mining bureau essn Constitution, by-" ... UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES ROBERT ERNEST COWAN CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS, RULES OF ORDER AND ORDER OF BUSINESS, OF THE California Mining Bureau Association ARTICLE OP RECOMMENDATION, CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION, LIST OF OFFICERS, ETC. SAN FRANCISCO: PRINTED BY M. D. CARR & CO., No. 411 CLAY ST. 1865. C \ LIST OF OFFICERS, A. J. SNYDER PRESIDENT. JOSEPH W. LOW VICE-PRESIDENT. J. B. WHITCOMB RECORDING SECRETARY. J. F. LINTHICUM CORRESPONDING SEC'Y. CYRUS PALMER TREASURER. TRUSTEES: HENRY L. DODGE, JOSEPH W. Low, CYRUS PALMER, A. BADLAM, A. P. MOLITOR, A. J. SNYDER, THOS. McAuLEY, J. R. BRETT, J. B. WHITCOMB. STANDING COMMITTEES. WATS AND MEANS. HENRY L. DODGE, JOSEPH W. LOW, CYRUS PALMER. MINING INTELLIGENCE. THOS. McAULEY, J. B. WHITCOMB, J. R. BRETT. ROOMS, LIBRARY AND CABINET. A. P. MOLITOR, A. BADLAM, CYRUS PALMER. A. BADLAM, J. R. BRETT, THOS. McAULEY. LECTURES AND DONATIONS. JOSEPH W. LOW, HENRY L. DODGE, A. P. MOLITOR. INTRODUCTORY. As will appear by an examination of the following pages, the CALIFORNIA MINING BUREAU ASSOCIATION was incorporated on the 21st day of October,' 1865. In this little volume will be found an address, signed by a number of the most respectable, influential, and substantial citizens of California, recommending to the people of this Coast, interested in its prosperity, the formation of such a Society; also, the Certificate of Incorporation, the Constitution, By-Laws, Rules of Order, Order of Business, and Names of the Trus- tees and Officers, which it is hoped will receive the approbation and confidence of the public. The object of the Society is to assist in developing the immense mineral resources of this great State, and thu be instrumental in enriching the people, furnishing remunerative employment to the laboring man, and reducing the oppressive taxes they have now to pay to carry on the State and County govern- ments, by largely increasing the amount of taxable property. All classes of society are interested in the success of this Association. The Merchant, the Banker, the Miner, the Lawyer, the Foundryman, the Mechanic, the Farmer, and the Laboring man will all INTRODUCTORY. be more or less benefited if the Association is sue" cessful in its efforts. The plan which will be pursued by the Association, is to diligently seek and procure all available information concerning' the mineral re- sources of every County in the State. This will embrace all the mines of every description which are being worked, with every particular concerning them that can be obtained; all those which have suspended operations for want of means, of success, or whatever cause, all those which are held by parties unable to develop them, all promising ledges discovered, and placer mines lying unworked for the want of water or other causes. The Petroleum interests of the State will also receive the attention of the Association. Great care will be taken that the information obtained shall be reliable. This will be properly arranged and recorded in the office of the Society, and will be the property of its members; and, from time to time, such facts as may be of general interest, will be given to the public through the press. It is believed that in this way incalculable good can be done. Our im- mense resources will thus become known both at home and abroad. The inviting opportunities on every hand for profitable investment, must inevitably attract capital and enterprise. The State has sustained im- measurable injury from sales of mines upon fraudulent representations, by unscrupulous speculators. These swindles have been the means of destroying, in a measure, the confidence of capitalists in the value of our mines and in our integrity as a people. The INTRODUCTORY. Association will put it out of the power of these public pests to succeed in their attempt at imposition, by furnishing reliable information to those seeking investments. At the same time the value of really meritorious mines, instead of being overlooked, as has been too often the case heretofore, will become known. The distrust now felt will thus be removed as soon as the reliable character of the Association becomes established, and capitalists will first seek information from it before investing. In the selection of a Board of Trustees to conduct the affairs of the Association, care has been taken to include none but responsible gentlemen who are thoroughly identified in interest with the State, and whose character and standing are a guarantee that its objects will be carried out in good faith. The Association in entering upon its useful career, appeals to an intelligent public for liberal support and hearty co-operation. The terms of membership may be ascertained by referring to the appropriate article in the Constitution. RECOMMENDATION. SAN FRANCISCO, September 29th, 1865. WE, the undersigned, hereby recommend to all persons interested in the prosperity of California and the adjacent States and Territories, the organization of a Society, the object of which shall be to obtain all the information possible concerning the