[. I fix Libris C. K. OGDEN ! It, ." MICROCOSMOGRAPHY ; Oil $iece of tfte 2Horto Dtecofcerea ESSAYS AND CHARACTERS. BY JOHN EARLE, D. D. OF CHRIST-CHURCH AND MERTON COLLEGES, OXFORD, AND BISHOP OF SALISBURY. A NEW EDITION. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, NOTES AND AN APPENDIX, BY PHILIP BLISS, FELLOW OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, OXFORD. LONDON: PRINTED FOR JOHN HARDING, ST. JAMES's-STREET ; AND WHITE AND COCHRANE, FLEET-STREET. 1811. rxaav . te)j% J > nu on-ji.- -fl* j^rii -il Annex ADVERTISEMENT. THE present edition of Bishop Earle's Cha. racters was undertaken from an idea that they were well worthy of republication, and that the present period, when the productions of our early English writers are sought after with an avidity hitherto un- exampled, would be the most favourable for their appearance. The text has been taken from the edition of 1732, collated with the first impression in 1 628. The va- riations from the latter are thus distinguished : those words or passages which have been added since the first edition are contained between brackets, [and printed in the common type] ; those which have received some alteration, are printed in italic, and the passages, as they stand in the first edition, are always given in a note. VI For the Notes, Appendix, and Index, the editor is entirely answerable, and although he is fully aware that many superfluities will be censured, many omissions discovered, and many errors pointed out, he hopes that the merits of the original author will, in a great measure, compensate for the false judgment or neglect of his reviver. January 30, 1811. Vll THE PREFACE [TO THE EDITION OF 1732*.] THIS little book had six editions between 1628 and 1633, without any author's name to recommend it : I have heard of an eighth in 1664. From that of 33 this present edition is reprinted, without altering any thing but the plain errors of the press, and the old pointing and spelling in some places. The language is generally easy, and proves our En- glish tongue no. to be so very changeable as is com- monly supposed; nay, sometimes the phrase seems a little obscure, more by the mistakes of the printer than the distance of time. Here and there we meet with a broad expression, and some characters are far below others ; nor is it to be expected that so great a variety of portraits should all be drawn with equal excellence, though there are scarce any without some masterly touches. The change of fashions unavoidably casts a * London; Printed by E, Say, Anno Domini M.IKX.X \xu via shade upon a few places, yet even those contain an ex- act picture of the age wherein they were written, as the rest does of mankind in general : for reflections founded upon nature will be just in the main, as long as men are men, though the particular instances of vice and folly may be diversified. Paul's Walk is now no more, but then good company adjourn to coffee-houses, and, at the reasonable fine of two or three pence, throw away as much of their precious time as they find troublesome. Perhaps these valuable essays may be as acceptable to the public now as they were at first ; both for the enter- tainment of those who are already experienced in the ways of mankind, and for the information of others who would know the world the best way, that is without trying it*. * A short account of Earle, taken from the Athena Oxo- aitnscs is here omitted. ADVERTISEMENT [TO THE EDITION OF 1786 *.] "* "" AS this entertaining little book is become rather scarce, and is replete with so much good sense and genuine humour, which, though in part adapted to the times when it first appeared, seems, on the whole, by no means inapplicable to any aera of mankind, the editor conceives that there needs little apology for the repubiication. A farther inducement is, his having, from very good au- thority, lately discovered t that these Characters (hither- to known only under the title of Shunt's I), were ac- * " Microcosmography ; or, a Piece of the World charac- terized ; in Essays and Characters. London, printed A. D. 1650. Salisbury, Reprinted and sold by E. Easton, 1786. Sold also by G. and T. Wilkie, St. Paul's Church-yard, London." t I regret extremely that I am unable to put the reader in possession of tins very acute discoverer's name. { This mistake originated with Langbaine, who, in his ac- count of Lilly, calls Blount '' a gentleman who has made himself known to the world by the several pieces of his own writing, (as Hora Subsecitte, his Microcosmography, &c.") Dramatic Poets, 8vo. 1691, p. 527. tually drawn by the able pencil of JOHN EARLE, who was formerly bishop of Sarum, having been translated to that see from Worcester, A. D. 1663, and died at Oxford, 1665. Isaac Walton, in his Life of Hooker, delineates the character of the said venerable prelate. It appears from Antony Wood's Athen. Oxon. under the Life of Bishop Earle, that this book was first of all published at London in 1628, under the name of " Ed- ward Biuunt." VI EDITIONS OF " MICROCOSMOGRAPHY." THE first edition (of which the Bodleian possesses a copy, 8vo. ]\ 154. Theol.) was printed with the follow- ing title : " Micro-cosmographie : or, a Peece of the World discovered; Jn Essayes and Characters. Netoly composed for the Northerne parts of this Kingdoms. At London. Printed by W. S.for Ed. Blount, 1658." contains only fifty- four characters*, which in the present edition are placed first. I am unable to speak of any sub- . sequent copy, till one in the following year, (1629), **' ^* * printed for Robert Allot f, and called in the title " The Jirst edition much enlarged." This, as Mr. Henry Ellis kindly informs me, from a copy in the British Museum, , possesses seventy-six characters. ThesutAwas printed i $ . / for Allot, in 1633, (Bodl. Mar. 441,) and has seventy- ' * eight, the additional ones being " a herald," and " a sus- l4 ' * picious, or jealous man." The seventh appeared in 1638, for Andrew Crooke, agreeing precisely with the sixth ; and in 1650 the eighth. A copy of the latter is in the * Having never seen or been able to hear of any copy of the second, third, or fourth editions, I am unable to point out when the additional characters first appeared. t Robert Allot, better known as the editor of England's Parnassus, appears to have succeeded Blount in several of his copy-rights, among others, in that of Shakspeare, as the second edition (1632) was printed for him. Xll curious library of Mr. Hill, and, as Mr. Park acquaints me, is without any specific edition numbered in the title. I omit that noticed by the editor of 1732, as printed in 1664, for if such a volume did exist, which I much doubt, it was nothing more than a copy of the eighth with a new title-page. In 1732 appeared the ninth, which was a reprint of the sixth, executed with care and judgment. I have endeavoured in vain to discover to whom we are indebted for this republication of bishop Earle's curious volume, but it is probable that the person who undertook it, found so little encourage- ment in his attempt to revive a taste for the productions of our early writers, that he suffered his name to remain unknown. Certain it is that the impression, probably not a large one, did not sell speedily, as I have seen a copy, bearing date 1740, under the name of " The World display 'd : or several Essays ; consisting of the various Characters and Passions of its principal Inhabitants," &c. London, printed for C. Ward, and R. Chandler. The edition printed at Salisbury, in 1786, (which has only seventy-four characters,) with that now offered to the public, close the list. XUl W ?je .hru fI;H .iM :o -ftei\ aila no. qg # i uor CONTENTS. / *- PAGE. ADVERTISEMENT to the present edition v Preface to the edition of 1732 vii Advertisement to the edition of 1786 ix Editions of Microcosmography xi ^f v* Biount's Preface to the Reader xix A child d ! f A yonng raw preacher 4 A grave divine 9 ' A, A meer dull physician 12 /An alderman 18 r * i^ X A discontented man 20 to A An antiquary 22 l>2 A younger brother 24 ^ * A meer formal man 27 \ ^ * A church papist 29 , ' f^ A self-conceited man 32 .* ^ A too idly reserved man 34 % Xl\r JU PAOK y. IjU. A tavern \7 Ashark.... 41 A young man 47 * ' 2 X An old college butler 50 ^p An upstart country knight [ft An idle gallant 57 LO A constable ,VJ I jT"A downright scholar i l^r A player t/ J 2j A detractor ;u ' 4 A young gentleman of tlie university 1-* r* r"i A weak man 76 ^ PJ A tobacco-seller 7'J j 20 A pot poet 80 . r" A plausible man H4 ' jp A bowl-alley 86 * * e The world's wise man j Asurgeon 90 3 *"^ 4 A| ^ A contemplative man .^ -' j f?>! 1 *5 A she precise hypocrite *U A sceptick in reb'gion 99 IUJ ' Anattorney 105 ( f XV PAGE ; f A trumpeter 109 i ft* A vulgar spirited man (lit ^ i*^ *^ L ff A plodding student 114 1 J Paul's walk 116 ^^4 A cook . 120 ^ (* A bold forward man 122 ~ A baker 125 /^i A pretender to learning 127 JL* Aherald 130 The common singing-men in cathedral churches 132 t^y A shop-keeper , 134 F* A blunt man 135 V - A A handsome hostess 138 J'T A critic ....- 139 1 fi^ serjeant, or catch-pole 141 / 7 An university dim 142 [All from this character were added after the first edition.] A modest man 147 A meer empty wit 151 A drunkard 153 A prison ]56 XVI PAOE "* A serving-mau 159 An insolent man 161 1 Acquaintance 164 A meer complimental man 167 Apoorfiddler - 169 A meddling-man 171 A good old man 173 f A flatterer 176 A high spirited man 179 A meer gull citizen w A lascivious man A rash man 189 An affected man 192 A profane man 195 A coward 196 A sordid rich man - 198 . _ A meer great man 201 A poor man 203 An ordinary honest man - 206 A suspicions, or jealous man * xvii APPENDIX. PAGE. Some account of bishop Earle * 211 Characters of bishop Earle 219 List of Dr. Earle's Works 223 Lines on sir John Burroughs 225 Lines on the death of the earl of Pembroke 227 lines on Mr. Beaumont 229 Dedication to the Latin translation of the Eaun Eas-iXmr, 233 Inscription on Dr. Heylin' monument 237 Correspondence between Dr. Earle and Mr. Bagster 240 Inscription in Streglethorp church 244 Chronological List of Books of Characters, from 1567 to 1700 - 246 Corrections and additions 315 A note on bishop Earle's arms, from Guillim's Heraldry 318 * It will be remarked, that Dr. Earle's name is frequently spelled Earle and Earles in the following pages. Wherever the editor has had occasion to use the name himself, he has invariably called it Earle, conceiving that to be the proper orthography. Wherever it is found Earles, he has attended strictly to the original, from which the article or information has been derived. XIX TO THE READER*. I HAVE (for once) adventured to play the midwife's part, helping to bring forth these infants into the world, which the father would have smothered ; who having left them lapt up in loose sheets, as soon as his fancy was delivered of them, written especially for his private recreation, to pass away the time in the country, and by the forcible request of friends drawn from him : yet, passing seve rally from hand to hand, in written copies, grew at length to be a pretty number in a little volume : and among so many sundry dispersed transcripts, some very imperfect and surreptitious had like to have passed the press, if the author had not used speedy means of prevention ; when, perceiving the hazard he ran to be wronged, was unwillingly f willing to let them pass as now they appear to the world. If any faults have escaped the press (as few books can be printed without), impose them not on the author, I intreat thee; but ra- ther impute them to mine and the printer's oversight, * Gentile, or Gentle, 8tb edit. 1630. t Willingly, 8th edit, evidently a typographical error. XX who seriously promise, on the re-impression hereof, by greater care and diligence for this our former default, t make thee ample satisfaction. In the mean while, I remain Thine, ED. BLOUNT*. * Edward Blount, who lived at the Black Bear, Saii.t Paul's Church-yard, appears to have been a bookseller of re- spectability, and in some respects a man of letters. Many dedications and prefaces, with as much merit as compositions of this nature generally possess, bear his name, and there is every reason to suppose that he translated a work from the Italian, which he intituled " The Hospitull of InctrabU Fooles," &c. 4to. 1600. Mr. Ames has discovered, from the Stationer's Register, that he was the son of Ralph Blount or Blunt, merchant-lay lor of London ; that he was apprenticed to William Ponsonby, in 1578, and made free in 1588. It is no slight honour to his taste and judgment, that he was oue of die partners in the first edition of Shakspeare. MICROCOSMOGRAPHY ; or, A piece of the World characterized. 1. A child IS a man in a small letter, yet the best copy of Adam before he tasted of Eve or the apple ; and he is happy whose small practice in the world can only write his character. He is na- ture's fresh picture newly drawn in oil, which time, and much handling, dims and defaces. His soul is yet a white paper ' unscribbled with obser- 1 So Washbourne, in his Divine Poems, 12mo. 1654: " ere 'tis accustom'd unto sin, The mind white paper is, and will admit Of any lesson you will write in it." p. 26. B vations of the "world, wherewith, at length, it becomes a blurred note-book. He is purely happy, because he knows no evil, nor hath made means by sin to be acquainted with misery. He arrives not at the mischief of being wise, nor endures evils to come, by fore- seeing them. He kisses and loves all, and, when the smart of the rod is past, smiles on his beater. Nature and his parents alike dandle him, and tice him on with a bait of sugar to a draught of wormwood. He plays yet, like a young prentice the first day, and is not come to his task of melancholy. [* All the language he speaks yet is tears, and they serve him well enough to express his necessity.] His hardest Shakspeare, of a child, says, " the hand of time Shall draw this brief into as huge a volume." K.John, II. 1. e This, and every other passage throughout the volume, [included between brackets,] does not appear in the first edition of 1628. 3 labour is his tongue, as if he were loath to use so deceitful an organ ; and he is best company with it when he can but prattle. We laugh at his foolish ports, but his game is our earnest ; and his drums, rattles, and hobby-horses, but the emblems and mocking of man's business. His father hath writ him as his own little story, wherein he reads those days of his life that he cannot remember, and sighs to see what inno- cence he hath out-lived. The elder he grows, he is a stair lower from God ; and, like his first father, much worse in his breeches 3 . He is the Christian's example, and the old man's re- lapse; the one imitates his pureness, and the other falls into his simplicity. Could he put off his body with his little coat, he had got eter- 3 Adam did not, to use the words of the old Geneva Bible, " make himself breeches," till he knew sin : the meaning of the passage in the text is merely that, as a child advances in age, he commonly proceeds in the knowledge and commission of vice and immorality. B 2 4 nity without a burden, and exchanged but one heaven for another. II. A young raw preacher Is a bird not yet fledged, that hath hopped out of his nest to be chirping on a hedge, and will be straggling abroad at what peril soever. His backwardness in the university hath set him thus forward ; for had he not truanted there, he had not been so hasty a divine. His small standing, and time, hath made him a proficient only in boldness, out of which, and his table- book, he is furnished for a preacher. His col- lections of study are the notes of sermons, which, taken up at St. Mary's 4 , he utters in the 4 St. Mary's church was originally built by king Alfred, and annexed to the University of Oxford, for the 5 country : and if he write brachigraphy 5 , his stock is so much the better. His writing is more than his reading, for he reads only what he gets without book. Thus accomplished he comes down to his friends, and his first saluta- tion is grace and peace out of the pulpit. His prayer is conceited, and no man remembers use of the scholars, when St. Giles's and St. Peter's (which were till then appropriated to them,) had been ruined by the violence of the Danes. It was totally re- built during the reign of Henry VII. who gave forty oaks towards the materials; and is, to this day, the place of worship in which the public sermons are preached before the members of the university. 5 Brachigraphy, or short-hand-writing, appears to have been much studied in our author's time, and was probably esteemed a fashionable accomplishment. It was first introduced into this country by Peter Bales, who, in 1590, published The Writing Schoolmaster, a treatise consisting of three parts, the first " of Brachygraphie, that is, to write as fast as a man speaketh treatably, writing but one letter for a word;" the second, of Or- thography ; and the third, of Calligraphy. Imprinted at London, by T. Orwin, &c. 1590. 4to. A second edition, " with ' sundry new additions," appeared in his college more at large *. The pace of his sermon is a full career, and he runs wildly over 1597. ISmo. Imprinted at London, by George Shawe, &c. Holinshed gives the following description of one of Bales' performances : " The tenth of August (1575,) a rare peece of worke, and almost incredible, was brought to passe by an Englishman borne in the citie of London, named Peter Bales, who by his Industrie and practise of his pen, contriued and writ within the com- passe of a penie, in Latine, the Lord's praier, the creed, the ten commandements, a praier to God, a praier for the queene, his posie, his name, the daie of the moneth, the yeare of our Lord, and the reigne of the queene. And on the seuenteenthe of August next following, at Hampton court, he presented the same to the queen's maiestie, in the head of a ring of gold, couered with a christall ; and presented therewith an excellent spec- tacle by him deuised, for the easier reading thereof: wherewith hir maiestie read all that was written therein with great admiration, and commended the same to the lords of the councell, and the ambassadors, and did weare the same manie times vpon hir finger." Holin- ihetfs Chronicle, page 1262, b. edit, folio, Land. 1587. 6 It is customary in all sermons delivered before the University, to use an introductory prayer for the founder of, and principal benefactors to, the preacher's individual college, as well as for the officers and mem- bers of the university in general. This, however, hill and dale, till the clock stop him. The la- bour of it is chiefly in his lungs ; and the only thing he has made 7 in it himself, is the faces. He takes on against the pope without mercy, and has a jest still in lavender for Bellarmine : yet he preaches heresy, if it comes in his way, though with a mind, I must needs say, very or- thodox. His action is all passion, and his speech interjections. He has an excellent fa- culty in bemoaning the people, and spits with a very good grace. [His stile is compounded of twenty several men's, only his body imitates some one extraordinary.] He will not draw his handkercher out of his place, nor blow his nose without discretion. His commendation is, that he never looks upon book ; and indeed he was never used to it. He preaches but once a year, though twice on Sunday ; for the stuff is still would appear very ridiculous when " he comes dawn to his friends," or, in other words, preaches before a coun- try congregation. f of, first edit. 1628. 8 the same, only the dressing a little altered : he has more tricks with a sermon, than a taylor with an old cloak, to turn it, and piece it, and at last quite disguise it with a new preface. If he have waded farther in his profession, and would shew reading of his own, his authors are postils, and his school-divinity a catechism. His fashion and demure habit gets him in with some town-precisian, and makes him a guest on Friday nights. You shall know him by his narrow velvet cape, and serge facing ; and his ruff, next his hair, the shortest thing about him. The companion of his walk is some zea- lous tradesman, whom he astonishes with strange points, which they both understand alike. His friends and much painfulness may prefer him to thirty pounds a year, and this means to a chambermaid ; with whom we leave him now in the bonds of wedlock : next Sunday you shall have him again. III. A grave divine Is one that knows the burthen of his calling, and hath studied to make his shoulders suffi- cient; for which he hath not been hasty to launch forth of his port, the university, but expected the ballast of learning, and the wind of opportunity. Divinity is not the beginning but the end of his studies ; to which he takes the ordinary stair, and makes the arts his way. He counts it not prophaneness to be polished with human reading, or to smooth his way by Aristotle to school-divinity. He has sounded both religions, and anchored in the best, and is a protestant out of judgment, not faction ; not because his country, but his reason is on this side. The ministry is his choice, not refuge, and yet the pulpit not his itch, but fear. His discourse is substance, riot all rhetoric, and he utters more things than words. His speech is 10 not helped with inforced action, but the mat- ter acts itself. He shoots all his meditations at one but; and beats upon his text, not the cushion; making his hearers, not the pulpit groan. In citing of popish errors, he cuts them with arguments, not cudgels them with barren invectives; and labours more to shew the truth of his cause than the spleen. His ser- mon is limited by the method, not the hour- glass; and his devotion goes along with him out of the pulpit. He comes not up thrice a week, because he would not be idle ; nor talks three hours together, because he would not talk nothing : but his tongue preaches at fit times, and his conversation is the every day's exer- cise. In matters of ceremony, he is not cere- monious, but thinks he owes that reverence to the church to bow his judgement to it, and make more conscience of schism, than a sur- plice. He esteems the church hierarchy as the church's glory, and however we jar with Rome, 11 would not have our confusion distinguish us. In simoniacal purchases he thinks his soul goes in the bargain, and is loath to come by pro- motion so dear : yet his worth at length ad- vances him, and the price of his own merit buys him a living. He is no base grater of his tythes, and will not wrangle for the odd egg. The lawyer is the only man he hinders, by whom he is spited for taking up quarrels. He is a main pillar of our church, though not yet dean or canon, and his life our religion's best apology. His death is the last sermon, where, in the pulpit of his bed, he instructs men to die by his example 8 . 