporto, 1856; Vienna, 1873 ; Philadelphia, 1876. Officer of the Order of Leopold, i875- HORSE-FAIR AT TONGRES ............ Page 345 TUKE, Henry Scott ((great Sritam) Linden Lodge, Hanwell, London. Born at York, England. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1891. SAILORS PLAYING CARDS ............ Page 109 TVOROJUIKOF, J. J. (Hussio). GRANDMOTHER AND GRAND-DAUGHTER ...... Page 69 TVOROZHNIKOV, Ivan (Unssitt). A LAY BROTHER; IMAGE-SELLER ........ Page 17 TYTGADT, Louis ($t\yWKi) Brussels. Born at Lovendegem, Belgium. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1886. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. A LESSON IN EMBROIDERY ........... Page 334 UHDE, Friedrich Hermann Karl von (crtttflttn) 75 Tkeresien- strasse, Munich. Born at Walkenburg, Saxony. Pupil of M. de Munkacsy, in Paris. 3d-class Medal, Salon, Paris, 1885. Grand Prix, 1889 (Exposition-Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1891. Asso- ciate of the French Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts. THE ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE SHEPHERDS .... Page 245 ULRICH, Charles F. (United Pupil of the National Academy of Design, New York, and of Loefftz and Lindenschmidt, in Munich. Awarded the Clarke Prize, National Academy of Design, New York, 1884; a $2500 cash prize in a prize-fund exhibition held in New York, 1886 ; Bronze Medal, Exposition- Universelle, Paris, 1889. Member of the Society of American Artists, and Associate of the National Academy, New York. ITALIAN IDYL ................. Page 212 VAIL, Eugene (United States) 27 bis rue Baycn. Paris. Born at St. Malo, of American parents. Pupil of the Art Students' League, New York, of 1'Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and of Cabanel, Collin and Dagnan-Bouveret, Paris. 3d-class Medal, Salon, Paris, 1888; Gold Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. MARINE ................... Page 18 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS 381 VALKENBURG, Hendrik (fjoUanfr) 432 Parkstraat, Am- sterdam. Honorable Mention, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. "WiLL You GIVE ME A FLOWER?" ....... Page 336 VAN DER WEELE, Herman Jan (f}oUon&) ; 5 Konigen Emma Kade, The Hague. Honorable Mention, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. PLOUGHING, SPRING . . ............ Page 152 VELTEN, Wilhelm (Ocrmann) 18 Schiuanthaler-strasse, Mu- nich. THE OUTPOSTS ................ Page 45 VE'RHAS, Jan (JJdcjinm) 21 Rue Scutin, Brussels. Born at Termond. Medals : 2d-class, 1881 ; Gold Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889 Order of Leopold, 1879 ; Legion of Honor, France, 1881. THE WATERING-PLACE MARTYRS ......... Page 343 VERVEER, Elchanon (fjollcmfc) -52 Zeestraat, The Hague. Born at The Hague. Pupil of his brother, Salomon L. Verveer. AWAITING THE RETURN OF THE BOATS ..... Page 46 VILLEGAS-BRIEVA, Manuel -(Spain) Calle Cabeza, Madrid. Born at Lereda. Pupil of Francisco Pradilla. REMEMBRANCES ................ Page 72 VINTON, Frederick P. (ttttitefc States) 247 Newbury street, Boston. Born at Bangor, Maine. Pupil of William M. Hunt, Boston ; of Bonnat, Paris ; of Duve- neck, Dietz and Wagner, Munich, and, later, of Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. Member of the National Academy, and of the Society of American artists, New York. Honorable Mention, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. PORTRAIT ................... Page 320 VOLZ, Wilhelm (l&vc&WKg) Munich. MARIA .................... Page 241 VROLIJK, Jan (^ollctnb) 103 Noordeinde, The Hague, Holland. Cow RESTING ................. Page 156 VUILLEFROY, Felix Dominique (JrratUC) 3 rue Andrieux, Paris. Born at Paris. Pupil of Hebert and of Bonnat. Medals, Paris : 1870 ; 2d-class, 1875 ; Gold Medal, 1889 (Exposition-Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1880. AN INN IN OLD COTILLE ............ Page 5 4 382 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION WAHLBERG, Alfred (Sroe&ett) 7J7 rue de Rome, Paris. Bom at Stockholm. Pupil of the School of Fine Arts at Stockholm. Medal, Salon, j 1870; ad-class Medal, 1872. Legion of Honor, 1874. ist-class Medal, 1878 (E-positi Universelle). Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. NIGHT ON THE SWEDISH COAST Page o WALKER, F. S. ((great Britain) / England's Lane, Haver- stock Hill, London, England. THE CONVENT GARDEN Page 260 WALKER, Henry Oliver (Httitcfc States) 253 West Forty- second street, New York. Born in Boston. Pupil of Bonnat, Paris. Member of the Society of American Artists. THE GIFT-BEARER Page 227 WALLER, Samuel Edmund ((great Critain) 12 Ginlless Road, West Kensington, London, England. Bom at Gloucester, England. Pupil of the Gloucester School of Art and of the Royal Academy. THE EMPTY SADDLE Page 234 WALTON, Frank ((great Britain) Holmbury, St. Mary, Dork- ing, England. WRECK OF THE SPANISH ARMADA Page 107 WARD, Mrs. E. M. ((great Sritain) 3 Chester House, Chester Square, S. W., London, England. (Wife of James Ward, R.A.) MRS. FRY VISITING NEWGATE Page 62 WATTS, George Frederick ((great Sritaitt) Little Holland House, Kensington, London. Born at London. Pupil of the Royal Academy. Awarded prize of .300 in competition for the decoration of the Houses of Parliament (1842) and a prize of .500 for a cartoon in 1847. Elected A. R.A., 1867; R.A., 1868. Medals: ist-class, Paris, 1878 (Exposition-Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1878. ist-class Medal, Antwerp, 1885. LOVE AND LIFE Page 322 WEEKS, Edward Lord (Jlniteb States) 128 Avenue de Wagram. Bom at Boston, Massachusetts. Pupil of 1'Ecole des Beaux-Arts, of Bonnat and of Gerome. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1884; 3d-class Medal, 1889; Gold Medal, 1889 (Exposition- Universelle). THE GANGES Page 154 THREE BEGGARS OF CORDOVA . " 108 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS 383 "EGUELIN, J. R. ((great Sritain) 3 Stratford Avenue, Ken- sington, London. Born in England. THE MAIDENS' RACE Page 128 WETHERBEE, George ((great Sritain) 37 Steel's Road, Haverstock Hill, London, England. GLAD SPRING Page 95 WILES, Irving R. (United States) 106 West Fifty-fifth street, New York. Born at Utica, New York. Pupil of his father, Lemuel L. Wiles, and of the Art Students' League, New York ; later, of Lefebvre and Carolus Duran, Paris. Awarded the Third Hall- garten Prize of the National Academy, iSS6. Member of the Society of American Artists and the American Water Color Society. Associate of the National Academy. SONATA Page 235 ZORN, Anders L. (Stoe&Ctt) n rue Daubigny, Paris. Born at Mora, Sweden. Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts at Stockholm. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1888 ; 3d-class Medal, 1889 ; Gold Medal, Exposition-Universelle, 1889. Legion of Honor, France, 1889. Commissioner of Fine Arts for Sweden at the World's Colum- bian Exposition. OMNIBUS Page 331 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. fltC' - APR 1JM - REC'O Ql OCT171994 01995 A 000 677 126