t** .t t -' '* * * .v /> / ' 1 '" Crammatica Anglo-LuJitamca &? LuJttano-Anglica : NEW GRAMMAR, ENGLISH and PORTUGUESE, AND PORTUGUESE andENGLisH; Divided into Two PARTS: -- The FIRST, for the Inftru&ion of the ENGLiH,who are de* iirous to attain to the Knowledge of the Portuguefe Language. The SECOND, for the Ufe of the PORTUGUESE, who have the like Inclination to the Er.glt/b Tongue. The Firft Part of which is corrected and amended, and the Second executed in a plain, familiar, andeafy Method. The SECOND EDITION. To which is now added, Grammatical Anglo-Lufitanica & Lufitano-Anglica : o u, GRAMMATICA.NpVA, I N G L E Z A C Po PORTUGUEZA C Dividida em A PRiMEIRA,para a alcazar o conhecimento A SEGUNDA, paraouzodos PORTUGUEZES que tit-erem amefma Inclina9a6 a Lingua Ingleza. Das quais a Primeira efta corrigida e emendada, a Segunda exe* cutada por Methodo claro, familiar, e facil. Par J. C A s T R o, Me/Ire e Traduftor deambas as Lingua s. LONDON: Printed for W. M E A D o \v s, at the Ang rl in CombUl; and E. C o M Y N s, at theSautb-Gate of the Royal ~Ex(hange, Ki.D,CC .LI. T O T H E ( READER. INCE the Porfuguefe Language is of great Ufe in Commerce, we juft- ly admire how it comes that it is fo little known among us. Moft People think it a harm and unpolite Language ; and as the Spanijh is commonly imagin'd to be its Mother, we generally apply ourfelves to this, and neglect the other j but that thefe are vulgar Errors, and that the Portuguefe is as valuable a Language as the Spant/h, both in refpect to its Original and Ufe, I hope to prove by the following Remarks. To trace the Rife of this Language, as well as of all others, we muft look back into Hif- tory, to know what Nations have inhabited this Country. The earlieft Account we have is, that the Grecians and Carthaginians had feveral Colonies in Spain j but as the Romans^ when they made themfelves Matters of the Kingdoms of Spain and Portugal^ foon ex- pell'd them, there is hardly any Sign of their Language either in the Spanifi or Portuguefe remaining, A 2 As L>- iv To the R E A D E R. As the Roman Language, by reafon of their powerful Conquefls, became a kind of a uni- verfal Language, fo it obtained likewife in Spain andPorfugal, where (for about fiveCen- turies) it was fpoken as familiarly as mLatium itfelf. Then the Goths and Vandah made them- felves Mailers of thefe Countries, and poflefs'd them almoft 200 Years, till the Saracens were call'd over from Africa, to revenge an Injury their Gothick King Roderick had done to a Lady of an antient and noble Family. Upon this the Saracens render'd themfelves Matters of Spain and Portugal, and remained in Pof- feffion of them till they and the Jews were expell'd by King Ferdinand in 1485 ; who, as the moft fecure Means of keeping out thofe Nations, fet up an Inquifition, for which Pope Innocent gave him the Surname of Catholick King, All thefe Nations, who made themfelves Mafters of Spain, fubdued likewife the Pro- vince of Liifitania, now calFd Portugal, be- caufe of its lying fo conveniently on the Ocean, which open'd a Commerce to other Parts, and fecur'd the quiet Poffeffion of the reft. Thus we fee the Portuguese Language is coasval with the Spanijk, and that it cannot be faid to proceed from the Spanifli, fmce it had the fame Original with that Language. But that it has a different, or, which fome will call a more barbarous Sound, proceeds from this, that Henry Duke of Burgundy \ one of the Family of the Dijkes of Lorrain, (who married To the R E A D E R. v married a Daughter of Alphonfo VI. King of Caftile, with whom he had the Province of Lufitania for a Portion) introduced the Gaulle Dialed: : And this we may conclude with the more Probability, fince that French Prince was the Occafion that the Province Lufitania re- cei/d the Name of Portugal-, for great Num- bers of his Countrymen follow'd him, who intermarry 'd with the People of Oporto, where his Court then relided -, and from this Mix- ing of the Gauls with the People of Oporto, the Kingdom obtained the Name of Porto-gal. And if we obferve that the Difference there is betwixt the Sfanijb and Portuguese Pronun- ciation, is all conformable to the Gaulic or French Dialed, I hope this Conjecture will be -allow'd a good one. Thofe that know French, and compare their Pronunciation with the Portugtiefe, require no farther Demonftration ; but for the fake of others who have not that Advantage, I here obferve the following Par- ticularities. The Portuguefe then differ from the Spa- niards in the Sound of their g, j, m, x, Ih, ."0, ces, fa. The Spaniards found the g,j, and x as a Guttural, with a ftrong Afpiration in the Throat ; but the Pcrtugueje found the g and^/ exactly like the French, and the x they ufe inftead of the French ch, except in fome Words derived from the Latin, as is fhewn in the Grammar, where it keeps the Sound it has in tho-Engli/b Tongue. The m founds like tng in Engljjh : This is a true French Sound j 3 for vi To tie READER. for when the Portuguefe found bom good, and the French their bon good, there is no Diffe- rence at all to be perceived. Likewife the Portuguefe Words fom, torn, a Sound, a Tone, the French write^, ton, but pronounce ex- actly alike. The Ibe founds like the French II when an i ftands before it, and another Vowel follows; thus theFrencbWordflte, a Daugh- ter or Girl, would be wrote by the Portuguefe flhe. The ab is pronounced like aung in En- glijh, which is alfo of French Extraction -, and the French Words faon, paon, a Deer, a Pea- cock, if wrote in Portuguese Characters, muil 'bo.fao orfam, or poo or pam. Befides, it is obvious that the French often found the em like aung. The 6ens is pronounced like oings; this alfo is eafily perceived to be a French Sound, and therefore, for Brevity 'sfake,^ we'll fay no more on this Head, but take it for granted that the Sounds wherein \hs,Portuguefe And as the French Language has fo generally obtained all over Europe, by reafon of its Soft- nefs of Sound and Expreffion, it is furprifmg that what is admired in the French Tongue, fhould be condemned and defpifed in the Por- tuguefe. What I have faid here is to vindicate the Portuguefe Tongue from the Prejudices which it labours under in the Opinion of Men, And to conclude this Argument, we may very juftly fay that the Portuguefe Tongue has a Mixture of the Spanijh Gravity and French Softnefs, and is as ufeful in Commerce as the Spantjh 3 To the READER. vii Spanijh, and therefore equal (if not fuperior) to its Rival. Was I to enumerate the many Portuguefe Settlements on the African Coaft and both the Indies, I could eaiily verify what I ad- vance 5 but that is too obvious to need being taken notice of here ; I will only obferve that the Portuguefe being near akin to the Lingua Franca, it is current upon all the Coafts of theEaft Indies and Africa; and as a Portuguefe is eaiily underftood by a Spaniard, one may correspond to all their Dominions in Europe and America in that Language ; to which I may add, that the Portuguefe is eaiier for an Englifhman's Tongue than the Spanijb ; and that that Nation are better and more conflant Friends to the Englijh than the Spaniards. By reafon of the aforefaid Prejudices Men have had in Favour of the Spanijh Tongue, the Portuguefe has lain disregarded and uncul- tivated among us - y infomuch, that hardly any Portuguefe Books are imported, and within thefe thirty Years paft but one Grammar has been printed^ which Work was done in fo con- fufed a Method, that many did not learn the Language for want of a proper Guide ; and thofe who refolved to make a Progrefs in it were confufed by the many Contradictions, and led into grofs Miftakes by the erroneous Account the Author gives of the Declenfions and Conjugations. All thefe Difadvantages, I hope, have been removed in this prefent Undertaking. I have con- viii To the READER. confulted the Grammars of all the European, Languages, to bring this into the beft Method poflible ; and fince I am acquainted with all thofe Languages, I have endeavour'd to ex- plain in an ealy Manner the Difficulties of the Portuguefe Tongue, by comparing them with one or other of the modern Languages. Firft, the Letters and their Pronunciation, and the Reading of them, is fhewn in an eafy Method, from Englijh Examples : That done, the Accents are treated on ; and then to ac- quaint the Learner with what he is going to do when he handles Nouns, Verbs, &c. all the Parts of Speech are explain'd to him in fo familiar a Manner, that the weaker! Capa- city may learn thereby, that Nouns, Verbs, Participles,Adverbs, &c. are not fuch Myfte- ries as in fome Grammars they feem to be. The Signification of Cafes, and Numbers, Singular and Plural, both in Nouns and Verbs, is afterwards explain'd ; fo that this Grammar may ferve as well as any to one who has a Defire of knowing the Rudiments of Gram- mar, be it for what Language foever, the Foundations being laid down here in a clear, intelligible, concife, and methodical Order. When the Reader takes a View of the Con- tents of the Chapters, the Work will fpeak - for itfelf. The Articles, which moft Beginners are ftrangely perplex'd at, are in no Grammar that I have feen yet explained in fo plain and am- ple a Manner as in this- The Declenfions of Nouns To the R E A D E R. ix Nouns and Pronouns, I flatter myfelf, will be found clear and fatisfactory. In the Conjuga- ting of Verbs I have avoided the unneceffary Multiplication of Moods, and only fet down the Indicative, Imperative, Optative or Sub- junctive, and Infinitive. Some are fond of others they call Potential^ Permi/five, and Con- jtttoffroey which many and hard Words deter and difcourage the Learner, thinking he has fo many different Moods and Terminations yet to learn, when, in effect, thofe Moods are nothing elfe but the Indicative or Subjunctive, conjugated with fome Conjunction prefix'd, which governs either the one or the other of thefe Moods ; and if the Multiplication of ftrange and hard Things adds to the Beauty of a Grammar, I have fhewn the Reader how at Leifure he nlay compofe as many different Moods as there are different Kinds of Con- junctions. The permi/Jive Mood, taken notice of, p. 82, feems fome what confufed on account of the Word amaffe^ which is faid to be of the perfect Signification ; but as fome Authors make ufe of it in that Senfe, I hope the Cri- tick will lay the Fault on the Idiom of the Language, and not on me. The Ufe of thefe Moods muft be learnt by Practice ; and when the Learner once knows how to apply the Conjunctions, which we have fhewn in the Syntax,hewill in courfefpeakin thePermiffive, Potential, &c. Moods, without knowing there are any fuch perplexing Things belonging to Grammar. a The CONTENTS. Chap. IX. Of the Prepsfitions P. 143 Chap. X. Of the InterjetJions 150 The Orthography of the Portuguefe Language ibid. The Etymology and Obfervations on the Language itfelfi$*$ The Profodie, or the Accenting of Syllables 157 Tiie VOCABULART : Nouns Subjlantive 163. Nouns AdjeEli've 192. The Numbers 195, The Colours 197. The Verbs ibid. The DIALOGUES 202 ADVERTISEMENT. rHE Author of this Grammar, who has lately pub- lijb'd a Treatife, intitled, A Prefent for young Gentlemen on entring the Compting-houfe, teaches, either at his Houfe in Houndfditch, between the Sun and Crown, near Bifhopfgate, or abroad, young Gentlemen, Ladies, &c. Writing, Ariihmetick, and the true Italian Method cf Book-keeping, in a Jbort Time (without the common Detail of Rides, Tables, and impertinent, or rather unnecejjary ghiejlions) by a fuccefsful and approved Method of Injlruftion, in a Merchant-like Manner, o ADVERT EN CIA. Author defta Qrammatica o qual ultimamente pu- blicou hum Tratado, intitulado, Hum Prefente Qara os Mancebos em entrando ao Cantor, emfma, tanto cm fua Caza em Houndfditch^ entre as Infignias do Sol c Coroa, perto de Bijhopfgate, como por fora a Ler, Efcre- ver, Contar, e Livro de Caixa pello Modo Jtaliano e em pouco Tempo (fern as coftumadas Regras, Taboa- das, e impertinentes ou inutils Queftoens) por hum Me- thodo, claro, patente, e bem a provado no cftilo Mer- cantil. GRAM- GRAMMATICA Anglo - Lufitanica. CHAP. I. Of the Letters, and their Pronunciation. THE Portttguefe endeavour to pronounce as they write, and to found all their Letters ; feveral of them have Sounds peculiar only to that Nation, which we have attempted here to reprefent by Ex- amples from the Englijh Tongue, to the End that the Reader, with very little Afiiftance, may be able to attain the true Pronunciation of that Language. They have Twenty-foui^Letters, as Six of them are Vowels, viz. a y *, /, y t 0, u. A is pronounced like the Engli/h au or a in //, wall, fall , as amor Love, read aumor \ amo a Mafter, r. aumo. It is fometimes long, fometimes Ihort, accord- ing as the Accent is placed, as ihall be fhewit hereafter. E founds like the Englijh e in every y or a in fame 5 edifcdr> to build, r. adificaur*, efcola, B 2 Grammatlca Anglo-Lufitanica. a School, r. dfcoluu. It is both Mafculine and Feminine^ the Mafculine .is- mark'd with an Ac- cent, the Feminine not , as Pedro, Peter, r. Pa- dre , but bufque, I look'd for, r. boojkd* I founds like e or i in intimate ; as indiciar, to difclofe ; intimar, to intimate. 7*ftands alfo for e, but with this Difference, that it is pronounced longer, or like ee, Rey, the King, r. Rat-, as monument o, a Monument, r. monumento ; and before a and o it is perceived moft ; as joya 9 a Jewel, r. joe-iau -, joyo, Dar- nel, or Tare, r.joe-io. ' O founds like o in over, open, &c. U is pronounced like oo \njhoot, or ouinyou; as abfoluto, abfolute, r. aubfslooto. The CONSONANTS are, B, which has the fame Power or Sound as the Engli/h. C before e and /founds like s, and before 0,0, and , like a -, but when 'tis mark'd with a little j, or a Stroke underneath, which they call a Plica, it alfo afiumes the Sound of an s, or rather a_^" before cho, cbu, pronounce as you do th? cb in Chamber, Cherry, Child, Choice, Church : Thus chave^ a Key, r. cbau-ve ; chegdr, to ar- rive, r. cbegaiir ; chinela, a Slipper, r. cheendlau ; chordr* to cry, r. cboraur; chupar* to fuck, r. cboopaur. 83* Some pronounce the cb as the EngUJh dojh 9 but as that Cuftom has not yet universally pre- vailed, we cannot lay it down for a Rule. Lha, Ibe, Ihi, lbo y Ihu, r. liau, liee, le-a^ li-o, li-oo ; " as abelba, a Bee, r. aubal-eau ; Mulber, a Wo- man, r. Mool-edr ; colbido, gather'd, r. col-e-eedo ; jilho, a Son, r. feel-e-o ; olbudo, full of Eyes, r. ol-e-oodo. Nba, nbe, nhl^ nho^ nbu, r. ne-au, nt-a, ne~ee* ne-6, ne-oo\ as unba, a Nail, r. oon-e-au-, dinbeyro* Money, r. deen-e-dero ; grunhir, to grunt, r. groon-e-eer , llnho^ Flax, r. leen-e-o \ nenbum, Nobody, r. nan-e-oom. N. B. Obferve the b in cba, cbe, cbt, cbo, cbu, and nba, nbe, nhi, nbo, nbu, flands for an /, or EngUJh e, which, however, ought to be pro- nounced very fhort. 7 or the j Confonant, founds like their , with this Difference, that it is foft before all Vowels, without Exception. L, whether fingle or double, always founds B 2 like 4 Grammatica Angk-'Lufoanica; : Jikc the Englijh I; lado, a Side, r. laudo-, allt, there, r. dike. M founds like the Englijh m ; as macho* a Male, r. maucho -, but am, em, im, om, urn, at the End of Words read aung, eng, ing, ong, oong -, as carvam, a Coal, r. caurvaung -, bem, well, r. beng ; affim, fo, r. #/wz ; bom, good, r. fo// ; algurn, fomebody, r. algoong. Am, im, om, am, in the Beginning or Middle of Words, retain their natural Sound : But em, cither in the Beginning or Middle of a Word, founds like eng ; as emgano, a Cheat, r. eng-gauno ; dizemlhe, they tell him, r. dcefenglie, except in the Words that come from the Latin, where the m keeps its natural Sound j fo emperador, an Em- peror, r. emperador -, exemplo, an Example, r. exemplo. N founds like the Englijh. P founds like the Englijh. Q before ua, r. kuaw , thus qual, which, r. kuall -, but que and qui, r. ha and he -, quebrar* to break, r. kabraur ; quinta, a Country Seat, r. keentau. R, or rr, is pronounced as in other Languages. S, OTjf, the fame. ?*, the fame, except that before i it never af- fumes the Sound of a c, as in Englijh ; thus, fa- tiar, to cut, r. faut-e-aur\ fatza de pam, a Slice of Bread, r. fauteeau de paung. V founds like the English. X, pronounce like fh -, queyxdda, a Cheekbone, r. ka'j/haiida; queyxarfe, to complain, r. kdi- fhaurfe ; but in fome Words derived from the Latin, beginning with a and e, it retains its na- tural Force, as in axungia, exemplo, &c. Z is pronounced like / j thus produzir, to pro- duce, r. prodoofeer -, prezar, to value, r. prefaur ; rffeo, Reafon, r. rafaung. 2 The Grammatica Angk-Lufitanica. 5 The DIPHTHONGS. The Portuguefe have many Diphthongs, which they generally pronounce like diftinct Letters, with this Difference, that the firft Letter muft be founded longer than the fecond ; as, mats, more, r. mau-is ; ndo, a Ship, r. nau-o ; auto, an Act, r. au-uto-, deitOj I fling away, r. dd-ito-, veftio % I cloath, r. veftio-, pots, then, r. po is ; peffoa, a Perfon, r. peffo-au ; rua, a Highway, r. roo-au. The Diphthongs or Combinations of Vowels are of five Sorts. The firft is the ae, as cae, caem, he falls, they fall ; alfo in ay, as pay, Father; inao, asinpdo, Wood; mdo, bad; and in au, as in caufa, a Caufe ; paufa, a Paufe. The fecond is in ea, ey, ei, eo, and eu, as cea, a Supper ; rey, ley, a King, the Law ; veo, I fee ; mcu, ten, feu, mine, thine 4 his. The third in ia and io\ Clemencia, Clemency ; fugio, he fled. The fourth in oa, oe, oy, and ou, as peffoa, a Perfon ; poem, they put ; boy, an Ox ; dou, I give. The fifth in ua, ue, ui, and uo, as guarda, a Guard ; guerra, War ; guinchar, to cry aloud ; quotidiano, daily. Obferve, The /before the o in Words derived from the Latin is fhort ; as, necejjario, neceflary, r. neccffdur-e-O', contrario, contrary, r. contraur-e-o. Alfo when two Confonants follow, the firft Vowel of the Diphthong is fhort ; as poente, the Weft, r. po~ente ; doente, fick, r. do-ente\ migalha, a Crum, r. mig auliau. i before is fhort when a Syllable follows ; as, viuva, a Widow, r. ve-oovau j miuda> fmall, r. me-6odau. B 3 Likewifc 6 Grammatica Angh-LuJitanica. Likewife when an rorz follows after a Diph- thong, the firft Vowel is fhort ; as doer, to feel Pain, r. do-ar ; roer, to gnaw, r. ro-dr ; juiz, a Judge, r.jou-ees. And the / in uim and oim is long , as ruina, Ruin, r. roo-eenau , ra>, evil, r. ro-mg. oens is pronounced 0-w and 0-f/zgj ; as ga- lioens, Galeons, r. gaulio-ins-, rezoens, Reafons, r. rezo-mgs-, others write 6es inftead of oens ; as galtoes, rezoes, di la foes, cargafoes, &c. Ou is founded by fome like oi ; thus, euro, Gold, is pronounced by fome oiro -, outro, ano- ther, they read oiiro j but the politer Way is to pronounce it like the ow in a Bow ; thus, oufro, r. owtro\ euro, r. owro, &c. ao with a Stroke over them, cali'd Til, founds like am, and they are indifferently wrote one for the other, tho' fome pretend, that putting am inftead of ao, is the moft elegant Way of Wri- ting, thus, nafam, or nafao, a Nation, r. nauf- faung, provijao, or provifam, Provifion, r.pro- vifaung. aa pronounce aung ; thus, irmaa, a Sifter, r. eermaung ; mafaa, an Apple, r. maujfaung. aes, r. au-engs ; thus, eferivaes, Writers or Clerks, r. efcree-vauengs. They have alfo fome Triphthongs, which al- ways have the Accent plac'd on the middlemoft Vowel ; as poeira, Duft, r. poe-ira. Many other Exceptions might be added ; but as too v rhany Rules commonly perplex the Rea- der, we leave the reft to be attain'd by Practice. To put thefe Rules about Pronunciation in Practice, we'll give the Reader here a few Lines Of Portuguefe, exprefs'd after the Englijh Way of Spelling, to fhew how eafy it is for any one to learn, almoft by himfelf, to read that Language, by the Help of thofe Rules. PQR- Grammatica Anglo-Lufitanica. j PORTUGUESE. LNGLISH. Tive a honra de fuas Teeve au honra de 'de quinze e vinte do fuaus de kinze e veente mes paffado pello cor- do mes pauflfaudo pello reo, e de 22 ditto pel- Cor.rao, a de 22 -ditto lo navio A. Capitam j pellas quais recebi fuas ordens de carregar por feu rifco e Conta a bordo do primeiro bom navio, fazendo a yiagem paro Amburgo 25 caixas de Acucares com 6. Caixas de bran- cos, e 50 rolos de Ta- baco confignados aos feus amigos e Corre- fpondentes os fenhores A. B. e Companhia o que tudo a feu tem- po fera puntualmente comprido. Pello Cor- reo proximo paflfado 'remety a V. M. 2 Le- tras de cambio, hua" por 11. Efterl. 250 e ou- tra por 320 ditto, das quaes defpois de chaga- das nao duvido de de- vido comprimento ; pello Nau-veeo A. Cau- pitaungj pellausqu-auis recebee foo-aus ordengs da cauregaur por fa-oo rifco a Conta au bordo do prima-iro bong nau- veeo, fauzendo au vee- augeng paurau Aum- boorgb 25 Cau-ifhaus de Aufoocaures cong 6 Cau-ifhaus de braun- cos, a 50 rolos de Tau- bauco confignaudos au- os fa oos aumeegos e Correfpondentes osSan- iores A. B. a Compa- panee-au, o Ice toodo au fa-oo tempo farau poontooaulmente com- preedo. Pello Corrao proximo pauflado re- metee au VofTau Mer- ced. 2 Letraus decaum- bio, hooma por 11. E- fterl, 2 50 a ovg;rau por pel la primeira occafiam 320 ditto, daus qu-auis avizarey a V. M. o ne- defpo-es de chegaudaus ceflario mais larga- nau-ong dooveedo de mente. deveedo comprimento; pellau prima-ira ocau- fiauong aveez-anra-ee a V. M. o necefiaurio mau-is largaumente. B 4 CHAP. Grammatica Anglo-Lufoamca. CHAP. Jl. Of the decent* and Apoftropfe. ACcents are little Notes, invented to mark the Tone of the Voice in the Pronuncia- tion. Thefe Inflections of the Voice are of three Sorts ; the railing it, the falling it, and that which partakes of both railing and falling the Voice in the fame Syllable. Therefore Men have invented three Sorts of Accents, two of them fimple, viz. the Grave and Acute; and the third compofed of both, to wit, the Circumflex. The Acute raifes the Syllable a little, and is mark'd by a little Line that rifes from the Left to the Right ; thus, ('). The Grave falls the Syllable, and is mark'd by a little Line defcending from the Left to the Right ; thus, f ). The Circumflex is compofed of both, and is mark'd thus, ( A ). The Portuguese don't ufe many Accents; but when they do, it is to diftinguifh the different Signification of fome Words depending upon the placing of the Accent; for which ufe they commonly apply the Acute, as efta, the Accent being placed upon the firft Letter, is the Pro- noun this ; and efid the Accent on the laft, is the Verb efiou I am, in the third Perfon Singular, of the Indicative Mood, Prefent Tenfe; partiram, the Accent over the ;", is the third Perfon Plural, of the Imperfe6t Subjunctive, of the Verb par- ttr, to part, and partirdm the third Perfon Plu- ral of the future Indicative. The Grammatlca Angk-Lufitamcd* 9 TheGrave has but little fhare in their Writing, and is only placed over fome few Monofyllablcs, as the Feminine Article in the Dative Cafe, and the Adverb ja, already : But many mark even thefe with the Acute Accent. The Circumflex is alfo but feldom made ufe of, it being look'd upon as no Fault to put the Acute inftead of it, as no a Knot, is likewife wrote by fome no. Here an Accent is abfolute- Jy required to diftinguifh it from the Particle no 9 in the, e. g. Day hum no no Cordel, make a Knot in the Rope. To know which Syllables are long and to be mark'd with Accents, belongs to another Part of Grammar, and mail be Ihewn under the Head of the Profodia. & We have made ufe of more Accents in this Grammar than is cuftomary, which we beg the Criticks not to find fault with, it being done to point out the Letters the Strefs fhou'd be put upon, for the fake of Beginners. The dpcftrephe likewife takes place in this as in other Languages, being defigned only for the- more pleafant and eafy Pronunciation of Words, by cutting off a Vowel j as de ouro, de arroz, de ovos, the Vowel e of the Particle de is fupplied by a Synalepha or Vocal Note, or what wd com- monly call an Apoftrophe, and is writ as follows, d'ourv, d'arroz, d*ovos ; but they generally put the Letters clofe together, and place an Acute on the firft Vowel inftead of the Apoftrophe ; as douro, darroz, ddvos, nefte> mile, dellf, &c. CHAP. -'10 Grammatica Anglo-Lufitanica. CHAR III. Of the Parts of Speech. TH E Portuguese, as well as the Latins, have Eight Parts of Speech, which we think proper to explain before the Declenfions and Conjugations, that the Learner may know what is meant by the Word Noun Subftantive or Ad- jective, Pronoun, a Verb, &fc. before he under- takes to decline, or conjugate them. A Speech or Difcourfe is compofed of Sen- tences, a Sentence of Words, a Word of Syl- lables, and a Syllable of Letters. N. B. Some Words have but one Syllable, which are called Monofyllables, as bem, well ; fern, without; for, for. By the Parts of Speech we mean here Words, which of what Signification foever they may be, arc reduced under the eight following Heads, viz. Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Participle, Prepojition, Ad- verb, Conjunction, and Interjefiion. Some call the Article the ninth Part of Speech, which however upon due Confideration will be found to belong to the Clafs of the Pronouns. A Noun exprefles a Thing that may be felt, heard or underftood -, it is of two Kinds, as the Subftantive and Adjective. A Noun Subftantive ( from the Latin, nomen a Name, fubftantivum (landing by itfelf, homfub- Jifto, I fubfift) may be underftood by itfelf, with- out the Addition of any other Word; and is di- vided into two different Clafies : As Appellative and Common. The Grammatical Angh-Lufitanica. 1 1 The Noun Subftantive Appellative is the Chri- ftian or Sirname of any Man or Woman, Town or Country -, as Joam, John ; Carlos, Charles ; Anna, Anne ; Gathering Catherine ; Londres y Franca, London, France, &c. The Noun Subftantive Common, is a Word that is common to all Things of the fame Sort ; as homem, a Man , mutter, a Woman ; caza, a Houfe ; pam, Bread ; cam a Dog , gallo, a Cock ; pedra, a Stone , mvio, a Ship , livro, a Book ; euro, Gold ; fogo, Fire , agua, Water, &c. A Noun Adjettive (from adjicio, I add) is a Word that has no determinate Signification of its own, but is commonly join'd to a Noun Sub- ftantive to fignify its Quality : Therefore when- ever you can join the Word Thing with it, 'tis a certain Sign of its being a Noun AdjecYive. Thus you may fay a great, handfome, white, black, good, long, full, hard, &c. Thing ; but a Man, Woman, Child, Table, Pen, Book, a Houfe, is a Noun Subftantive ; becaufe you cannot fay a Man, Woman, Child, Table, Pen, Book, Houfe Thing. And grande, great , bello^ handfome ; bronco^ white i negro, black , bom, good ; longo, long ; cheyo, full -, duro, hard, csiV. cannot be under- ftood till fome Noun Subftantive is joined with 'em, to explain who or what is great, handfome, white, black, good, long, full, hard, &c. as a great Houfe, a handfome Woman, a white Hand, black Ink, a good Law, a long Street, a full Meafure, a hard Metal or Stone, &c, and you may fay a great, handfome, white, black, &c. Thing. A Pronoun (i. e. pronomen, a Fore-name, or fomething before the Name) is a Word which (lands inftead of fome other Noun to denote a Perfon or Thing ; as, ett> iu> elle> I, thou, he; 2 '12 Grammatica Angk-LuJitanka. que, what ; quern, who ; efte> this ; aquelfe, that ; as, que dzz elle ou ella, what doth he or me fay ? Here the Pronouns elle and ella denote the Per- fon of a Man or Woman that fpoke before ; and que, what, the Thing fpoke of; quern be efte, who is that ? here quern and efte indicate the Perfon of fome Man. A Verb (i. e. Verbum a Word) is a Word that fignifies either fome Action or Pafllon ; as, quero, I will; ftguo, I follow; encho y I fill; tolero, I fuffer; feu or eftou, I am ; ey or /f^, I have. A Participle (from participo, I partake) is made of a Verb, and partakes of it in fuch a Manner that it may alfo be ufed for a Noun, and always has regard to fome Perfon. There are Participles of three different kinds, as of thePre- terperfect Tenfe, in Latin awatus, bejoved ; of the Prefent Tenfe, loving, amans ; and the Fu- ture, as amaturus, he that Ihall or will love. & We make ufe here of Examples from the Latin, becaufe they exprefiing the Thing in one Word may bed ferve to illuftrate the Na- ture of this Part of Speech; which the mo- dern Languages have retained, tho' they can- not exprefs themfelves in fo fimple and pure a Manner, but are fain to make ufe of fome auxiliar Verbs for that purpofe ; as may be feen in its Place in the Conjugation of the Verbs, whither we refer the Reader. The Adverb (from ad to, verbum a Word) is joined to the Verb to fignify fome Qualification : Thus to exprefs the Manner how I read, write, &<:. cannot be done without the Help of an Ad- verb, e. g. leyo bem, efcrevo mat, I read well, I write ill. Vid. the Chap, of Adverbs. The Grammatical Anglo-Lttfitankal 13 The Conjunction (from conjungo, I join together) is a Particle which joins Verbs and Sentences to- gether ; as, e, and; 7^, if 9 ou, or, que, that; mas, but, meo pay e may, my Father and Mo- ther \fe tudizesque efta coufa be verdadeira oufalfa> 7/you fay, that this Thing is true or falfe, &c. A Prepofition (from prapono, I put before) is an indeclinable Particle, and is often joined with Nouns, Pronouns and Verbs, to modify their Signification : Such are the Words em, in ; fora 9 without ; fern, without , a, to ; de, from, Csfr. (Vid. the Chap, of Prepof.) as eflar em caza y to be in the Houfe, or at Home -, efcrever a bum amigo 9 to write to a Friend , nao pode viver fern elle, he cannot live without him ; em amdr, in loving i pera ler^ for to read. An Interjection (from interjicio to caft between) is a Particle not declinable, ufed to exprefs fome Emotion of the Mind, as Surprize, Admiration ; as My de //', woe be to thee ! O que mepefa, O how forry am I ! O que Deos he grande, O how great God is ! mof'mo de mim, O miferable that I am ! 13" Ifyoufhou'd find thefe Rules too few and fhort, to conceive a perfect Idea of all the Parts of Speech and their Ufe, you may turn over the Syntax, where you will find more ample Inftruction. CHAP. 1 4 Grammatica Anglo- Lufitanica* CHAP. IV. Of the Genders, Numbers, and Cafes* THE Portuguefe Nouns have but two Gen- ders, viz. the Mafculine, which is fignt- fied by the Article o t and the Feminine, by the Article a, anfwering to the Latin hie and h*ec. Some of their Pronouns have alfo the Neuter Gender, which may be feen under the Head of the Pronouns Demonftrative -, fome Nouns both Subftantive and Adjective are of the Mafculine and Feminine Gender at once*. The Declenfion, which is a Changing of a Noun into feveral Cafes, has' two Numbers, viz. the Singular which ipeaks but of one, and the Plural comprehending many ; as in Singular livro a Book, in Plural livros Books. The Plural is commonly made by adding an s to the Singular : As caza, a Houfe ; muro, a Wall j ciddde, a City ; in Plural cazds, Houfes ; muros, Walls ; cidddes, Cities. They have fix Cafes, qr Changes, viz. the Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accufative, Voca- tive, and Ablative, to denote 'fo many different Senfes the Word fhou'd be taken in. The Nominative (from the Latin nominare to name) only names the Perfon or Thing, as homem, a Man ; pedra, a Stone. The Genitive (from generare to beget) betokens that one Perfon or Thing proceeds from, de- pends from, or is another's Property; as filho de Joam, the Son of John , here Joam Hands in the Genitive Cafe, being the Perfon the Son be- longs to, proceeded or depended from : Caza de Pedro, Grammatlca Anglo-Lufitanica. 1$ Pedro, the Houfe of Peter, or Peter's (his) Houfe, Peter flands in the Genitive, he being the Perfon the Houfe belongs to. The Dative (from the Latin dare to give) de- notes the Feribn to whom a Perfon or Thing is given ; as dou a Pedro, I give to Peter. The Accufative (from the Latin accufare, to accufe) fignifies the Perfon or Thing we do or intend to act upon ; as efcreuo a carta, I write the Letter , lerey o livro, I will read the Book ; aputarey a Pedro, I will whip Peter-, here carta, livro, and Pedro, ftand in the Accufative, being the Subject of fome Adion. The Vocative (from the Latin vocare, to call upon) fignifies that a Perfon or Thing is call*d upon ; as O filho qiie fazes! O Son, what doft thou ! O defgraciada cafa ! O unhappy Houfe ! Jilho and cafa being here call'd upon, ftand in- the Vocative Cafe. The 'Ablative (from the Preterperfefb Partici- ple ablatus, the Verb aufero, I take from) fhews that Perfon or Thing, a Perfon or Thing is tak- en away from ; as venbo da cidade, I come from the City ; Pedro ofaho do fogo, Peter faved him from the Fire -, here cidade and fogo ftand in the Ablative, becaufe fomething comes from, or is taken from the City and the Fire. For a farther Information about the Ufe of trie Cafes, and how they are often govern'd by Prepofitions, I refer the Reader to the Syntax, the prefent being only to inftrucl: him fo far that he may know what he doth when he declines a Noun thro* the Numbers and feveral Cafes. CHAP. i6 Grammatka Anglo-Lufitanica* CHAP. V. Of the Articles, and their Decknfions. TH E Articles properly belong to the Pro- nouns, as we faid above ; but as no Noun can be declined without them, I thought it ne- cefiary to fhew how they are declined, before we enter upon Nouns Subftantive and Adjective. The Articles are either definite or indefinite. The Mafculine Article The Feminine Article definite. definite. Singular Number. N. o, the. G. do, of the. Singular Number. N. a, the. G. da, of the. D. ao, pera o, pello, to D. a, pera a pella, tti the. Ac. o, ao, the. V. o, 3. A. do, from the. Plural Number. N. os, the. G. dos, of the. ZX aos, pera os, pellos, to the. Ac, os, aos, the. V. o, o. A. d6s 9 from the. the. Ac. a, the. V. o, 6. A. da, from the. Plural Number. N. as, the. G. das, of the. D. as, pera as, pcllas, to the. Ac. as, the. V. o, 6. A. das, from the. "When the Portuguefe would exprefs the Englijh Article //, they make ufe of the Article o, and fay w nao o vi 9 I have not feen it , and therefore, we juftly afcribe alfo a neuter Gender to this Ar* tide j Grammatica Angh-Lufitamca. 17 t*cle ; which has only a Singular Number, and is declined in the Manner following : Sing. N. o, ;'/. Ac. o, //. G. do, of it. V. caret. D. ao, to it A. do, from it. The Article a in EngliJJ^ is exprefTed by the Pertuguefe bitm^ buma, and declined as follows : Sing. Plttr. N. hum, ma, a. JV. huns, mas, feme. ~G. de hum, ma, of a. G.dehuns, mas, offome. D. a hum, ma, to a. D. a huns, mas, tofome. Ac. a hum, ma, a. Ac. a huns, mas t jbme. V. caret. V. caret. A. de hum, m^from a. A. de huns, mas, from fome. Obferve, the Englijh Article it has no Plural, but borrows another Word to exprefs the Plural Signification. Of the Article indefinite. This Article has noDiftindtion of Genders, and only four Cafes ("in the Spanijh and Portuguefe, and but three in French and Italian] which ferve both in the Singular and Plural Number, viz. Gen. de, of. Dat. a 2? pera. to. Ace. a fs* pera. Abl. de or por,from. By the following Example you may fee, that the Words which are declined with the Article indefinite, have no Article in the Nominative, and Vocative Cafe, C N. Roma, 1 8 Grammatica Anglo-Lufitanicd. N. Roma, Rome. G. de Roma, of Rome. I), a &* pera Roma, to Rome. Ac. a Roma, Rome. V. Roma, Rome. A. de Roma, /r Rome. The Article Indefinite ferves to decline the Names of Angels, Men, Towns, the Names of the Months, and the Pronouns. This Article is alfo put with any other Noun, when two Nouns meet together, the laft being in the Genitive Cafe, and having no determinate Signification affign'd to it \ as bumadtfcia de meyas^ a Dozen of Stockings-, hum nwnero de cazas, a Number of Houfes ; humel arrat de came, a Pound of Flefh. Here 'tis not determined whar Stockings, Houfes, or Flelh you fpeak of-, and when you employ the indefinite Article of in Engtijh) the Portuguefe do fo likewife, When the Article indefinite de precedes a Word which begins with a Vowel, the e is often caft away, and the next following Letter mark'd with an Acute Accent -,- as algum delles* fome one of them-, and fome leave a little Space betwixc the d and the next following Letter, with an Apoftrophe on the Top -, as algum d'elks v but the firft Way is moft practifed at prefent, as we have faid above. 5^- Of the Ufe, Application, and Diflinction of thefe two Articles, fee the Syntax. CHAP. VI. Of the Decknfwns of the Nouns Subftantiva. and their Terminations. T HE Portuguefe have but one Sort of De- clenfion ; and their Cafes, which admit of no fSrammatica Anglo-Lufitanica. 19 no Variety of Termination, as was ufual with the Romans, are only diftinguifh'd by prefixing the Articles, and the Plural Number is commonly made by adding an s to the Singular. An Example of the Mafciiline Gender, The Singular Number. N. o Templo, a or the Church. G. do Templo, of the Church. D. ao 5? perao, pello Templo, to the Church. *, /, o, u t y, or thefe five Corifonants, /, w, r, j, z ; which complicated with the Vowels, make al Grammatlca Anglo-'Lujitamca. 21 07 am ar as az el em er es (Z il im ir is iz t>! cm or OS DZ til urn r us HZ Examples of the feverai Terminations. The Singular. A. Maria, Catherine. a Alma, a SGU!. a Vida, Life. a Romaa, a Pome- granate. a Macaa, an Apple* E. o Barrete, a Cap. o Capote, a Cloak. o Nebri, a Hawk. o Rubi, a Ruby. o Pay, a Father. a May, a Mother, a Ley, a Law. o Rey, a King. O. Antonio, Anthony. o Livro, a Book. U. o Peru, a Turkey. o Mu, a Mule. o Judeu, a Jew. Al.o Avental, an Apron. o Punhal, a Ponyard. o Hofpital, an Hof- pital. EL Daniel, DanieL ?he Plural Marias, Catherinas. Almas, Souls. Vidas, Lives. Romaas, Pomegranates. or Romaens. Mafaas, Apples, er Ma- Barretes, Caps. Capotes, Cloaks. Thalfys, lins. brins. Rubiys, Rubies, or Rw- bins. Pays, Fathers. Mays, Mothers. Leys, Laws. Reys, Kings. Antonios, Anthony's. Livros, Books. Perus, Turkeys. Mus, Mules. Judeus, Jews. Avantays, Aprons. Punhays, Ponyards. Hofpitays, HofpitaJs. Danieys, Daniels. C 3 o Granel, 22 Grammatica Anglo-Lufitanica, he Singular. The Plural, o Granel, a Granary. Graneys, Granaries. o Capitel, a Head of Capiteys, Head? of Pil- a Pillar. lars. H. o Barril, a Barrel. Barriys, Barrels. o Gomil, a Leaver. Gomiys, Leavers. o Funil, a Funnel. Funiys, Funnels. O/.o Sol, the Sun. Soys, Suns. o Caracol, a Snail. Caracoys, Snails. o Lanfol, a Sheet. Lanfoys, Sheets. VI o Sul, South. Suis, Souths. o Taful, a Gamejler. Tafuys, Gamejiers. Words ending in am regularly make their Plurals in 6 ens -, as o Trovam, Thunder. Trovcens. o Padram, a round Padroens, round Pillars Pillar or Pofl. cr Pojls. ' o Feijam, a French Feijoens, French or Kid- Bean, ney Beans. Except fome that make their PJural in aos j as o Cortezam, a Courtier. Cortezaos, Courtiers. o Irmam, a Brother. Irmaos, Brothers. o Vill^rn, a Countryman. Villaos, Countrymen. o Cidadam, a Citizen. Cidadaos, Citizens. o Chriftam, a Chriftian. Chriflaos, Chrijtians. And except, fecondly, fuch as make their Plurals in aes ; as o Cam, a D.og. Caes, Dogs. o Efcrivam, a Clerk or Efcrivaes, Qtrks. Writer. o Capitam, a Captain. Capitals, Captains. DA o ram. Grammatica Anglo-Liifitanica. 23 'The Singular. The Plural. o Pam, Bread. Paes, Bread, or Loave* of Bread. o Rufiam, a Ruffian. Rufiaes, Ruffians. o Gaviam,tf Sparrow- Gaviaes , Sparrow - Hawks. o Alernam, aGerman. Alemaes, Germars. t. a Adem, a Duck. Adens, Ducks. o Almazem, aWare- Almazens, boufe. o Homem, a J^Ian. Hdmens, Men. Iw.o Chim, a Ckinefe. Chins, Cbinefi. o Rocim, a Horfe. Rocfns, Horfes. o Efpadim, a little Elpadins, little Swords, Sword. Om. o Tom, a Tone. Tons, Tones. o Dorn, a Gift. Dons, Gifts. Umo Atum, Tunny- Atuns, Tunny-FiJhes, Fijh. o Jejum, a Faft. Ar. Celar, Gejar. o A 911 car, Sugar. Er. o praier, Pleafure. o A luguer, Ir Jejiins, Fafts. Cefares, C*fars, Afticares, Sugars. o Polegar, aTbumb. Polegares, Thumbs. Prazeres, Pleafures. AJugucres, Rents of Houfes. Tr. o Martyr, a Martyres, Martyrs. Martyr. o A for, an Hawk. A fores, Hawks. oBcmfeitor, a Be- Bemfeitores, Benefac- mfaclor. tors. Cafadores, Huntfmen. a Houfe. man. o Lavrador, a Huf- Lavradores, Hufband- bandman. men. C 4 24 Grammaiica Angk-Lujitamcct. . The Singular. The Plural Ur. Catur, a {mail Veffel Catures. at Sea, in Latin Liburnum. Az. o Pri maz, a Primate. Pri mazes, Primates. o Arcaz, a 'Trunk- Arcazes, 'Trunk - M&- Maker. kerf. o Rapaz, a Boy. Rapazes, Boys. Ez. o Inglez, an Eng- Inglezes, Englifomen. lijhman. o Mez, a Month. Mezes, Months. o Marqucz, ^ Mar- Marquezes, Marqjtijfes* quis. Iz. o Apprendfz, ^ Apprendizes, Appren-. Apprentice. tices. a Codorniz, a.Quail. Codornizes, Quails. a Rafz, ^ Root. Raizes, Roots. Oz.o Arrioz, a Globe of Arriozes , Globes of Stone. Stone. Uz. o A beftruz, an 0- Abeftruzes, Oftriches. ftrich. oArch2.buz t aMu/%et. Archabuzes, Mujkets. Nouns Subftantive Irregular. Some of them have only a Singular Number ; as Gz/, Lime , Sal, Salt ; Ptz, Pitch; Ar^ Air ; Dotnfa, Sicknefs ; Proveito, Profit. Others have only a plural Termination, altho* they fignify but one fingle Thing, and have the plural Article prefix'd to them ; as os Ldyvos, the Foulnefs of the Face j as Grelhas, a Gridiron ; as Calf as ) Breeches ; as Migas, Sops ; as Ceroulas, Drawers -, Andds, a Carriage , Andillas, a little Litter; as Cdmaras, a Flux or Loofenefs ; as Pareas, a Tribute ; as Primicias, the Firft-fruits ; as Cocegas, Ticklifhnefs ; as Cuftas, Expence ; os Edifts ; as Entrdnbas, Bowels ; as Exe* Qrammatlca Anglo-Lufitanica. 23 qutas, a Funeral ; os Erpes, mortified ; os Torneos f as Jujlas, Tilts and Tournaments ; refto, on demazia, an Overplus. N. B. I cannot forbear obferving one of the Beau- ties of this Language, which is, that the Par- ttfguefe have many Nouns Subftantive ending in ada, which cannot be exprefs'd in other Languages without Circumlocution; asPedra- da, a Blow with a Stone , Pancada, a Blow with a Stick or Club ; Cutildda, a Cut with a Sword ; EJtoctida a Stab with a Sword or Dagger, &c. CHAP. VII. Of Nouns Adjective, regular and irregular; their Genders, Terminations^ Decknfions t and Comparijbns. TH E Nouns Adjective, like the Subftantive, have but two Genders, viz. the Mafculine, which they fignify by the Article 0, and Femi- nine by a, and fome Words are both Mafculine and Feminine. Their Terminations are, Singular. Pfarat. A. o Virtuofo, virtuous, os Virtuofos, virtuous. o Linda,/#/r. os Lindos,//>. E. o &? a Grande, great, os 6? as Grandes, great. o fc? a Forte, Jlrang. os & as Fortes, ftrong. O. o Fermofo, handfome. os Fermofos, bandfome. p So & a So, tf/^w, os Sos &? as Sos, ^/^^ adj. or only, U. o Nu, 26 . Qrammatica Singular. f/. o Nu, a nua, naked, o Cru, a crua, raw. oMeu,aminha, mine. o Ten, a tua, thine. o Sen, a fua, hi$. Al.Q fcf a principal, chief. o s? a Geral, general, j/. o y a Agradavel, a- gre table. //. o 6f a Sotil,y//?. o 5? a Util, /y/. O/. o Efpanhol, a Ef- panhola, ^ Spanijh Man y or Spanijh Woman. Ul. o &? a Azul, /#*. Ow. o Bom, a boa, good, Urn. Nenhum,. nenhu- ma, no one. o Co mum, acomua, common. Algum , alguma , fomebody. Ar. o Csf a Particular, particular. G 6f a Singular,/;*- Or. o fc? a Melhor, o fc? a Mayor, Az. o 6? a Mordaz, ^ fpiteful Man or Creature. o j? a Capaz, Plural os Niis, as nuas, naked. os Crus, as cruas, raw. osMeus, asminhas,0#. os Tens, as tuas, thine, os Seus, as fuas, theirs. QS & as Principals, /* chief. os 6? as Gcrais,^ffiWtf/^. ps 45 1 as agradaveis, a- greeabte. os s? as os 5? as Utiys, osEfpanhoys,asEfpan- holas, Spanijh Men,, or Spanijh, Women. os 6f as Azuys, os Boris, 6? as boas, good, Nenhums, nenhuas, os Corriuns, as comuas, common. Alguns, algumas,y2>/jf. os C^ as Particulares, particular. os & as Singulares, /7f- os Csfas Melhores, ^//^r. os 6f as May ores, ^rw/- er. os 5? as Mordazes, fpitefulnefs. os {5 1 as Capazes, wpa- z. o&?alnglez, Englijb. a Por- Grammatka Angk-Lufitamca. 