mineral resources of this Coast, and especially of the State of California; said information to consist of such knowledge of the different mining localities as can be obtained, the local advantages for working mines, the names, number and extent of the mines, their character, and all available data concerning them, for the purpose of furnishing to the public reliable information, believing that it will be the means of attracting capital, enterprise and population to this Coast; that the numerous rich, but unproductive mines now in the hands of individuals without the means of developing them will thus become productive, and that every branch of business will become more prosperous when the merits of our mines are under- stood by capitalists. We further recommend that said Society be governed and controlled by a Board RECOMMENDATION. of Trustees, and that its Office shall be located in the City of San Francisco, in which shall be kept, properly arranged, all the information obtained by the Society, for the inspection and benefit of its members, and for publication when deemed proper. Signed by W. A. WOODWARD, Proprietor Alta California. H. J. BOOTH, of Booth & Co's Foundry. MILTON S. LATHAM, London and San Francisco Bank. E. D. WHEELER, Lawyer. J. C. REIS, Miner and proprietor Cosmopolitan Hotel. D. 0. MILLS, of the Bank of California. ASA D. NUDD, Merchant. JOSEPH W. WINANS, Lawyer. ISAAC GLAZIER, Crescent Mine. IRA P. RANKIN, of the Pacific Foundry. W. H. LADD, Miner, and Real Estate. DAVID D. COLTON, Lawyer. NICK'S G. KITTLE, Importer. S. P. DEWEY, Real Estate. WM. T. COLEMAN, Importer. F. F. Low, Governor. A. B. FORBES, Manager Wells, Fargo's Bank. H. S. GATES, Real Estate. J. F. LINTHICUM, Editor. A. P. MOLITOR, Assayer. JOSEPH W. Low,. Merchant. J. W. STOW, of Russell, Irwin & Co. E. LAZARD, Mission Woolen Mills. LEVI STEVENS, Merchant. G. W. BEAVER, of James Patrick & Co. A. J. SNYDER, Miner and Real Estate. R. G. SNEATH, Merchant. W. H. HOWLAND, Miners' Foundry. E. A. ROCKWELL, Editor Morning Call. 10 RECOMMENDATION. THOS. McAuLEY, Engineer. J. R. BRETT, Amalgamator. BENJ. F. WASHINGTON, Editor Examiner. CYRUS PALMER, Miners' Foundry. H. L. DODGE, Merchant and State Senator. A. BADLAM, Real Estate. J. B. WHITCOMB, Real Estate Agent. THOS. VARNEY, Amalgainater and Assayer. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION CALIFORNIA MINING BUREAU ASSOCIATION. THE undersigned have associated themselves together to form a Corporation, under the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved April 8th, A. D. 1862, entitled "An Act to amend 'An Act concerning Corporations,' passed April 22d, 1850, and the several Acts amendatory thereof." The name of the Corporation shall be " THE CALIFOBNIA MINING BUREAU ASSOCIATION." Its object shall be to found and establish a permanent Bureau, in which shall be collected all available information concerning the mineral resources of the State of California, and the adjacent States and Territories, for the purpose of assisting in developing them, by directing public attention thereto ; to collect a Cabinet of Mineral Specimens and other objects of interest ; to procure and keep a Sci- entific Laboratory for assaying and testing ores and other purposes ; and such Machinery as may be required for practically working ores ; and to establish a Beading-Room and Library. The duration of this Association shall be perpetual. Its principal place of business shall be in the city of San Francisco. The business of this Corporation shall be under the control of a Board of nine Trustees, to be elected by this Corporation, whose term of service shall be two years ; provided, however, that at the expiration of the first year, four members of the first Board of Trus- 12 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION. tees shall retire by lot, and the successors shall be elected for the term of one year. And the following named persons shall consti- tute the first Board of Trustees of this Corporation, to wit : A. P. MOLITOR, A. J. SNYDEE, CYRUS PALMER, JOSEPH W. LOW. THOMAS McAULEY, A. BADLAM, JOHN R. BRETT, J. B. WHITCOMB, H. L. DODGE. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands this 19th day of October, A. D. 1865, in the city of San Francisco, California : H. J. BOOTH, H. L. DODGE, J. R. BRETT, JOSEPH W. Low, IRA P. RANKIN, Jos. W. WINANS, CYRUS PALMER, A. BADLAM, TH. MCAULEY, A. P. MOLITOR, W. H. LADD, A. J. SNYDER, ISAAC GLAZIER, J. B. WHITCOMB, E. D. WHEELER, J. F. LINTHICUM. Witness : [Revenue stamp.] J. F. LINTHICUM. STATE OP CALIFORNIA, ) oa City and County of San Francisco, j ss ' On this nineteenth day oi October, A. D. one thousand eight hun- dred and sixty-five, before me, W. 0. Andrews, a Notary Public in and for said city and county, personally appeared J. F. LINTHICUM, to me personally known to be the individual described in, and who executed the annexed instrument, as party thereto, and acknowl- edged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year first above written. [SEAL.] W. 0. ANDREWS, [Revenue stamp.] Notary Public. STATE OP CALIFORNIA, ) City and County of San Francisco, f On the nineteenth day of October, A. D. one thousand eight hun- dred and sixty-five, before me, W. 0. Andrews, a Notary Public in and for said city and county, duly commissioned and sworn, person- ally appeared J. F. LINTHICUM, who is personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the annexed instru- ment as a witness thereto, who, being by me duly sworn, deposes and says: That he resides in the city and county of San Francisco ; that he was present and saw H. J. Booth, J. R. Brett, Ira P. Rankin, CERTIFICATE OP INCORPORATION". 