8 I cannot forbear to close this admirable character with the beautiful description of a " poure Persone," riche of holy thought and zeerk, given by the father of English poetry : " Benigne he was, and wonder diligent, And in adversite ful patient: And swiche he was ypreved often sithes. Ful loth were him to cursen for his tithes, IV. A meer dull physician. His practice is some business at bedsides, and his speculation an urinal: he is distin- guished from an empiric, by a round velvet cap and doctor's gown, yet no man takes degrees But rather wolde he yeven out of doute, Unto his poure parishens aboute, Of his offring, and eke of his substance. He coude in litel thing have suffisance. Wide was his parish, and houses fer asonder, But he ne left nought for no rain ne thonder, In sikenesse and in mischief to visile The ferrest in his parish, moche and lite, Upon his fete, and in his hand a staf. * * * * And though he holy were, and vertuous, He was to sinful men not dispitous, Ne of his speche dangerous ne digne, But in his teching discrete and benigne. To drawen folk to heven, with fairenesse, By good ensample, was his besinesse. * * * He waited after no pompe ne reverence, Ne maked him no spiced conscience, 13 more superfluously, for he is doctor howsoever. He is sworn to Galen and Hippocrates, as uni- versity men to their statutes, though they never saw them ; and his discourse is all aphorisms, though his reading be only Alexis of Piedmont 9 , But Cristes lore, and his apostles twelve, He taught, but first he folwed it himselve." Chaucer, Prol. to Cant. Tales, V. 485. We may surely conclude with a line from the same poem, " A better preest I trowe that nowher non is." 9 The secretes of the reverende maister Alexis of Pic- movnt, containyng erceilente remedies against divers dis- eases, &c. appear to have been a very favourite study either with the physicians, or their patients, about this period. They were originally written in Italian, and were translated into English by William Warde, of which editions were printed at London, in 1558, 1562, 1595, and 1615. In 1603, afourt h edition of a Latin version appeared at Basil ; and from Ward's dedication to " the lorde Russell, erle of Bedford,"' it seems that the French and Dutch were not without so great a treasure in their own languages. A specimen of the impor- tance of this publication mav be given in the title of the 14 or the Regiment of Health 10 . The best cure he has done, is upon his own purse, which from a lean sickliness he hath made lusty, and in flesh. His learning consists much in reckoning up the hard names of diseases, and the super- scriptions of gally-pots in his apothecary's shop, which are ranked in his shelves and the doctor's memory. He is, indeed, only Ian- guaged in diseases, and speaks Greek many times when he knows not. If he have been but a by-stander at some desperate recovery, he is slandered with it though he be guiltless ; and this breeds his reputation, and that his prac- tice, for his skill is merely opinion. Of all odours he likes best the smell of urine, and first secret. " The maner and secrete to conserue a man's youth, and to holde back olde age, to maintaine a man always in helth and strength, as in the fayrest floure of his yeres." 10 The Regiment of Helthe, by Thomas Paynell, is another volume of the same description, and was printed by Thomas Berthclette, in 1541. 4to. 15 holds Vespasian's * rule, that no gain is unsa- vory. If you send this once to him you must resolve to be sick howsoever, for he will never leave examining your water, till he has shaked it into a disease 2 : then follows a writ to his drugger in a strange tongue, which he under- stands, though he cannot conster. If he see you himself, his presence is the worst visitation : for if he cannot heal your sickness, he will be sure to help it. He translates his apothe- cary's shop into your chamber, and the very 1 Vespatian, tenth emperor of Rome, imposed^ a tax upon urine, and when his son Titus remonstrated with him on the meanness of the act, " Pecuniam," says Sue- tonius, " ex prima pensione admovit ad nares, suscitans num odore offenderetur ? et illo negante, atqui, inquit, e lotio est." 2 " Vpon the market-day he is much haunted with vrinals, where, if he finde any thing, (though he knowe nothing,) yet hee will say some-what, which if it hit to some purpose, with a fewe fustian words, hee will seeme a piece of strange stufFe." Character of an unworthy physician. " The Good and the Badde," by Nicholas Breton. 4to. 1618. 16 windows and benches must take physic. He tells you your malady in Greek, though it be but a cold, or head-ach ; which by good en- deavour and diligence he may bring to some moment indeed. His most unfaithful act is, that he leaves a man gasping, and his pretence is, death and he have a quarrel and must not meet ; but his fear is, lest the carkass should bleed 3 . Anatomies, and other spectacles of mortality, have hardened him, and he is no more struck with a funeral than a grave-maker. Noblemen use him for a director of their sto- 3 That the murdered body bleeds at the approach of the murderer, was, in our author's time, a commonly re- ceived opinion. Holinshrd affirms that the corps of Henry the Sixth bled as it was carrying for interment ; and Sir Kenelm Digby so firmly believed in the truth of the report, that he has endeavoured to explain the rea- son. It is remarked by Mr. Steevens, in a note to Shak- speare, that the opinion seems to be derived from the ancient Swedes, or Northern nations, from whom we descend ; as they practised this method of trial in all dubious cases. 17 macb, and ladies for wantonness 4 , especially if he be a proper man 5 . If he be single, he is in league with his she- apothecary ; and because it is the physician, the husband is patient. If he have leisure to be idle (that is to study,) he has a smatch at alcumy, and is sick of the phi- losopher's stone; a disease uncurable, but by an abundant phlebotomy of the purse. His two main opposites are a mountebank and a good woman, and he never shews his learning so much as in an invective against them and their boxes. In conclusion, he is a sucking consumption, and a very brother to the worms, for they are both ingendered out of man's cor- ruption. * " Faith, doctor, it is well, thy study is to please The female sex, and how their corp'rall griefes to ease." Goddard's " Mastif Whelp." Satires. 4to. Without date. Sat. 17. 3 Proper for handsome. c 18 V. An alderman. HE is venerable in his gown, more in his beard, wherewith he sets not forth so much his own, as the face of a city. You must look on him as one of the town gates, and consider him not as a body, but a corporation. His emi- nency above others hath made him a man of worship, for he had never been preferred, but that he was worth thousands. He over-sees the commonwealth, as his shop, and it is an argu- ment of his policy, that he has thriven by his craft. He is a rigorous magistrate in his ward ; yet his scale of justice is suspected, lest it be like the balances in his warehouse. A ponde- rous man he is, and substantial, for his weight is commonly extraordinary, and in his preferment nothing rises so much as his belly. His head is of no great depth, yet well furnished ; and 19 when it is in conjunction with his brethren, may bring forth a city apophthegm, or some such sage matter. He is one that will not hastily run into error, for he treads with great de- liberation, and his judgment consists much )Y his pace. His discourse is commonly the an- nals of his mayoralty, and what good govern- ment there was in the days of his gold chain though the door posts were the only things that suffered reformation. He seems most sincerely religious, especially on solemn days ; for he comes often to church to make a shew, [and 1 a part of the quire hangings.] He is the highest stair of his profession, and an example to his trade, what in time they may come to* He makes very much of his authority, but more of his sattin doublet, which, though of good years, bears its age very well, and looks fresh every Sunday : but his scarlet gown is a monu- ment, and lasts from generation to generation. c2 20 VI. A discontented man Is one that is fallen out with the world, -and will be revenged on himself. Fortune ha*, denied him in something, and he now takes pet, and will be miserable in spite. The root of his disease is a self- humouring pride, and an ac- customed tenderness not to be crossed in his fancy ; and the occasion commonly of one of these three, a hard father, a peevish wencb, or his ambition thwarted. He considered not the nature of the world till he felt it, and all blows fall on him heavier, because they light not first on his expectation. He has now fore- gone all but his pride, and is yet vain-glorious in the ostentation of his melancholy. His composure of himself is a studied carelessness, with his arms across, and a neglected hanging of his head and cloak ; and he is as great an 21 enemy to an hat-band, as fortune. He quarreli at the time and up-starts, and sighs at ihe neg- lect of men of parts, that is, such as himself. His life is a perpetual satyr, and he is still girding 6 the age's'vanity, when this very anger shews he too much esteems it. He is much displeased to see men merry, and wonders what they can find to laugh at. He never draws his own lips higher than a smile, and frowns wrinkle him before forty. He at last falls into that deadly melancholy to be a bitter hater of men, and is the most apt companion for any mischief. He is the spark that kindles the commonwealth, and the bellows himself to blow it : and if he turn any thing, it is com- monly one of these, either friar, traitor, or mad-man. 6 To gird, is to sneer at, or scorn any one. Falstaff says, " men of all sorts take a pride to gird at me." Henry IV. Part 2. VII. An antiquary; HE is a man strangly thrifty of time past, and an enemy indeed to his maw, whence he fetches out many things when they are now all rotten and stinking. He is one that hath that unna- tural disease to be enamoured of old age and wrinkles, and loves all things (as Dutchmen'do cheese,) the better for being mouldy and worm- eaten. He is of our religion, because we say it is most antient ; and yet a broken statue would almost make him an idolater. A great admirer he is of the rust of old monuments, and reads only those characters, where time hath eaten out the letters. He will go you forty miles to see a saint's well or a ruined abbey ; and there be but a cross or stone foot-stool in the way, he'll be considering it so long, till he for- get his journey. His estate consists much in 23 shekels, and Roman coins ; and he hath more pictures of Caesar, than James or Elizabeth. Beggars cozen him with musty things which they have raked from dunghills, and he pre- serves their rags for precious relicks. He loves no library, but where there are more spiders volumes than authors, and looks with great ad- miration on the antique work of cobwebs. Printed books he contemns, as a novelty of this latter age, but a manuscript he pores on ever- lastingly, especially if the cover be all moth- eaten, and the dust make a parenthesis between every syllable. He would give all the books in his study (which are rarities all,) for one of the old Roman binding, or six lines of Tully in his own hand. His chamber is hung commonly with strange beasts skins, and is a kind of char- nel-house of bones extraordinary; and his discourse upon them, if you will hear him, shall last longer. His very attire is that which 24 is the eldest out of fashion, [* and you may pick a criticism out of his breeches.^ He never looks upon himself till he is grey-haired, and then he is pleased with his own antiquity. His grave does not fright him, for he has been used to sepulchers, and he likes death the tet- ter, because it gathers him to his fathers. VIII. A younger brother. His elder brother was the Esau, that came out first and left him like Jacob at his heels. His father has done with him, as Pharoah to the children of Israel, that would have them make brick and give them no straw, so he tasks him * In the first edition it stands thus : " and his hat is antient as the tower of Babel." 25 to be a gentleman, and leaves him nothing to maintain it. The pride of his house has un- done him, which the elder's knighthood must sustain, and his beggary that knighthood. His birth and bringing up will not suffer him to de- scend to the means to get wealth ; but he stands at the mercy of the world, and which is worse, of his brother. He is something belter than the serving-men ; yet they more saucy with him than he bold with the master, who beholds him with a countenance of stern awe, and checks him oftener than his liveries. His bro- ther's old suits and he are much alike in re- quest, and cast off now and then one to the othfir. Nature hath furnished him with a little more wit upon compassion, for it is like to be his best revenue. If his annuity stretch so far, he is sent to the university, and with great heart-burning takes upon him the ministry, as a profession he is condemned to by his ill for- tune. Others take a more crooked path yet, 26 the king's high-way ; where at length their vizard is plucked off, and they strike fair for Tyburn : but their brother's pride, not love, gets them a pardon. His last refuge is the Low- countries 7 , where rags and lice are no scandal, where he lives a poor gentleman of a company, and dies without a shirt. The only thing that may better his fortunes is an art he has to make a gentlewoman, wherewith he baits now and then some rich widow that is hungry after his blood. He is commonly discontented and des- perate, and the form of his exclamation is, that 7 The Low-countries appear to have afforded ample room for ridicule at all times. In " A brief Character of the Low-countries under the States, being Three Weeks Observation of the Vices and Virtues <>f the Inhabitants, written by Owen Felltham, and printed Lond. 1659, 12mo. we find them epitomized as a general sea-land the great bog of Europe an universal quagmire in short, a green cheese in pickle. The sailors (in which deno- mination the author appears to include all the natives,) he describes as being able to " drink, rail, swear, niggle, steal, andbe kwsie alike." P. 40. 27 churl my brother. He loves not his country for this unnatural custom, and would have long since revolted to the Spaniard, but for Kent* only, which he holds in admiration. A meer formal man Is somewhat more than the shape of a man ; for he has his length, breadth, and colour. 8 Gavelkind, or the practice of dividing lands equally among all the male children of the deceased, was (.ac- cording to Spelman,) adopted by the Saxons, from Germany, and is noticed by Tacitus in his description of that nation. Gloss. Archaiol. folio, Lond. 1664. Har- rison, in The Description of England, prefixed to Holin- shed's Chronicle, (vol. i. page 180,) says, " Gauell kind is all the mile children equallie to inherit, and is con- tinued to this daie in Kent, where it is onelie to my knowledge reteined, and no where else iu England." And Lambarde, in his Customer of Kent, (Perambula- tion, 4to. 1596, pa^e 538,) thus nonces it: "The custom of Grauelkynde isgenerall, and spreadeth itselfe throughout the whole shyre, into all landes subject by auncient tenure vnto the same, such places onely ex- cepted, where it is altered by acte oi parleament." 28 When you have seen his oulside, you have looked through him, and need employ your discovery no farther. His reason is merely example, and his action is not guided by his un- derstanding, but he sees other men do thus, and he follows them. He is a negative, for we can- not call him a wise man, but not a fool ; nor an honest man, but not a knave ; nor a protestant, but not a papist. The chief burden of his brain is the carriage of his body and the setting of his face in a good frame; which he performs the better, because he is not disjointed with other meditations. His religion is a good quiet sub- ject, and he prays as he swears, in the phrase of the land. He is a fair guest, and a fair in- viter, and can excuse his good cheer in the ac- customed apology. He has some faculty in mangling of a rabbit, and the distribution of his morsel to a neighbour's trencher. He ap- prehends a jest by seeing men smile, and laughs orderly himself, when it comes to hi> 29 turn. His businesses with his friends are to visit them, and whilst the business is no more, he can perform this well enough. His discourse is the news that he hath gathered in his walk, and for other matters his discretion is, that he will only what he can, that is, say nothing. His life is like one that runs to the 9 church-walk, to take a turn or two, and so passes. He hath staid in the world to fill a number ; and when he is gone, there wants one, and there's an end. X. A Church-Papist Is one that parts his religion betwixt his con- science and his purse, and comes to church not to serve God but the king. The face of the law makes him wear the mask of the gospel, which g Minster-walk, 1st edit. 30 he uses not as a means to save his soul, but charges. He loves Popery well, but is loth to lose by it ; and though he be something scared with the bulls of Rome, yet they are far off, and he is struck with more terror at the appa- ritor. Once a month he presents himself at the church, to keep off the church -warden, and brings in his body to save his bail. He kneels with the congregation, but prays by himself, and asks God forgiveness J[or coming thither. If he be forced to stay out a sermon, he pulls his hat over his eyes, and frowns out the hour; and when he comes home, thinks to make amends for this fault by abusing the preacher. His main policy is to shift off the communion, for which he is never unfurnished of a quarrel, and will be sure to be out of charity at Easter ; and indeed he lies not, for he has a quarrel to the sacrament. He would make a bad martyr and good traveller, for his conscience is so large he could never wander out of it ; and in 31 Constantinople would be circumcised with a reservation. His wife is more zealous and therefore more costly, and he bates her in tires I0 what she stands him in religion. But we leave him hatching plots against the state, and ex- pecting Spinola 1 . J o The word tire is probably here used as an abbrevi- ation of the word attire, dress, ornament. i Ambrose Spinola was one of the most celebrated and excellent commanders that Spain ever possessed : he was born, in 1569, of a noble family, and distinguished himself through life in being opposed to prince Maurice of Nassau, the greatest general of his age, by whom he was ever regarded with admiration and respect. He died in 1630, owing to a disadvantage sustained by his troops at tiie siege of Cassel, which was to be entirely at- tributed to the imprudent orders he received from Spain, and which that government compelled him to obey. This disaster broke his heart ; and he died with the exclamation of " they hare robbed me of my honour ;" an idea he was unable to survive. It is probable that, at the time this character was composed, many of the disaffected in England were in expectation of an attack to be made on this country by the Spaniards, under the command f Spinola. XI. A self-conceited man Is one that knows himself so well, that he does not know himself. Two excellent well- dones have undone him, and he is guilty of it that first commended him to madness. He is now become his own book, which he pores on continually, yet like a truant reader skips over the harsh places, and surveys only that which is pleasant. In the speculation of his own good parts, his eyes, like a drunkard's, see all double,., and his fancy, like an old man's spectacles, make a great letter in a small print. He ima- gines every place where he comes his theater, and not a look stirring but his spectator ; and conceives men's thoughts to be very idle, that is, [only] busy about him. His walk is still in the fashion of a march, and like his opinion unaccompanied, with his eyes most fixed upon his own person, or on others with reflection to 33 himself. If he have done any thing that has past with applause, lie is -always re-acting it alone, and conceits the extasy his hearers were in at every period. His discourse is all po- sitions and definitive decrees-, with thus it must be 'and thus it is, and he will not humble his authority to prove it. His tenent is always singular and aloof from the vulgar as he can, from which you must not hope to wrest him. He has an excellent humour for an heretick, and in these days made the first Arminian. He prefers Ramus before Aristotle, and Paracelsus before Galen, a [and whosoever with most pa- radox is commended.] He much pities the world that has no more insight in his parts, when he is too well di- covered even to this very thought. A flattrrer is a dunce to him, for he can tell him nothing but what he knows * and Lipsius his hopping &tite before ell ' his, First edit- 40 never out ; and it is like those countries far in the North, where it is as clear at mid-night as at mid-day. After a long sitting, it becomes like a street in a dashing shower, where the spouts are flushing above, and the conduits run- ning below, while the Jordans like swelling rivers overflow their banks. To give you the total reckoning of it ; it is the busy man's re- creation, the idle man's business, the melancho- ly man's sanctuary, the stranger's welcome, the inns-of-court man's entertainment, the scholar's kindness, and the citizen's courtesy. It is the study of sparkling wits, and a cup of canary ' their book$ whence we leave them. 6 The OL. tor of the edition in 1732, has altered canary to "sherry," for what reason I am at a loss to discover, and have consequently restored the reading of the first edition. Vernier gives the following description of this favourite liquor. " Canarie-wine, which bearcth the name of the islands from whence it is brought, is of some termed a sacke, with this adjunct, sweete ; but yet very improperly, for it differeth not only from sack* 41 XIV. A shark Is one whom all other means have failed, and he now lives of himself. He is some needy in sweetness and pleasantness of taste, but also in co- lour and consistence, for it is not so white in colour as sack, nor so thin in substance; wherefore it is more nutritive than sack, and less penetrative." Via recta ad Vitum longam. 4to. 1622. In Howell's time, Canary wine was much adulterated. " I think," says he, in one of his Letters, " there is more Canary brought into En- gland than to all the world besides; I think also, there is a hundred times more drunk under the name of Ca- nary wine, than there is brought in ; for Sherries and Malagas, well mingled, pass for Canaries in most ta- verns. When Sacks and Canaries,'' he continues," were brought in first amongst us, they were used to be drunk in aqua vita measures, and 'twas held fit only for those to drink who were med to carry their legs in their hands, their eyes upon their noses, and an almanack in their bones ; but now they go down every one's throat, both young and old, like milk." Ho well, Letter to the lord Cliff, dated Oct. T, 1634. 42 cashiered fellow, whom the world hath oft flung off, yet still clasps again, and is like one a drowning, fastens upon any thing that is next at hand. Amongst other of his shipwrecks he has happily lost shame, and this want sup- plies him. No man puts his brain to more use than he, for his life is a daily invention, and each meal a new stratagem. He has an excel- lent memory for his acquaintance, though there passed but how do you betwixt them seven years ago, it shall suffice for an embrace, and that for money. He offers you a pottle of sack out of joy to sec you, and in requital of his courtesy you can do no less than pay for it. He is fumbling with his purse-strings, as a school-boy with his points, when he is going to be whipped, 'till the master, weary with long stay, forgives him. When the reckoning is paid, he says, It must not be so, yet is strait pacified, and cries, What remedy ? His bor- rowings are like subsidies, each man a shilling 43 or two, as he can well dispend ; which they lend him, not with a hope to be repaid, but that he will come no more. He holds a strange tyranny over men, for he is their debtor, and they fear him as a creditor. He is proud of any employment, though it be but to carry commendations, which he will be sure to deliver at eleven of the clock 7 . They in courtesy bid him stay, and he in manners cannot deny them If he find but a good look to assure his wel- come, he becomes their half-boarder, and haunts the threshold so long 'till he forces good ' We learn from Harrison's Description of England, prefixed to Holinshed, that eleven o'clock was the usual time tor dinner during the reign of Elizabeth. " With vs the nobilitie, gentrie, and students, doo ordinarilie go to dinner at eleven before noone, and to supper at fiue, or between fiue and six at afternoone." (vol. i. page 171. edit. 1587.) The alteration in manners at this time is rather singularly evinced, from a passage imme- diately following the above quotation, where we find that merchants and husbandmen dined and supped at a later hour than the nobility. 