27 Singular. Plural. z. o & a Portuguez, os 6? as Portugueses, - a Portuguefe Man, Portuguefe Men, and a Portuguefe Wo- Portuguefe Women. man. o 5? a Cortt,z, cour- os & as Cortezes, cour- teous. teous. /z. o &? a Feliz, happy, os fc? as Felizes, bapfy. o & a Belliz,/w/>. os 6? as Bellizes,y?w/>; Oz. o &* a Feroz, farce. os &? as Ferozes, fierce. Uz. o & a. Truz, cruel, os &? as Truzes, cruel. Irregular Adjedlives Are fuch as admit of no Plural Number; as the numerical Adjeftives, trinta, thirty ; qudrenta, forty ; cincoenta^ fifty ; fejjenfa, fixty -, fettenta, feventy ; outenta, eighty -, noventa, ninety ; cem^ hundred. But &#w, one -, is in the Plural buns^ fome -, cento, hundred, in Plural, centos^ hun- dreds , conto & milham^ a Million ; contos & mil- Millions. jV. B. Some who pretend to be curious in this Language, think it no Impropriety to admit even of Plurals to all or moil of the Numeral Adjectives, e. g. muytos vintes^ 'muytos trintas j manyTwenties, many Thirties. Alfo inArith- metick it is ufual to fay, naves fora , caft away the nines. Some of thefe Numerals are efteemed irregu- lar for want of the Singular Number *, as duzen- /.?/, two hundred , trezentos, three hundred , &c. for duze'nto and trezento, which are not allowed. The Nouns Adjective are declined like the Subftantives; yet to remove all Difficulties, we fhall let down here a few Examples of them. S Declcn- 2 8 Grammatka Anglo- Lujitamca, Declenfion of the Termination in o and s. Singular. N r o Fermofo, a fermofa, -handfomt. G.. do Fermofo, ~da Fermofa. JJ. ao & pera o, pello Fermofo ; a & pera, a pella fermofa, Ac. o, ao Fermofo, fermofa. V. o Fermofo, o fermofa. Ab. do Fermofo, da fermofa. "Plural. N. os Fermofos ; as fermofas. G. dos Fermofos ; das fermofas. &. aos & pera os, pellos Fermofos ; as pera as pelias fermofas. As. os, aos Fermofos ; as fermofas. Y. o Fermofos, o fermofas. Ab. dos Fermofos, das fermofas. Declenfion of the Termination al of the Com- mon Gender. Singular. JV. o & a Principal, Principal, G. do & da Principal. Z>. ao, pera o, peJlo ; a & pera a, peila Principal. Ac. o, ao ; a, Principal. ^. o Principal. Ab. do -, da, Principal. Plural. JV. os & as Principais. G. dos ; das Principais. D. aos pera os ; pellos; as, & pera a?, pelias Prin- cipals. Ac. os, aos ; as, as Principais. y. o Principais. Ak. dos i das Principais. All Grammatka Angh-Lufitanka. 2$ All Nouns Adjective are declined in this Man- ner. It would be fuperfluous to infert more Ex- amples, when I am perfuaded that you'll find no Difficulty to decline any of them, by the Help of the foregoing Table of Terminations. Companion of Nouns Adjective. The Adjectives have three different Degrees of increafmg or diminifliing their Signification, which is called Ccmparifon. 1. The Pqfitive, which is the pofitive or fimpte Signification of the Thing, as grande, great ; peqiieno, little-, mdo, bad. 2. The Comparative ', which makes a Comparifon between Things, andincreaies the Signification of the Pofitive, as mayor, greater, menor, lefiec* peyor, worfe. 3. The Superlative, which fignifies the Manner of the Thing in the greateft, or leaft Degree, and with Excefs ; as m&ximo, the greateit j minima, the leaft; pefftmo y the worft. But all Adjectives have not this pure Way of Comparifons, for they commonly make their Comparative by adding the Word mats olr more, or menos lefs, to the Word, e.g. perfeito, perfect j in Comparative maisperfeito, more perfect ; in Su- perlative perfeitrjfimo, the moft perfect. Poderofo^ powerful j mats poderofo, more powerful , podero- fiffimo, the moft powerful. Excsllente, excellent; mais excdlente, more excellent-, excel lent iffmo, the moft excellent. Thus many Portuguese Words, derived from the "Latin* make their Superlative in tffimo ; but for the Generality their Comparifons are made by the ^6 Grdmmatica Anglo- Lufitamca. the Particle mais, as mat s grande, greater, or more- great, for the Comparative ; and o mats, the moft, as o mats grande, the greateft, for the Su- perlative. Poftttve. Comparative. Superlative. Fermofo, fa, mais Fermofo, fa, Fermosiffimo, or bandforney handfomer y 6 mais fermofo, the handfomcft. Sotil c. mais Sotil, more Sotiliffimo, or 6 fubtle y Jubtle. mais fotil, the moft fubtle. Valente, c. mais Valente, o mais Valente, valiant* more valiant, the moft valiant ', &c. The Comparative is known when you find one Compared with many, or with many of a diffe- rent Kind , e. g. Hum Europeo he mais valente que muitos Americanos, one European is more valiant than many Americans. Os Inglezes fam maisvd- lentes que os Francezes, the Englifhmen are more valiant than the Frenchmen. The Superlative is \7hen one Thing is compared with many, or with many of the fame Kind, e. g. Efte Portugtiez be o m'ais valente de todos os Portu- gttezes, this fortuguefe is the moft valiant of all the Portuguefe. Os Inglefes fdm os inais valentes de todos os homens, the Englifii are the moft valiant of all Men. Some, tho* not fo elegantly, exprefs the Superlative in this Manner; as, EftePortuguez he mais valente que todos os Portuguezes, and Os In- glefes Jam mais valentes $ue todos os homens, this Portuguefe is more valiant that all the Portuguefe, and the Englifh are more valiant than ?\\ Men. e H A P Grammatica Anglo- Ltifitanica. $i CHAP. VIII. Of the Pronouns. Their feveral Sorts, and how they are declined. PRonouns are ufed mftead of a Noun to avoid Repetition. They are divided into feven Clafles, viz. into Perfonal, Conjunctive, Poffeffivc, Demonftrative, Interrogative, Relative and Im- proper. Of the Pronoun Pcrfonal. This Pronoun is to mark the firft, fecond and third Perfon in both Numbers, as in Singular, Eu, I, for the firft Perfon ; tu, thou, the fecond ; die, he, the third. And ii\ Plural, Nos, we, the firft ; vos, you, the fecond ; and dies they, the third Perfon ; to which Clafs alfo belong the Pronouns /* or_/?, himfeJf. .Declenfions of the Pronouns Perfonal. Singular. Plural. N. Eu, /. N. Nos, we. G. de Mim, of me. G. de Nos, of us. D. a Mim, & pera mim D. a Nos ^ pera nos, ff me, to me. to us. Ac. a Mim fc? me, me. Ac. a Nos, us. V. caret. V. caret. Ab. de Mim, from me. Ab. de N6s,/r0w us. Declcn- 3 2 Grammatlca Angto-Lufitanica. Declenfion of the Pronoun of the fecond Perfort. Singular. Plural. N. Tu, tbou. V6s,jy or you. <. de Ti, of thee. G. de Vos, of you. D. a 6? pera Ti &f Te, D. a s? pera Vos, /a / their Friends. D Of 34 Grammatica Angh-Lufitanka. Of the Pronoun Demonftrative. This Pronoun points out either a Perfon or a Thing, and is both Mafculine, Feminine, and Neuter. This 'is the only Inftance, befides the Article, where the Portuguefe, as well as the Spa- niards, admit of the Neuter Gender, which reigns only in the Singular, and not in the Plural. Thus you fay in Mafculine, that (Woman) ; Neuter tffb, that (Thing) ; as ejftpam, that Bread ; ijja pedra, that Stone, and ijjb he verdade, that is true. Thefe, as all Pronouns in general, are declined like Nouns Adjective, and therefore 'tis not neceflary to decline them here ; but the Word aquelle being irregular in its Declenfion, we put it down here at large. Singular. Mafculine. Feminine. Neuter. N, aquelle, this aquella, this. aquelle, /#/. G.d'aquelle,?/ d'aquella , of d'aquelle , of this. this. that. D. a &? pera a- a & pera a- a & pera a- Ac. a ifto cf a eila, effa, this, a ifto, iflb, that. iflb, this. V. caret. A. d'ifto,/;r0#* d'eRa.,fromtbis. this. d'iffo, from d'etta-frmtbat. that. Plural Grammatka Anglo-Lufitanica. 35 Plural. Mafculine. Feminine. N. aquelles. aquellas tbofe. G. d'aquelles. d'aquellas, of thofe. D. a & pera aquelles. a & pera aquellas, to thofe. Ac. a aquelles. a aquellas, tbofe. y. caret. A. d'iftos, d'ifibs. Pronouns Interrogative. As the Name fufficiently declares, they ferve in the afking a Queftion \ as que, what; que dizes? what do you fay ? quern, who ; quern he efle ? who is that ? ##/, which ; qual \dos dous ? which of the two ? cujo and cuja, whofe ; cujo f avails he effe? whofe Horfe is that? cuja caza he efta ? whofe Houfe is this ? The Pronoun Relative Points out the Subject without repeating it; as for Example, Deos, quern eu adoro he o criador^ &c. God whom I adore, is the Creator, &V. where the Relative whom refers to God, the Subject of my Adoration, and amounts to the fame as if I had faid, God, which God I adore \ is the Creator, &c. Hither belongs alfo the Word cujo, cuja, whofe ; as meu amigo cujo honor, &c. my Friend, whofe Honour, &c. And thus the Words quern y and cujo, cuja, which we faid before were Interro- gatives, are alfo often ufed as Relatives, accord- ing to the Manner in which they are apply'd ; and if you take but Notice of the Senfe of the Claufe, you'll never fail difcerning when thofe Words are Interrogative, and when Relative. D 2 83* When 3 6 Grammatica Anglo-Lufitanica. 83 s When they (land in the Beginning of a Phrafe they are Interrogatives, when in the Middle Relatives. The Pronouns Improper. Some Grammarians bring under this Clafs the Words tal, fuch ; algum, alguma, fomebody , ca- da, every ; quern, who ; qu.e, what ; nenhum, nen- huma, none ; certo, certa, certain ; outro, outra, another -, todo, toda, all , mefmo, the fame. JV. 5. The Latins treat the Words nullus, certus, alter, and totus^ as Nouns Adjedive. Before we proceed, we cannot but obferve a fmgular Propriety of this Language, which great- ly contributes to the Softnefs of its Tone, and renders fome Words very expreflive -, which is, that they join the adjundtive Particle N ( which Hands for em, in) clofe to fomc of their Pronouns in both Numbers and Cafes, to intimate an In- dication. As for Example, mile, nella-, miles,, nellas ; in him or it, in her; in them. In the fame Manner you fay, ndquelle, ndquella, ndquillo y ndquelles, ndqudlas , nefte, nefta, nzfto, neftos, neftas ; nejfc, nej/a, riiffo, neffes, nejjas. The Portuguefe likewife join the Word outro to the forementioned Pronouns aquelle, efte, ejje, e.g. aquelloutro, that other, eftoutro, ejjoutro, this other. For the other Remarks concerning Pronouns, we refer the Reader to the Syntax. But obferve, that when a Vowel is omitted for the fake of joining two Words together, the iirft Vowel after that which was omitted, ought to be mark'd with an Accent Acute ; as ejjoutro, for ejfe outro ; here an Accent is placed on the 0, to fignify that a Letter was left out. CHAP. Grammatica Angh-Lufitamca. 37 CHAP. IX. Of the Verb) its Moods, Tenfes, and Perfom. TH E Verb is a Part of Speech which varies its Termination, but not after the fame Manner as the Noun doth, which has fix Cafes, and marks no Time or Mood j whereas the Verb is conjugated with Moods and Tenfes, has a Sin- gular and Plural Number, and three Perfons. The Moods determine the Signification of the Verb, as to the Manner and Circumftance of the Affirmation ; as Hove, love thou, that / may love, and to love. Tenfes are Diftinclions of Time -, as I do love, and Idifl love ; and to conjugate a Verb is to form or vary it according to its feveral Moods, Tenfes, Numbers, and Perfons. There are five Moods : The firft is the Indica- tive^ from the Latin Word indico, I mew, which fimply denotes the Action; as eu leyo, I read ; eu quero, I love. The fecond is the Imperative, from imperare, Latin, to command ; as le tu, read thou ; ouve tit, hear thou. The third is the Op- tative, from optare, to wifh, to defire, to pray ; as oxala amdra eu, proveira & queyra Deos &f praza a Deos, amdra eu & amajfe eu, God grant (that) I did love. The Particles o and affim alfo ex- prefs the Optative Mood; thus you fay, ofefojfeeu tal, O that I were fuch ; afflm Deos me ajude, fo help me God. The fourth is the Conjunffivf, which is known by the Particle como -, as como eu amo, when I love , como eu amava, when I did love ; como eftiveftes muyto tempo doente, fince you have been a long Time fick ; but as this Mood is nothing but the Indicative conjugated through all the Tenfes with the Particle como before it, we thought it needlefs to fwell the Conjugations bv D 3 inferting 38 Grammatka Angh-LuJitanica; inferring it. The fifth is the Infinitive, from the Latin infinitus, becaufe it is not limited either by Number or Perfon, as other Moods are , as ler y to read. Verbs have alfo Gerunds and Participles in the Portuguese as well as in the Latin. The Gerund is fo calTd from^m?, I bear, from its bearing a double Signification, viz. that of a Noun and that of a Verb. There are three of thefe Gerunds^ as in Latin; amandi, of loving; amandO) in loving, and amandum to love , for that in di the Portuguese ufe the infinitive Mood, with the Prepofition de\ as de amdr^ of loving: The Gerund in do follows the Latin exactly , thus the Pcrtuguefe fay, amando, lendo> in loving, in read- ing; for the Gerund in dum they ufe the Infini- tive Mood, and the Prepofition a and pera -, 2&a amar ; or pera dmar> a ler, and pera ler, to love, and to read. A Supine is a Termination of a Verb, and has the fame Signification as the prefent Tenfe of the Infinitive Mood, either active or pafiive ; amatum y in Latin to love ; amatu, to be loved ; in Portu- guefe a amar^ to love, and defer amado., to be loved. A Participle derives its Name from pars and capio, as it partakes both of a Noun and a Verb. There are three Sorts in Latin^ as The Participle of the Perfect Tenfe ; as Latin afflatus, Portuguese amado ^ amada 9 beloved. The Participle of the Prefent Tenfe ; as Latin amans, Portuguese amante ; o que ama, loving, or he that loves. And the Participle of the Future Tenfe in rus, in active, and in dus in pafiive ; as Latin ama- turus, Portuguefe o que ha de amar, he that Khali, will, or is about to love ; and Latin, amandus, Portuguefe^o que ba defer amado ^ he thatihall, will, or is to be loved ; this laft belongs to the Verbpaflive. i This Grammatica Angh-LuJitanica. 39 This Account of the Verb and Moods being fufficient, I now proceed to fpeak of the Tenfes. There are properly but three Tenfes or Times^ viz. the Paft, the Prefent, and the Future, or what is to come. The Preterperfeft Tenfe mews the Action of the Verb either perfectly paft ; as Latin amavi, Portuguefe amey, or tenho amado, I loved or I have loved ; or imperfectly paft in the Imperfect Tenfe; as Latin, amabam, Portuguefe^ amava, I did love ; which is ufed when the Adlion e. g. of loving is paft, in regard to the Time in which I fpeak ; and prefent, with refpecl: to fome Circumftance; as I did love (when I was young) , I did learn (when I was at School ,) or, laftly, when an Ac- tion is paft before fome Circumftance happen'd, which is alfo paft, and then it is called the Pre- terpluperfeft ; as I had fupp'd when you came in, eu tinha ceado quando V M entrava. The Preterperfeft is again divided into the De- finite and Indefinite ; the former determines the Time of the Action of the Verb entirely paft ; as I faw your Uncle Yefterday, *oi a feu tfio ontem. The Preterperfecl Indefinite is when you men- tion the Time yet paffing ; as I have feen your- Uncle this Morning, tenho vifto a feu io efta man- ham. In Englifh we are not fo nice in this Dif- tin6tion ; for we fay indifferently, / faw your Uncle this Morning, or / have feen your Uncle this Morning. & The natural Order of Things requires the Paft or Preterperfect Tenfe to ftand before the Prefent ; but as all Grammarians make the Prefent Tenfe the firft in their Conjugations, to avoid being particular, or breeding Confu- fion, we have follow'd the fame Method. D 4 The 40 Grammatica Angh-Lufitanica. The Prefent Tenfe mews the prefent Action of the Verb , as eu leyo, I read ; eu amo, tu amas* elk ama, I love, thou loved, he loveth ; nos a- mamos^ vos amays, elles amam y we love, ye love, they love. The Future Tenfe points out a Time to come ; as Latin^ amabo, amarcy, I will love. We have in Englijh two Signs to this Tenfe, which, for want of Obfervation, Foreigners often confound ; the one is conditional, as I Jhall \ the other pofitive, as I will. Some don't diftinguifh between thefe two Words; and it's common to hear I Jhall for / will, and they love. A P. Grammatica Anglo-Lufitanka. 41 CHAP. X. *The Divijion and Conjugations of the Verbs. THE Verbs are commonly divided into Ac- tive, Paffive, Neuter, Reciprocal, and Im- perfonal. A Verb Active fignifies an Action, and hasal- ways a Paflion oppofed to it ; as / love, the Paf- fion oppofed to it is I am loved-* I read, I am read; I hear i I am t beard : Or, to make it yet plainer, join with the Verb the Words a Perfon, or & Thing, and if then it makes good Senfe, it is an Active; thus you may fay, I fee a Perfon or a 'Thing, Iftrike a Perfon or Thing, I follow a Perfon or Thing. The Verb PaJJive fpeaks a Sufferance -, as I am loved, and is formed of the Verb Subftantive ; as / am, and the Participle of the Prcterperfect Tenle ; as eu fou amado, I am loved ; tu eras a- mado, thou wert loved ; elk he amado, he is lov- ed, &c. The Verb Neuter fignifies an Action not con- vey'd unto another, but remaining within the Per- fon acting, and has no Paffion oppofed to it ; as IJleep, I walk, I come in, I tremble ', I fail, Igrow pale, cannot make a Paflive / amjlept* I am walked, &c. neither will they make Senfe if join'd to the Words a Perfon or Thing ; thus you can- not properly fay, IJleep a Thing, I walk a Thing or Perfon, If all, I grow old, &c. Some of the Verbs Neuter make ufe of the Verb ey, I have ; and others of fou, I am, in the Preterperfed Tenfc. The Verb Reciprocal has the fame Perfon for its Nominative and Subject -, as me efpanto, I am for- prized. This Sort of Verb is hardly known in the 42 Grammatica jingh-LuJitanica. the Englijh) tho* very common in the Italian, French^ Spani/h, and Portuguefe Languages. Verbs Imperfonal have only the third Perfon, be- ing called fo from their wanting the firfl and fe- cond ; as cbove, it rains , gea, it freezes ; troveja, k thunders, &c . they are conjugated throughout in the third Perfon, and in the Singular Number only. See the Conjugations below; Verbs again are divided into Regular and Irregular. The Regular are fuch as are confined to general Rules : The Irregular have none, and differ from the former, in the firft Preterperfecl. of the Indicative Mood, and Preter- perfccl: of the Conjunctive. The Conjugations of Verbs Of this Language, both regular and irregular, are commonly reduced to three Terminations, and as many Conjugations , the firft Conjugation is known by the Termination of the Infinitive Pre- fent in ar, as amo, I love, amar, to love , the fe- cond terminates in er in Infinitive, as Uyo, I read, #r, to read ; the third in *>, as oiifo, I hear, otwir, to hear. ft^ The Verb ponho, I put, in Infinitive Prefent, for, to put, with its Compounds, of which we (hall fpeak at the End of the Conjugations, is the only one of the Termination in or, and therefore hardly deferving to make a Conju- gation by itfelf. CHAP. Grammatlca Anglo -Lujitanha* 43 CHAP. XL Of the Auxiliary Verbs aver and ter. AS the auxiliary or helping Verbs aver and ter, to have, are necefiary for the conjugating the Preter perfects of the Verbs, both Active, Pal- five, Neuter and Reciprocal ; and fmce without the Verb fou and ejlou> I am, the Paffive Verb cannot be conjugated, 1 fhall begin with thefe two Verbs, as abfolutely neceflary to be firit learned. The Conjugation of the auxiliary Verb Aver. Indicative Mood. Prefent Tenfe. . r Eu ey, / have. .liTuhas, thou haft. ^ CElleha, betas. ^ . rNos hemos, avemos, we have. ^ < V6s eys, aveys, ye have. ^ C Elles ham, they have. Imperfeft Tenfe. - f Eu avia, 7 had. -If \ Tu avias, thou hadft. . ^ CElleavia, be bad. Nos aviamos, we had. Vos avieys, ye had. EUcs aviam, they bad. Firjl Preterperfeft Tenfe. . f Eu ouve, 7 have had. . J Tu ouvifte, thou baft bad. *? CElleouve, h has had. Plur. 44 Grammatica Angh-Lufitanic&. v - rNos ouvemos, we have had, -* < V6s ouveftes, ye have had. ^ C Elles ouveram, they have had. Second Preterperfeft Tenfc, . r Eu tenho avido, / have had. ^ } Tu tens avido, thou haft had, ^ C Elle tern avido, he has had. ^ c Nos temos avido, we have had. -^ < V6s tendes avido, ye have had. ^ * Elles tern avido, they have had. Preterpluperfeft Tenfe. Eu tinha avido, / had had. Tu tinhas avido, thou badft had. Elle tinha avido, he had had. Nos tinhamos avido, we had had. Vos tinheys avido, ye had had. Elles tinham avido, they had had. Future Imperfeft Tenfe. . r Eu averey, / jhall or will have. -1 \ Tu averas, thoujhalt or wilt have. 60 C Elle avera, he /hall or will have. j. r Nos averemos, we Jhall or will have. ^ < Vos averey s, ye Jhall or will have. 7* C Elles avera m, they Jhall or will have. *i!l tf! Eu terey avido, I Jhall then have had. Tu teras avido, thou /halt have had. Elle tcra avido, he Jhall have had. Nos teremos avido, we Jhall have had. Vos tereys avido, ye /hall have bad. .. Elles teram avido, they Jhall have had. Imperative. Grammatka Anglo-Lufitanica. 45 Imperative. The firft fanfc. Has no firft P erf on. ajas, ou ha tu, have thou. , aja elle, let him have. Ajamus nos, let us have. Ajays vos, have ye or you. Ajam elles, let them have. Ihe ficond fenfe. . r Has no firft Perfon. .| < Averas tu, thoujhalt have. t Avera elle, he Jhall have. Averemos nos, we Jhall have. Avereys vos, ye Jhall have. Averam elles, they Jhall have. Optative Mood. Prefent Tenfe. x ala a] a eu, God grant I may have. - Oxala ajas tu, God grant thou mayji have. - Oxala aja elle, God grant he may have. - Oxala ajamos nos, God grant we may have. } OxaJa ajays vos, God grant ye may have. - Oxala ajam elJes, God grant they may have. Imperfeff Tenfe. .Oxala ouvera, ouvefle cu, would to God I had or might have. Oxala ouveras, ouvefles tu, would to God t*"" C -jj j thou badft, or might eft have. Oxala ouvera, ouvefle elle, would to God he had, or might have. Plur. 46 Grammatica Angh-Lufoanica. Oxala ouveramos, ouvefTemos nos, would to God we had^ or might have. Oxala ouvereys, ouvefTeys vos, would to God ye bad, or might have. OxaJa ouveram ouvefiem elles, would to God they had, or might have. The Uncertain Ttnfe. . r Eu averfa, / would or might have. .If J Tu averias, thou wouldft or mightft have. CElle averia, he would or might have. . r Nos averiamos, we would or might have. . s Vos avenays, ye would or might have. * ' Elles averiam, they would or might have. Preterpcrfeft Tenfe. r Queyra Deosque eu tenha avido, God grant I have had) or might have had. Queyra Deos que tu tenhas avido, God grant thou baft had, or mighteft have had. Queyra Dcos que elle tenha avido, God grant he has had, or might have had. Queyra Deos que tu nos tenhamos avido, God grant we have had, or might have had. Queyra Deos que vos tenhays avido, God grant ye have had^ or might have had. Queyra Deos que elles tenham avido, God grant they have had^ or might have had. Preterpluperfeft Tenfe. Prouvera Deos queeu ouvera, ou ouveflfe avi- do, would to God I had had. Prouvera Deos que tu ouveras, ou ouvefles avido, would to God thou hadft had. Prouvera Deos que elle ouvera, ou ouvefle ' avido, would to God he had had. Phtr. - Grammatlca Angh-Lufitanka. 47 fc Prouvera Deos que nos ouveramos, ououvef- fcmos avido, would to God we had had. Prouvera Deos que vos ouverys, ou ouveffeis avido, would to God ye had had. Prouvera Deos que elles ouveram, ou ouvef- fem avido, would to God they had had. Future Imperfeft Tenfe. . f Quando eu ouver, when I Jhall or will have. ^ \ Quando tUQuvirt^ when thoujhaltor wilt have. C Quando elle ouver, when he Jhall or will have. Quando nos ouvermos, when we Jhall or will have. Quando vos ouverdes, when ye Jhall or will have. Quando elles ouvcrem, when they Jhall or will have. Future fetf eft Tenfe. Quando eu tiver avido, when I Jhall or will have had. Quando tu tiveres avido, when tbou jbalt or wilt have had. Qiiando elle tiver avido, when he Jhall or will have had. r Quando nos tivermos avido, when we Jhall or will have had. Quando vos tiverdes avido, when ye Jhall or will 'have had. Qiiando elles tiverem avido, when tbsyjball or will have had. Infinitive Mood. Prefent Tenfe. Aver, to have. Prefer- 4^ Grammatlca Angh-LufitanicA* Preterperfeft Tenfe. Ter avido, to have bad. Future Tenfe. Terde aver 0#Efperar de aver, (to have to to hope to have) to have hereafter. Gerund. Avendo, in having, 6? de aver, of having. Participle Prefent. Ouvente, having , o quc ha, he that has. Participle Preterperfttf. Avido, avida, having bad; o que ha avido, he that has had. Participle '"future. que ha de aver .&? efpera de aver, he (one) that is to have, or hopes to have. It may not be improper to obferve here, that the Verb ey, has, ha, I have, thou haft, he has, aflift all Sorts of Verbs in their Moods, Tenies, and Perfons, both in the Active and Paffive Sig- nification. In the Active by adding the Particle de to the Prefent Tenfe of the Infinitive of the Verbs, e. g. Ey de amar, I am about to love, or 1 fhall love ; Ey de ler, ouvir, I am about to hear, or mall read or hear, &c. and fo in the other Perfons and Tenfes. In the Paffive Significations are added to the Particle de the Prefent Tenfe of the Infinitive of Ser, and the Participle of the Preterperfecl: Tenfe of any Verb, as Ey de fer amada, I fhall or will be Grammatlca Anglo-Lufltanicti. 49 be loved; has de fer ouvido> thou fhalt or wilt be heard ; ba de fer lido, he or it fliall be read. j. r -S } C The Auxiliary Verb, Indicative Mood. Prefent Vertfe. Eu ten ho, I have ; Tu tens, thou haft. Elle tern, be has. j. r N6s temos, we have. $ < V6s tendes, jy^ y&^-z;^. " CEJles tem, they have.' Jmperfeft Tenfi. -rEu tinha, I had. . i Tu tinhas, thou hadft. 69 C Elle tinha, ^ ^^. Nos tf nharrros, we had. Vos tinheys, ye had. Elles tinham, tbty bad. Firft Preterptrfeft Tcnfe. . f Eu tive, / have had. .|J Tu tivefte, thou haft had. CElle teve, he hath had. 5 Nos tivemos, we have had. Vos tiveftes, ye have had. Elles tiveram, they have bad. Second Preterperfeft . r Eu tenho tido, / have had. ,*f < Tu tens tido, thou haft bad. 3 * Elle tem tido, be has had, E ^ * <*> 50 Grammatica Anglo-Lufitantca. . r Nos temos tido, we have had. j* ) Vos tendes tido, ye have had. ^ I Elles tem tido, they have had. Preterpluperfeft Tenfe. Eu * tinha tido, I had bad. Tu tinhas tido, thou hadft had. Elle tinha tido, he had had^ Nos tinhamos tido, we had had. Vos tinheys tido, ye had had. , Elles tin ham tido, they had had. Future Imperfeft. Eu terey, IJhall or will have. Tu teras, thoujhalt or wilt have. Elle tera, he Jhall or will have. Nos teremos, wejhall or will have. Vos tereys, yt jhall @r will have. Elles teram, they Jhall or will have* Future PerfeR. Ja entam eu terey tido, IJhall (then already) have had. Ja entam tu teras tido, thoujhalt (then alrea- dy) have had. Ja entam elle tera tido, he Jhall (then already) have had. . Ja entam nos teremos tido, wejhall (then al- ready) have had. Ja entam vos tereys tido, ye Jhall (then al- ready) have had. Ja entam elles teram tido, theyJJwll (then al- ready) have had. * Some exprefs the Preterpluperfeft, tho' improperly, by iivcra, fiver at, tivira j tiviramsi, tivcreyi, tivtram. Imperative ^Grammatica Anglo-Lufiianica. 5 I Imperative Mood. Firft Tenfe, . rHas nofrflPerfon. ,*) Tern ou tenhas tu, have thou. ** L Ten ha elle, let him have. . rTenhamos nos, let us have. ^ jTende ou tenhays vos, have ye. k CT6nham elles, let them have. Second Tenfe. Has no firft Perfon. Teras tu, tboufyalt have. ^ C Tera elle, hejhall have. . rTeremos, nos, wejhall have. K v Tereys vos, yejhall have. ^ i Teram elles, theyjhatt havi. Optative Mood. Prefent Tenfe. . f Oxala tenha eu, would to God I may have. |f) Oxala tenhas tu, would to God thou may ft have. 03 C Oxala tenha elle, .would to God he may have. . r Oxala tenhamos nos, would to Godwemay have. J* \ Oxala tenhays vosj would to God ye may have. ^ t Oxala tenhem elles, would to God they may have Imperfeft Tenfe. . r Oxala tivera, tiveffe eu, wifh to God 1 had. < Oxala ti veras, tivefles tu, wifh to God thou badji. ^ ' Oxala tivera, tiveffe elle, wifh to God he had. Oxala tiveramos, tiveffemos, nos, wifh to God we bad. Oxala tivereys, tivefleys vos, wife to Godyehad. Oxala tiveram, tiveffem elles, wijh to God L they bad. E 2 Uncertain 52 Grammatica Ahgk-Lufitanicd* Uncertain Tenfe. . f -S } I j. r -^ < ^ I Eu teria, / would or might have. Tu terias, thou wouldji or mightft have. Elle teria, he would or might have. Nos teriamos, we would or might have. Vos terieys, ye would or might have. Elles teriam, they would or might have. Preterperfett Tenfe. .Queyra Deos que eu tenha tido, God grant that I may have had. Queyra Deos que tu tenhas tido, God grant that thou mayft have had. Queyra Deos que elle tenha tido, God grant that he may have had. .Queyra Deos que nos tenhamos tido, God grant that we may have had. Queyra Deos que vos tenhays tido, God grant that ye may have had. Queyra Deos que elles tenham tido, God grant that they may have had. Preterpluperfeft 'Tenfe. Prouvera Deos que tivera ou tivefle eu tido, would to God I had had. Prouvera Deos que tiveras ou tivefles tu ti- do, would to God thou hadft had. Prouvera Deos que tivera ou tivefle elle tido, would to God he had had. Prouvera Deos que tiveramos ou tiveflemos nos tido, would to God we had had. Prouvera Deos que tivereys, ou tivefleys vos tido, would to God ye had had. Prouvera Deos que tiveram ou tiveflem elles tido, would to God they had had. Rrfi Grammatica Anglo-Lufitanica. 53 Firft Future Tenfe. . + Quando eu tiver, when 1 Jhall have. .I?) Quando tu tiveres, when tboujhalt have. C Quando elle tiver, when be /hall have. . f Quando nos tivermos, when wejhall have, 4! < Quando vos tiverdes, wbenye fhall have. ^ C Quando elles tiverem, when they floall have. Second Future Tenfe. Quando eu tiver tido, when IJhallbave had. Quando tu tiveres tido, when tbou (halt have bad. Quando elle tiver tido, when be Jhatt have bad. .Quando nos tivermos tido, when we Jhall have bad. Quando vos tiverdes tido, wbenye Jhall have bad. Quando elles tiverera tido, when they Jhall to have bad. Infinitive Mood. Prefent lenfe. Ter, to have. Preterperfetl fenfe. Ter tido, to have had. Future Tenfe. Aver de ter (to Jhall or will have, to be to have) to have hereafter, E Gerund J4 Gramtnatica Angh-Lufitanica; Gerund. Tendo, in. having ; de ter, of having. Participle Prefent. Em ter, having ; o cpe tern, he that has. Participle PreterperfecJ. Tido, tida, having bad; o que ha tido, be that, has had. Participle Future. o que ha de ter, o que efpera de ter, he that is to have, or hopes to have. Obfervations on the Verb Ey and Tenho. The Verb Ey has one Irregularity peculiar to itfelf, and not to be found in other Verbs, which is, that in all Moods, Tenfes, and Perfons of the Singular Number, it ferves Nouns both Singu- lar and Plural; e. g. ha hum anno, it is a Year; ba muitos annos, it is many Years; avia hum anno, &? avia muitos annos, as the French fay, ily a un an, ^ ily aplufieurs annees, which is alfo a ufual Way of exprelfing themfelves in the Spanifh Language. This Verb is made, ufe of in all Moods, Ten- fes, and Perfons, with the Addition of the Par- ticle de, with the Prefent and Imperfect of the Verb Subftantive Sou and Eftou; as ey defer, a- mar, ler, I fhall be, love, read ; avia de fer, a- mar, ler, and ouve defer, amar, ler. The Verb "Tenho in this Form is improper, altho 5 elegant enough in Spanijh ; for the Portuguefe do not fay tenho de amar, ler, efcrever ; but the Spaniards fay properly enough tengo de an ir, ler, efcrivir, I am to love, read, write, &c. The Grammatka Anglo-L,ujitanica. 55 The Particle me is alfo fometimes added, and muft always be placed before the Particle de\ as ha me de cuftar, it will coft me , ba me de dar, he lhall give me ; it being improper to fay ba de me dar, ha de me cuftar, &c. The Verb Ey is alfo often ufed with the Particle 4e 9 and the Infinitive of the Verb Sou, that is,/*r, join'd with the Participle Preterperfect of any Verb in the Paflive Voice, e.g. ey de fer amado, I am to be loved i ey defer lido, ouvido, &c. I am to be read, heard ; fo avia de fer amado, lido, ouvido, and fo thro' all the Numbers and Perfons. The Verb Ey in Paflive Voice is always put before the Infinitive fer; as ey defer, avia defer* &c, but in the Active Voice it is not only put before the Verb to which it is join'd, but fome- times after -, as fe tnefzerdes a vontdde, deyxdr vos ey for meu erdeyro, if you pleafe me, I will make you my Heir ; fe fordes obedient e a vojjbs pays, far- ms ba Deos muytas merces, if you are obedient to your Parents, God will bellow many Bleffings on you. The Word quve, I had, he had, the firft or third Perfon in Singular of the firft Preterperfe- .|f < Tu tens fido, ou eftado, thou haft been. 00 ' Elle tern fido, ou eftado, he has been. Nos temos fido, ou eftado, we have been. V6s tendes fido, ou eftado, ye have been~- Elles tern fido, ou eftado, they have been. Preterpluperfeft Tenfe. . f Eu *. tinha fido, eftado, I had been. . s Tu tinhas fido, eftado, thou hadft been. 03 'Elle tinha fido, eftado, he had been. . f Nos t^nhamos fido, eftado, we had been^ ^ j V6s tinheys fido, eftado, ye had been. ^ C. EUes tinham fido, eftado, they had been. m Future ImperfeR. . f Eu ferey, eftarey, I/hall or will be. , \ Tu feras, eftaras, thoujhalt or wilt be. ^ CElle fera, eftara, hejhallar will be. ^ f N6s feremos, eftaremos, we Jhall or will be* ^ < V6s ferey s, eftarey s, ye Jhall or will be. ^ lEHesferam, eftaram, they Jhall or will be. Future Perfeff. .Ja entam eu terey fido, ou eftado, I Jhall then already have been. Ja entam tu teras fido, ou. eftado, thoujhalt sr CO then already have been, Ja entam elle tera fido, ou eftado, he Jhall then already have been. Ja entam nos teremos fido, ou eftado, we Jhall then already have been Ja entam vos terey s fido, ou eftado, ye Jhall then already have been. Ja entam elles teram fido, ou eftado, they Jhall then already have been. * Seme ufe fora &ej}i e uera,foras, eftiveras, &C. for the Plu- pcrfeft tenbojido, which however is not fo proper. 5 Impe- Grammatlca Anglo- Lufitanlca. Imperative Mood. Firjl Tenfe. Has no firft Perfon. Se tu, efta, be tbou. ( ' Seja elle, efteja, behe, or let him be. Sejamos nos, eftejamos, let us be. ISedevos, eftay, be ye. Sejam elles, eftejam, let them be. Second Tenfe. , r Has no fiifl Perfon. a |f JSeras tu, eftaras, thoujhalt be, or be ^ C Sera elle, eftara, he/hall be, or be be. . rSeremosnos, eftaremos, wejhallbe. ^ eftar, being ; o quehe,efta, one (he} that is. Participle Perfetl. Sido> eftado, having been , o que ha fido, eftado, he (one} that has been. Participle Future. o que ha, ou efpera de fer, ou eftar, he (one) that is or hopes to be. Obfer- i&rammatica Angh-LuJitanica. 63 Obfervations on the Verb ?tf, I am. The Verb&?, I am, is exactly exprefs'd and pronounced in the Preterperfect Tcnfe, like the Verb vou, I go, by the Word eufuy in both, for I have been and I went ; only with this Diftinction, that the Preterperfect Tenfe of the Verb vou, I go, is always followed by a Subftantive of Place and Motion : As for Example, fuy a Roma, I went to Rome -, fuy a Londres^ I went to Lon- don ; and fometimes with an Adjective adjoined ; as fuyafamofa Roma, f went to famous Rome. Some- times follows a Verb of the Infinitive Mood ; as fuy ver, fuy ler, I went to fee, I went to read ; but the Preterperfect Tenfe of the Verb Sou hath always a Subftantive or Adjective following it, and fignifies no Motion -, e. g. fuy bom eftudiante^ I have been a good Student ; Lijboa foy fondada for Uliffes, Lifbon was founded by UlyfTes, &c. See the Verb vou t I go.. Befidesthefc Equivocations, there are alfo many others of the like Nature, v. g. the third Perfon of the Prefent Tenfe of the Indicative Mood of the Verbfou, fam, they are, is written and pro- nounc'd as the Word fam, well or found ; era> I or he was, and era, an Ivy-tree , eras, thou waft, and eras, Ivy-trees ; oufara, I might be, and,/0ra, without *, foram, they might have been, and/0- rdm, a Ferret, diftinguim'd only by the Accent \ Jeram, they mail be, and feram,. the Beginning of the Night ; fe tu, be thou, and /*, himfelf ; fede vat) be 'ye, zndfede, Thirft ; tut/las, thou art, and eft as * thefe ; ejta, he is, and efta, this; which Words are to be diftinguim'd by the Accent, or Connexion of the Difcourfe. CHAP. #4 Grammatka Anglo-Lufitanka. CHAP. XIII. Of the Regular Verbs, and their three Cori- jugations. The Firft Conjugation in ar. Indicative Mood. Prefent Tenfe. * r Eu amo, 1 love. .|jTu amas, tbou loveft. CElIe a ma, be loveth. Nos amamos, we love. V6s amays, ye love. Elles amam, they love. Imperfeft Venfe. Eu amava, 7 loved or did love. Tu amavas, tbou lovedjl or didft love* t Elle amava, be loved or did love. ^ r Nos amavamos, we loved or did love. ^ \ V6s amays, ye loved or did love. ^ C EJJes amavam, they loved or did love, Firft Preterperfett Tenfe. . r Eu amey, / have loved. ~ .| < Tu amafte, thou baft loved. 5 C Elle amou, be bath loved. . ^Nos amemos, we have loved, ^ J Vos amaftes, ye have loved. ^ C Elles amaram, they have loved. . r -S \ ** C Second Preterperfeft Tenfe. Eu tenho amado, / have loved. Tu tens amado, tbou haft loved. Elle tern amado, he has loved. Qrammatica Anglo-Lufitanka. 65 . rNos temos amado, we bave loved. \ Vos tendcs amado, ye bave loved. ^ L EJles tern amado, they bave loved. PreterpliiperfeR Tenfe. Eu * tinha amado, 1 bad loved. s 3 ' Elle tinha amado, be bad loved. . r . s 3 ' s Tu tinhas amado, tbou hadft loved. r \ ' Nos tinhamos amado^ we bad loved. Vos tinheys amado, ye bad loved. Elles tmham amado, tbey bad loved. Future Imperfeft Ttnfe. . r Eu amarey, IJhall or will love. .** < Tu amaras, tboujhalt or wilt love. C Elle amara, bejhall or will love. ^ f Nos amaremos, we Jhall or will love. ^? \ Vos amareys, ye Jhall or will love. ' Elles amaram, they Jhall or will love. Future Perfeft Tenfe. Ja entam eu terey amado, IJhall then bave loved. Ja entam tu teras amado, tboujhalt then bave loved. Ja entam elle.tera amado, bejhall tben bave loved. Ja entam nos teremos amado, we Jhall tben 1 bave loved. [a entam vos tereys amado, ye Jhall then have loved. [a entam elles teram amado, they Jhall then bave loved. * Some ufe amara, amaras, amara, &c. for the Prefer - pluperfeft, which by the beft Criticks is judged an Impro- priety, it being the Imperfeft of the Optative Mood. F Imperative 66 Grammatica Anglo-LuJitanica} Imperative Mood. Firji Tcnfe. Has nofirft P erf on. A ma tu, love tbou. Ame elle, let him love. Amcmosnos, let us love. A may vos, love ye. Amem clles, let them love. Second Fenfe. Has nofrft Perfon. Amaras tu, thoujhalt love. Amara elle, heJhaH love. Amaremos, nos, wejhall love. Amareys vos, yejhall love. Amaram elles, they Jhall love* Optative Mood. Prefent Tenfe. . ^ Oxala ame eu, Iwijb I may love. .* ^Oxala ames tu, Iwifh tbou may ft love. cOxala ame elle, 7 wi/b he may love. Oxala amemos nos, Iwijh we may love. Oxala ameys vos, Iwijhye may love. Oxala a mem elles, Iwijh they may love. Imperfeft Fenfe. Oxala amara, ou amaffe eu, would I might or could love. Oxala amaras, ou amafles tu, would tbou mighteft or couldft love, Oxala amara, ou amaffe elle, would be migbt or could love. i Plur. Grammatlca Angh-Lufitanica. 67 Oxala amaramos, ou amafiemos nos, would we might or cotfd love. Oxala amareys, ou amaffeys vos, would ye might or cotfd love. Oxala amaram, ou amafTem elles, would they might or coud love. Uncertain 'Tenfe. . r Eu amaria, I might love. -1^ Tu amarias, thou mightft love. 03 C Elle amaria, be might love. . c Nos amariamos, we might love. s que tiveram ou tiveffem elles ouvido, would to God they had heard. Fir ft Future Tenfe. ^ r Quando eu ouvir, when I Jhall hear. \ Quando tu ouvires, when thou Jhalt hear. t Quando elle ouvir, when he Jhall hear. ^ r Quando nos ouvirmos, when we /hall hear. ~j* < Quando vos ouvirdes, when ye Jhall hear. I Quando elles ouvirem, when they Jhall hear. Second Future Tenfe. Quando eu tiver ouvido, when I Jhall have heard. Quando tu tiveres ouvido, when thou Jhalt have heard. .Quando elle tiver ouvido, when he Jhall have heard. Quando nos tivermos ouvido, when we Jhall have heard. Quando vos tiverdes ouvido, when ye Jhall have heard. Quando elles tiverem ouvido, when they L Jhall have heard. Infinitive Mood. Prefent Tenfe. i Ouvir, to hear. Preterperfeft Tenff. Ter ouvido, to have heard. Future Granmatica Anglo-Lnfitanica. 8 1 Future Tenfe. Aver de ouvir, on efperar de ouvir, to be to bear* to hope to bear, or to hear hereafter. Gerund. Ouvindo, in hearing. Supine. a ouvfr, ou pera ouvir, to hear. 'Participle Prefent. Ouvcnte, o que ouve, o que efta ouvindo, 4 (am) that hears, or is hearing. Participle Preterperfeft. Ourido, having heard ; o que tern ouvido, he (one) that has heard. Participle Future. O que ha de ouvir, ou efpera de ouvir, he (one) that is to hear, er hopes to hear. Obferve, Some pretend to enrich the Portuguefe Verbs by Moods not common to other Languages, and therefore, befides the Indicative, Impera- tive, Optative, and Infinitive Moods, fet down a Conjunctive Mood, a Conjunctive peculiar to the Portugiteje Language, a Potential Mood, and a Permiflive Mood. The Conjunctive Mood is nothing elfe but the Indicative conju- gated with the Particle como, as, or when. The Conjunctive peculiar to the Portuguefe Language is the Subjunctive conjugated with the Words pofto que, altho', or fuppofing that. G The 82 Grammatka Anglo-'LufitamcA. The Potential Mood in the Prefent Tenfe is^ que ame eu, that I may love -, the Imperfect Tenfe is amaria eu, mould or could I love ; the Preter- perfect Tenfe ispude eu amar, I might have lov'd ; the Preterpluperfect Tenfe is eu pudera ter amado t I might, could, or would have lov'd -, the Fu- ture Tenfe amarey, poderey amar^ I fliall or will love, I mail or will be able to love. The Permiflive Mood in the Prefent Tenfe is ame #*, let me love, doulbe que ame^ I grant I may love -, the Imperfect Tenfe amara, I did love, doulbe que amara, I grant I did love ; the Preterperfect Tenfe amaffe eu, I have lov*d, doulbe, que amaffe cu, I grant I have loved, and mas que tenba atnado, altho* I have loved; the Preterpluperfecl: Tenfe amara eu, I had loved> doulhe que amara, \ grant I had loved ; mas que tivera amado^ altho' I or he had loved ; the Fu- ture Tenfe doulhe que venha ou cbegue eu a amar, I grant that I may come to love. It appears then that thefe Moods have no ex- traordinary Terminations belonging to them, but that they are only compofed of Particles join'd to the Verb in the Mood which thofe Particles require, and conjugated in the common Man- ner. I thought it therefore needlefs to fwell and embroil the Conjugations with thofe Moods, fince the Learner, when he comes to be ac- quainted with the Conjugations, and knows what Moods the feveral Conjunctions govern, he not only will find the abovementioned Moods very eafy to him, but alfo may make as many more if he pleafes, giving them Names accord- ing to the Nature of the Conjunction join'd with them, which may be done in any other Lan- guage ; and therefore I can't fee in what RcfpecT: thofe Moods are peculiar only to the Portuguefe. CHAP. ^rammatlca Angh-"Lufitamcfc 83 CHAP. XIV. Of the Terminations , Formations, and Equivo- cations of the three regular Conjugations. THE firft Conjugation, as was faid above, is known by the Termination of the fe- cond Perfon of the Prefent Tenfe of the Indica- tive Mood, and the Prefent of the Infinirive ; as, amo, amas, and in the Infinitive amar, to love; en/ino, I teach, enfinas, thou teacheft, enfmar^ to teach ; Jouvo, I praife, louvas, thou praifeft, touvar, to praife. The firft Conjugation is fo regular, that it keeps the fame Characters through all its Moods and Tenfes, changing only the laft Letter into fuch Letters as the Tenfes are terminated in, e.g. Indie. Prefent. Imperf. Tenfe. Perfect Tenfe. Amo, amava, amey, / love. I did love. I have lov'd. Chamo, chamava, chamey, / fall. I did call. I have call'd. i Except the Verb dou, I give, which in the reft of the Tenfei lofeth its two laft Letters ou, e. g. Dou, Dava, Dey, / give. I did give. I have given. As alfo fuch Verbs as end in co. Fico, Ficava, Fiquey, / remain. I did remain. I have remained. Finco, Fincava, Finquey, Ifajlen, I&dfaften. Ihavefaftened. G 2 Obferve 84 Grammatica Anglo-LuJitanicii. Obfervc here, that in Verbs of the firft Con- jugation in the Prcfent Tenfe, the firft, fecond, and third Perfons of the fingular Number are of- ten written and exprefs'd with the very lame Letters without any Difference, and their Signi- fication is only to be guefs'd at by the Connexi- on of the Matter difcourfed of. Verbs of the firft Conjugation equivocate three Ways with Nouns exprefied in the fame Form. Firft, when the Verb and Noun are exprefled with the fame Letters in the Indicative Prefent and the firft Perfon, as for Example. Agouro, I divine, and Agouro, Divination. Abrafo, / embrace, and Abraco, an Embrace. Canto, Ifmg, and Canto, a Song. Choro, / cry, and Choro, a Crying. Defprezo, / defpife, and Defprezo, a Contempt. Dezejo, / defire, and Dezejo, a Defire. Enfino, / teach, and Enfino, a 'Teaching. Furto, Ifteal, and Furto, a Stealth. Livro, I free, and Livro, a Book. Rogo, / dejire, and Rogo, a Defire. Soluco, I fob orfigh, and Soluco, a Sigh, &c. Secondly, Verbs equivalent to, and writ the fame with Nouns Subftantive, are very numerous in the fecond Perfon of the Indicative Prefent j as, Brigas, tbou fighteft. and Brigas, Fights and Quar- rels. Bufcas, tboufcekeft. and Bufcas, Seekings or Searches. Culpas, tbou blamejl. and Culpas, Faults, &c. Thirdly, alfo of the third Perfon ; as, Briga, hefighteth, and Briga, a Fight. Bufca, he fearcbeth, and Bufca, a Search. Culpa, he blameth. and Culpa, a Fault, &c. There Grammatlca Anglo-Ltifitamca. 