13 Cyrus Palmer, Th. McAuley, W. H. Ladd, Isaac Glazier, E. D. Wheeler, H. L. Dodge, Joseph W. Low, J. W. Winans, A. Badlam, A. P. Molitor, A. J. Snyder and J. B. VVhitcomb, who are personally known to him to be the same persons described in, and who executed the annexed instrument as parties thereto, sign and deliver the same ; and heard them acknowledge that they severally executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein men- tioned, and that he, the deponent, thereupon signed his name as a subscribing witness thereto, at the request of the said parties above- named, and at the request of each one of them. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offiicial seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. [SEAL.] W. 0. ANDREWS, [Revenue stamp.] Notary Public. CONSTITUTION, FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION. ARTICLE I. NAME AND OBJECT. SECTION 1. This Association shall be known as the California Mining Bureau Association, and shall have for its object the establishment of a permanent Bureau for the collection of in- formation concerning the mines and mineral resources of the State of California, and the adjoining States and Territories ; to obtain a cabinet of mineral specimens and other objects of interest ; to procure and keep a Laboratory for the purpose of assaying and testing ores, and machinery to reduce ores ; to collect and establish a Library : and to open and keep a Reading Room. ARTICLE II. CORPORATE POWERS. SECTION 1. The corporate powers of this Association shall be vested in a Board of nine Trustees, and the officers of the Asso- ciation shall be a President, Vice-President, Corresponding Secre- tary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and such other subordinate officers as may be deemed necessary by the Board of Trustees. ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP. SECTION 1. Any person may become a member of this Asso- ciation by signing the Constitution and paying an initiation fee of Five Dollars, and monthly dues at the rate of Three Dollars CONSTITUTION. 15 per quarter ; provided, however, that the Board of Trustees shall have the power to make such reduction as they may deem proper, when the dues are paid yearly in advance. His member- ship shall continue as long as his dues are regularly paid. SEC. 2. If the dues of any member remain unpaid for the term of six months, he shall not be allowed to vote on any question before the Association ; nor at the election of officers ; and, if for nine months, his privileges and rights of membership shall be forfeited, unless notice be previously given to the Secre- tary of intended absence, in which case no dues shall be required during said absence. SEC. 3. Persons may be elected honorary members by the Board of Trustees, and such persons shall be entitled to all the privileges of regular membership, excepting the right to vote and to hold office. SEC. 4. Any person may become a life member on paying to the Association the sum of one hundred dollars, which* shall constitute him a regular member, with full privileges and without liability for any stated dues. ARTICLE IV. ELECTIONS. SECTION 1. All elections shall be by ballot except when other- wise ordered, and be made by such of the members as shall attend for that purpose in person. Each Life and Subscribing member shall be entitled to one vote, and the person or persons having the highest number of votes, shall be declared elected. SEC. 2. The election of the Board of Trustees shall take place annually, on the first Tuesday of November ; provided, however, that at the expiration of the first year, to wit: on the first Tuesday in November, A. D. 1866, the places of only four of the Trustees shall be filled by an election, and the other five shall remain in office another year, to wit : until the first Tuesday in November, A. D. 1867, at which time an entire new Board shall be elected. The election shall be held under the superintendence of three Judges selected by the Board of Trustees for that purpose, and at least ten days notice shall be given of such election in at least two of the city papers. The polls- shall be open from 10 A. M. to 2 p. M., and from 8 P. M. until 9 p. M. The ballot box shall be sealed from 2 p. M. to 8 p. M. It shall be the duty of the Judges to sort, count, and record the votes given in, and to report the same to the Board of Trustees for the time being, within two days after the said election has taken place, specifying in their report the whole number of ballots given in, CONSTITUTION. the name of each person voted for, and the number of votes for each. And it shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary for the time being, to enter such returns, or an abstract of them, in the journals of the proceedings of the Board. And it shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees for the time being, to meet together within two days after every such election, and examine and compare all the said returns, and thereupon to make out a certificate of the result of said election, to be signed by the President and Recording Secretary, and such certificate and returns shall have full force and effect in all respects. SEC. 3. In case from any cause the election of the Board of Trustees should not take place upon the day fixed by the Consti- tution, it shall be the duty of the Board for the time being, to give notice for an election to take place as soon thereafter as may be, from the date upon which the election should have been held ; and, in such case, the officers of the Association shall be in office until %uch election has been held and successors appointed. SEC. 4. The Board of Trustees shall enter upon the perform- ance of its duties within one week after the election shall have been held and the result officially announced. ARTICLE V. OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES. SECTION 1. The officers of this Association shall be elected annually by the Board of Trustees. SEC. 2. ' The President of the Board of Trustees shall be, ex-officio, President of the Association. He shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Trustees, and preserve order therein, and, in case of an equal division of members upon any question, he shall give the casting vote. SEC. 3. The President shall have power to call special meet- ings of the Board of Trustees and of the Association, whenever he may deem it expedient. SEC. 4. The President, at the expiration of his term of office, or oftener, if requested thereto by the Association, shall make a written report of the general doings of the Association, and suggest such means as may seem to him best calculated to promote its prosperity. SEC. 5. The Vice-President shall preside and perform all the duties of the office of President, in the absence or disqualification of that officer. SEC. 6. The Corresponding Secretary shall be the organ of the Association in its conference with other societies, and with the public at large. It shall be his duty to use every means in CONSTITUTION. 17 his power to collect information concerning the mines and mineral resources of this State and, as far as possible, of the adjacent States and Territories. . He shall file, arrange, and record such information as the Board of Trustees may direct, and shall, from time to time, prepare for publication articles containing such information as he may possess, which will be calculated to awaken interest and tend to develop the mines. SEC. 7. The Recording Secretary shall affix his name to all the advertisements and notices emanating from the Board of Trustees and from the Association. He shall attend all meetings and, in the absence of the President and Vice-President, call the same to order, and shall truly and at large, record the proceedings of the Board of Trustees, together with the proceedings of the Association, in books kept for that purpose. He shall have charge of the books and accounts of the Association, receive all moneys and pay the same into the hands of the Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor, and discharge such other duties as may pertain to his office. SEG. 8. The Treasurer shall hold all the funds of the Associa- tion, (except the property invested in the name of the Board of Trustees,) subject to the order of the Board of Trustees. He shall pay no bill unless signed by the President and Recording Secretary. He shall make a monthly report, exhibiting in detail his receipts and payments, and the balance in the Treasury. He shall keep a regular account of the financial concerns of the Association, an abstract of which, accompanied by satisfactory vouchers, he shall exhibit at each annual meeting. On resigning, or being suspended from office, he shall hand over to his successor all books, vouchers, and other papers, belonging to the Associa- tion, in his possession. SEC. 9. The Board of Trustees shall be vested with full powers to appropriate funds, enact By-Laws, and conduct the affairs of the Association ; provided, however, that no appropriation of more than one thousand dollars, for any one object, shall be made without the consent of the Association. SEC. 10. A permanent removal from the city of San Francisco shall disqualify an officer from exercising his office, and be equi- valent to a tender of resignation on his part. ARTICLE VI. COMPENSATION. SECTION 1. No pecuniary compensation shall be allowed the Board of Trustees of this Association. 