44 nature to the necessity of a quarrel. Publick invitations he will not wrong with his absence, and is the best witness of the sheriff's hospita- lity 8 . Men shun him at length as they would do an infection, and he is never crossed in his way if there be but a lane to escape him. He has done with the age as his clothes to him, hung on as long as he could, and at last drops off. 8 Alluding to the public dinners given by the sheriff at particular seasons of the year. So in The Widow,-* co- medy, 4to. 1652. " And as at a sheriff's table, O blest custome ! A poor indebted gentleman may dine, Feed well, and without fear, and depart so." 45 XV. A carrier Is his own hackney-man ; for he lets himself out to travel as well as his horses. He is the ordinary embassador between friend and friend, the father and the son, and brings rich presents to the one, but never returns any back again. He is no unlettered man, though in shew sim- ple ; for questionless, he has much in his bud- get, which he can utter too in fit time and place. He is [like] the vault 9 in Gloster 9 The chapel of the Virgin Mary, in the cathedral church of Gloucester, was founded by Richard Stanley, abbot, in 1457, and finished by William Farley, a monk of the monastery, in 1472. Sir Robert Atkyns gives the following description of the vault here alluded to. " The whispering place is very remarkable ; it is a long alley, from one side of the choir to the other, built circular, that it might not darken the great east window of the choir. When a pel son whispers at one end of the alley, his voice is heard distinctly at the other end, though the passage be open in the middle, having large spaces 46 church, that conveys whispers at a distance, for he takes the sound out of your mouth at York, and makes it be heard as far as London. He is the young student's joy and expectation, and the most accepted guest, to whom they lend a willing hand to discharge him of his burden. His first greeting is commonly, Your friends are well; [and to prove if\ I0 in a piece of gold delivers their blessing. You would think him a churlish blunt fellow, but they find in him many tokens of humanity. He is a great afflict- er of the high-ways, and beats them out of measure ; which injury is sometimes revenged by the purse-taker, and then the voyage mis- carries. No man domineers more in his inn, for doors and windows on the east side. It may be im- puted to the close cement of the wall, which makes it as one entire stone, and so conveys the voice, as a long piece of timber does convey the least stroak to th0 other end. Others assign it to the repercussion of the voice from accidental angles." Atkyni Ancient and Present StatcofGlostershire. Land. 1712, folio, page. 128. See also Fuller's Worthies, in Gloucestershire, page 35 1. 10 Then in a piece of gold, <$rc. first edit. 47 nor calls his host unreverently with more pre- sumption, and this arrogance proceeds out of the strength of his horses. He forgets not his load where he takes his ease, for he is drunk commonly before he goes to bed. He is like the prodigal child, still packing away and still returning again. But let him pass. XVI. A young man; HE is now out of nature's protection, though not yet able to guide himself; but left loose to the world and fortune, from which the weak- ness of his childhood preserved him ; and now his strength exposes him. He is, indeed, just of age to be miserable, yet in his own con- ceit first begins to be happy ; and he is happier in this imagination, and his misery not felt 48 is less. He sees yet but the outside of the world and men, and conceives them, according to their appearing, glister, and out of this igno- rance believes them. He pursues all vanities for happiness, and ' [enjoys them best in this fancy. ~\ His reason serves, not to curb but un- derstand his appetite, and prosecute the motions thereof with a more eager earnestness. Him- self is his own temptation, and needs not Satan, and the world will come hereafter. He leaves repentance for grey hairs, and performs it in be- ing covetous. He is mingled with the vices of the age as the fashion and custom, with which he longs to be acquainted, and sins to better his understanding. He conceives his youth as the season of his lust, and the hour wherein he ought to be bad ; and because he would not lose his time, spends it. He distastes religion as a sad thing, and is six years elder for 1 Whiltt he has not yet got them, enjoys them, First edit. 49 a thought of heaven. He scorns and fears, and yet hopes for old age, but dare not imagine it with wrinkles. He loves and hates with the same inflammation, and when the heat is over is cool alike to friends and enemies. His friend- ship is seldom so stedfast, but that lust, drink, or anger may overturn it. He offers you his blood to-day in kindness, and is ready to take yours to-morrow. He does seldom any thing which he wishes not to do again, and is only wise after a misfortune. He suffers much for his knowledge, and a great deal of folly it is makes him a wise man. He is free from many vices, by being not grown to the performance, and is only more vertuous out of weakness. Every action is his clanger, and every man his am- bush. He is a ship without pilot or tackling, and only good fortune may steer him. If he scape this age, he has scaped a tempest, and may live to be a man. 50 XVII. An old college butler Is none of the worst students in the house, for he keeps the set hours at his book more duly than any. His authority is great over men's good names, which he charges many times with shrewd aspersions, which they hardly wipe off without payment. [His box and counters prove him to be a man of reckoning, yet] he is stricter in his accounts than a usurer, and deli- vers not a farthing without writing. He doubles the pains of Gollobelgicus *, for his books go out Gallo-Belgicus was erroneously supposed, by the ingenious Mr. Reed, to be the " first news-paper pub- lished in England ;" we are, however, assured by the author of the " Life of Iluddiman," that it has no title to so honourable a distinction. Gallo-Belgicus appears to have been rather an Annual Register, or History of its own Times, than a newspaper. It was written in 51 once a quarter, and they are much in the same nature, brief notes and sums of affairs, and are out of request as soon. His comings in are like a taylor's, from the shreds of bread, [the] chip- pings and remnants of a broken crust ; except- ing his vails from the barrel, which poor folks buy for their hogs but drink themselves. He divides an halfpenny loaf with more subtlety than Keckerraan % and sub-divides the a primo Latin, and entituled, "MERCURIJ GALLO-BELGICI : sire, rerum in Gallia, et Belgio potissimum : Hispania quoque, Italia, Anglia, Germania, Polonia, Vicinisque locis ab anno 1588, ad Martium anni 159-1-, gettarum, Nuxcu." The first volume was printed in 8vo. at Cologne, 1598 ; from which year, to about 1605, it was published annually ; and from thence to the time of its conclusion, which is uncertain, it appeared in half-yearly volumes. Chal- mers' Life of Ritddhnan, 1794. The great request in which newspapers were held at the publication of the present work, may be gathered from Burton, who, in his Anatomy of Melancholy, complains that " if auy read now-a-days, it is a play-book, or a pamphlet of newes." 3 Bartholomew Keckerman was born at Dantzick, in. 52 ortum so nicely, that a stomach of great capa- city can hardly apprehend it. He is a very sober man, considering his manifold temptations of drink and strangers; and if he be overseen, 'tis within his own liberties, and no man ought to take exception. He is never so well pleased with his place as when a gentleman is beholden to him for shewing him the buttery, whom he greets with a cup of single beer and sliced man- chet 4 , and tells him it is the fashion of the col- Prussia, 1571, and educated under Fabricius. Being eminently distinguished for his abilities and application, he was, in 1597, requested, by the senate of Dantzick, to take upon him the management of their academy; an honour he then declined, but accepted, on a second application, in 1G01. Here he proposed to instruct his pupils in the complete science of philosophy in the short space of three years, and, for that purpose, drew up a great number of books upon logic, rhetoric, ethics, politics, physics, metaphysics, geography, astronomy, &c. &c. till, as it is said, literally worn out with scho- lastic drudgery, he died at the early age of 38. 4 Of bread made of wheat we have sundrie sorts dailie brought to the table, whereof the first and most excel- 53 lege. He domineers over freshmen when they first come to the hatch, and puzzles them with strange language of cues and cees, and some broken Latin which he has learnt at his bin. His faculties extraordinary is the warming of a pair of cards, and telling out a dozen of counters for post and pair, and no man is more methodi- cal in these businesses. Thus he spends his age till the tap of it is run out, and then a fresh one is set abroach. XVIII. An upstart country knight [Is a holiday clown, and differs only in the stuff of his clothes, not the stuff of himself 5 ^] lent is the mainchet, which we commonlie call white bread. Harrison, Description of England prefixed to Holinshed, chap. 6. s His honour was tomewhat preposterous, for he bare, &c. first edit. 54 for he bare the king's sword before he had arms to wield it ; yet being once laid o'er the shoul- der with a knighthood, he finds the herald his friend. His father was a man of good stock, though but a tanner or usurer ; he purchased the land, and his son the title. He has doffed off the name of a ^country fellow^ but the look not so easy, and his face still bears a relish of churnc-milk. He is guarded with more gold lace than all the gentlemen of the country, yet his body makes his clothes still out of fashion. His house-keeping is seen much in the distinct families of dogs, and serving-men attendant on their kennels, and the deepness of their throats is the depth of his discourse. A hawk he es- teems the true burden of nobility 7 , and is 6 Clown, first edit. 7 The art of hawking has been so frequently and so fully explained, that it would be superfluous, if not ar- rogant, to trace its progress, or delineate its history, in this place. In the earliest periods it appears to have been exclusively practised by the nobility ; and, indeed, the great expense at which the amusement was sup- 55 exceeding ambitious to seem delighted in the sport, and have his fist gloved with his jesses 8 . ported, seems to have been a sufficient reason for de- terring persons of more moderate income, and of infe- rior rank, from indulging in the pursuit. In the Sports and Pastimes of Mr. Strutt, a variety of instances are given of the importance attached to the office of falconer, and of the immense value of, and high estimation the birds themselves were held in from the commencement of the Norman government, down to the reign of James I. in which sir Thomas Monson gave 1000/. for a cast of hawks, which consisted of only two. The great increase of wealth, and the consequent equalization of property in this country, about the reign of Elizabeth, induced many of inferior birth to practise the amusements of their superiors, which they did with- out regard to expense, or indeed propriety. Sir Thomas Elyot, in his Governour (1580), complains that the fal- kons of his day consumed so much poultry, that, in a few years, he feared there would be a great scarcity of it. " I speake not this," says he, " in disprayse of the faukons, but of them which keepeth them lyke cock- neyes." A reproof, there can be no doubt, applicable to the character in the text. 8 A term in hawking, signifying the short straps of leather which are fastened to the hawk's legs, by which she is held on the fist, or joined to the leash. They 56 A justice of peace he is to domineer in his pa- rish, and do his neighbour wrong with more right 9 . He will be drunk with his hunters for company, and stain his gentility with droppings of ale. He is fearful of being sheriff of the shire by instinct, and dreads the assize-week as much as the prisoner. In sum, he's but a clod of his own earth, or his land is the dunghill and he the cock that crows over it : and com- monly his race is quickly run, and his chil- dren's children, though they scape hanging, return to the place from whence they came. were sometimes made of silk, as appears from 1f The Boke of haickyngc, huntynge, and fysshynge, with all the propertycs and medecynes that are necessarye to be kepte : " Hawkes haue aboute theyr Jegges gesses made of lether most comonly, some of sylke, which shuld be no longer but that the knottes of them shulde appere in the myddes of the lefte hande," &c. Juliana Barnes. edit. 4to. " Jmprynted at London in Fouls chyrchyarde by me Hcry Tat." sig. C. ii. 9 This authority of his it tliat club which keeps them under as his dogs hereafter. First edit. 57 XIX. An idle gallant Is one that was born and shaped for his cloaths; and, if Adam had not fallen, had lived to no purpose. He gratulates therefore the first sin, and fig-leaves that were an occasion of [his] bravery. His first care is his dress, the next his body, and in the uniting of these two lies his soul and its faculties. He observes London trulier then the terms, and his business is the street, the stage, the court, and those places where a proper man is best shown. If he be qualified in gaming extraordinary, he is so much the more genteel and compleat, and he learns the best oaths for the purpose. These are a great part of his discourse, and he is as curious in their newness as the fashion. His other talk is ladies and such pretty things, or 58 some jest at a play. His pick-tooth bears a great part in his discourse, so does his body, the upper parts whereof are as starched as his linnen, and perchance use the same laundress. He has learned to ruffle his face from his boot, and takes great delight in his walk to hear his spurs gingle. Though his life pass somewhat slidingly, yet he seems very careful of the time, for he is still drawing his watch out of his pocket, and spends part of his hours in num- bring them. He is one never serious but with his taylor, when he is in conspiracy for the next device. He is furnished with his jests, as some wanderer with sermons, some three for all congregations, one especially against the scho* lar, a man to him much ridiculous, whom he knows by no other definition, but a silly fellow in black. He is a kind of walking mercer's shop, and shews you one stuff to-day and an- other to-morrow ; an ornament to the room he comes in as the fair bed and hangings be ; and 59 is meerly ratable accordingly, fifty or an hun- dred pounds as his suit is. His main ambition is to get a knight-hood, and then an old lady, which if he be happy in, he fills the stage and a coach so much longer: Otherwise, himself and his cloaths grow stale together, and he is buried commonly ere he dies in the gaol, or the country , XX. A constable Is a vice-roy in the street, and no man stands more upon't that he is the king's officer. His jurisdiction extends to the next stocks, where he has commission for the heels only, and sets the rest of the body at liberty. He is a scare- 60 crow to that ale-house, where he drinks not his morning draught, and apprehends a drunkard for not standing in the king's name. Beggars fear him more than the justice, and as much as the whip-stock, whom lie delivers over to his subordinate magistrates, the bridewell-man, and the beadle. He is a great stickler in the tu- mults of double jugs, and ventures his head by his place, which is broke many times to keep whole the peace. He is never so much in his majesty as in his night-watch, where he sits in his chair of state, a shop-stall, and invironed with a guard of'halberts, examines all passengers. He is a very careful man in his office, but if he stay up after midnight you shall take him napping. 61 XXI. A down-right scholar Is one that has much learning in the ore, un- wrought and untried, which time and experi- ence fashions and refines. He is good metal in the inside, though rough and unsecured with- out, and therefore hated of the courtier, that is quite contrary. The time has got a vein of making him ridiculous, and men laugh at him by tradition, and no unlucky absurdity but is put upon his profession, and done like a scho- lar. But his fault is only this, that his mind is [somewhat] too much taken up with his mind, and his thoughts not loaden with any carriage besides. He has not put on the quaint garb of the age, which is now a man's [Imprimis and all the Item I0 .] He has not humbled his medi- tations to the industry of complement, nor af- 10 Now become a man's total, first edit. 62 flicted his brain in an elaborate leg. His body is not set upon nice pins, to be turning and flexible for every motion, but his scrape is homely and his nod worse. He cannot kiss his hand and cry, madam, nor talk idle enough to bear her company. His smacking of a gentle- woman is somewhat too savory, and he mis- lakes her nose for her lips. A very woodcock would puzzle him in carving, and he wants the logick of a capon. He has not the glib faculty of sliding over a tale, but his words come squeamishly out of his mouth, and the laugh- ter commonly before the jest. He names this word college too often, and his discourse beats too much on the university. The perplexity of mannerliness will not let him feed, and he is sharp set at an argument when he should cut his meat. He is discarded for a gamester at all games but one and thirty 1 , and at tables he 1 Of the game called one and thirty, I am unable to 63 reaches not beyond doublets. His fingers are not long and drawn out to handle a fiddle, but his fist clunched with the habit of disputing. He ascends a horse somewhat sinisterly, though not on the left side, and they both go jogging in grief together. He is exceedingly censured by the inns-of-court men, for that heinous vice being out of fashion. He cannot speak to a dog in his own dialect, and understands Greek better than the language of a falconer. He has been used to a dark room, and dark cloaths, and his eyes dazzle at a sattin suit. The her- mitage of his study, has made him somewhat uncouth in the world, and men make him worse by staring on him. Thus is he [silly and] ridiculous, and it continues with him for find any mention in Mr. Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, nor is it alluded to in any of the old plays or tracts I have yet met with. A very satisfactory account of tables may he read in the interesting and valuable pub- lication just noticed. 64 some quarter of a year out of the university. But practise him a little in men, and brush him over with good company, and he shall out-bal- lance those glisterers, as far as a solid sub* stance does a feather, or gold, gold-lace. XXII. A plain country fellow Is one that manures his ground well, but lets himself lye fallow and untilled. He has reason enough to do his business, and not enough to be idle or melancholy. He seems to have the punishment of Nebuchadnezzar, for his conver- sation is among beasts, and his tallons none of the shortest, only he eats not grass, because he loves not sallets. His hand guides the plough. 65 and the plough his thoughts, and his ditch and land-mark is the very mound of his meditations. He expostulates with his oxen very understand- ingly, and speaks gee, and ree, better than English. His mind is not much distracted with objects, but if a good fat cow come in his way, he stands dumb and astonished, and though his haste be never so great, will fix here half an hour's contemplation. His habitation is some poor thatched roof, distinguished from his barn by the loop-holes that let out smoak, which the rain had long since washed through, but for the. double ceiling of bacon on the inside, which has hung there from his grandsire's time, and is yet to make rashers for posterity. His din- ner is his other work, for he sweats at it as much as at his labour ; he is a terrible fastner on a piece of beef, and you may hope to stave the guard off sooner. His religion is a part of his copy-hold, which he takes from his land-lord, and refers it wholly to his discretion : Yet if he 66 give him leave he is a good Christian to his power, (that is,) comes to church in his best cloaths, and sits there with his neighbours, where he is capable only of two prayers, for rain, and fair weather. He apprehends God's blessings only in a good year, or a fat pasture, and never praises him but on good ground. Sunday he esteems a day *o make merry in, and thinks a bag-pipe as essential to it as evening- prayer, where he Avalks very solemnly after service with his hands coupled behind him, and censures the dancing of his parish. [His compliment with his neighbour is a good thump on the back, and his salutation commonly some blunt curse.] He thinks nothing to be vices, but pride and ill husbandry, from which he will gravely dissuade the youth, and has some thrifty hob-nail proverbs to clout his dis- course. He is a niggard all the week, except only market-day, where, if his corn sell well, he thinks he may be drunk with a good con- 67 science. His feet never stink so unbecomingly as when he trots after a lawyer in Westminster- hall, and even cleaves the ground with hard scraping in beseeching his worship to take his money. He is sensible of no calamity but the burning a stack of corn or the overflowing of a meadow, and thinks Noah's flood the greatest plague that ever was, not because it drowned the world, but spoiled the grass. For death he is never troubled, and if he get in but his har- vest before, let it come when it will, he cares not. XXIII. A player. HE knows the right use of the world, wherein he comes to play a part and so away. His life is 68 not idle, for it is all action, and no man need be more wary in his doings, for the eyes of all men are upon him. His profession has in it a kind of contradiction, for none is more disliked, and yet none more applauded ; and he has the mis- fortune of some scholar, too much wit makes him a fool. He is like our painting gentle- women, seldom in his own face, seldomer in his cloaths ; and he pleases, the better he counter- feits, except only when he is disguised with straw for gold lace. He does not only person- ate on the stage, but sometimes in the street, for he is masked still in the habit of a gentle- man. His parts find him oaths and good words, which he keeps for his use and discourse, and makes shew with them of a fashionable com- panion. He is tragical on the stage, but ram- pant in the tiring-house % and swears oaths 2 The room where the performers dress, previous to coming on the stage. 69 there which he never conned. The waiting women spectators are over-ears in love with him, and ladies send for him to act in their chambers. Your inns-of-court men were un done but for him, he is their chief guest and employment, and the sole business that makes them afternoon's-men. The poet only is his tyrant, and he is bound to make his friend's friend drunk at his charge. Shrove-Tuesday he fears as much as the bauds, and Lent 3 is more damage to him than the butcher. He was never so much discredited as in one act, and that was of parliament, which gives hostlers priviledge 3 This passage affords a proof of what has been doubted, namely, that the theatres were not permitted to be open during Lent, in the reign of James I. The restriction was waved in the next reign, as we find from the puritanical Prynne: "There are none so much addicted to stage-playes, but when they goe unto places where they cannot have them, or when, as they are suppressed by publike authority, (as in times of pesti- lence, and in Lent, till now of late,) can well subsist without them," &c. Histrio-Mastix, 4to. Land, 1633. page. 384. 