85 There are alfo Verbs of the firft Conjugation, which, in the Indicative Prefcnt equivocate with Nouns in all three Perfons of the Singular, and the third Perfon Plural, v. g. arno, I love, and a Matter of a Houfe or Family; amas, thou Jo- veft, the Miftrefles (of a Houfe) or Nurfes of Children; ama, he loveth, Miftrefs or Nurfe ; fiarro, barms, barra ; ameafo, ameafas, aweafa, &c. So in the third Perfon Plural, arepeUam, they pull out the Hairs, arepellam, a Pulling out or Cutting off the Hair ; and fo in many other .Verbs which Ufe muft teach you, and I here, omit to avoid Tedioufnefs. The fecond Conjugation is of Verbs that in the fecond Perfon of the Indicative Prefent end in is 9 and in the Infinitive in er, as, Leyo, / read. Conheco, / know. Efcrevo, / write. Itt^thoureadeft. conheces, thou. knoweft. efcreves, thou write/I. ler, to read. conhecer, to know. efcrever, to write. Take Notice, that as there is very little Variety or Difference in the Terminations of Verbs of the firft Conjugation thro* all its Moods and Tenfes, fo the faid Difference is very confiderable in the fecond and third Conjugations, their Verbs not keeping the fame Letters as in the firft, but either altogether lofmg or changing them. For Exam- ple, in the fecond Conjugation they do not only lofe the laft Letter o of the Prefent Indicative in the other Tenfes, but alfo in the Imperfect and Preterperfect change the Sy liable ' ey into ;', viz. Leyo, / read. If a, I did read. If, I have read. Creyo, / be- crfa, / did be- erf, / have be- lieve, lieve. tieved. G 3 The 6 Grammatical Anglo-Lufaanlcd, The Verb vcjo, I fee, lofes the Letter j in moft Tenfes , as via, I did fee ; vi and vtra^ \ have and had feen ; except the Prefent of the Opta- tive , as oxala veja eu, God grant that I may fee-, in the third Perfons Singular and Plural of the Prefent Imperative, as veja ells y let him fee, and vejam elks, let them fee, and in the Prefent of the Conjunctive. Some Verbs that have c before o in the Prefcnt Indicative, change it in the other Tenfes in d\ as percO) I lofe -, pcrdia^ I did lofe ; perdi, I have loft ; perdera, or tinha perdido^ I had loft. The third Conjugation is of Verbs that termi- nate the fecondPerfon Indicative Prefent in , but the Infinitives end in />, v. g. otifo, I hear, ottves 9 thou heareft, ouvtr, to hear j fnjo y I feign, fn- ges^ thou feigneft, fngir, to feign ; abro 9 I open, abres^ thou openeft, abrir^ to open. In the Verbs of the third Conjugation there is to be obferved a ftrange Mutation, even in the Pre- fent Indicative ; as in the Verb oufo 9 ouves, ouve^ ouvtmoS) ouviyS) ouvem. The Verb ougs changes its $ into a v in all the Tenfes except thofe men- -tion'd above in vejo. The Verb mefo, I meafure, changes its f into d in the reft of the Tenfes ; as mefo^ medes ; in Im- perfect media ; in Perfect medi. So pefo, I defire, pray, or beg ; pedes, pede> and pedza, I did defire 5 fedi, I have defired. Verbs that have a j before o in the Prefent In- dicative, change the j into" in the other Tenfesj as jinjo^ I feign , finges, finge -, fingza^ I did feign; fingi, 1 have feigned ; qfflijo, I afflict ; qffliges^ af- ftg e J affiig* I did afflict , affligf, I have afflicted, &c. So in the Verb dirijo^ I direct , frijo, I fry 5 tinjo, I dye , cinjo, I gird, t$c. Grammatlca AngJo-Lufttamca. 87 There are other Verbs that do not only lofe the laft, or change the laft Vowel, but alfo the laft but one, or the Penultima, and that in twoKinds. The firft change * in the Penultima into e in the reft of thePerfons and Tenfes, v g. firo, 1 ftrike, feres , fere, feria^ I did ftrike ; feri^ I have ftruck ; figOi I follow, ftgucs, fegue ; feguia^ I did follow ; fegui-t I have followed ; minto^ I lye, mentes, men- tia, I did lye ; menti^ I have lyed. Thus/n/0, fre- ggs ; tirno, cernes ; fmto, fentes ; perjtgo^ perfegues ; firvoi ferves^ and the like ; but they keep the Letter i in the third Perfons Singular and Plural Prefent of the Imperative ; zsfiga elle, Jigam dies* let him follow, let them follow ; and in the Pre- fent Optative in all the Perfons ; as oxalajiga ett> figas, Jiga, &c. Alio in the firft Perfons of the Conjunctive j as como eufigo, when I follow. The fecond Kind are fuch Verbs as have an in the Penultima, and in all the other Tenfes and Per- fons change it into o , v,g. bulo, I meddle with; boles^ bole ; bolia* I did meddle with ; bolir, to meddle with , durmo^ I fleep, dormes, dorme ; dor- mia^ dormir -, engulo^ I fwallow, engoles, engole j en- golia^ engolir -, funto, I fum, femes, feme ; fomza* fsmir ; cubro, 1 cover, cobres, cobre ; cobria, co- brir ; fubo^ I come or go up, fobes^ fobe \ fobta> fobir j tuffo, I cough, tofles, toffe, tojjpa, tojfir, And thus they are eafily diftinguifh'd from fuch as never lofe the Vowel a, nor change it into o 5 as conduo, conducs, concluir:,grunbo, grunhe^grun- bir ; z#0, zunss, zunir. But thofe Verbs that change u into fuba fu, bulas, fubas /, God grant G 4 that Grammatka Anglo-ljiifitanicai that I or thou may or mayftmeddle or come up, 6f f . Alfo in the firft Perlbns of the Conjunctive,' as como fubo, when I go up. The Participle of the Preterperfefl Tenfe of the Verb Pafllve of the fecond and third Conju- gation, are alfo fubject to fome Variation ; for altho 1 they commonly end in ido, as lido^ ido, ven- cido, corrida, yet feveral end in #, as feyto, made or done, from the Verb fa fo, I make or do ; vtfto^ feen, from vejo, I fee j roto, torn, from rompo -, lento^ bleficd, from benzo^ I blefs j pbjlo, put, from fonho \ ckeyo, full, from encbo ; eleito, chofen, from tie jo ; ditOy faid, from digo ; abfolto^ abfolved, from abfolvo -, refoluto, refolv'd, from refolvo ; e/crito 9 written, from efcrevo. All thefe are of the fecond Conjugation. Of the third Conjugation are the follow- ing ; as/r//0, fryed, from frigire, fur to y rifen, from furgir -, abcrto, open'd, from abrir ; cuberto, co- ver*d, from cobrir , correito, corrected, from cor- rigir. The Verb venbo and its Compounds end their Participle in inda -, as vindo 9 come. But it is remarkable that but few Verbs of the fecond and third Conjugation equivocate with Nouns ; of the fecond Conjugation are corro, I run; como, I eat \Jorvo, I fwallow ; and corro, a Run- ning, como, as if, forvo, a Soop : And of the third fayOy I go out , rio, I laugh ; and faya, a Petticoat, and ra, a River, which, : tho* they equivocate in the firft Perfon of the Indicative Mood Prefenr, and Singular Number, with Nouns fo exprefs'd, they are altogether diffe- rent in other Perfons, CHAP. Grammatica Anglo- Lufitanica. 89 CHAP. XV. Of the Irregular Verbs, and their Formation. IT has been already obferv'd, that few or no Verbs of the firft Conjugation are reputed ir- regular ; but of the fecond and third there are found feveral. Of the fecond the Verbfou,fer> is accounted one, the fecond Prefent Perfon Indica- tive ending in es. So likewife are the Verbs ey and ttnho^ with all its Compounds , as atenbo^ contenho^ detenho, mantenho, rctenho, foftcnbo^ and the fol- lowing Verbs. Ind,Pr. Imperf. . Perf. Infn. Sey, fabia, foube, faber, to know. PofTo, podia, pudc, poder, to be able. Quero, queria, quiz, querer, todejirc, will or kvc< Faco, fazia, fiz, fazer, to do, make. Digo, dizia, dice, dizer, to fay. Trago, trazia, trouxe, trazer, to bring. Likewife the Defective Verb Preterp. Infin. Agradame, it pkafeth me, agradoume, agradecer, agradate, agradalhe. As alfo the Defective Verb Soes, foe, & foem, foia, foias, foia, as foe fazer, be is acccuftom'd to do. Irregular Verbs belonging to the third Conjugation. Ind.Pref. Imperf. Perf. Infin. Cayo, cahia, cahi, cahir, to fall. Sayo, fahia, fahi, fahir, to go oat. PofTup, pofluya, peffuy, pofluir, to pojfifs. Venho, vinha, vim, vir, to come. As Grammattca As alfo its Compounds, Auenho, antevenbo^ ton- venho, intervenho, and the Imperfonal convent, it behoveth , Preterperfect^jrc^i Infinitive comir\ it wants a Participle Perfect. Hitherto is alfo referr'd the Verb vou, which, as it is a very cornmon Word, and one of the moft irregular, we will conjugate it here at large. Indicative Mood. Prefent Tenfe. SEtrvou, I go. Tu vas, tbou goeft. Elle vay, be goetb. ^ rNosvamos, we go, ^ < V6s vays, ye go. $ C Elles vam, they go. Imperfett . . fEuhia, / went or did go. ,R< Tu hi as, tbou wentft or didft g8 60 t Elle hi a, he went or did go. . r Nos hfarrios, we went or did go* 4 < Vos hieys, ye went or did go. ^ C Elles hiam, tbeywent or did go. Firft Preterperfett Tenfe. . r Eu fuy, / have gone or have been. ^ \ Tu fofte, tbou haft gone or haft been. 03 'Elle foy, be has gone or bath been. . r Nos fomos, we have gone or have been. ^ < V6s foftes, ye have gone or have been. ^ 'Eiles foram, they have gone or have Second Preterperfecf* . rEu tenho ido, I have gone or have been. -.5 < Tu tens ido, tbou baft gone or haft been. ^ I Elle tern ido, he bath gone or bath been. Plur. GrammaticaAnglo-Lujitamca. 91 . f Nos temos ido, we have gone or have been. Js ) Vos tendes ido, ye have gone or have been. ^ i Elles tern ido, they have gone or have been. Preterpluperfett Tenfe. . r Eu * tinha ido, / bad gone or had been. .5 < Tu tinhas ido, tbou had/I gone or had/I been. 3 C Elle tinha ido, he had gone or had been. . c Nos tin ham os ido, we had gone or bad been, J Vos tinhes ido, ye hadg9ne or had been. ^ V Elles tmham ido, they bad tons or had been. - . Firjl future Fenfe. Eu irey, Ijhall or will go. Tu iras, tbou {halt or wilt go. Elle ira, be Jh all or will go. Nos iremos, we /hall or will go. Vos ireys, ye /hall or will go. Elles iram, they/hall or will go. Second Future Tenfe. Ja en tarn eu terey ido, 1 /hall then bave gont. or been. Ja entam tu teras ido, thou/halt then have gont or been. Ja entam elle tera ido, we /hall then have gone or been. Ja entam nos teremos ido, we/ball then have gone or been. Ja entam vos tereys ido, ye {hall then bave gone or been. Ja entam elles tcram ido 3 they /hall then have gone or been. * Some conjugate the Pluprfeft/ertf,/0rff.r,/inz, faramoj t f$rtys 3 foram, Imperative 9 2 Grammatics Angh-Lufaanlca. Imperative Mood, Prefent fcnfe. . f Has no firft Perfon. ~S \ Va tu, ^ /^0. CVa elle, /,?/ him go. Varoos nos, /^/ j ^0. ^ idevos, ^ C V^yam dies, let them go. Future .S Iras tu, tboujhalt go. 3 I Ira elle, kejhallg*. ^ /-Iremos nos, wejhallgo. ^ Provera Deos que nos tiveramos, ou ti vrfTemos ido, would to God that we had gone or been. Provera Deos que vos tivereys, ou tiveffeys ido, would to God that ye had gone or been. Provera Deos que elles tiveram, ou tiveflem ido, would to God that they had gone or been. Firjt CO fi" Grammatica Angk'Lujitamcal Firfi Future Fenfe. Quando ou como eu for, when or as IJhall have gone or been. Quando ou como tu fores, when or as thott, fhalt have gone or been. Quando ou como elle for, when or as hejhall have gone or been. Quando ou como nos formos, when or as we Jhall have gone or been. Quando ou como vos fordes, when or as ye Jhall have gone or been. Quando ou como elles forem, when or as they L Jhall have gone or been. Second Future Tenfe. Como ou quando eu tivcr ido, when or as 1 Jhall go or Jhall have gone or been. Como ou quando tu tiveres ido, wlun or as thoujhalt go or Jhalt have gone er been. Como ou quando elle tiver ido, when or as he Jhall go or Jhall have gone or been. Como ou quando nos tivermos ido, when or as we Jhall go or Jhall have gone or been. Como ou quando vos tiverdes ido, when or as ye Jhall go or Jhall have gone or been. Como ou quando elles tiverem ido, when or as they Jhall go or Jhall have gone or been. Infinitive Mood. Prefent Tevfe. Ir, to go. Preterperfeft fcnfc. Ter ido, to have gone. Future Grammatica Anglo-Lufitanica, 95 Future Tenfe. Tcr dc ir, to go hereafter (to have, or to be to go.) Gerund. hindo, going. Participle Prefent. o que va, be (or one) that goes. / Participle Prcterperfeft. ido, gone. Participle Future. G que tern de ir, be (or one] that is to go. We faid above that there are but three Conju- gations and Terminations of Verbs, in #r, er % and />, which Rule is fo far general, that it has but one Exception, to wit, the Verb ponbo, in the Infinitive por, with its fourteen Compounds, an- teponho, poftponbo, deponho, componho^ difponho, exponbo, imponho, interponbo, opponbo, preponho, reponbo^fupponbo, trefponbo , but as it is not worth while to make a fourth Conjugation for the fake of one Verb, we let it pafs among the Irregulars, and becaufc it is very frequently ufed, we here conjugate it at Length. Indicative Mood. Prefent Venft, . r Eu ponho, I put. ,|f < Tu poens, tbou puttejt. 63 CEllepoem, be puts. . rNosponhamos, we put. ^* < Vos ponheys, ye put. ^ C Elles poem, they p*t. Jmpcrfeft Qrammatica Angh-Lufitanice. Impcrfett Tenfe. Eu punha, 1 did put. Tu punhas, tbou didft put. Elle punha, be did put. Nos punhamos, we did put. Vos punheys, ye did put. Ellcs punham, they did put. Firft Preterperfiff Tenfe. 5Eu puz, I put. Tu puzefte, tbou putieft. Elle poz, be put. . rNos puzemos, we put. ,* < Vos puzeftes, ye put. ^ v Elles puzeram, they put. Second Preterperfett Tcnfe. . . c Eu tcnho pofto, / have put. .|f < Tu tens pofto, tbou baft put. ^ ^Elle tern pofto, be bath put. , . rNos temos pofto, we baveput. ^ < Vos tendes pofto, ye have put. ^ ' Ellcs tern pofto, they have put. Preterpluperfeft Tenfe. . f Eu * tinha pofto, I had put. . \ Tu tinhas pofto, thou hadft put. CElle tinha pofto, be bad put. . f Nos tinhamos pofto, we had put. ^ 4 Vos tinheys pofto, ye had put. ^ C Elles tinham pofto, they had put. Firft Future. . r Eu porey, IJhall or will put. .^J Tu poras, thoujhalt or wilt put. 60 CElle pora, hejhdlcr will put. * Some conjugate the Preterpluperfeft puzira, puzirat, px~ xcra, puzcramof, pttzereys, puzeram. Plur. Grammatlca Anglo-Ltifitamca: 97 ,. rNos poremos, we Jhall or will put. ^ < Vos poreys, ye Jhall or will put. ^ C Elles poram, they Jhall or will put. Second Future. . r Eu terey pofto, IJIiallhave put. .sf-J Tu teras pofto, tbouJJjalt have put. ^ ' Elle tera pofto, be Jhall have put. Nos teremos pofto, we Jhall have put. V6s terey s pofto, ye Jhall have put. Elles teram pofto, they Jhall have put. r < C Imperative Mood. Firft fenfe. ?Has nofirft Perfon. Poem tu, put thou. Ponha elle, let him put. j. r Ponhamos nos, let us put. ^ < Ponhays vos, put ye. ^ CPonham elles, let them put. Second Tenfe. . rHasnofirJt Perfon. .|iporas tu, thou Jhalt put. ^ CPora elle, he Jhall put. . ^Poremos nos, we Jhall put. . .* ) Poreys vos, ye Jhall put. ^ t Poram elles, they Jhall put. Optative and Subjunftive Mood. Prefent Tenfe. SOxala ponha eu, would to God that I may put. Oxala ponhas tu, would to God that thou may ft put. Oxala ponha elle, would to God that be may put. H Plur. . 98 Grammatica Anglo-'Lufitamcct. Oxala ponhamos nos, would to God that we may put. Oxala ponhays vos, would to God that ye may put. Oxala ponham elles, would to God that they may put. Imperfeft Tenfe. ^ Oxala puzera ou puzefle eu, would to God I did put. Oxala puzeras ou puzefles tu, would to God thou didft put. Oxala puzera ou puzeffe elle, would to God ' be did put. .Oxala puzeramos ou puzefiemos nos, would to God we did put. Oxala puzereis ou puzefieis vos, would to God ye did put. Oxala puzeram ou puzeflera elles, would to God they did put. Preterperfetf Tenfe. Queyra Deos que tenha eu pofto, God grant I have or may have put. Queyra Deos que tenhas tu pofto, God grant thou haft or may ft have put. Queyra Deos que tenha elle pofto, God grant he has or may have put. .Queyra Deos que tenhamos nos pofto, God grant we have or may have put. Queyra Deos que tenhays vos pofto, God grant ye have or may have put. Queyra Deos que tenham elles pofto, God grant they have or may have put. Preterpluperfeft 3 Grammatlca Anglo- LMJitamvd. Preterpluperfeft Tenfe^ Prouvera Deosque tivera ou tiveffe eu poftoj would to God I bad put. Prouvera Decs que tiveras ou tiveffes tu pofloj would to God. tbou badft put.. Prouvera Deos que tivera ou tiveffe elle pofto* *" would to God he had put. Prouvera Deos que tiveramos ou tiveffemos nos pofto, would to God we had put, Prouvera Deos que tivereys ou tiveffeis vos pofto, wouldto God ye had put. Prouvera Deos que tiveram ou tive'ffem ellei pofto, would to God they had put, Firft future Tenfe. ' C Qi? an ^ eu puzer, when IJhdll put. S i Quando tu puzeres, when tboujhaltput. ^ tQuando elle puzer, when hejhall put. . r Quando nos puzermos, when we /hall put. Js < Quando vos puzerdes, when yejh all put. ^ C Quando elles puzerem, when they /halt put* Second Future Tenfe. Quando eu river pofto, when I Jhall bavc . put. Quando tu tivcres pofto, when tboujhalt kave put. Quando elle tiver pofto, when be Jhall have put. ~ Quando nos tivermos pofto, when we /baU have put. Quando vos tiverdes pofto, wben ye Jba U have put. Quando elles tiverem pofto, when they fiall have put. H 2 Infinitive too Grammatica Anglo-Lufitanica. Infinitive Mood. Prefent Tenfe. Par, to put. Preterperfeft Tenfe. Ter pofto, to have put. , Future Tenfe. Ter de por, to (be to put) put hereafter. Gerund. Pondo, inputting. Participle Prefent. O que poem, one (he) that puts. Participle Preterperfeft. pofto, put. Participle Future. O quc tem de por, one (he) that is to put* CHAP. XVI. Of the Reciprocal Verbs. REciprocal Verbs are called thofe that have in all their Moods, Tenfes, Numbers, andPer- fons, join'd to them the Pronouns me, te, fe^ nos, vets, fe t me, thee, him or herfelf, us, you and themfelves ; as eu me.queixo^ I complain ; tu tt queixavas, thou didft complain , ellefe queixou, he complained ; nos nos ttnhamos qucixado, we did complain ; vos vos queixareys, you will complain ; dies fe quexdram they mail or will complain. Of Grammatka Anglo- Lufitanica. i o I Of the fame Kind are the Verbs irdrfs and a- gaftdrfe, to grow angry ; deifarfe, to lie down, defconfiarfe, to miftrufl , lembrarfa to remember ; arrependerfe^ to repent ; acentarfe, to fit down ; &c. which are alfo reciprocal in the Italian, French, and Spanijh Languages, except irarfe, to grow angry, which is in the Italian andar in colera, and acentarfe^ in Italian Jedere. The Pronoun (lands before thefe Verbs in the Indicative and Subjunctive Moods, but in the Im- perative and Infinitive behind them. As thefe Verbs do not differ from the others in their Conjugations, we fhalj only fet down here one Example to mew how they are handled. Indicative Mood Prefent Tenfe. Eu me acento, I fit down. Tu te acentas, thoufitteft down. 03 ' Elle fe acenta, be Jits down. . c Nos nos acen tamos, we fit down. ^ } Vos vos acentays, ye fit down. ^ CElles fe acentam, tbeyftt down. Imperfeft Tenfe. . rEu me acentava, I did Jit down. . < Tu te acenta vas, tbou didft fit down. 60 C Elle fe acentava, be did fit down. ^ r Nos nos acentavamos, we did fit down, jg j Vos vos acentaveys, ye did fit down. ^ tHes fe acentavam, they did fit down. Firft PreterperfeR Tenfe. Eu me acentey, I fat down. Second Preterperfeft Tenfe. Eu me tenho acentado, 7 bave fat down. H 3 Prefer- Gratqmatica Angk-LuJttanicaj Preterplupcrfett Tenfe. Eu me acentaraou tinha acentado, 1 had fat down 9 Firjl Future. Eu me acenterey, 1 will fit down. Second Future. Ja cntam eu me terey acentado, IJhaU then fat down. Imperative Mood. Firft ^ f Has no frft Per fan. j|| \ Acentate, Jit thou down. I Acente fe elle, let him fit down. . r Acentemos nos, let us fit down. ^ \ Acentayvos, Jit ye down. ^ C Acentem fe elles, let them fit down* Second Tenfe. . r Has no firft Perfon. . ) Acentarafle, thoujhaltfjt down. - t Acentarafe elle, hejhallfit down. ^ c Acentaremos nos, we.jhalljit down. ^ < Acentareys vos, yejhallfit down. ^* t Acentaramfe elles, they /hall fit down', Optative or Subjunctive Mood. Prefent Tenft, Oxala eu me accnte, would I may fit down, * Imperfeft fenfe. Oxala eu me acentara ou aflentafle, would I might. Jit down. Uncertain Tenfe. Eu me acentaria, I might or could fit down. (jrammatica Angk-LuJitanica. 103 Preterperfecl Tenfe. Qucra Deos cu me tenha acentado, phafe God I may have fat down. Preterpluperfeft 'Tenfe. Praca a Deos eu me tivera ou tiveflfe acentado, pkafe God or wi/b to God I bad fat down. Fir/} Future Tenfe. Como ou quando eu me acentar, as or when IJball fit down. Second Future Tenfe. Quando cu me tiver acentado, when I /ball have fat down. Infinitive Mood. Prefent Tenfe. Acentar fe, to fit down. PreterperfeR Tenfe. Terfe acentado, to have fat down. Gerund. Acentando fe, ou em acentar fe, in fitting down. Participle Prefent. O que fe acenta, he (or one) that Jits down. Participle Prelerperfeft. Acentado, fat dawn. Participle Future. Oque haou tern dacentarfe, one (or hi), that is to fit down. ^ Obferve, that all Verbs Active may be made reciprocal. H 4 As 104 Grammatica Angk-Lufaanka. As for Example, you may fay, . rEume amo, Ihvcmyfelf. . < Tu te amas, thou loveft thyfelf. t Elle fe ama, he lovetb bimfelf. JNos nos amamos, we love ourfelves. Vos vos amays, yeloveyourfehes. Elles fe amam, they love themfshes. And fo in all the other Tenfes. Of the Imperfonal Verbs. There are three Sorts of Imperfonal Verbs that have but the third Perfon in Singular. The firftarethofe that are properly imperfonalof themfelves, and require no Pronoun with 'emj as, He mefter, it is necejfory. Chove, it rains. Trovoa, it thunders. Pedrifca, /'/ bails. Neva, it fnows. The fecond come from the Verbs Aftive, and are accompanied by the Particle/?, which renders them imperfonal, and gives them a Paflive Signi- fication, asfe diz, it is faid ; fecre^ it is believed ; feefcreve^ it is wrote, which anfwers to the French Expreffion, ondif, on croit^ on ecrit : This Way of exprefling themfelves is very common to the Portuguese and Spaniards. The third Sortrefemble the Reciprocal Verbs, and are conjugated with the Pronouns, me, te,fe y lbt-> no s^ vos, fe, and Ihes. Such are a mint me fa- cede, it happens to me ; a mint me baft a, it is e- nongh for me ; a mim me parece, it feems to me. jV*/* Thefe are alfo often ufed like thofc of the firft Order. The GrammaticaAnglo-Lufitanica. 105 Verb da* he or it gives, is alfo often ufed as an Imperfonal of this Clafs ; for when they would fay, I do not fancy this, or this doth not pleafe me, they exprefs it nam fe me da difto t or he doth npt fancy it, nam fe the da difto. The firft is conjugated thro' all or mod of the Tenfes and Moods, but only in the third Perfon, and can never have any Perfon join'd to it ; as, Indie. Pref. Trovoa, it thunders. ImperfeR. Trovoava, // did thunder. Prcterperfeff. Trovoau, it has thundered. The Word he mefter, it is neceflary, is conju- gated by changing the Verb ty> or third Perfon he^ through all the Tenfes and Moods, the Word mefter remaining inflexible i as, Indie. Pref. He mefter, ;/ is mceffary. Imperfeft. Avia mefter, /'/ was neceffary. Preterperfeft. Ouve mefter, // has been neceffary. The fecond Sort, which are accompanied by the Particle fe, are alfo fometimes exprefs'd by the third Perfon in Plural, without the Pronoun fe; 2&dizem^ efcrevem, lem, they fay, they write, they read, which is the fame Senfe as it is faid, jt is wrote, it is read ; as fe diz que efte homemhe vnuito rico> it is faid that this Man is very rich ; and dizem que efte homem he muito rico, they fay that this Man is very rich. The third Sort of the Imperfonal Verbs are thofe which are conjugated with the Pronouns me, te, fe, lhe> nos, vos, fe Ihes. Example, Indicative io6 Grammatlca Angh-Lufitanica* Indicative Mood. Prefent Tenfe. . r A mim me parece, // feems to me. |s A ti te parece, it feems to thee. "" t A elle Ihe parece, it feems to him. . r A nos nos parece, it feems to us. js < A vos vos parece, it feems to you. S*"i'A clles Ihes parece, it feems to them Imperfeft lenfe. A mim me parecia, /'/ did feem to mf> Firft Prcterperfeft ftfife. A mim me parecco, it feem'd to me. Second Preterperfeft fenfe. A mim me ha parecido, /'/ has fsem'd to mt, Preterpluperfeft Tenfe. A mim me avia parecido, it bad feem'd to me. Firft Future. A mim me parecera, it will feem to me. Second Future. A mim me avera parecido, itwittbaLve feem' d tome. Optative Mood. Prefent Tenfe. Oxala a mim me parefa, would it may feem to me. ImperfeR Tenfe. Oxala a mim me parecera ou'parecefle, would it might feem to me. Uncertain Tenfe. A mim me pareceria, // would y could, or might feem to me. Preterperfefi Grammatlca Anglo-Lufitanka. 107 Preterperfeft fenfe. a mim me aja parccido, would it may have feemed to me. Preterpluperfeft Tenfe. Oxala ou prouvera a Deos a mim me ouvera ou ouveffc parecido, would or pleafe God it bad feemed to me. Firft Future. Quando ou como a mim me parecer, when or as to me it jhall feem. Second Future. Como ou quando a mim me ouvera parecido, as or when to me it Jhall. have feenfd. Infinitive Mood; Prefent lenfe. Parecer, to feem. Participle Prefent. Parecido, feemed^ &c. Verbs of this Order are alfo, a mim me fucede^ it happens to me ; a mim me defcontenta, it dif- pleales me j a mim me agrada, and a mim me con- ienta, it pleafes me ; a mim me pefa, I am forry 5 and many others, which the Reader, by the Help of the above Obfervations, will eafily difcover. The Verb ka, he, fhe, or it has, in the third Perfon Singular of the Indicative Prefent ferves likewife often for an imperfonal Verb, and i$ joined with Nouns both in the Singular or Plu- ral Number, in the fame Manner as the French ufe their il y a ; and as they fay, il y a un bomme, and il y a plufteurs homines, fo the Portuguese fay Iil$ewife 3 ha humhomem^ and ha muitos homcns, there *o8 Grammatica Anglo-Lufitamca. is one Man, and there are many Men ; and & uera bum bomem, & avera muites bomens, there will be one Man, and there will be many Men; which Way of expreffing themfelves is alfo ufual in the Spanijb Language. t^Obferve, that the Portuguefe, both for Ele- gancy of Sound, and Concifenefs of Expref- fion, join to their Verbs the following Parti- cles, me, te, fe, Ibe, me, thee, him ; nos, &c. or Tejierday will be a fine Day, there is hardly a Peafant who would not find fault with it, tho' he were not able to mew the Solecifm. The Figurative deviates fomewhat from the com- mon way of exprefling one's Thoughts, and is ufed by Authors for Concifenefs or Elegancy. Threfe Things are chiefly to be obferved in the Syntax ; the firft, that the Adjective, Pronoun, and Participle are never applied in Speech with- .out a Noun Subftantive exprefs'd or underftood, with which it muft .agree in Gender, Number ? and Cafe. Thus when the Noun Subftantive is of Grammatka Anglo-Lufoanica. 1 1 1 of the Mafculine Gender, and in Nominative Singular, the Noun Adjective and Pronoun mufl be joined to it in the fame Order, as efte bomem be muy caritativo, this Man is very charitable ; and in Plural, eftes bomens fam muy caritativ&s : Example of the Feminine, effa mofa be fermofa that young Woman is handfome, effas mofas fam fermofas^ thofe young Women are handfome. The fecond, that the Verb may be placed in the due Tenfe, and always fitted in Perfon and Number to the Nominative or Perfon it fpeaks of -, as eftes bomens, thefe Men, the Pronoun Handing in Plural, and being of the third Per- fon, the Verb to be joined with it muft alfo be of the third Perfon Plural, and therefore you are to fay, eftes bomens fam, thefe Men they are - 9 and not eftes bomens foys, thefe Men ye are, or tftes bomens be, thefe Men is. Thirdly, the Relative ought always to corre- fpond with the Antecedent Noun in Gender and Number, as o Izvro* no qual tenho Mo, the Book in which I have read -, and not o livro nd qua!, Sec. livro the Noun to which no qual refers being Mafculine. AS cidades as quays fam deftrozdas, the Cities which are deftroyed , and not as cida- des os quays, nor cidades a qual ; cidades being of the Feminine Gender and in Plural Number, with which the Relative as quays ought to agree. Thefe three are trie fundamental Rules of the Syntax, which being well fixed in the Learner's Mind, the reft will feem very eafy to him. CHAP. I. Of the Genders. THE Genders of all Nouns in this Language are reputed only to be two, as Mafculine and Feminine, which are known by the Articles i o &c a, 112 Grammatka o & a, do & da. There is alfo a Neuter Gender ufed fometimes in the Article o, and the Pro- nouns tffb and aquillo, as may be feen in the Be- ginning of this Grammar ; and fome Words partaking both of the Mafculine and Feminine Gender are faid to be of the Common Gender. The Particles o & ao, or os and aos preceding any Noun, it is a certain Sign of its being of the Mafculine Gender-, and a, a, Seas Seas, de- note the Feminine. Obferve, the Letter a is fometimes found be- fore e Mafculine, as convent a pedro, it behoveth Peter ; elk matou a feu irmao, he has kill'd his Brother ; of which fee the Article Indefinite. The following Rules may ferve to diftinguifh the Genders of the Nouns Subftantive by their Signification. It is a general Rule, tho 5 not without Excep- tions, that thofe which end in o are of the Maf- culine, and thofe in a of the Feminine Gender. All proper Names of Men are of the Mafcu- line Gender ; alfo all Names of Angels, all the heathen Gods, the Names of the Winds ; all Titles, as Emperador, Rey, Principe, &c. the Names of Trades, as alfaydte, a Taylor ; fapa- teyro, a Shoemaker ; taverneyro, a Vintner, or Tavern-keeper ; all the Names of the Months. Of the Feminine Gender are all Women's Names, as Maria, Anna, Catherine?, &c. all heathen God- defies ; alfo the Names of Nymphs, and Names of Dignity, as Emperatriz, and whatfoever other Nouns concern the Feminine Sex. All the Names of Iflands, Provinces, Cities, Villages, Ships, &c. ending in a are of the Feminine Gen- der ; alfo all Names of Fruits, Trees, and Flow- ers, terminating in a. Thofe that are not com- prehended in thefe Rules, are bed learnt from Obfervation ; too many Rules commonly ferving rather to embroil than to inftrucT: a Beginner. Ob- Grammatica Angh-Lufitamca: if j Obfervations how to know the Genders of Nouns Subftantive by their Terminations. 1. Nouns ending in a or aa are Feminine,whe- ther Proper or Common, as Maria, Roma, Franfa, &c. Pcejia, Villa, Mufica, Romaa, Ma- aa, Avellia, Mary, Rome, France, Poetry, a Town, Mufic, a Pomegranate, an Apple, a Small- nut. Except fuch Names as denote a manly Of- fice ; as mariola, a Porter, mejlrefcola, a School- mafter, and Sirnames, and the Word dia, a Day ; alib feveral Words deriv'd from the Greek and Latin, as clima, fantafma, poema, epigramma, enig- ma, diadema, dilemma, eftratagema, cometa, planets, which are all of the Mafculine Gender. The W&rd c-ada, every, is adapted to both Genders ; as cada bomem, cada mulher, every Man, every Woman. 2. Nouns ending in/ are Mafculine, as the pro- per, Dunquerque, Albuquerque; common, as bar- rete, a Cap ; fmete, a Seal ; capote, a Cloak ; vi- nagre, Vinegar ; azeite, Oil, &c< But this Rule has the following Exceptions; firft, all Names of Virtues, Vices, Faculties and Paffions of the Mind are of the Feminine Gender, as 'uirtude, fantidade^ bondade, fe, Virtue, Holinefs, Goodnefs, Faith ; inimizade, ociofidade^ vaidade, menenice, morofi- dade, borachiffe, vontade, &c. Enmity, Idlenef 11 ,' Vanity, Childithnefs, Morofenefs, Drunkennefs^ Wili,^. Secondly, the following are alfo of the Feminine kind, as idade, Age; 'uelbice^ ; old Age ; rufticidade, Kufticity ; capacidade, Capacity ; feiici- dade, Felicity; forte, fortune; morte, Death; arte; Art; partei, Part ; drvore, a Tree; ave, a Bird; carne, Flefh ; fertilidade, Fertility ; fede, Thirfly Jebe, a Hedge; couve, Cabbage; erddde, Inheri- tance; trindade, Trinity ; ebamine, Chimney; pa- rede, a Wall ; yZJtf,Health ; rede, a Net; mare, the I Tide? 1 14 Grammatica Angk-Lufaanica; Tide; cbave, a Key, trempe, a Trivet; hire, a Hare ; febre, Fever ; ferpente, a Serpent ; gale, a Galley. 3. All Words ending in i are Mafculine ; as nebri, a Hawk ; biberiqiii, a Gimlet, &c. 4. Words ending in o are Mafculine ; except fome few, as ndo, a Ship ; -filbo, a thin Cake, a Pancake; eyro, an Eel; mo, a Mill, &V. 5. All Words ending in u are Mafculine ; as lambu, peru, mu, grou, a Cane, a Turkey, a Mule, a Crane. 6. All Words ending in al, el, il, ol, ul, are Mafculine. 7. All Words ending in am are Mafculine; as fam, melam, roupam, trovam, &c. except mam and cozam, and fome Words derived from the Latin, denoting an Action, viz. perfeyfilm, ex- aggerafdm, cempofifdm, declarafdm, recrtafdm, &c. 8. Words in em are Mafculine ; aspentem, bo- dim, armazem, homem, &c. except ordem, ddem, virgem ; and Words ending in agem, which are Feminine, as ervagem, imagem, viagem^ &c. Note, The Word Salvagfm is of both Genders ; thus, you fay, vtrnm fahagem, and mulher fdl- vagem, a wild Man, a wild Woman. . 9. All Words ending in im, cm, um^ are Maf- culine, as/w, efpadlm, torn, fom, at turn, dobrum, #c. 10. Words in ar, er, ir, or, ur, are Mafculine ; as mftar, polegdr, alvaner, prazer, opbir, martyr, afor, cafador, caiur ; except colber, mulber^ for, dor, cor. j i. All Words ending in as are Feminine, e. p. c? * o tndas, a Litter ; cdlfas, Breeches , dfyas, a Fee or Advance in Rent; cocegas, tick! ing, &V. all which Words are writ in the Plural, but have a fmgular Signification, 12. All Grammatica Anglo- Lit/it ante a. 1 1 $ 12. All Words in es, is, os,us, whether Singu- lar or Plural, are Mafculine, v. g. alferes, da tiles > gis, calfoes, oculos, an Enfign, Dates, Chalk, Breeches, Spectacles, &c. 13. Words in az, ez, iz, oz, uz, are Mafculine, except paz, torque*, rez, tez, fez, vez-, afoiz, per- diz, codormz, ra'iz, matriz ; noz, foz, voz -, /az, truz, which are Feminine ; the \Vord an Apprentice, is common to both Genders. Note, Words ending in / are more or lefs as many Mafculincs asFeminines-, as rey,pdy,boy, Maf- culine, and may^ ley, grey, &c. Feminine. Obferve alfo, that the Epicene Gender, expref- fing both Sexes at once, is not wanting here ; as pulga, plolbo, mofca^ mofquito, minhoca, &c. The Nouns Acljeclive ending in o are of the Mafculine, and thofe in a of the Feminine Gen- der-, of the Mafculine Gender are alfo thofe ter- minating in ; as cm, crua, crude, raw 5 nu, nua, naked , and in urn, as bum, huma ; comum, co- mua, &c. Thofe that terminate in al, el, il, az, iz, oz,es, and in e, are both of the Mafculine and Feminine Gender. The Pronouns Adjective have three Genders, as we obfervcd above, viz. Mafculine, Feminine, and Neuter ; as aquelle, aquella, and aquillo, that Man or Woman, and that Thing ; fo efte, ejfe, efia, effa, ijlo, iffo, this, that ; where note, the e in the Neuter is. turn'd into i\ as aquelle, aquillo ; efte, ijlo , e/e, iffo. But the Genders of the Pronouns appear plain enough in the Chapter of Pronouns, to which I refer the Reader. 1 2 CHAR 1 1 6 Grammatica Anglo- Lufitanica, CHAP. II. Of the Definite and Indefinite Articles. THERE are two Sorts of Articles, the De- finite and Indefinite. The Definite marks the Gender, Number, and Cafe of the Noun it goes - before , as o bomem^ do bomem, ao bomem, os homens, dos homens, aos komens ; a mulher y dd mulker, & mulher; as mulberes, das mulberes ^ as mulberes -, the Articles decimo, vinteino, centejimo, milefimo, $3c. the firft, the fecond, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the fixth, the tenth, the twentieth, thehundredth,thc thoufandth, fcfr. The 121 Grammatica Angh-Lufitamca. The third Clafs contains the Collectives , as buma duzia, huma vinteina, &c. a Dozen, a Score, The fourth Clafs are Numbers which mark an Augmentation ; as o dobro, the Double, &c. Though all thefe Nouns of Numbers are Ad- jectives in their Nature, yet there are fome which don't vary their Termination, that is to fay, from one, bum, buma, and in the Plural buns, bumas, fome , and dous^ duas, two, to duzentos, duzentas, two hundred j trecentos, trecentas, three hundred, &?<:. which again have the Feminine Termination ; as duzentos homens, & duzentas mu!beres t two -hun- dred Men and two hundred Women. CHAP. IV. Of the Pronouns. TH E Pronouns having the fecond Place al- lotted them in the Parts of Speech in all Grammars, I fhall treat of them next after the Noun, and fir ft con fid er the Pronoun Perfonal, of which there are three Sorts, viz. of the firft, fe- cond, and third Perfon. j^Some Grammarians diftinguifh the Pronouns into Subftantives and Adjectives. The Pro- nouns Subftantive are eu I, tu thou, andy? him- felf, and all the reft they call Adjectives ; but for Method's fake we mail treat of them in the following Order. The Pronoun Perfonal of the firft Perfon eu I, has no determined Gender, and is joined to either the Mafculine or Feminine, and de- clined with the indefinite Article, as may be feen in the Declenfions. There is but one Pro- 2 noun Grammatlca Anglo-Lufaanica. 123 noun of the firft Perfon, and it always agrees with the Verb in Number and Perfon-, as eu. fou, I am ; nos fomos, we are ; and it is fome- times fupprefs'd by Way of Elegancy, and in Imi- tation of the Latin ; as amo a effas raparigas, I love thofe Girls ; leyo a meos livros, I read my Books ; tho ? in Engli/h it cannot be left out. The Pronoun me me, is joined with the Particles and a in the following Manner; mo and w in the Singular, and mos and mas in the Plural Number are made ufe of, v. g. muy caro vendeomo, i. e. //'- vro, he fold it me very dear, /. e. the Book ; muy cara vendeoma,. i. e. coufa, he fold it me very dear, i. e. the Thing-, vendeomosmuycaros, i.e. os livros, he fold 'em me very dear, i. e. the Books , ven- deomas muy caras, i. e. as fedas, he fold 'em me very dear, i. e. the Silks. The Rules given for the firft Perfon alfo ferve for the fecond, without any Exception. The Pronun tu is alfo with the Article 0and a y 95 andtfj, contracted into to,ta^ tos^tas^ and joined to the End of Verbs, which makes this Language very concife and expreffive ; thus they fay, douto de grafa, i. e. o Itiro, I give it thee freely, i. e. the Book; for doute o, &c. douta degraca^ i. e. 'a feda 9 1 give it thee freely, /'. e. the Silk; for doute a. So in the Plural Mafculinc, douto s de grafa, i. e. os UvroS) I give 'em you freely, /'. e. the Books, for doute os ; and doutds de grafa, i. e. asfeaaf, I give 'cm you freely, i. e. the Silks, for doute as. The Plural i'6s ; s alfo often joined to 0,#, w, and as, by changing the Letter into an /. Example, eu vola dou, I give it you, for eu vos a, dou-, and eu ^olas dou^ I give them you, for eu vos as dou. Likewife the Infinitiveof Verbs is joined with 0, my Sifter and his ; teus cavallos e os meus^ thy Horfes and mine ; tuas eafas e as minhas, thy Houfes and mine. Pronouns Demonflrativc. Such are elle t ella^ efle^ effe, aqwlle ; the Words elle, clla^ anfwer the Englifh be ziidjbe i efte is ufed when Grammatica Anglo- Lu fit anicd. 125 when we fay in Engltfb this ; EJJa anfwers the Eng- lijh that ; and aquelle that there or yonder, which is almoft out of fight, is remote, or not in fight at all ; e.g. efte homem he muy honrado, this Js a Man of Honour ; ejjamulberhe fermofa, that Wo man is handfome ; and fuy dez annos em aquella cidade, I have been ten Years in that City. Pronouns Interrogative. >ue, quern , qua!, cujo, and cuja. The Pro- noun que is indeclinable , as quz bomem be efte ? what Man is that ? que mulheres fam ej/as? what Women are thofe ? When que is an Interroga- gative it ought to be writ with an Accent, other- wife not. When you fpeak of inanimate Things you may ufe indifferently the Word qual, or quern; as qual defies relratos he o melhor ? which of thefe Pictures is the beft? or quern defies retratos, &c. But when you fpeak of Things having Life you muft make ufe of quern only, except you put the Article be- fore qual, e. g. quern das dttas mulheres he a mats fermofa? which of the two Women is the hand- fomeft ? or a qual das, &c. which however is not fo polite a Way of Exprefllon as the firft. Pronouns Relative. See the Chapter of Pronouns. Pronouns Improper. Thefe Pronouns are divided into two Clafles; the firft is of Perfonals, the other Mix'd, which has Regard to both Perfons and Things. The Perfonal only is quern, who and which. The Mix'd are nehum^ cadahum^ outro^ cada* terto, mefmoi algum, todo, fal, qualquer, noboby, every ia6 Qrammatlca Anglo- Lujltamca. every one, another, every, a certain, the fame'; fomebody, every, fuch, which, or whoibever. Some of thefe Pronouns have but one only Ter- mination , as quern, cada, qualquer, tal, which are of the Mafculine and Feminine Gender both ; queni and cada are indeclinable, but qual is in the plural quays, and tal toys ; thus you fay quayfqueres bomens, ou quayfqueres mulheres. All the others have a Mafculine and Feminine Termination^ and are declinable ; as nenhum, nenhuma, nenbums, nenbumas, cadahum, cadahuma, cadahuns, cadabu- vnas ; outro, outra, outros, outras \ certo, certa, cer- toSy certas, &c. One of them is only negative, zsnenhum, ncn- l)uma \ all the reft are Affirmatives. Note, The Pronouns meu, teu, feu, riojjb, vojfi, hum, outro, and qual, mine, thine, his, ours, yours^ one (or a) another, or which, aredeclmedwiththe Definite; but all the reft with the Indefinite Article. CHAP. V. Of the Verbs. TO know how to conjugate the Verbs, arid to apply them well, is a very material Thing to fpeak a Language in Perfection, The Conju- gations have been fhewn above, and here we mail compile a few Rules how they are to he applied in their proper Moods, and Tenfes, Numbers, and Perfons, All the Tenfes of Verbs (except the Infinitive) mould have before them a Nominative, either ex- prefs'd or underftood, with which they mould agree in Number and Perfon. Exprefs'd ; as eu amo I love i tu owes, thou heareft j Pedro canla, Peter fmgs, lender- Grammatlca Anglo- Lufaanica. I2J Underftood ; as amo I love ; ouvimos, we hear 5 cantom, they fmg. 83" The Portuguefe as well as Spaniards, whef* they fpeak to a Perfon whom they refpeft, they put the Verb in the third Perfon Singular ; as M tern rezab, you are in the right (your Worfhip is in the right.) When they fpeak to one whom they have lefs Regard for, they fay, Vojfe, (inftead of Voffa merce) tern rezao* When they would exprefs ftill lefs Regard, they fpeak in the fecond Perfon Plural, without V M, or Vojfe, and fay tendes rezao, you are in the right, or you have Reafon -, and the moft fa- miliar Way of all, as from a Father to a Son, or a Matter to his Servant, is when they fpeak in the fecond Perfon Singular, terns rezao, thou haft right (Reafonj The Verb Active governs the Accufative ; as amo a meuirmao, 1 love my Brother; digo a ver- dade \ fay the Truth. The Verb Pafllve is preceded by a Nominative, and follow'd by an Ablative Cafe ; as osjuezesfao (imadosdo's Principes, Judges are loved by Princes; csjuezes Handing in the Nominative, and dosprin- cipes in the Ablative Cafe. When the Particle to follows a Verb the Par- tuguefe as well as the Englifh put the next follow- ing Noun in the Dative Cafe; as dou a minha ir- maa, I give to my Sifter ; dezia ao principe, hefaid to the Prince, which has been fufficiently ex- plain'd, p. 15. The Conjunctions which are between two Verbs oblige the laft of the two Verbs to be of the fame Number, Perfon, and Tenfe with the firft : Ex- ample, the King wills and commands, o Rey e manda, he fings and dances very well, elle cant* 128 Grammattca Anglo- JLuJit ante ^ anta e danfa muito bem ; we faw and heard, vi* mos e ouvimoS) &c. Of the Moods. The Indicative has properly no Conjunction be- longing to it, tho* fometimes the following are join'd with it, viz. que y fe, quando, andcomo, e. g. o SenborA. B.efcreve^quetcndesfeu livro, Mr. A. B. writes that you have his Book ; faztffbfe me a- tnas, do that if you love me ? quando quereys vir, when will you come? coinp tu amas a e/les, elks te amaram^ as thou loveft them they will love thee. The Imperative Mood Requires neither Prepofition nor Conjunction, except only in the third Perfon Singular and Plu- ral, when it is preceded by another Verb, other- wife not; as mandaquefallem^ order them to fpeak. Note, It is a Point of Controverfy among the Grammarians whether there is any Difference of Tenfesin the Imperative Mood. Some of the Por- tugttefe Grammars have two Tenfes, viz. the Prefent and Future, whereas in Reality no Command can regard any other than a Future ; for the Action muft be fubfequent to the Command. The fe- cond, which they call the Future, is entirely borrow'd from the Future of the Indicative Mood, only with this Alteration, that no firft Perfon is allowed in the Singular, and the Pro- noun is put after the Verb. The Spaniards have but one Tenfe in the Imperative^ which they call Future, and correfponds with the firft Tenfe of our Imperative ; and indeed if two Tenfes are to be allowed, the only Difference I can perceive is* that what is commanded by the firft is to be ex- ecuted immediately, but the fecond at a greater,- and not a limited, Diftance of Time ; for which Reafori Grammatica Anglo-Lufitanica. 