18 CONSTITUTION. SEC. 2. Subordinate officers and clerks shall be allowed such compensation as the Board of Trustees, from time to time, may determine upon. ARTICLE VII. MEETINGS.' SECTION 1. There shall be an annual meeting of the Associa- tion on the second Tuesday in October, for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Treasurer and Board of Trustees, exhibiting the state of the Association its finances and property, and for the transaction of such other business as may be presented. SEC. 2. At all meetings of the Association, at least ten members must be present for the transaction of business. SEC. 3. The President, at the request of the Board of Trustees, or at the written request of fifteen members stating the reasons therefor, shall call a meeting of the Association for the transac- tion of special business, giving ten days notice thereof. ARTICLE VIII. .FINANCES. SECTION 1. The funds arising from assessments, contributions, and other sources not herein mentioned, shall be devoted to the acquisition of information concerning the mines, the purchase of books and maps, the collecting of a mineral cabinet, the payment of current expenses, and such other purposes as the Board of Trustees may direct; provided, however, that the Association may, at any time, require the amounts received for life member- ships to be set apart, and devoted exclusively to a Building Fund, which, in that event, shall be invested under the supervision of the Committee on Ways and Means, until the Association shall decide upon purchasing a lot and erecting a building thereon. SEC. 2. All orders, drafts, and other documents affecting the funds of the Association, must be authorized by the Board of Trustees, and signed by the President and Recording Secretary. ARTICLE IX. NEGLECT OF OFFICIAL DUTY. SECTION 1. In case of flagrant misconduct, or neglect of duty, on the part of a member of the Board, the Trustees shall have the power, by a vote of two-thirds of their members, to expel the offending member; from which action, however, an appeal CONSTITUTION. 19 shall be allowed to a called meeting of the Association, which shall ratify or annul the proceedings of the Trustees as the cir- cumstances of the case may warrant. ARTICLE X. EXPULSION OP MEMBERS. SECTION 1. If any member shall wantonly create a disturb" ance at any meeting of the Association, or shall purposely deface the books, building, rooms, or the appurtenances thereof, or shall devise or take part in any measure designedly to injure the Asso- ciation, on the written complaint of five members, a meeting shall be held and the matter referred to a committee of five members, who shall investigate the charges, and report at a future meeting of the Association, when, if the charges be made appa- rent, he shall be reproved or deprived of membership always allowing the accused ample opportunity to excuse or extenuate his character or conduct. ARTICLE XL ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS. SECTION 1. This Constitution shall not be altered or amended ualess by the votes of two-thirds of the members present at a stated meeting of the Association, notice of which shall be given by publication in one daily paper published in San Francisco, one month previously. BY-LAWS OF THE CALIFORNIA MINING BUREAU ASSOCIATION. ARTICLE I. MEETINGS. SECTION 1. Stated monthly meetings of the Board shall be held at the rooms of the Association, on the first Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise ordered) at 7 o'clock, P. M. SEC. 2. The President may call special meetings of the Board at any time, and any three members, if they desire, may also have a special meeting convened through the President. Five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. SEC. 3. On taking the chair the President shall call the Board to order, and the Secretary shall call over the list of members, noting the absentees, when he shall read the minutes of the last meeting. ARTICLE II. COMMITTEES. SECTION 1. At the first meeting after the election of the Board, or as soon thereafter as may be, the President shall ap- point the Standing Committees of the Board. They shall be as follows, and consist of three members each : First Committee on Ways and Means. Second Committee on Mining Intelligence. Third Committee on Rooms, Library, and Cabinet. Fourth Committee on Accounts. Fifth Committee on Lectures and Donations. Each of which shall report quarterly. BY-LAWS. 21 SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Ways and Means to examine, from time to time, into the finances of the Association ; to see all dues are paid ; to devise ways by which the means of the Association may be increased ; to take into con- sideration any report or proposition relating to the Treasury ; and generally to have supervision over the financial department of the Association. The Treasurer's books shall be open at all times to this Committee, to the President of the Board, and also to any of the Trustees. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Mining Intel- ligence, to have a general supervision over the manner of obtain- ing information and the recording and disposing of it, and to report, from time to time, to the Board of Trustees. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Rooms, Library, and Cabinet, to have a general supervision over the Rooms, Cabinet, Laboratory, and Machinery of the Association, the officers in charge of them, and everything pertaining thereto. They shall examine and report on suitable books for the Library, acquire by purchase, with the consent of the Board, and take into consideration such other matters as shall be referred to them by the Board. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Accounts to examine the Secretary's and Treasurer's accounts, certify to the correctness of the same, and see that the funds of the Association are actually where they purport to be. SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Lectures and Donations to correspond with and procure suitable persons to deliver Lectures or Addresses before the Association and the public, provided, however, that the Committee shall invite no one to lecture who shall not previously have been approved by the Board. Said Committee shall solicit and accept of money, books, newspapers, specimens, and other suitable articles, and report, from time to time, to the Board. ARTICLE III. L IB RARI AN. SECTION 1. A Librarian shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees, whenever the interests of the Association may demand it. He shall have charge of the Library, Cabinet, and Reading Room. SEC. 2. He shall endeavor, in all suitable ways, to enlarge the Library and Cabinet, and shall conform to such rules and regula- tions as may be imposed upon him by the Board of Trustees. 22 BY-LAWS. ARTICLE IV. DEEDS AND PAPERS. SECTION 1. All deeds, leases, bonds, contracts, and other valu- able papers, shall be deposited in the hands of the President of the Association, which, in the event of his resignation or death, shall be placed in the hands of the Vice President, who, on the new President coming into office, shall deposit them with him. ARTICLE V. ELECTIONS. SECTION 1. All elections or appointments made by the Board of Trustees shall be by ballot. ARTICLE VI. AMENDMENTS. SECTION 1. These By-Laws shall be amended, altered, or sus- pended, only at a stated meeting of the Board of Trustees, notice thereof having been proposed in writing at a previous stated meeting, and shall only be enacted by a majority of all the mem- bers elect voting for them. RULES OF ORDER FOR THE REGULATION OF THE PROCEEDINGS IN THE ASSOCIATION AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES. SECTION 1. The President shall preserve order and decorum; he may speak to points of order, in preference to members, and shall decide questions of order, subject to appeal as usual. SEC. 2. When any member is 'about to speak, he shall rise, address the President, and confine himself strictly to the question under discussion. SEC. 3. When a motion or resolution is made, it shall be handed, if in writing, to the Secretary, and by him re-read before it is debated : and every resolution shall be reduced to writing, if the Chairman order it, or a member desire it. SEC. 4. No new motion or proposition shall be admitted under color of amendment, as a substitute for the motion or resolution under debate ; any member, however, may call for a division of the question when the sense admits of it. SEC. 5. When a question is under debate, no motion or pro- position shall be received, but to adjourn ; to lie on the table ; for the previous question ; to postpone indefinitely ; to postpone to a given day ; to commit ; to amend ; which several motions shall take precedence in the same order as here arranged. Mo- tions to adjourn shall always be in order, except when a member is speaking, and shall be put without debate. SEC. 6. If, at any meeting, a member doubts the decision of a vote, he may call for a division, and the members voting on each side shall then be counted by tellers, appointed for that purpose by the President, and the result shall be declared by him. SEC. 7. No member who did not vote with the majority on any question, shall move the reconsideration of the vote. SEC. 8. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed. RULES OF OKDER. SEC. 9. A motion for amendment, until decided, shall preclude further amendment of the main question. SEC. 10. Motions and reports may be committed at the pleasure of the meeting. SEC. 11. All questions shall be propounded in the order in which they are moved ; and, in filling blanks, the largest sum and the longest time shall be put first ; reconsiderations of questions can only be had at a first subsequent meeting. SEC. 12. The yeas and nays shall be entered on the minutes at the call of any two members. SEC. 13. The meeting may resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole at any time, when propositions made shall not be entered on the journal without they are carried in committee ; and when in committee the Resident shall leave the chair and appoint a Chairman. SEC. 14. If, at any meeting of the Association, questions shall arise which are not treated upon above, they shall be decided by an appeal to " Jefferson's Manual." ORDER OF BUSINESS. At a stated meeting of the Board of Trustees or the Associa- tion, the order of business shall be : 1st. Roll Call. 2d. Reading Minutes of the last meeting. 3d. Reading of Communications. 4th. Reports of Committees. 5th. Unfinished Business. 6th. New Business. . .;.;-.. i.i ., ,, . . AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY TNI C12 California 1365 mining hm6 association - This book is DUE on the las date stamped below