70 before him, for which he abhors it more than a corrupt judge. But to give him his due, one well-furnished actor has enough in him for five common gentlemen, and, if he have a good body, [for six, and] for resolution he shall challenge any Cato, for it has been his practice to die bravely. f XXIV. A detractor Is one of a more cunning and active envy, wherewith he gnaws not foolishly himself, but throws it abroad and would have it blister others. He is commonly some weak parted fellow, and worse minded, yet is strangely am- bitious to match others, not by mounting their worth, but bringing them down with his tongue to his own poorness. He is indeed like the red dragon that pursued the woman, for when he cannot over-reach another, he opens his mouth and throws a flood after to drown him. You cannot anger him worse than to do well, and he hates you more bitterly for this, than if you had cheated him of his patrimony with your own discredit. He is always slighting the ge- neral opinion, and wondering why such and such men should be applauded. Commend a good divine, he cries postilling ; a philologer, pedantry; a poet, running ; a school-man, dull wrangling ; a sharp conceit, boyishness ; an \ ' honest man, plausibility. He comes to publick things not to learn, but to catch, and if there be but one soloecism, that is all he carries away. He looks on all things with a prepared sow r er- ness, and is still furnished with a pish before- hand, or some musty proverb that disrelishes all things whatsoever. If fear of the company make him second a commendation, it is like a 72 law- writ, always with a clause of exception, or to smooth his way to some greater scandal. He will grant you something, and bate more ; and this bating shall in conclusion take away all he granted. His speech concludes still with an Oh ! but, and I could wish one thing amended ; and this one thing shall be enough to deface all his former commendations. He will be very inward with a man to fish some bad out of him, and make his slanders hereafter more authen- tick, when it is said a friend reported it. He will inveigle you to naughtiness to get your good name into his clutches ; he will be your pandar to have you on the hip for a whore-master, and make you drunk to shew you reeling. He passes the more plausibly because all men have a smatch of his humour, and it is thought free- ness which is malice. If he can say nothing of a man, he will seem to speak riddles, as if he could tell strange stories if he would ; and when he has racked his invention to the utmost, 73 lie ends ; but I wish him well, and therefore must hold my peace. He is always listening and enquiring after men, and suffers not a cloak to pass by him unexamined. In brief, he is one that has lost all good himself, and is loth to find it in another. XXV. A young gentleman of the university Is one that comes there to wear a gown, and to say hereafter, he has been at the university. His father sent him thither because he heard there were the best fencing and dancing-schools ; from these he has his education, from his tutor the over-sight. The first element of his know- ledge is to be shewn the colleges, and initiated in a tavern by the way, which hereafter he will 74 will learn of himself. The two marks of his seniority, is the bare velvet of his gown, and his proficiency at tennis, where when he can once play a set, he is a fresh man no more. His study has commonly handsome shelves, his books neat silk strings, which lie shews to his father's man, and is loth to unty 4 or take down for fear of misplacing. Upon foul days for recreation he retires thither, and looks over the .pretty book his tutor reads to him, which is commonly some short history, or a piece of Euphormio; for which his tutor gives him money to spend next day. His main loytering 4 It may not be known to those who arc not accus- tomed to meet with old books in their original bindings, or of seeing public libraries of antiquity, that the volumes were formerly placed on the shelves with the leaves, not the back, in front ; and that the two sides of the binding were joined together with neat silk or other strings, and, in some instances, where the books were of greater value and curiosity than common, even fas- tened with gold or silver chains. 75 is at the library, where he studies arms and books of honour, and turns a gentleman critick in pedigrees. Of all things he endures not to be mistaken for a scholar, and hates a black suit though it be made of sattin. His com- panion is ordinarily some stale fellow, that has been notorious for an ingle to gold hatbands s , whom he admires at first, afterward scorns. If he have spirit or wit he may light of better company, and may learn some flashes of wit, which may do him knight's service in the country hereafter. But he is now gone to the inns-of-court, where he studies to forget what he learned before, his acquaintance and the fashion. 5 A hanger-on to noblemen, vrho are distinguished at the university by gold tassels to their caps ; or in the language of the present day, a tuft-hunter. XXVI. A weak man Is a child at man's estate, one whom nature huddled up in haste, and left his best part un- finished. The rest of him is grown to be a man, only his brain stays behind. He is one that has not improved his first rudiments, nor attained any proficiency by his stay in the world : but we may speak of him yet as when he was in the bud, a good harmless nature, a well meaning mind 6 {and no more.~\ It is bis misery that he now wants a tutor, and is too old to have one. He is two steps above a fool, and a great many more below a wise man : yet the fool is oft given him, and by those whom he esteems most. Some tokens of him are, he * If he could order his intentions, first edit. 77 loves men better upon relation than experi- ence, for he is exceedingly enamoured of strangers, and none quicklier a weary of his friend. He charges you at first meeting with all his secrets, and on better acquaintance grows more reserved. Indeed he is one that mistakes much his abusers for friends, and his friends for enemies, and he apprehends your hate in nothing so much as in good council. One that is flexible with any thing but reason, and then only perverse. [A servant to every tale and flatterer, and whom the last man still works over.] A great affecter of wits and such pretti- nesscs ; and his company is costly to him, for he seldom has it but invited. His friendship com- monly is begun in a supper, and lost in lending money. The tavern is a dangerous place to him, for to drink and be drunk is with him all one, and his brain is sooner quenched than his thirst. He is drawn into naughtiness with company, but suffers alone, and the bastard 78 commonly laid to his charge. One that will be patiently abused, and take exception a month after when he understands it, and then be abused again into a reconcilement; and you cannot endear him more than by cozening him, and it is a temptation to those that would not. One discoverable in all silliness to all men but him- self, and you may take any man's knowledge of him better than his own. He will promise the same thing to twenty, and rather than deny one break with all. One that has no power over himself, over his business, over his friends, but a prey and pity to all ; and if his fortunes once sink, men quickly cry, Alas ! and forget him. 79 XXVII. A tobacco-seller Is the only man that finds good in it which others brag of but do not; for it is meat, drink, and clothes to him. No man opens his ware with greater seriousness, or challenges your judgment more in the approbation. His shop is the rendezvous of spitting, where men dia- logue with their noses, and their communica- tion is smoak 7 . It is the place only where Spain is commended and preferred before England itself. He should be well experienced in the world, for he has daily trial of men's nos- trils, and none is better acquainted with hu- mours. He is the piecing commonly of some 7 Minshew calls a tobzccomstfumi-vendulus, a smoak- idkr. 80 other trade, which is bawd to his tobacco, and that to his wife, which is the flame that follows this smoak. XXV1I1. A pot-poet Is the dregs of wit, yet mingled with good drink may have some relish. His inspirations are more real than others, for they do but feign a God, but he has his by him. His verse runs like the tap, and his invention as the barrel, ebbs and flows at the mercy of the spiggot. In thin drink he aspires not above a ballad, but a cup of sack inflames him, and sets his muse and nose a-fire together. The press is his mint, and stamps him now and then a six-pence or two in reward of ttie baser coin his pamphlet. His 81 works would scarce sell for three half-pence, though they are given oft for three shillings, but for the pretty title that allures the country gentleman; for which the printer Maintains him in ale a fortnight. His verses are like bis clothes miserable centoes 8 and patches, yet their pace is not altogether so hobbling as an alma- nack's. The death of a great man or the burn- ing 9 of a house furnish him with an argument, and the nine muses are out strait in mourning gowns, and Melpomene cries fire ! fire ! i"His other poems are but briefs in rhime^ and like the poor Greeks collections to redeem from cap- tivity.] He is a man now much employed in commendations of our navy, and a bitter in- veigher against the Spaniard. His frequentest 8 Cento, a composition formed by joining scraps from other authors. Johnson. Camden, in his J?e- mains, uses it in the same sense. " It is quilted, as it were, out of shreds of divers poets, such as scholars call a cento." 9 Firing, first edit. 82 >\orks go out in single sheets, and are chanted from market to market to a vile tune and a worse throat ; whilst the poor country wench melts like her butter to hear them. And these are the stories of some men of Tyburn, or a strange monster out of Germany I0 ; or, sitting 1 In the hope of discovering some account of the strange monster alluded to, I have looked through one of the largest and most curious collections of tracts, re- lating to the marvellous, perhaps in existence. That bequeathed to the Bodleian, by Robert Burton, the au- thor of the Anatomy of' Melancholy. Hitherto my re- searches have been unattended with success, as I have found only two tracts of this description relating to Germany, both of which are in prose, and neither giving any account of a monster. 1. A most true Relation of a very dreatlfull Eaith- quake, with the lamentable Efftctes therecf, which began i-pon the 8. of December 1612. and yet continuelh most fcurefull in Munster in Germanic. Reade and Tremble. Translated out of Dutch, by Charles Demetrius, Publike Notarie in London, and printed at Rotterdame, in Hol- land, at the Signe of the White Gray-hound. (Date cut off. Twenty-six pages, 4 to. with a wood-cut.) 2. Miraculous Neices from the Cittie of Holt, in the ip of M unster, in Germany, the twcnticlh of Sep- 83 in a bawdy-house, he writes God's judgments* He drops away at last in some obscure painted cloth, to which himself made the verses 1 , and his life, like a cann too full, spills upon the bench. He leaves twenty shillings on the score, which my hostess loses. timber last past, 1616. where there were plainly beheld three dead bodies rise out of their Graves admonishing the people of ludgements to come. Faithfully translated (Sfc. SfC.) London, Printed for lohn Barnes, dwelling in Hosie Lane neere Smithfield, 1616. (4to. twenty pages, wood-cut.) 1 It was customary to work or paint proverbs, moral sentences, or scraps of verse, on old tapestry hangings, which were called painted cloths. Several allusions- to this practice may be found in the works of our early English dramatists. See Reed's Shakspeare, viii. 103. XXIX. A plausible man Is one that would fain run an even path in the world, and jut against no man. His en" deavour is not to offend, and his aim the gene- ral opinion. His conversation is a kind of con- tinued compliment, and his life a practice of manners. The relation he bears to others, a kind of fashionable respect, not friendship but friendliness, which is equal to all and general, and his kindnesses seldom exceed courtesies* He loves not deeper mutualities, because he would not take sides, nor hazard himself on displeasures, which he principally avoids. At your Jirst acquaintance with him he is exceed- ing kind and friendly, and at your twentieth meeting after but friendly still. He has an ex- cellent command over his patience and tongue, especially the last, which he accommodates 85 always to the times and persons, and speaks seldom what is sincere, but what is civil. He is one that uses all companies, drinks all healths, and is reasonable cool in all religions. [He considers who are friends to the company, and speaks well where he is sure to hear of it again.] He can listen to a foolish discourse with an applausive attention, and conceal his laughter at nonsense. Silly men much ho- nour and esteem him, because by his fair rea- soning with them as with men of understand- ing, he puts them into an erroneous opinion of themselves, and makes them forwarder here- after to their own discovery. He is one rather well 1 thought on than beloved, and that love he has is more of whole companies together than any one in particular. Men gratify him notwithstanding with a good report, and what- ever vices he has besides, yet having no ene- mies, he is sure to be an honest fellow. 9 Better, first edit. 86 XXX. A bowl-alley Is the place where there are three things thrown away beside bowls, to wit, time, money, and curses, and the last ten for one. The best sport in it is the gamesters, and he enjoys it that looks on and bets not. It is the school of wrangling, and worse than the schools, for men will cavil here for a hair's breadth, and make a stir where a straw would end the con- troversy. No antick screws men's bodies into such strange flexures, and you would think them here senseless, to speak sense to their bowl, and put their trust in intreaties for a good cast. The betters arc the factious noise of the alley, or the gamesters beadsmen that pray for them. They are somewhat like those that are cheated by great men, for they lose 87 their money and must say nothing. It is the best discovery of 'humours, especially in the losers, where you have fine variety of impa- tience, whilst some fret, some rail, some swear, and others more ridiculously comfort themselves with philosophy. To give you the moral of it; it is the emblem of the world, or the world's ambition: where most are short, or over, or wide or wrong- biassed, and some few justle in to the mistress fortune. And it is here as in the court, where the nearest are most spited, and all blows aimed at the toucher. 8 aMV-'i).-; T?iO ;M against whom he thinks he rails lawfully, and censurers are all those that are better than him- self. These good properties qualify him for honesty enough, and raise him high in the ale- house commendation, who, if he had any other good quality, would be named by that. But' now for refuge he is an honest man, and here- after a sot : only those that commend him think him not so, and those that commend him artr honest fellows. 208 LXXVIII. A suspicious or jealous man Is one that watches himself a mischief, and keeps a lear eye still, for fear it should escape him. A man that sees a great deal more in every thing than is to be seen, and yet he thinks he sees nothing : his own eye stands in his light. He is a fellow commonly guilty of some weaknesses, which he might conceal if he were careless : now his over-diligence to hide them makes men pry the more. Howsoever he ima- gines you have found him, and it shall go hard but you must abuse him whether you will or no. Not a word can be spoke, but nips him some- where ; not a jest thrown out, but he will make it hit him. You shall have him go fretting out of company, with some twenty quarrels to every man, stung and galled, and no man knows less the occasion than they that have given it. To laugh before him is a dangerous matter, for it Cannot be at any thing but at him, and to whis- per in his company plain conspiracy. He bids you speak out, and he will answer you, when you thought not of him. He expostulates with you in passion, why you should abuse him, and explains to your ignorance wherein, and gives you very good reason at last to laugh at him hereafter. He is one still accusing others when they are not guilty, and defending him- self when he is not accused : and no man is un- done more with apologies, wherein he is so ela- borately excessive, that none will believe him ; and he is never thought worse of, than when he has given satisfaction. Such men can never have friends, because they cannot trust so far ; and this humour hath this infection with it, it makes all men to them suspicious. In conclu- sion, they are men always in offence and vexa- p with themselves and their neighbours, wronging others in thinking they would wrong them, and themselves most of all in thinking they deserve it. END OF THE CHARACTERS, APPENDIX. APPENDIX. No. I. SOME ACCOUNT OF BISHOP EARLE*. ALL the biographical writers who have taken notice of JOHN EARLE agree in stating, that he was born in the city of York, although not one * The following brief memoir pretends to be nothing more than an enumeration of such particulars relative to the excellent prelate, whose Cluiracters are here offered to the public, as could be gathered from the historiral and biographical productions of the period in which he flou- rished. It is hoped that no material occurrence has been overlooked, or circumstance mis-stated; but should any errors appear to have escaped his observation, the editor will feel obliged by the friendly intimation of such persons as may be possessed of more copious in- formation than he has been able to obtain, in order that they may be acknowledged and corrected in another place. 212 of them has given the exact date of his birth, or any intelligence relative to his family, or the rank in life of his parents. It is, however, most probable, that they were persons of respectabi- lity and fortune, as he was sent, at an early age, to Oxford, and entered as a commoner of Christ-church college *, where his conduct was so exemplary, his attention to his studies so marked, and his general deportment and man- ners so pleasing, that he became a successful candidate at Merton-college, and was admitted a probationary fellow on that foundation in 1620, being then, according to Wood t, about nineteen years of age. He took the degree of Master of Arts, July 10, 1624, and in 1631 served the office of Proctor of the university, about which time he was also appointed chap- lain to Philip Earl of Pembroke, then Chancel- lor of Oxford. * He took the degree of Bachelor of Arts whilst a member of this society, July 8, 1619, and appears to have been always attached to it. In 16CO he gave twenty pounds towards repairing the cathedral and col- lege. Wood. Hist. etAntiq. Unit). Oxon. lib. ii. p. 284. t Athente Oxon. ii. 365. 213 During the earlier part of our author's life, te appears to have possessed considerable re- putation as a poet, and to have been as remark- able for the pleasantry of his conversation, as for his learning, virtues, and piety. Wood * tells us that a his younger years were adorned with oratory, poetry, and witty fancies, his elder with quaint preaching and subtile dis- putes." The only specimens of his poetry which can be recovered at this time, are three funeral tributes, which will be found in the Appendix, and of which two are now printed, I believe, for the first time. Soon after his appointment to be Lord Pem- broke's chaplain, he was presented by that no- bleman to the rectory of Bishopstone, in Wilt- shire ; nor was this the only advantage he reaped from the friendship of his patron, who being at that time Lord Chamberlain of the King's household t, was entitled to a lodging in the court for his chaplain, a circumstance which in all probability introduced Mr. Earle to the notice of the King, who promoted him to be * Athena Oxon. ii. 365. t Collins' Peerage, iii, 123. 214 chaplain and tutor to Prince Charles, when Dr. Duppa, who had previously discharged that important trust, was raised to the bishopric of Salisbury. In 1642 Earle took his degree of Doctor in Divinity, and in the year following was actually elected one of the Assembly of Divines appointed by the parliament to new model the church. This office, although it may be considered a proof of the high opinion even those of different sentiments from himself entertained of his cha- racter and merit, he refused to accept, when he saw that there was no probability of assisting the cause of religion, or of restraining the vio- lence of a misguided faction, by an interference among those who were " declared and avowed enemies to the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England ; some of them infamous in their lives and conversations, and most of them of very mean parts in learning, if not of scandalous ignorance *." On the 101 h of February, 1643, Dr. Earle was elected chancellor of the cathedral of Sa- * Clarendon. History of the Rebellion, ii, 827. Edit. Oxford, 1807. 215 lisbury *, of which situation, as well as his living of Bishopstone, he was shortly after de- prived by the ill success of the royal cause t. When the defeat of the King's forces at Wor- cester compelled Charles the Second to fly his country, Earle attached himself to the fallen fortunes of his sovereign, and was among the first of those who saluted him upon his arrival at Rouen in Normandy, 'where he was made clerk of the closet, and King's chaplain :. Nor w r as his affection to the family of the Stuarts, and his devotion to their cause evinced by personal services only, as we find by a letter from Lord Clarendon to Dr. Barwick, that he * Walker. Sufferings of the Clergy, fol. 1714, part ii. page 63. t During the early part of the civil wars, and whilst success was doubtful on either side, he appears to have lived in retirement, and to have employed himself in a translation of Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity into Latin, which, however, was never made public. At the appear- ance of Charles the First's Emu* Bx;i>.iy.v, ha was desired by the king(Ch. II.) to execute the same task upon that production, which he performed with great ability. It was printed for distribution ou the continent in 1649, * Wood. Ath. Own, ii. 365. 216 assisted the King with money in his necessi* ties *. During the time that Charles was in Scotland, Dr. Earle resided at Antwerp, with his friend Dr. Morley t, from whence he was called upon to attend the Duke of York (afterwards James II.) at Paris J, in order that he might heal some of the breaches which were then existing be- tween certain members of the duke's house- hold $ ; and here it is probable he remained till the recal of Charles the Second to the throne of England. Upon the Restoration, Dr. Earle received the reward of his constancy and loyalty, he was immediately promoted to the deanery of "Westminster, a situation long designed for him * Life of Dr. John Barwick, 8vo. Lond. 1724. p. 522. t Dr. George Morley was chaplain to Charles the First, and canon of Christ Church, Oxford. At the Restoration he was made, first dean of Christ Church, then bishop of Worcester, and lastly bishop of Win- chester. He died at Farnham-castle, October 29, 1C84. See Wood. Athen. Oxon. ii. 581. $ Wood. Athens, ii. 770. Clarendon's Rebellion, iii. 65 Angelus. ^et nunc triumphantis ) ( Doni: 1665to. ObntOxonij ISovemb. 