129 "Reafon I, not being willing to reject the fecond entirely, have kept them, and call'd one the firft, and the other the fecond Tenfe. The Optative and Conjunctive Require fome Particle before each Tenfe, tho* the Prefent is fometimes ufed without any , as prafa a Deos, plcafe God ; Deos o faffa, God grant it. When no Certainty of Action is mark'd, and the Particle que is join'd with the Verb, it muft always be put in the Optative-, as ba mefterque tenha eUy 'tis necefTary I fhould have. The Conjunctive is very elegantly ufed on feveral Occafions, and exprefs'd by the Particle como , as como vojfi pay vos ama tanto, fente muyto voj/a aufmcia, as your Father loves you fo much, he is much troubled - at your Abfence -, como voj/b pay vos amava, amou y amara tanto^ &c. and in fhort the Particle como prefix'd to any of the Tenfes of the Indicative exprefles the Conjunctive Mood. The Portuguese alfo not inelegantly make ufe of the Gerund to exprefs the Conjunctive Mood, e.g. nam vos coreys de fazer fays coufas, fendo nobre, for comofsys nobre, don't you blufh (colour) to do fuch Things, being aPerfon of Quality , fugiys,fugiftes de voffb pay amando vos elle tanto, did you, have you run away from your Father, he loving you ib well ? The Conjunctive alfo is very elegantly (nay "more elegantly than by the Particle como, or the Ge- rund) exprefs'd by the Particles poys and.depoys, v. g. nam me efpanto fallardes tarn audafmente, poys foys foldado, I wonder not that thou talkefl fo boldly fince thou art a Soldier ; morreo ao pri- meire de Setembro depoys de fer Rey fete annos, 6u a- uehdo fete annos que tipha eftado Rey., he died the Se- venth of September, after he had been King fe- K ven 130 Grammatka Anglo-LuJitanica; ven Years, or it being feven Years that he had been King. The Optative is alfo join'd with the Particles pofto que, fe, que, quendm, peraque, mm, aindaque % (omtantoque, altho', if, that, that not, why, why not, altho', whilft or as long as-, as, rogo te quefe- jas liberal, I defire thee to be liberal ; pera que fe- jas liberal, &c. All Verbs which fignify Will, Command, Doubt* Defire, Admiration, Supplication, or Prctenjion, when followed by the Conjunction que, govern the * Subjunctive Mood ; as rogolbe que venba pera miw- ba cafa, I defire him to come to my Houfe ; de- fejo muito que profpere em feus negocios, I defire very much that he may profper in his Bufinefs ; quera Deos (prafaaDeos) quefeja, God grant he may be. The Conjunction aindaque, altho', always de- mands the Subjunctive Mood ; as, aindaque feja. tempo nao quero hir ainda, altho' it be Time, 1 do not care to go yet , aindaque elk o diga nao o creyo, altho' he fays it, I do not believe it. The Infinitive Has an indeterminate Signification, and can be employ'd neither abiblutely nor determinately, except in fpeaking in general, e. g, poder viver, t faber viver, be a verdadeyra filofofia, to be able to Jive, and to know to live is the true Philofophy. Sometimes the Infinitive is elegantly, in Imitation of the Latin, made a Subftantive, and has the Article o prefix'd to it , as ovzver e o morrer fam as coufas mais certas que timos, to live and to die are the moil certain Things we have; and in this Manner the Particles or Prepofitions no and do are often joined with it; as no correr nembum o ex- cede, in Running no one exceeds him ; nao fe fall* do ler agora, we don't fpeak now of Reading. They Grammatica Anglo-Lufitanica. 131 They alfo very elegantly make ufe of this Mood with the Particle que, when we place the Words fomething or nothing before the Infinitive in Englijh ; as tenho que fazer, I have fomething to do, nab tenho que e fer ever, I have nothing to write. The Pronouns me, te, fe are often joined with the Infinitive Mood, v.g. afanharfe, to be exaf- perated \ enlreterfe, to entertain one's felf. When two Verbs are put together, the fecond commonly is in the Infinitive -, as dew amar,\ muft Jove ; quero ver, I deli re to fee. Sometimes the Particles por, fern, d,de, />m?,and em precede the Infinitive -, as por fer virtuofo me perftguem os mdos, for being virtuous, or becaufe I am virtuous, the Wicked persecute me ; fern fer letrado dou a minha opiniao, without being a Lawyer, I give my Opinion ; dfallar a verdade, to fpeak the Truth, &c. fey que aveys de fer bo- mem douto, I know you are to be a learned Man ; prometo de fer fiel, jurava de fer fd^ I promife to be faithful, he fwore to be faithful. When the Verb is in the Infinitive Mood and Future Tenfe, then the auxiliary Verb ey is added , as, amaturus fum ///z/w, Latin, amalo ey, laudaturus fum ilium, Latin, ouvilo the Book that is to be writ ; as cartas que 13 8 Grammatica Angh-Lyfoanica. que ham de fer lidas y the Letters that are to be read. x CHAP. VII. Of the Adverbs. TH E Grammarians differ about thefe Words, dentrojora>emcima, embaixo^ antes ^ and diante, fome putting them in the Rank of Adverbs, and others placing them among the Prepofitions , and they are both Adverbs and Prepofitions. When they are followed by nothing they are Adverbs ; as efta dentro, he is within ; vay fora, he goes out or abroad ; efta encima, he is on the Top -, efta debaixo, he is below ; vay antes, he goes before ; vaydiante, he goes before, becaufe they here main- tain the Character of Adverbs, which is, they are join'd with Verbs to declare or explain the Manner of their Signification. They are Prepo- fitions when they are follow'd by ibme Cafe of a Noun ; as efta dentro na cafa, he is in the Houfe ; efta fora da cafa, he is out of the Houfe, &c. The Adverb is always put before the Adjective and Participle, but follows the Verb ; as efte bomem he muito barbaro ; this Man is very barba- rous j ejiou bem perfuadidO) I am well perfuaded. The Adverbs in their Order are as follow. jtdverbs of Time. Entam, entonces, then. Agora, now. Sempre, ever. Ja, already. Nunca, never. Ja entam, then already. Ao prefente, at prefent. Jamays, never. Algumah6ra,fometimes, Jagora, juft now. Ainda, yet. Tarde, late. Antefque, before. Sedo, foon y early. Supitamente, fuddenly. Caefe Grammatica Anglo-Luff anica. 139 Cada dia, daily. Hojc, to-day. Amenham, to-morrow. Depois, afterwards. Ontem, yejlerday. Defde, Jince then. Daqui adiante, hence- forward. En tre tan to, mean while. Adverbs of Place. / qui, here. Alii, there. A cola, in this or that Place. Daqui, hence. Pera alii, hither. A tell, hitherto. Ca, hither. I ,a onde, there, where. Onde, where. Ondequer, wherever. Dentro, within. Fora, without. Alem, on the other Side. Acima, above. Debaixo, below. Adverbs of Quantity. Muyto, much. Pouco, little. Aflas, baftantemente, enough. Demafiado, too much. Abundantcmente, abun- dantly. Muyto mais, much wort. Pouco mais,fl little more. Pouco mais ou menos, little more or lefs. Adverbs of Quality* Prudentemente, pru- dently. Atrevidamente, boldly. Adrede, dextroujly. Suavamente, fweetly. Engenhofamente, inge- nioujly. Legeyramente, neatly. Gentilmente, genteely. Facilmente, eajily. Adverbs of Number. As vczes, fometimes. Vez, vezes. Time, Times. Muitas vez.zs y oftsntimes. Humavez, once. Quatro vezes, four times. Cem mil vezes, hundred thoufand times. Adverbs Negative. Nam, not. Ainda nam, not yet. Nomays, no more. Naada, nothing. Tam pouco, neither. Nunca, jamais, never. Reparay vos, look ye. Adverbs 140 Grammatlca Anglo-LuJitanica. Adverbs demonftrating. Adverbs of Intention. Eisaqui, behold. Fortiffimamente,/r0- Alem difto, moreover, fy. Intenfiflimamente, moft intenfely. Com grand e cuydado, moft ftudioujly. bejides. Finalmente, finally. Em fin, at lafl. Eylo aqui, look here. Adverbs of "Doubt. Por ventura, perhaps. Adverbs of Remitting. Pouco a pouco, little by little. Pafib a paffo,/^ byftep. Preguifofamente, idly. Adverbs Interrogatory. Froxamente, remifly. A cafo, perchance. Como, how. Por que rezam, where- Adverbs of Haftening. Purpofe. Para que, why. Que, what. Adverbs of Uniting. Apar, juntamente, to- gether. Entreambos, between both. Adverbs of Separation. Aparte, fingly. Seperadamente, fepa- rately. Efpalhadamente, feat- teringly. Apartadamente, dif- tinfily. ^hajlily. Arrebadamente, furi- oujly. Em hum inftante, in- Jtantly. Logo, prefently. Adverbs of Comparifon. Aflim como, fo as. Quafi, almoji. Como, as. Mays, more. Menos, lefs. Adverbs of Choice. Antes, rather. Doutra maneyra, other- wife. Debaldc, Grammatica Anglo- Luf tame a. 141 nvanv'flw/;*. A outro propofito, for Atravez, tranfuerjly. another End. Ao contrario, on the con- De corrida, nimbly. trary. Diariamente, daily. A olhos viftos, openly. As efcondidas, private- A longe, afar off. ' ly. De perto, near. De dia em dia, from day Ao menos, at leaft. to day. a pe de letra, by pre- De gatinhas, creeping. fcription. De galope, leaping. Ao redor, about. De giolhos, kneeling. Ao vivo, to the life. DavefTo, tranverjly. Aos couces, by the heels. Debilmente, weakly. CHAP. VIII. Of the Conjunctions. TH E feveral Sorts of Conjunctions are Co- pulatives, Disjunctives, Caufals, Illatives, of Opposition, Exception, Conditionals of Doubt- ing, of Declaration, of Interrogation, of Com- parifpn, of Augmentation, of Diminution, fcfr. The chief Conjunction Copulative is e, and, which is ufed as in all other Languages ; tambem, tanto, quanta^ como, new, and tampoco, are of the fame Order. Tambem^ alfo, or as well, is always placed at the End of the Phrafe ; as vojfe o quer, e eu tam- bem^ you defire it (will have it) and I alfo. Tanto, quanta^ como, always fpeak with a Rela- tion to other Things. Nem disjoins the Parts of the Period as to the Senfe, but unites them in the Period; as nao he mm homem nem mutter, it is neither, Man nor Woman ; tampoco t neither, is ufed after the fame Manner, Ott 142 Grammatica Anglo-Lufitan'ica. Ou is a Disjunctive, and is ufed in the fame Senfe as vel \nLatin t and or in EngUJh. Porem, eniretanto, com todo iffo, fern embargo, but, mean while, for all that, notwithftanding, are of Oppofition, and are employ'd in Difcourfe as theEngli/h Words that fignify them. Senam, and amenos que, if not, and unlefs that, are of the excepting kind ,y0zftandsfometimes for but; as nab quero fenam iffo, I defire but that. Se 9 if, pofto que, andfuppofto que, fuppofing that, &re of the conditional Order, and are join'd with the Subjunctive Mood ; as fe nab ouvera lido t if I haH not read , pofto que eu venba, &c. fuppofe I come. 9uando, when, is fometimes ufed for a Conjunftion of this Sort, and in fuch Cafe 'tis always joined with the Subju nftive -, as fe or quan- do falldra bem, entonces, &c. if he would fpeak well, then, &c. Declaratives are, be de faber^ to wit, and como, as,which govern neither Mood nor Tenfe of any Verb. Paraque^ aque, fobre que, porque, wherefore, for what, upon what, for why, are Interrogatives ; as nao fey porque, nem paraque, I don't know for what nor wherefore; por que rtzao^ for what rea- fon ; a que propofito, to (for) what purpofe. Augmentatives and Diminutives are, o demas, ^ aomenos, for the reft, altho 1 , atleaft,^. Caufal Conjunctions are fuch as mark the Rea- fon of Things done ; they anfwer the Latin, quia. ergo, enim. Such are pois, porque, come, emquan- to, logo, a Jim que, then, becaufe, as, inafmucli, prefently, to the End that. The Particle que is the mod frequent of all Conjunctions, and of the moft Importance to be taken notice of; it is both a Pronoun and a Con- junction, but the latter is what we fpeak of here. When Grammatlca Anglo- Lufitamca. 143 When it is not preceded by any Verb, it is a kind of Exclamation ; as que me exponba dfazer ijjo be impojfibel, that I ihould expofe me to do what is impofliblc. When que is preceded by a Verb, that Verb muft be in the Indicative, and the Verb following que in Subjunctive ; as duvido que o Key aja chegado a, &c. I doubt that the King is not surived, here, that the Portuguefe as well as the Spaniards, French, and Italians, join no Nega- tive with the Verb / doubt, as the Englijb do. Thus the Portuguefe fay, duvido que o Rey aja fbegado, and not que o Rey nao aja chegado. But when que anfwers me Latin quam, how, it governs the Indicative Mood , as o que fermofa bf ffta mulber! O how handfome is that Woman! I need fay nothing more about this Particle, for if the Student obferves thefe Rules, and is careful in diftinguifhing when itftands for thePronoun what, or for the Conjunction that and the Adverb how., he will find no Difficulty in ufing it correctly. CHAP. IX. Of the Prepofition. TH E Prepofitions, as has been faid in thc- Chapter of the Parts of Speech, are indecli- nable Particles join'd with Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs, to declare their Signification. As the a is not only a Prepofition, but alfo a Particle c ufed in a very different Manner, I mall, by the following Explanation, (hew how you may difcern when it is a Prepofition and when a Par- tiele. .* 144 Grammatlca Anglo-Lujitanica. 1. It is indeclinable when it is in Compoiition 9 as it often is both with Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, and Adverbs, and fometimes augments or dimi- nifhes the Signification ; as adinbeirado, to be full of -Money, compounded of a and dinheiro -, it is the Participle of adinheirar, to heap up Money ; ajoelhdrfe, to kneel, is a Verb Neuter reciprocal, compounded of a and joelho, a Knee ; adiante is an Adverb, compounded of a and diante. 2. It is a Particle when it (lands between two Infinitives-, as come far a jurar, to begin to fwear. 3. It is a Particle when it follows a Participle or Adjective, and is follow'd by an Infinitive Mood ; as eftou prompto a obedecer, I am ready to obey. 4. It is a Particle when it is between two Nouns of Number, or more properly between a Noun of Number and its Repetition ; as ir dous a dous, to go two and two ; quatro a quatro, four and four; vieram duzia a duzia, they came by Dozens. c. When it marksaDiflance of Time or Place, +s . it is a Particle ; as vive vinte milhas dt Londres, he lives twenty Miles from London. 6. The a is a Prepofition marking the Dative Cafe in the Declenfion of a Noun proper, whe- ther Mafculine or Feminine , as efcrever a Pedro, to write to Peter ; djuao, a Maria, &c. I fay it marks the Dative in Nouns proper , for in the declining of Subftantives of the common Order it takes to itfelf an0-, as efcrever ao Rey, to write to the King ; but when the Noun is of the Fe- minine Gender, the Particle cannot be diftin- guifh'd from the Article, except that fome who x are nice in their Orthography put the Accent Grave upon the a when a Particle, and you {hall not take that from me. De is alfo a Prepofition when it {lands before Adverbs of Place or Time ; as de aqui no diante* from henceforward ; alfo when found before Verbs in the Infinitive Mood; as he tempo defartir^ it is Time to depart. Em t in, whence, ^and, in, and <&p/r0,with- in, are alfo Prepofitions ; and to apply them juft- Jy, you are to obferve, that when you fpeak cf the Time paft, the Prepofition em is required ; and for the Time to come you are to ufe the Word dentro, and not em, m, or na ; as // as olras de Taffo em quinze dias, and not dentro de quinze dias, I have read the Works of TaiTo in a Fort- night; chegarey a Londres dentro de tres dias, I will be at London within (in) three Days ; no and nd y and nos and nas, are a Contraction of em o and fm a, fmosj em as\ they are put before the Nouns L to 146 Grammatlca Anglo-Lufitanica. to fignify the Prepofition em, and the Article be- longing to the Word at the fame Time ; as nab "ha no mundo, there is not in the World, for nao la em o munclo ; and nao ha no, cafa, for nao ha em a cafa; thus de o and de a are contracted into do and da, and de os, de as, into dos, das ; which has been obferved above. Antes fignifies a Priority in Time; as Deos creo a Adam antes do diluvio, God created Adam before the Flood. Diante is a Prepofition both of Place and Order, and often anfwers to the Latin coram, before ; as tenho minha eafa diante o pafo, my Houfe is before the Palace , poem effa camifa diante do fogo, put this Shirt before the Fire , eftdvamos diante do Key, we were before the King -, vojfe va diante de mim y you go before me. Ante fometimes fignifiesPriority, and fometimes it has the Force of the Latin cor am \ as ante todas coufas he mefter ler, before all Things it is necef- fary to read, &fr. ante nos fecretarios, before us Se- cretaries, which however is better exprefs'd by diante. Perto, about, marks a Nearnefs of Time, Things, and Place, and requires the Genitive Cafe of Nouns, and the Infinitive of Verbs, with the Particle de \ as perto da huma, perto das tres, a- bout One, about Three a-Clockj eftd perto de perecer, he is near perifhing. Depots^ fince or after, is both of Time and Place ; when 'tis of Time it anfwers the Engli/hjince ; as depois do diluvio, fince the Deluge ; and depots de aver efcrito ejla carta^ after I had writ this Letter. When it denotes a Place, it anfwers the Engli/h after, and will in that Senfe alfo have the Geni- tive ; voffe deve ir depois de Pedro, you ought to go after Peter. Detraz is alfo of Place, and anfwers the Engtifi behind. Con Grammatlca Anglo-Lufitamca. 147 Com is the fame with, and is ufed exactly like the Englijh with -, for like that it marks Union, the Inflrument and the Manner-, as conmigo, with me. Entre is both of Place and Time, and anfwers to the Englijh between and betwixt -, as entre a creafao do mundo e o diluvio, between the Creation of the World and the Deluge -, entre o dia donacimento e a Pafcoafam muytos dias^ between Chriftmas-Day and Paflbver are many Days. In thefe Examples 'tis plain that Prepofition fignifies Time ; but in the following it denotes Place, as o ar efta entre o ceo e a terra, the Air is betwixt Heaven and Earth ; entre Londres e Lijboa^ betwixt London and Lifbon. Fora anfwers to the Englijh out^ except when it is ufed for an Exceptive-, ejld fora da cafa, he is out of the Houfe -, fora do reyno, out of the King- dom. It is Exceptive in the following Exam- ples, eu confento, fora do ir a Roma, I confent, ex- cept of the going to Rome ; todos fe foram fora mcnos tres 6u quatro^ all went away except three or four. The Words falvo and fenao, except, are often with more Elegance apply'd than/0ra, par- ticularly when it happens to fall in with a Word which refembles it in Sound, as here it doth.with foram, where the Jingle takes off" the Smoothnefs of the Sound ; therefore you fay more elegantly todos fe foram falvo tres 6u quatro. The Prepofition para is put before an Infinitive Mood, or between two Infinitives ; as para morrer bem, for to die well -, o que dizes he fallar parafal- lar^ what thou fay'ft is talking for talking fake. This Prepofition marks the Motive, Caufe, Reafon, or End of Things being done; it fhews why and for what -, as Deos crio todo o mundo para feu fervicio, God created all the World for his Service; eu fix huma cafa para os pobres, I have made a Houfe for the Poor ; eftt homem he bom L 2 para 148 Grammatlca Anglo-Lufitamca. para bum fecretario^ this Man is good for a Secre- tary : It denotes alfo Conveniency , as efta cafa he muy peqiiena para mim, this Houfe is very littl for me. It is alfo a Prepofition of Time, tho' in the Future only ; for when we fpeak in the Prefentor Perfect Tenfe, we muft ufe por^ and not para, as we mall obferve in fpeaking of that Prepofition; as agora e para femprefeja o nomem de Decs louvado^ now and forever let the Name of God be praifed. The Prepofition por denotes the Caufe efficient of a Thing, or the Motive of doing or ordering that Thing. The efficient Caufe, as Deos crio to- do por fua ommpotentia, God created all by his Omnipotence. It marks the Motive of fome Ac- tion ; as todo o que faz he por vinganca, all what he doth is for (out of) Vengeance-, he feito ifto por tfioutroi I have done this for the other. P prudente, liberal, &c. he that defir.es to be noble, good, prudent, liberal, tec. Alfo before Sub- flantives, as, as virtudes mordys fam quatro^ f>m* dencia, jufticia, temperancia, fortaleza^ the moral Virtues are four, Prudence, Juftice,Temperance, and Fortitude. It is alfo ufed after fimple Verbs, without any Cafe ; as pequcy^ fallando^ obrando, &c. I have finned in fpeaking, working, &c. But it is difficult to explain the Difference there is betwixt a Colon (:) and a Semicolon (;). The Colon is a compleat Sentence, but the Senfe of the Period is not quite fmifhed. A Semicolon is a Sentence, but fomething is wanting to make it perfect ; and as the Colon is aDivifion of the Pe- riod; fo the Semicolon is a Subdivifion of a Co- lon. This laft Period may ferve for an Example; but this niceDiftinction muft chiefly be learnt by Practice. The Colon is ufed when we quote the Words of any Author, e. g. dizia Salamas : nen- fr'ima coufa be de todo perfiita, Solomon faid : no- thing is perfect in every Part. In the fame man- ner, when we promife to fay fomething, as direy ao que me maldifodr: buyva como lolo^ mas mam me mordes coma cam, I fhall fay to him that ihalJ fpeak ill of me : howl Jikc a Wolf, but bite me not like a Dog. A fmgle Point is ufed when the Senfe of a Sentence is compleatly confummatcd ; of which Obfervation will eaiily inform you. The Interrogative Sign is made thus (?) and is ufed upon all Qneftions, v g. porque a timefma nam conbeces ? why doll thou nor know thyfelf ? porque Grammatha Anglo-Lufitanlca. 153 porque nam confervas o teu ? why doft thou not pre- ferve thy own ? After the Sign of Interrogation the next following Word fhould begin with a great Letter. The Sign of an Interjection is (!) which like- wife requires a great Character after it. A Farenthefis is known by two Half-Moons or Half-Circles, which inclofe fome Words, and ex- empt them from the reft of the Sentence, v. g. opecador(fe fe nam emenddr) fern duvida /era punido 9 the Sinner (if he doth not mend) without doubc will be punifh'd. So likewife when an Author is quoted -, as bem cmenturada fera a Republica (drzia. Platam) na qua! os filofofos reynem, happy will be the Republick (faid Plata) in which Philofophers govern. The &c. is an Abbreviation of the Latin Words et cater a, and the reft, and is made ufeof toexprefs that the Sentence is not perfectly finim'd, and that fomething which is not very material, or ob- vious to every one, is left for the Reader (or Hearer) to imagine. The v. g. verbi gratia, in Englijh to fay, and e. g. exempli gratia, for Example, are apply'd when fomething is to be alledg'd to illuftratewhat has been faid before. The Afterifks and other Signs we omit for Brevity's fake, as being what Cuftom in Reading and Writing will introduce of courfe. The ETYMOLOGY. Obfervatiom on theNature of the Language itjelf. THE Spaniards pretend the Portuguefe is a Baftard of their Language, and endeavour to prove it from Hiftory, and the Idiom of the Lan- 154 Grammatical Anglo-Lufitanica. Language itfelf, and many Words which appear to be a Contraction of the Spanifo in fome mea- fure, feem to confirm it; aspo,fo y cor, dino, koa, voar, ter, per, foar, cear, fuar, ler, &<:. in Spani/h pofoo, folo, color, digno, leona, volar, tener, poner, fonar, cenar, fudar, Duft, alone, Colour, worthy, aLionefs, to fly, to hold, to put, to found, to fup, to fweat, &c. But as thefe Words all proceed from the Latin, the Portuguese have perhaps as good a Right to fay the Spaniards have borrow'd 'era from them, and made them longer, as that they Ihould have had 'em from the Spaniards, and made them fhorter. *Tis true, the Spaniards were Matters of Portugal for a confiderable Time, and probably introduced many of their Words into that Nation, as the French have done like wife-, but, as upon ac- count of a Settlement the Romans had in Portugal as well as in Spain, it is more than probable they had their Language immediately from the Latin-, I don't therefore fee how the Spaniards mould be allow'd the Honour of fathering this Language, altho* it owes perhaps fome Words to them. The Portuguese then derives its Original from the Latin, and that it retains a greater Affinity to it than any other Language, is what they much contend for. They can produce whole Sentences which are both good Latin and Portuguese, and iiV both Languages exprefs the fame Senfe -, as du- rante ifto vento tarn contrario, tu toleras duras cf? injuftas miferias, during that fo contrary Wind, thou fuffereft hard and unjuft Miferies ; fupplica mr, o Principes, amantes caujas publicas ! I intreat you, O Princes, loving publick Caufes! If I had not been fcrupulous in thefe Examples, even to a Letter, and if I had thought the Reader wpuld allow a fmall Alteration, as from us to & into/; as \nfilofoj /, , , /?, j, /, x ; but only in /, m, r, y^ 2. Vowels in general are not doubled if they are of the fame kind, and belong to the fame Word ; I fay of the fame kind, becaufe in the Word m en- try s i and y are Vowels of a different kind , and I fay belonging to the fame Word, becaufe when we fay vendoa and amavaa, for a vendo and a amavajhe two lad Vowels are not duplicate, but one Vowel is joined to the other, which is an Ar- ticle -, and in irmtia^ ma^aa^ &c. the aa is not to be confider'd as two diftincl Vowels, becaufe they ibften themfelves into one Syllable. As for Confonants, it is certain that the Let- ters x and z can never be duplicate. The dou- bling of r and /, the Ear is the beft Judge to diftinguifh it-, for fingle and double they have two different Sounds ; the one foft and weak, as in amara , the other harfher and ftronger, as in amarra, a Cable. The fame may be obferv'd of the Letter/; as in the Words cafo and caffo, a Fork or Flefh-Hook ; but as to thefe the diftin- guifhing Ear and Practice of Converfation will give the beft Rules. In the Word accento we eafily perceive adoubleConfonant,and 'tis notdifficultat all to be diftinguifh'd from the Word acento ; yet there are fome Words in which Die rather than the Ear teach us whether the Confonants are du- plicate or no; as for Example, in the Words af- forar, Grammatlca Angh-LuJitanlca. 157 fordr, affindr, affogar, to pay Tribute, to refine, to ftrangle. And it ought to be obferv'd (as a- bove) that in all Words derived from the Latin? the Portuguefe love to imitate them in doubling of Confonants, as in the Words affiniddde, aggravar, communicdr; fo elk, amajfc, lejfe, ouvijfe,fojfe. The /and r, before e and z, have the fame Sound in Portuguese, and to diftinguifh them in Writ- ing, there is no other Rule than that the Words deriving from the Latin ought to be written with the fame Letters ; as cebola, ciddde, fenddo, &c. and not febola, fidade, cenado. The fame mould be obferv'd alfo about the Letters /and z, that tho' they have the fame Sound they ought not to be ufed promifcuoufly ; as menfa in Latin is in Portuguefe mefa, and not meza with a z ; fo they write titja, not caza. The Latin Words ending in x change the tf for a z in the Portuguefe Language ; thus pax, per- dtx, vox, lux, are in Portuguefe paz, ferdlz, voz 9 luz, &c. The f, or c with its Plica at Bottom, is often ufed for a double/; but when the Word is de- rived from the Latin, it is juftly deemed a Mif- take if you mould write f for ^5 thus you are to write, pajffby majja, profejfar, not paco, ma fa, pro- Of the PROSODIE, or Accentuation of the Syllables. TH E Quantity of Syllables is either fhort or long, tho' fome pretend to introduce a fort of a middle Pronunciation, between fhort and long ; which however, to avoid Confufion, we fhall take no notice of^ And 758 Grammaiica Angh-ILufitamca. And For the fake of obferving a regular Me- thod, we fhall begin with thofe that have the Penultima in a. The Words ending in aba, abo, aca, aco, adoa y acbo, afa, afo, ada, ado, afa, afo, aga, agem, agre y agro,alha,aiho, ala,ar\d alo, have their Penultima' s Jong, except levado, cdgado, eftomago, dmago, fcdn- dalo, b'tgamo,ptramo, &c. and fome other Words derived from the Latin, which are fhort. Alfo the Penultima's in apo, apa^ aque^ ara^ aro, arra y arro, afa, ato, ava, avo, axa, axo, aza, and azo, are long, tho* not without Exception ; as c dnta- ro, fucaro, ttfaro, tdrtaro, &c. and concavo and bifavo, which are fhort. The Penultima in e. The Penultima's in e&a, ebo, eda, edo, efa, efo 9 are marked with an Accent, but are not pro- nounced quite fo long as thofe terminating in tcha, echo, eca, and eco. The Penultima's in e$a, efo, ega, and ego, are alfo long, tho' not without fome few Exceptions ; as corrego, conego, foffrego, fccego, follego, bdtega, cocego, which are fhort. Thofe in ela, and elo, ema, emo, ena, eno, epa, epe y fpo, eque, era, ero, efa, efo, eta, ete, eto, eva, eve, and evo, are long, except profpero and dfpero, which are fhort. The Penultima in *. The Words ending in iba, ibe, ibo, icba, iche, icbo, ica, ico, ifa, ice, tfo, ida, ide, ido, if a, ife, ifo, iga, igo, ija, ijo, ilha, ilho, ila, He, ilo, ima, imo, inba, inbo, ina, mo, ipa, ipe, ipo, iqua* iqiie, iquo, ira, ire, iro, ifa, ife, ifo, iza, izo, ita, ito, iva, ivo, ixa, and ixo, are long ; except mecdnico, agdrico, critico, and the like, from theLtf/z'worGm^, and bumido, pdllido, torrido, horrido, prodigo, mfimo, ano- nimo, intimo, mdximo, pejfimo, pulpito, vJmito, decre- $ito t efpirito, which are fhort. The Gr amma ticaAnglo-LuJttanicd. 1 59 The Penultima in o. The Words ending in oba, obe, obo, obra, obre* obro, ocba, ocbo, oca, oco, ofa, of a, oda, ode, odo, of a* ofe, ofo, ofra, of re, ofro, oga, ogue, ego, oja, cjo, ola* ele, olo, oma, ome, onto, ona, one, onba, onho, opa 9 cpe, 6po> cplo y opra, of re, opro, era, ore, oro, orra 9 erro, of a, cfe, ofo, oza, ozo, of a, ote, oto, ova, ove> cvo, oxa> oxo, are long, except fucco&o, zncobo, fi- rcla, and frivolo, which are fhort. Words having their Penultima's in . Thofe Words ending in uba, ubo, ubra,ubro,ucba 9 ucbo, Ufa, ufo, uca, uco, uda 9 ude, udo, ufa, ufe, ufo, uga, age, ugo, uja, ujo, ulba, ulbe, ulbo, ula, ule, ulo y uma, ume, umo, unba, unbe, unbo, una, ttne, uno 9 upa, upe, upo, uque, ura, ure, uro, ufa, ufe, ufo, uza 9 itze, uzo, ufa, ute, ufo, ufre, uxa, uxe, uxo, uva, uvo 9 are long, except fuc c ubo, mcubo, vocdbulo, vcftibulo* dngulo, regulo, dmbula, tremula, and computo, and fome others derived from Obfervations of Penultima's before Vowels. a before e is long, as fde, cae ; before i fhort,' asy^/r, ca\r-, before o, a.ndya,yo, 'tis long, except when to the third Perfon Singular of the Indica- tive Mood the Particle o is added, as comao y bebao^ e before other Vowels. e before a is long, except in gdfea, boreas, and in the third Perfon of the Imperative, when the Particle is annex'd, as matea , before o it founds long, except pdteo, and in the faid Perfons when the Letter e is fubjoined, as mdfeo, and in fsmea y femeas, efcdrea, and other Words derived from the Latin ; but it is long before the u, when the two Vowels melt into a Diphthong, giving a diftinft Soynd of each, as in corijeu, fandsu. Grammatica Anglo-Liifltanica. i before other Vowels. * before a, e, and o is long, excepting efpecia y feria^ comedia, fciencia, and other Words from the Latin. o before other Vowels. o before a, e t and u is long ; but before i 'tis hardly perceived as to its Sound, and reputed to be fhort, as in the Words roim^ poir. u before other Vowels. u before a is long, except in captia, pdpua y m- feca ; before *, *, and o 'tis long, except in fomc few Words of the Latin Produce. The Accent or Tone of the laft Syllables. Firft thofe ending with a Vowel ; and to begin with a regular Method, thofe ending in a are fhort, excepting tafetd, bofetd^ mand^ cd t ld> acold, cxatd, pdjpard, and in the third Perfons Singular of the Future Tenfe of the Indicative Mood, v. g. amard, hrd, ouvird y rird, &c. Words ending in e Make the laft Syllable (hort, except gale t pole,, potc, mariy chamine, loule, pontape^ rele, &c. Words ending in i Make their laft Syllable long j but thofe that terminate with the Diphthong ay, ey> oy y and v, have their Penultima's long. Words ending in o Have their laft Syllable regularly fhort, ex- cept avo, enxoj icho, ftlho^ teyro y and the third Perfons Singular of the Preterperfed Tenfe In- dicative Mood. Words ending in ' Are generally long in the laft Syllable, except- ing fuch as have a Vowel precedent to it -, for then by forming a Diphthong the Sound isdiffe* rent jn the Pronunciation, and the Penultima grows long, as in amw, leuou^ &c, Words Grammatka Angk-Lufitanlca. 16,1 Words terminating in /, *, r, f> z. All Words ending in al are Jong, except on- ly one, Setwal, a Sea-Port Town of that Name in Portugal. Thole that end in el are long in the laft Sylla- ble, except agraddvd, viszvet, amdvel^ &c. Words terminating in il are long, except docil^ fdcil, bdbil, and the like, derived from the Latin. All Words ending in ol are long, without Ex-, ception. Like wife thofe in #/, except conful^ a Conful Words terminating in m. The Nouns that end in am are long ; but the Verbs in the third Perfon Plural of the Indicative Prefent are fhort i and the third Perfon Plural of the Future Indicative are long, as amardm, lerdm, ouvirdm^ &c. Thofe that end in em are fhorr, except fome Nouns, bedem, parabem \ alfo the Verb tem^ with its Compounds, as mantem, dethn^ retem t contem, with the Words aqucm, aUm y porem, which are long. The Words in im are all long. Thofe in om and urn are alfo long. Words terminating in r. Thofe that terminate in ar are long, except nectar , atjofar, dmbar, &c. Thofe in er are likewife long, without Excep- tion. In ir are long , fuch are the Infinitives of the Verbs of the fecond Conjugation j and here the Verb martyr is only excepted. In or are long. Very few Portuguese Words end in ur ; but thofe that do, found long. Words terminating in s. All Words terminating in c.s being Nouns, in their Pronunciation in the Plural Number imitate the Singular ; if fhort in Singular, they are fo in the Plural j as cafa, cdfas, coufa co'ufas ; and if M long 1 62 Grammatlca .Angk-Lufitanica. Jong in the Singular, they are the fame in the Plu- ral ; as tafetd, tafetds -, bofetd, bofetds. The fame Rule is alfo applicable to all Verbs, in what Tenfe'foever ; for whatever Letter the firft Per- fon ends in, if that be fliort or long, the fecond Perfon will be the fame i as dmo, dmas, amdva^ amdva*, amdvas, amarey, amdras. All Words ending in es in the Plural Number, which in the Singular have an e fliort, are like- wife fhort in the Plural , as tigre, tigres, pddre^ padres ; but thofe that have an e long in the.Sin- gular, have a long Termination in the Plural ; as marc, marla^ chaining chamims. The Syllable es in the fecond Perfon of the Indicative Prefent in the fecond and third Conjugation is fhort ; as efcreves, cubes, moves, tfjjes. Words ending in is or iz are long, except fome Words that end in ays, eys^ oys, uys ; as cdys, ar~ rays, reys, Uys, caracoys, roys, pansy, azitys* and the Verbs amdys, enfmdys, direys, fareys. Words ending in as, when they derive from a Singular fhort, the Plurals are fhort alfo ; when the Singular is Jong, the Plural is fo too, All the firft Perfons Plural of all Verbs are fliort in their lad Syllables ; as amdmos, amdvamos, ami- tnosy lemos, liamos, ouvzmos. The Nouns ending in us are long, except thofe that have another Vowel before the u, and- make a Diphthong, as fandsu, Jandeus. Words terminating in z. Whether in az, ez, iz, ox, and z, are long, except appendizt This may fuffice to inftrud the Reader in the general Rules how and in what Manner to place the Accents or Tones upon Words. We might have laid much more upon this Subject, but the reft will foon be learned by Reading or Conver- fation. A +6$ VOCABULARY I N Englijh and Portuguefe. CHAP. I. Nouns Subftantive. Of Things, De Coufas. A "Thing, a coufa. Nature, a natu- reza. Beginning, o principle. an End, o fim. fltf Order, a ordem. o tempo. o numero. o lugar. o eipacio. o nomc. o final. a Mode or Manner, o modo, a maneira. a Mark, a marca. a forte, o genero. a Part) a partc. M a Member, o membro. a broken Piece, o pedafo. a cut Piece, o fatia. a little Piece, o peda cinho. Nothing, nada. Matter, a ma ten a. Form, a forma. a Figure, a figura. (i Body, o corpo. Of the World and the Elements, do mundo e d-.'i element os. tloe World, o mundo. i':.e Sky, o firmamento. the Sun, o fol. the Moan, a lua. a a Star, 'i^&fA a Star, a eftrella. a Planet, o planeta. a Comet) acometa. Light) a luz. a Sun-beam, o rayo do iol. Darknefs, a obfcuridade. a Shadow, a fombra. an eclipfe, a eclipfe. the New Moon, a lua nova. the Full Moon, a lua cheya. the Wane of the Moon, o mingoante da lua. the increafmg Moon, a lua crecente. an t Element, o elemento. Fire, o fogo. Air, o ar. Water, a agua. Earth, a terra. a Flame, a flama. a Spark, a faifca. Smoke, o fumo. Sbot) a ferrugem. /vn?, when a Houfe is on Fire, o incendio. a Firebrand, o tiffam a- celb. tz live or hot Coal, o car- vam acefo a Coal, ocarvam. Sea-coal, o carvam de pedra. Embers, or hot AJhes, a cinza quente, o bor- ralho. a, Cloud, a nuvem. a Fog or Mift, a nevoa. a Valour, o vapor. a Wind, o vento. a gentle Wind, o Zefiro, o vento gentil. a Whirlwind, o pe de vento. afcmpeft, a tempeftade, a trabuzana. ferene Weather, tempo lereno. goodWeather, bom tem- ' po. bad Weather, tempo ro- im. foggy or dark Weather, tempo nevoado. ' rainy Weather, tempo chuvofo. - a littkWind, o ventinho. the Eaft Wind, o vento d'Efte. Eaft Ncrth-Eaft Wind, o vento d'Efte Nor d'Efte. North- Eaft Wind, o ven- to Nor d'Efte North Nortb-Eaft, Nor Nor d'Efte. North Wind, o vento de Norte. North North-WeftWind, o vento Nor Nor d'Oefte. North-Weft, Nor Oefte. Weft North-Weft, Oefte Nor Oefte. Weft, Oefte. Weft A Vocabulary In Englifh and Portuguefe. 1 6 f Weft SouthWeft, Oefte [the Ebb, o vazante da Sud Oefte. South-Weft, Sud Oefte. South South-Weft, Sul Sud Oe'fte. South Wind, o vcnto de Sul. South South-Eajl, Sul Sud efte. South-Eaft, Sud efte. Eaft Soutb-EaJl, Efte Sud efte. a Rainbow, o arco ce- lefte. Thunder, o trovam. Lightning, relampago. Rain, a chuva. mare. a Shore, o bordo. a Haven or Port, oporto. a Gulf or Bay, o golfo, a bahia. an Tftand, a ilha. aPnuxJuia, a peninfola. a Bank, a ribancira. a Channel, o canal. a Ford, o vam. a Well, opoco. a Ditch, o foffo. a Pool or Pond, a lagoa. a Marjh or Fen, or fenny Ground,terra alagada. a Lake, o lago. a Shower, a chuva de fa Bvg, o atoleyro. trovam. Snow, a neve. Hail, o pedrifco. Dew, o orvalho, rofio. hoar or white Froft, o geio. a great Shower, a bor- rafca. a Spring or Fountain, a fonte. a River, a ribeira. a great J&ver, o no. a Brook, o torrente. a Stream, o corrente. the Sea, o mar. the Ocean, o oceano. la Wave, a onda. t the 'Tide, a mare. ( the Flowing, o crecente da mare. M 3 a Slough, o a Fijh-pond, o viveyro de peixes. aDr op of Water, a gotta. d'agua. fa Bubble, a ampolla d'a- gua. I Froth, a efcurna. {Ice, a geada. Cold, frio. Heat, ocalor. the Continent or main Land, o continente, a terra fir me. a Mountain, o montr. a Hill, o outeiro. a Rock, a rocha, a penha. a plain Field, o campo. a Galley, o valle. /i.-/, o limo, o lodo* i66 yinEn$ifa and Portuguefe. Dirt, o efterco. jDuft, o po. a Clod of Earth* o tor- . ram. fl7#rf,torram com erva. Clay, obarro. fitd-oker* o almagre. Marl, or white Earthy barro branco. Chalk^ a greda, o giz. Fullers Eqrth y greda barro. ^ Heaven, o ceo. Hell, o inferno. Purgatory, o purgatorio, Gad, o Deos. an Angel^ o anjo. Paradife, opara,ifo. a Soul, a alma. a Devil, o Diabo. Of Time and the Sea- s,<& tempo efezoem. o tempo. & Day, o dia. a Night, a noite. Noon, o meyo dia. Midnight, mcya noite. Morning, a manhaa. Evening, a tarde. a Sun-dial, o relogio dc fol. a Clock, o relogio. s Hour-glafs, o relogio de area. Watch, o relogio de algibeira. 5 ^ Watchman, o vigidqr. a hora. / o jafpe. c# Agate, a agatha. 0# Ametbift, a matifta. ^ ^?//^y, o rubim. a Turkeife, a turquefa. a Cornelian, aCornelina. a Glafs, o vidro. a Cryftal, o criftal. ^ Pearl, a perola. Coral, o coral. Bruffels, BrufTelas. ^^/, BaOa. Madrid, Madrid. Lisbon, Lisboa. Cracow, Cracovia. Rome, Roma. Venice, Veneza. Belgrade, Belgrada. Conjlantinopk, Conftan- tinopola. Of Minerals and pre- cious Stones,-D* mine- ras e pedras preciofas. a Mine, a mina. a Mineral, o mineral. a Metal, o metal. Cold, o oura. Siher, a prata. Brajs, o Jatam. Copper, o cobre. Iron, o ferro. Steel, o aco. Lead, o chumbo. Tin, o eftanho. Quickfilvcr, o azogue. white Lead, oaivayade. Vermilion, or red Lead, o vermelham. Verdigreafe, o ferrogem do cobre. Ruft, a ferrugem. Slt, o fal. Alom, o alume. Brimftone. o enxofre. timber, o am bar. S^// /tor*, o Salitre. Ot Herbs and Flowers, Z> pulos. ', o ifopo. JeJJamin, o jafmin. Lavender, a lavendo. a Lily, o lirio. Marjoram,^, manjorona. Mint, a ortelaa. a Nettle, a ortiga. a Poppy, a dormadeira. Rofemary, o alec rim. 7?#, a ruda. a Roje, a rofa. Saffron, o afafram. 5^, a falva. Sorrel, a a-zeda. Spinage, as efpinafres. ^ fb\ftlt<, o $ cardo. Thyme, o tumilho. Trefoil, Q trefolho. a Tulip, a tulipa. Tobacco, o tobaco. fl Violet, a viola. Wormwood, alozna. C^r^, o gram. Barley, a cevada. Millet, o milho. o fenteyo. a avea. . o arroz. 170 A Vocabulary m a Pea, a ervilha. a Beard (of Corn) a a- refta. an Ear, a efplga. hum gram. Straw, a palha. a femente. Of Trees, Shrubs, and Fruits, U* drvores, matas e fruitos. a Bramble, a mata. Rofe-bufo, a rozeira. ^ Vineyard, a vinha. 6< Root, a raiz- the Juice, o umo, Fruit, o fruito. <3 Apple-tree, a maceifa. tin Apple, a mafaa. *z Pear-tree, a pereira. *i P^r, a pera. ^ Cherry -tree, a cerejey ra. , o bcfpam. a Fipe r, 172 A Vocabulary In EnglHh and Portuguese. / a Viper, a vibora. an Afy, o afpid. a Snake, a cobra. fa -Serpent, o ferpente. a Lizard, o lagarto. a Frog, a ram. a Toad, o fapo. a Scorpion, o e / *z Bee-hive, a colmea. Honey, o mel. /a Honey -comb, o favo. Wax, acera. ' la Swarm of Bees, o en- xame de abelhas. a Sting, o agulham. _ Birds, de fafaros. 5^*j A'//, o rico da ave. ' P eixe - o cagado. as barbatanas. < a tr(i i ta . a Cama< a balea. r o manfco de {Q tn o concha. _ _ l a Shell, a concha. aFiJberman, opefcador. Of Beafts, de feras ott i a Net, a rede. beftas. an Angle-rod, a cana de a Beafc, a fera, befta. pel car. (a labouring Beaft, o ju- a Line, a fedela. mento. a Hook, o anzol. Cattle, o gado. a Bait, a iica. ^an Herd, a manada dc a Plummet, o prumo. gado. t a Fijhmonger, o pefca- fa Hide, o couro. deiro. a Horn, o corno. / Salt-f.fo, o badejo. / a Hoof, a unha. a Barbel, o barbo. a Mane, a coma. a Cockle, a ameijoa. ^z Bnjtle, a ieda de por- a Cod-fifo, a'pefcada. co. iaCrevife, ocaranguejo. aTail, o rabo, a cauda. \a Dolphin, o golfinho. an Afe, o bugio, 1 74 -A Vocabulary in an Aft, o afno. tf Badger, o texugo. a Bear, o lirfo. / a Beaver, o c aft or. a Bull, d touro. i a Camel, o camelo. a Calf, a vitela. tf G*/, o gato. fo Scurvy, o fcorbutu. 5011 te. /',ahydropezia. Health, a faude. a Cold, o catarro,rcs fria- I Strength, a for?a. ' do, Vigcur, o visor, Of in Englifh dnd Portugiiefe. Of the A flections of the / Covetoufnefs, a cobifa. Mind, and the Ac- i Pride, a foberba, a vai- tions and Qualifica- dade. tions of Man, das af- Deceit, o engano. feifoens da mente, e tCraft, a futileza. das aufoens e quali- Lazinefs, a pregui;a. dades do boyiem* tMalice, a malicia. Lewdnefs, a facivia. a Mind, a mente. / Impudence, a defvergon- an Idea, a ydea. . ha. Memory, a memoria. ^ Cruelty, a crueldade. | Under/landing, o enten- f Ingratitude, a ingrati- dimento. dam. Reafon, arazam. a Pqflion, a paixam. I Judgment, o juizo. Love, o amor. &Will, a vontade. ^Hatred, o odio. a Fantafy, a fantafia. / Anger, a colera. an Opinion, a opiniam. Envy, a emveja. ^Knowledge, a fciencia. Pleafure, o gofto. Prudence, a prudencia. /y^, a alegria. / an Error, o erro. , o focorro, a ajuda. /7/&^//^/},agratidam a Work, a obra, o tra- Gemrofity, a generofi- balho. _dade. Bufmejs, o negocio. o vicio. # Charge, o cargo. N 2 rf i 80 A Vocabulary //zEnglifh and Portuguele. an Office, o officio. Of Meat and Drink, a Counfel, o confelho. an Art, a arte. Care, o cuidado. Study, o eftudo. \ Application, a applica- cao. r Delay, a detenza. Hafte, a prcfia. * an Aft ion, a acc^i m. Fortune, afortuna. Profperity, dade. Happinefs, a felicidade. Misfortune, a defgraca. Honour, a honra. Infamy, a infamia. de manjares e de beber. a forte. Riches, a riqueza. Poverty, apobreza. Want, a neceffidade. a comida. ViBuals, o alimento. Drink, a bebida. Provijion,si provifam. Bread, o pam. Afo Cr/?, a codia. /^ Crw, o miolo. Butter, amanteiga. a profperi- Cheefe, o queijo. Milk, o leite. Cream, a natta. Flejh-meat, a carne. Bacon, o toucinho. , a fopa. fl G?^, o bolo. Sauce, a falfa. Abundance, a abundan- tMinc'd-meat, o picado. cia. a perda. +Gain, o ganho, o pro- veito. #/}, afatiga. |/^, o fono. a Dream, o fonho. \JLcathmg, o deigoflo, a adverjam. Roajl-meat, o aflado. N Sweet-meats, as confei- turas. Sallet, a falada. f //fo Defer t, a fobremefa. * T^r/, a tortilha. 1 a Pafty or Pie, o paflel. Boiled-meat, a carne co- zida. a Saufage, o falchicho. Beef or Ox-flefh, vaca, a carne de vaca. Mutton or Sbeetfs-fiefo, cordeiro, ou carne de cordeiro. Pork \ rff Vocabulary in Englifh and Portuguefe. 1 8 1 Pork or Hog's-fle/h, por- Of Cloathing, de vejtido. co, ou carne de porco. Veal or Calfs-flejh, vi- Cloth, o pano. tela, ou carne de vi- Silk, a feda. tela. jVenifon, carne de veado. a Cook, o cozinheiro. Oil, o azeite. Vinegar, o vinagre. a Breakfaft, o almoco. a Dinner, o jantar. a Supper, a cea. Beer, a cerveja. Wine, o vinho. Cyder, a cidra, o vinho de mafaas. a Feaft, o banquete. fa Gueft, o convidado. a Table, a mefa. a Table-cloth, a toalha da mefa. a Napkin, a guardanapo. a Trencher, a trincha. a Salt-fetter, o faleiro. ofal. a faca. F0r, o garfo. a Dijh, o prato. Pottinger, a tigela. # PAz/tf, o pratinho. a Spoon, a col her. a Bafon, a bacia. a Towel, a toalha. a Cup, o copo. a Flaggon, o frafco. a Jug, o pucaro. -o cofre. a Basket, o cefto. a Tun, o tonne). # Pitcher, o jarro? ^aVeffel, o vafo. ^ Hogjhead, o quarto. P/p a Queen, a ray n ha. a Prince, o principe. a Princefs, a princefla, a Duke, AVocabulary /;;Englilh ^w^Portuguefe. 185 ft Duke, o duque. \tbe LordTreafurer, o te- a Dutchefs, a duqueza. foureyro mor. Marquis, o marquez. taPrivyCounfetlor,ocon- felheiro do confelho privado. a Secretary of State, o Secretario de eftado. a Courtier? o cortelam. ia 'Trade, o officio. \aHanduraftfmanyQ3x- tifices. [an Armourer, o efpin- gardeiro. \aKnigbt, ocavalheyro. a Earlier, o barbeyro. a Gentleman, o fidalgo. a Bookfeller, o livreyro. the People, o povo. /aBlackforith, o ferreyro. \a Stranger, o forafteiro. { a Mafon or Bricklayer, o * |6 ftSarcbionefs? a mar- quefa. j a Count orEarl, o conde. a Coiintefs, a condeza. a Vifcount, o vifconde. a Vifcount efs? a vifcon- dela. l a Ear on, o baram. a Baronefs, a baronefa. a Nobleman, o nobrc. the Mob or Rabble, vulgo. | Crowd, a multidam. / Nation, a nafam. ^ Crown, a coroa. ( rf Scepter, o cctro. f f? throne, o trono. ^ Court? a corte. / a Vice-roy, o vice rey. , a harpa. the Lute, o alaude. a Flute, a flauta. ^ Violin, a rebeca, o viollm. a Bafs-Viol, rebeca m. {a String, a corda. [ a Bow, o arco. ( the Bridge, o ponfe. a Tone or Sound, o fom. aDiverfion, adiverfam. a Play or Game, o jogo. ^a Dye, o dado. ( a Game of Draughts, o jogo de tablas. the Game of Chefs, o jo- go de enxadres. a Game of Charts, o jogo de cartas. a Ball, a pela. a Racket, a raqueta. Of a School and Learn- ing, da efcola, e d$ fipprender. ( a Mafter or Teacher, o meftre. 1# Scholar, o difcipulo. Reading, a leclura, o ler. ^Writing, a fcritura. .\a Difcourfe, o difcurfo. a Language, a lingoa. \an Oration, a oragam. aSer- A Vocabulary /wEnglifh^JPortuguefe. 187 an Archbijhop, o ar?o- bifpo. a Bijhop, o bifpo. a Priefl or Minifter, o ' facerdote, miniftro. |# Curate, o cura. a Deacon, o decano. 1 a Reader, o lei tor. a Sermon, o fermam. A Letter, a letra. | a Sentence, a fentenfa. a Syllable, a filaba. a Word, a palavra. a Letter, a carta. a Book, o livro. a I'reatife, o tratado. ( a News-paper, as novas, a gazeta. / an Author, o autor. I # TV//^, o titulo. \a Leaf, a folha. a Page, a pagtna. # Pen, a pena. /, a tinta. an Inkhorn, o tinteiro. Paper, o papel. ( a^uire of Paper, a mam de papel. fa Sheet of Paper, a folha J L ' de papel. fa Parchment, o perga- minho. Pen-knife, o canivete. { tf Lm^, a linha. a Rule, a regra. # Rod, a vara. coujas judiciays. ^ C?r/ ofjuftice, a corte de jufti9a. 1 8 8 A Vocabulary in English WPortugirtfe. a Law, a ley. Favour, a graca, a fa- rf# Example, o exemplo. # Mayor, o alcaide. tf Judge, o juiz. an Advocate, o Ictrodo, avogado. vor. G/// 0r Prefent, a da- vida, o dom. [Reputation, a ' reputa- ( a Witnefs, a teftimunhaJ I Authority, a autoridade. C/?r& or Secretary, o Honour, a honra. Money, efcrivam. I a Bailiff, o aguazil. ( Common Crier, opre- goeyro. f Right, o direito. Juftice t a jufti?a. (Punijhment, o caftigo. Sentence, a fenten^a. ( prejo. P^jy, a paga. fPraife, o louvor. ' Wages, o falario. | Recommence, a recom- penfa. Of War and Peace, , a corda. a Cable, a amarra. Jack, os galhardetes. /^^ Streamer, a bandeira. Anchor, a ancora. /^ Lanthcrn, a linterna. / P facil, c. / elegant, elegante, c. empty* grande ? jealous, ciofo, fa. imperfeft, imperfeitota. A Vocabulary in Englifti and Portuguefe. 1 9 j empty, vazio, zia. boneft, honefto, ta. equal, igual, c. \konourab!e,\\or\ora.do,da., every one y qualquer, r. how many, quantos ? faint, feeble, fraco, ca. I fairy branco, ca, ruivo, va falfe, falfo, fa. L faithful, fiel, c. famous, famofo, fa. fintire, intefro, ra. fat, gordo, da. joyful, jocundo, da. few, pouco, ca. juft, jufto, ta. firm, firme, c. (kind, favorf.vel, c. fit, apto, ta. fknowing, fabido, da. fpolijh, parvo, va. ton- lame, coxo, xa. to, ta. large, largo, ga. (former, precedente, c. lazy, preguizofo, fa. l fortunate, fortunado, da. lean, magro, gra, fiaco, [free, libre, c. ca. Ifrequent, frequente, c. ^earned, doclo, ta. frejh, frefco, ca. full, cheyo, ya. left liberal, liberal, c. Igenerous, generofo, fa. like, femelhantc, c. genteel, gentil, c. \glad, alegre, c. little, piqueno, na. little or few, pouco, ca. godly, pious, devout, pia- lonely, so zinho, ha. dofo, fa, devoto, ta. . long, longo, ga. good, bom, boa. great, grande, c. /greedy, avarente, c. {guilty, culpado, da. half, meyo, ya. handfome, fermofo, fa. low, baixo, xa. / maimed, niocho, cha, a- leijado,da. manifeft, manifefto, ta, evidente, c. many, muito, ta. happy, ditofo, fa, feliz,r. mean, baixo, xa. hard, duro, ra. /w facetious, ingen- teyro, ra. hofo, fa. uncivil, defcortes, c. twonderful,mi\zgrofo,fa t \unfa t voury,injipid, deiTa- (worfe, peior, c. borofo, fa, infavido, worthy, dino, na. da. / wounded, chagado, da. utmoji, extremo, ma. young, mofo, 53. jwandring, vagabundo, zealous, zelofo, fa. da. CHAR III. Of Numbers, dos numeros* ONE, hum, hua. Jive, cinco, c. two, dous, duas. fix, feys, c. three, tres, c. feven, fete, c . four, quatro, c . eight, outo, c. O 2 Vocabulary in Englifti and Portuguese. Of Ordinal Numbers, dos numeros de ordem. nine, nove. ten, dez. eleven, onze. twelve, doze. thirteen, trcze. fourteen, catorze. fifteen, quinze. fixteen, dez e feys. feventeen, dez e fete. eighteen, dez e outo. nineteen, dez e nove. twenty, vinte. twenty-one, vinte e hum. twenty-two,v\ntt e dous. twenty-three, v'mtze. tres. twenty-four, vinte. e qua- tro. twenty-five,v\v\lc. e cinto. thirty, trinta. forty, quarenta. fifty, cincoenta. Jixty, fecenta. feventy, fetenta. eighty, outenta. ninety, noventa. hundred, cem, cento. two hundred, duzentos, tas. three hundred, trecentos, tas. four hundred, quatrocen- tos, tas. five #Wra/,qumhentos, tas. athoufand, mil. hundred thoufand, cem mil. a million, miihao. the firft, prirneyro, pri- meyra. thefecond, fegundo, da. the third, terceiro, ra. the fourth, quarto, ta. the fifth, quinto, ta. the fix 'th, fexto, ta. thefeventh, feptimo,ma. the eighth, outavo, va, the ninth, nono, na. the tenth, decimo, ma. the eleventh, onzeno, na. the twelfth, dozeno, na. the tbirteentb,trezeno,na. the fourteenth ',catorzeno, na. the fifteenth, quinzeno, na. the Jixteenth, decimo fexto, ta. the feventeenth, decirno feptimo, ma. the twentieth, vinteino, na. the twenty -firft, o vinte hum, a vinte hiia. the twenty-fecond,o vinte dous. the hundredth, centeli- mo, ma. the thoufandth, millefi- mo, ma. the middlemoft,meyo, ya. the loft, ultimo, ma. CHAP. A Vocabulary In Englim and Portuguefc. 1 97 CHAP. IV. Of Colours, das cores. SHining, o, a lucente. clear, ciaro, ra. />#/*, pal lido, da. white, branco, ca. / grey ', pardo,da. pear I grey, cor de perla. f dark grey, pardo efcuro. I jfijh Colour, cor de cinza. d and you'll find there are feven Crowns. It feems to me you ajfc too much. On the contrary , lam very reasonable (mode- rate.) How much do you make us pay for the Wine ? Fifteen Pence the Bot- tle. Bring us another Bot- tle^andT'o-worrowMorn- ing we'll pay you. We will abate nothing. It feems to me this Gentleman doth not find himfelf well. I am well., but I am tired and fatigued. Tou muft have Courage. It will be better for me to be in Bed than at Ta- ble. lell my Servant to come and undrefs me. Good Nighty Gentlemen^ Good Repofe to you all j Jleep well. I humbly thank you (live you a thoufand Tears] God preferve your Perfon. Have you ordered clean Sheets for our Beds. ContemV.M.S.mef- mos e acharam que sa fete coroas. A mim mepareceque Vofie pede demafiado. Pello cantrario, eftou mui razoado (modera- do.) Quanto nos faz pagar pello vinho ? Quinze peniques o frafco. Traga nos hum 6u- tro frafco e menhaa pel- la menhaa pagaremos a Vofle ; nao Ihe abatere- mos nada. Tenhopara mim que efle Senhor nao fe acha bem. Eftou bem,mas eftou canfado e fatigado. Ha mifter teranimo. Sera melhor para mim eftar na cama, que na mefa. Diga ao meu criado que venha difpirme. Boas noites Senhores. Bom repoufo aV. M. S. todos ; dormamV. M. S. bem. Viva V M. mil an- nos ; guarde Deos a pefloa de V. M. Tem vofle ordenado lan$ oys limpos para nof- fas camas ? 3 Take In Englifli and Portuguefe. 233 fake care that they Tome voffe cuidado may wake us early To- que nos defpertem fedo morrow Morning. I will not fail -, good by, GentlemengoodNight. Hark ye. Heftier, have yfiit look'd well after the Horfes? Tes, Sir ,f or my Part I have been wanting in nothing ; they have their Fill of Hay and Barley. Do us the Favour to have our Horfes ready To- morrow at Six a-Clock in the Morning. Here, Mafter Land- lord, tell your Money, and the Half- Crown which is over and above, let it bejhared among the Servants. Tour humble Servant, Gentlemen-, I hope every 'Thing has been to your Liking. When you pafs by this Way, you have all your humble Servants at Com- mand. Ton are welcome, Gen- tlemen. a menhaa pella menhaa. Naofaltarey; aDcos Senhores, boas noites. O voffe, 111090 de eftribaria, tern tratado bemos cavallos? Si Senhor, da minha parte nao faltey nada ; tiveram de feno e ce- vada em abundancia. Faca nos a M^rce de ter os cavallos prontos a menhaa as feys horas pella menhaa. Oufa Senhor noflb amo, contc Voffe o di- nheiro, e a meya coroa que fobeja repartafe en- tre os criados. Vivam V. M. S. mil annos Senhores \ efpero que todo efteve a feu gofto. Quandopaffarem por efte caminho, aqui tcm todos os feus criados prontos as fuas ordens. V. M. S. eftao bem vindos. Agoodjourney (Voyage) Boajornada (viagem) to you, Gentlemen. tenham V. M. S. Dialogue Familiar DIALOGUES Dialogue XIV. About the Exchange. WHERE are you going. Sir? To Change ; an d pray inhere do you come from? I come from thence. Did you. hear any News ? No, Sir, nothing par- ticular. Nothing that is re- markable. How is the Exchange for Amfierdam To-day ? Thirty four Shillings and four Groats. Who toldyoufo ? My Broker. Js there a great deal cfBufmefs doing To-day? Tes, and if you have any to do, I advife you. to make hafte. Then good by to you, Sir. < I am your Servant. Pray my Service at l>ome. Do you defign to draw or to remit ? lam not yet determined what IJhall do -, tell me : what do you think, is the Exchange for Amfterdam likely to rife or to fall ? Pratica XIV. Da bolfa. A DondevaiV. M. ? A bolfa, e pecolhe de donde vem V. M. ? Venho de la. Ouvio V. M. algu- mas novas ? Nao Senhor,nada em particular. Nada que feja remar- cavel. Como vai o cambio para Amfterdam oje ? Trinta e quatro fol- dos e quatro groflbs. Quern Iho diffe ? Meu corredor. Se faz.muitonegocio oje? Si, e fe tem que fa- zer eu Ihe aconfelho que va de prefla Pois a Deos Senhor. Sou feu fervidor. Fa- came Merce de dar meus beijamaos em cafa, V. M. intenta facar ou remeter? Nao eftou ainda re- folto 6 que farei ; di- game: o cambio para Amfterdam parecelhe que fubira ou que bai- xara ? in Englifh and Portuguese. 235 They talk varioujly a- Fallamvariavelmente lout it \ yet according to Appearance it will fall. Cak you get me fome good Bills of Exchange ? Iwasjuft now offered fome from a very good Houfe, and People of a good Reputation. Were the Bills at Sight or Ufance ? I can have either the one or tke other. How much Brokerage muft I give you ? Ton know the Cuflom is one Eighth per Cent. I want to negociate fome Bills ; what do you advife me ? Jhould I fend thefe Bills to Amfterdam or to Hambourg? I have not, made any Calculation yet ; /'// tell you by-and-by. They fay Mr. N. has refufed Payment. Tes, and a great many Bills drawn on him have been fent back again to Holland^ protefted by Tejterdafs Pofi. I am furprrzed^ that a Man who was in fo good Buftnefs y and bore nifto; porem ao pare- cer baixara. Pode V. M. procu- rarme algumas boas le- tras de cambio? Inda agora me oflfre- cerao algumas de boa cafa, e gente de boa reputapab. Eram as letras a vifta ou ufos? PofTo ter de humas ou de outras. Quanto de corretagem Ihe ey de dar ? V. M. fabe que b cuftnme he hum outavo por cento. Eu quero negociar algumas letras ; que me aconfelha ? que mande eftas letras a Amfcer- dam 6 Hamburgo ? Nao he feito calculo nenhum ainda-, Iho di- rey daqui a pouco. Dizem que o Senhor N. refufou pagamento. Sim e muitas letras facadasfobreellefeman- daram outra vez protef- tadas a Hollanda, pelo correo de ontem. Me admiro, que hum homem que tinha bom negocio, e de.bom ca- 236 Familiar Di AL OGU E s a good Character, Jhould rader devefTe tanto di- owe fo mucb Money. Some fay he is broke, and that be cannot pay 50 per Cent. What do People ima- gine to be the Reafon ? Some fancy his Friend Algunsimaginaoque and Correfpondent abroad o feu amigo e correfpon- is broke -, others fay he dente fora faltou ; ou- games, or that his Wife trosdizemque jogouou nheiro. Algunsdizem que fal- tou e que nao pode pa- gar cincoenta por cento. Que Ihes parece ao publico ieja a razao ? is extravagant. When will his Credi- tors meet? 'They have taken alrea- dy Poffeffion of all his Ejfetts and Goods, and they will examine the Ba- lance of his Books To- morrow. I hope our Friend Mr. N. has not loft by him. No, for he fufpeEfed him a great while, and I remember that he has of- ten refufed to take his Bills. Do you know any Man of Credit who infures up- on Ships and Goods ? Yes, Sir, if you'll leave your Bufinefs to me, Pll get it done to your Appro- bation, and for a mode- rate Premium* que fua mulher he muy extravagante. Quando fe ajuntarao feus acredores ? Tem ja tornado pof- feflfao de todos feus efei- tos e fazendas, e exa- minarao o balanfo dos feus livros a menhaa. Efpero que noffo a- migo N. nao tem per- dido com elle. Nao, por que o fof- peitava ja ha muito tempo, e me lembra que muitas vezes tern refufado fuas letras. Sabe V. M. algum homem de credito que aflegura fobre navios e fazendas ? SimSenhor;feV. M. v quer deijar feu negocio a mi, Iho far ei fazer a feu contento, e por pre- mio moderado. When in Englifh and Portuguefe. 237 When is the India Com- pany's Sale ? In a Fortnight. I am glad of it, for then I Jhall have 'Time enough to execute my Com- miffion before the Ships fail (or dispart.) Quando he a venda da companhia da India? Em quinze dias. Eftimo, por que en- tao terey tempo baf- tante para executar a minha commifiao, ante que os navios fe ponham a vela (ou que partam.) Dialogue XV. Pratica XV. Of theLawsof England. Das leys de Ingalaterra. BT what Laws is England governed ? 'They have feveral, ac- cording to the Nature of Affairs, and the Diver- fity of Places. How are they diftin- guijhed? 'They are called the Common Law ', the Statute Law, the Civil Law, and the Canonical (or Spi- ritual or Ecdefiaftical) Law. What is the Common Law ? It is nothing but the common Cujloms of the Kingdom, which by length of Time have obtained the Force of Laws. The Statute Laws have been mads by feverd POR que leys fe go- verna a Ingalaterra ? Tem diverfas con- forme a natureza dos ne- gocios, e a diverfidade de lugares. Como fe diftinguem ? Se chamam a ley co- mua, a ley dos ftatutos, a ley civil, e a ley cano- nica(ou efpiritual ou ec- clefiaftica.) Que he a ley comua ? Nao he outro fenao os coftumes comus do rey- no, os quais com o tem- po tern alcan^ado a for- a de leys. As leys de ftatutos fe fizeram por diverfos Kings 23 8 Familiar DIALOGUES Kings of England, by the Keys cte Ingalaterra, por Advice and Confent of confelhoeconfentimen- both Houfes of Parlia- ment ', the Lords and Com- mons of England. The Civil Law is the written Law, or a Col- legion of the Judgments and Opinions of the wifeft Men in all Nations for many hundred Tear s pajt. What is theUfe thereof? To preferve the Peace and Tranquillity of Man- kind in general. Who was the Author of the Bo ok which contains the Civil 'Laws y and is intituled, the Codex ? The Emperorjuftinian, in the Tear 527, had it compiled by the greateft Lawyers of his 'Time. What do you call the Canonical Law? Certain Canons com- piled by the Clergy to fup- port the Dignity of the Church , and to decide in all Matters relating to Ecclefiaftical Affairs. Civil Law is ufed in the Court of 'Admiralty r , to de ambas cafas do parlamento, os condes e os comuns de Ingala- terra. A ley civil he a ley efcrita, 6u humacollec- ao das fentencas e opi- nioens dos mais fabios homens de todas as na- foens, por muitos fecu- los paflados. Que ufo he o feu ? Para prefervar a paz e tranquillidade do gen- ro humano em geral. Quern foi o autor do livro que contem as leis civiys, e he intitulado o Codex? O Emperador Jufti- niano no anno 527. o fez collegir pellos ma- yores letrados de feu tempo. Que chamays a ley canonica ? Certos canones colle- gidos por clerigos para fupportar a dignidadc da igreja e por decidir em todas materias to- cante os negocios eccle- fiafticos. A ley civil fe ufa na corte de almirantafgo, becaufe therein are plead- por que nella fe litigam ed 'in Englifti and ed and judged Affairs of Foreigners as well as of Englifhmen. What is the Privilege of a born Engli/hman ? 'That be may not be > commanded by an arbi- trary Power, but ac- cording to the known Laws of the Land, viz. the Common and Statute Laws, and especially by that called Mzgna.Cha.r- ta, the great Charter, which prtferves him in bis Liberty and Pro- perty. How do they plead and try their Caufes? tbeAccufer and Ace u- fed, or Defendant, ftand forth in the Court of Jit- ftice \ their Advocates plead the Caufe, the Wit- nejfes depofe upon Oath what they know of the Matter. The Judge who Jits on the Bench, recapi- tulates what has been/aid en both Sides, and declares the Law in that Cafe. Then the twelve Jurors (who are Houfe-keepers, and chofen by turns, not belonging to the Law, but all Men that have com- mon Senfe may ferve in this Cafe} go into a Room Portugucfe. 239 e julgam negocios de forafteiros tarn bem co- mo dos Ingrefes. Que he o privilegio de hum Ingres nacido? . Que nao feja gouver- nado porhum poderar- bitrario,masconformeas leys conhecidas da terra, a faber, a comua, e as leys de ftatutos, e efpe* cialmente por aquella chamada Magna Charta, ou grande privilegio, a qual o conferva na fua liberdade e poflefiao. Como litigam e jul- gam feus pleitos ? O accufante e o ac< cufado 6u defendente eftao diante da corte de jufti^a; feus avogados reprefentam o pleito ; as teftemunhas depoem fobre juramento o que fabem da materia. O juez, que efta fentado no banco (cadeira) re- pi te o que fe tern dito de ambas partes, e de- clara a ley em efte cafo. Entao os doze jurados (as quais sao gente que tern cafa, e efcolhidos por vezes, nao sao letra- dos, mas todo homem que tern ufo de rezam h 240 Familiar DIALOGUES, by them/elves? and when they are all agreed return into Court and declare what they think^ guilty or not guilty , and the Judge 'pronounces Sentence ac- cordingly. Are criminal Matters managed in the fame Manner? Tes, and thus an Eng- lijhmanhas theHappinefs of being tried and judged only by God and the Laws of his Country^ acknow- ledging no arbitrary Power at all. Happy is that Nation which enjoys their Life y Liberty, and Property, and can lofe neither of them but by thofe fame Laws upon which the Safety of all their Fellow - Countrymen depends. pode fervir nefte cafo) vam em hum apofento fos, e quando accord So todos bolvem pera a corte e declarao quern imaginao ft rreo ou nao ; e o juez pronuncia a fentenfa em comformi- dade. Os cafos criminals fe dirigem do mefmo rno- do? Sim e aflim hum In- grez tem a fatisfaccjio de fer julgado foments por Deos e as leys de fua patria, nao reco- nhecendo nenhum poder arbitrario. Ditofa he efla nacao que goza de fua vida. liberdade, e pofleflbens, e nao pode perder nen- huma dellas, fe nao poraquellasmefmas leys fobre as quais depende a feguranfa de todos feus compatriotas. GRAMMA- GRAM MAT I C A O U GRAMMATICA PORTUGUEZA e INGLEZA. SEGUNDA PARTE, A qual ferve para Inftruir a os Portuguezes na Lingua Ingkza. LONDON: Printed for W. MEADOWS, at the Angel; and E. COMYNS, at the South-Gate of the Royal- Ex- change, m Cornbill) 1751. A O L E I T O R. C*ENDO van' as as Razoens, que rendem eft a *^ Obra util e neceffaria ; nao farey man que obfervar, fer para o Homem de Negocio, de abfoluta importancia, e para o Curiozo Eftudante de entertenimento e recreyo ; o que fupofto, darey principio a o diftame que J'e objervou nefla Em- preza. Primeiramentefe tratou das Letras efua Pro* nuncia$ao mojlrando comofe kyem porExemplos no Eftillo Portuguez de Soletrear, como tambem das Vogais^ Syllabas, Diphtongos, TriphtongoSt&c. Seguindolhe dejpois as Dcclina$oens y Conjuga- foens, Regras da Sin face, Etymologia, Profidia e Accentos. Com um Vocabulario, e Dialagos das Couzasmais commuas que a contecem na vida juntamente varias Cartas fobre o negocio ou Co- mercio ; e finalmente^ A Carfa, ou lujlrumento de Procuraqam, A Carta, ou Inftrumento de Fretamcnto. A Police de Seguro. O Conheci- mento. O Inftrumento, ou Efcritura de Com- promijjo. A Letra de Cambio, e feu Protefto, &c. o que /em duvida nenhuma fer a o melhor e mais feguro Methodo de Obter e Confervar o Co- nhecimento de Ambas as Linguas, e que tenka o Efeito dezejado he o que o Author muy Jincera- mente Implora. CASTRO. ADFER-TENCIA. O Author defta Grammatica o qual ultima- mente publicou hum Tratado Intitulado, hum Prezente para os Mancebos em entrando a o Contor, Emfina tanto em fua Caza em Hound/ditch, entre as Infignias, do Sol e Coroa perto de Bijhopfgate, como por fora a Ler, Efcrever, Contar, e Livro de Caixa, pello Modo Italiano^ em pouco Tempo; fern as coftumadas Regras, Taboadas, e impertinentes ou inutils Queftoens, por hum Methodo, claro, patente, e bem a provado no eflilo Mercantil. GRAMMATICA LUSITANO-ANGLICA; o u, Grammatica, Ingleza y tPortugueza. SEGUNDA PARTE. CAP. I. Das Letras t e fna Pronunctafao. OS Inglezes nao fo mente Efcrevem dc hum modo e Leyem de outre-, mas tambem nao falao como Leyem ou Efcrevem : Se nao por hum modo muy rapido, que para com dies tem total domi- nio ; o que fem duvida cauza grande harmonia a os Forafteiros; para facilitar o qual, tenho apli- cado todas as diligencias pofilveis p>ara expreffar, tanto o Alphabeto Inglez, por eftilo Portuguez t como tambem as Vogais, Syllabas, Diphtongos, Triphtongos, &c. com fuas diftincfoens ; ale- gando as mais adequadas Regras, para que poffa o curiozo Portuguez, adquirir o conhecimento de ditta Lingua. B O 2 Grammatlca Lufitano-Anglica. O Alphabeto Inglez contem 26 Letras afaber. A, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, E, bi, ci, di, i, ef, gi, etche, ai, j, k, I, m, n, o, p, q, r, je, que, el, em, en, o, pi, quiiu, ar, P / */ 7 ffi V V V s, i, u, v, .w, x, y, z, es, ti, iu, vi, dabiliu, eks, uay, zed, Ingles. For fugues. ba, be, bi, bo, bu, be, bi, bai, bo, bu, ca, ce, ci, co, cu, que, ci, sai, co, cu, da, de, di, do, du, de, di, dai, do, du, fa, fe, fi, fo, fu, fe, fi, fai, fo, fu, ga, ge, gi, go, gu, gue, gi, jai, go, gu, ha, he, hi, ho, hu, he, hi, hai, ho, hu, j#, j e -> ji> J-> J u -> je, ji, jai, jo, ju, ka, ke, ki, ko, ku, que, qui,cai, co, cu, la, le, li, lo, lu, le, li, lai, lo, lu, ma, me, mi, mo, mu, me, mi, mai, mo, mu, na, ne, ni, no, nu, ne, ni, nai, no, nu, pa, pe, pi, po, pu, pe, pi, pai, po, pu, qua, que, qui, quo, quue,quui,quuai,qiiuo, ra, re, ri, ro, ru, re, ri, rai, ro, ru, sa, se, si, so, su, se, si, sai, so, su, ta, te, ti, to, tu, te, ti, tai, to, tu, va, ve, vi, *vo, vu, ve, vi, vai, vo, vu, &, ^f, o, eh, gh, h, ^, ek 9 ik> ok, uk, ok, ek, ik, k, ak, <3/, /, /'/, ^?/, /, el, el, il, al, al, am, em, im, om, urn, em, em, im, am, am, an, en, in, on, un, en, en, in, an, an, ap, ep, ip, op, up, ep, ep, ip, ap, ap, ar, er, ir, or, ur, ar, ar, ir, ar, ar, as, es, is, os, us, es, es, is, as, as, at, et, it, ot, ut, et, et, it, at, at, ax, ex, ix, ox, ux, eks, eks, iks, aks, aks, az, ez, zz, ox, uz, ez, ez, iz, az, az, amp, emp, imp, omp, ump, emp,emp,imp,amp 5 amp, ant, ent, int, ont, unt, ent, ent, int, ant, ant, *A 'A 'ft* oft, ufl. eft, eft, ift, aft, aft, atb, etb, itb, otb, utb, eth, eth, ith, ath, ath, Ha, lie, Ui, bio, blu, ble, bli, blai, bio, blu, bra, bre, bri, bro, bru, bre, bri, brai, bro, bru, cba, che, cbi, cho, chu, che, chi, chai, cho, chu, da, cle, cli, do, du, cle, cli, clai, clo, clu, era, ere, cri, cro, cru, ere, cri, crai, cro, cru, dra, dre, dri, dro, dru, dre, dri, drai, dro, dru, dwa,dwe,dwi, due, dui, dual, fla, fe, fli, fo, flu, fle, fli, flai, flo, flu, fra, fre, fri, fro, fru, fre, fri, frai, fro, fru, B 2 gla, 4 Grammatlca Lufitano-Anglica. Inglez. Portuguez. gla, gle, gli, glo, glu, gle, gli, glai, glo, glu, gna,gne, gni, gno, gnu, ne, ni, nai, no, nu, gra, gre, gri, gro, gru, gre, gri, grai, gro, gru, kna, kne, km, kno, knu, ne, ni, nai, no, nu, pba, pbe, pbi, pbo, pbu, fe, fi, fai, fo, fu, pla, pie, pli, plo, plu, pie, pli, plai, plo, plu, pra, pre, pri, pro, pru, pre, pri, prai, pro, pru rba, rbe, rbi, rho, rbu, re, ri, -rai, ro, ru, sea, see, set, sco, scu, esque,fi, fai, esco, escu, Jha, Jhe, Jhi, Jho, Jhu, xe, xi, xai, xo, xu, ska, ske, ski, sko, sku, esque,esqui,esquai, esco, escu, Jla, Jle, Jli, Jlo, Jlu, cele, cili, celai,celo, celii, sma, sme, smi, smo, smu, ceme, cimi, cimai, cemo, cemu, sna, sne, sni, sno, snu, cene, cim, cinai, ceno, cenu, spa, spe, spi, spo, spu, espe, espi, espai, espo, espu, squa,sque,squt,squo, esquue, esquui, esquuai, esqiiuo, ft a, fte, fti, Jlo, Jlu, efte, efti, eflai, eft 6, cftu, swa, swe, swi, swo, swtt, sue, sui, suai, suo, suu, iba, tbe, tbi, tho, tbu, the, thi, thai, tho, thu, tra, tre, tri, tro, tru, tre, tri, trai, tro, tru, twa, twe, twi,two, tue, tui, tuai, tu, t wba, i whe,whi,'who, ue, ui, uai, u, wra,wre,wri,wro,wru, re, ri, rai, ro, ru, sera, sere, sen, scro, sent, escre, escrf, escrai, escro, escru, Jhra,J}jre,/hri,Jhro,Jhrtt, xere, xeri, xerai, xero, xerii, spla,sple, spit, splo, splu, esple, espli, esplai, esplo, esplu, spra,spre t sprt, spro, spru, cspre, espri, esprai, espro, cspru, Grammatica Lujitano- Anglic a. 5 ftra,ftre,ftri,Jiro,Jiru, eftre, eftri, eftrai, eftro, eftru, tbra,tbrejbri, thro, thru, thre, thri, thrai, thro, thru, tbwa,thwe,thwi, thue, thui, thuai, Letra he hum Charadar, q~. fignifica hum Sim- ple Articulado Son fern Compozifao. As'Letras na Lingua hgleza fao 26 como feve do Alpha- beto atras. Dividenfe em Confoantes, e Vogais. As Vo- gais tern hum cheo, e perfeito Son de fi mefmo, fem ajuda de outra qual quer Letra ; e fao Sinco, afaber. a, e, i, 0, , e, y^ Grego que fepoem no rim das Palavras : Todas em Geral foao na forma Seguinte afaber. a, antes de, //, he, a Portuguez^ Ex, tall, Wall^ all, &c. kafe t tal, */, /, &c. Tambem antes de, /^, he, a, Pcr- tuguez, Ex bald, fc aid, &c. leafe y bald, efcdld^ &c. e antes de / , Ex. talk, walk, leafe, tak, udk, e antes de, //, Ex. Malt, Salt ; e entre, w r t Ex. war, ward, warm, &c. e tambem em Watch, Wa- ter, was, wajh, e nas Palavras dirivadas de qual quer defies ; aflim tambem os Diphtongos. Au, aw, Sao, a, Portuguez, Ex. Authority, Audience ', faw, law, raw, &c. leafs, Atharity, adience, fa, la, ra, &c. A, he, e,Portuguez em todos osNomes de huma Syllaba que acabao com huma Confoante, Ex. bat, can, far, mad, &c. leafs, bet, quen,ftr, med, &c. tambem quando duas Confoantes da mefma efpecie fe encontrao no meyo de huma Palavra. Ex.. Battle, cannot, Farrier, &c. leafe, betil, qtiennat, feriar, &c. e tambem quando hua fingela Confo- ante em o meyo Soa como dobrada, Ex. banijh^ Dragon, Habit, &c. leafe, benix, Dregan, Hebit &?r. B 3 E. 6 Grammatlca Lufitano-Anglica. E. em Palavras que acabao com huma ou mais Confoantes he,*, Portuguez. }Lx. Bed,bleft, length, Strength, &c. leafe, bed, bleft, lengthy eftrength, &c. E. Singello no fim de algums Nomes propri- os foa como, i, Portuguez. Ex. Phebe, Penelope^ &c. leafe, Phibi, Penelipi, &c . e afiim deve fer no fim de todos os Nomes Gregos, e Latinos, Ex. Epitome, como tambem em, he,Jhe, me, we, be, ye, the, tambem, y, no fim de varias Palavras foa como, i, Portugues. Ex. holy, happy, daily, fcff. E. tacito e que nao Soa ferve para fazer longa a Vogal q~. Ihe fica atras, e tatr.bem para abrandar, o, c, g, Ex. mad, made, bit, bite, not, note, tun, tune, lac, lace, rag, rage, ftag, ftage, hug, huge, &c. leafe, med, mede, bit, bait, not, nat, &c. Notefe, q". quando, e, nao Soa no fim das Pala- vras, fe chama, e, final : O qual algumas vezes ferve para alongar o Son da Vogal que fica atras ; como Ex. fave, e algumas vezes he redundantc como Ex. give. E. nao Soa no fim das Palavras depois de r mas fe converte em -a Portuguez. Ex. fire, defire, acre, meagre, &c. leafe, faiar, dizaiar, ecar, migar, &c. 1. tern o Son de, ai, Portuguez, Ex. pint, mind, wild, &c. leafe, paint, maind, uaild, e de /' em tin, win,Jing^ &c. leafe, tin, uin, fing &c. Tambem antes de g h, he a i, Portuguez. .Ex. high, nigh, figh,&c. leafe, hai, nai, faith,6f h />_> hj\ k, /, m, n,p, , r, s, /, v, w, x, y, z. B. nao fe pronuncia antes de m, Ex. Comb, Lamb, dumb, &c. leafe, com, lem, dam, &c. Tambem an- tes det, Ex. Doubt, Debt, Debtor, &c. leafe, daut, det, detar, &c . C. Tern dois Sons, hum forte e duro, como em Cat, caft, &c. leafe, Ket, Keft, &c. e outro brando como em City, Cell, &c. leafe, Citi, Cel, &c. Soa fempre duro antes de, a, o, I, r, Ex. can, Cora 1 , Crab, clean, &c. leafe, Ken, Card, Crtb, clin, &c . Soa brando antes de e, i, y, Ex. ceafe, ce- ment, City, Cypher,&c. leafe, cis, ciment, Citi, Saifar, &c. E antes de hum Apoftrophe (') denota a au- zencia de e Ex. placed, em lugar, de placed, Ieafe 9 plefed. Qiiando Soa duro antes de, e, i, n, fem- pre fe efcreve com k, Ex. keep> kill, knack, know, &c. leafe, kip, kil, neck, no, &c. Ch, em palavras meramente Inglezas tern o Son forte como em Portuguez, Ex. Church, rich, fetch, cheap, &c. leafe, Charche, riche, fache, chip, &c. porem na quellas que fe dirivao do Frances fe pro- nunciao brandamente como fe focem efcritas com ^ Portugues, Ex. Chevalier, Chaife, Champain, Ca- puchin, Machine, &V. leafe, Xeveliar, Xes, Xem pein, Qaepuxin, Mexin, &c. nos Nomes diriva- dos dos Hebreos, ou dos Gregos Soa como K, Ex. Acbam, Barodach, Antiocb, Cbriftian, Monarchy Chronicle, leafe, equam, Berodek, Entiak, Chriftian, Manark, CraniquiJ, &c. D. 12 Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. D. Se pronuncia como em Portuguez nas Pala- vras em que compoem Syllaba, porem nao fe pro- nuncia nas Palavras feguintes, fervindo fo para car- gar na Syllaba, Ex, Badge, Hedge, Bridge, Lodge, Judge, fanguinho. Dirt, Lama, dirty, lamacento. Guilt, Culpa, guilty* culpado. Hair., Cabello, hairy, cabelludo. Hunger, Fome, hungry, faminto. Mud, Limo, muddy, limozo, Need, Neceflldade, needy, neceflitado. Sand, Area, fandy, areozo. Stone, Pedra, ftony, pedragozo. Wind, Vento, windy % ventozo* Outroi 30 Grammatica Lufitano-AngUca. Outros fe formam ajuntandolhe a Syllaba, iih, Ex. Brute, Bruto, brutijh, brutal. Devil, Diabo, devilijh, diabolico. Fool, Eftulto, foolijh, fatuo. Sot, Tonto, Bebado, fotijh, atontado, embebe- dado. Water, Agtia, wateri/h, aguado. Wbore^ Puta, wborijh, putanheiro. Child, Crian^a, cbildifa pucril. Porem fe efta Syllaba, iih, fejitnta a AdjeftivoS) di- minue fuafignififam. Ex. White, branco, ivhitijh, branquinho. Red, vermelho, redijh, vermelhinho. Black, negro, blackijh, negrinho. Cold, frio, coldijh, friozinho. Sweet, doce, fweetijh, docezinho. Outros fe formam ajuntandolbe a farticula, able, Ex. Seafon, Oportunidade, feafonable, oportuno. Blame, Culpa, blameable, culpavel. Anfwer, Repofla, anfwerable, refponfavel. Change, Troco, changeable, comutavel. Cure, Cura, curable, curavel. Favour, Favor, favourable, favoravel. Marriage, Cazamento, marriageable^ cazadeira. Note, Nota, notable, notavel. Pardon, perdao, pardonable, perdoavel. Profit, proveito, profitable, proveytozo. Outros fe for mem ajuntandolhes as Syllabas, cal, al, ical, Ex. Rhetorick, Rhetorica, Rhetorical, Rhetorico. Angel, Anjo, Angelical, Angelico. Can- Grairmtatica Lufitano-Anglica. 3 1 Canon, o Canon, canonical, canonico. Logic, Logica, logical, logico. Mufick, Muzica, mujical, muzico. Allegorick, Allegoria, allegorical, allegorico. Accident, Accidence, accidental, accidental. Hiftory, Hiftoria, hiftorical, hiftorico. Method, Methodo, methodical, methodico. P erf on, PefToa, perfonal, pefibal. Dos Graos de Comparafam. Em os Nomes AdjecYivos, tern fo Lugar a com- para^ao ; em aqual fe admitem tres graos ; a faber pozitivo, quc fignifica a fimples qualidade, ou quantidade da Couza , como, big, grande -, while, branco ; comparative, que e leva a couza a mais alto Lugar ; como, bigger, mais grande ; whiter, mais branco ; e fuperlativo, que a exalta ao mais alto Lugar ; como, biggeft, o mais grande -, whiteft^ o mais branco. O Comparitivo formafe dopozitivo, ajuntando Ihe a Syllaba, er, regularmente ; e o fuperlativo, ajuntandolhe a Syllaba, eft, Ex. Low, bayxo -, lower, mais bayxo ; loweft, o mais bayxo. Great, grande ; greater, mayor ; great eft, o mayor. High, alto, higher, mais alto, higheft, o mais alto. Tambem fe pode formar com as diccois, more, e moft, a primeira para expreflar o comparative, e fegunda, o fuperlativo, o que commumente tem Lugar nos Adjectives, que terminao, em, ous, Ex. Charles is ingenious, Carlos he engenhozo. William is more ingenious, Guilherme, he mais en- genhozo. George 32 Grammatica 'Luflt am- Anglic d. George is tbe moft inge- George he o mais engd- nious in the World* nhozo em o mimdo, Glorious i gloriozo, More glorious , mais gloriozo. The moft glorious, o mais gloriozo, Jealous , zelozo. More jealous , mais zelozo. The moft jealous, o mais zelozo, Das compara^oens irrigulares. Good, better, tbe beft, bom, rnelhor, o melhor,' ///, ba^ naught, mao, worfe, peyor, the worft$ O mais peyor. Much, muyto, more^ mais, tncft, o mais. Lit tie ', pouco, lefs, meriosj ^^ /^ 3 o rhinimo, Dos Pronomes. O Pronome he aquelle, que fe poem em Lugar do nome , declinafle tambem por Gazos, tendo' Numero fingular^ e plural. Ha quatro efpecies de Pronomes 5 peflbais, pof- feflivos, demonftrativoS) 1 e relatives. Os peflbays fao, /, eu, thou, tu, he, elle no Nu- mero Angular ; e we nos j ye ou you, they, elles, no? Jpluraf, Se deelinao na Forma feguinte.- Singular. N, / ou we, eu. G. of me, de mh D. to me, a mi. A. me, a mi. Ab.from mf. de mr, Plural "fa JfV J.^1 t rr C^ nos. ^~* / de nos. D. to us, a nos. A. J, a nos. Ab.from us. de no? Grammatica Ijufitano-Anglica. 33 Singular. N. tbou, tu. G. of (bee, de ti. D. to tbee, a ti. Ac. tbee, ati. V. o tbou, 6 tu, A. from tbee, de ti. Plural N. ye, voz. G. of you j de voz. D. to you, a voz. Ac. you, a voz. V. 0jy?, 6 voz. A. from you, de voz. Plural. N. *, elle. N. /^, elles. G. of him, delle. G. o/ them, delles. D. /o /&/W, a elle. D. /o /m, a elles. Ac. &w, a elle. Ac. them, a elles. A. from him, delle. A. from tbem, delles. Sing. Plural. N.Jbe, ella, o plurar de, Jhe, be o G. of her, della. mefmo q* o de, be, a D. to her, a ella. fima. Ac. her, a ella. A. from her, della. Os Pronomes poffeflifivos fao aquelles, q j mof- trao a pofle das Couzas , eftes fao de duas maney- ras, ou Conjundtivos, ou abfolutos. Os Conjunctives iao aquelles, q' fejuntao aos SubRantivos, q' fignififao as entidades poiTuidas, Ex. My Father, meu Pay. My Mother , minha May, D My 34 Gramma t ica My Sifter , My Brother? My Friends, Thy Horfe, Thy Mare, Thy Dogs, Thy Bitches, His Ox, His Cow, His Cocks, His Hens, Our Houfes, Tour Book, Tour Books, Their Country, Their Cities, Lufitano- Anglic a . minha Irma. meu Irmao. meus Amigos. teu Cavallo. tua Egua. teus Cais. tuas Cadellas. feu Boy. ilia Vaca. feus Gallos. fuas Gallinhas. Noflas Cazas. Voflb Livro. VofTos Livros. feu Pays, fuas Cidades. Notefe que quando a Couza pofifuida pertence ama- cho, fe uza do pofieflivo, his, e pertence'ndo a femea, fe uza do pofleflivo, her, declinaofe os febredi- tos poffcflivos na forma feguinte. Sing. Plural. N. my, meu, minha, meus, minhas. G. of my, de meu, de de meus, de minhas. minha, D. to my, a meu, a minha, A. my, meu, minha, V. o* my, 6 meu, minha, A., from my, de meu, de minha, Sing. N. thy, teu, tua, G. of thy, deteu, detua, D. to thy, a teu, a tua, A. thy, teu, tua, V. o thy, ou teu, tua, A. from thy, de teu, de a meus, a minhas. meus, minhas. meus, minhas. de meus, de minhas. Plural teus, tuas. de teus, de tuas. a teus, a tuas. teus, tuas. teus, tuas. de teus, de tuas. tua, Sing. Grammatlca Lu/ltano^Anglica. 35 Sing. Plural. N. his, feu, fua, feus, fuas. G. of his, de feu, de fua, de feus, de fuas. D. to bis, a feu, a fua, a feus, a fuas. A. #/j, feu, fua, feus, fuas. Ab. from his, de feu, de de feus, de fuas. fua, Sing. Plural. N. her, feu, fua, feus, fuas. G. of her, de feu, de fua, de feus, de fuas. D. to her, a feu, a fua, a feus, a fuas. . A. her, feu, fua, feus, fuas. Ab.from her, de feu, de feus, de fuas, de fua, Sing. N. our, nofib, noffa. G. of our, de noffo, de noffa. B. to our, a noffo, a noffa. A. our, noffo, a noffa. V. o our, 'o noffo, o* noffa. Ab. from our, de noffo, de noffa. Plur. N. 0r/, noffos, noffos. G. of ours, dc noffos, de noffas. D. to ours, a noffos, a noffas. A. oarj, noffos, noffas. V. o ours, o' noffos, o noflas. Ab. from ours, de noffos, de noffas. Sing. N.your, voffo, voffa. G. of your, de voffo, de voffa. D. to your, a voffo, a voffa. A. your, voffo, voffa. V. o your, o' vpffo, o' voffa. Ab. from your, de voffo, dc vofla. D a Plural. 3 6 Grawmatua Lufitano-Anglica. Plural. N. yours, voffos, voffas. G. of yours, de voffos, de voffas. D. to yours, a' voffos, a voffas. A. yours, voffos, voffas. V. o yours, o' voffos, o' voffas, Ab. from yours, de voffos, de voffas. N. //fo/r, feu, fua. G. of their, de feu, de fua. D. to their, a feu, a fua. A. their, feu, fua. V. o their, o* feu, o' fua. Ab. from their, de feu, de fua. Plural N. theirs, feus, fuas. G. cf theirs, de feus, de fuas.. D. to theirs, a feus, a fuas. A. theirs, feus, fuas. V. o their, o' feus, 'o fuas. Ab. from their, de feus, de fuas. Notefe, q', their, fe pode aplicar no plurar - y como tambem, yours, fe pode uzar no fingular, e, your, no plurar. Os Abfolutos fao aquelles, q* fenao juntao im- midiatamente aos Subftantivos , fe nao por via de conjunc^ao -, os quais fao os feguintes. mine, men, minhn, meus, minhas. tlcine* teu, tua, teus, tuas, his, feu, fua, feus, fuas, her, feu, fua, feus, fuas. curs, noffos, ncffas. Grammatica Lttfitano-Anglica. 37 their, fua, feus, fuas. your, voffb, vofla, voflbs, vofTas. yours, voflb, vofla, voiles, voffas. Ex. Tour Father and mine, voflb Pay, e meu. Tour Houfe and mine, vofia Caza, e minha. Tour Friends and mine, voflbs Amigos, e meus. Tcur Daughter and mine, vofla Filha, e minha. My Country and yours, meu Pays e voflb. My Friend and yours, meus Amigos, e voflbs. Our Servants, and theirs, noiTos Mofos, e feus. 'Their Opinion and ours, fua Opiniao e nofla. .My /for/* runs better than meu Cavallo corre tnel- yours, hor, q' o voflb. 7 0772 at your Seryke, eu eftou a voflb Scrvijo. / am at yours, eu eftou ao voflb. Notefe, q'os mais dos Sobreditos poflcflivcs, fendo de lua natureza Conjun<5livos, como fica acras ditto, ie fazem accidentalmente abfolutos, por fe juntar por Cazualidade por via de Conjunfao aos Subftantivos , e q* entre elles fo, mine, e thine, fao propria, e realmente abfolutos, porque eftes nunca fejuntao aos Subftantivos immidiatamente fe nao por via de Conjunccao, e eommumente le aplicao em Repoftas. Como, wbofe is this Book ? de quern he efte Livro ? is mine, he men ; is thine, he teu : fua declinacao he na forma feguiate. N. mine, rneu, minha, meus minhas. G. of mine, de meu, de minha, dc meus de minlus. D. to mine, a meu, a minha, a meus a minhas. A. mine, meu, minha, meus, minhas. V. o mine, 6 meu, 6 minha, 6 meus, 6 minhas. A. from mine, dc meu de minha, de meus, D 3 N. 3 8 .Grammatica Lufitano-Angtica. N. thine, teu, tua, teus, tuas. G. of thine , deteu, de tua, de teuS, detuas. D. to thine, a teu, a tua, a teus, a tuas. A. thine, teu, tua, teus, tuas. V. 6 thine, 6 teu, 6 tua, 6 teus, 6 tuas. A. from thine, de teu, de tua, de teus, de tuas. GJ Pronomes demonftrathos, fao aquelhs q* fazem de mojlra$am das peffbas ou Couzas, Ex. this Man, efte Homem. thefe Men, eftes Homens. that Man, aquelle Homem. thofe Men, aquelles Homens. this Woman, efta Mulher. thefe Women, eftas Mulhercs. that Woman, aquella Mulher. thofe Women, aquellas Mulheres. that fame, aquello mefmo. that vexes me, aquillo me emraivecc. Sua dedinafam he tia Forma feguinte. Sing. Plural. N. this, efle, efta. N. thefe, eftes, eftas. G. of this, defte, defta. G. of thefe, deftes, deftas. D. to this, a efte, a efta. D. totbeje, a eftes, a eftas Ac. this, efte, efta. Ac. tktfe, eftes, eftas. Ab. from this, defte, Ab. from thefe, deftes, defta. deftas. Sing. N. that, aquelle, aquella. G. of that, da quelle, da quella. D. to that, aaquelle, aa quella. Ac. that, aquelle, aquella. A.b. from that, da quelle, da quella. Pto- Qrat%yiqtica Lufitano-Anglica. 