1T. Anno \ . 1 Tl.tatis suae 65. \'oluitq. in hoc, ubi olini floruerat, Collegio, Ex ^Ede Christi hue in Socium ascitus, Ver magnum, ut reibrescat, expectare." 219 No. II. CHARACTERS OF BISHOP EARLE. " HE was a person very notable for his ele- gance in the Greek and Latin tongues; and Leing fellow of Merton college in Oxford, and having been proctor qf the university, and some very witty and sharp dis- courses being published in print without his consent, though known to be his, he grew suddenly into a very general esteem with all men; beiug a man of great piety a.id devotion ; a most eloquent and powerful preacher; and of a conversation so pleasant and delight- ful, so very innocent, and so very facetious, that no man's company was more desired, and more loved. No man was more negligent in his dress, and habit, and mein ; no man more wary and cultivated in bis beha- viour and discourse ; insomuch as he had the greater advantage when he was known, by promising so little before he was known. He was an excellent poet both in Latin, Greek, and English, as appears by many pieces yet abroad ; though he suppressed many more hi n^elf, especially of English, incomparably good, out of an Austerity to those sallies of his youth. He was very 220 dear to the Lord Falkland, with whom he spent aS much time as he could make his own ; and as that lord would impute the speedy progress he made in the Greek tongue to the information and assistance he had from Mr. Earles, so Mr. Earles would frequently profess that he had got more useful learning by his conversation at Tew (the Lord Falkland's house,) than he had at Oxford. In the first settling of the prince his family, he was made one of his chaplains, and attended on him when he was forced to leave the kingdom. He was amongst the few excellent men who never had, nor ever could have, an enemy, but such a one who was an enemy to all learning and virtue, and therefore would never make himself known." LORD CLARENDON. Account of his own Life, folio, Ox- ford, 1759, p. 26. " This is thatDr.Earle, who from his youth (I had almost said from his childhood,) for his natural and acquired abilities was so very eminent in the uni- versity of Oxon ; and after was chosen to be one of the first chaplains to his Majesty (when Prince of Wales) : who knew not how to desert his master, but with duty and loyalty (suitable to the rest of his many great vir- tues, both moral and intellectual,) faithfully attended his Majesty both at home and abroad, as chaplain, and clerk of his majesty's closet, and upon his majesty's happy return, was made Dean of Westminster, and now 221 Lord Bishop of Worcester, (for which, December 7, he did homage to his Majesty,) having this high and rare felicity by his excellent and spotless conversation, to have lived so many years in the court of England, so near his Majesty, and yet not given the least offence to any man alive ; though both in and out of pulpit he used all Christian freedom against the vanities of this age, being honoured and admired by all who have either known, heard, or read him." WHITE KENNETT (Bishop of Peterborough) Regis- ter and Chronicle Ecclesiastical and Civil, folio, London, 1728, page 834. " Dr. Earle, now Lord Bishop of Salisbury, of whom I may justly say, (and let it not offend him, because it is such a truth as ought not to be concealed from posterity, or those that now live and yet know him not,) that, since Mr. Hooker died, none have lived whom God hath blessed with more innocent wisdom, more sanctified learning, or a more pious, peaceable, primi- tive temper: so that this excellent person seems to be only like himself, and our venerable Richard Hooker." WALTON-. Life of Mr. Richard Hooker, 8vo. Oxford, 1805, i. 327. This Dr. Earles, lately Lord Bishop of Salis- 22f bury. A person certainly of the sweetest, most obliging nature that lived in our age." Iluca CRESSEY. Epistle Apologetical to a Person of Honour (Lord Clarendon), 8vo. 1674, page 46. u Dr. Earle, Bishop of Salisbury, was a man that could do good against evil ; forgive much, and of a charitable heart." PIERCE. Conformist's Plea for Nonconformity, 4to. 1681. page 1T4. 523 No. III. LIST OF DR. EARLE'S WORKS. 1. Microcosmography, or a Piece of the World discovered, in Essays and Characters. London. 1628. &C.&C. 12mo. 9. Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity, translated into Latin. This, says Wood, " is in MS. and not yet printed." In whose possession theMS. was does not appear, nor have I been able to trace it in the catalogue of any public or private collection. S. Hortus Mertonensis, a Latin Poem, of which Wood gives the first line " Hortus deliciee domus politae." It is now supposed to be lost. 4. Lines on the Death of Sir John Bnrroughs ; now printed for the first time. See Appendix, No. IV. 5. Lines on the Death of the Earl of Pembroke ; now printed for the first time. See Appendix, No. V. 6. Elegy upon Francis Beaumont; first printed at the end of Beaumont's Poems, London, 1640. 4to. See Appendix, No. VI. 7. E?xw Batff&iiri, Tel Imago Regis Caroli, In illis suis JErumnis et Solitudinf. Hag To pass a fire, or laugh an hour in bed. How do the Muses suffer every where, Taken in such mouth's censure, in such ears, That 'twixt a whiff, a line or two rehearse, And with their rheume together spaul a verse? This all a poem's leisure after play, Drink, or tobacco, it may keep the day : Whilst ev'n their very idleness they think Is lost in these, that lose their time in drink. Pity then dull we, we that better know, Will a more serious hour on thee bestow. Why should not Beaumont in the morning please, As well as Plautus, Aristophanes ? Who, if my pen may as my thoughts be free, Were scurril wits and buffoons both to thee ; Yet these our learned of severest brow Will deign to look on, and to note them too, That will defy our own, 'tis English stuff, And th* author is not rotten long enough. 232 Alas ! what phlegm are they compar'd to thee, In thy Philaster, and Maifs-Tragcdy ? Where's such a humour as thy Bessus ? pray Let them put all their Thrasocs in one play, He shall out- bid them ; their conceit was poor, All in a circle of a bawd or whore ; A coz'ning dance ; take the fool away And not a good jest extant in a play. Yet these are wits, because they'r old, and now Being Greek and Latin, they are learning too : But those their own times were content t' allow A thirsty fame, and thine is lowest now. But thou shall live, and, when thy name is grown Six ages older, shall be better known, "When th* art of Chaucer's standing in the tomb, Thou shalt not share, but take up all his room. JOHN EARLE. 233 \3ril .Aft bns "NT VTT ' muf * . DEDICATION TO THE LATIN TRANSLATION OF THE ' :ff.T J0Q Eixw B-A/x,. h Juft m :d Xl3 1i nsrfVf d^ uodT *< Serenissimo et Potentissimo Monarch se, Carolo Se- cundo, Dei Gratia Magrue Britanniae, Frauciae et Ili- bernias Regi, Fidei Defensori, &c. Serenissime Rex, Prodeat jam sub tuis auspiciis ilia patris tui gloriosis- simi imago, ilia quS. magis ad Dei similituclinem, quam qua Rex aut homo accedit. Prodeat vero eo colore pe- regrino, quo facta omnibus conspectior fiat publica. Ita enim tu voluisli, ut sic lingua omnium communi orbi traderem, in qua utinam feliciorem tibi operam navare licuisset, ut illam nativam elegantiam, illam vim verbo- rum et lumina, illam admirabilem sermonis structuram exprimercm. Quod cum fieri (fortasse nee a peritissi- mis) a me certe non possit, prsestat interim ut cum ali- 234 qua venustatis injuria magnam partem Europae alloqua- tur, quam intra paucos sues gentis clausa apud caeteros omnes conticescat. Sunt enim hie velut quaedam Dei mag- nalia quse spargi expedit humano generi, et in onmium linguis exaudiri : id pro mea facultate curavi, ut si non sensa tanti authoris ornate, at perspicue et fide trade- rem, imo nee ab ipsa dictione et phrasi (quantum Latini idiomatis ratio permittit) vel minimum recederem. Sa- cri enim codicis religiosum esse decet interpretem : et certe proxime ab illo sacro et adorando codice, (qui in has comparationes non cadit,) spera non me audacem futu- rum, si dixero nullum inter caeteros mortalium, vel autore vel argumento illustriorem, vel in quo viva ma- gis pietas et eximie Christiana spiratur. II abet vero sanctitas regia nescio quid ex fortunae suae majestate sublimius quiddam et auguslius, et quae im- perium magis obtinet in mentes hominvmi, et reveren- tia majore accipitur : quare et his maxime instruments usus est Deus, qui illam partem sacras paginje ad solen- nem Dei cultum pertinentem, psalmos scilicet, et hym- nos : cacteraque ejusmodi perpetuis ecclesiae usibus in- servitura, transmitterent hominibus, ct auctoritatem quandam conciliarent. Quid quod libentius etiam ar- ripiunt homines sic objectam et traditam pietatem. Quod et libro huic evenit, et erit magis eventurum, quo jam multo diffusior plures sui capaces invenerit. Magnum erat profecto sic meditari, sic scribere; multo inajus sic vivere, sic mori: ut sit haec pene nimia dictu pietas excmplo illius superata. Scit hcec ilia orbis pars miserhma jam et coutaraiaatissima. Utinam hanc maturius intellexissent virtutem, quam jam sero laudant, et admirantur amissam, nee ilia opus fuisset dir& fornace, qua tarn eximia regis pietas exploraretur, ex qua nos tantum miseri facti sumus, ille omnium feli- cissimus ; cujus ilia pars vitae novissima et H setors vvlgarely culled Uagabones, set forth by Thomas Harmon. Efquier.for the vtilitcand proffyt ofhys naturallCountrey. Newly agmented , ^ludewr atid Jmprinted Anno Domini. -fJanqoiqi!! M.D.LXUJJ. -ham orij VtWJhaWWWdi and allowed t according unto th( -3d 9msii':<. G^ ee7 * cs Maiestyes Injunctions . execnted wood-cut, of two persons receiving pu- una DJB , . 6 r nishmeiit at the cart's tail from the hands of a beadle.] Imprinted at London in Fletestretat the signe of 'the Faitlcm by Wylliam Gr-yffith, and are to be sofde tit his shoppe in Saynt Dvnstones Churche yank in the West. [4to. black letter, containing thirty folios, very incorrectly numbered.] 247 I commence my list of Characters, with a volume, which, although earlier than ihe period I originally in-' tended to begin from, is of sufficient curiosity and inte- rest to warrant introduction, and, I trust, to obtain par- don from the reader for the additional trouble I am thus preparing for him. Mr. Warton, in his History of English Poet ry,(iv. 74.) has given, with some trifling errors, a transcript of the title, and says he has a faint remembrance of a Collec- tion of Epigrams, by the author, printed about 1599: these I have never been fortunate enough to meet with, nor do they appear in the collections of Ames or Her- bert, neither of whom had seen a copy of the present work, although they mention Griffith's licence to print it as dated in 1566 *. It is dedicated to Elizabeth, countess of Shrewsbury; Mr. Warton thinks " with singular impropriety," al- though the motive^ppears at least to justify the mea- sure, if it does not entitle the author to commendation. He addresses this noble lady as a person of extreme be- nevoleace, and lt as also aboundautly powrynge out dayly [her] ardent and bountifull charytie vppon all such as commeth for reliefe." " I thought it good," he con- tinues, " necessary, and my bounden dutye, to ac- quaynte your goodnes with the abhominable, wycked, and detestable behauor of all these rowsey, ragged rab- blement of rake helles, that vnder the pretence of great * In the epistle to the reader, the author term* it '* this second impression." 248 misery, dyseases, and other innumerable calamites whiche they fay no through irreat hipocrisye, do wyn and gay e great alvnes in all places where they wyly wantler." On this account, therefore, and to preserve the kindness and liberality of the countess from imposi- tion, Harman dedicates his book to that lady. The notorious characters mentioned, are a " ruffler * ; a upright man f ; a hoker or angglear J ; a roge ; a wylde * A ntffler seems to have been a bully as well as a beggar, he is thus described in the Fraternitye of Vacabondes ; (see p. 256. ) " A ruffeler goeth wyth a weapon to seeke sernice, saying he hath bene a seruitor in the wars, and beggeth for bis reliefe. But his chiefest trade is to robbe poore wayfaring men and market-women." la New Custome a morality, 1573, Creweltie, one of the characters, is termed a rvjfler. See also Decker's Belman of London. Sign. C. iv. t " An upright man is one that goeth wyth the tninchion of a starlc, which staffe they cal a Flitehma. This man is of so much authority, -that meeting with any of his profession, he may cal them to accompt, and comaund a share or snap vnto liimseife of al that they have gained by their trade in one mo- neth." Fraternitye of Vacabondes. | This worthy character approaches somewhat near to a shop-lifter. Decker tells us that " their apparele in which they walke is commonly freize jerkins and gallye slops." Belman. Sign. C. iv. A rogue, says Burton, in his MS. notes to Decker'? Jlfhmtn of London, " is not so stoute and [hardy] as the vp- right man." j 19 djo brt* ,ZM** roge *; a prygger of prauncers ; a pallyarde t ; a frater j ; a Abraham man ; a fresh water mariner, or whipiacke; a counterfet cranke || ; a dommerar 11 ; a dronken tinc- kar**; a swadder or pedler; a jarke man, and a pa- trico ff ; a demaunder for glymmar Jt ; a bawdy basket ; * A person whose parents were rogues. t " These be called also clapperdogens } " and " go with patched clokes." Sign. C. iv. t A Frater and a Whipiacke, are persons who travel with a counterfeite license, the latter in the dress of a sailor. See Fraternitye, Belman, &c. .1*1 ZiA " An Abraham-man is he that walketh bare-armed, and bare-legged, and fayneth hymselfe mad, and caryeth a packe of wool, or a stycke with baken on it, or such lyke toy, and nameth himselfe Poore Tom." Fraternitye of Vacabondes. || A person who asks charity, and feigns sickness and disease. IT One who pretends to be dumb. In Hannan's time they were chiefly Welsh-men. ** An artificer who mends one hole, and makes twenty. tt A jarke man can read and write, and sometimes under- stands a little Lathi. A patrico solemnizes their marriages. ^ These are commonly women who ask assistance, feign- ing that they have lost their property by fire. A woman who cohabits with an upright man, and pro- : fesses to sell thread, &c. a antem morte * ; a walking raorte j a doxe ; a dell ; a kynchin morte ; and a kynchen co." From such a list, several instances of the tricks, as well as specimens of the language of the thieves of the day, might with ease be extracted, did not the limits of my little volume compel me to refrain from entering at large into this history of rogues ; a restriction I the more regret, from its containing several passages illus- trating the manners of that period, and which would be found of material use towards explaining many of the allusions met with in our early English dramas, aud now but imperfectly understood. "HA Prygger of Prauncers. (Sign. C. iii. b.) " A prigger of Prauncers be horse stealers, for to. prig ge signifieth in their language to steale, and a praun- cer is a horse, so beinge put together, the matter is plainc. These go commonly in jerkins of leather or of white frese, & carry little wandes in their hands, and will walke through grounds and pasturs, to search and se "' horses mete for their purpose. And if thei chaunce to be met and asked by the owners of the grounde what they make there, they fayne straighte that they have loste theyr waye ; and desyre to be enstructed the bcste * " These antem mortts be marled women, as there be bat a fewe : for antem, in their language is a churche " c. Har- mon. Sign. E. iv. A walking morte is one unmarried : a doxe, a dell, and a kynchin morte, are all females; and a A- chen co is a young boy not thoroughly instructed ill the art of canting and prigging. 251 way to suche a place. - : Titese will also repayrt to gen- tlemens houses, and aske theyr charitye, and will offer theyr seruice. And if you aske them what they can doe, they wil save that they can kepe two or three gel- dinges, and waite vppon a gentleman. These haue also theyr women that, walkinge from them in other places, marke where and what they see abrode, and sheweth these priggars therof, when they meete, whych is wyth- in a weeke or two. And loke, where they steale any thynge, they conuey the same at the leaste three score miles of, or more. There was a gentleman, a verye frlende of myne, rydynge from London homewarde into Kente, hauinge within three myles of his house bosy- nesse, alyghted of his horse, and hys man also, in a pretye village, where diuers houses were, and looked about hym where he myghte haue a conuenyent person to walke his horse, because he would speak w e a farmer that dwelte on the backe side of the sayde village, little aboue a quarter of a myle from the place where he light- ed, and had his man to waight vpon hym, as it was mete for his callynge : espieng a priggar there standing, thinkinge the same to dwel there, charging this prity prigginge person to walke his horse well, and that they might not stande still for takynge of colde, and at his returne (which he saide should not be longe,) he would geue him a peny to drinke, and so wente about his busines. Tbys peltinge priggar, proude of his praye, walketh hys horses vp and downe, till he sawe the gentleman out of sighte, and leapes him into the saddell, and awaye he goeth a mayne. This gentlemnn 252 o^j as naswted 9uj>oljsib s hm ; nodo3ingia usr returning, and;firidyng:net hie horses, sente his man to the one ende of the village, & he went himselfe vnto the other cnde, and enquired as he went for hys horses that were vralked, and began somewhat to suspecte, because neither he nor his man coulde neyther see nor fynde him. Then this gentleman diligently enquired of three or fourc towne dwellers there whether any such person, declaring his stature, age, apparel, and so manye lina- jnentes of his body as he coulde call to remembraunce. And vna voce, all sayde that no such man dwelte in their streate, neither in the parish that they knewe of, but some did wel remember that suche a one they sawe there lyrkinge and huggeringe * two houres before th gentleman came thether and a straunger to them. J had thought, quoth this gentleman, he had here dwelled, and marched home mannerly in his botes : farre from the place he dwelt not. J suppose at his comming home be sente such wayes as he suspected or thought mete to search for this priger, but hetherto he neuer harde any tidinges againe of his palfreys. J had the best gelding stolen out of my pasture that J had amogst others, while this boke was first a printing." At the end of the several characters, the author givea a list of the names of the most notorious thieves of his' day, a collection of the cant phrases used by them, with * In Florio's Italian Dictionary, the word dinascoso is ex- plained " secretly, hiddenly, in hugger-tmigger t " ; See also Reed's Shakspeare, xviii. 284. Old Plays, 1780. viii. 48. 253 their significations ; and a dialogue between an tiprighte man and a roge, which I shall transcribe : iniirt3T " The vprigbtOfe canteth to the Roger. Thevprighte man spaketh to the roge. Man. Bene lyghtmans to thy quarromes in what lipke hast thou lipped in this darkemanes ; whether in a lybbege or in the strummell ? God morrowe to thy bodye, in what house hast thou lyne in all night whether in a bed, or in the strawe ? Roge. J couched a hogeshed in a skypper this darke- mans. Ilaye me down to sleepe in a barne this night Man. J towre ye strummell tryne vpon thy nabcher & togman. J see the straw hunge Tpon thy cap and coate. irtag Roge. J saye by the Salomon J wyll lage it of with a gage of bene house then cut to my nose watch,iBm bnfi J sweare by the masse J wyll wash it of with a quart of drinke, then saye to me what thou relit. Man. Why, hast thou any lowre in thy bouge to bouse? - Why, hast thou any money in thy purse to drinke ? Roge. But a flagge, a wyn, and a make. But a grot, a penny, and a halfe-penny. Man. Why where is the kene that hath the bene bouse ? Where is the house that hath the good drinke ? Roge. A bene mort hereby at the signe of the prauncer. A good &ufe here by at the signe of the hors. 254 Man. J cutt it is quyer buose J bousd a flagge the lastc darkemans. J saye it is small and naughfyc drynkc, J dranke a groat e there the last night. Roge. But bouse there a bord, and thou shah haue bcueship. But drinke there a shyllinge, and thou shalt haue very good. Tower ye, yander is the kene, dup the gygger, and maund that is beneshype. Se you, yonder is the house, open the doorc, and aske for the best. Man. This bouse is as benshyp as rome bouse. This drinke is as good as zeyne. Now J tower that bene bouse makes nase nabes. Now J se, that good drynke makes a dronken heade. Maunde of this morte what bene pecke is in her ken. Aske of this wyfe what good meate shee hath, in her house. Koge. She hath a cacling chete, a grunting chete, ruff pecke, cassan, and popplarr ofyarum. She hath a hen, a pyg, baken, chese, and mylke porrage. Stan. That is beneshyp to oure watche. That is very good for vs. Now we haue well bousd, let vs strike some chete. None we haue well dronke, let vs steale some thinge. Yonder dwelletha quyere cufFenit were beneshype to royll hym. Yonder dwelleth a hoggeshe and choyrlyshe man it vceare eery well donne to robbe him. 255 Rage. Xowe, bynge we a waste to the hygh pad, the ruffmanes is by. Na-ye, let "vs go hence to the hygh. zt'aye, the wode* it at hande. Man. So may we happen on the harmanes and cry the jarke, or to the quyer ken and skower quyaer cramp- rings and so to tryning on the chates. So we maye chaunce to set in the stockes, eyther be whyp- ped, eyther had to prison-house, and there be shackeled with bolttes and fetters, and then to hange on the gallon- ex. [Rogue.] Gerry gan the ruffian clye thee. A corde in t hy mouth, the deuyll take thee. Man. What ! stowe you bene cofe and cut benar whydds ; and byng we to some vyle to nyp a bong, so shall we haue lowre for the bousing ken and when we byng back to the deuseauyel, we wyll fylche some duddes of the rufferaans, or myll the ken for a iagge of dudes. What! holde your peace, good fellowe, and speake better zeordes ; andgo we toLondon tocut a purse, then shalieehauc money for the ale-house, and when we come backe ugayne into the countrey, we uyll steale some lynnen clothes of one hedges, or robbe some house for a bucke of clothes." I have been induced, from the curiosity and rarity of this tract, to extend my account of it farther, perhaps, than many of my readers may think reasonable, and shall, therefore, only add a specimen of Harruan's poetry, with which the original terminates* " $3T Thus J conclude my bolde beggar's booke, That all estates most playnely maye see; .As in a glasse well pollyshed to looke, Their double demeaner in eche degree ; Their lyues, their language, their names as they be ; That with this warning their myndes may be wanned To amende their mysdeedes, and so lyue vnhanued." Another tract of the same description is noticed in Herbert's Ames (p. 885.) as printed so early as in 1565. A copy of the second edition in the Bodleian Library, possesses the following title : " The Fratcrnitye of Ua- tabondes. As reel of ritflyng Vacabondes, as qfbeggerly, of women as of men, of gyrles as of loyes, with their proper names and qualities. With a description of tlie crafty com- pany of Cousoncrs and Shifters. Whereunto also is ad- ioyncd the xxv orders of Knaues, othera-yse called a Quar- tern of Knaues, Confirmed for euer by Cocke Lorell *, Sfe. Imprinted at London by lohn Awdelcy, dwellyng in little Britayne strecte without Aldersgate, 1575." This, al- though much shorter than Harman's, contains nearly the same characters, and is 'therefore thus briefly dis- missed. An account of it, drawn up by the editor of the present volume, may be found in Brydges' British Biblio- grapher, vol. ii. p. 12. Herbert notices Cock Lorelles Bote, which he describes to be a satire in verse, in which the author enumerates all the most common trades and callings then in being. It was printed, in black letter, Wynken de Worde, 4to. without date. History of Printing ii. 224, and Percy's Relieves, i. 137, edit. 1794. 