39 Plural. N. tbafe, aque|les, aquellas. G. of tbofe, da queiies, da quellas. D. to tbofe, a aquelles, a aquellas. Ac. tbofe, aquelles, aquelhas. Ab. from tbofe, da quelles, da qucllas. Quando, that, he Relative fe uza dos Pronomes peffoais, e nao dos demonftrativos, Ex. He that is content, is rich aqnelle q' efta contente enough, he baftante rico. Sbe that you know, aquella, q' tu conheffes. 'They, that you fpoke t* aquelles de quern vos me me of, falafteis. Tarnbem fe uza deftes Pronomes, tbis, e tbat, por evitar a repitifao de hum nome, Ex. Tbis Knife doth not cut efte faca nao corta tao- fo well, as that which bem como aquella, q* / loft. eu perdi. That Cloth is not Jo fine, efte pano nao he tao fino, as that ycu bought yef- como a queUe q* tu tprday. comprafte iionte. My Book is better than meu Livro he melhor q* that. aquelle. Tour H&rfe runs better voflbCavallo corre me- than this. Ihor, q'efte. Our Houfe is bigger than noffa Caza he mayor q* this. efta. Our Bells ring letter noffos Sinos tangem met- than thofe. hor q* aquelles. Dos Pronomes Relatives. Os Pronomes Relatives fao aquellcs, q* fe referem a.os Subftantivos, q* Ihe ficao atras ; e fao tres, a D 4 faber, 40 Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. faber, who, which, e, that, e fedeclinao na Forma feguinte, fendo de todo o genero e de todo o numero. Sing. N. Who, quern on que. G. of whom, de quern. D. to whom, a quern. Ac. whom, quern. Ab. from whom, de quem. Plural. N. Who, que, ou quem. G. of whom, dos'que, ou de quem. D. to whom, aos que, ou a quem.. Ac. whom, que. Ab. from whom, dos que, ou de quem. Sing. Plural N. which, o que, o qual, a q', aqual, os q* os quais, G. of which, de q', do qual, da q', de qual, dos q' das quais. D. to which, ao q', ao qual, a q', a qua], aos q 5 , aos quais. Ac. which, oq', o qua], a q', a qual, os q', as quais. Ab.from wh.ck, do q', do qual, da q% da qual, dos q', das quais. fe declina na mefma Forma ; mas nefta na- tureza de Relative, he de todo, o genero, e de todo, o numero, e em tam fignifica, que, pu oqual -, Notefe, q' o Pronome, who, fe refere fo a ' peflbas, Ex. Alexander, Who found Alexandre, que achou o the Earth too little of Mundopequcnomuito whom you fpeak ? de quem falais, voz. He is a Man of whom I Efte he hum homem de have received many quem eu ten ho rece- Favours. * bido muitos favores. Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. 41 To whom I am much ob- A quern eu eftou muito liged. There are the Gentlemen of whom we have fpo- havemos falado tanto. Eftas fao asGentis mulhe- ken fo much. Thefe are the Gentle- women^ of whom we have bought. obrigado. La eftao os Gentis Ho- mens, de quern nos res de quern nos have- mos comprado. Which, e that, fe referem a peflbas, e a Couzas indiferentemente. The Man, that lives well. The Woman, which works. The Birds', that fly. There are Predictions, which advertife us of our Misfortunes. Gold is a Metal, which doth help us in all our Wants. Which makes theExecution of our Defigns eafy , and which makes us tv triumph over all Diffi- culties. O Ho mem q* vive bem. A Mulher, q' trabalha. As Aves q' voao. Ellas fao predicfois, q' nos Avizao de noflas Defgrafas. Ouro he lium Metal, q' nos ajuda em todas noflas Faltas. Q[ fas a Execu^ao" de noflbs Dizignos facil ; eq' nos fas triumfar fobre todas as Diffi- culdades. Eftes Pronomes Relatives fam tambem Interrcga- tivos, Ex. Who is there ? Who comes here ? Who is that Man ? Who is that Woman ? Who are thofe Men ? Quern eft a la ? Quern ve,m.aqui ? Quern he aquelle Ho- rn em ? Quern he aquella Mul- her ? Quern fao aquelles Ho- rn ens ? Which 42 Grammatlca LuJitam-Anglica. Wbicb will you have ? Which ofthefe two Horfes do you like beft ? From -whom have you this News ? Which is it ? Which is the Way ? Which of the two ? Qual quereis vos ? Qual defies dois Caval- los, te agrada melhor ? De quem ttndes vo$ ef- tas novas ? Qual he elle ? Qual he o Caminho ? Qual dos dois ? Uzaflfe defte Pronome,w/&^/.quando no Portuguez fe uza, o que, no Principio de hu:n-Periodo, como tambem diante das peffoas, couzas, e Verbos, quando fe fas algua interrogafao, Ex. What you fay is true. What he doth is worth nothing. What the Heart thinketb, the Tongue fpeaketb. What one wins^ the other fpends. Give what you can. Say what you know. What Man is that ? What Book is that ? What Trade are you of? What fay you ? What do you ask ? What will you drink ? What do you want ? O q* tu dizes he verde. O q* fas elle, he digno de nada. O q* o Corafao cuyda, dis a Lingua. O q* Ganha hum, o ou- tro difpende. Da o que tu Podes ? Dize o q' tu fabes ? Q^ Homem he aquelle ? Q^ Livro he aqueile ? De q* Officio fois ? Q^ dizes tu ? Q* procuras tu ? Q^ queres tu beber ? neceflltas tu ? Efta palavra, where, a companhada das Prepozicois, about, at, in, of, unto, with, he uzada em Lugar de, which, Ex. Where about, Where at, Aorredor, do qual, ou da qual. Ao qual, ou a qual. Where Grammatica Lufaano~ Anglic a. 43 Wherein, Em o qual, ou em a qual. therewith, Com o qual, ou com a qual. ^hereunto, Ao qual, ou a qual. Notefe, q f o Ingle* exprefia o Relative, 0, do Portuguez, pella Syllaba //, q' quando fe refere a Couzas antecedentes, tern for^a de Relative, x. 7 have not feen it, Eu nao o, vi. Do you fee the King's , Vcs tu o Coche do Rey ? Coach ? I fee it, en o vejo. Itjhall be of fine Flour, Sera de fina Farinha. // is a thing the moft He a Couza a mais fa- boly> grada. Declinaffe na maneyra feguinte. N. /'/, elle, on ella. G. of it, de elle ou de ella. D. to it t a elle, ou a ella. Ac. it, elle ou ella. Ab. from /'/, de elle, ou de ella. Notefe que a Syllaba, its, tern forca de pofifef- fivo, fignificando, feu, fua, feus, fuas, e fe declina na Forma feguinte. N. its, feu, fua, feus, fuas. G. of its, de feu, de fua, de feus, de fuas. D. to it Si a feu, a fua, a feus, a fuas. Ac. its, feu, fua, feus, fuas. Ab. from its, de feu, de fua, de feus, de fuas. Dos Verbos. O Verbo he hua Parte da Oracao, que tem mo- dos, e tempos, e nao fe declina por Cazos. 44 Grammatica Lufitano- Anglic a. O Verbo he pefibal, ou impeffoal ; o impeflbal fe conjuga fo pellas terceyras peflbas do fingular ; .como, // raineth, chove ; */ blcweth, aventa. O Verbo peffoal fe conjuga por todas afeys pef- foas ; a faber 3 tres no fingular -, / love, eu amo, tbou Icveft, tu amas ; be loveth ; elle ama e trcs no plurar afaber, we love, noz amamos , ye, ou you ,/viY, vt)z a tnais i //^ love, elles amao. .O Verbo pefibal ie divide em acYivo, paffivo, e neutro. C) Verbo Adlivo he aquelle q* exercita a accao coin iciacao a algua Couza, como, I read, eu Leo ; I love, eu amo , I write, eu'efcrevo ; os quais ver- bos dizsm relajao ao que ie.le ao qus fe ama, e ao que fe eicreve. O Paffivo he aquelle em que fe padeffe algua accao > como, I .am loved, eu feu amado. O Neutro he aquelk q' produz e exercita a ac- cao em fy mefmo j como, / am, eu fou ; / exijt ; eu exiilo. O Verbo tern feis Modos, a faber, modo Indi- cative, que dtmoftra -, como, ,1 fpeak, eu falo. Modo Imperative, que manda j como, do tbou, that, faze aquillo , let him do that, faca elle a quillo. Modo Optativo, q' dezeja conhecido pellos fig- nais, God grant, pleafe God, wifh God, would to God ; como, that, God .grant I may do that, oxala, ta^a eu aquillo. Modo Pocencial, conhecido pellos fignais, may, can, mr : ht, fonuld, "could, would, ought, vg. I may, ou can love, I might, ou I Jhcu'd, &c. love, amaria ou poderia eu amar, *?f. Modo Conjun<5tivo que ajunta a accao a algum Tempo, ou peffoa, conhecido pellos fignais, hew, as, when, if, although, v. .<>;. as I love, como eu amo, &Y. E Modo Infinite, que poem o Verbo fern defi " nir Tempo, |.)cffoa, e Numcro, v. g. tofpeak, fallar. Grammatica Lnf.tano-Anglka. 4 ; O Modo Indicative tern finco Tempos, afaber, Tempo prezente, que fignifica o que aclualmente, fe efta fazendo, vg. 1 love, eu amo. Preterite Imperfeito, que fignifica a accao paf- fada, mas ainda nao totalmente acabada ; v. g. 1 loved, eu amava. Preterite perfeito, que fignifica a ac$-ao ja paf- fada, e finida, v. g. I loved, oubave loved, eu amey, ou tenho am ado. Preterito plufquam perfeito, que vem afer mais, que perfeito, e fignifica a accao de tal forte paflada, que ja nao pode fer interrompida, v. g. / bad loved, eu tinha amado. Futuro, que fignifica a accao, que hade fer, ou vir vg. 1 Jhall, ou will love, eu amarey. Os tempos dos mais Modos fe verao pella conju- gaao dos Verbos. Alem do referido fe hade notar que ha dois Ver- bos auxiliares, a faber, o Verbo, to have, e o Ver- bo to be. O Verbo, to have, ferve para ajudar a For mar os perfeitos compoftos, e os plufquam perfeitos dos Verbos Adlivos ; v. g. / have loved, I had loved. O Verbo, to be, ferve para formar os- Verbos Paffivos, ajuntandclhe os Participios do Preterito dos Verbos que fe Neceffitao aos Tempos dodito Verbo, to be, v. g. I am loved, eu fou amado, fe- guindo da mefma Sorte pellos mais Tempos, e Modos. E porque para aformacao dos Tempos aflima referidos fao neceflarios eftes dois Verbos auxiliares por elles fe daPrincipio as Conjugacois, to have, ter, ou haver. Modo 46 Grammatlca Modo Indicativo, Tempo prezente. Sing. I bave, eu tenho, ou hey. Thou haft, tu tens, ou has. He bath, ou has, elk tern ou ha. Plural We have, &c,ye, ouyou bave, &c. they bave, &c. Prefer Imperf. Sing. I bad, eu t'mha, ou havia. Thou hadfl, be had, &c. Plural We had, &c. ye, ou you had, &c. they bad, &c. Prefer Perf. Sing. I bave bad, eu tive, ou houve tido. Thou hadfl had, &c. he have had, &c. Plural. We have had, &c. ye, ou you bave had, &c. They have had, &c. Prefer Plufauam Perfeito. Sing. I bad had, eu tinha, ou havia tido. Thou hadfl had, &c, he had had, &c. Plural Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. 47 Plural. We bad bad, &c. ye ouyou had bad, &c. 'They bad bad, &c. Future. Sing. I Jhall, ou will have, eu flerey, ou haverey. > fboujhalt, ou wilt have, he /hall, ou will halt. Plural. We Jhall, ou 'vtitt baw^ ye, ou you Jhall, ou will , tbey Jhall) ou will have. Imperative. Sing. Have tbou, tern, tu, ou ha tu. Let kirn have, tenha, A ou haja elle. Plural. Let us bave y have ye y ou have you, let them bave. Modo Potential. Sing. 1 may ou can have, tenha ou haja, ou poffa ter eu. Fhou mayfly ou canfi have, ou you may, ou can have, be may, ou can have. Plural. We may, ou can have, ye, ou you may, ou can have, they may, ou can have. Preter Imperf. Sing. I might have, teria, on ha vena ou podcria cu ter. Then 48 Grammatica Lu fit ano- Anglic a. Sing. Thou mighteft have, ou you might have, he might have. Plural. We might have, ye, ou you might have, they might have. Prefer Perfect. Sing. I might have had, pude eu ter, ou haver, thou migbitjt have bad, he might have had. Plural. We might have had, ye, ou you might have had, they might have had. Prefer Plufquam. Sing. I might have had * had, pudera eu ter, ou haver, thou mighteft, ou you might have had * had, he might have had * had. Plural. We might have had * had, ye, ou you might have bad * had, they might have had * had. Notefe que nefte Tempo, e no Preterito imper- feito, do perfeito a fima fe podem fazer as mefmas formafois com o fignais, could, would, ought, /hould , formandoos, como com o fignal, might. Notefe, tambem que o * had que vai com eftrela commummente fe fuprime, e nao fe exprefla , dif- tinguindofe entao o perfeito do plufquam perfeito, pello fentido da ora^ao : e eftas anotacois fervirao para todas as conjuga^ois, e formafois dos mais Verbos. Futuro. Grammatica Ltifitano-Anglica. 49 Futuro. Sing. I may ou can have hereafter, poderey eu ter ou haver, thou mayft, ou can/}, ou you may, ou can have hereafter, he may, ou can have hereafter. Plural We may, ou can have hereafter, ye, ou you may, ou can have hereafter^ they may, ou can have here- after. Modo Optativo. Os Tempos defte modo fe formao ajuntando ao Verbo hum dos Adverbos, ou iignais de dezejo como, pleafe God, God grant, o 9 that, &c. v. g. 6 that 1 may have, oxala tenha, ou haja eu, 6 that thou mayft, ou you may have, oxala tenhas ou hajas tu, &c. e a fim nos mais Tempos. Notando que os fignais dos Tempos fao fo os que fe mudao, confcr- vando fempre o Verbo da mefma forte $ o que fe obfervara para todas as Conjuga9ois. Modo Conjunffivo. : ; . Os Tempos defte modo fe formao como os do Optativo, ajuntandolhe da mefma forte ao Modo Potencial, hua das Conjucfois, as, if, when, hoiv^ although, v. g. as I may have, como eu tenho, ou hey , ftrguindo da mefma Sorte nos mais Tempos ; e guardando, e obfervando o que fe advertio no Po- tencial do * had com eftrela. Infinit. Prefent* fo have, ter ou haver. E Prefer 50 Grammatlca Lufitano-Anglica. Prefer Perf. To have had, ter ou haver tido. Gerundio. Of having^ <3e ter ou de haver, in having, for having. Supino. To have, para ter, ou haver. To be bad, para fer tido ou havido. Participio prezent. Having, tendo, ou ha vend o. Par it tip. prefer. Had, tido, ou havido. Particip& futuro. To be about to have, o que hade ter ou haver. Do Verio. To be, fer, ou eftar. In die at. prezent. Sing. I am, eu fou, ou eftou, tbouart, he is. Plural. We are, ye ou you are, they are. Imperf. Sing. I was, eu era, ou eftava, than wajl, ou you was, be was. Plural. We were, ye ou you were, they were. Prf. Gramir.atica LuJitano-Anglica. 51 Perf. Sing. I have been, eu fuy ou eftive. Thou baft been, be hath ou has been. Plural. We have been* ye ou you have been, they have been. Plufquamperfefl. I bad been, eu fora ou eftivera, ou eu tinha fido, ou eftado, thou hadft been, he bad been. Plural. We had been, ye ou you had been, they bad been. Futuro. Sing. I Jhall ou will be, eu ferey ou eftarey, tboujhalt, ou wilt be, ou you Jhall be, he Jhall, ou will be. Plural. We Jhall ou will be, ye ou you Jhall, ou will be y they Jhall, ou will be. Modo Imperative. Sing. Be thou, fe tu, ou efta, let him be. Plural. Let us be, be ye ou you, let them be. Modo Potencial, Sing. I may ou can be, feja, ou efteja eu ou pofla fer ou eftar eu, thou mayft, ou canft be, ou you may, ou tan be^ he may ou can be. E 2 Plura 5 2 Grammatlca Lufitano- Anglic a. Plural. We may ou can be, ye ou yc u may, ou can be, they may, ou can be. Imperf. Sing. I might be, feria ou eftaria ou poderia fer ou ef- tar eu, thou mighteft be, ou you might be, he might be. Plural. We might be, ye ou you might be, they might be. Perfeit. Sing. I might have been, pude eu fer ou eftar, thou mighteft have been, ouyou might have been, he might, have been. Plural. We might have been, ye ou you might have been, they might have been. Plufquamperf. Sing. I might have had been, pudera fer ou eftar eu, thou mighteft have had been, ou you might have had been, he might have had been. Plural. We might have had been, ye ou you might have had been, they might have ha.i been. Futuro. Sing. I may ou can be hereafter, poderey fer ou eftar ou, ou ferey eu ou eftarey, thou ma}ft ou canft be here- Grammatica Jjufitano-Anglica. 53 hereafter, ou you may ou can be hereafter, he may ou can be hereafter. Plural. We may ou can be hereafter, ye ou you may ou can be hereafter, they may ou can be hereafter. Mo do Optativo. Efte Modo fe forma, como diffemos afima no Verbo, have, v. g. God grant I might le, oxala fora, ou eftivera eu, e aflim nos mais Tempos. Modo Conjunftivo. O mefmo fe obferva nefte modo, com as con- juncfois apropriadas a clle v. g. as I may ou can be, como eu fou ou eftou, vejafe o que fe diffe no Verbo, have, nefte modo, e no Optativo. Infinitivo. To be, fer ou eftar. Prefer. To have been, ter fido, ou eftado. Gerund. Of being, de fer ou eftar, in being, for being. Supin. To be, para fer ou eftar. To be been, para fer fido, ou eftado. Particip. prezent. Being, fendo, ou eftando. Particip. prefer. Bean, fido, ou eftado. E Par- <4 Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. Particip. jutu.ro. fo be about to be, ou to be hereafter, o que hade fer ou eftar. Dos Verbos Aftivos. Os Verbos activos ou fao regulares, ou irrigula- res, os regulares fao aquelles, cujos Participios do preterite, acabao em, ed, como love, loved, adver- tindo que alguas vezes fe fuprime o, e, por Sincope, interpondofelhe hum apoftrofe, que he hum accento entremeyo, como, loved, tov'd. Na Lingua Ingleza os Verbos nao tem mais que hua conjugacao aqual he geral para todos os Verbos, afim regulares como irregulares, nao havendo mais different a entre huns, e outros, que os regulares ter- minar feus Participios do preterite em, ed, como fe fas menfao a fima, e os irregulares terminalos, com variedade de terminafois, guardando em tudp o mais a mefma conjugafao, e os mefmos fignais nos mais Tempos, e Modos. Da Forma$ao dos Tempos, e Modos. O Infinite fe forma antepondolhe to, a qualquer Verbo, v. g. to love, to kill. O Prezente formaffe do Infinite, tirandolhe o, to, e ajuntandolhe a peflba, v. g. to love, I love. O Preterico Imperfeito fe forma, ou valendofife do Participio do Preterite, e ajuntandolhe a peflba, fern mudanca de ditto Participio, ou por meyo do do fignal, did, v. g. / loved, thou loved, &c. / did love, tbou didft love, &c. Advcrtindo que o fignal, do, e fignal did, o pri- meyro he prezente, e o fegundo preterite imperfeito do Verbo, do, o qual fignificando fazer, quando fe junta aos Verbos por fignais, nada fignifica, nem tem Grammatica Lufitano-dnglica. 55 tern outro e feito, mais que moftrar os Tempos em que efta o Verbo, a que fejunta ; notando tambem, que quando a oracao he interrogetiva, o, do, fe an- tepoem ao Nominative, v. g do you fpeak French ? porem fendo affirmativa fe poem de pois do Nomi- native, v. g. he doth fpeak French. O Preterito Perfeito, a que chamao diffinido, hiftorico, ou fimples, le forma uzando da mefma Sorce do Participio do preterite, v. g. 1 loved, tbou loved) &c. O Preterito Perfeito compofto fe forma, juntando ao Verbo auxiliar, to have, o participio do Preterito do Verbo que fe neccfiita uzar, v. g. I have loved, &c. O Plufquam Perfeito fe forma tambem por meyo do Preterito Imperfeito deditto Verbo, to have, juntandolhe da mefma Sorte o Participio do Prete- rito, v. g. / had loved, &c. O Futuro fe forma por meyo dos fignais,^// ou will, v. g. IJhall ou will love, &c. O Imperative forma fuas fegundas peflqas do fmgular, e do plurar, tomando o prezente do Indi- cative, e pondolhe a peflba depois, v. g. love thou, love ye ou you, e a primeyra peffoi do plurar e as terceir^s de ambos Numeroi, fe formao por meyo do fignal, let, v. g. let him love, let us love, let them love. A formacao dos Modos Optativo, e Conjunctive, e de feus Tempos fe conhecera pella Conjugafao ad cxtenfum aclvcrtindo como afima fe diflfe ja, que na co-jugafap de hum Verbo toda avariedade eft5, quafi em os fignais, que o Verbo fempre he o mef- mo fern nelle haver outra mudan^a mais que ajun- tarlhe na fegunda peflba do Indicative hum /, e naterceira hum, th, o qual muyt-is vezes fe rezolve em hum, s, v. g. thou loveft, tu amas ; be lavetb, ou loves, elle ama. E 4 Da 56 Grammatica Lufitano-AngHca. Da Conjugaao do Verbo atftvo. Verbo. To love, amar. Modo Indicative. Prezente. Sing. I love, ou 1 do love, eu amo tbou loveft, ou doft love, ou, you love, be lovetb, ou loves, ou doth ou does love, &c. Plur. We love ou do love, ye ou you love, ou do love, they love, ou do love. Preter Imperf. Sing. 1 loved ou did love, eu amava, tbou lovedfi, ou didft love, ouyou loved, he loved ou did love, &c. Plur. We love, ou did love, ye ouyou loved, ou didlove^ they loved ou did love, &c. Preter Perfeito. Sing. 1 have loved, eu amey ou tenho am ado. Thou haft, ou have loved, he has, ou hath loved. Plur. We have loved, ye, ou you have loved, they have loved, &c. Pluf- Grammatha Lujitano-Anglica. 57 Plufquam Perfeft. I had loved, eu tinha amado, ou eu amara I'hou hadft, ouyou had loved, he had loved, &c. Plur. We had loved, ye ou you had loved, they had loved, &c. Futur. Sing. I Jhall ou will love, eu amarey, thou Jhalt ou wilt, ou you /hall ou will love, they Jhall ou will love, &c. Plur. We Jhall 'ou will love, ye ou you Jhall, ou w/// love, they Jhall ou w/// love, &c. Imperative. Sing. Love thou, ama tu. love. Plur. Let us love, love ye, let them love, &c, Mode Potential. Prez. Sing. 1 may ou can love, ame ou pofTa eu amar. Tbou may* ft, ou canft, ouyov may ou can love, be ou can love, 58 Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. Plur. We may ou can love, ye ou you may ou can love, they may ou can love. Prefer Imperf. Sing. I might love, amaria, ou poderia eu amar : thou mgbteft love, ouyou might love, be might love. Plur. We might love, ye ou you might love, they might love. Prefer Perf. Sing. I might have loved, pudeeu amar : thou mighteft have loved, ouyou might have loved : he might have loved, 6cc. Plur. We might have loved : ye, ou you might have loved : they might have loved. Plufquam Perf. Sing. I might have * had loved, pudera eu ter ou ha- ver amado : thou migbteft, ou you might have * bad loved, he might have * had loved. Plur. We might have * had loved, ye, ou you might fyave * bad loved, they might have * had loved. Notefe que tirado fora o had com a e ftrela,como Commum mente fe Coftuma, ainda que o perfeito fc Grammntica Lujltano-Angllca, 59 fe e quivoque com o plufquam perfeito j pello fen- tido da fencen^a fe farao diftin<5tos. Futuro. I may ou can have hereafter, poderey eu amar, ou amarey eu : tbou may'ft, ou canji, ou you way ou can love hereafter, he may, ou can love heft- after. We may ou can love hereafter \ ye ou you may ou can love hereafter , they may ou can love hereafter. Mo do Optativo. ' Os tempos defte Modo fe formao a juntando Ihe hum dos adverbios de dezejo, Como O that I may love, Oxala ameeu. O that I might love, Oxala amara euouamaffe. Modo Con\unftivo. Os tempos defte Modo fe formao Como os do Optativo, ajuntandolhe da mefma Sorte ao mo do potential hua das Conjunc^ois, as, */, when^ how, although, &c. a fim Como, as I may love^ Como eu amo : as I might love, Como eu amara, feguindo da mefma Sorte nos mais tempos , gnar- dando o que fe advertio no verbo, have. Jnfinitivq. to love, amar. JPreterio Perf. to have loved, ter amado. Gerundio. of loving, de amar. in loving, em amar. for loving, para amar. 6o Grammatica Lufaano-Anglica. Supino. to loving, para amar. to be loved) para fer am ado. Panic. Prezente. loving, amando, ou oque a ma, e amava. Panic. Prefers lovedy amado. Panic. Futur. to be about to love, oque hade amar. Do Verbo Paffivo. verbo paffivo nao he outra Couza mais, quc o verbo auxiliar, to be com o participle do preterito dos verbos, que fe neceffitao uzar. ex. Prezente. lam loved) eu fou amado. Preterit Imperf. 1 was loved, eu era amado. Prefer Perf. I have been loved, eu fui amado. Prefer Plufquam. I had been loved) eu tinha fido amado. Futur. ) ou will be loved) eu ferey amado. Grammatica Lujitano-Atiglica. 61 Imperaf. Be tbou loved, fe tu amado. Let him be loved, feja elle amado. Let us be loved, fejamos nos amados. Be ye ouyou loved, fede vos amados. Let them be loved, fejao elles amados. E por efta Sorte fe hirao formando as mais peflbas. Modos, e feus Tempos. Dos Verbos Reciprocos. Os Verbos reciprocos fe formao pella pardcula, felf, exponfe a formacao do Prezcnte do Indicative, e por ella fera facil faberfe dos mais Modos. Prezente. I love myfelf, eu meamo, tbou loveft thyfelf, dec. He lovetb, ou loves him f elf. Plural. We love ourselves, ycu ou ye love yourfelves, they love tbemfelves. Dos Verbos Irrigulares. Em que confifta a irrigularidade defies Verbos, e qual feja a Differenja entre elles, e os regulares ; fe pode ver no Paragrafo fegundo, no Titulo dos Verbos activos. E porque em tudo o mais fe for- mao como os regulares, obfervando as formafois defies, fica conhecida, e fabida ada quelles. Mas porque a forma^ao dos feus preteritos fim- ples nao he fempre a mefma ; porque hums os for- mao valendofe dos feus Farticipios do preterite, e outros nao ; fe poem as liftas feguintes de huns, e outros para menos confuzao dos que dezejarem fa- ber efta Lingua. Dos 62 Grammatlca Lufitam-Anglicd. Dos que nao fe vahm dos Participios do preterito. to fee, ver, / faw, eu vi, I have feen, eu tenho vifto. to take, tomar, / took, eu tomey, / have taken, eu tenho tornado. to undertake, emprender, / undertook, cu em- prendy, / have undertaken, eu tenho emprendido. to give, dar, I gave, eu dey, 1 have given, eu tenho dado. to write, efcrever, / wrote, eu efcrevi, / have written, eu tenho efcrito. to do, fazer, / did, eu fis, / have done, eu tenho feito. to forgive, perdoar, I forgave, eu perdoey, / have forgiven, eu tenho perdoado. to go, hir, 1 went, eu fui, / am gone, eu fou hido. to forfake, abandonar, / forfook, eu abandoney, 7 have forfaken, eu tenho abandonado. to come, vir, / came, I am come. to break, quebrar, / broke, I have broken. to becom", vir afer, / became, I have become. to rife, levantarfe, I rofe, I am rifen. to grow, crefcer, / grew, I am grown. to know, faber, / knew, 1 have known. to throw, tirar, / threw, I have thrown. to fall, cahir, I fell, am fallen. tojhew, moftrar, IJhtw, I have Jhewn. to beat, bater, / did beat, I have beaten. to eat, comer, I did eat, I have eaten. to owe, dever, 7 did owe, I have own. to draw, tirar, I drew, I'have drawn. tofow, cozer, Ididfow, I have f own. to abide, ficar, I abode, I have abode. to bear, levar, I bore, I have born. to bite, morder, 7 bit, I have bitten. ft Grammatica Lufitano-Angtica. 63 to blow, foprar, / blew, I have blown. to bid) mandar, lit ad, I have bidden. to beget, gerar, / b&got, I ha^e begotten. to cbufe, efcolher, / chofe, I have chofen. to chide, reprehender, / chid, I have chidden. to cleave, fender, I clove, cleft, I have cloven, cleft. to catch, apanhar, I catcht, I have caught. to crow, cantar ogallo, / crew, I have crown. to drive, guiar, / drove, I have driven. to dare, ouzar, atreverfe, / durft, I have dared. to fly, fugir, I fled, I have flown. to forget, efque ferfe, I forgot, I have forgotten. to flee, voar, I flew, I have flown. to get, gainhar, I got, I have gotten, ougot. to gird, cingir, I girded, I have girt. to hide, efconder, I hid, I have hidden. to hold, ter, / held, I have hold, ou held. to lie, jazer, I lay, I have lain. to lean, pouzar, / did lean, I have leaned. to run, correr, I ran, I have run. to ride, cavalgar, montar a cavalo, I rod, rode, 1 have ridden, ou rid to read, Ler, / read, I have read, to ftink, feder, I flank, ou flunk, to fpread, efpalhar, I fpread, I have fpread. to ftrike, ferir, Iflruck, Ihave flr'uck, oujlrucken. to fpell, foletrear, I fpc It, I have fpelled. tofwear,]uvzr, I fwore, I have fworn. to fmite, dar, I fmote, I have fmitten. tojhoe, ferrar, IJhod, I have Jhodden. tojhed, are, ou em, ore, e o participio em, orn, Ex. to wear, trazer, 'wore, have worn, to five ar, jurar, fwore, havefworn. to bear, levar, bare, bore, have born, to tear, defpeda^ar, tare, tore, have torn. Os que terminao em ow t ou aw, fazem o prete- rito em, ew, e o participio em, awn, ou own, Ex. to draw, tirar, drew, have drawn, to blow, foprar, blew, have blown, to grow, crecer, grew, have grown, to know, faber, knew, have known. to throw, tirar, threw, have thrown. Dos Adverbos. O Adverbo he hua Parte da Ora^ao, que junta as mais Partes a caba dedeclarar o feu fignirkado. Ha Adverbos de Tempo, v. g. tft day, hoje. Jhortly, em breve. now, agora. to-morrow, amenhaa. frefcntly, ja, logo. every day, cada dia. immediately, immediata- ^/;wa^/^',continuamen- mente. te. already, ja. eternally, eternamente. betimes, fedo. nrucr, ja mais, nunca. early, demadrugada. Day and Night* de Dia lately, ultimamente. o de Noyte. yefterday, hontem. by Day, de Dia. formerly, antigamente. by Night, de Noyte. before, antes. then, emtao. after, defpois. wbilft, enrre tanto. kereafter, da qui adiante. late, tarde. HA Hd Adverbos de lugar, v -g- bere, aqui. there, la. this way, por aqui. hitherto, athequi. thitherto, athela. below, abaixo. above, afima. high, alto. low, baixo. near, junto. far, longe. af'de, de lado. ' before, diante. behind, atras. within, dentro. . in, dentro. tut, fora. without, de fora. upon, fobre. under, de baixo. about, aorredor. amongft, entre. between, entre. beyond, alem. fomewhere^ em algua par- te no where, em nenhua patre every where, em toda pane Hd Adverbos de Inter- rogafao. where, onde ? from whence, dedonde ? Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. por ondc ? , que longe ? ) quanto ? bow many, quantos ? bow long, deque longura? when, quando ? why, porque ? what) que ? bow, como. Ha de quantidade* as much, tanto. but little, pouco. few, pouco. almoft, quafi. little^ pouco. much, muyto. enough, baftante. abundantly, abundante- mente. more, mais. wholly, inteiramente. infinitely, infinitamente. fuperfiuoufly, fuperflua- mente. all, todo. nothing, nada. at mcft, ao mais. at leaft, ao menos. intirely, inteyramente. Efficiently, fufficiente* mente. none, nada. too muck, muyto. Hd de Numero. once, hua vez. / brief, tres vezes. F 3 often te. imprudently, imprudente- mente. quickly, a preffadamente. at eafe, facil mente. kneeling, dejuelhos. f aft ing, emjejum. bar ef cot, apedefcalfo. fecretly, em fegredo. on purpofe, de propofito. 70 Grammatlca Lufaano-Anglica. often, frequentemente. coldy, friamente. twice, duas vezes. foftfy> fuavc, branda- fometimes, alguas vezes. mente. Hd de Qualidade. wifely, fabiamente. virtuoujly, virtuozamen- te prudently, prudentemen- te. hap j y, felifmente. boldly, atrevidamente. wickedly, malvadamente. pajjionately, apayxoada- mente. hotly^ quentemente. rudely, rudamente. neatly, pura, propria, limpa mente. infolently, infolentemen- te readily, promptamente. infajhion, a moda. openly, abertamente. ftanding, de pe. backwards, para traz. heartily, delora9ao. in earneft, feriamente. rajhly, iradamente. at random, inconfidera- mente. te te. reafonably, razoadamen- te, erazoavelmente. te. by overjight, por negli- gencia. en a fudden, repentina- mente dejpsrately, dczefperada- mente. in j eft, dezombaria. in pudding-time, oportu- namente. en horfeback, acavalo. in a boat, em barco. by fea, por mar. confufedly, confuzamente. a/under, feparadamente. by ftealth, afurtadelas. in hafte, aprefiadamente. fecurely, feguramente. conveniently, conveniente- mente. a- foot, a pe. in a Coach, em Coche. by Water, por Agua. by Grammatlca Ltufitano-Anglica. 71 by Land, por Terra. jointly, juntamente. by turns, por tornos. Ha de Afirmaqao. yes, fim. /'/ is true, heverdade. infallibly, infalivelmente. truly, verdadeyramente. ajjuredly, feguramente. undoubtedly, induvitavel- mente ou fern duvida. in truth, em verdade. Ha de Contradi^ao. no, nao. not at all, totalme-nte nada. nor, nem. none, nada. by no means, de nenhua maneyra. neither, nem. Hd de Ordem. firft, primeyramente. thirdly, terceyramente. at firft, pnmeiramente. after, defpois. in a Croud, em Caterva. fecondly, legundariainen- te. next, defpois. afore, antecedentemente. together, juntamente. Ha de Concluzao. in fine, final mente. fo that, com tanto que. at loft, ultimamente. Das Conjunfois. A conjunfao he hua Parte da ora9ao, que fer- ve para ajuntar as mais Partes. Hd Adverfativas . but, mas. though, aindaque. notwithftanding, nao ob- ftante. never thelefs, nao obftan- te. however, nao obflante. yet* com tudo, ainda. Ha condudentes. in fim, em fim. fo that, de forte, fe bem que. to make an end, por aca- bar. Hd Copulativas. and, e. both, affim. alfo, tambem. both good, and bad, affim bom, como mao. F 4 Outras 7 2 Gratnmatica Lufitano-Anglica. Outras Dijjuntivas. or, ou. or elfe, alias. neither, nem. either ', ou. nem. Outras Conditionals. if, Penna, a Tnfteza. /Af/ ^ ^ yay ^ #// , ^/jp, ajuda, ajuda. i or> fire, fire, fogo, fogo. _ . ^r00Mfl0. Quando vas tu ? Eu vou a Semana que Vem. Next Monday is a Ho- A Semana que vem he dia Santo. ly-day. O exemplo efla nafterceyras peflbas, is, do Ver- bo, am, e em, I go, prezentes do Indicative, que eftaoem lugar dzjhall be, e /hall go, futures. Tambem fe uza do tempo prezente do Verbo, / am, com o Participio do prezente do Verbo que fe neceflita para expreffar o prezente do ditto Ver- bo, Ex. / am going to Church. Eu vou a* Igreja. He is going for France. What is he doing ? He is writing. He is reading. What is Jhe doing ? She is drejjivg her Head. Elle vay para Franca. Que fas elle ? Elle efcreve. Elle le. Que fas ella ? Ella compoem fua Cabe^a. O Exemplo efta em, am, e, /V, com os Participios do prezente, going, doing^ writing, reading, e dref- f.vg, dos Verbos neceffanos, em lugar dos prezen- tes, goeth ougoes, doeth ou does, &c. Mas advirtafle, que he neceflario, que o Verbo feja de movimento, eque accao tenha dura^ao , por que nao fera bem ditto, he is feeing, elle ve. Tambem fe uza do prezente com o Signal, did, ou do preterite perfeyto, para exprimir o preterito imperftyto, Ex. Alex- Grammattca Lufitano-Anglica. 77 Alexander did take,ou Alexandre tomava agrado took great Pleafure in drinking. He did take, ou took fuch Pleafure in drink- ing, that Drunkennefs was reckoned amongft his Crimes. The Pagans did wor- ), ou worjhipped the falfe Gods. grande na be- bida. Elle tomava tal prazer em abebida, que a em- briagues foy contada en- tre feus Crimes. Os Paganos adoravao os falfos Deuzes. O excmplo efta em, did take, ou took, e em did worjhip ou worjhipfed, uzados em lugar do imper- feyto. O Preterite imperfeyto nos Verbos de Movi- mento, fe expreflao pello imperfeyto do Verbo, am, com o participio do prezente do ditto Verbo dc Movimento, Ex. Wbitbcr were you go- ing Tefterday when Imet yon? I was going to the Ex- change. What was he doing ? He was writing. Aonde hias tu hontem quando eu te encontrey ? Eu hia a Que fazia elle ? Elle efcrevia. O excmplo efta em, were, com o participio go- ing, e em, was going, was doing, was writing ; expreffando com elles o preterito imperfeyto dos Verbos de movimento, go, do, e write. Alguas Vezes o preterito imperfeyto toma efte fignal, would, Ex. He would take all the Men that came into the Wood. Elle tomava todos os Homens que Vierao ao bofque. Hi 7 8 Grammatica Lufitano- Anglic a. He would lay an Am- Elle fazia hua embof- bujh to jlay them. cada para matalos. As foon as they had Tanto que elles tinhao done they would run feyto fugiao. away. He would throw Mo- Elle lancava dinheyro ney into the Streets ! pellas ruas ! O exemplo efta em take, lay, run, e throw, to- dos expreffando o preterite imperfeyto com ofignal, would. O Preterito perfeyto fimples fe exprimc pello participio do preterito ajuntandolhe as peflbas, Ex. / loved, eu amey ; / killed, eu matey, o Exemplo efta em, loved, e killed. Que com o Pronome, /, fe exprime a primeyra peffoa do preterito. dos Ver- bos love, e kill. O Preterite perfeyto Compofto fe exprime com o prezente do Verbo have, e o participio do pre- terito do Verbo, que fequer uzar, Ex. / have been there fe- Eu eftive la diverfas utral 'Times. Vezes. He hath carried your Elle levou a Voffa ou Letter to the Poft-Houfe. tua Carta ao Correyo. We have drank toge- Nostemosbebidojun- ther a great many 'Times, tos muytas Vezes. Exemplo efta em, have been, hath carried, have drank, que com feus pronomes, /, he, we, eftao, ExprefTindo o preterito perfeyto compofto. Notefe que quando fefas Menffao de hum certo tempo he melhor fervbftf'do preterito imperfeyto, que do perfeyto, Ex. 1 was there the laft Eu eftive la a fomana Week . paffada. He Grammatica Lufaano-Anglica. 79 He carried your Let- Elle levou atua, ou ter to the Poft-Houft the Vofia Carta aoCorreyo a- laft Night. noite paflkda. O exemplo efta em was, e carried, preterites imperfeytos, exprefiando por elles o preterito per- feyto, pella certeza do tempo da fomana, e noite paffada. Preterito plufquam perfeyto fe exprime com o preterito imperfeyto do Verbo, have* e o parti - cipio do preterito do Verbo, que fe quer uzar ; como feduTe na formacao dos tempos, Ex. As they had agreed. Como elles tinhao a- cordado. / brought home all the Eu trouxe acaza todo Money that I had owing, odinheyro, que eu tinha Gainhado. 1 gave to him a Shil- Eu Ihedey hum Shil- ling that I had found. lim, que eu tinhaachado. O exemplo efta em, had agreed, had owing, had found, explicando o plufquam perfeyto dos Verbos de cada fentenfa, com os feus participios, e o im- perfeyto, had, do Verbo, have. O uzo do future com o Signals /hall ou will, o do Imperativo com o fignal, let, c o do optativo, e Conjunctive com os feus Signais, a qualquer Capacidade fica facil obfervando as Conjugafois. T)o uzo do Infinito. Serveffe do infmito depois de outro Verbo, quando os dois Verbos pertencem amefma pef- foa, Ex. / dejire to learn Ma- Eu dezejo aprendar tkematicks. Mathematica. mn 80 Grammatlca Lufitanc- Anglic a. Will you learn to write? Queres aprender a ef- crever ? exemplo efta em, to learn, e to write, que eftao no infinite por Cauzados Verbos defire, &c. Do uzo do Supino. ServefTe tambem depois de outro Verbo, Ex. / bave fome thing to Eu ten ho algua Cou- do. za para fazer. He batb Letters to Elle tern Cartas para write. efcrever. 1 have a great mind Eu tenho grande Von- to go to Paris. tade de hir a Paris. O exemplo efta em, to do, to write, poftos no Supino depois do Verbo, have. O Gerundio em, di 9 pende de Subftantivos, e de Adjedbivos, Ex. Time of learning. Tempo de aprender. Arts of learning. Arte de aprender. Defirous of having. De zejozo de ter. Gerundio em, do, depende de propczifao, Ex. Hefpendetb bis Time in Elle gafla feu Tempo gaming and drinking. em jugar e beber. He taketb great Df- Elle tern grande de ligbt infijhing. leia^ao em pefcar. He fpends whole Days Elle gafta dias emtey- in reading. ros em ler. O Exemplo efta em, gaming, fijbing, reading Gerundios com adependencia da prepozifao, in. Notefe que o fazer men^ao de gerundio em, di 9 e em do, he refpeitando a terminajao Latina ; por- quc Grammatica Liifitano-AngUca. gj que no Ingles tern eftes Gerundios aterminacao em ing, como fe ve nos Exemplos. Tambem ferve para Dativo, com os Adjectivos que Significao aptidao, e utilidade, Ex. Paper ufefulfor writing. Papel util para efcrever. Captain idoneous for Capitao Capas para wr. guerra. O exemplo efta em, for writing, e for war, poftos em Dativo aos Adjeftivos, ufeful, e idd~ neous. "Da fegunda Concordancia. Os Adjedivos ou fejao Nomes, ou pronomes, ou Participios Concordao com feus Subftantivos, em Genero Numero, e Cazo, antecedendo adittos Sub- ftantivos ; advertindo que no Ingles nao tern adifi- culdade, e trabalho como no Latim, para aconcor- dancia neftes accidentes, por Servir o Adjeclivo (na Lingua Ingkza] fern mudanfa determinacois para todo o Numero, e Genero. E para faberfe com clareza qualhe o Subftantivo; quando na o rafao fe encontra hum Adje&ivo; fe fara a pregunta, who, quern, ou what, que couza, he aquillo que o Adjective fignifica j v. g. branco, ne- gro, ou outra qualquer qualidade, on accidence ; e a palavra, que refponder a efta pregunta, efla he o Subftantivo, com quern hade Concordar o Adjet- tivo, Ex. AbeautifulWoman'pleafes. A Mulher fermozaagrada. The weary Traveller Jits O Caminhante canfiando ftill. fe a fenta quieto. The filthy Swine are al- Os porcos Sujos fempre ways grunting. efta5 grunhindo. My -pale Cheeks fuddenty Minha Face amarela de- grew red. repentefefesvermelha. Unjuft Gains are ejleemed. Lucres injuftos fao efti- m.idos. G O 82 Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. O Exemplo efta em, ' Woman, Traveller, Swine, Cheeks, Gains, que fa5 os Subftantivos com quern concordao os Adjectives, beautiful, weary, filthy, my, injujt. Da terceyra Concordancia do Relativo com o antece- dente. Quando fe acha hum relative, fe deve tambem fazer a pregunta, who, quern ? ou what ? que Couza ? he aquillo, que o Verbo, ou Adjedlivo que efta defpois do relative, fignifica ? e apalavra, que refponde a efta pregunta, effa he o antecedents, com quern hade concordar o relative, em Genero, Numero, e peflba, Ex. 'The Man who is wife. O Homen, que he fabio. The Woman who fpeaketh O Mulher, qua falla pou- few Words. cas Palavras. Nao concord a em Cazo , porque deve eftar no Cazo, que o Verbo, ou Adjective, feguinte reger, ou outra qualquer diccao, Ex. The Letters, which you As Cartas, que tu man- fent, p!eafed. dafte agradarao. He came in that Place in Elle veyo a quelle lugar which. em o qual. O Exemplo efta em os dois relatives, which, eftando hum em Acuzativo do ITerbo, fent -, e o outro em Ablativo da Prepozifao, in. Da quarta Concordancia da pregunta com a re- pofta. A pregunta concorda com a repofta , ifto he que pello inelmo cazo que fe fas a pregunta ; pello mefmo cazo fe da a repofta, Ex. Who bought this ? I. Quern comprou ifto ? eu. Of whom is this, of John De quem he ifto ? de ou John'j ? Joao ? What Grammatica LuJitano-Anglica. 83 What did you buy ? that Que comprafte iflb ou aquillo ? Vo ' whom did you give ? A quern o defte ? a elle. to him. By whom was it bought ? Por quern foy compra- by him. do ? por elle. O Exemplo efta na pregunta, who, que eftando em Nominativo, com ella concorda a repofta, 1 ; e o mefmo nas mais, of whom, to whom, what, by whom, em os quais fazendofe a pregunta pellos, Genito, Accufativo, Dativo, e Ablative ; concordao com elles nos mefmos Cazos as repoftas. Do Regimen, Governo, c Dependencia, que hua dic^ao, ou palavra tern da outra. Em toda Oracao, ou Sentenca deve de haver Nominativo, e Verbo, e todo o Verbo peflbal do Modo finito Pede antes de fi Nominativo, claro, ou efcondido : vejafie o que fe difle atras na pri- meyra Concordancia do Verbo com o Nominativo. Os Verbos, que fignififao o eftado, condi^ao ha- bito, geftos, coftume, ou conftituifao de algua pef- foa, ou coza regem antes e depois de fi Nominativo, Ex. Heftandsftreight. Elle efta direito. He is gone to Bed fupper- Elle foy para acama fern lefs. cea. O Exemplo efta em, ftreight, e gone, Nomina- tives depois dos Verbos, ftands, e is, concordando com os Nominatives antedentes, he, he. Os Verbos pafllvos ; de eftimar, conhecer, no- mear, chamar regem antes, e defpois de fi Nomina- tivo, Ez. Thy Brother is accounted Ten Irmao he eftima- a learned Man. do, por hum Homen fabio. G 2 84 Grammatlca Lufitano-Anglica. Thou baft been found often Tu tens fido achado falfe. muytas vezes falfo. The King is called Father O Rey he chamado Pay of the Country. da Patria. My Brother is named Meu Irmao fe chama John. Joao. O Exemplo efta em thy Brother, thou, the King 9 my Brother, Nominatives antecedentes aos Verbos, to account, to find, to call, to name, poftos na pafli- va tendo depois de fi os Nominatives, learned Man -, falfe, Father, John. Do Regimen do Genitivo. Dois Subflantivos juntos pertencentes a Couzas diverfas, o fegundo vay a Genitivo com o fignal, of, que correfpoude a, dos, das, da, de, da Lingua Por- tugueza, Ex. The Sight of a fair Pic- A Vifta de hua boa Pin- ture delights the Eyes. tura de Leyta a Vifta. The Beauty of a handfome A Belleza da Mulher Woman is fkafant. fermoza he agradavel. O Signal, of, que fignifica, do, da, de, dos, das, f'm Porcugues -, pofto depois dos Adjectives, que fignififao dezejo, fabedoria, lembran^a, Ignorancia, efquecimento, cuydado, modo, culpa, ou outra qualquer paixao do Animo, he fignal do Genitivo, que regem dittos Adjeflivos, Ex. Thcfe Men that are de- Aquelles Homens, que Jirous of Honour, ought lao dezejozos de Hon- to beftudious of Learn- ra, devem fer dezejo- ing and good Manners. zos de aprender, e de.. bons Cofcumes. Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. 85 He, who is always mind- ful of the Mafter's Commands i is not fear- ful of Punijbment. Thou art ignorant of na- tural Things, rude of Letters, and uncertain of the Path of Virtue. Thou and I are both ac- cufed of the fame Crime. 'The richeft Man, carelefs of his Affairs, is redu- ced to Poverty -, but a poor Man, careful of his, obtaineth Riches. Aquelle que efta cuyda- dozo das ordens do meftre, nao efta me- drozo do Caftigo. Tu eftas ignorante das Couzas naturais, rudo de Letras, e incerto do Atalho da VirtudeJ Tu e eu fomos ambos accuzados do mefmo Crime. O mais rico Homen, defcuydado de feus Negoc.ios, he reduzido a Pobreza , porem o- pobre cuydadozo dos feus, alcanca riquezas. O Exemplo efta em, of Honour, of Learning, of good Manners, of the Mafter* s Commands, of 'Cunijh- went, of natural Things, of Letters, of the Path, of the fame Crime, of his Affairs, of his ; os quais ef- tao em, Genitivo dos Adjeftivos, defirous, fiu- dious, mindful, fearful, ignorant, rude, uncertain, accufed, carelefs, careful. Os Nomes Partativos, os Adje&ivos partativa- mente poftos, os Interrogativos, e os Numerals re- gem Genitivo, Ex. Thou haft chofen two Companions, of which one is a Fool, the other idle. It is _ a difficult Thing, which of the two Par- ties IJhall take. Tu tens Efcolhido dois companheyros, dois quais hum he tonto^ o outro preguifozo. He difficukozi Couza, qual das duas Partes tomarey. Romulus 86 Grammatica Romulus, who built the famous City of Rome, was the fir ft of all the Roman Kings. None of the Heathenijh Gods delivered bisWor- Jhipper. Which is my Book ? nei- ther of thefe. Romulo, que edificou a famoza Cidade de Ro- wa, foy o primeiro de todos os Reys Ro- vnanos. Nenhum dos Deuzes gentilicos livrou feu Adorador. Qual he men Livro ? nenhum deftes. O Exemplo efta em, of which, of two, of all the Roman Kings , of the Heathenijh Gods, neither of thefe, que eftao em Genitive do Numeral, one, dof- puitativos, wh ether ifirft, none, neither. Os Verbos de a Cuzar, condemnar, abfolver, e admoeftar Regem Genitivo da Couza do que fe a Cuza condemna abfolve, admoefta, e Acuzativo da peffoa como fevera adiante em feu proprio lu- gar, Ex. He accufetb another Man of Dijhonefty. He condemns his Son in Law of Wickednefs. We admoni/h the Gram- marians of their Duty. lie is acquitted of Theft: Elle acuza outro Ho- men de dezoneftidade. Elle condemna feu Gen- ro da Maldade. Nos admoeftamos os Grammaticos da fua Obrigafao. Elle he abfolvido do Furto. O Exemplo efta em, of Dijhonefly y of Wickednefs, of their Duty, of Theft, os quais eftao em Geni- tivo dos Verbos, accufed, condemns , admonijb, acquit. Os Adjeftivos de Alegria Regem Genitivo, Ex. He is glad of the Honour. Elle efta alegre da Honra. Os Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. 87 i Os Verbos de enquirir, ouvir Regem Genitivo da peffoa de quern fe enquire, ou ouve j e Acuza- tivo da Couza como fevera adiante, Ex. He faith, be came to in- Elle dis, que veyo a in- quire of him. quirir delle. Perhaps you had heard Acazo tu tinhas ouvido of fame Body. de alguem. As Particulas, 0/, from, without^ quando eftao antes de algum Verbo, Regem Gerundio ou Parti- cipio do prezente, Ex. I come from drinking. Eu venho de beber. / am never weary of Eu nunca eftou can^ado reading. de ler. Can you not fpeak with- Nao podes fallar fern rir? out laughing ? Nao podem os H omens Cannot Men be merry eftar alegres fern con- ivithout quarrelling ? tender ? Os Verbos de receber Regem Genitivo da peffoa de quem fe recebe, o Acuzativo da Couza, que fe recebe, Ex. J receive my Money of Eu . recebi o men di- Peter. nheyro de Pedro. Do Regimen do Dativo. A perda ou Proveyto fe poem em Dativo ideft, a peffoa a quem fed a a perda, ou o Proveyto fe poem em Dativo, Ex. Corn grows for Man. O Trigo crefce para a Homen. Hay is mowed for Horfes, O Feno he fegado para and Cows. Cavalos, e Vacas. G 4 Os 88 Grammatica Lufitano-AngUca. Os Adje&ivos que fignififao Utilidade, ou ap- tidao regem Dativo da Couza para que he util, ou apto, Ex. Paper ufeful for wri- Papel util para efcrever. Captain idoneous to War. Capitao apto para a Guerra. Os Verbos, que fignifif ao, to promife, prometer, to pay, pagar, to give, dar, to fell, vender, to fend, emviar, to offer, offereffer, to bring, trazer, to buy, comprar, to lend, empreflar, to provide, prover, to tell, dizer, regem Dativo da peffoa aquem fe pro- mete, &c. e Acufativo a Couza que fe promete, Ex. Meu Pay me prometeu grandes Premios. O Devedor paga ao a Credor grande foma de dinheiro. O mofib de meu Pay me Troxe pao Equeijo, Meu irmao Pequeno me mandou eftas Luvas. Meu bom tio me darl muytos Livros efcol- hidos. Emprefta tuas Botas ao MofTo de meu Pay. My Father promifed great Rewards to me. tfhe Debtor pays to the Creditor great Sums of Money. My Father's Man brought me Bread and Cbeefe. My little Brother fent me 'theft Gloves. My good Uncle will give me many choice Books. your Boots to the Servant of my Father^ or my Father's Servant. V/hen they offered Caefar a Crown and Sceptre he refufed them. Thou haft told thy Father many Lyes. O Exemplo efta em, to r,is, to the Creditor, me, mf) me, to the Servant, gsefiir, thy Father, que t:f- O Quando orTereflferao a Cafar a Coroa, e Cep- tro, elle os refuzou. Tu cicefte a teu Pay muitas Mentiras. Grammatica Lufitano- Anglic a. 89 tao cm Dativo dos Verbos, promife, pays, brought, fent, give, lend, offered, told, Os Verbos de perfuadir regem Dativo da Couza 5 que fe perfuade, e Acuzativo da peflba aquem fe perfuade, Ex. He perfuades me to that. Elle me perfuade aiflb. O Signal, to, que em Portugues figninca, aos, a as, a, para, he de Dativo efpecialmente fe fe enli- nua algua acquizicao, Ex. To give way to the 'Time. Dar Tempo ao Tempo. Antes de palavras Tempo de Movimento infinua- dativo, Ex. He lifteth tip bis Hands Elle levanta fuas maos to Heaven. ao Ceo. He came to Genoa. Elle veyo a Genova, Depois de hua palavra antes dos Adjectives, que fignififao, para, promptidao, capacidade, ou incli- na^ao infinua dativo, Ex. A ready way to Honour. Prompto caminho para Honra. Depois de hua palavra fignificante, in Comparifon of, em comparafao de, infinua dativo, Ex. Nothing to Perfeus, nada a Ptrfeu -, i. e. in Com- parifin of Perfeus, em comparajao de Perfeu. Depois de hua palavra a que fe fegue, according, conforme, infinua dativo, Ex. He /peaks all according Elle falla tudo conforme to his Will. 5 fiKi Vontade. I judge according to tyy Eu julgo conforme a own Senfe. meu proprio Juizo. Deante 90 Grammatlca LuJitano-AngUca. Deante dapeffoa, to whom, aquem, ou before whom, diante quern, alguem fe queixa, acuza, condemna, ou falla, infmuadativo, Ex. He complains to me ly Elle fequeixa a mim por Letter. Carta. He made Oration to the Elle fes hua Pra&ica ao People. Bovo. Depois de hua palavra, que tras exprefiao de Cor- tezia, Court efy, ou Favor, Kindnefs, infmua dativo, Ex. Tour Kindnefs to me have VofTo Favor para com- leen very manifeft, and migo tem fido muyto very great. manifefto,emuygra'n- de, De dilaffao, ou prorogate, a the tal Tempo, fe poem em Dativo, Ex. *Tbe Soldier's Hope is A Efperan^a dos Solda- put off to another Day. dos efta prorogada ou- tro Dia. Do Acuzativo. O Verbo Adivo rege Acuzativo, Ex. We mujl Icve God. Nos devemos amar a Deus. Os Verbos de acuzar, condemnar, abfolver, e ad- moeftar regem acuzai.iv:o da peflfoa, que fe condem- na, acuza, &c . como ja fe rcferio atras. Os Verbos de inquirir, ouvir, e receber regem acuzativo da Couza, que fe inquire, ouve, ou rece- be, como atras fe fes mencao. Os Verbos de prometer, pagar, dar, vender, em- viar, orFerefier, trazer, comprar, empreftar, prover, dizer, regem Acuzativo da Couza, que fe promete, paga, &c. como ja fediffe atras. Os Verbes de periuddir^regem Accuzativo da pefiba a quern fe perfuade. Do Grammatha Lufitano-Anglica. 91 Do Regimen do Ablativo. O Inftrumento, Cauza, ou maneyra, com que al- gua Couza he feyta fe poem em Ablative, Ex. The Mind is diftrafted O Animo he diftrahido com cuydados, e te- tnores. O Corpo efta quebrado com Trabalhos. Os Soldados vencem Of- perigos com a Au- dacia. Lions tear Beafls by Leois defpeda^ao Feras Strength. com Forca. Nature is folijhed by A Natureza he pulida com a Erudifao e Arte. A Arte he aperfei^oada com a Praftica. with Cares and Fears. The Body is broken with Troubles. Soldiers overcome Dangers witb daring. Learning and Art. Art is ferfefted by Prac- tice. / firuck my Brother, with my Fiji and a Stone. Eu feri men Irmao com meu Punho, e hua Pedra. Do Ablativo abfoluto. Hum Nome nao tendo palavra por quern pofTa fer governado, fe poem em Ablativo abfoluto, e em Ingles fe conhefle efte por trazer antes do Ver- bo os Signals, having, being, after, when, ou outros femelhantes, e nefle Cazo o Verbo fe exprime pello Participio do preterito ou do prezente, Ex. Having thus encouraged Animados afim feos Sol- his Soldiers. dados. Ptolomy being dead. Morto Potohmeu. Antiochus being cut off, Vencido Aniioco, e todo and all his Army. feu exercito. Clw-. 92 Grammatlca Lufitano-Anglica. Cleopatra, bis Mother- in-law, -promifing him the Kingdom of Egypt. When Demetrius knew ibis. Prometendo a elle Cleo- patra fua Madrafta o Reino de Egypto. CohefTendo Demefrio ifto. Do Uzo dos Artigos. Na Lingua Ingleza fe uza dos Artigos como na Portugueza, Ex. "o The Body and the Soul. *the Head is the bigheft. The Stomach received Viftuals. The Heart dieth loft. The Sight is a fine thing. O Corpo, e a Alma. A Cabea, he o mais alto o eilomago recebe as Comidas. O Cora^ao morrc ultimo. A Vifh he xuia Bella Couza. Falando perem de Virtudes, Paixoes, Vicios, Ar- tes, e Sciencias, na5 fe Uza de Artigo, Ex. Men muft refpeft Wifdom above Strength. Fools defyife Wifdom. Virtue cannot agree with Vice. Jujiice is without Inte- rejl. Chaftity, Modejiy^ and Humility^ are lovely Virtues. Prudence is the Rule of all Virtues. Pride is the Sin of the Os Horn ens devem ref- peitar o Juizo mais que a For? a. Os Locos defprezao o Juizo. AVirtudenao pode concordar com o Vicio. A Juft'^a he fern inte- refie. A Caftidade, a Modeftia, e a Humildade, fao a maveis Virtudes. A Prudencia he Aregra, de todas as Virtudes. A Soberba he opecado do Diabo. Difcords are the Ruin sf As Difcordias fao Rui- States. nas dos Eftados. Drunken- Grammatica Litfitano-Anglica. 93 Drunkennejs is abomina- ble. Anger doth breathe but Arms and Blood. Pbilofopby is Mijlrefs of Wifdom. Mufick is fleafant to the Ear. Writing knoweth nothing, and t cache th all Things. A Bebedice he abomi- vel. A Ira refpira fo Armas, e Sangue. A Philozophia he Mef- tra do Juizo. A muzica he agradavel ao ouvido. A Efcritura fabe nada, e enfina todas as Cou- zas. A Arifmetica he Scien- cia de Numeros. Arithmetick is the Science of Numbers. Falando de Subftancias em geral, principal mente da quellas, que nao fe contao, nao fe uza de Arti- go, Ex. . Bread is the Staff of Life. O Pao he bordao da Vida. If Salt lofe its Savour. Se o Sal perde feu Sa- / love Milk, Buffer, and Cheefe. bor. Eu amo Leito, Mantel' ga, e queijo. Beef is the Partridge of A Vaca he aperdis de Inglaterra. O Carneiro he mais doce que o toucinho. A comida AfTada he melhor, que cozida. O Vinho alera o Cora- England. Mutton is fweeter than Bacon. Roaft Meat is better than boiled Meat. Wine doth rejoice the Heart. Beer and Ale are good A Cerveja, e Ela juntas, together. fao boas. Gold and Silver do all O Ouro, e Aprata fazem Things. todas as Couzas. Wheat, Rye, and Barley O Trigo, Senteyo, e fe- make Bread. Grafs and Hay is Food of Cattle. vadas fazem Pao. the Aerva, eo Feno fao o Alimento do Gado. Parjley, 94 Grammatlca LufaanQ-Anglica. ParJIy, and Sorrel are good in Broth. Garlick ftinks. Muftard is good with fait Beef . After Dinner Muftard. Sugar is fweet, lut Pep- per, Ginger, Nutmeg^ and Mace are not. O Apio, e as Azedas fao bons no Caldo. O Alho fede. A Moftarda he boa com Vaca falgada. Depois de Gentar Mof- tarda. O a Sucar he doce ; mas a Pimenta, Gingivre nos Nofcada, e Flor de nos Nofcada nao o fao. Todos 6s Subftantivos, que fe podcm contar re- cebem artigo no fmgular, mas nao no Plurar, Ex. I have a Friend. I have Friends. I have a good Book. I have good Books. I have bought a Knife. I have bought Knives. Eu tenho hum Amigo. Eu tenho Amigos. Eu tenho hum bom Livro. Eu tenho bons Livros. Eu comprey hua Faca. Eu comprey Facas. Notefe, que eftas Regras fo tern Lugar quando fe fala de Entidades, e Subftancias, em fua Generali- dade ; porem quando a Generalidade fe reduz a Couza particular, em tao feuz^ de Artigo, Ex. O Amor de Deus. O Juizo dos Homens he Louquice. Eu te dou as Grafas pello Vinho, que me mandafte. Eu difpendi todo o Ou- ro, e Prata, que rece- bi Hontem. Love of God. Wifdom of Men is Folly. I thank you for the Wine, that you fent me. I have fpent all the Gold and Silver, that I re- ceived Tefterday. Grammatica Lufaano-Anglica. 95 The Mutton that we did eat the other Day, was very fweet. The Beer that I drank loft Night was good. The Books, that, Ibought^ are good. O Carneiro, que nos co- memos o outro Dia, era muyto doce. A Cerveja que eu bebi a Noyte paffada era boa. Os Livros, que comprey fao bons. Falando de Couzas differentes nao fe repete o Artigo, Ex. . The Kings and Princes. The Eyes and Ears. 'The Arms and Legs. The Father , Mother and Children. The Brother and Sifter. The Butter and Cheefe. The Light and Darknefs. Os Keys, e Principes. Os Olhos, e Orelhas. Os Brazos, e Pernas. O Pay, May, e Crian- as. O Irmao, e Irmaa. A Manteiga, e Queijo.' A Lus, e Efcuridade. Quando fe fala das Partes do Corpo, em Lugar do Artigo, fe Uza dos Pronomes pofleflivos, Ex. My Head aches. My Eyes are fore. My Leg is broken. I have burnt my Leg. Is your Belly full ? I will break your Neck. He hath loft his Sight. Wajh your Hands. Medoe aeabe? a. Meus olhos eftao chaga- dos. Minha Perna efta que- brada. Queimey a Perna. Efta Chea tua barriga ? Te quebrarey Opefco? o. Elle perdeu fua Vifta. Lava tuas Maos. O Genitivo de perten^ao ou poffeffao, eomo cha- mao os Lanitos, tern Lugar quando fe fala deduas peflbas 96 Grammatica Lufitano-Anglicci. pefibas, ou Couzas pertehcentes hua a outra eo tal Genitivo fe antepoem fern Artigo, a juntandolhe hum, s, e interpondo hum Apoftrofe na Forma- abaixo. King's Son. O Filho do Rey. The Queen's Coach. O Coche da Rainha. The Brother's Wife. A Mulher do Irmao. My Father's Houfe. A Caza de meu Pay. My Sifter's Gloves. As Luvas de minha Ir- maa. My Coufm's Book. O Livro de meu Primo. My Uncle's Son. O Filho de meu Tio. " Porem quando dois Subftantivos vem juntos, c pertencem a Couzas diverfas, o fegundo vay a Geni- tivo com o Artigo, of, Signal do Genitivo, como fe difle no Regimen do Genitivo. Quando fe fala de Materia de que algua Couza he feyta, a Materia fe poem em Genitivo, antece- dendo o tal Genitivo a o Nominativo fern Artigo, Ex. A brick Houfe. Hua Caza depedra. A filler Dijh. Hum prato de Prata. A fcarlct Cloak. Huma Capa de efcar- late. Afilk Stocking. Hua meya de Seda. A wooden Box. ' Hua caixa de Pao. A born Comb. Hum pente de Corno. Brafs Money. Dinheiro de Cobre. A Holland Shirt. Hua Camiza de Olanda. Quando fe fala, de Couzas que fe pezao, contao, ou medem, a Couza contada, pezada, ou medida fe poem em Genitivo, pofpofto o tai Genitivo com o Artigo, of, Ex. A Glafs of Wine. Hum Vazo de Vinho. A Barrel of Beer. Hum Barril de Cerveja, .i Grammatica Liifitano-dnglica. 07 A Dijb of Meat. Hum Prato de Carne. A Dozen of Lemons. Hua Duzia de Limocs. A Score of Oranges. Hua Vintena de Laran- jas. A Pint of Wine. Hua Pinta de Vinho. A Bujhel of Wheat. Hum a Fanega de Trigo. An Ell of Cloth. Hua Vara de Pano. A Pound of Butter. Hum Arratel de iVTan- teiga. A Yard of Ribbon. Hua Jarda de Fita. Quando fe fala de Muzica, ou Inftrumentos, fe Uza do Verbo, to play, com o Artigo, the, acom- panhado das Prepozijoes, 0#, ou, upon, Ex. To play upon the Fiddle. ranger Rabeca. To play upon the Lute. ranger a Laude. To play upon the Guitar, ranger Viola. To play upon the Virginal, ranger Cravo. Falando de Jogos de Gainhar, ou perder, fe Uza do mefmo Verbo, to play, com a Prepozicao, at, Ex. To play at Piquet. jugar os Piques. To play at Cards. jugar as Carcas. To play at Pins. jugar aos Paos. To play at Tennis. jugar a Pella. To play at Dice. jugar os Dados. Da pregunta, where, aonde ? Quando a pregunta, ou queftao fe fas por, where, fem haver Movimento, a Lingua Ingleza, fe ferve nos Nomes proprios de Villas, Barrios, Aldeas da Propozifao, at, que fignifica, em, na Porcugueza, Ex. The King of England, is O Rey de Inglaterra, ef- at London, at Wind- ta em Londres, em for, at New- Marker. Uinfar y no Mercado Nevo. H Tarn- 98 Grammdtica Lufttano- Anglic a. Tambem fe uza de, at, com a palavra, Home, porem fallandofe de Provincias ou Reynos, fe lerve da Propizifao, /, Ex. 'The King is in England, El Rey efta em Ingla- in Holland, in Picar- terra, em Olanda, dy, in the Country. em Picardia, em o Carri'po. Da pregunta, whither, para onde ? Quando ha Movimento nos Nomes proprios de Villas, cidades, e Barrios fe Uza de, to, Ex. I go to London. Eu vou a Londres, I go to Verfailles. Eu vou a Varfelles. Tambem fe uza de, to, nos Nomes de Reinos, Provincias, havendo Movimento, Ex. I will go to England. Eu hirey a Inglaterra. I am going to Holland. Eu vou a Olanda. Com a palavra, Home, fe fuprime o to, Ex. He goes Home. Elle vay a Caza. Da Pregunta, from whence ? de donde ? Quando a pregunta fe fas, from whence ? A Lin- gua Ingleza uza de, from, que fignifica, de, na Por- tugueza , em todos os Nomes, fem excep^ao de Reynos, nem Provincias fendo proprios, Ex. From whence come you ? De donde vens ? / come from England, Eu venho de Inglaterra^ from London, from de Londres, de Var- Verfailles. felles. Mas em os outros Nomes que nao fao proprios, fe'uza defrom, com, the, Ex. / come from the Market. Eu venho do Mercado. / come from the Church. Eu venho da Igreja, T come from the Country. Eu venho do Campo. Da Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. 99 Da pregunta, by which way ? porque Parfe ? Em todos os Nomes proprios, uza de, by^ Ex. / will go by France, by Eu hirey por Franca por Paris, by Verfailles. Pariz, por Varfelles. Em todos outros Nomcs, fe ajunta o Artigo, tbe, Ex. I faffed, by the Window. Eu pafley pella Janella/ / paffed by the Door. Eu pafley pella Porta. / faffed by the Majler's Eu pafley pello Campo Country. do' amo. Do Uzo de hum Verbo peflbal em todas as ac- is -, Affirmativas, Interrogativas, e Negativas. Prezent. I do fee. eu vejo. / do not fee. nao vejo. Do I fee ? vejo eu ? Do I not fee ? nao vejo eu ? He doth fee. elle ve. He doth not fee. elle nao ve. Doth be fee ? ve elle ? Dotb be not fee ? nao ve' elle ? We do fee. nos vemos. We do not fee. nos nao vemos. Do we fee ? vemos nos ? Do tve not fee ? nao vemos nos ? Tou do fee. vos vedes. Tou do not fee. vos nao vedes. , Do you fee ? vedes vos. Do you not fee ? nao vedes vos ? 'They do fee. elles veem. 'They do not fee. elles nao veem. Do they fee ? veem elles ? J)o they not fee. ? nao veem elles ? H 2 Imperf* loo Grammatica Lufitano- Anglic a. I did fee. I did not fee. Did I fee? Did I not fee? I have feen. I have not feen. Have I feen ? Have I not feen ? Tou have done. You have not done. Have you done ? Have you not done ? I had Love. I had not Loved. Had I Loved ? Had I not Loved ? I will do. I will not do. Shall I do? Shall I not do? Let him do. Let him not do. Let us go. Let us not go. Speak. Do not fpeak, &c. Imperf. en via. eu nao via. via eu ? nao via eu ? Perf. eu tenho vifto. eu nao tenho vifto. tenho eu vifto ? nao tenho eu vifto, vos tendes feito. vos nao tendes feito. tendes vos feito ? nao tendes feito ? Plufq. eu tinha Amado. eu nao tinha Amado. tinha eu Amado ? nao tinha eu Amado ? Futuro. eu farey. eu nao farey. farey eu ? nao farey eu ? Imperf. fa:a elle. nao faca elle. vamos. nao vamos. falla. nao falles. Do Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. ior Do Uzo de hum Vqrbo Impefibal na voz activa. // rains. It doth not rain. Doth it rain ? Doth it not rain ? It did rain. It did not rain. Did it rain ? Did it not rain ? It hatb rained. It hatb not rained. Hath it rained ? Hatb it not rained ? It will rain. It will not rain. Willit rain? Will it not rain ? Let it rain. God grant it may rain. O would to God it might rain. chove. nao chove. chove ? nao chove ? chovia. nao chovia. chovia ? nao chovia ? tern chovido. nao tern chovido. tern chovido. nao tern chovido. chovera. nao chovera. chovera ? nao chovera ? chova. Oxala chova. Oxala chovera. 1 E por efta forma fe feguem os mais. // blows> ou it doth blow. It freezes^ ou it doth freeze. It thaws, &c. It doth fnow. It grieves me. It behovetb me. It concerns me. It concerns you. It is hot. It is cold. It is fair Weather. aventa. gella. defgella. neva. me ancea. me convem. me importa. te importa. efta quente. efta frio. efta bom Tempo. IO2 Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. It is foul Weather. efta mao Tempo. // is dirty. It is dry. It falls cut fometimes. It is good to be here. If is not good to travel in Winter. It is dangerous. It is better to be alone, than with bad Com- pany. It is better to dine late, than never. It is better to bow than to break. efta lamacento. efta feco. a contece alguas vezes. efta bom para eftar aqui. Nao he bom caminhar de Inverno. he perigozo. he melhor eftar fo que com ma Companhia. melhor he gentar tarde, que nunca. melhor he dobrar, que quebrar. Do uzo do Verbo, to be, impefibalmente affir- mando. there is. there was. there hath been, there had been, there will be. let there be. is there ? was there f hath there been ? had there been ? will there be ? would there be ? efta. eftuva. efteve ou tem eftado. tinha eftado. eftara. efteja. Preguntando. efta? eftava ? efteve, ou tem eftado. tinha eftado ? eftara ? eftaria ? Do uzo do Verbo, muft, dever, ou necefiltar. lije Verbo defective, fe uza de Tempo prezente fazendo hum fentido de futuro. Grammatical Lujitano-Anglica. 103 / muft go. eu devo ou necefllto hir. / muft do that. eu devo fazer aquillo. Tou muft do that. deves fazer aquillo. Tou muft prepare. neceffitas preparar. 'They mujl learn. devem aprender. We muft have Care. devemos ter Cuydado. We muft all die. devemos morrer todos. We muft not wonder. nao devemos admirar. O Imperfeyto defte Verbo fe, Exprefla pella particula, Jbould. Tou JhoulJ have done devias ter feito aquillo. that. IJhould have gone there, eu devia ter hido la. Para os outros Tempos he necefifario uzar de Pa- raphrazes, formandoos com o auxiliar, to be, e o Adjectivo, needful, que iignifica Couza neceflaria, v. g. para formar o preterite perfeito, fe dira. // hath been needful. foy neceflario. E da mefma Sorte os mais, &c. Do uzo do Verbo impeflbal na voz pafllva. O Verbo impeflbal nefta voz pafllva, na Lingua Ingleza ; huas vezes fe exprime pella diccao. they, v -g- they fpeak. falafle. they fpeak good French falafle bom Frances em at Blois. Blots, they drink good Wine in bebefle bom vinho em France. Franca, they fpeak better Englifli falafle melhor Ingles em in London, than any Londres^ que em ou- where elfe. tra qualquer parte. they eat good Cream at comefle boa nata em Blois. -Blots. H Ou- 104 Grammatlca LuJitano-Anglica. Outras vezes fe exprime pellas diccois, Men* People, one, v. g. Men know that well. Men hc'je not all that they wi/h for. One commanded me to do. Men lofe many things, for Want of ajking. People talk of that. One told me fo. People tell a great many Lies. fabeffe bem iffo. nao fe tern quanto fe de- zeja. emcomendoffe a fazer. perdenfe muytas Cou- zas, por falta de Pre- guntar. falaffe diflb. afim fe medice. fe dizem muytas Men- tiras. Mas mais commummente fe uza do Verbo,/0 be, e do Participio do preterito do Verbo, conforme o que fequer exprcffar, v. g. It is faid. Good Wine is drank in France. The beft Englifh is fpoken at London. That is well known, / have been commanded. Many Things are loft, for want of ajking It will be found. It will be done. Rofes are found among Thorns. A Friend is known in NeceJ/ity. fe dis. bom Vinho fe bebe em Fran fa. o melhor Ingles fe falla em Londres. iffo bem fefabe, fuy mandado. muytas Couzas fe per- dem por falta de Pre- guntar. fe achara. fe fara, fe achao Rozas entre Efpinhos. o Amigo fe conheffe na Necefndade. Pe- Grammatica Luhtano- Anglic a. 105 Pequenos Dialogos para Principiantes. Palavra for palavra. Small Dialogues for Be- ginners, I. De donde vens tu Sen- hor? Eu venho da nofla I greja com,minha May. Tens tu ouvido hum bom Sermao ? Muyto bom, e muyto cientifico. Quern ha pregado ef- ta Manham ? Elle he o Senhor Lu- cas voflb amigo. Elle he hum honefto homem. Elle faz muyto bons Sermoins. Onde vas tu a gora ? Agentar, e enta5 a ver hum Amigo. Novamente vindo do Campo. Queres tu gentar com migo ? Que tens tu para gen- tar ? Nos temos alguaVaca, algum Carneiro. Alguma Vitela,algum Cordeyro, alguns Graos. Hum par de Coelhos, hua Salada. Verbatim. From whence come you Sir ? I come from our Church with my Mother. Have you heard a good Sermon ? Very good and very learned. Who hath preached this Morning ? It is Mr. Lucas your Friend. He is a very honejl Man. He maketh very good Sermons. Whither go you now ? To dinner, and then to fee a Friend. Newly come from the Country. Will you dine with me? What have you for Dinner ? We have fome Beef^ fome Mutton. Somi Veal, fome Lamb) fome Peas. A couple of Rabbits^ and Sail ad \ Eu Jo 6 Qrammatica Lufitano-Anglica. En nao poflb gentar / cannot dine with you to-day. It Jhall be for another Time. Farewell^ I am your. Servant. I am yours witb all my Heart. com tigohoje. EJle fera para outra ocaziao. A Deus, eu fou teu Servidor. Eu fou vofibcorn todo meu Corafao. II. Onde queres tu hirefta tarde. Vamos a Greenwich ou Windfor. Quereis vos hir a Pe, ou em Coche ? A Cavalo, ou em Ba- tel? Vamos em hunV Batel cute rogo. Porem antes bebamos juntos. / Hua Botelha de Vinho em efla Taverna. Rapas, chama teu A- mo ; onde efla elle ? Senhor, elle he hido a o Campo. Com fua Mulher e fuas Crianfas. En poflb tirar hum tao bom Vinho como qualquer homem em Inglateira. Vay deprefTa, aviate, defpacha, corre. Whither will you go this Afternoon ? Let us go to Green- wich or Windfor. Will you go on Foot, or in a Coach ? On Horfeback^ or in a Boat ? Let us go in a Boat I pray you. But before let us drink together. A Bottle of Wine in this Tavern. Boy, call your Mafter-, where is he ? Sir, he is gone into the Country. With his Wife and his Children. I can draw as good Wine as any Man in Eng- land. Go quickly ', make bafte, run. Entre Grammatica "Lufitano-Angllca. 107 Entre canto concerte- In the mean 'Tims let mos hum Batel. Com efte Barqueiro. Quanto tomaras tu da qui a Greenwich ? Dois Xiiins, Senhor. Iffo he muyto tu te- ras hum. Vay, traze teu Batel, corre depreffa. Rapas tira outra Bo- telha devinho. Traze hum vidro, la- va o bem. A vofla faude, Senho- res, acabemos. Bebe todo, paguemos e vamos. Vos eftais muy apref- fado , porque tao fedo. Eu quero tornar fedo; e eu tambem. 5 us bargain for a Boat. With this Waterman. What will you take from hence to Greenwich. Two Shillings, Sir. It is too much,youjhall have one. Go fetch your Boat, run quickly. Boy, draw another Bottle of Wine. Bring a Glafs, wajh it well. To your health, Gen- tlemen, let MS make an End. Drink all, let us pay and begone. Tou are very bajly, why fo foon. I will return betimes , and I alfo. Eres tu o Meftre tenda ? Sim, Senhor, a voffo Servifo. Entre Vmce. Tens tu alguas boas Luvas ? Moftrame alguas das melhores. A palpa eftas, prova- as. Ellas fao muyto bran- das, e hua boa Cor. III. da Are you the Mafter of the Shop ? Tes, Sir, at your Ser- vice. Come in, Sir. Have you any good Gloves ? ' Shew me fome of ths bejt. Feel this Pair, try them. 'They are very f oft, and a good Colour. Ellas io8 Grammatica L,ufitano- Anglic a. Ellas fao muy peque- They are too little, they nas, ellas fao muy eftrey- are too narrow. tas. Quanto pedes tu por eftas aqui ? Meya Coroa. EiTe pref o nao he ra- zoavel. Tern, ahy eftao dois Xilins. Tens tu Camaras para alugar ? Vem dentro fe te a- grada, tu af veras. efta Caza he muyto bella. Mas as efcadas fao muyto efcuras. Quanto pedes tu por- eftas duas Camaras ? Queres tu darme trez Livraf a o mez ? Dame Sinai, o Con- certo efta feito. Ahy efta hua Coroa, eftas tu contente ? Sim, Senhor, 'vem quando tu quizeres. What do you ask for thefe here ? Half a Crown. That Price is not rea- fonable. Hold, there is two Shillings. Have you Chambers to lett ? Come in if you pleafe, you Jh all fee them. This Houfe is very fine. But the Stairs are very dark. What do you ask for thefe two Chambers ? Will you give me three Pounds a Month ? Give me Earneft, the Bargain is made. There is a Crown, are you content. Tes, Sir, come, you will. IV. Sois vos Ingles^ Se- Are you an Englifli- nhor ? man, Sir ? Sim, Madama, a teu Tes, Madam, at your fervifo. Service. Eu eftou muyto ale- / am very glad to meet gre de encontrar a ty you here. aq-ui. Que Grammatlca Lufaam-Anglica. 109 What fay you of /bis Country ? It is the fineft Country in the Word. Have you been at Ve- nice ? Yes, Madam, it is a fine City. Canyoufpeak Italian? I under/land better than Ifpeak. Will you dine with me to-day. I Jhall be glad of your Company. I can't indeed, I have Bujinefs to do. But I will come ts- morrow without fail. Tou Jhall be always welcome. Bring your Sifter along with you. Que dizes tu de efte Pays ? Elle he o mais bello Pays do Mundo. Tens tu eftado em Ve- neza ? Sim, Madama, ella he hua bella Cidade. Sabes tu fa\ar Itatiairo? Eu emtendo melhor do que falo. Queres tu gentar com migo hqje ? Eu me alegrarey de voffa Companhia. Nao poffo porcerto, tenho que fazer. Mas eu virey a Men- ha fern falta. Vos fereys fempre pre bem vindo. Trazey voffa Irma com vos. V. Irrnao, aqui efta vof- ~ Vmde a efcrever. Eu nao poffo em ver- dade, eu eftou muy do- ente. Vos eftais fempre in- difpofto quando vos ve- des voffo Meftre. c. Vos eftais prequicozo, minha May eftara agaf- tada. Brother, here is your Mafler. Come to write. I cannot indeed, I am veryfick. Tou are always indif- pofed when you fee your Mafter. You are lazy, my Mo- ther will be angry. Eu no Grammatlca Lufitano- Anglic a. En aprenderey mais a I will learn more to- morrow Morning. Sir, ftay longer with me. I have a great Mind to learn to day. manha de iManha. Senhor, demorate ma- is com migo. Eu tenho hua grande vontade de aprender hoje. Agora eu comedo a cftar cancado, Eu imagino que he baftante por Agora. Onde queres tu hir eft a tarde ? Eu quero hir ver nof- fo A migo 'Thomas. Te rogo Ihe des meus Recados. Eu quero, eu nao fal- tarey. Hua Collec^ao de*Ver- bos Ingtezes e Por- tugueses para ex- preffar as acc^ois ma- is ordin,arias. To eat, comer. To drink, beber. To tafte, provar. To chew, Mafcar. ITognaw, roer. To fwallow, emgulir. lofafti Jejuar. To breakfaft, almof ar. To dine, gentar. To fup, Gear. To treat, convidar. Now I begin to be weary. I think it is enough for this Time. Whither will you go this Afternoon ? I will go to fee our Friend Thomas. I pray you give him my Compliments. I will, I Jball not fail. A Collettion of Portu- guefe and Englifh Verbs to exprefs mofl common Aftiom. To be hungry ^ter Tome. To be dry, ter fede. To fill or fatisfy, fatis fazer. To have a Stomach, ter apetite. To drink hard, beber muito. To get drunk, embebe- darfe. Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. 1 1 1 to go to Bed, hir para to reft, or repofe, def : acama. tojleep, dormir. to awake, acordar. to watch, vegiar. can^ar. to fnore, roncar. to dream, fonhar. to rife, levantar. to drcfs onefelf, com- porfe, ou viftirfe. to undrefs onefelf, dif- pirle. to put on one's Stock- ings, calfar as meyas. to put on one's Shoes, calfar os Sapatos. to pull off one's Stock- ings, or Shoes, defcalfar as meyas ou os Sapatos. to comb one's Head, pentear a Cabe^a. io drefs one's Head, tou- car a Cabe^a. to powder one's Hair, polvilhar o Cabelo. to curl one'' s Hair, em- crefpar o Cabello. to paint onefelf, pin- tarfe. to wajh one's Hands, lavarfe as maos. to put on one's Hat, porfe o Chapeo. to button onefelf, abo- toarfe, to lace onefelf, atacar- fe. - Accoh naturals dos Homens. k Natural Actions of Men. to laugh, rir. tojing, cantar. to cry, or weep, chorar. to figh, fufpirar. [to groan, gemer. (to fob, faliifar. to fneeze, efpirrar. /to gape, bocejar. to blow, foprar. to whijlle, fuviar. Ito hearken, efcutar. to hear, ouvir. to fpit, cufpir. to fmell, cheirar. to blow one's Nofe, afoar. to fee, ver. to look, reparar. to bleed, fangrar. to Jweat, fuar. to wipe, limpar. to rub, esfregar. /tojhake, chocalhar. 112 Grammatica Litfitano- Anglic a. to tremble^ tremer. to fcratch^ arranhar. to pinch, belifcar. to tickle ', fazer cocegas. to feet r , apalpar. To Jludy, Eftudar. ler, to read. efcrever, to write. aprender, to learn. Klecorar, to get by Heart. aproveytar, to improve. afignar, to f;gn^ or fub- fcribe. /dobrar, to fold up. felar, tofeal. por Ofobrefcri, to put the Super fcription. corregir, to correff. iborrar, to blot out. /traduzir, to tranjlate. comecar, to begin. continuar, to continue, tt go on. acabar, to make an end. finalizar, to finijb. poder, to be able. querer, to be willing. To fpeak, falar. pronunciar, to pronounce. /fazer accento, to accent. dizer, to fay. contar, to tell. relatar, to relate. Igritar, to cry out. chamar, to call. preguntar, to ask. refponder, to anfwer. calar, to bold one's tongue. enfinar, to teach. inftruir, to inftrutt. mandar, to command^ ou to bid. reprehendcr, to chide. obedecer, to obey. confeflar, to confefs, oil to own. afegurar, to affure. negar, to deny. prohibir, to prohibit ^ ou forbid. queicharfe, to complain. contender, to contend. difputar, to difpute. razoar, to reafon. Ef. Grammatica Li(fitano-AngUca. 1 1 3 Efetfs of the Mind, Efeitos do Pengamento. conhecer, to know. efperar, to hope. imaginar, to imagine. temer, to fear. agradar, to fancy. diflimular, to diffemble* crer, to believe. fingir, to feign. duvidar, to doubt. provar, to try. fufpeitar, to fufpeft. julgar, to judge. cuidar, to think. concluir, to conclude. lembrar, to remember. rezolver, to refolve. efquecer, to forget. decider, to decide. dezejar, to wi/h. Of Love and Hatred, Do Amor, e Odio. amar, to love. aborrecer, to bate. acariciar, to carets. culpar, to blame. *lizonjear, to flatter, comprimentar, to compli* abraf ar, to embrace. ment. beijar, tokifs. /felicitar^ to wife Joy. faudar, to falute. congratular to congratu- reverenciar, to make a late. Bow or Courtefy. acuzar, to accufe. louvar, to -praife or com- efcuzar, to excufe. mend. condenar, to condemn. nutrir, to feed. abuzar, toabufe. corrigir, to correcJ. punir, to pmljh. caftigar, to cbaftifs. /querelar, to quarrel. jameacar, to threaten. pcleijar, to fight. ibtfter, to beat. |vencer, to overcome. afoitar, to whip. defpir, toftrip. perdoar, to forgive, Idefpojar, to plunder. 1 matar, H4- Grammatica Lufitanc- Anglic a. matar, to kill. jroubar, to rob. lafogar, to ftifle, ou to fur tar, to ft cat. cboak. To take one's Fleajure. ft Tomar Divertimento. cantar, to fwg. japoftar, to Jay a Wager. dancar, to dance. >,aventurar, to venture. faltar, to leap^ oujump. cortar, to cut. efgrimir, to fence. baralhar, to /huffle. cavalgar, to ride, jenganar, to bubble, ou to zombar, to p j ay the Fool. cheat. jugar as Cartas, to flay zombar, tojeer^ or ban- at Cards. ter. jgainhar, to win. rirfe, to laugh at. perder, to lofe. To be fick. i Eftar doente. tratar de hum doente, to fangrar, to let Bloody ou tend or nurfe a Jick bleed. Body. dar hua ajuda, to give a ter cuydado, to take Clyfter. Care. tomar Medicina, to take curar, to drefs a Wound ^ Phyfick. ou Cure. vendar, to bind ou fet. /pezar, to weigh. atar, to tie, ou bind. defatar, to untie. anodar, to knit. amontoar, to heap. ajuntar, to gather. quebrar, to break. /defpeda^ar, to tear. corcar, to cut. *pizar, to bruize. cfprcmer, to fquecze. ter, to hold. efconder, to hide. cubrir, to cover. defcobrir, to difcover. bufcar, to feek, ou look fir. achar, to find. iujar, toftain. eniamear, to dirt. limpar, to cltanfe. bar- Grammatica Lit/it ano-Anglica. 117 t barren, tojweep. imprimir, to print. lavar, to wa/h. encadernar, to bind a /enchagoar, to rinfe. Book. pintar, to fir aw Piclures. tocar o fmo, to ring. gravar, to engrave. pentear, to comb. ( entalhar, to carve. remendar, to mend. edificar, to build. icozer, to few. acender, to kindle^ on Ipefpontar, to Jiitch. light. iferrar, to Jhoe a Horfe. eftender, to fpread out. Of the Sound of Eeafts. Do Son dos Animals. O Cavallo rincha, the O Lobo uva, the Wolf Horfe neighs. howls. O Afno zurra, the Afs O Ca5 ladra, the Dog brays. barks. O Leao brame the Lion AOvelhaberra, the Sheep roars. bleats. O Boy berra> the Ox A Cobra afobia, the bellows. Snake biffes. O Porco grunhe, the O Gato mya, the Cat Hog grunts. mews. The Birds are nfed. Os Paflkros fk5 coftumados. cantar, to fing. o Papagayo fala, The ' ehirriar, to chirp. Parrot talks. picar, to pick. a Pega grafna, the Mag- o Galo canta, the Cock pye chaffers. grows. a Galinha poem Ovos, o Corvo grafna, the Ra- the Hen lays Eggs, yen croaks. I 3 Fra- Ii8 Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. Frazes familiares. Familiar Phrafes. eu vos peflb dame fe te agrada. trazeme. empreftame. eu te agradeco. eu vos dou Grajas. vay e traze. logo. amado S r . fazeme, efte Favor. amada Senhora conce- deme efte Favor. eu vos fuplico. eu vos rogo ou eu vos conjuro a fazelo. eu volo peflb por Fa- vor. obrigame a tanto. Exprejfois de Carinho. minha Vida. meu Amor, minha querida Alma, meu Brinquinho. meu Cora^aozinho. meu dofe Corajao. meu Melzinho. meu querido Minino. meu lindo Anjo. meu Tudo. / pray you, or pray give me if you pleafe. bring me. lend me. I thank you. I give you Thanks, go and fetch, prefently. dear Sir, do me that Kind- nefs or Favour, dear Madam, grant me that Favour. I befeech you. I entreat you, ou / con- jure you to do it. I beg it as a Favour. oblige me fo far. Exprejfions of Kind- nefs. my Life, my Love. my dear Soul, my little Darling, my little Heart, my fweet Heart, my little Honey, my dear Child, my pretty Angel, my all. Para Grammatica LM fit ano- Anglic a. 1 1 9 ParaagradecereCom- To thank and compli- primentar, ou mof- ment, or flew Kind- trar Benignidade. nefs. Eu vos agrade^o. Eu vos dou as Gramas. Eu vos rendo mil Gra9as. Eu o farey com Gofto. com todo men Corajao. de Coraa5. eu vos fou obrigado. eu fou todo voflb. cu fou voflb fervidor. voflb humildiffimo fer- vidor. vos cftais muito obriga- dor. vos vos dais muito Tra- balho. eu nenhum acho em vos fervir. Tu eres muy benigno ou muito civil. Iflb he muito benevolo. que dezejas tu ter. eu dezejo que tu fejas livre commigo. fern Comprimento. fern Ceremonia. eu te a mo com todo meu Corajao. eu tambem. fiate de mim. mandame. / thank you. I give you Thanks. I render you a thoufand Thanks. I will do it with Plea- fure. with all my Heart, heartily. I am obliged to you. I am wholly yours. I am your Servant, your vnoft humble Servant. you are too obliging. too you give yourfelf much Trouble. I find none in ferving you. you are very kind, or very civil. That is very kind. What will you be f leafed to have. I defire you to be free with me. without Compliment, without Ceremony. I love you with all my Heart, and I a'fo. rely or depend upon me. command me. I 4 Hon- 120 Grammatlca Liifitano-Anglica. honrame com teus man- honour me with your Com- datos. mands. tens tu em que mandar- have you any 'Thing to command me, ou have you any Commands for me ? you need but command me. me r tu neceffitas fo mandar- me. difpoem de teu Criado. eu fo eCpcro porteus mandates. nao tens mais que falar. tu me fazes muko fa- vour. deichemos Comprimen- tos eu rogo, peflb. deichemos Cerimonias. poisnaprimeiraOcaziao, well then on the fir ji Oc- me valerey de teus Fa- Til value my f elf of y cur vores. Favours. Para afirmar, negar, To affirm^ deny, con* confentir. fent. difpofe of your Servant. I only wait for your Com- mands, do but fpeak. you do me much Honour. let us forbear Compliments I pray, let us forbear Ceremonies. he verdade, he verdade ? nao he mais que muita verdade. para vos dizer averdade. realmente afllm he. quern o duvida f pao ha duvida. eu creo que fim. eu creo que nao. eu digo que fim. it is true. is it true ? it is but too true. to tell you the 'Truth. really it is fo. who doubts it ? who quef- tions it ? there is no doubt on it. I believe yes. I believe not. I fay yes, eu Grammatica LuJitano-Anglica. 121 I fay no. I lay if is. I lay it is not. in my confcience. upon my Life. let me die if I tell you an Untruth or a Lye. yes, 1 fwear. I fwsar as I am a Gen- tleman. as lam an honefi Man. eu digo que nao. eu apofto que he. eu apofto que nao he. em minha confciencia. por minha vida. morra eu fe te digo fa- bula, ou mintira. fim, eu juro. eu juro como fou Cava- Iheiro. como fou homem de bem. fobre meu honor ou Cre- dito. credeme. eu pofTo dizerte. eu poffo a iegurarte. eu apoftaria alguma cou- za. nao zombes. falas ferio ? eu falo ferio. fem duvida. tutens adivinhado. metefte 6 prego na Ca- eu te creyo. pode crerfete. upon my Honour^ or Cre- dit. believe me. I can tell you. 1 can ajjure you. I could lay fome thing. don't you j eft. areyouferious, or are you in earneft ? I fpeak^ or I am in ear- nefl. I warrant you. you have gueffed right, you have hit the right Nail on the Head. I believe you. one may believe you. iflb nao he impoflivel. that is not impojjible. tudo pode fer. all may be. Dehir, 122 Grammatlca Lufitano-Anglica. Dehir, devir, de fe mover. de onde vens ? a onde vas ? eu venho, eu vou. vem afima, vem abaixo. vem dentro, fay. aprefiate. nao te mo vas da qui. efpera ahy. vem junto amim. vaite. vay teu caminho. chegate, ou arredate atras, hum pouco. vem aqui. efpera hum pouco. efpera por mim. nao vas tao deprefla. tu vas muy deprefla. tirate da minha Vifta. nao me toques, deicha iflb. porque ? porque, por cauza. eu eftou bem aqui. a Porta efta fechada. a Porta efta aberta. abre a Porta. fecha a Porta. abre Ajanella. fecha Ajanella. vem por efte caminho. Of going, coming, ftir- 6cc. from whence came you ? whither do you go, ou where are you going ? I come ', I go. come up, come down, come in, go out. make bafte. do not ftir from thence, ftay there, come near me. get you gone, go your ways. go back a little. come hither, flay a little, jtay for me. do not go fo faft. you go too faft. get you out of my Sight, do not touch me. let that alone, why ? becaufe. I am well here, the Door is Jhut. the Door is open, open the Door. Jhut the Door, open the Window. Jhut the Window, come this Way. vay Grammatlca Lufitano-Anglica. 