257 It may not be amiss to notice in this place, that a considerable part of The Bel/nan of London, bringing to light the most notorious rillanies that are now prac- tised in the kingdom, fyc. 4to. 1608, is derived from Har- man's Caveat. Among the books bequeathed to the Bodleian, by Burton, (4to. G.8. Art. BS.) is a copy of the Belman, with the several passages so borrowed, marked in the hand-writing of the author of the Anatomy of Me- lancholy, who has also copied the canting dialogue just given, and added several notes of his own on the margin. ii. Picture of a Puritane, 8770. 1605. [Dr. Farmer's Sale Catalogue, page 153, No. 3709.] iii, "A Wife now the Widdow of Sir Thomas Overbvrye. Being a most exquisite and singular Poem of the Choice of a Wife. Wherevnto are added many Uiitty Characters, and conceited Newet, written by himselfe and other learned Gentlemen his friends. Dignum laude t-irum musa vetat mori, Ccelo musa beat. Hor. Car. lib. 3. London Printed for Lawrence Lisle, and are to bee sold at his shop in Paule's Church-yard, at the signe of the Tiger's head. 1614."* [4to. pp. 64, not numbered.] * In 1614 appeared The Husband, a Poeme, expressed in a compleat man. See Censura Literaria, v. 365. John Da- s 258 Of Sir Thomas Overbury's life, and unhappy end, we have so full an account in the Biographia, and the va- rious historical productions, treating of the period in which he lived, that nothing further will be expected in this place. His Wife and Characters were printed, says Wood, several times during his life, and the edi- tion above noticed, was supposed, by the Oxford biogra- pher, to be the fourth or fifth *. Having never seen a copy of the early editions, I am unable to fix on any character undoubtedly the production of Overbury, and the printer confesses some of them were written by " other learned gentlemen." These were greatly en- creased in subsequent impressions, that of 1C14 having only twenty-one characters, and that in 1622 contain- ing no less than eighty. vies, of Hereford, wrote A Select Second Hvsband for Sir Tkomas Ocerbvries Wife, now a matchlesse widow. 8vo. Lond. 1616. And in 1673 was published, The Illustrious Wife, riz. That excellent Poem, Sir Thomas Overbtrie's Wife, illus- trated by Giles Oldisworth, Nephew to the same Sir T. O. * It was most probably the fifth, as Mr. Capel, who has printed the Wife, in his very curious volume, entitled Pro- lusions, 8vo. Lond. 1760, notices two copies in 1614, one in 8vo- which I suppose to be the third, and one in 4to. stated in the title to be the fourth edition : die sixth was in the following year, 1615 ; the seventh, eighth, and ninth were in 1616, the eleventh in 1622, twelfth in 1627, thirteenth 1628, fourteenth, 1630, fifteenth, 1632, sixteenth, 1638, and Mr. Brand possessed a copy, the specific edition of which I am unable to state, printed in 1655. Catalogue, No. 4927. 259 A COURTIER, (Sign. C. 4. 6.) To all men's thinking is a man, and to most men the finest : all things else are denned by the understanding, but this by the sences ; but his surest marke is, that hee is to bee found onely about princes. Hee smells ; and putteth away much of his judgement about the scitu- ation of his clothes. Hee knowes no man that is not generally knowne. His wit, like the marigold, openeth with the sunne, and therefore he riseth not before ten of the clocke. Hee puts more confidence in his words than meaning, and more in his pronuntiation than his words. Occasion is his Cupid, and hee hath but one receipt of making loue. Hee followes nothing but in- constancie, admires nothing but beauty, honours no- thing but fortune. Loues nothing. The sustenance of his discourse is newes, and his censure like a shot de- pends vpon the charging. Hee is not, if he be out of court, but, fish-like, breathes destruction, if out of his owne element. Neither bis motion, or aspect are regu- lar, but he mooues by the vpper spheres, and is the re- flexion of higher substances. If you finde him not heere, you shall in Paules with a pick-tooth in his hat, a cape cloke , and a long stocking. iv. " Satyrical Essayes, Characters, and others, or accu- rate and quick Descriptions, fitted to the life of their Subjects, van r&M $n ^yXarlee-fla* juaXAuv Ji" 8 TOVC SXK. Theophras. 260 Afpice ct h and with a fresh title page, dated 1631 *, we find the author to be " John Stephens the younger, of Lincoln's Inn :" no other particulars of him appear to exist at present, excepting that he was the author of a play entitled, Cinthia's Revenge ; or, Mtcnander's JZxtasie. Lond. for Barnes, 1613, 4to. " which," says Langbaine, " is one of the longest plays I ever read, and withal the most tedious." Ben Jonson addressed some lines f to * Co%eter, in his MSS. notes to Gildon's Lives of the Eng. Dram. Poets, in the Bodleian, says that the second edition was in 8vo. 1613, " Essays and Characters, Ironical and In- structive," but this must be a mistake. t " Who takes thy volume to his verruoui hand, Must be intended still to vnderstand : Who bluntly doth but looke vpon the same, May aske, what author would conceals his name ! Who reads may roaue, and call the passage darke, Yet may, as blind men, sometimes hit the marke. 261 the author, whom he calls " his much and worthily esteemed friend," as did F. C, G. Rogers, and Thomas Danet. Stephens dedicates his book to Thomas Turner, Esq. For the sake of a little variety I give one of his y three satyricall Essayes on Cowardlinesse," which are written in verse. ESSAY I. " Feare to resist good virtue's common foe, And feare to loose some lucre, which doth grow By a continued practise ; makes our fate Banish (with single combates) all the hate, Which broad abuses challenge of our spleene. For who in Vertue's troope was euer scene, That did couragiously with mischiefes fight, Without the publicke name of hipocrite ? Vaine-glorious, malapert, precise, deuout, Be tearmes which threaten those that go about To stand in opposition of our times With true defiance, or satyricke rimes. Cowards they be, branded among the worst, Who (through contempt of Atheisme), neuer durst Crowd neere a great man's elbow to suggest Smooth tales with glosse, or Enuy well addrest. Who reads, who roaues, who hopes to vnderstand, May take thy volume to his vertuous hand. Who cannot reade, but onely doth desire To vnderstand, bee may at length admire. B. I." 262 These be the noted cowards of our age ; Who be not able to instruct the stage With matter of new shamelesse impudence : Who cannot almost laugh at innocence ; And purchase high preferment by the vvaies, Which had bene horrible in Nero's dayes. They are the shamefull cowards, who contemne Vices of state, or cannot flatter them ; Who can refuse advantage, or deny Villanous courses, if they can espye Some little purchase to inrich their chest Though they become vncomfortably blest. We still account those cowards, who forbeare (Being possess'd with a religious feare) To slip occasion, when they might erect Homes on a tradesman's noddle, or neglect The violation of a virgin's bed With promise to requite her maiden-head. Basely low-minded we esteeme that man Who cannot swagger well, or (if he canj Who doth not with implacable desire, Follow revenge with a consuming fire. Extortious rascals, when they are alone, Bethinke how closely they have pick'd each bone, Nay, with a frolicke humour, they will brag, How blancke they left their empty client's bag. Which dealings if they did not giue delight, Or not refresh their meetings in despight, They would accounted be both weake, vnwise, And, like a timorous coward, too precise. 263 Your handsome-bodied youth (whose comely face May challenge all the store of Nature's grace,) If, when a lustfull lady doth inuite, By some lasciuious trickes his deere delight, If then he doth abhorre such wantonioy; Whose is not almost ready to destroy Ciuility with curses, when he heares The tale recited ? blaming much his years, Or modest weaknesse, and with cheeks ful-blown Each man will wish the case had beene his own. Graue holy men, whose habite will imply Nothing but honest zeale, or sanctity, Nay so vprighteous will their actions seeme, As you their thoughts religion will esteeme. Yet these all-sacred men, who daily giue Such vowes, wold think themselves vnfit to Hue, If they were artlesse in the flattering vice, Euen as it were a daily sacrifice : Children deceiue their parents with expencc : Charity layes aside her conscience, And lookes vpon the fraile commodity Of monstrous bargaines with a couetous eye: And now the name of generosity, Of noble cariage or braue dignity, Keepe such a common skirmish in our bloud, As we direct the measure of things good, By that, which reputation of estate, Glory of rumor, or the present rate Of sauing pollicy doth best admit. We do employ materials of wit, 264 Knowledge, occasion, labour, dignity, Among our spirits of audacity, Nor in our gainefull protects do we care For what is pious, but for what we dare. Good humble men, who haue sincerely layd Saluation for their hope, we call afraid. But if you will vouchsafe a patient eare, You shall perceiue, men impious haue most feare." The second edition possesses the following title " New Essayes and Characters, with a new Satyre in de- fence of the Common Law, and Lawyers : mixt with re- proofe against their Enemy Ignoramus, &c. London, 1631." It seems not improbable that some person had attacked Stephens's first edition, although I am unable to discover the publication alluded to. I suspect him to be the editor of, or one of the contributors to, the later copies of Sir Thomas Overbury's Wife, &c. : since one of Stephens's friends, (a Mr. I. Cocke) in a poetical address prefixed to his New Essayes, says " I am heere enforced to claime 3 characters following the Wife*; viz. the Tinker, the Apparatour, and Almanack-maker, that I may signify the ridiculous and bold dealing of an vnknowne botcher -. but I neede make no question what he is; for his hackney similitudes discouer him to be the rayler above-mentioned, whosoeuer that rayler be." * These were added to the sixth edition of the Wife, in 16J5. v. Caracters upon Essaies, morall and diuine, written for those good spirits that will take them in good pa"t, and make use of them to good purpose. London : Printed by Edta. Griffin far John Guillim, and are to be sold at his shop in Britaines Burse. 1615. 12mo. [Censura Literaria, v. 51. Monthly Mirror, xi. 16.] vi. The Good and the Badde, or Descriptions of the Wor~ thies and Vnworthies of this Age. Where the Best may see their Graces, and the Worst di$cerne their Basenesse. London, Printed by George Purslowefor John Budge, and are to be sold at the great South-dore of Paules, and at Brittaines Bursse. 1616. [4to. containing pp. 40, title, dedication u to Sir Gilbert Houghton, Knight," and preface six more. A second edition appeared in 1643, under the title of England's Selected Characters, &c.] . The author of these characters * was Nicholas Bre- ton, who dedicates them to Sir Gilbert Houghton, of * These are a king ; a queen ; a prince ; a privy-counsel- lor; a noble man; a bishop ; a judge; a knight; a gentle- man; a lawyer; a soldier; a physician; a merchant (their good and bad characters) ; a good man, and an atheist or most bad man ; a wise man and a fool ; an honest man and a knave . an usurer ; a beggar ; a virgin and a wanton woman ; a quiet 266 Houghton, Knight. Of Breton no particulars are now known, excepting what may be gained from an epitaph in Norton church, Northamptonshire *, by which we learn that he was the son of Captain Breton, of Tain- worth, in Staffordshire, and served himself in the Low Countries, under the command of the Earl of Leicester. lie married Anne, daughter of Sir Edward Legh, or Leigh, of Rushell, Staffordshire, by whom he had five sons and four daughters, and having purchasedthe ma- nor of Norton, died there June 22, 1624 f. Breton appears to have been a poet of considerable reputation among his contemporaries, as he is noticed with commendation by Puttenhem and Meres : Sir Sa- muel Egerton Brydges declares that his poetical powers were distinguished by a simplicity, at once easy and elegant. Specimens of his productions in verse, may be found in Percy's Reliques, Ellis's Specimens, Cooper's Muses' Library, Centura Literaria ; and an imperfect list woman ; an unquiet woman ; a good wife ; an effeminate fool ; a parasite ; a bawd ; a drunkard ; a coward ; an honest poor man ; a just man ; a repentant sinner ; a reprobate ; an old man ; a young man, and a holy man. * It is by no means certain that this may not be intended to perpetuate the memory of some other person of the same names, although Mr. Gough, in n note to the second volume of Queen Elizabeth's Progresses, seems to think it belongs to our author. t Bridges' Northamptonshire, vol. ii. page 78, s. Shaw's Staffordshire, vol. i. page 422. 267 / of his publications is given by Ritson, in the BibUdgra- phia Poelica, which is augmented by Mr. Park, in the Cens. Lit. ix. 163 *. A WORTHIE PRIUIE COUNCELLEB. A worthy priuie counceller is the pillar of a realme, in whose wisedome and care, vnderGod and the king, stands the safety of a kingdome ; he is the watch-towre to giue warning of the enemy, and a hand of prouision for the preseruation of the state : hee is an oracle in the king's eare, and a sword in the king's hand, an euen weight in * To these lists of -Breton's productions may be added, 1. A Solemne Passion of the Soule's Loue. 4to. Lond. 1598. 2. The Mother's Blessing, 4to. Lond. 1602. 3. A True De- scription of tnt hankfulnesse ; or an enemie to Ingratitude. 4to. Lond. 1602. 4. Breton's Longing, 4to. title lost in the Bodleian copy : prefixed are verses by H. T. gent. 5. A Paste with a packet of Mad Letters, 4to. 1633, dedicated by Nicholas Breton, to Maximilian Dallison of Hawlin, Kent. The last tract excepted, all the above are in a volume be- queathed by Bishop Tanner to the university of Oxford, which contains many of the pieces noticed by Ritson, and, in addi- tion, The Passion of a discontented Minde. 4to. Lond. 160?, which I should have no hesitation in placing to Breton. At the end of the volume are The Passions of the Spirit, and Excellent Vercis worthey imitation of eutry Christian in thier Conuersiation, both in manuscript, and, if we may judge from the style, evidently by the author before-mentioned. For the Figures, in the composition of which he had certainly a share, see page 224. 268 the ballance of justice, and a light of grace in the loue of truth : he is an eye of care in the course of lawe, a heart of loue in the seniice of his soueraigne, a mind of honour in the order of his seruice, and a braine of inuen- tion for the good of the common-wealth; his place is powerful, while his seruice is faithful!, and his honour due in the desert of his employment. In summe, he is as a fixed planet mong the starres of the firmament, which through the clouds in the ayre, shewes the nature of his light. AN VNWORTHIE COUNCELLER. An vnworthie counceller is the hurt of a king, and the danger of a state, when the weaknes of judgement may commit an error, or the lacke of care may give way to vnhappinesse : he is a wicked charme in the king's eare, a sword of terror in the aduice of tyranny : his power is perillous in the partiality of will, and his heart full of hollownesse in the protestation of loue : hypocrisie is the couer of his counterfaite religion, and traiterous inuetion is the agent of his ambition : he is the cloud of darknesse, that threatneth foule weather, and if it growe to a storme, it is fearefial where it falls : hee is an enemy to God in the hate of grace, and wor- thie of death in disloyalty to his soueraigne. In summe, he is an vnfit person for the place of a counceller, and an vnworthy subject to looke a king in the face. AN EFFEMINATE FOOt. An effeminate foole is the figure of a baby : he loues nothing but gay, to look in a glasse, to keepe among wenches, and to play with trifles; to feed on sweet meats, and to be daunced in laps, to be imbraced in armes, and to be kissed on the cheeke : to talke idlely, to looke demurely, to goe nicely, and to laugh conti- nually : to be his mistresse' servant, and her mayd's master, his father's love, and his mother's none-child : to play on a fiddle, and sing a loue-song, to weare sweet gloues, and look on fine things : to make purposes and write verses, deuise riddles, and tell lies: to follow plaies, and study daunces, to heare newes, and buy trifles : to sigh for loue, and weepe for kindnesse, and niourne for company, and bee sicke for fashion : to ride in a coach, and gallop a hackney, to watch all night, and sleepe out the morning : to lie on a bed, and take tobacco, and to send his page of an idle message to his mistresse ; to go vpon gigges, to haue his ruffes set in print, to picke his teeth, and play with a puppet. In summe, hee is a man-childe, and a woman's man, a ga/e of folly, and wisedome's griefe *. * I am not aware that the following specimen of his versifi- cation, which is curious, has been reprinted. 270 " THE CHESSE PLAY." Very aptly denised by N. B. Gent. [From " The Phcenix Nest. Built rp with the matt rare and refined workes of Noblemen, tcoorthy Knights, gallant Gen- tlemen, Masters qfArts, and brave Schollers,'' &c. " Setfoorth by R. S. jo; ".*3nm if. - U ;. viii. Cures for the Itch. Characters. Epigrams. Epitaphs. Ey H. P. Scalpat qui tangitur. London, Printed for Thomas Jones, at the signe of the Blacke Raucn in the Strand. 1626. [8vo. containing pp. 142, not num- *l btred.J I have little doubt but that the initials II. P. may be attributed with justice to Henry Parrot, author of La- juei ridiculosi : or, Springes for Woodcocks, a collection of epigrams, printed at London in 1613 *, 8vo. and com- mended by Mr. Warton, who says, that " many of them * Mr. Steevens quotes an edition in 1606, but the preface exprrssly states, that they were composed in 1611. " Duo propemodum unni elapri sunt, ex quo primum Epigrammata hac (qvnliacunque) raptim ttfestinanter perficiebam" &c. 277 . are worthy to be revived in modern collections*. To the same person I would also give The 'Mast ive, or Young WhelpeqftheOldDogge. Epigrams and Satyrs. Lond. (Date cut off in the Bodleian copy,) 4to, The Mouse Trap, consisting of 100 Epigrams, 4 to. 1606.' Epigrams by H. P. 4to. 1608. and The More the Merrier : con- taining three-score and odde headlesse Epigrams,' shot (like the Fooles bolt) amongst you, light where they will, 4to. 1608 f- It appears from the Preface to Ceres for the Itch, that the Epigrams and Epitaphs were written in 1624, during the author's residence in the country, at the" long nata- tion "and the Characters^, which are " not so fully per- fected as was meant," were composed " of later times." The following afford as fair a specimen of this part of the volume as can be produced. A SCOLD. (B.5.) Is a much more heard of, then least desired- Jo bee scene or knowne, she-kinde of serpent ; the venom'd sting of whose poysonous tongue, worse then the biting of a scorpion, proues more infectious farre then can be . * History of English Poetry, iv. 73. t Censura Lileraria, iii. 387, 388. J These consist of a ballad-maker ; a tapster ; a drunkard ; a rectified young man; a young nouice's new yonger wife ; a common fidler; a broker; a iouiall good fellow; a hu- mourist ; a malepart yong upstart ; a scold ; a good wife, *nd aselfe conceited parcell witty old dotard. _ ) auji 9ft cured. Slice's of all other 'creatures most vntameablesf, and couets more the last word in scoulding, then doth a Combater the last stroke for victorie. She lowdest lifts it standing at her door, bidding, w th exclamation, flat defiance to any one sayes hlacke's her eye. She dares appeare before any Justice, nor is least daunted with the sight of counstable, nor at worst threatnings of a cuck- ing-stoole. There's nothing mads or raoues her more to outrage, then but the very naming of a wispe, or if you sing or whistle when she is scoulding. If any in the in- terim chance to come within her reach, twenty to one she scratcheth him by the face; or doe but offer to hold her hands, sheel presently begin to cry out murder. There's nothing pacifies her but a cup of sacke, which taking in full measure of digestion, shee presently for- gets all wrongs that's done her, and thereupon falls streight a weeping. Doe but intreat her with faire words, or flatter her, she then confesseth all her imper- fections, and layes the guilt vpon the whore her mayd. Her manner is to talke much in her sleepe, what wrongs she hath indured of that rogue her husband, whose hap may be in time to dye a martyr; and so I leaue them." " A GOOD WIFE, Is a world of happiness, that brings with it a kingdom in conceit, and makes a perfect adiunct in societie; shee's such a comfort as exceeds content, and proues so precious as canot be paralleld, yea more inestimable then may be valued. Shee's any good man's better second second scllc, the very mirror of true constant modesty, the earefull huswife of frugalitie, and dearest obiect of man's heart's felicitie. She commands with milduease, rules with discretion, lines in repute, and ordeieth all things that are good or necessarie. Shee's her husband's solace, her house's ornament, her children's succor, and her seruant's comfort. Shoe's (to be briefe) the eye of warinesse, the tongue of silence, the hand of labour, and the heart of loue. Her voice is musicke, her coun- tenance meeknesse ; her minde vertuous, and her soule gratious. Shee's a blessing giuen from God to man, a sweet companion in his affliction, and ioynt co-partnec upon all occasions. Shee's (to conclude) earth's chiefest paragon, and will bee, when shee dyes, heauen's dearest creature." TIT ffe aJeg ]iytiz alnow ix. Characters of Vertves and Vices. In two Bookes. By Jos. Half. Imprint^ at London, 1627. r isH y Ambrose Rithirdon, at the stgne of the BulFt-head, in Paul's Church-yard. 1031. [I2rho. containing in all, pp. 280.] The dedication to this volume, which is inscribed to sir Alexander Radcliff'e, is signed " Clitus Alexandri- ntts ;" the author's real name I am unable to discover. It contains twenty-four characters *, besides " A cater- * An almanack-maker ; a ballad-monger ; a corranto- coiner ; a decoy ; an exchange man ; a forrester ; a gamester ; an hospitall man ; a iayler ; a keeper ; a launderer ; a nictall man ; a neuter ; an ostler ; a post-master : a quest-man ; a rnffian ; a sailor : a trauller ; an rnder sheriffe ; a wine- soaker ; a Xantippcan ; a ycalous neighbour ; a zealous bro- ther. character, IkroXne out of a bate ly an experienced game-- ffer*;" and some lines " vpon the birth-day of his. sonne lohn," of which the first will be sufficient to sat' tisfy ail curiosity. Ji^.xa gnol yeas sari-aiari'- .aoiteiimbs iB3i| io gqsl: " God blesse thee, lohn, si aid 1o And make thee such an one e> That I may ioy in calling thee my son. eid Thou art my ninth. ,..,,.. and by it I divine That thou shall live to love the Muses nine." &c. &c. " A CORRANTO-COINEtt (p. 15.) VI bso? Is a state newes-monger ; and his owne genius is his intelligencer. His mint goes weekely, and he coines monie by it. Howsoeuer, the more intelligent mer- chants doe jeere him, the vulgar doe admire him, hold- ing his novels oracular: and these are usually sent for tokens or intermissiue curtsies betwixt city and countrey. Ilee holds most constantly one forme or method of dis- course. He retaines some militarie words of art, which hee shootes at randome ; no matter where they hitr, they cannot wound any. He ever leaves some passages * This eater-character, which possesses a separate title page, contains delineations of an apparator ; a painter; a pedler ; and a piper. _i^tli doubtful], as if they were some more intimate secrecies of state, clozing his sentence abruptly with thereafter you shall hearemore. Which words, I conceive, he onely useth as baites, to make the appetite of the reader more eager in his next week's pursuit for a more satisfying labour. Some generall-erring relations he pickcs up, as crummes or fragments, from a frequented ordinarie : of which shreads he shapes a cote to fit any credulous foole that will weare it. You shall never observe him make any reply in places of publike concourse; hce ingenuously acknowledges himselfe to bee more boundcn to the happinesse of a retentive memory, than eyther ability of tongue, or pregnancy of conceite. He car- ryes his table-booke still about with him, but dares not pull it out publikely. Yet no sooner is the table drawnc, than he turnes notarie ; by which meanes hee recovers the charge of his ordinarie. Paule* is his walke in win- ter ; Moorfields * in sommer. Where the whole disci- pline, designes, projects, and exploits of the States, Ne- therlands, Poland, Switzer, Crimchan and all, are within the compasse of one quadrangle walke most judiciously * Moorfields were a general promenade for the citizens of London, daring the summer mouths. The ground was left to the city by Mary and Catherine, daughters of sir William Fines, a Knight of Rhodes, in the reign of Edward the Con- fessor. Richard Johnson, a poetaster of the sixteenth cen- tury, published in 1607, The Pleasant Walkes of Moore-fields. Being the Guift of two Sisters, now beautified, to tlie continuing fame of this worthy Citty. 