123 vay por aquelle camin- go that way. ho. pafTa por efte caminho. come, ou pafs by that way. que bufcas ? what do you look for ? que perdefte ? what have you loft. Das Sezois. que fezao te agrada melhor. a Primavera he mais agradavel de todas as Sezoins. tudo feri comforme fua Natureza. o Tempo he muy fua- ve. o Ar he temperado. nem he muy quente, nem muy frio. todas as Criaturas fazem emtao o Amor. nos nao temos Prima- vera efte Anno. nada, avar^a, adiante. a Sezao efta bem atra- zada. nos temos hum quente verao ? que qu*"nte que efta ? efta excefllvamente quen- te. languido,anceadoTempo nao poffb aturar calor. eu fuo, eftou todo em hum fuor. Of the Seafons. what Seafon pleafes you bejt? the Spring is the moft pleafant of all Seafons. every thing fmiles in Na- ture. the Weather is very mild. the Air is temperate. it is neither too hot, nor too cold. all Creatures then make Love. we have no Spring this Tear. nothing forward. the Seafon is very back- ward. we have a very hot Sum- mer. how hot it is ? it is excejjive hot. it is faint Weather. I cannot endure Heat. I fweat, I am all over in a Sweat. eu 124 Grammatica Lufoano-Anglica. eu nunca Exprimentey I never felt fucb Heat, ou fucb hot Weather. tal Calor, ou Tempo tao quente. efta hum bello Tempo para os Frutos da Ter- ra, ha muita Abundancia de Fruta. todas as Arvores eftao cheas de Fruta. nos necefiitamos de hua pouca de Chuva. O Tempo da fegada he chegado. comefaffe a fegar o Trigo. os Prados eftao fega- dos. neceffitamos recolher o Trigo. nos eftamos na Canicu- la. o verao paffou, ou fe foy. o Outono, ou o cahir da Folha, tern torna- do feu lugar. . vem chegando a Vindi- ma. ha huma bella Vindima. it is very fine Weather for the Fruits of the Earth, there is Abundance of Fruit. all the 'Trees are full of Fruit, we want a little Rain. harveft Time draws near* they begin to cut down the Corn. the Meadows are mowed. we mufl get in the Corn, we are in the Dog- Days, the Summer is gone. Autumn, or the Fall of the Leaf) has took its Place. Vintage draws near, there is a very fine Vin- tage. nos Vindimaremos em\ we Jhall gather Grapes tres ou quatro Bias (to make Wine) in (para fazer Vinho). three or four Days. ps Vinhos ferao bons the Wines will be good efte Anno. this Tear. Hua Grammatica Lufitano- Anglic a. \ 25 Colleccao de Ad- A Collection of Adjec- tivos expreffando fives, expre/Jing fe- diverfas Qualidades. ^eral Qualities. tneat, puro. dirty, nafly, fujo. Jlutti/h, immunda. Jloven, immundo. hot, quente. cold, trio. dry, feco. wet, molhado. moift, humido. ftrong, forte. weak, fraco. bom. *'//, bad) ou naughty , mau. wife, fabio. great, grande. fmall, peqneno: thick, groffo. tfyin, delgado. tall, ou high, alto. low, baixo. long, longo, comprido. Jhort, curto, breve. wide, ou broad, largo. narrow, fir ait, eftreito. right, direito. left, efquerdo, canho.to. new, novo. old, velho. fat, gordo. lean, magro, heavy, pezado. dull, entorpecido. (light, leve, ligeiro. full, cheo. empty, vazio. hard, duro. foft, molle, brando. I eajy, facil. fweet, doce. bitter, amargo. four, azedo. clean, limpo. tezo. handfome, bello. proper, proprio. comely, bemparecido. pretty, bonito. ugly, homely, feo malfeito. flat Nofe, nariz chato. one Eye, monoculo, de hum olio. fquinty, vefgo, torto. blind, cego. purblind^ peticego. lame, coxo. i maimed, eflropeado. crooked, curvo, encur* vado, corcovado. bald, calvo. *dumb, mudo. deaf, furdo, mouco. I toothlefs, defdentado. drejfed, veftido. na- 126 Grammatica Lufaano-Anglica. naked, nu. rich, rico. poor, pobre. odd, defigual. ) expert, experto. Jkilful, entendido. unjkilful, defemtentido. drunk, bebedo. healthy, faudavel. fick, doente. happy, feliz. unhappy, infeliz. / true, verdadeyro. falfe, falfo. \trcublefome, trabalhozo. ipeevi/h, rabugento. merry, akgre. glad, alegre. fad, firrowful, trifte. imprudent, imprudente. wife, fabio. mad, louco. juft, jufto. unjuft, injufto. \valiant, valente. tcouragious, animozo. icoward, cobarde. } loyal, leal. I 'faithful, fiel. \unfaitbful, infiel. holy, fanto. ipropbane, profano. godly, piadozo. ungodly, impio. j charitable, caritativo. proud, lofty, foberbo. humble, humilde. innocent^ innocente. t fencer e, finccro. ' liar, mentirozo. deceitful, cnganador. running, aft u to. tjharp, agudo. )chafte, cafto. want en, lafcivo. modeft, modefto. bajhful, vergonhozo; "-\bold, atrevido. i fearful, medrozo. l affable, afavel. /courteous, cortez. rude, rudo. \clownijb, grofleiro. \agreeable, pleafant, agra- davel. civil, civil. ikind, benigno. clement, clemente. 'merciful, mifericordiozo. pitiful, piadozo. I cruel, cruel. ^revengeful, vingativo. (Jlubborn, teimozo, perti- naz, cabe^udo. (prodigal, prod i go. \cbftinate, obftinado. \liberal, liberal. i covetous, cobicozo. ^niggardly, efcafo. grateful, agradecido. ungrateful, defagradeci- do, ingrato. glutton, glotao. i idle, ociozo. lazy, preguifozo. tfothful, vagarozo. Grammatica *bafty, aprefiado. conftant, conftante. inconstant, inconftante. ally todo none, nenhum. any, qualquer. fame, algum. fcmebody, alguem. certain, certo. LuJitano-Anglica. 127 few, pouco. other, outro. another, eflfe outro. alone, fo. either, o hum, ou ou- tro. neither, nem hum, nem outro. both, ambos. Cartas 128 Grammatica Lufitano-Anglka. Cartas Sobre a Mercancia ou Ncgocio. Senbor F. F. Londres, 30 de Janeiro, 1*750. AS de vm ce . de ge 15 do mez pafiado receby em ,5 do Corrente, pello Navio F. F. Capi- tao B. B. Meftre, enellas advirto q~. carregaraVnV. abordo do primeiro bom Navio deftinado p 1 . efta pra^a, as fazendas q* recommendey a feu cuydado na minha ultima, com efla vao mais moftras mais o q* Ihe pe?o he, de emcomendar a otintureiro q~. af- corres tenhao viveza e q". fejao dedura ; pello ultimo^ Navio mandey avm ce . a conta davenda da partida das meas de feda como tarn bem dos 3 Caxios de chapeos q". me vierao confignados pello Navio A fe fe ofFerecerem mais de qual quer dos generos fo- breditos fendo acomodados bem pode mandalos, por ferem agora pedidos, com efta condicam q~ fejam da moda e de bom, feitio , tenho contradado por fuas 20 Pipas de azeite pellos primeiros navios de^afra e as 20 Pipas de Vinho tinto com as 20 Pipas e 3 quatros de Branco ja eftam abordo do Navio S. F. Capitao F meftre dos quaes a Fa<5tura vay incluza e os conhecimentos irao pello correyo queyra Deos que cheque a falvamento fendo o que por oras fe ofFerece Mais olrigado Servidor de 7m e '. . que S. M. B. Ambrozio Nimble-Tongue, Londres 18, Marfo, 1750-1. A Cadiz. Senior "Joao Fryer, Men, Senbor, DIverfas Cartas de Vm re . me vierao a mao a feu Tempo, como tarnbem minha conta Corrente a qual tenho notado em Conformidade com Vm ~. fua ultima foy de 29 do Mez paflado, na qual me da Vm ce . recibo das trez Letras importantes feis Mill Pieces de Oito as quais meo Irmao Jofepb mandou a Vm ce . por minha Conta, e por minha Or- dem -, eu farey hum trifle Negocio com t-llas depois do defembolfo de meu Dinheiro ha tanto Tempo, ademais que o Cambio me cuftou caro, eu Acho que feus limites a Vm ce . forao mais fomenos que o Preco, daPrata e Cambio ; agora fendo que tenho ef- perado Grammatica Lufitano-AngUca. 133 Water, as you are pleafed to mention, which will fave me the Charge of f cur Pence -per Barrel, I judge Jhe will carry about feven hundred Barrels, or more, if fo when Jbe arrives, you may fit her up the Captain will not have Oceafion, for any Money fo 'will want no Supply. I thank you for the Information you give me in relation to the Exchange between Lisbon, and this Place, but as I look upon the Remittance of the Money hence, as hazardous in Exchequer Bills, you, will be pieafed to draw on me at the mcft commodious Exchange, that is pojjible, and your Bills at the ufual Courfe, which Jhall meet with all due Honour Sir, Your humble Servant, Ambrofe Nimble-Tongue. London, March 18, 1750-1. To Cadiz. Mr. John Fryer, URfeveral Letters came to Hand in due Time* as did my Accompt Current, which have noted in Conformity with you ; your laft to me was of 29 of laft Month, wherein you give me Receipt of the three Bills, amounting to Six Thoufand Pieces of Eight ', which my Brother Jofeph fent to you for my Account and by my Order , I Jhall make but a forry Bargain in them, after fo long a Disburfement , be/ides they coft me a dear Exchange, I find his Limi's to you were much under the Price of Plate and Exchange : Now Jim e I have waited all this Time, and there be- ing n& Probability of their falling, be plsafid to fend K 3 > 134 Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. perado todo efte Tempo e nao havendo Probilidadc de fua baixa ieja Vm r . fervido de mandarme meu Dinheiro como vem o Cambio tanro para efta pra- 93, ou Amfterdam^ como Vm ce . julgar me fara me- Ihor Conta, fe a Prata ou Cochonilha baixar a prefo que a Vm ce . Ihe pareca fcr melhor do que por re- mtffa de Cambio, em tal cazo invifta Vm . meu Dinheiro em qualquer defies generos o que deixo inteiramente a Vm . eftando perfuadido queVm ce . adtuara cm meus Negocios como fe forao feus pro- prios, eu me alegraria ouvir da chegada da Frota que podera fer que defe algum alento a o Negocio para que hua peflba podece fazer algum emprego que a o prezente nao, Convida a nada fendo quanto fe offrece Servitor de Vm et . que M. B. LondreS) Marfo 21, 1751. A Cadiz, Senhor Joao Fryer, Senhor, DO outro lodo, efta a Copia da minha ultima de 1 8 do Corrente, eu foponho que meu Irmao Jofeph tem feito algumas Remefas a Vm ". por min- ha Conta, do que faberey a quantia pello primeyro Correyo de Olanda ; com eftamando aVm :? . tres Letras, importantes quatro Mil pezos de Outo, fobre aboa peflfoa de Vm''". a quern as endoufey, valor em minha Conta, cujo Dinheiro, Vm' . fera fervido empregar, junto com aquelle que meu Ir- mao Jofepb Ihe tiver remetido, em dous, ou tres, Navios de Guerra, e me alegrarey que ifto chegue a Tempo baftante para alcancar Senhor John Trueman, e os outros Navios de Guerra, em tal Cazo, e nao de outro rnodo, podera Vm ce . facar mais do que fe Ihe Grammatica Lu fit ano- Anglic a. 135 my Money as the Exchange comes either for this Place or Amfterdam, which you judge will turn moft to Account. If the Plate or Cochineal fljould fall to a Price ) which you may conceive will anfwer bet- ter than by remifs of Exchange, in fuch Cafe inveft my Money in either of them, which I do intirely leave to you, being perfuaded, you will aft in my Affairs e- qual to your own. I fhould be glad to hear of the Fleet's Arrival, for, -perhaps, might give fome Heat to Bujinefs, that a Body could make fome Employ , for at prefent, it does not invite to any thing, which is all from Sir, Your humble Servant. Londres, March 21, 1750-1. To Cadiz, Mr. John Fryer. Sir, /"} N the other Side is Copy of my laft to you of the, \ Stb Inftant ; / fuppofe my Brother Jofeph has mads you fome Remittances for my Account, of which I jlall know the Sum by the firft Dutch Poft. I herewith f-nd you three Bills amounting to four Thoufand Pieces of Eight on your goodfelf, to whom I have indorfed them Va'ut in my Account, which Money pleafe to employ, together with that my Bro- ther Jofeph has remitted you in two or three Men of War, andfejQuld be glad this Jhould get 'Time enough to reach Sir John Trueman'j, and the other Men of War : In fuch Cafe, and no other, you may draw 9 ever and above what is remitted you for my Account, ten Tboufand Ducats, and put it wiih my other Inte- K 4 reft 136 Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. Ihe tern remetido por minha Conta, Dez Mil Duca- dos, e ponhaosVm ce . com o meu outro Interefe, em tres ou quatro Navios de Guerra, e feja fervi- do de obfervar que fern embargo que eu ordeney a Vnv'. na Copia da minha antecedente, para carre- gar em hua Galera ou Navio Marcante tres Mil Du- cados,, e em Navio de Guerra des Mil Ducados, e para facar ; eu revoco a Ditta Ordem, e pefo a Vm c '. que nao carregue em Galera, ou Navio Mar- cante, mais de dous Mil Ducados, e que nao fa que a o prefente, mas fomente que empregue o que tenho remetido a Vm ce . e feja fervido mandar- me hua diftincta Conta, com inteira informafao do Negocio para meu Governo, e ficou com todo o devido refpeyto. Muy certo Servidor de Vm el : Q^S. M. B. Hum efcritinho que vay aberto a hum vezinho, ou AmigO) em qualquer ocafiam. AO Senhor G. S. que T. M. o feu fervo e cri- ado beja a S. M. as maos mil vezes e que Ihe faca amerce de Ihemandar. pello portador delta fendolhe precifamente ne- ceffario nefta ocafiatn, e fempre ficara may promto as fuas Ordens, A. D. G. A Carta ou Inftrumento de Procuracam. SAibam todos quantos efte inflrumento ou Carta de procuracam virem que eu A. E. de Londres homem de negocio tenho nomeado e conftituido e por Grammatlca Jjufitano-Anglica. 137 reft on three or four Men of War, and pleafe to ob- ferve, that notwithftanding 1 ordered you in the foregoing Copy for to load in any Gaily or Merchant- man^ three Thoufand Ducats, and in a Man of War, ?en Vhoufand Ducats, and for to draw, I do revoke the faid Order, and dejire you not to load in any Galley or Merchant-man, more than two Thoufand Ducats, and for the prefent not to draw, but only employ what have remitted you, and pleafe to fend mt a diftinft Account of the Coft with full Information of the Bufinefs for my Government, and remain with due Refpeff) Sir, Your humble Servant. A Jhort open Efcrito, or Meffage, to a Friend or 'Neighbour, for any Thing upon Occafion. TO Mr. G. S. that C T. M. his moft humble Servant, defires the Favour of him to fend by the Bearer having at prefent immediate Occafion for it, and he fhall always remain obliged to him as his Humble Servant. A Letter of Attorney. KNOW all Men, by thefe Prefents, That I A. 5. of London, Merchant, have named and conftituted, and by thefe Prefents do name, ordain, appoint* 138 Grammatica LuJltano-Angtica. por eftes prefentes, nomeo, ordeno, conflituyo e fafo o Senhor B. C. de o meo verdadeiro e ligitimo procurador, por mim e em men Nome e ao meu ufo podc demandar, arecadar e refeber de T. B. Mercador, afomade amim devida por ditto 2". B. dando e por efta concedendo ao meu ditto Procurador o meu poder plenario e autoridade de exercitar e ufar de todas taes auc oes e outras cou- fas em dereito necefTarias para a cobrar^a da ditta divida, e em meu nome de dar e fajer quitaf oes ou outras defcargas, e geralmente de fazer e executar na materia fobre ditta tao plenariamente como fe eu mefmo fizefe ou pudefe fazer, eftando peflbal- mente prefente ratificandb, confirmando, e outor gando tudo e qualquer coufa que o ditto meu procu- rador legitimamente fizer ou caufar de fe fazer nella por eftes prefentes. Em teftemunha do que Afiiney c felley efta em aos 20 dias demez de dc 1 7 por A. B. Aflinado e Sellado adiante J Teftimunhas. A Cart a ou o Inftrumento de Fretamento. ESTA Carta ou inftrumento de Fretamento con- tratado feito aos vintoSinco dias do mez de de Anno de mil efte centos do nacimento de nofo Senhor Jefus Cbrifto, &c. Entre f. B. Meilre de baixo de Deos do bom navio nomeado, de dozentas e fincoenta toneladas de carga P. M. que ao prefente efta Surto e ancorado no Rio de de hua parte e E. T. M, B. L, &c. ho- mens de negocio da outra parte : Certiftcao que o ditto Meftre tem dado em alguer e fretado o Ditto Navio aos dittos homens de negocio e que elles OS Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. 139 appoint, and make my trufty Friend, B. C. of Merchant, my true and lawful Attorney, for me, and in my Name, and to my Ufe, to demand, fue for, recover, and receive of . B. of Merchant, the Sum of to me due and ow- ing by and from the faid T. B. giving, and hereby granting unto my faid Attorney my full Power and Authority to ufe and exercife all fuch Acts, Things, and Devices in the Law, as mail be necefiary for recovering of the faid Debt, and Acquittance, or other Difcharges, in my Name, to make and give and generally to do and execute in the Premifes, as fully as I myfelf might or could do, being perfo- nally prefent ; ratifying, confirming, and allowing all and whatfoever my faid Attorney fhall lawfully do, or caufe to be done therein, by thefe Prefents. In witnefs whereof, 1 have hereunto fet my Hand' and Seal, in the 2Oth of 17 Sealed and delivered in the Prefence of A. B. r. A. M. B. The Copy of a Charter Party of Affreightment. THIS Charter-party of Affreightment, in- dented, made the of the Month of Anno Domini, between 'T. B. Mafter, under God, of the good Ship or VefTel, called the of the Burthen of Tuns, or thereabouts, now riding at An- chor, in the River of of the one Part, and , T y M, B, L, &c. Merchants, of the other Part, witnefleth, that the faid Mafter hath granted and letten the faid Ship to freight unto the faid Mer- chants, and that they the faid Merchants have ac- cordingly 140 Grammatica Lufitano-AngHca. os dittos Homens de negocio tern tornado em aln- ger pella viagem aos concertos eas condifoes, a Saber o ditto Meftre faz concerto, promete e otorga, por elle mefmo, ou feus Teftamenteiros e Adminiftradores e com os dittos homens de ne- gocio, e qualquer delles, ou feus e a qualquer dos leus Teftamenteiros Adminiftradores e Conftituin- tes, por eftes prefentes ; que o ditto Navio forte e fao de quilha, e bem baftantemente provido de mantimentos, enxarcias e gente, e aparelhado de to- das as coufas convenientes e necefiarias para fazer a viagem pordiante declarada ; com o primeiro vento favoravel e bom tempo que Decs premitira defpois da data defies prefentes, partira do porto de com todas as tacs fazendas e Merca- dorias que os dittos homens de negocio ou os Sens Conftituintes entrementes carregaram ou meteram abordo delle, e com ella em dereitura dara a vela eaplicara ao como ovento eo tempo mais favorecerem ao ditto Navio na fua viagem j e em chegando tao' perto do ditto lugar de elle o ditto Meftre ou os Seus Conftituintes dentro de Dias detraballo para fe contarem logo defpois de tal fua chegada, nao fomente defcarega- ram entergaram as dittas fazendas e mercadorias me- tidas bordo do dito Navio a o fobre ditto, aos dittos homens de negocio, aos feus Feitores ou Conftituintes ou a alguns ou algum ddles em Sal- vamento e bem acondicionadas falvante o rifco dos mares e o tolhimento de principes e Governadores mas tambem receberam, tornarao a caregar e toma- ram abordo do ditto Navio de e dos ditto homens de negocio, dos feus Feitores ou Conftituintes ou de alguns ou algum delles todas as taes fazendas e mercadorias que elles ou qualquer delles ali carega- ram ou meteram abordo delle athe o comprimento inteiro da carga do ditto Navio , a Saber : tanto quanto bem fern podra arrumar debaixo da cuberta no Grammatica Lufitano- Anglic a. 141 cordingly hired her for the Voyage, and upon the Terms and Conditions following : That is to fay, the faid Mailer doth covenant, promife and grant for himfelf, his Executors, and Adminiftrators, to and with the faid Merchants, and either of them, their and either of their Executors, Adminiftrators, and Afiigns, by thefe Prefents ; That the faid Ship, ftrong and (launch, and well and fufficiently victu- alled, tackled, manned, and apparelled, with all Things meet, needful, and neceflary for the Per- formance-of the Voyage hereafter mentioned, fhsll with the firft fair Wind and Weather, which God fhall fend, after the Date of thefe Prefents, depart from the Port of with all fuch Goods and Merchandifes as the faid Merchants, or their Afligns, mail in the mean time lade and put on board her, and therewith directly fail, and apply unto as Wind and Weather mall beft ferve for the faid Ship to fail, and being arrived as near to the faid Place of he the faid Maf- ter, or Afligns, mall and will within working Days next, from and after fuch her Arri- val to be accounted, not only unlade and deliver the faid Goods and Merchandifes put on board the faid Ship at aforefaid, unto the faid Mer- chants, their Factors, or Afligns, or fome or one of them, in Safety, and well conditioned, the Dangers of the Seas, and Reftraint of Princes and Rulers excepted, but alfo (hall and will receive, re- lade, and take on board the faid Ship, of and from the faid Merchan/s, their Factors or Afiigns, or fome or one of them, all fuch Goods and Merchan- difes as they or any of them fhall there pleafe to lade and put on board her, to the faid Ship's full and compleat Lading , that is to fay, as much as can conveniently be ilowed in the whole Hold, and between Decks, afore the Main-maft, Room only referved for the faid Ship's Provifions, Tackle, and Apparel, 142 Grammatlca Lufitano-Anglica. no conves, e adiante do mafto grande, Salvante fo Jugar pellos mantimentos enxarcias e a parelhos do ditto Navio, eos dittos dias de trabalho fendo a cabados ou o ditto navio fendo ali mais de- preffa defpachado, o que primeiro foceder elle o ditto Meftre ou os feus Conftituintes com a primeira boa ocafiam de tempo e vento favoravel em derei- tura navegarao e tornarao a vir com o ditto Navio e a Sua Carga do ditto porto de defcaregar, e re- caregar de aqui dentro de dias de trabalho logo defpois da entrada do ditto Navio dada na alfandega defta ditto elle o ditto Meftre ou o Seus Conftituintes defcaregam e entregarao as dittas fazendas e mer- cadorias carregadas abordo do ditto Navio ao feu defcarregar e recarregar fobre ditto aos dittos homens de negocio, e os feus Teftamenteiros, Adminiftradores ou Conftituintes em falvamento, falvante o rifco dos mares e o tolhimento de Princi- pes c Governadores, eafim fe acabara a ditta defti- nada Viagem Eos dittos homens de nego- cio concertam prometem e otorgam por elles mef- mos e qualquer dellcs, ou feus e qualquer de feus Teftamenteiros Adminiftradores e Conftituintes por eftes prefentes : que os Seus Teftamentei- ros, Adminiftradores, Feitores o Conftituintes nao Ibmente defcaregaram e recaregaram o ditto, na- vio ao feu porto de defcaregar e recaregar de fobre ditto, e defpacharam e defcaregaram o mef- mo nefte na maneira e forma afima decla- tado ; e dentro dos certos dias e tempos fobre no- meacios ; Mas tambem por inteiro de todo o frete que fe veneer, para fe pagar e pedir por e durante efta prefente deftinada viagem ; bem e verdadeiramente pagaram ou Coufaram que fe pague ao ditto Me- ftre, aos feus Teftamenteiros Adminiftradores ou Conftituintes a Conthia de de dinhero corrente de na maneira e forn a Grammatica Lufitano- Anglic a. 143 Apparel, and the faid working Days being expired, or the faid Ship there fooner dif- patched, which firft mall happen, he the faid Maf- ter, or his Afiigns, (hall and will, with the then next Opportunity of Wind and Weather from her faid unlading and relading Part of aforefaid, directly fail, return, and come back with the faid Ship and Lading unto the Port of and here within working Days next after the faid Ship mail be entered in the Cuftom-Houfe of this faid he the faid Mafter, or his Afiigns, fhall and will unlade, and deliver the faid Goods and Merchandizes, laden on Board the faid Ship at her lading and relading aforefaid, unto the faid Merchants, their Executors, Adminiftrators, or Afligns in Safety, and well-conditioned, the Dan- ger of the Seas, and Reftraint of Princes, and Ru- lers excepted, and fo end the faid intended Voyage , and the faid Merchants do covenant, promife and grant, for themfelves, and either of them, their, and either of their Executors and Adminiftrators, to and with the faid Mafter, his Executors and Ad- miniftrators, and Afiigns, by thefe Prefents, that their Executors, Adminiftrators, Factors, or Afiigns, fhall and will not only unlade and re- lade the faid Ship, at her unlading and relading Port of aforefaid, arrd difpatch and difcharge the fame at this in Manner and Form as above expreffed, and within the refpective Days and Times above mentioned, but alfo fhall and will, in full of all Freight to be due, payable, or demandable, for or during this prefent intended Voyage, well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid Mafter, his Executors, Adminiftra- ' tors, or Afiigns, the Sum of of lawful Money of in Manner, and Form following : That is to fay, Part thereof within Days 144 Grammatlca Luifitano-Anglica. forma feguinte A faber parte delle dentro em dias defpois da entrada do ditto navio dado na alfandega de Item mais delle dentro em dias proxi- mo feguintes, e o reftante do ditto frete inteiro den- tro em dias logo defpois da defcarga do ditto Navio aqui em ibbre ditto, E acordarfe reciprocamente por e entre ambas as par- tes por elles mefmos, os feos particulares Teftamen- teiros, e Adminiftradores que todos os gaftos dos portos que fe vencerem para pagarfe ou pedirfe, du- rante efta prefente deftinada viagem ; feram pagos c fatisfeitos na maneira e, forma feguinte ; Afaber delles pellos dittos homens de negocio ou feus Teftamenteiros ou Conftituintes : Alem diflb por efte fe concerta que prodra fer e feja licito aos e pellos ditto homeas de negocio, os feus feitores ou, Conftituintes de reter o ditto navio em detenfa ao feu porto de defcarga e recarga fobre ditto, e tambem a fobre ditto tanto tempo e tantos dias que fe requeiram, alem dos dias certos acima apontados falvo que nam paflem os, dias por inteiro ; Elles os dittos homens de negocio os feus Feitores Conftituintes por cada hum e cada tal dia pagando ao ditto Meftre ou aos feus Conft ituintes de dia em dia como mefmo fe veneer para Te pagar, qualquer cou- fa fobreditta em contrario nao* obftante , e pello eom- primento de todas e de cada hua das coufas acima de- claradas, as quaes por parte cpello que toca ao dit- to Meftre, aos feus Teftamenteiros Adminiftradores ou Conftituintes e cada hum delles fam e devem de fer avidas, tidas, obfervadas e compridas, O ditto Meftre fe obriga a fy mefmo os feus Teftamenteiros c Adminiftradores, juntamente com o ditto Navio, o feu frete, enxarcias e parelhos aos dittos homerrs de negocio. aos feus Teftamenteiros, Adminiftra- dores e Conftituintes e cada hum delles na foma ou pena de de dinheiro corrente de para Grammatica Lufitam-AngHca. 145 Days after the faid Ship ihall be entered in theCuf- tom-houie of Item, more thtrcof within Days then next fol- lowing, and the remaining Part of. the faid whole Freight within Days next after the faid Ship fhall be delivered after lading here at aforefaid, and it is mutually agreed by and between the faid Parties to thefe Prefents, for them- felves, their feveral Executors and Adminiftrators, That all Port Charges which mail grow due, payable, or demandable, during this prefent intended Voyage, fhall be paid and fatisfied in Manner and Form fol- lowing , That is to fay thereof by the faid Merchants, their Executors, Factors, or Af- figns, and the other thereof by the faid Mafter, his Executors or Afilgns : Further, it is hereby agreed, that it mail and may be lawful unto and for the faid Merchants, their Factors or Af- figns, to keep the faid Ship in Demurrage at her unlading and relading Port above mentioned, and alfo at aforefaid, over and above the re- fpective Days aforementioned, fuch other Time and Number of Days as will be requifite fo as the fame exceed not Days in the whole, they the faid Merchants, their Factors, for each and every fuch Day, paying unto the faid Mafter or his Af- figns Day by Day, where the fame mail grow due and payable, any Thing aforefaid to the contrary notwithstanding ; and for the Peifor- mance of all and fingular the Premifes, which on the Part and Behalf of the faid Mafter, his Execu- tors, Adminiftrators, and AfTigns, and every of them, are and ought to be well and truly holden, obferved and performed, the faid Mafter doth bind and oblige himlelf, his Executors and Adminiftra^ tors, together with the faid Ship and her Freight, Tackle and Apparel unto the faid Merchants, their Executors, Adminiftrators, and Afligns, and every L of 146 Grarnmatica Lit/llano- Anglic a. para fe pagar bem everdareiramente por eftes pre- fentes e tambem pello comprimento de todas e de cada hua nas coufas fobre clittas, os quaes por parce epello que toca aos dittos homens de nogocio, aos feus Teftamenteiros, Adminiftradores, Conftituin- tes ou qualquer delles, Sam edevcm de fer guar- dadas, pagas e Compridas , os dittos homens de negocio fe obrigam a fy mefmos os feus Teftamen- teiros e Adminiftradores, junta e feparadamente com a fuas fazendas que fe caregaram abordo do dit- to Navio nefta prefente deftinada viagem, ao ditto Meftre aos feus Teftamenteiros, Adminiftradores e Conftituintes, e a cada hum delles, na femelhante Soma de pena de de Semelhante dinheiro corrente de para fer pago bem e verdadei- mente por eftas prefentes ; Em Teftimunha do que as partes Sobredittas affinaram e Selaram reciproca- mente eftas prefentes Cartas de fretamento contra- tadas, ao dia e anno primeiro acima declarado r.B. Sellado e entregue adiante de A. B. C. D. A Police de Seguro. EM o Nome de Deos, Amen Tanto no feu propio nome como por ou em o nome ou os nomes de todos e cada peffoa ou pefibas aquem o mefmo pretence, pofla ou po- dra pertencer, em parte ou em todo faco Seguro, caufa afy mefmo e a elles, e a cada hum delles de afiegurarfe, perdidos ou nao perdidos fobre qualqer genero de fazendas e Merca- dorias qualqer carregadas ou para fe carregarem abordo do bom Navio por nome da Carga de Gramma f/ca Lufitano-Anglica. 147 of them, in the Sum or Penalty of Pounds of lawful Money of well and truly to be paid by thefe Prefents, and likewife for the Perfor- mance of all and fingular the Premifes, which on the Part and Behalf of the faid Merchants, their Executors, Adminiftrators, and Affigns, or any of them, are and ought to be kept, paid, and per- formed, the faid Merchants do bind and oblige themfelves, their Executo/s, and Adminifttators, jointly and feverally, together with their Goods, to be laden on board the faid Ship, this prefent intend* ed Voyage, unto the faid Mafter, his Executors, Adminiftrators, and Afligns, and every of them, in the like Sum and Penalty of of like lawful Money of alfo well and truly to be paid by thefe Prefents. In Witnefs, whereof, the Parties aforefaid to thefe prefent Charter-parties in- dented, have interchangeably put their Hands and Seals the Day and Year nrft above written. f.B. Sealed and delivered in the Prefence of A. B. C. D. A Policy of Ajjurance. IN the Name of God, as well in his own Name, as for and in the N:'me and Names of all and every other Perfon and Perfons to whom the fame doth, may, or (hall ap- pertain, in Part, or in all, doth make AfTurance, and caufeth himfelf and them, and every of them, to be infured, left, or not loft upon any Kinu of Goods and Merchandife whatfoever, loaden or to be loaden aboard the good Ship called the Burthen Tons , L 2 or 148 Gramtnatica Lufitam-Anglica. de toneladas, P. M. do que he Me- ftre debaixo de Deos C. T. M. ou quern quer que for por Meftre do ditto Navio ou o Meftre delie fe ncmea ou nome.ua , piincipiando a aventura fobre as ciittas fazendas e Mercadorias de e logo defpois de carregallas abordo do ditto Navio e aflirn fe continuara e ficara ate que o ditto Navio com as dittas fazendas e Mercadorias quaefquer chegar cas mefmas ahi ddcarregadas em Salva- mento ; e fbra licito pello ditto navio , nefla via- gem, deparar e deterfe em quaiquer portos ou lu- gares 1cm prejuizo a efte Seguro. As dittas fazendas e, Mercadorias por concerto, fam e feram avaliadas em Sem que fede outra conta dellas mefmas, Tocante as Venturas e rifcos com que nos ou affeguradores contentamonos e que tomamos fobre nos nefta viagem, Ellas fam dos Mares, das naos de guerra, de fogo, inimigos. CofTairos, lad roes, Roubadores, Jettezonas ou fa- zendas perdidas e deitadas no mar lettras de Marte, e contra Marte, fobrefaltos tomadias no Mar, cita- c-oes, tolhimentos c detencas de todos os Reys, Princfepes e povos de nacam condicam ou qualidade quaiquer barratria e contraftes enganofas do meftre e dos Marinheiros, ede todos os outros perigos , per- das e defaftres que ja vieram ou que viram ou pre- juizo defaproveitamento ou dano das dittas fazen- das e mercadorias ou de algua parte dellas. E fe a cafo foceder algua perda ou defventura, fera licito aos Afleguradores Feitores, Servo's e Conftitu- intes de mandar fazer deligencias e trabalhar por, em a acerca da defeza Salvamento e recobramento das dittas fazendas e mercadorias ou dc algua parte dellas fem prejuizo ao defte Seguro, aos, gaftos do que nos os Afieguradores contribute mos cada hum conforme a Sua conthia nelle affegurada , e nos os Afifeguradones eftamos de acordo e concerto que efta efcritura e feguro tera tanta fotca cvalpr como amais Grammatica Lii/itcmo-Anglica. 149 or thereabouts , wherefore P. M. is Mafter, under God, for this prefent Voyage or who- foever elfe ftialJ go for Mafter in the faid Ship, or by whatfocver Name or Names the faid Ship, or the Mafter thereof, is or mall be named or called ; beginning the Adventure upon the faid Goods and Merchandife from and immediately following the Loading thereof aboard the faid Ship and fo (hall continue and endure until the faid Ship, with the faid Goods and Merchandife whatfoever, (hall be arrived and the fame there fafely landed ; and it (hall be lawful for the (aid Ship in this Voyage; to ftop and ftay at any Port or Places without Prejudice to this Aflurance. The faid Goods and Merchandifes, by Agreement, are and mail be valued at without fur- ther Account to be given for the fame, touching the Adventures and Perils which we the Alfurers are contented to bear, and do take upon us in this Voyage, they are of the Seas, Man of War, Fire, Enemies, Pirates, Roveis, Thieves, Jettezons, Letters of Mart and Counter-mart, Surprizals, Takings of Sea, Arrefts, Reftraints, and Detain- ments of all Kings, Princes, and People, of what Nation, Conditions, or Quality foevtr, Baratry of the Mafter and Mariners, and of all ether Perils, LofTes, and Misfortunes, that have or fhall come to the Hurt, Detriment, or Damage of the faid Goods and Merchandizes, or any Part ^hereof ; and in Cafe of any Lofs or Misfortune, it ih.-tll be law- ful to the Affured Factors, Servants, and Affii,s, to fue, labour, and travel, for, in, and abut:i the Defence, Safeguard, and Recovery of the laid Goods and Merchandifes, or any Part thereof, with- out Prejudice to this Afibrance, to the Charges whereof, we the Afiurers will contribute each one according to the Rate and Quantity of his Sum herein allured : And it is agreed by us the infurers, L 3 that 150 Grammatlca Lufitano-Anglica. amais authentica Police ou efcritura deSeguro dantes feita em qualquer parte de Eafiim nos os AfTegura- cjores fomos contentes e por efte prometemos e obrigamonos cada hum por fua propria parte, os noffos Eredeyros, Teftamenteiros. Adminiftradores e Conftituintes pello verdareiro comprimento das coufas acima declaradas, confeffando que efta- mos pagos e fatisfeitos do que fe ROS deve aconta deftc Seguro. Em teftimunha do que nos os Afreguradores,afli- namos ao pe defte com as conthias affeguradas, Eu A. B. Sou Contente com efte Seguro 7 por cem livras Efterl. L. em de J l )0 - *745- Conbecimento. JGO eu T. B. de Meftre ou Capi- tao que fou do Navio que Deos falve por Noi i q ie ao prefence efta. iiirto e ancorado no porto de para com o favor ce Deos feguir viagem ao porto de aonde he minha dereita cefcarga, que he verdade, que receby, e teniio carregado dentro do ditto Navio debaixo de cuberta enxuto e bem acondicio- nada de Marcado da marca defora o qual me obrigo,eprometo levandome Dtos abom falvamento o ditto Navio ao ditto Porto de entre- gar em nome do fobreditto a T". M. auzente aquem feus poder tiver pagando me de frete para afim comprir e guardar, obrigo minha pefiba.e bems e ditto Navio em cer- teza do qual dey tres conhecimentos de hum theor aflinados gor mim ou por meu Efcrivao, hum com- prido Grammatical Liijitano-Anglica. jri that this Writing and Afilirance mall be of as much Force and Effect as the fureft Policy or Writing of Afiurance heretofore made in or elfewhere in and fo we the AiTurers are contented, and do hereby promife and bind ourfelves, each one for his own Part, our Heirs, Executors, and Goods, to the A flu red, their Ex- ecutors, Administrators, and Afilgns, for the true Performance of the Premifes, conferring ourfelves paid the Confideration due unto us for this Afiu- rance, by In Witnefs whereof, we the Affurers have fubfcribed our Names and Sums affined in. I A. B. am contented with this Afiurance for One hundred Pounds. Witnefs my Hand A Bill of Lading. SHIPPED, by the Grace of God, in good Or- der, and well -conditioned, by in and upon the good Ship called the where- of is Matter under God, for this pre- fent Voyage and now riding at Anchor in and, by God's Grace, bound for to fiy being marked and numbered as in the M.irgin and are to be delivered in like o-ood O.der, and well-conditioned, at the afore- iaid Port of the Danger of the Seas only excepted, unto Mr. or his Affigns, he or they paying for the faid Goods with Primage and Avarage, as is accuftomed. In Witnefs whereof, the Mailer and Purfer of the faid Ship hath affirmed to three Bills of Lading, all of this Tenor and Date ; the one of which three Bills being accompliflied, the other two to L 4 Hand 152 Grammatica Lufitano- Anglic a. prido os outros nao valham -, feito em em de de 1745 Annos, Do que contem nao fey. Ou Injlrumento ou Efcritura de Compromiflb. Todos quantos efte prefente Inftrumento ou Efcritura de Compromiflb, virem, de nos Acredores de G. M. Mercardor de Saude ; Em como ditto G. M. ao prefente fica devendo e em dereito deve a nos os Acredores delie ditto G. M. varias e deverfas fomas de Dinhero, &c. As quaes em rafam de muitas dividas e alguas dellas muy grandes, que tambem em dereito fe Ihe devem a elle, nem fe podem arrecadar fern algua dilacam de tempo, epor ferem alguas dellas irrecuperaveis fern demanda, elle efta por ora muito defabilitado de fazer, pagamento a nos os feus Acredores da, nofa inteira e jufta divida conforme afua vontade e defejo j ao refpeito de que, elie nos pede com todo o encarecimento que nos os dittos Acredores, e cada hum de nos fofiemos fervidos de dar e conceder a elle o Ditto G. M. aos feus Teftamenteiros, Admi- niftradores, ou Conftituintes, tanta largeza o dilafam de tempo pello pagamento e fatisf :am de noffas dividas particulars que Ihe parecer jufto e razao pello alcance e cobranpa das dittos dividas, A faber, que nos e cada hum de nos ficaflemos coritentes a tomar e receber de n-^fTas dividas inteira fern para fe repartirem em partes, para fepa- garem em pagamentcs diverfos na maneira e forma Seguinte A Saber, o primeiro pagamento della hade fer e o refto pagarfea em proximo pella inteira paga e Satisfapam das dittas dividas efpeceficadas -, E pelio mais ple- Rario comprimento dos varios pagamentos fo ! _- dittos Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. 153 ihnd void. And fo God fend the good Ship to her defired Pore in Safety. Amen. Dated in on of 1 745. Infide and Contents unknown. A Letter of Licence. TO all People, to whom this prefent Writing fhall come, We the Creditors of G M. of Merchant fend greeting. Whereas the faid G. M. at this yrefcnc Time, doth (land in- debted, and doth juftly ow unto us me fiid Cre- ditors of him the faid G. M. diverfe and funory Sums of Money, &c. which by reafon of many Debts, and fome of them very great, that are like wife juftly owing unto him, and cann:.t be had or re- covered without fome Refpite of Time, and fome of them not without Suit, he is very m..ch difi- bled at prefent to make Payment unto us the faid Creditors, our whole and juft Debt, as he feem- eth willing and defirous , in Confideration whereof, he inftantly defireth us, That we the faid Creditors, and every of us, would be pleafed to give and grant unto the faid G M. his Executors, Admimftrators, or Afligns, fuch Liberty or Refpite of Time for the Payment and Satisfaction of our feveral Debts, as he thinketh reafonable for the obtaining, getting, and recovering of the faid Debts, viz. That we and every of us would be content to take, and ac- cept of our whole Debts in to be divided in Parts, to be paid at feveral Payments, in Manner and Form following, viz. The firft Payment thereof to be and the Refidue to be paid at rext in full Payment and Satisfaction of the faid feveral Debts : And for the more full Performance of the faid feveral Payments aforefaid, in fuch Manner and Form J54 Grammatica Lufitano- Anglic a. dittos em tal maneira e forma como acima fe limita e declara, ao verdadeiro intento deftas prefentes, elle o ditto G. M. ao ou antes do fera obrigado a nos os dittos acredorts na mefma conform id ade, por hua obrigafam que fefara na melhor forma de dereito com todos e cada hum dos pagamentos na maneira em cima limitada, hum certo Jugar ou lugares convinientes de nos os dittos Acredores no- meados, e apena de cada hua das obrigacoes hade fer dobrada da Soma inteira incluza nella mefma para fer a nos entregue e acada hum de nos, os no- fos Teftamenteiros ou Conftituintes, ao ou antes do proximo Seguinte data efta ; por efta caufa Saibafe ; que nos os dittos Acredores a qui em baixo affinados, e cada hum de nos para fy em particular, e por feu. Teftamenteiros, Adminiftra- dores e Conftituintes ao refpeito do em cima efpeci- ficado e declarado, por eftes prefentes devomade propria confentimentos, contratamos, propetetnos e concordamos ao e com o ditto G. M. ou feus Tef- tamenteiros, Adminiftradores e Conftituintes por ef- tes prefentes que nos os dittos Acredores, e cada hum de nos, os noffos Teftamenteiros, Adminiftradores e Conftituintes aceitaremos do ditto G. M. dos feus Teftamenteiros, Adminiftradores e Conftituintes, todas e cada hua de taes dividas e conthias dinheiro do ditto G. M. a nos e cada hum de nos, devidas evencidas na vertude de taes obrigafones, Seguranfa ou Seguranfas fobredittas para fe pagarem em tal modo e maneira, e aos taes dias e tempos que aci- ma fe limitao e requerem. E alem, diffo, que nos os dittos Acredores e cada hnm de nos, ou noffos, e cada hum de noffos Teftamenteiros, Adminiftrado- res e Conftituintes em comformidade ao entregue da ditta Obrigacam anos e a cada hum de noffor Tef- tamenteiros Adminiftradores, e Confthuintes ao cufto do ditto G. M. os feus Teftamenteiros Admi- niftradores e Conftituintes, Sellaremos affmaremos e na Grammatica Lufitano-Anglica. 155 Form as is above limited and declared, according to the true Meaning of thefe Prefents, he the faid G. M. m,ill and will, at, or before the be- come bound unto us the faid Creditors refpe&ively, by one Obligation in -due Form of Law to be made, including all and every the Payments in fuch Sort as is above limited, at fome convenient Place or Places by every of us the faid Creditors to be nominated and appointed, and the Penalty of every Obligation to be double the whole Sum in- cluded in the Condition of the fame to be delivered to us, and every of us, our Executors or Afligns, at or before the next enfuing the Date hereof: Know ye therefore, that we the faid Cre- ditors, whofe Names are here under written, and every of us for his own Part, and for his Execu- tors, Adminiftrators and Afligns, for the Confide- ration above fpecified and exprefled, do by thefe Prefents willingly confent, covenant, promife and agree to and with the faid G. M. his Execu- tors, Adminiftrators, and Afligns, to accept of the faid G. M, his Executors and Afligns, all and every of the faid Debts and Sums of Money by the faid G. M. unto us, and every of us, owing and paying upon fuch Obligations, Aflurance and Afiurances, as aforefaid, to be paid in fuch Man- ner and Sort, and at fuch Days and Times, as is above limited and required. And further, that we the faid Creditors, and every of us, our, and every of our Executors, Adminiftrators, and Afligns, refpecYively upon the Delivery of the faid Obligation to us, and to every of us, and every of our Executors, Adminiftrators, and Afligns, fhall and will, at the Charge of the faid G. M. his Execu- tors, Adminiftrators, and Afligns, feal, fubfcribe, and, in due Form of Law, deliver to the faid G. M. our fufficient general Releafe, for him, his Executors, Adminiftrators, or Afligns, to bear Date and 156 Grammatlca Lufitano-Anglica. na melhor forma e dereito entregaremos ao ditto G. M. a nofia geral e fufficiente defcarga, para fer rendida por ellc o ditto G. M. ou feus Teftamentei- ros Adminiftradores e Conftituintes a data ea limita- am ante o do dia e data defta obriga^am nova , em teftimunha do que a efta teraos affinado efellado ao dia e no anno, A Letra de Cambio. Londm, por 300 Milreis. AVifta defta minha primeira Letra de Cambio pagara Vm. ao Senhor 2". M. ou Ortiem a Conthia de trezentos Milreis em duiiieiro corrente de Portugal, o Valor, recebido de Senhor "T. D. a tempo fara bom pagamento. lan^andoa na conta como por avizo de Ao Senhor Philip Venham. EU abaixo firmado premeto pagar ao Sr. J. 7*. ou fua ordem quarenta, e nove livras, e tres Xilins 6 mezes defpois da data defta obrigafao* por valor recebido em verdade doque a afigney hoje 24 de Agofto 1751. 49 3 N. B. Obfervece q~. em notas ou obriga^oens fempre fe declara a foma recebida fern a qual nao* iao' denenhumaforfanem tem Authoridade. FINIS. Grammatica Lufoano-Anglica. 163 Value received this iyth of July, 1751. 394 2 6 p*r P&#p Venbam. IPromife to pay to Mr. y. 7*. or Order, Forty nine Pounds Three Shillings, fix Months after Date, Value received. Witnefs my Hand this f^tf/, 1751. 49 3 p*r William Jones. N. B. Obferve in promiflbry Notes that the Value received is mentioned, or they are of no Force. FINIS. * 3 ^ ' .'- . \. \ * * x^ ~v * \x * . -<< ,T -' -^ V \V VX ^-S % ^ ^'v .-_ \ ^. ^ J-%^^%'^ v * x S V sJ - V Vlfew X * . \ 000 090 476 3