4to. black-letter, of which Mr. Gpugh, (Brit. Topog.) who was ignorant of the above, no- tices an impression in 1617. and punctually discovered. But lon$ he must not' walke, lest hee make his newos-presse stand. Thanks to " his good invention, he can collect much out of a very little: no matter though more experienced judgements disprove him ; hee is anonymos, and that wil secure him. To make his reptfrts more credible or, (which he and his stationer onely ayroes at,) more vendible, in the relation of every occurrent he renders you the day of the moneth ; and to approve himselfe a scholler, he an- nexeth these Latine parcells, or parcell-gilt sentences, veteri stylo, novo stylo. Palisados, parapets, counter- scarfes, forts, fortresses, rampiers, bulwarks, are his usual dialect Hee writes as if he would doe some mis- chiefe, yet the charge of his shot is but paper. Hee will sometimes start in his sleepe, as one affrighted with vt sions, which I can impute to no other cause but to the terrible skirmishes which he discoursed of in the day- time. He has now tyed himselfe apprentice to the trade of minting, and must weekly performe his tasJce, or (beside the losse which accrues to himselfe,) he dis- appoints a number of no small fooles, whose discourse, discipline, and discretion, is drilled from his state-service. These you shall know by their Mondai's morning ques- tion, a little before Exchange time ; Stationer, htrce you any nezces? Which they no sooner purchase than po- ruse ; and, early by next morniug, (lest their countrey friend should be deprived of the benefit of so rich a prize,) they freely vent the substance of it, with some illustrations, if their underbuilding can furnish them that wav. He would make vou heleeve that hee were knownc to some towiaq; indigence, but I boid him the wisest man that hath the least faith to belceve him. For his relations he stands resolute, whether they be- come approved, or evinced for untruths ; which if they bee, hec has contracted with his face never to blush for ' the matter. Hee holds especiall concurrence with two philusoplnca.ll sects, though hee bee ignorant of the te- nets of either : in the collection of his observations, he is peripateticall, for hee walkes circularly ; in the di- gestion of his relations he is Stoicall, and sits regularly. Hee has an alphabeticall table of all the chiefe com- manders, generals, leaders, provinciall townes, rivers, ports, creekes, with other fitting materials to furnish his imaginary building. Whisperings, muttrings, and bare suppositions, are sufficient grounds for the autho- ritie of his relations. It is strange to see with what jjrecdinesse this ayrie Chameleon, being all lungs and winde, .will swallow a rcceite of newes, as if it were pby- sicall . yea, with what frontlesse insinuation he will scrue himselfe into the acquaintance of some knowing Intelligencers, who, trying the cask by his hollow sound, do familiarly gull him. I am of opinion, were all his voluminous centuries of fabulous relations compiled, they would vyc in number with the Iliads of many fore- running ages. You shall many times finde in his Ga- zettas, pasquils, and corrantos miserable distractions; here a city taken by force long before it bee besieged ; there a countrey laid waste before ever the cnemic en- tered. He many times tortures his readers with imper- Tinencies. yet are these the tolcrablest passages through- sate? out all his discourse, He is the very'Iandskip of our age. He is all ayre; his care alwayes open to all reports, which, how incredible soever, must passe for currant, and find vent, purposely to get him currant money, and delude the vulgar. Yet our best comfort is, his chymeras live not long ; a weeke is the longest in the citie, and after their arrival, little longer in the countrey ; which past, they melt like Butter, or match a pipe, and so Burne *, But incleede, most commonly it is the height f their ambition to aspire to the imployment of stop- ping jnustard-pots, or wrapping up pepper, pouder, staves-aker, &c. which done, they expire. Now for his habit, Wapping and Long-lane will give him his cha- racter. Hee honours nothing with a more indeered ob- servance, nor hugges ought with more intimacie than antiquitie, which he expresseth even in his cloathes. I have knowne some love fish best that smelled of the panyer ; and the like humour reignes in him, for hee loves that apparele best that has a tas-te of the broker. Some have held him for a scholler, but trust mee such are ina palpable errour, for hee never yet understood so much Latine as to construe Gallo-Befgicus. For his li- brarie (his owne continuations excepted,) it consists of * This is certainly intended as a pun upon the names of two news- venders or corranto-coiners of the day. Nathaniel Butter, the publisher of " The certain Neti-es vf this present lt r eek," lived at the Pyde-Bull, St. Anstin's-gate, and was the proprie- tor of several of the intelligencers, from I6i.'2 to about 1640. Nicholas Bourne was a joint partner with Butter in Tl>t fhrredish Intelligencer, $to. Land. 1632. 288 very few or no bookes. He holds himsclfe highly eft. gaged to his invention if it can purchase him victuals ; for authors hee never converseth with them, unlesse they walke in Paules. For his discourse it is ordinarie, yet hee will make you a terrible repetition of desperate commanders, unheard of ex ploy ts; intermixing withall his owne personal! service. But this is not in all com- panies, for his experience hath sufficiently informed him in this principle that as nothing workes more on the simple than things strange and incredibly rare; so no- thing discovers his weaknesse more among the know- ing and judicious than to insist, by way of discourse, on reports above conceite. Amongst these, therefore, hee is as mute as a fish. But now imagine his lampe (if he be worth one,) to be neerely burnt out ; his inventing genius wearied and surloote with raunging over so many unknowne regions ; and himselfe, wasted with the fruitlesse expence of much paper, resigning his place of weekly collections to another, whom, in hope of some little share, hee has to his stationer recommended, while he lives either poorely respected, or dyes miserably suspended. The rest I end with his owne cloze : Next miecke you shall heare more" - xii. Picture loqucntcs : or Pictures drawne forth in Cha- racters. Wit ha Toeme of a Maid- By Wye Sal- tonstall. Ne sutor ultra crepidam. London i Printed c. 1631. I have copied the above title from an article in the Censura Literaria*, communicated by Mr. Park, of whose copious information, and constant accuracy on every subject connected with English literature, the pub- lic have many specimens before them. SaltonstalFs f Characters, &c. reached a second edition in 1635. A copy of this rare volume is in the possession of Mr. Douce, who, with his accustomed liberality, per- mitted my able and excellent friend, Mr. John James Park, to draw up the following account of it for the pre- sent volume. To " The Epistle dedicatory" of this impression, the initials (or such like) of dedicatee's name only are given, for, says the dedicator, " I know no fame can redound unto you by these meane essayes, which were written, Ocium ntagis foventes, quam studentes gloria;, as sheap- heards play upon their oaten pipes, to recreate them- selves, not to get credit." * Vol. 5, p. 372. Mr. Park says that the plan of the cha- racters was undoubtedly derived from that of Overbury, but, he adds, the execution is greatly superior. Four stanzas from the poem entitled, A Maid, are printed in the same volume. t An account of the author may be found in the Athena Oxon. Vol. 1. col. 640. V 290 " To ths Reader. Since the title is the first leafe ihatcomcth under censure, some, perhaps, will dislike the name of pictures, and say, I have no colour for it, which I confesse, for these pictures are not dravvne in colours, but in characters, representing to the eye of the mindc divers severall professions, which, if they appeare more obscure than I coulde wish, yet I would have you know that it is not the nature of a character, to be as smooth as a bull-rush, but to have some fast and loose knots, which the ingenious reader may easily untie. The first picture is the description of a maide, which young men may read, and from thence learn to know, that vertue is the truest beauty. The next follow in their order, being set together in this little book, that iu winter you may reade them ad ignem, by the fire-tide, and in summer ad umbram, under some shadie tree, and therewith passe away the tedious howres. So hoping of thy favourable censure, knowing that the least judicious are most ready to judge, I expose them to thy view, with .Apelles motto, Ne sutor, ultra crepidam. Lastly, whe- ther you like them, or leave them, yet the author bids .you welcome. " Thine as mine, W. S." The Original Characters are, 1. The world. 5. A true lover. 2. An old mau. 6. A countrey bride. 3. A woman. 7. A plowman. 4. A widdow. 8. A melancholy man. 291 9. A young heire. 18. A chamberlaine. 10. A scholler in the uni- 19. A mayde.' versity. 20. A ba~yl?y. 11. A lawyer's dark e. 21. A countrey fayre. 12. A townsman in Oxford. 11. A con ntrey alehouse. IS. An usurer. S3. A horse-race. 14. A wandering rogue. 2 K A farmer's daughter. 15. A waterman. 25. A keeper. 10. A shepheard. 26. A gentleman's house in 17. A jealous man. the countrey. The Additions to the second Edition are f 27. A fine dame. 3*. The tearme. 28. A country dame. 35. A mower. 29. A gardiner. 36. A happy man. SO. A captaine. 37. An arrant knave. 31. A poore village. 38. An old waiting gentle- 32. A merry man. woman. 33. A scrivener. u THE TEARME Is a time when Justice keeps open court for all com- mers, while her sister Equity strives to mitigate the ri- gour of her positive sentence. It is called the Tearme, because it does end and terminate busines, or else be- cause it is the Terminus ad quern, that is, the end of the countrey man's journey, who comes up to the Tearme, and with his hobnayle shooes grindes the faces of the poore stones, and so returnes againe. It is the soule of the yeare, and makes it quicke, which before was dead. u 2 292 Inkcepers gape for it as earnestly as shelrish doe for salt water after a low ebbe. It sends forth new bookes into the world, and replenishes Paul's walke with fresh company, where Quid IIOTI ? is their first salutation, and the weekely newes their chiefe discourse. The ta- vernes are painted against the tearme, and many a cause is argu'd there and try'd at that barre, where you are adjudg'd to pay the costs and charges, and so dis- mist with ' welcome gentlemen.' Now the citty puts her best side outward, and a new play at the Blackfryers is attended on with coaches. It keepes watermen from sinking and helpes them with many a fare voyage to Westminster. Your choyse beauties come up to it onely to see and be scene, and to learne the newest fashion, and for some other reci cations. Now monie that has beene long sicke and crasie, begins to stirre and walke abroad,eif, and arc to be Church, in Ffcel- - 9itfi(Tib TO :3q R as a wo eld to SWIM [4to, pp. 22.] ' Sir John Birkenhead was the author of this character, which was printed again in 1681, and in 1704 with the following title, " The Assemblyman. Written in the Year 1647 ; but proves the true character of (Cerberus) the ob- servutor, MDCCIV." It was also reprinted in the Harleian ff ** ** r " Mtstellany, v;03. For an account of the author, see the Biographia Britannica, edit. Kippis, ii. 324. jjw to Uol o< .nrljiv i;jiiotd3 P.I xitVii. iFifly-Jive\ Enigmatical Characters, all very ex- actly drawn .to the Life, from several Persons, Humours, Dispositions* Pleasant and full of Delight. By R F. Esq. ; London : Printed for William Crook, at the sign of the Three Bibles on Fleet-bridge. 1665 }." [8vo. pp. 135, title, index, &c. not numbered, 11 more.] . With a very curious and rare frontispiece. t I omit to particularize these characters, as many of the trtles are extremely long " of a lady of excellent conversa- tion. Of one that is the foyle of good conversation." &c. &c. - { Mr. Feed possessed a copy, dated in 1658. See his Ca- <, No. 2098/ 307 *%** it'll n& >r . Richard Flecknor, the author, of l more known t'rom haviu^ his name affixed to one of the severest satires ever written by Drjtden, than froraany excellence of his own as a poet or dramatic writer. Mr. Reed conceives him to have been a Jesuit, and Pope terms him an Irish priest. Lan^li^ine says, that " his acquaintance with the nobility #as more than wi:h the muses, and he had a greater propensity to rhyming, than a genius to poetry." As a proof of the former assertion the Duke of Newcastle prefixed two copies of verses to his characters, in which he calls Flecknoe " his worthy friend," and says: * Flecknoe, thy characters are so full of wit And fancy, as each word is throng'd with it. Each line's a volume, and who reads would swear Whole libraries were in each character. Nor arrows in a quiver stuck, nor vet Lights in the starry skies are thicker set, Nor quills upon the anned porcupine, Than wit and fancy in this work of thine. W. Newcastle." To confirm the latter, requires only the perusal of his verses, which were published in 1653, under the title of Miscellania. Besides these, be wrote five* dramatic * Langbaute notices a prologue intended for a play, called The Physician against liis Will, which he thinks was never published. A MS. note in my copy of tlje Dramatic fotett, say* it was printed in 1712. pieces, the titles of which may be found in the Bio- frapha Dramatica ; a collection of Epigrams, 8vo. 1670; Ten Years Travels in Europe. A short Discourse (f the English Stage, affixed to Love's Dominion, 8vo. 1654; The Idea of his Highness Oliver, late Lord Protec- tor,cfc. 8vo. 1659. &c. &c. " CHARACTER OF A VALIANT MAN." (page 61.) " He is onely a man ; your coward and rash being but tame and savage beasts. His courage is still the same, and drink cannot make him more valiant, nor danger lesse. His valour is enough to leaven whole ar- mies, he is an army himself worth an -army of other men. His sword is not alvvayes out like children's dag- gers, bur. he is alwayes last in beginning quarrels, though first in ending them. He holds honour (though delicate as chrystall) yet not so slight and brittle to be broak and crackt with every touch ; therefore (though most wary of it,) is not qucrilous nor punctilious. He is ne- ver troubled with passion, as knowing no degree*beyond * The Bodleian library contains " The Affections of a piotu Soule, unto our Sntiowr-Chrift. Expressed in a mired treatise of verse and prose. By Richard Flecknoe." 8vo. 1640. This I can scarcely consent to give to Mac FIccknoe, - as in the address " To the Town Reader," the author informs us that, " ashamed of the many idle lionrs he has spent, and to avoid the expence of more, he has retired from the town' and we are certain that Mac resided there long after. 309 clear courage, and is alwayes valiant, but never furious, lie is the more gentle i' th' chamber, more fierce he's in the field, holding boast (the coward's valour,) and cruelty (the beast*.*,) unworthy a valiiat man. He is only coward in this, that he dares not do an unhand- some action. In fine, he can onely be evercome by discourtesie, and has but one deflect he cannot talk much to recompence which he dos the more." xxxviii. TheCharacter of a Coffee-house, with the symptoms vfaTown-witt. With Allowance. April \\, 1673. London, Printed for Jonathan Edwin, at the Three Roses in Ludgate-street, 1673. [Folio, reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, with an an- swer to it, vol. vi. 429 433.] xxxix. Essays of Lore and Marriage : Being Letters written by two Gentlemen, one dissuading from Love, the other an Answer thereunto. With some Characters, and other Passages of Wit. Si quando gratabere curis, H*>*9&Wi * -, , _. , xi. The Character- of a Fanatick. $ *V of Quality. London. 1075. [4to. pp. 8. Reprinted in the Harleian Mitcellany, vii. 596.] xli. Character of a Towne Gallant of a Tnwne Miss of an honest drunken Curr of a pilfering Taylor tfan Exchange Wenck of a Sollidtor of a Scold of an ill Husband of a Dutchman of a Pawnbroker of a Tally Man 1675. ,4to. See Bale Catalogue of George Steevens, Esq. 8\*o. ,T.4i^ London, 1800, pae 66, No. 1 1 10.] xlii. A Whip for a Jockey : or, a Character of an Horse- courter. 1677. London, Printed for JR. H. 1677. [8vo. pp. 29.] xliii. Four .for a P^nny^or Poor Robin's Character of an unconscionable PdzonlroKer^ ancl^Ear-mark of an oppressing Tally-man : zcith'a Jriendly Description of a Bum-bdiley, aud his merciless setting cur, or . follower. With Alloicance, London, Printed for L. C. 1678. [4to. reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, vol. iv. p. 141.] xliv. Character of an ugly Woman : or, a Hue and Cry after Beauty, in prose, written (Jt>y the Duke of Buckingham) in 1678. See Lord Orford's Royal und Noble Authors, by Park, iii. 369. . c ^ -. .\o slv, Character of a disbanded Courtier, fngenium Galbx male habitat. 1681. [Folio, pp. 2. Reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, i. 356.] ' *?. .or* xlvi. Character of a certain ugly old P . London, Printed in the Year 1634. [In Oldham's Works, 8vo. London, 1684.] . xlvii. Twelve ingenious Characters : or pleasant Descrip- tions of the Properties of tundry Persons mud Things, vis. 312 An importunate dunn; a servant or br,ilIA 83TOV1 Ivi. Character of the Presbyterian Pastors and People of Scotland. [Bibl. Harleiana, v. No. 4280.] ni gnbhwlo ' .1 ami ,* ill " ,fa3383IQ>;t. lvH. : Cterc/er ofacompltat Physician or NatitritKst *. [Bibl. Harleiana, v. No. 4364.] OJ 3ltlfiailTjq6 v la Uie extracts made from the foregoing series of CAa- racters, Uie original orthography has been most scrupulously attended to, in order to assist in shewing the progress and variation of the English language. 1UO V fiji - si=s ~ iw.s \o ,-><;..-;. idl , . . . I jmboM. sAs to t mhMttytM i ' [.T2tt -oVL (Sa^AaioO && s'bnsiS] ADDITIONAL NOTES AND CORRECTIONS. Page 3, line 4. for //or/s read sports. 4, line 12. " table-book." The custom of writing in table-books, or, as it was then expressed, " in tables," is noticed, and instances given in Reel's Shakspearc, vi, 13. xii, 170. xviii, 88. Dr. Farmer adduces a passage very applicable to the text, from Hall's character of the hypocrite. " He will ever sit where he may be scene best, and in the midst of the sermon pulles out his tables'ni haste, as if he feared to loose that note," &c. Decker, in his Guls Hornebooke, page 8, speaking to his readers, says, " out with your tables," &c. 6, note 6. This is also mentioned in Whimzies, 8vo. 1631, p. 57. " Hce must now betake himself to prayer and devotion; remember the founder, benefactors, head, and members of that famous found^li.n : all which he performes with as much zeale us an actor after the end of a play, when hee prayes for his majestic, the lords of his most honourable privie councell, and all that love the king." 316 Page 14, note 10. From a subsequentedition, obligingly pointed out to me by the rev. Mr. arch-deacon Nares, I find that this also is a translation : Regimen Sanitatis Salerni. This booke teach- yng all people to gouerne the in health, is trans- lated out of the Latine tongue into Englishe, by Thomas Paynell, whiche booke is amended, aug- mented, and diligently imprinted. 1575. Colo- phon. If Jmprynted at London, by Wyllyam How, for Abraham Ueale. The preface says, that it was compiled for the use " of the moste noble and victorious kynge of England, and of Praunce, by all the doctours in Phisicke of the Uniuersitie of Salerne." 19, line 5, for " muchi" read much in. Line 8, in- sert comma at the end. ib. line 9, " door-postt." It was usual for public officers to have painted or gilded posts at their doors, on which proclamations, and other do- cuments of that description, were placed, in order to be read by the populace. See various allusions to this custom, in Reed's Shakspeare, v. 267. Old Plays, iii. 303. The reformation means that they were, in the language of our modern churchwardens, " repaired and beau- tified," during the reign of our alderman. 50, line 10, for Gollobelgicus read Gallcbelgicus. 53, line 7. " post and pair," was a game at cards, of which I can give no description. The author 317- p. g :,'^ fifllol? __ , of the Compleat Gamester notices it as " very much played in the West of England." See Dodsley's Old Playt, 1780. vii. 296. Page 54, line 9 " guarded with more gold lace." The word guarded is continually used by the wri- ters of the sixteenth century for fringed or adorned* See Reed's Shakspeare, vii. 272. Old Plays, iv. 36. . 66, line 18, " clout." Shakspeare (Cymbeline, act iv. scene 2.) uses the expression of clouted brogues, which Mr. Steevens explains to be " shoes strengthened with clout or Ao6-nails." 71, line 2. " dragon that pursued the woman." Evi- dently an allusion to Revelations, xii. 15. 103, note 8, line 2, for Styla read Hyla in both in- *OD T" stances. ib. note 10, line 5, for Leiden read Leyden. - Ill, line 2, for his read is. 132, line 10, " Their humanity is a leg to the resi- denccr." A leg here signifies a bow. Decker says, " a jewe neuer weares his cap threed- bare with putting it off; neuer bends i' th* hammes with casting away a leg, &c." Guls Hornebooke. p. 11. 206, note 1, for spunge read sponge. ib. line 10, dele su at the end of the line. B gj ft JDfl 8w - Page 260, line 2, for Jude read Iwfe: for/eriwaf read f 2 J'dBQ JB ,9hfi3 Jerneat. . :o\m ya& 275, line 12, for whose read whose. Several errors and inaccuracies of less consequence than those here pointed out, will probably be discovered. These were occasioned by the editor's distance from the press, and he requests the gentle reader to pardon and correct them. THE Inscription, No. X. of the Appendix, should have been entirely omitted. The following extract from Guillim's Heraldry, shews that Bishop Earle could not have been connected with the Streglethorp family, since, if he had, there would have been no occasion for a new grant of armorial bearings. " He beareth ermine, on a chief indented sable, three eastern crowns or, by the name of Earles. This coat was granted by Sir Edward Walker, garter, the 1st of August, 1660, to the Reverend Dr. John Earles, son of Thomas Earles, gent, sometime Register of the Arch- bishop's Court at Y.irk. He was Dean of Westminster, 9H0 and Clerk of the Clo&et to his Majesty King Oar/fes the Second ; and in the year 1663, made Bishop of Salisbury" Guifliin's \Hcfaldry, folio. Lond. 1724. p. 282. It is almost unnecessary to add that I was not aware of, this grant, when I compiled the short account of Earle, at page 211, and spoke of my inability to give any information relative to his parents. - d? or 1 38odJ asrft moit JOT tf' 51 "" 9 *** lonhfuo: I * f maiM ?d M j -td: - -^JaH? 1S03 a lo co 35t ^ .' iiuoO z'qcxteid 320 INDEX. ADISHAES, 300. Abithaes, 299. Abraham-man, 249. Achitophel, 300. Acquaintance, Character of, 164. \f ^eas, 167. AL^ted man, character of, 192. Affections of a pious Soule, by Richard Flecknoe, 308 Alderman, character of, IB. Aleppo, 302. Alexis of Piedmont, 13. Alfred, king, 4. Allmayne, 295. Alfs well that ends well, by Shakspeare, 295. Allot, Robert, xi. Almanack in the bones, 41. Alresford, Hampshire, 237. Ames, Mr. xx, 247, 256. Amsterdam, 102. Anatomy of Alelancholly, by Burton, 51,82,257. Angglear, 348. Antem-morte, 250. Antiquary, character of, 22 Aristophanes, 231. Aristotle, 9, 33. Arminian, 33. Arminins, 129. Ashmole's Museum, Oxford, 224, 298. Atkinson, Mr. 237. Atkyn*, Sir Robert, 45. x, 238, 289, 300. Attorney, character of, 105 Austin, 129. Awdeley, John, 256. Baal, priests of, 98. Babel, tower of, 24, H7. Bagster, Richard, 240. Baker, character of a, 125. Bales, Peter, 5, 6. Bardolph, 118. Barnes, John, 83. Barnes, Juliana, 56. Barrington, Daincs, 36. Barton, Elizabeth, 124. 321 Barwick, Dr. 215. Life of, 216. Bawdy-basket, 249. Bayle, 102. Beaumont, Francis, 223, 229, 230, 231. Beau's Duel, by Mrs. Cent- Jivre, 92. Bedford, Earl of, 13. Bellarmiue, Cardinal* 7, 102. Belman of London, by Decker, 248. Copy, with Burton's MS. notes, 257. Benar, 255. Bene, 253. Benjamin, 299. Benjamin's mess, 124. Bessns, 232. Bethlem, 280. Bible, printed at Geneva, 3. Bibliographia Potticu, by Ritson, 267. Bibliotheca Harleiana, 312, 313, 314. Biographia Britannica, 306. Biogr aphia Dramutica, 308. Birkenhead, Sir John, 306.* Bishopstone, 213, 215. Blackfriar's, play at, 292. Blomefield's History of Nor- folk, 244. Blount, Edward, ix, x, xi, xx. Blount, Ralph, xx. Blunt man, character of, 135. Bobadil, 118. Bodleian Library, Oxford, 82, 224, 225, 256, 260, 295, 308. Boke of hawkynge, huntynge, and fysshinge, 56. Bold forward roan, character of, 122. Bong, 255. Books, mode of placing them in old libraries, 74. Bord, 254. Borgia, 89. Bouge, 253. Boulster, Lecture, 297. Bourne, Nicholas, 287. Bouse, 253, 254. Bousing-ken, 255. Bowl-alley, character of, 86. Brachigraphy, 5. Brand, Mr. 258, 292, 303, 305, 312, 314. Bread used in England in the sixteenth century, 52, 53. Breeches, 3. Breton, captain, 266. Y 322 Breton, Nicholas, 15, 224, 265, 267. Life of, 265. Breton's Longing, 267. Bridewell, 280. Britannicus, his pedigree, 299. l>riti
  • >:;. 254, 255. Capel, Mr. 258. Carrier, character of a, 44. Carte, 225. Casaubon, 129. Cassan, 254. Cassel, siege of, 31. Catalogue of Compounders for their Estates, 300. Cato, 70, 174. Caceat for Commen Cursetors, 246. Censura Literaria, 257 x 265, 266, 267, 289, 293, 303. Centlivre, Mrs, 92. Centoes, 81. Century of Inventions, by the Marquis of Worcester, 36. Cerberus, 306. Chalmers, Mr. 51. Cham, 153. Chandler, R. xii. Character of a Jacobite, 313. C haracter of an agitator, 302 of Italy, 305. of an antiquary, 303 of a London diurnal, of an assembly-man, 302. 306. of the Low Countries, of an untrue bishop, 304. 297. of ax Oxford incen- , . .of a ceremony-mon- diary, 297. ger, 313. of a certain, ugly old ofacojffee-house,309. P . 311. of a disbanded cour- of an honest and tcor- t ier, 311. thy parliament man, of an ill court-fa- 313. vourite, 313. of a pawn-broker, 310, of an honest drunken 311 . cur, 310. of a complete physi- of a Dutchman, dan, or naturalist, 310. 314. of England, 303 of the Presbyterian of an exchange- pastors and people wench, 310. of England, 314. .of a fanatic, 310. .of a projector; 297. of France, 304. of a scold, 310. of a town-gallant, of Scotland, 304. 310. of a solicitor, 310. of a horse-courser, of Spain, 305. 310. of a tally-man, 310, of an ill husbantl, 311. 310. of a pilfering taylor, of the hypocrite, 310. 315. . of a temporizer, 303. Y 2 324 Chaifcter of a lory, 312. of a town miss, 310. of a tritnmer, 312. of an ugly woman, 311. Characters: List of books containing characters, 246 Characters, by Butler, 313. Characters and Elegies, by Wortley, 298. C' luii-act crs upon Essaies, 265. Characters addressed to La- dies, 312. Characters of virtues and ri- ces, by bishop Hall, 279. Characterism, or the modern age displayed, 314. Characters, twelve ingenious ; or pleasant descriptions, 311. Charles I. 215, 216, 218, 245, 312. Charles IL 215, 216, 218, 233,319. Charles, Prince, 214. Chates, 255. Chaucer, 13, 112, 115,232. Cheap, cross in, 185. Chess-play, verses on, by Breton, 270. Chcte, 254. Child, character of, 1. Christ-church, Oxford, 212. 216. Christmas, 170. Chuck, 184. Church-papist, character of, 29. Cinthia's Revenge, by Ste- phens, 260. Citizen, character of a mere gull, 181. City Match, by Mayne, 95, 119. Clarendon, Lord, 214, 215. His character of Earle, 220. Clerke's Tale, by Chaucer, 155. Cleveland, 302. Cliff, Lord, 41. Clitus-Alexandrinus, 282. Clout, 66, 317. Clye, 255. Cocke, J. 264. Cocke Lorell, 256. Cocke Lorelks Bote, 256. Cofe, 253, 255. Colchester, 313. College butler, character of, 50. Comments on books, 140. Compleat gamester, 317. Complimental man, character of, 167. S25 Conceited man, character of, 32. Conceited pedlar, by Ran- dolph, 183. Constable, character of, 59. Constantinople, 31. Contemplative man, charac- ter of, 93. Cook, character of a, 120. Cooper, Mrs, 2.66. Corranto-coiner, character of, 283. Couched, 253. Coventry, Sir William, 312. Conncellor, character of a worthy, 267. ^ . . . . character of an unworthy, 268. Counterfet cranke, 249. Country knight, character of, 53. Courtier, character of, 259. Coward, character of, 196. Cowardliness, essay on, in verse, 261. Coxeter, 260. Cranke, 249. Cressey, Hugh, his character ofEarle, 222. Cramprings, 255. Crimchan, 284. Critic, character of, 139. Cromwell, 302. Crooke, Aridrew, xi. Cuffen, 254. Cupid, 259. Cure for the itch, by H. P. 276, 277. Cut, 253, 254, 255. Dallison, Maximilian, $67. Dances, old, 295. Danet, Thomas, 261. Danvers, Lord, 237. Darius, 121. Darkemans, 253, 254. David, 299, 300. Davies of Hereford, 258. Dear year, 199. Deboshments, 206. Decker, 36, 37, 110, 315, 248, 317. Dele, 249. Demaunder for glymmar, 249. Demetrius, Charles, 82. Denny, Lord Edward, 280. Description of unthankful' nesse, by Breton, 267. Detractor, character of a, 70. Deuseauyel, 255. 326 Digby, Sir Kcnelm, 16. Dinascoso, 252. Dining in Pauls, 119. Dinners given by the sheriff, 44. Dioclesian, 295. Discontented man, charac- ter of, 20. Discourse of the English stage, by Flecknoc, 308. Divine, character of a grave, 9. Dole, 126. Dommerar, 249. Door-posts, 19, 316. Donee, Mr. 289. Doves of Aleppo, 302. Doxe, 249. Dragon that pursued the woman, 71. Dramatic Poets, by Lang- baine, ix. Drugger, 1.5. Drunkard, character of, 153. Dryden,307. Dudes, 255. Dunton, John, 148. Duppa, Dr. 214. Dutchmen, their love for rotten cheese, 22. Earle, Bishop, viii, x, xii : Life of, 211,&c. Characters of, 219, 220, 221, 222, 318: list of his works, 223 : name of Earle, xvii. Earle, Sir Richard, 245. Earle, Thomas, 318. Earthquake in Germany, 82. Ecclesiastical Polity, by Hook- er, 215, 218, 223. translated into Latin, 215. Edward I. 185. Effeminate fool, character of 269. Etxw Boo-iXoo), 215, 218, 223. dedication to the Latin trans- lation, 233. Eleven of the clock, 43. Elizabeth, queen, 23, 43, 116, 185. Ellinor, queen, 185. Ellis, 266. Ellis, Henry, xi. Empty wit, character of an, 151. Endor, witch of, 300. England, 108,131. England's selected characters, 265. English Gentleman, by Brath- wait, 293. Epigrams, by Plecknoe, 308. 327 Epigrams, by H. P. 277". Esau, 24. Essayes and Characters, by L. G. 305. Essays and characters of a prison, by Mynshul, 156, 273. Essays of Love and Marriage, 309. Essex, Lord, 295, " lord of Essex' measures," a dance, 295. Every Man in his Humour, by Ben Jonson, 118, 160. Euphormio, 74. Excellent vercis worthey Imi- tation, supposed by Bre- ton, 267. Eyes npon noses, 41. Elyot, Sir Thomas, 55. F. R. 306. F.T.301. Fabricius, 52. Falcons, 55. Falstaff, 21, 118. Farley, WiHiarn, 45. Farmer, Dr. 257. Feltham, Owen, 305. Fiddler, character of a poor, 169. Fifty-Jive enigmatical charac- ters, by R. F. 306. Figures, by Breton, 224, 267. Figure offoure, by Breton, 224. Fines, Catherine, 284. Fines, Mary, 284. Fines, Sir William, 284. Finical, 181. Fires, 31. Fishing, treatise on, 56. Flagge, 253, 254. Flatterer, character of a, 176. Flecknoe, Richard, 306, 307, 308. Fleming, 200. Fletcher, John, 229. Flitchman, 248. Florio, 252. Ford, T. 301. Formal man, character of, 27. Four of the clock, 122. Four for a penny ; or poor Ro- bin's characters, 311. Four prentises of London, by Hey wood, 110, 185. France, 303. Frater, 249. Fraternitye of Vacabondet, 248. 249, 256. Fresh-water Mariner, 249. Freze, white, 249. 328 Frieze jerkins, 243. Frost, great, 200. Funeral Monuments, by Wee- ver, 1 17. G. L. 305. Gage, 263. Galen, 13, 33. Gallant, character of an idle, 57. Gallobelgiciis, 287. Gattus Cantratus, 304. Gallye slops, 248. Gavel-kind, 27. Gee and rec, 65. Geneva bible, 3. Geneva print, 95. Gennet, 294. Germany, 27, 82. Gerry, 255. Gigges, 269. Gilding of the cross, 185. Gildon's Licet of the English Dramatic poets, 260. Giles's, St. Church, Oxford, 5 Girding, 21. (iloxsographia Anglicana No* va, 159. Gloucester cathedral, 45. Gloucestershire, History qf, by Atkyns, 46. Goddard, author of the Mat- tif-tohelp, 17. God's judgments, 8-. Gold hat-bands, 75. Gold tassels, worn by noble- men at the University, 75. Good and the bad, by Breton, 15, 265. Governour, by Sir Thomas Elyot, 55. Gougb, Mr. 266, 284. Gown of an alderman, 19. Granger, Mr. 301 . Great man, character of a meer, 201. Greek's collections, 81. Grunting chete, 254. Gryffith, William, 246. Guarded with gold lace, 317. Guillim, John, 318, 319. Gull in plush, 184. Gufs Hornebooke, by Decker, 36, 37, 110, 315, 317. Gygger, 254. Hall, Bishop, 279, 315. Harleian Miscellany, 306, .109, 310,311,313. Harman, Thomas, 246. Harmant's, 255. Harrison, William, 27, 43, 53. 329 Hart-hall, Oxford, 2.37. Haslewood, Mr. 293. Hawking, 54, 160. Hawkins, Sir John, 126, 295. Hay, James Lord, 280. Hederby, 1 85. Hemingford, Huntingdon- shire, t>37. Henry the Fourth, by Shak- speare, U8. Henry VI. 16. Henry VII. 5. Henry VIII. 36. Herald, character of an, 130. Heraldry, Treatise on, by Guillini, 318, 319. Herbert, Mr. 247, 256. Heyliu, Peter, account of, 237 inscription on his monument, 237. Heyne, 167. Heywood, 110, 185. Hickeringill, E. 313. High-spirited man, character of, 179. Hill, Mr. xii. Hippocrates, 13. History of England, by Carte, 225. Hittrio-mastix, by Pryune, 69. Hobby, 294. Hogeshed, 253. Hogg, 997. Hogged policy, 294. Hoker, 243. Holinshed, Raphael, 6, 16, 27, 43,53,124,199,200. Holt, in Germany, 82. Honest man, character of an ordinary, 206. Hooker, Richard, 215, 218, 221, 223. Hool, Samuel, 148. Horee Subsecira, ix. Horse-race terms, 160. Hortus Mertonensis, a poem by Earle, 223. Hospitall of Incurable Fooles, xx. Hostess, character of a hand- some, 138. Houghton, Sir Gilbert, 265. Houghton in the Spring, 237. Ho well, James, 41. Hudibras, 313. Huggeringe, 252. Hugger-mugger, 252. Hungarian, 142. Hunting, 160. Husband, a poem, 257. 330 Hygh-pad, 255. Hypocrite, character of a she precise, 94. Jacob, 24. Jail-bird, 113. James 1. 23, 69, 103, 116. James II. 216. Jarke, 255. Jarke-man, 249. Idea of his highness Oliver, by Flecknoe, 306. Jealous man, character of, 208. Jennet, 294. Jerusalem, 186. Jesses, 55. Jesuits, 112, 129. Ignoramus, 264. Illustrious wife, by Giles Ol- diswortli, 258. Imputation, 162, 183. Inquisition, 55. Insolent man, character of, 161. John Dory, 170. John's, St. College, Oxford, 237. Johnson, Richard, 284. Jonathan, 299. Jonson, Ben, 118 : Lines by 260. Jordans, 40. Isbosheth, 300. Islip, Oxfordshire, 237. Juliana Barnes, or Berners, 56. Jump, 177. Keckerman, Bartholomew, 51. Keep, 133. Ken or Kene, 253, 254, 255. Kennel t, White, 221 : his cha- racter of Earle, 220. Kent, 26, 27. Kent, maid of, 124. King's bench prison, 27-4. Kippis, Dr. 306. Knight, character of a coun- try, 53. Kynchiu-co, 249. Kynchin-morte, 249. Lage, 253. Lagge, 255. Lambarde, 27. Lambeth-palace, 126. Langbaine, ix, 260, 307. Laquei ridiculosi, by H. P. 276. Lascivious man, character of, 187. 331 Laud, Bishop, 237. Laurence, St. 121. Leg to the resideucer, 132, 317. Legs in hands, 41. Legerdemain, 206. Legh, Anne, 266. Legli, Sir Edward, 266. Leicester, Earl of, 266. Leigh, see Legh. Le Neve, 244. Lent, 69. Letters, by Howell, 41. Life and Errors of John Dun- ton, by himself, 148. Life of Ruddiman, by Chal- mers, 50. Lilburnc, 302. Lilly, ix. Lipken, 253. Lipped, 253. Lipsius, 33. London, 46, 199. London-bridge, 200. London and country carbona- doed, by Lupton, 292. London Spy, by Ward, 183. Long-lane, 287. Long pavian, a dance, 295. Love's Dominion, by Fleck- noe, 308. Low Countries, 26, 266, 304: Brief Character of, by Fell- tham, 26. Lowre, 253, 255. Ltician, 156. Ludgate, 280. Luptou, Donald, 292, Lybbege, 253. Lycosthenes, 115. Lyghtmans, 253. M.G.273. M. R. 280. Macbeth, by Shakspeare, 184. Mac-Flecknoe, 308. Machiavel, 34. Magdalen College, Oxford, 237, 300. Maid, a Poem of, by Salstou- stall, 289. Maid's Tragedy, by Beaumont and Fletcher, 232. Mainwaring, Matthew, 274 : family of, ib. Make, 253. Malaga wine, 41. Malone Mr. 97. Man, Samuel, 301. Manchet,52. Mars, 296. Martial, 152. Martin, 303. Mary's, St. Churcb, Oxford, 4,123. Masltf Whelp, 17. Misfire or young whelpe qf the nld dogge, t77. Mauml, 254. Maurice of Nassau, 31. Mayne, 95, 119. Meddling-man, character of, 171. Medicis, Francis de, 103. Melpomene, 81. Memoirs qf the Peers of England, by Brydges, 298. Menander, 230. Menippns, 156. Mephiboshcth, 299. Meres, 266. Merry Devil of Edmonton, a Comedy, 95. Merton-College, Oxford, 212, 217, 219, 223. Microcosmography, 233. Edi- tions of, xi. Micrologia, by R. M. 280. Minshall-haU, 274. Minshew, 35, 106, 206. Hhraculous Netces from the CittieofHolt,M. Miscellania, by Flecknoe, 307. Modest man, character of, 147. Monson, Sir Thomas, 55. Monster out of Germany, 82. Monthly Mirror, 265. Monument of Earle, 217. Munumenta Anglicana, by Le Neve, 244. Moorfields, 284. Mooted, 106. . More the Merrier, 277. Morley, Dr. 216. Mort, 253. Mother's Blessing, by Breton, 267. Mouse-trap, by H. P. 277. Munster, 82. Murdered bodies supposed to bleed at the approach of the murderer, 16. Musgarve, 303. Musick, history of, by Sir John Hawkins, 295. Myll, 254, 255. Mynshul, 95, 156. Mynshu), Geffray, 273, 274. Nabeker, 253. Nabes, 254. , Cheshire, 274. 333 Naps upon Parnassus, 503. Nares, Mr. 316. Nase, 254. Navy of England, 81. Nero, 262. Netherlands, 284. New Anatomie, or character of a Christian or round-head, 297. Newcastle, Duke of, 307 : lilies by, ib. New Cuttome, 248. Newes of this present week, 287. Newgate, 280, 302. Newman, Sir Thomas, 124. Nine Muses, a dance, 295. Nine Worthies, 186. Nireus, 156. Noah's flood, 67. Nonconformist, 95. Norfolk, History of, by Blomefield, -244. North, Lord, 298. Northern nations, 1 6. Norton, Northamptonshire, 266. Nose, 253. Nyp, 255. Oldham, Mr. 311. Oldisworth Giles, 258. Old roan, character of a good, 173. One and thirty, 62. Orford, Lord, 298, 311. Osborne,Francis, 116. Overbory, Sir Thomas, 257, 258, 264, 298. Overton, 302. Oxford, 4, 108, 212, 227, 237, 267, 300. P. H. 276. Pad, 255. Painted cloth, 83. Pallyarde, 249. Pamphlets, character of, 302. Paracelsus, 33. Park, Mr. xii. 267, 289, 311. Park, Mr. John James, 289. Parrot, Henry, 276. Parson, character of a poor, from Chaucer, 11. Partial man, character of, 107. Passion of a discontented minde, supposed by Breton, 267. Passions of the Spirit, supposed by Breton, 267. Patrico, 249. Pavian, 295. Paul V. pope, 102. 334 Panl's, St. Church, 117,259, 284, 288, 292. ' Paufs-cross, 123 : penance at, 124. Paul's man, 118. Panl's-walk, character of, 116. Panl's-walk, viii : time of walking there, 117. Paynell, Thomas, 14, 316. Pecke, 254. Pegasus, 293. Pembroke, Henry, earl of, 227. Pembroke, Philip, earl of, 212, 213. Pembroke, William, earl of, 223: lines on, 227. Percy, bishop, 266. Peters, 302. Peter's, St. Church, Oxford, 5. Pharoah, 24. Philaster, by Beaumont and Fletcher, 232, Philip II. of Spain, 36. Phoenix Nest, by R. S. 270. Physician against his will, by Flecknoe, 307. Physician, character of a dull, 12. Pick-thank, 191. Pictura Loguentes, by Sal- tonstall, 289. Pierce, character of Earle, 222. Pierce Penilesse, 177. Pineda, 159. Plausible man, character of, 84. Plautus, 140, 231. Player, characters of, 67, 281. Pleasant tralkes of Moor efit Ids, 284. Plodding student, character of, 114. Plutarch, 39. Pluto, 156. Points, 42. Poland, 284. Ponsonby, William, xx. Poor man, character of, 203. Poor Tom, 249. Pope, A. 307. Popplarof Yarum, 254. Posle, by Breton, 267. Post and pair, 316. Pot-poet, character of, 80. Practice qf Piety, 97. Pratt, Mr. 280. Prauncer, 253. Prayer for the college, 315. Prayer at the end cf a play,, 315. 335 Prayer used before the uni- versity, V>. Preacher, character of a young taw, 4. Pretender to learning, cha- racter of, 127. Prigger, see Prygger. Primero, 35, 36,37. Primivist, 35. Print, set in, 269. Prison, character of a, 156. Prisoner, character of a, 275. Privy councellor, character of a worthy, 267. Profane man, character of, 194. Progresses of queen Elizabeth, 266. Prologue, 110. Prolusions, by Capel, 258. Proper, 17, 159. Prygger of prauncers, cha- racter of a, 250. Prynne, 69. Puritan, 136, 170. Puritan, picture of a, 257. Pnttenham, 266. Quanto Dyspayne, a dance, 295. Quarromes, 253. Querpo, 159. Quintilian, 33. Quyer, or quyaer, 254, 255. Radcliffe, Sir Alexander, 282s Raie, 272. Ramus, 33. Randolph, Dr. 183. Rash man, character of, 189. Rat, black-coat, terms of con- tempt towards the clergy, 195. Rawlinson, Dr. 295. Re, isle of, 225 : expedition to, ib. Reading, Berkshire, 316. Rebellion, History of, by Cla- rendon, 214. Reed, Isaac, 50, 306, 315, 317. Reformado precisely charac- tered, 297. Regiment of Health, 14. Regimen Sanitatis Salerni, 316. Remains, Butler's, 313. Remains, Camden's, 81. Reserved man, character of, 34. Resolves, by Feltham, 305. Retchlessly, 155. Richard III. 89. 336 Rich man, character of a sordid, 193. Ritson, Mr. 267. Robert of Normandy, 186. Roge, 248. Roger, 25S. Rogers, G. 261. Rogue, see Roge. Rome, 10, 30, 101. Rome-bouse, 254. Round breeches, 14C. Ifuijul and nolle Authors, by Lord Orford, 298. Ruddiman, Life of, by Clial- mers, 50. Ruff of Geneva, print, 95. Ruffs, 269. Ruffian, 255. Ruffler, 248, 25S. Ruffinanes, 255. Ruffe-pecke, 25*. Russell, Earl of Bedford, 13. Rutland, Lady, 229. S. R. 270. Sack, 40, 41, 42, 139. Salerne, 316. Salisbury, 318. Salomon, 853. Saltonstall, Wye, 289. Sandwich, Earl of, 301. Satyrical chaructws, 303. Satyrical Essaycs, by Stephens , 259, 264. Saul, 299. Saxons, 27. Say, E. vii. Saye, 253. Scaliger, 129. Sceptick in religion, character of, 99. Scholar, character of a, 61. Scold, character of a, 277. Scatus, 98. Sejanus, 108. Select second husland /or Sir Thomas Ocerburie's wife, by Davies of Hereford, 258. Seneca, 128. Sergeant, or catchpole, cha- racter of, 141. Serving man, character of, 159. Sforza, 89. Shakspeare, xx, 2, J 6, 36, 83, 116, 126, 184, 252, 295, 315, 316, 317. Shark, character of a, 41. Shark to, 206. Sharking, 204. Sheba, 300. Sheriff's hospitality, and table, 44. 337 Sherry wine, 40, 41. Sbimei, 299. Ship, 254. Shop-keeper, character of, 134. Short-hand, 5. Shrewsbury, Elizabeth Coun- tess of, 247. Shrove Tuesday, 69. Sidney, Sir Philip, 227, 230. Silk strings to books, 74. Singing-men in cathedral churches, character of, 132. *' , Skower, 255. Skypper, 253. Socinus, Fadstus, 103. Solemnc Passion of the Soule's Love, by Breton, 267. Soliman and Perseda, 177. Sordid rich man, character of, 198. Spaniards, 112. Specimens of early English Poets, by Ellis, 266. Spelman, Sir Henry, 27. Spinola, 31. Sports and Pastimes, by Stratt, 36, 55, 63. Springes for Woodcocks, by H. P. 276. Squeazy, 137. Stanley, Richard, 45. Stayed-man, character of a, 144. Steevens, George, 16,126, 206, 276, 310, 317. Stephen, Master, 160. Stephens, John, 260, 264. Stews, 91. Stowe, 255. Stow's Survey of London, 185. Strange Metamorphosis of Man, 293. Streglethorp Church, 244 : fa- mily, 318. Strike, 254. Strummell, 253. Strutt, Mr. 36, 55, 63. Strype, Mr. 185. Sturbridge-fair, 183. Suetonius, 15. Sufferings of the Clergy, by Walker, 215. Surfeit to A. B. C. 303. Surgeon, character of a, 90. Suspicious or jealous man, cha- racter of, 208. Swadder, 249. Swedes, 16. Swedish Intelligencer, 287. Switzer, 284. 338 Table-book, S15. Tables, 63. Tacitus, 128. Talbot, Sir John, 226. Tamwortb, Staffordshire, 266. Tanner, Bishop, 267. Tantalus, 275. Tavern, character of a, 37. Telephus, 39. Tempest, by Shakspeare, 206. Tennis, 74. Ten Years' Travel, by Flcck- noe, 308. Term, character of the, 291. Thersites, 156. Thyer, Mr. 313. Tiberius, 108. Times anatomized, 301. Tinckar, or tinker, 249. Tiring-house, 68. Titos, 15. Tobacco, 39. Tobacco-seller, character of, 79: called a smoak-seller, ib. Togman, 253. Tower, 254. Town-precisian, 8. Traditional Memoires, by Os- borne, 116. Trumpeter, cliaracter of a, 109. Tryne, 253. Tryning, 255. Tuft-hunter, 75. Tnlly (see Cicero), 23, 33. Turk, 142. Turner, Thomas, 261. Tyburn, 26, 82, 303. Tyntermell, a dance, 295. Valiant man, character of, 308. Varro, 140. Vault at Gloucester, 45. Velvet of a gown, 74. Venner, 40. Vespatian, 15. Villiers, George,* Duke of Buckingham, 312. Virgil, 167. Virginals, 97, University College, Oxford, 217. University dun, character of a, 142. University, character of a young gentleman of the, 73. University statutes, 13. Vorstius, Conrade, 103. Upright man, 248, 253. Urinal, 12. Urine, custom of examining 339 it by physicians, 15 : tax on, ib. Vulcan, 296. Vulgar-spirited man, charac- ter of, 111. Vyle, 255. Wales, 131. Walker, Dr. 215. Walker, Sir Edward, 318. Walton, Isaac, x : his cha- racter of Earie, 221. Walwin, 302. Wapping, 287. Ward, C. xii. Ward, Edward, 183. Warde, William, 13. Warnborough, South, 237. Warton, Thomas, 247, 276. Washbonrae, R. his Divine Poems, 1. Waste, 255. Watch, 253, 254. Weak man, character of, 76. Weever, 117. Westminster, 156, 185, 200, 237, 292, 318. Westminster, the fellow of, 201. Whimzies; or a new cast of Characters, 282,315. Whip for a jockey, 310. ttliipjacke, 249. Whitson ale, 171. Whydds, 255. Widow, a comedy, 44. Wife, character of a good, 278. Wife, now the Widdow, of Sir Thomas Oterbury, 257, 264. editions of, 258. William I. 185. Wood, Anthony a, x, 212, 213, 217,224,238,258,300. Worcester, Marquis of, 36. World displayed, xii. World's wise man, character of, 87. Wortley, Anne, 301. Wortley, Sir Francis, 298, 300. Wortley, Sir Richard, 300. Writing school-master, by Bales, 5. Wyn, 253. Yarum, 254. York, 46, 211, 318. York, James, Dnke of, after- wards James II. 216,298. 340 Young gentleman of the uni- Yonnger brother, character of, versity, character of, 73. 24. Young man, character of, 47. Ziba, 299. ERRATUM. Page xi. line 12, for first, re&dfift. HARDING AND WRIGHT, PRINTERS, St. John'-squue, London. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. * LD-UM A 000140813 7 inrv S